'' r I // f 7 / The following call to service was received by me from Herbert Hoover on May 4, 1918, and this little compilation is my response. / "Thus I pay the royal debt I owe." LEILA PENNOCK, Pasadena, California. TO THE WOMEN OF THE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES: The United States Food Administration calls you to its service. Our need is so great that we appeal to you to prepare yourselves and to enlist for the great work that must be done. All our questions now center in food; its production, its distribution, its use, its conservation. The more you know about these things, the more valuable you will be, and the greater ^ill be your service to humanity. We urge you to pursue those studies which deal with food, and to train yourselves for real leadership. The time is coming soon when the souls of men will be tried as never before. They must have the truth that will make them free. They will listen to you if you can give them that truth. Today your country asks you to resolve to do what you can in this the hour of extreme peril to the democratic peoples of the world. Faithfully yours, HERBERT HOOVER. Washington, D. C, March 16, 1918. Dedicated to the United States Government for Humanity and Freedom Price, 50c OCI 23 laid Copyright, October, 1918 ©CI. A 5 5 5 2 1 <-^, o ^'^ * "Nothing's small! No lily-muffled hum of a summer bee, But finds some coupling with the spinning stars; No pebble at your feet, but proves a: sphere; No chaffinch, but implies the cherubim, Earth's crammed with heaven, — And every common bush afire with God." — Mrs. Browning, "Aurora Leigh.'* Concentrated sunshine, purest of distilled waters, Nature's sweets! Fruits best of all, supply the universal craving for sweets. The time has passeJ when fruits were regarded as an article of luxury rather than a staple food. Rich, ripe, raw fruits are essential to a perfect dietary. They contain the richest, purest sweets of the most reliable brand. When man takes these distilled waters, sugars, acids and mineral salts as Nature prepares them his blood will keep its normal tone. The mineral salts in the apple are iron, lime, phosphorus and magnesia, etc. These salts in this form are easily assimilated and aid greatly in maintaining the body in a perfect condition. Apples blend perfectly with one of the meat foods or one of the fats, non-starchy vegetables and salad vegetables. They are man's most uni- versal relish and a child's delight. A basket of apples on the table in the winter months adds as much beauty and fragrance to the room as does a vase of flowers in summer. The apple pleases every sense, touch, taste, sight and smell, and its fall pleases the ear. Its rare keeping qualities make it possible for people in the most remote parts of the world to enjoy its delicious flavor and refreshing nourish- ment. John Burroughs tells us "the full-juiced apple waxing over mellow is the concentrated shafts of Northern sunshine: it is the natural antidote of most of the ills the flesh is heir to, full of vegetable acids and aromatics. Its sugar and mucilage make it highly nutritious. The apple is the commonest and yet the most varied and beautiful of fruits — temperate, chaste, bracing, sub-acid, active, best friend of man. To absorb and transmute its quality one would be cheerful, contented, equitable, sweet-blooded, long-lived, shedding warmth and sunshine and contentment all round." Apricots, berries, cherries, peaches, pears, plums, all should hold a large place in our diet. As the apple bears to us "concentrated shafts of Northern sunshine," so the orange — nuggets of pure gold — gives the sweetest nectar of our Southern clime. The citrus fruits are the result of sunshine, water, love, and labor applied to the richest of soils. They carry cheer and health with them wherever they go. They may be used by sick and well alike If taken in the proper combinations. Oranges, like apples, combine perfectly with one of the Meat Foods, or one of the Fats accompanied by Non-Starchy and Salad Vegetables. The acids of the citrus fruits are most powerful and often cause much trouble — • pain and sickness — when promiscuously mixed with all foodstuffs. Nature has her fixed laws and he who violates these, her just dictates, must needs suffer. An orange and a glass of luke-warm milk is a breakfast or lunch fit for a king. The richest protein, fats, sugars, solvent carbohydrates, mineral salts, and the purest of distilled water. Dr. Wiley would have us eat oranges, then shall we add oranges or apples and two glasses of milk if we wish to increase the fare. This is sufficient food for those perform- ing the most strenuous labor. A PERFECT MEAL — easily prepared, cheapest on the bill of fare. Within these golden orbs Nature has arranged with the most wonderful mathematical accuracy the refreshing coolness of the mountain breeze, the moisture from the brimy deep, and the mystic heat and energy of the desert, and has hermetically sealed all in a pneumatic tire covering, that her children in the uttermost parts of the earth may take of this water of life freely. Most ripe fruits are perfect in their natural state for complete digestion — perfect assimilation. The orange has the rarest of food values. Dr. J. H. Kellog tells us the sugar of the orange, like its acid, has the advantage that it is pre- pared for immediate assimilation and requires no digestion. He says it is to the sugar which it contains that the orange owes its chief value as a source of nutriment; in addition to the sugars, it contains nearly one per cent protein. The combined value of its food contituents amounts to 240 calories or food units per pound. These values are best appreciated when compared with similar foodstuffs. Thus: A pint of orange juice equals 240 food units. A pint of buttermilk equals 176 food units. 64 units less than orange juice.' A pint of oysters equals 176 food units, 64 units less than orange juice. Three-fourths pint of whole milk equals one pint of orange juice. Thus we see while the orange is always a grateful addition to any bill of fare, it also has high nour- ishing qualities to recommend it. The orange juice supplies the finest of pure distilled water, absolutely free from germs or foreign matter of any kind. As a quencher of thirst oranges have no equal. It is much safer to quench one's thirst by eating an orange than to take your chances at the soda fountain, which is most certainly unsanitary. No finger but your own touches the pulp of the orange, but the glass or spoon and dish from which you receive your serving has doubtless ministered to fifty or a hun- dred before your lips touch it. The ordinary diet chiefly made up of meat, bread, and potatoes is a fare decidedly deficient in the mineral salts or acids. In such a case one meal a day of orange juice (an apple just as good) and some form of milk food — whole milk, skimmed, clabber, buttermilk, cheese or cottage cheese — should supply this deficiency. REMEMBER THE COMBINATIONS. Those who have had to forego the wonderful pleasures of fruits may know its value it used in this manner. Dr. Kellog further states that the medicinal uses of this marvelous fruit is little appreciated by the public in general and little used by medical men. As a food in fever cases, he says, nothing could be more perfectly suited to the requirements of the patient's condition. The fever patient needs water to carry off poisons which are burning him up and against which his cells and organs are struggling. Orange juice supplies the finest sort of pure distilled water. The grateful acids furnish aid in satisfying thirst and the agreeable flavor makes it possible for the patient to swallow the amount needed. The intense toxemia from which the fever patient suffers coats his tongue and destroys his thirst for water as well as his desire for food. The agreeable flavor of orange juice aids greatly in overcoming this obstacle. Another special and valuable property of orange juice is the small amount of protein or albuminous matter which it contains. Fever patients have little gastric juice and very small digestive power, and so need to take food which is ready for absorption and immediate use. Foods poor in albu- men are also needful in fevers because they do not leave residues to undergo putrefaction in the colon, as do meat, eggs and numerous other foods. Orange juice contains less than one per cent of albumen, so that a patient may take three or four quarts of the juice without getting an excess of ma- terial which might prove a source of great injury. Orange juice, he states, is almost indispensable to those most unfortunate and suffering of mortals — the bottle-fed babies. Every infant fed from a nurs- ing bottle and older children who are not doing well should receive daily not less than four ounces of orange juice to supply necessary vital properties they do not get in their artificial food. Immediate results in renewed growth and health can be seen." Lemons, limes and grapefruit share with the orange in many of its good poins. A tea made of the entire grapefruit — a cupful taken throu,ghout the day. one cupful every half hour — is Nature's best remedy for a cold. Two or three times during the day hold a piece of rock candy in the mouth, taking special care to discard all secretions that collect in the mouth. It is surprising what this simple remedy will do. A leading physician tells us that "a cold is caught at the table." REMEMBER, no food to be taken dur- ing this day of fasting for a cold. Wonderful! Most marvelous provision has Nature made for her children. Her color scheme that of the rainbow. Hope there is that all may use her gifts as she prepares them. Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red — apples, oranges, lemons, vegetables, berries, prunes, plums — all speak of the won- derful works. Let us go forth under the open sky and list to Nature's teachings, then with the Psalmist of old shall we exclaim. "I shall life up mine eyes unto the hills and worship 'The God of the Open Air.' " c% FOOD GROUP VI. ACID F THE NEW LIFE— LOYALTY "Love hearth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." 1 Cor. 13:7. Reading: 1 Cor. 1-13. Prayer: O Thou who art the Truth infallihle, give unto us a spirit of loyalty to the Truth, as Thou dost reveal it to us, whereby we shall be righteous in performing our promises, careful in our charges, gentle and easy to be entreated, slow to anger, and ready in all fidelity for every good word and work to do Thy will con- tinually. Amen. BREAKFAST— Fruit, Toasted Corn Flakes, Lettuce Butter, Milk. Figs — Prepared by washing through several waters; cover with cold water and let soak over night. May be eaten as soaked or stewed over slow fire as prunes — given before. Toasted Corn Flakes — Heat; serve with butter (or Shredded Biscuits the same). Lettuce — Prepare as given before: serve with oil dressing or, if shredded, may be used with toasted flakes and butter. Drink — Milk, hot or cold, as desired. Figs — SUGARS and mineral salts — supplies heat, energy and aids in regu- lating all bodily processes. Toasted Flakes — SUGARS and fats— gives heat and energy. Lettuce — mineral salts and bulk — regulating agent. Milk — protein, fats, sugars, mineral salts — builds new tissues, gives heat, energy and valuable mineral salts. LUNCH— Egg, Leafy Vegetable, Fruit, Drink. Egg — Cold hard-boiled egg, sliced on salad vegetable. Endive — Pick and wash as you do lettuce; place in air to crisp. May dice any cold vegetable you may have on hand, and use in this salad. Arrange leaves on dinner plate, place sliced egg on leaves, then add vegetables in center and cover with Mayonnaise dressing. Fruit — A good ripe apple. Drink — Water best — hot or cold. Egg — protein, fats — for growth and repair and heat. Leafy Vegetable — mineral SEdts. bulk — best regulating agent. Fruit — Sugars and mineral salts — energy and digestive aid. Water — best regulating agent. DINNER — Beans, Summer Squash, Beets, Celery, Ice. Beans — Wash and rinse one cup of navy beans, cover with water sufficient to soak and cook them. Dried seed foods should be soaked from six to ten hours and cooked in this same water in which the beans have been soaked as this water contains all the valuable alkaline salts. Bake six to ten hours; one-half hour before serving take from oven and season according to the taste of YOUR family; place in oven and brown. Beans cooked in this manner are easily digested as they contain all their food values, while if the first waters are thrown away then soda added you have only a heavy, starchy mass, highly seasoned — a perfect condition for fermentation. Summer Squash — Wash, cut in small pieces, add but little water. Cook until tender; add seasoning as you like. (The Asparagus Squash is excellent as it has an oyster flavor. Scalloped with celery and a bit of onion makes a rare dish. It is easily grown. Beets — Prepared as all vegetables, save all liquid may be used in soup or gelatine. Cover with cold ■ water, the skin will then slip oft easily. Slice or chop and serve with little salt and butter. A teaspoonful of sweetening improves some beets. Celery — Pick, wash carefully and set away to cool and crisp. Serve in quarters, garnished with pars- le.v. A bit of parsley each day is most wholesome. •Ice — Jiffy Jell, one package pineapple flavor; rhubarb, six or more stalks; sweetening, honey or syrup. Cream one-half pint. Wash and cut into one-quarter-inch pieces six or more stalks of rhubarb. Stew in earthen or granite pan, adding one-half cup of sweetening when placing on fir§. Stew until tender, drain off juice and chill — ice cold best. There should be one cupful of juice. To one package of Pineapple Jifty Jell add one cup of boiling water. Keep hot until thor- oughly dissolved, then add the cup of cold juice — this sudden chilling renders all gelatine as clear as crystal — then add flavoring from little vial contained in every package. Set away to cool (not set); when perfectly cold beat with Dover beater until creamy. Whip cream, saving out one tablespoonful to place on top of each serving. Add the remainder of the cream to beaten gelatine. While gelatine is cooling cut a little RED CROSS from a ripe tomato and place on whipped cream with each serving. This is ample to serve four persons. Any fruit or flavoring may be used. White of egg may be used instead of cresem. Beans — starch-SUGARS, fats, mineral salts — for growth and repair, heat, energy and regulating agent. Summer Squash — some SUGARS, mineral salts — heat, energy, regulating agent. Beets — SUGAR, fat and mineral salts — heat, energy and regulating agent. Celery — mineral salts and bulk — digestive aid. Ice — protein, fats, SUGARS — for growth and repair, supplies heat and energy. MEAL PLAN FOR THE DAY— Dinner — Starchy Food the basis. One Starch Food — Beans, baked. One or more Non-Starchy Vegetables — Summer squash, beets. One or more Green Leafy Cegetables — Celery. One or more Fats — Cream Gelatine Ice. Breakfast — One Fruit — Figs. One starch-SUGAR — Toasted flake food. One Salad Vegetable — Lettuce. One or more Fats — Butter, milk. Lunch- One Meat Food — Eggs. One Salad Vegetable — Lettuce. One Fruit — Apple. •"FOOD etnd FREEDOM" Recipes. i "He is not worthy of the honey-comb. Who shuns the hives because the bees have stings"— "Many things sweet to taste prove in digestion sour." — Shakespeare. Which shall it be sugar or sugars? Sugar means all substances which may be reduced by the digestive processes into the simple sugars, giving energy and vitality. All grains, veg- etables and fruits contain notable quantities of sugars. Sugar as we know it on the table, and the sugar our body calls for are entirely different things. The one stimplates and enervates; the other vitalizes the entire digestive process. Sugar in its refined form is a foodstuff of mod- ern times. The ancients used it as a medicine, later it was eaten on special feast days. India is the native home of the sugar-producing cane. Mention is made of it in the sacred books of the ancient Hindos and Chinese. About the tenth century A. D. sugar cane was carried west- ward by the Arabs to the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates. The Moors introduced it into Spain, and the Spaniards carried it and its products to America. In 1492 sugar was selling in London for $275 per hundredweight. Today it is considered a necessity in every home. The call has come for us to eliminate sugar and candy from our food in order that our government may be able to send the concentrated foods to those bearing the heaviest bur- dens and hardships of the war, as it relieves fatigue and furnishes heat with the least expend- iture of nerve energy. Such foods "Our Boys" must have. Is our Government, then, asking of us an untried thing? Rather, we are requested to seek sweets of true food value. For cen- turies man lived, thrived, reached the highest type of development, without a knowledge of the existence of sugar as we know it. Honey, known and used si^ice the earliest times by all people, possesses the properties of a perfect sweet, at the same time it is produced with the least economic outlay. In using honey, molasses or syrups, the general rule is to use one and one-fourth the amount the recipe calls for in sugar. However, much depends upon what you are making, the flours, amount of liquids used and the tastes of your individual group. Test it out for yourself; real pleasure in cooking comes when one finds things to be true by actual experience. By comparing the food elements in the accompanying table, one readily sees all plant values are lost in the making of refined sugar; hence, those who insist upon using white granulated sugar and candies are getting a substance devoid of everything of a nutritive character, peculiar to the carbo-hydrate foods. Sugar in this form is a deceptive food — a stimulant. In Nature's plan there is always a reckoning made — loss of digestive power, fermentation, enervation and all the attending ailments. ■ The habit of pleasing the ap- petite has become our national menace, a habit indulged in by almost everyone. We eat any- thing at all times, in all places. Much eaten, more wanted — the result being discomfort rath- er than pleasure. Refined foods are civilization's greatest bane. Nature prepares for us apples and oranges; man makes candy. Nature grows grapes and raisins; man makes wine. Nature yields corn for bread; man makes whiskey. Nature gives us cane and beets; man makes sugar. The call for service is sounding — which shall it be, self-indulgence or freedom, health, and humanity? Read F. C. Howe's "High Cost of Living." 1917, Scribner's Sons, New York, $1.75. c^ FOOD GROUP V— S HAPPINESS "w*' '^'^^ °"^ "' "* please his neighbor for that which is good, unto edifying. For Christ also pleased not himself. Rom. 15:2, 3. Reading: Rom. 15:1-7. Prayer: O God, Thou makest cheerfulness the companion of strength, yet doth it often take wings in our times of sorrow, until the fretfulness of our spirits is more hurtful than the heaviness of our brudens. Grant unto us that calmness and poise, that patient trust, that forgetfulness which shall preserve us from de- jection, enabling us to glorify Thee by expressing Thy joy forever. Amen. BREAKFAST— Cornmeal Muffins, Honey, Salad, Fats. Muffins — Use cornmeal as the flour in your best muffin recipe. Serve hot with butter and a little honey — Nature's purest sugar. , Salad — Prepare, pick and wash, set in open air to crisp one head of lettuce. Arrange on salad plates, add four or five ripe olives, over which grate a little raw carrot. Drink — Hot or cold water, milk or chocolate. Muffins — protein, fat, starch-SUGARS — aids gi-owth and repair, gives heat and energy. Honey — sugar — supplies energy. Lettuce ] Carrots J — fats, sugars, mineral salts and bulk — supplies heat and energy; best regulating Olives J agent. \< Drink — best digestive aid. , ' I LUNCH — Cottage Cheese, Ca-rrots, Leafy Vegetable, Fruit. Cottage Cheese — Heat clabber milk below boiling point, strain through cheese-cloth or very fine sieve. Best if set away to drain for a time. Break up with a fork, add seaesoning to taste and one-half cup of cream. Serve with leafy vegetable and diced carrots, beets, any cooked vege- tables. Fruit — Ripe fruit in season. Drink — Hot or cold. Cottage Cheese — protein, fat, sugars — promotes growth of new tissues, supplies heat and energy. Carrots — sugars and mineral salts — gives energy and acts as a regulating agent. Leafy Vegetable — mineral salts — supplies vital regulating elements. Fruit — sugars and mineral salts — gives energy and regulates all bodily functioning. Water — best digestive aid. DINNER — Fish, Spinach, Carrots. Leafy Vegetable, Tomatoes. Fruit. Fish — Fresh fish, about three pounds. Clean and wash fish, dry with clean cloth and put in stuffing. Sew up the opening, place in baking-dish or pan on a piece of cotton gauze with which to lift baked fish out of pan (greased paper may be used in place of gauze). Stuffing for Fish — Boil three medium sized potatoes in skins, peel, mash and whip very light, add seasoning and cream or fat; have prepared one tablespoonful each minced bell pepper, onion, parsley, and a pinch of powdered thyme. Add to the potato, season to taste. Mix well together. Potatoes so prepared contain all their alkaline qualities and may be eaten with meats occasionally. Bake in moderate oven, basting frequently. Allow fifteen minutets to each pound of fish, and fifteen extra minutes for the heating. Serve with lemon and parsley. Spinach — Steam in its own juices, as given before. Any cooked leafy vegetable may be cooked in open-bottom pan over other vegetables: care must be taken to blend the flavors that suits the tastes of YOUR family. Carrots — Cooked as given before. Any non-starchy vegetable may be used. Watercress — Pick over carefully and wash through several waters. Set in open air to crisp. Tomatoes — Wash and slice. Arrange green vegetable on plates. Add four or more slices of tomato. Serve with a little salt or any dressing preferred. Tomatoes may be peeled by pouring over them sufficient boiling water to cover; pour this oft immediately and add cold water. The skin may then be removed very easily. Remember, much of the valuable mineral salts are lost when the skin of fruit or vegetables Is removed. Fruit — Sliced lemon used with the fish. Fish — protein, fats, starch, mineral salts — for growth and repair, heat and energy. Spinach — fat and mineral salts — regulating agents. Carrots — sugar and mineral salts — heat, energy and best regulating elements. Watercress — mineral salts — regulating elements. Tomatoe-s — mineral salts — regulating elements. Fruit — mineral salts — regulating elements. MEAL PLAN FOR THE DAY— Dinner — Meat Foods our basis. One Meat Food — Fish. One or more Non-Starchy Vegetables — Spinach, carrots. One Raw Salad Vegetable — Watercress. Acid Vegetable — Tomato. One Fruit — Lemon. Breakfast — One Starchy Food — Cornmeal muffins. One Sugar — Honey. One Salad Vegetable — Lettuce. One or more Fats — Butter, chocolate. Lunch — One Meat Food and Fat — Cottage cheese. One Non-Starchy Vegetable — Carrots, One Leafy Salad Vegetable — Romain. One Fruit — Berries. ^ FRUITS AND NUTS Average percentage Mineral Salts in one-pound portions. Bo Sweet Fruits — Sugars — Apples 014 Apricots 014 Currants 14 Dates 10 Figs 299 Prunes 06 Raisins 088 Rhubarb 06 Honey 005 Acid Fruit — Apples 014 Apricots 018 Bananas 01 Berries — Blackberries 08 Blueberries 45 Cranberries 024 Gooseberries 05 Huckleberries 035 Raspberries 07 Strawberries 05 Cherries 03 Currants 05 Dates 10 Figs 074 Grapes 024 Grapefruit 03 Lemon 05 Limes 08 Oramges 06 Peaches 01 Pears 021 Persimmons 03 Pineapples '. 02 Plums 025 Nuts- Acorns Almonds 30 Beech Brazil Butter Chestnuts 04 Cocoanuts 09 Filberts Hickory Pecans Walnuts 108 Black English .035 .015 .001 .0032 .0029 .005 .0011 .6669 .0005 .0005 .003 .0008 .0013 .0004 .0006 .6663 .0003 .0003 c% One Meat Food. One or more Non-Starchy Vegetable One or more Raw Salad Vegetables. One Fruit. "Blest power of s What balm, what FOOD GROUPS AND PERFECT Combine the foods within these squares to MEAT FOODS Chicken (A-10) Ducks Goose (A-2) Pigeon Turkey (A-3.6) Rabbit Venison Wild fowl Beef, fresh (A-10), dried (A-S.3), canned Brains Heart Lamb (A3.9) Liver Mutton (A-4) Oxtail Pork (A-2.2) Sausage (A-3.4) Sweetbreads Tongue Veal (A7.1) Wienerwurst Fish, all kinds (A5.4) Bass (A-7.6) Cod (A12) Halibut (A-7.8) Salmon (A-5.4) Caviar Clam Crab Frog legs (A-12.1) Lobster Oysters (A-30) Shrimp Turtle Eggs (A-8) Gela-tine Junket Dairy Products Buttermilk (B-6.1) Clabber milk Skimmed milk (B-5) Whole milk (B-2.6) Malted Milk American cream cheese All kinds of cheese (A-1.2) Cottage cheese Nuts Brazil nuts Butternuts Cocoanut (B1.2) Filberts Hickory nuts Walnuts, black Walnuts, English (Al.l) ACID FRUIT Apples (B-6) Apricots (Bll) Berries, all kinds (Bx) Cherries (B-7.8) Currants Dates Figs, fresh Grapes (B-2.8) Grapefruit Leeks (acid vegetable) Lemon (B12) Limes Loquats Nectarine Orange (B-11) Onions (acid vegetable) Peaches (B12.2) Pears (B-5.6) Persimmons Pineapple, fresh (B-15.7) Plums (B-7.3) Pomegranate Prunes, fresh, raw Quince Tomato (acid vegetable) . (B-24.5) SWEET FRUIT— DRIED Sugars Apples Apricots Currants (B-1.8) Dates (B-3.2) Figs (B-32.3) Prunes (B-8) Raisins (B-6.8) Apples, ripe, raw (B-6) Grapes, sweet, raw (B-4) Orange, sweet, raw (B-14.4) Rhubarb (B-37) Melons" (B-19) Citron (B-3) Watermelon (B8.8) Honey Syrups, cane, corn, maivle (B-20.S) Sugar, cane, maple Jam Jelly Marmalade (B-1) Preserves NON-STARCHY VEGE- TABLES Artichokes (Jerusalem) Asparagus (B-3. 6) Beets (B-23.6) Brussel sprouts Cabbage* (B-18) Carrots (B-24) Cauliflower (B-17 4) Celery (B-42.2) Chayotes Corn, green Corn, canned Corn, on cob Dandelion Eggplant Kale Kohlrabi Leeks* Lettuce (B-3S.6) Lima beans (B-12) Mushrooms Mustard Okra Onions* Parsley Peas, green Peas, canned Salsify (oyster plant) Spinach (B-113) String beans, small Summer squash Swiss chard (B-41.1) Chinese cabbage Tomatoes* (B-24) Turnips (B-7) Wax beans (B-11. 5) •Acid Vegetables. Never Rich Starchy Foods. A represents so many points for acic B represents points in fa^or of pur* X Cranberries (B-3.7), Raspberry jui ° Melons should be eaten alone. Goc "The ancient Fathers lived on frugal tare — Nor had they palates less refined than ours. The feasts we spread upon our tables fair Our frames enfeeble and reduce our powers.".. Vegetables are Nature's great harmonizing medium; they enrich the diet and give valuable forms of food; their principal properties lie in their mineral content which is necessary tor the building of the bodily structure and maintaining the alkalinity of the blood. Their bulkiness stimulates the action of the intestines as well as causing the appetite to be quickly satisfied, and their aromatic properties in- crease the How of the digestive juices. They are Nature's best cleansers and regulating agents. These may be classed as seeds, fruits, leaves, stems, roots and tubers. They should hold the center place in all food combinations, harmonizing with all the groups. Let us remember that it is not what one eats but what is digested and assimilated that gives health and vigor to our bodies. Let us learn how and what to eat; let us not disregard Nature's laws, for then do we "dig our graves with our teeth." When we mix our foods in accord with the present-day customs, meats, starches, acids and sweets promis- cuously, we must face the unchanging law of Cause and Effect. In whatever profession you may be your success depends entirely upon the food you eat. A machine stuffed with an oversupply of fuel will soon refuse to go. Our bodies are the most wonderful piece of machinery; Whenever we feel dull or unambitious we may be most sure we have ci'owded our digestive machinery. Fast one day on a single kind of fruit and water and see how much bluer the skies become; evening zephyrs are audible. After such a day, or days, one is even ready to a'rise with the sun. We get a new vision of life. Re- member, man is built around his alimentary tract; if every part of that thirty-two feet of tubing is playing well its part, receiving and sending a normal, life-giving blood stream daily to the millions of individual cells, all goes well. Our life and work depends entirely upon what we allow to pass our lips. It is a problem of individual initiative; each person is a law unto himself. One may eat and grow fat, another eats and grows thin. Others eat and become sick. Many eat and grow strong and well. Radical changes in diet are unwise. The safest way is to remember the combinations of food groups. IMever was the opportunity so great as the present to try the experiment in carefully reducing the quantity and changing the diet along the lines indicated. Our leading dieticians tell us if our bodies were to be the criterions in a decided change they would reconstruct these combinations to read thus; One meat food. One cooked non-starchy vegetable. One raw salad vegetable — leafy vegetable. One ripe, raw fruit. And here let us state in many cases raw fruits and raw vegetables cannot be combined, for the body often refuses to combine rough vegetable fibre and strong mineral salts always found in raw vegetables with the acids of the raw fruit. Each must meet his individual needs. Whenever one feels stimulated and full of vital energy after having partaken of food he may be sure that is an expression of the joy for the wisdom of that Individual mind. Again, most bodies would have us interpret the second combination thus: One starchy food. One cooked non-starchy vegetable. One leafy vegetable. One fat. Could there be anything more simple, more easily prepared, more economical in these strenuous yet wonderful days? Let us return to the frugal fare of our forefathers; then how great shall be our in- heritance, favored as we are with all the conveniences and advantages of the greatest of all ages. Remember, green vegetables dried contain all the valuable minerals. They can be restored to normal condition by soaking twelve to twenty-four hours. Vegetables are the great solvent factor in all foods. Both cooked and raw, they are much needed in the daily dietary for health. The organic salts are present in all plant foods if these be used in their natural state with the simplest cooking and little seasoning. Whole grain foods, vegetables and fruits furnish abundant supply. Much ill-health and mal-nutrition come from a lack of these vegetable foods. The bones call for calcium. Blood is renewed only when iron is present. Did you know one drop of blood contains more corpuscles than all the stars we see in the sky? These unnumbered cells get their food from the mineral salts in solution in the blood stream. The patent flour products, ready-to-eat foods are deficient in these minerals and the body's piocesses are suspended when we continue the use of such foods. Read A. W. McCann's "Starving America." We are given warnings — go cautiously, pro- claims the yellow tongue — a dull eye, aches and pains are sure to follow. The gastric juice depends upon chlorine for its essential hydro chloric acid. Phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, sodium, and magnesium are indispensable in the functioning of the entire organism. There are small quantities of silica, manganese, arsenic and florine required in the less yet subtle operations. Phosphorus, potash, lime and iron are the most essential. All foods contain some of these minerals, some foods contain all of them. Oxygen we get from breathing plenty of pure fresh air and drinking pure water. Carbon from the fats and oils, starchy foods and fruits. Hydrogen is found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, our foods — hydrocarbon fats and carbohydrates — starches, sugars, mineral salts. Ni. trogen we get mainly from the Rich Food groups — proteins — Meat Foods and Starches, GROUPS I and III. Calcium is contained in veal (traces in meats), milk, eggs, whole grain foods, lentils, beans, peas, radishes, asparagus, spinach, most fruits (excepting the apple), and hard drinking water. Phosphorus is found in both animal and vegetable foods. Animal foods — cheese, mutton, white cheese, eggs, beef (barley meal), milk, pork; vegetable foods — whole barley meal (milk, pork), chestnuts, potatoes, cabbage, turnips, carrots. Phosphorus cannot be overrated as a building agent. It is found in the nucleus of grow- ing cells, an essential element in the bones, and the nervous system. Sulphur has antiseptic properties and defends the body against disease breeding bacteria. Cabbage, leeks, onions, egg yolk, and about one-eighth of the total mineral content of fruits contain much sulphur. Sodium occurs as chlorine- sodium chloride or common salt. Some authorities say it enters the body and leaves it without apparent change, possibly aiding in stimulating the gastric juice if used in moderation. Natural foods contain sufficient sodium chloride to supply the body's needs. In combination with other chemicals the propor- tions run thus: In veal there is one part sodium to four parts potassium; in milk, one part sodium to eight parts potassium; in wheat, one part sodium to twelve parts potassium; in potatoes, one part sodium to thirty parts potassium; in peas, one part sodium to forty-four parts potassium. Figs, strawberries and apples are rich in sodium; gooseberries, prunes and peaches have less: most fruits contain a little. The potassium content high in all fruits except strawberries. Iron is found in beef, veal, white fish, milk, cheese, egg-yolk, whole grain foods — corn, oats, rice, wheat, white beans, peas, lentils, potatoes, apples, strawberries, gooseberries and prunes; strawberries contain twice as much iron as the prune or milk. Magnesium occurs in veal, meats, milk, eggs, whole grain foods, beans, peas, lentils, radishes, aspar- agus, spinach, and many of the vegetables. Silicon, manganese, florine and iodine each play their own little, yet essential, part. We get iodine from fish foods — herring, mussels, salmon, cod and oysters. Silica and florine from whole grain foods and vegetables. The following is of interest as an illustration (Continued on Opposite Page) FOOD GROUP KINDNESS "Go, ye, and learn what this meaneth, I desire mercy, and not sacrific Reading: Matt. 18:21-35. Matt. 9:13. m Prayer: Father of mercy, God of all comfort, bestow on us genial spirits, and unwearied forbearance, mUd, patient, loving hearts, cordial speech and kindly dispositions, that we may exercise Christian courtesy in all our relationships, giving no occasion for offense, but, as much as lieth within us, living at peace with all men. Amen. BREAKFAST— Egg, Leafy Vegetable. Fruit, Milk. Egg— Soft-boiled, coddled (as given before), or hard boiled. Place in pan of cold water, let come to a boilmg point and keep at this temperature for thirty minutes; remove from stove, place in cold water for a few moments, then the shells are removed with no difficulty. Serve with endive romain, lettuce or parsley. ' Fruit — In season, in combination with salad or alone. Drink — Glass of milk, natural temperature, luke-warm or cold. Egg — protein and fat — for growth and repair. Leafy Vegetable — valuable mineral salts — regulating food. Fruit — sugars and mineral salts — energy and regulating agency. Milk — protein, fats, sugars and mineial salts — a perfect food; builds tis- sues, supplies heat, gives energy and valuable mineral salts. LUNCH— Muffins, Butter, Celery, Drink. Muffins— Barley and tapioca flour— half and half— using your best muffin recipe. Serve with butter. Celery— Wash thoroughly, cut in quarters, which is a serving for each person. Drink — Hot or cold — water best, after the meal. Muffins- starch-SUGARS, fats, mineral salts— heat, energy and regulating food. Butter — fat — supplies heat. Celery — mineral salts — regulating agent. Water — best digestive aid. DINNER— Soup, Carrot-loaf, Peas, Spinach, Fruit. Soup— Dice two carrots two potatoes, two onions; add three pints cold water; cook until tender; add s'e'ne i in'' Jof^''^®'^ celery leaves and any extra liquid from the spinach; season to taste. Carrot-loaf- Two cups ground carrots, one cup chopped raisins, one cup chopped suet, one egg two small onions minced fine (or celery), two tablespoonfuls potato flour, season to taste. Bake in hot oven thirty minutes. Baste often. "<»».<= Spinach— Wash carefully through two waters; steam. Serve in its own juices with butter and salt. Peas — Wash, shell, add sufficient water to cook; season when done. Fruit — In season — berries or fruit. Strawberry shortcake may be used in place of fruit. Soup — starches, SUGARS, mineral salts — energy and regulating agency. Carrot-loaf— starches, SUGARS, mineral salts— heat, energy and regulating agent. Spinach — fat and mineral salts — supplies heat, energy and assists in all vital processes. Fruit— SUGARS and mineral salts— gives energy and aids digestion. MEAL PLAN FOR THE DAY— With mixed basis. Dinner — One Starchy Food — Carrot-loaf, potatoes. One or more Non-Starchy Vegetables — Carrots, onions. One or more Salad Vegetables — Spinach, celery. One Fruit — In season. Breakfast — Meat Foods— Egg and milk. One Salad Vegetable — Leafy vegetable. Fruit — In season. One Starch — Barley muffins. One fat — Butter. One Salad Vegetable — Celery. o "Man's rich with little were his judgment true; Nature is frugarl and her wants are few — These tew wants answered, bring sincere delights; But fools creat themselves new appetites." — Edward Young. Eating is a cliemical process. It is a series of steps toward the realization of healtli, effective service, and success in life. Toward this end man spends most of his time and livelihood. Food is the means to produce this ideal. The purpose of all food is to build new cells and tissues and repair the wornout parts; to supply renewed energy in all normal functioning of the different organs of the body. Everything we eat is either food or poison. Only that part that is digested and assimilated is food, all the extra proves a poison. The innocent, the most unsuspecting, most beloved of mortals are often the prey or food poisoning. The best the family can afford — all the "pure," refined, "standard," "pasteurized," "most nutritious," "ready-to-eat" preparations are pro- vided for our little ones. Could we see the long procession statistics would have us visualize — 200,000 little white caskets — going annually from our homes, we would find reason to consider the simple standard. Natural foods, properly grouped, simply prepared and thoughtfully pro- portioned for each individual should be the daily concern of every mother. One of our great dieticians tells us "love is a plain case of phosphorus and iron. The mother extracts these essential elements from the grains, vegetables and fruits and stores them for her babe. Should one be so unfortunate as not to be able to feed her babe by Nature's plan, then her duty is to supply these deficient properties in the diet of the well-fed baby. The sugars are abundantly supplied in carrots and beets, the iron in spinach and other green stuff, the phosphorus in whole grain foods and the purest of milk. Disease in every form is caused by an acid condition of the blood. Children should be taught in their earliest months to take to take fruit juice, alternating with regular food and eat vegetables — roots, tubers, and leafy vegetables. The present-day random mixing of miscellaneous starches, meats, acids and sweets has proven most disastrous. When all these chemicals are combined in the warm confines of the stomach fermentation results, and alcohol is manufactured no less than in the moonshiner's still. The effect upon the cells of the body is similar to that upon the brain when distilled liquor is taken — the boozy cells are no longer able to perform their proper functions and enervation, auto- intoxication must needs follow, leading to all forms of disease. Statistics tell us that but one- tenth of one percent of our people are in perfect health. Let us remember our rich starchy foods — whole grains, dry beans, peas, lentils and potatoes, in most every instance contain a large percentage of protein ,a little fat and are high in starches or carbohydrates — hence, the only additional food needed is mineral salts from the vegetables and some fats. No other foods should be taken with a starchy meal. Man has become an omnivorous animal: he has come to think it necessary to eat everything within his reach. Our wealth and ready transportation, our cold storage methods give a bewildering list from which to choose. Herein lies the great danger, also our most wonderful opportunity. If we possess a knowledge of the chemical combination of food; a determination to make our food serve the body's needs; awill to eat simply and with moderation, then the greatest gain is our. Woman's sphere in the future will be that larger field of dietetics from the standpoint of lite in its manifold activities — effective service in every phase. She must know food, its production, use and conservation from the larger outlook. Our growing children know this — there is no alternative. How then may we hasten the good work? Let us remember it is the whole seed, foods; — namely, all cereal foods — whole grain foods; beans, peas, lentils, dried or fresh; the green leafy vegetables (see middle page for classification of vegetables and average mineral content of each); and milk, butter fat, egg yolk fat, vegetable fat, together with other good foods, which keep the body in perfect health. These foods should be used every day in some form in our meal planning. It is not necessary to have a great variety, simple foods properly chosen, thoroughly prepared, and thought- fully proportioned, always give the most nutrition, and build healthful bodies. It is not the price of milk, green, leafy vegetables — raw or cooked, and fruits that should be considered; they play such a vital part in the economy of the entire body that they cannot be eliminated if one values health. Health is most essential for effective service in any sphere of life. Goat milk has the same food value as cow's milk, however, one must accustom himself to the peculiar flavor. Children reared on this milk never notice any difference in flavor. Again it has been found by our best scientific experts that the goat is entirely free from tuberculosis, while one-tenth of our cows are so infected. Goats m'ake nice pets, a garden gives the most healthful exercise, and the growing of fruits brings one face to face with the Creator and his marvelous works. a^ FOOD GROUJ RELATIONSHIPS "Which is the great commandment 7 Thou shalt love with all thy heart, and soul, and mind: Thv God and thy neighbor." Matt. 22:36-39. , = « Reading: Gal. 5:13-15. Prayer: O Lord, enlarge our souls by Thy grace that we may hope all things, endure all things, and be- come messengers of Thy healmg mercy. May our hearts ever he attuned to the harmonies of heavenly melodies that we may be radiant mmisters of inspiration to all that live about us. Amen. BREAKFAST— Oatmeal Muffins, Butter, Honey, Chocolate. Muffins — Measure two teaspoons baking powder, place In sauce dish and set in open window where it may get a good airing. Beat one egg, to which add one-half teaspoonful salt and two table- spoonfuls maize oil, two tablespoonfuls sweetening it preferred; then sift meal and baking powder together several times, add to other ingredients, beat up quickly. Place in well-greased heated gem pans and bake in a hot oven twenty minutes. Serve with honey (or syrup). Drink — Chocolate. Blend one teaspoonful chocolate or cocoa and one teaspoonful sugar with one- half cup hot water, add a bit of salt, boil ten minutes, add one-half cup rich milk, let heat again (not boil). Serve. Oatmeal— starch SUGARS, protein, fats— for tissue building, heat and energy. Butter — fats — supply heat and energy. Honey — purest of SUGARS — supply energy. Chocolate — protein, fats, sugars— for growth and repair, heat and energy. DINNER— Rabbit, String Beans, Corn, Salad, Fruit. Rabbit — Clean and wash, cut up, brown each piece in a piping hot frying pan. Place in pan with a cup of hot water, cover tightly and bake until tender. Baste often; season when done— ten minutes before serving. Garnish with parsley and two or three carrots that have been steamed over beans. All the rich Juices should be served with meat — no thickening added. String Beans — Wash, string and break into inch pieces. Cover with warm water, let come to a boil, stew slowly one hour — unless quite old. Season when done. Corn — Cook on cob, scallop or stew, suiting the tastes of your family. Salad — Lettuce, one-half head, four ripe olives, tablespoonful diced carrots, mayonnaise dressing. Fruit — Ripe, raw fruit in season. Rabbit — protein, fats— for building new cells and tissues, and heat. String Beans — starch sugars, mineral salts and cellulose fiber — energy, regulating agent and bulk. Corn — sugar and fats — heat and energy. Lettuce — mineral salts, and bulk — regulating agent. Olives — fats and mineral salts — heat and regulating properties. Carrots — sugars — supplying heat and energy. Fruits — sugars, mineral salts and acids — gives energj- and aids in all digestive processes. LUNCH — Rice, Cream, Spinach, Beets. Rice — Wash one cup unpolished rice, drop it slowly into one quart boiling water so water will not stop boiling. Let cook for twenty minutes. Drain in collander or strainer, saving all this water for soup. Wash with cold water. Add rice to one pint rich, sweetened milk, a teaspoonful of salt and dash of nutmeg. Place in oven; cook until thickens. Serve cold with whipped cream (Ordinary cream will whip if you have it very cold and add one-half teaspoonful CREAM WHIP to one cup of the cream. Most grocers carry it. Spinach — Pick and wash through several waters. Cook as before given. Beets — Dice any left-over vegetable and serve with spinach. Rice — starch-SUGARS. fat — gives heat and energy. Spinach — mineral salts and bulk — a regulating agent. Beets— starch- SUGARS— yield energy. MEAL PLAN FOR THE DAY— Mixed Foods (whole grain foods and meats our basis. Breakfast — One Starch Food — Corn muffins. One or more Fats — Butter, cream. One SUGAR— Honey. Drink. Dinner — One Meat Food — Rabbit. One or more Non-Starchy Vegetables — String beans, corn (green). One or more Salad Vegetables — Lettuce, olives (ripe), carrots. One Fruit — In season. Lunch — One Starch Food — Rice (unpolished). One or more Non-Starchy Vegetables — Spinach, beets. One Fat — Cream. Pure Whole Grain Products may be found in every city. Read "Starving America." by A. W. McCann. 1912. Doran Pub.. New York. $1.50. "Blest be the feasts, with simple plenty crowned, Where all the ruddy family round Laugh at the jests or pranks that never fall, — " —Goldsmith, "The Traveler." By dividing all foods into different groups the proper chemical combinations, based upon the re- quirements of the body, can easily be made. Each homemaker, each housekeeper, may readily use these combinations for her daily meal planning. Bach has her own favorite recipes, knows the tastes, habits and customs of her particular group. With this little outline, all the meaJs may be planned in perfect keeping with the truest kind of conservation — the saving of vital energies — thus leaving plenty of all the foods needed by our government to meet the call of the hungry millions. There are numerous methods and theories advanced to balance and proportion our "refined," "pure," "standard," "healthy," "ready-to-eat" preparations of our Twentieth Century Food Industries. Grow and eat the food as Nature prepares it, and the problem is simple. Proteids, carbo-hydrates and calories are essential and most convenient factors in scientific research and laboratory work, but for us in this crucial hour it is bread, butter, meat, potatoes, pies, cake and preserves that claim our attention. What foods have the truest values, and how shall I combine them to yield the best results with the least outlay of time and money, is the question that confronts every individual. Following the principles of modern dietetics, and with the assistance of the three years course out- lined by the Food Administration for Schools and Colleges, and the data collected by our leading spe- cialists on food and its nutritive value, to all of whom I am much indebted, I have endeavored to give in the simplest and most helpful form those facts most needed at the present time. The woman of today must fit herself to meet the problems of the future. If she a:ccepts the won- derful opportunity given her by the Food Administration — free knowledge of every phase of food and its relation to the home — and acquaints herself with the excellent articles in our leading magazines, the greatest gain will be hers. Every child is learning the wonders of growing things. Boys and girls alike know that meat food should be combined with one or more non-starchy vegetables, one or more salad vegetables and rich, ripe fruit; that we should never serve more than one starchy food at a meal, with its corresponding group of non-starchy vegetables and salad vegetables, accompanied by one or more fats to assist the digestive process. For instance, one day last May a little "second-grader" took issue with his mother because the dinner consisted of fried fish, French fried potatoes, fried onions, bread, butter, lettuce salad, jelly and berry pie. Viewing in childish wonder the feast spread before him, he said: "Why, mamma, Mr. Hoover says to bake our meat and potatoes, and eat good ripe ber- ries and fruit; teacher was telling us today meat with carrots, onions and lettuce salad and strawberries made a dandy dinner, and we could make it all look so nice on the white cloth." The mother an- swered: "My son, mother leaves the cooking all to Togo." In almost every home similar comments have been heard, also "the teacher said so, and she knows." It is the imperative duty of every woman to know these simple combinations that the home and the schools may work in harmony in the great Reconstruction Work that must needs come. This will be the testing time, and she who has mastered these simple natural laws and brought her family gradually to jive in accord w^ith them will be a leader. All diet specialists tell us a change from our present diet should be gradual, within two or three weeks, by substituting a similar menu, as given for breakfast, then a lunch, then dinner, worked out from the combinations given on each sheet, which contains all the food groups. The center page emphasizes the important part vegetables should have in the daily fare of every family. Let every mother, every homemaker, rather than call attention to the changes, keep her secret and watch the gain in renewed bodily vigor, the mental alertness and increased interest in all the great work of the hour by each member of her household. The reward is well worth the experiment. Bread, pies and cake will soon claim little of her time, and there will be less need to intrust the feeding of the family to an unskilled and disinterested party. The boys and girls will soon find- mother's kitchen and the garden the most interesting laboratory in which to test out the facts learned at school. In the meat foods, proteins and fats are mostly found in combinations, but do not foret that there are vegetable as well as meat proteins. The whole grain foods, dried beans, peas and lentils furnish high value in protein, all of which are tissue-builders, hence their classification under the heading, Rich Foods. A good general rule to remember is: Meat and fish contain about 20% proteins. Eggs contain about 12 to 14% proteins. Milk contains about 3 to 5"% proteins. Cheese contains about 18 to 35% proteins. Nuts contain about 10 to 30% proteins. Whole grain foods or cereals contain 8 to 16% proteins. Dried beans, peas, lentils and peanuts contain 20 to 25% proteins. Potatoes, fresh, contain 7% proteins. Potatoes, stored, contain 2% proteins. Other vegetables, less. Our best authorities say sufBcIent protein supply should be two to three ounces per day. One- half ounce protein is roughly contained in the following: Meat, without bone, two and one-half ounces. Fish, without bone, two and one-half ounces. Eggs, two. One pint of milk, whole or skimmed. American cream cheese, cube one and one-fourth inch. Cottage cheese, one-fourth cup. Cooked cereal, two and one-half to three cups. White bread, six slices, average size. Beans (baked), one and one-half cups. "If the r eadiness is there Reading: 2 Cor. 8:9-15. Prayer: Heavenly Fathe exalts hi m. but what ma FOOD d] SUCCESS it is acceptable as a man hath not according as he hath not." 2 Cor. 8:12. , we bless Thy Holy Name that Thou hast taught us " 'Tis not what a man does would do.** Lead us whither Thou pleasest; and we will follow Thee with cheer- ful hearts. Amen. BREAKFAST— Toast, One Pint of Milk, Fruit. Fruit — In season, served unsweetened — the rich, ripe, raw fruit. Toast — Two thin slices, browned as given before. Milk — Whole milk, hot or cold, as preferred. Fruit — sugars and mineral salts — give energy and act as regulating agent. Toast — Dextrinized starch-sugar — for heat, energy and bulk. Milk — protein, fats and sugars — for growth and repair, heat, energy. LUNCH — Cheese, Tomatoes, Lettuce. .,vy Cheese— Prepare grated cheese, three tablespoonfuls an ample helping. \f'. Tomato — Wash and slice one good sized tomato. V!'' Lettuce — Wash and rinse thoroughly one head of lettuce; set in open window to crisp. Arrange on I y individual plates one-halt head lettuce, place on this one sliced tomato, sprinkle the whole with I ? i three tablespoons of the grated cheese. Drink — Hot or cold. Cheese — protein, fats and sugars — builds new tissues, heat, energy. Tomato — Mineral salts — regulating agency. Lettuce — mineral salts and cellulose fiber — regulating agent, bulk. Water — best digestive aid. DINNER — Potatoes, Beets, Spinach, Radishes, Ice Cream and Nuts. Potatoes — Wash, scrub with a brush, rinse medium sized potatoes; pierce with a fork several places so all moisture may escape. Bake in medium hot oven. Remove from skins, cutting length- wise, mash, season, beat up light, return to skin, brown in oven. Beets — Wash with brush and rinse, cook from one-half to two hours, according to the age and locality grown. Spinach — Wash and rinse carefully through two waters; place over slow Are; allow to simmer one- half hour in its own juice. Season with butter and salt. Serve with sliced button-radishes; garnishing the dish. To cook in double boiler or steam is best. All juices of vegetables should be saved and served or used as soup stock. Radishes — Clear carefully, serve with spinach or on lettuce leaves. Ice Cream and Nuts — An ample serving, over which sprinkle one tablespoonful nuts. Potatoes — starch-sugars, fats — for heat and energy. Beets. Spinach — sugars and mineral salts — heat, energy and regulating agent. Radishes. Ice Cream — protein, fats and sugars — for growth and repair, heat, energy. MEAL PLAN FOR THE DAY— Dinner — Starch Food our basis. One Starchy Food — Potatoes. One or more Non-Starchy Vegetables — Beets. One or more Salad Vegetables — Spinach, radishes. One or more Fats — Ice cream, nuts. Breakfast — One Fruit — Ripe fruit in season. One SUGAR Dextrinized Starch— Toast. One Meat Food — Milk. One Meat Food — Cheese. One Acid Vegetable — Tomatoes. One Salad Vegetable — Lettuce. Remember: When potatoes are baked, a hard-boiled egg may be served with the spinach. Place eggs in pan of cold water, allow them to come to the boiling point, keep at this temperature one-half hour — do not boil. Eggs cooked in this manner are as easily digested as soft-boiled eggs. "EAT PLENTY — WISELY— WITHOUT WASTE!" "Cooking means the knowledge of all herbs, and fruits, and balms, arnd spices, and all that is heal- ing and sweet in the fields and groves, and savory in meats; it means carefulness, and inventiveness, and watchfulness, and willingness, and readiness of appliance; it means the economy of your great grandmothers, and the science of modern chemists ; it means English thoroughness and French art, and Arabian hospitality; and it means, in fine, that you are to be perfectly and always 'Ladies' — loaf- givers." — Ethics of the Dust — Ruskin. LEARN the Classifications of Food in Groups and the Proper Combinations of Foods. RICH FOODS— Body-builders Nitrogenous or Protein Foods Meat Foods — Meats, dairy products, eggs, nuts — Animal protein. Meats — Fowl, fish. game, milk, cheese, eggs, nuts. Starches — Grains, legumes, tubers, etc. — Vegetable protein. Whole grain foods — barley, buckwheat, corn, oats, rice, etc. Dried beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, chestnuts. Potatoes (Irish and sweet), yams, pumpkin, squash, bananas. FATS — Neutral Foods -------- Hydro-carbonaceaus Foods Fats — Animal and Vegetable. Butter, margarine, cream, drippings, lard, suet, bacon. Salad oils, cotton seed, cocoanut, maize, ohve and peanut oils. Almonds, beechnuts, hickory nuts, pecans, walnuts, ripe olives. SUGARS plus Mineral Salts Carbohydrates STARCHES — Nature's richest storehouse. Whole grain foods — barley, buckwheat, corn, oats, rice, etc. Dried beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, chestnuts. Potatoes (Irish and sweet), yams, pumpkin, squash, bananas. VEGETABLES — Nature's greatest harmonizing medium. - Non- Starchy — Cooked. Raw or Salad. Seeds — Green corn, strong beans, wax beans, peas. Fruits — Cucumbers, squashes, egg-plant, melons, tomatoes — an exception. Flowers — Artichoke (French), cauliflower. Leaves — Lettuce, romain, endive, dandel ion, mustard, watercress, cabbage, Brussels sprouts. Stems — Asparagus, celery, rhubarb. Bulbs — Onions, leeks. Roots — Beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips. Tubers — Potatoes (Irish and sweet), yams, peanuts, (tomatoes). , SUGARS — True Sugars, Honey and Sweet Fruits — the sweetest of sweets. Ripe raw apples, grapes, figs, oranges, rhubarb, melons. Apples, apricots, currants, dates, figs, prunes, raisins. Honey, molasses, syrup (cane, corn, maple), sugar-beet, corn, maple. Jams, jellies, marmalade, preserves. SOUR OR ACID FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Apples, apricots, berries, cherries, currants, figs (fresh). Grapes, grapefruit, lemons, oranges, peaches, pears, plums. Cabbage, leeks, onions, tomatoes. To plan your meals, take: One of the meat foods from Group 1, or. One of the starches from Group 3. Make this the basis of the day's food. Then plan breakfast and lunch by this: For instance, if the main dish at dinner be meat and its proper combinations, let breakfast be upon this same basis, and lunch of starch, vege- tables and fats; or. if the main dish at dinner be from the starches, vegetables cooked and raw, and fats, let the breakfast be selected after this same plan, with lunch from Group 1 with its harmonious foods. The body relishes a decided change. All the digestive organs are brought into activity alter- nately, and renewed vigor is the result. ^ REMEMBER TO COMBINE One of the meat foods — Group 1. One or more cooked non-starchy vegetables — Group XV (1). One or more raw salad vegetables — Group IV (2) — leafy vegetables. One fruit — ripe, raw fruit best. One sweet fruit — Group V — or One sour or acid fruit — Group VI. REMEMBER — Starches combine perfectly only in this manner: One of the starchy foods — Group III. One or more cooked non-starchy vegetables — Group IV (1). One or more raw salad vegetables — Group IV (2) — leafy vegetable. One or more fats — Group II. FOOD GROUP I— ME n Thee, as that we shall es, and studying to ben- It once gentle and active nd by sympathizing with 1 RESPONSIBILITY "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." — Gal. 6:2. Reading: Gal. 5:22-6:2. Prayer: God of All Nations, grant that we may so love Thee and our neighh be serviceable in all our relationships; bearing one another's burdens, denying ou efit others. Keep alive within us a spirit of love and meekness to all, that we ma; and firm. So, by constantly rejoicing in the happiness and good success of othe them in their sorrows, we may follow Thee. Amen. BREAKFAST— Egg, Toast, Fruit, Drink. Egg — One coddled; break in pan; pour down side of pan one quart hot water, not boiling; cover, let stand from two to five minutes, as desired. Season, salt and butter. Toast — Two thin slices, any kind of stale bread. Cut and let dry perfectly the day before using. Brown clear through in hot oven. Tliis dextrinizes the starch: when chewed thoroughly the starch is changed to sugar — 5% is digested in the mouth and 95% digested in the intestines. This first part of the action — chewing — plays a most important part, as it is in the mouth the fundamental change is made for complete digestion. Butter and moisten with a little water. Do not soak the toast. Toast prepared in this manner is a neutral food. It may be used with any combination. Prunes — Five stewed. Wash and rinse through several waters one pound of prunes. Cover with plenty of cold water; let soak over night; stew in this same water until tender over a very slow flre; add more water if necessary. Fruit cooked in this manner is sweet and wliolesome. NO SUGAR. Drink — One or two cups (hot or cold) water best — after the meal. Egg — protein — for growth and repair. Toast — dextrinized starch, sugar — for heat, energy and bulk. Prunes — sugars and niineral salts — regulating food. Water — best digestive aid — regulating agency. Double the breakfast portions if a hard day's work lies before you. DINNER — Chicken, Carrots, Corn, Asparagus, Salad. Fruit. Salad — One slice of pineapple (ripe or canned) on lettuce leaf, berry in center. Chicken — Three pounds; clean and wash. Place in roaster on rack to keep meat out of water. Add one pint boiling water and place in hot oven twenty minutes, then keep moderate fire for one and one-half hours — depends on the age of fowl. Baste often as this keeps meat from drying out. After basting the last time, season to suit the tastes of your family. Cut and serve with garnish of parsley. Vegetable dressing if you prefer it. Carrots — Wash with brush, and rinse. Pour over carrots just enough hot water to cook; bring to boiling point, keep at this temperature until tender and liquid all gone. Never pour water from vegetables unless you wish to use it for clear soup. In so doing much of the valuable mineral salts are lost. How many cooks would pour the water off the tea and save the leaves? You have the same result when the water from the vegetables goes down the sink. Season, add butter and salt when vegetables are done. Corn-on-cob — Remove husks and silk and wash. Drop into hot water for fifteen minutes. Add a teaspoonful salt five minutes before taking from the stove. Serve with butter and salt. Asparagus — Clean and wash. Cook whole. Place In tall pan, bottoms down; the tough stocks cook nicely while the tender tops are steamed. Remove from fire, add butter and salt. Serve on let- tuce. All water from vegetables Should be saved for soup stock. Celery — Clean, wash, cut In quarters, place where it will be crisp and cold when ready to serve. One- fourth bunch for each person. Fruit — In season. Fresh, ripe, rich, RAW fruit, thoroughly cleansed and cooled. Drink — One or two cups (hot or cold) — W.\TER best — after the meal is finished. Chicken — protein and fat — builders of new tissues and heat. Carrots, Corn, Asparagus — sugars, starch, mineral salts — tor energy, regu- lating food, bulk. Salad — sugars and mineral salts — energy, regulating food. Fruit — sugars and mineral salts — energy, regulating food. Water — best digestive aid — regulating agency. SUPPER— Nuts, Apples, Any RIPE Raw fruit. Drink. Nuts — Six or eight nuts — thoroughly chewed. Apples — One good sized ripe raw apple — skin and all. Drink — Water after eating. Nuts — fats, some protein — heat, growth and repair. Fruit — sugars, mineral salts — energy and regulating food. Water — digestive aid. Popcorn — little butter and salt with nuts or popcorn and whipped cream — a favorite Sunday evening meal for winter. Whitter's "Corn Song" and readings from "Snowbound" for a relish. MEAL PLAN FOR THE DAY— Dinner — Meat Foods our basis. One Meat Food — Chicken. One or more Non-Starchy Vegetables — Carrots, corn-on-cob, asparagus. One or more Salad Raw Vegetables — Lettuce, celery. Fruit — Pineapple, strawberries. Breakfast — One Meat Food — Egg. One or more Sugars — Toast, golden brown through, prunes Drink — Milk or water. Supper — One Meat Food or Fat — Nuts. One Fruit — Apples. Drink — Water or chocolate. REMEMBER: Each person is a law unto himself. We must study our own individual cases. When raw salad vegetables are served It is best to use cooked fruit, or when raw fruit is served It has proven best to use cooked leafy vegetables, saving all juices and serving an equal quantity to each person. m FOODS OR PROTEINS GROUP I— PROTEIN OR MEAT FOODS— RICH FOODS With one of the Meat Foods combine — One or more non-starchy vegetables, coolied. One or more saiad raw vegetables and cooked left-overs. One acid fruit in season — ripe, fresh, raw fruit best. MEAT FOODS GROUP IV VEGETABLES Pigeon Turkey Babbit Venison Wild fowl Beef — fresh, dried canned Brain Heart Lamb Liver Mutton Ox-tail Pork Sweetbread Tongue Veal Wienerwurst Fish, all kinds Bass Cod Halibut Salmon Caviar Clams Crab Frog legs Lobster Oyster Shrimp Turtle Eggs Gelatine Junket Dairy Products Buttermilk Clabber milk Skim milk Whole milk Malted milk All kinds of cheese American crea-m cheese Cottage cheese Non-Starchy Artichokes, Jerusalem Asparagus Beets Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Chayotes Corn, green Corn, canned Corn on cob Dandelion Eggplant Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard Okra Onions Parsley Parsnips Peas, green Peas, canned Rutabaga Salsify or Oyster Spinach String beans Summer squash Swiss chard Chinese cabbage Tomatoes Turnips Wax beans Salad Artichoke, French Asparagus Beets, small Cabbage Carrots, very small Cauliflower Celery Chili pepper Chicory Chinese cabbage Chives Cucumber Dandelion Endive Garlic Greens — ■ Beet tops Turnip tops Sour or narrow docl Horseradish Kale Lettuce Mustard Mints Nasturtiums, stems, leaves, flowers Olives, ripe Onions, young, raw Parsley Peppers Romain Radishes Spinach Sorrel Swiss chard Tomatoes Turnips, small Water cress SWEET FRUITS— Apples Apricots Currants Dates Figs Prunes Raisins Jams Jellies Marmalade Preserves Honey Rhubarb Oranges Apples Grapes Melons GROUP VI SOUR OF ACID FRUIT Apples Apricots Berries, all kinds Cherries Currants Dates Figs, fresh Grapes Grapefruit Leeks, acid vegetable Lemons Limes Loquot Nectarine Orange Onions, acid vegetable Peaches Pears Persimmons Pineapple, fresh Plums Pomegranate Prunes, fresh, raw Quince Tomato, acid vegetable Nuts Almonds Brazil nuts Butternuts Coooanut Filbert Hickorynut Pecans Pignolia Pinenuts Sabine Walnuts, Black, English (^ PROTEIN OR MEAT FOODS Average percentage of food elements and fuel values in calories t 100-Calorie Portion Average Helping Fuel Value Per Pound 3u Fowl roast Rabbit roast Pigeon baked Fisii baked Oysters stew Eggs In shell Milk- Whole Skimmed 1V4 cup Clabber ; Butter Cheese — Cream Cottage Nuts- Walnuts— English. . . Beef Lean pot roast Fat broiled Mutton leg roast Pork-Ham. . . . broiled 22.22 25.49 9.76 3.69 1.17 .93 1.2 slice 4 in., 2V2 in., V4 in. 1016 calories piece 3 in., 2^4 in., 1 in. 550 calories 1V4 cup or 6-15 oysters 222 calories 1 V3 eggs 672 calories 5.1 19 52 9.6 37 7 33.60 0.50 0.9 25 72 3.2 76 9 % cup 1% cups piece 2 in., 1 in., % in. 5% tablespoonfuls 1 qt. 675 calories 1 qt. 358 calories 1965 calories 1320 calories 3200 calories slice 4 in., 3 in., 1% in. 709 calories slice 1% in.,liA in.. % in. 1100 calories slice 3 in., Z% in., % in. 874 calories slice 4% in. ,4 in., % in. 1457 calories Compiled from United States Government Bulletins, Sherman, and Rose. Foods that go to make Spinach Celery Lettuce Cabbage Carrots Potatoes Prunes Onions Turnips GOOD GENERAL RULE TO REMEMBER LIRE, rich, normal blood — foods "Potentially Alkaline"— are: Apples Milk Beams when properly cooked, saving all waters and using no soda. Peas Lemon Juice Orange juice Corn — entire grain • — Hutchison and Others. Foods that give IMPURE blood unless combined with vegetables — cooked and raw — and ripe, raw fruit. An oversupply of the following foods give an acid condition to the blood and proves a builder of disease: All meats Rice Beef — lean Barley Fish Bacon Eggs Corn Oats Sugar Wheat-flour foods Sugared sauces Whole-wheat foods When we eat bread, meat, potatoes, gravy, sugared sauces. Jellies, jams, preserves, pickles, pie, cake, at one meal we are laying the foundation for an acid blood condition, loss of vital energy, disease in its many forms. There is a great need for all who value health as the first requisite for a successful, happy career to study the value of vegetables, properly cooked — green, raw vegetables — and ripe, rich, raw fruits. Grow them, know them, eat them. Few of our 100,000,000 people are rich, but we may all possess true wealth. Riches carry with them untold obligations, worry, ofttimes the least of happiness. Wealth is contentment. It is being satisfied with what we have, ridding ourselves of false estimates; setting up all the higher ideals — a quiet home; vines of our own planting: knowing a few books full of the inspiration of a genius; having a few friends worthy of being loved and able to love us in return; being able to enjoy a hundred innocent pleasures that bring no pain or remorse; having a devotion to the right that will never swerve — a simple religion empty of all bigotry, full of trust and hope and love — then to you this world will give up all the Joy it has. P II— FATS GROUP II— FATS Fats combine with Starchy Foods — Group II. One or more cooked non-starchy vegetables — Group IV (1). One or more raw salad vegetables — Group IV (2). Fats combine with One or more cooked non-starchy vegetables — Group IV (1). One or more raw salad vegetables — Group IV (2). One sweet fruit — Group V. Fats combine with One or more cooked non-starchy vegetables — Group IV (1). One or more rarw salad vegetables — Group IV (2). One sour, acid fruit and one acid vegetable — Group VI. GROUP II FATS Animal Fats Butter Cream Margarine Oleomargarine Drippings Dard Suet Bacon Vegetable Oils Salad oils Cotton-seed Cocoanut Maize Olive Peanut Sesame-seed Nuts Almonds Beechnuts Hickory nuts Pecans Walnuts Ripe olives Avocado pears Fat Meats Beef Chine Duck Goose Ham Spare-ribs GROUP IV VEGETABLES Non-Starchy Artichokes. Jerusalem Asparagus Beets Brussel sprouts Cabbage* Cauliflower Carrots Celery Chayotes Corn, green Corn, canned Dandelion Egg-plant Kale Kohlrabi Leeks* Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard Okra Onions* Parsley Peas, green Peas, cannea Rutabaga Sarlsify (oyster plant) Spinach String beans Summer squash Swiss chard Chinese cabbage Tomatoes* Turnips Wax beans Lima beans ♦Acid Vegetable. Salad Artichokes, French Asparagus Cabbage* Carrots, small Cauliflower Celery Chili peppers Chicory Chives Cucumber Dandelion Endive Ga'rlic Greens — Beet tops Turnip tops Sour or narrow dock Kale Lettuce Mustard Mint Nasturtium — stem, leaves, flowers Olives, ripe Onions, young, raw Parsley Peppers Radishes Romain Spinach Sorrel Swiss chard Turnips, small Watercress FRUITS Sour or Add Apples Apricots Berries, all kinds Cherries Currants Dates Figs, fresh Grapes Grapefruit Leeks (acid vegetable) Lemons Limes Loquats Nectarines Orange Onions (acid vegetable) Peaches Pears Persimmons Pineapples Plums Pomegranate Prunes, fresh raw Quince Tomato (acid vegetable) GROUP V Sweet Fruits — Dried Apples Apricots Currants Dates Figs Prunes Raisins Jams Jellies Marmalade Preserves Honey Rhubarb Oranges Apples Grarpes Melons * FATS Average percentage of food elements and fuel values In calories Name g | S £ -S g d "s c ^ S 3 g ^ O £ h Butter 1 lb. % .. 109 Butter 1 cup S S 1736 Cottolene lib. % ■• 100 Cottolene 1 cup 6% .. 1575 Crisco 1 cup 6H ■• 1575 Cream 1 cup 7% 19 791 Lard ■ 1 cup S 1914 Olive Oil % .. 100 Peanut Oil Almonds lib. .. 21.0 54.9 Beechnuts lib. .. 21.9 57.4 Hickory Nuts lib. .. 15.4 67.4 Pecans 1 cup 51/2 60 990 Walnuts, English. .5 11 82 Olives, Ripe .. 1.7 25.9 Bacon .5 13 87 Avocado Fears. . . 2.2 17.3 Compiled from U. S. Bulletins, Free Feed a Family," Rose. 100-Calorie Portion Average Helping Fuel Value Per Pound 1 tablespoonful 1 tablespoonful 1 tablespoonful 1 tablespoonful 1 tablespoonful 1 tablespoonful 12 nuts 12 nuts 8 to 16 nuts 4 to 5 small slices 3488 ca: 1744 cal 4082 ca 1575 ca 4082 ca 836 ca 3828 ca 3030 ca 3075 cal 1145 ca: 3238 ca 3200 ca 1166 ca 2836 ca 854 ca es per lb. es per cup es per lb. es per cup es per lb. es per cup es per lb. es per lb. es per lb. es per lb. es per cup es per lb. es per lb. es per lb. es per lb. "Food Products." Sherman. 1914. Macmillan Co. "How To The amount of heat given off by a food product during the process of digestion is termed a calorie. A calorie is the quantity of heat which will raise the temperature of one gram of water — fifteen grains — one degree Centigrade. It is the unit of measure for fuel values of all food. When a food is completely digested the same amount of heat is produced in the body as if it were burned outside the body: for instance, one tablespoon of butter represents a hundred calorie portion — the amount of this particular food required to raise' the temperature one degree if it is perfectly digested. Thus, the digestive process, depends entirely upon the combinations, the preparation and the proportion taken. Digestion goes forward without the least thought on our part if the food Is taken in its pure natural state, perfectly prepared — by proper cooking and thorough mastication — chewing until every particle is in a liquid form. However, all food must bai used in moderation ,otherwise our best and purest foods aid in poisoning the body by retard- ing the digestion of other perfectly good food. Butter in its natural state is easily and entirely digested. One and a half to two ounces daily is the greatest of plenty of this pure food. It is almost pure carbon — producing heat and energy. Pure fats are neutral foods ,and will combine with all food groups. -STARCHES GROUP III— STARCH Combine — One starchy food. One or more non-starchy vegetables, cooked. One or more salad vegetables. One or more fats. iiAi III STARCHY FOOD Barley Buckwheat Corn meal Corn flour Corn starch Hominy Kaffir corn Macaroni Oats, rolled Oa-tmeal Popcorn Potato flour Rice flour Rye Sago Tapioca flour Whole wheat Wheat flour Graham flour Whole wheat flour Breads Cakes Pastry Puddings of grain flours Dextrinlzed foods Chestnuts, roasted Corn flakes Grapenuts Toasted corn biscuit Peanuts, roasted Shredded wheat Sweibach Triscuits Waffles, crisp Beans, dried Peas, dried Lentils, dried Peanut butter Chestnuts Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, sweet Yams Squash Bananas NON-STARCHY VEGE- TABLES Artichokes Asparagus Beets Brussel sprouts Cabbage* Carrots Cauliflower Celery Chayotes Corn, green Corn, canned Corn, on cob Dandelion Egg plant Kale Kohlrabi Leeks* Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard Okra Onions* Parsley Peas, green Peas, canned Salsify Oyster plant Spinach String beans, small Summer squash Swiss chard Chinese cabbage Tomatoes* Wax beans SALAD VEGETABLES Asparagus Cabbage Carrots, very small Cauliflower Celery Chili pepper Chicory Chives Cucumbers Dandelion Endive Garlic Greens — Beet tops Turnip tops Sour or narrow dock Horseradish* Kale Lettuce Mustard Mint Nasturtiums — stems, leaves, flowers Olives, ripe Onions, young, raw Parsley Peppers Radish Pomain Spinach Sorrel Swiss chard Tomatoes* Turnips, small Watercress * FATS Animal Fats Butter Cream Margarine Oleomargarine Drippings Lard Suet Bacon Vegetable Fats Vegetable oils Salad oils Cotton seed oil Cocoanut oil Maize oil Olive oil Peanut oil Nuts Almonds Beechnuts Hickory nuts Pecans Walnuts Ripe olives Avocado pears Ice cream, plain Ice cream and nuts *Acid Vegetables. Never use with Starches — Group III — Rich Starchy Foods. €■ STARCHES Average percentage of food elements and fuel values in calories Carbohydrates and Mineral Salts ^S lOO-Calorie Portion or Average Helping Fuel Value Per Pound Barley Flour one cup Buckwheat Flour. Cornmeal bread Popcorn Hominy Grits one cup Oatmeal muffins Oats, Rolled steamed Rice steamed Rye Macaroni cooked Wheat Flour loaf Graham Flour loaf Whole Wheat Flour loaf Bread, Ginger. . . . Cakes, Oatmeal. . cookies Pastry apple pie Pudding rice Corn Flakes heated Grapenuts heated Peanuts, Roasted one cup Waffles crisp Bread, Toasted brown thru' Beans, Dried baked Peas, Dried stewed Peas, Green one cup Corn, Green stewed Potatoes baked Potatoes mashed Bananas raw 2.6 % muffin 1.8 1.5 ple/e 2% in., 1 in., 1 in. 1.3 / .5 ^'cups 1.8 % muffin, 1 egg 2.15 1 cup A % cup 1.5 1.3 1 cup .5 2 slices, 3 in., 3% in., 3% in. 1.8 3 slices % in., 2 in., 3>4 in. 1.0 2 slices, 2Vi in., 2% in., Va, in. 2.9 piece 1 in., 1% in. ,2 in. 1.8 % cooky, 3 in. diam. 1.8 sector 1^ in., pie 9 in diam. .6 Vi cup 2.6 1V4 cup 3 tablespoonf uls 2.0 20-24 single nuts % waffle, 6 in. diam. 1.7 % slice 2.1 Vs cup — 583 calories 2.9 1 tablespoonful 1.5 1 cup .7 Vz cup (cob — 2 ears) 3.1 1 medium 1.5 1/^ cup scant .8 1 large 1603 calories 1577 calories 1620 calories 1826 calories 1608 calories 1811 calories 1811 calories 1591 calories 1626 calories 1625 calories 1625 calories 1189 calories 1113 calories 1198 calories 1625 calories 1233 calories 830 calories 2490 calories 1385 calories 1564 calories 1612 calories 1612 calories 459 calories 493 calories 493 calories 447 calories Compiled from U. S. Bulletin: "How To Feed a Family," Rose. "Food Products," Sherman. 1914, Macmilan Co., New York. $2.25. 1916. MacMillan Co., New York. $2.10. Let us use our favorite cook book and familiar recipes by making use of the substitutes. Quick breads have proven most satisfactory to solve the bread question. One-half cornstarch or tapioca flour with barley corn or oat flour for cakes has given good results. Rice flour makes fine pastry and waf- fles. Mashed potatoes may be used in muffins and cakes. Peanut oil, cottonseed or maize oil give ex- cellent results for the shortening and salads. Honey and syrups open an interesting study for the sweets, but remember less liquid is then required. It must be remembered that measures are not accurate and that more uniform results may be secured by weighing. For accuracy in the substitution of the various flours you will find the following table of much assistance. — U. S. Food Administraton. EQUIVALENT WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Wheat Flour Substitutes Rice Flour Oat Flour Buckwheat Ground and and Rolled Corn Fine Unit Bread Pastry Barley Oat Flour Cornmeal Cornmeal 4 Oz. 31/2 Oz. 2% Oz. 3% Oz. 4 0z. 4%Oz. 4% Oz. 1 Cup 113 Gr. 100 Gr. 76 Gr. 98 Gr. 109 Gr. 125 Gr. 133 Gr. Ozs. Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup 1 y* V4.( + ) % Vi<.+) % y*(-) H(-) 2 % %(+) % %( + ) V2 %(-) %(+) 3 % %(-) 1% %(-) % %(-) 3% % 1 1% 1 % %(-) % 4 1 1% 1% 1% 1 1 (-) %(+) 5 IVi l%(-f-) 1% 1%( + ) iy4 1% lVa(. — ) 6 1% 1%(+) 2% 1%( + ) 1% 1%( + ) 1% S 2 2Vi 3 2yi 2 1% 1%( + ) 10 2% 3% 2% 2% 2»4( + ) 2Vi(-) ( + ) Indicates generous measure. (— ) Indicates a scant VEGETABLES VEGETABLES Plants — Grains, Vegetibles and Fruits — hold the center place in all food combinations. They combine with all the food groups. The plants are Nature's great solvent factors — the harmonizing medium in the perfect digestion and assimilation of all our foods. This group, in the form of seeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, stems, bulbs, roots or tubers, should play a large part in our daily meal planning. All food groups and perfect combinations are shown on center sheet. NON-STARCHY VEGETABLES Artichokes, Jerusalem Asparagus (B-3.6) Beets (B-23.6) Brussel sprouts Cabbage* (B-IS) Carrots (B-24) Cauliflower (B-17.4) Celery (B-42.2) Cha^otes Corn, green (A-l.S) Corn, canned Corn, on cob Dandelion Kgg plant Kale Kohlrabi Leeks* Lettuce Iasturtiums — stems, leaves, Walnuts Pastry flowers Ripe olives (B-18.8) Puddings of grain flours )lives. ripe (B-18.8) Jnions, young, raw (B-3.1) 'arsley Avocado pear Ice cream, plain Dextrinized foods Chestnuts, roasted ^eppers Ice cream and nuts Corn flakes ladish (B-9.8) pinach (B-113) orrel wiss chard (B-41.1) Grapenuts Toasted corn biscuit Peanuts, roasted (A-7) Shredded wheat (A-3.3) Zweibach Triscuits Waffles, crisp Beans, dried (B-5) Peas, dried (B-1.5) 'omatoes* (B-24.5) 'urnips, small (B-7) V'atercress Lentils (A-1.5) Peanuts, butter Chestnuts Potatoes, Irish (B-8.6) Potatoes, sweet (B-5.4) Yams Pumpkin (B-5.7) ith Starches — Group III — Squash (B-6.1) Bananas (B-5.6) lition of the blood. normal blood. i-13). :akfast or lunch. Copyrighted, 1918. VEGETABLES Average percentage Mineral Salts in one-pound portions. 'm 6 s: c m =o 't. So oo o &<« zdZ Oh CM CO Seeds — Barley 025 Buckwheat 02 Cornmeal 015 Corn, Green 008 Oats 13 Rice 012 Rye 07 Whole Wheat 061 Patent Flour Beans — Dried 22 String 075 Peas — Dried 14 Green 04 Lentils 12 Fruits — Cucumber 022 Eggplant Melons — Musk 024 Water 02 Pumpkin 03 Squash 02 Tomatoes 02 Olives, Ripe 17 Flowers — Artichoke, French Cauliflower 17 Leaves — Dandelion Endive 14 Lettuce 05 Mustard 689 Parsley Romain Spinach 09 Watercress 26 Brussels Sprouts Cabbage 068 Stems- Asparagus 04 Celery 10 Rhubarb 06 Bulbs- Garlic Leeks OS Onions 06 Roots — Beets 03 Carrots 077 Horseradish 13 Parsnips 09 Radish 05 Turnips 089 Tubers — Potatoes — Irish 016 Sweet 025 Peanuts 10 13 .17 .03 .3 .116 .0011 055 .137 .05 .22 .014 .044 .0008 212 .458 .109 .872 .035 .215 .0036 045 .084 .028 .203 .05 .105 .0009 22 .60 .04 .81 .02 .17 .004 213 .519 .068 .902 .08 .17 .0053 25 1.40 .26 1.14 .03 .22 .0070 043 .28 .03 .12 .04 .0016 24 1.06 .16 .91 .04 .23 .0066 07 .30 .04 .26 .01 .06 .0016 05 1.75 .25 .66 .08 .0086 033 4") 034 35 065 56 07 ;o 02 17 028 40 014 .0003 007 02 026 .0008 02 .0004 025 .0029 015 022 IS .0006 .0008 05 07 .0006 .0005 03 243 .0013 .0005 .0020 Compiled from U. S. Bulletins by W. O. At^ Sherman. iter. Chemistry of Food and Nutrition by Henry C. T FRUITS— SUGARS GROUP V— SWEET FRUITS— DRIED OR VERY RIPE FRESH FRUITS With one of the Sweet Fruits combine — One or more non-starchy vegeables, cooked. One or more raw salad vegetables One meat food. SUGAR FRUITS True Sugars Apples Apricots Currants Dates Figs Prunes Raisins Jams Jellies Marmalade Preserves Preserved citron Preserved ginger Rhubarb, stewed Oranges, ripe, rarw Apples, ripe, raw Grapes, ripe, raw Honey Melons Casaba Christmas melon Cantaloupe Honey Dew Muskmelon Watermelon Non-Starchy Artichokes (Jerusalem) Asparagus Beets Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Carrots Celery Chayotes Corn, green Corn, canned Dandelion Eggplant Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard Okra Onions Parsley Peas, green Peas, canned Rutabaga Salsify (oyster plant) Spinach String beans Summer squash Swiss chard Chinese cabbage Tomato Turnips Wax beans Lima beans GROUP IV VEGETABLES Salad Artichokes (French) Asparagus Cabbage Carrots, small Cauliflower Celery Chili pepper Chicory Chives Cucumber Dandelion Endive Garlic Greens — Beet tops Turnip tops Sour or narrow dock Kale Lettuce Mustard Mint Nasturtiums — leaves, flowers, stems Ripe olives Onions, young, rarw Parsley Peppers Radishes Romain Spinach Sorrel Swiss chard Turnips, small Watercress MEAT FOODS Proteids Chicken Duck Goose Pigeon Turkey Rabbit Venison Wild fowl Beef, fresh, dried canned Brains Heart Lamb Liver Mutton Oxtail Pork Sausage Sweetbread Tongue Veal Wienerwurst Fish, all kinds Bass Cod Halibut Salmon Caviar Clams Crab Frog legs ^Lobster Oyster Shrimp Turtle Eggs Gelatine Junket Dairy Products Buttermilk Clabber milk Skimmed milk Whole milk Malted milk Cheese, all kinds American cheese Cottage cheese Nuts Almonds Brazil nuts Butternuts Beechnuts Cocoanut Filbert Hickory nut Pecans Pignolia Pinenuts Sabine Walnuts, black, English SWEET FRUITS— SUGARS Average percentage of food elements and fuel values in calories. II Name c 3 S P^ ■^ o^ o uS o Apple baked Apricots sauce Currants stewed Dates stewed Pigs stewed Prunes stewed Raisins stewed Rhubarb stewed Oranges. Sweet. . . raw Apples, Ripe raw Grapes, Sweet. . . . raw Honey Molasses Syrup, Maple pure Syrup, Corn Sugar, Brown Sugar, Granulated Chocolate 1 cup Chocolate, Milk. . . sweetened Cocoa 1 cup Compiled from tables in U. Ca rboh\ dratesand Mineral Salts . Average Helping Fuel "Value m a 100-Calorie Portion Per Pound a ^5? X ^ Dried u, tOM 5°?"J" *'""er or olive oil best food take much time. One should t^ethl^ ^fnn^Vl"''^' ^'^''^"'■bed by the skin. All this need not Think, feel and will elchmoverSent. ^ exercises and be dressed within a half hour. entir?ou'tCk"on' lltr'^he'ordinaV'cSi^od Mol-ntT ■?%'i'^ "'<"'"'"^ .^"-^ «^«"'"S changes the become a greeting filed with iHHn^^off?- ^°^^^^B. "often as secular as a snore" will soon fulness will tSt "'au omaTic greetlL ?f thp"h J^^^ .!'U'