• fr 6e9 9Z8 €X0 ssaaoNOD jo xawaan >' PROSPECTUS F O K THE FORMATIO]^ OF A COMPANY F O K THE IJS^TRODUCTIOISr OF A I^EW ARTICLE MANUFACTURE. />,< COPYRIGH '^^^..A... BOSTON: ADDISON C. GETCHELL, PRINTER, 53 WASHINGTON STREET. 1872. ^ ^ cP N *, •§? 4 Dear Sir: In presenting the accompanjnng Prospectus, remembering that brevity is the soul of wit, and that communities as intelligent, enterprising, and independent as this, are not to be imposed upon by labored argument or plausibility, but that for success we must depend alone upon the merits of our improvement, still we do not see that in presenting so important a matter as this upon investigation proves to be, we could well say less ' than we do. Every statement made can be implicitly relied upon as not over-stating the advantages of this, or the disadvantages of the old system of doing the work of the laundry. THE PATENTEES. Boston, 27 Doane Street, January, 1872. ^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S72, by thj.PEEK^^ESS Wjisimia.- Machine Company, iu the oflice of the Librarian of Congress, at Wa.shiugtou. PEERLESS COMBmED WASIIEE, BOILER, AND "WltmGER, for use by Families, Boarding Houses, Hotels, Hospitals, Public Institutions, Laundries, Factories, Wool Growers, etc. FIRST PRIZE MEDAL, awarded by the :kew e:n'gla^d ageicultukal society, 1871. PROSPECTUS. The Existing Method of washing by soaking, the use of wooden washing machines, the rubbing board, boiling, sudsing, rinsing and wringing, is very slow, taking nearly a day for a family of ten per- sons ; laborious, requiring great muscular strength and endurance ; painful, often scalding the person ; disagreeable, wetting floors and walls; injurious, wearing and straining the fabric; expensive, re- "quiring much fuel, soap, and water. Notwithstanding the great variety of devices invented with the view of ameliorating this branch of labor, but little real improve- ment has been made, the devices not being constructed upon scien- tific principles. ]Made of wood, subjected to hot Avater one day, and unused the rest of the week, they shrink, leak, and soon become useless ; they are cumbersome and heavy ; require two persons to move them ; are hard to operate ; do not keep the water hot ; wear away clothing and buttons fearfully; some, by the use oi jpeculiar soaps or chemicals and cold water, wu&t injure t J le fabric* All the above-described machines are of no value after their fail- ure from whatever cause. A Metallic Washing JVLvchine of proper construction is the only fit system, for in addition to washing mechanism it brings to our aid the powerfully searching element, Ste.ui, as a cleansing agent. Investigation or trial will show that this must supersede the *Thc writer once had his washing done at a Boston laundr}', and in less than six months eight new shirts were ruined. Recently, investigating the subject of which this prospectus treats, he visited the laundiy in question, and learned that all their washing Avas done in cold water. Comment is unnecessary. old wooden machine system, for it is lighter, stronger, more simple, compact, and portable ; costs bnt half that of its predecessors ; one person can remove it from place to place ; a child of eight years can understand and work it easier than a man can the existing machines. As a boiler it saves the purchase and space of a washer, and vice versa, for in it the two functions of washing and l)oiling arc com- bined. It will last years, and when worn out (if brass or copper) will bring about half its cost. It is constructed of tin, brass, or copper, and placed upon cooking stoves or ranges like an ordinary wash boiler. (The cut represents ■ it back from the fire ; when in use the stove covers should be re- moved, the machine i)laced over the fire, with wringer facing the sudsing tub, which may be in front or either side of the stove as is most convenient.) It has a conduit or trough to catch, condense, and return the suds which might otherwise boil over on to the stove ; also the suds pressed from the clothes by the wringer. (Wringing di- rect from the boiler has the further advantage of saving the hot suds for further use, and facilitatinof the sudsing;, but little suds rcmainino^ in them.) The wringer, although its apj)^i<'<^iion to a boiler and icash- er is patented to us solely, is not permanently fixed, but may be re- moved to the rinsing tub at pleasure ; any wringer fits this machine. The washing mechanism embraces four blades or arms, extending doAvnward from a shaft attached to the cover, which, when partially rotated, causes the clothing to change its position, thus bringing every article into contact with the boiling suds ; removing the cover ren- ders the boiler free from Its Avashing mechanism and available for other uses. (This washing mechanism can be easily applied to the covers of boilers already set in houses.) By means of a lever of any desired length, the operator can sit or stand at a distance from the stove, avoidinof the heat. It can be worked from either side of the stove — a great advantage — other machines requiring the operator to retain one position, greatly to their inconvenience and that of others. Its object is to eff'cct the washing, boiling, and wringing of soiled clothing in one and iLe same device and operation. It does this in an easy, simple, rapid, and to the operator and floors, cool, dry manner ; more pieces are treated at a time than by other wash- ers ; five pails of water, and soap for a good suds, when hot, only requires fire to keep it boiling one hour, for in this time the washing for a household often persons can be accomplished. But little agita- tion is required, for the steam of the boiling suds has a magical effect in loosening the dirt from the fabric, and a brief manipulation of the crank, say two minutes for ordinary, to six minutes for extra soiled articles, shakes it from them, so no need exists for the rubbing board or its equivalent, for if any streaks are visible a slight hand friction while sudsing will cause them to disappear (even old stains will gradually bleach out), and the articles take an unblemished white without the use of chemicals, save occasionally a weak blueing in the second rinsing water. Heavy bedding and light laces are treated equally well without injury. The cleansing being performed in a close vessel, without neces- sity of handling the articles, renders this the proper system for hos- pitals in treating garments and bedding infected by contagious diseases. For large establishments (the cover being secured by packing) it will be made to sustain a jjressure of steam which greatly hastens and perfects the cleansing. The differences between this and other machines are very great and radical, with hardly a similarity between them. It may be stated thus : the Combined Washer Boiler and Wringer is a simple expedi- ent to take off labor and scaldings from the muscles and knuckles, and throw them on to the ever-Avillmg shoulders of Nature. The motive for introducing machinery into the arts is to make Steam, a force of nature, do jDart of our work. By this combination an ex- pensive agent, labor, is replaced by this gratuitous agent, Steam, the result being an economy in first cost, then in time, labor, room, fuel, soap, water, wear and tear of clothing. Besides, it changes the drudgery of washing day into an easy ijastimc of an hour. The importance to the people of their having in this and all mat- ters what is to their greatest advantage, is obvious. Every family in the land has a vital interest in the perfection of all means and devices tending to promote domestic economy. This i)artici;l;:r i:-.tcrest, although based largely on considerations of comfort, is primarily a jpecuniary one, coming home to the pocket in the shape of a saving oi fully bO per cent in the first outlay, and more than maintaining it ever afterwards. This is an important fact, l)ecause it shows that this invention, in working out the law of progress in the way of Avashing apparatus, is Peerless. It was exhibited twice last autumn w^ith the following results : At the New England Agricultural Society Fair (wme ma- chines competing), the Judges gave it the highest medal in its class. At the American Institute, New York* (sixteen machines competing) , the Judges say : " This excellent and simple device for washing clothing, differs from all others in the combination with a Metallic Wash Boiler, of an agitator, removable with the cover, and means for attaching a wringer. Prior to this invention, numerous devices were made, none of which embraced its essen- tial features. " When the (soaped) water boils, the clothes are put in and the agitator worked, which, with the penetration of the steam of the suds, quickly cleanses them. " As these changes and modifications sIioav simplicity of construction, ECONOMY of materials and labor, and eavorably effect the convenience of the operator, they are considered by your Judges of sufficient importance to MERIT HIGH COMMENDATION by the Institute." The unreflecting may regard the sale of washing machines as limited ; but investigation will show its great extent, even with the imperfect appliances offered. Admitting that the system herein projected is all it is claimed to be, one cannot fail to see the vast proportions to which the manufac- ture can be profitably carried. Look at the figures. DATA. Our Population is estimated at 40,000,000 ! Averaging five persons to a family, shows 8,000,000 families. It is assumed that nearly every family has an ordinary wash boiler, as an article of necessity. It is known that many have also a wash machine, as an article of labor-saving and conven- * The American Institute no longer gives medals. ience (one company alone sold during the past year rising of 30,000!) 7s it not evident that so soon as the merits of the two (boiler and washer), combined in one device, are known by the masses, comparatively few boilers, simply as boilers, or washers, simply as washers, will be wanted? If, then, the combined boiler and washer shall replace, even to a small extent, the common boilers when they are worn out (and there is no reason why it should not, Avhile all reason and interest jDroves that it should), the magni- tude of the business can readil}' be seen. If it is adopted before the old kind is worn out, or is taken b}' a fair proportion of the netv population, (increasing at the rate of 1,000,000 annuall}'), or replaces even a quarter of the existing machines, or is applied to half the set boilers, the great mag- nitude of this enterprise must be apparent. A large business may also be expected in supplj-ing boarding-houses, hotels, hospitals, public institutions, laundries, factories, wool-growers, etc. The Patent is remarkably strong and controlling ; this being the first washing-boiler strengthened and made to receive and bear the strain of a ^cringer, admits of a broad claim. Its form and compactness (it being about one-third the bulk of other machines) renders boxing unnecessary, and cheapens freight. No expensive machinery is required in this manufacture, for any tin, brass or copper worker can easily make it with his ordinary facilities, of any size and shape, to fit any stove or range ; we recommend 18 inches square, and 15 inches high, with flat bottom, weighing about 20 jDounds. The popular existing machines sell for $15, and a good common boiler for §3, making the equivalent of this one cost the purchaser $18 ! FRO>r THIS DATA, parties having a view to business, can readily figure the cost of the machine and the margin for profit ; hence it Avill be seen that it is a very valuable enterprise, and one which should be controlled by one company, and conducted on the plan so successfully carried out by other wealthy and })rosperous companies ; viz., to make Patent Trade Mark Plates at a fixed price for all persons wishing to make and sell this appa- ratus. The enterprises which attain the greatest success are those which gain the patronage of the masses scattered over our A'ast domain. Small manufacturers amongst them, although without sufficient means to purchase even a shop-right, will find no difficult}^ in paying for a few Patent Trade Mark Plates at a time, the possession alone of which are permits to make and attach them to that number of machines. This method simplifies everything ; saves numerous losses, expenses, commissions, etc. ; cheapens the cost of the article, greatly facilitates and increases its introduction and sale. No bonus being required, and no monopoly or restrictions existing, it converts every manufacturer of stoves, ranges, tin, brass and copper ware LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 826 639 4 8 into a friend and customer ; and what is more, it pays, and the profits enure to the benefit of but tivo parties, the owner and the manufacturer, instead of several, as is often the case in sales by States or counties. The buyer of a State pays a profit, the State is often sold over and over at a profit each time ; and wlien finally the manufacturer is reached, and he is not able or willing to pay the price exacted, the bubble bursts, and the people have not been benefited. This is the brief history of many valuable patents — mis- managed. The Patentees would like to confer with parties with a view to the or- ganization of such a companj' as a Peerless "Washing Machine Company. It need not necessarily be established in Boston, but can go where its found- ers elect. In the event that negotiations are not consummated soon on some such basis, the patent will be sold either entire, by groups of States, by States or counties. Please call on or address Patentees Peerless Washing Machine, 27 Doane street, rooms 10 and 11, Boston, where the machine, also testimo- nials of its peculiar and superior merits, may be seen. /