: 241 G9 V25 opy 1 -Vav^ N o jpp' Cbe Battle f ieia of Quilfora Court |)ou$e In Eschange Univ. of North Carolina SEP 8 7 lass THE..BATTLE. FILLD OF GUILFORD COURT HOUSL The field on which the battle of Guilford Court House was fought is the only battefield of the Revolution owned and preserved in its entirety in the United States GENERAL GREENE "This is the ground where Patriots bled; Wide scattered here are Guilford's dead, Peace ! come with slow and reverent tread, And voices all subdued, Break not their long, deep love engendered solitude. Where silence reigns above this field, Once wild the thundering squadrons wheeled, Earth jarred, and armies swerved and reeled. Dead is that soul that does not flame At sight of Guilford's deathless name." — .Teriimo St( ■kard, .Tuly 4, 1S93. THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOBD COUBT HOUSE iIIH Battle Ciroiind Coin})any is an association of patriotic ^enrlr-nien, incorporated by the Legislature of North Caro- ina in ]8S7. Its piii'pose is ''the preservation, reclania- tinii and adurninent of the battlefield of (iuilford Court House.'' -Iiidye David Sclienck was tii(> first t(.) take steps towards reclaiming- this historic site from its hundred years' stee}!. The Battle (Jround Company was organized by J. W. Scott, I). W. C. Henliow, Julius A. Cray, and Tiios. B. Keogii, witli -Indge I)a\id Schenck, president, which office he filled until his death in I'.Miii, leaving the patriotic citizens of the United States greatly indilitcd lo liim for his great services. Major Jose])li M. ATdrciicad was elected his successor and most worthy did he prow, s|iending all of his time during his years of oflfice in erecting markers and monuments for the i)roper preservation of the history of the battle. His one unfulfilled desire was to see the erection of liie miinuineiit to (ieneral Xatliauael fireene, but to his successor. Mr. i'aul Srhenck, son of .ludge David Schenck, ami tliird I'rcsidcnt of tlie liattii' (iround Company, was tliat dutv gi\('n. THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOBD COURT HOUSE n HE Battle of Guilford Court House was fought March 15, 1781. It was one of the decisive battles of the Eevo- lution. (See Benton's Thirty Years in U. S. Senate.) The Commanding General of American forces was General jSTathanael Greene. His army consisted of Huger 's Brigade of Virginia, Continentals, 778 men; Williams' Maryland and Dela- ware Brigade, 630 men; Continental Eegulars, 1490; North Car- olina militia, 1393; Virginia militia, 1693; "Light Horse Harry ' ' Lee 's Legion, 82 ; Col. William Washington 's Dra- goons, 86; Lee's Dragoons, 75; Cavalry, 161; about 4143 Ameri- cans. The Commander of the British forces was Lord Cornwallis. His army, all well-trained warriors, consisted of the famous Twenty-first, or Frazer's Highlanders, and Second Battalion, 212 men; Twenty-third and Thirty-third Eegiments, with 580 men; Eegiment of Bose or Hessians, 313 men; the Yagers, 97 men; British Legion, 174 men; in all, 1376. This does not include the Grenadiers, or Guards, whose numbers are not given. Cornwallis drove General Greene from the field, then fled precipitately from the field for fear of Greene's return. John Fox, then in the British Parliament, declared another such vic- tory would mean the destruction of the British army in America. Cornwallis reached his ships in Wilmington, but feeling unsafe, retreated into Virginia, and on the 19th of October, 1781, sur- rendered to General George Washington at Yorktown. The victory was won at Guilford, but the surrender was at Yorktown. TIIK BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOED COVET HOUSE D() |tnipt'ily study this liattlo tlie visitor should begin at the I'xtreine west where the sign shows the position of Single- ton 's Artillery — the American first line of battle lay in the edge of the woods behind a rail fence on either side of the road. Standing in the road on the brow of the hill, one is on the spot where Singleton's Artillery took its position to open on the British as they advanced up the hill, after having formed at the creek. From here can be seen where Tarleton's famous cavalry stood in the road awaiting orders, also where Cornwallis ' Artillery was planted while the British formed their line of attack. A row of maple trees now mark the place of the old rail fence from behind which the mili- tia (Eaton's Brigade on right, 500 men, and Butler's, 560, on the left of the road) fired their old flint and steel rifles upon the famous Highlanders. Captain Dugall Stuart declared about one-half of their number fell upon the sjiot. Turning from under the maples ;ind on your right is a small white shaft erected to Captain James Tate, of the Virginia riflemen, who was killed in a preliminary skirmish near the old CiJuaker meeting house while advancing under Lee. (Lee's Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas.) Captain Tate's re- nKiins were reinterred here April 22, Capt. James Tate 1S!)1. Through the forest some three Inindred yards to our right is a neat marker to Captain Arthur Forbis, shot in the first assault. This stone stands where he was found twenty-eigiit hours later with two bullets in his body and a saber thrust through his leg, the last wound inflicted by a Tory of whom he had asked a drink of water. This inscription is on his niuiiuniciit : Col. Arthur Forbis, of the North Carolina Troops, who fell at his post in the discharge of duty on this mem- orable field of battle March 15, 1781. THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOBD COVET HOUSE Nathaniel ^Jacon The position of Lee 's cavalry was also near this spot. Eetiirning by the speaker's pavilion to our starting point, on our left as we approach the station, are tliree tombs, the first a rough granite boulder with bronze tab- let to Nathaniel Macon, removed here from Warren County in 1902. He was North Carolina 's peerless statesman and soldier, famed for purity, sim- plicity of habit, and spartan virtues, called by Jefferson, ' ' The noblest Eoman of them all." The tablet bears this inscription: Nathaniel Macon willed that his memorial should consist of only rude stones: Here they are. Next is the tomb of Brigadier General Jethro Sumner. The Legislature of North Carolina had his re- mains removed to tliis park in 1891, from War- ren County, together with this tomb which has been erected over his grave. The original inscription Avas: To the memory of Gen- eral Jethro Sumner, one of the heroes of '76. On the east side the Battle Ground Company has inserted another tablet bearing the following history: Brigadier General Jethro Sumner, Born in the year 1733 Died March 18, 1785 Colonel of the 3rd North Carolina Continental Troops, April 15, 1776— Charleston June 28, 1776, Brandywine Sept. 11, 1777, Germantown Oct. 4, 1777 Monmouth June 20, 1778, Stone Ferry June 20, 1779, Eutaw Springs Sept. 8, 1781. "Spotless in character, pure in patriotism, the most eminent soldier among the N. C. troops." Jethro Suiiuici- THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFORD COUFT HOUSE Oil tlie tliinl toiiili, ;i most pii'turescjiu^ slab on four pillars, all (if white inarhlt'. is fouiiil the following': Here are deposited the remains of Major John Daves, one of the well- tried patriots of our Revo- lutionary War, who de- Darted this life Oct. 12, 1804, aged 56 years. Cap- tain in the North Carolina Continental Line; served throughout the War of the Revolution. Distinguished at Germantown and at Stony Point, where he was severely wounded. Pro- moted Captain at Eutaw Springs. Original member of the N. C. Society of Cincinnati. Buried in New Bern, Oct., 1804; removed to Guilford Battle Field, June, 1893. ^Nla.ior John Daves 'I'o our rii;ht is a granite tent bearing a bronze tablet wJiidi says : Capt. James Morehead, of the 10th Regiment, North Carolina Continental line. Battle of Stono, June 20, 1779 Elizabethtown, July, 1781 Born 1759 Died 1815 ('apt. .hill .Mni-.-heail <'l(ise to this stands a beautiful bronze wduiaii on higii granite base, said to be the iiiily inonunuMit to a woman ever ereeted on a battle field for her services in nursing the wiiuiidcil. 'rii(> tablet reads: 1781-1902 — A heroine of '76 Kerenhappuch Turner, mother of Elizabeth Morehead, wife of Joseph Morehead of North Carolina, grandmother of James and John More- head. N. C. soldiers under Greene. She rode horseback from her home in Mary- land and at Guilford Court House nursed to health a badly wounded son. Turner TBE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOED COURT HOUSE To the south of this, amid tlie splen- did oaks, is a monument to Gillies, bugle boy to Light Horse Harry Lee and his Legion. He was only about 15 years old when he was literally hacked to pieces by Tarleton 's Dra- goons on Feb. 12, 1781, a few miles from this field and near Oak Eidge. This monument was erected by the students of Oak Eidge Institute in istts. Gillies' Monument Before reaching the grand arch, notice the granite rectangle fac- ing, Janus-like, the four points of the compass. On the east face is ' ' No South ' ' Greene, on the west face "No North" Washington. This was President Morehead 's own handiwork, testifying to the oneness of the nation and the ab- sence of jDolitics from this park. "No North" "No South" The massive arch spanning the road is of solid granite blocks, its measurements are 33 feet in height, 28 feet in width, 7 feet thick. with carriage drive of 20 by 12 feet. This arch together with one across the road were erected by the United ytates Government at a cost of $10,000.00. The arch to General David- Brig. Gen'l Wm. Lee Davidson ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ j^^.^.^ ^^^^^^ tablet on each base, the one on the right side reading: THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOED COUBT HOUSE Brigadier General William Lee Davidson, Born 1746, killed in the Battle of Cowan's Ford, North Carolina, February 1, 1781. Major, April 15, 1776; Lieut. Colonel, Oct. 4, 1777; Brigadier General, August 31, 1778. "On Fame's eternal Camping Ground." On tlie left li;iso is the followiiijj: "To the memory of the late Brigadier General Davidson, who com- manded the militia of the district of Salisbury in the State of North Carolina, and was killed on the 1st day of February last, lighting gal- lantly in defense of the liberty and independence of the States." — Kxtract Iroiii ri'solutidii iif (.'(iimrcss, .Srpt. 20th, ITSl. Hooper — Peun "The Signers" 'rmiiinjr toward the railroad to our right will li(> seen the monument to the Signers of tlie Declaration of Independence, Wil- liam Hooper, John Penn, and Joseph Hewes. The remains of Hooper and Penn rest be- neath the monument ; the grave of Joseph Ilewes is in Christ's Church yard, Phila- delphia, l)ut l)eing unmarked, could not be identified. This monument was erected by the (io\eiiiment in 1S97. It is inscribed as follows : In memoriam William Hooper and John Penn Delegates from North Carolina, 1776, to the Con- tinental Congress and Signers of the Declara- tion of Independence. Their remains were rein- terred here in 1897. Joseph Hewes' grave is lost; he was the 3id signer. ' 'Lee, Henry, and Hooper were the Orators of the Congress."— John Adams' diary, Vol. 2, page 396, 1774. Across the road, n(>ai- the keep- er's cottag(\ is a monument to Colonel Hal Dixon, of Caswell County, X. C, which tells us lie was the "embodiment of chi\ airy and the idol of his sol- diers". Thrice wounded in bat- tle, from which he died in 17si'. THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOBD COUET HOUSE Across the road on other side of station is a pyramid of eight rows of granite blocks, surmounted by a can- non ball and bearing the words, ' ' Guil- ford Battle Ground". The fireproof brick museum has many interesting relics picked up from the battle field, also handsome por- traits and autographs of Eevolutionary officers. Battle Ground Monument The great arch spanning the road is to General Francis Nash and bears the following on its tablets : Brigadier General Fran- cis Nash, born 1742; fatal- ly wounded in battle of Germantown Oct. 4th, 1777; member of Provin- cial Congress of N. C, 1775; Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 10, 1775; Colonel April 10th, 1776; Brigadier General Feb. 5, 1777. "Ever since the dawn of the Revolution, I have stood for the cause of lib- erty and my country." In honor of the memory of Brig. General Francis Nash, who fell in the bat- tle of Germantown on the 4th day of Oct., 1777, bravely contending for the independence of his countiy. — Kxtrai't I'rnin reso^ utiiin (if Continental Congress 4, 1777. To our right of the road is the hands-ome monument to Nathanael Greene, erected l)y tlie United States government at a cost of $30,000. THE BATTLK FIELD OF GUILFOED COURT HOUSE Amid the magnolias and spruce is a graceful female figure iu lironze, on granite base, repre- senting Olio, the muse of history. Tlie beautiful lines on the tablet were Avritten by Major Moreliead wliile President of tlio Guilford Battle Ground Co. As sinking silently to night Noon fades insensibly, So truth's fair phase assumes the haze And hush of history. But lesser lights relieve the dark, Dumb dreariness of night. And o'er the past historians cast At least a stellar light. Clio The tall siiatt of successive blocks of granite, with a bronze soldier on top, is known as the Colonial Column. Each of of its four tablets relate some phase of the doings of North Carolinians from 1771 to 1776. One tablet has, "Battle of Ala- mance ' '. The first battle of the Bevolu- tionary War was fought in Orange County, N. C, May Kith, 1771. One tablet is to James liiintcr. leader of the Regulators. Another bears a bas-relief of James Hugh under the gallows at llillsboro, N. C, when he said, ' ' Our blood will be as good seed in good ground." The fourth tablet cele- brates the first victory of the Americans in the l^evolutionary War, Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, February, 177(5. This colonial column is 20 feet high up to th(^ lirnnze statue, Avliich is 7 feet tall. Colouiiil Shaft THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOBD COUST HOUSE Xext ill line is a black Chero- kee marble monument, presented to the Battle Ground Company by the National Marble Company of Cherokee County, bearing this inscription : 1780-1903 The Battle of King's Mountain, fought Oct. 7th, 1780, was "The turn in the tide of success that terminated the Revolution". "There's nothing finer in the romance of war." King's Mountain Next to this on a high turfed mound stands the monument to Judge David Sehenek, 1835-1902, projector of the reclamation of this battlefield, author of ' ' North Carolina 1780-81", and first President of the Guilford Battle Ground Company. The company had this monument modeled after the one erected to General A. P. Hill, in Eichmond, Va. David Sehenek Neighbor to this stands another granite monument, with bronze portrait statue on top, in life size, of Major Joseph Motley Morehead, second President of the Battle Ground Company. This was erected by the company, but as a tribute of apprecia- tion of his valuable services to the history of the State, each Chapter of the Daugh- ters of the American Eevolution in North Carolina sent in contributions towards its erection. Joseph Morehead THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFORD COVET BOUSE IL. ,iw- CmUUvoU Monument Xext in line is a dig- iiilied grauite stoae to Dr. David Caldwell, pio- n e e r Presbyterian preacher in Guilford County and this part of North Carolina. His influence was great and the British croAA'n of- fered 100 pounds for liis bead. Nevertheless, he was on this battle- field the next day after the battle, relieving the wounded and minister- ing to the dying. This monument \vas erected by the fieneral Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian ('iuucli and the descend- ants of Dr. ('alihveli. At the intersection of the roads stands a small pink shaft upon a bhie-veined l)ase, all of marble, marking tiie position of the Dehnvare division. Underneath the stone lie tiic bones of three soldiers accidentally lonnd by Judge Sehenck .Inly 12, ISSS. Tiic " U. 8. A." buttons and tlie location niaikcil them Delaware men. DclMw.irc To the side of this is a liea\ y gray Liiaiiite monolith, bearing in bronze the coat of arms of the State of Mary- land, with tablet inscription as fol- lows : Maryland's tribute to her heroic dead. Elected by members of the Maryland His- toiical Society in memory of the soldiers of the Maryland line. 17"! — 1892 Non omuis moriar. M.-ii^land .Monument THE BATTLE EIELD OF GUILFOBD COVET HOUSE The tall white cenotaph to be seen in the distance to northeast of this, marks Greene 's third line of Eegnlars. Last Stand Greene's Regulars Between thi-s pillar and the spring dale is a small white marble stone with the fol- lowing inscription : Hon. Lieut. Colonel Stuart, of the 2nd Batal- lion of the Queen's Guards, was killed at this spot by Capt. John Smith, of the First Mary- land Regiment. Erected hy the Guilford Battle Ground Company in honor of a brave foeman, 1895. Colonel Stuart's sword was exhumed here in 1866. Lt. Col. Stuart 2nd British Guards To Peter Francisco Col. Wm. Washington Marquis Bretigny Drive along spring dale and on the side of the hill beyond the spring is a tall monument of granite blocks marking the place w'here Peter Francisco, a giant of incredible strength, killed eleven of the British with his own broad sword, and though badly wounded by bayonet, made good his escape. This monument was erected by Peter Francisco Pescud, a native of Ealeigh, N. C, and a grandson of this Eevolutionary hero. This monu- ment was unveiled July 4th, 1904. On the same monument will be found a handsome bronze tablet to Colonel William Washing- ton and Marquis Bretigny, whose brave North Carolina and Virginia cavalry charged from this spot the Scotch High- landers. THE BATTLE FIELD OF GUILFOBD COUBT HOUSE On the crest of tlic liill beyond Iviike Wilfonjj is a monument erected by Gov- ernor Tliomas M. Holt in 1893. This is Nurmounted by a jjortrait statue of Major .losepli Winston giving his order to eharge. 'I'he talilet reads: In memory of the North Carolina troops under Major Joseph Winston who were fighting the Hessian and Tarleton's cavalry near this spot after the Continental line had retreated from the field of battle, March 15th, 1781. ( )n tlie side of the stone are inscrilied tlu> names: Major Joseph Winston Captain Jesse Franklin Richard Talliaferro Palmam qui meruit ferat. The j;ra\es of Kx-(iovernor Jesse Frank- lin and .Joseph Winston are beside tliis monument, the former ha\"ing been removed from Surry County. The headstone says: Born 1724, Died 1824. Joseph Winston's remains were removed from Forsyth County. The old stand- stone headstone, so moss grown it can scarcely be deciphered, ])ears the dates: Born .Tune, 1740, Died April, 1813. Joseph Winston Lord Cornwallis liad three horses killed from under him dur- ing the battle; tlie first, a large iron grey, killed near the Eoss house on southwest portion of grounds. The second, a dra- goon 's horse improvised for the occasion, shot near the Battle Cround line north of present restaurant; the third, a celebrated stallion named "Roundhead", which "^Parleton had stolen from the farm of .Tudge Moore in Chatham ('ounty. Beyond the liill by the Winston monument lies the old site of the Court House. All traces of the town are not yet obliterated. One h;indsome oak stands sentinel there, known as Battle Ground Oak. Tradition says General Greene tied his horse to it during the battle. Slight indentations of the old roads known as Adams Street, Greene Street and Battle Street can be seen. Andrew .Tackson lived at tliis \illage for awhile and there was admitted to the ])ractice of law in the county court. Those who desire to study the Battle of Guilford Court House should read Schenek's History, "North Carolina 1780-81", chapters seven and eight, as it is the most compre- hensive description e\er attempted. 1915 This guide was prepared by Mrs. Charles Van Noppen for the Guilford Battle Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution. . STONE & CO., / LiBRftRY OF CONGRF<:c: PiPi w 011 712 457 5