Class _iL^il7 Copyright N^___^_l__ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. OH! FOR ANOTHER LINCOLN Bp WESLEY FRANCIS PENROSE, O. D. Published by Weslejr Francis Penrose, O. D. Chicago fs^it -1 ^z C CI.A28<);4 Francis Penrose, O. D. The marriage of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks look place on JUNE 12th, 1806, Washington County, Kentucky. Abraham Lincoln was born FEBRUARY 12. 1809, Hardin County, Kentucky. (The name of this County has been changed.) Abraham Lincoln's mother died in 1818. Thomas Lincoln married Sally Bush Johnston, December 2, 1819. Abraham Lincoln was captain in the Black Hawk War in 1832. Licensed to practice law in 1837. Joinl debate with Stephen A. Douglas, 1858. Elected to presidency, 1860. Wounded by J. Wilkes Booth, April 14th; died April 15th, 1865.— Buried at Springfield, Illinois, May 4th. "I do the very best I know how ; the very best I can ; and I mean to keep doing so to the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said AGAINST me won't amount to anything." "I am not bound to win but I am bound to be true— I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live up to what light I have — I must stand with anybody that stands right: Stand with him WHILE HE IS RIGHT and PART with him when he GOES WRONG." — Abraham Lincoln. Price 25 cents. li^ TEB If W^ LB S '12