BF 1711 i>Vy )■)>) .J9 Copy 1 ISSUE LIMITED TO 2,000. Facts of Science, New and Ancient Knowledge. By BENJAMIN JUDKIXS, Author of many fugitive sheets. Astronomy, Astrology, Geology, U. S. Weather Bureau Investigations, Flaming Worlds, Flaming Swords, Black Age, Destiny, Mighty Changes, Glimpses of Eden, Transit of Plan= ets, Ancient Patrons, Mystery, Ep= itaph, Press Reports, List of Publica= tions. Olmsted Co. Print. San Diego, California, U. S. A. August, 1897. PREFACE. This little book has been published and sent out by subscription at the request of citizens, not merely to be read and cast aside, but to be considered and kept for reference by legislators, local rulers, leaders and teachers, who are true to themselves and mankind, for such, in case they are curious, I append my horoscope: fer" Benjamin Judkins, 805 Union street, San Diego, x v > s ' California. Born June 20, 1846, at three o'clock in the after- noon, at Hackney, three miles north, north-east of fifty- one degrees, thirty minutes, forty-eight seconds, north latitude and five minutes, forty-eight seconds, west longitude, Greenwich; now 5 feet 10 inches high. For twenty years I lived in Australia the land of Eucalyptus, bird and tree of paradise, and fine climate. Two thousand five hundred miles from east to west and two thousand miles from north to south, the healthiest climate in the world. There in Australia, with its vast undeveloped gold and other ores, as late government assayor's reports show, there the astrol- oger will yet find the land of greater destiny for hu- manity than any on this planet Enquire of the author of this book, Benjamin Judkins, ¥ Facts of Science. ^^k "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. "Too low they bnild who build beneath the stars.' In 1884, at San Diego, California, I sent out this % query: Red-sky sunsets, what do they mean? Egyptian, "i Persian, Grecian, and Roman astronomers, record no such signs in the heavenly bodies as exist in this * century. Since then I have read the new and true chronol- ogy, Facts of History, by the great astronomer of the United States, Prof. Totten, of Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, who makes things very plain in his Joshua's Long Day. Only recently, in our Public Library, I saw the New Astronomy, with its grand pictures of sun spots, by S. P. Langley, Ph. D., of Allegheny Observatory, but most astronomers, of today, deal more with cause than effect. Funk and Wagnall's grand, new, standard diction- ary defines Astrology as the a^t of applying astronomy to human uses, and by the calculation and prediction of natural phenomena. This was the ancient astrononi}^, called natural astrology. Astrology, then, is the science which predicts eclipses of sun and moon, and judicial astrology is that which studies to foretel the destiny of men and empires. Hence, the business of astrologers (not quacks); but, as Prof. Totten puts it, as past masters in astronomy and the science of history, is to interpret the signs in the Heavens. The ignorance of the last two hundred years has classed astrologers with all but the wise and good; and, as a desire for knowledge of the science increased, the sage was dubbed a fortune teller, by the self-sufficient ignoramuses. Christ taught that "the laborer isworthy of his hire." Luke 10:7. Hence, if any person desires to be informed of such facts as will aid him or her to em- brace opportunities and avoid danger that must be passed in life's journey, they will gladly pay towards the cost of knowledge and expensive telescopes that enables the astrologer (not quacks) to cast their horo- scopes by a search of the heavens for and calculation by the stars they w 7 ere born under, in the absence of governmental control of the science which would put every one in their right place. Astronomers have weighed the sun and planets and analyzed their chemical compositions. Why not individuals? A portrait of Spinoza, as a character, showed the sun at his birth was in libra and near Venus, as a calm forehead, clear and sanguine features, are signs of sincerity. The brightest stars in the con- stellations are named with letters of the Greek alphabet and have borne the names of heroes thousands of years. Astrology once permeated all sciences, all religion, all politics, and taught that only heaven-sent rulers were the true saviours of the people. Prof. R. A, Proctor said the heavenly bodies do rule the fates of men and nations in the most unmistakeable manner, for without the sun all living creatures must perish. Sir R. S. Ball, in his Cause of an Ice Age, rather discounts the fact that the ancients consulted the stars for the purpose of reading, in their movements, changes in human affairs. Astrologers cast horoscopes for the career oi men at birth, statesmen sought the stars for 2 guidance in affairs of empires and decisions could only be safely taken on all matters, after a consultation with the heavens* If this was so, why should it not be now? Answer: because we have accustomed ourselves to fatten on the vices and ignorance of our fellows, and discriminated against the just; which the much dispisecl Moslems, to whom the western nations are indebted for the sciences, would scorn to do, as none will keep a saloon. Astrology is not opposed to religion, but rather supplemantary, as we may see in Genesis 15:5; Koran 86 re. North Star. ASTROLOGY IN THE EAST. There is no Mahomedan of learning in Persia or India who is not an As- trologer, rare works upon that science are more valued than any other and it is remarkable that, on the most trivial occasions, when calculating nativities and foretelling events, they deem it essential to describe the planets, etc.-— Sir John Malcom. Those who may think astrology heathenish can find in Numbers, 24th ch. the source from which all churches draw their inspiration for the divinity of Christ, the word Jesus being sifted from the Arian means knowledge spreader, Physicians would better be able to diagnose disease and farmers have better crops if planted in a certain phase of the moon. TO ASTROLOGY. . "Hail! first-born of science, eldest child of good! That bless'd mankind the earliest from the flood: That taught each sage, who held superior sway In old Chaldea. to calculate and pray; That bade the sons of l£gypt to be bold. The truth and Nature's mantle to unfold, Sublime Astrology! the pride of man. That aids a mortal god-like truths to scan; Scoff 'd at by fools, who rashly thee condemn— Incapable of thought, thou art too high for them; Or basely practis'd for the love of gain, By other fools, who study thee in vain. 3 St. John in his vision saw a great sign in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars. See Rev. t2th ch. 1st v. There shall be signs in the sun, moon and stars, Luke 21:25. Most astronomers are agreed that in 1892 there was more sun spot vigor than ever before which have given rise to fears in their minds for the safety of the solar system. Prof. Tolten's hope of history, page 191 says: "The perihelia of the planets bring in their train solar spots and magnetic atmospheric and terrest- rial storms with their physical and mental consequenc- es." And page 197 five commensurate periods of Jupiter and Saturn have occurred in the past 300 years, the last in 1850, and timed the dreadful Irish famine* and one in 1797 when yellow fever was in every American port, and France, insane, denied all forms of GOD. And we will not pass out of the influence of these planets till 1899.* *R~ere I wish to say, that for mnch of the suffering in faminous times, in Ireland, which was aggravated by the Landlords drawing- the food sup- plies into England. It will be safer to consult Irish history, as many histories have been considered corrupted tohide unpleasant facts. We see b\ T the light of thousands of years, And the knowledge of millions of men; The lessons they learned through blood and in tears Are ours for the reading, and then We sneer at their errors and follies and dreams, Their frail idols of mind and stone, And call ourselves wiser, forgetting, it seems, That the future may laugh at our own— Hostetters. SCIENCE AND FACTS BORNE OUT BY THE STATISTICS OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. Dr. Frank M. Close, a past president of the Ta- coma Academy of Science and a man well known in the scientific world. He said, Nov. 24, 1895. What are known as the "Babalonian tablets" are a set of inscribed plates — book leaves written thousands of years before the Christian era, in which is given an account of the Noachian deluge. These tablets were exhumed from the ancient city of Ninevah and are now in the British Museum at London. They state that Capricornus was the ruling sign of the zodiac at the time of the deluge. Berosus a Chaldean astronomer, wrote the history of Babylon, and quoted the Babylonian tablets, and he further declared that when the sun and planets again occupied the zodiacal sign Capricornus another world flood would happen. It is proper to here say that the term "flood" or "deluge" does not mean the end of the world, nor the total extinction of life upon the globe, but the subsidence or sinking of a great bcdy of land, such as a continent, beneath the waters of the ocean, as in the case of Atlantis and Lemuria. Every nation upon the glebe preserves the legend of such catastro- phies, one of which was the "flood." Just now the planets are rapidly approaching that position in which the earth will be on cue side of the sun and all the rest of the planets on the other, all ranged in nearly a straight line. To such arrangement the bodies of the solar system are tending. The major- ity are now there, the others rapidly falling into line. 5 Beginning on December 9, 1901, and until the 26th of that month, the sun and all the planets will be in a direct line; only the earth will be alone at one side of the sun at the end of the line, and the balance of the plan- ets on the other side of the sun; and the entire solar system, sun and planets, will occupy astronomically the zodiacal sign of Capricornus. Whether the conclusions of the Babylonian astron- omer prove correct remains to be seen. The fact exists that the planetary conditions will obtain. Science is not absolutely sure, but is pretty certain that the interior of the earth is a molten mass, fluid and hot. in the best possible condition to promptly obey a physical law: the indurated crust of the earth being., by comparison, but a thin eggshell. Granted, then, that the laws ol magnetism are correct; that the operation of magnetism is correctly stated and that the planets are magnets, terrestrial disturbances are perfectly normal results. The postulate rests mainly upon the determina- tion of the subject that the planets are magnets. Sci- ence is unanimous in declaring that the earth is an electro-magnet, made so by the current of electricity coming from the sun. and which in her axial revolution she is continually winding upon herself. We have no reason whatever to assume that any other member of the solar system differs in this respect. During the present year the meteorological phe- nomena have been extremely marked. The Weather Bureau reports the highest and lowest temperatures ever recorded as occurring in 1895. Storms of except- ional severity have occurred. The precipitation of rain and hail has been abnormal. Numerous large meteors have been observed, and last, the volcanic and seismic 6 disturbances have been unprecedentedly numerous and wide-spread. The Weather Bureau long since determ- ined that the meteorological phenomena of the earth were in some way governed b} T electric emanations from the sun, and in March last Professor Bigelow of the U. S. Weather Service publicl} r announced that "the at- mosphere of the earth is under the influence of the po- lar (electric) magnetic radiant energy from the sun." Today the Weather Bureau is conducting delicate in- vestigations to the end that the secret may be discover- ed. We may, therefore, read in the planetary aspect the causes of the terrestrial disturbances. As these few events out of scores from S. F. Exam- aniiner June 26, 1897 w ^ show. January 19 — Waterspout 1,000 feet high witnessed by sailors at Tahiti. June 9 — Remarkable meteor seen at Santa Fe N. M. June 12 — Severe earthquake in India, resulting in the loss of 6,000 lives. June 18 — Tornado sweeps over Logan county, 111. Cyclone wrecks two villages in France. June 21 — Tehauntepec, Mex., destroyed by an earth- quake June 24 — Terrific hailstorm in Kansas. 8f oz. Since 1897 began a famine has been raging in India as the result of unusual climatic conditions. It is among the most appalling famines of recent calamities. The area affected comprises about 160,000 square miles, with a population of 36,000,000. The area actually visited by famine in its severest form measures 121,000 square miles, and has a population of 54,000,000. 7 Within the same period an island of the Pacific dis- appeared beneath the sea. April 30 — Terrific earthquake in the West Indias. Lives lost and much property destroyed at Guadaloupe May 1 — Violent earthquake at Lima Peru. May 4 — Tidal wave sweeps steamer Whitesboro on the sands near Greenwood, Cal. May 6 — Windstorm causes much damage at Boise, Idaho. May 12 — Streams of lava flow from Mt. Vesuvius. May 13 — Island thrown up by volcanic action in Moro bay, near San Luis Obispo, Cal. May 14 — Severe earthquake in Western Nevada. May 17 — A cloudburst devastates Salmon valley, Idaho. March 3 — Cloudbursts and tornadoes cause great havoc in many Eastern States. March 9 — A large meteor falls at New r Benton, Ohio. THEORY OF A BURNING WORLD. Science says that during the last three hundred and fifty years thirteen fixed stars have disappeared in flames. La Place, the French astronomer, gave it as his opinion that they were worlds burnt up, which must ultimately be the fate of this earth; this theory is based on facts revealed by geology, w T hich attests that the crust of the earth is only thirty miles thick and heat increases one degree even' sixty feet, after the first one hundred feet, so that at the centre of the earth's interior there would be two thousand degrees of heat; granite melts at fourteen hundred degrees, and fine steel would be like liquid. This shows we walk on a globe filled with fire, of which volcanoes are the 8 safety valves. Some may say two-thirds of the earth is water, and how can water burn. Science answers: water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen and when separated will burn like powder, aided by sulphur gases and oil, the elements of its own destruction, it c . niy needs the Almighty fiat to decompose the two elements of water and the elements would burn with fervent heat, as we read in 2 Peter 3:10, till the tainted air was freed from the cause of wasting disease. Again, it is not improbable that great volcanoes in mid ocean, might so crack it as to let great waters into the eternal fire and the steam would shatter the earth or it might so change its axis of rotation that the North pole might turn over to the South pole. Hence, the scripture saying: Behold the LORD maketh the earth empty and turneth it upside down. Isaiah 24:1. Scandinavians have a tradition that the sun, in ages gone by, rose in the south, instead of the east as now. If some shall say: What good will it to do us to know all this? I answer, much every way. The author of New Astronomy opines the sun's heat may 3 T et be stored in some way, by science of mechanics, to be used in case of an ice age, FOREKNOWLEDGE. God foreshows wh-at is to come upon men, not to gTieve them, but that when they know it before hand, they may by prudence make the actual ex- perience of what is foretold the more bearable.— Whiston's Josephus, chapter 5. page 65. Again, people can be instructed to move from the land of volcanoes to safer latitudes. I could give many reasons here, but am limited to means. The Flaming Sword, edited by Koresh at Ninety- 9 ninth street, Chicago, 111., claims to know, by analysis, how to make real gold. The moon is said to be a cold, dead and frozen world of extinct volcanoes, with deep and awful cavi- ties, a vast ruin of nature, silent as the grave. What became of its inhabitants? Reader, ponder, are we growing cold towards each other, violating a law of life and so inviting our own destruction? Soon, as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up its wondVous tale And nightly, to the listening earth, Repeats the story of its birth. Just now it would be interesting to know the horo- scope of Attila of the Huns from Mars or the scourge of GOD as he was named. See Encyclopaedia. This is taken from Raphael's Prophetic Messenger, of London, England, astrologer 19th century. "During the year 1897 the first 5,000 years of the Kali Yuga Cycle ends. It is the black Cycle, hard as iron and black as hell. The fate of mankind hangs in a balance. He will either gravitate down to rank ma, terialism, or fall a victim to gross superstition. The former is the most likely, as at present everyihing tends to mammon; gold, gluttony, and sensuality are the lead- ing features at the present day. Spirituality, or the awakening of the higher faculties and powers of man, is almost dormant and forgotten, and the craze of wealth and notoriety reigns supreme. We are told that the end of important cycles are generally marked with terrible cateclysms, or earthquakes, not only of the earth itself, but in the minds and passions of man, hence we may expect not seismic disturbances alone, but great wars, 10 immorality, unheard of crimes, and a general rebellion against authority. Just what the destiny of this earth is, remains to be seen, All people have longed for a heaven on it, but all do not work for it, as GOD, HEAVEN, JUSTICE and NATURE wills. That retribution and restitution are at hand none need doubt. R. A. Proctor, Astrono- mer, many years ago said about 1897 to 1899 the heat of the sun would be so increased as to destroy life on the earth. Some astronomers say that the giant planet Jupiter which is 85,000 miles across the surface has only 3 de- grees incline plane to its orbit which causes the sun to shine on it with eternal spring in which the inhabitants thrive at 14 feet high with eyes twice as large as ours, which suggests these lines: GLIMPSES OF EDEN. 1*1 -some dim land of long ago I hear the silent waters flow To folds afar with bloom, I know, In some dim land. Of dreams alone is that strange laud, Where I in solemn silence stand, Hearing strange voices from the strand— Of dreams alone- Songs sweeter far than earth below, Like winds of heaven that come and go, But in some tongue we do not know- Songs sweeter far. Above our speech that spirit sings,, Each strange sweet word has strong swift wins We hear but sad sweet murmuring-s Above our speech. We may not know what in them lies— Glimpses of Aden's long lost skies"; What dreams of heaven and paradise — We may not know.— Bennett Bellman., ir LINES Applicable to to the Reality of Astral Influ- ence. "WhBt are ages and the lapse of ti me, Matched against truths as lasting as sublime? Can length of years on God hinself exact? Or make that fiction which was once a fact? No : Marble and recording brass decay, And, like the graver's memory, pass away: The w^orks of man inherit, as is just, Their author's frailty and return to dust; But truth divine'forever Stands secure, Its head is guarded, as its base is sure; Fixed in the rolling flood of endless years. The pillar of the eternal plan appears. The raving storm and dashing wave defies, Built by the Architect who built the skies, — Cowper. The soul secured in her existence, smiles at the drawn dagger and defies its point. The stars may fade away.; the sun hiraselt grow dim with age and nature sink into years; but thou shalt flourish in eternal youth unhurt amid the war of ele- ments; the wreck of matter, and the crash of worlds— Catos's Solil. READ IN THE STARS. "Silent indeed those orbs roll on, Slient they rove the heavens upon, And silent track their way; — But if the eye doth glance along them, A mighty tale is read amongthem— Deeds of a future day." Review of the Transit of the Superior Peani Through the different signs of the Zodiac, with an account of the chief corre- sponding events in English history, to show that the rules laid down by Ptolemy, &c, as to certain sig^ns ruling, or sympathising with, certain countries, are Indubitably True. N, B. — Aries is the ascending sign of England, or that which chiefly influences her affairs. Libra is the opposite sign, and when planets are therein, they are 12 inimical to the interests of England. Aquarius rules the house of honor of London, and influences the laws and affairs of state. Gemini rules London more partic- ularly. Remember that Saturn and Mars are evil. Ju- piter good, and Herschel sometimes good and sometimes evil. year 50 Caracticus was carried in chains to Rome, Her- schel was in Libra. 426 The Romans finally quitted Britain. Herschel in Aries. Jupiter in Libra. 915 The University of Cambridge founded. Herschel in Aquarius. 1215 King John forced to sign Magna Charta. Jupiter in Aries. Saturn in Libra. 1344 Gold first discovered in England, Herschel in Aries. 1408 Disgraceful conduct of the Prince of Wales, who is at length sent to prison for striking a judge upon the bench. 1437 English forces in France meet continual defeat. Joan of Arc beats them, and at length England loses all her possessions in France except Calais. 1525 Henry the Eighth commences his attempt to di- vorce Queen Catherine. N. B. Jupiter in Aries last year and part of this, the effect of Saturn's ingress was not so mischievous. 1643 Civil war raged furiously between Charles the First and the Parliament. The Excise first es- tablished. 1 731 The infamous "charitable corporation" formed, which brought disgrace and ruin upon thousands. No less than six members of Parliament were ex- 13 pelled the House for ;j sordid knavery; 5 ' and many persons of rank and quality joined this famous conspiracy. 1761 The Spaniards joined France in her war against England. 1661 Great changes in the laws. Herschel in Aquirius 1665-6 The plague and fire in London. Herschel, Sat- urn and Jupiter in Aquarius. 1677 The Habeas Corpus act obtained. Herschel and Jupiter in Aries. t686 King James the Second attempt to overthrow the Constitution, Jefferies and other tyrants deluge the land with blood. Saturn in Libra. 1688 The revolution 5th November, Jupiter in Aqua- rius on the 22nd Oct, Saturn still in Libra; which brought disgrace on the King, 1690 Battle of the Boyne. Jupiter in Aries. 1692 Bank of England established. Jupiter and Her- schel in Gemini. 1775 War broke out with our American Colonies. Sat- urn in Libra. N. B. Herschel and Jupiter in Gemini, which rules America. The war lasted all the time Herschel was in the sign; 7 years. 1780 Herschel in Gemini; which rules London. In May the evil planet Mars passed an opposition to Saturn from Gemini, while Jupiter was in Librr*> Dreadful riots took place in London, near 400 lives lost. N. B. On the 2nd of June there were four planets in Gemini, and a new Moon fell on that sign in opposition to Saturn. 50,000 people go up to the House of Commons with a petition sitid great tumults broke out. 14 179? Dreadful riots in England, the mob, in possession of Birmingham four days, destroy Dr. Priestly's house, etc, This when Jupiter entered Libra, and was opposed to Saturn, who was in Aries. Goldsmith thus describes the dreadful state of the country: "At this period a general paralysis ap- peared to seize the country— the number of bank- ruptcies exceeded all that had ever happened in the most calamitous times; such was the general distress, that each man looked upon his neighbor with suspicion." This transit of Saturn through Aries, at length plunged this country into war with France. 1796 Saturn still in Gemini. Herschel formed a square aspect to him from Virgo, The bank stopped payment. 1798 April 20 Habeas Corpus act suspended* Mars on that day entered Aquarius, in square aspect to the sun and Jupiter, who had just left Aries. 1829 Saturn in Leo, May. The ruling sign of France, Troubles Began, the changes of ministry, etc. At length the revolution of July, 8,000 lives lost, and final expulsion of the Bourbons*— Zadkiel. ASTROLOGERS. The following is a list of great men who have stud- ied and practised Astrology. A few reflections on their character may tend to show the w r eak men who abuse the science in trumpery newspapers how little ground they have for their ignorant enmity. Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Hipocrates, Thales, Aristotle, Cicero, Socrates, Galen, Claudius Ptolemy, prince of the science; Josephus, the Jewish historian; Polydorus 15 Virgil, Albumazer, Arabian, A. D. 844; Sir Edward Kelly, 1550; J. Kepler, founder of the Nestorian Astron- omy; Dr. John Dee, Mr. John Milton, the poet; John Dryden, Poet Laureate, 1631; Mr. Flamstead, first As- tronomer Royal, 1646; Sir Christopher Hayden, 1561; James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh, 1580; Lord Fran- cis Bacon, B. 1587; Bishop Robert Hall, B. 1597; Rev. John Henderson, William Lilly, B. 1602; George Digby, Earl of Bristol, 1612; Right Hon. William Pitt, 1759. Surely these men could not all have been wanting in sagacity, so far as not to be able to detect the fact, if astrology were all a dream; as those only declare who have never studied or examined it. BLACKBOARD LETTERS. Benjamin Judkins has created a big interest among people at the street corners in the evenings on great events at hand as read in the stars. Awful volcanoes now raging in the sun, equinoxes of Jupiter, the great planet, as a disturbing element on our earth and atmos- phere for some months to come, illustrating on a big blackboard a remarkable conjunction of Jupiter and Venus that came about on Feb. 6th, 1892, in the last signs of the Zodiac, which to them who could read wrote the name of Jehovah, Authority, Justice and a year on the sky, as described by Professor Totten in his wonderf ul star lecture before 3500 people in the Boston Music Hall, which with two important eclipses, one on October 20th, at sunset, marked the close of 400 years of American history, another November 4th, 1892, and the cycle now culminating in the great Mazzaroth may indicate that the people's cause is about to be tried in the courts of Heaven, and not of earth. Judkins quotes 16 the "Boston Star Gazer/' also thirty eminent men who endorse a book called "Forty Coming Wonlers," and the "Flaming Sword" of Chicago. 'Some events likely to happen are as follows: i. A big star may blaze out in Cassiopia at any mo- ment and thrill the whole world with profound excite- ment. 2. In 1898 a big exodus of all Jews from all coun- tries into J erusalem. 3. March to December 1903, world-wide preaching such as never known before. 4. August 1904 to January 1906 big famine makes wheat ten times its present value and food very scarce over the fourth part of the earth. 5. October 9 to 27, 1903, hail mingled with fire and b ood falls on the earth. 6. February or April 1904 a big burning mountain may fall into the sea from the sky as a result of volca- noes in the sun. 7. August to October 1904 third part of the sun, moon and stars eclipsed. 8. January 1906, to May 1907 death over one-fourth of the earth by sword, hunger and pestilence. 9. December 26, 1907, to January 1908, big earth- quakes in cities. Sun moon and stars unusually dark- ened. Since 1801 over 300 meteors have fallen to the earth weighing from 17 to 55 lbs, and one in the museum at Washington city nearly 2000 lbs., and one in Brit- ish museum about the same, and one fell on the shore of Greenland weighing 20 tons. See "Meteors'' in Stan- dard Encyclopedia.— Herald of Light, July 3, '95. 17 ASTROLOGY AND THE MILLENNIUM. More of Judkins' Prophecies Summarized. Big crowds at our street corners in the evenings still continue their interest in the blackboard illustra- tions and talks of Benjamin Judkins on great events at hand as read in the stars. It seems strange to some that a man in such poor circumstances should devote his time thus without fee or hope of reward, but his moral force, earnestness, simplicity, will-power and outspok- enness may account for the attention of the people, and from what we hear the city papers have not gained by ignoring his talks. This is the last summary of his many talks w^e will find space to print. Mr. Judkins says the great signs now in the heav- ens are as ominous as in the past ages when wise men and scholars watched the starry skies at night to spell out in the A B C of the stars the designs of GOD. The Zodiac was the first book of revelation to primitive man. Astrology with the ancients was the key of all wisdom in all politics, religion and law. The poet Milton spoke of planetary influence in human affairs. The Arabs from Abraham (see Gen. xy:§) viewed the symbols of the stars and the mighty tales they told with admiration and awe. R. A. Proctor, astronomer, for whom it is proposed to erect the largest memorial telescope in the world close to San Diego, said that men's minds would be more active at the close of this age. Napoleon first spoke of his star of destiny. Now Libra or blind jus- tice, with scales in her hands, is seldom mentioned since the Prince of Seers revealed them to the king of Baby- lon in the words MENE, MENE, TEKEL, (Daniel v: 15). Napier, Lilly, and Tycho Brahe, a most eminent 18 astronomer in 1570 A. D., and scores of students, schol- ars and common people to-day believe in astrology pure and simple. Huyghens and Kircher were skilled in reading the predictions of the stars relative to the hu- man mind and temperament. The face was so formed says Aristotle, to look up to God. The Scientific American, June 8th, informs us that three of the six visible planets, beginning with blazing Venus, was so bunched in Gemini as to make an aw- fully grand figure in the sky, not seen for eternal ages. The New Testament revelation (xixiiy) speaks of an angel standing in the sun, another figure suggestive at this juncture of Armagaddon, to usher out the old aion (Greek age) so clearly shown in his Race series by Prof, Totten, the astronomer of New Haven, Conn. Some of its teachers have been cruelly martyred, yet astrology seeks to benefit the human race, and must be of divine origin, else we would not have the Bible record of the Magi who traced out and followed from distant lands so unerringly the star of Christ to his birthplace, and (Enpassant) the word Magi, from magician or wise diviner; also, astro, star; and logos, word, study of stars. The most beautiful dream of his- tory is the story of Joseph, the wise diviner of Egypt (see Gen. 40 to 47), by whose foresight, corn was stored up in the seven years of plenty and his people's lives and homes saved from usury and wreck in the seven years of famine. It may yet be demonstrated that pure astrology has predicted and can predict the destiny of men and empires. In the seventeenth century, in Germany and many other parts of the world, astrology was dominant, and in parts of Germany today a child's horoscope is 19 taken and put in the chest with the certificate of baptism. The Dead Sea of Sodom is an awful monu- ment of a nation's destiny, so is Babylon, Tyre, Nine- veh and Palestine, the latter having passed away under a sword-shaped star-comet and other omens which stood over the city for twelve months before the invasion by Vespasian in 70, A. D. See Josephus' history. Now 7 while we are on the qui vive for strange events, 1899 being set as an ominous year (see Prof Totten's forthcoming book on Daniel's vision), citizens have suggested that subscriptions be taken up to secure the opinion of the celebrated astrologer of the Boston "Star Gazer," to see what part San Diego, thus far a favored spot, will have in the millennium, so close at hand. With good water systems built she may be able, and even called on, to supply produce to famine-stricken lands, or store it for home use. To the wide awake the vision is worth the cost. But hope, which springs eternal in the heart, longs to leap into a golden age to outshine that of a far past. Hesiod, in his Five Ages of Man, in "Works and Days," says the first golden age had a distinct race who lived in perfect happiness on the fruits of the unfilled earth, did not suffer any bodily infirmity, and passed away in gentle sleep. Then the earth was the abode of the gods. The second race was degenerate and re- iused to worship the gods and was buried by Jove in the earth. The succeeding race worshipped fire, air, water, sky, sunset, twilight and dawn, believed thunder was the voice of God and lightning his hand stretched out against the guilty. Later, men worshipped idols of wood, stone, etc., when Justice w T as banished to Libra and Faith to Virgo among the stars. 20 Whether from tradition, or how, Egypt, in one stage of civilization, preserved ideas of a most glorious past in the superb figures sculptured in colored marble smd paintings on the walls of her streets. Populous NO, for instance, which inspired in her heroes honor and nobleness, and a taste for well-watered gardens, which taste of Eden came along with the Moors and led them to build the Palace at Granada, in Spain, which, for beauty of design in colors and splendor, has been the wonder of time, and in 1750 Halley, an astronomer, named some constellations of the southern hemisphere after the Phoenix, Bird of Paradise, Peacock and Noah's dove, as if to commemorate those days of beauty, com- fort and joy, in that remote past. — Herald of Light, August 22, '95, PHILOSOPHY, There must be want and woe While man is forced to be man's fiercest foe. The social structure needs a sounder base, Unjust conditions fetter half the race. The finer human feelings are suppressed And selfish maxims steel the warmest breast. They prosper best who play the meanest role, 'Tis well in business not to have a soul. No more where Lincoln lived is manhood prized, Wealth wins its way where patriots are despised. No more on Freedom^ soil is freedom found, The man with money is a king uncrown edl For social ills society's to blame, One child in misery is a nation'' s shame. —The Vagrant. 21 IF CHRIST SHOUID COME TODAY. BY JAMES G. CLARK. I have come, and the world shall be shaken Like a reed, at the touch of iny rod, And the kingdoms of time shall awaken To the voice and the summons of God; No more through the din of the ages Shall warnings and chidings divine, From the lips of my prophets and sages, Be trampled like pearls before swine. Ye have stolen my lands and my cattle* Ye have kept back from labor its meed ; Ye have challenged its outcasts to battle, When they plead at yourfeet in their need; And when clamors of hunger grew louder, And the multitudes prayed to be fed, Ye have answered with prisons or powder, The cries of your brothers for bread. I turn from your altars and arches. And the mocking of steeples and domes. To join in the long, weary marches Of the ones you have robbed of their homes; I share in the sorrows and crosses Of the naked, the hungry and cold, And dearer to me are their losses Than your gains ana your idols of gold. I will wither the might of th? spoiler, I will laugh at your dungeons and locks. The tyrant shall yield to the toiler, And your judges eat grass like the ox : For the prayers of the poor have ascended To be written in lightnings on high, And the walls of your captives have blended With the bolts that must leap from the sky. The thrones of \-our kings shall be shattered And the prisoner and serf shall go free; I will harvest from seed that I have scattered On the borders of blue Galilee; For I come not alone, and a stranger — Lo! my reapers will sing through the night Till the stars that stood over the manger Shall cover the world with its light. 22 Will religious teachers step forward and explain to their audiences Christ's Parable of the Sower in Matt. 13, in connection with the 8th, 9th, 10th arad 20th chapters of Revelation and the Sphinx, as the scenes are about to open. Many persons of variolic nations, in authority in other lands, from his sayings and doings, have believed the author of this book to be a minister of Divine Justice. Moral: Do not curse yourself by opposing the truth as many persons in the churches have done. ENIGMA SEEK. I was before man. and I am over his doom, And I dwell on his mind like a terrible gloom. In my garments the whole of creation I hold, And these garments no being but GOD can unfold. Look up to heaven I baffle your view, Look into the sea and your sight I undo. Look back to the Past — I appear like a power That locks up each unnumbered hour. Look forth to the future, my finger will steal Through the mists of the night and affix its dread seal. Ask the flower why it grows, ask the sun why it shines, Ask the gems of the earth why they lie in its mines, Ask the earth why it flies through the regions of spact,, And the moon why it fallows the earth in its race; And each object my name to your querry shall give. And ask you again why you happened to live. The world to disclose me pays terrible cost, Yet when I'm revealed I'm instantly lost. Mystery. 23 Poets and sages, now no more, Each had a star of hope before, Which marked their earthly way to fame, Who sang of Nature's grand unseen, That Wisdom's ocean had no shore. With star of Christ wise men came Guided by its light and name; May I not have a star the same To show some future prospects bright To comfort me along in life Why should I come and go alone Down in darkness and unknown. B. Judkins. EPITAPH. Here lies one who listened for the spirit of truth from GOD in conscience to guide him aright, yet while in life, was by some men in thought cast on the rubbish heaps of the world. Weakly, sickly persons are invited to write for circulars on the new discovery Vitae Ore to Theo Noel, a great geologist, 858 W. Polk St., Chicago, 111. 24 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. For Information of the public I here append a list of first-class as- trologers and their reliable publications as I have found them to choose from: Prognostic Star Gazer, monthly, devoted to horoscopes. Thos. A. Bearse, 172 Washington street, Boston, $1. A lady in the West says of Mr. Bearse: ''You have for the last seventeen years convinced me that astrology predicts correctly." P. Tomlinson, Box 3408, Boston. Massachusetts. Planets and People, monthly, $2.50 a year, grand pictures on all forms of knowledge, by great astrologers and alchemists, who will build a $200,000 Temple. Sample copy, 25 cents. Address, 169 Jack- son street, Chicago, 111. Raphael's Almanac and Weather Guide, illustrated, 20 cents. Pearce's Text Book on Astrology, at Public Library, grand book. The Flaming Sword, monthly, $1 a year. Most radical religious, and social scientific paper ever printed, also their new book on Science of Life, by Koresh, West Ninety-ninth street, Chicago, 111. Wonders of the Heavens, illustrated, by Flammarion, the French Astronomer. Gospel in the Stars, charming and strange, by Dr. Seiss. Dr. Knapp's History of Epidemics. Next Step in Progress, 10 cents. Limitation of Wealth, 10 cents. Devoted to limitation of fortunes and land to occupying ownership. Address, John H. Keyser, 115 Beekman street, New York City. Human Nature, a monthly journal, devoted to Phrenology, Physi- ognomy, Health, Medical and Social Reform. Prof. Allen Haddock, Practical Phrenologist, 1016 Market street, San Francisco, California. Fifty cents per year, single copies five cents, in advance. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II III I II I I '"" 022 190 271 3