■jCKflwawl HBBBnHh JlMMfcPiWMU HIft^Ka — ■HnHHHnHnnW MfiSPwiPflliHI WK S sO Bsa ess? H EH ■■■■■a H ■■I ns H 1 M .HHi Mi 1111111 nL 9111 EHi 1 k-*&. ;•;.,, «sa beep hh BHI ■^■^■■BBnHHinMMflHHHn huHm * JIB ■■■■■■ EHBbBBB KMDCStfjQNIM ■fflBS rafi! ESHhSs HI SBBfe EKB&i BwinH ■waragB I ■ ^■■HHMH ■f Bsa M HMUKSM ran BSE K3&5E wmmm man ■■■■■■■■Hi 9RI Ml HE 22SSB Bam ■■■■■1 Brail ImIIBmimI rIIIII HI W % : ^ c*° W <^V W ^ ^ q5 ^ A v V ' •V o ^0^ ^ •**. 7 9 to HOMCEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDIC A: BEING A SUMMARY OF THE CURATIVE ACTION THE PRINCIPAL REMEDIAL AGENTS EMPLOYED IN THE HOMOEOPATHIC PRACTICE. COMPILED FROM HAHNEMANN, JAHR, BOENNINGHAUSEN, HULL, TESTE, AND HEMPEL, AND FROM THE CLINICAL PROVINGS OF RUCKERT, HERRING, VANDERBURGH, BARLOW, AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS OF THE PROFESSION, TOGETHER WITH gtbfcriitons, Inferences, anfr Uoiea. M. FRELIGH, M. D., AUTHOR OF " FRELIGH'S HOMCEOPATHIC PRACTICE," " THE HOMCEOPATHIC POCKET COMPANION,' AND "HOMXEPATIA FAMILIAR," IN SPANISH ; MEMBER OF THE HAHNEMANN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, OF THE HOMCEOPATHIC MED. SOC. OF THE STATE OF NEW- YORK, OF THE HOMCEOPATHIC MED. SOC. OF THE COUNTY OF NEW-YORK, AND OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMCEOPATHY. N E W - Y O R K : PUBLISHED BY CHARLES T. HURLBURT, HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACEUTIST, No. 898 Broadway. Boericke & Tafel, New-York. Otis Clapp, Boston. C. S. Halsey, Chicago. E. A. Lodge, Detroit. 1870. o\ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, By Charles T. Hurlburt, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. Few men ever read a title-page in full, and fewer still ever read a preface, and the reading of an introduction is usually considered a work of supererogation, and tantamount to a read- ing of the book itself in advance ; for, in a general way, the introduction to a work is the statement of its plan, its contents, its arguments, and its conclusions, and in most cases it could be dispensed with to the comfort of the compositor, the reader, and the compiler, or author, as the case may be. Our title-page sets forth the main scope and design of the work, and the sources from which it has been collated, and that it is designed to pro- mote the use and progress of the Homoeopathic method of healing the sick, which knowledge is most needful to the world. For that the Homoeopathic law of cure is the only one founded in consonance with the great Creator's will, is no longer a prob- lem to be solved, because it is consonant with his fixed and immutable laws, stamped (at the creation) upon all sentient organized as well as inorganic or amorphous beings. IV PREFACE. I need not stop here to prove the truth of the above assertion, by a course of logical, argumentative ratiocination, because every man of good common sense, whose mind has not become narrowed, and judgment distorted, by the adoption of principles founded upon prejudice and in error, has been enabled to see its truth ; for it is a truth, in its very nature axiomatic. If he has observed even imperfectly, but impartially, the operation of the Homoeopathic method, and its success, as compared with either, or all of the other systems of medical practice, he must be con- vinced, although it may be reluctantly acknowledged. One great object of this little manual is to give the physician and student a short, clear, and easily understood, statement of the curative powers and virtues of the most important remedies used by the Homoeopathic school, without burdening the mind with the Titanic mass of symptoms (mostly useless) which are piled up in our Symptomen Codex, and other large works on symptomatic pathogenesis, to the discouragement and confusion of minds moulded in accordance with the common formula of patience and judgment. Those who have not devoted at least five or ten years to the study of the Pharmaco-dynamics of our methodus medendi, will find that this little work will enable them, with a comparatively small amount of labor and research, to prescribe in a large majority of the cases of acute disease with most gratifying l success; thereby accomplishing the triple service: 1st, to the PKEFACE. V person prescribing, from the facility in selecting the remedy ; 2dly, to the patient, in the promptness and perfection of the relief obtained ; and 3dly, to the cause of Homoeopathy in its greater acceptableness to the world at large, from witnessing the ease, pleasantness and success of the method in its practical application. Another important aim is, that the blank leaves interspersed between the several articles of the Materia Medica may invite physicians of our school (many of whom have become sage in medicine) to record the results of their clinical provings of the remedies, in cases of not frequent occurrence, and necessarily new to most of us. Also the influence of age, sex, tempera- ment, certain idiosyncracies, predispositions, etc., upon particular drugs ; the use of a drug in conditions not previously named in its curative sphere ; and thereby enable some person at a future day, by bringing together, duly collated, these several proofs, to construct a materia medica possessing the elements of reliability and perfection. Thus have we briefly stated the objects and design of the work, and such as it is, imperfect, doubtless, in many respects, it is given to the world, asking for it no other reception than the merit it deserves, and an appreciation of the intentions of THE COMPILER. PREFACE TO THE TWELFTH EDITION. Appreciating the very flattering reception which has been: extended to this work, the publisher, in issuing this (twelfth) edition, has endeavored to fully bring it up to the advanced state of medical science, and to place it foremost in the ranks of Practical Homoeopathy. In doing so, it has been necessary to incur a large expense in altering the stereotyped plates, in order to introduce the most thoroughly-proved and reliable of the "New Remedies" in their appropriate places, and in marginal "Notes." Also, in making large additions to the text, embracing those diseases, some of which have been but recently classified ; also, conditions and casualties that were unavoidably omitted in the other editions. In the present volume will be found Progress- ive Locomotor Ataxia; Oxaluria (oxalic lithiasis) ; Meningitis, cerebro-spinal ; Diseases of the Heart ; Hypertrophy, eccentric and concentric ; Pericardial Exudation (effusion Avithin the peri- cardium) ; Insufficiency of the Tricuspid Valves, of the Mitral, the Sigmoid, or Semi-lunars of the Pulmonary, and of the Aortic Orifices ; Pericarditis ; Endocarditis : Diphtheria ; Apparent Death from Drowning; Sun-stroke (coup de soleil); Neuralgia; Hic- cough ; Heart-burn ; Sour Stomach ; a chapter on External and Local Applications, and other additions and important alterations. And have also added the following Remedies, together with their synonyms, to the Materia Medica : Acid Carbolic, JEsculus Hip- pocastanum, Baptisia Tinctoria, Cactus Grandijiorus, Caulophyl- lum Thalictroides, Cedron, Chimamaphila Umbellata, Cimicifuga Raccmosa, Co'linsonia Canadensis, Cornus Circinata, Dioscorea Villosa, Erigeron Cana dense, Eupatoreum Purpureum, Gelseminum Sempcrvirens, Glonoine, Hamamelis Virginica, Hydrastis Cana- densis, Iris Versicolor, Leptandra Virginica, Phytolacca Decandra^ Rumex Crispus, Santonine, Sticta Puhnonaria, Veratrum Viride,. Zinc Valleriana, etc. Thereby hoping, from its completeness, that it will merit the reputation, and receive the liberal share of patronage, so gen- erously bestowed upon its predecessors. LIST OF EEMEDIES, THEIR SYNONYMS, NATIVITIES, AND ANTIDOTES. 1. Acidum Hydrocyanicum. Hydrocyanic Acid, Prussic Acid. A compound formed from the cyanurets of Silver, Muriatic Acid and water. It ex- ists to a great extent in the bitter kernels of fruit, such as bitter al- monds, peach-pits and blossoms, and the wild cherry. Antidotes for large doses, Ammonia, cold dash of water, Coffee ; small doses, Camph., Ipecac, Opi., Goff. 2. Acidum Muriaticum. Acidum Hydrochloricum. Muriatic Acid obtained by the action of Sulphuric Acid on Chloride of Sodium, or common salt. Antidotes for large doses, Magnesia Calcined, and other alkalies ; for small doses, Bry., Camph. 3. Acidum Nitricum. Nitric Acid, Aquafortis. Prepared from Nitrate of Potassa and Sulphuric Acid. Antidotes, Calc.-carb., Conium, Camph., Hepar-sulph., Sulph. 4. Aconite. Aconitum Napellus. Native of the Mountain Forests of France, Switzerland, and Germany. Antidotes, Camph., Nux-vom., Acetic Acid (Vinegar). 5. Agaricus. Agaricus Muscarius, B ig Agaric. A species of Mushroom, Europe and America. Antidotes, Camph., Coffea, Wine. 6. Alianthus. A Glandulosa. Tref of Heaven. Native of China. Anti- dotes, Camph., Ipeca., Nux-vom. Vlll LIST OF REMEDIES. 7. Aloes. Aloe Barbadensis, Aloe Hepatica, Aloe Socotrina. The inspi- sated juice from the leaves of the Aloe. The Cape and the Socotrine Aloes are the varieties most used in this country. The former is from the Cape of Good Hope ; and the latter from the Island of Socotra, in the Straits of Babelmandel. Its duration of action varies from one to fourteen days. Antidotes, for large doses, Opium ; and for small ones, the Vegetable Acids. 8. Alumina. Alum, Alum Stone, or Alum Ores. Is found in large quan- tities at Tolfa and Piombino, in Italy. Antidotes, Bryonia, Cham., Ipecac. 9. Ammonium Carb. Carbonate of Ammonia, Salts of Hartshorn. A com- pound of Carbonic Acid, Ammonia and "Water. Antidotes, Am., Camph., Hep.-sulph. 10. Anacardium. Malacca Bean. West Indies and other parts of tropical America. Antidotes, Camph., Coffea. 11. Angustura. Bonplandia Trifoliata, Galipea Officinalis, of the United States and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias. Native of South America. Antidote, Coffea. 12. Antimony Crude. Crude Antimony, Regulus of Antimony. A native mineral of France and Germany. 13. Antimonium Tartaricum. Tartarus Stibiatus, Tartarus Emeticus, Tar- tarized Antimony, Tartar Emetic. A preparation of Sulphuret of An- timony, Muriatic Acid, Mtric Acid, and the Bitartrate of Potassa. Antidotes, for large doses, Opii, China ; for small doses, Ipecac, Cocc, Opii, Puis. 14. Apocynum Cannabinum. Indian Hemp. United States. Antidotes, Bry., Chin., and Ipecac. 15. Apis Mel. Apis Mellifica, Honey Bee. United States. Antidotes, China, Arsen., Ipecac. 16. Arbor Vit^e. Vide Thuja, Thuja Occidentalis. 17. Argent-Nit. Argentum Mtratum, Nitrate of Silver. Silver, in its LIST OF KEMEDIES. IX mineral state, is found in Mexico, Peru, Norway, Hungary, and Tran- 83 T lvania, and in diiferen ; localities in the United States. Antidotes, Merc-cors., Natrum-muriat, Nit.-acid. 18. Arnica. Arnica Montana, Leopard's Bane. Native of the mountainous districts of Europe and Siberia, and the northern districts of this con- tinent west of the Mississippi (Nuttall). Antidotes, Camphor, Ignatia 19. Arsenicum. Arsenicum Album, Acidum Arseniosum, Arsenious Acid, White Arsenic. It is generally found in the form of the Gray Sulphu- ret or Bisulphuret, in Saxony, Bohemia, Transylvania, and in volcanic regions. Antidotes, for large doses, Hydrated Peroxyde of Iron, Ses- quioxyde and the Muriate Tinct. of Iron ; for small doses, Camphor, Chin., Ferr., Ipecac, Nux-vom. 20. Artemisia. Mugwort. Europe and America. Antidotes. 21. Asparagus. Asparagus Officinalis. Europe and America. Antidote, Coffea. 22. Assafcetida. Narthex Assafcetida. The gum-resinous exudation of Narthex Assafcetida. It is a native of Persia, Affghanistan, and other neighboring regions. Its juice is collected in large quantities in the provinces of Larr and Chorassan. Antidotes. Caust., Chin., Elec. 23. Aurum-foliat. Gold Leaf. Gold is now being found in large quanti- ties in California, Australia, and in the Southern States of the Union. Antidotes, Bell., Chin., Cuprum, Merc. 24. Aurum Nitro-muriat. Nitro-muriat of Gold. A compound of the metal wkh Mtro-muriatic Acid, {Aqua Regia.) 25. Baryta Carbonica. Carbonate of Baryta. The native Carbonate is found in Sweden, Scotland, and in the lead mines of the North of Eng- land. Antidotes, Sulph., Magnesia, for large doses; for small ones, Bell., Camph., Dulc., Merc. 26. Belladonna. Atropa Belladonna, Deadly Nightshade. Native of Eu- rope and America. Antidotes, Coffea, Camphor, Opii, Hyosciam, X LIST OF REMEDIES. 27. Benzoic Acid. Benzoin. Flowers of Benzoin. Distilled from the balsam or concrete juice of Sty rax Benzoin. The tree from which it is taken is a native of Sumatra, Java, Borneo. Laos and Siam. 28. Bismuthum. Bismuth, Nitrate of Bismuth. It is found principally ii* its metallic state in Saxony, and has been found at Monroe Conn. Antidotes, Gale, Caps., Nux-vom. 29. Borax. Borate of Soda. Borax is a native of the East, and is also found in South America. Antidotes, Coffea Cmd., Cham., Wine. 30. Bovista. Lycoperdon Bovista, Puff-ball. Europe and America. An- tidote, Camphor, 31. Bromine. Bromine is an elementary body, somewhat analogous to- Chlorine and Iodine. It has been detected in many of our mineral springs in New York and Pennsylvania. Antidotes, for large doses, are, Opii, Coff., Amm. ; for small doses, Coff., Camph., Ammonia. 32. Bryonia. Bryonia Alba, White Bryony. Native of Europe. Anti- dotes, Aconite, Cham., Ignatia, Nux-vom. 33. Calcarea Carb. Carbonate of Lime. Lime is an abundant natural production but never found pure. Antidotes, Nit-acid, Spts.-nit., and Sulph. 34. Calcarea Phos. Phosphate of Lime. A chemical combination of Phos.-acid and Lime. Antidotes, Nit.-acid, Sulph.-Acid. 35. Calendula. Calendula Officinalis, Marigold. A garden plant. Anti- dotes, Opii, Nux-vom., Ferr., Symph. 86. Camphora. Camphor is extracted from the Camphora Officinarum of Nees, or Laurus Camphora of Linnaeus ; it is an evergreen tree, native of China, Japan, and other parts of Eastern Asia. Antidotes, Opii, Spts.-nit.-dulc. 87. Cannabis Indica. Indian Hemp. Native of India, Persia, Caucasus. Antidotes, for large doses, Lemon Juice ; for small doses, Camph. 38. Cannabis. Cannabis Sativa. Hemp is a native of Caucasus, Persia,. LIST OF REMEDIES. XI and the hilly regions in the North of India, but is cultivated in Europe, Asia, and our Western States. Antidotes, for large doses, Citric-acia (Lemonade) ; for small doses, Camphor. 39 Cantharis. Spanish Fly. Cantharis Vesicatoria, " chiefly from Spain, Italy, Sicily, and other parts of the Mediterranean." Antidotes, for, large doses, Camphor, Spts.-nitre.-dulc. ; small doses A Camph. 40. Capsicum. Capsicum Annuum, Spanish Pepper. Cayenne Pepper, native of the warmer regions of Asia and America, and cultivated in most parts of the world. Antidote, Camph. 41. Carbo Animalis. Animal Charcoal. Antidote, Camph. 42. Carbo Vegetabilis. Vegetable Charcoal. Antidotes, Arsen., Camph^, Cqff., Lach., Spts.-nit.-dulc. 43. Causticum. Caustic of the Alkalies. Antidotes, Coffea, Colocynth y Nux-vomica. 44. Chamomilla. German Chamomile, Matricarid Chamomilla. A native of Europe, and occasionally cultivated in gardens. Antidotes, Coff., Ignatia, Puis. 45. Chtna. Cinchona Officinalis, Peruvian Bark. Native of Peru, not known to naturalists before 1737, discovered by a French Academic, in the province of Loxa. Antidotes, Arsen., Bell., Calc, Carbo.-veg., Cina., Ferr., Ipecac, Puis., Sulph., Nux-vom. 46. Cicdtae. Cicuta Virosa, Water Hemlock, Cowbane. European plant, growing on the borders of pools and streams. Antidotes, Tobacco, Opium. 47. Cina. Santonici Semen, European Wormseed Native of Persia, Asia Minor, and other parts of the East. Antidotes, Bry., Chin., Hyos. t Ipecac. 48. Cinnamomum. Cinnamon, Cinnamomum Cassia. The bark of the tree-,, native of Ceylon, and the Malabar coast. Xll LIST OF REMEDIES. 49. Clematis. Erecta, Clematis, Upright Virgin's Bower. Native of Eu- rope, a perennial plant. Antidotes, Bry., Camph. 50. Cocculus. Coceulus Indicus, Menispermum Cocculus of Linnaeus, Ana- mirta of Wright and Arnott. Native of the Malabar coast, and of eastern insular and continental India. Antidotes, Camph., Nux- vomica. 51. Coffea. Coffee, Coffea Arabica. The Coffee tree is a native of South Arabia, Abyssinia, and the western coast of Liberia ; subsequently in- troduced by the French into their West India Islands, and has made its ■way into various parts of tropical America. Antidotes, Aconite, Cham., Nux-vom. 52. Colchicum. Colchicum Autumnale, Meadow Saffron. Native of the temperate parts of Europe, where it grows wild in the meadows. An- tidotes, for large doses, Acetic Acid and Mel., (Honey and Vinegar,) Carb, or Aqu., Amm. ; small doses, Cocculus, Nux-vom., Pulsatil. 53. Colootnthus. Colocynth, Cucumus Colocynthus, Wild Cucumber. Native of Turkey ; it grows in various parts of Africa and Asia, and, according to Ainslie, in sandy situations near the sea in Lower India. Antidotes, for large doses, Tepid Milk, Infusion of Galls, Camph., Opii ; small doses, Camph., Caust., Cham., Coff., Staphysagra. 54. Conium. Conium Maculatum, Hemlock. Is a native of Europe, and has been introduced into the United States ; it grows along the road sides, and in waste grounds. Antidotes, Coffee, Spts.-nit. 55. Copaiva. Balsam Copaiba, an Oleo-resinous balm from the Copaifera Officinalis. Native of Venezuela, and the province of Carthagena. Most of the Copaiba of commerce is now derived from Para. Antidotes, Mercurius, and Merc-cors. 56. Corallium Rubrum. Red Coral (Isis Nobilis of Linn). Found at the bottom of the Mediterranean and other seas. 57. Crocus. Crocus Sativus, Saffron. Native of Greece and Asia Minor, and cultivated in different parts of the world. Antidote, Opium. LIST OF EEMEDIES. Xlll 58 Croton Tiglium. Tiglii Oleum, Croton-Oil. An oil expressed from the seeds of the Croton Tiglium. The tree is a native of Hindostan, Cey- lon, the Moluccas, and other parts of Continental and Insular India. Antidotes, Camph., Opii, Elaterium. 69. Cuprum. Cuprum Metallicum, Copper. Found in its mineral state in the United States, in the vicinity of Lake Superior, Pyrenees in France, Cornwall in England, and Fahlun in Sweden. Andidotes, for large doses, are Albumen, the White of Eggs, Sweetened Water, Milk sweetened with Sugar ; for small doses, Bell., Calc.-carb., Chin., Cocc, Merc.-cors., Nux-vom., Rhus-tox., Ipecac. 60. Daphne Indica. A species of Daphne, very closely resembling, both in appearance and medicinal action, the Daphne Laureola. Antidotes, Bry., Dig., Rhus., Sil., "Sepia., Zinc." 61. Digitalis. Digitalis Purpurea, Foxglove. Grows wild in most of the temperate countries of Europe, and cultivated as a garden ornament and for medicinal purposes in this country. Antidotes, for large doses, Vegetable Acids, Infusion of Galls, and Diffusible Stimulants, such as Brandy, Ammonia, etc. 62. Drosera. Drosera Rotundafolia, Sun-dew. Native of Europe. Anti- dote, Camphor. 63. Dulcamara. Solanum Dulcamara, Bitter-sweet. Common to Europe and North America ; it grows in damp and sheltered places on the banks of streams and along hedges. Antidotes, Camph., Ipecac, Merc. 64. Elaterium. The juice of the Momordica Elaterium, a native of South- ern Europe, also cultivated in Great Britain. It is brought principally from England, Malta. Antidotes, Nux-vom., Tart.-antim. 65. Electricitas. Electricity, Electric Bath., Electric Aura., Electric Spark, Electric Shock, Electric Current. Antidotes, Dash of Cold Water, Ignatia, Nux-vom., Can.-Ind., Zinc. 66. Euphrasia. Euphrasia Officinalis Eye-bright. Common to the United States and Europe. Antidotes, Camph., Pulsatil. XIV LIST OF REMEDIES. €7. Eupatorium. Eupatorium Perfoliatuin, Boneset, Thorough- wort. In- habits meadows, the banks of streams, and other moist places, in almost every part of the United States. Compares more particularly with Ipecac, Antim.-tart. 68. Ferrum. Ferrum Metallicum, Iron. Abounds in different parts of the United States, in the magnetic, brown, and argillaceous oxides. It is said that the ores of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, rival the best Swedish in quality. Antidotes, Arnica, Arsenic, Bell., Ipecac, Pulsatil., Mercury. 69. Ferrum Aceticum. Fer Acet, Acetate of Iron. Acetate of Iron is ob- tained, in solution, by dissolving the Sesquioxide of iron in Acetic acid. Antidotes, Am., Arsen., Bell., Chin., Hepar-sulph., Ipecac, Merc 70. Ferrum Iodatum. Fer Iod, Iodide of Iron. Prepared from Iron and Iodine, one part by weight of the former, to two of the latter. 71. Ferrum. Precip.-carb., Ferri sub carbonas, U. S. Ferri Oxidum Ru- brun, Ed., Precipitated Carbonate of Iron. Prepared from the Sulphate of Iron, and the Carbonate of Soda. 72. Ferrum Phos. Phosphate of Iron. A compound. Prepared from the Sulphate of Iron and the Phosphate of Soda. 73. Graphites. Plumbago, Blacklead, but more properly speaking a Car- buret of Iron. It is found in greatest purity at Borrowdale, England, and near Bustleton, in Pennsylvania. Antidotes, Arsen., Nux-vom., Vinum. 74. Gratiola. Gratiola Officinalis, Hedge Hyssop. Indigenous to the South of Europe, where it grows in meadows and moist grounds. 75. Granatum. Punica Granatum, U. S., Granati Radices Cortex. Back of the Pomegranate Root. Nativity on the shores of the Mediter- ranean, in Arabia, Persia, Bengal, China, and Japan. 76. Guiac. Guiacum Officinale. The resinous gum from the Guiacum LIST OF REMEDIES. XV Officinale, which grows in the West Indies, particularly Hayti and Jamaica. 77. Helleborus Niger. Black Hellebore, Christmas Rose. Native of the mountainous regions of Southern and Temperate Europe ; it is found in Greece, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, and Spain. Antidotes, Camph., China. 78. Hepar.-sulph. Hepar Sulphur, Liver of Sulphur, Sulphuret of Potas- sium. A compound of Sulphur and Carbonate of Lime. Antidotes, Bell., Cham. 79. Hydrocyanic Acid. Vide Acidum Hydrocyanicum. Prussic Acid. 80. Hyosctamtjs. Hyosciamus Niger, Black Henbane. Found in the north- ern and eastern sections of the United States — at Detroit and Ticonde- roga ; also in great abundance through different parts of Europe, of which it is a native. Antidotes, Vinegar, Bell., Camph. 81. Ignatia. Ignatia Amara, Faba Sancti Ignatii. Native of the Philip- pine Islands. According to Magendie and Delile, they act on the sys- tem similar to Nux- vomica. Antidotes, for large doses, Coffee ; small doses, Puis., Cham., Cocculus, Camph. 82. Iodine. Iodinum, an elementary non-metallic body, existing in certain marine vegetables, and in the animal kingdom ; Sponge, Oysters, Cod- liver Oil, and various Polypi ; also found in the Congress Spring at Saratoga. It is mostly obtained from kelp, the ashes of sea- weed. An- tidotes, for large doses, Starch, Milk, and sweetened water ; small dose3, Ant., Ars., Camph., Chin., Coff., Sulph. 88. Ipecac. Ipecacuanha, Cephselis Ipecacuanha. Native of Brazil, and most abundant within the limits of the eighth and twentieth degrees of south latitude. It also grows in New Granada. — Humboldt. Anti- dotes, for large doses, Tinct. of Galls ; for small doses, Am., Arsen., Chin., Nux-vom. 84. Jalap. Jalappa, Ipomcea Jalapa. Native of the State of Yera Cruz, in Mexico. Antidotes, Nxix-vom., Camph. XVI LIST OF REMEDIES. 85. Kali Carb. Carbonate of Potash. A compound manufactured from the sub-carbonate of Potasse, and the sub-carbonate of Ammonia. An- tidotes, Camph., Coffee, Spts.-nit. 86. Kali-Hydriodicum. Hydriodate of Potasse. A compound prepared from Iodine, Iron, Carbonate of Potash and water. There are, how- ever, several different formulae. Antidotes for large dosee, similar to those for Iodine; small doses, Valeri., Chin., Amm.-mur,. Sulph., Merc, Ars., Rhus. 87. Kali Bichromicum. Bichromate of Potash, prepared from the Neutral Chromate of Potassa and Sulphuric Acid. 88. Kreosot. Creasotum, Creasote, extracted from tar or pyroligneous acid. Antidotes, Chin., Ars., Ipecac, Cocc, Nux-vom. 89. Lachesis. Trigonocephalus lachesis. Antidotes, Arsen., Belladonna, Nux-vom., Rhus-tox. 90. Lactuca Yirosa. Acrid or strong- scented Lettuce. Native of Europe. Antidotes, Vegetable Acids, Coffee. 91. Latjrocerasus. Prunus laurocerasus, Cherry Laurel. Native of Asia Minor, but cultivated in Europe for its beauty and medical use. Anti- dotes, for large doses, Ammonia and other alkalies, strong Coffee and Mucilaginous drinks ; for small doses, Camph., Coffea, Ipecac., Opii. 92. Ledum Palustre. Rosmarinus sylvestris, Cistus ledon. A small ever- green, growing in swamps and other wet places in the northern parta of Europe, Asia and America. Antidote, Camph. 93. Lobelia. Lobelia inflata, Indian Tobacco; grows wild on the road sides and waste uncultivated grounds throughout the United States, and is cultivated by the Shakers for medicinal purposes. 94. Lupulus. Humulus Lupulus, Hops. Native of North America and Europe. Antidote, Coffee. 95. Lycopodium. Lycopodium clavatum, Club Moss. Native of Switzer- land and Germany. Antidotes, Camph. and Coffee. LIST OF REMEDIES. XV11 96. Magnetismus. Magnetism, Mineral Magnetism, Magnetized Plates, Bar Magnet, Magnetic Staff, Magnetic Battery, Compound Magnet, Mag- netic Collars, Girdles, Bracelets. 97. Mercurius Corrosivus. Mercurius Sublimatus Corrosivus, Corrosive Mercury, Corrosive Sublimate, Bichloride of Mercury, made from com- mon sea salt and quicksilver. Antidotes, Albumen (white of eggs) for large doses ; Hepar-sulph., Nit.-acid, and Aurum Nitro-muriat for small doses. 98. Mercurius DuLcrs. Merc. Dulc, Sweet Mercury. A Trituration of Calomel with sugar. Antidotes, Hepar-sulph., Sulph., Iodine, Nit-acid. 99. Mercurius Iodatus. Hydragyrum Iodatum, Protiodide of Mercury. Prepared from Mercury and Iodine, an ounce of the former to five drachms of the latter. 100. Mercurius Solubulus. Black Oxyd of Mercury. Prepared from the Protonitrate of Mercury and Ammonia. Antidotes, IT^par-sidph^ Nit. -acid. 101. Mezereum. Mezerion, Daphne Mezerium. Native of Great Britain. Antidotes, Mercury, Xit.-acid. 102. Moscnus. Musk. A. strong odorous concrete substance taken from the Maschus Moschiferous, (Musk Deer,) which inhabits the moun- tainous regions of Central Asia. Antidotes, Camph., Coffee. 103. Muriatic Acio. Vide Acidum Muriaticum. 104. Natrum Carbonicum. Carbonate of Soda, Natron. A combination of one equivalent of Carbonic Acid, with one of Soda. The native Soda is found in Hungary, Egypt, and South America. Antidotes, Ars., Camph., Spts.-nit. 105. Natrum Muriaticum. Muriate of Soda, Sodii Chloridnm, Chloride of Soda. It consists of one equivalent of Chlorine, and one of Sodiuio. common table salt. Antidotes, Ars., Camph., Spts.-nit 106. Nitric Acid. Vide Acidum Nitrieum. 7 XV1U LIST OF REMEDIES. 107. Nux Moschata. Nutmeg. A native of the Moluccas and other neigh- boring islands. Antidotes, Opii, Camph., Acetic Acid. 108. Nux-vomica. Strychnos Nux-vomica. The nuts or seeds of a tree indigenous to the East Indies, growing in Bengal, Malabar, and the coast of Coroinandel in Ceylon. Antidotes, Aconite, Camph., Coff., JPtdsatilla. 109. Oleander. Nereum Oleander; Laurel Rose. Native of the southern and tropical climates. Antidotes, Camph., Cocc, Nax-vom. 110. Opium. Gum Opii. The concrete juice of the unripe capsflles of the Papaver Somniferum. Native of Hindostan, Persia, Egypt, and the Asiatic dominions of Turkey. Antidotes, Coffee, Camph., Bell., Hyosciam., Ipecac, Nux-vom., etc. ; for large doses, a full emetic. 111. Petroleum. A dark, liquid bitumen, spontaneously flowing from the earth, Rock Oil, Barbadoes Tar. Principally found at Arniano in Italy ; at Gabian m France, and along the shores of the Caspian Sea ; also at different localities in the United States. Antidotes, Aconite, Nux-vom. 112. Phosphorus. Phosphorus is an elementary substance discovered by Brandt, an alchemist of Hamburg, in 1669. It is now manufactured from calcined bones, Sulphuric Acid, and Powdered Charcoal. Anti- dotes, for large doses, Emetics, Magnesia; in small doses, Camph., Nux-vom., Coff., Vin. 113. Phosphoric Acid. Prepared from Phosphorus and Nitric or Sulphuric Acid. Antidotes, Camph., Coffee. 114. Platina. Platinum. A metal found in the Parishes of Novita and Citaria, north of Choco in Peru, and near Carthagena in South America. Antidotes, Spts. -nitre, Puis. 115. Plumbum. Lead is generally found in the form of a Sulphuret called Galena. The most extensive region of Galena mines in the world ia in the United States, extending from Wisconsin to Arkansas, a breadth ^LIST OF REMEDIES. xix of about one hundred and fifty miles. Antidotes, for large doses, are Opii and Olive Oil. Olive Oil is a Prophylactic against its effects. 116. Plumbum Aceticum. Plumbi Acetas, Plumb., Acet., Acetate of Lead. Prepared from Lead and Acetic Acid. Antidotes, Opii, Nux-vom., Olive Oil. 117. Plumbum Cakbonicum. Carbonate of Lead, White Lead. Prepared by the action of Carbonic Acid Gas, and the Fumes of Vinegar, (Acetic Vapor,) upon thin sheets of Lead. Antidotes, Opii, Nux-vom. Olive Oil is a Prophylactic against its effects. 118. Podophyllum. U. S. Podophyllum Peltatum, May- Apple, Wild Lemon, Mandrake. It is an indigenous, herbaceous plant. Native of the U. S. Most luxuriant in moist, shady woods, and low, maushy grounds. Antidote, Nux-vom. 119. Podophyllum The active principle of the Podophyllum Peltatum. 120. Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla, Nigricans, Anemone Pratensis, Meadow Ane- mone. Native of Europe. There are several species in this country. Antidotes, Cham., Coff., Iynatia, Nux-vom., Vinegar. 121. Ranunculus. Ranunculus Bulbosus, Crowfoot. Native of Europe and America. Antidotes, Camph., Bry., Puis., Rhus-tox. 122. Raphanus. Sativus, Raph., Radish. Antidote, a few draughts of water. 123. Rheum. Rhubarb, the root of Rheum Palmatum. There are o£her varieties. Native of China, Turkey, and India. That of Turkey is most superior. Antidotes, Camph., Cham., Nux-vom.; in large doses, 124. RnonoDENDRON. Rhodod. Rhododendron Chrysanthum, Yellow Rose of Siberia. Antidotes, Camph., Clem., Rhux-tox. 125. Riius-Radicans. Poison Ivy, Poison Vine. Native of the Southern States. Antidotes. Bry., Camph., Coff., Merc, Puis., Sulph. 126. Riius-Toxicodendron. Poison Oak. Grows wild in the woods and XX LIST OF REMEDIES. along the roads from Canada to Georgia. Antidotes, Bry., Camph., Coff., Sulph. 127. Ruta. Rue, Ruta graveolens. Native of the south of Europe, but cultivated in our gardens generally for domestic purposes. Antidote, Camphor. 128. Sabadilla. Cevadilla, the seeds or fruit of the Veratrum Sabadilla. Native of Mexico. Antidotes, Camphor, Pulsatilla. 129. Sabina. Savin, Juniperus Sabina. Native of the south of Europe and the Levant ; it also grows wild on the borders of our north- western lakes. Antidotes, Camp, and Pulsatilla. 130. Sambucus. Sambucus Canadensis, Sambucus Niger, Elder. Native of Europe and America; it grows wild along fences and the borders of small streams. Antidotes, Arsenic, Camph. 131. Sanguinaria. Sanguinaria Canadensis, Blood Root. Native of North America, growing in abundance throughout the United States. 132. Sabsaparilla. The root of Smilax Officinalis. Native of Mexico, Guatemala, and the warmer latitudes of South America. There are different species throughout the United States. That of highest re- pute comes from Honduras. Antidote, Camphor. 133. Secale. Secale Cornutum, Spurred Rye, Ergot. A diseased fungous, or parasitic growth occupying the place of the healthy or natural seed of the Rye. Antidotes, Camph., Sol. -nig ; large or continued doses, Wine and Malt Liquors. 134. Senega. Sen, Seneka. Native of the United States;' it grows wild abundantly in the southern and western states. Antidotes, Am., Bell., Bry., Camph. 135. Senna. Senn, Senna Alexandria. Native of Egypt. 136. Senna Americana. Cassia Marilandica, American Senna, Common to all parts of the United States. LIST OF REMEDIES. XXI 137. Selenium. Selen. A rare substance, resembling Sulphur in its chem- ical relations, and found with it in some few localities. 138. Sepia. Sepia Officinalis. The Sepia used in medicine is the juice of the Cuttle-fish which inhabits the seas of Europe, especially the Mediterranean. Antidotes, Aconite, Spts.-nit.-dulc. , Tart-ant., Acetic Acid. 139. Sctllae. Scilla Maratima, Squill. Native of the sea-coast of Spain, France, Italy and Greece, and other parts bordering on the Mediter- ranean. Antidote, Camphor. 140. Silicea. Silex, Silica, Silicious earth. Found in districts abounding in lime stone, and in many of the minerals. Antidotes, Camph., Hepar-Sulph. 141. Spigelia. Spigelia Marilandica, Pink Root. Native of America; Spigelia Anthelmia, of South America and the West Indies. Anti- dotes, Aurum, Camph., Hyoaciam, Stramo. 142. Spongia. Sponge, (Marina Tosta) toasted Sponge, Spongia Officinalis of the Pharmacopceas, inhabits the bottom of the sea, and is attached to rock or other solid bodies; chiefly in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, and in those of the East and West Indies. Antidote, Camphor. 143. Stannum. Tin. Found in different parts of Europe, Mexico, and the United States. Antidote, Pulsatilla. 144. Staphysagra. Stavesacre, Delphinium, Staphysagria. Native of the South of Europe. Antidote, Camphor. 145. Stramonium. Datura Stramonium, Thorn-apple. Native of Europe, America, and Asia; grows most abundantly in the Uuited States, along the roads, about barnyards and commons. Antidotes, Vege- table Acids, Opii., Nux-vom., and Tabac. 146. Sulphur. Sulphur Sublimatum. Sulphur is generally found throughout the mineral kingdom ; is most abundant in volcanic countries. Antidotes, Aconite, Camph., Chin., Merc, Nux-vom., Puis. XX11 LIST OF REMEDIES. 147. Sulph.-acid. Sulphuric Acid, Acidum Sulphuricum. Oil Vitriol,, formed from Sulphur and Nitre. Antidote, Pulsatilla. 148. Tart. -emetic. Tartar Emetic. Vide Antimonium Tartarizatum. 149. Tabacum. Tabacum Nicotiana, Tobacco. Native of tropical America, but now cultivated extensively in the Southern States. Antidotes, for large doses, are Champhor. Wine, Amm. ; for small doses, Camph. ^ Ipecac, Bell., Nux-vom. 150. Teucrium. Teucrium,marum verum. Native of the south of Europe. Antidotes, Camph., Ignatia. 151. Theridion. Therid. See Archiv., Vol. xiv. 152. Thuja. Thuja Occidentalis, Arbor Vitse. Grows wild from Canada to Georgia, and is cultivated in the gardens as an ornament. Anti- dotes, Cham., Cocc, Merc. 153. Triosteum Perfoliatum. Triost. Perf., Triosteum, (U. S.) Fever Root. An indigenous and perennial plant found in various parts of the United States. Antidotes, Am., Amen., Chin., Nux.-vom., Ipecac. 154. Urttca Urens. Dwarf Nettle. Grows wild in Europe and America. 155. Valeriana Officinalis. Valerian, Valer. Native of Europe. An- tidotes, Camph., Coff. 156. Veratrim. Veratum Albrum, White Hellebore. A native of the mountainous regions of Continental Europe, most abundant in the Alps and Pyrenees, Antidotes, Aconite, Camph., Coffea. 157. Zincum Metallicum. Metallic Zinc. It occurs native in two principal States as a sulphuret, and as a carbonate or silicate, it is found in various parts of the world, but nost abundantly in Germany. Anti- dotes, Camp., Hep.-sulpJi., Igna. LIST OF REMEDIES. XX1U TINCTURES FOR EXTERNAL APPLICATION. Tincture of Arnica. Tincture of Ruta. " Symphytum. " TJrtica Urens. " Cantharides. " Camphor. " Thuja. " Aqua-ammonia. The Tinctures of Arnica. Symphytum, Thuja, and Ruta are used for Strains, Sprains, Bruises, Contusions, Wounds, and Corns. " " Urtica Urens, for Burns and Scalds. Cantharides, for Chilblains, and some forms of Erysi- pelatous Inflammation. *■ •• Aqua-ammonia and Tincture of Camphor for the bites and 6tings of insecta DURATION OF ACTION, OF THE REMEDIES, ESPECIALLY II CHRONIC DISEASES. Acidum Hydrocyanicum. even months. Acidum Muriaticum, Acidum Nitricum, Aconite, eight hours, or longer. Agaricus, tions. Alianthus, Aloes, Alumina Ammonium CarU, cases. Anacardium, Angustura, Antimony Crude, Antimony Tart, night. Apocynum Cannabinum, Apis-Mel, Arbor Vitas, duration < f action from an hour to weeks *nd " five weeks and upwards. " several weeks. " " from half-an-hour to forty- " " forty days in Chronic affec- " " from fifteen to thirty days. " " from two days to twenty. " " forty days in some cases M " forty days in some Chronic " " thirty days in chronic cases. " " from three to eight days. " " four weeks in Chronic cases. " " from two hours to a fort- " " several weeks. " " from two to four days. " " from four to sixteen days. DURATION OF ACTION. XXV Argentum Nitratum, in the circulation. Arnica, Arsenicum, chronic affections. Artemisia, Assafoetida, Asparagus, Aurum folia t, many cases. Aurum Mtro Muriat, affections. duration of action for years when carried up from six to ten days. from thirty to forty days in not definitely ascertained, from four to six weeks, from one to three days, from six weeks to years in several weeks in Chronic Baryta Carbonica, Belladonna, Benzoin (Benzoic Acid) to twenty-four hours. Bismuthum, Borax, Bovista, Bromine, short intervals. Bryonia, fifty days. from a day to months. of short duration, from six from five to seven weeks, four weeks, upwards of fifty days, requires to be repeated at from four to five days, and longer; sometimes from four to five weeks. Calcarea Carb., Olcarea Phos., Calendula, to ten days. Camphora, hours to three days. Cannabis Indica, Oannibis Sativa, duration of action upwards of fifty days. " " much the same as the Carb. " " similar to Arnica, from six " " of short duration, from four " from six hours to six weeks. " several weeks. XXVI DURATION OF ACTION. Cantharis, Capsicum, Carbo-animalis, Carbo-vegetabilis, Causticum, Chamomilla, China. Cicuta, Cina, Cinnamon, Clematis, Cocculus, CofFea, Colchicum, Colocynthus, Conium, Copaiva, Corallium Rubrum, doubtful utility. Crocus-Sat, Croton Tiglium, Cuprum, night. duration of action for weeks and even years. " " about three weeks. " " about forty days. " " about forty days. " " about fifty days. " " from three to four days. " " from two to three weeks*. " " from five to six weeks. six weeks. from eight to fourteen days-, about ten days, from days to weeks, from thirty to forty days, from thirty to fifty days, from one to three weeks, not ascertained, and of eight days and upwards, from four to twenty days, from eight days to a fort- Daphne Indica, Digitalis, Drosera, Dulcamara, from four to twenty days, from forty to fifty days, from two to three weeks. from six to fifty hours. Elaterium, Electricitas, months and years. Euphrasia, " from one to six days. " from a momentary shock to " from three to four weeks. Eupat< Ferrum Metal, that few remedies possess. Ferrum Aceticum, equal to the F. M. Ferrum Iodatum, Ferrum Precip. Carb., talicum. Ferrum Phos., DUKATION OF ACTION. XXVII duration of action from one to fifteen days. " " a degree of permanency " of long duration but not similiar to the Ferrum Me- Graphites, " it about fifty days. Gratiola, " « from three to twelve days. Granatum, " " of short duration, from a few hours to three or four days. Guiac, << a from four to five weeks. Helleborus Nig., « « from three to four weeks. Hepar-sulph., a " about eight weeks. Hydrocyanic Acid, tt (< from hours to weeks, and even months. Hyosciamus, it ti from eight hours to several weeks. Ignatia, u u from two to nine days. Iodine, u ti about six weeks. Ipecac, ti it from two hours to several days. Jalap, Kali Carb Kali Hydryodicum, from one to six or eight days. fx'om five to six weeks. for weeks and months, es- pecially in producing hemorrhagic diathesis. xxvm DURATION OF ACTION. Kali Bichromicum, duration of action from two days to three weeks. Kreosot, " " from two to twelve days. Lachesis, Xactuca Virosa, Laurocerasus, Ledum Palustre, Lobelia inflata, weeks. Lupulus, Lycopodium, from four to five weeks, not definitely ascertained, from eight to fourteen days, several weeks, from six or eight hours to from one day to twelve. from forty to fifty days. Magnetismus, Mercurius Cors. even years. Mercurius Iod., Mercurius Solub., Mezereum, and longer. Moschus, days. Muriatic Acid, similar to electricity. from days to weeks and " from six days to six weeks " from a few hours to several " five weeks and upwards. Natrum Carbonicum, Natrum Muriat., Nitric Acid, Nux-moschata, weeks. Nux-vomica, days. " from thirty to forty days. tt (< « " for several weeks. " -from eight days to three " from fifteen to twenty-one Oleander, Opium, " " not definitely ascertained. u " from a few hours to months. Petroleum, weeks. Phosphorus, " definitely ascertained. Phosphoric Acid, " definitely ascertained. Platina, Plumbum, " days, paralysis weeks and months. Plumbum Acet. " above. Plumbum Carb. " Podophyllum Peltatum, " Podophyllin " " Pulsatilla, " DURATION OF ACTION. XXIX duration of action from ten days to three " " of long duration; time not " " of long duration ; time not " from three to six weeks. " colicky from one to ten " of shorter duration than the " similar to Plumbum. " from ten to twenty days. " similar to the Podoph. Pel. " from one to ten days. Ranunculus, M night Raphanus Sat., « three days. Rheum, M Rhodadendron, $« Rhus-radicans, it Rhus-toxicodendron, a Ruta, M Sabadilla, M weeks. Sabina, U weeks. Sambucus, M days. Sanguinaria, M " from eight days to a fort- " from a few hours to two or " from one day to seven. " from one to six weeks. " from five to seven weeks. " from one to three weeks. " not definitely ascertained. " from six or eight hours to " from six or eight hours to " from one to eight or ten " from six to forty-eight hours. XXX Sarsaparilla, eases. Scilla?, twelve days. Secale Cornutum, Senega, Senna, hours. Senna Araer., Selenium, Sepia, Silicea, that of Calcarea. Spigelia, rasus and Digitalis. Spongia. Stannum, fully known. Staphysagra, Stramonium, Sulphur, three weeks. Sulphuric Acid, DURATION OF ACTION. duration of action a long time in chronic dis- " " from a few hours to ten or " " from eight to fourteen days. " " from six to ten days. " " from six to twenty-four it (t << « " " from one to six days. " '* of long duration similar to " " similar to that of Lauroce- " similar to that of Iodine. " of long duration ; time not " from thirty to forty days. " from six days to two and from two to ten days in strains; much longer in Chronic diseases. Tabacura, Tartar Emetic, night. Teucrium, Theridion, Thuja, Triosteum, from one day to thirty, from two hours to a fort- from two to nine days, not definitely ascertained, from four to sixteen days, from four to six days. Urtica Urens, burns. Valleriana Officinalis, six. Veratrum, eight days. Zincum Metal hcum, alysSa, DURATION OF ACTION. XXXI duration of action from one hour to a week in *' " from four hours to thirty- " " from one hour to six or " " from oue day to ten in par- MATERIA MEDICA (NEW REMEDIES.) ACID CARBOLIC. CARBOLIC ACID PHENOL. (Hydrated Oxyde of Phenyl.) Carbolic Acid in its chemical deportment stands very near the alcohols. " When pure, it forms in long prismatic needles," which melt to a fluid at 95° F. It resembles kreosote in many particulars. Recently, it has become a very general remedy as a disinfecting agent, and has been used with marked suc- cess in catarrhal affections and in ulcerated or putrid sore throat; also, as an external application in compound comminuted fractures, indolent ulcers, and parts threat- ening gangrene. For catarrh, old ulcerated condition of the nostrils, and in cases of ulcerated or putrid sore throat, dissolve from five to ten grains of the crystals in four ounces of water, or mix from ten to twenty drops of the ninety per ceut. acid, in four ounces of water, and apply by means of the Patent Spray, or Galvante's Vaporizer, injecting 630 ^ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. the spray up the nostrils ; also similarly when using it for throat affections.* External. — When used in cases of contusions, old indolent ulcers, and injured or ulcerated parts threat- ening gangrene, the strength of the remedy should be increased to three or four times the above. Disinfectant. — When used as a disinfectant, saturate a piece of thick spongy paper or a piece of felt with the acid, of about ninety per cent., and lay it on a plate, which may be placed in any part of the premises desired ; or it may be mixed with clay, forming the celebrated "Egyptian Powder." Many mix it with an equal weight of gum camphor, which, to a great extent, does away with its very disagreeable odor. *Note. — The above proportions are merely as guides for its use, as it is used iu various strengths. Some of the Allopaths use it after the following formulae, in catarrhal and throat diseases: ti« Crystals Carbolic Acid, grs. xxx. Vin. Opii, oz. Mt Aqua Purse, oz. vi. Mix. Apply as above. jESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. (HORSE CHESTNUT) General Symptoms. — Feeling of fatigue and extreme illness ; tottering gait ; faintness, and general prostra- tion ; catarrhal and rheumatic difficulties. Sleep. — Constant yawning and sleepiness. Fever. — Chilliness; short rigors, alternating with flashes of heat, yawning, and stretching ; weakness and lowness of spirits. JESCULUS HIPPO C AST AN UM. 631 Sensorium. — Confused after waking from sleep ; ver- tigo, especially in the afternoon. Head. — Aching in the forehead; giddiness; confused, intoxicated feeling; general headache ; heat in the head -and eyes ; dull pain in the forehead, with fluent coryza. Eyes. — Weight and heat in the eyes ; burning and stinging in the left orbit ; quivering in the eyelids. Ears. — Sense of heat and burning in the ears. Nose. — Fluent coryza ; sensitiveness and raw feeling in the nostrils ; irritation, as if from taking cold ; ca- tarrhal symptoms. Face. — Twitching under the left eye ; heat and red- ness of the left cheek. Mouth. — Bitter taste ; metallic taste ; sweet taste ; burning in the mouth ; stinging at the tip of the tongue ; soreness of the tip of the tongue. Throat. — Pain and contraction in the throat ; dispo- sition to hawk ; dryness of the throat; burning sensa- tion ; stinging in the fauces and palate ; congestion of the tonsils ; pains of a neuralgic character. Chest. — Burning in the chest ; tightness ; rheumatic pains ; pains in the breast-bone ; lacerating, aching, or shooting pains in the region of the heart, sometimes of a neuralgic, burning, or stitching character. Stomach. — Nausea ; vomiting ; burning sensation and heartburn ; fullness, and a degree of uneasiness ; flatu- lent condition, with eructations ; tremulous sensation ; pains, aching, sharp-flying, or twisting ; indigestion. 632 BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. Abdomen. — Cramps ; constricted pinching and prick- ing pains ; pains in the right or left hypochondriac regions; colicky and rumbling pains in the umbilical region; neuralgic pains in the right inguinal region. Stool. — Flatulent condition, with desire to go to stool ; pressure and bearing down with constipation ; soreness of the rectum ; piles ; piles, with severe pain and soreness ; bleeding piles ; excessive burning and itching of the anus. Back. — Pain in the small of the back ; lameness and weariness ; pains of a rheumatic character ; aching and stiff feeling when moving. Extremities. — Rheumatic pains ; paralysis of the right arm ; aching of the knees and legs, with weariness. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. {WILD INDIGO.) General Symptoms. — Prostration ; weak and tremu- lous ; intolerance to pressure ; want of mental and physical vigor ; rheumatic pains and soreness ; swelling of the tonsils, and of the cervical and inguinal glands. Nervous System. — Numbness ; sensation of paralysis. Fever. — Uncomfortable feeling of heat ; chilliness during the day, and fever at night ; fevers, when there is a disposition to wander ; typhoid fever ; fevers attended with nausea and dark-colored diarrhoea. Mind. — Restless, uneasy and gloomy state of mind. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. 633 Sleep. — Restless sleep ; sleep full of dreams and troubles. Head. — Heaviness ; vertigo ; pains in the temple ; sharp pain in the forehead ; pain over the right eye ; heavy pressive headache, aggravated by motion; peculiar feeling of confusion and numbness of the brain, with occasional stitches. Eyes. — Feeling of pressure on the eyes, with confusion of sight; vertigo, with sensation of paralysis of the eye- lids ; eyes smart and ache ; congestion of the vessels of the eyes. Nose. — Catarrh, with dull pain at the root of the nose ; drawing pains along the nose ; discharge of thick mucus. Face. — -Flushes; burning heat. Ears. — Deafness, or imperfect hearing ; roaring in the ears ; confusion. Mouth. — Flow of saliva ; ulcers in the mouth ; dry burned feeling of the tongue ; tongue coated, yellow in the centre, or yellowish-brown ; soreness of the teeth and gums ; oozing of blood from the gum-. Throat — Constrictive feeling, causing frequent efforts to swallow ; soreness, with scraping and burning. Chest. — Oppressive breathing ; pulsations through the chest. Stomach. — Distress ; severe pains and disposition to vomit ; dull pain in the epigastrium, returning at short intervals ; frequent eructations ; nausea, followed by vomiting ; indigestion. 634 CACTUS GRANDIFLOEUS. Abdomen. — Pain in the region of the liver ; colicky pains around the navel ; soreness of the abdominal muscles ; distended condition, and pain upon pressure. Stools. — Constipation ; vomiting, with diarrhoea of dark discharges ; dark offensive stools, at times mucous and bloody. Urinary Organs. — Urine high colored and not co- pious, occasioning slight burning in the urethra. Female Genital Organs. — Increased menstrual flow, and appears too soon. Back. — Pain in the small of the back ; back and hips feel sore and stiff; heat radiating from the small of the back. Extremities. — Drawing pain in the right groin and testicle ; drawing pains in the knees and legs ; burning of the feet ; burning and aching of the limbs, preventing sleep. CACTUS GRANDLFLORUS. (NIGHT BLOOMING CERE US.) General Symptoms. — General debility, with sadness and ill-humor ; weakness, and a disposition to remain quiet ; does not wish to do anything, not even to talk, or take the most gentle exercise ; general depression and languor. Sleep. — Sleeplessness at night ; sleepless and restless from an unpleasant throbbing, in the pit of the stomach and in the right ear ; protracted sleeplessness, witb CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. 635 pulsations in both ears ; restless during the first part of the night; wakes suddenly; sleep interrupted; talks while asleep ; slight delirium at night. Fever. — Coldness at night ; chilliness in the evening ; burning heat, causing shortness of breath and inability to remain in bed ; intermittents, with daily paroxysms ; catarrhal, rheumatic, and gastric fevers. Mind. — Sad, gloomy and melancholic ; does not wish to speak ; avoids society, and is in an irritable mood. Head. — Violent' pain in the head ; pain in the head, with prostration and weariness ; throbbing pain in the head, with sense of weight in the right side ; severe head- ache, increased by sound or motion ; pressing pain in the forehead, aggravated by light or noise ; sensation of weight in the right temple and over the right brow ; severe throbbing in the temples and ears. Eyes. — Temporary loss of sight ; short-sighted; period- ical weakness of sight ; amaurosis. Ears. — Throbbing in the ears ; noise in the ears like the running of water ; buzzing in the ears ; painful inflammation in the ear. Nose. — Cannot breathe through the nostrils ; acrid corrosive coryza ; bleeding from the nose. Throat and Chest. — Constriction of the throat ; diffi- culty in swallowing ; cough and expectoration ; oppres- sion of the chest ; difficult breathing. Heart. — Unpleasant sensation ; a degree of uneasiness in the region of the heart ; constricted condition ; dull 636 CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. heavy pain in the region of the heart ; pain increased by pressure ; pricking pain ; acute pain and stitches in the heart ; palpitation, continuing night and day, aggravated by exercise and when lying on the left side; nervous palpitation ; palpitation from mental emotions ; acute and chronic inflammation of the heart ; enlargement, attended with dropsical swellings of the extremities — or dropsical swellings of the hands, especially of the left hand, following or attending chronic carditis ; chronic inflammation of the heart, or valvular insufficiency, attended with blueness of skin, especially of the face. Appetite. — Loss of appetite and of taste ; or great appetite and slow digestion. Stomach. — Acidity ; sour risings in the throat ; burn- ing sensation ; constriction and burning in the region of the stomach, and strong pulsations ; oppression ; weight and heaviness in the stomach. Ltver. — Acute inflammation of the liver ; chronic inflammation and congestion. Abdomen. — - Distressing flatulency ; violent pains ; pains in the umbilical region, recurring periodically; inflammation of the bowels ; severe burning sensation. Stool. — Constipation, or bilious diarrhoea; copious watery diarrhoea; mucous diarrhoea, preceded by pain ; pressing and bearing down ; pricking in the anus. Urinary Organs. — Constriction in the neck of the bladder ; inability to urinate ; frequent desire to urinate, passing large quantities ; irritation in the urethra, with water passing in drops, attended with burning and scald- ing ; urinating in bed whilst asleep. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. 637 Superior and Inferior Extremities. — Heaviness in the arms, worse in the left ; swelling of the hands, worse in the left ; swelling of the feet and legs ; erup- tions and itching of the ankles. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. (BLUE COHOSH.) Caulopkyllin, the active principle. General Symptoms. — Sensation of quietude, languor, and disposition to sleep ; fine prickling sensation ; in- creased mental and physical vigor ; tremulous weakness of the whole system ; hot dry skin in the morning. Sleep. — Restless after 3 a. m. ; restless from rheumatic pains ; sleepy during the day and restless at night. Head. — Dizziness, with dimness of sight ; fullness of the head, with pressure behind the eyes ; severe pain in the head; severe pain in the forehead, with a pricking sensation ; severe contractive pains in the temples. Eyes. — Dimness of sight ; pressure behind the eyes ; aching of the eyes. Nose. — Drawing pains in the nose. Mouth. — Dryness of the mouth ; inclination to swal- low ; teeth feel sore and elongated ; white coat on the tongue. Stomach. — Fullness in the stomach ; empty eructa- tions ; thirst ; voracious appetite, with white coated tongue ; sour and bitter eructations ; burning in the stomach. 63S CEDRON. Abdomen. — Distended, with slight tenderness ; col- icky pains in the umbilicus, recurring at short intervals. Urinary Organs. — Copious discharge of light colored urine ; occasional stinging pains in the glans. Female Generative Organs. — Fullness, heaviness,, and tension in the hypograstic region ; drawing in the groins ; menses too soon ; bearing-down pain. Extremities. — Drawing pains in the legs, ankles and toes ; cracking of the joints ; pain in the feet and toes,, worse at night. CEDRON. SIM ABA CEDRON. Fever. — Intermittents ; intermittents, with chilliness in the forenoon and fever in the afternoon ; shuddering chilliness, increased by motion ; general malaise and de- sire to lie down ; fevers from verminous irritation ; icy coldness of the nose, hands and feet ; convulsions. Head. — Heaviness of the head ; pain in the orbits of the eyes, extending to the back of the head ; pressure in the right temple. Mouth. — Metallic taste ; itching of the tongue ; pro- fuse flow of saliva. Appetite. — Variable ; perfect disgust, or rather vora- cious. Chest. — Heavy oppressed feeling ; suffocative feeling ; a desire to take a long breath. Stomach and Bowels. — Pain and uneasy sensation in CHIMAMAPHILA UMBELLATA. 639 the stomach ; colicky pains ; flatulent condition of the bowels ; constipation ; thin curdy or watery evacua- tions ; irregularities from verminous irritation. Back and Extremities. — Pain in the back ; lame weary feeling in the back and hips ; passing pains in the joints, especially in the elbows ; great weakness and weariness of the limbs. Note. — This remedy has acquired a great reputation in the vicinity of New Granada and Central America by its empirical use as an antidote against the bite of venomous serpents and reptiles ; also in cases of hydrophobia. — Vide U. S. Dispensatory and Testes' Materia Medica. CHIMAMAPHILA UMBELLATA. PIPSISSEWA {Prince's Pine.) General Properties. — Externally, rubefacient and vesicating ; internally, mildly astringent and tonic. Therapeutic. — In scrofula, dropsies, and urinary dif- ficulty ; excessive itching and pain in the urethra ; ana- sarca or dropsy secondary to nephritic difficulties or succeeding fevers. Chest and Abdomen. — Difficult breathing ; threatened suffocation from dropsy of the chest ; distended abdo- men from ascites. Limbs. — (Edematous condition ; rheumatic pains ; feel- ing of weakness ; scaly itching eruptions in the joints. Female Organs. — Heavy pressing-down pains ; unea- siness in the pelvis ; leucorrhoea ; frequent desire to urinate ; painful urination ; catarrhal condition of the bladder. Note. — The above remedy, known throughout the country as Prince's Pine, has achieved quite a reputation by its empirical use as a remedy in the various forms of dropsy. 640 CIMICIFUGA EACEMOSA. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. BLACK COHOSH. General Symptoms. — Tired, nervous weakness in the afternoon ; restlessness in the afternoon ; feeling of un- easiness; sore bruised feeling; rheumatic pains. Sleep. — Restless at night ; short sleep ; restless and wakeful the latter part of the night ; unpleasant and troubled dreams. Head. — Dull heavy pain in the head ; fullness in the forehead ; remitting headache ; pains over the eyes ; heaviness of the eyes ; headache of nervous and hysteri- cal females. Mouth. — Unpleasant taste ; dry in the morning ; dry- ness and soreness of the lips ; offensive breath ; swelling of the tongue and fauces. Throat. — Dryness, with inclination to swallow ; sore- ness of throat when swallowing hoarseness ; roughness and scraping in the throat, worse on the left side. Stomach. — Eructations and nausea ; loss of appetite ; faint feeling in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. — Flatulence ; pain in the umbilical region; pain in the left hypochondria. Male Genital Organs. — Pain and retraction of the right spermatic cord ; pain and tenderness of the testicles. Female Genital Organs. — Leucorrhoea ; profuse menstruation ; feeling of heaviness ; bearing down ; pricking sensation in the breasts ; suppression of the lochia ; puerperal mania. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. 641 Extremities — Dull pain in the right arm ; muscular soreness ; pain in the shoulders ; pains of a rheumatic character in the back, hips and legs. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. STONE ROOT. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains, mostly in the hypogastrium, and of a violent character ; fainting and great prostration. Skin. — Yellow around the eyes. Sleep. — Drowsiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night. Head. — Dull pain in the forehead ; pain in the right temple. Mouth. — Bitter taste ; tongue coated yellow in the centre. Stomach. — Distress, with nausea ; nausea while sit- ting ; aching distress in the region of the stomach. Abdomen. — Sharp cutting pains low down upon one side, with desire for stool ; constipation ; bloody and bilious stools. Urinary Organs. — Urine high colored and scanty. Extremities. — Pneumatic pains in the arms and hands j severe pain in both knees, passing down to the feet on the inside. 41 642 CORN US CIRCINATA. CORNUS CIRCINATA. ROUND LEAVED DOGWOOD. {Green Osier). General Symptoms. — Ailments of the stomach and bowels ; diarrhoeas dark and bilious, with dysenteric symptoms j cholera infantum; biliary derangements; shooting pains in the head ; drowsiness and jaundice symptoms. Skin. —Itching and burning ; pricking sensation. Sleep. — Deep but unrefreshing sleep ; unpleasant dreams ; stupid sleepy feeling, with burning of the face, hands and feet. Head. — Heavy dall pain ; drowsy and stupid con- dition ; aching pain in the temples ; throbbing pain in the back part and sides of the head ; sharp shooting pains through the brain. Eyes. — Pain in the eyes ; jaundiced appearance ; dark circle beneath the eyes. Nose. — Itching of the membrane ; pricking sensation ; coryza in the morning. Mouth. — Pungent bitter taste ; smarting sensation in the mouth and throat ; white fur on the tongu<\ Stomach. — Bitter taste ; nausea and aversion to food ; faint feeling in the stomach ; griping pains in the bowels, with flatulence ; pressing pain in the rectum ; burning and excoriating feeling of the anus. Urine. — Frequent inclination to pass water ; urine scanty. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 643 Back. — Dull pain in the small of the back, with drow- siness ; pain aggravated by stooping. Extremities. — Burning and itching in the hands and arms ; cold hands ; sense of weakness and weariness in the limbs ; pricking sensation in the legs ; itching in the evening. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. WILD YAM ROOT. Dioscorin, the active principle. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Rheumatic symp- toms, worse at night and early in the morning ; first hour, the pains are aggravated by motion ; after that, motion relieves them. Mind. — Sad, depressed, dispirited. Head. — Dull pain; pain in the forehead; cutting pain in the temples. Stomach. — Eructations; distress in the stomach, worse in the afternoon and evening ; tearing pain in the region of the gall-bladder. Liver. — Sharp, cutting pains in the region of the liver. Stool. — Dark, dry, hard stool ; lumpy and irregular ; haemorrhoidal tumors ; copious yellow stool, followed by a weak faint feeling ; the stool does not relieve the pain in the bowels. Back. — Dull aching pain in the small of the back, and between the hips ; stiffness of the back ; stooping produces pain in the back. 644 ERIGERON CANADENSE. Extremities. — Drawing pains ; cutting pains in the wrists, hands and fingers ; pains in the ankles, feet and toes ; stiffness of the feet and toes in the morning. ERIGERON CANADENSE, CANADA FLEABANE. Skin. — Heat and burning sensation ; small fine vesi- cles. Sleep. — Restlessness. Mind. — Languor, lassitude, and melancholy. Head. — Morning headache ; dull headache, with sing- ing in the right ear ; headache, with pain in the large joints. - Eyes. — Smarting ; agglutination of the eyelids in the morning ; muco-purulent discharge. Mouth. — Flat taste in the morning. Throat. — Dryness and roughness, producing an in- clination to swallow. Stomach. — Nausea ; eructations ; nausea and vomit- ing ; burning sensation. Abdomen. — Dull pains of a rheumatic character; colicky pains in the umbilicus ; pains in the region of the liver and spleen. Urinary Organs. — Severe pain in the region of the left kidney; pain in the right side of back, passing down to the testicle ; urine dark colored at first, then becoin- EUPATORIUM PURPUREUlM. 645 ing light colored and copious; gonorrhoeal and gleety discharges, attended with burning and scalding. Extremities. — Rheumatic pains in the right arm, hand and thumb ; aching in the hips and knees ; drawing pain in the left ankle joint, aggravated by motion; the pains worse in stormy weather. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. QUEEN OF THE MEADOW. Head. — Dull, heavy, sleepy, sensation; as if falling to the left ; lightness of the head in the morning ; soreness of the scalp. Eyes. — Earnest look ; increased lachrymation. Ears. — Loud reports • cracking and squeaking sounds in the ears. Nose. — Thin watery discharge. Face. — Heat in the face, and flushed. Mouth. — Increased flow of saliva ; gums red and hot ; pricking and stinging in the tongue. Throat. — Smarting and burning, most severe in the back part ; roughness and dryness. Stomach. — Belching up wind ; nausea ; flatulent con- dition of the bowels ; pain and soreness of the abdomen. Stool. — Pressure on the rectum; pain as if from diarrhoea. Urinary Organs. — Almost constant desire to urinate ; pressure on the bladder. 646 GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS Back.— Pains of a neuralgic character, from below upward ; stiffness in the nape of the neck. Extremities. — -Tired, weak, uneasy feeling ; wander- ing rheumatic pains ; gnawing pain in the hip ; numb- ness in the hip and groin. GELSEMINUM SEMPERVIRENS. YELLOW JESSAMINE. Gelsemhi, the active principle. Mind. — Irritable ; impatient ; incapacity to think ; confusion and depression of spirits. Sleep. — Restless, with unpleasant dreams the last part of the night. Head. — Pain across the forehead ; aching pain in the back part of the head after breakfast; pain extending from the back to the fore part of the head ; bruised pain over the eyes ; dizziness. Eyes. — Heaviness of the eyelids ; pain in the orbits ; dimness of vision ; confused sight ; sensitiveness to light in the evening ; amaurosis ; deep-seated pain in the left eye. Ears. — Temporary loss of hearing ; roaring in the ears ; pain behind the ears. Nose. — Tingling in the nose ; sneezing ; watery dis- charge; bloody mucous discharge. Face.— Measley eruption on the face ; sallow com- plexion. HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. 647 Mouth. — Stiffness of the jaws ; difficulty in opening the mouth; dryness of the mouth and throat ; difficult swallowing. Stomach. — Nausea; hiccough, and foul eructations; bitter bad foul taste. Abdomen. — Flatulent condition; periodical pains, with yellow diarrhoea; aching in the umbilicus. Male Genital Organs. — Seminal weakness ; involun- tary emissions ; spermatorrhoea. Female Genital Organs. — Painful menstruation ; pains, spasmodic or of a neuralgic character; hysterical convulsions ; convulsions during pregnancy ; protracted labor ; haemorrhage, threatening miscarriage. Extremities. — Deep seated and dull aching pains ; sharp, shooting pain in the wrist and thumb ; weakness of the arms ; semi-paralysed condition of the legs HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. WITCH HAZEL. Head. — Fullness in the head ; painful fullness of the brain ; pressure in the forehead. - Nose. — Bleeding from the nose, with a feeling of tightness of the bridge of the nose. Eyes. — Inflammation and congestion of the conjunc- tiva ; redness of the eye from suffused blood, caused by a blow or strain. Mouth. — Dryness ; unpleasant taste ; white coat on the tongue ; blisters on its edges and tip. 648 GLONOINE. Theoat. — Thirsty feeling ; inclination to swallow ;. full unpleasant feeling about the neck. Chest. — Labored breathing ; oppression of the chest ; sense of suffocation ; pricking pain in the region of the heart. Stomach and Bowels. — Sharp pains ; distress and burning in the pit of the stomach ; distress and pain in the region of the navel ; dull pain in the region of the liver ; drawing pains in the abdominal muscles. Male Organs of Generation. — Inflammation of the urethra ; burning and smarting while urinating ; noc- turnal emissions ; swelling and pain of the testicles. Female Organs. — Bright haemorrhage during the interim of menstruation ; contraction of the vagina ; inflammation of the vagina; burning and itching; ardor urinae. Back. — Tearing pain across the back. Extremities. — Pricking pains, extending from the wrists to the shoulders ; painful fullness in the legs, especially about the joints ; stiff weary feeling ; varicose veins during pregnancy. GLONOINE. NITRO-GL YCERINE. Compares with Aconite, Belladonna, and Opium. Moral. — Fear ; apprehension ; confusion ; sometimes loquacity. Head. — Vertigo on moving; fullness and heaviness; congestion, threatening apoplexy ; excruciating head- HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 649 ache in the forehead, back part, or side of the head and face ; sunstroke. Face. — Severe attack of neuralgia of one side of the face, the pain extending to the ears ; very severe pain in the ear, of a neuralgic character. Eyes. — Obscuration of sight ; sparks and flashes before the eyes ; excited staring ; wild expression of the eyes. Mouth. — Pulsating toothache ; severe pain in the upper teeth ; toothache, attended with severe headache. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea, attended with head- ache (sick headache) ; colicky pains in the inferior portion of the abdomen ; flatulent diarrhoea. Fever. — Pale face ; headache ; accelerated, irregular, frequent pulse. Note — Glonoine has proven (in the hands of many) one of the best rem- edies we possess for severe headache and acute attacks of neui^algia. By some, it has been found most efficient given in alternation with the Vale- rianate of Zinc, probably from the fact that the two remedies formed a more perfect similimum to the group of symptoms present and many of my friends concur in the opinion that, in order to get a prompt action in acute attacks, one No. 2 full strength saturated pellet should be used at a dose, and especially so when used in alternation with a small powder of the first trituration of the Valerianate of Zinc. HYDE ASTIS CANADENSIS. GOLDEN SEAL. Hydrastin the active principle. General Symptoms. — Physical prostration ; weakness and faintness. Fever. — Chilliness in the morning ; chilliness during the night. 650 HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Skin. — Rash of an erysipelatous appearance on the face, neck, hands, and wrists, with intense burning heat ; eruption of a pustulous appearance on the face. Sleep. — Restless, unrefreshing sleep; unpleasant dreams ; awakened by a sense of pain in the back and loins ; dreams with emissions. Eaes. — Roaring and drumming noise. Eyes. — Congestion of the eyes ; profuse moisture ; smarting and burning of the lids. Nose. — Discharge of thick white mucus ; coryza ; smarting in the nostrils. Mouth. — Unpleasant taste in the morning ; tongue yellow coated in the centre ; aphthae on the tongue and lips Throat. — Tingling and smarting in the throat ; raw- ness ; some difficulty in swallowing. Stomach. — Rising of a sour fluid ; dull aching pains ; faint feeling and sinking sensation. Abdomen. — Dull pain in the region of the navel, aggravated by moving ; griping in the bowels, with diarrhoea; a feeling of soreness. Extremities. — Aching and weariness of the limbs ; sharp pain in the elbows , pain in the right knee. IRIS VERSICOLOR. 651 IRIS VERSICOLOR. BLUE FLAG. Irisin is the active principle. General Symptoms. — General prostration ; almost unendurable anguish. Most of^the symptoms are ag- gravated by motion. Mind. Low spirited ; irritable ; desponding and ap- prehensive. Sleep. Drowsiness during the day ; sleepless and restless during the night ; wakes early ; sleep disturbed by unpleasant and frightful dreams. Fever. General sweat; sweat in the groins; heat, followed by chiils ; dry, hot skin. Head. Heaviness in the forehead and temples ; shoot- ing pains in the temples ; severe pain, low down in the back part of the head; severe headache, with neuralgia of the face. Eyes and Ears. Redness of the eyes ; they feel dull ; pain over the left superciliary ridge; burning in the internal angle of the eye ; singing and buzzing in the ears. Mouth and Throat. Feeling of dryness in the mouth and throat ; rawness of the mouth ; soreness of the gums and teeth ; burning sensation of the mouth and fauces. Stomach. Loss of appetite ; eructations ; nausea and vomiting of sour water ; " aching in the stomach after drinking cold water ;" gastritis. 652 LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. Abdomen. Colic ; cutting, flatulent pain ; colicky pain, with diarrhoea; constipation, followed by watery diarrhoea; pains in the sides of the abdomen, which are aggravated by motion. Genital and Urinary Organs. Cutting pain in the urethra ; sticking pain*when urinating dark red urine, attended with burning ; gonorrhoea ,- nocturnal emis- sions. Back. Pain in the back, increased by motion. Extremities. Pain in the right shoulder, increased by motion or only on moving ; shooting pains, shifting from part to part; pain in the right knee; sharp pain in the hip and knee joints ; pain in the toes. LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. BLACK ROOT. Lepta?idrt7i, the active principle. Fever. Chilliness, lassitude, and languor. Mind. Gloomy and desponding; stupid condition of the mental faculties. Head. Constant dull pain in the forehead; pains worse in the temples ; dizzy while walking. Chest. — Soreness in the left side of the chest. StomacHc — Distress in the pit of the stomach, alter- nating with sharp cutting pains ; burning sensation. Abdomen. — Aching pain in the region of the liver ; sharp cutting pain in the region of the gall bladder; dark indigested stool, or light clay colored stools. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. 653 Extremities. — Wrists lame and ache ; pain in the left shoulder; chilly sensation ; chilliness and numbness of the legs and feet. PHYTOLACCA DECANDEA. POKE WEED. General Symptoms. — The symptoms of the head and throat are better after breakfast ; abdominal symptoms worse in the afternoon ; lassitude and muscular debility. Sleep. — Drowsiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night. Head. — Aching pains and a sense of weight in the fore- head ; headache, attended with nausea ; bruised feeling of the brain ; vertigo and dizziness. Eyes. — Pain and pressure in the eyes ; smarting of the eyes and lids. Ears. — Sharp shooting pain in the right ear ; pain in both ears. Nose. — Drawing sensation ; coryza ; flow from one nostril, the other closed. Face. — Pale and sickly appearance ; sallow com- plexion. Mouth. — Tenderness and heat in the roof of the mouth ; small ulcers in the inside of the cheek ; tongue feels sore and tender on the sides ; aching of the teeth ; mouth filled with saliva. Throat. — Constricted feeling in the throat ; dryness of the throat at night, worse in the morning* swelling of the palate, with thick white mucus about the fauces. 654 RUMEX CRISPUS. Chest. — Hacking cough, with irritation of the throat ; dry bronchial cough ; hoarseness and dryness of the trachea. Stomach and Abdomen. — Cutting in the pit of the stomach, and tenderness to touch ; eructations of wind and sour fluid ; heat in the stomach ; nausea and vomit- ing ; pain in the left side of the abdomen ; digging pain in the region of the liver ; dull pressing pain in both sides ; constipation ; diarrhoea, with a sickly feeling. Urinary. — Great desire to urinate ; copious discharge at night ; pain and soreness in the region of the kidney and bladder. Sexual. — Loss of sexual desire ; pain running up the spermatic cord. Female Genital Organs. — Profuse and too frequent menstruation ; painful menstruation ; leucorrhoea. Extremities. — Pain in the left shoulder-blade ; dull aching on the shoulder ; drawing pains in the arms, and tenderness ; rheumatic drawing pains of the arms, legs, and feet; pains of a neuralgic character; pain in the left groin ; heaviness of the legs; sticking stinging pains from without inwards. KUMEX CRISPUS. YELLOW DOCK. General Symptoms. — Languor; a general feeling o( throbbing or pulsation ; sensitiveness to cold and the open air. Sleep. — Disposition to sleep in the evening • tc un RUMEX CRISPUS. 655 quiet sleep at night ; " restless and uncomfortable ; unpleasant dreams. Head. — Fullness in the head ; headache in the morn- ing ; morion aggravates it ; sharp piercing pain in the left side of the head ; dull aching pain in the forehead and occiput. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Sore feeling, without the appearance of inflammation ; ringing and itching in the ears ; roaring in the ears ; sneezing ; feeling of dryness in the posterior nares ; painful irritation of the nostrils, with fluent coryza. Face. — Heat of the face, with dull headache in the evening. Mouth. — Burned or scalded feeling ; stinging at the edge of the tongue ; dryness of the mouth and tongue at night ; the teeth ache, and are sensitive to cold. Throat and Chest. —Raw excoriating feeling ; tough mucus in the fauces ; aching pain in the lungs ; burning- pain in the left chest ; sharp pain in the right. Stomach and Abdomen. — Full, uneasy, disturbed condition of the stomach ; flatulent condition after eat- ing ; dyspepsia ; pain in the abdomen before rising ; flatulent pains after eating; griping in the umbilicus; diarrhoeic stool in the morning, itching in the anus. Extremities. — Wandering pains in the shoulders and arms ; weak fatigued feeling in the legs ; itching of the legs when exposed to the air ; pain in the anterior part of the legs , drawing pain in the right calf; itching of the calves of the legs. 656 STICTA PULMONARIA— SANTONINE. Urinary and Sexual Organs. — Sudden and urgent desire to urinate, copious discharge of light colored nrine ; loss of sexual instinct. STICTA PULMONARIA. LUNG-WORT Head. — Dullness ; darting pains through the vertex ; dull, heavy pressure in the forehead ; darting pains in side of the face and lower jaw ; darting pains in the temples. Eyes. — Burning in the lids, and soreness of the eye- balls on closing the lids, or moving the eyes. Nose. — Feeling of fullness at the root of the nose, and pressure ; catarrh, with dry coryza. Chest. — Tightness of the chest • pains in the chest, extending through to the back ; catarrh ; bronchitic cough ; cough coming on in paroxysms ; cough, as if from cold; barking cough, resembling whooping-cough ; loose cough, with expectoration of frothy mucus. Back and Limbs. — Rheumatic pain in the back • stiff- ness of the muscles 9 sharp lacerating pains in the fingers ; pains passing from joint to joint ; articular rheumatism. SANTONINE. SANTVNICA SEMEN. (Active principle of Wormseed.) Moral. — Stupid, sleepy condition ; inactivity of the brain, or an irritable, uneasy, peevish and fretful mood. Fever. — Catarrhal fever; infantile intermittent; feverish condition, arising from worms. Head and Face. — Heat of the head ; occasional profuse VERATRUM VIRIDE. 657 perspiration on the head ; face pale ; eyes sunken, and dark streaks beneath them; face pale, with small cir- cumscribed flush of one or both cheeks; paleness around the mouth and nose ; constant rubbing of the nose. Appetite. — Very variable ; sometimes ravenous ; at others, an utter aversion to food ; thirsty for cold drinks. Stomach and Bowels. — Pain in the stomach ; griping pain in the bowels ; abdomen hard and tumid ; colic, produced by worms ; irritation of the stomach and bowels from worms ; intestinal worms ; diarrhoea, gen- erally thin and watery. Urine. — Frequent and copious emissions of pale urine, or red and scanty during the feverish condition. Extremities. — Weak and tremulous ; flaccidity of the muscles. VERATRUM VIRIDE, (AMERICAN HELLEBORE.) Fever. — Chilliness, with nausea ; general coldness ; cold perspiration ; clammy perspiration ; cold hands and feet ; gastric fevers. Sleep. — Sound sleep with frightful dreams. Head. — Headache with vertigo ; dimness of vision ; drawing pain over the left eye ; dull pain in the fore- head ; neuralgic pains in the right temple ; congestion of the head from teething. Face. — Pale and cold; bluish, and covered with cold perspiration. Ears. — Roaring in the ears : ringing with partial deafness ; ears cold and pale. 42 658 ZINCI VALERIANAS. Eyes. — Dimness of sight ; walking brings on blind- ness and faintness. Mouth and Throat. — Scalded feeling of the tongue ; bitter taste ; copious secretion of saliva ; burning in the throat and fauces. Chest — Oppression ; anxious breathing : sensation as of a weight upon the chest ; burning pain in the region of the heart ; palpitation with shortness.of breath. Stomach. — Faint sick, uneasy feeling ; nausea and violent vomiting ; vomiting of a glairy fluid, or mucus streaked with blood ; excruciating pain in the stomach. Bowels. — Severe colicky pains ; drawing pains in the umbilicus, passing to the groin ; neuralgic pain in the left groin ; piles ; thin, watery or milky diarrhoea typhoid diarrhoea ; cholera infantum. Kidney. — Profuse secretion of light colored urine ; severe aching in the back. Extremities. — Drawing pains in the right elbow ; cramps in the fingers and toes ; shocks like electricity in the limbs ; coldness of the hands and feet. ZINCI VALERIANAS. VALERIANATE OF ZINC. General Symptoms. — Embraces most of the symptoms within the sphere of Metallic Zinc and Valerian; ner- vous, hysterical, and hypochondriacal affections ; palpi- tation of the heart ; paralysis ; rheumatic pains and neuralgia; jerking and twitching in different parts; piercing and stitching in the joints. ZINCI VALERIANAS 659 Mind. — Desponding, hypochondriacal and sad. Sleep. — Restless ; jerking through the body ; sleep disturbed by frightful dreams. Head. — Dullness in the forehead, with pressure; also in the sinciput, extending to the eyes ; severe neuralgic pains in the temples in the afternoon ; neuralgic pains in the eyes and over the brow. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Partial paralysis of the upper lids (ptosis) ; weariness of the eyes ; soreness of the in- ternal canthus ; severe neuralgic pains, deep-seated, in the eye , ear-ache, with lancinations ; hearing indistinct ; whizzing and singing in the ears ; painful swelling of the left wing of the nose ; coryza ; neuralgic twinges, run- ning along the sides of the nose. Mouth. — Metallic taste ; increased secretion of saliva ; vesicles on the tongue ; sensitiveness and soreness of the teeth, especially of the upper molars ; ' soreness of the gums ; bleeding of the gums. Chest. — Stitches through the chest ; neuralgic pains in the region of the heart ; palpitation ; palpitation, attended with a choking, or suffocative feeling; spas- modic difficulty of breathing ; anxiety. Abdomen. — Cutting pain in the pit of the stomach ; tension in the sides of the abdomen ; neuralgic pains in the region of the kidneys ; pressure in the pubic region ; burning or creeping sensation in the anus. Female Genitals. — Pressing and bearing down in the rectum ; pinching in the pudendum ; sore nipples ; deficiency of milk, &c. MATERIA MEDICA. AOroUM MURIATICTJM. ACIDUM HYDEOGELORIGUM. (Muriatic Acid.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Alkalies ; for small doses, Bry. Camph. Sleep. — Drowsiness during the afternoon ; sleeplessness at night. Fever. — Chilliness, with thirst ; chilliness, particularly in the evening ; putrid fevers ; night-sweats. Eyes and Eaes. — Itching ; burning of the eyes . with oressure ; twinkling before the eyes ; pulsating m the ear ; hardness of hearing. Face. — Pimples and freckles on the face. Abdomen and Stool. — Violent cutting in the abdo- men ; fullness and pressure in the lower part of the abdo- men ; pressure in the rectum ; swelling of xne varices in the rectum ; bleeding in jets from the rectum ; diarrhoea. Genital Organs. — Itching of the scrotum ; the menses appear too soon ; Leucorrhcea. Extremities. — Cramps and drawings in the arms; weakness and weariness in the legs ; coldness of the feet ; swelling and redness of the tips of the fingers and toes, with burning pain. 662 ACTDUM NITRICUM. AOIDUM NITRICUM. ACID NITRIG. {Nitric Acid.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Alkalies; for small doses, Gale-Carl). Camph,, Hepar-Sulpli,, Merc., Mag. General Symptoms. — Drawing, aching, and lacerating pains ; susceptible to cold ; pains increased by changes of the weather ; secondary syphilis ; emaciation and disease from the abuse of mercury. Sleep. — Disturbed, unrefreshing sleep ; lascivious dreams. Moral Symptoms. — Sadness ; anxieties ; excessive ner- vousness ; irritable disposition. Head. — Lacerating head-ache ; itching of the scalp ; ul- cerated spots on the head ; falling off of the hair. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Paralysis of the upper lid ; swelling of the eyelids ; suppuration of the glands of the lids ; sparks before the eyes ; Stitches in the ear ; caries of the bone behind the ear ; difficult hearing; Obstruction of the nose ; fetid smell from the nose ; soreness and scurf in the nose. Mouth. — The gums are spongy, and bleed; the gums retract from the teeth, and the teeth loosen ; ulcers of the mouth and fauces; putrid smell from the mouth. Abdomen. — Pinching pain; uneasy rumbling; flatu- lence ; swelling of the inguinal glands ; itching of the anus. Genital Organs. — Warts on the glans; swelling of the prepuce ; itching of the scrotum ; swelling of the testes. Extremities. — Painful swelling of the axillary glands; uneasy, drawing sensation of the limbs; copper-colored spots on the limbs ; cramps in the calf; fetid sweat of the feet. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM, G63 ACIDUM SULPHURICUM. SULPHURIC ACID. {Oil of Vitriol.) Antid ote. — Puis. Skin. — Ked itching spots on different parts of the body ; itching of the skin ; bluish eochymozed appearing spots ; suppurating sores. Consequences of mechanical injuries. Fever. — Chilliness, with a rough papular skin (goose flesh) ; small, quick pulse. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — " Tension in the lids in the morning;" dimness of vision in the morning; short-sighted- ness ; Diminished hearing ; Bleeding of the nose ; coryza. Throat and Chest. — Hoarseness ; dryness and rough ness in the larynx ; short, hacking cough ; Bleeding from the lungs; oppression of the chest; pressure in the left chest, and pit of the stomach. Gastric Symptoms. — Sour eructations ; sourness in the throat; nausea, with chilliness; sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to the touch, or to moderate pressure ; pressure in the stomach ; pricking, or burning in the stomach. Abdomen. — Pinching and cutting in the abdomen ; burn- ing and pressure below the umbilical region; chronic diarrhoea. Female Genital Organs. — Too early and too profuse menstrual discharge; uterine hemorrhage. Extremities — Stitching in the shoulder-joint when raising the arm ; heaviness in the arm ; bluish spots on the fore-arm, as if bruised ; heaviness of the legs ; painful weak- ness of the knees when standing; painful jerks in the knei 664 ACONITE. ACONITE. ACONITUM NAP ELL US. (Monk's Hood.) Its Antidotes are, Camphor, Nux Vomica and Acetic-acid. The toxicological effects of Aconite, together with a knowl- edge of its physiological and therapeutic action, must, of necessity, place it as the first remedy in inflammations, in fevers of an inflammatory character, and venous conges- tions. Chakacteristic Peculiarities. — Acute local and gene- ral inflammations; fevers of an inflammatory character; congestion, especially of the chest, or from weakness of the heart's action ; neuralgia and rheumatism, accompanied with stinging pains ; or heat and tingling, especially in the ex- tremities ; dry heat of the affected parts, and sensitiveness of the parts, on contact; pain, with thirst and flushed face; affections caused by fright or chagrin ; pains, aggravated at night, and relieved when sitting up. Skin. — Hot and dry ; swelling and burning heat of af- fected parts ; Eruptions, resembling flea-bites ; itching and tingling, especially in the extremities. Sleep. — Drowsiness ; sleep disturbed from confused dreams ; sudden startings in sleep ; sleeplessness, with anxiety ; general restlessness. Moral Symptoms. — Anguish ; anxiety ; low-spirited ; apprehensive ; or that peculiar versatility of mind charac- terized by alternate paroxysms of laughter and weeping, sadness and gayety. Head. —Congestion of the head, with heat and redness of the face; severe pain in the head, with inclination to ACONITE. 665 vomit; piercing, throbbing pain in the head, forehead, or temples ; fullness, with a degree of heaviness ; vertigo, par ticularly on raising the head ; pains in the head, aggravated by movement. \ Eyes. — Inflammation and redness ; intense pain ; profuse lachrymation; shooting pains, especially on moving the balls; heat and burning; congestions of the eye and the vessels of the conjunctiva. Ears. — Eoaring in the ears ; excessive sensitiveness of hearing ; intolerance to sound. Nose. — Pressure over the root of the nose ; swelling of the nose, attended with heat and burning ; bleeding from the nose in plethoric persons; coryza and sneezing from taking cold. Teeth. — Tooth-ache from cold; rheumatic and conges- tive tooth-ache ; tooth -ache, renewed or aggravated by wine or other stimulants. Mouth. — Dryness of the mouth and tongue; tingling, biting, piercing and burning of the tongue; temporary stammering ; heat, numbness and tingling of the lips. Throat. — Acute inflammation of the throat, attended with fever, and great difficulty in swallowing ; Inflammation of the tonsils and palate ; Burning, fine, piercing and astrin- gent sensation in the fauces. Appetite and Taste. — Loss of appetite ; aversion to food ; Bitter taste, or insipid, putrid taste ; unquenchable thirst for beer. Stomach. — Violent pains in the stomach after eating or drinking; painful feeling of swelling in the pit of the stomach ; pressure in the stomach, with feeling of repletion. 666 ACONITE. Abdomen. — Sensitive to the touch ; swollen, distended condition of the abdomen ; colicky pains ; Dropsy ; In- flammation of the intestines. Stool. — Constipation in acute affections; frequent small loose stools, attended with bearing down ; watery diarrhoea. Urinary Organs. — Eetention of urine, with pressure in the bladder ; difficult and scanty emission of urine ; high- colored urine; burning and pressing at the neck of the bladder ; increased flow of urine. — Storck. Male Genital Organs. — Burning when urinating ; itch- ing of the prepuce ; inflammation of the scrotum ; itching of the genitals. Female Genital Organs. — Increased and profuse menses in plethoric females ; suppression in young girls of congestive and sedentary habits ; j^ellowish leucorrhoea. Larynx and Trachea. — Short, dry cough, with heat and restlessness ; cough troublesome at night ; cough, with bloody expectoration, or with expectoration of mucus ; spas- modic, rough, croaking cough ; cough resembling croup. Chest. — Shortness of breath ; anxious, labored breathing; asthmatic attacks ; threatened suffocation ; palpitation of the heart, with great anguish ; pain in the chest. Extremities. — Numbness; paralysis of the arms and legs, especially the left side ; drawing pains in the joints ; swelling of the hands and feet ; creeping, tingling sensation ;■. s\* eat of the hands and feet. AGARIC US. 667 AGARIOUS. AGARIC US MUSGARIUS. {Bug Agaric.) Antidotes are Camph., Coffea, Pulsatilla, Vinurru General Symptoms. — " Great debility ; languor; pain- ful sense of weight and sensitiveness in all the limbs." Weary feeling upon a little exercise ; unsteady gait ; dim- inished muscular power ; Convulsions. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Cramps and pains in the limbs ; Pains diminished by motion. Skin. — Itching ; burning and prickling ; redness of parts, as if frozen ; miliary eruptions, with burning and stinging. Moral Symptoms and Sensoricm. — Despondency; lowness of spirits ; anxiety ; irritable and vexed mood ; for- getfulness ; Dulness of the head ; dizziness, and an intoxi- cating feeling ; pressure in the head; drawing pains in the nead. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Pressure in the eyes from without inwards ; burning sensation in the eyes ; thick, gummy secretion in the corners of the eyes; weak, indis- tinct sight ; Itching redness and burning of the ears ; Severe pain in the right ear; itching in and behind the ears; Itch- ing of the nose ; bleeding from the nose, especially early in the morning. Jaws and Teeth. — Severe tearing in the right side of the lower jaw; Tearing in the teeth of the lower jaw in- creased by cold. Taste and Appetite. — Voracious appetite, or want of appetite, with thirst ; insipid or bitter taste. Stomach and Abdomen. — Oppression at the stomach ; 668 ALIANTHUS. cramp-like drawing in the pit of the stomach; Stitching pain in the abdomen ; rumbling, and an emission of foetid flatus. Sexual Organs. — Itching and titillation ; want of sex- ual power. Chest and Back. — Labored breathing ; violent oppres- sion of the chest ; Lameness ; sprained or bruised feeling in the small of the back. Extremities. — Eheumatic pains in the arms ; weariness of the limbs ; trembling of the hands ; burning and itching of the fingers and toes, and redness, as if frozen. ALIANTHUS. A. GLAND ULOSA. (Alianthus Tree.) Antidotes. — Nux Vom., Gamph. General Symptoms. — General uneasiness; restlessness and aching in the limbs; catarrhal and asthmatic condition of the head and chest; " electrical* thrill, extending from the brain to the extremities;" reeling and staggering gait. Fever. — Fever of a catarrhal character ; dry skin, with increasing heat during the forenoon ; pulse more irritative than inflammatory. * Vide Dr. Alley's proving in the N. A. Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. VII., page 385, to which the reader is respectfully referred. I will here remark that I am constrained to consider the objections against the Alian- thus as an ornamental tree well founded. I know of instances where the owners of property have Leen obliged to cut those down which stood in close proximity to the doors and windows of their dwellings, in conse- quence of the deleterious effects that they unquestionably produced upon some one or two of the family, and upon an occasional visitor. ALOES. 669 Head. — "Darting pain in the back part of the head;" dizziness upon stooping ; confusion of the head ; a feeling of indistinctness. Sensorium. — Loss of memory ; confusion and fullness of the head; inability to concentrate thought. Eyes and Nose. — Catarrhal opthalmia ; feeling of irri- tation; smarting and aching of the eyes ; congestion ; red- ness and inflammation of the conjunctiva; purulent dis- charge from the eyes ; dry coryza ; loss of smell ; stoppage of the nostrils ; itching of the nose. Throat and Chest. — Tenderness, and a feeling of swelling of the throat ; difficult deglutition ; asthmatic choking sensation in the throat ; oppression of the chest ; difficult breathing ; asthmatic constriction of the chest ; dry hacking or suffocative cough ;* constant dry hacking cough, with soreness and tenderness of the chest during measles ; aching pains in the chest and shoulders. Extremities. — Lameness of the arms; tingling in the arms and fingers ; paralytic weakness of the legs ; inability to step firmly, or to control a steady gait. ALOES. ALCE SOCOTRINA. (Socotrme Aloes.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Opium ; for small ones, the Vegetable Acids. General Action. — Aloes " acts far more specifically * I have used the tincture of the Alianthus with much success iu several «ases of dry hacking cough, (almost constant,) attended with tenderness and soreness of the chest, occurring in measles; also in other forms of ca- tarrhal cough, attended with dry coryza and a degree of heat of the throat and chest. I consider it a remedy worthy of further investigation. 670 ALUMINA. upon the vascular system than upon the nervous." (New Homoeopathic Materia Medica.) It acts also upon the stomach, liver, large intestines, and pelvic viscera. Head. — "Periodical headache, alternating with pains in the back ;" headache, and congestions of the head from suppressed hemorrhoidal flux. Mouth, Throat, and Stomach. — Heat, and dryness of the mouth ; redness and dryness of the tongue ; Bilious eructations ; distention of the stomach ; sensation of heat, and tension. Abdomen. — Violent cutting, and colicky pains ; fullness, heat and distention of the abdomen ; pressure and heat in the region of the liver ; bilious diarrhoea and dysentery, attended with griping pain ; scanty bilious stools, at- tended with pain, pressing, and a sense of heat or excoria- tion of the anus ; congestions of the pelvic viscera ; inter- nal and external piles ; itching in the anus, and a degree of uneasiness and pressure in the rectum. Sexual Organs. — Painful menstruation ; profuse or scanty menstruation ; Strangury from sympathetic irrita- tion from piles ; Haematuria. ALUMINA. ALUM. Antidotes. — Bryonia, Cham. Ipecac. General Symptoms. — Tearing and drawing in the limbs ; congestions of the head and chest, from suppressed piles ; scrofulous and arthritic affections ; involuntary mo- tions of the head and other parts ; trembling of the limbs; deficiency of animal heat. ALUMINA. 671 Characteristic Peculiarities. — Most of the symp- toms come on in the sitting posture, and decrease when walking. Skin. — Itching of the whole body ; humid scurf, and tetters ; dry, scaly eruptions, particularly on the back and shoulders. Sleep. — Drowsiness in the day-time ; wakefulness in the evening; unrefreshing sleep; deep, sound sleep to- wards morning. Fever. — Internal chilliness and shuddering, especially in the evening. Moral and Sensorium. — Sullen mood ; sadness and anxiety; apprehensiveness ; tendency to start ; fitful mood, dissatisfied and despairing ; Inability to think or recollect ; stupefaction and vertigo. Scalp. — Itching scales on the hairy scalp ; itching on the forehead ; humid scurf on the temples. Eyes. — Pressure in the eyes ; burning ; profuse secre- tion of mucus, and nightly agglutination. Ears and Nose. — Humming in the ears ; crepitation ; snapping like electric sparks, especially when chewing or swallowing ; Ulceration of the membrane of the nose ; stop- page of the nose ; dry or fluent coryza ; bleeding from the nose. Face and Mouth. — Paleness of countenance; lancina- tions in the cheek-bones ; blotches, and violent itching ; Soreness of the mouth, tongue, palate and gums, as if burnt ; dryness of the mouth. Taste and Gastric Symptoms. — Taste as of blood in the mouth ; astringent, bitter or acid taste ; frequent erne- 672 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. tations ; sour, corrosive and acrid condition of the throat, and nausea ; pain, pressure and soreness at the pit of the stomach. Stool and Anus. — Tenesmus ; inactivity and paralysis of the rectum ; itching and burning of the anus; hard and difficult stool ; obstinate constipation in infants. Female Sexual Organs. — Leucorrhcea after the men- ses ; profuse leucorrhcea of transparent mucus during the day. Chest and Back. — Oppression of the chest; palpita- tion of the heart, on waking ; shocks in the region of the heart ; Gnawing pains in the sacrum. Extremities. — Pain in the shoulder-joint ; lancinations in the upper arm ; heaviness of the legs ; drawing pain in the knees ; lacerating pain in the knees and feet. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. CARBONATE OF AMMONIA. {Salts of Hartshorn.) Antidote. — Arnica, Ca/mph. ; ffepar-Sulph. General Symptoms. — Great lassitude ; weariness ; bruised sensation in the whole body ; pains, as if sprained in the joints ; drawing and tension ; curvature of the bones ; rickets and glandular affections. Skin. — Itching of the skin of the whole body ; rash on the left side of the neck, and left arm ; chronic rash ; un- usual sensitiveness of the skin to cold. Sleep. — Sleepiness during the day; uneasy, unrefreshing sleep ; frequent wakings and startings from sleep, as if in affright, at night. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 073 Fever. — Frequent chills towards evening; alternate chills and flashes of heat ; feverish heat in the head and co]d feet ; sweat during the day. Moral, Sensorium and Head. — Turns of anxiety; loathing of life ; fearfulness ; Diminution of the thinking power; absence of thought; Yertigo ; chronic headache; headache, with nausea; severe pressing and hammering headache; falling off of the hair. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Dry gum on the eye-lids ; short- ness of sight ; cataract ; Diminished hearing ; buzzing be- fore the ears ; Chronic dryness of the nose ; stoppage of the nose at night ; bleeding at the nose ; chronic coryza. Taste, Appetite and Gastric Symptoms. — Bitter, sour and metallic taste ; sour eructations; eructations tasting of the ingesta ; heartburn ; qualmishness after dinner ; bleed- ing from the stomach. Abdomen and Stool. — Burning ; boring stitches in the liver ; pain in the abdomen, as from concussion ; constipa- tion; retarded and hard stool; discharge of blood before and after an evacuation ; itching of the anus. Chest and Back. — Asthma ; difficult breathing, with palpitation of the heart ; stitches in the chest; drawing pain in the nape of the neck ; swelling of the cervicle glands. Extremities. — Rigidity and coldness of the arms ; pain? in the wrist and fingers ; weakness of the legs ; swelling and sweating of the feet 43 1)74 ANACARDIUM. ANACARDIUM. (Malacoa Bean.) Antidotes. — Camphor and Goffea. General Symptoms. — Drawing and pains in almost every part of the body ; bruised sensation of the bones ; inability to make much of an effort; easily exhausted; trembling upon moving ; catches cold easily, and sensitive to currents of air. Fever. — Chilliness and shivering ; feverish uneasiness in the afternoon. Moral Symptoms. — Sadness ; anxiety ; apprehensive- ness, and desponding ; conflicting wills. Head. — Violent pressure in the region of the right tem- ple ; simultaneous compression in both of the temples ; throbbing headache, and the pain increased by motion. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Dimness of the eyes; suffused feeling; muscae volitantes; Itching in the ears, attended with a discharge of brownish matter; painful swelling of the outer ear ; humming and roaring in the ears; Bleeding .at the nose ; obstruction, chronic coryza, and feeling of dry- ness in the nose. Stool. — Constant urging without effect; blood during stool ; itching of the anus, and moisture from the rectum. Larynx and Trachea. — Eoughness of the throat; vio- lent cough ; short cough, with expectoration of pus. Genital Organs. — Leucorrhcea, attended with itching and soreness ; sexual intercourse affords no enjoyment ; in- voluntary emissions. Extremities. — Drawing pain in the upper arm ; cramp- ANGUSTUKA — ANTTMONIUM CRUDUM. 675 ing pains; tremor of the hands; painful uneasiness around the knees ; cramps in the calves of the legs and burning in the soles of the feet. ANGUSTUKA. GALIPEA OFFICINALIS. Antidote — Coffea. General Symptoms. — General lameness, attended with chilliness and want of animal heat ; drawings in the limbs ; momentary cramps; numbness of the feet and legs, but without a tingling sensation ; general lassitude. Moral Symptoms: Sensorium, Head and Scalp. — Discouragement ; gloominess ; great absence of mind ; cramp like headache ; vertigo in the open air ; soreness of the eyelids; itching of the scalp. Extremities. — General lameness ; tired, weary, heavy feeling ; coldness of the fingers ; numbness of the feet, and pains in them when standing. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. CRUDE ANTIMONY. Antidotes. — Hepar, Sulph., Mercurius. General Symptoms. — Kheumatic, arthritic and dropsi- cal affections ; freckles ; hard swellings and horny excres- cences of the skin ; weariness, lassitude and disinclination to exercise. Fever. — Disagreeable feeling of internal chilliness ; shiv- erings ; Gastric and bilious fevers. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Inflammation of the eyes; red- ness of the eyelids ; painful arthritic affections of the eyes ; 67G ANTIMONIUM TARTARIZATUM. painful roaring in the ears ; partial or entire deafness ; feel- ing of soreness in the nostrils ; stoppage of the nose ; crusts on the nostrils. Gastric Symptoms. — Bitter eructations; nausea afbei eating or drinking; vomiting; vomiting, attended with prostration and copious perspiration ; cramp of the stomacn ; pain at the stomach, as from excessive fullness. Stool. — Disposition to diarrhoea ; slimy stools ; alternate diarrhoea and constipation ; pain in the rectum during stool ; diarrhoea of pregnant females. Larynx and Trachea. — Roughness of the voice ; con- stant hawking ; dryness of the throat ; the throat is inflamed, sore and smarting ; small pustules on the palate, tonsils and fauces. Extremities. — Drawing pains in the fingers and their joints ; itching vesicles and pimples on the hands and arms ; stiffness of the knee ; drawing pains in the legs, and great sensitiveness of the soles of the feet. ANTIMONIUM TARTARIZATUM. ANTIMONII ET POTASSES TARTRAS. {Tartar Emetic.) One great peculiarity of tartarized antimony is, that while- its general action is that of sedative upon the circulatorv system, it excites most of the secretions. It is, unquestion- ably, one of our most valuable remedies. General Symptoms. — Great prostration ; weak, lan- guid, prostrated state of the system ; gastric and intestinal disturbance: lore throat; particularly pustular; eruptive diseases. APIS MKLLIFICA. 677 Mouth and Throat. — Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cheeks and fauces; small pustules on the tongue and palate ; pustular sore throat ; yellow, ulcerated, patches on the tonsils; titillation in the throat; cough, with rattling of mucous. Stomach. — Distressing, prostrating nausea ; excessive vomiting ; every thing turns the stomach ; burning sting- ing in the stomach ; nausea, with waterbrash ; cramps and pains in the region of the stomach. Abdomen and Stool — Sickening, pinching pain in the abdomen ; diarrhoeic stools ; watery stools ; colliquative diarrhoea. Skin.— Pustular eruption, like small pox; pustular ery- sipelas; mattery pimples ; barbers' itch; copious, drenching perspirations. Chest. — Difficult breathing ; bloody expectoration ; ex- pectoration like muddy water ; rattling cough ; loud mucous rale ; painful respiration ; constriction of the chest. Genital Organs. — Pruritis ; swelling, burning, and pustular eruption on the labia; "watery or bloody leu- corrhcea." Extremities. — Rheumatic pains ; trembling of the hands; cold hands; painful cramps in the legs, returning at short intervals; weakness of the legs; coldness of the extremities. APIS MELLIFICA. EONE7 BEE. Antidotes. — China, Arsen., Ipecac. General Symptoms. — Shortness of breath from dropsy ; Dropsical affections; swellings, especially when attended 67S APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. with biting, burning, stinging, and itching; swellings re sembling those arising from the sting of a bee. Face ajs t d Eyes. — Swelling on the side of the face ano temples, whitish or inclining to a delicate pink color; puf iiness of the eyelids ; swelling beneath the eye ; eyes injected and smarting. Skin. — Eruptions resembling nettle-rash; large pink blotches with a white centre; biting and stinging of the skin ; erysipelas, with swelling. Chest and Abdomen. — Shortness of breath ; threatened suffocation ; bloated, uneasy feeling of the abdomen ; dropsy of the chest ; dropsy of the abdomen. Extremities. — Anasarcous swelling of the inferior ex- tremities; puffiness of the dorsum of the hands and feet; swelling of the hands and feet, resembling the bite of insects, or the sting of a bee. APOCYNUM CANNABINTJM. {INDIAN HEMP. (U. S.) Antidotes — China, Bryonia, Arsen., Ipecac. General Symptoms. — Apocynum exerts an influence over the nervous and vascular systems, secretions and excre- tions; upon the stomach, bowels, kidneys, skin, and circula- tion; upon the brain, in producing drowsiness. Also, upon the throat and chest. Head, Mouth and Throat. — Drowsiness ; slight ver- tigo; dryness of the tongue; unpleasant heat of the larynx and fauces ; heat in the throat ; a disposition to scrape the throat by hawking. Chest. — Difficult breathing; oppression of the chest dropsy of the chest; palpitation of the heart. APOCFNUM CANNABINUM. 679 Pulse. — Small pulse; small, quick pulse; pulse feeble and irregular ; pulse intermits. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea; nausea, attended with drowsiness ; excessive vomiting ; pain in the abdo- men, of a colicky and griping character ; distention of the abdomen; abdominal dropsy. Stool. — Thin, watery stool; watery diarrhoea; copious watery evacuations from the bowels; hemorrhage from the bowels. (Dr. Paine, of Albany.) Ukine. — Diminished quantity of urine ; small discharges of light yellow or dark-colored urine ; great difficulty in voiding urine ; frequent desire to urinate, without effect ; severe pain and pressure at the neck of the bladder, with constant ineffectual urgings to urinate ; entire suppression of urine. Extremities. — Heaviness of the extremities ; swelling of the hands and feet; dropsical swelling of the inferior extremities ; legs and feet swollen, ready to burst ; swelling of the legs, ankles and feet ; the skin cracking, and exuding serum from the fissures. Note. — Apocynum has long been a favorite remedy in dropsies, with the older physicians in the interior of the country, particularly those of the bo- tanic order; and, from the success attending its empirical use, it has be- come favorably known as one of our most efficient and reliable remedies in dropsy, and in urinary difficulties. I have never had it fail in the most obstinate retention or suppression of urine, or distressing strangury ; audit has proven the most reliable remedy in every form of dropsy. And I will here remark, that I have not found it necessary to give it in the large doses recommended by some. I use from two to five drops of the tinc- ture, (never more than seven) mixed in a tumbler two-thirds full of pure cold water, and give a dessert-spoonful, (to an adult) for dropsical affec- tions, ever}' three or four hours, and in urinary difficulty, every hour or two, until it affords relief. Vide Freligh's provings in the " North Ameri- can Journal of Homoeopathy," vol. iv., page 519. 080 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. NITRATE OF SILVER. {Lunar Caustic.) antidotes. — Merc-Cors. Alum, Natr-Muriat. General Symptoms. — Great debility and weariness in the lower limbs ; Drowsiness and chilliness ; Cramps and rigidity, particularly of the calves of the legs ; Convul- sions ; Paralysis of the extremities ; Presentments and dreads. Skin. — Prickling and itching of the skin at night ; small pimples, which bleed when scratched ; Cyanosis (blue skin) from cardiac disease. Sleep. — Sleepiness when sitting; Restlessness at night, disturbed by dreams. Moral Symptoms. — Irritated and anxious mood ; Hy- pochondriac taciturnity. Head. — Confusion ; dull, muddle-headedness ; Head- ache at night ; Headache when waking in the morning ; Head feels full, heavy and stupid ; severe headache, at- tended with chilliness. Face, Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Convulsions of the fas- cial muscles; old and sickly appearance; bluish counte- nance ; Itching and smarting of the canthi ; Redness of the eyes; sensation of blindness; Inflammations and conges- tions of the eyes ; opacity of the cornea ; Dragging pain in the ears; Ringing and whizzing ; momentary deafness ; smarting and itching of the nose; Dullness of the sense of smell; coryza. Gastric Symptoms. — Violent belching : nausea : Yom- ARNICA. 681 iting ; Sensitiveness of the stomach, and pain in the prae- •cordia. Stomach. — Violent cardialgia ; oppression ; gnawing pain in the stomach, inclining to the left side ; Pain and pressure in the left hypochondrium. Urinary Organs. — Frequent emission of a pale, strong- smelling urine ; Burning after urinating ; Heat and itching in the urethra ; Blenorrhagic or mucus discharge from the urethra ; Stricture of the urethra. Chest. — Violent irritation ; oppression of the chest ; aching, tensive pain in the chest ; Palpitation of the heart at night ; violent palpitation ; faint, sickening feeling. Back. — Tensive squeezing pains in the back ; Nightly pains in the back ; weariness in the small of the back. Arms and Legs. — Pains in the wrist ; Eheumatic draw- ings in the joints of the fingers ; Paralytic weakness of the legs; rigidity in the calves of the legs: drawing in the feet. ARNICA. ARNICA MONTANA. (MonVs Hood.) Antidotes — Camphor and Ignatia. General Symptoms. — Complaints of nervous individu- als ; full, plethoric habit ; rheumatic and arthritic pains ; apoplexy and paralysis ; swellings ; ecchymosis, from bruises ; ecchymosed spots : effects from sprains, strains and contusions ; corns and other indurations ; painful and excessive sensitiveness of the whole body ; heaviness in the limbs ; convulsions and tetanic spasms, from injuries. Skin. — Fine pricking of the skin, especially of the nose and eyebrows; stinging, burning and itching of the skin. 682 ARNICA. Fever. — Paroxysms, generally in the afternoon and evening ; fevers of low grade ; fevers, with extreme sore- ness of the skin and membranes covering the bones. Moral Symptoms. — Hypochondriacal, obstinate and headstrong; quarrelsome and peevish. Sensorium. — Vertigo, with obscuration of sight; de- lirium ; apoplexy ; concussion of the brain ; congestions and extravasations of blood. Head and Eyes. — Burning in the brain; heat in the head, or burning, and the remainder of the body being cool ; aching in the forehead ; lanci nations and stitches in the forehead ; lancinating and tearing pain in the head, in- creased by stooping ; contraction of the pupils ; the eyes are half-closed ; obscuration of sight. Gastric Symptoms, and Stomach. — Nausea; eructa- tions, and an inclination to vomit ; feeling of fullness in the stomach; pinching, spasmodic griping in the stomach; retching at night. Abdomen and Stool. — Tension and inflation of the abdomen, especially the lower part ; Colic from straining the bowels by lifting ; white diarrhceic stool; Involuntary stool at night. Genital Organs. — Soreness after delivery ; too severe after pains. Larynx. — Dry, short, hacking cough ; cough with bloody expectoration ; bleeding from the throat and chest. Chest. — Stitches in the chest ; sore oppression of the chest ; difficult breathing. Extremities. — Drawing, cramp-like pains ; swellings of the hands and feet ; sprained, sore feeling. ARSENICUM. 683 ARSENICUM. ARSENICUM ALB UM. ( White Arsenic.) Antidotes — For large doses, LTydrated Peroxyde of Iron, Sesqui- oxyde, and the Muriate Tincture of Iron. For small doses. Cam- phor, China Fer, Ipecac, N~ux Vomica. General Symptoms. — Pains in the whole body ; rapid sinking of strength ; extreme weakness and debility ; ema- ciation ; marasmus and consumption ; epileptic fits ; con- vulsions ; tetanic spasms ; diseases of the mucous and se- rous membranes ; dropsical and scrofulous affections ; dis- eases arising from the abuse of quinine or iodine ; fevers of an intermittent type. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Arsenicum is suitable to melancholy ; pains returning at intervals ; symptoms worse in the evening, and at night; periodical pains and fevers. Skin. — Chlorosis, jaundice, dropsical swellings; dry, parchment-like skin ; burning and itching of the skin ; pe- techias ; miliary eruptions, pustules, nettle-rash ; dark brown or blackish pustules, or blisters, filled with a sero- bloody fluid, or grumous-appearing fluid ; putrid ulcers ; gangrene, varices and chilblains. Sleep. — Sleeplessness ; uneasy and starting, as in fright ; unpleasant dreams. Fever. — Coldness of the limbs ; intermittent and ty- phoid fevers ; hectic fever, night sweats. Sensorium. — Delirium ; Diminished memory ; stupid, weak feeling in the head ; vertigo. Headache. — Periodical headache, relieved by the appli- cation of cold water ; weight in the forehead ; lacerating in the head. 684 4.JWENICUM. Ears and Eyes.— Humming in the ears; roaring and singing in the ears;, humid eruption of the ears; swelling of the ears, so as to close them ; Inflammation of the eyes ; burning, lacerating, nightly agglutination of the eyelids ; weak sight. Face. — Sunken countenance ; sallow, sickly appear- ance ; distorted features ; bluish, dark-brown, or black lips ; dry and cracked eruptions around the mouth ; milk crust on the face, or head; swelling of the glands under the jaw. Mouth. — Fetid smell from the mouth ; great dryness of the mouth and tongue ; apthae ; stomacace. The tongue is dry, dark and cracked ; brown or blackish ; slowness of speech. Throat. — Scraping sensation in the throat; inflamma- tion of the throat, tending to gangrene ; burning in the pharynx, and great thirst. Appetite and Taste. — Loss of appetite ; bitterness of the mouth, particularly after eating and drinking; taste ; desire for acids, or for brandy. Chest. — Difficult breathing ; short, anxious and oppres- sive breathing; asthma; angina of the chest; constriction of the chest ; dropsy of the chest ; palpitation of the heart. Stomach — Pressure at the stomach ; empty eructations ; nausea and vomiting ; shivering and chilliness after drink- ing ; weakness of digestion ; a disposition to vomit after eating; excessive vomiting; vomiting of yellow, greenish bile, or vomiting a white frothy mucus ; burning in the stomach ; insatiate thirst ; excessive pains in the stomach, of a burning, tearing, or cramping character ; great weight and oppression in the pit of the stomach ; the epigastrium. is sore and tender to the touch. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. 6S5 Abdomen. — Spasmodic pains in the abdomen ; attacks of colic ; burning in the abdomen, or cold and chilly feel- ing ; distention of the abdomen, from flatus or effusion, (ascites) ; tympanitic condition of the abdomen in. children. Stool and Anus. — Constipation ; diarrhoea and dysen- tery, attended with tenesmus and burning ; diarrhceic and dysinteric stools; mucous, bilious, greenish, brown, dark or whitish mucus ; burning and excoriation of the anus. Urinary Organs. — Paralysis of the bladder ; frequent urging to urinate ; scanty dark-colored urine ; painful and difficult urination ; bloody urine ; burning of the urethra. Female Genital Organs. — Profuse menstruation ; too frequent menstruation ; leucorrhcea ; acrid and corroding leucorrhoea; induration and cancerous affections of the uterus. Extremities. — Drawing and lacerating in # the arms , swellings, with black blisters ; bruised pain in the legs ; old ulcers ; swelling of the feet ; hot, shiny and burning red spots on the feet ; painful ulcers on the feet ; soreness of the balls of the feet. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. MUG WORT. According to our materia medica and "Symptomen Codex," there has been no reliable proving of this remedy. It has been used in epilepsy of lying-in women, occasioned by fright, and in other spasmodic affections. It has been used to promote labor-pains, and for the suppression of the menses. Also, in gastric, intermittent and typhoid fevers. Vide Hull's Jahr. 686 ASPARAGUS — ASSAFCETIDA. ASPARAGUS. ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS. Antidotes — Coffea. Head. — Pressure in the forehead. Stomach. — Increased thirst and nausea. Urinary and Genital Organs. — Burning in the ure- thra ; excitement of the sexual instinct. Chest. — Coughs; oppression of the chest; palpitation of the heart. ASSAFCETIDA. NARTHEX ASSAFCETIDA. (Assafatida.) Antidotes — Gaust. Chin. Elec. General Symptoms. — Languor and weariness during the afterno*on and evening ; lassitude ; trembling ; cold skin, with feeble pulse ; Intermittent fever, with general coldness and shivering, and without marked reaction ; Hys- terical and general nervous complaints ; carious ulcers; ul- cers discharging very fetid pus ; Rickety and scrofulous affections. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Tearing pains from within outwards, changing into different characters of pain; intermittent pains ; feeling of coldness and numbness. Fever. — General coldness and shuddering, attended with a feeble pulse. Moral Symptoms. — Alternate fits of laughing and cry- ing ; dull, stupid, or semi-unconsciousness ; attacks of hys- teria. Chest. — Oppression of the chest ; choking sensation ; AURUM. 687 globus-hystericus ; violent pounding and striking of the chest during a hysteric convulsion ; Whooping-cough coming on in paroxysms, and cough spasmodic, or suffocative. AURUM. GOLD. Antidotes — Bell, China, Cuprum, Merc. General effects of aurum are principally in promoting the secretions of the skin, kidneys and salivary glands. It is a good remedy in secondary and tertiary syphilis, and has been employed with much success in that form of melan- choly tending to suicide. Head. — Hush of blood to the head ; tumult and roaring in the head ; small bony tumors on the head. Eyes. — Inflammation ; incipient amaurosis ; specks on the cornea. Ears and Nose. — Affections of the ears, from the abuse of mercury ; caries of the bones ; foul, fetid discharge from the ears ; partial deafness ; roaring in the ears, early in the morning. Nose. — Swelling of the nose ; sore nostrils ; caries of the bones of the nose ; loss of smell. Throat and Mouth. — Sore mouth ; caries of the pal- ate ; bluish ulcers in the throat and on the fauces. Skin. — Large red patches ; eruptions of a leprous char- acter. Genital Organs. — Swelling of the right testicle ; chro- nic induration of the testes ; prolapsus and induration of the uterus. (3S8 AURUM NITRO MURIAT1CUM — BARYTA CARBONICA. AURUM NITRO MURIATICUM. CHLORIDE OF GOLD. This preparation of gold does not differ materially in its effects from the Aurum Foliat, or other preparations of the metal. It is principally used in scrofulous ulcers, syphilitic ulcers, eruptions of a leprous character, catarrh with ulcera- tion of the nasal bones; ulcer back of the ear, and foul discharges from the ears, attended with imperfect hearing ; also, in cases of melancholy, despondency and weariness of life. BARYTA CARBONICA. CARBONATE OF BARYTA. Antidotes. — Bell. Camph. Dulc. Merc. General Symptoms. — Scrofulous affections ; jerking of a single limb or muscle ; great sensitiveness to cold ; pros- tration ; paralysis following apoplexy ; atrophy of children ; glandular swellings ; and it is particularly applicable to complaints of the aged and infirm, also, for herpetic erup- tions ; crusta lactea. Skin. — "Warts ; burning and stinging of the skin ; prick- ing sensation over the whole body. Moral Symptoms. — Desires to be alone ; dread of men ; disinclination to converse ; great solicitude about small things. Head. — Loss of hair; scurf on the head; the scalp is painful to the touch. Sensorium. — Dulness of the head ; dizziness from stoop- ing, with nausea or headache ; apoplexy of the old. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Black spots before the eyes; BELLADONNA. 5§9 bleered sight; agglutination of the eyelids; Throbbing in the ear ; eruptions on the ears ; roaring in the ears ; Scurf under the nose ; unpleasant dryness of the nostrils. Face. — Dr} r , scaly eruptions ; herpetic eruption ; swell- ing of the left cheek. Gastric Symptoms. -—Sour or bitter eructations; nausea; weakness of digestion. Stomach. — Pain in the stomach ; heaviness of the stom- ach, with nausea when fasting ; soreness in the pit of the stomach. Urinary Organs. — Great desire to urinate ; cannot re- tain the urine. Female Genital Organs. — Diminished flow of the menses; leucorrhoea; colic, with swelling of the lower limbs. Back. — Painful drawing in the small of the back ; ten- sive pain in the small of the back ; stiffness in the nape of the neck ; lanci nations and tensive pains in the neck ; sar- comatous swelling of the glands of the neck ; glandular swellings of the neck; occiput and axillae. BELLADONNA. ATBOPA BELLADONNA. (Deadly Night Shade.) Antidotes — Camjihor, Goffea. General Symptoms. — Spasms; startings and convul- sions of the limbs ; convulsions ; Infantile convulsions ; loss of consciousness ; violent screaming ; Epilepsy ; St. Vitus' dance ; Fainting ; one-sided paralysis ; Hysteria ; Scrofu- lous swellings ; opthalmia, congestions of the eyes ; conges- tion of the brain; scarlet eruptions; erysipelas; burning and stinging of the skin. 44 690 BELLADONNA. Characteristic Peculiarities. — This drug is suitable for complaints of plethoric persons ; those disposed to phlegmonous inflammation ; lymphatic and scrofulous dis- eases ; diseases of children and young females of delicate skin and rosy complexion ; and for diseases with aggrava- tion of symptoms in the afternoon, towards evening, and during the night. Moral Symptoms. — Mental derangement, attended with great anguish ; anguish about the heart ; melancholic mood ; inactive, still, and listless ; immoderate laughter or crying ; craziness, furious delirium ; rage, biting his teeth together ; tries to bite every thing around him ; perfect wildness. Skin. — Scarlet rash; scarlet fever ; scarlet red spots ; ery- sipelas ; biting, burning, stinging and itching of the skin ; red-hot swellings ; bleeding ulcers ; fungous growths ; scrof- ulous and glandular swellings. Sleep. — Drowsiness in the evening; sleeplessness at night ; sleep disturbed by frightful dreams ; dull, heavy, haggard, unrefreshing sleep ; sudden starting from sleep, as in affright. Fever. — Chilliness ; chills passing down the back, and of the arms; quotidian and tertian fevers, commencing with a shaking chill ; chills come on mostly at night ; ab- sence of thirst during the chill ; fever, with flushed face and severe headache. It is also a good remedy in fevers, when perspiration sets in during the hot stage, or immedi- ately after. Sensorium. — Vertigo; dizziness, attended with nausea; sense of reeling and turning in the head ; stupefaction and confusion of the mind and senses ; loss of consciousness ; loss of sense and intellect. BELLADONNA. 691 Head. — Severe headache, particularly in the forehead; agonizing headache ; headache from congestion ; drawing, pressing, violent, throbbing headache; severe lacerating pains over the brows; headache attended with nausea. Face. — Violent redness and heat in the face ; glowing redness ; scarlet red or bluish redness of the face ; bloated and swollen face ; erysipelas of the face. Eyes. — Inflammation and congestion of the eyes ; pain, smarting, itching, tingling and burning of the eyes; con- traction of the pupils, from over-sensitiveness, or dilitation from a want of sensitiveness ; imperfect vision ; sees things double, or surrounded with a colored circle. Ears. — Severe earache ; stitches extending from the up- per jaw into the internal ear ; tingling, roaring, stitches in the ears; acute inflammation of the internal ear; swelling of the external ear, attended with redness and heat ; hard- ness of hearing, from a cold. Nose. — Swelling of the nose ; redness of the tip of the nose ; ulceration of the nostrils ; dryness of the nose ; bleeding at the nose, from congestion. Mouth and Throat. — Eed, inflammatory swelling of the mouth ; the papillaa of the tongue is raised, and bright red ; stammering ; weakness of the organs of speech ; pro- fuse secretion of saliva ; hemorrhage from the mouth ; dry- ness of the throat ; violent inflammation of the throat and fauces ; inflammation and swelling of the tonsils ; burning in the throat ; sharp stitches ; great difficulty in swallowing. Appetite and Taste. — Insipid, disgusting taste ; loss of appetite; repugnance to food. Chest. — Difficult breathing; oppression of the chest; 692 BELLADONNA. astnma ; fine stitches under the clavicle; stitches in the left side of the chest ; hysteric spasm of the chest ; palpitation of the heart. Stomach. — Hard and painful pressure in the stomach ; spasm of the stomach. Abdomen. — Colic; pressure in the abdomen; violent straining and bearing-down pains; distended abdomen, and painful to the touch. Stool and Anus. — Diarrhoea and dysentery, attended with tenesmus ; contractive pain in the rectum; involun- tary discharge of fasces, from paralysis of the sphincter muscle. Urine. — Difficulty in voiding urine ; retention ; frequent desire to urinate, with copious emissions ; inability to retain the urine. Female Genital Organs. — Great dryness and stitches in the vagina; pressing, bearing-down pain; bearing down,, followed by hemorrhage ; the menses appear between the regular periods ; erysipelatous inflammation of the breasts ; swelling and indurations of the breast. Back. — Glandular swellings on the nape of the neck; painful swellings on the back part of the neck. Extremities. — Lacerating, with pressure, in the shoul- der ; lameness of the arms ; swelling of the hands ; pain in the hip joints ; heaviness and lameness of the legs. BENZOIC ACID — BISMUTIIUM. 693 BENZOIC ACID. FLOWERS OF BENZOIN. According to the translations of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, Benzoin should occupy a prominent posi- tion in our Materia Medicas, particularly as a remedy in diseases of the mucus surfaces, and of the tendons of the extremities. I have used it in many of the conditions named in Jahr's Manual, and regret to say, that it has not come up to my expectations. But I have found it very serviceable in hoarseness attended with a dry, unpleasant heat of the throat and fauces. Also in coughs arising from a sensation of heat and titillation in the throat, and in coughs approach- ing croup. BISMUTHUM. NIT. OF BISMUTH. {Bismuth.) Antidotes — For small doses, Gale. Caps., JWux-Yom,. For large doses, Albuminous and other emollient drinks should be given, and the metal evacuated from the stomach by means of an emetic. Head. — Dullness ; dull pressure, with aching pains in different parts of the head ; vertigo. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea ; eructations of water ; water brash ; pressure in the stomach ; severe gnawing pain in the stomach, attended with heat ; cardial- gia ; Griping and pressure in the abdomen ; watery diarrhoea. Note. — I have used Bismuth very successfully iu Angina Pectoris, attended with severe pain in the region of the heart; the pain extending frorr, the left shoulder down to the elbow and fingers ; also, in severe cases of car- dirtlgia. It is supposed to act as a sedative on the nerves of the stomach, from its efficacy in relieving severe pains in the stomach of a neuralgic character. 694 BORAX VENETA — BO VISTA — BROMINE. BORAX VENETA. BORATE OF SODA. (Borax.) Antidotes — Cham. Coffea. Borax is especially applicable to diseases of the mucous membranes, particularly of the mouth, throat, and ears. Mouth and Throat. — Aptha3 of the mouth and tongue; apthous ulcers on the inside of the cheek ; soreness of the throat, with a scalding sensation ; discharges of pus from the ears ; roaring in the ears. BOVISTA. LYGOPERDON BO VISTA. (Puff-BaU.) Antidotes. — Camphor. This remedy is indicated in cases marked with languor, lassitude, and general debility. It is also a good remedy in moist, scurvy, and herpetic eruptions, and for pimples covering the entire body. BROMINE. BROMINIUMS, U.S. {Bromine.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Opium, Coffea, Vapors of Alcohol, Am- monia. For small doses, Coffea, Camphor. Clinical Kemarks. — According to the clinical ob- servations of Dr. Herring, the curative sphere of Bromine is not scrofula, but affections of the chest, heart, and eyes, and in croup he considers that in some cases it may prove superior to spongia. (Vide Hull's Jahr.) Dr. Hull regards it as a remedy equally important with Phos in that stage of BROMLNK. 695 complicated pneumonia tending to hepatization, and says, that it is more specific to the right lung, while Phos is to the left. The late Dr. Curtis considered it a specific in croup. It is regarded by allopathic authority analogous to Iodine, viz., by stimulating the lymphatic system, and pro- moting absorption, in bronchial, scrofulous tumors, ulcers, and enlargement of the ventricles of the heart. I have found it very serviceable in laryngeal affections, and in hoarseness, threatening suffocation in adults (similar to croup in children). Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains appear to become worse in a warm room, and when sitting ; aggrava- tion of the symptoms from evening until midnight, and many of the symptoms are felt only on one side. Throat and Chest. — Hoarseness ; loss of voice ; sore- ness and roughness of the throat ; rough, hollow dry cough ; wheezing breathing ; suffocative cough ; obstinate, dry, croupy cough ; violent oppression of the chest ; great diffi- culty of breathing ; threatened suffocation ; palpitation and hypertrophy of the heart. Neck. — Scrofulous swelling on either side of the neck ; enlargement of the thyroid gland (Goitre). Stomach and Abdomen. — Burning, uneasy sensation in the stomach ; nausea and hiccup ; pain in the abdomen : liquid stools ; watery diarrhoea. 696 BRYONIA ALBA. BRYONIA ALBA. WHITE BRYONY. Antidotes — Aeon, Cham, Igna, Nux-Vom. General Symptoms. — Heaviness and weakness in the limbs ; trembling of the limbs when rising from a recumbent posture; stiffness in the joints; fainting fits; languid feel- ing when sitting, less so when walking. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Aggravation of the symptoms at night, toward nine o'clock in the evening ; by movement and contact ; symptoms relieved by rest. Skin. — Yellow, jaundiced skin ; viscid moist skin in fevers ; burning, itching, and stinging, particularly at night ; nettle-rash ; vesicles, which burst open and scale off; rash of lying-in women, and of their infants ; erysipelas, particularly about the joints ; tense hot swellings ; swelling and induration of glands; petechia. Sleep. — Drowsiness in the day ; sleepless at night ; startings from sleep ; disturbed sleep ; nightmare. Fever. — Chilliness, particularly during the evening ; in- termittent fevers, with predominant coldness (or chills) ; thirst during the chill and hot stage ; fevers, attended with flushed face and severe headache ; fevers approaching to a typhoid, remittent fever. Moral and Sensorium. — Lowness of spirits ; dis- couragement ; despairs of a recovery ; anxiety ; uneasiness and apprehension ; vertigo ; great weight in the head ; pressure in the brain from behind forwards ; delirious talk at night. BRYONIA ALBA. 697 Head. — Headache early in the morning ; agonizing head- ache ; jarring headache, as if the brain were loose ; aggrava- tion of headache when stooping ; congestion of blood to the head. Eyes and Ears. — Kheumatic inflammation of the eyes ; pain and suffering, aggravated by the slightest motion of the eye ; inflammation and congestion in streaks ; Humming in the ears ; intolerance of noise. Nose. — Swelling of the nose from inflammation ; bleed- ing of the nose, dry coryza. Mouth. — Dryness of the mouth ; tongue coated white, or dark ; red, dry tongue ; indistinct articulation. Appetite and Taste. — Loss of taste ; flat, insipid, sickly, disgusting taste ; loss of appetite ; aversion to food. GrASTRic. — Regurgitation of the injesta; nausea; vomit- ing immediately after eating or drinking ; vomiting of bile ; haemorrhage from the stomach. Stomach. — Pressure in the stomach, particularly after eating ; stitches in the stomach when lying on the side ; painful soreness in the pit of the stomach ; burning and stinging in the region of the liver. Abdomen. — Colic of pregnant females ; hysteric abdomi- nal spasms ; spasmodic pains in the abdomen ; constipation, or constipation alternating with diarrhoea ; diarrhoeas from cold. Female Genital Organs. — Suppression of the menses, with bleeding at the nose; tearing pains in the limbs during menstruation ; burning pains in the uterus during pregnancy. G98 CALCAEEA CARBONIC A. Throat and Chest. — Hoarseness, accompanied by in clination to sweat ; dry cough ; cough early in the morning stitches in the throat; cough, with soreness of the chest pressure in the chest; stitches in the sides of the chest; in flammation of the lungs ; typhoid pneumonia ; pleurisy, am rheumatic affections of the chest. Back and Extremities. — Painful stiffness in the nape of the neck; severe pain in the small of the back; Linn bago ; rheumatic pain ; soreness and swelling of the limbs ; inflammation and swelling of the integument, about the joints; painful swelling and inflammation of the wrist and joints of the fingers, ankles, and toes; strained or sprained pain of the feet ; gout. CALCAREA CARBONICA. CARBONATE OF LIME. Antidotes. — Camphor, Nit- Acid, Nit.-Spir. Sulph. General Symptoms. — Obstructed or sluggish circula tion ; the hands and feet go to sleep ; physical depression ; weakness from loss of animal fluids; exhaustion and weari- ness ; difficult walking of children ; great sensitiveness to cold ; glandular enlargements ; scrofula ; bronchitis and consumption. Skin. — Kough skin; herpetic eruptions ; unhealthy con- dition of the skin, readily ulcerating and slow to heal ; eruptions, with deep fissures, particularly in those who work in water ; carious ulcers. Sleep. — Drowsiness in the day-time; tired, languid, and sleepy during the day, but sleepless during the evening: CALCAREA CARBONICA. 699 sleep during the night exceedingly restless, and disturbed by frightful dreams. Moral Symptoms. — Low spirited ; uneasy state of the mind ; is apprehensive ; despairing ; distressed with sad fore- bodings ; irritability ; peevish, vexed, and sullen mood. Sefsorium. — Dullness of mind ; vertigo, particularly when walking in the open air. Head. — The head is affected by mental labor ; heaviness in the forehead; pressure in the forehead; drawing pain in the back part of the head ; itching of the scalp ; eruptions on the scalp ; humid eruptions on the scalp ; tumors and suppurative swellings on the head and neck. Eyes. — Itching, burning, and stitches in the eyes ; vio- lent itching in the eyes; purulent inflammation of the eyes and eyelids ; sore eyes of infants ; discharge of pus from the eyes; mattery exudation from the eyes; agglu- tination of the lids. Ears. — Stitches in the ears ; stinging in the ears ; ring- ing, buzzing, and a peculiar cracking in the ears. Nose. — Inflammation and soreness of the nose; ulcer- ated nostrils ; dryness and stoppage of the nostrils, scrofu- lous swelling of the nose ; pimples and humid eruptions on the nose. Face. — Eruptions of a humid character ; scaly eruption ; pimples on the face ; swelling of the upper lip ; scrofulous swelling of the lips. Mouth and Teeth. — Swelling of the gums ; feeding of the gums; itching of the gums; ulcerated gums; mat- tery state of the gums and corners of the mouth ; extreme 700 CALCAREA CARBONICA. tenderness of the teeth ; drawing pain in the teeth, return- ing at intervals ; severe stitches in a tooth ; difficult and slow dentition. Stomach -and Abdomen. — Frequent eructations ; dis- tention of the stomach ; sour eructations and sour vomit- ings ; pressure of the stomach ; nightly pressure in the pit of the stomach ; spasms of the stomach ; pressure in the abdomen ; gnawing, griping pains, also cutting pains ; en- largement of the abdomen, particularly in scrofulous chil- dren. Stool. — Constipation ; diarrhoea in children while teeth- ing ; diarrhoea in scrofulous children and adults ; burning and itching of the rectum. Urine. — Frequent urinating at night ; catarrh of the bladder ; thick, turbid urine, or urine mixed with blood. Female Genital Organs. — Itching and stitches in the parts; uterine hemorrhage in old ladies; too frequent men- struation ; leucorrhoea ; sterility ; chlorosis. Throat and Chest. — Painless hoarseness ; chronic hoarseness ; consumption of the throat ; ulceration of the throat ; catarrhal condition of the trachea ; nightly cough with hoarseness; cough, with expectoration of pus, yellow, greenish, or streaked with blood ; shortness of breath , stitches in the chest; stitches in the left side of the chest, pricking in the muscles of the chest ; palpitation of the heart. Back. — Pains in the small of the back ; swelling on the neck ; swelling of the glands of the neck ; swellings in the region of the vertebras ; tenderness of the spine ; curvature of the spine ; rickety condition of the bones of the chest and spinal column. CAL. PHOSPHORICA — CAL. OFFICINALIS. 701 Extremities. — Drawing and lacerating in the right arm and shoulder down to the hand ; pressure in the left upper arm ; cramps in the hands ; swelling of the hands ; nodosi- ties on the fingers ; deadness of the fingers, and lameness of the fingers ; heaviness of the legs ; stitches ; drawings and cramps of the legs ; painful swelling of the knees ; scrofulous swelling of the knee ; white swelling ; ulcers on the legs and feet ; burning in the soles of the feet ; sweat of the feet ; cold feet. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. PHOSPHATE OF LIKE. General Symptoms. — Rheumatic affections, especially in scrofulous and consumptive persons ; carious ulcers : rickets ; consumption ; glandular enlargements ; weakness from a want of extractive matters in the system ; curving of the limbs ; deformities of the chest and spinal column. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. MARIGOLD. Clinical Kemarks. — This very familiar plant was much used in low fevers, scrofula, jaundice, and amenorrhoea, Cancerous, and other malignant-appearing ulcers. We find that it bears a close analogy to Arnica, Ruta, Rhus Tox., Carb. An., Carb. Yeg., and Symp. It has (more recently) been used very satisfactorily as an external application (similar to Arnica) in wounds, strains, and lacerations, and its deob- struent effects are equally proven in amenorrhoea. 702 CAMP BORA. CAMPHORA. CAMPHOR. Antidotes. — Opium, Spts-Nitr-Dulc. Clinical Kemarks. — Camphor is better known by the masses, and in more general use as a domestic remedy, than any other in the Materia Medica, and its very indiscrimi- nate use has been frequently productive of serious conse- quences ; while in moderate doses it will (when properly administered) allay spasm, remove congestions by divert- ing the circulation and equalizing the action ; it is equally capable of producing all of these conditions. J. have seen the most severe headache, congestion of the brain, fainting, delirium, and convulsions produced by it. These remarks are not calculated to detract in the least from its merits as a remedy, but to guard against its indiscriminate use. General Symptoms. — Loss of consciousness ; tetanic spasm ; great weakness, languor, and heaviness ; spasms, convulsions, and twitchings. Characteristic Peculiarity. — Most of the pains are excited during motion. Fever. — Coldness ; deadly paleness ; the surface is very cold ; weak, small pulse. Sensorium and Head. — Vertigo; heaviness of the head; dull headache with nausea; headache caused by being exposed to the heat of the sun ; face pale ; pale and sunken. Gastric Symptoms. — Excessive thirst ; nausea ; nausea and vomiting; pain in the stomach; violent pressing, or CANNABIS SATIVA. 703 cramping pains in the stomach ; severe cramp of the stomach ; burning in the stomach ; Asiatic cholera. Chest. — Suffocative catarrh ; short hacking cough ; dry suffocative cough ; influenza ; (grippe ;) spasms of the chest ; spasms of the chest from the vapors of copper or arsenic ; angina of the chest. Abdomen. — Abdominal spasms; severe colicky pains; severe cramps in the bowels; thin, watery diarrhoea » serous appearing diarrhoea. Genital Organs. — Weakness of the genital organs * want of desire ; impotence. CANNABIS SATIVA. CANNABIS. {Hemp.) Antidotes. — Campli. ; for large doses, Lemonjuice. General Symptoms. — Eheumatic pains in the membran- eous coverings of the long bones ; complaints occasioned by fatigue ; hysteric symptoms ; tetanic spasms ; weakness of the inferior extremities ; dropsical and urinary difficulties. Stomach and Abdomen. — Pain in the stomach ; nausea ; nausea attended with drowsiness ; pressing in the abdomen from within outward ; diarrhceic stool ; watery diarrhoea. Urine. — Eetention of urine ; difficulty in voiding urine ; the urine is voided in drops, attended with severe pain and burning ; burning in the urethra ; discharge of mucus from the urethra. Chest. — Catarrhal condition of the trachea and larynx ; asthma ; great difficulty in breathing, especially when lying down ; dropsy of the chest ; palpitation of the heart. 704 CANTHARIS. Clinical Kemarks. — Cannabis sativa does not appear to differ materially from the Apocynum, in its effects upo» the secretions of the system, particularly in dropsical affeo tions, and urinary difficulties. CANTHARTS. GANTRARIDES. {Spanish Fly.) Antidotes. — Camphor, Spts-nit-dulc, large doses. Demulcent drinks and Opii. Characteristic Peculiarities. — " Most of the symp- toms appear on the right side ;" amelioration of the symp- toms when lying down. Skin. — Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin, attended with severe burning ; Erysipelas ; small, itching blisters. Stool and Urine. — Diarrhoea, or dysentery, with white mucous stools, attended with burning of the anus and irri- tation extending to the urinary organs ; constant desire to urinate; pressing and bearing, with inability to urinate; severe burning pain in the urethra ; discharge of drops of blood ; bloody urine. Male Genital Organs. — Nocturnal erections; painful erections ; weakness of the genitals. Female Genital Organs. — Burning and itching; burning while urinating ; discharge of bloody mucus. Extremities. — Chilblains; inflammations from being frostbitten ; vesicles on the hands and feet. CAPSICUM ANNUM — CAKBO ANIMALIS. 705 CAPSICUM ANNUM. CAPSICUM. (Spanish Pepper.) Antidote. — Camphor. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Most of the symp- toms occur in the evening. They are aggravated by con- tact, and cold temperature. Skin. — Stinging, burning, and itching o,f the entire sur- face. Fever. — Shuddering and chilliness in the back, and during the evening; fever and ague, with thirst greatest during the cold stage. Head. — Severe headache ; feeling as if the head would burst, particularly when moving the head, or when walking. Mouth and Throat. — Pimples on the tongue, with stinging ; stomacace ; pain while swallowing ; burning in the throat. Urine and Stool. — Burning, pricking, and stitches in the urethra ; dysenteric diarrhoea ; small diarrhoeic stools, attended with burning of the anus ; mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus. CARBO ANIMALIS. ANIMAL CHARCOAL. Antidote. — Camphor. Moral Symptoms. — Melancholy ; low-spirited ; shy and timid. Head. — Pressure and sense of dullness in the head during the afternoon ; Congestion ; eruptions and scurf. Nose. — Stoppage of the nose ; dry coryza. 43 706 CARBO VEGETABILIS. Stomach. — Pressure in the stomach, as from a load ; claw- ing and griping in the stomach ; burning in the stomach. Female Genital Organs; — Leucorrhcea ; burning, biting in the vagina and of the labia ; darting in the breasts of a nursing female; painful indurations of the breast; ery- sipelas of the breast. Neck. — Glandular swellings in the neck ; hard cancer- ous ulcers on the neck, attended with burning, or a stick- ing, pricking pain. Extremities. — Herpetic eruptions ; indurated glands ; arthritic stiffness of the joints ; drawing in the leg ; pain- less drawing in the left leg ; stinging and tingling in the feet. CARBO VEGETABILIS. VEGETABLE CHAR GOAL. Antidotes. — Ars., Camph., Coffea, Lachesis. General Symptoms. — Rheumatic drawing in the whole body ; lassitude ; the limbs feel bruised ; the limbs go to sleep ; general physical depression ; attacks of vertigo ; obtuseness of nervous sensibility. Skin. — Nettle rash ; varices ; chilblains ; glandular swellings; lymphatic swellings, with suppurations, attended with heat and burning; dry rash, like itch; moles; ulcers break open again and emits bloody lymph. Fever. — Fever, with thirst only during the cold stage ; typhus and typhoid fevers ; great disposition to perspire ; morning and night sweats. Head. — Heaviness in the head ; aching in the nape of the neck ; beating headache in the afternoon ; pulsating CARBO VEGETAB1LIS. 707 min in the forehead after eating ; falling off of the hair, particularly after illness ; susceptibility to take cold in the head. Eyes and Ears. — Pain in the eyes, and pressure ; burn- ing in the eyes, particularly in the canthi ; morning agglu- tination of the eyes ; bleeding from the eyes ; suppuration of the internal ear ; dryness of the ear, from a deficiency of wax. Nose and Face. — Itching around the nostrils; Bleed- ing of the nose at night ; stoppage of the nose, particularly in the evening ; violent coryza ; Gray -appearing complex- ion ; pimples on the face and forehead ; chapped lips ; eruptions on the chin. Mouth and Throat. — Stomacace ; Biting and burning in the fauces and palate ; Scraping sensation in the throat ; roughness and rawness ; cough. Stomach and Abdomen. — Sense of pressure in the stomach ; sour eructations ; nausea ; Water-brash ; Bleed- ing from the stomach ; Spasms of the stomach ; Bruised pain in the region of the liver; pressing pain; stitching pain and aching in the region of the liver ; Distention of the abdomen from flatulence ; Flatulent colic. Urine. — Frequent desire to urinate ; nocturnal enuresis. Female G-enital Organs. — Itching in the pudendum ; burning and excoriated feeling; the menses appear too soon ; leucorrhcea. Extremities. — Lameness ; numbness and insensibility ; a rigid feeling in the muscles and joints ; Foetid and bleed- ing ulcers on the legs and feet ; redness, swelling, and ten- derness of the toes, as if frozen. 708 CAUSTICUM. CAUSTICUM. CAUSTIC. Antidotes. — Coffea, Colocynth, JVux-vom, Nitr-spts. General Symptoms. — Arthritic pains in all of the limbs; bruised feeling; stiffness in all of the joints; tin- gling in the extremities as if they would go to sleep. Skin. — Itch, like eruptions ; itching eruption at the root of the nose ; itching of the entire surface. Sleep. — Great drowsiness and weariness in the day-time, and sleeplessness at night; sweat during sleep; sleep dis- turbed by anxious dreams; frequent starting from sleep as with fright. Moral Symptoms. — Sad, whining mood ; melancholic - r anxiety; full of apprehensions ; perfect want of hope ; ten- dency to start; hypochondriacal; extremely sensitive ; dis- posed to be offended. Head. — An occasional pressure deep in the head ; stitehes in the temples; tightness and stitches from the lower part of the forehead to the vertex. Eyes. — Inflammation of the eyes, with burning; inflam- mation of the eyes of scrofulous persons ; obscuration of sight: movements before the eves as of insects; flitting to and fro before the eyes : amaurosis. Ears. — Roaring and buzzing in the ears ; running of the ear ; the discharge is acrid and corrosive. Nose. — Pimples on the tip of the nose ; old warts on the nose ; dry coryza ; obstruction of the nose, and difficulty in breathing through the nose ; violent itching and burning at the root of the nose. CAUSTICUM. 709 Face and Teeth. — Arthritic pains and tightness of the muscles of the face and lower jaw ; paralysis of the muscles of one side of the face ; painful sensitiveness of the teeth ; painful looseness of the teeth ; the gums are swollen and painful. Mouth and Throat. — Paralysis of the tongue ; stutter- ing; great difficulty in articulating; apthous spots in the mouth and on the tip and edges of the tongue ; white ap- pearing canker in the mouth and on the palate and fauces ; extreme tenderness of the mouth ; soreness of the throat : hawking up phlegm. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea ; vomiting ; pressure in the stomach early in the morning ; spasm ; griping and pressure in the stomach ; pressure in the abdomen extend- ing upwards; flatulence; excessive itching of the anus; fistula. Female G-enital Organs. — Delay of the menses ; leu- corrhcea at night ; sore and cracked nipples. Throat and Chest. — Hoarseness; loss of voice; con- sumption of the throat ; ulcerated throat ; short, hacking cough ; shortness of breath ; asthma, when sitting or lying ; spasmodic asthma ; stitches about the heart ; palpitation of the heart. Extremities. — Drawing pains in the arms ; warts on the arms ; itching ; sprained pain in the hip ; drawing pains ; lacerating pains in the legs. J 710 CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. CHAMOMILE. Antidotes. — Coffea, Ignatia, Pulsatilla. Skin. — Rash of infants, and nursing females ; Irritability and sensitiveness ; sensitiveness to currents of air. Sleep. — Soporous condition, with feverish restlessness; disturbed sleep at night. Fever. — Intermittent fever, with nightly exacerbation ; gastric fevers ; shuddering in the open air. Moral Symptoms. — Excessive restlessness ; peevishness and ill-humor ; constant crying. Eyes and Eaes. — Swelling of the eyelids ; yellowness of the whites of the eyes ; distortion of the eyes ; twitches of the lids ; bleeding from the eyes ; Drawing and tensive pain in the ears ; discharge from the ears ; Inflammatory swelling of the parotid gland. Face. — Redness and burning of the face, particularly the cheeks ; frequent change of color of the face ; yellow, bilious complexion; swelling of one side of the face; con- vulsive twitches of the muscles of the face and lips. Mouth. — Dry mouth and tongue, with thirst; tongue red and fissured ; apthae in the mouth ; convulsive move- ments of the tongue; toothache, especially violent after taking a warm drink ; nightly toothache, especially after getting warm in the bed ; throbbing, darting, and jerking in the teeth ; very severe toothache ; difficult dention. Stomach and Abdomen. — Bitter eructations ; sour eruc- tations ; sour vomiting; bitter bilious vomiting; vomiting CHINA. 711 of the ingestea; aching pain in the stomach ; painful dis- tended condition of the stomach ; oppression and incarce- ration of flatulence; cramp of the stomach; Abdominal spasms ; cramping colic ; flatulent colic ; abdomen dis- tended, and sensitive to the touch. Stool. — Undigested stool ; nightly diarrhoea ; green, watery diarrhoea ; diarrhoea during teething ; diarrhoea from cold ; anger, or chagrin. Female Genital Organs. — Severe pains ; cramping, colicky, or cutting previous to the periods ; discharges of coagulated blood ; Abdominal spasms of nursing or preg- nant females; violent after-pains; Suppression of milk; soreness of the nipples ; induration of the breast. Chest. — Catarrhal cough ; hoarseness from mucus in the throat ; hoarseness and cough ; oppression of the chest as from flatulence; sudden stoppage of the breath in children ; stitches in the side of the chest ; stitches from the middle of the chest to the right side. EXTREMITIES.^-Kocturnal pains and lameness ; swelling of the palms of the hands ; convulsive twitchings of the fingers ; cramps in the calves of the legs. CHINA. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS. {Peruvian Baric.) Antidotes. — Arsen., Puis., Bell., Gale, Ipecac, Ferrum, SulpK, Nux-vom. General Symptoms. — Irritability and sensitiveness of the whole system; languor; inertia; heaviness of the limbs ; aversion to both mental and physical labor ; pain- ful weariness of the limbs ; weakness from the loss of 712 CHINA. animal fluids; uneasiness in the affected parts; atrophy, emaciation, particularly in children ; Intermittent fevers ; tensive and wandering pains. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains of china are darting, lacerating; or, lacerating, with pressure, and are aggravated by contact ; also at night. Skin. — Painful sensitiveness of the skin ; yellow skin ; soreness of children; arthritic and rheumatic hard, red swellings. Fever. — Intermittent fevers, with languor during the chilly stage; headache, nausea, and no thirst, but thirst after the chilly stage ; great desire for cold drinks during the hot stage and sweating stages ; bilious fevers ; gastric fevers ; fevers attended with perspiration ; asthenic fevers. Sensorium and Head. — Indisposition to perform any kind of either mental or physical labor ; dullness of the head ; vertigo ; headache from suppressed coryza ; pain in the forehead when opening the eyes; heaviness in the head ; severe headache ; pressure in the head from within outwards ; great sensitiveness of the scalp ; profuse sweat in the hair. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Pressure as from a foreign substance in the eye : inflammation of the eyes, particu- larly in scrofulous persons; dimness of vision; incipient amaurosis ; stitches in the ears ; humming and ringing in the ears ; partial deafness ; frequent bleeding of the nose early in the morning ; dry coryza. Face. — Pale, sunken, hippocratic expression of counte- nance ; red, bloated face ; blackish lips ; the lips are dry and parched. ■ china. 71;} Mouth. — Ptyalism, also from the abuse of mercury ; haemorrhage from the mouth ; parched tongue. Appetite. — Flat, watery taste ; bitter taste ; indifference and aversion to every kind of food. Gastric Symptoms. — Bitter, sour, and empty eructa- tions; heartburn; inclination to vomit; vomiting of sour mucus ; Fullness and oppression of the stomach, as if too full ; pressure after eating ; spasmodic pains in the stomach. Hypochondria. — Dull, aching pains in the region of the liver ; Induration of the liver and spleen ; Feeling of fullness and swelling in the region of the liver and spleen ; stitches, especially during contact. Abdomen. — Pinching in the abdomen ; Flatulent colic; Distention of the abdomen, attended with diarrhoea. Female Genital Organs. — Uterine congestions; pro- fuse menstruation; colicky pain while menstruating; bloody leucorrhcea. Throat and Chest. — Catarrh of the trachea and bron- chia; cough, which is excited by laughing, talking, or drinking ; cough, with ordinary expectoration, or with expectoration streaked with blood ; Difficult breathing ; asthma, and suffocative catarrh; stitches in the chest, re- lieved by the recumbent posture. 714 CICUT^E — CINA. CWVTM. GIGUTA VIBOSA. {Water-hemlock. Cowlane.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Tobacco. For small doses, Arnica,. General Symptoms. — Diseases of the nervous system ; Violent tonic spasm ; catalepsy ; epilepsy and general con- vulsions ; spasms of pregnant or parturient females ; Hys- teric spasms ; tremulous movements ; affections of the base of the brain ; mental derangements. Skin. — Suppurating eruptions ; large, dark red pimples ; cancerous indurations ; Fungoid excrescences. Moral Symptoms. — Apprehension about the future: mania; moaning and howling ; tendency to start. Sensorium and Head. — Vertigo ; reeling ; staggering ; affections of the brain from concussion ; Semilateral head- ache ; Headache above the orbits, with weakness of sight ; Jerking of the head and motion of the head backwards. Eyes, Nose and Face. — Nightly agglutination ; Photo- phobia ; the sight vanishes by times ; Double sighted by times ; scurfs in the nostrils ; Dark red lentil-sized pus- tules on the face ; crusta lactea ; lockjaw. Gastric Symptoms. — Satiety and pressure at the stomach ; Desire for cool drinks ; vomiting ; vomiting, alter- nating with tonic spasms of the muscles of the chest. CINA. SEMEN SANTOMCL ( Wormseed.) Antidotes. — Bryonia, China, ffyosciam, Ipecac. This remedy is supposed by many to exercise con- siderable of a controlling influence over catarrhal affections CIKNA.MOMUM. 715 and Bronchial difficulties, secondary to measles, and has also been used as a remedy in intermittent fevers, but with what success I am not prepared to say. I have only used it successfully in irritation of the mucous surfaces from worms, and in that peculiar irritative fever arising from verminous irritation. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Symptoms most vio- lent in the morning and evening ; Pressure or contact aggravate the symptoms. General Symptoms. — Kestlessness at night ; Feverish condition ; the heat is principally about the head ; uneasi- ness ; complaints, and weeping of children ; stitches in the brain ; dropsy of the brain from metastatized verminous irritation ; Dilitation of the pupils ; Picking, and disposi- tion to bore in the nose ; Stoppage of the nose ; Paleness of the face ; hollow-ej^ed, or dark streaks beneath the eyes; circumscribed flush of the cheek ; Variable appetite ; loss of appetite, or voraciousness ; vomiting and diarrhoea ; Nocturnal enuresis ; Involuntary emission of urine. Note. — Cina is a good remedy to administer as an antecedent in Infan- tile Intermittents and Remittents ; with reference to the presence of verminous irritation, it will frequently cut short all of the symptoms when other remedies appear to be more specifically indicated. CINNAMOMTJM. CASSIA AROMATIC CM. {Cinnamon.) Cinnamon is a very effectual remedy in post partem (after delivery) haemorrhages, and in haemorrhages follow- ing abortions, while Ergot (secale cornutum) is the remedy for ante partem haemorrhages, or haemorrhages threatening miscarriage. 716 CLEMATIS ERECTA. CLEMATIS ERECTA. UPRIGHT VIRGIN'S BOWER. Antidotes. — Bryonia Camphor. Skin. — Inveterate eruptions ; versicular and pustular eruptions ; Herpetic eruptions, discharging yellowish cor- rosive ihor ; scaly eruptions ; red, humid, and itching eruptions ; scirrhous indurations ; cancerous ulcers, and fungoid excrescences. Moral Symptoms. — Peevish ; dissatisfied, indifferent, silent and melancholy. Head and Eyes. — Humid vesicles on the back part of the head and nape of the neck ; Inflammation of the margin of the eyelids ; Ipitis ; Chronic inflammation of the eyes in scrofulous persons. Face. — Whitish appearing blisters on the forehead; cancer of the lip. Genital Organs and Abdomen. — Swelling of a gland in the groin ; Hard, indurated gland ; bubo ; contraction and constriction of the urethra; swelling and induration of the testes ; swelling of the right half of the scrotum. Female Genital Organs. — Indurations, and cancer of the breast. Extremities. — Spreading blisters on the hands and fingers ; Arthritic nodosities in the finger joints ; scaly herpetic eruptions and crusts on the legs. COCCULUS — COFFEA CRUDA. 717 COCCULUS. COCOULTJS INDICUS. {Irdiom Cochel.) Antidotes. — Camphor, Nux-vomica. General Symptoms. — Nervous weakness ; fainting fits ; hemiplegia ; paralysis of the lower limbs ; nervous irrita- tion, emaciation, and general weakness. Moral Symptoms. — Extremely sensitive to noise ; great anxiety ; anguish ; sudden startings. Sensorium and Head. — Dizziness, and disposition to faint ; apoplexy ; intoxicated feeling ; aching pain in the forehead ; severe headache, as if the eyes would be pressed from their sockets ; headache, attended with a dizzy, intox- icated feeling. Stomach and Abdomen. — Violent spasms of the stom ach, particularly after a meal; flatulence; colic at night. Female Genital Organs. — Suppression of the menses, attended with cramping colicky pains ; painful and scanty menstruation; discharge of bloody mucus during preg- nancy; leucorrhcea. Chest. — Oppression of the chest, as from a load ; spasms of the chest ; hysteric spasms of the chest ; palpitation of the heart. COFFEA CRUDA. CRUDE COFFEE. Antidotes. — Cham. Ignatia, Merc. Nux-vom., Camph. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Excitation of the or- gans of sense, and of the nervous system generally ; extreme sensitiveness. 718 C0LCH1CUM. Sleep. — Sleeplessness during the night; waking with starts, and sleep disturbed by dreams. Moral. — Great anguish ; cannot be composed ; want of memoiy. Head and Ears. — Severe lacerating headache ; heat in the face; Hardness of hearing; humming in the ears. Mouth and Throat. — Darting in the teeth ; toothache, with restlessness ; Sore throat, with severe pain ; swelling of the uvula. Gastric Symptoms. — Sickness of the stomach in the morning; vomiting; vomiting of bile. Sexual Organs. — The primary effect excites, the sec- ondary weakens, the sexual desire. COLCHICUM. COLCRICUM ATJTUMNALE. (Meadow Saffron.) Antidotes. — Cocculus, Nux-vom., Puis. General Symptoms. — Lacerating and lancinating jerks, principally in the left side; sticking, drawing jerks deep in the limbs near the bone; muscular soreness and lameness; acute and chronic rheumatism ; urinary and dropsical affec- tions; autumnal dysentery and rheumatic fevers. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Aggravation of the symptoms at night. Fever. — Heat of the body at night, with thirst; full, hard pulse. Eyes and Ears. — Inflammation of a rheumatic char- acter; severe pain attended with nervous irritation ; Lacer- ating pain in the ears, attended with a discharge. COLOCYXTHIS. 719 Stomach and Abdomen. — Xausea; violent vomiting; tingling and burning in the stomach ; stitches, and an op- pressive sensation at the pit of the stomach ; Colicky pains ; dropsy of the abdomen ; disposition to diarrhoea ; watery diarrhoea ; mucus and bloody dysentery ; fall dysentery. Urixe. — Scanty emission of urine ; frequent desire and urging with a diminished discharge ; burning in the urethra ; catarrhal condition of the bladder and urethra; dischai of a milky sediment. Chest. — Great oppression of the chest from dropsical ef- fusion ; spasms in the chest, and rheumatic pains. Extremities. — Rheumatic pains; lameness and swell- ings; oedematous swelling of the feet, ankles, and legs; tingling and burning; red swellings of the joints of the fingers and toes. COLOCYNTHIS. CUCUMIS CO LOO YXTHIS. ( Wild Oucumber. ) Antidotes. — Cam r ph., CavM., Cham., Coff., Staphy. Eyes and Face. — Severe cutting and burning in the eyes; inflammation attended with severe cutting pains, and an acrid discharge of tears ; lacerating burning and sting- ing 1 , particularly of the left side of the face ; swelling, with redness and heat. Stomach and Abdomen. — Pain in the stomach after a meal ; pain upon touching the pit of the stomach ; Pinching, griping, squeezing pain in the abdomen; cutting colicky pains ; rumbling in the bowels. Stool. — Dysentery attended with griping pains ; di- arrhceic stool preceded by pinching pains; dysentery with 7^0 CONIUM MACULATUM. bloody stools ; tenesmus ; itching and excoriated feeling of the anus. Female Sexual Organs. — Suppression of the lochia; painful swelling of the breasts. Extremities. — Flying pains in the shoulders ; swelling and stiffness of the hands ; cramp-like pains in the femoral region ; tearing pains in the thighs ; darting pains in the ankles ; swelling of the feet ; coxalgia. Note. — I cured a case of severe coxalgia with a few doses of this drug, that had resisted treatment for years. CONIUM MACULATUM. HEMLOCK. Antidotes. — Coff., Kitr-Spts. General Symptoms. — Bruised pains in the limbs ; great exhaustion ; sick, faint feeling early in the morning ; fainting fits ; apoplexy ; paralysis ; general weakness ; Disordered state of the mind. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains are prone to come on during the night, or during rest. Skin. — Itching, smarting and burning stitches ; general painfulness of the skin ; sensations as from the bites of insects ; nettle rash ; chronic, herpetic eruptions ; swell- ing and indurations of glands ; scirrhous indurations and cancerous ulcers. Sleep. — Unrefreshing ; startled by frightful dreams ; Eaving during sleep. Moral Symptoms. — Fearful, desponding, whining mood ; CONITJM MACULATUM. 721 Inclination to start as from fright ; coma ; unconscious- ness. Sensoeium and Head. — Dullness of memory ; confu- sion of mind ; Dizziness ; Apoplexy ; Paralysis in old people ; Tearing headache in the back part of the head ; Lacerating pain in the forehead from within outwards ; Dropsy of the brain, particularly in children and aged per- sons. Eyes and Ears. — Kedness, and staring expression ; weakness of sight ; short sightedness ; spots appear before the eyes ; Stitches in the ears ; hardness of hearing ; roaring and buzzing in the ears. Nose and Face. — Inflammation of the nose; purulent discharge from the nostrils ; Dryness and stoppage of the nose ; Heai in the face ; pain in the face at night ; itching ; herpetic eruption on the face ; cancer of the lip ; dry, scaly lips. Chest and Throat. — Dry, tickling cough ; cough in- creased upon lying down ; cough principally at night : dry, spasmodic cough ; suffocative cough ; Whooping cough, with paroxysms at night ; cough during pregnancy ; Oppression and shortness of breath ; Stitches in the side of the chest, and stitches in the breastbone. Stomach. — Distention and pressure at the pit of the stomach after eating ; eructations ; nausea ; heartburn ; spasmodic pains in the stomach ; sharp, drawing pains in the region of the liver. Abdomen. — Sharp, cutting, lancinating pains, particu- larly of the right side ; violent, wringing, twisting, and culting colic. 46 722 COPAIBA. Female Genital Oegans. — Stitches, and itching of the pudendum ; Pressing down and painful spasms in the ab- domen during the flow of the menses ; smarting and excoriating leucorrhcea ; scirrhous and cancerous inductions of the breast. Extremities. — Tension ; laceration, or bruised feeling ; uneasiness and languid feeling in the limbs. COPAIBA. BALSAM COPAIVA. Antidote. — Mercurius. Copaiva acts principally upon the mucous surfaces, and is necessarily a good remedy in catarrhal conditions of the chest, intestinal canal and urinary passages ; also for Hem- orrhagic discharges, depending upon inflammation and irritations of mucous membranes. It also acts upon the skin, more particularly in erysipelatous inflammation, at- tended with burning, and some swelling ; the swelling in ridges. Skin. — Elevated bright red erysipelatous condition of the skin ; Eoseola during measles, and during the action of the vaccine virus. Abdomen. — Colicky pains, attended with watery diar- rhoea ; Bloody stools ; Piles, attended with itching of the anus ; Hemorrhoidal discharges of blood or mucus. Urinary Organs. — Irritation of the bladder ; Irritation and inflammation of the urethra, attended with extreme CORALLIUM RUBRUM — CROCUS SATIVUS. 723 burning; Great difficulty in urinating ; Bleeding from the urethra ; Purulent gonorrhoea. Note. — There appears to be quite a diversity of opinion existing respect- ing the form of eruption to which this drug is applicable. I have known it to produce erysipelas of the character above named, in several instances, but always on the skin covering the abdomen ; and I have used it success- fully in similar cases, caused differently of course. And those who have not, but will use it in Roseola- Variolosa, — Vaccina, — Miliaris, — and Rubeola, will find it an efficient remedy. CORALLIUM RUBRUM. RED CORAL. This remedy exhibits an action on paper which I have never been able to obtain, and the facts I have been able to gather from those who have instituted quite elaborate prov- ings, have not added much to its reputation as a remedy. Its constituents, being principally carbonate of lime, oxide of iron, and animal matter, precludes the idea of expecting as much from it as we do from the simple preparations of lime which are in daily use. It has been quite in repute as a remedy in dry, spasmo- dic, suffocative cough, and is recommended for cough with expectoration of purulent mucus. CROCUS SATIVUS. SAFFRON. Antidotes. — Aeon., Bell., Opium. General Symptoms. — Haemorrhages of a dark, rancid, or gumous appearing blood from various parts, particularly from the stomach ; that general lassitude, disinclination to mental and physical exertion characteristic of biliary de- 724 CROTON T1GLICM. rangement, yellow hue of the skin, and of the white of the eyes. Sensoritjm. — Gloomy, absent- minded ; forgetfulness ; stupid, heavy feeling, and dullness of the head ; pain over the eyes, and pressure in the forehead. Eyes, Nose, and Ears. — Soreness of the eyes ; nightly agglutination of the lids ; twitching and itching of the upper lid ; dark, tenacious blood from the nose ; hardness of hearing. Genital Organs. — Increased sexual desire; bearing- down pain; haemorrhage from the uterus of dark-appear- ing blood. CROTON TIGLIUM. CROTON OIL. Characteristic Peculiarities. — This remedy appears- to be more applicable to difficulties of the left side, par- ticularly pain. Skin. — Pustular eruptions resembling pock ; itching and burning of the skin. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea attended with burn- ing; oppression and pressure in the stomach; pinching, colicky pains. Stool and Urine. — Yiolent purging attended with a sickening feeling; green diarrhceic stools; Itching and burning in the urethra. CUPRUM METALICUM. 725 CUPRUM METALICUM. METALLIC COPPER. Antidotes. — For large doses, The whites of eggs, or other albumen, starchy substances, sweetened water, milk, iron filings. For small doses, Bell., Cole, Cocculm, China, Sulph., Ipecac, Nux-vom. Caprum acts with, much promptitude in almost every variety of convulsions and convulsive movements of the muscles, and distortion of the limbs. It is especially indi- cated in epilepsy, particularly when the body or limbs are drawn backward ; St. Vitus' dance, nervous affections ; cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, and other violent actions of the stomach and bowels. It also has been used success- fully in hydrophobia. Characteristic Peculiarities. — "The poisonous ef- fects of copper are disposed to appear in alternate groups." — Hull's Jahr. Moral Symptoms. — Mental derangement; furious de lirium ; wild, maniacal expression ; fits of craziness ; ravings come on in paroxysms. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea ; nausea attended with a burning in the stomach ; violent vomiting ; exces- sive vomiting, attended with severe cramping pains ; cramps of the stomach and bowels, attended with vomiting and purging; severe cramps in the stomach ; violent spasms in the abdomen ; enlargement of the liver. Throat and Chest. — Hoarseness ; spasmodic cough ; whooping-cough attended with vomiting; fits of coughing, the patient turns blue in the face ; difficult breathing ; asth- matic wheezing breathing; nightly attacks of asthma; spasms of the chest. 726 DAPHNE INDICA — DAPHNE MEZEREUM. Extremities. — Drawing, spasmodic, cramping pains; spasms of the muscles of the arms and legs ; twitching of the muscles. Note. — I visited a man, set. 40, who poisoned himself (while confined in the county jail,) by taking the acetate of copper, prepared by himself during his incarceration. Most of the prominent symptoms of the stomach and bowels, above noted, were conspicuous, together with a wild and star ing expression, particularly of the eyes. The case proved fatal, and a post- mortem examination, made twelve hours after death, revealed traces of violent inflammation of the stomach and intestinal canal, and the liver was immoderately enlarged. DAPHNE INDICA. Antidotes. — Bry., Digit., Bhus., Sep., Zinc. General Symptoms. — Eheumatic and arthritic pams; darting pains and shocks ; wandering pains ; pains aggra- vated by cold air. Sleep. — Entire inability to sleep. Fever. — Fever with nervous and gastric symptoms; viscid sweat. Head. — " Feeling of fullness in the head, as if the skull would burst ;" " heat in the head, particularly in the vertex." Larynx, Trachea and Chest. — Cough with vomiting, or with copious watery expectoration; difficult breathing at night, attended with a suffocative feeling; lacerating pain in the region of the chest. DAPHNE MEZEREUM. Vide Mezereum. DIGITALIS. 7 ^7 DIGITALIS. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. {Fox-glove.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Vegetable Acids, Infusion of Galls and Diffusible Stimulants {especially Ammonia). For small doses, Nux-vom., Opii. According to Pereira's views there are three degrees of the operation of Digitalis, which, in a practical point of view, is very important to be taken into consideration, for it explains in part why the cnrative action of a drng may serve opposite conditions, viz. : — First. That produced on the organic functions, without disordering the cerebro-spinal functions, such as gastric disturbance, the altered condition of the pulse, both in frequency and in volume, and the increased secretion of urine. Second. Disordered condition of the alimentary canal, of the circulating organs, and of the cerebro-spinal system. Third. Is characterized by vomiting, purging, and grip- ing pains in the bowels ; slow, feeble, and irregular pulse ; faintness ; cold sweats ; disordered vision ; extreme debil- ity ; afterwards, insensibility and convulsions, with dilated pupils. The first is produced by small and repeated doses ; the second, from too large, or too long continued doses ; the third, resulting from fatal doses. Thus we have in the above, its therapeutic, (that is, in one view,) physiological and toxicological action. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The symptoms of digitalis are generally aggravated in a warm room. Seksorium and Head.— Gloomy ; Dullness; Weak- 728 DIGITALIS.' ness of memory ; Yertigo ; Fainting ; Intense headache • Semi-lateral headache ; Swelling of the head from dropsical effusion. Eyes and Ears. — Stinging in the eyes ; Inflammation of the eyes, and of the meibomian glands ; Swelling and puffiness of the eyelids — particularly the lower lid; obscu- ration of sight ; objects appear green ; Pupil of the eye enlarged ; want of sensitiveness of the pupil ; it does not contract by the action of light ; Hissing and simmering sounds ; stitches in the ears. Chest. — Great difficulty in breathing; deep, slow, and sighing breathing ; Asthma ; Difficult breathing, and op- pression of the chest from dropsy ; Palpitation of the heart, or increased action of the heart with slow pulse. Gastric Symptoms. — Nausea and vomiting; vomiting comes on in paroxysms, is attended with coldness of the extremities, and small, feeble pulse ; Spasmodic pains, and pressure in the stomach. Abdomen. — Sensitiveness in the right hypochondrium ; Dropsy of the abdomen ; Sticking and shooting prickings in the abdomen. Stool. — Watery diarrhoea ; Diarrhoea preceded by colicky pain. Urine. — Desire to urinate ; voiding it in drops ; In- creased and copious flow. Extremities. — Weak, languid feeling ; oedematous and anasarcous swelling. DROSERA. 729 DROSERA. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. {Sun-dew.) Antidote. — Camphor. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The symptoms occur during the night, and early in the morning, and daring rest. Fever. — Coldness and shuddering during rest ; Gastric ague ; Fever, attended with headache and spasmodic cough ; Thirst only during the hot stage of fever. Moral Symptoms. — Sadness; Fearful; obstinate; ill- humor. Eyes, Ears, and Face. — Dimness of vision ; blurred, misty, indistinct vision ; Earache, with sticking pain in the internal ear ; hardness of hearing ; roaring, like the fall of water, or humming like that of an insect ; Pain in the face, increased by pressure. Mouth and Throat. — Bleeding from the mouth ; Diffi- cult swallowing of solids ; Stinging in the throat during swallowing ; Ulceration of the palate ; the mouth tastes bitter. Larynx and Chest. — Tickling in the throat, producing a short, dry, hacking cough ; catarrhal condition of the throat and chest ; Asthmatic, breathing ; cough producing vomiting ; cough excited by speaking, laughing or crying ; Whooping cough ; soreness of the chest from coughing. Stomach. — Nausea, and vomiting of bile ; Nausea after a meal ; eructating water from the stomach ; colic caused by eating acid-fruit, or food. 730 DULCAMARA. Urine. — Frequent urination at night ; Increased flow of urine. Female Genital Organs. — Suppression and retention of the menses ; Leucorrhcea, attended with cramping, afy dominal pains. DULCAMARA. SOLANUM D UL CAMARA. (Bitter-sweet). Antidotes. — CampJi., Ipecac, Merc. General Symptoms. — Stupefying headache ; Heaviness in the head ; chronic, pulmonary catarrh ; Rheumatic and gouty affections ; chronic eruptions ; Lepra ; eczerma and psoriasis. It also acts on the urinary organs and intestinal canal. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Symptoms occur at night ; pains, etc., relieved by motion. Skin. — Herpetic eruptions ; Humid, scaly eruptions ; Pustular eruptions ; Salt rheum. Sleep. — General restlessness ; uneasy and unrefreshing sleep. Head. — Severe headache ; stupefying headache : slight vertigo, especially when walking ; Boring pain in the temple. Face. — Eruptions on the face of various kinds; face pale, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Mouth. — Soreness and sensitiveness of the mouth ; swelling of the tongue ; paralysis of the tongue ; Bittei taste ; dryness of the mouth and tongue ; desire for cold drinks. ELATERIUM. 731 Stomach. — Nausea ; nausea and vomiting ; pressure in the stomach. Chest. — Oppression of the chest; oppression of the chest caused by dropsical effusion ; Pains in the chest. Stool. — Mucous and slimy diarrhoea ; Diarrhoea follow- ing exposure to cold or wet ; Diarrhoea with bloody stools. Back. — Painful lameness of the small of the back ; pain- ful stitches, and drawing of the muscles of the neck and back between the shoulders. Extremities. — Eruptions of a herpetic character on the arms and hands ; Drawing pains in the legs ; Burning and stinging of the feet and toes. ELATERIUM. MEMORDICA ELATERIUM. (Wild Oucumler.) Elaterium approximates more closely to Croton oil in its action upon the stomach and bowels, also as an irritant to the skin and mucous surfaces, than any other remedy we possess. Hence it is an invaluable remedy in violent vomiting and purging ; especially if the evacuations from the bowels are copious and watery. It is a good remedy in diseases of the skin, attended with much smarting, stinging and burning. Note. — Elaterium is a very efficient remedy in certain forms of dropsy of the brain, dropsy of the chest, and of the abdomen. I have seen the most wonderful curative effects of it in abdominal dropsy, with general anasarca, the inferior extremities swollen nearly twice their natural size. The pressure of the fluid in the abdomen against the diaphragm, lessened the capacity of the chest so that it was impossible for the patient to rest a moment in the recumbent posture. The remedy was used in from two to three grains of the first trituration made from Clutterbuck's preparation, repeated at intervals of four hours 732 ELECTRICITAS. ELECTRICITAS. ELECTRICITY. Electricity acts on the nervous system as a stimulant^ or excitant. Like heat, alkalies, and mechanical irritation it excites sensation when applied to the sensitive nerves, and muscular contractions when applied to the motor nerves Its prolonged action (like other stimulating agents) ex hausts the nervous excitability, but it differs from them ik several other particulars, of which, according to the most, celebrated authority, the following are the principal, viz. : 1. The electric current excites either muscular contrac- tion, or sensation, according to the direction in which it is transmitted along a mixed nerve. 2. The electric current excites neither contraction noi sensation when passed transversely across a nerve. 3. It produces no effect by its prolonged transmission along a nerve. 4. It excites a nerve when it ceases to pass. 5. It restores the excitability of a nerve which had boen exhausted by a reverse current. 6. It retains for a longer period than any other stimulant its power of rousing the excitability of a nerve. — Matteucci. Electricity has been employed as a therapeutical agent with considerable success in Paralysis, especially in that form of paralysis attended with trembling or shaking (shak- ing palsy) ; also, in St. Vitus' dance ; Catalepsy (one shock has roused a patient from a cataleptic state of several hours' duration) ; in cases of loss of consciousness ; severe neuralgic pains; chronic rheumatism; loss of speech ; amaurosis; partial deafness; severe toothache ; Retention and suppres- ELECTKICITAS. 733 sion of the menses; congestions, attended with prickling and tingling sensations. And it has, in some instances, proven a powerful auxiliary to the action of drugs (partic- ularly those prepared from the metals,) when they were administered in chronic cases, the system responding tardily, or not at all to their action. Whether its beneficial effects are obtained in those cases from an increased activity imparted to the remedy, or by rousing the semi-lethargic tissue to increased vitality, and thereby rendering the or- ganism more susceptible to the medicinal impression, or both, I am not prepared to say. The electric current acts on the nerves of sensation like other stimulants, and excites the special function of each nerve. For instance, when transmitted along the nerves of touch, it excites pain, the shock, and other unpleasant sen- sations ; along the optic nerve, it causes the sensation of light ; along the gustatory nerve, a remarkable taste ; along the auditory nerve, sound ; along the olfactory nerve, the sen- sation of smell. — Pereira. Electric Aura is produced by the action of a current of electrified air on the skin, and is used as a mild stimulant, when electrifying delicate parts ; as the eye, ulcers, ex- coriated surfaces, e*tc. Electric Spark is communicated by presenting to the part to be electrified, the ball or knob of an insulated director, connected with the prime conductor, or it may be drawn from the person by placing him on the insulating stool. It is generally practised in cases of deafness, loss of speech, or for paralysis of a single muscle, and impotence. Electric Shock is a more violent effect of the disruptive discharge, and is sometimes resorted to in suspended ani- mation, Deep coma, Catalepsy, and violent Tetanic spasm. 734 EUPAT0R1UM PERFOLIATUM. Electric Bath. The patient is placed on the insulating stool, and in connection with the prime conductor. " The entire surface of the body becomes electro-positive ; while the air which surrounds the body is, by induction, rendered electro-negative." The positive electricity is constantly and silently discharged from all pointed parts of the surface, as from the hairs, fingers, etc. This form is practised in cases of general coldness, want of animal heat T debility, general relaxation, and want of toncity of the muscular fibre. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. BONESET. Antidotes. — Ipecac, Camphor, Opii. General Symptoms. — General biliary derangement; Bilious, intermittent fever ; Fever and ague ; the chill in the morning ; sickness of the stomach ; loss of appetite ; Pains in the limbs, and of a single muscle as from cold. Fever. — Fever and ague — the chill comes on in the morning ; nausea at the commencement of the hot stage ; aching in the bones ; Inward chilliness. Head and Eyes. — Sick headache ; soreness of the eye- balls, and extreme sensitiveness to light. Stomach. — Loss of appetite ; no relish for food ; vomit- ing after drinking ; Bilious vomiting. Stool and Urine. — Constipation ; Urine scanty, and of a dark color ; itching of the parts. Larynx and Chest. — Hoarseness ; hoarse cough asthmatic, wheezing cough ; cough following measles difficult breathing ; oppression of the chest. EUPHEASIA. 735 Extremities. — Kheumatic lameness in the limbs ; pains of particular muscles ; painful inflammatory swelling of the knee. Note. — Boneset has been in use as a domestic remedy empirically, for a long while, and it is very popular among the inhabitants of the interior for its tonic, antibilious, diaphoretic, expectorant — and in large doses, its emetic properties. EUPHRASIA. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. {Eye-brigM.) Antidotes. — Gamph. Puis. Euphrasia was known and used empirically, years ago, in different affections of the eyes, which appears to be its principal sphere of action. Eyes. — Smarting in the eyes, as if produced by sand, or some fine, irritating particle of dust ; stinging in the eyes, from the action of intense light ; Inflammation and ulcera- tion of the margins of the eyelids ; Inflammation of the cornea ; profuse lachrymation, with burning and smarting, particularly when exposed to the wind ; Photophobia ; swelling of the eyelids — particularly the lower; fine erup- tion around the eyes ; purulent opthalmia, with nightly agglutination ; .Rheumatic opthalmia ; fine stitches in the eyeball ; gummy secretion in the angle of the eye. Nose. — Bleeding from the nose ; profuse fluent coryza, with smarting lachrymation, or with sneezing and discharge of mucus. Mouth. — Lameness and stiffness of the tongue and cheeks. Genital Organs. — Fig warts ; the menses appear at the regular period, but continue but from a few minutes to an hour. 7;W FERRUM ACETICUM. Larynx. — Cough during the day, with rattling mucus, which cannot be expectorated ; some tightness of the chest, and difficult breathing. Extremities. — Painless swelling of the wrist ; numb- ness of the fingers ; cramps in the legs ; cramps in the calf while standing. FERRUM ACETICUM. FEB AGET. (Acetate of Iron.) Antidotes. — Am., Arsen., Bell, Chin., Hepar.-Sulph., PuU. General Symptoms. — Great languor, weakness, and weariness ; weakness and weariness of the limbs ; fainting spells ; emaciation. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Most of the symp- toms appear at night; are aggravated by sitting, and are relieved by gentle motion. Sleep. — Weariness and drowsiness, but unable to sleep ; falls asleep late, and sleeps heavy in the morning; feels tired and unrefreshed when rising in the morning. Fever. — Frequent shudderings ; chilliness, with great thirst ; want of animal heat ; viscid exhausting sweats ; Interm ittent fevers. Head. — Hammering and throbbing headache ; pain of the head, as from ulcerations beneath the skin ; painfulness of the scalp ; rush of blood to the head, with a distended condition of the veins. Face. — Pale face and lips ; extreme redness of the face ; Puffiness of the face and swelling around the eyes. Chest. — Asthma ; Haemorrhage from the lungs. FERRUM. CARBONIC UM. 737 Gastric Symptoms. — Vomiting of the ingesta after every meal ; pressure in the stomach ; pressure in the stomach after taking the least food or drink. Stool and Anus. — Frequent diarrhceic stools ; watery diarrhoea producing a corroding sore feeling of the anus. Genital Organs. — Nocturnal emissions; miscarriage r leucorrhcea of a thin, milky appearance. Inferior Extremities. — Painful drawing in the legs, also stiffness and heaviness ; painful cramp in the calves ; swelling of the feet ; cedematous swelling of the feet and ankles. FERRUM CARBONICUM. FERRI STTBOARBONAS. U. S. (Precipitated Carbonate of Iron.) This preparation of Iron is employed allopathically for nearly all the purposes to which the preparations of iron are generally applicable. It is regarded as a tonic, altera- tive, and emmenagogue, and has been used successfully in neuralgia ; chorea ; traumatic tetanus ; in the second stage of hooping cough ; amenorrhoea and anaemia. Symptoms. — Nausea, and sense of weight in the stomach ; £>ale face and lips ; tightness of the chest ; some difficult breathing; soreness beneath the collar-bone and between the shoulder-blades ; sinking of strength ; weariness, and weakness of the limbs ; swelling of the feet and ankles ; watery diarrhoea; Dark-appearing stools. Throat and Chest. — Cough, with expectoration of mucus, pus, or bloody expectoration ; cough, attended with debility ; afternoon fever and night sweats ; tightness of the chest; pain extending from beneath the collar-bone to, and beneath, the shoulder-blades. 47 * 738 FERRUM METALIGUM- -GRANATUM. Genital Organs. — Ketention, suppression, and incom- plete menstruation ; threatened miscarriage ; weakness of the organs of reproduction. Note. — Of all the preparations of Iron that have been used in medicine, there are none that have higher claims for benefits conferred than the Piecipitated carbonate and the Phosphate. The former in chlorosis; debil- ity from the loss of animal fluids, anaemia, scrofula, consumption (depraved conditions of the system depending upon a deficiency of solid constituents extractive matters and salts). The latter in alternation with the Phosphate of lime in that peculiar dyscrasy of the system upon which Rickets depend. Of course, these remedies are used in such conditions as nutrients, in ap- preciable doses, with the view of supplying deficienciea FERRUM METALICUM. METALLIC IE OK The ordinary homoeopathic preparation, Ferrum Metali- cum, has been successfully employed in cases of oppression, and a sensation as if a load, or some hard substance were in the stomach ; in asthma ; pulmonary consumption ; a feeling of coldness, and rigidity of the limbs ; and in partial paralysis, with spasmodic contraction of the fingers, or toes. I have also used the Sulphate of Iron successfully in a similar case of paralysis. GRANATUM. GEANATI EADIGIS COETEX. U. S. {Baric of Pomegranate Eoot.) Granatum has been used empirically as a tonic ; vermi- fuge ; as a remedy in intermittents, and as an astringent in leucorrhceas ; and it has achieved quite a reputation as a remedy for the expulsion of tape-worm. The Mahometan physicians of Hindostan consider it a specific against tape- vvorm. GRAPHITES. 739 General Symptoms. — Fainting spells ; suppurations of internal organs ; extreme languor and prostration, with heat of the hands ; External inflammatory swellings ; ulcers ; chilblains ; Tertian fever ; gastric, bilious, and ty- phoid fevers ; Sensitive, Irritable, and quarrelsome. Head. — Vertigo ; empty feeling in the head ; Lacerating in the right side of the head. Eyes. — Sunken eyes ; specks on the cornea ; weakness of sight. Mouth and Throat. — Ulcers in the mouth ; stomacace ; the gums recede from the teeth, and bleed easily ; inflam- mation and suppuration of the tonsils ; serous and catarrhal sore throat. Chest. — Catarrh ; Hoarseness ; cough with coryza ; Stitches in the chest ; Pleuritis. Stomach and Abdomen. — Cramps in the stomach before eating; fullness and anguish in the pit of the stomach; Taenia ; Dysenteric diarrhoea ; Itching and tingling in the rectum. Genital Organs. — Prolapsus of the uterus ; prolapsus of the vagina. GRAPHITES. B LAC RLE AD. Antidotes. — Arsen.^ Nux-vom., Vinum. Head. — Itching of the scalp ; Painful humid eruption on the top of the head ; disposition to grow bald ; Wild- ness and confusion ; Intoxicated feeling. Eyes. — Itching and smarting of the eyes ; very sensitive to the light ; stitches in them : profuse secretion of tears. 740 GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. Ears, Nose, and Face. — Hardness of hearing; dryness of the ears, attended with hissing and roaring; Discharge of pus from the ears ; Herpetic and scaly eruption behind the ears ; Soreness of the nose ; Dry scales or scurf in the nostrils ; Disagreeable smell ; Obstruction of the nose ; Raw eruptions of the face; Itching and burning eruptions; Paralysis of the left side of the face ; Freckled face ; Ulcers on the inside of the lip and corner of the mouth ; scurfy eruption around the mouth, and on the chin. Female Genital Organs. — Suppression of the menses, with weight in the limbs ; scanty menstruation ; soreness of the pudendum ; Leucorrhoea. Extremities. — Cramp in the hands; sprained feeling in the wrist joint, and in the joints of the fingers; small sores between the fingers ; soreness and chafing between the thighs ; numbness and stiffness of the legs ; Ulcers on the legs ; sores between the toes ; Blisters on the toes ; Her- petic eruptions on different parts of the legs ; Violent stitches in the heels. GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. HEDGE HYSSOP. General Symptoms. — Languor; Physical and mental prostration ; Hysterical and Hypochondriacal complaints ; dropsy; jaundice; hepatic affections; convulsions in chil- dren. Head. — Pressure in the forehead; Fullness; uneasy feeling in the head. Stomach and Abdomen. — Dyspepsia, "attended with nausea ; pressure in the stomach ; sickness of the stomach GUJACUM OFFICINALE — HELLEBORUS NIGER. 741 and vomiting; cold feeling in the abdomen; colicky pains- and diarrhoea. Note. — The severest convulsions I ever saw, were produced in a little boy about four years old, by Hyssop ; it was given in form of tea, for some trifling ailment. The convulsions continued at intervals of about fifteen minutes for thirteen hours. GUIACUM OFFICINALE. GUI AG. {Resin of Guiacum.) This remedy has been somewhat famed by the older practitioners (of the old school) as a remedy in Rheumatism. It is now only used in catarrhal affections, and those affec- tions of the mucous surfaces generally demanding Balsamic and Resinous remedies. As a remedy, it is not in very general use, and is inferior to many others of the same class. HELLEBORUS NIGER. BLACK HELLEBORE. Antidotes. — Camph., China. General Symptoms. — Diseases of the cerebro-spinal system ; violent action of the stomach and bowels ; Inflam- mation of the stomach and bowels ; violent vomiting and hypercatharsis ; vertigo ; stupefaction of the senses ; cramps and convulsions ; convulsive movements ; spasmodic rigid- ity of the limbs ; anasarca and dropsy. Skin. — Pale color of the skin ; rash, resembling that of scarlet fever; sudden watery swelling of the skin of the whole body ; Anasarca. Sleep. — Sleep disturbed by dreams ; restless ; sopor. 742 HEPAR SULPHUR. i Moral. — Silent melancholy ; obstinate silence ; Hypo- chondriac mood ; Diffidence. Sensorium. — Imbecility; want of mental energy; con- fused ideas ; dropsy of the brain. Face. — Pale, sickly appearance ; paleness during heat in the head ; pale cedematous swelling of the face and lips ; swelling of the lips, with white vesicles. Eyes. — Photophobia, with but little inflammation. Mouth. — Soreness of the corners of the mouth, with an increased flow of saliva ; vesicles on the tongue. Chest. — Sharp cutting in the inferior portion of the chest, increased by coughing, sneezing, or by a full inspira- tion ; Hydrothorax. Abdomen. — Ghirgling in the bowels, as if full of water ; Ascites ; Inflammation of the stomach and bowels ; violent action of the bowels ; copious watery evacuations. Note. — Hellebore is a very good remedy in dropsy or general anasarca, when the skin is bright red, or is covered with a rash-appearing redness similar to that of Scarlatina. It is also efficient in Hydrocephalus second- ary to Scarlatina. HEPAR SULPHUR. HEPAR SULPHUBIS OALGAREUM. {Sulphur >et of Lime,) Antidotes. — Bell and Cham. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Aggravation of the symptoms at night; frequent nausea; sensitiveness to the air ; weariness before rising in the morning ; diseases from the abuse of mercury, and stitches in different parts. Skin. — Roughness of, and cracks in the skin of the hands ; unhealthy state of the skin ; Wounds, suppurate HEPAR SULPHUR. 743 and are tardy in healing ; great tendency to perspire ; dis- agreeable acid-smelling perspiration; acrid discharges from sores. Head and Eyes. — Headache, from moving the head , sore aching in the forehead ; boring pain at the root of the nose in the morning ; scald head ; itching pimples on the scalp ; falling off of the hair ; Spots and ulcers on the cor- nea of the eye ; opacities of the cornea ; Inflammation of the eyes^ attended with stitches or boring pains. Face, Nose, and Ears. — Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the face ; pains in the bones of the face, sore when pressing upon them ; " drawing and lacerating from the cheeks into the ear and temple ;" eruptions on the face, particularly in those who are young ; Itching of the nose ; inflammation and swelling of the nose ; dry coryza. Throat and Chest. — Stinging and stitches in the throat, sometimes extending to the ear; smarting rough- ness, rawness, and scraping sensation ; dryness of the throat; swelling of the tonsils ; Spasmodic constriction of the chest ; Hoarseness ; asthmatic breathing ; Fits of suffoca- tion ; stitches in the chest. Stomach and Abdomen. — Pressure, swelling, and ten- sion in the region of the stomach ; stitches in the region of the spleen ; stitches lower in the left side of the abdomen. Stool and Urine. — Sour smelling diarrhoea in children ; Dysentery, with discharges of bloody mucus ; Diarrhoea ; Nightly urination ; mucus discharged from t"he urethra. Extremities. — Herpetic eruptions and nettle-rash ; swellings on the hands and feet, disposed to suppurate ; Hang-nails and ring-arounds ; cracked skin of the feet. O O 7 744 HYDROCYANIC ACID. HYDROCYANIC ACID. A GIB UM HYBBOCYANICUM. {Prussic Acid.) Antidotes. — Of large doses, Amm., Cold dash, or Salt in cold water; of small doses, Camph., Ipecac, Opii., Cqff. General Symptoms. — Languor and weakness of the limbs; cramp in the muscles of the face and jaws; Con- vulsions ; Paralysis of the limbs ; Catalepsy ; Slow and indistinct pulsation of the heart ; Diminution of animal heat. Sleep. — Yawning, with shivering, and cramps of the skin ; Irresistible drowsiness ; vivid, incoherent dreams. Fever. — Chilliness after midnight, and during the morn- ing ; Coldness, alternating chills with heat ; stupefaction of the head, and vertigo during the chilliness. Sensorium. — Inability to think ; Illusions of the senses ; Dullness ; Yertigo. Head. — Oppressive pain in the forehead ; Oppressive pain in the left side of the head. Ears. — Pressure in the interior of both ears ; Roaring and buzzing ; Imperfect hearing. Face. — Distortion of the facial muscles ; Sallow and gray complexion ; Lockjaw. Mouth. — Increased secretion of saliva ; Tongue coated white, changing to dark and foul ; stiffness of the tongue ; imperfect articulation ; pain in the palate ; spasms in the cesaphagus ; Inflammation of the pharynx. Stomach. — Severe gastralgia ; severe pain and pressure in the pit of the stomach ; nausea, attended with pain, and a degree of soreness in the stomach. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. 745 Chest. — Tightness and oppression of the chest ; asth- matic breathing; acute pains in the chest, with a feeling of fullness ; Feeble action of the heart. Extremities. — Weakness of the limbs ; unsteady gait; coldness of the extremities. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. HYOSCYAMUS. {Black Henbane.) Antidotes. — Acetic acid. Bell, Camph., and China. General Symptoms. — Pains in the limbs of a rheumatic character; Weariness and languor; Fainting; convulsive movements of the limbs; Jerking and twitching of the tendons ; Epileptic convulsions ; Violent gesticulating and throwing the limbs about; cramps of the muscles, which come on during the night. Sleep. — Drowsiness during the day ; sleepless at night ; sudden startings from sleep. Moral Symptoms. — Peevish ; sad ; despairing ; jealous and suspicious. Sensorium. — Stupefaction ; Loss of sense ; Imbecility of mind ; Delirium ; Grasping at imaginary objects ; com- plete insanity ; Mania, with furious ravings. Eyes and Ears. — Red, staring, and distorted eyes ; red sparkling eyes ; Quick, convulsive movements of the eyes ; Buzzing in the ears and hardness of hearing. Mouth. — Tongue hot and dry ; Paralysis of the tongue ; Loss of speech ; Foaming and frothing at the mouth ; Lace- rating in the gums ; Lockjaw. Throat. — Constriction of the throat ; Great difficulty in swallowing, as in hydrophobia. 740 IGNATIA AMARA. Appetite and Stomach. — Dread of driuk ; Vomiting after eating ; Vomiting of blood, or dark appearing blood and mucus ; Hiccough ; Periodical cramps of the stomach, which are relieved by vomiting. Abdomen and Stool. — Diarrhoea ; Painless diarrhoea ; Diarrhoea of lying-in women ; involuntary discharges from the bowels ; Paralysis of the sphincter muscle. Larynx and Chest. — Catarrhal coughs ; cough when lying down, relieved by rising up ; Dry, spasmodic cough ; Dry cough at night ; Spasms of the chest ; Stitches in the sides of the chest. Extremities. — Lameness ; Painful drawing in the limbs ; numbness of the legs and arms ; Gangrenous vesicles and spots on the inferior extremities ; cramps in the lower limbs at night, particularly during pregnancy. Note. — Hyoscyamus is a very superior remedy in Delirium Tremens, particularly when violent gesticulating, kicking, stamping, and throwing the limbs about, is a prominent characteristic. IGNATIA AMARA IGNATIA. (St. Ignatius' Bean.) Antidotes. — Puis., Cham., Camph., Cocc. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Jerking and twitch- ing, similar to St. Vitus' dance ; Twitching of a single muscle ; Jerking or starting of a limb when going to sleep ; Tingling in the limbs ; the symptoms appear early in the morning, and return in the afternoon and evening. Skin. — Sensitiveness and itching of the skin ; chilblains and nettle-rash, attended with violent itching and burning Fever. — Chill, with external coldness and thirst ; the- ION ATI A AMAKA. 747 face and arms are chilly ; " chills, with a desire for cold drinks ;" chill, followed by heat and sweating ; during the chill, nausea and vomiting ; Internal shuddering ; coldness of the feet ; stinging and itching of the skin. Moeal Symptoms. — Avoids company and talking ; Indifference and apathy ; sad, melancholic mood ; Disin- clination to mental or physical exertion. Head. — Headache in the forehead, relieved by lying down ; Headache, as if a nail were driven into the brain, or a hard substance pressing on the brain ; Falling off of the hair. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Pressure in the eyes, as from a foreign substance; eyes very sensitive to light ; Inflam- mation of the eyes, with morning agglutination of the lids; congested eyes ; scrofulous inflammation of the eyes ; Imperfect sight; convulsive movements of the eyes and lids; Tingling in the ears; hardness of hearing ; Pain in the nose ; Coryza, with dull pain in the frontal sinuses. Face. — Twitching of the muscles of the face and lips. Throat. — Difficult deglutition; Stinging in the throat during the intervals of swallowing ; constriction of the fauces ; Inflammation and hard swelling of the tonsils. Chest. — Dry cough by night and by day, with fluent coryza ; Dry, hacking cough ; Oppression of the chest ; Spasmodic constriction of the chest; Palpitation of the heart. Female Genital Organs. — Spasms in the abdomen during the menstrual flow ; Uterine spasms, relieved by pressure. Extremities. — Convulsive twitching and jerking ; 748 INDIAN HEMP. numbness, and creeping sensation ; stinging, or ulcerative pains in the soles of the feet. INDIAN HEMP. CANNABIS INDIGA. ((B^f~ By an oversight this article was mislaid ; it ought to have pre- ceded Cannabis Sativa.) History. — This plant grows in India, and its history dates back to the time of the ancient Greeks and Eomans. Herodotus states that it was cultivated by the Scythians, and made into garments. It was used as a medicine at the time of Nero. Dioscorides and Galen used the expressed juice of the seeds in allaying earache, and in the description given of it by Herodotus, he adds, that they threw the seeds on red-hot stones, and used the perfumed vapors thus obtained, as a bath, which excited from them cries of ex- ultation. Dr. Boyle suggests that it {hemp) must have been the " assuager of grief," or the nepenthes of which. Homer refers to, as having been given by Helen to Telemachus in the house of Menelaus. It is known in India as the " in- creaser of pleasure ," the "exciter of desires ," the " cementer of friends] vip" the " causer of a reeling gait" the "laughter mover" etc. — Vide Pereira. Although it has been considered identical with the can- nabis sativa of Linnaeus, and as possessing no specific dif- ferences from the common hemp, it certainly differs in form in several particulars. It grows more bushy and not so high ; it branches from the ground to within two feet from the top. The fruit is smaller and rounder, and its flowers more crowded. Clinical Eemaeks. — Its physiological effects as a neu- rotic, is that of a cerebro-spinal. A wonderful display of INDIAN HEMP. 749 which I witnessed in the case of an apothecary in one of the first drug-stores of this city, who took a random dose of the alcoholic extract to relieve a severe neuralgic pain. In about five minutes after taking it he experienced thirst, for which he drank a glass of soda-water. Immediately after drinking the soda, he experienced a sensation of full- ness ; felt as if he would burst, which was soon followed by a sensation in waves along the spinal column from below upward ; and when the sensation referred to reached his head, he became apparently unconscious, or would lose con- trol of himself. He would get down upon his hands and feet, attempt to stand on his head, jump, perform various antic and fantastic feats at attitudes ; he would laugh, cry, holloa, appear very friendly and loving, embraced an elderly gentleman (his employer) most cordially, then attempted to undress himself in the store, and commenced other incon- sistencies. These paroxysms returned at first about every five minutes, the intervals being perfectly lucid, and they gradually lengthened to fifteen or twenty minutes, next to hours, and lastly to days ; its effects continued in part for about six weeks. The paroxysms were always preceded by the peculiar full feeling and semi-chilliness in wavelets from below upward, until it reached the head, and every paroxysm appearing different, with the exception of the " aura!' 1 preceding them. Sometimes he would fall down, appear listless, as in a cataleptic state ; at others, he would perform some of the feats or gestures referred to, or assume some attitudes, or simply laugh ; again he would appear boisterous, and would collar, in a menacing manner, the person whom he previously embraced so warmly. Want of space admonishes me to defer the particulars (which I have in full, partly written by the person himself) to a more appropriate place. 750 INDIGO. I regard the Cannabis [ndica one of our most valuable remedies for the cure of Catalepsy, severe nervous headache, headache with dizziness, headache producing reeling and staggering, severe headache, with a feeling of pressure, as from a weight on the top of the head ; for a melancholic, desponding mood ; Hypochondriacal affections, and for general nervous irritability. Also in partial derangement caused by jealousy, or by misplaced affections. I have also used it very successfully in impotency and weakness of the sexual organs. One of its striking peculiarities is, the attacks come on in shocks as sudden as if from electricity. INDIGO. PIGMENTUM INDIGUM. {Indigo.) Antidotes. — Opium,, Hyoscyam, Ignatia. General Symptoms. — Spasmodic affections ; cardialgia ; colic; nausea and vomiting; vertigo; twitching of the muscles ; Epilepsy, and convulsions in children. Head. — Pain in the sinciput ; Pressure and vertigo ; Vertigo, attended with nausea, sometimes with violent vomiting, followed by diarrhoea. Mouth and Throat. — Metallic taste and constriction of the fauces ; spasm of the fauces ; Loss of appetite. Stomach. — Nausea ; nausea and vomiting ; vomiting, attended with severe cardialgia ; Dyspepsia, with giddiness of the head. Abdomen. — Diarrhoea, attended with colic; Liquid diarrhoea ; dark-appearing evacuations. IODINUM. 751 Extremities. — Twitching a ad jerking of the muscle* and limbs : St. Vitus' dance. IODINUM. IODINE: Antidotes.— For large doses, Starch, made into a demulcent drink ; Arrow Root, similarly prepared ; Milk and sweetened water. For small doses, Ant., Arsen., Camph., China, Coffee, Phos., Spongia. The action of this non-metallic elementary body, is upon the absorbent and glandular system, and is a general exci- tant of the vital actions. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Aggravation of the pains during the morning, and at night; also by motion, pressure, or contact. Skin. — Dark brown, or yellowish brown patches on the face, and on different parts of the body; Herpetic erup- tions, with stinging and itching ; glandular enlargements and indurations ; Thickening of the skin. Sleep. — Entire sleeplessness. Moral Symptoms. — Sad, gloomy, and desponding; Sensitive and irritable. Head and Face. — Throbbing headache, produced or increased by motion ; Yellow complexion; Brown spots on the face ; convulsive twitches of the muscles of the face. Mouth and Throat. — Smarting and burning sensation ; profuse secretion of saliva ; effects of mercury ; ash- colored ulcerations ; offensive taste ; voracious appetite ; Burning in the fauces ; constrictive sensation in the fauces and throat ; enlargement of the thyroid gland. 752 IPECACUANHA. Chest. — Asthmatic difficulty in breathing ; deep inspi- ration produces pain; Palpitation of the heart; morning cough : Hoarseness, and irritative cough. Genital Organs. — Swelling of the right testicle, unac- companied with pain ; Enlargement of the prostrate gland. Extremities. — Weakness of the arms ; coldness of the hands; numbness of the fingers; ©edematous swelling of the legs and feet. Note. — Doctor L. Hallock of our city, and other very reliable homoeo- paths, regard Iodine as almost, or quite a specific in membranous croup. They recommend from ten to twenty drops of the officinal tincture, mixed in a tumbler two-thirds full of pure cold water, and a teaspoonful given every fifteen or twenty minutes until relief is obtained. The remedy is to be persisted in (unremittingly) at short intervals until there is a marked improvement. Then the time of administration must be gradually length- ened as the improvement progresses. I will here remark, that a small quantity of sugar is necessary to be added, to prevent the iodine from being decomposed by the water ; and it prevents, to a great extent, its volatility, which nearly equals Bromine. " A convenient mode is to drop the iodine on a piece of sugar, and dissolve it in the water." — Hallock. IPECACUANHA. CEPH^LIS IPECACUANHA. {Ipecac.) Antidotes. — Of large doses, the Tinct. of galls ; of small doses, Ar- nica, Arsen., Chin., Nux-vom. Head. — Headache ; sick headache ; headache attended with bilious vomiting ; vertigo, attended with nausea. Skin. — Yellowish hue of the skin ; yellowish pink erup- tion, resembling faint, or receding efflorescence of scarlatina. Fever. — Sensitiveness to either cold or warmth ; chilli- ness during the forenoon ; heat in the afternoon and even- JALAPA. 753 ing; Bilious fever; Fever attended with headache and nausea. Chest. — Cough, with copious mucous expectoration ; dry spasmodic or asthmatic cough ; tickling sensation in the throat, causing cough ; difficult breathing ; asthmatic wheezing; oppressive breathing : bleeding from the lungs. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms. — Loss of appetite ; bitter or insipid taste; nausea; vomiting of mucus; bilious vomiting ; severe pains in the stomach ; sticking pain in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. — Flatulent colic ; colic of children ; griping pains in the abdomen ; bilious diarrhoea ; diarrhoea attended with nausea ; vomiting ; severe cramping and griping pains in the stomach and bowels. Extremities. — Cramps in the thighs at night ; twitching of the legs and feet. JALAPA. IPOMEA JALAPA. (Jalap.) Antidotes. — Can-sat., Etaterium ; for large doses, Opium. Head. — Severe headache, attended with chilliness ; Hy- drocephalus in children. Stomach and Abdomen. — Pinching pain in the stom- ach ; nausea and griping ; Diarrhoea ; watery diarrhoea ; thin, muddy-appearing diarrhoea in children ; distended abdomen ; ascites ; Hemorrhoidal flux. Female Genital Organs. — Suppression of the menses. 48 754 KALI BICHROMICUM. KALI BICHROMICUM. BICHROMATE OF POTASH. Antidotes. — General Symptoms. — Very analogous to the other preparations of Kali, especially in diseases of the skin, glandular enlargement, and diseases of the respiratory or- gans. In membranous croup it has achieved quite a repu- tation, and its action, in many respects, corresponds with Bromine, which is regarded by some a specific in that disease. Its indications in croup are, dry, hollow, hoarse, crowing, or whistling cough, attended with great difficulty in breath- ing; the child throws itself about, its head drawn back- wards so as to straighten the air passages and ease the breathing ; the respirations are anxious and wheezing or whistling; anxious expression of countenance, gasping for breath, and threatened suffocation. In addition to the above, some have noted the subsidence of the cough, and a copious secretion of mucus in the nose and mouth as the prominent symptoms indicating its use. Dose. — It should be given in from one to three grains of the first trituration (taking the age of the child into con sideration, whether it be a few months or three or four years old) every fifteen or twenty minutes, until decided relief is obtained, then extend the time to every hour, or two, as the symptoms appear to demand, or another drug is indicated. KALI CARBONIC UM. 755 KALI CARBONICUM. CARBON-ATE OF POTASE. Antidotes. — Camph., Coffea, Nitr-Spir. General Symptoms. — Bruised pains in the muscles ; drawing pain in the limbs and in the nape of the neck ; great liability to take cold ; weakness, weariness, relaxation, and tremulousness. Characteristic Peculiarities of Kali Carb. are stitches. Skin. — Painful condition of the skin ; dryness ; burning, itching, and stinging; stitches in different parts; old warts. Sleep. — Drowsiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night ; sleep disturbed by dreams. Moral Symptoms. — Desponding ; sad ; want of energy ; vexed mood. Sensorium. — Dullness ; want of memory ; vertigo ; con- fused, stupid feeling. Taste. — Bitter, sour, or putrid taste ; desire for sweet things. Stomach. — Sour eructations after eating ; sense of full- ness ; nausea ; pressure in the stomach ; weight ; cutting pains ; sore pains ; throbbing in the pit of the stomach and tenderness upon pressure. Chest. — Oppression of the chest; difficult breathing; attacks of asthma in the morning ; spasmodic asthma ; stitches in the chest ; Hoarseness and loss of voice ; tickling cough. Abdomen. — Pressure in the region of the liver ; hard, 756 KALI IODIDUM. distended abdomen ; weight, pressure, and weariness ; Flatulence ; itching, burning, or pinching of the anus. Genital Organs. — Stinging and itching of the glans ; swelling of the testes ; deficient sexual desire ; burning and itching in the pudendum; soreness and rawness ; suppres- sion of the menses ; leucorrhcea. Back. — "Stiffness and paralytic feeling in the back;" stiffness of the nape of the neck; stitches in the region of the kidneys. Extremities. — Numbness of the arms and hands ; stiff- ness of the joints; lameness and heaviness; twitching of the fingers ; cold feet ; swelling of the feet ; sweaty feet. KALI IODIDUM. IODIDE OF POTASSIUM. (Hydriodate of Potash.) Antidotes. — Similar to those for Iodine. The Physiology and Therapeia of the Iodide of Potas- sium are very analogous to those of Iodine. Its action is principally upon the absorbent and glandular system; but it differs slightly in its peculiarity respecting pain ; the pains go off, or are relieved by motion, whereas motion increases the iodine pains. Iodide of Potassium has been used with much success in removing " hemorrhagic diathesis ;" also in purpuria hoemorrhagica. It is also a very good remedy in secondary and tertiary syphilitic affections, especially nodes, thicken- ing and induration of ligaments and fascia, and for papulous eruptions. KKEOSOTUM. 757 KREOSOTUM. CREASOTON. (Creosote.) Antidotes. — Chin., Arsen., Ipecac., Cocculus, Nux-vom. Charactekistic Peculiarities. — The pains are rather aggravated bj rest. Skin. — Irritation of the skin ; destruction of the skin, it peals off in scales ; unhealthy skin ; old ulcers ; ulcers prone to bleed. Head and Eyes. — Vertigo ; pulsating headache ; in- creased heat of the head ; drawing headache, with a dispo- sition to close the eyes ; falling off of the hair ; Itching, biting and stinging in the eyes ; excessive smarting of the eyes ; swelling of the edges of the eyelids ; or scaly erup- tions on the eyelids ; dimsightedness. Nose and Face. — Dry coryza, attended with frequent sneezing ; livid complexion ; pimples on the forehead ; red acne on the face. Stomach and Abdomen. — Severe gastralgia; constant nausea and burning in the stomach ; chronic inflammation of the mucous coat of the stomach ; nausea, during preg- nancy ; cancer of the stomach ; pain and cutting around the umbilicus ; diarrhoea, attended with an unpleasant heat of the anus ; mucous dysentery. Urine. — Frequent urination ; increased discharges of acrid smelling urine. Female Genital Organs. — Too early menstruation, and too profuse. The menstrua appears dark, and is (sometimes) in clots. Leucorrhcea, generally of a corrosive character. 758 LACHESIS. Chest and Back. — Oppression of the chest; difficult and anxious breathing ; tenderness of the spine ; pain in the small of the back ; swelling of the cervicle glands. Extremities. — Stitches in the arms ; numbness of the fingers ; scaly eruptions, and itching at the bend of the knee ; oedema of the feet. LACHESIS. TRIGONOOEPHALUS LACHESIS. Antidotes. — Arsen., Belladonna, Nux-vom., Ehus-tox. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The action of lachesis is principally on the left side, especially in paralysis ; secondary to apoplexy, or paralysis depending upon an apoplectic condition of the brain ; Aggravation of symptoms during rest ; Exhaustion from extremes of temperature, either heat or cold. General Symptoms.— Paralysis of the left side, or of a limb on the left side ; Weariness ; Languor ; Disinclination to move, and dread of exercise ; Trembling ; Great weak- ness and emaciation ; Convulsions, with rigidity of the limbs, and the head drawn backward ; Fainting, and at- tacks of vertigo. Skin. — Red spots on the face ; Gangrenous blisters ; Itching of the whole body, as from insects ; Pain in old cicatrices ; small ulcers. Sleep. — Drowsiness in the morning, during the forenoon, and in the evening, but sleepless during the night ; Sleep disturbed by slight noises ; sudden startings when falling asleep. LACHESIS. 759 Head. — General headache ; almost every variety of headache ; Particularly severe headache every afternoon ; Violent beating and throbbing in the head. Moral AND Sensokium. — Melancholic, despondent and •discouraged ; fear ; mistrust and suspicious ; absent of thought ; Weakness of memory ; Dullness and indolence ; Mental derangement after vexation, close application to study, or, in intemperate persons ; giddiness, with headache before the appearance of the menses ; Apoplexy ; Apoplexy with paralysis of the left side ; Affections of the brain of children. Fever. — Coldness ; general chilliness ; coldness of the hands, with a burning sensation ; Tertian ague ; Fever in a child, with heat of the head and face, and coldness of the extremities ; Fever and ague, with paroxysms every even- ing, followed by great prostration ; Burning of the palms of the hands, and of the soles of the feet, particularly at night. Eyes. — Pain, Redness and inflammation of the eyes ; Biting, burning, stinging, and itching; Pressure in the eyes ; Distortion of the eyes. Ears. — Dryness of the ears; Hardness of hearing, or * ery sensitive to noise ; Soreness, and scurfs on the ears. Nose. — Redness of the nose, especially in intemperate persons ; Scurfs in the nose ; Fluent coryza ; Ozoena ; Catarrhal affections, attended with bloody pus from the nostrils. Face. — Cadaverous, sunken expression ; Pale, livid, sickly expression ; Bloated red face, attended with heat, headache, and coldness of the extremities ; Distortion of 760 LACHESIS. the face and lips ; swelling of the lips ; Herpetic eruptions on the face. Mouth. — Soreness of the mouth ; Stiffness, swelling, and paralysis of the tongue ; Gangrenous spots and ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue ; Lockjaw, with a general chilliness ; Lacerating in the teeth ; Tenderness of the gums, and a disposition to bleed ; Metallic taste ; Salt taste ; Loss of taste ; Desire for acids. Throat. — Sore throat ; sensation of swelling ; Pressure in the throat ; great difficulty in swallowing, with constant urging; Inflammation of the tonsils, with a tendency to suppurate ; small ulcers in the throat, and on the fauces ; Syphilitic ulcers in the throat. Chest. — Shortness of breath ; Tightness and oppression of the chest ; Asthma ; Dry cough ; Suffocative cough ; Tickling cough ; short, hacking cough ; cough at night. Stomach. — Pressure in the stomach ; gnawing, heavi- ness, and repletion; Eructations; Nausea; Bilious vomit- ing, and vomiting of the ingesta; nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Abdomen. — Diseases of the liver ; colic, with constipa- tion ; Burning in the umbilicus : Pressure and labor-like pains ; meteorismus. Stool. — Lachesis appears to be indicated in almost every condition of the abdomen, especially as regards the action of the bowels. Genital Organs. — Scanty, menstrual discharge ; severe labor- like pains, with violent bearing down ; Leucorrhoea ; Thin, bluish appearing milk. Back. — Severe pain in the small of the back; Bruised. LACTUCA VIROSA. 761 stitching, and lacerating pains ; Pain, and sensitiveness of the neck ; Swelling of the glands of the neck ; Ulcers on the neck. Extremities. — Lacerating ; Jerking and sprained-like pains ; Swelling of the hands ; Lacerating and tensive pains in the legs ; stinging, or lacerating in the knees ; eruptions of a leprous character ; old ulcers ; varicose ulcers ; cracked skin between the toes. LACTUCA VIROSA. ACRID LETTUCE. (Strong-scented Lettuce.) Antidotes. — Acetic Acid, Coffee. General Symptoms. — Stupefaction of the senses; Di- minished circulation ; Palpitation of the heart ; General restlessness ; Diarrhoeas ; Increased flow of urine, and Drop- sical affections depending upon visceral obstructions. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Lactuca Yirosa acts principally upon the brain, the circulatory system, and upon the serous secretions, and not principally upon the respiratory organs, as stated in Jahr. Sleep. — Great restlessness ; Impossible to get asleep, or deep sleep bordering on coma. Head. — Dull ; heavy headache ; confused feeling in the head ; dizziness. Fever. — Heat of the face and headache, with general coldness ; especially coldness of the extremities and chills passing over the back. Chest. — Difficult breathing; paroxysms of suffocative breathing from dropsy of the chest. 762 LAUROCERASUS. Abdomen. — Diseases of the liver ; Dropsy of the abdo- men from obstructions of the portal system. Extremities. — Trembling of the arms and hands ; cold- ness and numbness of the ] egs and feet. Note. — One drop of the Tinct. Lactuca Virosa mixed in a wineglassfuV of water, and given at a dose, not only quieted, but produced a refreshing sleep of eleven hours' duration in a person laboring under " delirium tre- mens," who had not closed his eyes to sleep for over forty-eight hours pre- vious. The prominent symptoms, in this case, were great restlessness, uneasiness, flushed face, complained of being cold, and of his head turning around, coldness of his feet and legs, and constant tremor of his hands and arms. I LAUROCERASUS. PR UNITS LAUROCERASUS. {Cherry Laurel) Antidotes. — For large doses, Ammonia and other Alkalies; for small doses, Camph., Coff., Ipecac, Opi. The action of Laurocerasus is very similar to that of Hydrocyanic acid, excepting convulsions, (which have seldom been witnessed) especially when it has been taken in doses sufficiently large to produce deleterious effects, or to prove fatal ; viz., Painful sensation of the stomach ; pal- pitation of the heart ; sudden insensibility ; rapid sinking of strength, and of the pulse, and death in a few minutes. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains appear to be somewhat relieved in the open air ; Evening exacerba tion ; amelioration at night. Fever. — Coldness ; Deficiency of natural heat ; chilli Qess of the whole body ; alternation of severe chills and burning heat ; thirst with dryness of the mouth, particularly in the afternoon ; small and feeble pulse. LEDUM PALUSTRE. 763 Mokal Symptoms. — Great nervous irritability ; sad ; morose and irritable. Sensorium. — Dulness ; insensibility ; loss of conscious- ness, with loss of speech and motion ; Vertigo. Mouth. — Dryness of the mouth ; loss of speech ; Burn- ing sensation of the throat. Chest. — Cough with copious jelly like, or bloody expec- toration ; Panting breathing, or slow moaning and rattling breathing ; Dyspnoea ; constriction of the chest. Gastric Symptoms. — Attacks of nausea ; Bitter eruc- tations ; vomiting and loathing ; Pain in the stomach, with nausea ; Burning in the stomach ; Severe attacks of gas- tralgia. Extremities. — -Bruised pains, or sprained pains in the hips and thighs ; heaviness in the legs. LEDUM PALUSTRE. ROSMARINUS SYL VESTRIS. (Marsh Tea.) Antidote. — Camph. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains in the joints are aggravated by motion, but not the pains of other parts. Skin. — Herpetic eruptions ; boils ; hard swellings, with increased heat ; painful nodosities ; Pimples and small boils on the forehead ; scaly herpetic eruption on the face. Mouth, Larynx, and Chest. — Bleeding from the mouth ; Cough, with greenish expectoration, or bloody ex- pectoration ; bleeding from the lungs ; Asthmatic tightness 764 LOBELIA INFLATA. of the chest, aggravated by exercise ; soreness of the chest ; itching pimples on the chest. Extremities. — Pains in the shoulder-joints, increased by motion ; Weakness and heaviness in the inferior extremi- ties ; swelling of the knee, attended with prickly pain ; swelling of the feet and legs. LOBELIA INFLATA. LOBELIA. {Indian Tobacco.) Antidotes. — For large doses, stimulants, Ammonia and Brandy. The effects of Lobelia Inflata are very similar, almost identical with those of the Nicotiana Tabacum (common tobacco). General Symptoms. — Languor, feebleness, relaxation of the muscles, trembling of the limbs, anxiety, tendency to faint, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, partial blindness, and a general feeling of intoxication. Fever. — Chilliness down the back ; inclined to perspira tion ; small pulse ; Heat in the stomach, with nausea. Head. — Reeling, swimming, intoxicated feeling; Faint ness and partial blindness ; severe headache, with dizzinesf and sickness of the stomach. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms. — Loss of appetite ; constant nausea and chilliness ; Heartburn ; vomiting ; pressure in the pit of the stomach, attended with vomiting. Chest. — Dyspnoea ; paroxysmal asthma. Genital Organs. — Weakness and relaxation; dimin- ished sexual desire. LUPULUS--LYCOPODIUM. 765 LUPULUS. HUMULUS LUPULUS. (Hops.) Antidotes. — Coffee, Vinegar. General Symptoms. — "Drawing and twitching in al- most every muscle;" Drawing and twitching in short paroxysms, as in rheumatism ; Dyspepsia and nervous tremors. Sleep. — Drowsiness ; constant drowsiness during the day; sopor. Sensorium. — Morbid vigilance ; constant uneasiness and highly excited state of the nervous system, particularly in drunkards ; dizziness ; dizzy, dull, and heavy headache. Stomach. — Weakness of digestion ; eructations and nausea. Urine. — Increased flow of urine. Note. — Lupulus is a very pretty remedy in Jcteritia, infantile jaundice. I have used it, and have frequently seen it used with marked advantage. And it almost equals Nux-vom in those cases of an unstrung condition of the nervous system, attended with nausea, dizziness, and headache, follow- ing a night's debauch. LYCOPODIUM. L7GOP ODIUM CLAVATUM. Antidotes. — Camph., Puis., Caust., Coffea. General Symptoms. — Painfulness to the touch ; Dispo- sition to take cold ; drawing, lacerating pains ; stiffness of the joints ; weariness ; extreme weakness ; contracting pains of the fingers and toes, and cramps in the calves of the legs. 766 LYCOPODIUM. Skin. — Heat and dryness of the skin ; Itch < t •* ^ „ dh^ and burning ; tendency of the skin to cr; zk ; Herpetic eruptions ; carious ulcers ; chilblains ; drop? cal swelling ; Freckles ; ulcers, with fistulous openings. Sleep. — Drowsiness during the day and /ening ; sleep- less at night ; starting in the sleep ; disti bed sleep ; un- easiness and twitching of the feet during Si jep. Moral Symptoms. — Uneasy, nervous, iesponding, and weeping mood. Sensorium. — Weakness of memory ; «. unplaints arising from mental labor. Head. — Various forms of headache; suppurating erup- tions on the head ; itching of the scalp ; Falling off of th** hair. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Pressure; tensive pain in tb** left eye ; stitches in the eyes ; burning, smarting, profuse lachrymation of the eyes ; nightly agglutination of the lids ; dimness of vision ; twinkling and sparks before the eyes ; Pain in the ear ; humid eruption on and behind the ears ; roaring, humming, and whizzing in the ears ; Scurf in the nose ; ulcerated nostrils ; stoppage of the nose at night ; Fluent coryza. Face. — Pale, sunken expression ; yellow or livid face r with blue appearing lips ; circumscribed redness of the cheek ; scaly eruptions on the face. Throat. — Chronic sore throat, with a feeling of contrac- tion ; small yellowish ulcers on the tonsils ; burning in the fauces. Chest. — Hoarseness ; Battling in the chest ; asthmatic breathing ; Grippe ; Dry cough ; cough, with salty expec- LYCOPODIUM. 767 toration, or morning cough, with greenish expectoration ; oppression of the chest ; stitches in the left side of the chest, or cutting pains in the right side of the chest. Stomach. — Morning nausea ; nausea when riding ; in- tense pain in the pit of the stomach ; fullness of the stomach and abdomen ; pressure in the stomach, with pain to the touch. Abdomen. — Tensive pain in the region of the liver ; chronic inflammation ; aching, drawing, cutting, and lacerat- ing pains in the abdomen ; lacerating stitches in the inguinal region ; constipation ; difficult stool ; itching eruptions of the anus. Female Genital. — Chronic dryness of the vagina ; itch- ing, burning, and gnawing in the vagina ; profuse leucor- rhcea ; soreness of the nipples ; stinging in the nipples. Back. — Pain, stiffness, or aching in the small of the back ; pain in the small of the back, with a sensation of a band or something tight drawn around the loins and abdomen. Extremities. — Spasmodic startings of the arms ; numb- ness and dryness of the hands ; stiffness or lacerating in the knees; itching, biting, and burning of the bend of the knee ; burning of the legs ; cramps of the legs and feet ; pain of the soles of the feet when walking; cold feet; cold sweat of the feet ; cramps of the toes. 768 MAGNETISMTJ8. MAGNETISMUS. MAGNETISM. (Mineral Magnetism.) The use of magnetism to the cure of diseases dates back to the time of Aetius, who lived about A. D. 550. " During the latter part of the seventeenth century, magnetic tooth- picks and ear-picks were made as secret preventives against pains in the teeth, eyes, and ears." Physiological Effects. — All substances are under the influence of magnetic force, and it is but reasonable to expect some modification of the vital functions from the action of magnetism on organized bodies ; still we have not yet succeeded in obtaining other than conflicting evidence of its action. Dr. Farraday says, that he was never sensi- ble of any effect produced on him by the powerful magnets which he used in his recent experimental investigations on magnetism, although he tried in all imaginable ways to ob- tain some evidence of their effect. (Phil Trans.) Reichen- bach says, that magnets of lOlbs. supporting power, when drawn along the body (of healthy, sensitive individuals) "downwards without contact, produce a sensation rather unpleasant than agreeable. It is like an aura; in some cases warm ; in others cool ; or it may be a pricking or a sensation of the creeping of insects on the skin ; sometimes headache comes rapidly on." Diseased sensitive subjects "experience different sensations — often disagreeable, and occasionally giving rise to fainting, to attacks of catalepsy, or to spasms so violent that they might possibly endanger life." Becker states, that the sensations which his patients ex- perienced from the use of the magnet were: 1st, cold; 2dly, MAGNETISMUS. 769 heat; 3dly, traction, from a slight and rather agreeable sen- sation, to the strongest unpleasant and painful, like that pro- duced by a cupping-glass ; 4thly, an indefinite sensation in the ear, called a working or roaring; 5thly, throhbing ; 6thly, pain ; 7 t\Ay, numbness, or loss of feeling in the mag- netized part. Uses. — Magnetism has been practised successfully in attacks of severe toothache, neuralgia, painful affections of the stomach, rheumatic pains, spasmodic asthma, angina pectoris, and palpitation of the heart. Some say that neu- ralgic pains are relieved by the application of the north pole of the magnet, and is augmented by the south pole. Application. — For neuralgia of the lungs apply two strongly magnetized oval steel plates ; one to the left pre- cordial region, the other directly opposite, on the back, so that their poles are opposed. For toothache, a simple bar magnet, called a magnetic staff, is used. It is first warmed, and its north pole applied to the tooth ; if relief is not obtained, the south pole should then be substituted, or the poles applied to the gums. For neuralgic pains, a com- pound magnet, (magnetic battery,) which consists of several U-shaped magnets, placed one over the other, with all of their poles similarly disposed, and fastened firmly together, or magnetic collars, chains, girdles, and bracelets, or magnet- ized steel plates of any desirable form, and fitted to any part of the body, may be applied, to the skin, and kept adjusted to the part desired by means of a bandage. 49 770 MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS. \ MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS. EYDRARQYRI PERCHLORIDUM—PERCELORIDE OF MERCURY. {Corrosive Sublimate.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Whites of Eggs, and other Albumen ; for small doses, Sulph., Hepar-Sulph., Nit- Acid. General Symptoms. — Eheumatic pains ; Stiffness and lameness of the joints ; Irritation and inflammation of the stomach and intestinal canal ; Ulcerated condition of the mouth and throat ; Foul, indolent ulcers, and caries of the bones ; eruptions of a leprous character ; Spasms and con- vulsions ; secondary and tertiary syphilis. Teste says that this preparation of mercury is far more suitable to males. Skin. — Eruptions of a herpetic character ; red or copper- colored spots on the face, chest, and upon different parts of the body ; Syphilitic eruptions and ulcers ; Perspira- tion. Mouth and Throat. — Inflammation of the mouth ; swelling and tenderness of the gums, and a disposition to bleed upon gently brushing them ; Fetid breath ; metallic taste ; profuse salivation ; Small cankers on the inside of the cheeks, on the edges and tip of the tongue, and on the palate and fauces ; Eoughness and burning in the throat. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea ; nausea and vomit- ing ; vomiting of blood ; constant nausea, attended with burning in the stomach ; Colicky, cutting, and twisting pains in the region of the umbilicus. Stool and Urine. — Bilious diarrhoea, attended with colicky and cutting pains ; Bilious diarrhoea, attended with MERCURIUS DULCIS. 771 heat, burning, cr an excoriating feeling of the anus ; bloody dysenteric stools, with tenesmus and excoriating feeling ; Small stools of bilious matter, with natural appearing feces and bloody mucus ; Difficulty in voiding urine ; irritation of the neck of the bladder and of the urethra ; Frequent desire to urinate during the night ; Albuminuria. Genital Organs. — Gonorrhoea, attended with burning and scalding while urinating ; painful nocturnal erections ; urethritis ; Leucorrhcea of a yellow or greenish color. Extremities. — Painful lameness and stiffness of the muscles, and of the joints. MERCURITJS DULCIS. HYDBARGYR1 SUBOHLORIDUM— SUB CHLORIDE OF MERGURY. {Calomel.) Antidotes. — Sulph., Hepar-Sulph., Iodine. This preparation of mercury acts quicker, and more directly upon the secretions of the system than does the corrosive, and is a better remedy in some forms of sore mouth, attended with swelling and tenderness of the gums, profuse salivation, and offensive breath ; also for Bilious diarrhoea, Hepatic trouble, Jaundice, and recent rheumatic pains, especially if there is a tendency to perspiration. General Symptoms. — Derangement of the nervous system ; Trembling of the hands and feet ; Trembling of the limbs ; Hypochondriac and hysteric spasms. Skin. — Erythema in the region of the genitals, spreading from thence over the body ; bright red skin as in scarla- tina ; some tumefaction, but not painful, and no increase of heat ; Eczema. 772 MERCURIUS IODATUS. Fever. — Continued fever and heat, with perspiration and sinking of strength. Moral Symptoms. — Oppressive anxiety ; general un- easiness. Mouth. — Round, deep, and spreading ulcers in the mouth and fauces ; swelling of the tongue, and of the sali- vary glands; bleeding of the gums; Breaking off, exfo- liating, blackness and looseness of the teeth; offensive breath. Gastric Symptoms. — Vomiting ; chronic vomiting ; Weakness of the stomach ; violent pains in the stomach. Abdomen. — Hepatitis; enlargement and induration of the liver ; enteritis ; excessive pains in the abdomen, with vomiting and diarrhoea ; Violent colic ; Ascites ; alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Genital Organs. — Spreading ulcers on the genital or- gans, or ulcers, with an inflamed base, elevated and painful edges. Extremities. — Rheumatic pains and lameness of the limbs; scaly and humid eruptions in the axillae; unhealthy appearing sores on the hands and feet. MERCURIUS IODATUS. HYDRARGYRI lODIDUM. \ Protiodide of Merer., Clinical Remarks. — This preparation of y is preferable to the other forms of mercury in - and scrofulous syphilis; in all forms of glandn lent, attended with induration : Indui aid. cervical glands, and of the form MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS. 773 of mercury that ought to be used in such conditions when they attend scarlatina or measles. Mouth and Throat. — Ulcers on the margin of the tongue, with red edges and an ashy gray centre ; Bleeding of the gums ; soreness of the teeth, and feel as if elongated ; Granulated sore throat ; induration of the tonsils ; dryness of the throat, with partial loss of voice. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea ; loss of appetite ; hardness and fullness in the pit of the stomach, and tender to the touch ; fullness in the region of the liver, attended with an uneasy soreness ; Induration of the mesenteric glands in children ; marasmus ; enlargement of the spleen. Male and Female Genital Organs. — Indurated chancres; swelling and induration of the inguinal glands and of the testes ; enlargement of the ovaries ; induration and ulceration of the cervix uteri. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS. BLACK OX7D OF MERCURY. (Soluble Mercury.) Antidotes. — Nitric acid, Hepar-Sulph., Sulph., Iodine. (" Merc- Cors.," Teste.) General Symptoms. — Scrofulous, Syphilitic, Eheu- matic, and Erysipelatous affections ; Hepatic derangement ; Derangement of the stomach and bowels ; cutaneous affec- tions ; red, shining pustular eruptions, or blotches. Fever. — Fever, with shuddering ; heat of the head and face, with general coldness upon changing position in the bed, or uncovering ever so little ; pulse irregular, or slow, intermittent, or tremulous ; profuse perspiration of a sickly 774 MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS. or nauseous smell, and imparting a yellow tinge to the linen. Moral Symptoms and Sensorium. — Great depression of spirits ; indifference to every thing ; apprehensive ; fear of becoming deranged ; imbecility ; lethargy, with loss of speech, and of the senses, but not of consciousness. Head. — Pressive headache ; Throbbing, stitching, or boring pains in the head, especially in the left temple, or occiput ; sore painfulness of the scalp ; humid eruption on the scalp. Eyes. — Syphilitic, or scrofulous opthalmia ; photophobia, with burning and lachrymation ; mitscce volitantes ; neu- ralgic pains of the eyes ; pains proceeding from the bottom of the orbits ; sense of coldness around the eyes. Ears. — Inflammation of the internal ear, with fetid dis- charges. Nose and Face.— Caries of the bones of the nose ; Tear- ing pain in the muscles and bones of the face, especially of one side of the face. Mouth. — Painful swelling of the salivary glands ; gray- ish ulcers on the inner surface of the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue and palate ; Looseness and shrinking of the gums ; nocturnal toothache ; caries, looseness, and falling out of the teeth ; soft, spongy swellings of the mucous membrane of the mouth ; Swelling of the tongue ; tongue coated with a yellowish, slimy fur ; exceedingly offensive breath. Neck and Chest. — Painful swelling of the glands of the neck ; painful stiffness of the neck ; Catarrhal affections of the air-passages, with a violent fluent and corrosive coryza; hoarse cough ; sensation of dryness and prickings in the MEKCURIUS SOLUBILIS. 775- aesophagus ; nocturnal paroxysms of suffocation ; stitches in the region of the heart. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea, with vertigo, espe- cially after a meal ; hiccough ; rancid, or bitter eructations ; pyrosis ; violent vomiting ; weakness of digestion ; burning and cutting in the stomach ; sensitiveness in the precordia, epigastrum and hypochondrium ; Dull, aching pain in the region of the liver ; hepatatis ; jaundice ; hardness and swelling of the abdomen, which is painful to contact, espe- cially in the region of the liver and umbilicus. Stool and Urine. — Diarrhceic stools, especially toward evening ; dysenteric stools ; grayish, greenish, bloody, or dark and excessively fetid stools ; constant desire to urinate, attended with burning and smarting ; urine emitted drop by drop ; albuminuria ; fetid, cloudy urine ; bloody urine. Genital Organs. — Chancres in the urethra; on the prepuce and glans ; orchitis / swelling and indurations of the inguinal glands ; Swelling ; ulceration and suppuration of the vaginal mucous membrane ; chancres on the clitoris and labia ; ulcerations of the cervex-uteri ; metritis ; ulce- ration and swelling of the breasts. Extremities. — Tearing pains in the extremities ; trem- bling of the limbs ; acute articular rheumatism, attended with burning thirst, and disagreeable perspiration ; rheu- matic and syphilitic nodes. 776 MEZEREUM. MEZEREUM. DAPHNE MEZEREUM. (Mezerwn.) Antidotes. — Merc, Nit-acid. General Symptoms. — Bruised, weary feeling in the joints ; pains in paroxysms, attended with chilliness ; pains principally of one side ; drawing and stiffness in various parts ; failing of strength ; weakness of the limbs. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains are most generally of one side ; chilliness and sensitiveness to cold air ; drowsiness in the daytime, and sleepless at night. Skin. — Severe itching over the entire body; itching rash on the arms ; vesication and smarting of the skin. Moral Symptoms. — Melancholic, sad and anxious ; taciturn and ill-humored. Head. — Stupifying headache in the right side ; feeling of heaviness ; scaly eruptions on the scalp ; Humid itching eruptions. Mouth and Throat. — Burning in the mouth and throat ; boring stitches in a tooth ; Toothache, aggravated by contact, and during the evening ; constriction and burn- ing in the throat and fauces ; roughness and scraping sen- sation in the throat. Genital Organs. — Painless swelling of the left scro- tum ; enlargement of the left* testicle ; leucorrhcea of a semi-transparent mucus ; suppression of the menses. * I succeeded with Mezereum in removing an enlargement of the left testicle of nearly sixteen years' standing ; the organ was at least four time* its natural size, and the person's voice was so rapidly changing, that he be- came alarmed, as his chief dependence was upon his vocal powers. I MOSCHUS. 777 Chest. — Deep, hollow, hoarse cough ; cough iu creased by the recumbent posture ; oppressive pain in the back part of the chest; tensive pressure in different parts of the chest. Back and Extkemities. — Cutting and lacerating pains in the small of the back, or on both sides of the spine, in the small of the back ; painful stiffness in the nape of the neck ; Bruised feeling of the limbs ; tensive lameness ; In- duration of the ligaments of the joints ; stiffness and hard swellings of the ligaments and integument of the joints. MOSCHUS. MUSK. Antidotes. — Camph., Coffea. General Symptoms. — Hysteric and nervous paroxysms ; Fainting fits ; catalepsy ; convulsions ; weakness and wea- riness ; stiffness of the hands and feet. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains are aggravated by cold ; great sensitiveness to air. Moral Symptoms. — Anxiety, with palpitation ; starting as if frightened. Head. — Rush of blood to the head ; pressure, as from a load on the top of the head ; feeling of heaviness in the head ; vertigo. Eyes and Nose. — Itching in the eyes ; swelling of the gave one drop of the Tincture (mixed in a wineglassful of water) at a dose, every day for four weeks, then every second day for a similar length of time, at the end of which the organ had assumed its normal dimensions. 7 78 MURIATIC ACID — NATRUM CARBONICUM. upper lid ; sneezing, with pressure in the bones of the nose ; obstruction in the nose. Chest. — Suffocative shortness of breath ; stitches in the chest ; asthma millari. Genital Organs. — Violent sexual desire ; Involuntary emissions ; Impotence from cold ; " Violent drawing pains at the appearance of the menses." MURIATIC ACID. Vide ACTDUM MURIATICUM. NATRUM CARBONICUM. CARBONATE OF SODA. Antidotes. — Arsen., Camph., Spts.-Hitr. General Symptoms. — Rheumatic, scrofulous, and rick- ety complaints ; Great weakness and relaxation ; Tingling in the muscles ; Liability to take cold. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Most of the symptoms come on when sitting, and pass off during motion. Skin. — Dry, rough, and chapped skin ; Herpetic erup- tions ; Leprous appearing blotches. Sleep. — Drowsiness during the day, and sleepless at night. Fever. — Coldness, especially of the hands and feet; Disposition to perspiration upon exercise ; Night-sweat. Moral Symptoms. — Discouraged ; sad and desponding; Irritable mood. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 779 Eyes. — Scrofulous inflammation cf the eyelids ; Purulent opthalmia ; Ulcers on the cornea, and around the cornea ; Black points hover before the eyes. Face. — Burning heat, and redness of the face ; Freckles ; yellow spots on the forehead ; Pimples on the face ; swell- ing of the upper lip. Nose. — Constant coryza ; obstruction of the nose. Stomach. — Nausea ; Dyspepsia, with bitter or sour eruc- tations ; the stomach feels swollen and sensitive ; Pain in the region of the stomach to the touch. Abdomen. — Pain and stitches in the abdomen ; Incarcer- ation of flatulence ; Tabes mesenterica ; Bloated abdomen, particularly of children. Extremities. — "Feeling of pressure on the left shoul- der ;" Stiffness of the muscles of the arms ; Swelling of the hands ; Lacerating pain in the hip in the evening, after retiring; Heaviness of the lower limbs; Pressure in the joints ; Swelling of the feet ; Cold feet. NATRUM MURIATICUM. PR OPERL Y A CHL ORIDE. ( Common SaU.) Antidotes. — Arsen., Camph., Spts.-Nitr. General Symptoms. — Effects arising from the loss of animal fluids ; Scrofulous affections ; Liability to take cold ; General weakness ; Hysterical affections ; Emacia- tion. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The symptoms are aggravated in the recumbent position; rising up affords relief. 780 NATRUM MURIATIC UM. Fever. — Constant chilliness, and shuddering, or inter- mittent fever, attended with pain in the bones, pain in the back ; headache ; sallow, or yellow complexion ; marked debility, and bitter taste, or loss of appetite,; also, in inter- mit tents from the abuse of quinine. Moral Symptoms. — Passionate, out of humor and peevish, or dejected and apprehensive. Sensorium. — Absent-minded ; Dullness and weakness of the head ; Difficulty of thinking ; Weariness of the mental faculties. Head. — Headache in the morning, or heaviness and dullness ; Stitching pains above the eyes and in the fore- head ; Dull, stitching pain in the side of the head ; scurf on the scalp ; Falling off of the hair. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Excoriating pain of the eyes ; acrid tears ; Kedness and inflammation of the eyes ; Dim- ness of vision ; objects appear blurred ; Stitches in the ears ; Purulent discharge from the ears ; Hardness of hearing ; Singing, ringing, or buzzing in the ears ; Boring pain in the nasal bones ; Coryza. Face. — Pain in the bones of the face ; Pimples on the face ; " Bloody blisters on the inner side of the upper lip." Mouth. — Bloody saliva ; vesicles on the tongue. Stomach and Abdomen. — Pain and pressure in the region of the stomach ; Cramps in the stomach, particularly at night ; Pressive and cutting pains in the abdomen ; Flat- ulence and distention of the abdomen. Female Genital Organs. — Leucorrhoea, attended with an itching ; acrid leucorrhoea. NITRIC ACID — NUX MOSCHATA. 781 Extremities. — Scurfs in the axilla ; Stitches in the wrist ; the fingers go to sleep with a tingling sensation * Painful contraction or drawing in the legs ; Weakness oi the knees. NITRIC ACID. Vide Acidum Nitricum. NUX MOSCHATA. NUX MOSCH. {Nutmeg.) Antidotes. — Camph., Carrui. (Nutmeg must occupy a very exalted position in the list of remedies among some of our friends. I see it ranges in Jahr from Rheumatic, Arthritic, Scorbutic and Paralytic affections ; Rickets, Tabes-dorsalis, Typhoid, Malignant and Putrid Fevers, Plague, old Ulcers, Wounds, Amaurosis, Freckles, Tooth-ache, Biliary Calculi, Stone, Colica-renalis, Spermatorrhoea, Difficult Labor, and Sterility, down to *' Pain in the right knee, as if sprained." Sensorium. — Alternate delirious and sleeping ; stupor, or stupor alternating with convulsions ; convulsions at- tended with great weight ; pressure and anxiety in the precordia. Sleep. — Drowsiness and dizziness as if intoxicated ; ex- tremely sleepy after eating ; irresistible drowsiness. Stomach and Abdomen. — Heartburn ; pressure in the pit of the stomach ; distended condition of the stomach, with a degree of warmth ; distended and flatulent condition of the abdomen. 7S2 N'UX- VOMICA. Stool. — Diarrhoea, attended with the above conditions of stomach and abdomen. Note. — I have used nutmeg very successfully in Uterine Hemorrhage following delivery, or consequent upon miscarriage. Its action in this form of Haemorrhage is very analogous to that of cinnamon. It is also a very good remedy when the menses continue too long; also in troublesome leucorrhoea, more particularly if the discharge is muddy or tinged with blood. NUX-VOMIOA. STRYCHNOS NUX-VOMICA. {Vomica Nut.) Antidotes. — For large doses, stimulants such as Wine, Brandy r Coffea, Camph. ; for small doses, Bell., Camph., Gocc, Coff. The different degrees of action of nux- vomica (like many other drugs) on man explains, to a great extent, why it is curative to so many opposite conditions. First degree. — In small and repeated doses (allopathically) it has a tonic and diuretic effect, and sometimes acts slightly on the bowels and skin, but does not materially affect the pulse. Second degree. — Moderately increase the dose and it dis- orders the stomach, impairs the appetite, and produces con- stipation. Third degree. — Large doses are manifested by a disordered state of the muscular system ; a feeling of weight and weak- ness in the limbs, inability to keep erect, increased sensi- bility to external impressions of light, sound, touch, and variations of temperature, with depression of spirits and anxiety. Fourth degree. — Continue its use, and it produces trem- NUX-VOMICA. 783 bling of the limbs, and a slight rigidity, and stiffness is ex- perienced when attempting to move. Fifth degree. — If the medicine is persevered in, the effects increase in intensity. The voluntary muscles become con- vulsed, and every motion brings on a convulsive paroxysm. The sudden contact of external bodies act like shocks of electricity, and various painful sensations are often ex- perienced in the skin, such as the creeping of insects, or the passage of an electric shock. It also extends its effect to the muscular fibres of the pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, bladder, and to the genital organs. (Trousseau says, "that erections have become inconvenient even in those whom for some time before had lost somewhat of their virility, and that females under its use experience more energetic vene- real desires.") Sixth degree. — Tetanus, asphyxia, and death, which is characterized by thirst, small quick pulse, constant fever, livid face and hands, muscles of the lips violently agitated, rigidity from head to foot, perspiration, involuntary dis- charge of urine, asphyxia, and death. General Symptoms. — Complaints produced by cold ; chagrin, anger, mental exertions, or from long watching ; Periodical and intermittent diseases or fevers; Eheumatic affections ; Diseases of the stomach, liver, and bowels ; scrofulous and lymphatic affections, especially of children ; Paralysis ; Trembling of drunkards ; epilepsy ; St. Yitus T dance ; Fainting fits ; great nervous weakness ; weakness and rigidity of the limbs ; emaciation ; vertigo. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The symptoms ap- pear early in the morning, especially cough, and paroxysms of whooping cough ; wakefulness and restlessness after 784 NUX- VOMICA. three o'clock in the morning ; Pains are most aggravated in the evening. Skin. — Kash ; ecchymosed spots ; chilblains ; ulcers, with raised pale red edges ; jaundiced skin. Sleep. — Very sleepy during the day ; light sleep at night ; sudden starting on going to sleep ; wakeful after three o'clock in the morning ; mind full of ideas. Fever. — Paroxysms of yawning and stretching, with general coldness ; coldness at night while in bed ; chilliness, with heat in the head, and flushed cheeks. Moral Symptoms. — Sad and melancholic ; fear ; an- xiety, followed by hurried respiration ; apprehends death ; violent palpitation of the heart ; Hypochondriacal ; Hys- terical. Sensorium. — Incapable of thinking correctly; mental derangement caused by mortification, excessive study, suppression of flowing piles, or drunkenness ; Illusions of fancy ; vertigo ; apoplexy. Head. — Headache caused by drinking wine ; severe pain in the fore part of the head, or in the back part of the head ; semi-lateral headache ; headache, with soreness of the scalp ; headache attended with nausea and vomiting ; Rheumatic and catarrhal headache. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Burning in the eyes without inflammation; nightly lacerating in the eyes; nightly ag- glutination of the eyes ; scrofulous opthalmia ; intolerance of light ; Earache at night ; ringing and roaring in the ears ; Dry coryza ; stoppage of the nose. Mouth and Throat. — Apthae; Foetid ulcers in the mouth and fauces ; inflammation of the cavity of the NUX- VOMICA. 785 mouth ; putrid smell from the mouth ; tongue coated with a white or yellowish fur ; sore throat, with a sensation of swelling in the pharynx ; sore throat, with swelling of the uvula; catarrhal sore throat ; a choking sensation in the throat. Larynx and Trachea. — Bronchial catarrhs; short, dry, or hacking cough ; dry cough early in the morning ; severe cough, causing headache ; Whooping cough, with paroxysms early in the morning ; Acrid sensation in the throat; anxious oppression of the chest; suffocating fits after midnight ; asthma millari; Palpitation of the heart. Stomach. — Hiccough ; Kegurgitation of food ; frequent eructations, bitter or sour ; nausea and vomiting ; pressure in the stomach, as from a hard substance ; the epigastrium is very sensitive to the touch ; oppression and tension in the pit of the stomach ; griping, lacerating and cramp-like pains ; severe cardialgia. Abdomen. — Pressure and sensitiveness in the region of the liver ; swelling and induration of the liver ; colic dur- ing pregnancy ; colic from cold ; Periodical colic ; enlarge ment of the abdomen and tender to the touch. Stool. — Obstinate constipation ; bilious dysentery and bilious diarrhoea: dysenteric diarrhoea, with a mixture of bilious feces, mucus, and blood, attended with cutting in the umbilical region, and bearing down in the rectum. Urine. — Painful desire to urinate ; burning and lacerat- ing pain in the neck of the bladder ; burning or itching in the urethra ; Gonorrhoea. Male Genital Organs. — Nocturnal emissions, attended 50 786 OLEANDER. with pain in the back part of the head ; Priapism, Inflam- mation, and swelling of the testes. Female Genital Organs. — Uterine spasms; Inflam- mation of the labia ; varices on the labia ; the menses ap- pear too early, and is attended with abdominal spasms ; leucorrhcea ; foetid, yellow leucorrhoea. Back. — Pain and stiffness in the small of the back from piles ; bruised pain in the small of the back ; pain in the back low down between the hips. Extremities. — Drawing pains in the arms ; Paralysis of the arm ; numbness and tingling in the arms and fingers ; numbness and paralysis of the legs ; numbness of the legs and feet ; itching and burning of the toes, similar to that from chilblains. OLEANDER. NERIUM OLEANDER. (Laurel Mom.) Antidotes. — Camph., Cocc, Nux-vom. Skin. — Itch-like eruptions ; Herpes ; scurfy pimples ; sensitiveness of the skin ; numbness and insensibility of the whole body ; Painless paralysis. Sensorium. — Fainting fits ; dullness of the mind, un- able to think. Head. — Dullness and heaviness of the head ; scurfy eruptions on the scalp ; " Humid foetid spots behind the ears, with red, rough, herpetic spots in front." Chest. — Oppression as from a weight ; asthmatic oppres- sion when in the recumbent posture. Urine. — Frequent and copious emissions of urine, with brown or whitish sediment. OPIUM. 787 Extkemities. — Weakness in the lower limbs ; Paralysis of the legs and feet ; coldness of the feet. OPIUM. PAP AVER SOMNIFERUM. (Opium.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Black Coffee, Camphor, Sulph-ether, Ammonia. For small doses, Bell., Camph., Coffee, Sys., Nux-vom., Ipecac. General Symptoms. — Diminished sensibility ; conges- tions and local determinations ; convulsions ; epileptic con- vulsions occurring at night ; bad effects from fright or fear ; apoplexy; paralysis; coma. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Opium does not act with near the promptitude in all cases, as it does in those that are recent; renewal and aggravation of the pains when heated. Sleep. — Sound sleep ; coma vigil ; sleep, with snoring or rattling breathing as after an apoplectic fit ; coma ; sopor ; hears every thing that is said, but is ui¥ible to rouse ; deep, sound, snoring sleep, with slow pulse; constant drowsiness. Fever. — Intermittent, with soporous condition ; Fever, first chilliness, afterwards flushes of heat in the face ; alter- nation of moderate warmth and chilliness. Moral Symptoms. — Melancholic, sullen mood; fearful- ness and a tendency to start ; taciturnity. Sensorium. — Stupefaction of the senses ; loss of con- sciousness and of sensation ; delirium ; frightful fancies ; mania, with raving ; vertigo after a fright. Head. — Headache, increased by moving the eyes; heavi- 788 OXALIC ACID. ness of the head ; dull, heavy, confused state of the head * congestion of the head. Eyes, Eaes, and Face. — Staring and glistening eyes ; immovable pupils; humming in the ears; bloated face; dark red face ; spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face. Chest. — Oppression of the chest ; irregular and suffoca- tive breathing. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea and vomiting ; nau- sea, with stupor ; Colic ; tympanitic state of the abdomen * constipation. Extremities. — Trembling of the arms and hands * weakness of the lower limbs : numbness of the feet. OXALIC ACID. Antidotes. — For large doses, Chalk, Magnesia, Aram. General Symptoms. — Tremor of the limbs; numbness^ approaching to paralysis ; lassitude ; convulsions. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains from ox- alic acid occupy but a small place, viz., in the eustachian tube, right wrist, right hypochondrium, region of the navel, etc., and the pains are aggravated by motion ; it acts dc cidedly upon the joints. Head. — Giddiness on lying down ; sharp pains in the forehead. Stomach. — Eructations ; burning pain in the stomach ; Pyrosis in the evening. Genital Organs. — Great increase of the sexual desire. PETROLEUM. 7S9 Urine. — Urging to urinate, with copious discharges. Extremities. — Painfullness of the wrist, as if it were strained or dislocated ; lameness and stiffness of the inferior extremities. PETROLEUM. OLEUM PETBA—NAPTHA PETBAE. Antidotes. — Aeon., JVux-vom. General Symptoms. — Scrofulous, rachitic, and phthisi- cal affections ; stiffness and cracking of the joints ; the arms and legs go to sleep ; great weakness ; Fainting turns ; liability to take cold. Fever. — Slight chills, followed by violent itching of the skin ; chilliness every evening, followed by heat in the face and cold feet ; heat and chilliness at the same time. Moral Symptoms. — Sadness and despondency ; dispo- sition to weep ; weakness of memory ; anxious concerning the future ; vertigo and nausea from stooping. Head. — Headache from chagrin ; headache in the fore- head, increased to stupefaction by mental exertions ; heavi- ness in the head in the morning, with a sensation of full- ness ; Throbbing in the head ; pimples on the head and in the nape of the neck ; scurf on the scalp. Ears. — Dryness of the internal ear; partial deafness^ paralytic deafness ; roaring in the ears. Nose. — Swelling of the nose, with purulent discharge from the nostrils ; catarrh, with hoarseness. Taste and Appetite. — Flat or putrid taste ; voracious appetite. Chest. — Hoarseness, with dry cough ; cough at night 790 PHOSPHORUS. immediately upon retiring ; stitches in the sides of the chest ; oppression of the chest ; Herpetic eruptions on the chest. Stomach and Abdomen. — Water-brash ; vomiting of pregnant females ; sea-sickness, or sickness from riding in a carriage ; feeling of fullness in the pit of the stomach, and painful to the touch ; Cutting in the abdomen ; feeling of coldness in the abdomen. Extremities. — Weakness of the arms ; arthritic stiff- ness of the joints ; chapped hands, and the tips of the fin- gers ; stitches in the knees ; swelling of the foot : blisters on the heel ; ulcers on the toes. PHOSPHORUS. Antidotes. — For large doses, Emetics; for small doses, Camph., Nux-vom., Coff., Vin. General Symptoms. — Scrofulous, rachitic, chlorotic, and phthisical affections; rheumatism and gout of long standing ; debility from loss of animal fluids, particularly the semen ; bad effects from too free sexual indulgence, and from onanism ; lymphatic abscesses ; affections of the bones ; sensitiveness to cold ; heaviness, physically and mentally; emaciation. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Most of the symp- toms appear in the morning, feels better in the open air ; cough and diarrhoea are worst at night. Skin. — Furfura, leprous-appearing blotches ; small boils ; yellow or brown spots on the body ; sanguineous spots ; sore excoriations. Sleep. — Sleepy during the day ; restless at night ; sleep at night disturbed by dreams. PHOSPHORUS. 791 Fever. — Coldness ; chilly feeling in the evening ; Hectic fever, with small, quick pulse ; night sweats. Moral Symptoms. — Lowness of spirits; gloomy and melancholic ; inclines to start ; anxious and irritable. Sensorium. — Somnambulism ; vertigo, stupefaction, and pain of the head. Head. — Dull, stupifying headache ; stinging on the side of the head ; dry scales on the scalp ; falling of the hair. Eyes, Ears, and JSTose. — Inflammation of the eyes; scrofulous inflammation of the eyes and lids ; agglutination of the eyelids ; amaurosis ; glaucoma ; cataract ; nebula ; opacities of the cornea ; black spots passing before the eye ; congestive deafness ; loud buzzing, roaring, or whizzing in the ear ; scrofulous swelling of the nose ; loss of smell ; foetid, green, yellow, or bloody discharge from the nostrils. Face. — Pale, sickly, hippocratic countenance ; circum- scribed redness of the cheeks ; tensive, lacerating, or stick- ing pains in the bones of the face ; dry lips. Mouth and Throat. — Nightly toothache, or toothache from cold ; soreness of the mouth ; rawness and soreness of the back part of the throat; dryness of the throat and fauces. Appetite. — Loss of taste ; voracious appetite. Chest. — Difficult breathing ; stitches in the side ; palpi- tation of the heart ; cough ; nightly cough ; cough, with greenish expectoration, or saltish expectoration. Stomach and Abdomen. — Nausea and frequent eructa- tions ; water-brash ; sour regurgitations ; vomiting, with diarrhoea ; pain, griping, pressure, and burning in the 792 PHOSPHORIC ACID. stomach ; burning in the pit of the stomach ; colic in the morning ; tearing in the abdomen, urging to stool ; burning and pressure in the abdomen ; Flatulence. Stool. — Diarrhoea of various kinds ; nightly diarrhoea \ burning in the rectum and of the anus. Urine. — Brick-dust sediment in the urine, or a sedi- ment of a whitish flocculi. Male Genital Organs. — Impotence ; Nocturnal emis- sions ; Discharge of prostatic fluid after urinating, and while at stool ; Weakness from self-abuse, or from over- taxing the organs. Female Genital Organs. — Discharge of blood during pregnancy ; Leucorrhcea ; Abscesses, with fistulous open ings ; Painful nodosities. Extremities. — Swelling of the axillary and inguinal glands ; Pain of a pressing or drawing character in the shoulders or arms ; Itching of the arms ; Tremor of the hands ; the ringers feel numb and insensible ; Pain in the left hip ; Drawing pain from the knees to the feet ; Ar- thritic stiffness of the knees ; twitching in the calves of the legs ; swelling of the feet in the evening ; cold feet. PHOSPHORIC ACID. ACIDUM PEOSPHOBIOUM. (Pkos. Acid.) Antidotes. — Oomph., Coffee, Nux-vom. The general and specific symptoms of phosphoric acid are very analogous to those of phosphorus, with the excep- tion of those relating to the skin, also in reference to the female genital organs. PLATINA. 793 Skin. — Scarlet like eruption ; erysipelas ; clusters of red fine rash ; moist, or dry herpetic eruptions ; boils ; invete- rate itching ; ulcers, discharging a dirty pus ; boils in the axilla ; boils on the nates ; itching ulcers on the legs. Female G-enital Organs. — Meteorismus of the uterus ; pain in the liver during the flow of the menses ; profuse yellowish leucorrhoea .after the menses. PLATINA. Antidotes. — Spts. Nitre Dulc, Puis. General Symptoms. — Ailments from chagrin, anger, and mortification ; neuralgia and neurosis ; spasmodic affec- tions ; paralytic feeling of numbness and rigidity. It is particularly suitable to females of an irritable disposition with copious menstruation. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Most of the symptoms are relieved by motion, and many of them are worse in the evening. Moral Symptoms. — Excessive anguish, cries for help; hysterical, with lowness of spirits. Sensorium. — Loss of consciousness ; mental derange- ment after fright or chagrin ; absent minded ; delirium. Head. — Cramp-like pressing pain from without inwards, also with heat and redness of the face ; violent pressing in the forehead. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Distortion of the eyes ; twitch- ing of the eyelids ; dull roaring in the ears ; dry coryza in -one nostril ; acrid feeling of the integument of the nose. 7D4 PLUMBUM ACETICUM. Face. — Numbness in the right side of the face ; pulsative- digging in the jaws ; lock-jaw. Gastric. — Loss of appetite ; pressure in the stomach after eating ; shocks in the pit of the stomach. Larynx and Chest. — Loss of voice ; short, dry cough ; short, difficult, anxious breathing ; tension, pressure, and sticking in the sides. Female G-enital Organs. — Uterine congestion ; ame- norrhcea ; great sensitiveness of the parts, with pressing from above downwards ; induration of the womb ; profuse menstruation ; menses appear too early, and continue too long. Extremities. — Paralytic feeling in the left arm ; bruised feeling in the thighs ; languor and weakness of the legs ; cold feet. PLUMBUM ACETICUM. ACETATE OF LEAD. (Sugar of Lead.) General Symptoms. — Paleness, emaciation, and lan- guor ; restlessness ; gangrene. (The many forms of convul- sions and paralysis, said to be "general symptoms" of the acetate of lead, is a mistake, as it differs from every other preparation of the metal in that respect, whether adminis- tered internally, or applied externally ever so extensively.) Skin. — Dryness of the skin ; dryness of the mouth ; jead color of the entire surface ; yellowish color of the skin and white of the eye. Sleep. — Sleeplessness at night ; dreams. Stomach. — Eructations; hiccough; nausea; retching;. PLUMBUM CARBON ICUM. 795 sour gulpings ; Pains in the stomach ; contraction in the stomach ; cardialgia. Abdomen. — Pains in the abdomen increased by contact ; pains in the umbilical region ; Pinching or lacerating colic ; constipation ; obstinate constipation. Extremities. — Rheumatic drawings in the limbs ; wea- riness and languor ; stiffness of the knees ; swelling of the feet. PLUMBUM CARBONICUM. CARBONATE OF LEAD. (White Lead.) Antidotes. — Allum., Opi. for the constipating effects; Nux-vom. for its paralyzing effects ; and Olive Oil is a prophylactic to the action of the carbonate of lead upon the system. General Symptoms. — The effects of lead (particularly the carbonate) are first manifested upon the secreting sys- tem, producing biliary derangement, obstinate constipation, rheumatism and suspended urinary secretion ; secondly, upon the nerves of motion, producing paralysis, while sen- sation does not appear to be prominently disturbed ; thirdly, it acts upon the brain, producing ramollissement (softening) which condition is always preceded by paleness (an entire want of color) of the face, blueness, and some swelling of the gums, and an offensive breath. It is a good remedy in partial paralysis, particularly of the arms, or paralysis of a single muscle where sensation is not materially impaired ; also in certain forms of epilepsy 796 PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. MAY-APPLE. (Mandrake, Wild Lemon.) Antidote. — Nux-vom. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Aggravation of the symptoms in the morning, and better in the evening ; sud- den shocks of jerking pain. Skin. — Moisture of the skin with increased warmth; sallowness of the skin of children. Sleep. — Eestless, disturbed sleep, particularly of children ; fatigued feeling in the morning. Fever. — During the fever a sense of chilliness is expe- rienced while moving ; chilliness upon retiring, followed by fever and sleep ; intermittent fever attended with shak- ing, and a sensation of coldness after the commencement of the hot stage ; thirst during the chill, but increased during the hot stage ; delirium during the hot stage ; sleep during the sweating stage ; loss of appetite during the intermis- sion. Head. — Delirium and loquacity during the hot stage of fever ; perspiration of the head during sleep ; moving head- ache with flushed face. Mouth and Throat. — Grinding of the teeth at night, especially with children ; offensive odor from the mouth ; white fur on the tongue with foul taste ; dryness of the throat ; rattling of mucus in the throat ; sore throat, com- mencing on the right side and going to the left. Throat and Chest. — Cough dry or loose, and hacking PODOPHYLLUM. 797 cough ; hooping cough, attended with costiveness and loss of appetite ; palpitation of the heart. Stomach. —Acid eructations ; regurgitation of the food ; nausea and vomiting, attended with fulness of the head ; vomiting, attended with a foul and putrid taste ; heart- burn ; water brash ; sour stomach. Abdomen. — Colic cramp-like pains in the abdomen ; a degree of fulness with pain in the region of the liver ; sharp pain above the right groin ; constipation during remittent fever ; chronic diarrhoea, worse in the morning ; light- colored stools, exceedingly offensive ; frothy, mucous, and slimy stools ; prolapsus ani. Urine. — Involuntary discharges during sleep ; nocturnal urination during pregnancy ; diminished secretion of urine ; suppression of urine. Genital Organs. — Suppression of the menses with young females ; leucorrhcea, attended with constipation and bearing down ; leucorrhcea of a thick mucus ; prolap- sus uteri ; numb, aching pain in the left illiac region ; swell- ing of the labia during pregnancy. Extremities. — Rheumatism in the left forearm and fin- gers ; paralytic weakness of the left side ; aching of the limbs, worse at night. PODOPHYLLUM Podophyllin is the active principle of the Podophyllin Peltatum (Mandrake). It is an active remedy, (cathartic in half-grain to three- grain doses,) and, considering its properties allopathically, viz., emetic, cathartic, chologogue, alterative, diuretic, dia- 798 PULSATILLA. phoretic, emmenagogue, anthelmentic, etc., it is destined to occupy a conspicuous place in our homoeopathic materia medicas, and necessarily a more rational adaptation to the diagonstics of disease. At present it is used quite gener- ally by the allopaths as an infantismal cathartic, and it is said that some of our homoeopathic brethren occasionally steal in a dose neatly coated with sugar, or give a coupk of grains of the tenth decimal trituration, when they think a cathartic is required. PULSATILLA. PULSATILLA NIGRICANS— ANEMONE PRAETENSIS. (Pasque Flower.) Antidotes. — Cham., Coff., Igna., Nuaycom., Vegetable Acids. General Symptoms. — This remedy is peculiarly adapi ed to ailments of the female sex, or to those of gentle, good- natured individuals, who easily laugh or weep ; lymphatic temperament, pale face, blue eyes, blond hair, and disposi- tion to blenorrhagic discharges; chronic symptoms, arising from the abuse of sulphur, quinine, or chamomile ; from the use of fat pastry, effects of wine, or from fright, or mortification ; the effects of cold, rheumatic and arthritic affections ; erratic pains ; Pains and ailments of one side ; asthma ; fainting ; epileptic convulsions, with violent action of the limbs. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains relieved by motion ; pressure ; external warmth, or the open air ; the pains are generally more severe in the evening, or the fore part of the night, or an aggravation of pain every second evening. PULSATILLA. 799 Skin. — Formicati m ; measles and the diseases secondary to them ; eruptions resembling chicken-pox ; erysipelas, at- tended with swelling, hardness and a burning heat ; yel- lowness of the skin ; chlorosis ; varices and chilblains ; Herpes zoster and zona. Sleep. — Drowsy and sleepy during the day ; sleepless at night ; sleep disturbed by dreams ; nightmare. Fever. — Fever, with general chilliness and sweat ; Inter- mittent with evening exacerbations ; intermittents, with thirst during the hot stage ; the cold stage, accompanied with pain and heaviness of the head; anxiety or oppression of the chest; heat at night, with a chilly feeling upor changing position, or by disturbing the bed-clothing ; gas trie, mucous, and bilious fevers. Moral Symptoms. — Melancholic, silent mood ; disposed to weep ; Hypochondriacal peevishness ; Hysterical laughte? or crying. Sensoritjm. — Confusion of the head ; delirium ; im- becility ; vertigo ; vertigo, as if intoxicated. Head. — Headache, worse in the evening ; lacerating pain in one side of the head ; severe drawing pain in one side of the head, extending to the teeth and ear ; beating, lacer ating, or darting headache. 'CI Eyes, Ears, and "Nose. — Pressure in the eyes, as if from a particle of sand ; redness and swelling of the lids ; inflammation of the eyes, and of the meibomian glands; stye ; dimness of sight ; fiery circles before the eyes ; in- cipient amaurosis ; Pain darting through the ears ; hardness of hearing ; discharge of pus from the ears ; Haemorrhage from the nose : foetid discharge from the nose ; coryza. 800 PULSATILLA. Face. — Pale, or yellowish complexion ; alternate pale ness and redness ; erysipelas of the face. Mouth. — Toothache during pregnancy ; rheumatic tooth- ache ; drawing, gnawing, digging, sticking, or lacerating toothache ; slimy, bad taste ; putrid taste ; loss of appetite. Throat and Chest. — Scraping and dryness of the throat ; catarrhal condition of the throat ; cough at night, relieved by sitting up; cough, with expectoration of pus; yellow mucus ; pieces of dark, coagulated blood, or purulent expectoration ; catarrhal huskiness of the chest in the morning, with expectoration of tenacious mucus ; difficult breathing at night in bed, with constriction of the throat ; dyspnoea, from exposure to cold air ; suffocative fits of asthmatic breathing ; asthma ; pain in the side ; sharp, sticking pain through the sides of the chest ; Palpitation of the heart. Stomach. — Eructations ; nausea ; nausea, with a dispo- sition to vomit ; pain in the pit of the stomach, particularly after eating ; pain on pressure ; tingling sensation in the stomach ; pulsation in the stomach ; water-brash. Abdomen. — Colicky pains, relieved by rest, and aggra- vated by motion ; spasms of the abdomen during pregnancy ; bloated state of the abdomen after eating ; Flatulent colic ; sensitiveness of the abdominal walls to pressure. Stool. — Constipation ; mucous stools ; diarrhoea and dysentery, with mucous stools; fall dysentery; dysentery following measles ; diarrhoea or dysentery, with chilliness ; soreness of the rectum and anus. Male Genital Organs. — Hydrocele ; Inflammation of the prostate gland ; increased sexual desire ; continual erec- tions ; erections, with a discharge of prostatic fluid. RANUNCULUS. 801 Female Genital Organs. — Spasmodic pains of the uterus similar to labor pains ; suppression of the menses ; suppression of the menses from cold ; painful menstruation, attended with chilliness and nausea ; leucorrhoea of a milky appearance, or of thick white mucus. Extremities. — Pain in the shoulder; rheumatism in the shoulder-joint ; drawing pains extending from the shoulder to the wrist ; pains in the wrists ; itching chilblains on the fingers ; Rheumatic affection of the hip-joint ; jerking and lacerating pains in the inferior extremities ; swelling of the knee ; swelling of the feet, of the dorsum, with stinging ; oedema of the feet ; red-hot swelling of the feet, attended with tensive, burning pain. RANUNCULUS. RANUNCULUS BULB OS US. (Crowfoot.) Antidotes. — Bry., Camph., Puis., Rhus-tox. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains aggravated by- contact, motion, and changing position; pains arise from change of temperature. Skin. — Herpetic eruptions ; horny excrescences. Moral Symptoms. — Irritable, disposed to be quarrel some. Eyes, Nose, and Ears. — Smarting in the eyes and nose ; pressure in the eyes ; obstruction of the nose ; sore nose ; cramp feeling in the ear ; stitches through the ear. Extremities. — Rheumatic pain in the elbow and shoulder-joints; tingling in the skin of the fingers; pdsa- tive stitches in the heel. 51 802 RAPHANUS SATIVUS — RHEUM. RAPHANUS SATIVUS. RADISH. Antidotes. — Large draught of water. General Symptoms. — Weakness and languor ; shud- dering followed by internal heat ; profuse perspiration dur- ing sleep. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Pressure above the eyes; hardness of hearing; obstruction in the nose. Mouth. — Tongue coated with a thick white fur ; flat or bitter taste ; no appetite ; violent thirst ; nausea and vomit- ing. Stomach and Abdomen. — Pain in the stomach ; abdo- minal dropsy. Stool and Urine. — Copious stools ; frequent liquid stools ; chronic diarrhoea ; copious flow of urine ; turbid urine ; burning in the urethra while voiding urine ; stone. RHEUM. RHEUM PALMATUM. (Rhubarb.) General Symptoms. — Heaviness and drowsiness; lan- guor ; disinclination to physical and mental exertion ; jaun- dice ; hepatic derangement ; bilious diarrhoea. Sleep. — Dull, stupid, heavy sleep. Moral Symptoms. — Inactive, dull, and heavy; indo- lent. Skin.— Yellowness of the skin. RHODODENDRON. SOS Abdomen and Stool. — Dull pain in the region of the liver ; griping in the umbilical region ; bilious stool, at- tended with griping ; sour smelling stool ; diarrhoea of lying in females ; diarrhoea of infants. RHODODENDRON. RffOD ODENDR ON OER YS ANTRUM. ( Yellow Rose of Siberia.) Antidotes. — Camph., Clem., Rus-tox. General Symptoms. — Insensibility, and paralysis of the limbs ; erratic lacerating pains in the limbs ; insensibility of the affected parts. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains, appear at the approach of stormy weather ; pains are felt from the arm to the fingers, and from the leg down to the toes. Moral Symptoms. — Gloomy ; Fits of anxiety ; Visions of a frightful character ; Delirium. Male Genital Organs. — Contusive pain in the testes, with alternate drawing ; " Swelling of the testes, with drawing and pressing." Inferior Extremities. — Tearing pains, particularly in the hip joints ; Lacerating from the thigh to the foot, worse during rest ; White swelling of the knee ; oedema of the legs and feet. 804 RHUS RADICANS. RHUS RADICANS. RHUS RAD. {Poison Ivy.) Antidotes. — Bry., Camph., Coff., Merc, Puis., Sulph. General Symptoms. — Rheumatic pains ; semi-lateral rheumatic pains, with rigidity ; wandering pains ; cold- ness ; excessive debility ; general languor and prostration ; diseases of the skin, particularly pustular eruptions ; drow- siness during the day, and restless at night. Skin. — Itching, burning, and pricking ; eruptions of watery pimples ; itch-like eruption ; small pustular, or scaly eruption ; erysipelas. Sleep. — Disturbed restless sleep during the night ; sleepi- ness during the day. Fever. — Typhoid fever ; pulse, small and quick ; pains- in the limbs ; vertigo, when raising the head ; and dark dry tongue, or dry red and glazed tongue. Sensorium. — Melancholic, irritable, depressed or peev- ish ; vertigo on walking, or stooping. Head. — Dull pain in the forehead ; pain in the top of the head in the morning ; shooting pains in the head ; head- ache, aggravated when in the recumbent position. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Itching, burning, or a sensa- tion of heat in the eyelid ; redness and swelling of the eye- lids, with itching and burning ; pain in the ear ; inflamma- tion of the parotid gland, after measles ; bleeding at the nose ; sneezing ; fluent coryza ; itching of the nose. Face. — Pale, and yellow complexion ; dryness of the lips ; pimples on the forehead and cheeks. RHUS RADICANS. 80-5 Mouth and Throat. — Foetid breath ; dryness of the mouth ; ulcers inside of the mouth ; redness and dryness of the tongue, or dark brown and dry tongue; painful deglutition, sensation as if obstruated by a foreign body in the throat ; dryness of the throat. Chest. — Influenza ; weakness of the voice ; dry, short cough ; morning cough, with soreness of the throat ; cough, excited by motion ; pain in the chest at night ; pain in the chest, commencing in the stomach : palpitation of the heart. Stomach and Abdomen. — Pain in the stomach, after eating ; pressure and fulness in the region of the stomach ; pain of a pressing character in the abdomen ; pain in the region of the liver, also in the left hypochondrium ; flatu- lence. Urine. — Frequent urination, with small discharges ; pressure on the bladder, with difficult urination ; deep, red urine ; pink colored sediment. Genital Organs. — Inflammation of the scrotum ; scaly and itching eruptions on the scrotum. Extremities. — Eheumatic pain of the arm, increased by movement; numbness of the hands and fingers ; inflamma- tion of the hands, wikh heat and redness ; pain in the hip ; pain in the hip and legs; numbness; weakness, and a. sense of torpor of the legs ; redness of the top of the foot, with soreness ; coldness of the feet 806 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. RHUS- TO X. (Poison Oak) Antidotes. — Bry., Camph., Coffee, Sulph. General Symptoms. — Rheumatic and arthritic affec- tions ; glandular swellings and indurations ; deficient plas- tic power of the blood ; ailments arising from cold bathing ; Paralysis ; bruised pains ; dull, heavy, aching pains ; bad consequences from strains or sprains ; stiffness and lameness in the limbs ; complete paralysis ; paralysis of the inferior extremities ; lacerating, drawing pains in the evening while sitting, going off when walking ; convulsions, especially caused by cold bathing ; great prostration, languor, and debility. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains come on during rest, or are worse during rest; symptoms generally aggravated at night. Skin. — Erysipelatous inflammation; burning, itching eruptions ; scaly eruptions issuing an ichor from the fissures in the skin ; red, shining swelling, with stinging, sore pain when touched ; glandular swellings. Sleep. — Restless, tossing about ; sleepless before mid- night ; sad thoughts preventing sleep ; unpleasant and frightful dreams. Fever. — Coldness, chilliness, pain, etc., in the evening evening fever, with diarrhoea ; intermittent, commencing with chilliness, followed by heat and thirst ; then warmth, with chilliness at every motion ; then perspiration ; flushes of heat, with sweat ; general perspiration ; night sweat, es- pecially around the neck. KHUS TOXICODENDRON. 807 Sensorium. — Mental derangement ; illusions of fancy ; languor of the mind ; delirium ; dizzy, when rising from bed. Head. — Headache immediately after eating ; severe headache ; intoxicating headache ; scald head ; small, soft tubercles on the scalp. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Soreness of the eyeball ; burning of the eyes ; inflammation of the eyes, with dull, aching pain ; swelling of the eyelids ; ©edematous swelling around the eyes ; incipient amaurosis ; Earache ; discharge of bloody pus from the ear, with hardness of hearing ; Bleeding of the nose ; dryness and stoppage of the nose. Face. — Mahogany flush of the face, especially in typhoid fevers ; erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the face ; Herpetic eruptions on the face ; crusta lactea ; dry, dark, and parched lips. Mouth. — Lacerating toothache at night ; lacerating toothache, aggravated in the open air; rheumatic tooth- ache, relieved by warmth ; foetid smell from the mouth ; dryness of the mouth ; parched, red or brown tongue. Appetite. — Loss of appetite and taste. Stomach. — Pressure in the pit of the stomach ; oppres- sion in the stomach toward evening ; throbbing in the epi- gastric region ; sore pain in the pit of the stomach. Chest. — Tightness and oppression of the chest ; difficult breathing ; sticking in the region of the heart, with pain- ful lameness and numbness of the left arm ; cough, with bloody expectoration, or with bright blood. Back. — Bruised pain in the small of the back, relieved by pressure ; sprained feeling in the back and shoulders 808 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. and in the nape of the neck and shoulders ; " curvature of the dorsal vertebrae." Abdomen. — Severe attack of colic at night; pain and distention of the abdomen after a meal ; scarlet erysipela- tous appearance of the abdomen. Urine. — Ketention of urine ; Dysuria, with discharge of bloody urine, and severe pressing and urging ; " Incontin- ence of urine." Female Genital Organs. — Meteorrhagia, with coagu- las and labor-like pains ; diminished lochia, with pains shoot- ing up into the vagina ; offensive discharge of black- appearing water from the vagina after delivery; heavy numb pains along the bones of the leg; soreness and swell- ing of the breast. Extremities. — Tearing and burning pains in the shoulder, with lameness of the arm ; Paralysis of the arm, with numbness ; heat and smarting of the back of the hand ; erysipelatous swelling of the arm ; warts on the hands and fingers. Legs. — Coxalgia ; paralysis ; sprained pains in the joints ; swelling of the feet ; erysipelatous swelling and inflamma- tion of the feet. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. RUTA. {Rue.) Antidotes. — Camph. General Symptoms. — Mechanical injuries, such as sprains, strains, lacerations, and contusions; imperfect vision, from over-taxing the eyes. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains aggravated by SABADILLA. 809 rest, relieved by motion, and pains worse during damp weather. Skin. — Inflamed ulcers; itching of the skin; warts; anasarca. Fever. — Chilliness ; chilliness along the spinal column ; flushes of heat; febrile heat, during the afternoon. Eyes — Pain and weakness of the eyes ; indistinct vision, as if looking through gauze ; weakness of the eyes from too much reading, or fine sewing; incipient amaurosis. Stomach and Abdomen. — Oppression in the pit of the stomach ; painful swelling of the spleen ; colic, as from worms in children; mucus diarrhoea, alternating with con- stipation ; urging, with prolapsus of the rectum. Urine. — Frequent urging, with discharge of greenish urine; involuntary emissions at night, in bed; enuresis, during sleep. Back and Extremities. — Stitches in the small of the back, when walking or stooping; pain, as if sprained in the wrists ; weariness and weakness of the legs, after walking ; weakness, with trembling of the knees. SABADILLA, VERATR UM SABADILLA. {Berry bearing Alder.) Antidotes. — Camph., Puis. Sabadilla is one of the finest anti-psoric remedies with- in the possession of the Homoeopath, although it is iot noted as such, nor has it been very generally used in p* rio -cases. 810 SABINA. Skin. — Creeping sensation and burning ; dry, rough, and branny, or scaly skin ; itch-like eruption on the body. Sleep. — Restless, unrefreshing sleep; sleep, disturbed by dreams. Fevee. — Intermittent fever, with chills; shaking of the limbs; little or no thirst, followed by heat with but little thirst, and accompanied or followed by perspiration. Mouth. — Blisters on the tongue, and soreness ; dryness of the mouth, with thirst; raw, blistered feeling of the tongue ; burning on the tip of the tongue. Larynx and Chest. — Cough, upon lying down; deep cough, with bloody expectoration; cough, causing vomit- ing; grippe. Extremities. — Stinging, sensation in the thighs ; heavi- ness of the feet ; itching and burning pimples on the fore- arms ; dry, scaly state of the skin. SABINA. JUMPER US SABINA. (Savin.) Antidotes. — Chmph., Puis., Gantharis. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The symptoms cease in the open air. Genital Organs. — Warts and excrescences on the glans, with burning and soreness; haemorrhage after partu- rition, and after miscarriage ; leucorrhcea, after suppression of the menses. Urine. — Retention of urine ; burning, scalding, and smarting in the urethra, during micturation ; desire to urinate, with voiding but little ; blenorrhagic, discharge- from the urethra, attended with a burning and scalding. SAMBUCUS. 811 SAMBUCUS. SAMBUCUS NIGER {Elder.) Antidotes. — Araen., Gamph. General Symptoms. — Dropsical swellings ; emaciation ; catarrhal difficulties in children, from exposure to cold ; snuffles in infants. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Most of the pains come on during rest, and pass off during motion. Sleep. — Eestless ; slumbering, with the eyes and mouth partly open ; sudden startings from sleep, with anxiety and shortness of breath. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Stoppage of the nose ; snuffles; thick, tenacious mucus in the nose; ringing in the ears ; catarrhal condition of the eyes ; nightly agglutination of the lids. Larynx and Chest. — Angina membranacea ; suffoca- tive paroxysms of asthma ; attacks of asthma at night ; angina pectoris. Face. — Pale, lived face; red spots on the face; bluish and bloated face. Male Genital Organs. — Swelling of the scrotum; involuntary emission of semen. Female Genital Organs. — Profuse menstruation, bor- dering on haemorrhage. 812 SANGUINARIA. SANGUINARIA. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. (Blood Boot.) General Symptoms. — Acute, inflammatory, and arth- ritic rheumatism; swelling of the joints; paralysis of th? right side ; catarrhal and bronchitic affections. Skin. — Itching like nettle-rash ; warts ; old, indolent ul cers ; jaundice. Sensorium. — Dizziness on turning the head suddenly. Head. — Pain in the head in spots ; soreness in spots ; pain in the head, with nausea, vomiting, and a sense of heat in the throat ; pains in the head, drawing up from the neck. Face, Ears, and Nose. — Redness of the cheek ; burn- ing in the ears ; polypus of the nose ; loss of smell ; In- fluenza ; fluent coryza. Mouth and Throat. — Sore pains (like a boil) of the tongue ; ulcerated sore throat. Larynx: and Chest. — Dryness and heat in the throat; cough ; cough, with expectoration and coryza ; dropsy of the chest ; asthma ; burning and pressing in the chest. Urine and Stool. — Frequent and copious nocturnal urination ; Gonorrhoea ; diarrhoea during an attack of cold, or during influenza ; dysentery ; piles. Extremities. — Kheumatic pain of the right arm and shoulder ; burning of the hands ; ulceration at the root of the nails ; bruised pains of the thigh ; burning of the feet. SARSAPARILLA — SECALE CORNUTUM, 813 SARSAPARILLA. SMILAX SARSAPARILLA. (Sarsaparilla.) Antidote. — Camph. General Symptoms. — Rheumatic complaints, with di- minished secretion of urine ; languid feeling in the hands and feet. Skin. — Dry, shrivelled skin ; ulcers and eruptions from the abuse of mercury. Stool. — Constipation, with urging to urinate ; discharge of blood at stool. Urine. — " Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emis- sion ;" tenesmus of the bladder ; tomina urina. SECALE CORNUTUM. ERGOT. (Spurred Rye.) Antidotes. — Oomph., and Vinous stimulants. Skin. — Lead-colored, dead-appearing, or shrivelled skin ; petechias ; rash on the chest and back ; dry gangrene ; old, indolent ulcers ; sloughing ulcers during paralysis ; cancer in the axillae ; fungous hasmatodes. Sleep. — Sleeplessness, with dry heat. Fever. — Dry heat, with quick pulse ; small and sup- pressed pulse. Moral Symptoms. — Anguish, sadness, and melancholic ; dread of death. Abdomen. — Severe colic, with pain in the back and thighs ; cutting and lacerating in the abdomen ; burning in 81 4 SCILLAE. the abdomen, particularly in the region' of the spleen and loins. Stool and Urine. — Painful diarrhoea, with great pros- tration ; thin, watery diarrhoea ; involuntary diarrhoea ; diarrhoea following cholera ; suppression of urine. Female Genital Organs. — Profuse menstruation ; the menses continue too long, also is attended with spasmodic pains in the abdomen and back ; Haemorrhage before de- livery ; Haemorrhage daring pregnancy ; threatened mis- carriage ; cancer of the uterus ; indurations of the cervix and os ; gangrene of the uterus. Extremities. — Tingling, numbness, and insensibility of the fingers ; gangrene, or gangrenous spots on the feet and legs. Note. — I have used an infusion of ergot as an injection in cases of un- doubted cancer of the uterus, with most decided advantage. Also the setherial oil of ergot as a dressing to cancer of the breast, cancer in the axillae, and to gangrenous spots and sloughing ulcers. SCILLAE. SGILLA MARITIMA. {Squid.) Antidotes. — Oamph. , Opii. General Symptoms. — Difficulties of the throat and chest ; Dyspnoea ; dropsical affections ; anasarcous swell- ings ; derangements of the abdominal and urinary organs. Head. — Heaviness and dizziness of the head ; contrac- tive pain in both temples ; painful sensitiveness of the top of the head. Face. — Cracked lips, with brown crusts ; dark, or black lips. SELENIUM. 815 Stomach. — Loss of appetite ; nausea during the morn- ing, and while coughing in the morning ; weakness of the stomach, and derangement of the digestive organs. Larynx and Chest. — Violent morning cough, attended with stitches in the side ; cough, at every inspiration dur- ing the night ; dyspnoea, with stitches in the left side of the chest ; tightness, oppression of the chest, and difficult breathing ; anxious breathing ; dropsy of the chest ; pains in the chest, worse toward morning. Abdomen. — Diarrhoeic stool ; watery diarrhoea ; diar- rhoea, with dark, muddy -appearing discharges ; hard tumid abdomen ; abdominal dropsy (ascites.) "Quinary Organs. — Constant desire to urinate ; urging, with tenesmus of the bladder ; reddish urine, depositing a red sediment ; hot, dark urine ; diabetes. SELENIUM. Antidotes. — Ignatia, Puis., Camph. \ Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains, worse after sleep. Moral Symptoms. — Inability to perform any kind of labor, either mental or physical ; vertigo. Face. — Twitching of the muscles of the face ; itching of the nose. Genital Organs. — Imperfect erections ; sexual desire, with debility and relaxation of the organs ; itching of the scrotum. Extremities. — Emaciation of the hands ; cramps in the soles of the feet. 816 SENEGA — SENNA. SENEGA. Antidotes. — Arn., Bell, Bry., Camph. Sensorium. — Dullness of the head ; vertigo. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Jerking in the eyelids ; burn- ing, pain in the margins of the eyelids ; hard mucus in the eye lashes in the morning ; burning and pressure in the eyes ; shadows and impeded vision ; feeling of warmth in the ear ; itching of the nose. Mouth. — Prickling and stinging in the mouth ; dryness of the mouth. Gastric Symptoms. — Nausea ; vomiting and purging ; qualmish feeling in the stomach. Chest. — Dull stitches through the left chest ; stitches through the chest to the back ; dull stitches beneath the short ribs, in the left side ; violent burning pain in the left chest, when sitting. Urine. — Mucous filaments in the urine ; thick and cloudy urine ; burning in the urethra. SENNA. CASSIA ACUTIFOLIA. {Alexandrian Senna.) Stomach and Abdomen. — Loss of appetite ; some nau- sea and eructations ; colicky pains, with rumbling and fer- mentation in the bowels, or with watery diarrhoea; diar- rhceic stools, with burning or itching of the anus. SEPIA. 817 SEPIA. JUICE OF THE CUTTLE-FISH. Antidotes. — Aeon. Spir-Nit, Dulc. Stib. Acetic-Acid. General Symptoms. — Affections of females, particu- larly of those with delicate skin ; affections of the capillary system; Nervous affections, consequences of chagrin; bad effects of onanism ; scrofulous, rickety and rheumatic affec- tions ; seething of the blood ; the limbs go to sleep ; ten- dency to take cold ; hysterical symptoms ; affections during pregnancy. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains relieved by the application of warmth ; the pains are attended with shud- dering. Skin. — Glandular and lymphatic swellings; scirrhous indurations ; ringworm ; dry, itch-like eruptions ; claret- colored spots on the neck and under the skin ; yellow spots on the face and nose ; scurfy herpetic eruption ; Pemphigus. Sleep. — Restless at night and drowsy during the day ; jerking of the limbs at night. Fever. — Attacks of flushes of heat every afternoon; profuse perspiration ; sour smelling perspirations. Moral Symptoms. — Melancholic, discouraged ; sad and desponding ; indifference to almost every thing. Sensorium. — Weak memory; absent-minded; dullness and stupefaction; " Vertigo only when walking in the open air." Head. — Morning headache, with nausea; headache with inability to open the eyes from the pain ; heat in the head, 52 818 SEPIA. with a burning sensation through the ears; severe and violent headache ; involuntary shaking of the head ; itch- ing of the scalp ; falling off of the hair. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Inflammation of the eyes, with redness, and stinging, and pressure ; prickling pain in the eyes, particularly in the evening ; prickling pain in the lids ; swelling of the eyes in the evening ; pustules on the cornea; agglutination of the lids; paralysis of the lids; dimness of sight while writing or reading ; Herpes on the ears and behind them ; sensitive to noise ; loud sounds in the ears ; inflamed and swollen nose ; obstruction of the nose ; foetid smell ; loss of smell ; coryza. Face. — Paleness of the face with yellow spots ; redness with flushes of heat in the face; cruste lactea; Herpetic eruptions ; warts on the face ; dry and scaly lips. Mouth. — Foetid smell from the mouth ; swelling of the inner mouth ; drawing toothache caused by either hot or cold things; drawing pains in the teeth. Gastric Symptoms. — Weakness of digestion; eructa- tions, bitter or sour; water-brash after drinking; nausea daring pregnancy ; pressure in the stomach, as from a hard substance ; heaviness in the stomach ; cramp in the stomach and abdomen, or in the stomach and chest ; sticking pain in the stomach. Larynx and Chest. — Hoarseness ; hoarseness, with dry cough ; cough during pregnancy ; cough, with saltish- tasting expectoration, or with purulent expectoration ; dysp- noea, with oppression and shortness of breath ; stitches in the right side of the chest and shoulder-blade during an in- spiration ; rawness of the chest. SEPIA. 819 Back. — Pain in the small of the back of a pressing, sprained, or cutting character ; stiffness of the back, also of the nape of the neck ; chilliness over the back. Abdomen and Stool. — Brownish spots on the abdo- men ; green or sour-smelling diarrhoea of children ; debili- tating diarrhoea ; burning and itching of the rectum ; Pro- lapsus ani. Male Genital Organs. — Itching; weakness of the parts ; pains in the testes ; swelling of the scrotum. Female Genital Organs. — Induration of the neck of the uterus ; prolapsus of the parts ; swelling and itching of the labia ; soreness and redness of the labia ; itching of the pudendum; leucorrhoea, attended with itching; yellow, bloody, or corrosive leucorrhoea ; various affections during pregnancy, such as toothache, colic, cramping pains, costive- ness, nausea, and vomiting, etc. Extremities. — Humid eruptions in the axillae ; paraly- tic feeling in the arms, followed by a throbbing sensation ; drawing in the arms from above downward ; heat in the hands ; suppurating blisters and pustules on the back of the hand and the ends of the fingers ; numbness, as if asleep, of the legs ; icy coldness ; lameness ; drawing pains and cramping in the legs ; severe cramps in the calves of the legs ; swelling of the feet ; ulcers on the heel ; sweaty feet, of a foetid smell ; corns. S20 SILIOEA. SILICEA. SILICA. Antidotes. — Camph., Hepar Sulph. General Symptoms. — Phlegmonous inflammation ; scrofula and rickets ; muscular weakness of children \ nightly sticking in the joints. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The pains are in- creased by motion, and most of the symptoms appear about, new moon. Skin. — Itching and biting of the skin ; aching pain in ulcers. Sleep. — Yawning and drowsiness during the day ; sleep disturbed by dreams. Fever. — Hectic fever ; fever during teething ; fever of scrofulous persons ; great disposition to perspire ; profuse night sweats. Moral Symptoms. — Indifferent and apathetic ; anxious ; tendency to start. Sensorium. — Forgetful ; difficulty of thinking ; intoxi- cated feeling. Head. — Headache, from the nape of the neck to the vertex; morning headache ; heaviness of the head; itching humid eruption ; falling off of the hair. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Eedness and smarting of the eyes ; smarting, or heat in the ears ; ulcers on the cornea ; spots and cicatrices ; impaired vision ; beating, boring, or shooting in the ears ; itching of the tip of the nose ; erup- SPIGELIA. 821 tions on the nose ; soreness of the nostrils ; sneezing, ob- structions, and dryness of the nostrils. Face. — Chapped skin ; scirrhous indurations and ulcers ; cancer of the lip. Mouth. — Toothache, produced by something warm , caries of the jaw ; bitter taste in the morning. Gastric Symptoms. — Nausea, particularly in the morn- ing ; water-brash ; vomiting after taking fluids ; painful- ness in the pit of the stomach. Male Genital Organs. — Kedness of. the prepuce ; itching and humid spots on the scrotum. Female Genital Organs. — Milky-appearing leucor- rhoea ; inflammation and suppuration of the breasts. Chest. — Arrest of breathing ; shortness of breath from the least exercise ; cough, with expectoration of purulent matter. Extremities. — Lacerating in both arms ; languor and trembling of the arms ; creeping in the fingers ; softening and caries of the bones ; swelling of the knee ; scrofulous swelling of the joints; boils on the calves of the legs; numbness of the calves of the legs. SPIGELIA. SPIGELIA MARILANDICA. (Pinhroot.) Antidotes. — CampJi., Aurum. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The symptoms are worse in the afternoon. Sleep. — Restless and confused sleep. 322 SPIGELIA. Head. — Heaviness and confusion of the head ; dizziness, with partial blindness. Eyes. — Pain in the eyes and above the eyes, also deep in the orbits ; pressing, digging, boring, or stitching in the eyes; inclination to wink; paralysis of the upper lid; ptosis ; partial blindness. Ears and Nose. — Periodical deafness; biting in the nose ; fluent coryza from a slight cold. Face. — Pale, disfigured face; pressure in the malar bones ; pressure, darting or lacerating, with pressure in the right cheek bone ; burning in the cheek bones. Teeth. — Toothache, with pain in the face ; darting pain through all of the teeth ; painful jerks in decayed teeth ; toothache, aggravated by cold water. Gastric Symptoms. — Canine hunger and thirst; nausea before breakfast; great sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach. Chest. — Great difficulty in breathing ; threatened suffo- cation, with palpitation of the heart ; stitches in the chest in the region of the heart ; irregular action of the heart, at- tended with pain ; enlargement of the heart. Abdomen. — Painful pressure or sharp stitches in the abdomen ; crawling sensation in the rectum, as from worms. Extremities. — Itching in the axillae ; aching of the arms above the wrists during rest ; lacerating pain, as if sprained in the knee-joint when walking; sticking and jerking in the legs. SPONGIA — STANNUM. 823 SPONGIA. SPONGIA TOSTA— MARINA TO ST A. (Toasted fyonge.) Antidotes. — Camph. , Opium. General Symptoms. — The lower half of the body feels numb ; general weariness and relaxation. Skin. — Eed spots attended with itching. Face. — Blueness or redness of the face with a degree of puffiness ; anxious expression. Mouth and Throat. — Vesicles on the edges of the tongue ; burning in the larynx. Larynx and Chest. — Hoarseness ; hoarse, hollow cough; constant cough ; croupy cough, with difficult breath- ing; asthmatic condition of the chest; (croup). Genital Organs. — Itching and burning of the scrotum ; pain and uneasiness in the testes; swelling of the testes; (orchitis). STANNUM. (TIN.) Antidote. — Pulsatilla. General Symptoms. — General heaviness and weariness ; exhausted feeling; epileptic and hysteric convulsions; spasms of children while teething ; emaciation ; night sweats ; consumption. Fever. — Chilliness over the back in the evening ; burn- ing heat of the hands ; profuse night sweats; hectic fever; Worm fever. 824 STAPHYSAGRIA. Moral Symptoms. — Discouragement, anguish and mel- ancholy ; hypochondriacal. Face. — Pale, sunken face, also with sunken eyes; cir- cumscribed flush of the cheeks, or of one cheek. Eyes. — Weeping eye; fistula lachrymalis; obstruction of the ductum ad nasi. Teeth. — Looseness of the teeth ; the teeth feel elongated and sore. Larynx and Chest. — Hoarseness ; mucus in the throat; cough from a tickling sensation; cough attended with a feeling of soreness in the throat and chest ; cough with ex- pectoration of pus; oppression of the chest; constriction of the chest with soreness ; asthma. Female Genital Organs. — Leucorrhoea of a yellowish or greenish appearance ; discharge of a transparent mucus from the vagina. Extremities. — Paralytic weakness and heaviness of the limbs ; swelling of the hands and around the ankles. STAPHYSAGRIA. DELPHINIUM— STAPHYSAGRIA. (Stavesacre.) Antidotes. — Camph.,, Verat-alb. General Symptoms. — Scorbutic, scrofulous, and rick- ety affections; ailments from chagrin, also those arising from care and grief; Hysterical and hypochondriacal affec- tions ; debility arising from onanism ; Hemiplegia. Characteristic Peculiarities. — One of the most striking peculiarities of this drug is chilliness. Shuddering, with drowsiness ; dryness of the mouth, but without thirst ; STAPHYSAGKIA. 825 -evening fever, with the cold stage only ; chilliness predomi- nating. Skin. — Dry, crusty, herpetic eruptions ; chronic rash ; mercurial ulcers ; carious and scorbutic ulcers ; glandular indurations ; affections of the bones ; sharp, itching, and pricking sensation of different parts of the body. Moral Symptoms. — Sad ; desire to weep ; indifference ; sensitiveness ; ill-humor. Head. — Dullness and vanishing of ideas ; headache of various characters ; itching, scaly eruption on the scalp ; humid scales, with an unpleasant smell. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Smarting pain in the internal angle of the eye ; inflammation of the lids ; spasmodic closing of the lids ; tensive stitch in the left ear ; stoppage of the nose ; coryza, with ulcerated nostrils. Face. — Nervous pain in the face ; pressure and beating, extending from the teeth to the eyes ; inflammatory pains of the malar bones. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms. — Voracious appe- tite ; canine hunger ; great desire for liquids and for wine ; pressure in the stomach, with tension, excited or aggravated by eating. Larynx and Chest. — Pressure and contraction in the inferior portion of the throat ; tickling cough ; cough, with yellow expectoration ; contractive oppression of the chest. Back. — " Stitches, as if sprained, in the small of the back during rest ;" pressing in the small of the back during the night ; curvature of the spine. Urine. — Frequent emissions ; frequent desire, but pass- ing a small quantity of dark urine ; painful micturition. 826 , STRAMONIUM. Genital Organs. — Nocturnal emissions ; lascivious dreams ; weakness of the organs from onanism, or from too free sexual indulgence. Extremities. — Paralytic drawing pains in the arms, and of the fingers ; arthritic nodosities of the joints of the fin- gers ; itching and stinging of the thighs ; dull stitches in the knees. STRAMONIUM. DATURA STRAMONIUM. {Stinhweed.) Antidotes. — Vegetable Acids, Nux-vom., Opii., Tabacum. General Symptoms. — Loss of sense and of voluntary motion ; stiffness and rigidity of the entire system ; paraly- sis, secondary to apoplexy ; epileptic convulsions ; spasms, from fright; Chorea Sancti Viti ; violent motion of the limbs. Skin. — Measles, with delirium; anasarca, after scarlet fever ; redness of old scars. Fever. — Gastric fevers, with jerking and twitching of the arms and fingers ; fever, attended with heat of the head, then general coldness ; then heat, with thirst ; low, stupid typhus. Moral Symptoms. — Melancholy, at times indifferent; perfect rage, tries to bite ; alternate rage and convulsions ; loud laughing, alternating with anger ; hydrophobia. Sensorium. — Delirium, with strange fancies ; earnest staring expression of the eyes and countenance, with grasp- ing at imaginary objects ; insane, dances, gesticulates, kneels, cries, sings, or laughs ; perfect versatility of ideas and actions. SULPHUR. 827 Head. — Headache, with obscured vision and hardness of hearing ; convulsive movements of the head and arms. Face. — Turgid swollen face ; redness of the cheeks, with a friendly expression. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Sparkling, earnest and glis- tening eyes ; dimness of vision, with dilated pupils ; illu- sions of hearing ; pain in the left ear ; sneezing. Mouth and Throat. — Dryness of the mouth ; paraly- sis of the organs of speech ; difficult swallowing. Chest. — Hoarse, rough, or croaking voice; spasmodic dry cough ; spasm of the chest. Stomach. — Anxiety in the epigastric region. Abdomen. — Rumbling in the bowels ; watery diarrhoea. Extremities. — Twitching and gesticulating, or paralytic weakness. SULPHUR. SULPHUR. Antidotes. — Aeon., Camph., Cham., Chin., Merc, Nux-Qom., Sepia, Puis. General Symptoms. — Sulphur is the great anti-psoric remedy, and indicated in almost every case (especially in chronic diseases) as an antecedent drug* It is adapted to lymphatic, scrofulous, rachitic and psoric complaints ; dis- eases produced by mercury ; rheumatic and arthritic diffi- culties ; debility ; coldness of the system ; want of capil- lary circulation, etc. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Aggravation of pains at night ; pains produced or increased during the changes of weather. 828 SULPHUR. Skin. — All kinds of pustular, scurfy, or scaly eruptions ; Itch ; crusta lactea ; dry or humid itching eruptions ; sup- purating ulcers; ulcers surrounded with pimples; caries; glandular swellings and indurations. Sleep. — Very sleepy during the day; restless at night; sleep disturbed by frightful dreams ; talking and muttering during sleep ; nightmare. Fever. — General coldness of the surface ; slow circulation or heat, with burning of the hands and feet ; copious per- spiration in the morning. Moral Symptoms. — Desponding; disposed to weep; irritated and out of humor. - Sensorium. — Inclination to theoretical speculations; forgetful, and difficulty of thinking. Head. — Headache of various characters ; Tinea capitis ; dry or humid eruptions on the scalp ; eruptions with thick yellow pus ; falling off of the hair. Eyes, Ears and Nose. — Inflammation of the eyes, attended with itching and burning ; pain in the eyes as if produced by a particle of sand ; swelling of the eyelids ; soreness and ulceration of the eyelids ; scrofulous opthalmia ; ulceration of the margin of the eyelids; purulent discharge from the eyes ; specks or ulcers on the cornea ; obscuration of sight ; hardness of hearing, sore ears ; swelling and in- flammation of the nose ; eruption on the wings of the nose ; soreness of the nostrils ; obstruction of the nostrils with sneezing. Face. — Pale, bloated face ; circumscribed redness of the cheek ; swelling and redness of the face ; eruptions on the face ; erysipelas of the face. SULPHUR. 829 Mouth. — Apthae; thrush; stomacace ; Ptyalism from mercury ; dry tongue ; cracked and vermilion tongue ; swelling of the gums with throbbing pain ; Fistula lachry- malis. Throat and Chest. — Hoarseness and dryness of the throat ; creeping sensation in the larynx ; loss of voice ; cough, with greenish or yellowish expectoration ; dry, hoarse cough ; rattling in the chest ; nightly suffocative feeling ; heavy, oppressive feeling in the chest; stitches in the chest extending to the back ; stitches in the chest extend- ing to the breast-bone. Back. — Pain and stiffness in the back, particularly upon rising ; stiffness of the nape of the neck ; curvature of the spine. Gastric Symptoms. — Nausea; eructations having a foetid or sour smell ; sour vomiting ; raising the food ; loss of appetite, with putrid taste ; pain in the region of the stomach upon pressure ; pressing in the stomach with burn- ing ; pressure toward the chest and back ; swelling of the pit of the stomach. Kegion of the Liver. — Chronic inflammation of the liver ; swelling and induration of the liver ; heavy, uneasy sensation in the region of the liver ; swelling and hardness of the spleen. Abdomen. — Colic after drinking ; periodical colic ; colic relieved by flexing the body ; movement of flatus in the abdomen; colic from piles; colic with diarrhoea; colic produced or aggravated by eating sweet things; painful- ness of the abdomen when touched ; painful swelling of the inguinal glands. 830 SULPHURIC ACID. Male Genital Organs. — Soreness and charing ; foetid perspiration of the parts ; burning, or soreness and moist ure of the scrotum ; impotence. Female Genital Organs. — Itching of the pupendum , delay of the menses, with coldness of the hands and feet, leucorrhoea, attended with burning or smarting ; itching of the nipples; induration and inflammation of the breasts. Urine. — Frequent and copious discharges of urine aftei midnight ; wetting the bed ; painful desire to urinate with discharge of a few drops of bloody urine ; foetid urine ; rose- colored urine. Stool. — Constipation with piles; constipation of in fants ; small, hard, and knotty stool ; diarrhoea or dysenteric stool ; undigested food in the stool ; creeping and biting in the rectum and at the anus ; itching of the anus. Extremities. — Drawing or lacerating pains in the shoulder joint, and in the arms and hands ; creeping sensation in the arms ; swelling of the arms ; warts on the arms and hands ; deep fissures and rhagades on the skin of the hands ; red chilblains on the fingers; weariness and heaviness in the legs; weakness of the legs; swelling of the legs, feet, and ankles; dropsy of the knee joint; red, humid eruption on the inner side of the thighs; erysipelas of the leg; swelled feet ; coldness of the feet and stiffness of the toes ; thick, shiny swellings of the toes ; blisters on the feet and toes. SULPHURIC ACID. OIL OF VITRIOL. Vide ACIDUM SULPHURICUM. SYM PH YTU M — TABACUM. 831 SYMPHYTUM. SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. (Comfrey.) Comfrey is cultivated in our gardens for medical use, and is one of those domestic remedies, used empirically as a demulcent, similar to Marshmalhw, and as an ingredient in domestic cough mixtures. It is used, homoeopath icall j, (externally,) similar to Arnica, in cases of contusion, sprain, or fracture. And it is said to have been successfully used in fractures of bones, to facili- tate their union. TABACUM. TABACUM NICOTIAN A. (Tobacco.) Antidotes. — For large doses, Camph., Amm., Wine or Brandy, as a itimulant ; for small doses, Camph., Ipecac, Bell, Nux-vom. General Symptoms. — Weariness, languor and debility; trembling of the hands and feet ; spasms and convulsions ; extreme prostration ; faintness ; vertigo and nausea. Characteristic Peculiarities. — "The pains on the left side predominate ;" open air produces relief. Sleep. — Deep, stupefying sleep, succeeded by profuse perspiration. Fever. — Coldness and shuddering; chilly during the day ; internal coldness ; cold sweat. Moral Symptoms. — Stupid; lowness of spirits; anguish, melancholic and restless ; vertigo ; severe vertigo. Head. — Intoxicating headache ; severe headache, ak tended with vertigo, nausea and deathly paleness. 832 TEUCRIUM Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Dimness of vision ; scintilla- tions ; obscuration of sight, with dilated pupils ; sticking in the ears ; sensation, as if the ears were closed ; acute smell. Stomach and Abdomen. — Loathing of food ; nausea, almost to faintness ; most prostrating nausea ; spasmodic pressure in the region of the pylorus ; sickening, griping pain in the abdomen, with diarrhoeic stool. Chest. — Dyspnoea ; anxiety ; irregular respiration. Genital Organs. — Weakness and relaxation of the genitals ; diminished sexual desire. Extremities. — Coldness and weakness of the limbs; tremor of the limbs. TEUCRIUM. TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM. Antidotes. — Camph., Ignatia. General Symptoms. — "Irritated, tremulous sensation in the whole body." Head. — Pressure in the forehead over the eyes; dull feeling of fullness and pressure in the frontal sinuses. Nose. — Catarrhal condition of both the anterior and posterior nostrils. Urine. — Increased discharge of watery urine. Sleep. — Restlessness, particularly with children ; con- stant, uneasy, twisting, and turning in the bed ; constant irritation and itching of the anus, as if caused by worms. Abdomen. — Dull, uneasy pressure in the abdomen ; feel- ing of swelling and fullness in the rectum and anus ; violent THERIDION — THUJA OCCIDENTALS. S33 itching of the anus ; irritation of the rectum and anus from the small pin-worms. Note. — Teucrium is unquestionably a specific for the irritation, itching, and uneasiness caused by pin-worms (ascaris vermicularis). I use it thus: Mix from three to four drops of the tincture in a tumbler half full of cold water, stir it well and give, to a child two, three, or four years old, a large- sized teaspoonful morning, noon, and at bedtime, for two days. THERIDION. General Symptoms. — Hysterical complaints ; those ap- pearing at the age of puberty, and at the menstrual climac- teric, such as weakness of the limbs, fullness of the head and vertigo, violent headache in the forehead, with throb- bing, extending to the occiput ; nausea, and vomiting of a slimy substance ; saltish taste ; precarious appetite ; ab- dominal pains ; pains in the inguinal region. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Luminous vibrations before the eyes, and scintillations ; itching behind the ears ; noise in the ears as of a fall of water ; itching of the nose ; dis- charge of thin, watery mucus from the nostrils. THUJA OCCLDENTALia THUJA. (Arbor Vitas.) Antidotes. — Camph., Cocc, Merc. General Symptoms. — Pressure in different parts ; weakness and weariness ; rheumatic and arthritic pains * f itching and soreness of the skin. Characteristic Peculiarities. — The symptoms are worse after the middle of the afternoon, and during the night. 53 834 THUJA OCCIDENTALS. Skin. — Itching of the skin ; the skin is painful to the touch. Sleep. — Kestless during the night, and drowsy during the day. Moral Symptoms. — Melancholic, desponding, and tired of life. Head. — Heaviness of the head, with ill-humor and fret- fulness. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Short-sighted ; Pressure in the eyes ; boring pain in the region of the cheek-bone, relieved by pressure ; ulceration of the nostril. Mouth and Throat. — Kanula (tumor under the tongue) ; chancre-appearing ulcers in the throat ; desire for cold drinks. Male Genital Organs. — Bloody urine; burning in the urethra ; flat, foul-appearing ulcer on the corona glandis ; red excrescences behind the glans ; sycosis ; fig warts; chancres. Female Genital Organs. — Swelling of the labia; warty excrescences ; cancer of the uterus. Extremities. — Involuntary jerking of the arm ; tearing, ulcerative pain, extending from the shoulders to the fin- gers ; drawing in the toes, extending up the legs ; red, shining swellings of the toes. Note. — The tincture of Arbor Vitce is at present in quite popular use as a remedy for corns. The mode of using it is as follows : — Bathe the feet well in warm water (at night before retiring), dry them, wet a piece of lint with the tincture, and apply it to the corns. A few such applications is ©aid to cure, or, at least, to afford very marked relief. TONGO TRIOS. PERF. — URTICA URENS. 835 TONGO. GOUMAROUNA ODOR ATA. (Tonka Bean.) Characteristic Peculiarities. — The symptoms come on during rest. TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM. FEVER ROOT. Triostem is a very valuable remedy in diarrhoea, attended with colicky pains and slight nausea ; also for diarrhoea of children, attended with colicky pain and an increased flow of urine. URTICA URENS. D WARE NETTLE. Antidotes. — Elaterium^ Bry. y GampTi. General Symptoms. — Scorbutic and rachitic complaints; burns and scalds ; nettle-rash ; roseola, and some forms of erysipelas. Skin. — Biting, burning, stinging, and itching ; large red blotches, or blotches with a whitish centre ; nettle-rash ; erysipelas, with a stinging pain, instead of burning. Burns and Scalds. — Urtica urens is the best remedy we possess for removing the violent irritation, inflamma- tion, and suffering produced by burns, scalds, or the super- ficial inflammation caused by exposure to the direct rays of the sun (sunburn). Mix forty drops of the tincture with half a pint of pure water, and keep it constantly applied to the part, by means 836 VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. of a piece of old fine linen, wet in the mixture. It should not be continued after the inflammation is removed, which is indicated by the departure of pain, .and the perfectly white appearance of the surface ; then cover the part (sim- ply to protect it from the air) with a piece of linen, lightly spread with clean mutton-tallow, or simple cerate. If the barn is an internal one, from the inhalation of steam or scalding liquid, give a teaspoonful of the mixture every two or three hours, until the suffering is mitigated. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. VALERIAN. Antidotes. — Camph., Coffi. General Symptoms. — Nervous, hysterical, and hypo- chondriacal affections ; rheumatic pains ; paralytic weak- ness, or numbness in the limbs. Moral Symptoms. — Anxious, hypochondriacal feeling ; tremulousness ; palpitation of the heart ; fainting. Head. — Confused, intoxicated feeling in the head ; pres- sure in the forehead ; pain over the orbits of the eyes. Eyes. — Smarting of the eyes ; pressure in the eyes ; scin- tillations and black motes before the eyes. Stomach and Abdomen. — Tenderness of the region of the stomach to moderate pressure ; spasmodic pain in the abdomen in the afternoon or evening; distension of the abdomen. Back. — Severe pain in the lumbar region. Extremities. — Pains in the arms, and tremor of the hands ; heaviness in the calves of the legs ; pain in the heels. VERATRUM ALBUM. 837 YERATRUM ALBUM. VERA TB UM. ( White Hellebore.) Antidotes. — Aconite, Camph., Coffea. General Symptoms. — Bad effects, from fear or fright ; paralysis and paralytic pains ; great weakness and prostra- tion ; tonic spasms ; catalepsy ; chronic symptoms, from the abuse of china ; typhoid pneumonia, or cholera. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Pains (particularly of the limbs) are more severe during the fall and spring, and during damp or chilly weather ; chilliness, with thirst ; aggravation of all the pains by motion. Skin. — Eruptions resembling itch, or pale cadaverous skin in low fevers ; itching of the skin. Sleep. — Disturbed, unrefreshing sleep ; low moaning, or muttering during sleep. Fever. — General Coldness ; intermittents of various types setting in early in the morning, or in the afternoon, with chilliness only ; chilliness with thirst, and pains in the head and back, if followed by heat ; constant slumber or delirium, with flushed face ; cold sweat ; imperceptible pulse at the wrist. Moral Symptoms. — Anxiety, anguish, delirium, un- consciousness. Sensorium. — Insanity, alternating with laughing and crying ; delirium ; furious delirium, or a stupid condition, with low muttering, or moaning ; unpleasant, stupid feeling in the head. 83S VERATRUM ALBUM. Head. — Headache, with nausea and vomiting; paroxysms of pain, in different parts of the brain ; pains, extending from temple to temple ; pains in the head, most frequently on the right side ; coldness of the head ; profuse sweat on the head. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — Cutting pain in the eyes; severe pain in the right eyeball, relieved by pressure ; agglutination of the eyelids, by a dry gum ; sensation, as if an alternate current of cold and warm air were coming out of the ear ; indistinct hearing ; dryness of the nose ; ulcerative feeling of the nose. Face. — " Cold, disfigured face ;" bluish, yellowish, or dark red, inclining to a mahogany brown face ; alternate redness and paleness ; dry, black, or parched lips. Mouth. — Stammering, indistinct articulation ; dry brown, or red, and cracked tongue. Throat and Chest. — Constriction of the throat; fits of suffocation ; violent cough ; cough, similar to whooping- cough, with vomiting ; dyspnoea, anguish, and great op- pression of the chest ; palpitation of the heart, with anxiety. Gastric Symptoms. — Desire for acids, and cold drinks ; great thirst ; voracious appetite ; canine hunger ; bitter or acid taste, also bitter or acrid eructations ; vomiting of bile, or a dark grumous matter ; vomiting, excited by the least motion ; vomiting and diarrhoea, attended with cramps, or with pressure in the pit of the stomach. Stomach and Abdomen. — Pain and anguish in the pit of the stomach ; violent pressure in the pit of the stomach ; pain in the abdomen of a colicky character, or severe grip- ing cramping pain, or cutting pinching pains. ZINCUM METALLICUM. 839 Stool and Urine. — Chronic constipation ; diarrhoea, with severe cutting pains, before and after stool ; greenish, brownish, or milky-appearing diarrhoea ; diarrhoea, with extreme weakness and prostration ; nocturnal diarrhoea ; greenish urine ; frequent, but scanty emission of dark red urine ; pinching in the bladder, and in the urethra. Female Genital Organs. — Suppression of the lochia, with delirium and diarrhoea ; " nymphomania of lying-in women ;" thin, watery, dark-appearing, and offensive diar- rhoea, occurring in puerperal fever. Extremities. — Paralytic, and bruised pains in the arms ; trembling of the arms and hands ; coldness of the hands ; tingling sensation in the hands ; cramps of the fingers ; weakness and heaviness of the legs ; cramps in the calves of the legs ; coldness of the feet ZINCUM METALLICUM. METALLIC ZINC. Antidotes. — Camph., Hepar-Sulph., Ignatia. General Symptoms. — Twitching in the muscles ; trem- bling of the limbs ; violent drawing and tearing pains in the long bones ; piercing and stitching in the joints ; heavi- ness and weakness of the limbs ; paralysis ; paralysis of the limbs. Characteristic Peculiarities. — Most of the symp- toms appear in the afternoon, and they are more prominent when at rest ; and another peculiarity is, that the pains ap- pear to be between the skin and the flesh. Skin. — Herpetic eruptions and ulcers ; rash (attended with itching) in the bend of the knees and elbows. 840 ZINCUM METALLICUM. Sleep. — Eestless and jerking through the body; sleep disturbed by frightful dreams. Moral Symptoms. — Desponding, sad, and hypochon- driacal ; aversion to exertion. Head. — Pressure in the forehead, with dullness : pres- sure in the sinciput, extending to the eyes, with dullness of the head ; tearing in the temples in the afternoon. Eyes, Ears, and Nose. — The upper lid droops as if paralyzed (ptosis) ; weariness of the eyes ; soreness in the internal canthus ; earache, with deep lancinations in the ear ; indistinct hearing ; whizzing in the ears ; painful swelling of the left wing of the nose ; coryza. Mouth. — Increased secretion of saliva ; metallic taste ; vesicles on the tongue ; extreme sensitiveness and soreness of the upper molars ; severe pain in the upper front teeth (incisors) ; soreness of the gums ; bleeding of the gums. Stomach. — Pressing in the pit of the stomach ; dull stitches in the region of the spleen. Throat and Chest. — Hoarseness, roughness, and dry- ness of the throat ; spasmodic dyspnoea ; tension in the left chest ; dry cough, attended with a discharge of blood ; burning in the chest ; palpitation of the heart, with anxiety. Abdomen. — Tension in the sides of the abdomen ; cut- ting pain in the epigastrium ; pressure in the pubic region ; pressure or stitching in the region of the kidneys ; consti- pation ; burning at the anus ; creeping at the anus. Female Genital Organs. — Pressing and bearing down in the rectum ; stitching, biting, and pinching in the puden- dum ; sore nipples ; deficiency of milk. ZINCUM METALLICUM. 841 Extremities. — Soreness and lameness of the arms ; rash in the bend of the elbows ; weakness of the arms and hands ; paralysis of the right hand ; Herpes on the hands ; rheumatic pains in the legs ; heaviness and weakness of the legs ; itching in the bend of the knee ; soreness of the knee. Note. — The various preparations of this metal are analogous, in their ac- tion on the system, to those of copper, silver, and bismuth. They exert a specific influence over the nervous system, producing twitching in the muscles, trembling of the limbs, paralytic weakness, paralysis, etc. The preparation under consideration (metallic zinc) is considered by many less efficacious as a remedy, and almost inert, when compared with some of its numerous compounds; but we must consider, that this very pre- paration is an oxyd from the process of trituration it receives, necessarily converting the metal into one of its most active forms. THE END '26 81* ,0' t <£ {: ^ % - ^ % V3-y ■ ; 4 ^P ^ C C Hi UgH raBBSBHuEi ■■INI Ma LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■ml son ■ H*9! DM ■■■■■■■■■1 MHWB la fig Hi HffiBMHs ■HHH SSB S& ■■ £9Hk W ESffiflfl KSB I H ^gX ■ tuBEWMB sraaN Hfl Oral ■ML QMNMJg op m ■ r WSm mSm UJHjNJB MB IBH9BDB9HHBV HBHB^Hl ^HBh Bh ' as I3S