PS 635 c^^:. .Z9 T43 -^ -r^S Copy 1 ■^''JO I ^^ Robert Emmet Trelanrs PatrioMtlarfyr B political ^rac^ec\2 in 5 Bets b^ * ^ * 3ttliu$ Cletze Cletzelim. ^^ « « / I r- R. AUERBACH, Electric Power t^^^^ov Union Printek 126 Essex St., New York. 1903. Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year J902 By JULIUS TIETZE TIETZELIEVE In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ROBERT Emmet IRELAND'S PATRIOT MARTYR. A POLITICAL TRAGEDY IN 5 ACTS -BY- JULIUS TIETZE TIETZELIEVE ^^^'^''"^■'.K?^'^^?^'; R. AUERBACH, Electric Power Union Printer, 126 Essex St., New York. 1 9 O 2. I CONGRESS, Two Copies Recf iv«d JAN 29 1903 Copyright Entry CLASS S )0 Daniel O'Connell S Clancy O'Brien ) Donovan O'Hara \ Dennis Redmond Timothy Russel EiTZRoY McCarthy CoNLY McCabe Gilhuly O'Sheil Herlihy O'Sullivan Robert Emmet, An I'^xile and an Insurgent Leader. Lord Norbury, A Judge. Baronet Plunket, Crown's Attorney. John Philpot Curran, A Barrister • Pather of Sarah. First Rioter. '' Sec'v^np'Rioieh. ,' '^/GourV Clerk. '•*-'■• A Jury Foreman. .•.A<^RtOT-ACT P-ROe,LA'IMER., ct c ; .A'HXi'GMANi ? • » . * • t r Several Rioters. McViCKAR ) r> 1 .• r Tp . J c 1 > Relatives of Emmet and Sarah. McGregor 5 tL\RRiET Sarsfield, in league with the insurgents. Sarah Curran, betrothed to Emmet. Tv;elve Jurors, Castleguards, Rioters, Yeomenry, Search - Officers, Irish Citizens, Prison- Attendants, Sisters of-mercy etc., etc- SCENE. — Dublin-Ireland. j(^p96— 00734 1> ACT L SCENE I. — Kingstoivn Dublin . Before the Parlia- ment building. The doors siving open and fro fn the lit interior issue O' Hara and O' Brien resisting ejec- tion followed by Harriet., Redmond and Russel pacifying them. Harriet. O'Hara! O'Hara. Ha! libellers! Redm. Here I O'Brien. ' What ? give us gaff ? Then derogate us ? Harriet. Nay O'Brien — Rus, Mum now ! — O'Hara. Abash us Like that? Harriet. Subside, do. Redm. Ay, curtail. O'Brien, Denunciate In those ill- terms 1 Rus. a truce to that and leave oft. O'Hara. Oh these defilers ! Rus. Quiet ! I said. O'Hara. Rancid. Detractors 1 Harriet. Abridge a bit. O'Brien. Those henchmen that They be ! Redm. Won't you cease ? O'Brien. Ransackers O'Hara. Marauders ! O'Brien. We'll back And set our cuspids of resentment up Their scullion arrogance, let Parliament Bear as she does her mausoleum, and sliow Who's who in Paddyland. [Excit ic'ith O'Hara into the building, the rest remaining, ) Redm. a new incendiary. The fuse now, bye and bye the blade. Of Irish And English political animosity There's embers' surplus. Harriet. What had occured with O'lhien May it be informed me and what withal Since at delinquency, I may not account, WithO'Hara? Rus. Why were you not thereabout? When tlie melee set a pace ? Harriet I would not mope on in(|uiry Had I been fellow patriot Russel, for I was not. Let me tell you : I was sauntering languidly along the gallery Once Ireland's belonging, of that Parliament, Glancing o'er seats undelegated, when presto. The hum of an altercation in one of the lobbies Like the low-loud whiz of a forests' leaves, attraction. That way impelled me. I down and headforemost, And there a confabbing, pitch in a fracas O'Hara and O'Brien descried. Rus. Redmond crayon Harriet the canvass. She, contingent in The Society of United Irishmen Should be given recipe, for that reciprocate Communion common. Redm. This 'twas. The insult Of the Earl of Hai'dwicke, Kilmainham commissioner Presently at the Parharrent, in possession Of an insurrectionary circular Disseminated by O'Brien and O'llara. Myself As well as Russel warned them repeatedly To cease distributing them publicly But they ! — D — They at the pace of recklessness outstrut That of admonishment. For General Hardwicke Attended by a staff constabiilaiy Apprized of O'Hara's and O'Brien's, with A Squirrel's whap, out of the Commission Office With feinting gestures to vacate the edifice Demanded of the twain ; which ordinance O'Hara and O'Brien challenging, an argument Wherein contumely and the brogue were rasped With the dignity of hardware, obscene no comparison, And a long since suppressed glossary, (billingsgaie Being agate, this cambric to satin. ) The procedure Into a fisticuft culminating, the combatants Apart were sundered, O'Hara and O'Brien Being ousted off the premisses. 'Twas at This juncture you then joined us I believe Miss Harriet. Harrikt. What an episode ! Anxiety In me a massacre foreaugurs i-trewn With the piked and shillelaghed. Oh I ever since The Union Bill's enactment, by expedients Extortionate, for its passage's consummate Whose clauses fabricated peremptory AnnuUment and the Parliament's disqualifying. Annexing us as subjects, — ever since then All Irishmen like when the Theban dragon By Jason slain, scarce-sown incisors were By sprouting warriors given the doorknob. Oh my heart For Ireland pit- pats heavy ! Everywhere About the capitol resentment permeates With anger and expostulates even the very Atmosphere. And animosity (Ever goes that odium whether stillted or clogg'd Crested or ciuru.ssed or cavalier-fashioned) Between the English and the Irish tosses I'he tilted-for gauntlet, For whenever Celt And Sax each other size, counter on the avenue The incident marks uninscribed a slab. Oh, good, good God will it ever terminate ? — 6 — Will Ireland never be free at all at all ? Rus. Well, well, \ve'll see about that. But again Why these sore plaints ? Let me convince you rather Though we have forfeit Parliament should not The trademark grief indeni us, Scotchmen having Their cud to maw o'er, ay I know for a bene vox populi And under Wallacian howitzers, whilst ours Was by the chink of sterling huckstered oft With mortmain grip and with the slogan of " Hibernia delenda est ut Carthago ! " Now is that right I say ? Many a race has like its Parliament Skulk'd with the phoenix. And 'tis not that our Parliament Has foundered should make us con Jermy But the misstewarding misanchoring pilot Schould make a dragnetted man redrown himself. A minute. Who's ever forgotten try as he may With what perfidious and recreant jimmies The British peers out of our nation's household Oar Parliament prodded bodily, how thug-like Disguised, on tip-toe, at negro midnight, sneakily With crook and drill fumbled the bureaus of Our nationality, stealthily disintegrating All valuables, ransacking us destitute Unto nudity ! Try how you may. forget it. Who can ? who may ? Let go of that for one I will not. Contemporaneous Irishmen No quicker will forget this Parliament hold-up Than have forgotten our lineage. When .Adrian the Pope ordered the Second Henry the kirg to budget himself with Ireland Tiie, at that time, dekinged Deriiiot McMurrough, Limping to Henry elicited re-ekinging After which there arose, as arises Jrom a rapid A vortex volcano, to erect the genius Of wild-haired hatred nefarity's Fitzgislebert Sobriquetted by history Strongbow. This, as well And the massacres of the Ironsides of Cromwell's Hosts sanguinary whose enprimrosed crimson Did with the pellicle of the battle's smoke Make nephews and caused Irish bivouacs. Oh, we'll remember the vale and mount of it, At least I Timothy Russel will keep count ot it. Kkdm. And English historians assay to slander To our chagrin the history ot Ireland As insignificant. By God, if it is'n't The nonpareil, then 'tis charmedly disgusting A struggling, a subjecting, struggles and subjects Ingloriously glorious a record That ever human weakness, and that ever Inhuman wickedness and inhumanity Superhuman in the extreme, disgraced with honor The whiteness of a sheet. Oh by God it is A history to set the fluid a-seething That like the octopus in midsea's middepth After the aqueous demise leaves frothy a will That disharpoons Sindbad, — a history For the Omnipotent to protest against The sentences, the lines, that make the English Story of the history of Ireland A story hissed, a hissed story of a history ! Rus. Agra 1 Redmond a solid grenadiering To an omnious one with no brushwood bundle eithe But bullock's anthers ! Yet still I muse there is A something deeper in this rabid race riot Than the historian's mere prejudice it seems ' To me at least. The feudal system I think That incentive gives balustrade. For all The laws brehonic based were on the tanist By gavelkind, the canfinny through the ballot Succeeding held the land in common tilla Under amicable conditions. Then the land Was districted in feofs, feofs in carucates For the agriculturist's hoe and rake ^ then too There was a judgment coLrt on Tara's hill Where in relation to the infangthef Breech of estate were lopped of by the occasion Of the particular sacha according to — 8~ 'I'he Sanchus Mor. For a tort had by a mulct Been given condonement and the arraigned paroled I'riscribed by bail or by a pledge of frank As may have been the case. But why do 1 Oate tiiis in reference? merely to demonstrate That the tanist system superseded was By the (^gold medals to the economists !) the feudal Whose gist is heriditary primogeniture Through the eldest, — the axle the spokes rotate by. Ninety-Eight exemplifies that. Yet 'twas lured To the Caudine Forks and passed off for a yoke ( )f a Samnite Hanover to make peers bawl, so Like our tragedians : — " Justitia ruat coeaim I " Harriet. Yes, fellows in the canvass Redmond and Russel. That then's that Ireland ? She that was that Ireland For seven centuries ior ignorant Europe Her university. And her resided Aengus the hagiographer and Tighernach The annalist. Alas ! here sang Carolan • And Ossian the sightless Irish bards. Columbkill here the monastery built ( )f Clentouchen ; the prior Congal too With Ciaran and Adamnan the abbots Established Bangor Irish Catholic Convent Here teemed with missionaries the Emerald Isle evangelized entire Europe and here* St. Patrick preached the Christians daily gospel. My haire on fire take, so flames my girl's mind. The scholar Erigenu, the astrologer Dungal, the evanghelizer Ferghal Contemporaneously flourished here. Alas ! — A past, a ne'er-e'er tffaceable past* Let me not open more pages lest ther drip The bloody tear and tear-fraught blood upon you You 're drenched sutificing. Dampen hope? nay not that tempering Hope in their spite ay spiting e'en with hope. Is n't hope immortal ? is'nt life immortal ? is'nt By-gone glory withal? A hearse to the oppressor. — 9 — Then pummel England, jostle all thou choosest The staggering it is, enlist the sympathtzers. Thy freeboot tyranny but coaches the more Into Hibernians an amor patriae. Thy highwayman and wayside untanned boot The heel on our gullet the ankle on our chest The liberators has tripped. Erin's masthead-flag At half-mast waves but not entirely lowered. And I of Patrick Sarsfield's stock, I say Like the heroic Mucius who 't is said Singed to a stump his hand continued mum, We're subjugated but we're unsubdued. Invidious henchmen overwhelmed drop At the cheers of martyrs on the scaffold's plattform ! Redm. O'Hara and O'Brien return, adjourn we This curb confab, nor let excitement goad The passer-by's curio. — ( The doors swing open and 0^ Hara with O'Brien issue remonstratifigly. ) Rus. They're puffed ; there must have been high sea. Redm. Begorrah boys, what's adrift ? (3'Hara. Bejabers and begorrah — O'Brien. Scab- beset hybrid mongrels I baptize 'em. O'Hara. Unprincipled by characterless I dub them. O'Brien. Why fellows of the cause out of them A bonfire with shaveling enough For holocaust any pantrymaid could rear. Redm. A gang of a stt of a band of blacklegs — O'Brien. Never flourished, Rus. As these "my lord " political gamblers — O'Brien. Correct. O'Hara. To the Inflnitismal absolute. Gamblers, lobbyists, hood winkers, they'll stand you pat for any jackpot, the scheemers and apostates that they are, bad 'scesstothem! O'Brien. The lopsided renegadoes ! Rus. Apropos of hand-gaff and bunco-pat in political poker, why Portsmouth gets a back number and jury packing a ticket-of-leave. —10— O'Hara. Straight said. P^or in two localities alone demogogic larceny might stand comparing with this Parliament grab. Redm. And pray where's that tract of land by water surrounded? O'Hara. You're boomeranging it askance. Redm. How's that? O'Hara. Natal Bay and Botany-Bay, — water by land surrounded, Redm. I wasn't catchy 1 see, but England is For she was hahdy robbing us a Parliament And we obtusely handled letting her. O'Brien. So Poland lies prostrate, prone on her knees The Cossack fronting. Rus. So like by thug assailed She from the sandbag's drub of Turkey's inflict. Half-dead Montenegro. O'Hara. And you intercept the wheelbarrow, why you're dumped Redm. It's no use say what you will an agitator is marked a target crescent or tricolor. Rus. They go a-burrowing when the hedgehog dirks Redm. I imagine both of you were trying to distribute those circulars to procrastinated Parliamentarians who as yet haven't gone to London to join the new Irish-English Parliament. • O'Brien, By the leger we were and right royal at it, Redm. But you knew Hardwicke was around didn't you ? One would prognosticate as much. O'Brien, Devil a taste, but we didn't know he was around just then. Prior to yours and Russel's showing up we got a scoop of the tepid. And of course, as may be well imagined, after some retorts and backbite on both sides we sailed into one another landing in blows, for then the hops turned a brewing in earnest, they had us by the coatcollars the constables did, O'Hara. Oh we applied ourselves that of all the echoes Of terms exchanged resentment still redounds. Redm. What you should was to rouse the latently indignant Unstored in the deluded, Harriet What was the intelligence you had to offer Prior to the melee for now I ween you referred —11— To Robert Emmet. Harriet. I had, for I've received Furtive communication to the effect Of purposes intact and persons too More intimate with the exile. Redm. Where is the tryst? Harriet. Glasnevins. Rus. Is it possible an amnesty Has been already proclaimed to the expatriate ? Harriet. There has. For so let me read o'er for you As we proceed along the contents of A missive my possession, as you'll see His advent's certainty. {^Exeunt all except O' Hara and O' Brie?/.) O'Hara Will you along? ( )'Brien. a mind I had to take me to the quay, but well. To heavy-lashed vigilance dornock's up-drawn For the distributive hand. OTIara. No bigger organ Punctures its ins but under the gloat I stagger I);sfooted. O'Brien. Will you go meet Robert Emmet ? O'Hara. I'll see him at Clenachton's. ( )'Brien. Together then. [Exeinit.) SCENE II. — Before Glasiievin Cemetery. E?iter Harriet. Harriet. By full a trot outdistanced, I'm ahead At the Glasnevin gate. Welcome him hoixe. Alas for the home and alas for the welcome 1 What sore ordeals Ireland thou'rt progeny 1 Pass surging meditations, pa?s — What nation's that whose brow is draped in crape Whose chest sinks fast as you receding moonset At midheaven'stide? Hibernia, 'tis thyself! I see thy sacred shores by viking pirated —12— Thy homes profaned, thy temples execrated The colonnade of tiiy glory splintered Whilst o'er thy malls like gaunt hyenas gorge The glut of ravage thy inhabitants. Forth trom thy gasping lips despair's crude wail Like a lone Arab in anguish's oratory Lost in the orphanage of wilderness Oasis strikes none. Free tyranny's here calif. And civil Patagons with feints caressing With that uncompromising a by no means Of the Horatii and Curiaiii The dolmen of thy pride make nihil of. Nor that alone. But prone on ire's divan The malagressor viith offence parturient Gives birth to massacre whose initiation Into the coterie of the gibetted Nefarity acquires. But be muffled Thoughts of this brand. A shadow, then a step — The figure and the feature of the exile Up Chapel's Road a-sauntering and seeking^ About for us. Wish he head this way. For lo, — In traveller's suit he nears Glasnevins, on The lapel of his coat the trefoil shamrock [Enter Robert Emmet. ^ Emmet. Excuse a traveller, an orphan to suburbs, just Off Libbey's wharf, whereabout may one find Glasnevins Cemetery ? Harriet. Hereabout 's the locality. EMMEr. I'm obligation for instruction. Pass The jaunting-car up Chape 's Road ? Harriet. No down lad. Emmet. From boot to wheel there's travesty. One's limb become convinced of ancestry When distance 's an age. Good evening lass for all that. Harriet, (aside) 'T is he! the same! Oh you untutored instincts, Half-bred to recogniton fosterchild, vShall the fate of weeds be his and fall in the through And that through me. By an in -road I'll accost him. —13- Emmet. Harriet Lad whoever it be that ye seek may I ask ? The roof of a patriot if any there be. And there be God grant in Ireland a many a one. I recognize ye, I vow. Emmet (aside) What? and my mask drawn oft ? Harriet. Beyond Thy previous traits what thou hast been thou wast And that thou 'rt Robert Emmet and no other — Toss up the cap suddenness, tlie surmise is fair-haired. I knew ye for that, how should 1 else but know you. Is it Harriet Sarsfield then ? Herself. I can't help being affected. At this reunion, for I'm he, I'm Emmet. Back in the long run. Accept the heart's salute (Jf a cause's devotee. Reunions tear's Drop bitter when re-meet acquaintances. Erin ! swooning evermore — About Her staggering figure. It is, it is on Irish Soil, you're back. She's expiring. — Bear off, she's Resuscitating ; behold, she lives ! To die ? . Alas ! wherfe be I ? really in Dublin ? is it In Dublin truly myself am ? Where's Chapel's Road ? Over yonder's Chapel's Road, Robert. Oh God ! Ireland ! Oh me my country ! thyself! thyself! Small wonder the sight of her overcomes you. She's not the same — Oh she — she — The lump That's lodged in the chest unbreathe, as would A man, as would an Irishman, respite Expatriation for reunion. Harriet Of Sarsheld's family re-welcomes you. Emmet. Changed scenes ! Can I believe when I behold Emmet. Harriet. Emmet. Harrirt. Emmet. Harriet. Emmet. Harriet. KM MET. Harriet. Emmet. Harriet. Emmet. Harriet. Emmet. Harriet. —14— What I believed beholding? are her streets The same? the houses the identic? (Intuition Betrays me!) flickers still the wick of Irish Nationality? oh, blaze these emblers ? I land An exile on the shore of Erin, I find Her sprouting vineyards wilted, on her homesteads Emaciate herds a pasturing, the woodland Untreed, and from her suburb hillside ham ets Persecution's din I hear. On Tara's wall The harp of Caroian hangs mute — oh bruised And bleeding, Erin's genius greets her exile 1 iveejisi Harriet, Och I ochone ! ochone ! Emmet. Dreary, dreary Is her situation. It must be quite late I ween. Harriet. Rather. By the way was it not up a year or so You abode in Paris ? Emmet. The thereabout of a twevemonth. Harriet. What are the Uespard folks about? Emmet. I hardly know. Harriet. I perceive you'rs wearied. Emmet. Wearied and worried. ?tARRiET. The after-effects of a journey. Listen, where Glasnevin's no depot to luggage about, Intend you sojourning ? Emmet. I concluded abode At Clenachton's ; my all of my luggage lag As yet at Libbey's ; at an opportune opportunity It will be transmitted me. So this is Glasnevin ? What a change has come o'er it ? the tryst my letter .Bore, mention bears reminiscience sad. Here I acted pallbearer at the interment of Tone, and Fitzgerald all of which appears As 't were yesterday. Oh 't is, 't is To pince the hide for agony in slices, Contemplating that. Demised of the universe ! I muse on ye! Decayed and chill ye nap In beds siliceous, on sandy pillows 'neath sheets Of sedge ! Envermind and enmoulded remains, Mar.nuring through the daisies' petals, the gibbet — 15— Existence 's lips having locked up. Through the gate I spy your final homesteads and I mourn At reminiscience's threshold. O Fitzgerald ! And Tone, Oh ! gone unreturnably ! nay this— ^ This, this affectation's stifling me — release-- Immunity — for a feeling — hark ! it pleads in me To end the term of Erin's servitupe. Harriet. Lad, bridle yet the prance of inspiration For it doth pant and froth about enthusiasm To slick o'rhapsody- E.MMET. To slam off prison bolts. Penitentiaries' casements unlattiee From death-sentenced cells emancipate her, Elevate her on a pilaster of suffrage That humanity might view how far her figure Inhumanity disfigured. Harriet. Robert Emmet ! Emmei". Forth, forth of tyranny's ignoble tunnel With freemen's pennon streaming heaven-high I'd lead my countrymen, face the adversary Upon the field- advance upon his legion And counter-combat his rank ; rushing fight With brand in one hand in the other a sabre Till victory be Erin's; then return Marching triumphant from the field of battle W^ith drum and cymbal to the music of Erin-go-bragh ! Harriet. Several of the patriots have come To welcome you. There's Redmond, Russel, O'Sullivan, O' Shell, McCabe, McCorthy. Emmet. Where ? Harriet. Over there- i^Exeiint) SCENE Ill. — Chapers Road. {^Eiiter Redmond^ Russel, O' Sullivan, O' Shell , McCabc a7id Ale Car thy. ) Redni. From Chapel's Road to Glasncvins, tumnli —10 The earthen sigh vouching a chest underneath One sees abundant. Rus. Dead easy -dozing patriots, Their architecture 's shattered. What of their life's pilaster, what of soffit Remained, they yet left us to emulate them The trillith'd hopeful chisel, a cromlech to set us To vindication. Redm. How sad the moon looks down On God's Acres ! how thrillingly chirps the trush A heart-breaking elegy bordering on madness ! And look too at the whirling sand ! Observe The features of heaven are draped in ashy ire From out its iris of dusk shooting stars gleam A distant rumbling in subdued oratory Marks thunder's protege. Rus. Persons approach. It looks it's Robert Emmet with Harriet Sarsfield. Redm, Else who might they be ? Rus. Very like my consideration. Redm, Are you posted soundly ? Rus. Barely, best elicit it. Redm. Hist there ! uncloak ! Rus. They're of a race unvanquished. Redm. Or Gaels. Hist there ! the shiboleth ! Rus. We'd best get about to them. They'll never hear us unless we shout to them. {^Exeunt. ) SCENE IV. Glasnevin as in scene 2. {Enter Emmet and Harriet.) Emmet. W^ho may they have been who hissed us? Give me a cue, Miss Sarsfield, for 1 fret We're encumbered. Harriet. Smut o'anxiety for distrust. Nor manifest apprehension. They are those On your home-advent, at a slick distance, On my commending, have themselves retired, ■17- Me, in the mean appointing spokesman, hither To greet, approach you. Emmet. Fraternity's fire rekindles Five years' benumbed estrangement. I rejoice That not unlike delinquents or absconders I set foot on the shore of the emerald isle Unawaited. A few devoted Irish yet Their patronage vouch a brother ostracized To retrieve and clasp the hand severed so long By the sharp blade of exile. Harriet. They salute ! {Enter Redmond carrying a floral hoof . Russel^ 0^ Sul- livan, O'Shiel, McCabe, McCarthy.^ All. Exile of Erin ! welcome home ! Emmet. Associates — Fraternally re -met! {they embrace Redm. Our Rory ! R No, our O'Neill ! ^^'kdm. In recognition's token bear acceptance What poor allegiance could in profferance ofter This our humble hoof. Emmet. My heart weeps loudly, Redm. Not ours. In ours 's imbedded the slogan " Erin-raa-chree," ensheath'd too the shibboleth " Hibernia mavourneen." Emmet. God bless you boys. Back again amongst my former. In time appropriate A cord shall rig us to our country's hawzer As shall unstanchioned not be, the barge of which Shall tug the anchor for the caulking. Lads In general and particular I ween We best not tarry tardy about, since 't may be Suspicion's spirit haunts tlie unordinary. We'll combined to Ballycorn, out of \^ here At Harriet Sarsfield's residence we'll convene A fortright hence. gation for the hoof. Tiny little smilax and holly ! Shall we traverse Mountjoy or Fitzwilliam Square? —18 — Persecution's nurse shows up a'trifle cheerily. '•For invalid Erin," says she, " there's convalescence." All. Welcome, a land's right and a home. {^Exeunt. ) ACT IL SCENE I. Ballycor7i. Dublin. Ifiterior of a garret. A lamp in full blaze on the table around which Emmet^ Sedmond^ Russel^ O' Sullivan^ O' Shell, McCabe and McCarthy are discovered in couversation. Rfdm. Isolated and uninterrupted 'I'he younger part of an entire week With the enactment of the government Provisional, after the castle's capture Which we're to seize giving Hardwicke the trip, Older has grown. We had in the beginning Each other pledged solidarity win or lose By the proposed revolt and here this eve Settle for the venture. Robert Emmet, we Have acquiesced that you our leader be. Therefore, according to the constitution Of our society, rise and be initiated Prescribed for the incumbent obligatorily, Emmet. prises and raises his hand) In the awful presence of God ! I do voluntarily declare that I will preserve in endeavor- ing to form a brotherhood of affection among Irishmen of every religious persuasion and thatl will also persevere in our endeavor to obtain a republic peaceably, if pos- sible, forcibly if necessary. And 1 do further hereunto declare that neither hope fear, guerdon nor penalty shall ever induce me directly or indirectly to inform on or give evidence against any member of this or similar societies for any actor expression ot theirs done or made collectively or individually in or out of this society in pursuance of the spirit of the obligation. So help me God! Redm. Is everybody replete with a provisional ? — 19 Kus. Rkdm. Rus. Redm. Emmet O'SULLIV Emmet. O'Sljlliv. Emmet. O'SULLIV, Emmet. O'SULLIV, Emmet. O'SULLIV, Emmet. O'SULLIV. Emmet. O'SULLIV Emmet. Everybody. Have O'Sullivan, O'Sheil, McCabe McCarthy, Got theirs? They have. I yield the chair to our leader. Accepted. — Comrade, lor the final rig-up — Be it to his credit, let the member apprized about What's to be perpetrated state if he choose All possible information available All plans have been submitted ratified, Is there anybody desiring supplementary Intelligence, have to his scrap-cook's item Addition-giving clipping given ? I was absent once So Pd like to find out from our spokesman, what The insurrection in the city proper Omitting all auxiliaries, out of the suburbs. To bide with us, comprises ? Three points, O'Suliivan. I remind aie 't was quoted on. Hope you aint vexed Should a few more queries tug re iteration. On the contrary, not at all, nof at all. What is the first ? Points of attack. The second ? That, — points of check. And the third ? Lines of defence Ultimately. Once known I'm at ease. Also where Is the main assembly to be, on time probated, Heretofore beforehand, on the arrival of Dwyer's Wicklowites ? Near Kilmainham Bridewell In Marshalsea Lane our depot as has been Through the pro and the con of the debate on that score Decision reached. The which is evident. Who else ? 20 O'Sheil. May I interrogate, where's to be Their lodging for the tmie being ? Emmet. Where they assemble Of course. O'Sheil. For those outside of our centre attacks Or outside of the others ? Emmet. Presumeably of the others. The gathering you see is to be in three. The Post Office The Castle and the Barracks. Thirty thousand Stanchest of the stalwart pik'd and blunderbuss'd Men of the invincible O'Uwyer I expect About there in thousand troupes. From Munster deputation of Cork and Kerry And from the bailiwick of Gonnaught Galway und Leitrim's mechanic I anticipate. To the subleaders of which written I have Of junction with us, with whose advent come Mayo and Roscommon. The whole brigade As detailed to participants particulars Knowing the when, the where, the how in solid phalanx Myself taking the lead a Roman rocket Giving from the bridge the signal, the whole of the line, Raising flag and limb and armor and forward march. McCabe. Will you let me chip in a say ? Emmet. With the charity Due to the alm's-box farthing, in she goes And note her clinking. Well ? McCabe All of the members Shall in their computations make 't unscrupulous An item, that the whole affair, in other words, The aftair as a whole is to rotate about The castle and the castle solely, concentrate Their energy thereabout, the whose parapets, Gun-cutton in shale-oil soaked together with the portcullis The rupture give ; then past the overcome guards The bayley-wall proper from the underneath Make ingress. In the all of the interim W^e must see we land not tardy at the inception As at the finale out of the bushwack'd background —21 — Which Simultaneously that way tackled Will from defeat that much eliminate To saffron up expectancy, for captured The castle should and ought by. This is what I meant m tossing my word in. Emmet. And well-toss'd, sir, It is. — Redmond and Russel there, one minute — {they converse) McCarthy. McCabe d'yez ken Whippleforce ? McCabe. The toll-gatherer? McCarthy. Humph ! he's sorra agra one of Lucifer's brats. I fret lest he frustrate endeavor, in the event Of carrying grenades o'er the bridge. McCabe. Arrah will he? Whippleforce's linen coatcollar will be tailored A bit the tighter for him then he'll skulk. O'SULMV. Now what do you think of that pals? The newly-installed street commissary Dartmoor Wont let us parade across P itzwilliam Square. ( )'SiiEiL. I'll tell you what I think of that pal. Daj tmoor' ^ every bone in Dartmoor's body To the infirmary for general Repairs, a shipment gets. O'SuLLiv^. 'T will tonic him. McCarty. Bartley of the Eighty-Ninth Foot, communicating With General Hardwicke of the rising's progress Will to discomfit us, out of the arsenal Send the yeomanry. McCabe. Grit to grit, let him embark! The nearest lampost Bartley's anatomy Shall with disgrace be graced and midst hosannas Follow the pendulum. For though hampered The first that creep in our road the pike's argument Plump into the entrails, to make th excrement out New auspices. O'SuLLiv. At all hazards, at all The uncrook'd straightness of a spirit-level. And by the by Majors Sandys and Severs — McCabe. What about them ? —22— O'Sheil The salawags ! the spalpeens ! O'SuLLiv. ■ They 're fury itself. O'Sheil. Oh, their distillate will be decanted for them. Pluguglies of that ilk, d'yez know their meed ? The bayonet's flat on their pc^ntifical domes The gray-finned sharks. McCabe. The very thing they are. Redm. The hurdle and the tether stand no better Than the demoralizer's lunatic antics, the show Wild Comanches would emulate. Rus. Redocie My boy, 's what counts in a revolution. Emmet. The castle then Is the cue to the situation. Besides Is there a grudge we bear — retaliation ! Is there abuse we stood for — vindication ! July the twenty-third shall be the day July the twenty-third shall be the night And of that day shall be a night for tyranny And of that night a day for freemen. For Long have the squares of Dublin not been sprinkled Long, long indeed ; but it wouldn't be with the opaque, 'T wixt pink and rosy the dawn -stain of the morn's sun, Blood-red. The red of blood, ay carmine human ink. It will be either thcir's or ours, but likely Theirs with ours. For me, my blood I donate ]NIo matter the consequence, at any rate, {bell rings.) The bell is tugged below. The Parliamentarians O'Connell and Grattan surely 't is. They said They'd visit us and we've overlook'd the time, They were to be to have an interview With me and you. Rus. It oozed out of my senses. I'll meet them. Redm. No, go not down, let themselves up-usher. Emmet. You do well there. Redm. Will you abide the statesmen ? Emmet. On the contrary, I right there follow gypsy. Redm. Emmet, Rus. Redm. 23 Kus. I infer the meeting adjourned. Lmmet. Ratified. Now since we need the statesmen not in the skirmish But only as a prop, let Redmond and Russel To talk it o'er with them remain. For us Embarkment for good and final. Swear to it Comrads ! Ai.L. Our fealty ! Emmet. Yet again ! All. 'T is pledged! Emmet. And let the following be confirmed Both, ere the general launching out, as well As in the oft and far unto, to these Tenets adherence. Let as much be known to us That the general fist in the proclivity of The tyrant's chin, go with the proturberance Worthy of the riotous, no sledgehammer handled But with the thud therets. This too as go Our legal formulae be it known to all : — We Ireland's Irishmen of Irish birth Hoping there to die and be dead Irishmen Challenge the awkward despot to the arena Of decent manhood. Cast off the sitting pose And take to limb. All of you know the date July the twenty-third. Primarily Of all's the Castle to be sack'd, possessed ; Thence we will see what's to be next committed. Both, if you can induce as I hope I do Feel as you think you may the Irish statesmen O'Conneil and Grattan. A collective " we meet again !'' Singly the grave for all, the scaffold together, And ruffle no coatcollars though groggy 's the weather. {^Exeunt all except Redmond and Nnssel.) Redm. Emmet 's an apt leader, Rus. A born one not a thoroughbred. Redm, Even those who would be led do not begrudge him, Were they even disinclined. Rus. It makes me wonder —24 — Why he would not abide with us nor help The argumentation along. Rkdm. I suppose he's had With Parliamentarians the firkin topping, — None of them care to join where force 's urged, Rus. I see. Was it not yourself by the way, received Intelligence upon inquiry As the committee to consult O'Connell And Grattan ? What have they said in rejoinder ? Redm. They wrote they'd favor us audience, parley On any parliamentary topic bearing On the Union Bill, since it is men that make A movement great, the rather then that great men A movement makes, wrote me in correspondence — (Same tendency inducement influencing To conjoin counsel) Grattan. Rus. Jammed in the county The vote and voice goes against the manual And shoves the renegado by. Redm. But I hope on them. They have quite freely intimated they would Consult with us. abet us with their view. Rus. Tilt it with O'Connell, fence it will I with Grattan, Should we to hsts, not iddle be the rattan. Redm. A rhyme in time. — That much though let 's impress We are dirk-front and point-blank in to- to opposed To catholic emancipation or Reform parliamentary. Our desire Being their indorsement of the outbreak's incipiency Giving it so to speak influential sanction, subverting British aggrandizement out of usufruct And make of Ireland hitherto a dependency A franchized Irish republic, Rus. What a term Inspiring is republic I A "republic I" Contrasted with the term of disrespect " Monarchy !" Will we be capable In persuading Grattan in persuading O'Connell ? On the stairs there 're steps. We'll see 25 How the vaccine operates, — (Enter Grattan and O^ Conn^'JI .) Redm. Percussive I fret. Grattan. This here 's Danny O'Connell 1 Redm. Pleased to learn Of Mister O'Connell. O'CoNN. And that there 's Harry Grattan ! Rus, Glad to know you and happy to meet you. Redm. Be seated. O'CoNN. Any odd seat will suit the nag. Redm. Kindly. O'CoNX. Grat, where is the frail duck ? Grattan. What frail duck? O'CoNN. Why dont yer know there's ponds for her to dabble. Grattan. Get out of that hilarity. Mister Redmond and Mister Russel we have come The posture occupied by the society And what '11 be consulted with us, made recipient The both of us desired as it was a council Directly threshold to the cause for which To find us out, O'Conn. Now with no hawing and hemming What's wanted. TxEDM. O'Connell, you're reputed cute-sighted, You about divine what's to go on the program — O'Conn. Crease the sheet right there, I do not know That a show 's in progress. Grattan. What's requested sanction In what particular phaze must we the lantern Carry and light the road, frankness and openness. (Redmond and 0''Connel whisper and retire to one corner, Russel and Grattan folloic the like and retire to the other corner.) O'Conn. Thuggin thu, I hav'n't the rickets nor The spavins of the stallion. Insurrection ? Are you long a fugitive from London Bedlam ? Redm. With that incogruity we would monumission —2a- As the bedlamite though O'Connel I'm none. Do not shake the head again for that means no. A chunk of a crust of bread, — but liberty! O'CoNN. Would n't you add some salt to it ? pooh pooh ! Grattan. No Russel, not that plant of gallic growth. There liberty like unto the tree of knowledge Also imparts of death. So may you know For so conciliation but supplant That of coercion as you have my sentiments. But to incite to riot — Rus. Only lysten, (^nly listen. Was n't there a reaction of The precipitate plebeans of Capitoline Rome When the senior Gracchi — Grattan. There was. Rus. Sided with the populace Whose lands sequestery brought on evictments, Trying their utmost's uttermost to repel The flagrant agrarian law. And was there not — Grattan. That's so. Rus. A Pilopenesian war. What Ireland Cannot in peace attain she certainly can By sword accomplish. (jRATTAN. (Jh, delusion false, — The reason's forgery ! No, Russel, this I had n't expect from you. Where does the road (God forgive me if I'm strenuous with you) Of freedom but across the scaftold lie ? Go on, go on, you talk babyish, Russel. O'CoNN. Is it to this home for the orthopaeds you refer ? What you want 's vanguard first the tassle carrying And fhe borne-along transparency ? but wither To what end, use, purpose, notion, object? Redm. And why — ■ And why — O'CoNN. Hold to 't as 't were a hup-pleisham ? And you'll do good, faix, you'll do foine indade If I may use the vernacular my Anniello. Redm. No epithet, no epigram. That ill- ease —27— That '11 foster the reprooving sting and hnd lodging In our conscience that we spill blood to retrieve The liberty bereaved us, will not e'en be The tithe of a crith in the comparison To that extent as the ducal landfleecers I'll tell you that much, — expectorate at leisure. Grattan. You're still a skiffy buoy, a skift'y buoy. Rus. Unbargeworthy or unnautical, which? Grattan. I mean A boy, lad, I mean not buoy. I regret You 're 's yet a shrub. Rus. Pray state delinquencies. Grattan. Undersized you barely overlook. Rus. For instance ? Grattan. The intricacy involved in the diplomacy Of international law touching a country's uprisal Itself under superior. Rus. The dictum goes England's difficulties are Ireland's opportunities. What we count 's on the accomplishments of feints That are being pushed by the first consvil of P'rance In bridging the ditch to serve us for a crossroad Horatius-hke in defence. Grattan. I repeat you are A boy as I said. Rus. But I am man enough That though a boy a manly act I'd do Than as a man a boyish one pursue. Redm. Just toinsniuate, with four fingers, O'Connell Slim of a fist expect. But, Oh, what justice England has given Ireland, Oh, what justice! The nabob has been truly gracious here; A door its trellis knows, a cub its matrix, The ingrown nail knows it o'ertight boot, We don't know when to cheer '• The Irish forever !" We do know, thank God, when we feel famished. We do know who has a bed to retire in We do know too who have no roof above them, And you know as well 's myself I hope. —28— O'CoNN. Get to gunwhale. Where are your soldiers? where your place of battle ? Redm. The daily Dubliner answers the bayonet The city's streets and avenues the battle-ground. O'CoNN. And forts and barracks ? Redm. What's the matter with the housetops ? O'CoNN. I have n't inspected them. Redm. Oh, don't you worry There are tiles that may be unshingled. O'CoNN. To a resorting 01 force? I'll have to shake again my head again. Much as I may coincide in view of reform (You may cashier me for any other save catholic) Much as I can't help being Irish in the groin I very much coincide on that score, Redmond, A restoration, an opportune one, Redmond, Of Irirhmen's prerogatives. But what The say of yours counts on the riotous sentiment That all is mounted in the saddle's stirrup Why I can't exclaim I balk the steet but I, I in as much reiterate I enter none Nor any of the compact a rising would foster For the simple reason (since the reason's simple) Should it evolve in a sort of a flop in a way unlikely (Be 't far from my Avhish,) I should be held for treason. O'Connell would not bear this for all the Clives Since 't is a subject reckoned — Redm. For whom ? O'CoNN. For Dives. Grattan. Nay such an arm'd defiance Makes the full cleavage longer last than did The Limerick siege longer in area than all The giant causeway, that this lacerate land Needs agaric. Rus. Well then, how about consolidating With us ? Grattan. Let junction have a furlough. You sort of remind me of the Kerry bookbinder Who pageing a brochure did his stitchman enjoin ^29— To mix no numbered folios up, no numbered ones; He thought, whatever'sin order might be disordered By readjustment, I am disinclined In junctions preference. Rus. Then I dont mind nor care That if we succeed and you stand aside of the revolt Prediction runs amuck or join or none join We're perforce adversaries. Grattan, I.est you get horn-mad I'll give you that on a tip. Redm, Just now dont you be Keoalcitrant a foal. ( )'CoNNELL. Is Dan getting fractious? Rl\s. Grat you're obstreperous as far as commanding goes. ( )'CoNNEl.L. Let's off Grat. Redm. You're both hounds dumbfounded If you desert us, O'CONNELL. Jackass whoever joined you? Reum. I challenge you to a debate. O'CoNNEi.L. I wont slander The platform with your presence. Redm- Apologizel Retract or — O'Connell. Or— well? Redm. Or — O'Connell. Or— what? Rednl (iet the deuce out of here Gkattan. God speed the United Irishmen, we're out with them. O'Connell. Out with them? they're out with us, we're not they. Redm Get the door ajar and out with them. O'Connell. Out with whom? Dont you ride the buck too fast — GrattXn. .^ Come down- stairs. Rus. Both you wili rue this. O'Connell. Both you are Bridewell eligibles. For who are with them that are out with them That we should regret? Grattan. An everlasting good-night. O'Connell. Have nothing in cammon. —30— Redmond. Get the both of you out Or I pummel the each of you. O'Co.NNELL. Who? you ^vill? Oh for a bat, a brick, a mallot — Redm. Try that For exercise ! (i'CoNNELL. Giddap there Jerry O'Dugal! (exchanges blows with Redmond) RussEE. Giversaway I informers I (iRATTAN. M'rattan on yez jackdaws ! {exchcnuies blows tvith Russel) Exeunt SCENE 2 A law library in tlie residence of Currafi. Before the hearth reading Sarah. Sarah. Faint hearth from thy embers light I borrow. The lamp on the table has its minutes numbeied. And the library will be in gloom in a trice, Furnish me a beacon you checker-glowing ashes As on a gale-wrack'd sea the sailor laddie Strains for the lighthouse's glimpses. I love to muse By the light of the hearth for hours. — How I have — Surrendered myself to Robert Emmet. In His breast my heart 'tis beating that 1 hear And in his features see n^.y own reflected. My own ! and dare they, can they be mine? what? Though daddy says, I may not, 1 who am Devoted by lar too o'erdevotediy As in the laurel cusp's tenacity Along the tendril. And I a neophyte In matters conjugal; do not even know What love is and still love ignorantly And to do what one knows not in acts amatory Recks one to the soul. Oh it is bitter-sweet Bitter-sweet. I fall again to niusing. "Child of my hopes for whom I hoped as a child Bobby-a-Roon, — ai— With wlioin I wandered in love's wayside wild Bobby-a-Rocn. Care-s of my youth whom I caressed as a youth Bobby-a-Roon, Besides whom I clung as Noami unto Ruth Bobby-a-Roon, Delight of my fancy whom in fancy I delighted Bobby-a Roon, What has my spirit's peace ever disquited B