Glass _ Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT MINERVA OBELISK. MINERVA SQUARE, ROME. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Chronology of the World BEING A DIGEST OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY FROM EARLIEST TIMES TO 190^ A. D. '.PILED AFTER THE MOST CAREFUL AND THOROUGH RESEARCH, AND CONTAINING A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL INDEX, TABLES OF RULERS, NOTES, ETC., WITH DATES COMPUTED ACCORDING TO ERAS OF BEFORE CHRIST AND ANNO DOMINI, JULIAN PERIOD, ANNO MUNDl, OLYMPIADS, YEAR OF ROME, ROMAN INDICTIONS, AND HEGIRA. BY CAROLYN NORRIS HORWITZ. SIXTY-TWO SQUARE ENGRAVINGS, AND SIXTY- FOUR HEADS AND BUSTS, FROM RARE OLD FRENCH AND ROMAN PLATES, COLLECTED IN EUROPE, MANY YEARS AGO, BY THE AUTHOR'S FATHER. ^1 m ^01 2^ ^fe M ^s ^S " . . . '". ' " THE GRAFTON PRESS, Publishers, New York. 19&3 5 7 / 1 i <-" gp' Entered aceoniiiiir In Aet of 'if^ ('ougress, in the 5'ear lyWi, Ity Carolyn Nokris Horwitz, in the olKce of tbe Librarian of Congress, at Washington. All rights reserved. 1^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Periods 5 Dedication (5 Preface 7-8 Index of Eugraviugs 9—10-11 Al)breviations 12 Alphabetical Index to 1 B. G 13 Chronology of B. C 21 Notes of B. C TO Alphabetical Index of Battles of B. C. and A. 1> 95 Alphabetical Index of A. 1) 99 Chronology of A. T) 139 Notes of A. I) 485 Tables of Rulers, etc 503 PERIODS. Period I. To 770 B. C— First 01yni])iad. Period II. 770-1 B. C— First Olympiad to A. D. Period III. 1-022 A. D. — Beginning of Christian Era to Flight of Jlohaninied. Period IV. 022-1550 — Hegira to Reformation. Period Y. 1550-1770 — Reformation to Inde]tendeuce of United States, the New World. Period VI. 1770-1903 — Independence to Twentieth Century. DEDICATION. \ se-@€@@S€« To my dear cousins, Florence Key, of Baltimore, and Louisa H. Bullitt, of Philadelphia, this work is aflfectionately inscribed, as a token of gratitude for their kindness and sympathy after the death of my dearly beloved and deeply lamented father, the late Theophilus B. Horwitz, of the Baltimore Bar. PREFACE. Ill presenting tliis liook to the pul)lie, the following explanation of the plan of the work is given. It is believed by the anthor that there is no book of the kind extant, which covers the ground of the jiresent work. No one can imagine until he has under- taken such a task, the diriicnlties of writing a perfectly accurate cliroudlogy, without Iilunders, omissions, etc. Such a thing is perhaps impossible; but in the present work neither time imr labor has been si)are(l to make it as absolutely correct and jK'rfect as possible. Years of close study have been devoted to it, and from thirty to forty books have often been examined in order to verify one date. The best known authors of chroiuilogy, I'.hiir, Usher, Hales, Clinton, Haydn, etc., etc., and the cyclo- pedists and historians, dillVr widely in some of the most important dates, and the only way to secure the correct one is to search in every available Imok on tlie sul)ject, and take the year, month, and day, that the majority of the best authorities agree upon. There is no date given in this book that has not been thus substantiated, except in a very few instances where no two authors could be found to agree; and in every such case, the authority for the article is given in the text. In every item from 2348 B. C. to 1903 A. 1)., wherever it has been ]iossible to learn the c(U'rect day and month of an event, they are inserted, as well as the year. An important feature in this book, which it is believed does not appear in any other chronology, is a complete alphabetical index, not only of Idography and battles, but of every subject contained in the work; so that in a moment the student can tiud w lial lie is looking for, without having to search through a number of pages. To avoid confusion, the index of all B. C. dates is placed before the l)eginning of the work proper, and the index of all A. I), dates is between the B. <'. and the A. D. Chi'O- iiology, as is, also, the Special Index of Battles. See Table of Contents. Tables of kings and rulei"s of the principal countries are to be f(mnd at the back of the book. An altogether new feature in this work, for a chronology, is the introduction of notes on subjects not generally imderstood. I'or example, in B. C, note 9 is a full ('\])l;iiiii(i()ii and dcscriplioii (if flie Seven ^^'()ll(lel•s of tlit' \\()i'ld; uote 1-1 explains the in-iiiin of the ld;x'i Daetvli; note Ki, the Eleusiniau Mysteries; note 19, the Ephoii ; note 20, the Nabonassar Era; note 22 gives history of P>u(hllia ; note 23 giyes not only a ooTidensed liiograiiliy of tlie Seyen AVise Men of Greece, but also contains quotations from eacji; note 2!l describes the Triad; note 30, on the Decade, contains .1 short bionrapliy of all the Ten Athenian Orators, \\]ii(h is rarely to be found in any one liook ; note 31 exphiins the ^^eyenty AVeeks as Proi)hesied by Daniel ; and note 34 gives history of the Tragic Pleiad. In A. D., note P> describes the difference between the Mishnali, (Janiara, and Tahnuds; note D shows calculation by Roman Indictions; note II gives complete exi)lanation of how to calculate the Hegira ; note I\I is a full history of old and new style or (iregorian Calendar; note N treats of the French Rev- olutionary Calendar; and there are many other notes on interesting subjects. In regard to necrology, this \V(U'k also differs from other chronologies, which generally give at the end of each year, sim])ly a list of the names of the noted \\ho have died within that year; but of the hundreds of celelirities whose deaths are recorded in this woi'k, the nationality, calling, and that for which he or she is noted, is given in each instance, and also their ages in years, nionlhs, and days, whi>rever possible, that liy easy calculation tlu'ir birthdays can be found by the date of death and exact age as given in the text. ' It has been the anthoi-"s aim lo make this book a comidete l>igest of Universal Chronology, with elements of tlie cyclopa-dia co]nbinehaliet 1822, 403 Amen 520 Amphictyou's Conneils 1498 Anacreou 532 -Vnaxagoras 428 Anaximamler 547 Andoeides (note 30 ) 467, 391 Anno ]\Iundi Ei'a 4004 Antioch 300 Anti])hon (note :{0 i '. . .479, 411 Ajxtcrypha 135 Apollo (temph' i 1263, 548 Apollodorns 140, 60 li. (". Ajiollonins 220 Appian Way 312 Ajipius Claudins 312 A(]neduct 312 Arbela (battle ) 331 Archilochus 685 Areliimedes ( note 35 ) 212 Arehon 752, 683 Archytas 360 Argonantio Expedition 1263 Argos 1856 Arion 610 Aristaclins 454 Aristarehns 156 Aristophanes 427 -Vrislotle 384, 322 Arsacida" 250 Arimdelian Marbles 1582, 264 Asshnr 2218 Assyria 2218, 2059, 606 Astronomy 2234 Athenian ( )i'ators ( note ."JO I Athens 155(;, 404, 403 Atlas 1580 Atmosjjliere 79 Attains 198 Attic Laws 1807 Angnst 8 Angnstns 63, 44, 43, 42, 31, 27 Axe 1240 Bable 2247 Babylon 2245, 747, 606, 538 Backgammon 1224 Battering-ram 441 Battles — S^ee Sjiecial Index, page 95; also, names alphabetically in this index. 13 li. c. Melus 2245 Benedicite 580 P,i(.n 241 Jtooks 198 linitus 14, 43, 42 I'.uckUn-s loTO niiddliisin ( note 22 ) 51)4 r>yz;iiitinm <>57 ('aleudav 738, 713, 46 Calilipic Period 330 ("allicrafcs 442 Callimacluis 250 ( 'aljmriiia Lex 140 Caiuilhis 300 Caiiaaii 1445 Canal 312 Caiin;!' ( lialllc) 21(; Cartlia.!:;!' S7S, llC. Cassins 44, 42 f^atapiilta- 300 Catiline's C(iiisi)iiai-.\' <)3, 02 Catullus 87, 47 Census 5(i(i Cephrcu 1032 ClialciMlnn 084 Chariots 1487 Charops 752 Cheops 1082 Chess G80 China 2270, 1150, 1100 Chinese Wall 214, 210 Christ (note 38) 5 (Meero 100, O:!, 55, 54, 44, 43 Cinion 4GG Cincinnatus 458 Cirounifision 1807, 4 Cleopatra 43, 41, 33, 30 Clepsydra 159 Clock 159 Codrus 1070 Colossus of Ix'liodes :.'92, 224 Comedy 5(i2 Conunandnienis 1491 Compass 1115 Confucius 551, 517, 479 Conon 250 1!. (.'. Coustantinople 057 Consul (Roman) 300 (^.rinth 1520, 1320, 745, 140 Cornetius Nepos 32 Coripbus 770 Councils of Amphictyons 1498 Crassus 91, 00, 54, 53 Crates 320 Cratinus 454, 422 Crealion 4004 ( 'i'(esus ( note 25 I 540 Crolona 710 Ctesihius 135 Cynd)les 1580 (^'iiie 1033 Cynics 390 ( ' yrene <)31 ( 'yrus 559 Daucinii 1534 Daniel , 555, 537, 534 Darius 331 David 10(i3, 1055, 104S, 1015 Decemviri 451 Delu-e 234S, 1704, 1503 Democritus 400, 357 Demosthenes ( note 30 ) 382, 322 Diana (temple) 772, 552, 350 Dice 1224 Dictator 498 Dinarchus (note 30) 3(;0, 202 Dio^Licnes 323 D(dan 502 Draco's Laws 021 Duilius 200 Dioiiysius 307, 285, 30 Eartli(|uake 24 Eclipses. .721, 720, 585, 523, 413, 336, 188, 108 Etiyi.t (note 8) . . .2188. 2120, 525, :!32 E^yi)tian Year 1325 Eleusinian Mysteries 1350 Elijah translated 80(1 Elisha >!3S Emjx'docles 450 Ennius 239, 1(;9 Ephesus 1043 14 Ephoi'i Epic-un B. c. TOO 270 Epiphany 4 E(Hiin()x ( note 37 ) 15!>, 1-16 Ems 11 ( '. : AiiiK. .Muiidi 1001 Julian Period 1718 Efivptian Year 1325 ( )lyinpiads 77G Year of Konie, A. T ('., 753 Xahonassarean V.r.i 747 Scleuc'ides Era , . . 312 .lulian Year 40 Eratostlieiies 101 Etiiiopians 1015 Euclid 300 Eudoxus 352 Eumclus 700 Iji]Miii:pus 100 Eureka ( note 35 I I':ui-i]Mdes (note 20) 180, 155, 10(i l':ve 1001 Ezekiel 595 Ezra 458 Eahii nuissaered 477 Eannia Lex 161 Fl(.o0 Greece 2188 Hal.akkuk 626 llaiiiiai 520 Hallelujah 520 Ilalys (Itattle) 585 llan.nin,i; ( iardens 2000 Heber 18J7 Hellanicus 411 H. c. HeraclidiB 1104 Hercules 1263 Herod 1 llenidofus ISl, 115 Hesiod 007 llierojilyphics 2122 Hipparchus (note 37)... 162, 150, IK) Hi]>i>o(rates 160, 357 Homer 007 Homer Jr 280 Hiu-ace 65, 35, 30, 20, 8 H(;sea 785 Hyperides ( n(;te 30 ) 30(;, 322 Iambics 685 Ictinus 112 lUyrian AVar 230, 22!t Incarnation ( note 38 ) 5 Ion ( note 20 ) 151 Io])hon (note 20) 128 l]»sus (battle) 301 Ireland 2018 Iron 110(i Isa'us (note 30) 120, 353 Isaiah 760 Isfendiyar 520 Isocrates (note 30 ) 436, 338 Israel 075, 721 Israelites 1706 Issus (battle) 333 Isthmian Uames 1326 Italy 1710 Jacob KiSO Janus (temple) . . .71»;, 235, 20, 25, 5 Jeremiah 6)20 Jeroboam 075 Jerusalem 1012, 1001, 606, 587, 536, 515, 115, KiS 63 Jesus ( note 3S ) 5 Joel 800 John Baptist 6, 5 Jonah 862 Joseph irui), 1715, 1635 Joshua 1151 Judah 075, 587 Julius ('a-sar. .100, 60, 58, 55, 51, 52, 51, 10, iS, 46, 15 11 15 15. C. Jupiter (temple) 552 Keys 730 LacediiMiiDii 1400 Lake Mwris 1938 Lao-Tse 517 Latitude 1G2 Laws, — AiiTai'iau 4S(i, 485, 134 Attic 1807 " Calpurnia 149 " Draco's 621 I'auuia 161 Ten Tables 451 Twelve Tallies 450 Leleyia 151 (5 Lelex 15l(; Lepidus 43, 3() Letters 1891, 1493 Lever 1240 Library 544, 298, 284, 167 Linus 1280 Livius Audrouicus 240 Liuii^itude 102 Lucretius 95, 55 Lycojiliron ( note 34 ) 200 Lycurjius (note 30 I S84, 390, 323 Lyons 43 Lysias ( note 30 | 458, 378 Ivysippus 330 Jvysistratus 325 Maceaba^us 166 .AFaeedouia 814 .Maj;i ( Tliree Wise .Men ) 4 Malachi 397 Manetho 200 Marathon ( battle) 490 MaVy (Blessed Virgin) 5 Massilia fiOO -Masts 1240 Mausolcuui 352 Pleasures 869 Memphis 2188, 2126 Menandei' 321, 292 Mencius | .Meny-Tse ) 372 Menelaus 1 li)8 .Menes 2188 i:. c. Messenian Wars 743-724, 685-671, 465-455 Metapontum 774 Metoui(; Cycle 432 Micah 750 Miln ( note 2S| 511 Al lit lades 490 Minerva Statue 438 Minos 1406 ]\risenum ( treaty | 39 :\lithridates '. 63 Mithridatic Wars. .8S, 84, 83, 82, 74, 63 Mizraim 2188 Mceris (Lake I 1938 iMoney 1860 Moses (note 15 I 1451 :\rultiidication Table 536 Munda ( battle ) 45 Musffius 1410 Mutina (battle) ( now Modena ) . . 43 :\Iycale ( battle | 479 .Myscellus 710 Nabonassarean Era 747 Xahuni 713 Xaxos 735 Nebuchadnezzar 606, 569 Necho 610 Nestor .1224 Nicomedia 264 Nicopolis 30 Nimrod 2245, 2069 Nineveii 2218, 606 Ninus 2069 Numa I'ompilius 716, 713 Obadiah 587 Olive Trees 536 ( )lympiads 776 Ol.vmjiic Oames 1453, 884, 776 Orators (note 30) Orpheus 1280 Ovid 43 I'acorus 53, 39 I'alamedes 1224 l*a menus 440 I'anathanean Oames 1495 16 r.. c. Pandosia 774 I'antheou 27 Paper 170 Parmeuides 475 Pari'liasins (note 32) 410 PiiitliiMiius GO Piii'tlicnon 442 Passdver 1491 Peace (luiiveri^al ) . . .71(!, 2:{5, 20, 2"), 5 Pelopoiinesiau AVar 431-404 Pel()l)s 1284 Peiitateiu-li ( note 15 ) 1451 Pentecost (note 12 I 1491 Pericles 429 Persia 559, 524, 500, 505, 331 Pharos 29^^283 Plrarsalia (hatlle) 48 Pherecjdes ■ 515 Pliidijis 438 Pliilij.pi (battle) 42 Piiilippides 330 Pliiliscns (note 34) 284 Pliccian 317 Phoenician 2112, 1493, 004 Pindar 522, 442 I'isistratiis 544 Plaones 767, 534, 430, 187 IMata'a (battle) 479 Plato 454, 429, 300, 347 Plantns 184 Pleiades (note 34) Polycletns 43G Polyfi'notns 440 Pomi.ey 106, 60, 48 I'osidippus 289 Posidonins 79, 51 Pnetor 366, 336 Praxiteles 350 Priam 1224 Proniethens 1580 Pr(»])ertins 25 Prophets (note 18) Proscriptions (Bloody) 43 Protogeues 330 Ptolemy 43 Public Library 544, 284 B. C. Punic Wars 264-241, 218-201, 149-140 Pydna (battle) 108 Pyramids 1082, 1032 I'ythaiioras 530 Pythian (James 1203 (Jna'stors 485, 421, 2(15 iter 552 Vesia 710 Ten Athenian Orators (note 30 I . . Terence. ..KiO, 1()5, 103, Kil, KiO, 159 Tliales (note 23 1 585 Thapsus (battle) 40 Theatre ( first stone ) 420 Kinju's 2017 Thehan ^Vars 1225, 1215 Thebes 2111, 1493 Theniistocles 480 Tiieocritns 272 Theoponiims 378 Thennopylje (battle) 480 Theseus 1235 Thespis 53() Thirty Tyrants 404 Thrasybulus 403 Thrasymenus (battle ) 217 Thucydides 423 Toiuis 033 Tragedy (note 29 i 530 Tragic Poets ( noti' 29 ) 15. C. Tribune 494, 450 Triumvirate 00, 43 Trojan War 1193 Troy 1540, 148(», 1374, 1314, 1184 Tyre 2207, 1257, 332 Tyrticus 085 riysses 1215 Tranus 21142 Uriel (aniiel ) 574 Varro 11(1, 43, 28 ^'eni, vidi, vici 47 ^'ercin_^('torix 52 Vesta (temple) 710 Vestal Virgins 710 Vines 530 Viro-il 70, 3.5, .30, 19 ^Vall (Chinese) 214-210 Wan W'an.ii 1150 \\'ars — .Vlexandrine 47 Illyrian 230, 229 " Mithridatic 88, 84, S3, 82, 74, 69 " Pelo])onnesian 431-404 I'niiic 204-241, 21S-201 149-140 " Theban 1225, 1215 Trojan 1193 Wed-e 1240 W(>ldin«; 091 AVine 2207 \\'ondei-s ( Seven j ( note 9 I Xenoclcs 415 Xeno]>hoii 401 Xerxes 481, 480 Yaou 2257 Yeai' of Confusion 40 Yu 2207 Zacharias Zaleucus 050 Zama (battle) 202 Zechariah 520 Zela ( battle ) 47 Zeno 404, 203 Zephaniah 030 Zeuxis I note 32 ) 410 Zoroaster 2115, 5.50 18 (0 o H 0) Uj' o cr oc o QC Ul Q. 111 1_ en D I O 20 CHRONOLOGY OF THE WORLD. PERIOD I. TO 7 7tj li. C. liL'cUl Ndti' 1, I' 77, for explanation of eras in eolunms to the right. X. ]{. — Tlie author is well aware that reeent discoveries in Assyriology and I':,nyi)lolog.v tend t(» place many P.. ('. events at nuu-h earlier dates than those hitherto .generally accepted. As, however, these nrw discoverers cannot yet agree npon any certain dates, refuting tlie old ones, hnt fnrnishing no detinite new ones on which to lay a fonndation, a complete chronology from earliest times cannot he written, nor other eras properly adjusted in contemporary columns, withont (pioting the dates which have for centnries jiast been generally accepted as "Common ( "hronology." .Vny other dating would overturn all ])ast chronology and history. The following few Biblical dates in the First and Second Periods are given after closest I'esearch (ac. Blair, Clinton, Hales, Usher, Haydn, Lempriere, Smith, cyclo- pa-dias, and dozens cd' ancient histories and chronologies, general and id' separate c(mntries) as cominon or heretofore generally accepted chronology. n. c. 4004 TO 2l'47 B. C. A. M. .T. P. 4004 The creation of our first progenitors, Adam and Eve, in the 71(»th year of the Julian Period. (Ac. Com. Chron. ; 5871' B. C., ac. Septuagint; 5344 B. (\, ac. Talmndists; 4G58 B. C, ac. .T(!se]ihus; Chaldeans and Chinese place the date of Creation hack thousands of years. I ;!S74 I'irth of Seth, Adam and I'^ve's third son, from whom all post- dilnvians are descended. (.Vc. Com. Chron.) 234S" r^niversal Flood or Noachian Dcduge (ac. Coni.Clii'(ni. |,liy which is understood that the rain began 17th day i;f second Hebrew month ( (. c. IS'ovendter 25 ) , li:>4!), and the water began to abate first day of tirst Hebrew month, 234S. I'ifteen or more dilfer- ent dates have been assigned by chnnudogists to the Flood, from 32ir) to 2104 B. C. ; but 2348 is tlie hitherto generally ac- cepted date. ( Note 2. 1 2270 The Chinese Empire founded pi-ior to this date. ( See note 3. ) Fohi ( Xoah in Sacred History) generally suiiposed to have been the tirst ruler. 2267 Tyre first built by Agem>r. ( Ac. Hales. ) ( See 1257 and 332. ) 2257 Death of Yaou, seventh ruler of China, considered the first legis- lator of the nation. (Note 4.) 2247/ The Tower of Babel built by Noah's posterity; the confusion ni' language, and the consef]uent dispersion of mankind. (Ac. Com. Cliron. ) 131 no 840 1057 ^ 2360 1735 2444 1738 I 2447 1748 1 2457 1758 2467 21 H. C. 2245 TO 20(J0 B. C. A.M. ,T. V. 2245 The kiiiyduiii of Italiyhni toiiiidcMl In Itt'lus, the '•Xiiiimd" i>f t^acred History, son of ("usli. Ham's eldest son. (Note 5.) { Av. Com. ( 'Iii'ou. ) 1760 2469 ■2-2U ."vsti'onomieal ohservations liej;uu by the (.'lialdeans at Babylon. 1771 2480 l'21S The fonndations of Nineveh laid, and the kingdom of Assyria fonnded by Asshnr, second son of Sheni. (See 20r)1l B. (J.) (Ac. Com. Chron. 1 1787 2496 2207 Death of Shnn, second fanioiis ancient Cliinese sai^c and iniler; ninth emperor. ( Note (i. ) 1798 2507 2207 Yn, or Ta-yii (/. v. Yn the (ireat), the last of the three most famous Cliinese nilers, succeeds Shun as emperor. 2207 ] >uring Yu's reign Chinese wine i.s invented by I-tze. (Note 7. ) 2188 .Mizraim (called Jlenes by some writers of profane history and ciironology ), second son of Ham, builds Memphis and founds the kingdom of Egypt, which subsists l(i(>3 years from its founding to its subjugation by Camliyses. (Ac. Com. Chron.) (Note 8. 1 1817 2526 2188 Pelasgi, of uncertain origin, jteople (Jreeee. 1817 2526 2126 Egypt divided into four kingdoms: Upper Egypt, T>ower Egypt, This, and Mempliis. 1879 2588 2122 Hieroglyphics invented liy Athotes, son of .Mizraim. ( Ac. Blair, Haydn, etc., etc., etc.; 2112 ac. lusher. ) 1883 2592 2115^ Zoroaster, king of Baotria, flourishes and founds the Magian religion, Avhose followers worshi]) the sun. i Ac Haydn ; 2459, ac. Lempriere. I (See 5r)0. i 1890 2599 2112 (^Vbout. ) i'h(euician colonies planted. 1893 2602 2111 Thebes, in Egypt, built by Busiris. 1894 2603 2089 The kingdom of Sicyon founded by JOgialeus. 1910 2625 2080 i'laenicians invade LoA\er Egyi)t. 1925 2634 2080' Conquest of Egypt by the Shepherd Kings or Hyksos : beginning of their dynasty in Egypt. ( See ISi'O. i 1925 2634 20G9 Ninus, son of Belus (Belus is called Nimrod in Sacred History ), reigns in Assyria, and names his capital after himself, Niuus. (Nineveh in Sacred History. ) (See 2245. 1 1930 2<)45 2059 The Assyrian Empire founded by Niuus, by subduing Babylon, Armenia, I'ersia, Bactriana, and all Asia Minor, and adding them to the kingdom of Assyria. (See 2218.) 1946 2655 2048 rimmicians, led by Partholani, land and c(doni/,e in Ireland. (Ac. some authorities. | 1957 2(i6(i 2042 Cranus lauds in (ireece. 1963 2672 2017 J dynasty of Tliebjin kings begins. 1988 2697 2000 (About. ) The walls and hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders, built by Semii-amis, (|ueeu of Assyria. (Note 9, section A. ) 2005 2714 22 B.C. 1938 TO 1534 B. C. A.M. .7. P. 1938 -' Cuustnictioii of Lake .M9, and tlie Hel)rew rite of circnnnision instituted and ordained by (iod. (Ac. Com. Chron.) 2108 2817 1891 IMueiiician letters,trom w iiich tiie llelnrw and Creek cliaracters, and- the Koman letters are derived, invented by Syphoas, and tlieir use introdnced by him into Eiiyj)!. (1890 ac. some au- thorities. 1 2114 2823 1800 Shekels of silver first spoken of as current money. ((leu. xxiii., 10.) (Ac. Com. Chron. | 2145 2854 1850 The kingdom of Argos, in Creece, founded by Inachus. 2149 2858 1822 The Egyptian alphabet completed by Memuon. 2183 2892 1820' Expulsion of the Siu'piierd Kings from Egypt, 200 years after their invasion and coiuiuest. 2185 2894 1817 Death of Ileber (or Eber) from whom Abraliam and his poster- ity derived the name Hebrew. (Ac. Com. Chron.) 2188 2897 1807 Phoroueus of Argos makes the tirst Attic Laws. 2198 2907 1704 The Deluge of Attica, in the reign of Ogyges (sometimes called the Ogygiau Deluge), after whicli Attica remains waste 208 2241 2950 1729^ years, until tlie coming of Cecrops. Joseph sold by his brethren, and carried into Egypt. (Ac. C(mi. 2276 2985 1715' Chrou. ) j^ Jose])h ])owerful in Egypt. (Ac. C(mi. Cliron.) 2290 2999 1710 Pelasgian colony led into Italy by (Enotrus. 2295 3004 1700 Jacob and his family move to Egypt and settk- in ( ioshen. (Ac. Com. Chron.) 2299 3008 1(189 ')ealli (d' Jacob ( Israel I, age MS. (Ac Com. Cliron. ) 2316 3025 1(i:!5' i)eatli of Josejdi, in Egypt, age 110, whicli cone ludes the T'.ook of Cenesis, containing the liistory of 2309 years. (Ac. Coin. Cliron.) 2370 3079 1615 Etliiopians settle near Egypt. 2390 3099 1582 The chronology of the Anindelian .Marbles begins witli this ('ate. ( Note 10.) 2423 3132 1580 The cynd)ul, a musical inslrniiieni of brass, used at the feasts of the goddess ( \\bele. 2425 3134 11580 The snp]i()sed era of I'rometliens and .Vtlas. 2425 3134 155G' The kingdom of Athens founded by Cecrojis, who comes from ICgypt (o Attica witli a colony of Saites. (Note 11.) 2449 3158 i51(; t^camander migrates from Cret(^ and founds the kingdom of Troy, in IMirygia. ( See 1480, 1 374, 1 3 1 4. i 2459 31(^)8 1534 Dancing to music tirst intnidiiced by the Curetes. 2471 3180 23 H. C. 1520 TO 1452 B. C. A.M. .). p. 1520 The city of Coriutli, in (ireecc, founded, and al tirst iianii'd Eplivra. 2485 3194 1510 I.elejiia, afterwards ealled Hparta or LaeedaMiiou, eapital of La- conia, Greece, founded by Leiex, its first king. (See 1490.) 2489 3198 1503 Deluiie ((f Deucalion, in Tliessaly. 2502 3211 149S Tlie famous "Councils of the Aiuphictyous" established by Ani- phictyon, kiuj; of Thermopylie, a son of Deucalion, king of Tliessaly. (Ac. Arundelian Marbles.) The Couneil was composed of two representatives from each of twehe cities or provinces of Greece, elected liy their people, to regulate the national affairs. 2507 3216 1495 Panathauean games instituted at Athens. 2510 3219 1493 The use of Phceniciau letters introduced into Greece, and the citadel of Thebes built by Cadmus. 2512 3221 1491 The iustitutitm of the I'assover, and the departure of about 600,000 Israelites, besides children, from Egypt, where they had sojourned 430 years. (Ac Com. Chron. ) 2514 3223 1491 Pharaoh and all his host drowned in the lied Sea. 2514 3223 1491 The Ten Commandments received by Moses from God, on Mount Sinai, fifty days after the Passover: the feast of Pentecost. (Note 12.) 2514 3223 1490 First erection of the Jewish Tabernacle, and the consecration of Aaron as high priest. 2515 3224 1490 Lelegia, the metropolis of Laconia, named Sparta, and the sur- rounding suburbs called Lacechemon, in honor of its fourth king, Laceda^mon, and his Avife, Sparta. ( See 1516.) 2515 3224 1487 Chariots first introduced into Greece by b]reclithonius, fourth king of Athens, who drives in tlu*m with four horses. ( 'hariots were used in Egypt by Pharaoh, 1491. 2518 3227 1485 Danaus comes in a ship, with his fifty daughtei-s, from Egypt to Greece, and introduces there the use of pumps. (Note 13.) (Ac. Com. Chron.) 2520 3229 1485 ^Egyptus, from whom the country, hitherto called ^lizraim, is now called JOgyptus (Egypt), begins to reign. (See 2188, and note 8. ) 2520 3229 1480 The city of Dardania (ancient Troy 1 built by Dai'danus the king. (See 154(i, 1374, 1314, and 1184.) 2525 3234 1453 The fii-st ( Hympic games celebrated at ( )lympia, a town of Ells, in Greece, by the Ida'i Dactyli. ( Note 14 ; see 884, 776. ) 2552 3261 1453 The game of quoits originated by the Idsei Dactyli, and first played at the Olympic celebration. (Note 14.) 2552 3261 1452 Death of Aaron at the top of Mount Ilor, agf 122: his son, Eleazar, is chosen by God to be high priest in his stead. (Ac. Com. Chron.) 2553 3262 24 II. c. 1451 TO 1224 B. C. A. M. J. p. 1451 The Pentateucli, or Five Books of ^Nloses, written in llie land of Moab, completed, except the last eight verses of Denterononiy 34, whicli are written l)v Joslma, after the death of Moses. ( See note 15. ) 2554 3203 1451 Deatli of Moses, in tlie hind of Moab, age 120. 2554 3203 1451 The Israelites, led by Joshua, enter the Land of Promise, after sojourning in tlie wilderness forty years. (Ac. Com. Clirou.) 2554 3203 1445 Canaan divided among the tribes of Israel. (Ac. Com. Chron. i 25(i0 3269 1410 ( About. ) The Greek poet, Mus Minos reigns in Crete, an!( cond Tliehan War, or war of the Ki)i. — The most oelehrated (if tlie (ireek generals or cliiefs eii^ai^ed in the Trojan War \vei-e; Aganieuinon, kini;- of ]\lycena'; Menelans, king of Si)arta; I'lysses, king of Itliaca ; Nestor, king of Pylos; Achil- h's, son of king of Thessaly; Ajax, of Salaniis; Dioniedes, of .Ktc.lia; and Idoinenens, of Crete. '^1 lu^ Siege of Troy hegins, to recover I lie w ife of Menelaus, Helen, carried olf from S])arta hy Ale.xander Paris, son of Priam, king of Tro^y. .June 11th (at night ). Fall of Troy, afler a siege of nearly ten years. Airival of .lOneas in Italy. I'irtli of SaiiKH'l. (t^eellll.l (Ac Coin. (Mii'on. ) Pirth of Samson. ( See 1120. ) (Ac. Com. Chron. ) Allia I>onga, in Italy, hnilt by Ascanins, son of .I.iieas. The fiimous Chinese "Pook of Changes" written hy \\'an AVang. ( Ac. Eucyclo. Brit.) Samncl,age 30. is called by (Jod. ( See 1171.1 ( Ac. Com. Chron.) .Kolian (ireeks migrate from (Ireece to a part of Asia Minor near the .Egeau Sea, which they call .lOolia. Samson, the Nazarite, and prodigy of strength, age 41, over- throws the Temple of Dagon, killing himself and all the Philis- tines assend)led therein. (Ac. Com. Chron. ) Planners' comjiass nsed by the Chinese. The Ileraclida' ( ('. c the descendants of llcrcnh's) i-e(iirn and con(|uei- the Pelopouuesns : Temeiius ascends the tlirone of Argos; Eurysthenns and Procles reign over Pacedannon (S])ar(a); Oxylns is given the kingdom of Plis; and Cres- l)lionles g((\('rns .Myceiue. (About.) Standard dictionary of (he Chinese language, con- (aining about 40,000 characters, moslly hieroglyi)hics or iiide re]iresentations somewhat like our signs (tf the zodiac, per- fected and (•(uniilcted by Pa-ont-she. Sanl, son of Kish, of the tribe of ]>enjamin, is anointed by Samuel as the tii'st king of Israel. The exclamation, since so universally used, "God save the king," was first here used by the Israelites. ( Date ac. Com. Chron. 1 The kingdom of Sicyon ended. Cheo]).s is king of Egypt, and builds the great (Ji/.eh Pyramid, one of the Seven Wonders. (Note !t, section P>. I ( Date ac. Clinton, Plair, and Haydn; built bv Cliufu, 3425 ac. Hales.) 2790 27!tO 2804 2807 2812 2905 3499 3499 3513 35!(i 3521 2812 3521 2821 3530 2823 3532 2834 3543 2844 3553 2853 35(12 2855 35(14 2804 357:'. 2882 35! 11 2885 3594 128!!0 3599 2901 3(il0 3(514 2910 3019 2917 3020 2923 3(132 26 B. C. 1070 TO 878 B. 0. A.M. J. p. 1070 (."odi'us, sevi'Utecutli and last kiiiji' of Athens, gives his life to save his kinsidoni. { Note 17. I ( Date ao. Haydn, Lempriere, Hales, Amies, etc.; 1008, ae. several anthoriti<'s; 1044, ac Blair.) 2935 3644 1003 (roliath, the Philistine giant, slain by havid w ith a sling and a stone. ( Ae. Com. (''hr(ni. ) 2942 3651 1055 David, the Psalmist, anointed king over the honse of Jndah, and Ish-bosheth, age 40, Sanl's son, nmde king of Israel. — II. Samnel, ii., 4. (Ae. Com. Chron. 1 (See 1048.) 2950 3659 104,s David anointed king of all Israel and Jndah. ( N. 1>. — He reigned forty years, six months : seven and a half years in Heb- ron as king of Jndah, and thirty-threi^ years iu Jerusalem as king of Israel and Jndah. — II. Samuel, v., 4-5. ) ( See 1055. ) ( Ac. Com. Chron. | 2957 3666 1043 Ionian colonies migrate from (Ireece, and settle in Asia Minor. 2902 3(!71 KM 3 I'ldiesus, City of Ionia, founded hy the loniaus. 29(;2 3671 1033 Cyme, the most powerful of the JM)lic colonies in Asia Minor, founded. (Ac. Blair. ) 2!)72 3681 l(i:t2 Cephren, who built the second pyramid, is king of l>gy]tt. ( Ac Blair. 1 (Note 9, section B. | 2!)73 3682 1015 1 )eath of King David : succeeded by his son, Solomon. ( See 1055, 1048.) (Ac. Com. Chron.) 2990 3699 1015 Smyrna, celebrated seaport town of Ionia, in Asia Minor, founded. (Ac. Blair.) 29!)0 3699 1012 The building of the Tem]>le of Jerusalem by Solonuui begins. 2993 3702 1004 I'riday, Oclolxi 30. Dedication of the temple built by King Solo- mon at Jeinsalem. — I. Kings, \iii., 1-03. (Ac Com. Chron. i 3001 3710 975 Dt ath of Si) Phidoii, kiiiii' of Argos, invents scales and measures, and coins at 3136 3845 ,l<]i;ina tlie tirst silver nKjnej'. 862 Jonah, one of the Twelve Minor Hebrew Prophets, swallowed by 3143 3852 "a ,!;reat fish," in whose belly he remains three days and three nifihts, aftei whieli he preaches to the Ninevites, and causes them to repent. ( Ac. C(mi. Chron.) (Note 18.) (840, ac. some authorities.) 838: Death of Elisha, the Hebrew prophet. ( Ac. C(nu. Chron. ) ' 3H)7 3876 814 The kin^2 Charops, the first of tlie Decennial Ai-chons of Ath- ens; /. ('. archons whose role was limited to ten years. 2 I-^ 3253 3962 7:.o .Micah, one of the Twelve ^Minor Hebrew Prophets, 4 7-3 3255 3964 begins his prophecy. (Note IS.) (Ac. dun. Cliron. ) 1 741 The Balnlonian Em])ire begins under Nabonassar. 7 8-2 3258 3967 747 Nabonassarean Era begins >\'ednes(lay, February 20. (Note 20.) 745 End of the reign of Au.\(onieues, last king of Cor- intli, which is governed for the next ninety years Ity an annually elected magistrate, called Pry- tanis. 9 8-* 3260 3969 Jl B. C. 743 TO 710 B. C. A. U.C. OLYM. A. M. J. p. 1 743 Reiiiiniiiiii of tli(* lirst Messeiiinii ^Vnv, wliich ooii- tiiHics for iicjirl.v twenty years, between (he Sj^ar- taiis ami ^Icsseuiaus. Hi 9-2 3262 3971 738 Koiiinhis first arraufies the Koiiian cal'Midai-, wiiicli is coiiiijosecl of only ten niontlis (304 days). Kj 10-3 3267 3976 735 Naxos, iu Sicily, fonnded by the (Mialcidians. 19 11-2 3270 3979 734 Syracuse fonnded by Archias, a Corinthian, and one of tile Ileraelida^ ( See 21l2. ) 20 ii-3 3271 3980 734 The cttlony of Corcjra (now Corfn), liie cliief of the Ionian Isles, founded by the Corinthians. 730 Keys invented by Theodore of Sanios. (Ac. Pliny.) But locks are said to have been known to the E.iiyi.tians nearly 2000 B. C. 24 12-3 3275 3984 724 I'olydonis, kinfi' of Spai'ta, takes Ithonie and ends the first Messenian ^^'ar, the Messenians becoming vassals of the Sjjartans. 30 14-1 3281 3990 7121 Samaria taken by Shalmaneser, kinj? of Assyria, after a of three years, and the ten tril)es are carried into captivity, which ends the kini;(lom of Israel, 254 years after its foundation by Jero- lioani. 33 14-4 3284 3993 7L'l I'irst recorded eclipse of the moon, observed at, March 19. (Ac. Ptolemy.) 7120 Eclipse nf moon obser\'ed liy the (Miahhi>ans [March Sth and Sei>tenilier 1st. (Ac. Ptolemy.) 34 15-1 3285 3994 716 Nnnia Pompilius, second kinji of Rome. N. B. — He (h^licated a temi)le to Janus, which durintj' his entire reii^n remained closed, as a sign of peace at Rome. 38 16-1 3289 3998 713 Nunia Pompilius corrects the calendar of Bomulus by adding the months of January and February to the year, which consisted previously of but ten months. ITe makes January the first month of the year,, and institutes the Feast of New Year's Day, January 1st, dedicating it to Janus. 41 16-4 3292 4001 713 Nahum, one of the Twelve Minor Hebrew Pro])hets, begins his prophecy. (Ac. Com. Chrou.) (See Note 18.) 710 Crotona, one of the most celebrated and powerful states of Magna Granna, founded by Myscellus, an 44 17-3 3295 4004 Aciia'an leader. 710 Numa Pompilius fcmnds the Temple of Vesta at Ivome, and first introduces there the Vestal Vir- gins. o < H a> 111 > o Ul _I Q. UJ 33 11. c. 708 TO 632 B. C. A. U.C. OLYM. A.M. J. P. 7US Taieutuiu, :i Iowa of .Magiiu (Jriecia, iu soutli uf Italy, fouuded by riialantus. 46 18-1 3297 4006 (litl The welding- or soldering of iron introduced by GlauoiLs, of Chios. ( Date ac. Blair. ) 63 22-2 3314 4023 685 The Messeuiaus attempt to throw off the Spartan 60 23-4 3320 4029 yoke, and begin the second Messeniau War. (Ac. Com. Chron.) (645, ac. some recent authorities.) (See 671.) 685 Tyra^us, Athenian schoolmaster and remarkable poet, composes elegies and martial songs, which animate the Spartans, and spur them on to victory iu second Messenian War. (;84 Chalcedou tVmuilcd (ui the Bithynian side of the Bosjiluirus. 70 24-1 3321 4030 i;s3 ( 'reon, first of the Annual Archons of Athens. 71 24-2 3322 4031 (]80 The game of chess invented about this time. (Ac. llaydn and others.) 74 25-1 3325 4034 673 (About, or 702.) The angel Raphael is sent by God to Tobit and Sara, in answer to their prayers. — Tobit, 12, 15. Tobit lost his sight the year Esar- haddon or Sarchedonus succeeded his father, Sen- nacherib.— Tobit 1-2. (681, ac. Encyclo. Brit, and most recent authorities; 680, ac. Haydn's Biog. Diet., J. TlKimas, etc.; 710, ac. Usher, Haydn's Diet, of Dates, Boyle, etc.; 711, ac. Blair and Clin- ton. ) Tobit's sight is restored by God, through Raphael, eight years after.— Tobit 14. (681—8= 673, or 710— 8=702.) 81 26-4 1 1 3332 4041 671 The Messeuiaus totally defeated by the Spartans. The end of second Messenian War. (Ac. Com. Chron.) (631 or 628, ac. some recent authorities.) ( See 685. ) 83 27-2 3334 4043 670 Alcnian, lyi-ic poet, native of Sardinia, nourishes. 84 27-3 3335 4044 657 Byzantium (now Constantinople) fouuded by the Megariaus, led by Byzas. 97 30-4 3348 4057 654 Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle, founded. (Ac Blair; 665, ac. Lempriere. ) 100 31-3 3351 4060 650 Zaleucus, celebrated Greek lawgiver of the Locrians, 104 32-3 3355 4064 flourishes. 633 Tomis, capital of Lower ilo'sia, founded by a Mile- sian colony. 121 36-4 3372 4081 632 Birth, at Himera, in Sicily, of Stesichorus, cele- brated Greek lyric poet, styled "Father of Choral Soug." 122 37-1 3373 4082 B.C. 631 TO 600 B. C. A. U. 0. o:.rM. A.M. J. p. G31 Cyreue, capital of Cyreuaica, in Africa, founded by P.attns of Tlicra. 123 37-2 3374 4083 630 Zcplianiali, one of tlic Twelve Minor Hebrew Tropli- ets, begins liis ]>rophecy. (Ac. Com. Clirou. ) (Note IS.) 124 37-3 3375 4084 62;) Jereniiali, one of the I'our (ireati'r llel)rew IM-ojih- ets, beijins to propliesv. ( Ac. ( 'oni. ( 'liron. i ( Note 18.) 125 37-4 3376 4085 626 Habakknk, one of the Twelve .Minor Hebrew I'ropli- ets, l)ei>ins to prophesy. (Ac. Com. Chron.) (Note 18.) 128 38-3 3379 4088 621 Draco, the archon, makes tlie first written Athenian code of laws, known as the "Bloody Laws of 1 )raco.'' 133 39-4 3384 4093 610 Miraculous escape, from pirates, of Arion, the famous ])Oet and citliara player of Lesbos, (Jreece. (Note 21.) ( Date ae. Blair.) 144 42-3 3395 4104 610 Necho, kinn' (tf Eiiy]it, endeavors to construct a canal between tlie Mediterranean t>ea and the Bed l?>ea; 12,000 men ])erisli in llie attempt. fi(l6 Captnre of Nineveli, by tiie united armies of Cyax- ares, kiui;- of Media and Persia, and Nabopolas- sar, kiny- of Bal)ylon; tlie fall of Ihe Assyrian Em- pire. 148 43-3 3399 4108 fi;6 Nebuchadnezzar succeeds his father, Nabopolassar, as kini; of liali.xlon. (;(!6 •Tehoiakim, kinii of Judali, the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem, and many of the Israelites, carried cap- tive to Babylon by Kinii' Nebuchadnezzar. Among the cajitives are Daniel, Ananiah, ^lishael, and Azariah, whom the kini; names Belteshazzar, 8had- rach, Meshach, and Abed-ne?iddartha (Jautania, generally known as Buddha, the Hindu sage, age 29, retires into se- ihision, and plans out the Buddhist religion, ^vhich rai)idly sjireads through Eastern and Central Asia. ( See Note 22. ) 593 The Seven Wise Men of Greece tloiirisii. (Note 23.) 161 46-4 3412 4121 593 Anacharsis, a Scythian philosoidicr, tlourishes. He is reckoned by some wrilcrs among the Seven ^Mse Men. 587 '•(>n the ninth day of the toiirtli montb" (.Juikm, after a siege of eighteen months, Jerusalem is again taken by Xebuchailnezzar, who puts an end to the kingd(un of Judah. The tem[)le, palac<-, and houses of Jeru- salem are burnt by Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, under Nebuchadnezzar. — Jeremiah 52; II. Chronicles xxxvi., 17-21; and 11. Kings 25. (588, ac. Usher. ) 167 48-2 3418 4127 587 Obadiah, one of the Twelve ilinor Hebrew I'rophets, begins his prophecy. (Ac. Com. Chron. ) (Note 18'. 1 585 -May 28th. Battle of Ilalys, ))etween Lydiaus and ?iledes, interrupted by an almost total eclipse of the s)ui. which had been predicted by Thales of Miletus. ( Note 22. 1 169 48-4 3420 4129 580 Ananiah, Azariah, and .Mishacl, "cast into the midst of a burning, fiery furnace," by oi'der of Nebuchad- nezzar, for refusing to worshiii the golden inmge, are ])reserved from the flames li\' God, and sing the Benedicite, "O all ye works of the l^ord," etc. — Dan. iii., 23, and Apocrypha, "Song of the Three Holy ( 'hildreu," verse 35. ( Date ac. Usher. ) 174 50-1 3425 4134 574 The arihangel Uriel apjtears to Esdras, the prophet and chief priest of the Jews, in Babybui. — II. Esdras iv., verses 1 and 3(i. ("In the thii'teeuth year after the ruin of the city," i. c 587 — 13=574. Esdras iii., 1.) 180 51-3 3431 4140 569 Nebuchadnezzar, as a punislnnent for his pride, is deprived of his reason and driven among the beavSts of the held, until the seventh year, when he acknowledges the ])owcr cf tlic .Most High God, 185 52-4 3436 4145 B.C. 569 TO 537 B. C. A. u.c. OLYM. A.M. J. p. 569 and is tlieii restored to his kingdom, as foretold 185 52-4 3436 4145 in 570 by Daniel, oh. iv., vs. 19-36. (Ac. Com. ; Clirou.) 566 l-'irst census taken at Rome; citizens nund)er 84,700. 188 53-3 3439 4148 565 (About.) Birth of Lao-Tse, celebrated Chinese phil- osopher, said to have been born with white hair and eyebrows, indicative of his early wisdom. 189 53-" 3440 4149 564 Death of ..Esop, famous fabulist, originally a I'hrygiau 1901 54-1 3441 4150 slave. He dedicated his fables to his i)atron, Croe- sus, king of l^ydia. 562 First comedy invented and acted, at Athens, on a 192 54-3 3443 4152 movable stage, by the (Ireek poet, Susarion, as- sisted by Dolon. 559 Cyrus, surnamed "The Great," founds the kingdom of Persia, including that of Media. ( Note 24. ) 195 55-2 3446 4155 556 Birth of Simonides, celebrated lyric poet, of Cos, an island of Asia Minor, in the entrance of the Ceramic Gulf. He died 467 B. C. 198 56-1 3449 4158 555 Daniel, the prophet, sees his first vision. (Note 18.) (Ac. Com. Chron.) 199 56-2 3450 4159 552 The Temple of Diana, at Ephesns, one of the Seven 2021 57-1 3453 4162 Wonders, completed. (Note 9, section C; see 772.) 552 Temple of Jupiter, at 01ymi)ia, erected. 551 Birth of Confucius, most illustrious (►f Chinese phil- osophers. 203 57-2 3454 4163 550 Zoroaster II., Persian philosojther, generally con- founded with Zoroaster I., tlourishes. (Date ac. Haydn; 589-519, ac. Lenipriere; 1082 B. C, ac. ITaydn in another item. ) ( See 2115. ) 204 57-3 3455 4164 548 Tem])le of Apollo, at Delphi, burned by the Pisistra- tidie. (See 1263.) 206 58-1 3457 4166 547 Death of Anaximander, ]\Iilesian philosopher, in his 64th year. He made the first geographical maps, invented the sun-dial, constructed the firet spheres, etc. 207 58-2 3458 41(i7 546 Ci'(esus, king of Lydia, defeated by Cyrus the Great, ^\•ho adds Lydia to the Persian Empire. ( Note 25. ) 20,s 58-3 3459 4168 544 I'Mrst public library founded at Athens by Pisis- tratus. 210 59-1 3461 4170 538 Babylon taken by Cyrus the Great, whose empire now comprises Persia, Media, Lydia, Assyria, Baby- lonia, Asia Minor, Pluenicia, Palestine, and Syria. (Note 26.) 216 60-3 3467 4176 537 Daniel cast into the lion's den and delivered by God. 217 60-4 3468 4177 (Ac. Com. (^hron.) B.C. bm TO .520 B. G. A.V.V. OLYM. A.M. J. e. 536 rytliafioras, the celebrated Greek moral philosopher of Samos, inventor of the nuiltiplication table, visits 218 61-1 3469 4178 536 Egypt. - The Jews, nunil)erinn- 42,360, together with their 7,337 servants, are permitted by Cyrns to return to their country and rebuild their temple; their seventy years' captivity, as prophesied by Jeremiah, being now accomi)lished. ( Note 27. ) (Ac. Com. Chron. ) 536 ( See 606. ) Vines and olive trees first planted in Oaiil by the Greeks of Marseilles. (Ac. Rlair. I 536 First tragedy exhibite liy Haggai : although "Amen" was cum- nuinded by (bid to be used by the Israelites 1490 B. C., in Book of Numbers, and in 1451, Dent, xxvii. ; and "Ilalleln.jah" appears in many of the Psalms from 10(;th to 150th. 39 B. U. 520 TO 490 B. C. A. U.C. OLVM. A. M. .1. r. 520 Eiiilitli nioiitli, Zcchai'iali, one of the Twelve :\Iinor Hebrew I'ropliets, sees his vision iiiid l)ei;ins his 234 65-1 3485 4104 prophecy. (Note 18.) (Ae. Cdiii. Cliroii. ) 517 The Chinese have recorded at this date tlie interview 237 65-4 3488 4197 between their celebrated philosopher, Confncins, and Jjao-Tse, when the latter cantioiied Confncius against seeking the honoi-s of the worhl, (ibservinji- that tJie j)ossessor of trne wisdom seeks rather tn lii(h' than to disphiy his riches. 515 The Jews, under the patronage of Darins, complete and 239 66 2 3490 4199 dedicate their second or new temjile, on the third day of the month Adar ( .Alarch 10th I. — Ezra vi., 15. I Ac. Com. Chron. ) 515 (About.) Death of I'lierccydes, (ii'eek philoso]dii'r of Scyros, age N4. 511 ;Milo, celebrated athlete, at the head of the ("mldniau army, gains a decisive victory over the Sybarites. ( Note 2.S. ) 243 67-2 3494 4203 510 Teb'siJJa, lyi'ic jxH'tess of Argos, tlnurisiies. Slie 244 67-3 3405 4204 lira\'ely def'en4 72-3 3515 4224 487 Birtli of <}or<;ias, oelelirated sopliist and orator of Sicily. (See 380.) 267 73-2 3518 4227 486 The Agrarian Law, for an equitable division of con- (|nercd lands, is first ])ro])oscd at Iionie by Spurins Cassias, then consul; but is i-ejcctcd. (See 485 268 73-3 3519 4228 and 134. 1 485 The office of Qujvstor first created at Rome. (Ac. 269 73-4 3520 4229 Lempriere. ) 485 Agrarian Law again proi^osed and rejected. (See ) ^486 and 134.) 485 Spui-ius < "assius, one of the most distinguished Ro- mans of his age, having Ih'cu consul three times, is accused of aiming at majesty, and is thrown from the Tarpeian rock. ■ 484 .Eschylus gains first prize for tragedy. ( See 499, 456, and Note 29. ) 270 74-1 3521 4230 484 Birth (at Halicarnassus) of Herodotus, celebrated Greek historian, frequently styled "The Father of History." 481 Xerxe-s, king of Persia, having jtrepared an im- mense force, naval and military, for the invasion of Greece, commences his marcli, and winters at Sardis. 273 74--^ 3524 4233 480 ('elebrated battle of Thermoi>yhe, between Persians and Greeks, in which three hundi'cd Spartans re- sist in the narrow pass for three successive days (August 7, 8, and 9) the repeated attacks of the bravest and most courageous of the Persian army, which, according to some histcu'ians, numbered 274 75-1 3525 4234 about 5,000,(100. " 480 October 20th. Great naval vict(try gained over the Persians, at Salarais, by the (irceks, under Themis- tocles. Foretold by Daniel, xi., 2. 480 Xerxes returns to Persia and leaves ^lardonius (son- in-law of Darius) in Greece at the bead of an army .of 300,000 chosen men. 480 Birth of Euripides, one of the three great tragic poets of Greece. ( See 455, 40(i, and Note 29. ) 479 Athens taken and burnt by .^lardonius, after which 275 his army is totally routed, and he slain, at Platiea, 75-2 3526 4235 by the Athenians, Sjiartans, and Tega^ans, under Pausanias and Aristides, Septend)er 22d. B. V. 479 TO 458 B. C. A. u. c. OLYM. A. M. J. p. 479 On the .same day tlie rcrsian ticct is defeated at Mveale by Leotycliides, kiug of Sparta, and Xaiithippus, the Athenian ai'ehou. 275 75-2 3526 4235 479 Birtli i)f Antiplion, one of llie Ten Attie Orators. ( See 411, and Note 30. ) 479 Death of Confucius, most illustrious of ("iiiiiese phil- oso])hers. 477 July 17th. Massacre of the oOG Fabii, their clients, and servants, at Cremera, by the Veientes ( /. r. in- habitants of Veil, a jmwerful city about twelve miles from Kome. ) 277 75-t 3528 4237 475 (About.) I'arnienidcs, (ireek pliiios(i](lier of Elis, flourishes, lie teaches that the earth is round, and suspended in the centre of the universe in a lluid liyliter than air, so that all bodies left to themselves fall to the sin-face. 279 76-2 3530 4239 468 Sophocles, the lireat (ireek traiiedian, a,ue 27, gains tirst ]n'i7.e for his maiden dranm, "Tri])tolemus." X. 1>. — In his ]Miblic career of sixty-tlirce years, from 4(18 to 405, he won lirst prize for tragedy twenty times. ( See 495, 405, and Note 1M». ) 286 78-1 3537 4246 4(;7 itirtli of Andocides, one of the Ten Athenian Orators. (See;5!U, and Note 30. ) 287 78-2 3538 4247 4(;(; ( 'imon, Athenian general ( son of Miltiades |, age aiiout 34, gains a great victory over the I'ersian fleet, at the mouth of the Kurymedon, in rami)hylia, where lu' captures 200 ships from the enemy. On the same day he also completely deleats the I'ersian army on land, and thus effectually ends the war l)etAveen ( Jreece iind I'ersia. 288 78-3 3539 1248 40.-) Third Messenian War begins. ( See 455. ) 289 78-" 3540 4249 4(i4 Zeno of I'^lea, in Italy, Greek ]»hilosopher, flourishes. 290 79-1 3541 4250 400 Birth, on the Island of Cos, of Ilijypocrates, most eminent physician of anti(|uity, styled "The Father of Medicine." 294 80-1 3545 4254 4(;o IJirth, at Abdera, in Thrace, of Democritns, celebrated (ireek philosoidier. 45!>< Birth, at Athens, of Lysias, one of the Ten Athenian Oators. (Note 30. See 378. ) 296 80-3 3547 4256 458 (Mncinnatus called from the plongli and ai)iK)intt'd dictator of Rome. He re])airs to the tield of battle, where his countrymen are closely besieged by the -T](iui. He defeats the enemy and returns to Rome in triumph. Sixteen days after his appointment, he resigns liis oflice and retires to liis farm. 44 PERICLES. SEE 429 B. C. N. PINDAR. SEE 442 B. C. ARISTOPHANES. SEE 427 B. C. 43 THE PARTHENON AT ATHENS. SEE 442 AND 438 B. C. EMPLE OF APOLLO EPICURIUS, AT BASS/E, IN ARCADIA. BUILT BY THE ARCHITECT ICTINUS, ABOUT 450 B. C. 46 n. c. 458 TO 441 B. C. A. r. C. OLVM. A. M. J. p. 45S Ezra (aiillidr cf the liook "Ezia" in tlic I'.ililc, and pcrliaps (pf the two hooks (.f (Mirouiclcs ), at the head of ahout 1,772 Jews, hesi(h's wniiien and ohihlreu, goes from Rahyh)n to .TerusahMu, in ae- oonUuice Avith the decree of Artaxerxes, king of Persia. (See Ezra, ch. vii. and viii.) (Ae. Com. (Jhron. ) Beginning of tlie Seventy AVeeks, in Daniel ix., 2i. ( See Note 31. ) 4.")(i The unnd)er of tribunes at Rome inereased from tive to ten. 45(3 Death of 3]schylns, one of the tliree great Greek tragedians. (See 49i», 484, and Note lil). | 455, Euripides, age 25, i>roduces his first tragedy, the ■'Pleiades." (See 480, 40(>, and Note 29, sec- tion C.) 455 Third and last Messenian War ends with the tinal def(\at of the Messenians hy the S])artans. 454 Aristachus of Tegea, (ireek tragic poet, tlonrishes. 454 (Jratiuus and Plato, Athenian comic ])oets, flourish. 451 Ion of Chios, celel)rated Oreek tragedian (one of the tive (ireek tragic poets, ac. Alexandrian canon), exhibits his first drama, i Note 2!l. i 451 Decemviri (ten magistrates) first appointed at Ikome. 451 The first "Ten Tables of Laws" framed at Rome hy the Decemviri. 450 The "Twelve Tables of Laws" at Rome completed and promulgated. 450 Empedocles, celebrated philosopher, ])net, and histo- rian, vi Agrigentum, in Sicily, flourishes. 445 Xehemiah permitted by Artaxerxes, king of Persia, to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. I See Neliemiah ii. ) (Ac. Com. Chron. i 445 Herodotus, celebrated historian, of ilalicarnassus, in his 39th year, pulilicly rejieats, at the Olympic games, the history which he had composed. It is I'eceived with universal applause. 442 Death of Pindar, tlie famous (ireek lyric jxiet, ;et. 80. (See 522.) 442! (About.) The Parthenon, or Temi)le of .Minerva, at ' Athens, built by the architects Ictinus and Calli- i crates. ( See 438. ) 441 1 The battering-ram invented by Artemon, a Sjiartan. 296 80-3 298 i 81-1 299 81-2 300 81-3 303 82-2 3547 4256 3549 4258 3550 4259 3551 3554 4260 4263 304 82-3 i 3555 4264 309 83^ 35()0 4269 312 84-3 313 84-4 3563 4272 3564 4273 47 B. C. ■140 TO 413 B. C. A. U. C. OLYM. A. M. J P. 440 I'olyiiiiotns, (if Tliasos, and I'aiiit'ims, of Atliens, oele- liratcd (h'eck painters, Jlonrisli. 314 85-1 3565 4274 438 (About.) Tlic celehratcd statue of .Minerva, by Tlii- dias, conipleted and creeled in the I'artlieuon, at Atliens. I See 442. ) 310 85-3 3567 4276 436 Hirtli of Isocrates, one of the Ten Aliienian (»i-ators. (Note 30; see 338.) 318 86-1 3569 4278 43C I'olycletns, of Sicyon, celebrated statuary, tionr- ishes. 432 Tlic .Metonic cycle of nin(^tcen years ((Joldeu Number) invented by .Melon, the (Jreek astrcuionier. 322 87-1 3573 4282 431 Tlic I'eloiionnesian W'nv begins ^lay 7th, and con- tinues twenty-seven years. 323 87-2 3574 4283 430 Severe jdaiiue at Athens. 324 87-3 3575 4284 429 Death (;f Pericles, illustrious Athenian orator and 325 87-4 3576 4285 .statesman ; ajic 70. 429 May 21st. Hirlh of Plato, llie famous (ireek philuso- pher, descendeil ou his fathei-"s side Irom King Codrus, and on his mother's side from llie lawniver. 428 Solon. ( See 3(i0 and 347. 1 Toplion, one of the five (Jreek tragic ])(iets ( ac. Alexan- drian cauoii), and son of Sophocles, jjains second prize for tra,nedy, in a contest where Euri]>i Death of Euripides, age 74. (Note 1'9, section C; see 480 and 455. ) 348 93-3 3599 4308 405 Naval I'attU- of 3],ii()spotainus, at which Couou, fa- mous Athenian general, is defeated by Lysander, 349 934 3600 4309 celebrated Spartan general. The Athenians lose in this engagement 3,000 men and their fleet of 120 ships, exce])ting a few, in which Coiion and a remnant escape. 40.") l>eath of Sophocles, age 90. (Note 29, section B. ) ( See 495 and 4()S. 1 404 Ajiril 24th. Athens taken by l.ysander, the Spartan general, who changes its democracy into an oli- garchy, ruled by thirty arclions. usually called the "Thirty Tyrants." 350 94-1 3601 4310 404 l<]nd of tlie I'eloponnesian War. 403 Tlu'asybulus, famous .\thenian general, begins the e.vpiilsion of the "Thirty Tyrants." The ancient laws of Solon restored at Athens. 351 94-2 3602 4311 40;:! The Ionic aii»habet of twenty-four characters sub- stituted at .Vthens for the former (Jreek aljihabet of ] sixteen characters. 401 Thememorabh' successful retreat of the 10,000 (Jreeks, under Xenophon. 353 94-4 3604 4313 40(1 (AboTit. 1 Eupompus, of Sicyon, cele])ratcd (Jreek painter, flourishes. 354 95-1 3605 4314 400 Death of Agathon, celebrated (ireek poet, age 47. (Born 447 B. C.) (See 416.) 400 Sophron, Clreek comic ](oet, sujtposed to have been the inventor of mimes, flourishes. 391) Tatapulta', a military engint> for tin-owing stones, arrows, etc., invented by Dionysius, of Syracuse. 355 95-2 3606 4315 399 Socrates, famous philosoplier and moralist, con- demned to death, being falsely accused of impiety; age 70. (Note 33.) 397 Malachi, last of the Twelve Minor Hebrew Trophets, begins his prophecy. (Note 18.) 357 95-* 3608 4317 49 B. C. 396 TO 3(JU U. C. A.V.V.. OLYM. : A. M. , J. P. 3'M> (Ahdut.) Birtli of Lycurgns, one of tlic Ten Athe- nian ( )rators. ( Note 30 ; > Tlie pliilosophie sseot tif ('ynics fonniled hy Antis- tlienes. 391 Death of Andocides, one of tlie Deca ^k^ / i ARISTOTLE. SEE 334 B. C. SOCRATES. SEE 399 B. C. DEMOSTHENES. SEE 382 B. C. 51 u. c. 357 TO 332 B. C. A. v. c. OI-VM. .\. .M. .1. p. .'>."> 1 Dcjitli of lliijpocralcs, most celebrated physician of aiiti(niity, styled "The l''ather of ^Medicine;" age 103 — free from all disorders of miud and body. His birthplace was the Islaud of Cos. 397 105-* 3648 4357 :!.-.T Deatli of Democritns, celebrated philosopher of Ab- dera ; a-e 103. ;!.-)(; October 13-14. The Teiiipl<' of Diana, at Ephesus, one of the Seven \\'onders, bnrned by Erostratus, 398 106-1 3649 4358 on the ni-jjlit of the birth of Ale.vander the Great. ( Note 0, section C ) 858 (Alxmt. 1 Death of Isa-ns, one of the Ten Attic Ora- tors. ( See 420, and Note 30. 1 401 106-4 3652 4361 :',:>-2 Death of Emloxns, celebrated for his knowledge of medicine, geometry, and astrtunmiy ; the tirst among the Greeks to correctly compnte the length of the year — 86514 days. 402 107-1 3653 4362 ■.\7,-2 The ^lansolenm, one of the Seven Wonders, erected by Artemisia. (Note it, section E. ) 350 Pra.xiteles, famons scnli)tor of ^lagna Grtecia, flonr- ishes. 404 107-3 3655 4364 347 .May 21st. Death of Plato, the illnstrions Greek ]»hiloso])her, on his 82d birthday. His original name was Aristocles, bnt he was called Plato on acconnt of his large, broad shonlders. (See 429 and 360. ) 407 108-2 3658 4367 3:!S Deatli of Isocrates, one of the Decade; age 98. (See 436, and Note 30.) 416 110-3 3667 4376 336 Alexander the Great, age 20, ascends the throne of 418 111-1 3669 4378 ilacedon, and begins his career of victory. 33(1 The Pra'torship at Pome is thrown open to the Plebes, ! and I'nblilins Philo is elected to the office. 336 Pevohition of eclipses tirst calcnlated by Calippns, of Gyzicus. (See 330.) ' 1 :!34 .May 22(1. liattle of Granicns, in which Alexander 420 111-3 3671 4380 the Great defeats tlie Persians with great slanghter. 33:', ( Ictober. Pattle of Issus, in which Darins loses one 421 111-4 3672 4381 hnndred thousand infantry and ten thousand cav- alry, while the ^Macedonians, under Alexander, lose only about three hundred infantry and (Uie hundred and fifty cavalry. 332 Fall of Tyre, August 20th, after a siege of seven months. (See 22(57 and 1257. ) 422 112-1 3673 4382 332 Egypt conquered by Alexander. The foundation of Alexandria, in Egypt. B. C. 331 TO 317 B. C. A. U. C. OLYM. 331 331 I i 330 330 330 330 3123 323 822 322 I 321 320 317 Ocfolicr 1st. Battle (if Arbela, in wliit-li the Persians are a.nain defeated. Fliiilit of Darins. Tlie IV'rsian Empire, liaviiii; existed 22S years from lis foundation by (\vrns tlie (ireat, is coiKiiiered l)y Ale.xander. Tile ('alii>|Mc I'eriod, or rycie of seNcnty-si.x; years, invented Ity llie ( Ireelc astronomer, ('alijipus, of Cyzicus, begins with this dnte,.Inne 2Stli. ( See 330. ) Lysippns, famous statuary of Sirynn, thairislies. (Patronized by Alexander. | Philii>i)ides, earliest and one of tlie best of the writers of the new comedy, tlonrishes. He died at an ad\aii(cd a,i;e from exeessive joy on obtainini; the comic ])i'ize, contrary to his e\])ectatioiis. A]Mdlcs, ((debrated painter of Cos, tlonrishes. (Pa- tronized by Alexander. I Protoiicnes, (ireelc jiainter of yreat c(delirity, flour- ishes. (Ab(mt.) Lysistratns, (Ireek statnai'y of Sicyon, in- vents moulds from which he casts wax fliiures. April 21st. Death, at ISabylon, of Alexander the (Jreat, age 32. His kinodom is divided between his four jii'incipal generals. Death of Lycnrgus, one of the Ten Attic Orators. I See 3!»(), and Note 30. ) Death, at Corinth, of Diogenes, the celelirated Cynic l)hiloso]dier ; age !)0. October 14th. Demosthenes, greatest oratoi- of nn- ti(|uity, and one of the Decade, to escajK' from Antipater, takes poison in the Temple of Neptune, on the Island of Calanria, and dies, age (iO. (See 385, and Note 30. 1 August. Death, at Chalcis, of Ai-istolle, famous (Ireek ]ihilosopher; age 02. Ilyperides, one of the Ten Attic Orators, put to death by Antipater, having l)een taken ])ris()m>r at the battle of Cranou. Menander, chief of the new comedy, brings out his first drama, age 21. He composed 10") ]ilays. Crates, of Thebes, celebrated Cynic i)hilosopher, llourishes. Phocian, Athenian statesman and general, celebrated for his virtues, ])rivate as well as ]uib]ic, is i)ut to death by the Athenians; age 85. lie was forty-five times chosen governor of Athens. 423 A. M. ; J. P. 112-2 j 3674 '4383 424 112-3 429 431 432 433 434 437 113-4 114-2 115-1 115-4 3075 4384 3680 3682 4389 4391 114-3 3683 4392 114-4 3684 4393 3685 3688 4394 4397 .54 ~'*«^ ALEXANDER THE GREAT. SEE 331 B. C. DIOGENES. SEE 323 B. C. RUINS OF THE AMPHITHEATRE OF THE ANCIENT CITY OF CAPUA, S. ITALY, WHERE HANNIBAL WINTERED AFTER THE BATTLE OF CANN/E. SEE 216 AND 312 B. C. THE APPIAN WAY. SEE 312 B. C. 56 K. C. 314 TO 28.5 B. C. A. u. c. OLYM. A. M. J. p. 314 Death of Xeuocrates, a philosopher, born at Chalce- 440 116-3 3691 4400 don ; noted for his virtues and intejirity ; age 82. 314 Death of JCschines, one of the Decade. (See 389, and Note 30.) 312 October 1st. Era of the Seleucides be<>ins with the 442 117-1 3693 4402 i-eturu to Habylon of SeJeucus Nicator. 312 The Philosopher Zeno begins to teach at Athens, and fouTids the sect of Stoics. ( See 2ti3. 1 312 Claudia' Aipue (the first a(|ueduct ), bringing water to 1 R(mie from Tusculum ; the ^'ia Appia (the Appian Wayl. from Rome to <"a]iua; and a canal through 1 the I'ontine marshes, constructed by Appius < 'lau- dius, while censor. 301 I'.attb' of Tpsus. The army of Antigonus, king of i'ampliylia, Lycia, and i'hrygia, is defeated by the 453 119-4 3704 4413 united forces of Cassander, king of Macedonia; Seleucus, king of Babylon; Ptolemy 1. (Sotcr), king of Egypt; and Lysimachus, king of Tlirace. Antigonus is slain. 300 The City of Antioch, liaviug been begun by Antigonus, is completed by Seleucus Nicator for his royal 454 1201 3705 4414 residence. 300 I'^nclid, of Alexandria, the celebrated inatlicinatician, flourislies. 2!»S I'toleniy I. (Soterl bejiins to build the celebrated 456 120-3 3707 4416 Alexandrian Library. 298 Sostratus, of Cnidus, is enii)loyed by I'toleniy to build the Pharos, one of the Seven ^^'on(lers. (Note 9, section V. ) 2!)3 Tlie first sun-dial at Rome is placed on tlie Temple of (^uiriiins, by the consul, Papirius rurs(n', and time at Rome first divided into hours. 461 121-4 3712 4421 2!»2 Death of Meuander, Athenian comic poet; age 50. 462 122-1 8713 4422 2!)2 Tile Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders, begun by Chares. ( Note 9, section (1. ) 21)2 Dinarchus, one of the Decade, returns to Athens from exile. ( See 360, and Note 30. | 2S!t Death of the celebrated Chinese ])hilosopher, Meng- Tse, or, in Latin, Mencius ; age 83. ( St^ 372. ) 4(55 122-4 3716 4425 2S!t Posidippus, last poet of the new ctnnedy, begins to exhibit his dramas. 285 Dionysius, of Alexandria, begins his astronomical era on the 6th of June. He first computes the length of the year to be exactly .■!('>5 days, 5 hours, and 19 ' minutes. 469 123-4 3720 4429 li. c. 284 TO 2(!3 B. C. A. u. c. OLV.M. A. M. .1. I'. 284 (About. ) Sosiflicus, S(>si])li;iiH's, and I'liilisciis, three 470 124-1 3721 4430 of tlie Trii,iiic IMeiad, tloiirish. ( Note V>i. ) 284 The I'ul)lic Lil)i-arv of Alexandria coiiiidcted by Pt(tleiiiy l'liilad(dpluis. ( See 2!I8. ) 283 I*to]('iii,\- I'liiladelplius eoiai>letes the J'hai-os, one of 471 124- 3722 1 4431 Ihe Seven ^^dn(h'rs. ( Note 9, section 1'.) 280 ( About. ) llonierus, or Homer Jr., (ireeU jioet, one of the Tra.uic I'leiad, flourislies. ( Note 34. | 474 125-1 372.-) 4434 -TT Tlie (•onl])h'ti(^n of the Septiiajiint version nf tiie Scriptures, by seventy-two learned -lews, emidoy- ed by Ptob^my I'hibnbdphns, kins^ of E,iiy])t, to translate from the Hebrew into the (ireek lan- .uuaiif their Scriptures. The Septuagint includes all the bocks of the Old Testament, and the deu- tei'o-canonical books c(nnnioidy called "Aiiocry- ])lia." Aceordiu*'' to some chronoloijists, Ptolemy in 2S4-2So first ordered the transbitiou bc^jiun. Ac. Justin .Alartyr, the seventy-two were shut up . in thirty-six cells, and each ])air fi'ansiated the whole; and on subse(|uent com])arisou it was found that tile thirty-six copies did u((t vary by a wcu'd or lettei-. 477 125-* 372814437 1 272 1 About. 1 Theocritus, celebrated (Jreek ]iast(U-al jioet, composes, at Syi'acuse, his "Idyls."" He is called the (•reator of bucolic jtoetry. 482 127-1 3733 4442 270 Death (d' lOpicnrus, (!reek ])hiloso])her, and founder of the Ki)icnrean sect; age 72. He wrote about three hundred \(dumes. 484 127-3 3735 4444 ■2(>U The first silver coinaiie at Tiome : jireviously all Tkoman coins were of brass. 485 127^ 373(i 4445 2(i5 The lunnber of (|u;estors at Rome increased from four to eight. (Ac. Plair. | 489 128-4 3740 4449 2(i4 The Parian or Arundeliau Marbles sculptured. (Note 10.) 490 129-1 3741 4450 2(;4 The beautiful city of Nicomedia founded by Nico- medes I., king of Bithyuia, in Asia .Mimu'. 204 The Uoman army sent to aid the .Mamertines in Messana against the Carthaginians, which is the beginning of the tirst Punic AVar, which continues twenty-three j^ears. 2(;3 Heath of Zeno, the great Greek ])hiloso])her, and founder of the school of Stoics; age !>2. He was born at ("itium, on the Island of Cyinms, 355, and taught ](iiiloso])liy at Atln^is forty-nine years. 1 See :n2. ) 491 129-2 3742 4451 1!. C. 260 TO 224 15. C. A. u.c. OLYM. A. M. J. P. 1 L'C.O Dniliiis, Koiiian roiisul, inventor of liTapplinii irous, liaiiis, off Mvhi'. a ,nreat naval victory over the Car- tliaiiiniaiis. The tirst l\oiiian naval viclory. 494 130-1 3745 4454 lifJO Lvoophron, celebrated (Ireek jxiet ami L;raniniarian, one of the Pleiad, Honrishes. ( Note 34. i ■2m .Manetho. celebrated IOiiyi)tian writer and priest, tlonrishes. lie was keei)er of the sacred archi\cs at IIeli(;])olis, and was the first E.nyi)tian who wi'ote in (ireek an account of the religion, history, and chronolojiy of Ei^ypt. » 2.-.0 <'alliniacluis, of Cyrene, celebrated (ireek poet and uraniniai-ian, tlonrishes. 504 132-3 3755 4404 L'50 The dynasty of the Arsacidie, in I'arlliia, founded by Arsaces. 250 Conon, of Sanios, c(debrated (ireek !.;eiiinet(M- and asti-ononiei-, inventor of the curve called the "Spiral (if Archimedes," tloui'isiies. ■250 Sad(K- founds the sect of Sadducees; dews who deny the immortality of the soul antives, to yield Sicily and ol hei- islands in the Mediterranean to the Unmans, anemi)riere. ) 240 Livins Andi'imicus ju-oduces his first di'ama, the first comedy acted at ]k(ane. 514 135-1 3705 4474 239 Birth of Ennius, celebi'ated Latin e]iic jtoet, at Kudiie, in Calabi'ia. 515 135-2 3700 4475 235 Rome, at ]ieace with all nations, closes the Temple of Janus, fe'»iiiPt^Pi'' flonr- 2111 ISIKi'S. Saijiuntum taken by Haunil)al, after a siesje of eight months. 535 140-2 3786 4495 218 The beginning of the second I'uuic War, caused by the capture of 8ao-untum. Marcli of Hannibal across the Al])s, at flic head of the ("arthaiiinian army. 536 140-3 3787 4496 217 Flaminins, Roman consul, defeated and slain by Han- nilial, at I lie battle of Thrasymenus. (June 23d, ac. Haydn. ) 537 140-4 3788 4497 216 August 2d. Battle of Cannas 88,000 Komans, under I'aulns .Fmilius and Terentius Varro, are again de- feated by Hannibal with an army of 50,000 Africans, Gauls, and Spaniards: 40,000 Romans slain. 538 141-1 3789 4498 214 rhe-Hwangte, Chinese emperor, begins the building of the great (Miiuese Wall. (See 210.) 540 141-3 3791 '4500 212 Syracuse taken by the Romans, under JIarcellus, after 542 142-1 3793 4502 a siege of two years. (See 734. i 212 Heath of Ai-chimedes, the famous geometer of Syra- cuse. ( Note 35. ) 210 7 l-^irst ]iulilic liiirary opened at Pome; the Romans ha\inii brmiiilil the books from Macedonia. (See 1'81. 1 ' Kib Judas Maccabeus bejiins deliverinii the Jews from the Syrians. (See I. Maccabees, ch. :{ and -1; also, I II. Maccabees, cli. S. ) W)C) "Andria" acted at Kome; the first play jirodnced by Terence (Publins Terentius Afer), celebrated dra- matist. KI5 Terence pi'odnces his second di'ama, "ITecyi'a." 103 Terence conijiletes his third drama, '•lleautontimo- 1 riaimenos." ( Self-Tonnentor. ) 102 The tirst decree of longitude and latitude fixed at Ferro, S. ^^■. Canary Islands, by ilipparchus, of j Nice. 101 TeriMice ])roduces the dramas ''Eunnchus" and "Phormio." "Euuuchus" is acted twice the first day. 101 The "Fannia Lex" passed by the consnl I'annins, to restrain the luxury and extravajiance of the people. 1 (Note 30.) 100 Death of .Emilias Paulns, aiiv Oi*. (At whose funeral liames, Terence first exhiliits his ])lay "Adelphi.") 15!) Death of Terence, aj-e 35. (Born 195.) (See 100, 105,103,101,100.) 15!) , The clepsydra or watm'-clock, invented by the censor Scipio Nasica, is used at Pome for the measuring of time, aliont 131 years after the introduction there of the sun-dial. 15!) The autumnal eiiuinox observetl, Se]itember 27, this year, and the followinji, by Ilijiiiarchus, the mreat- est astronomer of antiquity. (Ac. Blair.) (Note 1 37.) 584 152-3 3835 4544 585 152-* 3836 4545 586 153-1 3837 4540 587 153-: 588 153-3 589 153-4 5!)1 154-2 592 -)93 154-' 154-* 594 155-1 3838 4547 3839 4548 3840 4549 3842 4551 3843 3844 4552 4553 3845 4554 595 155-2 3846 4555 63 n. c. 156 TO 87 B. C. A. r.C. OLYM. A. M. J. 1'. 156 Aristarclius, ;;raniniarian aud critic, famous for his critical powers, flourishes. 598 156-1 3849 4558 149 Calpuruia Lex enacted by Lucius Calpuruius Piso. 605 157-4 3856 4565 Tlie first Ivonian law against bribery at elections. 14! 1 Third I'unic Wixv begins: Carthage besieged by the Romaus. 14(5 Fall of Carthage, which is taken and destroyed by !."?cipio. 608 158-3 3859 4568 14(1 Corinth taken and destroyed by the Konians, under iiuniiiiius. 14(1 End (if third Tunic War. 14(i Hipparchus observes the vernal equinox, ^larcli 23d. ( Ac. Hhiir. ) ( 8ee Note 37. ) 1 140 Apollodorus, of Athens, celebrated grammarian aud mythologist, flourishes. 614 160-1 386514574 135 Ctesibius, of Alexandria, famous mathematician, and inventor of a pump, a clei^sydra or water-clock, and other hydraulic machines, flourishes. 619 161-2 3870 4579 1 134 The Agrarian Law (Agraria Lex) a third time pro- 620 161-3 3871 ' 4580 posed, aud now enacted under the tribune Tiberius H. Gracchus. ( See 486, 485. ) 123 Tlie city of Aqua- vSextia' (now Aixda-Chai)elle), the first Ivoman colony in Gaul, founded by C. Sextius, 631 164-2 3882 4591 pro-consul. IKi I^irth of .Marcus Terentius Varro, celebrated Latin autlKir. ( See 43, 28. ) 638 166-1 3889 4598 lOfi January 3d. Birth, at Arpinum, ('ueral-in-cliief of the tribes of Celtic 702 182-1 3953 4662 Gauls, after brave resistauoe, surrenders himself to Ciipsar. 51 Death of I'osidnnius, celebrated Greek Stoic philos- 703 182-2 3954 4663 opher, a't. S4. (See 7!».) 51 Ga'sar completes his con(|uest of Gaul. 1!) Caesar ordered by the Senate to disband his army. He 705 182-4 3956 4665 refuses, and marches with his forces towards Rome. 4!> War declared between Ga'sar and Pompey. 48 Au};ust 9th. Battle of I'harsalia, in which Pompey 706 183-1 3957 4666 is defeated by Cicsar, and compelled to flee to Eo:ypt. 18 Sei)tenU>er 29th. I'cmipey the Great killed by the Egyptians upon landing at Egypt. 47 Ga-sar conquers Egypt. (Alexandrine War. ) 707 183-2 3958 4667 47 ! Death of Catullus, Latin poet ; age 40. (See 87.) 47 Augiist 2d. Pharnaces, king of Pontus, defeated at Zela by Ca^sar, who writes to the Senate his fa- mous letter, "Veni, vidi, vici." (1 came, I saw, I conciuered. ) 4<> April (!th. Ca'sar defeats the Pompeian army at the 708 183-3 3959 4068 battle of Thapsus. 46 Ciesar made dictator for ten years. 46 Ca'sar emjiloys Sosigenes, celebrated astronomer, of Egyptian birth, to assist him in reforming the ] calendar. 46 This is called the "Year of Confusion," because in correcting the calendar, ninety days were added to this year, and leap-3'ears for the future. 45 March 17th. Battle of Munda, in Spain, between 709 183-4 3960 4669 ('ivsar and the republican forces of Home, under Labienus, and Pompey's two sons, Cneus and Sex- tus Pompeius. ('a-sar gains a decisive victors'. ^ Labienus and Cneus are slain; Sextus escapes by flight. 45 Ciiesai" returns to Home, and is appointed by the Sen- ate dictator for life. 44 Conspiracy of M. Biiitus and Cassius, assisted by D. 710 184-1 3961 4670 Brutus and others. Caesar, age 55 years, 8 months, .3 days, is assassinated in the Senate House, on the - Ides" (15th) of March. 44 Octavius, hearing of his uncle's assassination, and that he had been appointed his heir, comes to Rome to claim his inheritance, Mark Antony opposes him. 68 POMPEY THE GREAT. SEE 48 B. C. ■- Oil ^ JULIUS C/ESAR. SEE 48 AND 44 B. C. 09 11. c. 44 TO 39 B. C. A. u. c. OLYM. A. M. J. p. 44 September 2d. Cicero delivers liis first Pliilippic; 710 184-1 3961 4670 Ins second, written at lionie, is never spolven; his 1 tliird and fourtli are delivered in (he Senate, De- cendjer 20th. 43 Cicero delivers his last ten I'hilippics between Jann- 711 184-2 3962 4671 arv 1st and April 22d; in all fonrteen he declares Antony to be an enemy to his country. 43 Ptolemy, age 15, claiming- his share of the power in Egypt, is poisoned by order of his sister, Cleo- patra. 43 March 27th. Battle of Mutina (now Modena), in which Antony, having liesieged I). Brutus, is de- feated by the consuls I'ansa and Hirtius, both of whom are killed in battle. ♦ 43 Octavius, Antony, and T>e])idus, the three hostile lead- ers, unite their forces, form the second Triumvirate, and rule with absolute power. 43 The bloody pi'oscrii)tions are issued. 43 Cicero is proscribed by Antony, and killed December 7th, age 63 j^ears, 11 mouths, 4 days. 43 Varro is also proscribed, but escapes. (See IKi and 28.) March 20th. Birth of Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), 43 celebrated Roman poet. 43 Decius Junius Brutus betrayed by his soldiers and slain by command of Antony. ( See 44. ) 43 The colony of Lugdunum | Lyons) founded by Mu- uatius Plancus, when i)ro-consul in Gaul. 42 Battle of Philippi, in which Mark Antony and Octa- 712 184-3 3963 4672 A'ius gain a complete victory over the republican forces under Brutus and Cassius. Cassius, defeated, orders a soldier (o luu him through. and Marcus Junius Brutus falls uiton his own sword. (See 44.) 42 Octavius returns to Rome; Antony remains in the East. 41 Cleopatra, suspected of having assisted Brutus, is 713 184-4 3964 4673 summoned by Ant(jny. They meet at Tarsus. 30 Treaty of Misenum, between Octavius, Antony, and Sextus Pompeius. 715 185-2 3966 4675 39 June !)th. Ventidius, Antony's lieutenant, defeats the Parthians, whose leader, Pacorus, is killed in the battle, on the fourteenth anniversary of his great victory over Crassus. ( See 53. ) 71 B.C. 36 TO 27 B. C. A. V. C. OLYM. A. M. .1. p. 36 Lepidus ejected from the Triumvirate and banished 718 186-1 3969 4678 from Rome by Octavius. 35 Horace publi.slies his l)ook of ''Satires." 719 186-2 3970 4679 35 Virgil begius to write the "Georgios." (See 70, 30, ID.) - 34! May. Death of Sallust ( Caius Sallustius Crispus), 720 186-3 3971 4680 celebrated Eoman historian ; age 52. 34 Antony invades Armenia, and sends the king, Ar- tavasdes, to Egypt in chains. 33 Octavius sends his sister, Octuvia (Antony's wife). 721 186-4 3972 4681 to reclaim Antony, who has neglected her for 1 Cleopatra. 33 Antony dismisses and divorces Octavia. 32 Cornelius Nepos, celebrated Roman historian, author of "Vitie Excellentium Imperatorum" (Lives of the 722 187-1 3973 4682 Illustrious Generals), flourishes. 31 September 2d. Battle of Actium, in which Octavius is victorious over Antony. 723 187-2 3974 4683 30 Antony, age 53, completely defeated, and receiving the 724 187-3 3975 4684 false information that Cleopatra is dead, stabs him self; and Cleopatra, fearing Octavius, destroys her- self l)y the liite of an asp. 30 Nicopolis, in Epirus, on the Ambracian Gulf, op})osit(' Actium, is founded by Octavius to commemorate his victory at Actium. 30 Horace publishes his "Epodes" and also his second book of "Satires," late in this year or early in 29 30 Virgil completes his "Georgics" and commences the ",Eneid." (See 70, 35, 19.) 30 Diouysius, of Halicarnassus, Greek historian, comes to Rome to study Latin and write his history. After twenty-four years' labor, he produces his history in Greek, "Roman Antiquities," in twenty volumes. 29 Octavius returns to Rome and celebrates his tri- umph. He closes the Templei of Janus, for the third time since its erection, (in token of universal peace. 725 187-4 3976 4685 28 Death of Varro, celebrated Latin author; age 88. (See 116, 43.) 726 188-1 3977 4686 27 Octavius resigns his power, but it is restored to liiiii by the Senate, with the titles of "Imperator" and "Augustus." • 727 188-2 3978 4687 MARK ANTONY. SEE 33 AND 30 B. C. INTERIOR OF THE PANTHEON. SEE 27 B. C. AND PAGES 169 AND 179. 74 n. c. 27 TO 4 B. C. A. U.C. OLYM. A. M. J. P. 27 The Pantheon, a circnlar temple at Rome, is built br Marcus Vipsanius Ayriiipa, Jioman consul, and 727 188-2 1 3978 4687 dedicated to all the gods, in memory of the great victory at Actium, 31 E. C. ( See 008 A. 1). I L'5 I'ropertius, eminent lioman elegiac poet, flourishes. 729 188-* 3980 4689 1'5 Augustus closes the Temjile nf Janus for tlie fourth time. •2{) {•"irst hook of Horace's "Epistles" published. 734 190-1 3985 4694 1!) Septeml)er 22. Death, at Brundusium, of P. Virgilius ]Maro, generally known as ^'irgil; age 50 years, 11 months, 7 days. X. P». — He had flnished, hut not 735 190-2 3986 4695 revised his ".i:neid." ( See 70, 35, 30, 17.) 18 Death of Tilnillus, nincli admired Roman elegiac poet. 736 190-3 1 3987 4696 17 Lucius Rufus Varius and Plotius Tucca revise and ])i-('](ar(' for jiuhlication ^'irgil's ".T^neid." 737 190-* 3988 4697 8 The name of the month Sextilis changed to Augustus 746 193-1 3997 4706 (August), in honor of the emiteror. 8 November 27th. Death of Horace, c(debrated Latin poet; age 56 years, 11 months, I'J days. r. Septendier. The angel Gabriel appears to Zacharias 748 193-3 3999 4708 and foretells the birth of St. John Baptist. (Date , generally accepted. ) 5 March 25th. The angel Gabriel announces to the 749 193-* 4000 4709 Blessed ^'irgin ^lary the Incarnation of Jesus Christ ; the seccnid Great Mystery of the Church. ( Date generally accepted. ) 5 Api'il 4tli. Temple of Janus closed for the fifth time, in token of universal peace. 5 Decend)er 25th. Birth of our Loi-d Jesus Christ, at Bethlehem. (Ac. Usher, Chrysostom, Hales, Blair, Clinton, Haydn, etc., etc., etc. ) ( Note 38. ) 5 December 25th. The shepherds visit our Savior. . 1 4 January 1st. Circumcision of Christ. 750 194-1 4001 4710 4 January (ith. The visit of the .Magi, or tlie Three AVise Men, to our Lord, at Bethlehem: "The "Shmi- festation of Christ to the Gentiles." (First Epi])hany. ) 4 March 28th. Death of Herod the Great, king of Jiidca. (See Note 38.) INDEX OF B. C. NOTES. Xt)Ti:. B. c. 1— A. M. and .1. P. Eras.. First Period 2— Deluge 2348 3 — Aucieut Cliiua 2270 4 — Yaou 2257 5 — Tciii]d(' of 7>('liis 2245 (i— Slum 2207 7— Yu 2207 S— iMumdiiiii of Egypt 2188 !)— Seven AVonders 2000-224 10— Arundeliau Marbles 1582 11 — ( 'eerops 1556 12— IVutecost 1491 13 — Dauaus in (Jreece 1486 14— Idiei Daetyli 1453, 1406 15— Pentateuch 1451 16 — Eleusiiiian Mysteries 1356 17— Codrus '. 1070 18— Hebrew ]'ro]>]iets 862-397 19— Ephori 760 20 — Xabonassar Era 747 21— Arion 610 NOTE. B. C. 22— Buddha 594 23 — Seven \Vise :Men 593 24 — (Vrus the Great — Persian Em- pire 559 25 — Crcesus the Ivieh 546 2(J— Fall of Babylon 538 27 — Order of Cyrus to llebuild Tem- ]ilc " 536 28— Milo 511 29— "The Triad" 499 30— "The Decade," (tr "Ten Athenian Orators" i79-292 31 — "Seventy Weeks" of Daniel.... 458 32 — Parrhasius and Zeu.\is 410 33— Socrates 399 34— ''Tragic Pleiad" 285-150 35 — Archimedes 212 36 — Fannia Lex 161 37 — Ecpiinoxes 159, 146 38— Birth of Christ 5 TO NOTES. FROM 1st period TO 1 B. C. Note 1. — 1st Teriod B. C. The dates throughout this book, according to tlie ^'ulgar or CHiristian Era, B. C. and A. D., are in a fcolunin to the left side of each page, while the Anno Mundi (A. M.), Julian Period (J. IM, etc., etc., etc., are all at the right hand side, to avoid con- fusion. The era of the Julian Period begins 4713 B. C. There are several modes of computing time by the Anno Mundi Era. Constanti- iKipolitan A. M. 1 begins 5508 B. C. ; Alexandrian, 5492 B. C. ; one is begun 4008 B. (\ ; and the Jewish A. M. 1 begins 3760 B. ('. In this work, however, A. M. 1 is placed at 4004 B. C, the hitherto generally accepted year of Creation, or first year of the world. (Ac. Com. Chron. ) NOTio 2. For those who take 4004 as the heretofore commonly accepted date of the creation of man, 2348 can be calculated exactly as the date of the Deluge by subtracting the ages of the antediluvians as giAen in text of Genesis 5, 6, and 7; and, of ccmrse, vice versa, the date of Creation can be calculated, by addition, from the date of the Deluge. Therefore, if the date of Creation be changed, the dates of Deluge and all other Bibli- cal history must be changed to correspond. Note 3—2270 B. C. According to the most ancient chronicles of China, there were at least 6 Chinese rulers before the reign of Yaou, as follows: Fohi (the Is'oah of Sacred History j, Shin- nung (Shem), Hwaug-te (son of Shem), Shaou-haou (son of Hwang-te), Chuen-heul (nephew of Shaou-haou ), and Te-kuh. Fohi, founder of the Chinese empire, is generally admitted to have been the Noah of Sacred History. He is said to have invented tishiug nets, bird-snares, the eight Qua or 04 Chinese symbols, and two musical instruments, both called tlie "kim," one of 27 strings and the other of 38 strings. Shin-nong (i. c. Celestial Husbandman), seccmd emperor, tbougiit to have been Shem, Noah's eldest son (from whom it is known the Chinese are descended |, invent- ed (ac. the Chinese) implements for tillage, taught his people to sow live sorts of grain, and to make salt from sea- water. Hwang-te, third emperor, invented the Kyatse, or cycle of sixty years, and also made a kind of compass, a card showing the four cardinal points. Having noticed that liollow trees floated, be invented barks and oars. He also invented wagons, and had oxen and horses trained to draw them. Comparatively little is recorded of the fourth and fifth emperors, Shaou-haou, and < 'huen-heul or Chwen-hyo. Te-kuh, sixth emperor, invented vocal music. He set the flrst example of poly- gamy, l)v marrying four wives. Note 4—2257 B. C. The most aucient books of Chiua date from tlie time of Yaou, grandson of Chuen- liefil, fifth emperor. Durinc,- Yaon's reigu, Hi and llo, two able mathematieians, care- fnlly examined the motions of the moon and stars, and invented instruments for ob- serving tliem. Together witli Yaou, they regulated the twelve lunar months. Yaou chose Shun to sueoeed him as emiieror, instead of his own son, Yu, because he thought it l)etter for the i)eoiile's welfare. Note 5—2245 B. C. The Temple of Belus, supposed to have been originally the Tower of Babel, was a magnificent structure. It had lofty siDires and was adorned with many statues of gold, one of them 40 feet high. In the upper part of the temple was the tomb of Babylon's fimnder, Belus (called in Sacred History Ximrod), who was deified after death by the Babylonians. Note 6—2207 B. C. Shun shut himself up in Yaou's tomb, to give veut to his grief for the loss of one whom he regarded as his father. Hence the custom arose in China of monrning three years for one's parents. The Chinese historians attribute Shun's advancement, to the submission and obe- dience which he always showed to his parents. He received from them only ill usage and his life was often in danger. Yet, he bore all their cruel treatment so patiently that, by degrees, bis respect and obedience wrought a change in their hearts. From this the Cliinese philosophers deduce two great moral principles: — first, that however wicked fatliers and mothers may be, children are nevertheless bound to pay them re- spect and obedience; second, that tliere is no man so bad but may be reclaimed at last bv good offices. Note 7—2207 B. C. Yu, nintli emperor, founded the first Cliinese dynasty of emperors, the "Hya Dy- nasty." Having tasted the Chinese wine invented by I-tze (a drink made from rice), Yu exclaimed, "This li(pn)r will cause the greatest troubles of the empire." He ban- islied I-tze, and forbade liis subjects to make the wine. The art, however, was pre- served, and the law proved useless. I-tze's invention became in time one of the deli- cacies of th(^ Chinese table. Note 8—2188 B. C. At this date chronologists appear to the casual observer to again differ. The ma- jority state that Mizraim, Ham's second sou, founded the kingdom of Egypt and built the city of Memphis. In many works, liowe\ er, we read that Menes built Memi)his and was the founder of the Egyptian monarchy. But, in studying the matter more deeply, we find that most antiquarians agree that JNIenes is (mly another form, in another language, of the Hebrew name Mizraim, as found in Biblical history, just as the founder of the Babylonish monarchy is called Belus in profane history, and Nimrod in the Bible. Be this as it may, it cannot be doulited that the Egyptian monarchy was founded by Jlizraim. One strong ])roof of this is that until the reign of ^Egyptus (14S5 B. C. ), from \\hom the country received its present name, Egypt was known only by the name Mizraim, after its founder, as Assyria after Assur; Nineveh after Ninus; Rome after Romulus, etc., etc. ~ 7S Note 9, Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, and ( 1—2000-224 B. C. The Seven Wonders of the Worhl are, in chronohiiiical order, as follows: First— Walls and Hanging Gardens of Babylon 2000 B. C. Second — The Egyptian Pyramids 1 0S2 B. C. Third— Temi)le of Diana, at Epliesns 772-552 B. C. Fourth — Statue, at Elis, of Jupiter Ulynipius 485 B. C. Fifth— Mausoleum 352 B. C. Sixth— The Pharos 2«J8-2S3 B. C. Seventh— Colossus of Khodes 2f»2-2S0 B. C. Section A— 2000 B. ('. The \\'alls and Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built in the reigu of Seniiraniis, queen of Assyria. Each of the four walls enclosing the city was 15 miles in length, 87 feet broad, and 350 feet high. In each of the four sides of this great scjuare there were twenty-tive gates (one hundred in all) of solid lu-ass. The streets began at each gate and were built in a .straight line to the gate exactly opposite, so there were fifty streets, each fifteen miles long, twenty-five running mnth and south, and twenty-five east and A\est, crossing each other at right angles. Besides these fifty streets, there were four half streets which had houses on only one side, and the wall on the other. These four were each 200 feet broad, tlie other fifty being about 150 feet l»road. The Hanging Gardens of Baljyhm were large terraces built one above the other, the top ones l)eing as high as the walls. The ascent from terrace to terrace was bj' wide stairs. The terraces were supported by huge arches, raised on other arches, one above the other. On top of the arches were laid immense stones, 1(JX4 feet. On these was jilaced a mixture of earth and bitumen, upon which were two layers of bricks, securely- cemented. These were covered with thick sheets of lead, upon which rested the mould of the gardens, which was sufficiently deep to allow the largest trees to take root in it. There were five of these gardens, and in them grew trees, fiowers, and vegetables. Note 9, Section B— 1082 B. C. The great Gizeh Pyramid was built by ('h('oi)S, king of Egypt, in 1082 B. C, as his mausoleum. Another was built by Ceidiren, king of Egyi^t, about 1032 B. 0. The perpendicular height of the Gizeh Pyramid is at present 450 feet, 9 inches, with upper room or sei)ulchral chamber 3414 ft^^t X 17^, feet and lOj', feet high. The present length of base is 740 feet. It covers eleven acres of ground, and is com- posed of stupendous blocks of stone. (The original height was 480% feet, and length of base 7(;4 feet. ) ( Ac. Vyse. ) Note 9, Section C— 772-552 B. C. The Temple of Diana, at Ephesus, was 425 feet long, 225 feet lii-oad, and the roof was supported by one hundred and twenty-seven cidunms 60 feet high, which had been l)laced there by one hundred and twenty-seven different kings. Of these columns thirty-six were carved in the most beautiful manner. One of the chief architects was Ctesiphon or Chersiphron. This celebrated temple was begun in 772 B. C, and was not completed until 552 B. C, two hundred and twenty years after its founda- tion. Ou the night that Alexander the Great was born, 356 B. <\, this temple was burned by Erostratus, in hopes of making his name notorious. A'OTE 9, Section U— 435 B. C. The statue, at Elis, of Jupiter Olympius \\as made by the famous Athenian statu- ary, Phidias, in 435 B. C. Having been baiiislied from Atliens by his countrymen, for caning his own image and tlmt of Pericles on the shield of his celebrated statue of Minerva, Phidias retired to Elis, and there made the fauums statue of Jupiter Olvm-' puis, out of revenge for the ill treatment which he had recei\ed from the Athenians,'^ that it might eclipse the statue of Minerva at Athens. , XuTE 9, Section E— 352 B. C. The mausoleum was a magnificent monument, erected by Artemisia to the mem- ory of her husband, Mausolus, king of Caria, 352 B. C. It was built by four archi- tects : Scopas erected the side which faced the east, Tomotheus the south side, Leo- chares the west, and Bruxis the north. Pithis also was employed to raise a pyramid over this great monument, and the top was embellished with a chariot drawn by four horses. Note 9, Section b^— 298-283 B. C. The Pharos, or watch-tower of Alexandria, was begun by Ptolemj' Soter, in 298 B. C, and completed by his son, Ptolemy Philadelphus, in 283 B. C. It was built on Pharos, an island about seven furlongs distant from the Egyptian shore, to which it was joined in 284 by a causeway. This tower was of white marble, and could be seen at the distance of one hundred miles. On the top constant fires were kept up, to guide sailors. The following inscrijjtion was ordered to be carved on it: "King Ptolemy to the gods, the saviours, for the benefit of sailors." Sostratus, however, wishing to have in the future all the gion-, engraved in the marltle an inscription bearing his own name; then tilling up the hollows with mortar, he wrote on it the above (pioted words. When, in time, the mortar had, little by little, cnimbled away, Ptolemy's name disappeared, and the following lines became visil)le: "Sostratus the Cnidian, son of Dexiphanes, to the gods, the saviours, for the benetit of sailors." Note !), Section G— 292-280 B. C. The Colossus of Rhodes was a brass statue of Apollo. Its feet were ui)on the moles Avhich formed the entrance of the harbor, and ships passed in full sail between its legs. It was 70 cubits (105 feet) high, and everything in equal proportion. A winding staircase ran to the top, whence could easily be discerned, l>y the help of glasses (Avliich were hung on the neck of the statue | , the shores of Syria, and the ships that sailed on the coast of Egypt. The Colossus was the work of Chares, of Lindus. He began it 292 B. C, and com- pleted it 280 B. C. After remaining uninjured for fiftj'-six years, it Avas thrown down by an earthquake in 224 B. C, and was finally destrf>yed when Rhodes was taken, in 653 A. I)., by the Saracens, who sold the pieces of the Colossus for old metal to a dealer, who is said to have used nine hundred camels to carry the brass from Rhodes. Note 10—1582 B. C. The Amndelian Marbles contain chronology of ancient history from 1582 to 355 B. C. ; sculptured 204 B. C. They consist of thirty-seven statues, one hundred and twenty-eight busts, and two hundred and fifty inscriptions. They were found in the Isle of Paros, in the reign of James I., IGIO A. D. They were purchased by Mr. Petty, for Lor27. They were presented to the 80 University of Oxford 1667 A. 1)., by Lord Aiiiudel's <>randsou, Heury Howard. Tlu' charactei's are Greek, of wliicli there are two translations; — one by Selden, 1628, and one by rricU^aux, KITd. (See KHd, 1G27, IC.Iil A. D.) Note 11—1556 B. C. Cecrops, a native of Sais, led a colony from Egypt, and fonnded twelve small vil- lages in Attica, and gradnally drew thither the inhabitants of that conntry. Tie gave them laws and regnlations, and introduced among them the worshi^i of the Egyptian deities, and is said to have been the first avIio raised an altar in Greece to Jupiter. He taught his subjects to cultivate the olive. Cecrops is generally considered the f(mnder of Atiiens, although Theseus, his ninth successor on the throne, 1235 B. C, formed the twelve villages, which Cecrops had founded, into one city, to which the nanu' Athens was given. The fable in which Cecrops is represented as half nmn and half serpent, derived, perhaps, its origin from the fact that Cecrops Avas master of two languages, the Greek and the Egy])tian, or that he had command over two countries, Egypt and Greece. Note 12—1491 B. C. The great Jewish Feast of Pentecost (i.e. fiftieth") was instituted in commemora- tion of the receiving of the law from Blount Sinai, on the fiftieth day after the de- parture fi-om Egy])t, and as a day on which the Israelites were to offer to God the first fruits of the harvest. Called also "Feast of Weeks" because it was celebrated seven weeks after the Passover. _ Note 13—1486 B. C. Danaus, son of Belus and Anchinsp, reigned in Egypt (after the death of his father) conjointly with his brother, .T^gyptus. A did'erence arising between them, Danaus set sail with his fifty daughters in a ship called "Armais," in quest of a set- tlement. He visited Ikhodes, and then 'landed on the coast of Peloponnesus. This was the first ship that had ever appeared at Greece. From compulsion, or some say voluntarily, Gelanor, the last of the Tnachid.i>, abdicated the throne of Argos in favor of Danaus, in 1-175 B. C. According to tradition, the success of Danaus induced the fiftv sons of ^Egyptus to end)ark for (Jreece. Fearing smli a nund)er, and terrified by an oracle, Danaus bade his fifty daughters, who had been promised in marriage to his fifty nephews, to mur- der their husbands on their wedding night. Hypermnestra alone spared the life of her husband, Lynceiis, who succeeded Danaus after a reign of fifty years. Note 14—1453 and 1406 B. C. Ida-i Dactyli was the name given to the ten priests of the goddess Cybele. Called Td;ei, ]dural of Id;ea, the surnanu' of Cybele, because she was worshiped at Blount Ida; and Dactyli (fingers), signifying the nund)er ten. Note 15—1451 B. C. The argument that Moses did not write the Pentateuch because of vei-se 10, Deut. 34 ("And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto ]Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face"), is very weak, for neither the Jewish nor Catholic Church ever claimed that the last eight verses, Deut. 34, verses 5-12, describing the death and burial of Afoses, were written by a dead man; but that all the Pentateuch from Gen. i., 1, to Deut. xxxiA'., 4, was written by Moses, inspired by God, and that tlie last eight verses of Deut. were written by Joshua after tlu^ death of Moses, perhaps many years after, as Joshua lived until 1426 B. C. Note 16—1356 B. C. The "Eleusinian Mysteries" was the most celebrateatriotic king, how- ever, disguised himself and attacked one of the enemy, by whom he was killed. The Athenians gained the victory, and Codrus was deservedly called "The Father of his Country." To i)ay greater honor to his memory, the Athenians resolved that no man after Codrus should reign in Athens under the title of king, and their kingdom was thenceforth ruled by archons. Note 18—862-397 B. C. The Four Greater Hebrew Prophets, whose books are contained in the Old Testa- mcut, are: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. The Twehe Minor Hebrew Prophets are in Bible order: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniab, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. The chronological order of the Sixteen <'anouical Proi>hets are: Jonah, S(\-; Joel, 800; Amos, 787; Hosea, 785; Isaiah, 760; Micah, 750; Nahum, 713; Zephaniah, 630; Jeremiah, 629; Habakkuk, ()26; Ezekiel, 595; Obadiah, 587; Daniel, 555-534; Haggai, 520, sixth uionlli; Zechariah, 520, eighth month; and .Malachi, 397. Note 19—760 B. C. The Ephori wcie jiowerful magistrates at Sparta, five in numbci-, elected annually. They could check and restrain the authority of the kings, and even imprison them if guilty of misdemeanor. They were much the same as the Rouuin tribunes, created to watch with a jealous eye over the I'ights and liberties of the people. They had the right to convene, prorogue, and to dissolve the greater and lesser assemblies of the l)eople. The former was composed of 9,000 Spar-tans, all inhabitants of the city; the latter consisted of 30,000 Spartan inhaltitanis of the inferior towns and villages. Note 20—747 B. C. The Egyptian or Nabonassar Era, beginning February 26th, 747 B. C, consisted of 365 days only, instead of 3()5'_|. I( was reformed 30 B. C., by which time the begin- ning of the year, by continually receding, fell on the 29th of .\iigust, and it w;is de- _ teriiiiued that in future the 2!»th of August should be the first of the Egyptian year. To reduce the Nabonassar Era to the Christian Era, subtract 746 years, 125 days. Note 21—610 B. C. According to Herodotus, the historian, Arion having traveled through Italy, etc., and by liis talents amassed a fortune, embarked at Tarentum for Corinth, to return to his friend and patron, I'eriander, the tyrant. The sailors, coveting his wealth, decided to kill the poet, and ordered him to cast himself overboard. He gained pei*- mission to first sing a s(Mig and play upon his citliara or lyre. DoI])hins were attracted to the ship by the e.\(|uisite music, and, as tlie poet fell into the water, one of them took him ujxm its back and carried him safely to shore. He reached Corinth before the shi]), and, having told his adventure to Periander, tlie sailors were, upon lauding at Corinth, convicted of their crime and punished accordingly. XoTK 22~5!)4 B. C. ISiddartha Cautania, the Hakya Muni, commonly known as Buddha ( i. c. Enlight- ened One), was the only son of SuddlK'idana, raja of the Sakyas, and was born 623 B. C. (Jautama's mother was Mahamaya, a daughter of the raja of Koli. At the age of 16 (iautama married the Princess Yasodhara. In July, 51t4, age 2!), suddenly real- izing the vanity of earthly riches and pleasures and the uncertainty of life, he re- tired into seclusion, to think out some new form of religion and belief that might bring lasting happiness. He left home on the day of the birth of his only son, Rahula. While in retirement he invented and planned out Buddhism. From all accounts he was, without doubt, sincerely searching after Truth, and subjected himself to the severest discipline and hardness. A\'hen he came forth again before the world and preached his new doctrine, he founded an order of mendicant monks, with himself as their head, all being obliged to beg their daily food. Later on, at the earnest request of his heart-broken wife, he founded the Buddhist nuns, and Yasodhara was the first to enter. His followers called him Buddha because of his apparent wisdom, and after death he was deified and worshiped as a god; lience many writers treat him as a mythical character. Biiddhism spread ra])idly throughout Eastern and Central Asia. Buddha, in his religion, inculcated the strictest morality, liut taught the doctrine of migration of souls, even in the vegetable kingdom. Therefore, the priests and monks were com- pelled to beg their daily bread, for fear of themselves destroying a soul while pre- paring their own food. He died 543 B. C, age SO. NOTK 23—593 B. C. The Seven Wise Men of Greece were : ; Bias, of Priene, flourished 593 B. C. Chilo, who was one of the Epliori of Sparta in 556 B. C. Cleobulus, of Lindus, born 634 B. C. ; died 564 B. C. Periander, born 665 ; died 585. He was tyrant of Corinth, 625-585 B. C. Pittacus, of :\ritylene, born 651 ; died 560 B. C Solon, archon of Athens, boru 638; died 558 B. C. Thales, of Miletus, Iwrn 640 ; died 548 B. ( ;. ' '' — ■ — • ' S3 Two or three maxims of eaoli of the Heveii Wise Men are jiiveu below- First, Hias — "Endeavor to jiain tlie good will of all men." "The most miserable man is he who cannot endure misery." "l>o not praise an unworthy man for the sake of his wealth." Second, Chilo — "Never speak evil of thi' dead." "Reverence old ai;c." "(xovern your anj;er." "Be not over-hasty." "Seek not impossibilities." "].,et yonr friend- ship be more eonspicnons in adversity than iu prosjjerity." Third, Cleobnlns — "Re more attentive than talkative." "Detest ingratitnde." "Kndeavor always to employ yonr thoughts on souiething worthy." l'"onrth, I'eriander — "The intention of crime is as sinful as the act." "Perform whatever you have ])romised." "Pleasure is tleetiug; honor is immoi-tal." Fifth, Pittacus — "The possession of power discovers a uian"s true character." "Whatever you do, (hi it well." "Do not tlial lo your Meighbci- whicii you would take ill from him." Sixth, Solon — "Kevereuce (Jod (or the gods i, and honor your parents." "Mingle not with the wicked." "Do not consi B. (\ He was the son of Agiasarchus and Blasta. According to tradition, while tending his flocks one day, he entered a cave, where he fell aslee]). His sleep (ac. Pliny I con- tinued fifty-seven years. When he awoke, he found every surrounding object so changed that he scarcely knew where he was. His brother, to his great astonishment, told him how long he had slept. He is supposed to have lived 289 years. Note 24—559 B. C. Cyrus, "The (ireat," was the son of (\unbyses, a Persian nobleman, and .Mandane, the daughter of Astyages, king of Media. Astyages, (ac. Herodotus,) being warned in a dream that his daughter's son would become king, commanded an officer named llarpagus to kill the infan(. I larjiagus ordered a hei-A'here shall I fly to avoid the irrevocable doom passed on all mankind?"' Socrates taught the doctrine of the immortality of the soul and the sin of commit- ting suicide. When, at the appointed time, the poison was handed to him, he drank it without emotion, and in a few minutes expired. 91 NoTK ;u— 2sr)-ir)(> n. d. There are four different versious of the "Tra.nie l*]eia .Vc. to Suidas. 1. Homems or Homer Jr. 1.'. ►Sositheus. ^^. I^ycophron. 4. Alexander. 5. IMiiliscus. ('). Sosi])haiu's. 7 Ac. toM. S. F. Scholl Homerus or Homer Jr. Sositheus. Lycoiihi'on. Alexander. I'liiliscus. Dionysides. .Eantides. (Correct.) Ac. to A. Scholl. Homerus or Homer Jr. Sositheus. Lycophron. Alexander. Pliiliscus. S()si])hanes. .Eautides. Tzetzes. Homerus or Homer Jr. Theocritus. Lycojjhron. Aratus. Philiscus. Nicander. .Eantides. 1. lliuuerus (II- ihsmcr Jr. was born at Hii'rapolis 'H\o H. C. He wrote forty-five tragedies, which ai-e all lost. •2. Sositheus tlourished alxmt 250 B. C. :'>. Lycophron fiourished '2i>i>-'24:7 B. C. He wrote over forty-five tragedies, of wliicli only one work is extant, and the titles of tAventy liavebeen presented. 4. AlexaniU-r fiourished alxmt I'.KI B. C. ."). Philiscus fiourishwl about 2UU B. C. (i. Sosiphanes t1(mrished alxmt 300 B. C. 7. Jvmtides fiourished alxmt 300 B. C. Dionysides — His name is not to Ix' found in any work. Theocritus fiourished 270 B. (\; celebrated i)astoral poet. Many works extant. Aratus tlourished 27r> B. ('. Some of his works are extant. He is supposed to be the jMH't Avhom St. Paul (pioted in his address to the Athenians. (Acts, xvii., 28.) Nicander flourished about l.">0 B. ('. Only two works are extant. NoTK 35—212 B. C. When the Ikomans, under .Marcellus, besieged Syracuse, Arcliimedes constructed machines which raised the enemy's ships up in the air and let them fall suddenly into the water with sulticient violence to sink them. He also set some of the ships on tire with his burning glasses. When at last Syracuse was taken, in 212 li. ('., Marcellus gave strict orders to the soldiers not to hurt Archimedes, and offered a reward to the one who should bring the famous (Jreek bef(U"e him uiiinjured. Archimedes was at home engaged in solving a jirobleni, not e\eu aware that Syracuse was in the hands of the Romans, when a soldier entered and ordered the great man to follow him to Alarcellus. Archimedes refused to leave until he had finished the ]iroblem ; where- u\Hm the soldier in a i»assi(ui killed him. 92 Hierou II., of Syracuse, oner oousnlted Ai-cliimedes about a j^oldeu crown wliicli flic king feared liad some baser metal alloyed witli it. A\liile tryinn to ]>lan some mode of detecting the fraud, .Vrcliimedes went to the baths and ste])ped into a tub "luite full of water. As the water ran over the sides of the tub, the thought Hashed into the mind of Archimedes, that as the overflow of the water must lie e(iual in bulk to his body, so the bulk of the crown compared with a mass of jmre gold of ei|ual weig]it,botli drojjjyed into an equal quantity of water, would show the amount of alloyed metal by the differ- ence of the overflow. This discovery threw him into such an ecstasy of jt»y that he ran home withcmt waiting to dress, crying out: "Eureka! Eureka I" (I have found it.) ^^dlence the expression so often used, denoting pleasure and sui^jrise. Note 30— Kil B. C. The "I'annia Lex" decreed that no [lerson slmuld s]MMid more than one hundred asses a day on the great festivals, thirty asses on certain lesser feasts, and ten asses on all other days. The "as" was a Roman coin of brass A\'eighing f)riginally one pound, but reduced after first I'unic AYar to two ources. In second Punic AA'ar it was reduced to one ounce, and by the "Papiria Lex," 101 J\. (". (A. W (\ 503), to one-half ounce, eqmil to three and one-tenth farthings. -p Note 37—159 and 140 B. C. lli]»|)archus first discovered that the interval between the vernal and the autum- nal e(|uinox is one hundred and eighty-six days, seven days longei- than the inter- val between the autumnal and vernal equinox, occasioned by the eccentricity of the earth's orbit. He divided the heavens into l!l constellations: iL* ecliptic, l21 in the northern hemisphere, and 10 in the soutbei'n; and he gave names to all the stars. Note 3S— 5 B. ('. It is strange, that, while tlie date of the birth of nine-tenths of the great men of the world is accurately known, tlie date of the birth of the "King of Kings," the Lord of Heaven and Earth, is yet a ([uestion o])en to discussion. The coi'rect date, how- ever, can be found as follo\\s: The dates given by Arcbbishoj) Usher on the margin of the lOnglisb Bible, St. Luke, (M'd had been born seven days later, that is, January 1st, then His birth would have been in 4 B. ('. But as December 25th is the day universally accepted, 5 B. ('., seven days before the beginning of the year 4 B. (\, is the correct date. This is ])roved by the fact that Herod the (ireat, king of Judea, died starch 2Sfb, 4 B. ('. A\'e are exjiressly told in (tod's Word (St. Matthew, ch. ii., vs. 1, 3, 15, l!t, 22), and we also learn from jirofane history that Christ was born in the days of Herod the king. Therefore, as Herod died nearly nine months before Decemlier 25, 4 B. ('., our Lord must have been l)orn December 25, 5 B. ('. ; that is, three moiitlis and three days liefore the death of Herod. 93 REFERENCES. "Herod died March 28tli, A. U. 0. 750, 4 B. C." — Michaiid's Biographie Universal. "Herod died between March 13 and April 5 soon after tlie birth of Christ." "Made kin,u of Judea 40 B. C." lolnison's Xrir ('iiir('r-'<((l ('i/clopadia. "Death of Herod between an eclipse of tlie moon, March 13th, and the feast of tlie Passover." — Clinton. "Herod died in the thirty-seventh year (if liis reijin, 4 H. C." — iiinith's DiCtiuiKiiii iif (IrrrI: (iiid I'oiiiuii l'io(/i(iphi/. "Death of Herod 4 B. C." — Eiici/dopwdid Biitannica. "Herod died 4 B. C." —Moiiil Wide l-Uicijclopedia. "Herod died in March, 4 B. C." — Huydn'x Biography. 94 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SPECIAL BATTLES \ FlIUM 585 TO 1 ]',. C. B. C. .Vitiiiiii 31 .Eiiospotamus 405 Aliiii 3!)0 Ai-lH'la 381 ('aiiiuv 210 < Irauitus 334 Ilal.YS 585 Ipsus 301 Issus 333 :\Iaratli()ii 490 ^lumla 45 ilutina 43 \ 15. C. Mycale 479 riiarsalia 48 I'hilippi 42 Platfea 479 Pydiia 168 Salaniis 480 Thapsus 46 Tlu'nuopyla- 480 Thrasyiiiemis 217 Zania' 202 Zela 47 I'or Special Wars, see "AVai-s" in jneueral alphabetical index. FIIOM 1 TO 1900 A. i>. A. D. Al)rahaiii 1759 Alm-Klea 1885 Agiiicdurt 1415 Ahmednuggur 1803 Aladja Da«ili 1877 Alcoiea 1868 Alexandria 1801 Aljnbarota '.1385 Alma 1854 Alnninza 1707 Angora 1402 Arcot 1760 Arganuni 1803 Aries 508 Ascalon 1099, 1191 Asperne ■;i809 Assave 1803 A. D. Auerstadt 1806 Ansterlitz 1805 Halaklava 1854 Baltimore 1814 Rannockbnrn 1314 Baruet 1471 Battle of the Standard 1139 Bantzen 1813 Belgrade 1717 Bemis Heights 1777 Bennington 1777 Bitonto 1734 Blackheath 1497 Blenheim 1704 Bloreheath 1459 Borodino 1812 Bosworth 1485 95 A. II. Buyue KiDO l>rau(l_vwiiic 1777 r.iciteiifekl 1G31 r.ii(l';/e water 18U r.i-'.er Tm-k 1770 .I'.iill Ifini 1801 liimker Hill 1775 I^ixiu- 17(;4 Calais 1347 ('alatifini 18(i(t < "amdeii 1780 ( V'lTo (}(H'(l(t 18-47 Champlain 1814 ( Mianii-kia-waii 18(!0 (MiapTiltciX'c 1847 ( 'hickaiiiauiia 18(i3 (Miilliainvailali .1849 < MiipiK'wa 1814 Conniiia 18(M» Courcelles 1870 (NnviKMis 1781 ( 'rayford 4r)7 CreoY 134(1 Cullddeu 174(; Dresden 1813 1 )unlilaue 1715 Duiidalk 1318 Duiidar lli'tO ])nri(|iie 1139 Kckmuhl 1809 Ediichill U>i2 Erie 1813 Kssliu^ 1S09 Eiitaw Springs 1781 Evesham 1LM)5 Eylaii 1S07 l\iir Oaks lS(i2 Einisterre 1747 IMve l^^irks 1S(>5 T'ontenoy 1745 Eoo-Chow 1884 I'^rederiokshnrn 18(12 I'^riedland 1807 (Jawal-liur 1803 (}aza 1799 (Jedid 1S99 Oeriiiantown 1777 A. D. Gettysburg- 1863 (xisors 1198 (iravelotte 1870 Gnzerat 1849 Ilalidou TTilJ 1333 Hastings 10(j(; Hohenliuden 1800 Honiildoii Hill 1402 Inkeriuan 1854 Il>swioli 4(>(5 Lpiiijiie 1S79 Isly 1844 Issiis 194 Jaffa 1799 •Teiina 1800 Kikullen 1798 Kiinersdorf 1 759 Laffeld 1747 La Hogne .1092 Leipsic 1()31 Lewes 1204 l^e.\iiigt(in 1775 Liindy's Lane 1814 Lntzen 1813 Lyons 197 Magdala 18(58 .Alagenfa 1859 Majnha Hill ISSl Malegnand 1859 :Malpla(|nef 1709 .Manila 1898 Mars-la-Tnur 1870 .Mearcr.iMlslpiiin 485 Mela7>Z(> 18()0 .Alill i^prings 18(i2 .Minden 1759 Missionary Ividge 1803 ^loiiongahela 1755 .Montehello 1859 .Montniartre 1814 .Mortimer's Cross 14(j1 :\Inta 029 Naas 179S Narva 1700 Naseby 1(545 Neville's Cross 1340 Newlmrv I(i43, 1044 96 A. II. New Orleans 1815 Niagara 1814 Nictea 194 Nile 1798 North Camp 1897 Ufkley 851 ( )luslt'e 18(J4 (.)iiiauriiia!i 1898 Oroquieta 1872 Oudeiiarde 1708 Palestro 1859 Palo Alto 1846 Patay 1429 Pavia 1525 Pea Kidge 18G2 IVi-lK. 1800 • Pentlaiid Hills KiOO Peterwardeiii 1710 Ping- Yang 1894 Pisagiia 1879 Pittsburg Landing 1802 Plassey 1757 P<»ictiers 13j(> Pollentia 40;] Poltava 709 Pooiiah 1803 Prague 1020 Princet(ui 1777 pyramids 1798 ryreuees 1813 Kauiilli.'s 1700 liuucimx 1740 i;a\cnua 1512 Kesaca de la Palma 1846 Kezduville 1870 liiclnuoud 1802 Kdchauiheau 1781 SaarlirficU 1870 Sahraon 1810 Sacketfs Harbor 1813 Sadowa 1800 Saint Albans 1455. 1401 Salankemen 1091 Saratoga 1777 Schweiduitz 1701 A. 1). Seio 1770, 1822 Sedan 1870 Sempaeli 1380 Seringapataui 1799 Seven I'ines 1802 Slieriffniuir 1715 Shiloh 1802 Shrewsbury 1403 Smolensk '. 1812 Soissons 486 Solferino 1859 Spurs 1513 Standard 1138 Steeukerk I(i92 Stilh\'ater 1777 Stoke 1487 Stony Point 1779 Tala\era .1809 Tarapaoa 1879 Tewkesbury 1471 Tlianies . ." 1730 Tioonderoga 1758 Tippecanoe 1811 Tokar 1884 Towtou 1401 Trafalgar 1805 Trenton 1770 Uhn 1805 riundi 1879 Valparaiso 1891 Velestino 1897 Viouville 1870 Vittoria 1813 Vougle 507 Wagrani 1809 Waketieid 1400 Waterloo 1815 WildiM-ness 1804 \\imliester 1813 Wissembourg 1870 Woerth 1870 ^^'(n'oester 1051 Wounded Knee Creek 1890 Zenta 1697 Zutphen 1586 MARSHAL JUNOT. (DUC D'ABRANTES.) SEE 1808 A. D. 98 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. FKOM 1 TO 1!»03 A. D. N. B. — Names of most of the kings, etc., are uot placed in this index, nor in the l)<)dy of tlu' work, as they are iu the Tables of Kulcrs, at the end of the book. A. A. D. Abbasside D.ynasty "50 Abbey * .' 7J)3, 1065 Abdaliuelik 695 Abd-el-Kader 1832, 1814, 1869, 1883 Abdiillaii 1899 Abdiir l{oiinian 1891 Abei'crombie 1801 Aberdeen 1191 Abernethy 1831 Aberration of Light 1727 Abo 1640, 1743 Abool-Abbas-Abdallah 749, 750 Abraham ( battle ) 1759 Abu-Bekr 632 Abu named 1897 Abu-KIca (battle ) 1885 Abulfeda 1331 Acaoins 484 Academy of Arts 1768 Academy of Music Iest 1230 xVlaiai;ro 1535 AInianae 1472, 1732 Alnianza ( battle | 1 707 Almeida 1505 Alnwiek 1174 Alphousiue Tables : 1253 Alsace 413 Amadeus 1870, 1871, 1873 Amazon Kiver 1540 Ambrose 387, 390, 397 Anibrosian (Miant 350 America 1492, 1497, 1499 American Kevohitiou 1770, 1782 American Society Preyention of Crnelty to Animals 1866 American-Spanish War 1898 Amerlinji: 1 887 Amherst 1758, 17(;0 Amiens ( ])eace I 1802 Ammonia 1785 Amphitrite (planet ) 1854 Ana'sthetics 1847 Anafestns . 697 Anastasins 599 Anathemas 387 Anderson 1848, 1860, 1861, 1875 Andrassy 1890 Andre 1780 A. D. Andre\\- ( St. ) 69, 359, 809 Andros ' 1689 Angelic Knights 456 Augelo, .Alichael 1512, 1564 Anglo-American (treaty) 1871 Anglo-Indian War 1894, 1897 Angoi-a ( battle | 1402 Animalcnles 1677, 1723 Annapolis KiOl Anne's A^■ar 1702 Annnnciation 350 Anson 1740, 1744, 1762 Anti-Jac(;bin 1797 Antioch 1097, 1098 Antiquarian Society 1751 Anti-Slayery Societ.\ 1823 Antony ( St. ) '. 251, 305, 356 Apion 39 Apollinaris 375 Apollodorns 105 Aquinas 1274 A(]uitaine 507 Arabic Numerals 991 Arabi Pasha 1882 Arago 1848, 1853, 1870, 1892 Aragon 1035, 1479 Aram 1759 Arbuthnot 1735 Archangel 1553 Arcot (battle) 17(50 Arctic E.xi)e(lition 1896 Ardohindschan 1784 Arganum ( battle I 1803 Argentine Hepublic 1865 Argus 1813 Ariosto 1533 Aristides 125, 129 Arithmetic 1602 Arins 31(5, 336 Arkansas 1836, 1861, 18(58 Arkwriglit 1769, 1771, 1792 Aries, 314, ( battle 50S ) 813 Arnnida 1588 Armellini 1849 Armenians 1890 Arnold 1775, 1780, 1781, 1888 Arris (treaty) 1435 100 A. D. Artahiiiuis 226 Artaxci'xes 22G Artesian \\'i41s 1859 Artliiir ."■)()<•>, HIT, 1881, 1886 Artie-le.s lo3!», 1552, 1563, 1571 Ariindeliau Marbles 1610, 1627 1667 Asraldii i battle ) 1099, 1191 Ascension 33, 68 Ascbaiii 1568 Aslie 1779 Asliniole , 1692 Asperne ( battle I 1809 Assaye ( battle) 1803 Asteroids. .1801, 1802, 180-t, 1807, 1845, 1847, 18-18, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856 Astor 1848 Astr;ea 1845 Atalanta ( planet ) 1855 Athanasiau Creed 340 Atbanasins 373 Athens 52, 528 Atlanta 1864 Atlantic Cable 1866, 1869 Atterbury 1732 Attila. . 433, 447, 451, 452, 453 Attucks 1770 Atzerott 1865 Auber 1871 Andubon 1851 Anerbacb 1882 Auerstadt I battle ) 1806 Augier 1889 Aussburj;- 1530 Auiinste 1848 Auonistine 354, 387, 430, 597 Aniiiistine ^Monks 1256 Au-iustinns (Note L, and 1638) . .1640 Auiic Council 1501 Aurora P.orealis 1716 Ausonins 394 •Vusterlitz (battle) 1805 Australia 1793 Austria 1866, 1870 Avalanche 1897 .\ vermes 1198 A. D. .Vvicenna 1037 Avignon 1309 Azcarraga 1S97 B. Rabylas 250 Bacon 1252, 1260, 1292, 1626 Badajos 1812 Baden 1326 Badinnnai Pass 1897 Baflin Bay 1616 Bagley 1898 Bainbridge 1812 Baird 1799, 1806, 1887 Bajazet 1402 Baker 1645, 1864, 1893 Baker Pasha 1884 Balaklava ( battle I 1854 Balboa 1513 Baldwin 1261 IJalliol 1290, 1333 Balliol College 1263 1872 Ballot-box Balmaceda 1891 Balloon 1783, 1804, 1882 Baltimore, 1729, 1797, . . . (battle, 1814 Baltimore American (newspaper) 1773 Balzac 1850 Bancroft 1891 Bank, 808, 1157, 1694, 1791, 1816, 1817 Banks 1863 Bannockburn ( battle) 1314 Baratier 1740 Barbadoes 1625 Barbier 1882 Barcelona 1705 Barclay 1619, 1813 Barlaam 1339, 1348 Barlow 1559 Barnaby 1882 Barnet ( battle I 1471 Barometer 1643 Baronets 1611 Barre 1765 Barri 1220 Barrier (treaty) 1715 Barrios ' 1898 101 A. D. BaiTislci's 12<)1 Barron 1807 Bardioldy 18-17 Bartholomew (St. ) 71, 1130 Barton 1531 Basel 1131, 1131, 1139 Basel (university I 1158 Basil '. 370, 379 Bastile of Paris 13(;9, 13S3, 1789 Baton 123C Battles,— 191, 197, 1138, 1111, 1171, 1191, 1198, 12(51, 1205, 1282, 1290, 1311, 1318, 1333, 131(i, 1317, 1350, 1385, 1380, 1388, 1102, 1103, 1115, 1129, 1155, 1159, 1100, 1101, 1101, 1170, 1185, 1187, 1197, 1512, 1513, 1525, 1580, 1620, 1031, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1645, 1051, 1000, 1090, 1691, 1692, 1(;97, 1700, 1701, 1700, 1707, 1708, 170!), 1715, 1710, 1717, 1734, 1745, 1740, 1747, 1755, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1700, 1701, 1701, 1770, 1775, 1770, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, 179S, 1799, 1801, 1803, 1805, 1800, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1811, 1840, 1817, 1849, 1854, 1859, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1801, 1805, 1800, 1808, 1870, 1872, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1884, 1885, 1890, 1891, 1891, 1897, 1898, 1899 1900 See Speeial Index of Battles, page 95 Battle of the Standard . 1139 Bantzen ( battle) 1813 Baxter 1091 Bayle 1081, 1(;97, 1700 Bazaine 1870 Beaeonsti(>l(l 1880 Beanohani]) 1139 Beanniont 1010 Beanninr 1730 Beanreo-ard 1801, 18(i2 Beeket 1170 Beddoes 1808 A. D. Bede 192, 703, 731, 735 Beecher 1887 Bees 1070 Beethoven 1827 Beg- 1449 Behring Straits 1728 Beliring St raits Arbitration Treaty, 1892 '. .1893 Belgrade (battle) 1717 Belisarins 531, 555 Bell 1832, 1842 Belle Isle 1701 Bellini 1835 Bellona ( planet i 1854 Bells 400, 680, 945, 1008 Belty 1804 Bend)o 1547 Beniis Heights (battle) 1777 Benedek '. 1806 Benedict 529, 1192, 1424, 1885 Benet College 1351 Bengal 1757, 17(>5, 1771 Bennington (battle I 1777 Benthani 1832 Bentley 1742 Berceo 1206 Bergh 1800, 1888 Berkeley 1753 Berlin ". 1163, 1871 Bernard ( St. ) 1116, 1153 Bernini 1080 Bernonilli 1782 Bertha 575 Berthier 1798 P.erthollet 1785 Berzelins 1848 Bessel 1816 Bethnne 1641 Betterton 1710 Beza 1605 Bible,— 373, 405, 1229, 1253, 1144, 1100, 1517, 1534, 1535, 1539, 1588, Kill, 1759, 1770, 1782, . . .1881 Bible Society 1816 Bicycle 1867 Birde 1623 Birkbeck 1823 t02 A. U. Hissiimirk 1SG5, 1871, ISiM), 1898 Bitouto ( battle ) 1731 Black-Eagle 17(11 Black Friars 1215 Blackfriars Bridiie 17(i(), 177(1 Hlackhawk .1882 Rlacklicatli (battle) 1197 Black -hole \7M lilackstoiie 1780 Blanc 1SS2 433 Bleiiheini (battle) 1701 Blind, 1781 ( letters, 1827 P.l 1 1.j53, 1()19, l(i2S, 1897 Bloreheath (battle) .1459 Blue Stocking- Club 1800 Blum lS(i5 Bluinenbacb 1840 Blythe 1813 Bocaccie 1375 Bechart 16G7 Bode 1820 Bodleian Library 1598 Boerliaave 1738 Boers 1881, 1899, 1900, 1902 Bohemia 1711 Boileau 1711 Bolevji 15;; i3(; Boliugbn.'ke 1399 Bolivar 1819 Bolivia 1879 Bombs 1495 Bond>- vessels 1081 Bonaparte, — 17!»3, 1795, 1790, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1801, 1802, 1804, 1805, 1813, 1848, 1886, . . .1891 Bonaventura 1274 Bonheur 1899 Boniface 000, 008 Bonner 1558 Book of Sports 1018, 1033 Booth 1S05, 1893 Borda 1S97 Borodino ( battle ) 1812 Boscowen 1758 I'x'ssuet ir,82, 1704 ^'"^ton 1030, 1889 A. D. Boston Fire 1872 Boston Massacre 1770 Boston Port Bill 1774 Boston Tea Tarty 1773 Boswell .' 1795 Bosworth (battle ) 1485 Botany Bay 1787 Botbwell 1507 Boudinot 1810 Bougainville 1700, 1769 Bouiton 1798 Bourges 1438 Bowyer 1777 B(»xer 1813 Boxers 1900 Boyle 1000, 1091 Boyne (battle) l(VM) Bracciidini 1459 Braddcc 1755 Bradley 1727, 1702 Bradstrect 1758 Brag 1097 Bragg 1803 Braiie 1601 Brandt 1007 Braudywiiie ( battle | 1777 Brantonie 1614 Brazen-nose College 1509 Brazil 1500, 1801, 1805, 1870, 1889 Breakspere 1154 Breakwater 1812 P.reitenfeld ( battle ) 1031 Bretigny ( treaty ) 13(iO Brett 1851 Brewster 1817 Bridges,— 1057, 117(i, 1700, 1770, 1811, 1814, 1819, 1855, 1890, . . .1892 Bridgewater (Canal) 1758,1761 Bridgewater ( battle ) 1814 Brier Creek ( battle | 1 779 Bright 1889 Brissot 1793 Brist(d 1542 Britain,— 43, 121, 178, 208, 420, 449, 457, 477, 485, 495, 506, .... 597 British India ( war and revolts), — 1878, 1894, 1897, 1898, . .1899 103 A. D. Brittany 1491 Brock ' 1812 Broke • 1S13 Bronte 1855 Brooke KiL'S Brown 1813, ISU, 1859, 1878 Browuiuj; 1889 Brace. ....1290, 1306, 1311, 1318, 1333, 1340 17(i8 Bruckcr 1770 Brnn 1820 Brunelleschi 1444 Brnni 1444 Brnno 905, 1084 Brnsh (electric li<;lit ) 1882 Bryant ' 1878 I'.uclianan 1570, 1582, 1857, 1801 Buckin;4liani 1028 r?nell ! 18(;2 Bnenos ^Vyres 1535 Bnlfon . .' ■ 1788 Bniicand 1844 Bnljiaria 1870 Bnlsarians 803, 870 Bull 1022 Bnller ]8!>9 Bullet-proof ('loth 1894 Bull Bun (battle) 1801 Bulwer 1873 Bunker Hill 1 775 P.unny 1897 Buuisen 1800 Bunyan 1688 Burji'oyne 1777 Burjiundians 400 Buro-undy 413, 501 Burik 802 Burke 774, 789, 797 Burlinjuanie 18(i8 B.urniah 1885, 1880 Burnet 1715 Burns 1796 Burr 1804, 1830 Burrows 1813 Burton 1890 Butler 1080, 1868 Buxar (l.attlei 1764 A. I). Byng 1718, 1757 Byron 1704 C. < 'abal ^linistry 1070 Cable, 1851, 1858, 1866, 1869, 1881, 1892 Cabot 1497 Cabral 1500 Cabul 1879 Cade 1450 Ca'dinon 080 Cairo 909, 1798 Cains Colleije 1557 Calais (battle | 1347 Calatiflui ( battle ) 1800 Calcutta 175(;, 1757 Caledonia 1803 Caledonians 84, 208, 404 Calendar. .1582, 1792, 1793, 1805. 1800 Calhoun 1850 Calico 1(;31 Califcrnia 1535, 1848, 1850 Callao 1(;87, 174(5, 1800 Callinicus 073 < 'allioiie ( planet I 1852 Cahnar Union 397 Caliuet 1757 Calccherino 1898 Calvin 1535, 1504 Camara 1898 ( 'andiaceres 1799 CandMin 1898 Cambray 1508, 1529 Cambrensis 1220 Candiridiic ( universities) . . . .02(), 1320, 1343, 1344, 1348, 1351, 1448, 1475, 1490, 1519, 1540, 1557, 1584 1593 Camden, 1023 ( liattle, 1780 Camoens 1572, 1579 Caui])anile 1174, 1902 (Note Y.) Cauii)bell 1 685, 1844 Camperdown 1893, 1898 Campos 1879 Canada (bishopric, 1793) 1867 Canadian Pacitic Bailroad 1885 104 A. D. Caual ITScS, ITdl, 1803, 1S25, 1857, 18(i8, 18()lt, 1871, 1887, . ..1889 Canary Islands 1402 Caiiby 18G5, 1873 Camlia 1859 Candles 1300 ('aiuiiini' 17it7, 1858 (Jauiioii 134(5, 1539 Canonical l IkidUs 490 ) . . . ( hours, 391 Canonization 993 Cauon.s, 380, 900, 1127, 1140, 1151, 1234 Canova 1822 Canovas del Castillo 1890, 1897 Canti'riinry 002, 851 Canton .'. 1857, 1858 Caiitu 1895 Canute lOKi, 1017 ( "ape Breton 1 745, 1758 Cape of Good Hope. . . 1 ;8(;, 1497, 1800 Capjic 1792 Capucliin l''riars 1525, 1528 Caracal la 215 Caracas 1812 Caracci 1002, 1009, 1019 Caractucus 50, 51 Carazo 1889 Cards 1392 Carey 1879 Car-fare 1882 Carlisle 1800 Carlovinjiian 752, 987 Carlsbad 1364 Carlyle 1881 Carmelites 1150, 12 10 Carnot 1887, 1894 Carolina. .lO.lO, 10(;o, 1003, 1070, 1080, 1729 Car]>enter 1885 ''ar])io I(i35 Carteret 17(53 < 'arthatie 425 Carthusian 1084 Cartier 1534 Casanlion 1014 Casey ] 8(52 Cass 18(56 Cassini 1712 .\. D. ('assniiccioal 1883 ("astagnedo 1718 Castefar 1873 Castell 1(185 Caslella 1502 Castile 1035, 1479 Castillo 1879, 1881 ( 'astle Pinckney 1800 (Cathedrals,— 602, 604, 1220, 1248, 1258, 1675, 1710, 1880, 1887 Catherine Hall 1475 Catherine of Aragon 1509 Caucasians 1804 Cavajiiiari 1879 Cavaliers 1079 Cave 1731 Cavendish 1784, 1810 Cawnpore 1857 Caxton 1471, 1474 Cecco d"Asc(di 1327 ('elano 1255 ("elihacy 1073 Cellini 1570 Celman 1890 Cenis Canal 1857, 18(58, 1871 Censorinus 238 (Vnto i(;oo Central Park 1881 ("erdic 495, 519 Ceres 1801 Cerro Gordo (battle ) 1847 Cervantes 1(51(5 ( Vn-vera 1898 Cetewayo 1879, 1882, 1883, 1SS4 Ceylon 1505 ("hacornac 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856 (liadwick 1898 Chain-shct 1(5(56 ( 'halceihn 451 Chalmers 1847 (Mialons 451. 813 ( 'hambers 1728 Chambord 1 883 Champlain (battle) 1814 ( "hamiKillion 1832 Chancellorsville 1863 Chauii-kia-wan (battle) 1860 105 A. D. Cliauts 350, 399 Chapultepec (battle) 1847 Cliai']('inai;iie. .742, 785, 8(1(1, 8(11, 813, SU (diaries... 135(), 1392, U22, Ki-Ki, 1(147, 1(149, 1(;50, 1(;51, l(j(iO, 1830, 1836 Charlpstou 18(i5 riiarter-Housc 1371 Chase 1808. 1873 Chattei-tdii 1770 (liaueer 1400 (Mieeseuian 1775 Cherries 1540 ( "liesapeake 1807, 1813 Cheshire 350 ( 'liess 588 Chester 1541 Chevrenl 1889 Chicai^o 1871 Chickamauga ( battle ) 1803 Chihleric 752 Cliili 1535, 185(), 1879 ChilJiainvallali (battle) 1849 Cliiiia 1279, 1842, 1844, 1850, 1857, 1870, 1881, 1894, 1898, ..1900 Chinese War 1860 Chill Kaiiji' 1808 Chi])i.ewa (battle) 1814 ChloriiK; 1785 Chldroforin 1831, 1834, 1847 r^h(iat(' 1859 Choeulate 1520 Cliolera 1831, 1832, 1865 Chosroes 500, 611, 614 Christ Collej^e 1442, 1525 Christian Era 51(>, 816 Christianity 178, 878, 912, 955, 986, 988 995 Ciiristians 40, 64, 95 Christina 1(;89, 1886 Christmas ()8, 137 Chronometer 1704 (^hrosopolis 323 Clirysoloras 1415 Chrysostoni 381, 386, :!97, 407 A. D. Churehes 602, 604, ll(-)3, 1220, 1248, 1258, 1577 1580 Clunrhill 1706 Church ^^■ardens 1127 Churubusco 1847 ("ibber 1757 fMnciniiati ( Society 1783 ) 1892 Cinnanius '. 1153 Cintra 1808 ( 'irce ( planet I 1855 ( 'ircnit Court 1176 Circulation of Blood.. 1553, 1619, 1628 Circninnavii;ation ....1522, 1580, 1744, 176(;, 1768, 1769 Cisaliiine Kepnblic 17'.t7 Ciudad Eodri-o 1812 Civil Marria.iic Bill 18(58, 1875 Civil Kijihts Bill 1866, 1875- Civil War in Japan 1868 Civil AVar— T\ S. A 1861-65 Claniiy 1813 (Marc Hall (colle-cl 132(>, 1344 ClareiKb.n 1104 Clarenden ]irintiuji' office 1711 Clarke 1729 ( 'laudius 43 Claudius Claudiaiius 408 Clavier 188(), 1892 (May 1852 Clayton-Bulwcr ( treaty ) 1850 Clement .1309, 1378, 1424 (Menicnti 1832 Cleopatra's Needle 1880, 1881 Cleveland 1885, 1893 (Meves 1540 Clintrm 1778 Clive 1757, 1765 Clock ...' 13(i8, 1370 Closter-Seven ( treaty ) 1757 Clotaire 013 Clothworkers Co 1482 Clovis 486, 496, 507, 508, 510, 511 Coaches 1585 Coal 1231, 1273 Cobbett 1835 Coburn 1794 106 A. It. ( 'ock-Lane Ghost 17012 Code 435, 501, 512!*, 887, 1099, 1215, 1253 ( 'odringtou 1827 Coftee 1813 Coins 1337, 1339, 1314, 1609 Coke 1(;28, 1034 Colbt'i't 1083 Coleridyv 1834 Colfax "^ 1885 Col le-ios,— 1249, 1203, 1312, 1314, 1320, 1340, 1343, 1344, 1348, 1351, 1375, 1427, 1437, 1441, 1442, 1448, 1450, 1475, 1496, 15(»9, 1516, 1518, 1519, 1525, 1540, 1547, 1554, 1557, 1571, 1584, 1591, 1593, 1602, 1613, 1016, 1619, lfi24, 1700, 1714, 1800 ('olley 1881 (Ntlliiinwood 1810 (N)llius 1889 Collisions 1878, 1898 Colorado 1870 ( 'olosseiini 75, 80 ColnniOa 5()5, 597 Colunibanus 578, 015 ( 'olnmbia 1819, 1865 (Ndnndms 1492, 1498, 1506 ( 'oniet 1337, 1(>79, 1811, 1818 ( 'ommandnients 891 Counnon Prayer Rook, 1549, 1552, 1()04 ( 'onmions 1 115 Companies 1232, 1327, 1345, 1384, 13!I3, 1410, 1437, 1439, 1447, 1404, 1400, 1482, 1558, 1579, 1595, 1000 1606 Compass 12(i0, 1302 Complutensian Kiltie 1517 < "oucordance 1247, 1737 Concordat ISlll. 1808 ( "onfederate States 18(11 Conferences of Constantinople, — 1870, 1877, 1881 < 'oufession 1215 C(mfession of Anijsltnrji 1530 Conformation 34, 190 Congress 1774, 1775, 1802 Congrt A. D. 1729 Conjunction Connecticut 1033, 1605 Couscrii)tion 1863 Consecration of Churches 153 Constance (C(tuncil) . .1414, 1415, 1417 Constantine. . . .312, 313, 321, 323, 328, 337, 1453 Constantinople 330, 381, 448, 480, 553, 073, 080, 809, 1203, 1204, 1201 1453 Constantius 292 Constitution 1787, 1788, 1789, 1812, 1815 Continental Congress 1774, 1775 C(tntractus 1054 Contreras 847 ConvcTitical Act 10()4 Convex Classes 1252 ( '(tnway 1782 Cook. ." 1708, 1771, 1778, 1779, 1889 C(toke 1837, 1880 ('(toper 1079, 1713, 1841, 1851, 1885 Coote 1700, 1781, 1782 C(tpcnhagen 1479 Coiteinican 1633 Copernicus 1543 C(titiier C(tins 1339, 1009 Copyright Act 1709 Copyright Bill 1888, 1891 Cctrcoran 1888 Corday 1793 Cordova 1517 C15, 1245, 1274, 1311, 1409, 1414, 1415, 1417, 1431, 1438, 1501, 1512, 1517, 1545, 1563, IStM) (/oup n 762 Crecy ( hattlel 1346 Creed ( Atlianasian I 340, 891 Creniieux 1848, 1870, 1880 Crete 189S Cridda 586 Crimean War 1854, 1856 Cromartyshire 1898 Crompton 1779 Cromwell 1649, 1653, 1658, 1659 Cronje 1881, 1900 Cross. .110, 328, 431, 614, 622, 629, (i42 Crown Point 1759, 1775 Crucifixes 461 Crucifixion . . 33 Crnden 1 737 Crusaepper 1673 Cumberland 1862 Cuniiin^nhaui 1775 Cushinn 1879 Custer 1876 Cyclone 1883 Cyclopa'dia 1728, 1730, 1751 Cyprian 258 Cyr ( 8t. ) ( School ) 1686 Cyril 386 D. Daeres 1812 Dade 1835 Da Gaina 1894 Dauuerre 1822 Daiiuerreotype 1839 Dakota 1886 D'Ah'udH'rt 1751, 1772 Dalrymple 1808 Damascus 1148, 1860 Damietta 1219 Danes 783, 787, 851, 878, 897, 1002 Dangerfield (Note N) 1679, 1685 Dante 1321 Danton 1793, 1794 I)a])hne (phi net I 1856 D'Ai-lilay 1840 DarlKiy 1871 Daro-ai Ridge ( Note T ) 1897 Darnley 1567 Darwin 1882 Dauphine 1343, 1349 Da vies 1626 Davila 1631 Davis 1861, 1865, 1867, 1889 Davy 1808, 1815, 1829 Dawn 1758, 1760 Day 1789 Deacons 33 Deak 1876 Deaf and Dund. 1584, 1817 Decatur 1812, 1815 I )ecima] Arithmetic 1602 lOri \. i>. A. I). Dcoius 250 Donatists . 314 355 r)i'cl;u'iiti()ii of lndei)eudenoe 1770 1234 1 )onalns . . IH'cri'tals Don ( 'arlos .1734, 1872, 18! 18 Dc Fee Kclaiiihrc .... 1704, 1710, 1731 1822 Doni;(da .ISOli .1847 Donijilian 1 )('lar(n' . . . 1002 r)oni(*sdav l^iook 1080 1080 .1883 .1870 Delaware I>clill<' 1027 1813 Dore Dorian Ih'lislc 172(1 Dort . 1 440 1 )eluc 1817 Dou.i'ia.'-- .1388, 1800, 1801 Dc Me.lici 1737 ]>over .l(i23 l)e .Mello 1804 I )ow .1080 .1894 I )enmai-k 1728 Dowe De Qiiincey . . . I )('Tvis'll(»S 1859 1880 1800 Downie .1814 .1800 1581 Downing- ("ollei;e . . . Drake 1580, ]>(' f^oto 1541, 1542 Di'ti'dit 1812, 18!ll Drapers Co . 1439 I )l'\\ cv 1808 Dra.vton Dresden ( battle ) . io;'.i .1813 .1745 ])(' Witt KKiU Diana ( tcinple Dias 1 )ickoiis 1 202, 282 Dresden (treaty) . . 1480 . 1870 Drew .1897 . 1898 .1800 .1700 Drevfns Dirtioiiarv. . . . Diderot 1755, 1828, 1830 1751, 1772, 1784 1 )rnses Drydeu Didiiis 1!I3 Drv dock . .1889 .1799 . 1870 .1712 Dies lr;e 1255 ] )neos Dudevant Dnel Diets 15'><) iri30 Dieu et iiioii droit 1108 Di(H-letiaii. . . . 284, 202, 3!)5 Dnlfcrin . 1 885 Dioijysins .... Diorama Disraeli Doet(;r (dei;rec Dodd ........ 273, 510 1822 1874, 1881 ) 1207 1777 Dui^dale . 108(; . 1019 .1834 1895 . 1584 Dnlwich ('(dleiie. . . . Dnniar 1 )nmas .1870, 1884, Dnml) I )( '^e (;;»7 Dimhar ( battle i . . . . Dunblane ( battle 1.. .1290 .1715 Dolce 168(5 Dole 1808 1 »undalk ( battle i 1318 Dollaiid 1757 Dnnstan 97i , 988 Dominica .... 1403 Dnpont de I'Enre. . . . 1848 1758 1528 Dominicans . . Dominion of C Domitian .... 1215 anada 18()7 !)5 1 )n(|nesne . . . i(;82. 1 )ni'er ... 1 )nrii|in' ( battle ) . . . .1139 .1595 Dom Lnis .... 1889 Dutch ICasMudia Co Dom Pedro . . . 1889 Dutch Ivepublic .... .1579 Donald ■^1 n Dutch War . I(;(i5 UI9 E. A. 1). Early 18G4 Earthquakes, — 357, 358, 480, 528, 1158, 1268, 1450. 1531, ir,2r,, 1()31, 1(592, 1G!»3, 1703, 172(i, 1731, 1754, 1755, 1784, 1794, 1812, 1867, 1868, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1899, 1902 East Anglia 575 Easter ^ 33, 68 Eastern Roman Empire 1453 Eastern Koumelia 1878 East India Co 1595, 1600 Ecclesiastical Titles Bill 1S51 Eckmuhl (battle) 1809 Eclipse 1715, 1820, 1883 Ecuador 18()8 Eddystone ( lii;lit-liouse;) 1696 Ediichill (battle! 1642 Edncworth 1767, 1849 Edicts 132, 1598 Edinbur-li Review 1802 Ediniiui'iih T^niversity 1582 Edmund 1016 Edric 1017 Edrisi 1153 Edward 10(i6. 1283, 1284, 1327, 1330, 1376, 14(;i, 1470, 1547, 1553 1902 Edwards 1758 Effinjiham 1775 E-bert 721, 827 Ei;eria 1850 E^iTiit ISOl Elireid)('r03 English Church at Rome 1874 English East-India Co 1600 Engravings 1460 Enterprise 1813 Epervier 1814 Ephesus 55, 262, 431 Epiphany 4, 813 Ei)iscopacy 1660 Epistle 90 Eras 284, 313, 516, 622 Erasmus 1516, 1536 Erclienwin 527 Ericsson ,1889 Erie ( battle 1813 I 1825 Erigena 875 Erik 982 Ernesti 1781 Erskine 1823 Eschenbach 1200 Essex 527, 1812, 1814 Essling ( battle i 1809 Ethelbert 560, 575 Ethelred 1016 Ethelwolf 851 Ether 1846 Eton College 1441 Eugene 1(597, 1706, 1736 Eugeniiis 1432 Euler 1783 Eunapius 404 Eunomia 1851 Euphntsyne ( planet I 1854 Eusebius 325, 340 Eutaw Springs (battle) 1781 Euterpe (planet) 1853 Eutiches 448, 449, 451 Eutropius 364 nil Jhajiriu^; Evaus Evelju Everett Evesham ( liattle I "Evil Mid-day" (riot) Excliaiige Excise ou Liquor Excommuuicatiou 484, 1054, 1378, Exeter College Exhibitions,— 1855, 18(52, 18G7, 1871, 1873, 187(;, 1878, 1882, 1883, 1888, 1889, 181)3, 1894, Exmouth Explosion 1871, Extradition Treaty ... 188G, 1881), Eylau (battle) . . '. .V. D. 593 1880 1706 1865 1265 1517 1566 1643 1409 1314 1898 1816 1896 1893 1807 F. Fabian Fairfax Fair (_)aks ( battle i Falkland Islands . Falstatf Famine I'anconrI Faneuil Faraday Farra.nut Fast Faure Faust Favre 1870, 1872, Fawkes Fayette 1777, 1789, 1824, Felicity Felix " Fenelon Fenians Ferdinand , I'Vrrara I'erris wheel Feuillet Fichte Ficino Fides (planet) 250 1632 1862 1592 1459 1847 1740 1740 1867 1870 1861 1899 1442 1880 1606 1834 164 484 1715 1863 1759 1438 1893 1890 1814 1499 1855 \. v. Field 1866, 1892 Fieldini; 1754 Field of Cloth of Cold 1520 Fiiiueras 1873 Fiji Islands 1874 Filipinos 1899 Fillmore 1874 Findlater 1897 Finisten-e (battle ) 1747 Firdousi 1020 I-Mre,— 64, 1666, 1728, 1794, 1835, 1863, 1871, 1872, 1875, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1889 1890 Fire Insurance 1667 Fisher 1535 Fisheries Treaty 1888 Fishery Dispute 1871 Fishmon<;ers Co 1384 Fitzwilliam 1816 Five Forks (battle | 1865 Flaccus 1)2 Flamel 1418 Flaxman 1826 Fletchei' 1 625 Fleury 1743 ITodden Field 1513 Flood 1421, 1530, 1617, 1855, 1889 Flora (planet ) 1847 Florence 1855 Florida. ..1512, 1819, 1821, 1845, 1861 IMorins 1337 Flourens 1847 l'^)useca 1891, 1892 I<\>ntaiue 1695 Fontenelle 1757 Foutenoy ( battle ) 1745 Fonts 167 Foo-Chou ( battle ) 1884 Foote 1777, 1898 I'^irbes 1 758 Ford 1656 Fordun 1386 Forest 1079 Forks 1 608 Fort Clark 1861 Fort Erie 1813 Fort Fisher 1865 111 A. 1». Fort ( U'oi'ge ISlo Fort lliitteras 1861 Fort Liiiidi-Kotal ISltT Fort McIIcnry 1814 Fort :\Iinmis 1813 Fort .MniiKric 1860 Fort Oraniie 1623 Fort Pillow 1864 lM>rt Sumter 1861 Fortuna { planet ) 1852 Forty-two Articles 1552 Foiiriclioii 1870 Fox 1587, 1648, 1806 France 420, 507, 510. 511, 752, 843 Francis II 18(;o, 1804 I'^rauciscans 1200 Francis d'Assisi 1209 Francis de Paula 1507 I'^rankfort Treaty 1871 l'"'rankfort University 150(i Franklin. . .1732, 1752, 1766, 1776, 1700 1847 I'^ranks 240, 241, 486, 613 Frauenlch 1318 Frederick. .1701, 1740, 1750, 17(;0, 1888 Frederickshnrji' (battle) 1862 Freeman 1802 Free Masonry 1865 French Calendar 1702, 1703, 1805 French r;evolnti(m 1780, 1848 Frenchtown 1813 Friars 1120, 1156, 1209, 1240, 1256, 1525, 1528 Friedland ( battle ) 1807 Friends 1048, 1650 Froissart 1400 Frolic 1812 I'ronde 1 648 Frossard 1870 Fronde 1804 Fuad Pasha 1860 Fuo-itive Slave ISill 1850 Fuller 1661 Fulton 1803, 1806, 1814 Furjiuson 1854 Fuseli 1825 (!. .\. I). Gade 1800 Gaeta 1S(;1 -2, 1778, 177;), 1812 ■loiison 1598 .Tnsq.liiiic 1809 ■Iiis('i)lius 37 Joiilicrt 1881 Joule 188;) Joimlau 1 794 Juai'ists 18(17 Jiiho 1882 Julian 3(i!, 3(>2, 303 Junius' Letters 1707 Juno 1804 Jnnot 1808 Jupit.'v l(;i() Justices of tlie Peace 1()7(; Justinian Ciide 512, 533 Justin Martyr I(i5 Juvenal 128 K. Kalakaua 1891 Kaleidoscope 1810 Kan^-yuwei 1898 Kansas 1854, 1801 Kansas-Nel)raska Uill 1854 Kant 1804 Karr 1890 Kars 1877 Knufnianu 1873 Kaulhach 1874 Kean 1833 Kearney 1840 Keats .' 18-21 Keble 1827, 1833 Keiser 1739 Kempelen 1804 Kempis, Thomas a 1471 Kenneth 834 Kenrich 495 A. u. Kent 457, 500 KentiK ky 1792 Kepler.- 101)9, 101!), 10.30 Keppel 1857 Keratry 1870 Keys of Jerusalem 801 Khai'toum 1885 Khiva 1873 Khylier I'ass 1897 Kiel I university ) KiOS Kilcnllen ( battle I 1798 Kin-lake 1891 Kind's College 1441 Kiuy's l-^peeeh 1 107 Kinii William's War 1(;S9 Kircher 1C)80 Kirchhof 1800 Kitchener 1890, 1897, 1898, 1899 Kleber 1799 Klondike (!(dd Fields 1897 Klopstdck 1803 Kneller 1723 Knights 809, 10!)9, 1118, 11.58, 11!)0, 25 1783 Kui\'es 1503 Knox 1559, 1572 Koch 1890 Kohat Pass 18!)7 K()niji 1811 Konifisbern ( university I 1544 Koran t>10 Kosciuszko 1794, 1817 Kossuth 1894 Koster ' 438 Kru-er 1899 Kuuers(b)rf ( liattle i 1759 Kwaim-Ilsu 1898 Labor Strike 1872, 1877 La Bouriiogue 1898 Lactantius 325 Ladrone Isles 1521, 1898 L;etitia ( planet ) 1850 La Fayette 1777, 1789, 1824, 1834 Laffeld (battle) 1747 j La'iran'ne 1813 117 A. D. La Ho<'U(' ( battle) 1692 La Ja(|ii('i'i<' War 1358 Lake .Algaiii 1841) Lake's Suhiiiarine Boat 1897 Lally 17G0 Laiuarek 1829 Laiiiartiiii' 1848, 1860 Laiiih 1834 Laiiihalle 1792 Laiiiliert 1080 Lainl)('rt(ni 1889 Lamps 1736 Laiicastt-r 1455, 1459, 1461, 1464, 1485, 148(i, 1838 Lanii-Son 1884, 1885 La Place 1827 La Roqiiette 1871 La Salle 1682 Lateral! Coiineils 1123, 1179, 1215, 1512 1517 Latimer 1555 Latin 581, (i(;3, 1731 Laiul 1645 Laiulon 1759, 1761, 17!»0 Laiienhurji 1864 Lavoisier 1794 Lawrence ( St. 258) 1813, 1830 Laws 435; 521, 529, 887, 1017, 1065, 1099, 1140, 1151, 1181, 1215, 1234, 1253, 1351, 1356, 1628, 1798 Law's Bubble^ 1716, 1720 Lawton 1898 Layard 1894 Lea 1886 League of Cambrav 1508 Leaning; Tower 1174 Leap Year 4 Lebrnn 1690, 1799 Lecluis 550 Leda (planet i 1856 Ledochowski 1902 Lee. .1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1870, 1808 Le Flo 1870 Legion of Honor 1802 Leibnitz 1716 Leipsic (battle 1631 ),( university, 1409 A. It. Leisler 1689, 1691 Lempriere 1824 Lran(l 902 Luke (Hi.) 03 LuUy 1072, 1087 Lundy's Lane (battle) 1814 Luueville 1801 Lussac 1804, 1815 Lutetia ( planet ) 1852 Luther 1517, 1522, 1524, 1534, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1850 Lutheranisni 1530 Liitzen ( battle ) 1813 Luxembouro- 1093 Lyell Lyons ( battle 197 1875 ....1245, 1274, 1861 A. I). Lyra 1340 Lytton 1873 M. AlacArthur 1898 .Macaulay 1859 MacClure 1850 Macdonalds 10!>2 :MacDouougli 1814 Macedonian 1812 .Machiavelli 1527 JIack 1S05 Mackintosh 1832 Macklin 1797 Maclaurin 1 740 MacMahon 1870, 1871, 1873, 1879 Madagascar 1506, 1895 Madeira 1344, 1420 Madison 1836 ilad Parliament 1258 Madras 1020 JIadrid 1808 ^lagazine 1731 ?ilagdala (battle) 1808 jMagdalen College 1456, 1519 Magdalen Hospital 1758 Magellan (Strait of) 1520, 1521 ilagenta ( liattle) 1859 ilagic Lantern 12()0 Magistrates 1242 :\ragna Charta 1215 ^Magnetism 1820 Magnifying- Glasses 1252 Maiidi ' 1885 Mahrattas 1803 Mail Coaches 1784 Maine 1820, 1890, 1898 Maintenon 1686, 1719 Majorianus 457 Majuba Hill ( battle) 1881 :Malakhoft" Tower 1855 ifalebranche 1715 :\[alegnano (battle) 1859 Malherbe 1628 Malolas 1899 Malpighi 1694 ]\Ialpla(|uet (l)attle) 1709 111) A. D. :Malt('limii 1821 Miiiiu'lulu's 17!»S Mauhy 1808 .Alaiiclu'strr Ship Canal 1887, 18!)4 .Maiuk'ville 1372, 1723 :\[am'tti 145!t Manilla (battle) 181)8 Manny 1371 itanutius 1-17G Manzoni 1873 ^Maoris 1800 Maori War 18(11, 18(15 Marat 17!I3 :Maratta 1713 .AlarMes KUO, l(j27, 1GG7 Marcellimis (St.) 304, 378 Marconi's iuventiou 11)02 Marco Polo 12(i0, 12!t5 Margaret 121)0 Mariana 1(;23 .Marianns Scc^tns 1(I8() Marie 1848 Marie Antoinette 1793 Marlner.s" Compass 12(10, 1302 Mario 1813 :\rarischal (V)lle,7 Micrometer 1641 Jlicroscopes ... 1590 Middleton 1614, 1()31 iliecislas 986 Mignet 1884 3Iikado 1868 ,A!ilan 1889 Mill, J. S 1873 :\liller 1899 ilills. .555, 1299, 1590, 1633, 1771, 1883 :\lill Springs ( battle) 1862 .Milnes ... 1885 Milton l(i(!7. 1674 Minden (battle ) 1759 -Minghetti 1886 Minneapolis (cruiser) 1893 Minnesota 1858 Minnus 1813 Mint 1792 A. 1). Mirabeau 1789, 1791 3Iiranion 1867 Mirandola 1494 Mishna 141 Missionai'v IJidge (battle) 1863 Mississippi "! .1541, 1682, 1817, 1861 Miss.mri 1821 Jlitchell 1868, 1889 :MitYlene 18C)7 Mobs 1S98 M(hIoc Indians {Win- 1872 | 1873 Mogniu 1870 Moguls 1279 Mohammed 571, 610, 622, 629, 1 Moutmartre (battle) 1814 Montmorenc.y Falls 1893 .Mdiitri'Ml 17(;(), 1775 .Monti'DSc 1()50 Moutt isni Moody 18!H) M()()li"a.j 1841» jMoore '. 1809, 1852 Moon 92, 98 Moral 1893 iloraviaii Brethren 1722 Moravians 803 :More 1535, 1833 .Moreaii 1800 Moreland 1071 ilorsiaii 1781 Moriey 1894 Moiinons 1857 Morrison 1834 :Morse 1835, 1844 Mortier 1814 :\lortinier 1327, 1330 .Mortimer's Cross (battle) 14(11 Mortmain Act 1279, 1730 Morton 184(; Moscow 1150, 1812 Moses 4(!0 :Motley 1877 .Monltrie 1770 Jlount Cenis 1808 M(»zart 1791 Miihldorf 1322 Mule-jenny 1779 .Mullah ( Mad I 1894, 18!t7, 1902 Miiller 1470 i\Iullock 1887 Mulrcady 1803 ^liinchausen 1797 Minister ( treaty ) 1048 .Alurat 1812, 1814 Murillo 1082 Murray 1820 Musical Notes 1025, 1473 ^Musset 1857 :\[uta (battle) 029 N. A. u. Naas ( battle I 1798 Xana-Sahib 1857 Naukin 1S04 Nankinji- (treaty) 1842, 1843 Nansen ' 1890 Nantes I edict of) 1598, 1085 Napier. 1014, 1800, 1808, 1890 Naples 1200, 1800 Nap(iIeon..lS04, 1805, 1800, 1809, 1812, 1814, 1815, 1821, 1851, 1852, 1870, 1873, 1878 Nurses 553 Narva (battle ) 1700 Naseby (battle | 1045 Naso (P. O.) 8, 18 National Assembly 1789, 1871 National (luards 1789 Nativity of B. V. M 095 Navii;ation 1700, 1708 Navigation Act 1051 Neliraska 1854, 1807 Necker 1804 XeiiTO Slavery 1()19 Nelson 1805 Neo-riatonic 2(n Xeptune 1 81 Nero 01 Nerva 9(5 Nestor 1077 Nestorian 428 Netherlands 1898 Nevada 1804 Neville's Pross (battle ) 1340 New Amsterdam 1023 Newark 1890 Newbury ( battle) 1043, l(i44 New Castle 1234 Xew College 1375 X'ewconuni 171 1 New Foundland 1497 New Hampshire 1023, 1029, 1741 New Haven 1005 New Jersey 1 0(>4 Newman 1 833 New Mexico 1848, 1850 New Orleans 1718 (battle 1815) . .1802 New South Wales 1851 122 A. 1). Newspapers 158S, 1G31, 1003, 1005, 1701, 1701), 1719, 1702, 1703, 1709, 1773, 1797, 1802, 1811 New Htyle (Note K)..1582, 1751, 1752, 1753 Newton I(i87, 1720 New Year ISO-t New York. .1014, 1623, 1001, 1770, 1803 ( eruiser, 1891 New Zealand 1012, 1800, 1801, 1805 Niaiiiira, 1759 ( battle, 1814 Niai^ara l>ridge 1855 Niaii,ara Falls 1893 Nican^ (battle) 194 Nicaragini ( 'anal 1889 Nice 325, 787, 1097 Niceplidrns 828, 1359 Nicholas II 1894, 1890 Nioholsini 1800 NicoUs 1004 NicoiiH'dia 358 Nielmhr 1831 Niyer 194 Nite, 1708, 1770, .. (battle 17il8|, 1864 Niniennen ( treaty) 1B78 Nisibis ' 338 Nobles 1344 Nollekens 1823 Nootka Sunnd 1778 "No Popery Mob" 1780 Nordenskj()bl 1879 Normans 1000 North 1 770. 1 774, 1792 North Camp ( battle ) 1897 North Carolina 1801 North Dakota 1889 North East I'assajic 1879 Northern Passage 1850 Nortlunnbria 547 North AA'est Passage 1847 Notre Dame ". •. 1163 Novaliehes 1868 Nova Scotia 1 787 Novation 251 Novgorod 862 Nnmerals ( Arabic ) 991 Nnnez ^866 O. A. D. Gates 1678, 1685 Oaths 528, 979 Oaths (if Allegiance 1600 Obelisk 1580, 1880, 1881 Occam 1347 Ocean 1513 Ocean Wave 1871 Ockb-y (battle) 851 O'Conuell 1847 Odoacer 47(i, 493 (Khlenschliiger 1850 Oersted 1820 Oft'a 790, 793 Oglethorpe 1732 Oiiio 1802 Oil 1859 Oil Paintings 1415 Oklahoma 1890 Olaf 995 Olbers 1802, 1807, 1840 Olga 955 (Hivetan 1535 Obizaga 1808 Olnstee ( battle) 18<{\, 1249, 1263, 1312, 1314, 1340, 1375, 142 1437, 1441, 1442, 145(;, 1509, 151(), 1525, 1541, 1547, 1554, 1557, 1571, 1(502, 1013, If.Ki, 1(J24, 1714 Oxford Movciiicnt 1833 ( >xy!4('n 1774 P. I'ac-ific Ooeaii 1513 Tacific Kail Uoad 18(i!» Paderhorii 1592 I'a-aniiii 1840 I'ajies 1848 I'aiiitiiijis 1415 I'alacio ;iS90 Palafox 1809 Talcstriiia 1(500 I'alcstro ( battle I 1859 Taiiadio 1580 I'alladjis 420 I'allas 1802, 1811 Palmer 1784 Palmerstcn 18(55 Paliiios 9(5 Palo Alto (l)attlel 1846 Panic 1837, 1857, 1873 Paimouia 427 Pautheou (508 Paoli 1807 Papal Authority, 1431, 1434, 1533, 1682 Pull 1850 Papal See.. 1309, 1377, 1378, 140!», 1414, 1415, 1417 1439 A. u. Papal States 1870 Pajter 1000 I'aper .Alills 1590 Papias 110 Papin's Dige.ster 1681 I'appus 380 I'araeelsus 1541 Paraguay 1864, 1865, 1870 Paris 505, 510, 1369, 1436 Paris ( (Capitulation ) 1871 l*aris ( Insurreetion I 1871 Paris ( Siege ) 1870 Paris (Treaties I 1763, 1783, 1814, 1815, 1856 Paris ( University ) 794 Parish P>(iundaries 636 I'arker 1559, 1575 Parks 1668 Parliament 1236, 1258, 1265, 1279, 1293, 1327, 1344, 1352, 1399, 1401, 1533, 1539, 1552, l(il8, KMO Parnell 1891 Parr 1543, 1635 Parson 1808 Partheno];(' (planet) 1850 I'arthians l!!8, 226 Partou 1891 Pascal 16(52 Paschal Oycle 463 I*as(]uier 1875 I'assaro^\■itz 1718 Pasteur 1895 Patay (l.atlic; 1429 Patkul 1707 Patrick 372 Paul (St., 35, 52, 55, 67 ) 1801 Paul's (^athedral ( St. ) (504 Paulding I860 Paulo 1507 Pavements 1841 Pavia (battle) 1525 Pavia ( T'niversity ) 1361 Pavia y Lacy 1868 Payne 1865 Peabddv 1857 124 A. U. IVace (temple cf, 75), (of Cam- hray 152!)) . . . .1718, 1743, 1748, 1783, 1801, 1828, 1857, 1877, 1878, 1871), 1881, 1884, 1885, 188(5, 18!!0, 18:(5 1897 I'eace Cougress 1899 IVaoock .."! 1813, 1814 Pcakc 1813 l'c;i irid-i' (battle I 1862 IVdn. II 1891 Peel 1850 Pe.Hii.v IStewart 1774 I'ei-ho (battle) 1800 I'eit Saiiii- 1900 I'ciwai- Pass 1878 Peixotd 1894 Pekiii 18(10, 1900 Pela-ins 400 Pelhaiii 1754 Pelieau 1813 Pellegrini 1000, 1890 Pcinbertcii 1803 Peiiihroke Cdllege 1024 Pembroke Hall 1343 Penance 157, 1077, 1174 Penduhiiii 1382, 1050 Penn 1055, 1718 Pennsylvania 1081. 1082 Penny-posta-e 1840, 1849 Pensacola 1814 Pentateneh 1482 P.Mitland Hills (battle) 1000 Pei)perell 1745 Perceval 1809 Percy 1388 Pergamus 130 Per-olesi 1730 Periwigs 1620 Peri)etnal Edict 132 Perry 1813, 1854 Perseention 04, 95, 107, 118, 177, 202, 235, 250, 257, 303, 313, 1558 Persia 226, Oil, 051 I'eni 1524. 1800, 1808, 1879 Petan 1652 Peter (St., 67) . .1095, 1115, 1711, 1721 1541 A. D. Pelersbnrg 1865 I'eter's Pence 727 Peterwardein (battle) 1710 Petrarch 1304, 1374 Petrel 1888 Petroleum 1859 Petty 10(;o, 1087 Pharanntnd 420 Philadelphia 10S2, 1777, 1778 Philel]»hns 1481 Pliilili|)ine Isles 1521, 1898, 1899 Phili]i])s 1787 Pliilos(i]i]iical Society 17(i2 Philostorgins 125 PhociPa (planet) 1853 Ph(>s](]i(irns 10()7 Phranzes 1477 PhrencdogT 1803 Piaiioforte 1709, 1717 Piazzi 1801 Picarl 1870 Picts 834 I'ierce 1853, 1809 Pike 1813 Pike's Peak 1891 Pilatns 1340 Pilgrim Fathers 1020 Pilpay Fables : 500 Ping-Yang ( battle ) 1894 Pi7is 1540, 1543, 1824 Pi])e 1580 Pi])]»in 752 Pisa 1174. 1409 Pisagna ())attle) 1879 Piso 05 Pitt 1761;. 1777, 1778, 1806 Pittsburg Landing (battle) 1862 Pius,( 7th, 1809) (9th, 1818) ( 10th, 1903 Pi y Margall 1873 Pizarro 1524, 1535 Plague. . . .78, 167, 252, 558, 1485, 1517, 1665, 1720 1792 Plassey 1757 Platina 1481 Playing Cards 1392 Pleiades 92 Pliny (C. P. Secundus) 23, 61, 79 12:> A. D. Plotiuus 2(15 Phitarch (JC) Plymouth Kll'U Plymouth Breakwater 1812 Plyuiouth Co IC.OC) I'ogsou> I'oictiers 1350 Poland 550, 1795 Pole 1555 Poles 1864 Politiiui 141)1 Polk 1845, 184;) Pollentia (battle) 403 Pollio, (\ A 4 Poll Tax 1379, 1381 Pollux 188 Poltava (hafth'i 1709 Polycarj) ( 8t. I 157, 166 Polychrouieou 1327, 1482 Polyj^amy 393 Polyglot Rihle 1517 Polyglotta I(i57 Polylnnu ( planet ) 1854 Pomeroy 1893 Pomona ( i)lan('t ) 1854 Pompeii 79, 1748 Ponce 1584 Pondicherry 1760, 1761 Pons ' 1818 Pont Nenf 1578 Poouah ( battle ) 1803 Pope.. 138, 606, 1059, 1744, 1798, 1849 1870 Popbam 1806 Popish Pb.t 1678 Porter 1812, 1814, 1850, 1891 Port Hudson 1863 Portland 1809 Porto Bello 1739 Porto Kio.. 1873, 1898 Portufral 1139, 1185 Postage 1883, 1884, 1885 Postal Car Service 1897 Posts 1635, 1681 Potatoes 1586 Potosi 1545 Potter 1898 A. D. Poussin 1665 Powers 1879 Pnemunire (Statutes of).. 1352, 1392 Pragmatic Sanction .. 1268, 1438, 1713 Prague (University 1348) (battle lt;20) 1741, ....' 1757 Prague ( treaty ) 1866 Pratt '. 1882, 1886 I'ratt Library 1882, 1886 Prayer (Lord's) 891 Prayer-book 1549, 1552, 1604 Predestination 849 Premonsti'auts 1120 Presburg ( treaty ) 1805 Presbyteriauism 1335, 1559, 1560 Prescott 1859 President 1811, 1815 Prevost 1813 Priessnitz 1851 Priestley 1774 Priests 46 Prim 18(i8, 1870 Primavista 1497 Prince of Wales 1860, 1863 Prince of Wales Strait 1850 Princeton (battle) 1777 Printing... 1438, 1442, 1444, 1452, 1471, 1473, 147(1, 1482, 1517, 1(539, 1711, 1757, 1781, 1800, 1811, 1814, 1827 Printing-press (type-revolving) ..1847 Privy Council. . 895 Proc'lus 485 Proctor 813 i'roserpine ( planet ) 1853 IM'ospei' 460 Protestants 1529 Protocol 1898 Providence 1636 Prussia 1701, 186(>, 1871 Psalms 1457, 1534, 1548, 1562, 1570 Psyche ( planet ) 1852 Ptolemy 139 Pullman Cars 1874 Puritans 1564, 1620 Pusey 1833 Pushkin 1837 126 A. I>. I'utiiaiii 1775 I'ym 1(;43 I'yraiiiids (liattle) 17!tS TyreuL't's (peace 1059 I, . . (battle, 1813 Q. (^iiadratus 125, 247 (^nadniple Alliauce 1718 (Jiiakei's KIIS, U!50 (Juehec 10(18, 175!l, 1850 (,)ueeu's CoUe.ue 134(1, 1448 (^Hieenstown 1812 (^Miietisni ( Note Ml 1075, 1087 (^uiii 1706 (,»iiiiiaiilt 1088 (^)niTicy Uailroad 1826 (,)uiiitiliaii 118 (^iiitn 1755 R. Hahelais 1553 Kaoine I(i99 lladcliffeian Library 1737, 1749 Kadetzky .' 1878 Rastadt' (treaty) 1714. 1734 Raikes 1781 Kail ways.. 1825, 1826, 1830, 1855, 1868, 1809, 1876, 1877, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1888, 1890, 1891, 1893, 1898 Ralei.uli 1618 Ralph de (ileiivillc 1190 Ramillies (battle) 1706 Raidiael 1520 Rattazzi 1873 Rauconx (battle) 174() Ravenna ( battle) 1512 Reade 1884 Reciprocity (treaty) 1854, 1891 Red Po]>e"(Note Z) 1902 Reformation 1534 Reform Rill 1832 Txeformers 1529 Refraction of Li-iht 1626 Reoo-io 1860 Reis 1861, 1873 Religions Toleration. .1687, 1688, ](]89 Rembrandt Reni Rennie Rcsaca de la Raima (battle) Reservation of Blessed Sacrament, Rcsni-rection Reucblin Revolutions, 1775 Anier., 1789 Fr., 1830 Paris, 1848 Fr., Sp Reynolds 1 708, Rezonville (battle) Rliangabe Rheims Rhode Island Rhodes 053, Rhynois Riall Richard 1189, 1381, i;!99, Richardson Richelieu Richmcmd (battle 1802 | Richter Ricord Ridley Riel ' Rio de la Plata Riots 1517. Rizzio Robert of (ibmcester Roberts ^878, 1879, 1899, Robespierre 1793, Robus Rochanibeau Rocliefducauld 1005, Rochester Roderic the Cid Rodney Roi>ation Days Roner de Haveden Roilin 1741, Rollo Rome..()4, 75, 78, 114, 193, 395, 410, 427, 447, 455, 480, 840, 1084, 1527, 1580, 1798, 1808, 1848, 1849, 1870, Rooke Roosevelt 1898, v. 1). 1(J09 1042 1814 1840 100 33 1522 1808 1 792 1870 1892 1813 1030 1310 1824 1814 1483 17(il 1042 18(i5 1825 1889 1555 1885 1515 18(i3 150(i 1282 1900 1794 1.594 1781 1 (;80 1 883 1099 1 780 409 1202 1848 912 1871 1093 1901 A. D. Kosc-ius 1804 Kost'craiis 1S(;:{ Kost's ( W'iw of ) 1455, 1485 Koss 1814, 18G2 Kossiiii 18(58 Kdswitliji 984 Kdtlischild ISlL', 1879 Ivdiuiiaiiia 18(!1 Iioiuulheads 1(>79 Rousseau 1 778 Rowau 1898 Ro^al Colli'gc I'f i'liYsiciaiis 1518 Royal Edicf. 1504 Ro^al Exclianiiv 15(!() Roval Iluiiiaiie So 1774. 1824 Royal lustittiticn 1800 Royal So IC.CO. KKIL' Rubens 1(140 liUiiby Scliixil 15(i7 Ruiiiias 4l.'l' Ruuiford 1814 Russia S(;i', l:.';5(;, 1721, 178(;, 18(>J, 1S77 1881 Russo-Turkisli War... 1853, 1877, 1878 Rye House IMot ]()83 K'vsw'ick ( |)eacei 1(197 S. Saai'briick ( battle i 1870 Sabraou ( bat t id 184G Saecas 201 Sackett's Harbur ( battle ) 1813 Sackville 1759 Sadoleto 1547 Sadowa (battle I 18()(i Safety-laiii]) 1815 Safti ' 1849 Sa^asta 1890, 1898 Saint Alban 303. 793 St. Albans I battle) 1455, 14()1 St. Albans- Hall 1547 St. And.rose 387, 390, 397 St. Andrew's T^niversity 1411 St. Au!4ustine 354, 387, 430, 597 St. Auiiustine (Florida) 1565 St. Bartholomew's Massacre 1572 St. Bernard 114fi. 1153 -V. D. St. Bernard's Monastery 1897 St. Clair's Tunnel ." 1890 St. Cyr School KJSti St. Domiun-o 1492, 1867 St. (Jail .' 646 St. Genevieve 512 St. (Jothard's Railway and Tun- nel 1882 St. Helena 1502 St. Hilda (i80 St. James' Palace 1530 St. John 2(i, 29, 90, 9(;, 97, 99 St. John's Colle-e 1557 St. John's Kuiiilits 1099 St. Lawrence, 258 | River, 1534 St. Luke 63 St. .Mark 44 St. .Mary ^Jasdalene Hall 1602 St. Mary's Hall 1616 St. Mary's Town 1668 ;-t. .Mattliew 39, 62 St. I'atrick 372 St. Patrick's Knii^hts 1783 St. Paul .' 35, 52, .53, 67 Sn Paul's Cathedral 1710 St. Paul's School 1509, 1512 St. Peter 67 St. Petersburg 1703 St. Polycarp " 157, 166 St. Sebastian 288 St. Simeon 108 St. Simonians 1825 St. Thomas 1867 Sainte-Beuve 18(59 Saladin 1187 Salamanca 1240, 1812 Salankemeu (battle) 1691 Salem Witchcraft Delusion 1692 Sales, Francis de 1(520 Salisbury 1220, 1258 Salmerou 1873 Sabmica 1890 Sailers' Co 1558 Salt Works 1237 Salvator Rosa 1 673 Samoan Treaty 1900 Sampson 1898 128 A. D. Sand . . 18T(> Sandwich Islands 1778 San Francisco 1898 Saunazaro 1530 San Salvador 1192 Santa Anna 183G, 1817 Santa Cruz 1899 Santa Fe 181(5 Santa Maria ad Martyres (>U8 Santiago de (Uiatemala 1773 Sapor liGU, 338, 350 Saracens. . .651, 053, 073, 713, SHu 909 Saragossa 1 809 Saratoga (battle ) 1777 Sardinia 1720 Sardis 317 Sarum Use 1081 Satellites 1010 Saturninus Ill Sa\aunaii 1819 Savings Bank 1801 Savonarola 1198 Sawtree 1101 Saxe 1740, 1717, 1750, 1887 Saxo-Grammaticns 1200 Saxons 419, •19E 785 Scaliger 1558, 1609 Scarron 1 660 Schamyl 1859 Schiller 1805 Schism 1051, 1378, 1129, 1139 Schleswig 1865 Schleswig-Holstcin \\:u- 1864 Schley 1898 Schoffer 1452, 1457 Schofleld 1805 Schools.. 1117, 1509, 1512, 1560, 1561, 1567, 1688, 1694, 1751, 1781, 1784, 1791, 1817 Schopen 1860 Schwartz 1310 Schweidnitz (battle I 1761 Scio (battlel 1770, 1S22 Scotland 565, 834, 1297, 1298, 1603, 1715, 1745 Scott 1685, 1814, 1832, 1838, 1847, 1866 A. U. Scriptures 196, 1229, 1253 Seabury 1784 Sebastian ( St. ) 288 Sebastopol 1854, 1855 Secession in U. »S 1861 Secundus, C. P 23 Sedan (battle) 1870 Sedition Laws 1798 Selden 1654 Senipach (battle) 1386 Seniitagha Pass 1898 Seneca 65 Senefeldcr 1796 Sepoys 1857 Septembrizers Massacre 1792 Septennial Act 1716 Sepulveda 1572 Serfs 1861 Sergius 695 Seringapatani (battle) 1799 Serrano 1868, 1885 Servetus 1553 Servia 1877, 1903 Servia-Bulgaria Dispute 1885 Sevastiani 1809 Seven I'ines (battle) 1862 Se^en Years" AVar 1756 Severus 194, 198, 202, 208 Sevigne 1696 SeAvard 1865 Sewing Machine 1846 Seymour 1-536, 1537, 1857, 1882 Shakespeare 1616 Shannon 1813 Sharpe 1772 Shaw 1885 Sheaffe 1813 Shelley 1822 Shere'Ali 1878, 1879 Sheridan 1816, 1864. 1865 SlieritTniuir ( battle) 1715 Sherlock 1761 Sliermau 1891, 1896, 1898 Shiloh (battle) 1862 Shrewsbury (battle) 1403 Sicard 1898 Sicilian Vespers 1282 129 A. D. Sicily 1266, 1693, 1735 Siddous 1831 Sidney 15S6, 1681 Sidney-Sussex College 1593 Siege of Paris 1870 Sieyes 1799 Sikhs 1845, 1846, 1848, 1849 Silk 551, 1620, 1687, 1719 Silk Stockings 1547 Silva ^ 1660 Silver Mines 1545 Simeon ( St., 108) 1130 Simon 1870, 1896 Simoniaus ( St. ) 1825 Sistine Chapel 1512 Sitting Bull 1876 Six Articles 1539 Sixtus 258 Skinners' Co 1327 Skobeleff 1878 Slavery 1619 Slaves 1834, 1850, 1854, 1859, 1862, 1863, 1865, 1872, 1873, 1880, 1886 Slave Trade 1807, 1808 Sloane 1753 Smeaton 1792 Smith 1790, 1839 Smolensk (battle) 1812 Smolensk! 1897 Smollett 1771 Suell 1626 Snorri-Sturluson 1241 "Society for I'revention of Cruelty to Animals" 1849, 1866^ 1872 Society for Propagation of the Gospel 1697, 1701 Society of Merchant Adventurers, 1296 Socinus 1604 Soissons (battle) 48(i Solemn League 1638 Solferino (battle) 1859 Solis 1515 Soltikof 1759 Somerset 1772 Sonderbund League 1847 Soudan 1896 A. D. Soult 1813, 1814, 1851 South African Republic 1899, 1900 South Carolina 1860 South Dakota 1888, 1889 Southern States 1868 Southey 1843 South Sea Bubble 1710, 1720 Southwark Bridge 1814, 1819 Soutln\orth 1899 Spain 409, 412, 414, 713, 1035, 1492 1869 Si)anish-American ^\nv 1898 Spanish Succession (Note O) 1701, 1702 .1713 Speaker for the House of Com- mons 1377 Speaking-trumpet 1671 Spectacles 1299 Spectrum Analysis 1860 Speed 1629 Spelmau 1641 Spencer 1599, 1882 Spinning-jenny 1767, 1769 Spinning machine 1779 Spinola 1630 Spinoza 1677 Spion Kop 1900 Spires (Diet of) 1529 Sponsors 180 Spurs (battled 1513 Stael-IIolstein 1817 Stamp Duty 1694, 1712, 1765, 1766 Standard (battle) 1138 Stanhope 1773, 1800, 1816 Stanton 1868 Stark 1775 Starving Time 1610 Statutes of Praemunire 1352, 1392 Statutes of Provisors 1344 Steamboat 1801, 1803, 1806 Steam-engine 1663, 1681, 1711, 1736, 1765 1814 Steam-railways 1830 Steamship . .' 1814, 1819, 1838 Steel-yard Co 1232 Steele 1729 Steenkerk (battle) 1692 130 A. D. Stefano (peace) 1878 Stephen ( St., 34) 1814 Stereotype Uii, 1781 Sterne 17G8 Sternhold 1518 Steyn 1899 Stiiicho 403, 405 Stilliuolieet 1099 , Stillwater (battle) 1777 Stockholm (treaty) 1719 Stockiiig-friinie 1589 Stoke (battle) 1487 Stone Buildino-s 070, 1170, 1209 Stony Point (battle) 1779 Story 1845 Stow 1005 Stowe 1896 Strasburg ICSl, 1870 Stratton 1883 Strauss 1849 Street Cars 1859 Strieker 1814 Strikes 1872, 1877, 1902 Striking Clock 1368 Stuart 1715, 1745, 1863 Style (new and old) (Note K|, 1582, 1751, 1752, . . . . .1753 Stylites 460 Sub-marine Boat 1897 Sub-marine Telegraph 1851, 1858 Sucei ' 1890 Suchet 1812 Snevi 406, 409 Suez Canal 1869 Suffrage 1866 Sugar 625, 1747, 1799 Sugar Cane : 1506 Suidas 996 Sulpicius Severus 400 Sumner 1874 Sun Chia Su 1868 Sunday Schools 1780, 1791, 1824 Sun's Motions 1676 Sun-ajah-al-Dowlah 1756, 1757 Surnames 1100 Surplices 316 Surratt 1865 A. D. Suspension Bridge 1883 Sussex 490 Sweating Sickness 1485, 1517 Sweden 722 Swedeuborg 1772 Sweyn ". 10J3, 1014 Swift 1745 Swiss Confederacy 1798 Swiss Repub. or Cantons .... 1307, 1386, : 1847 Swithin (St.) 862 Syagriiis 486 Synod -125, 448, 449, 1127 T. Taeping Rebellion 1850, 1864 Talavera (battle) 1809 Talbot 1737 Talleyrand 1790, 1838 Talmud 320, 504 Tamai 1886 Tamerlane 1402, 1405 Tananarive) . 1895 Taney 1833 Tapestry 1619 Tarapaca ( battle) 1879 Tariff Bill 1828 Tasman 1642 1581, 1593, 1595 Tatianists 173 Tax 1378, 1381, 1767, 1770, 1795 Taylor 1667, 1846, 1847, 1849 1850, 1865, 1878, 1886 Tea 1666 Teheran ( peace ) 1857 Teias 553 Telautograph 1893 Telegraph 1684, 1767, 17!>2, 1796, 1835, 1837, 1844, 1851, 1857, 1881 1882 Telephone, 1861, 1873, 1883, 1886, 1892 Telescopes. .1591, 1608, 1609, 1675, 1757, 1789 Telesphorus 130, 137 Tell, William 1307 Tellier 1691 Temi)lars (Knights) 1118 131 A. D. Temple (of Peace, 75 ) KiitT TeuiaiiisiM 1805 Tennessee IT'JO, 1861 Tennvsou 1892 Tei-tulliau 11)7, 1!»8, 199, l.'03 Test Act I(i73 Testament 1516, 1522, 1526 Tentonic Kni-hts 1190, 1230, 1283 Tewtik I'asha 1892 Tewkesbniy (battle) U71 Texas, 1836, 1845, 1861, . . . (ship, 1892 Thackeray 1863 Thalia (planet) 1852 Thames, 1736 ( battle, 1813 Thames Tnunel 1825, 1843 Theebaw 1885 Themis ( planet ) 1853 Theodore 1868 Theodoret 429 Theodoric 493, 508 Theodonis 429 Theodosian Code 435 Theodosius 380, 390 Theresa ( ^t. I 1582 Thermometer 1597, 1609, 1730 Thessalonica 390 Thetis ( ])lanet ) 1852 Thiers 1871, 1873, 1877 Thirtv-nine Articles 1571 Thirty Years" AYar. . . . 1455, 1485, 1618 Thomas 1862, 1873 Thomas a Becket 1170 Thomas A(iuinas 1274 Thompson 1814, 1835 Thoms 1885 Thomson 1748 Thoruhill 1734 Thornton 1846 Thorwaldsen 1844 Thon 1617 Thrace 422 Ticonderooa (battle 1758) . .1759, 1775 Tien-Tsiu 1900 Tilden 1886 Tilloch 1781 Tilly 1631 Tilsit (treaty) 1807 A. D. Timnr 1402, 1405 Timhile 1526 Tin- 1895 Tintoretto 1594 Tinville 1795 Tii>pecauoe (battle) 1811 Tippoo Sahib ( or Saib) 1792, 1799 Titian 1576 Titus 70 Tobacco 1586 Tokar (battle) 1884 Tolbiac 496 Toledo 693 Tommaso 1460 Topete 1868 Tordesillas 1625 Torgau 1760 Tories 1679 Tornado (gunboat 1873) 1882, 1893, 1896 Torricelli 1643 Torro del ( ireco 1631 Tonl 1870 Tours 732, 813 Towers 1078, 1174 Townley 1805 TowtoH (battle) 1461 Tracts 1833 Tnut Society 1825 Trafalgar (battle) 1805 Trajan's Column 114 Traus-Caspian Railroad 1888 Trans-Cendentalism 1882 Transfer System ( free ) 1894 Transjurane 888 Trans-Siberian Railroad 1891, 1898 Trausubstantiation 1215, 1381 Transvaal Republic 1877, 18S1, 1889 1900 Treaties 843, 912, 1360, 1420, 1435, 1529, 1706, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1719, 1725, 1738, 1745, 1757, 1763, 1783, 1792, 1800, 1802, 1805, 1807, 1809, 1812, 1814, 1815, 1819, 1826, 1827, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1848, 1850, 1854, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1860, 132 Treaties — a. d. 1SG4, 1805, 1S6(J, 1868, 1871, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1885, 1880, 1888, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, . . .1903 Trent (Council of) 1545, 1563 Trenton ( battle) 1776 Tribune 1841 Triennial Act 1694, 1716 Trinidad 1498 Trinity 828 Trinity CVdleye 1540, 1554, 1591 Trinity Hall ('ollei;e 1351 Tri].]e' Alliance. . 1717, 1897 Tripoli 1801 Trivet 1328 Trucliu 1870 Trollope 1882 Troscliauer 1473 Troyes ( treaty ) 1420 Truce ' 1396 Trumpets 790 Truro Cathedral 1887 Tscluidi 1572 Tseni; 1890 Tsoui-Hsi 1898 Tuba >^tentori)lionica 1671 Tuileries 1564 Tunnels. . .1825, 1843, 1872, 1881, 1882 1890 Tupper 1889 Turco-dreek Convention 1881 Tur-ot 1781 Turin 1706 Turkey 1821. 1853, 1877 Turki'y (\. 1579 Turkiiiaucliay ( peace I 1828 Turks 1716, 1736, 1799, 1822, 1827 Turner 1851, 1894 Tycoon 1868 Tyler 1381 Tyndall 1893 Ty])e 1438, 1442, 1444, 1452 rtfa 575 T'hricli 1870 T'lui (battle) 1805 A. D. Ulphilas 373 rinndi ( battle | 1879 rnibrella 1786 Uniformity Act 1662 T'nijienitus Bull 1713 Cnion of Calmar 1397 Union of Utrecht 1579 Unions 1707, 1776, 1787, 1801 Ignited ^States 1787, 1812 Universities.. 626, 794, 886, 1206, 1240, 1249, 1290, 1346, 1348, 1361, 1365, 1409, 1411, 1454, 1476, 1479, 1494, 1502, 1544, 1548, 1575, 1582, 1614, 1636, 1640, 1665, 1734, 1826, 1868 Upsal 722, 1476 T'rania | planet ) 1854 Uranus 1781 Urban 1378 Urujuuay 1865 Utah . 1850, 1896 T'treclit 1579 (universitv 1636) . . .1713 1458, 1506, 1592, 1694, Y. .1799, Vaccination ^'alencia Valentinian Valerian 257 ^'allcy Forge Valparaiso, 1866 I battle. Van I'ui'cn Vanburgh , Vancouver 1 795, Vandals 405, 406, 40!(, 412, 434 Vandcrvelde Van Diemen's Land Van Dyke Van Eyck Vassy Vatican Council, 1869; (Library Vauban Velasipiez Velde Velestino (battle) A'cndonic "S'enetians 1803 1812 .364 , 260 1777 1891 1837 1726 1798 , 455 . 1707 . 1642 .1641 .1415 . 1562 1448 .1707 .1660 . 1707 .1897 .1712 . 697 133 A. U. Veuice 1157 Ventilators 1740 Venus 1639 Vera Cruz 1847 Verdun (treaty) 84:3 Vermont 1791 Vernet 18(33 Versailles 1687 (peace 1783), 1870 Versailles (treaty) 1871 Vespasian 75 Vespers, Sicilian 1282 Vespucius 1499 Vesta 1807 Vesuvius 79, 472, 1631, 1779, 1872 Vicksburg 1863 Victor 1809 Victor Emmanuel 1861, 1870, 1878 Victoria 1837, 1838, 1840, 1850, 1858, 1876, (ship 1893), 1897, 1901 Victorius 463 Vida 1566 Vienna (Council 1311), (Exhil)i- tion 1873), (treaties 1738, 1864, 1866 Vienna (univei*sity) 1365 Villafranca (treaty) 1859 Villani 1348 Villanovanus 1313 Villars 1709 Villiers 1628 Vimiera 1808 Vinci 1519 Vintners Co 1437 Vionville ( battle) 1870 Viriiil 1886, 1892 Virginia 1610, 1673, 1861, 1862 Virginius 1873 Vitalianus 663 Vittoria ( battle) 1813 ^'ladimir 988 Volcanic Eruption 1883, 1887. 1892 Volney . . .; 1820 Volta 1793, 1827 Voltaic Pile 1793, 1800 Voltaire 1778 Von Beust 1886 Von Bunscn 1899 Von Caprin 1890 A. D. Von der Tann 1870 Von Eanke 1886 Von 8teinmetz 1870 Vougle (battle) 507 Vulgate 405 W. ANadliam College 1613 AN'agner 1883 AA'agram ( battle) 1809 Wakefield (battle) 1460, 1804 AVakeham 1375 Wales 517, 1282, 1283, 1536, 1814 Wall 121,306 Wallace 1297, 1298, 1305 Wallenstein 1628, 1634 AA'aller 1687 WaljMde 1715, 1742, 1745, 1757 Walton 1057, 1683 A\'ai'dens 1127 A\'arren 1775, 1878 Warrington 1814 Wars... 1358, 1455, 1618, 1642, 1665, 1689, 1702, 1738, 1744, 1754, 1756, 1803, 1812, 1821, 1835, 1842, 1846, 1853, 1854, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1864, 1866, 1868, 1872, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1894, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900 Warwick 1470 ^^'ashington. . . .1732, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1789, 1793, 1799, 1800, 1814 Wasliington 3Ionunient 1885 A\'ashingt(m State 1886, 1889 Wasp 1812 Watches 1477, 15!l7 ^^■ater 1784, 1800 Waterland 1 740 AVaterloo ( battle ) 1815 Waterloo Bridge 1811, 1817 Water Machine 1656 Water Mills 555 Water AVorks 1614 Watt 1765, 1769, 1781, 1798, 1819 AVat Tyler 1381 AVawasset 1873 134 A. D. A. U. A\ax Caudles 1300 AA'iliiiiiijiton 1805 A\'aviie . 1779, 1791 1156 \N'ilna 1812 A^•:lVutl(^'te Winchester, 1813, (battle, 1804 AVeaviiig .1132, 1331, 1589 AN'iiid-iMills 1299 AWber 1828, 1820 1843, 1852 A\ine 1300 A\'ebster AA'inkel 1810 AA't'i-hai-wei I-'urts . . . . 1895 AA'iiisor ( F. A. 1 1803 Wellesk'v 1803, 18U8, 1813 1809, 1852 , 1814, AMustaulev 1690 AVellmgtou 1812 AAlseousiu 1848 1815, 1852 ^A'isemaii 1805 Welti 1890 A\isseuibourji (battle) 1870 AVitchcraft "... 1730 1641 AW'l'lKM' 1817 AVitikiiid 785,909 AA'itteuberj; ( university ) 1502 AA'cslev 1791 A\'i\ssel 1489 AA'oerth (battle) 1870 AA'essex 519 AA'olfe 1759 AA'cstcni 1838 AVulfram von Escbeubacli 1200 AVolseley 1882 Wcstticld 1871 West Indies 18(;7 AA'olsev 1529 AA'estini lister 1215, 1511 AA'oodford 1897, 1898 A\('stiiiiiister Abbev. 1005, 1220 .1738, 1750 AA'oodward 1728 AA'orcester 1S30 and 1800 A\'estminstei' Uridine. . ^\■estnlinster Hall . . . . 1097 AA'orcester ( battle ) 1051 A\'estiiiinster Scbool . . i5(;o AVorcester ( Colleiie) 1714 AN'estplialia ( peace | . . 1648 AVordsworth 1850 A\('st A'irniiiia 1801, 1803 1593 AA'orld's Fair 1851, 1853, 1876, 1878, 1893, 1894, 1898 1901 AA'onus 1070 AVdttou 1639 ^^ lialebdiies AN lieatstone 1837 AVliios 1079 AMiipplc 188<) AVouudcd Knee Creek ( battle) . . . .1890 AX'liiskv Insiirrection . 1794 1752 AA'ranncl 18()1 AN'histoii AVredvS 1878, 1887, 1893 AA liite . . 1813 1899 AVren 1075, 1710, 1722 AVriobt 1821 AAhitefield 1770 AVliite Plains 1770 AVrotb 1847 33, (;8 AVvatt 1554 AAliittier 1892 1813 W'vcliffc 1381. 1382, 1384 AVieland Wyomin- 1808, 1890 \\ilb('r force .1823, 1833 AA'ilderness ( battle | . . 1804 Y. YalcCdllci-e 1700 AAilliclniina .1890, 1898 AVilkes . 17()2 , 17 Q. < I UJ I to D H 03 D O D < UJ a z 3 LJ CO O X I- u. o z o H < eo til ^ ? Q. ^ UJ UJ LJ 1 I I- •- li U. ll- o J UJ U3 z - D H to UJ o to D < o li. o o I- 138 PERIOD 111. UNIVERSAL CHRONOLOGY FROM 1 to 622 A. D. A. D. 4 TO 33 A. D. A. U. C. OLYM. A. M. J. P. 8 18 18 19 23 2G 27 29 33 33 33 33 33 Deatli of Cains Asiniiis Pollio, distinguished Ro- man antlior, oi-aloi-, and |)atn)H of literatnre; age 80. Leap Year corrected, having formerly lieen every third year. Ovid, the poet, banished by Augustus. Death of Livy (Titus Livius), celebrated Roman his- torian ; age 70. Death of Ovid (I'lublius Ovidius Naso), celebrated Roman poet ; age 60. Octolier 9th. Death, at Antioch, of Germanicus, suc- cessful Roman general ( nephew of the emperor Tiberius) ; age 33. He is supposed to have been poisoned. Birth of riiny the •Elder (Caius I'linius ►Secundus), celebrated Roman naturalist. St. John tlie Baptist, age 30, begins preaching repent- ance, and baptizing. Our Lord Jesus Christ, age 30 years, is baptized in Jordan by St. John. (Note A.) August 29th. St. John the Ba])tist is belieadcd in prison, by order of Antipas. April 3d, Friday. The Crucifixion. (Ac. Eusebius. ) Date approved by Ai"chbishop Usher, Haydn, Blair, Lempriere, etc., etc. (See Note 31, in B. C.) The Crucifixion is placed at 29 A. D., March 25, by Lactantius, Clinton, and others ; and it is placed at 30 A. I), by Africauus. April 5th, Sunday. Resurrection of Christ. The first Easter Day. Date generally accepted. May 14th, Thursday. Ascension of our Lord. May 24th, Sunday. The descent of the Holy Ghost on the Apostles. Whitsunday: the birthday of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Clnirch. The first Ordination or Making of Deacons by the Apostles, by the laying on of their hands. The first seven deacons — Stephen, IMiilip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicolas. — Acts vi. (Ac. Com. Chron. ) 761 771 776 779 780 782 786 195-4 I 4008 2003 201-2 402 4030 202-1 203-1 4033 4037 4717 196-4 4012 4721 199-2 4022 4J31 199-3 4023 4732 4736 4739 201-3 4031 4740 4742 4746 i:i;i A. U. 34 TO 65 A. D. A. u. C. 34 8t. 8tL'itlit*ii, thedeacdu, in'oto-inartyr, stmicil to death. ! (Ac. Com. Chron. ) 34 Tlie Apostles kSt. Peter and 8t. .John tirst jierforiii the Sacranient of Confirmation at Samaria. — Acts viii., 17. (Ac. Com. Chron. ) 35 Conversion of SauLof Tarsus. His name changed to Paul. ( Ac. Com. Chron. ) Birth of Josephus, celehrated Jewisii historian. St. Matthew writes his Gospel in Hebrew. Apion of Alexandria, Greek granunarian. flourishes. Novendter 3d. Birth, at Cordo\a, of Lucan ( ^larcus Aumpiis Lucanus), Boman poet, author of "Phar- salia." The discii)les of Christ first called Christians at Antioch. (Ac. Com. Chron.) Claudius, the Boman em])eror, invades Britain. St. James tlie Great, brother of St. John, beheaded, by order of Herod Agrippa. St. j\[ark writes his Gospel in Greek. Elders or Priests ordained by the A|)osties in every Clmi'cli. — Acts .\iv., 23. (Ac. Com. Chron.) • Caractacus, king of the Silures, a Bi'itish tribe, de- fealed by Osstorius Scapula, and taken to Bome in chains. The ('iii]ieror Claudius releases Caractacus, and sends him liouu'. St. Paul preaches at Athens. St. l*aul jireaches at Ephesus. Birth of i'liny the Younger ( Caius I'Jinius C;ecilius Secundus), Latin author, and orator. Helirew Gosjk'I of St. Matthew rendered into Greek by an unknown translator. (Ac. Blair, i Novend)er 24th. Death of Aulus Persius Flaccus, celebrated Boumn satirical poet, within fifteen days of his 2Stli birthday. St. Janu's the Less, author of the Epistle, iK-headed by order of Ananias, high priest. 63 St. Luke writes his Gospel in Greek. G4 The great fire at Bcune begins July PHli. Tlie greater part of the city is destroyed. The Chriotians are falsely accuscu]ilic auction by the Pra-- 943 242 2 4194 4903 193 940 243-1 4197 4900 torians. Didius makes the highest liid, and is i)ro- i. 1 claimed emperor; but is murdered by the soldieri-i after a reign of two months. 194 Battles of Xiciva and Issus, in which Niger is defeated 947 243 2 , 4198 4907 and made prisoner by Septimius Severus, his rival for the im])erial throne of Kimie. 197 February 19th. Battle of Lyons, in wliicli Albinus, having been proclaimed emperor in Britain, is de- feated and slain 1»y S. Severus. 950 244-1 4201 4910 197 Tertullian, celebrated Christian writei', jiroduces his "Ad ^Martyres" (Letter to the Martyrs. ) 198 Severus gains victories over the I'arthians. 951 2442 4202 4911 198 Tertullian writes his "De Si>ectaculis'" (On I'ublic Games or Shows. ) 199 Tertullian produces his "Apologeticus " Adversus (Jentes ]»ro Christianis" (Apology to the Nations for the Christians), dated 198. 952 244-3 4203 4912 200 Death of Galen, celebrated (ireek ]>hysician, in his 70th year. 953 2444 4204 4913 201 Ammouius Saccas founds at Alexandria the school of Neo-Platouism or Eclectic philosophy, c(unbining Platonism with Christianity. 954 245-1 4205 4914 202 Fifth 2>ersecutiou of the Christians, under Severus. St. Irenseus, bishop of Lyons, is one of the martyrs. 955 2452 4206 4915 203 Tertullian joins the Montanists, a sect founded by 950 2453 4207 4916 to Montanus; after whicli he writes "De Corona ^lili- 205 tis," "De Mouogamia," and "De Jejnuio." 205 Birth of Plotinus, Alexandrian jdiilosopher, chief of the Neo-Platonic school. 958 246-1 4209 4918 148 CATACOMBS. ST. LORENZO, ROME. SUBTERRANEAN CHURCH, UNDER THE CATHEDRAL AT MESSINA. 1-19 A. D. 208 TO 258 A. D. A. U. C. OLYM. A.M. J. p. 208 Severus accompanied by his two sous, Caracalla aud Geta, subdues a revolt of the Caledouians in Britain. 961 246-4 4212 4921 215 Geueral massacre of the Alexandrians b.y order of 968 248-3 4219 4928 216 Caracalla, emperor of Rome. Death of Donald I., first Christian king of Scotland. 969 248-4 4220 4929 221 Julius Africanus, celebrated Greek Christian histo- 974 250-1 4225 4934 ooo rian, completes his chronologv. St. Hippolvtus, author of many commentaries on the Scriptures, ends liis chronicle Avith this date. (Ac. Blair.) 975 250-2 4226 4935 226 Artabanus, the twenty-eighth and last of the Arsacidae, finally defeated and killed, and the Parthian Empire overtlirown by Arta.xerxes I. (Ardshir), 175 years after its foundation by Arsaces. Artaxerxes founds Mie new or Second Persian Empire, the dynasty of the Sassanida\ (229, ac. Lempriere 979 251-2 4230 4939 23,-) aud Haydn.) Sixth ])ersecution of the Christians, under ^laximus. 988 2533 4239 4948 238 Ceusorinus, Latin grammarian, writes his work en- titled "De Die Natali." 991 254-2 4242 4951 240 Several trilies in the northwestern parts of Germany confederate under the name of Franks. 993 254-4 4244 4953 241 The Franks first mentioned in history. 994 255-1 4245 4954 215 Great inundation of the sea in Lincolnshire. 998 256-1 4249 4958 247 Asinius Quadratus, Greek Christian historian, flour- ishes. 1000 256-3 4251 4960 250 Seventh persecution of the Christians, under Decius. Fabian, bishop of Rome; Babylas, bishop of An- tioch; and Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem, are among the martyrs. 1003 257-2 4254 4963 251 Novatiau begins his schism and founds the Novatian Sect. 1004 257-3 4255 4964 251 Birth of St. Antony, founder of Monachism. (See 305 and 356.) 252 253 Great pestilence throughout the Roman Empire. Death of Origen, Greek Christian father aud eminent A\'riter ; age 68. 1005 1006 25T-4 258-1 4256 4257 4965 4966 257 Eighth persecution of the Christians, under Va- lerian. 1010 259-1 4261 4970 258 August 6tli. Martyrdom of Slxtus II., Idshop of Rome. 1011 259-2 4262 4971 258 Augiist 10th. St. Lawrence the deacon burned to death on a gridiron. 258 September litli. St. Cyprian, Latin father, bishop of Carthage, is beheaded. 151 A. D. 260 TO 305 A. D. A. U. U. OLYil. A. M. J. p. 260 ivouum army totally routed by the I'ersiauw. Valeriau is taken prisoner by Sapor I., king of Persia, who 1013 2594 4264 4973 liohls him a (■ai)tive for eiglit or ten years, and then orders him to be tiayed alive. 262 Temple of Diana, at Ephesns, jihiiidered and burned by the (loths. 1015 260-2 4266 4975 269 The Ivomaus, under Claudius 11., gain a signal vietory at Naissus, in Miesia, over the (ioths, of whom 3(Mt,(MI0 are slain. 1022 262-1 4273 4982 209 Paul de Samosata, bishoi> of Antioeh. condemned as a heretic by a council at Antioeh. He is u]>held liy Zenobia, (]ueen of Palmyra, and refuses to give u]i his bishopric. 27U Death of Plotinus, celebrated (Jreek philosopher; age 65. His AX'orks consist of tifty-four treatises on philosophy and metaphysics. 1023 262-2 -4274 4983 271 ^Valls of Pome rebuilt by Aurelian. 1024 262 3 4275 4984 272 Ninth jiersecution of the Christians, under Ani'clian. 1025 2624 4276 4985 273 Zenobia, (pieen of Palmyra, totally defeated l)y Aure- lian, at Edessa, and taken prisoner. 1026 2631 4277 4986 273 Dionysius Cassius Longinns, celebrated Greek phil- osopher, first to receive the sobri(]uet "Living Library," is executed by order of Aurelian, up(Ui the surrender of Palmyra. 284 Diocletian Era, or the Era of ]\Iartyrs, commences August 29th, the day Diocletian is proclaimed em- peror. ( See Note C. ) 1037 265-4 4288 4997 288 St. Sebastian martyred by being tied to a tree and pierced by arrows. ( Date ac. J. Thomas. ) 1041 266-4 4292 5001 292 The two emperors, Diocletian and Maximian, appoint two Ca'sars, Constantius Chlorus an IT O X _l o o o UJ I UJ H I 1- UJ (£ u. Ul o I a: 5 o UJ tc X UJ \- 1- < z UJ — I H I Q. s < UJ I 1- 153 305 TO 312 A. D. A. U. C. OLYM. A. M. J. P. 305 First nioiiasterv founded and the monastic system introduced in Egypt by St. Antony. (See 251 and 35G.) 300 ' London wall built. 308 j Ivoman Empire now ruled by tive emperors and Cae- sars — Galerius, Constantine, Maxentius, Licinius, and Maximin. 312 Martyrdom, at Chalcis, in Syria, of St. Methodius, bishop of Patara, Olympus, and Tyre. 312 Constantine having seen in the heavens the vision of a cross bearing the inscription "In hoc signo viuces" (In this sign th(m shalt conquer), adopts the Cross as his standard, and a few days after, having defeated Maxentius October 27th, he is sole i-uler of the western half of the Roman Em- pire. 1058 1059 1061 lOGt 271-1 2712 2714 272* 4309 4310 4312 4316 SOIS 5019 5021 5025 CONSTANTINE. SEE 312 A. D. 155 N. B. — For explanation of the column of dates ac. "Roman Indictions," headed R. I., see Note D. 1 A. D. 313 TO 325 A. D. K. I. A. U. C. OLYM. A. M. i ■ J. p. 313 1 The Era of Indietious or cycle of fifteen years, 1- 1066 273-1 4317 5026 i accordiu<>' to the (ireeks of Byzantine Em- Ist Cycle. pire, originally was reckoned an commencing Sei)teml)er 1st, 312. When adopted by the I'ajial See, it was ordered to he reckoned from January 1st, 313. This is now alone used, and known as the Papal or Roman Indietious. 313 Constantine and Licinius issue an edict to stoj) all i)ersecutious of the Christians. 313 Licinius defeats Maximin, and is sole ruler of the eastern half of the Roman Empire. 314 Three of tlie fathers or bisliops of the English Church are sent from Britain to assist at the Council of Aries, in France, against the Donatists. o-l 10(i7 273-2 4318 5027 316 Surplices first worn in churches. 4-1 1069 273-4 4320 502!) 316 Arius the hei"etic ju'caclies his doctrines, which are supported by many of the Asiatic bishops, especially Eusebius of Nicomedia. (The latter must not be confused with Eu- sebius, bishop of Ciesarea ; see 325.) (See 337 and 310. ) 320 Com])letion of the Palestinian Talmud ("Tal- mud Jerushalmi"), begun by Rabbi Yohauan. ( See Note B ; also 141 and 504. ) 8-1 1073 274-4 4324 5033 321 Constantine issues the first edict, March 7th, prescribing the due observance of the Sun- 9-1 1074 275-1 4325 5034 day ("Dies Solis"), by cessation from all labor except religious worship and agricul- ture. 323 July 3d. Constantine defeats Licinius near Adrianople. 11-1 1076 275-3 4327 5036 323 Sei)tenUier 18th. Battle of Chrysopolis, in wliich Licinius is totally defeated, and Con- stantine becomes sole master of the Roman Empire. 325 Council of Nice. First (Ecumenical Council. Nicene Creed composed. ( See Note E. ) 13-1 1078 276-1 4329 5038 ' 156 D. 325 TO 35U A. D. H.I. Eusebiu.s, bishop of Ctesarea, styled ''Father of EceU'siastioal History," ends his chronicle, "Chrouicon," and completes his history, "Historia Ecclesiastica.'' X. B. — He nuist not be coufused with Eusebius the Ariau heretic, bishop of Nicomedia. ( See 31(j, 337, 340. ) Death of Lactautius, Latiu father. He was styled, ou account of his eloquence, "The Christian Cicero.'' Constaiitiae transfers iiis court from Konie to Byzantium, the name of which is changed to Constantinople, /. e. City of Constantinc. (t^ee330. 1 328 May ."'xl. The Holy Cross found at Jerusalem, dee]> in tlie ground, by the em]»ress St. Hel- ena. Three crosses were found; but it is said tliat our Lord's was distinguished from those of the thieves by a sick woman being immediately cured upon touching it. ( Sec ()14, (i22, 629, 642. ) The day is termed "The Invention of the Cross," and has since been kept as a festival in the Church. 330 May 11th. Constantinople formally dedicated by the emperor. ( See 328. ) 336 Death of Arius the heretic, founder of Arian- ism. 337 May 22d. The emperor Constantine is bap- tized by Eusebius, the heretic Arian bishop I of Nicomedia. ( See 316, 325, and 340. ) 337 ; May 22d. Death of Constantinc. 338 Sapor II. besieges Xisibis, in Meso])otaniia ; but its bishop. Jacobus, bravely defends tiie city. 340 Death of Eusebius, bishop of Ctesarea. (See 316, 325, 337. ) 340 The Athanasian Creed composed. (See Note P.) 347 Council at Sardis. Attended by three hundred and seventy bishops. The majority approve the Nicene Faith ; the minority uphold the Arian heresy. The two bodies mutually ex- communicate each other. 350 Sapor II. besieges Nisibis a third time; but Jacobus, the bishop, encourages the people to resist. 13-1 2nd Cycle. A. U. C. OLYM. 3-2 9-2 10-2 11-2 13-2 3rd Cycle. 8-3 1078 1081 276-1 A. M. J. P. 4329 276 -* 4332 5041 5038 1083 I 277-2 4334 5043 1089 278-4 4340 5049 1090 2791 4:ui 5050 1091 2792 4342 1093 279 4 4344 1100 281-3 1103 282-2 4351 4354 5051 5053 5060 5063 157 A. D. 350 TQ 36S A. D. R. I. A. U. C. OLYM. A. M. J. p. 350 Feast of .Vuuimciatioii of B. \'. M. ob- sened. 8-3 1103 282-2 4354 5063 350 Chaiitinj; of the Psalms introduced into the Church service by St. Aiidimse, known as Ambrosial! Cliant. ( See 590. ) 353 Inundation in Cheshii'e, by which 5,000 persons are destroyed. 11-3 1106 2831 4357 5066 354 November 13th. Birth of St. Augustine (son of St. Monica), one of tlie most illustrious Latin fathers of the Church. 12-3 1107 283-2 4358 5067 355 .^lius Douatus, celebrated Koman gramma- rian, flourishes. 13-3 1108 283-3 4359 5068 356 January 17th. Death of St. Anthony or An- tony, founder of Monachism in the East; age 105. ( See 305 and 251. ) 14-3 1109 283 4 4360 5069 357 A terrible earthquake in Greece and .^sia de- stroys one hundred and fifty cities. 153 1110 284-1 4361 5070 358 Nicomedia destroyed by an earth(|uake, for the second time. All the inhabitants are buried in the ruins. 1- 4 Hi Cycle. 1111 284-2 4362 5071 359 Festival of St. Andrew, November 30th, first instituted. 2-4 1112 284-3 4363 5072 360 Oribasius of Pergamus, celebrated physician, flourishes. 3-4 1113 2844 4364 5073 301 Julian, soon after being proclaimed emperor, apostatizes from Christianity, and openly professes paganism. 4-4 1114 285-1 4365 5074 362 Julian ]troclaims univer.sal toleration of all religions, and commands the heathen tem- ples to be reopened. 54 1115 285-2 4366 5075 363 Julian, to restore Judaism, attempts to rebuild tlie temple at Jerusalem; but his ])]aiis are frustrated by remarkable eruptions of fire (ignition of foul air), which deter the work- men. (This failure to rebuild tlie temple was predicted by St. Cyril I., bishop of Jeru- salem, ac. J. Thomas.) 6" 1116 285 3 1367 5076 364 ^'alentinian, chosen emperor, divides the em- pire, making his brother, Valens, emperor of the East, and taking for himself the West. 7-4 1117 285-4 4368 5077 364 Eutropius, Roman historian, concludes his history, ''Breviarium Rerum Romanomm." 368 January 13th. Death of St. llihuy, Ijishop of Poitiers, in Gaul, his birthplace. He zeal- 114 1121 286-4 1372 5081 158 A. a 368 TU 387 A. D. K. I. A. u. c. OLYM. A.M. J. p. 368 onsly (Icfendcd, ajiainst the Arians, the or- thodox faith of tlie diviuitj of our Lord, and also the doctrine of the Holy Trinit.v. Hence his surname, ".Malleus Arianoruui." 11-4 1121 286-4 4372 5081 370 St. Basil, eminent father of the Church, elected bishop of Cc'esarea. 13-4 1123 287-2 4374 5083 372 Death of tSt. llilarion, founder of Monachism in Palestine, in his 80th year. 15* 1125 287-4 4376 5085 373 Birth of St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland, at Bannevan, a small village in Scotland. 1- Cycle. 1126 288-1 4377 5086 373 May 2d. Death of St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, leader and defender of the or- thodox Catholic faith. 373 Ulphilas or Ultilas, bishop of the (roths in Miesia, translates the Bible, except the two Books of Kiujis, into the Gothic lanj;naj'e. 378 Anrmianus Marcellinns, distinguished histo- rian of Greek parentage, native of Antioch, ends his Koman history at this date. The history was in thirty-one books, from 96 to 378 A. D. 6-5 1131 289-2 4382 5091 379 January 1st. Death of St. Basil of Ca?sarea, known as Basil the Great ; age 49. 7-5 1132 289-3 4383 5092 380 Theodosius, emperor of the East, is baptized at Thessalonica. (Ac. Blair.) 85 1133 289* 4384 5093 380 First ecclesiastical canon ])r()mulgated. 380 Pa])pus, Alexandrian geometrician, tlour- ishes. 381 Second (Ecumenical Council is held at Con- stantinople. The Nicene Creed completed. ( See Note G. ) 9-5 1134 290-1 4385 5094 381 The teachings of A])ollinaris, bishop of Lao- dicea, condenuied as heresy by Council of Constantinople. As opposed to Arianism, he taught the true divinity of Christ, but denied His perfect humanity. 381 St. Chrysostom made deacon at Antioch by St. Meletius, patriarch of Antioch, who died same year. 386 St. Chrysostom is ordained jiriest by Flavian, bishop of Antioch. 14-5 1139 291-2 4390 5099 386 Death of St. Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem. 387 Conversion and baptism, by St. Ambrose, of St. Augustine, son of St. :Monica. The "Te Deum" supposed to have been composed by 15-5 1140 291-3 4391 5100 159 A. D. 387 TO 405 A. D. K.I. A. U. C. OLYM. A.M. J. p. ■> w OOI Ht. .Viijiustiiic and 8t. Ambrose at tlie bap- tism. 15-5 1140 291-3 4391 5100 :)Sl Anathemas tirst nsed in tlie Chuivh. 3U0 The emperor Theodosins orders tlie massacre at 3- 1143 292 2 4394 5103 Tliessah)nica, for which he is made by St. titii ('.vcle Ambrose to jierform pnlilic ])enauce. 391 Canonical lionrs for prayer institnted. 4-6 1144 292-3 4395 5104 393 Polyjiamy forbidden amonii' the Konnins. 6-6 1140 293-1 4397 5106 394 The Mass or Holy Eucharist Service first cele- brated in Latin. 7-6 1147 293-2 4398 5107 394 Dealh of Ausoniiis, celebrated Latin ]toet. 395 final division of the Roman Empire into the Eastern and A\'estern empires. 8-6 1148 293 3 4399 5108 397 April 4lh. Death of St. Ambrose, bishop of .Alilan, author of the style of chanting known as the Andirosian ("haul; 57. { See 3.")(l. 1 10-6 1150 294-1 4401 5110 ;!!»T Novendier 11th. Death of St. .Martin, bishop of Tours; aj^e 81. 397 St. Chrysostom consecrated archbishop of 400 Constantinople. Chui'ch bells inv(^nted by St. Paulinus, bishop of Xola, in < 'ampaay fables of India, made under the ans- ]»ices of ('iKisroes (or Khosroo), Persian ' monarch. 560 Ethelbert becomes kinin of Ivent, in Britain. 565 ( See 575. ) Colnndia, Irish saint (called "The Ajiostle of K^-i"? 1318 336-1 4569 5278 the IIii;hlanders'" ), visits Scotland, where he preaches Christianity, and founds a mon- 568 astery in lona. The Lombards from I'annonia, under Albuin, found the kingdom of Londiardy, in North Italy. They establish tlieir ca]dtal at Pavia. Birth, at ^Nlecca, of ^lohammed, the im]ioster. 1- KSth Cycle. 1321 336-'! 4572 5281 571 4-18 1324 33-3 4575 5284 (Authorities are divided between the dates 56!) and 571 ; but the majority iiive the 575 preference to 571.) Ethelbert, kinc,- of Kent, marries Bertha, a Christian Parisian princess, who (ac. Ilnme) brings with her to the court of Canterbury a French bishop, and does all in her power to convert Ethelliert and his snbjects to ('hristianity. 8-18 1328 338-3 4579 1 5288 167 A. D. 575 TO 60S A. D. H. I. A. tr. C. OLYM. A.M. .1. p. 575 Uffa founds the kingflom of East Anglia, as- sniuing the title of king. (Sixth kingdom of the Heptarchy.) 578 SI. ('(.luiiiliaiius founds his monastery at ]>uxo- viuni. (Ac. Blair.) 578 Anchitrs tirst forged in England. 580 The gaiiic of chess introduced into I'ersia from India by Huzurg IMiliir. (Ac. I'.laii'. ) 581 Latin ceases to lie the language in Italy. 586 Cridda, a chieftain, founds the kingdom of ^Mercia ( comi>rising the midland counties (if l>ritain), the seventh and last kingdom of the lleptarchy. 593 Evagrius concludes and imlilishes his eccle- siastical history in Greek. 507 .June !)th. Death of St. Colundia, "Apostle of tlie Highlanders." 597 St. Augustine (Austin) and other monks, sent hy (iregory I. (The Great), arrive in Britain. They comjilete the conversion of Ethelhert, king of Kent (third Bretwalde of the Hep- tarchy), and his subjects, already hegnu by his Christian wife. Bertha, the Parisian jirin- cess. ( See 575. ) 599 Death of Anastasius, sixty-first and last bishop or patriarch of Antioch. He was a zealous defender of the orthodox faith. 599 1 (Jregory I., the Great, adds notes to the Am- to brosian Chant, and introduces into the G(J2 Church services what is since known as the (Jregxirian chant. (See 350. ) 002 Cathedral of Canterbury founded by St. Au- gustine, the monk. (Austin.) G04 The Church of St. Paul, London, built by Ethelhert, Octarch or Bretwalde of the Saxon Heptarchy. GOG (07; disputed date.) Supremacy of the bisho]) of Rome and the monojxdy of the title Pope is ccmceded to Boniface II L, by Phocas, emperor of the East. ( See 138. ) G08 The Pantheon at Eome (built by Agrip])a ; see 27 B. C.) is dedicated by Pope Boniface IV. to the "Blessed Virgin and all the Saints," naming it "Santa Maria ad Martyres'' (o della Rotonda). 168 818 1328 11-18 1331 13-18 1338 14-18 1334 -4- 1339 19tli Cycle. 1 11-19 1346 15-i« 1350 2- 1352 20th Cycle. 5-20 1355 7-20 1357 9-20 1359 11-20 1361 338 3 339-2 3894 340-1 341-2 843-1 344-1 4579 5288 4582 4584 4585 4590 4591 5291 5298 5294 5299 5306 4601 5310 844 3 4603 5312 345-2 4606 845-4 4608 846-2 4610 346 4 4612 5315 5317 5319 5321 < Ml I t- _l -I < o z < > DC < o 2 Q z t^ < < Q O 5 < lU g O U3 - Ill Z tu O CO UJ I H z < HI I I- o DC HI H z 169 610 TO 01. 1 A. D. K.I. A.LT.C. OLYM A.M. J. P. 010 ^loliamnied, the iiiiposter, aniiomices him- self as a prophet, aud begins to teach Is- lam ism. 010 .Alohammed produces the Koran (written in Koreish-Arabie), in the coniposint>' of which he was assisted by a Jew, a Jacobite, and a Nestorian. lie pretends to have re- ceived it from time to time during twenty- three 3'ears, from the angel Gabriel. Oil Conquests of Chosroes II., king of Persia, in Syria, Egypt, and Asia Minor. 013 The territories of the Franks are all again united under Clotaire II. (the Great), a great-grandson of Glovis I. 614 Jerusalem taken by the Persians, and plun dered. The Holy Cross is taken away by Chosroes II., king of Persia. (See 328, 022, 629, 042.) 015 Death of St. Columbanus, Irish monk. 13-20 1- 21st Cycle. 9-21 3-21 1303 347-2 I 4614 14-20 i3,..i 1366 1307 1368 347-3 348-1 348-2 4615 4617 4618 5323 348-3 4019 5324 5320 5327 5328 JOAN OF ARC. SEE 1429, 1430, AND 1431 A. D. 171 PERIOD IV 1 ■ 622-1550 A. D. N . B. — For explanation of the Ileyira Era, as oakolated f >v this work, be sure to read Note H. The Olympiads beinsj- seldom used after this date, are now dropped from this work the llegira Era makin<;- a sixth caleulatioii in their stead. A. D. 622 TO 636 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. CJi.' Miiiht of Mohammed, on the night of Thurs- day, Julj 15th, from Mecca to Medina, . where he is received as a prophet and prince. 1 10-2' 1375 4626 5335 {i-22 The p]ra of the llegira, or Flight of Moham- med, commences from Friday, July 16th. {See Note H.) G22 September 1-lth. Holy Cross having been car- ried a\yay by Chosroes, king of Persia, when he plundered Jerusalem, 611 A. I)., is recov- ered by Heraclius, emperor of the East, after defeating Chosroes in battle. ( See 328, 614, 629, 642J 625 Sugar brought into Eui'ope from Asia. 4 13-21 1378 4629 5338 .hine 14 626 University of Cambridge, England, founded b^' 5 M-21 i 1379 4630 5339 Sigebert, king of East Anglia. June 3 620 Heraclius visits Jenisalem, and solemnly re- places the Holy Cross on Mt. Calvary, Sep- tember 14th, the day since kept in the Church as the festival of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Exaltatio Crucis), com- monly called Holy Cross Day. (See 328, 614, 622, and 642. ) 8 May 1 2. 22d Cycle. 1382 4633 5342 62!) Mohammed concjuer.s Mecca. 629 The Christians defeated by Mohammed, at the battle of :\[uta. 632 Monday, June Sth. Death of Mohammed, at Medina. 11 .Mai-. :U 5-22 1385 4636 5345 632 Mohammed is succeeded by Abu-Bekr, the Caliph. 636 Parish boundaries first fixed in England by Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury. 15 i>b. in 9-22 1389 4640 5349 172 A. D. 637 TO «76 A. D. HEG. E. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. G37 Jerusalem takeu by the Saraceuw, uuder Caliph Omar. They retaiu possession of the Holy City 4G2 years, until retaken hy the crusaders. (See lODl). ) 16 Feb. 5 10-22 1390 4641 5350 G40 The second cycle of the Hegira Era begins this year. The two Mohammedan New Year's Days are January 4th, and December 24th. ( See Note H. ) 19 and 20 13-22 1393 1644 5353 G42 The festival of Holy Cross Day, September 14th, established by the Church. (Ac. Haydn.) (See 328, 614, 622, 62<».) 22 Dec. 2 15-22 1395 4646 5355 G4(> October 16th. Death of St. (Jail, native of Ireland, known as "The Apostle of the Swiss," and founder of St. (Jail's monastery in the Canton. .Et. 95. 26 Oct. 19 4- 23rd Cycle. 1399 4650 5359 651 Kingdom of Persia finally subdued by the Saracens. 31 Aug. 25 9-23 1404 4(]a5 5364 G53 Rhodes taken by the Saracens. The Colossus finally destroyed, and sold by the Saracens as old metal. ( See Note 9, section (J ; also 224 B. C. ) 33 Aug. 3 11-23 1406 4657 5366 G58 Organs first brought into Italy from the East- ern Empire, and their use in the services of the Western Church first introduced by Pope Vitalianus. (See 757.) 38 June 10 1- 24th Cycle. 1411 4(i62 5371 663 Vitalianus, the pope, enjoins the services of the Church to be read in Latin throughout all Christendom. (Ac. Blair.) 43 April 17 6-24 1416 4667 5376 G70 Stone buildings are introduced into England, and first erected by Benedict Biscop, an abbot of Wearmouth. 50 Feb. 1 1324 1123 4674 5383 G70 Upon the death of Childeric II., Ebroin, mayor of the palace, ])ro<-laims Theodoric or Thierry III. as king of Neustria and Burgundy. 672 The third cycle of the Hegira Era begins this year. The two ^lohammedan New Year's Days are January 10th and Decendier 30th. ( See Note H. ) 52 and 53 15-24 1425 4676 5385 G73 The Saracens attacking Constantinople, their fieet is destroyed liy the (Jreek fire, invented by Callinicus. 54 Dec. 20 1- 2oth < ycle. U-2Cy 4677 53S6 G76 (JIass first brought into England by a monk, Benedict Biscop. 57 Nov. 17 4-25 1429 4680 5389 173 A. D. 680 TO 713 A. D. HEG R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 080 680 080 nso 087 692 695 (i!)n 697 700 703 705 713 Bells imported from Italy to England by Benedict Biscop, abbot of Wearmouth. (See 400, 945.) Sixth (Ecumenical Council of the Church, or third Council of Constantinople, when the condemnation of the Monothelite heresy is confirmed. Death of C;edmon, a monk at Whitby, early Anglo-Saxon poet, styled "The l'\ither of English Song." Death of St. Hilda, grand-niece of Edwin, king of Northumbria, and abbess of the convent of Whitby. Agnus Dei (() Lamb of God, etc.,) appointed in the Litany. Bede, the celebrated historian, is made dea- con by John, bishop of York. (Ac. Blair.) ( See 703, 731, and 738. ) Si.xteeuth Council of Toledo, when a form of prayer for the sovereign and his family is first ordained. (Ac. Blair.) Abdal-melik coins the first Arabian money. Somyor, a Jew, is his mint master. (Ac. Blair. ) I'Vstival of the Nativity of the B. V. M. insti- tuted by Pope Sergius. (Date ac. T. Smith.) (About 690; but not observed in France or Germany until about 1000 A. D., and not kept by the Greek Church until some time in the twelfth century, ac. Haydn. ) The Venetians elect their first Doge, Anafes- tus. Cracus, elected duke of Poland, builds the city of Cracow with the spoils taken from the Franks. Bede, the celebrated English monk, and ec- clesiastical writer, surnamed "The Vener- able," is ordained priest; age 30. (See 092, 731, and 738. ) The fourth cycle of the Hegira Era begins this year. The two Mohammedan New Year's Days are January 0th and Decem- ber 26th. (See Note H.) Spain conquered by the Saracens. 174 61 Oct. 5 8-25 1433 4684 5393 68 15-25 1440 July 111 73 5- 1445 .\I.iy i;S 26th i Cycle. I 74 0-26 1446 May 17 4691 4696 4697 76 .April L'5 8-26 , 1448 78 April 3 81 Mar. 2 84 Jan. 28 86 and 87 95 Sept. 30 10-26 I 1450 13-26 1453 7th 3-27 11-27 1456 1458 1466 5400 5405 5406 4699 5408 4701 5410 4704 5413 4707 5416 4709 5418 4717 5426 721 TO 749 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1'21 Egbert, abbot of lona, translates the four Gospels into Anglo-Saxon. Egbert was made archbishop of York in 732. 722 Iva Vidfanie, a petty Scandinavian prince, conquers Upsal, and founds a kingdom, which afterwards becomes Sweden. (Ac. Blair.) 726 Leo III., the Isaurian, emperor of the East, I issues his first edict against the worship \ of images in churches. His edict is op- posed by the Greek patriarch, and the pope. 727 "Peter's Pence" presented by Ina, king of the \^'est Saxons, to the pope, for the endow- ment of an English college at Rome. So 1 called because it was to be paid annually on the feast of St. Peter. The tax of one penny was levied on all families having thirty jience yearly rent in land. 7ol rJede the Venerable concludes his "Historia Ecclesiastical." (See ()92, 703, 735.) 732 October 10th. Charles, "Mayor of the Pal- ace" (and king of France in all but title), gains a great signal victory over the Sara- cens, at the "Battle of T(mrs," and so saves Europe from the Mohanimedans, and receives the name Martel, i. e. Hammer. 732 Pope Gregory III. issues an edict establish- ing the worship of images, and excommuni- cating the emperor Leo III., and all Icono- clasts. 735 May 2bruary 3d. Death of Sweyn. While his son, Canute, is in Denmark, the exiled 405 Julys 12-47 1767 5018 5727 king, Ethelred II., the "Unready," returns to England, and is restored to his throne. 1016 April 23d. Death of Ethelred II.; his son. 407 14-47 1769 5020 5729 Edmund Ironside, by treaty, divides his June 17 kingdom with Canute, the Dane. 1016 November 30th. Edmund Irouside assassi- nated. Canute becomes sole king of Eng- land. 1017 Canute issues a law prohibiting the English 408 15-47 1770 5021 5730 from selling their children, as they were in June 6 the habit of doing, to the Irish for slaves. 1017 The traitor, Edric, duke of Mercia, is slain, suspected of having murdered Edmund. (Ac. Blair.) 1020 Death of Abi'il-Kasim-iMausur, I)etter kuowu 411 3 1773 5024 5733 l)y his nom-de-plume, Firdousi, greatest May 4 48th Cycle. Persian poet; author of the celebrated poem, "Shah-Nameh" ( /. c. Book of Kings), composed of more than 56,000 distichs or ciiuplets; age SO. 1025 Guido Aretinus, a Benedictine monk of Arezzo, invents musical characters; the 416 Mar. 11 8-48 , 1778 5029 5738 lines, spaces, and first six of the scale of seven notes now used. 1031 The fourteenth cycle of the Hegira Era be- 422 14-48 1784 5035 5744 gins this year. The two Mohammedan and New Year's Days are January 4th and De- 423 . cember 24th. ( See Note H. )" 1035 Aragon, in Spain, becomes an independent kingdom, under Eamirez I. Castile is also made a kingdom, the couut Ferdinand be- ing its first king. ( See 1479. ) 427 Nov. 11 3 49th Cycle. 1788 5039 5748 1S4 A. D. 1037 TO 1066 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1037 ' June. Death of Aviceuna (Ibn-Sina), the most illustrious of Arabian physicians. 429 Oct. 20 5-49 1790 5041 5750 1048 Death of Glaber, French historian and chron- icler. ( Date ac. Blair. ) He wrote a chron- icle of events from 900 A. D. to 1046. 440 June 22 1- 50th Cycle. 1801 5052 5761 1053 April 15th. Death of Godwin, the celebrated earl of Kent. 445 April 28 6-50 1806 5057 5766 1054 September 24th. Death of Hermann Con- 446 7-50 1807 5058 5767 tractus, German historian and chronicler. April 18 1054 The "Great Schism" between the Eastern and Western branches of the Church. The Church of Rome under Pope Leo IX., and the Church of Constantinople under the patriarch Michael Cerularius, mutually ex- communicate each other. 1059 Couucil of the, Komau Church, under Pope 451 ]^2-o0 1812 5063 5772 Nicholas II., decrees that future popes Feb. 22 shall be elected by the cardinals. - 1003 The fifteenth cycle of the Hejiira Era begins 455 1- 1816 5067 5776 this year. The two Mohammedan New and 51st Cycle. Year's Days are January 10th and Decem- 456 ber 30th. (See Note H.") 1065 Adam of Bremen, German historian, chroni- 458 3-51 1818 5069 5778 cler, and missionary, flourishes. Dec. 9 1065 Completion of the rebuilding of Westminster Abbey, by order of Edward the Confessor. 1065 Edward the Confessor promulgates his laws for England. 1 1066 January 5th. Death of Edward the Confes- 459 4-51 1819 5070 5779 sor, the last of the Saxon line of kings in Nov. 2S England. He names William, duke of Nor- mandy, as his successor. 1066 September 28-29th. The Norman army, under William of Normandy, lands at Pe- vensey, in Sussex. 1066 October 14tb. William, duke of Normandy, gains the great battle of Hastings, where Harold II., son of Earl Godwin, having claimed the throne of England for nine months, is slain in the fight. William is proclaimed king of England by his soldiers. 1066 December 25th, Christmas Day. William the Conqueror crowned in Westminster Abbey. 185 A. U. 1068 TO 1084 A. I). HEG. K. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. lOGS William the CoiKiueror introdiues into Eu<;- laud the Curfew Bell (from the French couvre-feu, cover fire). At the riuijing of the Curfew, at 8 P. M., all tires and lights were ordered to be extinguished, under a severe penalty. 4G1 Xov. 6 Cy-ol 1821 5072 5781 1073 Pope Gregory VII. enjoins on the clergy of 4GC 11-51 •826 5077 5786 to the Roman Church a vow of perpetual cel- Sept. l-I 1074 ibacy. (See 1547.) 1076 Henry IV., emperor of Germany, and Pope Gregory VII. (Hildebrand ), disagreeing regarding lay investiture, Henry holds a council at Worms, which deposes the pope. 46S Aug. 12 14-51 1829 5080 5789 107(i Gregory excommunicates the emperor Henry IV. Justices of the Peace in every county in Eng- 1070 land first appointed by William the Con- queror. 1077 January. Henry IV. meets Gregory VII. at Canossa, and after performing penance, is absolved by the pope. 470 Aug. 1 15-51 1830 5081 5790 1077 Nestor, Russian historian and chronicler, writes his "Chronicle of Russia." (Ac. Blair.) 1078 Tower of London is founded liy William the Con(iuer(ir, and is afterwards completed by his son, AMlliam Rufus. 471 July 21 1- 52d Cycle. 1831 5082 5791 107!) The planting of the New Forest is begun, l)y order of William the Conqueror. 472 July 10 2-52 1832 5083 5792 1080 Death of Lambert, of Aschaffenburg, Ger- nmn historian and chronicler. 473 June 29 3-52 1833 5084 5793 1080 The compilation of the "Domesday Book" is commenced. N. B. — It was an accurate account of a gen- eral survey of all the estates of England. (SeelOSG.) 1081 Osmond, bishop of Salisbury, compiles the "Mass Book," known as the "Sarum Use;" Sarum (Wiltshire) being an ancient Brit- isli town, the origin of Salisbury. 474 June 18 4-52 1834 5085 5794 1084 The Carthusian order of Monks, celebrated for its austere rules, founded, at La Char- treuse, by St. Bruno, of Cologne. (St. Bruno must not be confounded with Bruno the Great, archbishop of Cologne, who died flOS, October 11th.) 477 .May 16 7-52 1837 5088 5797 isi; < Q. uT o _l 3 Q. ~UJ 0) H to 187 A. D. 10S4 TO 1099 A. D. HEG. R.I. A.r. c. A. M. J. p. 1084 Rome surrenders to Henry IV., of Germany, March 21st. 477 May IB 7-52 1837 r.088 5797 1084 March 31st. Guibert, taking the name Cle- ment III. (anti-pope), is consecrated, by order of Henry lY., who is recrowned by him. 1084 Henry IV. besieges Gregory VII. in the cas- tle of St. Angelo. 1084 Tlie pope is delivereil from the castle by Rob- ert Gniscard, a Norman. 1086 The "Domesday Boole" is completed. (See 479 9-52 ! 1839 5090 5799 1(!80 A. I). ) ' .\prll 25 i08r> Death of Marianus Scotns, Scottish chroni- cler. His chronicle extends from the Crea- tion to 1083 A. D. 10!)5 Peter the Hermit, commissioned by Pope Turban II., preaches through Europe a gen- 488 3- 1848 Jan. 17 53rd Cycle. 5099 5808 eral crusade, for the recovery of the Holy Land from the infidels. , 10tt5 First crusade. (See Note J.) 109*; The .sixteenth cycle of the Hegira Era begins 489 4-53 1849 5100 5809 this year. The two Jlohammedan New and Year's Days are January Oth and Decem- 490 ber 2(;th. (See Note H.) 1097 The crusaders, under Godfrey de Bouillon, besiege Nicea, 3Iay 8th, and take the city. 491 5-53 Dec. 15 1850 5101 5810 June (24th, ac. Haydn; 20th, ac. Blair.) 1097 October 21st. The crusaders, under Godfrey, besiege Antioch. 1097 Westminster Hall built l)y William Rufus, king of England, for a baTiqueting hall. 1098 June 3d. Antioch surrenders to the crusa- ders. 492 6-53 1851 Dec. 4 5102 5811 1098 June 28th. The crusaders defeat the Turks, who had besieged them in Antioch. 1099 June 7th. Jerusalem besieged by the crusa- 493 7-53 1 1852 5103 5812 ders. Nov. 23 1099 July loth. Jerusalem taken by the crusa- ders, under (iodfrey de Bouillon. (See (')37. ) End of first crusade. ( See Note J. ) - 1099 July 23d. Godfrey is elected king of Jerusa- 1099 lem. August 12th. The Saracen army from Egypt defeated by Godfrey, at Ascalon. 189 1099 TO 1130 A. D. HEG. H. I. A. U.C. A. M. lODlt (lodf'iey frames the code of laws known as the "Assize of Jerusalem," for the govern- meut of his kingdom. 1099 December 3d. Death of Osmond, bishop of Salisbury, compiler of the liturgy known as the "Sarum I'se." ( Se'^ 1081.) 1099 Death of lioderic the ('id, celel)rated Castil- ian hero. 1099 The military order of the "Knights Hospital- lers," or "Knights of St. John," of Jeru- salem, founded under (iodfrey de Bouillon, king of Jerusalem, (ierard is their tirst grand-master. 1100 July IStli. Death of Godfrey de TJimilUm. 1100 (About.) vSurnames, introduced into Eng- land by the Normans, are adopted by the nobility. (Ac. Haydn.) HOT First "King's Speech" delivered from the throne by Henry I., of England. 1115 Death of Peter the Hermit, i)reaclier of the first crusade. 1115 House of Commons of England built. (Ac. T.Smith.) 1118 The order of "Knights Templars," to protect ]»ilgrims, is I'dunded by I>alum II., king of Jerusalem. lll'O Order of friars known as the "Premon- strauts," or "AMiite Canons," founded at Premontre, in France, by St. Norbert, aft- erwards archbishop of Jfagdeburg. 1123 First Lateran Council of the Roman branch of the Catholic Church, reckoned by it as the Ninth General Council. 1127 Church wardens first appointed i)y the first canon of the Synod of London. Overseers for every parish are also estab- lished at the same time. 1129 The seventeenth cycle of the Hegira Era be- gins this year. The two JMohammedan New Year's Days are January 1st and De- j cember 21st. ( See Note H. ) 1 130 The festival of St. Bartholomew (August 24) instituted. 1130 Simeon, of Durham, Benedictine monk, and English chronicler, ends his chronicle, en- titled "De Gestis Regum Anglorum, ab 493 Nov. 23 494 501 Aug. 27 509 June 1 512 April 30 514 April 8 517 Mar. 6 521 Jan. 23 523 and 524 525 Dec. 10 ■53 8-53 15-53 54 th Cycle. 13-5^ 5,-1 th Cycle. 5-55 -55 8-55 1852 5103 5812 1853 1860 1868 1873 1876 1880 1882 •883 5104 5111 5119 11-^^ 1871 5122 5124 5127 5131 5133 5134 190 A. I). 1130 TO 1153 A. D. HEG. R. I. A.U.C. A. M. J. p. 1130 anno 616 usque ad annum 1130," i. e. "His- tory of the Kings of England, from 616 to 1130." 525 Dec. 10 8-55 L883 5134 5843 1132 The art of weaving first introduced into Eng- land at Norwich. (See 1331.) 527 Nov. 18 10-55 1885 5136 5845 1138 August 22d. "Battle of the Standard," near Northallerton, in Yorkshire, in wliich the English defeat the Scotch army, under David I. 533 Sept. 14 1- 56th Cycle. 1891 5142 5851 1139 Portuguese monarchy founded by Alfonso, count of Portugal, who gains a great vic- tory over the Moors at Ourique, and is given the title of king (Alfonso I.) 534 Sept. 3 2-56 1892 5143 5852 1139 Second Lateran Ccmncil, under Innocent II., called by the Koman branch of the Church, the Tenth General Council. • 1140 The study and use of Canon Law first intro- duced into England by Theobald, arch- bishop of Canterbury. (See 1151 and 1234.) 535 Aug. 23 3-56 1893 5144 5853 1141 February 2d. Battle of Lincoln fought on Lincoln Plain, without Newport gate. The army of Matilda (daughter of Henry I., of England, and widow of Henry V., of Germany), under command of Earl of Gloucester, defeats the army of Stephen, who is taken prisoner. 536 Aug. 12 4-56 1894 5145 5854 1146 St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux, preaches the second crusade. ( See Note J. ) 541 June 19 9-56 1899 5150 5859 1147 Conrad III., emperor of Germany, and Louis VII., of France, lead the second crusade. 542 .lune 8 10-56 1900 5151 5860 1148 Damascus is unsuccessfully besieged by the crusaders. 543 May LIS 11-56 1901 5152 5861 1151 Gratian, a monk of Bologna, completes his work, "Decretum," a compilation of all the Church canons and edicts, known as "The Canon Law." It is successfully in- troduced into Europe, and approved by the pope; and has since been accepted by Ro- man Catholic colleges. (See 1140 and 1234.) 546 April I'O 14-56 1904 5155 5864 1153 Edrisi writes his "Nubian Geography." (Ac. Blair. ) 548 April 4 1- 57th Cycle. 1906 5157 5866 1153 Death of St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux. 1153 Cinnamus, able Byzantine historian, flour- ishes. 191 A. D. 1154 TO 1174 A. D. HEG. R. I. A.U.C. A. M. J. p. 1154 Nicholas Breakspere, the first and only Eng- lishman ever called to the See of Rome, is elected pope, and takes the name Adrian IV. Death of (ieoflrey of Muniiioutli, English his- 549 Mar. 24 2-57 1907 5158 5867 1154 torian, and bishop of St. Asaph. 1156 Tlie Carinelite Order, or White Friars of Mt. Carmel, founded by Berthold. This was one of the four orders of mendicant monks. (See 12(»!t, 1215, 1256.) 551 Mar. 3 4-57 1909 5160 5869 1156 The city of Moscow, in Eussia, founded. 1157 The Bank of Venice, the first bank legally autliorizcd by government, is established. ( See 808. ) 552 Feb. 20 5-57 1910 5161 5870 1158 Terrible earthquake in Syria : 20,000 people perish. 553 Feb. 9 (5-57 1911 5162 5871 1158 The order of Knights of Calatrava is founded by Sancho III., the king of Castile, who dies the same year, August 31st. 1161 Tiie eighteenth cycle of the Hegira Era be- gins this year. The two jMohammedan New Year's Days are January 7th and De- cember 28th. ( See Note II. ) 556 and 557 9-57 1914 5165 5874 1163 The city of Berlin founded by Netherlanders, in the reign of Albert the Bear. 559 Dec. 6 11-57 1916 5167 5876 1163 The church of Notre Dame, at Paris, founded. 1164 January 25th. Henry II., of England, calls a council, at which the famous "Constitu- tions of Clarendon" are framed, restricting ecclesiastical authority in secular affairs, and declaring the supremacy of the crown over the Church. 560 Nov. 25 12-57 1D17 5168 5877 1170 December 29th. St. Thomas ;\ Becket, arch- bishop of Canterbury, murdered on the steps of the altar in his cathedral by four barons, instigated to commit the deed by an angry exclamation of Henry II. against Becket, he having sided with the Pope, and persistently opposed the "Constitutions of Clarendon.'' 566 Sept. 21 3- 58th Cycle. 1923 5174 5883 1172 Conquest of Ireland by Henry II., of Eng- land. 568 All?. 30 5-58 1925 5176 5885 .1174 July 12th. Henry II., of England, performs severe penance at Becket's tomb, and re- ceives absolution on the following day, July 13th. 570 Aug. 8 7-58 1927 5178 5887 192 THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA. SEE 1174 A. D. \m A. U. 1174 TO 1192 A. D. HEG . K. I. A. U. C. 1 A. M. i J. p. 1174 July 13tli. Battle of Aliiwick, iu which the Eno-lish, under Glanville, defeat the Scot- i 570 7-58 Aug. 8 1927 5178 i 5887 tish army, and take prisoner their king, William the Lion. N. B. — This victory occurring on the day Henry received ahsolution, was regarded liy the clergy and people as a token that the pardon pronounced on earth, was con- firmed in Heaven. 1174 The erection of the Campanile, or celebrated Leaning Tower of Pisa, a bell tower of the cathedral. 1176 The administering of justice by circuits first introduct^l in England. 572 July 17 9-58 1929 5180 5889 1176 The building of the first stone bridge across the Thames, in London, is begun, and com- jdeted in 1209. 1179 Third Lateran Council of the Roman branch of the Church, reckoned by it as the "Elev- enth General Council." 575 June 15 12-58 1932 5183 5892 1180 Glass first used for windows in private houses, in England. 576 June 4 13-58 1933 5184 5893 1181 English laws digested by Glanville, chief jus- ticiary. (See 1190.) 577 May 24 14-58 1934 5185 5894 1187 October 2d. Jerusalem taken by Saladin, celebrated sultan of Egypt. End of second 583 Mar. 20 5" 59th Cycle. 1940 5191 5900 1189 crusade. ( Note J. ) Beginning of the third crusade, led by Fred- erick I. (Barbarossa), of Germany. (See Note J. ) 585 Feb. 27 7-59 1942 5193 5902 1190 Richard I. (Co-ur de Lion), of England, and I'liilip II. (Augustus), of France, join the crusade. 586 Feb. 16 8-59 1943 5194 5903 1190 1190 Ralph de Glanville, English jurist, is killed while besieging Acre. (See 1181.) Order of Teutonic Knights instituted. 1191 July 12. The town of Acre, after the long siege, is compelled to surrender to the cru- saders. 587 Feb. 5 9-59 1944 5195 5904 1191 Sei)tendier 3d. Battle of Ascalon, in which Saladin's army is defeated by the crusa- ders, under Richard I. 1192 Benedict, abbot of Peterborough, writes his history. (Ac. Blair.) 588 Jan. 2S 10-59 1945 5196 5905 195 A. D. 1194 TO 1206 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A.M. .T.P. 1194 The nineteenth cycle of the Hej^ira Era be- gins this year. Tlie two Mohammedan New Year's Days are January 3d and December 23d. (See Note H.) 590 and 591 X2-59 1947 5198 5907 1195 Fourth crusade begins, led by Henry VI., emperor of Germany. ( See Note J. ) 592 Dec. 13 13-59 1948 5199 5908 1198 Battle of Gisors, in which the French, under Philip Augustus, are totally defeated by the English, commanded by Richard I. N. B. — His parole for the day was "Dieu et mou droit" (God and my right), which, in commemoration of the victory, was made the motto of the royal arms of Eng- land. 595 Nov. n 1- 60th Cycle. 1951 5202 5911 1198 December 12th. Death of Averroes ( Ibn Roshd), celebrated Arabic phj-sician, phil- osoi)her, and commentator. 1200 Saxo Grammaticus, Danish historian, flour- ishes. 597 Oct. 20 3-60 1953 5204 5913 120(1 Wolfram von Eschenbach, famous German poet or minnesinger, flourishes. 1201 Baldwin IX., count of Flanders; Boniface de Montferrat ; Simon, earl of Montfort ; Lei- cester, and others, prepare for the fifth crusade. 598 Oct. 9 4-60 1954 5205 5914 1202 The fifth crusade begins, led by Baldwin, count of Flanders. 599 Sept. 28 5-60 1955 5206 5915 1202 Roger de Hoveden, English historian, ends at this date his history of England, from 732. July 18th. Constantinople taken by the cru- 1203 600 6-60 1956 5207 5916 saders. Sept. IS 1203 The Inquisition first instituted by Pope In- nocent III. 1204 Constantinople revolts, and is again taken, and finally subdued, by the crusaders. 601 Sept. 7 7-60 1957 5208 5917 1204 Geoffrey de Villeliardouin, French historian, is present at the capture of Constantino- ple, and afterwards writes an account of the fourth crusade. 1206 The famous Jengis-Kann, Tartarian prince, having subdued all the other Tartar and Mongol tribes, is proclaimed first emperor, or kann, of the Mongolian P^mpire, and begins his victorious career. 603 .'iug. 10 9-60 1959 5210 5919 196 A. D. 1207 TO 1225 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A.M. J. p. 1207 The liouorai'T degree of Doctor first con- ferred iu Eniiland. 604 Aug. 5 10-60 1960 5211 5920 1208 Innocent III. instigates a crusade against the Albigenses and Waldenses, sects iu South- ern France opposed to the Roman Church. They are persecuted hy a cruel inquisition. 605 July L'o 11-60 1961 5212 5921 1208 Loudon is incorporated, and obtains a char- ter from king John for electing its mayor and other magistrates. 1209 The order of Franciscans, or Grey Friars (one of the four orders of mendicant friars), founded by Francis d" Assisi. (See 1156, 1215,1256.)" 606 July 14 12-60 1962 5213 5922 1213 Death of ( Jeoffrey de Villehardonin, eminent I'rench historian, active in the fifth cru- sade. (See 1204.) 610 May 31 1- 61st Cycle. 1966 5217 5926 1215 -Tune 15th. King John, of England, signs the famous Magna ( 'harta, at Kunnymede. 612 May 9 3-61 1968 5219 5928 1215 Fourth Lateran Council of the Roman branch of the Cliurch, reckoned by it as the Twelftli General Council, decrees transub- stautiatiou to be a doctrine of the Church, and enforces auricular confession. 1215 Priests of the Byzantine Empire permitted to celebrate Divine Service in the Greek language, if they inculcate the papal su- premacy. (Ac. Blair.) 1215 The order of Dominicans, or "Black Friars" (one of the four orders of mendicant friars), founded by St. Dominic. (See 1156,1209, 1256.) 1215 The Court of Common Pleas in England fixed at Westminster. 1217 Sixth crusade begins, led hy Frederick II., emperor of Germany. (Note J.) 614 April 18 5-61 1970 5221 5930 121!) November 5th. Damietta, in Egypt, taken by the crusaders. 616 Mar. I.'" 7-61 1972 5223 5932 1220 \Yestminster Abbey rebuilt. 617 8-61 1973 5224 5933 1220 The building of the cathedral of Salisbury commenced Aju'il 28th, and completed 12.58. Mar. 16 1220 Death of Girald de Barre, known as Giral- dus Candn-ensis, celeltrated Welsh histo- rian, and divine; age about 73. 1225 Teutonic Knights first appear in Prussia, and undertake to subdue and convert the 622 Jan. il 13-61 1978 5229 5938 Prussians. (Ac. Haydn; 1230, ac. Blair.) I'.iT A. D. 1226 TO 1245 A. D. HEG. H.I. A. U. C. A.M. J. p. 1226 The tweutieth cycle of the IIe,i;ira Era be<>;iiis this year. The two Moliamniedau New Year's Days are January 10th and Decem- ber 29th. (See Note H.') 623 and 624 14-61 1979 5230 5939 1229 Dreadful inquisition e.stablished at Toulouse for the suppression of heresy. An inter- dict issued by the Roman Cliurch prohibit- inj;- laymen from reading the Holy Scrip- tures. 627 .\ov. 27 2" 62d Cycle. 1982 5233 5942 1230 Death of AA'alther von der Vogelweide, cele- brated German minnesinger. 628 Nov. 16 3-62 1983 5234 5943 1231 The Almagest of Ptolemy, a large collection of problems in astronomy and geometry, is translated into Latin, by order of the emperor Frederick II., of Germany. (Date a C.Blair.) (See 139.) 629 Nov. 5 - 4-62 1984 5235 5944 1232 First commercial society, composed of Flem- ish and (lerman merchants, established in London, known as the Steel Yard Co., or Steel Yard So. 630 Oct. 25 5-62 1985 5236 5945 1234 Coal first discovered near New Castle, Eng- land. (Ac. Haydn ; 1233, ac. Blair. ) 632 Oct. 3 7-62 1987 5238 5947 1234 The "Five Books of Canon Laws," or "Decre- tals," compiled and pultlished, by Ray- mond de Pennafert, Spanish canonist, and Dominican. (Date ac. Blair; 1227, ac. Haydn. ) ( See 1140 and 1151. ) 1235 The "Golden Horde" of Mongolians estab- lislu^d on the plain of Kajizak, by Baton, grandson of the celebrated Jengis-Kann. 633 Sept. 23 8-62 1988 5239 5948 1236 Parliament of Merton enacts the statutes known as the "Provisions of Merton." 634 Sept. 12 9-62 1989 5240 5949 123G Baton invades Russia. 1237 The salt works of Wilicska, in Poland, form- ed. (Date ac. Blair.) 635 Sept. 1 10-62 1990 5241 5950 1240 The oi'der of Carmelites introduced into Eng- land. (Ac. T. Smith.) 638 July 30 13-62 1993 5244 5953 1240 Univei'sity of Salamanca founded by Ferdi- nand lil., of Castile. 1241 September 22d. Snorro Sturleson, eminent Icelandic poet and historian, is murdered by ills son-in-law. 639 July 20 14-62 1994 5245 5954 1242 Aldermen (magistrates next in dignity to the mayor) first elected in London. 640 July 9 15-62 1995 5246 5955 1245 Pope Innocent IV. holds a council at Lyons, counted by the Roman branch of the 643 June 6 3 63id Cycle. 1998 5249 5958 19S A. D. 1245 TO 1258 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A.M. J. P. Seventh crusade begins. August 15tl). 1245 riiurch as the Thirteenth Oeneral rouncil. Deputies from EngUiud protest against the extortions practiced on them by the papal emissaries, and declare King Jtihn's act of submission to have been made ^\■ithout the consent of his subjects, and therefore not valid. First Concordance to the Bible, made by order of Hugo de St. Caro, by whom five hundred monks are employed to do the work. ( See Note J. ) The building of the cathedral of Cologne is begun. (See ISSO. ) University College, at Oxford, founded by William, archdeacon of Durluuu. (See 886.) Convex nmgnifying glasses invented by Ivoger Bacon, English Franciscan monk, and philosopher. Robert Grosseteste (made bishop of Lincoln in 1235) refuses to admit a canon appoint- ed by the pope, and i)rotests against the power assumed by Innocent IV. Death of Bishop Grosseteste; age 78. Alphonsine Astronomical Tables composed b.y Alphonso X., of Castile. He, also, dur- { ing his reign, promulgates a new code of laws, and has the Holy Scriptures trans- I lated into Castilian. 1255 Death of Thomas Celano, Franciscan friar, j author of the celebrated hymn "Dies Ir;«," ! ending with the lines, "Lord all pitying Jesu blest, grant them Thine eternal rest. Amen," used by the Church at mortuary and requiem masses, since the fourteenth century. 1256 The Augustine Friars, one of the four orders of mendicant monks, established. (See 1156, 1209, and 1215.) 1258 The "Mad Parliament" held at Oxford by the barons (headed by Simon de Montfort), j who enact the "Provisions of Oxford," in ! October. 1241 1248 1248 1249 1252 1253 1253 1253 643 June (j 645 May 15 646 May 5 647 \prii :;4 650 Mar. i;2 651 Mar. 11 653 Feb. 18 654 Feb. 656 Jau. 16 63rd Cycle. 10-63 199S 5-63 2000 6-63 2001 200f: 5249 5958 2005 11-63 2006 5251 5252 5253 5256 5257 5960 5961 5962 13-63 2008 5259 59( )t) 5966 5968 14-63 2009 5260 1- 2011 5262 64th Cycle. 5969 5971 ' 199 A. IJ. 1259 TO 1270 A. D. HEG. K. I. |A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1259 12m 1260 i2(;i 12(53 12(;4 1265 1260 1200 1268 1268 1270 The twenty-first cycle of the Hejiira Era be- gins this year. The two Mohammedan New Year's Days are January 5th and De- cember 25tii. (See Note H.) Tlie first mariner's compass known in Eu- rope, invented at this time by ]Marco Polo, celebrated Venetian navigatitr. (See 1302. ) The first nmgic lantern, invented by Roger I'acon, the great English pliih)so]»lier. July 25tli. Constantinople regained by the Ureelcs. Flight of Baldwin II., last of the Latin emperors of the East. The Greek Empire is restored, under Michael VIII. Kalliol College founded at Oxford, by John Balliol, an English bai-on. .^lay 14th. Battle of Lewes, between Henry III., of England, and the rebellious barons, led by Simon de Montfort, earl of Leices- ter. Royal army is defeated; and Henry III., his brother Richard, king of the Ro- mans, and Prince Edward (afterwards Edward I.), are taken prisoners. January 20th. Parliament called by Mont- fort, in which knights, citizens, and bur- gesses, are summoned, to represent shires, cities, and boroughs. August 4tli. Battle of Evesham, between Prince Edward (Edward I.) and Mont- fort. The earl, his son, and many of his adherents, are slain. Royal authority re- stored. Death of Gonzalez de Berceo, earliest known Spanish poet. Naples and Sicily conquered by the French, under Charles of Anjou, who is crowned by the pope, while the rightful heir is be- headed. (See 1282.) Destructive earthquake in Cilicia: 60,000 killed. Louis IX. issues a "Pragmatic Sanction," re- sisting the i)apal claim to nominate bishops in France; and thus the rights of the Gal- ilean Church are asserted. Eighth and last crusade, led by Louis IX., of France. (See Not? J.) ' 657 and 658 659 Oec. 15 660 Dec. 4 662 Nov. 12 663 Nov. 1 664 Oct. 21 665 Oct. 10 667 Sept. 19 669 Aug. 28 2-64 ' 2012 5263 3-64 2013 5264 4-64 2014 5265 6-64 2016 7-64 2017 5267 5268 864 2018 5269 5978 5972 5973 5974 5976 5977 9-64 11-64 13-64 2019 2021 2023 5270 5272 5274 5979 5981 5983 2U0 THE CATACOMBS. AT PALERMO, SICILY. SEE 1282 A. D. 202 A.D. 1273 TO 1283 A. D. HEG. K.I. A. U.C. A. M. J. P. 1273 The burning of sea coal in or near London pi'oliibited, as being unhealtliv. 1274 March 7th. Death of St. Thomas Aquinas, the "Angelic Doctor," learned Dominican ecclesiastic, and celebrated writer, on his way to the Council of Lyons. N. B. — When once Innocent IV., pointing to large sums of money before him, said to Aquinas, "You see that the Church is no longer in that age in which she said, 'Sil- ver and gold have I none,' " the saint re- plied, "True, holy father; and, therefore, it is that she can now no longer say to the sick of the palsy, 'Take up thy bed and walk.'" 1274 Second Council of Lyons, under Gregory X., counted by the Roman branch of the Cath- 1 olic Church as the "Fourteenth General Council." 1274 July 15th. Cardinal (St.) Bonaventura, the "Seraphic Doctor," an eminent writer, and j learned theologian, general of the Francis- ' cans, dies during the sitting of the Council I of Lyons. 1279 The Moguls, under Kublai-Kann, grandson of Jengis-Kann, complete the conquest of China. 1279 Famous "Mortmain Act" passed in England by Parliament. 1282 March 30tli. "Sicilian Vespers." Eight thou- sand French, men, women, and children, massacred in Sicily by the conquered na- tives, beginning at Palermo, on Easter Monday. The first Vespers bell being their signal for the awful deeds, gives the name to the massacre. ( See 12G6. ) 1282 December 10th. Great battle between Llew- ellyn II., last Welsh prince, and the Eng- '' lish. The AVelsli are defeated, and Llewel- lyn slain after the battle. 1282 Robert of Gloucester writes his English chronicle in rhyme. (Ac. Blair.) 1283 Edward I., of England, completes the con- quest of Wales. 1283 The Teutonic Knights succeed in finally sub- duing the last of the resisting Prussians. 672 1- July 26 673 65th Cycle. 9-65 July 15 678 May 22 681 April 20 682 April 9 2026 5277 2027 5278 5986 5987 r-65 2032 5283 5992 10-65 2035 5286 5995 11-65 2036 5287 5996 203 A. D. 1284 TO 1295 A. D. HBG. R. I. A. U. C. I A. M, J. P. 1284 April 25tli. Birth, at Carnarvon Castle, Wales, of Edward, son of Edward I., of Eu UJ J2 •^ UJ U3 215 A. D. 138G TO 1S99 A. D. HEG. H. I. A. U. C. A.M. J. p. 1386 13S(i more firmly the independence of tlieir country. (See 1307.) (About.) Deatli of Jolin de Fordun, earliest 788 Feb. 9 9-72 2139 5390 6099 1388 Scottish historian. (Ac. Haydn.) August 10th. Celebrated battle of Otter- burn (foundation of the ohl English baUad of "Clievy Chase"), between the Scotch Douglas family, under James II., earl of Douglas, and the English Percy family, under Henry Percy, first earl of Northumberland, and his son Henry, known as Hotspur. The victory unde- cided. Douglas is slain by Hotspur, who 790 Jan. 18 11-72 2141 5392 6101 1388 in turn is taken prisoner by the Scots. Death of Muhanimed Shamsuddiu, better known l)y bis nom de plume, llatiz, cele- brated Persian poet. 1389 The twenty-fifth cycle of the Hegira Era be- gins this year. The two Mohammedan 701 12 72 '2142 and 5393 6102 1302 New Year's Days are January 8th and De- cember 20tli. (See Note H.) Charles \I., of France, the well-beloved, is 792 795 15-72 2145 5.390 6105 attacked with fits of madness; age 24. Nov. 26 Playing cards are invented, or introduced into France, for his amusement. 1302 Parliament, by a statute of Pnemunire, re- strains the papal authority in England, esi)ecial]y in the giving of benefices. (See 1352.) 1393 The Piercers' Co., one of the 12 chief compa- nies of London, is founded. 796 1- Nov. 15 73i-(l CvclP 2146 5397 0106 1396 A truce of twenty-five years is made between England and France. 799 4-73 Oct. 13 2149 5400 6109 1307 (June 17th, ac. Blair; July 21st, ac. Ilaydn.) Union of Calmar: the kingdoms of Den- 800 i 5-73 Oct. 2 2150 5401 6110 mark, Norway, and Sweden are combined by treaty into one kingdom, under Mar- garet; appointing her grand-nephew, Eric, as their future head. 1399 Richard II., of England, deserted by his army, surrenders himself to Henry of Bol- 802 7-73 Sept. 10 2152 5403 6112 ingbroke, August 19-20th. 1399 September 29tb. Kichard is deposed by Parliament, aud sent a prisoner to Ponte- fract Castle. Henry Bolingbroke succeeds him as Henry IV., September 30th. 217 A. D. 1399 TO 1405 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. D. C. A. M. J. p. 1399 The Order of the Bath instituted at the coro- 802 -73 2152 5403 6112 1400 nation of Henry IV., of England. Owen (ilendower, renowned WclhJh cliieftain Sept. lu 803 8-73 2153 5404 6113 (great-grandson of Llewellyn, last ^A'elsh Auf. 31 1 1400 Prince of Wales), haA'ing adhered to Rich- ard II., now successfully revolts against Henry IV., of England. Froissart, French historian and poet, ends at this date his "Chronique." 1400 Monstrelet, French historian, begins his "Chronique'' at this date. 1400 October 25th. Death of Geoffrey Chaucer, great poet; age 72; the author of "Canterlniry Tales," etc., etc. 1401 xVct of Parliament passed, for the punish- ment of Lollards. The first victim, Wil- liam Sawtree, parish priest of St. Osith, Lcnulon, is burned alive at Smithfield, Feb- ruary 19th, for holding to the doctrines of Wycliffe, and denying the doctrine of tran- substantiation. 804 Aug. 211 9-73 2154 5405 6114 1402 Battle of Ilomildon Hill, between the Scots, under Earl Douglas, and the Percys, who defeat the Scots. Several of the Scotch earls, and others of the nobility, are taken 805 Aug. 10-73 2155 5406 6115 1402 prisoners by the English. July 28th. Battle of Angora. Bajazet, Otto- man sultan, celebrated Eastern conqueror, is totally defeated, and taken prisoner by Tiniur, or Tamerlane, the great conqueror of Asia. 1402 Death of John Gower, English poet. 1402 The Canary Islands discovered and con- quered, l)y Bethencourt, French chamber- lain. 1403 July 21st. Battle of Shrewsbury, between Henry IV., of England, and the nobles, led by Percy (Hotspur). Hotspur is killed, after a valiant fight, which gives the vic- tory to the king. 806 July 29 11-73 2156 5407 6116 1405 February 17-18th. Death of Timur, or Tam- erlane, the great Tartar chief, and Asiatic conqueror, on his march towards China. 808 July 7 13-73 2158 5409 6118 I 21S A. D. 1409 TO 1416 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1409 Council of Pisa. The two popes, (Tregory XII., and Benedict XIII., refuse to attend, and are deposed. Alexander V. is elected as the true pope. All three claim the papal chair, and mutually excommunicate each other. 812 May 25 2- 74tli Cycle. 2162 5413 6122 1409 University of Leipsic founded. 1410 Cordwainers' Co. founded, in London. The cordwainers were workers in Spanish leather, from Cordova. 813 May 14 3-74 2163 5414 6123 1411 The building of the Guildhall, London. 814 4-'^* 21G4 5415 6124 1411 St. Andrew's University, Scotland, founded. May 4 1414 The Council of Constance, reckoned by the Roman branch of the Catholic Church as the Sixteentli General Council, is convoked by Pope John XXIII. The other two popes, Benedict XIII., and Gregory XII., refuse to attend the council. 817 April 1 7-74 2167 5418 6127 1415 April 15th. Death of Manuel Chrysoloras, a restorer of Greek literature in Italy. 818 Mar. 21 8-74 2168 5419 6128 1415 The Council of Constance condemns as here- tics, John Huss, and Jerome of I'rague, Bohemian reformers; and deposes John XXIII., who is imprisoned for life. Greg- ory XII. abdicates voluntarily, and is al- lowed to retain the dignity of cardinal, and is made legate to the March of Ancoaa. Benedict XIII. refuses to resign his papal claim. 1415 July (i(li. John Huss burned alive, by order of Council of Constance. 1415 September 20th. Death of Owen Glendower, the A\'elsh warrior. 1415 Oil painting invented by the brothers John and llul)ert Van Eyck, Flemish painters. (Ac. Haydn; between 1410 and 1420, ac. Encyclo. Brit. ) 1415 October 25th. Battle of Agincourt, in which Henry V., of England, gains a great vic- tory over the French. Henry V. is pro- claimed heir to the throne of France. 141G ilay 3(lth. Jerome of Prague is burned 819 9-74 2169 5420 6129 alive, by order of the Council of Constance. Mar. 10 219 A. D. 1417 TO 1429 A. D. HEG. U. 1. A. U. C. A.M. J. p. 1417 Novt'iiihcr lltli. Council of Coustance elects Cardinal Otlio Colouna as Pope Martin V. 820 Feb. 28 10-74 2170 5421 6130 1417 Benedict XIII. still persists in his claim, (ivpsies ( /. c. wandering tribes of Egyp- tians) first appear in Austria the latter 1418 1420 part of this year. March 22d. Death of Nicolas Flamel, cele- brated French alchemist and philanthro- pist. May 24th. Treaty of Troys, by which Henry v., of England, is made regent of France during the life of the insane king, Charles VI., and heir to the French throne upon the death of Charles. Henry marries the daughter of Charles VI. His son, the daupliin, Charles, is disinherited by the 821 Feb. 17 823 .Tan. 26 11-74 13-74 2171 2173 5422 5424 6131 6133 1420 treaty. The rortuguese first visit and colonize the 1422 Madeira Islands. (See 1344. ) The twenty-sixth cycle of the Hegira Era be- gins this year. The two Mohanunedan 825 and 15-74 2175 5426 6135 1422 New Year's Days are January 4th and De- cember 24th. ( See Note H. ) August 31st. Death of Henry V., of Eng- 826 1422 land. His son, Henry VI., is proclaimed king of England and France. October 21-22d. Death of Charles VL, of France. His son, the dauphin, is crowned by the French, as Charles VII. 1424 Octol)er 3d. Death of Benedict XIII., anti- l)Oi)e. The schism is continued by the elec- tion (if another anti-pope, entitled Clement VIII. 828 Dec. 2 2- 75th Cycle. 2177 5428 6137 1425 Court of Sessions established in Scotland, by James I. 820 Xov. 21 3-75 2178 5429 6138 1427 Lincoln College, Oxford, founded by Richard Fleming. 831 Oct. 30 5-75 2180 5431 6140 1428 1420 Death of Giovanni de Medici, founder of the celebrated ]Medici family, at Florence. May 8tli. The English are forced to raise the siege of Orleans, by Joan d'Arc, Maid of Orleans. 832 Oct. 19 833 Oct. 8 6-75 7-75 2181 2182 5432 5433 6141 6142 1420 June IStb. Battle of Patay, in which the English are defeated by the French, led by Joan d'Arc. ^ 220 A. D. 1429 TO 1439 A. D. HEG. R.I. A. U. C. , A. M. J. P. 1429 ; Clement VIII. resigns, leaving Martin V. j sole pope, wliich ends the Western Schism. I ( See 1378, 1439, and 1449. ) 1430 : May 24th. Joan d'Arc taken prisoner by the Burgimdians. 1431 May SOth. Joan d'Arc is burnt at the stake, at Rouen, on the false charge of witch- craft. 1431 Council of Basel, reckoned by the Roman branch of the Church as the Seventeenth General Council, opens, July 23d, and has its first session in December. Cardinal Julius Cesarino presides over this council, which commences its proceedings by de- claring itself in all spiritual matters su- perior to the pope. 1432 The pope, Eugenius IV., commands the coun- cil to assemble at Bologna. They disobey his orders, and continue to hold their sit- tings at Basel. 1434 Papal authority defined and limited by the ! Council of Basel. 1435 Treaty of Arras, between France and Bur- gundy, concluded September 22d. 1436 Paris recovered from the English by the French. 1437 All Souls' College, Oxford, founded by Henry " I Chichely, archbishop of Canterbury. 1437 Vintners' Co. founded at London. 1438 Pragmatic Sanction of Bonrges declares the pope subordinate to a General Council, and annuls his fiscal rights in France, es- tablishing the liberty of the Galilean Church. 1438 Laurent Koster, of Haerlem, first invents printing, by cutting letters on blocks of wood, with which he prints his book, en- titled "Speculum HumansB Salvationis." (See 1442, 1452.) 1438 Council of Ferrara, called by Pope Eugenius, in opposition to the Council of Basel. 1439 Drapers' Co. founded at London. 1439 I Pope Eugenius removes his council from Ferrara to Florence, where a reunion of the Greek and Latin Churclies is at- tempted. 833 Oct. S 834 Sept. 27 835 Sept. IK 7-75 8-75 9-75 836 Sept. 5 838 Aug. 15 840 July 24 841 July 13 842 July 2 843 June 21 10-75 12-75 2182 2183 2184 2185 2187 839 13-75 2188 Aug. 4 14-75 2189 5433 5434 5435 5436 5438 5439 6142 6143 6144 6145 6147 6148 15-'^5 2190 5440 ; 6149 76tli Cycle. 2191 5441 5442 6150 6151 9-76 2192 5443 6152 221 A. D. 1439 TO 1449 A. D. HEG. K. I. !A. U. C. A.M. J. p. 1431) The Council of Basel deposes Eugeniiis, and elects Aiiiadens, of Havoy, as Pope Felix v., and thus renews the schism of the Western Church. (See 1378, 1429, and 1449. ) 843 June 21 2-76 2192 5443 6152 ]43y April 30th. Death, at Rouen, of Kicliard de Beauchanip, earl of Warwick, regent of France. 1441 King's College, Cambridge, and Eton Col- 845 4-76 2194 5445 6154 lege, Buckinghamshire, founded by Henry May 31 i VI., of England. 1442 Johann Faust improves Laurent Roster's in- 846 5-76 2195 i 5446 6155 vention, and establishes a printing office May 20 at Mentz, where he prints the "Tractatus Petri Hispani." (See 1438, and 1452.) 1442 Christ College, Cambridge, founded. 1444 March 9th. Death of Leonardo Bruni, sur- 848 ' 7-76 '2197 5448 6157 named Aretino, eminent Italian scholar, April 28 and author of Florentine history, and other works. 1444 Joliann (luteiilierg invents cat metal types, and commences witli tliem to print the first edition of tlie Bible. N. B. — Gutenberg's surname was Giinsfleisch ('/. c. Geese-tlesh ) , but lie assumed his mother's family name, Gutenberg. 1444 Death of Brunelleschi, celebrated Italian ar- chitect and sculptor. 144G Great inundation of the sea at Dort, in Hol- land; 10(»,000 lives lost, and 72 villages destroyed. 850 April 6 9-76 2199 5450 6159 1447 First grammar schools founded in London. (Ac. Blair.) 851 Mar. 27 10-76 2200 5451 6160 1447 Haberdashers' Co. founded in London. 1448 The Vatican library founded at Rome, by Pope Nicliolas V. 852 Mar. 16 11-76 2201 5452 6161 1448 Queen's College, Cambridge, founded by Mar- garet, of Anjou, consort of Henry VI., of England. 1449 Ulag-Beg, Tartar prince, and celebrated as- 853 12-76 2202 5453 6162 tronomer and historian, grandson of Tam- Mar. 5 i erlane, is killed by his son. 1449 Felix V. abdicates, leaving Nicholas V. sole pope, and ending the second Western Schism. (See 1378, 1429, 1439.) CONSTANTINOPLE. SEE 1453. CONSTANTINOPLE. SEE 1453. 224 A. n. 1450 TO 14ti0 A. ]>. HEU. K. t A. U. C. A. M. .T. P 1450 Jack Cade, an Irishman, raises an insurrec- tion in Kent, and leads the insuri>c'uts to London. 854 Feb. 22 13-76 2203 5454 6163 1452 Peter Se-liolfer, son-in-law and partner of Joliann Faust, introduces the metal type, cast in matrices; known as the first cast 85fi Jan. 31 15-76 2205 5456 6165 1453 metal type. ( See 1438, and 1442. ) May 29th. Constantinople taken by Moham- med II., sultan of Turkey. Final fall of the lilastern lionian Empire, and death of 857 .Tau. 21 1- TTtll Cycle. 220G 5457 6166 1454 the emperor Constantiue XIV. The twenty-seventh cycle of the Hegira Era begins this year. The two ilohammedan New Year's Days are January 10th and De- 858 and 859 2-77 2207 5458 6167 1454 1455 cember 30th. ( See Note H. ) T'niversity of Glasgow founded. The A^'ars of the Roses, between the houses of York, under the duke of Y'ork, and Lan- caster, under King Henry VI., contending ftir the English throne, begin with the battle at St. Albans, May 22d, in which the former are temporarily victorious. The Yorkists take the white rose for the emblem of their party, and the Lancas- trians, the red I'ose. 8G0 Dec. 20 3-77 2208 5459 6168 145G Magdalen ('ollege, Oxford, founded by ^^'il- liam de ^Vaynflete, bishop of AVinchester. 861 Dec. 9 4-77 2209 5460 6169 145G Forty thousand people destroyed by a great earth(|uake in Naples. 1457 The Book of Psalms printed at Mentz, by Johann I'^iust and Peter SclKitfer. 8G2 Nov. 28 5-77 2210 5461 6170 1458 The University of Basel, in Switzerland, is founded. 8G3 Nov. 17 6-77 2211 5462 6171 1459 September 23d. The Lancastrians again de- feated l)y the Y'orkists, at the battle of Bloreheath. 8G4 Nov. G 7-77 2212 5463 6172 1459 October 15th. Death of Sir John Falstalf, celebrated English warrior. 1459 October 2Gth. Death of Giannozzo Manetti, eminent frdinand conquers (iranada, and tinally expels the Moors from Spain. 898 Nov. 1 lo-^y 2245 5496 6205 1492 The Jews are expelled from Spain. 1492 OctoI)er 12th, Friday. Christopher Colum- bus discovers America, landing at Cuaua- haui, one of the Bahama Isles, which he names San Salvador. 1492 October 28tli. Columbus discovers Cuba, and Ilispaniola ( Mayti or St. Domingo), December Gth. 1493 "Court of Keijuests," or "Court of Con- science," instituted in London. 899 Oct. 21 n-79 2246 5497 6206 1493 Dominica, one of the West Indies, discov- ered by Cohnubus. 1494 University of Aberdeen founded by \^■i]lia^l Elpliinstone, bishoj) of Aberdeen. 900 Oct. 10 12-79 2247 5498 6207 1494 March. Death of Ciorgio Merula, Italian au- thor, and reviver of literature. 1494 Seiitendier 24th. Death of Politiau, cele- brated Italian classical scholar and p( et. 1494 November 17th. Death of Pico della Miran- dola, Italian theologian and jihilosopher. 1495 .May 3d. Jamaica discovered by ColunUjus. 901 13-'9 2248 5499 6208 1495 Bombs invented at Venlo. (Ac. Haydn; ac. other authorities, 1588.) Sept. 2'J 1490 Jesus College, Cambridge, founded by John Alcock, bishop of Ely. 902 Sept. IS 14-79 2249 5500 6209 149() The first (Jame Act passed in England. 1497 June 22(1. Battle of Blackheath, in which the Cornish rebels are defeated by the Eng- lish ariuy. 903 Sept. 7 15-^9 2250 5501 6210 14!I7 Vasco da (Jama doubles the Cape of (Jood Hope, and sails to the East Indies. 1497 June 24th. Sebastian Cabot discovers the eastern coast of North America, landing first at Newfoundland, which he names Prima Vista. 1498 Trinidad discovered by Columbus, on his third voyage. 904 Aug. 27 1- SOth Cycle. 2251 5502 6211 i;:^9 A. 11. U9i TO 1509 A. 1). HEG. K. I. A. U. C. A.M. J. I'. U98 jMay 23(1. Savouarola, Dominican monk, burnt at l-'loi-enoe, l).v desire of the pope, for preaching- against the corruptions of the Roman clergy. 904 Auk- -" 1- 80tll Cycle. 2251 5502 0211 1499 The eastern coast of South America discov- ered by Amerigo "S^espucci (Americus Ves- pucius), from whom the whole Western Continent receives its name. 905 Aug. 17 O-80 2252 5503 6212 1 1499 October 1st. Deatli of Jlarsilio Ficino, trans- lator (if Plato, and restorer of Greek phil- osopliy in Italy. 1500 Brazil discovered liy Pedro Alvarez Cabral, a Portuguese, who lands on (Jood Friday, April 22d. He named it the "Land of the Holy Cross;" but it was afterwards called Brazil, on account of its red wood. N. B. — Brazil was regally tirst discovered by Vicente Yanez I'inzou, a companion of Cohunbus; but he made no settlement, and gave it no name. 900 Aug. 3-80 2253 5504 6213 1501 Maximilian I. (establishes the Aulic C(mn- cil, a sovereign court, in (Jermany. 907 July ue 4-80 2254 5505 6214 1502 Jlay 21st. The island of St. Helena discov- ered by .luan de Nova Castella, a Portu- guese. 908 July l.T 5-80 2255 5500 6215 1502 University of Wittenberg founded. 1505 The island of Ceylon discovered by Almeida, a Portuguese. 911 June 13 8-80 2258 5509 6218 1506 Sugar-cane brought from the Canary Isles to Ilayti. (Ac. IJlair.) 912 June 2 980 2259 5510 6219 irod The island of ^ladagascar discovered by the Portuguese. 1500 May 20th. Death, at Valladolid, of Christo- pher Columlius, Genoese navigator. 1500 University of I'rankfort-on-the-Oder founded. 1 507 April 2d. Death of St. Francis de Paula, founder of the order of ]\rinimi monks; age 90. 913 June 22 1080 2200 5511 6220 1508 League of Cambray, formed by Maximilian I., of Germany; Pope Julius II.; Louis XII., of France; and Ferdinand, of Spain, against Venice, December 10th. 914 May 1 1 11-80 2261 5512 6221 1509 The Imilding of St. Paul's School, London, begun by Dean Colet. (See 1512.) 915 April 30 12-80 2262 5513 6222 1509 June 3d-7th. Henry VIII., of England, mar- ries his first wife, Catherine, of Aragon. 230 A. D. 1509 TO 1517 A. D. HEG. R.I. A.U. c. A.M. J. p. 1509 Brazenuose College, Oxford, founded by William Smith, bishop of Lincoln, and Sir 915 12 80 2262 April 30 5513 0222 Richard Sutton. 1512 St. Paul's School, London, completed and 918 15-80 2265 5516 i6225 endowed by Rev. John Colet, dean of St. Mar. 29 I'aul's Cathedral. ( See 1 509. ) 1512 Fifth Lateran Council of the Roman branch of the Church, reckoned by it as the Eight- eenth General Council. 1512 March 27th, Easter Day. Florida discovered by Ponce de Leon, a Spaniard. 1512 April 11th. The combined Spanish and papal armies are defeated, at Ravenna, by the French, under their general, Gaston de Foix, who falls in battle in the hour of vic- tory ; age 23. 1512 Michael Angelo, celebrated Italian painter, completes the fresco painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, in the Vatican, at Rome. It is first exhibited November 1st. (See 1564.) 1513 August 16th. The English, under Henry 919 1- 2266 5517 6226 VIII., gain the victory over the French, at Mar. 18 81st Cj-fle. Guinegate, known as the "Battle of Spurs." 1513 September 9th. The Scotch, under James IV., invade England, and are defeated by the earl of Surrey, on Flodden Field, de- scribed by Scott in his "Marmion." 1513 Septend)er 25-29th. The Pacific Ocean dis- covered by Vasco Nufiez de Balboa, Span- ish navigator. 1515 The river Rio de la Plata discovered ))y Juan Diaz de Solis, a Spanish navigator. He is 921 Feb. 24 3-81 2268 5519 6228 killed and eaten by the Indians soon after landing. 1510 Erasmus publishes a Greek edition of the 922 481 2269 5520 6229 New Testament, with a Latin translation. Feb. 14 1516 Corpus Christi College, Oxford, founded by Richard Fox, bishop of Winchester. 1517 I'ucatan, Mexico, discovered by Francesco 923 5-^1 2270 5521 0230 Fernandez de Cordova. Feb. 3 1517 Close of the Fifth Lateran Council of the Roman branch of the Church ; Pope Leo X. issues, and authorizes the sale of, indul- gences. 233 A. D. 1517 TO 1520 A. D. HEQ. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1511 1517 1517 1517 1518 1518 1510 1511) 1520 1520 1520 1520 1520 Martin Luther, German monk, resists the sale of iii(liili;euces in Wittonherji by Tat- zel, a Dominican friar, and publislies his "Theses," denouncing the practice, Octo- ber 31st, which begins the Ileformation in ( Jcrmany. The printing of the first polyglot Bible ( i. e. a Bible printed in many languages), com- pleted at the University of Complutuni. known as the "Complutensian Polyglot Bible." The first edition is printed at the exi)ense of Cardinal Ximenes, its editor, iinder whose auspices tlie translations were begun in 1502. The cardinal dies soon after, in his 81st year. (See 1G57.) "Evil Mid-day" riot of the Londoners, against foreigners, especially the French. The fatal sweating-sickness rages in London. Ivoyal College of Pliysicians established in London l)y Dr. Linacre. Zwingli, Swiss reformer, preaches against the sale of indulgences, and other abuses of the Roman clergy. Magdalen College, Cambridge, founded by Edward Stafford, duke of Buckingham. May 2d. Death of Leonardo da \'inci, cele- brated Florentine painter, sculptor, archi- tect, engineer, anatomist, musician, etc.; age 76. The twenty-ninth cycle of the Hegira Era be- gins this year. The two Mohammedan New Year's Days are January 1st and Decem- ber 21st. (See Note H.)" April (itli. Death of Raphael d'Urbino, ilhis- tri(ms Italian painter; age 37. June 3-4th. Interview between Henry VIII., of England, and Francis I., of France, known as the "Field of the Cloth of Gold," lu'gins near Calais. Chocolate first introduced into Europe from Mexico, by the Spaniards. Magellan, Portuguese navigator, discovers the strait south of South America, separa- ting tlie islands of Terra del Fuego from the mainland; since known by his name, lie first christens it the Strait of the Eleven i270 5521 Feb. 3 G230 924 Feb. i;3 925 Jan. 12 6-81 2271 5522 6231 -81 2272 5523 6232 926 and 927 8-81 2273 5524 6233 234 A. I). 1520 TO 152() A. D. HEU. K. I. A. V. C. A.M. J. p. 1520 Thousand Virgins, in lionor of St. Ursula's Feast, as the strait is first sighted October 21st, but not passed until November 27tli. 1»2G and 1)27 8 81 1 2273 5524 6233 1521 The Spaniards, under Fernandez Cortes, ex- plore and conquer Mexico. 928 Dec. 10 9-81 2274 5525 6234 1521 JMarch 0th. Magellan discovers the Ladrone and the Philijtpiue Islands, in Pacific Ocean, and is soon after liilled in a battle between two tribes of natives. He names the former tlie Ladrones or Thieves, be- cause of the great propensity of the natives to steal. ( See 1520, and 1898. ) 1522 One of the ships, named Victory, of Magel- lan's squadron, under command of Cano, Spanish iiavigjitor. returns to Spain: the first ship having made the complete cir- cumnavigation of the world, in three years, twenty-nine days (1,124 days). 929 Nov. 2D IQSi 2275 5526 6235 1522 Lutiier publishes his German translation of the New Testament. 1522 June ?>Oth. Death of Reuclilin, eminent Ger- man writer. 1524 I'eru discovered by Pizarro, Spanish navi- gator. He and Almagro explore and con- quer Peru, between this date and 1533. 931 Nov. 7 12-81 2277 5528 6237 1524 Martin Lutlier abjures his monastic vows, lays aside the Augustine habit, and in the following year, marries Catherine von Bora, wlio also breaks her three-fold vow as a nun. 1524 Hops first introduced into England, from the Netherlands. (Ac. Haydn.) >525 February 24th. Rattle of Pavia, between Francis, of I'rance, and the army of Charles V., king of Spain, and the emperor of Germany. The French are defeated. 932 Oct. 27 13-81 2278 5529 6238 1525 and Francis taken prisoner. Order of Cai)uchin Friars first started by Matthew Baschi, Italian Franciscan monk. 1525 152G who adopts the large square hood of St. I-'raucis. ( See 1528!") Christ Church College, Oxford, endowed, or founded, by Cardinal Wolsey. William Tiudale completes the publication of his English translation of the New Tes- tament. (See 1535.) 933 Oct. 16 14 81 2279 5530 6239 235 A. D. ]52(i TO 1530 A. D. HEG. K. I. A. U. C. A. M. .1 p. 152G ITans Ilolbeiu, celebrated German or Swiss 933 14 81 2279 5580 6239 painter, is patronized by Henry VIII. in Oct. It; England. 1 1527 ilay 6tb. Rome stormed and pillaged by tbe Imperialists, nnder Cbarles V. Tlie pope, Clement VII., is talcen prisoner. 934 Oct. 158^ 2280 5531 6240 1527 The :Mediei family expelled from Florence. 1527 Deatb of Niccolo ^Macliiavelli, age 58, famous Italian statesman, diplomatist, and writer, from whose name the noun Machiavelism, 1528 and the adjective JIachiavelian, synonyms of perfidious policy, are derived. The order of Capuchins, so-called from the large hood worn by the monks or friars, is 935 Sept. :;4 1- 82d Cycle. 2281 5532 6241 1528 established as a separate order, l)y papal bull of Clement VII. ( See 1525. ) ' Death of Acqua Viva, Italian patron of let- ters. 152S Ai)ril Gth. Death of Albrecht Dtirer, cele- brated (lerman painter and engraver; na- tive of Nuremberg; age 56 years, 11 months, 6 days. 1529 April 19th. The (lerman reformers protest against a decree of the Diet of Spires, call- ed by Charles V., to condemn them. From this, and from their protestations against the assumptions of the pope, and abuses of the Koman clergv, the reformers are first called Protestants. 986 Sept. 13 2-82 2282 5533 6242 1529 August 5th. Feace of Cambray, between I'rancis I., of France, and Charles V., em- peror of Germany. 1529 Charles V., of Germany, and Pope Clement ^'II. agree to restore the Medici at Flor- ence. 1529 (October 28, ac. Blair; October 17, ac En- cyclo. Brit.) Disgrace of Cardinal AVol- sey. The great seal is taken from him by Henry VIII. 1530 1530 St. James" palace built by Henry VIII. April 27th. Death of Sannazaro, eminent 937 Sept, 2 3-82 2283 5534 6243 1530 Neapolitan poet; age 71. The Augsburg Confession of Faith is com- piled by Luther and Melancthon, and pre- sented by them to Charles V., at the Diet of Augslmrg, June 25th. 236 HIBIWr.^TTBUIIljl Liiliiilli IJIIiil irOPPMriiESHiBIIIBIliB, 237 A. D. 1530 TO 1534 A. D. HEG. K. I. A. U.C, A.M. J. P. 1530 Destruftive flood in Holland, caused by the 1 037 , 3 82 2283 5534 6243 failure of the dikes; 400,000 drowned. Sept. L'. 1531 Earthquake at Lisbon, by which 1,500 houses 938 4-82 2284 ' 5535 6244 are destroyed, and 30,000 people killed. .\ug. 22 1531 October 11th. Death of Zwiniili, Swiss re- former, at the battle of Cappel ; age 46. i 1532 Novend)er 14th. Henry VIII., having sep- 939 5-82 2285 5536 6245 arated from Catherine, takes Anne Boleyn Aug. 12 1 as his consort. 1533 I'ebruary 4th. Act of Parliament prohibits 940 6-82 2286 5537 6246 appeals to Eome, which abolishes papal -■^ug. 1 authority in England. 1533 May 23d. Archbishop Cranmer declares Henry's marriage witli Catherine unlaw- ful and null. 1533 May 2Sth. Cranmer ratifies Henry's union with Anne Boleyn as lawful marriage. 1533 June Gth. Death of Lodovico Ariosto, emi- nent Italian poet ; age 58 years, 8 months, 28 days. He published "Orlando Furioso'' in 1516. 1534 Ajiril 21st. Elizabeth Barton, called the "Holy Maid of Kent,'' having uttered imag- ined revelations against Henry VIII., is executed in England. 941 .luly 21 7-82 2287 5538 6247 1534 St. Ignatius de Loyola, together with Fran- cis Xavier, Apostle of India, and Jago Lainez, founds the religious order "So- ciety of Jesus," from which name the monks of the order are called Je-suits. They devote their energies to the educa- tion of youth, the renovation of the Catho- lic Church, and the conversion of intidels. 1534 Lutlier publishes his (Tcrman translaticm of the Bil)le complete. (See 1522.) 1534 Jacques Cartier, French navigator, discovers St. Lawrence river, and explores Canada. 1534 March 5th. Death of Correggio, celebrated 1 Italian painter; age 30. 1534 English Reformation. Parliament, Novem- l)er 3d, confers on the king the title of the "Only Supreme Head on Earth of the Eng- lish Church," which finally completes the breach with Rome. 1534 Psalter first printed in English. (Ac. sev- eral authorities. ) opq A. D. 1535 To 1538 A. D. BEG. K. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1535 IJi'V. A^'il]ial^ Barlow cousecrated bishop of St. Asaph. (Ac. Haydn.) (See 1559, and Note L.) 942 July 10 8-82 2288 5539 6248 1535 California discovered by Cortez. 1535 January IStli. Lima, in Peni, founded by Pizarro, who names it Ciudad de los Reges (City of the Kings). 1535 June 22d. Cardinal Fisher beheaded, in England, for denying King Henry's su- premacy. 1 1535 July 6th. Sir Thomas More, celebrated English writer, philospher, and states- man, beheaded ; age 54. 1535 ( 'Iiili discovered by Almagro. 1535 Don Pedro de Mendoza fcmnds the city of Puenos Ayres, capital of Argentine Re- public. 1535 John Calvin pul)lishes his "Institutes," set- ting forth the belief of his protestant re- ligion, Presbyterianism. 1535 Pierre Robert Olivetan, French Protestant, publishes his French translation of the Bible. 1535 Miles Coverdale (afterwards bishop of Exe- ter) completes and publishes his English translation of the whole Bible. The print- ing is completed October 4th. ( See 1526. ) 153(! January 6th. Death of Catherine of Ara- 943 9-82 ': 2289 5540 6249 gon, first wife of Henry VIII. ; divorced June 2'J 1533, May 23; age 49. 1536 Dissolution of the lesser monasteries in Eng- land, numbering several hundred. 1536 AYales united to England. 1536 May 19th. Anne Boleyn is executed, by or- i der of Ih'iny VIII. 1536 Henry VIII. marries his third wife, Jane Seymour, May 20th. 1 536 Lutheranism established in Denmark. , 1536 July 12th. Death of Erasmus, celebrated Dutch scholar, philosopher, etc. ■ 1537 October 24th. Death of Jane Seymour, 944 10-82 2290 5541 6250 Henry's third wife. June 18 1538 Suppression of the greater monasteries in 945 11-82 2291 5542 6251 England. June 8 :4ii A. II. 15«9 TO 1543 A. I). HEG. R.I. A. U.C. A.M. J. P. 1539 1539 1539 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1541 1541 1541 1542 1542 1543 The Parliament passes the law of the Sis Articles, for the regulation of the English Church. Cannon begins to be used in ships. Cranmer's revision of the English Bible pub- lished and freely circulated. The first au- thorizetl edition of the English Bible. Henry VIII. marries Anne of Cleves, his fourtli wife, Januaiy 6tli. July 10th. Henry VIII. is divorced from Anne of Cleves. August 8th. Heni'y VIII. takes Catherine Howard for his fifth queen. Brass pins first brought from France to Eng- land, and used by Queen Catherine How- ard. (See 1543.)' Orellana, Spanish explorer, discovers the Amazon river, in South America. Order of Jesuits, founded by Loyola in 1534, is sanctioned by the i^apal bull of Paul III., September 27th, Loyola having added to tlie three-fold vow, a fourth one, that of implicit submission to the Holy See. (See 1534, 1G04, 1(506, 17G4, 17G7, 1773, 1814.) Cherry trees brought from Flanders, and planted in Kent, England, with successful results. The bishoprics of Westminster, Peterbor- ough, Chester, Gloucester, and Oxford, erected by Henry VIII., out of the spoils of the suppressed monasteries. Death of Theophrastus Paracelsus, cele- brated Swiss alchemist, and charlatanical I)hysician. Hernando De Soto, Spanish navigator, dis- covers tlie Mississippi river, and dies while exploring it, 1542. (June 25th, ac. Haydn ; May 28th, ac. Spencer.) Catherine Howard, Henry's fifth queen, is be- headed for criminality, February 12-13th. Bishopric of Bristol erected by Henry VIII. May 24th. Death of Nicolaus Copernicus, celebrated German astronomer; age 70 years, 3 months, 5 days. He dies on the da.y of the completion of the printing of 946 May 2S 12'^2 2292 947 May 17 13-82 2293 948 May 6 14-82 2294 5543 6252 5544 6253 5545 6254 949 April i;5 950 April 15 i 15-82 1- 83rd Cycle. 2295 5546 2296 5547 6255 6256 241 A. D. 1543 TO 154* A. D. HEG. R.I. iA. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1 1 1543 his great work, "Revolutiouibus Orbium riplestium Libri VI.,'' explaining the revo- Intions of the solar system. He was wri- ting this work 1507 to 1530, but delayed its l)nblieation for fear of ridicule and perse- eutiou. (See 1033.) 950 April 15 1- 83rd Cycle. 2296 5547 6256 1543 July 12th. Henry VIII. takes Catherine Parr as liis sixth and last consort. 1543 Death of Hans Holbein, Swiss painter and wood engraver. (Date ac. Haydn; 1554, ac. Blair; this date is a disputed point.) 1543 Pins first made in England. ( See 1540. ) 1543 The Litany first read in the Church of Eng- land in the vulgar tongue. (Ac. Havdn; 1544, ac. Blair. )'^ 1544 University of Konigsberg, Prussia, founded by Duke Albert. " 951 April 4 2-83 2297 5548 6257 1545 The Council of Trent, reckoned by the Ro- man branch of the Church as the Nine- teenth General Council, opens December 13th, and continues with intervals for eighteen years. ( See "I5fi3. ) 952 liar. 24 3-83 2298 5549 6258 1545 The silver mines of Potosi, in Bolivia, South America, discovered by the Spaniards. 154(! Trinity College, Cand)ridge, founded by Henry VIII."^ 953 Mar. 13 4-83 2299 5550 6259 1546 Interest on money first fixed by law, in Eng- land, at 10 jier cent. 1547 January IStli. Death of Cardinal Benibo, Italian poet and reviver of literature. 954 Mar. 2 5-83 2300 5551 6200 1547 January 2Sth. At the death of Henry VIII., Edward VI., his son by Jane Seymour, as- cends the throne; age 9. 1547 Cranmer pul)lishes his first ''Book of Homi- lies." 1547 St. Alban's Hall, Oxford, founded. 1547 October 18th. Death of Cardinal Sadoleto, eminent Italian scholar and writer. 1547 Silk stockings are said to have been fir-st woi'n by Henry II., of France. 1547 lOnglisli clergy first allowed to marry. (Ac. Haydn; 1540, ac. Blair.) 1547 to 1548 (Jrange trees first brought to Europe from China, by the Portuguese. 242 A. D. 1548 TO 1549 A. D. HEG. K. I. A.U. C. A.M. J. p. 1548 Thomas Sternhold completes his translation 955 6-83 2301 5552 6261 of fifty-one Psalms into English metre. He Feb. 20 dies 1549. (See 1562.) 1548 Images removed from the churches in Eng- land. 1548 The Communion Service, or Mass, arranged for the Church of England in the vulgar tongue. 1548 University of Jena, in Germany, founded. 1549 The "Gloria Patri" directed to he sung after 956 7-83 , 2302 5553 6262 ^ all Psalms. (Ac. several authorities.) Feb. 9 1549 Lord-lieutenants of counties instituted in England. CORREGGIO. SEE 1534 A. D. 243 PERIOD V. 1550—1776 A. D. AD. 1550 TO 1553 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1550 Horse-guards first instituted in England, by 957 8-83 2303 5554 6263 p:d\vard ^'I. Jan. i;9 1552 Tlie tliirtietli cycle of the Hegira Era begins this year. The two Mohammedan New 959 10-83 and 2305 5556 6265 Year's Days are January 8th and Decem- 960 ber 2Sth. ( See Note H. ) 1552 "Forty-two Articles of Keligion" published in England, without the consent of Par- liament. (See 1563.) • 1552 The Book of Common Prayer is established, by act of Parliament, as the liturgy of the Church of England. All other forms for- bidden. (Seel549.) 1552 December 11th. Death of Paolo Giovio (written also Paulus Yovius), celebrated Italian historian. 1553 July 6th. Edward VI. dies. By his will, Mary and Elizabeth are set aside, and Lady Jane Grey, Edward's first cousin once re- moved, is proclaimed queen. 961 Dec. 17 11-83 2306 5557 6266 1553 July 16th. After a reign of ten days, Lady Jane Grey, deserted by the people, retires to private life. Mary is proclaimed queen. Lady Jane Grey is soon after confined in the tower. 1553 Death of Rabelais, celebrated humorous French satirist. 1553 The English explorers pass the North Cape, and discover the passage of Archangel, which opens navigation between England and Russia. 1553 Circulation of the blood through the lungs, first made public by the heretic, Michael Servetus, a Spanish physician, who, the same year, is burnt at Geneva, October 27th, for heresy, l)lasphcmy, and infidelity, published in his work, "Christianism Res- titutio." (See 1619, and 1628.) 245 A. D. 1554 TO 1559 A. D. HEG. H.I. A. U. C. A. M. .1. p. 1554 Sir Thomas Wyatt raises a rebellion in Kent, to replace Lady Jaue Grey on the throne ; he fails in his attempt, and is cap- tured, February 6th, and executed April 11th. 962 Dec. 6 12-83 2307 5558 6267 155-1 February 12th. Lady Jane Grey, and her husbaud, Lord Guilford Dudley, are exe- cuted, by order of Man'. 1554 Mary commits her half-sister, Elizabeth, to the tower. 1554 Trinity College, Oxford, founded by Sir 1555 Thomas Pope. The Englisli Cliurch supplanted in England by tlie Roman Church, under Mary. 963 Not. 25 13-83 2308 5559 6268 1555 Cardinal de la Pole recommends leniency towards the reformers; but Bishop Gardi- 1555 ner urges severe persecution. October Kith. Bishop Hugh Latimer, and Bisliop Nicholas Ridley, celebrated Eng- lish reformers, are burnt at the stake at Oxford, by the Romanists. 155G March 21st. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer is burnt, at Oxford, b.y llie Romanists. 964 Nov. 14 14-83 2309 5560 6269 1557 St. Jolin's College, Oxford, founded hy Sir Thomas White. 965 Nov. 3 15-83 2310 5561 6270 1557 Doctor John Caius enlarges and endows Gon- ville College, Cambridge, founded by Gon- ville, 1348; wlience it is called the Caius and Gonville College. 1558 1558 October 21st. Death of Giulio Cesare Scali- ger, celebrated Italian philologist. November 17th. Death of Bloody Mary, and succession of Elizalieth, puts an end to Bisliop Bonner's persecuticm of the Angli- can Church. Elizabeth orders the services to lie again read in the English tongue, as in the reign of Edward VI. 960 Oct. 23 1- 84th Cycle. 2311 5562 6271 1558 Miles Coverdale, bishop of Exeter, and trans- lator of the English Bible, published in 1532, returns to England, after the death of Mary. 1558 Sailers' Co., in London, founded. 1 1559 Edmund Griudal is consecrated bishop of London. 967 Oct. 12 2-84 2312 5563 6272 1559 Rev. Matthew Parker, dean of Lincoln, con- secrated archbislu)p of Canterbury, at 24ti A. D. 1559 TO 15G3 A. D. HBG. K. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1559 Lanibetli, December 17th, liy Bishops Wil- liam Barlow, bishop of St. Asaph, aud bishop-elect of Chichester, and Ilodi^dcins, suffragan bishop of Bedford (both having been consecrated with the old pontifical), aud two others, — Scory, bisliop of Chiches- ter, theu elect of Hereford, aud Miles Cov- erdale, sometime bishop of Exeter, both having been consecrated with English or- dinal. All four bishops pronounce the words of cousecration over Parker. (See Note L, and 1535.) 907 Oct. 12. 2 84 2312 5563 6272 155!) William Barlow (consecrated bishop of St. Asaph, 1535) is translated to the See of Chichester. ( See 1535, and Note L. ) 1559 John Knox, Scotch reformer, returns from the continent to Scotland, and preaches 1 Presbyteriauism. inc.o Westminster School founded by Queen Eliza- beth. 968 Oct. 1 3-84 2313 5564 6273 15(i0 Presbyteriauism established as tlie religion of Scotland. 15()() The I'rench Protestants are nicknamed Hu- g-ueuots by the Roman Catholics of France. - 1501 ^lerchant Tailors' School, in London, found- ed. ( See 1400. ) 909 Sept. 20 4-S4 2314 5505 6274 1502 The Psalms, rendered into English metre by 970 5-84 2315 5500 6275 Thomas Sternhold, and John Hopkins, are Sept. 9 published, and annexed to the Book of Common Prayer, under the title "The Whole Booke of Psahues, cnllecred into Englisli metre by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins, and others.'* Fifty-one were arranged by Sternhold, in 1548, and nearly all others . by Hopkins. (See 1548.) 1502 Massacre of the Huguenots, at Vassy, March 1st. 1563 The "Forty-two Articles of Religion," pub- lished 1552, are reduced to the present "Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of Eng- land." They were drawn up by Archbishop Parker, 1502, apjiroved by the Convoca- 971 Aug. 29 6-84 2310 5567 6270 tion, and published this year by royal au- thority. 247 A.D. 1563 TO 15(37 A. D. HBG. R.I. A. U.C. A. M. J. P. 1563 1563 1564 1564 1564 1564 1564 1565 1565 1566 1566 1566 1567 1567 Twenty-fiftli and last session of the Council of Trent, which finally cjoses Decem- ber 4th. (See 1545.) Knives first manufactured in England. Certain reformers, objecting to the ceremo- nies of the Church of England, and to the vestments of the clergy, form a body of dis- senters, whose members are called Puri- tans. Royal edict in France decrees that, in all time to come, the year shall commence on January 1st. February 17-18th. Death of Michael Angelo Buonarotti, celebrated Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, within seventeen days of his 90th birthday. (See 1512.) May 17th. Death of John Calvin, French re- former; age 54 years, 10 months, 17 days. The building of the Tuileries, at Paris, is be- gun by Catherine de Medici. St. Augustine, Florida, settled by the Span- iards, under Pedro Melendez, and so named because they first came in sight of the land on St. Augustine's Day, August 28th. This is the oldest town in the United States. December 13th. Death of Conrad Gesner, celebrated Swiss naturalist; age 49. March 9th. David Rizzio, Italian musician, favorite of Mai-y, queen of Scotland, dragged from her presence, and murdered, by Lord Darnley, Mai'y's husband, and others. The foundation of the original Royal Ex- change, Loudon, laid b3' Sir Thomas Gresham, June 7th. September 27th. Death of Marco <4irolamo Vida, celebrated Italian poet and critic. February 10th. Lord Darnley blown up with gunjiowder, while an invalid in a house called "The Kirk of the Field." Earl of Bothwell accused, and acquitted, of the murder of Lord Darnley, April 12th, the jury fearing the displeasure of Mary, who is charged by many with conniving at her husband's murder. 971 6 84 Aug. 29 972 7-84 Aug. 18 973 8-84 Aug. 7 974 9-84 July 27 975 10-84 Jul.v 16 2316 5567 2317 5568 6276 6277 2318 2319 2320 5569 6278 5570 6279 5571 6280 248 HOUSE OF MICHAEL ANGELO. SEE 1564 A. 0. 249 A. v. 1567 T( » l.=i72 A. D. HEG. B. I. A. r. c. A. M. J. p. 1567 April 24tli. Bothwell seizes ^lary, and car- ries her off to Duiihar liv ijreteiidod force. Mav 15tli. Mary and linthwell are married. 975 July ii; 10 ^^ 2320 5571 6280 1567 Bothwell put to tliijht. Mary, made prisoner at Carberry Hill, June 15th, is forced to re- sign the cro\yn to her son, June 24tli. Earl of Murray is regent. 1567 Runliy Scliool, England, founded. 1567 Death of Bishop Coyerdule; age oyer 80 Aears. 1568 December 23-30th. Death of Roger Aschani, eminent English classical scholar and 976 July .J 11-84 2321 5572 6281 writer ; age 53. 157(1 Oeorge Buchanan, Scottish historian, ])ul)- lishes his Latin yersiou of the Tsalms. ( Ac. Haydn. ) 978 June 14 13-84 2323 5574 6283 1570 Death of Benyenuto Cellini, celebrated Ital- ian sculptor, engrayer, etc. ; age 6!». 1571 The "Thirty-nine Article.s," publislied 1563, are adopted l)y royal authority, and Parlia- ment, as the rule of the Churcli of England. 979 June 3 14 84 2324 5575 6284 1571 Jesus College, Oxford, founded by Dr. Hugh Price, and endowed l)y Queen Elizalieth. 1571' February. Death of (lilies Tschudi, cele- brated Swiss chronicler, known as the "Father of Swiss History." .Et. ()7. ( Born 1505. ) 980 May 23 15S-1 2325 5576 6285 1572 "Os Lusiadas," a heroic poem, tlie most cele- brated work of Luis de ('anioens, the great I'ortuguese poet, is first printed. (See 1579.) 1572 August 24th. Tlie nmssacre of the Hugue- nots, by secret order of Charles IX., of France, instigated l)y the ([ueen dowager, Catherine de Jledici, his mother, begins at Paris, on the night of the Feast of St. Bartholomew, and extends throughcmt the kingdnm. It is known as tlie massacre of St. Bartholome\y. 1572 Noyember 24th. Death of Jolin Knox, fcmnder of Presbyterianism in Scotland; on his 67th birthday. 1572 Death of Juan Cinez de Se|>ulveda, cele- brated Spanish historian. (Ac. Blair; 1573, ac. Haydn; 1574, ac. J. Thomas, and Cassell. ) 251 A. D. 1573 TO 1531 A. D. HEG. H.I. A. U.C. A.M. .1. p. 1573 March 13. Death of Michel de L'Hopital, French chancellor; celebrated legislator and statesman. 981 May 12 1- 85th Cycle. 2326 5577 6286 1575 Death of Matthew Parker, archbishop of Can- 983 3-85 2328 5579 6288 terbury. He is succeeded in the archiepis- May 20 copate by Edmund Grindal. 1575 University of Leyden, in Holland, founded. 1576 August 27th. Tiziano Vecellio, known as 984 4-85 2329 :5580 6289 Titian, the celebrated Venetian painter, April 9 age 99, dies of the plague, in Italy. 1577 Palladio, the architect, begins the building of the Church of the Redeemer,- at Venice. (See 1580.) 985 Mar. 29 5-85 2330 5581 6290 1577 Raphael Holinshed, English annalist, pub- lishes his chronicle of England, Ireland, and Scotland. 1578 , The building of the Pont Neuf, in Paris, be- 98(! Mar. IS (3-85 2331 1 5582 6291 1579 gun. The Turkey or Levant Co., London, insti- 987 7-85 2332 , 5583 6292 tuted, by charter of Elizabeth. Mar. 7 1579 The Dutch Republic founded by the union of Utrecht, or the Seven United Provinces; i. c, deputies from the seven northern prov- inces of the Netherlands (Holland, Zeal- and, Utrecht, Friesland, ^ Groningen, Overyssel, and Guelderland) meet at Ut- recht, January 23d, and sign a treaty for their mutual defense, throwing off the Spanish yoke. They appoint the Prince of Orange as their stadtholder. 1580 August 19th. Death of Andrea Palladio, celebrated Italian architect. (See 1577.) 988 Feb. 25 8-85 2333 5584 6293 1580 Francis Drake, English navigator, returns to England, after having circumnavigated the woi-ld, and enters Plymouth, November 3d, having left Plj-mouth November 13th, 1577. 1580 Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, French moral- ist, pulilishes his celebrated "Essais." 1581 April 4th. Francis Drake knighted by Queen Elizabeth, at Deptford, on board his ship, the "Golden Hind." 989 Feb. 1 4 9-85 2334 5585 6294 1581 Tasso publishes a complete edition of liis cele- brated work, "Jerusalem Delivered.'' (See 1593, and 1595. ) 254 A. D. 1582 TO 1586 A. D. HEG. B. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1582 ■ - University of Edinburgh, Scotland, foundee 29. 1025 14-87 Jan. 20 2369 5620 6329 1616 Baffin Bay, between Greenland and British America, discovered by William Baffin, English navigator 1 1 1 1616 April 23d. Death of William Shakespeare, the great English dramatist, at his birth- place, Stratford-on-Avon, on his 52d l)irthday. 1616 April 23d. Death of Miguel Cervantes, cele- brated Spanish Avriter, author of "Don Quixote"; age 68. 1616 St. Mary'.s Hall, Oxford, founded. 1617 The thirty-second cycle of the Hegira Era be- gins this year. The two Mohammedan New Year's Days are January 9th and Decem- ber 30th. '(See Note H.) 1026 and 1027 15-87 2370 5621 6330 1617 May 7th. Death of Jacques Auguste de Thou, eminent French historian and states- man. 1617 (Jreat flood at Catalonia; 50,000 perish. 1618 May 24th. Publication of the "Book of 1028 1- 2371 5622 6331 Sports," by James I., of England, allowing i^«'<' I'J S8th Cycle. certain sports for Sunday afternoons. Book condemned by Parliament. (See 1623.) 1618 Tlie Thirty Years' War begins, principally between the German Catholics and Prot- estants. 1618 October 29th. Sir Walter Ealeigh, famous English navigator, is beheaded; age 66; by order of James I., to satisfy the Span- iards. 1619 Kepler publishes his work, entitled "Har- 1029 0-88 2372 ,5623 6332 monice Mundi," in which he announces his Dec. 8 . third great law of planetary motion : "The squares of the times are as the cubes of the mean distance from the sun." ( See 1609. ) 1619 Tlie first manufactory of tapestry in England is established at Mortlake, by Sir Francis Crane. 1619 Edward Alleyn, celebrated English actor, builds and endows a college on Dulwich manor, for the benefit of the poor. He 203 A. D. 1619 TO 1()23 A. D. HEG. H. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1619 names it God's Gift College ; but it is also called Dulwich College. 1029 Dec. 8 2 88 2372 5623 6332 1619 Death of Ludovico Caraoci, founder of the Bolognese school of painting; age 64. He was a cousin of Annihale ('aracci, cele- brated painter. ( Bee 1609. ) 1619 The circulation of the blood more fully dis- covered and confirnied, by William Har- vey, celebrated English anatomist. (See 1553 and 1628.) 1619 Negro slavery introduced into Virginia. 1620 Novemlier 9th. Battle of I'rague, in which the Protestant Bohemians are defeated by the Catholic Imperialists. 1030 Nov. 27 3-88 2373 5624 6333 1620 Perukes, or periwigs, first introduced, and used in France. 1620 The nKimifncture of broad silk, woven from raw silk, first introduced in England. 1620 Madras, in British India, colonized by the English, who build Fort George. - 1620 December 21st. Some English Puritans, known as the Pilgrim Fathers, in the ship Mayflower, reach Plymouth, Mass., and es- tablish a colony there. 1622 Death of John Bull, eminent English musical composer, supposed author of the hymn "God Save the King" ; age 59. 1032 Nov. 5 5-S8 2375 5626 6335 1622 December 28th. Death of St. Francis de Sales, celebrated ecclesiastical author; age 55. February 6th. Death of Juan Mariana, 1623 1033 6-88 2376 5627 6336 Spanish historian; age 86. Oct. 25 1623 July. Death of William Birde, eminent Eng- lish composer of Church music; age about 84. November 9t]i. Death of William Camden, 1623 eminent English anticjuary; age 72. 1623 New Hampshire, North America, first settled at Little Harbor, near Portsmouth, and at Dover, by the Englishmen, John Mason and Ferdinando Gorges. 1623 Albany, New York, settled by the Dutch, and called then Fort Orange. 1623 New York City founded by Dutch emigrants, and called by them New Amsterdam. 2(i4 o oc T . o X rr 1- 3 00 I O UJ «J ca cc S UJ 111 h > UJ o Q. z H ID (0 CO L. ■^ O UJ III QC (/> o a: lU H 266 A. D. 1624 TO 1628 A. I). HEG. 11. I. A. U. C. A. M 1034 Oct. 14 7.S8 2377 i 5628 ' J. 1>. 1624 Pembroke College, Oxford, founded by Thomas Teesdale and Richard Wightwick. 1625 The island of Barbadoes settled by the Eng- lish. The first English settlement in the West Indies. 1625 March 29th. Death of Antonio Herrera y Tordesillas, eminent Spanish historian. 1625 June 5th. Death of Orlando Gibbous, emi- nent English musical composer; age 42. 1625 Aug-ust 28th. Death of John Fletcher, Eng- lish dramatist ; joint cimiposer of dramas with Beaumont; age 49. 1626 April 9th. Death of Lord Francis Bacon, illustrious English statesman and philos- opher; age 65. 1626 July 30th. Earthquake at Naples, by which thirty towns are destroyed, and 70,000 lives lost. 1626 October 30-31st. Death of Willebrod Snell, Dutch mathematician, discoverer of the law of refraction of light; age 35. 1626 November 18th. The consecration of the new I St. Peter's Church, of the Vatican, Rome. 1626 ! December 7-8th. Death of Sir John Davies, eminent English poet and statesman. 1627 Tlie Arundelian Marbles, purchased by Mr. Petty, for Lord Arundel, in 1624, reach London this year. (See 1610, 1667 A. D., 1582 B. C, and Note 10.) 1627 The Swedes form a company, to settle Dela- ware, America. 1627 Septem])er 20tli. Death of Jan Gruter, Bel- gian philologist; age 66. 1628 August 23d. George Villiers, duke of Buck- ingham, age 36, is assassinated at Ports- mouth, bv John Felton. 1628 Sir Edward Coke publishes his work entitled 1 "Coke on Littleton," or "First Institute," being the first part of the laws of England. 1628 Sir William Harvey, M. D., publishes his ful- ler discovery of the circulation of the blood. (See' 1553 and 1619.) 1628 ! Wallenstein, the subject of Schiller's great tragedy, "Wallenstein," is invested witli the duchy of Mecklenburg, by Ferdinand, enii)eror of Germany. 1035 Oct. 3 633'; 8-88 2378 5629 6338 1036 Sept. 22 2379 5630 6339 1037 .^ept. n 10«8 2380 5631 6340 1038 Sept. 1 11-88 2381 5032 6341 2li7 A.D. 1628 TO 1632 A. D. HEG. E. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1028 September 30th. Fulk (Ireville (Lord Brooke), age 74, English poet and miscel- laneous writer, is killed by his old servant, 1038 Sept. 1 11 88 2381 5632 6341 1028 Ralph Heywood, in a passion. October Kith. Death of Fran(,'ois de Mal- 1020 herbe, French lyric poet; age 73. New Hampshire, America, receives its name, and is colonized under Gorges and Mason. 1030 Aug. 21 12-88 2382 5633 6342 1620 1630 July 28th. Death of John Speed, English historian ; age 77. September 25th. Deatli of Ambrosia Spin- ola, celebrated Italian general ; age 60. 1040 Aug. 10 13-88 2383 5634 6343 ]030 November inth. Death of Johann Kepler, celebrated (ierman astronomer; age 58 1030 (See 1600 and 1610.) A large nund)er of Puritans, under Win- tlirop, arrive at ilassachusetts, and found the city of Boston. 1031 May 6th. Death of Sir Robert Bruce Cotton, 1041 1 14-88 2384 5635 6344 age 00, collector of the Cottonian collection .luly 30 1()31 of manuscripts, now in British Museum. Death of Michael Drayton, English historian and ])oet; author of "Polyolbion;" age 08. 1031 Death of Sir Hugh Middleton, constiiictor of "New River," supplying London with water; age about 65. 1031 Death of Enrico Oaterino Davila, celebrated Italian historian. 1031 Septendier 7th. Gustavus II., Adolphus, ''Lion of the North," king of Sweden, de- feats the Imperialists, umler Tilly, at Leip- sic and Breitenfeld. 1031 The first newspaper in France, "Gazette de France," published by Theophraste Renau- dot. 1031 Decendier 16-17th. Violent eruption of Mt. Vesuvius destroys the town of Torro del 1631 Greco, and 4,000 inhabitants. Calico first brought to England by the East India Co. 1 032 June 20tli. Charles I., of England, grants a charter to Cecil Calvert (Lord Baltimore), son of George Calvert, first Lord Balti- more, to colonize the territory afterwards known as IMaryland, IT. S. A. 1042 July 19 15-88 2385 5636 6345 A. D. 1632 TO 1636 A. D. HEG. K. I. A. U.C. A. M. .1. p. 1632 Death of Edward Fairfax, Euj^^lish poet; translator of Tasso's ".Terusalem Deliv- ered." 1042 July 19 15 88 2385 5030 6345 1033 Galileo's astronomical doctrine (the Coper- nican system) is i^norautly condemned by the in(inisitiun at Koine, as lievctical, and 1043 1- JulyS srith Cycle. 2380 5637 6346 dangerous. (See 1543.) 1033 Connecticut, in America, settled, at Windsor, by the Englisli. 1633 ^A'ind saw-mills invented by a Dutchman. (Ac. Haydn.) 1033 October 18th. Charles I., of England, un- wisely publishes his father's "Book of Sports," licensing Sunday afternoon sports and games. (See 1018.) 1031 February 25th, N. S. ^Vallenstei^, duke of 1044 2-89 2387 5638 6347 Mecklenburg, assassinated, at Eger. June 28 1034 September 3d. Death of Sir Edward Coke, celeltrated English jurist. 1034 Lord Baltimore (Cecil Calvert) sends a body of emigrants, under his brother, Leonard Calvert, to the territory in America, granted to him, and called Maryland in honor of Henrietta ]Maria, wife of Charles I. Calvert lands March 25th, and com- mences a settlement March 27th, calling it St. ^Mary's, the first town, and afterwards the capital, of Maryland. 1035 Regular posts established between London 1045 ; 3-89 ' 2388 ' 5639 6348 and Edinburgh, by order of Charles I. June 17 1035 Death of Lope de Vega Carpio, celebrated Spanish poet and dramatist, and monk; age 72. Death of the centenarian, Thonms Parr, cul- 1035 tivator of the soil ; age 151. He is said to have married at 120, and to have been able to work at 130. 1636 University of Utrecht, Holland, founded. 1040 4-S9 2389 5640 6349 1630 Rhode Island first settled by Roger Williams, and his place of settlement called by him June 6 Providence, to commemorate "God's merci- ful ])rovidence to him in liis distress," he having been banished from Massachusetts because of certain of his views and opin- ions, religious and civil. 269 1637 TO 1641 A. I). ll>;iT Auo-iist 6tli, O. S., 16th, N. S. (Note M.) Death of Ben Jonsou, celebrated English dramatist ; age 63. 1638 May 6th. Death of Cornelius Jansen, Bel- gian theologian, bishop of Ypres; cele- brated as the founder of Jansenism, and author of a work entitled "Augustinus," setting forth his heretical doctrines (founded on those of St. Augustine), con- demned by bulls of Popes Urban VIII., In- nocent X., and ('lenient XI. (See 164:0, 1653, 1713, and NoteN.) 1638 Tlie "Solemn League and Covenant" formed in Scotland, the members binding them- selves to ojjpose Episcopacy and regal power, and to promote Presbyterianism. 163!t First printing-press established in the Ameri- can colonies, at Cambridge, Mass. IGoIf Jeremiah Hoitox, or Horrocks, distinguished English astronomer, first observes the transit of Venus over the sun's disk, No- vember 24th, which he had successfully foretold in 1633. 1639 December. Death of Sir Henry Wotton, Eng- lish diplomatist and writer; age 71. 164(1 University of Abo, Finland, founded. 1640 Jansen's executors publish his work, "Au- gustinus." ( See Note N, and 1638. ) 1640 March 17th. Death of Philip Massinger, emi- nent English dramatist. 1640 .May 30th. Death of Peter Paul Eubens, cele- brated Flemish painter; age 62. 1640 November 3d. The Long Parliament first as- sembles. 1641 A])ril 15th. Death of Domenico Zampieri, known as Domenichiuo, celebrated Italian painter; age 59. 1641 May 12th. Thomas Went worth, earl of Straf- ford, general and statesman, lord lieuten- ant of Ireland, having been impeached, No- vember, 1640, for high treason, by the Long Parliament, is beheaded. 1641 October 24th. Death of Sir Henry Spelman, eminent English antiquary; age 79. 1641 December 9th. Death of Sir Anthony Van- dyke, celebrated Flemish painter. HEG. 1047 .May 2G 1048 May 15 1049 May 4 E.I. A. U. C. A.M. 5-89 6-89 7-89 2390 2391 2392 1050 April L'l 1051 April i;i 8-89 9-89 5641 5642 J. p. 6350 6351 5643 2393 5644 2394 6352 6353 5645 6354 270 RUBENS. SEE 1640, MAY 30TH. VANDYKE. SEE 1641, DECEMBER 9TH, A. D. 271 A. D. 1641 TO 1645 A. D. HEG. K I. A. U.C. i A. M. J. p. 1G41 December 22(1. Death of Maxim ilien de Be- tliuue, due de Siill^-, celebrated French statesman; age 81. 1051 April n 989 2394 5645 6354 1641 The micrometer invented by William Gas- coigne al)out tliis year. (Tascoigue died July 2d, 1044, at tlie battle of Marston • Moor. 1042 January 8th. Death of Galileo, the great 1052 1089 2395 5646 6355 Italian mathematician and astronomer; April 2 age 77 years, 10 months, 20 days. 1 042 New Zealand discovered l)y Tasman. 1042 Van Diemen's Land discovered by Tasman, Dutch navigator, and so named, after his patron, Van Diemen, governor-general of P>atavia. The island is afterwards called Tasmania, in honor of its discoverer. 1G42 August 18th. Death of Guido Beni, eminent Italian painter. 1042 The Civil War in England begins. 1642 October 23d. "Battle'of Edgehill," or "Edge- hill right," between the English Boyalists and the Parliament army. No decisive vic- tory on eitlier side. 1642 December 4th. Death of Cardinal Richelieu, prime minister of France; age 57. 1643 The Commons of England, to secure the aid of the Scots, against the Royalists, sub- scribe to the "Solemn League and Cove- nant." (See 1038.) 1053 .Mar. 22 11-89 2396 5647 6356 1043 September 20th. The first battle of Newbury, between Royalists and Parliament. Vic- tory uncertain. 1043 The first barometer invented by Torricelli, eminent Florentine philosopher. 1643 Excise first levied by Parliament on liquor, to support the army against Charles I. 1643 December 8th. Death of John Pym, eminent re]nd)lican English statesman; age 59. 1044 October 10th. Second battle of Newbury, be- 1054 12S9 2397 5648 6357 tween Royalists and Parliament. No de- Mar. 1 1 cisive result. 1045 January 10th. Execution of William Laud, 1055 13-89 2398 5649 6358 ar( hbishop of Canterbury. Feb. 28 1045 February 18th. Death of Sir Richard Baker, English chronicler and poet; age 76. 273 A. II. ](i45 TO 10.51 A. D. HEC. li. I. A.U.C. A. M. .T. P. 1645 June 14tli. Battle of Naseby, between Charles I. and tlie Parliament army, under Fairfax and Cromwell. Charles is totally defeated. 1055 13-89 Feb. 28 2398 5649 6358 1645 August 28th. Death of Hugo Grotius, emi- nent Dutch jurist and theologian ; age 62, 1646 May 5th. Charles I. delivers himself up to 105G 14-89 the Scots. ''<"'■ 1^ 2399 5650 6359 1647 January 30th. Charles I. delivered over to 1057 15-^9 the Parliament by the Scots. '''"■ ^ 2400 5651 6360 1648 George Fox founds the Society of Friends. 1058 1- ( See 1650.) •"'"•-' c7c?e. 2401 5652 6361 1648 August 27th. Civil War of the Fronde, in France, begins. 1648 October 24th. Treaty of Miinster, or Peace of Westi)ha]ia. End of the Thirty Years' War. (See 1618.) I 1649 January 30th. Execution, at Whitehall, of Charles I., of England. 1059 2-90 Jan. 16 2402 5653 6362 1649 England declared a commonwealth. 1649 Oliver Cromwell made lord-lieutenant of Ire land. 1650 The thirty-third cycle <^)f tlie Hegira Era be- 1060 ' 3-90 2403 5654 6363 gins this year. The two Mohammedan and New Year's Days are January 5th and De- 1061 cember 25th. ( See Note H. ) 1650 The name "Quakers" giA'en to the "Society of Friends," by Justice Bennet, of Derby, be- cause Fox, their founder, bids him and those present, "tremble at the word of the Lord." (See 1648.) 1650 The Marquis of Montrose lands in Scotland with an army, in support of Charles II., in April. He is defeated at Corbiesdale, April 27t.h, taken prisoner, and hanged May 21st. 1650 Charles II. is invited to Scotland, by the Covenanters, and, having signed the Cove- nant, lands in Scotland, June 23d. ' 1650 The air-pump invented by Otto von Guericke, celebrated German savant and experi- mental philosopher. i 1650 North Carolina settled on the Chowan Eiver 1 by emigrants from Virginia 1651 January 1st. Charles II. crowned at Scone. 1 1062 4-90 Dec. 14 { 2404 5655 6364 274 A. D. 1651 TO 1657 A. D. HR(;. ' R. r. 1 A. U. C. 1 A. M. .1. p. 1651 September 3d. Battle of Worcester, in which Cromwell totally defeats Charles II., who escapes to France. 1062 Dec. U 4-90 2404 5655 6364 1651 November 26th. Henry Ireton, eminent Eng- lish republican deputy in Ireland, dies of the plague. 1651 December 1st. Navigation Act passed. 1652 July 5-21st. Death of Inigo Jones, distin- guished English architect and scholar, in his 80th year. 1063 Dec. 4 5-90 2405 5656 6365 1652 December 11th. Death of Denis Petau, or Pe- tavins, distinguished I'^rencli Jesuit theo- logian. 1653 April 20th. Cromwell forcibly dissolves the Long I'arliaiiicnt. lie assembles the Rare- bones Parliament July 4th. 1064 Nov. 113 690 2406 5657 6366 1653 August 24th. Act for the solemnization of marriages by Justices of the Peace is pass- ed by the Rarebones Parliament. 1653 December KJtli. Cromwell is appointed lord- protector of l]ngland. 1653 Innocent X. issues a bull, to condemn Jan- senism. ( See 1638, 1713, Note N. ) 1654 November 30th. Death of John Selden, cele- brated English lawyer and statesman ; age 69 years, 11 months, 14 days. 1065 7-90 Nov. 12 i 2407 5658 6367 1655 May 3d. The English admiral, Sir William Penn, takes Jamaica from the Spaniards. 1066' 8 SO Nov. 1 2408 5659 6368 1655 October 24th. Death of Pierre Gassendi, eminent French philosopher and astron- omer ; age 03 years, 9 months, 22 days. 1656 The air-gun invented by Outer, of Nurem- berg. 1067 Oct. 21 9-90 2409 5660 6369 1656 Sir John Ford invents a machine for raising water from the Thames, to supply the water in high streets in London. 1656 Pendulums invented, and applied to clocks, by Christian Huygens, Dutch astronomer ! and geometer. 1656 September 8th. Death of Rishop Joseph Hall, English writer. (Rorn 1574, July 1st.) 1657 Rrian A^'alton, afterwards bishop of Chester, publishes in London, his "Riblia Poly- glotta," in six volumes, being the fourth 1068 10-90 2410 Oct. 10 5661 6370 A. D. 1657 TO 1(562 A. D. HEO. K. I. A.U.C. A. M. J. p. 1657 polyglot I?il)U'. The first was printed at roinphitum (see 1517) ; the second, 1559- 156!), printed at Antwerp by Moutanus, in eight volumes; and the third, 1628-1645, 1068 Oct. 10 10-90 2410 5061 6370 1657 printed at Paris, by Le Jay, in ten volumes. June 3d. Death of Sir William Harvey, M. D., one of the discoverers of the circula- tion of the blood ; age 79. ( See 1553, 1619, 1628.) 1658 September 3d. Death of Oliver Cromwell; age 59. His son, Richard, is declared pro- tector in his stead. 1069 Sept. 20 11-90 2411 5662 6371 1659 May 25th. IJesignation of Richard Crom- well. 1070 Sopt. 18 12-90 2412 5663 6372 1659 1659 November 7th. Peace of the Pyrenees, be- tween France and Spain. November ISth. First public perf(>rmance by 1660 1660 Moliere's troupe, of his drama, "Les Pr6- cieuses Ridicules.'' (See 1673. ) English, from New England States, settle in Carolina, America. (See 1663, 1670, 1680.) General Monk, commander of the English army, effects the restoration of Charles II., who is proclaimed king, in London, May 8th. He enters London Mav 29tb. 1071 Sept. 7 13 90 2413 5604 6373 1660 August 6-7th. Death of Diego de Silva Ve- lasquez, celebrated Spanish portrait paint- 1660 er; age 61. October l-4th. Death of Paul Scarron, French 1660 1660 comic poet and satirist. The Royal Society of London founded by Sir William Petty, and Hon. Robert Boyle. (See 1662.) Episcopacy re-established in England. Wil- liam Juxon is chosen archbishop of Can- terbury, October 25th. 1661 1661 1662 March 9th. Death of Giulio Mazarin, Ital- ian cardinal and statesman; prime minis- ter of France ; age 60. August 15-16th. Death of Thomas Fuller, eminent English divine and author; age 53. July 15th. The Royal Society of London, founded 1660, is formally constituted, and incorporated with the royal seal of Charles II. (See 1660.) 1072 Aug. 27 1073 Aug. 16 14-so 15 90 2414 2415 5665 5666 6374 6375 276 A. D. 1662 TO 1665 A. D. HEG. R. I. A.U.C. A.M. J. P. 1662 August lOth. Death of Blaise Pascal, cele- brated French philosopher, mathematician, and writer; age 39. N. B. — He entered the cloister 1G54, and pub- lished, in 1656, his celebrated Provincial Letters against the Jesuits. 1662 Passage of the "Act of Uniformity," under Charles II., which obliges all clergy to sub- scribe to the Thirty-uiue Articles, and to use the same form of worship and same Book of Common Prayer. 1063 ]<>ench Academy of Inscriptions founded. 1663 The first steam or water eugine invented by Edward Somerset, marquis of Worcester, which he describes in his "Century of In- ventions." (See 1681, 1713, 1736, and 1765. ) 1663 Carolina, in America, is granted by Charles II., of England, to Earl of Claremhm, Duke of Albemarle, Lords Berkeley, Cra- ven, and Ashley; Sirs Ceorge t'arteret, J. Colleton, and William Berkeley, governor of Virginia. (See 166ft, 1670, 'and 1080.) 1663 The first real newspaper pulilished in England is the "Public Intelligencer," edited by Sir Roger I'Estrange. (See 1631 and 1605.) 1664 The English, under Colonel Nicolls, take pos- session, in the name of James, duke of York, of the province of New Netherlands, including the city of New Amsterdam, and give to both the name of New York. 1664 New Jersey receives its name, and is settled at Elizabethtown, afterwards Elizabeth. 1664 Conventicle Act ])assed by Parliament, pro- hibiting conveuticles ; i. v. religious serv- ices of dissenters. 1665 Second Dutch War with England begins. 1665 The great jdague of London. More than 100,- 000 perish. 1665 ITuiversity of Kiel, Ilolstein, founded. 1665 November 7th. The first number of London Gazette is published at Oxford, the court being there, on account of the plague. 1665 L'nion of the Connecticut and New Haven colonies, in America. 1073 Aug. 16 15 90 2415 5666 6375 1074 Aug. C 2416 5667 91st Cycle. 1075 July 26 1076 July 15 0-91 2417 3-91 6376 5668 6377 2418 5669 6378 A. D. 1665 TO IGG; a. D. 1665 November 19th. Death of Nicolas Poussiu, the great French historical jjainter; called the Raphael of France; age 71. 1665 Due Francois de la Rochefoucauld, prince de Marsillac, celebrated French moralist and courtier, publishes his "Maxims." 1666 .Septeml)er 2d. The great fire of Loudon be- gins, and continues three days and three j nights. 1666 November 2T-28th. The Scotch Covenanters rebel against Episcopacy, and are defeated on Pentland Hills. 1666 The Academy of Science founded in Paris. 1666 j Tea first introduced into England from IIol- I land, by Henry Bennet, earl of Arlington, and Thomas Butler, earl of Ossory. 1666 De Witt, the Dutch admiral, invents chain- shot, to destroy the rigging of his enem3''8 ships. 1666 December 22d. Death of Guercino da Cento, I celebrated Italian painter; age 76. 1067 Louis Xiy., of France, takes possession of the Spanish Netherlands. 1667 First fire-insurance company, for insuring houses and goods in London, the first year after the great tire. 1667 Arundelian Marbles presented by Lord x\run- del's grandson, Henry Howard (after- wards duke of Norfolk), to the University of Oxford : hence they are also known as the Oxford Marbles. * (See 1610, 1627 A. D., 1582 B. C, and Note 10.) 1067 Milton, the famous English poet, publishes his "Paradise Lost." 1667 jMay 16th. Death of Samuel Bochart, emi- nent French theologian and scholar; age 67 years, 11 months, 16 days. 1667 June 5th. Death of Johann Heinrich Hottin- ger, eminent Swiss orientalist ; age 47. 1667 July 28th. Death of Abraham Cowley, cele- brated English lyric poet; age 49. 1667 August 13th. Desopher; age 91. Feb. 14 1680 ^iarch 17th. Death of La Rochefoucauld, celebrated French moralist ; author of "lie- 1091 Feb. 3 3-92 2433 5684 6393 liexions ou 8enteuces et Maximes Mor- ales ;" age 66 j-ears, 6 months, 2 days. 1680 September 25th. Death of Samuel Butler, celebrated English wit and poet; author of 1680 "Hudibras"; age 68 years, 7 mouths. Death of Gerard Dow, celebrated Dutch 1680 painter; age 67. October 16th. Death of Kaimondo Montecuc- coli, great Italian general ; age 72. 1680 November 28th. Death of Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, eminent Italian painter, sculptor, and architect; called the "Modern Michael Angelo;" age 81 years, 11 months. 1 680 November 2Sth. Death of Athanasius Kir- clier, learned German Jesuit; age 78 years, 6 months, 26 days. 1681 A penny-post first established, in London, by Mr. Murray. 1092 4-92 2434 Tan. 23 5685 ' 6394 1681 Bomb-vessels invented in France. 1681 Papin, French pbilosojyher, invents an ap- paratus, known as "Papin's Digester." lie is ranked as one of the inventors of the steam engine, having conceived the first idea of a steam engine with a piston. (See 1663, 1713, 1736, and 1765.) 1681 September 30th. Louis XIV., of France, takes Strasburg from the Germans. 1681 William Penn receives a grant of a large tract of land in America, west of the Dela- ware River, from Gharles II., in lieu of a claim against the government of £16,000 inherited by Penn from his father. Tlie tract receives the name Pennsylvania. 1682 Pennsylvania colonized by William Penn, who founds a settlement at Philadelpliia. 1093 Jan. 12 5.92 2435 5686 6395 1682 La. Salle travels down the Mississippi, and names Louisiana in honor of Louis XIV., 1682 of France. (See 1718.) Bossuet, bishop of Meaux, draws up his Four Articles, setting forth the liberties of the Gallican Church, and limiting the papal 2S.J A. 1). 1682 TO 1684 A. D. HEG. K. I. iA.U.C. A. M. : J. p. 1082 authority. They are adopted by the council 1093 5-92 2435 5686 6395 of French clerj^. -"^"-^^ 1682 Algiers boml)arde(l Iiy the French, under Ad- 1 miral Duquesne. 1 1682 April 3(1. Death of Rartolonie Esteban Mu- j rillo, celebrated Spanish painter; age 64. 1682 November 21 st. Death of Claude Gelee, gen- erally known as Claude of Lorrain, cele- brated French landscape painter; age 82. , 1683 The thirty-fourth cycle of the Hegira Era 1094 6-92 1 2436 5687 6396 begins this year. The two Moliammedan and New Year's Days are January 1st and De- 1095 cember 21st. (See Note H. ) " 1683 June 12-14th. Discovery of the Rye-house Plot, against Charles II., and James, duke of York, to secure the succession of Duke of Monmouth. It is so called from the con- spirators' place of meeting, tlie Rye-house, in Hertfordshire. 1683 July 21st. Lord William Russell suffers death, on charge of being an accomplice in the Rye-house Plot. 1683 September 6th. Death of Jean Baptiste Colbert, eminent French statesman and financier. 1683 December 7th. Algernon Sidney, celebrated English republican patriot, is beheaded, on a false charge of conspiracy in the Rye- house Plot. 1683 December 15th. Death of Izaak Walton, celebrated English writer; author of "Com- plete Angler;" age 90. 1683 The stock of the East India Co. sold this year at 400% above par; i. e., a share of £100 sold for £500. 1684 Pierre Bayle, celebrated French philosopher and critic, begins to issue his monthly jut in pillory, and whipped, his ears cut off, and he imprisoned for four years. ( See 1678. ) 1685 May 25th. Death of Sir John Marsham, Eng- lish chronicler; age 82. 1685 Dangerfield, informer, tried for perjury ; fined, ])nt in pillory, and whijijied several times, during which punishment, June 1st, he is mortally wounded. (See 1679, and Note P. ) 1685 Archibald Campbell, ninth earl of Argyle, having raised a rebellion against James II., is taken prisoner, and executed, June 30th. 1685 James Scott, duke of Monmouth, having raised an army, against James II., is de- feated at the battle of Sedgemoor, July 6th ; beheaded July 15th. 1685 October 22d. Revocation of the Edict of Xantes, by Louis XIV. The Protestants take refuge in England, Cermany, and Holland. (Seel598;) 1686 Madame de Maintenon founds the Royal School, at St. Cyr, for poor ladies. 1686 January 17th. Death of Carlo Dolce, emi- nent Italian painter; age 69. 1686 February 2-lOth. Death of Sir William Dugdale, eminent English historian, anti- quary, etc. ; age 80. 1687 The Quietist heresy condemned by the Inqui- sition, and Miguel Molinos sentenced to life imprisonment. (See 1675, and Note O.) 1687 Publication of Newton's work, ''Philosophiae j Naturalis Principia Mathematica,'' in 1097 .\ov. 29 892 2438 5689 6398 1098 Nov. 18 1099 Nov. 7 9.92 2439 5690 6399 10-92 2440 5691 6400 289 A. D. ](;s7 TO ii;ss A. D. 1GS7 I which he expounds his theory of gravita- tion, and refraction of lifjht, etc. 1687 Callao, in Peru, destroyed by a prodigious rise of the sea after an earthquake. (Ac. Haydn.) (See 1746.) 1687 The palace of Versailles liuilt by Louis XIV., of France. 1687 March 22d. Death of Jean Baptiste Lully, celel)rated Italian composer; father of French opera music ; age 53. 1687 April 4th. James II. publishes a declaration of liberty of conscience, or religious toler- ation. 1687 October 21st. Death of Edmund A^'aller, eminent English poet ; age 82. KLSV December 16th. Death of Sir William Petty, eminent English political economist; age 64 years, (i months, 20 days. 1687 The silk manufactories at Spitalfields, Lon- j don, established by the l^rench refugees. (Ac. Blair; 1688, ac. Haydn.) 168S (March 25, ac. Blair; 1687, ac. Haydn.) Charity schools founded in England, to prevent the children of the poor from be- ing sent to the Roman Catholic seminaries. 1688 April 27th. James II. issues a second declar- ation of liberty of conscience, which he or- j ders to be read by the clergy in all churches, immediately aftei' Divine Serv- ice, ISlay 4th. 1688 May 18th. Seven prelates, — William Sau- ci'oft, iU'chbishop of Canterliury; William Lloyd, bishop of St. Asaph; Thomas Ken, bishop of Bath and Wells; Francis Tur- ner, bishop of Ely; John Lake, bishop of (^hichester; Thomas Whyte, bishop of Pe- terborough; and Sir Jonathan Trelaw- ley, bishop of Bristol, petition against this order. 16SS ' June 8th. The seven prelates are committed to the tower, for opposing the royal order. 1688 June 26th. Death of Kalph Cadworth, emi- nent English philoisopher ; author of "True Intellectual System of the'"; age 71 vears. HE(i K. I. A. I'. (■ A. M. J. P. 1099 Nov. 7 10 92 2440 5691 6400 1100 Oct. 27 11.92 2441 5692 6401 2{H) A. II. 1688 TO 16S9 A. D. HEG. K. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1GS8 IGSS IGSS 1G88 1 088 1688 1G88 U8S 1G89 1 G89 1G8'J 1G89 1G80 1G81) 1G8v >^ LA FONTAINE. SEE 1695 A. D. RACINE. SEE 1699 A. D. 295 A. D. 1700 TO 1704 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1700 May 1st. Death of John Dryden, celebrated English poet; age 68 years, 8 months, 22 days. 1112 8-93 June 19 2453 5704 6413 1700 June 11th. Academy of Science, of Berlin, founded hy Frederick I., of Prussia. Leib- nitz is appointed president of the academy. 1700 November 30th. Battle of Narva, in which Charles XII., of Sweden, vanquishes the Russian army, under Peter the Great. 1700 Yale College, Connecticut, America, founded. 1701 January ISth. Frederick III., elector of Brandenburg, crowns himself king of Prus- 1113 9-93 2454 June 9 1 1 5705 6414 sia, as Frederick I. 1701 "Society for Propagation of the Gospel," in foreign ports, incorporated. ( See 1G97. ) 1701 War of the Spanish Succession begins. (See 1702, 1713, and Note Q. ) 1701 The order of the Black Eagle instituted, by Frederick I., of Prussia. 1701 June 12th. Act of Settlement, excluding Roman Catholics from succession to the British throne, passed by William III. 1702 Queen Anne's War, in America, begins. (See 1114 10-93 2455 5706 6415 1701, 1713, and Note Q. ) May 29 \ 1703 Earthquake at Jeddo, Japan; 200,000 lives lost. -1115 May 18 11-93 2456 5707 6416 1703 January lltli. Death of Johaun Georg Graevius, eminent German scholar and critic; age 70 years, 11 months, 12 days. 1703 March 3d. Death of Robert Ilooke, English mathematician, mechanician, etc. ; inven- tor of an improved barometer (see 1643), and several other useful instruments; age 67 years, 7 months, 17 days. 1703 The czar, Peter the Great, lays the founda- tion of St. Petersburg, Russia, Jlay 27th, to be the future capital of his empire. 1704 April 12th. Death of Jacques Benigne Bos- suet, celebrated French divine, and pre- 1116 12-93 2457 May 7 5708 6417 eminent pulpit orator; age 76 years, 6 months, 14 days. 1704 First newspaper published in America is at Boston, entitled "Boston News Letter"; dated April 24th. 1704 July 22d. Gibraltar surrenders to Sir George Rooke, English admiral. j 297 A. D. 1704 1704 TO 170G A. I). HEG. 17U4 1704 1704 1704 1705 1706 1706 1706 1706 (August 13th, N. S., Augrust 2d, O. S. ; see ' 1116 Note M.) Battle of Bleubeim, in wliich *'''^' the English, under Duke of Marlborough, signally defeat the French and Bavarians, under Marshal Tallard and the elector of Bavaria, the former of whom is taken pris- oner by the English. October 28tli. Death of John l.ocke, cele- brated English moral philosopher; age 72. Antoine Galland, distinguished French ori- entalist and antiquary, begins his transla- tion into French of "The Thousand and One Nights" (Arabian Nights), which he completes in 1717. Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor, having quarreled with his captain, is left on the uninhabited island of Juan Fei-naudez, where he remains several years. His ad- ventures suggested to De Foe the cele- brated romance of "Robinson Crusoe." Sel- kirk died in 1723, having attained the rank of lieutenant in the army. (See 1719.) Publication of the first volume of Rymer's ' Fanlera, a valuable collection of the docu- ments relating to transactions between I*]ngland and foreign jiowers, in seventeen volumes. October 4th. Surrender of Barcelona, Spain, to the English, under the Earl of Peterbor- ough, and Sir floudesley Shovel. February 27th. Death of John Evelyn, emi- nent English author and gentleman ; age '^^"^ ^•"' 85 years. ( Born October 31st, 1620.) (May 12th, O. S. ; 23d, N. S.; see Note M.) John Churchill, duke of Marlborough, gains a signal victory, at Ramillies, over the French, under Villeroi, and the Bava- rians. (July 22d, O. S., August 2d, N. S. ; see Note M.) Treaty of Union, between England and Scotland, signed. September 7-lOth. Prince Eugene, celebrated Austrian general, native of France, gains a signal victory, at Turin, over the French, driving them out of Italy. (See 1709, 1736.) K. 1. A. U.C J. P. 12 93 2457 5708 641- 1117 13-3" lApi-il 21; 2458 1118 14-93 2459 5700 6418 5710 6419 298 A. D. 1706 TO 1709 A. I). HEG. H. I. A. U. C. I A. M. J. P. 170G December 28tli. Death of Tierre Bayle, cele- brated French philosopher and historian ; age 59 jears, 1 month, 10 days. 1707 Jlarch 30th. Death of Sebastian le Prestre Vauban, famous French marshal ; age 73 years, 10 months, 15 days. 1707 April 0th. Death of Willem Vandervelde, the Younger; celelirated Dutch marine ^ painter; in his 7-lth year. 1707 (April 14th, O. S., 25th, N. S. ; see Note M.) Battle of Almanza, in which the French and Spaniards, under the duke of Berwick, defeat the English and Dutch forces, under Earl of (lalway. 1707 I (May 1st, O. S., May 12, N. S. ; see Note M. ) Legislative union, between England and Scotland, takes effect. (See 1706, July 22d.) 1707 October 23-24th. Meeting of the first United Parliament of Great Britain. 1707 E.xecution of Patkul, Livouian patriot, by ; order of Charles XII., of Sweden. The king of Poland had been obliged, by treaty, to deliver up Patkul to Charles the pre- vious year. 1708 (July 11th, N. S. ; see Note M.) Battle of Oudenarde, in which the English and al- lies, under Duke of Marl1)orough, and Prince Eugene, totally defeat the French, under Vendome. 1700 March 3d. Death of Sir John Holt, able and highly moral lord-chief justice of England ; age ()(! years. (Date ac. Haydn, J. Thomas, i and Webster; 1710, ac. Blair and Eucyclo. Brit. ) 1700 July 8th. Charles XII., of Sweden, totally defeated, at Poltava, by the Russians, under Peter the Great. Charles escapes into Turkey. 1709 September 11th. The French, under Villars, are defeated, at Malplaquet, l)y Marlbor- ough, English general, and Prince Eugene. (See 1706 and 1736.) 1709 Sei)teml)er 22d. Death of Ivan Mazeppa, het- man of the Cossacks (subject of one of By- ron's poems), having allied himself with 1118 April 15 1110 April 4 14 93 M59 no 15-93 , 2460 5711 6419 6420 1120 -Mar. -'4 1121 Mar. IR 24(il 5712 6421 Cyile. 2-9^ 2462 5713 6422 2911 A. D. 1709 TO 1712 A. D. HEG. R. I. 1 A.U. C. A. M. J. p. 1709 Charles XII., of Sweden, against his for- mer friend, Peter tlie (Jreat. Peter being 1121 Mar. 13 294 2462 5713 6422 1709 victorious, jMazeppa took poison. Copyright Act passed in England, for tlie pro- tection of authors. 1709 The "Daily Courant," first daily newspaper published in England. (Ac. Blair; 1703, 1709 Encyclo. Brit. ) The pianoforte invented l)y Bartoloninieo to Cristofori, an Italian. His invention is de- 1710 scribed, in 1711, by Maffei, in the "Gior- nale dei letterati d'ltalia.'' ( See 1717. ) 1710 1710 1710 April 28th. Death of Thomas Betterton, eminent and popular English actor ; age 74. May ()th. South Sea Co., known as the South Sea Bubble, originated. ( See 1720. ) Rebuilding of St.. Paul's Cathedral, London, 1122 Mar. 2 3.94 2463 5714 6423 1711 by Sir Christopher AVren, is completed. (See 1675 and 1723.) Peter the Great, of Bussia, crosses the river Pruth, to wage war with the Turks, they having taken up arms for Charles XII., of Sweden. Peter is hemmed in by his ene- mies, and only saved by negotiations of his wife with the Grand Vizier. Peace is made by restoring Azov, and other places, to 1123 Feb. 20 4.94 2464 5715 6424 1711 Turkey. Clarendon printing office, at Oxford, found- ed. (Ac. T. Smith; completed 1713, ac. Blair.) 1711 March 13th. Death of Nicolas Boileiiu, emi- nent French poet and satirist; age 74 years, 4 months, 12 days. 1711 Xewcomen invents an atmospheric engine. 1712 (See 1(;(;3. 1681, 1736, and 1765. ) Memorable duel, with small swords, in Hyde Park, between Duke of Hamilton and Lord 1124 Feb. 9 5.94 2465 5716 6425 Mohun, in which both duelists are killed. 1712 June 15th. Death of Louis Joseph, due de Vendome, able French general; age 57 1712 1 years, 11 months, 14 days. July 19tb. First stamp-duty imposed on 1712 newspapers, in England. September 14th. Death of Giovanni Dom- enico Cassini, celebrated Italian astrono- 300 THE GATE OF THE CITY OF HERCULANEUM. SEE NEXT PAGE. 1713 A. D. THE CROSS-STREET OF FORTUNATA. IN POMPEII. SEE 1713 AND 1748 A. D. 302 A. D. 1712 TO 1714 A. D. HEG. A.r.c. A. M. 1712 mer; discoverer of the diurnal rotations of Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, etc. ; age 87 years, 3 months, 3 or 6 days. 1712 vSeptember 15th. Death of Sidney (Todolphin, earl of CJodolphin; eminent. English states- man. He was lord-high treasurer for some .years. 1713 (February 4th, O. S., 15th, N. S. ; see Note M. ) Death of Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, third earl of Shaftesbury ; eminent English author and moral philosopher; age 41 years, 11 months, 8 days. (April 11th, N. S. ; see Note M.) Treaty of Utrecht, signed by the ministers of France, England, allies, etc., which ends Queen Anne's War (War of the Spanish Succes- sion), and greatly enlarges the British possessions in America, and secures Prot- estant succession in England. (See 1701, 1702, and Note Q.) 1713 April 10th. Pragmatic Sanction, securing his empire to the female line in default of male issues, is published by Charles VI., of (iermany. 1713 September 8-lOth. Pope Clement XI. issues the famous bull "Fnigenitus," condemn- ing a work of Pasquier Quesnel, entitled IJeilexions Morales sur le Nouveau Testa- ment," containing the doctrines of Jan- senism. ( See 1G38 and 1653, and Note N. ) 1713 The remains of the ancient city of Hercula- neum, in Campania, buried, with Pompeii, by an eruption of Vesuvius, August 23d, 79 A D., are discovered, and excavation begun. (Ac. I>lair, Lempriere, Standard Cyclo., etc. ; ac. Haydn and others, the ruins were discovered in 1711, and excava- tions begun in 1713. ) ( See 79 and 1748 A. D.) 1713 December 15th. Deatli of Carlo Maratta, eminent Italian painter; age 88 years. 1714 Worcester College, Oxford, fouudefl. 1714 Treaty of Rastadt, ^farch (!tli, l)y wliich Naples is given to Austria. (See 1734.) 1124 Feb. (I 24(i5 571 () 6425 i 1125 6-9^ I Jan. 2!1 ! 2466 5717 6426 1126 .Jan. IS 2467 5718 6427 A. D. 1715 TO 171fi A. D. 1715 The thirty-fifth cycle of the Hegira Era be- gins this year. The two Mohammedan NeAV Year's Days are January 7tl) and De- cember 27th. (See Note H.) 1715 Le Sage publishes "Gil Bias de Santillane." (See 1747.) 1715 January 1st. Death of Fenelon, illustrious French prelate and author ; archbishop of Cambra.y; age 03 years, 5 months, 1 day. 1715 March 17th. Death of Gilbert Burnet, emi- j nent English prelate and historian ; bishop I of Salisbury; age 71 years, 5 months, 29 days. 1715 The Walpole ministry begins. (See 1742.) 1715 (April 22d, O. S., May 3d, N. S. ; see Note M.) Total eclipse of the sun, visible in England. The darkness is so great that the stars shine, and the birds go to roost at noon. 1715 October 13th. Death of Nicolas de Jlale- branche, eminent French priest and phil- osopher; age 77 years, 2 months, 7 days. 1715 James l^rancis Edward Stuart, known as the Pretender, or Chevalier de St. George, son of James II., attempts a rebellion in Scot- land and England. 1715 November 13th. The Scotch rebels, under Earl of Mar, supporting the cause of the Pretender, are defeated at the battle of Sheriffmuir or Dunblane, by John Camp- bell, duke of Argyle. Other rebel forces are defeated the same day at Preston. 1715 ! November 15-lGth, N. S. Barrier Treaty, be- tween Holland, England, and Austria. 1710 March. ^Memorable appearance of the Au- rora Borealis, or Northern Lights, extend- ing from west of Ireland to the confines of Russia. 1710 Triennial Act repealed, and the Septennial Act, for parliaments of seven .years' dura- tion, passed, May l-7th. ( See 1 094. ) 1710 August 5th. The Turks defeated at Peter- wardein, by Prince Eugene. (See 1706.) 1710 John Law, a Scotchman who had fled to France, after killing a man in a duel, hav- HEG. 1127 and 1128 1129 Dec. 16 H. I. A. L-. C. A. m; 8-94 2468 5719 6428 9-94 2469 I 5720 6429 304 A. D. 1716 TO 1718 A. D. HEG. H. I. A. U.C. I A. M. J. P. 1716 ing obtained the favor of Orleans, the re- gent of France, establishes at Paris his fatal bank, and East India and Mississippi Co., under the name of "Law & Co.," known as "Law's Bubble." (See 1720.) 1716 \ October 21st. Death of Jacob Gronovius, learned German philologist, son of Johann Friedrich Gronovius (see 1671); age 71 years, 1 day. 1716 November 14th. Death of Gottfried ^Yil■ helm Leibnitz, celebrated German mathe- matician, philosopher, and historian; a great genius ; age 70 years, 4 months, 8 or 12 days. 1717 August 16th. The Turks defeated at Bel- grade, by Prince Eugene. (See 1706.) 1717 C. G. Schroter, a German, presents to the court of Saxony a model of his pianoforte, and claims the priority of the invention. (See 1700.) 1717 ; Trij)le Alliance, between Great Britain, i France, and Holland. 1717 August 30th. Death of William Lloyd, suc- cessively bishop of St. Asaph, Lichfield, and Worcester; one of the seven bishops sent to the tower (see 1688) ; age 90 years, 12 days. 1718 (May SOth, ac. Encyclo. Brit.; July 30th, ac. Haydn.) Death of William Penu, founder of Pennsylvania; age 73 years, 9 months, 16 days. 1718 July 21st. Peace of Passarowitz, between Turkey, Austria, and Venice, concluded. 1718 July 21st. The Spaniards, under Castag- nedo, attack Sicily, and are defeated, off the eastern coast, and the greater part of their fleet destroyed, by the English ad- miral, Byng. 1718 (August 2d, N. S., July 22, O. S. ; see Note M.) Quadruple Alliance, between Great Britain, France, Austria, and Holland. 1718 New Orleans, in Louisiana, founded and set- tled, by the French, and so named in honor of duke of Orleans, regent of France. ( See 1682.) 1129 Dec. 16 9-94 1130 Dec. 5 10-94 1131 Nov. 24 11-94 2469 2470 2471 5720 6429 5721 6430 5722 6431 305 A. D. 1719 TO 1720 A. D. 1719 1719 1719 1719 1719 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 April 15th. Death of Mme. de Maintenon, celebrated Freuch hidy (secretly married to Louis XIV., of France, 1GS4 or 1GS5) ; age 83 year.s, i months, 18 days. (See 168G. ) June 17th. Death of Joseph Addison, pre- eminent English essayist, humorist, and moralist; age 47 years, 1 niontli, and 16 days. N. B. — lie was joint author and editor with Sir Richard Steele, of the tri-weekly maga- zine, "The Tatler," 1709-1711 ; the daily magazine, "The Spectator," 1711-12; and "The Guardian." (See 1729.) (November 9th, O. S., Noveml)er 20th, N. S. ; see Note M. ) Treaty of Stockholm, be- tween George I., of Great Britain, and Ulrica Eleonora, queen of Sweden, by which the duchies of Bremen and Verden are ceded to Hanover. Daniel De Foe publishes his "Robinsf)n Cru- soe," founded on adventures of Alexander Selkirk. (See 1701 and 1731.) Sir Thomas Lombe erects, at Derby, Ireland, a silk-throwing machine containing 20,580 wheels, put in motion by one water-wheel, and working in twenty-four hours 318,504, 960 3'ards of organzine silk thread. February. "Law's Bubble" bursts, ruining tens of thousands of French families, and nearly ruining the French government. (See 17] 0.) August 24th. Shares of "South Sea Bub- ble," originally £100 each, rise as high as £1,000 each. September 30th. "South Sea Bubble" bursts, ruining thousands of wealthy English families. (See 1710.) Fearful plague at Marseilles, France. Victor Amadeus II., duke of Savoy, having obtained Sicily from Spain, by treaty, 1713, now cedes it to Austria, in exchange for the island of Sardinia, with the title of King of Sardinia. HEG. B. I. lA. U. C. 1132 Nov. !.■? 12-94 2472 A. M. J. P. 5728 6432 1133 Nov. 2 13-94 2473 5724 6433 30(; A. D. 1721 1721 1721 1721 TO 1724 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. V. C. A. M. 1134 Oct. i;2 14.94 2474 5725 J. p. 1722 1723 1723 1723 1724 1724 Thomas Guy, wealthy English bookseller, fonuds the celebrated hospital, Guy's Hos- pital, in 8nuth\vai'k, Ijondon, at a cost of £18,793. (Date ao. Haydn.) (See 1724.) Oetobei" 22d. Peter I., the (Jreat, czar of Mus- rovy, assumes the title of Emperor of Kus- sia. Lady ^lary AYortley ^[ontagu introduces intt) England the Turkish custom of inocu- lation, being allowed to have it tried on seven condemned criminals, having pre- viously, in Turkey, had her own son inocu- lated with success. (See 1762 and 1796.) Some members of a Moravian sect, driven by persecution from Moravia, take refuge on the estates of Count Zinzendorf, in Aus- tria, who establishes there a settlement of Moravians, or United Brethren, and names it "Herruhut," the "Lord's Guard"; whence he sends out missionaries to the colonies, and elsewhere. The Moravian Brethren, or Ilerrnhuters, conform to the doctrines of the Lutherans. (See 1760.) Dr. Bernard de ilandeville, satirist, native of Holland, and resident of London, pub- lishes his celebrated work, "The Eable of the Bees, or Private Vices Made I'ublic Benefits," which is denounced as immoral, by the grand jury of Middlesex. February 25th. Death of Sir Ghristopher Wren, celeltrated ]']nglisli architect; age 90 years, 4 months, 5 days. ( See 1675 and 1710.) August 26th. Death of Leuwenhoek, cele- brated Dutch naturalist; age 90 years, 10 months, 2 days. (See 1677.) ()ctober 27th. Ih'ath of Sir Godfrey IvTicller, celebrated German jiortrait i)ainler; resi- dent of England ; age 75. Massacre of l*rotestants, at Thorn, Prussia, instigated by the Jesuits. December 17th. Death of Thomas Guy, who leaves a becpiest of £219,499, to endow his hospital, at South wark, London; age SO years. (See 1721.) 6434 1 135 Oct. 11 1136 SojJt. SO 159^ 2475 5726 6435 2476 6436 9.-)th Cycle, 1137 Sept. 10 2-95 0477 5728 ; 6437 307 A. D. 1725 TO 1729 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A.M. .1. p. 1725 1725 The order of knights, known as Order of the Bath, revived b.y George I., of England. June 27th. Death of Christian Heinrich tleiueclcen, known as the Boy of Liibeck, infant prodigy; said to have been well versed in sacred history, Latin, French, 1138 Sept. 8 3.95 2478 5729 6438 1725 geography, etc. ; age 4 years, 4 months, 21 days. September 3d. Treaty of Hanover, between 1726 1726 England, Prussia, and France. January 25th. Death of Ouillaume Delisle, celebrated French geographer; age 50 years, 10 months, 27 days. March 26th. Death of Sir John Vanbrugh, celebrated English architect, and licen- 1139 Aug. 29 4-95 2479 5730 6439 1726 1727 tious dramatist; iu his (tOtli year. August 31st-September 1st. Terrible and devastating earthquake, at Palermo, Italy. March 20th. Death of Sir Isaac Newton, il- lustrious English philosopher and mathe- matician ; age 84 years, 2 months, 25 days. 1140 Aug. 18 5-95 2480 5731 6440 1727 1728 (See 1687.) Aberration of light discovered by James Bradley, eminent English astronomer. A great part of Copenhagen, Denmark, de- stroyed by a fire. 1141 Aug. 7 6-95 2481 5732 6441 1728 Vitus Behring, Eussian navigator, discovers the straits which bear his name, connect- ing the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. 1728 Death of John Woodward, English geolo- 1728 gist; founder of the Woodwardian profes- sorship at Cambridge, and author of "Nat- ural History of the Earth," published 1695 ; age 63". Ephraim Chand)ers publishes his "Cyclo- 1729 piT'dia." IMethodism founded by John AVesley, an Eng- lish priest, and his bi-other Charles. 1142 July 27 7-95 2482 5733 6442 1729 1729 Baltimore City, Maryland, Amei-ica, founded. (January 19, O. S., 30th, N. S..; see Note M.) Death of William Congreve, popular, 1729 Avitty, and original English poet; age 59. May 17th. Death of Samuel Clarke, cele- brated English philosopher, theologian, and metaphysician; age 53 years, 7 months, 6 days. 308 A. D. 1729 TO 1733 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. \ 1729 Carolina, America, separated into North and 1142 795 2482 5733 6442 South Carolina. July 2T 1729 September 21st. Death of Sir Eiohard Steele, popular Irish essayist and dramatist; joint author and editor with Addison, of the magazines '"Tatler," "Spectator," and "Guardian"'; age 58. He wrote under the pseudonym of Isaac Bickerstaff. (See ' 1719.) 1730 January 12th. Baltimore City, Maryland, 1143 8-95 2483 5734 6443 America, laid off by the county surveyor. July 16 and a commission appointed. 1730 Ei'aumur, celebrated I'^reuch philosopher, naturalist, and physicist, etc., invents his thermometer. 1730 (Ac. Blair; 1731, ac. J. Thomas.) Johann Heinrich Zedler, a German, commences the publication of his "Universal Lexicon of Science and Arts" (Encyclopaxlia.) 1731 Act of Parliament, ordering the use of Latin 1144 9-95 2484 ^ 5735 6444 tongue in law proceedings, in the English July 5 courts, to be discontinued. 1731 January. First publication of the "Gentle- man's Magazine," by Edward Cave. ! 1731 April 24th. Death of Daniel De Foe, author 1 of "Robinson Crusoe"; age about 08. (See 1704 and 1719.) 1731 November 30th. Terrible earthquake in China; 100,000 perish at Pekin. 1732 February 15th. Death of Francis Atterbury, 1145 1095 2485 5736 6445 bishop of Rochester; eminent English , June 20 writer, pulpit orator, and politician; age 09 years, 11 months, 9 days. • 1732 Benjamin Franklin, celebrated American philosopher and statesman, begins to pub- lish his "Poor Richard's Almanacks." J' 1732 February 22d^ Birth of George Washing- ton, in Virginia. U /^ . _.. 1732 James Oglethorpe leads a party of English colonists to America. 1732 December 4th. Death of John Gay, popular English ])oet,draniatist,an(l fabulist ; age44. 1733 James Gglethtirpe gives the name to Geor- gia, in America, in honor of George II. of England; and founds a settlement at Sa- vannah. 1146 June 14 11-95 2486 5737 6446 309 A. n. 1734 TO 1730 A. D. HEG. H. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1734 May 4th. Death of Sir James Thornhill, enii- 1147 j nent English painter; decorator of the '""es dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, hall of Greenwich Hospital, etc. ; age 57. 1731 I>f>n Carlos, sou of Philip V. of Spain, enters Nai)les, and proclaims iiiniself king, .May j 10th, Naples having been in possession of I the Austrian Empire since Treaty of Ua- j stadt, iMarch Gth, 1714, which see. 1734 Montemar brings an army from Spain, to support Carlos, and defeats the Austrians at Bitonto, May 27th. ! 1734 University of Gottingen, in ITanover, Prus- sia, founded by George II., of I'^ngland. 1735 Louis Antonio, youngest sou of Philip V., of 114S Spain, is made cardinal, and archbishop of ''^^ -^ Toledo ; age 8 years. (Ac. Plair. ) 1735 The conquest of Sicily is completed by l>on Carlos, who is crowned king of the Two Sicilies, as Charles III. 1735 Carl von Linne (Linnanis), celeliratcd Swed- ish botanist and naturalist, publishes his well-known work, "Svstema Natune"; aiie 28. 1735 I'>bruary 27th. Death of John Arbuthnot, M. D., celelu-ated and witty autlior and satirist; author of "John Bull"; age (10. 1735 June 10th. Death of Thomas Hearne, emi- j nent English antiquary and writer; age 57 ! years. 1735 The "l^outana di Trevi," one of the most cele- lirated fountains of Rome, is constructed for tlie pope, Clement XII. 173(i ^ February 16th. The river Thames rises so high at Westminster, that the lawyers are conveyed from the hall in boats. 1730 March 5tli. The laws against witchcraft re- pealed, by George II. of England. 1730 New jMortinain Act passed, by George TI., of England. 1730 Jlarcii 10th. Death of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, celebrated Italian musical com- posci'; age 20 years, 2 months, 13 days. 1730 Jonathan Hulls, English mechanician, ob- tains a patent for the first idea of steam navigation. (See 1003, 1081, 1713, 17<>5.) 12-95 2487 13-95 2488 5738 6447 5739 1149 May V2 14-95 2489 5740 6448 6449 310 I- z HI til ul Q. O 0. oc o Ll Q D UJ I- < o ^ EC !;: Z UJ O "5 O > UJ < Z < 311 A. D. 1736 TO 1739 A D. HEG. B. I. A. U. C. A.M. J. p. 1736 The Russians make war ou Turkey, and take Azof. 1149 May 13 14-95 2489 5740 6449 1730 April 21st. Death of Prince Eugene of 1736 ! Savoy; age 62 years, 6 months, 3 days. (See 1706 and 1709.) Glass himps used to liglit the streets of Lon- don. 1737 February 14th. Death of Charles Talbot, eminent English jurist, and lord high 1150 May 1 15 95 2490 5741 6450 1737 chancellor of high reputation; age 52. Extinction of the celebrated Florentine fam- ily, De Medici (grand-dukes of Tuscany), by the death of Giovanni ; the family, from Oosimo I., of Florence, having ruled in Florence, and afterwards in Tuscany, for 303 years. Tuscany j>asses into the hands of Francis I., duke of Lorraine, after- wards emperor of Germany and Austria. 1737 Alexander Cruden, a Scotchman, publishes a valuable "Concordance to the Holy Scriptures," entirely his comi>ilation. 1737 August 28th. Death of John Hutchinson, English Hebraist, mystic, and naturalist; founder of the Hutchinsonian or mystical school of Kiblicai interpretation; a^t. 6L 1737 The Radcliffeian medical library, at Oxford, founded with the £40,000 left for that pur- 1738 1738 pose, by will of Dr. Kadclitfe, in 1714. (See 1749.) Seiiteniber 13th. The building of Westmin- ster bridge begun. ( See 1750. ) September 23d. Death of Hermann Boer- haave, famous Dutch jihysician, chemist, and philosopher;, age 69 years, 8 mouths, 22 days. 1151 April 21 1- 96th Cycle. 2491 5742 6451 1738 November 18th. Definitive treaty of peace. 1739 1739 between Emperor Charles VI. and Louis XV., signed at Vienna. Septeml)er 12th. Death of Reinhard Keiser, eminent German musical composer; styled the "Father of German Melody" ; age 66. England declares Avar against S])ain, Octo- ber 23d. The English, under Admiral Vernon, arrive at Porto Bello, November 20th, and take the place November 22d. 1152 April 10 2-96 2492 5743 6452 313 A. D. 1740 TO 1741 A. D. HEG. R. I. A . U. C. A. M. J. P. 1740 Faneuil Hall, Boston, America, erected at his own expense, by Peter Faneuil. (Ac. J. Thomas.) 1740 May 31st. Frederick II., the Great, succeeds his father, Frederick William I., as king of Prussia. 1740 September 18th. Georij;e Anson, English na- Aal officer, sets out to circumnavigate the world. (See 1744 and 1762.) 1740 Samuel Fancourt founds, at London, the first circulating library in England. 1740 October 5th. Death of Johann Philipp Ba- ratier, Germau prodigy of French extrac- tion ; age 19 years, 8 months, 25 days. At 13 he was master of Latin, Greek, and the l)riucipal oriental tongues, and translated a book from Hebrew into French. 1740 October 27th. Opening of the incorporated Foundling Hospital of London; founded by Thomas Coram, a benevolent English sea captain, in his 73d year. (See 1750.) 1740 December 23d. Death of Rev. Daniel Water- land, orthodox Engl'sh theologian, and controversalist against Ariauism ; age 77. 1740 Ventilators invented liy Rev. Dr. Stephen Hales. His account of them is read to the Royal So. f)f London, May 1741. 1741 April 10th. Frederick II., the Great, of Prus- sia, defeats the Austriaus, at Mollwitz. 1741 August 81st. Death of Johann Gottlieb Hei- neccius, eminent Germaujurist ; inventorof the axiomatic metliod of teaching jurisjiru- deuce; age 5i> years, 11 months, 20 days. 1741 New Hampshire is finally separated from ilassachusetts. and becomes a royal prov- ince. 1741 September 14th. Death of Charles Rollin, (Mninent French historian; age 80 years. 7 months, 14 days. '41 Tlic Bavarian, French, and Saxon armies in- vade Bohemia. The ai'mies take Prague l)y assault, November 2Gtli. Charles Albert, elector of Bavaria, is crowned there, as king of Bohemia, December 0th. 1741 December 21st. Death of Bernard de Mont- faucon, eminent French antiquary and 1153 Mar, 30 3-96 2493 5744 6453 1154 Mar. la 4-96 2494 5745 6454 514 AD. 1741 TO 1745 A. D. HEG. R.I. A.U. C. A. M. J. p. 1741 idiilologist; age 86 years, 11 months, 8 (lays. 1154 Mar IH 4-96 2494 5745 6454 1741! January 14th. Death of Edmund Halley, eminent English astronomer and mathema- 1155 5-96 2495 Mar. 8 5746 6455 tician; author of "Catalogue of Southern Stars," and other valuable works; age 85 years, 2 months, 15 days. 1742 ( Felu-uary 2d. 0. S., 13th, N. S. ; see Note M. ) Fall of the AYalpole ministry. ( See 1715. ) 1741.' July 14th. Death of Kiohard Bentley, cele- hrated eritic, and England's greatest clas- sieal scholar; age 80 years, 5 months, 17 days. 1742 Septemher 28th. DeatVi of Jean Raptiste Sa- massillon, bishop of Clermont, celebrated eloquent French pulpit orator; age 79 years, 3 months, 4 days. 1743 Peace of Abo, between Russia and Sweden. 1156 696 2496 5747 6456 1748 January 29th. Death of Cardinal Fleury, eminent and judicicms French statesman; Feb. 25 age S!) years, 7 months, 7 days. i 1744 William Ged, Scotch goldsmith, having in- 1157 7-96 2497 5748 6457 vented stereotype, ])riiits, from stereotype Feb. 15 . plates, an edition of Sallust. 1744 May 30th. Death of Alexander Pope, cele- brated English poet and critic; age 56 years, 8 days. 1744 June 15th. Commodore George Anson re- turns to England with ricli treasures, hav- ing circumnavigated the globe. (See 1740 and 1762.) 1741 King Ceoi'ge's War in America (War of the Austrian Succession), between England and France, begins. (See 1748.) 174.- .Marcii 18th. Death of Robert Walpole, cele- brated English statesman; age 68 years, 6 1158 ■ 8 96 Feb. 4 2498 5749 6458 months, 22 days. 1745 ( Ai>ril 30th, 0. S., :\Iay 11th, N. S. ; see Note M. ) Battle of Foutenoy, between tlie Eng- lish, Hanoverians, Dutch, and Austrians, under duke of Cumberland; and the French, under Marshal Sa.xe^ who defeats the allies. (See 1746, 1747, and 1750.) 1745 (June 6th, 0. S., 17th, N. S. ; see Note M.) The British colonies, under William Pep- perell, aided by the Englisli, under Cora- ' 31.5 A. D. 1745 TO 1747 A. I). HEG. K.I. A. U. C. , A. M. J. P. 1745 modore Warren, capture Louisburg, and Cai)e Breton, America, from the French. I (King George's War.) (See 1744 and 1748. ) 1745 Rebellion of Scotland, in favor of Charles Edward Stuart, the young Pretender, wn«) lands in the Hebrides in July. 1745 October 19tli. Death of Jonathan Swift, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin; celebrated Eng- lish humorist and satirist ; author of "Tale of a Tub," "Gulliver's Travels,'" etc. ; age 77 years, 10 moTiths, 19 days. 1745 December 25th. Treaty of Dresden, between [ Prussia, Saxony, and Austria. 174G (April Kith, O. S., L'7th, N. S. ; see Note M.) Battle of Culloden, in which the Pretender is finally defeated, by the duke of Cumber- land. (See 1745.) 1746 June 14th. Death of Colin Maclaurin, emi- nent Scotch mathematician; age 48 years, 4 months, 14 days. 1740 The French, under Marshal Saxe, take the principal towns of Austrian Netherlands, and defeat the allies, at Eaucoux, Septem- ber 30th, O. S., October 11th, N. S. ; see Note M. (See 1745, 1747, 1750.) 174() October 28th. Lima, in Peru, South Amer- ica, almost totally destroyed by an earth- quake. 174() The city of Callao, in Peru, totally destroyed by the sea retiring from the shore, after an earthquake, and returning in mountainous waves. Every inhabitant perishes, except- ing one man, who was standing on an emi- nence, and to whose succor a wave provi- dentially washed a boat. (See 1G87.) 1746 Hydraulic chemistry first taught. (Ac. Haydn. ) 1747 (May 3d, O. S., 14th, N. S. ; see Note M.) The English, under Admirals Anson and Warren, defeat the French, off Cape Finis- terre. 1747 ( June 21 st, O. S., July 2d, N. S. ; see Note M. ) The French, under Marshal Saxe, defeat the English, under duke of Cumberland, at Laffeld. (See 1745, 1746, and 1750.) 1158 Feb. -1 896 1150 Jan. 24 9 96 2498 5749 6458 2499 5750 6459 1160 Jan. 13 10»6 ; 2500 5751 6460 316 RUINS OF THE TEMPLE OF VENUS, AT POMPEII. SEE NEXT PAGE, 1748 A. D. THE QUESTOR'S HOUSE. AT POMPEII. SEE 1748 A. D. 318 A. D. 1747 TO 1751 A. D. HEG. E. I. ' A. tJ. C. 1 A. M. i J. P. 1747 ( September 16th, O. S., 27th, N. S. ; Note M. ) IIGO 10 9" 2500 5751 (UOO Beriien-oi)-Zoom, iu the Netherlands, sur- .Ian 13. renders to the French. 1747 ilarggraf, (lennan chemist, discovers that sugar can be obtained from the beet root. ( See 1799. ) 1747 Heritable jurisdictions (i.e. feudal rights) bought up and abolished, in Scotland. 1747 November 17th. Death of Le Sage, celebrated French novelist and dramatist; author of "(iil Bias de ►Santillane" ; age 79 j-ears, 8 months, 9 davs. (See 1715.) 1748 The thirty-sixth cycle of the llegira Era be- UGl 11-96 2501 5752 04G1 gins this year. The two JMohammedan New and Year's Days are January 2d and December 1102 22d. ( See Note H. ) 1748 August 27th. Death of James Thomson, cele- brated Scottish poet; author of "The Sea- sons"; age 47 years, 11 mouths, IG days. 1748 Excavation of the ruins of Pompeii Ix'gun. (See 79 and 1713 A. D.) 1748 (October 7th, 0. S., 18th, N. S. ; see Note M.) Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, which terminates the "War of the Austrian Succession." (See 1744.) 1749 August 4th. A remarkable swarm of locusts 1103 12-96 2502 5753 0402 settle upon the ground, aliout London, and I lee. 11 i consume the vegetaliles. 1749 Ralph (Jriffiths establishes the "Monthly Re- view," London, to which (Joldsmith anhilosopher and theologian; age 84 years, 8 months, 13 days. Introduction of New Style throughout the British dominions, by omitting eleven nominal days after September 2d, dating the following day September 14th, instead of September 3d. (See 1582, 1751, and NoteM.) January 11th. Death of Sir Hans Sloane, eminent English physician and naturalist; age 92 years, 8 months, 25 days. His library and large collection of natural specimens, etc., is offered, in accordance with his will, to the nation for £20,000. The offer is ac- cepted, and the British Museum is started with this collection. Act of l»arliament passed in England, for the naturalization of Jews; but it is repealed, the following year, upon the petition of all the cities of Enaland. HEG. 1165 Nov. 20. 1166 Not. 9 H. I. A. U. C. A.M. J. P. 14 96 2504 uo'o 6464 15-96 2505 5756 6465 1167 Oct. 29 1- 97th Cycle. 2506 5757 6466 UJ Q. o 0. u. o CO z Z) cc UJ X H O Q K U. < Q 00 ° UJ UJ <" DC < CO z < a. LJ CO D o I UJ I I- 321 A. D. 1753 TO 1755 A. D. HBG. K.I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1753 January 14th. Death of Rev. George Berke- ley, bishop of Cloyue, eminent and pro- found Irish philosopher; author of "Prin- ciples of Human Knowledge," "The Minute Philosopher," etc. ; age G8 years, 10 months, 2 days. 1753 March 1st. New Style adopted in Sweden. (Ac. Blair.) 1754 February 16th. Death tf Richard Mead, cele- brated English physician; age SO years, 6 months, 5 days. 1754 March (3th. Death of ITenry Pelham, eminent English statesman; lord of the treasury, and chancellor of the exchequer; age 58 years. 1754 Beginning of the French and Indian War in America, between Fiance and England, and their colonies. 1754 September 2d. Terrible and destructive earthquake, at (irand Cairo, Egypt ; 40,- 000 perish. 1754 October 8th. Death of Henry Fielding, cele- brated English novelist; age 47 years, 5 months, Ifi days. 1755 February 10th. Death of Charles de Secon- dat Montesquieu, popular and brilliant French author and philosopher; age 06 years, 22 days. 1755 April 21st. Quito, in Peru, destroyed by an earthquake. 1755 General Braddock is sent from England to America, as commander-in-chief of the royal forces, against Ihe Frencli colonists. 1755 July 9th. General Braddock, disregarding the suggestions of Washington, his aide-de- camp, falls into an ambush of the French and hostile Indians, near Fort Duquesne; is defeated, and mortally wounded at the battle of tlie Monongahela. 1755 November 1st. Lisbon, Portugal, destroyed by a fearful earthquake, by which 50,000 of the inhabitants are swallowed up in a few minutes. The fatal effects of this earth- quake are felt in many other places also. 1755^ Samuel Johnson, L.L. D., publishes his cele- brated English dictionarv. (See 1784.) 1167 Oct. 39 97th Cycle. 1168 Oct. 18 2-97 1160 Oct. 7 2506 2507 5757 6466 5758 6467 3-9"? 2508 5759 6468 323 A. D. 1756 TO 1757 A. D. HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1756 May 18tli. Eiigiand declares war against France. 1750 Beginning of tlie Seven Years' War; Austria, France, Eussia, etc., against Pnissia, Eng- land, etc. (See 1763.) 1756 June 2d. The Foundling Hospital, founded by Thomas Coram, is enlarged, and re- opened for children. (See 1740.) 1756 Surajali Dowlali, perfidious viceroy of Ben- gal, takes Caicutta, June 20th. The gov- ernor, and otliers, abandon the fort, leav- ing its defence to Mr. Holwell, second in command. He and 145 others are thrust into the "Black Hole" prison; 123 die be- fore next morning. Mr. Hohvell, among the 23 who survived, lives until 1798. 1756 August 16th. The French, under Marquis de Montcalm, frovement on Ilar- greaves' hand spinning-jenny. (See 1767.) Arkwright works his machinery by horse power imtil 1771, which see. (See 1792.) Decemliei- K^th. Death of Christian Fiirch- tegott (iellert, eminent German poet, and miscellaneous writer of higji morals; age 54 years, 5 mouths, 9 days. Blackfriars-bridge, London, completed by Mylne, the architect. (See 1760, Oct. 31st.') March 5th. The "Boston Massacre." A mob armed with clubs and led by Attucks, a mulatto, insults and attacks the English soldiers stationed at Boston, under Cap- tain Preston. Their lives being in danger, several of the soldiers fire on the mob, kill- ing Attucks and three others, and wound- ing several. Preston and the soldiers are brought to trial, but are nobly and success- fully defended by the American patriots, John Adams and Josiah Quincy, in Octo- ber, who, in justice, take Preston's part, at the expense of popularity and patriotic feeling. March 5th. Lord North for\Aards a repeal of all taxing of the colonies, excepting the tax on tea. The Russian fleet, under Orlof, Russian admiral, and Elphinstone, Scotch admiral in the Russian service, defeats the Turks at Scio, July 5th, and burns the Turkish fleet at Tchesme, July 7th. Elphinstone soon after quarrels with Orlof, and leaves the Russian ser%nce. 1183 May 8 98 2522 5773 1184 April 27 3 98 2523 5774 6483 332 A. D. 1770 TO 1772 A. I). HEG. K. 1. A. U. C. A. M. J. p. 1770 August 24th. Death, by suicide, of Thomas Chattertou, English prodigy, who wrote successful poems, etc., from tlie age of 12; age at death, 17 years, 9 montlis, 4-5 days. 1184 April 27 398 2523 5774 6483 1770 September 30th. Death of George Whitefield, celebrated English Methodist preacher; age 55 years, 9 months, 14 days. 1770 Death of Johaun Jakob Bnicker, eminent German historian; age 74. 1770 November 13th. Death of George Grenville, ex-prime minister of England, author of the Grenville or Stamp Act, the prime cause of the American Kevolutiim; age 58. 1770 November 14th. elames Bruce discovers the scmrce of the Blue Nile. (See 17(58, June. ) 1771 Bengal, British India, devastated by a terri- ble famine. 1185 April 16 4-98 2524 5775 6484 1771 June 11-1 2th. Lieutenant James Cook re- turns from his first voyage around the world, and is at once promoted to the rank of captain. (See 1768.) 1771 Louis XV., of France, banishes the Tarlia- ment at Paris, and takes other arbitrary measures. 1771 July 30th. Death of Thomas Gray, eminent English lyric poet, etc.; age 54 years, 7 months, 4 days. 1771 Richard Arkwright (knighted 1786) builds his celebrated cotton mill, moved with water power, at Cromford. (See 1769 and , 1792. ) 1771 October 21st. Death of Tobias (Jeorge Smol- lett, distinguished British novelist and historian ; age 50. 1771 December 2Gth. Death of C. A. Helvetius, celebrated French author and philosopher; • age 56 years, 11 months, 26 days. His writings and morals are condemned by the Church. 1 1772 Diderot and D'Alembert complete the publi- ^ 1186 cation of their "Encyclopedie." (vSee 1751 *"' 59s 2525 5776 6485 and 1784.) 1772 Granville Sharp, eminent English philan- thropist, and one of the originators of the association for the abolition of negro slav- 000 A. D. 1772 TO 1774 A. D. HEG. K. I. A. U. C. I A. M. J. P. 1772 ery, commences his efforts in tlieir behalf, at the trial for the negro Somerset. (See Note T. ) 1772 Marcli 20tli. Death of Emanuel Swedenborg, noted Swedish philosopher and physicist, founder of the "New Jerusalem" sect, or Swedeuborgianism ; age 84 years, 2 months. 1773 :\[arch 24th. Death of Philip Dormer Stan- hope, fourth earl of Chesterfield, renowned English courtier, orator, and wit, and model of politeness, and taste ; author of "Lord Chesterfield's Letters to His Son" ; age 78 years, 6 months, 2 days. 1773 ( June 7th, ac. Haydn ; December luth, ac. Blair.) Santiago de Guatemala, capital of Cruatemala, Central America, with 80,- 000 iuhaliitants, swallowed up by an earth- (jualvc. 1773 June 16th. Warren Hastings, governor of Bengal, is made governor-general of all the settlements in British India. 1773 July 21st. The order of Jesuits suppressed by i>apal bull of (^lement XIV. ( See 1534, 1540, 1004, 1006, 1764, 1767, 1814.) 1773. August 2d. The "Maryland Journal," since known as "Baltimore Daily American," prints its first issue. 1773 December 16th. The famous "Boston Tea Party." A meeting is held in Old South Meeting-house by the Colonists, to prevent the landing of the tea, on account of the taxation. They are harangued by Josiah Quincy. About fifty of their number, dis- guised as MohaAvk Indians, repair to the wharf, followed by the Avhole mass-meet- ing, and boarding the three tea-laden ships, witliout resistance, open and empty into the water 342 chests of tea. 1774 March 14th. Lord North's bill for closing the Boston port is introduced in Parlia- ment. 1774 ' March 31st. The Boston Port Bill, having passed Parliament, receives royal consent. 1774 ' April 4th. Death of Oliver Goldsmith, Irish poet and novelist, etc.; age 45 years, 4 months, 24 days. 1186 April f) 598 2525 1187 Mar. 25 6-98 2526 1188 Mar. H 5776 ' 6485 5777 64S6 7-98 2527 5778 6487 334 A. D. 1774 TO 1775 A. I). HEG. E. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1774 April 19th. Edmund Burke, the celebrated orator, makes his great, eloquent speech in Parliament against American taxaticm. (8ee 17SG, 1780, and 1797.) 1774 August. Oxygen air discovered by Dr. Priestley, English chemist and heretical theologian. 1774 September 5th. First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia. 1774 The Koyal Humane Society, founded by Doctors William Hawes, Thomas Cogan, and others, for the recovery of persons apparently drowned. Their motto, "Lateat scintillula forsan" (A small spark may lurk unseen.) 1774 October 19th. Peggy Stewart, a ship owned by Alexander Stewart, enters the harbor of Annapolis, laden with tea. Annapolis and Anne Arundel patriots, led by Dr. C. A. Warfield, demand of Stewart that he send the load of tea back to Great Britain. Stewart refusing to comply, they place a torch in his hand, and compel him to set fire to and destroy his ship and cargo. 1775 April 19th. The American Revolution begins with the Battle of Lexington, in which the English, taking the Americans unawares, gain the advantage, and destroy some of the cannons, ammunition, etc., belonging to the Colonists. 1775 ]\Iesmer, German physician, publishes his dis- covery of the theory of animal magnetism, called after him, mesmerism. 1775 Volunteers rise in all the States, to assist in the great cause of liberty. Among the great heroes are John Stark, of New Hampshire; Israel Putnam, of Connecticut; Washing- ton, of Virginia ; Ethan Allen, of Vermont ; Benedict Arnold (the traitor), etc. 1775 April 12th. Lord Effingham, English noble, resigns his commission, refusing to fight against the cause of American liberty. 1775 May 10th, at daybreak. Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold, with only eighty-three men, "The Green Mountain Boys," or Ver- monters, surprise and attack Ticonderoga. 1188 Mar. U 7 98 2527 5778 6487 1189 4 8-98 2528 5779 6488 a3.5 A . D. 1775 A. I). HEG. R. I. A. U. C. A.M. J. P. 1775 1775 1775 1775 1775 1775 1775 1775 1775 Allen demands of Captain Delaplaee in- stant snrrender, "In the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." May 10th. Second Continental Congress as- sembles at Philadelphia, and orders the is- sue of paper currency, stamped "The United Colonies," to the amount of $3,- 000,000. May 12th. Crown Point taken by the Ameri- cans. May 21-31st. The citizens of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, prepare and set forth a formal Declaration of Independ- ence for the State of North Carolina. June 15th. George Washington is nominated and unanimously chosen commander-in- chief of the Continental army. June 17th. Battle of Bunker Hill. The Eng- lish, under Generals Howe and Pigot, after a tremendous struggle, gain the con- tested ground, having lost more than one thousand men. The Americans, under Colonel Prescott, re-enforced by Stil)le. Hale is hanged as a spy on Septend)er 22d. Cunningham destmys his farewell letter to his mother and sisters, assigning as the excuse f(U' this lirutality, that he "would not have the rebels to know that they had a man in their army who could die with so much firmness." Hale's last words were: "I only regret that I lutve but one life to lose for my cimntrv." 177(1 October 28th. Washington defeated by (Jeneral Howe, at ^^'hite Plains. 1776 November 16th. Fort Washington captured liy the British, under General Howe. 1776 December 21st. Benjamin Franklin arrives at Paris, as ambassador from U. S. of America. 177i; December 26th, early in the morning. Battle of Trenton. \\'ashington defeats the Hessian troops at Trenton, and takes nearly 1,000 prisoners. 1776 The Italian translation of the Bible is completed. 339 A. 1». 1777 (Hegira 1191. Feb. llth ) (R. I. 10-38 i (A. V. C. 2530) (A. M. 5781) (J. P. 6400) •Jaiiiiarv ;5il. \\'ashiuj;t()n yaius a victory dvlt the British, at Princeton. 1777 June 27tli. AA'illiam Dodd, D. D., English poet, essayist, etc., executed for for- gery ; age 48. 1777 July 31st. ^Maripiis de La Fayette enters the service of the United States in the rank of major-general. 1777 August 16th. General Stark gains a victory over the English, at Bennington. 1777 Septeinlter llth. Battle of Braiidywine. General WashingtoTi is defeated by (Jeneral Howe, l^a Fayette is wounded. 1777 September 10th. Indecisive battle of Bennis Heiglits. (First battle at Still- M^ater; see October 7th.) 1777 Septend)er L'6th. The British occupy Philadelphia. 1777 Night of October 3d, and early morning of October 4th. Burgoyne repulses the Americans, at Gerniantown. 1777 October 7th. Battle of Saratoga, between Burgoyne and Gate?".. (Second fougiit near the village of Stillwater; see Septend)er 19th.) The Americans, under General Gates, gain the advantage. 1777 October 17th. (icneral Burgoyne. besieged at Saratoga by the Americans, sur- renders by capitulation to General Gates: tlie terms being that Burgoyne's army, of more than 5,500 men. should deliver up their arms, artillery, etc., and be returned to England, ]iledged to tight no more in the present war. 1777 October 21st. Death of Samuel Foote, English dramatist and comedian; age 57. 1777 Noveud)er 18th. Death of William Bowyer, celebrated English printer and scholar; age 77 years, 10 months, 29 days. 1777 November 18th. Sir William Pitt, carl of Ghatham, in declining years and health, attends Parlianumt, and makes his great speech oi)[)osing employ- ing the Indians against the Americans. ( See 1778.) 1777 I)ecend)er llth. The American army, with AVashington and Fa l'"'ayette, take up tlieir winter (piarters at Valley Forge. 1777 Deceud)er 12th. Death of Albrecht von Haller, celebrated Swiss scholar, natu- ralist, ])oet. and ])hysician; termed "Father of ^lodern Physiology"; age 69 years, 1 month, 26 days. 1778 ( Ilegira 1 192, Jan. 31st ) ( R. I. IV^» ) ( A. V. (\ 2531 ) ( A. M. 5782 ) ( J. P. 6491 ) January 10th. Death of C'arl von Liunanis, celebrated Swedish mituralist; age 70 years, 5 months, 27 days. 1778 January 15th. Nootka Sound discovered liy Gaptain Gook in his third and last voyage. 1778 l'\'bi-uary (ith. Louis XN'L, of I'^rance, acknow ledges tiie independence of U. S. of America, and enters into Treaty of Alliance with them. 1778 ( April 22d, ac. Spencer; June 17th, ac. Blair, i Tiic American Congress decides to refuse to consider the treaty of peace ottered by England. 1778 April. John Paul Jones, Scotch seaman, in United States sei'vi'Ce, cruises about the British coast, and does much danutge to her navy; he attacks suc- cessfully AVhitchaven, burns the sliipping, and ca])tures the Drake, a British man-of-war, April 24th. '^ A. II. 177.S April-.Mav. (ii'ii. William Howo resiiius the coiiiinaiKl of the Uritisk anii,v in America, and is succeeded by (ieiieral Clinton. 177S May lltli. Death of Sir William P. tt, earl (.f ("liafliani, illustrious Enj;lisli statesman and orator; aye (!!( years, 5 months, iMi days. Ills renniins are in- terred in Westminster Abbey, at public expense, by vote of Parliauieut. (See 1777, Novend>er ISth.) 177S May 8()th. Death of Voltaire, celebrated French deistical philosopher; age 84 years, 3 mouths, 10 days. 177S June ISth. The British, under Clinton, evacuate Pliilaih^llihia. 1778 June I28th. Washiunton defeats Clinton, at Monmouth. 1778 July LM. DeaUi of Jean Jacques R(msseau, celebrated l-'rencb ])Iiilosopher ; born at Ceneva ; ai;(' (>(> years, 4 days. 1778 (November iMitli, ac. lilair ; Decend)er, ac. Ilaydu. ) ('apt. James Cook discovers the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands. He names them Sandwich Islands in honor of earl of Sandwich. 177!> ( lle-ira 11!»8, Jan. 20th) (K. I. 12-98) (A. V. C. 2532) (A. M. 5783) (J. P. 0402) January 2(»(h. Deatli of David (iarrick, famous Eui^lish dranmtist and actor; aye (i2 years, 11 months. 177!» Samuel Cnmipton invents the spinning machine called the mule-jenny. 177!i I'ebruary 14th. Ca])tain Cook killed by the natives of Owyhee. (See 1708, 1771, January 15th, and 1778, November 20th. ) 177!> -March 3d. (leneral Ashe is surprisetl and defeated, at Brier Creek, by the British, under I'revost. 177'.t (June 21st, ac. Encyclo. Brit.; July. ac. Haydn.) Memorable siege of the for- tress of (Jibraltar, by the French and Spanish Heets, begins. (See February, 1783.) 177!) July Kith, near midnight. The Americans, under (T<'nei'al ^^'ayne, successfully storm Stony Point. 1770 August 8-1 0th. (Jreat ei'uption of JMount Vesuvius. 1770 Septend)er 23d. John Paul Jones gains a victory oil" the British coast. 1780 (Hegira: 37th Cycle; 1104, Jan. 0th, and 110.5, Dec. 20th.) ( 1{. I. 1398) (A. r. C. 2533) (A. M. 5784) (J. P. 0403.) I\'bruary 14th. Death of Sir William Blackstone, celebrated English jurist; author of "Commentaries on the Laws of England"; age 50 years, 7 months, 4 days. 1780 April 17th. George Rodney, English admiral, defeats the Spanish fleet, off Cape St. Vincent. 1780 A great riot in London, called Cordon's "No Popery" mob, headed by Lord Ceo. Cordon, to oppose all toleration of K(»man Catholics. The rioters do great damage, destroying churches, opening prisons, etc., from June 2-Oth, for which Cior(h>n is committed to the tower. 1780 (July 10th, ac. S]ieiicei-; .^\\m' 10th, ac Blair.) The French troops, under Mar- shal Roclunnbeau, arrive at Rhode Island, to help the Americans. 1780 .Inly. Cen. Benedict Arnold, the oiily traitor in the American army, sells himself to December 23d. Oeneral Washington resigns his commission to Congress. 1784 ( Megira 1199, Nov. 16) (R. I. 2-99) (a. U. C. 2537) (A. M. 5788) (J. P. 0197.) A'alentin Haiiy invents, and introduces at Paris, a system for educating the blind, and founds there the first school for the blind. , 1784 Henry Cavendish forms water by sending the electric spark through a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, and thus discovers the composition of water, coe^•al ' with James Watt, celebrated Scotch engineer. 343 ~~ ~ A. 1). 1784 Al ail-coaches first projected in England, liy John I'aliMcr. ITS4 Ardohindscliaii, or Ai-cliindschan, in Turkey, dcslroycd hy an cartlKinake; ll',(HMI inliahifants are Imried in its rnins. 1 78 1 July 30th. Death of Denis Diderot, eminent I'rench philosopher and savant ; age 70 years, il months, 25 days. (See 1751 and 1777.) 1784 Xovemlier 14th. Kt. Key. Samuel Sealmry, D. D., is consecrated at Aberdeen, Scotland, for the diocese of Connecticut, United States of America. The tirst hislio]! consecrated for the Anglo-Catholic (or E])isco]ial i Church in America. 1784 ]>ecemher 18th. Death of Samuel Johnson, L.L. 1)., eminent English essayist, critic, ]ioet, and lexicographer (religious and iienevolent ) ; age 75 years, 2 months, 25 days. (See 1755.) 1785 ( Hegira 1200, Nov. 5th) (R. I. 3-99) , a. V. C. 2538) (A. M. 5780) (J. P. 6498.) Death of (lalupi»i, famous Italian com])oser. 1785 The coini^osition of ammonia is discovered by Berthollet, French chemist. 1785 Rerthollet discovers the bleaching powers of chlorine. 1780 ( Ilegira 1201, Oct. 25th) (K. I. 4-99) (A. U. C. 2539) (A. M. 5790) (J. P. 6490) April 4th. The articles of impeachment of Warren Hastings ])resented in Parliament, by Burke. (See 1774. 1789, and 1797. ) 1786 September 5th. Death of Jonas ITanway, philanthropist and traveler; the first to introduce into England the use of umbrellas. 1787 (Ilegira 1202, Oct. 14th) (K. I. 5-99) (A. U. C. 2540) (A. M. 5791 ) (J. P. 6500) May 23d. Commodore Philipps sails from England with 800 convicts to New South \Vales, to coloniy.e Botany Bay. He arrives there January, 1788. 1787 August 11th. The Anglican iiishopric of Nova Scotia is erected. 1787 September 17th. Convention at Philadelphia frames the Constitution of the ITuited States. 1787 The original thirteen States forming the United States are: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carcdina, South Carolina, and (ieorgia. 1787 November 25th. Death of Christoph von Olnck, eminent (lerman musical com- poser; age 73 years, 4 months, 23 days. r 1788 (Hegira 1203, Oct. 3d) (R.I. 6-99) (A. F. C. 2541) (A. M. 5792) (J. P. 6501.) John AValter founds the London Times, and publishes its first number Janu- ary 1st. 1788 Robert Barker, Irish artist, invents the panorama, and exhibits at Edinburgh a view of that city. 1788 The trial of Warren Hastings, for high crimes and misdemeanors, begins Feb- ruary 13th. (See 1795, April 23d, ac(|uittal.) Edmund Burke, celebrated Irish orator, makes the opening speech, bringing the charges against Has- tings. 344 A. n. ITNIS riiilcil States ('(lustitutiou ratified, and ad(/]ited hv the iiiajoritv of tlie States. ITSS April Kitli. Death of Comte de Bnft'oii tGeorj'e Louis Le Clere), illustrious I'rencli uatui'alist ; asje SO years. 7 months, !l days. ITS!) ( 1 i<-ira 120-t, Sept. lilid ) I K. I. 7 "■' ) l A. V. ( '. 2M-2 ) ( .V. .M. Tu'Xi } | J. P. (!502. ) The life-hoat is inxcnted l)\ Henry (ireathead, for which he receives from Parliament £1,2(1(1. 178!) April 21st and 25th, and May oth and 7th. Edmund IJnrke makes his great speeches in the trial of Warren Hastings. 17S!) The Constitution aecei)ted hy all the Fuited States, (ieuei-al \\'asliiinitou is in- augurated tirst president of United Stales, Ai)ril oOtli. John Adams is vice- president. 178!) The l-'rench clergy, noliility, and "tliird estate" ( Commons ), unite as the "Na- tional xVssembly," June 17tli. 17S!) June 2)^(1. The National Assembly, advised hy jMiraheau, refuses to comply \v\t\\ the king's connuand to disperse. 1781) July Kith. The Naticmal (Juard is formed at Paris. 178!) July 14lh. The I'reuch llevolutiou begins with the destrnclion of the liastile. 178!) July 15-l()th. Ia\ Fayette is chosen commander of the NationaH iuard. 178!) August 28th. Herschel discovers two new satellites of Saturn. 178!) Herschel completes the c(uistruction of his great telescope. 178) September 28th. Death of Thomas Day, English poet and ])hilanthroi)ist ; au- thor of "Sandford and Mertou"; age -11. 178!) Noveud)er 2d. Ecclesiastical projierty in I'rance is coutiscated by the Assembly for the state. 17!)() ( llegira 12(15, Sept. 1 1th ) ( 1{. I. 8-9? ) | A. U. ('. 2548) I A. .M. 57!)4 ) (J. P. ('.503. ) Talleyrand, celebrated I'^rench statesman and diphimatist, bisho]) of Autuu, having joined the revolutionists, resigns his bishopric. He advocates the confiscation of Church property. 17!)() January 2Uth. Death of John Howard, eminent English philanthropist; age f)3 .years, 4 months, 18 days. He aided in prison reforms in England. 17!)() IVbruary 5th. Death of William Cullen, celebrated Scotch ])hysician; age 77 years. 17!)() April 17th. Death of Benjamin h^'rauklin, illustrious American statesman, patriot, and philosopher; age 84 years, 8 months. 17!!() July8-17th. Death of Adam Smith, celebrated Sc(itch i>olitical economist; age (>7 years, 1 month, 3 days. 17!)0 July 14tli. Death of Gideon Ernst Lamlon, famous Austrian general; oppo- nent of Frederick IF, of Prussia, in the "Seven Veai-s' War": age 73 years, !) months, 4 days. 17!)1 I Hegira 120(i, Aug. 31st) ( R. I. \)^^) (A. F. C. 2544) (A. M. 5795) (J. P. 0504) .March 2(1. Death of John Wesley. f(mnder of [Methodism, or the Society of ilethodists; age 87 years, 8 months, 15 days. 17!11 March 4th. ^'ermont, fourteenth State, admitted into the Fnion. 345 A. 1). ITin April -d. Di-alli (if Mirabeau, celebrated l''reueli ui-alnr and stalesiiiau ; age 42 years, 23 days. 171)1 .June 7th. First Uiiiled States bank established at Philadelphia, wilh capital (»f 110,000,000. 17!)1 June 20th. Tlie royal family attempt to escape from France. They are stopped at Varennes, and brought l»ack to I'aris under 2 Fatal plague in Egypt. Several hundred thousand persons perish. 171)2 August 3d. Death of Sir Richard Arkwright; age 59 years, 8 months, 10 days. ("See 1769 and 1771. ) 17!)2 August 5th. Death of Lord North, English prime minister; propagator of the American ^^'ar; age 60 years, 3 months, 22 days. 1792 Ang-ust 10th. The French rioters cut to ]iieces the Royal Swiss Guard. They attack the Tuileries. 1792 August 13th. The royal family is imprisoned in the Temple. 1792 September 2d. The dreadful massacre at l»aris, l»y the revolutionists, known as "Septembrizers," begins. 1792 September 3d. Horrible murder of the pi-incess de Lamballe. 1792 September 9th. Coal-gas first applied to the purposes of illumination, l)y Wil- liam Murdoch, at his home at Redruth, in Cornwall. 1792 Rev. Thomas John Claggett, D. D. (Anglo-Catholic), is consecrated bishop of Maryland, September 17th. The first bishop consecrated on American soil. 346 MASSACRE OF THE PRISONERS, AT PARIS, SEE 1792, SEPTEMBER 2nd. MURDER OF THE PRINCESS DE LAMBALLE. SEE 1792, SEPTEMBER 3rd. 347 A. U. 1792 National Couveution iu Frauce assumes the place of the National Legislative Assembly, September 21st. Koyalty declared by it to be abolished. 1792 The French Kevolutioiiary f'alendar lie^ins its era Sej)teniber 22d, but first comes into use November 24th, 1793. ( t^ee ISO"), December 31st ; ISOG, Janu- ary 1st, and Note U. ) 1792 The Jacobin party, under ^larat, Danton, and J\(»bespierre, nr<;e the murder of the kinj;-. The (lirondists, or Brissotines, led by Rrissot, advocate a republic, but oppose the cruelty of the Jacobins, especially with rej^ard to the royal family. 1792 October 2Sth. Death of John Snieaton, celebrated Eninlisli civil ent>ineer. (Re- builder of Eddystone lighthouse, 1759. 1 Ajic (iS years, 4 niontlis, 20 days. 1792 M. Chappe, I'rench engineer, invents a telei;raph, wliicli is tried with success in France. 1793 (Hegira 1208, Aug. 9th) (K. 1. 11-99) ^x. V. V. 254(i) (A. M. 5797) (J. V. (J506.) The Anglican bishopric of Canada founded. 1793 January 21st. T>ouis XVI. is guillotined by oi-dei- of the T'onveution. 1793 Coalition of the princi[)al Euroi)eau States, against France, is begun l)y Aus- tria, Prussia, and (Jreat Britain. 1793 ]\Iai'ch 4tli. ^^'ashingtou <'ntei's liis second tei-m of four years, as president of Fnited States. 1793 June 2d. The Jacobins finally overjiowcr all tlie (Jirondists, and begin the reign of terror, under Marat, Danton, and Kol)es])ierre. 1793 July 13th. The tyrant ^larat is assassinated by Charlotte Corday for lier coun- try's sake. 1793 July 17tli. Charlotte C(U"day is guillotined. 1793 The tii'st churcji in Austi'alia built by the Fnglisii, in August. 1793 Octol)er 7-Sth. The Jacobins take Lyons, and liorribiy massacre the inhabit- ants. 1793 October Kith. Marie Antoinette is e.vecuted. 1793 October 31st. Brissot, and all the Girondists, e.\ecuted. (See 1792, seventeenth item. ) 1793 November (Ith. Louis Philippe Jose])h, duke of Orleans (Philippe Egalite), is guillotined. He is nni)itied by any party, liaving himself voted, in January, for the execution of his relative, Louis XVI. 1793 November 10th. Tlu^ French Convention decrees abolishment of Christianity, and orders the 'A\'orshi]» of TJeas m" instead. All chui-ches in Paris are closed by Decendier 1st. 1793 November 24th. The Convention decrees the use of the "Kevolutionary Calen- dar,'' in jjlace of the Christian Era. This French era dates from Septend)er 22d, 1792. (See Note U, and 1792.) 1793 December 19th. Bonaparte, commanding the French artillery, retakes Toulon, and is appointed general of brigade; age 24. 1793 Volta, celebrated Italian electrician, and natural philosopher, invents his great Voltaic pile. 349 A. 1>. 17!I4 ( Ileiiira 1209, July 29th) (R. I. 12-99) , a. U. C. 2547 ) ( A. M. 5798) (J. P. 6507) January IGth. Death of Edwartl (iililion, English historian; author of "De- cline and Fall of the Koman Empire"; age 50 years, 8 nioutlis, 19 days. 1794 Danton, having (juarreled with Robespierre, is arrested and brought before the fatal tribunal he himself had instituted. He is condemned and guillotined, with Camille Desmoulins, Fabre d'Eglantine, and others, April 5th. 1794 May 8th. Lavoisier, celebrated I'^rench chemist, is guillotined; age 50 years, 8 months, 22 days. 1794 June 1st. The English, under Admiral Howe,' defeat tlie French fleet. 1794 June Stii. Robespierre celebrates the "Fete de TEtre Supreme." 1794 June 2()tli. The Austrians, under the prince of Coluirg, ai'e defeated by Jean Baptiste Jourdan, French marshal. 1794 July 21st. Tremendous fire at Ratcliffe, England, in which 030 houses, and an East India warehouse containing 35,000 bags of saltpeter, are destroyed. Loss anumiits to £1,000,000. 1794 An earthiiualce in Turki-y destroys tlirec towns aTid 10,000 persons. 1794 Tile \\ iiiskey Insurrection in Western I'ennsyl^ ania : the insurgents defy the excise laws of diity on domestic li(piors, but are speedily subdued ))y Wash- ington's pnmipt measures. 1794 July 28th. Robespierre and bis followers ai'e guillotined. End of the "Reign of Terror." 1794 Angus! 20tli. < icneral Wayne signally defeats the Indians, near ]Maumee Rapids. 1794 Kosciuszko, I'olisli patriot, general, and statesman, having raised the stand- ai'd of independence of Poland, is opposed by combined armies of Russia, Prussia, and Austria. He is defeated and taken prisoner at Maciejowice, October 10th. (See 1817.) 1795 (Hegira 1210, July 18th) (R. I. 13-99) (x. U. C. 2548) (A. M. 5799) (J. P. 6508) A]>ril 23(1. Warren Hastings is acquitted. (See 178S, Febiiiary 13th.) 1795 A tax is laid in England upon all persons using hair powder. 1795 May 8th. Antoine Queutin Fouquier-Tiuville, a Jacobin, one of the monsters of the French revolution, is executed. 1795 May 19th. Death of James Boswell, celebrated Scotch biographer; age 54 years, 6 months, 20 days. 1795 George Vancouver, English circumnavigator, retni-ns from his tour, and be- gins Avriting his "Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World." 1795 June 8th. Louis XVII., son of Louis XVI., dies of ill usage and neglect, in the tower; age 10 years, 2 months, 11 days. His uncle takes the title of Louis XVIII. 1795 October 5th. Bonaparte commands the Conventional troops, and defeats the rising Parisians and National Guards. 1795 The new Gonstitution in France. The "Council of Ancients," composed of 250 members, and "Council of Five Hundred," 500 members, inaugurated Octo- ber 2Sth. The executive "Directory," of five members, instituted Novemlier 1st, to legislate conjointly with the two Councils. 1795 November 25th. Final partition and extinction of Poland. 350 LAST INTERVIEW OF LOUIS XVI. Vi^lTH HIS FAMILY, JANUARY 20TH. SEE 1793, JANUARY 21ST. THE GIRONDISTS MARCHING TO DEATH. SEE 1793, OCTOBER 31ST. 351 A. 0. 1790 ( lleiiira llMl, July Ttli ) (K. I. 14-99 , , v. r. C. 254!) i (A. M. 5800) (J. P. 0509) February I'od. I'xmaparte, age 2(> years, is appointed cunnnander of the French army in Italy. 1790 Dr. Edward Jenner, discoverer of the anti-variolous effect of co^y-pock or vac- cine inoculation, makes his first public exjieriment. May 14th, on a healthy child of about eight years old. X. I«. — He made the discovery by hearing a milkmaid say, that she could not take the smallpox, because she had already had the cow-pox, which she liad contracted from a disease on the cow's udder. (Bee ITl'l and 1799.) 1790 June 1st. Tennessee, sixteenth State, admitted into the Union. 1790 July 21st. Death of Robert Burns, Scotch ]i(;et; age 37 years, 5 months, 20 days. 1790 Telegraphs erected at the Admiralty-office, London. 1790 LithogT'aiiliy invented l)y Alois Senefeldei-, a (lerman. ( Date ac. TTaydn's Die. ; 17S9, ac. Haydn's I'.iog. ; 179S, ac. J. Thomas.) 1797 (Ilegira 1212, June 20t]i )( R. I. 15 99) , a. F. ('. 2550) (A. M. 5801) (J. V. 0510.) Bonaparte conciuers the Church States, in Italy, and forces I he pojic to sign the treaty of ])eace at Tolentino, February l!)th. 1797 March 4th. John Adams is inaugurated second pirsident of the Fnited States. Thomas Jeffer.son is vice-president. 17!)7 George Canning, assisted by (Jeorge IClIis and others, begins to ])ulplisli the fa- mous weekly satires "Anti-Jacobin." 1797 Death of Baron Miinchauseu, noted (ierman ollicer, whose name has become proverbial as a synonym of extraordinary exaggeration and boasting; age 77 1797 June. Bonaparte establishes the Cisal])ine' Rejinblic. 1797 July 9th. Death of Edmund Burke, the great Irish (trator; age 07 ye^irs, months, 8 days. 1797 July lltli. Dentil of Charles JIacklin ( ^IcLaughlin was his family name). popular Irish actor and dramatist; age 107 years, 2 months, 10 days. 1797 September 10th. 1 )ea1h of Mary U'ollstonecraft Codwin, English anthoi-ess; age 3S years, 4 months, 13 days. 1797 Bonaparte insists, in his treaty with Austria, upon the liberation of La Fayette from the ])rison at Olnn'itz. La I'-ayette is freed September 19th, after an imprisonment of four years, one moiitli. 1797 October 0th. Municij^al charter granted for the town of Baltin;ore, Maryland, TTnited States. 1797 Bonaparte concludes a treaty of peace between Austria and France, signed at Campo Formio, October 17th. 1797 Decend)er 20-27th. Death (if John Wilkes, pojtular English politician; age 70. 1798 ( Hegira 1213, June 15th ) ( R. L 1, 100th ( 'yclc i ( .\. V. C. 2551 ) (A. .M. 5802) (J. P. 6511.) February IStli. The French, under Berthier, a general under Bonapart(\ ca]i ture Rome, expel Pope Pius VI., and ]»roclaim Rome a re]iublic. 1798 May 4th. The great rebellion in Ireland begins. 353 A. D. 1798 May 10th. Death of George Varicouver, English circumnavigator. (See 1795.) 1798 Gas-lights introduced at Birmingham, by Boulton and Watt. (See 1803.) 1798 The Fuited States resists the right claimed by France, to seize British subjects and manufactures on neutral ships. 1798 May 19th. Bonaparte sails from Toulon on his expedition against Egypt. He captures Island of Malta, dispossessing the Knights of St. John, June 12th. 1798 May 23d. Battle of KilcuUen, in which the Irish rebels are victorious. 1798 May 24th. The Irish are defeated at the battle of Naas, and again at Tara, May 26th. 1798 Bonaparte having landed in Egypt, takes Alexandria, July 2d. 1798 The "Alien Laws," July 6th, and "Sedition Laws," July 14th, are passed in United States, under John Adams. 1798 The French abolisli the Swiss Confederacy, and proclaim the Helvetic Re- public. 1798 Bonaparte nearly annihilates the Mamelukes in the great battle of the Pyra- mids, July 21st. lie takes Cairo July 22d. 1798 August 1st. Battle of the Nile. Sir Horatio Nelson (afterwards Lord Nel- son), gains a glorious victory over the French, at Aboukir, at the mouth of the Nile. He takes nine French ships, l»urns two, and two escape. The vic- tor is raised to the peerage with the title "Baron Nelson of the Nile." (Oc- tober 6th, ac. Blair; November 6th, ac. Haydn.) 1799 (Hegira 1214, June 4th) (R. L 2-100, (a. U. C. 2552) (A. M. 5803) (J. P. 6512) January 21st. Vaccination is ]iublicly iTitroduced in England, by Dr. Ed- ward Jenner, and becomes a general ])ractice. ( See 1721 and 1796. ) 1799 Achard, chemist, native of Germany, resident of France, produces excellent sugar from the beet root, and introduces its manufacture in France. (See 17'47. ) 1799 February 4th. Bunaparte begins his march towards Syria. He takes Gaza, February 25th. 1799 March 7th. Bonaparte storms and takes Jaffa. 1799 Bonaparte lays siege to Acre, March 18th. The English, under Sir Sidney Smith, compel him to raise the siege. May 20th. He returns to Egypt. 1799 May 4th. The English, under General Baii'd, storm and take Seringapatam, India. Tip])()() Sahib is killed in the engagement. 1T!»9 June Gth. Death of Patrick Henry, the great Virginia statesman, orator, and patriot ; age 63 years, 7 days. 1799 Bonaparte defeats the Tui'ks at Aboukir, July 25th, and massacres his pris- oners. 1799 Angust 22d. Bonaparte gives Kleber command of the army in the East, and embarks for France. 1799 NovenU)er 9th (18th Brumaire). Bonaparte, aided by Sieyes and Ducos, both members of the Directory (of five), effects the "coup-d'etat," overtlirowing the Directorial government, dispersing by military force the Council of Five Hundred, and declaring himself, Sieyes, and Ducos, to be "consuls provi- soires." 1799 Constitution of December 13th. Bonaparte is chosen first consul, with Cam- bacCn-0's and Lebrun as second and third consuls, for a term of ten years. ~' 354 TRIUMPH OF THE TYRANT MARAT. MAY, 1793. MARAT ASSASSINATED BY CHARLOTTE CORDAY. SEE 1793, JULY 17TH. 355 A. U. 1799 December 14th. Death of George Washington, at Mt. Vernon, \'irginia ; age G7 years, 9 months, 22 days. 1800 ( Ilegira 1215. May 24th ) ( R. I. 3100 , (A. U. C. 2553) (A. M. .5804 1 ( J. P. 6513. ) Tlie seat of government of United States is removed from Pliihidelphia to A\asliiugton. ISOO The royal "Institution of Great Britain" is formed and incorporated by royal cliarter. 1800 Downing College, Cambridge (founded by Sir George Downing, by will, 1717), receives its charter. 1800 Earl Stanhope introduces in England his improved printing-press. 1800 April 25th. Death of William Cowpcr, popular English poet; age 68 years, 4 months, 29 days. 1800 April 30th. Sir Anthony Carlisle and \\illiam Nicholson decompose water by the Voltaic battery. 1800 August 25t]i. Death ttf Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, celebrated English essayist; founder of the Blue Stocking Club, and benefactress of the chimney-sweepers of London ; age 79 years, 10 months 23 days. 1800 Septend)er 30th. Treaty of peace concluded between United States and I*" ranee. 1800 Deceml)er 3d. Battle of Hohenlinden. Moreau, celebrated French general, sig- nally defeats the Austrians. 1801 (Hegira 1216, May 13) (R. I. 4100 ) (A. U. C. 2554 | (A. M. 5805) (J. P. 6514) January 1st. Union of Great Britain and Ireland. 1801 January 1st. Piazzi discovers tlie first of the asteroids. He names the planet Ceres. (See 1802, 1804, 1807.1 1801 I'ebruary 9th. Peace of Luneville, between Germany, Austria, and France, concluded. 1801 Thomas JetTers(m inaugurated third president of United States, March 4th. Aardu Burr is vice-president. 1801 March 21st. Battle of Ale.\andria, Egypt, between the French, under Meuou, and tlie I^nglisli. under Sir Ralph Abercrond)y, who defeats the French; but is himself mortally wounded. Major-General Hutchinson takes command of the English forces, and completes the victory. 1801 Night of March 23d-24th. Emperor Paul, of Russia, is assassinated by a con- spiracy. His son, Alexander I., ascends the throne. 1801 June 10th. Tripoli declares war against United States. 1801 June 27th. The English, aided by the Turks, compel the French to evacuate Egypt. 1801 July 15th. Bonaparte concludes his Concordat with Pius VII. The Catholic Ciuirch is restored in France, but under control of the State. 1801 First attempt to navigate a steamboat on the Thames. 1801 Joseph Marie Jacquard, French mechanician, invents the Jaccjuard loom. Pat- ented December 23d. 357 A. 1). 1802 (Hesrira 1217, May 3d) (R. I. S^o^) (A. U. C. 2555) (A. M. 5800) (J. P. G515) Manli 27tli. Defiuitive treaty of peace signed at Amiens, between France, Spain, Batavian Republic (;. c. Holland), and England. 1802 Parliament votes £10,000 to Dr. Jenner, and £1,200 to Mr. Greathead. (See 1789 and 1706.) 1802 March 28th. Olbers, German astronomer and physician, discovers the second asteroid, and names the planet Pallas. (See 1801, 1804, 1807.) 1802 May 19th. Bonaparte creates the "Legion of Honor." 1802 August 2d. Bonaparte is made first consul of France for life. 1802 "Edinburgh Review" founded by Francis Jeffrey, Rev. Sydney Smith, and Henry Brougham. The first number is issued in October. (1st, ac. Blair; 10th, ac. Haydn.) 1802 Louisiana, in America, is ceded back to France by Spain. 1802 Ohio, seventeenth State, admitted into the LTnion. 1803 (Hegira 1218, April 22d ) (R. L (ii00| , a. V. C. 2550) (A. M. 5807) (J. P. 6510) (January 19tli, ac. Haydn; 29tli. ac lUaii. ) The Royal Jenncrian Insti- tution is founded, for the promotion of the practice of vaccination. ( See 1721, 1776, 1796, 1799, and 1802.) 1803 March 14th. Death of Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, celebrated German relig- ious poet ; author of "Messiah"' ; age 78 years, 8 months, 12 days. 1803 April 30th. Louisiana purchased frcmi France by United States. (See 1802.) 1803 Frederick Alliert ^^'insor introduces the use of gas-lights at the Lyceum The- atre, London. (See 1798.) 1803 (^aledonian Gaual, from North Sea to Atlantic Ocean, is begun. (^May 1st, ac. Blair; after July 27th, ac. Haydn.) 1803 May 18th. England declares war against France. France declares war against England. :\Iay 22d. 1803 August 9th. Fulton, American engineer, tries his steamboat on the Seine, but is not encouraged by the French. 1803 Sir Arthur Wellesley (afterwards duke of Wellington) begins his brilliant ca- reer in India by taking Poonali and Ahmednuggur, August 12th. He defeats the Mahrattas at Assaye, September 23d. He gains a victory over Sciudiaii, at Argauiii, in November, and again at Gawalghur, December 13-14th. 1803 Dr. Gall, a German physiologist, first promulgates the science of phrenology. 1803 October 8th. Death of Vittorio Alfieri, celebrated Italian poet; age 54 years, 8 months, 21 days. 1803 December ISth. Death of Johann Gottfried von Herder, gifted German philos- opher and writer; age 59 years, 3 months, 24 days. 1804 (Hegira 1219, April 11th) (R. I. 7-i<"') (A. U. C. 2557) (A. M. 5808) (J. P. 6517) February 12tb. Death of Immauuel Kant. ]irofound German philosopher and metaphysician; founder of the "Critical and Transcendental School of Phil- osophy" ; age 79 years, 9 months, 20 days. 1804 March 21st. "Code Napoleon" adopted in France. 1804 Due d'Enghien, French prince, arrested in his own chateau, on neutral terri- tory, and after mock military trinl, is shot ^farch 21st, by order of Bona- 358 J. L. GAY-LUSSAC. SEE 1804, AUGUST 24TH. LORD NELSON. SEE 1805, OCTOBER 21ST. 360 A. D. parte, on charge of taking arms against the I'^rencli government. Enghien's last request, to see a confessor before his death, is inliumanly denied him. 1804 March 24th. Death of Wolfgang von Kemi)elen, remarkaltle Hungarian me- clianician, inventor of the wonderful automatic chess-player aud a speaking- machine; age TOyears, 2 months, 1 day. 1804 A]>ril 9th. Death of Xecker, eminent French financier and statesman, of Geue- vese birth; i»rim('-minister of France, and father of Mme. de Stael ; age 71 years, (J months, 9 days. 1804 ^A'illinm II. ^^'. Betty, an ICnglish prodigy as an actor (known as Young Ros- cius), makes his debut on the stage before his thirteenth birthday. In 1807 he retired from the stage, having amassed a fortune. 1804 The first savings bank in England, "Frugality Bank," is instituted at Totten- hiim, for the Iienertt of the jtoor, bv ^Irs. Priscilla Wakefield. 1804 May 18th. Bonaparte is declared einjieror of France, as Napoleon I. 1804 July lltli. Alexander Hamilton, celebrated Anu-rican statesman, receives a mortal wound from Aaron Burr, vice-president of Fnited States; Burr hav- ing forced Ills victim to a duel, for having thwarted his election for gov ernor of New York. Hamilton dies July 12th. 1804 August 24th and September Kith. J. L. Gay-Lussac, eminent French chemist, ascends alone in a balloon 23,040 feet, for scientific purposes. At the height of 7.01(i metres he ascertains the temperature to be 14°, 9' above zero, Fahren- heit, while on the earth's surface it is 82° F. This is the first ascent ever made. for scientific purposes. (See 1815.) 1804 Septemlier l-Oth. Professor Harding, of ficittingen, discovers the third aster- oid, which he names Juno. (See 1801, 1802, 1807.) 1804 December 7th. Napoleon and his wife. Josephine, are crowned at Paris, by Pope Pius VII. 180:. ( llegira 1220, .Mar. :Jlst ) ( K. I. 8^0^) (A. V. C. 2558) (A. M. 5809 ) (J. P. 6518) January 3d. Death of Gliarles Towuley, antiquary. His collection of an- cient sculpture, bronzes, coins, and gems, known as the "Townley ;Mth. Treaty of Presburg, between France and Austria. 1805 Deceml)er 31st. Last day in the era of the French Revolutionary Calendar, by decree of Napoleon. ( See 1 702, September 22d ; 1806, January 1st ; and Note U.) ISOi; (Heoira 1221, Mar. 20th) (R. I. O'^OO) (A. U. C. 2559) (A. M. 5810) (J. P. 6519) January 1st. The computation of time by Gregorian Calendar, or Christian Era, is restored in France, by Napoleon. (See 1792, 1805, and Note U. ) 1800 January 8th. The Cape of Good Hope is surrendered to the English, under Sir David Baird, and Sir Home Popham. 1806 January 23d. Death of Rt. Hon. AVilliam Pitt, celebrated English statesman and debater; first lord of the treasury, and chancellor of the exchequer; son of earl of Chatham ; age 46 years, 7 months, 25 days. He is inteiTed in West- minster Abbey, and a monument ei'ccted at public expense. 1806 Robert Fulton, American engineer, having returned to New York, makes a suc- cessful trial of his steamboat on the Hudson. 1806 September 10th. Death of Johann C. Adelung, distinguished German lexi- cographer; age 71 years, 1 month, 2 days. 1806 Septend)er 13th. Death of Charles J. Fox, celebrated English statesman and orator; age 57 years, 7 months, 19 days. 1806 Octolier 14th. Battles of Jena and Auerstiidt, in which Napoleon totally de- feats Frederick William III., of Prussia; 30,000 Prussians are slain, and 28,000 taken prisoners. 1806 November 21st. Napoleon issues his "Berlin Decree," declaring the British Isles to be in a state of blockade, and interdicting all intercourse or commerce with Great Britain. 1807 ( Hegirn 1222, Mar.lOth) (R. I. 10 lOO) (a. U. C. 2560) (A. M. 5811) (J. P. 6520) February 5tli. Death of Pasquale do I'aoli, celebrated Corsican general and patriot. 1807 February 8th. Battle of Eylau. French, under Napoleon, defeat the Russians with great loss of men on both sides; 15,000 French and 20,000 Russians are slain. 1807 Slave trade in England is abolished, by act passed March 25th. 1807 March 29th. Dr. Olbers, of Bremen, discovers the fourth asteroid, which he names Vesta. (See 1801, 1802, and 1804.) 1807 June lltli. Battle of Friedland. The French, under Napoleon, gain a great victory over the allied Russian and Prussian troops. 1807 June 22-23d. The British ship Leopard fires, off Cape of Virginia, on the United States frigate Chesa]ieake, when unprepared to return fire. Three of Chesapeake's crew being killed, and Commodore Barron and seventeen others wounded, Barron is forced to strike colors. 1807 July 2(1. All British armed shijjs ordered to leave harbors and waters of the United States. A. It. 1807 July 7th. Treatj'of Tilsit, between France, Russia, and Prussia. 1807 December 22d, 11 p. M. Embargo Act passed by Congress, forbidding Ameri- can vessels to leave United States ports. 1808 I llegira 1223, Feli. 28th) (E. I. 11 lOO , , a. V. (\ 2561 ) (A. M. 5812) (J. P. G521 ) Act of Congress, abolishing slave ti'ade iu Cnitcd Stales, takes etfect Janu- ary 1st. 1808 Ceorge William Manby, English captain, invents his "life-preserver," an ap- l)aratus for shooting a rope from a mortar on land to ships in distress. Lie receives afterwards £((,000 or £7,000 from government, as a reward for the invention. 1808 Rome and other parts of the Papal States are seized by Napoleon, and annexed to his kingdoui of Italy, April 2d. 1808 Sir Humphry Davy decomposes, by galvanism, fixed alkalies; demonstrating that they are metallic oxides. 1808 August 21st. The English, under Sir Arthur Wellesley, signally defeat the French army in Portugal, under Jiinot, at Vimiera. 1808 Sir Hew Dalrymple arrives in Portugal, takes command of the English army, and completes, with Juuot, the "Convention of Ciutra," between England and France, signed August 22d, by which the French, under Junot, are com- pelled to evacuate Portugal, August 30th. 1808 Covent Garden Theatre, London, is burnt, September 20th. First corner-stone of the new edifice is laid December 31st. 1808 September 25th. Death of Richard Porsou, English pre-eminent (Jreek scholar and classical critic; age 48 years, fl months. 1808 Decendier 4th. .Madrid surrenders to Xajtoleon. 1808 December 24th. Death of Dr. Thomas Beddoes, English physicist, founder of the Pneuuiatic Institution at Bristol; age 48 years, 8 months, days. 1809 (llegira 1224, Feb.l7th ) ( R. I. 12io«l (A. F. C. 2502) (A. M. 5813| (J. P. G522) January 10th. The English, under Sir John Moore, attacked by superior force of I'rench, repulse the enem^-, atCt)i'unua; but JMoore is fatally wounded, and dies the same day. 1809 February 21st. Palafox, Spanish general, after a long siege, anoser ; author of the oratorio "Creuticm"; age 77 years, 2 mouths. 1809 June 10th. Pope Pius VII. excommunicates Napoleon. 1809 July 6th. Battle of AYagram. The Austrians totally defeated by Napoleon. 1809 July 6th. Napoleon takes Pius VII. prisoner, and conveys hiui to Savona. 1809 July 12th. Austrians and French sign an armistice, at Zuaim. 1809 July 27tli and 28th. Battle of Talavera. Sir Arthur Wellesley, commanding the united English and Spanish armies, gains a complete victory over the French, under ^larshals Victor and Sebastiani. 363 A. U. ISOr) OctolK'f 30th. Doath of Duke of rortlaiid, prime-miuister of England. ITe is h'uccwded bv Perceval. ISO!) December IGtli. Divorce of Nai)oleon and Josephine. ( See 1810, April 1st.) ISIO ( Ile-ira 1225, Feb. 0th) {11. I. I^IOO) (A. U. (\ 2503) (A. M. 5814) (J. P. 0523) I'cbniai-.v 24th. Death (»f Henry ('avendish, celebrated Englisli chemist, and nat\iral jihilosopher ; age IS years, 4 months, 14 days. 1810 March 7th. Death of Lord Collingwood, distinguished English admiral; age 5!) years, 5 months, 11 days. (See 1805, October 21st.) 1810 A])ril 1st. Ceremony of marriage between Napoleon and Maria Louisa. (See ISO*), December lOth.) 1810 (\ V. S. Hannemann, (jerman physician, founder of homoeopathy, expounds the system in his work, "Organon of Rational Medicine." Motto: "Similia simi- libus curantur" ( Likes are cured by likes.) 1811 megira 1220, .Jan.20thi (R. 1. 1410") (A. U. C. 2504) (A. M. 5815) (J. P. 0524) The tii-st .stcdiii printing-press is iu.ented and patented, by I'riedrich Konig, a (lerinan mechanician. 1811 May loth. Pritisli sloop-of war "Little Belt" attacks, and is repulsed by, U. S. frigate "President," oft' the coast of Virginia. 1811 A comet of unusual magnitude appears Sejytemlier 1st, and remains three months visible to the naked eye. Dr. llerschel estimates its' length, October 15th, at 100,000,000 miles, and its apparent greatest breadth at 15,000,000 miles. 1811 September 8tli. Death of Peter Simon I'allas, eminent Pru.ssian naturalist and traveler; age 09 years, 11 months, 1(! days, lie discovered, in the mountain ranges of Siberia, the general law of the succession of the three primitive oi'ders of rocks: the granitic, the schistose, and the calcareous. 1811 October 11th. The first stone is laid of the A^'aterloo liridge, London. John Pennie is constructor and engineer. (See 1817, June 18th. ) 1811 November 7th. General Harrison defeats the Shawnee Indians, at Ti})pecanoe. 1812 (Tfegira 1227, Jan. 15th ) ( P. I. 15 lOO) ( A. U. C. 2505) (A. M. 5810) (J. P. 0525) January 0th. The French marslial, Sucliet, takes Valencia from the Span- iards. 1812 The Spanish fortress Ciudad Kodrigo, in possession of the French, is stormed and taken by the English, under Lord Wellington. 1812 March 20th. Violent earth(|nake at Caracas, Venezuela. 1812 April 0th. I^ord AVellington successfully st(U'ms the Spanish fortress Badajoz, in possession of the French. 1812 April 8th. Louisiana, eighteenth State, admitted into the Union. (See 1803.) 1812 May 28th. Peace of Bucharest, between Russia and Turkey; the river Prnth to be the boundary between the two empires. 1812 June 18th. United States declares war against Great Britain. 1812 June 22d. Napoleon declares war against Russia. He takes Wilna, June 28th. 1812 July 12th. The Americans, under General Hull, invade Canada. 364 ■'":>-it^-'^ ■■'t^r^:--- NAPOLEON VISITING THE CAMP AT THE BATTLE OF EYLAU. SEE 1807, FEBRUARY 7-8TH. NAPOLEON'S RETREAT FROM RUSSIA. SEE 1812, OCTOBER 18TH. 366 A. n. LSI:.' July 14tli. Dc^-atli of Cliristian (Jottloli Ileyne, cclebratod German philologist; age 82 jeai's, !) mouths. Id days. ISl- July 22d. Battle of Salamauca, i^paiu. The Euglish and allies, under Lord Wellington, defeat the Freneh, under ^larshal .Marmont. 1812 August 12th. riaeing of the first stone of the riymouth breakwater. 1812 Submarine forest discovered at Morlaix, France. (Ac. Blair.) 1812 August 13th. The American frigate Essex, undei- Captain Porter, captures the British sloop-of-\var Alert. 1812 August IGth. (leneral Hull surrenders the fort at Detroit to the English, under (ieneral Broi'k, for which act Hull is afterwards tried l)y court-mar- tial, and (-(mdemned to be shot. His sentence is afterwards mitigated by the president, on account of his advanced age and revolutionary services. 1812 August 17th. Xapol(M)n defeats the Bussians, at the battle of SmolcMisk. 1812 August lilth. American frigate Constitution, under Captain Hull (nephew of General Hull ), captures the English frigate Guerriere. under Captain Dacres. 1812 Death of ilayer Anselm Bothschild, noted German Jewish banker; founder of the bank at Frankfort, and of the great monetary house of Rothschild. 1812 Septend)er Tth. Napoleon defeats the Russians, at Borodino, on the Moskva River. 1812 September lltli. The French, under JIurat, enter Moscow; Napoleon enters on September 15th. Moscow is set on lire, by order of the Russian government. 1812 October 13th. The Americans take (^ueenstown, gain three victories over the English ; but in the evening of the same day are defeated, and surrender to the English. 1812 Night of October 16th, p. Ji. to 17th A. m. The American sloop Wasp, under Captain Jone.s, captures the English sloop Frolic. 1812 October 18th. Napoleon begins his retreat from Russia. He arrives at Paris December 19th, having lost more than 350,000 mc^n. 1812 October 25th. American frigate United States, under Commodore Decatur, cai)tures the English vesstd Macedonian. 1812 December 2!ith. American frigate Constitution, under Commodore Bainbridge, cai)tures the Ihiglish vessel Java. 1813 (Ilegira: 38th Cycle; 1228, Jan. !th; and 1229, Dec. 21th.) ( R. I. 1. 101st Cycle) (A. U. C. 2500) (A. M. 58171 (J. P. 6520) January 20th. Death of Christoph Martin Wieland, celebrated German poet ; age 79 years, 4 monlhs, 15 days. 1813 January 22d. The Americans, under < ieneral AVinchester, are surprised, de- feated, and massacred, at Frenchtown, Canada, l»y the English, under Gen- eral Pr(;ctor. and his Indian allies. (See Octolx-r 5th, 1813.) 1813 February 24th. The American sloop Hornet, under Captain Lawrence, defeats the British brig Peacock, under Captain Peake. After the engagement the Peacock sinks, and three of the American crew lose their lives in trying to rescue their drowning foe. The English officers make pnlilic acknowledge- ment of Captain Lawrence's humane and nolde treatment of his prisoners. 1813 April 10th. Death of Joseph Limis Lagrange, eminent French geometer; age 77 years, 2 months, 15 days. 367 " A. 1). 1813 April l!7tli. The America iis, under (leueral I'lke, take York (afterwards To- ronto, Canada), and defeat the British, under (Jeneral iShealTe. Pike is mor- tally wounded. 1813 Miiy 1st. Death of Jaeijues Delille, eminent French didactic poet; age 71 years, 10 months, 1) days. 1813 May lid. IiuU'cisive hattle of Liitzen, between Napoleon and the allied armies of Kussia and Prussia. 1813 May 20th. Battle of Bautzen. Napoleon defeats the allies, under the em- peror of Kussia and king- of Prussia. 1813 May 127th. Forts (leorije and Erie are taken by the Americans, under (ieneral Dearborn. 1813 May l!9th. Ueneral Blown repulses the English, under General Prevost, at Sackett's Harbor. 1813 June 1st. The Chesapeake, under Ca])taiu Lawrence, is taken by the Shannon, under Captain Broke. Lawrence falls in the action. 1813 June 21st. The Englisli, under Wellington, gain a signal A'ictory over the French, under Jos('])h Biinaparte, and ^larshal Jourdan, at Vittoria. 1S13 July 281]i. The I'rench, under ^Marshal Soult, are defeated by Lord Welling- ton, in the battle of the Pvrences. ft 1813 August lltli. The British slooji Pelican cajttures tiie American sloop Argus, under Captain Allen, ^\•ho is killed in the action. 1813 August ^Gth ami 27t]i. Battle of DrcsdcTi. The allied Russians and Prussians, under ])rince of Schwa rzenberg, are defeated by Xajioleon. 1813 August 30th. Horrible nmssacre of the Americans, at Fort .Mimms, Alabama, by the Creek Indians. 1813 Septemlier uth. American brig ICntei'prise, undei' Lieutenant Burrows, de- feats the British brig Boxer, under Captain Blythe. Both officers are mor- tally wounded. 1813 8ei)tendH'r 10th. American S(|uadron, under Commodore Perry, totally de- feats the British squadron, under Commodore Barclay, on Lake Erie. 1813 October 5th. Battle of the Thanu's. Americans, ujider C.eneral Harrison, to- tally defeat the English, under (ieneral Proctor (who flies from the battle- field I, and his allied Creek Indians, under Tecumseh, their chief, who is slain in battle. The prisoners are all ti'eated humanely by the American victors. (Wee 1813, January 22d.) 1813 General Coffee, Novendier 2d; General Jackson, NoA^ember 7th; and General White, November 18th, defeat the Indians, with great slaughter. 1813 Dr. Reid Clanny, of Sunderland, invents a safety-lamp, two years liefore Sir H.Davy. (See 1815.) 1814 ( Hegira 1230, Dec. 13th) (R. I. 2-101 ) (A. V. C. 25fi7) (A. ^\. 5818) (J. P. (>527) January 11th. Napoleon's general, Murat, joins the coalition against France. 1814 Napoleon releases Pope Pius VIL, who starts for Rcune January 23d. 1814 January 27-28th. Death of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, celebrated German athe- istical philosopher; age 51 years, 8 months, 9 days. 1814 March 27th. The Americans, under General Jackson, defeat the Indians, at the battle of Tohopeka, or Horseshoe Bend, and eiid the Creek War. " 368 A. O. 1814 March l'8th. The Aiuericau frigate Essex, uud:'r Cummodore Porter, is attack- ed and captured by two English vessels : the Phoebe, a frigate, and the riiernh, a sloopof-war, under Coniniodore liillyar. ISll ^larch itUth. Battle of Moutniartre, in which the French marshals, Marmont and Mortier, are defeated by the allies, who occupy Paris, March 81st. 1814 April KItli. The French, under Marshal Soult, are defeated by Wellington, at Toulouse. 1811 April 11th. Napoleon is compelled to abdicate at Fontaiuebleau. He is ban- ished to Isle of Elba. 1811 April '2ihh. American sloop-of-war Peacock, under Captain Warrington, cap- tures the British brig Epervler, under Captain Wales. 1811 First Kestoration. Louis XVIIL, brother of Louis XVI., is declared king of France by the Senate and allies : he enters Paris May 3d. 1814 May 30th. Treaty of Paris. 1814 July 5th. The Americans, under Creneral Brown, defeat the British, under General Piall, at Chippewa, near Fort Erie. 1814 July 25th. Battle of Niagara, or Lnndy's Lane. The Americans, under Gen- erals Brown and Scott, defeat the l?ritish, under Generals Riall and Drum- mond, with fearful loss on both sides. 1814 August 7th. Pojte Pius VII. restores the order of Jesuits. 1814 August 21st. Death of Sir Benjamin Thompson, "Count v(Ui Rumford," cele- brated American natural philosoplier and chemist; age Gl years, 4 months, 25 days. August 24tli. The P.ritish take and burn the United States' capital city of Washington. They retreat August 25th. September 11th, Sunday. Americans, under Captain .MacDonough, signally de- feat the British sciuadron, under Captain Downie, on I.,ake Champlain. Mac- Donough, being a member of the Episcopal Church, uses its liturgy for prayer, early Sunday morning, before the tight, and adds a beautiful ex temporaneous prayer, asking God's helj) in the battle. September 12th. Battle of Baltimore. The British, under General Boss, lan. 15. Slicridaii, cclclirated orator and dramatist, of Irisli hirtli; mcinbcr of the Eiiglisli rarliaiiicut ; age (U year.s, 8 mouths, 7 days. 1810 August 27th. The English, under Lord Exmouth, hondiard Algiers, sulidue the dey, aud liberate the (.'hristiau captives. 1810 December 11th. ludiana, nineteenth State, admitted into the Enion. 181G December 15-lOth. Death of Charles Stanhope, earl; inventor of Stanhoix' printing-press, and other macliiues; age 03 years, 4 months, 13 days. 1816 The kaleidoscope is invented and perfected by Dr. David Brewster, of Edin- burgh. He first conceived the idei in 181-1:. 1817 ( Hegira ll'33, Nov. lOtJi ) ( K. I. r.ioi ) (A. E. ('. 2r)7() ) ( A. .M. 5821 ) ( J. V. 0530 ) January 1st. 0])ening of the Enitel States P>ank at Philadelphia. 1817 March ith. James [NLcmrce is inaugurated lifth president of the Enited States. 1817 Eirst institution in America for instruction of the deaf and dundi is openotl Ai>ril 15th, at Hartford, Connecticut, under charge of Kev. T. H. (xallaudet. 1817 June 18tli. Waterloo bridge, London, is completed and ojtened. 1817 Lithography generally introduced into London, by Ixudolph Ackermann. (See 17!»'o.) 1817 June 30th. Death of Aliraham (lottlob Werner, eminent (ierman geologist and mineralogist; age OC) years, !l mouths, 25 days. 1817 July 14th. Death of Mnie. de Stael-Holstein, celebrated Erench authoress; age 50 years, 2 months, 22 days. 1817 Uctt)ber 14th. Death of John I'hilpot Curran, famous Irish orator and bar- rister; age 66 years, 10 months, 20 days. N. B. — A tobacconist desiring a Latin motto for a coat of arms on his new car- riage, Curran suggested ••(^uid rides" (Why do you laugh?) The man not understanding the joke, followed the suggestion, to the great amusement of all who read the motto. 1817 October 15--17th. Death of Thaddeus Kosciuszko, celebrated Polish general and statesman, who helped Amci'ic:i against England; age 71 years, 8 months, 3 days. ( See 1794. ) 1817 November 7-8th. Death of Jean .\ndre Deluc, eminent (Jenevese physicist; geologist, inventor, and discoverer; age !H) years, 9 months. 1817 December 10th. Mississipiti, twentieth State, is admitted into the Euion. 1818 (Hegira 1234, Oct. 30th) (K. I. Oioi i ( A. E. C 2571) (A. M. 5822) (J. P. (;531) (ieneral Jackson is successful in his war against tlie Seminole Indians, March, April, and May. 1818 22d. Death of Warren Hastings; age 85 years, 8 months, 16 days. (See 1788, Eebruary 13th, and 1795, April 23d.) 1818 November 26th. J. L. Pons, Ereiu-h author, first discovers the comet since known as Encke's comet. Professor Encke having detected its orbit, motions, and perturbations, etc. 1818 December 3d. Illinois, twenty-first State, is admitted into the I^nion. 373 A. U. 1819 (Ht^iiira 1235, Oct. 20th) (II. I. Ti^i ) (A. U. C. 2572) (A. M. 5823) (J. P. 0532) Treaty between Spain and United States, for the cession of Florida to United States, for |5,000,000, si,nned at Washiunton, Fehniary 23d. (See 1821.) 1819 March 24th. Southwark bridj;e, London, is completed and opened. (See 1814, September 23d. ) 1819 The Savannah, the first steam-packet to cnjss the Atlantic, reaches Liverpool from New York, July 15th, after a voyage of 26 days. 1819 Menai chain suspension bridge, over Menai Strait, is begun August 10th, and completed duly, 182G. 1819 (August 25th, ac. Haydn; 19th, ac. Encyclo. Brit. ) Death of James Watt, cele- brated Scotch engineei", i)hiI()sopher, and inventor; age 83 years, 7 months, 6 days. (See 17()5 and 1781. ) 1819 December 14th. Alabama, twenty-second State, is admitted into the Union. 1819 Bolivar establishes the re])ul)lic of rolond)ia, South .Vmcrica, by uniting New Granada and Venezuela, and becomes its iirst president, Decend)er 17th. 1820 (Hegira 1236, Oct. 9th) ( B. L 8ioi) (A. T'. ('. 2573) (A. M. 5824) (J. P. 6533) ilarcli 15th. Maine, twenty-third State, is admitted into the Union. 1820 April 25th. Death of Volney, celebrated l<"'rench skeptical ]ihilosopher, author, and traveler; age 63 years, 2 months, 22 days. 1820 July 21st. Hans Christian Oersted, celebrated Danish jdiysicist, publishes his great discovery of the intlnence -of the electric current ui)on the magnetic needle, the foundation of tiie science of electro-magnetism. 1820 September 7th. Total eclipse of the sun. 1821 (Hegira 1237,Sept. 28th) ( B. 1. 9 loi , , a. U. (\ 2574) (A. M. 5825) (J. P. 6534) February 23-24th. Death of John Keats, i)o]iular English poet; age 25 years, 3 months, 25 days. 1821 April 6th. Prince Alexander, of Greece, raises the standard of the cross against the crescent, and begins the war of inde]KMidence against Turkey. 1821 Ai>ril 23d. The patriarch of Constantinople is put to death by the Turks. 1821 May 5th. Death of Napoleon I., at St. Helena. 1821 The "Societe de Geographie," at Paris, is founded by Malte-Brun, celebrated Danish geographer, and others. 1821 July 1st. Spain gives United States formal possession of Florida, by signing tiie treaty at Spain. ( See 1819. ) 1821 Missouri, twenty-fourth State, is admitted into the Union. 1822 (Hegira 1238, Sei)t.l7th) (B.I.lOiot) ( a. U. C. 2575) (A. M. 5826) (J. P. 6535) March 18th. Death of Valentin Haiiy; age 76 years, 4 months, 5 days. (See 1784. ) 1822 April 11th. The Turks bombard and take the island of Scio, and horribly mas- sacre about 40,000 Greek inhabitants. 1822 United States acknowledges the indepeniit1i of Sir William TTcrschel, famous German astronomer, resident of l-^ugland; age 83 years, 9 mouths, 10 days. (See 1781 aud 1789.) 1822 October 12-13th. Death of Antonio Canova, celebrated Italian sculptor; age (i4 years, 11 months, 11 days. 1823 (Hegira 1239, Sept. Gth) (R. I. 11 loi ) (a. U. C. 2576) (A. M. 5827) (J. P. 6530.) The Londcm ilechanics' Institution is fcmnded by George Birkbeck. A similar institution is founded at Glasgow. 1823 Wilberforce aud others found the British Anti-Slavery Society. 1823 Iturbide is compelled to abdicate. (See 1822, May, and 1824, January 19th.) 1823 April 23d. Death of Joseph Nollekens, celebrated English sculptor; age 85 years, 8 iu(Uiths, 12 days. 1823 November 17th. Death of Lcu-d Chancellor Thomas Erskine, illustrious Brit- ish lawyer, orator, and wit; age 73 years, 10 months. 1824 ( IIegiral240,Aug.2()th) ( R. I.12ioi| (A. V. (\ 2577) (A. M. 5828) (J. P. 6537.) Pius first manufactured by machinery, in England, by Ijcmuel Wellman A^'rig]lt, of United States, America. 1824 February 1st. Death of John Lempriere, D. I)., English author; he wrote a popular "Classical Dictionary" ; age 58. 1824 February 8th. Death of Rhynvis, eminent Dutch poet; age 71 years, 1 day. 1S24 ilay 25th. American Sunday-school Union instituted at Philadelphia. 1824 June Kith. The Royal Humane Society founded in England, by the brave and benevolent Richard ^lartin, M. P., for the preventicni of cruelty to animals. (See 1849, 1866, aud 1872.) 1824 Tlie National Gallery, London, is fir-;t opened, the British government having purchased, of the executors, the Augerstein collection of pictures (about 40), with which to start the gallery. 1824 Iturbide returns to Mexico, is seized, tried, and shot, July 19th. (See 1822 and 1823.) 1824 August 15th. Mar(iuis de La Fayette visits the United States. 1 825 I Hegira 1241 , Aug. 15th )( R. I. 1 31 o^ ) ( A. U. C. 2578 ) ( A. M. 5829 ) ( J. P. 6538. ) Gas brought into general use for illumination in New York, United States, America. 1825 March 2d. First stone is laid of the Thames tunnel, constructed by Sir M. I. Brunei, I'rench engineer. (See 1843.) 1825 .March 4th. John (^uincy Adams is inaugurated sixth president of United States. 375 A. K. 1825 State lotteries are abolislied in England. 1825 Openino; of the Erie Canal. (See 1817.) 1825 April 10th. Death of John Henry Fnseli, celebrated Swiss historical painter : age 82. 1825 May lOth. Death of Saint-Simon, celebrated French socialist and philosopher; founder of the sect of Saint-Simonians; age GJ: years, 7 months, 2 days. 1825 l'"irst railway made for public use, constructed from Stockton to Darlington, England, by Edward Pease and George Stephenson. Opened for passengers September 27th. In October the company starts a daily coach, called the "Experiment," drawn by horses. ( See 1830, September 15th. ) 1825 Noyember 14th. Death of .lohann Paul Friedrich Richter, commonly called Jean Paul; pojnilar and original German author; age 02 years, 7 months, 23 days. 1825 The American Tract Society is instituted at New York. 1820 ( Hegira 1242, Aug. 4th ) ( K. I. 14 loi i ( A. F. C. 2579) (A. JI. 5830 ) ( J. P. 0539) January 1st. Irish currency is assimilated to that of (Jreat Britain. 1820 February 11th. Charter obtained for the founding of the Loudon University. 1820 February 10th. Death of Findley Murray, eminent American grammarian; au- thor of ''English Grammar"; age 80 years. 1820 April 3d. Death of Rt. Rev. Reginald Heber, bishop of Calcutta ; excellent English religious poet; age 42 years, 11 months, 12 days. 1826 June 5th. Death of Karl Maria Friedrich I'rnst AVeber, eminent German mu- sical composer; age 39 years, 5 months, 17 days. 1826 July 4th. Independence Day. Death of Jolin Adams and Thomas Jefferson; both ex-presidents of United States. 1826 November 23d. Death of Prof. J. E. Bode, eminent German astronomer; age 79 years, 10 months, 4 days. 1826 (December 7th, ac. Haydn; 28th, ac. Encyclo. Brit.) Death of John Flaxman. celebrated English sculptor ; age 71 years, 5 months, 1 day. 1826 December 14th. Death of ]Malte-Brnn, celebrated Danish geographer, po(>t, etc.; age 51 years, 4 months, 2 davs. (See 1821.) 1826 Ccunpletion of the Qiiincy h■](' i (A. T^ C. 2581) (A. M. 5832) (J. P. 6541) Feltriiary 22d. Peace of Turkmantchai, or Turkmauchay, between Russia and Prussia. 1828 May 13th. American Tariff Bill is passed. 1828 Noah Webster publishes his celebrated "American Dictionary of the English Language." 182!t ( Ilcgira 124.-., -Inly 2(1 1 (R. 1. 2^02, ,^\ ^- (< 2.-..Sl> i (A. M. 5833) (J. P. G542) March 4th. General Jackson is inaugurated seventh president of the United States. isil!) April 13th. Roman Gatholic Emancipation Bill is passed, in England, by Par- liament. 1820 May lot ii. Deatli of Thomas Ycmng, M. D., eminent English natural philoso- ]ilu'r and Egyptologist; age 55 years, 10 mouths, 27 days. He is claimed by England to be the first decijdiei'er of Egyptian hieroglyphics on Rosetta stone. (See 1832, Champollion. ) 1820 (May 20tli, ac. Ilaydn ; 27th, ac. Encyclo. Ri-it. ) Death of Sir Humphry Davy, celebrated English chemist; age 50 years, 5 months, 12 days. 1820 December 18th. Death of J. B. P. A de Lamarck, celel.rated French naturalist; age 85 years, 4 months, 17 days. 1830 (Hegira 124(5, June 22d) (R. L 3 102 ) (A. U. C. 2583) (A. M. 5834) (J. P. 6543) January 7th. Death of Sir Thomas Lawrence, celebrated English portrait painter; age 60 years, 8 months, 3 days. 1830 Unconstitutional ordinances signed by Charles X., of France, July 25tli. Pub- lished July 26th. Three days' revolution in Paris: July 27, 28, and 20. 1830 August 2d. Charles X. abdicates, and embarks for England, August 16th. 1830 August 7th. Louis Philippe, duke of Orleans, is declared king of France. He takes the oath August 0th. 1830 First ■■strain railway, Liverpool and Manchester Railroad, is opened September 15th. Begun October. 1826. (See 1825, September 27tb, and 1826.) 1830 October l-5th. United States jiorts reopened to British commerce. 1830 December 31st. Death of Comtesse de Genlis, celebrated French writer; age 84 years, 11 mouths, (i days. 1830 Worcester, American lexicographer, publishes his "Comprehensive Pronounc- ing and Explanatory Dictionary." (See 1828 and 1860.) 379 A. 1>. 1831 (Ilpoira 1247, June lltli) (K. I. lio^, , a. T". C. 25S4) (A. M. 5835) (J. P. G544) January 2d. Death of Barthokl Georg Nieliulir, celebrated (Jcrnian histo- rian, of Danish birth; age 54 years, 4 months, 6 days. 1831 Chloroform first discovered by Samuel Guthrie, American chemist; and also discovered the following year, 1832, by Liebig, German chemist. (See 1834 and 1817.) 1831 April 20tb. Death "f John Abernethy, celebrated E^nglish surgeon and phy- siologist; age 07 years, 17 days. 1831 June 8th. Death of Sarah Sidditns, celebrated English tragic actress; age 75 years, 1(1 months, 24 days. 1831 July 4th, Independeuce Day. Death of James ^lonroe, fifth president of the I'nited States; age 73 years, 3 months, 2 days. 1831 Tlie cholera rages in Europe, and ap])ears first in England at SHn(h'rlan(l, Oc- tober 2r)th. 1831 Novemlier 14th. Death from cholera, of Georg W. F. Ilegel, celebrated Ger- man pantheistical philosopher; cause of much of the infidelity in Gennany. 1832 (Hegira 1248, May 31st) ( R. I. 5-102) (a. u. C. 2585) (A. M. 5S3()) (J. P. 6545) January 27th. Death of Andrew Bell, Scotch educationist; founder of the ^ladras schools, or monitorial system; age 80. (See Lancaster, 1838.) 1832 March 4th. Death of J. F. Chami)ollion, celebrated French Egyptologist; claimed by I'rench and otlier authorities to be the first interpreter of Egy]j- tian hieroglyi)hics on Rosetta stone; age 41 years, 2 months, 11 days. (See Young, 182!». ) 1832 March 22d. Death of Johanu A^'olfgang von (Toethe, famous (ierman ])oct aiiy Roger B. Taney, secretary, and placed in certain selected banks, in different parts of the country. 1834 (Hegira 1250, May 9th) ( R. I. 7-i02) (A. U. C. 2587) (A. M. 5838) (J. P. 6547. ) Dumas, French chemist, determines the true composition of chloroform. (See 1831 and 1847.) 1834 May 20th. Death of ^Manpiis de La Fayette, illustrious French statesman and patriot ; age 76 yeans, S months, 14 days. (See 1781.) 1834 July 25th. Death of Samuel T. Coleridge, eminent English poet, critic, etc. ; age 61 years, 9 months, 4 days. 1834 August 1st. Death of Robert Morrison, eminent Englisli orientalist and mis- sionary; author of "Chinese Version of the Bible," completed 1818; "Gram- mar of the Chinese Language," 1815; and "Chinese Dictionary," 1821-23; age 52 years, 6 months, 26 days. 1834 Act of 1833, for emancipation of slaves, in British West Indies, takes effect August 1st. 1834 December 27th. Death of Charles Lamb, popular English essayist and poet; age 59 years, 10 months, 9 days. 1835 (Hegira 1251, April 28th ) ( R. I. 8 102) ( a. U. C. 2588) (A. M. 5839) (J. P. 6548) April 8th. Deatli of Carl William von Humboldt, baron; celebrated Prus- sian statesman, pliilologist, philosoiihcr, and writer; age 67 years, 9 months, 1(! days; brother of F. H. Alexander von Humboldt. (See 1859.) 1835 ilay 16th. Death of Felicia Dorothea Hemans, popular English poetess; age 40 years, 7 months, 21 days. 1835 June IStli. Death of William Cobbett, Englisli political writer; age 73 years, 3 nvinths, 9 days. 1835 Septendier 21-24th. Death of Vincenzo Bellini, celebrated Sicilian musical composer; age 32 years, 10 months, 21 days. 3S1 A. 1). 1835 November 21st. Death of James IIo<;o-, the "'Ettrick Shepherd," popuhir Scotch jKiet ; age 63 years. 1S35 S. F. I>., an American, invents and constructs a recording electric tele- graph. (See 1837 and 1844.) 1835 Decenilier inth. Great fire at New York, U. S. A. Loss estimated at .$20,- 000,000. 1835 December 28tli. Second war witli the Seminoles begins with tlie massacre of General Thompson and four friends, and Major Dade and his whole force of one bnndrod men, excepting four, Ity the Indians, led by Osceola. 183(5 ( Hegira 1252, April 17th) ( R. I. 102 , ( a. U. C. 2589) (A. M. 5840) (J. V. 0549) A})ril 7th. Death of William (iodwin, English historian, political writer, and novelist ; age 80 years, 1 month, 4 days. 183G The Texans, under General Houston, revolt against the Mexicans. The Mexi- cans are defeated at San Jacinto, April 21st, and their dictator, Santa Anna, is taken prisoner. The Republic of Texas is formed. Houston is chosen president. 1S3G June loth. Arkansas, twenty-flftli State, is admitted into the Union. 183G June 2Sth. Death of James Madison, eminent American statesman; fourth president of United States; age 85 years, 3 months, 12 days. 1830 Death of Aaron Burr, American statesman; vice-president of United States; age 80 years. 1830 July 28th. Death of Nathan Mayer, German Jew; celebrated financier and millionaire of London. (See 1812.) 1830 Novend)er (ith. Death of Charles X., ex-king of France; age 79 years, 27 days. (See 1830.) 1 837 ( Ilegira 1 253, April fith ) ( R. L 1 102 ) ( a. U. C. 2590 ) ( A. M. 5841 ) ( J. P. 0550 ) January 2(!th. Michigan, twenty-sixth State, is admitted into the Union. 1837 l'"ebruary 12th. Death, from wounds received in a duel, of Alexander Pushkin, great national i>oet of Russia ; age 37 years, 8 months, 16 days. 1837 March ItJi. .Mai'tin Van Buren is inaugurated eighth president of United States. 1837 Punishment in the pillory is totally abolished in England, having been abol- ished in I'rance in 1832. / 1837 I'Mnancial ])anic in the United States. J 1837 June lOtb. ('liarles Wheatstone and AVilliam Fothergill Cooke, English elec- tricians, obtain a patent for their invention of the electric or magnetic needle telegrapli. ( See 1835 and 1844.) 1837 June 20tb. Death of William IV.. of P^ngland. TTis niece, Victoria, age IS years, 26 days, is proclaimed (]ueen, as bis successor. Hanover is seiiarated from England,on account of Salic law excluding female heirs from the throne. Ei'nest Augustus, brother of ^^'illiam I^^, is ])r9 ) (A. M. 5850) (J. P. 6559) l'>bruary 10th. Battle of Sobraon. The Sikhs are totally defeated by the Brit- ish. Sir Hugh Gough occupies the citadel of Lahore, and terminates the first Sikh War. ( See 1845, 1848, and 1849. ) 184(! April 24-26th. Captain Thornton and his dragoons are attacked and captured by the Mexicans, who are aggrieved at the annexation into the Union of Texas, formerly belonging to Mexico. 1846 May 8th. General Taylor defeats the Mexicans at Palo Alto. 1846 jMay 9th. General Taylor defeats the Mexicans at Resaca de la Palma. 1846 ^May 11th. Congress declares that "by the act of the republic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that government and United States," Mexico having taken the first aggressive steps. 1846 General Taylor crosses the Rio Grande, and takes Matamoras from the Mexi- cans, May 18th. 1846 Treaty between United States and Great Britain, signed June 12th, settles the Oregon question, fixing the northwestern boundary of United States at the forty-ninth parallel of latitude, giving to the British possession of Vancou- ver's Island, and free navigation of the Columbia River. 1846 July 22(1. Death of Frederick William Bessel, celebrated Prussian astrono- mer; age 61 years, 7 months, 25 days. 1846 The use of ether as an anjesthetic is first introduced in Boston, Massachusetts, by Dr. William Thomas Green Morton, dentist and physician. The priority of the discovery is disputed by Dr. Charles Thomas Jackson, geologist and chemist, of Massachusetts. 1846 August 22(1. United States troops, under Captain Kearney, take Santa F^, New Mexico. 1846 September 23d. The planet Neptune is discovered by Dr. Galle, at Berlin, in conse(|uence of ^I. Leverrier's calculations. 1846 September 24th. General Taylor takes IVIonterey. 1846 December 28th. Iowa, twenty-ninth State, is admitted into the Union. 1846 Elias Howe, of ^lassachusetts, obtains a patent for his invention of the first practical sewing machine. _ A. 1). 1847 (Hegira 1264, Dec. 7th) (R. I. Sio^j (a. U. C. 2600) (A. M. 5851) (J. P. 6560) February 23d. General Taylor defeats the Mexicans, under Santa Anna, at Bueua Vista. 1847 February 28th. Colonel Doniphan defeats the Mexicans at Sacramento. 1847 Richard March Hoe, in New York, completes and brings to perfection the ma- chine begun by his father, and since known as "Hoe's Type-Revolving Print- ing-Press." 1847 March. The ana?sthetic powers of cliloroform on animals is discovered by Floureus, at Paris; and in the following autumn, by Sir James Young Simp- son, Scotch chemist, of Edinburgh. (See 1831, 1834.) 1847 ]\Iarch 29th. The Mexicans surrender Vera Cruz to General Scott. 1847 April 18th. The Mexicans are defeated at Cerro (jordo h\ General Scott. 1847 May 15th. Death of Daniel O'Connell, M. P., celebrated Irish orator and po- litical agitator; zealous advocate of Catholic emancipation; age 71 years, 9 months, 9 days. 1847 The fearful famine in Ireland. Parliament applies £10,000,000 for relief of the sufferers. 1847 May 31st. Death of Thomas Chalmers, Scottish minister; celebrated natural philosopher, and pulpit orator; age 67 years, 2 months, 14 days. 1847 Northwest passage is discovered by Sir John Franklin and his exploring party. He dies on the voyage, June 11th. 1847 July 1st. Minor planet Hebe is discovered by K. C. Hencke. 1847 Minor planets Iris, August 13th, and Flora, October 10-18th, are discovered by J. R. Hind. 1847 August 20th. General Scott takes Contreras and Churubusco. 1847 September 8tli. The Mexicans are defeated at Molino del Rey, by General Worth. 1847 September 13th. The Americans defeat the Mexicans, at Chapultepec. 1847 September 14th. General Scott takes the city of Mexico. 1847 November 4th. Death of jMendelssobn-Bartholdy, celebrated German musical composer; age 38 years, 9 months, 1 day. 1847 Tlie seven Roman Catholic cantons of Switzerland, Lucerne, Uri, Schwytz, ITn- terwalden, Freiburg, Zug, and Valais, known as Sonderbuud League, resist the decree of Protestant Swiss Federal Diet, for the expulsion of the Jes- uits. The Sonderbuud is defeated at Freiburg, November 14th, and at Lucerne, November 23d. 1848 (Hegira 1265, Nov. 2Gth) (R. I. 6i03) (A. U. C. 2601) (A. M. 5852) (J. P. 6561) January 9th. Death of Caroline Lucretia Herschel, celebrated female astrono- mer, sister of Sir Frederick William Herschel; age 97 years, 9 months, 23 days. 1848 January 24th. Gold mines are discovered in California by Marshall, near a mill on J. A. Sutter's land, later the site of Sacramento City. N. B. — Sutter was a Swiss military officer, who settled at California as a pio- neer. As soon as gold was discovered, his lands were so trespassed upon by fortune-seekers that he was unable to keep his possession, but was given by the State of California a pension of .f250 a month, and his lands soon became a mining town, and then the capital of California. 38S UJ o z < IT I- z UJ z DC tlJ I H . a: I o 1- z » « li UJ O CO a: '- UJ 6 UJ _j to O Q. o a. UJ Q < N N < 390 A. D. 1848 February I'd. Treaty between United ►States aud Mexie(j signed at Guadalupe, Hidalgo, by which New Mexico and California are ceded by INfexico to the I'nited states, and the Ignited States agrees to pay |15,000,000 to Mexico for acquired territory. Treaty is ratified May 19th. 1S4S February 23d. Death of John Quincy Adams, celebrated American statesman, and orator, sixth president of the United States; age 80 years, 7 months, 12 days. 1S48 Second i'l'encli Revolution. ]Mobs and great acts of violence. Louis Philippe abdicates February 24th. l'>ance is declared a republic February 2Gth. 1S4S Provisional Government in France, consisting of Dupont de I'Eure, Lamartine, Arago, Ledru-Rollin, Cremieux, Garnier-Pages, and Marie. 1848 March ;id. The ex-king and (|ueen, having escaped from France, arrive at Newhaven, England. 1848 March 29tii. Death of John Jacob Astor, the New York millionaire; native of Germany; founder of Astor Library, New York; age 84 years, 8 months, 12 days. 1848 April 21st. The Sikhs, \u India, murder .Mr. Agnew and Lieutenant Ander- son, which begins the second Sikh Mar. (See 1845, 184G, 1849.) 1848 Ajiril 25th. The ninth minor planet, Metis, discovered by A. Graham. 1848 May 7th. The National Assembly appoints an executive commission (consist- ing of Arago, Marie, Lamartine, Garnier-Pages, Ledru-Rollin, and others, who formed the Provisional Government), to govern France. 1848 :\Iay 29th. Wisconsin, thirtieth State, admitted into the Union. 1S4S July 4tli. Dcatli of b'rau(^'ois Auguste, vicomte de Chateaubriand, celebrated French autlior; age 79 years, 9 montlis, 20 days. 1848 August 2d. Death of ( 'apt. Frederick Marryar, popular English novelist; age 56 years, 22 days. 1848 August 7th. Death of Johaii Jakob Rerzelius, celebrated Swedish chemist and physicist ; age 68 years, 11 mouths, 6 days. 1848 November 16th. Insurrection at Rome. Pope Pius IX. escapes in disguise from R(une to Gaeta, November 24th. 1848 December 20th. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon I., is proclaimed president of France for four years. 1849 (Hegira 1266, Nov. 15th) (R. I. 7103) (A. U. C. 2602) (A. M. .5853) (J. P. 0562. ) British Parliament passes an "Act for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals," due to the untiring efforts of the "Royal Ilumane Society," and its noble founder, Richard Martin. (See 1824, 1866, and 1872.) 1849 January 13th. Lord Gough defeats the Sikhs, at Chill ian wallah. 1849 January 22d. Unconditional surrender to the British of the citadel of the Mool- tan, by Moolraj. 1849 February 8th. Roman National Assembly proclaims Rome a republic, and tlie pope divested of all temporal power. Roman triumvirate appointed, com- posed of Mazzini, Armellini, and Saffi, IVIarch 29th. 1849 February 21st. Sir Hugh Gough finally defeats the Sikhs, at Guzerat. 1849 Death of Johann Strauss, celebrated German musical composer; age 45. 1849 March 4th. Inauguration of Gen. Zachars' Taylor, twelfth president of United States. 391 A. D. 1849 March 14th. Unconditional surrender of the Sikhs to the Britisli. End of sec- ond Siivh War. Punjab is annexed to the British dominions in India, March 29th. ( See 1845, 1846, 1848. ) 1849 Penny postasje introduced into Prussia. (Ac. Blair.) 1849 April iL'th. The tenth minor planet, Hygeia, is discovered by A. de Gasparis. 1849 May 21st. Death of Maria Edueworth, popular English novelist and educa- tionalist ; a^e 82 years, 4 months, 20 days. 1849 June 15th. Death of ex-President James K. Polk, American statesman; elev- enth president of United States ; age 53 years, 7 months, 13 days. 1849 July 15th. The temporal power of the pope is restored at Kome by the French army. 1849 August 1st. Lake ^Mgani, South Africa, is discovered by David Livingstone, Scotch missionary and geographer. 1849 August. fJen. Narcisso Lopez, Spanish-American, notorious filibuster, con- ducts his first expedition against Tuba, aiming to unite that island to United States, in defiance of President Taylor's proclamation, issued August 11th, against this expedition. Lopez takes Cardenas. (See 1850 and 1851.) 1850 (Degira 1207, Nov. 5th) (R. I. 8 103) ( a. U. C. 2G03) (A. M. 5854) (J. P. 0563) January 20th. Death of Adam G. (Ehlenschlager, popular Danish national poet ; age 70 years, 2 months, 6 days. 1850 January 26tl). Death of Lord Francis Jeffrey, eminent Scotch lawyer, critic, and essayist ; one of the founders and editors of Edinburgh Review ; age 76 years, 3 months, 3 days. 1850 I\Iarch 31st. Death of John C. Calhoun, eminent American statesman, and ex- vice-president ; age 68 years, 13 days. 1850 Clayton-Buhver treaty, between United States and England, respecting the proposed ship canal across Panama, is concluded April 19th, and ratifications exchanged at Washington, July 4th. 1850 April 23d. Death of William Wordsworth, celebrated English poet ; age 80 years, 16 days. 1850 May. Lopez is defeated by the Spaniards. (See 1849 and 1851.) 1850 The eleventh minor planet, Parthenope, is discovered by A. de Gasparis, May 11th; Victoria, twelfth minor planet, by J. R. Hind, September 13th, and Egeria, thirteenth minor planet, by A. de Gasparis, November 2d. 1850 May 24tli. Death of Jane Porter, English novelist; a4. 74. 1850 July 2d. Death of Sir Robert Peel, celebrated English statesman ; age 62 years, 4 months, 27 days. 1850 July 9th. Death of President Taylor. Vice-President Millard Fillmore is in- augurated thirteenth president. July 10th. 1850 The Taeping Rebellion (written also Taiping), in China, begins, headed by the pretender Tien-Kwoh ( Ilea vcnly King), usually written, and better known as Tien-Wang. N. B. — His name was formerly given by many authors as Tien-Teh (Heavenly Virtue). Tien-Teh, however, was another pretender, jiroclaimed as king by the rebels, only for a very short while, and was deserted as soon as Tien- Wang appeared and headed the rebellion. (See 1864 A. D.) 392 "^ A. 1). 1850 August IStli. Death (if Houor6 de Balzac, popular French novelist; age 51 Tears, 2 months, 28 days. 1850 Wcptenilier 9th. California, thirty-first State, is admitted into the Union. 1850 September 0th. New Mexico and Utah are organized as territories of United States. 1850 Septenilier ISth. Fugitive Slave Bill is passed by United States Congress, im- posing heavy fine and penalty on anyone harboring or aiding a runaway. Bill for suppression of slave trade in District of Columbia also passed, Sep- tember 18th. 1850 Septeiidier 23-2Cth. Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, London, commenced. 1850 September 24tb. Papal bull issued, establishing a Roman Catholic hierarchy in England. 1850 Roliert McClure, English navigator, having left England, January 20th, in search of Sir John Franklin, navigator, discovers the Northwest passage, by entering a strait, which he names Prince of Wales Strait, and passing over into Barrow Strait. He returns to England September, 1854, and receives £5,000 for his discovery, and is knighted, 1855. 1851 (Ilegira 12G8, Oct. 25th) (R. I. O^OS) (a. U. C. 2604) (A. M. 5855) (J. P. (;564.) The ophthalmoscope, an apparatus for inspecting the interior of the eye, is in- vented by Prof. H. L. F. Ilelmholtz, Prussian physiologist and physicist. (See 1S&4.) 1851 January 27th. Death of John James Audubon, cele])rated American ornitholo- gist ; author of "Birds of America"; age 70 years, S months, 23 days. 1851 February 12th. E. H. Hargraves discovers gold in New South Wales, Australia. 1851 May 1st. The great exhibition, or "World's Fair," in Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, London, is opened by Queen Victoria. 1851 Fourteenth minor planet, Irene, is discovered by J. R. Hind, May 19th ; and Eu- nomia, fifteenth minor planet, by A. de ( Jasparis, July 29th. 1851 Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, introduced by Lord John Russell, declaring the pa- pal bull, establishing Roman Catholic hierarchy in England, to be null and void, and imposing a fine of £100 on anyone endeavoring to carry it into ef- fect, is passed, July 24th and 29th. 1851 August. Lopez conducts another expedition to Cuba. He is taken pris(Uier by the Spaniards, and garroted, September 1st. 1851 September 14th. Death of J. Fenimore Cooper, popular American novelist; age 61 years, 11 months, 29 days. 1851 Sub-marine electric telegraph, or cable, projected by Thomas Brett, is success- fully laid between Calais, France, and Dover, England. It is coni])leted Sep- tember 25-27th, and opened to the public November 13th. 1851 November 26th. Death of Marshal Soult, celebrated French general; age 82 years, 7 months, 27 days. 1851 November 28th. Death of Vincenz Priessnitz, founder of hydropathy, /. c, cold water cure ; age 52 years, 23 days. 1851 December 2d. "Coup d etat" of Louis Napoleon. He dissolves the Legislative Assembly, establishes universal suffrage, proposes election of French presi- dent for ten years, and declares France to be in a state of siege. A. 1>. 1851 December 19th. Death of J. M. W. Turner, eminent English landscape painter; asje 76 years, 7 months, 26 days. 1851 December 21-22d. Voting throughout France. Louis Napoleon is re-elected president for a term of ten years, by a majority of more than 6,800,000 votes, i. e., 7,400,000, against 600,000, in round numbers. 1852 (Hegira 1269, Oct. 11th ) (11. I. 10 lOS) (a. U. C. 2605) (A. M. 5856) (J. P. 6565) Jannary 1st. Louis Napoleon is installed as prince-president, in the Cathe- dral of Notre Dame. He takes up his residence at the Tuileries. 1852 February 26th. Death of Sir Thomas Moore, celebrated Irish poet; age 72 years, 8 months, 28 days. 1852 The sixteenth minor planet, Psyche, discovered by A. de Gasparis, March 17th ; seventeenth minor planet, Thetis, by R. Luther, April 17th ; the eighteenth minor planet, Melpomene, June 21th, and nineteenth minor planet, Fortuna, August 22d, both by J. R. Hind ; the twentieth minor planet, Massilia, Sep- tember 19th, by A. de Gasparis; the twenty-first minor planet, Lutetia, by IL . Goldschmidt, November 15th ; the twenty-second minor planet, Calliope, November 16th, and twenty-third minor planet, Thalia, December 15th, both by J. R. nind. 1852 June 29th. Death of Henry Clay, eminent American statesman and orator; age 75 years, 2 months, 17 days. 1852 September 11th. Death of Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington; celebrated British general and statesman; age 83 years, 1 months, 13 days, ([^ee 1815, JunelSth.) 1852 October 24th. Death of Daniel Webster, celebrated American statesman, jur- ist, and orator; age 70 years, 9 months, 6 days. 1852 November 21st. A majority of more than 7,000,000 of the French people vote for restoration of the empire. Louis Napoleon is proclaimed emperor, as Napoleon III., December 2d. 1852 December 18th. Death of Horatio Greenough, eminent American sculptor; age 47 years. 1853 (Hegira 1270, Oct. 3d) (R. I. Ili03) (A. U. C. 2606) (A. M. 5857) (J. P. 6566) March 4th. Inauguration of Franklin Pierce, fourteenth president of United States. 1853 Minor planets discovered : Twenty-fourth minor planet, Themis, by A. de Gas- paris, April 5th ; the twenty-fifth minor planet, Phoca^a, by M. Chacornac, April 6th; the twenty-sixth minor ])lanet, Proserpine, by R. Luther, IMay 5th; and the twenty-seventh minor planet, Euterpe, by J. R. Hind, Novem- ber 8th. 1853 July 14tli. Opening of the World's Fair at Cry.stal Palace, New York City. 1853 October 2d. Death of Dominique Fran(^ois Arago, celebrated French physicist and astronomer; age 67 years, 7 months, 6 daj's. 1853 October 5tli. Turkey declares war against Russia. Russo-Turkish War. 394 A. D. 1854 (Hegira 1271, Sept. 23d) ( R. I. 12103 1 I A. V. (\ 2(i07 ) (A. M. oX:>S) (J.P.GoGT.) Minor plauets discovered: The twenty-eighth minor planet, Bellona, by R. Luther, March 1st; the twenty-ninth minor planet, Amphitrite, by Mr. ^larth, March l-3d ; the thirtieth minor jilancr, t'l'ania, by J. R. Rind, July 22d; the thirty-first minor planet, Euj^hrosyue, by J. I'-erguson, Hej)- tember 1st; the thirty-second minor planet, Pomona, by H. Goldschmidt, Oc- to1)er 2Gth ; and the thirty-third minor planet, Polyhymnia, by M. Chacor- nac, October 28th. 1854 March 12th. Treaty of alliance signed between England, France, and Turkey. 1854 March 2Sth. England and France declare war against Russia. Russo-Turkish, •or Crimean War. 1854 March 81st. Commercial treaty concluded between United States and Japan, by Commodore Perry, at Japan. 1854 May 30th. Kansas and Nebraska admitted as territories of the United States. 1854 ''Missouri Compromise BilT'of 1820 is rejiealed by the passage of the Kansas- Nebraska Bill, May 31st, permitting slavery in those two territories. 1854 June 7th. Reciprocity treaty ccmcluded between United States and Great Britain, respecting Newfoundland fishery, international trade, etc. Dispute began 1852. 1854 The Crystal Palace, removed from Hyde Park to Sydenham, is opened by Queen Victoria, June 10th. 1854 September 20th. Battle of Alma, Crimea. Allies defeat the Russians. 1854 October 17th. The first bombardment of Sebastopol, Crimea, by the allies; the long siege commences. ( See 1855, September 8th. ) 1854 October 25th. Battle of Balaklava, Crimea. Allies defeat the Russians. 1854 November 5th. Battle of Inkerman. Russians are defeased by the allies. 1854 December 10th. Pope Pius IX. promulgates a bull, declaring the dogma of the "Immaculate Conception" of Blessed Virgin ]\Iary to be an article of faifh in the Roman Catholic Church. 1855 (Hegira 1272, Scjit. 12t]i) ( R. I. 13103, , v. U. C. 2(iOS i (A.M.585!)) ( J. I'.(;5(;8. 1 The railway across Isthmus of Panama is completed; the first train runs across from ocean to ocean, January 28th. 1855 Jan. 20th to Feb. Resignation of the Aberdeen ministry. Lord Palmers- ton succeeds as premier of England, and forms his ministry Feb. 5th to 12th. 1855 Jlarch. Niagara sus])ension bridge, connecting the railways of New York and Canada, is completed and oi)ened. 1855 March 31st. Death of Charlotte Bront('% popular English novelist; age 38 years. 11 months, 10 days. 1855 Minor planets discovered : The thirty-fourth minor planet, Circe, by M. Cha- cornac, April 6th ; the thirty-fifth minor planet, Leucothea, by R. Luther, April 19th; thirty-sixth minor planet, Atalanta, by Coldschmidt, April 19th, or, ac. Blair, October 5th; and the thirty-seventh minor planet. Fides, by R. Luther, October 5tli. 1855 Indu.strial Exhibition, at Paris, opens May 15th, and closes November 15th. 1). 1855 September 8th. Malakhoff tower, ou a hill near Sebastopol, assaulted and taken bv the allies. Fall of Sebastopol, September 8th, after a siege of nearly eleven months by the allies. (See 1854, October 17th.) 1856 (Hegira 1273, Sept. 2d) (R. I. UioS) (a. U. C. 2609) (A. M. 5860) (J. P. 65G9) Minor planets discovered: The thirty-eighth minor planet, Leda, January 12th, and the thirty-ninth minor planet, La^titia, February 8th, both by M. Chacornac; the fortieth minor planet, Harmonia, by R. Luther, March 31st ; the forty-first minor planet. Daphne, by H. Goldschmidt, IMay 22d, and the forty-second minor planet, Isis, by Norman Pogson, May 23d. 1856 Marcli 30th. Treaty of Paris, between Russia, Turkey, Great Britain, France, and Sardinia, terminating the Russo-Turkish, or Crimean War. 1856 April 17th. Quebec is made tho seat of the Canadian government. 1856 May 6th. Death of Sir William Hamilton, eminent Scotch metaphysician; age 68 years, 1 month, 28 days. 1857 (Hegira 1274, Aug. 22d) (R. I. 15 103 ) (a. U. C. 2610) (A. M. 5861) (JT. P. 6570) March 4th. Inauguration of James Buchanan, fifteenth president of United States. 1857 Mutiny of the Sepoys against the British, in India, begins in March. 1857 April 14th. Peace between England and Persia is ratified at Teheran. 1857 May 1st. Death of L. C. A. de Musset, celebrated French poet ; age 46 years, 5 months, 20 days. 1857 May 25th and 27th. Total destruction of the Chinese fleet, by Commodore El- liot, and by Sir M. Seymour, and Commodore Keppel, June 1st. 1857 June 8th. Death of Douglas William Jerrold, celebrated English dramatist, novelist, and journalist ; age 54 years, 5 months, 5 days. 1857 June 26th. The town of Cawnporeis forced to surrender to the Indian rebel. Nana Sahib; all the British inhabitants are barbarouslv massacred, June 28th, and July 15th. 1857 General Havelock defeats the rebel Sepoys, under Nana Sahib, at Futtehpore, July 16th, and recaptures the town of Cawnpore, July 17th. 1857 Aug-ust 24th. General financial panic in United States. 1857 August 3l8t. ^^V)rk of excavation for Cenis Canal, through Mt. Cenis, in the Alps, is begun; to connect Savoy and Piedmont. (See 1871, September 13th and 17th, and 1868.) 1857 Rebellion of the Mormons in Utah. They massacre one hundred and thirty-six emigrants at ^fountain Meadows, September 18th. 1857 October 13th. Great commercial panic in New York. 1857 Commercial panic in England. Suspension, November 12th, of Bank Charter of 1844. 1857 George Peabody, American philanthropist, having settled in London, visits America, and gives 1300,000, or more, to found the Free Literary and Scien- tific Institute at Baltimore, Md. (See 1862, 1860, 1868, 1869.) ' 1857 December 28th and 29th. Canton, China, is bombarded and taken by the Eng- lish and French. ?,bH F. H. ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. SEE 1859, MAY 6TH. 398 J. D. 1858 (He-iira 1275, Aug. 11th) (R. I. 1, l()4th Cycle) ( A. U. C. 2G11) (A. M. 5802) (J. P. G571) Januai-v otli. English and French enter Canton. 1858 May 11th. Minnesota, thirty-second State, is admitted into the Union. 1858 June. United States troops restore order in Utah. 1858 June 15th. Massacre of some of the Christian inhabitants of Jedda, Arabia, by the jMohammedans. 1858 August 1st. The laying of the first transatlantic cable is completed. The first two messages, from queen of England to president of United States, and his reply, are sent August 5th. Cable's power of transmission entirely fails, September 4th. 1858 August 7th. Queen Victoria appoints Ottawa to I)e the capital of Canada. 1858 November 1st. Queen Victoria is proclaimed sovereign throughout India ; Lord Canning is made viceroy. 1859 (Hegira 1276, July 31st) (R. I. 2104) (a. U. C. 2612) (A. M. 5863) (J. P. 6572) January 28th. Death of "William Ilickling Prescott, eminent American histo- rian; age 62 years, 8 months, 24 days. 1859 February 14th. Oregon, thirty-third State, is admitted into the Union. 1859 May 3d. France declares war against Austria, for having invaded Sardinian territories. 1859 May 6th. Death of Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt, celebrated Prussian naturalist and traveler; age 89 years, 7 months, 22 days. 1859 May 20th. Austrians are defeated by the allies (French and Sardinians), at the battle of Montebello, in Piedmont. 1S59 May 30th and 31st. The allies defeat the Austrians, at the battle of Palestro. 1859 June 4th. Austrians are again defeated at the battle of Magenta. 1859 June 5th. Death of Prince Metternich, eminent Austrian statesman ; age 86 years, 20 days. 1859 Petroleum. is discovered in great abundance in United States. Artesian wells are sunk, and oil manufactories erected. 1859 June 8th. Allies defeat the Austrians at Malegnano, near Milan. 1859 June 24tli. Battle of Solferino, in Lombardy. Austrians are defeated by the allies. 1859 July 11th. Treaty of Villafranca : Austria and France agree to an armistice. 1859 July 12th. First street-car in Baltimore ('ity is drawn by horses, from Bal- timore and South Streets to Broadway market. 1859 July 13th. Death of Rufus Choate, eminent American advocate, and United States senator; age 59 years, 9 months, 12 days. 1859 Perseciition of the Greek Christians, in Candia (ancient Crete), by the Turks, begins July 31st. 1859 September 7th. Schamyl, great Circassian leader, is forced to surrender to the Russians. Circassian tribes cease to resent the Roman power. 1859 October 16th, at night. Insurrection of colored slaves at Harper's Ferry, Va. ; incited by John Brown, violent abolitionist. He seizes the arsenal, stops trains, and cuts telegraph wires. He is overpowered, October 17th, by Vir- 399 A. D. 5;iiiia militia; most of his party arc Icilk'd in the engagement, and he himself wonnded. 1S59 Noveml)er 2Stli. Death of Washington Irving, distinguished American anthor and hnmorist ; age 7(5 years, 7 months, 25 days. 1850 December 2d. John Brown is executed. 1859 December 8tli. Death of Thomas De Qnincey, eminent English anthor; age 74 years; known as the "Opium Eater." 1859 December 16th. Death of William Karl (Irimm, German author; brother of Jakob Ludwig Grimm; age 73 years, 9 months, 22 days. (See 1863.) 1859 December 28th. Death of Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay, eminent Eng- lisli historian and critic; age 59 years. 2 months, 3 days. 1800 ( llegira 1277, July 20th) ( E. I. 3 10^ ) (A. U. C. 2613) (A. M. 5864) (J. P. 6573) February 12th. Death of Sir William I'''. P. Napier, British general and histo- rian of "Peninsular AVar"; age 74 years, 1 month, 25 days. 1860 March. Insurrection of the Maoris, or natives of New Zealand. (See March 19th, 1861, and September, 1865.) 1860 Alarch 17th. Deatli of Mrs. Anna Jameson, celebrated Irish authoress; age 62 years, 9 months, 28 days. 1860 March 26th. Definitive peace between Spain and Morocco is signed. 1860 April 4-5th. Death of James K. Paulding, popular American novelist ; age 80 years, 7 months, 12 days. 1860 April 23d. National democratic convention meets at Charleston, S. C. They name Stephen A. Douglas as president of United States. The seceding mem- bers meet in Baltimore, June 18-22d, and nominate John C. Breckinridge. 1860 May 9th. Deatli of Samuel G. Goodrich; author (under nam de plume of Pe- ter Parley) of many juvenile educational series; age 60 years, 8 months, 20 days. 18(!0 May 11 th. Garibaldi, Italian general, lands at Marsala, in Sicily, and assumes the office of dictator, in the name of Victor Emmanuel II., of Sardinia. 1860 Garibaldi defeats the Neapolitans at Galatitimi, INIay 15th, and at Melazzo, July 20th. 1860 Joseph "Worcester, American lexicographer, completes and publishes his "Dic- tionary of the English Language.'' (See 1830.) 1860 ^May 16th. National republican convention assembles at Chicago, and elects Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, as iiresident of Fnited States. 1860 :May 28th and June 21st. The Maronites, a Christian sect living in the East, are massacred by the Druses, a neighboring Mohammedan sect, dwelling among the mountains of Lebanon. 1860 The steamship Great Eastern sails from England, June 17th, and arrives at New York, June 28th. 1860 July 9-llth. Over 3,000 Christians are massacred, at Damascus, by the Mo- hammedans. IMany of the Christians are rescued by Abd-el-Kader. (See 1832 and 1883.) 1860 July 20th. Garibaldi defeats the Neapolitans at JNIelazzo. 1860 July 27-30tli. Garibaldi enters Messina, and concludes a truce with the Nea- politans, who agree to evacuate Sicily, but retain the citadel of Messina. 400 A. D. 1860 Auijiist 12tli. The second Chinese War begins; the Chinese are defeated by the allied French and English in a skirmish at Pei-ho. 1860 Angnst 21st. Garibaldi takes possession of Reggio, Italy. 1800 Angnst-Septeniber. Fuad Pasha, Turkish statesman, is appointed by the Pow- ers to avenge the massacred Christians. He executes more than 160 Moham- medans, including the Turkish governor. 1860 Francis II., of the Two t>icilies (Naples and Sicily), retires from Naples to Gaeta, September 6th. Garibaldi enters Naples September 7th. 1860 The allies (French and English) advance towards Pekiu, and defeat the Chi- nese at Chang-kia-wan, September ISth, and at Pa-li-chiau, September 21st. 1860 September 20-bctober 20th. Prince of Wales visits United States. 1860 September 21st. Death of Arthur Schopenhauer, celebrated German pessi- mist philosopher; xt. 73. 1860 October 12th. Pekin, China, surrenders to the allies. 1860 October 24th. Ratification of former treaty signed at Pekin, between China and the allies. 1860 November 6th. Election of Abraham Lincoln, a republican, as sixteenth presi- dent of United States. The news creates intense excitement at Charleston, S. C, and in other Southern States. 1860 November. South Carolina and Georgia prepare to take iip arms. 1860 December 20th. South Carolina secedes from the Union. 1860 The method of spectrum analysis is invented and introduced by Bunsen and Kirchhoff. 1860 December 26th. Major Anderson, TTnited States army, withdraws from Fort IVIoultrie, to occupy Fort Sumter, S. C. 18()0 December 28th. South Carolinians take possession of Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie. 1861 (Hegira 1278, July 9th) (R. I. 4 loi ) (A. U. C. 2614) (A. M. 5865) (J. P. 6574.) Proclamation of President Buchanan, for the oliservance of January 4th as a day of fasting and i)raycr. 1861 January Oth. Secession of Mississippi from the Union. 1861 January lOth. Florida secedes. 1861 .Tanuary 11th. Alabama secedes. 1861 January 19th. Secession of Georgia. 1861 January 26th. Louisiana secedes. 1861 January 29th. Kansas, tliirty-fourtli State, is admitted into the Union. 1861 February 1st. Texas secedes. 1861 February 4th. Delegates from the seceding States assemlilc at Montgomery, and form a congress. They elect Jefferson Davis as pi'esident. 1861 February 13th. Gaeta is surrendered to Victor Emnuinuers troops. (See 1860, May 11th. ) 1861 February 18th. Jefferson Davis inaugurated president of Confederate States of America. 1861 February 26th. Italian Parliament declares Victor Emmanuel king of Italy. 1861 March 3d. Decree of the czar, Alexander II., proclaiming emancipation of serfs throughout Russia, to take effect two years from date, /. c, March 3d, 1863. 401 A. 1). 1861 March 1th. luaugiiration of Abraham Liuooln, sixteenth president of United States. 1861 March 19th. End of first Maori War. (See 1860, March, and 1865, Septem- ber 2d. ) 1861 Civil War begins. Confederates bombard Fort Sumter, Cliarleston, April 12th. Fort Sumter is surrendered April 13th. Major Anderson and l^nion soldiers evacuate the fort April 14th. 1861 April ITtli. Secession of Virginia. 1861 United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Va., is tired and destroyed, April 18th, and the navy-yard at Gosport, near Norfolk, is destroyed April 21st, by the Federals, to prevent their falling into the hands of the Confederates. 1861 A])ril 19th. Baltimoreans try to prevent the Massachusetts regiment from passing through Baltimore, but are fired upon by the Northern militia. 1861 April 25th. Philip Eeis exhibits, at Frankford, the first electric telephone, which is partially articulate. (See 1873, 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880.) 1861 May 6th. Secession of Arkansas and Tennessee; ad(tpted by the Legislature in secret. Tennessee pul)licly secedes May 21st. 1861 May 20th. Secession of North Carolina. 1861 June 3d. Death of Hon. S. A. Douglas, Feder- als. L802 April Ifith. Ccmgress passes an act abolishing slavi-ry in District of Cohunbia. 18f>2 April 25th. The Federals take New Orleans. 18r)2 May 1st. International E.xhibition, at London, is oi)ened by the Duke of (Jam- bridge. Closed November 15th. t8n2 .May 31st. Battle of Seven Bines and Fair Oaks, Va. The Unionists, under < leneral Casey, are attacked and driven back by the Confederates, under (Gen- eral Johnson. L'^fi2 June 1st. Battle of b'air Oaks renewed. Confederates re])ulsed. 1802 June 25th-July 1st. "Seven Days' Battle," before Kichmond, Va. The Con- federates, under General Lee, force the Unionists, uTider (ieneral ]\[cClellan, to retreat. 18(i2 Lan(lslK)rough, Stuart, and .McKinlay cross Australia tin's year, from sea to sea. La ndsborough crosses from North (o Soutli bci ween I'^ebniary and June; Stuart, from South to North, before August ; and .AfcKinlay, also from South to North, bef(U"e Si'iitember. 1862 September 22d. President Lincoln proclaims enianci|iafi(in of all slaves in Confederate States, January 1st, 1863, if States continue until then in a state of rebellion. 1862 Bevolutiou in (Jreece beuins. October 17th. (>llio 1. is deposed, f)ctober 23d. Prince Alfred of Great Britain is ])roclaimed king, Novend)er 22d. and again, by National Assembly, February 3d, 1863. (See ^farch, 1863.) 1862 December 13th. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va. The Fnionists are defeated by the Confederates. 1863 ( Hegira 1280, June 18th ) ( K. I. 6 lO" i ( A. U. C. 2616) (A. M. 5867) (J. P. 6576 ) January 1st. President Lincoln declares all slaves in the Confederate States free, and under military protection of T'nited States. (See 1862, Septem- ber 22d. ) 1863 January 17th. Death of J. E. Horace Vernet, celebrated French historic painter; age 73 years, 6 months, 17 days. 1863 ]\Iar( h 10th. ]»larriage of Prince of Wales to I'rincess Alexandra, of Denmark. 403 A. D. 18G3 The National Assembly offers the crt)\vn of Greece to Prince William of Schles- wig-Holstein, March ISth, and proclaims him king, as George I, March 30th. He accepts, Jnne 6th, and takes oath, at Athens, October 31st, 1803. 1863 April 20th. West Virginia, thirty-fifth State, is admitted into the Union. 1863 The T^iiion army of the Potomac, under General Hooker, crosses the Eajipa- hannock, April 29th. Battles of Cliancellorsville, Va., May 2-4th. The Federal army, under General Hooker, is totally defeated and driven back by the Confederates, under Generals Lee, Jackson, and Stuart. 1863 May 2d. Gen. Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson is mortally wounded, by his own party firing on him by mistake. He dies May 10th. N. B. — The sobriquet of ''Stonewall" Avas given him at the battle of Bull Run, when, admiring the brave firmness with which he and his brigade stood their ground against the severe pressure of the enemy. General Bee ex- claimed, "There is Jackson standing like a stone Avail,'' July 21st, 18G1. 1863 June 24th. Japanese ports are closed against European and American tra- ders. 1863 July 1st. Slavery abolished in Dutch West Indies. 1863 July l-3d. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Confederates, under General Lee, are defeated by Unionists, under General Meade. 1863 July Ith. Confederate General PcTuberton is forced to surrender Vicksburg to General Grant, it having been besieged by the Unionists from May 18th, and bombarded July 3d. 1863 July 7th. Death of William Mulready, celebrated Irish painter; age 77. 1863 July 8th. Confederate General Gardiner surrenders Fort Hudson, on the Mis- sissippi, to Federal General Banks. 1863 July 13-16th. Fierce riots in New York, opposing the conscription decree. 1863 Meeting at Chicago of the first convention of the Fenians, a brotherhood in ITnited States and Ireland, united to liberate and regenerate Ireland. So called from the name of ancient Irish national militia. 1863 September 19-20th. Battle of Chickamauga. The Unionists, under General Eosecrans, are defeated by the Confederates, under General Bragg, and driven back to Chattanooga. 1863 September 20th. Death of Jakob Ludwig Grimm, German philologist and ju- rist ; author of "History of German Language," and, conjointly with his brother, William, he wrote "CJerman Dictionary" and collected "Fairy Tales" ; age 78 years, 8 months, 16 days. ( See 1859. ) 1863 November 25th. General Bragg is defeated at Missionary Ridge, near Chatta- nooga, by General Grant. 1863 December 8th. The Church of the Campania, Santiago, Chili, South America, catches on fire during a festive celebration, 7 p. ii.. in honor of Feast of Im- maculate Conception, and is burned down. Over 2,000 persons perish in the flames. 1863 December 24th. Death of William Makepeace Thackeray, popular English novelist and humorist ; age 52 years. 1864 (Hegira 1281, June 7th) (R. I. 710'*) (A. U. C. 2617) (A. M. 5868) (J. P. 6577) January 1st. Schleswig-Holstein War begins, between the Prussians allied with the Austrians, and the Danes. 404 .\. D. 1S64 January 21st. Ilolsteiii is entered Iiy the tiernian troops, under General ^^'ranJiel. 1861 Feliruary 1st. The allies enter Schleswig. 1861 I'ebruary 5th. The Danes liave to abandon the Dannewerke, a series of earth- worics of ancient construction, regarded as almost impregnable, built across Jutland, Schleswig, and Holstein. 1864 I'\'bruary 20th. Union forces advance into Florida, and are defeated at Olus- tee. 1864 March 12th. Gen. U. S. Grant is appointed commander-in-chief of the United States armies, in place of llalleck, in command since July 2Gtli, 1862. 1864 March 14th. The Albert Xyauza, one of the sources of the ^^'hite Nile, is dis- covered by Samuel White Baker; knighted 1866. (See 1893.) 1864 Jlarch 31st. The Russians gain a great victory over the Circassian tribes, who emigrate into Turkey. The Russians declare the war to be at an end, June 2d. 1864 Tlie Russians completely suppress the Pcdish insurrection. 1864 April 10th. Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, of Austria, accept,s the proffered imperial throne of Mexico, as Maximilian I. 1864 April 12th. Confederates capture Fort Pillow, on the Mississippi. 1864 3Iay .5th and 6th. Battle of the A^'ildel'ness, near Chancellorsville, Va., between Generals Grant and Lee. Severe, but indecisive. 1864 May IDth. Death of Nathaniel Hawthorne, distinguished American novelist; age 59 years, 10 montlis, 15 days. 188 :\[ay 10th. The eleventh article of impeachment is rejected by the Senate; C5 Rei)ublicans vote for conviction, 12 Democrats and 7 Republicans for ac- quittal. Two-thirds majority required for conviction. 1868 May 20th. The second and third articles of impeachment rejected; 35 votes for conviction, 1!) for ac(]uittal. The impeachment having thus failed, the court adjourns, "siwe die.'* 1868 June 5th. The Chinese embassy (Burlingame, formerly Ignited States min- ister in Pekin, but now employed by Chinese government as special envoy, Chin Kaug, and Sun Chia Su) received at Washington by President John- son. 1808 June 10-1 Itli. Bill jiasscd liy tlie Senate for the re-admission of the Southern States. 1808 June 15th. The railway for locomotives across the Alps, over Mount Cenis, is opened for traffic. (See 1857 and 1871.) 18(i8 June 20th. Bill passed by the Ilouse, for the re-admission of Arkansas, over the i)resident's veto. 1808 July 4tli. Treaty between Chinese embassy and United States, authorizing * mutual immigration, signed at Washington. 1868 July 22d. Bill passed by the House, organizing Wyoming as a territory of United States. 1808 July 28th. Fourteenth Amendment declared by Congress to be part of tlie Constitution. 1808 l'\'arful earthquakes in South America, August 13-15th. Many towns in Peru and Ecuador entirely destroyed; from 25,000 to 30,000 lives lost. 1868 September 18th. Revolution against Queen Isabella, of Spain, begins with the fleet at Cadiz, under Admiral Topete, joined by General Prim. 1808 September 27th. Battle of Alcolea. The Spanish Royalists, under Gen. Pavia y Lacy, marquis de Novaliches, are totally defeated by the Republicans, under Marshal Serrano, to whom the former, lieing severely wounded, sur- renders, September 28tli. 1808 S(q3teml)er 29th. Deposition of Queen Isabella is officially declared at .Madrid. 1868 October 5-8tli. Provisional government formed in Spain, under Marshal Ser- *rano, fJeneral Prim, and Olozaga. They make many important reforms. 1808 Cornell University at Ithaca, N. Y., is founded by Ezra Cornell. 1868 November 13th. Death of Gioacchino Rossini, celebrated Italian musical com- poser* age 70 years, 8 months, 14 days. He composed his celebrated opera "Guillaume Tell," 1829. 1808 December 20th. Death of Augustus S. Mitchell, American geographer. 409 A. D. 1S68 December 20tli. Death, at Richmond, Va., of Mosby Clark, a soldier of tlie Revolution ; age 121 years. IN(i!» ( H.-ira 12SG, April 14th) (R.I.12104 ) (A. V. C. 2G22 ) (A. M. 5873) (J. F. 6582) February 2Gth. Passage of the Fifteenth Article of Amendment to the Consti- tution of T'nited States. 1809 I'ebruary 28th. Death of Alphonse de Lamartine, celebrated French poet, his- torian, and statesman; age "6 years, 4 months, 7 days. 18(!!» .March 4th. (ien. U. S. (Jrant inaugurated, eighteenth president of United States. 180!) ]May 12th. The Pacific railroad, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, is opened. ISO!) The Cortes vote for a monarchy in Spain, May 21st, and elect Marshal Serrano as regent, June 15th. 1809 The French Atlantic cable: the European end is laid at Rrest, France, June 17th; the laying of the American end, at Du.xbury, Mass., is completed July 23d. 1809 July 26th. The Irish Church Bill, for the disestablishment of the Irish Church, receives royal assent. 1S09 October 8th. Death of ex-President Franklin Pierce, fourteenth president of United States; age 64 years, 10 months, 15 days. 1S()9 November 17th. The Suez Canal, from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, is successfully opened for traffic. Ferdinand de Lesseps is the constructor. (See 1894.) 18(59 December 8th. Opening of the council in the Vatican, Rome, summoned by an encyclical letter, Septemlter 8th, and counted l)y Ronuin Church as Twenty- first CEcumenical Council. 1870 (Megira 1287, April 3d ) ( R. I. 13^4) (A. U. C. 2623) (A. M. 5874) (J. P. 6583) March 1st. The Brazilians defeat the Paraguayans, under President F. S. Lopez, who is killed in battle, at A(]ui(laban. 1870 March 30th. Tlie Fifteenth Amendment proclaimed part of the Constitution of tlie T'nited States. 1870 June 9th. Death of Charles Dicken.5, celebrated Englisji novelist ; age 58 years, 4 months, 2 days. 1870 June 20th. Treaty of peace, between Brazil and Paraguay, is signed. 1S70 June 25th. Isabella II., of Spain, abdicates in favor of her son, Alfonso. 1870 July 5-Oth. Prince Leopold, of nohenzollern-Sigmaringen, a province of Prussia, having lieen nominated by the Cortes, accepts the candidature for (he Spanish throne. 1870 July 5-Oth. The French government, jeabms of the increasing power of Prus- sia, denounces Prince Leopold's acceptance. Due de Grammont, the for- eign minister, makes threatening speeches in the French chamber. 1870 July 12th. Prince Leopold, with consent of king of Prussia, declines the prof- fered crown of Spain. 1870 b'rench government, not satisfied, demands a guarantee from William I., of Prussia, against future acceptance of the Spanish crown. This demand is in- -iio A. D. diguautly refused by William I., who decliues to receive Count Benedetti, the French minister, July 13th. 1870 July 15th. Naixilcon III. declares war against Prussia, sanctioned by the ma- jority of the chambers. Declaration' delivered in Berlin, July 19th. 1870 July 18th. The "Infallibility of the Pope," as head of the Roman branch of the Church, is affirmed as a dogma by the Vatican Council, after much discussion and opposition, many bishops having withdrawn from the discussion. The cimncil adjourns until November 11th. 1870 July l!)th. Meeting of the North-Cierman Parliament, which votes to support Prussia. 1870 July 27th. Day of general prayer observed in Prussia. 1870 July 30th. Austria declares its concordat with Rome to be suspended, not ac- cepting the infalliltility of the pope as a dogma. 1870 August 2d. Saarbrtick bombarded and taken from the Prussians by the French, under General Frossard. 1870 August 4th. The French, under Geueral Frossard, are defeated by Frederick "\Mlliam, crown-prince of Prussia, at ^Mssembourg. 1870 August 0th. Battle of Wdorth. Crown-Prince of Prussia defeats Marshal Mac- Malion. 1870 August 14th. Battle of Courcelles, near ]\Ietz. First Prussian army, under Von Steinmetz, defeats the French. 1870 August 14th. Death of David G. Farragut, distinguished United States ad- miral ; age G9 years, 1 month, days. 1870 August Ifith. Battle of :\Iars-la-Tou"r, or of Vionville, near Metz. The French, under Bazaine, are defeated by the second Prussian army, \inder Prince Fred- crick Charles. 1870 August 18th. Battle of (Jravelotte, or Rezonville, near Metz. I^irst and second armies combined, commanded by King William, of Prussia, defeat the Frencli, under Marshal Bazaine. 1870 Bazaine and army (Muleavor to esca])e from Jletz, but after a fierce battle, from August 31st, A. SI., to September 1st, no(m, they are forced by part of Prince Frederick Charles' army, under General Manteuti'el, to again retreat into :\Ietz. 1870 September 1st. Battle of Sedan, France, begins, between 4 and 5 a. yi. Mac- Mahon's entire army is totally defeated by the combined armies, under King William, of Prussia, the crown-prince of Prussia, and tlie crown-prince of Saxony. :MacMahon is wounded, ."> :30 r. M. General de Wimptfen takes command, and rejects terms off ereil by King William. Napoleon III. wit- nesses the defeat. French army retreats into Sedan; 25,000 French taken prisoners in battle, and 14,000 killed and wounded. 1870 September 2d. Napoleon III. surreiulers to King William I., with the city of Sedan, and whole army there: 83,000 troops, 70 mitrailleuses, 400 field pieces, and 150 fortress guns. 1S70 Sei)tember 4th, 3 :35 a. m. Surrender of MacMahon's army is announced to the Legislative Assembly at Paris. 1870 September 4th. Thiers proposes a commission of government and national de- fense, which the chamber accordingly appoints, 3:10 P. M. 411 A. 1). The citizens demand a republic. The de]>osition of the imperial dynasty, and establishment of a republic is proclaimed by Gambetta and others. The Sen- ate at its last meetinj? declares its adhesion to the emperor. "Government of Defense" pr(!claimed: General Trochu as president. Other ministers of the government are: Leon Gambetta, Jules Simon, Jules Favre, Cremieux, Jules Picard, General Le Flo, Fourichon, jMognin, Dorian, Etienne Araj-o, and Keratry, September 4th. 1870 September 8th. Victor Emmanuel, king of Italy, writes a conciliatory letter to the pope, stating that the occupation of Rome by Italian troops is necessary to preserve order. 1870 September 11th. The king's offer of sovereignty of Leonine City, and retention of his income, is refused by the pope. 1870 September 12th. Italian troops enter the papal territories. 1870 Sei)tember 15-19th. Siege of Paris begins. 1870 September 19th. Versailles, near Paris, and the French troops there, surren- dered to the Germans. It is entered and occupied by crown-prince of Prus- sia, September 20th. 1870 September 20tli. Italian troops enter Rome, after short resistance from i)apal trooi)s, stojiped by order of the pope, to avoid bloodshed. 1870 Death of Alexander Dumas, celebrated French novelist and dramatist; a't. 07. ( Father of Alexander Dumas, Jr. ; see 1895. ) 1870 Sejitember 23d. Toul, France, with its garrison of 3,000 men, surrendered to the Germans. 1870 September 27th, 2 A. M. Capitulation of Strasburg by General Uhrich, after courageous resistance. Formally surrendered to the Germans, Septemlter 28th. They enter September 30th, the anniversary of its seizure by Louis XIV., 1081. 1870 October 12th. Death of Robert E. Lee, distinguished general in Confederate army during Civil War in LTnited States; age 63 years, 8 months, 23 days. 1870 October 20th. Encyclical letter issued by the pope, adjourning meeting of the council; to have been resumed November 11th. 1870 October 27th. Marshal Bazaine is compelled, by famine, to surrender to the Germans, under Prince Frederick Charles, the city of Metz, with his whole army, including Jlarshals Canrobert and Le Boeuf, 66 generals, about 6,000 ofHcers, and 173,000 men. 1870 November 16th. Spanish Cortes elect Amadeus, second son of Victor Emman- uel, as king of S])ain. He is proclaimed king November 17th, and accepts the crown, at Florence, from a deputation of the Cortes, December 4th. 1870 December 5th. Rome declared to be the capital of Italy. 1870 December 27th. General Prim, of Spain (see 1868), while riding in his car- riage, is fired upon by six men, who escape. He dies of his wounds Decem- ber 30th ; age 56 years, 24 days. 1871 (Ilegira 1288, Mar. 23d) (R. I. 14104) (A. jT. C. 2624) (A. M. 5875) (J. P. 6584) January 2d. Amadeus enters Madrid, and takes the oath as king of Spain. 1871 Conference meets in London, January 17th, and a treaty is signed, by which the neutralization of the Black Sea is abrogated, March 13th. 412 o DC li. o -I UJ a T < 1- 1- in o OC UJ LU m I ? H Ui o O _l Li Q LU o (') r^ z CO < HI H UJ (0 H < o 413 A. L). 18- ■1 IS- ■1 IS- ■1 18- ■1 18- •1 January 18th. King William, of Prussia, is proclaiiiKMl cmporor of Germany, at Versailles. January 28th. Capitulation of Paris. Favre and Bismarclc sisn an armistice. Election of a National Assembly in France, February Sth. Grevy is elected president of the Assembly, February 16-17th. February ISth. The National Assembly of France appoints M. Thiers as chief of executive power. Preliminary treaty of peace, between France and Germany, is signed at ^'er- sailles, February 26th: France to cede ports of Alsace and Lorraine, includ- ing Jletz and Strasburg, and to pay a large sum of money to Germany. 1871 February 27tli. Commissioners for the settling of fishery disputes, and claims for damages done by steamship Alabama, etc., meet at Washington. Earl de Grey, 8ir Stafford Northcote, and others, for the British; Secretary Fish, General Schenck, etc., for United States. Anglo-American treaty is signed at Washing-ton, May Sth. 1871 March 1st. Treaty of Versailles is ratified b^y National Assembly. I'all of the French empire confirmed. German trooi)s enter Paris Marcli 1st. 1871 March 18th. Insurrection at Paris of the (%)mmunists, or Socialists. The Na- tional Guards soon join the insurgents. 1871 March 21st. New Imperial Diet opens at Berlin. 1871 March 22d. The title of Prince is bestowed upon Bismarck. 1871 First Annual International Exhibition at South Kensington, opens May 1st. Closed September 30th. 1871 May 10th. Treaty of peace, between France and Germany, is signed at Frank- fort, and ratified by the French Assembly, May 18th. 1871 31ay 11th. Death of Sir John Frederick William Herschel, eminent English as- tronomer and philosoiiher (son of Sir ^^'illiam Herschel; see 1822) ; age 79 years, 2 mouths, 4 dajs. 1871 May 12-13th. Death of Daniel Franrois 10s])ril .Kuiicr, cmiuent French musi- cal composer; age 87 years, 3 months, 13 days. 1871 May 21th. Public buildings burned, and Archbishop Darboy, and many other hostages, massacred in the prison of La Kocpiette, by the French insurgents. 1871 .May 28th. Work of the French insurgents is finally ended by the army, under Macilahon. Nearly all the Communists" leaders are killed or captured. 1S71 June ISth. Death of (!e(U'ge (irote, eminent JCnglish historian of Greece; age 77 years. 1871 July 3d. Kome iimugurated as the capital of Italy. 1871 July 30th. Steamer ^^■est field explodes, causing the death of 100 per-sons. 1871 August 27th. Explosion, at Mobile, of steamer Ocean Wave; 60 lives lost. 1871 August 31st. Thiers' term of office prolonged by the Assembly, which nominates him jiresident of the French Republic. 1871 September 14th. Disarmament of the National Guard, on account of its disloy- alty during the insurrection, begins. Large numbers of Communists are exe- cuted, and others imprisoned. 1871 September 17th. Formal opening of Mont Cenis Canal. (See 1857, August 31st ; and 1868. ) 415 A. D. (Hegira 1281), Mar.l2tli) (K. I. 15-i"M (A. U. C. 2625) (A. M. 5876) (J. P. 6585) February 8tli. Lord Mayo, viceroy of India, is assassinated at Port Blair, liy Shere Ali, one of the convicts. 1872 Api'il 20tli. Insurrection of tlie Carlists, in Navarre, Spain, supporting Don Carlos, duke of Madrid, calling himself Carlos VII. They are guilty of great cruelty in their warfare. The government troops, under Marshal Serrano, march against them. 1872 April 2:j(l-i\Iay 3d. Severe eruption of Vesuvius. 1872 C(»ntinued battles and skirmishes between the four parties in Spain: Govern- ment troops, Intransigentes, Communists, and Carlists, till 1875. 1872 May 4th. Don Carlos is totally defeated by government troops, at Oroquieta. 1872 June. Great labor strike in New York; 100,000 men quit working. 1872 June 28th. Incorporation of the "Maryland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Baltimore City," United States, America. (See 1824, 1849, and 1866.) 1872 German Parliament passes a bill for the expulsion of the Jesuits from Ger- many. The law is published July 5tli. Disputes between Eoman Catholic clergy and government, respecting papal in- fallibility. The salary of the bishop of Ermeland is ordered to be suspended from October 1st, he having excommunicated several persons for non-accept- ance of the Roman dogma of papal infallibility. 1872 July loth. Bill providing for the use of the ballot-box for elections in Great Britain and colonies, passed by Parliament, receives royal assent. 1872 September 14th. Final meeting of the Arbitration Tribunal at Geneva, for set- tling Alabama question between Great Britain and United States. Damages awarded to United States for injuries done by the steamships Alabama, Flor- ida, and Shenandoah, including interest, amounting to about £3,220,1 (!6, 13s., 4d. Arbitrators are Count Frederick Sclopis, Italy; Baron Staemptli, Switzerland; Viscount d'ltajuba, Brazil; Mr. C. F. Adams, United States; and Alexander E. Cockburn, England. 1872 September 28tli. The Senate of Brazil passes the "Gradual Slave-Emancipa- tion Bill." 1872 Modoc Indian War, with United States government, begins in the autumn. 1872 October 11th. Insurrection of the Republicans in Spain. Insurgents are de- feated Octc^ber 17th. 1872 October. M. Favre begins the construction of St. Gothard tunnel through the Alps, Switzerland; being part of a railroad .system, to connect the North Sea and the ilediterrauean. (See 1881, December 23d, and 1882, May 23d, and July 1st.) 1872 October 21st. Emperor William, of Germany, arbitrator for the San Juan boundary question, between Great Britain and United States, awards the is- land to the United States. 1872 November 9th, 10th, and 11th. Great fire in Boston, Mass. Loss about !if70,- 000,000 ; 959 houses burned. 1872 NovembcT- 29th. Death of Horace Greeley, Democratic and Liberal Republican candidate for the presidency for 1873, but defeated by President Grant; age 416 THE CRATER OF VESUVIUS. SEE 1631, DECEMBER 17TH. ^^ A GREAT ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS. SEE 1872, APRIL 23RD; ALSO 1631 A. D. 417 A. D. Gl years, 9 months, 20 days. Greeley fDunded, iu 1841, the ''New York Trib- une" newspaper. 1873 (Hegira 1290, March 2d) (R. I. 1, lOoth Cycle) (A. U. C. 2626) (A. M. 5877) (J. P. 6586.) January 9th. Death, at Chiselhurst, of Napoleon III., ex-emperor of France; age 64 years, 8 months, 19 days. 1873 January 17th. The Modoc Indians defeat the troops, sent by government to expel them from lands south of Oregon. 1873 January 18th. Death of Edward G. E. Bulwer, Lord Lytton, popular English novelist ; age 66 years, 7 months. 1873 iSt. I'aul's, the tirst American Catholic (or Episcopal) Church in Rome, is begun January 25th. (See 1874, October 25th.) 1873 February 11th. Abdication of Amadeus, king of Spain, because of the contin- ual warfare and disputes throughout his realm. The sovereign Cortes of Spain votes for a republic. 1873 February 12th. New ministry formed in Spain by the Cortes, with Figueras as its president. 1873 March 4th. U. S. Grant enters upon his second term as president of United States. 1873 March 22-23d. Slavery in Porto Rico abolished. 1873 April 2d. Resignation of M. Grevy, president of the National Assembly of France. The vacancy is filled by M. Buffet, April 4th. 1873 April 11th. Captain Jack and other Modoc Indians decoy General ('anby. Commissioner Thomas, and Mr. Meacham, murder the two former, and wound the latter. 1873 May 1st. Opening, by the emperor of Austria, of the Great International Exhi- bition at Vienna. 1873 May 7th. Death of S. P. Chase, eminent American statesman and chief justice ; age 65 years, 3 months, 24 days. ( See 1868, March 23d. ) 1873 May 8th. Death of John Stuart Mill, eminent English philosopher and econo- mist; age 66 years, 11 mouths, 18 days. 1873 May 22d. Death of Alessandro Manzoni, celebrated Italian novelist and poet; age 89 years, 2 months, 14 days. 1873 May 24th. Thiers, president of the French Republic, and his ministry, resign. Marshal MacMahon is elected in his stead, on the same day. 1873 June 1st. Captain Jack is captured; end of Modoc War. 1873 June 5th. Death of Urbano Rattazzi, Italian statesman; age 62 years, 11 months, 6 days. 1873 June 8th. Federal Republic is proclaimed in Spain, by the Cortes. 1873 Russian expedition, under General Kaufmann, against Khiva, a khanate in Turkestan, to redress outrages committed there. The capital, Khiva, is sur- rendered June 10th. 1873 June 11th. Pi y Margall is appointed president of the Spanish ministry. Fig- ueras leaves Spain. 1873 June 25th. Law passed for the expulsion of the Jesuits from Italy. 1873 June 27th. Death of Hiram Powers, eminent American sculptor; he made statues of "Eve," "Greek Slave," etc. ; age 67 years, 10 months, 28 days. 419 A. U. 1873 Eeis' telephone is improved by Elislia Gmy. (See 1861, 1877, 1878, 1879, and 1880.) 1873 July 18-19tli. Pi y Margall compelled to resign. New Spanish ministry form- ed, under Salmeron. 1873 August 8th. About seventy lives lost on the steamer Wawasset, which catches on fire on the Potomac. 1873 Castelar elected by the Cortes, August 26th, enters the presidency September 7th. 1873 Sejitember 19th. Great financial panic in New York begins. 1873 October 31st. The Spanish gunboat Tornado captures the American schooner Virginius, carrying men and arms from New York to the insurgents in Cuba. More than ninety insurgents and sailors on board, some American and Brit- ish, are tried, and the majority shot, Novemlier 4-7th. The Virginius is sur- rendered back to the Americans December 16-19th. 1873 November 19-20th. The Septe7inaJ (French for septennial), or prolonged term of seven years' power to Marshal MacJIahon as president of French Repub- lic, is decreed by the National Assembly. 1873 December 14th. Death of Louis Agassiz, eminent Swiss naturalist; age 66 years, 6 numths, 16 days. 1873 December 21th. Death of Johns Hopkins, a philanthropist of Baltimore, Md., IT. S. A. He leaves .f 3,500,000 for the founding and endowment, in Baltimore, of the Johns Hopkins University, which in a few years becomes one of the great seats' of learning. (See 1889.) 1874 (Hegira 1291, Feb. 19th) (R. I. 2105) (a. U. C. 2627) (A. M. 5878) (J. P. 6587) February 17th. Resignation of Gladstone and ministry'. The Disraeli ministry is formed, February 21st. 1874 March 8th. Death of Millard Fillmore, ex-president (thirteenth) of United States ; age 74 years, 2 months, 1 day. 1874 March 11th. Death of Charles Sumner, distinguished United States senator; age 63 years, 2 months, 5 days. 1874 Pullman palace cars are first introduced on the Midland R. R., United States, America, by George M. Pullman, March 21st. Opened to the public June 1st. 1874 September 9th. Death of F. P. G. Guizot, distinguished French statesman and historian ; age 86 years, 11 months, 8 days. 1874 First Euglish-Catholic Church within the walls of Rome is opened October 25th. ( See 1873, January 25th. ) 1874 Death of William Kaulbach, eminent German painter; age 68. 1874 Annexation of the Fiji Isles, in South Pacific Ocean, to Great Britain, an- nounced by Sir H. Robinson, October 25th. 1874 Alfonso, son of Isabella, ex-queen, is proclaimed king of Spain, as Alfonso XII., by the army and navy, December 29th and 30th. Proclaimed at Madrid De- cember 31st. Royal ministry formed, under Antonio Cauovas del Castillo, December 31st. 1875 (Hegira 1292, Feb. 8th) (R. I. 3105) (A. U. C. 2628) (A. M. 5879) (J. P. 6588) Girls' Friendly Society founded in England. ( See 1877. ) 1875 January 25th. Passage of the Civil Marriage Bill by the German Parliament. 420 A. It. 1875 February. Civil Eights Bill, in favor of the negroes, passed by United States Congress. 1875 Death of Bir Charles Lyell, eminent Scotch geologist; set. 77. 1875 Death of Ilaus Christian Andersen, celebrated Danish novelist, and author of "Fairy Tales"; age 70 years. (Born April 2d, 1805.) 1875 July 31st. Death of Andrew Johnson, ex-president (seventeenth) of United States ; age 66 years, 7 months. 2 days. 1875 John McClosky, Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, the first American ever made cardinal, is received at Rome, September 30th. 1875 October 26th. Virginia City, Nevada, U. S. A., nearly destroyed by fire. 1876 (Hegira 1293, Jan. 28th) (R. I. 1-105) (a. U. C. 2629) (A. M. 5880) (J. P. 6589) January 28-29th. Death of Francis Deak, Hungarian patriot, orator, and statesman ; iet. 73. 1876 Title of "Empress of India" conferred by English Parliament on Queen Victo- ria, who assumes the title April 28th or May 1st. 1876 May. Atrocious massacre of the Bulgarians — men, women, and children — by the Turkish soldiers; reported to the Great Pt>wers of Europe by their respec- tive ministers. 1876 Centennial Exposition, or World's Fair, at Philadelphia, Pa., to commemorate the centenary of American independence, opens Maj' 10th. Closes Noven>' ber 10th. 1876 June 8th. Death of Mme. Dudevant {)ioni dc plume, George Sand), celebrated ]'''rench novelist. Iler maiden name was Amantine Lucille Aurore Dupin ; age 71 year.s, 11 months, 7 days. 1876 June 25th. Massacre of General Custer and his entire command, by the Sioux Indians, under Sitting Bull. 1876 June 27th. Death of Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg, celebrated German natu- ralist and microscopist; age 81 years, 2 months, 8 days. 1876 June 30th. Public opening of the first railway in China, from Shanghai to Oussoon. 1876 August 1st. Colorado, thirty-eighth State, is admitted into the Union. 1876 September 24th. The blasting of the reefs at Hell Gate, New York harbor. 1876 About three hundred' lives lost by the burning of the Brooklyn Theatre, New York. 1876 The Six Great Powers of Europe mediate with Turkey, in behalf of Servia and Bulgaria. 1876 December 23d. Opening of the Conference, at Constantinople, of the represent- atives of the Six Great Powers of Europe: Great Britain, Jlaniuis of Salis- bury; Russia, General Ignatieff; France, Chaudordy; Austria, Zichy; Ger- many, Von Werther; Italy, Corti. (See January 18th and 20th, 1877.) 1877 (Hegira 1291, Jan. 17th) (R. I. .5-^05) (a. U. C. 2630) (A. M. 5881) (J. P. 6590) January 18th. National Council of Turkey rejects the propositions of the Coc- ference of the Great Powers. ( See 1876, December 23d. ) 1877 January 20th. Conference at Constantinople closes. (See 1876, December 23d. 1877 March 1st. Peace between Turkey and Servia signed. 421 A. D. 1877 March 5tb, Monday. Inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes, nineteenth presi- dent of United States, his election having been disputed by the Democrats, in favor of Samuel J. Tilden, but confirmed by an electoral commission, March 1st, and declared by Congress, March 2d. The electoral commission was composed of five members of the Senate, five members of the House of Representatives, and five Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. 1877 April 12th. Annexation of the Transvaal Republic, South Africa, to the British dominions, for protection, proclaimed by Sir T. Shepstone. 1877 April 24th. Russia declares war against Turkey. The Russian armies enter Roumania, Armenia, Bulgaria, etc., in Turkish dominions. Second Russo-Turkish War. 1877 Slay 29th. Death of John Lothrop Motle.y, eminent American historian; age G3 years, 1 month, 14 days. 1877 July 16th-August. Great labor strike of employees of the B. & O. R. R., in United States, America. 1877 September 3d. Death of Louis Adolphe Thiers, eminent French historian and statesman; ex-president of France; age 80 years, 4 months, 17 days. 1877 September 23d. Death of Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier, eminent French as- tronomer; age 66 years, 6 months, 12 days. 1877 October 14th and 15th. Battle of Aladja Dagh, near Kars, Armenia. The Turks, under Ahmed Mukhtar, are totally defeated by the Russians, under (irand Duke Michael, and Generals Melikoff, Lazaretf, and Heimann. 1877 November 17th, 8 p. M., to 18th, 8 A. M. Kars stormed and taken by the Rus- sians; 10,000 Turkish prisoners, and 300 guns captured; and about 5,000 Turks killed and wounded. 1877 December 12-14th. Servia declares war against Turkey. 1877 Girls' Friendly Society of America founded at Lowell, Mass., by Miss Edson. (See 1875.)' 1877 Elevated street railways erected in New York, between this year and 1878. 1878 (Hegira: 40th Cycle; 1295, Jan. 6th, and 1296, Dec. 26th) (R. L 6i05) (A. U. C. 2631) (A. M. 5882) (J. P. 6591) January 9th. Death of Victor Emmanuel IL, king of Italy. He is succeeded by his son, Humbert. 1878 January 9th. Turkish army captured in the Shipka Pass, by the Russians, under Generals Skobeleff and Radetzky. 1878 January 20th. Adrianople occupied by the Russians. 1878 January 31st. Armistice, between Russia and Turkey, is signed at Adrianople. 1878 February 7th. Death of Pope Pius IX. Cardinal Pecchi is elected pope, as Leo XIII., February 20th. (See 1903.) 1878 February 13th. British fleet passes the Dardanelles, and enters the Sea of Marmora, without permission of the Porte, for i^rotection of British life and property. 1878 March 3d. Treaty of peace, between Russia and Turkey, is signed at San Ste- fano, and ratified at St. Petersburg, March 17th. European powers are dis- satisfied. 422 S*3. , THIERS. SEE 1871, 1873, AND 1877. 423 A. L). 1878 March 'Jtli. The ship Sphinx is burned at sea, near Cape St. Elie, Austria; 500 lives lost. 1878 A^'reok, on Currituck beach, North Carolina, of the steamer Metropolis, from Philadelphia, bound for Brazil; 100 lives lost. 1878 March 2-4th. British training ship capsizes in the English Channel; over 300 lives lost. 1878 International Exhibition at Paris opens May 1st, and closes November 10th. 1878 The steamer Princess Alice sinks in the Thames; G50 lives lost. 1878 May 11th. Emperor William, of Germany, is fired at in Berlin, while in his carriage, by Emil Hodel, a socialist, who misses his aim, and is arrested, and executed August 16th. 1878 May 31st. The German iron-claJ Grosser Kurfurst is sunk by a collision v ith theKonig Wilhelm, in the English Channel, off Folkestone; 300 lives lost. 1878 June 2d. Doctor Edward Nobeling fires upon Emperor ^Villiam, of Germany, at Berlin, and inflicts thirty buckshot wounds. 1878 June 12th. Death of William Culleu Bryant, eminent American poet; age 83 years, 7 months, 1> days. 1878 June 13tli. Opening of the Berlin Congress, to settle the Eastern question : the Eusso-Turkish War. Representatives from Germany, Russia, Turkey, Great Britain, Austria, France, and Italy. 1878 June. Russian embassy, under Rtolietoff, favorably received at Cabul, by Shere Ali, ameer of Afghanistan, Central Asia, who signs a treaty with Rus- sia in August. 1878 July 13th. Treaty of Berlin signed. By this treaty Bulgaria is created a Chris- tian ]irincipality, tributary to the sultan; Roumania, Servia, and Mcnitenegro are declared independent principalities; Roumania loses part of Bessarabia, in exchange for the Dobrudja ; and the frontiers of Servia and Montene- gro are extended, and Antivari is annexed to the latter. New province of Eastern Roumelia is created, to be ruled by a Christian governor, under the sultan; Bosnia and Herzegovina to be occupied and administered by Austria ; Ardahan, Kars, Batoum, and part of Bessarabia, are ceded to Russia. The Porte promises legal reforms, and religious liberty to all. 1878 July 23d. Death of the dwarf, Minnie AVarren. 1878 August 3d. Ratification of Treaty of Berlin. 1878 August 30th. Lord Lytton, viceroy of India, sends an envoy to Shere Ali, to de- mand the admission of a British embassy at Cabul. 1878 September 22d. The Afghans refuse to allow the British embassy, under Sir Neville Chamberlain, to pass Ft. Ali Musjid, in the Kliyber Pass. 1878 October 28th-Novendier 2d. Lord Lytton .sends an ultimatum to Shere Ali, re- quiring an answer before November 20tli. 1878 November 21st. The ameer having failed to reply to the ultimatum, the Brit- ish forces, under General Browne, enter Afghanistan. 1878 November 22d. Ft. Ali Musjid is taken from the Afghans, by stcu-ni, by the British, under General Browne. 1878 Decem])er 2d. The British, under General Roberts, gain a victory over the Afghans, at Peiwar Pass. 1878 December 13tb. Flight of Shere Ali from Cabul to Balkh. Russian embassy withdraws. 425 A. I). 1878 Decemlier 19th. Death of Bayard Tavloi', United States minister to Germany; distingiiished American traveler and author; age 53 years, 11 months. 1878 December 20th. Jellalabad is occupied by the British, under General Browne. 1879 (Hegira 1297, Dee. 14th) ( R. I. 7-'^^^) (A. U. C. 2632) (A. M. 5883) (J. P. 6592) January 2d. Death of Caleb Gushing, distinguished American jurist and politician; age 78 years, 11 months, 15 days. 1879 January 11th. A great part of the Birmingham Free Library, England, is de- stroyed by fire. About 80,000 volumes lost. 1879 January 30th. Macilahon, president of France, resigns. F. P. J. Grevy is elected to succeed him. 1879 January 31st. Gambetta is elected president of the French Chamber of Depu- ties. 1879 February 8th. Definitive treaty of peace signed between Eussia and Turkey. 1879 February 21st. Death of Shere AH, ameer of Afghanistan; he is succeeded by his son, Yakoob Khan. 1879 April. Peru and Bolivia declare war against Chili. 1879 May 21-23d. The Peruvian iron-clads, Huascar and Independencia, attack the Chilian wooden war vessels Esmeralda and Covadonga, which are blockading I(|ui([ue, Peru. The Huascar sinks the Esmeralda; but the Independencia strikes a shoal, and is lost, while chasing the Covadonga. 1879 ]\Iay 26th. Treaty of peace, between British and Afghans, signed at Gandamak. 1879 May 30th. Proposed canon against ritual in the American-Catholic, or Episco- pal Church, is defeated in the Maryland Convention. 1879 June 1st. Prince Louis Napoleon is killed by the natives in Zululand, South- east Africa. 1879 June 3d. Death of Baron L. M. de Rothschild, English Jewish financier, and member of Parliament ; age 70 years, 6 months, 11 days. Son of M. A. Roths- child. (See 1812.) 1879 June 11th. AMlliam I., emperor of Geruiauy, celebrates his golden wedding. 1879 .Inly 4th. The Zulus are totally defeated by the British, under Lord (^helms- ford, at Ulundi. 1879 The Northeast passage, from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean, is discovered by Profes- sor Nordenskjold, who passes East Cape, Behring Strait, enters Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Pacific Ocean, July 20th, and reaches Yokohama, Japan, Sep- tember 2d. July 24th. British embassy, under Sir Louis Cavagnari, eflter Cabul. Aug-ust 28th. Cetywayo, king of Zululand, is captured, and retained a prisoner by the British. September 3-4th. Sir L. Cavagnari, the British embassy, and other British res- idents, are massacred by the Afghans. British forces, under General Roberts, arrive before Cabul September 28th ; en- ter October 12th. General Roberts proclaims British occupation of Cabul October 30th. Cabul is evacuated by the Afghans, and reoccupied by the British, December 26th. 1879 October 8th. The Peruvian iron-clad Huascar is captured by the Chilians. 426 18- ■9 18- ■9 18" ■9 18' '9 A. I). 1S79 October 13th. Death of Heury C. Carey, emineut American political econo- mist; age 85 years, 9 months, 28 days. 1879 October 14-19th. Terrible inundations in Sjiain, caused by heavy rains. About 1,000 lives lost. 1879 November 2d. Pisacpia bombarded and captured by the Chilians. 1879 November 23d. The Chilians defeat the united Peruvian and Bolivian armies, and capture Iquique. 1879 November 27th. The combined armies of Peru and Bolivia are again defeated by the Chilians, at Tarapaca. 1879 December 9th. The Campos ministry, in Spain, resigns, and is succeeded by the Canovas del Castillo ministry. 1880 (Hegira 1298, Dec. 4th) (R. I. S-i^S) (A. U. C. 2633) (A. M. 5884) (J. P. fi593) •January 20th. Death of Jules Favre, distinguished French advocate and politician ; age 70 years, 9 months, 19 days. 1880 February 10th. Death of Isaac Adolphe Cremieux, French ]Kiliti(ian and jurist ; age 83 years. 1880 February 18th. The Spanish Cortes promulgates the law for the gradual aboli- tion of slavery in Cuba. 1880 April 22d. Lord Beaconsfield, premier of England, and ministry resign. 1880 April 24th. Hon. ( Jladstone becomes premier of England, and forms his min- istry, April 29th. 1880 June 12th. The steamer carrying the obelisk, known as "Cleopatra's Needle," destined for United States, sails from Alexandria, Egypt; it arrives at New York harbor July 19-20th. The obelisk is landed on Staten Island, Septem- ber (Jth. Laying of the corner stone of the foundation for the obelisk, in Cen- tral Park, New York, October 9th. 1880 June 30th. The expulsion of the Jesuits, and other orders, from France, be- gins. 1880 Augiist 14th. The new cathedral, at Cologne, is completed. Solemnly opened by the emperor of (iennany, and others, October 15th. 1880 December 14th. The Greeks having taken up arms, the sultan of Turkey sends a note to the I'owers. 1880 December 23d. Death of Marian Evans, popular English novelist, under nam (?e p?w/»c of "George Eliot"; age 61. Maiden name was Marian Evans; she was first married to G. H. Lewes, Esq., and again married, May 26th, 1880, to J. ^^". Cross. 1880 December 24th. The Powers issue a circular, recommending arbitration, in re- ply to the sultan's note. 1881 (Hegira 1299, Nov. 23d) (R. I. 9-105) (a. U. C. 2634) (A. M. 5885) (J. P. 6594) January. Arbitration recommended by the Powers, 1880, is declined by Tur- key and Greece. 1881 January 17th. The Chilians having defeated the Peruvians, capture and enter Lima. 1881 January 22d. The Egyptian obelisk, known as Cleopatra's Needle, is erected in Central Park, New York. ( See 1880. June 12th.) 427 A. 1). ISSl Fehniai'v 5tli. Death, at London, of Thomas Carlyle, distinguished Scottish autlior and philosopher; age 85 years, 2 months, 1 day. 1881 February. Cauovas del Castillo is succeeded by Sagasta, as head of the minis- try in Spain. 1881 February 27th. The Boers, of the Transvaal, totally rout the British, under Sir George P. Colley, at ilajuba Hill. British losses are very heavy. General Jou- bert, commander-in-chief, and Gen. P. A. Cronje, second in command, share the honors of the victory. (See 1900, February 27th; and Note W.) 1881 Slarch 4th. Inauguration of James A. Garfield, twentieth president of United States. 1 881 March 13th, 2 p. M. Emilianoff and three other Nihilist assassins, each armed with a bomb, stand fifteen paces apart on the quay of Catherine Canal, to murder Ale.xander II., czar of Russia, as he passes. The second bomb kills the czar, and also the assassin who casts it. Alexander III. succeeds liis father, as czar of Russia. Alexander II. 's age was 62 years, 10 months, 14 days. 1881 March 21st. The Boers, in Transvaal, South Africa, agree to British terms, on basis of autonomy of Transvaal. Peace proclaimed March 24th. (See Note W.) 1881 IMarcli 30th. The Powers and Turkey agree at a conference, at Constantinople, and refer proposals to Greece. 1881 April 3d. Severe earthquake in island of Scio, Asiatic Turkey, killing 4,000 inhabitants. 1881 April 15th. Risakoff, and other Nihilist assassins are executed at St. Peters- burg, Russia. Five other attempts had been made to kill the czar, Alexander II. : 1866, 1867, 1879, 1879 again, and 1880. 1881 April 19th, 5:30 A. M. Death of Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield, ex- prime minister of England; distinguished statesman and author; age 75 years, 3 months, 28 days. 1881 April. Treaty of peace, between Russia and China. 1881 May 20th. Revised edition of the New Testament is published in America. 1881 June 23d. Dr. Charles G. Hill, of Arlington, Md., discovers a comet, 3:15 A. M. 1881 July 2d. Charles J. Guiteau, a fanatic of Illinois, fires two shots at President Garfield, at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station, Washington, D. C, Saturday, 9 :30 a. m. The first shot fatally wounds the president. 1881 July 2d. Signing, at Constantinople, of the Turco-Greek Convention, ceding Thessaly to Greece, and settling frontiers, etc. 1881 July 12th. Griscom, in Chicago, completes a fast of forty-five days from food, but drinking water. 1881 August 16th. Final passage of the Irish Land Bill, by British Parliament. Bill receives royal assent August 22d. 1881 September 19th, 10 :30 p. M^ Death of President Garfield (age 49 years, 10 months), from effects of the bullet Avound infiicted by Guiteau. Chester A. Ar- thur, vice-president, succeeds him, as twenty-first president of TTnited States. He is sworn in office at his house, in New York, September 20th, 2:15 A. M., by Judge Brady, of Supreme Court of New York State. He takes the oath again September 22d, 12 si., in the ]\Iarlile room, at the Capitol at Wnshiiig- ton. 428 A. D. 1S81 September 25tli. Gunpowder waterworks are eoiiipleted, for the permanent supply of Baltimore City. 1881 September 21)tli. Underground telegraph system in Germany completed. 1881 October 10-12th. Baltimore Oriole Festival of Processions, etc., for three days, to celebrate completion of Guni^owder waterworks. 1881 December 7th. First regular line steamship, under Chinese flag, arrives in Thames River, England, with 8,00!) tons of tea. 1881 December 9th. Land end of a new ocean cable is laid at Penzance. 1881 December 23d. St. Gothard's tunnel, through the Alps, Switzerland, success- fully completed. First completed 1880, but with defective vaulting. (See 1872, and 1882, May 23d, and July 1st.) 1882 (Hegira 1300, Nov. 13th) (R. I. lO^Oo) (A. U. C. 2G3o) (A. M. 5880) (J. P. 6595) January 3d. Death, in London, of ^^'il!ian^ Harrison Ainsworth, English nov- elist ; age 76 years, 10 months, 29 days. 1882 January 20th. Abolition of corporal punishment of negroes in Cuba. 1882 January 21st. Mr. Enoch Pratt, of Baltimoi-e (Mty, Md., U. S. A., writes to the Mayor and City Council, offering to erect on his lot, on Mulberry street, a tire-proof building, at the cost of about -f 225,000, for a free circulating library, and to give the city the sum of .f 833,333.33 i^, provided City Council agrees to give an annuity forever of |50,000 per annum, for the erection of four branches, and the furnishing with books, and the support and maintenance of library and branches, (lift in all,-fl,058,333.33 I/3. It is aceeiited by the city, and Maryland Legislature, and the library is founded. 1882 February 8th. Death'of Berthold Auerbach, popular German novelist; age 69 years, 11 months, 10 days. 1882 February 14th. Death of Henri Auguste Barbier, popular French satiric poet ; fet. 77. 1882 March 23d. Colonel Barnaby crosses; the British Channel in a balloon, from Dover, England, to Boulogne, France. 1882 March 24th. Death of Henry Wadswortli Longfellow, at his home, Cambridge, Mass. ; eminent American poet and prose writer; age 75 years, 27 days. 1882 March 31st. Act of Assembly, reducing the fare on all street cars in Baltimore City, from 6 to 5 cents, finally passed. Approved by the governor 5 p. m., April 3d. Reduced rates begin on the cars iVpril 4th, a. m. 1882 April 1st. International Art Exhibition, in Vienna, is opened by the emperor of Austria. 1882 April 10th. Juml)o, the largest elephant in the world, arrives in New York. 1882 April 20th. Death of Charles R. Darwin, eminent English naturalist and geologist ; age 73 years, 2 months, 8 days. He is buried in Westminster Abbey, beside Sir Isaac Newton. 1882 April 27th. Death, at Boston, Mass., of Ralph Waldo Emerson, popular .Ameri- can essayist, poet, and philosopher; projector of transcendentalism; age 78 years, 11 months, 2 days. 1882 April 2Sth. Earl Cowper resigns his office of lord-lieutenant of Ireland, and is succeeded by Earl Spencer. 429 A. D. 1882 Mav 10th. Arabi Pasha, formerly Arabi-Bey, prime minister, heads a minis- terial revolt against the khedive of Egypt. 1882 ^lay 23d. St. Gothard's tunnel, through the Alps, Switzerland, is opened to the public. ( See 1872, 1881, December 23d, and 1882, July 1st. ) 1882 May 26th. Ultimatum of England and France is accepted by the khedive, but rejected by the Egyptian ministers. 1882 May 30tli. English war vessels are ordered to Alexandria, to quell Arabi Pasha's revolt, and restore order in Egypt. 1882 June 1st. Brush electric light first used in Baltimore, to light the city at night. 1882 June 2d. Death of (jiuseppe Garibaldi, celebrated Italian patriot and gen- eral ; age 71 years, 10 months, 28 days. 1882 June 17th. Destructive tornado in Iowa, United States; 69 people killed, 500 wounded, 300 houses destroyed, and 1,500 people rendered homeless and des- titute. 1882 June 30th. Charles J. Guiteau, assassin of President Garfield, is executed at Washington jail-yard, 12 :40 p. M. ( See 1881, July 2d. ) 1882 July 1st. St. Gothard Railroad, in the tunnel through the Alps (part of a sys- tem to connect the North Sea and the Mediterranean), is opened for traflflc with regular trains. (See 1872, 1881, and 1882, May 23d. ) 1882 July 11th, 6 x. M. British fleet, under Admiral Seymour, begins bombardment of Ale.xandria, Egypt, occupied by rebels, under Arabi Pasha, and silences Egyptian batteries at 12 M. 1882 July 12th. Arabi's forces in Alexandria release the convicts from prison, mas- sacre and plunder Europeans, set the city on fire, and evacuate. Admiral Sey- mour lands a detachment, takes possession of Alexandria. Sixty United States marines and other neutral forces aid in restoring order and support- ing the khedive. 1882 July 23d. Decree signed by the khedive, dismissing Arabi Pasha from oi3Sce, and declaring him to be a rebel. 1882 August 3d. Cetewayo, ex-king of Zulu, arrives in England. 1882 August 5th. English troops land at Suez, Egypt, and occupy the canal. 1882 September 13th. General Wolseley attacks the rebels at Tel-el-Kebir, Egypt, and totally defeats them. 1882 September 14th. British occupy Cairo, take Arabi Pasha prisoner, and end the Egyptian Civil War. 1882 September 17th. Death of Rev. E. B. Pusey, D. D., learned English theologian and tractarian; one of the great supporters of orthodox doctrines in the Anglo-Catholic Church; age 82. 1882 December 3d. End of Arabi Pasha's trial, at Cairo, Egypt. Having i)leaded guilty to the charge of rebellion, he is sentenced to death. The khedive com- mutes his sentence to exile for life. 1882 December 6th. Death of J. J. Louis Blanc, celebrated French journalist and historian ; age 69 years, 1 month, 8 days. 1882 December 6th. Death of Anthony Trollope, popular English novelist; age 67 years. 1882 December 18th. Opening of the Baltimore and Ohio telegraph line from Balti- more to New York. 430 A. 1). 1883 (Hegira 1301, Nov. 2d) (R. I. 11-^05 j ( a. U. C. 2636) (A. M. 5887) (J. P. 6596) Jamiary lltli. At Washingtou, D. C. Death of Clark :\[ill8, distinguished American sculptor; age 68 years. 18S3 January 23d. At Paris, France. Death of Paul (lustave Dore, French artist; " celebrated as illustrator of the Bible, Dante's works. La Fontaine's "Fables," etc. ; age 50 years. 1883 January 31st. Cetewayo reinstated as king of Zululand. 1883 February 13th. At \'enice, Italy. Death of Eicliard Wagner, distinguished German musical composer; age 69 years, 8 months, 21 days. 1S83 May 6th. Total eclipse of the sun, lasting six minutes; observed by scientists stationed on Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean. 1883 May 13th. Town of Orango, Missouri, demolished by a cyclone. 1883 May 24th. Great East River suspension bridge, connecting New York and Brooklyn, is formally opened. 1883 May 26th. At Damascus. Death of Abd-el-Kader, famous Arab emir; age 76. ('See 1832 and 1860.) 1883 May 27th. The new emperor of Russia, Alexander III., is crowned at Moscow. 1883 May 29th. Celebration, in Baltimore, of the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the Anglo-Catholic (or Episcopal) diocese of Maryland. (See 1783.) 1883 July 15th. At Middleboro, Mass. Death of C. II. Ir^tratton, the dwarf, generally known as Gen. Tom Thumb ; age 45. 1883 July 22d. Telephone line opened between Baltimore and Washington, U. S. A. 1883 July 28th. Destruction of the town of Cassmiccioal, Islands of Ischia, near Naples, by an earthquake; 1,990 persons killed, and 374 injured. 1883 August 1st. Southern Exposition, at Louisville, Ivy., is opened by President Arthur. 1883 August 21st. Town of Rochester, Minnesota, is wrecked by a cyclone. 1883 August 24th. At I'rohsdorf, Austria. Death of Menri Charles Ferdinand, Comte de Chambord, or Due de Bordeaux, grandson of Charles X., of h^ance, recognized by the Bourbonists as heir to throne of France, and by them styled Henry V. ; age 62 years, 10 months, 25 days. 1883 August 27tli. Destructive volcanic eruptions on Island of Krakatoa, Sunda Strait. 1883 September 8th. Northern Pacific Railroad, United States, America, completed, and opened for traffic. 1883 October 1st. Reduction of letter postage, in United States, America, from 3 cents to 2 cents, goes into effect. 1883 I)ecend)er lltli. At Rome, Italy. Death of (Jiuseppe Mario, celebrated tenor singer ; age 75 years. 1884 (Hegira 1302, Oct. 22d) (R. I. 12i05) (A. U. C. 2637) (A. M. 5888) (J. P. 6597) February 4th. Egyptian army, under Baker Pasha, defeated with heavy loss, near Tokar, in the Soudan, Africa, near Red Sea, by Osman Digna. 1884 February 9th. Death of Cetewayo, king of the Zulus. 1884 February 29th. The British, under General Graham, defeat the rebels, under Osman Digna, near Tokar, in the Soudan, Africa. 431 A. D. 1881 Alaroli 1st. Treaty of peace, between Chili and Peru, ratified at Peru. 1884 March 13th. Briti.'ih, uuder General (Jrahani, again rout Osman Digna's forces, near Suakin, on tlie Ked Sea, Africa. 1881: March 24th. Death of Francois Auguste JIarie Mignet, French historian; age 87 years, 10 months, W days. 1884 March 27th. African rebels are again defeated, by General Graham, near Ta- manieb, in Soudan. 1884 April 11th. Death of Charles Reade, popular English novelist; a?t. 70 years. 1884 April 11th. Death of Jean Baptiste Dumas, eminent French scientist; age 83 years, S months, 27 days. 1884 May 6th. At Philadelphia, Pa. Death of Prof. Samuel D. Gross, eminent American surgeon ; a^t. 79. 1884 President Arthur signs the bill, passed by United States Senate, reducing post- age on newspapers to 1 cent for four ounces. 1884 June 7th. Death of Charles Fenno Hoffman, popular American poet and nov- elist ; :et. 78. 1884 June 23d. Chinese troops attack French forces, at Lang-Son, for which France demands from China a heavy indemnity. 1884 July. Death of Karl Richard Lepsius, distinguished German philologist and antiquary; age 70 years, (> months. 1884 August 23d. China not having complied M'ith France's demand for indemnity, the French, under Admiral A. P. Courbet, l)ombard and destroy Foo-Chow arsenal, nine Chinese gunboats, and twelve junks (Chinese ships). French lose seven killed. Cliinese loss estimated at 1,000 killed, and 3,000 wounded. 1885 (Hegira 1303, Oct. Uth ) | R. I. 13105) (A. U. C. 2638) (A. M. 5889) (J. P. 6598) January 1st. Destructive earthquakes in Spain. Towns and villages demol- ished. 1885 January 13th. Death of Schuyler Colfax, American statesman, and ex-vice- president of United States; age 61 years, 9 months, 20 days. 1885 January 17th. British are victorious over the rebels in the Soudan, at Abu- Klea. 1885 January 26th. The rebels, under Mahdi, capture Khartoum, in the Soudan, from the British, under General Gordon, age 54, who is killed before Gen- eral Wolseley's forces can come to his rescue. 1885 February 10th. General Earle, in British army, is killed by the rebels, at Birti, Africa. 1885 February 14th. French capture Lang-Son from the Chinese. 1885 February 21st. Dedication of Washington's monument, at Washington, D. C, Ihiited States, America. 1885 March 4th. Grover Cleveland is inaugurated twenty-second president of United States. 1885 March 27th. Chinese defeat the French, at Lang-Son. 1885 April 7th. Peace concluded, between France and China. Treaty signed June 9. 1885 "Slay 11th. Half-breed insurgents in Canada, led by Louis D. Kiel, are defeated l)y the Canadian troops, at Batouche. 432 433 A. D. 1885 May 15th. Louis D. Kiel is captured near Batouche, Manitoba. (See preceding item, and November 16th.) 1885 ilay 22d. At I'aris. Death of Vicorate Marie Victor Hugo, celebrated French poet and novelist ; age 83 years, 2 months, 20 days. 1885 May 29th. Death of Alfred Meissner, Austrian poet; a-t. G3. 1885 June 5th. Death of Julius Benedict, German musician and composer; age 79 years, 6 months, 8 days. 1885 June 9th. (iladstoue ministry resigns. Marquis of Salisbury succeeds as premier. 1885 June. Ten thousand persons drowned during the month by the great floods in China. 1885 Mahdi, leader of the rebels in Africa, dies of small-pox, about July 20th. 1885 July 23d. Death of Gen. Ulysses Simpson Grant, ex-president of United States, at Mt. Mc(Jregor, New York; age 63 years, 2 months, 26 days. 1885 July 2Slli. Death of Sir Moses Montefiore, English Hebrew philanthropist and centenarian; aet. 101. 1885 August 10th. Railway cars run by electricity, from Baltimore, Md., to the vil- lage of Hampden. First electric railway cars run in America. 1885 August 11th. Death of Lord Houghton (Kichard Monckton Milnes), English poet and miscellaneous writer; age 76 years, 1 month, 22 days. 1885 August 18tli. Death of William John Thoms, English anti(iuarian; age 81 years, 9 months, 2 days. 1885 Death of Anthony Ashley Cooper, seventh earl of Shaftesbury; English phil- anthropist ; fet. 84. 1885 October 1st. Special mail delivery service in United States begins. 1885 October 14th. Death of Henry W. Shaw, American humorist, under noin dc plume of Josh Billings; u't. 67. 1885 November 7th. Canadian Pacific Railroad completed, and opened. 1885 November 10th. Death of William Benjamin Carpenter, M. D. ; eminent Eng- lish physiologist; a^t. 72. 1885 November 10th. Opening of the New Orleans Exposition. 1885 November 13th. News received in London that an invasion of Burmah had been ordered by Lord Dufterin, viceroy of India. 1885 Servia having declared war against Bulgaria, the Servian army crosses the Bul- garian frontier, November 14th. 1885 November 16th. Execution of Louis David Riel, the Canadian half-breed insur- gent leader. (See May 11th.) 1885 November 25th. At Madrid. Death of Alfonso XII., of Spain, age 28. Chris- tina, his widow, is regent of Spain. 1885 November 20th. Death of Marshal Francisco Serrano, ex-regent of Spain ; a?t. 75. 1885 November 28th. Servian army having been repulsed, an armistice is con- cluded between Servia and Bulgaria. 1885 November 28th. Mandalay, capital of Burmah, is occupied by British troops. King Theebaw surrenders. 435 A. D. 1886 (Hej-ira 1304, Sept. 30th) (R.I. 11 105, ^^^_ i^ e 2G39) (A. M. 5890) (J. P. 6599) January 1st. Proelamation of the annexatiou of IJiii'inah, Southeast Asia, to the British Empire. 1886 January Itli. Inauguration of Enoch Pratt Free Library, in Baltimore City, MaryJand. (See 1882, January 21st.) 1886 Tlie Great PoAvers summon Servia, Bulgaria, and Greece, to disarm. 1886 February 5th. United States Senate passes a bill, to admit Dakota into the Union, as thirty-ninth State. (See 18S9, February 22d, and November 2d.) 1886 February 9th. At Governor's Island, New York. Death of Winfield Scott Han- cock, U. S. A.; distinguished American general; ;et. 62. 1886 March 2d. Treaty of peace, between Servia and Bulgaria. 1886 March 28th. Death of Sir Henry Taylor, English essayist and dramatist ; iT3t. 86. 1886 April 1st. News received at Paris of the massacre of 412 Christians in Anam, Southeast Asia. 1886 April 10th. United States Senate passes a bill, to admit AA'ashington Terri- tory. (See 1889, February 22d, and November 11th.) 1886 Ajjril 27th. Death of Eugene Louis Gabriel Isabey, eminent French painter; fPt. 82. 1886 May 17th. Christina, queen regent of Spain, gives birth to a son, Alfonso XIII. 1886 May 23d. Death of Leopold von Ranke, eminent German historian; age 90 years, 5 months, 2 days. 1886 June 7th. At Florence, Italy. Death of Col. Richard March Hoe, an American; inventor of Hoe's type-revolving printing-press; ret. 74. (See 1847.) 1886 June 7th. Archbishop Gibbons, of Baltimore, Md., is created cardinal, being the second American bishop to receive the red hat. Invested at Baltimore Cathedral, June 30th. (See 1875, September 30th.) 1886 June 13th. Death of Ludwig II., king of Bavaria, at Berg Castle. Succeeded by his brother, Otho II., whose uncle. Prince Luitpold, governs as regent. 1886 June Kith. At Boston, Mass. Death of Edwin Percy Whipple, distinguished American essayist and critic ; a-t. 67. 1886 June 21st. United States Senate ratifies treaties with Japan and Mexico. 1886 June 23d. Decree of French government, expelling the Orleans and Bona- parte princes from the French Republic. 1886 July 14th. Extradition treaty, between United States and Great Britain, is announced. 1886 July 31st. Death of Franz Liszt, Hungarian musical composer, and celebrated pianist; age 74 years, 9 months, 9 days. 1886 August 4th. At Yonkers, N. Y^ Death of Samuel J. Tilden. distinguished American Democratic statesman; iiet. 72. 1886 Aug-ust 31st. Terrible earthquake in Charleston, S. C. Great loss of life and property. 1886 September 1st. News reaches London of terrible massacres of Christians in China. 1886 September 27th. In Virginia. Death of John Esten Cooke, American poet and novelist; set. 56. 1886 October 7th. Decree for liberating slaves in Cuba is signed by Queen Chris- tina, of Spain. 436 A. II. 1886 Octolicr 7th. Taniai. a stronnliold of Osman Di-^iia, the African rebel chief, is taken by natives, friendly to the British. (See 1884.) 1886 October 24th. Death of Count Frederick Ferdinand von Benst, distinguished German statesmau ; age 77 years, months, 11 days. 1886 November 7th. The Tnrnbull long-distance telephone is tested at New York and Washington. 1886 November 18th. At New York. Death of Chester Alan Arthur, ex-president of United States; cTt. 56. 1886 November 30th. Conclusion of commercial treaty, between France and IMexico. 1886 The clavier, or dumb-piano, for practicing scales, exercises, etc., is invented by Virgil, of New York. (See 1892.) 1886 December 8th. At Philadelphia, Pa. Death of Isaac Lea, distinguished Amer- ican scientist ; tet. 94. 1886 December 10th. At Rome, Italy. Death of Marco Minghetti, eminent Italian statesman ; set. 68. 1886 December 26th. At Washington, D. C. Death of Senator John A. Logan, emi- nent American statesman and general; ret. 60. 1 SS7 ( Hegira 1305, Sept. 19th ) ( R. 1. 1 5 lo^ ) ( a. U. C. 2640 ) ( A. M. 5891 ) ( J. I'. 6600 ) January 15th. At Vienna. Deatli of Frederick Amerling, eminent Austrian painter; set. 84. 1887 January 18th. Heavy volcanic eruption from Manna Loa, Hawaii. 1887 January 20th. Kapunda, a British emigrant ship, collides with another vessel oft' the coast of Brazil, and is sunk; over 300 persons drowned. 1887 February 4th. Services held in Lambeth Palace, London, to commemorate the centennial of the consecration of Bishops White and Provoost, the first Anglo-Catholic bishops consecrated in England for the American Church; Bishop Seabury (the first bishop consecrated for the American Catholic, or Episcopal, Church) having been consecrated in Aberdeen, Scotland. (See Februai"y 4th, 1787, and November 14th, 1784. ) 1887 March 8th. At Brooklyn, N. Y. Death of Henry Ward Beecher, popular Amer- ican pulpit orator and lecturer; age 74 years, 1 month, 14 days. 1887 31arcli 3Ist. At Albany, N. Y. Death of John Godfreys Saxe, popular American humorous poet, of Vermont; a^t. 71. 1887 April 5tli. Interstate Commerce Law goes into operation, having passed in United States Senate January 14th, and in Ignited States House of Repre- sentatives January 21st, and been signed by President Cleveland Feb- ruary 4tli. 1887 April 22d. Coast of Western Australia is swept by a hurricane, causing 550 deaths. 1887 May 0th. Death of James Grant, Scottish novelist ; tet. 65. 1887 June 21st. Semi-centennial of Queen Victoria's coronation is celebrated in England. 1887 August 19th. At Wood's IToll, Mass. Death of Prof. Spencer Fullerton Baird, eminent American naturalist; a^t. 64. 1887 October 13th. Death of ]\Irs. Dinah ]\Iaria Muloch Craik (better known as Miss ]\Iuln(b), popular Englisli authoress; ;vt. 61. 437 A. I). 1887 NdvciulKT 2(1. Deatli of .Mrs. Jenny Lind (loklsclimidt, famous Swedish so- prano vocalist, IvHown on the staiji' as Jenny Lind, hefore her marriage to (loldschniidt, the pianist. 1887 November 3d. Openinij, hy tlie Prince of Wales, of the Trnro ("atliedral; tlie first catliedral of tlie Estalilished (Mnii-ch of England built since tlie Kefor- mation. 1887 Decendier 2d. Grevy resigns his office, of president of the French IJepublic, and M. Sadi-Carnot is elected to till his place, December 3d. 1887 The construction of the Manch("ad, as far as Samarkand. 1888 December 20tli. British and Egyptian forces, under General Grenfell, defeat and rout the insurgents, under Osman Digna, near Suakin, Africa. Digna loses 400 men. 438 u o < U] Q. d li. o < UJ _l a LJ ? lii Hi «5 (- UJ I 1- 439 A. I). ISSt) ( I legira 1307, Aug. 28th ) (R.I. 2-iofi ) ( A. U. C. 2042 ) ( A. M. 5893 ) ( J. P. 6002 ) February 22d. President Cleveland sigus the bills, admitting North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wasliington into United States, as thirty-ninth, fortieth, forty-first, and forty-second States. (See 1886, 1888; and Novem- ber 2d, Sth, and 11th, 1889.) 1889 IMaroh ith. Washington, D. C. Inangniration of Benjamin J. Harrison,' twenty-third president of United States. 1889 March 0th. Abdication of Milan, king of Servia, in favor of his son, Alex- ander. 1889 March 8th. At New York. Death of Capt. John Ericsson, eminent Swedish me- chanician and inventor; a't. Si'>. (See 1802.) 1889 March 27th. Death of John Bright, celebrated English orator and statesman; age 77 years, 1 months, 11 days. 1889 April 9th. Death of Michel Eugene Chevreul, distinguished French chemist; age 102 years, 7 months, 8 days. 1889 April lltlu Town of Lamberton, Ala., U. S. A., totally destroyed by fire. 1889 April 21th. The great di-y dock, at Newport News, Va., formally opened. 1889 May 0th. Opening of the Paris Exhildtion. 1889 May 7tli. Opening of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., U. S. A.; Hopkins having given in his lifetime .|1,500,000 for the founding and endow- ment of this charity. ( See 1873. ) 1889 May 31st. Disastrous flood at Johnstown, Pa., caused by the bursting of a dam, ten miles northwest of, and at a great height above, Johnstown. The dam, built in 1887, I)y the South Fork Fi.shing Club, was 1,000 feet long, 70 feet high, 50 feet tliick at top, and 300 feet at bottom. Over fifty square miles of land drained into the dam ; and, owing to the constant heavy rains dur- ing the month, the water had risen many feet. Dam breaks 3 p. M., and by 1:15 p. M. precipitates about 480,000,000 cubic feet of water upon the fated town. Between 5,000 and 0,000 persons perish between 4:15 and 5:15 p. m. 1889 Extradition treaty, between England and United States. 1889 June 2d. Creat lioods in China!^ More than 0,000 lives lost. 1889 ^yin'k on Nicaragua Canal begun, June 3d; stopped, an months, 3 days. 1889 December 12th. At Venice, Italy. Death of Robert Browning, popular English poet ; vet. 77. 1890 (Hegira 1308, Aug. 18th) (R. I. 3-106) (a. U. C. 2643) (A. M. 5891) (J. P. 6603) January lltli. Death of Lord Robert Napier, of Magdala fame; celebrated British general ; age 79 years, 1 month, 8 days. ( See 1868, April 10, and 13.) 1890 February isth. Death of Count Julius Andrassy, Hungarian statesman; age 6(! years, 8 m(^nths, 20 days. 1890 Marcii 4th. Opening of the railroad bridge over Firth of Forth, Scotland. 1890 March 7th. Doctor Raimondo Palacio is elected president of Venezuela. 1890 March 13th. Bill passed by House of Representatives, for the organization of Oklalioma Territory. 1890 :\Iarch 18th. Prince Bismarck, chancellor of German Empire, resigns his of- fice, and is succeeded by General Von Caprivi. 1890 :\Iarcb 19th. Cruiser Newark is launched, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1890 :\larcli 24th. Death of Prof. Richard Owen, eminent English anatomist and zoologist ; a't. 86. 1890 April 12th. Death of Marquis Tseng, Chinese statesman and diplomatist; a^t. 62. 1890 June 20th. Turks massacre Armenian Christians, at Erzeroum. 1890 June 30th. Treaty signed, between ICngland and Germany, for a partition of Eastern Africa, and cession of Heligoland to Germany. 1890 July 3d. President Harrison signs the bill, admitting Idaho, forty-third State, into the Union. 18<»0 July 4th. Canovas del Castillo succeeds Sagasta, as premier of Spain. "■^ 442 A. I>. 1890 July lOtli. President Harrison signs the bill, admitting ^V.V()mi^g•, forty-fourth State, into the Union. 1890 August 6th. Cehuan, president of Argentine Republic, is forced to resign, and is succeeded by Dr. Pellegrini. 1890 August 2r)th. Completion of St. Clair Piver tunnel, from Port Huron, Jlirli., to Sarnia, Canada. 1890 August 28th. Signing of the treaty of peace, between Cuatemala and Salvador. 1890 Septendicr 4th. Twelve thousand h(mses destroyed by a great tire at Salonica, Turkey. 1890 October 1st. Death of Jean Baptiste Ali)honse Karr, pojtular French novel- ist ; :vt. 82. 1890 October 20th. At Trieste, Italy. Death of Sir Pichard Francis Burton, cele- brated English traveler and explorer of Africa ; fet. 69. 1890 October 29th. William III., king of Holland, is declared incapable of reign- ing. <2ueen Emma takes oath as regent, Novendjer 20th. 1890 November 6th. Professor Koch makes known, in Berlin, his discovery of a lymph cure for consunqdion. 1890 Novend)er 18th. United States armored cruiser Maine is launched, at Brook- lyn navy-yard. (See February 15th, 1898.) 1890 November 23d. Death of AVilliam III., king of Holland ; age 73 years, 9 months, 4 days. His daughter, \\'illielmina, succeeds, with Queen Emma as regent. 1890 December 11th. Dr. Welti is elected president of Switzerland. 1890 December 20th. New York. Signor Succi com])letes a fast of forty-five day.s, during which time he consumed 291 ounces of croton water, 798 of mineral A\ater, 64 of ice, and 710 di'ops of an eli.xir containing moi-phine. 1890 December 22d. At Copenhagen, Denmark. Death of Neils W. (lade, eminent Danish musical comjioser; vet. 73 1890 December 29th. Wounded Knee Creek, Nebraska. Skirmish betweeri United States troops and Indians. Capt. (}. D. Wallace and 25 soldiers are killed, and Lieut. II. Krautzerg and three privates fatally wounded ; 250 Indians are killed. 1890 December 29th. Death of Octave Feuillet, French novelist and dramatist ; s-t. 68. 1891 (Hegira 1309, Aug. 7th) (P. I. 4-^06) (A. U. C. 2644) (A. M. 5895) (J. P. 0604) January 2d. Death t)f Alexander William Kinglake, Engli-sh historian; let. 89. 1891 January 17tli. At Washington, D. C. Death of George Bancroft, distinguished American statesman and historian ; age 90 years, 3 months, 14 days. 1891 January 20th. Death of David Kalakaua, king of Hawaiian Islands; tet. 55. 1891 January 31st. Death of Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier, celebrated French painter; age about 78. 1891 February 13th. Death of David Dixon Porter, admiral of United States navy; age 76 years, 7 months, 5 days. • • 1891 February 14th. At New York. Death of Uen. William T. Sherman, distin- guished American general ; age 71 years, 6 days. 1891 February. Egv'ptians totally defeat Osman Digna, near Suakin, Africa. Ti3 A. 1). 1891 Marcli 4tli. Iiiternatioual Copyright Bill is passed by United States Congress. 1891 March 17th. Death of Prince Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew of Napo- leon 1. ; age 08 years, months, 8 days. 1891 April 20th. Reciprocity treaty concluded, between United States and Spain. 1891 April 21th. Death of Connt Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke, distinguish- ed Prussian field marshal; set. 91. 1 891 Death of Pedro II., ex-emperor of Brazil ; set. G6. ( See 1889, November 15th. ) ]891 May. Construction of the great Trans-Siberian Eailroad is begun by the Rus- sian government. (See January, 1898.) 1891 June 30th. First passenger train runs on the railroad to the summit of Pike's Peak, Colorado, 14,147 feet above sea level, the lower terminus of the line being 6,400 feet aboAe sea level. 1891 August 12th. At Cambridge, Mass. Death of James Russell Lowell, distin- guished American poet and critic ; age 72 years, 5 months, 20 days. 1891 August 28th. The Congressional party, in Chili, liaving revolted against their president, Balmaceda, totally vanquish his army, near Valparaiso. Balma- ceda commits suicide, September 19th. 1891 October fi-7th. Death of Charles Stewart Parnell, the Irish leader; a?t. 45. 1891 October 16th. The Chilians attack the .sailors of the United States cruiser "Baltimore," for which United States government demands reparation from Chili. (See 1892.) 1891 October 17th. At Newport, Mass. Death of James Parton, popular American biographer; born at Canterbury, England, but having resided from early manhood in New York, U. S. A. ; a-t. 69. 1891 October 2Sth. United States cruiser Detroit is launched, at Baltimore. 1891 November 4th. The Chilians elect Admiral Jorge Montt for their president, to succeed Balmaceda. 1891 November 23d. Marshal I'^'onseca, elected president of Brazil in February, hav- ing attempted to usurp dictatorial powers, is forced, by a revolutionary move- ment, to resign, and is succeeded by the vice-president, Peixoto. 1891 December 2d. United States armored cruiser New York is launched, at Phila- delphia. 1891 December 5th. United States cruiser Montgomery, built by the Columbian Iron Works, is launched at Baltimore. 1892 ( ITegira 1310, July 26th) ( R. I. 5-i06) (A. U. C. 2645) (A. M. 5896) (J. P. 6605) January 4th. ^\.t London. Death of George B. Airy, English astronomer; age 90 years, 5 months, 7 days. 1892 January 7th. At (^airo. Death of Tewfik Pasha, khedive of Egypt, at his i»a]- ace; age 39 years, 1 month, IS days. Succeeded by his son, Al)bas Pasha. 1892 January 31st. Death of Alexander Tiliizos Rhangabe, eminent Greek poet and statesman ; age 82. 1892 February 29th. Behring Sea arbitration treaty, between United States and Great Britain, is signed at Washington, and ratified March 29th. 1892 March 6th. Death of Etienne Arago, French dramatist and politician; age 89 years, 29 days. 1892 March lOtli. Death of Edward Augiistus Freeman, English historian ; fet. 69. 444 GOETHE. SEE 1832. 445 A. D. 1892 April 23(:1. Death of General Deodoro de Fouseca, ex-president of Brazil, (i^ec 1891, November 23d.) 1892 May 6tli. Death of August Willielm Ilofmann, eminent German chemist; age 74. 1892 May 12th. Memphis, Teuu. Opening of the bridge over the Mississippi Kiver, where De Soto cros.sed. (See 15 il.) 1892 June 17th. VoUanie eruption on Sangir Islands, in Malay Archipelago, kill- ing over 1,000 iidiabitauts. 1892 June 28th. United States battle-ship Texas is launched, at Gosport navyyari, Virginia. 1892 July 12th, 9 :30 \. m. At Ardsley Park, N. Y. Death of Cyrus AV. Field, origi- nator of transatlantic cable; age 72 years, 7 mouths, 12 days. (See 18G(), July 27th.) 1892 September 7th. At Hampton P'alls, X. H. Death of John Greenleaf Whittier, distinguished American [)oet ; age 84 year.s, 8 mouths. 20 days. 1892 October Gth, 1 :35 \. M. Death of Lord Alfred Tennyson, celebrated poet-lau- reate of England; age 83 year.s, 2 months. ITis body is interred in Westmin- ster Abbey, October 12th. 1892 October 17th. The revised hymnal is adopted by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church of America. 1892 October 18th. Opening of the long-distance telephone, between New York and Chicago, 950 miles. 1892 October 21st. Dedication of the World's Fair buildings, for tlie Columbian Exposition, at Chicago, Illinois, the ])resideut having proclaimed October 21st to be the actual anniversary day of the discovery of America, counting for the difference between Old and New Style, although Columbus discov- ered San Salvador 1492, October 12th. (See 1582, Octtiber 5tli ; and 1492. October 12th ; and Note M. ) 1892 November lOtli. United States cruiser Cincinnati is launched, at Brooklyn, New York. 1892 The clavier, or dumb-piano, is improved by its inventor, Virgil. (See 1886.) 1892 December 12th. Africa and Brazil are connected by cable. 1892 December 22d. French Chamber ratifies Commercial Convention, between Ignited States and France. 1893 (Ilegira 1311, July 15th) (R. I. (3i06) (A. U. C. 2046) (A. M. 5897) (J. P. GGOG) January 11th. The Montmorency Falls, Quebec, Canada, frozen solid; the first time ever known. 1893 January 12tli. I'art of the Niagara Falls, New York, known as the Big Kettle, is frozen over; the first time in a century. Mercury 39° below zero. 1893 January 17th. At Fremont, Ohio. Death of Butherford Birchard Ilayes, ex- president (nineteenth) of United States of America; set. 71. 1893 Jauuary 20th. Death of Don Jose Zorilla y Moral, eminent Spanish poet and dramatist ; age 75 years, 10 months, 29 days. 1893 Feliruary 4th. A provisional government of the Hawaiian Islands announces to the secretary of state, at Washington, the deposal of Queen Liliuokalani, January 15th, and asks for annexation to United States. 447 A. 1). 18113 February 9th. United States Minister Stevens establishes a protectorate over Hawaii. 1893 March 4th. Grover Cleveland is again inaugurated president of United States. ( See 1885. ) 1893 Marcli 9th. Queen Liliuokalani, having issued a protest against her dethrone- ment, President Cleveland withdraws from the Senate the United States an- nexation treaty with Hawaii. 1893 The telautograph, a wonderful machine for transmitting handwriting, is com- pleted in March by the inventor, Professor Elisha, and exhibited at the ^^'orld's Fair, Chicago. The invention was begun in 1887. 1893 April 21st. Extradition treaty, between United States of America and Russia, is ratified by both countries. 1893 ilay 1st. President Cleveland opens the AYorld's Columbian Exposition, at Chicago, 111. ( See October 30th. ) 1893 May 6th. Opening of the Lake Roland elevated electric railroad, from Lake Roland to Baltimore City Hall. The first elevated railroad in the world op- erated by the overhead trolley. The Intro-Mural railroad, on the ground of Columbian Exposition, Chicago, is the first electric elevated railroad in the world operated by the third-rail trolley system. 1893 May 18tii. Treaty of commerce, between Spain and Germany, is concluded. 1893 June 7tli, 1 :15 .\. M. At New York. Death of Edwin Booth, popular American tragic actor; age 59 years, 6 months, 24 days; born in Harford County, 25 miles from Baltimore, Md. Son of Junius Brutus Booth, celebrated English actor. 1893 June 20th. The great Ferris wheel, one of the wonders at the Columbian Expo- sition, makes its first revolution. Designed by G. W. G. Ferris ; highest point of wheel is 264 feet ; diameter 250 feet. 1893 June 22d. British battle-ship Victoria collides with battle-ship Camperdown, and is sunk off Tripoli, Syria; 358 lives lost, including Admiral Tryon and 21 other officers. 1893 July 5th. Town of Pomeroy is destroyed, and 100 lives lost, by a tornado in Iowa. 1893 August 12th. United States' new cruiser, Minneapolis, is launched at Philadel- phia, Pa. 1893 August 15th. Behring Sea Court of Arbitration, between United States and Great Britain, announces its decision at Paris. 1893 October 30th. Closing of the Columbian Exposition, at Chicago, 111. (See Ratifications of extradition treaty, between United States and Death of John Tyndall, distinguished Irish physicist ; age 78. Death of Sir Samuel White Baker, successful English explorer in Africa; age 72 years, 6 months, 22 days. 1894 (Hegira 1312, July 5th) (R. I. 7-106) (A. U. C. 2647) (A. M. 5898) (J. P. 6607) January 1st. England. Opening of the Manchester ship canal. 448 May 1st.) 1893 November 9th. Norway. 1893 December 4th. 1893 December 30th Marcli ll^tli. The insurgent fleet at Rio Janeiro, under command of Admiral Da Gama, suiTenders to Peixoto, president of Brazil. 3Iarch 20th. Death of Louis Kossuth, Hungarian patriot and statesman; age 91 years, G months, 4 days. April 10th. Ilerr Dowe, a Mannheim tailor, having invented a bullet-proof cloth, successful cxjieriments are made by shooting at Dowe, incased in his invention. Cloth and tailor stand the test. German government offers him 3,000,000 marks for the invention. April 14th. Brazilian insurgents, under Admiral De Mello, surrender to the authorities of I'rugiiay. May 5th. King Leopold opens the World's Fair, at Antwerp, Belgium. ]May 14th. Death of Henry Morley, English biographer; set. 72. May 20th. Death of Edmund Hodgson Yates, English novelist; age G2. June 1st. Free transfer system introduced by the Baltimore Traction Company. June 7th. Death of Muley Hassan, sultan of Morocco ; cot. (iS. Succeeded by his son, Abdul Aziz. June 13th. Troojjs are sent by Japan, to protect her interests at Corea. June 24th. Lyons, France, 9 :25 P. m. Assassination t)f Marie Francois Sadi- Carnot, president of the French Republic, by Cesare Giovanni Santo, an Italian. July 5th. Death of Sir Austen Henry Layard, English statesman and archa!0l- ogist ; age 77 years, 4 months. July 23d. Bombardment of Corean ports is begun by Japanese gunboats. July 27th. Declaration of war, between Japan and China. September 3d. Spanish government cancels reciprocity treaty, between United States and Cuba. Sei)teniber 8th. Death of Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand Helmholtz, eminent German physicist and physiologist; age 73 years, 7 days. September 17tli. Battle of Ping Yang, between Japanese and Chine.'^e armies. The Chinese are totally defeated, and many captured by the Japanese. September 19th. The Japanese gain a signal naval victory over the Chinese fleet in the Gulf of Corea. Gctober 7th. At Boston, Mass. Death of Oliver Wendell Holmes, distinguished American poet, essayist, and physiologist ; age 85 years, 1 month, 8 days. October 20th, 0:30 .\. ii. At London. Death of James Anthony Froude, emi- nent English historian ; age 7G years, 5 months, 27 days. November 1st. Death of Alexander III., czar of Russia ; age 49 years, 7 months, 21 days. Succeeded by his son, Nicholas II., age 2G. November 1st. Death of empress of China. November 3d. The Mullah of Powindah incites the Waziri tribesmen to attack Col. A. H. Turner, British commissioner, at his camp at Wano, near Indo- Afghan frontier. About 43 British, and over 250 tribesmen are killed. (See 1897, June 11th, and July 27th; and 1902, December 22d.) December 7th. Death of Ferdinand de Lesseps, French diplomatist and engi- neer ; constructor of Suez Canal. ( See 18G9. ) Decembei- 27th. Death of Francis II., ex-king of Two Sicilies; age 58 years, 11 months, 11 days. A. 1). 18!)5 ( Ih'gira 1313, June 24th) (R. I. 8i06 | (A. U. C. 2US) (A. M. 5899) (J. P. 6608) Febniarv 13tli. riiincsc flert ami forts at Wei-Hai-Wci are surrendered by Admiral Ting, to the Japanese comman(h'r. 1895 February 2(ith. Spaniards proclaim martial law in Cuba, to (piell the revolu- tionary uprisinji'. 1895 March lltli. Death of Cesare Cantu, popular Italian historian; age 87 yearSj 3 months, 6 days. 1S95 A])ril 15th. The plenipotentiaries of China and Japan sign a treaty of peace, at Schimoneseki. 1895 June 12th. Proclamation against violation of neutrality, in Spanish-Cuban conflict, is issued by Crover Cleveland, president of United States. 1895 June 29th. Death of Thomas Henry Huxley, eminent English physiologist and naturalist; a»t. 70. 1895 September 27th. Tananarivo, capital of [Madagascar, is captured by the French. 1895 Septend)er 2St]i. Death of Louis Pasteur, distinguished French chemist, who introduced a tiratment of inoculation, for the ])revention or cure of the germ of hydroi)hobia ; age 72 years, 9 months, 1 da.y. 1895 October 2(;th. ^ladagascar accepts the protectorate of France. 1895 Novend)er 27th. Death of Alexander Dumas, Jr., ])opular French novelist and dramatist; age 71 years, 3 months, 29 days. Son of Alexander Dumas. (See 1870.) 1895 December 23d. Death of John Russell Hind, eminent English astronomer; age 72 years, 7 months, 11 days. 189G ( liegira 1314, June 12th ) (R. 1. 9-io«) (A. U. C. 2649) (A. M. 5900) (J. P. 6609) Jammry 4th. Proclamation, by President Cleveland, admitting T'tah into the Union, as the forty-tifth State. 1896 iM'bniary lOtli, 9:30 .v. M. Explosion of an immense aerolite just over Madrid, Spain, jirobably about twenty miles above the earth, causes a panic through- out the city, and does much damage in shattering glass, and cracking wall^-. 1896 March. Sir Herbert Kitchener, British general, commanding British and Egyi)tian coiubiiied troops, begins a forward movement, to i-escue the Egyp- tian Soudan, Africa, from the Khalifa. 1896 :March 22d. Death of Thomas Hughes, well-known English writer; author of "Tom Brown's School Days"; age 72 years, 5 months, 2 days. 1896 yiay 1st. First cavalry skirmish between Kitchener and the dervishes, near Akashe. 1896 May 15tli. Town of Sherman. Xortliern Texas, swept by a tornado; 100 lives lost. 1896 May 26th. Moscow, Russia. Cm-cmation of Czar Nicholas II., age 27, and his consort. Czarina Alix. 189(» June 7th. Kitchener's troops drive the dervishes out of Firket, and pursue them to Suarda. 1896 June 8th. Death of Jules Simon, French philosopher and statesman; fet. 82. 1896 July 1st. Death of Mrs. Harriett Beecher Stowe, of Connecticut, American novelist ; author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" ; age 84 years, 17 days. 4.50 'I'fc-,. O uj < en HI < I- _i o > 451 A. I). ISlXi August 13tli. Doctor Fridjof Nansen returns from his successful Arctic ex- l)e(lition, and lands a^ain on Norwegian soil. Nansen's expedition sailed from Christiana, Norway, with a party of eleven, in the "Fram," June 24th, 1893, and stopped, 1895, March 3d, at north latitude 84°, 40", the highest northern latitude ever before reached by man. Nansen and one companion left the ship, and on foot reached north latitude Stember 23d. Dongola, Egyptian Soudan, is occupied by the Anglo-Egyp- tian troops, under Kitcliener. (See 1897, October 2r)th. ) 1897 (riegira 1315, June 2d ) ( R. I. lOio^) (A. U. C. 2050) (A. M. 5901) (J. P. (iOlO) January 10th. Death of Joel Tyler Ileadh'y, American historian; age 82. 1897 March 1st. Monastery of 8t. Bernard, in Swiss Alps, is demolished by an avalanche. 1897 Mai-cb 4th. Inauguration of William McKinley, as twenty-fourth president of T'nited States. (See 1901.) 1897 A])ril 30th. Battle at Velestino, between a Greek brigade, under General Smo- Icnski, and a Turkish force. The latter is repulsed with very heavy losses. The ( I reeks, however, less fortunate in other engagements, are greatly dis- couraged by the results of the long war. 1897 May 0th. Renewal, for six years, of the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria, and Italy. 1897 May 17tli. Opening of the street railway postal-car service in Baltimore, Md. 1897 June-Augnst. Reports of vast gold fields in the Klondike create great excite- ment throughout United States. Thousands from Western, and even East- ern States, start for the Yukon region of Alaska. 1897 June 11th. British officers and regiment of Sikhs are treacherously surprised and attacked in British India by hostile natives, incited by the Mullah of Powindah, a fanatical heathen priest of India, previously expelled from Brit- ish territory for former rebellion. Colonel Bunny, two otlier British officers, and twenty-tive privates are killed, and two officers and twenty-five men w(mnded. (See 1894, November 3d; 1897, July 27th; aTul 1902, Decem- ber 22(1. ) 1897 June 20th, 11 a. .m. Ciueen Victoria begins the jubilee celebration of her six- tieth year on the throne of England, with a service of thanksgiving, at St. George's Chapel, ^^'indsor. 1897 July 1st. Insurrections and riots begin among the luitives in British India, against the British rule. 1897 J)ily 23d. Turkey at last accei)ts the frontier line between Turkey and Greece, drawn by the military attaches of the Powei's. The Turkish troops begin to evacuate Thessaly. 1897 July 27th. "Mad Mullah" having mustered 40,000 tribesmen of the Afridis, for a "Holy War" against the British, begins an attack at the North Camp, at ilalakand, 8:30 p. M. Thirteen Sepoys are killed, and forty wounded on British side. The Punjab infantry, under Lieutenant Clime, drives the tribesmen back, killing ninety. The P.ritisli abandon North Camp, and con- centrate on Kotali. (See 1894, November 3d; 1897, June 11th; and 1902, December 22d. ) 4.". 3 A. II. 18!t7 August Tth. Abu Hamed, British India, is occupied bv Colonel Hunter, of Kit- chener's army. (See 1890, ]\Iarch, ]\Iay 1st, June Tth, and September 23d. ) 1897 August 8th. Canovas del Castillo, prime minister of Spain, is shot and killed by Michele Angiolillo, an Italian anarchist, who is garroted August 20th, 11 .\. M. 1897 August 19th. Lake's sub-marine boat, "Argonaut," is first launched at Colum- bian Iron Works, Locust Point, Baltimore, Md. (See December Kith. ) 1897 August 2()th. (Jeneral Azcarraga, minister of war, is appointed to succeed Canovas, as premier of Sjiain. 1897 August 21th. Fort Lundi, Kotali, e.\;trcme end of Khyber I*ass, leading from Afghanistan into India, is attacked and burned. The entire pass is uo\\ in the hands of the insurgent tribesmen, under "Mad Mullah." (See 1891. 1 1897 August 2r)th. Juan Idiarte Borda, president of Uruguay, is assassinated in ^Montevideo by Aveliuo Arredonilo, during the celebration of the independ- ence of the republic. 1897 August 29th, Sunday night. The Afridis attack and burn the Shimwari and Kahi, British police posts on the Samana Range, forcing the garrisons to evacuate. 1897 August 30th. A strong force of Afridis take Kohat Pass, and hold it and Khyber Pass against the British. 1897 August 31st, 3 p. M. At New York. Death of Mrs. John Drew, celebrated ac- tress; born in London, England, 1820, January 10th, but having lived in America since 7 years old; age 77 years, 7 months, 21 days. 1897 September 17th. Engagement in British India, between Second Brigade, under General Blood, and the insurgent Momunds. British forces, at first victorious, are driven back by superior forces of the natives. (Jeneral Blood and two other British officers wounded, and 110 men on British side killed and wounded. 1897 September 18th. Treaty of peace signed, between Turkey and Greece. 1897 Seiitember 19tli. (ieneral ^yoodford, United States minister to Spain, has an interview with I>uke of Tetuan, to insist upon the necessity of a siieedy termination of the Cuban War, stating that if the Avar be not ended by end of October, United States will feel justified in taking steps to secure the in- dependence of Cuba. 1897 September 22d. British capture Badmanai Pass, British India, held by Had- dah Mullah, instigator and leader of the tribesmen's rebellion, who takes to tiight before the British. 1897 October Oth. Death of Sir John Gilbert, English historical painter; n-t. 80. 1897 October Oth. Sjianish government, at a Cabinet council, at night, decides to grant Cuba autonomy, under Spanish suzerainty. 1897 October 20th, 12-3 P. M. Storming and recapture of Dargai Ridge, British In- dia, by the British, led by the gallant Gordon Highlanders, under Colonel Mathias, and inspired by the music of the brave piper, Findlater, who con- tinues to play although shot through both legs. (See Note V.) 1897 October 2r)tli. Kitchener's troops take Metemme, a stronghold of the Khalifa. (See 1890, :March, May 1st, June 7th, an. m. Admiral Sampson's flag-ship New York ca])tures the Span- ish freigliter Pedro, which arrives at Key West, in charge of the Hornet, 7 A. M., April 23d. 1898 April 23d, 5-6 P. M. Spaniards tire tlicir first siiot, from masked batteries at ^latanzas, at the United States torpedo-boat Foote, wiiile taking soundings, in ^latanzas harbor, 300 yards fr(mi shore. Their shots fly wide of the mark. 1898 April 21th. Spain formally declares war against United States. 1898 April 21tli, 12 m. Third war prize. United States torpedo-boat P(n-ter cajttures schooner Mathilde, off Havana, and sends her to Key West, in tow of di- spatch boat Dauntless. 1898 April 21th. Fourth war prize. Spanisli fishing smack is captured under tlie guns of Morro Castle, by United States torpedo-boat Ericsson. 1898 April 21th. Fifth war prize. Spanish steamer :Miguel Jover is captured I>y United States gunboat Helena. 1898 April 21th. Sixth war prize. Spanish steamer Catalina, of Cadiz, is cajitured by United States cruiser Detroit, 7 a. m. 1898 April 24th. Seventh prize. Candida, Spanish schooner, is captured l)y Unified States gunboat Wilmington, of Sampson's fleet. 1898 April 21th, 1 p. m. Eightli prize. Revenue cutter Winoma captures Spanish steamer Saturnina, at Ship Island, Mississippi, wliile in (juarantine. 1898 April 21th. Spain's Cadiz fleet rests at Cape Verde Islands. 1898 April 25th. President McKinley sends his message to Congress, recommend- ing a declaration that war against Spain exists, and has existed since April 21st, inclusive. The bill is jtassel by the House in 1 minute, 41 seconds, 4.".9 A. 1). without a dissenting voice, and goes into the Senate, 3 p. :\i. Signed by Presi- dent jMcKinley, 6:18 v. M. 18'JS April 25th, before dawn. Lieutenant Rowan, Nineteenth Infantry, U. S. A., under orders from the War Department, lands on Cuban coast, west of San- tiago, and is guided by Cubans to insurgents' camp, to confer with Gen. Ca- lixto (larcia. 1S98 April 25th, 5:45 p. M. The liglit liouse tender Mangrove, under Lieutenant- Commander William II. Everett, sights the large Spanish auxiliary cruiser Panama, and after tiring three shots across her bow, demands her surrender. The Panama, carrying two 12-pounders, and a crew of seventy-two, surren- ders witlKmt returning fire, the captain having locked himself in his cabin. The Mangrove tows the priy.e into Key West harbor, April 2Gth, a. m. 1898 April 26th. United States guid)oat Newport, under Capt. B. F. Tilley, cap- tures Spanish schooner Pireneo, and sloop Pacpiete. 1898 April 26th. Hon. John Sherman, Secretary of State, having resigned, on ac- count of age and ill health, is succeeded in office by Judge Day. 1898 April 2Tth, 4 a. m. United States monitor Terror, under Capt. N. Ludlow, cap- tures the big Spanish steamer Ciuido, bound for ITavana from Corunna, car- rying money and provisions for the Spanish soldiers. 1898 April 27th, 12:45-1:15 p. m. The flag-ship New York, the Puritan, and Cin- cinnati, of Admiral Sampson's fleet, bombard the forts at Matanzas, Cuba, to ascertain position and strength of Siianish coast defences. The forts return fire, but do no damage to Americans. Spanish forts are nearly demolished by the shells from United States ships. 1898 April 2Tth, p. m. Ignited States Asiatic squadron, under Commodore Dewey, leaves Mirs Bay, China, for Manila, capital of Philippines. 1898 April 29th, 9 a. m. First-class warships of Spanish fleet, including cruisers Maria Teresa, Almirante Oquendo, Vizcaya, and Cristobal Colon; and tor- pedo-boat destroyers Pluton, Terror, and Furor, leave Cape Verde Islands, and sail Avestwardly, towards Cuba. Spanish torpedo-boats Azor, Kayo, and Ariete; and transports San Francisco, and Ciudad de Cadiz, sail, 9:30 a. jr., northwardly, towards Canary Islands. 1898 May 1st. (Jreat battle of ^Maniln. T'nited States Asiatic scpiadron, under Commodore Dewey, in the darkness of the night, steams ])ast the fortifica- tions at Cavite and Corregidor, and enters ]Manila Bay shortly after mid- night. A gun at the fort on Corregidor Island booms out the alarm, which throws Manila into a panic. Spanish fleet, under Admiral Montojo, steams from Cavite, seven miles from Manila, u]) the bay, to meet United States squadron. The Spaniards explode two mines, 5:06 A. M., in ]\Ianila harbor, just ahead of Dewey's squadron, but do no harm. Dewey's ships turn to face Spanish fleet, with forts at Cavite and on Corregidor Island, and battery on Caballo Island, and with battery of Manila in rear. First battle, 5:06-7:35 A. M. vSecond battle, 11 :16 a. M.-12 :50 p. m. Dewey's S(iuadron demolishes the entire Spanish fleet, under Montojo, comprising eleven vessels, cruisers Peina Maria Christina (flag-ship), Castilla, Don Antonio de Ulloa, Don Juan de Austria, Yelasco, Isla de Cuba, Isla de Luzon; gunboats General Lezo El Correo, and Mar(|uis del Duero ; a despatch gunboat ; and Isla de ]\[in- danao, an armored transjK)rt ; also water battery at Cavite. Dewey captures 460 A. I). also store ship Manila, valued at .|5()0,0()0, and nunierons small steamers. About 300 l>])aniards killed and 400 wnnnded. Not a man killed on American side, and only two offieers, Lieut. F. W. Kello. Flying Squadron are : Cruisers Brooklyn (flag-ship), Minneapolis, New Or- leans, St. Paul; battleships Massachusetts, Texas; and gunboat KSeorpion. 1898 May 18th. Cables from Santiago de Cuba and San Juan de Porto Rico are cut by the Americans. 1898 May 19th, 5 A. m. Death of Hon. William Ewart Ciladstone, celebrated Eng- lish statesman, politician, and writer, at his home, Hawarden Castle; age 88 years, i months, 20 days. 1898 May 19th. Spanish fleet reported to be at Santiago de Cuba. 1898 May 20th. Commodore Schley, with his Flying S(|uadron, joins Admiral Samp- son's fleet. 1898 May 23d. United States battle-ship Oregon arrives at Key West, and joins Eear-Admiral Sampson's fleet, otf Santiago de Cuba, May 29th. 1898 May 29th. After much uncertainty as to the whereabouts of the Spanish fleet, Schley discovers it in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, where it is bottled and corked up by Schley's sliips. 1898 June 1st, 1 roO v. M. The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, at Omaha, Nel)raska, is formally opened by President McKinley touching an electric button at the White House, Washington, D. C. 1898 June 3d, 4 a. m. Lieut. R. P. llobson, U. S. N., with a crew of seven, at the imminent risk of his life, ex])lodes and sinks the T'nited States steamship Merrinuic, a collier, across tlie narrow harbor entrance of Santiago de Cuba, to block in the Spanish fleet there. The expedition was suggested and planned by Hobson. His crew were six picked volunteers : Montague, chief master-at-arms of the New York, age 29 ; George Charette, gunner's mate of the New York, age 31; J. C. Murphy, coxswain of the Iowa; Oscar Deignan, coxswain of the Merrimac, age 24; J. B. Phillips, machinist of the Merrimac, age 3(5; John Kelly, water-tender, age 35, and H. Clausen, coxswain of New York, who stowed away on the Merrimac, without orders, longing to take part in the brave, hazardous deed. They all escape death, but are forced to surrender to Admiral Cervera, and are taken as prisoners to ^Nlorro T'astle. The Spaniards, admiring their bravery, treat them kindly. 1898 June 14th. Ignited States marines take a Spanish camp, at Guantanamo har- bor; 100 S])aniards killed, 200 wounded, 18 taken prisoners; 100 Mauser rifles and 10,000 rounds of ammunition are captured. 1898 June 15th, 2 p. si. Three Ignited States steamships of Sampson's fleet, the Texas, Suwanee, and Marblehead, bondiard and destroy Caimanera fort, the only Spanish fcu't in Guantanamo Bay. 1898 June 20th. United States steamship Charleston, of Dewey's fleet, under Captain Glass, arrives at Ladrone Islands, in Pacific Ocean, and demands their sur- render. Ignited States marines land June 21st, hoist United States flag, and carry oi¥ to Manila, as prisoners, the governor, fifty-four soldiers, two of- ficers, and civil oflicers and natives. 1898 July 1st, 7 a. m.-9 p. m. City of Santiago de Cuba attacked by I'nited States forces, by land and sea. ITnited States fleet bombards Morro Castle and other forts. Spanish fleet fires on Major-General Shafter's troops, which ad- vance by sundown within three-quarters of a mile of city of Santiago. Span- ish outer earthworks are taken. Brigadier-General Lawton's division, aided by Brigadier-General Bates' brigade, after hard fighting all day, takes El 462 LE CHATEAU DE FONTAI NEBLEAU, FRANCE. SEE 1814, APRIL 11TH. ST. CLOUD, NEAR PARIS. 463 A. D. Caney, about 5 p. m. American loss is estimated at 150 killed ami over 850 wounded. Spanisli loss about 2,000 killed and wounded. :Major-Geueral Hhafter, in his official report, gives Brigadier-General Lawton full credit of leading- the attack on and taking El Caney. Roosevelt's Rough Riders, with First and Tenth Infantry, take San Juan, near Santiago. American casualties in battle before Santiago in the actions at El Caney and San Juan, on July 1st, 2d, and 3d, are 21 officers and 205 men killed, and 77 officers and 1,197 men wounded, and 81 men missing. 1898 July 3d, 9 :30 A. M. Cervera's fleet attempts to escape from Santiago, but is overtaken by Commodore Schley, on United States steamship Brooklyn (Cap- tain Cooke), soon joined by others of Acting Rear- Admiral Sampson's fleet: the Oregon (Cajitain Clark), the Gloucester ( Lieutenant-Commander Wain- wright), the Iowa (Captain Evans), the Indiana (Captain Taylor), the Texas (Captain Philip), and the Vixen. The United States fleet, under com- mand of Commodore Schley (Admiral Sampson, on flag-ship New York, be- ing absent, seven miles away, at the tinu% and Commodore Watson, on his flagship, Newark, coaling at Guantauamo), destroys Admiral Cervera's en- tire fleet, excepting cruiser Cristobal Colon, which surrenders to the Brook- lyn and Oregon, under Commodore Schley. The Spanish ships destroyed are: Cruisers Almiraute Oqueudo, Infanta Maria Teresa, Vizcaya; tor- pedo-boat destroyers Furor and Pluton ; and a gunboat, seven in all, includ- ing Cristobal Colon. Three hundi'ed and fifty Spaniards are killed or drowned, 100 wounded, and 1,000 taken prisoners, including Admiral Cer- vera and 70 officers. Rear-Admiral Sampson, on the New York, arrives upon the scene soon after the fight is over; but both he and Commodore Watson, in their official reports, forget to mention Commodore Schley's name. No American vessel injured, and only one man, chief yeoman of the Brooklyn, killed, and two others wounded. 1898 July 1th, 5 a. m. Sixty miles south of Sable Island, in a dense fog, collision of the Cromartyshire, iron sailing ship, and La Bourgogne, a French liner from New York, bound for Havre, France, with 725 souls on board, passen- gers and crew, of whom only 163 are saved, and taken on board the Cromar- tyshire, while 5G2 are drowned. Every child and woman lost, saA'e one, as the French sailors beat off the weaker and more helpless passengers who tried to get into the life-boats, or on the rafts. 1898 July Otli. Resolutions for annexation of Hawaii to United States pass United States Senate: 42 for, and 21 against. 1S98 July nth. Lieut. R. P. Ilobson and his seven seamen are exchanged by the Spanish military authorities for Spanish juMsoners taken by United States forces. The heroes return to the American lines amid enthusiastic cheers from the troops. 1898 July nth. Cruiser Alfonso XII. is sunk while attempting to leave Havana har- bor, and cruiser Reina Marcedes is sunk in Santiago harbor by the Texas. 1898 July fith. Spanish government orders Camara and his fleet, at Suez, to return to vSpain. 1898 July 7th, 7 p. M. President McKinley signs the resolutions annexing Hawaii to United States. 465 A. 1). 1S9S July Ttli. The Raleigh and Concord, (sf Dewey's fleet, open fire on Isla Grande. The 8paulsh commander surrenders without resistance. Thirteen hundred prisoners, with arms and ammunition, are taken by United t^tates forces. 1S9S July 11th, daybreak. Captain Young cuts the cable between Havana and San- tiago, thus cutting off all communication ])etween (Tcneral Blanco, the Span- ish army, and the forces at Santiago. 1898 July 14th, 3 p. m. (Tcneral Toral surrenders I'ourth Corps, Spanish army, in Eastern Cuba (under his command since the wounding of General Linai'es), to JMajor-General Shatter, U. S. A. ToraFs army, of over 12,000 men, to be sent back to Spain at e.xpense of United States. Territory surrendered to United States covers about 5,000 stpiare miles, and includes four cities : San- tiago de Cuba, Guantanamo, Sagua de Panama, and U.aracoa. Spanish troops formally lay down their arms July 17th, 9 a. m. 1898 July 17th. American tiag raised, at noon, over Santiago. 1898 July 21st, 3 p. M. Major-General Miles, U. S. A., leading the military expedi- ti(m, sails from Siboney, Cuba, for Porto Kico, accompanied by naval ( on- voy, composed of battleship Massachusetts, cruiser Cincinnati, gunboat Annapolis, and auxiliary vessels Gloucester, Wasp, Dixie, and Leyden. 1898 July 21st. United States steamshi])s Annapolis and Wasp destroy Spanish cruiser Jorge Juan, defending Pcu't Nipe, Northeast Cuba, without loss on American side. 1898 July 25th. Gunboat (Jloncester, under Lieutenant-Commander Wainwright, enters (iuanica harbor, southern coast of Porto Rico. He sends a crew of thirty, under Lieutenant Huse, in a launch with a Colt gun on board, to land. They haul down the Spanish flag, and hoist the first United States flag on Porto Rico soil. A few Spanish soldiers and cavalry fire on them, but are soon reinilsed by Gloucester's gun-*, 9 :45 a. m. 1898 July 26th, 3 p. m. M. Jules Cambou, I'rench ambassador at Washington, pre- sents to President McKinley the S|»anisli tender of ]ieace. 1898 July 28th, 12:30 a. m. Cities of Ponce and Playa surrender to United Stales auxiliary gunboat Dixie (Maryland Naval Reserves), under Commander Davis, upon demand. United States flag hoisted, 6 a. m. Spanisli troops evacuate. Inhabitants welcome United States troops, and cheer when the United States flag is hoisted. 1898 July 30th. United States government sends Spain, through iL Cambon, I'remh and>assad(U', a reply to her note asking for peace terms. United States terms imposed in reply are: First, independence of Cuba; second, absolute cession of Island of Porto Rico; third, entire removal of Spanish authority in Caribbean Sea, and \A'est India waters, which gives United States the Isle of Pines, etc.; fourth, coaling stations at Guam, in Ladrone Islands, and also in Caroline Islands; fifth, cession of at least a coaling sta- tion in Philijtpines. 1898 July 30th, 11 p. m. Death of Prince Otto Eduard Leopold Bismarck, famous German statesman and diplomat, at his castle at Friedriclisruhe; age 83 years, 3 months, 27 dnys. 1898 July 31st, Sunday night. General MacArthur's United States troops, third expedition for (Jeneral Merritt at the Philippines, are surprised and at- 466 A. I>. tai-ked by Spaniards, who arc repulsed, with heavy loss, hy Tnited States troops. American casualties: 15 killed, and 44 wounded. 1S!JS August 9th. Spain's note, accepting- all terms denumded hy United States, is presented at the AVhite House, Washington, l>y :Sl. Camhon, l-'rench anduis- sador. 18!(8 August 10th. President McKinley promotes the ofirtcers engaged in (lie de- struction of Cervera's fleet July 3d. Commodore AV. T. Sampson is ad- vanced eight nundters, to rear-admiral; Commodore W. S. Schley, six num- bers, to rear-admiral, just below Samps(ui; Commander B. Jl. .AicCuUas, of cruiser JMarblehead, seven numbers; Lieutenant-Commander K. Wainwright, of Gloucester, ten numbers; Captain Clark, of Oregon, six nundiers; otlier officers advanced Ave nundjcrs and less. ISitS August 11th, P. M. Spanish government approves the peace protocol, framed by Cnited States government, as a preliminary for the jieace treaty, and cables to M. < 'and)on, French ambassador, to sign for Spanish government. ISnS August 12th, 4:30 v. m. Secretary Day, for United States, and il. Camhon, for Spain, sign the jx'ace protoccd in presence of President ^^■illinm .McKin- ley, at the White House, Washington, I). C. Americo-Spanish War ends, having lasted three months, twenty-two days. Orders issued to navy and ai'my officials, to stop hostilities at once. 1S!)S August 13th. Bombardment of Manila, by Admiral Uewey's fleet, until Si»an- ish forts are silenced, 9:30-11 :2!) a. m., followed by laud attack by Oeneral iMerritt's army. Spaniards hoist flag of truce at 1 :30,' and surrender Ma- nila unconditionally, 5 P. M. Ships engaged were: (Jlympia, Petrel, Ral- eigh, ilcCulloch, Boston, Monterey, Charleston, and Baltimore. The news of peace had not reached Dewey nor Merritt. Lieutenant Brundiy, Dewey's flag-lieutenant, raises the Stars and Stripes over Manila. Seven thousand Spanish prisoners taken. Augustin, Spanish governor-general at .Manila, escapes to Hong Kong on a Cerman cruiser. 1S9S August 31st-September 2d. Battle of Omdurman, in which the Anglo-Egyp- tian army, under the sirdar, lst, is enthroned, in church, at Anislerdam, as (^ueen of the Netherlands, 11 A. M. 1S9S Septendier Oth. Fight and bloodshed in Candia, Isle of Crete, l)etween Brilish soldiers, who were installing Christians as revenue officei's, and the ^lussul- mans, who opposed them. I'oui" British warships ordered to Candia. 1S98 Se])tember Oth. British vice-consul. .Mr. Calocherino, burned to di'ath in his house, by the Mussuhuan mob. 1S9S September (!-10th. About 600 Christians, men, women, and children, burned alive or nmssacred, at Candia, Isle of Crete, by the ^Mussulmans. 1S98 Septend)er 7th. British l)attle-sliiit Camperdown, and other ships from Canea, arrive at Candia, Isle of Crete, to (juell the savage attacks of the ilussul- mans on the Christians. A. U. 1898 September 9tli. The Hispano-Anierican protocol is formally adopted by the Spanish Chamber of Deputies; and by the Spanish Senate, September 12th. 1898 September 10th. Empress Elizabeth, wife of Franeis Joseph, emperor of Aus- tria and kinf> of Hungary, is assassinated at (leneva, Switzerland, by an Italian anarehist. Her age is 60 years, 8 months, 10 days. 1898 September 22d. Emperor of China, Kwang Hsu, issues an edict, handing over the reins of the government of the Celestial Empire to his aunt, Tsou-Hsi, dowager-empress. 1898 September 26th. United States Peace Commissioners arrive at Paris. 1898 September 29th, 12 :30 p. M. United States and Spanish Peace Commissioners first meet in Paris at a breakfast, given to them by M. Delcasse, French minis- ter of foreign affairs. Those pre-^eut are: United States ambassador to France, Gen. H. Porter; Henry Vignaud, secretary of United States em- bassy; Secretary Day, president of United States Peace Commissioners; Senators Gray, Davis, and Frye, and Hon. W. Reid, United States commis- sioners; M. Brisson, I'rench jjreiuier; Sefior Leon y Bastillo, Spanish am- bassador to France, and secretary of Spanish embassy ; Senor Montero Rios, president of Spanish commission; four Spanish commissioners, and French foreign office officials. 1898 September 30th. Kang-Yuwei, the Chinese reformer, having tied from Pekin (the dowager-emi)ress now in power being opposed to reforms), arrives at Ilong Kong on a British cruiser. 1898 October 3d. Secretary Long orders Admiral Dewey to send two United States ships, the Baltimore and Petrel, from Manila to Tien-Tsin, near Pekin, to protect American life and interests in China, in the event of an expected out- break. British and other Eurojican warships also assemble at Tien-Tsin. 1898 October 3d. jMendiers of United States and Spanish Peace Commission meet again, and hold a session, from 2-4 r. m., and adjourn until October 7th. 1898 October 20th. British gunboats )ii)ml)ard Metemmeh, British India, killing 600 dervishes. 1898 October 29th. British forces, under Gen. Sir William Lockhart, capture the Sempagha Pass, British India, from the insurgent tribesmen, 11:15 A. M. 1898 November 5th. W. L. Foote gives a successful public exhibition, at the Twenty- third Regiment Armory, Brooklyn, N. Y., of his invention of bullet-proof autody mimic armor. 1898 November 28th. Spanish Commission, at Paris, tinally yields, and accepts the terras dictated by the American Peace Commission, by which Spain re- linquishes all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba ; cedes to Ignited States Porto Rico and other islands in the West Indies, under S])anish sovereignty ; the Island of Guam, in the Ladrones, and the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands; and United States agrees to pay Spain 120,000,000, in return for territory ceded. 1898 December 10th. Treaty of peace, between United States and Spain, signed at Paris, by the Peace Commissioners. For Ignited States: AYilliam R. Day, C. K. Davis, William P. Frye, George Gray, and W. Reid. For Spain : Don Eugenio Montero Rios, Don Buenaventura de Abarzuza, Don Jose de Garnica, Wenceslao Ramirez de Villa-I^rrutia, and Don Rafael Cerero. 468 SCOTT. SEE 1814 AND 1832. 469 A. II. i89!t (Ilegira KHT, .Alay lltli) ( R. I. 12-10^ (A. U. ('. 2(152) (A. :\[. 5903 i (J. P. 0012) Fehruary 5tii, 8:45 i'. .M.-Fel). Otli. Battle at Manila, between insurnents and United IStates troops, nnder Oeneral Otis. Filipinos are repulsed and driven ten miles from Manila. American casualties are 4(» killed and over 100 wounded. 1-Mlipinos lose over 10,000: 2,000 killed, 3,500 wounded, and 5,000 taken jirisoners. American troops are assisted bv heavy tiring on insurgents from Thiited States cruiser Charleston, gunboat Concord, and monitor Mo- nadnock. 1S99 February (Ith. Treaty of peace, between T'nited Stati's and Spain, is ratified liy Fnited States Senate, and signed by President McKinley, February 10th. 1899 I'eliruary 4-9tli. Casualties on United States side, in all engagements with l"'ili])inos, February 4-9th, are three officers and 50 enlisted men killed, and 8 officers and 199 men wounded. 1899 l\'l)ruary 10th. American military and naval forces make a combined attack upon Caloocan, one of the headquarters of the insurgent Filipinos, and soon reduce the city, and haul down the Fili])ino flag, 5:30 v. m. Filipino losses are very heavy; American casualties slight. 1899 I'ebriiary 10th. Iloilo, Philippine Islands, is taken by United States forces, un- der General 3Iiller, and United States flag hoisted. Bombardment of the town, by naval forces on United States steamships Petrel and Boston, be- gins 8 \. M., and soon lays the town in niins, causing the Filipinos to make a hasty evacuation, first setting fii'e to their town, which is then entered by General Miller's Ignited States troops. No casualties on American side. I'ilipino losses slight. 1899 l\'bruary 12th. Town of Jaro, Philippine Islands, taken by Brigadier-Gen- eral Miller's forces, who hoist the American flag, at 4:10 P. si. 1899 l\d)ruary 10th, 10 p. si. Death, at Paris, from apoplexy, of M. Felix Faure, l)resident of the Repuldic of France. 189!l .March 3d. United States Senate confirms the nominations of Rear-Admiral (Jeorge Dewey, to be admiral of tlie navy, under the Act approved ^larch 2d, 1899, and Brig.-Gen. Elwell S. Otis, United States army, to be major-general, from February 4th, 1899; l)Oth advancements are for military skill, and most distinguished service in the Pliilii)pines. 1899 March 15th. United States forces, under Gen. Lloyd Wheaton, completely rout about 3,000 Filipinos, and occupy the towns of Pasig, Pateros, and Taguig; 525 Filii)inos captured, and several hundred killed. American casualties are sliglit. 1899 :\larch lOtJi. United States troojis take the town of Caintl, a Filipino strong- hold. Insurgents lose about 100 men. American casualties are, 2 killed and 13 wounded. 1899 .March 17th. Ratification of the peace treaty, between United States and Spain, is signed by the queen-regent of Spain. 1899 March ISth, v. m. Filipino rebels attack a company of the Washington volun- teers, at Taguig. General Wheaton reinforcing the post with four other regiments, the enemy is completely routed, after two liours' fighting. Ameri- can casualties are 2 killed and 20 wounded. 471 A. D. 1S91I Marcli llltli, daybreak to 3:30 p. Ji. Filipinos are pursued by (leneral Whea- ton's bri<;ade. More than 200 insurgents are Ivilled. American casualties are 1 killed, and 5 wounded. 1899 March 24th. Victory of the United States troops over Aguinaldo's Filipino forces. United States casualties are 100 killed and Avounded. Aguinaldo's losses are between 300 and -100 1899 March 25th. Fierce fighting between Filipinos and General MacArthur's three brigades, which continues all day Sunday, March 26th. Captain Stewart and 25 enlisted men are killed, and 8 officers and 1-12 men wounded. 1899 March 2(5tli. Malinto, a Filipino village, taken by (ieneral AMieaton's forces, 1 P. M. American losses are 45 killed and 145 wounded. Among the former are Col. H. C. Egbert and Prince Loewenstein. 1899 March 27th. Filipinos burn their stronghold, Malabon, to ])revent its capture by United States General MacArthur's division of three brigades. 1899 March 27th. United States forces, under General ilacArthur, capture Mar- ilao, defeating the Filipinos, under Aguinaldo. Three officers and 3 men are killed, and 40 wounded, on American side. Filipinos lose 200 killed and wounded, and ma.nj taken prisoners. 1899 Marcli 31st. Malolos, Aguinaldo's headquarters, captured by United States forces, under General MacArthur, 7-10:15 a. m. Aguinaldo and his troops retreat, after first firing the city. American casualties are 1 killed and 15 wounded. United States flag hoisted over Malolos. 1899 April 10th. Santa Cruz, a Fili]>ino stronghold, is taken by United States troops, under General Lawton, after hot fighting. United States gunboats assist by shelling the trenches. Six Americans wounded. Filipino losses, 93 killed and 40 wounded. 1899 April 25-27th. The United States brigades of Generals Hale and Wheaton, under General MacArthur, attack and capture Calumpit, Aguinaldo's stronghold; 200 Filipinos reported killed, and 350 prisoners. American losses are fi killed, and 28 wounded. 1899 [May 5tli. San Fernando captured by MacArthur's United States forces. The Filipinos set fire to the town before evacuating. 1899 jMay 17th, 8:30 a. m. General Lawton's United States forces take San Isidni, the Filipino rebels' capital. 1899 jMay 18th. First meeting of the international delegates of the Czar's Peace Congress opens at 2 p. m., in the hall of the "Huis ten Bosch," or "House in the Woods," two miles from The Hague, capital of the Netherlands. The heads of the delegations are: Austria-Hungarian delegation, Count von Wolsersheimb ; Belgium, M. Boormaert; China, Yang Yu ; Denmark, E. De Bille; France, M. Bourgers; Germany, Count von Munster-Ledenburg; (Jreat Britain, Kt. Hon. Sir Julian Pauncefote; Holland, A. P. C. Van-Kane- bock, D. L. ; Italy, Count Nigra ; Japan, Baron Hayashi ; Norway and Swe- den, Baron Bildt; Persia, Gen. Mirza Risza-Khan; Portugal, Count De Ma- codo; Ivoumania, IM. Al Beldiman; Russia, Baron de Staal ; Servia, M. Mya- tovich ; Siam, Phya Surya ; Si)a!n, Duke De Tetuan; Switzerland, Dr. S. Roth; Turkey, Turkhan Pasha ; and United States of America, ilr. Seth Low. 472 A. 1). 189!t ^liiy l'(Hli. At Foutainelileau, France. Dcatli of Kosa Buuheur, celebrated I'reiich paiuter; especially noted for her lifelike i)aintin!is of horses, cattle, and other animals; a't. 77. 1899 Jnne 30th, 8:30 i-. M. At Washinj-ton, D. C. Death of .Mrs. Emma Dorothy Nevitte 8onth\vorth, popnlar American aiithoress; age 79 years, G months, 4 days. 1899 Jnly 2ist. At Dobbs Falls, N. Y. Death of Robert G. lugersoll, the agnostic, who has done so mnch harm by his infidel speeches and writings; age 65 years, 11 months, 10 days. 1899 July 2(!th. United States troops, under Brig.-Gen. K. U. Hall, capture Ca- lamba, important I'^ili])ino trading town, on scmthern shore of Laguna de Bay. Four United States soldiers are killed, and 12 wounded. 1899 August loth. xVt Heidelberg, Germany. Death of Robert AN'illiam Eberhard You Buusen, celebrated German chemist ; age 88 years. 1899 August 21th. Return of General Bates, U. S. A., to Manila from Sulu, having concluded with the Sultan an agreement, by which United St.ates sovereignty is extended over the entire archipelago. 1899 September 3d. Filipinos routed, near San Rafael, Philippine Islands, by United States troops, under Captain Butler. 1899 September lOtli. The Boers, of Transvaal, South Africa, resolve to support their president, Kruger, in the event of Great Britain declaring war against the Transvaal, or South African Republic, and their allies, the Boers of the Orange Free State. ( See Note W. ) 1899 Septemlier 12th. The British ultimatum is read in the Transvaal Yolksraad. 1899 September 14th, 12 m. Formal opening of the National Exposition, at Phila- delphia. 1899 Septendier lOth. British expedition sails from India, for South Africa. 1899 October 10th. Oom Paul Kruger, president of the Transvaal, South African Republic, celeltrates his seventy-sixth birthday, by sending to Great Britain an ultimatum, demanding that British troops be immediately removed from Transvaal border, and differences between England and the Repulilic be snli- niitted to arbitration, declaring that England's failure to accede to the de- mands by October llth, 5 p. m., will be taken as a fm-mal declaration of war, on the part of British g'overnment, against South African Republic. 1899 October llth. Both British and Boers are active in their preparations for the coming British-African War. Uieut.-Geu. Sir George White is in command of the British forces in Natal. Boer forces are under Commandant-General Joubert. 1899 October llth. Montagu White, consul-general of the South African Republic in Loudon, closes the consulate, and leaves England. The British request United States consuls in Transvaal, and Orange Free State, also in British colonies of Natal and Cape Colony, South Africa, to look after British in- terests during the ])ending war. (See 1902, May 31st.) 1899 October llth. Paml)an, a Filipino stronghold, is taken by United States troops, under General MacArthur. 1899 October llth. Actual fighting in tli!- British-African War begins. 1899 October 21st. Boers defeated in battle by tlie British, at Elandslaagte, Natal, South Africa. A. I). 1S!»!) Octdhcr '2ith. Cable I'eceived at Loudon, statiuii' that Steyn, president of Orange Free 8tate, has issued a proclamation, annexing Gri(iualand West and Bechuanaland to the Transvaal. 1S!»9 October 31st. The Boers, under General Joubert, gain a great victory over General White's British troops, at Ladysmith, Natal. British loss reported to be 1,500 to 2,000 men, and 12 otticers, killed, wounded, or taken prisoners. 1899 November 2d. Disastrous earthquake on the Japanese coast. Five thousand people killed on the Island of Geram. Nearly 1,800 lose their lives at Pan- holy and Samasoeroa, on the Bay of Ambonia. 1899 Novemlicv (Ith. The first autonomous government of the Filipinos is estab- lislicd, in the Island of Negros. 1899 November 18th. Entire province of Zamboanga, Island of Mindanao, Philip- pine Islands, surrenders unconditionally to General Very, T^. S. A. 1899 November 2:>d. The British are victorious over the Boers at the battle of Bel- mont, but lose 220 men, including many officers. 1899 November 2(Jth. News from Cairo, of the battle of Gedid, in the Scmdau. The Bi'itish, under Sir Francis Wingate, kill Khalifa Abdullah, tyrant of the Soudan. 1899 l)eceml)er 2d. Battle on a mountain 3,000 feet above sea level. United States troops, under Major March, defeat the Filipinos, and kill their leader. Gen- eral I'ilar. 1899 I)ecend)er 10th. British, under General Gatacre, are defeated by the Boers, at Storndierg. British loss is over (lOO killed and wounded. 1899 December 11th. General Methuen's British forces repulsed at Modder River, by the Boers. Many Gordon Highlanders and their general, ^^'auchope, killed. 1899 December 15th. General Bnller. commander-in-chief of British forces in South Africa, meets with a telling defeat, by the Boers, at Tugela River. 1899 December 17th, i'. si. British government appoints Gen. Sir Frederick Rob- erts, the fauKms Indian fighter, to be commander-in-chief of forces in Soutli Africa, instead of Bnller, who is left in comnmnd of forces in Natal. Gen. Lord Kitchener is appointed chief of staff, to assist General Roberts. 1899 Decendier 19tli. Gen. IT. V. Lawtou, U. S. A., while directing the movements of his troops, at San Mateo, is shot and killed l)y the Filipinos. 1899 December 22d, 12 m. Death of Dwight L. Moody, po])ular and eloquent evan- gelist; age 02 years, 10 months, IT days. 1899 December 31st, i>. ii. Boers defeated by British troops, under General French, at Colesberg. 1900 (Ilegira 1318, May 1st) (R. I. 13^06, (a. U. C. 2G53 ) I A. M. 5904 I (J. P. ()r)13) January 1st. The Boers take Kuruman, in British Bechuanaland. The Brit- ish garrison surrenders. Boers take 120 British prisoners, including of- ficers. 1900 January 10th. Samoan treaty ratified, at Washington, D. C. 1900 January 18th. Osnmn Digna, cliief general of the late Khalifa Abdullah, and leader of the dervishes in the Soudan, is captured, at last, by the British. He is a renegade Frenchman, whose real name is George Nisbet, Osman Digna being only his iinin dc f/iierrc. (See Note X.) 474 o s ° z < ^ -H- o ^ m lu o '^ I- 475 A. D. 1900 January ISth. Mexican troops, under Gen. Lorenzo Torres, engage with the Yaiiuis Indians, at JIaooyata, Icilling over 200, and talcing 500 prisoners. 1900 January 24tli, a. m. The British, under General \yarren, take Spion Kop. Brit- ish losses are very heavy, and General Woodgate is fatally wounded. 1900 January 24th, 2 P. M. The Boers retake Spion Kop; ITiO British raise the white tlag, and surrender; 1,500 British are left dead on the hattle-tield. 1900 Fehruary ISth, 8unday. Lord Roherts, commander-in-chief of the British forces in Kouth Africa, loses 721 non-commissioned officers and men in one day's lighting with the Boers, under General (Jronje, in Orange Free State. 1900 Feliruary 21st. Americans declare the war with the Philippines ended, and plan to establish civil government throughout the islands. 1900 Fehruary 23-27th. The Boers, in Natal, repulse the British, under General Buller, attempting to reach and raise the siege at Ladysmith. Fearful losses on British side. 1900 Fehruary 27tli, 7 A. M. (Jen. Pietrus Amoldus Cronje, sec(md in conunand of the united Boer forces of the two South African Republics, Transvaal and Orange Fi'ce State, is com])elled, by overwhelming British forces, to surren- der to I'ield-Marshal Roberts, at Paardel)erg Drift laager. Orange Free State, after suffering a ten days' bombardment from General Roberts. Gen- eral Gronje surrenders 47 officers, and about 4,000 men, on Majuba Day, the nineteenth anniver.sary of the Boers' signal victory over the British, at Bat- tle of Majuba Hill, where he, second to Joubert in command, shared with him the honors of the well-fought tight. (See 18S1.) 1900 March 1st. General Buller's forces, under command of General Dundonald, finally succeed in reaching Ladysmith, and raising the long siege. The be- sieging Boers retreat, and Gen. Sir (Jeorge S. White, and British garrison, are at last released, after weeks of dreadful privation and suffering. 1900 March 13th. The Boers are compelled to surrender Bloemfontein, capital of Orange I'ree State, to the British, under Lord Roberts. 1900 .May 2Sth. By decree of Lord Roberts, the Orange Free State is formally an- nexed to the British Empire. 1900 May 28th. The first uprising of the Boxers, in China, against foreigners and all Christians. 1900 May 31st. Allied foreign f(n-ces leave Tien-Tsin, in special train, for Pekin. to guard the legations against the uprising Chinese Boxers, the rabble of China. The force consists of Americans, 7 officers, 50 men ; British, 3 officers, 72 men; Italians, 3 officers, 39 men; French, 3 officers, 72 men; Russians, 4 officers, 71 men; Japanese, 2 officers, 24 men. 1900 June 5th, 2 r. jr. Britisli, under Lord TJoberts, enter Pretoria, capital of the Transvaal. 1900 June 5th. The first engagement between Chinese Boxers and allied troops commences at Tien-Tsin. 1900 June 11th. Chinese empress" guard kills Jai) cliancellor. 1900 June 11th. Appeal of the Chinese emperor to the Powers, for the deposition of the dowager-empress. 1900 June 13th. Great outbreak of the Boxers in Pekin, upon the arrest of an anti-Christian brigade, by the German legation. American church burned to the ground. Europeans barricade the legations. ill A. II. I'JOU Jmie Kitli. News received of tlie killiiii; nf the German minister, Baron Von Ketteler, by tlie Chinese. Many missionaries and native Cliristiaus are tor- tured and Ivilled by the Boxers. 11)00 June 17th, 1 a. m. Chinese forts at TalvU unexpectedly open lire on the inter- national warships in the river below, in obedience to a direct edict from the dowag-er-empress, and by so doini;, place China in the position of being at war with the civilized world, h'oreign warships bombard forts, killing 700 Chinese. 1900 June 17tli. ('hinese bombard and destroy much property in the foreign settle- ment at Tien-Tsin. r.lOO June ISth. Legations besieged by the Boxers. 1900 June 20th-July IGth. Almost daily l)ombardments of the foreign legations by llie Ciiinese. 1900 June 21st. Allies reported to have blown up Taku forts, and sent relief forces to Tien-Tsin. Ciiinese reported to have lost 3,000 men at the forts, and 4,000 killed at Tien-Tsin. 1900 June iMitli. Allies capture Tien-Tsin. Anglo-American division is tiie first to enter tlie city. 1900 July Ith. Hen 8ien l"'u, in Southern llu An, China. Italian bishop, three priests, and six Imndred converts arc massacred by the Chinese, aftei' lior- rible and revidting toi'tures. One ])riest, who escaped to tell the tale, ar- rives at Htmg Kong, after a perilous journey, having been obliged to hide in a coffin, on board a river boat, for seventeen days. 1900 July 14th, (i .\. ^r. Tien-Tsin is ngain taken from the Chinese, and entered by tiie Allies. 1900 July 29th, 10:45 P. M. King Humbert, of Italy, a good and popular monarch, age 5(1 years, 4 months, 15 days, is shot and killed, at Monza, by Angelo Bressi, an anarchist. Hundiert is succeeded by his son, Victor Emmanuel 1 1 1. 1900 August 5th, 3-10:30 .\. M. Peit Sang is taken by the Japanese, supported by British and Americans. Chinese retreat, with heavy losses. Japanese losses reported to be 1,200. 1900 August Oth. American forces take the town of Vang Tsun fr(un the Chinese. 1900 August 10th. Russians defeat 9,000 Chinese, at Sanjshan, in a big battle; 4,000 Chinese infanti\v and 5,000 cavalry are in the engagement. 1900 August 12tli. Allied forces take Tung Chow from the Chinese. 1900 August 15th. Pekin, China's capital, is taken by the Allies, after stubborn re- sistance. I-'oreign legations are rescued. Japanese are the first to enter the city. They lose 100 men; Chinese lose 300. 1900 September 4th. Chinese imperial edict appoints Li Hung Chang, Yung Lu, Hsu Tung, and Prince Ching, as peace commissioners, to negotiate with tlie foreign powers in possession at Pekin. 1900 October 20th. Lord Roberts formally proclaims the Transvaal, South Africa, to lie a iiart of the British Empire. 1901 ( Ilegira 1319,Ai)ril20th I (K. 1. 14 106 , ( a. F. C. 2054 ) (A. M. 5905) (J. P. 0014) January 22d, 0:30 p. m. At Osborne House, Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. L^eatii of (iueen Victoria, age 81 years, 7 months, 28 days, after a reign of 63 years, 7 months, 2 days. (See 1837, June 20th.) 478 ^ A. 1>. inOl March 4tli. Hon. William ■\IcKink\v enters his second term as president of T'uited Htates. 1901 March 13th, 4:45 p. M. Death of Benjamin Harrison, ex-president of United States, America ; age 57 years, 6 months, 23 days. lilOl March 23d. Pancho Agninaldo, Filipino general, is captnred on tlie Island of Luzon, by Brig.-Gen. l-redericlc Funston, T'. S. A. They arrive at Manila JIarch 2Sth. IIMII .March 24th. At Winchester, England. Death of (^larlotte iNIary Yonge, popu- lar English authoress; age 77 years, 7 months, 13 d.iys. 1901 April 2d. Agninaldo takes oath of allegiance to United States. 1901 May 8th. Foreign ministers in Pekin fix the Chinese indemnity at $337,000,000. 1901 Se])tend)er (Ith, 4 v. .m. lion. William ^IcKiidey, i)resident of United States, is shot and fatally wounded liy an anarchist, Leon Czidgosz, while the presi- dent is holding a public reception at the Buffalo Exposition. He dies of the wound September 14th, 2:15 a. m. Czolgosz is electrocuted October 29th. 7 :12V2 A. M. I!t01 Septend)er 14th. Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt takes oath, as twenty- tifth president of United States, at 3:40 r. m. HIOl October 3d. Death, at Simla, of Abdur Bohman Khan, ameer of Afghanistan. 1901 October 9th. Hal)il»ullat Khan is officially proclaimed ameer of Afghanistan. 1901 November 6th, 11 a. m. Death of Li Hung Chang, China's great statesman and diplomat. 1901 December 14tli. Signor (Juglielmo Marconi makes a successful trial of his in- vention, by which he transmits wireless messages across the ocean, from Cornwall, England, to Newfoundland. 1902 ( Hegira 1320, A]>r. 10th ) ( B. I. 15 "'^ ) (A. U. (\ 2().55) (A. M. 5906) (J. P. 6615 ) March 7th. The Boers, under Commander Delarey, gain a great victory over the British, under General Methuen, between Winburg and Lichtenburg, Orange River Colony. General Methuen is w(mnded and cai»tured by the Boers. 19t»2 April 13th, i'. M. Destructive earthijuake begins at Guatemala, capital of (luatemala. ]!t02 A])ril 17th. Ojjening of the Peace Conference, between the British and tlie Boers of South Africa. 1!)02 May 8th. Fearful volcanic eruption of the craters on Martini(|ue aiid St. \in- cent Islands begins. Town of St. Pierre totally destroyed. Earthquakes and eruptions continue at intervals for several months; 25,000 to 40,000 lives lost. 1902 :May 12th. Great strike of 140,000 miners of anthracite coal, in Pennsylvania and ^^'est Virginia, begins, and continues twenty-three weeks, ending Octo- ber 21st. The miners demand an increase of 20 per cent, to miners paid by the ton, a reduction of 20 per cent, in time for pir dicin employee.s, from ten to eight hours, and full-weight ton (2,240 pounds |, where miners are paid ~ ~ 479 A. L). by weiiilit. Tlif strike causes serious coal famine in United States and Can- ada. The last week in Septenil»er, hard coal sells for .f 16 per ton, and in New York is sold by small retail dealers for one cent per pound, or |20 per short ton. Scarcity of coal and consequent demand for wood causes a dearth also of that fuel, which runs up in ]irice to fl5, and more, per cord, and even at these prices coal and wood arc not on the market. (See October 21st.) 1902 May 20tli. Birthday of Kepublic of Cuba. I'uited States s'nints it independ- ence, (ieneral ^^'ood, United States military governor, hauls down United States flaji', and Cuban tlag is hoisted in its stead. General Wood and United States troops sail from Cuba, pjstrada Pahna is inaugurated first president of Cuba. 1002 May 31st. Peace "terms of surrender of the Boers to the British are signed, at Pretoria, by the Boer rc)>resentati7es and Lords Wilmer and Kitchener. End of the Boer A\'ar, after their brave tight of two years, six months, twentj' days ; 22,000 British soldiers, and 19,000 Boers having been killed in the war. (See 1S99, October 11th.) 1902 June 20tli. The coronation of King Edward VII., of Great Britain, to have taken place on this day, is postponed by the critical illness of the king. (See August 9th, same year. ) 1902 July 11th. Lord Salisbury tenders liis resignation, as premier of Great Brit- ain. He is succeeded in the office by Rt. ILm. Arthur James Balfour. (See 1903, August.) 1902 July 11th. Collapse of the Camjiauile, or bell tower, of St. Mark's, Venice, Italy; thought to have been caused by recent earthcjuakes in Salonica, Euro- pean Turkey. ( See Note Y. ) 1902 July 22d. Death of Cardinal Ledochowski, known as the Red Pope; age SO years. (For explanation of terms White, Black, and Red Pope, see Note Z. ) 1902 August 9th. Coronation of Edward VII., as King of Great Britain and Em- peror of India. 1!I02 August 22d-September 3d. Fatal earthquakes in Russian Turkestan; 1,000 lives lost. 1902 September 29th, .\. M. Death of Em lie Zola, noted French novelist; conspicu- ous in the Dreyfus case, and in his defense of the Jews. His death is due to accidental asphyxiation, from fumes of gas in his bedroom. His wife nar- roA\ly escapes death from the same cause. 1902 October 21st. The Miners' Convention accepts the arbitration plan, proposed by the operators, through President Roosevelt, who ai)points five commis- sioners to adjust the differences, and afterwards adds a sixth arbitrator, to satisfy Mitchell, president of the Miners' Union. The Miuers' Convention formally declares the strike at an end, and orders work to be resumed Thurs- day, October 23d. ( See May 12th. ) 1902 December 22d. Death of the Mad Mullah of Haddah, instigator of the upris- ing in India, against the British, 1897-98. His real name was Najam- ud-din. He wjis at one time captured by the British, but was set at liberty after the Indian revolt was subdued. (See 1894, November 3d; 1897, June nth, and July 27th.) 480 A. D. 1903 (Hejiira 1321, March 29th) f R. I. 1, lOTth Cycle) (A. U. C. 2r)5(i) (A. M. 5907) (J. r. no IT).) February 20tli, 1 :30 p. m. Deatli, at New York, of Dr. R. J. (Jatlioi,', inventor of the (Jatlin.i; ^nn, etc. (See 1SG2. ) Ajie 84 years, 5 mouths, 14 days. 1903 April 13th, Easter Monday. IMassacre of the Jews, by the Russians, at Kish- eneff; about 50 killed, 80 mortally wounded, and 400 injured, crippled, or outraged. 1903 May 21st. All the inhabitants in the villaoe of Smerdash, mostly women and children, about 200 in all, are massacred by the Turks, under Bashi-Ba- zouks. Fifteen hundred of tlie villagers had, upon his approach, taken ref- uge in the mountains, without food and sutticieut clothing. 1903 May 29th. The destructive ti()ods in North Topeka, Kansas, begin, and con- tinue for days; 200 lives lost, 200 missing, and 20,000 people homeless, up to June 1st. 1903 June 8th, 5:30 A. m. The French artillery opens fire ou the rebellious Zanaga tribesmen, at Figuig, Algeria, de.-;troying many houses, and the mosque. 1903 June 11th, 1 a. m. King Alexander, of Servia, Queen Draga. Iier two brothers, Premier Markovitch, the minister of war, and other ministers and officers, are murdered in the palace by a band of officers of the Servian army, led by Colonels Maschin and Mischics. Prince Peter Karageorgevitch, a pretender to the throne, is proclaimed King of Servia, by the army. 1903 July 20th, 4;04 v. M. Roman time. Death of Pope Leo XILI., pontiff of the Roman Church for twenty-five years. His full name was Joachim Vincent Raphael Aloysius ; age 93 years, 4 months, 18 days. 1903 August 4th. Cardinal (liuseppe Sarto, patriarch of Venice, is elected to suc- ceed Leo XIII., as pope. He takes the name Pius X. 1903 August 11th. Fatal disaster in a tunnel in Paris. Two trains of cars, sixteen coaches of electric railway, are wrecked, and more than one hundred lives lost; caused by a defective dynamo setting fire to the engine. 1903 August 22d, Saturday, 9 i-. yi. Death of Lord Salisbury, ex-premier of Eng- land, and celebrated statesman; age 73 years, 6 months, 9 days. 190;! Noveiidier :'>d. The natives of Isthmus of I'anama, having revolted against Columbia, dMlarc liieir iii(lei)endence. 1903 November 5th. The Columbian troops are compelled to leave tlie isthmus. 1903 November 0th. United States government announces its recognition .'f the <]<■ facto government of the new Republic of Panama. United Svates cruisers and troops are sent to Panama, LTnited States lieiug bound, by foi'mcr treaty, to preserve order on the isthmus. The Columbians are enraged at United States having acknowledged the independence of Panama, liut are liuable to disjyute the ground. 1903 Novendter 17t]i, 8:30 a. m. United States flagship Marbb-head hoists the flag of Rejmblic of Pauanui, and salutes it with 21 guns. 1903 November 18th. The new Canal Treaty with Panama— the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty is signed at AVashington by I'nited States Secretary Hay, and Buuau- Variila, the Pananm minister. The new treaty gives United States complete sovereignty ever the isthmus. 481 A. D. HEGIRA. K. I. A. U. C. A. M. J. P. 1903 1321 March 2nth. 1- 107th Cycle. 2G56 5907 6616 1901 1322 March ISth. 0-107 2657 5908 6617 1905 1323 March Sth. 3107 2658 5909 6618 190() 1321 February 24th. 4-107 2659 5910 6619 1907 1325 February 14th. 5-107 2G60 5911 6620 1908 132() February 3d. 0-107 2661 5912 6621 1909 1327 January 23d. 7-107 2662 5913 6622 1910 1328 January 12th. (41st Cycle) 8-107 26G3 5914 6623 1911 1329 January 2d. 1330 December 22d. 9-107 2661 5915 6624 482 SCHILLER. SEE 1805. 483 INDEX OF NOTES. FKOM 1 TO 1!)(I2 A. D. N. (". to A. I), dates 137 I! — -Misliua, (lemara, aud Tahmid 141, 320, 504 C — Era of ilartyrs 284 1 > — Roman Indictions 313 1] — Niceiie Creed 325 I' — Athauasiau Creed 340 C — Council of Constantino[)le 381 1 1 — Ilegiran Era (i22 I— irist. Andrew's Thistle 80!) J— Crusades 1095-1291 K— Lord's Prayer 1483 T — Anglican Orders 1535, 1559 M— Old and New Htyle 1582-1752 N— Jansen Heresy 1038-1640 O— Quietist Heresy 1075-1687 P— Meal-Tul) Plot' 1079 *,! — King \'\'illiaiu's aud Queen Anne's War in America 1089 K— Salem Witchcraft Delusion 1092 S — Letters of Junius 1769 T — Sharp and Somerset 1772 r — Frenc-h Revolutionary Calendar 1792 \' — Storming of Dargai Ridge 1S97 \\— History of the Boers. . '. 1899 X— ( )snian Digna 1900 V— Campanile of St. .Alark's 1902 Z— AVhite. Red, and Black I'opes 1902 4S5 NOTES FROM 1 TO 1902 A. D. Note A— 27 A. D. In ascertain! iiij our Lord's age at the tiiiu* (if a certaiu event, in any given year, we reckon, of course, not from 5 B. C, but from 4 1?. (\, as tlie latter year began eight days after His birth. We cimld only correctly compute from 5 B. V. where we knew an event to have taken place between December 25th and 31st. In calculating the interval from a certain date B. C. to one in A. I)., one less than the nundier B. (\ must be added to the full uumljer A. I). Thus, from January, 4 B. C, when our Lord was a week old, to 27 A. I).=30 years, i. e., 27+3. Some chronologists make the mis- take of adding Ihe full luuuber B. C, and in this case, place the baptism at 20 A. D., counting 2(1+4=30, which is not correct, and brings tlie event one year too early. XoTK B— 141, 320, 504 A. I). MISIINA, GKMAU.V, AND TALMUDS. The Mishna is a digest of Jewish tradition, legal decisions by the ancient rabbis, and their exjilanations of the Scriptures. This Mishna forms the text of both Talmuds. (See 141 A. D.) The Geniara is the commentary on the Mishna, and forms the second part of tlie Talmuds. The Talmuds (the Palestinian or "Talmud Yeruslialmi," and the I?abylonian ir "Talmud Babli") are composed of the Mishna and the (ieniara, together with lengHiy arguments and discussions on the text of the Mishna and (iemara : in the Babylonian, by hundreds of Jewish doctors living in Babylonia, from second to sixth century; and the Palestinian, the same, by hundreds of Hebrew doctors in Palestine, frcuu second to f(mrth centuries. The Talmuds form the Jewish "Oral" or "Traditional Laws," as distinguished from the "Written Laws of Moses," the Pentateuch. (See 320 and 504 A. D.) Note C— 284 A. D. DIOCLETIAN EUA. The Christians used the Diocletian Era until the Christian Era was introduced, in 516; and it is still employed by the Abyssinians and Copts. It is called Diocletian Era, as it commenced on the day he was proclaimed emperor, August 29th ; and is also known as the Era of Martyrs, because of the terrible persecutions of the Chris- tians during Diocletian's reign. Note D— 313 A. D. ROMAN INDICTIONS. The "Indictions" was originally a cycle of tributes of corn, which were recpiired every fifteen years, and began in the time of Constantine the (ireat. The Council of Nice, 325, ordered that, in menuiry of Constantine's great victm-y over Mezentius, 312 486 A. D., the years should he ui) h)uj;er reckoned h\ the Olympiads, hut hy the Cycle of ludictions, reckouiug the first year of the first cycle to heiiiu Septeniher 1st, 312. AA'heu, however, it was adopted hy the Papal See, 342, the era was ordered to he reck- oned from Januarj- 1st, 313; aud this is now alone used, and known as the Papal or I\()man Indictions. In the column of dates, accordiuij to TJoinan Indictions ( IM. ),atthe right hand side of the paijes, a new method has h(>en devised in computinii' time hy these cycles, which consist of tiftcH'U years each. Ordinarily, only the nund)er from one to fifteen is liiven, so that it is impossihle to tell, witlumt calculation, which cycle of the Roman Indic- tion Era it is; for instance, year 317 A. I), would he dated 1{. I. 5; so also wouhl he years 827, 1772, 1S!)2, etc., and a hundred or more other years. In this work, the very small figures, after the dash, to the right and top of the large uumhers from 1 to 15, are tlie cycle numhers, showing in which cycle the year 1, 2, 5, or 10, etc., is; thus, year 317 A. I), is dated Tvi, while 827 A. D. is 5-35, ij'-o A. D. is 5-98, i,s92 A. D. is 5-ioc, the latter meaning the 5th year in the 106th cycle, or 105 full cycles X 15 years \n each cycle=1575+5 years in the lOHth cycle=1580th year of the Roman Indictions Era. NOTio E— 325 A. D. COUNCIL OF NICE. The Council of Nice, attended hy three hundred and eigliteen hishojjs, and ]ire- sided over hy Ilosius, hishop of Cordova, Spain, condemned the doctrines of Arius as heresy, and composed (as opposed to his lieresy, and attesting to the true Catliolic doctrine of the perfect divinity of Jesus Christ) the Nicene Creed, down to and in- clusive of the words "the quick and tlie dead; and in the Holy (thost." This was afterwards changed to "the quick and the dead, wliose kingdom shall have no end. And I helieve in the Holy Ohost." The council sat from June T.hh to xVugust 25th. St. Athanasius was conspicuims in his zealous and eloipient defenses of the orthodox faith. (See Note G.) Note 1-^—340 A. D. ATH.\.\"ASI.VX CREED. This creed is so called after St. Athanasius, he heing the leader of the orthodox faith, as opposed to Arianism. This creed more esi)ecially defines the orthodox doc- trine of the Blessed Trinity, and also fully declares the true doctrine of the perfect divinity and perfect humanity of Jesus Christ. It is in the prayer-book of the Church of England, and is i)uhli(dy recited hy this hramli of the Catholic Church thirteen times during each year. Note O— 381 A. D. COT'NCII. OF CO\ST.\NTINOPLE. This council demmnced hy name the following heresies: Eunomian (a heresy sim- ilar to the Arians), the Arian (denying the divinity of Christ ), S(>mi-Arian, the Sahel- lian (denying the orthodox doctrine of the Blessed Trinity), the Marcellian, or Pho- tinian, and the Apollinarian (acknowledging the true divinity, but denying the per- fect hunmnity of Christ). The council, presided over hy St. Meletius, patriarch of Antioch, composed the latter part of the Nicene Creed, from the words "^^'hose king- dom shall have no end; and I believe in the Holy (ihost," to the end. (See Note E.) 487 Note 11—622 A. D. ERA OF HEGIUA. I'roiu this date to 1911, years counted by the Era of the Hegira, or Mohamiuedau Era, are placed in the lirst column to tlie rii,dit. An expkination of the calcuhitiou seems necessary. As the Mohammedan year contains only 354: ^< il'ivs, and our Christian year contains 365Vi, it is imiiossible to compute time exactly, year for year, in comparative tables of the two eras. :Much labor, therefore, has been s]ient on this one subject for this work, in order to have exactly correct comparative columns. The plan at last decided upon, although it has required a great amount of calculation, it is hoped, has accomplished the desired exactness. Every 33 Mohammedan years = 32 of ours, + days; hence, the whole of time must be divided into cycles of 33 Mohammedan and 32 Christian years. In each one of these cycles it occurs once, and once only, that two Mohammedan New Year's Days fall in one A. D. year. This we take as the lirst year of a new cycle. Therefore, hav- ing found out, by calculation, one of these cycle years, nearly every thirty-third, but oc- casionally the thirty-fourth, Mohammedan year, after or before, is the beginning of a new cycle. The first Mohammedan year, 622, however, does not l)egin a cycle, that New Year's Day being July 16th; but the tirst cycle contains only eighteen years, the second cycle beginning 6-40 A. D. Every thirty-two or thirty-three A. D. years, there- fore, from 640 to 1011, the two Mohammedan New Year's Days and two Mohammedan yeai's ai'e given to correspond to our one A. D. year. For every other A. D. year, there is given the first Mohammedan year, the New Year's Day of which falls within that Christian year. The calculations for this era are very complicated, and it is impossible to tell, cer- tainly, in finding the cycle year, whether the thirty-third or thirty-fourth Mohamme- dan, and the thirty-second or thirty-third A. D. year will be the next cycle year, until all the necessary calculations for that year and the following have been made. To be a cycle year, the New Year's Day must fall on one of the first ten days of January, that another New Tear's Day may fall in December of the same year. To reduce a jMohammedan year to the A. D. year, and to find the :Mohammedan New Year's Day, multiply .970224 by any given year of ITegira, cut off the six deci- mals from the product, and add 621.5774. The sum, or figures to the left of the deci- mal, will be the A. D. year. Multiply the decimal figures, /. c, those six to the right of the decimal point, by 365, and having again cut off six decimal points, the 1, 2, or 3 fig- ures befcn-e, or to the left of the decimal point, will be the day in the Christian year on which the Mohammedan New Year's I) xy falls. To make the 1,330 such calculations necessary from 622 to 1911 A. D., required days of steady work; I»ut it is hoped accurate results have been attained. Note 1—809 A. D. KNIGHTS OF ST. ANDREW. The Order of Knights of St. Andrew, or Order of the Thistle, was first instituted by Achaius I., king of Scotland, when he made alliance with Charlenmgne, and took the thistle for his device. He founded the order upon the legend that St. Andrew ap- peared at midnight to King Huugus the Tict, in a vision, and promised him a signal victory over the Northumbrians, and that the next day St. Andrew's cross Avas seen in 48S VILLAGE OF TAORMINA. AND MOUNT /ETNA, SICILY. CITY OF LA VALETTA, ISLAND OF MALTA. 489 the sky, iiiid tlie victorj was won by Iliin^nis. Tlie order orii;inally consisted of tlie sovereiiin and twelve knights, in remembrance of Clirist and His twelve Apostles. Theorder was refounded by James v., of Scotland, in 1540, and again revived by James VII., of Scotland, and II., of England, May 29th, 1GS7, and again bv (^neen Anne, 1703. Note J— 1095-1291 A. I). THE rUlTSADES. The first crusade was preached by Peter tiie Hermit, 1095, and lasted until Jerusa- lem was taken by the crusaders, under 7. Tlie fifth, in wiiidi Count Baldwin of Flanders figured prominently, was i)ro- clainied by Innocent III., in 1198. The crusaders took Constantin(i]de, in 120;i The sixth crusade, in 1217, was under Frederick II., empenu-of (iermany, who re- gained possession of Jerusalem. The seventh was led, 1248, by Louis IX., of France, who was defeated by the infi- dels. The eighth and last crusade, 1270, was led by Lcaiis IX., who died August 2d, of a contagious ecially the lower cla.sses; while those more learned, feigned to credit the invention. iai The lictiou was, that several bishops met at "Nag's Head Tavern," Cheapside, and while there, in jest, consecrated Parker, with a mock eereniouy. This false report was al)ly refuted and disproved by Burnet, in seventeenth century, and by many other dis- (inguished writers. The tale was too absurd and sacrilegious to loug stand the test of history, ecclesiastical records, and logical arguments; and e(|ually weak is the in- ference thrown out by some of the Koman clergy, that Parker's consecrators were not valid bishops; for, while Bishops Coverdale and Scory had been consecrated by Angli- can ordinal. Bishops Barlow and TTodgkins were both consecrated with the old Pon- tifical. And, although Leo XIII., for political reasons, finally pronounced the Anglican Orders invalid, many of the most distinguished Roman bishops and i)i'iests were in favor of the opposite decision. For, having read, and made a stuily of the subject, they knew that the charge of invalidity, when put to the test, could not stand; and that so long as the P^nglish ministry was not acknowlea]iers which contained a scheme to 493 he sworn to, accusing of treason the most prominent of the nou-Ilomanists, who were against the succession of the Duke of York, among whom were Shafteshury, Essex, and Halifax. AVhile heing whipped the last time, as part of his punishment, June 1st, 1(385, one of Dangertield's eyes was struck out hy Rohert Francis, a harrister; and the blow caused the former's death, for which Francis was hanged. Note Q— 1G89. KING WILLIAM'S WAR. James II., of England, having fled to France, in 1C88, his cause was espoused by that nation, against William III., of England, which led to a contest between the I'rench and English i)owers; and, also, involving their respective colonies in Amer- ica, was known as '-King William's War in America." When, in 1701, September Ifith, James II. died in France, that nation acknowl- edged his son as king of England. Upon the death of William III., of England, 1702, March Sth, however, Anne succeeded, as queen of England. At the same time there was trouble about the Sjjanish succession, after the death of Charles II., of Spain, in 1700, and accession of Philip V. Hence arose a war between England, on one side, and France and Spain on the other, known in Europe as the "War of the Spanish Succession." This was also taken up by the respei'tive colonies in America, and was there called "Queen Anne's War." These differences were settled in 1713, April 11th, by the Treaty of Utrecht. Note R— in!>2. SALEM WITf'IICUAFT DELUSION. The Salem witchcraft delusion was started by several children in tlie household of Rev. I*ari'is, a minister of Salem, Mass., in early spring of 1()!»2. They pretended that they were tortured, pinched, and pricked with pins, etc., by shapes of men and women, invisible to others. These inventions were generally believed, alike by high and low, and a frenzy of fear soon spread throughout the town. Many innocent men and women were arrested, and Rev. George Barroughs, Giles Gory, and eighteen others were executed on a false charge of witchcraft, while more than fifty were tortui'ed into a false confession of guilt. By October, one hundred and fifty persons were im- prisoned. The frenzy soon after died down, and the accusers were ashamed of their work. Giles Cory Avas the only person who ever perished in the United States by the ^'pc'uic forte rt (lure." the name of a torture, literally "tStrdiifj and xcrcre punish- nicnf." Note S— 1709. letters of junius. "Junius" was the noni de pJnnic of a political English author, who, from January 21st, 1709, to January 21st, 1772, wrote a series of famous letters, which lie first pub- lished in "Woodfall's Public Advertiser." In them he opposed the ministry of his time, and severely denounced some of the high officials. His letters were very popu- lar, and had great power and weight among the people. 494 TYEANTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. DANTON. SEE 1793, MARCH 5. ROBESPIERRE. SEE 1794, JULY 24TH. MARAT. SEE 1793, JULY 13TH. 496 The real name of the author was sought in vain for many years. Tlie letters were attrihuted by differeut eritics to i^ir Phili]* Francis, Lord Chatham. Edmund Burke, Henry (Jrattan, Colonel Barre, Gibbon, J. II. Tooke, Horace Walpole, John Wilkes, and many others. It is now generally conceded that the first named, Sir P. Francis, was the author. "Junius" said, in his dedication to the people of England, "I am the sole deposi- tory of my own secret ; and it shall perish with me." Note T— 1772. shaitp and someeset. Somerset, a negro slave in England, being in very ill health, was turned adrift on the streets of London, by his master, in 1770. Sharp, the philanthropist, took him under his care, and when fully recovered, found him employment as a free man. Two years later, 1772, his former master claimed him as his slave. Sharp brought the case before the lord mayor, who decided in Somerset's favor. The master then took the case before the Court of the King's Bench ; and here was established the decision, June 22d, that slavery could not exist in Great Britain. On account of this important and far-reaching decision, the case of Sharj) and Somerset vs. the latter's master, has become celebrated. Note U— 1792. french uevolutionary calendar. The French Revolutionary Calendar, arranged by the infidel leaders of the Revo- lution, began its era at midnight, September 21-22d, 17!»2; but did not come into use until 1793, November 24th (Fourth Frimaire, Year II.), and was al)olished in 1805, December 31st (Tenth Nivose, Year of the Republic XIV.), by decree of Napoleon L, who restored, in France, the use of Gregorian mode (/. r.. Christian Era), January 1st, 1S0(). The French Revolutionary Calendar was as follows: AUTUMN. Vendeniaire (Vintage Month), September 22d to October 21st. Bmmaire (Fog Month), October 22d to November 20th. Frimaire (Sleet Month), November 21st to December 20th. WINTER. Nivose (Snow Month), December 21st to January 19th. Pluviose ( Rain Month ) , January 20th to February 18th. Ventose (Wind Month), February 19th to March 20th. SPRINT,. Germinal (Sprouts ilonth), :Marcli 21st to Ai)ril 19th. Froreal ( Flowers Mouth ) , April 20th to May 19th. Prairial (Pasture Month), May 20th to June 18th. ST'MMER. Messidor (Harvest Month), June 19th to July 18th. Fervidor, or Thermidor (Hot Month), July 19th to August 17th. Fructidor (Fruit Month), August 18th to September 21st. JUT Note V— 1897. STORMING OV DAUGAI lUIXJE. In 1897, October 20th, Gen. Sir Yeatman Bigj^vs, commanding part of tlie British army in India, sent a (Jhuii^a, a Derln'shire, and a Dorsetshire regiment, to dislodge tlie revolting tribesmen from the Dargai Ridge. The British were oldiged to pass across an open space, directly exposed to the Afridis fire, from tlie cliffs above. Part of the filnirkas crossed the tire zone, and reached a rocky shelter, on the opposite side; bnt so fearfnl a number were mowed down by the tire from the enemy, that the remainder of that, and the other two regiments, were deterred from following, and the senior officers communicated back to the main boily of troo]is, that the passage could not be made. At this critical moment (ieneral Kemp.ster ordered the s of Konie, or Popes 42 ( ireat IJritain : including Scotland 357 Britain, 454; England, 828; and Ireland, !I79. Spain 408 Inchiding Saracens, Moors, enniark 714 (Termany 800 Russia ' 850 Austria 988 Sweden 1015 Prussia '. 1134 Portugal 1139 Presidents of United States 1789 503 ASSYRIA AND BABYLON. 15. C. l\. V. 2245 Belus (Nimrod ) founds Babylon. 1084 Dercylus. 20G9 Ninus is kino- of Assyria. 1049 ^lardokempad. 2059 Niuus conquers Babylon, and 1044 Eupales. founds Assyrian Empire. 1000 Laosthenes. 2007 Seniiraniis murders her hus- 1000 Adrammelecli I. band, Niuus, and reigns alone. 901 Pyritiades. 1905 Ninyas, son of Niuus. !)00 Auaku Merodak. 1927 Arius. 931 Opliratai-us. 1912 Chedorhiomer. 930 Ashuraklibal,orSardanapalus I. 1897 Araleus. 910 Ophratenes, or Epiiecheres. 1857 Xerxes, or Baleus. 900 Diyanubai'. 1827 Armanites. 870 81iamas Adar, or Shamsiyay. 1789 Belochus. 8(50 Acrazanes. 1754 Baleus. 840 Adrammelech II. 1702 Altades. 837 Preaching of Jonah. 1070 Mamitus. 818 Tonosomachus, or Hardanapalus. 1040 Manchaleus. 800 Baklasi. 1010 Splierus. 782 Ashurkish. 1590 Mamilus. 777 Pul ( 750, ac. Layard. ) 1500 Sparetus. 747 Tiglathpileser. 1520 Ascatades. 727 Shalmanezer (or 728.) 1480 Amyntas. 722 Sargon. 1435 Belochus. 705 Sennacherib (ac. Encyclo. Brit., 1410 Bellepares. and recent authorities; 717, 1380 Lamprides. ac. Hajdn; 713, ac. Blair; 1348 Sosares. 703, ac. Layard.) 1328 Lanijiares. 681 Esarhaddon, or Sardanapalus 1298 Panyas. 11. (See 073 B. (\ for dates. | 1253 Sosarmus. 667 Assur-bani-pal, or Sardanapa- 1234 Mitlmeus. lus in. (003, ac. Blair.) 1207 Teutamus. 625 Assur-ebil-ili, afterwards suc- 1156 TeutiPus. ceeded by Saracus, or Ninus 1135 Thineus. II. 1128 Analcbarbeth-IIira, or Shiniish- 000 Capture of Nineyeh, and fall of bal-Bithkira. the Assyrian Emi)ire ( or 007. | SECOND BABYL ONIAN EMPIPiE, INDEPENDENT FROM -VSSYRIA. B. C. B. C. 747 Nabonassar, king of Babylon. 501 Eyil Merodach. 731 to 721 Acain subject to Assyria. 559 Neriglissar. 721 Merodach, king of Babylon. 550 Laborosoarchod, or Labynetus. 709 to 025 Ao-ain subject to Assyria. 555 Belshazzar ( Nabonadius. ) 025 NaI)oi)olassar frees Babylon 538 Babylon taken by Medes and from Assyrian yoke. Persians. 000 ir 005 Nebuchadnezzar. nm EGYPT. u. c. 2188 2111 2100 2080 2017 1J)3S 1896 1822 1821 1027 1018 1587 1549 1537 1528 1512 1504 1490 1485 1416 1376 1321 1305 1255 1189 1082 1032 978 966 937 933 924 918 909 Mizraim (jNfenes) builds Mem- phis, and founds the kingdom. Thebes built by Busiris. Osyiiiandyas the ron(iueror. llyksos, 01' Shepherd Kings. Dynasty of Theban kings. Amenemhe III., of thirteenth dynasty. Syphoas. Memnon. Anienophi.s I. Tuthmosis. Anienophis III. Horns. Acencheres. ^Vchoris. Cenchres. Acherres. Cherres. Armais. ^Egyptus, called also Sesostris. Menophis. Sethos. Kumeses. Alenophthah and Sethos II. Amnienephthes. (Ramsis, ac. Lempriere and Blair.) Ainmenemes. (Ramsis, ac. Lep- sins and Bunsen. ) Thuoris. (Ramsis, ac. Lem- priere and Blair. ) Ac. Lempriere and Blair, eleven kings of twentieth dynasty. Ramsis III. to XIII., reigned in Egypt, from 1260 to 1112 B. 0.' Cheops. ('ei)liren. I'seusennes. Mycerinus. Xepliei'clicT'es. ^Viiieiioplithis. Osochor. Psinaches. I'seusennes. p.. c. 870 853 838 825 800 791 781 737 725 713 711 708 687 670 663 639 616 600 594 569 526 414 350 332 323 285 283- 247 00-) 205 181 146 Seuenchosis. Osorthou. Tacollothis. Petubastes. Osorthou II. Psammes. Bocchoris. Sabaco I. Senechos. Taracus. ►Sabaco II. Treaty with Assyria. Stepliinoles. Psauniietichus. \echepsos. Xekos I. Neco. Psammis. Apries, or Nekos II. Amasis, or Psammetik II. I'sammetitus III. End of the Pharaohs. Conquered by Persia. Successful revolt against the Persians. Amyrtseus is pro- claimed king of Egypt. Egypt reduced by Ochus, king of Persia. Egypt conquered by Alexander the Great. Ptolemy I. (Soter) king of Egypt. Ptolemy I., with his sou, Ptol- emy Philadelphus. 247 Ptolemy II. (Philadelphus) alone. Ptolemy III. (Euergetes. ) November. Ptolemy IV. (Phil- opator. ) November. Ptolemy Y. (Epiph- anes. ) October. Ptolemy YI. (Philo- metor. ) November. Ptolemy YII. (Phy- scon. ) 505 EGYPT— Coutimied. r.. V. 117 107 89 81 80 58 55 51 47 46 43 30 A. D. 61(5 638 1163- 1250 Ptolemy VIII. (Soter II.), and Cleopatra, his mother. Alexander I. and Cleopatra. Ptolemy VIII. restored. Alexander II. and Cleopatra I. Ptolemy IX. (Auletes.) Berenice and Tryphiena. Ptolemy IX. restored. Ptolemy X. leaves the kingdom to Ptolemy XI. and Cleopatra II. Civil war ensues between the two. Ii]gyi>t invaded by Caesar. Ptolemy XL, the king, defeated and drowned. Cleopatra and her younger brother, Ptolemy XII., reign. Ptolemy XII. is poisoned by his sister, Cleopatra, who reigns alone. Suicide of Cleopatra. Egypt becomes a Roman province. Egyi)t conquered by Chosroes II., of Persia. Egypt invaded by the Saracens, under Amrou. 96 Egypt con(iuered by the Turks. Mamelukes establish govern- ment in Egypt. A. D. 1517 Egypt conquered by Turks, un- der Selim I., and governed by beys. 1798-99 Egyi^t conquered by the French. 1801 Turkish government restored by the British. 1806 Mehemet Ali Pacha, viceroy of Egypt. 1841 Mehemet made hereditary vice- roy, July 15th. 1848 Mehemet deposed; his adopted son, Ibrahim, made viceroy, September. 1848 Ibrahim dies ; his son, Abbas, is viceroy, November 10th. 1854 Said (brother of Abbas), July 14th. 1862 Ismail is viceroy, January ISth. 1869 Viceroys are called khedives. 1879 Ismail Pasha deposed by the Porte, at request of England, France, etc., June 26th. 1879 Mechmet Tewfik, sou of Ismail, is made khedive. 1892 Abbas Pasha succeeds his father, Mechmet, as khedive, January 7th, and still reigns, up to 1903. 506 GREECE. IXCLUDIXG ATHENS, 155G ; SI'ARTA. 14!»() ; CORINTH. 1347 ; MACEDON, 748; AM) MODERN GREECE, 1832. EARLY KINGS OP GREECE B. C. 2089 2038 1993 1973 1948 1891 18()2 185() 1817 1807 179(> i7(;4 1747 1717 1712 KmI 1042 1623 1588 1500 1553 1548 1540 1530 1510 1507 1.502 148(> 1480 1475 1455 1449 1432 1425 1425 1406 1.390 B. C. 1556 1506 .Egialeus, king of Sicyon. Europs, king of Sicyon. Telchin, king of Sicyou. Apis, king of Sicyon. Tlielxion, king of Sieyon. ^Egydrus, king of Sicyou. Tburimaohus, king of Sioyon Inachuf?, king of Argos. Leucippus, king of Sieyon. IMioroneus, king of Argos. Ogyges, king of Attica. Mesapus, king of Sieyon. Apis, king of Argos. Peratus, king of Sieyon. Argils, king of Argos. Plemneiis, king of Sieyon. Criasus, king of Argos. Orthopolis, king of Sieyon. Pliorbas, king of Argos. .Marathus, king of Sieyon. Triopas, king of Argos. Deucalion, Icing of Tbessaly. Scamander, king of Troy. ^farathus II., king of Sicyou Echyreus, king of Sieyon. Crotopas, king of Argos. Teucer, king of Troy. Stheuelus, king of Argos. Dardauus, king of Troy. Danaus, king of Argos. Corax, king of Sieyon. Eriehtliouius, king of Troy. Polydorus, Icing of Thebes. Lynceus, king of Argos. Epopeus, king of Sieyon. Minos, Icing of Crete. Lamedon, king of Sieyon. NOT INCLUDED UNDEIi THE AI'.OVE HEADINGS B. C. 1384 1383 1374 1361 1350 1332 1325 1314 1313 1305 1284 1281 1276 1274 1274 1274 1200 1206 1265 1200 1224 1224 1223 1215 1215 1211 1201 1184 1183 1180 1176 1160 1137 1 136 1128 Abas, king of Sieyon. .Eolus, king of Phtliiotis. Tros, king of Troy. Proetus, king of Argos. Sieyon, king of Sieyon. Laius, king of Tlielies. Acrisius, first king of Mycena'. Ilus, king of Troy. Perseus, king of Myeenfe. Polybus, king of Sieyon. Pelops, king of Pisatis. Myceua', <-oui|uered by Electryo, ila'stor, and Stheuelus, sous of Pelops. Creou, king of Tlielies. Stheuelus, sole king of ^lyeenie. Atreus, king of Pi.satis. Eurystbus, king of IMyeeuiP. Thyestes, king of Myceu;e. (Edipus, king of Thebes. Jauiscus. king of Sicyou. Laomed(ui, king of Troy. Priam, king of Troy. Nestor, king of Pylos. Pluestus, king of Sicyou. Adrastus, king of Sicyou. I'lysses, king of Ithaca. Polyphides, king of Sicyou. Agamemnon, king of Myceua\ Fall of Troy. JOgistbeus, king of .Myceiue. Pelasgns, king of Sieyon. Orestes, king of Myceme. Zeuxippus, king of Sicyou. Aphides, king of lb. Thyma^tes, king of lb. Archelaus, king of Sieyon. Ceerops. Cranaus. KINGDOM OF ATHENS. B. C. 1497 Ampbictyon. 1487 Eriehthonius. B. c. 1437 1397 Paudiou I. Erechthens. 507 (jREE(L'E — Kingdom of Athens— Coutiuued. p.. ('. i;. c. K. c. 135(1 lOuiuoIpiis. 1283 Argeus. 1182 Demophoou. 1347 Cecrops II. 1235 Theseus. 1149 Oxyates. 13(17 Pandioii II. 1205 Mnestheiis. 1092-107(1 Codrns, last king. ARCHONS OF ATHENS. N. B. — Wherever the names of two arehons are given on a line, witli the word "ol-," (lie Orst named is ae. Clinton, and the second ao. Hales. r,. V. B. C. lOd!) iledon 1 1044. ae . Blair. | 593 Dropidas. 1024 Aeastiis. 592 Eucrates. !)SS Archippns. 591 Simonides. DC!) Thersippus. 588 Pluvnippns. 92S Phorhas. 580 Damasins II. 898 Meiiacles. 580 Pentathlns. 8(58 Diognetus. 577 Arcliestratides. 840 Pherecles. * 570 Aristomenes. S21 Ari]>hron. 500 Comias. SOI Thespieus. 502 Hippodides. 7!t5 Agamestor. 501 Comias. 777 .Esohylus. 500 Comias or Ilegestratus. 754 Alcnneou. 559 Hegestratus (ac. Clinton.) 752 Charops. 550 Euthydemus. 742 .lOsimides. 548 Erxiclides. 732 Clidieus. 537 A loams I. 722 llippomenes. 530 Athenrpus. 712 Leocrates. 535 Hipparchns. 702 Apsandrus. 533 Thericles or Ilereclides. 092 Ery.xias. 524 Miltiades. 083 Creon. 512 Clisthenes. 081 Lysias. 508 Isagoras. 071 Leostratns. 504 Acestorides. (i()9 Pisistratiis. 500 Myrus. 008 Antosthenes. 490 Hipparchns. 004 Miltiades I. 495 Phili])]>ns. 059 JMiltiades II. 494 Pythocritns. 044 I)ro])iliis. 493 Themistocles. 039 Damasins. 492 Diognetns. 035 Epenetins. 491 Hybrilides. 024 Draco. 490 PhjT'nippns. (P(; lleiiocliides. 489 Aristides. 005 Aristocles. 488 Anchises. 001 Critins. 487 Phienippus. 000 iMegacles. 480 Philocrates. 595 Philoiiiln'otns. 485 Philocrates or Pha^don. 594 Solon. 484 Leostratns. 51 IS GREECE — Archons of Athens — Coutiuued. B. C. I!. ('. - 483 Nicoderuus. 437 Euthyimnies. 482 Acliepsion. 436 Lysiniachus. 481 TJU'iiiistocles or Calliades. 435 Antilochides. 4S0 (/alliades or Callias. 434 Chares. 47!l Xaiitliippus. 433 Apseiides. 478 Tiiiiosthenes. 432 PytliodoT-iis. 477 Adiiiiantus. 431 Enthydcimis. 47() PluTedon. 430 Apollodorus. 475 Dronioclides. 429 Epaineinon. 474 Acestorides. 428 Diotimus. 473 ileuon. 427 Euclides. 472 (Miares. 420 Euthydenius. 471 Praxieroiis. 425 tStratoeles. 470 Dciuotioii (tr Apsephiou. 424 Isarcluis. 4(;!» Aiiscphioii or riia'doii. 423 Ameinias. ^ 4ti8 Tlioayeiiidcs. 422 Alea^us. 4(17 Lysistratus. 421 Aristion. 4(;(; Lvsaiiias. ^ 420 Asty])liihis. M\~) Lysitheus. 419 Areliias. 4(14 Arcliidemides. 418 Antiplion. 4(;:5 T]c]Mil(Minis or Eiitliipi)ns. 417 Enidieiiius. 4(12 CaiKin. 41(i Ariiinu'stus. 4(;i Euhippus. 415 Chabrias. 4(;() Tlirasiilides. 414 Pisandcr. 45!> I'liilufles. 413 Cleocritus. 458 Bion. 412 Callias. 457 Miicsitliides or Callias. 411 Thco])oiii])us. 45(i Callias. 410 (llaiu-ippus. 455 Sosistratus. 409 Diodes. 454 Ariston. 408 Enotemou. 453 Lysicrates. 407 Antiiieues. 452 Cluvrephaues. 40(; <\illias. 451 .\ntidotiis. 405 Alexias. 45(1 iMithydenuis. 404 Pythodoriis. 44!l I'l'diaMis. 403 Euclides or Myco. 448 Philisciis. 402 ]Micon or Euclides. 447 Tiiiiarchides. 401 XeiiJPiietus. 44(> Calliiiiaclms. 400 Laches. 445 Lysiinacliides. 399 Aristocrates. 444 Praxiteles. 398 Ithycles. 443 Lysanias. 397 Snuiades or Lysiades. 442 OijihiJns. 390 Phoriiiioii. 441 Tiinocles. 395 Diophantus. 440 Myrichides. 394 Enbulides. 43!> (ilancides. 393 Deinostratiis or Ai-clies. 438 Tlicodoriis. 392 I'hilocles. (iKEECE — Archons of Athens — Continued. 1!. C. 1!. c. 391 Nicoteles. 345 Eubulus. 300 Denutstratus. 344 Lyciscus. 38!) Aiitiiiater. 343 Pythodotus. 388 rviTliiou. 342 Sosigeues. 387 Tlu'oddrus. 341 Nioomachus. 386 Mysticliides. 340 Tlieophrastus. 385 Doxitheus. 339 Lysiniaiiiides. 384 I )io( replies. 338 Clueroudas. 383 Pliauostratus. 337 Phrynicus. 382 Evandcr or Menander. 336 Pythodemus. 381 Dciuopliiliis. 335 Euanietus. 380 Pytlieas. 334 Ctesicles. 37!) Nicon. 333 Nicocrates. 378 Xaiisiuicus. 332 Nioetes or Niceratus. 377 ("allias. 331 Aristophanes. 37G Cluirisander. 330 Arisoplion or Apollodorus. 375 llipixidanias. 329 Cepliisoplion. 374 Socratides. 328 Euthycritiis. 373 Asteius. 327 IlegeiiKin or Cliremes. 372 Aloistlieiies. 326 Cliremes or Auticles. 371 I'lirasiclides. 325 Anticles or Sosicles. 370 Dvsciiietus. 324 Iles^esias. 369 Lysistratus. 323 Cepliisodorus. 368 Nansi.nenns. 322 Philocles. 367 rolyzclus. 321 Arcliippas. 36() Cephysodorus. 320 Nea^clinius. 365 Chioii. 319 Apollodorus. 364 Tiniocrates. 318 Archippus. 363 (Miariclides. 317 Demooenes. 362 Jlolon. 316 Democlides. 361 Nicoplieiiius. 315 Praxibulus. 360 ralliiiH'des. 314 Nicodorus. 359 ICucharistus. 313 Tlieophrastus. 358 Cephisodotus. 312 Polemon. 357 Aiiatliocles. 311 Hinionides. 356 I'vlpines. 310 Hieromneinon. 355 f'allistratus. 309 Demetrius Phalareus. 354 Diothinis. 308 Charinus. 353 Eiidcunis. 307 Auaxicrates. 352 Aristodeinus. 306 Cornpbus. 351 Tliessalus. 305 Euxenippus. 350 Apollddorus. 304 T'lierecles. 349 Calliniaohus. 303 Leostratus. 348 Tlieopliiliis. 302 Nioocles. 347 TliPinistocles. 301 ralliarchus. 346 Arohias. 300 Heoeraaehus. 510 1- 7 < u 1- tn < z Cvj o r^ u III III o 03 I o q: < 511 GllEECE — Archons of Athens — CoutimKHl. p.. c. 299 Euctemon. 298 Mnesidemns. 297 Antiplmtes. 296 Nicias. r.. c. 295 Nioostratus. 294 Olympio. 293 Philippus (ac. Hales.) 292 Philippus (ac. Clinton.) Eegister of Archons is imperfect after 292 R. C. KINGDOM OF LACED.EMON, OR SPARTA. 1490 B. C. Lelex. 1198 B. C. Menelaiis. 1123 B. C. Tisamenes. GOVEltXED Jt)INTLY BY THE TWIN SONS OF ARISTUDEMUS AND THEIR DESC'EXDAXTS- EURYSTHEXID.E OR AGID^ LINE. H. C. 1102 1060 1059 1028 993 975 956 927 926 883 881 PROCLID.E LINE. Eurvstlieues. Agis I. Echestratus. Labotas. Procles. Sous. Doryssus. Agesilaus. EURYSTHENID.E OK AGID.E LINE. Archelaus. 823 821 783 770 742 718 709 686 676 648 637 Teleclus. Alcameues. Polydorus. Eurycrates. Anaxander. Eurycrates II. Eurypon. Prytanis. Eunomus, or Po- lydectes. , Charilaus, under Lycurgus, as re gent. Nicander. Theopoinpus. Zeuxidamus. Anaxidamus I. Archidamus I. B. c. 598 560 Anaxandrides. 520 Cleomenes I. 510 491 Leonidas. 480 Pleistarchus, un- der Paysanias, as regent. 469 452 Pleistoanax. 427 PROCLID.E LINE. 408 Pausanias. 398 394 Agesipolis I. 380 Cleombrotus. 371 Agesiiwlis II. 370 Cleomenes II. 361 338 309 Areus I. 265 Acrotatus. 264 Areus II. 256 Leonidas. Line of Agid:e lost to historv after this date. Agesicles. Ariston. Demaratus. Leotvchides. Archidamus II. Agis II. Agesilaus II. Vrchidamus III. Vgis III. Line of Procli- da^ lost to history after tin's date. 513 GREECE. KINGDOM OF CORINTH. B. C. 1!. 0. 1347 Sisyphus. 799 Agemon. 1068 Dynasty established by Aletes. 783 Alexander. 1033 Ixion. 758 Telestes. 99«) A^ehTS. 746 Autonienes. 959 Priuimis. Last king reigns one year. 925 Bacchis. For next ninety years, Corinth is 889 Ajjelas. governed by annually-elected 859 Eudeimis. magistrates, called Prytanis. 834 Aristodenuis. KINGDOM OF MACEDON. It. c. B. C. 748 ('aramis. 359 Philip II. 729 Ferdiccas I. 336 Alexander the Great. (584 Arganis. 323 Philip III., or Arida^us. G40 Philip I. 316 Cassander. 594 ^Eropus. 296 Autipater and Alexander. 572 Aloetas. 294 Demetrius Poliorcetes. 540 Amyntas I. 287 Lysimachus. 500 Alexander I. 281 Ptolemy Ceraunns. 454 Perdiccas II. 280 Sosthenes. 413 Arohelaus. 277 AntigDuus Gouatas. 399 Orestes and .l<^ropus. 239 Demetrius II. 394 Pausanias. 229 Antigonus Doson usur])s the 393 Amyntas II. throne from hisnephew, Philip 369 Alexander II. (IV.), a minor. 367 Ptolenianis Alorites. 220 Philip V. 364 Perdiceus III. 169 Macedon subject to Rome. MODERN GREECE. A. D. A. D. 1832 Otho I., prince of Bavaria, 1863 George I., up to 1903. is elected king of Greece. 514 PALESTINE— JUDAH AND ISRAEL. LEADERS . B. C. 141)1 U05 1325 1285 1245 123G Moses. I!, c. 1451 JUDGES. Othniel delivers Israelites from 1233 first lioiidajie, of Ciishau, kiug 1210 of Mesopotamia. 1188 Ehud frees Israel from second liondajie, of Ejilon, of iloah. 1182 Deborah and Barak deliver Is- 1175 rael from third bondage, of ll(i5 Jabin, king of Canaan. 1157 (lideou restores the Israelites 113G from fourth bondage, of the 1128 3Iidianites. KlilG Abimelech. Josliua. Tola. Jair. Jephtha frees Israel from fifth bondage, of the Ammonites. Ibzan. Elon. Abdon. Eli. Samson. Samuel. Israel freed from si.xth bondage, of the Philistines, bv Samuel. KIX(;S OF ISR.VEL. 101)5 Saul. 975 Revolt of the Ten Tribes, after the 1055 David. death of Solomon; the king- 1015 Solomon. d(im of Israel is divided. .TUO.VH. ISRAEL. 975 Rehoboam. 975 Jeroboam. 1)56 Asa. 955 Nadab. 1)15 Jehosaphat. 953 Baasha. 891 Jehoram. 931 Elah. 88r; Ahaziah. 930 Zimri, seven days. 884 Athaliah. 930 Omri. 877 Joash. 919 Ahab. 837 Amaziali. 896 Ahaziah. 823 Jeroboam II. 895 Joram. 808 Fzziah. 884 Jehu. 75fi Jot ham. 855 Jehoahaz. 741 Ahaz. 839 Jehoash. 726 Hezekiah. 782- 771 Interregnum. 697 ilanasseh. 771 Shallum, thirty days. (544 Anion. 771 Menahem. 642 Josiah. 759 Pekaiah. 609 Jehoahaz, three months. 757 Pekah. 608 Jehoiakim. 730 Hoshea. 598 Jehoiaehin, three months. 721 Assyrians take Samaria, and end 598 Zeal chair vacant. caused first schism be'^ween 222 )r 223 Urban I. East and West. 2:5(» Pont ianus. 492 Gelasius I. ; fixed canon of Scrip- 23.-) Anterus. tures, and compiled the ^lass. 23(1 I'aliian. 496 Anastasius IL 2.-0 Papal chair vacant. 498 Symmachus (Laurentins, anti- 2.-)l Cornelius. pope. ) 251 Xovatian, first anti-pope; found- 514 Ilormisdas. ed sect called Novatians. 523 John I. 252 Lucius I. 526 Felix IV. 253 Stephen I. 530 Boniface II. 257 Sixtus II. 533 John II. 2.58 Papal chair vacant. 535 Ai>apetus. 250 Dionysius. 536 Sylverius. 2(10 ]->lix L 537 \'i<;ilius. 275 Eutychianus. 555 Pelaiiius I. 283 Cains. 560 John III. 200 Alarcellinus. 573 Papal chair vacant. 304 Pajial chair vacant. 574 . Benedict I. 308 ilarcellus I. .578 IVdai^ius II. 310 Eusebius. 590 Grejiory I., "the Great." 311 Melchiades. 604 Sabinianus. 314 Sylvester I.; bei^inninc- of tem- (!06 n' 007 Boniface III. ; obtained poral power. from empei'or the title of 330 ilarcus. "Universal Bishop." 524 BISHOPS OF ROME, OR POPES— Continned. A. I). .\.. D. COT or COS Bouifaoe IV. 855 Joan. (;i5 Dicudoiiie, or Deusdedit I. 855 Benedict III. (;iil Boniface V. 858 Nicholas I. 025 lloiioriiis I. 807 Adrian II. 03!) I'apal chair vaeaut. 872 John VIII. 040 Severiuiis. 882 Martin II. 040 John IV. 884 Adrian III. 041' Tlicodoru.s I. 885 Ste])hen VI. 049 Martin. 891 Formosus. 054 Enii(Miius I. 890 Boniface VI. ; died, after eigh- (J57 \'italianus. teen days. 072 Adeodatiis. 890 Stephen VII. 070 Doinis I., or Domnus. 897 Ronianns. 078 .\j;atlion. 898 Theodorus 11.; for twenty davs. C82 Leo II. 898 John IX. (>83 l'a]ia] cliair vacant. 900 Benedict IV. 084 Benedict II. !)03 Leo v.; for two months. 085 John V. !I03 Christopher. (ISO < 'onon. 904 Sergins. 087 Serj^ins I. 911 Anastasins III. 701 John VI. 913 Lando. 705 John VII. 914 John X. 70S Lisinnins. 928 Leo VI. 708 Constantine. 929 Stephen ^'II1. 715 Gregory II. 931 John XI. 731 (Jrejiorv III.; estahlislied wor- 930 Leo VII. sliip of imaiics. 939 Stephen IX. 741 Zacharias. 942 ilarinns II. 752 Steplien II. ; died tliree days 940 Agapetns II. after election. 950 John XII. 752 Stephen III.; increased tempo- 9(i3 Leo VIII. ral power. 904 Benedict Y. 757 Banl I. 905 John XIII. 70)7 Constantino. !I72 Benedict VI. 70S Stei)hen IV. 974 Boniface ^'^.; one month. 772 Adrian I. 974 Domnns II. 795 Leo III. 975 Benedict VII. 810 Stephen V. 983 John XIV.; nominated, Imt kill- 817 Taschal I. ed in prison, 984, by anti-Pope 824 Euti'enins II. Boniface VII. 827 'S'alentinns. 984 John XV. ; died before consecra 827 (irejiory IV. tion. 844 Sereins II. 985 John XVI. S47 Leo IV. 990 rjreiiory V. BISHOPS OF EOME, OR POPES— Continued. A. D. .\. u. 997 Joliu XVII. (anti-pope) ; ten 1187 Gregory VIII. ; for two months. months. 1187 Clement III. 900 Silvester II. 1191 Celestiu III. 1003 John XVIII.; died in 5 months 11 98 Innocent III. 1003 John XIX. 1216 Honorius III. 1009 Sergius IV. 1227 Gregory IX. 1012 Benedict VIII. 1241 Celestin IV. 1024 John XX. 1242 Papal chair vacant. 1033 Benedict IX. ; age 12 years old ; 1243 Innocent IV. ; he gave the red purchased the papal chair; hat to cardinals. afterwards deposed. 1254 Alexander IV. ; established in- 1044 Silvester III.; for three mouths. quisition in France. 1044 (iregorv \l. 1261 Urban IV. 1040 Clement II. 1265 Clement IV. 1047 Benedict IX., again; and again 1268 Papal chair vacant. deposed. 1271 Gregory X. 1 048 Damasus II. 1276 Innocent V. ; for four mouths. 1048 or 1049 Leo IX. 1276 Adrian V. ; for five weeks. 1055 Victor II. 1270 Viced(uuiuus; for one day. 1057 Stephen X. 1276 John XXI. ; for eight months. 1058 Benedict X. ; expelled. 1277 Nicholas III. 1058 or 1059 Nicholas II. 1281 Martin IV. 1061 Alexander II. 1285 Honorius IV. 1073 Gregorv VII. 1288 Nicholas IV. 1086 Victor III. 1292 Papal chair vacant. 1088 Urban II. 1294 Celestin V. 1099 Pascal II. 1294 Boniface VIII. 1118 Gelasius II. 1303 Benedict XI. 1119 Callixtus II. 1304 Papal chair vacant. 1124 Honorius II. 1305 Clement V.; removed the papal 1130 Innocent II. seat from Rome to Avignon. 1143 Celestin II. 1314 Papal chair vacant. 1144 Lucius II. 1316 John XXII. 1145 Eugenius III. 1334 Benedict XII. 1153 Anastasius IV. 1342 Clement VI. 1154 Adrian IV. ; only English pope. 1352 Innocent VI. 1159 Alexander III. 1362 Turban V. 1181 Lucius III. 1370 Gregory XL; restored tlu^ papal 1185 Urhau III. seat to Rome, after sixty-five years at Avignon. 526 UJ Z O IT < O (0 Ul I I- z o UJ o < < Q. DC UJ cc o u. > < u. o o z UJ o < -I < a < CO O -I o o UJ I h u. o I- z D O o o < z o Q UJ _J _l < o o d _] < > < UJ in oc O I UJ I I I- 527 RISTIOPS OF R():\IE, (Wx POPES— Continued. SIXTY-FIVK years' SCHISM, FUOil 1378 TO 1449. TWO POPES POI'ES, AT ROME. AXTI-POPES, AT AVK NGN. A. D. A. II. 1378 Urban XL 1378 Clement VII. 1389 Boniface IX. 1394 Benedict XIII. 1404 Innocent VII. 1424 Clement VIII. 1400 (ji-egovy XIJ.; (Icposed 1409. 1429 Clement VIII. resig ns. 1409 Alexander Y. elected. 1439 Felix V. 1410 John XXIII.; deiM.sed 1415. 1449 Feli.x ^'. atidicatcs. 1415 (jrei;iiry XLL; he abdicates. 1417 ]\rartin V. 1131 Ii;n;L;enins lY. 1447 Xicholas V. 1449, EXD OF SCHISM. — ONE POPE. A. 1). A. I). 1455 Callistus III. 1605 I'anl \'. 1458 Pins II. 1021 (iregory X^'. 14(14 Panl II. 1()23 Urban VIII. 1471 Sixtiis ly. 1044 Innocent X. 1484 Innocent \'II1. 1055 Alexander Yll. 1492 Ale.vander VI. 1(!(;7 ( 'lenient IX. 1503 Pins III. KhO (Jlenient X. 1503 Jnlins II. 1(170 Innocent XI. 1513 Leo X. 1089 Alexander VIII. 15l'l' Adrian VI. 1091 Innocent XII. 151^3 Clement VII. 1700 Clement XI. 1534 Pan] III. 1721 Innocent XIII. 1550 Jnlins III. 1724 Benedict XIII. 1555 ^larcellns 11. ;(li('d 21 days after. 1730 Clement XII. 1555 Panl IV. 1740 Benedict XIV. 1559 Pins IV. 1 758 Clement XIII. 15(;(i Pins V. 1709 Clement XIV. 1572 Gregory XIII. 1775 Pins VI. 1585 Sixtns V. 1800 Pins VII. 159(1 Urban VII.; died 12 days after. 1823 Leo XII. 1590 (irecory XI \'. 1829 Pins VIII. 1591 Innocent IX.; died two niontlis 1831 (iregory X^'I. after consecration. 1 840 Pins IX. 1592 Clement VIII. 1878 Leo XI I L 1005 Leo II.; died 2C> days after. 1903 Pins X. 529 GREAT BKITAIN. INCLUDING SCOTLAND, HUITALN. ENGLAND, AND IRELAND. Scotland. . D. 1 A. D. 357 Eugeiiius I. [ 944 Malcolm I. 401 Fergus 11. 953 Indulfus. 420 Eugenius 11. 961 Duttus. 451 Dougardus. 965 Culleu. 457 Constautine I. 970 Kenneth III. 479 Cougallus 1. 994 Constantine IV. 501 Goraniis. 995 Kenneth IV. 535 Eugenius 111. 1 003 Malcolm II. 558 Cougallus II. 1033 Duncan I. 569 Kiuuatellus. 1039 Macbeth. 570 Aidamis. 1057 Malcolm III. (i05 Keuueth. 1093 Donald VII. 000 Eugeuius IV. 1094 Duncan II. 621 Ferohard I. 1094 Donald VII., again. 632 Douald IV. 1098 Edgar. 646 Ferohard II. 1107 Alexander I. 664 Malduiuus. 1124 David I. 684 Eugenius V. 1153 Malcolm IV. 688 Eugenius VI. 1165 William the Lion. 698 Amberkeletus T. 1214 Alexander II. 699 p]ugenius VII. 1249 Alexander III. 715 ^lordaobus. 1285 Margaret. 730 Etfinus. 1292 John Balliol. 761 Eugenius VIII. 1306 Roliert Bruce. 764 Fergus III. 1329 David Bruce. 767 Solvathius. 1371 Robert II. (Stuart.) 787 Acliaius. 1390 Robert III. (John Stuart.) 819 Congallus III. 1406 James I. 824 Donga 1. 1437 James II. 831 Alpine. 14(!0 James III. 834 Kenneth II. 1488 Janu's IV. 854 Donald \^ 1513 James ^'. 858 Constantine II. 1542 Marv. 874 Eth, or Ethus. 1567 James VI., who, in 1603, became 876 (iregorv the Great. James I., of England. Scot- 893 Donald VI. land united to England. 904 Constantine III. A. D. 454 ITengist. 488 Mac. 512 Octa. Britain — The Heptarchy. KENT (1.) a. d. 542 560 616 Hermenric. St. Ethelbert. Eadbald. 53U GREAT BRITAIN. Britain — The Heptarchy. KENT CONTINUED. A. D. A. 1). G40 Ercenbert. 748 Ethelbert. G64 Egbert. 760 Alric. G73 Lotliair. 794 Edbert. 685 Edric. 796 Cuthred. 694 Wihtred. 805 Baldrad. 725 Eadhert. 823 Conquered by Egbert, of Wessex. SUSSEX, OR .SOUTH SAXONS (2.) A. D. A. D. 490 or 491 .Ella. 648 Ethelwach. 514 Cissa. 686 Authun and Bertbun. 584 Conquered by Ceawlin, of Wes- 689 Defeated by Ina,kiug of Wessex. sex. 725 Sussex conquered by King of Independeut again. Wessex. WESSEX, OR WE.ST S.\XONS (3.) | A. D. A. D. 519 Cerdic. 676 Centwine. 534 Cynric. 685 Csdwallo. 560 Ceawliu. 688 Ina. 591 Ceolric. 728 Etbelbeard. 597 Ceohviilf. 740 Cuthred. 611 Cynegils. 754 Sigebright. 014 Cynegils and Cwichelm. 755 Cynewulf. 643 Cenwal. 784 Bertric. 672 Sexburga. 800 Egbert, bretwalda; afterwards 674 Eschwine. king of England. ESSEX. OR EAST S.^XONS (4.) A. I). A. D. 530 Erclienwin. 693 Sigeiiard and Suenfrid. 587 Sledda. 700 Offa. 597 St. Sabert. 709 Suebright. ()14 Saxred, Sigebert I., and Seward. 738 Switbred. 623 Sigebert II. 792 Sigeric. 655 Sigebert III. 799 Sigered. 661 Suidbelni. 823 Conquered by Egbert, king of ()63 Sighere and Sebbi. Wessex. NORTIIfMr.RIA. OR NORTH SAXONS (5.) A. D. A. D. 547 Ida. 593 Etbdfrith. 560 Adda and Ella. 617 Edwin. 567 Clap])a and Ella. 634 Eanfrid. 572 Heodwulf and Ella. (U2 Oswy. 573 Freodwulf and Ella. 670 Egfrid. 580 Tbeodoric and Ella. 685 Alfrid. 588 Ethelric. 705 Osred. 531 GKEAT BRITAIN. Britain — The Heptarchy. NORTHUaiBRIA — CONTINUED. A. D. A. D. 71(j Coiiric. 789 Osred. 718 Osric. 790 Ethel red, i-estored. 729 Ccolwulf. 794 Erdulf. 737 Eadhert. 800 Alfwold. 757 Oswulf. 808 Erdulf, restored. 759 Edilwald. 809 Eanred. 765 Aired. 841 Northuinbria annexed to Wes- 774 Etludred. sex, by Egbert. 778 Elwald. EAST ANGIJA (0.) 571 Uffa. 0(M Aldwulf. 578 Titilus. 713 Selred. 599 Kedwald. 74<) Al])li\vuld. (;24 Er])\vald. , 749 Beorua and I^thelred. (127 Riolibert. 758 Beorna, alone. 029 Si'sebert. 701 Ethel red. 032 Ejjric. ^ 790 Ethelbert. 035 Anna. 7!i2 Con(]uered, first, bv Offa, king of 054 Etholhore. Mercia ; and afterwards, by 055 Etlu'Iwald. Egbert, of Wessex. MERCIA (7.) 580 Cridda. 755 Beornred. 593 lutorreiiuuin. 794 Egfrid. 593 reolrio, nsuvper. 819 Cenelni. 597 Wibba. 821 Beornw\ilf, or Bernulf. 015 Ceorl. 823 Ludecan. 020 Ponda. 825 Withlaf. 055 Peada. 838 Bertbulf, or Beortwulf. 056 Wulfliere. 852 Burbred. 075 Etliclred. 874 Ceolwulf. 704 (V'nrcd. 877 Conquered by Danes, and after- 709 Ccolred. Avards merged into kingdom of 710 EHiclliald. England. England. SAXONS AND DANES. A. D. A. D. 828 Egbert, kiu,n of Wessex and 800 Ethelbert. Kent, Sussex, F :ssex, and East 800 Ethel red. Anji'lia, l■e(•ei^ ed the title, 871 Alfred the (Jreat. "Kino of Enfjland." 901 Edward the Elder. 837 Etliehvi.lf. 925 Athelstan. 857 Etbelbald. 940 Edmund I. 532 Q Z < _l o z LU Z o z lU 111 a Q Z < _l o z UJ o d f < 111 CO < T- N _1 UJ z UJ UJ a 534 GREAT EXIJI.AXII- A. I). SAXOX.S AXD DAXES. !I4(; Edml. !»55 EdwY. !t5S Ed-ar. !>75 Edwai'il the .Alaityr. !t7i» Etliclrcd II. lOi;! Sweyii. 1014 Canute. KMCi Canute and Edmund Ironsiidp. 1017 Canute, alone. 1035 Harold I. 1040 Ilardicanute. 1042 Edward the Confessor. 10G6 Harold II. XORMAXS. BRITAIN. — COXTIXL'EI). A. D. 1401 1483 1000 A\illiani the Con(|ueror 10S7 William Rufus. 1100 llenrv I. 1135 Stephen. i'L.vxTA(;ioxi:r.s. 1154 Ilenrv II. 11 SO Richard I. ll!»!l John. 1216 Ilenrv III. 1272 Edward I. 1.307 ICdward IL 1327 Edward III. 1377 RMcIiard II. IIorSE OF I.AXCASTKIt. 1 :',!»!) Henry IV. 1413 Ilenrv V. 1422 Ilenrv VI. 1483 IIorSK OF YOUK. I'jdward IV. Edward V. ; reijjned two months, thirteen days; murdered in the tower, June 20th. Riehard III. HOI'SE OF Tl'llOU. 1485 Henry VII. 1509 Henry VIII. 1 547 Edward VI. 1553 Jane; for ten days. 1553 Mary (Bloody). 1558 Elizaheth. A. I). !t79-080 Mao] Ceachlin II. 1001-1002 Brian Baromy. 1014 IMaol Ceachlin, restored. 1058 Donouiih O'Brian. 1072 Tirloch. 1086-1132 Throne contested. 1(;03 1C)25 1(;4!» 1 658 1(!60 1685 lOS'.t 1604 1702 1714 1727 1760 1820 1830 1837 1001 lUFI.AXI). KiX(;s. A. II. 1132 1166 of Scot- HOrSE OF ST[\\RT. James I. (James VI. hind. I Charles I. (d.MMOWYEALTlI. Oliver Cromwell. Richard Cromwell. HOUSE OF STUART, RESToKEli. Charles IT. James II. ^^■illiam III., of Oranye; and Mary. William 111., alone. Anne. HOUSE OF IIAXOVEK. (leorjie I. George II. George III. George IV. AVilliam IV. Victoria. Edward \l\., January 22d. Tordel Vach. Roderic O'Connor. 1172 Henry II., Kings of England called Lords of Ireland. 1509 Henry VIII. takes title of King of Ireland. 535 SPAIN. SUEVI TRIBES IN SPAIN. A. D. A. 11. 408 Hei'jiiaiirio. 584 Con(inered by Leovigild, a 438 Eecliil. goth. 448 Ivicliiarius. 586 Recared I. 457 Maldra. 601 Liuva II. 400 I'niiiiarius. 60:5 Vitterio. 464 Iveiiiisniiuul. 6111 (iuu J. 1327 Alfonso I v. 1094 I'edro I. 1336 Pedro IV. 1104 Alfonso I. 1387 John I. 1134 lianiii'o II. 1395 Martin I. 1137 Petronilla and Raj'niond II. 1412 Ferdinand the Just. 1102 Alfonso II. 1416 Alfonso ^^, the ^^'ise. 1190 Pedro II. 1458 John II., of Navarre, lieeomes 1213 James I. also John II., of Aras>on. 1270 Pedro III. 1479 Araji'on united to Castile. 1285 Alfonso III. CAS' lEE. A. D. A. I>. 1005 Sancho II. 1120 Alfonso VII., abuie. 1072 Alfonso VI. 1157 Alfonso's sons, at his death, sep- 1109 Urraea and Alfonso VII. ai'atc Castih' and L<'on. CA.STILE. I.EOX. 1157 Sancho. 1157 Ferdinand II. 1158 Alfonso VIII. 1188 Alfonso IX. 1214 Henry I. 1230 Castile and Leon re-united. 1217 Ferdinand III. CAS' L'lLE. under Ferdinand III. A. D. • A. I). 1252 Alfonso X. 1454 Henry IV. 1284 Sanclio IV. 1474 Ferdinand and Isabella. 1295 Ferdinand IV. 1479 Aragou united with Castile, at 1312 Alfonso II. death of John II., king of 1350 Peter the Crnel. Aragon and Navarre. 1309 Henry II. 1504 I'erdinand V., alone. 1379 John'l. 1512 Navarre conquered by I'crdi- 1390 Henry III. nand V., who becomes king of 1406 John II. all Spain. 538 CHARLES I.. OF ENGLAND. SEE 1649 A. D. 539 ALL Sl'AIX UNITED. KINCS OF SI'.UX. A. D. A. D. IT) 12 I'\'T'(1 ilia 11(1 y., of Castile. 1021 Philip l\. 1510 Cliarles I. lOOo Charles 11. 1510 TMiarles I.; made also einperov 1700 Phili]) V. (if Germany, as Charles ^'. 17!() Ferdinand Y I. 1 550 Charles I. resigns S^pain to 1759 Charles III. Philip IL 1788 Charles lY. 1598 Philip'lII. 1808 J(jseph Napoleon. r.diiiiioxs UKSToition. 181-1 Ferdiuaud XU. 1874 December 30tii. Alfonso XII. ]8:',3 Isahella 11. proclaimed. 1870 Isabella abdicates iu favor of 1885 Death of Alfonso XI L; his her son, as Alfonso XII., Juiir widow, Christina, becomes re- 25th. gent. 1870 Aniadeo I., son of Victor Em- 1880 Christina gives birth to a son. mamiel II., of Italy, accepts who becomes king of Spain, as the throne, offered by Spanish Alfonso XIII. Same ii]i to Ciortes, December -Ith. 1 903. 1873 I'ebruary lltli. Emmanuel ab- dicates. Republic of Spain jiroclaimed. «E^ 0% mEP^ Igj^^lJUt^^ l^gi^C ^LcJ #^^^^^1% ' ^^^M^^^SB^^^^S^KKSItB^m^K^S/^^^Mi' TALLEYRAND. SEE 1790 AND 1838 A. D. 541 FRANCE. .mi;kovin(;ia.\' i.imo. A. D. 428 448 458 481 511 524 534 548 558 561 567 575 584 768 771 800 814 840 877 879 882 987 9!»(; 1031 1060 1108 1137 1180 1223 Clodion. Meroveus. Childeric I. Clovis I. Thierry, Clilotair, Childebert I., and Chlodoniir. Thierry, Chlotair, aud Childe- bert I. Chlotair, Childebert I., and The- odebert I. Chlotair, Childebert, and Theod- ebald. Chlotair, alone. Charibert I., (ioutran, Sigebert I., and Chilper. Gontran, Sigebert I., and Chil- per. Gontran, Chilper, aud Childe- bert II. Gontran, Childebert II., and Chlotair II. A. D. 596 Chlotair II., Theodebald II., and Thierry II. 612 Chlotair II., and Thierry II. 613 Chlotair II., alone. 628 Dagobert I. 638 Clovis II., and Sigebert II. 656 Chlotair III. 660 Chlotair III., and Childeric II. 670 Childeric II., and Thierry III. 674 Thierry III., and Dagobert II. 680 Thierry III., and Martin and Pepin, as dukes. 681 Thierry III., and Pepin. 691 Clovis III., and Pepin. 695 Childebert III., and Pepin. 711 Dagobert III., and Pepin. 715 Chilperic and Charles Martel. 720 Martel and Thierr\' W. 737 ilartel, alone. 741 Carlomau and Pepin. 742 Carloinan and Chilperic III. 747 Pepin and Chilperic III. CARI.OVIXlilAX MXE. Pepin, king of France. Charlemagne aud Carlomau. Charlemagne, alone. Charlemagne made emperor of the West. Louis I. Charles II., the Bald. Louis II. Louis III., and Carloman. Carlomnn, alone. 884 888 896 898 922 923 936 954 98() Charles III., the Fat. Eudes, count of Paris. Endes and Charles IV. Charles IV., alone. Robert I. Rudolf. Louis IV. Lothaire. Louis V. CAPETIAN LINE. Hugh Capet. Robert II. Henry I. Philip I. Louis VI. Louis VII. Philip Augustus. L(mis VIII. 1226 Louis IX. 1270 Philip III. 1285 Philip IV. 1314 Louis X. 1316 John I. ; five days 1316 Philip V. 1322 Charles IV. 542 LOUIS XIII., OF FRANCE. 1610 A. D. LOUIS XIV., OF FRANCE. 1643 A. D. 544 FRANCE. A. I). 1328 Philip VI. 1350 John II. 1364 Charles V., the Wise. 1380 Charles VI. U22 Charles VIJL 1461 Louis T^_XT~ 1483 Cliarles VIIT. 1 .-)8!> Henry IV. 1610 Louis XIII. 1643 Louis XIV. 1 799 Napoleon — consul . 1814 Louis XVIII. 1824 Charles X. HOUSE OF VALOIS. A. 1). 1498 1515 1547 1559 1560 1574 Louis XII. Francis I. Henry 11. Francis II. Charles IX. Henry III. HOUSE OF nOURBON. 1715 Louis XV. 1774 Louis XVI. KBPUBLIC — 1792. I 1804 Napoleon I., emperor. BOURBONS RESTORED. 1830 Louis Philippe, of the House of Orleans. SECOND REPUBLIC 1848. 1848 Louis Napoleon, president. | 1852 Napoleon III., emperor. THIRD REPUBLIC — 1871. PRESIDENTS. 1871 Louis Adolphe Thiers. 1895 M. Felix Faure. 1873 P. M. MacMahou. 1879 F. P. Jules Grevy. 1887 Sadi Carnot. 1899 M. Eniile Loubet. Same up to 1903. 545 NORWAY. A. 1). 630 Olaf Tnx'lelia. (UO llalfdau I. 700 Ejsteiu I. 730 Halfdan II. 784 Gudrocl. 824 Olaf (it'ii'stade and llalfdau III. 840 Halfdan, alone. 863 Harold llarfager. 934 Eric. 940 llako. 963 Harold II. (Graafeld.) 977 Ilako Jarl. 995 Olaf I., Trygvasion. 1000 Norway divided between Swe- den and Dennnirk. 1015 Olaf II., the Saint. 1028-9 Canute, the Dane. 1035 Sweyu ; succeeded by Magnus, ^\ho becomes king of Den- mark, 1036. 1047 Harold Ilardrada. 1066 Olaf III., and Magnus II. 1069 Olaf III., alone. 1093 Magnus III. 1103 Sigurd I., Eysteiu II., and Olaf IV. 1122 Sigurd I., alone. 1130 Magnus IV., and Harold IV. 1134 Harold, alone. A. D. 1136-1162 Civil war; throne contest- ed by Sigurd II., Inget, Ey- steiu III., Ilako III., and .Magnus V. 1162 Magnus V., alone. 1186 Swerro, an adventurer. 1202 Hako IV. 1280 Eric II., and Margaret, of Scot- laud. 1299 Hako V. 1319 Magnus VII. (Magnus III., of Sweden. ) 1343 Hako VI. 1380 Olaf V. (Olaf II., of Dennmrk. I 1389 ^largaret unites Norway, Swe- den, and Denmark. (See Den- mark. ) 1523 Denmark and Norway separate from Sweden. 1523-1814 See Denmark. 1814 Treaty of Kiel : Norway given to Sweden. 1814 Charles XIII., of Sweden, pro- cliiimed king of National Diet, Novendier 4th. Norway declared a free State, united to Sweden. (See Swe- den. ) .54(5 v^^^ >- H DC O z o z cc d D . O < lij o o 5 z ^ < : oc r HI Q UJ 1- z HI D o _l tr. o UJ z < o S m >' a: LU > I cc ti. z o UJ I tl. O z UJ lU <3 UJ o z < DC u. u. o > cc z UJ I 547 DENMARK. N. B. — Names and dates of early kin 155!) Frederic II. 1784 1588 (Miristian IV. 1048 Frederic III. 1 070 Clii'istiau V. 1800 10! 10 I'rederic lY. 1814 1730 Christian VI. 183!t Christian VIII. 1848 Frederic YU. Same up to 1903. '.411 . (JEKMANY. A. I). .\. h. S(l(» ("luirlcs I. ( ('liailemaiine. 1 1314 Contest l1et^^•een Henry III., of 814 Louis I., of I'r;uice. Austria, and Louis IV., of P.a- S4() Lolliaiic I. varia. 855 Louis I L 1322 Louis IV. 87,") Cliarlcs IL, tlir P>al!» Louis in. 1410 Siiiisniund. !tl1 ( 'onra(L 1437 Albert II. !»18 Ilcuv.v tJic I'dwlcr. 1440 I'rederic IV. !»3(; Otlio L, the (ircat. 14!I3 .Maximilian I. !»7:! Otlio 11. 151!» Charles V., of ^<])ain. !»8:! OtlioIIL 1558 Ferdinand I. 1002 Jlciny IL 15(i4 ilaximilian II. 1024 <'oiiia(l IL 157(! i;u(l(df 11. io;;o Henry II L l(;i!» I'erdinand II. K !.")(; llciiiy IV. l(i37 Ferdinand III. 110(1 Ilc-ny V. 1(158 Leopold I. ii2r> Lolliaiic 11. 1705 .Tosepli I. 1138 Coiiiad ill. 1711 Cliarles VI. 1 1 r)2 I'vcdcric 1. 1742 Charles VII., of Bavaria. noo Ilcuiy y\. 1745 I'rancis I., of Tuscany. 11!»8 Thi-diii' xacaut. 1772 Joseph TI. 11!)!) Tlironc coiilcstcd by IMiilip. of 17!)0 Leo]»old II. Swaliia, and Otlio, of Bruns- 17! 12 I'l'ancis II. wiclc. 1804 Francis I., eni]iei'or of Austi-ia. 1207 riiilip, of Swaliia. 1835 l'\'rdinand, of .Vustria. 1 208 Otho W. 1848 I'rancis Joseph I., of Austria. 121") I'lcdcric II. 1801 A^'i]liam I., kinii' of I'i'ussia. 1252 William, of ILdland. 1871 ^\'illiam I., of Prussia, ]iroclaim- 1257 IJicliard, of Cornwall. ed I'mjieror of (iermany. 1273 Iviidolf, of llabsliurii-. 1888 ]March l»th, Fredel'ic. 1 2i»2 Ad()]]dins, of Nassau. 1 888 June 15th, William II. !>ame. 1298 Allu-rt, (.f Austria. u]) to 1903. (tSee Prussia and 1308 Henry ^'IL, of Luxeuiliuru. Austria.) 550 RUSSIA. DI'KES OF Klior. A. I). .V. I). Soil Kiiric I. 1078 S7!» < )k-.ii. 1093 !»13 Iiior I. 1113 945 Ol^^a ( St. 1, as rciient. 1125 955 Swiatdslav I. 1132 !>73 Jai'()])()lk 1. 1138 !t80 Vladimir I. 1139 1015 SwiatdjuilU I. 1M(; 1019 ■Tanislav I. inc. 1054 Isiaslav 1. 1149 1073 Swialdslav 11. ( ? ) 1153 AVsewolod I. S\viato])(>lk II. Madiniii' 1 1. Mstislav I. Jaroiiolk II. AViat.sclielav. (?) Wsewolod II. liior II. Isiaslav 1 1. .Turie, or (icornc I. Uostislav ( (II' 1 154.) tain hut \. I). 1157 1107 1172 1173 1175 1177 1195 1213 1217 1219 1238 1245 .\. i>. 1 32S 1340 1353 1359 1302 -V. D. 1482 1505 1533 1584 1598 1605 CK.V.VI) IIIKE.S OF VI.AimilR. y. B. — Some of tlic dates and iiaiiics hctwccn 1157 and 1327 are uncer- , as chi'onolojiists ditTcr w id(dy. A I ? I is, tlierefor(\ ]daced after eacli name almnr wliicli tiiere is a doubt; tlie_\- are all taken from the best antlioril ies. A. II. Andi-ew I. .Mstislav II. (?) Ladislav III. ( ?) IJonian. ( ? ) :\li(bael I. ( ?i Wsewolod III. IJnrie II. •Tnrie, or rieoriic IT. ( "(instanline, the nsnriicr. .Tnrie, or <4eorne IT., restoi-ed. Jaroslav II. Ale.xander-Xevski. 1249 Andrew II. 1203 .laroslav III. 1270 Basil I. (or 1272.) 127(i Dmitri, or Demetrius I. 1294 AndreAV TIT. 1304 :\Ii(hael II. (or 1305.) 1319 Jnrie, or <}eori;e III. 1320 Basil IT. (?) 1322 Dmitri, or Demetrius II. (or 1324.) 1325 .Tnrie, (u* George III., restored. 1.327 Alexander II. CliA.M) HIKES OF MOSCOW. A. n. hail or .lobn I. Simeon. Ivan, or .Tolin IT. Demetrius II. Demetrius III. Ivan III. Basil Y. Ivan TV. Theodore I. Boris (xodonof. Theodore II. 1389 Basil III. 1425 Basil l\. 1402 Ivan III.; takes Czar, in 1482. the title of CZAKS (IF MlSCdW I A.,.. KKx; 1010 1013 1045 1070 1082 Demetrius, llie Im])(ister. Ladislaus, of I'oland. ^Michael I'eodoi'ovitz. Ale.xis. Theodore II. (or III.) Ivan V. and Peter I. 5.51 RUSSIA— Continued. EMPERORS AND EMPRESSES. OR CZARS AND CZARINAS OF RUSSIA. Peter III. Catherine II., widow. Paul. Alexander I. Nicholas I. Alexander II. Alexander III. Nicholas II.; up to 1<»03. A. D. A. D. K'.SO Peter I., alone. 17(12 1721 Peter takes title of Emperor, or 1702 Czar of Russia, October 22d. 17!)(; 1725 Catherine I., widow. 1810 1727 Peter II. 1825 1730 Anne. 1855 1740 Ivan VI. 1881 1741 Elizabeth. 1894 ^,i,Wt; Krucst. 1075 Le to 1903. SWEDEN. KIXGS OF SWEDEN. N. I?. — Tlic naiiit's and dates of the cai'ly kiii^s of Swedou, jirior to 1015, are too uncfi-tain to record. It is, however, known tliat there were kings named ICric, from I. to ^'III., before tliis date. A. I). 1 (>!."> 1 0l'4 l(ir)l lodc HlltO IIIL' HIS 112!) 11. 'U n:3s 1 1 -).-> 11(10 11(17 llitit 1:210 i2i(; 1222 12.-)0 1275 1290 1319 1350 13.">9 1303 1389 1412 Ohif. P^dmnnd Colhrenner (or 1020.) Edmund Slenime. Sleukill (or 10(iO. I Ilalstan, or Ilaeo. IllliO I. rhilip. In-o II. Swerker, oi- IJawald. Kal. I?) Sverker I. ( ? i Eric IX. Cliarles VII. (or 1101. | Canute (or 1168.) Swerker II. Eric X. Jolin I. Eric XI. Biriier Jarl mar I. Majinus I. Biri^er II. Magnus II. Eric XII. ^Ma.nnus, restored. Albert (or 13(54.) Marearet, of Norway and Den- mark. Eric XIII. , reiiciit for ^^'alde lor 1278.) A. 1). 1439 1448 1471 1483 1502 1520 1523 15(H) 15(58 1592 1004 KUl 1032 1033 1(]54 1(500 1097 1718 1741 1751 1771 1792 1 809 1818 1844 1859 1872 Cliristopher III. (or 1440.) Charles XUI. Interregnum ; Steu Stui-e is ])ro- tector. John II. (or 1497.) iTiteri'egnum. Christian II., of Denmark, (rustavus I. Eric IV. John III. (or 15(i9. ) Sigismnnd III. ( liarles IX. (iustavns II. Interregnum. < Miristina. (Mmrles X. ClmHesXI. Charles XII. ririca Eieanora and consort, Erederic I. (or 1719.) Eredeiic I., alone. Adolplius Erederic. < iiistavus III. Gnstavus IV. Charles XIII. Charles XIV. Oscar I. Cliarles XV. Oscar II.; same to 1903. 554 CHARLES XIV.. OF SWEDEN. 1818 A. D. PRUSSIA. MARGRAVES, OR ELIX'TORS OF BRANUENI'.URG. A. I). 1134 Albert I. 1170 Otho I. 11S4 Othd II. IJUO Albert II. 1221 Johu I, and Otho III ]2(>(; John II. 1 2S2 Otho IV. 13()!» Waldemar. 131!t Ileiu'v I. 1320 luterrejiuiim. 1323 Louis I. 1352 Louis II. 13()5 ( )tho V. 1373 AVeuceslas. A. 1». 1378 Sigisnumd. 1388 Jossus. Ull Sijiismuud, ai>aiu. iil5 Frederic L, of house of Iloheu zollern. 1440 Frederic II. 1470 Albert III. 147() Johu III., as mariirave. 1486 John III., ;is elector. 1499 Joachiui I. 1535 Joachim II. 1571 Johu (leorge. 1598 Joachiiu Frederic. lOOS Johu Siiiisuuiud. DUKES OF PRUSSIA. A. D. ir>18 Johu Si.uismuud. 1619 (Jeorae William. A. D. 1640 Frederic William. 1688 Frederic III. KIX(;S OF PRUSSIA. 1701 Frederic III. crowued as Fred- j 1797 eric I. 1840 1713 Frederic William I. 1861 1740 Frederic II. 1786 Frederic William II. Frederic William III. Frederic William IV. William I. ; he is jtroclaimed Emperor of (Jeruiauv in 1871. (See Germauv. ) 557 PORTUGAL. A. I). A. D. 1139 Alfonso, fouut of Portugal, declared king, as Alfonso I is 1007 1185 ISanclio I. 1083 1212 Alfonso II. 1223 ^anoho 11. 1700 1218 Alfonso HI. 1750 1279 Dionysius. 1777 1325 Alfonso IV. 1357 Pedro I. 13(i7 Ferdinand I. 1383 John I. (or 1385.) 1780 1433 Edward. 1792 1438 Alfonso V. 1481 John II. 1495 Ennnannel. 1810 1521 John III. 1557 Sebastian. 1820 1578 Henry. 1580 Annexed to '■"Ipain. 1(140 Spaniards dispossessed by Duke 1828 of Braganza. He is proelaim- 1833 ed king, December 1st., as 1853 John IV. 1801 1050 .\lfonso VI. 1889 Alfonso deposed. Pedro made regent. The regent made king, as Pedro II. John V. Josepli Emmanuel. Mai'ia Francesea and Pedro III., her uncle, whom slie had mar- ried by dispensation of the pope. ]Maria, alone. John (son) appointed regent for .^laria, who had become in- sane. The reagent becomes king, as John VI. Pedro IV. abdicates in favor of his daughter, seven years old, Maria II. Miguel usurps the throne. Maria, restored. Pedro V. Luis I. Dom Carlos. Same to 1903. 558 PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. YEARS OF OFFICE. DATE OF INAUGURA- TION. 1789-1797 April 30.. George Washington 1797-1801 March 4. . .Tohn^ Adams 1801-1809 March 4.. Thomas Jelfersou . . No. 1809-1817 1817-1825 March 4. James Madison . March 4 . . James Monroe 1825-1829 March 4. 1829-1837 March 4. 1837-1841 March 4. 1841-1841! March 4. 1841-1845 April G . 1845-1849 I March 4. 1849-1850 Marcli 4. 1850-1853 July 1853-1857; March 4. 1857-1801 March 4. 1801-1805 1805-1869 April 1809-1877 March 4. 1877-1881; March 4. 1881-1881 March 4. 1881-1885 Sept. 19. 1885-1889 1889-1893 1893-1897 1897-1901 1901- March 4. March 4. March 4. March 4. Sept. 14. John (^niiicv Adams. . . .Vudrew Jackson Martin Van Buren .... Wm. Henrv Harrison.. John Tyler (The ^'ice rrcsidcnt. i James Polk /achary Taylor Millard Fillmore I (The Vice-President.) ' Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson (The Vice-President.) riysses S. ( li-ant Rutherford B. Hayes . . James A. (iarfleld Chester A. Arthur (The \'i(c- President.) drover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison Grover Cleveland, agjiiii. AVilliam McKiidey Theodore Roosevelt ( The Vice-President. ) 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 1(1 POLITICS. Federalist . Federalist. Republican Republican I Demiicratic [ Republican Whig Democrat . . Democrat . . Whig DeiiiDcrat. . DIED. Dec. 14, 1799 July 4, 1820 July 4, 1826 Jan. 28, 1836 July 4, 1831 Feb. 17, 1848 June 8, 1845 July 18()2 April 4, 1841 January, 1802 U Democrat.. June 15, 1849 12 Whig July 9, 1850 13 Wiiig March 8, 1874 14 Democrat .. Oct. 8,1809 15 Democrat .. June 1, 1868 10 Republican April 14, 1865 17 Republican July 31, 1875 18 Republican July 23, 1885 19 Republican Jan. 17, 1893 20 Republican Sept. 19, 1881 21 Republican Nov. 18, 1880 22 Democrat 23 Republican. 22 Democrat . . 24 Republican 25 Repultlican Mar. 13, 1901 Sept. 14, 1901 .559 Uf.ij~ ^ l£jeB6 liipiiiii!! ^ b