RITUAL . AND . . ODE FOR THE USE OF THE Daughters of the American Revolution ^<^^ RITUAL AND PATRIOTIC ODE. BY Alice Russell Peck, Mont Vernon, N. H. PAST REGENT, MILFORD, N. H. CHAPTER, D. A. R second edition Copyright, 1911, by Alice Russell Peck. E^uo?. ODE. -^n"^^ Air: ' ' Red, White and ^liie . ' ' (Chapter rises.) As Daughters again reunited We'll pledge our allegiance anew, And stand by the troth we have plighted, As we sing for our red, white and blue. The hope wdiich our fathers made glorious Is the hope that our country holds true, — Sing ever, forever victorious Our own dear red, white and blue. , CHORUS Then three cheers for the red, white and blue. Three cheers for the red, white and blue, Our banner, star spangled forever We'll cheer for the red, white and blue. Our faith is the faith of our sires. Our hope is their brave and sure trust, Our love wakens patriot fires, Our cause, it is righteous and just. Then falter, or fail not in duty, To flag and to county Hdc true, — Sing ever, forever viGt.ar/bus, Our own dear red, white and blue. CHORUS. ^5-^ ©CU2S9715 Oh hail to our Star Spangled Banner! The flag no true Daughter disowns; We will stand by her colors forever, Stand for country, for schools, and our homes, A badge on each breast, of allegiance, A vow in each heart to be true, — Sing ever, forever victorious, Our own dear red, white and blue. CHORUS. opening Ritual. ( Cha.pt er Standing,) Regent, — In memory of our honored ancestors, the builders and makers of our Republic, and de- siring to perpetuate their deeds of love and hero- ism in our country's early struggle for liberty, we, members of the Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, are met to-day, to kindle anew our patriotic devotion, and inspire our hearts to a yet greater love for our dear home land. Chaplain, — Oh God! be Thou our inspiration and our guide. Chapter, — Amen . Prayer, {Chaplain) — Oh Thou who ever art our Inspirer and our King; Thou who leadest thy children through storm and through calm; Thou who stillest the noise of battle, and makest wars to cease unto the ends of the earth; we, thy children, bow before Thee in love and, adoration. Do Thou, who didst lead our sires across the stormy seas, who didst become the cloud by day, and the fire by night in every time of sorrow and of stress, lead us, their childrens' children. Chapter, — Amen. Chaplain. — As in days of old our fathers and our fathers' fathers, toiled to lay the foundations of a government, based upon love to God and man; as they struggled to establish principles of truth and uprightness, which ever minister to the prosperity of any people; as they upheld and cherished the best elements of a free government, and shoulder to shoulder rallied to the support of their country and flag, so may we strive to enter into their labors, to the end that this favored land may prosper, and we become a nation whose God is the Lord. Chapter, — Amen. Chaplain, — Hear us, as we unite to bless and praise Thy holy name. Chapter, — Our Father which art in heaven hallow- ed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Regent,— ThQ spirit of the Lord God be upon us. Chapter, — According as we hope in Thee. CJiaplain, — Amen and Amen. Regent,— As the hearts of the founders of our glorious Republic were ever turned to the deep principles of civic and religious liberty; as they prayed that "government of the people, by the people and for the people" might not perish from the earth; so may we, as a united Chapter, work to this same glorious end, that our own land, "so beautiful for situation," may yet find her lib- erty in law, her glory in honor, and her majesty in love. I^gent, — ''Oh beautiful for glory-tale Of liberating strife, When valiantly, for man's avail Men lavished precious life. America! America! May God thy gold refine ^ Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine! Oh beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brother-hood From sea to shining sea." Chapter, — Amen and Amen. (Chapter seated.) Closing Ritual. Regent, {Chapter rises.) — Daughters, once again this our beloved Chapter has met to pledge allegiance to our country and our flag. With loyal hearts, and a firm belief in the liberty , fraternity, and equality of all mankind, and with renewed enthusi- asm for the high principles and lofty aspirations, im- planted in the breast of every true Daughter, we come to a point w^here we must again separate. As we go to our homes, let us keep alive in our souls the spirit of patriotism, put far from each the selfish aim, and striving to attain unto every wom- anly virtue, pass on together, to reach the common goal. . Our Creed. Chapter, — We believe in one God, one country, one flag. We believe the fires of patriotism, which burned in the breasts of our ancestors, may be kindled anew in ours. Chaplain. — Amen and Amen. Chapter, — We believe in the home, and its bound- less possibilities of good or evil for the future wel- fare of our country. We believe in our schools, and their abundant opportunity to instill into the minds of the young the principles of patriotic devotion to their home land. Chaplain. — Amen and Amen. 13 tSlI Chapter, — And finally, we believe in the flag, a smybol of the power, the honor, and the glory of all the increasing millions in these, our United States. Chaplain. — Amen and Amen. Chapter, — Therefore, loving and serving our God and our country, bound together by a union of hearts and of hands, we, as Daughters of the American Revolution, do desire, in the true spirit of patriotism, to once again proudly hail the be- lov'ed flag of our Union; long may we live, and love, and serve beneath her starry folds! One God, one country, and one flag! (salute flag.) (All sing:) My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountain side Let freedom ring! Our fathers' God! to thee. Author of liberty, To thee we sing: Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light! Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King! iC'^ One copy del. to Cat. Div. M V^ ^^^^