664 P .A13M5 * '^r; ^^\ ^'^0^: ^ ■■=V ^^£5^ :^:;^:?;:>^ ' ^:^gc;>g ' ^^ ' ^;gfS >->li; ^JX '-• V ^;i i/J '-"^^'^^i^&'^^^^^M^'^-:.;^^^: ■r^-^^:^^^,^^^;;^^^^-^^^ "^r"' ^^^^Tr ^'':rri^; W'.-^fW^ MEMOIR OF THE V Hon. Josiah Gardner Abbott, LL.D., READ BEFORE THE OLD RESIDENTS' HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Of the City of Lowell, November 24, 1S91, ,/ BY CHARLES COWLEY, LL.D. WITH THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR ON THE OCCASION OF JUDGE ABBOTT'S DEATH, His Draft of an Address for the Minority of the Elec- toral Commission of 1S77, to the People of the United States. BOSTON : Little, Brown & Co. 1892. rniNTED BY MoKNiNG Mail Co. LOWEI,L, MASS. co:n^tents Mr. Cowley's memoir, .,- i_42 Gov. Kussell's letter, ..-- ...--42 Mr. Stevens' letter, -------- 43 Senator Hoar's letter, -..-..--43 Gen. Butler's letter, ------ 44 Mr. A.yer's letter, - 46 Mr. Samiders' letter, 47 Mr. Dean's letter, - .... 48 Mr. Tyler's letter, - - . 51 Mr. Webster's paper, .-.-----------53 Froceedings of the Bar at Lowell, ------------57 Mr. Cowley's remarks. - -57 Mr. Lawton's remarks, --------- 58 Mr. Greenhalge's remarks, - -..--. 59 Mr. Marrcn's remarks, ----- 59 Proceedings of the Bar at Cambridge, - - - 61 Memorial, --- -- 62 Mr. Joslin's remarks, - -63 Mr. Browne's remarks, .-.- -...-65 Mr. Prince's remarks, -- ------- G8 Mr. Woodbury's remarks, -------------70 Mr. Cowley's remarks, ----- 72 Judge Richardson's remarks, ------------- 71 Bar Association of the City of Boston, .-.-.-----77 Resolution, --- -77 Mr. Loring's remarks, - - 78 Mr. Kussell's remarks, --------------79 Appendix, ---81 Proposed Address of the Minority of the Electoral Commission, ----- 81 Judge Abbott's Letter Declining the Kepublican Nomination for Attorney-General, 91 Note— For Mr. Stackpole's letter, see page 33; for Mr. Spaulding's letter, see page 34. For General Butler's letter indicating the murderer of Jonas L. Parker, see page 29. HON. JOSIAH CtARDNER ABBOTT, LL. I). A MEMOIR.* The (lentil of Ju(1^l;x' AI)I)()tt on the seeond cliiy of last June startled the comnmnity by its suddenness. His sickness had lasted only ten days, and had been little known beyond his law oihce in Boston and his smn- nier home at Wellesley Hills. It did not develop any symptoms of a dangerous character until the last day preceding his death. It Ijegan with the grip and finally assumed an acute bronchial form. The notices of his life which have appeared in the pul)lic journals have been kind and appreciative, though not so full in the recital of facts as those who know him best might reasonably desire. The citizens of Wellesley expressed their sense of his w^orth and of their loss by resolutions and addresses at a public meeting called for that purpose. If that precedent has not been followed in Lowell, it is not because his merits are less appre- ciated in this city, though thirty years have passed since he ceased to live here. A new generation has come up- on the stage of action during those thirty years, which cannot be indifferent to a life so recently closed, and so conspicuous for ability, acti\'ity and public spirit. Nine generations of the Abbott family have ihjur- ished in the colony, province and connnonwealth of * Kepi inted from the Contributions of tlie Old Eesideiits' Historical Association of the City of Lowell, Vol. V, JS'o. 1. 2 MEMOIR OF HON, JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. Massaehiisotts, including the judge and the children and grandchildren who survive him. The pioneer of the family was George Abbott, an English Puritan, who was born in 1615, came from Yorkshire in 1G40, and was one of the settlers of Andover in 1643. The second American Abbott among the judge's ancestors, was Timothy Abbott, who, when thirteen years old, during King Phillip's war, was captured by the Indians and held in captivity for several months. His brother Joseph w\as killed by them. The third was another Timothy, and the fourth Nathan, who was the first to be relieved of the necessity of living in a garrison house. The fifth American Al)l)ott was Caleb, whose wife w^as liucy Lovejoy, and whose wife's sister was the second wife of the father of the late Jefferson Davis of Mississippi. Thus J. G. Abbott's grand-aunt was the stepmother of the president of the Southern Confederacy. In 1855, while a student in Judge Abbott's office, I vis- ited Washington for the first time, and was introduced by Caleb Gushing, then attorney-general, to Jefferson Davis, then secretary of war. Neither of us then dreamed that we were within six years of such a struggle as the war of secession ; and I remend)er that in the conversation I then liad with Mr. Davis, he spoke of the Lovejoys and also of the Maynards as Massachusetts families to which he was allied, and intimated a ])nrpose to visit New England when he had left the cabinet of President Pierce, and to learn more than he then knew of its people. The sixth in the line of Judge Abbott's American ancestors was his father. Caleb Abbott, who removed from Andover to Chelmsford, married Mercy Fletcher, daughter of Josiah Fletcher, and carried on the business MEMOIR OF IlOX. .ToSIAlI GARDNKR Anr.OTT, LL. V. ,) of :i country inercliant at Chelnisford Centre. He died in 1846 ; his wife died twelve years earlier. The Fletcher family to which Judge Abbott's mother belong-ed w^ere Enu'lish Puritans who came from Devon- shire and settled in Concord, and in 1653 in Chelmsford. William Fletcher, one of these first settlers, owned a large part of the territory which in 1826 was incor- porated as the town of Lowell, and built his log cabin near where the City Farm buildings now stand. It is said that Josiali Fletcher, one of his descendants, and one of Judge Abbott's mother's ancestors, married Mary Chamberlain, daughter of the man so renowned in Indian w^ar history for having killed the famous chief, Paugus, though I do not find this in the Genealogy of the Fletcher Family. Aniony: the nearest neighbors of the Fletchers Avere the Pierces, whose dwelling house stood near the corner of Chelmsford and Forrest streets. At the time of the Revolution the head of this family was Benjamin Pierce, who became a brigadier-general, governor of New Hamp- shire, and father of Franklin Pierce, president of the United States.* Both the grandfathers of Judge Abbott were pres- ent at the battle of Bunker Hill, and in the war of Independence. His grandfather Fletcher was for some time in Captain John Ford's company, and rose himself to the rank of captain. t Josiah Gardner Abbott was of the seventh gener- ation of American Abbotts, being the second son and the fourth child of Caleb Abbott and Mercy Fletcher. Accordino- to the town clerk's records he was born in 'The best memoir of Governor Pierce is tliat of the late Joshua Merrill, read before tins association, and published in the third volume of its Contributions. t See Abbot's History of Audover, IJailey's History of Andover, and the Genealogies of the Abbott and Fletcher Families respectively 4 ^n:M(iiii oi' HON. .rosi AH GARDNKR AIUJOTT, ll. d. ClieliiLsford November 1, 1814, jind that is his birth- date as given in the Abbott Genealogy; but for many yeai's lie supposed tliat liis birtli took place a year later. The l)est domestic influences formed his character as a boy. Four events took place during his youth, which contributed to stimulate and enlarge his mind. First, the Unitarian movement, into which his father entered with zeal, and helped to carrj^ the church of Chelmsford out of the Cahinism of the Mathers into the lil)eralism of Channing. Second, the disruption of the Federal part}^ and the rise of Jacksonian democrac}', which was espoused alike by the father and the son. Third, the stai'ting of the North American RevicAv and the development of American literature, of which J. G. Ab1)ott was a reader and a lover from the first. The day of town libraries had not yet dawned ; but the peo- ple of Chelmsford were in advance of their times, and they established a liljrary hy Aoluntary condnnation, wdiich was placed in J. G. Aldjott's father's store. All of these events, particularly the establishment of the lib- rary, contributed to develop the mind of J. G. Abbott to an extraordinary degree of activity and power. In the sinnmer of 1823 he was old enough to be permitted, with an older In-other, to go off souie three miles from his home at Chelmsford Centre to attend a ])rigade muster near Middlesex Village. It is worthy of note tluit even at that early time of his lite h(^ felt irreater interest in the Merrimack Manufacturing Com- pany, which was then preparing to start its first Avater- wheel, than in the evolutions of " the embattled fai-m- ers," "the thunder of the captains and the shooting." "1 recollect." he says, "'we gave up the delights aud attractions of the muster-field aud soldiers and their sham fiu'hts. aud trudu'cd on sonu' two miles farther to MEMOIR OF HON. .TOSTAH GARDNER AI5ROTT, LL. I). 5 look at the beginning of the phice which is now Lowell, and of which I had heard so much talk in the country round al^out. All I -could see was one of the Merrhnack Mills, the walls of which were partly finished ; but all the surroundings were quiet and even wild enough, with only a few hundreds of people, where now [1876] you number fifty thousand. The recollection of that visit in iny early 1)oyhood, has always been very vivid with me, and at times it is difficvdt to realize the changes going on under my own eyes, in so short a time." * After viewing this first mill of the Merrimack Man- ufacturing Compau}^, these young visitors trudged on down to Bradley's Ferry, near the present site of Central Bridge. It is not likely that 3'oung Abbott turned his face toward Chelmsford on that day, without a passing glance at the commanding bluff in Belvidere, where St. John's Hospital now stands, where then towered the famous yellow house, the residence of Judge Livermore, with its large and well-kept lawn, adorned with Lombardy pop- lars, beneath whose shade perhaps at that very moment, the fair young girl, Caroline Livermore, jumped her rope, in utter unconsciousness that her future hus))nnd was so near — " so near and yet so far." From Bradley's Ferry the Abbott boys walked to the farm-house of their cousin, Joseph Fletcher, which stood near the well which may still be seen, covered by a millstone, near the northwest corner of the South Comino]!. There they obtained refreshments, together with information as to the families of the neighborhood. An old log-house, standing })artly on the site of the Ehot Church and partly on the adjoining land of Mr. John * From Judge Abbott's letter in the Proceedings in tiie City of Lowell at llie Semi Centennial Celebration of the Incorporation of the Town of Lowell, Marcli 1. 1876, p. 83. C) MEMOIR OP HON. .TOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. Dennis, was pointiMl out to tlieni as the meeting-house in Avliicli tlie Rev. John Eliot ])reache(l to tlie Indians of Waniesit. Two ancient ehn trees shaded this relic of the seventeenth century, which was no more to he seen when the Ahbott boj-s next came to this place some years later.* This first visit of J. G. Abbott to what is now. Lowell, preceded by from four to five years that spring afternoon when another slender boy, Benjamin F. Butler bv name, stood for the first time on Christian Hill and enjoyed the panorama of the valley at the confluence of the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, which, as he says, "glistened in the sunlight, so that the picture is nearly as vivid now to his memory as when it first struck his wondering eyes." t Chelmsford had a classical school which Abbott attended. I For four months, from September, 1825, to January, 1826, this classical s(diool was taught by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the impression made by him upon young Abbott was very favorable. To the last Judge Abbott always spoke of "the American Plato" in terms of praise.§ His next teacher in that school was the Rev. Abiel Abbot, a very a)jle man, whom Harvard College after- wards honored with the degree of doctor of divinity, and of whom a full acu-ount may be found in "Sprague's Annals of the American Pidpit " Miss Antoinette Abbott, the only surviving child of Judge Abbott's ♦Greene's Semi-Centeniiial Volume of the Kliot CImicli, pp. 148, 297-301; Lowell Morning Mail, May 21, 1888, and .June 10, 1892. t General Butler's Oi'ation in the rroceediiiKs before (juoted. p. ;t7. + For an account of the remarkable men who attended this .school, see Perhani's History of Chelmsford, in the History ot the County of Middlesex, published by Lewis & Co.. I'hiladelphia, Vol. 2, p. 2t;,<. § Holmes' Life of Emerson. pi>. 49, 50. MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. T>. J parents, writes : "• I have often heard my In'otlier say that Dr. Abhot was one of the most thorough teachers he ever had." Dr. George B. Loring eulogizes Dr. Abbot as a noble representative of the best type of our New England character in form and feature and cast of mind ; and on meeting Mr. Gladstone, in 1889, he w^'ote that Mr. Gladstone strongly resembled Dr. Al)bot.* Dr. Abbot ^vas sncceeded by Cranmore Wallace, under wdiom Abljott studied for more than a year, and then, in 1828, entered Harvard College. Mr. Wallace afterwards taught school in South Carolina, and was always well spoken of as a teacher by the Abbotts. In 1832 Mr. Abbott graduated. It was during his college life that the nullilication troubles reached and passed their crisis, and the firm foot which President Jackson put upon that movement, made liim more than ever before a Jackson man. For a time he taught the Fitch])urg Academy. The months which he spent as a teacher, 1 have heard him say, were among the most important of his earlier life, by reason of their ripening influence upon his mind, and the completer command Avhicli he thereby acquired of his previous acquisitions, as well as the new stores of knowledge which he then added to his former stock. He began the study of law in the office of Joel Adams, near his father's home at Cheluisford Centre. Mr. Adams was a successful lawyer, though his court practice was never large ; and Mr. Abbott appreciated and commended his acute legal mind. On the night of July 2, 1834, the figure of President Jackson was cut and carried away fi'om the frigate Con- stitution, at the Charlestown Na\y Yard. Young Abbott * Loring's Year in rortugal. i>)). 5. o. g MKMOIR OF HON. JOSTAH GARDNER ABROTT, LL. D. fully sIiutimI the iiKlisA'iiation wh'u-h lli;it i'\c]it excited amoiio" dcmoerats. In 18GI tliis figure eanie iulo the possession of Mr. Joiiatlian Bowers, and now adonis liis hall at WilloAV Dale. It is impossible for one who looks at it now^, and who has no personal recollection of the teapot tempest of 1834, to reaUze how much passion the taking a^vay of that figure actually aroused. In the autmnn of 1834, Mr. Abbott took up his al)ode in Lowell and entered the law oflice of Nathaniel Wri^dit. He was followed very soon ]>y Mi-. James B. Francis, then at the beginning of his dislinguished career as an hydraulic engineer.* These two young men, destined to attain the heights of their respective professions, boarded in the same house, and formed a friendshi[) which was ended only l)y Judge Abbott's death. In the summer of 18o5 l)oth of these fellow-boarders narrowly escaped death by typhoid fever, caught prob- ably from the same drain. In the letter already quoted, Judge Abl)ott says: ''My acr nearly b)rty years and was never broken during bis lite. His first law partner was Amos Si)aulding. Owing to the financial disasters of the year 1837 hundreds be- MEMOIR OP HON. .TOSIAH GARDNER AKIJOT'l-, LL. D. H came insolvent, and the iinu of Spaiildiiig & AI)l)()tt re- ceived from their business during that year al)out i^OOOO. Mr. Abbott was but ten months older than Richard H. Dana, Jr., who was for many years his contemporary at the bar, but he had made a ])rilliant start in his chosen profession, and had closed his career in the house of representatives Ijefore August, 1837, when young Dana made that voyage from Boston to California, tlie story of which he has told so well in his "Two Years Befoi-e the Mast." The Western fever was then prevalent in the East- ern States. Caleb Fletcher A])l)ott had removed from Clielmsford to Toledo, and was anxious that his younger brother should also remove to Toledo and become his law partner tliei'e. J. G. Abbott would, perliaps, have yielded to these solicitations had they not Ijeen con- trolled ])y more powerfid attractions, the nature of which may be inferred from the following announcement in the local papers of tliat time : "IMarried in this city, .July 21, 1838, by the Kev. Theodore Edson, .Tosiah (4. Abl)ott, Esq., to Miss Carohiie Livermore.'' That event determined that Mr. Aldjott should run an Eastern and not a Western career. In the life of Mr. Abl)ott, as in the lives of Mr. Evarts, Mr. Benjamin, and many other American lawyers, great and small, there was an episode of journalism. In 1840 he edited the Lowell Advertiser and advocati'd the re-election of President Van Bui-en as the representative of Jacksonian democracy. The Advertiser was of course a partisan journal. All the ])ublic journals then in tiie country were partisan except the New York Herald and Garrison's Liberator. But a])art from its pohtics, Mr. Abbott gave ti) the paper a dc('i(h'd litci'ary lla\(tr. Like 12 MEMOTi; OK HON. JOSIAII GARDNER AP.BOTT, I.L. D, Lord Bacon, "lie took all knowledge for his province." The liles of the Advertiser, preserved in the City Lib- rary,* show that even as a journalist, •' he bore without abuse The grand old name of Gentleman, Abused by every cliarlatau, And soiled witli all igno])le use."" Many a well-turned paragraph appeared, wdiich owed its origin to the fact that a lawyer was at the helm, and yet his paper had no odor of the law ofhce, and was never used as an aid to his practice at the bar. One of the worst abuses of journalism in our times is the use of newspapers for or against parties to causes before or during trial. Li the case of Mrs. Hannah Kinney, who was tried in Boston, in December, 1840, on an indictment for poisoning her third husband, George T. Kinney, the temptation to give vent through the press to the prevailing impressions against the defendant, was unusually strong. Mrs. Kinney had been the wife of the Rev. Enoch W. Freeman, the popular pastor of the First Baptist Church in Lowell, and was vehemently suspected of having caused his death by arsenical pois- oning.! Nevertheless, not a word appeared in the Advertiser's notices of the progress of the case, calcu- lated to aid or hinder the prosecution or the defendant. As soon as the case had ended ; that is to say, as soon as it was proper for an editor to express an opinion upon it, Mr. Abbott condemned the conduct of Attorney-Gen- eral Austin in undertaking the prosecution without further proof. It was while Mr. Abbott occupied the editoi'ial chair that the Lowell Offering appeared, and no journal greeted * The volume for 1S40 is one of tlioso presented to tlie city l»y tlie liciis of Kislier A. Hiklretli. t Charles ("owley's Ilistdiy of i.owell, ji)). in lit. MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH (iAKUNEK AliliOTT, LL. D. 13 it with a wanner welcome than the Lowell Advertiser. While he deplored any condition of society which com- pelled married women to work for wages outside of their homes, he gave his deepest sympathies to the factor}^ o-irls in all their aspirations for intellectual and moi-al culture, as well as in their struggle for the means of living. While Mr. Abbott edited the Advertiser, the late Daniel S. Richardson, who had already been admitted to the bar, edited the Lowell Courier. Nathaniel P. Banks, afterwards more widely known as speaker, governor and major-general, succeeded Mr. Abbott as editor of the democratic organ in Lowell. Tn those days lyceum lectures were much in vogue. On man}^ occasions Mr. Abbott rode out to some town, frequently accompanied by his wife, gave a lecture on some topic of the time, and drove back to Lowell the same night. In 1842, having some time previously dissolved his connection with Mr. Spaulding, Mr. Abbott formed a co- partnership with Samuel A. Brown, which continued till 1855. Much might be said of these law partners, espe- cially of Mr. Brown, who was a very superior man ; but time would fail. In 1842 he purchased of his mother-in-law a tract of land on Stackpole Street, and built a stone house thereon, in which he resided till 1861. Many of the shade trees on Stackpole Street were planted by him. The songs of the birds in those trees, the murmur of the river below, all the voices of nature in that region, pleased him. In 1842 and 1843 Mr. Abbott served the state as a senator, being on the two most important committees — the judiciary and railroads. The conmiittee on the judiciary has always been considered of the first impor- 14 5[EM0IR or HON. .lOSTAH GARDNER AllP.OTT, LL. T). tance; but in the infancy of our railroad corporations, the importance of the committee on raih'oads was very great; and the results of our early railroad legislation are still felt — sometimes for evil, but more generally for good. During the year 1843 J. G. Abbott was attached to Goveruoi- Morton's staff as senior aide-de-camp. On August 16, 1843, a meeting of the Abbott family was held in Andover, which appointed Rev. Abiel Abbot, D. D., of Peterboro', Rev. Ephraim Abbott of Westford, Samuel Abbott of Charlestown, and Hon. Josiah G. Abbott of Lowell, to erect a monument to George and Hannah Abbott in their burial place in the South Parish of Andover, and also to prepare a genealogical register of their descendants. Dr. Abiel Abbot wrote the History of Andover and the Genealogical Register of the descendants of George Abbott of Rowley, Thomas Abbott of Andover, Arthur Abbott of Ipswich, Robert Abbott of Bradford, Conn., and George Abbott of Norwalk, Conn. In this he had Rev. Ephraim Abbott, of Westford, as co-worker. The Genealogy was published in 1847. When Mr. Littell started his Living Age, in 1844, Mr. Abbott became one of his first subscribers, and he continued to take it and read it till his death. He was equally constant in his patronage of the Lowell Vox Po])- uli, started, partly by his aid, three years before. Of Judge Abbott's part in founding the city of Lawrence (1845), his brother-in-law, Hon. Daniel Saun- ders, has spoken in a letter to be published with this paper, showing him to have been one of the fathers of that city. It is by no fault of his that Lawrence stands on the opposite side of the Merrimack from that on which it should have been builded. MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAII GAKDMJCK AISBOTT, LL. D. 15 How important a part he bore in the upbuilding of Lewiston is but partially indicated by the number of .shares of the Lewiston corporations owned by him, or by the number of years during which he was president or director of those corporations. He had an a})t,itude for large enterprises, and delighted to exercise his powers in various ways. Among his investments, those in woodlands must not be forgotten. He began the purchase of woodland in several different towns at an early age, and continued it till the shadow of three score years and ten had passed over him. He never sold one of his wood-lots, and he em[)loyed Amos Brown and his son and grandson to cut his wood for fifty years and until his death. About the year 1846 the " Melvin Suits " came to an end, and Grenville Parker, who had been of counsel for the defeated parties, published anonymously his pungent pamphlet on the Judiciary of Massachusetts, reviewing and condemning the ridings of the judges in those cases. John P. Robinson's paper in the second volume of the Contributions of this association presents the other side of these cases, which excited a great deal of feeling at the time. The tide of opinion never ran higher against corporations than when the Proprietors of the Locks and Canals on Merrimack River obtained final judgment in the last of these suits. Although Abbott and Brown afterwards became and for many years continued to be the counsel for the victorious corporation, neither of them ever failed, upon proper occasion, to express his dissent from some of the rulings which Parker condemned.* In 1847 the Appleton Bank, now the Appleton * Grenville Parker jiassed liis litter years in West Virginia, ami touk an active part in procuring its ailmissiou into tlie Union. ]6 MEMOIR OF HON. JUSIAH GARDNKR AHBOTT, LL. D, Naliuiiiil Bank, was incorported. Mr. Abbott iniiuo- diately coiniueiiccd to make bis deposits tbeie, and con- tinued to do so during bis life. In fact be never opened any account elsewbere, but during tbe wbole tliirty years of bis life in Boston, be made all bis deposits in tba-t bank tbroiigb its Boston correspondent. Tbat fact tells it own story as to tbe sound and wise management of tbe bank, and tbe constancy of Judge Abbott's at- tacbments. In 1848 be "bolted" tbe democratic nominations — Cass and Butler — for president and vice president, and su])ported tbe free soil nominees — Martin Van Buren and diaries Francis Adams. He and Hon. Cbauncey L. Kna,pp were cbosen delegates to tbe national free soil convention, but bis professional engagements prevented biiu from going to Buffalo, and George F. Farley, Esq., of Groton, attended as bis substitute. In 1850 Mr. Abbott was appointed master in cban- cery, and served as sucb five years, Hon, Artbur P. Bonney succeeding bim. In 1852, wben Kossutb nuide bis tour tbiougb tbe United States, Abbott gave bim botli sym})atby and material aid, and was one of tbe citizens' committee wbo invited bim to Lowell, and introduced bim to tbe people in St. Paul's Metbodist Episcopal Cburcb. Had tbe oflice of attorney-general become vacant during Governor Boutwell's time (1851-52) it was under- stood tbat Mr. Abbott would bave been appointed, so well establisbed was bis reputation at tbat time. In 1853 be was elected a delegate to tbe constitu- tional convention on tbe coalition ticket. Tbe new con- stitution proposed by tbe convention was rejected by tbe tbe peoyde of tbe state, but tbe debates in tbat body prepared tbe way lor tbe adoption of some of tbe amend- MEMOIK OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNEl! AUBOTT, LL. D. ^7 ments to the constitution which that convention pro- posed. This was the only legal body in which Judge Abbott ever sat with George S. Boutwell, Alexander H. Bullock, Benjamin F. Butler, Anson Burlingame, Rufus Choate, Richard H. Dana, Jr., Henry L. Dawes, Charles Sumner, Frederick 0. Prince, or Henry Wilson. James K. Fellows, who had been one of his colleagues in the house of representatives in 1837, was one of his col- leagues in this convention, Shubael P. Adams, then a Lowell lawyer, now of the Iowa bar, was another of his colleagues from Lowell, and General Butler was another. The rest of the Lowell delegates, John W. Graves, Andrew T. Nute, James M. Moore, Abraham Tilton, and Peter Powers, together with all the defeated whig candi- dates, have passed to the silent land. The debates of that convention show that Mr. Abbott favored an elective judiciary, and also favored makino- the jury judges of law as well as of facts in criminal cases. A notable debate on the right or the power of the jury, under the decisions of the Supreme Court,* to determine the law as well as the facts in a criminal cause, took place between Mr. Abbott and Ex-Governor Morton, without disturbing the friendly relations which had for many years existed between the disputants. Two years later the legislature passed an act intending to embody Judge Abbott's views, which were also the views of many others, including eminent lawyers of all parties.! But in the case of Commonwealth r. Anthes, 5 Gray, 185, a majority of the judges of the Supreme Judicial Court decided either that this act did not change the law as it * uoinmonweaiiii r. sorter, 10 JVletcaif, 203(1845). t Tliis jury act of 1855 is embodied in Cliapter 214. Section IT, of (lie Public Stntiites, lliough sadly eviscerated by the opinions of a majority of tbe judges in Antlies' case. This was one of tlie decisions at which William S. Kobinson ( " Warrenton ") delighted 18 MEMOIR OF HON. .lOSlAlI GARDNER AHBOTT, LL. D. previously stooti, or that if it did attempt to change the law and make the jury judges of the law, it was uncon- stitutional and void. The dissenting opinion of Judge Thomas in that case met Judge Abbott's hearty concur- rence ; and I remember hearing him quote an old Eng- lish ballad as stating the ancient and true view of the functions of the jury in Crown cases, and I give it from memory as he did : ''For twelve honest iiieii shall sit on his cause, Who are judges alike of the facts ami the laws." After Mr. Abbott had gone upon the bench, his former law partner, Samuel A. Brown, re-argued this question and re-asserted Judge Abbott's views, in the case of Commonwealth v. Austin, 7 Gray, 51, but without changing the attitude of the Supreme Court thereon. When Judge Abbott had formed an opinion after mature deliberation, he was not easily moved. The mere ipse dixit of a judge weighed little with him, and where he saw a court palm off a pretext as a substitute for a reason, he did not hesitate to express his dissent in forceful terms. But nothing that he ever said, in the Constitutional Convention or elsewhere, could justify Mr. Dana in referring to him in his diary as feeling any- thing like a hatred toward the Supreme Court.* If the decisions of that tribunal did not always suit him, it was '• more in sorrow than in anger " that he signified his disapprobation of the error into which it had lapsed. In 1855 the Superior Court for the County of Suffolk was established, superseding in that county the old Court of Common Pleas. Its members were Albert H. Nelson, of Woburn, one of Abbott's classmates at college ; J. G. ♦Adams' IMogiaj.liy of KIcliaid 11. Dana, Jr., Vol. 1, pp. 240. 242, LM.'S. Mr. Causten Browne showed a far better appreciation of Judge Abbott when be said that he was too proud as well as too generous for any vindictiveness. MEMOIR OF IIOX. JOSIAII GAnUNER ABBOTT, LL. B. JQ Abbott, of Lowell ; Charles P. Huntington, of Boston, formerly of Northampton, and Stephen G. Nash, of Boston. Judge Abbott accepted this appointment with three ends in view: First, to make a good judge, a'nd win such reputation as usually attends a good magistrate ; second, to secure for himself a period of comparative rest from the severer labors of the bar ; third, to get such an in- troduction to the bar and business community of Boston as would secure for him, upon quitting the bench, a fair share of the cream of the law business of that city. All these ends he accomplished. The facility with which he despatched business wns very great. On one motion-day there were no less than forty-six hearings before him on contested motions which he decided. He was always honest and fair in dealing with counsel. When excep- tions were taken to his rulings, he never sought to deprive counsel of the benefit of those exceptions. One day, in the spring of 1857, I sat in his court for an hour or so, and when he adjourned walked with him to the depot. I remarked that he seemed to en]oy his position. " Oh, yes," he replied, "it's pleasant work and far less exhausting than trying cases at the bar. But I have had enough of it, and can't afford to stay on the bench. Don't mention it at present, but I shall not stay on that perch after this year." His resignation took effect January 1, 1858. He resumed practice at the bar for the sake of its emolu- ments, and he did not fail to get them. His salary as a judge was only $3,000 a year; and his income from his practice during the first year after he left the bench was more than $2U,000. It afterwards rose to $36,000. These figures represent the returns from regular work, without any of those "windfalls" with which lawyers 20 MEMOIR OF HON. .lOSIAII GARDNER ABBOTT, I,L. D. are sometimes favored. Large as they are, the profes- sional incomes of lawyers have sometimes exceeded them. The income of Judah P. Benjamin, while at the head of the British bar, is said to have amounted in some years to $75,000.* It happened to me to be present when Mr. Benjamin made liis first argument in an English Chancery Court.! It was in the year 1868 in London. I had heard him years before in the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as in the senate at Washington. As I listened to that marvelous feat of advocacy and saw how marked an impression Mr. Benjamin made upon the court, the bar and the bystanders, the question arose, how would J. G. Abbott have succeeded had he essayed a career at the EnMisli bar? Between Abbott, with his tall, well-pro- portioned form, his Saxon face and Saxon voice, on the one hand, and Benjamin, with his short and obese body, his Hebrew face and soft Semitic tongue, the differences were marked. And yet there were marked resemblances between the minds and methods of those giants of the forum. There was the same clearness of statement, the same mastery of the case, the same earnest, impetuous, on-rushing tide of speech, flowing without ebb; the same care as to the matter of the argument ; the same care- lessness as to the form, in both. In my judgment Mr. Abbott would have achieved success, had he sought it, at the bar of the Babylon of London. But my admiration for him was such that I cannot pretend to present any estimate of him as entitled to the weight of an impartial * Dictionary of National Biography, Art. Benjamin. t Two cases were heard together, in both of vvliich the United States were jdaintills. The defendants were Erazer, Trenliolni & Co., and .lolm Frazer & Co. Sir Konndell I'alnier. now Karl of Selhorne, was Benjamin's leading opimnent. The plaintills pre- vailed, and. as the legal snccessors of the Confederate States, recovered a large amonnt of Confederate property in the defenaants' hands. MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GAKDNER AKBOTT, LL. D. 21 opinion. I prefer therefore to sketch with rapid strokes the outline of his Hfe, and to give the opinions of otiiers, rather than my own, touching his professional traits. In 1859 Judge Abbott was chosen one of the over- seers of Harvard College, and served as such six years. In 1859 J. G. Abbott, G. B. Upton and George S. Boutwell, were appointed commissioners under the legis- lative act of that year to make an award to the city of Boston of compensation for its relinquishment of certain rights on Arlington Street. In 1860, when George T. Bigelow succeeded Lemuel Shaw as Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, Judge Abbott was offered a place on that bench, but declined it for the same reason which had led him to resign his position on the Superior Court. In 1860, as a choice of evils, he voted for the Doug- lass ticket for presidential electors. In 18G1 Judge Abbott removed from 128 Stackpole Street, Lowell, to 6 Arlington Street, Boston. But, although he ceased to be a citizen of Lowell, he never lost his interest in this community. In the letter already quoted he says: "As you know, I have passed some of the happiest years of my life in Lowell, and with it are connected some of the pleasantest and best recollec- tions of the past. I took up my residence there soon after leaving college ; there I married my wife ; there all my children were born ; and there repose the ashes of some of them who so lived and died that I am sure their native city has never had cause to be ashamed of them." Judge Abbott had early learned in the school of Jackson that the Union is an institution to be maintained, if necessary, by force ; and when that Union w;is men- aced with destruction in 1861, all who knew him knew what his position would be. Like his friend, Rufus 22 MEMOIR <»F HON, .JOSIAH GARDNER AHH( »TT, LL. D. Choate, he would say, '•'We join no party tliat does not carry the flag and keep step to the music of the Union." The first flag raised in Lowell after the Confederate assault on Fort Sumter was accompauied l)y an eloquent appeal from him which completely electrified the assem- bled throng. When the militia of Lowell were called to Wash- ington for the defence of the capital, even before a man of them had buckled on his knapsack, Judge Abbott gave General Butler $100, to be used for the relief of any suffering among his soldiers. He appeared before a meeting of the bank presidents of Lowell and urged them to lend their money freely to the government to carry on the war. Like Gen. William T. Sherman and other far-sighted patriots, whom shallow men then pro- nounced " cranks," he foresaw that the war for the Union would be long and bloody, and urged the enlist- ment of men for not less than three years' service. His three oldest sons entered the army at once, and two of them were sacrificed in the bloody struggle. The Abbott Greys, the company which his oldest son commanded, in the Second Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry,* were the special subject of his care and for them he contrib- iited freely of his money. Seeing how much the officers and men rallying for the defence of the Union, required to be taught what their duties would be, Judge Abbott wrote a letter to Governor Andrew recommending the formation of camps of instruction. Fi'om the plans Submitted by him, the Camp Act, so called, the principal bill passed by the leg- * Fletcher Morton Abbott, M. I)., tlie only one of Judge Abbotfs three sons who served in the army who survived the war, began his military career as a lieutenant in this regiment, and afterwards served as captain on tlie stall of l?rigadier-(ieueral Dwight. See CJiiint's Record of tiie Second Massachusetts Infantry, j>. I'.iT. General Hooker said, '"This regiment, as is known in two armies, has no superior." islature at the extra session of 1861, was prepared before the session began. The training received by our volun- teers during their brief sojourn at these camps, was of very great vahie. When the republican state convention met at Wor- cester in September, 1861, to nominate candidates for the state offices, its members realized the necessity of enlarging their platform, in order to attract, if possible, the war democrats. It was felt that it was desirable in that perilous crisis in national affairs, to make the party simply a war party and to postpone all other issues until the war for the Union had ended. Without one dissent- ing voice, if my memory serves me correctly, that con- vention nominated J. G. Abbott for the office of attorney- o;eneral. The wisdom of that nomination was too obvious for discussion, and many of the judge's friends, demo- crats as well as republicans, urged him to accept it. Since that time some persons of a very miscellaneous sort have filled that office; but prior to that time it had been held by lawyers of the first rank, and Judge Abbott's reputation, if not enhanced, would surely have suffered no damage, by filling an office which Rufus Choate and John H. Clifford had adorned. Nevertheless, so fastidious was his sense of personal honor and party fealty;, he could not be induced to accept that office. Nothing that has occurred during the last thirty years has changed my opinion that his declinal of that office was a great mis- take. It seemed to me that his true place was at the head of the Union party, and that by this declinal he closed upon himself the opening gate to a great career. In 1862 Judge Abbott wrote : " If we would suc- ceed we must be united in our purpose to fight it out — to conquer. All true men can and must unite to carry out that purpose — they can and must adjourn all other 24 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GAKDNEK AIJIiOTT, l.L. D. questions till the war is over. That purpose is large enough, it is holy enough to engross and satisfy all." * Truer words were never spoken, and they were as applicable to the situation in 1861 as in 1862. Had Judge Abbott accepted the nomination, he would certainly have been elected; and the republican party, though it had an abundance of leaders, was lamentably in need of such a leader as he. On the other hand, it may be said that by remaining with the democratic party through those years of peril he per- formed an important service to the country by constantly bracing up that party to support the war ; the more so because that party contained thousands of men who were opposed to the war. The same wise foresight which prompted him to advocate camps of instruction and long terms of enlist- ment in 1861, led him to oppose the stopping of enlist- ments in the spring of 1862, notwithstanding the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, of which Senator Wilson was chairman, reported that we already had soldiers enough ! Judge Abbott saw clearl}^ and said boldly that the period of the war had been much prolonged, and the sacrifice of life and treasure greatly augmented by sus- pending the recruiting of our armies so prematurely at that time. In 1862 Williams College conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws. On the ninth of August, 1862, the horrors of war entered his own home ; his eldest son. Captain and Brevet Major Edward Gardner Abbott, Company A, Second Massachusetts Infantry, was killed in battle at Cedar Mountain, Virginia; and all the hopes that clustered about his future were blasted in a moment. But this * From a uianuscriiit fouinl aiiKing liis iiapcrs. entitled "A Divided North, Treasou." MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNEU ABBOTT, LL. D. 25 terrible parental affliction only intensified his indomitable purpose to suppress the rebellion. When General Lee, flushed by his success in Virginia, led his victorious army into Maryland, and when it seemed not improbable that the flag of the Confederate States would shortly float in triumph over Philadelphia, Judge Abbott wrote an appeal to the people of Massachusetts to meet in Faneuil Hall, irrespective of party, "to take counsel together for the common weal." In response to this appeal " the People's Convention " met on the seventh of October. I do not now enter into any discussion of the merits of the pro- ceedings of that convention. Whatever of success or failure attended those proceedings, the lofty patriotism which animated the call under which that convention met, is iDcyond all praise. There are passages in that call which for force and elevation of style will lose nothing by comparison with the stirring words of the Declaration of Independence. On the day preceding that convention Senator Sumner had spoken in the same hall.* I heard Sum- ner's speech ; I also heard Abbott's speech, and as I listened to the thunders of npplause which greeted them, I recalled what I had read of the stormy scenes of the Greek republics, when "Under the rock-stancl of Demostlieucs Unstable Atliens heaved her noisy seas." Joel Parker, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, had been selected to make the principal speech on that occasion. He was a learned and able man, pow^erful in his addresses to the intellect, but weak in his appeals to the feelings. He had none of that versatility which enabled Abbott to convince a * Sumner's speech appears in the seventh volume of his works. 26 MEMOIR OF HON, JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. bench of judges, capture a jury, or ride upon the whirl- wind of a popuhir assembly. No sooner had the con- vention organized itself, than loud calls arose for Abbott, who, as I happen to know, hnd made no preparation to speak on that day, though his heart and soul were full. He could stir the emotions. One blast on Abbott's bugle- horn was worth a thousand Parkers. The day of that convention was one of those "mo- mentous occasions" referred to by Webster in his oration at Plymouth Rock, " when great interests are at stake and strong passions excited," and Judge Abbott had just those qualities which such occasions require. " Clear- ness, force and earnestness," as Webster said, "are the qualities which produce conviction." The vast assembly was thoroughly electrified by his speech, particularly by the peroration. Pointing to the broad canvass on wiiich Webster appears replying to Hayne, and raising his voice to its loudest, clearest tones, he said : " Let us here, in the presence of its greatest defender, swear that we will give fortune, that we will give life, that we will give all, to support that constitution and establish its sway over the whole land." To realize how much these words really meant, one must recall the circumstances under which they were spoken — the fact that the oldest son of the speaker had shortly before been laid in a soldier's grave in the Low- ell Cemetery, and that both of his other sons in the army were so broken in health that their mother had gone to Antietam to give them her personal care. Called to the scene of that battle by the condition of her second son, she met on the field her third son suffering from the delirium of fever in the brain. But none of these things moved him. In the senatorial election of I860, and again in MEMOIR OF HOIST. JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. 27 1869, Judge Abbott received the support of the demo- crats in the legislature, but the republican majority was overwhelming, and Charles Sumner was elected. The same empty honor was repeated to Judge Abbott in 1877, when Senator Hoar was chosen. On the sixth of Ma}^, 1864, his second son, Major and Brevet Brigadier-General Henry Livermore Abbott while gallantly leading his regiment, the Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry, in the battle of the Wilderness was fatally wounded. " Had he lived," General Hancock said, " he would have been one of our most distinguished commanders." Kichard H. Dana, Jr., who visited the Army of the Potomac only ten days before Major Abbott's death, wrote : " Sedgwick spoke in high terms of the Massa- chusetts regiments, especially the Twentieth, and of Major Abbott, who now commands it. He thinks Abbott a bright, particular star." Charles F. Adams, who has preserved this testimony in his biography of Dana, adds that " it was thought at the time, by those most compe- tent to judge, that no braver officer, nor one of greater military promise, there laid down his life." To lose such sons as Judge Abbott lost in battle was terrible at the best. But the conviction that the movements in which they fell were culpably ill-advised and even absurd, added poignancy to parental grief. To lose brave sons when their loss is inevitable in defence of their country, has been the hard lot of many a father. To lose them through the stupidity or obstinacy of their commanders, is more than ilesh and blood can bear. Many a father, many a mothei-, became sour and dis- affected under such painful trials. But not so with the parents of these brave brothers, whose twin monuments in the Lowell Cemetery will perpetuate their names till 28 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER AT.r.OTT, LL. D. the marble shall crumble and the granite shall decay.* Through all those times which tried men's souls there was no truer patriot than J. G. Abbott. Several volumes would be required to contain an account of the hundreds of cases in which Mr. Abbott acted as counsel during the more than fifty years of his practice at the bar. No such account will be attempted, neither would it be desirable even if it were practicable. For as the life of man on earth is but a span, so the in- terest in the daily concerns of that life endures but for a moment. " A book is the only immortality," as Rufus Choate once said ; and the best efforts in advocacy are generally forgotten with the occasion which called them forth. I will mention three capital cases and three or four other cases in which Mr. Abbott was concerned, and refer to one hundred and ten volumes of the Massachusetts Reports (from the 43rd to the 152nd) for notices of the cases argued by him before the full bench of our Supreme Judicial Court. Yet these indicate but a part of his professional work. There are other cases of his in the United States Supreme Court and Circuit Court Reports and in the reports of other state courts, and there are also hundreds of cases not reported at all (except in newspapers) because they were never carried to the court of last resort. His first capital case was that of the alleged mur- derers of Jonas L. Parker, who was butchered in a most atrocious manner at Manchester, N. H., on the night of March 26, 1845.t In 1848 Asa Wentworth and Henry * For accounts of the operations In whicli these gallant officers fell, see Gordon's Brookfarm to Cedar INIountain, Swlnton's History of the Army of the Potomac, the his- tories of their respective regiments, anil the general histories of the war. For their personal history, see Harvard Memorial I'.iographies. Vol. II. pp. 77-104, and Cowley's History of Lowell, pp. 181, 182. 189, I'JO. t rotter's History of Manchester, pp. f.l9-G24. MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNKR AT.BOTT, LL. D. 29 T. Wentworth were arrested upon suspicion, but after examination were discharged. In 1850 they were arrested again, together with Horace Wentwortli and William C. Clark. They were prosecuted by Samuel H. Ayer, the county solicitor, and were defended by Frank- lin Pierce, Charles G. Atherton, J. G. Abbott and B. F. Butler. Public feeling ran very high against them, but they were not indicted ; and no evidence sufficient to justify a verdict of guilty was ever adduced against any of them. About the same time J. G. Abbott and B. F. Butler defended Daniel H. Pierson, of Wilmington, on his trial before the Supreme Judicial Court at East Cambridge, upon an indictment for the murder of his wife and two children. Pierson was convicted, and executed July 26, 1850. From him General Butler obtained information tending strongly to show that Jonas L. Parker was mur- dered by said Clark, who was a relative of Pierson. This man had been arrested and examined on suspicion, but escaped indictment by setting up a false alibi. Pierson also attempted to escape the gallows by a false alihi, but failed. Referring to the question who murdered Parker, I am permitted to quote the following from a letter written by General Butler to a son of his client, November 5, 1885, after his client's death : " I hiid heen of counsel prior to tliat tri.al, as T was aftcrAvards, for a man named Pierson, a\'1io was convicted of the murder of liis wife and two cliildren, committed in Wilmington in tliis state. Tliat n\urder was committed in a very singular manner and witii a very singular Aveapon, to wit, a shoemaker's knife ground to a ))oint; and a razor was left on the table by the woman's bedside ami means taken to have the murder appear to have been a suicide. That mur- der was not conmiitted until some years after the Parkei- murder, but before the investigation of the Parker murder, as that was not 30 MEMOIR OF HON, JOSIAH GARDNER ABROTT, LL. D. tried until some five years after tlie deed was committed. Upon the trial of tlio Parker murder it came out that the murder was committed with exactly such a knife, and a razor was left by the dead hody. I was struck with the coincidence as I had grounds for suspicion against a relative of my Wilmington client, and the fact was known that on the night of the murder of Parker, which took place between nine and ten, at Manchester, N. H., a wagon dra^vn by a white horse, with two men in it, passed through Lowell in the direction of Wilmington, and the marks of the wheels of such a wa<»-on were found in the mud near the murdered man, which wagon a])i)arently drove off in the direction of Lowell. As my client Avas about to be hanged and it could do him no harm, T questioned him, assuring him that it should not he used to his i)rejudice, as to whether or not he drove a \\agon that time doAvn from Manchester to Lowell and thence to Wilmington. He admitted that he did. I asked him who was in the wagon, and he said he did not want to tell me. I asked him with what instrument it was done, and he said with a shoe knife and razor. I asked Inm what the razor had to do with it. " Whv," he said, " the man might have cut his own throat with the razor." T asked him also what was done with the 11,000 l)ill which Parker A\as su}>posed to have had in his pocket which never could be traced. He said there was no $1,000 bill taken from Parker, that he hadn't any such bill. And, Avithout remembering the circum- stances now, r (questioned him until I was convinced that the ])erson I liad hi my mind Avas the man Avith him. But as the grand jury found no bill against my chent, and as Pierson Avas hanged, I did not feel called ui)on to talk Avith anybody about it because I supposed there was nobody so foolish now as to believe that the WentAvorths had anything to do with the murder of Parker." Perliaps " more is meant than meets the ear " in this letter. Perhaps Daniel H. Pierson himself, as well as Clark, was implicated in the mnrcler of Parker.* On the nineteenth of Jnne, 1860, Bryant Moore shot and killed his wife, at No. 61 East Merrimack Street. Under the shadow of the scaffold he wrote a strong appeal to Mr. Abbott to defend him. That appeal could not have l)ecn made at a more inopportune time, for * Lowell Morning Mail. Nov. 12, 1885. MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. 31 Mr. Abbott was then almost overwholmed with cases. Nevertheless he could not with his high views of the duties of the bar, refuse such a call for help. He re- quested me to do certain things in the preparation of the defence, saying that if I would relieve him of that j^art of the work, he would undertake the defence. The trial took place in December, 1860, and it appeared from the start that an ac(|uittal was impossible. The most tliat could be done was to save Moore from a vei'dict of guilty of murder in the first degree, and thus save his neck. The evidence would have entirely justified the highest verdict, but through Mr. Abbott's remarkable power of persuasion, the jury returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree, — a pure triumph of advocacy. Moore's sentence was imprisonment at hard lal)or for life. At the end of three years, however, a pardon was granted to him, through the exertion of Mr. Abbott's powers of persuasion over Governor Andrew's Council. The num- ber of capital cases in which pardons have thus been granted in this state, has been very small, notwithstand- ing the statements that have repeatedly been made to the contrary. Moore afterwards spent some j^ears in Kentucky and Tennessee. He returned to Lowell under the name of " Col. John B. Lowe," the military title having been conferred upon him by himself. He showed deeds of land to John B. Lowe, and undertook to borrow money upon the security of a mortgage thereof, but nobody here would lend him a sou, and he left for other fields. Mr. Abbott's criminal practice in his earlier years was very large, and if there was any merit in a case he made the most of it, but he never liked the associations which the criminal lawyer cannot avoid. He always preferred the pursuit of remedial justice ; and (d'ter he left the 32 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAII GARDNER ABHOTT, LL. D. l)e'iicli his practice was almost wholly confined to civil causes. But time would fail to mention more than two or three of them. In 1870 Mr. Abbott and B. R. Curtis argued, before the Supreme Court at Washington, the case of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts against the Liverpool Insurance Company, 10 Wallace, 566, in which it was held that the defendants were a corporation, notwithstanding the British Parliament had said that they were not. About the same time he argued, before the same court, the case of the Merchants' Bank against the State Bank, 10 Wallace, 604-676. Sidney Bartlett and William M. Evarts were with lihn, while B. K. Curtis, C. B. Good- rich and B. F. Thomas were against him. The case is one of the first importance to banks and bank cashiers. Mr. Abbott rested his case on one ground. Mr. Bartlett, his associate, rested the claims of their common client upon another. A majority of the court adopted Mr. Abbott's view and not Mr. Bartlett's. Judges Clifford and Davis dissented, and Judge Miller did not sit. In the case of the Land Company against Daniel Saunders, 103 United States, 316, Mr. Abbott had his ]jrother-in-law for his client, and John L. Patuixm, now judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, for his leading opponent. Never did counsel feel surer of victory in a case than did the coun- sel for the Land Company. Nevertheless the decision, which relates to the construction of deeds, and is of great importance, was in favor of Mr. Saunders. To argue questions of law before a l)ench of judges, requires qualities of a different kind from those which are required to argue questions of fact before a jury. How successful Mr. Abbott was in the latter field of labor, hundreds of verdicts of the impanelled farmers, MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. 33 mechanics, and merclianty of Middlesex and Suffolk, aLuiidantly attest. Not less successful was he hefore benches of judges. Some who heard his argument in behalf of Mr. Saunders in 1880, thought it one of his best efforts. So thoroughly had he mastered and absorbed his case, he scarcely looked at his brief while he spoke. So thoroughly was he master of himself and of the situation, the presence of the most august tribunal on this continent only stimulated him to put forth his Ijest efforts; and this he did with such clearness and lucidity, such strength and power, that when he sat down he felt that his case was won — and, to the great sur- prise of his opponents, it was w^on. Equally surprised w^ere his opponents at the decision won l)y him in the case of St. Anne's Church,* one of the most important decisions ever made touching estates upon condition as distinguished from estates in trust. In that case John P. Robinson, after many years' retirement from practice, appeared with General Butler as counsel for the church. He never argued another case, but was afterwards confirmed in that church. He cared nothing for the sarcasms levelled at him bv J. R. Lowell, thouo-h they will transmit his name longer than anything that he ever said at the haw One of them runs thus : "But Jolm P. Robinson, he Says they didn't know everything Down in .Jiulee." One of the most just and most discriminating esti- m;ites of Judge Abbott, is that of Hon. J. Lewis Stack- ])ole, of Boston, as follows : "Jiulge Al)l)Ott's reputation as a lawyer was won in tlie court room, not in the closet. Endowed by nature Avith a body and mind *See 14 Gray's IJeiJorts, pp. 58G-613. See also Charles Hovey's History of St. Anne's Church in the third volume of the Contributions of this association, pp. 30y-32j. 34 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. of oneiit worthy of their steel. AVhen later in life he came to the Suffolk bar, he had he- come an advocate well trained to encounter its leaders, who included Mr. C'hoate, Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Duraut, Mr. Chandler and Judge Hoar. "His power of statement of mixed questions of law and facts was unrivalled. None 11 ew^ better than he how to elicit facts from a re- luctant or dishonest witness, and his appeals to juries were always forcil)le and judicious, and met with merited success. His grasp of the law Avas eminently a practical one, and for many years he was one of the most trusted counsellors and advocates of the Suffolk bar. " He always possessed the contidence of the court, his kindness to younger members of the bar Avas proverbial, and his death is a distinct loss to the profession." He tried a great many cases for younger lawyers ; and to the junior counsel associated with him in such trials, he way always a tower of strength. Judge John Spaulding, formerly of Groton, now of Boston, writes : " When I entered the profession, early in the fifties, there were giants at the Middlesex l»ar, an. 39 and in insisting that Hayes slionld thus ho accepted as president, Judge Al^hott rendered a service to his country, the magnitude of which can only he appreciated by those wlio remember how repugnant that result was to the democratic party. It was not known outside of a few that Judge Abbott wrote an address to the country on behalf of the demo- cratic minority of that commission, which was put in type and one copy printed to be signed by the demo- cratic members of the connnission, Ijut it was never signed and the original manuscript was destroyed.* 'i Judge Abbott was unwilling to give this proposed ( address to the puljlic during his life ; but I was permitted to make a copy of it, and the seal of secrecy is removed by his death. In 1884, the democrats, after long exclusion from power, elected their candidate as president. By invita- tion of Mr. Cleveland's private secretary. Judge Abbott met the president-elect at Albany, and had a free and full exchange of views on the political situation and the selection of cabinet officers. I have been told by those who stood in such positions that they might be presumed to know, but never by Judge Abbott, that he was offered a place in the cahinet. If- he was not so invited, he cer- tainly should have been. A cabinet containino- two ex- members of the Confederate States government, should have included at least one war democrat. Had President Cleveland sought and followed Judge Abbott's counsels, his famous message on the tariff would have undergone considerable revision before being sent to congress, and its menace to the wool industry would have been care- fully excised. No people ever lost their liberties by * For this proposed addifss see the February (1892) number of the Magazine of American History. See also tlie appendix hereto. 40 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAII GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. keeping .sheep. Had Mr. Cleveland learned that ini|)or- tant lesson, lie niiglit perlia})s liave been re-elected. Jnd«'-e Abbott's views on the tarift" were pul)lished in the Boston Sunday Globe, June 26, and republished in the Lowell Morning Mail, June 27, 1887, and in many other journals. They were in substance the same which he had published in the Lowxdl Advertiser in 1840. "• For many years to come," he says, " the countr}^ will have to raise from |100,0()0,000 to $200,000,(1(11) a year by taxation in some form. On account of the un- equal distribution of property, no method of taxation (;an be devised that is as fair and just as that of taxes on im- ports. A tarift' should discriminate against luxuries and in favor of necessaries. So too it should in favor of our home industries and home labor." In the fall of 1887, Judge Abbott suffered the greatest affliction of his life. He had lost two sons in their childhood, and tw^o more on fields of Ijattle. He had followed his oldest daughter and the husljands of both his daughters to premature graves. But the great sorrow of his life came with the death of Mrs. Abbott.* The following letter, written in the shadow of a home made desolate by her death, indicates his appreciation of her worth better than the words of any other man could do. It is his reply to a condolatory letter from Hon. John F. Kind)all, president of the Appleton National Bank: ,, -,, ,^ Boston, October 5, l-SST. My Dear KiJNrr.ALL: 1 lliaiik you from my heart fur your very sympatlietir lelter; to one lieart-broken as T am, sympatliy fro)u a friend is i^ood ami helpful. You eanuot, and T trust you may never knoAV, Avlial such a Mow * Mrs. Abbott wrote tlie memoir of her father, Judge Edward St. Loe Livermore, which was read before tliis association when her liusband was elected an lionorary mem- ber in 1879. It was published in the second volume of our Contributions, and afterwards reiirinted separately with additions. MEMOIR OF HOX. JOSIAH GARDNER AUBOTT, LL D. 41 means. Living ns wc liavo so long togetlier, witli notliiiig lilerally ever coming l)ctweeii us, my Avife was absolutely a part of myself, and taking lier aAvay is wrenching away a part of my own soul. It is not the loss of a common woman — she inherited the rol)ustness and strength of will and character of her father, the judge, and of her grandfather, the first senator from New Hampshire, cond)ined with the tenderness and love she took from her mother — a rare meeting of qualities. I used often, in times long past, to say that if I slionld be called to my last account, half the bitterness ol" death Avould be taken from me by the consciousness that I left behind me one who woidd take care of the family better even than I could myself. All this comes to me now that I have lost her, and I find the burden a very heavy one to Itear. I again thank you for your feeling and sympathy. . . . Faithfully your friend. J. G. Abbott. From tliis time liis face assumed a sadder, more abstrjicted look than before. Like Rabbi Samuel, son of Naomi, he could say, " Thne can replace all things, but never the wife of my youth." He was a domestic man from the start, and grew more and more so to the end. It was not in courts of law, it was not in political activ- ities, that he found his greatest happiness. It was in his own home, among his children and grandchildren, in his own fields covering four hundred acres, with his horses and his dogs, among the trees which he trimmed and the flowers which he planted with his own hands. Mr. Glad- stone never took more delight in his home life at Ha war- den Castle than Judge Abbott in his baronial hall at Wellesley Hills. If he did not enter into the public dis- cussion of religious topics like Mr. Gladstone, he was as perfect a pattern of the domestic and social virtues as '' the grand old man " himself. He had comi)leted seventy-six years and seven months, and seemed likely to continue to perforui all his usual duties aud enjoy his accustouied pleasures for ten 42 MEMOIK OF HON. JOSIAII GA UDNEK ATiHOTT, LI.. D. or fiftt'en ycnrs more, Avlioii tlie iiicvita])le lioiir came, and ho passed to the life l)eyond life. To the family and friends of sneh a man as Judge Abbott, liowever long dela3aMl, death always comes too soon. But the sharp ('•rief of love and friendshii) (inds some alleviation in the contemplation of the true nobility Avhich distinguished him through life, and in the beauty of the example which he has left to his posterity. The Rev. Leighton Parks, rector of Emanuel Church, Boston, where for many years Judge Abbott attended pul)lic worship, writes : " I believe he was a man who tried to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with his God." Five of his sons, Fletcher Morton, Samuel Appleton Brown, Franklin Pierce, Grafton St. Loe, and Holker Welch, together with Mrs. Sarah Abbott Fay, his young- est dauditer, widow of William P. Fay, survive him. There are also eight grandchildren, and it is not un- likely that this number may be increased, so that his race seems destined to a long continuance upon the earth. The recollections of Judge Abbott which survive him in the hearts of those who loved him, are more precious than words can express. ■ To live in hearts we leave behind Is uot to die." His Excellency W^illiam E. Russell, Governor of Massacliusetts, l)eing al)out to visit Lowell, was invited to l)e present at the meeting at which the preceding memoir was read. He returned his thanks for the invitation, and said : '' Engagements that have already been made, and invitations already accepted, will prevent my attend- MEMOIR OP HON. .TOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. D. 43 iince. This is a great disappoiiitme'iit to me, as 1 should like exceedingly to join you in your tribute to the memory of one who was an able and much respected jurist and lawyer, and a distinguished citizen of our commonwealth." Hon. Moses T. Stevens, Representative in Congress from the Lowell-Lawrence District, sent a letter, which was read, expressing his regret that other engagements compelled him, at the last moment, to deny himself the l^leasure of listening to the able treatment of so good a subject as Judge Abbott, whose forefathers like his own, were among the first settlers of Andover, and for six generations inhabitants of that ancient town. LETTER FROM SENATOR HOAR. Worcester, Mass., Septenil)or 17, 189L Hon. Charles Coivley, Lowell, Mass. My Dear Sir — All my recollections of Judge Abbott are of an exceedingly pleasant character, I do not think I should sjteak of him as my contem])orary at the bar, unless that word were used with a pretty comprehensive meaning. When I was a law student, from 1846 to 1849, 1 used to attend court in Concord a good deal, and was present at the trial of a good many cases where Judge Abbott was counsel. He was then one of the leaders of the very able har of Middlesex County, having been out of college sixteen or seventeen years, and having come forward into leadership very rapidly. ^Vfter I myself got well established in Worcester, I was opposed to Judge Ab])ott in several important cases. He impressed me with his o-reat fairness and justice as well as with his great ability. I remember that he interposed his authority to compel a just settlement in several cases. In one of them, his client, a strono- corjioi-ation, seemed dis- posed to do o-reat injustice to a poor man, which I think would liave been accomplished but forjudge .Vbbott's insisting on a reasonable settlement. He was in the house of re])resentatives for a sinolo session onlv, if 1 remember right. The high ri'putation which he brouohi with 44 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAII GAItDNER AT.IiOTT, I.L. P. him lo llu' house was sliown by tlie fact that hv was made (nu- of llic (h'mocralic mcmliers of the electoral commission. In that commis- sion he si at I'd tlie view of liis ])arty with gTcat vigor and ability and with entire courtesy. It is unnecessary to say that that was a trans- action which excited very deei)ly the feelings of the uliole ]ieoi)U' of the countr\- anav my iributi' of respect to the memory of the late Judg(f .losiah (t. Abi)ott; but the condition of my health was such that its literal acceptance was inij)ossible, but I take advantage of the occasion to say very hn])erfectly, a few words on that subject. Judge Abl)ott and myself Averc, from 1881) to the end of his life, Avann i)ersonal friends. He Avas my senior, but soon avc came in contact A\'ith each othei- in the trial of causes as Avell before juries as in arguments before the Sui)reme Court, and I Avitnessed Avith care many of his efforts in other litigations. Fi-om actual j.ersonal knoAvl- edire 1 can bear testimony to his high talents as a laAvyer, to his fidelity to his clients, his untiring and ardent advocacy of their cause, his uniform courtesy as a gentleman to his ()|i]>onents in the court, to his honorable faithfulness to all engagenu-nts and understandings between counsel, and to his great success in his ])rofessioii. In 1855 he Avas appointed Justice of the Superior Court of the County of Suffolk, IJoston, and acfiuitted himself in that position so as to bring to himself merit and distim-tion. He resigned that position because its salary was utterly inadecjuate to the labor anarison to the emolument of his ])rofession which he resunu'd in that city. lie was an aideiil democrat and receiveil the iionor of a seat in the house of rcpi-esentativos from that jiaiMy so early that it Avas MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER AT.r.OTT, LL. IJ. 45 almost (loul)tt'ul wlietlior lie was not too young to serve. Soon after lie was elected to tlie senate and served there with enviahle disthic- tion. He was a})]K)inted senior aide-de-eanij) to Governor JNTorton. He was candidate for congress, ]»ut heing in a district with a large majority against his l)arty his election was im})Ossil)le. When our unha])py Avar liroke out in 18G1, he remained truly and staunchly loyal to the country. I remember an incident on the seAcnteenth of April as I was going from Lowell to Boston to take connuand of the Massachusetts troops which were behig sent to Washington. Judge Ahhott met me in the same train of cars in the morning, and said : " Well, general, I hear that you are going to take command of our soldiers who go to Washington." T said : "Yes, judge; for want of a better." "Well," said he, "you will have with you poor soldiers in distress and suffering at some turn of affairs ; let me contribute my mite to relieve that suffering." Putting his liand in his pocket he took out some bills and handed me one hundred dollars. I said: "Judge, you are very generous, but let me give you a memorandum of this." " No, no, Butler," he said : " we have lived too long together to need a memorandum in a matter of this sort l)etween each other." I said : " Thanks, judge ; T will see to it that your mone}^ shall i-each its full destination." Soon after he gave two of his sons to the war. I use this phrase for they were literally given to the country, as he lost them both on the battle-field serving with high honor. Thus he did his duty to his country at the same time retaining his })olitical beliefs. In 1874 he was elected to eongress from one of the Boston dis- tricts. A new member of congress usually has to serve a tei-m or two as an apprentice before he can attain any considerable promi- nence in the house, but Judge Abbott's high standing and al)ilities gave him instantly high position with his i)arty, and when in 187() the best talent and the highest legal ability of the house on the dem- ocratic side was to be selected to sei've on that most important l)ody, the electoral commission, having to deal with new and unprecedented (piestions, Abbott was selected with singular unanimity. lie took the leading part in tliat commission. ITe was strongly impressed, to say the least, with the ir.regiilarities under which tlie local elections were held and especiallv in the states of Louisiana and Florida, which resulted in the claimed election of Hayes. The minority decided that a formal |)r()test should be made to the countiy, Mgainst the decision of the majority, and Abbott was selected to jirepare tliat protest, the work and performance of which required mucli legal 46 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER AUROTT, LL. D. U'lirniiiL!; and llic ^'reatest talent in itrescntation of the arguments w likli must acconii)aiiy it. Ho prepared the jtajter witli liis accus- tomed skill and ability. It was read before liis associates and aj (proved, but upon discussion the decision to make any ])rotest was reconsidered, all ao-reeing, however, that if such protest was to be maor- ations of Lawrence as a stockholder, and for many years was a director and president of the Atlantic Cotton Mills, and he has always taken <'reat interest in the manufacturing enterprises of New Eng- land, being a large holder of stock in various corporations, as a director and president of one or more of such corporations in Ijcwiston, Me. Of his standing as a lawyer, his integrity as a man, and his position as a citizen, I need not sjjeak. They are known to all who ever knew him by acquaintance or reputation. LETTER FROM HON. BENJAMIN DEAN. I studied law in the othce of lion. Thomas Ilopkinson, after- wards Judge of the Court of Common I*leas, and I'resident of the pjoston and Worcester Railroad. Mr. Abbott and B. R. Curtis, afterwards Justice of the United States Supreme Court, tried a case at East Cambridge, and I expressed to Mr. Ilopkinson the general sentiment, even of that day, of the great ability of Mr. Curtis. Mr. Ilopkinson said that, as he was going down the stei)S of the court house, somebody else made a similar remark, when a member of the jury that was not trying the case said, " I like the tall one the best ; " meaning Mr. Abbott. I have often since then "liked the tall one the best." Though I have always been a great admirer of Judge Curtis, I have again and again been struck with the great fervor and vigor of Judge Abbott's jury arguments. He seemed to be glad when the evidence was closed, as if when he came to the argument, he was conscious of being master of the situation. I never knew him to make a j»oor argument. He always warmed uj) and went on like a rushing torrent. The bar of Middlesex was of cons])icuous ability — Judge Abbott, MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GAKDNEK ABI30TT, LL. I). 49 General Butler, E. Kockwood Hoar, Thomas Ilopkinson, ])aiiiel S. Richardson, Judge Nelson, G. A. Somerby and others, had to be sudi to compete with each other. They were, besides, followers of others older than themselves, who stru^Q-led to retain their lessenintr ascendency. I will not yield to the temptation to speak of them, however deserving they may be. When Mr. Abbott was appointed to the bench, he had his oflice with me in Boston, and we ever after had our offices together, and we continued close friends to the time of his death. You will not expect me to speak of his judicial or public career. It is known to everybody, and I have no especial knowledge of it. I will, however, mention one incident of the former: Coming into the office after the adjournment of the court, he said, there was brought before him a little boy for sentence, and he said to the dis- trict attorney, "You don't expect me to sentence that boy. 7" shall never sentence him. You must make some other disposition of his case ; " then he added, " I was not going to sentence a little boy like that." The professional and public career of Judge Abbott is so well known, that features of his personal character and habits will be quite as interesting to his old townsmen. He was very fond of tlie gentle art of fishing, and we scoured the ponds of Middlesex and Plymouth Counties. Sometimes in Middlesex County, Alden But- trick and Ilapgood Wright were with us ; but generally, and always in Plymouth County, we were alone. ITe lived on Stackpole Street and I on Alder Street, in Lowell, and ofter one o'clock in the morning whichever awoke fii'st would rattle his fish-pole against the other's window, and we would walk to Raymond Kimball's stable, ride to the Ridge Tavern in Groton, and j)ut u}) the horse. "Peter" would then take us in a wagon to Knop's Pond, where we would begin our sport. "Peter" came for us at meal times, and the evening would see us on our way home. We became very expert, and we never failed of a handsome catch of pickerel. Once Wm. G. Russell invited us to join him and others at a pond in Plymouth, where we had a memorable time. A gentleman from New York named Cleveland had, the year before, caught a seven ])Ound pickerel, and became the "King Fisher." On this occasion I was favored of fortune and caught the two largest pickerel, one Aveighing eight and the other five pounds. These were the finest fish, of the kind, I ever saw — very large ones for this region. The judge })ronounced them "sockdolagers." I once, when with 50 HIEIMoTn OF HON. JOSIAII GARDNER AliHOTT, LL. D. Hapgood Wright, cauglit one in Springy Pond, in Groton, weighing four pounds and two ounces. Mr. Noah F. Gates told me that he saw a large one lying in the shoal water of the wooden wasteway of a mill in Concord ; that he got a pitchfork and speared it through the head against the wood underneath; that he gave it to Steadman Buttrick of Concord, then county treasurer, and he carried it about showing it to his friends in town. On opening it a pound pickerel was found, which Mr Gates had pushed down the big one's throat, and in that one another smaller one ; and so he had to go the rounds of his friends and neighbors once more. We used to fish all day, contending for the greatest catch. Each of us had a style of fishing. In some ponds with some kinds of water and weeds, he could always lead, while I held my own in others. No one who saw Judge Abbott in the latter part of his life? walking with a rather sad expression of countenance, would think of him as fishing in the ponds of Middlesex County and helping to draw skiffs from one pond to another. We sometimes fished through the ice. He told me that on one occasion almost immediately after cast- ing the lines through the ice of Muddy Pond, General Stark caught a five jiound pickerel. He wound up his line saying, " I have done my fishing for this day." There was not much luck on the part of anybody after that. Judge Abl>ott was the best of com|iany, energetic and vivacious all the day long. Though nervous and apparently excitable, he was patient in listening to others and entered into their feelings, hopes and fears. He was an indefatigable and rapid worker. He had none of that tendency which is the bane of lawyers generally, to delay and ])ost- pone things. lie rather j)ush his business than let his business j)ush him. He was always closing u{) his cases and reaping the results. This was one cause of his great success. I have alluded to Judge Abbott's method of arguing cases. Many times T have thought of his coming within this description of JMilton by .Afacaulay : "■ It is when jNIilton escapes from the shackles of his dialogue, wlien he is discharged from the labor of uniting two incongruous styles, when he is at liberty to indulge his choral raptures without reserve, that he rises above himself. Then, like his own good genius bursting from the earthly form and weeds of Thyrsis, he stands forth in celestial freedom and beauty ; he seems to cry exultingly : ' Now my t.ask is smoothly done, I can fly or I can run,' I MEMOIR OP IIOX. JOSIAH GARDNER ABIIOTT, LL. D. 51 to skim the earth, to soar above tlie clouds, to bathe in the Elysian clew of the rainbow, and to inhale the balmy smells of nard and cassia, which the musky winds of the zephyr scatter through the cedared alleys of the liesperides." You will not understand me, as making this in all respects appli- cable to Judge Abbott. He never wrote j^oetry; never quoted poetry; never quoted anything, though an omnivorous reader. He never aspired to elegance of diction. He always seemed to feel that when he came to his argument, he was master of the situation. He was eager to have the evidence closed. He always had his theory of the case, and towards the close of the evidence was anxious lest something should interfere with it. As he saw his case clear, he was eager to be freed from the shackles of further evidence, and was on tiptoe for the argument. Then he seemed to burst all barriers and rush forward as if there were no doubt about anything he said. I said that he never quoted anything. He did once and I have remembered it as the only instance within my knowledge. He and General Butler were trying a case in which some of the witnesses came from a place called Shabbakin, and while the evidence was going in. Judge Abbott alluded to Shabbakin in no complimentary terms. General Butler in his argument said "that notwithstanding Judge Abbott's allusion to Shabbakin, it ajjpeared that he took his pleasure rides through that place." To which Judge Abbott replied, " that in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Christian had to travel through the ' Valley of the Shadow of Death,' so he rode through Shal)bakin to the pleasant plains of Littletown where a portion of his family were sojourning." (There were Littletown men on the jury.) LETTER FROM JOSEPH H. TYLER, ESQ. I entered the office of Abbott & Brown in September, 1851, and continued there most of the time till I was admitted to the bar, on Mr. Abbott's motion, at the April term, 1853, of the Supreme Judicial Court. I saw much less of Mr. Abbott than of Mr. Brown, for the reason that Mr. Brown was constantly in the office, while Mr. Abbott, during the sessions of the courts, was almost constantly in court, and made only flying visits to the office. When the courts were not in session he was there more, but then not so regularly nor for so long a time as Mr. Brown Mr. Abbott tried all the cases and Mr. Brown prepared them, or more particularly the law. Mr. Abbott also tried a great many cases as senior counsel for other lawyers, who of 52 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, I,L. D. course, mainly prepared their own cases. " There were giants in tliose days " at the Middlesex bar. There was George F. Farley, much Judge Abbott's senior, who had won a great reputation in try- ing cases; Albert II. Nelson, with a voice and grace of manner almost e(pial to those of Edward Everett, who became chief justice of the Superior Court for Suffolk county, of which ^[r. Abbott was an associate ; Tappan Wentwortli, an indefatigable fighter ; Benjamin F. Butler, who then had a reputation for wonderful ability, whose fame has since become national, and who is a genius beyond dispute ; Charles IJ. Train, bright and easy-going, but never probably putting forth all his power ; G. A. Somerby, with marvellous powers of en- durance and marked ability in trying cases before a jury; Daniel S. Richardson, scholarly, a good lawyer, and with the dangerous power for an opponent of making juries believe that he was honest and told them the truth; Theodore H. Sweetser, not then so eminent as a lawyer as he subsequently became, who, for pure logic and clear statement, was unsurpassed by any of his associates ; Judge E. R. Hoar, eminent then and more eminent since as a lawyer, had been of this bar, but went early upon the bench ; and, finally, there was John Q. A. Griflin, younger than the others, my own playmate and school- mate in boyhood, a student of Mr. Farley, who, immediately upon his admission to the bar, went to the front rank, an exceedingly brio^ht and ready man, whose tongue was a Damascus blade cutting to the very quick, with wit, satire and sarcasm, a somewhat dangerous power, and whose pen was often used in writing most trenchant articles for the press. When I say that Judge Abbott was the peer of these men, and the superior of most of them, I claim for him very high ability as a lawyer and advocate. The Middlesex bar when these men were its conspicuous members, was noted for the ability, thoroughness and sharpness with which they tried their cases. Burke says " He that wrestles witli us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper." What helpers were such men to each other! Here was a school of intellectual athletes. Strength, alert- ness, labor, vigilance and persistence were necessary, against such, for success. Judge Abbott had a more nervous temperament than most of them, but his head was always clear, even though liis nerves were at their utmost tension. He threw himself into his cases and tried them to win. He could not save himself if he would, and he would not if he could. When he began the trial of a case, his whole power, mental and physical, was put into it. His arguments were MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER AHBOTT, LL. D. /jS impassioned and impetuous. A sick headache was the usual sequel. He once said to me that he should not know how to practise law without Mr, Brown. They supplemented each other. It is said that some of the happiest matrimonial unions are formed by people who are opposites in taste and temperament. jVIr. Abbott and Mr. Brown were certainly opposites in every sense. Mr. Abbott was content in the court room, while Mr. Brown would have been wild with uneasiness. Mr. Brown was content in the office, while its duties would have been irksome to Mr. Abbott. Mr. Abbott was bold, confident and aggressive, while Mr. Brown was timid, cautious and hesitating. Mr. Abbott was no doubter, while Mr. Brown was full of doubts. Mr. Brown labored hard and long to reach his conclu- sions, while Mr. Abbott's conclusions might be termed intuitions. Mr. Brown had more knowledge of law books and Mr. Abbott of men. Mr. Brown in the preparation of cases looked not only on his own side but on that of the other, and probably, many times, thought of points against himself that never dawned on his opponent. In this way he was of great service to Mr. Abbott, who was thus put on liis guard. Many, however, of these ghosts of Mr. Brown's fears would down before Mr. Abbott's quick common sense.* Prentiss Webster, Esq., son of the late William P. Webster, and successor of his father as law partner of General Bntler, then read the following paper : Mr. President and Gentlemen — It is my first dnty to thank yon for yonr kind in^'itation to be present with yon this evening, and to join in honoring the mem- ory of Jndge Abbott. Many of yon gentlemen knew Jndge Abbott in liis boyhood days ; were with him in his development to man's estate ; saw him when he embarked on his career for life ; watched his mental growth ; followed him into public and private Ufe to learn his value as a citizen, a friend and a counsellor, and to jndge of his ability, learning and fidelity to his trusts. * Lowell Daily Courier, Dec. 29, 1891. 54 MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNER ABBOTT, LL. T). It would 1)0 presuiiiptioiis on my part to attempt a surmise of the impressions lie made upon your minds ; of these it is for yon to tell and not for me. Yet I feel I but echo 3^our memories when I say that — " He above tlie rest 111 shape aiid gesture proudly einiuent Stood like a tower." T can only bear witness to tlie impressions made by him on one of a succeeding generation, and these came to me when in his latter days he had left 3^our midst and made his home elsewhere — alas ! not without pain and soi'- row and kindly thoughts for those he had left behind. For the City of Lowell he always held the kindest of memories. To its citizens, his friends and neighbors of former years, he ever turned with wishes for them of long life and happiness. He was solicitous for the wel- fare of the city, kept apace with our growth and an interest in our affairs. During the past ten years it was my good fortune to see much of Judge Abbott, both in and out of court, having Ijeen interested with him in causes connnon to his own office and that of his life-long friend. General Butler. This brought me to him often many times each week, and when with him and work ended, he would turn to his early days in Lowell, replete with remarks on the many changes which had taken place. He loved to talk of his early associates at the bar ; of his former friends and acquaintances ; often making Jin inquiry for this man and for that man, whom he had favorably known in early years. From persons he would pass to things and tell of what building was formerly here and what building was there ; wdio lived in one place and who in another ; each and every conversation being of particular interest, because of the information he im- MEMOIR OF HON. JOSIAH GARDNEU AlJBoTT, LL. I>. 55 parted and the seeming pleasure lie had in talking of our city and its inhabitants. With delight he looked ])ack upon the continuous labor of days and nights spent in the preparation and trial of causes at Concord and old Cambridge. For those who preceded him he had a great admiration, and as they gradually gave up active work, their places were ably filled by Judge Abl)ott and others well known to you older citizens of Lowell. To call the roll of the practi- tioners of that time would be to call Judge Abbott among the first, a position wdiich he took and creditably maintained among his later associates in Suffolk County. Reminiscences of those days as told by him, were most interesting, replete with happenings which would to-day astonish judges, attorneys and the public. He compared the practice at old Concord with a happy family, where the relations Ijetween judge, attorney and juror were most intimate, living together with one object in view, to wind up the business of the court with a care that a proper meed of justice was bestowed upon the litigants, for which each and every attorney struggled hard to get a goodly share for his particular client. Judge Abbott's varied experience taught hiin to appreciate the struggles of his younger associates. To them he had nothing but words of encouragement; for them he was ever ready with acts of kindness, and fi-oni them he never denied his sound advice, that success at the bar could only be had by hard, hard work, devotion to the Ijooks, exercise of perceptive faculties, a steady outlook and scrutiny of every day occurences in life, coupled with an understanding of the lessons taught from public practice in the courts. Such had been his own life, and his example in itself was wisdom, to say nothing of impress made by contact with him. 56 MEMOIR OF HON. ,IO.SlAll GAliD^■Eli AHliOTT, J.L. D. lie encouraged young men not to falter in their work before the criticisms of the pu1)lic on the lawyer ; for to him in every walk in life they were sure to come when thrown into troubles Avith their neighbors, whether on personal wrongs or wrongs done to their property. He was not inclined to harshness toward his younger opponents ; his relmkes would be conciliatory and well advised rather than critical; he abstained from doing any injury to their feeling unless he felt sure that there was an attempt to trick him, and then his manner would change ; though not often in open court, yet certainly in private he would take pains to bestow his kindly admonitions well laden with sound advice. Judge Abbott invariably treated his younger asso- ciates, who were with him in the same case, with marked consideration. He would carefully listen to their prep- arations before going into court, and when there w^ould never place them in an embarassing position, Init was ever on the alert to come to their aid wdien by force of circumstances his junior, through his own error, or the subtleties of their ^ opponents, w^ent Ijeyond his depth. By Avay of encouragement he woidd put i4)ou his junior associates all the burden of the fight that could be prop- erly entrusted to him without injury to his client's cause. His pui-pose was evidently to teach him to stand alone and gain confidence in himself. His noble form and dignified demeanor will be greatly missed from among them, and l)y you also, gentlenuni of the Old Residents' Association, who are gathered together here this evening out of affection and regard for his memory; and you should not forget that "Your kindly act is a kernal sown That will jirow to a goodly tree, ShedcUiii; its fruit wlum time has liown Down the irnll" of eternity." PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR THE COUNTY OK MIDDLESEX. Pursuant to notice previously published in Boston and Lowell newspapers, the Bar of Middlesex held a meeting in the County Court House at Lowell to take steps to pay a suitable tribute to Judge Abbott's mem- ory. The meeting was held on the fifth of April, 1892, and was well attended. Mr. Cowley, the senior counsel- lor present, called the meeting to order, and said: — Brethren of the Bar : — It would be a strange disregard of many api)roved jirecedents, if the Bar of the historic County of Middlesex, in which the late Josiah Gardner Abbott was born and bred, in which he first wore the robes of an honorable profession, in which he continued to prac- tice more or less until his death, and to which, by his high rej)utatiou as a lawyer, a judge, a statesman, a patriot, and the father of heroes and martyrs, he imparted increased renown, should give no formal expression of their appreciation of the loss which has been sustained by the Commonwealth by his death. The very walls of this court- house, which so often resounded with the echoes of his eloquent appeals to juries in years gone by, would rebuke such a disregard of ancient and approved custom, suggesting to our minds, if not sound- ing in our ears, the old exclamation, "Wist ye not that a prince, nay, a great man, has fallen down in Israel ? " The name of Judge Abbott is so enshrined in the memory of his coevals, both within and without the Bar, that there is no danger that it will be forgotten. The Old Residents'' Historical Association 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR. has already held a memorial meeting in his honor. Pul)Iic journals have shown a generous appreciation of his character ; and you, his professional brethren, have met here and now for the purpose of considering how you Avill express your sense of his worth and of the public loss. It seems desirable that some organization of this meet- ing should first be made. Is it your pleasure to choose a chairman? George F. Lawton, Esq., was chosen, and upon tak- ino- the chair said: — Brethren of the Middlesex Bar : — I thank you for the honor conferred upon me. Nearly all of us who meet here to-day were admitted to practice at this Bar after Judge Abbott removed from Lowell and from this county. But it is not presumptuous for us to claim a share in his great name and fame for old Middlesex. It is a duty that some memorial of him should be preserved with us, that some formal notice of his death should be taken by us. He lived in Lowell when he was called to the Bar. All the early part of his honorable career was here in Lowell. Those who remember Lowell at all in those days, will remember his stately form upon our streets. His stature, his figure, his face, his majestic mien, raised him as far above others as did his great abilities and his high character exalt him above ordinary men. He was of old New England stock. Doubtless much of it was 3^oeman stock. But where in the world have there been such yoe- men as in old Massachusetts in the last two hundred years? Those who are versed in his genealogy will perhaps be able to account for his great superiority by tracing his ancestry to a superior source. Of whatever blood he may have been, he was worthy to have sprung from kings. At all events he was noble, and by a better title than an inherited one. He was one of Nature's noblemen. Is it your purpose to complete the organization of this meeting by choosing a secretary? Harry A. Brown, Esq., son of Samuel Appleton Brown, for many years the hiw-partner of Mr. Abbott, was chosen as secretarj^, after which several members of the Bar spoke substantially as follows : PROCEEDINGS OF THE HAR. 59 REMARKS OF HON. F. T. GREENHALGE. Mr. Chairman: — It is eminently fitting that tliis Bar should participate in a tribute to Judge Abbott. He is identified with the best work of Lowell in its early and palmy days, and after he had gone to live in Boston, he continued to take a warm and affectionate interest in Lowell. He had spent many happy years here and the graves of his two heroic sons are here. I can give out of my own personal exj^erience an illustration of the interest he took in Lowell citizens. I was arguing a case before the full bench, as City Solicitor of Lowell — it was the case of Chase v. Lowell — Judge Abbott was present, and he ap- peared to give earnest attention to the argument. A day or two afterwards I received a most kindly letter from him saying how much he had been interested in the case, complimenting me very pleasantly upon my part in it, and asking me to dine with the Law Club, which was to meet at his house. And a most delightful dinner it was, and most delightful company, and delightful courtesy to my- self, especially from my host. His stateliness had nothing frigid about it, his courtesy nothing of condescension. His affability was marked by dignity and by sincerity. And as I have said, he seemed always eager to notice Lowell men and never lost his interest in Lowell affairs. Many members of the Bar here present can testify to the genial and noble traits of which I speak. REMARKS OF JOHN MARREN, ESQ. Mr. Chairman: — I was born and brought up in Lowell, and from my earliest childhood I knew Colonel J. G. Abbott (for that was the title he bore when I was a boy, and when he was on Governor Morton's staff), and I always admired that commanding figure, that frank open face, that full voice, and that earnest manner of speaking, by which he moved and led many a public assembly. I was one of those who, though compelled by force of circumstances to earn a hving by working in the factories, felt strong intellectual cravings which could not be satisfied except by books and study. I became a member of the Mathew Institute, a society composed of the cream of the sons of the Irish immigrants in Lowell, devoted to mutual improvement. About the year 1850, 1 had a particular friend in that society who was studying law in the office of Abbott & Brown, and 50 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BAR. who was afterwards on General Butler's staff — Caj^tain Peter Hag- gerty, wlio died at Now Orleans during the war. As I often called on Ilaggerty at that office, I became acquainted with Colonel Abbott and his law-partner, Samuel A. Brown. At first, Colonel Abbott seemed cold and distant, too aristocratic to waste his time in talking to me. But as soon as he found that I was earnestly trying to learn the true merits of questions that came up for discussion, I got his sympathy at once, and he often aided me, as Avell as Haggerty, with facts and suggestions. I shared in the excitement of the agitation for the ten-hour law, and it was my dehght to address the workingmen of Lowell in be- half of that measure, and there were two or three occasions when, through Colonel Abbott's influence, I got invitations to speak at public meetings of the Democracy. The names of Abbott and But- ler were on all men's tongues as local leaders of the Democratic party, and of the Coalition, which elected George S. Boutwell as Governor and Charles Sumner as United States Senator, and cleared the way for many reforms. Judge Abbott was a true leader of the Democratic party, and I followed him with the same zeal with which the old Scottish clansmen followed Roderick Dhu. They swore by their chieftain's hat, and I swore by Colonel Abbott's polished beaver. In 1878, the year of the great split in the Democratic party, I was one of those who voted for Abbott for governor. That year the candidates of all the politi- cal parties for governor were, or had been, Lowell men — Abbott and Butler, the Democratic candidates ; A. A. Miner, the Prohibitionist, and Thomas Talbot, the Republican, who beat them all. I knew Ju Brown, ever had cause to blame himself for not having it put in black and white. All the agreements made between that firm and the office of Butler & Webster, were made orally, excepting those which the law or the rules of court required to be made in writing. In later years, when I have found myself, again and again, the victim of misplaced confidence in the oral agreements of other counsel, I have thought how much pleasanter the practice of law would be, how much more life would be worth living, if all lives were controlled by the same high principles which controlled his life. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR. 73 I would not violate the proprieties, I might say the sanctities, of this hour which your Honor has dedicated to Judge Abbott's memory, by introducing any subject of controversy, and I shall not do so by referring to his course as a member of the electoral com- mission of 1877, and particularly to his course as a member of the Congress to which that commission reported its decisions touching the electoral votes of the four contested states. As is well known, he was one of the minority of seven, against the majority of eight. But there are comparatively few who know how great a service he rendered to the country by insisting on carrying into effect the decisions of that majority when they came up for action in Congress. "The austere glory of suffering to save the Union," in the judgment of Kufus Choate, was the highest glory of Daniel Webster, By the sacrifices which he made in seating President Hayes, the same "austere glory" was won by Judge Abbott. Among the Democrats then in Congress, particularly in the House of Representatives, there were many who smarted under the feeling that their candidate had been defrauded, and who strongly favored resort to extreme measures to prevent the consummation of the work of the commission. This could only be done by obstruct- ing in Congress the counting of the electoral votes which the com- mission, by a vote of eight to seven, had decided to be entitled to be counted ; and they undertook, by every variety of argument, and by every form of persuasion, to induce Mr. Abbott to co-operate with them to that end ; but he stubbornly refused. Finding it impossible to secure any sort of active assistance from him, they called on him and labored with him all night, making the most urgent efforts to induce him to aid them passively by abstinence from action. Amon(»- other suggestions pressed upon him, perhaps the most plausible was this, that having voted in the commission against counting the Hayes electors from Florida and Louisiana, he was not obliged to vote for them in the House. No effort was spared, first, to induce him to absent himself fiom his seat in the House when the votes Avere to be counted ; second (failing in the first), to induce him to refraiti from speaking in the House in support of the decisions of the commissioti, from which he himself had dissented ; third (failing in the second), to induce hira to refrain from voting in the House in favor of those decisions. All these appeals, though made by his political friends, he met with an emphatic No. Nothing could induce liiin to ignore the distinction between his duty as a member of tiie House and his duty as a member of the commission. He held himself and his party bound to abide in good faith by the decisions of the majority ^^ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR. of the commission, though he denounced those decisions as utterly wrong. He saw clearly, though he bitterly regretted it, that the decisions of the majority of the commission left the United States no alternative but to seat Mr. Hayes under the forms of the constitu- tion, though in violation of its spirit, or to permit General Grant to hold over as president by consent ; and like a true patriot he rose above party, and assisted in counting for Hayes all the votes which the commission had decided to belong to Hayes. Seldom has the patriotism of a public man successfully borne such a test. No advantage to his own party could tempt him to contribute, either actively or passively, to dispense with the forms of the constitution. He saw that future presidents would come and go, as past presidents had come and gone, like shadows; but that ''government of the peo- ple, by the people, for the people," could only be preserved by a firm adherence to constitutional forms. Time has approved his decision. It seemed to me entirely proper that I should recall the memory of this great episode in Judge Abbott's public life, here in the county which gave him birth. Of the fifteen members of that electoral commission, two were natives of Middlesex — Judge Abbott and Senator Hoar. General Garfield was not born in this county, but his ancestors were, and one of the purposes for which he left the White House on the morning when he was shot, was to visit the homes of those ancestors in two Middlesex towns. Middlesex County was well represented on that commission. She has generally been well represented on great occasions. I am glad to see her so well and so largely represented here to-day.* REMARKS OF JUDGE RICHARDSON. Gentlemen of the Bar : — There is a propriety, as you have so well said, in your selection of a court in this county in which to present this expression of your respect for the character, and tribute to the memory, of your dis- tinguished brother ; not that his professional work was all, or even *Hon. William D. Noitlieiid of Salem, who was expected to be present as a repre- sentative of the Essex Bar, was prevented by his duties elsewhere from laying liis wreath upon the bier of his friend of many years. As a member of the State Senate in 1861, he was peculiarly cognizant of the part taken by Judge Abbott at the beginning of the Confederate War; how he urged the calling of a special session of the l.egislature, the establishment of camps of instruction and other war measures. Governor Andrew wrote to .senator Northend. urging him to confer with Judge Abbott as to the best measures to meet the new conditions which the war had created. With characteristic foresight, the Governor wrote, " When we get a session of the Legislature, we ought to be prepared in advance with bills approved by leading meml)ers of the Senate and House, so that uo time shall be lost by delays or by casting about for a policy." PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR. ^^ chiefly, done here, for we know thmt it was not ; but because at the Bar in this county was the beginning of his long and notable career as a lawyer, and he Avas prominently and actively identified with many large business enterprises, and with the growth of the laroest city, located in this county ; and it is fit that where the foundation of his career was laid and formed, should be found this record of your appreciation and approval, at its completion. Not only that. I think that however much he may have valued the good opinion of the world in general, he especially prized the favorable judgment of you, who were in practice with him at this Bar, and who knew him so intimately and so long. Judge Abbott resigned from the Bench of the Superior Court for the County of Suffolk in 1858, about two years before the pres- ent Superior Court was established. I have always supposed that he could have gone upon the Bench again if he desired, but that active practice at the Bar, with its greater personal freedom, was more congenial and attractive to him, and it certainly was more lucrative. For many years after his resignation he enjoyed a large and remun- erative practice, and became an authority in the law of railroad cor- porations, a branch or body of law which he saw grow up and develop into a system of laws and regulations of such magnitude, that their due administration occupies a very considerable part of the time of legislatm'es and courts. He lived in a famous period of the Middlesex Bar. One of his biographers has said that Webster was educated into a lawyer by being often opposed by Jeremiah Mason. Judge Abbott had hardly less advantageous instruction — or discipline — from the group of very great lawyers of this Middlesex Bar, whom he used to meet a quarter of a century or more ago, several of whom, at a venerable age, prove by their presence and words here to-day, their sincere respect for the life and character which you have briefly, but so well, described in your memorial address. He enjoyed the advantage of membership in another body of remarkable men, which, from the accounts which have come down to lis in many ways concerning them, as well as from the published proceedings, was not only a distinction but must have been itself a liberal education, at least upon great questions of the first importance in the administration of law in the Commonwealth. I refer to the Constitutional Convention of 185B, in which were Choate, Bartlett, Rantoul, Hillard, Butler, Dana, Mortoij, Otis P. Lord, Greenleaf, Train, Prince, Aldrich, Charles Allen, Hallett, Dawes, Sumner, Peleg Yg PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR. Sprague, Joel Parker, Nathan Hale, and others like them, constitut- ino- an assemblage of men which, for learning, ability, and high char- acter, I think, has not been surpassed in this country in this century. I first knew Judge Abbott when I was a student in an office with which he had much business, and from that time to the time of his last appearance in court — about thirty years — I met him very often, and whether for business or otherwise, always with pleasure. He sympathized with a young lawyer who had to depend upon him- self. He looked at life and business seriously and was always in earnest. Perhaps he needed, in the later years of his life, greater occasions than the ordinary contentions in our courts to call out his full power ; at least, I had this impression after hearing,'about twelve years ago, an argument of very great power and eloquence made by him in the Supreme Court of the United States, when it was obvious that he felt the stimulus incident to addressing that great tribunal in an important cause.* But he was not a lawyer merely. He was a student, a great reader of books, a man of business, and took an active interest in public affairs. He held many positions of confidence and trust, and honorably performed his duty in them all. He hated shams,;pretence, and hypocrisy, and did not deny himself the pleasure of showing it when in his opinion he ought to do so. He had a positive individu- ality. He was loyal to his cause, his clients, and his friends. Socially he was a dignified, courtly, gracious gentleman. The record to be made here now is of no consequence to him, but it concerns us, and is of interest to the Commonwealth. It is important that it be made certain that every person who renders conspicuous service to the Commonwealth, who contributes to her prosperity, to her power, or to her honor, shall in his appropriate place, have that share in her good name, and that place in her annals, which he deserves. In compliance with your request, your memorial, with a memo- randum of these proceedings, will be placed upon the records of the court, and, as a further mark of respect, the court will adjourn. * This was the case of Land Company v. Daniel Saunders, lOS'United States Keports. 316. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR ASSOCIATION THE CITY OK BOSTON. At a meeting of the Bar Association of the City of Boston, held Oct. 8, 1892, John A. Loring, Esq., said he had been requested by the committee appointed at a previous meeting to prepare a resolution with regard to the death of Judge Abbott, consisting of Messrs. Causten Browne (chairman), Benjamin Dean, and Jabez A. Saw- yer, to present the following resolution, which he then read : — Resolved, That the secretary be directed to place on record the follomng expression of the sense of the Association with regard to the deatli of the late Josiah G. Abbott. Josiah Gardner Abbott, an honored member of the Boston Bar Association, born at Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Nov. 1, 1814, was graduated at Harvard in 1832, admitted to the Bar in 1837, served as Associate Justice of the then Superior Court of the City of Boston from 1855 to 1858, and upon his resignation of that office, took up his residence at Boston, and continued in the practice of law as a member of the Suffolk Bar until his death at his home in AVellesley, Massachusetts, June 2, 1891. The professional career indicated thus briefly was in a very hio-h degree useful, honorable, aifd distinguished. Brother Abbott'was a well-read and broad-minded lawyer, a judicious and candid adviser, an earnest, able and eloquent advocate, an upright," fearless, vigorous, justice-loving judge. All liis professional work bore the stamp of clear intelligence, purity of purpose, manliness, frankness, and integrity. h\ his inter- 78 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BAR. course with the brethren of the Bar, tliey found him always straight- forward and magnanimous, dignified and courteous, intolerant only of chicane, affectation, or trifling, a knightly foe, and a steadfast and loyal friend. His professional career throughout stood for an example of the liest principle and the best conduct, and is remembered by us to-day as a valuable part of the heritage of the Bar. Called, on many occasions, to iindertake important duties in pub- lic life, he acquitted himself always Avith honor and distinction ; and the Bar joins with the public in recognizing our common debt of gratitude for his services, his influence, and his example as a citizen of our Commonwealth and country. [Signed.] Causten Browne, Benjamin Dean, Jabez a. Sawyer. REMARKS OF JOHN A. LORING, ESQ. It were vain for me, Mr. President, to attempt to add to Avhat these resolutions so truly and emphatically express in regard to our late deceased brother. The first I ever heard of Judge Abbott was when I was a lad in the town of Andover, where I was born ; and his first American ancestor was one of the first settlers of that town, and his descendants are scattered throughout various sections of the country, and many of them are in the old town now. The first I knew of him was as a leading Democrat at Lowell, and after that as a leading member of the Bar of Middlesex County, and afterwards as a Judge of the Superior Court and as a leading lawyer in Suffolk County. I have been associated with him, and have been against him, and never did I meet with more courteous treatment from any brother in the profession than from him. lie was my friend, and for the last ten years I have known him inti- mately, and have seen him in the private walks of life — in his own household. He was a model husband and father. His abilities are recognized by all, and also his fairness and magnanimity. I Avill add to the resolution offered by the committee, the following : Resolved, That a coj)y of these resolutions l)e furnished to the family of the deceased. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR. 79 REMARKS OF WILLIAM G. RUSSELL, ESQ. There is an age at which it is becoming that one should speak on an occasion like this ; there is an age at which it is more becoming to be present and to be silent! It may be that, for me, the latter period is reached. Be that as it may, I cannot be silent where silence would seem to indicate failure to recognize the worth of one who M^as a friend for more than forty years. Strength and vigor were the striking characteristics of Judge Abbott. They were illustrated in every feature, every line, of his marked countenance, and of his manly form as he strode along the city street or the country by-way, or stood at the Bar, or sat in council. The strength and vigor were intellectual or they were physical. They were demonstrated in a long life of contest at the Bar, in the j^olitical arena, and in the short term of service upon the Bench, in which he showed his ca})acity to fill any judicial position however high. It is not of those traits, however, that I would now s})eak ; but rather of those personal traits which attracted and attached to Judge Abbott those who came within the closer sphere and knew him inti- mately. In his terse way he would say of another, " He had a heart as biff as an ox." I am sure that is what he would best like to have said of himself, and it is truth to say it. He was warm-blooded, warm-hearted, earnest, impulsive, vehement in expressing what he sincerely felt. This gave him half his force — it gave him much more than half his power to charm. He had a high, keen sense of honor. In a time and country where the code of honor, so-called, prevailed, it may well be supposed that he would not have gone through life unscathed, or at least without meeting an adversary • for he had, as he transmitted, fighting blood. Yet in council and in action he was calm and judicious in matters involving personal right and honor. More than once when some younger brother has come for aid on questions of personal or ^professional conduct. Judge Abbott's advice has been sought, and on such questions his judg- ment always rang true. No man in si;ch case, under his advice, ever sacrificed his self-respect, many a one has avoided a needless quar- rel. It is not a paradox that the best fighter may be the best peace-maker. Judge Abbott was at times hasty in speech. It is possible to respect, it is difiicult to find one who never is so. But he had that 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAR. innate kindness of heart which Avill cause to be blotted from the record many a stray expression, and Mall place in its stead many an act of charity, good feehng and brotherly love. That record is made up, and it is one of which we, his brethren, may well make note, and in which we may well take pride. The question being put the resolutions were unani- mously adopted. APPENDIX. Draft of the Address Prepared for the Minority OF THE Electoral Commission of 1877, BY THE HON. JOSIA.H G. ABBOTT, LL.D. The following is the text of the proposed address of the minority of the electoral commission of 1877, protesting against the decisions of the majority of that commission; referred to on pages 39, 44, 45, 73 and 74 of this volume : — To the People of the United States : — The minority of the joint commission established by the act of Congress of Jan. 27, 1877, to decide questions arising in the count of the electoral votes, desire to address the people of the whole country on the subjects submitted to and decided by that commission. No more important questions can ever come before any tribunal or people for consideration and determination. Upon their determi- nation depends who shall be the president of this country, and whether he shall owe that great office to the free, honest choice of the people, or to bribery, forgery and gross fraud. The minority of that commission, by the law establishing it, had no opportunity of reporting the reasons for their action to the two Houses of Congress. The presence of a stenographer at these con- sultations was denied, so that no record thereof exists. No way is open to those who did not join in, but on the contrary protested against, the decisions of the commission, to make public their pro- test except by this address. The returns of the electoral vote of four states — Florida, Louisiana, Oregon and South Carolina — were submitted to and decided upon by the commission. go APPENDIX. FLOKIDA. In the case of Florida there were three certificates. The first, signed by the governor, certified that the four Hayes electors were elected according to the law of Florida and the acts of Congress. The second was signed by the attorney general, and the third by the governor elected on the seventh of November last ; and both certi- fied the election of the Tilden electors. The attorney general was one of the three persons first canvassing the votes. To the third certificate were attached certified copies of all the returns of votes from every precinct in the state, which were origi- nally made to the secretary of the state, together with an act of the Legislature providing for a new canvass of the vote, according to the law as it had been decided by the Supreme Court, and the result of the new canvass thus ordered. It was offered to be proved, and it was not denied that such was the fact, that by counting all the votes returned to the secretary of state, according to the law of Florida as expounded by the Su})reme Court, the Tilden electors had been duly elected. It was offered to be proved, and was not denied, that the Tilden electors commenced proceedings in quo loarranto against the Hayes electors in the court of that state having jurisdiction by its consti- tution, notice of which was served on the latter before they gave their votes, and as soon as they were declared elected, and which was prosecuted to this judgment — that the Hayes electors had not been elected and had no title to the office, but that the Tilden elec- tors had been legally elected and were entitled to the office. It was offered to be proved, and was not denied, that the two canvassers who had made the certificate of election of the Hayes electors, which by the law of Florida was made only prima facie evidence, had erred in their construction of the law and exceeded their jurisdiction by so doing, in their canvass of votes on which the certificate was based. Thus, it was offered to be proved, and the facts were not denied that the governor's certificate given to the Hayes electors was false, and that the determination and certificate of two of the three who made up the board of canvassers was false in fact and in violation of the laws of Florida, and that in making it the two had exceeded their jurisdiction. It was offered to be proved that the Supreme Court of Florida had, in effect, decided that the two canvassers had made a false certificate and exceeded their jurisdiction, and that the APPENDIX. 83 Circuit Court bad so decided. It was offered to be proved tbat botb tbe Legislature and tbe executive of tbe state bad so determined and bad attempted by all means in tbeir power to prevent tbe state being defrauded of its true and real vote. Tbe majority of tbe commission decided tbat tbe determination and certificate of two of a board of tbree canvassers, witb minis- terial powers only, and wbicb by law was prima facie^ not con- clusive, evidence, must stand and decide tbe great question of tbe presidency, althougb it could clearly be proved to be false in fact, and tbat in making it tbe two canvassers bad exceeded tbeir jurisdic- tion and autbority, as beld by tbe Supreme Court of tbe state, and altbougb tbe Legislature and governor bad botb declared it false? and tbat by giving effect to it tbe state would be defrauded of its true and real vote; and altbougb tbe electors, in wbose favor it was made, bad been declared by tbe courts not to bave been elected. Tbe injustice of tbis decision was tbe more marked and flagrant by contrast. All tbe state oflicers, from tbe governor down, wbo were voted for on tbe same ticket with tbe Tilden electors, and bad been counted out by tbe same two canvassers, at tbe same time, and by tbe same canvass by wbicb tbe latter were counted out, bad been declared elected by tbe action of tbe bigbest court of tbe state, and are now and bave been bolding tbeir several ofiices to tbe general contentment of tbe citizens of Florida. But tbe Hayes electors alone are permitted by tbis decision to consummate tbe wrong, and act in offices to wbicb tbey were never elected. Against tbis decision of tbe commission tbe undersigned pro- tested and now protest as wrong in law, bad in morals, and worse in tbe consequences wbicb it entails on a great country. It gives absolute power to two inferior ministerial officei's to witbbold tbeir determination till tbe day wben tbe electoral vote is cast, as was done in tbis case, and then give tbe vote of a state to a candidate who has never received it, as was done in tbis case, and tells tbe people there is no redress for such an outrage. It is a decision admirably calculated to encourage fraud, and ensure its being perpetrated witb success and impunity. It is a decision by wbicb the people of a state may be defrauded and robbed of their dearest rights by a few unprincipled wretches, and be then compelled to acquiesce in tbe great wrong. It is decision claimed to be based on tbe doctrine of state rights, but, in fact, is in direct conflict with that grand doctrine, for by it, states and the peoples of states can be stripped of their rights and liberties, with no power to resist. 84 APPENDIX. We protest against the decision finally because by it the people of the whole United States are defrauded and cheated ; because by it, a person is put into the great office of president, who has never been chosen according to the Constitution and law, and whose only title depends on the false and fraudulent certificate of two men in the state of Florida, instead of a majority of the legal voices of the whole people, declared through and by their electoral colleges. LOUISIANA. In the case of Louisiana, the decision of a majority of the com- mission is a stupendous wrong to the people of that state, and all the other states, and in defiance of all right, justice, law, and fair dealing among men. The law of that state establishes a returning board to consist of five persons of different parties, with power to fill vacancies, and to canvass and compile the returns of votes from the different parishes I and precincts, and declare the result. The board is given power and I jurisdiction, provided affidavits are annexed to and received with the return from any precinct or parish, to inquire whether intimida- tion has existed, and if it is established to throw out the return for '\ such parish ; but this jurisdiction is carefully confined to cases where affidavits are attached to and returned with the returns of the votes ; in no other case whatsoever is the power to reject votes given. It was offered to be proved, and was not denied, that the board giving the certificate to the Hayes electors consisted of four persons j — all of the Republican party — instead of five persons of different I parties, as required by law ; that these four members had been re- quested and required by Democrats to fill the vacancy with a Demo- crat, but had uniformly refused to do so. It was offered to be proved, also, that this board of four persons — all of the Republican party — in order to perpetrate the frauds with ease and impunity, employed five disreputable persons as clerks and assistants, all of whom had been convicted, or were under indict- ment, for various offences, ranging from subordination of perjury up to murder. Indictment, at least, if not conviction, seemed the only admitted qualification of employment by that extraordinary board. It was offered to be proved, and was not denied, that this board, in order to give the certificate of election to the Hayes electors, had rejected ten thousand votes, and this was done, although not a return thrown out had been accompanied by the requisite affidavit to give juriijdiction to act at all. APPENDIX. 85 It was offered to be proved that the members of this returning board in order to give the certificate of election to the Hayes electors, had resorted to and used affidavits known by them to be false and forged, had themselves been guilty of forgery, and had been paid for making their determination, thus adding bribery to the catalogue of their crimes. Numerous other corrupt and fraudulent practices were offered to be proved against the members of this returning board, among the least of which was a wicked conspiracy to rob the people of Louisiana of their rights and liberties. The decision of a majority of the commission rejected all this evidence, and held that the certificate of election given to the Hayes I electors must stand, and could not be inquired into, if all such offers of proof could be substantiated. By that decision the people of the United States are told that the certificate of a board constituted in direct defiance of the law establishing it, and made by grasping a jurisdiction never granted to it, arrived at by forgery, perjury, wicked conspiracy, and the grossest i, frauds, and finally bought and paid for, must stand, and cannot be ; set aside ; that although thus steeped in sin and iniquity, it must make the chief magistrate of a great, free, and intelligent people. The undersigned protest against this decision, also, as bad in law, worse in morals, and absolutely ruinous in its consequences. They denounce it in the presence of the people of the United States, and in the face of the world, because, if intended and de- signed for such a purpose, it could not have been more cunningly contrived than it is to encourage the grossest frauds, conspiracies and corruptions in the election of a president. They denounce it, because it will debase the national character, deaden the public conscience, and encourage fraud and corruption in all the public and private transactions and business of the people. They denounce it, because for the first time it declares to the people that by their organic law, the Constitution, it is ordained that a man may seek for, obtain, and hold this great office of chief magis- trate of two and forty millions of freemen by fraud and cheating. Nay, more, that he may openly buy the votes to elect himself, and pay down the price when the purchase is consummated by the count by the two Houses of Congress, and call them to witness the payment; and that there is no help for it but revolution. They denounce it, because, in effect, it puts up the great office of president at auction, and says to the whole world that it may be gg APPENDIX. bought in safety, and that there is no way known to man by which the title by purchase can be disputed or gainsaid. OREGON. In the Oregon case, a certificate signed by the governor and secretary of state, and under the great seal of the state, certified to the election of two Hayes and one Tilden elector. The three Hayes electors produced no certification of election signed by any person — only a certificate of certain results — from which it was claimed that it could be inferred who were elected. The law of Oregon required a list of the persons elected to be signed by the governor and secretary of state, under the great seal, and this requirement, as well as that of the acts of Congress, was fully met and satisfied by the first certificate. There was no certificate in the second case in any manner complying with the laws of Oregon or the acts of Congress. Yet by the decision of the commission, the first certificate was rejected and the second taken, although clearly neither in conformity with state or federal law. The undersigned voted against counting the vote of the Tilden elector, because, notwithstanding the certificate of the governor and secretary of state, they were satisfied he had not been elected by the people of Oregon, and that his vote would not have been the true vote of that state. The majority of the commission decided to set aside and reject the certificate and return, precisely the same in character that they had hoUlen to be conclusive against all evidence in the Florida and liOuisiana cases. They adopted and acted on a certificate insufficient if they regarded their former rulings, under any law, state or national. The undersigned denounce the Oregon decision as utterly at war with and reversing the rule established in the two former cases, and because it changes the law to meet tlie wants of the case, establish- ing dilTerent rules applicable to the same facts to bring about a desired result. In the Florida case, where the evidence failed to establish the fact, the majority of the commission voted to receive evidence to prove one elector held an ofHce of profit and trust under the United States when appointed. In the Louisiana case, where there was no doubt that two elec- tors held such offices when appointed, it was voted not to receive APPENDIX. 87 evidence of the fact, because it was not offered to be proved that they continued to hold sucli offices where they voted. Apparently, the rules change as the requirements of the case change. SOUTH CAROLINA. In South Carolina the undersigned voted against the Tilden ( electors being declared elected, because they had not received a majority of the votes of the people. In t^^at case it was offered to be proved, in substance, that United States troops in large numbers were sent to the state before the election, for the purpose of influencing and controlling ihe votes to be given thereat, by interfering with and overawing the people, and that the militia of the state was used for the same purjjose; that the polls were surrounded by armed bands, who by violence and force prevented any exercise of the right of suffrage except on one side ; in fact, that tlie election was controlled by the armed forces of the state and nation, and a resort to all manner of brutality) violence, and cruelty, and was not free. The majority of the commission refused to admit the evidence, on grounds that would fairly warrant a president of the United States in using the wliole arroy to take possession of all the ballot boxes in any slate, and allow no voting except for himself if he was a candidate for re-election, or for his party, and which would require both Houses of Congress to recount the vole so obtained, and to give him the fruits of such a wilful and wicked violation of all con- stitutional law and right. If any decision better calculated to destroy the liberty of a free people, to destroy all faith in a llepublican form of government, a government of the ])eople by the j)eople, could be devised and con- . trived, the undersigned have not been able to discover it. They denounce the decision as an outrage upon the rights of all the people, and, if sustained, and acted on, as the utter ruin of our institutions and government. The foregoing is a brief statement of the action of the commis- sion. To defeat that action the undersigned have done all in their power. They protested against it before it was accomplished, and they protest against it now. They know the commission was established to receive evidence, not to shut it out. 88 APPENDIX. They know the conscience of this great people was troubled by fear that any one should obtain the high office of president by fraud, cheating and conspiracy, and that it demanded that the charges and counter-charges of corrupt practices in reference to the election in three states should be honestly investigated and inquired into, not established and sanctified, by refusing all inquiry and examination. They know the conscience of the whole people approved the law establishing the commission, nay, hailed it with joy, because it established, as all believed, a fair tribunal, to examine, to inquire into, and determine the charges of fraud and corruption in the elec- tion of three states; and they believe that this conscience has been terribly disappointed and shocked by the action of the commission, which establishes fraud and legalizes its perpetration, instead of inquiring into and condemning it. The undersigned believe the action of the majority of the com- mission to be wrong, dangerous, nay, ruinous in its consequences and effects. It tends to destroy the rights and liberties of the states and of the United States and the people thereof ; because by it states may be robbed of their votes for president with impunity, and the people of the United States have foisted upon them a chief magistrate, not by their own free choice honestly expressed, but by practices too foul to be tolerated in a gambling hell. By the action of the commissson, the American people are com- manded to submit to one as their chief magistrate who was never elected by their votes, whose only title depends on fraud, corruption, and conspiracy. A person so holding that great office is an usurper, and should be and will be so held by the people. As much an usurper as if he had signed and held it by military force ; in either case, he equally holds against the consent of the people. Let the people rebuke and overrule the action of the commis- sion. The only hope of the country rests on this being done, and done speedily and effectually, so that it may never become a prece- dent to sustain wrong and fraud ia the future. It is the first and highest duty of all good citizens who love their country to right this foul wrong, as soon as it may be done under the Constitution and laws. Let it be done so thoroughly, so signally, so effectually, that no encouragement shall be given to put a second time so foul a blot on our national escutcheon. APPENDIX. 89 The original manuscript of the foregoing address was destroyed ; but the proof-sheets, corrected by Judge Abbott, have been preserved, bound together, and phaced on private deposit in the PubUc Library of the City of Boston, where they are marked and numbered H 90a 11. These proof-sheets bear the following endorsement in Judge Abbott's own hand : " This address was drawn up by me at the request of some of the minority members of the electoral commission, to whom it was submitted, and approved by them. But some doubted the wisdom of publishing the address at the time, and so it was not signed. "J. G. Abbott." This proposed address was first published in the twenty-seventh volume of the Magazine of American History, February, 1892, pp. 81-92, as an important historical state paper, eminently worthy of consideration and preservation. The arguments made by Judge Abbott in the con- sultations of the commission on the cases of Florida, Louisiana, Oregon and South Carolina, are reported, in substance, on pages 932-955, of the volume printed by Congress, entitled, '' Count of Electoral Votes : Proceed- ings of Congress and Electoral Commission, 1877." They are specimens of his best work in advocacy. He never put forth his full powers except when he had a cause to establish, or an opponent to demolish; and when he had several opponents, he always grappled with the strongest, l^hus, in discussing the case of Florida, he grappled with Senator Edmunds, Senator Morton, and (though he does not mention him by name or office) with Judge Bradley, whom the democrats had ex- pected to vote with them, but who finally, perhaps 90 APPENDIX. through the influence of Judge Miller,* voted with the republicans. In discussing the case of Louisiana, in the commis- sion, Judge Abbott aimed his guns directly at Miller, citing against him his own decision in the case of Schenck V. Peay,t turned Miller's own batteries against him, and closed this argumentum ad homimcm by saying : •" I commend this decision of Mr. Justice Miller to the care- ful consideration of Mr. Commissioner Miller." At this point, the sensation in the commission was intense. The words above quoted were toned down by Judge Abbott in the published report. In discussing the case of Oregon, he again "locked horns" with the senators from Vermont and Indiana — Edmunds and Morton ; and in discussing the case of South Carolina, he had another shot at Judge Bradley. It is not, however, proposed to consider the doings of the commission here,| but only to call attention to theni as showing how well Judge Abbott sustained himself in that conflict of giants in, perhaps, the highest tlieatre in which he ever exercised his marvellous powers. Judge Abbott and Samuel J. Tilden had been per- sonal and political friends for many years. They had been in the Free Soil movement together in 1848. One of the judge's sons, Franklin Pierce Abbott, had studied law in Mr. Tilden's office. When he saw that there was to be trouble over the counting of the electoral votes, *Mr. Seymour D. Thompson writes: "Bradley had drawn np an opinion on the other side of the Florida question, but Miller argued with him so strongly that he induced him to change his views." — 20 American Law Review, p. 43'J, May-June, 1892. t Woolworth's U. S. Circuit Court Keports, 175. t For a republican view of the electoral commission, see Blaine's Twenty Years in Congress; for a democratic view, see Cox's Three Decades of Federal Legislation; for a foreign view, see Bryce's American Commonwealth. Other views might be cited, but no stuaent of our political history, and no lawyer, should fail to read the volume above quoted, published by Congress. APPENDIX. 92 Judge Abbott called on Mr. Tilden at his house in Gra- mercy Park, and had a long interview with him. Find- ing Mr. Tilden undecided, he urged him to consider the situation well, and to announce some course which his supporters might follow. The situation called for reso- lute action. But Mr. Tilden did not — perhaps he could not — determine upon any policy. In this supreme crisis of his life he seemed paralyzed and incajDable to act. As Rufus Choate said on a different occasion, " He saw the situation ; he hesitated — and was lost, lost, LOST ! " JUDGE ABBOTT S LETTER DECLINING THE NOMINATION FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL. The following is the original draft of Judge Abbott's letter to the president and secretary of the Republican State Convention of 1861, declining the nomination for attorney-general, referred to on pages 23 and 24. The sentence enclosed in square brackets is omitted in the letter as published by Mr. Stockwell in the Boston Jour- Uiii at the time : Boston, 14th of October, 1861. Hon. II. L. Dawes, President, Stephen N. Stockwell, Esq., Secretary. Gentlemen : — Your favor of the third instant, directed to me at Lowell, reached rae some days since. In it you inform me of my nomination for the office of attorney-general by delegates from all parts of the Commonwealth assembled in convention at Worcester. I desire to express through their officers my sincere acknowledgment to the gentlemen of that convention for this kind and entirely unex- pected exjiression of their consideration. I have carefullv and anxiously considered and weighed the matter. The offer of so im- portant and honorable an office from those differing from me on political subjects, is necessarily gratifying, and from that fact the 92 APPENDIX, more embarrassing, but for reasons upon the whole satisfactory to my own mind, not necessary to be given, I do not feel compelled by an imperative sense of dut}" to accept the nomination, and therefore must respectfully decline it. Permit me to add that I take this course from no want of feeling for, or interest in, the great good cause — that of the Government, the Constitution, and the Laws. In this war now being waged against the nation, I know of but one great absorbing question of political duty and that is, how shall the government and the laws be sustained, established and maintained throughout the length and breadth of the land. All other considerations in reference to our political action fade into insignificance in its presence. To solve it successfully I am wiUing to do and to suffer to the end. I yield to no one in my devotion, to the extent of my means and abilities, to the Constitution and its establishment in all its integrity. [We have now but one all controlling political duty, and that is to bring all that there is of power and strength in the loyal states and people to crush rebellion and punish traitors until that Constitution and those laws, which South as well as North helped to make, and solemnly agreed to, and under whose protection both have lived and ])rospered, shall be respected and obeyed from the extremest limits of Maine to those of Texas.] This contest now going on seeks to impose no l>urden on the South not equally borne by the North. We are obliged to submit to and obey the laws — they of the South must be compelled to like submission and obedience. Until that time comes he is aiding the public enemy who suggests compromise with armed rebels. The Constitution, pure and simple, should be the Avatchword of all true and loyal men until armed resistance to law- ful authority is once for all effectually ended. In common with all others who love their country, I pray with all my heart and soul for that good time when the mighty power and strength of twenty millions of freemen, rich in all the arts of civiU- zation, intelligent and brave, may be so put forth and directed to sustain the best government ever devised by the vat of man as for- ever to crush out this wicked rebellion against law and right. Let the government strike quickly, heavily, and overwhelmingly, and it will command all of the lives and the means of good and true men. I remain, gentlemen, with much respect, Your obedient servant, J. G. Abbott. J L!"fnJ^^^.' ^is-'s "^1 '4^ 'i^"*-'-^. m-r ^ %*^^:!|%^,i^^*^^ 1* '^^^e&^'i?'- 'i^- / ^ T^^Jt^ . f^