Class Book / THE HI 8TOET STEPHENSON COUNTY. ILLIx\OIS, CONTAINING % ]| istorq; uF lip Somthj, its Stltes, Uoums, &t., Biographical Sketches of Citizens, War Record of its Volunteers < in the late Rebellion, General and Local Statistics, Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men, History of the Northwest, History of Illinois, Map of Stephenson County, Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, &c, &e. &4 $71 • &y ■ ILIiTTSTDR.A.TIEI}. CHICAGO : WESTERN HISTORICAL COMPANY, 1880. PREFACE. rj^HE following pages, assuming to relate a history of Stephenson County from its earliest settlement to the present day, owe their appearance to the enter- prise of an historical company, supplemented by the demand of a generous pub- lic. In its preparation, sources of information have been sought and appropria- tions freely made from presumably authentic data. No claim is made to origin- ality, and numerous mistakes will doubtless be discovered, especially by those disposed to be hypercritical. In a work of such magnitude, these are unavoid- able. The author cannot pretend to have acquitted himself to his own satisfac- tion, though he has labored diligently to furnish a reliable, if yet an imperfect, compilation of facts and events which are alleged to have occurred in Stephen- son County since the days when Kellogg, Kirker, Robey, Timms and others rejoiced to get into the wilderness. Whatever of merit or demerit the book col ' tains remains for the reader to discover, and his judgment may be unprejudiced if he finds no word of promise on the introductory page. In conclusion, he desires to make his acknowledgments to the Pioneers who still survive, to the Press, the ' ; cloth," the public officers, County, State and Federal, and other mediums of communication, not alone for " history," but for many kind acts, and much else that may contribute to whatever of success shall greet the succeeding pages. A preface is generally regarded as the substitute for an apology. The author indulges the hope that, in equaling reasonable expectations, the substi- tute will be adopted by his readers. M. H. Tilden. Chicago, September, 1880. \i CHICAGO: CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO., PRINTERS IIS and 120 Monroe Street. CONTENTS. HISTORY NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Page. History Northwest Territory 19 Geographical Position 19 Early Explorations 20 Discovery of the Ohio 32 English Explorations and Set- tlements 34 American Settlements 59 Division of the Northwest Ter- ritory , 65 Tecumseh and the War of 1812 69 Black Hawk and the Black Hawk War 73 Page. History of Ohio 93 French History 96 Ordinance of 1787, No. 32 105 The War of 1812 122 Banking 126 The Canal System 128 Ohio Land Tracts 129 Improvements 132 Boundary Lines 136 Organization of Counties, and Early Events 137 Governors of Ohio 160 Page. History of Ohio: Ancient Works 174 Some General Characteristics...l77 Outline Geology of Ohio 179 Ohio's Rank During the War..l82 A Brief Mention of Prominent Ohio Generals 191 Some Discussed Subjects 196 Conclusion 200 Page. Source of the Mississippi 22 La Salle Landing on the Shore of Green Bay 24 Buffalo Hunt 26 Trapping 28 Mouth of the Mississippi 31 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. High Bridge 33 Pontiac, the Ottawa Chieftain 42 Indians Attacking Frontiersmen.. 55 Present Site Lake Street Bridge, Chicago, 1833 58 A Pioneer Dwelling 60 Lake Bluff. 62 Tecumseh, the Shawanoe Chieftain 68 Indians Attacking a Stockade 71 Black Hawk, the Sac Chieftain 74 Perry's Monument, Cleveland 91 Niagara Falls 92 / ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS Page. Adoption of Children 132 Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 123 County Courts 127 Conveyances , 136 Church Organizations 157 Descent 123 Deeds and Mortgages 129 Drainage 135 Damages from Trespass 139 Definition of Commercial Terms....l43 Exemptions from Forced Sales 128 Estrays 129 Fences 138 Forms : Articles of Agreement 145 Bills of Purchase 144 Bills of Sale 146 Bonds 146 Page. Forms : Chattel Mortgages 147 Codicil 157 Lease of Farm and Build- ings 149 Lease of House 150 Landlord's Agreement 150 Notes 144 Notice Tenant to Quit 151 Orders 144 Quit Claim Deed 153 Receipt 144 Real Estate Mortgaged to Secure Payment of Money 151 Release 154 Tenant's Agreement 150 Tenant's Notice of Leaving 151 Warranty Deed 152 Will 155 Page. Game 13o Interest 123 Jurisdiction of Courts 126 Limitation of Action 127 Landlord and Tenant 139 Liens 142 Married Women 127 Millers 131 Marks and Brands 131 Paupers 136 Roads and Bridges 133 Surveyors and Surveys 132 Suggestions to Persons Purchasing Bunks by Subscription 168 Taxes 126 Wills and Estates 124 Weigh ts and Measures 130 Wolf Scalps 136 Page. Map of Stephenson County Front Constitution of the U. S 160 Electors President and Vice Pre-i- dent 172 Practical Rules fur Every Day Use.173 U. S. Government Land Measure. ..176 Agi cultural Productions of Illinois by Counties, 1870 186 MISCELLANEOUS. Page. Surveyors' Measure 177 How to Keep Accounts 177 Interest Table 178 Miscellaneous Tables 178 Names of the States of the Union and their Signification 179 Population of Fifty Principal Cities of the United States 180 Page. Population of the United States 180 Population of the Principal Coun- tries in the World 181 Population of Illinois 182-183 State Laws Relatingto Interest 184 State LawsRelating to Limitations of Actions 185 IV CONTENTS. BISTORT OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. PAGE. Topography 189 Geological Formations 191 Quaternary Deposits 193 Indian Occupation 200 Indian Troubles — Black Hawk War 203 County Roster 217 Early Settlements 219 Mormon Meddlings 262 Wallace Suicide 267 The Boardman Murder 269 Mexican War v 272 Railroads 273 Famine of 1848 280 Township Organization 280 The Hegira to California, 1849 281 Cholera Visitations 284 Completion of the C. & G. U. R. R....285 Educational Facilities 287 The Panic of 1857 289 County Buildings 298 Stephenson County Society of Phy- sicians and Surgeons 301 Stephenson County Farmer's Co- operative Association 301 Stephenson County Agricultural Society 302 Patrons of Husbandry 303 Old Settlers' Association 303 Criminal Records 304 War Record 308 Volunteer Roster 315 Soldiers' Monument 344 PAGE. Agricultural Statistics 361 Assessment Tables 362-363 Population, 1880 364 Freeport 365 Official Roster 389 Fire Department 391 Police 393 Educational 394 Press 401 Water Power 425 Gas Works 426 Young Men's Library Associa- tion 427 Banks 427 German Insurance Company....429 Telephone Exchange 430 Post Office 431 Cemetery 432 Parks 433 Opera House 433 Munn's Building 433 Fry's Building 434 Brewster House 434 Taylor's Driving Park 435 Religious 436 Odd Fellows 454 Masonic 456 Military 461 Temperance 462 Other Societies 463 Mills 467 Breweries 468 Manufactures 470 PAGE. Rock Grove Township 482 Rock Grove Village 485 Rock Run Township 486 Davis 488 Rock City 492 Dakota Township 495 Dakota Village 495 Silver Creek Township 499 Loran Township 500 Jefferson Township 502 Erin Township 504 Dublin Settlement 506 Eleroy 507 Harlem Township 509 Kent Township 513 Ridott Township 515 Ridott Village 517 West Point Township 520 Lena 522 Buckeye Township 535 Cedarville 537 Buckeye Center 542 Buena Vista 543 Waddams Township 543 New Pennsylvania 544- Winslow Township 545 Winslow 550 Oneco Township 552 Orangeville 554 Oneco 560 Florence Township 560 Lancaster Township 562 PORTRAITS. PAGE. John H. Addanis 277 Smith D. Atkins 403 Horatio C. Burchard 367 A. A. Babcock 385 Ross Babcock 493 L. A. Babcock 475 Thomas Hunt 547 M. Hettinger 349 PAGE. D. A. Knowlton 295 Jacob Krohn 439 A. A. Krape 529 George W. Loveland 565 Pells Manny 241 Chancellor "Martin 189 L. L. Munn 457 George Purinton 223 PAGE. C. H. Rosenstiel 313 V. Stoskopf 331 Jared Sheetz ...259 0. H. Wright 205 Ira Winchell 511 William Young 421 TOWNSHIPS. PAGE. Buckeye 741 Dakota 769 Erin 703 Freeport City 611 Florence 675 Harlem 683 PAGE. Jefferson 701 Kent 663 Lancaster 752 Loran 695 Oneco 710 Ridott 778 PAGE. Rock Grove 732 Rock Run 759 Silver Creek 678 Waddams 669 West Point 720 Winslow 666 *■**. n ae i • The Northwest Territory. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. When the Northwestern Territory was ceded to the United States by Virginia in 1784, it embraced only the territory lying between the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers, and north to the northern limits of the United States. It coincided with the area now embraced in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and that portion of Minnesota lying on the east side of the Mississippi River. The United States itself at that period extended no farther west than the Mississippi River ; but by the purchase of Louisiana in 1803, the western boundary of the United States was extended to the Rocky Mountains and the Northern Pacific Ocean. The new territory thus added to the National domain, and subsequently opened to settlement, has been called the " New Northwest," in contradistinction from the old " Northwestern Territory." In comparison with the old Northwest this is a territory of vast magnitude. It includes an area of 1,887,850 square miles ; being greater in extent than the united areas of all the Middle and Southern States, including Texas. Out of this magnificent territory have been erected eleven sovereign States and eight Territories, with an aggregate popula- tion, at the present time, of 13,000,000 inhabitants, or nearly one third of the entire population of the United States. Its lakes are fresh-water seas, and the larger rivers of the continent flow for a thousand miles through its rich alluvial vallej-s and far- stretching prairies, more acres of which are arable and productive of the highest percentage of the cereals than of any other area of like extent on the globe. For the last twenty years the increase of population in the North- west has been about as three to one in any other portion of the United States. (19) 20 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. EARLY EXPLORATIONS. In the year 1541, DeSoto first saw the Great West in the New World. He, however, penetrated no farther north than the 35th parallel of latitude. The expedition resulted in his death and that of more than half his army, the remainder of whom found their way to Cuba, thence to Spain, in a famished and demoralized condition. DeSoto founded no settlements, produced no results, and left no traces, unless it were that he awakened the hostility of the red man against the white man, and disheartened such as might desire to follow up the career of discovery for better purposes. The French nation were eager and ready to seize upon any news from this extensive domain, and were the first to profit by DeSoto's defeat. Yet it was more than a century before any adventurer took advantage of these discoveries. In 1616, four years before the pilgrims " moored their bark on the wild New England shore," Le Caron, a French Franciscan, had pene- trated through the Iroquois and Wyandots (Hurons) to the streams which run into Lake Huron ; and in 1634, two Jesuit missionaries founded the first mission among the lake tribes. It was just one hundred years from the discovery of the Mississippi by DeSoto (1541) until the Canadian envoys met the savage nations of the Northwest at the Falls of St. Mary, below the outlet of Lake Superior. This visit led to no permanent result; yet it was not until 1659 that any of the adventurous fur traders attempted to spend a Winter in the frozen wilds about the great lakes, nor was it until 1660 that a station was established upon their borders by Mesnard, who perished in the woods a few months after. In 1665, Claude Allouez built the earliest lasting habitation of the white man among the Indians of the Northwest. In 1668, Claude Dablon and James Marquette founded the mission of Sault Ste. Marie at the Falls of St. Mary, and two years afterward, Nicholas Perrot, as agent for M. Talon, Governor Gen- eral of Canada, explored Lake Illinois (Michigan) as far south as the present City of Chicago, and invited the Indian nations to meet him at a grand council at Sault Ste. Marie the following Spring, where they were taken under the protection of the king, and formal possession was taken of the Northwest. This same year Marquette established a mission at Point St. Ignatius, where was founded the old town of Michillimackinac. During M. Talon's explorations and Marquette's residence at St. Ignatius, they learned of a great river away to the west, and fancied — as all others did then — that upon its fertile banks whole tribes of God's children resided, to whom the sound of the Gospel had never come. Filled with a wish to go and preach to them, and in compliance with a THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 21 request of M. Talon, who earnestly desired to extend the domain of his king, and to ascertain whether the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean, Marquette with Joliet, as commander of the expe- dition, prepared for the undertaking. On the 13th of May, 1673, the explorers, accompanied by five assist- ant French Canadians, set out from Mackinaw on their daring voyage of discovery. The Indians, who gathered to witness their departure, were astonished at the boldness of the undertaking, and endeavored to dissuade them from their purpose by representing the tribes on the Mississippi as exceedingly savage and cruel, and the river itself as full of all sorts of frightful monsters ready to swallow them and their canoes together. But, nothing daunted by these terrific descriptions, Marquette told them he was willing not only to encounter all the perils of the unknown region they were about to explore, but to lay down his life in a cause in which the salvation of souls was involved ; and having prayed together they separated. Coasting along the northern shore of Lake Michigan, the adventurers entered Green Bay, and passed thence up the Fox River and Lake Winnebago to a village of the Miamis and Kickapoos. Here Mar- quette was delighted to find a beautiful cross planted in the middle of the town ornamented with white skins, red girdles and bows and arrows, which these good people had offered to the Great Manitou, or God, to thank him for the pity he had bestowed on them during the Winter in giving them an abundant " chase." This was the farthest outpost to which Dablon and Allouez had extended their missionary labors the year previous. Here Marquette drank mineral waters and was instructed in the secret of a root which cures the bite of the venomous rattlesnake. He assembled the chiefs and old men of the village, and, pointing to Joliet, said : " My friend is an envoy of France, to discover new coun- tries, and I am an ambassador from God to enlighten them with the truths of the Gospel." Two Miami guides were here furnished to conduct them to the Wisconsin River, and they set out from the Indian village on the 10th of June, amidst a great crowd of natives who had assembled to witness their departure into a region where no white man had ever yet ventured. The guides, having conducted them across the portage, returned. The explorers launched their canoes upon the Wisconsin, which they descended to the Mississippi and proceeded down its unknown waters. What emotions must have swelled their breasts as they struck out into the broadening current and became conscious that they were now upon the bosom of ths Father of Waters. The mystery was about to be lifted from the long-sought river. The scenery in that locality is beautiful, and on that delightful seventeenth of June must have been clad in all its primeval loveliness as it had been adorned by the hand of 22 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Nature. Drifting rapidly, it is said that the bold bluffs on either hand " reminded them of the castled shores of their own beautiful rivers of France." By-and-by, as they drifted along, great herds of buffalo appeared on the banks. On going to the heads of the valley they could see a country of the greatest beauty and fertility, apparently destitute of inhab- itants yet presenting the appearance of extensive manors, under the fas- tidious cultivation of lordly proprietors. SOURCE OF THE MISSISSIPPI. On June 25, they went ashore and found some fresh traces of men upon the sand, and a path which led to the prairie. The men remained in the boat, and Marquette and Joliet followed the path till they discovered a village on the banks of a river, and two other villages on a hill, within a half league of the first, inhabited by Indians. They were received most hospitably by these natives, who had never before seen a white person. After remaining a few days they re-embarked and descended the river to about latitude 33°, where they found a village of the Arkansas, and being satisfied that the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, turned their course THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 23 up the river, and ascending the stream to the mouth of the Illinois, rowed up that stream to its source, and procured guides from that point to the lakes. " Nowhere on this journey," says Marquette, " did we see such grounds, meadows, woods, stags, buffaloes, deer, wildcats, bustards, swans, ducks, parroquets, and even beavers, as on the Illinois River." The party, without loss or injury, reached Green Bay in September, and reported their discovery — one of the most important of the age, but of which no record was preserved save Marquette's, Joliet losing his by the upsetting of his canoe on his way to Quebec. Afterward Marquette returned to the Illinois Indians by their request, and ministered to them until 1675. On the 18th of May, in that year, as he was passing the mouth of a stream — going with his boatmen up Lake Michigan — he asked to land at its mouth and celebrate Mass. Leaving his men with the canoe, he retired a short distance and began his devotions. As much time passed and he did not return, his men went in search of him, and found him upon his knees, dead. He had peacefully passed away while at prayer. He was buried at this spot. Charlevoix, who visited the place fifty years after, found the waters had retreated from the grave, leaving the beloved missionary to repose in peace. The river has since been called Marquette. While Marquette and his companions were pursuing their labors in the West, two men, differing widely from him and each other, were pre- paring to follow in his footsteps and perfect the discoveries so well begun by him. These were Robert de La Salle and Louis Hennepin. After La Salle's return from the discovery of the Ohio River (see the narrative elsewhere), he established himself again among the French trading posts in Canada. Here he mused long upon the pet project of those ages — a short way to China and the East, and was busily planning an expedition up the great lakes, and so across the continent to the Pacific, when Marquette returned from the Mississippi. At once the vigorous mind of LaSalle received from his and his companions' stories the idea that by fol- lowing the Great River northward, or by turning up some of the numerous western tributaries, the object could easily be gained. He applied to Prontenac, Governor General of Canada, and laid before him the plan, dim but gigantic. Frontenac entered warmly into his plans, and saw that LaSalle's idea to connect the great lakes by a chain of forts with the Gulf of Mexico would bind the country so wonderfully together, give un- measured power to France, and glory to himself, under whose adminis- tration he earnestly hoped all would be realized. LaSalle now repaired to France, laid his plans before the King, who warmly approved of them, and made him a Chevalier. He also received from all the noblemen the warmest wishes for his success. The Chev- 24 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. alier returned to Canada, and busily entered upon his work. He at once rebuilt Fort Frontenac and constructed the first ship to sail on these fresh-water seas. On the 7th of August, 1679, having been joined by Hennepin, he began his voyage in the Griffin up Lake Erie. He passed over this lake, through the straits beyond, up Lake St. Clair and into Huron. In this lake they encountered heavy storms. They were some time at Michillimackinac, where LaSalle founded a fort, and passed on to Green Bay, the " Baie des Puans" of the French, where he found a large quantity of furs collected for him. He loaded the Griffin with these, and placing her under the care of a pilot and fourteen sailors, LA SALLE LANDING ON THE SHORE OF GREEN BAY. started her on her return voyage. The vessel was never afterward heard of. He remained about these parts until early in the Winter, when, hear- ing nothing from the Griffin, he collected all the men — thirty working men and three monks— and started again upon his great undertaking. By a short portage they passed to the Illinois or Kankakee, called by the Indians, "Theakeke," wolf, because of the tribes of Indians called by that name, commonly known as the Mahingans, dwelling there. The French pronounced it Kiakiki, which became corrupted to Kankakee. "Falling down the said river by easy journeys, the better to observe the country," about the last of December they reached a village of the Illi- nois Indians, containing some five hundred cabins, but at that moment THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 25 no inhabitants. The Seur de LaSalle being in want of some breadstuff's, took advantage of the absence of the Indians to help himself to a suffi- ciency of maize, large quantities of which he found concealed in holes under the wigwams. This village was situated near the present village of Utica in LaSalle County, Illinois. The corn being securely stored, the voyagers again betook themselves to the stream, and toward evening, on the 4th day of January, 1680, they came into a lake which must have been the lake of Peoria. This was called by the Indians Pim-i-te-wi, that is, a place where there are many fat beasts. Here the natives were met with in large numbers, but they were gentle and kind, and having spent some time with them, LaSalle determined to erect another fort in that place, for he had heard rumors that some of the adjoining tribes were trying to disturb the good feeling which existed, and some of his men were disposed to complain, owing to the hardships and perils of the travel. He called this fort " Orevecoeur'''' (broken-heart), a name expressive of the very natural sorrow and anxiety which the pretty certain loss of his ship. Griffin, and his consequent impoverishment, the danger of hostility on the part of the Indians, and of mutiny among his own men, might well cause him. His fears were not entirely groundless. At one time poison was placed in his food, but fortunately was discovered. While building this fort, the Winter wore away, the prairies began to look green, and LaSalle, despairing of any reinforcements, concluded to return to Canada, raise new means and new men, and embark anew in the enterprise. For this purpose he made Hennepin the leader of a party to explore the head waters of the Mississippi, and he set out on his jour- ney. This journey was accomplished with the aid of a few persons, and was successfully made, though over an almost unknown route, and in a bad season of the year. He safely reached Cana ia, and set out again for the object of his search. Hennepin and his party left Fort Crevecoeur on the last of February, 1680. When LaSalle reached this place on his return expedition, he found the fort entirely deserted, and he was obliged to return again to Canada. He embarked the third time, and succeeded. Seven days after leaving the fort, Hennepin reached the Mississippi, and paddling up the icy stream as best he could, reached no higher than the Wisconsin River by the 11th of April. Here he and his followers were taken prisoners by a band of Northern Indians, who treated them with great kindness. Hen- nepin's comrades were Anthony Auguel and Michael Ako. On this voy- age they found several beautiful lakes, and " saw some charming prairies." Their captors were the Isaute or Sauteurs, Chippewas, a tribe of the Sioux nation, who took them up the river until about the first of May, when they reached some falls, which Hennepin christened Falls of St. Anthony 26 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. in honor of his patron saint. Here they took the land, and traveling nearly two hundred miles to the northwest, brought them to their villages. Here they were kept about three months, were treated kindly by their captors, and at the end of that time, were met by a band of Frenchmen, BUFFALO HUNT. headed by one Seur de Luth, who, in pursuit of trade and game, had pene- trated thus far by the route of Lake Superior ; and with these fellow- countrymen Hennepin and his companions were allowed to return to the borders of civilized life in November, 1680, just after LaSalle had returned to the wilderness on his second trip. Hennepin soon after went to France, where he published an account of his adventures. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 27 The Mississippi was first discovered by De Soto in April, 1541, in his vain endeavor to find gold and precious gems. In the following Spring, De Soto, weary with hope long deferred, and worn out with his wander- ings, fell a victim to disease, and on the 21st of May died. His followers, reduced by fatigue and disease to less than three hundred men, wandered about the country nearly a year, in the vain endeavor to rescue them- selves by land, and finally constructed seven small vessels, called brig- antines, in which they embarked, and descending the river, supposing it would lead them to the sea, in July they came to the sea (Gulf of Mexico), and by September reached the Island of Cuba. They were the first to see the great outlet of the Mississippi; but, being so weary and discouraged, made no attempt to claim the country, and hardly had an intelligent idea of what they had passed through. To La Salle, the intrepid explorer, belongs the honor of giving the first account of the mouths of the river. His great desire was to possess this entire country for his king, and in January, 1682, he and his band of explorers left the shores of Lake Michigan on their third attempt, crossed the Portage, passed down the Illinois River, and on the 6th of February reached the banks of the Mississippi. On the 13th they commenced their downward course, which they pursued with but one interruption, until upon the 6th of March they dis- covered the three great passages by which the river discharges its waters into the gulf. La Salle thus narrates the event : " We landed on the bank of the most western channel, about three leagues (nine miles) from its mouth. On the seventh, M. de La Salle went to reconnoiter the shores of the neighboring sea, and M. de Tonti meanwhile examined the great middle channel. They found the main outlets beautiful, large and deep. On the eighth we reascended the river, a little above its confluence with the sea, to find a dry place beyond the reach of inundations. The elevation of the North Pole was here about twenty-seven degrees. Here we prepared a column and a cross, and to the column were affixed the arms of France with this inscription : " Louis Le Grand, Roi de France et de Navarre, regne ; Le neuvieme April, 1682." The whole party, under arms, chanted the Te Deum, and then, after a salute and cries of " Vive le Hoi" the column was erected by M. de La Salle, who, standing near it, proclaimed in a loud voice the authority of the King of France. La Salle returned and laid the foundations of the Mis- sissippi settlements in Illinois ; thence he proceeded to France, where another expedition was fitted out, of which he was commander, and in two succeeding voyages failed to find the outlet of the river by sailing along the shore of the gulf. On the third voyage he was killed, through the 28 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. treachery of his followers, and the object of his expeditions was not accomplished until 1699, when D'Iberville, under the authority of the crown, discovered, on the second of March, by way of the sea, the mouth of the " Hidden River." This majestic stream was called by the natives " Malbouchia" and by the Spaniards, " la Palissade" from the great ^ ^M^j A/ } 9 ^S^lpttwV^ TRAPPING. number of trees about its mouth. After traversing the several outlets, and satisfying himself as to its certainty, he erected a fort near its western outlet, and returned to France. An avenue of trade was now opened out which was fully improved. In 1718, New Orleans was laid out and settled by some European colo- nists. In 1762, the colony was made over to Spain, to be regained by France under the consulate of Napoleon. In 1803, it was purchased by THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 29 the United States for the sum of fifteen million dollars, and the territory of Louisiana and commerce of the Mississippi River came under the charge of the United States. Although LaSalle's labors ended in defeat and death, he had not worked and suffered in vain. He had thrown open to France and the world an immense and most valuable country ; had established several ports, and laid the foundations of more than one settlement there. " Peoria, Kaskaskia and Cahokia, are to this day monu- ments of LaSalle's labors ; for, though he had founded neither of them (unless Peoria, which was built nearly upon the site of Fort Crevecceur,) it was by those whom he led into the West that these places were peopled and civilized. He was, if not the discoverer, the first settler of the Mississippi Valley, and as such deserves to be known and honored." The French early improved the opening made for them. Before the year 1698, the Rev. Father Gravier began a mission among the Illinois, and founded Kaskaskia. For some time this was merely a missionary station, where none but natives resided, it being one of three such vil- lages, the other two being Cahokia and Peoria. What is known of these missions is learned from a letter written by Father Gabriel Marest, dated " Aux Cascaskias, autrement dit de lTmmaculate Conception de la Sainte Vierge, le 9 Noveinbre, 1712." Soon after the founding of Kaskaskia, the missionary, Pinet, gathered a flock at Cahokia, while Peoria arose near the ruins of Fort Crevecceur. This must have been about the year 1700. The post at Vincennes on the Oubache river, (pronounced Wa-ba, meaning summer cloud moving swiftly} was estab- lished in 1702, according to the best authorities.* It is altogether prob- able that on LaSalle's last trip he established the stations at Kaskaskia and Cahokia. In July, 1701, the foundations of Fort Ponchartrain were laid by De la Motte Cadillac on the Detroit River. These sta- tions, with those established further north, were the earliest attempts to occupy the Northwest Territory. At the same time efforts were being made to occupy the Southwest, which finally culminated in the settle- ment and founding of the City of New Orleans by a colony from England in 1718. This was mainly accomplished through the efforts of the famous Mississippi Company, established by the notorious John Law, who so quickly arose into prominence in France, and who with his scheme so quickly and so ignominiously passed away. From the time of the founding of these stations for fifty years the French nation were engrossed with the settlement of the lower Missis- sippi, and the war with the Chicasaws, who had, in revenge for repeated « There is considerable dispute about this date, some asserting it was founded as late as 1742. When the new court house at Vincennes was erected, all authorities on the subject were, carefully examined, and 1702 fixed upon as the correct date. It was accordingly engraved on the corner-stone of the court house. 30 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. injuries, cut off the entire colony at Natchez. Although the company did little for Louisiana, as the entire West was then called, yet it opened the trade through the Mississippi River, and started the raising of grains indigenous to that climate. Until the year 1750, but little is known of the settlements in the Northwest, as it was not until this time that the attention of the English was called to the occupation of this portion of the New World, which they then supposed they owned. Vivier, a missionary among the Illinois, writing from " Aux Illinois," six leagues from Fort Chartres, June 8, 1750, says: "We have here whites, negroes and Indians, to say nothing of cross-breeds. There are five French villages, and three villages of the natives, within a space of twenty-one leagues situated between the Mississippi and another river called the Karkadaid (Kaskaskias). In the five French villages are, perhaps, eleven hundred whites, three hundred blacks and some sixty red slaves or savages. The three Illinois towns do not contain more than eight hundred souls all told. Most of the French till the soil ; they raise wheat, cattle, pigs and horses, and live like princes. Three times as much is produced as can be consumed ; and great quantities of grain and flour are sent to New Orleans." This city was now the seaport town of the Northwest, and save in the extreme northern part, where only furs and copper ore were found, almost all the products of the country found their way to France by the mouth of the Father of Waters. In another letter, dated Novem- ber 7, 1750, this same priest says : " For fifteen leagues above the mouth of the Mississippi one sees no dwellings, the ground being too low to be habitable. Thence to New Orleans, the lands are only partially occupied. New Orleans contains black, white and red, not more, I think, than twelve hundred persons. To this point come all lumber, bricks, salt-beef, tallow, tar, skins and bear's grease ; and above all, pork and flour from the Illinois. These things create some commerce, as forty vessels and more have come hither this year. Above New Orleans, plantations are again met with ; the most considerable is a colony of Germans, some ten leagues up the river. At Point Coupee, thirty -five leagues above the German settlement, is a fort. Along here, within five or six leagues, are not less than sixty habitations. Fifty leagues farther up is the Natchez post, where we have a garrison, who are kept prisoners through fear of the Chickasaws. Here and at Point Coupee, they raise excellent tobacco. Another hundred leagues brings us to the Arkansas, where we have also a fort and a garrison for the benefit of the river traders. * * * From the Arkansas to the Illinois, nearly five hundred leagues, there is not a settlement. There should be, however, a fort at the Oubache (Ohio), the only path by which the English can reach the Mississippi. In the Illinois country are numberless mines, but no one to THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 31 work them as they deserve." Father Marest, writing from the post at Vincennes in 181 2, makes the same observation. Vivier also says : " Some individuals dig lead near the surface and supply the Indians and Canada. Two Spaniards now here, who claim to be adepts, say that our mines are like those of Mexico, and that if we would dig deeper, we should find silver under the lead ; and at any rate the lead is excellent. There is also in this country, beyond doubt, copper ore, as from time to time large pieces are found in the streams." MOUTH OP THE MISSISSIPPI. At the close of the year 1750, the French occupied, in addition to the lower Mississippi posts and those in Illinois, one at Du Quesne, one at the Maumee in the country of the Miamis, and one at Sandusky in what may be termed the Ohio Valley. In the northern part of the Northwest they had stations at St. Joseph's on the St. Joseph's of Lake Michigan, at Fort Ponchartrain (Detroit), at Michillimackanac or Massillimacanac, Fox River of Green Bay, and at Sault Ste. Marie. The fondest dreams of LaSalle were now fully realized. The French alone were possessors of this vast realm, basing their claim on discovery and settlement. Another nation, however, was now turning its attention to this extensive country, 32 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. and hearing of its wealth, began to lay plans for occupying it and for securing the great profits arising therefrom. The French, however, had another claim to this country, namely, the DISCOVERY OF THE OHIO. This " Beautiful" river was discovered by Robert Cavalier de La- Salle in 1669, four years before the discovery of the Mississippi by Joliet and Marquette. While LaSalle was at his trading post on the St. Lawrence, he found leisure to study nine Indian dialects, the chief of which was the Iroquois. He not only desired to facilitate his intercourse in trade, but he longed to travel and explore the unknown regions of the West. An incident soon occurred which decided him to fit out an exploring expedition. While conversing with some Senecas, he learned of a river called the Ohio, which rose in their country and flowed to the sea, but at such a distance that it required eight months to reach its mouth. In this state- ment the Mississippi and its tributaries were considered as one stream. LaSalle believing, as most of the French at that period did, that the great rivers flowing west emptied into the Sea of California, was anxious to embark in the enterprise of discovering a route across the continent to the commerce of China and Japan. He repaired at once to Quebec to obtain the approval of the Gov- ernor. His eloquent appeal prevailed. The Governor and the Intendant, Talon, issued letters patent authorizing the enterprise, but made no pro- vision to defray the expenses. At this juncture the seminary of St. Sul- pice decided to send out missionaries in connection with the expedition, and LaSalle offering to sell his improvements at LaChine to raise money, the offer was accepted by the Superior, and two thousand eight hundred dollars were raised, with which LaSalle purchased four canoes and the necessary supplies for the outfit. On the 6th of July, 1669, the party, numbering twenty-four persons, embarked in seven canoes on the St. Lawrence ; two additional canoes carried the Indian guides. In three days they were gliding over the bosom of Lake Ontario. Their guides conducted them directly to the Seneca village on the bank of the Genesee, in the vicinity of the present City of Rochester, New York. Here they expected to procure guides to conduct them to the Ohio, but in this they were disappointed. The Indians seemed unfriendly to the enterprise. LaSalle suspected that the Jesuits had prejudiced their minds against his plans. After waiting a month in the hope of gaining their object, they met an Indian THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 33 from the Iroquois colony at the head of Lake Ontario, who assured them that they could there find guides, and offered to conduct them thence. On their way they passed the mouth of the Niagara River, when they heard for the first time the distant thunder of the cataract. Arriving HIGH BRIDGE, LAKE BLUFF, LAKE ' COUNTY, ILLINOIS. among the Iroquois, they met with a friendly reception, and learned from a Shawanee prisoner that they could reach the Ohio in six weeks. Delighted with the unexpected good fortune, they made ready to resume their journey ; but just as they were about to start they heard of the arrival of two Frenchmen in a neighboring village. One of them proved to be Louis Joliet, afterwards famous as an explorer in the West. He 34 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. had been sent by the Canadian Government to explore the copper mines on Lake Superior, but had failed, and was on his way back to Quebec. He gave the missionaries a map of the country he had explored in the lake region, together with an account of the condition of the Indians in that quarter. This induced the priests to determine on leaving the expedition and going to Lake Superior. LaSalle warned them that the Jesuits were probably occupying that field, and that they would meet with a cold reception. Nevertheless they persisted in their purpose, and after worship on the lake shore, parted from LaSalle. On arriving at Lake Superior, they found, as LaSalle had predicted, the Jesuit Fathers, Marquette and Dablon, occupying the field. These zealous disciples of Loyola informed them that they wanted no assistance from St. Sulpice, nor from those who made him their patron saint ; and thus repulsed, they returned to Montreal the following June without having made a single discovery or converted a single Indian. After parting with the priests, LaSalle went to the chief Iroquois village at Onondaga, where he obtained guides, and passing thence to a tributary of the Ohio south of Lake Erie, he descended the latter as far as the falls at Louisville. Thus was the Ohio discovered by LaSalle, the persevering and successful French explorer of the West, in 1669. The account of the latter part of his journey is found in an anony- mous paper, which purports to have been taken from the lips of LaSalle himself during a subsequent visit to Paris. In a letter written to Count Frontenac in 1667, shortly after the discovery, he himself says that he discovered the Ohio and descended it to the falls. This was regarded as an indisputable fact by the French authorities, who claimed the Ohio Valley upon another ground. When Washington was sent by the colony of Virginia in 1753, to demand of Gordeur de St. Pierre why .the French had built a fort on the Monongahela, the haughty commandant at Quebec replied : " We claim the country on the Ohio by virtue of the discoveries of LaSalle, and will not give it up to the English. Our orders are to make prisoners of every Englishman found trading in the Ohio Valley." ENGLISH EXPLORATIONS AND SETTLEMENTS. When the new year of 1750 broke in upon the Father of Waters and the Great Northwest, all was still wild save at the French posts already described. In 1749, when the English first began to think seri- ously about sending men into the West, the greater portion of the States of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota were yet under the dominion of the red men. The English knew, however, pretty THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 35 conclusively of the nature of the wealth of these wilds. As early as 1710, Governor Spotswood, of Virginia, had commenced movements to secure the country west of the Alleghenies to the English crown. In Pennsylvania, Governor Keith and James Logan, secretary of the prov- ince, from 1719 to 1731, represented to the powers of England the neces- sity of securing the Western lands. Nothing was done, however, by that power save to take some diplomatic steps to secure the claims of Britain to this unexplored wilderness. England had from the outset claimed from the Atlantic to the Pacific, on the ground that the discovery of the seacoast and its possession was a discovery and possession of the country, and, as is well known, her grants to the colonies extended " from sea to sea." This was not all her claim. She had purchased from the Indian tribes large tracts of land. This lat- ter was also a strong argument. As early as 1684, Lord H oward, Gov- ernor of Virginia, held a treaty with the six nations. These were the great Northern Confederacy, and comprised at first the Mohawks, Onei- das, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas. Afterward the Tuscaroras were taken into the confederacy, and it became known as the Six Nations. They came under the protection of the mother country, and again in 1701, they repeated the agreement, and in September, 1726, a formal deed was drawn up and signed by the chiefs. The validity of this claim has often been disputed, but never successfully. In 1744, a purchase was made at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, of certain lands within the " Colony of Virginia," for which the Indians received <£200 in gold and a like sum in goods, with a promise that, as settlements increased, more should be paid. The Commissioners from Virginia were Colonel Thomas Lee and Colonel William Beverly. As settlements extended, the promise of more pay was called to mind, and Mr. Conrad Weiser was sent across the mountains with presents to appease the savages. Col. Lee, and some Virginians accompa- nied him with the intention of sounding the Indians upon their feelings regarding the English. They were not satisfied with their treatment, and plainly told the Commissioners why. The English did not desire the cultivation of the country, but the monopoly of the Indian trade. In 1748, the Ohio Company was formed, and petitioned the king for a grant of land beyond the Alleghenies. This was granted, and the government of Virginia was ordered to grant to them a half million acres, two hun- dred thousand of which were to be located at once. Upon the 12th of June, 1749, 800,000 acres from the line of Canada north and west was made to the Loyal Company, and on the 29th of October, 1751, 100,000 acres were given to the Greenbriar Company. All this time the French were not idle. They saw that, should the British gain a foothold in the West, especially upon the Ohio, they might not only prevent the French 36 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. settling upon it, but in time would come to the lower posts and so gain possession of the whole country. Upon the 10th of May, 1774, Vaud- reuil, Governor of Canada and the French possessions, well knowing the consequences that must arise from allowing the English to build trading posts in the Northwest, seized some of their frontier posts, and to further secure the claim of the French to the West, he, in 1749, sent Louis Cel- eron with a party of soldiers to plant along the Ohio River, in the mounds and at the mouths of its principal tributaries, plates of lead, on which were inscribed the claims of France. These were heard of in 1752, and within the memory of residents now living along the " Oyo," as the beautiful river was called by the French. One of these plates was found with the inscription partly defaced. It bears date August 16, 1749, and a copy of the inscription with particular account of the discovery of the plate, was sent by DeWitt Clinton to the American Antiquarian Society, among whose journals it may now be found.* These measures did not, however, deter the English from going on with their explorations, and though neither party resorted to arms, yet the conflict was gathering, and it was only a question of time when the storm would burst upon the frontier settlements. In 1750, Christopher Gist was sent by the Ohio Company to examine its lands. He went to a village of the Twigtwees, on the Miami, about one hundred and fifty miles above its mouth. He afterward spoke of it as very populous. From there he went down the Ohio River nearly to the falls at the present City of Louisville, and in November he commenced a survey of the Company's lands. Dur- ing the Winter, General Andrew Lewis performed a similar work for the Greenbriar Company. Meanwhile the French were busy in preparing their forts for defense, and in opening roads, and also sent a small party of soldiers to keep the Ohio clear. This party, having heard of the Eng- lish post on the Miami River, early in 1652, assisted by the Ottawas and Chippewas, attacked it, and, after a severe battle, in which fourteen of the natives were killed and others wounded, captured the garrison. (They were probably garrisoned in a block house). The traders were carried away to Canada, and one account says several were burned. This fort or post was called by the English Pickawillany. A memorial of the king's ministers refers to it as " Pickawillanes, in the center of the terri- tory between the Ohio and the Wabash. The name is probably some variation of Pickaway or Picqua in 1773, written by Rev. David Jones Pickaweke." * The following is a translation of the inscription on the plate: "In the year 1749. reign of Louis XV., King of France, we, Celeron, commandant of a detachment by Monsieur the Marquis of Gallisoniere, com- mander-in-chief of New France, to establish tranquility in certain Indian villages of these cantons, have buried this plate at the confluence of the Toradakoin, this twenty- ninth of July, near the river Ohio, otherwise Beautiful River, as a monument of renewal of possession which we have taken of the said river, and all its tributaries; inasmuch as the preceding Kings of France have enjoyed it, and maintained it by their arms and treaties; especially by those of Ryswick, Utrecht, and Aix La Chapelle." THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY ' 37 This was the first blood shed between the French and English, and occurred near the present City of Piqua, Ohio, or at least at a point about forty-seven miles north of Dayton. Each nation became now more inter- ested in the progress of events in the Northwest. The English deter- mined to purchase from the Indians a title to the lands they wished to occupy, and Messrs. Fry (afterward Commander-in-chief over Washing- ton at the commencement of the French War of 1775-1763), Lomax and Patton were sent in the Spring of 1752 to hold a conference with the natives at Logstown to learn what they objected to in the treaty of Lan- caster already noticed, and to settle all difficulties. On the 9th of June, these Commissioners met the red men at Logstown, a little village on the north bank of the Ohio, about seventeen miles below the site of Pitts- burgh. Here had been a trading point for many years, but it was aban- doned by the Indians in 1750. At first the Indians declined to recognize the treaty of Lancaster, but, the Commissioners taking aside Montour, the interpreter, who was a son of the famous Catharine Montour, and a chief among the six nations, induced him to use his influence in their favor. This he did, and upon the 13th of June they all united in signing a deed, confirming the Lancaster treaty in its full extent, consenting to a settlement of the southeast of the Ohio, and guaranteeing that it should not be disturbed by them. These were the means used to obtain the first treaty with the Indians in the Ohio Valley. Meanwhile the powers beyond the sea were trying to out-manceuvre each other, and were professing to be at peace. The English generally outwitted the Indians, and failed in many instances to fulfill their con- tracts. They thereby gained the ill-will of the red men, and further increased the feeling by failing to provide them with arms and ammuni- tion. Said an old chief, at Easton, in 1758: " The Indians on the Ohio left you because of your own fault. When we heard the French were coming, we asked you for help and arms, but we did not get them. The French came, they treated us kindly, and gained our affections. The Governor of Virginia settled on our lands for his own benefit, and, when we wanted help, forsook us." At the beginning of 1653, the English thought they had secured by title the lands in the West, but the French had quietly gathered cannon and military stores to be in readiness for the expected blow. The Eng- lish made other attempts to ratify these existing treaties, but not until the Summer could the Indians be gathered together to discuss the plans of the French. They had sent messages to the French, warning them away ; but they replied that they intended to complete the chain of forts already begun, and would not abandon the field. Soon after this, no satisfaction being obtained from the Ohio regard- 38 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. ing the positions and purposes of the French, Governor Dinwiddie of Virginia determined to send to them another messenger and learn from them, if possible, their intentions. For this purpose he selected a young man, a surveyor, who, at the early age of nineteen, had received the rank of major, and who was thoroughly posted regarding frontier life. This personage was no other than the illustrious George Washington, who then held considerable interest in Western lands. He was at this time just twenty-two years of age. Taking Gist as his guide, the two, accompanied by four servitors, set out on their perilous march. They left Will's Creek on the 10th of November, 1753, and on the 22d reached the Monon- gahela, about ten miles above the fork. From there they went to Logstown, where Washington had a long conference with the chiefs of the Six Nations. From them he learned the condition of the French, and also heard of their determination not to come down the river till the fol- lowing Spring. The Indians were non-committal, as they were afraid to turn either way, and, as far as they could, desired to remain neutral. Washington, finding nothing could be done with them, went on to Venango, an old Indian town at the mouth of French Creek. Here the French had a fort, called Fort Machault. Through the rum and flattery of the French, he nearly lost all his Indian followers. Finding nothing of importance here, he pursued his way amid great privations, and on the 11th of December reached the fort at the head of French Creek. Here he delivered Governor Dinwiddie's letter, received his answer, took his observations, and on the 16th set out upon his return journey with no one but Gist, his guide, and a few Indians who still remained true to him, notwithstanding the endeavors of the French to retain them. Their homeward journey was one of great peril and suffering from the cold, yet they reached home in safety on the 6th of January, 1754. From the letter of St. Pierre, commander of the French fort, sent by Washington to Governor Dinwiddie, it was learned that the French would not give up without a struggle. Active preparations were at once made in all the English colonies for the coming conflict, while the French finished the fort at Venango and strengthened their lines of fortifications, and gathered their forces to be in readiness. The Old Dominion was all alive. Virginia was the center of great activities ; volunteers were called for, and from all the neighboring colonies men rallied to the conflict, and everywhere along the Potomac men were enlisting under the Governor's proclamation — which promised two hundred thousand acres on the Ohio. Along this river they were gathering as far as Will's Creek, and far beyond this point, whither Trent had come for assistance for his little band of forty-one men, who were THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 39 working away in hunger and want, to fortify that point at the fork of the Ohio, to which both parties were looking with deep interest. " The first birds of Spring filled the air with their song ; the swift river rolled by the Allegheny hillsides, swollen by the melting snows of Spring and the April showers. The leaves were appearing ; a few Indian scouts were seen, but no enemy seemed near at hand ; and all was so quiet., that Frazier, an old Indian scout and trader, who had been left by Trent in command, ventured to his home at the mouth of Turtle Creek, ten miles up the Monongahela. But, though all was so quiet in that wilder- ness, keen eyes had seen the low intrenchment rising at the fork, and swift feet had borne the news of it up the river ; and upon the morning of the 17th of April, Ensign Ward, who then had charge of it, saw upon the Allegheny a sight that made his heart sink — sixty batteaux and three hundred canoes filled with men, and laden deep with cannon and stores. * * * That evening he supped with his captor, Contrecoeur, and the next day he was bowed off by the Frenchman, and with his men and tools, marched up the Monongahela." The French and Indian war had begun. The treaty of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748, had left the boundaries between the French and English possessions unsettled, and the events already narrated show the French were determined to hold the country watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries ; while the English laid claims to the country by virtue of the discoveries of the Cabots, and claimed all the country from New- foundland to Florida, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The first decisive blow had now been struck, and the first attempt of the English, through the Ohio Company, to occupy these lands, had resulted disastrously to them. The French and Indians immediately completed the fortifications begun at the Fork, which they had so easily captured* and when completed gave to the fort the name of DuQuesne. Washing- ton was at Will's Creek when the news of the capture of the fort arrived. He at once departed to recapture it. On his way he entrenched him- self at a place called the " Meadows," where he erected a fort called by him Fort Necessity. From there he surprised and captured a force of French and Indians marching against him, but was soon after attacked in his fort by a much superior force, and was obliged to yield on the morning of July 4th. He was allowed to return to Virginia. The English Government immediately planned four campaigns ; one against Fort DuQuesne ; one against Nova Scotia ; one against Fort Niagara, and one against Crown Point. These occurred during 1755--6, and were not successful in driving the French from their possessions- The expedition against Fort DuQuesne was led by the famous General Braddock, who, refusing to listen to the advice of Washington and those 40 'J-'UE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. acquainted with Indian warfare, suffered such an inglorious defeat. This occurred on the morning of July 9th, and is generally known as the battle of Monongahela, or " Braddock's Defeat." The war continued with various vicissitudes through the years 1756-7 ; when, at the commence- ment of 1758, in accordance with the plans of William Pitt, then Secre- tary of State, afterwards Lord Chatham, active preparations were made to carry on the war. Three expeditions were planned for this year : one, under General Amherst, against Louisburg ; another, under Abercrombie, against Fort Ticonderoga ; and a third, under General Forbes, against Fort DuQuesne. On the 26th of July, Louisburg surrendered after a desperate resistance of more than forty days, and the eastern part of the Canadian possessions fell into the hands of the British. Abercrombie captured Fort Frontenac, and when the expedition against Fort DuQuesne, of which Washington had the active command, arrived there, it was found in flames and deserted. The English at once took possession, rebuilt the fort, and in honor of their illustrious statesman, changed the name to Fort Pitt. The great object of the campaign of 1759, was the reduction of Canada. General Wolfe was to lay siege to Quebec ; Amherst was to reduce Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and General Prideaux was to capture Niagara. This latter place was taken in July, but the gallant Prideaux lost his life in the attempt. Amherst captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point without a blow ; and Wolfe, after making the memor- able ascent to the Plains of Abraham, on September 13th, defeated Montcalm, and on the 18th, the city capitulated. In this engagement Montcolm and Wolfe both lost their lives. De Levi, Montcalm's successor, marched to Sillery, three miles above the city, with the purpose of defeating the English, and there, on the 28th of the following April, was fought one of the bloodiest battles of the French and Indian War. It resulted in the defeat of the French, and the fall of the City of Montreal. The Governor signed a capitulation by which the whole of Canada was surrendered to the English. This practically concluded the war, but it was not until 1763 that the treaties of peace between France and England were signed. This was done on the 10th of February of that year, and under its provisions all the country east of the Mississippi and north of the Iberville River, in Louisiana, were ceded to England. At the same time Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain. On the 13th of September, 1760, Major Robert Rogers was sent from Montreal to take charge of Detroit, the only remaining French post in the territory. He arrived there on the 19th of November, and sum- moned the place to surrender. At first the commander of the post, Beletre. refused, but on the 29th, hearing of the continued defeat of the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 41 French arms, surrendered. Rogers remained there until December 23d under the personal protection of the celebrated chief, Pontiac, to whom, no doubt, he owed his safety. Pontiac had come here to inquire the purposes of the English in taking possession of the country. He was assured that they came simply to trade with the natives, and did not desire their country. This answer conciliated the savages, and did much to insure the safety of Rogers and his party during their stay, and while on their journey home. Rogers set out for Fort Pitt on December 23, and was just one month on the way. His route was from Detroit to Maumee, thence across the present State of Ohio directly to the fort. This was the com- mon trail of the Indians in their journeys from Sandusky to the fork of the Ohio. It went from Fort Sandusky, where Sandusky City now is, crossed the Huron river, then called Bald Eagle Creek, to " Mohickon John's Town " on Mohickon Creek, the northern branch of White Woman's River, and thence crossed to Beaver's Town, a Delaware town on what is now Sandy Creek. At Beaver's Town were probably one hundred and fifty warriors, and not less than three thousand acres of cleared land. From there the track went up Sandy Creek to and across Big Beaver, and up the Ohio to Logstown, thence on to the fork. The Northwest Territory was now entirely under the English rule. New settlements began to be rapidly made, and the promise of a large trade was speedily manifested. Had the British carried out their promises with the natives none of those savage butcheries would have been perpe- trated, and the country would have been spared their recital. The renowned chief, Pontiac, was one of the leading spirits in these atrocities. We will now pause in our narrative, and notice the leading events in his life. The earliest authentic information regarding this noted Indian chief is learned from an account of an Indian trader named Alexander Henry, who, in the Spring of 1761, penetrated his domains as far as Missillimacnac. Pontiac was then a great friend of the French, but a bitter foe of the English, whom he considered as encroaching on his hunting grounds. Henry was obliged to disguise himself as a Canadian to insure safety, but was discovered by Pontiac, who bitterly reproached him and the English for their attempted subjugation of the West. He declared that no treaty had been made with them ; no presents sent them, and that he would resent any possession of the West by that nation. He was at the time about fifty years of age, tall and dignified, and was civil and military ruler of the Ottawas, Ojibwas and Pottawatamies. The Indians, from Lake Michigan to the borders of North Carolina, were united in this feeling, and at the time of the treaty of Paris, ratified February 10, 1763, a general conspiracy was formed to fall suddenly 42 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. PONTIAC, THE OTTAWA CHIEFTAIN. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 43 upon the frontier British posts, and with one blow strike every man dead. Pontiac was the marked leader in all this, and was the commander of the Chippewas, Ottawas, Wyandots, Miamis, Shawanese, Delawares and Mingoes, who had, for the time, laid aside their local quarrels to unite in this enterprise. The blow came, as near as can now be ascertained, on May 7, 1768. Nine British posts fell, and the Indians drank, " scooped up in the hollow of joined hands," the blood of many a Briton. Pontiac's immediate field of action was the garrison at Detroit. Here, however, the plans were frustrated by an Indian woman disclosing the plot the evening previous to his arrival. Everything was carried out, however, according to Pontiac's plans until the moment of action, when Major Gladwyn, the commander of the post, stepping to one of the Indian chiefs, suddenly drew aside his blanket and disclosed the concealed musket. Pontiac, though a brave man, turned pale and trembled. He saw his plan was known, and that the garrison were prepared. He endeavored to exculpate himself from any such intentions ; but the guilt was evident, and he and his followers were dismissed with a severe reprimand, and warned never to again enter the walls of the post. Pontiac at once laid siege to the fort, and until the treaty of peace between the British and the Western Indians, concluded in August, 1764, continued to harass and besiege the fortress. He organized a regular commissariat department, issued bills of credit written out on bark, which, to his credit, it may be stated, were punctually redeemed. At the conclusion of the treaty, in which it seems he took no part, he went further south, living many years among the Illinois. He had given up all hope of saving his country and race. After a time he endeavored to unite the Illinois tribe and those about St. Louis in a war with the whites. His efforts were fruitless, and only ended in a quarrel between himself and some Kaskaskia Indians, one of whom soon afterwards killed him. His death was, however, avenged by the northern Indians, who nearly exterminated the Illinois in the wars which followed. Had it not been for the treachery of a few of his followers, his plan for the extermination of the whites, a masterly one, would undoubtedly have been carried out. It was in the Spring of the year following Rogers' visit that Alex- ander Henry went to Missillimacnac, and everywhere found the strongest feelings against the English, who had not carried out their promises, and were doing nothing to conciliate the natives. Here he met the chief, Pontiac, who, after conveying to him in a speech the idea that their French father would awake soon and utterly destroy his enemies, said : " Englishman, although you have conquered the French, you have not 44 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. yet conquered us ! We are not your slaves ! These lakes, these woods, these mountains, were left us by our ancestors. They are our inheritance, and we will part with them to none. Your nation supposes that we, like the white people, can not live without bread and pork and beef. But you ought to know that He, the Great Spirit and Master of Life, has provided food for us upon these broad lakes and in these mountains." He then spoke of the fact that no treaty had been made with them, no presents sent them, and that he and his people were yet for war. Such were the feelings of the Northwestern Indians immediately after the English took possession of their country. These feelings were no doubt encouraged by the Canadians and French, who hoped that yet the French arms might prevail. The treaty of Paris, however, gave to the English the right to this vast domain, and active preparations were going on to occupy it and enjoy its trade and emoluments. In 1762, France, by a secret treaty, ceded Louisiana to Spain, to pre- vent it falling into the hands of the English, who were becoming masters of the entire West. The next year the treaty of Paris, signed at Fon- tainbleau, gave to the English the domain of the country in question. Twenty years after, by the treaty of peace between the United States and England, that part of Canada lying south and west of the Great Lakes, comprehending a large territory which is the subject of these sketches, was acknowledged to be a portion of the United States ; and twenty years still later, in 1803, Louisiana was ceded by Spain back to France, and by France sold to the United States. In the half century, from the 'building of the Fort of Crevecceur by LaSalle, in 1680, up to the erection of Fort Chartres, many French set- tlements had been made in that quarter. These have already been noticed, being those at St. Vincent (Vincennes), Kohokia or Cahokia, Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher, on the American Bottom, a large tract of rich alluvial soil in Illinois, on the Mississippi, opposite the site of St. Louis. By the treaty of Paris, the regions east of the Mississippi, including all these and other towns of the Northwest, were given over to England; but they do not appear to have been taken possession of until 1765, when Captain Stirling, in the name of the Majesty of England, established him- self at Fort Chartres bearing with him the proclamation of General Gage, dated December 30, 1764, which promised religious freedom to all Cath- olics who worshiped here, and a right to leave the country with their effects if they wished, or to remain with the privileges of Englishmen. It was shortly after the occupancy of the West by the British that the war with Pontiac opened. It is already noticed in the sketch of that chieftain- By it many a Briton lost his life, and many a frontier settle- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 45 ment in its infancy ceased to exist. This was not ended until the year 1764, when, failing to capture Detroit, Niagara and Fort Pitt, his confed- eracy became disheartened, and, receiving no aid from the French, Pon- tiac abandoned the enterprise and departed to the Illinois, among whom he afterward lost his life. As soon as these difficulties were definitely settled, settlers began rapidly to survey the country and prepare for occupation. During the year 1770, a number of persons from Virginia and other British provinces explored and marked out nearly all the valuable lands on the Mononga- hela and along the banks of the Ohio as far as the Little Kanawha. This was followed by another exploring expedition, in which George Washing- ton was a party. The latter, accompanied by Dr. Craik, Capt. Crawford and others, on the 20th of October, 1770, descended the Ohio from Pitts- burgh to the mouth of the Kanawha ; ascended that stream about fourteen miles, marked out several large tracts of land, shot several buffalo, which were then abundant in the Ohio Valley, and returned to the fort. Pittsburgh was at this time a trading post, about which was clus- tered a village of some twenty houses, inhabited by Indian traders. This same year, Capt. Pittman visited Kaskaskia and its neighboring villages. He found there about sixty-five resident families, and at Cahokia only forty-five dwellings. At Fort Chartres was another small settlement, and at Detroit the garrison were quite prosperous and strong. For a year or two settlers continued to locate near some of these posts, generally Fort Pitt or Detroit, owing to the fears of the Indians, who still main- tained some feelings of hatred to the English. The trade from the posts Was quite good, and from those in Illinois large quantities of pork and flour found their way to the New Orleans market. At this time the policy of the British Government was strongly opposed to the extension of the colonies west. In 1763, the King of England forbade, by royal proclamation, his colonial subjects from making a settlement beyond the sources of the rivers which fall into the Atlantic Ocean. At the instance of the Board of Trade, measures were taken to prevent the settlement without the limits prescribed, and to retain the commerce within easy reach of Great Britain. The commander-in-chief of the king's forces wrote in 1769 : " In the course of a few years necessity will compel the colonists, should they extend their settlements west, to provide manufactures of some kind for themselves, and when all connection upheld by commerce with the mother country ceases, an independency in their government will soon follow." In accordance with this policy, Gov. Gage issued a proclamation in 1772, commanding the inhabitants of Vincennes to abandon their set- tlements and join some of the Eastern English colonies. To this they 46 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. strenuously objected, giving good reasons therefor, and were allowed to remain. The strong opposition to this policy of Great Britain led to its change, and to such a course as to gain the attachment of the French population. In December, 1773, influential citizens of Quebec petitioned the king for an extension of the boundary lines of that province, which was granted, and Parliament passed an act on June 2, 1774, extend- ing the boundary so as to include the territory lying within the present States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. In consequence of the liberal policy pursued by the British Govern- ment toward the French settlers in the West, they were disposed to favor that nation in the war which soon followed with the colonies ; but the early alliance between France and America soon brought them to the side of the war for independence. In 1774, Gov. Dunmore, of Virginia, began to encourage emigration to the Western lands. He appointed magistrates at Fort Pitt under the pretense that the fort was under the government of that commonwealth. One of these justices, John Connelly, who possessed a tract of land in the Ohio Valley, gathered a force of men and garrisoned the fort, calling it Fort Dunmore. This and other parties were formed to select sites for settlements, and often came in conflict with the Indians, who yet claimed portions of the valley, and several battles followed. These ended in the famous battle of Kanawha in July, where the Indians were defeated and driven across the Ohio. During the years 1775 and 1776, by the operations of land companies and the perseverance of individuals, several settlements were firmly estab- lished between the Alleghanies and the Ohio River, and western land speculators were busy in Illinois and on the Wabash. At a council held in Kaskaskia on July 5, 1773, an association of English traders, calling themselves the " Illinois Land Company," obtained from ten chiefs of the Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Peoria tribes two large tracts of land lying on the east side of the Mississippi River south of the Illinois. In 1775, a mer- chant from the Illinois Country, named Viviat, came to Post Vincennes as the agent of the association called the " Wabash Land Company." On the 8th of October he obtained from eleven Piankeshaw chiefs, a deed for 37,497,600 acres of land. This deed was signed by the grantors, attested by a number of the inhabitants of Vincennes, and afterward recorded in the office of a notary public at Kaskaskia. This and other land com- panies had extensive schemes for the colonization of the West ; but all were frustrated by the breaking out of the Revolution. On the 20th of April, 1780, the two companies named consolidated under the name of the "United Illinois and Wabash Land Company." They afterward made THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 47 strenuous efforts to have these grants sanctioned by Congress, but all signally failed. When the War of the Revolution commenced, Kentucky was an unor- ganized country, though there were several settlements within her borders. In Hutchins' Topography of Virginia, it is stated that at that time " Kaskaskia contained 80 houses, and nearly 1,000 white and black in- habitants — the whites being a little the more numerous. Cahokia con- tains 50 houses and 300 white inhabitants, and 80 negroes. There were east of the Mississippi River, about the year 1771 " — when these observa- tions were made — " 300 white men capable of bearing arms, and 230 negroes." From 1775 until the expedition of Clark, nothing is recorded and nothing known of these settlements, save what is contained in a report made by a committee to Congress in June, 1778. From it the following extract is made : " Near the mouth of the River Kaskaskia, there is a village which appears to have contained nearly eighty families from the beginning of the late revolution. There are twelve families in a small village at la Prairie du Rochers, and near fifty families at the Kahokia Village. There are also four or five families at Fort Chartres and St. Philips, which is five miles further up the river." St. Louis had been settled in February, 1764, and at this time con- tained, including its neighboring towns, over six hundred whites and one hundred and fifty negroes. It must be remembered that all the country west of the Mississippi was now under French rule, and remained so until ceded again to Spain, its original owner, who afterwards sold it and the country including New Orleans to the United States. At Detroit there were, according to Capt. Carver, who was in the Northwest from 1766 to 1768, more than one hundred houses, and the river was settled for more than twenty miles, although poorly cultivated — the people being engaged in the Indian trade. This old town has a history, which we will here relate. It is the oldest town in the Northwest, having been founded by Antoine de Lamotte Cadillac, in 1701. It was laid out in the form of an oblong square, of two acres in length, and an acre and a half in width. As described by A. D. Frazer, who first visited it and became a permanent resident of the place, in 1778, it comprised within its limits that space between Mr. Palmer's store (Conant Block) and Capt. Perkins' house (near the Arsenal building), and extended back as far as the public barn, and was bordered in front by the Detroit River. It was surrounded by oak and cedar pickets, about fifteen feet long, set in the ground, and had four gates — east, west, north and south. Over the first three of these 48 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. gates were block houses provided with four guns apiece, each a six- pounder. Two six-gun batteries were planted fronting the river and in a parallel direction with the block houses. There were four streets running east and west, the main street being twenty feet wide and the rest fifteen feet, while the four streets crossing these at right angles were from ten to fifteen feet in width. At the date spoken of by Mr. Frazer, there was no fort within the enclosure, but a citadel on the ground corresponding to the present northwest corner of Jefferson Avenue and Wayne Street. The citadel was inclosed by pickets, and within it were erected barracks of wood, two stories high, sufficient to contain ten officers, and also barracks sufficient to contain four hundred men, and a provision store built of brick. The citadel also contained a hospital and guard-house. The old town of Detroit, in 1778, contained about sixty houses, most of them one story, with a few a story and a half in height. They were all of logs, some hewn and some round. There was one building of splendid appearance, called the " King's Palace," two stories high, which stood near the east gate. It was built for Governor Hamilton, the first governor commissioned by the British. There were two guard-houses, one near the west gate and the other near the Government House. Each of the guards consisted of twenty -four men and a subaltern, who mounted regularly every morning between nine and ten o'clock, Each furnished four sentinels, who were relieved every two hours. There was also an officer of the day, who per- formed strict duty. Each of the gates was shut regularly at sunset, even wicket gates were shut at nine o'clock, and all the keys were delivered into the hands of the commanding officer. They were opened in the morning at sunrise. No Indian or squaw was permitted to enter town with any weapon, such as a tomahawk or a knife. It was a stand- ing order that the Indians should deliver their arms and instruments of every kind before they were permitted to pass the sentinel, and they were restored to them on their return. No more than twenty-five Indians wer^e allowed to enter the town at any one time, and they were admitted only at the east and west gates. At sundown the drums beat, and all the Indians were required to leave town instantly. There was a council house near the water side for the purpose of holding council with the Indians. The population of the town was about sixty families, in all about two hundred males and one hundred females. This town was destroyed by fire, all except one dwelling, in 1805. After which the present " new " town was laid out. On the breaking out of the Revolution, the British held every post of importance in the West. Kentucky was formed as a component part of Virginia, and the sturdy pioneers of the West, alive to their interests, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 49 and recognizing the great benefits of obtaining the control of the trade in this part of the New World, held steadily to their purposes, and those within the commonwealth of Kentucky proceeded to exercise their civil privileges, by electing John Todd and Richard Gallaway, burgesses to represent them in the Assembly of the parent state. Early in September of that year (1777) the first court was held in Harrodsburg, and Col. Bowman, afterwards major, who had arrived in August, was made the commander of a militia organization which had been commenced the March previous. Thus the tree of loyalty was growing. The chief spirit in this far-out colony, who had represented her the year previous east of the mountains, was now meditating a move unequaled in its boldness. He had been watching the movements of the British throughout the Northwest, and understood their whole plan. He saw it was through their possession of the posts at Detroit, Vincennes, Kaskaskia, and other places, which would give them constant and easy access to the various Indian tribes in the Northwest, that the British intended to penetrate the country from the north and south, and annihi- late the frontier fortresses. This moving, energetic man was Colonel, afterwards General, George Rogers Clark. He knew the Indians were not unanimously in accord with the English, and he was convinced that, could the British be defeated and expelled from the Northwest, the natives might be easily awed into neutrality; and by spies sent for the purpose, he satisfied himself that the enterprise against the Illinois settlements might easily succeed. Having convinced himself of the certainty of the project, he repaired to the Capital of Virginia, which place he reached on November 5th. While he was on his way, fortunately, on October 17th, Burgoyne had been defeated, and the spirits of the colonists greatly encouraged thereby. Patrick Henry was Governor of Virginia, and at once entered heartily into Clark's plans. The same plan had before been agitated in the Colonial Assemblies, but there was no one until Clark- came who was sufficiently acquainted with the condition of affairs at the scene of action to be able to guide them. Clark, having satisfied the Virginia leaders of the feasibility of his plan, received, on the 2d of January, two sets of instructions — one secret, the other open — the latter authorized him to proceed to enlist seven companies to go to Kentucky, subject to his orders, and to serve three months from their arrival in the West. The secret order authorized him to arm these troops, to procure his powder and lead of General Hand at Pittsburgh, and to proceed at once to subjugate the country. With these instructions Clark repaired to Pittsburgh, choosing rather to raise his men west of the mountains, as he well knew all were needed in the colonies in the conflict there. He sent Col. W. B. Smith to Hoi- 50 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. ston for the same purpose, but neither succeeded in raising the required number of men. The settlers in these parts were afraid to leave their own firesides exposed to a vigilant foe, and but few could be induced to join the proposed expedition. With three companies and several private volunteers, Clark at length commenced his descent of the Ohio, which he navigated as far as the Falls, where he took possession of and fortified Corn Island, a small island between the present Cities of Louisville, Kentucky, and New Albany, Indiana. Remains of this fortification may yet be found. At this place he appointed Col. Bowman to meet him with such recruits as had reached Kentucky by the southern route, and as many as could be spared from the station. Here he announced to the men their real destination. Having completed his arrangements, and chosen his party, he left a small garrison upon the island, and on the 24th of June, during a total eclipse of the sun, which to them augured no good, and which fixes beyond dispute the date of starting, he with his chosen band, fell down the river. His plan was to go by water as far as Fort Massac or Massacre, and thence march direct to Kaskaskia. Here he intended to surprise the garrison, and after its capture go to Cahokia, then to Vincennes, and lastly to Detroit. Should he fail, he intended to inarch directly to the Mississippi River and cross it into the Spanish country. Before his start he received two good items of infor- mation : one that the alliance had been formed between France and the United States ; and the other that the Indians throughout the Illinois country and the inhabitants, at the various frontier posts, had been led to believe by the British that the " Long Knives" or Virginians, were the most fierce, bloodthirsty and cruel savages that ever scalped a foe. With this impression on their minds, Clark saw that proper management would cause them to submit at once from fear, if surprised, and then from grati- tude would become friendly if treated with unexpected leniency. The march to Kaskaskia was accomplished through a hot July sun, and the town reached on the evening of July 4. He captured the fort near the village, and soon after the village itself by surprise, and without the loss of a single man or by killing any of the enemy. After sufficiently working upon the fears of the natives, Clark told them they were at per- fect liberty to worship as they pleased, and to take whichever side of the great conflict they would, also he would protect them from any barbarity from British or Indian foe. This had the desired effect, and the inhab- itants, so unexpectedly and so gratefully surprised by the unlooked for turn of affairs, at once swore allegiance to the American arms, and when Clark desired to go to Cahokia on the 6th of July, they accom- panied him, and through their influence the inhabitants of the place surrendered, and gladly placed themselves under his protection. Thus THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 51 the two important posts in Illinois passed from the hands of the English into the possession of Virginia. In the person of the priest at Kaskaskia, M. Gibault, Clark found a powerful ally and generous friend. Clark saw that, to retain possession of tke Northwest and treat successfully with the Indians within its boun- daries, he must establish a government for the colonies he had taken. St. Vincent, the next important post to Detroit, remained yet to be taken before the Mississippi Valley was conquered. M. Gibault told him that he would alone, by persuasion, lead Vincennes to throw off its connection with England. Clark gladly accepted his offer, and on the 14th of July, in company with a fellow-townsman, M. Gibault started on his mission of peace, and on the 1st of August returned with the cheerful intelligence that the post on the "O^ache'' had taken the oath of allegiance to the Old Dominion. During this interval, Clark established his courts, placed garrisons at Kaskaskia and Cahokia, successfully re-enlisted his men, sent word to have a fort, which proved the germ of Louisville, erected at the Falls of the Ohio, and dispatched Mr. Rocheblave, who had been commander at Kaskaskia, as a prisoner of war to Richmond. In October the County of Illinois was established by the Legislature of Virginia, John Todd appointed Lieutenant Colonel and Civil Governor, and in November General Clark and his men received the thanks of the Old Dominion through their Legislature. In a speech a few days afterward, Clark made known fully to the natives his plans, and at its close all came forward and swore alle- giance to the Long Knives. While he was doing this Governor Hamilton, having made his various arrangements, had left Detroit and moved down the Wabash to Vincennes intending to operate from that point in reducing the Illinois posts, and then proceed on down to Kentucky and drive the rebels from the West. Gen. Clark had, on the return of M. Gibault, dispatched Captain Helm, of Fauquier County, Virginia, with an attend- ant named Henry, across the Illinois prairies to command the fort. Hamilton knew nothing of the capitulation of the post, and was greatly surprised on his arrival to be confronted by Capt. Helm, who, standing at the entrance of the fort by a loaded cannon ready to fire upon his assail- ants, demanded upon what terms Hamilton demanded possession of the fort. Being granted the rights of a prisoner of war, he surrendered to the British General, who could scarcely believe his eyes when he saw the force in the garrison. Hamilton, not realizing the character of the men with whom he was contending, gave up his intended campaign for the Winter, sent his four hundred Indian warriors to prevent troops from coming down the Ohio, 52 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. and to annoy the Americans in all ways, and sat quietly down to pass the Winter. Information of all these proceedings having reached Clark, he saw that immediate and decisive action was necessary, and that unless he captured Hamilton, Hamilton would capture him. Clark received the news on the 29th of January, 1779, and on February 4th, having suffi- ciently garrisoned Kaskaskia and Cahokia, he sent down the Mississippi a " battoe," as Major Bowman writes it, in order to ascend the Ohio and Wabash, and operate with the land forces gathering for the fray. On the next day, Clark, with his little force of one hundred and twenty men, set out for the post, and after incredible hard marching through much mud, the ground being thawed by the incessant spring rains, on the 22d reached the fort, and being joined by his " battoe," at once commenced the attack on the post. The aim of the American back- woodsman was unerring, and on the 24th the garrison surrendered to the intrepid boldness of Clark. The French were treated with great kind- ness, and gladly renewed their allegiance to Virginia. Hamilton was sent as a prisoner to Virginia, where he was kept in close confinement. During his command of the British frontier posts, he had offered prizes to the Indians for all the scalps of Americans they would bring to him, and had earned in consequence thereof the title " Hair-buyer General," by which he was ever afterward known. Detroit was now without doubt within easy reach of the enterprising Virginian, could he but raise the necessary force. Governor Henry being apprised of this, promised him the needed reinforcement, and Clark con- cluded to wait until he could capture and sufficiently garrison the posts. Had Clark failed in this bold undertaking, and Hamilton succeeded in uniting the western Indians for the next Spring's campaign, the West would indeed have been swept from the Mississippi to the Allegheny Mountains, and the great blow struck, which had been contemplated from the commencement, by the British. " But for this small army of dripping, but fearless Virginians, the union of all the tribes from Georgia to Maine against the colonies might have been effected, and the whole current of our history changed." At this time some fears were entertained by the Colonial Govern- ments that the Indians in the North and Northwest were inclining to the British, and under the instructions of Washington, now Commander-in- Chief of the Colonial army, and so bravely fighting for American inde- pendence, armed forces were sent against the Six Nations, and upon the Ohio frontier, Col. Bowman, acting under the same general's orders, marched against Indians within the present limits of that State. These expeditions were in the main successful, and the Indians were compelled to sue for peace. THE NORTHWEST TEIiKlTOKY. 53 During this same year (1779) the famous " Land Laws" of Virginia were passed. The passage of these laws was of more consequence to the pioneers of Kentucky and the Northwest than the gaining of a few Indian conflicts. These laws confirmed in main all grants made, and guaranteed to all actual settlers their rights and privileges. After providing for the settlers, the laws provided for selling the balance of the public lands at forty cents per acre. To carry the Land Laws into effect, the Legislature sent four Virginians westward to attend to the various claims, over many of which great confusion prevailed concerning their validity. These gentlemen opened their court on October 13, 1779, at St. Asaphs, and continued until April 26, 1780, when they adjourned, having decided three thousand claims. They were succeeded by the surveyor, who came in the person of Mr. George May, and assumed his duties on the 10th day of the month whose name he bore. With the opening of the next year (1780) the troubles concerning the navigation of the Missis- sippi commenced. The Spanish Government exacted such measures in relation to its trade as to cause the overtures made to the United States to be rejected. The American Government considered they had a right to navigate its channel. To enforce their claims, a fort was erected below the mouth of the Ohio on the Kentucky side of the river. The settle- ments in Kentucky were being rapidly filled by emigrants. It was dur- ing this year that the first seminary of learning was established in the West in this young and enterprising Commonwealth. The settlers here did not look upon the building of this fort in a friendly manner, as it aroused the hostility of the Indians. Spain had been friendly to the Colonies during their struggle for independence, and though for a while this friendship appeared in danger from the refusal of the free navigation of the river, yet it was finally settled to the satisfaction of both nations. The Winter of 1779-80 was one of the most unusually severe ones ever experienced in the West. The Indians always referred to it as the "Great Cold." Numbers of wild animals perished, and not a few pioneers lost their lives. The following Summer a party of Canadians and Indians attacked St. Louis, and attempted to take possession of it in consequence of the friendly disposition of Spain to the revolting colonies. They met with such a determined resistance on the part of the inhabitants, even the women taking part in the battle, that they were compelled to abandon the contest. They also made an attack on the settlements in Kentucky, but, becoming alarmed in some unaccountable manner, they fled the country in great haste. About this time arose the question in the Colonial Congress con- cerning the western lands claimed by Virginia, New York, Massachusetts 54 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. and Connecticut. The agitation concerning this subject finally led New York, on the 19th of February, 1780, to pass a law giving to the dele- gates of that State in Congress the power to cede her western lands for the benefit of the United States. This law was laid before Congress during the next month, but no steps were taken concerning it until Sep- tember 6th, when a resolution passed that body calling upon the States claiming western lands to release their claims in favor of the whole body. This basis formed the union, and was the first after all of those legislative measures which resulted in the creation of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. In December of the same year, the plan of conquering Detroit again arose. The conquest might have easily been effected by Clark had the necessary aid been furnished him. Nothing decisive was done, yet the heads of the Government knew that the safety of the Northwest from British invasion lay in the capture and retention of that important post, the only unconquered one in the territory. Before the close of the year, Kentucky was divided into the Coun- ties of Lincoln, Fayette and Jefferson, and the act establishing the Town of Louisville was passed. This same year is also noted in the annals of American history as the ye&v in which occurred Arnold's treason to the United States. Virginia, in accordance with the resolution of Congress, on the 2d day of January, 1781, agreed to yield her western lands to the United States upon certain conditions, which Congress would not accede to, and the Act of Cession, on the part of the Old Dominion, failed, nor was anything farther done until 1783. During all that time the Colonies were busily engaged in the struggle with the mother country, and in consequence thereof but little heed was given to the western settlements. Upon the 16th of April, 1781, the first birth north of the Ohio River of American parentage occurred, being that of Mary Hecke welder, daughter of the widely known Moravian missionary, whose band of Christian Indians suffered in after years a horrible massacre by the hands of the frontier settlers, who had been exasperated by the murder of several of their neighbors, and in their rage committed, without regard to humanity, a deed which forever afterwards cast a shade of shame upon their lives. For this and kindred outrages on the part of the whites, the Indians committed many deeds of cruelty which darken the years of 1771 and 1772 in the history of the Northwest. During the year 1782 a number of battles among the Indians and frontiersmen occurred, and between the Moravian Indians and the Wyan- dots. In these, horrible acts of cruelty were practised on the captives, many of such dark deeds transpiring under the leadership of the notorious THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 55 frontier outlaw, Simon Girty, whose name, as well as those of his brothers, was a terror to women and children. These occurred chiefly in the Ohio valleys. Cotemporary with them were several engagements in Kentucky, in which the famous Daniel Boone engaged, and who, often by his skill and knowledge of Indian warfare, saved the outposts from cruel destruc- INDIANS ATTACKING FRONTIERSMEN. tion. By the close of the year victory had perched upon the American banner, and on the 30th of November, provisional articles of peace had been arranged between the Commissioners of England and her uncon- querable colonies. Cornwallis had been defeated on the 19th of October preceding, and the liberty of America was assured. On the 19th of April following, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, peace was 56 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. proclaimed to the army of the United States, and on the 3d of the next September, the definite treaty which ended our revolutionary struggle was concluded. By the terms of that treaty, the boundaries of the West were as follows : On the north the line was to extend along the center of the Great Lakes ; from the western point of Lake Superior to Long Lake ; thence to the Lake of the Woods ; thence to the head of the Mississippi River; down its center to the 81st parallel of latitude, then on that line east to the head of the Appalachicola River ; down its center to its junc- tion with the Flint ; thence straight to the head of St. Mary's River, and thence down along its center to the Atlantic Ocean. Following the cessation of hostilities with England, several posts were still occupied by the British in the North and West. Among these was Detroit, still in the hands of the enemy. Numerous engagements with the Indians throughout Ohio and Indiana occurred, upon whose lands adventurous whites would settle ere the title had been acquired by the proper treaty. To remedy this latter evil, Congress appointed commissioners to treat with the natives and purchase their lands, and prohibited the set- tlement of the territory until this could be done. Before the close of the year another attempt was made to capture Detroit, which was, however, not pushed, and Virginia, no longer feeling the interest in the Northwest she had formerly done, withdrew her troops, having on the 20th of December preceding authorized the whole of her possessions to be deeded to the United States. This was done on the 1st of March following, and the Northwest Territory passed from the control of the Old Dominion. To Gen. Clark and his soldiers, however, she gave a tract of one hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, to be situated any where north of the Ohio wherever they chose to locate them. They selected the region opposite the falls of the Ohio, where is now the dilapidated village of Clarksville, about midway between the Cities of New Albany and Jeffer- sonville, Indiana. While the frontier remained thus, and Gen. Haldimand at Detroit refused to evacuate alleging that he had no orders from his King to do so, settlers were rapidly gathering about the inland forts. In the Spring of 1784, Pittsburgh was regularly laid out, and from the journal of Arthur Lee, who passed through the town soon after on his way to the Indian council at Fort Mcintosh, we suppose it was not very prepossessing in appearance. He says : " Pittsburgh is inhabited almost entirely by Scots and Irish, who live in paltry log houses, and are as dirty as if in the north of Ireland or even Scotland. There is a great deal of trade carried on, the goods being bought at the vast expense of forty-five shillings per pound from Phila- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 57 delphia and Baltimore. They take in the shops flour, wheat, skins and money. There are in the town four attorneys, two doctors, and not a priest of any persuasion, nor church nor chapel." Kentucky at this time contained thirty thousand inhabitants, and was beginning to discuss measures for a separation from Virginia. A land office was opened at Louisville, and measures were adopted to take defensive precaution against the Indians who were yet, in some instances, incited to deeds of violence by the British. Before the close of this year, 1784, the military claimants of land began to occupy them, although no entries were recorded until 1787. The Indian title to the Northwest was not yet extinguished. They held large tracts of lands, and in order to prevent bloodshed Congress adopted means for treaties with the original owners and provided for the surveys of the lands gained tliereby, as well as for those north of the Ohio, now in its possession. On January 31, 1786, a treaty was made with the Wabash Indians. The treaty of Fort Stanwix had been made in 1784. That at Fort Mcintosh in 1785, and through these much land was gained. The Wabash Indians, however, afterward refused to comply with the provisions of the treaty made with them, and in order to compel their adherence to its provisions, force was used. During the year 1786, the free navigation of the Mississippi came up in Congress, and caused various discussions, which resulted in no definite action, only serving to excite speculation in regard to the western lands. Congress had promised bounties of land to the soldiers of the Revolution, but owing to the unsettled condition of affairs along the Mississippi respecting its naviga- tion, and the trade of the Northwest, that body had, in 1783, declared its inability to fulfill these promises until a treaty could be concluded between the two Governments. Before the close of the year 1786, how- ever, it was able, through the treaties with the Indians, to allow some grants and the settlement thereon, and on the 14th of September Con- necticut ceded to the General Government the tract of land known as the " Connecticut Reserve," and before the close of the following year a large tract of land north of the Ohio was sold to a company, who at once took measures to settle it. By the provisions of this grant, the company were to pay the United States one dollar per acre, subject to a deduction of one-third for bad lands and other contingencies. They received 750,000 acres, bounded on the south by the Ohio, on the east by the seventh range of townships, on the west by the sixteenth range, and on the north by a line so drawn as to make the grant complete without the reservations. In addition to this, Congress afterward granted 100,000 acres to actual settlers, and 214,285 acres as army bounties under the resolutions of 1739 and 1790. 58 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. While Dr. Cutler, one of the agents of the company, was pressing its claims before Congress, that body was bringing into form an ordinance for the political and social organization of this Territory. When the cession was made by Virginia, in 1784, a plan was offered, but rejected. A motion had been made to strike from the proposed plan the prohibition of slavery, which prevailed. The plan was then discussed and altered, and finally passed unanimously, with the exception of South Carolina. By this proposition, the Territory was to have been divided into states PRESENT SITE OE LAKE STREET BRIDGE, CHICAGO, IN 1S33. by parallels and meridian lines. This, it was thought, would make ten states, which were to have been named as follows — beginning at the northwest corner and going southwardly : Sylvania, Michigania, Cher- sonesus, Assenisipia, Mesopotamia, Illenoia, Saratoga, Washington, Poly- potamia and Pelisipia. There was a more serious objection to this plan than its category of names,— the boundaries. The root of the difficulty was in the resolu- tion of Congress passed in October, 1780, which fixed the boundaries of the ceded lands to be from one hundred to one hundred and fifty miles THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 59 square. These resolutions being presented to the Legislatures of Vir- ginia and Massachusetts,- they desired a change, and in July, 1786, the subject was taken up in Congress, and changed to favor a division into not more than five states, and not less than three. This was approved by the State Legislature of Virginia. The subject of the Government was again taken up by Congress in 1786, and discussed throughout that year and until July, 1787, when the famous "Compact of 1787" was passed, and the foundation of the government of the Northwest laid. This com- pact is fully discussed and explained in the history of Illinois in this book, and to it the reader is referred. The passage of this act and the grant to the New England Company was soon followed by an application to the Government by John Cleves Symmes, of New Jersey, for a grant of the land between the Miamis. This gentleman had visited these lands soon after the treaty of 1786, and, being greatly pleased with them, offered similar terms to those given to the New England Company. The petition was referred to the Treasury Board with power to act, and a contract was concluded the following- year. During the Autumn the directors of the New England Company were preparing to occupy their grant the following Spring, and upon the 23d of November made arrangements for a party of forty-seven men, under the superintendency of Gen. Rufus Putnam, to set forward. Six boat-builders were to leave at once, and on the first of January the sur- veyors and their assistants, twenty-six in number, were to meet at Hart- ford and proceed on their journey westward ; the remainder to follow as soon as possible. Congress, in the meantime, upon the od of October, had ordered seven hundred troops for defense of the western settlers, and to prevent unauthorized intrusions ; and two days later appointed Arthur St. Clair Governor of the Territory of the Northwest. AMERICAN SETTLEMENTS. The civil organization of the Northwest Territory was now com- plete, and notwithstanding the uncertainty of Indian affairs, settlers from the East began to come into the country rapidly. The New England Company sent their men during the Winter of 1787-8 pressing on over the Alleghenies by the old Indian path which had been opened into Braddock's road, and which has since been made a national turnpike from Cumberland westward. Through the weary winter days they toiled on, and by April were all gathered on the Yohiogany, where boats had been built, and at once started for the Muskingum. Here they arrived on the 7th of that month, and unless the Moravian missionaries be regarded as the pioneers of Ohio, this little band can justly claim that honor. 60 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Gen. St. Clair, the appointed Governor of the Northwest, not having yet arrived, a set of laws were passed, written out, and published by being nailed to a tree in the embryo town, and Jonathan Meigs appointed to administer them. Washington in writing of this, the first American settlement in the Northwest, said : " No colony in America was ever settled under such favorable auspices as that which has just commenced at Muskingum. Information, property and strength will be its characteristics. I know many of its settlers personally, and there never were men better calcu- lated to promote the welfare of such a community." A PIONEER PAVELLING. On the 2d of July a meeting of the directors and agents was held on the banks of the Muskingum, " for the purpose of naming the new- born city and its squares." As yet the settlement was known as the "Muskingum," but that was now changed to the name Marietta, in honor of Marie Antoinette. The square upon which the block - houses stood was called "Campus Martins ;" square number 19, " Capitolium ;" square number 61, "Cecilia ;" and the great road through the covert way, " Sacra Via." Two days after, an oration was delivered by James M. Varnum, who with S. H. Parsons and John Armstrong had been appointed to the judicial bench of the territory on the 16th of October, 1787. On July 9, Gov. St. Clair arrived, and the colony began to assume form. The act of 1787 provided two district grades of government for the Northwest, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 61 under the first of which the whole power was invested in the hands of a governor and three district judges. This was immediately formed upon the Governor's arrival, and the first laws of the colony passed on the 25th of July. These provided for the organization of the militia, and on the next daj r appeared the Governor's proclamation, erecting all that country that had been ceded by the Indians east of the Scioto River into the County of Washington. From that time forward, notwithstanding the doubts yet existing as to the Indians, all Marietta prospered, and on the 2d of September the first court of the territory was held with imposing ceremonies. The emigration westward at this time was very great. The com- mander at Fort Harmer, at the mouth of the Muskingum, reported four thousand five hundred persons as having passed that post between Feb- ruary and June, 1788 — many of whom would have purchased of the "Associates," as the New England Company was called, had they been ready to receive them. On the 26th of November, 1787, Symmes issued a pamphlet stating the terms of his contract and the plan of sale he intended to adopt. In January, 1788, Matthias Denman, of New Jersey, took an active interest in Symmes' purchase, and located among other tracts the sections upon which Cincinnati has been built. Retaining one-third of this locality, he sold the other two-thirds to Robert Patterson and John Filson, and the three, about August, commenced to lay out a town on the spot, which was designated as being opposite Licking River, to the mouth of which they proposed to have a road cut from Lexington. The naming of the town is thus narrated in the "Western Annals " : — " Mr. Filson, who had been a schoolmaster, was appointed to name the town, and, in respect to its situation, and as if with a prophetic perception of the mixed race that were to inhabit it in after days, he named it Losantiville, which, being interpreted, means : ville, the town ; anti, against or opposite to ; os, the mouth ; L. of Licking." Meanwhile, in July, Symmes got thirty persons and eight four-horse teams under way for the West. These reached Limestone (now Mays- ville) in September, where were several persons from Redstone. Here Mr. Symmes tried to found a settlement, but the great freshet of 1789 caused the " Point," as it was and is yet called, to be fifteen feet under water, and the settlement to be abandoned. The little band of settlers removed to the mouth of the Miami. Before Symmes and his colony left the " Point," two settlements had been made on his purchase. The first was by Mr. Stiltes, the original projector of the whole plan, who, with a colony of Redstone people, had located at the mouth of the Miami, whither Symmes went with his Maysville colony. Here a clearing had 62 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. been made by the Indians owing to the great fertility of the soil. Mr. Stiltes with his colony came to this place on the 18th of November, 1788, with twenty-six persons, and, building a block-house, prepared to remain through the Winter. They named the settlement Columbia. Here they were kindly treated by the Indians, but suffered greatly from the flood of 1789. On the 4th of March, 1789, the Constitution of the United States went into operation, and on April 30, George Washington was inaug- urated President of the American people, and during the next Summer, an Indian war was commenced by the tribes north of the Ohio. The President at first used pacific means ; but these failing, he sent General Harmer against the hostile tribes. He destroyed several villages, but LAKE BLUFF. The frontage of Lake Bluff Grounds on Lake Michigan, with one hundred and seventy feet of gradual ascent. was defeated in two battles, near the present City of Fort Wayne, Indiana. From this time till the close of 1795, the principal events were the wars with the various Indian tribes. In 1796, General St. Clair was appointed in command, and marched against the Indians ; but while he was encamped on a stream, the St. Mary, a branch of the Maumee, he was attacked and defeated with the loss of six hundred men. General Wayne was now sent against the savages. In August, 1794, he met them near the rapids of the Maumee, and gained a complete victory. This success, followed by vigorous measures, compelled the Indians to sue for peace, and on the 30th of July, the following year, the treaty of Greenville was signed by the principal chiefs, by which a large tract of country was ceded to the United States. Before proceeding in our narrative, we will pause to notice Fort Washington, erected in the early part of this war on the site of Cincinnati. Nearly all of the great cities of the Northwest, and indeed of the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 63 whole country, have had their nuclei in those rude pioneer structures, known as forts or stockades. Thus Forts Dearborn, Washington, Pon- chartrain, mark the original sites of the now proud Cities of Chicago, Cincinnati and Detroit. So of most of the flourishing cities east and west of the Mississippi. Fort Washington, erected by Doughty in 1790, was a rude but highly interesting structure. It was composed of a number of strongly-built hewed log cabins. Those designed for soldiers' barracks were a story and a half high, while those composing the officers quarters were more imposing and more conveniently arranged and furnished. The whole were so placed as to form a hollow square, enclosing about an acre of ground, with a block house at each of the four angles. The logs for the construction of this fort were cut from the ground upon which it was erected. It stood between Third and Fourth Streets of the present city (Cincinnati) extending east of Eastern Row, now Broadway, which was then a narrow alley, and the eastern' boundary of of the town as it was originally laid out. On the bank of the river, immediately in front of the fort, was an appendage of the fort, called the Artificer's Yard. It contained about two acres of ground, enclosed by small contiguous buildings, occupied by workshops and quarters of laborers. Within this enclosure there was a large two-story frame house, familiarly called the " Yellow House," built for the accommodation of the Quartermaster General. For many years this was the best finished and most commodious edifice in the Queen City. Fort Washington was for some time the headquarters of both the civil and military governments of the Northwestern Territory. Following the consummation of the treaty various gigantic land spec- ulations were entered into by different persons, who hoped to obtain from the Indians in Michigan and northern Indiana, large tracts of lands. These were generally discovered .in time to prevent the outrageous schemes from being carried out, and from involving the settlers in war. On October 27, 1795, the treaty between the United States and Spain was signed, whereby the free navigation of the Mississippi was secured. No sooner had the treaty of 1795 been ratified than settlements began to pour rapidly into the West. The great event of the year 1796 was the occupation of that part of the Northwest including Michigan, which was this year, under the provisions of the treaty, evacuated by the British forces. The United States, owing to certain conditions, did not feel justified in addressing the authorities in Canada in relation to Detroit and other frontier posts. When at last the British authorities were called to give them up, they at once complied, and General Waj r ne, who had done so much to preserve the frontier settlements, and who, before the year's close, sickened and died near Erie, transferred his head- 64 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. quarters to the neighborhood of the lakes, where a county named after him was formed, which included the northwest of Ohio, all of Michigan, and the northeast of Indiana. During this same year settlements were formed at the present City of Chillicothe, along the Miami from Middle- town to Piqua, while in the more distant West, settlers and speculators began to appear in great numbers. In September, the City of Cleveland was laid out, and during the Summer and Autumn, Samuel Jackson and Jonathan Sharpless erected the first manufactory of paper — the " Red- stone Paper Mill" — in the West. St. Louis contained some seventy houses, and Detroit over three hundred, and along the river, contiguous to it, were more than three thousand inhabitants, mostly French Canadians, Indians and half-breeds, scarcely any Americans venturing yet into that part of the Northwest. The election of representatives for the territory had taken place, and on the 4th of February, 1799, they convened at Losantiville — now known as Cincinnati, having been named so by Gov. St. Clair, and considered the capital of the Territory — to nominate persons from whom the members of the Legislature were to be chosen in accordance with a previous" ordinance. This nomination being made, the Assembly adjourned until the 16th of the following September. From those named the President selected as members of the council, Henry Vandenburg, of Vincennes, Robert Oliver, of Marietta, James Findlay and Jacob Burnett, of Cincinnati, and David Vance, of Vanceville. On the 16th of September the Territorial Legislature met, and on the 24th the two houses were duly organized, Henry Vandenburg being elected President of the Council. The message of Gov. St. Clair was addressed to the Legislature September 20th, and on October 13th that body elected as a delegate to Congress Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison, who received eleven of the votes cast, being a majority of one over his opponent, Arthur St. Clair, son of Gen. St. Clair. The whole number of acts passed at this session, and approved by the Governor, were thirty-seven — eleven others were passed, but received his veto. The most important of those passed related to the militia, to the administration, and to taxation. On the 19th of December this pro- tracted session of the first Legislature in the West was closed, and on the 30th of December the President nominated Charles Willing Bryd to the office of Secretary of the Territory vice Wm. Henry Harrison, elected to Congress. The Senate confirmed his nomination the next day. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 65 DIVISION OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The increased emigration to the Northwest, the extent of the domain, and the inconvenient modes of travel, made it very difficult to conduct the ordinary operations of government, and rendered the efficient action of courts almost impossible. To remedy this, it was deemed advisable to divide the territory for civil purposes. Congress, in 1800, appointed a committee to examine the question and report some means for its solution. This committee, on the 3d of March, reported that : " In the three western countries there has been but one court having cognizance of crimes, in five years, and the immunity which offenders experience attracts, as to an asylum, the most vile and abandoned crim- inals, and at the same time deters useful citizens from making settlements in such society. The extreme necessity of judiciary attention and assist- ance is experienced in civil as well as in criminal cases. * * * * To minister a remedy to these and other evils, it occurs to this committee that it is expedient that a division of said territory into two distinct and separate governments should be made ; and that such division be made by a line beginning at the mouth of the Great Miami River, running directly north until it intersects the boundary between the United States and Canada." The report was accepted by Congress, and, in accordance with its suggestions, that body passed an Act extinguishing the Northwest Terri- tory, which Act was approved May 7. Among its provisions were these : " That from and after July 4 next, all that part of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River, which lies to the westward of a line beginning at a point on the Ohio, opposite to the mouth of the Kentucky River, and running thence to Fort Recovery, and thence north until it shall intersect the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall, for the purpose of temporary government, constitute a separate territory, and be called the Indiana Territory." After providing for the exercise of the civil and criminal powers of the territories, and other provisions, the Act further provides : " That until it shall otherwise be ordered by the Legislatures of the said Territories, respectively, Chillicothe on the Scioto River shall be the seat of government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River ; and that St. Vincennes on the Wabash River shall be the seat of government for the Indiana Territory." Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison was appointed Governor of the Indiara Territory, and entered upon his duties about a year later. Connecticut also about this time released her claims to the reserve, and in March a law 66 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. was passed accepting this cession. Settlements had been made upon thirty-five of the townships in the reserve, mills had been built, and seven hundred miles of road cut in various directions. On the 3d of November the General Assembly met at Chillicothe. Near the close of the year, the first missionary of the Connecticut Reserve came, who found no township containing more than eleven families. It was upon the first of October that the secret treaty had been made between Napoleon and the King of Spain, whereby the latter agreed to cede to France the province of Louisiana. In January, 1802, the Assembly of the Northwestern Territory char- tered the college at Athens. From the earliest dawn of the western colonies, education was promptly provided for, and as early as 1787, newspapers were issued from Pittsburgh and Kentucky, and largely read throughout the frontier settlements. Before the close of this year, the Congress of the United States granted to the citizens of the Northwestern territory the formation of a State government. One of the provisions of the "compact of 1787" provided that whenever the number of inhabit- ants within prescribed limits exceeded 45,000, they should be entitled to a separate government. The prescribed limits of Ohio contained, from a census taken to ascertain the legality of the act, more than that number, and on the 30th of April, 1802, Congress passed the act defining its limits, and on the 29th of November the Constitution of the new State of Ohio, so named from the beautiful river forming its southern boundary, came into existence. The exact limits of Lake Michigan were not then known, but the territory now included within the State of Michigan was wholly within the territory of Indiana. Gen. Harrison, while residing at Vincennes, made several treaties with the Indians, thereby gaining large tracts of lands. The next }*ear is memorable in the history of the West for the purchase of Louisiana from France by the United States for $15,000,000. Thus by a peaceful mode, the domain of the United States was extended over a large tract of country west of the Mississippi, and was for a time under the jurisdiction of the Northwest government, and, as has been mentioned in the early part of this narrative, was called the "New Northwest." The limits of this history will not allow a description of its territory. The same year large grants of land were obtained from the Indians, and the House of Representatives of the new State of Ohio signed a bill respecting the College Township in the district of Cincinnati. Before the close of the year, Gen. Harrison obtained additional grants of lands from the various Indian nations in Indiana and the present limits of Illinois, and on the 18th of August, 1804, completed a treaty at St. Louis, whereby over 51,000,000 acres of lands were obtained from the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 67 aborigines. Measures were also taken to learn the condition of affairs in and about Detroit. C. Jouett, the Indian agent in Michigan, still a part of Indiana Terri- tory, reported as follows upon the condition of matters at that post : " The Town of Detroit. — The charter, which is for fifteen miles square, was granted in the time of Louis XIV. of France, and is now, from the best information I have been able to get, at Quebec. Of those two hundred and twenty-five acres, only four are occupied by the town and Fort Lenault. The remainder is a common, except twenty-four acres, which were added twenty years ago to a farm belonging to Wm. Macomb. * * * A stockade incloses the town, fort and citadel. The pickets, as well as the public houses, are in a state of gradual decay. The streets are narrow, straight and regular, and intersect each other at right angles. The houses are, for the most part, low and inelegant." During this year, Congress granted a township of land for the sup- port of a college, and began to offer inducements for settlers in these wilds, and the country now comprising the State of Michigan began to fill rapidly with settlers along its southern borders. This same year, also, a law was passed organizing the Southwest Territory, dividing it into two portions, the Territory of New Orleans, which city was made the seat of government, and the District of Louisiana, which was annexed to the domain of Gen. Harrison. On the 11th of January, 1805, the Territory of Michigan was formed, Wm. Hull was appointed governor, with headquarters at Detroit, the change to take effect on June 30. On the 11th of that month, a fire occurred at Detroit, which destroyed almost every building in the place. When the officers of the new territory reached the post, .they found it in ruins, and the inhabitants scattered throughout the country. Rebuild- ing, however, soon commenced, and ere long the town contained more houses than before the fire, and many of them much better built. While this was being done, Indiana had passed to the second grade of government, and through her General Assembly had obtained large tracts of land from the Indian tribes. To all this the celebrated Indian, Tecumthe or Tecumseh, vigorously protested, and it was the main cause of his attempts to unite the various Indian tribes in a conflict with the settlers. To obtain a full account of these attempts, the workings of the British, and the signal failure, culminating in the death of Tecumseh at the battle of the Thames, and the close of the war of 1812 in the Northwest, we will step aside in our story, and relate the principal events of his life, and his connection with this conflict. Q$ THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY, TECUMSEH, THE SHAWANOE CHIEFTAIN. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. ft'j TECUMSEH, AND THE WAR OF 1812. This famous Indian chief was born about the year 1768, not far from the site of the present City of Piqua, Ohio. His father, Puckeshinwa, was a member of the Kisopok tribe of the Swanoese nation, and his mother, Methontaske, was a member of the Turtle tribe of the same people. They removed from Florida about the middle of the last century to the birthplace of Tecumseh. In 1774, his father, who had risen to be chief, was slain at the battle of Point Pleasant, and not long after Tecum- seh, by his bravery, became the leader of his tribe. In 1795 he was declared chief, and then lived at Deer Creek, near the site of the present City of Urbana. He remained here about one year, when he returned to Piqua, and in 1798, he went to White River, Indiana. In 1805, he and his brother, Laulewasikan (Open Door), who had announced himself as a prophet, went to a tract of land on the Wabash River, given them by the Pottawatomies and Kickapoos. From this date the chief comes into prominence. He was now about thirty-seven years of age, was five feet and ten inches in height, was stoutly built, and possessed of enormous powers of endurance. His countenance was naturally pleas- ing, and he was, in general, devoid of those savage attributes possessed by most Indians. It is stated he could read and write, and had a confi- dential secretary and adviser, named Billy Caldwell, a half-breed, who afterward became chief of the Pottawatomies. He occupied the first house built on the site of Chicago. At this time, Tecumseh entered upon the great work of his life. He had long objected to the grants of land made by the Indians to the whites, and determined to unite all the Indian tribes into a league, in order that no treaties or grants of land could be made save by the consent of this confederation. He traveled constantly, going from north to south ; from the south to the north, everywhere urging the Indians to this step. He was a matchless orator, and his burning words had their effect. Gen. Harrison, then Governor of Indiana, by watching the move- ments of the Indians, became convinced that a grand conspiracy was forming, and made preparations to defend the settlements. Tecumseh's plan was similar to Pontiac's, elsewhere described, and to the cunning artifice of that chieftain was added his own sagacity. During the year 1809, Tecumseh and the prophet were actively pre- paring for the work. In that year, Gen. Harrison entered into a treaty with the Delawares, Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, Miamis, Eel River Indians and Weas, in which these tribes ceded to the whites certain lands upon the Wabash, to all of which Tecumseh entered a bitter protest, averring 70 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. as one principal reason that he did not want the Indians to give up any lands north and west of the Ohio River. Tecumseh, in August, 1810, visited the General at Vincennes and held a council relating to the grievances of the Indians. Becoming unduly angry at this conference he was dismissed from the village, and soon after departed to incite the southern Indian tribes to the conflict. Gen. Harrison determined to move upon the chiefs headquarters at Tippecanoe, and for this purpose went about sixty-five miles up the Wabash, where he built Fort Harrison. From this place he went to the prophet's town, where he informed the Indians he had no hostile inten- tions, provided they were true to the existing treaties. He encamped near the village early in October, and on the morning of November 7, he was attacked by a large force of the Indians, and the famous battle of Tippecanoe occurred. The Indians were routed and their town broken up. Tecumseh returning not long after, was greatl}- exasperated at his brother, the prophet, even threatening to kill him for rashly precipitating the war, and foiling his (Tecumseh's) plans. Tecumseh sent word to Gen. Harrison that he was now returned from the South, and was ready to visit the. President as had at one time previously been proposed. Gen. Harrison informed him he could not go as a chief, which method Tecumseh desired, and the visit was never made. In June of the following year, he visited the Indian agent at Fort Wayne. Here he disavowed any intention to make a war against the United States, and reproached Gen. Harrison for marching against his people. The agent replied to this ; Tecumseh listened with a cold indif- ference, and after making a few general remarks, with a haughty air drew his blanket about him, left the council house, and departed for Fort Mai- den, in Upper Canada, where he joined the British standard. He remained under this Government, doing effective work for the Crown while engaged in the war of 1812 which now opened. He was, however, always humane in his treatment of the prisoners, never allow- ing his warriors to ruthlessly mutilate the bodies of those slain, or wan- tonly murder the captive. In the Summer of 1813, Perry's victory on Lake Erie occurred, and shortly after active preparations were made to capture Maiden. On the 27th of September, the American army, under Gen. Harrison, set sail for the shores of Canada, and in a few hours stood around the ruins of Mai- den, from which the British army, under Proctor, had retreated to Sand- wich, intending to make its way to the heart of Canada by the Valley oi the Thames. On the 29th Gen. Harrison was at Sandwich, and Gen McArthur took possession of Detroit and the territory of Michigan. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 71 On the 2d of October, the Americans began their pursuit of Proctor, whom they overtook on the 5th, and the battle of the Thames followed. Early in the engagement, Tecumseh who was at the head of the column of Indians was slain, and they, no longer hearing the voice of their chief- tain, fled. The victory was decisive, and practically closed the war in the Northwest. INDIANS ATTACKING A STOCKADE. Just who killed the great chief has been a matter of much dispute ; but the weight of opinion awards the act to Col. Richard M. Johnson, who fired at him with a pistol, the shot proving fatal. In 1805 occurred Burr's Insurrection. He took possession of a beautiful island in the Ohio, after the killing of Hamilton, and is charged by many with attempting to set up an independent government. His plans were frustrated by the general government, his property confiscated and he was compelled to flee the country for safety. 72 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. In January, 1807, Governor Hull, of Michigan Territory, made a treaty with the Indians, whereby all that peninsula was ceded to the United States. Before the close of the year, a stockade was built about Detroit. It was also during this }^ear that Indiana and Illinois endeavored to obtain the repeal of that section of the compact of 1787, whereby slavery was excluded from the Northwest Territory. These attempts, however, all signally failed. In 1809 it was deemed advisable to divide the Indiana Territory. This was done, and the Territory of Illinois was formed from the western part, the seat of government being fixed at Kaskaskia. The next year, the intentions of Tecumseh manifested themselves in open hostilities, and then began the events already narrated. While this war was in progress, emigration to the West went on with surprising rapidity. In 1811, under Mr. Roosevelt of New York, the first steamboat trip was made on the Ohio, much to the astonishment of the natives, many of whom fled in terror at the appearance of the " monster." It arrived at Louisville on the 10th day of October. At the close of the first week of January, 1812, it arrived at Natchez, after being nearly overwhelmed in the great earthquake which occurred while on its downward trip. The battle of the Thames was fought on October 6, 1813. It effectually closed hostilities in the Northwest, although peace was not fully restored until July 22, 1814, when a treaty was formed at Green- ville, under the direction of General Harrison, between the United States and the Indian tribes, in which it was stipulated that the Indians should cease hostilities against the Americans if the war were continued. Such, happily, was not the case, and on the 24th of December the treaty of Ghent was signed by the representatives of England and the United States. This treaty was followed the next year by treaties with various Indian tribes throughout the West and Northwest, and quiet was again restored in this part of the new world. On the 18th of March, 1816, Pittsburgh was incorporated as a city. It then had a population of 8,000 people, and was already noted for its manufacturing interests. On April 19, Indiana Territory was allowed to form a state government. At that time there were thirteen counties organized, containing about sixty -three thousand inhabitants. The first election of state officers was held in August, when Jonathan Jennings was chosen Governor. The officers were sworn in on November 7, and on December 11, the State was formally admitted into the Union. For some time the seat of government was at Corydon, but a more central location being desirable, the present capital, Indianapolis (City of Indiana), was laid out January 1, 1825. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 73 On the 28th of December the Bank of Illinois, at Shawneetown, was chartered, with a capital of $300,000. At this period all banks were under the control of the States, and were allowed to establish branches at different convenient points. Until this time Chillicothe and Cincinnati had in turn enjoyed the privileges of being the capital of Ohio. But the rapid settlement of the northern and eastern portions of the State demanded, as in Indiana, a more central location, and before the close of the year, the site of Col- umbus was selected and surveyed as the future capital of the State. Banking had begun in Ohio as early as 1808, when the first bank was chartered at Marietta, but here as elsewhere it did not bring to the state the hoped-for assistance. It and other banks were subsequently unable to redeem their currency, and were obliged to suspend. In 1818, Illinois was made a state, and all the territory north of her northern limits was erected into a separate territory and joined to Mich- igan for judicial purposes. By the following year, navigation of the lakes was increasing with great rapidity and affording an immense source of revenue to the dwellers in the Northwest, but it was not until 1826 that the trade was extended to Lake Michigan, or that steamships began to navigate the bosom of that inland sea. Until the year 1832, the commencement of the Black Hawk War, but few hostilities were experienced with the Indians. Roads were opened, canals were dug, cities were built, common schools were estab- lished, universities were founded, many of which, especially the Michigan University, have achieved a world wide-reputation. The people were becoming wealthy. The domains of the United States had been extended, and had the sons of the forest been treated with honesty and justice, the record of many years would have been that of peace and continuous pros- perity. BLACK HAWK AND THE BLACK HAWK WAR. This conflict, though confined to Illinois, is an important epoch in the Northwestern history, being the last war with the Indians in this part of the United States. Ma-ka T tai-me-she-kia-kiah, or Black Hawk, was born in the principal Sac village, about three miles from the junction of Rock River with the Mississippi, in the year 1767. His father's name was Py-e-sa or Pahaes ; his grandfather's, Na-na-ma-kee, or the Thunderer. Black Hawk early distinguished himself as a warrior, and at the age of fifteen was permitted to paint and was ranked among the braves. About the year 1783, he went on an expedition against the enemies of his nation, the Osages, one 74 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. BLACK HAWK, THE SAC CHIEFTAIN. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 75 of whom he killed and scalped, and for this deed of Indian bravery he was permitted to join in the scalp dance. Three or four years after he, at the head of two hundred braves, went on another expedition against the Osages, to avenge the murder of some women and children belonging to his own tribe. Meeting an equal number of Osage warriors, a fierce battle ensued, in which the latter tribe lost one-half their number. The Sacs lost only about nineteen warriors. He next attacked the Cherokees for a similar cause. In a severe battle with them, near the present City of St. Louis, his father was slain, and Black Hawk, taking possession of the " Medicine Bag," at once announced himself chief of the Sac nation. He had now conquered the Cherokees, and about the year 1800, at the head of five hundred Sacs and Foxes, and a hundred Iowas, he waged war against the Osage nation and subdued it. For two years he battled successfully with other Indian tribes, all of whom he conquered. Black Hawk does not at any time seem to have been friendly to the Americans. When on a visit to St. Louis to see his " Spanish Father," he declined to see any of the Americans, alleging, as a reason, he did not want two fathers. The treaty at St. Louis was consummated in 1804. The next year the United States Government erected a fort near the head of the Des Moines Rapids, called Fort Edwards. This seemed to enrage Black Hawk, who at once determined to capture Fort Madison, standing on the west side of the Mississippi above the mouth of the Des Moines River. The fort was garrisoned by about fifty men. Here he was defeated. The difficulties with the British Government arose about this time, and the War of 1812 followed. That government, extending aid to the Western Indians, by giving them arms and ammunition, induced them to remain hostile to the Americans. In August, 1812, Black Hawk, at the head of about five hundred braves, started to join the British forces at Detroit, passing on his way the site of Chicago, where the famous Fort Dearborn Massacre h:.' 1 a few days before occurred. Of his connection with the British at which time the town board of review meets to examine assessments, hear objections, and make such changes as ought to be made. The county board have also power to correct or change assessments. The tax books are placed in the hands of the town collector on or before t) e tenth day of December, who retains them until the tenth day of March following, when he is required to return them to the county treasurer, who then collects all delinquent taxes. No costs accrue on real estate taxes till advertised, which takes place the first day of April, when three weeks' notice is required before judg- ment. Cost of advertising, twenty cents each tract of land, and ten cents each lot. Judgment is usually obtained at May term of County Court. Costs six cents each tract of land, and five cents each lot. Sale takes place in June. Costs in addition to those before mentioned, twenty-eight cents each tract of land, and twenty-seven cents each town lot. Real estate sold for taxes may be redeemed any time before the expi- ration of two years from the date of sale, by payment to the County Clerk of the amount for which it was sold and twenty-five per cent, thereon if redeemed within six months, fifty per cent, if between six and twelve months, if between twelve and eighteen months seventy-five per cent., and if between eighteen months and two years one hundred per cent., and in addition, all subsequent taxes paid by the purchaser, with ten per cent, interest thereon, also one dollar each tract if notice is given by the purchaser of the sale, and a fee of twenty-five cents to the clerk for his certificate. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. Justices have jurisdiction in all civil cases on contracts for the recovery of moneys for damages for injury to real property, or taking, detaining, or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 127 injuring personal property ; for rent; for all cases to recover damages done real or personal property by railroad companies, in actions of replevin, and in actions for damages for fraud in the sale, purchase, or exchange of per- sonal property, when the amount claimed as due is not over $200. They have also jurisdiction in all cases for violation of the ordinances of cities, towns or villages. A justice of the peace may orally order an officer or a private person to arrest any one committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense. He also upon complaint can issue his warrant for the arrest of any person accused of having committed a crime, and have him brought before him for examination. COUNTY COURTS Have jurisdiction in all matters of probate (except in counties having a population of one hundred thousand or over), settlement of estates of deceased persons, appointment of guardians and conservators, and settle- ment of their accounts ; all matters relating to apprentices ; proceedings for the collection of taxes and assessments, and in proceedings of executors, administrators, guardians and conservators for the sale of real estate. In law cases they have concurrent jurisdiction with Circuit Courts in all cases where justices of the peace now have, or hereafter may have, jurisdiction when the amount claimed shall not exceed $1,000, and in all criminal offenses where the punishment is not imprisonment in the peni- tentiary, or death, and in all cases of appeals from justices of the peace and police magistrates; excepting when the county judge is sitting as a justice of the peace. Circuit Courts have unlimited jurisdiction. LIMITATION OF ACTION. Accounts five years. Notes and written contracts ten years. Judg- ments twenty years. Partial payments or new promise in writing, within or after said period, will revive the debt. Absence from the State deducted, and when the cause of action is barred by the law of another State, it has the same effect here. Slander and libel, one year. Personal injuries, two years. To recover land or make entry thereon, twenty years. Action to foreclose mortgage or trust deed, or make a sale, within ten years. All persons in possession of land, and paying taxes for seven consecu- tive years, with color of title, and all persons paying taxes for seven con- secutive years, with color of title, on vacant land, shall be held to be the legal owners to the extent of their 'paper title. MARRIED WOMEN May sue and be sued. Husband and wife not liable for each other s debts, either before or after marriage, but both are liable for expenses and edu- cation of the family. 128 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. She may contract the same as if unmarried, except that in a partner- ship business she can not, without consent of her husband, unless he has abandoned or deserted her, or is idiotic or insane, or confined in peniten- tiary ; she is entitled and can recover her own earnings, but neither hus- band nor wife is entitled to compensation for any services rendered for the other. At the death of the husband, in addition to widow's award, a married woman has a dower interest (one-third) in all real estate owned by her husband after their marriage, and which has not been released by her, and the husband has the same interest in the real estate of the wife at her death. EXEMPTIONS FROM FORCED SALE. Home worth $1,000, and the following Personal Property : Lot of ground and buildings thereon, occupied as a residence by the debtor, being a house- holder and having a family, to the value of $1,000. Exemption continues after the death of the householder for the benefit of widow and family, some one of them occupying the homestead until youngest child shall become twenty-one years of age, and until death of widoiv. There is no exemption from sale for taxes, assessments, debt or liability incurred for the purchase or improvement of said homestead. No release or waiver of exemption is valid, unless in writing, and subscribed by such householder and wife (if he have one), and acknowledged as conveyances of real estate are required to be acknowledged. The following articles of personal property owned by the debtor, are exempt from execution, writ of attachment, and distress for rent : The necessary wearing apparel, Bibles, school books and family pictures of every person ; and, 2d, one hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor, and, in addition, when the debtor is the head of a family and resides with the same, three hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor ; provided that such selection and exemption shall not be made by the debtor or allowed to him or her from any money, salary or wages due him or her from any person or persons or corporations whatever. When the head of a family shall die, desert or not reside with the same, the family shall be entitled to and receive all the benefit and priv- ileges which are by this act conferred upon the head of a family residing with the same. No personal property is exempt from execution when judgment is obtained for the wages of laborers or servants. Wages of a laborer who is the head of a family can not be garnisheed, except the sum due him be in excess of $25. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 129 DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. To be valid there must be a valid consideration. Special care should be taken to have them signed, sealed, delivered, and properly acknowl- edged, with the proper seal attached. Witnesses are not required. The acknoivledgement must be made in this state, before Master in Chancery, Notary Public, United States Commissioner, Circuit or County Clerk, Justice of Peace, or any Court of Record having a seal, or any Judge, Justice, or Clerk of any such Court. When taken before a Notary Public, or United States Commissioner, the same shall be attested by his official seal, when taken before a Court or the Clerk thereof, the same shall be attested by the seal of such Court, and when taken before a Justice of the Peace resid- ing out of the county where the real estate to be conveyed lies, there shall be added a certificate of the County Clerk under his seal of office, that he was a Justice of the Peace in the county at the time of taking the same. A deed is good without such certificate attached, but can not be used in evidence unless such a certificate is produced or other competent evidence introduced. Acknowledgements made out of the state must either be executed according to the laws of this state, or there should be attached a certificate that it is in conformity with the laws of the state or country where executed. Where this is not done the same may be proved by any other legal way. Acknowledgments where the Homestead rights are to be waived must state as follows : " Including the release and waiver of the right of homestead." Notaries Public can take acknowledgements any where in the state. Sheriffs, if authorized by the mortgagor of real or personal property in his mortgage, may sell the property mortgaged. In the case of the death of grantor or holder of the equity of redemp- tion of real estate mortgaged, or conveyed by deed of trust where equity of redemption is waived, and it contains power of sale, must be foreclosed in the same manner as a common mortgage in court. ESTRAYS. Horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, swine, sheep, or goats found straying at any time during the year, in counties where such animals are not allowed to run at large, or between the last day of October and the 15th day of April in other counties, the oivner thereof being unknown, may be taken up as estrays. No person not a householder in the county where estray is found can lawfully take up an estray, and then only upon or about his farm or place of residence. Estrays should not be used before advertised, except animals giving milk, which may be milked for their benefit. 130 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Notices must be posted up within five (5) days in three (3) of the most public places in the town or precinct in which estray was found, giv- ing the residence of the taker up, and a particular description of the estray, its age, color, and marks natural and artificial, and stating before what justice of the peace in such town or precinct, and at what time, not less than ten (10) nor more than fifteen (15) days from the time of post- ing such notices, he will apply to have the estray appraised. A copy of such notice should be filed by the taker up with the town clerk, whose duty it is to enter the same at large, in a book kept by him for that purpose. If the owner of estray shall not have appeared and proved ownership, and taken the same away, first paying the taker up his reasonable charges for taking up, keeping, and advertising the same, the taker up shall appear before the justice of the peace mentioned in above mentioned notice, and make an affidavit as required by law. As the affidavit has to be made before the justice, and all other steps as to appraisement, etc., are before him, who is familiar therewith, they are therefore omitted here. Any person taking up an estray at any other place than about or upon his farm or residence, or without complying with the law, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars with costs. Ordinary diligence is required in taking care of estrays, but in case they die or get away the taker is not liable for the same. GAME. It is unlawful for any person to kill, or attempt to kill or destroy, in any manner, any prairie hen or chicken or woodcock between the loth day of January and the 1st day of September ; or any deer, faivn, wild-turkey, partridge or pheasant between the 1st day of February and the 1st day of October ; or any quail between the 1st day of February and 1st day of November ; or any wild goose, duck, snipe, brant or other water fowl between the 1st day of May and 15th day of August in each year. Penalty : Fine not less than $5 nor more than $25, for each bird or animal, and costs of suit, and stand committed to county jail until fine is paid, but not exceeding ten days. It is unlawful to hunt with gun, dog or net within the inclosed grounds or lands of another without permission. Penalty: Fine not less than $3 nor more than $100, to be paid into school fund. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whenever any of the following articles shall be contracted for, or sold or delivered, and no special contract or agreement shall be made to the contrary, the weight per bushel shall be as follows, to-wit : ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 131 Pounds. Pounds. Stone Coal, - - 80 Buckwheat, - - 52 Unslacked Lime, - 80 Coarse Salt, - 50 Corn in the ear, - 70 Barley, - - 48 Wheat, - 60 Corn Meal, - 48 Irish Potatoes, - 60 Castor Beans, - 46 White Beans, - 60 Timothy Seed, - - 45 Clover Seed, - - 60 Hemp Seed, - - 44 Onions, - - 57 Malt, - - 38 Shelled Corn, - 56 Dried Peaches, - 33 Rye, - - 56 Oats, - - 32 Flax Seed, - 56 Dried Apples, - 24 Sweet Potatoes, - - 55 Bran, - - 20 Turnips, - 55 Blue Grass Seed, - - 14 Fine Salt, - - 55 Hair (plastering), 8 Penalty for giving less than the above standard is double the amount of property wrongfully not given, and ten dollars addition thereto. MILLERS. The owner or occupant of every public grist mill in this state shall grind all grain brought to his mill in its turn. The toll for both steam and water mills, is, for grinding and bolting wheat, rye, or other grain, one eighth part; for grinding Indian corn, oats, barley and buckwheat not required to be bolted, one seventh part ; for grinding malt, and chopping all kinds of grain, one eighth part. It is the duty of every miller when his mill is in repair, to aid and assist in loading and unloading all grain brought to him to be ground, and he is also required to keep an accurate half bushel measure, and an accurate set of toll dishes or scales for weishino- the grain. The penalty for neglect or refusal to comply with the law is §5, to the use of any person to sue for the same, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the county where penalty is incurred. Millers are accountable for the safe keeping of all grain left in his mill for the purpose of being ground, with bags or casks containing same (except it results from unavoidable accidents), provided that such bags or casks are distinctly marked with the initial letters of the owner's name. MARKS AND BRANDS. Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats may have one ear mark and one brand, but which shall be different from his neighbor's, and may be recorded by the county clerk of the county in which such property is kept. Th.e fee for such record is fifteen cents. The record of such shall be open to examination free of charge. In cases of disputes as to marks or brands, such record is prima facie evidence. Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats that may have been branded by the former oioner, 132 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. may be re-branded in presence of one or more of his neighbors, who shall certify to the facts of the marking or branding being done, when done, and in what brand or mark they were re-branded or re-marked, which certificate may also be recorded as before stated.^ ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Children may be adopted by any resident of this state, by filing a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which he resides, asking leave to do so, and if desired may ask that the name of the child be changed. Such petition, if made by a person having a husband or wife, will not be granted, unless the husband or wife joins therein, as the adoption must be by them jointly. The petition shall state name, sex, and age of the child, and the new name, if it is desired to change the name. Also the name and residence of the parents of the child, if known, and of the guardian, if any, and whether the parents or guardians consent to the adoption. The court must find, before granting decree, that the parents of the child, or the survivors of them, have deserted his or her family or such child for one year next preceding the application, or if neither are living, the guardian ; if no guardian, the next of kin in this state capable of giving consent, has had notice of the presentation of the petition and consents to such adoption. If the child is of the age of fourteen years or upwards, the adoption can not be made without its consent. SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS. There is in every county elected a surveyor known as county sur- veyor, who has power to appoint deputies, for whose official acts he is responsible. It is the duty of the county surveyor, either by himself or his deputy, to make all surveys that he may be called upon to make within his county as soon as may be after application is made. The necessary chainmen and other assistance must be employed by the person requiring the same to be done, and to be by him paid, unless otherwise agreed ; but the chainmen must be disinterested persons and approved by the surveyor and sworn by him to measure justly and impartially. The County Board in each county is required by law to provide a copy of the United States field notes and plats of their surveys of the lands in the county to be kept in the recorder's office subject to examination by the public, and the county surveyor is required to make his surveys in conformity to said notes, plats and the laws of the United States gov- erning such matters. The surveyor is also required to keep a record of all surveys made by him, which shall be subject to inspection by any one interested, and shall be delivered up to his successor in office. A. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 133 certified copy of the said surveyor's record shall be prima facie evidence of its contents. The fees of county surveyors are six dollars per day. The county surveyor is also ex officio inspector of mines, and as such, assisted by some practical miner selected by him, shall once each year inspect all the mines in the county, for which they shall each receive such compensa- tion as may be fixed by the County Board, not exceeding $5 a day, to be paid out of the county treasury. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Where practicable from the nature of the ground, persons traveling in any kind of vehicle, must turn to the right of the center of the road, so as to permit each carriage to pass without interfering with each other. The penalty for a violation of this provision is $5 for every offense, to be recovered by the party injured; but to recover, there must have occurred some injury to person or property resulting from the violation. The owners of any carriage traveling upon any road in this State for the conveyance of passengers who shall employ or continue in his employment as driver any person who is addicted to drunkenness, or the excessive use of spiritous liquors, after he has had notice of the same, shall forfeit, at the rate of $5 per day, and if any driver while actually engaged in driving any such carriage, shall be guilty of intoxication to such a degree as to endanger the safety of passengers, it shall be the duty of the owner, on receiving written notice of the fact, signed by one of the passengers, and certified by him on oath, forthwith to discharge such driver. If such owner shall have such driver in his employ within three months after such notice, he is liable for $5 per day for the time he shall keep said driver in his employment after receiving such notice. Persons driving any carriage on any public highway are prohibited from running their horses upon any occasion under a penalty of a fine not exceeding $10, or imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, at the discre- tion of the court. Horses attached to any carriage used to convey passen- gers for hire must be properly hitched or the lines placed in the hands of some other person before the driver leaves them for any purpose. For violation of this provision each driver shall forfeit twenty dollars, to be recovered by action, to be commenced within six months. It is under- stood by the term carriage herein to mean any carriage or vehicle used for the transportation of passengers or goods or either of them. The commissioners of highways in the different towns have the care and superintendence of highways and bridges therein. They have all the powers necessary to lay out, vacate, regulate and repair all roads* build and repair bridges. In addition to the above, it is their duty to erect and keep in repair at the forks or crossing-place of the most 134 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. important roads post and guide boards with plain inscriptions, giving directions and distances to the most noted places to which such road may lead ; also to make provisions to prevent thistles, burdock, and cockle burrs, mustard, yellow dock, Indian mallow and jimson weed from seeding, and to extirpate the same as far as practicable, and to prevent all rank growth of vegetation on the public highways so far as the same may obstruct public travel, and it is in their discretion to erect watering places for public use for watering teams at such points as may be deemed advisable. The Commissioners, on or before the 1st day of May of each year, shall make out and deliver to their treasurer a list of all able-bodied men in their town, excepting paupers, idiots, lunatics, and such others as are exempt by law, and assess against each the sum of two dollars as a poll tax for highway purposes. Within thirty days after such list is delivered they shall cause a written or printed notice to be given to each person so assessed, notifying him of the time when and place where such tax must be paid, or its equivalent in labor performed ; they may contract with persons owing such poll tax to perform a certain amount of labor on any road or bridge in payment of the same, and if such tax is not paid nor labor performed by the first Monday of July of such year, or within ten days after notice is given after that time, they shall bring suit therefor against such person before a justice of the peace, who shall hear and determine the case according to law for the offense complained of, and shall forthwith issue an execution, directed to any constable of the county where the delinquent shall reside, who shall forthwith collect the moneys therein mentioned. The Commissioners of Highways of each town shall annually ascer- tain, as near as practicable, how much money must be raised by tax on real and personal property for the making and repairing of roads, only, to any amount they may deem necessary, not exceeding forty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth, as valued on the assessment roll of the previous year. The tax so levied on property lying within an incorporated village, town or city, shall be paid over to the corporate authorities of such town, village or city. Commissioners shall receive $1.50 for each day neces- sarily employed in the discharge of their duty. Overseers. At the first meeting the Commissioners shall choose one of their number to act General Overseer of Highways in their township, whose duty it shall be to take charge of and safely keep all tools, imple- ments and machinery belonging to said town, and shall, by the direction of the Board, have general supervision of all roads and bridges in their town. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 135 As all township and county officers are familiar with their duties, it is only intended to give the points of the law that the public should he familiar with. The manner of laying out, altering or vacating roads, etc., will not be here stated, as it would require more space than is contem- plated in a work of this kind. It is sufficient to state that, the first step is by petition, addressed to the Commissioners, setting out what is prayed for, giving the names of the owners of lands if known, if not known so state, over which the road is to pass, giving the general course, its place of beginning, and where it terminates. It requires not less than twelve freeholders residing within three miles of the road who shall sign the petition. Public roads must not be less than fifty feet wide, nor more than sixty feet wide. Roads not exceeding two miles in length, if peti- tioned for, may be laid out, not less than forty feet. Private roads for private and public use, may be laid out of the width of three rods, on petition of the person directly interested ; the damage occasioned thereby shall be paid by the premises benefited thereby, and before the road is opened. If not opened in two years, the order shall be considered rescinded. Commissioners in their discretion may permit persons who live on or have private roads, to work out their road tax thereon. Public roads must be opened in five days from date of filing order of location, or be deemed vacated. DRAINAGE. Whenever one or more owners or occupants of land desire to construct i drain or ditch across the land of others for agricultural, sanitary or mining purposes, the proceedings are as follows : File a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which the proposed ditch or drain is to be constructed, setting forth the neces- sity for the same, with a description of its proposed starting point, route and terminus, and if it shall be necessary for the drainage of the land or coal mines or for sanitary purposes, that a drain, ditch, levee or similar work be constructed, a description of the same. It shall also set forth the names of all persons owning the land over which such drain or ditch shall be constructed, or if unknown stating that fact. No private property shall be taken or damaged for the purpose of constructing a ditch, drain or levee, without compensation, if claimed by the owner, the same to be ascertained by a jury ; but if the construction of such ditch, drain or levee shall be a benefit to the owner, the same shall be a set off against such compensation. If the proceedings seek to affect the property of a minor, lunatic or married woman, the guardian, conservator or husband of the same shall be made party defendant. The petition may be amended and parties made defendants at any time when it is necessary to a fair trial. 136 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. When the petition is presented to the judge, he shall note there m when he will hear the same, and order the issuance of summonses a*id the publication of notice to each non-resident or unknown defendant. The petition may be heard by such judge in vacation as well as in term time. Upon the trial, the jury shall ascertain the just compensation to each owner of the property sought to be damaged by the construction of such ditch, drain or levee, and truly report the same. As it is only contemplated in a work of this kind to give an abstract of the laws, and as the parties who have in charge the execution of the further proceedings are likely to be familiar with the requirements of the statute, the necessary details are not here inserted. WOLF SCALPS. The County Board of any county in this State may hereafter alluw such bounty on ivolf scalps as the board may deem reasonable. Any person claiming a bounty shall produce the scalp or scalps with the ears thereon, within sixty days after the wolf or wolves shall have been caught, to the Clerk of the County Board, who shall administer to said person the following oath or affirmation, to-wit: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that the scalp or scalps here pro- duced by you was taken from a wolf or wolves killed and first captured by yourself within the limits of this county, and within the sixty days last past." CONVEYANCES. When the reversion expectant on a lease of any tenements or here- ditaments of any tenure shall be surrendered or merged, the estate which shall for the time being confer as against the tenant under the same lease the next vested right to the same tenements or hereditaments, shall, to the extent and for the purpose of preserving such incidents to and obli- gations on the same reversion, as but for the surrender or merger thereof, would have subsisted, be deemed the reversion expectant on the same lease. PAUPERS. Every poor person who shall be unable to earn a livelihood in conse- quence of any bodily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy or unavoidable cause, shall be supported by the father, grand-father, mother, grand-mother, children, grand-children, brothers or sisters of such poor person, if they or either of them be of sufficient ability ; but if any of such dependent class shall have become so from intemperance or other bad conduct, they shall not be entitled to support from any relation except parent or child. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 137 The children shall first be called on to support their parents, if they are able ; but if not, the parents of such poor person shall then be called on, if of sufficient ability ; and if there be no parents or children able, then the brothers and sisters of such dependent person shall be called upon ; and if there be no brothers or sisters of sufficient ability, the grand-children of such person shall next be called on ; and if they are not able, then the grand-parents. Married females, while their husbands live, shall not be liable to contribute for the support of their poor relations except out of their separate property. It is the duty of the state's (county) attorney, to make complaint to the County Court of his county against all the relatives of such paupers in this state liable to his support and prosecute the same. In case the state's attorney neglects, or refuses, to complain in such cases, then it is the duty of the overseer of the poor to do so. The person called upon to contribute shall have at least ten days' notice of such application by summons. The court has the power to determine the kind of support, depending upon the circumstances of the parties, and may also order two or more of the different degrees to main- tain such poor person, and prescribe the proportion of each, according to their ability. The court may specify the time for which the relative shall contribute — in fact has control over the entire subject matter, with power to enforce its orders. Every county (except those in which the poor are supported by the towns, and in such cases the towns are liable) is required to relieve and support all poor and indigent persons lawfully resident therein. Residence means the actual residence of the party, or the place where he was employed ; or in case he was in no employment, then it shall be the place where he made his home. When any person becomes chargeable as a pauper in any county or town who did not reside at the commencement of six months' immediately preceding his becoming so, but did at that time reside in some other county or town in this state, then the county or town, as the case may be, becomes liable for the expense of taking care of such person until removed, and it is the duty of the overseer to notify the proper authorities of the fact. If any person shall bring and leave any pauper in any county in this state where such pauper had no legal residence, knowing him to be such, he is liable to a fine of $100. In counties under township organization, the supervisors in each town are ex-ofncio overseers of the poor. The overseers of the poor act under the directions of the County Board in taking care of the poor and granting of temporary relief ; also, providing for non-resident persons not paupers who may be taken sick and not able to pay their way, and in case of death cause such person to be decently buried. The residence of the inmates of poorhouses and other charitable institutions for voting purposes is their former place of abode. 138 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. FENCES. In counties under township organization, the town assessor and com- missioner of highways are the fence-viewers in their respective towns. In other counties the County Board appoints three in each precinct annu- ally. A lawful fence is four and one-half feet high, in good repair, con- sisting of rails, timber, boards, stone, hedges, or whatever the fence- viewers of the town or precinct where the same shall lie, shall consider equivalent thereto, but in counties under township organization the annual town meeting may establish any other kind of fence as such, or the County Board in other counties may do the same. Division fences shall be made and maintained in just proportion by the adjoining owners, except when the owner shall choose to let his land lie open, but after a division fence is built by agreement or otherwise, neither party can remove his part of such fence so long as he may crop or use such land for farm purposes, or without giving the other party one year's notice in writing of his intention to remove his portion. When any person shall enclose his land upon the enclosure of another, he shall refund the owner of the adjoining lands a just pro- portion of the value at that time of such fence. The value of fence and the just proportion to be paid or built and maintained by each is to be ascertained by two fence-viewers in the town or precinct. Such fence- viewers have power to settle all disputes between different owners as to fences built or to be built, as well as to repairs to be made. Each party chooses one of the viewers, but if the other party neglects, after eight days' notice in writing, to make his choice, then the other party may select both. It is sufficient to notify the tenant or party in possession, when the owner is not a resident of the town or precinct. The two fence-viewers chosen, after viewing the premises, shall hear the state- ments of the parties , in case they can't agree, they shall select another fence-viewer to act with them, and the decision of any two of them is final. The decision must be reduced to writing, and should plainly set out description of fence and all matters settled by them, and must be filed in the office of the town clerk in counties under township organiza- tion, and in other counties with the county clerk. Where any person is liable to contribute to the erection or the repairing of a division fence, neglects or refuses so to do, the party injured, after giving sixty days notice in writing when a fence is to be erected, or ten days when it is only repairs, may proceed to have the work done at the expense of the party whose duty it is to do it, to be recovered from him with costs of suit, and the party so neglecting shall also be liable to the party injured for all damages accruing from such neglect or refusal, to be determined by any two fence-viewers selected as before provided, the appraisement to be reduced to writing and signed. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 139 Where a person shall conclude to remove his part of a division fence, and let his land lie open, and having given the year's notice required, the adjoining owner may cause the value of said fence to be ascertained by fence-viewers as before provided, and on payment or tender of the amount of such valuation to the owner, it shall prevent the removal. A party removing a division fence without notice is liable for the damages accruing thereby. Where a fence has been built on the land of another through mis- take, the owner may enter upon such premises and remove his fence and material within oix months after the division line has been ascertained. Where the material to build such a fence has been taken from the land on which it was built, then before it can be removed, the person claiming must first pay for such material to the owner of the land from which it was taken, nor shall such a fence be removed at a time when the removal will throw open or expose the crops of the other party ; a reasonable time must be given beyond the .six months to remove crops. The compensation <)f fence-viewers is one dollar and fifty cents a day each, to be paid in the first instance by the party calling them, but in the end all expenses, including amount charged by the fence-viewers, must be paid equally by the parties, except in cases where a party neglects or refuses to make or maintain a just proportion of a division fence, when the party in default shall pay them. DAMAGES FROM TRESPASS. Where stock of any kind breaks into any person's enclosure, the fence being good and sufficient, the owner is liable for the damage done ; but where the damage is done by stock running at large, contrary to laiv, the owner is liable where there is not such a fence. Where stock ia found trespassing on the enclosure of another as aforesaid, the owner 01 occupier of the premises may take possession of such stock and keep the same until damages, with reasonable charges for keeping and feeding and all costs of suit, are paid. Any person taking or rescuing such stock so held without his consent, shall be liable to a fine of not less than three nor more than five dollars for each animal rescued, to be recovered by suit before a justice of the peace for the use of the school fund. Within twenty-four hours after taking such animal into his possession, the per- son taking it up must give notice of the fact to the owner, if known, or if unknown, notices must be posted in some public place near the premises. LANDLORD AND TENANT. The owner of lands, or his legal representatives, can sue for and recover rent therefor, in any of the following cases : First. When rent is due and in arrears on a lease for life or lives. 140 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Second. When lands are held and occupied by any person without any special agreement for rent. Third. When possession is obtained under an agreement, written or verbal, for the purchase of the premises and before deed given, the right to possession is terminated by forfeiture on con-compliance with the agreement, and possession is wrongfully refused or neglected to be giver, upon demand made in writing by the party entitled thereto. Provided that all payments made by the vendee or his representatives or assigns, may be set off against the rent. Fourth. When land has been sold upon a judgment or a decree of court, when the party to such judgment or decree, or person holding under him, wrongfully refuses, or neglects, to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. Fifth. When the lands have been sold upon a mortgage or trust deed, and the mortgagor or grantor or person holding under him, wrong- fully refuses or neglects to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. If any tenant, or any person who shall come into possession from or under or by collusion with such tenant, shall willfully hold over any lands, etc., after the expiration the term of their lease, and after demand made in writing for the possession thereof, is liable to pay double rent. A tenancy from year to year requires sixty days notice in writing, to termi- nate the same at the end of the year ; such notice can be given at any time within four months preceding the last sixty days of the year. A tenancy by the month, or less than a year, where the tenant holds over without any special agreement, the landlord may terminate the tenancy, by thirty days notice in writing. When rent is due, the landlord may serve a notice upon the tenant, stating that unless the rent is paid within not less than five days, his lease will be terminated ; if the rent is not paid, the landlord may consider the lease ended. When default is made in any of the terms of a lease, it shall not be necessary to give more than ten days notice to quit or of the termination of such tenancy ; and the same may be terminated on giving such notice to quit, at any time after such default in any of the terms of such lease ; which notice may be substantially in the following form, viz : To , You are hereby notified that, in consequence of your default in (here insert the character of the default), of the premises now occupied by you, being etc. (here describe the premises), I have elected to deter- mine your lease, and you are hereby notified to quit and deliver up pos- session of the same to me within ten days of this date (dated, etc.) The above to be signed by the lessor or his agent, and no other notice or demand of possession or termination of such tenancy is necessary. Demand may be made, or notice served, by delivering a written or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 141 printed, or partly either, copy thereof to the tenant, or leaving the same with some person above the .age of twelve years residing on or in posses- sion of the premises ; and in case no one is in the actual possession of the said premises, then by posting the same on the premises. When the tenancy is for a certain time, and the term expires by the terms of the lease, the tenant is then bound to surrender possession, and no notice to quit or demand of possession is necessary. Distress for rent. — In all cases of distress for rent, the landlord, by himself, his agent or attorney, may seize for rent any personal property of his tenant that may be found in the county where the tenant resides ; the property of any other person, even if found on the premises, is not liable. An inventory of the property levied upon, with a statement of the amount of rent claimed, should be at once filed with some justice of the peace, if not over $200 ; and if above that sum, with the clerk of a court of record of competent jurisdiction. Property may be released, by the party executing a satisfactory bond for double the amount. The landlord may distrain for rent, any time within six months after the expiration of the term of the lease, or when terminated. In all cases where the premises rented shall be sub-let, or the lease assigned, the landlord shall have the same right to enforce lien against such lessee or assignee, that he has against the tenant to whom the pre- mises were rented. When a tenant abandons or removes from the premises or any part thereof, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, may seize upon any grain or other crops grown or growing upon the premises, or part thereof so abandoned, whether the rent is due or not. If such grain, or other crops, or any part thereof, is not fully grown or matured, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, shall cause the same to be properly cultivated, harvested or gathered, and may sell the same, and from the proceeds pay all his labor, expenses and rent. The tenant may, before the sale of such pro- perty, redeem the same by tendering the rent and reasonable compensation for work done, or he may replevy the same. Exemption. — The same articles of personal property which are bylaw exempt from execution, except the crops as above stated, is also exempt from distress for rent. If any tenant is about to or shall permit or attempt to sell and remove from the premises, without the consent of his landlord, such portion of the crops raised thereon as will endanger the lien of the land- lord upon such crops, for the rent, it shall be lawful for the landlord to distress before rent is due. 142 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. LIENS. Any person who shall by contract, express or implied, or partly both,, with the owner of any lot or tract of land, furnish labor or material, or services as an architect or superintendent, in building, altering, repairing or ornamenting any house or other building or appurtenance thereto on. such lot, or upon any street or alley, and connected with such improve- ments, shall have a lien upon the whole of such lot or tract of land, and upon such house or building and appurtenances, for the amount due to him for such labor, material or services. If the contract is expressed, and the time for the completion of the work is beyond three years from the com- mencement thereof ; or, if the time of payment is beyond one year from the time stipulated for the completion of the work, then no lien exists. If the contract is implied, then no lien exists, unless the work be done or material is furnished within one year from the commencement of the work or delivery of the materials. As between different creditors having liens, no preference is given to the one whose contract was first made ; but each shares pro-rata. Incumbrances existing on the lot or tract of the land at the time the contract is made, do not operate on the improvements, and are only preferred to the extent of the value of the land at the time of making the contract. The above lien can not be enforced unless suit is commenced within six months after the last payment for labor or materials shall have become due and payable. Sub-contractors, mechanics, workmen and other persons furnishing any material, or performing any labor for a contractor as before specified, have a lien to the extent of the amount due the contractor at the time the following notice is served upon the owner of the land who made the contract: To , You are hereby notified, that I have been employed by- (here state whether to labor or furnish material, and substantially the nature of the demand) upon your (here state in general terms description and situation of building), and that I shall hold the (building, or as the case may be), and your interest in the ground, liable for the amount that may (is or may become) due me on account thereof. Signature, Date, If there is a contract in writing between contractor and sub-contractor, a copy of it should be served with above notice, and said notice must be served within forty days from the completion of such sub-contract, if there is one ; if not, then from the time payment should have been made to the person performing the labor or furnishing the material. If the owner is not a resident of the county, or can not be found therein, then the above notice must be filed with the clerk of the Circuit Court, with his fee, fifty cents, and a copy of said notice must be published in a newspaper pub- lished in the county, for four successive weeks. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 143 "When the owner or agent is notified as above, he can retain any money due the contractor sufficient to pay such claim ; if more than one claim, and not enough to pay all, they are to be paid pro rata. The owner has the right to demand in writing, a statement of the contractor, of what he owes for labor, etc., from time to time as the work progresses, and on his failure to comply, forfeits to the owner $50 for every offense. The liens referred to cover any and all estates, whether in fee for life, for years, or any other interest which the owner may have. To enforce the lien of sub-contractors, suit must be commenced within three months from the time of the performance of the sub-contract, or during the work or furnishing materials. Hotel, inn and boarding-house keepers, have a lien upon the baggage and other valuables of their guests or boarders, brought into such hotel, inn or boarding-house, by their guests or boarders, for the proper charges due from such guests or boarders for their accommodation, board and lodgings, and such extras as are furnished at their request. Stable-keepers and other persons have a lien upon the horses, car- riages and harness kept by them, for the proper charges due for the keep- ing thereof and expenses bestowed thereon at the request of the owner or the person having the possession of the same. Agisters (persons who take care of cattle belonging to others), and persons keeping, yarding, feeding or pasturing domestic animals, shall have a lien upon the animals agistered, kept, yarded or fed, for the proper charges due for such service. All persons who may furnish any railroad corporation in this state with fuel, ties, material, supplies or any other article or thing necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation or repair of its road by con- tract, or may perform work or labor on the same, is entitled to be paid as part of the current expenses of the road, and have a lien upon all its pro- perty. Sub-contractors or laborers have also a lien. The conditions and limitations both as to contractors and sub-contractors, are about the same as herein stated as to general liens. DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL TERMS. $ means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States Currency. £ means pounds, English money. @ stands for at or to. lb for pound, and bbl. for barrel; ^ for per or by the. Thus, Butter sells at 20@30c f lb, and Flour at $8@12 f bbl. fo for per cent and # for number. May 1. — Wheat sells at $1.20@1.25, "seller June." Seller June 144 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short, is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest of the person selling "short," to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts " are termed " bears." Buying long, is to contract to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise of prices.. The "longs" are termed "bulls," as it is for their interest to " operate " so as to "toss" the prices upward as much as possible. NOTES. Form of note is legal, worded in the simplest way, so that the amount and time of payment are mentioned. 1100. Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1876. Sixty days from date I promise to pay to E. F. Brown, or order, One Hundred dollars, for value received. L. D. Lowry. A note to be payable in any thing else than money needs only the facts substituted for money in the above form. ORDERS. Orders should be worded simply, thus : Mr. F. H. Coats: Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Please pay to H. Birdsall, Twenty-five dollars, and charge to F. D. Silva. RECEIPTS. Receipts should always state when received and what for, thus: $100. Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Received of J. W. Davis, One Hundred dollars, for services rendered in grading his lot in Fort Madison, on account. Thomas Brady. If receipt is in full it should be so stated. SILLS OF PURCHASE. W. N. Mason, Salem, Illinois, Sept. 15, 1876. Bought of A. A. Graham. 4 Bushels of Seed Wheat, at $1.50 - - - $6.00 2 Seamless Sacks " .30 - - .60 Received payment, $6.60 A. A. Graham. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 145 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. An agreement is where one party promises to another to do a certain thing in a certain time for a stipulated sum. Good business men always reduce an agreement to writing, which nearly always saves misunder- standings and trouble. No particular form is necessary, but the facts must be clearly and explicitly stated, and there must, to make it valid, be a reasonable consideration. GENERAL FORM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement, made the Second day of October, 1876, between John Jones, of Aurora, County of Kane, State of Illinois, of the first part, and Thomas Whiteside, of the same place, of the second part — Witnesseth, that the said John Jones, in consideration of the agree- ment of the party of the second part, hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Thomas Whiteside, that he will deliver, in good and marketable condition, at the Village of Batavia, 111., during the month of November, of this year, One Hundred Tons of Prairie Hay, in the following lots, and at the following specified times ; namely, twenty- five tons by the seventh of November, twenty-five tons additional by the fourteenth of the month, twenty-five tons more by the twenty -first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by the thirtieth of November. And the said Thomas Whiteside, in consideration of the prompt fulfillment of this contract, on the part of the party of the first part, contracts to and agrees with the said John Jones, to pay for said hay five dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as delivered. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other, One Hundred Dollars, as fixed and settled damages. Id witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the day and year first above written. John Jones, Thomas Whiteside. AGREEMENT WITH CLERK FOR SERVICES. This Agreement, made the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, between Reuben Stone, of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and George Barclay, of Englewood, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the second part — Witnesseth, that said George Barclay agrees faithfully and dili- gently to work as clerk and salesman for the said Reuben Stone, for and during the space of one year from the date hereof, should both live such length of time, without absenting himself from his occupation ; 146 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. during which time he, the said Barclay, in the store of said Stone, of Chicago, will carefully and honestly attend, doing and performing all duties as clerk and salesman aforesaid, in accordance and in all respects as directed and desired by the said Stone. In consideration of which services, so to be rendered by the said Barclay, the said Stone agrees to pay to said Barclay the annual sum of one thousand dollars, payable in twelve equal monthly payments, each upon the last day of each month ; provided that all dues for days of absence from business by said Barclay, shall be deducted from the sum otherwise by the agreement due and payable by the said Stone to the said Barclay. Witness our hands. Reuben Stone. George Barclay. BILLS OF SALE. A bill of sale is a written agreement to another party, for a consider- ation to convey his right and interest in the personal property. The purchaser must take actual possession of the property. Juries have power to determine upon the fairness or unfairness of a bill of sale. COMMON FORM OF BILL OF SALE. "Know all Men by this instrument, that I, Louis Clay, of Princeton, Illinois, of the first part, for and in consideration of Five Hundred and Ten dollars, to me paid by John Floyd, of the same place, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, and by this instrument do convey unto the said Floyd, party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, my undivided half of ten acres of corn, now growing on the farm of Thomas Tyrrell, in the town above mentioned ; one pair of horses, sixteen sheep, and five cows, belonging to me, and in my possession at the farm aforesaid ; to have and to hold the same unto the party of the second part, his executors and assigns, forever. And I do, for myself and legal representatives, agree with the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, to warrant and defend the sale of the afore-mentioned property and chattels unto the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, against all and every person whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Louis Clay. BONOS. A bond is a written admission on the part of the maker in which he pledges a certain sum to another, at a certain time. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 147 COMMON FORM OF BOND. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, George Edgerton, of Watseka, Iroquois County, State of Illinois, am firmly bound unto Peter Kirch off, of the place aforesaid, in the sum of five hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Peter Kirchoff, or his legal representatives ; to which payment, to be made, I bind myself, or my legal representatives, by this instrument. Sealed with my seal, and dated this second day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. The condition of this bond is such that if I, George Edgerton, my heirs, administrators, or executors, shall promptly pay the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in three equal annual payments from the date hereof, with annual interest, then the above obligation to be of no effect ; otherwise to be in full force and valid. Sealed and delivered in presence of George Edgerton. [l.s.] William Turner. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A chattel mortgage is a mortgage on personal property for payment of a certain sum of money, to hold the property against debts of other creditors. The mortgage must describe the property, and must be acknowledged before a justice of the peace in the township or precinct where the mortgagee resides, and entered upon his docket, and must be recorded in the recorder's office of the county. GENERAL FORM OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. This Indenture, made and entered into this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, between Theodore Lottinville, of the town of Geneseo in the County of Henry, and State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Paul Henshaw, of the same town, county, and State, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consider- ation of the sum of one thousand dollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all and singular the following described goods and chattels, to wit : Two three-year old roan-colored horses, one Burdett organ, No. 987, one Brussels carpet, 15x20 feet in size, one marble-top center table, one Home Comfort cooking stove, No. 8, one black walnut bureau with mirror attached, one set of parlor chairs (six in number), upholstered in green rep, with lounge corresponding with same in style and color of upholstery.- now in possession of said Lottinville, at No. 4 Prairie Ave., Geneseo, 111. ; 148 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Together with all and singular, the appurtenances thereunto belong- ing, or in any wise appertaining ; to have and to hold the above described goods and chattels, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. Provided, always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said Theodore Lottinville, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall, on or before the first day of January, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, pay, or cause to be paid, to the said Paul Ranslow, or his lawful attorney or attorneys, heirs, executors, adminis- trators, or assigns, the sum of One Thousand dollars, together with the interest that may accrue thereon, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, from the first day of January, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, until paid, according to the tenor of one promissory note bearing even date herewith for the payment of said sum of money, that then and from thenceforth, these presents, and everything herein con- tained, shall cease, and be null and void, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, also, that the said Theodore Lottinville may retain the possession of and have the use of said goods and chattels until the day of payment aforesaid ; and also, at his own expense, shall keep said goods and chattels; and also at the expiration of said time of payment, if said sum of money, together with the interest as aforesaid, shall not be paid, shall deliver up said goods and chattels, in good condition, to said Paul Ranslow, or his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns. And provided, also, that if default in payment as aforesaid, by said party of the first part, shall be made, or if said party of the second part shall at any time before said promissory note becomes due, feel himself unsafe or insecure, that then the said party of the second part, or his attorney, agent, assigns, or heirs, executors, or administrators, shall have the right to take possession of said goods and chattels, wherever they may or can be found, and sell the same at public or private sale, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, after giving ten days' notice of the time and place of said sale, together with a description of the goods and chat- tels to be sold, by at least four advertisements, posted up in public places in the vicinity where said sale is to take place, and proceed to make the sum of money and interest promised as aforesaid, together with all reason- able costs, charges, and expenses in so doing ; and if there shall be any overplus, shall pay the same without delay to the said party of the first part, or his legal representatives. In testimony whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Theodore Lottinville. [l.s.] Samuel J. Tilden. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 149 LEASE OF FARM AND BUILDINGS THEREON. This Indenture, made this second day of June, 1875, between David Patton of the Town of Bisbee, State of Illinois, of the first part, and John Doyle of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said David Patton, for and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter mentioned and reserved, on the part of the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, to be paid, kept, and performed, hath let, and by these presents doth grant, demise, and let, unto the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that parcel of land situate in Bisbee aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : \Sere describe the land.~\ Together with all the appurtenances appertaining thereto. To have and to hold the said premises, with appurtenances thereto belonging, unto the said Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term of five years, from the first day of October next following, at a yearly rent of Six Hundred dollars, to be paid in equal payments, semi-annually, as long as said buildings are in good tenantable condition. And the said Doyle, by these presents, covenants and agrees to pay all taxes and assessments, and keep in repair all hedges, ditches, rail, and other fences ; (the said David Patton, his heirs, assigns and administra- tors, to furnish all timber, brick, tile, and other materials necessary for such repairs.) Said Doyle further covenants and agrees to apply to said land, in a farmer-like manner, all manure and compost accumulating upon said farm, and cultivate all the arable land in a husbandlike manner, accord- ing to the usual custom among farmers in the neighborhood ; he also agrees to trim the hedges at a seasonable time, preventing injury from cattle to such hedges, and to all fruit and other trees on the said premises. That he will seed down with clover and timothy seed twenty acres yearly of arable land, ploughing the same number of acres each Spring of land now in grass, and hitherto unbroken. It is further agreed, that if the said Doyle shall fail to perform the whole or any one of the above mentioned covenants, then and in that case the said David Patton may declare this lease terminated, by giving three months' notice of the same, prior to the first of October of any year, and may distrain any part of the stock, goods, or chattels, or other property in possession of said Doyle, for sufficient to compensate for the non-performance of the above written covenants, the same to be deter- mined, and amounts so to be paid to be determined, by three arbitrators, chosen as follows : Each of the parties to this instrument to choose one, 150 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. and the two so chosen to select a third ; the decision of said arbitrators to be final. In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands and seals. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of David Patton. [l.s.] James Waldron. John Doyle. [l.s.] FORM OF LEASE OF A HOUSE. This Instrument, made the first day of October, 1875, witnesseth that Amos Griest of Yorkville, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, hath rented from Aaron Young of Logansport aforesaid, the dwelling and lot No. 13 Ohio Street, situated in said City of Yorkville, for five years from the above date, at the yearly rental of Three Hundred dollars, pay- able monthly, on the first day of each month, in advance, at the residence of said Aaron Young. At the expiration of said above mentioned term, the said Griest agrees to give the said Young peaceable possession of the said dwelling, in as good condition as when taken, ordinary wear and casualties excepted. In witness whereof, we place our hands and seals the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered Amos Griest. [l.s.] in presence of NlCKOLAS SCHUTZ, AARON YOUNG. [L.S.] Notary Public. LANDLORD'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have let and raited, this first day of January, 1876, unto Jacob Schmidt, my house and lot, No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and its appurtenances ; he to have the free and uninterrupted occupation thereof for one year from this date, at the yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; tent to cease if destroyed by fire, or otherwise made untenantable. Peter Funk. TENANT'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have hired and taken from Peter Funk, his house and lot, No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illi- nois, with appurtenances thereto belonging, for one year, to commence this day, at a yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; unless said house becomes untenantable from fire or other causes, in which case rent ceases ; and I further agree to give and yield said premises one year from this first day of January 1876, in as good oondition as now, ordinary wear and damage by the elements excepted. Given under my hand this day. Jacob Schmidt. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 15 1 NOTICE TO QUIT. To F. W. Arlen, Sir : Please observe that the term of one year, for which the house and land, situated at No. 6 Indiana Street, and now occupied by you, were rented to you, expired on the first day of October, 1875, and as I desire to repossess said premises, you are hereby requested and required to vacate the same. Respectfully Yours, P. T. Barnum. Lincoln, Neb., October 4, 1875. TENANT'S NOTICE OF LEAVING. Dear Sir: The premises I now occupy as your tenant, at No. 6 Indiana Street, I shall vacate on the first day of November, 1875. You will please take notice accordingly. Dated this tenth day of October, 1875. F. W. Arlen. To P. T. Barnum, Esq. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE TO SECURE PAYMENT OF MONEY. This Indenture, made this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between William Stocker, of Peoria, County of Peoria, and State of Illinois, and 011a, his wife, party of the first part, and Edward Singer, party of the second part. Whereas, the said party of the first part is justly indebted to the said party of the second part, in the sum of Two Thousand dollars, secured to be paid by two certain promissory notes (bearing even date herewith) the one due and payable at the Second National Bank in Peoria, Illinois, with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three ; the other due and payable at the Second National Bank at Peoria, 111., with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventj^-four. Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for the better securing the payment of the money aforesaid, with interest thereon, according to the tenor and effect of the said two promissory notes above mentioned ; and, also in consideration of the fur- ther sum of one dollar to them in hand paid by the said party of the sec- ond part, at the delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all that certain parcel of land, situate, etc. [Describing the premises.] To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the Tenements, Hereditaments, Privileges and Appurtenances thereunto 152 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. belonging or in any wise appertaining. And also, all the estate, interest, and claim whatsoever, in law as well as in equity which the party of the first part have in and to the premises hereby conveyed unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, and to their only proper use, benefit and behoof. And the said William Stocker, and Olla, his wife, party of the first part, hereby expressly waive, relinquish, release, and conve} 7, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given bj r or results from all laws of this state per- taining to the exemption of homesteads. Provided always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said party of the first part, their heirs, executors, or adminis- trators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, the afore- said sums of money, with such interest thereon, at the time and in the manner specified in the above mentioned promissory notes, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, then in that case, these presents and every thing herein expressed, shall be absolutely null and void. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of James Whitehead, William Stocker. [l.s.] Fred. Samuels. Olla Stocker. [l.s.] WARRANTY DEED WITH COVENANTS. This Indenture, made this sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between Henry Best of Lawrence, County of Lawrence, State of Illinois, and Belle, his wife, of the first part, and Charles Pearson of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Six Thousand dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all the fol- lowing described lot, piece, or parcel of land, situated in the City of Law- rence, in the County of Lawrence, and State of Illinois, to wit : [Here describe the property.'] Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and all the estate, rignt, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the nrst part, either in law or equity, of, in, and to tht» ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 153 above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, par- ties of the first part, hereby expressly waive, release, and relinquish unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state pertaining to the exemption of homesteads. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, party of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they were well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance in law, and in fee simple, and have good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey the same, in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances of what kind or nature soever ; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will warrant and forever defend. In testimony whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Henry Best, [l.s.] Jerry Linklater. Belle Best. [l.s.] QUIT-CLAIM DEED. This Indenture, made the eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, between David Tour, of Piano, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Larry O'Brien, of the same place, party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in considera- tion of Nine Hundred dollars in hand paid by the said party of the sec- ond part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged therefrom, has remised, released, sold, conveyed, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey, and quit-claim, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, 154 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. claim, and demand, which the said party of the first part has in and to the following described lot, piece, or parcel of land, to wit : [Here describe the land .] To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in any wise there- unto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said party of the first part hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered David Tour, [l.s.] in presence of Thomas Ashley. The above forms of Deeds and Mortgage are such as have heretofore been generally used, but the following are much shorter, and are made equally valid by the laws of this state. WARRANTY DEED. The grantor (here insert name or names and place of residence), for and in consideration of (here insert consideration) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to (here insert the grantee's name or names) the following- described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . QUIT CLAIM DEED. The grantor (here insert grantor's name or names and place of resi- dence), for the consideration of (here insert consideration) convey and quit-claim to (here insert grantee's name or names) all interest in the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18' . MORTGAGE. The mortgagor (here insert name or names) mortgages and warrants to (here insert name or names of mortgagee or mortgagees), to secure the payment of (here recite the nature and amount of indebtedness, showing when due and the rate of interest, and whether secured by note or other- wise), the following described real estate (here insert description thereof), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . RELEASE. Know all Men by these presents, that I, Peter Ahlund, of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, for and in consideration of One dollar, to me in hand paid, and for other gooc] and valuable considera- ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 15. r > tions, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed, do hereby grant, bargain, remise, convey, release, and quit-claim unto Joseph Carlin of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, all the right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoever, I may have acquired in, through, or by a certain Indenture or Mortgage Deed, bearing date the second day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1871, and recorded in the Recorder's office of said county, in book A of Deeds, page 46, to the premises therein described, and which said Deed was made to secure one certain promissory note, bearing even date with said deed, for the sum of Three Hundred dollars. Witness my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. Peter Ahlund. [l.s.] State of Illinois, ) Cook County. \ I, George Saxton, a Notary Public in and for said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Peter Ahlund, personally known to me as the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Release, appeared before me this day in [ vt ^BAL. Xi ] person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Giv*m under my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. George Saxton, N. P. GENERAL FOJrM OF WILL FOR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. I, Charles Mansfield, of the Town of Salem, County of Jackson, Scate of Illinois, being aware of the uncertainty of life, and in failing health, but of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner following, to wit: First. I give, devise and bequeath unto my oldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, cf bank stock, now in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the farm owned by myself in the Town of Buskirk, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, with all the houses, tenements, and improvements thereunto belonging ; to have and to hold unto my said son, his heirs and assign^, forever. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to each of my daughters, Anna Louise Mansfield and Ida Clara Mansfield, each Two Thousand dollars in bank stock, in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and also each one quarter section of land, owned by myself, situated in the Town of Lake, Illinois, and recorded in my name in the Recorder's office in the county where such land is located. The north one hundred and sixty acres of said half section is devised to mv eldest daughter, Anna Louise. 156 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Third. I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Frank Alfred Mans- field, Five shares of Railroad stock in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and my one hundred and sixty acres of land and saw mill thereon, situ- ated in Manistee, Michigan, with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which said real estate is recorded in my name in the county where situated. Fourth. I give to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, all my household furniture, goods, chattels, and personal property, about my home, not hitherto disposed of, including Eight Thousand dollars of bank stock in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, Fifteen shares in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the free and unrestricted use, pos- session, and benefit of the home farm, so long as she may live, in lieu of dower, to which she is entitled by law ; said farm being my present place of residence. Fifth. I bequeath to ray invalid father, Elijah H. Mansfield, the income from rents of my store building at 145 Jackson Street, Chicago, Illinois, during the term of his natural life. Said building and land there- with to revert to my said sons and daughters in equal proportion, upon the demise of my said father. Sixth. It is also my will and desire that, at the death of my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, or at any time when she may arrange to relinquish her life interest in the above mentioned homestead, the same may revert to my above named children, or to the lawful heirs of each. And lastly. I nominate and appoint as executors of this my last will and testament, my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, and my eldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield. I further direct that my debts and necessary funeral expenses shad be paid from moneys now on deposit in the Savings Bank of Salem, the residue of such moneys to revert to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, for her use forever. In witness whereof, I, Charles Mansfield, to this my last will and testament, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Signed, sealed, and declared by Charles Mansfield, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- )> scribed our names hereunto as witnesses thereof. Peter A. Schenck, Sycamore, Ills. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. Charles Mansfield, [l.s.] Charles Mansfield, [l.s.] ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 157 CODICIL Whereas I, Charles Mansfield, did, on the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, make my last will and testa- ment, I do now, by this writing, add this codicil to my said will, to be taken as a part thereof. Whereas, by the dispensation of Providence, my daughter, Anna Louise, has deceased November fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and whereas, a son has been born to me, which son is now christened Richard Albert Mansfield, I give and bequeath unto him my gold watch, and all right, interest, and title in lands and bank stock and chattels bequeathed to my deceased daughter, Anna Louise, in the body of this will. In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal, this tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Signed, sealed, published, and declared to N us by the testator, Charles Mansfield, as and for a codicil to be annexed to his last will and testament. And we, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- scribed our names as witnesses thereto, at the date hereof. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. John C. Shay, Salem, Ills. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS May be legally made by electing or appointing, according to the usages or customs of the body of which it is a part, at any meeting held for that purpose, two or more of its nfembers as trustees, wardens or vestrymen, and may adopt a corporate name. The chairman or secretary of such meeting shall, as soon as possible, make and file in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county, an affidavit substantially in the following form : State of Illinois, > Countv I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that at a meeting of the members of the (here insert the name of the church, society or congregation as known before organization), held at (here insert place of meeting), in the County of , and State of Illinois, on the day of , A.D. 18 — , for that purpose, the fol- lowing persons were elected (or appointed) [here insert their names] trustees, wardens, vestrymen, (or officers by whatever name they may choose to adopt, with powers similar to trustees) according to the rules and usages of such (church, society or congregation), and said 158 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. adopted as its corporate name (here insert name), and at said meeting this affiant acted as (chairman or secretary, as the case may be). Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , A.D. 18—. ■ Name of Affiant" which affidavit must be recorded by the recorder, and shall be, or a certi- fied copy made by the recorder, received as evidence of such an incorpo- ration. No certificate of election after the first need be filed for record. The term of office of the trustees and the general government of the society can be determined by the rules or by-laws adopted. Failure to elect trustees at the time provided does not work a dissolution, but the old trustees hold over. A trustee or trustees may be removed, in the same manner by the society as elections are held by a meeting called for that purpose. The property of the society vests in the corporation. The corporation may hold, or acquire by purchase or otherwise, land not exceeding ten acres, for the purpose of the society. The trustees have the care, custody and control of the property of the corporation, and can, ivhen directed by the society, erect houses or improvements, and repair and alter the same, and may also when so directed by the society, mortgage, encumber, sell and convey any real or personal estate belonging to the corporation, and make all proper contracts in the name of such corporation. But they are prohibited by law from encumbering or inter- fering with any property so as to destroy the effect of any gift, grant, devise or bequest to the corporation ; but such gifts, grants, devises of bequests, must in all cases be used so as to carry out the object intended by the pe'rsons making the same. Existing societies may organize in the manner herein set forth, and have all the advantages thereof. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. The business of publishing books by subscription having so often been brought into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher ; in order to prevent that as much as possi- ble, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the fol- lowing statement is made : A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described in the prospectus and by the sample shown. These should be carefully examined before sub- scribing, as they are the basis and consideration of the promise to pay, ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 159 and not the too often exaggerated statements of tithe agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he is usually paid a commission for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by prospectus and sample, in order to bind the principal, the subscriber should see that such conditions or changes are stated over or in connection with his signa- ture, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as to written contracts is, that they can not be varied, altered or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in writing. It is therefore important that all persons contem- plating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the subscription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as canvassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it in any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They can not collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They can not extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their buisness. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instru- ment, would examine carefully what it is ; if they can not read themselves, should call on some one disinterested who can. 1(50 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ITS AMENDMENTS. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of mem- bers chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the sev- eral states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subse- quent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylva- nia eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina. five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the Executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. The Senate of the United Stafes shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expira- AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 161 tion of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any state, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside. And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Sen- ators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legis- lature thereof ; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the election, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec. 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compen- sation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason. 162 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President . the United States ; if he approve he shall sign it ; but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have origi- nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objec- tions, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted), after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the President of the United States, and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and lim- itations prescribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. The Congress shall have power — To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United .States ; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States ; To establish post offices and post roads ; AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 163 To promote the progress of sciences and useful arts, by securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations ; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the disci- pline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying intc execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any depart- ment or officer thereof. Sec. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or rev- enue to the ports of one state over those of another; nor shall vessels bound to or from one state be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expeditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. 1(34 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. Sec. 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confeder- ation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. Article II. Section 1. The Executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress ; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. [*The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The Pres- ident of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President ; and if no person have a ma- jority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the vote shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, * This clause between, brackets has been superseded and annulled by the Twelfth.amendment. AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 165 the person having the greatest number of votes of the Electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-Presi- dent.] The Congress may determine the time of choosing the Electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-Pnesident, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inabil- ity, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the dis- ability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a com- pensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the fol- , lowing oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardon for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present con- cur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such mea- sures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may on extraordinary 166 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES occasions convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagree- ment between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and con- viction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Article III. Section I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more states ; between a state and citizens of another state ; between citizens of differ- ent states ; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury ; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within an}' state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levy- ing war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the tes- timony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. Article IV. Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 167 the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Sec. 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on the claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sec. 3. New states may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any- other state ; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states,, or parts of states, without the consent of the Legislatures of the states concerned, as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful, rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging, to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state. Sec. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this. Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the Legislature, or of the Execu- tive (when the Legislature can not be convened), against domestic vio- lence. Article V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the ap- plication of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this Constitution, when rati- fied by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by con- ventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratifi- cation may be proposed by the Congress. Provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. Article VI. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adop- tion of this Constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the mem- 168 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES bers of the several state Legislatures, and all executive and judicial offi- cers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Article VII. The ratification of the Conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEO. WASHINGTON, President and Deputy from Virginia. New Hampshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King. Connecticut. Wm. Sam'l Johnson, Roger, Sherman. Delaware. Geo. Read, John Dickinson, Jaco. Broom, Gunning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M'Henry, Danl. Carroll, Dan. of St. Thos. Jenifer. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. Wil. Livingston, Wm. Paterson, David Brearley, Jona. Dayton. Virginia. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. North Carolina. Wm. Blount, Hu. Williamson, Rich'd Dobbs Spaight. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, Robt. Morris, Thos. Fitzsimons, James Wilson, Thos. Mifflin, Geo. Clymer, Jared Ingersoll, Gouv. Morris. South Carolina. j. rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Ceorgia. William Few, Abr. Baldwin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 169 Articles in Addition to and Amendatory of the Constitution of the United States of America. Proposed by Congress and ratified by the Legislatures of the several states, pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. Article I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be pre- scribed by law. Article IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio- lated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Article V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact 170 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. Article VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Article IX. The enumeration, in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Article X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Article XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or sub- jects of any foreign state. Article XII. The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person to be voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice- President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest number not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two- thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a Presi- dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice- President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a major- AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 171 ity / then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. Article XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their juris- diction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. Article XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be appointed among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of per- sons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed ; but when the right to vote at any election for the choice of Electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the execu- tive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crimes, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the num- ber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previ- ously taken an oath as a Member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state Legislature, or as an execu- tive or judicial officer of any state to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress mav by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States author- ized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and boun- ties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques- tioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall pay any debt or obligation incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any loss or emancipation of any slave, but such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. 172 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this act. Article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. November 7, 1876. COUNTIES. ■a . "SO s*g2 6)360 \ 185000 60/ $222.0000( $3.70 180 420 420 ~00 MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units, or things, 1 Dozen. 12 dozen, 1 Gross. 30 things, 1 Score. 196 pounds, 1 Barrel of Flour. I 24 sheets of paper. 1 Quire. 200 pounds, 1 Barrel of Pork. 20 quires paper 1 Ream. ,„,,„. 56 pounds, 1 Firkin of Butter. | 4 ft. wide, 4 ft. high, and 8 ft. long, 1 Cord V\ ooa. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 179 NAMES OF THE STATES OF THE UNION, AND THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS. Virginia. — The oldest of the States, was so called in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. Florida. — Ponce de Leon landed on the coast of Florida on Easter Sunday, and called the country in commemoration of the day, which was the Pasqua Florida of the Spaniards, or " Feast of Flowers." Louisiana was called after Louis the Fourteenth, who at one time owned that section of the country. Alabama was so named by the Indians, and signifies " Here we Rest." Mississippi is likewise an Indian name, meaning " Long River." Arkansas, from Kansas, the Indian word for " smoky water." Its prefix was really arc, the French word for " bow." The Carolinas were originally one tract, and were called "Carolana," after Charles the Ninth of France. Georgia owes its name to George the Second of England, who first established a colony there in 1732. Tennessee is the Indian name for the " River of the Bend," i. e., the Mississippi which forms its western boundary. Kentucky is the Indian name for " at the head of the river." Ohio means " beautiful ; " Iowa, " drowsy ones ; " Minnesota, " cloudy water," and Wisconsin, '"wild-rushing channel." Illinois is derived from the Indian word illini, men, and the French suffix ois, together signifying " tribe of men." Michigan was called by the name given the lake, fish-iv eir, which was so styled from its fancied resemblance to a fish trap. Missouri is from the Indian word "muddy," which more properly applies to the river that flows through it. Oregon owes its Indian name also to its principal river. Cortes named California. Massachusetts is the Indian for " The country around the great hills." Connecticut, from the Indian Quon-ch-ta-Cut, signifying "Long River." Maryland, after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First, of England. New York was named by the Duke of York. Pennsylvania means " Penn's woods," and was so called after Williarp Penn, its orignal owner. 180 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. Delaware after Lord De La Ware. New Jersey, so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who was Governor of the Island of Jersey, in the British Channel. Maine was called after the province of Maine in France, in compli- ment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. Vermont, from the French word Vert Mont, signifying Green Mountain. Neiv Hampshire, from Hampshire county in England. It was formerly called Laconia. The little State of Rhode Island owes its name to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Texas is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was called before it was ceded to the United States. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States asd Territories. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina .. Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina... Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Total States. Arizona Colorada Dakota District of Columbia. Idaho Montana New Mexlqo Utah ... Washington Wyoming Total Territories... Total United States Total Population. 996. 4S4. 50o. 53 ~. 125, 187, 184, 5;i9, 680, 191, 364, ,321, 726. 626. 7so, ,457, ,184, 439, 827. ,721, 122, 42, 318, 906, 3S2, 071. 66.-,. 90, 521. 217, 705 25S, Sis 330, 225 442 05 1 992 471 247 454 015 74 8 109 891 637 792 399 Oil 915 915 894 351 059 06 922 295 993 491 300 096 759 361 260 923 791 353 606 520 579 551 163 ,014 670 38,113,253 9,658 39,864 14,181 131.700 14,999 20,595 91,874 86.786 23,955 9,118 442,730 38,555,983 POPULATION OF FIFTY PRINCIPAL CITIES. New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa.... Brooklyn, N. Y St. Louis, Mo Chicago, 111 Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Cincinnati, Ohio New Orleans, La. .. San Francisco, cal.. Buffalo, N. Y Washington, D. C... Newark, N. J Louisville, Ky Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburg, Pa Jersey City, N. J ... Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis — Albany, N. Y Providence, R. I Rochester, N. Y Allegheny, Pa Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn.. Charleston, S. C Indianapolis, Ind... Troy, N. Y Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass.... Lowell, Mass Memphis, Tenn Cambridge, Mass... Hartford, Conn Scranton, Pa Reading, Pa Paterson, N.J Kansas City, Mo Mobile, Ala Toledo. Ohio Portland, Me Columbus, Ohio Wilmington, Del... Dayton, Ohio Lawrence, Mass Utica, N. Y Charlestown, Mass Savannah, Ga Lvnn. Mass Fall River, Mass... Aggregate Population. 942, 674, 396. 310. 298, 267, 250, 216, 191, 149. 117, 109, 105, 100. 92, 86, 82, 79, 71, 69, 68. 62, 53. 51. 50 48, 48. 46, 43 41 40. 40, 39, 37, 35, 33 33 32 32 31 31 31 30 30 28 28 28, 28, 28, 26 292 022 099 864 977 354 526 239 418 473 714 199 059 753 829 076 546 577 440 422 904 386 180 038 840 956 244 465 051 105 928 226 634 180 092 930 579 260 034 584 ,413 ,274 841 473 ,921 ,804 323 235 233 766 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 181 POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territories. States. Alabama Arkansas.. California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts... Michigan* Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina.. Ohio Oregon 47, 50, 39, 95, Last Census of Area in square Miles. 1870 Population. 1,350,544 528,349 857,039 996,992 484,471 560,247 537,454 125,015 187,748 1,184,109 2,539,891 1,680,637 1.191.792 364,399 1,321.011 726,915 626,915 780,894 1,457,351 1,184,059 439,706 827,922 1,721,295 123,993 42,491 318.300 906,096 4,382,759 1,071,361 2,665,260 90,923 Michigan taken in 1874 1875. 1,651,912 1,334,031 598,429 246,280 52,540 1,026,502 4,705,208 Miles R. R. 1872. States and Territories. States. Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina... Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Total States Territories. Arizona Colorado Dakota Dist. of Columbia Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington , Wyoming Total Territories Area in square Miles. 46,000 1,306 29,385 45,600 237,504 10,212 40,904 23,000 53,924 1,950,171 113,916 104,500 147,490 60 90,932 143,776 121,201 80,056 69,944 93,107 965,032 Population. 1870. 3,521, 21~ 705, 1,258, 818, 330, 1,225 442, 1,054 38,113,253 9,658 39,864 14,181 131,700 14,999 20,595 91.874 86,786 23,955 9,118 442,730 1875. 258,239 925,145 1,236,729 Miles R. R. 1872. 5,113 136 1,201 1,520 865 675 1,490 485 1,725 59,587 375 '498 1,265 Aggregate of U. S.. 2,915,203 38,555,983 60,852 * Included in the Railroad Mileage of Maryland. PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; Population and Area. Countries. Population. Date of Census. Area in Square Miles. Inhabitants to Square Mile. Population. China British Empire Russia United States with Alaska Prance Austria and Hungary Japan Great Britain and Ireland German Empire Italy Spain Brazil Turkey Mexico Sweden and Norway Persia Belgium Bavaria Portugal Holland New Grenada Chili Switzerland Peru Bolivia Argentine Republic Wurtemburg Denmark Venezuela Baden Greece Guatemala Ecuador Paraguay Hesse Liberia San Salvador Hayti Nicaragua Uruguay Honduras San Domingo Costa Rica Hawaii 446, 226, 81, 38, 36, 35, 34, 31, 29, 27 16 10, 16, 9, 5; 5, 5, 4, 3, 3 3, 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 500.000 817,108 925,400 925,600 469,800 904,400 785,300 817,100 906,092 439,921 642,000 000.000 463,000 173.000 921.500 000,000 021,300 861.400 995,200 688,300 000.000 000.000 669.100 500,000 ,000,000 812,000 ,818,500 ,784.700 500,000 ,461,400 ,457.900 180,000 .300,000 ,000,000 823,138 718,000 600,000 572,000 350,001) 300.000 350,000 136,000 165.000 62.950 1871 1871 1871 1870 1866 1869 1871 1871 1871 1871 1867 1869 1870 1870 1869 1871 1868 1870 1870 1869 1870 1871 1869 1871 1870 '1871 1870 1871 '1871 1871 1871 1871 1871 1871 '1870 3,741,846 4,677,432 8,003,778 2,603,884 204,091 240.348 149,399 121,315 160,207 118,847 195,775 3,253,029 672,621 761.526 292,871 635,964 11,373 29,292 34,494 12,680 357,157 132.616 15,992 471.838 497.321 871,848 7,533 14,753 368.238 5,912 19,353 40,879 218,928 63,787 2,969 9,576 7,335 10,205 58,171 66,722 47.092 17,827 21,505 7.633 119.3 48.6 10.2 7.78 178.7 149.4 232.8 262.3 187. 230.9 85. 3.07 24.4 20. 7.8 441.5 165.9 115.8 290.9 8.4 15.1 166.9 5.3 4. 2.1 241.4 120.9 4.2 247. 75.3 28.9 5.9 15.6 277. 74.9 81.8 56. 6. 6.5 7.4 7.6 80!' Pekin , London St. Petersburg. Washington ... Paris Vienna Yeddo London Berlin Rome Madrid Rio Janeiro Constantinople Mexico Stockholm Teheran Brussels Munich Lisbon Hague Bogota Santiago Berne Lima Chuquisaca Buenos Ayres.. Stuttgart Copenhagen Caraccas Carlsruhe Athens Guatemala Quito Asuncion Darmstadt Monrovia Sal Salvador... Port au Prince Managua Monte Video... Comayagua San Domingo... San Jose Honolulu 1,648,800 3,251.800 667,000 109,199 1.825.300 833,900 1.554,900 3,251,800 825,400 244,484 332,000 420,000 1,075,000 210.300 136,900 120,000 314,100 169.500 224,063 90,100 45.000 115,400 36.000 160,100 25.000 177.800 91.600 162,042 47,000 36,600 43,400 40,000 70,000 48,000 30.000 3,000 15.000 20,000 10,000 44.500 12,000 20,000 2.000 7,633 182 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION POPULATION OF ILLINOIS, By Counties. COUNTIES. Adams Alexander. . Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign. Christian .. Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland De Kalb... De Witt... Douglas Du Page Edgar Edwards Effingham. . Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton .. Hancock Hardin Henderson . Henry Iroquois ... Jackson Jasper Jefferson... Jersey Jo Daviess. Johnson Kane Kankakee. . Kendall ... Knox Lake La Salle Lawrence.. Lee Livingston . Logan AGGREGATE. 1870. 1860. 1850. 1840. 1830. 1820 56362 10564 I3I52 12942 12205 32415 6562 16705 II580 32737 20363 1S719 15875 16285 25235 349966 13889 12223 23265 14768 13484 16685 21450 7565 15653 19638 9103 12652 38291 I"34 20277 14938 13014 35935 5113 12582 355o6 25782 19634 11234 17S64 15054 27S20 1 1 248 39091 24352 12399 39522 21014 60792 12533 27171 3M7I 23053 41323 4707 9815 11678 9938 26426 5M4 H733 11325 14629 10492 14987 9336 1 094 1 14203 144954 II55I 8311 19086 10820 7140 14701 16925 5454 7816 11189 1979 9393 33338 8055 16093 10379 99 x 5 29061 3759 950i 20660 12325 9589 8364 12965 1 205 1 27325 9342 30062 15412 13074 28663 18257 48332 9214 17651 11637 14272 26508 2484 6i44 7624 7198 8841 3231 4586 7253 2649 3203 9532 4289 5139 9335 43385 7135 37i8 7540 5002 9290 10692 3524 3799 8075 5681 22508 5448 12429 3023 6362 14652 2887 4612 3807 4149 5862 3220 8109 7354 18604 4114 16703 7730 13279 14226 17S15 6121 5-292 1553 5128 14476 3313 5060 1705 4183 3067 1741 1023 2981 1475 1878 7453 3228 3718 9616 10201 4422 1697 3247 3535 8225 3070 1675 6328 3682 13142 10760 II95I 3945 9946 1378 1260 1695 3566 1472 5762 4535 6180 3626 6501 7060 2634 9348 7092 2035 759 2333 2186 1390 3124 1090 3940 755 2330 3"7 4071 1649 2704 4083 1841 7405 7674 2616 483 4i 1828 2555 2111 1596 274 "3668 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 183 POPULATION OF ILLINOIS— Concluded. COUNTIES. Macon Macoupin.. Madison Marion Marshall Mason Massac McDonough McHenry .. McLean — Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland ... Rock Island Saline Sangamon .. Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark St. Clair Stephenson.. Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash .... Warren Washington. Wayne . White Whitesides .. Will Williamson.. Winnebago.. Woodford... Total... AGGREGATE. 1870. 1860. 1850. 1840. 1830. 1820 26481 32726 44131 20622 16950 16184 9581 26509 23762 53938 "735 18769 12982 253M 20463 10385 27492 47540 13723 10953 30708 "437 8752 6280 20859 12803 29783 12714 46352 17419 10530 25476 10751 51068 30608 27903 1651S 30388 8841 23174 17599 19758 16S46 27503 43013 17329 29301 18956 I373S 24602 31251 12739 13437 10931 6213 20069 22c 28772 9584 15042 12832 13979 22112 6385 2288S 36601 9552 6127 27249 6742 3943 5587 17205 97" 21005 933i 32274 14684 9069 14613 9004 37694 25112 21470 11181 19800 7313 18336 I373I 12223 12403 18737 29321 12205 24491 13282 12355 20441 6720 5180 5921 4092 7616 14978 10163 6349 5246 7679 6277 16064 3234 10020 17547 5278 1606 18819 3975 2265 3924 1 1079 4012 6937 5588 19228 10573 7914 7807 37io 20180 11666 12052 7615 1 1492 4690 8176 6953 6825 8925 536i 16703 7216 "773 4415 2539891I 1711951) 851470 3039 7926 14433 4742 1849 5308 2578 6565 4431 2352 4481 4490 19547 3479 6i53 3222 11728 4094 2131 7944 2610 14716 6972 6215 6659 1573 13631 2800 7221 5524 9303 4240 6739 4810 5133 7919 25M 10167 4457 4609 476183 1122 1990 6221 2125 w 26 2000 2953 12714 1215 2396 3316 /-I3IO 4429 12960 £2959 2972 7078 4716 3239 5836 2710 308 1675 2553 6091 13550 *2I 1516 2610 3492 *5 5 2 43 2362 1517 1 1 14 482& 1574-15 *49 55i6a 184 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. STATE LAWS Relating to Rates of Interest and Penalties for Usury. States and Territories. Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia .., Florida Georgia • Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi .... Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Ontario, Canada Oregon Pennsylvania Quebec, Canada Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Territory West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming , Legal Rate of Interest. per cent 8 10 6 io IO 7 7 6 6 8 7 io 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 io io IO 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 io 6 6 6 7 6 8 io 6 6 io 6 7 12 Rate al- lowed by Contract. Penalties for Usury. per cent. 8 Any rate io Any rate Any rate 7 12 6 IO Any rate. 12 24 8 io IO 12 8 8 Any rate. 6 Any rate. io 12 io io Any rate 12 Any rate 6 7 Any rate 7 Any rate. 12 Any rate. Any rate. Any rate. Any rate, io 12 Ary rate. 6 6* Any rate 6* io Any rate Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of principal and interest. Forfeiture of excess of interest. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of principal. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of entire interest. Fine and imprisonment. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of excess of interest. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of ex. of in. above 12 per cent. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of excess of interest. Forfeiture of ex. of in. above 7 per cent. No Usury Law in this State. Forfeiture of excess of interest. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of thrice the excess and costs. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of contract. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of excess above 6 per cent. Forfeiture of excess of interest. Forfeiture of excess of interest. Forfeiture of excess of interest. Forfeiture of entire interest. Forfeiture of excess of interes - Forfeiture of entire interest. * Except in cases d :fin<:d by statutes of the State. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 185 STATE LAWS Relating to Limitations op Actions : Showing Limit of Time in which Action may be Brought on the following : States and Tereitories. Alabama Arkansas California, Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware District ot Columbia . Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri... Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Ontario (U. Canada).. Oregon Pennsylvania Quebec (L. Canada).. Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Territory West Virginia Wisconsin Wy omi ng Assault slander, &c. Open Accts. Notes. Judg- ments. Sealed and witnessed Instru- ments. Years. I Years. 3 Years. 6 Years. 20 Years. IO I 3 5 IO IO I I 3 2 2 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 5 3 20 20 5 3 17 20 I 3 6 20 20 I 2 I 3 4 4 5 6 12 20 7 12 20 20 2 I 2 2 5 6 4 IO 20 5 20 2o 5 10 20 2 5 IO 20 10 I I I 2 3 2 3 6 5 15 5 20 5 15 10 20 15 15 20 20 I 2 2 3 6 6 3 20 6 12 20 6 12 20 10 2 6 6 10 6 I 2 3 5 6 10 7 20 7 10 2 5 10 10 10 I 2 2 2 4 2 6 6 5 4 6 6 5 5 20 20 10 4 20 16 I 6 10 10 IO 2 6 6 20 20 3 i 2 3 6 6 3 15 6 10 15 20 10 15 20 2 6 6 IO 20 I 6 6 20 20 I I 5 6 5 6 30 20 30 20 2 I 6 6 6 6 20 IO 20 6 I 2 4 IO 5 I 2 2 6 4 4 5 8 7 8 I 2 5 3 5 6 10 6 20 6 I 5 10 10 10 2 6 6 20 20 I 6 IS 15 *5 PRODUCTIONS OF AGRICULTURE, STATE OF ILLINOIS, BY C0UNTIES.-I870. JOUNTIES Total Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy.. Hamilton Hancock , Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois... — . Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess ■Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Z^ake LaSalle Lawrence Lee.. Livingston Logan Macon Macoupin Madison Marion Marshall . Mason Massac McDonough McHenry McLean Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan .' Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark St. Clair Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash AVarren Washington Wayne White Whitesides Will Williamson Winnebago Woodford Improved Land. Number. 19.329,95a N umbel 5,061.57 other un- improved Number. 1.491.331 287, 13, 145, 137. 57, 398, 37, 186, 92. 419, 241, 118, 146. 150, 208, 348, 105, 75, 334, 168, 147, 164, ^65, 58, 120, 187, 141, 80, 228, 49, 175, 193, 88, 311, 28, 140, 265, 322, 78, 90, 118, 94, 156, 57, 240, 312, 164. 330, 207, 533, 87, 322, 377, 321, 205, 231, 257, 173 166 209, 25, 261, 230. 494, 134, 222 92 276 293, 144, 316 170, 93, 94, 233 55 19, 37. 140 75, 155 72 421, 96, 85. 310, 138, 231, 254, 229. 75, 360, 54. 266. 177 147, 92, 289, 419 128 241, 225, 926 830 111.-, 307 062 611 OS 4 HOI 0O2 :;io 4 59 1 922 177 33 S21 505 34 502 539 633 874 458 912 313 196 228 7 19 132 57: -108 999 996 517 117 95 1 90 1 510 548 867 951 1 4 7 51 820 120 182 001 829 779 724 S2> 212 505 709 259 059 032 OSl (157 4 53 151 63.i 5li6 97s 173 809 810 6S2 4 50 220 883 29 54 454 85 980 :;19 271 764 079 14 309 74S 195 331 179 129 117 857 126 832 251 063 187 592 352 398 809 4 12 448 3 73 50 1 112,576 17.761 42,613 29,886 35,491 41,866 63.443 29,793 33,493 16,789 19,803 102,201 80,612 48.868 45,214 19,635 78,350 40,334 17,722 29,548 11,89: 17,243 66,803 57,585 56,330 93,460 2,996 3,994 123,823 68,750 93.242 6,256 93,878 43,385 44,771 34,705 12,620 22,478 87,642 67,023 94,888 51,427 82,076 3 34,646 10,978 14,244 41,566 21,072 48, 117 72,738 12,071 12,462 17,394 18,153 81,224 89,450 61,579 >'8,26o 31,739 33,39b 52,547 53,293 40,36b 34.931 45,977 83,369 47,804 60,217 24,783 43,643 48,666 68,470 5,978 128,953 87,754 12,516 17,184 162,274 50,618 31,239 70.393 51,085 62.477 44,633 74,908 12,375 76,591 43.167 45,268 83.606 53.078 37.558 27,294 55,852 146,794 78,167 21.823 24,261 116,949 37,238 25,217 19,370 1.915 2,658 25.608 15,803 2,754 33,302 6,604 58,502 19,173 5,420 5,225 8,722 3,274 17,337 27,185 5,604 6,551 17,633 7,316 3.851 14,282 830 26,206 16,786 63,9" ' 86,710 4,076 2,565 29.653 4,505 3,343 i8/r 107 14,243 31,459 63,498 5,991 12,250 778 1,363 45,779 .79,141 399 10,598 2,283 25,155 24,399 2,356 3,273 7,409 41,788 408 9,115 7,343 13,675 4.142 2,976 31,013 30 14,035 57,998 49,087 13,952 22,588 666 8,495 1,376 13,112 14,913 2,516 220 13,897 9,302 4.174 1.170 2 025 20,755 809 19,932 21.294 1,610 9,314 2,783 2,016 13,701 14,846 5,300 31,122 509 14,583 1,931 10,486 869 37.310 6,335 1,648 15.237 23,135 Spring Wheat. Bushels. 10.133.207 Winter Wheat. Rye. Bushels. 19.995,198 Bushels. 2.456.578 Indian Corn. Bushels. 129.921.395 16.191 700 241,042 13,2 465,236 75 418,073 12,165 102,577 18,360 1,894 500 2,651 144,296 60 550 398,059 106,493 7,683 106,096 13,283 77 42,571 365 193,669 21,700 129 181,378 13 161,112 462,379 57,160 890 282,758 188,826 103,466 90,681 267,764 168,914 271,181 450,793 120,206 198,056 55,239 160 550 106,129 73,261 273,871 401,790 211,801 36,152 289,291 59 18,196 17,128 497,038 92,361 26,382 130 28,137 450 243,541 200 ■ 89,304 56,221 18 15,526 124,630 2,550 527,394 132,417 44,806 '186)890 266 457,455 195,286 176 408,606 178,139 947,616 42,658 368.625 599 117.502 724 221,298 260 127,054 123,091 504,041 195.118 85,73 610.888 154,485 4,904 212,924 84,697 190 11,695 65,461 693 247,360 122,703 195,716 351,310 1,008 111,324 223,930 83,093 577,400 150 92,34 232,750 32,306 69,062 44 10,480 329,036 87.808 100,553 558,367 555 92.191 325 480 1,249 7,654 221 2,193 264,134 2,260 1,339 40,963 196,613 861,398 1,207,181 173,652 900 125,628 72.316 36,146 270 10,955 45,793 13,203 651,767 744,891 357,523 196,436 5,580 31.843 350.446 39.762 1,057,497 70,457 44,922 796 1,031,022 150.268 2.279 83.011 247,658 165,721 266,105 452,015 1,562.621 2,118 72,410 180,231 249,558 202.201 5,712 672,486 164,689 184,321 264 1,996 170.787 2,468 108,307 20,989 30 6,240 35,871 4,742 43,811 1 25,721 2.772 45,75: 10.722 7,308 3,221 1,619 8,825 20,171 15,49 14,798 21,018 11 540 9,011 7.53S 37,508 528 19,759 25,328 11,57 5.195 131,711 512 415 4,930 11,672 133,533 865 96,430 35,766 23,259 524 9,165 5,934 7.185 2,468 23.618 12,935 5,163 113,547 5,870 48,308 1,121 14,829 26,163 37.232 29,223 2.404 3.685 1'4,517 36,135 49,182 544 52,401 29,264 39,824 4,283 40.778 1,425 3,29b 5,535 6,670 157,504 99,502 1,01b 9,248 25,303 2,309 222 7,707 3,235 3.401 20,003 568 23,073 20,841 930 23.686 30.534 1,008 135,362 59,027 1,737 52,476 72,212 2,576 8,665 418 31,658 8,030 6.228 137,985 20,426 1,452,905 244,220 1,064.052 466,985 337.769 3,030,404 234,041 1,367.965 1,146,980 3,924,720 1,883,336 614,582 1,019,994 813.25" 2,133.111 570.4X 581,964 403,075 1,023,849 1,311,635 1,680,225 331,981 2,107,615 352,371 620,24 962,525 565,671 653,209 1,508,763 509,491 1,051,313 295,971 735,252 1,510,401 172.651 1, VS. Mil 2,541,683 799,810 611,951 461,345 887,981 519,120 1,286,326 343,298 674,333 637.39<. 681,267 2,708,319 517,353 3,077.028 656,363 1,656,978 1,182,696 4,221,640 2,214,468 1,051,544 2.127,549 1,034,057 1,182,903 2,648,72b 133,126 1,362,490 1,145.005 3,723,379 1,973,880 2,054,962 543,718 1,527,898 3,198,835 1,753.141 1,787,066 969,224 384.446 1.029.725 1,399,188 315,958 195,735 334,259 510,080 482,594 1,459,653 531,516 4,388,763 440,975 752,771 2,082,578 1,149878 1,423.121 1.615,679 2,062,053 679,753 2,818,027 421,361 2,982,853 836,115 1,179,291 870.521 2,162,943 1.131,458 655.710 1.237.406 2,154.185 V- c^^k^TZt^i (DECEAS ED.) FREEPORT. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. TOPOGRAPHY. Is bounded on the east by Winnebago, on the south by Ogle and Carroll, on the west by Jo Daviess, and on the north by Green County, Wis. It thus lies in the northern tier of counties in the State, and is the second county eastward from the Mississippi River. It is twenty-seven miles wide from east to west, and about twenty-one from its northern to its southern boundary line, containing 573 square miles. The northern part of the county, according to surveys made by the Illinois Central Railroad Company, averages about 723 feet above the level of the Mississippi River at Cairo, about 415 feet above the level of Lake Michigan, and about 1,000 feet above the level of the sea. The southern part of the county averages some 250 feet lower than these averages. The general level of the country, it will thus be seen, presents a gentle slope to southern sunny skies. The general surface, or face of the country, is composed of gently undulating and rather rolling prairie land, interspersed with small groves and narrow belts of timber lands skirting the streams. A small portion of the county is made up of barrens and oak orchards or openings. The prairie soil is of unsurpassed fertility, and under a high state of cultivation and improve- ment. It is not so black and deep as the prairie soil further south ; but is drier, sandier, lighter or more chocolate colored, producing in great perfection all the staple crops of the northern part of the State. The oak openings and other poorer portions of the county produce the best wheat and other cereal grains, the best potatoes raised in the State, very excellent apples, and pears' of the hardier varieties, and with proper care and cultivation will nourish the vine and ripen its fruitage to a greater extent than is now dreamed of by the grape-growers and wine-makers of the West. Indeed, the day is coming, when its gravelly hills and loess clay will not only blush with the purple clusters of such vines as best endure the cold climate, but will also become sources of profit to their cultivators, and of exquisite pleasure to those who delight in using healthful, invigorating, pure wines. The soil of this county, as of all these northern counties, also produces and ripens in great perfection the currant, gooseberry, strawberry, raspberry and other garden fruits. The county is reasonably well watered with streams, which flow in various directions over its surface- Of these, the Pecatonica is the largest and most important. It enters the county about seven miles from its northwest corner, flows in a course a little south of east to Freeport, bends round to the westward at this latter place, and enters the county of Winnebago, not far from the center of its western boundary lines. Its waters are turbid and muddy as the "Yellow Tiber;" its course is serpentine and crooked beyond comparison, winding and doubling upon itself in the most capricious manner ; its current slow-flowing, treacherous and silent, notwithstanding the general difference in 190 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. level between the northern and southern portions of the county, affording few water powers, and they of limited fall, but heavy and constant in their action. This is pre-eminently true of the six feet fall at Freeport, but hardly so true of the power at Martin's mill, just across the northern line of the county. Indeed, so far as a description of the stream is concerned, the dispute as to the Indian significance of the name " Pecatonica," "Muddy Water" and "Crooked Stream," might be well reconciled by adopting both meanings, and applying them with much truth to this tortuous body of flowing mud. Along portions of its course, its oozy banks and stagnant waters might breed miasms and fevers, were its influences not counteracted by the general healthfulness and salubrity of the climate of Northern Illinois. Yellow Creek enters the county almost at the center of its western boundary line, and flows into the Pecatonica two or three miles below and east of Freeport, its general course being a little south of east. Its waters have a yellowish, somewhat creamy color, and are slow floating like the Pecatonica. The color of its waters is derived from the Cincinnati shales along its banks, which dissolve and mingle with the water like yellow cream with muddy coffee. Its course is not so crooked as the Pecatonica. It wanders about in long, undulating swerves, instead of short, abrupt doublings. It affords few water powers, and they of limited extent. Cedar and Richland Creeks rise almost entirely within the county toward its- northern and central parts, flow southward, mingle their waters together within a few miles of the Pecatonica, and empty into the latter stream a few miles above Freeport. Both these streams afford light but constant water powers. They are not mountain born, but are fed by prairie and woodland springs, almost entirely within the boundaries of the county lines. Rock Run enters the county about four miles from its northeast corner, and empties, after run- ning about four miles on an air line, into the Pecatonica, about one and a half miles west of where it crosses the western line of Winnebago County. This is a beautiful little stream, affording a few light water powers. It goes babbling and murmuring along through rich prairie farms and woodland groves, until within a half a dozen miles of its mouth. Here the banks rise to precipitous, brush-covered, timber-covered hills, and in a few miles further, the low alluvial bottom of the Pecatonica is entered, through which it seeks its way with less haste into the dirty waters of the latter stream. Cranes Creek is a small and short prairie stream or brook, flowing into the Yellow Creek nearly south of Freeport, coming in from near the center of the southern boundarv line of the county. Besides these, there are many brooks, rivulets and little streams in various parts of the county, watering it reasonably well, both for agricultural and stock purp< ses. Nor should the mention of the bright, flashing, singing little Silver Creek be omitted ; this runs through the town of the same name, and finds its way into Yellow Creek not far from its mouth. In comparison with most northern counties, Stephenson might be said to be well timbered. The Pecatonica is skirted, more especially along its eastern bank, with a body of rather heavy timber, spreading out northward into the town of Oneco, for a considerable distance. Yellow Creek is fringed, for a part of its course, with a scattering growth of white oak-groves and clumps spreading across from Mill Grove to Eleroy and Sciota mills, into oak openings and a somewhat rough soil. Part of the town of Loran, in the southwest portion of the county, is a regular white-oak barren, with scattering trees and some brush-wood. Crane's Grove, lying south of Freeport, is about three miles long and more than a mile wide. Lynn and walnut groves dot the broad expanse of prairie in the northeastern part of the county, with a grateful exchange in HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 191 the monotony of the prairie view. Cedar Creek has some good timber along its course. Richland Creek is shadowed by the heaviest body of good timber perhaps in the whole county. The prevailing timber consists of white, black and burr oak, sugar maple, black walnut, butternut, pignut, shellbark and common hickory, slippery and water elm, yellow poplar, with occasional laurel, red cedar, white pine, paw- paw, and some of the rarer oaks interspersed ; sumach and hazel also abound in and around all the groves ; wild cherry, honey locust, linden or basswood, ash, cotton-wood sycamore and some other varieties of timber are more or less to be noticed, and in some particular localities are found in considerable abun- dance. Such, in brief, are the topographical features of Stephenson County — a county whose agricultural resources are not surpassed by those of any county in Northern Illinois. Indeed, it would be hard to find an equal area anywhere in the State whose soil is so universally good, productive and teeming in every bountiful gift to the industrious tillers of the earth. No mineral wealth or peculiar manufacturing facilities will attract to this county the attention of the adventurous, but for those resources which are derived from a rich soil and abundant agricultural capabilities, this favored county may well claim a last- ing pre-eminence. GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. The geology of Stephenson County is of a very simple character. After- leaving the surface geology, the first formation met in a descending order is the Niagara limestone, succeeded in regular order by the Cincinnati shales, and the three divisions of the Trenton period, namely, the Galena, Blue and Buff limestones of the old Trenton seas. The following sections show the actual worked exposures of these rocks as measured in the quarries by the Hon. James Shaw, of Mt. Carroll, from whose writings on the subject the preced- ing and following have been taken : SECTION OF WORKED OUTCROPS. Quaternary deposits, consisting of clays, sands, gravels, etc 10 to 65 feet. Niagara limestone 23 " Cincinnati group 40 " Galena limestone 75 " Blue limestone 38 " Bluff limestone 40 " Each of these groups or formations outcrops at some place or places in the county. Some of them are the immediate underlying rocks over large portions of the same. As further illustrating the geological formations of this county, and more especially those which lie deep down in the earth, an imperfect section, obtained from the borings of the Rocky Farm oil well, is given. This well was com- menced in 18t54, and continued on through a great part of the year 1865. At that time the oil fever was prevailing extensively. Some surface indications were noticed in a small brook running through the north part of Section 6, in the town of Lancaster. A company was formed, an engine obtained, and a hole six inches in diameter drilled into the earth for over 800 feet. No oil was obtained, no indications of oil noticed, after leaving the surface, and the enterprise was finally abandoned. Although very unprofitable to the company, this boring was not devoid of scientific interest. After boring about eight feet through the overlying soil and clays, the Galena limstone was struck. No 192 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. very accurate record of the material passed through for the first 120 fee c was kept, but from the fact that the Galena limestone outcrops heavily at Cedarville, only a mile or two distant, being there seventy-five or eighty feet thick in the exposure on Cedar Creek, it is believed the well in this 120 feet passed out of the Galena limestone, and reached perhaps a considerable dis- tance into the blue limestones, immediately underlying. Commencing at 120 feet beneath the surface, a section of strata and materials bored through is o-iven, until the depth of 608 feet was reached, as indicated by the detritus brought to the surface by the auger. No record of the last 250 feet seems to have been kept. SECTION OF OIL WELL ON ROCKY FARM. 120 to 130 feet, blue limestone and mud veins 10 feet. 130 '■ 146 " gray limestone, containing crevices 16 " 146 " 168 " shales of various kinds 22 " 168 " 375 " St. Peter's sandstone, soft and very white 207 " 375 " 484 " red sandstone, with tough, paint-like mud veins 109 " 484 " 487 " yellow, sand-like surface sand 3 " 487 " 491 " quicksand and salty water 4 ' ; 491 " 494 '.' bright yellow, fine salty sand 3 " 494 " 501 " slate of chalky color and nature 7 '• 501 " 520 " snuif-colored, slaty rocks 19 " 520 " 532 " sharp, slate-colored sand 12 " 532 " 564 " dark red stone, like soapstone, with thin, flinty strata and iron pyrites 32 " 564 " 586 " bright red stone, slightly only 22 '• 586 " 608 " dark reddish slate, with iron pyrites 22 " At the depth of about 60 feet from the surface, some dark-colored carbon- ferous shales were struck. These must have belonged to the Blue limestone underlying the Galena, and, perhaps, are near the dividing line between the two. From thence to the depth of 168 feet the blue and buff limestones of the Tren- ton period were undoubtedly the rocks passed through. The next 207 feet was the St. Peter sandstone. There could be no mistake as to this ; the auger brought it up pure, white and crumbly. The next 109 feet, although it strongly resembled the St. Peter's sandstone, was stained by water holding iron in solution, and belongs, perhaps, to the calciferous sandstone, or lower magnesian limestone of the Northwest. The next 121 feet almost loses its identity, but, perhaps belongs to the lower calciferous sandstones, and to the Potsdam sand- stone. Chemical analysis of the materials brought to the surface, aided by a strong magnifying glass, may show these surmises to be partially untrue. Some importance is to be attached to the above section, because it is a matter of much interest to the citizens of Stephenson County, and because it aiforded an opportunity for making even a partial examination of the deep underlying foundations. It also settled another question for a long time agitat- ing the public mind in this part of the State. Before this experiment, geologi- cal science had foretold that no productive oil deposits-could or would be found in this part of the country. It had predicted this from knowledge of the under- lying strata, and their inability to collect and preserve the oily treasures of the earth. But capitalists lacked faith in the teachings of science, and acquired in the school of experience the lessons which they would nowhere else learn. The experiment of this well had a wonderful influence in allaying the oil fever in this region. The following is a description of the out cropping geological formations, for which the heartiest acknowledgments are also tendered ex-Speaker Shaw : HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 193 QUATERNARY DEPOSITS. The deposits cover unconformably the underlying rocks to a varying depth. At some places they are five or ten feet thick ; at others, they perhaps extend in thickness to sixty or seventy feet. To say that they average twenty-five or thirty feet all over the county, would, perhaps, be placing the figures safely within the bounds of truth. If all this accumulation of deposited materials could be removed, the surface of the underlying rocks would present a very rough and uneven surface, scooped-out depressions, extending through over- lying formations, and over large portions of the country, presenting, if filled with water, the phenomena of broad shallow lakes. The mounds, rising like watch-towers, over these prairies (resisting, on account of some local cause or hardness, the denuding agencies that carried away the rest of the formation), would appear like islands in the surrounding waste of waters. The rocky surface thus left, so far as can be judged by limited exam- inations, would be unsmoothed by water current and unscratched by glacier, but would be everywhere uneven, rough and covered with unworn fragments of stone. Along the narrow bottoms of the Pecatonica may be noticed a strip of alluvium proper. At some places it is very narrow; at others, it extends to one or two miles in width. The same deposit may be observed at a few local- ities along the Yellow Creek bottom, and also along the narrow bottoms of some of the smaller streams. The deposit, however, is of limited extent ; it is rich, fat and heavy as an agricultural and timber soil. Along some of these streams the low, bold hills are found to be composed of the loess marls and clays ; but this deposit is also of quite limited extent in the country. All the rest of these superficial deposits belong to the sands, clays and gravels of the drifts proper. These clays, and clayey sands, however, do not very strongly furnish the evidences of deposition or transportation. They seem to partake, in part at least, of the nature and character of the rock formations lying immediately below them. Where the Galena limestone is the underlying rock, the appearance seemed, upon examination, to have been somewhat as follows : First, there was the prairie soil and clayey sub-soil, at most only a few feet in thickness ; this was succeeded by a reddish-brown clay, mixed with flints and pieces of cherty Galena limestone. Then came the clay and pieces of limestone, preserving their regular stratification, the limestone becoming more abundant in the descent until the solid rock strata were reached. In a few instances, this over- lying clay is creamy in color, and almost limey in texture ; but the prevail- ing color is reddish-brown or red, and in many cases it is more or less mixed with sand. The clays overlying the Cincinnati shades also bear a resem- blance to this formation, from which they are doubtless in part derived. They are of a creamy or more chocolate color finer in texture and freer from sand. These superficial clays and loams certainly have the appearance of being the residuem left after frost and water had pulverized and, by percolation, removed, the more soluble portions of the uppermost parts of the formaftions below. But, aside from these deposits, the gravel beds and bowlders of the true drift period are not wanting in this county. That part lying west of the Illinois Central Railroad and south of Yellow Creek, being mostly low, level, prairie, underlaid mostly by the Cincinnati shales, and also that low, rich, level part between Waddam's Mound and the range of mounds running from the neighborhood of Warren toward the southwest, and underlaid by the 194 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Galena limestone, may almost be denominated a driftless region. Few bowlders are seen over it, and few or no real gravel deposits can be found. The prairies north and east of Waddams' Grove have strewed over them num- berless bowlders, some black, some flame-colored, and some combining the vari- ous colors of the metamorphic rocks. At one place, about halfway between Waddams' Grove and Winslow, they are rolled into windrows along the road, and used in part for the lane fences. Many of these are exceedingly beautiful and many colored. They are the real "lost rocks," and must have been dropped from the slow-moving icebergs, as they drifted along toward the south- west. All that part of the country north and east of the Pecatonica is char- acterized by these bowlders, and many deposits of gravel and gravelly clay are to be met with in almost any of the low ridges of land. The same may be said of the eastern portion of the county, excepting that the deposits are not so extensive. Some other formations belonging to the surface geology, such as fire clay, peat, bog-iron ore, muck and the like, will be referred to in the economical geol- ogy of the county. THE NIAGARA LIMESTONE. The superficial extent of the county covered by this formation is quite small. Waddams' Grove, quite a high elevation of land, two or three miles long and a mile or two wide, and located a little northwest of Lena, is capped by the Niagara limestone. At French's quarry, near the top end of this eleva- tion facing toward Lena, there is an exposure worked to the depth of about fifteen feet. French's well, near the same spot, is forty -five feet deep, the upper twenty feet being sunk through this formation, and the lower twenty- five feet sinking through the underlying Cincinnati shales. At Blakesly's quarry, twenty-five feet of the same formation is worked into. This is about one mile west of French's, on the north face of the hill. Here they have worked down to the Cincinnati shales. The bottom layers in both these quar- ries are compact and solid ; the top layers are thick, irregular, speckled and porous. A species of slender, rotten Oynthophyllum was the only fossil observed in these quarries. From the latter quarry the prospect toward the north and west is beautiful beyond description. The low, level, rich prairie, with its fields and meadows, barns and farm-houses, skirted in the distance by the range of mounds, bending around like a distant amphitheater into Jo Daviess County, presents as fine a scene beneath a glowing June sun, as can be observed in any State. Leaving this elevation, the Niagara is next found outcropping in the south- western part of the county. Its extent can be indicated by a line which should enter the county from the west in the town of Kent, some three miles south of Simmons' Mound, then following the general course of Yellow Creek, keeping distant from that stream two to five miles, until nearly opposite to Crane's Grove, then southward until the south boundary line of the county is reached, near it, bi-section with the Illinois Central Railroad track. This line would cut off that portion of the county underlaid by the Niagara rocks. And even in this, some of the small streams which come into Yellow Creek through this section cut into the Cincinnati group; and a band of the Cincinnati group along Lashell's Hol- low, where the little village of Loharn is located, also discloses the shales and quarries of this group. ****** This formation is not much marred in this portion of the county. At Big Springs in Lashell Hollow, quite a quantity of stone has been taken out. Few HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 195 fossils were to be observed, except that great quantities of some of the rougher Niagara corals lie strewnover the hills about Loharn, consistiug of two or three species of Favosites and some imperfect Halysites. Cincinnati Group. — The rocks and shales of this group cover but a lim- ited extent of this county. All that part of Waddam's Grove, between the level of the surrounding prairie and the capping Niagara, is composed of the shales and rocks of this group. The gentle slopes of the ascent, and the creamy, col- ored waters of the springs, are an unfailing index of this formation. No quar- ries are opened in it, but it is here, perhaps, forty feet thick. The broad belt south of Yellow Creek, crossing this stream in the township of Kent, extending up into the southwest corner of the township of West Point, as indicated on the general map, has been referred to sufficiently, perhaps, in speaking of the pre- vious formation. About the village of Loharn, the hills on either side of the creek, to their top, are composed of the Cincinnati rocks and shales. Many quarries are opened in the face of the hills, and fair building stone is obtained. The worked outcrops are here fifteen or twenty feet thick. Following the creek to the northward from here a few miles, the Cincinnati formation runs under, and the Niagara takes its place. In the half-township of Erie, just west of the village of Eleroy, there is quite an elevation of land, covering several sections, and crowned with a scattering grove, which is made up exclusively of the Cin- cinnati formation. On the west end of the village of New Dublin, there is a quarried outcrop some forty feet deep. A Catholic chapel is built out of the stones of this quarry. The Trenton Limestone. — This formation as now recognized by geolo- gists embraces the Galena. The Trenton proper, or blue, and the buff lime- stones — these formations are well-marked and easily distinguishable, and will be referred to under their appropriate heads. The Galena Limestone. — Nearly three-fourths of Stephenson County is underlaid by this well-known division of the Trenton rocks. And, inasmuch as the railroad cuts and the streams afford the best facilities to study the geologic formations of this county, they will be considered. The Illinois Central enters the county at Warren, near its northwest corner. It passes over a low, smooth prairie, without outcrop or stone quarry, to Lena. Waddam's Grove, which stands in this prairie, shows that the Galena limestone underlies it. At Lena, there is a quarry and a limekiln within a short distance of the town, reposing some fifteen feet in thickness. About two miles farther, there is another; both on a little stream toward the north. Passing on toward the southeast, the railroads exhibit several small sections in the top of the Galena beds, but do not afford any heavy section until Freeport is reached. Just west of the city, along the track of the railroad, and near the banks of the Pecatonica River, in a low range of hills, three extensive quarries are worked, furnishing stone for lime and for the large amount of building material needed. The first nearest the city is worked about eighteen feet deep. The rock obtained here is very soft, yellow, sandy and full of cavities the size of a walnut. Where heaps of it have been removed, a considerable amount of sand is left scattered on the ground. The top layers of this quarry are so friable and crumbling, that hand specimens will hardly remain in shape. The second quarry exposes an outcrop of about twenty -four feet. The third is exactly similar to the second. Both of them are somewhat shaly toward the top. but rapidly grow massive and solid as they are worked into. The Western Union Railroad enters the county on a line almost exactly south of Freeport, and passes out of it four miles south of its northeast corner. Three miles southwest of Freeport, it cuts through the 196 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. top of the rock under consideration, exposing the usual red clay, and over this a gravelly subsoil. About three miles northwest of Freeport, there is an exactly similar cut. About a mile further on toward the northwest is another, which measures 1,000 feet long and twenty-four feet deep in the middle. Further on, and a little over a mile west of Rock City, is another cut 350 yards long and fifteen feet deep in the solid stone at the deepest place, and the stone covered by about ten feet of the usual gravelly clay. Here the stone is hard, glassy, conchoidal in fracture, and begins to assume the characteristics of the blue or Trenton proper. One-half a mile further on and nearer Rock City, there is a cut about twelve feet deep, the lowest part exposing the real blue limestone. Further on, and one mile east of Dacotah, there is another cut in the yellow Galena. Further on, at the railroad bridge over Rock Run, there is a cut about twenty-two feet deep. The first four feet is the usual reddish clay, the next twelve feet is Galena limestone, assuming characteristics of the blue, and the last five feet is into the blue itself. The union of the Galena and blue, passing into each other almost perceptibly, may be satisfactorily examined here. The next and last cut is about one-fourth of a mile east of Davis, almost on the county line. It is over 1,000 feet long and thirty-one feet deep ; the upper seven feet is the usual clay, with some gravel in it : the lower twenty- four feet is Galena limestone, solid, a little bluish in color and of a somewhat conchoidal fracture. In fact, all these exposures along the eastern part of the county, in their blue color, conchoidal fracture and hardness, differ consider- ably from the Freeport quarries. They are lower down in the series, and assimilate somewhat into the character of the blue below. So true is this that in some of the exposures it is hard to fix upon the line of separation between the two. From Freeport, south along the railroad track, no other exposures of the Galena limestone are visible. Leaving the railroad cuts, the streams present the next best opportunities to trace the superficial area, thickness and phenomena of this deposit. The Pecatonica River, about four or five miles after entering the county, strikes the Galena limestone, and for its whole distance in the county, exposes this forma- tion where any rocks are exposed along its banks. There are no very good exposures, however, on this stream, except those at Freeport, already referred to. At Bobtown, or New Pennsylvania, an outcrop is worked near the river, and at or near the mouth of Yellow Creek the formation is dug into in an old crevice lead mine. Richland Creek and Cedar Creek both expose the Galena rocks for their entire length. Both these streams have cut deep into the solid rocks, and at many places along their banks heavy outcrops and escarpments stand out in bold relief. At Buena Vista, on the former stream, there is an out- crop of twenty feet, quarried into for its full depth. At Cedarville, on the lat- ter stream, the outcrop is seventy feet thick. A large quarry is here opened, out of which the stone in Adclams' mill-dam have been taken. At the Scioto mills, below the confluence of the two streams, and in many places in that neighborhood, the same rocks are exposed and quarried. Crane's Creek, where it washes the west end of Crane's Grove, exposes the Galena limestone, and the the same limestone is worked into at Rosensteel's quarry, near Freeport, to a depth of twenty-two feet. Leaving the streams, reference will next be made to other portions of the county examined. Burr Oak Grove, half-way between Lena and Winslow, has near its eastern limits an interesting outcrop. About two and a half miles west of the latter place, almost every little prairie hill-top is dug into, and several HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 197 small quarries opened. An exposure of twenty-four feet was also examined at the limekiln, a little southeast of Rock City. The top of this quarry is Galena limestone, but it gradually changes into the blue before the bottom is reached. In the township of Ridott, the Galena is the underlying stone, changing into the blue toward the eastern and southeastern part. In the township of Oneco the formation is heavily developed. In short, the outcrop of this well-known formation, or division of the Trenton rocks, are so numerous that it is not neces- sary to particularize more fully than to briefly state their superficial boundaries and area. All that part of the country between the Pecatonica River and Yellow Creek, except a small strip east and south of Winslow, and except the developments of the Cincinnati group at Waddam's Grove, New Dublin, Kent and along the banks of the Yellow Creek, is underlaid by the Galena rocks. All that part of the county north and east of the Pecatonica River, except in the bed and along either side of Rock Run, is underlaid by the same. The southeastern part of the county, nearly up to the Pecatonica River, and nearly to the track of the Illinois Central Railroad, with the exception of a strip along the south- eastern corner and a few isolated patches in the eastern part of the township of Silver Creek, is also underlaid by these same rocks. Fossils. — Few fossils are found in the Galena limestone in Stephenson Co. The characteristic Heceptaculites sulcata, called by the miners and quarrymen " lead blossom " and " sunflower coral," is found at Freeport and Cedarville in great abundance, but good specimens are hard to obtain on account of the fri- able nature of the stone in which it is found. At the former place, a specimen of Heceptaculites orbicularis was noticed. Two or three species of Murchi- sonia, fragments of several species of Orthocera, one or two well-known Orthis, two species of Pleurotomaria, a small Bellerophon, and a rather well- defined Ambonychia, were the fossils most usually observed. They all exist in the form of casts, and perfect specimens are hard to find. THE BLUE LIMESTONE. This, the middle division of the Trenton, is of limited extent in this county. Of course, in many places marked on the map with the color indi- cating the Galena, a shaft sunk down a short distance would strike the blue limestone, but it is described as the surface rock. Rock Run cuts into the blue limestone soon after entering the county, and all along its banks on both sides, until within a mile or two of its confluence with the Pecatonica, this rock out- crops and shows itself. Some of the high, rocky banks, are overcapped with the Galena, but the usual rock is the blue. At the railroad bridge of the Western Union Railroad Company, over Rock Run, the railroad track is about six feet below the junction of the Galena and the blue. Stepping west out of the railroad cut, there is a perpendicular descent of thirty-three feet from the track down to the water level, making the whole thickness of the blue, at this place, about thirty-nine feet. The lower part of this outcrop is very blue, the upper part yellowish, with thin strata, and gradually changing in lithological character, until the overlying Galena just east of the bridge is reached. This is a very interesting section. One and a half miles below this locality is a quarry, opened in the west bluff of the stream. The outcrop is twenty-five feet thick. The top part is shaly and yellowish and the bottom becomes heavier and bluer in color. Some of the thin shaly strata are full of small-sized orthis. These two outcrops are fair representations of all the others along the stream. Some 198 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. indications of underlying blue limestones prophesy its existence in the south- eastern part of the county, and have so been marked on the county map. Some slabs with fossils similar to those found in the Dixon marble were picked up ; these with the fragmentary stems of Eucrinites, were the only fos- sils found. A small specimen of the " sunflower coral " was found in the blue limestone, at Rock Run railroad bridge, the only one ever found by the party making the examinations in this rock. The Buff Limestone. — The only place where this, the lower division of the Trenton, is developed in this county, is at Winslow. It is doubtless the underlying rock for a few miles below this place and on both sides of the Pec- atonica River for this distance. Here it presents very much the appearance of a quarry in the blue. The top is shaly, thin bedded, and of a yellowish choc- olate color. At Martin's mill in Wisconsin, one mile above, the outcrop is much heavier, the bottom layers more massive and very blue. Professor Whit- ney pronounces these exposures of the buff, and the fossils seem to indicate that he is correct in this. The lithological character of the quarries would indicate the same thing, but in a less satisfactory manner. On either side of this strip of buff, and within a short distance of its outcrops, the Galena lime- stone comes to the surface, so that the latter seems to rest uncomfortably upon the former; but in following the stream to the northward, a few miles above the mill, the St. Peters sandstone begins to show its outliers. The quarry at Winslow is worked twenty-three feet deep, and at Martin's mill thirty-five feet, and at both places it is some ten feet from the bottom of the quarries to the surface of the water. Geologically, the locality is one of the most interesting in this part of the State. FOSSILS. Many well-preserved casts of fossils were found here. Among them the most characteristic were Pleurotomaria subconica; a large Orthoeera, five or six inches in diameter and six feet long, with a part of the shell still wanting ; a Cypricardites Niota; Oncoceras pandion; some two species of Tellinomya, etc., etc. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. The chief sources of wealth in Stephenson County are to be found in the richness and productiveness of its soil, and in its abundant agricultural resources. It is as less waste land, and is regarded as the best agricultural county in the State. In her fat, rich soil, therefore, is contained the first and chiefest source of wealth in the county — that which nourishes all the rest, and fostering and building up the city of Freeport in a wonderful manner. But, aside from this, there are other sources of wealth and industry demanding attention. CLAYS AND SANDS. Almost everywhere beneath the soils and sub-soils may be found clay beds, out of which an excellent article of common red brick can be manufactured, This is more especially true of the reddish clays overlying the Galena limestone. Beds of sand are also found, sufficiently pure for mortars and plastering pur- poses, but they are far less numerous than the clay beds. A tough, tenacious, dark-colored fire-clay also underlies some of the peat marshes, which has been dried and baked into a tenacious, light-colored brick, as an experiment, but this is not, perhaps, of much economic value. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 199 QUICKLIME. The more solid portions of the Galena limestone burns into a quicklime of excellent quality, and there are many limekilns in the county. Certain portions of the blue limestone also burn into a good lime, and at Martin's mill certain por- tions of the buff are being successfully made into lime of fair quality. BUILDING STONE. All the rocks hitherto described furnish building stone of better or worse qualities. The Niagara is quarried in several places. It furnishes a handsome- colored, enduring building material, but is unshapely and unmanageable on account of its irregular stratification. The Cincinnati group, although con- sidered an invaluable building material, is much quarried about New Dublin and in that region. It comes out of the quarry in good shape for light work, and does not crumble and decay when exposed to the weather, as it has been known to do farther west. Farm foundations, houses, bridge abutments, and such other work may be seen built out of the Cincinnati group, at many places in the western part of the county. The Catholic chapel before alluded to is built out of this material, and does not, as yet, exhibit much signs of decay. Indeed, some of the bottom strata are massive, very blue and excessively hard ; but yet the Cincinnati group would not furnish stone suitable for massive and solid masonry, or for long-continued resistance to the action of the elements. The Galena limestone furnishes a good material for the heavier kinds of masonry . It is a rough, unshapely stone, requiring much labor to lay it, but when well dressed and laid, it seasons into great hardness, and takes a beautiful cream or chocolate color. Nearly all the stone work in the city of Freeport is built of this stone. The blue and buff both afford a good stone for building purposes. The upper strata are too thin and irregular, but the lower blue strata afford the most beautiful building stone to be found in this part of the State. The only difficulty seems to be the great labor in quarrying, on account of the great amount of worthless materials to be removed upon reaching the handsome and valuable portions of the quarries. MINERALS. Some bog-iron ore may be found in some of the marshes, but it is of little value and limited extent. Pieces of flat copper have been picked up in the gravel beds, but they are of rare occurrence, and come from regions far remote. Galena, or common lead ore, is and has been mined for to some extent. There is an old crevice mine near the mouth of Yellow Creek that has often engaged attention in years past, but no heavy amounts of mineral have ever been taken from it. From the quarries near Lena, " chunks " as large as the fist have been taken. In the township of Oneco a company of Freeport men prospected to a considerable extent, and obtained several hundred pounds of mineral. Near Weitzel's Mill some "prospecting" has been carried on. Along the banks of Yellow Creek some "float mineral" has been picked up; and in almost any of the quarries small bits of ore may be detected. But none of these localities have shown heavy bodies of lead. Indeed, the Galena lime- stone, notwithstanding its general prevalence in this county, seems to be very unproductive of rich bodie3 of mineral wealth. The probabilities are that no rich, or even good-paying, diggings will ever be discovered, for the simple rea- son that they do not exist within the borders of the county. Small deposits 200 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. undoubtedly do exist, and will occasionally create some excitement, and invite the expenditure of mining capital, but, in the opinion of many, capital thus expended will never make remunerative returns. PEAT. At several localities peat-beds of some value have been discovered. On the farm of a Mr. White, in Township 26, Range 9, a bed of about fifty acres was discovered. It was from three to six feet, and underlaid by a tough, tenacious, dark-colored fire-clay. The peat is of a rather poor quality, and is probably of no great value as fuel. Near Lena and Burr Oak Grove the same indications exist. On the low, level prairies south of Yellow Creek, and rang- ing between Florence and Crane's Grove, almost every swale and marsh has more or less peat in it. One of these beds is quite extensive, and will become valuable as soon as the peat experiment succeeds. It is found in the township of Florence, between Sections 25 and 26, the section line running along near its middle. Careful borings show a depth of from six to nine feet of peat. The peat experiment is not yet fully solved, but its solution will not only enrich the experimentalist, but confer great blessings upon the inhabitants of these northern prairie counties. INDIAN OCCUPATION. In prefacing what it seems worth while to say upon the Indian occupation of Stephenson County, the publisher desires to acknowledge his obligations to the judicious and very valuable compilations on the subject made by Gen. S. D. Atkins, and contained in his address of July 4, 1876, from which the following, in that behalf, is appropriated. After detailing the history of Illinois from its earliest settlements to the close of the war for Independence, he says : "After the Revolutionary war, emigration pushed rapidly over the Alle- ghanies into the magnificient country watered by the Ohio and Mississippi and their tributaries. Many settlers in Illinois came from Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. They were mostly poor people, unable to own slaves, and many were in sentiment opposed to slavery, and were seeking a new country where slavery did not exist. Southern Illinois was principally settled by these people who, with their families, penetrated the wilderness, with all their house- hold goods upon pack animals and themselves upon foot, depending upon their trusty rifles and fishing-rods for sustenance by the way. Some trace the sobri- quet of ' Suckers, ' universally applied to Illinois, to these poor settlers from the South ; they were emigrants from the 'poorer classes of the Slave States, where the tobacco plant was already extensively cultivated by slave labor, and they, not being able to own slaves in the Slave States, came to Illinois to get away from the imperious domination of their wealthy neighbors. The tobacco plant (now so extensively cultivated in Stephenson County) has many sprouts from the root and main stem, which, if not stripped off, suck up its nutriment and destroy the staple. These sprouts are called 'suckers. ' and are as care- fully stripped off from the plant and thrown away as is the tobacco worm itself. These poor emigrants from the Slave States were jeeringly and derisively called ' Suckers, ' because they were asserted to be a burden upon the people of wealth ; and when they removed to Illinois they were supposed to have stripped themselves off from the parent stem, and gone away to perish in the wilderness like the ' suckers ' stripped from the tobacco plant. But we wear the title proudly now, for the 'stone rejected by the builders has become the chief stone HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 201 of the corner, ' and in intelligence, morals, material prosperity and population, Illinois has far outstripped her poor old mother, Virginia, and surpassed Ken- tucky and Tennessee. The cognomen was misapplied. Slavery was the 'sucker' from which they fled, and the ' Subtle corps of sappers and miners " that 'sucked' the life-blood out of the States from which the early settlers of Illinois emigrated. But there is another generally accepted explanation of this sobriquet of 'Suckers, ' the nickname of the Illinoisans. Lead was early dis- covered in the vicinity of Galena, and in 1824, Col. James Johnson, of Ken- tucky, had gone there with a party of miners and opened a lead mine, about one mile above the present city of Galena. His great success drew others there in 1825, and in 1826 and 1827 hundreds, and even thousands, from Kentucky and Missouri and Southern Illinois went to that section to work the lead mines. It was estimated that in the summer of 1827 the number of miners in the min- ing region about Galena was between seven and ren thousand. The Southern Illinoisans ran up the Mississippi in the spring season, worked the lead mines during the warm weather, and ran down the river again to their homes in the fall season, thus establishing a similitude between their migratory habits and the fishy tribe known as 'Suckers, ' that run up stream in the spring and down stream in the fall. No matter how it came about, the term ' Suckers ' will stick to the Illinoisans 'while wood grows and water runs.' At that time. 1824 and 1825, there was not a white settler within the bounds of what now constitutes Stephenson County, and not a white settlement anywhere in North- ern Illinois, between Chicago and Galena. This broad expanse of magnificent country, Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois, surpassing, in the estimation of the writer, any country he has ever visited ; and, in the estimation of at least one gentleman who has traveled extensively and circumnavigated the globe, surpassing in climate, soil and productions any other spot on the globe's sur- face, was in the peaceful possession of the red man. So far as the writer knows, or has been able to learn within the few days he has devoted to the sub- ject, bo white man had then looked upon its beautiful prairies, grand old groves or sparkling streams. It is possible that under the treaty of 1804, the white man, the European and their descendants, might have had a right to visit this country, but, so far as the writer knows, no one ever did. It was the home of, and in the undisturbed possession of, the powerful Indian tribes known in history as the Sacs and Foxes. A subordinate Indian tribe, the Winne- bagoes, occupied Stephenson County and vast tracts besides along the Pecaton- ica, Wasemon and Rock Rivers. The chief of this subordinate tribe was Winneshiek, whose principal village was situated on the banks of the Pecatonica, at the mouth of the Spring Run, along Spring street, through the present densely inhabited portion of the city of Freeport. This Indian chieftain, Winneshiek, was a short, stubbed, powerful man, temperate in his habits, and peaceable and well-disposed toward the whites. In fact, the Winnebagoes were so well dis- posed toward the whites that they have gone down in history as pusillanimous and cowardly. Their lodges were on the grounds now occupied by the Illinois Central and Northwestern Railway Companies. Their corn-fields, where the dusky squaws and dark-eyed maidens of the Winnebagoes planted and raised their corn, were in the immediate vicinity of Taylor's Driving Park, and the writer has often traced their corn-hills, laboriously thrown up by these matron and maiden 'grangers,' with no better 'agricultural implements' than clam shells, where the park now is, and no doubt traces of these corn-hills might yet be found by the curious in that vicinity. The burial-ground of the tribe was where the Illinois Central Railway freight house now stands, and, in 202 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. excavating for the foundation of that structure, in 1853, many skeletons of the Indians buried there were exhumed by the workmen. " Col. E. H. Gratiot, so far as the writer knows, was one of the first white people who looked upon the beautiful country of Stephenson County before a plow had broken its virgin soil. Col. Gratiot is a son of the founder of Gratiot's Grove, Wis. His grandfather emigrated to America with John Jacob- Astor, of New York, and his father came to the lead mines, in the vicinity of Galena, immediately after the first discovery of lead in that region. Col. Gratiot remembers distinctly this peculiar mode of burial of the Winnebagoes — ' burial in the air.' It is an interesting query, ' Who was the first white person in Stephenson County ?' I cannot answer the query. Southern Illinois was settled immediately at the close of the Revolutionary war, but Northwestern Illinois had no settlers until lead was discovered near Galena, about 1823-24. Illinois was admitted into the Union as a State in 1818, but, so far as the writer knows, no white man had yet visited the valley of the Pecatonica. Col. Gratiot traveled on horseback, in company with a single companion, in the fall of 1827, from Jacksonville, 111., to Gratiot's Grove, Wis., passing through from Dixon to Buffalo Grove, and Burr Oak Grove to the Apple River country, and, with the exception of a man named Kirker, who settled in 1826 in Burr Oak Grove and built a cabin — which he abandoned within the year — Col. Gratiot and his companion were, so far as the writer knows, the first. Col. Gratiot and com- panion stopped at Kirker's deserted cabin for 'nooning ' when on their way through this region in 1827. Col. Gratiot crossed Rock River at Dixon before any ferry was established there, fording streams, following an ' Indian trail ' afterward known, we believe, as the ' Sucker trail;' at any rate, he struck the 'Sucker trail' at that point; and he met no white man in his journey after leaving Peoria until he reached Gratiot's Grove. Kirker may have, and probably did, abandon his claim at Burr Oak Grove on account of the Winne- bago difficulty that occurred in 1827. Some of the lead miners had gone beyond what the Indians regarded as their proper bounds, and trespassed upon the lands of the Indians, and, in addition to that, there was another cause of difficulty. In the month of July, 1827, a boat left Galena for Fort Snelling, in Minnesota, and on the way up, the crew stopped at an Indian encampment on the bank of the river. Some of the Indians went on board of the boat, and were forcibly detained and not permitted to land until they had gone about twelve miles farther up the stream. The Indians highly resented the insult, and watched the return of the boat. As soon as the party were discovered descending the river, the Indians attacked them from the bank, and severely wounded several on board; but the party reached Galena and spread the alarm, when the miners built small forts, or log block-houses, and flocked to them for safety. A fort was built at Elizabeth, another at Apple River, and another at Hamilton's Diggings, near Wyota, on the northwest branch of the Pecatonica, about sixteen miles northwest of Winslow, on the road to Mineral Point. William Hamilton, the founder of Hamilton's Diggings, was a son of the great Alexander Hamilton, Washington's first Secretary of the Treasury. Gen. Dodge who, about that time, came to the lead-mining region from Missouri, raised irregular volunteers among the miners, and began scouting the country for the hostile red-skins. Probably late in the fall of 1827, while Dodge and his irregulars were in the vicinity of Mineral Point, they espied a young Indian lad a short distance from them. Gen. Dodge ordered the guide and Indian interpreter, Jesse W. Shull, the founder of Shullsburg. to go up to the Indian boy and ascertain the tribe to which he belonged, and where his people were HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 203 encamped. The Indian boy ran, but Shull hailed him in the Winnebago tongue and induced him to halt and surrender. When brought into the presence of Gen. Dodge, the brave Indian boy refused to give up his gun, and was disarmed by force. He informed Gen. Dodge that he was a son of ' Winneshiek,' or 'Coming Thunder,' whose village was on the Pecatonica, and who, with his braves, was hunting in that vicinity. Dodge and his volunteers moved to the Indian encampment, but the Indians fled. Gen. Dodge directed the Indian boy to go into the neighborhood of some thickets, where the Indians were, and call them out, as he wished to have a talk with them; but the suspicious Winnebagoes paid no heed to the captive Indian boy. Gen. Dodge retained his captive, and soon started with him down the Pecatonica to ascertain if Winneshiek and the bands of Winnebagoes had gone to attend a council of the hostile Indians, at that time reported to be in council on the Wisconsin River. Gen. Dodge and his volunteers, guided by Winneshiek's son, came to Winneshiek's principal village, where Freeport now stands, but found the village deserted, and concluded that Winnesheik and his warriors were attending the great Indian pow-wow on the Wisconsin. " The Winnebago difficulty resulted in a great scare to the miners, but in nothing more, except the building of forts and block -houses, which were after- ward found very handy to have in the family. The Winnebagoes made a treaty with the whites, by which the whites were allowed to occupy a part of the mineral region, and the Indians were paid $20,000 in goods and trinkets, at enormous prices, for the damages sustained by mining on their lands and a much larger strip of mineral-bearing land opened up to the miners. About a year afterward, two large strips of country were purchased from the Winnebagoes, one extending along the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers from the east to the west, giving a passage across the country from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi, and the other reaching from Rock Island to the Wisconsin, including Stephenson County." INDIAN TROUBLES. — THE BLACK HAWK WAR. " A treaty had been made with the Sacs and Foxes, by General Harrison at St. Louis, in September, 1804, by which those powerful Indian nations had ceded to the United States all their lands on Rock and Pecatonica Rivers, and much more elsewhere. That treaty was confirmed by another treaty with part of those Indians in 1815 and by another part in 1816. Under these various treaties the Indians had principally removed to the west side of the Mississippi, and the United States had caused some of these lands situated at the mouth of the Rock River to be surveyed and sold. " But there was one old chief of the Sacs, called Mucata Muhicatah, or Black Hawk, who always denied the validity of these treaties. Black Hawk was now an old man. He had been a warrior from his youth ; he had led many a war party on the trail of an enemy, and had never been defeated. He had been in the service of England in the war of 1812, and had been aide-de-camp to the great Tecumseh. At the close of the war of 1812 he had not joined in making peace with the United States, but he and his band long kept up a con- nection with Canada, and the voice of Black Hawk was always for war upon the Americans. Black Hawk's ownaccount of the treaty of 1804 is as follows: He says that some Indians of his tribe were arrested and imprisoned in St. Louis for murder, and that some of the chiefs were sent down to provide for their defense ; that while there, and without the consent of the nation, those 204 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. chiefs were induced to sell the Indian country ; that when they came home it appeared that they had been drunk most of the time while absent, and could give no account of what they had done, except that they had sold some land to the white people, and had come home loaded with presents and Indian finery. This, said Black Hawk, was all the nation ever heard or knew about the treaty of 1804. " Under the pretence that the treaty of 1804 was void, he made some resist- ance to the order of the Government for the removal of his tribes west of the Mississippi, but had at length consented, and with his people took up a resi- dence on the west side of the ' Father of Waters.' In the spring of 1831 Black Hawk re-crossed the river with his women and children and three hundred war- riors of the British band, together with some allies from the Pottawatomie and Kickapoo nations, to establish himself upon his ancient hunting-grounds and in the principal village of his nation, on the banks of Rock River, in what is now Whiteside County. Many white settlers were there, but he ordered them away, threw down their fences, unroofed their log cabins, cut up their grain, drove oft* and killed their cattle, and threatened the people with death if they remained. The settlers complained to Gov. Reynolds, who called out the militia, which ,was placed under the command of Gen. Gaines, of the regular army, who, after many delays, marched against Black Hawk, but only to find that he and his dusky warriors and dusky maidens and squaws and pappooses had quickly re- crossed the Mississippi. But Gaines, more bent upon devastation than the In- dians had been, gave the ancient Indian village to the flames, and proposed to follow Black Hawk across the river and chastise him there. Black Hawk sued for peace and ratified the treaty of 1804, by which the Indian lands, including Stephenson County, had been sold to the whites. "But, notwithstanding Black Hawk and his followers had, in 1831, ratified the treaty of 1804, the wily chieftain and the disaffected Indians prepared to again cross to the east side of the Mississippi, and re-assert their claim to the country on Rock River and Pecatonica and their tributaries. "The united Sac and Fox nations were divided into two parties. Black Hawk commanded the warlike band, and Keokuk, another chief, headed the band which was in favor of peace. But nearly all the bold, turbulent spirits, who delighted in mischief, arranged themselves under the banner of Black Hawk, and with the chivalry of his nation he re-crossed the Mississippi early in the spring of 1832, and marched directly to the Rock River country. Gov. Reynolds made another call for volunteers, and four regiments and a spy battalion were soon organized. Col. Dewitt commanded the First Regiment, Col. Fry the Second, Col. Thomas the Third, Col. Thompson the Fourth and Col. James D. Henry commanded the spy battalion, and the whole was placed under the command of Brig. Gen. Samuel Whiteside, of the State Militia, after whom Whiteside County was afterward named. Gen. Atkinson, of the regular army, commanded the regulars, and had general command. The force marched to Dixon, and was there joined by two battalions of mounted volun- teers from Central Illinois, under Ma's. Stillman and Bailey, who were pushed up Rock River, in the advance, about thirty miles above Dixon, to White Rock Grove, in Ogle County, where he encamped just befoi'e night, on the 12th of May, 1832, and in a short time a party of Indians were discovered on some rising ground about a mile further up the river. A party of Stillman's volun- teers, without orders, mounted and pursued, stringing along in disorder. The Indians retreated, but were overtaken, and three of them slain. Black Hawk was just over the hill with his main force, amounting to about seven hundred (DECEAS ED) FREEPORT HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 207 warriors, and with his dusky warriors, he moved down on Maj. Stillman's camp, driving his whole force helter-skelter before him, and, it is said, that not a man of them stopped until they had safely reached the camp at Dixon, or been halted by an Indian rifle or tomahawk. The writer recently visited that locality, and it is known to this day as 'Stillman's Run.' Eleven of Stillman's men were killed, among them Maj. Perkins and Capt. Adams. As is usual in a disastrous retreat, every man who escaped reported all his com- rades killed. One badly frightened Kentuckian made a report to Gen. White- side, of Dixon, and his speech has come down to us in history. Here it is, for it is too good to be lost: 'Sirs,' said he to Gen. Whiteside and the soldiers gathered near, 'our detatchment was encamped among some scattered timber, on the north side of Old Man's Creek, with the prairie from the north gently sloping down to our encampment. It was just after twilight, in the gloaming of the evening, when we discovered Black Hawk's army coming down upon us in solid column ; they displayed in the form of a crescent upon the brow of the prairie, and such accuracy and precision of military movements were never witnessed by man ; they were equal to the best troops of Wellington in Spain. I have said that the Indians came down in solid column, and displayed in the form of a crescent ; and, what was most wonderful, there were large squares of cavalry resting upon the points of the curve, which squares were supported again by other columns fifteen deep, extending back through the woods and over a swamp three-quarters of a mile, which again rested upon the main body of Black Hawk's arm} 7 , bivouacked upon the banks of the Kishwakee. It was a terrible and glorious sight to see the tawny warriors as they rode along our flanks attempting to outflank us, with the glittering moonbeams glistening from their polished blades and burnished spears. It was a sight well calcu- lated to strike consternation into the stoutest and boldest heart, and accord- ingly, our men soon began to break in small squads, for tall timber. In a very little time the route became general ; the Indians were upon our flanks, and threatened the destruction of the entire detachment. About this time Maj. Stillman,Col. Stephenson, Maj. Perkins, Capt. Adams, Mr. Hackelton and myself, with some others, threw ourselves into the rear to rally the fugitives and pro- tect the retreat. But in a short time all my companions fell, bravely fighting hand to hand with the savage enemy, and I alone was left upon the field of battle. About this time I discovered, not far to the left, a corp3 of horsemen which seemed to be in tolerable order. I immediately deployed to the left, when, leaning down and placing my body in a recumbent position upon the mane of my horse, so as to bring the heads of the horsemen between my eye and the horizon, I discovered by the light of the moon that they were gentle- men who did not wear hats, by which token I knew they were no friends of mine. I therefore made a retrograde movement and recovered my former position, where I remained some time meditating what further I could do in the service of my country, when a random ball came whistling by my ear, and plainly whispered to me, "Stranger, you have no further business here." Upon hearing this, I followed the example of my companions in arms, and broke for tall timber, and the way I ran was not a little, and quit.' " The Kentuckian was a lawyer, just returning from the circuit, with a slight wardrobe and Chitty's pleadings packed in his saddle-bags, all of which were captured by the Indians. He afterward related, with much vexation, that Black Hawk had decked himself out in his finery, appearing in the wild woods, among his savage companions, dressed in one of the Kentuckian ruffled 208 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. shirts drawn over his deerskin leggings, with a volume of Chitty's Plead- ings under each arm. " But the trumpet sounded a" council of war at the tent of Gen. Whiteside, in Dixon, and it was resolved to march to the fatal field. The volunteers marched, but the Indians had gone — some further up Rock River, and many had scattered out in smaller parties all over the country to attack the nearest settlements of white people. " One party of about seventy Indians made a descent upon a settlement of whites at Indian Creek, and massacred fifteen persons, men, women and chil- dren, of the families of Messrs. Hall, Davis and Pettigrew, and took two young women prisoners — Silvia and Rachel Hall, one about seventeen, the other about fifteen years of age. To describe this massacre is only to repeat what has been written hundreds of times. The Indians in broad daylight entered the homes of the settlers, quietly and apparently peacefully ; some of the inmates were immediately shot down with rifles, others pierced through with spears or dis- patched with the tomahawk. The Indians afterward related with an infernal glee, how the women had squeaked like geese when they were run through the body with spears, or felt the sharp tomahawk entering their heads. All the victims were scalped; their bodies were mutilated and mangled; the little chil- dren were chopped to pieces with axes, and the women were tied up by their heels to the walls of the houses. The young women prisoners were hurried away, by forced marches, from this horrid scene, beyond the reach of pursuit. After a long and fatiguing journey through the wilderness in charge of their Indian conductors, they were at last ransomed by Major Gratiot, founder of Gratiot's Grove, on the headwaters of the Wisconsin River, by the payment of two thousand dollars in horses, wampum and trinkets, and returned to their friends. " General Whiteside gathered up the mutilated remains of the eleven white men slain by the Indians and buried them at Stillman's Run, and then returned to Dixon, where he met General Atkinson and the regulars with supplies. The volunteers, who had expected to have grand sport killing Indians, began to realize that the boot might be on the other leg, and the Indians have grand sport killing them ; and so they grumbled and demanded to be mustered out, their term of enlistment being about to expire, and on the 27th and 28th of May they were mustered out by Gov. Reynolds, at Ottawa. Meanwhile a new regiment of volunteers was mustered in at Beardstown, with Jacob Fry as Colonel, James D. Henry as Lieutenant Colonel, and John Thomas as Major. Gen. Whiteside, the late commanding general, volunteered as a private. The different companies of this regiment were so posted as toguard the frontiers, Capt. Adam W. Snyder was sent to scout the country between Rock River and Galena, and while he was encamped near Burr Oak Grove, in what is now the township of Erin, in Stephenson County, on the night of the 17th of June. 1832, his company was fired upon by the Indians. The next morning he pur- sued them, four in number, and drove them into a sink-hole in the ground, when he charged upon and killed the Indians, losing one man mortally wounded.. As he returned to camp, bearing his wounded soldier, his men, suffering from thirst, scattered in search of water, when they were sharply attacked by about seventy Indians, who had been secretly watching their motions, and awaiting a good opportunity. Captain Snyder called upon General Whiteside, then a private in his company, to assist him in forming his men. General Whiteside proclaimed in a loud voice that he would shoot the first man who attempted to run. The men were soon formed. Both parties took position behind trees.. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 209 Gen. Whiteside, an old Indian fighter and a capital marksman with a rifle, shot the commander of the Indians, and they, from that moment, began to retreat. As they were not pursued, the Indian loss was never ascertained. Capt. Snyder lost two men killed and one wounded. " On the 15th of June, 1832, the new levies of volunteers were in camp, and were formed in three brigades. Gen. Alexander Posey commanded the first ; General Milton K. Alexander, the second, and Gen. James D. Henry the third brigade." " Before the new army could be brought into the field, the scattered war parties of the Indians had killed several white men ; one was killed on Bureau Creek, one in Buffalo Grove, in Ogle County, another on Fox River, and two east of Fox River. On the 22d of May, 1882, Gen. Atkinson had dispatched Mr. St. Vrain, the Indian Agent for the Sacs and Foxes at Rock Island, with a few men, as an express to Fort Armstrong. On their way they fell in with a party of Indians led by a Chief well known to St. Vrain, a particular friend of his, named 'Little Bear,' who had adopted St. Vrain as his brother. Mr. St. Vrain felt no fear of one who was his friend, who had been an inmate of his house, and had adopted him as his brother, and approached him in the greatest security ; but ' Little Bear ' no sooner got St. Vrain in his power than he murdered and scalped him and all his party." " About the middle of June, 1832, some strolling Indians had captured horses near Elizabeth, in Jd Daviess County. Shortly after the animals were missed, Capt. J. W. Stevenson, a son of Col. Benjamin Stevenson, in honor of whom this county is named, went from Galena to Elizabeth, with a few of his men, and set out in pursuit of the savages. As the grass was long at that season of the year, it was not difficult to keep the Indians' trail, and they soon came up to them at a point a little northeast of what is now known as Waddam's Grove, in Stevenson County. The Indians immediately ran into a thicket close by, and, concealing themselves amid the thick brush and fallen timber, waited for Stevenson to make the attack, which Capt. Stevenson did with admirable gallantry, although it may appear at this distance that his zeal and gallantry outran his discretion. Capt. Stevenson, who had with him only about a dozen men, ordered his party to dismount, and, leaving the horses, in charge of one or two men, led the rest to the charge, intending, probably, to drive the Indians from their place of concealment. The Indians reserved their fire until the white men approached quite close, when they fired from th^ir concealment, the whites returned the fire without effect upon their concealed foe, and turned back upon the prairie out of range to re-load; and again, with admirable courage, marched toward the thicket, and, before entering it, again received the cool fire of the Indians. Three of Capt. Stevenson's men were killed, and others, including himself, wounded. Capt. Stevenson then retreated, leaving the bodies of his dead companions, Stephen Howard, George Eames, and a man named Lovell, who were buried the next morning after the Indians had departed. Governor Ford says : ' This attack of Capt. Stevenson was unsuccessful, and may have been imprudent ; but it equaled any thing in modern warfare in daring and desperate courage.' "About a week after the above occurrence, Black Hawk selected about one hundred and fifty of his very choicest braves and marched across the country from Rock River, and made an attack on Apple River Fort, erected by the miners, just north of the present village of Elizabeth, in Jo Daviess County. It was a fearful struggle by the handful of miners and their wives — the women molded bullets while the men, in the absence of Moody and Sankey, proceeded 210 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. most gallantly to ' Hold the Fort ' — and Black Hawk and his band were defeated. "About the same time, another party of Indians made an attack on three men near Fort Hamilton, on the Pecatonica, killing two of them, the third escaping to the fort. General Dodge soon after arrived at Fort Hamilton, with twenty men, and made quick pursuit of the Indians, and chased them to the Pecatonica, where they took shelter under the high bank of the river. Dodpe and his party charged up on them in their place of concealment and shelter, and killed the whole party of Indians, eleven in number, losing four whites wounded, three of them mortally. "On the 25th of June, 1832, Major John Dement, of Dixon, in command of a detachment of Posey's Brigade, was camped near Burr Oak Grove, in what is now the township of Kent, in this county, and, learning from Captain Funk that a fresh trail of a large body of Indians leading south had been seen within five miles of his camp the day before, undoubtedly the trail of Black Hawk and his band falling back from Apple River Fort, after his unsuccessful attack, his whole command rushed out in pursuit of the enemy and discovered seven Indians, who were as intent on spying out the situation as was Major Dement. Some of Dement's men immediately made pursuit of the Iudians, but their commander, fearing an ambuscade, endeavored to call them back. In this manner Major Dement had proceeded about a mile, pursuing the seven Indians first discovered, and he had scarcely entered the grove before he perceived about three hundred of Black Hawk's band issuing from the timber to attack him. The Indians came on firing, hallooing and yelling to make them- selves more terrific, after the Indian fashion, when Major Dement, seeing him- self in great danger of being surrounded by a superior force, retired to his camp, closely pursued by the yelling savages. Here his whole force took possession of the log buildings erected by Kirker and Kellogg, which answered the purpose of a fort, and here Major Dement and his command were vigorously attacked by the Indians. They shot sixty-seven of the horses and narrowly escaped killing the commander himself. Major Dement and Duvall were standing in the door of one of the log houses together, when two of the Indians came out in sight, and before Duvall, who perceived them, could draw the attention of Major Dement to their movements, the Indians fired. One of the bullets whizzed past Duvall's ear and lodged in the timbers of the house ; the other bullet cut Major Dement's commission, which he carried in the crown of his hat. Major Dement mounted two of his men on his swiftest horses, as an express to General Posey, at Buffalo Grove, for reinforcements, who eluded the Indians, but who, doubtless, were observed by the Indians, who divined the object of the flying couriers, and Black Hawk formed his braves into column and started for Rock River. Major Dement lost nine men killed and the Indians left upon the field nine of their dusky warriors, and probably had twice as many wounded. General Posey hastened with his entire brigade to the relief of Major Dement, but did not reach the Grove, until two hours after Black Hawk had retreated. The next day General Posey marched a little to the north in search of the Indians, then marched back to the Grove to await the arrival of his baggage wagons ; and then nwched to Fort Hamilton, on the Pecatonica. "When the news of the battle reached Dixon, where the volunteers and regulars were then assembled, under the command of General Atkinson of the regular army, Alexander's Brigade was ordered in the direction of Plum River to intercept Black Hawk, if possible, but did not succeed. General Atkinson HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 211 remained with the infantry at Dixon two days, then marched, accompanied by the brigade of General Henry, toward the country of the Four Lakes, higher up Rock River, in Wisconsin. "General Atkinson., having heard that Black Hawk had concentrated his forces at the Four Lakes and fortified his position with the intention of decid- ing the fate of the war by a grand battle, marched with as much haste as pru- dence would warrant when invading a hostile and wilderness country with undisciplined forces, where there was no means of procuring reliable intelligence of the number or whereabouts of the enemy. "On the 30th of June, 1832, he passed through Turtle Village, a consid- erable town of the Winnebagoes, then deserted, and camped one mile beyond it on the open prairie. He believed that the hostile Indians were in that immediate neighborhood, and prepared to resist their attack, if made. That night the Indians were prowling abput his encampment. Continual alarms were given by the sentinels during the night, and the whole command was fre- quently called out in order of battle. The march was continued the next day, and nothing occurred until the army arrived at Lake Koshkanong, except the discovery of trails and signs of the recent presence of Indians, the occasional sight of an Indian scout, and the usual camp rumors. Here General Atkinson was joined by General Alexander's brigade, and after Major Ewing and Colonel Fry, with the battalion of the one and the regiment of the other, had thoroughly examined the whole country round about and had ascertained that no enemy was near, the whole force again continued its march up Rock River, on the east side, to the Burnt Village, on the White River, in Wisconsin, where General Atkinson was joined by the brigade of General Posey, from Fort Hamilton on the Pecatonica, and a battalion of a hundred men from Wisconsin, commanded by Major Dodge. "Eight weeks had now been wasted, with scarcely the sight of a red-skin since the battle of Kellogg's Grove, and the commanding general seemed further from the attainment of his object than when the second requisition of troops was organized. At that time Posey and Alexander commanded each 1,000 men. General Henry took the field with 1,262, and the regulars, under the immediate command of Colonel Zachary Taylor, amounted to 450 more. At this time there was not more than four days' rations in the hands of the com- missary; the enemy might be weeks in advance; the volunteers were fast melting away from various causes, although the regulars had not lost a man. General Atkinson therefore found it necessary to disperse his command for the purpose of procuring supplies. " According to previous arrangements, on the 10th of July, 1832, the sev- eral brigades took up their lines of march for their several destinations. Col. Ewing's regiment was sent back to Dixon ; Gen. Posey marched to Fort Ham- ilton, on the Pecatonica ; Gen. Henry, with Col. Alexander and Maj. Dodge, was sent to Fort Winnebago, situated at the Portage, between the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers ; while Gen. Atkinson, with Col. Taylor and the regulars, fell back to Lake Koshkonong, and there erected a fort, named after the lake, where he Avas to remain until the volunteers returned with supplies. Gen. Henry marched to Fort Winnebago in three days. Two days were occupied by Gen. Henry, at Fort Winnebago, in obtaining provisions, on the last of which the Winnebago chiefs there reported that Black Hawk and his forces were encamped at Manitou Village, thirty-five miles above Gen. Atkinson, on Rock River. In a council held by Gen. Henry, Col. Alexander, and Maj. Dodge, it was determined to violate orders by marching directly to the enemy, 212 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. with the hope of taking him by surprise, or at least putting Black Hawk be- tween them and Gen. Atkinson, thus cutting off his further retreat to the north. Twelve o'clock, noon, July 15, 1832, was the hour appointed to com- mench the march. Gen. Henry proceeded at once to reorganize his command, with a view to disincumber himself of his sick and dismounted men, that as little as possible might impede the celerity of his march. Gen. Henry was a complete soldier. He was gifted with uncommon talent of commanding with sternness without giving offense; of forcing his men to obey, without degrading them in their own estimation ; he was brave without rashness, and gave his orders with firmness and authority, without any appearance of bluster. In his mere person he looked the commander, in a word, he was one of those very rare men who are gifted by nature with the power to command militia ; to be at the same time feared and loved, and with the capacity of inspiring his soldiers with the ardor, impetuosity, and honorable impulses of their commander. Col. Alex- ander, with his brigade, was sent back to Gen. Atkinson, and at noon, July 15, 1832, Gen. Henry, with his brigade, the battalion of one hundred Wisconsin volunteers, under Maj. Dodge, and a spy battalion under command of Maj. William Lee D. Ewing, set out on his march from Fort Winnebago to attack Black Hawk, accompanied by Poquette, a half-breed, and the 'White Pawnee,' a Winnebago chief, as guides. On the route to the head-waters of Rock River he was thrown from a direct line by intervening swamps extending for miles. Reaching Rock River, three Winnebagoes gave intelligence that Black Hawk was encamped at Cranberry Lake, further up the river. Relying on this in- formation, it was decided by Gen. Henry to make a forced march in that direc- tion. Dr. Merryman, of Springfield, 111., and W. W. Woodbridge, of Wis- consin, were sent as an express to Gen. Atkinson to advise him of Henry's movements. They were accompanied by a chief called ' Little Thunder,' as a guide, and, having started about dark, and proceeded on their perilous journey about eight miles to the southwest, they came upon the fresh main trail of Black Hawk and his people, endeavoring to escape by way of the Four Lakes across the Wisconsin River. At the sight of the broad, fresh trail, the Indian guide was struck with terror, and, without permission, retreated back to the camp. Merryman and Woodbridge retreated also, but not until the treacher- ous ' Little Thunder ' had announced his discovery in the Indian tongue to the Winnebagoes, his countrymen, who were in the very act of makiag their escape, when they were stopped by Maj. Murray McConnell, and taken to the tent of Gen. Henry, to whom they confessed that they had come into his camp only to give false information, and favor the retreat of Black Hawk and his dusky warriors, and then, to make amends for their perfidy, and, perhaps, as they were led to believe, to avoid immediate death, they disclosed all they knew of Black Hawk's movements. Gen. Henry prudently kept the treachery of these Indians a secret from his men, for it would have required the influence of himself and all his officers to have saved their lives, had their perfidious conduct been known throughout the camp. The next morning, July 19, 1832, by daylight, everything was ready for a forced march ; but first another express was dispatched to Gen. Atkinson. All cumbrous baggage was thrown away. The tents and most of the camp equipage were left in a pile in the wilderness. Many of the men left their blankets and all their clothing, except the suits they wore. Those who had lost their horses took nothing but their guns and ammunition and slight rations on their backs, and traveled over mountain and plain, swamp and thicket, and kept up with the men on horseback. All the men now marched with a better spirit than usual. The sight of the broad, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 213 fresh trail of Black Hawk's retreating people inspired every one with a lively hope of bringing the war to a speedy end. There was no murmuring, there was no excuse or complaining, and none on the sick report. The first day, in the afternoon, they were overtaken by one of those storms common on the prairies, black and terific, accompanied by torrents of rain, and the most fear- ful lightning and thunder ; but the men dashed on through thickets almost im- penetrable, and swamps almost impassable, and that day marched upward of fifty miles. During the day's march, Gen. Henry, Maj. Murray McConnell, and the members of the General's staff, often dismounted and marched on foot, giving their horses to the weary, dismounted men. The storm raged until two o'clock the next morning. The men, exhausted with fatigue, threw themselves supperless upon the rain-drenched earth — for the rain was so continuous that they could not kindle fires with which to prepare supper. The next morning, July 20, 1832, the storm had abated, and all were on the march by daylight, and after a march as fatiguing as the day before, the army encamped upon the banks of the Four Lakes forming the source of the Catfish River in Wisconsin, and near where Black Hawk had encamped the night previous. The men kindled their fires for supper with a hearty good will, for they had marched nearly a hundred miles without cooked food or a spark of fire. All were in fine spirits and high expectation of overtaking the Indians next day, and put- ting an end to the war by a general battle. "At daylight, July 21, 1832, the march was resumed with unabated ardor. The men were hurried forward by the continual order, ' Close up, close up.' The day's march was harder than the two preceding days. The men on foot were forced into a run to keep up with the column, the men on horseback carrying for them their arms and rations. Maj. William Lee D. Ewing com- manded the spy battalion and with him was joined the battalion of one hundred men under the command of Maj. Dodge, of Wisconsin. These two officers with their commands were in the advance, but the main body was always in sight. About noon the advance guard came close upon the rear guard of the retreating red-skins. It is to be regretted that we have no account of the management and perils of Hawk Black in conducting his retreat. All that we know is that for many miles before they were overtaken their broad trail was strewn with camp kettles baggage of various kinds, which they had thrown away in the hurry of their flight. The sight of those articles encouraged Gen. Henry's men to press forward. About noon the scouts in the advance came suddenly upon two Indians, and as the Indians were attempting to escape, one of them was killed and left dead upon the field. Dr. Addison Philleo, editor of the G-alenian, a newspaper published at Galena, and the only paper published in the North- west at that time, scalped the dead Indian, and for a long time afterward exhibited the scalp as an evidence of his valor. He may not have been as eloquent as the Kentucky lawyer who distinguished himself in reporting to Gen. Whiteside the battle of Stillman's Run ; but the writer is induced to re- mark that lawyers and editors are not, in his opinion, successful Indian fighters. Early in the afternoon the rear guard of Black Hawk's army began to make feint stands, merely to gain time to enable the main body to take up a more advantageous position. A few shots would be exchanged, and then the Indians would push ahead; but with so wily a foe to fight, caution had to be observed, troops deployed, and the thickets scoured, to be certain of no lurking foes. In this manner the Indians gained time to reach the broken grounds on the bluffs of the Wisconsin river. Near the middle of the afternoon, July 21, 1832, while Gen. Henry's advance guard was passing some uneven ground, covered with 214 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. low timber and high grass, they were suddenly fired upon by a body of secreted Indians. In an instant Maj. Ewing's command was dismounted and formed in front, sending their horses to the rear. The Indians kept up a fire from behind fallen trees, and none of them could be discovered except by the flash and report of their guns. In a few minutes Gen. Henry arrived with the main body, and formed instantly his order of battle. Col. Jones' regiment was placed on the right, Col. Collins' regiment on the left, and Col. Fry's regiment in the rear as a reserve; Maj. Ewing's battalion was placed in front of the line; Maj. Dodge's battalion of one hundred men, from Wisconsin, on the extreme right, all dis- mounted, and in this order Gen. Henry's little army moved forward into battle. Gen. Henry gave the order to charge with the whole line, and his order was eagerly and handsomely executed by Ewing's battalion, and by Col. Jones' and Col. Collins' regiments. " The Indians retreated before this charge obliquely to the right, and con- centrated their main force in front of Dodge's battalion, evidencing a design to turn his right flank. Gen. Henry sent an order by Major Murray^ McConnell to Major Dodge to charge with his battalion ; but Major Dodge being of the opinion that the enemy was too strong for him, requested a reinforcement. Gen. Henry ordered Col. Fry's regiment, his only reserve, to the aid of Major Dodge, and formed it on his right, and Major Dodge and Col. Fry charged upon the In- dians. In front of Col. Fry's regiment were bushes and high grass where the In- dians lay concealed, and Fry's regiment received the fire of nearly the whole body of Black Hawk's warriors. But their fire was briskly returned by the regiment of Col. Fry and by Dodge's batalion, and the whole line steadily advanced until within almost bayonet reach of the red-skins, when Black Hawk fell back to the west along the high, broken bluffs of the Wisconsin, and took up a new position in the thickest timber and tall grass at the head of a hollow leading to the Wisconsin river, where Black Hawk appeared determined to make a firm stand ; but he was gallantly charged upon in his new position by the battalion of Major Ewing and the regiments of Col. Collins and Col. Jones, and the Indians put to rout, some of them being pursued down the hollow, and others again to the west along the high bluffs of the river, until they descended the bluffs to the Wisconsin bottom, nearly a mile wide and very swampy, covered with thick, tall grass above the heads of men on horseback. Night came on ; further pursuit was stopped, and Gen. Henry and his victorious little army lay upon the field of battle. " That night Gen. Henry's camp was disturbed by the voice of an Indian, loudly sounding from a distant hill, as if giving orders or desiring conference. It afterward appeared that it was a voice of an Indian chief, speaking in the Winnebago language, stating that the Indians had their squaws and families with them, that they were starving for provisions, and were not able to fight the white people ; that if they were permitted to pass peacefully over the Mis- sissippi, they would do no more mischief. He spoke in the Winnebago tongue in the hope that some of the Winnebago Indians were with Gen. Henry and would act as his interpreters. No Winnebagoes were present, they having ran at the commencement of the action, and so his language was never explained until after the close of the war. "Next morning early > Gen. Henry advanced his forces to the Wisconsin River, and ascertained that the Indians had all crossed it, and made their escape to the hills between the Wisconsin and the Mississippi, It was ascer- tained after the battle that Black Hawk's loss amounted to sixty-eight left dead upon the field, and a large number of wounded, of whom twenty-five were after- HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 215 ward found along the Indian trail leading to the Mississippi. Gen. Henry lost one man killed and eight wounded. It appeared that the Indians, knowing that they were to fight a mounted force had been trained to fire at an elevation to hit men on horseback; but as Gen. Henry had dismounted his forces, and sent his horses into the rear, the Indians had overshot their foes, which accounted for the small loss in Gen. Henry's command. " This gallant action, July 21, 1832, an Illinoisan, and a volunteer, fought against orders, but with a true soldier's ardor to serve his country, and with a sol- dier's care to notify his commanding general by frequent expresses of his actions and intentions ; and this battle of the Wisconsin really and virtually ended the famous Black Hawk War, and opened up Stephenson County to permanent settlement by the whites. But Gen. Henry received no credit for it then. The valorous Doctor Philleo, editor of The Gralenian, wrote up an account of it, in the interest of Maj. Dodge, calling Dodge a general, and not mentioning Gen. Henry at all, and his account of the battle was printed in all the news- papers ofthe United States, and has gone into many of its histories, filching Gen. Henry's fame for the benefit of Maj. Dodge. Besides, the gallant conduct and splendid generalship of Gen. Henry, gave mortal offence to all the regular army officers — for then, as in our late war, West Pointers were determined that mere volunteers should win no laurels. Gen. Henry was as modest as he was brave and skillful, and went to his death without the just praise that prosterity will award him. " The next day after the battle of the Wisconsin, on July 22, 1832, for want of provisions, Gen. Henry determined to fall back to the Blue Mounds. The Winnebagoes who accompanied Gen. Henry during his forced march, at the very commencement of the action, had deserted, and made a bee-line for ' tall timber.' No one with Gen. Henry knew enough of the country to act as a guide. Gen. Henry had marched 130 miles through an unknown and unex- plored country, without roads or landmarks, simply pushing hard upon Black Hawk's trail, and now found himself in a position in which no one with him could direct his way to the settlements. He was without rations or forage, men and animals fatigued, and he might be a week blundering through the wilderness finding his way out. A council was called to consider these diffi- culties ; and whilst he was debating the course to be pursued, some Indians approached with a white flag, who were ascertained to be friendly Winneba- goes. They acted as guides for Gen. Henry, and in two days he had arrived at Blue mounds, where he met Gen. Atkinson with the regulars and Alexander's brigade, from Fort Koskonong, where they had been 'bottled up' while Gen. Henry achieved his splendid victory over Black Hawk ; also Posey's brigade from Fort Hamilton, on the Pecatonica. It was soon apparent to Gen. Henry, and to all his officers, that Gen. Atkinson, and all the regular officers, were deeply mortified at the success of Gen. Henry and the Illinois militia. They did not intend that non-professionals and mere volunteers should have any of the credit in the war. Volunteers were good enough for fighting, good enough to enrich the soil with their blood, but the harvest of fame that sprang from their sprinkled blood must be garnered by West Pointers. "Gen. Henry had virtually ended the war, but Gen. Atkinson soon put his army in motion after Black Hawk and his dispirited braves. On the 2d of August, 1832, the battle of Bad Axe was fought by Gen. Atkinson. He put the gallant Gen. Henry and his command virtually into disgrace by detail- ing him and his brigade as train guard in the rear. But circumstances occurred that gave Gen. Henry and his gallant Illinois volunteers the front again, 216 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. without the orders and against the wish of Gen. Atkinson. The Indians were encamped on the banks of the Mississippi, some distance below the mouth of the Bad Axe River. They were aware that Gen. Atkinson was in close pur- suit ; and to mislead Gen. Atkinson and gain time for crossing into the Indian country, west of the Mississippi, Black Hawk in person went back with about twenty Indians, to meet Gen. Atkinson's advance, attack, and retreat to the river several miles above his regular camp. Accordingly, Gen. Atkinson's advance was suddenly fired upon by Biack Hawk and his litt4e band from behind trees and fallen timber. Gen. Atkinson rode immediately to the front and, in person, directed a charge. The wily Indians gave way, and were pursued by Gen. Atkinson and his regulars, and all the army except the brigade of the gallant Gen. Henry, that was in the rear acting as train guard, and in the hurry of the pursuit of the Indians, Gen. Henry was left without orders. When Gen. Henry came up to the place where the attack had first been made by the Indians, he saw clearly that the wily stratagem of the untutored savage had triumphed over the science of a veteran General. The main trail of the Indians was plain to be seen leading to the river lower down, and Gen. Henry marched his brigade right forward upon the main trail. At the foot of the high bluff bordering the river valley, on the edge of a swamp covered with timber, drift-wood and underbrush, through which the Indian trail led fresh and broad, Gen. Henry dismounted his troops and left his horses. He formed his men on foot and advanced to the attack, preceded by an advance guard of eight men, who advanced until they came in sight of the river, where they were fired upon by about fifty Indians, and five out of eight in the advance guard instantly fell wounded or dead. The other three, behind trees, stood their ground until Gen. Henry came up with the matin body, which deployed to the right and left from the center, rushed forward, and the battle became general along the whole line. The fifty Indians first met retreated upon the main body, amounting to about 800 warriors ; but the Indians were taken by surprise. They fought bravely and desperately, but their leader, Black Hawk, was not with them — he had led the small party in the first attack upon Gen. Atkinson, and was now misleading the veteran regular General away from his own camp — and the Indians in front of Henry fought without plan or concert. Gen. Henry, with his gallant Illinois volunteers, charged steadily forward, driving the foe from tree to tree, and from hiding place to hiding place, and crowded them steadily to the river's bank, where a desperate struggle ensued ; but the deadly bayonet in the hands of Gen. Henry's charging brigade drove them into the river, some to swim it, some to drown, and some to take temporary shelter on a small willow-covered island near the shore. " Gen. Atkinson heard the music of Henry's rifles, and returned with his army, but the work was mainly accomplished. It had been determined that Gen. Henry and his Illinois volunteers should have no share in that day's glory, but the fates — taking advantage of a blunder by Gen. Atkinson — had otherwise directed. After the Indians had retreated into the Mississippi River and on to the willow-covered island, Gen. Henry sent Maj. Murray McConnel to give intelligence of his movements to Gen. Atkinson, who, while being mis- led by Black Hawk and his little band of twenty chosen warriors, had heard the firing where Gen. Henry was engaged. Gen. Atkinson left the pursuit of the twenty Indians and hastened to share in the general engagement. He w as met by Gen. Henry's messenger, Maj. Murray McConnell, near the scene of action, in passing through which, the dead and dying Indians lying around, bore frightful evidence of the stern work done before his arrival. Gen. Atkinson, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 217 however, lost no time in forming his regulars, and Major Dodge's battalion, Maj. Ewing's battalion, and Col. Fry's regiment, for a descent upon the wil- low-covered island, where lay concealed the last remnant of Black Hawk's army. They gallantly charged through the water up to their arm-pits on to the island and swept it clean of the lurking foe. The twenty Indians who first made the attack on Gen. Atkinson, and misled him, who were led by Black Hawk in person, escaped up the river to the Dalles, on the Wisconsin, where some friendly Sioux and Winnebagoes pursued the broken and defeated chief, captured him and turned him over to Col. Zachary Taylor, of the regular army. He was taken to Jefferson Barracks, where Gen. Winfield Scott and Gov. Reynolds made another ' treaty,' and again the Sacs and Foxes relinquished to the whites all claim upon the territory now known as Stephenson County, 111., including, of course, vast tracts besides. Black Hawk was taken to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Albany, etc., and dined and wined, and eventually returned to his people west of the Mississippi, on June 4, 1833. Black Hawk never went upon the warpath again, and died at the age of eighty, October 3, 1840. COUNTY ROSTER. Stephenson County was created by an act of the Legislature, promulgated March 4, 1837, its organization provided for, and the seat of justice established at Freeport, by a Board of Commissioners, composed of Minor York, of Ogle, and Vance L. Davidson and Isaac Chambers, of Jo Daviess Counties. A meeting of the Commissioners was held at the house of William Baker, on the first Monday of May following, whereat the organization was perfected, and an election held for the following county officers : Sheriff, Coroner, Surveyor, three County Commissioners and one Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court, who were to hold their offices until the next succeeding general elections, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The subjoined is a list of the first county officers, together with those who succeeded the subsequent vacancies : Sheriffs.— William Kirkpatrick, 1837; Hubbard Graves, 1838; Oliver W. Brewster, 1840; Joseph McCool, 1842; 0. W. Brewster, 1844-46; F A. Strockey, 1848. Coroner.— Lorenzo Lee. 1837 ; B. R. Wilmot, 1838 ; Lorain Snow, 1840 ; Henry W. Hollenbeck, 1841 ; Isaac S. Forbes, 1842 ; W. Patterson, 1844 ; Henry W. Foster, 1846 ; Abel Smith, 1848. Surveyor. — Frederick D. Bulkley, from 1837 to 1842 ; A. Chamberlain, 1843 ; no record in 1844, 1845, 1846 ; M. Montelius, 1847. Commissioners. — L. W. Streator, Isaac S. Forbes and Julius Smith, 1837 ; L. W. Streator, Robert McConnell and John Moore, 1838 ; Thomas Van Valzah, 1839 ; J. Cory and B. R. Wilmot, 1840 ; Hubbard Graves and Alfred Cad- well, 1841; James T. Smith and George Reitzell, 1842; Joseph Musser, 1843; Ezekiel Brown, 1844 ; Samuel F. Dodds. 1845 ; Abner B. Clingman, 1846 ; John Bradford, 1847 ; Gustavus A. Farwell, 1848. County Clerk.— O. H. Wright, 1837 ; no returns for 1838 ; O. H. Wright, from 1839 to 1846. Assessor and Treasurer. — L. O. Crocker, 1837-40. Assessors.— 0. W. Brewster, 1841-42; Chancellor Martin, 1843 ; A. W. Rice, 1844-47. Probate Judges.— 0. H. Wright, 1838-41 ; Thomas J. Turner, 1842-45 ; Seth B. Farwell, 1846 ; C. W. Williams, 1847. 218 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Clerks County Commissioners Court. — W. H. Hollenbeck, 1837 ; W. P. Hunt, 1838: W. H. Hollenbeck, 1839-42; William Preston, from 1843 to 1847. Collectors.— John R. Howe, 1838 ; John Gordon, 1840 ; 0. W. Brewster, 1841-47 ; F. A. Strockey, 1848. State Senators.— George W . Harrison, 1838; J. A. Mitchell, 1842; L. P. Sanger, 1846-48. Mouse of Representatives. — Germanicus Kent, 1838 ; Thomas Drummond, 1840; William Preston, 1842 ; G. Purinton, 1844 ; L. H. Bowen, 1846 ; L. H. Bowen, 1847 ; A. Eads, 1848. School Commissioners.— John Rice, 1841 ; Jared Sheetz, 1843 ; L. W. Guit- eau. 1845-47. Treasurer.— L. 0. Crocker, 1841—42 ; Chancellor Martin, 1843 ; A. W. Rice. 1844-7. Recorder.— J. W. Bulkley, 1843 ; John A. Clark, 1845-47. It should be stated that prior to the election, of November, 1849, the county was under what is known as " the county organization." Thereafter it came under township organization, and the following is the list of officers who have served : County Judge.— George Purinton, 1849 ; John Coates, 1853 ; W. M. Buck- ley. 1857;Talcott Ormsbee, 1861; Charles B. Wright, 1863—65; Andrew Hinds 1869; Henry C. Hyde, 1873-77. County Clerk. — W. Preston, 1849; J. J. Rogers, 1853 — died in office, and David H. Sunderland, elected to the vacancy at a special election, holden June 4. 1855. David H. Sunderland 1857-61; George Thompson, 1865; George Thompson, 1869; I. F. Kleekner. 1873-77. County Justices of the Peace. — L. Gibler and G. W. Andrews, 1850. County Treasurer. — Jonathan Reitzell, 1849; W. M. Buckley, 1853; Andrew Hinds, 1855; W. S. Gray, 1857-61; William Young, 1863-65; Robert T. Cooper, 1869-71; Oliver P. McCool, 1873-75; Charles F. Goodhue, 1877 — removed in October, 1878, and Wallace W. Hutchison succeeded to the vacancy at a special election held in November of the same year ; re-elected at the general election for county officers, holden Nov. 4, 1879. County Surveyor. — Marcus Carter, 1849; B. Dornblazer, 1853-57; C. T. Dunham, 1859; William 0. Saxton, to fill vacancy, 1860; W. Peters, 1861-63; Christopher T. Dunham, 1865-69 ; Samuel J. Dodds, 1871 ; F. E. Josel, 1875; Hiram Shons, 1879. School Commissioners. — J. B. Smith, 1849 ; John Barfoot, 1852 ; F. W. 5. Brawley, 1853-55; Henry Freeman, 1857; H. C. Burchard, 1859; A. A. Crary, 1861-63. The title to the office changed to County Superintendent of Schools — A. A. Crary, 1865; Isaac F. Kleckner, 1869; Johnson Potter, 1873; Adam A. Krape, 1877. Senators. — The Senatorial District was originally composed of the counties of Stephenson, Carroll and Jo Daviess, with one Senator'and three Representa- tives — one from each county. This continued until the adoption of the consti- tution in 1870. The Senators were Hugh Wallace, 1850; John H. Adams; 1854, re-elected, 1858-62 and 1866 ; James M. Hunter and Dr. Little, 1870, Henry Green, 1872; R. H. McClellan, 1876. Representatives.— B. B. Howard, 1850; C. B. Denio, 1852; T. J. Turner, 1854; J. A. Davis, 1856; J. A. Davis, 1858; John F. Ankeney, 1860; Ho- ratio C. Burchard, 1862-64; Joseph M. Bailey, 1866-68; Thomas J. Tur- HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 219 ner and William Massenberg, 1870; E. L. Cronkrite and J. S. Taggart, 1872-74 ; E. L. Cronkrite, 1876 ; J. I. Neff and Andrew Hinds, 1878. Sheriffs. — Peter D. Fisher, 1850; George Reitzell, 1852; Isaac Kleckner, 1854 ; J. W. Shaffer, 1856: C. F. Taggart, 1858: J. W. Shaffer, 1860; W. W. Robey. 1862; Jeremiah J. Piersol, 1864; W. W. Robey, 1866; John R. Hayes, 1868 ; John R. Haves, 1870 ; J. J. Piersol, 1872-74 ; Jesse R. Leigh, 1876-78. Coroner. — Isaac Bechtol, 1850; George H. Hartsough, 1852; Abel Smith, 1854 ; Samuel McAfee, 1856 : B. P. Belknap, 1857, to fill vacancy ; John Washburn, 1858 ; Levi A. Mease, 1862 ; W. W. Robey, 1864 ; F. A. Darling, 1866: Caspar Schultz, 1868 ; Christian M. Hillebrand, 1869; Jeremiah J. Dean, 1870-78. Circuit Judges. — The Circuit Court first held its sessions on the 26th day of August, 1839, the Hon. Daniel Stone presiding. In the winter of 1840, an act was passed by the General Assembly, abolishing the Circuit Court system, and providing that the duties incident thereto should be discharged by the Judges of the Supreme Court. This was continued until the fall of 1848, when the Circuit Court system was revived, and has since obtained with the following Justices: Daniel Stone, 1839; Thomas C. Brown, 1841; Benja- min R. Sheldon, 1849 to March, 1870; William Brown, the present incumbent. In 1877, Stephenson County was included in the Thirteenth Circuit, the same consisting of the counties of Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Carroll, Ogle, Whiteside and Lee. For this circuit three Judges were elected — J. M. Bailey, William Brown and John V. Eustace. Bailey was appointed Justice of the Appellate Court, and the duties of his circuit are discharged by Justices Brown and Eustace, though Judge Bailey assists when not engaged on the Appellate bench. Clerks Circuit Court. — John A. Clark, from 1839 to 1852; Joseph B. Smith, to 1856 ; Luther W. Guiteau, to 1860 ; John W. Shaffer, to Novem- ber 9, 1863, resigned and Edward P. Hodges appointed to the vacancy ; sub- sequently elected to the office for four years from 1864 : William Polk, to 18 T2 ; Aaron W. Hall, 1876 ; D. S. Brewster, present incumbent. States .Attorney.— Sheldon L. Hall, 1839 ; Thomas J. Turner, 1846 ; H. B. Stillman, 1847-50; Orrin S. Miller, 1851-52; William Brown, to 1860; S. D. Atkins, to 1864; F. C. Ingalls, to 1868 ; D. W. Jackson, to 1872 ; J. S. Cochran, the pesent incumbent. EARLY SETTLEMEiNTS. With the close of the Black Hawk war, the Indians as a rule disappeared from their hunting grounds, and returned no more to plague the inventors of a new line of life in future Stephenson County. The few who remained were dispirited, subdued and awed into defenseless apathy by the whites, whom they rarely interfered with or in any way, save through minor thefts and annoyances proceeding therefrom, recognized as the existing power. The relics of their barbaric life, however, were noticed by the settlers at intervals, and recalled the days when Winneshiek occupied the country without restraint. Near the City of Freeport,where are to be seen their corn-fields, council houses, cabins and cemeter- ies wherein they labored, consulted, lived, died and were buried — not committed to mother earth, there to await the dawning of the resurrection morn, but laid to rest in the air, if so anomalous a condition of affairs can be conceived. Four strong poles were planted in the ground, on which a platform was constructed, and the body of the dead with his bow and arrows, together with various trinkets 220 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. placed thereon and left to the storms, the sunshine, and the future. Some of these antique "burial-grounds " were to be observed by the early settlers in the West, when the skeleton of deceased was all that remained to recall the liv- ing, who once rejoiced in health and strength, whose tribe doubtless mourned the deep damnation of his takings-off, as its representatives shrived him for his pursuit of game and foemen in the happy hunting-grounds. But these senti- nels of death, against whom the advance of progressing civilization long since prevailed, disappeared with their discovery, and no monument remains to mark the spot where once they were endured. Years have elapsed since the first settlers visited Stephenson County, whence they went the way of all flesh, and the music of their rejoicings became fainter and fainter until it was stilled. In the hurry and bustle of life, in the burdens which mankind has borne, made heavier with each succeeding cycle, in the changes which have followed each other so rapidly, and the active advance- ment in the perfected places of life, — the historic associations connected with these pioneers, have lost some of their freshness, but none of the value to which they are justly entitled. Once their corn-fields decked the river bottoms and fringed the hillsides and ravines with a wealth of foliage, bespeeking a plen- teous harvest against the hour of need. In the russet days of the present, when the tanned reaper in brief moments of ease vouchsafed him, the fields lying brown and bare, contemplates his possessions as they dot the landscape, and are lost in the horizon, he scarcely reflects upon the times long since gone out in age, and consigned to the tomb of oblivion, where others who preceded him toiled as he toiled in fields of grain ripe for the harvest, rejoiced as he rejoiced, unmindful of the coming of age and infirmities, or of another generation by whom his acres should be appropriated and himself not unfrequently left to wander an Ishmaelite in almost undiscovered lands. But many of them have gone, and with them many a glorious throng of happy dreams. Yet if there is a pious mansion for the blest, if the soul is not extinguished with the body, may they not return in spring, or with the harvest in autumn, or with winter and his aged locks, and view the regions they once knew so familiarly, or sit and muse upon the changes that have been wrought and have survived the injuries of time, since they went hence. They kept their patient vigil in their day, faced the storm of penury and wre3tled with the strong hand of adversity, but the seed sown amid trials, and sorrows and weepings, has yielded sheaves of wealth to the present days which are bound to the melodies of harvest songs and stored with prayers of thanksgiving. Those days were dark, indeed, with no silver lining to the clouds that impended over the future. But none were disheartened. Their hearts were high with hope. They believed the horizon would dawn into the morning of which prophets spoke and minstrels sang, of which poets dreamed and painters sketched. They believed the time would be when the fir-tree would come up instead of the thorn, the myrtle-tree instead of the brier, when the mountains and hills should break forth into singing, and the trees of the wood should clap their hands. And these confidences have been more than realized. The thorn has given place to the fir-tree, and the myrtle-tree has usurped the place of the briar. The voices of the husbandmen are heard throughout the land, and their songs of thanksgiving are echoed from each hillside. Peace, plenty, felicity and con- tentment are to be witnessed on every side ; the heritages of those who came into this unbroken wilderness fifty years ago, buo} T ant, elastic, laughing at tem- porary misfortune, shedding a genial warmth on those they met while passing HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 221 through life, and, departing, leaving behind not only a kindly and gentle mem- ory, but an example for those who came after. The collation of facts concerning events occurring at a date within the memory of inhabitants by no means comparatively ancient, would appear to the uninitiated in the character of a task presenting but limited difficulties. By some, the labor has been regarded as one of the necessary incidents of life to be endured; some have regarded it with indifference, while others have paused not in their fierce career to concede a superficial consideration of the premises. From these indispositions, coupled with the failure among those possessed of the incidents, to record the same for future reference and adaptation, the record of early settlements contains but scant materials from which to weave an acceptable history. Patient industry and careful research, however, have not been without results, but have aided the laborers employed in that behalf. From all that can be learned in this connection, it appears that a man named Kirker left St. Louis some time during the year 1826, and, removing to the vicinity of Galena, established himself as a lead miner in the employ of Col. Gratiot, founder of Gratiot's Grove, Wis. Here he remained about a year, doubtless encountering many of the vicissitudes, enduring many of the trials and participating in some of the triumphs peculiar to lead mining and the life thereof, when he dissolved partnership with the business, bade good-bye to Col Gratiot and his associates, and, venturing into Stephenson County, built a cabin in Burr Oak Grove, and set himself up as an Indian trader. The success which attended his commercial undertaking is not of record, but the fact that he retired from active operations and left his habitation to the posses- sion of savages within a year after his advent into its vicinity, would argue the conclusion that his ambition was not properly recognized, which conclusion is further strengthened by the fact that he was heard of no more after his year's sojourn at Burr Oak. Whither he went or what he did are beyond the ken of the living, the suggestion of rumor or the range of probabilities, to determine. He was never seen again in the vicinity nor elsewhere, according to the chron- icles. For a year following, future Stephenson County was remitted to the possession of the Indians, and whomsoever may have been sufficiently adventurous to enter its territorial limits, without leaving any trail behind him to guide posterity or enterprise in their pursuits of his name and local habita- tion. During 1827, when, according to all accounts, the summer's sun had vanished and autumn winds were whistling through the leafless trees, a native of New York by the name of Oliver W. Kellogg, crossed the river at Dixon, and, pursuing the uneven tenor of an emigrant's way in those days, worried gradually through the eastern portion of the present county, and tarried not until he reached the improvements made by Kirker, his predecessor, near Burr Oak Grove, in the vicinity of which he pitched his camp, and before the coming of spring erected a house. The domicile was in many respects a pretentious edifice for the days, and enjoyed an experience as varied as it has been at times, exciting. Within its protecting and hospitable walls John Dement, of Dixon, and his troops, took shelter from the Indians, and, in the spring of 1835, it became the home of James Timms, one of the first permanent settlers in the county, he purchasing the domain from a man named Green, of Galena, who derived a title from Lafayette, a French adventurer who succeeded Kellogg in its possession, but fled when the Black Hawk war rendered residence in Burr 0;ik Grove an exceedingly hazardous undertaking. The old house remained 222 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. comparatively intact until 1862, when it was torn down and the frame appro- priated to other uses. A new house was built on the site, but no more like the Kellogg improvement, it is said, than Hecuba resembled Hamlet. Nothing remains of these pioneer premises but an orchard, old and fruitless, that was planted by Kellogg, the first in Stephenson County. It has served its purpose, and, decrepit with age, is permitted to survive the rush of matter for the good it has been the means of accomplishing in the flush of its youth and strength. During the summer of 1833, the " barren" opposite this house was the scene of a tragedy as fatal as it was singular, by which two lives were sacrificed, two families shrouded in woe, and the soil of Stephenson County first drenched with the blood of murdered innocence. It seems that two young men, en route to the lead mines, had halted at the point indicated, and encamped for the night. Their establishment consisted of a wagon and two yoke of cattle, together with the equipments usual to the completely furnished " prairie schooner," and of a quality superior to that ordinarily taken into the lead mines at the period mentioned. As was afterward ascertained, they were the sons of Virginia planters, who became impressed with the glowing accounts they had heard of the wealth of the lead country, and, provided with every accessory that could contribute to their comfort or prosperity, started in pursuit of fortune. After a laborious trip, the adven- turous twain reached Kellogg's cabin, as the shades of night were obscuring the landscape, and having, as they thought, secured their cattle and eaten their supper, lay down to dreams. In the morning, they awoke to discover that their oxen had strayed off, and while one of them prepared breakfast the other started out in search of the missing stock. After a delay of several hours the oxen were recovered, and driven to camp. Upon their arrival, the young man who had been left in charge, was found to have made no progress in the duties assigned him, and a dispute arose between himself and his companion as to the cause. This discussion was carried on, it is said, with much acrimony, and finally ended in blows, during which one of the contestants seized a pin, connected with the tongue of the wagon, or an ox-yoke, and, striking a blow upon the head of his antagonist, crushed the skull, and inflicted a wound that caused almost instant death. Paralyzed with horror at the lengths to which, in an unguarded moment, he had permitted his anger to carry him, he was powerless for the time to attempt any concealment of his crime, and sought a relief from the woe, to which he had committed his peace of mind, by flight. But wanderings through the forest afforded no release from the pangs of con- science, and he returned to the scene of the tragedy, where his victim had fallen by the wayside, cold and stiff, grim and ghastly, a horrible spectacle to those inured to scenes of strife and bloodshed, and doubly so to him, with whom he had embarked so short a time before, with high hopes and pleasurable antici- pations on the voyage of life that terminated in death and eternal desolation. With the implements included in the invoice of tools, he digged a grave, and, laying his companion therein, the survivor hooked up the oxen and pursued his journey west, arriving at Apple River within a week after the sad occurrence, where he related the facts, as are herein stated, to the amazed settlers, who placed no restraint upon his liberty, however, when he disappeared from view, and was never seen or heard of thereafter. Many years subsequent, the skeleton of a human being was found in the woods of Jo Daviess County, of whose identity no one could be found to testify, and the impression obtained that it was the remains of him who had murdered his comrade in the ik barren " oppo- site the Kellogg cabin. FREEPORT. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 225 There were others who came into Stephenson County about this time besides Kellogg, including William Baker, one of the Prestons, and, possibly, a few more ; but their stay was only temporary, after which they returned whence they came, reserving a permanent settlement until some years subsequent. In 1832 (during the fall), William Waddams, with his two sons, made his advent into Stephenson County, and, canvassing the country round about, formally staked out a claim at a point in West Point Township about three miles north- west of the present town of Lena. Here, in the summer of 1833, he erected a small log house, on the present site of Jo Daviess Waddams' house, and locat- ing his family therein, carried off the honors to which the first permanent set- tler in Stephenson County can legally and equitably lay claim. This was the second house, it is alleged in the county, but, unlike its predecessor, " Kellogg's Mansion," it now stands on the Waddams place, opposite where it first stood, and is occupied by Mrs. Eunice Place, daughter of its architect and builder. The " Cabin " is of the most limited dimensions, presenting none of the attract- ive features for which farmhouses are to-day noticeable, yet it is as comfortable and cozy as when first raised in the wilderness, and bears its age without any of the marks of weakness or "discouragement" peculiar to manufactures of that "beatific" period. The logs remain as sound as when first placed in posi- tion, and the window frames, fashioned by Mr. Waddams with his jack-knife, are untouched by decay ; but the puncheon floor has yielded place to material more adapted to that purpose, and the huge fire-place which formerly occupied one end of the apartment has been vacated, its uses being appropriated by more modern inventions. If the walls could but speak, what a tale of the pleasures and pains experienced in that old-fashioned, one-roomed house, they would unfold. What mournful cadences they would sigh of the troubled visions that have swept over the breast of breathing sorrow for those who went out from its portals, chilled in the embrace of death, to sleep beneath the daisies which car- essed their graves as the breezes tossed them into rippling eddies. Or how joyfully they would detail the marriage fete, the social, quilting and what-not of pleasure that has passed within its confines. The old home is still treasured as a relic of heroic days, when men possessed less of the superficial and more of those characteristics which raise mortals to the skies, than is apparent to the casual observer of to-day. It possesses a charm for those who have survived the death of Mr. Waddams which can never be dissipated, and promises to be preserved for years to come, when Stephenson County shall have attained a pro- minence and influence, in comparison with which that enjoyed to-day is but nominal. The close of the Black Hawk war, and dispersion of the soldiers who aided in subduing that fierce and seemingly unconquerable foe of the white race, called the attention of the country more generally to the natural advantages to be found in Northern Illinois, and particularly in the country bordering upon the Pecatonica and its tributaries. The volunteers regarded the homes of Winneshiek and his tribe found along the streams and creeks, and in the bar- rens and wilderness of Stephenson County, as veritable gardens of Babylon, and many of them, acting upon this conclusion, came in as settlers among the first who arrived, where they entered claims and have since remained. The majority, having reached the Biblical limits of human life, have departed in peace ; but a few still remain residents of Stephenson County, where they have witnessed the fullest fruition of their predictions regarding the country and amassed a comfortable competence. Among these are John Waddams, Robert 226 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Brightendall, Jacob Burbridge, George Trotter and, perhaps, one or two more. About the same time, as will be remembered, the Galena mines were the objective points for soldiers of fortune from every State, and those at Dubuque, the restraints to emigration thither having been removed, but imperfectly developing. As a consequent, thousands of prospectors, adventurers, specu- lators and the hoi polloi journeyed in those directions, intent on putting money in their individual purses, by mining, luck or agencies they hoped would favor their efforts without entailing too great a draft on their physical or financial resources. They were composed of men from Ohio, Missouri and elsewhere, with a sprinkling of lllinoisans. The route to Galena in those days was by St. Louis or by some other point on the Mississippi ; another route was to cross the river at Dixon, strike what is known as " Sucker Trail," entering Stephenson County in the southwestern part of Loran Township, and Jo Daviess County, from Kent Township, thence to Galena and Dubuque. This route was patronized quite freely by emigrants, on their trips to those points, to whom the fertility of the soil, salubrity of the climate and other advantages patent to all who passed through Stephenson County, became as familiar as they are to-day to the manor born. Many who visited the lead mines returned without testing the value of their claims — many returned after encountering failure, and many returned only when they had attained the object for which they went in pursuit. The inducements held out by the agricultural resources of the county, persuaded representatives of every class cited to enter claims hereabouts and in time become farmers. Those who did so, have, as a rule, succeeded, and laid up treasures upon earth, at least. Added to the volunteers and miners were the natives and residents of Eastern States, who, impatient at the limited extent of their hereditaments, and ambi- tious to identify themselves with enterprise in an enlarged field of action, where legitimate business, if conducted with the industry and integrity indispensable to a living at home, would be attended with better results, sought to test their judgment in the West. Illinois was then an almost undiscovered bourne to many of them, and Stephenson County was an absolute wilderness. But the knowledge of these facts, instead of appalling, rather influenced their coming hither, and to-day, the history of the county is largely a record of what has been accomplished by those who came from the East, notably from Pennsyl- vania, Ohio and New York. Such, then, were the influences employed to attract emigration, and such was the character of those who responded. As a matter of course, there were numberless worthless characters who came in with the "flood," but the same causes which admonished them to leave their native heaths exerted a similar influence here and urged them to seek elsewhere for what they were restrained from appropriating on the banks of the Pecatonica. This country, then await- ing the claims ofr the industrious and enterprising, but holding out the promise of prosperity to all, was scarcely a comfortable locality for the outlaw or one of felonious propensities. If they came "born again" they were accepted as valuable additions. But if the new dispensations duplicated their acts com- mitted elsewhere, they were no longer tolerated, but banished. The conse- quence was, and is, that crime has never been an important factor of the civili- zation established in Stephenson County. Indeed, the record of the criminal court in this county is comparatively free from the various crimes entailing capital punishment or prolonged imprisonment. This is due entirely to the sturdy character and unflinching integrity of the early settlers, whose virtues HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 227 have been visited upon their descendants, and exempted the county from many calamities their neighbors elsewhere have been called upon to endure. During the seasons of 1832-33, the settlement quoted above was the only one made in the county. William Waddams was the pioneer who paved the way for the coming of the army of occupation which speedily followed in his wake — the sapper and miner who effected a successful advance into the enemy's territory, maintaining a line of communication with his base of supplies, and holding the fort until the forces in reserve had been brought forward to his support. Civilization with its germinal forces thereafter persistently pushed its way into the territory like the march of a conquering army, and to-day the casual observer of events that have passed into history, stands amazed at the foot-prints of development and progress it has left in its luminous trail. The remote sections have been united by railroads and canals ; the modern insti- tutions of learning, the methods of human industry, the churches and schools, the telegraph and telephone, and other indications of progress and perfection, have gradually developed from the rude and imperfect accommodations of those early days. The broad prairies are born anew with each succeeding decade in the westward march of empire, and populous cities and villages are becoming the centers and gateways of trade and commerce. Agriculture bn scientific principles has drained and rejuvenated the lands, making them to blossom with annually increasing harvests, and the wealth born of their prod- ucts, coupled with enterprise and architectural skill, has builded where once the forest disputed possession with the plain. These are the works of those who rest from their labors, and the beneficiaries for whom these trusts were created daily rise up to call them blessed. The winter of 1833-34 passed without the happening of any event which has left its impress on the times to guide the historian in his search therefor. Mr. Waddams. with his family comfortably housed, dreamed the hours away in a solitude unbroken by aught that savored of civilization. Gathered about the winter log, himself and famiiy doubtless engaged in perfecting plans for future operations, when the dawn of spring announced the coming of more per- fect days. The resident of Stephenson County of to-day would hardly reconcile the appearance of that county then with what greets his vision on all sides in 1880. The country now covered with highly cultivated farms, imposing residences and expensive improvements, was almost a trackless waste of prairie and timber. There was nothing to enthuse, little to encourage. Occasional bands of predatory Indians demurred to the title of the solitary settler, and not unfrequently levied upon his meager stores for supplies. But the long and inhospitable season dragged tediously to its close, and the flowers and shrubbery of the year before, which had yielded to the winter's blasts, warmed into new life and ran wild in the sunshine, hi'ding the trees and blooming foliage, with leaf and flower. Undismayed by the prospect, Mr. Waddams, as soon as the ground was fit to work, began the labor of preparing the soil about him for crops that would last him when autumn should have yielded place to the winters' winds, and with this beginning sowed the seeds for future prosperity. It should here be observed that a claim is made, that Lyman Brewster, ac- companied by one Joe Abeno, came into Stephenson County during 1833, and established a ferry near Winslow, which was the first in the county, and survived its owner many years. This, however, is disputed, as also is the coming of Simeon Davis into Oneco, and the conclusion seems irresistible that Mr. Brewster did not settle in the county until the spring of 1834. That year 228 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. was noticeable not only for the number but the sterling character of the additions made to the population. Among them were George Payne, who halted at Brewster's ferry, George W. Lott, who built a shanty in the present limits of Winslow Village, Harry and Jerry Waters, and A. 0. Ransom. To this latter gentleman belongs the honor of laying out the first town in the county. It was located about one and a half miles below Brewster's ferry, on the Pecatonica River, and derived its name in part from that of its founder, be- ing called " Ransomburg." It was regularly surveyed and platted, and on the map offered inducements of a character calculated to inspire the credulous with a desire to become identified with the town by investments, which proved to be permanent if not profitable. The map of the proposed city was illustrated in colors in the highest style of the lithographer's art. Streets and avenues intersected each other at measured distances; parks were laid out, and ornamented with shrubbery, fountains and statuary ; wharves were built and extended into the river, upon which a floating palace, under full head of steam, was to be seen suppositiously approaching the landing. Ransomburg, it was thought, would become the center of trade for the county, and the shipping- point for the surrounding country. It does not appear, however, that these considerations influenced purchasers, although the ubiquitous land-agent was doubtless abroad seeking whom he might devour, but his insatiable maw for profits probably remained unsatisfied, for the number of purchasers and the prices paid have remained in obscurity. Mr. Ransom established a store at the place, as did a Mr. Stewart, who disposed of his lot in the town for $500, dur- ing a visit to St. Louis when that city was in its infancy, and Miss Jane Goodhue opened a school there, the first in the county, which, with other im- provements, promised to confirm the predictions made respecting its rapid growth. But none of these predictions were ever, even in part, realized. The unappreciative public, for whose benefit the plans were projected, failed to avail themselves of the disinterested labors in their behalf, and the town lapsed, and finally became as a tale that is told. Mr. Ransom removed to Texas, where he afterward died, the improvements were left to decay, and a corn-field now occupies the site that once indicated the existence of Ransomburg. The impetus given to emigration by the pioneers mentioned gathered strength, however, and manifested itself through that entire year. Though the number who came and remained in Stephenson County was limited, they were men of brains and brawn, fully alive to the demands of the times, and equal to every emergency they were called upon to encounter. Some of those who have left no trace of their coming went further west; or, dismayed by the difficulties which met them on every hand, returned whence they came to enjoy the rather questionable honors accorded a prophet in his own land. The fall of 1834 wit- nessed the advent of 3ome who are still here, having grown up with the country and witnessed its transformation from an almost inaccessible wilderness to its present prosperous and cultivated condition. Among these were Jacob Amos, William Robey and family, which consisted of his wife, Levi Robey and wife, John, William W., Thomas L., Francis L., Elizabeth and Mary Robey, children of Will- iam Robey. The latter reached Brewster's ferry on the 21st of November. Mr. Robey, some time later, became lessee of the ferry, which he conducted for a num- ber of years, though at the time he made a claim on which he subsequently settled, near Cedarville, in Lancaster Township. At that time, the lands along the Pecatonica were heavily timbered, and filled with Indians. He came from Scioto County, Ohio, and journeyed via Dixon, Buffalo Grove, in Ogle County, thence to Brewster's Ferry, to the cabin of Simeon Davis, in Oneco, to Monroe, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 229 Wis., and back to Brewster's Ferry, from which vantage-ground Levi Robey was accustomed to start forth in search of an available point to make a claim and settle. Finally, he found a place that would suit, and on St. Valentine's day, 1835, he removed to the present town of Waddams, locating at a point on the bank of the Pecatonica, half a mile northeast of his present residence. Here he built a house, with an ax and a jack-knife to shape the logs, which were cut in the woods and hauled over the ice to the site of his future home. He was chary at first, he relates, about trusting the ice to bear the bui'den of his ox team, and the load they hauled. In the country whence he came, " ice bridges " were unknown mediums of communication. When he first went on the ice, that brittle and deceptive substance cracked ominously, and he apprehended that himself with his yoke of steers and house frame would go to the bottom instead of the place appointed for their reception. But he and his portables were pre- served from accident to find new difficulties staring him in the face when he considered the practicability of raising his ' ; frame " into position. These were overcome, however, and himself and family were in a brief time ensconced in their new home, without neighbors, mail facilities, access to supplies, or any of the absolute necessities which ar.e to-day obtained without the least exertion. The claim is made that during this year occurred the first birth in the county, the new-comer being a son to George W. Lott, who was born in the cabin of his father, then located in the present Winslow Township, between the villages of Winslow and Oneco. The Waddams family, however, opine that the birth of Amanda Waddams, in February, 1836, at the Waddams farm, on the road from Nora to Bobtown, was the pioneer birth in the county, and the same claim is also made for Lucy, daughter of Dr. Bankson, who was brought forth early in the latter year. From 1832 until 1835, the above constituted the settlements made in this immediate section. As already stated, there were a number who passed through the county en route to the lead mines, and tarried only long enough to rest and recuperate their energies sufficiently to continue their trip. But between the dates mentioned no settlements of a permanent character, other than those cited, were made. Indeed, it required an almost unlimited complement of courage and manhood to reconcile men to remove from the old homesteads, dis- solve old associations, and, cutting loose from the humanizing influences with which they had been surrounded from youth, turn their faces toward new fields wherein the foot of man never trod. Yet those who opened the way for the advance of civilization in the West were possessed of these qualities in a re- markable degree. They were the modern crusaders who fought against barbarism and savage occupation, with all the courage, gallantry and steadfast- ness of purpose that characterized their prototypes in the age of religious' enthusiasm and chivalry centuries ago. They were the counterparts of a grenadier of the old regime, who never in any sudden storm or rally, desperate melee or sorrowful encounter, forgot to doff his plumed hat to an adversary and cry out through his gray mustache as he shortened his sword arm, u En garde." They made the beginning of the present gratifying prosperity in the West, and dedicated themselves to promoting the happiness, gladdening the hearts and smoothing the pathway of those who came with them and after them to journey down the chequered aisles of Time. Thrice blessed are these brave men who never yielded up the chase even when afflictions and disappointment seemed to wail a requiem over their hopes and the dark clouds of adversity settled like a pall. 230 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. The lives they led were far from being luxurious. No crops of consequence were raised, and even those who had money experienced difficulty in procuring the necessaries of life. The condition of families in indigent circumstances, at a time when wheat cost $4 a bushel, and a journey of forty or fifty miles was required before it could be ground, can be readily imagined. The nearest base of supplies was on the Mississippi, at Savannah and Galena, and in those days the arrival of a steamboat at either place was regarded as an event of so vital importance that it became the talk of the neighborhood. Some of the settlers obtained food for their families by hunting, but this was a precarious recourse, as game, excepting deer, was by no means plentiful. Often the hunter would go out in the morning to procure something for breakfast, but was compelled to pass the entire day without a mouthful to satisfy his hunger. It is related by one of the men who occupied a shanty, that himself and his companion were often glad, in days when meat was scarce, to procure pork sufficient to grease a grid- dle, and that upon one occasion his comrade and another young man made a hearty meal on rinds that had done service in this way, and were hard and green with mold. The same party stated that he has often worked hard for weeks together improving his land, on no better fare than Indian meal mixed with water. These were extreme cases, it is true, but those who for a moment imagine they led a life of ease and contentment are disposed to listen to the whisperings of fancy and not the truths of fact. Their lives were by no means enveloped in a halo of romance, but led in the midst of experiences the modern hero would shrink from. Very few of the present inhabitants of Stephenson County can realize the hardships to which the early settlers were subjected. Their houses were built of rough, unhewed logs, the cracks filled with mud, the roof composed of clapboards split from the timber, and secured by poles laid on the top, nails being an unknown article of trade. These rude habitations rarely contained windows or floors, or, if provided with the latter, they were composed of pun- cheons split from logs, and rendered comparatively smooth by hewing. If they left their cabins for any length of time, they might expect on their return to find that they had been visited during their absence by the Indians, who had relieved them of all the provisions they had in store. The farmer manufac- tured his own plows, fashioned his own drag, or utilized a young sapling in lieu thereof, and constructed his own wagon, and other farming implements, and, in nearly every case, without iron. The fur of the raccoon, fox, or wolf, furnished them with caps, the deer's hide, tanned at home, with pants, coat and shirt. Tea and coffee were luxuries, to be had at rare inter- vals, and used only upon special occasions ; as a substitute therefor the set- tlers provided peas, wheat and barley. When Mr. Waddams made his farm it contained but four acres, located in the timber, which he cleared, fenced and planted in corn and potatoes without the assistance of teams. When the iron plow was first introduced into the county it was regarded as a curiosity, con- demned as an innovation upon established custom, and as worthless for the objects for which it~was designed. The grain was threshed with flails, or by horses, and, when Hiram Waddams thrashed his wheat for the first time, in 1839, with a traveling thrasher mounted upon wheels, the curiosity of his neighbors found expression in similar criticisms, that were in no degree abated when, in 1848, Pells Manny introduced a new era in harvesting by construct- ing the first harvester in this part of the country. It was termed a header, cutting the heads from off the grain eight inches below the hulls. This was an improvement upon the cradle where the grain stood up, but when down its HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 231 success was not so gratifying. It was a cumbersome concern, and lasting but a short time, led the way to other experiments, until finally they brought forth the reaper which Mr. Manny subsequently invented and patented. Improve- ments, however, succeeded improvements in this invaluable farming implement, and the reapers of those days have long since become incidents of the past, and recurred to now only as illustrating the features of pioneer life with distinctness. It might be added in this connection that Mr. Manny still lives in the enjoy- ment of a hale old age, his home in the city of Freeport, surrounded by all that can smooth the decline of a life that has not been altogether uncheckered. The spring of 1835 is represented as having been a season of unparalleled beauty and bright promise. The forests were early decked with foliage, the prairies shone with the colors of the rainbow in the flowers and shrubberies that grew upon the surface, and all nature seemed to combine to lend enchant- ment to a scene no artist's hand can trace. Nothing was lacking to complete this unrivaled landscape represented in the territory of subsequent Stephenson County, which a resident of that day asserts rivaled in its magnificence the fabled beauties of Araby the blest. Crops were put in by the measured num- ber of agriculturists who then owned clearings, with confidence that the harvest would be plenteous; and improvements were made, which in a measure accom- modated the influx of immigration that year witnessed. An advance was also accomplished in other material interests, and wants were supplied which had previously been sorely experienced. With these blessings at the threshold, it is scarcely to be wondered at that settlers began to come in much more numerously than during previous years. The first who came were few, 'tis true, but before the year had gone, leaving behind it marks and pleasant memories, joys and shadows, the additions to the population had been increased by the arrival of representatives and families, who have been instrumental in building up and developing the latent wealth which lay hidden in the woods and plains of North- ern Illinois. Prominent among those who settled in Stephenson County that year were John and Benjamin Goddard, Henry and William Hollenbeck, George Trotter, Richard Parriott, Sr., and family, Levi Lucas, Robert Jones, Andrew St. John and others, who made claims in what has since been called Buckeye Township; Nelson Wait, Hubbard Graves and wife, Charles Gappen, Abijah Watson, John and Thomas Baker and William Willis established homes in Waddams ; James and W. H. Eels, Alvah Denton, Lemuel W. Streator and Hector P. Kneeland became identified with Winslow Township, and aided in the progress anticipated for Ransomburg ; Jefferson and Lewis Van Matre came to Oneco ; John B. Kaufman to present Erin : Miller Preston to Harlem ; James Timms, Jesse Willett, and Calvin and Jabez Giddings to Kent ; Albert Alberson, Eli Frank- eberger, and possibly Josiah Blackamore, to Rock Grove; Thomas Crain and family to Silver Creek ; Conrad Van Brocklin and Mason Dimmick, also Otis Love and family, to Florence ; Luman and Rodney Montague and William Tucker to West point, etc., etc. In addition to these, William Baker — who, it will be remembered, came into the county first in 1832 — returned to settle, after a temporary absence in Wisconsin, and laid the foundation for the present city of Freeport ; Thompson Wilcoxon also came in and staid a short time in Harlem, wherein he finally settled during the following year; Harvey P. Waters and Lyman Bennett arrived at the mouth of Yellow Creek in the fall, where they remained until the spring of 1836, when they removed to Ridott and, with A. J. Niles, formed the nucleus of settlements subsequently made in that township. 232 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. James Timms, who came that year, as already stated, took possession of the Kellogg house, wherein he resided for many years, and raised a family, members of which are to-day living, prominently identified with the agricultural resources of the county. Benjamin Goddard stopped first with Mr. Robey, which was fifteen miles from any road traveled by wagon. The Montagues settled near Waddam's Grove, where they built a house of logs, the floors of which were made of bass-wood. And so on. Hubbard Graves settled near Levi Robey's, and the remainder of those mentioned found abiding places which, if they were attended with an absence of privileges and immunities from care, possessed comforts which were, in those times, of priceless value. The settlers experienced the same difficulties, in a measure, while providing themselves with homes that those who came in the year previous had encount- ered. The Winnebago Indians, in vagrant squads, yet remained in the county, and not unfrequently annoyed the settlers by petty thefts or trespasses upon their hospitality. Among other losses sustained through their felonious acts, was the loss of an entire drove of hogs, which they stole from William Wad- dams. Robert Jones and Levi Lucas maintained a bachelors' retreat about this time on their claim, near the present village of Cedarville, and during their absence upon one occasion the Indians effected an entrance into the cabin left tenantless, which they robbed of a number of articles, including razors, game, wild honey and tobacco. Upon the return of the owners, an Indian was observed stealing out of the cabin. When they ascertained that their house- hold goods had been levied upon, it was decided that the savage had partici- pated in the robbery, and they concluded to follow him up, to, if possible, recover their valuables or ascertain where they could be obtained. Acting upon this conclusion, they started in pursuit of the fugitive, whom they overtook in the woods while he was in the act of shooting a wild turkey. Before he had time to comprehend the object of pursuit, Jones rushed up to him and, seizing his gun, threatened to inflict capital punishment in the case if he did not imme diately restore what had been taken. After some demurring and pleas in confession and avoidance, he offered to restore the articles missed if Jones and Lucas would accompany him to his wigwam. This they consented to do, and were conducted several miles through the woods, coming suddenly into an encampment of about thirty braves who, with their families, were quietly rest- ing after the fatigues of the day. They comprehended the critical situation in which they had permitted themselves to be placed at a glance, and, though apprehensive of results, calmed their fears, and putting on a bold front, entered the circle of encamping savages and sat down. After a prolonged parley, devoid of anger, the Indian who had conducted them thither disappeared, and after a brief absence, returned with their tobacco, which was restored, but assured them that the razors and provisions were in posession of a branch of the tribe residing on Yellow Creek. When these preliminaries had been con- cluded, the old Indian related his interview with Jones and Lucas in the forest, how his rifle had been taken from him, and he had thereby been prevented from bagging a wild turkey ; embellished with exaggeration and emphasized with gesticulations that enforced conviction in the savage breast more persua- sively than the charm of exquisite music possesses for the aesthetic admirer of the divine art. As a result, his eloquence did not fall upon barren ground, but was responded to by loud murmurs of dissatisfaction from the assembled council, and excited the Indians to a degree unprecedented, who expressed their opinions in language both loud and threatening. Upon behold- HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 233 ing this unexpected storm, Jones sought to placate their anger by a show of generosity, and dividing his tobacco among the thievish gang, waited for their anger to subside. A calm succeeded the fierce outburst which the settlers had witnessed, and Jones succeeded in effacing any remembrance of his accusation for the time being at least by tickling the Indian maidens, gathered there, under the chin and indulging in other harmless pleasantries with them, which cemented the reconciliation, though, as Mr. Jones related to the writer, his gallantry was never more severely taxed than when making love to the greasy beauties of the Winnebagoes to save his possessions and, possibly, preserve the capillary inte- guments which constituted his scalp. After "swinging on the gate " for a brief period with their hostesses, Jones and Lucas departed, and passed the night at Benjamin Goddard's cabin, south of Cedarville. The following morning they accompanied Mr. Goddard to William Baker's claim, to assist the latter in raising his cabin. During that trying period, and while the cabin frame hung in the balance, so to speak, a party of the Yellow Creek branch of the tribe hove in sight, doubtless attracted thither in the hope that they would be invited to partake of the supply of metheglin, the attendant concomitant of similar undertakings in the times that more than tried men's souls, patience and tem- per. When they came on to the ground, Mr. Jones, reinforced by the reserve at his back, informed them that he was entirely familiar with their depredations on his property, and demanded the return of his stolen razors, in default of which they would receive the punishment of death, without benefit of clergy. Thus admonished, they agreed to the alternative, and pointing to the sky, indi- cated that when the sun reached the meridian they would restore his property, and, starting off, as if pursued by the Evil Spirit of Indian theology, for their camp, returned at the appointed hour with the razors. After this time the Indians were no longer factors in the county. Accord- ing to the statement contained in a publication of the times, " Tradition still points to a place near the foot of Stephenson street where Winnesheik, after vainly resisting the power of the white people until hope had perished, and being hemmed in by hostile pursuers, leaped into the swollen Pecatonica and swimming to the opposite shore escaped from his enemies, never to return." In this instance tradition is not to be relied upon for the facts, for " Coming Thunder " did return, after many days, and beheld with astonishment the advances made by the white race in the domain over which himself and his race once exercised exclusive control. During one of his visits to Freeport, a daughter of Mrs. Oscar Taylor who had been named " Winnesheik," in compli- ment to the old chief, was presented to him. But he failed to appreciate the distinguished honor conferred, and expressed his 'disgust in words of unintelli- gible patois, accompanied by contemptuous shrugs of his shoulders. Among those who are noted as having settled in Stephenson County during the year William Baker, Benjamin Goddard, Levi Robey and others are remembered with feelings of pleasure by those of their neighbors still living, as also by the thousand and one prominent citizens who have grown up with the county, or come into and become part of it since it was incorporated, and assumed a front place in the northern tier of Illinois counties. As already mentioned, Baker came into the county proper at a daylong since recorded among the events that have been, and remained only a sufficient length of time to establish his claim, when he returned to his family. In December, 1835, accompanied by his son Frederick, who still lives a citizen of Freeport, and others, he re-visited his claim and so directed his campaign in the wilderness that the present flourishing city of Freeport was the result. They were men, 234 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. it is said, of wonderful inventive genius, possessed of much of that nature which makes the whole world kin, persons of infinite wit and endless resource. They possessed the happy faculty of so adapting themselves to circumstance, as that they were not only always in a good humor themselves, but prevailed against afflictions in others, and resolved gloom into sunshine. They were men of unbounded hospitality, impulsive, of quick sensibilities and warm sympathies, and so constituted that without the presence of men of their kind, the world would be less humane, and new settlements less advanced with the departure of each season. Baker has left the city of Freeport. and the remainder of the county as monuments for posterity to learn of them, and their multitude of friends throughout the great West recall their lives with smiles of pleasure when reflecting upon the many cheerful hours they have passed in their company. During the balance of the year 1835, there was nothing of interest occur- ring which can be ascertained, either effected a change in the situation as already described, or proposed a different outlook for the future. Those who had come in during the year, with others, doubtless, whose names have not been preserved, extended the settlements to various parts of the county, where claims were perfected by possession and occupation, and their improvement settled down to. There were no amusements in those days, as one of the old settlers remarked upon being interrogated on that subject. " Why, bless you man, we worked ; and when we finished the chores at night," he continued, "we were ready to smoke and go to bed." Their amusements were such as aided them in preparing amusements for the future. Up with the dawn, whence they labored constantly, with a brief intermission at noon for lunch, until sunset ; they indeed earned their bread in the sweat of their brows, and sank down to rest at nightfall with the consciousness that some headway had been made by them on the great highway of life, and that if fortune refused to smile upon their efforts, she would not embargo their advance. As with amusements, so it was with schools and churches. The absence of the former was duplicated in the latter respect. There were none of either. The schoolmaster was not abroad in Stephenson County that year, and beyond the solitary circuit rider, who came at long intervals, if he came at all in the days of this period, there was no representative of the Church to be seen or heard of. And, if the truth be told, as [conservators of morals, there was no call for their presence. The settlers had no spare time to listen to the charm- ings of Satan, and, if they had, they were so distant removed from the base of supplies that no mischief could have been provided for idle hands to do. From these alleged facts, it would- seem that nothing -remained for them but the development of the country and the providing of homes for days when age could not supply the deficiencies of youth, arid the promise of yesterday remained unfulfilled. Such was the case without exaggeration ; they knew no avoidance of duty, sought no means that would aid them in violating their obligations, but toiled on and persevered in the path of duty until the dawn of perfect days, and the triumph of mind over matter enabled them to rest from their labors and partake of that reward reserved for those who " drag up drowned honor from the locks." The winter of 1835 was, according to general report, as inhospitable and cheerless as the spring previous had been ''childlike and bland." Breaking the prairie was continued until late in the fall, when the frost congealed earth's moisture so effectually as to forbid the husbandman from further labors in that behalf. Their efforts were then transferred to the timber, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 235 and through the eager and nipping air of December trees were felled and timber hewn for houses, stables, mills and other conveniences requiring time and material to provide. There were no mills in the county at the date men- tioned, and, when meal or flour was required, a lengthy and fatiguing trip was necessary before either could be obtained. No supplies of this or a kindred character could be obtained nearer than Galena, Dixon, Peoria and other distant points. In the straits these circumstances placed the settlers, occasion- all} they improvised mills and inaugurated schemes that materially aided in relieving their immediate necessities. When they were at a loss for meal or flour, yet possessed the grain to grind, the settler would cut down a large oak tree, smooth off the stump and build a fire in the center to burn out the heart of the wood. When the interior was sufficiently charred, the part thus rendered easy to chop was chopped out with an axe until a rude mortar, capable of containing a peck or more of corn, was provided. When these preparations were concluded, the self-constituted miller would rig up a sweep, similar, in some respects, if not in power and dimensions, to the old-fashioned well-sweep, in one end of which he drove an iron wedge, and, using this as a pestle, he pounded the corn. When it was reduced to the consistency of the coarsest quality of meal, he would toss the product up and winnow it with his breath, after which it was ready for use, and the corn-dodgers mixed therefrom and baked in the ashes are said to have been sweeter than the honey of Hymettus. Although the acreage of timber was in some places nearly equal to the area of prairie, the former was, as a rule, employed only in the building of cabins wherein to reside. If the settler had a drove of cattle or hogs, and there were those who did boast such possessions, they were allowed to range at will without protection from the elements. In some instances, however, the farmer secured comfortables stables, built of sods, which were to be obtained in every furrow of the virgin prairie turned up. And these, it is said, formed better bricks than the Hebrews could have furnished Pharaoh before he denied them straw. Out of this prairie quarry the laborer was enabled to obtain sufficient sod to com- plete an outhouse large enough to accommodate his horse and cow, when the bleak winds of November chilled them to the marrow, and materially interfered with their usefulness and capacity to sustain burdens. One peculiar feature of life here in those days was the entire absence of homesickness among the settlers. Inquiries in that direction failed to elicit any response tending to prove the existence of this much dreaded malady in the settlement. On the contrary, all were full of heart and hope, assured of becoming lords of the land and looking forward to a day when this assurance should be made doubly sure by possession. But 7 the absence of the complaint suggested was doubtless due to the same causes which denied them amusements and other privileges mentioned. In addition to these, it might be stated that in temporal affairs the settlers were as innocent of that which distracted the brain of those nearer the centers of trade, as was Evangeline's father of the wiles of the world. Politics then caused them no concern ; there were no office- holders or office-seekers, and the poetry and pleasure of their lives was undis- turbed by promises from the former, or appeals from the latter, until long after civil government was established. Yet, notwithstanding the many advantages and privileges vouchsafed them, there were no markets for the surplus harvests raised, if such there should be, and little to mitigate the severity of disease or secure its prevention or cure. A writer of the times details that " they led happy lives, satisfied that they would live and die on their own estate. When the land should come into market, they would obtain title thereto and own it from the 236 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. surface to the stars, and from their cabin floors all the way down to the center of the globe." These claims, which have been referred to so frequently, was the "unwritten law of the settlers themselves." It guaranteed possession to him who first picked out a spot as his own and "blazed" a tree around it, or marked it with a furrow in the sod through the prairie. To this he had an undoubted right, an indisputable "claim" against all comers, save the Govern- ment, whence he expected to buy when the lands were offered for sale in the market. They were generally 640 acres, and occasionally included much more, while some speculators, assuming to be settlers, were disposed to claim the country around for the purpose of holding the same and disposing of it at advanced rates to those who came after them. But they did not always succeed in the ungenerous undertakings, and were almost invariably left in the vocatire. When the sales of land were made at Dixon, in 1848, the contest between pur- chasers thereat and those who held possession under this "unwritten law" were numerous and prolonged. Not unfrequentiy harsh measures were deemed necessary to quiet title, and the claim societies organized years before in antici- pation of these difficulties, to express it in the language of one of their mem- bers, "had their hands full." But time at last, which sets all things even, dissipated the bickerings born of these events, and the legal claimants were, as a general rule, protected in their rights. The year 1836 was characterized by a still larger immigration than that of either of the preceding years. According to the opinions of many who were on the ground and competent to judge, the history of the county properly commences with that annual Those who had become msmbers of the body politic by residence and improvement, sent back to the homes whence they came glowing accounts of this beautiful land, with her broad, billowy prairies, replete with buds and blossoms, with her wooded fastnesses, in which the deer and smaller game roamed at pleasure; of the water-power that her streams would afford, and many other items of interest, which conspired to render the country not only fascinating to the traveler, but productive under the horny hand of toil. Why remain at the East, circumscribed in their possessions, when they could obtain domains of unlimited extent and fertility by joining fortunes with those already here, was asked of those at home who had been vouchsafed a "New Dispensation " in Illinois. The descriptions sent thither, and the queries propounded, produced their natural results. They induced reflection and a comparison of advantages enjoyed at home with those that could be secured in other fields. These reflections begat a feeling of discontent and unhappiness in the breasts of the toilers by whom they were indulged, and this discontent and unhappiness culminated in their decision to " pull up stakes " and find in the West, if not the Fountain of Youth, the rock of end- less resources, which needed only to be smote that abundant streams of reve- nue might gush forth. Adopting the lang'uage of one who has discoursed most eloquently on the subject, " The spring of 1836" witnessed an unprecedented flow of immigration from all quarters into the county. Farms were opened, cabins built, blacksmith and other shops improvised ; beside the stumps of trees men began to talk and plan for the future, women made calls and visits, and submitted to all the trials, privations and hardships of their frontier life with a heroism and faith that cheered the hearts and nerved the arms of the sterner sex in many a season of gloom and despondency." Among those who settled in the county this year was a young man who, by the force of his real merit, indomitable energy and personal character, elevated himself to one of the most prominent and honorable positions within the power HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 237 of the people to confer. Beginning life amid discouraging surroundings, restrained from choice in the adoption of a pursuit by the iron hand of penury, Thomas J. Turner found his way into Stephenson County in May, 1836, and. having made a claim in the eastern part thereof, erected a mill near Farwell's ferry on the Pecatonica, at the mouth of Rock Run, where he began the battle of life with none of the auxiliaries that attend modern youth in their wrestles with fate. In company with Julius Smith and B. Thatcher, he built a cabin for his protection, and, when not occupied in discharging his duties at the mill, was storing his mind with knowledge that laid the foundation for future eminence on the hustings, at the bar, and in the councils of the nation. Pro- visions at the time spoken of were scarce, and for several days, as he subsequently stated, himself and his companions had nothing whatever but boiled corn to eat. Not relishing this unpalatable edible, however, as a steady diet, he started for Galena in order that he might supply the larder with corn that had been eaten up. About dark on the first day of his journeying, he reached a cabin on the opposite side of the Pecatonica, and announced his presence by repeated hallooings. After a season a lad manned a canoe, and ferried him across the river, where he was introduced into the cabin of Mr. William Baker. The head of the house was absent, as he learned upon inquiry, having gone to Peoria for a stock of supplies, but he received a hospitable welcome from the lady of the house and her houseful of children. After an exchange of compliments, he asked for food and the good woman said he should have some, but all she had to offer were two small "corndodgers" and the remains of a catfish. The visitor was nearly famished, he had even gone without his usual meal of boiled corn, but he refused to take the scanty supply in the house and declined her ten- der, after properly acknowledging its proffer. She insisted, and assured him that her husband would return in time to prevent them from starving, besides the boys had got the line out and would have another catfish before morning. He retired to sleep with an exalted opinion of frontier hospitality, and during the night his slumbers were disturbed by the barking of dogs and an unusual commotion out of doors. Upon rising to investigate, he ascertained that the disturbance arose by reason of the return of Mr. Baker, accom- panied by an abundant store of provisions, upon part of which he feasted in the morning, and continued his trip to Galena. Here he obtained work, and pro- curing a stock of supplies, he returned to his claim in the county, to meet and dispose of new embarassments, endure other hardships and privations, until he amassed sufficient means to enable him to live without the constant apprehen- sion of want uppermost in his mind. His was not a remote instance of the privations that were suffered by the early settlers of Stephenson County, to be recurred to in after years when the struggle, the strife, the pain, the turmoil of life were nearly over, as experiences that were gained in adversity to be handed down to their children when the tale is told, is finished and ended. As these facts are recited, there are many whose lives Avere duplicates of that led by Col. Turner, who survive him, and can attest their truth ; there be many too upon whose lips the seal of death has been set. No' word can reach the ears of these dead sleepers, but departing they have left behind them the stories of lives that shall be told and oft repeated in the "evening tent," by the household hearth, and wherever the memory of the brave and true is venerated and revered. This scarcity of provisions mentioned as existing as late as 1836, is in part accounted for by the fact that the area of cultivation was not measurably increased by that time. There were no roads, no bridges and few ferries, and the means 238 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. of communicating with points at which supplies could be obtained were exceedingly meager. Three saw-mills had been commenced — one at Winslow by Thomas Lott, the second on Yellow Creek by William Kirkpatrick, and Turner's Mill at the mouth of Rock Run, but none of them were completed until late in the season. There were no grist-mills north of the Illinois River; during the year William Kirkpatrick erected a corn cracking machine on Yellow Creek, which was also used as a grist-mill, but it was a poor substitute, and was employed to crack wheat as well as corn. The houses were nearly all built of logs, and as the settler was unable to build his cabin single-handed, "raisings" were cheerfully assisted at by neighbors for miles around. In this vear a " claim meeting " was organized, being among the first of the kind in the county. Its object was to defend each member in the possession of his respective claim. The officers consisted of a President, Secretary and Board of Directors. If the claim of any member was encroached upon the party suffer- ing was to notify the officers, who were authorized to make an investigation ; if it be found that the cause of complaint is just, the trespasser was to be warned to abandon the claim within five days. If he remained delinquent at the expiration of that period he was to be "carefully removed with his effects from the premises." These were the chief provisions of the constitution as adopted, supplemented by a general understanding that two sections, two miles square, should constitute the extreme limit that heads of families might "claim." The previous year, William Baker had erected an "Indian trading post" at the mouth of the creek which now empties into Pecatonica River within the limits of Freeport, thus practically beginning the building of that city. In the following year, he built a house in the future city, of hewn logs, the first pre- tentious establishment in Stephenson County, as also the first hotel in the section. Soon after, the town was laid out, and a company formed for the sale of lots, composed of Mr. Baker, William Kirkpatrick and W. T. Galbraith. A limited emigration drifted hither during the year, including L. 0. Crocker, 0. H. Wright, Joel Dodds, Jacob Goodheart, Hiram G. Eads, John Hinkle, James Burns, Robert Smith, Benjamin R. Wilmot, John Brown and others. The improvements made elsewhere in the county were meager, though in Freeport a comparative number of houses went up under the direction of the company and those who came there as a result of their labors. Ransomburg was still in existence and, with Freeport, made up the sum total of settlements that bore the appearance of villages in the county. The remainder of the vast territory was, when occupied, devoted to farming purposes, with all that the term implies, and though agriculture had just com- menced to be a factor in the new country, it was attended with abundant returns. The exact number who settled in Stephenson County that year cannot be deter- mined with any degree of accuracy. Their name was not legion, however, as they can almost be counted without an extended knowledge of mathematics. Har- mony existed between them in all the departments of life that became the outgrowth of their coming. No bickerings disturbed the friendly relations which existed ; a commendable absence of disorder was apparent, all combined their best efforts to bring order out of chaos and redeem the country from unproductiveness, or the production that benefited no man. And this was as it should be. The advance of civilization in the world, as illustrated in the origin and consolidation of empires, monarchies and republics, from the days of Romulus and Remus to the present, is measured by the limits of public tran- quility, during which nations gain their highest elevation, weakening and HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY, 239 lamentable antagonisms and international strifes causing them to sink below the level of obscurity. In addition to those already cited as having settled in the vicinity of Free- port, the following persons, some of them with their families, came in and made claims at dhTerent points in the county: Pells Manny, Alfred and San- ford Giddings, Washington Perkey, " Widow " Swanson and family, Thomas Flynn, E. Mullarkey, Henry Hulse, M. Welsh. William and Leonard Lee, Nathan Blackamore, Aaron Baker, Jehu Pile, Ira Job, Daniel Holly, Lydia Wait and family, Thomas Hawkins, John Boyington, N. Phillips, John Lobdell, L. M. and Jeremiah Grigsby, Barney Stowell, a man named Velie, Nicholas Marcellus, John Dennison, W. P. Bankson, M. D., the first physician to settle in the county, Harmon Coggeshall, James Macomber, Alonzo Denio, Duke Chilton, William Kirkpatrick, Gilbert Osborn, A. J. Niles, Sanford Niles, Sawyer Forbes, Daniel Wooten, John Reed, E. H. D. Sanborn, the Ostranders, Garrett Lloyd, Asa Nichols, Lorenzo Lee, Madison Carnefex, Phillip Fowler, D. W. C. Mailory, Joseph Norris, Thomas Hathaway, with his mother-in-law, a Mrs. Brown, James Shinkle, and perhaps two or three others whose names not having been preserved are unintentionally omitted. From this record it will be seen that the population of the county, owing to the attractions held out per se, as also to the favorable reports which had been carried back East by the videttes of the army of civilization which afterwards followed and took possession, was materially augmented. The winter of 1836-37 was a repetition of that of 1834-35. The cold was intense, and its severity to-day is quoted as one among the wonderful mys- teries of nature revealed at long intervals to the curious, if not entirely grate- ful human family. There was, as a result, very little done in the way of build- ing, or improving the land. A happy-go-lucky sort of a life was led, as most of the settlers had become comparatively comfortable, and remaining generally in their cabins, took scarcely any thought of the morrow, content to wait until the icy fetters of winter were permanently severed before arranging for future campaigns. During the fall, lands to a large amount were entered in the State of Illinois, of which a reasonable proportion was located in Stephenson County. From this, it was not unreasonable to conclude that an extraordinary tide of emigration would set in with the spring of 1837. This fired the ideas of farmers and business men with the hope of attaining fortunes suddenly, and caused almost unlimited investments ; to prevent them from becoming a drug upon the hands of purchasers, as also to invite immigration to the State, a system of internal improvements was formulated, based on the faith and credit of the State. A bill providing for the construction of railroads, the building of canals and improvement of rivers was adopted by the Legislature, and great results were expected. But these expectations were never realized. The internal improvement system collapsed entirely almost before it had been tested, the suspension of banks became frequent and hard times obtained wherever two or three had gathered together in one place. The effect of this in the State was to retard immigration for a brief period, and although Stephenson County escaped its direct effects, there is no doubt but that its growth and development was temporarily checked. Merchandising during this period was made up of the retailing of a, few groceries and necessaries, and the money received, where the trade was not a barter, was sent abroad for the payment of goods, which drained the country of anything like a sufficient currency and added to the inconveniences experienced, as also aggravated the panic of that year. This calamity, however, was not felt to any appreciable extent in Stephenson °240 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. County, say those who were here in those days, but reserved for their benefit twenty years later, when the East and West were threatened with financial ruin by the monetary difficulties which overran the country in 1857. A cursory review of the situation in the county, from the day when William Waddams came into what was then a part of Jo Daviess County, to the organi- zation of the county by legislative enactment, not five years after, reveals a condition of affairs as changed as they were singularly wonderful and encour- aging. During that period the number of inhabitants had increased in a remarkable degree. Wild and untrodden prairies had been resolved into farms under a comparatively high state of cultivation. Houses had been built of a more imposing character than Mr. Waddams believed would appear in the ensuing decade, forests had been felled, roads surveyed and towns laid out ; the water power applied to beneficial uses and "internal improvements" contem- plated, which should appreciate the value of property, increase the attractions offered immigrants and accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number. This was the situation when spring opened in 1837, and active operations were begun by the people. The first marriage to occur in the county is a question involved in doubt. Some maintain that the ceremony took place in Ransomburg during the year 1836, while others assert it was postponed until a year later. The couple united at Ransomburg is said to have been a Mr. Gage and Melindy Eels. The fact, however, is claimed by old settlers about Winslow, that the marriage of Dr. W. G. Bankson to Phoebe Macomber took place in the fall of 1836, and if any wedding had preceded that in the county they are unfamiliar with the contracting parties. A colporteur or Squire Waddams officiated upon this latter occasion, but who attended in a similar capacity at the marriage of Mr. Gage and Miss Eels, is not susceptible of proof. The first death is quoted as occurring the same year, also the first birth. The former was a son of Lemuel Streator, in the township of Winslow, and the latter, as already referred to, was Amanda Waddams, the date of her com- ing being during the month of February. All of these events came to pass prior to the separation of the county from Jo Daviess, to which they properly belong, and are only mentioned in this connection as evidence of the fact that life, marriage and death visited the homes of settlers, and that grief and joy, pleasure and sorrow, were as freely distributed as in the days which have followed. With the advance that had been made in the five years mentioned, the peo- ple were proud. Though few in number they thanked God for it ; they thanked Him that their lives were cast in such pleasant places ; they felt that their homes were established, whence they would not depart from until the summons came to join the innumerable throng marching to that mysterious realm in the dim land of dreams, and, with quiet, genial, loving promptings, united in a common cause, they contemplated the future, not as children con- template the darkness of the night, but full of hope for the days that were yet hidden in its unfathomable depth. Up to the spring of 1837 there was no civil organization among the settlers. the territory, as has been stated, being under the jurisdiction of Jo Daviess County, though, as one of the chroniclers details, but few of them knew it. The differences arising between them, when any occurred, proceeding from the disputes engendered regarding the boundaries of claims. How these were dis- posed of when arbitration failed of adjustment is known, sometimes summarily but without litigation. Industry, frugality and hospitality were the ruling rD f -7 tfsHA-Z FREEPORT. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 243 maxims among them, and they lived together in peace. Though without many of the accessories of civilization, or the comforts of life, many live to-day who regret that those days of trial and adventure are past, and the rude cabin with the rifle hanging above the entrance, possess a charm for them unspeakable. On the 4th of March, 1837, the Legislature, then in session at Vandalia, passed an act providing for the organization of the county, as follows : Section 1. — Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly, That all tract of that country within the following boundaries, to wit : commencing on the northern boundery of the State where the section line between sections three and four, in town twenty-nine north, range five, east of the fourth principal meridian strikes said line, and thence east on the northern boundary of the State, to the range line between ranges nine and ten east, thence south on said range line to the northern boundary of Ogle County, thence west on the northern boundary of Ogle County to and passing the northeast corner of the county, to the line between sections thirty-three and thirty-four, in township twenty-six north, range five east to the place of beginning, shall form a county to be called Stephenson, as a tribute of respect to the late Col. Benjamin Stephenson. Sec. 2 — An election shall be held at the house of .William Baker, in said county, on the first Monday of May next, for one Sheriff, one Coroner, one Recorder, one County Surveyor, three County Commissioners, and one Clerk of the County Commissioner's Court, who shall hold their offices until the next succeeding general elections, and until their successors are elected and qualified ; which said election shall be conducted in all respects agreeable to the provisions of the law regulating elections. Provided, That the qualified voters present may elect from their own number three qualified voters to act as judges of said election, who shall appoint two qualified voters to act as clerks. By a further provision of this act, the counties of Stephenson and Boone contrived to form a part of the county of Jo Daviess until their organization, and they were also afterwards to be attached to Jo Daviess in all general elec- tions, until otherwise provided for by law. In pursuance of this act, an election was accordingly held at the house of William Baker on the first Monday of May, 1837, at which James W. Fowler, Thomas J. Turner and Orleans Daggett were selected as judges, with Benjamin Goddard and John C. Wickham as Clerks. The total number of votes cast was 121. William Kirkpatrick was elected Sheriff; Lorenzo Lee, Coroner ; Oestes H. Wright, Commissioner's Clerk and Recorder ; Lemuel W. Streator, Isaac S. Forbes and Julius Smith, Commissioners, and Frederick D. Bukley, County Surveyor. Of these, the first officers of Stephenson County, Fred- rick D. Bukley alone survives, the remainder, it is believed, having crossed over the river, are resting beneath the trees that line its banks. On the 8th of May, the County Commissioners' Court convened according to law, at which the officers elected the week previous qualified, after which the Court proceeded to lay off the county into election precincts and dispose of other business de- manding its attention. During the session of the Court, a drunken man who was noisy and pugnacious was arrested by Sheriff Kirkpatrick and locked up in William Baker's root house, where he was kept until the liquor had spent its force, when he was discharged. If to-day an inebriated warrior in pursuit of trouble and gore should collide with an officer of the law, he would be furnished with quarters in the calaboose, and when sober charged for his accommodations at rates that would astonish the economical tipstaff of 1837. Among other orders entered on the Commissioners' book upon that memor- able occasion, was one prohibiting inn-keepers from charging more than 37^ cents for a meal, 12J cents for a night's lodging, 25 cents for a measure of oats, and the same price for a horse to hay over night. That order, it is believed, has never been repealed, but is never enforced and has become a dead letter. The electoral precincts, as then laid off, were as follows: — Rock Grove Precinct began at the northeast corner of the county and ran south six miles, thence west nine miles, thence north to the State line, thence 244 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. on the line to the place of beginning. Jonathan Cora, J. R. Blackamore and Eli Frankeberger were appointed Judges. Silver Creek Precinct commenced at the southeast corner of Rock Grove Precinct and ran south to the south line of the county, thence seven miles west, thence north, striking the line of Rock Grove Precinct, thence east to the place of beginning. Horace Colburn, N. Salsbury and Philo Hammond, Judges. Brewster Precinct commenced at the northwest corner of Rock Grove Pre- cinct, running south six miles, west eleven miles, north to the State line and east to the place of beginning. L. R. Hull, John M. Curtiss and N. C. Ran- som, Judges. Central Precinct commenced at the northwest corner of Silver Creek Pre- cinct, ran south five miles, west thirteen miles, north to the southwest corner of Brewster Precinct, thence east to the place of beginning. Ira Jones, Levi Lucas and Alpheus Goddard, Judges. Waddams Precinct commenced at the northwest corner of Brewster Precinct, ran south to the south line of the county, thence west on the county line to the west line, north on the line to the north line of the county, and east to the place of beginning. John Garner, William Waddams and Othniel Preston were appointed Judges. Freeport Precinct began at the southeast corner of Central Precinct, ran south to the south line of the county, west to the east line of Waddams Pre- cinct, north to the south line of Central Precinct, and east to the place of begin- ning, with Seth Scott, A. M. Preston and L. 0. Crocker, Judges. The act creating the county also authorized Vance L. Davidson, Isaac Cham- bers and Miner York to locate the county seat, appointing them Commissioners for that purpose; and as soon as their appointment, together with the object, was promulgated, the fun began in earnest as to where the court house should be located. Propositions for the county seat were submitted from all parts of the county where any approach to a settlement had been made, and the advantages offered by the several claimants were no doubt urged with a pertinacity that equalled eloquence. The principal rivalry, however, existed between Cedarville, then in futuro, and Freeport, which by this time contained as many as half a dozen houses, a store, saloon, hotel and other adjuncts of progress. On behalf of the former place its locality was urged as one of the principal arguments. It would, when built up, occupy the center of the county, within easy reach of the most distant citizen. In addition to this, there were other features of excel- lence which were not presented by Freeport or any other mooted point. But the claims of the latter place carried the day, the argument advanced by William Baker being that the site for the court-house should be donated, sup- plemented by the assurance that each of the Commissioners should receive a lot. This inducement, the Rev. F. C. Winslow thought, influenced the judgment of the Commissioners, and biased their decision in making the award. At all events, they concluded upon Freeport as the most available site, and in June, 1837, issued the following proclamation as the result of their deliberations: We, the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of the State of Illinois, to locate the county seat of Stephenson County and State aforesaid, have located said Seat of Justice, on the northwest quarter of Section 31, in Township 27, north, Range 8, east of the Fourth Prin- cipal Meridian, now occupied and claimed by William Kirkpatrick & Co., William Baker and Smith Galbraith. Whereunto we have set our hands and seals this 12th day of June, A. D. 1837. (Signed,) V. L. DAVIDSON. ISAAC CHAMBERS. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 245 When the agony was over the people returned to their usual avocations, and though it was alleged that the Commissioners had acted inequitably in the premises, no one has been found, in the light of subsequent events, to condemn the policy adopted on that occasion. The next most important event in the -history of the times, was the first marriage solemnized according to law after the county was organized, and requiring the issue of a licence to make it legally binding. The parties to the contract were Eunice, daughter of William Waddams, and George Place. The happy couple selected the anniversary of American In- dependance, 1837, for the celebration of their nuptials, and enlisted the services of Levi Robey, Esq., then acting as a Justice of the Peace. He tied the knot presumably with neatness and despatch, and Mrs. Place yet lives to relate the fact. She says there were no jollifications had upon this memorable occasion ; that she and her consort continued on the even tenor of their way, and never regretted the benediction which made them one. She now lives in the house her father built forty-eight years ago, on the road from Nora to McConnell's Grove, enjoying a ripe old age and all the comforts to which she was then a stranger. On the 24th of the same month James Blair was married to Kate Marsh at the residence of James Timms. William Ensign opened a school in Mr. Timms' residence the same summer — probably the first school taught in the county after it was laid off. On May 24, of this year, Harvey M. Timms came to light in his father's cabin, and is generally distinguished as the first birth. The first deaths reported were those of Thomas Milburn and a man named Reed, who had but recently come into the county, and their tragic ending caused feelings of sympathy and gloom to prevail in the neighborhood where the accident by which they met their fate occurred. It seems that they were employed in cultivating a corn patch a short dis- tance west of the present village of Ridott, on the opposite side of the Pecaton- ica, which they were accustomed to cross when proceeding to work, by means of a " dug out." One morning, in the spring of 1837, the men, accompanied by a step-son of Thomas Crain, embarked in their treacherous ferry and shoved out into the stream. During the passage the unwieldy barque capsized, precipitat- ing the unfortunate trio into the swollen waters. Reed and Milburn were una- ble to swim and sank to the bottom, while Wooten, the young man who started with them, reached the opposite shore, narrowly escaping the end which attended his companions. The survivor hurried to arouse the settlers, who hastened to the scene of the accident, and, after dragging the river without results for sev- eral hours, finally recovered the bodies. The only hearse procurable was a large emigrant wagon, in which, drawn by a yoke of oxen, they were taken to the highest and dry est spot near by, a grave dug, and they laid reverently in. Hazel brush was placed on. the bodies, and the grave filled up. A few days after, one who had assisted at the burial, on going to the grave, found that prairie wolves had dug in so far as to bring up a portion of the fustian pants in which one of them was dressed. He procured a block of wood, which he drove into the opening, after which it remained undisturbed, and is remembered as a landmark, visible for a long distance, by travelers on the prairie. On the 5th of December, 1837, a contract was concluded between the County Commissioners and Thomas J. Turner for the erection of a frame court house and a jail of hewn logs. The timbers were gotten out during the winter, under the direction of Julius Smith, and the premises in part completed the following summer. From 1838 to 1870 the old "justice shop " stood in the square on Stephenson street, and served the purpose for which it was erected, without 246 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. decay. Twice it was struck by lightning, which splintered some of its timbers, but in each instance repairs restored its safety and left it without a scar. The old building passed through a world of experience in its day, but was finally removed to give place to the splendid structure which now ornaments its site. An impetus was added to immigration this year, and all the material interests of the county prospered, notwithstanding the dark and troublesome times which were being experienced in more populated communities, where wealth and happiness had given place to actual want, and anticipations yielded place to discouraging realities. These were the effects of the panic. Indeed, it may be safely said, that in spite of the numerous drawbacks which new corporations inevitably encounter, the year 1837, in many respects, yielded the first intimations received by settlers that good would come out of Stephen- son County in a future not too distant to discourage. A prosperous period it was insisted upon was dawning. The farmers closed their year's labors with a consciousness that these labors had not been altogether vain, and determined to so improve the opportunities offered by the ensuing season that their profits should be liberal. To this portion of the community, at least, the prospect was cheering. The location of the county seat but confirmed to their minds the predictions regarding the future they had ventured. The contracts let for public buildings would create a demand for labor, attract emigration, cause money te be disbursed, create a larger demand for their products and cheapen the price of necessaries. Nor was this all. The county, then devoid of roads, would in a short time be supplied, and farmers would be able to market their com- modities with some assurance that they could go there and return home without exhausting the proceeds of their sales. Nor was this all. The value of lands appreciated, and the sales of claims effected, if so desired, at prices which seemed extravagant ; mail facilities would be improved, and means of communication increased. The accomplishment of these desideratums would do much to dissi- pate the feeling of solitude and desire which come upon the most courageous for temporary change. Freeport began to assume the appearance of a village, and New Pennsylva- nia, known as Bobtown, but of late years as McConnell's Grove, had been laid out by Dennison and Vanzant. At the former place a number of houses had been put up, and considerable trading carried on at the village store of 0. H. Wright. Business there was generally concluded while it was light; when night spread its wings over the scene, merchant and customer, factor and planter, were usually at home, and the "city " was left to darkness and vacancy. Amusements were not indulged. The necessity for labor to provide the staff of life precluded pleasantries of any but a kind seemingly indigenous to new countries — including raisings, quiltings and the like. Schools, with sparse attendance and the most ordinary curriculum, had been established in some portions of the county, and services were held by traveling preachers whenever an opportunity was afforded. Their edifices were frequently " God's first temples," and the congregation made up of residents within a circuit of many miles from the point of occupation. The Rev. Father McKean, it is believed, preached in Freeport, this year, the first sermon by a regularly ordained min- ister, in the village, and some say that Judge Stone convened court in 0. H. Wright's residence, which was in the rear of his store. When the court house was partly finished, it was devoted to religious as well as judicial purposes, its occupation being divided between the various sects then seeking converts, on the ground, and was so appropriated until the several denominations were domiciled in quarters of their own. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 247 Among the large number who came into this section that year, there were some who have left the impress of their labors and characteristics so pronounc- edly that they are distinctly remembered after the lapse of nearly half a cen- tury. Prominent among these was Dr. Thomas Van Valzah, who came from Pennsylvania, the pioneer of a class of people, the "Pennsylvania Dutch," who followed in his footsteps, and, purchasing large tracts of land in the county, have attained to wealth and importance by their indefatigable industry, keen foresight, economy and perseverance. As farmers, speculators making investments, heads of corporations, bank presidents, and citizens, they have everywhere commanded the public confidence and a decided success. Dr. Van Valzah settled on a claim within the present site of the village of Cedarville, which he purchased of John Goddard, and at once began the erec- tion of a saw and grist mill. These were completed in November, 1837, and were the first of the kind put up in the county. The latter was supplied with one run of stone and a " chopper." The mill was at first operated by hand- power, but within a year of its completion water-power was substituted. The establishment has been conducted since, though the old mill building long since yielded precedence to a handsome structure, at present owned by Hon. John H. Addams. During the summer, Nelson Martin opened a school in Freeport, and some of his pupils still remember the "deportment " he enforced, more particularly that attending their disobedience of an order issued by him prohibiting the scholars from testing the supporting qualities of the ice upon the Pecatonica when that stream was frozen over in the following winter. In other portions of the county an imperfect system of education had been introduced, and was attended with beneficial results. In short, this year, as al- ready remarked, was a year in which rapid strides were made in the direction of an independence that only required time to develop fully. In addition to Freeport and McConnell's Grove, there were other settlements which sought the felicity of villages. " Irish Grove," in Rock Run Township, and " Dublin," in the Township of Erin, were sprouting into significance as the Celtic residents of both places made improvements and cultivated the graces of peace, supple- mented by a moderate degree of prosperity. Too much cannot be said of the Irish residents of Stephenson County. None are dependent, while many of them own and cultivate large farms, and all are industrious, law-abiding and reputable citizens. A temperance organization exists in Dublin, which enjoys a generous membership, and wherever this nationality predominates it exerts an influence for good. The sons and daughters are educated to fit them for the duties of life. As one of the early settlers of that race stated to the writer, he was determined that his children should not be deprived of the advantages that were denied him in his youth. Two of the oldest churches in the county were built and supported by them, and the religious influence exerted by the congre- gations is not surpassed by that of any other organization in the county. The arrivals this year included, among others : Joseph Musser, Isaac Dev- eley, Thomas and Samuel Chambers, William Wallace, a Mr. Moore, Joseph Osborn, Daniel Guyer, Pat Giblin, Miles O'Brien, a man named Corcoran, Hiram Hill, John Howe, I. Forbes, John Milburn and — Reed, whose deaths by drowning in Pecatonica River are related above, Stewart Reynolds, Sanford Niles, John Tharp, Jackson Richart, Saferus Snyder, Joseph Green, Charles Macomber, the Rev. Philo Judson, Cornelius Judson, S. F. M. Fretville, Alfred Gaylord, the Rev. Asa Ballinger, Phillip and Warner Wells, Henry Johnson, Oliver and John R. Brewster, Isaac Kleckner, Ezra Gillett, Joab Morton, James 248 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Turnbull, " Father " Ballinger, Hector C. Haight, who became a Mormon, Jacob Gable, Valorus Thomas, George W. Babbitt, John Edwards, Levi Lewis, John Lewis, Rezin and Levi Wilcoxon, Caleb Tompkins, the Farwell Brothers, the Brace family, Garett Lloyd, Harvey and Jeremiah Webster, Sybil Ann Price, Samuel F. Dodds, Robert T. Perry, Robert and Wm. Lashell, James and Oliver Thompson, Jacob Burbridge, Samuel and Marshall Bailey, Martin Howard, John Harmon, a Mr. Graham, Alonzo Fowler, and some few others. Marriages, births and deaths were more numerous, owing to this increase in the population, there being several of each recorded in the county that year. But there was much to mitigate the inconveniences experienced by those who had come two years before, whose comfort was augmented by those who came after, and com- pensated in a measure for the trials they had been called upon to previously endure. The old year floated away into the past, leaving behind it pleasant mem- ories of hopes realized by a people who had been more than prospered during its career. The new year bended above the prostrate form of 1837, cast dead flowers over what had passed to nothingness, and, gliding in through the open door scattering blossoms in its way, renewed unto the people the pledges which had already been recorded, but lay buried in the ashes of years. Among those who came in 1837, Maj. John Howe should not be forgotten. He had been a member of the New York Legislature, and came West with the close of his official term. His influence in Stephenson County was wide-spread, and he was regarded as a man of the most brilliant attainments. After filling the offices of County Commissioner, County Judge, etc., he emigrated to Wis- consin, where he died. His daughter married L. W. Guiteau, long a prominent resident of Freeport, where he died during the month of July, 1880. With the opening of spring in 1838 the tide of emigration again began to flow in slowly, tis true, but of a character, as the sequel proved, the reverse of transient ; for those who came, settled, and contributed their efforts toward building up the country. Commercial interests increased in Freeport, which by this time bore evidences in its buildings and increase in population of possi- bilities in the future. The uncertainties born of the financial crisis of the pre- ceding year had been dissipated, and were succeeded by a feeling of confidence which found expression in investments made not only in the future city but the surrounding country, while improvements were projected and completed at a number of points. These were the reverse of ornamental as a rule, architect- urally speaking, yet they relieved the primitive surroundings of tiresome monot- ony and added the spice of variety to scenes otherwise characterized by too much sameness. No change was made in municipal or county affairs, and schools were sustained by private subscription to the absence of legal assess- ments for their support. Religious services continued to be held, and the num- ber of worshipers visibly increased. Good order was the rule, though in Free- port, which was made the rendezvous of that class of men who direct their steps to communities of recent date, the law officers were often compelled to enforce the statutes by arrest and confinement in jail. But the innumerable trials to which the pioneers were subjected were by this time lessened, and the cases of actual suffering more remote. The men were strengthened by the experience through which they had passed, and timid women became brave through combats with dangers that had been real. The constant struggle for the means to sus- tain life had brought with it some incidents of ease and luxury, and it was not until many years after, when the distance to market and the cost of transporta- tion absorbed the proceeds of the crops, that settlers were reminded of the days HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 249 that had once been dark. Mills were accessible, and, instead of resorting to "gritters" or the improvised pestle and mortar for an unsatisfactory quality of meal, or obtaining a modicum thereof for home consumption at the expense of a fatiguing journey, meal such as is prized to-day for its purity and health-giv- ing properties was easily secured at the Van Valzah, Kirkpatrick and other mills that had been completed meanwhile. In the olden time of the settlement of Stephenson County, heads of families were obliged to visit the mills at Galena, na, Peoria and elsewhere for their grinding. The slow mode of travel by ox teams was rendered still more prolonged by the utter absence of roads, bridges and ferries. In dry weather these embargoes were sufficiently discouraging, but when the rainy season was at its height, or during the breaking up of winter, these troubles became dangers. To get mired in a slough was no uncommon occurrence, and often a swollen stream would blockade the way, when if the traveler was unable to cross, he was obliged to have recourse for his object at other points. In dry weather they got along better, but in winter progress was next to impossible. The utmost economy of time, too, was necessary, for often, when the goal was reached after a week or more of toilsome travel with many exposures and risks, and where the applicant was anxious to return to his fam- ily with the least possible delay, he was not unfrequently disheartened with the information that his turn might come in a week. When his "turn" came he must be on hand or miss his " turn, " and, when the anxious soul was ready to endure the trials of a trip back, his heart was heavy with the thoughts of how affairs had been at home. It is interesting to trace the relation between the present condition of the county and the first acts of its first settlers. The beauty of the landscape to- day, proceeding from the industry of a later generation, has its seminal princi- ple in the events of the first years of the county's settlement. The ambition that their children should be educated, for which they permitted themselves to be assessed, was a fit prelude to the zeal for the adoption of a system that has since obtained. The persistence of Father McKean, the Revs. Winslow, Bol- linger and others, in maintaining religious services under difficulties, was the germ from which have sprung the churches, and promoted public morals and order. To these agencies, more than all others combined, is due, not only the production of material wealth, but the thrift and refinement for which Ste- phenson County and her inhabitants are characterized. The difficulties referred to were in a degree banished with the approach of 1838 ; their benediction was pronounced with the close of 1837. The country was no longer a frontier. Business was an established fact. Farms were in a high state of cultivation, and all that would aid in hastening the advent of days of prosperity was combined to that end. What a metamor- phosis ten years had wrought ! What a contrast between 1827, when Kellogg came timorously into the country, and 1838, when that country, freed from Indian occupation, was comparatively thickly settled. This year elections were held, and the first Assessor, L. 0. Crocker, inducted into office. He was a most excellent man, who came into Freeport among the first to locate there, and engaged in merchandising. Well fitted to discharge the duties of life in whatever position he might be assigned, he was intrusted with many important duties and generous enterprises, and found faithful in all. He died many years ago, but not until he had witnessed the growth and advancement of the city from infancy and penury to age and wealth. During the early administrations Of the Assessor, every species of taxable personal property was listed. The cradle and the winding-sheet and the 250 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. coffiin were doubtless excepted, but nearly every other necessity, not to say luxury, from a prairie-breaking team to a $12 watch, was made to pay tribute, and that, too, as high as the law permitted. The man who carried a time- piece of measured value, was compelled to pay 6J cents for the privilege, and three of the richest men in the county contributed $2 each to the support of the county on the watches they owned. Hubbard Graves was Collector, and the total amount paid him in his official capacity footed up $96 and some cents, the rate being about 45 cents on each $100 assessed value, which would give the assessed value of personal property in the county in 1838, about $21,333. At the election this year the voters were more numerous than had par- ticipated in that held when the county was organized. For example, in Ridott Township, the election was held at Daniel Wooton's house, with the host. John Hoag and William Everts, Judges ; Horatio Hunt and Harvey Waters, Clerks ; who, with D. W. C. Mallory, Philo Hammond, Giles Pierce, Zebulon Dimmick, William Barlow, Pat Frame and S. Forbes, constituted the number who were entitled to exercise the privileges of the elective franchise. The day there, as elsewhere, was made one of rejoicing. At Wooton's house a barrel of whisky was provided, and frequent resorts to its contents had a tendency to elevate, if not inebriate the company. All maintained a commendable condi- tion of sobriety, however, save one, whose capacity to resist the effects was disproportioned to his appetite for the beverage. As a consequence, when night came, the gentleman was oblivious to passing events, and scarcely able to maintain his equilibrium. During the day — an inseparable incident of all elections — the rain fell in torrents, and, when it came time to disperse, the route home was over shallows and/ull of difficulties, aggravated by the semi-incapacity of some to travel, and particularly the merry little gentleman under considera- tion. He crossed the river in safety, where a hill, the sides of which had attained the consistency of thin mortar by the action of the rain, opposed his advance. Like as a war-horse, while cavorting in peaceful solitudes hears the strains of marshal music, pricks up his ears and snorts and paws and kindles at the sound, so did the intoxicated citizen joy in the knowledge of his powers to overcome the difficulty. But he counted without carrying the fractions, for a trial was concluded with the subject on his back in the mud, the object of merriment to those who witnessed his fall. But he was a man of heroic mold, and, like Antseus, renewing his ambition with defeat, he raised up, a most laugh- able spectacle, and tried it again. The second attempt was attended with similar results, as was the third, until some of his neighbors crossed over to where he was and assisted him home, where he was tucked into bed and left to sleep oif the effects of his too frequent absorbings. It was in 1838 that the first house was built in the present village of Rock Grove ; a schoolhouse was put up in Freeport, and Hiram Eads built a hotel in the same town, and, on the Fourth of July of that year, invited the entire country for miles around to take dinner therein. The celebration here indulged in 1838 was the first of the series since celebrated in the county. Preparations were made for a proper observance of the occasion weeks prior to its arrival. The Rev. F. C. Winslow was quite active in perfecting arrangements, as, also, were Benjamin Goddard, Isaac Stoneman, 0. H. Wright, Allen Wiley, William Baker, the Truax boys, Abe Johnson, and, in fact, the patriotic citizens generally. For days before the Fourth, the Rev. Mr. Winslow had a class in training to sing ballads of Revo- lutionary memory and a national ode, believed to have been specially composed HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 251 in honor of the event. This class was composed of Miss Cornelia Russell, now Mrs. T. J. Hazlett. and residing^in Freeport, Eliza Hunt, Marion Snow, Mrs. Amelia Webb, who subsequently married Hollis Jewell, and others, and it would be no exaggerated statement of the case to inform modern choristers that their efforts, including the Ode to Columbia, were received with pronounced mani- festations of pleasure. Benjamin Goddard's barn was selected as the forum, where the Declaration was read with proper emphasis upon each syllabic reference to liberty. 0. H. Wright, it is believed, delivered an oration, after which, dinner, dancing and the pursuit of happiness as each particular celebrant individually inclined. The year 1838 is remembered by the settlers of that day in connection with the tragedy which occurred in what is now Oneco Township, resulting in the suicide of one of the Lott family while laboring under a fit of temporary insanity. The cause of this diseased mind could not be ascertained, nor could any but the most meager particulars be obtained from presumably reliable sources. At all events, according to the drift of these statements, it appears that Lott, while invested with one of the constantly-recurring paroxysms manifested, left his home unbeknown to any of the family, who were cognizant that he had inherited the malady, and maintained a watch upon his movements, and, proceeding in the direction of Jonas Strohm's farm, in Section 27, disap- peared from view. He had not been gone long before his absence was noted, and a general search made for his whereabouts by members of the household, assisted by Alonzo Denio and others of the neighbors, who happened to be in the vicinity. After some delay, he was overtaken, but not until he had hanged himself to a tree, and was almost dead when found. He was cut down, it is said, by Alonzo Denio, and every effort made to resuscitate him, but without accomplishing the desired object. The spark of life was too feeble to be restored by the means improvised or the remedies employed. The scene of his immolation is almost in sight of the present home of Duke Chilton, half a mile distant from the village of Oneco, and was regarded with curiosity not unmingled with superstition for many years after. His tragic taking-off caused a feeling of gloom to pervade the vicinity, from the effects of which recovery was not immediate. The first marriage ceremony by a minister of the gospel was celebrated early in February of this year, the happy pair submitting their affections for community purposes being Thomas Chambers and Rebecca Moore. The Rev. James McKean, better known as "Father McKean," officiated, and pronounced them man and wife at John Moore's cabin, in Rock Grove, on property now owned by Levi Kiester. The cabin was but twenty feet square, yet in these contracted limits not less than forty guests were gathered as witnesses. The event was considered as of distinguished importance, and was attended by resi- dents in the county whose homes were some of them at a distance of eighteen miles from the scene of festivities. At the close of the services, cake, wine and music were dispensed with, and the couple settled down to the realities of life without any of the memories that chaperone brides of to-day when they launch their barques on the tempestuous waves of matrimony, hoping to float with the tide and escape all hidden obstructions. These are some of the incidents of the times, but, while they were occur- ring, labor was not suspended by the architects who were engaged in those days laying the foundation for that magnificent superstructure which was to rise therefrom. The sublime promise ventured by its prophetic infancy was being gloriously realized unto Stephenson County, as day succeeded day, and months 252 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. cycled into years. The hours of travail and despondency in which that infancy was passed were gone — glimmering phantoms, school-boy dreams — to yield place to days of rejoicings, when hope's most generous fruitions were fully realized to the confidences that had been reposed. But improvements were not entirely confined to Freeport, as would be naturally imagined, though that municipality was particularly favored in this respect. The court house was in progress of completion there, the company of Kirkpatrick, Galbraith & Co., had been nearly constantly occupied in putting up buildings or providing for future operations. Benjamin Goddard was occu- pying the position of Boniface at the Mansion House, erected by himself. There were three stores in the town, to which an addition was made in the fall of 1838 by L. W. Guiteau, etc., etc. The country tributary was proportion- ately fortunate, and as proportionately benefited. The area of cultivation was increased and its quality improved by the introduction of valuable aids. While the labor of preparing and laying by the crop was thereby diminished, plans were incubating that should revolutionize the machinery employed at harvest, and found expression a year later, when a four-horse threshing machine was first used in the county. Hamlets came into being, and towns, which had been heretofore laid out were platted and divided up into lots. Ransomburg, the first of the list which became flourishing cities in imagination, but finally sank into oblivion, was approaching that period of decay when its lease of life could be extended no further. A half-dozen residences, Way's school, Stewart's and Ransom's stores, and probably a blacksmith shop, made up the aggregate of improvements, and less than half a score of inhabitants were enumerated in the bills of mortality. But its decay and final dismemberment, and the ultimate reduction of its site to agricultural purposes, produced no effect upon the army of enterprising men who had settled in the county, and were ambitious of distinction as the found- ers of towns. If anything, hope was stimulated and lived upon the almost certain results of the future. Robert McConnell, who drove a herd of cattle into the county about this time, purchased the title of Dennison & Vanzant to the town laid out by them in Waddams, which he named " McConnell's Grove," erected a store for trading purposes, and as a means of attracting settlers, which he stocked with goods purchased at Galena and hauled them to their final destination, over hills and sloughs, and remained in charge until the hopes he had nursed for days to come had become resolved into disappoint- ments. Immigration in 1838 was, as it should be, greater than ever before. The flattering inducements held out for honest toil were not passed by unavailed of. The men who composed the incomers were, as those who came in before them, bred to the business of farming in the quiet old homes of New England, and the precedent established by Dr. Van Valzah encouraged a liberal quota of citizens of Pennsylvania to come hither. In addition, the number of foreigners was visibly increased, and what is claimed as the first Catholic Church in the county was that year erected in Irish Grove, though this is disputed by the commu- nicants of the Catholic Church in Dublin. But those were days of romance in church affairs, and a decision of the truth in the premises is remitted to the dis- putants. The political views of the people then were not as pronounced or generally expressed as in later years. Indeed, politics and political manipulations did not concern them to any but a very limited extent. Among the pioneers of any new country, there will always be found a class of political adventurers who HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 253 seek in new fields the life of ease and accumulation of property they were un- able to secure in commonwealths established and indebted to the efforts of others for their independence, and there were no great political questions which, up to this time, divided the people. Politics was consequently more personal, and suffrage was bestowed more as a favor than to promote the public weal. The candidates represented the Whig and Locofoco parties, and, though the people almost to a man voted, it was not until 1837, when the murder of Eli- jah P. Lovejoy, at Alton, created the first impressions of the antagonism that were felt. This feeling grew apace with advancing time, and, though the democ- racy were often triumphant, and the party contained some of its ablest repre- sentatives from Stephenson County, an expression of the general opinion was delayed until the repeal of the Wilmot Proviso and the dissolution of the Whig party gave birth to the Republican party, which has obtained in Illinois for nearly a quarter of a century. But at the time we speak, politics was a most insignificant factor in the daily walks of life, and in 1838, at least, bore no ap- pearance to what it is to-day. The arrivals that year included Robert Sisson, H. G. Davis, John Walsh, John and Thomas Warren. Isaac Scott, Samuel Liebshitz, Christian Strockey, with two sons, Chauncey Stebbins. F. Rosenstiel, P. L. Wright, William Preston, Louis Preston, Matthew Bredendall (Thomas Carter, Isaac Rand, Samuel Bogenruff, L. L. Pitcher, a man named Lathrop and some others settled about this time in Kent), Lewis Gitchell, David Gitchell, Philo Hammond, Ezekiel and Jacob Forsythe, John Lloyd, Putnam Perley, Ezekiel Brown, John Brazee, Christian Clay, J. D. Fowler, James McGhu, Adrian Lucas, Newcomb Kinney, Charles A. Gore, Hiram Gaylord, Cornelius and Jonathan Cowan, Alexander Allen, John Bradford, Thomas Loring, Columbus and Ichabod Thompson, Elias and Edward Hunt, and some others, doubtless, but lack of memory prevented the securing of their names. Taken for its all in all, the year 1838, was one of success for Stephenson County, paving the way for the important events which followed in the years that succeeded. The season of 1839 was, in very many respects, regarding settlements and improvements, a duplicate of 1838. The machinery of government moved noise- lessly and effectively, and among the improvements put up was a building on Luman Montague's farm, in West Point Township, to be devoted exclusively to school purposes, the first of the kind appropriated to that object in the county. The building was long since torn down, but the site is there, visible to the passer-by from Nora to Bobtown, on the farm now owned by H. C. Montague. The court house had been made ready for use, and the log jail, when necessary, was guarded by citizens, the same not having been sufficiently completed at this time to safely house prisoners. At one time this calaboose was filled with prisoners, received the addition of a man arrested for horse-stealing in Winnebago, and bringing his stolen property to Freeport. He was ar- raigned and called upon to plead, when his counsel moved to quash the indictment and discharge his client. The motion was demurred to, but with- out avail, as the document was defective, and no other course was left to the Judge but direct the issue of an order providing for the prisoner's release. At this critical juncture his Honor adjourned court without tak- ing action in the case, and a young man hastened to Rockford for the pur- pose of procuring a warrant for his return thither. Arriving at Rock- ford about midnight, he forded the river for the purpose of finding a Justice of the Peace, but just as he came out of the water he was met by a vigilance 254 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. committee on the look out for horse-thieves, and narrowly escaped the punish" ment usually administered to one of that gentry. He was able to convince them of his identity in time to avoid the impending penalty, and, hurrying to the residence of a Justice, procured the document he was after. With this he returned to Freeport, in time for the opening of court in the morning, when the defective indictment was quashed and the prisoner discharged, but at once re-arrested and taken to Rockford, where he was tried, with the usual results. It might be here observed that horse-thieves and rattlesnakes were among the most dangerous foes settlers had to contend with. The former were cunning in attack ; the latter fatal. Horse-thieves might be prevented from operating, but the bite of the rattlesnake was instant death in comparison. Every effort was made to kill off both, but without much satisfaction until the country became more generally settled, and the land-owners were, by associations and mutual-aid organizations, enabled to control one of these classes of cormorants. The horse- thieves infested every part of the country that promised returns, and counties bordering on the northern line of the State were particularly annoyed. The gang carried on their felonies so deftly that it was difficult to catch them in the act, and by the time discovery was made they were too far in the lead to induce pursuit. If, however, they were pursued, it was rare to over- take them, or, if captured, it was after they had disposed of the booty to an accomplice, who pushed across the Mississippi and sold him to a purchaser in the mines or one about to visit the interior. A pair of these scoundrels visited the farm of Conrad Van Brocklin, in the town of Florence, upon one occasion, and came remarkably near getting away with a pair of fine blooded horses Mr. V. B. greatly prized. It was during the afternoon, and the horses were quietly feeding in the pasture. Sud- denly Mr. V. B.'s attention was attracted to the efforts of the thieves, and, comprehending the situation, he started to prevent them from executing their designs. But they succeeded in eluding his pursuit for the time being, and, procuring the assistance of Mason Dimmick, Van Brocklin started in their wake. The villains, however, had gotten considerably in advance, and but for one circumstance would easily have escaped. One of the horses had a peculiar dread of crossing a stream of water, and could not be made to enter a stream. The thieves had no bridles for the horses, and this rendered their escape the more difficult. At the first stream, the stolen steeds came to a dead halt, and no amount of persuasion or severity could influence them to budge. When Van Brocklin and Dimmick came in sight, both horses were abandoned, and the scoundrels sought security in the fastnesses of the swamp. In the mean time it began to grow dark, and both escaped. Samuel Smith, of Lancaster, was depredated upon in this manner, and never recovered his stock, as they were transported to the Mississippi and were never more heard of. These are individual cases, and fairly illustrate the actual state of affairs existing at the time. The moccasin and American rattlesnake were found in every part of the county — in the fields, the woods, barns, etc., even taking refuge in sheaves of grain. Their bite was fatal, though remedies abounded, which, if taken in time, occasionally postponed the coming of the Man on the Pale Horse ; but if they were neglected a brief time, the victim was condemned. One day a settler in Rock Run started off fishing, accompanied by a neighbor and mem- bers of his family. While perambulating the banks of the Pecatonica, one of the lads, as he thought, stubbed his toe, and uttering cries of pain, his father HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 255 hurried to examine the extent of his injuries. He saw, at a glance, that the boy had been stung by a " racer," and, returning home as rapidly as possible, summoned a physician in the vain hope that immediate treatment would coun- teract the effects of the poison before his system became impregnated with it. But efforts were useless ; the life of the lad set with the sun. On another occasion, an Irishman was plowing in a field near Rock City, and while so occupied was bitten in the calf of his leg. At a distance from medical supplies, and realizing the danger encountered by delay, he whipped out his knife, and, cutting a piece out of that portion of his limb affected, continued his labors, and lived many years after without experiencing any serious effects from his collision with the reptile. These instances will index some of the many dangers that crossed the path- way of early settlers, and left their several marks. To-day, snakes and horse- thieves have become dead issues. At times they indicate their presence, but are speedily suppressed without loss or injury. In the spring of this year, a Norwegian colony came from across the sea. and, landing in America, pursued their journey to Illinois, settling in Rock Run Township, of Stephenson County, the first representatives of that nationality who came to the United States to remain. Some months before, an agent of these people visited the States and making a general canvass of the ad- vantages offered in the South and West, returned, after deciding upon the section subsequently occupied. A portion were husbandmen, and at once took up claims ; a few were mechanics, and worked at their respective trades. All were industrious, thrifty, economical, and soon conquered a competency, which descended to their children, who, in professional, mechanical and agricultural lines of life, have not only done well, but deserved confidence. The character of the men who became identified with the county in 1839, was in keeping with that of the best who seek the extended field of operations afforded by a new country, where they can, by the exercise of diligence, industry and careful management, control their own destiny more acceptably than in regions which are already established, and revere the memory of men who are afterward regarded as the marks and models of the times in which they lived. Such a man was D. A. Knowlton, Sr., who settled in Freeport at this period. From small beginnings he amassed wealth and became an influential man, not alone in the county and State, but in the Northwest. The following story, indexing the quality of customers he occasionally had to deal with while engaged in merchandising, he related himself at the Old Settlers' meeting, which convened at Cedarville, in August, 1875 : "You know, " he began, " that I was always called a sharp collector. One day, a man by the name of Charley Hall came into my store with an order for goods, but he wanted more goods than the order called for. I said, ' Charley, I cannot trust you; and "no" is a word I can always say in business matters. ' 'But,' pleaded Hall, 'let me have them, Mr. Knowlton, and I will pay you next week. ' I then made the following bargain with him : 'If you do not pay me the balance as per agreement, I shall have the privilege of kicking you every time I see you until the debt is paid.' For several weeks the countenance of Hall did not grace my store ; but after a while he appeared, and, walking into my store, I said : ' Charles, I would like to see you a moment outside, ' and when out I gave him a very violent kick. Hall turned around and said. ' Knowlton, what's that for ?' ' According to agreement, ' says I. The sequel to the case was that Charley a few days afterward brought a load of corn to me 256 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. in payment of the debt, which I received and placed to his credit. I afterward learned that he was trusted for the corn by the farmer, in order to avoid any further indorsements of my contract. It is unnecessary to add that the farmer was never paid for the corn. He endeavored to wash two hands with one, and washed the farmer's. " Mr. Knowlton, during the latter years of his life, was the head of a banking house in Freeport, which, since his death, has been conducted by his sons. On the 29th of August, 1839. affairs had become settled, and the machinery of government in the county to operate without friction or jar. Among other evidences of civilization and the desire to emulate the example set by older places, was the convening of the Circuit Court for the disposition of routine and litigious business. But this latter, beyond actions instituted on behalf of the people, was confined to making orders relating to appeals from sub- ordinate courts. On the date above indicated, the first session of the Circuit Court of Stephenson County was commenced, the Hon. Daniel Stone, Justice of the Sixth Judicial District, presiding; Hubbard Graves, Sheriff; John A. Clark, Clerk. The bar was occupied with attorneys from distant points, there being none of the profession at that time resident in the county, and none came until the Hon. George Purinton arrived, on the last day of the old year 1839. The lawyers in attendance were mostly from Galena, and included Mr. Hoag, Thompson Campbell, probably E. B. Washburne, with one or two others, who traveled the circuit, making but a precarious livelihood, but establishing a practice which, in after years, was more than remunerative. At the same term of court, John C. Robey and William H. Hollenbeck appeared in open court to be qualified, and their appointment as deputies were duly entered upon the Court Records. Previous to this a Grand Jury was impaneled, consisting of John Howe, Luther F. Hall, Samuel F. Dodds, Levi Wilcoxon, Joseph Lobdell, Pells Manny, A. B. Watson, Mason Dimmick, Levi R. Hull, Robert Barber, Newcomb Kinney, Jonathan Corey, Phillip Fowler, Thomas Crain, Loring Snow, Eldridge Farwell, Giles Pierce, D. W. C. Mallory, Job S. Watson, J. K. Blackamore, Thompson Wilcoxon, Edward Marsh, and Alpheus Goddard. The petit jury was composed of Frederick D. Bulkley, John Goddard, John Vanepps, Rodney Montague, Mason Dimmick, J. H. Barber, James Hart, Bartholomew Fletcher, Samuel Nelson, James Canfil, Thomas Early, and Joseph Green. The first case submitted for adjudication was that of Asa B. Ames vs. Jacob Stroder, on appeal ; but as the appeal had been taken before Stephenson County was judicially organized, an order dismissing the same was entered, and plaintiff mulcted in costs. On the 27th of August, John O'Connor and Jackson Bushkirk were in- dicted for the crime yet prevalent, horse stealing, and, being unable to fee coun- sel, Thompson Campbell, assisted by John C. Kimball, was appointed by the court to conduct their defense. But a change of venue was taken by the ac- cused to Jo Daviess County, and the readers are denied the privilege of infor- mation as to what measure of punishment was awarded them. Other cases were called at this session, and more satisfactorily disposed of, among which was the case of the State vs Robert Compton et al., for riot ; also against Hiram Walker, for horse stealing. The defendants in both cases were convicted, and Walker was sentenced to the penitentiary for four years. He was escorted to Alton and served out his term. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 257 The court adjourned on the same day it was convened, until the next court in course. On April 7 and September 7, 1840, it sat again in Freeport with the same Judge and officers, remaining in session two days during April and three days in September, after which the court was abolished. It might here be observed, speaking retrospectively, that settlements made in the county as late as 1839 were exclusively confined to timber belts, the settlers using prairies, which were beautiful beyond description, for pastures and ranges for cattle. They were almost universally of the opinion that these broad plains would never be cultivated, but be used almost exclusively for the purposes to which at this time they were devoted. When a change came over the spirit of their drean s, and compelled the conclusion that the prairie was a natural garden, which only required " breaking " and harrowing to " blossom like the rose," farmers had recourse to them for cultivation, and a repetition of hardships, though of a different character from those described in an earlier portion of this narrative was remarked. The sod of the prairie was exceed- ingly tenacious and hard to break up the first time, testing the capacity of the cattle employed for that purpose not more than the patience and endurance of the farmer. The usual method was with a breaking plow, provided with a wheel in front and a lever to gauge the depth of the furrow, so that the cumber- some contrivance needed no guiding hand to control its direction. To this five or six yoke of oxen were hooked, and, urged on by the gad, completed consider- able work during the day. The plow generally cut a furrow from twenty to twenty-two inches in width by from three to five inches in depth through the wiry roots of grass, and turned it over like a long black ribbon, without a break for rods, unless the "shear " was thrown out by striking a root. This rarely happened, for the blade of the plow-shear was kept sharp by grinding and re-filing at the end of nearly every row. When the " breaking " up was concluded, the soil was harrowed until it became mellow, when it was ready for cultivation and planting. These fields have grown into unfailing springs of wealth, owing to the close observance of their needs by the farmers, their constant application of systems of cultivation, and the employment of other means essential to their development and liberal yield. The year 1839 concluded the decade in which the settlement of Stephenson County was accomplished, and its woods and broad prairies transformed into acres of productive land. The wigwam of the Indian had been exchanged for the rude cabin of the settler, and that, in the brief space of time recorded, for the more comfortable and commodious farmhouse. Acres had been put to seed, forests cut down, roads laid out, and towns built supplied with every auxilary that in the times whereof mention is made, could aid to render life endurable. From arbitration and the decision of disputed points by agencies, recognized as extra- judicial, courts had been established to which appeal was had. Schools had succeeded the primitive methods adopted for an equally primitive education, and in the minor affairs of the day a change had been wrought as wonderful as it was complete. The settlers who came in during the year 1839, were : Joseph R. Berry, W. P. Cox, A. A. Mallory, Lewis Gibler, William Van Matre, Joseph Van Matre, Jr., Henry Corwith, Allen Curry, Sylvester Langdon, Thompson Cockerell, Charles H. Babcock, George H. Watson, William B. Hawkins, Ross and Anson Babcock, John Karcher, Lewis Woodruff, Solomon and Jacob Fisher, a man from the lead mines by the name of Drummond, Peter D., George and John Fisher, Calvin Preston, J. S. Patten, John Kleckner, Conrad Epley, Edward Pratt, M. Flower, M. Smith, Uriah Boy den, Thomas Bree,. 258 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Martin Muller, Patrick Flynn, Patrick Flynn second, Michael Flynn, Thomas Hawley, William Marlowe, probably Benson McElheney, Henry and Jacob Bordner, John Brown, Robin McGee, James McKee, Samuel Templeton, John Price, Peter Fair, Daniel Zimmerman, Robert Price, Jacob Hoebel, A. Gund, Valentine Stoskopf, Jacob Shoup, Jacob Bardell, D. E. Pattee, " Jock " Pattee, M. L. Howard, a man named Judkins, who settled in Silver Creek, 0. Stabeck, Ole Anderson, Canute Canutson, Covert Oleson, Ole Covertson, and a noble army of enterprising martyrs, whose names and records have been forgotten in the whirl of events. In 1840, the population of Stephenson County was quoted at 2,800, of which 49, resided within the corporate limits of Freeport. The county contained ten schools, with an aggregate number of 170 scholars ; five grist and nine saw- mills ; five professional residents and other agencies of progress, religious, edu- cational and material, though there was no church and it was not until nine years later that a house especially devoted to the service of God was erected in the city. In all the departments of life, however, with but one exception, a healthy feeling was to be observed. The county was measurably improved by the open- ing and cultivation of farms, and Freeport was to enter upon a prosperous period, during which it would become a formidable rival of similar organizations in the State. Permanent buildings of architectural excellence were to grace the streets. Schools, churches, academies and other aids to the development and accretion of wealth were to lend their presence, and flattering prospects attend the efforts improvised in these connections. The stream of population would continue to flow in a resistless tide into this favored land, and business, to use a Westernism, would be " booming " before the decade had run its course. There were some who might have thought that it would be difficult to carry out these schemes, and were inclined to assert they were Utopian — to express astonishment that men, presumably so wise in worldly matters, should have attempted to combine so many projects. But they were not heeded when they gave expression to the reflections of their prophetic souls, and uttered prophecies of Cassandra import. The men who had undertaken the execution of these designs possessed unceasing, restless activity, unbounded curiosity, a craving for new knowledge, ever incubating plans that should develop into startling and original results from their stores of experience and observation, with patience, industry and power of endless labor were the marks of that beauty of the mind which many inherited, and to which the name of genius is given. These were the indexes, when judged by the standard of modern times, which marked dar- ing reformers, as they were. They were victorious over hardships, yet the victories won were only means to an end, the perfect conservation of all forces so completely that the highest order of progress would be brought forth, gather strength and mold the character of the people. The travels of Herodotus, the expedition of Xenophon through Asia Minor, the conquests of Alexander, and the discoveries of Columbus opened up Asia, Egypt and America not more freely than did the master minds and muscular brawn of the early settlers open up the wealth and resources of the Northwest. Morally, the towns and surrounding country were in a reasonably satis- factory condition. The lawlessness and violence peculiar to other sections were nowhere visible, or, if at any time previous pronounced, had been softened through the benign influences that had been exerted in later days. Courts in 1839, irregular and "new to the business," became regular in their sittings and dignified and expeditious in the dispatch of business. The laws were more (DECEASED.) FR E EPO RT HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 261 rigidly enforced, and penalties more unflinchingly imposed. Outlaws and bandits, however, occasionally indicated their presence at intervals, and sought to disturb the law and order which prevailed, by the assumption of prerogatives in harmony with their inclinations and characters. This class was, as a rule composed of adventurers and gamblers, who, with horse-thieves and vagrants generally, had been run out of the lead mines, and, halting long enough at a safe distance from the scene of banishment, endeavored to defy opposition to their practices, but failed ignominiously, and received the extreme penalty of the law as a testimony against them. From 1840 until 1846, indeed up to the building of railroads, the growth of the county, as compared with earlier years, was slow. Other portions of the West were sought by settlers, particularly the lead mines, and received accessions more rapidly. One cause of this was the absence of markets. The population was engaged almost exclusively in agriculture, and after farms were opened there was but a moderate sale of their products for this reason. Settlers have been known to take a load of pork to Mineral Point, where it was disposed of with difficulty at $1.25 per hundred weight, and occasional shipments of grain were made down the Mississippi from Savannah, which practice continued up to the very period, when railroads were operated in the country. These flat- boats were laden with produce and floated down the river to New Orleans, unless a market was found en route, and disposed of. The cargo being disposed of, the flat was sold for the lumber it contained, when the merchant who had shipped the venture, together with his supercargo or clerk and laborers, beo-an his wearisome journey homeward. A partial market was found in the lead region, but as productions increased that market became overstocked, and prices decreased so that the transportation of commodities thither could not be made to pay. The same can be said of the Chicago market, though for a different reason — the distance. Chicago was at that early day beginning to be an important factor in the building up of the West. It was the point at which settlers procured their final outfits, and the market to which farmers transported their grain for sale. The means of conveyance was a lumber wagon drawn by four or five yoke of oxen, the driver pasturing his cattle at night by the wayside, himself camping out and cooking his meals. If he succeeded in progressing over horrible roads, or surviving the crossing of seemingly impassable sloughs and reaching his long journey's end, he was extremely fortunate. Not more so, however, if he was able to find a customer to whom a sale of the grain could be effected at 50 cents per bushel. Whenever he was able to control their patronage, he returned with a load of merchandise for the merchants of Freeport, for which he received a nominal consideration of store goods. Occasionally he found a family of emigrants, who, having reached Chicago by way of the lake, were waiting for the means of conveyance to continue then- trip. In such cases the household goods of this -'lucky find," together with the emigrant and his wife and little ones, were laden on the wagon for the return trip. Such a cargo was a bonanza to the teamster, for passage was invariably cash. With such difficulties to encounter, and the low prices paid for commodities, together with the extravagant charge made for many of the necessaries of life, it is not surprising that wealth was not rapidly amassed. As a compensation for these disadvantages, land was cheap. The broad prairies, which proved to be the finest farming land in the State, were held at a price within reach of the most impecunious. The suggestion is frequently made to some who came at an early day and are yet comparatively the reverse of independent, as to the reason why they failed to invest and wait for a rise ; 262 • HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Why it was that they were not possessed of the colossal fortune which might now have been theirs had they but invested their moderate resources in land. The answer to both these interrogatives invariably has been that they came here in search of moderate resources and didn't bring it with them. Among those who came subsequent to 1839, not including those who settled in Freeport, there were : John, Reuben, Levi, Adam and Michael Bolander, George and Jacob Maurer, VV. P. Naramore, Joseph Barber, Andrew Hinds, D. A. Baldwin, Captain Knese, Thomas and Adam Wilson, Christian Bennett, John Flynn, the Babb family, Mathias Ditzler, George House, John Lamb, Warren and Anson Andrews, Horace Post, Truman Lovdell, William Barkalow, Thomas Foster, Joseph Rush, Samuel Shiveley, Henry Loyer, Reuben Tower, William Schermerhorne, Frederick Gossmann, John Hammond, Nathan Ferry, Charles W. and Robert Barber, Frank Maginnis, Benjamin Illingworth, J. B. Clingman, George and Philip Reitzell, Henry Wohlford r John Frybarger, Richard Parriott, Jr., Franklin Scott, George Ilgen, Eddy, Cyrus Woodman, Isaac Miller, Lyman, William and Nelson Hulburt, John Clarke, Joseph Norris, Seth Schockley, Henry Rybolt, with numberless- others. MORMON MEDDLINGS. In the spring of this year the Mormons, or Latter-Day Saints, a religious sect with which the world has since become familiar, made their advent for the first time into the State of Illinois. The representatives of the doctrines taught by Joseph and Hyrum Smith had been guilty of crimes in Missouri of a charac- er different from that included in the polygamous tenets expounded from their pulpits, in consequence of which the indignation of the warlike Missourians had been excited to a degree that compelled their leaders to flee to Illinois, where they took refuge in Hancock County and commenced the building of Nauvoo. The accounts furnished by the saints of the cruel treatment they received at the hands of their enemies excited feelings of sympathy for what was then thought to be a Christian body of men and women, suffering in the cause of religion. This sympathy found expression in various ways ; among others, by the pass- age of a bill providing for the incorporation of the city of Nauvoo and confer- ring extraordinary powers upon its municipal officers, including the military and constabulary. Thus protected, the Mormons began in Illinois a career of missionary work which has attracted thousands to their fold at the sacrifice of every sentiment of self-respect and the regard of all mankind. The emissaries of the sect were dis- tributed throughout Illinois and States contiguous thereto, with results that were made apparent by the annual increase of population in Nauvoo. The proselytes were by no means the ignorant classes represented as the converted of late years, but educated, reasoning men, with their families. The meetings, it is said, held in Stephenson County, were quite respectable, but conversion was accomplished by means entirely dissimilar to those adopted by other denomina- tions. There was little public speaking, the missionaries having recourse to- private interviews and personal solicitation to accomplish their miracles. The result of their labors was not, if report in that behalf is predicated upon fact, pro- portioned to the means used or the diligence and energy exercised. The saints were thick as lice in Egypt, according to report, but were unable to perform miracles as was Moses, and departed from Stephenson County, wise in their expe- rience, but. impoverished as to results. True, there were some who accompanied them, notably Hector C. Haight, of Jefferson Township, and a settler named Shumway, residing in the northern part of the county. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 263 Both Haight and his wife became charmed with the teachings of Joe Smith's agents, if the sermons of this religion can possess any charm for a man above mediocrity, as Haight is represented to have been, and disposing of his possessions in Jefferson, he with his family crossed the Mississippi and made one of the number of martyrs, who, a few years after, suffered all the pangs of the inquisition in their weary pilgrimage across the plains to Salt Lake. For years nothing Avas heard of him, and the pioneer settler in Jefferson Township was forgotten in the hurry of life at home. But after a season, reports came of his success, which, upon being investigated, were found to be far more than the baseless fabric of a vision. He had prospered in temporal affairs, and spiritually he was above the vainglory of this world. He was one of Young's trusted advisers by the "Salt Lake's sad waves," and his wife had become a leading spirit in the revivals and meetings held in Zion. Both had increased the number of " sealings " to be found in Brigham's domain, but not without money or price. A short time back they re-visited the locality of their early residence in Stephenson County, upon which occasion they expressed an unal- terable and abiding faith in the religion they embraced, and, though it is said they pictured the lives led by the elect of Salt Lake citizens in glowing colors, none were influenced thereby or persuaded to return with them. ******** In the history of Haight's apostasy to the cause of morality and good government, the writer had forgotten Shumway and his less prominent com- panions. Well, so much the better. He was never heard of, however, after being " led astray " by Latter-Day Saints. In this year the town of Oneco, in Oneco Township, was laid out under the direction of John K. Brewster, and Orangeville, within sight of Oneco, was also surveyed about this period by John M. Curtis, though its platting and building up were delayed until 1846, when John Bowers came in and estab- lished the place. But it was to Oneco that the sanguine hopes of Mr. Brewster, Mr. Corwith and others, were turned in lively anticipation of what that town would become. These hopes, as is known by the world and the flesh resident in Stephenson County, were doomed to disappointment. The eligible site was never improved to its utmost capacity, and the water privileges that it was thought would become unexhaustible and invaluable, were never availed of. A church, schoolhouse, post office, one or two stores, and other indications of life, survive the flight of time, and the proud man's contumely, to illustrate to a later gener- ation the beginnings of what might have been. Before the year 1840 had run the race set before it, the county was com- mencing to show good results of the years of labor that had been expended upon its improvement, and it promised, upon its advent into the fourth year of its existence, to do more than had been done during the years that had rolled into the past. "Let there be light," was the first word of the Creative Power, and "Let there be light" must remain the motto of every future development. The year was remarkable for many improvements, and an increase in the num- ber of farms that were occupied and cultivated. Very little can be said con- cerning the emigration hither, for, beyond the fact that some come in, its meas- ure was not in any ratio with what it should have been. This was due to the causes cited, more than the absence of large numbers who were only waiting for the sign that was to move them to change their several camps. The popu- lation was increased very slightly, as will be inferred, and did not, during the entire year, receive accessions of more than two hundred to the number already 264 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. there. The post office, which was established at Freeport a year before, was not an unfruitful source of comfort and convenience to citizens throughout the county, as they were by its means enabled to communicate with their friends more frequently than when Thomas Craine was accustomed to carry the mail once or twice a month to Freeport. A stage line had been in operation for some time at this period, and the inspirations of delight that were felt when the bugle was sounded, need but to be referred to to be recalled. The notes brought back a consciousness that its auditors were not altogether beyond the pale of civilization ; that a trip of two days and two nights, and the expend- iture of a round sum of money, would carry one to the heart of the city, where he might be brought directly in communication with scenes and incidents to which he had been theretofore a stranger. And no doubt there will be many who read these lines to echo their truth and be carried back to days when they made their first trip to Chicago, arriving in the city and stopping at the old frame tavern on Lake street, near the river, as the day was declining into evening. The fact that there was no material increase in the population during 1840 would argue the conclusion that there were, comparatively, no improve- ments. This was generally the case outside of towns, but not altogether so in Freeport, and other less pretentious but more ambitious bailiwicks. Freeport then had about sixty houses, divided into stores, saloons and residences, the major part being, of course, devoted to the latter purpose, with a population, within the present city limits, of about fifty families. With this meas- ured showing, the town aped the manners of a city. Saloons were maintained, and gambling was indulged without limit. John Barleycorn reigned in those days more generally in proportion to the number of the inhabitants, than he does now, while the Tiger of Pharaoh was a beast that roamed abroad freely, and, though no one was ever known to fear him, there were many who retired wounded after encounters with his strength and skill. Secret societies and granges had not at this time become objects either of curiosity or interest to the people, and the square and level were as yet in the unborn future. Temperance societies, were in existence, though, and had been for two years. Not that there was a vital necessity for their existence, for the early settlers were not topers. But they came into being as the settlers came into the county, doubtless, for the enjoyment of life, liberty and pursuit of hap- piness, in which trinity of objects they were aided by patrons and admirers. Along in 1838, L. W. Guiteau made a pilgrimage to the present town of Cedarville, where he was to deliver a temperance address, at the invitation of A. Goddard and others. At the time appointed, a snow storm was prevail- ing, and, though Mr. Guiteau disliked to go there, he went, and was confronted by an audience of fifteen or twenty, to whom he spoke with reference to the advantages to be derived from a practical application of the doctrine of total abstinence. This was the first speech ever delivered in the county on the sub- ject, but the work of reform begun upon that night, amid the storm and sur- rounded by many, very many, discouraging circumstances, has grown in strength, and, stretching out its sympathetic arms, has since gathered into its folds many of the loved and lost of Stephenson County. Two years later, the Rev. F. C. Winslow and John A. Clark headed a temperance movement in Freeport, holding sessions of an order of Crusaders in a little room over a saloon, at the corner of Galena and Chicago streets. From these insignificant commencements, the cause of temperance has increased each year, until HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 265 to-day it is a power for good in the county, including among the members of its organizations some of the most capable, intelligent and educated influences in this portion of the State. The amusements of the people, for by this time amusements had become more general, were naturally, by reason of the limited resources in their behalf, confined to a class of entertainments requiring preparations and expenditures by no means elaborate or extravagant. With some, dancing was a species of pleasure, indulged upon appropriate occasions, and there are a number of ladies residing in the county to-day, married years ago, who well remember the sharp, frosty nights, upon which they mounted a horse and galloped off" through the brisk air to attend a dance in some distant log cabin to the inspiriting notes of a fiddle manipulated by Daniel Wooton, "Professor" Clark, or musicians of equal skill and repute. Sleigh-riding became a favorite amusement in time, as did skating, while the elegant accomplishments were made up of the house- hold duties with which the girl of the period, to whom gilt is gold, and curb- stone wit philosophy, is entirely unfamiliar. To those who regarded dancing as an evil to be avoided, quiltings and sociables were substituted, and no doubt contributed a fund of humor to the company attracted. The circus was never known in the county until along about 1842, and it was years after that, before the lecturer or facial contortionist came along and paved a way for the building of a theater to accommodate tragedians very much crushed, limp disciples of Comus, the ballet, the minstrels or Little Buttercup and Pinafore. The public health was never quoted in those days, and sanitary commis- sioners, harmless as doves, but without the wisdom of serpents, were reserved for the future to delineate. Physicians were somewhat of a rarity, too, and, when sickness prostrated settler after settler, these indispensable adjuncts to com- fort and consequent happiness were without leisure. The complaints suffered from in those days were generally of a kind indigenous to a new country, being made up of chills, ague, intermittent and other fevers that most always yielded temporarily to remedies. Senna, salts, quinine and calomel were staple com- modities kept by storekeepers, and it was a rare occurrence when they were without all of these articles. The patient was most generally charged with compounds of which the constituent parts were as above indicated. While his system remained thus impregnated he was free from ailment, but let him sus- pend a dose and the last stage of his disease was worse than the first. This liability to attack remained until the lands were drained and cultivated, the forests cut down, and pure air substituted for the miasmatic vapors that proceeded from rank vegetation and the swamps. When these improvements were gradu- ally completed, they brought health to the frames that were palsied by sickness and bloom to cheeks from which the color had long since fled. The waste places were built up and the lands were made to bud and blossom again. Society, it might be here observed, was such as is peculiar to a new country, and, while there were many marriages, there were also many bachelors, living by themselves, and, with fewer women to reverence than in older settled constituencies, there may have been a lack of reverence for women. But there was an absence of scandal, either of a private nature or of the weakness of public characters, which cannot be otherwise regarded than as a compensation. For the absence of agencies, which, while they may conduce to enjoyment yet promote infelicities, is to be desired and commended. This condition of affairs is not only natural but inevitable, in new countries where the first fight is for life, and the masculine quality predominates. But with the 266 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. progress made, and the civilizing influences that come with Time, the feminine nature increased. It crept in everywhere, in men and women alike, in intel- lectual culture, in art and social intercourse, refining and hallowing the atmos- phere of every-day life. In affairs of public morals, of education and religion, it created a healthy progress. The New England element was largely repre- sented, their Puritan habits softened by association with the free life of a young settlement and its cosmopolitan inhabitants, though preserving the best quali- ties of decency, order, justice and constant progress upward in morality and virtue. As the ratio of production increased, the ratio of comfort and pros- perity grew, and as productive enterprises were ventured, the country was benefited by an increase in the amount of capital seeking investment. Coun- tries, like individuals, are great only as they are teachers, and the history of early settlements in the Northwest shows that they are great because they have taught that there are mines of treasure to be gained by industry and per- severance, and that rich gems of blessing will be laid bare to the toiler. With the progress made, as cited, the history of Stephenson County enters upon another year of its existence. This year would contain many new features, it was thought, and be an improvement upon the one that had closed. The people had met discouragements in years gone by, in opposition from sections possessing greater inducements for settlers, but were never overcome by them. They had encountered difficulties which are always strewn in the walks of life. In place of being vanquished, these awoke their sleeping energies and set them to working with increased determination. Their resources were tested, and the metal of their composition tried in the fire. They realized that the earth was not a Paradise, but put forth thorns at every season. They also realized that labor and perseverance conquer every opposition, surmount every difficulty and overcome misfortune. They were taught these lessons in the schools of experience, and guided in the future by the admonitions they impressed. During 1841, there was absolutely nothing to discourage the people or make them to rejoice with exceeding joy. No event of importance, it is believed, occurred to startle the nation or paralyze the public. If human agencies were lacking of contributions toward perfection, Dame Nature continued to act in her blandest, most beneficial mood, lavishing her gifts to promote the welfare of all, the productive soil yielding abundantly of every farm staple intrusted to its keeping, and the forests giving up their choicest growth for building, fencing and other purposes. The falling-off in the number of emi- grants, begun the previous year, was continued, and improvements were, as a rule, confined to the villages. The professions began to be more freely repre- sented this year, and some who have since left the impress of their characters upon the years that followed, identified themselves with the county from 1889 to 1842. But few remain to recount the difficulties that met them at every turn, or how dangerous a thing to them the "little learning" they possessed often proved to be; but they survived opposition, and became powerful advocates and accomplished scientists in after days. One of these gentlemen, who has since occupied distinguished positions on the bench and at the bar, related to the writer a scrap of his experience when first landing in Freeport. It was almost at the close of the year, and the wintry sky hung lowering and repellant. With ten shillings in his purse, a few books, and a still less generous wardrobe, he dismounted from the "jumper" at Mr. Goddard's Mansion House, and contemplated the immediate future, as may be imagined, with no very cheerful conclusions. As a matter of course, he began to climb the HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY, 267 hill, and it was many days before he halted for the rest and encouragement occu- pation begets. But the day came wjien forensic eloquence was demanded, when, to express it in the spirit of the day, the present Judge was in town, where he has since remained, honored and enriched by the practice which he obtained. He long since attained the summit of professional prosperity, but in his days of retirement he often recurs to his entry into Freeport as among the most event- ful, if not the happiest, of a life that has been passed amid scenes as varied with sunshine and shadow as a day in June. During the early period of 1842 there were no changes, either in the tem- poral or spiritual surroundings of the situation in Stephenson County to report. But, as the days came and went, they were characterized by events out of the ordinary channel in which the lives of settlers and citizens had previously •drifted. The payment of interest on the public debt had been abandoned, and the financial embarrassments of the State began to be felt. To add to the dis- tress of the people, State banks were beginning to grow " shaky," and finally to collapse. There was no trade, and business stagnation was complete. Values declined, and the agricultural portion of the community were unable to dispose of their crops, except at prices that entailed a loss on the cost of pro- duction. In this crisis, the farmers of Stephenson County, and merchants of towns located within her boundaries, though not entirely unscathed, suffered less than points more thickly settled, and from other causes susceptible to its influences. But there is no doubt that emigration hither was lessened, though some of the choicest spirits ever associated with the county's history came in during this period. WALLACE SUICIDE. During the summer of this year, an old settler named William Wallace, who had settled in the county five years before, suicided by hanging at the edge of Rock Grove, and died before he was discovered. His neighbors regarded him as insane from infelicities, with the exact import of which no one could be found who was familiar, and, while thus oppressed, he had sought in the unknown world that peace of mind denied him here. He was discovered, it is said, by some lads traveling in pursuit of cows, who advertised the fact to the few settlers in the vicinity, by whom he was cut down and buried almost in sight of the tree under which his troubles were dissipated with his life. Notwithstanding the tight times made mention of, the county was regarded as a terminal point of great excellence by residents of the Eastern States and elsewhere, and agents from communities contemplating emigration to the West were to be found here prospecting and making examinations of the resources, with a view to submit reports that should be acted upon by those who had commissioned them. This was not confined to the Eastern States alone, but extended to foreign parts. It will be remembered that the Nor- wegians, who settled in Rock Run about 1839, adopted this policy before deter- mining upon settlement, and their judgment obtained in other countries of Europe — for example, in England. In the spring of 1842, the inhabitants of farming shires there empowered an agent to visit America and select a location where they could secure land at reasonable rates, that, by the employment of the same means which at home gave them only a tolerable income, they might be enabled to amass a competency. Acting upon these instructions, he visited Illinois, and was so impressed with the inducements offered in present Ridott Township, that he advised the colony to settle there as possessing every advan- tage that could be had at home, in addition to many inaccessible in England, even 268 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. to those in easy circumstances. The communication containing this ultimatum was received, and, after some delay devoted to deliberation, its adoption was decided upon, and preparations were inaugurated for the journey. These completed, sail was set, and a colony, consisting of about twenty-two, landed at their future home in Ridott Township, on the 28th of August, 1842, and established themselves in the timber near the present village. They were composed of the sturdy class of English yeomanry, under whose watchful care and taste Devonshire, Sussex and other vicinages have prospered, to-day abounding in scenes of exquisite beauty, with groves, gardens and residences that charm the beholder, inspiring him with emotions of the sublime and beau- tiful, and educating the heart to reverence the gifts of Nature and Nature's God. The settlement made here was inhabited by this character of people, who have aided most liberally in the improvements of that portion of the county, some of whom reside there still. In many cases, they are the propri- etors of vast estates, which are highly cultivated, and stocked with the choicest specimens of improved breeds. Their houses are commodious, substantially built, provided with libraries and centers of comfort. Industrious, with much of that geniality and bonhomie recognized as characteristics of cultivators of the soil, they have done a great deal to develop the section in which they settled, by the appropriation of improved systems of agriculture, the large crops they have laid by, and the air of independent comfort made manifest in their sur- roundings. The original settlement remained intact for about one year, when the com- munity of interest which prevailed was interrupted and never afterward resumed. Death visited the home of one and left his mark upon its posts. A wife who came to the new world sickened and died before she scarcely realized the change, but, amid strangers and scenes unlike those she had come from, closed her eyes in death. May it not be, however, that in her cabin in the wilderness, where she may have lingered through the night unconscious of friends around her, she heard a strain of the mysterious harmony from afar, in the midst of dreams of England, the long path across the ocean and friends and home ? This event, with others of a similar character that followed in its wake, bred a feeling of discontent and loneliness that comes when frail mortality has run its race and the golden ripple comes back no more, which precipitated a dissolution of the band and distributed its members over the West. The separa- tion came gradually, however, and it was not until two years after their coming that the surviving members left the rendezvous rendered sacred by associations and mournful memories. Many remained in Stephenson County with results already quoted, whose worth and standing are as pronounced as they are the fulfillment of a promise always pledged to industry and enterprise. The English colony was the largest addition to the inhabitants at any point in the county this year, it is believed, Freeport included. Settlers visited other portions of Stephenson, it is true, and some remained, but the large proportion that it was a few years before expected would make the county an abiding place, failed to materialize either in numbers or frequency of arrivals. The reasons for this were doubtless due to hard times and bad roads, though, as before remarked, the hard times did not produce that distress in this as in other counties and States. This was owing to the fact that the people, as also the county, having been accustomed to pay as they went, were comparatively free from debt. The failure of fresh arrivals, however, disturbed no one ; the farm- ers continued to labor for the development of this "beautiful land. " Schools, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 269 to cultivate the intellect of the growing generation to educate its uses, and religion to inculcate a respect for morals not less than for self. The merchants increased somewhat in number, as did their business, and they looked forward to a time, in the near future, when their days of probation would be over. Mechanical industries, though, had by this year, begun to assume a prominence in keeping with the times- Wagon and carriage shops were accessible, and that class of work obtained without resorting to lengthy trips and submitting to scores of inconveniences. Blacksmith shops had been established where once they were unknown, and agricultural implements were substituted where a few years before their use had been ridiculed. The season of 1843 was, in point of material prosperity, an improvement over the previous year. Additions were made to the population, farms became more productive, though markets were as far beyond reach as they had been, farmers being still compelled to draw their wheat to Chicago and receive a price per bushel totally disproportionate to the cost of raising, thrashing and trans- portation. Yet the opportunities to obtain loads on the return trip were more favorable and paid better, for building in Freeport and at other localities was becoming more general, and not unfrequently the material was procured at Chicago. The lead mines were still visited occasionally, when the settler was in a hurry to dispose of his crops, but as markets they ceased to bear so impor- tant a relation to the county as had existed in earlier years. The spring was passed amid bustle and some disorders incident to the resumption of business and farming, and summer came and went without any apparent diminution in these particulars — not disorders involving violations of law, for this was not permitted by the orderly residents, but the hurry and carelessness evidenced where business is paramount to all other considerations. The composition of the emigrants who came in this year was remarked as gratifying. They were as a rule substantial men, untainted by association with adventurers, who seek to conquer adversity without reference to the means employed in that behalf. In the fall, when the crops had been gathered and stacked, and an account was taken of the season's profits, if a very small balance remained to the credit of the producer, it was gratify ingly exceptional and encouraging. THE BOARDMAN MURDER. This year witnessed the first murder reported in the annals of Stephen- son County, that is, after the county was incorporated as such. The scene of the tragedy was a farm in Rock Grove Township, at that time owned by Daniel Noble. It seems, according to report, that Noble employed a man to assist him about the farm, by the name of Boardman. The relations existing between them were of a character that, when the latter mysteriously disappeared, Noble's state- ments were received without dispute. One day in the fall of the year, Noble and Boardman took their guns and started off on a hunt, remaining absent for a day or so without exciting distrust. One afternoon Noble turned up without his companion, and, upon being interrogated as to his absence, stated that, hav- ing tired of the point at which he resided, he had made up his mind to seek a location elsewhere. He had departed in the direction of, and asserted that he was going to, Wisconsin. Previous to separating, the missing man handed a watch to Noble and requested that he would deliver it to Mrs. Boardman, with the assurance that when he was established he would send for her. The gun, it was said, he had carried off. The winter passed without hearing from the absent one, and, though anxiety was expressed among the settlers as to the cause, no suspicion was directed toward Noble. The spring came and went without 270 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. aught happening or being done to solve the mystery of Boardman's continued and prolonged silence. As summer appeared, with the dawn of June, a query was addressed to many in this connection, calculated to assail the innocence of Noble, and put him upon the defensive. One afternoon, Mr. Marsh, a neigh- bor, was engaged in the discharge of his farm duties, when his sense of smell was assailed by the stench of corruption, and he hastened to ascertain the cause. After a brief search, his efforts were rewarded by the finding of a human skel- eton in the brush, so decayed that it was beyond recognition, yet bearing marks indicating that he had met death by violence. Mr. Marsh detached the skull from its connection with the body, and, proceeding to Noble's premises, exhibited his "find" to the latter, who was engaged in threshing in his barn. His appearance upon being confronted with the spectacle was calculated to con- firm previous suspicions, and after consultation it was decided to arrest him on the following day, or as soon thereafter as a warrant could be obtained therefor from Justice Frank eberger. In the mean time, Noble directed his wife to get ready, and that night he quietly disappeared. Mrs. Noble he left at her fathers, in Ogle County, while he proceeded to Dixon, where he left his team, thence to parts unknown. He was never arrested, and the death of Boardman, in all probability a victim to the unsettled condition of affairs at that day, or the turbu- lent passions of man, has always been involved in mystery. A correspondent of the Madison (Wis.) Express, traveling through this country about that time, gives his impressions of portions of the county through which he passed, as follows : " Since I have been here I have been about the county considerably, and have become well convinced that it is well deserving of the high reputation it has attained, of being one of the very best counties in the State. From Rock- ford to this place (Freeport), the road passes through one continuous prairie, with the exception of a grove about one mile in length. The prairie is quite rolling, in many places amounting to hills, with an uncommonly rich and fertile soil. There is in this county less waste land on account of sloughs or marshy places than in most prairie countries with which I am acquainted. Yet the land is admirably well watered, there being a clear creek nearly every mile, wending its way through the prairie to the Pecatonioa. These, I am told, originate in springs, the water being always clear and pure, and the streams never dry. The banks of the creeks are usually high, and the land, on either side of the water's edge, is perfectly dry. A heavy body of timber is to be found on the north side of the Pecatonica River, the best growth I have ever found in the State. It is mainly oak, but in many places we find a great variety of heavy timber." The population of the county was then supposed to be somewhere between five and ten thousand, and was "rapidly increasing." The amount of wheat raised in the county, that year, was upward of fifty thousand bushels, which talked well for a county that had been settled a little less than ten years. It was but ten years since Mr. Waddams erected the first cabin, and what vast changes time had wrought ! Since that day, though, the progress of the county has been far more rapid — far beyond the wildest expectations of the most hopeful enthusiast. The five thousand inhabitants have increased to nearly ten times that number. The prairies, with scarcely a cabin to vary the monotony of the landscape, now present unbroken chains of the finest farms in the country, ornamented with mansions and buildings. The dirt roads and corduroy tracks, with their lumber wagons and " prairie schooners," have given place to the railways and palace cars. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 271 The following year, 1844, was characterized by the arrival of a class of settlers who were possessed of some means, and desirous of investing a portion of what they brought with them in lands, to hold the same until it appreciated in value, when sales could be eifected with profit. At that time, F. D. Bulk- ley was Recorder of the county, and, in the discharge of his official duties appertaining to the position, he was sometimes assisted by his daughter and niece. These young ladies, though almost constantly occupied, were ever ready to assist the pursuit of knowledge by strangers who were endeavoring to trace a chain of title, and generally had little time to devote to anything else. These visitors were quite numerous, and many of those who came in at that time and became real-estate speculators have remained, and are now large land-owners. About this period, the troubles arising between purchasers and claimants first found open expression, and sometimes reached a state of affairs that could only be likened to a combat between the cats of Kilkenny, or worse. As will be remembered, these troubles grew out of the land sales at Dixon, and were pursued until one of the contesting parties had reached the end of his worsted. In these sales, the doctrine caveat emptor should have obtained, but did not apply. The purchaser of a claim by no means secured possession of his property by the payment of the purchase money. If its location impinged upon the claim of an old campaigner, or rather one who had come in at an early day and borne the heat of the battle, he was decided in his refusal to yield the coign of vantage to one who came on to the field when the victory was won. In many of the townships the fight between claimants and purchasers was prolonged and bitter. If the purchaser insisted upon maintaining his title to the property, he was met by opposition which endangered his remaining, and in all cases realizing this fact, he generally abandoned the field of occupation to his foe, and departed for other scenes. There is no recorded case of homicide grow- ing out of these disturbances, but these may have been avoided by the surrender of him whose alleged right was disputed. An instance of this is to be found in the case of a resident of Rock Run, who innocently became a trespasser, though he claimed title to lands purchased at Dixon. His neighbors, including the Seeleys, Carnefex, Webb, Davis and others, so interfered with his occupation that he was compelled finally to abandon the land and go elsewhere. These troubles, however, were finally compromised, and long since ceased to exist ; but, while they were active, nothing short of civil war, say those familiar with its ramifications, could equal the land contests for bitterness and refusal to yield. There were many other annoyances to which these same people were subjected, long after the introduction of civil process, and the establishment of courts ; but they have not occurred during late years, and need only be referred to as among the incidents of life in the West at an early day. Among those who came in 1844, was the Hon. John H. Addams, President of the Second National Bank, and as prominently identified with landed as monetary affairs. He settled in Cedarville, where he purchased the mill built, in 1837, by Dr. Van Valzah. He has represented the district, in which Stephenson County is included, in the State Senate, is the father of railroad enterprise in Stephenson County, and of the extension of lines to points that were thereby benefited. In all the departments of life he has sustained a character above criticism, and is esteemed not more for his unimpeachable integrity than his enterprise and public spirit. The year 1845 was not different from 1844, in any of its salient features. The prospects were no more discouraging than had been those of that year, and the improvements had kept pace with the times, though the rush of emigration 272 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. and the influx of money was not by any means proportioned to the wishes of the people. Farmers were yet obliged to market their products in Chicago, and put up with treatment that enforced a belief that their lives were not nearly so independent as they were considered by men who contemplated them from a distance. Little had been done even at this late day, to render the roads passable, and, when teamsters en route to Chicago or other distant points found them to be in a condition that forbade their attempting to proceed, they unloaded, and, returning to Freeport, waited until the weather and improvement of the highways permitted them to renew the attempt. This entailed a second loss in the depreciated value of the quality, which, with that estimated by the purchaser in Chicago, had a tendency to diminish the area of cultivation, and turn atten- tion to other sources of revenue which would not be so severely assessed. The coming of railroads, however, a few years later, rather equalized the necessities of both planter and factor, and removed this embargo to progress and wealth. MEXICAN WAR. Before the close of 1845, the dispute with Mexico, consequent upon the admission of Texas, became so open and apparently beyond the powers of diplomatic agents to adjust, that war between that nation and the United States was only a question of time. This was what came, as all remember, after robberies and outrages had been perpetrated under the cloak of official sanction, involving the loss of millions of dollars' worth of property to Americans resi- dent in Mexico and upon the border. When hostilities were begun, a call was made for volunteers, apportioned mostly to the Western and Southern States, and the requisition from Illinois embraced three regiments. When this proclamation was promulgated, and reached Stephenson County, it created an excitement and enthusiasm only equaled by that precipitated by the firing upon Sumter. Age forgot its crutch and labor its task ; and youth, rank and genius rushed into the lists, anxious to be of the number who should follow the eagles of another Cortes and camp in the halls of the Montezumas. Nor was this spirit of ardent patriotism confined to the men. It was manifested by ladies, who formed sewing societies and aided in the fashioning of uniforms for the soldiers, and flags for the regiments. Public meetings were convened and the situation discussed by men who hurled oratorical thunderbolts against the pugnacious foe. Volunteers were enlisted without bounty or effort, and, after imperfect preparation, hurried to the field of battle, thirsting for reputation and gore. In Freeport, a public meeting was called, which convened at the court house, during the continuance of this excitement, and was largely attended by representatives from all portions of the county. Maj. John Howe officiated as Chairman ; addresses of patriotic import were made by Thomas J. Turner. S. B. Farwell and others, and some enlistments were secured that evening, What is true in this connection regarding the feeling at Freeport, applies to other portions of the county. Wherever a settlement existed, the utmost enthu- siasm was manifested, and volunteers were greatly in excess of the demand. About twenty-five recruits were obtained in Stephenson County, including William Goddard, of West Point, who was promoted to a Captaincy, and survived the contest to fall at Shiloh ; the Pattee boys, George and Jason, from Lancaster and Silver Creek ; Foster Hart, from Florence, with others representing the remaining townships. They were apportioned to the company commanded by Captain McKinney, of Dixon, it is said, and formed part of the Second Regiment HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 273 of Illinois troops, of which J. L. D. Morrison, of St. Clair County, but latterly a resident of St. Louis, was appointed Colonel. The regiment was mustered in July 2, 1846, and, after a brief sojourn in camp, crossed the Rio Grande and entered the city of Santa Rosa, thence proceeding to the base of the Sierra Gorda. This regiment participated in the battle of Buena Vista, and other engagements, being finally disbanded at Camargo, whence they returned home, arriving in Springfield, June 4, 1847, thence to their several places of enlist- ment. The soldiers on their reaching home were received with marks of affection, and tendered, as they deserved, the enthusiastic welcomes of the people. Dinners, addresses, toasts and speeches greeted their arrival ; newspapers in the vicinity lauded their patriotism, while, as candidates for office, civilians were obliged to yield precedence to the victorious warrior. Those who had fallen on the battle-field, or died in the hospital, were held in sacred remembrance, while the wounded who bore the marks of strife, were regarded with an awe and veneration passing comparative comprehension. In April, 1847, the Government issued another call for troops, that was responded to with equal readiness, and the lists of volunteers, it is believed, were made up in part of residents of Stephenson County, mustered into the Sixth Regiment. However, the fall of the City of Mexico virtually ended the war, and, beyond investing Vera Cruz, and the engagement at Tampico, the duties of the two battalions into which this regiment was divided, were confined to garrisons, returning home when peace was declared, to again take part in the duties which had been temporarily abandoned to engage in the pursuit of arms. RAILROADS. In the fall of 1846, according to the record, the people began to appreci- ate the necessity of an outlet and a market for their crops, and a strong feeling in favor of railroads began to manifest itself. This was the beginning of an era in the progress of the State, county and city. The farmers had long before realized how utterly hopeless any approach to independence could be made under the existing condition of affairs. The labor employed in cultivating the soil and laying by the crops, together with the expense of conveying them to market, left but a small margin when high prices were paid for their products. But the rates received by them, per bushel for their grain, and other expenses incurred in its delivery, left them no margin for present necessities or future operations. They must either obtain more remunerative prices, less expensive means of transportation, or engage in occupations that would not only afford a living, but a surplus upon which to live when age incapacitated them from the active duties of life. With these sentiments, the project of securing a railway, accessible to farmers in the county, was canvassed, and met with a hearty response from those interested. Scheming brains, with an eye to the future, endeavored to formulate a plan by which this inestimable desideratum might be attained, and its powerful aid secured to develop the country, as also to educate, civilize, and Christianize the people. People talked about the influences it would exert, and it became a topic of general conversation on the streets, or in the hotels, in the commercial marts, and by the fireside. However, nothing came of the efforts made in that connection during the year 1846 but plans which did not crystallize into acts, and it was not until the following year that practical work commenced. On January 7, 1847, quoting from the recollections of John H. Addams, who was prominently instrumental in agitating the subject until it was "egarded 274 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. feasible, the first railroad convention ever held in the Western country was con- vened at Rockford. The attendance was very large, and included representa- tives from all portions of the country. Among those who attended from Ste- phenson County, the residents of which, by the way, were instrumental in call- ing the meeting, were John H. Addams, Luman Montague, Jackson Richart, D. A. Knowlton, Martin P. Sweet and Adrian Lucas. W. B. Ogden, Walter Newberry and I. N. Arnold were present from Chicago, and, after the disposi- tion of preliminary business, the questions at issue were very generally dis- cussed. The Chicago party proposed to commence the building of a road under a charter previously obtained, and this led to the organization of a company under which the Galena & Chicago road was constructed. Though there was scarcely any money in the country, and it was indis- pensable to the success of the corporation that $20,000 of stock be taken in the county, the people subscribed as liberally as their limited means would permit, and succeeded in raising this amount. Railroad meetings were not frequent in those days, the settlers residing so far apart that they could not assemble at a moment's notice, and those interested in placing the stock were obliged to travel the county to secure its taking. Wherever they went the residents were found willing to co-operate, the ladies vieing with the sterner sex in their readiness to render assistance. They appreciated how necessary it was to have the road built, and were prepared to make any personal sacrifice to further the under- taking. Many of them helped pay for the stock subscribed for at their solicita- tion from the profits derived by the sales of butter, cheese and other house- hold productions, even depriving themselves of the means necessary to educate their children that a railroad might be built for the good of that and future generations. The stock sales were but incidents connected with an enterprise the establishment of which is always attended with difficulties. The road was finally completed to Belvidere, when the management was called upon to encounter greater vexations than any it had been able to dispose of up to that time. At this point an effort was made to divert the road from its original route to Savannah, which would leave Stephenson County without the benefits her peo- ple had so industriously labored for and liberally contributed to obtaining. Those who had urged the taking of stock were discouraged at the apparent failure of the scheme, while those who had subscribed were bitter in their expressions of disappointment. Finally, a committee of gentlemen from Freeport, composed of J. H. Addams, D. A. Knowlton, 0. H. Wright and John A. Clark, visited Rockford to endeavor to procure the execution of the original contract, and secured the indorsement of the people that so far as they could influence a decision it should be done. The trip was continued to Chicago, and after labors that were effectual as were the laborers deserving of the public thanks, the project of divert- ing the road was abandoned. Labor was continued on the route, and in August, 1853, the iron horse entered Freeport amid the rejoicings that such an occasion would bring forth. After many days, the trials of the people had become resolved into a triumph both pronounced and valuable. Those days have long since glided into the past, and the pioneer, who then acted his part in the struggle for improvement, realizes in the present days, always bright and clear with the glad sunshine and the song of birds, that " God will remember the world." The building of the Illinois Central was begun almost with the building of the Galena & Chicago, and its entry into Freeport was made almost at the same time. The grand scheme of connecting Lake Michigan with the HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 275 Mississippi had long been a desideratum with the people of Illinois, and when, in 1850, an act was passed by Congress granting 3,000,000 acres to the State to aid in its construction, the completion of the road was regarded almost as a foregone conclusion. The act granted a right of way- for the railroad through the public lands the width of two hundred feet from the southern terminus of the Illinois and Michigan Canal to a point at or near the junction of the Ohio and Mis- sissippi Rivers, and for branches to Chicago and Galena. The construction of the road was to be commenced at its northern and southern termini simul- taneously, and when completed, the branches were to be built. With the passage of this bill, it became the duty of the Legislature of Illi- nois to make a disposition of this grant, which should be not only prudent and wise, but satisfactory. After no inconsiderable delay, caused by the efforts necessary to defeat peculation and the appropriation of the franchise by other parties, a bill was passed by the Legislature, and became a law February 10, 1851, providing for its survey, construction and equipment. When the bill passed, or rather prior thereto, an understanding existed between the agent of the English capitalists, who were to furnish the money to build the road, and the Galena & Chicago management, that the former would proceed to Galena and the Mississippi River via Freeport. In consider- ation of this, the Galena road was to terminate at Freeport, and assign the right of way thence to Galena to the Illinois Central. This was the outgrowth of the efforts made during the construction of that road to divert its route in the direction of Savannah. When that question was under consideration, as will be remembered, a committee representing Stephenson County visited Rock- ford and Chicago, and labored for the prevention of so great a violation of the contract under which stock was subscribed to its building. The labors of this committee produced a restraining effect, as would appear in the light of subse- quent events, upon the influences exerted, and brought the road, as was prom- ised it should come, direct to Freeport. Surveys were at once commenced, and by the spring of 1852, had made such progress that grading and track-laying were succeeding each other with gratifying rapidity, and the road completed to Freeport in 1853, with but little interruption. While the work was progressing in Silver Creek Township, near Crain's Grove, an emeute was caused among the laborers by the dissatis- faction expressed by strikers for higher wages. At first no attention was paid to the demands or complaints by the contractors. Emboldened by the admis- sions this silence was construed into conceding, the "gang" suddenly aban- doned work, with the significant assurance that it would not be resumed until they had a surfeit of leisure. Soon after their pugnacity became excited with drafts of liquor, which was on tap in the camp, and for a brief period it seemed as if a reign of terror would be substituted for peace and order, so difficult to maintain. At this juncture, the railroad authorities appealed to the law for protection, whereupon Capt. J. W. Crane marshaled his militiamen and, marching to the scene of disorder, distributed the whisky among the woods and creeks, dispersed the rebels, suppressed the disorder and came marching home with a consciousness of duty well performed. The road was completed to Dubuque, Iowa, in May 1855, and on July 18, of that year, was formally opened with a celebration, attended by many who had been instrumental in procuring its construction and equipment. Stephenson County sent her prominent men to the city of Julien Dubuque, to grace with their presence an occasion so felicitous with the results of labors in which they 276 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. had been " wheel-horses." Stephen A. Douglas orated, and the predictions he ventured regarding the future of Illinois, many have lived to see realized. The Illinois Central enters the county in the southern portion of Silver Creek Township, passing through Silver Creek, Harlem, Erin and West Point, a distance of about fifteen miles. The Northwestern or Galena and Chicago, passes through Ridott and Silver Creek, to Freeport, its western terminus. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul line, entering the county near Davis, in Rock Run Township, was formerly operated under the name of the " Racine & Mississippi Railroad." It passes through Rock Run, Dakota, Lancaster, Silver Creek and Florence Townships, and does a large way business. The company was chartered in 1852, to build a road from Racine to Beloit, and was organized the same year. The city of Racine and the towns of Racine, Elkhorn, Dela- van and Beloit subscribed an aggregate of $490,000 for that amount of stock, while farmers along the line of the road took considerable of the same, for the payment of which they mortgaged their farms. The road was completed to Beloit in 1856, but, failing to pay interest on its bonds and maturing indebted- ness, a new company took possession of the property and refused to recognize the rights of the farmers who had hypothecated their realty for stock. Almost endless litigation followed the transfer of the corporation, but, the holders being innocent purchasers, the courts recognized their equities, and the mortgagors were compelled to pay them. Along in 1858-59, the extension of the road to Freeport was commenced and prosecuted with vigor. The labors thereon were continuous and uninter- rupted, save by an experience similar to that encountered by the Illinois Cen- tral in Silver Creek Township, i. e., a strike instigated by a number of unruly laborers who attempted to compete successfully with capital, but failed of achieving results. The affair occurred at " Deep Cut," and was participated in by a majority of those employed ; but Capt. Crane's company, with their arms at a "right-shoulder shift," hurried to the scene and suppressed the mutiny without loss. The road was completed to Freeport in 1859, and afterward extended to the Mississippi River at Savannah, thence to Rock Island. These enterprises stimulated industry and improvements, attracted increased emigration, appreciated the price of lands and increased the pros- pects of markets so instantly, that landholders became feverish with expectations of suddenly acquired wealth and were happy in contemplating the cheerful out- look. Nothing could have happened since the coming of the first settlers to add so pronounced an impetus to the agencies of civilization, which had been for years, it might be said, falling behind, as these undertakings. Towns were sur- veyed and laid off along the routes of these roads; manufacturing, educational, religious and other interests were cultivated, lots sold for city prices, buildings were erected, the area of cultivation increased, and when the roads were com- pleted a bound was experienced in prices that repaid the toilers for all the suf- ferings and privations they had previously undergone. Since then, with these arteries of wealth and commerce coursing the territory in nearly every direction, Stephenson County has enjoyed unrivaled facilities for its com- plete development and thrift and prosperity, barring the panics of 1857, and that precipitated by " Black Friday," continuous and unfailing. Freeport was not less benefited than the surrounding country. Thence onward the history of the city is not marked by any of the great trials, troubles or vexations of spirit which have been the lot of other corporations. The db£c 'MAlsL *-* f' -^ "^ • — V CEDARViLLE. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 279 jealousies which had previously been indulged by rivals in the county, yielded to the logic of events and were dissipated. Strange contrast with the closing month of 1835, when William Baker erected his ''Indian Trading Post" and Ransomburg was coming to the front in its race for prominence. But the inhabitants who came into the future city, disregarding opposition, struggled manfully in the contest with results which not only attested their wisdom and pluck, but fully confirmed the truth of the premise, that excellence in any un- dertaking invariably follows in the wake of patience, perseverance and industry. The tide of emigration which tended in the direction of Stephenson County, at or about this period, left many who had come with it, residents of the town. Commercial interests increased, Freeport began to be regarded as by no means the least promising municipality west of Chicago, and farming was prose- cuted constantly and successfully. The uncertainties that succeeded the panic of 1837 were settled, and in their stead a feeling of confidence was substituted, which found expression in permanent and remunerative investments. Some improvements were projected, and a limited number completed. The water- power of Pecatonica River had been utilized, and mills and factories were com- pleted or contemplated. In short, the aggregate of business in city and county would be far in excess of previous years. These predictions were surely real- ized. The business portion of the town was limited to Galena and Stephenson streets, and, though carried on in establishments by no means epitomes of architectural skill or elegance, answered the purposes for which they had been erected. The residence part of the town was not a prominent feature, either. Some of the merchants not only "traded," but lived, moved and had their being in their stores. The court house was the most elaborate structure, and contin- ued to do duty for a variety of purposes, as of yore. The log schoolhouse on the bank of the river had been abandoned for school purposes, and the "old red schoolhouse" had become its successor. Religious classes were formed, and congregations organized, though it was not until two years later that the Presbyterians erected the first church edifice in the town. Politics had by this time assumed some degree of prominence, if not regarded as a staple commodity, and leaders were found, representing opposing sentiments, who attracted a generous following and support. The Whigs con- tended for superiority, and the Democrats felicitated themselves in the belief that they were the sole possessors of an air-line route to future success. The towns tributary to Freeport were equally fortunate, though to a more limited extent. Those who, for reasons satisfactory to themselves, preferred to identify themselves with those of similar ambition without its growth, " skipped " the county seat, and wended their several ways to Winslow, Orangeville and other points advertising advantages of location and promise of future eminence. Both these places were building up, having been laid out, as already mentioned, in anticipation of that dawn of prosperity which came gradually but surely. The New England Land Company, through agents in one and private enter- prise in the other, had employed capital and labor in behalf of each with happy results. The history of neither of these points has ever been fruitful of events that would either immortalize the names of their founders or startle the nation ; but both offer the inducements of quiet, social, educational and refining influen- ces to the professional and mechanical representative, for homes afar from the busy haunts of trade, where the sunshine of days unborn may be reflected, beautifying the present and lighting up the future with rays of purity. 280 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. FAMINE OF 1848. Such was the outlook, as it appeared to citizens and settlers in the fall of 1847, and was prorogued into 1848. These encouraging signs gave birth to a new condition of things, and elicited the most enthusiastic expressions among men who reason correctly. The spring of 1848 opened with a revival of business, and some settlers came with its dawn. Trade and commerce, which had so short a time before only survived, were large, and agriculturists, who had previously been dependent upon purchasers at other points for the sales of their products and stores of supplies, found accessible markets at home. This year, it will be remembered, the great famine prevailed in Ireland, and America responded to the calls of their famishing brethren over the sea. Ste- phenson County then contained a large number of Irishmen, who contributed of their abundance to the relief necessitated by the afflictions at home. And this was not confined to that nationality, either. Though there does not seem to have been any concert of action throughout the county, or the convening of meetings for the purpose of inaugurating united action, the sympathies of the people were not backward of expressing themselves, in liberal donations to the needy and afflicted in Ireland. Charity, generosity and sympathy, a trinity of virtues that grace the composition of true manhood, were not then, nor have they ever been, found wanting among settlers in new countries, and those who created Stephenson County proved no exception to the rule. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION. From 1837, the year during which Stephenson County was set apart from Jo Daviess, and civil government inaugurated, until the adoption of township organization, the county government was composed of three Commissioners, the first of which were Lemuel G. Streator, Isaac G. Forbes, and Julius Smith. This form of municipal government was maintained until 1850. The Constitution of Illinois, adopted March 6, 1848, and in force from and after April 1 of that year, declared that " the General Assembly shall provide, by a general law, for a township organization, under which any county may organize whenever a majority of the voters of such county, at any general election, shall so determine." At the session of the Legislature of 1849, the following act, providing for the proper organization of a township, by way of supplement to that quoted, was adopted : " Art. 1. Section 1. * * * * That at the next gen- eral election to be held in the several counties in this State, the qualified voters of each county may vote, for or against ' township organization ' in their respective counties," etc. Acting in obedience to these enactments, the constituted authorities issued a proclamation directing the holding of an election in Stephenson County, on the 5th day of November, 1849, for the purpose of indicating their adoption of the organization, provided for by the act cited. The opposition to this change in the form of government was neither numerous nor intense. There were some few, however, who were antagonistic to the proposed new order of affairs, but their votes of discord were drowned in the general acclamations which greeted its introduction, and at the election holden according to law, township organi- zation was accepted by a vote of 973 to 99. At the same election, George Purinton was elected County Judge, with George W. Andrews and Lewis Gibler, Associates; William Preston, County Clerk, and J. B. Smith, School Commissioner. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 281 These preliminaries having been disposed of, the county entered at once upon its changed plan of government, and little delay was experienced in adapting the same to immediate and successful practice. The officers elected under the law qualified, and the County Court was con- vened in December, the Hon. George Purinton presiding. At its first session, Levi Robey, Robert Foster and Erastus Torrey were appointed Commissioners to lay off and subdivide the county into townships, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, and proceeded to organize and discharge the duties imposed without the exercise of unnecessary delay. After some time employed in laying off the township boundaries, adjusting disputes and completing their work, the Commissioners appointed by the court submitted a report, detailing the result of their labors to have been the sub- division of the county as provided by law, into the following townships : Rock Grove, Oneco, Wislow, West Point, Waddams, Buckeye, Rock Run, Freeport, Lancaster, Harlem, Erin, Loran, Florence, Silver Creek and Ridott. The township of Harlem was subsequently changed to Wayne by Commissioner Torrey, but the change, having been made after the submission of the report, and being without authority, was never confirmed. This report was accepted, and on the 5th of November, 1850, the follow- ing-named persons were elected Supervisors for their respective towns : Jonathan Reitzell, Lancaster; C. G. Epley, Rock Run; James J. Rogers, Rock Grove; George Cadwell, Oneco ; Cornelius Judson, Winslow ; Michael Lawver, Wad- dams ; John Montelius, Buckeye ; Daniel Wilson, West Point ; William M. Buckley, Harlem ; John I. F. Harman, Erin ; Conrad Van Brocklin, Flor- ence ; Gustavus A. Farwell, Ridott ; Samuel McAfee, Silver Creek ; Hiram Hart, Loran, and E. S. Hanchett, Freeport. The first meeting of the board was convened on November 11, 1850, and its organization perfected by the election of John I. F. Harman as Chairman. The members of the board were all present except Hanchett, of Freeport, who was absent, and failing to qualify, John K. Brewster was appointed in his stead, and took his seat as Supervisor from Freeport. The number of townships in the county was afterward increased by the formation of new townships out of those created as follows, and the representa- tion augmented: On the 17th of March, 1856, the township of Kent was formed out of a part of Erin ; at the September meeting of the board for the same year, the township of Loran was subdivided, the western portion being organized into Jefferson, and, in 1860, the township of Dakota was formed by the appropriation of the eastern portion of Buckeye to its name and posses- sion. From this on the organization has been preserved, and found to answer every expectation ventured in its behalf. THE HEGIRA TO CALIFORNIA, 1849. During this year, as will be inferred by reference to the tally lists kept at the election held in November, the population had become "numerous" through- out the county. The towns had grown, as every one who watched the progress of events admitted. Mills had become fixtures, and supplied the markets with lumber, flour and meal. Farmers disposed of their crops, and merchants and speculators made investments that the rust of age would not corrupt, and held them for the " boom " that came in after years. About this time the California gold fever, which had been of an " intermit- tent " character since 1847, attacked Stephenson County residents with a 282 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. violence that brooked no mitigation, and there were quite a number who pro- cured outfits and proceeded across the plains to the Sutter discoveries. The excitement was not confined to any particular portion, but distributed itself quite generally ; wherever a settler had established his claim the "fever" put in an appearance, and, unless immediately checked, most generally added to the number of its victims. The list who wandered into that comparatively undis- covered land, numbered nearly a hundred this year, among whom were many young men who could be ill spared from the fields, or the commercial and professional walks in which they had become familiar to the public. Many of fchose who went thither returned with a surfeit of experience and poverty. A number remained in the West and rose to prominence, occupying positions of executive, as also legislative and judicial honor, in the Territories. Several that were well known in the town of Freeport, where, for the times, they were prosper- ously engaged, dropped the certainty of future preferment for the uncertainties of success in this new field, and became residents of that city beside the blue waves of the bay which rolls outward through the Golden Gate to the Pacific. Here they seemed to fail of realizing their too sanguine hopes, and fled to the interior, where they might be able to acquire in the mines that denied them in the city by arduous toil. Finally, they disappeared from these scenes, and, emigrating to Mexico, as some have it, or to Nicaragua, as others insist, joined the filibusters and went down with Walker, the "gray-eyed man of destiny," in his hopeless campaigns. Among the rest, there went from Stephenson County, John Mease, Elmus Baker, B. T. Buckley, Charles Willet, John Kirkpatrick, William Vore, Onesimus Weaver, — Shutz, William Patterson, Alfred Cadwell, J. W. Shaffer, P. C. Shaffer, Joseph Carey, S. B. Farwell, Charles Bogar, Joseph Quest, William Young, Robert Hammond, Charles O'Neil, Horatio Hunt (about this time), Cameron Hunt, who became Governor of Colorado, and many others whose names cannot be recalled, and whose fate is not of record. The crusaders in pursuit of gold usually went in parties, but rendezvoused at Freeport to lay in their stock of supplies, reserving organization until they had departed from the last habitable location previous to entering the Indian country. When they had secured what their necessities called for, pending departure, they left homes and friends, and, " striking out " over the prairie, crossed Iowa and encamped at Omaha, where final arrangements were concluded, and the long, weary trip to this promising El Dorado entered upon. For a few years next succeeding, reports of their success and condition came at intervals, and in some cases were the opposite of rose-colored. Sometimes the friends of those who had gone were shocked at the news received, sometimes they were hope- ful ; at no time were they enthusiastic. Gradually, and in shreds and patches, the story of their lives, and, in some instances, the death that had befallen them, their trials and their triumphs, were detailed and combined to weave a story from the warp and woof of real life as pathetic as it had been disastrous, as discouraging as it was pitiful, with bright chapters of success and happiness interspersed among its somber pages like a glint of sunshine on a day in December. There were citizens of Stephenson County also who went to California through another — that is, they invested in outfits for others' benefits, and pro- vided the ways and means to enable them to reach the land of promise, with a specific understanding that they should participate in the profits ; but in nearly every instance this confidence was found to be misplaced, and the investment made by the too confiding capitalist became permanent, with all that the term implies. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 283 The effects of this emigration, while not discouraging to those who remained behind willing to labor and to wait, were not specially calculated to promote an extravagant enthusiasm. Large sums, comparatively, had been expended by the adventurers in the purchase of outfits, which created an increased volume of trade ; but this diminished with the departure of the purchasers, and a seeming paralysis affected the commercial and agricultural branches. Indeed, business was carelessly prosecuted, and there was an absence of spirit that was not pre- viously visible. The area of cultivation was measurably reduced in consequence of this exodus to California ; trade dragged, values were lowered, money became inconveniently scarce, and other evils followed in their wake. In fact, the effects that would naturally be produced on any settlement of substantially recent date by the withdrawal from its territory of fully one or two hundred residents, all young and able-bodied, was duplicated in Stephenson County. The fall gave place to winter, and that most inhospitable season of the year remained undisturbed by the happening of any accident or incident out of the sluggish current of events. Settlers drifted in during its course, and united with those already there in expressing confidence that the temporary dull times would give way to prosperous days with the return of spring, and the doubts and uncertainties, in the midst of which they then suffered, would be dissipated by the "logic of events." Buoyed up by such hopes, this dreary, inactive win- ter passed, and, as predicted, the county and its municipalities were granted a new lease of life. When spring blossoms came once more forth, the California fever had spent its force, and the county was rapidly convalescing' from the vio- lence of its attacks. Emigration was resumed, the new arrivals hailing from Pennsylvania and the Eastern States, and bringing with them, to supply the absence of material resources, the thrift, industry, and other characteristics of a people reared in a sterile section, where man's daily bread is indeed obtained in the sweat of his brow. In 1850, when the United States census was taken, the population of the county was quoted at 11,658, an increase of over 9,000 in ten years. Fifty private schools, with an average daily attendance of 2,000 scholars, had suc- ceeded to ten schools and 170 scholars in 1840. The improved lands in the county were estimated at 76,343 acres; lands unimproved aggregated upward of 280,000 acres. Farms in the county represented a valuation of $1,689,550, and farming implements, $108,000. There were four church edifices in the county, the most prominent being the brick Presbyterian Church, at the corner of Walnut and Stephenson streets, Freeport, and other improvements which might be included under the head of "public." This year there were 764,814 bushels of grain of all kinds raised in the county, and the cultivation of fruit had assumed a reasonably gratifying prominence. During this decade, experiences similar to those which had previously greeted the county and its inhabitants, as also those of other sections, were endured and enjoyed. In 1850, a colony of Germans settled in Ridott Town- ship, and others who came at the same time, of the same race, became residents of townships immediately contiguous to and distant from the "tenting places" of their friends and countrymen, on the old State road, in the southeasternmost township of the county. The construction of the Galena & Chicago Railroad was progressing slowly, and that of the Illinois Central only awaited legislation before commencing. During the earlier years of the decade, beginning with 1850, pilgrims to California had, in some cases, given up their pursuit of gold, and returned home ; others, on whom the fickle goddess had smiled benignantly, evidenced 284 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. the fruit of their labors by remittances to families and friends. In truth, there was a small per centage of liabilities incurred, and long since charged to P. and L., liquidated with the profits accruing from labor in the mines. In the city and county new faces were seen daily, and new arrivals for business noted in the weekly record of current events, which was then published by S. D. Carpenter, and known as the Prairie Democrat. Property, again, was regarded as increasing in value, new buildings were put up, both of brick and frame, commodious, substantial and appropriate to the purposes for which they were designed, was it either residence or business. In addition to these evidences of reviving prosperity, societies, both religious and secular, were organized ; associations, financial, commercial and social, were improvised and perfected. Thirteen years only had been required to accomplish what in days more remote had required, one might say, ages. In that period a wilderness had been converted into a garden. The iron age, in which man had been heated in the flames of adversity, and molded into form to combat opposition, had been converted into a golden age, when farms and factories resounded with the songs of rejoicing, when merchants were successful, and the cry of penury was silent in the land ; when schoolhouses were filled with ambitious youth, and churches with consistent worshipers. Law, science, ethics, politics and eloquence had their exponents among the inhabitants, and refinement and Christian humanity were possessions to which they held an indisputable title. There was nothing of moment worthy of perpetuation during this year ; business remained flourishing, and enterprises born of the encouraging season were ushered into being, with some confidence in the results. Migration began to resume somewhat of its former importance, and improved facilities for marketing products more than roused business men from the apathy of a former day. CHOLERA VISITATIONS. As is intimated, this decade dawned upon the county rich in fruition and promise. They were accepted and utilized, and that at a time when the inhabitants were on the eve of a calamity, in comparison with which war and famine can scarcely be mentioned. The Asiatic cholera made its first visitation to Stephenson County in 1850, again in 1852, and once more two years later. The first "epidemic" was limited to a few sporadic cases, and disappeared late in the season, without creating more than passing alarm. But it left its mark in the families from which members had laid down the burden of life and slept beneath the sod. When it repeated its calls in 1852, the people, immersed in business and agri- cultural pursuits, without taking thought of the morrow, not having been admon- ished by the hints dropped two years previous, were ill prepared for its advent. The health of the county was regarded as perfect, there being an exceptional freedom from the miasmatic maladies that had in early times prevailed, as sin- gular as it was gratifying. Nature smiled upon the landscape, and all the ele- ments combined to cultivate hope in the breasts of the people, who had for years toiled as the children of Israel, without reward or prospects. As the summer came, bringing with it the climatic excesses peculiar to the season, the disease began to manifest its presence in localities ordinarily healthful, as also subject to disease. The cases received prompt attention, but in the majority of instances terminated fatally. Remedies regarded as specifics for the malady produced no effect, the attack generally proving so violent that the system would become exhausted under its influence before the medicine could operate HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 285 and induce reaction. Its origin could not be traced to any authentic cause, and its dissipation defied the efforts of physicians. Freeport was greatly afflicted, the deaths there reaching as high as eighteen in one day. Ridott Township, in the vicinity of Nevada, suffered grievously under the calls of the scourge, as did Kirkpatrick's Mills, and other points accessible to its approach. One gentleman, who was here in those days of tribulation, stated that there was scarcely a family on the old State road in which there was not one of its members down with the disease, dying or buried. Indeed, he represents the state of affairs as deplorable in the last degree. It may be imagined that dur- ing the existence of the plague, the inhabitants, terror-stricken at its approach and subsequent presence, with one accord fled from the wrath to come or when it rapped at his neighbor's door. This was not the case. Physicians and nm-ses for the sick were procurable at nearly all hours, and men and women attended to the calls of the dying and buried the dead with a tenderness and heroism which fully attested their Christian charity and spirit of self-sacrifice. Along in the fall, having run its course, the disease abated, and nothing of its visitation remained but the vacancies it had made in the home and by the fire- side, and the fresh-turned graves to be seen in the village churchyard. It looked in upon the people again in 1854, but left without repeating its observa- tions of 1852, and has since remained at an enchanting distance from this vicinity. During the prevalence of the epidemic, business came to a standstill both in towns and the county. The streets of the former evidenced the blight that had fallen upon the surroundings, and the highways of the latter bore confirmation thereof. As a result, some who had come into the county with bright hopes and brighter prospects, died or fled before its approach ; others en route or contem- plating coming, turned back or abandoned the trip and remained at home. The population thus practically diminished, and an apprehension of the return of the disease with many dismayed the coming of those who would have been here the following spring. COMPLETION OF THE C. & G. U. R. R. The building of the railroads was continued, however, notwithstanding these afflictions, and rapid progress was made on the lines having Freeport for their objective point. Early in the following year (1853) the Galena & Chicago Union had made such headway that contractors began laying the rails, and the people anticipated the whistle of the locomotive as an event of the near future. On the 23d of August a construction train crossed the Pecatonica and arrived in Freeport. This was the signal for enthusiastic rejoicings among merchants, farmers, and all, for all were interested in its success. These manifestations oi rejoicings but prefaced those evinced by the people when, on September 1 following, passenger and freight trains were placed on the road, and the public were afforded means of communication they had longed for, prayed for, and extorted from soulless corporations and municipalities. The fight had been fought, the victory won, but not without the employ- ment of every available means and every accessible aid that could be invoked. The people saw everything that was made ; and behold, it was good. Those who had been instrumental in its procuration and completion, saw that it was good, and rejoiced also. A new era in the history of the county was born indeed. Thenceforward her career was upward and onward, without one interposing obstacle or one element that would prevail to prevent its advance. 286 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. The benefits which accrued by the completion of this improvement were not altogether gradual nor insubstantial, but rather instant and permanent. The road was made the channel for an influx of emigration, in comparison with which the number who had come previously were as visitors. Lands increased in value beyond all precedent, and no one could escape the conclusion that Ste- phenson County, both from its geographical position and physical resources, would become one of the most populous and wealthy counties in the State. It is an interesting fact, and one beyond dispute, that no inland county in the State increased in population in a larger ratio during the ten years previous to the census taken in 1850. This was due to the causes cited; i. e., the supe- rior qualities of the soil for agricultural purposes, the abundance of timber, beautiful rolling prairies, excellent water, abundant water-power for manufact- uring purposes, and, general good health ; and, when the county and its towns became intimately connected with the rest of mankind, it was an event of no ordinary importance. For many years the citizens had been subjected to all the inconveniences of an imperfect business connection with the East, and had borne them patiently. The merchants had been compelled to transport their purchases made from farmers a distance of 120 miles over imperfect roads, and often met with loss in the sales effected. The farmers submitted to the same trials, intensified in some cases by the poverty of the victim. This state of things was now over, and the merchant and farmer were placed on an equal footing with contemporaries at the East. With increased facilities for business, men of capital visited the county, who invested and expended money in opening to the world and utilizing the almost inexhaustible resources that had remained undeveloped. This great agent of civilization and reform bound together distant portions of the country, made neighbors of those who would otherwise have remained strangers, harmo- nizing and mutualizing conflicting interests, and blending into one universal and harmonious effort, the desire and action of countries and communities for the realization of their highest and noblest hopes and aspirations. The Illinois Central was completed to Freeport early in September, and extended three miles beyond within a month. This was an additional incentive for rejoicing, and the people made much of it. As the county was benefited, so were the towns, and particularly the county seat. Freeport had been keeping pace with the time, growing with its growth, and strengthening with its strength. With no false excitement, calculated to throw her prosperity into the hands of speculators, the town had kept steadily on from a half a dozen houses, a few business men and a " gang of loafers," until her population at this period had increased from 1,036, in 1849, and 1,500, in 1850, to 3,000. This growth was not confined to an increase of inhabitants, but affected business and business accommodations. Instead of small store-rooms, with a peddler's pack of notions for stock, the town contained between thirty and forty large stores, some of them doing a business of between $30,000 and $40,000 per annum. In addition, there were churches and schools, not to mention saloons and kindred resorts, which, if they failed to testify to the quality of civilization encouraged, at least indicated its existence. Since the scream of the iron horse was first heard in the land, treasures of wealth and industry have been poured into the county, pointing out a present of usefulness and a future of greatness and prosperity. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 287 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. The year 1855 marked the turning point in the history of common-school education in the State. The first school established in the county had been commenced nearly twenty years previous, when a very small class assembled at Ransomburg, and Miss Jane Goodhue sought the instruction of its members in a knowledge of the alphabet and words of two syllables. During the interven- ing period, labors in the cause of education had been constant and profitable. From this solitary class as a beginning, schools had been established all over the county, and were doing the work allotted them, as civilizers, effectively. The influence created by their existence and efforts had been of the most ben- eficent and extended character, and was enlisted without regard to minor details. But this was not brought about save by the indefatigable labors of zealous men. The schools in Stephenson County were at first supported by private subscrip- tion, and so continued for many years, or until the expenses incident thereto were provided for by legislative enactment. The Legislature of 1844 made some imperfect provision for maintaining the schools, which were supplemented by amendments in 1847, again in 1849, once more in 1851, and finally in 1855, when a law embracing all the essential principles of previous enactments was adopted. Among these was the sovereign right of the State to levy and collect a sufficient tax from the real and personal property within its jurisdiction, to be expended in furnishing its youth a common-school education. The tax, how- ever, proved oppressive to some counties, and this portion of the law was sought to be repealed, without results, for it remains the vital principle of that law to-day. As a consequence of this course, there is not a township in the county but what is supplied with one or more schools, in which scholars between the ages of six and twenty-one years can avail themselves of the privileges therein proffered. There were many causes, at first, to retard the progress of the present system, which, however, proceeding, as a rule, from a class of persons who are never found in the van of reform and are always opposed to experiment, because experiment involves change, was neither pronounced nor prolonged. An unfriendly disposition was manifested by some, who apprehended that the system was prematurely inaugurated, and the ability of the people too limited to pro- vide for its support. The fear of an annual assessment operated to restrain others from its enthusiastic support — the tax would be onerous and oppressive ; other opposition, it is said, existed, proceeding from caste; and the rebellion added materially to attracting from the system which, nevertheless, has obtained in Stephenson County not more satisfactorily than elsewhere. It has not accomplished everything that could be desired, yet, in view of the hindrances with which it has been beset, it has accomplished much, and as a public agency for the dissemination of knowledge, intelligence and virtue, it has commended its merit to opponents and supporters indiscriminately. The support of the schools, according to the act of 1855, and subsequent amendments, is derived, first, from the State fund created and maintained by the levy of certain assessments for educational purposes, upon the real and personal property listed in the State, which is paid out to schools pro rata, according to the number of children in each district less than twenty-one years old ; second, by a distribution of the interest of a township fund, derived from the sale of the sixteenth section in the township, the proceeds of which have been invested for this purpose. The amount necessary to the support of the schools, over and above that provided as above set forth, is made up by the Directors of the school district to be benefited, bv whom it is certified to 288 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. the Township Treasurer, thence to the County Clerk, by whom the amount certified is levied upon the real and personal property of the district. The following statistical summary, for the year 1879, shows the result of common-school efforts in the county for that year : CENSUS OF MINORS. Number of males under twenty-one years of age 8,033 Number of females under twenty-one years of age 8,021 Whole number under twenty-one years of age 16,054 SCHOOL CENSUS. Number of males between six and twenty-one 5,547 Number of females between six and twenty-one 5,606 Total 11,153 SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Whole number of school districts 148 Average number of months school sustained 6.88 PUPILS IN ATTENDANCE. Number male pupils enrolled 4,363 Number female pupils enrolled 4,329 Total number enrolled 8,692 TEACHERS. Total number male teachers 125 Total number female teachers 166 Total of teachers .' 291 GRADED AND HIGH SCHOOLS. Number of graded schools 11 Number of high schools 3 Number of ungraded schools 141 Number of private schools 5 Total schools 160 SCHOOLHOUSES. Number of stone schoolhouses 24 Number of brick schoolhouses 31 Number of frame schoolhouses 98 Total number of schoolhouses 153 ILLITEBACY. Whole number between the ages of twelve and twenty-one unable to read and write 10 RECEIPTS. Balance on hand October 1, 1878 $21,237 45 Amount of State and county funds received 13,460 54 Amount of interest on township fund 2,797 64 Amount of special district taxes 33,476 44 Amount from sale of school property 77 75 Amount from sale of district bonds 101 00 Amount of railroad and other taxes 1,688 47 Amount for tuition 183 71 Amount from all other sources 200 00 Total $73,223 00 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 289 EXPENDITURES. Amount paid male teachers $18,976 07 Amount paid female teachers 11,348 79 Amount paid for new schoolhouses 966 27 Amount paid for school sites and grounds 77 00 Amount paid for furniture 352 32 Amount paid for apparatus 62 45 Amount paid for fuel and incidentals 4,599 10 Amount paid Township Treasurers 1,214 76 Amount paid interest on notes 97 33 Amount paid principal of notes 655 66 Amount paid for repairs and improvements 2,729 14 Amount paid for other expenses 4,299 04 Total $45,377 93 Highest monthly wages paid male teacher $160 00 Highest monthly wages paid female teacher 60 00 Lowest monthly wages paid male teacher 18 00 Lowest monthly wages paid female teacher 8 00 Average monthly wages paid male teachers 39 65 Average monthly wages paid female teachers 23 47 Whole number of examinations for certificates held during the year 15 Male applicants for first grade 15 Male applicants for second grade f 141 Female applicants for first grade 7 Female applicants for second grade 209 First-grade certificates issued 14 Second-grade certificates issued 199 Number of schools visited by Superintendent 141 Grand total number of drays' attendance of pupils 750,295 No course of study for the schools has been adopted, but much attention has been given to proper classification. While the schools are by n<3 means graded, yet there is a tendency on the part of teachers to systematize their work. There is almost a uniformity in text-books used in the different schools, which does much toward taking the place of a course of study. Instruction in most of the schools is confined to the common-school branches. Teachers are becoming more skilled in the use of text-books, and have abandoned that slavish system which consists in memorizing the text-books only. The aim in all work done is to make the pupil master of the elements of an education that will benefit him the most, and prepare him for the duties of ■after life. In these efforts the teacher is yearly becoming more successful. During the past twenty years, county institutes have been held in various parts of the country. These have been faithfully conducted, and are among the most useful means employed for the teachers' improvement. They have ordi- narily continued one week, and the ablest talent to be found in the State has been usually called in to assist, and, though the attendance of teachers has never been made compulsory, the number present has varied from 100 to 160 at each session. This system was not deemed sufficient, and, in 1879, a Normal Institute was established, holding one term of four weeks, from July 14 of each year. The enrollment reached 128, and was attended with the most satisfactory results to all concerned. Township institutes have been conducted in a number of places in the county, all tending toward one great object— better teachers, and with them better schools. THE PANIC OF 1857. Such was the condition of affairs when the spring of 1857 aroused the inhabitants of the county from their season of hibernation to renewed labor, and a faith in the future intensified by experience. As spring graduated into summer and the heated term was drawing to its close, appearances failed to 290 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. indicate the coming of the storm that threatened to involve the entire country in ruin. During the latter part of August, the suspension of the Life Insurance and Trust Company at Cincinnati, with liabilities quoted at five millions, came with unexpected suddenness, and created a havoc in financial ranks from which recovery has only been accomplished after years of industry, pluck and unmeas- ured confidence. This crash was succeeded by others, as is well known, with similar depressing and ruinous results. These warnings preceded the advance of the foe into the West, and caused people to reflect on what might be in store for them. There were many, doubtless, admonished by their prophetic souls of what was coming ; but, a majority, flattering their peace of mind with the thought that the city and county would escape unscathed, declined to outline their connections regarding impending troubles until too late to provide any remedy to mitigate their severity. There were some, however, who saw the horizon dark and portentous with the coming storm, and put their house in order to resist its violence. When it came, as a consequence, if not protected entirely, they were sufficiently so as to escape permanent paralysis. Its immediate presence was first manifested by the falling-off in trade, the absence of new arrivals, the depreciation in property values, and other insignias of coming calamities which, though strange to the West and her people, carried with them a dread of what was to follow in their wake. Soon after, more pro- nounced symptoms were to be observed. Lots and lands were without markets, and none but the choicest of either was worth the cost of assessment. Vision- aries, who had dwelt in castles constructed by fancy, fled from the scene of their creations, appalled at the storm which they had aided in provoking. Sub- stantial merchants, who heard the muttering, hastily, and in every instance when it*was too late, sought to take their latitude and ascertain how far they could be driven from their true course and yet survive. Nearer and nearer approached the crisis, closer and closer came the advance of that intangible agency, which was to wreck so many hopes, strand so many enterprises and commit the fruits of years of labor to an adversity both remediless and hopeless. The crash succeeded these premonitions of its coming, and carried all before it. Hundreds were irretrievably ruined in an hour, and men who felic- itated themselves upon the possession of resources, ascertained, when beyond salvation, that these resources were unavailable. Some survived, but the majority went down in the storm, and were heard of no more. The events which followed this crisis are familiar to many who are alive to-day. Gloom and discouragement usurped the places of hope and prosperity. Farm lands were cultivated only that the necessaries of life might be harvested. In some remote instances they lay idle. There was no money in the country, and this absence of a circulating medium prevented the sale of the crops. Mer- chants, for similar reasons, were unable to buy or sell commodities, and the most terrible distresses followed, threatening almost permanent poverty, if not complete annihilation. In 1861, when the war broke out, there was a brief revival of business and exchange for a season, which gave a temporary impetus to trade, but in a brief time business resumed its sluggish channel. Thus were cast the lines of life in Stephenson County — not in pleasant places, truly. Inquiry was instituted to discover, if possible, the cause of these unfor- tunate effects, and the endeavor made to ascertain if their recurrence could be prevented. In all former revulsions, it was reasoned, the blame might be fairly attributed to a variety of co-operating causes, but not in the case under con- sideration. There were no patent reasons for the failures, of which that of the HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 291 trust company was the beginning, a failure unequaled in its extent and dis- astrous results since the collapse of the United States Bank. Reasonings in- duced the conclusion that the ruin which at one time hung over the country and the people, was due almost entirely to the system of paper currency and bank credits, exciting wild speculations and gambling in stocks. So long as the amount of the paper currency, bank loans and discounts of the country should be left to the discretion of irresponsible banking institutions, which, from the very law of their nature, consult the interests of the stockholders rather than the public, a repetition of these experiences would come at intervals. This had been the financial history of the country for years. It had been a history of extravagant expansions followed by ruinous contractions. At suc- cessive intervals the most enterprising men had been tempted to their ruin by bank loans of mere paper credit, exciting them to speculations and ruinous and demoralizing stock operations. In a vain endeavor to redeem their liabilities in specie, they were compelled to contract their loans and their issues, and when their assistance was most needed, they and their debtors sank into insolvency. Deplorable, however, as were the prospects, the people indulged in bright hopes for the future. No other nation ever existed which could have endured such violent expansions and contractions of the currency, and live. But the buoyancy of youth, the energies of the people, and the spirit which never quails before difficulties, enabled the country to recover from this financial embarrass- ment. Its coming was long delayed, but it came at last and dissipated the troubles existent, without permitting the people to forget the lesson these troubles inculcated. The wheat crop of 1861 was sold for gold and silver, and, though the price paid was comparatively less than was expected, it was the beginning of the end of the crisis. As the war continued, and fresh levies were made upon the State and county, the demand for supplies increased proportionately, and necessitated their production. The demand augmented almost with every month, until in 1863 it had become so generous that it seemed as if the denials and privations of the people were about to yield precedence to days of plenty. The crops were constantly on the move, money became easier, and merchants experienced diffi- culty in keeping pace with the wants of their customers. Lands increased in value, and the area upon which cultivation had been wholly or in part aban- doned, was replanted and harvested with profit. The towns also revived under these benign influences, and that better days had come indeed, was a conclusion both cheerful and universal. The experiences through which this people passed in these years of woe, were not, however, without results to the county and city, which have proved advantageous and beneficial. Speculators, adventurers, soldiers of fortune and visionaries were weeded out. The dross was separated from the pure gold ; the country was shorn of its superficial inhabitants, and men only remained, consoling compensations for the ruin that had been wrought, who are motive powers by which communities are sustained and characters for manhood and integrity created. The decade in which were included occurrences of which mention has been made, consisted of a series of years, characterized by events, as has been seen, which tended to the civilization of the age, the education of the world by example, and the discipline of humanity by experience. Commencing at a period in the history of Stephenson County, when the days of trial were yield- ing place to more auspicious seasons, running the gauntlet of an experience both varied and checkered, and closing amid surroundings calculated both to encourage 292 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. and approve, illustrates how nations, peoples and communities, like indi- viduals, are subject to causes and motions, to results and promises, as unex- pected as they are gratifying, and as incomprehensible as they are irresistible. The ensuing ten years were passed in war and rumors of war by the nation, in which the county, through its volunteers, enacted the role assigned them in this drama for real life, with a fidelity that has commanded perpetual applause. When the war began its initial struggles with peace, not a few of those who subsequently became identified with the contest, hoped for a peaceable solution of the difficulties that threatened to result in separation, and discouraged the expectation of war. The maintenance of the Union and enforcement of the laws was urged without dissent, but many believed that these objects cculd be better accomplished by the employment of influences other than those sought to be invoked. During these inaugural struggles a temporal prosperity was shadowed in the near future, and, notwithstanding the signs of depression apparent in every department of local progress, this promise was not without a prospect of realiza- tion at an early day. Business to some extent was restored, but it was up-hill work, and enterprises hesitated before development, with more of apprehension than had ever before been felt. Emigration had come in with the railroads years previous, and the county was generally settled ; yet increased facilities for trade and an extended territory only partially roused business men from their coma condition of despondency, and but partially revived corporations that had become lifeless through inactivity and embarrassments. What a contrast to ten years before ! " 'Twas Greece, but living Greece no more." The contrast struck a chill into many a saddened heart, and not a few, still revolving the changed condition of affairs, turned themselves adrift, " the wide world before them where to choose." When the surrender of Sumter cut off all hope of compromising the exist- ing differences and compelled a decision as to what side should command their support, the people of Stephenson County, like the rushing of a mighty wind, became united in their tender of support to the Federal authorities. There was no half-way sympathy and love manifested for the Union ; it was united and complete. Treason was made odious ; its toleration not permitted. The war brought with it, at home and in the field, the same features witnessed elsewhere. The lives of the citizens were cast in patriotic grooves ; pronounced in the sup- port of the cause, in procuring the enlistment of troops ; and all that loyal impulse prompted or could accomplish was done to remind the volunteers that those who remained behind were waiting and watching on their return. The soldiers who left their lives on the field of battle, in the hospitals or prisons, in putting off the corruptible and assuming the immortal, are not forgotten, but remembered as their forms seem to fade away through the gloaming when the sunlight filters through green leaves and hazy clouds. 'Tis now a score of years since a war for the perpetuation of a nation " conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created free and equal," was commenced and fought to the end. The lessons taught have been as varied as the races which mingled in the contest. They are not confined in their benefits to States, districts or counties; but every locality inhabited by Americans is vested with the admonitions they embody. The people and the army, in which Illinois, Stephenson County and the towns within her borders, were prominent integers, are truly celebrated, less so for the sup- pression of war equally disastrous as the invasion of foreign levies, than for exter- minating in America the causes which precipitated its advent and continuance. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 293 The effects of the war were to increase the volume of business in this vicinity, creating demands for future consignments, and supplying resources for the revival and conducting of business. There was no immigration into the county worthy of mention immediately after the close of the last act in the bloody drama at Appomattox Court House, where the Confederate Government became a thing of the past, and for years the places of soldiers who came not back were left unfilled. Emigrants and speculators passed by on the roads which pass through the county, but, instead of halting, pushed onward to the gold fields of Colorado, deeming the uncertainties of a life amid the surroundings of wealth, the procurement of which was a " lottery," with associations which are measured by their excesses rather than their absence, far preferable to comfort, contentment, and a moderate income on the borders of civilization. When peace resumed dominion over the entire country, many of the evils that follow in the wake of war were far from dissipated, and if not miti- gated by the influences its coming exerted, were at least tempered. There were towns in the county which had sprung into existence with the railroads ; in these, the breaking out of the war caused the suspension of operations. If none of these retrograded, none improved to any appreciable extent ; and, if none amassed wealth, none contracted liabilities which involved them in bankruptcy. After the war, building was resumed and trade increased. Elevators were erected, banks established, operators from abroad came in, and these, with other combinations, laid the foundation for shipments of cereals and live-stock, that have grown into a magnitude and importance that can scarcely be approxi- mated. Freeport, more benefited by the war in limine, experienced more sensibly the effects of the reaction when the "flush " of trade was over. The drain upon its resources, as a result of the panic, had not been fully balanced, and the " spurt" in business the war excited, though temporary, was sufficient to, in a measure, compensate for the long season of dullness and inactivity, then at its height. From thence on trade gradually revived, until it boomed in 1865 when soldiers returned with money. Considerable was put in circulation by them, and a suspicion that hard times had gone away to return no more was generally indulged. Improvements were made all over the county between 1860 and 1870, and of a superior order in every particular. The houses are patterns of comfort, being composed of brick and frame, and the beauty and finish of the surround- ings are only surpassed by the domestic felicities found within doors. The system of agriculture had undergone great changes since the days when the farmer cultivated four acres of ground and harvested his crop for home consumption, and these changes are not completed in this day, either. Mechanical skill and genius had conspired to place the farmer in as independ- ent an attitude with regard to the cost of labor and, consequently, productions, as the manufacturer. He ploughed, sowed, cultivated, reaped, bound, stacked and thrashed with machinery. Money that was paid to hands for performing these various duties ten years before, was then appropriated to the cultivation of the farm and supplying it with superior strains of blood for the improvement of stock, for the erection and furnishing of commodious homes, the education of the young idea, and the many other purposes which for years had been denied the people by reason of their inability to pay therefor. Throughout the county, while private enterprise had not been delayed, public improvements became equally as numerous and valuable. Roads were opened, graded and made available, streams "dammed" or drained as the 294 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. necessities of trade or health demanded, railroad enterprises inaugurated and carried to a finality, and other advances made along the line of progress. The system of education adopted in 1855, was working with benefits to all who came within the circle of its influence, and the cause of religion was ably sustained, both in the city and county. Politically, the county became more pronouncedly Republican with each succeeding year. In early days, as has been noted, the Whig and Democratic parties were the rival organizations, under whose direction the political affairs of the county were manipulated. This continued without change until 1856,. when the birth of the Republican party absorbed a majority of the Whig element, together with a limited number of anti-slavery Democrats. These successors to the organizations of the old regime flourished up to the breaking out of the war with varying success. During the continuance of that struggle the Repub- lican party gained a very decided ascendancy, notwithstanding the Democrats maintained strict party lines. Some opposition was manifested by the latter while the contest lasted, but it never-became organized, and obtained no decided prominence in the community. Since the war the Republicans have remained in the ascendant, and to-day control the offices, influence and patronage in the county, by a majority estimated at 500. The inhabitants of the county are composed of the best classes of all nationalities. The farmers are intelligent, scientific workers, as a rule inde- pendent, with many of them wealthy, cultivating from 160 to 700 acres of land, and raising crops which command ready sale and at the best market rates. The merchants are enterprising, substantial, responsible and honorable men, who add to the character of the population not less than to the wealth of the communities in which they reside. The professions are represented by men of dignity, capacity and intelligence, many of whom have won distinction on the bench, where their opinions have shed a luster upon the pages of jurisprudence in Illinois, and at the bar, where their reasoning power and superior judgment have commanded admiration ; as physicians, whose advice and opinions have been accepted as authority on the subject-matter to which they relate; as ministers of the gospel, whose charity illustrates the greatest of virtues ; as editors, the conservators of public opinion and public morality ; and in the less prominent walks of life, her citizens have evinced the possession of those characteristics which constitute the composition of men who make a State. During the past ten years the new court house has been completed and occupied, and improvements of great value and utility supplied the place of imperfect machinery. Railroads and highways afford easy access to the East, West, North and South, and all things have combined to render the happiness and prosperity of the people universal. One can hardly realize the changes that have been wrought in this section of Northern Illinois in less than a half-century. A brief interval has elapsed since the county was a wilderness inhabited by the Indians; where the county seat now stands was located the village of Winneshiek and his tribe. A remarkable, indeed miraculous, change has come since then, due in part to the careful and laborious thrift of the people, as also to the broad-gauge principle upon which business is conducted. The golden-clad fields, laden at this season of the year with plenteous harvests, indicate the fertility of the soil, and how Nature has endowed these broad prairies. Nor has she been sparing in her con- tributions of beautiful scenery; a more exquisite panorama than is to be seen from eligible points in Stephenson County, the eye never rested upon. From elevations in West Point Township a more delightful landscape can scarcely be HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. . 297 imagined; stretching away to the south and west are a range of mounds, cross- ing Apple River to Galena; in the extreme west Sinsiniwa Mound lifts its head, crowned with age ; to the northwest a range of hills, in which the glistening ore of commerce is said to lie imbedded ; away to the north a line of mounds greets the gaze, while off toward Mineral Point lies a belt of woodland, defining the course of the Pecatonica. With railroad facilities for communication with the East and North and South, the county is placed in direct connection with markets and places of resort, as also in a position with refei'ence to the future that admits of no mis- understanding. Banks and commercial establishments flourish where once the Indian met in council, and farms are cultivated where once he pursued the fleeing game. So, too, in moral, intellectual and educational improvements, the people have kept pace with the times. Churches, schools, libraries and other avenues of improvement are open to the admission of all who may seek their portals, acces- sible to whomsoever may apply for permission to avail himself of the privileges. The old settlers of to-day are scarcely able to realize the changes that have been made and the improvements completed since they first came into this new country, when they were younger than they are now. The past rises up before them in characters of life-like fidelity, reminding them of days long since moldering with the dead, and of friends years ago entombed in Mother Earth. Again they are at their place of birth, the home of their nativity, sanctified by a mother's presence and a mother's love. They are carried back to the dav, when, cutting loose from that home and its sacred associations, they took up the burden of life and began their weary pilgrimage across its sands and drifts. They recall the day when, weary and footsore, but exuberant with youth and hope and determination, they came upon the scene, and, gazing out upon the landscape, rejoiced at the spectacle which greeted their vision. The scene itself is pictured to them as they saw it then, in all the exquisite beautv of its rural simplicity; immense forests, wherein the foot of man ne'er left its im- press; boundless prairies, flowing in the colors of variegated blossoms. No genial spirit welcomed them to the hospitalities of a home, no cheerful notes of gladness were sounded at their approach. The stillness of solitude, and soli- tude itself, alone awaited their acceptance and guarded them against the advance of human foes. But the wand of progress touches the wilderness, and it falls never to hop e more. It touches the rolling prairies, and they are changed into fruitful fields ; it touches the solitudes and peoples them with a race whose career has been marked with success at every mile-stone on the route. What a change, what a wonderful change, has been worked by the ingenuity and industry of man ! The forest has yielded precedence, and the wilderness become sources of wealth. The rolling prairie has been converted into productive fields, and the harvest song is heard where once the war-cries of the savages resounded. The past ten years have been years of profit to the county and its inhab- itants. Buildings have gone up, improvements concluded and much been accom- plished. The county has had little to discourage its advance during the past ten years less to prevent a full and complete fruition in the future. The county is completely out of debt, with resources almost unlimited, and of an excellence beyond comparison. The prosperity that came with time was accom- panied by refining influences also ; and the county, having passed that period in the history of great endeavors when failure is to be apprehended, is drawing nearer and nearer unto a perfect day. 298 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. COUNTY BUILDINGS. Court House. — On the 6th of December, 1837, Hon. Thomas J. Turner,, since deceased, at that time a carpenter and joiner, concluded a contract with Lemuel W. Streeter, Isaac G. Forbesand Julius Smith, County Commissioners, to build a court house and jail on the site of the present edifice, in the square bounded by Stephenson street, Galena avenue, Bridge and Van Buren streets. During the winter of 1837-38, the timbers for the old court house were hewn in> the woods, under the immediate supervision of Julius Smith. These completed, the same were " framed " and erected, standing from 1838 to 1870, and, with the exception of the sill beneath the front door, which had long been exposed to- the weather, not a timber decayed. That plain old temple of justice, when built, surpassed in size and elegance all other buildings west of Detroit and north of St. Louis, but long since the county outgrew it, and, like some of the old settlers, it was obliged to take up the line of march to humbler quarters. Within its bar, in early times, gathered men whose names have become histori- cal, including Thomas Drummond. Joseph L. Hoge, Thompson Campbell, Joseph Knox, James L. Loop, Jason Marsh, Martin P. Sweet, Sefch B. Farwell, Benjamin R. Sheldon and others, the latter presiding therein as Circuit Judge for the space of twenty years. This old building served its purpose well until advancing civilization, increased prosperity and population demanded that the abode of justice should be somewhat in harmony with the surroundings, when steps were inaugurated which were concluded with the erection of the present edifice. On the 27th of April, 1869, the first practicable movement was made toward the object in hand. The Board of Supervisors at that time was made up of Ralph Sabin, A. A. Babcock, Charles H. Rosenstiel, John M. Williams,. George Osterhout, J. A. Grimes, John Burrell, C. F. Mayer, H. H. Becker, Francis Boeke, James McFatrick, S. K. Fisher, Peter Marlin, James A. Tem- pleton, H. 0. Frankeberger, Andrew Hinds and Samuel Wilber, and, on motion, the committee appointed to receive plans and specifications was con- tinued, with instructions to procure the same for a new court house at an expense not to exceed $80,000. At the next session of the board, the plans and specifications of E. E. Myers were adopted, and on February 22, 1870, the committee reported that it had closed a contract to erect the new court house with A. Walbaum & Co. t which was also adopted, and the chairman authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the people. On the 23d of April following, S. K. Fisher, Ralph Sabin, George Osterhout, A. P. Goddard, Peter Marlin and Andrew Hinds were appointed the Building Committee, and arrangements were completed for the laying of the corner-stone, which occurred during the summer of the same year. From that event no delay in the building was experienced, the same being labored upon uninterruptedly until its dedication on the 22d of February, 1873, after which the undertaking was delivered into the hands of the county authorities complete in every particular, and costing a total for building and furnishing, of $130,413.56. The design was furnished by E. E. Myers, of Springfield, 111. The style of architecture should properly be called American, and the artist has dis- played an exquisite taste in blending the different styles to combine the useful and ornamental, and to give the whole the appearance of grandeur both simple and bold. The building is of stone, from the crystalline marble quarries, 99x80, four stories high, including basement, which is six feet above grade line, the upper story being known as the Mansard or French style. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 299 The entrance fronting on Stephenson street, is reached by a flight of marble steps, and opens into a lobby, thence to corridors, leading to the Clerk's, Recorder's, Sheriff's and Treasurer's offices, County Court room and Board of Supervisors. A broad, open flight of stairs leads to the next floors above, on which are located the State's Attorney's, Surveyor's and other offices, together with the Circuit Court room. The style adopted in the interior finish of the building is Corinthian, the wood finish being walnut with white ash inlaid. The Circuit Court room is 56x76 and 28 feet high, frescoed in oil, and finished in the highest style of the art. From this floor two flights of stairs lead to the upper story, which comprehends six rooms, designed for consultation and jury rooms, and from this floor the dome is reached, containing the clock, and affording to visitors an unsurpassed view of the surrounding country. The clock was placed in the tower by A. W. Ford immediately upon its completion, and is conveniently accessible to those who desire to see it in motion. It weighs 2,000 pounds, with a pendulum eight and a half feet long, and weights necessary to running the clock aggregating 950 pounds. It was built by Seth Thomas & Sons, of Connecticut, and is famous not only for its beauty and finish, but also for its regularity and accurate time. The bell was also furnished by A. W. Ford, from the foundry of E. A. & G. R. Meneley, of Troy, N. Y. ; weighs 1850 pounds,, and is of superior tone. The old court house still remains intact, occupying the northwest cor- ner of Clay and Adams streets, where it is used as a tobacco warehouse. The new court house is a source of admiration to strangers as well as citizens, and is in truth and in deed a temple of justice, where the rights of the widow and orphan are guarded, and the heritage left them by the dead is saved from the avarice of the living. No bonds were ever issued, and no debt hangs over the county for the cost of its erection. No law-suits or entanglements have grown out of the work, and none can or will, as everything was fully settled and adjusted on the day when its formal dedication took place. County Jail. — The first jail erected in the county was that, doubtless, built under the supervision of Thomas J. Turner, under his contract made with the County Commissioners in 1839. The building was commenced during the same year, but remained incomplete and so uninhabitable for some time that the citizens were often obliged to shoulder their guns and stand guard, to pre- vent the escape of prisoners. It was built of logs, after the most primitive, not to say original, style of architecture, and occupied the present site of the high school, where it remained until the actual necessities of the case compelled the authorities to seek more commodious and secure quarters. In early days, counterfeiters, horse-thieves and the felonious scum, it might be said, indige- nous to a new settlement, were here in force, and, as a consequence, the little log jail was almost constantly filled to repletion with these classes of citizens, awaiting trial or transportation. The jail was the reverse of secure, and its occupants the opposite of obtuse, and upon every occasion they made it apparent to the freeholders about Freeport that, unless extraordinary diligence was prac- ticed, the building could not be held responsible for the retention of those incar- cerated. This knowledge led to the organization of a " night watch," it is said, who paced their beats about the jail at an hour when graveyards yawn, as a security against being revisited and depredated upon by those who were tem- porarily immured in its Chillon-like dungeons. In time, this was relieved of that spice of variety it added to frontier life, and the decision was made to remove into a stone jail, to the rear of the present structure, corner of Bridge street and Galena avenue. Possession was taken thereof as soon as the 300 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. premises could be adapted to the occupation of criminals, and, as it was deemed impossible to escape from, no thought was taken of the possible repetition of experiences suffered in the log jail. For some years this flattering unction was enjoyed, when a lapse in the habits of the officers, or inability of the prem- ises to longer retain the prisoner panting for liberty, caused a ripple of excite- ment, and induced a conclusion in the minds of citizens that in the jail con- struction things were not entirely as they seemed. Some fault existed which demanded immediate correction. Whatever this may have been, it was, pre- sumably, corrected, for no more complaints proceeding from similar causes arose, until recent years, when drafts upon the confidence of people in the stability and reliability of the "little stone jug" became so numerous and heavy that they were finally dishonored, in 1875. During the fall of that year, an exodus from the jail prompted the Supervisors to act decisively, at a meeting of that body convened on November 4, of that year, when a resolution for the build- ing of a new jail, to cost a sum not exceeding $35,000, was adopted nem con. This being passed, a committee, consisting of Andrew Hinds, F. A. Darling, John Erfert and J. H. Pierce, were appointed to procure specifications, and authorized to visit Rockford, Joliet, Dixon and a superior structure at Monroe, Wis., and, from their observations at these points, formulate plans to be employed in the construction of a jail that should be absolutely proof against the attempts of inmates. The visits were extended and the observations made, but the committee's report was without recommendation. Thereupon a contract was made with W. H. Myers, of Fort Wayne, Ind., for the building of the jail, which was undertaken, completed and occupied during 1876. The building is erected from plans furnished by T. J. Tolan & Son, architects, also of Fort Wayne, and is certainly as handsome, architect- urally, as it is represented as being substantial. It is built of brick and stone, contains the Sheriff's home and County Jail, and is an ornament to the city, as also an honor to the taste and skill of the builders. The jail proper is com- pleted in stone, containing accommodations for fourteen prisoners, and is every way comfortable and secure. The premises cost, completed, $40,553, and a glance at their arrangements will preclude a suspicion as to their strength, durability and security. The County Poor- House. — One of the first matters disposed of after the county of Stephenson had been set apart and organized, was provision for the poor and afflicted. At an early day a home was established for mendicants, in what now is Silver Creek Township, about two miles south of the city, which was occupied by paupers and the insane until February, 1859. On the night of Friday, February 28, of that year, the poor house was burned to the ground, and Lavina Kohn, one of the inmates, met a horrible death, while Elizabeth Smiley, also a pauper, was badly burned. The fire, it seems, originated in the room occupied by Lavina Kohn, who, on account of the impossibility of restraining, was placed in an apartment by herself, under lock and key. The evening of the fire, Mrs. Wilson, the Matron, made her rounds of the building, previous to retiring, and found everything secure. Some time after, the alarm was sounded, and being without effective means for subduing the flames, the building was destroyed, entailing a loss of $3,523.95, upon which there was no insurance. The Board of Supervisors convened on March 1, and adopted a resolu- tion providing for the issue of $4,000 in bonds, to be appropriated to the rebuilding of the premises. The same were begun at once, completed in time, and are still used. The almshouse proper is a large two-story stone structure, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 301 containg seven rooms and a dining-hall on the first floor, with ten apartments on the floor above. To the rear of this is the insane department, being con- structed of brick, 30x45, one story high, and containing ten cells. In 1872 the board caused the erection of a commodious dwelling house, to the north of the main building, which is used for residence purposes by the Superintendent. The whole are located on a farm of 160 acres, forty of which are cultivated for the benefit of the corporation, the balance being rented out, the rental being one-third of that produced thereon. The charity is supported by the townships, which are charged the actual (jost of support of those sent them by the Supervisor thereof. The expenses incident to maintaining the poor house, including a salary of $750 paid Jacob S. Reisinger, Superintedent, are estimated at $3,500 per annum. STEPHENSON COUNTY SOCIETY OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS was organized on the 10th day of July, 1878, the lineal descendant of the Stephenson County Medical Society. The latter was established in 1865, and for some few years its affairs were conducted regularly. In time, the attendance became small, duties were neglected, and the society, being unable to rally suf- ficient members to constitute a quorum, lapsed into forgetfulness. In June, 1878, the question of reviving the old society or creating a new organization from its wreck, was generally canvassed among the profession throughout the county, which ended in the convening of meetings to take meas- ures looking to the latter object. At the date above mentioned, a meeting was held in the Supervisor's office, court house building, Dr. C. M. Hillebrand presiding, Louis Stoskopf officiating as Secretary, when a constitution and by-laws were adopted after debate, and the following officers elected and mem- bers signed the roster of membership : F. W. Hance, M. D., President ; L. A. Mease, M. D., Vice President ; Louis Stoskopf, M. D., Secretary and Treas- urer ; Drs. Claries Brundage, Buena Vista; L. A. Mease, F. W. Hance, and Louis Stoskopf, Freeport ; I. P. Fishburn and S. K. Martin, Dakota ; E. A. Carpenter, Baileyville ; C. B. Wright Florence, and T. L. Carey, Lena. The present officers are : Louis Stoskopf, M. D., President ; L. G. Voigt, M. D., Vice President and B. H. Bradshaw, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer. The membership is now stated at fifteen, and meetings are held quarterly, at such place as the President shall designate. STEPHENSON COUNTY FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION was organized at a meeting of agriculturists, held at the court house on August 3, 1875, and incorporated soon after under an act of the Legislature providing therefor. The objects of the association are stated to be those of buy- ing, manufacturing and selling such articles and implements as are used or needed by the farmer ; also to sell, ship or exchange their products in the mar- kets of the world. The capital stock was placed at $6,000, represented by six hundred shares, and the duration of the corporate existence was limited to ninety-nine years. At the first election of officers, Ira Crippen was chosen President, H. S. Blakeway, Treasurer, and J. M. Chambers, Secretary, with Ira Crippen, H. S. Blakeway, W. P. Miller, J. F. Strunk, and Hiram Snyder as the Board of Directors, and at a meeting convened October 6, 1875, the business of the county Grange, similar in character, was purchased by the Farmers' Associa- tion. The latter 's officers took possession of the Grange warehouse, at the southwest corner of Adams and Stephenson streets, obtained a complete supply 302: HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. of agricultural implements, and opened business with a flattering promise of success. So abundantly was this promise realized, that the capital stock was increased to $16,000, and other steps taken to accommodate the increase of business. About this time, the owners of the premises occupied insisted on an advance in the rent. The association declined to accede to this demand, and decided to erect a building adapted to the uses of its trade. Accordingly, a lot on the southeast corner of Adams and Stephenson streets was purchased of J. H. Haines for $5,000, and the erection of the present edifice commenced early in the spring of 1877. Before its completion, however, their lease expired, and' the business of the society was transferred to the " curb," where it continued until May, when possession of the new quarters was taken, and where the farm- ers, co-operatively inclined, have sold and purchased from that date to the present time. The building is a substantial three-story brick, 60x110, finished in a neat but inexpensive manner, and cost an aggregate of $11,000. The ground floor is occupied as an office and warehouse, the upper floors by an agricultural implement exhibition hall, 40x50, also a society hall of the same dimensions, equipped and furnished, and a commercial school. The present officers are : Ira Crippen, President ; Daniel Musser, Vice President ; J. M. Chambers, Secretary ; William Bear, Treasurer, and John ' Hart, Agent. Annual meetings are held in January, when the election of offi- cers is had, also meetings of the Board of Directors, which are convened quarterly. The corporation own property worth $20,000, carry stock valued at $25,000, and hol,d stock of the organization representing a valuation of $30,000. STEPHENSON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, an association which, up to very recent date, has been prominent in the county, was organized as a private corporation, in 1852, by a number of agri- culturists and horticulturists, who believed in the encouragement of their sev- eral arts. Immediately preparations were concluded for the holding of a county fair, which was held and attended with so gratifying a success that the experi- ment was repeated annually until 1861. That year, and in 1862, its grounds were occupied for the quartering of troops, which monopoly prevented exhibi- tions being given, and the society remained quiescent. These were resumed, however, in 1863, and have been continued with varying success until the present season. In 1871, the society became incorporated under the State laws, changed its title to the "Stephenson County Agricultural Board," and received sub- scriptions of stock to the amount of $8,000. The grounds were enlarged and improved, the buildings thereon located being reconstructed and redecorated, and every effort made to conquer a success of the undertaking. Regular exhibits were given until 1877, when the grounds were appropriated to the uses of the State Fair Expositions, and again in 1878. In 1879, a fair was held on the Taylor Driving Park, and, though begun under the most favorable auspices, was so seriously interfered with by rain that the society was unable to liquidate the demands of exhibitors entitled to premi- ums. In addition to this, an indebtedness had been created by improvements made in 1875, and, being without funds, the grounds, consisting of about thirty acres, located in the southwestern portion of the city, were disposed of by sale, Jere Pattison and Capt. William Young becoming the purchasers. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 303 The society to-day, is without a home of its own, but, as soon as the •circumstances will warrant their doing so, the stockholders design effecting a re-organization. The present officers are William Young, President ; Godfrey Vought, Vice-President ; Jacob Krohn, Treasurer, and William Trembor, Secretary. STEPHENSON COUNTY PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. This association of agriculturists, for mutual protection and improvement, was formally organized about the 20th of February, 1874, though granges now "tributary, had been in active operation previous to that date. The charter offi- cers were Daniel Musser, President ; W. P. Miller, Treasurer, and J. M. Chambers, Secretary. At present the grange consists of thirteen working lodges, with a total membership of 260, and the following officers : Daniel Musser, President ; F. B. Walker, Treasurer, and A. A. Stamm, Secretary. The initiation fee is $3 for males, and 50 cents for females, with annual fees of $1.20. The headquarters of the grange are at Freeport. The subordinate lodges meet monthly, the County Grange quarterly and annually. OLD SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION. On Thursday, December 16, 1869, a meeting of old settlers was held at the court house in Freeport, to take measures for the organization of a society of old settlers residing in Stephenson County, and to provide ways and means for a social re-union of those who became citizens of Stephenson County prior to 1850. D. A. Knowlton was called to preside, and L. W. Guiteau officiated as Secretary. After a general interchange of views, a committee, consisting of the following gentlemen, was appointed to make arrangements for the re-union, as also to further the object for which the meeting had been convened, after which, an adjournment until Saturday evening following, was carried : James Turn- bull and Samuel Gunsaul, Winslow ; Levi Robey and Samuel K. Fisher, Waddams ; Luman Montague and Thomas French, West Point ; Williard P. Naramore and Jacob Gable, Kent ; Andrew Hinds and Bissell P. Belknap, Oneco ; John H. Addams and James M. Smith, Buckeye ; Robert Bell and William B. Mitchell, Lancaster ; Calvin Preston and Samuel Chambers, Rock Grove ; S. E. M. Carnefex and Stephen Seeley, Rock Run ; John Brown and Harrison Diemer, Dakota ; A. J. Niles and D. W. C. Mallory, Ridott ; Charles H. Rosenstiel and Fred Baker, Silver Creek ; Conrad Van Brocklin and Anson A. Babcock, Florence ; Ralph Sabin and John Lamb, Loran ; Samuel Hayes, Jefferson ; Pascal L. Wright and Perez A. Tisdel, Harlem ; Thomas Kaufman and Alanson Bacon, Erin ; E. Ordway, William Smith, W. G. Waddell, Thomas C. Gatliff, Benjamin Goddard, O. W. Brewster, Jere Pattison, George Purinton and Isaac C. Stoneman, Freeport. At the meeting on Saturday evening thereafter, a committee, consisting of George Purinton, L. W. Guiteau, M. Hettinger, D. A. Knowlton and W. S. Gray, was appointed to make permanent the organization, draft a constitution and by-laws, and arrange for future meetings. Finally, the society was organized on the 1st of January, 1870, at a meet- ing held on that day, and the following officers elected : Levi Robev, Presi- dent; W. H. Eels, B. P. Belknap, Charles T. Kleckner, John Brown, William B. Mitchell, A. W. Lucas, H. P. Waters, F. Baker, Benjamin Goddard, Pascal Wright, C. Van Brocklin, Luman Montague, Hubbard Graves, Jacob Gable, 304 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Samuel Hayes and Alanson Bacon, Vice-Presidents ; George Purinton and D. H. Sunderland, Secretaries, and L. W. Guiteau, Treasurer. Since that date the society has been in active existence, meeting annually on the last Wednesday in August, and numbering upon its roster of members all who have been identified with the early settlement and subsequent building up of Stephenson County. The officers elected at the meeting convened in 1879, were : Levi Robey, President ; S. Chambers, Rock Grove ; M. Gift, Oneco ; H. Eels, Winslow ; R. Baysinger, West Point ; W. Dively, Waddams ; John H. Addams, Buck- eye ; George Walker, Dakota ; Elijah Clark, Rock Run ; Thomas Bell, Lan- caster ; Aaron Kostenbader, Harlem ; J. W. Pickard, Erin ; L. W. Mogle, Kent; S. Hayes, Jefferson ; Reuben Babb, Loran ; John Aspinwall, Florence; Fred Baker, Silver Creek ; W. G. Woodruff, Ridott, and J. B. Smith, Free- port, Vice-Presidents ; W. Wright, Treasurer, and Jackson Richart, Secretary. CRIMINAL RECORDS. The Qrossen Murder. — A horrible murder was committed on Sunday ? March 23, 1856, at Craine's Grove, by an Irishman, named John Crossen, the victim being his helpless wife. It seems that Crossen had been celebrating the holiday (Easter Sunday), and became intoxicated. Immediately upon the departure of a companion who bad indulged a similar weakness and left the premises, Crossen began a brutal attack upon his wife, beating her most unmer- cifully with a poker, and inflicting wounds from the effects of which she died before assistance could reach the scene of the tragedy. When the officers who were summoned reached the spot, they found the poor woman dead, her back and limbs beaten to a jelly, and her arm horribly fractured by the blows she had endeavored to prevent reaching her head. Crossen was at once arrested and confined in jail in Freeport, utterly indifferent to his fate; he admitted he beat his wife, but denied that his intention was to kill her, having frequently beaten her much more severely without serious results. The records are silent as to the disposition of the case. The Lauber Murder. — About three o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, June 7, 1859, a German named William Lauber was stabbed by a man named Lauth, of Elkhorn Grove, and died almost instantly. The affair happened near where the "Branch " crosses the railroad track, just below the machine shop. The deceased, commonly known as " Butcher Bill," claimed that Lauth owed him, and for some time previous had been persistently dunning him. During the forenoon of the day upon which the homicide occurred, Lauth had made threats and exhibited a butcher-knife which he carried, as was inferred from his remarks, to aid in his attack upon deceased. When first noticed, the latter was demanding his pay from Lauth, to which reply was made " Keep away, and leave me alone." The dispute waxed warm, until finally Lauth drew a knife and plunged it into the heart of his antagonist. Lauber died instantly, and Lauth was arrested and held on a charge of murder. The accused pleaded guilty to manslaughter at the September term, 1859, of the Circuit Court, and was sentenced to the penitentiary for eight years. The Arnd Tragedy. — During the summer of 1859, a German named Peter Arnd, accompanied by his family, consisting of a wife and four children, settled in this county on a place belonging to George Boardman, five miles above Cedarville. He was employed by Boardman as a field-hand, and generally regarded as a capable, responsible man. No attention was paid to his domestic affairs, nor was it believed that any difficulty existed in that quarter, his wife HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 305 being an industrious woman, and his children, though all of tender age, requir- ing but little care. On Tuesday morning, July 26, 1859, he proceeded to work, but returned about ten o'clock on account of a sore hand, and sent his wife to do the work assigned him. She worked until noon, when she returned to the house to care for the children and provide dinner, remaining but a short time ere she resumed work in the field. When night came on she ceased from her labors, and once more returned in the direction of her home, another woman accom- panying her thither. As they reached the house and were passing an open win- dow a most horrible sight met their gaze, transfixing them with terror, and for the time incapacitating either of them from sounding an alarm. Her four children lay upon the floor weltering in their blood, and manifesting no sign of life. The father stood by, an ax in his hand, with which he had done the deed, gazing in a senseless manner upon the upturned faces of his dying sons and daughters, but making no efforts to escape. By this time the witnesses of this dread result made an outcry and caused the murderer's apprehension. He was committed to jail, after an inquest had been held, at which a verdict in accord- ance with the facts was rendered, and held for trial. During his confinement he exhibited signs of mental weakness, and within two weeks from the- date of his incarceration died from softening of the brain, superinduced by sunstroke, and confirming the belief that he was not respon- sible for his acts when he committed the deed. Three children were killed outright ; the fourth survived his injuries sev- eral days. The Shooting of Mrs. George Whitney. — About 11 o'clock on the morn- ing of Saturday, August 8, 1866. Dakalb Walton, a soldier in the three- months service attached to Capt. Crane's company, shot and instantly killed Mrs. George Whitney, wife of a soldier in the Fifteenth Regiment. The affair occurred directly opposite the Stephenson House, and Walton, after he had inflicted the fatal wound upon his victim, attempted suicide by shooting himself. According to the evidence elicited at the coroner's inquest, deceased and her would-be assassin had been living together at Oneco for some time prior to the tragedy, or since her husband, who was Sergeant of Company A, Fifteenth Regiment, had enlisted. On the Saturday of the killing, Walton and Mrs. Whit- ney had visited the brewery and drank beer, after which the former disclaimed his ignorance of what had passed until he realized consciousness in jail. The jury directed his imprisonment on a charge of murder, to await the action of the Grand Jury. The defendant was tried at the April term, of 1864, of the Circuit Court, and acquitted on the ground of insanity. The Schmidtz Mystery. — About the 30th of April, 1869, thebody of a man named Henry Schmidtz, a former resident of Freeport, was found lying by the side of a slough in the town of Lancaster, in an advanced state of decompo- sition, and bearing marks indicating that he had met his death by violence. The body was recovered by Thomas S. Leach and William Peters, and taken to Freeport, where an inquest was held and evidence elicited tending to show that he had received $300 a short time previous to the discovery of the body, and when last seen was in the company of a man by the name of Casper Stoffels,. whom he had employed to assist him in his business, being that of peddling. A verdict of murder at the hands of persons unknown to the jury, was- returned. 306 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. The Wood Murder. — Between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, on the morn- ing of June 7, 1872, a shooting affray took place at the Kraft House, opposite the Western Union Depot, resulting in the death of Frank Wood, at the hands of John L. Thompson. Both had been together since the Thursday previous and up to the time of the affray, consorting with a pair of disreputable women named Rosa Bell and Flora Kennedy, and all drinking to excess. The quarrel began about these women, both of whom accompanied Thompson to the hotel a short time prior to the tragedy, followed by Wood. An altercation succeeded Wood's arrival at the house, during which the latter struck Thompson in the face, at the same time accompanying his blow with threats and insulting epithets. Thereupon Thompson drew a revolver and fired at his assailant, inflicting wounds from which death resulted immediately. Thompson was arrested. He was placed on trial, at the December term, 1872, of the Circuit Court, convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to the penitentiary for one year. The Thompson Defalcation. — During the month of May, 1874, rumors were rife throughout Stephenson County that George Thompson, ex-County Clerk, had, while in office, falsified the records, forged numerous county orders, and re-issued others that had already been redeemed by the County Treasurer. The facts which led to the discovery of these frauds first came to the sur- face on Saturday, May 7, 1874, when Thompson called upon Aaron Wolfe and offered for sale an order dated September 14, 1871, payable to himself, for $1,220.05. The order bore an indorsement by the County Treasurer that the same had been "presented for payment and registered by me, this May 2, 1874 — 0. P. McCool, County Treasurer," misleading Wolfe, who purchased the security. Subsequent reflection induced the holder to investigate the facts, tending to trace the paper into the possession of Thompson. After an exami- nation, it was ascertained that an order of a similar tenor and date had been paid in 1872, and so reported to the County Clerk for cancellation by the Finance Committee. As the investigation progressed, the fraud and decepti on practiced by Thompson became more apparent, and his victim impressed with the position in which he had been placed. In the mean time, Thompson left the city and proceeded to Chicago, whence he returned to Freeport, however, and redeemed the order purchased by Mr. Wolfe. After the discovery of his frauds, others, who had become the holders of similar property as collaterals, repaired to the records and found that spu- rious orders, representing a face valuation of about $4,000, had been disposed of as collaterals and by transfer of ownership, to Knowlton & Sons, the Second National Bank, Joseph Emmert, First National Bank, James Mitchell & Co., and others. The public were naturally exercised at these discoveries, and con- siderable excitement prevailed throughout the county. Thompson had enjoyed universal confidence in the political, social, financial and Christian circles, had been a leading spirit in Sabbath-schools and church organizations, and was gen-, erally regarded as one whose daily life had commended him to general respect. The Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors made an investigation into the charges alleged against Thompson, and found that, imposing on the credulity of the public, he had been able to swindle that too confiding unknown quantity out of about $5,000. A warrant was at once issued for his arrest, but before he could be apprehended the accused absconded and its service was prevented. He fled to Canada, thence to California, where he established a ranche, mean- time paying off the liabilities he had left unsettled in Freeport, and remaining absent until the fall of 1878, at which time he returned to the scene of his crime, pleaded guilty to one of the number of indictments that had been returned HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 307 against him, and was sentenced to the penitentiary. He remained in Joliet two years and was pardoned, returning to California, where he now is. Hall's Haul. — The defalcation of A. W. Hall should not be forgotten, either. He was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court, and was inducted into office the first in the county under the provision of the constitution abolishing fees and substituting therefor a salary. Hall refused to recognize the equity of this change, insisting upon it that "he was entitled to the fees accruing, and declining to pay them over according to law. The Supervisors instituted suit against him to test the points held by both parties, and obtained judgment. An appeal was taken by Hall, but the Supreme Court affirmed the judgment, and by this time, his term of office "having expired, Hall disappeared, defaulter to the extent of $3,184, and has never been heard of since. He was indicted, and his bondsmen liquidated $2,000 of his liability, leaving $1,184 with interest unpaid, which was lost by the county. The Goodhue Defalcation. — Charles. F. Goodhue, Treasurer of Stephen- son County, was indicted at the December (1878) term of the Circuit Court for embezzlement, as County Treasurer, of the sum of $5,000 of moneys in his possession by virtue of his official position. A change of venue was taken by Goodhue to the Circuit Court of Rockfo'rd, Winnebago County, and at the January (1879) term, he was tried, convicted and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. His attorney, J. A. Crain, appealed the case, by writ of error, to the Supreme Court, and at the September term, 1879, of that tribunal, the judgment was reversed, and the case remanded for a new trial. ' At the January term, 1880, just one year from the first trial, Goodhue, after laying thirteen months behind the bars of Winnebago County Jail, was again tried, and, under the rulings of the Supreme Court, as applied to his case, acquitted. At the December term 1879, of the Stephenson County Court, two additional indictments were found against him, one for the embezzlement and another fbr larceny of jail orders, amounting to $22.12 ; these, with two other indictments which had been found, one for the embezzlement of $100, and the other for falsifying a public record, came up for hearing in the Stephenson County Circuit Court at the April term, 1880, and Goodhue's attorney took a change of venue on all four of the cases to DeKalb County. At this stage of the proceedings, the Board of Supervisors of Stephenson County met and passed a resolution, instructing the Finance Committee to employ the ablest legal assistance, in their judgment, in the State of Illinois, to assist J. S. Cochran in the prosecution of the case. Clothed with this authority, Mr. H. Lichtenberger, Chairman of the Finance Committee, retained Charles H. Reed, of Chicago, who had been for twelve years the State's Attorney of Cook County, to assist in the prosecution. The case came to trial on Friday, June 25, the indictment on which the test was based being the embezzlement of the jail orders. The defense proved by Mr. Lichtenberger. one of the witnesses against Goodhue, that he (Lichtenber- ger) had ordered Goodhue to draw the money on the orders, which he did, and placed $600 in each of three Banks of Freeport, and the balance, $412, in the safe of the Treasurer's office. They also proved by Miss Kate Goodhue, who was acting in the capacity of clerk in the Treasurer's office at that time, that Goodhue had paid out every dollar of this money to liquidate authorized claims against the county, thus showing there was no ca6e against Goodhue from a legal standpoint, and on the 1st day of July, 1880, after a week's pro- traction, the trial ended, and the jury rendered a verdict fully acquitting him, and, the other indictments having been abandoned, Charles F. Goodhue once more breathed the pure air of freedom. 308 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. WAR RECORD. A traveler sailing up the Bay of Athens sees, while yet afar off, the shin- ing splendors of the " Eye of Greece, Mother of Arts and Eloquence." " There are marble palaces and columns, rising white against the vineries and olive groves which deck the mountain landscape with a foliage of endless green. The hum of early traffic mingles with the shoutings of the crews of Alexandrian corn ships hoisting the anchors. Sheer and rugged in the foreground rises the Acropolis. On its summit the citadel, and crowning that the colossal statue of Minerva, her golden shield catching the morning light and flashing it back in brightness that dazzles while still enchanting the eye." In a like manner, as one approaches the theme The Union, and the contest for its preservation, does he find himself encompassed with glories born of the most perfect civilization. Art, science and literature were in the enjoyment of a golden age, and the roll-call of names of those who excelled in each was sur- rounded by the glories of America, as were the names of Homer, Herodotus, Plato, Euclid, Praxiteles, Demosthenes and others, around whom the glories of Athens have gathered for thousands of years. Twenty eventful annuals have become merged into the sounding past since the coming of the days which are now consecrated to the memories of the sad, triumphant period in the nation's history, with which the world is familiar. Those were perfect days. It seemed as if science, art, the laws, the people and God aided at their birth and development. Peace and happiness went hand in hand ; the laws were observed, and their violation was visited with the severest penalties. Each section contributed to the wealth of the opposite portion of the Union ; in fact, nothing was wanted to complete the picture of universal pros- perity then exhibited to the world by the United States. Such, imperfectly, was the condition of affairs as they existed upon the dawn of 1861 in both sec- tions of the country, which rivaled in all that tended to complete a make-up of brilliancy and wealth, emeralds and rubies set in burnished gold. But the notes of the impending storm were heard before the advancing winter was ushered in with the New Year, and the people had begun to conclude that the summer of the nation, with all its glories, had gone to belaid in the great store- house of the past. Finally, the rebellion reached a stage when the crisis was at hand — a crisis which compelled every man to side either with law and order or with mob rule and sectional despotism. No rights of the South were endangered by the Union, or could be enforced by rebellion. The assumption that the ascendency of the party in power threatened danger to the rights and peace of the South was regarded as entirely without force by the people of the North, and as importing anarchy against law and order. Upon such a question, which vitally concerned every man's safety in business as it concerned the existence of the Government, decisive expressions of opinion were heard all over the North. There was little disposition to talk, but a determined purpose to act developed; a purpose equal to the emergency. There was but one Government and one system of laws, to which every man should be compelled to feel there was alle- giance. Acting upon this conclusion, a demand was made for respect for the laws by men who had no thought of flinching, and who expressed the matured judgment of a majority. That the law was resisted was a calamity, but greater calamities would attend the general anarchy which must follow if a rigorous execution of the laws was prevented or restrained. Such were the views of the citizens of Stephenson County, when the sur- render of Fort Sumter and the call for troops were promulgated. On the HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 309 evening of Thursday, April 18, 1861, Plymouth Hall was crowded by an eager, anxious multitude, assembled in response to a call issued at noon of that day, appealing to the lovers of the stars and stripes to rally and; rally they did, in numbers overwhelming, made up of Republicans and Democrats, for all were Americans. The Hon. F. W. S. Brawley presided, with J. R. Scroggs and C. K. Judson acting as Secretaries, and, on motion of J. W. Shaffer, T. Wilcoxon, J. M. Smith, W. P. Malburn, H. H. Taylor, Capt. Crane and Dr. Martin were appointed Vice Presidents. During the absence of the Committee on Resolutions, composed of J. W. Shaffer, James Mitchell, C. K. Judson, J. R. Scroggs and A. H. Stone, speeches were made by S. D. Atkins, C. Betts, C. S. Bagg and Mr. Wagner, editor of the Anzeiger, the latter in German. Resolutions were adopted declaratory of the love for the Union felt by citizens of Freeport, and their determination to aid, so far as lay within their power, the General Government in its enforce- ment of the laws. The meeting was then adjourned, but the spirit manifested became intensified as time progressed. The following day recruiting was begun, and on Saturday, April 20, 1861, the first company enlisted in the county was filled and the oath administered to the following officers and privates: S. D. Atkins, Captain; M. E. Newcomer, First, and S. W. Field, Second Lieutenant; F. T. Goodrich, H. A. Sheetz, William Polk and R. W. Hulburt, Sergeants ; C. T. Dunham, J. 0. Churchill, R. H. Rodearmel and W. W. Lott, Corporals ; C. E. Cotton, drummer, and J. R. Harding, fifer; W. W. Allen, J. W. Brew- ster, Robert Brennan, W. N. Blakeman. A. S. Best, H. P. Parker, W. H. Brown, Frank Bellman, J. S. Chambers, J. M. Chown, Thomas Chattaway, A. Coppersmith, F. Dreener. J. W. Duncan, J. P. Davis, M. Eshelman, Will- iam Eddy, J. Geiser, J. R. Hayes, E. J. Hurlburt, W. J. Hoover, L. Hall, T. J. Hathaway, J. E. Hershey, J. F. Harnish, F. M. DeArmit, W. W. Hunt, W. J. Irvin, S. H. Ingham, Nicholas Kassel, D. L. Farmer, 0. F. Lamb, J. H. Loveland, S. Lindeman, S. Lebkicker, J. H. McGee, U. B. McDowell, W. T. McLaughlin, F. Murphy, D. McCormick, J. M. Miller, F. R. McLaughlin, J. P. Owen, J. Pratt, A. Patterson, G. L. Piersol, N. Smith, L. Strong, J. S. Stout, 0. F. Smith, M. Slough, 0. Sched, J. S. Sills, C. G. Stafford, T. Wishart, W. P. Waggoner, M. S. Weaver, J. Walton, Stephens Waterbury, J. Walkey and J. Work. The company left Freeport for Springfield on Wednesday morning. May 1, 1861, escorted to the depot by Capt. M. B. Mills' company and the Union Cornet Band, and cheered by the presence of not less than 3,000 people, who were there to bid them good-bye, and implore God's blessing upon the efforts inaugurated in behalf of their country. Upon arriving in camp, the " boys " were assigned to the Eleventh Regiment, making up the roster of Company A. Soon after the departure of the volunteers under the command of Capt. Atkins, W. J. McKim enlisted a second company, the following being the roster : W. J. McKim, Captain ; Henry Setley and Philip Arno, Lieutenants ; Carl F. Wagner, Jacob Hoebel, D. A. Galpin and Theodore Grove, Sergeants ; Joseph Meyer, Jacob Fiscus, E. Wike, John Bauscher, L. Lehman, Amos D. Hemmig, Joseph Boni, George Moggly, Dietrich Sweden, John Kruse, Mein- hard Herren, C. H. Gramp, Jacob Steinhauer, Mat Allard, John Berry, Peter E. Smith, James Holmes, Henry Groenewald, Albert Kocher, Thomas Burling, C. Protexter, David Stocks, Henry Luttig, Thomas Shuler, Adam Haiser, Andrew Olnhausen, E. Neese, David French, J. H. Maynard, A. Borches, Jacob Doll, John A. Raymer, Jacob Ernst, Leonard Sherman, Frederick 310 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Deusing, John T. Palmer, John Wheeler, Martin Aikey, R. Harberts, A. V. L. Roosa, Emanuel Evee, C. F. A. Kellogg, John Niemeyer, Thomas Willan y James Vore, August Temple, Jacob Rohrback, Henry Spies, Charles Entorff, Isaac Kephart, James Barron, Herman Froning, Daniel F. Shirk, James Ken- neg, Albert J. Miller, William H. Hennich, John Wiefenbach, William Morris, Henry Kasper, Martin D. Rollison, Henry D. Black, John F. Black, Henry Rubald, Bernard O'Brien, George Philbrick, William Quinn, John B. Yoder, John Ginther, M. D. Miller, John Yordy, Moses Burns, Gotlieb Vollmer, Gar- rison Haines and Max Lamprecht, privates. From this, beginning the work went bravely on. Lena furnished a compnay which was attached to the Fifteenth Regiment, and rendezvoused at Camp Scott, a camp established on the grounds of the Stephenson County Agricul- tural Association, near Freeport, and recruits were drawn from every township to swell the contributions of the county to the suppression of treason. Those who were unable to proceed to the front remained at home to aid the efforts- inaugurated there for the preservation of the Union and the enforcement of the laws. Relief and aid societies were formed, sanitary associations organized, and every agency that could aid in promoting the comfort of the soldiers was suc- cessfully invoked in that behalf. On the morning of June 19, 1861, the Fifteenth Regiment, commanded by Col. T. J. Turner, one of the oldest and most promient residents of Stephenson County, left Camp Scott and proceeded to Alton. The day was one of the most exciting and memorable in the history of the present city. When the huge train moved out it bore with it the earnest prayers of assembled thous- ands, that those who were passengers, may-hap for the opposite shore, might be returned to their homes in safety. As all are familiar with, the three-months service of volunteers concluded with the battle of Manassas. The defeat sustained in that engagement in no- manner disheartened the men of the North. The sad intelligence spread a general gloom over the country, and carried sorrow and mourning into many a household, whence some loved member had gone forth to return no more. Yet the people faltered not in this dark hour of trial, but were spurred on to renewed efforts in behalf of the Government. The public mind was roused to a keener appreciation of the dangers that threatened and the difficulties that surrounded the country, and this call upon the people's patriotism was responded to by thousands, who pledged themselves to the defense of the old flag. Capt. Atkins' company was re-organized and re-enlisted for the war. Recruits were also furnished from Stephenson County to the formation of Company " B," of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, and Companies A, B, C, D, G, and K, of the Forty- sixth Regiment, these latter coming from Buckeye, Oneco, Rock Grove, Lan- caster and Florence Townships, being organized for service on the 28th of December, 1861. Truly, the spirit was not yet dead. Patriotism and patriotic impulse found as earnest expression in Stephenson County with the dawn of 1862, as was witnessed when the first call to arms was sounded. Like strains of martial music will the story of their patriotism roll down through listless ages, till Time shall pause in his career* and the race of man is run. The patriotic spirit burned in every breast, flashed from every eye, thrilled every nerve and quivered in every muscle, and the arm of him who fought for home proved mightier far than the mad ambition of him who fought for treason. Though 1861 had gone, leaving its mark upon each brow, and shadow in each heart, the nation pursued the object of its contest, and waited trustfully, but with hushed hearts and tear-filled eyes, for the shining of the bow of promise. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 311 The year 1862, as all know, opened discouraginlgy, and it was not until the capture of Fort Donelson, in February of that year, that the gleam of promise, set by God among the clouds, first began to flicker in the horizon of the future. The regiments, in which volunteers from Stephenson County were enrolled, participating in that engagement, were the Eleventh, Forty-fifth, " Forty-sixth " and perhaps more. Many there were, from these organizations, who yielded up their lives, a holocaust at their country's call, and, though history may never record their humble names or chronicle their deeds, yet they belong to the nobility of earth, and in that kingdom which comes after earth, each one is crowned with more than Olympic laurels. In September, 1862, the Ninety-second Regiment was enlisted, organized and mustered into service. The thought indulged, with the first call for troops, that three months only would be required to conquer the South, had by this time been thoroughly dissipated. The people were ignorant of war, and it was not until the return of the sick, the wounded and the dead, the latter in rough pine boxes, with their soldiers' coats about them, that the " folks at home " began to realize that war was abroad. The frequent calls for men, the repeated repulses, not to say defeats, intensified this reality ; and when it became necessary to have recourse to the draft to restore the shattered regiments ; to somewhat of a resemblance to their former appearance, then was the conviction forced without demurrer. The Ninety-second contained soldiers enlisted in Lancas- ter, Buckeye, Erin, Kent and Jefferson Townships, of Stephenson County, and the fidelity they exhibited to the cause in which they embarked is found in the killed, wounded and missing that depleted its ranks. During the same year, about June, a company of three-months troops was partially made up of volunteers from Stephenson County, and entered the service at Camp Douglas. It was commanded by James W. Crane, with Stephen Allen and Lorenzo Willard as Lieutenants ; John Stine, James R. Bake, Charles A. Dodge, John D. Lamb and Harrison W. Sigworth, Sergeants ; C. D. Bently, Theodore A. Cronk, Oliver T. Steinmetz, Ambrose Martin, Sidney Robins, H. S. Ritz, W. H. Heyt and W. H. Battle, Corporals. The Ninety-second was raised for three years or the war, in response to a requisition made by the Government for nine regiments from the State of Illinois, to fill up the ranks depleted in the five-days fight about Richmond, but the three-months troops were appropriated mostly to provost duty. Notwithstanding the liberality with which the county responded, it was feared that a draft would become neces- sary to supply Governmental demands, and during the same year the Ninety- second was mustered into service (1862), an enrollment of the county was made, and 3,000 residents reported as liable to duty under the provisions of an act amending Chapter 70, Revised Statutes. About this time, war meetings were convened at various points, notably at Freeport, Lena, Cedarville and else- where, which were addressed by E. B. Washburne, T. J. Turner, Adjutant General Fuller and others. These meetings had the effect of increasing enlist- ments, which were assigned to companies in the Eleventh, Twenty-sixth and other regiments, and of postponing the draft, which was delayed for two years. In October following, Capt. Irvin enlisted a company about Freeport, which was assigned to the Seventy-fourth Regiment, and included upon the roster of that organization as Company I. The year 1862 passed without much more being done than is cited. The defeat at Fredericksburg increased the surround- ing gloom, and the campaign in the valley, early in 1863, rather aggravated than lessened the gravity of the situation. With each call for troops succeed- ing calamities gave birth to, Stephenson County responded cheerfully, though 312 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. available material had been comparatively exhausted by the drafts made on her resources. The season of 1863 was a repetition of those which had preceded its advent. Meetings were convened to further enlistments, and provide for the soldiers. Money was subscribed for the support of families whose heads were at the front, and the payment of bounties. Fairs were held, and other mediums employed that would remotely aid in the gigantic undertaking. But little occurred to encourage the people, or bind up the broken hearts that pul- sated with grief for the loss of those who perished in Virginia and the South- west. Among the most prominent killed during this year was Holden Putnam, Colonel of the Ninety-third Regiment, which had been in existence about one year. But many of those who went out from Stephenson County with high hopes and creditable ambitions, passed away before 1863 was included among the years that have gone. Grievous, sore and terrible were the blows that fell upon the North that year, and many a lonely wife and fatherless little one looked to God for fresh hope and courage, and to help them to remember that this life is but the vestibule to a glorious hereafter. The principal events,, notably the capture of Vicksburg, the issue of the emancipation proclamation, battle of Gettysburg, etc., served to temporarily dispel the clouds which sur- rounded the cause, and inspire new plans for the closing year of the war. Early in January, 1864, the Forty- sixth regiment re-enlisted, and returned to Freeport, where they met with a hearty welcome. But these were days when the finality of that contest which had been raging for nearly four years was drawing nigh ; when the surrender of the rebel forces had resolved itself into a question of certainty, the time of that event being in the near future. Day was breaking to the watchers in the tower of American liberty, and the coming dawn announced its presence through the mist and clouds, sublime with the glories of the breaking morn, when error should decay, truth be, strengthened and right rule supreme o'er vanquished wrong; when jealousies and hate should give way to joy and peace and brotherhood. And, although the advent of the smiling stranger was prolonged another year, it came at last. Peace shed its gentle rays over the scenes of war and desolation, and a rosy radiance, gleam- ing from afar, melted in the dawning of the perfect day. " Well done, watch- ers on the lonely tower." Broad daylight finally broke upon the plain, and to-day soars unfettered, as its God designed. With the peace at Appomattox, the soldiers for the Union returned to their homes in Stephenson County, where they were welcomed as the defend- ers of faith in that form of government which must not perish from off the face of the earth. In addition to the enlistments quoted, Stephenson County had represent- atives in every branch of the service, and her citizens remember the names of those who fought the good fight unto the end, and returned to receive the reward of faithful stewards. But there were many who did not return, and many still who were returned in the arms of Death. Some sleep the sleep of the just in the village church- yard, where their little white headstones dispute for prominence with the daisies and white-topped clovers. Their lives and death are shrined in the Pantheon of patriotic hearts to an immortal memory. Some sleep in the land of the jasmine and orange blossom. Neither are forgotten. Both are remembered as they slumber, "each in his windowless cell," the slumbers of sanctified rest. During the war, Stephenson County furnished a total of 3,168 soldiers, and bounties, subscriptions and supplies aggregating upward of half a million of dollars. The draft was enforced but once. rv ■;^i|lii FREEPORT. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 315 VOLUNTEER ROSTER. TAKEN PRINCIPALLY FROM ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORTS. .a.EBEaE-vx.A-'rxoars Adjt Adjutant Art Artillery Bat Battle or Battalion Col Colonel Capt Captain Corp Corporal Comsy Commissary com commissioned cav cavalry captd captured disab disabled disd discharged e enlisted excd -exchanged hon. disd honorably discharged inv invalid inf I. V. I. kid iufantr- .Iowa Volunteer Infantry .killed Lieut Lieutenant Ma J Major m - ° mustered out prmtd promoted P nsr prisoner Re S t Regiment re "^ re-enlisted re8t * resigned Sergt Sergeant trans transferred *j? *"•" veteran v - B - c Veteran Reserve Corps w( * wounded ELEVENTH INFANTRY. The regiment was called into service under proclamation of the President, April 16, 1861 ; organized at Springfield, and mustered into service April 30, 1861, by Capt. Pope, for three months. During this term of service, the regiment was stationed at Villa Ridge, 111., to June 20th, then removed to Bird's Point, Mo., where it remained, performing garrison and field duty, until July 80th, when the regiment was mus- tered out, and re-enlisted for three-years serviee. During the three-months term, the lowest aggregate was 882, and the highest 933, and at the muster-out was 916. Upon the re-muster, July 13th, the aggre- gate was 288. During the months of August, September, October aud November, the regi- ment was recruited to an aggregate of 801. In the mean time were doing garrison and field duty, participating in the following expedi- tions: September 9th to 11th, expedition toward New Madrid ; October 6th to 11th, to Charleston, Mo.; November 3d to 12th, to Bloomfield, Mo., via Commerce, returning via Cape Girardeau; January 7th and 8th, expe- dition to Charleston, Mo., skirmished with a portion of the command of Jeff Thompson ; January 13th to 20th, reconnoissance of Colum- bus, Ky., under Gen. Grant ; January 25th to 28th, to Sikestown, Mo.; February 2d, em- barked on transports to Fort Henry, partici- pating in campaign against that place ; Feb- ruary 11th, moved toward Fort Donelson ; February 12th, 13th and 14th, occupied in investing that place, 12th heavily engaged with the enemy about five hours, losing 329 killed, wounded and missing, out of about 500 engaged, of whom 72 were killed and 182 wounded ; March 4th and 5th. en route to Fort Henry ; 5th to 13th, en route to Savannah, Xenn., in transports ; 23d to 25th, en route from Savannah to Pittsburg Landing ; April 6th and 7th, engaged in battle of Shiloh, losing 27 killed and wounded, out of 150 engaged ; April 24th to June 4th, participated in siege of Corinth, thence marched to Jackson, Tenn., making headquarters there to August 2d ; par- ticipated in two engagements. July 1st and 2d, toward Trenton, Tenn. ; July 23d to 28th, to Lexington, Tenn. ; August 2d, moved to Cairo, 111., for purpose of recruiting ; remained at that point until August 23 ; thence to Pa- ducah, Ky., remaining there until November 20th ; in the mean time engaged in two expedi- tions — August 24th to September 16th, to Clarksville, Tenn,, via Forts Henry and Don- elson— October 31st to November 13th, expedi- tion to Hopkinsville, Ky. ; November 20th to 14th, en route to La Grange, Tenn., where the regiment reported and was assigned to Brig. Gen. McArthur's Division, Left Wing, 13th Army Corps. From this time to Jan. 12, 1863, participated in campaign in Northern Missis- sippi, marching via Tallahatchie (where the regiment was engaged in a sharp skirmish) ; from thence to Abbeville ; thence seven miles below Oxford ; thence to Holly Springs, Mos- cow and Memphis, Tenn. Remained in Mem- phis until the 17th, when it embarked on transport and en route to Young's Point until 24th, remaining there until February 11th; then moved to Lake Providence, and assigned to the Seventeenth Army Corps, making head- quarters there until April 20th, participating in expedition to American Bend, from March 17th to 28th. April 23, 1863, the One Hun- dred and Ninth Illinois Infantry was trans- ferred to the Eleventh, 589 being the aggregate gained by the transfer. April 26th, regiment moved with column to rear of Vicksburg, via Richmond, Perkins' Landing, Grand Gulf, Raymond and Black River, arriving before the works May 18th ; May 19th and 22d, engaged in assaults on the enemy's works ; then in the 316 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. advance siege works to July 4th, at time of surrender ; the regiment losing in the siege and assault one field officer (Col. Garrett Nev- ins) killed : three line officers wounded, and forty men killed and wounded. July 17th, moved with expedition to Natchez, Miss., par- ticipating in expedition to Woodville, Miss. October 12th, returned to Vickshurg, Miss., making headquarters there to July 29, 1864; in the mean time engaged in the following expe- ditions : February 1st to March 8th, up Yazoo River to Greenwood, Miss., having a skirmish at Liverpool Heights, February 5th, losing four killed and nine wounded ; action at Yazoo City, March 5th, losing one line officer killed, eight men killed, twenty-four wounded and twelve missing; April 6th to 28th, at Black River Bridge : May 4th to 21st, expedition to Yazoo City, Benton, and Vaughn's Station, Miss., taking a prominent part in three impor- tant skirmishes ; July 1st to 7th, with an expe- dition to Jackson. Miss., under Maj Gen. Slocum, engaged with the enemy three times ; July 29th, moved to Morganza, and was assigned to Nineteenth Army Corps, Maying there to September 3d ; in the mean time par- ticipating in an expedition to Clinton, La., August 24th to 29th ; September 3d, moved to mouth of White River, Ark.; October 8th, moved to Memphis, Tenn., returning to White River October 27th ; November 6th and 7th, expedition to Gaines' Landing; November 8th, moved to Duvall's Bluff, Ark.; November 30th to December 4th, en route to Memphis, Tenn.; December 20th to 31st, expedition to Moscow, Tenu.; January 1st to 5th, en route to Kenner, La.; February 4th to 7th, en route to Dauphine Island, via Lake Pontchartrain ; March 17th to April 12th, engaged in operations against Mobile, Ala., marching from Fort Morgan, participating in the investment and siege, and final capture of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, and in the assault on the latter ; April 12th, marched into and took possession of the city of Mobile, staying there until the 27th of May, when embarked in transport and moved via Lake Pontchartrain to New Orleans; from thence to Alexandria, La., remaining there until June 22d ; thence to Baton Rouge, La., to be mustered oat of service ; mustered out July 14, 1865, and left for Springfield, 111., for payment and final discharge. Killed in the field and died of wounds, 149 Aggregate three-months service 933 Aggregate three-years service 1879 Field and staff, three years' service... 53 The following general officers have been in the regiment: Gen. W. H. L. Wallace, Gen. T. E. G. Ransom, Gen. Smith D. Atkins. The following field officers of other regi- ments were members of this regiment : Col. Hotchkiss, Col. Hopeman, Col. H. H. Dean, Col. G. L. Fort, Lieut. Col. McCalb, Maj. S. B. Dean, Maj. Widmer. Line officers from this regiment to other regiments, thirty-three (33). Maj. Smith I>. Atkins, com. Capt Co. A, May 14, 1861, prmtd maj. Feb. 15, 1862 prmtd Col. 92nd Regt. Quartermaster Guyan J. Davis, com. 1st lieut. Co. A, July 4. 1860, p>mtd. Quartermaster Aug. 31, 1861, term exp. July 29, 1864. Quartermaster Joseph W. Brewster, e. as private Co. A. July 30, 1862, prmtd 2nd Lieut. Oct. 31, 1863, prmtd! Quartermasier July 29, 1864. Company A. Capt. Smith D. Atkins, com. May 14, 1861. First Lieut. Martin E. Newcomer, com. May 14, 1861. Second Lieut. Silas W. Fields, com. May 14, 1861. First Sergt. Richar.son W. Hurlburt, e. July 30, 1861, prmtd 2d lieut. Sergt. James 0. Churchill, e. July 30, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. Sertg. Orton Ingersol, e. July 30, 1861, prmtd. 2nd lieut. Sergt. F. T. Goodrich, e. July 30, 1861, kid. bat. Shiloh. Sergt. F. R. Bellman, e. July 30, 1861, kid. at Ft. Donel- son. Corp. Hugh Q. Staver, e. July 30, '61, disd. for promotion. Corp. JohnR. Hayes, e. July 30, 1861, disd. Nov. 24, 1862. disab. Corp. O. F. Lamb, e. July 30, '61, disd. Aug. 3, '62, disab. Corp. John D. Waggoner, e. July 30, 1861, disd. May 17, 1862. Corp. H. B. Springer, e. July 30, '61, died July 14, '63, wd. Corp. William N. Blakeman, e. July 30, 1861, disd. July 30, 1864, term expired. Corp. John Cronemiller, e. July 30, 1861, kid. at Ft. Don- elson. Corp. Jason Clingman, e. July 30, 1861, disd. foi promo tion, June 6, 1863. Musician C. E. Cotton, e. July 30, 1861, trans, to hon- com. staff. Musician John R. Harding, e. July 30, 1861, disd. for promotion, June 6, 1863. Addams, S. J., e. July 30, 1861, disd. April, 1862, disab. Alexander, Joseph, e. July 30, 1861, died Aug 3, 1862. Adams, John H., e. July 30, 1861, disd. Nov. 20, 1862, wd. Bradford, John, e. Dec. 15, 1861, disd. May 17, 1862. Brewster, Joseph W., e. July 30, 1861, trans, to non-com - staff. | Brooks, E. L., e. July 30, 1861. Bobb, Isaac, e. July 30, 1801, disd. Dec. 25, 1862. | Brace, S. N., e. July 30, 1861, vet. Bamberger, E., e. July 30, 1861, disd. for promotion, Oct. 20, 1863. I Chown, Joseph N., e. July 30, 1861. ! Cross, Levi, e. July 30, 1861, disd. Aug. 13, 1862, disab. ! Clingman, William, e. July 30, '61, kid. at Ft. Donelson. . Cramer, D. N., e. July 30, 1861, kid. at Ft. Donelson. ! Cradler, Joseph, e. July 30, 1861, as vet. ! Dereham, David, e. Dec. 11, 1861, trans, from 109 111. Inf.. disd. May 5, 1863, disab. | Dunham, Christopher, e. July 30, 1861, trans, to cav. i Frain, William, e. July 30, 1861, disd. May 17, 1862. ! Fry, John W., e. July 30, 1861, died Oct. 17, 1862. i French, D. H., e. July 30, 1861, disd. May 17, 1862. i Figely. William, e. July 30, 1861. Ferrin, Harvey, e. July 30, 1861, disd. May 17, 1862. Forbes, John, e. July 30, 1861. Graham, D. F., e. July 30, 1861, kid. at Ft. Donnlson. Gillet, John, e. July 30, 1861. Gillapp, Henry, e. July 30, 1861, disd. July 18, '62, disab. Gravenwold, Henry, e. July 30, 1861, kid. at Ft. Donelson. Hurlburt, E. D., e. July 30, 1861, as vet. Hayes, Russell A., e. July 30, 1861, disd. Aug. 9, '62, disab. Hail, Luther, e. July 30, 1861, disd. Sept. 22, 1864, term- expired. Hay, Jonathan, e. July 30, 1861, disd. Oct. 13, 1861. Hanman, John M.. e. July 30, 1861, kid. at Shiloh. Hartman, F. D., e. July 30, 1861, kid. at Shiloh. Hile, Samuel, e. July 30, 1861, disd. Nov. 20, 1868, disab. Hays, Samuel P., e. Jan. 26, 1865, trans, to 46th 111. Inf. Hayes Win., e. July 30, 1861, vet. Haight Samuel, e. July 30, 1861, dis. Feb. 9, 1864. Ingham Samuel H., e. July 30, 1861, trans. Inian Seth, e. July 30, 1861. Kassell Nicholas, e. July 30, 1861, disd. Aug. 14, '62, disab. Kearney Francis, e. July 30,1861, m. o. Nov. 4,1864, terra expired. Kline Eli, e. July 30, 1861, disd. Aug. 21, 1862, disab. Kailey Jos., e. July 30, 1861, kid. Ft. Donelson. Lamb John, e. Sep. 27, 1x61, disd. May 17, 1863. Loveland J. H., e. July 30, 1861, vet. Lambert F., e. July 30, 1861, kid. Vicksburg, May 22, '63. Lamb Thomas, e. July 30, 1861. Lutz Chas. H., e. July 30, 1801, vet. Lied Edwin, e. July 30. 1861, disd. Nov. 20, 1862, disab. Lyon George W., e. Juiy 30, 1861. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 317 Lynch Jcs. J., e. July 30, 1861, disd. Sept. 14, 1864, term expired. McGhee James J., July 30, 1861, vet. McCormick D., July 30, 1861, disd. Aug. 14, 1862, disab. McGlouthling R., e. July 30, 1861, disd. Sep. 30, '62bisab. Marian Jacob, e. July 30, 1861, vet. Pratt Joseph, e. July 30, 1861. Patterson Arthur, e. July 30, 1861, vet. Parker II. M., e. July 31, 1861, disd. for promotion. Pope H. H., e. July 30, 1801, disd. May 17, 1862. Roe John M., e. July 30, 1861, vet. Koss Isaac M., e. July 30, 1861, kid. Ft. Donelson. Smith 0. F., e. July 30, 1861, m. o. July 29, 1864, term ex- pired. Slough M., e. July 30, 1861, trans, to corps. Stoner H. C, e. July 30, 1861, vet. Stoner Saul, e. July 30, 1861. Shoemaker Anson, e. July 30. 1861, disd. May 17, 1862. Smith Benj. e. July 30, 1861, disd Feb. 1862, disab. Sidle John, e. July 30, "61, disd. July 30, '64, term expired. Svphep Annias, e. Sep. 27, 1861, disd. Nov. 24, 1861, disab. Thompson John A., e. July 30. 1861, kid. Ft. Donelson. Templeton David, e. July 30, 1861, disd. May 17, 1862. Trimper John, e. July 30, 1861, kid. Ft. Donelson. Taylor John B., e. July 30, 1861, disd. Nov. 30, 1863, disab. Weaver M. S., e. July 30, 1861, died Sept. 2, 1861. Woodring Uriah, e. July 30, 1861, disd. May 17, 1862. Wohlford Aaron, e. July 30, 1861. Wohlford Jerit, e. July 30, 186U Wohlford Geo., e. July, 30, 1861, promtd. Corp., died Aug. 29 1863 Wohlford Jos., e. July 30, 1861, promtl. Corpl. Wentz James, e. July 30, 1861. Williams F. J., e. Sep. 27, 1861, disd. Oct. 14, 1862, disab. Company D. Clement, Louis e. Aug. 15, 1861, died July 27, 1864, wd. FIFTEENTH INFANTRY. The Fifteenth Regiment Infantry, Illinois Volunteers, was organized at Freeport, 111., and mustered into the United States service May 24, 1861 — being the first regiment organized from the State for the three-years service. It then proceeded to Alton, 111., remaining there six weeks for instruction. Left Alton for St. Charles, Mo.; thence by rail to Mexico, Mo. Marched to Hannibal, Mo.; thence by steam- boat to Jefferson Barracks ; then by rail to Rolla, Mo. Arrived in time to cover Gen. Sie- gel's retreat from Wilson's Creek ; thence to Tipton, Mo., and thence joined Gen. Fremont's army. Marched from there to Springfield, Mo.; thence back to Tipton ; then to Sedalia, with Gen. Pope, and assisted in the capture of 1,300 of the enemy a few miles from the latter place ; then marched to Otterville, Mo., where it went into winter quarters December 26, 1861. Re- mained there until Februarv 1, 1862. Then marched to Jefferson City : thence to St. Louis by rail ; embarked on transports for Fort Don- elson, arriving there the day of the surrender. The regiment was then assigned to the Fourth Division, Gen. Hurlbut commanding, and marched to Fort Henry. Then embarked on transports for Pittsburg Landing. Partici- pated in the battles of the 6th and 7th of April, losing 252 men killed and wounded. Among the former were Lieut. Col. E. T. W. Ellis. Maj. Goddard, Capts. Brownell and Wayne, and Lieut. John W. I'uterbaugh. ('apt. Adam Nase, wounded and taken prisoner. The regiment then marched to Corinth, participating in var- ious skirmishes and the siege of that place, losing a number of men killed and wounded. After the evacuation of Corinth, the regiment marched to Grand Junction ; thence to Holly Springs ; back to Grand Junction ; thence to La Grange ; thence to Memphis, arriving there July 21, 1862, and remained there until Sep- tember 6. Then marched to Bolivar; thence to the Hatchie River, and participated in the battle of the Hatchie. Lost fifty killed and wounded in that engagement. Then returned to Bolivar; frora thence to La Grange; thence, with Gen. Grant, down through Mississippi to Coffeeville. returning to La Grange and Mem- phis ; thence to Vicksburg, taking an active part in the siege of that place. After the surrender of Vicksburg, marched with Sherman to Jack- son, Miss.; then returned to Vicksburg and embarked for Natchez. Marched thence to Kingston ; returned to Natchez ; then to Har- risonburg, La., capturing Fort Beauregard, on the Washita River. Returned to Natchez, re- mained there until November 10, 1863. Pro- ceeded to Vicksburg and went into winter quarters. Here the regiment re-enlisted as veterans, remaining until February 1, 1864, when it moved with Gen. Sherman through Mississippi. On Champion Hills had a severe engagement with rebel Carney. Marched to Meridian ; thence south to Enterprise ; thence back to Vicksburg. Was then ordered to Illi- nois on veteran furlough. On expiration of furlough joined Seventeenth Army Corps, and proceeded up the Tennessee River to Clifton ; thence to Huntsville, Ala.; thence to Decatur and Rome, Ga.; thence to Kingston, and joined Gen. Sherman's Army, marching on Atlanta. At Allatoona Pass, the Fifteenth and the Fourteenth Infantry were consolidated, and the organization was known as the Veteran Battal- ion Fourteenth and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, and numbering 625 men. From Allatoona Pass it proceeded to Ackworth, and was then assigned to duty, guarding the Chat- tanooga & Atlanta Railroad. While engaged in this duty, the regiment being scattered along the line of road, the rebel Gen. Hood, march- ing north, struck the road at Big Shanty and Ackworth, and captured about 300 of the com- mand. The remainder retreated to Marietta, were mounted, and acted as scouts for Gen. Vandever. They were afterward transferred to Gen. F. P. Blair, and marched with Gen. Sherman through Georgia. After the capture of Savannah, the regi.i.ent proceeded to Beaufort, S. C; thence to Salka- hatchie River, participating in the various skirmishes in that vicinity — Columbia, S. C.j Fayetteville, N. C; battle of Bentonville — losing a number wounded ; thence to Goldsboro and Raleigh. At Raleigh, recruits sufficient to fill up both regiments were received, and the organization of the Veteran Battalion discon- tinued, and the Fifteenth re-organized. The campaign of Gen. Sherman euded by the sur- render of Gen. Johnston. The regiment then marched with the army to Washington, D. C, via Richmond and Fredericksburg, and partici- pated in the grand review at Washington, May 24, 1865; remain 2, there two weeks. Pro- ceeded, by rail and steamboat, to Louisville, 318 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY, Ky.; remained at Louisville two weeks. The regiment was then detached from the Fourth Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, and pro- ceeded by steamer to St. Louis ; from thence to Fort Leavenworth, K;in., arriving there July 1, 1865. Joined the army serving on the plains. Arrived at Fort Kearney August 14 ; then ordered to return to Fort Leavenworth Septem- 1, 1865, where the regiment was mustered out of the service and placed en route for Spring- field, 111., for final payment and discharge- having served four years and four months. Number of miles marched 4,290 Number of miles by rail 2,403 Number of miles by steamer 4,310 Total miles traveled 11,012 Number of men joined from organization. 1,963 Number of men at date of muster-out.... 640 Col. Thomas J.Turner com. May 14, 1861, res. Nov. 2, 1862. Maj. William R. Goddard, com. June 26, 1861, kid. Pitts- burg Landing. Mai. Rufus C. McEathorn, com. 1st lieut. Co. G., April 24, 1861, prmtd. capt. April 2, 1862, prmtd. maj. July 7, 1863. Surgeon William J. McKim, com. May 14, 1861, hon. disd. March 21, 1865. First Asst. Surg. John W. Van Valzah, com. April 11, 1862, died about August 9, 1863. Fife Maj. John H. Griffith, e. Dec. 21, 1863 Hospital Stewart, H. H. McAfee Assisiant Surgeon, J. N. DeWitt. Company A. Henry Williams, Warren W. Armstrong, John S. Smith, George W.' Whitney, James Hodges and Charles S- Page. Company B. Samuel Aikey, Joseph H. Fleaury, Patrick McNicholas. Company C. Alfred Broadee, Joseph Clark Company D Hotchkiss, W. N, e. May 24, 1861, vet. Dec. 3, 1863. Barnes, William G., e. May 24, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, Co. E. Deye, Emanuel, e. May 24, 1861, died May 5, 1862, wds. Freman, Alfred, e. May 24, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Smith, William H., e. May 24, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Giltner, Conrad, e. May 26, 1862, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Hyortas, Julius 0., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Aug. 11, 1862, dsab. Hawkins, John H , e. March 26, 1862, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Protexter, Christian, e. May 26, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1862. Shattuck, Abner, e. May 26, 1861, disd. Dec. 15, 1862, disab. Smith, Charles, e. May 26, 1861, died April 22, 1862. Krink, Jonas, e. June 3, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Miere, Oscar, e June 3, 1861. Prjuse, William H., e. Sept. 12, 1861. Wilson, Robert B., e. June 3, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Company F. Sweden, Dietrich, e. May 24, 1861. Luttig, Henry, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Jordan, Frank A., e. Nov. 2, 1861, disd. Nov. 14, 1863, disab. Company C. Capt. James 0. P. Burnside, com. May 15, 1861, m. o. April 2, 1862. Capt. Albert Bliss, Jr., com. 2d lieut. April 24, 1861, prmtd. 1st lieut. April 2, 1862, prmtd. capt. July 7, 1863, m. o. at Consolidation. First Lieut. Hubbard P. Sweet, e. as 1st sergt. May 24, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. April 2, 1862, prmtd 1st lieut. July 7, 1863, m. o. at Consolidation. Sergt. Robert Reeder, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 17, 1861, disab. Sergt. Waterman Ells, e. May 24, 1861, vet., trans, to Co. B, Vet. Bat. Sergt. John W. Foil, e. May 24, 1861, disd. May 1, 1863, disab. Sergt. Lansing Ells, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 17, 1861, disab. Corp. William T. House, e. May 24, 1861. Corp James Aurand, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Jan. 1, 1862, disab. Corp. Albeit V. S. Butler, e. May 24, 1861, died Jan. 4, 1864. Corp. Thomas J. Kaufman, e. May 24, 1861. Corp. George L. Stevens, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 19, 1862, disab. Corp. Hood Hazlett, e. May 24, 1861. Corp. Daniel J. Keeley, e. May 24, 1861. Allen, William, e. Dec. 1, 1863, trans to Co. B, Vet. Bat. Auk, Jacob, e. May 24, 1861. Addis, Jacob R., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Jan. 1, 1862, disab. Aikey, Martin, e. May 24, 1861. Aurand, George C, e. May 24, 1861. Bailey, R. B., e. May 24, 1861, kid. at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Brigham, Lewis D., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Jan. 11, 1862, disab. Braham, August, e. May 24, 1861, died Dec. 19, 1863. Bowker, Homer H., e. May 24, 1861. *> Bowker, James M., e. May 24, 1861, died Aug. 17, 1861. Barnes, William G., e. May 24, 1861, trans, to Co. E. Ballinger, Burroughs W., e. Sept. 23, 1861, disd. Aug. 15, 1862, disab. Burrell Henry, e. Sept. 30, 1861. Company C. Barden. George R.,e. March 31, 1864. Barber Geo. E., e. March 31, 1864. Buswell Wm. J., e. May 24, died Oct. 14, 1863. Bahan John, e. May 24, '61, vet., trans, to Co. B, vet. bat. Brien B. 0., e. May 24,1861, disd. Oct. 17, 1861, disab. Brown Alex., e. May 24, 1861, disd May 1, 1863, disab. Cox James H., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 17, 1861, disab. Christenson Claus, e. May 24, 1861. Cassidy Wm. J., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Nov. 1, 1862, wd. Calhoun John P., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Jan. 1, 1862, disab. Cair Geo., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Aug. 20, 1862, disab. Callen John, e. May 24, 1861. DeWitt N. J., e. June 23, '61, v"t., prmtd. hospital steward. Davenport Lucius, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Oct.17, 1861, disab. Denton E S., e. May 24, 1861, vet., trans, to Co. B, vet. bat. Denton Chas. E., e. May 24, 1861. Doyle Mathew, e. May 24, 1S61, kid. at Shiloh, April 6,'62. Ehrman, Florence, e. May 24,1861, disd.|Keb.4, '63, disab. Ferguson, N. M., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Jan. 17, 1862. French, Geo. W., e. May 24, 1861. Fox, John C, e. May 24, 1861, disd. May 18, 1862, disab. Feely, Duncan MacD., e. May 24,"61, disd.April 17,'63, disab. Gardner, Jerome, e. Oct. 1, 1861, disd. Oct. 19, 1862, disab. Garner, John D. F., e. May 24, 1861, vet. trans, to vet. bat. Co. B. Gittner, John C, e. May 24, 1861. Gittner, R. D., e. May 24, 1861, disd. July 28, 1862, disab. Girton, John W., e. May 24, 1861. Gintter. John, e. May 24, 1861, dis. Feb. 7, 1862, disab. Hayes, Charles G., e. May 24, 1861. Heiser, Wm. H., e. May 24, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, trans . to Co. B, vet. bat. Hoag, Leonard H., e. May 24, 1861. Hofte, John, e. Dec. 1, 1863, vet. trans, to Co. B, vet. bat. Hackman, John W., e. May 24, 1861. Hays, A. A., e. May 24, 1861, m. o. May 24, 1864. Hays, Martin, e. May 19, 1864, trans, to Co. B, vet. bat. Hayes. Wm., e. May 24, 1861, trans, to invalid corps. Illingsworth, Jos., e. June 17, '61, disd. Jan. 1. '62, disab. Kline, M. V., e. May 24, 1861, died Nov. 8, 1861. Kinsman, Richard, e. May 24, 1861, vet. Jan. 1,1864, trans. to Co. B, vet. bat. Lawver, M. A,, e. March 31, 1861, trans, to Co. B, vet. bat. Laurer, Lewis, e. May 24, 1861, disd. April 8, 1862, disab. Landon, Lyman, e. May 24, 1861. Ling, E. W., e. May 24, 1861, died Aug. 15, 1862. Lambrecht, Max, e. May 24, 1861. Milhollin, Daniel, e. Oct. 4, 1861, died June 24, '62, wds. Moll, Wm. F., e. May 24, '61, vet. trans, to Co. B, vet. bat. Mack, John, e. Dec. 5, 1863. Minns, Chas., e. May 24, 1861. Mack, Samuel, e. Dec. 5, 1863. Murphy, Thomas, e. May 24, 1861. Moist, E., e. Dec. 24, 1863, trans, to Co. B, vet. bat. Morley, Marshall, e. May 24, 1861, dis. Dec. 16, '62, disab. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 319 Maloney, Michael, e. April 23, '64, trans, to Co. Mullen, James, e. May 24, 1861. Mathison, Alex., e. May 24, 1861, vet. trans, to Co. B, vet. bat. McAfee, Henry H., e. May 24, 1861, prmtd. to hospital steward. Miller, John H., e. May 24, 1861, dis. Oct. 17, 1861, disab. Noble, Geo. W., e. May 24, 1862, vet. Niemeyer, John, e. May 24, '61, kid. at Shiloh April 6, '62. Philips, Hugh, e. May 24, 1861, died Jan. 6, 1862. Pickel, Henry, e. May 24, '61, vet. trans, to vet. bat. Co. B. Patton, Wm. P., e. May 24, 1861, dis. Dec. 10, 1862, disab. Preston, Geo. L., March 31, 1864, trans, to Co. B. vet. bat. Palmer, John T., e. May 24, 1861,disd. Oct 17,1861, disab. Reeder, John, disd. June 14, 1862, disab. Randall, Geo. H., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Sep. 2, 1862, wd. Roes, Walter J., e. May 24, 1861. Rush, Peter, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 17, 1861, disab. Rishel, John G., e. May 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 17, 1861. Rees, Daniel J., e. May 24, 1861. Rohback, Jacob, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Aug. 20, 1862, disab. Seymour, Oliver, e. May 31, 1861. Sasman, D. W., May 24, 1861, disd. Oct. 18, 1862. Sigler, John B., e. May 24, 1861. Shiney, Sylvester, e. May 24, 1861, vet. trans, to Co. B. Vet. Bat. Shinkle, Geo. W., e. May 24, 1861, vet., Jan. 1, 1864, trans. to Co. B. Vet. Bat. Stites, David R. P., e. Sept. 23, 1861, kid. at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Shrove, Wm. H., e. May 24, 1861, disd. 0ctJ7, '61, disab. Snyder, Egbert, e. Sep. 30, 1861, disd. Dec. 1?, 1862, disab. Shinkle, E. R., e. May 24, 1861. Stull, James, e. Sep. 1, 1862, trans, to Co. B vet. bat. Shrove, Daniel, e. May 24, 1861, disd. Feb. 1862, disab. Sturm, Henry, e. May 31, 1864, trans, to Co. B. vet. bat. Solace, E. D., e. May 24, 1861, died April 8, 1862, wd. Savidge, Robt. S., e. May 24, 1861, disd. July 28, 1862, wd. Tull, Chas. H., e. Sep. 23, 1861, vet. Tenant, Owen, May 24, 1861, died April, 1862, wd. Trepus, Daniel, Sept. 2, 1862, trans to vet. bat. Twogood, Luther J., e. May 24, 1861. Wite, John E., e. March 30, 1864, trans to vet. bat. Wheeler, John S., e. May 24. 1861, kid. at Shiloh. Toder, John B., e. May 24, 1861. FOURTEENTH (REORGANIZED) INFANTRY. Company K. Blankenehip, John, e. March 9, 1865. Rollins, Solomon W., e. March 9, 1865. FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH BATTALION. Maj Rufus McEathorn, com. July 7, 1863, m. o. Aug' 1,1864. Surg. Wm. J. McKim, com. May 14, 1861. FIFTEENTH (REORGANIZED) INFANTRY. Surg. Wm. J. McKim, com. May 14, 1861, hon. disd. Dec. 22, 1864. Company B. Sergt. Waterman Ells, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Sergt. William F. Mall, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Corp. John D. F. Garner, e. Jan. 1. 1864. Corp. Erastus Denton, e Jan. 1, 1864, vet. Musician Oliver Seymour, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Allen, William, e. Dec. 1, 1863. Beham, John, e. March 1, 1864. Barden, George, R., e. March 31, 1864. Barber, Geo. E., e. March 31, 1864. Foreman, Alfred, Jan. 1, 1864. Huffee, John, e. Dec. 1, 1863. Hayes, Martin, e March 19, 1864. Heiser, Henry, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Kinsman, Richard, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Lawver, M. A., e. March 31, 18(i4. Maloney, Michael, e. April 23, 1864. Mook, Samuel, e. Dec. 5, 1863. Moist, Ephraim, e. Dec. 24, 1863. Noble, George W. Preston, Geo.L.,e. March 31 , 1864. Potter, Sanuel. Shuler, Thomas. Stull, James, e. Sept. 1, 1862. Starn, Henry, e. Mrrch 31, 1864. Trepus, Daniel, e. Sept. 26, 1862. White, John E., e. March 30 1864. Company C. Hotchkiss, W. N., e. Dec. 16, 1863. Perry, James H., e. March 17, 1862. Price, William, e. Dec. 18, 1863. Staplin, George W., e. April 1, 1862. Company E. Armstrong, W. W., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Hawkins, John H.. e. March 26, 1864, died Sept. 14, 1864. Luttig, Henry, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Protexter, Chris, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Prouse, William H., e. Sept. 12, 1861, m. o. Sept. 23, 1864. Page, Charles S., e. April 27, 1864. Pabst, Charles H. C, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Steekle, Reuben, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Smith, William H., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Steves, Thomas M., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Smith, John H., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Whitney, George W., e. Jan. 1, 1864, disd. March 27, 1865. Company C. Fessenden, E. A., e. March 2, 1865. Gill, Richard H., e. March 2, 1865. Company H. Fowler, William, e. March 2, 1865. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. The Twenty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry was mustered into the United States service, with seven companies, at Camp Butler, Illi- nois, August 31, 1861, and were ordered to Quincy, 111., for the protection of that place. Not having been armed, the regiment did guard duty with hickory clubs. During the autumn, the regiment did guard duty on the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad, and were armed with old English Tower muskets — Col. John Mason Loomis commanding post at Han- nibal. Prior to January 1, }862, three more companies were raised, completing the organi- zation. February 19, 1862, they left Hanni- bal, Mo., for the South, stopping at Commerce, where the regiment was assigned to Brig. Gen. J. B. Plummer's Brigade, Brig. Gen. Schuyler Hamilton's Division, Maj. Gen. John Pope's Corps. They arrived at New Madrid March 3, and were engaged in action there ; marched to Point Pleasant, and, arriving on the 6th, engaged rebel gunboats with sharp-shooters and prevented the landing of the enemy; marched to intercept the flyiDg enemy from Island Number 10, and assisted in capturing many prisoners. After remaining some time at New Madrid, joined an expedition against Fort Pillow ; returning, proceeded up the Ohio and Tennessee Puvers. to Hamburg Landing ; took part in the eiege of Corinth ; May 8 and 9, were engaged at Farmington, the regiment losing five killed and thirty wounded, Lieut. Col. Charles J. Tinkham was among the wounded ; Col. Loomis commanded the brigade, and Gen. Stanley the division. May 28, engaged the enemy one mile from Corinth, the regiment losing four killed and twenty-five wounded ; Maj. Gilmore 320 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. was wounded. Company G-, of the Twenty- sixth, was the first to enter Corinth on evacua- tion by the enemy; engaged in the pursuit to Booneville, and returned to Clear Creek, four miles from Corinth. June 23, ordered to Dan- ville, Miss., where we remained till August 18, 1862, at which time we joined the brigade commanded by Col. R. C. Murphy, Eighth Wis- consin, and marched for Tuscumbia ; arrived 21st; September 8, with Forty-seventh and Twenty-sixth, Lieut. Col. Tinkham command- ing, marched to Clear Creek; September 18, marched for Iuka ; 19th, were engaged with the enemy, in a brigade commanded by Lieut. Col. J. A. Mower, of the Eleventh Aiissouri; the enemy evacuating in the night, we joined in the pursuit, arriving at Corinth October 3, and participating in the battle of Corinth ; after the battle, followed the retreating enemy as far as Ripley. Ten days afterward, arrived again at Corinth, where we stayed until Novem- ber 2. Marched, via Holly Junction, Holly Springs and Lumpkin's Mill toward Tallahatch- ie River, the enemy being fortified on the south side of the river. The regiment was here de- tailed to guard a commissary train to Hudson- viile, during the trip, losing two men killed and two wounded by guerrillas ; ordered to Holly Springs for guard duty ; thence to Ox- ford, Miss., where we remained until December 20; ordered to Holly Springs, to prevent the capture of that place: on the 21st, reached that place, the enemy having fled ; remained here during the year, Col. Loomis command- ing the post, and Lieut. Col. Gilmore as chief of outposts. In the beginning of the year 1863, the post at Holly Springs was broken up and the army fell back to La Grange, Tenn., where the regi- ment was assigned to duty as provost guard, Col. Loomis commanding the post. Here it remained until March 8. March 3, the regiment was brigaded with the Ninetieth Illinois, Twelfth and One Hun- dredth Indiana, Col. Loomis commanding. March 8, the brigade marched from La Grange to Collierville, Teun., where they remained three months, engaged in fortifying the place and defending the railroad against guerrillas and bushwhackers. June 7, left Collierville for Memphis. The following day they embarked for Haines' Bluff. The regiment subsequently went into camp at Oak Ridge, where it remained until after the fall of Vicksburg. On the aft- ernoon of July 4, started in pursuit of the retreating forces of Gen. Johnson. The siege of Jackson was marked by severe skirmishing, in one of which ('apt. James A. Dugger, of Company C, was instantly killed by a round shot through the breast, and a number of men were killed and wounded. About the 22d of July, began the march back to Vicksburg, and when the troops crossed Black River they went into camp for the summer. September 28, the encampment was broken up and the regiment marched into Vicksburg, and there embarked for Memphis, where it arrived on the 7th of October. Here a few days were given for the purpose oi outfitting the men, preparatory for the long march across the country from Mem- phis to Chattanooga, to relieve the besieged Army of the Cumberland. The march began at 8 A. M.. October 11 ; arrived at Bridgeport November 15, and. on the 24th and 25th, took an active part in the battle of Mission Ridge, losing, in killed and wounded, one hundred and one officers and men. Among the officers severely wounded were Lieut. Col. Gilmore, Capt. James P. Davis, Company B, Adjutant Edward A. Tucker and Lieut. William Polk, Company B. The next morning, started before daylight, in pursuit of the defeated and flying enemy ; followed them to Ringgold, Ga.; burnt the bridges and destroyed the railroad ; then turned to make the march of two hundred miles, without supplies, cooking utensils, camp equip- age, or change of clothing, to the relief of Gen. Burnside, at Knoxville ; returned to Br.dge- port in the latter part of December ; were re- clothed, paid off, and marched to Scottsboro, Ala., and went into winter quarters. January 1, 1864, there were five hundred and fifteen men present for duty, of whom four hundred and sixty-three" re-enlisted as vete- rans. Of sixty-one men present in Company K, sixty re-enlisted. January 12, started home on veteran fur- lough. At the expiration of furlough, returned to the field with ranks well filled with recruits. Arrived at old camp at Scottsboro, March 3, and remained there until May 1, when it started on the great Atlanta campaign. The regiment was actively engaged in all the marches, skirmishes and battles which finally resulted in the capture of Atlanta. On the 3d of August, a detail of nine hundred men was made from the division, to charge the enemy's skirmish line. The charge was to be made over an old field, covered with high grass, a distance of about four hundred yards. When the signal was given, the men started on a keen run for the rebel works. Private John S. Wilson, of Company D, Twenty-sixth Illi- nois, a stout, active fellow, outran the rest, and suddenly found himself alone in front of a rebel pit, which had been concealed by the tall grass, filled with seventeen men and a commis- sioned officer. He drew up his musket and told them to " fight or run, and that d 1 quick." All surrendered except the officer, who started to run, and he shot him. It was laughable to see " Buck," as he was called, marching back with his seventeen prisoners. By order of Gen. Logan, he retained the offi- cer's sword and a fine Whitney rifle, found in the pit, and now has them at home, as memen- toes of his gallantry. After the fall of Atlanta, most of the old officers were mustered out of the expiration of their term of service. Only two of the original officers remained, one at whom, Capt. Ira J. Bloorafield, Company K, was made Colonel of the regiment. About the same time, the Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, was broken up, and the regiment was HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 321 transferred to the First Division of the same corps, with which it remained until the close •of the war. The regiment did some hard marching, fol- lowing Hood up toward Chattanooga, and off into Northern Alabama; then returned to At- lanta; were paid and reclothed, preparatory to " marching through Georgia.'' The Twenty-sixth was engaged in the action of Griswoldville, siege 'of Savannah, and cap- ture of Fort McAlister. A short time after the fall of Savannah, the regiment was ordered to Beaufort, S. C, and remained on duty there and at Port Royal Ferry until the commence- ment of the northward march through the Car- olinas ; were among the first regiments into Columbia, and were hotly engaged in the bat- tle of Bentonville. Here the regiment was or- dered to carry the bridge across Mill Creek, which was strongly guarded by the enemy. The regiment charged and carried it, but lost a number of good men. Sergt. Smith, of Com- pany K.. color bearer, was charging at the head of the column, across the bridge, and was shot, the colors falling into the stream. The enemy rushed forward to secure them, but Lieut. Webster, with Company E, charged, drove them back, and saved the colors. Col. Bloom- field had his horse shot under him, and nar- rowly escaped himself. Remained at Goldsboro, N. C, a few days, and, April 10, began the march against Ra- leigh. Left Raleigh May 1, for Washington, via Richmond; participated in the grand review at Washington ; transported by rail to Parkers- burg, Va.; thence by boat to Louisville, Ky., where it remained in camp until July 20, 1865, when it was mustered out of service and started for Springfield, 111., for final payment and dis- charge. July 28, the regiment was paid off and disbanded. The regiment had marched, during its four years of service, six thousand nine hundred and thirty-one miles, fought twenty-eight hard battles, beside innumerable skirmishes. They were permitted, by the orders of the command- ing General, to place upon their banners " New Madrid," " Island No. 10," " Farmington," '•Siege of Corinth,' "Iuka," " Corinth, 3d and 4th October, 1862," " Holly Springs," " Yicksburg," " Jackson, Miss.," "Mission Ridge," " Resaca," " Kenesaw," " Ezra Church," " Atlanta," "Jonesboro," "Gris- woldville," "McAllister," "Savannah," "Co- lumbia," "Bentonville.'" Lieut. Col. George H. Eeed, com. 1st Lieut. Co. B Aug. 28, 1861, prmtd. Capt. Mav 17, 1864, prmtd. Maj. June 6, 1865. Company B. Capt. James P. Davis, com. May 28, 1861. hon. died. March 30, 1864. Capt. Theodore Schermerhorn, e. as (? | corp. Aug. 15, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. March 5, 1864, prmtd. 1st lieut. May 14, 1864, prmtd. capt. June 6, 1865. First Lieut. William Polk, com. 2d lieut. Aug. 28, 1861, prmtd. 1st lieut. May 4, 1863, res. May 14, 1864. First Lieut. David Layser, e. as corp. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. 1st lieut. June 6, 1865. Sergt. William Quinn, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. Oct. 31, 1862, disab. Sergt. James P. Dursk, e. Aug. 15, 1861, prmtd Q. M- sergt., vet. Sergt. William J. Irvin, e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Sergt. Jonas Andrew, e. August 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Corporal James P. Winters, e. Aug. 15, 1861, died Oct. 10, 1862. Addams, C. H., e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Buckley, Daniel, e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. H. Buckley, Patrick, e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. H. Buckley, John, e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. H. Berry, Edwin, e. Feb. 12, 1S64. Bentley, William, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. July 16, 1862. Blake, F. W., e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. I. Bear, F. H., e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Burns, Francis, e. Aug. 15. 1861, trans, to Co. I. Butcher, James, e. Aug. 15, 1861, prmtd. corp., vet. Jan. 1, 1864, died Oct. 31, 1864. Burk, John J., e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. Aug. 28, 1864, term expired. Baker, Philip, e. Aug. 15, 1861, kid. Farmington, Miss., May 9, 1862. Bokof, Harmon, e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. o. as corp. Cornelius, Samuel, e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Cawley, William, e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. I. Choppy, Charles, died May 31, 1864, wds. Derliug, Israel, e. Aug. 15,1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. o. as corp. Dow, Edward, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Doll, Dogebert, e. Sept. 18, 1862. Fehr, William, e. Oct. 10, 1864. Fleekson, Peter, e. Feb. 7, 1864. Fannon, Andrew, e. Nov. 3, 1862. Eastland, A. J., e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. I. , Eshlerman, William, e. Aug. 15, 1861, died July 27. 1862. Eaton, N. H., e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet., Jan. 1, 1864. Frisby, Julius, e. Aug. 15, 1861, died April 2, 1862. Forbs, Nathan, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. Aug. 28, 1864, term expired. Foster, K. J., vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. o. corp. Gold Charles, e. Aug. 15, 1861, died Jan. 9, 1864, wd. Gartman, Nicholas, e. Aug. 31, 1864. Gates Simon, e. Aug. 15, 1861, died Sept. 17, 1863. Geiser, John, e. Aug. 20, 1862, died Jan. 2, 1864, wd. Garrison, Freeborn, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. Aug. 28, 1864, term expired. Greer, John, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. Oct. 13, 1864. Hennick, William H., vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. o. as sergt. Hunt, A. B., e. Aug 15, 1861, trans, to Co. H. Heise, John, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, died Aug. 19, 1864, wd. Henry, John, e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. I. Hoag, Theodore G. e. Feb. 22. 1864, disd. Nov. 12, '64 disab. Hanson Christopher, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. July 12, 1862, disab. Heise, Aaron, e. Feb. 22, 1864. Haines, Howard, e. Aug. 15, 1861, Jan. 1, 1864, m. o. as as corp. Heise, Moses, e. Feb. 22, 1864, died March 22, 1864. Haines, Garrison, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. Aug. 28, 1864, term expired. Heller, Jacob, e. Jan. 29, 1864. Hiatt, William W., e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. I. Kane, John, e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, disd. July 2, 1865. Kumnierrer, Tieghman, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. March 6, 1863, disab. Kraymer, William H., e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, Keegan, James, e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. I. Kramer, Benj. F., e. Feb. 2, 1864. Kruntzler, William, e. Aug. 15, 1861, re-e. vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. o. as corp. Kouth. Michael, e. Aug. 16, 1862. Leonard, Arthur, e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. I. Lilley, William E., e. Nov. 17, 1863. Long, William, e. Aug. 15,'61, died at Iuka' Aug. 28, '62. Long, John, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. Oct. 13, 1864, term ex- pired. Long, Jacob H. Mieley, Samuel P., e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. 0. as drummer. McCoy, Lemuel, e. Aug. 15, 1862, died July 22, 1864, wd. Messenger, J. C, e. Aug. 15, 1861, prmtd. corp. vet. Montague, Patrick F., e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, kid. April 30, 1864. Morris, D., e. Aug. 15, 1861, died May 29, 1864, wd. Mallick, Franklin, e. Feb. 13, 1864. Miller, Bernard, e. Sept. 28, 1861, trans, to V. R. C. May 1, 1864. Miller, A. J., e. vet. Jan. 1 1864, trans, to 147th Inf. as 1st lieut., Co. G. 322 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Melody, Thomas, e. Sept. 28, 1861, vet. Jan 1, 1864. Needham, Denaison, Sept. 8, 1861, trans to Co. I. Needham, Thomas, Sept. 8, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Nicholas, Thomas, Aug. 15, kid. at Corinth, Miss., Oct. 4, 1862. Paul, V. A., e. Aug. 15, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Robnett, James, e. Aug. 15, 1861, disd. Jan. 13, 1863. Rice, Frank, e. Feb. 3, 1864, m. o. May 26, 1865, wd. Robinold, S. J., e. Aug. 15, 1861, died May 22, 1862. Raymer, Charles, e. Feb. 3, 1864, m. o. July 20, 1865. Reardon, John, e. Sept. 8, 1861. Ryan, James, e. Feb. 2, 1864. Smith, Peter E., e. Sept. 8, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, kid. May 13, 1864. Smith, Jesse L., e. Feb. 10, 1864. Stage, Theo., e. Sept. 8, 1861, vet. March 9, 1864. Sting, Rasper, e. Feb. 10, 1864. Sigman, Wilson, e. Sept. 8, 1861, prmtd. corp. vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. o. as corp. Sumner, James R., e. Aug. 19, 1862. Seiferman, B., e. Sept. 8, 1861, died Sept. 12, 1862, wd. Schmidt, John, e. Aug. 29, 1862, kid. Nov. 25, 1863. Sharp, Harwood, e. Feb. 10, 1864. Schraeder, Frederick, e. Sept. 2, 1862. Sturdevant, Jacob, Jan. 1, 1862. Thompson, John F., e. Sept. 8, 1861, disd. Aug. 28, 1864, term expired. Thompson, Loren, e. Feb. 2, 1864. Thompson, Joseph D., Sept. 8, 1861, disd. Aug. 28, 1864, term expired. Wishart, Thomas, e Aug. 15, 1861, died Nov. 27, 1863. Walkey, Joseph, e. Aug. 15, 1861 , died March 22, 1862. Wright, N. F., e. Aug. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. D. Walton, John, e. Aug. 30. 1862, kid. March 7, 1865. Wertz, C. F. Company G. First Lieut. John Irvin, com. Aug. 31, '62, died Oct. 6, '63. Company H. Capt. Chas. F. Wertz, com. 2d lieut. Jan. 1, 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. Feb. 16, 1862, prmtd. capt. Aug. 22, 1863. Capt. Wm. W. Allen, e. as sergt. Aug. 15, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. Feb. 16, 1863, prmtd. 1st lieut. Aug. 22, 1863, prmtd. capt.. declined commission. Capt. Robt. Salisbury, e. as corpl. Nov. 1, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, prmtd. sergt., then capt. May 19, 1865. Sergt. Chas. H. Edmonds, e. Nov. 1, 1861. Buckley, John, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Beaury, Albert, e. Nov. 1, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Black, John F., e. Jan. 1, 1864, died Sept. 11, 1864, wds. Black, H. L., e. Feb. 3, 1864. Buckley, Daniel, e. Aug. 15, 1861, m. o. Sept. 3, 1864, term expired. Buckley, Patrick, e. Aug. 15,1861, dis. July 11, '62, disab. Cross, Hiram A., e. Nov. 1, 1861, m. o. Oct. 31, 1864, term expired. Deagon, Jos., e. Nov. 1, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Fye, Daniel, e. Jan. 26, 1864. Fye, J. D., e. Jan. 24, 1865. Fye, David. Grey, Robt, e. Jan. 1, 1864. Heintz, Michael, e. Nov. 1, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Hunt, A. B., e. Aug. 15, 1861. Mayer, John, e Nov. 1, 1S61, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Michner, C. W., e. Nov. 1, 1861, m. o. Oct. 31, 1864, term expired. Rice, A. L.. e. Nov. 1, 1861, died Oct. 15, 1864, wds. Reef, Jos. S., e. March 23, 1864, m. o. corpl. Rees, Enos S., e. Jan. 24, 1865. Rees. John M., e. Jan. 31, 1865. Wertz, Jacob, e. Nov. 1, 1861, wd., m. o. Dec. 2, 1864. Winters, Abraham, e. Nov. 1, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Winters. Cyrus, e. Nov. 1, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, absent, wd. at m. o. of regiment. Wagoner, Geo., e. Nov. 1, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, absent sick at m. o. of regiment. Company I. Eastland, A. J., , died August, 1863. Blake, F. W., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Keegan, James, e. March 12, 1864. kid. July 22, 1864. Leonard, Arthur, e. Jan. 1, 1864, absent sick at m. o. of regiment. Ruff, F. O, e. Jan. l, 1864. Reider, Jos., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Company K. Allison, W. W. Cooper, Wm., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Sheppard, Charles. FORTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. The Washburne Lead Mine Regiment was or- ganized at Chicago, 111., December 25, 1861, by Col. John E. Smith, and mustered into the United States service as the Forty-fifth In- fantry Illinois Volunteers. January 15, 1862, moved to Cairo, 111. February 1, assigned to brigade of Col. W. H. L. Wallace, division of Brig. Gen. McClernand. February 4, landed below Fort Henry, on the Tennessee, and on the 6th marched into the fort, it hav- ing been surrendered to the gun-boats. Feb- ruary 11, moved toward Fort Donelson, and during the succeeding days bore its part of the suffering and of the battle. The flag of the Forty-fifth was the first planted on the enemy's works. Loss — 2 killed and 26 wounded. March 4, moved to the Tennes- see River, and 11th, arrived at Savannah. AVas engaged in the expedition to Pin Hook. March 25' moved to Pittsburg Landing, and encamped near Shiloh Church. The Forty-fifth took a conspicuous and hon- orable part in the two days' battle of Shiloh, losing 26 killed and 199 wounded and miss- ing — nearlv one-half of the regiment. April 12, Col. John E. Smith, of the Forty-fifth, took command of the brigade. During the siege of Corinth, the regiment was in the First Brigade, Third Division, Reserve Army of the Tennessee, and bore its full share of the labors and dangers of the campaign. June 4, the regiment was assigned to Third Brigade, and moved toward Purdy, fifteen miles. On the 5th, marched to Bethel ; 7th, fro Montezuma, and on the 8th, to Jackson, Tenn., the enemy flying on its approach. During the months of June and July, en- gaged in garrison and guard duty. August 11, assigned to guarding railroad, near Toon's Station. On the 31st, after much desper- ate fighting, Companies C and D were cap- tured. The remainder of the regiment, con- centrating at Toon's Station, were able to resist the attack of largely outnumbering forces. Loss — 3 killed, 13 wounded, and 43 taken prisoners. September 17, moved to Jackson ; November 2, to Bolivar, and was assigned to First Brigade, Third Division, Right Wing, Thirteenth Army Corps. November 3, 1862, marched from Bolivar to Van Buren ; 4th, to La Grange, and was assigned to Provost duty ; 28th, marched to Holly Springs ; De- cember 3, to Waterford ; 4th, Abbeville ; 5th, to Oxford, to Yocono River, near Spring Dale. Communications with the north having been cut off, foraged on the country for supplies. December 17; notice received of the promo- tion of Col. John E. Smith to Brigadier Gen- eral, ranking from November 29 ; December 22, returned to Oxford ; 24th, moved to a camp three miles north of Abbeville, on the Tallahatchie River, where the regiment re- mained during the month. Mustered out July 12, 1865, at Louisville, Ky., and arrived at Chicago July 15, 1865, for final payment, and discharged. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 323 Company B. Capt. Thomas J. Prouty, e. as private, Aug. 30, 1861 ; pmtd. sergt.; prmtd. 2d lieut. Nov. 29, 1862 ; pmtd. 1st lieut. Dec. 25, 1864 ; prmtd. capt. July 9, 1865. Hollenbeck, Chas. H., e. Aug. 30, 1861, disd. April 16, 1863, wd. Prouty, Elijah, e. Aug. 30, 1861, vet. Dec 19, 1863. Cressler, Alfred, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Company C. Sergt. Orrin L. Williams, e. Oct. 1, 1861, m. o. Dec. 24 1864, term expired. Corp. Ephraim Percy, e. Oct. 2, 1861. Beaumont, H. E., e. Oct. 7, 1861. Foley, Michael, e. Oct. 3, 1861. Green, James M., e. Oct. 5, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864. Jordan, James, e. Oct. 3, 1861, disd. March 2, 1862. Kepheart, Isaac, e. Oct. 3, 1861, disd. for disab. Lasier, Silas D., e. Dec. 20, 1861. Mourn, Andrew, e. S«p. 20, 1861, reported dead. Morrison, John H., e. Oct. 1, 1861, m. o. Nov. 20, 1864. Mitchell, Robert M., e. Oct. 7, 1861. Mugley, Geo-., e. Oct. 8, 1861. McGrath, Patrick, e. Oct. 1, 1861, trans, to V. B. C. Stocks, Job., e. Oct. 9, 1861. Verly, John, e. Oct. 5, 1861, disd. Jan. 31, 1863, disab. Company D. McLaughlin, Thos. W., e. Oct. 19, 1861, vet. Dec. 19, 1863- m o. July 12, 1865. McLoughlin, W. T. Wilder, Albert A., e. Oct. 19, '61, disd. April 23, '63, disab, Company E. Second lieut. Chas. F. Dube, e. as sergt. Sept. 14, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. May 22, 1863, term expired Dec. 25, 1864. Oorp. Samuel E. Machamer, e. Sept. 14, 1861, disd. May 2, 1862. Boop, Wm. H., e. March 30, 1864 Brandt, Abraham, e. Sept. 18, 1861, vet. Dec. 19, 1863, m. o. as Corp. Boop, Jacob, e. March 30, 1864. Bowersox, Chas., e. Sept. 18, 1861, disd May 2, 1862. Dubs, Henry, e. March 24, 1864. Frasher, Win., e. Sept. 18, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864. Flickenger, E. 0., e. Sept. 14, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864. Keister, Chris., e. Sept. 18, 1861, trans, to inv corps. Miiler, Henry, e. Sept. 7, 1861, vet. March 1, 1864. Spellman, Thomas, e. Sept. 24, 1861, m. o. Sept. 29, 1864, term expired. Wingard, Jacob, e. Sept. 14, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864. FORTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. The Forty-sixth Infantry Illinois Volunteers was organized at Camp Butler, Illinois, Decem- ber 28, 1861, by Col. John A. Davis. Ordered to Cairo, 111., February 11, 1862; from there, proceeded, via the Cumberland River, to Fort Donelson, Tenn., arriving on the 14th, and was assigned to the command of Gen. Lew Wallace ; on the 15th, lost one man killed and two wounded; 16th, moved through the works and to Dover; 19th, moved to Fort Henry. March 6, embarked for Pittsburg Landing, where it arrived on the 18th. The regiment was now in Second Brigade, Fourth Division, with Four- teenth. Fifteenth and Forty-sixth Illinois, and Twenty-fifth Indiana, Col. James C. Veatch, Twenty-fifth Indiana, commanding brigade, and Brig. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut, of Illinois, com- manding division. In the battle of Shiloh, the Forty-sixth took a most conspicuous and hon- orable part, losing over half of its officers and men in killed and wounded, and receiving the thanks of the commanding Generals. Among the wounded were Col. John A. Davis, Maj. Dornblasser, Capts. Musser, Stephens, Marble and McCracken ; Lieuts. Hood, Barr, Arnold, Ingraham and Howell. In this action, the "Fighting Fourth Division" of Gen. Hurlbut achieved a reputation for bravery, to which it added on every field in which it was engaged until the close of the war. Was engaged in the siege of Corinth, in the month of May. June 2, camped six miles west of Corinth ; on the 10th, marched to the Hatchie River; loth, passed through Grand Junction, and camped three miles from town ; 24th, moved to Collar- bone Hill, near La Grange; on the 30th, moved to Old Lamar Church. July 1, marched to Cold Water, and returned on the 6th ; on the 17th, moved toward Memphis, marching via Moscow, Lafayette, Germantown and White's Station, and camping two miles south of Mem- phis, on the 21st of July. August 27, engaged in the scout to Pigeon Roost. September 6, moved from Memphis toward Brownsville; 7th, marched through Raleigh and Union Stations ; 9th, marched to Big Muddy River; 11th, via Hampton Station, to Danville ; 12th, via White- ville, to Pleasant Creek ; 14th, via Bolivar, to Hatchie River. September 27, all the troops on the river, at this place, were reviewed by Gen. McPherson. October 4, moved toward Corinth ; 5th, met the enemy at Metamora. The Forty-sixth was in position on the right of Second Brigade, supporting Bolton's Battery. After an hour of shelling by the batteries, the infantry were ordered forward, and at a double quick, advanced, driving the enemy across the river. The First Brigade coming up, " Hurl- but's Fighting Fourth Division" advanced and drove the enemy from the field, compelling their flight. Col. John A. Davis, of the Forty- sixth, was mortally wounded in this action, and Lieut. M. R. Thompson also, both dying on the 10th. After the battle, returned to Bolivar. November 3, marched to La Grange ; 28th, moved to Holly Springs ; 30th, toward Talla- hatchie Paver, and camped near Waterford, Miss., where splendid winter quarters, with mud chimneys and ba'ie ovens complete, were fitted up in time to move away from them. December 11, to Hurricane Creek, and 12th, to Yocona Station, where it remained until Decem- ber 22, when it marched to Taylor's Station. Van Dorn, having captured Holly Springs, marched on the 23d, .via Oxford, to Hurricane Creek ; 24th, the Forty-sixth Illinois and Thirty. third Wisconsin moved, as train guard, to north side of Tallahatchie River ; 26th, moved camp four miles nearer Holly Springs, between Waterford and Wyatt Stations. Jan- uary 6, 1863, moved to Holly Springs; 10th, Fifteenth and Forty-sixth Illinois were escort to ammunition train to La Grange ; 13th, marched to Moscow, where it remained until February 5, when it moved to Lafayette. The garrison of Moscow was First Brigade, Fourth Division, the Forty-sixth and Seventy-sixth Illinois of the Second Brigade, and two batter- ies : and the garrison of Lafayette the Four- teenth and Fifteenth Illinois and one battery, Col. Cyrus Hall commanding. After rejoining brigade at Lafayette, marched on the 9th of 324 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. March, via Collierville and Germantown, to Memphis. April 21, 1863, engaged in the ex- pedition to Hernando, and returned on the 'J4th. May 13, embarked for Vicksburg, and on the 15th, landed at Young's Point; 18th, marched to Bower's Landing ; 19th, moved to Sherman's Landing ; 20th. moved by steamer up Yazoo to Chickasaw Bayou ; disembarked, and moved across the swamp to the bluff. May 21. proceeded to the right of Gen. Grant's Army, and were then ordered to Snyder's Bluff; 24th, marched in the direction of Vicks- burg ; 25th, marched to the extreme left of the line. The regiment was detailed on picket duty, and during the night the outpost, con- sisting of five companies of the regiment, were captured by the enemy ; 101 men and 7 officers were captured, 70 escaping. The remainder of the regiment took an active part in the siege of Vicksburg; July 5, moved to Clear Creek; 6th, to Bolton Station ; 8th, to Clinton ; 9th, to Dickens' Plantation, where it remained guard- ing train : 12th, moved into position on the extreme right of the line near Pearl River ; engaged in the siege until the 16th, when the enemy evacuated Jackson, after which the reg- iment returned to Vicksburg. The division was now transferred to the Seventeenth Corp3, and Brig. Gen. M. M. Crocker assigned to com- mand. August 12, moved to Natchez. Sep- tember 1, went on an expedition into Louisiana, returning on the 8th. September 16, moved to Vicksburg. November 28, moved to Camp . Cowan, on Clear Creek. January 4, 1863, the Forty-sixth was mustered as a veteran regi- ment ; 12th, started north for veteran furlough ; 23d, arrived at Freeport. 111., and on the 27th, the regiment was furlougheu. Col. John A. Davis, com. Sept. 12, 1861, died at Bolivar, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1862, of wounds received at battle of Hatchie. Col. Benj. Dornblazer, com. adjt. Oct. 11, 1861, prmtd. Major Feb. 8, 1862, prmtd col. Oct. 11, 1862, brevt. brig. gen. Feb. 20, 1865. Maj. John M. McCracken, com. capt. Co. K Dec. 30, 1861, prmtd. maj. Oct. 11, 1862, term expired Dec. 23, 1864. Maj. Jos. Clingman, com. capt. April 24, 1862, prmtd. maj. Dec. 23, 1864. Quarter Master Edwin R. Gillett, com. September, 1862, res. Oct. 5, 1864. Quarter Master Jas. B. Wright, com. Oct. 5, 1864. Sergt. Elias C. De Puy, com. Sept. 23, '61, res. Nov. 1, '64. Sergt. Benj. H. Bradshaw, com. 1st asst. sergt. Sept. 12, 1862, prmtd. sergt. Nov. 1, 1864. First Asst. Sergt. Julius N. DeWitt, com. 2d asst. sergt. March 5, 1864, prmtd. 1st. asst. sergt. Nov. 1, 1864. Chaplain David Teed, com. Oct. 11, 1861, res. Sept. 1,1862. Sergt. Maj. Wm. Swanzey, e. Dec. 7, 1861, dis. May 29, 1862, disab. Sergt. Maj. Henry A. Ewing, dis. Oct. 25, 1863, for pro- motion. S>T£t. Maj. John E. Hersheydis. Sept. 1, 1864, disab. Sergt. Maj. Edgar Buttei field, vet., m. o. Sept. 20, 1866. Sergt. Maj. F. H. Whipple, trans, from 11th inf., m. o. July 8, 1865. Quarter Master Sergt. James Duncan, e. Sept. 14, 1861, dis. May 29, 1862, disab. Quarter Master Sergt. Julius T. Weld, in. o. Jan. 20, 1866. 'Comsy. Sergt. E. R. Gillett, e. Sept. 14, 1861, dis. for pro- motion as regimental quarter master. Comsy. Sergt. W. H. Barnds, vet., m. o. Jan. 20, 1866. Hospital Steward Thos. Wolcott, vet. Hospital Steward Jos. Chambers, e. Sept. 14, 1861, dis. August, 1862, disab. Hospital Steward James Steele, dis. March 1, 1864, for promotion. Hospital Steward Thos. J. Allen, vet., m. o. Jan. 20, 1866. Principal Musician Geo. W. Trotter, vet., reported died Oct. — , 1865. Company A. Capt. John Musser, com. Sept. 10, 1861, died April 24, '62. i Capt. Isaac A. Arnold, com. 2d lieut. Sept. 10, 1861, prmtd. 1st lieut. April 1, 1862, prmtd. capt. Dec. 23, 1864. ^irst Lieut. Wm. O. Saxton, com. Sept. 10, 1861, res. April 1, 1862. Wm. Reynolds, e. as sergt. Sept. 10, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. Oct. 15, 1861, prmtd. 1 lieut l'ec.23, 1864. Second Lieut. Geo. S. Dickey, e. as sergt. Sept. 10, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. April 1, 1862, res. Oct. 15, 1864. Second Lieut. Wm. M. Moore, prmtd. 1st. lieut. Dec. 23,'64. Sergt. Horace D. Purinton, e. Sept. 10, '61, dis. Dec.12,'63. Corp. Daniel M. Hart. e. Sept. 10, 1861, disd. July 8, 1862, disab. Corp. Thos. S. Clingman, e. Sept. 10, 1861, dis. Aug. 2, 1862, wds. Corp. Andrew M. Fellows, e. Sept. 10, '61, died May 2,'62. Corp. Albert M. Lull, e. Sept. 10, 1861, kid at Shiloh. Corp. Benj. Musser, e. Sept. 10, 1861, dis. Nov. 24, 1862, disab. Corp. Wesley J. Best, e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Corp. Q. E. Pollock, e. Sept. 10, 1861, as 1st lieut. died at Mound City, April 9, 1862, wds. Arnold, A. F., e. Sept. 10, 1861, dis. Sept. 4, 1862, disabi Andre, Wm., e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863, died at Duvall's Blufi, Dec. 10, 1864. Andrea Jacob D., e. Sept. 10, 1861, disd. Ambrose, Dewitt C, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Allen, John A. Allison, Wm. W., e. Oct. 10, 1861, died March 16, 1863. Belknap, C. A., e. Jan. 24, 1865. Bruner, Robt. D., e. Jan. 5, '64, as corpl., died Oct. 6, '64. Barrett, Edw., e. Jan. 25, 1864, died Aug. 12, 1864. Babcock, James M., e. Aug. 10, 1862, dis. Nov. 25, 1863, for promotion. Best, Hiram C, e. Jan. 24, 1865, dis. June 19, 1865. Bolander, H. W., e. Sept. 10, 1861, dis. Aug. 25, '62, disab. Bates, A. J., e. Sept. 10, 1861, dis July 9, 1862, disab. Bolander, Geo. W., e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863, m. o. as corpl. Best, Robt. T., e. Sept. 10, 1861, died Nov. 7, 1861. Barrett, Chas., e. Sept. 10, 1861, dis. Aug. 13, 1862, wds. Best Wesley J., e. Dec. 22, 1863, died Aug. 19, 1864, wds. Benter, Martin, e. Sept. 10, 1861, disd. Nov. 14, 1862, wds. Buss, Hillery, e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863, m. o. as Corp. Cearn, William, e. Sept. 10, 1861, trans, to inv. corps. Clingman, Abner, e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 7, 1863, m. o. July 14,1865. Clingman, Hiram, e. Sept. 10, 1861, kid. bat. Shiloh. Clingman, George R., e. Sept. lo, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Clouse, Charles, e. Sept. 10, 1861, died Sept. 7, 1862. Clingman, Charles, e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Clingman, John T., e. Jan. 26, 1865. Clingman, William M., e. Jan. 24. 1865. Cadwell, Horace, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Olow, Benjamin, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Clause, William, e. Jan. 27, 1865. Deriges, John P., e. Feb. 7, 1865. Daughenbaugh. C, e. Oct. 15, 1864, m. o. Oct. 8, 1865. Derrick, James E., e. Sept, 10, 1861, disd. May 28, 1862, disab. Descaven, D. P., e. Sept. 10, 1861, died Sept. 22, 1862. Davidson, George W., e. Sept. 10, 1861, disd. April 28, 1863, disab. Elliott, John, e. Sept. 10, 1861, kid. bat. Shiloh. Erley, William F., e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 7, 1863. Evans, Thomas W., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Ellis, Elias, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Faurer, Robert A., e. Oct. 10, 1862, vet. Faurer, Amos, e Dec. 12, 1863. French, D. H., e. Jan. 28, 1864. F, Charles, e. Jan. 25, 1865. Olthoff, William, e. Oct. 29, 1801, disd. Oct. 20, 1804, term expired. Olnhausen, Andreas, e. Oct. 29, 1801, vet. Dec. 22, 1803. Plumer, Johann, e. Sept. 10, 1801, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Penning, Wiard, e. Sept. 10, 1861, died Dec. 31, 1861. Perstin, F., e. Sept. 10, 1861, disd. Sept. 13, 1864, term expired. Polmann, Albert, e. Sept. 10, 1861, disd. Oct. 13, 1862 as corp. Prince, Jacob, e. Jan. 24, 1865, m. o. Jan. 20, 1865. Peppering, Christ, e. Oct. 29, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Raden, Johu Van, e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Rebel, Joham, e. Sept. 10, 1861, kid. bat. Shiloh. Reichemeier, C, e. Sept. 10, 1861, died Jan. 1, 1862, wjs. Rader, Arnold, e. Feb. 29, 1864. Romelfauger, Jacob, e. Jan. 28, 1864. Rorback, Jacob, e. Feb. 26, 1804. Rach. Ernest, e. Jan. 28, 1864. Rippberger, John, e. Jan. 26, 1865. Reinecke, Joseph, e. . Restine, George, e. . Schneider, H., e. Sept. 10, 1801, disd. Dec. 11, 1862, disab. Stohr, John, e. Sept. 10, 1861, disd. Nov. 13, 1862. disab. Schmaltzhaf, H., e. Sept. 10, 1861, died April 24, 1862, wds. Steifenhofer, M., e. Sept. 10, 1801, died Jan. 25, 1802. Stober, William, e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863, m. o. as sergt. Steinhauer, Jacob, e. Sept. 10, 1861, disd. May 24, 1802, disab. Schmidt, Johann, e. Feb. 2, 1804. Schvenstein, Burkhardt, e. Feb. 9, 1804, m. o. Jan. 20, 1866. Streeger, Peter, e. Feb. 27, 1864. Stork, Henry, e. Feb. 10, 1864. Schwartz, H., e. Jan. 26, 1864. Schneider, A. C, e Feb. 4, 1805. Seiferman, L., e. Feb. 2, 1865. Saur, Julius, e. Feb. 1, 1865. Spies, Jacob, e. Oct. 29, 1861, kid. Oct. 5, 1862. Schlueker, H. A., e. Feb. 4, 1864, drowned Aug. 26, 1864. Schneider, Joseph, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Schroeder, Frank, e. Dec. 29, 1863, m. o. Oct. 3, 1805 as corp. Seidenburg, Frederick, e. Oct. 29, 1861. disd. Feb. 7, 1862 Stoehr, John, e. , disd. May 31, 1865. Steffer, Michael, e. Feb. 4. 1804, m. o. June 7, 1865. Schroeder, Charles, e. , m. o. June 7, 1865. Schweitzer, John Geo, e. Oct. 29, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1804. Trei, Friedrich, e. Sept. lo, 1861, died May 9, 1863. Trivel, W., e. Feb. 8, 1804. Vacopp, Philip, e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1803, died May 21, 1804. Vollmer, Gottleib, e. Sept. 10, 1801, drowned May 14, 1803. Weifenbach, e. Sept. 10. 1801, disd. July 10, 1802, disab. Wolff, Johann, e. Sept. 10, 1801, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Weggenhausen, Max, e. Sept. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1803. Wagner, H. L„ e. Jan 1, 1864, Weik, Louis, e. Jan. 26, 1804. Wagner, W., e. Feb. 0, 1805. Wernick, H. A., e. Jan. 18, 1864. Werner, Jacob, e. Jan. 26, 1865. Wepel, H., e. Jan. 27, 1865. Wyarda, Theodore, e. Feb. 13, 1864. Wunderlin, Saver, e. Feb. 2, 1864. m. o. May 22, 1805. Zeibrich, Paulus, e. Sept. 10, 1801, disd. Nov. 23, 1862, disab. 828 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Company D. (New Company.) Capt. James W. Crane, com. Feb. 3, 18G4, disd. March 25, 1865. Capt. Francis 0. Miller, com. 1st lieut. Feb. 3, '64, prmtd. capt. June G, 1865. First Lieut. Isaac liobb, com. 2d lieut. Jan. 30, 1864, prmtd. 1st lieut. June C, 1865. Second Lieut. Benjamin F. Hayhurst, e. as private, Dec. 24, 1863, prmtd. 1st sergt., prmtd. 2d lieut. June 6, 1865. Aurand, John J., e. Dec 17. 1863. in. o. June 22, 1865. Adams, John H., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Atkins, Lewis E., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Avery, William N., e. Nov. 30, 1863. Brady, Frederick, e. Oct. 10, 1864, m. o. Ocf. 9, 1865. Brown, William \V., e. Feb. 26, 1865. Brown, John W., e. Oct. 25, 1864. Beswick, A. W., e. Feb. 27, 1864. Bolick, Henry, e. Dec. 26. 1863. Benton, Levi, e. Dec. 11,1863, m. o. July 3, 1865. Bates, A. J., e. Dec. 11, 1863, disd. Feb. 14, 1865, sergt. disab. Brown, James E., e. Dec. 23, 1863, m. o. as corp. Boyer, George, e. Dec. 26, 1863. Belden, Arthur, e. Dec. 28, 1863. Benth v, William, e. Dec. 24, 1863. Bentlev, Lewis D., e. Dec. 28, 1863. Beck, John, e. Dec. 20, 1863. Branard, Benjamin, e. Dec. 30, 1863, died July 2, 1864. Bundy, Ambrose A., e. Dec. 30, 1863. Bundy, Christopher, e. Jan. 18, 1864. Bistline, Daniel, e. Jan. 2. 1864. Clade, Levi, Jan. 24, 1865. Clark, William A., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Clark, Charles B., e. Dec. 31, 1863. Clade, Charles, e. Dec. 18, 1863. Cook, S. M., e. Dec. 28, 1S63. Culting, n. P., e. Dec. 25, 1863, trans, to V. R. C. Cross, Levi, e. Jan. 2, 1864. Clark, John, e. Jan. 2, 1864. Daugenbaugh, John N., e. Dec. 5,' 63, absent sick, at m. o. Denton, Levi A., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Demer, Levi, e. Jan. 2, 1864. Edgars, William, e. Dec. 12, 1863. Eister, Daniel W., e. Dec. 22, 1863. Ells, Lansing, e. Jan. 22, 1863, died May 14, 1864, wds. Eshelmann, M. N., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Furray, William, e. Jan. 27, 1865. Fiss, Thomas J., e. Dec. 30, 1863, absent sick at m. o. Fogel, John D., e. Dec. 11, 1863, disd. Sept. 28, 1864, wd. Fry, Joel. e. Dec. 30, 1863. Felt, William W., e. Dec. 28, 1863. Feltzer, Christopher, e. Jan. 28, 1863. Flory, John, e. Dec. 30, 1863. Gross. Theo., e. Feb. 2, 1865. Grissinger, Wm. B. e. Dec. 11, 1863. Gardner, Bray ton, e. Dec. 29, 1-63. Grimmel, Wm. D., e. Dec. 30, 1863. Hurlburt, K. W., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Hayden, Luther H., e. Dec. 28, 1863, died Jan. 5, 1865. Hammond, Marion, e. Dec. 29, 1863. Havhurst, B. F. Jon'e», Robert A., e. Dec. 28, 1863. Johnson, James W., e. Dec. 28, 1863. Kleckner, John P., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Kalev, Jos., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Keller, Henry, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Keohler, John, e. Feb. 24, 1865. King, Henry, e. Dee. 31, 1863, m. o. June 26, 1865. Knigut, H. B., e. Jan. 2, 1864, died June 3, 1864. Kleckner, Jacob, e. Dec. 15, 1863. Keeler. Chris., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Lincoln, Albert, e. Dec. 29, 1863, dis. July 7, 1863. Lightheart, Warren, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Lee, Samuel, e. Dec. 29, 1863. Leverton, Isaac, e. Dec. 29, 1863. Lults, Wm., e. Jan. 14, 1864 Lenart, Elias, e. Dec. 30, 186::. Melton, L. L.,.e. Dec. 29, 1863. Minnick, N., e. Dec. 26, 186:',. Musser, J. W., e. Dec. 28, 1863. Moorehouse, W. E„ e. Dec. 29, 1863. McGilligan, Win. K. P., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Maxwell, Job. W.. e. Dec. 31, died Aug. 23, 1864. Mattingley, James, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Messinger, George, e. Dec. 31. 1863, dis. May 31, 1865. Mespinger, Wm., e. Dec. 21, 1863. Mudy, Gto. W., e. Jan. 4, 1S64, died Oct. 9, 1864. Musser, Raymond, e. Jan. 2, 1864. Machamer/A. E., e. Jan. 2, 1864. McGilligan, Jos. N., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Pangborn, Geo. E., e. Jan. 1, 1864. Parker, Wm., e. Dec. 31, 1863. RuBh, Jos., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Rush, Emanu-1, e. Dec. 29, 1863. Reed, James H., e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, to Co. E. Rogers, M., e. Jan. 4, 1864. Reed, S. A., e. Jan. 2, 1864. Randal, James, e. Dec. 24, 1863, absent at m. o. of regt. Shumaker, John A., e. Jan. 24, 1865. Simc#x, A. R., e. Jan. 24. 1865, died Aug. 6, 1865. Stiue, John, e. Dec. 28, 1863, m. o. as sergt. Spitler, W. H., e. Dec. 30, 1863, m. o. as corpl. Solace, C. L., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Shumaker, George, e. Dec. 19, 1863. Scrambling, Wm. H., e. Dec. 28, 1863. Spofford, Chas. F., e. Jan. 2, 1864. Tyler, D. D., e. Sept. 10, 1861, m. o. Sept. 22, 1865. Towl, Henry E., e. Dec. 12, 1863. Vaughan, 0. 0., e. Dec. 12, 1863. Verguson, John S., e. Dec. 29, 1863. Vance, 0. C, e. Jan. 4, 1864. Wagnor, J. P., e. Dec. 24, 1863. Williams, Edward, e. Dec. 29, 1863. Warren, Wm., e. Dec. 29, 1863, m. o. June 26, 1865. Winner, Jacob, e. JaD. 1, 1864, dis. Oct. 7, 1865. Wittenmever, J. H. Young, Wm., e. Dec. 11, 1863. Zerby, Jacob, e. Jan. 2, 1864. Company E. Cassady, John, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Demuth, Fred, e. Jan 28, 1865, m. o. Aug. 9, 1865. Hammond, A. J., e. Feb. 24, 1865. O'Neal, Patrick, e. Feb. 16. 1864. Koin, John W., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Law, John W., e. Feb. 6, 1865. Long, Isaac, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Leslie Edw., e. Jan. 28, 1S65. Marion, Jos. Moses, Lewis. Moshier, Lorenzo, e. Feb. 7, 1865. Peaslie, Cornelius, e. Feb. 2, 1865. Phillips, Chris. Reed, I. W., e. Feb. 7, 1865. Reed, James H. Runkle, John D., e. Feb. 6, 1865. Rishel. John G., e. Jan. 31, 1865, m. o. May 27, 1865. Shane Wm. E., e. Feb. 7, 1865. Syler Peter, e. Feb. 6. 1865. Saxby, Wm. R., e. Feb. 6, 1865. Sidles, Charles, e. Feb. 24, 1865. Springer, David S.. e. Jan 26, 1865, m. o. May 27, 1865. Shaw, John W. TrotW James, e. Feb. 6, 1864. Waddell, W. W. Company F- First Lieut. John W. Barr. com. Oct. 15, 1861, m. o. fo promotion 2d Miss. Nov. 22, 18G3. Havs, Thomas, e. Oct, 4, 1861, m. o. Dec. 29, 1864. Hays, James, e. Oct. 4, 1861. Otto, Simon, e. Oct. 4, 1861. Gettich, Aaron, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Gross, J siah, e. Feb. 2, 1865. Hellman, M., e. Sept. 13, 1863, trans, to V. R. C. Little, Ira G., e. Sept. 8, 1863, disd. Sept. 5, 1S63. Mallory, James C, e. Nov. 7, 1861, died Aug. 10, 1862. Messenger, Theo. Petty, Stephen, e. Jan. 4, 1864. Stolf, Frederick, e. Feb. 27, 1864. Company C. Cftpt. William Young, com. Oct, 15,1861, res. April 12,1863. ('apt. Robert Smith, e. as 1st sergt. Oct. 8, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut April 7, 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. Oct. 6, 1862, prmtd. capt. April 12, 1S63, term expired Dec, 23, 1864. <'apt. Samuel Buchanan, e. as private Oct. 8. 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. Aug. 11, 1863, prmtd. 1st lieut. June 24,1864, prmtd. capt. Dec, 28. 1864, res. July 21, 1865. Capt, Dani-1 D. Diffeobaugh, e. as private Oct. 8, 1861, / prmtd. 2d lieut. June 24, 1864, prmtd 1st lieut, Dec. 28, 1S64, prmtd. capt. Sept. 5, 1865. First Lieut. Thomas M. Hood, com. Oct. 15, 1861, killed at Shiloh. First Lieut. Moses R. Thompson, com. 2d lieut. Oct. 15, 1861, prmtd. 1st lieut. April 7,1862, kid. bat. Hatchie. First Lieut. Robert Smi'h. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 329 First Lieut. Thomas Allen, e. as private Oct. 8, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. Oct. 6. 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. April 12, 1863, res. Aug. 11, 1863. First Lieut. Michael J. Cooper, e. as private Oct. 8, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. April 12, 1863, prmtd. 1st lieut. Aug. 11, 1863, res. June 24, 1864. First Lieut. Thomas C. Laird, e. as private Oct. 8, 1861. prmtd. 2d lieut. March 20. 1865, prmtd. 1st lieut. Sept, 5, 1865. Second Lieut. Thomas E. Joiner, e. as private Oct. 8, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. Sept. 5, 1865. Sergt. W. Swauzry, e. Oct. S, 1861. Sergt. Joseph McKibben, e. Oct. 8, 1861. Sergt. Joseph Stamp, e. Oct. 8, 1861, died June 16, 1862. Sergt. James B. Smith, e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. Aug. 22, 1862, private. Corp. S. E. Hershey, e. Oct. 8, 1861, trans, to Inv. Corps. Corp. Joseph S. Brown, e. Oct. 8,1861, died April 28, 1862, wds. Corp. Thomas Snyder, e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. Dec. 11, 1862, disab. Corp. John W. Rowray, e. Oct, 8, 1861, disd. June 21, 1862, disab. Musician James Cole, e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. Aug. 18, 1862, disab. Albright, William, e. Jan. 28, 1864. Aikev, Abram, e. Jan. 28, 1865. Angle, Luther, e. Jan. 31, 1865. Aikev, Robert, e. Feb. 1, 1862, kid. bat. Shiloh. Albright. Jacob, e. Feb. 1, 1862, vet. Jan. 5, 1864. Allison, D., e. Feb. 1, 1862, vet. Dec. 23, 1863, m. o. as sergt. Auman, John, e. Feb. 1, 1862, vet. Jan. 5, 1864, disd. March 12, 1865, for prmtn. Butler, E. M„ e. Jan. 9. 1865, trans, from 99th inf. Bush, William, e. Dec. 15, 1861, disd. Nov. 9, 1863, disab. Baker, John M., e. Jan. 24, 1865. Baker, Joseph, e. Jan. 25, 1865. Brubacker, William H., e. Feb. 26, 1864. Beedy, E. K., e. Feb. 27, 1861. Benton, George, e. Feb. 29, 1864. Barfoot, F. R,, e. Feb. 24, 1865. Bordner, Henry, e. Feb. 28, 1865. Bren. Ferdinand, e. Feb. 27, 1865. Bellman, John, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Boyer, Owen, e. Feb. 23, 1865. Baker, E. H., e. Aug. 30, 1862, m. o. June 19, 1865. Baker, Solomon S., e. Feb. 26, 1864, m. o. May 23, 1865. Brubacker, Reuben, e. Oct. 8, 1861, died May 9, 1862. Beeler, George D., e. Oct. 8, 1861, kldbat. Shiloh. Brown, Wm., e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. June 30,1863. Benton, George, e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. Dec. 11, 1862, disab. Bradshaw, B. H., e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. Sept. 12, 1862, to accept promotion to asst. sergt. Baker, Elias, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 24, 1863. Bates, B. L., e. Oct. 8, 1861, died July 12, 1862. Craig, E. W., e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. June 21, 1862, disab. Cable Seth, e. Oct. 8, vet. Dec. 24, 1863. Cable, David, e. Oct. 8, 1861, m. o. Oct. 19, 1864. Clubiue,D., e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. June 30, 1863. Clark, Ezekiel S., e. Dec. 7, 1863, m. o. as corp. Cable, Wm., e. Feb. 26. 1864. Cole, John, e. Jan. 28, 1864. Chambers, James S., e. Jan. 27, 1864. Campbell, Richard, e. Feb. 2, 1865. Curtis, H. H., e. Nov. 30, 1861, dis. Nov. 11, 1862, disab. Christman, F.. m. o. May 22, 1865. Correl, Daniel, e. March 9, 1865, m. o. June 9, 1865. Driesbach, Daniel, e. Sept. 4, 1862, died March 12, 1863. Drake, Edward, e. Oct. 8, 1861, m. o. Nov. 12, 1864. Daughenbaugh, S. A., e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, '63, disab. Dunn, Thomas, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Davis, Alfred, e. Dec. 9, 1863. Fiscus, D. W., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Frisbie, C. G., e. Jan. 24, 1865. Frisbie, Wm. D., e. Jan. 24, 1865, dis. Dec. 31, 1866. Fehr. Aaron, e. Oct. 8. 1861, vet. Dec. '.3, 1863. Foster, Hanv. e. Oct. S, 1861. Gage, Isaac, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Groken, S. H., e. Oct. 8, 1861, died April 6, 1862. Groff, John, e. Feb. 1,1864. Garman, H. ('., e. Feb. 6, 1864. Garman, Wm. A., e. Feb. 1U. 1864. Gardner, John, e. Dec. 9. I Goodrich, Jerome, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Hathaway, Earl, e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. Jan. 4, 1864. Hulet, Henry, e. Oct. 8, 1861, died May 30, 1862. Hickle, Elias, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 24, 1863. Helm, Wm., e. Oct. 8, 1861, died June 26, 1863. Hood, Jos. R., e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Hood, Thomas J., e. Oct. 8, 1861. Haughey, Jas. H., e. Feb. 24, 1864. Hathaway, Robert, e. Feb. 27, 1864, m. o. July 1, 1865. Hains, John H., e. Dec. 7, 1863. Haughey, Samuel J., e. Feb. 22, 1864. Haines, Wm., e. Sept. 18, 1863, died Feb. 15, 1865. Hay, Jonathan, e. Feb. 29, 1864, dis. Match 30, 1865, for promotion in United States Army. Hall, Thomas W., m. o.Oct. 10, 1865. Howard, Wm., e. Dec. 7, 1861, trans, to Co. K. Kittner, George, e. Oct. 8, 1861, died April 12, 1862, wd. Klontz, George, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863, m. o July 15, 1865. Kancke, R., e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet Dec. 24, 1863. Klonez, Peter, e. Feb. 19, 1864, disd. May 5, 1865, disab. Krumme, Henry, e. Sept. 10, 1861, m. o. Sept, 13, 1804 Lee, Ion, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec 22, 1863. Lee, Isaac S., e. Oct. S, i861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Larne John, e. Oct. 8, 1861, died June 27, 1862. Linsley, Newton, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet, Dec. 22, 1863, m. o. as corp. Long, Caspar, e. Oct, 8, 1861, disd. July 9, 1862, disab. LaBell, Peter, e. Oct. 8, 1861, died June 2, 1862. Law, Rolandus, e. Feb. 6, 1864. Lowe, Thomas A., e. Dec. 7, 1863. Lapp, Joseph, e. Feb. 1, 1866. Lahay, James, e. Dec. 25, 1861, trans, to Co. K. Loehle F., e. Jan. 1, 1862, vet. Jan. 1, 1864. Mayer, Isaac, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Moothart, P., e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. May 9, 1862. Moothart John F., e. Oct. 8, 1861, died Feb. 9, 1864. McLeese, Robert, e. Jan. 21, 1805. Malter, J., e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863, sick at m. o. of regt. McClintic. John, e. Aug. 14, '62, disd. March 17, '63disab. Meinert, C, e. Oct. 8, 1861, m. o. Nov. 12, 1861. McLaughlin, Thomas, e. Dec. 15, 1861, trans, to Co. K. McMurry, J., e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. May 20, 1863, corpl. McMurry, Chambers, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863, m. o. July 15, 1865. McMurray, George, e. Feb. 1, 1864. Preising, George, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864, kid. July 7, 1864. Petrick, Paul, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864. Paul, William, e. Feb. 1, 1865, m. o. Jan. 20, 1866. Redinger, Francis, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863. Richards, William D., e. Oct. 8, 1861, m. o. Oct. 21, 1864. Richards, Uriah, e. Oct. 8. 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863, m. o. as corp. Richmond, Lewis B., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Rubold, Henry, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863, disd. March 8, 1865. Reiter, W., e. Oct. 8, 1861, m. o. Nov. 12, 1864. Rutter, Jacob, e. Oct. 8, 1861. Riddle, Samuel, e. Feb. 29, 1864. Riddle, Wm., e. March 18, 1865, trans. 99th inf. Raymer, John A., e. Jan 27, 1865. Raymer, Wm. H., e. Feb. 27, 1865. Reirmeyer, Henry, e. Dec. 15, 1861, died July 10, 1864. Reatt, Ed., e. Sept. 13, 1862, m. o. Aug. 8, 1865. Risshell, Elias, e. Feb. 10, 1864, m. o. Aug. 8, 1865. Steel, James W., e. Oct. 8, 1861, prmtd. hospital steward. Shively, John, e. Oct. 8, 1861, died April 23, 1862. Smith, Wm., e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. Jan. 20, 1866. Smith, Aug. L., e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. Dec. 11, 1862. Sindlinger, Wm. M., e. Oct. 8, '61, disd. Julv 9, '62 disab. Schawb, Thomas, e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd, Nov. 26, '62, diBab. Smith, Martin, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Jan. 5, 1864, died March 21, 1864. Shelter, Jacob, Oct. 8, 1861, died July 17, 1862. Sausman. John L., e. Dec. 12, 1863. Springman, Adam, e. Feb. 27, 1864. Sherman, Leonard, e. March 4, 1865. Sindlinger, William M., e. Jan. 27, 1865. Sindlinger, Samuel, e. Jan. 28, 1865. Seely, Orin, e. Jan. 26, 1865. Shinkle, John T . e. Jan. 28, 1864, died Aug. 28, 1864. Stamm, William D., e. Dec. 1, 1863, died at Vicksburg, Sept. 24, 1864. Shippy, Joseph, e. Jan. 28, 1864, died Nov. 28, 1864. Shearer, John, e. Feb. 2!l, 1861. died Sept. 20, 1864. Shirk, Daniel F., e. Feb. 5, 1862, vet. Feb. 6, 1864. Stamm, Amos A., e. Oct. 4, 1864, m. o. July 1, 1865. Bpoonar, Charles, e. Nov. 1, 1861, vet. Dec. 24, 1863. Smith, E. 0. W., e. Feb. 29, 1864. Thomas, William H., e. Feb. 23, 180".. Tool, Eugene T., Oct. 11, 1864. Tool, A. 8., e. Oct. 11, 1864, m. o. Oct. 10, 1865. Tonibleson. Silas \\ '., e. Oct. 4, 1864, m. o. Oct. 5, 1865. Vore. John. e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 24, 1863. 330 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Ward, Sidney, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863, died July 8, 1864. Williams, Peter, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 22, 1863, died March 5, 1865. Wilson, F. T., e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Wyre, John, e. Oct. 8, 1861, disd. April 26, 1863, disab. Wilson, John, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 23, 1863. Wentz, Philip, e. Oct. 8, 1861, vet. Dec. 24, 1863. Walters, Samuel, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Williams, William, e. Jan. 28, 1864, died Dec. 14, 1864. Wolfanger, Aaron, e. Jan. 24, 1865, died July 19, 1865. Wootan, James E., o. Feb. 1, 1862, vet. Feb. 6, '64, disd. Weaver, William, e. Dec. 15, 1861, m. o. Dec. 5, 1864. Wike, Peter, trans. Ind. Corps. Young, D. D., e. Feb. 1, 1864. Young, Robert C, e. Oct. 8, 1861, m. o. Nov. 12, 1864. Young, F. M., e. Oct, 8, 1861, m. o. Oct. 19, 1864. Company I. Carter, S. E., e. Oct. 16, 1861. Company K. Capt. Wm. Stewart, com. 1st lieut. Oct. 15, 1861, prmtd. capt. Oct. 11, 1862. term expired Dec. 28, 1864 First Lieut. Jos. M. McKibben, e. as , prmtd. 2d lieut. July 16, 1862, prmtd 1st. lieut. Oct. 11, 1862, term expired Dec. 23, 1864. First Lieut. Louis E. Butler, e. as sergt. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. prmtd. 1st lieut. Dec. 23, 1864, died at Salubrity Springs, La., Oct. 5, 1865. First Lieut. John Wilson, e. as Corp. Nov. 7, 1861,' vet. prmtd. 2d lieut. March 20, 1865, prmtd. 1st. lieut. Oct. 26, 1865. First Sergt. James C. Mallory, e. Nov. 7, 1861, trans, to Co. F. Sergt. Oscar H. Osborne, e. Nov. 7, 1861, dis. July 27, 1862, disab. Sergt. Geo. Barton, e. Nov. 7, '61, dis. Nov. 21, '63, disab. Corp. Walter G. Barnes, e. Nov. 7, 1861, dis. May 31, 1862, disab. Corp. Benj. R. Frisbie, e. Nov. 7, 1861, m. o. Dec. 29, '64. Corp. T. S. Felton, e. Nov. 7, 1861, died March 17, 1862. Corp. R. C. Hardy, e. Oct. 4, 1861, dis. Nov. 7, '63, disab. Corp. E. H. Gardner, e. Nov. 7, 1861, died June 18, 1862. Corp. Thos. Woodcock, e. Dec. 26, vet. Musician Thos. Slade, e. Oct. 4, 1861, vet. Apker, John, e. Jan. 26, 1865, died May 8, 1865. Artley, A., e. Jan. 24, 1865. Artley, Charles, e. Jan. 28, 1865. Allen, Thomas H., e. Feb. 10,'64, prmtd. hospital steward. Butler, James A., e. Oct. 4, 1861, died July 13, 1862. Berns, Moses, e. Nov. 7, 1861, dis. May 25, 1862, disab. Brown, Geo. F., e. Nov. 7, 1861, died May 18, 1862. Brid, Geo. H., e. Feb. 2, 1865. Barker, Dudley, e. Feb. 7, 1865, died June 17, 1865. Brace, John, e. Jan. 13, 1862, died May 22, 1862, wds. Boyle, L., e. Jan. 21. 1862, trans, to inv. corps. Baker, John, e. Oct, 4, 1864, m. o. Oct. 3, 1865. Babb, A. W., e. Feb. 27, 1865. Butterneld, Chas. W., e. Feb. 26, 1865, absent sick at m. o. of regt. Cramton, Aaron, e. Oct. 4, 1861, dis. Sept. 9, 1862. Curran, John, e. Nov. 20, 1861, trans, to inv. corps. Carter, S. E., e. Dec. 26, trans, to. Co. A. Cantrill, J. T., e. Sept. 10, 1861. Cosier, Ammon, e, Jan. 25, 1865. Canvill, Calvin, e. Feb. 4, 1865. Coolidge, Nelson, e. Jan. 25, 1864, dis. Oct. 5, '64, wds. Carroll, Patrick, e. Feb. 23, 18G4. Cade, Alfred, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Daughenbaugh, Wm. J., e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Diemar, Josiah, e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Dodson, Thomas H., e. Nov. 15, 1861, died June 1, 1862. Dillon, Geo. W., e. Feb. 19, 1864. Dillon, Zachariah, e. Feb. 29, 1864. Decker, Z., e. Feb. 3, 1865. Devore, Espy, e. Jan. 16, 1864, dis. Aug. 23, 1865. Dinsruore Wm., e. March 27, 1865, sick at m.o. of regt. Diller, Michael, e. Dec. 25, 1861, trans, to Co. C. Doan, Jos., e. Feb. 1, 1864, died May 28, 1864. Dobson, Jacob, e. Feb. 1, 1864, died Oct. 30, 1864. Dolan, John, e. Feb. 4, 1864. Ely, Marion, e. Oct. 18, 1863. Flood, Bartholomew, e. Feb. 3, 1865. Farley, Thomas, e. Sept. 10, 1861, trans, to Inv. Corps. Fry, Conrad, e. Jan. 5. 1864, m. o. June 19, 1865. Gibler, H., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Gregsby, Uriah, e. Feb. 13, 1864. Garrison, 1. T., e. Dec. 5, 1863. Gillespie, P., e. Nov. 5, 1861, disd. May 22, 1865, disab. Gregsby, W. C, e. Feb. 13, 1864, m. o. June 12, 1865. Gregsby, Samuel, e. Jan. 27, 1865. Hays, Thomas J., e. Nov. 7, 1861, trans, to Inv. Corps. Hills, E. P., e. Dec. 26, 1861. Hiatt, John, e. Nov. 15, 1861, disd. Feb. 11, 1863, as sergt., disab. Heiter, Monroe, e. Feb. 7, 1865. Hartman, Anion, e. Jan. 31, 1865, m. o. July 17, 1865. Hand, Barney, e. Nov. 20, 1861, died Dec. 23, 1861. Kinney, Daniel, e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Kessling or Keeling, William, e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Kamrar, David, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Kraft, Jacob, e. Feb. 5, 1864. Kelly, Zebedee, e. Feb. 7, 1865. Keck, H. S., e. Feb. 4, 1865. Kamrar, Saul H., e. Jan. 13, 1862, vet. Lamb, Samuel F., e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Latour, Charles, e. Nov. 7, 1861, trans, to Co. 0. Lahay, James, e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Lamb, Samuel D., e. Jan. 22, 1865. Leibhart, Henry, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Lower, Reuben, e. Jan. 26. 1865. Linscott, Abrani, e. Feb. 29, 1864, m. o. May 31, 1865. Logan, William, e. Jan. 21, 1864. Mishler, Barton, e. Jan. 28, 1864. Miller, John H, e. Dec. 30, 1863. Mullin, D., e. Feb. 16, 1864. McCay, George, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Mufrly, Charles T., e. Jan. 28, 1865. McKibben, James H., e. Jan. 27, 1865. Myron, Thomas, e. Nov. 7, lt61, died June 12, 1862. Miller, Aaron, e. Dec. 26, 1861, died June 6, 1862. Martin, William H., e. Dec. 26, 1861. McLaughlin, Thomas, e. Dec. 6, 1861, vet. McKee, Robert, e. Nov. 7, 1861, trans, to Co. B. McKimsom, John S., e. Jan. 1, 1862, m. o. Dec. 31, 1864. Miller, A., e. Feb. 2, 1865, m. o. June 24, 1865. Mallory, D. C, e. Jan. 24, 1865, m. o. May 23, 1865. McGuirk, James, e. Jan. 1, 1862, vet. Needham, R. N., e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Nicholas, Charles H., e. Feb. 6, 1865. Owen, A. R.. e. Jan. 22, 1864. Osborn, 0. H., e. Jan. 30, 1864. Patten, Lawrence, e. Dec. 1, 1861, disd. March 7, 1862, disab. Plotner, Frank, e. Feb. 7, 1865. Quinn, William, e. Jan. 2, 1864. Reber, Levi M., e. Dec. 30, 1861, vet. Reber, M. V. B., e. Nov. 7, 1861. Reagle, Jacob, e. Nov. 7, 1861, died Oct. 26, 1862. Rutter, W. H. Rudel, L. Read, James H., e. Nov. 7, 1861, disd. Aug. 31, 1863 for promotion in U. S. C. T. Runner, Z. T. F., Jan. 25, 1865. Richards, William D., e. Jan. 30, 1865. Richards, Levi, e. Jan. 30, 1865. begin, Theo., e. Dec. 26, 1861, disd. Aug. 27, 1862, disab. Shook, Robert, e. Nov. 7, 1861, disd. Aug. 26, 1862, disab. Snow, A. L. F. M. e. Nov. 7, '61, disd. Aug. 29, '62, disab. Scott, George W., e. Feb 29, 1864. Star, F. H., e. Feb. 4, 1864. Scott, Isaac, e. Feb. 29, 1864. Sheffy, Levi W., e. Jan. 26, 1865. Sloan, Thomas, e. Feb. 7, 1865. Shane, Mathias, e. Feb. 7, 1865. Smith, Charles, e. Jan. 26, 1865. Shane, John W , e. Jan. 24, 1865. Sneely, Lewis Z., e. Feb. 7, 1865. Shaffer, Thomas J., e. Feb. 3, 1805. Sponage, William, e. Feb. 2, 1865. Train, L. R., e. Feb. 2, 1865. Winney, Daniel, e. Nov. 7, 1861, m. o. Dec. 29, 1864. Thomas, William, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Wagner, William N , e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Wood, Thomas, e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Wardwell, William G., e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Warner, D. J., e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Walbridge. Thomas, e. Dec. 26, 1861, vet. Woodruff, Isaac, e. Nov. 7, 1861, vet. Warner, William W., e. Jan. 25, 1865. Willy, Andrew, e Dec. 10, 1861, trans, to Co. A. Withneck, William, e. Feb. 7, 1862, died May 17,1862. Winne, Abraham, e. Jan. 26, 1865, died June 16, 1865. Watson, Henry, e. Feb. 3, 1865. Zweifel, Albert, e. Feb 19, 1864, m. o. as Corp. Zeigler, Miller, e. Feb. 2, 1864. FREEPORT HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 333 UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. Barker, Jack. e. Feb. 27, 1865. Brown, Charles M., e. Jan. 25, 1864. Butler, B. F., e. Feb. 6, 1864. Cable, L. M., e. Feb. 22, 1864. Crossman, George W., e. March 9, 1865, m. o. June 29, '65. Cochran, D., e. March 29, 1865, m. o. May 21, 1865. Davis, Philip, e. Feb. 3, 1865. Driggs, John A., e. March 4, 1865, m. o. May 21, 1865. Frund, Julius L., e. March 11, 1865, in. o. May 23, 1865. Getlish, Addison. Harkell, William, e. Dec. 30, 1863. Helder, John W., e. Oct. 3, 1864. Mareau, Joseph, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Phillips, C. Y. Prain, L. R. Richardson, James, e. March 9, 1865, m. o. June 8, 1865. Richardson. Joshua, e. March 9, 1865. Rishel, Daniel L., e. Dec. 1, 1863. Sprader, Charles, e. Jan. 31, 1865. Tegar or Yeager, John, e. Jan. 24, 1865. Umphreys, A. R., e. Jan. 24, 1865. Van BureD, George E., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Weldon, Sidney, e. Dec. 7, 1863. Wendecker, William. William, Thomas, e. Jan. 5, 1864. SIXTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. (Three Months.) Company H. Capt. James W. Crane, com. June 13, 1862. First Lieut. Stephen Allen, com. June 13, 1862. Second Lieut. Alonzo Hilliard, com. June 13, 1862. First Sergt. John Stine, e. June 2, 1862. Sergt. James R. Baker, e. June 2, 1862. Sergt. Charles A. Dodge, e. June 2, 1862. Sergt. John D. Lamb, e. June 2, 1862. Sergt. H. W. Sigworth, e. June 2, 1862. Corp. 0. T. P. Steinmetz, e. June 2, 1862. Corp. Ambrose Martin, e. June 2, 1862. Corp. Sidney Robins, e. June 2, 1862. Corp. Hazilas S. Ritz, e. June 2, 1862. Corp. William H. Hoyt, e. June 2, 1862. Corp. William H. Butler, e. June 2, 1862. Wagoner Jacob W. Pells, e. June 2, 1862. Armstrong, John T., e. June 2, 1862. Allen, T. M., e. June 2, 1862. Allen, N., e. June 2, 1862. Albright, Harrison, e. June 2, 1862. Adams, Taylor, e. June 2, 1862. Bitts, Jacob, e. June 2, 1862. Bollman, George. Clark, C. H., e. June 2, 1862. Cross, T. L. e. June 2, 1862. Carpenter, Horace, e. June 2, 1862. Denure, W., e. June 2, 1862. Dryer, Edward, e. June 2, 1862. Davenport, Lucius, e. June 2, 1862. Denton, Levi, e. June 2, 1862. Evans, L. A., e. June 2, 1862. Farley, James, e. June 2, 1862. Fain, John P., e. June 2, 1862. Friedman, V., e. June 2, 1862. Fye. Benjamin, e. June 2, 1862. Fye. Josiah. e. June 2, 1862. Griffing, D. J., e. June 2, 1862. Gilmore, George, e. June 2, 1862. Gafney, Michael. Gundy, A. M., e. June 2, 1862. Gates, H. H., e. June 2, 1862. George. John E., e. June 2, 1862. Grant, Smith H., e. June 2, 1862. Grant, R. C, e. June 2, 1862. Hagart, Sidney, e. June 2, 1862. Hagart, William, e. June 2, 1862. Hustin, William T., e. June 2, 1862. Hersey, Daniel, e. June 2, 1862. Jones, Robert, e. June 2, 1862. Kelly, Mathew, e. June 2, 1862. Layr, M., e. June 2, 1862. Lauver, George, e. June 2, 1862. Leverton, Isaac, e. June 2, 1862. Lee, Samuel, e. June 2, 1862. Lunt, A. M., e. June 2, 1862. Linderman, S., e. June 2, 1862. Martin, W. H., e. June 2, 1862. Martin, A. J., e. June 2, 1862. Maher, Ed. e. June 2, 1862. Mullen, John, e. June 2, 1862. Mock, Henrv, e. June 2, 1862. Miller, John H., e. June 2, 1862. McEathron, John S., e.June 2, 1862. Miller, J. C, e. June 2, 1862. Messinger, George, e. June 2, 1862. Miller, Zeri, e. June 2, 1862. Pickard, John S., e. June 2, 1862. Price, William, e. June 2, 1862. Phillips, Reuben, e. June 2, 1862. Rice, David E., e. June 2, 1862. Stout, Cyrus, e. June 2, 1862. Solace, Chester L., e. June 2, 1862. Stewart, Thomas M., e. June 2, 1862. Steckler, Daniel, e. June 2, 1862. Shoemaker, George, e. June 2, 1862. Van Sicklas, John, e. June 2, 1862. Walsh, F. A., e. June 2, 1862. Williams, George, e. June 2, 1862. Warner, Henry, e. June 2, 1862. Walton, A. D., e. June 2, 1862. Williams, L., e. June 2, 1862 SEVENTY-FIRST REGIMENT. (Three Months.) Company B. Capt. Luther W. Black, com. July 22, 1862. Sergt. Wm. A. St. John, e. July 7, 1862. Sergt. John J. M. Brown, e. July 7, 1862. Corp. Jas. H. Cox, e. July 10, 1862. Andre, Geo. W., e. July 2, 1862. Bunce, Danforth, e. July 11, 1862. Barrott, Marion. DeFrain, Samuel, e. July 5, 1862. Durkee, D. M. Eells, Wm. A., e. July 15, 1862. Gettig, Aaron M., e. July 5, 1862. Hicks, James R. Hoflinger, Jacob, e. July 15, 1862. Klecker, John P., e. July 14, 1862. Klouts, John, e. July 7, 1862. Mitchell, Levi. Ritzman, Martin, e. July 8, 1862. Stites, Geo. W., e. July 10, 1862. Shippy, Chas., e. July 7, 1862. Shinkle, John, e. July 10, 1862. Snyder, Wm. H., e. July 14, 1862. Smith, Ellis, e. July 14, 1862. Snyder, John, e. July 12, 1862. Smith, James C, e. July 10, 1862. Stace, J. E. W , e. July 14, 1862. Sands, Jos. H., e. July 5, 1862. Soliday, Hy. Wilson, Henry, e. July 14, 1862. SEVENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Organized at Rockford and mustered into the United States service September 6, 1862. Companies G and I were from Ogle and Ste- phenson Counties ; all the rest were from Win- nebago County. Left Rockford September 27 for Jeffersonville, Ind. Arrived there October 1, and moved to Louisville, Ky., immediately. Assigned to Army of the Cumberland, First Brigade, Second Division, under Gen. Buell. Moved from Louisville October 7, and was in the battle of Chaplain Hills, Ky., October 13 ; from there to Crab Orchard, Ky., pursuing Bragg, participating in many skirmishes. Returned from Lebanon, Ky., October 25 ; from there it went to Nashville, Tenn., where a re-organiza- tion was effected, under Gen. Rosecrans. De- cember 25, received marching orders, with three days' rations. Participated in the battle of Stone River, December 30, 31, 1862, and Jan- uary 1, 1863, the regiment losing sixteen men killed and wounded. Went into winter quarters at Camp Little, south of Murfreesboro,and were 334 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. engaged in numerous raids in the surrounding country. Moved from winter quarters July 15; was in battle of Liberty Gap, July 20; one man killed ; was engaged at Tullahoma, Tenn. ; from here it was ordered to Winches- ter, Tenn., where it encamped. Moved August 20, to Stevenson, Ala. Engaged at Chicka- mauga, September 18, 19 and 20; lost five men. The regiment on the latter date was in charge of hospital and supply trains, arriving at Chattanooga, Tenn., September 22. While here it had very short allowances until Novem- ber 22, when they participated in the fight of Mission Ridge, November 25, their colors being the first to pass over the rebel lines, capturing a battery of four pieces at Bragg' s headquar- ters ; loss to regiment, six privates. Col. Jason Marsh wounded, Lieut. Col. Kerr wounded in the arm. Returned to Chattanooga on the 26th, and marched to Knoxville, Tenn., to relieve Gen. Burnside, and then went into winter quarters about December 13. May 2, 1864, it joined the main army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga, where it arrived on the 3d ; on the 5th, marched under orders, and was in the battle of Rocky Face, or Buzzard Roost, Ga. ; was at Resaca, Ga., May 14 and 15; Calhoun, May 17; Adairsville, Ga., May 18; Dallas, Ga., May 25 to June 5; Lost Mountain, Ga., June 16 ; was in the battle at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 20 and June 27 ; lost fifty-two men and six commissioned officers, Lieut. Col. J. B. Kerr being among the number. Battle of Smyrna; Camp Ground, Ga., July 4, lost six- teen men ; was also at Peach Tree Creek, July 20 ; Atlanta. July 22, and was continually engaged until the battle of Jonesboro, Ga., Sept. 1,1864, aud Lovejoy Station, Sept. 2; then returned to Chattanooga, Tenn., where it was assigned to the Army of the Tennessee. Engaged the enemy, November 28, at Colum- bia, Tenn. ; Spring Hill, November 29; Frank- lin, Tenn., November 30; Nashville, Tenn, December 15 and 16, following Hood to Hunts- ville, Ala., fighting him all the time until he crossed the Little Tennessee and then went into winter quarters. March 26, 1865. it marched to Bull's Gap, Tenn., to intercept Lee, leaving there April 17, for Nashville, Tenn., where the regiment was mustered out June 20, 1865. Returned to Rockford with 157 enlisted men and thirteen officers. Col. Jason Marsh was at the head of the regiment until about Jan. 1, 1865, when Lieut. Col. Thomas J. Bryan took command. First Asst. Surg. Chesseldon Fisher, com. 2d asst. surg. Sept. 28, 1862, prmtd. March 24, 1863, surg. 75th regt. Company 1. C'apt. Wm, Irvin, com. Sept. 4, 1862, res. Jan. 28, 1863. Cap*. Frederick W. Stegner, com. 1st lieut. Sept. 4, 1862, prmtd. Capt. Jan. 28, 1863, kid. in battle June 27, '64. Capt. Daniel Cronemillur, com. 2d lieut. Sept. 4, 1862, prmtd 1st lieut. Jan. 28, 1863, prmtd. capt. June 27, 1864. First Lieut. Edgar W Warner, e. as sergt. Aug. 11, 1862, prmtd 2d lieut. Jan. 28, 1863, prmtd. 1st lteut. June 27, 1864, disd. Sept. 1, 1864. First Lieut. Robert P. Gift, e. as sergt. Aug. 14, 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. June 27, 1864. Sergt. Johnson Porter, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. June 17, '63. Sergt. John A. Mullarkey, e. Aug. 14 1862, died June 28, 1864, wd. Corp. James B. Rowray, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. for disab. I k>rp. J. Steward, e. Aug. 14, 1862, trans to V. R. ('. Corp. Charles Hunt, e. Aug. 14, 1862, m. o. June 10, 1865. Corp. Uriah Boyden, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. Dec. 20, 1862, dlsab. Corp. Jacob Kehm, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. for disab. Hi-nsey, John. e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. June 16, 1864, wd. Wagoner Wm. Vore, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. March 4 '63, disab. Andrews, Jacob, e. Aug. 14, 1862, m. o. as corp. Anderson, Ole, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. March 31, '63, disab. Ashenfelter, Moses, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Ashenfelter, Franklin, e. Aug. 14. 1862, disd. Dec. 6, 1862, disab. Bellman, Wm., e. Aug. 14, 1862, died Dec. 4, 1862. Bener, Jos., e. Aug. 14, 1862, died March 11, 1865. Benning, Gottleib, e. Aug 14. 1862. Bingman, Robert, e. Aug. 14, 1862, died May 16, 1864. Boos, Wm , e. A tig. 14, 1862, missing in action. Bokhoff, Wm., e. Aug. 14, 1862. Boughton, George W., e. Aug. 14, 1862, trans, to V. R. O. Bough thampt, Jacob, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. March 11, 1863, disab. Bramin. Edwin, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. June 27, '63, disab Burrell, Robert, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Clark, Orla, e. Aug. 14, 1862, missing in action. Cole, Sidney, e. Aug 14, 1862, died Nov. 5, 1862. Ebling, Peter, e. Aug. 14, 1862, trans, to V. R. C. Englot, Gregory, e. Aug. 14 1862, m. o. June 10, 1866 Feeny, John, e. Aug. 14, 1862, trans, to V. R. C. Feeney, Henry. Ferico, John, e. Aug. 14, 1862 .died March 22, 1863. Flinn, Jos., e. Aug. 14, 1862. Fuoss, Daniel, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd March 7, 1865, disab. Hensev, Fred., e. Aug. 14, 1862, died in battle June 27, 1864, corp. Henderson, O. P., e. Aug. 14, '62, disd. July 18, '63, disab. Hultz, Benj., e. Aug. 14, '62, disd. December 27, '62, disab. Inman Austin, e. Aug. 15, 1862, died June 27, 1864. Jennewine, Thomas, e. Aug. 14, 1862, died Jan. 2, '63, wd. Keagle, Wm. H , e. Aug. 14, 1862, died Dec. 13, 1862. Keagle, James G., e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. May 22, 1865. Keagle, F. B., e. Aug 14, 1862. trans, to U. S. EngB. Keller, Adam, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Knudson, Nels, e. Aug. 14, 1862, died Nov. 26, 1S62. Laber. Levi, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. March, 15, 1863, disab. Lapp, Samuel, e. Aug. 14, 1862, died Jan. 5, 1863. Masmin, Fred, e. Aug. 14, 1862, kid. June 18, 1864. McCarty, Thomas, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. Jan. 27, 1863, disab. Miller, Fredk., e. Sept. 25, 1862. McGrane, Peter, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. Dec. 18, '62, disab. Mullarkev, Chas., e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. Nov. 5, 1862, disab. Mullarkey, John, e. Aug. 14, 1862,disd. Nov. 5, 1862, disab. Neidle, Rudolph, e. Aug. 14, 1862, m. o. as corp. Miller, Frederick. O'Mealy, Patrick, e. Aug. 14, 1862, m. o. as corp. Oleson, Talliff, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. March 22, '63, disab. Peterson, Elias E., e. Aug. 14, '62, disd. Feb. 2, '63, disab. Richardson, Henry, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. March 26, 1863. Schoolcraft, Whitney, e. Aug. 15. 1862, trans, to V. R. C. Seward, John, e. Aug. 14, 1862, prmtd. corp., then sergt. pris., m. o. June 27, 1866. Sheckler. James W., e. Aug. 21, 1862, disd. Feb. 12, 1863, disab. Sheckler. Thomas, e, Aug. 14, '62, disd. Jan. 27, '63, disab. Snyder, Perry, e. Aug. 14, 1862, m. o. as corp. Snyder, Jackson, e. Aug. 14, '62, disd. March 26, '63, disab. Stinson, E. H., e. Aug. 14, 1862, trans, to 36th inf. Spaulding, D. G., e. Aug. 9, 1862, trans, to V. R. C. Spaulding, A. C, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. Feb. 10, '65, disab. Tunks, Alfred, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd July 6, 1863, disab. Van Valkenburg L. H., e. Aug. 14, 1862, kid. June 27,'64. Waggoner, Jacob, e. Aug. 15. 1862. m. o. as sergt. Webb, E. Boone, e. Aug. 14, 1862, trans, to. V. R. C. Winkle, Fredk., e. Aug. 15, 1862, m. o. June 10, 1865. Webster, 0. B., e. Sept. 30, 1864. NINETIETH INFANTRY. The Ninetieth Infantry, Illinois Volunteers, was organized at Chicago, 111., in August, Sep- tember and -October, 1862, by Col. Timothy O'Meara. Moved to Cairo November 27, and to Columbus, Ky., on the 30th. From thence, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 385 proceeded to La Grange. Tenn., where the reg- iment arrived December 2. On the 4th, or- dered to Cold Water, Miss., where it relieved the Twenty-ninth Wisconsin Infantry. On the morning of December 20, a detachment of Sec- ond Illinois Cavalry arrived at Cold Water, havingcut their way through Van Dorn's forces, out of Holly Springs. Soon after, four com- panies of the One Hundred and First Illinois came in. and were followed by the enemy to our lines. The demonstrations made by the Ninetieth deterred the enemy from making any severe attack, although he was 4,000 or 5,000 strong, and after some skirmishing, he with- drew. The regiment was mustered out of service June 6, 18G5, at Washington, D. C, and arrived at Chicago. June 12, 1865, where it received final pay and discharge. Company A. Barrett, Patrick, Aug. 5, 1862. Barn, Michael, Sr., e. Aug. 5, 1862, disd. March 1, 1865, disab. Broderick, David, e. Aug. 5, 1862, kid. July 12, 1863, at Jackson, Miss. Carroll, John, e. Aug. 5, 1862. Caton, Wm., e. Aug. 5, 1862, kid. Nov. 25, 1863. Cranney, Patrick, e. Aug. 5,1862. died March 28, 1863. Crawley, John, e. Aug. 5, 1862, died May 18, 1863. Foley, James, e. Aug. 5, 1862. Kennelly, Edward, e. Aug. 5, 1862, absent at m. o. of regt. wd. McCormick, J., e. Aug. 5, 1862. Company C. McCarty, Dennis, e. Aug. 15, 1862, kid. Nov. 25, 1863. Company I. First Lieut. William Brice, com. April 7, 1865, m. o. June 6, 1865. Second Lieut. John J. O'Leary, com. Oct. 31, 1862, res. Feb. 1,1863. Sergt. John Doogan, e. Aug. 16, 1862, died Sept. 2, '64, wd. Sergt. Willia m Brice, e. Aug. 14, 1862, prmtd. lieut. Sergt. Neil. O'Garrey, Aug. 16, 1862, died Jan. 21, 1863. Corp. William Con well, e. Aug. 16, 1862, m. o. as sergt. Coip. Thomas B. Eagan, e. Aug. 17, 1862. Corp. Elisha N. Strong, e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. Sept. 4, '63. Brennan, Edw., e. Aug. 16, 1862. Burns, Cornelius, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Coughlin, John, e. Aug. 8, 1862. Cooney, Francis, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Crawford. John, e. Aug. 16, 1862, died June 18, 1864. Cane, James, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Chichester, Merit, e. Aug. 7, 1862, disd. March 13, 1864, disab. Enright, James, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Flannighan, M., e, Aug. 8, 1862, trans, to V. E. *'. Frost, H. 0., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Gallaher, Charles, e. Aug. 16, 1862. Griffin Patrick, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Laughran, James, e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Aug. 21, 1864. McAndrews, M., e. Aug. 12, 1862, disd. April 16, 1864, disab. McSweenev, E., e. Aug. 12, 1862. JVlcIntyre, Timothy, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Moynahan, Anthony, e. Aug. 10, 1862. Moonev, Thomas, e. Aug. 17, 1862. Meena'han, John. e. Aug. 18, 1862. Moynahan, John, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Mulligan, James, e. Aug. 17, 1S62, m. o. as musician. O'Connell, Daniel, e. Aug. 11, 1862. O'Connor, Charles, e. Aug. 18, 1862, died Sept. 16, 1863. O'Brien B-rnarrt, e. Aug 9, 1862. Powers, James, e. Aug. Hi. 1862. died Sept. 14, 1863. Ryan, John, e. Aug. 12, 1862. Wilkinson, John, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Whalen, M., e. Aug. 10, 1862, died Aug. 21, 1864. NINETY-SECOND INFANTRY. The Ninety-second Regiment Infantry Illi- nois Volunteers was organized at Rockford, [ 111., and mustered into the United States serv- | ice September 4, 1862. It was composed of five { compares from Ogle County, three from Ste- phenson ' ounty, and two from Carroll County. j The regiment left Rockford, October 11, 1862, with orders to report to Gen. Wright, at Cin- ! cinnati. where it was assigned to Gen. Baird's Division. Army of Kentucky. It inarched immediately into the interior of the State, and during the latter part of October was stationed at Mt. Sterling, to guard that place against rebel raids, and afterward at Danville, Ky. On the 26th of January, 1863, the regiment, with Gen. Baird's Division, was ordered to the Army of the Cumberland. Arriving at Nash- ville, the command moved to Franklin, Tenn., and was engaged in the pursuit of the rebel Gen. Van Dorn. Advanced to Murfreesboro, and occupied Shelbyville, June 27. On July 5, the regiment was engaged in rebuilding a wagon-bridge over Duck River ; July 6, was ordered by Gen. Rosecrans to be mounted and armed with ^he Spencer rifle, and attached to Col. Wilder' s Brigade of Gen. Thomas' Corps, where it remained while Gen. Rosecrans had command. The regiment crossed the moun- tains at Dechard, Tenn., and took part in the movements opposite and above Chattanooga, when it recrossed the mountains and joined Gen. Thomas at Trenton, Ala. On the morning of the 9th of September, it was in the advance to Chattanooga, and participated in driving the rebels from Point Lookout, and entered the rebel stronghold, unfolding the Union banner on the Crutchfield House, and kept in pursuit of the rebels. At Ringgold, Ga., was attacked by a brigade of cavalry, under command of Gen. Forrest, and drove them from the town, killing and wounding a large number. During the Chickamauga battle, the regiment took part in Gen. Reynolds' Division of Gen. Thomas' Corps. In April, 1864, it was again at Ringgold, Ga., doing picket duty. April 23, Capt. Scovil, with twenty-one men, was captured at Nickajack Gap, nine miles from Ringgold, and one man killed. Of the men thus taken prisoners, twelve were shot down, and six died of wounds, after being taken prisoners. The remainder were taken to Andersonville; and very few ever left that place, having died from the cruel treatment received there. From Ringgold, May 7, 1864, the regiment entered upon the Atlanta cam- paign, and was assigned to Gen. Kilpatrick's command, and participated in the battles of Resaca, raid around Atlanta. Bethesda, Fleet River Bridge, and Jouesboro. The regiment lost, at Jonesboro, one-fifth of the men engaged. From Mount Gilead Church, west of Atlanta, October 1, the regiment moved, and took an aciive part in the operations against Hood's army. At Powder Springs it had a severe engagement, losing a large number of men, killed and wounded. The regiment then returned to Marietta, and participated in the various engagements and skirmishes in Slier- man's march to the sea. At Swift Creek, N. ft, Capt. Hawk, of Co. C, was severely 336 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. wounded, losing a ieg. The regiment, during its term of service, was in some forty battles and skirmishes. It was mustered out at Con- cord, N. C, and paid and discharged from the service, at Chicago, 111., July 10. 1865. Col. Smith D. Atkins, com. Sept. 4, 1862, prmtd. brvt. brig. gen. Lieut. Col. Christopher T. Dunham, com. capt. Co. F. Sept. 4, 18<)2, prmtd. maj. April 21,1804, com. declined. Adjt. Isan C. Lawver, com. Sept. 6, 1862, res. Oct. 1, 1864. Adjt. Charles C. Tret-guard, prmtd. 1st lieut. Co. G Feb. 14, 1863, prmtd. nd.jt. Oct. 1, 1864. Quartermaster Phillip Sweeley, e. as private Sept. 3, 1861, prmtd. quartermaster June 4, 1864. Sergt. Maj. Noah Perrin, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Feb. 25, 1863. Hospital Steward David C. Grier, disd. Dec. 6, 1862. Company A. Capt. William J. Bollinger, com. Sept. 4, 1862, res. Dec. 25, 1862. Capt. Harvey W. Timms, com. 1st lieut. Sept. 4. 1862, prmtd. capt. Dec. 25, 1862, trans, to Co. I, 65th inf. First Lieut. William Cox. com. 2d lieut. Sept. 4, 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. Dec. 25, 1862, hon. disd. May 15, 1865. Second Lieut. William H. Frost, e. as 1st sergt. Aug. 9, 1862, prmtd. 2d lieut. Dec. 25, 1862. Sergt. Legrand M. Cox, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Jan. 27,1865, disab. Sergt. W. C. Goddard, e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Nov. 7, 1862. Sergt. Jesse R. Leigh, e. August 9, 1862. Corp. Charles S. Vincent, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Corp. M. P. Eldridge, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. April 12, 1863, disab. Corp. Henry Rudy, e. Aug. 11, 1862, died July 27, 1863. Corp. William W. Smith, e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Feb. 17, 1863. Sergt. George Metcalf, e. August 12, 1862, died March 3, 1863. Corp. H. Dusenbury, e. August 9, 1862, disd. April 3, 1864, disab. Corp. Roswell Eldridge, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Corp. Daniel Deneere, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Musician George Boop, e. Aug. 7, 1862. Musician John J. Lower, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Wagoner George C. Mack, e. Aug. 13, 1862, kid. Feb. 11, 1865. Armagast, Hugh S., e. Aug 15, 1862, died Nov. 20. 1862. Armagast, James C, e. Aug. 15, 1862, m. o. as corp. Butler, D. W., e. Aug 9, 1862, disd. April 8, 1865, disab. Beach, Jay A., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Boddy, William, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Baker, William H. H., e. Aug. 26, 1862, disd. April 13, 1863, disab. Balliett, D. M., e. Oct. 17, 1864. trans, to 65th inf. Balliett, Henry, e. Oct. 7, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Buchanan, Charles, e. Jan. 20, 1865, trans, to 65th inf. Baker, Lambert, e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. April 13, 1863, disab. Basinger, W. H., e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. Aug. 29, 1863, disab. Beverley, William H., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Babcock, John S., e. Aug. 14, 1862, disd. March 13, 1863, disab. Babbitt, C. W., e. Aug. 7, 1862. Baum, S. Y., e. Aug. 13, 1862, disd. March 23, 1865, as corp. Churchill, E. 8., e. March 22, 1864. Caldwell, J., e. Aug. 15, 1862, m. o. as corp. Churchill, George W., e. Sept. 20, 1862. Cheney, Chester, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Cheney, M., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Cole, W. D., e. Auk. 14, 1862, disd. Aug. 9, 1863. Denure, W. J , e. Feb. 8, 1864. Demons, John, Aug. 9, 1862, died Sept. 23, 1S64, wds. Dunn, Joseph I., e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. Feb. 2, 1863, disab. Egleston, Charles W., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. May 26, 1865, disab. Erb, William, e. Aug. 9, 1862, kid. Dec. 4, 1864. Gaylord, D. C, e. Aug. 13, 1862, disd. Sept. 9, 1863, disab. Gaylord, F. H., e. Aug. 11, 1862. Gunsaul, Joseph, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Giddings, H. M., e. Aug. 14, 1862. Gossman, Charles, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Gelz, Leonard, e. Aug. 22, 1862. Haishbarger, Sam'l, e. Feb. 8, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Hatch, Wellington, e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Dec. 23, 1862. Hoppe, Ernst, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Haynes, W. E., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Judson, Chas. 0., e. Aug. 11, 1862, dis. May 26, 1863, disab. Johnson, Geo., e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Feb. 27, 1863. Knox, H. B., e. Aug. 11, 1862. Mack, H. B. e. Aug- 11, 1862. Miller, M. R., e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Sept. 26, 1864. Moothart, Wm. P., e. Feb. 29, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. McCarty, Thomas, e. Jan. 20, 1865, trans, to 65th inf. Merrill, E. A., e. Aug. 13, 1862, disd. March 31, '63, disab. Miller, G. D., e. Feb. 8, 1864, disd. May 26, 1865. Marshall, Chas. F., e. Aug. 9, 1862, sick at m. o. McCracken, John H., e. Aug. 14, 1862, sick at m. o. Newman, R., e. Jan. 18, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Pickard, Luther, e. Feb. 8, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Prouty, Jas. N, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. March 30, 1863, to en- list in naval service. Place, R. R., e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. March 1, 1863, disab. Pencil, Wm. L., e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. Sept. 11, 1863. Rand, N. A., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Reeder, John P., e. Aug. 11, 1862. Robbins, Henry, e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. April 28, '63, disab. Richardson, Geo. W., e. Aug. 12, 1862. Robins, S. L., e. Feb. 8, 1864. Stocks, H. W., e. Feb. 12, 1S64. Stover, S. G., Aug. 13, 1862, sick at in. o. Sweeley, Phillip. Stocks, H. W. Thompson, John R., e. Aug. 9, 1S62, trans, to inv. corps. Tyler, Dolphns, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. March 20, '63, disab. Tyler, N. (!., e. Aug. 21, 1862, m. o. June 4, 1866. Taylor, James, e. Aug. 11, 1862, sick at m. o. Tumbleson.John K., e. Aug. 11,1862. Welden, L. A., e. Aug. 13, 1862. Wright, W. W., e. Aug. 11, 1862, sick at ni. o. Wickwire, W. H, e. Aug. 11,1862. Wire, Valson, e. Aug. 13, 1862, dis. Feb. 5, 1863, disab. Wire, Jasper A., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Withey, Wm. F., e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. Feb. 23, 1863, disab. Williams, A. R.,e. Aug. 15, 1862, died March 13, 1863. Wendling, M., e. Sept. 20, 1862, sick at m. o. Company F. Capt. William B. Mayer, e. as 1st sergt. Aug. 2, 1862, prmtd. 2d lieut. Dec. 24, 1862, prmtd. capt. April 21, 1864, m. o. as 2d lieut. Second Lieut. William C. Dove, com. Sept. 4, 1862, res. Dec. 24, 1862. Second Lieut. Charles M. Knapp, e. as sergt. Aug. 10, 1862, prmtd. to 2d lieut. April 21, 1864, commission canceled. Second Lieut. James M. Work, e. as sergt. Aug. 12, 1862, prmtd. 2d lieut. April 21, 1864, m. o. as sergt. June 21, 1865. Sergt. Samuel G. Trine, e. Aug. 12, 1862, disd. bergt. George Acker, e. Aug. 6, 1862, disd. March 20,1863. Corp. Charles Purinton, e. Aug, 15, '62, died Feb. 10, '63. Corp. E. C. Winslow, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Corp. Harvev Ferrin, e. Aug. 7, 1862. Corp. J. C. Bigger, e. Aug. 10, 1862, disd. Dec. 29, 1863. Corp. A. Hemmenway, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Corp. A. H. Furman, e. Aug. 11, 1862, disd. April 27, '64. Corp. D. R. Voight, e. Aug. 10, 1862, died Feb. 6, 1863. Musician Jacob M. Turneaure, e. Aug. 10, 1862, Musician William H. H. Turneaure, e. Aug. 10, 1862. Aurand, Thomas J., e. Aug. 6, 1862, kid. Oct. 6, 1864. Aurand, Joel, e. Aug. 6, 1862, sick at m. o. Allen, Hiram, e. Aug. 11, 1862. Anderson, Charles A., e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. March 23, 1864, disab. Adams, B. F., e. Aug. 11, 1862, died Aug. 25, 1863. Allard, M., e. Aug. 22, 1862. Allan!, Stephen, e. Aug. 21,1862. Atkins, John C, e. Feb. 8, 1864, disd. March 30, 1865. Atkins, George G., disd. Feb. 3, 1863. Baker, P. G., e. Aug. 9, 1862, captd. June 22, 1864. Buckman, Z. S., e. Aug. 11, 1862. Burgess, D. R., e. Aug. 14, 1862, trans, to Ellet's Ram Fleet. Branenger, D., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Babb, D. P., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Berry, John, e. Aug. 19, 1862. Baker, Elmus, e. Feb. 3, 1864, trans, to 65th Inf. Bentley, N. S., e. Jan. 29, 1864, trans, to 65th Inf. Colby, A. H, e. Aug. 14, 1862, sick at m. o. Colton, John, e. Aug. 15, 18o2, disd. Feb. 14, 1864. Cuff, John, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Clark, Thomas, e. Aug. 14, 1S62, sick at m. o. Clark, S. J., e. Feb. 3, 1864, trans, to 65th Inf. Countryman, Adam, e. Feb. 29, 1864, kid. Oct. 26, 1864. Dummal, H, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Engleman, Solomon, e. Feb. 12, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Engleman, Jacob, e. Feb. 12, 1864, trans, to 65th Inf. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 337 Eaton, Unas H., e. Aug. 10, 1862, disd. March 29, 1863. Fox, James, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Friery, John, e. Aug. 15, 1862, died Dec. 29, 1863. Fox, Henry, e. Oct. 10, 1864, trans, to 65th Inf. Grier, David C. Giddings, Luther, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Gregory, John, e. Feb. 8, 1864, trans, to 65th Inf. Holmes, Spencer, e. Aug. 2, 1862, disd. Feb. 23, 1863. Hoy, Henry, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Hetherton, James, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Haum, Valentine, e. Aug. 11, 18G2, died Jan. 10, 1863. Hodgess, James P., e. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. Oct. 9, 1864, for promotion. Krotzer, Jacob, e. Aug. 2, 1862, sick at m. o. Kester, Asa, e. Aug. 13, 1802, died Feb. 28, 1863. Lambert, E., e. Aug. 14, 1862. died Nov. 13, 1863. Lambert, Jere, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Long, Benj. F., e. Aug. 14, 1862, died Jan. 30, 1863. Long, Jonathan, e. Aug. 6, 1862. Lamme, Jacob, e. Aug. 10, 1862. Mitchell, O. J., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died Feb. 17, 1863. Miller, A. W., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Mo wry, John, e. Feb. 3, 1864, trans, to 65 th inf. Morris, Willington, Feb. 3, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Metz, L., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Marl, George E., e. Aug. 10, 1862. McNeal, Thomas, e. Oct. 10, 1 864, trans, to 65th inf. Owen, Henry, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Pope, Wm. W., Aug. 12, 1862. Preston, Charles A., e. Aug. 12, 1862. Penticoff, Daniel, e. Aug. 13, 1862. Penticoff, Samuel, e. Aug. 10, 1862, trans, to inv. Pope, Abraham, e. Aug. 11, 1862. Petermire, Fred, e. Aug. 21, 1862. Reese, A. G., e. Feb. 18, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Reese, W. H. S., Feb. 24, 1865, trans, to 65th inf. Rodgers, Edw., e. Oct. 10, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Rodgers, L. W., e. Aug. 10, 1862, died Feb. 28, 1863. Sanders, James, e. Aug. 30, 1862. Sager, Conrad, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Sedam, L. H., e. Aug. 14, 186.*. Srn^llwood, James, e. Aug. 12, 1862. Schlott, John H., e. Jan. 23, 1864, trans, to 05th inf. Sweet, Noah, e. Oct. 10, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Sweet, M. A., e. Dec. 24, 1863, disd. Truckemiller, E. G., e. Aug. 19, 1862. Thompson, George, e. Aug. 14, 1862, died Oct. 11, 1863. Tarbert, Andrew, e. Aug. 15, 1862, disd. June 18, 1863. Thomas, E., e. Aug. 29, 1862, m. o. as sergt. Ventevier, George W., e. Feb. 26, 1864. Wilson, John A., e. Aug. 10,' 1862. Work, VV., e. Aug. 15, 1862. Wilcoxon, O. D., e. Feb. 12, 1864, died June 5, 1865. Williams, F. J., e. Feb. 3, 1864. Whiteside, Thomas F., e. Aug. 12, 1862, died Feb. 20, '63. Whiting, Warren, e. Aug. 12, 1862. Wright, William, e. Aug. 6, 1862, died Feb. 21, 1863. Young, Elias, e. Aug. 15, 1862. Company C. Capt. John M. Schermerhorne, com. Sept 4, 1862. First Lieut. John Gish wilier, com. Sept. 4, 1862, res. Feb. 14, 1863. First Lieut. Harry G. Fowler, e.' as sergt. Aug. 9, 1862, prmtd. 1st lieut. May 10, 1865. Second Lieut. Justin N. Parker, com. Sept. 4, 1862, res. Feb. 6, 1863. Second Lieut. Wm. McCammon, e. as sergt. Aug. 9, 1862, prmtd. 2d lieut. Feb. 6, 1863. Sergt. Noah Perrin. First Sergt. Chas. C. Fragard, e. Aug. 9, 1862, prmtd. lieut. Sergt. G. G. Manny, e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. as sergt. Corp. Geo. Byrum, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died April 22, 1863. Corp. J. L. Doxsee, e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. as sergt. Corp. Albert Van Epps, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Corp. Wallace R. Giddings, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died Aug. 30, 1864. Corp. Joseph B. Train, e. Aug. 9, 1862, trans, to inv. corps. rp. Wm. Back, e. Aug. 9, 1862, missing in action. Corp. Wm. E Stewart, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Wagoner Thomas Fleming, e. Aug. 8 1862, disd. March 1, 1863, disab. Austin, H. M., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Andrews Silas, e. Oct. 10, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Armagast, A., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Feb. 13, 1865. Beine,Carl F.,e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Aug. 26, 1864, wds. Bunker. Hollis M., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Bennett, Thos. J., e. Aug. 9, lsi,j. Baysinger, Alex., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Bunker, Hiram, e. Jan. 29, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Betz, Jacob, e. Feb. 29, 1864, kid. June 22, 1864. Burbridge, W. M., e. Feb. 3, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Butler, Wm. H.. e. Feb. 12, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Best, Jacob, e. Feb. 8, 1864, disd. Feb. 26, 1865. Bennett, M. L., e. Feb. 11, 1865, trans, to 65th inf. Bartholomew, W., e. Feb. 24, 1865, trans, to 65th inf. Best, Jacob S. Bartlett, Thomas H. Clark, Henry H., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Cornforth, John, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died May 18, 1865, wds. Curtis, Wm. U., e. Aug. 9, 1862, sick at m. o. Clark. R. M., e. Aug. 9, 1862, trans, to inv. corps. Cox, H., e. Aug. 9, 1862, trans, to inv. corps. Corning, N, e. Aug. 9, 1862, kid. Sept. 19, 1863. Clair, Davis B., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Feb. 18, 1863, disab. Crouch, J., e. Dec. 26, 1863, died Feb. 13, 1865. Cox, Jas. H., e. Dec. 21, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Colton, John C, e. Dec. 19, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Chambers, John B., trans, to 65th inf. Delong, A., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Dalrymple, S. L., e. Aug. 9, 1862, dis. Nov. 8, 1864, disab. Dall, Chas. A., e. Aug. 9, 1862, dis. Feb. 3, 1863, disab. Drew, Jos., e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. as corp. Dickhomer, Wm., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died June 30, 1863. Empfleld, Wm. J., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died March 14, 1863. Feeley D. M., e. , trans, to 65th inf. FiBk, Amos, e. Aug. 9, 1862, died June 13, 1863. Ford, L. A., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died Jan. 2, 1863. Foreman, James, e. Aug. 9, 1862, sick at m. o. Fair, L. W., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Foley, Patrick, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. June 24, 1863, disab. Fair, H. L., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Gates, H. H., e. Dec. 19, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Glanz, Chris, e. Dec. 26, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Grinnel, P. L., e. Oct. 7, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Giltner, James W., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Grossman, D., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Graves, C. S., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Galbraith, Joseph, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Galbraith, William, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Dec. 28, 1864. Honser, Chris, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Hilliard, William J., e. Aug. 9, 1862, sick at m. o. Hawkins, William, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Hawkins, George S., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Houser, Samuel, e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. as corp. Haggart, Darius, e. Aug. 9, 1862, corp. sick at m. o. Houser, Abram, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Haggart, William H., e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Huston, William T., e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Hays, S. E., e. Dec. 19, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Henderson, Joseph, e. Feb. 12, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Harrington, John, e. Feb. 5, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Hampugh, Gustav, e. . Isaacson, Isaac, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Keeler, N. F., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Kena, Charles, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Roller, Earnest, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Klaas, August, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Kiplinger, James E., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Reiser, Charles N., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died Oct. 14, 1863. Ladd, John, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Lawver, George, e. Jan. 29, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Moor, Emanuel, e. Aug., 1862, sick at m. o. Mahony, D. L., e. Aug. 9, 1862. McCausland, A. L., e. Aug. 9, 1862. McStay, Edward, e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Sept. 8, 1864, disab. Maliany, William G., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. June 2, 1863, disab. Mathews, John G., e. Dec. 23, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. McEathron, M.. e. Dec. 30, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Mathews, S. R,, e. Feb. 12, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Nunn, Thomas, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Phillips, Jas. M., e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. as corp. Playford, H. R., e. Feb. 8, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Phillips, P. A., e. Feb. 13, 1865, trans, to 65th inf. Rees, Geo. W., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Reber, Jacob A., e. Aug. 9, 1862, disd. Jan. 31, '63, to re-e. Rathbun, Parris, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Richardson, L., e. Dec. 19, 1863, trans, to 65th inf. Royer, Isaac, e. Jan. 29, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Rea, Geo. W., e. Feb. 13, 1865, trans, to 65th inf. Rea, John W., e. Feb. 13, 1865, died April 13,1865. Shligel, Julius, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Smith, Thomas A., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Smith, John I., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died April 22, 1865. Selzhorn, H, e. Aug. 9, 1862. Siason, Wm., e. Aug. 9, 1862, sick at m. o. Smith, Robt. D., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Seabury, Jerome, e. Aug. 9, 1862, m. o. as corp. Stout, Thomas U.. e. Aug. 9, 1862. Shearer, Edw., e. Aug. 9, 1862, died Jan. 23, 1863. 338 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Simpson, John M., e. Aug. 9, 1862. Skeels, A. S., e. Feb. 8, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Sindliogc-r, Geo. W., e. Oct. 28, 1864, trans, to 65th inf. Tonilinson,Geo. H., e. Aug. 0, 1862, dis prmtd. capt. May 10, 1865. Second Lieut. John L. Kamrar, com. Sept. 19, 1864, disd. March 9, 1865. Second Lieut. Lewis D. Brigham, e. as 1st sergt. Sept. 2, 1864, prmtd. 2d lieut. May 10, 1865. Sergt. James Frost, e. Sept. 2, 1864, disd. Sergt. Samuel Hayes, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Sergt. David Schreiak, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Sergt. Ed. L. Bruce, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Corp. Jerome A. Butts, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Corp. Samuel Whitemeyer, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Corp. Stephen Clingman, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Corp. John Boyer, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Corp. Lewis Lawver, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Corp. Thomas McGhee, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Musician Edw. Owen, e. Sept 5, 1864. Wagoner, Andrew Harnish, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Andrews, Isaac F., e. Sept. 2, 1864. Auman, Edw., e. Sept. 3, 1864. Burd, Benjamin F., e. Sept. 3, 1864, m. o. as corp. Burd, George W., e. Sept. 2, 1864. Bogenreif, Samuel, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Briel, Reuben C, e. Sept. 5, 1864, disd. May 12, '65, disab. Bowen, Samuel, e. Sept. 5, 1864. Bortzfield, John, e. Sept. 5, 1864, died Dec. 13, 1864. Bollman, Georse, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Childs, Lewis C, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Cornville, M. L., e. Sept. 3, 1864, died Oct. 7, 1864. Clingman, H. C, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Foster, Robert, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Graham, E. W., e. Sept. 3, 1864. Haggart Sydney, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Hutchison, Samuel, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Ingraham, Orlin, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Keagan, Nicholas, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Kleckner, William, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Knoll, Thomas, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Kryder, William H, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Kuns, N., e.'Sept. 2, 1864. Kailey, George W., e. Sept. 2, 1864. Kenison, Thomas J., e. Sept. 3, 1864, disd. May 20, 1865, disab. Kearn, Richard, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Larkins, M., e. Sept. 3, 1864. Mendenhall, William A., e,Sept. 3, 1864. Murray, James S., e. Sept. 3, 1864, died Feb. 1, 1865. McDowell, E. R., e. Sept. 5, 1864, promtd. principal musi- cian. Patten, Lawrence, e. Sept. 5, 1864, disd. April 4,^1865, disab. Rath, A. B., e. Sept. 3,1864. Rees, John, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Springer, Nathan, e. Sept. 3, 1864, died Oct. 19, 1864. Schroeder, H., e. Sept. 3, 1864. Stoeger, Adam, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Stiles, R. A., e. Sept. 2, 1864. Sheckler, O. P., e. Sept. 5, 1864. Twogood, Daniel, e. Sept. 2, 1864. Vocht, John L., e. Sept. 5, 1864. Williams, F. E.. e. Sept. 2, 1864. Wells, Orson, e. Sept. 3, 1864. Teaman, Thomas J., e. Sept. 3, 1864. Yeager, Peter, e. Sept. 5, 1864. Targer, William A., e. Sept. 3, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEV- ENTH INFANTRY. (One Tear.) The One Hundred and Forty-seventh Infan- try, Illinois Volunteers, was organized at Camp Fry, Illinois, by Col. Hiram F. Sickles, and mus- tered in for one year, on the 18th and 19th of February, 1865. On the 21st of February, moved, via Louisville, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn., arriving on the 25th. On the 28th, moved to Chattanooga, and thence to Dalton, 6a., Col. Sickles commanding post. On March 13, went on an expedition to Mill Creek, on Cleveland road, and broke up a nest of guer- rillas. On the 20th, under command of Maj. Bush, went on an expedition to Spring Place. March 15, the regiment was assigned to First Brigade, Second Division, Army of the Cum- 342 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. berland, Brig. Gen. II. M. Judah commanding. On March 28, went on an expedition to Ring- gold. On April 23, moved to Pullen's Ferry, on Coosawatchie River, and had several skir- mishes with the enemy, killing Maj. Edmeston, their commander, and several officers and men. On May 2, the regiment moved to Resaca, Ga., and were engaged in repairing the railroad. On May 12, Wofford, commanding rebel forces in Northern Georgia, surrendered his forces to Gen. Judah. May. 14, Col. Sickles took com- mand of the brigade. Marched to Calhoun, June 26, and July 27, moved to Marietta. From there, ordered to Macon, Ga., and to Albany, Ga., arriving July 31. October 16, brigade organization dissolved. October 28, ordered to Hawkinsville, Ga. November 25, the regiment was ordered to Savannah, Ga., via Macon, Atlanta and Augusta, where it remained December 31, 1865. Mustered out January 20, 1866, at Savannah, Ga., and ordered to Springfield, 111., where it received final pay and discharge. Company E. Oapt. Francis A. Darling, com. Feb. 18, 1865. First Lieut. Denison C. Frisbie, com. Feb. 18, 1865, res. Sept. 2, 1865. First Lieut. Jacob M. Martin, com. 2d lieut. Feb. 18, 1865, prmtd. 1st lieut. Oct. 4, 1865. Second Lieut. Daniel J. Keeley, e. as 1st sergt. Feb. 9, 1865, prmtd. 2d lieut. Oct. 4, 1865. Sergt. Richard M. Hockey, e. Feb. 10, 1865, m. o. as 1st sergt. Sergt. John J. Thomas, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Sergt. C. B. White, e. Feb. 4, 1865, dis. Dec. 16, 1865, disab. Sergt. Jonathan Small, e. Feb. 7, 1865. Corp. N. M. Ferguson, e. Feb. 1(J, 1865. Corp. Peter Slear, e. Feb. 4, 1865. Corp. John L. Rockey, e. Feb. 10, 1865. Corp. Henry Phelps, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Corp. A. W. Kamp, e. Feb. 8, 1865. Corp. Alfred F. Miller, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Corp. Charles Wilson, e. Feb. 9, 1865. Musician William H. Baker, e. Feb. 7, 1865. Wagoner D. W. Jennings, e. Feb. 3, 1865. Allen, John S., e. Feb. 4, 1865. Allen, T. M., e. Feb. 8, 1865. Boyer, Isaac, e. Feb. 17, 1865. Buss, Thankful, e. Feb. 15, 1865. Buss, Isaac, e. Feb. 13, 1865. Bnffington, C. H., e. Feb. 13, 1865. Beegle, A. H., e. Feb. 11, 1865, m. o. Sept. 21, 1865. Baker, Lewis, e. Feb. 9, 1865. Boyer, Joseph L., e. Feb. 8, 1865. Baniger, Peter, e. Feb. 9, 1S65. Burnham, N. S., e. Feb. 4, 1865. Bangs, M., e. Feb. 6, 1 865. Bobb, Cyrus, e. Feb. lo, 1865. Blake, William, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Bolinger, D., e. Feb. 8, 1865. Carpenter, H„ e. Feb. 9, 1865. Cox, Abel, e. Feb. 6, 1865. Caffee, James L., e. Feb. 6, 1865. Carter, L. H., e. Feb. 4, 1865. Cooper, B. G., e. Feb. 8, 1864. Carpenter, D., e. Feb. 9, 1864. Davenport, Lucius, e. Feb. 7, 1864. Durfee, R. S. e. Feb. 6, 1864. Darling, Francis S. Frisbie, D. C. Farrell, Charles, e. Feb. 17,1864, disd. Aug. 30, 1865, disab. Folgate, Daniel, e. Feb. 10, 1864, disd. Dec. 26, 1865, disab. French, George, e. Feb. 9, 1864. Frank, John W., e. Feb. 7, 1864. Fisher, George, e. Feb. 6, 1864. Fischer, Charles, e. Feb. 6, 1864. Flickinger, Wm., e. Aug. 10, 1864. Foster, Fred, e. Feb. 8, 1864. Gall.raith, Benj., e. Feb. 17, 1864. Gearry, John, e. Feb. 4, 1864. Hallensleben, H. W., e. Feb. 4, 1864. Harwood, Wm. N., e. Feb. 6, 1864, died Aug. 5, 1865. Hick, H. V., e. Feb. 4, 1864 Harris, Charles B., e. Feb. 4, 1864. Inman, John, e. Feb. 17. 1864. Kibner, Wm., e. Feb. 4, 1S64. Keyser, John E., e. Feb. 6, 1864. Kelly, John, e. Feb. 10, 1864, died May 2, 1865. Kahl, Thomas J., e. Feb. 7, 1864. Lims, Jos., e. Feb. 10, 1864. Lashell, H. F., e. Feb. 6, 1864. Leigh, Wm. H., e. Feb. 9, 1864. Lower, Solomon, e. Feb. 15, 1864. McLain, Isaac, e. Feb. 9, 1864. Moore, John T.. e. Feb. 10, 1864. Price, David, e. Feb. 4, 1S64. Patterson, Arthur, e. Feb. 8, 1864. Rhoades, I. P., e. Feb. 17, 1864. Reed, Hugh, e. Feb. 6, 1864. Smith, Charles A., e. Feb. 7, 1864. Stickney, H. J., e. Feb. 6, 1864. Sisson, James R., e. Feb. 8, 1864. Snyder, John S., e. Feb. 8, 1864. Small, Samuel, e. Feb. 8, 1864. Taylor, Andrew, e. Feb. 17, 1864. Van Epps, James W., e. Feb. 7,1864. Wood, Wm. H., e. Feb. 4, 1864. SEVENTH CAVALRY. Lieut. Col. Henry C. Forbes, com. 1st lieut. Co. B. Aug. 11, 1861, prmtd. capt. Nov. 18, 1861, prmtd. maj. Feb. 10, 1863, prmtd. lieut. col. March 1, 1865. Company B. Capt. Henry C. Forbes. Capt. William McCausland, e. as (?) sergt. Sept. 5, 1861, prmtd. 1st lieut. Nov. 18, 1861, prmtd. capt, Feb. 10, 1863, died Dec. 25, 1864. Capt. Stephen A. Forbes, e. as (?) private Sept. 5, 1861, prmtd. 2d lieut. Feb. 10, 1863, prmtd. capt. March 28, 1865. First Sergt. Josiah T. Noyes, e. Sept. 5, 1861, prmtd. bat. Q. M. Addler, Charles, e. Sept. 5, 1861, disd. Oct. 23, 1864. Barnes, George H., e. Sept. 5, 1861, died June 15, 1862. Clark, John W., e. March 4, 1865, m. o. Nov. 4, 1865. Combs, H. D., e. Sept. 5, 1861, m. o. April 21, 1865. Cuff, Thomas, e. Feb. 10, 1864. Davis, T. H., e. Sept. 5,1861, m. o. Oct. 15, 1864 as corp. Goddard, S. N., e. Sept. 5, 1861, disd. April 9, 1862, disab Hill, Thomas, e. Sept. 5, 1861, died Nov. 15, 1863. Jenkins, George I., e. Sept. 5, 1861, disd. April 25, 1863, disab. McCausland, S. A., e. Sept. 5, 1861, m. o. Oct. 15, 1864. Myers, Charles, e. Sept. 5, 1861, vet. Feb. 10, 1864, m. Nov. 4, 1865. Noyes, Lucius A., e. Sept. 5, 1861, disd. Oct. 28, 1862, 1st sergt. (Unassigned.) Kleckner, Aaron, e. Jan. 25, 1865. Long, Casper, e. Oct. 11, 1864, disd. May 23, 1865. Massler, David D., e. March 2, 1865. Nolan, Thomas, e. Feb. 20, 1865. Sherman, Leonard. EIGHTH CAVALRY. Company C. Sergt. Chalmers Ingersoll, e. Sept. 14, 1861, vet. Coppersmith, A. e. Sep. 14, 1861, kid. in action Sept. 1863. Chambers, James S., e. Sept. 14, 1861, prmtd. regt. comsy sergt. Daniel, Joseph, e. Sept. 14, 1861, vet. Diffenbaugh, David, e. Sept 14, 1861, kid. July 1, 1863. Hollenbeck, A., e. Sept. 14, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, m. June 19, 1865. Langdon, D. L., e. Sept. 14, 1861, vet. Jan. 1, 1864, trans. to Co. K., m. o.Jul v 17, 1865. Miller, S. H., e. Sept. 14, 1861, m. o. Sept. 28, 1864. Company I. High, Samuel, e. Sept. 30, 1864, m. o. July 17, 1865. Company K. Langdon, Dauid. Margritz, George O., e. Oct. 3, 1864, m. o. July 17, 1865. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 343 Company M. Woodcock, D. E., e. Dec. 5, 1863, m. o. July 17. 1865. TWELFTH CAVALRY. (Uuassigned.) Brooks, Ii. H., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Bronauui, John H., e. Dec. 11, 1863. Calvin. Francis M., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Comstock, George R., e. Dec. 17, 1863. Erlewine, Samuel, e. Dec. 22, 1863. Fitzpatrick, William, e. Dec. 31, 1863. Fuller, Eli C, Jan. 5, 1864. Green, Charles, e. Jan. 5, 1864. Gardner, Ed, e. Dec. 31, 1863. Giltner, R. D., e. Dec. 24, 1863. Hyde, D., e. Jan. 15, 1864. Martzall, S., e. Jan. 5, 1864. McLaughlin, R., e. Jan. 15, 1864. McGill, William, e. Dec. 31, 1863. Mullarkey, John, e. Dec. 31, 1863. Peterson, John, e. Dec. 11, 1863. Ryan, Henry, e. Dec. 24, 1863. Shaffer, George J., e. Dec. 11, 1863. THIRTEENTH CAVALRY. Company E. Gardner, Brayton, e. Oct. 7, 1861, disd. in 1862. Smallwood, Jr., Charles, e. Sept. 25, 1861. Company I. High, Henry A., e. Dec. 21, 1863, died Oct. 13,1864. Johnson, R. W. Kleckner, H. C, e. Dec. 21, 1863, m. o. Aug 31, 1865. Kleckner, J. M. Lamb, 0. F., e. March 17, 1864. Lamb, J. D. Lamb, D. C. Miller, H. G., e. Dec. 21, 1863, disd. June 13, 1865. Smith, John G., e. Dec. 21, 1S63, sick at m. o. Shrove, Daniel, e. Dec. 21, 1863, sick at m. o. Sindlingr, John, e. Jan. 29, 1864, died July 8, 1864. Sheldon, 0. D., e. Feb. 2, 1864. Studebaker, Henry. Strange, W. FOURTEENTH CAVALRY. Company I. Capt. Francis M. Hagaman, com. Jan. 7, 1863, res. May 25, 1864. Capt. Francis Boeke, com. 1st lieut. Jan. 7, 1863, prmtd. capt'. May 25, 1864. First lieut. Wm. H. Puckett, e. as private Oct. 14, 1862, prmtd. 2d lieut. Oct. 19, 1864, prmtd. 1st lieut. March 28, 1865. Addis, Mattenly, e. Aug. 6, 1S62, disd. Oct. 3, 1864, disab. Allen, Nelson, e. Oct. 22, 1862. Bardin, John, e. Oct. 4, 1862, m. o. July 13, 1865. Butterfield, Wm. D., e. Nov. 4, 1862, disd. July 21, 1863. Brininger, B., e. Dec. 1, 1862, missing in action. Clare, David S., e. Oct. 14, '62, m. o. July 31, '65, as sergt. Clair, Wm., e. Oct. 4, 1862, m. o. July 31, 1865. Chapin, K. W., e. Nov. 18, 1862, missing in action. Donahoo, Wm. J., e. Feb. 18, 1864, m. o. July 31, 1865. Donahoo, Robert, e. March 31, 1864, m. o. July 31, 1865. Eby, Richard R., e. Oct. 20, 1862, m. o. July 31, 1865. Elliott, D. M., e. Nov. 7, 1862, died Dec. 8, 1863. Fouke, R. R., e. Jan. 16. 1863, m. o. July 31, 1865. Gogan, John, e. Oct. 18, 1862, missing in action. Gregsby, James M., e. Nov. 5, 1862,. Gaudy, Alex. M., e. Nov. 10, 1862, died Oct. 9, 1864. Glass, Henry, e. Nov. 25, 1862, m. o. July 31, 1865. Ginther, John, e. Nov. 22, 1862, m. o. June 21, 1865. Humphrey, A., e. Sept. 27, 1862, trans, to Co. E. Haggart, Charles, e. Nov. 5, 1862, m. o. July 31, 1865. Hollenbeck, H. W., e. Oct. 1, 1862, m. o. July 31, 1865, as corp. Lenan, M., e. Sept. 15, 1862, died Jan. 12, 1863. Martin, Robert L., e. Feb. 18, 1864, m. o. July 31, 1865. Miller, A. C, e. Oct. 14, 1862. Martin, A. W., e. Feb. 18, 1864, m. o. Aug. 4, 1865. Miller, Anton, e. Oct. 4, 1862, disd. April 5, 1865. Morris, Wm. F., e. Oct. 17, 1862, disd. May 18, 1865. M.ii, >is, John, e. Sept. 15, 1862, missing in action. Miller, John H, e. Oct. 14, 1862, disd. June 21, 1865. McNichols, James, e. Dec. 2, 1862, missing in action. O'Brien, James, e. Oct. 17, '62, m. o. July 31, '65, as sergt. Pardee, A. W., e. Feb. 18, 1862, disd. June 23, 1865. Pickard, John S., e. Nov. 6, 1862, died March 29, 1863. Bollinson, M. D., e. Oct. 14, 1862, missing in action. Stewart, Wm. H., e. Sept. 24, 1862, died Aug. 10, 1863. Strange, John W., e. Nov. 24, 1862, disd. Sept. 17, 1863. Schlimmer, K., e. Dec. 13, 1862, died May 23, 1863. Strange, Wm., e. Dec 24, 1864, disd. Scott, Alfred M., e. Feb. 18, 1864, disd. March 28, 1865. Thompson, Alex., e. Dec. 1, 1864. Vandelmrg, H., e. Oct. 1, 1864, missing in action. FIFTEENTH CAVALRY. Company L. Newcomer, A. C, e. Feb. 14, 1862, disd. March 16, 1863, disab. Sinclair, George S., e. Feb. 15, 1862. SEVENTEENTH CAVALRY. Company F. Black, E. O., e. Feb. 5, 1864, in. o. Dec. 18, 1865. Bowden, Hiram, e. Dec. 10, 1863, drowned July 3, 1864. Clark, H. R., e. Jan. 25, 1864. Delate, L. W., e. Dec. 25, 1863, died July 26, 1864. Davis, E. H., e. Dec. 15, 1864, m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. Delate, William D., e. Dec. 15, 1864, m. o. June 12, 1865, disab. Horton, George E., e. Jan. 23, 1864, m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. Hall, James H., e. Jan. 4, 1864, trans, to Inv. Corps. Justice, Charles T., e. Jan. 23,1864. Luke, Moses H., e. Jan. 25, 1864, m. o. Dec. 18. 1865. Mapes, William E., e. Jan. 4, 1864, m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. Phifer, John W., e. Dec. 15, 1S63, m. o. Dec. 18, 1865. Company H. Redder, Bernard, e. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. May 23, 1865. Company M. Bolster, William A., e. Feb. 5, 1864, m. o. Nov. 23, 1865. Brooks, R. H., e. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. Nov. 23, 1865. Carver, Mellen. Calvin, F. M., e. Jan. 5, 1864. Fitzpatrick, William, e. Dec. 31, 1863, m. o. Nov. 23, 1865. Fuller, E. C, e. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. May 25, 1864. Green, Charles, e. Jan. 5, 1864, disd. July 14, 1864. Gardner, Edw., e. Dec. 31, 1863, m. o. Nov. 23, 1865. Giltner, R. D., e. Dec. 24, 1863. Hyde, Daniel, e. Jan. 15, 1864. Harmon, William, e. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. Nov. 23, 1865. Harvey, Albert. McLaughlin, Richard, e. Jan. 15, 1864. Martzall, Solomon, e. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. July 18, 1865. McGill, William, e. Dec. 31, 1863, m. o. Nov. 23, 1865. Randall, R. R., e. Jan. 5, 1864, m. o. Nov. 23, 1865. FIRST ARTILLERY. (Unassigned.) Adams, John H, e. Dec. 29, 1863. Lynds, H., e. Sept. 28, 1864. Reuter, Peter, e. Aug. 24, 1864. SECOND ARTILLERY. Company E. Burkhard, Casper, e Shilling, Frederick, Aug. 31,1862. e. Aug. 31, 1862. died March 20, '63. MISCELLANEOUS. Eighth Infantry. Adjt. Leauder A. Sheetz, com. March 20, 1865, m. o. May 4, 1866. Second Lieut. Daniel A. Sheetz, com. Sept., 1861, kid. in bat. 344 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Eighteenth Infantry. (Consolidated.) Capt. Urias H. Eaton, com. 1st lieut. March 18, 1865, prmtd. capt. July 17, 1865, res. Oct. 12, 1865. Fifty-seventh Infantry. Forbes, Edwin, e. Dec. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 27, 1863, m. o. July 7, 1865. Rodmire, Joseph, e. Dec. 10, 1861, vet. Dec. 27, 1863, m. o. July 7, 1865. Fifty-eighth Infantry. Bauer, Peter, e. Nov. 30, 1861, supposed to be dead. James, Phillip, e. Nov. 20, 1861, died Feb., 1862, wds. Koll.-r, Jacob, e. Nov. 28, 1861. Sixty-fourth Infantry. Reisch, Chris, e. Dec. 1, 1861. Seventy-second Infantry. Stoddart, Farrell, e. , died Sept. 4, 1864. Seventy-fifth Infantry, Surg. Chesseldon, Fisher, com. July 28, 1863, res. Nov. 22. 1864. Eighty-ninth Infantry. Ayers, John, e. Nov. 28, 1863, trans, to 39th inf. Koym, William, e. Oct. 26, 1863, kid. June 22, 1864. Creschance, Case, e. Aug. 7, 1862, m. o. June 10, 1865. Connor, Michael, e. July 31, 1862, disd. Jan. 29, 1865. disab. Roe, Charles E., e. Aug. 14, 1862, prmtd. Q. M. Sergt. Snyder, Chris., e.'Aug. 7, 1862. Wadsworth, O. T., e. July 31, 1862, m. o. June 10, 1865. Stitle, Henry, e. — — . STEPHENSON COUNTY SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. Immediately after the close of the great war for the Union, there was con- siderable discussion among the leading citizens of Stephenson County, without regard to party affiliations, as to the propriety of erecting a suitable monument to commemorate the heroism of the noble sons of Stephenson County who had voluntarily laid down their lives upon the altar of their country, and the opinion was universal that the living owed such a lasting memento to the memory of their gallant dead. No practical steps were taken, however, until the winter of 1868, when a mass meeting was called on Saturday, February 19, 1868, at the hall of the Grand Army of the Republic, in Freeport. The meeting was well attended. Gen. Smith D. Atkins was elected Chairman, and C. C. Shuler, Esq., Secretary. A constitution for forming the Stephenson County Soldiers' Monument Association was reported, and unanimously adopted, of which Articles I and II read as follows : ARTICLE I. NAME. Section 1. This Association shall be known as "The Stephenson County Soldiers' Monu- ment Association." ARTICLE II. — OBJECT. Skction 1. The object of this Association shall be the erection of a suitable monument, or memorial, to the memory of the gallant dead of Stephenson County, who have laid down their lives while serving in the armies of the United States during the rebellion, in order to rescue their names from forgetfulness. and suitably honor their heroic devotion to country and liberty, when country and liberty were in peril. Articles III. and IV. provided for the proper officers of the association, and minutely defined their duties ; which were those usual to such associations, and we omit them here. On motion, the following officers were elected as provided for by the con- stitution : President, Hon. John. H. Addams, of Cedarville ; Vice Presidents, Gen. J. Wilson Shaffer, of Freeport ; Ross Babcock, of Ridott ; Major J. W. McKim, of Freeport, and Capt. J. P. Reel, of Buckeye ; Recording Secretary, Gen. Smith D. Atkins, of Freeport ; Corresponding Secretary, James S. Mc- Call, of Freeport ; Treasurer, Capt. William Young, of Silver Creek. Execu- tive Committee, C. C. Shuler, Freeport ; Capt. William Cox, Winslow ; B. P. Belknap, Oneco ; Daniel Bellman, Rock Grove ; Capt. J. M. Schermerhorn, West Point ; Levi Robey, Waddams ; Capt. William Stewart, Buckeye ; Capt. Robert T. Cooper, Rock Run ; Capt. George S. Kleckner, Kent; Capt. F. A. Darling, Erin ; Perez A. Tisdell, Harlem ; Capt. W. J. Reitzell. Lancaster ; Hon. James S. Taggart, Ridott ; Frederic Baker, Silver Creek ; Conrad Van Brocklin, Florence ; Maj. H. M. Timms, Loran ; John R. Hayes, Jefferson, and Harrison Diemer, Dakota. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 345 Immediately thereafter, a meeting of the Executive Committee was called in the parlors of the Second National Bank in Freeport, which was fully- attended, and an address was prepared and published to the citizens of the county inviting them to subscribe to the fund for building the monument. It was decided to have a membership certificate engraved, with correct likenesses of Col. Holden Putnam, Ninety-third Illinois Volunteers, Col. John A. Davis, Forty-sixth Illinois Volunteers, and Maj. William R. Goddard, Fifteenth Illi- nois Volunteers, engraved thereon, they being the only field officers from Stephenson County who had given their lives in the war ; such membership cer- tificate to be issued to each subscriber of $1 or more. A meeting was appointed for each township in the county to urge the citizens to take hold of the work, all of which meetings were addressed by the Secretary of the Association, Gen. S. D. Atkins, and at many of the meetings he was accompanied by Hon. J. M. Bailey and Maj. I. C. Lawver. In the newspaper report of one of these meetings held at Ridott, we find the following pleasant reference : " At Ridott, a small audi- ence subscribed a little upward of $100. The meeting was addressed by Gen. Atkins and Maj. Lawver. The Major referred to the fact that before the war, he was a Democrat in sentiment, while Gen. Atkins was a Republican. They went to the war in the same regiment, and fought side by side ; neither has changed his political sentiments, and now they are side by side in honoring their dead comrades. So it should be with Democrats and Republicans. The soldiers lost their lives for their country, and all parties should join in erecting a monument to their heroism." The meetings held in the townships resulted in a very thorough organization in all parts of the county, but, after pretty thorough canvassing, only $3,500 had been pledged on the various township subscriptions. The officers of the association therefore resolved to ask the Board of Supervisors to make an appropriation to be added to the voluntary subscriptions that altogether would be sufficient for the completion of a suitable soldiers' monument in commemoration of the heroic dead of the entire county. On Tuesday, June 29, 1869, the Board of Supervisors being in special session. Hon. John H. Addams, the President of the Association, Capt. William Young. Treasurer, and Gen. S. D. Atkins, Secretary, as a committee on the part of the Soldiers' Monument Association, waited upon the Board of Supervisors and requested from them permission to erect the monument on the Court House Square in the city of Freeport, and, also, a suitable donation toaid in its erection. Permission was granted by the board to erect the monument on the public square as requested, and the sum of $6,000 voted to aid in the erection of the monument by an almost unanimous vote, only one dissenting, and from that hour the completion of the Stephenson County Soldiers' Monument was assured. The following members of the Board of Supervisors were added to the Executive Committee of the Monument Association : S. K. Fisher, of Waddams ; James McFatrich, of West Point, and James A. Grimes, of Lancaster. The funds for erecting the monument having been provided, the Secretary was instructed to advertise in the New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Chi- cago papers for designs and plans for a monument, to be submitted at a meeting of the association on July 28, 1869, at which time there were artists present with plans from all the cities named. Gen. Atkins also submitted a plan designed by himself, for a monument of Joliet marble. 12x12 at base, eighty- three feet high, to be surmounted on the top with a statue of " Victory," in bronze, thirteen feet high, making the monument ninety-six feet from the base to the top of the statue of " Victory," with life-size soldiers on the four corners of the lower base of the monument, in bronze, representing the four arms of the 346 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. service — Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Navy. After full discussion of th t various plans submitted, on motion of Daniel Bellman, of Rock Grove, th* design prepared and submitted by Gen. S. D. Atkins was adopted. H. H. Upp was appointed superintendent of the building of the monument, with authority to make all contracts. Hon. John H. Addams, James A. Grimes, Samuel K. Fisher, Dr. W. J. McKim, Capt. William Young and Gen. Smith D. Atkins were appointed a Sub-building Committee, to approve all contracts before they should be in force. The contracts were immediately let and the erection of the monument proceeded with. Under the superintendence of Mr. H. H. Upp, Mr. Adolph Beodiker prepared the foundation ; Elias Perkins contracted to lay up the Jol- iet stone, and the Chicago Terra Cotta Company contracted to furnish the statue of '"Victory," and the four soldiers, which were especially prepared by the celebrated artist Sig. Giovanni Meli. The Terra Cotta Company contracted to furnish the statuary in bronze, but, hoping to do better, covered them with copper by an electric bath, and failed to make the deposit of copper sufficiently heavy, so that the copper cracked and scaled off, and the statuary was after- ward painted by Mr. Daniel Adamson in imitation of Joliet marble, the ma- terial out of which the monument was constructed. The colossal statue of "Victory " surmounting the monument, designed by the celebrated artist Sig. Giovanni Meli, is an original conception of the artist, and is a work of very great artistic merit. The Chicago Republican of Friday, December 17, 1869, thus refers to it : " But the last great work of this artist is the colossal statue of 'Victory,' which he has made from an original design, and which it is in- tended to render in terra cotta for the soldiers' monument at Freeport. The ' Victory ' is the largest sculptural work ever composed in America, being thir- teen feet high. It is, even to the minutest detail, finished as perfectly as the finest marble statue. While the imposing dignity and majestic pose of the figure at once impress the beholder, yet the proportions are so nicely observed and such is the careful and artistic handling of the drapery, which sweeps in broad, massive folds to the feet of the figure, that its colossal height and great size do not at once appear. The figure stands in a strong and confident, though not bold, posture, with its right foot slightly advanced, and a portion of the weight of the body thrown upon the right hand, which rests on the staff of a large flag. The flag is gathered up in large folds by the sweep of the right arm, while, as if caught by some passing breeze, the fluttering ends swell out behind in broad waves of graceful drapery, so light and silken that they seem almost to ripple in the air. The left hand hangs by the side with an easy grace and holds the symbolic olive. The head — ah ! there is the secret of the impos- ing dignity which, like an atmosphere, is rather felt than seen in the figure. Set on a neck which suggests rather than expresses power, is the grand head which crowns the statue, and which in its benignant dignity blends the imperial justice of the conqueror with the melting mercy of an injured though pardon- ing ruler. The head is thrown back as if a glorious sense of triumph thrilled it through with joy ; and, though the eyes are raised as if a gleam of the battle fire still lit them with a glorious passion, yet the lips are parted with a smile of calm and satisfied peace that softens the sternness of the upper face. There is a curious interblending of the ancient and modern in the face, which, though at first sight incongruous, has been made by the artist to secure an effect that could not otherwise have been produced. The eyes and forehead are purely Grecian, and have an imperious, almost a hard, boldness of expression — while the cheek, chin and mouth are rounded with a sweet and tender grace that re- HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 347 lieves the face from that otherwise strong and stern look, and gives to it a mod- ern type or cast of countenance seldom before introduced in sculpture. Thus while the full face view gives to the beholder the impression of an imperious and proud Queen, calm in her self-poised dignity, and strong in her self-reliant nature, the profile — contrary to all precedent — seems melted with the sunshine of a happy spirit, which suffuses the whole face with a smile. Usually the character is shown by the profile, which is more pronounce than the open face, but. the artist says that the subject demanded the blending of Grecian features with American, and the happy effect produced by this combination has united dignity with grace, and sweetness with strength." On Tuesday, October 19, 1869, the corner-stone was laid with great cere- mony, under the auspices of the Masonic bodies of Freeport, participated in by the Odd Fellows, Turnvereins, Fire Department and citizens. Dr. W. J. McKim was Grand Marshal. After the Masonic ceremonies were concluded, the Freeport Journal says : " The Senior Grand Warden introduced Sir Knight Gen. Smith D. Atkins, who, owing to the absence of Sir Knight Col. Thomas J. Turner, orator of the day, was invited, and delivered an effective and elo- quent address of some twenty minutes' duration." The lower base of the monu- ment is 12x12 feet and twelve feet high. On each of the four sides are two niches, in which a panel of white marble in inserted, on which are cut the names of those soldiers of Stephenson County who are known to have given their lives for their country, as follows : Eighth Regiment I. V. I. — F. Benglesdorff, Co. E, A. A. Berryhill, Co. F, killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863; Joseph Berger, Co. I, died at Marshall, Texas, Sept. 12, 1865; Lieut. H. A. Sheets, Co. — , killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862. Eleventh Regiment I. V. I. — J. Alexander, Co. A, died Aug. 31, 1861 ; F. R. Bellman, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862 ; John Brad- ford, Co. A, died of disease contracted in service, ; John Cronemiller, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862; William Clingman, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862 ; Louis Clement, Co. D, died of wounds, July 27, 1864 ; Thomas Chattaway, Co. A, drowned at Bird's Point, Mo., ; William Eddy, Co. A, died at Camp Hardin ; Captain Silas W. Field, Co. A, died of wounds, May 9, 1862; John W. Fry, Co. A, died, Oct. 17. 1862; Franklin T. Goodrich, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; David F. Gra- ham, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862 ; Henry Groenwold, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862 ; John M. Hauman, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; Franklin D. Hartman, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; B. N. Kramer, Co. A, Joseph Kailey, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862 ; Franklin D. Lambert, Co. A, killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863 ; S. McGinnis, Co. A, R. Clothin, Co. A, David McCormick, Co. A, died of wounds, ; Isaac N. Ross, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862: Hial B. Springer, Co. A, died of wounds, July 14, 1862; John A. Thompson, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862; John Trim- per, Co. A, killed at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862; Milton S. Weaver, Co. A, died Sept. 2, 1861 : George Wohlford, Co. A, died Aug. 28, 1863; James Wentz, Co. A, died of wounds, May 19, 1862. Tivelfth Regiment. — G. Smith. Fifteenth Regiment I. V. 1. — B. W. Ballenger, Co. G, George A.Barton, Co. A, died Feb. 27, 1862 ; A. V. S. Butler, Co. G, died, Jan. 4, 1864 ; R. B. Bailey, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 : A. Brahm, Co. G, died Dec. 15, 1862; J. H. Bowker, Co. G, died Aug. 17, 1861 ; W. J. Buswell, 348 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Co. G, died Oct. 14, 1863 ; E. S. Denton, Co. G, J. Clingman, Co. G, E. A. V. S. Butler, Co. G; R. B. Baily, Co. G; A. Brahm, Co. G; J. H. Bowker, Co. G ; N. J. Burwel, Co. G ; J. Clingman, Co. G : Deye, Co. E, died of wounds, May 5, 1862 ; M. Doyle, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862; Maj. William R. Goddard, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; W. Eells, Co. G, J. H. Hawkins, Co. E, J. Illingworth, Co. G, M. V. Kline, Co. G, died Nov= 8, 1861 ; F. Kline, Co. E, died at Andersonville, Sept. 10, 1864 ; E. W. Ling, Co. G, died Aug. 15, 1863 ; C. Lashell. Co. H, died July 12, 1865 ; J. Mook, Co. G, S. Mook, Co. G, J. Murphy,' Co. G, D. Milholin, Co. G, died of wounds, June 24, 1862 ; John Niemeyer, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; Hugh Phillips, Co. G, died June 6, 1862 ; H. Stamm, Co. G, J. H. Ross, Co. I, Charles Smith, Co. E, died April 22, 1862; David Stocks, Co. I, died of wounds, June 24, 1869; E. D. Solace, Co. I, died of wounds, April 8, 1862 ; D. R. P. Stites, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; 0. Tenant, Co. G, died of wounds, April 6, 1862 ; J. S. Wheeler, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; J. W. Van Valzah, Assistant Surgeon, died Aug. 9, 1863 ; J. Wier, Co. B. Eighteenth Regiment I. V. I. — Cyrus Paden, Co. G, died at Camp But- ler, April 6, 1865 ; J. Maxwell, Co. I. Twenty-sixth Regiment I. V. I. — Philip Baker, Co. B, killed at Farm- ington, May 9, 1862 ; Jans Butcher, Co. B, died at Chattanooga, Oct. 13, 1864 : John F. Black, Co. H, died of wounds at Marietta, Sept. 11, 1864 ; Aaron Clay, Co. B, died at Danville, Miss., July 11, 1862 ; Charles Choppy, Co. B, died of wounds at Chattanooga, May 3, 1864 ; J. P. Dittv, Co. B, died at Keokuk, Aug. 17, 1863 ; William Eshelman, Co. B, died July 27, 1862 ; William A. Eggert, Co. B, died June 14, 1862 ; A. J. Eastland, Co. I, died at Camp Sherman, Aug. 18, 1863 ; Julius Frisbee, Co. B, died at Point Pleasant, April 2, 1862 ; Charles Gold, Co. B, died of wounds, Jan. 9, 1864 ; Simon Gates, Co. B, died Sept. 17, 1863 ; John Geiser, Co. B, died of wounds at Chattanooga, Jan. 2, 1864 ; Aaron Heise, Sr., Co. B, died at Scottsboro, March 24, 1864 ; John Heise, Co. B, died of wounds at Marietta, Aug. 9, 1864 ; Moses Heise, Co. B, died at Scottsboro, March 22, 1864 ; George H. Hettle, Co. B, killed at Scottsboro, May 1, 1864 ; Lieut. John Irwin, Co. G, died Oct. 6, 1863 ; C. D. Jinks, Co. B, died at Scottsboro, March 20, 1864; W. Knauss, Co. G, died at Resaca, Aug. 13, 1864 ; J. Kinney, Co. B, died at Atlanta, July 22, 1864 ; J. Keigan, Co. I, Wm. Long, Co. B, died at Iuka, Aug. 28, 1862; D. Morris, Co. B, died of wounds at Dallas, May 29, 1864 ; P. F. Montague, Co. B, killed at Scottsboro, April 30, 1864 ; L. McCoy, Co. B, died of wounds at Chatta- nooga, July 22, 1864; Thomas Nicholas, Co. B, died at Corinth, Oct. 4, 1862; John J. Nigg, Co. B, died of wounds at Danville, July 7, 1862 ; William Quinn, Co. B, died ; S. J. Robinold, Co. B, died at Farmington, May 22, 1862 ; A. L. Rice, Co. H, died of wounds at Marietta, Oct. 14, 1864 ; P. E. Smith, Co. B, killed at Resaca, May 13, 1864; John Schmidt, Co. B, killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863 ; Egbert Snyder, Co. B, died at Scottsboro, March 17, 1864; J. P. Winters, Co. B, died at Corinth, Oct. 10, 1862; Thomas Wishart, Co. B, died at Memphis, Nov. 27, 1863 ; J. Walkey, Co. B, died at New Madrid, March 22, 1862 ; John Walton, Co. B, killed March 7, 1865. Thirty-second Regiment I. V. I. — J. P. Walker, Co. C, died at Annap- olis, March 10, 1865; F. J. Erickson, Co. A. TJiirty-fourth Regiment I. V. I. — J. H. Brown, Co. H, died of wounds, May 11, 1862. FREE PORT. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 351 Thirty- seventh Regiment I. V. I. — N. G. Wire, Co. D, killed at Pea Ridge, March 7, 1862 ; A. W. Tarbert, Co. — . Thirty-ninth Regiment I. V. I. — W. Agnej, Co. G, killed in Virginia, Oct. 13, 1864. Forty-second Regiment I. V. I. — Samuel Kohl, Co. G, died of wounds, Dec. — , 1864 ; L. Mossman, Co. G, died at Andersonville, March 1, 1865 ; L. Warner, Co. G, died of wounds, Jan. 11, 1865. W. Bunte, Jr. Forty-fifth Regiment I. V. I. — J. Jordan, Co. C, Andrew Mourn, Co. C, killed - — - ; W. T. McClothlin, Co. B ; J. Watterson, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Forty-sixth Regiment I. V. I. — A. F. Arnold, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; William Andre, Co. A, died at Duval's Bluff, Dec. 10, 1864 ; William W. Allison, Co. A, died at Memphis, March 16, 1863 ; A. E. Arnold, Co. A, died at ; Cyrus Ashenfelter, Co. B, died at Camp Butler, Dec. 6, 1861 ; F. Ashenfelter, Co. D, Robert G. Aikey, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; John Apker, Co. K, died at Mobile, May 8, 1865 ; Robert T. Best, Co. A, died at Camp Butler, Nov. 7, 1861 ; Wesley J. Best, Co. A, died of wounds at Vicksburg, Aug. 19, 1864 ; R. D. Bruner, Co. A, died at Cairo, Oct. 6, 1864 ; Edward Barrett, Co. A, died at Vicksburg, Aug. 12, 1864 ; Charles F. Bower, Co. B, died of wounds, April 23, 1862 ; A. Bauer, Co. C, died ; H. Bagger, Co. C, died at Bolivar, Oct. 15, 1862 ; A. Buckhardt, Co. C, died at Salubriety Springs, July 24, 1865 ; J. S. Brown, Co. G, died of wounds, April 28, 1862 ; R. Brubuker, Co. G, died of wounds, Aug. 9, 1862; George D. Beeler, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; B. L. Bates, Co. G, died at LaGrange, July 12, 1862 ; L. C. Butler, Co. K, died ; James A. Butler, Co. K, died at LaGrange, July 12, 1862: George F. Brown, Co. K, died at St. Louis, May 18, 1862 ; Dudley Barker, Co. K, died in Shreveport, June 17, 1865 ; A. Barker, Co. B, John Brace, Co. K, died of wounds, May 22, 1862; Lieut. Louis E. Butler, Co. K, died at Salubriety Springs, Oct. 5, 1865 ; J. Backus, Co. K, Hiram Clingman, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; Charles Clouse, Co. A, died at Mound City, Sept. 7, 1862 ; George Cox, Co. B, died of wounds, Oct. 9, 1862 ; Henry Cruger, Co. B, died at Big Black, April 11, 1864 ; Thomas A. Clingman, Co. F, died of wounds, ; W. Cramer, Co. K, J. Chambers, Co. B, Col. John A. Davis, died of wounds, Bolivar, Oct. 10, 1862 ; D. P. DeHaven, Co. A, died at Memphis, Sept. 22, 1862 ; Daniel Dreisbach, Co. G, died at Memphis, May 12, 1863; Thomas H. Dodson, Co. K, died June 1, 1862; Joseph Doan, Co. K, died at Vicksburg, Mav 28, 1864; Jacob Dobson. Co. K, died Oct. 30, 1864 ; J. E. Derrick, Co. A, John Elliott, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6. 1862 ; B. W. Eghusen, Co. C, died at St. Louis, May 19, 1864 ; Lansing Ells, Co. D, died of wounds. May 14, 1864 ; Marion Elv, Co. K, died at Vicksburg, Aug. 8, 1864 ; Johurm J. Esh, Co. C, died — ; W. Elliott, Co. A ; A. M. Fellows, Co. A, died of wounds, Quincy, May 2, 1862 ; R. A. Fawver, Co. A, drowned Aug. 20, 1864 ; Henry Frize, Co. B, died May 31, 1862 ; C. Frewart, Co. C, died at Duval's Bluff, Dec. 19, 1864 ; T. S. Felton, 'Co. K, died at Freeport, March 17, 1862; J. D. Fogle, Co. D, Charles H. Gramp, Co. C, died ; Hiram C. Galpin, Co. A, died July 8, 1862; William A. George, Co. B, died at New Orleans, Sept. 10, 1864 : H. Giboni, Co. C, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; Gotlieb Greetzley, Co. C, died of wounds at Louisville. April 26, 1862 ; Samuel H. Groken, Co. G, died about April 6, 1862 ; E. H. Gardener, Co. K, died at Corinth, June 18, 1862 : John Hoot, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; H. W. Hollenbeck, Co. A, died of 352 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. wounds, Mav 3, 1862 ; W. H. Holsinger, Co. A, died at Pittsburg Landing, April 1, 1862; Sergt. Maj. J. E. Hershey, died ; Langford Hill, Co. B, died ; Lieut H. Harbert, Co. C, died ; Andrew Hess, Co. B, died of wounds at New Orleans, April 24, 1865 ; F. Hasselman, Co. C, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862; F. Heine, Co. C, killed near Jackson, July 8, 1864; 0. Husinga, Co. C, died at Pittsburg Landing, May 5, 1862 ; H. H. Hayden, Co. D, died at Memphis, Jan. 6, 1865 ; Henry H. Hulet, Co. G, died at Hamburg, May 30, 1862 ; William Helm, Co. G, died at Vicksburg, June 26, 1863; William Haines, Co. G, died in Stephenson County, Feb. 16, 1863 ; Barney Hand. Co. K, died at Camp Butler, Dec. 26, 1861 ; Lieut. Thomas M. Hood, Co. G, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; Samuel E. Hershey, Co. B, died ; 0. Kittleson, Co. K, W. T. Johnson and J. Y. Haughney, Co. B, Eugene V. Kellogg, Co. B, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862; Albert Kocher, Co. C, died at Louisville, May 15, 1862 ; C. Kahn. Co. C, died at St. Louis, May 15, 1862 ; Jacob Kramer, Co. C, died at St. Louis, July 19, 1862; H. Klock, Co. C, died in Kentucky, July 4, 1862 ; F. Kraemer, Co. C, died at Corinth, May 26, 1862 ; A. Knock, Co. C, killed at Shi- loh, April 6, 1862 ; John Katlerer, Co. C, died at New Orleans, Sept. 18, 1864 ; Carl Krueger, Co. C, died at Duval's Bluff, Nov. 29, 1864 ; Hiram R. Knight, Co. D, died at Vicksburg, June 3, 1864 ; George Kettner, Co. G, died of wounds, April 12, 1862; F. J. LeFevre, Co. C, died of wounds, April 9, 1862 ; Daniel Lobdell, Co. B, died at Cairo, Oct. 3, 1864 ; Aaron Lapp, Co. C, died at Fort Henry, May 4, 1862 ; John Larve, Co. G, died at Vicksburg, June 27, 1863 ; Peter LaBell, Co. G, died at Louisville, June 2, 1862 ; James La Hay, Co. K, died at New Orleans, Feb. 19, 1865 ; Capt. John Musser, Co. A, died of wounds, April 24, 1862 ; Charles F. More, Co. A, died of wounds at Memphis, April 2, 1863 ; J. C. McCarthy, Co. A, died at Freeport, March 9, 1865 ; D. J. Mingle, Co. B, died ; J. H. Mingle, Co. B, died ; Willard F. May, Co. A, died at Vicksburg, May 18, 1864 ; Harry A. Mack, Co. B, died at Winslow, June 15, 1862 ; John W. Mallory, Co. B, died in Corinth, May 17, 1862 ; Joseph McGinnis, Co. B, died at Camp Butler, Oct. 9, 1861 ; Leons Marbeth, Co. C, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; J. F. Marks, Co. C, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862; C. Meise, Co. C; J. W. Max- well, Co. D, died at Morganzia, Aug. 23, 1864 ; G. W. Mudy, Co. D, died at Mound City, Sept. 9, 1864 ; James C. Mallory, Co. F, died at St. Louis, Aug. 10, 1862 ; John F. Moothart, Co. G, died in Stephenson Co., Feb. 9, 1864 ; Thomas Myron, Co. K, died at Corinth, June 12, 1862 ; Aaron Miller, Co. K, died at Corinth, June 12, 1862 ; E. Mueller, Co. C, Peter O'Konas, Co. C, died at Shreveport, June 12, 1865 ; Q. E. Pollock, Co. A, died Jan. 6, 1862 ; Theodore Peck, Co. A, died at Camp Butler, Jan. 8, 1862; John Patten, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; Levi Penticoff, Co. B, died at Evansville, Oct. 19, 1862 ; Julius Potter, Co. B, died at Camp Butler, Feb. 6, 1861 ; W. Penning, Co. C, died at Camp Butler, Dec. 31, 1861 ; George Preising, Co. G, killed near Jackson, July 7, 1864 ; W. Quinn Co. K, W. H. Rodimer, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; E. W. Rollins, Co. A, died at Corinth, June 29, 1862 ; James Riem, Co. A, died at home, March 22, 1864; D. E. Rogers, Co. A, died at Bailevville, Dec. 12, 1864; H. G. Rogers, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; Charles W. Rockwell, Co. B, died at Quincy, May 14, 1862 ; Henry Roush, Co. B. died at Freeport, May 10, 1864; J. Rebel, Co. C, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862; C. Reismayer, Co. C, died of wounds at Savannah, Jan. 1, 1862 ; Jacob Rudel, Co. D, died ; H. Reismayer, Co. G, died of wounds, July 10, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 353 1864 ; Jacob Reagel, Co. K, died at Bolivar, Oct. 22, 1862; R. P. Ritzman, Co. A, Nelson A. Scoville. Co. A, died of wounds at Savannah, April 18, 1862 ; J. M. Stephens, Co. A, died at Corinth, May 9, 1862 ; Charles H. Seidle, Co. A, died at Mound City, Nov. 20, 1864 ; A. J. Steele, Co. A; died at St. Louis, July 24,1863 ; Jacob Stottler, Co. B, died at St. Louis, May — , 1862 ; Charles N. Shane, Co. B, died at St. Louis, July 26, 1863; Edwin L. Stone, Co. B, died at New Madrid, Nov. 27, 1864 ; H. Schmeitzhaf, Co. C, died of wounds at St. Louis, April 24, 1862 ; M. Steinhofer, Co. C, died at Corinth, Jan. 25, 1862 ; Peter Steinmetz, Co. C, died at White River, Oct. 15, 1864 ; Jacob Spies, Co. C, killed near Hatchie, Oct. 5, 1862 ; H. Schlieker, Co. C, drowned in Mississippi, Aug. 26, 1864 ; A. R. Simcox, Co. D, died at Sa- lubriety Springs, Aug. 6, 1865 ; Joseph Stamp, Co. G, died in Stephenson Co., June 15, 1862: John Shiveley, Co. G, died of wounds, April 23, 1863; Jacob Sheffer, Co. G, died at Jacksonville, July 7, 1862 ; Martin Smith, Co. G, died at Vicksburg, March 21, 1864; John T. Shinkle, Co. G, died at Mor- ganzia, Aug. 28, 1864 ; William G. Stamm, Co. G, died at Vicksburg, Sept. 24, 1864; Joseph Shippy, Co. G, died in Stephenson Co., Nov. 28, 1864; John Shearer, Co. G, died in Chicago, Sept. 26, 1864 ; T. Shaub, Co. G, J. M. Thompson, Co. A, died at Pittsburg Landing, April 1, 1862 ; George W. Trotter, Co. A, died Oct. — , 1865 ; Friederich Trei, Co. C, died at Monterey, May 9, 1862; Lieut. M. R. Thompson, Co. G, killed at Hatchie, Oct. 10, 1862 ; Neil Thompson, Co. K, died May 13, 1862 ; John Vinson, Co. B, died at Morganzia, Aug. 12, 1864; N. H. Van DJurken, Co. C, died at Pittsburg Landing, April 25, 1862 ; Philip Van Copp, Co. C, died at Camp Hebron, May 21, 1864 ; B. F. Wilson, Co. A. died at Camp Butler, Dec. 30, 1861 ; J. Weiland, Co. A, S. Ward, Co. — , W. Weaver, Co. G, John B. Wishler, Co. A, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; George Wilson, Co. B, died at Pittsburg Landing, April 30, 1862 ; Martin Wales, Co. D, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862 ; Peter Williams, Co. Gr, died at Dauphin Island, March 5, 1865 ; William Williams, Co. G, died at Duval's Bluff ; Dec. 14, 1864 ; A. Wolfanger, Co. G, died at Shreveport, July 19, 1865 ; Thomas Walbridge, Co. K, drowned Nov. 28, 1864 ; William Withneck, Co. K, died at St. Louis, May 17, 1862 ; Abram E. Winnie, Co. K, died at Shreveport, June 13, 1865. Fifty-first Regiment I. V. 1. — Dennis Cook, Co. K, died at . Fifty-third Regiment I. V. I. — W. H. H. Shean, Co. E, died at Chicago, March 31, 1862. Fifty-fifth Regiment I. V. I. — George W. Crocker, Co. I, died of wounds at Marietta, Sept. 20, 1864. Fifty-seventh Regiment I. V. I. — Thos. Millerky, Co. E, died at Free- port, March 13, 1864. Fifty-eighth Regiment I. V. I. — Peter Bauer, Co. D, died of wounds at Shiloh, ; P. Janus. Sixty-fourth Regiment I. V. I. — Josiah Capps, Co. C, died at Chatta- nooga, May 10, 1864. Seventy-first Regiment I. V. I. — E. Sherbondy, Co. D, J. Snyder, Co. D. Seventy-fourth Regiment I. V. I. — F. Ashenfelter, Co. I, William Bell- man, Co. I, died at Bowling Green, Dec. 4, 1864; Joseph Biehner, Co. I, died at Annapolis, March 11, 1865; T. T. Borden, Co. I, Robert Bingham, Co. I, died of wounds, May 16, 1864 ; Orla Clark, Co. I, died ; Sidney Cole, Co. I, died at Bowling Green, Nov. 5, 1862 ; John Ferico, Co. I, died at Murfreesboro, March 24, 1863 ; Amos Has- 354 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. kins, Co. A, died at Huntsville, March 27, 1865 ; John Henze, Co. I, died of wounds, June 16, 1864; Frederick Henze, Co. [, killed at Ken- esaw, June 27, 1864; Austin Innman, Co. I, killed at Kenesaw, June 27, 1864 ; Thos. Jennewine, Co. I, died of wounds, Jan. 2, 1863 ; Wm. H. Keagle, Co. I, died at Nashville, Dec. 13, 1862 ; Ells Knudson. Co. I, died at Nash- ville, Nov. 26, 1862 ; Samuel Lapp, Co. I, died at Nashville, Jan. 5, 1863 ; John A. Mullarkey, Co. I, died of wounds, June 28, 1864; Fred Masmin, Co. I, killed at Lost Mountain, June 18, 1864; M. G. McCue, Co. I, killed at Kenesaw, June 27, 1864 ; Capt. F. W. Stegner, Co. I, killed in battle at Kenesaw, June 27, 1864 ; L. H. Van Valkenburg, Co. I, killed in battle at Kenesaw, June 27, 1864. Eightieth Regiment, I. V. 1. — J. Frantz, Co. F. Eighty-Ninth Regiment, I. V. I. — W. Koym and W. W. Snyder, both of Co. I. Ninetieth Regiment I. V. I. — D. A.. Broderick, Co. A, killed at Jack- son, July 20, 1863 ; Wm. Caston, Co. A, killed at Chattanooga, Nov. 25, 1863 ; Patrick Cranney, Co. A, died at La Fayette, Tenn., March 28, 1863 ; John Crawley, Co. A, died at La Fayette, Tenn., May 18, 1863 ; John Crawford, Co. I, died at Nashville, June 18, 1864 ; John Doogan, Co. I, died of wounds at Atlanta, Sep. 23, 1864 ; B. Donahue, Co. A ; James Laughran, Co. I, died at Marietta, Aug. 23, 1864 ; Dennis McCarty, Co. G, killed Nov. 25, 1863 ; Neil 0' Garry, Co. I, died at La Grange, Jan. 21, 1863; Charles O'Connor, Co. I, died at Camp Sherman, Sept. 16, 1863 ; John Powers, Co. 1, died of wounds, Feb. — , 1862; G. Van Valkenbury, Co. I ; Michael Whalen, Co. I, died of wounds at Camp Sherman, Aug. 21, 1864. Ninety-second Regiment 1. V. I. — H. S. Armagost, Co. A, died at Mount Sterling, Nov. 20, 1862 ; Thomas J. Aurand, Co. F, killed at Powder Springs, Oct. 6, 1864; Benjamin F. Adams, Co. F, died at New Albany, Aug. 25, 1863 ; Robert Best, Co. E, died at Danville, June 24, 1863 ; Caston C. Best, Co. E, died at Florence, S. C, Feb. 14, 1865 ; George Byrum, Co. F, died at Nashville, April 21, 1863 ; William Back, Co. G, killed, Feb. 11, 1865 ; Jacob Bits, Co. G, killed at Kingston, June 22, 1864 ; W. Boeke, Co. G, A. Baysinger, Co. G. Adam Countryman, Co. F, killed at Steels- boro, Oct. 26, 1864 ; John Cornforth, Co. G, died of wounds, May 18, 1865 ; Nathan Corning, Co. G. killed at Chickamauga, September 19, 1863; J. Crouch, Co. G, died of wounds at Davis Mills, S. C, Feb. 13, 1865 ; John Denious, Co. A, died of wounds at Atlanta, Sep. 23, 1864 ; Will- iam Dickhorner, Co. G, died at Danville, Ky., Jan. 30, 1863 ; William Erb, Co. A, killed at Waynesboro, Ga., Dec. 4, 1864 ; William Empfield, Co. G, died at Danville, March 14, 1863 ; William M. Flack, Co. A, died at Lexing- ton, Ky., Nov. 22, 1862; John Friery, Co. F, died at Danville, Ky., Dec. 29, 1862 ; Amos Fisk, Co. G, died at Nashville, June 30, 1863 ; Lyman A. Ford, Co. G. died at Danville, Jan. 2, 1863; Warren C. Goddard, Co. A, died at Lexington, Nov. 7, 1862 ; Charles H. Giles, Co. E, killed at Catlett's Gap, Ga., Sep. 17, 1863 ; W. R. Giddings, Co. G, died at Sand Lowe, -n-ug. 30, 1864 ; C. S. Graves, Co. G, W. A. Hatch, Co. A, died at Nicholasville, Dec. 23, 1862 ; Valentine Haum, Co. A, died at Danville, Jan. 10, 1863 ; G. Hicks, Co. A, W. H. Haggart, Co. G, George Johnson, Co. A, died at Nashville, Feb. 22, 1863 ; Charles M, Knapp, Co. F, died at Baileyville, Jan. 31, 1864 ; Asa Kaster, Co. F, died at Nashville, Feb. 25, 1863; G. N. Keiser, Co. G, died at Louisville, Oct. 14, 1863 ; Ephraim Lambert. Co. F, died at Nashville, Nov. 13, 1863; Benjamin F. Long, Co. F, died at Dan- HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 355 ville, Jan. 30, 1863; Orin J. Mitchell, Co. F, died at Nashville, Feb. 17, 1863; George Metcall, Co. A, died at Danville, May 3, 1863; George C. Mack, Co. A, killed at Aiken, S. C, Feb. 11, 1865; M. Miller, Co. A, died at Andersonville, Sep. 26, 1864 ; Emmet A. Merrill, Co. A, killed at Waynesboro, Ga., Dec. 4, 1864 ; Henry Miller, Co. F, died at Andersonville, July 10, 1864 ; Charles H. Purinton, Co. F, died at Danville, Feb. 11, 1863 ; J. A. Reber, Co. F, E. R. Rogers, Co. F, L. W. Rogers, Co. F, Henry Rudy, Co. A, died at Murfreesboro, July 21, 1863 ; John W. Rea, Co. G., died of wounds, April 13, 1865 ; W. W. Smith, Co. A, died at Nashville, Feb. 17, 1863 ; Edward Shearer, Co. G, died at Danville, Jan. 23, 1863 ; George Thompson, Co. F, died at Danville, Oct. 11, 1863 ; J. R. Thompson, Co. A, Daniel R. Vought, Co. F, died at Danville, Feb. 6, 1863 ; Albert R. Williams, Co. A, died at Nashville, March 13, 1863 ; Coates L. Wilson, Co. E, died at Chattanooga, Oct 19, 1863 ; Thomas F. Whiteside, Co. F, died at Danville, Feb. 20, 1863 ; William Wright, Co. F, died at Danville, Feb. 21, 1863 ; Oscar D. Wilcoxon, Co. F, died at Concord, N. C, June 5, 1865 ; William Werkheiser, Co. G, died of wounds, Oct. 6, 1864 ; Ephraim Wyckoff, Co. G, died at Nashville, April 14, 1863 ; David C. Wingart, Co. K, died at Nashville, Oct. 9, 1864 ; E. Werkheiser, Co. G. Ninety-third Regiment I. V. I. — Alvin Addams, Co. G, died of wounds at Vicksburg, May 24, 1863 ; James Blue, Co. D, died at Ridgeway, Jan. 17, 1863 ; Isaac Brandt, Co. D, killed at Altoona, Oct. 5, 1864 ; Charles Bender, Co. D, died at Memphis, Feb. 27, 1863; E. B. Brewer, Co. D, died at Memphis, April 17, 1863 ; J. B. Bollman, Co. G, killed at Champion Hills, May 16, 1863 ; A. M. Broughler, Co. G, killed at Champion Hills, May 16, 1863; Henry C. Carl, Co. G, died of wounds, Oct. 22, 1864; William H. Col- lier, Co. G, died at Andersonville, March 30, 1864 ; D. S. Coble, Co. G, Samuel F. Devore, Co. D, died at Nashville, July 27, 1863; E. W. Der- rick, Co. D, Rudy Erwin, Co. D, killed at Champion Hills, May 16, 1863 ; Isaac Erb, Co. G, killed at Champion Hills, May 16, 1863; H. Erb, Co. G, W. H. Eisenhour, Co. G, died of wounds, May 19, 1863 ; David Forney, Co. G, died at Andersonville, Jan. 27, 1864; W. Frank, Co. G, Robert Fogle, Co. G, died at Memphis. Dec. 26, 1862 ; James Hickey, Co. D, killed at Champion Hills, May 13, 1863 ; Lyman Hulbert, Co. G, killed at Altoona, Oct. 5, 1864 ; Tobias Helm, Co. G, died at Milliken's Bend, May 16, 1863 ; Willis G. Haas, Co. G, killed at Vicksburg, May 2, 1863 ; S. R. Hutchin- son, Co. G, W. Irvin, Co. D, John J. Jewell, Co. D, died at Mem- phis, July 12, 1863; Daniel W. Jones. Co. G, died at Cairo. Sept. 7, 1863; Samuel Knodle, Co. D, died at Vicksburg, Sept. 1, 1863; G. W. Kleckner, Co D, died of wounds at Rome, Ga., Oct. 3, 1864 ; William Krise, Co. G, died at St. Louis, Sept. 7, 1863; J. Leonard, Co. D, died of wounds at Vicksburg, May 23, 1863 ; Nathan Liscom, Co. D, died at Vicksburg, Aug. 3, 1863; S. W. Logan, Co. G, killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863; Henry Law, Co. G, died May 29. 1863 ; D. Leible, Co. G, died at Memphis. Feb. 22, 1863 ; Oliver McHoes, Co. G. died at St. Louis, Nov. 30, 1863 ; J. P. McConnell, Co. G, died at Chicago, Oct. 9, 1864 ; J. B. Newcomer, Co. D, died of wounds, June 21, 1862 ; Thomas Phillips. Co. D, killed at Champion Hills, May 16, 1863 ; Holden Putnam ( Colonel), killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863 ; T. Plush, Co. D ; E. P. Reynolds, Co. D, died at Memphis, March 12, 1863 ; John Rima, Co. D, killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863 ; C. Reiser, Co. G, died at Jacksonville, March 28, 1863 ; H. Rossweller, Co. G. killed at Cham pion Hills, May 16, 1863 ; George Sills, Co. D, died of wounds at 356 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Champion Hills, May 22. 1863 ; J. W. Sidlinger, Co. G ; David Shearer, Co. D, died at New York Harbor, April 18, 1865; Benjamin F. Shockley, Co. G, died of wounds, May 19, 1863 ; G. Sprague, Co. D ; Thomas R. St. John, Co. G, died at Camp Douglas, Oct. 22, 1862 ; D. H. Terapleton, Co. D, died at home, Oct 3, 1862 ; George Thomas, Co. D, killed at Champion Hills, May 16, 1863 ; John Templeton, Co. G, died of wounds at South Carolina, Feb. 25, 1865 ; T. K. Vantilburg, Co. G, died at St. Louis, Aug. 4, 1863 ; Wil- liam B. Ward. Co. D, died at Vicksburg, June 29, 1863 ; Daniel Wolf, Co. G, killed at Champion Hills, May 19, 1863 ; William J. Wilson, Co. G, died of wounds, May 25, 1863; F. M. Wickwire, Co. G, died at Vicksburg, Aug 17, 1863 ; Joel Wagner, Co. G, died of wounds at Chattanooga, Nov. 29, 1863 ; G. Zerbe, Co. G. One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment I. V. I. — William H. Wallace, Co. C, died at New Orleans, Dec. 6, 1863. One Hundred and Forty-second Regiment I. V. I. — George Adair, Co. F, died at White Station, Sept. 1, 1864 ; Frank Biehl, Co. A, died at Memphis, Sept. 11, 1864 ; John Buisman, Co. G, died at White Station, Sept. 9, 1864 ; Israel Dean, Co. G, died at Memphis, Sept. 12, 1864 ; C. H. French, Co. F ; F. Haeuss, Co. F, died at White Station, Aug. 26, 1864 ; Charles Ludeke, Co. A, died Sept. 26, 1864 ; T. Murdaugh, Co. F, died at Chicago, Oct. 9, 1864 ; D. B. Seibels, Co. E, died at Memphis, Aug. 12, 1864. One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiynent I. V. I. — John Bortsfield, Co. E, died at Camp Butler, Dec. 13, 1864; M. L. Cornville, Co. E, died at Chicago, Oct. 7, 1864; S. Haggart, Co. E ; J. S. Murray, Co. E, died at Camp Butler, Feb. 1, 1865 ; Nathan Springer, Co. E, died at Chicago, Oct. 9, 1864. One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment I. V. I. — John Kelly, Co. E, died at Dalton, Ga., May 7, 1865 ; W. N. Harwood, Co. E ; W.L. Seyler, Co.E. One Hundred and Fifty-third Regiment I. V. I. — A. Shaffer, Co. D. Fourth Regiment I. V. C. — W. Hurlburt, Co. . First Regiment Colored Cavalry — Capt. J. R. Shaffer, Co. A. Twelfth Iowa V. I.—D. D. Warner, Co. G. Third Missouri Cavalry. — J. W. Shively, Co. G; M. Shotts, Co. G; W. D. Thompson, Co. I. Seventh. Iowa Cavalry. — J. Barron, J. Antes, A. W. Lucas, N. Kohl, D. M. Mage. Fifth United States Cavalry. — Lieut. J. *J. Sweet, Co. E. Seventh Regiment, I. V. C. — George H. Barnes, Co. B, died at Savan- nah, Tenn., June 6, 1862 ; Thomas Hill, Co. B, died at Memphis, Nov. 15, 1863; J. T. Noyes, Co. B; Capt. W. McCausland, Co. B; D. C. Stone, Co. G, died at Iuka, July 20, 1865. Eight Regiment, I. V. C. — Anthony Coppersmith, Co. G, killed Sept. 12, 1863 ; Samuel Crane, Co. I, prisoner of war, dead ; D. Dieffenbaugh, Co. G, killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863 : Charles Mularkey, Co. M, killed at Manassas, Nov. 11, 1864. Thirteenth Regiment, I. V. C. — Samuel B. Deitzler, Co. I, died, March 29, 1864 ; Henry A. High, Co. I, died at Memphis, Tenn. ; Henry Stude- baker, Co. I, died at Pine Bluff, Ark., Oct. 23, 1864 ; William Strange, Co. I, died at Pine Bluff, Ark., Sept. 3, 1864. John Sendlinger, Co. I, died at Pine Bluff, Ark., July 8, 1864. Fourteenth Regiment, I. V. C. — B. Breninger, Co. I, missing in action July 13, 1864; K. W. Chapin, Co. I, missing in action, Aug. 3, 1864; D. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 357 M. Elliott Co. I, died at Gallipolis, Dec. 8, 1863 ; John Gogan, Co. I, missing in action, July 31, 1864; A. M. Gandy, Co. I, died at Bowling Green, Ky., Oct. 9, 1864 ; Michael Lenan, Co. I, died at Peoria, Jan. 12, 1863 ; J. McNichols, Co. I, missing in action, July 31, 1864 ; John S. Pickard, Co. I, died at Peoria, March 29, 1863 ; M. D. Rollison, Co I, missing in action, July 31, 1864; William H. Stewart, Co. I, died at Louisville, Aug. 10, 1863 ; H. Vandeberg, Co. I, missing action, July 31, 1864. Seventeenth Regiment, I. V. 0. — H. Bowden, Co. F, drowned at Alton, July 3, 1864 ; George R. Comstock, Co. M, died at Lena, July 19, 1864 ; J. Peterson, Co. I, accidentally killed, Dec. 12, 1864. Second Regiment, I. V. A. — F. Shilling, Co. E, died at Memphis, March 20, 1863 ; Henry Williams, Co. K, died at Memphis, April 26, 1865. Company and Regiment Unknown. — Jasper Clingman, died — — ; Capt. James R. Shaffer, died at Freeport, . The second, or upper base, is 9x9 feet and nine feet high, and on each side is a niche in which is inserted a massive slab of white marble. On the south side, facing Stephenson street, in engraved the following, in large raised letters : TO THE HEROIC DEAD OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 1861-1865. On each of the three remaining slabs in the upper base, are engraved in raised letters some of the battles in which it is known that some of the soldiers of Stephenson County laid down their lives, as follows : Fort Donelson, Pittsburg Landing, Siege of Corinth, Jackson, Siege of Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Mission- ary Ridge, Altoona Pass, Resaca, Pea Ridge, Nashville, Kenesaw Mountain, Stone River, Waynesboro, Cattlet's Gap, Iuka, Aiken, Franklin, Nickajack Gap, Siege of Knoxville, Champion Hills, Farmington, Bentonville, Hatchie, Mobile. The shaft, 7x7 feet at base, rises 62 feet gracefully from the second base, tapering to three feet at the top, surmounted by a molded cap-stone, four feet six inches by four feet six inches, on which is poised the statue of " Victory " above described, thirteen feet high, making the top of the statue ninety-six feet from the ground. Early in June, 1871, the last finishing touches were given, and the Ste- phenson County Soldiers' Monument, beautiful in its proportions, and as endur- ing as the solid marble of which it is constructed, stood forth completed, an enduring evidence of the patriotism of the entire population of Stephenson County, by whom it was erected. It was resolved to dedicate the monument on July 4, 1871, and great preparations were made for the event. Gen. John M. Palmer, Governor of Illinois, agreed to deliver the dedicatory address, but, at the last hour, he sent a telegram that he could not come, and Gen. Smith D. Atkins, of Freeport, reluctantly consented to supply his place. Gen. Atkins spoke as follows : Fellow-Citizens : I have been admonished by friends, and the conflicting emotions of my heart, to which I cannot give utterance, admonish me now, that it is no easy task, under the peculiar circumstances which have induced me to appear before you, to address such an assem- blage on such an occasion. But I have come, not because I had any hope of doing justice to my subject, but because I know that you will do more than justice to me — you will be generous. Kneeling this day around the altar of American liberty, your hearts will throb responsive to the lightest touch. 358 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. We do well to come here to-day on this anniversary of our national independence, remem- bering the fathers who have " gone before." We are indebted for all the liberties that we enjoy to those who have long since entered the " dark valley and shadow of death;" those who shall come after us, in the sure flight of years, will be indebted to us for the civil and religious liber- ties which they will enjoy. If we were to seek the fountain whence our liberties flow, we should be compelled to go far back of 1776; the Declaration of American Independence was the result of a prior moving cause ; on the Mayflower came the germ of liberty ; not alone to the Continental Congress, but to the Pilgrim Fathers are we indebted for the glories of the day we celebrate. Ideas are the moving causes of revolutions ; the clash of arms, the sullen roar of artillery, are but the means employed to an end ; deeper than that, below all that, like disembodied spirits, lie the ideas for which revolutions are fought. The idea, the great underlying thought upon which the American Revolutionary war was fought was embodied in the Declaration of American Inde- pendence, in these words: " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." No grander enunciation of the rights of man had ever been put forth by any people, and around it crystallized the hopes of the threejnillions and a half of people composing the thirteen American Colonies. I wish it was in my power to draw a picture of the American Continental Congress, convened in the plain little red-brick building in Philadelphia, called at that time the State House, on the morning of July 4, 1776, when Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston, the Committee on the Declaration of Inde- pendence, brought in their report. With what breathless attention did the members of the Continental Congress listen to the reading of it. With what emotion must that Congress have swayed, every one of them knowing, that, if they failed in their unequal struggle with England, the most powerful nation on the globe, then that declaration would prove the death-warrant of every one* of them upon the scaffold. But they faltered not. John Hancock wrote his name " Dashing and bold, as if the writer meant, A double daring in his mind's intent." Stephen Hopkins, with a palsied hand, but with a fearless and patriotic heart, wrote his name plain enough for the minions of King George to read it ; and Charles Carroll of Carroll- ton, and Franklin, and Adams, and Gerry, and Rutledge, and Jefferson, and Sherman, and Morris, and Witherspoon — " there were giants in those days" — and, relying upon the intrinsic justice of their cause, and the self-evident truths of the rights of human nature that they were declaring, to their maintenance they mutually pledged " their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor." Well might the old bellman who sat anxiously in the steeple of the old State House, waiting for the word joyfully ring out the glad tidings when the Declaration of Independ- ence passed, on the old bell cast many years before in England, and bearing, as if by inspiration, this inscription, in solid metal letters : Proclaim Liberty to all the land, and to all the inhab- itants thereof. Aye, Liberty ! That old bell is ringing yet, and millions hear it. The last of all those who were there have long since been "gathered to their fathers," but their work lives after them and yet shall live. Time shall not dim it. The glories of the Cross of Calvary shall pale away and fade from the remembrance of men as soon as the moral grandeur and sublimity of that declaration shall be dimmed. While the memories of Washington and Warren survive, while there is one man to honor the memories of John Hampden and Algernon Sydney, while there is one human heart groaning beneath oppression, and throbbing with the love of freedom, the Declaration of American Independence will stand a beacon light to beckon on to liberty. In February, 1861, Abraham Lincoln, after his election by the people as President of the Republic, stood upon the steps of the old State House in Philadelphia, on the very spot where Liberty was proclaimed by our Revolutionary Fathers in 1776, and uttered these memorable words : " I have often inquired of myself what idea or principle it was that kept the Confederacy so long together. It was something in the Declaration of Independence giving liberty, not only to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time. It was that which gave promise, that, in due time, the weight should be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance. Now, my friends, can this country be saved upon this basis ? If it can, I will consider myself one of the happiest men in the world if I can help to save it. But if this country cannot be saved without giving up that principle, I was about to say, I would rather be assassinated upon the spot than to surrender it." They are memorable words. Great, noble Lincoln, how tenaciously he clung to the idea of liberty — which inspired the Pilgrim Fathers on the Mayflower ; to which our fathers clung through- out all their colonial history ; the one idea and siugie thought of the Continental Congress of d776 ; the heart, the soul, the life, of the Declaration of American Independence, looking forward to the future, the clouds of civil war gathering in the South, as if inspired with a foresight to see the bloody ending of his self-sacrificing devotion to the cause of liberty, Abraham Lincoln pro- claimed himself the willing sacrifice ! But could the nation have seen the bitter dregs of the cup HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 359 that he was destined to quaff, with what agony would every face have been turned heavenward, and millions of supplications gone to the great throne on high : "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass." But — and thank God — before the idol of the nation was called upon to drink that bitter cup, before the foreshadowed prophesy was fulfilled, the idea of liberty had triumphed over slavery, and the blood of the martyred Lincoln sealed the deed of freedom forever. Toll, solemn bells; weep, ye worshipers around Liberty's altar; the disciple, the prophet, Abraham Lincoln, of the people and by the people best beloved, amid the nation's tears, even on the top wave of the nation's victory, has gone from earth, called by the Great Jehovah to " come up higher." In that terrible struggle, foreshadowed by Abraham Lincoln as he stood upon the steps of the old State House in Philadelphia, have gone down into the " dark valley and shadow of death" the immortal heroes in whose honor the grateful patriotism of the people of Stephenson County has erected that marble column. Honoring, as we ought and do, the Revolutionary heroes, never can we forget those brave men who, in the late war, have died that their country might live. At the story of their heroism, our hearts swell with pride, and, at the story of their sufferings, our hearts melt into tears. Sometimes I wonder if the American people will ever forget what they felt when the news was flashed over the wires that the South Carolinians had fired upon Fort Sumter. I wonder if all the people of the good old Northland will forget that great uprising, party ties broken, party sunk in patriotism, when President Lincoln called for troops, and the voice of the mighty Douglas rang through the land, declaring that he who was not for his country in such an hour was against his country, and all the people resolved that the stars and stripes should again float over Sumter — aye, should "greet the morning sunlight and kiss the last rays of the setting sun," not alone above the brick and mortar of that old fort, but everywhere throughout all this broad land, should unfold its bright stripes and gleaming stars — the symbol of liberty, and the shield and protection of American citizenship. Have the citizens of Freeport forgotten the Sabbath-day meeting for enlisting soldiers, held here on our public square? Have you forgotten the meetings held in all your schoolhouses, when the prairies were all alive with patriotic ardor, and the fife and drum were beating up recruits ? Have you forgotten how a free people, living in a government "of the people, and by the people, and for the people," with a common impulse, rallied to the defense of their imperiled country? How grand it was — some- thing to be remembered always, and to be proud of always. How like a mighty dream it all appears to us now, as we look back upon the past. And afterward, when the three-years troops were called for, how the heroes of the Republic came pouring into the camps — the farmer from his plow, the mechanic from his shop, the merchant from his store, the lawyer from his office — by ones, by dozens, by fifties and by hundreds, until companies, and regiments, and brigades, and divisions, and corps, with banners flying, and bugles blaring, and drums beating, were march- ing to the front, singing as they went, " We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before, Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom; And we'll fill the vacant ranks with a million freemen more, Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom." Grand and glorious as was the great uprising of the North in the early summer of 1861 , grander still was the swelling and growing volume of the nation's patriotism, as it swelled and rose higher and higher with the nation's need. Our good President called for three hundred thousand soldiers, and the people answered his call; then he called for three hundred thousand more, and the patriotic people answered back to the President, " We are coming, Father Abraham, Six hundred thousand strong." It is an accepted doctrine of the Christian Church that "God gives strength according to its need," and in His wise providence battalion after battalion poured into the camps, until the maxim of Napoleon, "God is on the side of the heaviest battalions," did not seem so irreverent as it is usually regarded ; and the apothegm of the ancients, " Whom God would destroy he first makes mad," appeared to be exemplified in the mad-cap South. I believe that it is ever true that "God is on the side of the right," and, while we give those soldiers who have died for their country more praise than tongue of mine can tell, we ought still to raise our hearts in thankful- ness and praise to the "God of battles," without whose blessing no cause can long prosper, and who can hold an army in the hollow of His hand. I cannot dwell upon the history of the late war; time will not permit me to pronounce the fitting words of praise due our dead heroes for their heroic deeds upon all the battle-fields for the Union ; the people of Stephenson County and of the Northwest need not be told of them — they know of them already, and they cherish the memories of them in their hearts. When will the American people forget Washington and the Revolutionary heroes, who upheld the starry banner of the Republic that was born in revolution and baptized in blood? When will we forget those whose names are graven on yonder tablets, the "boys in blue; " who, in 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 and 1865, enlisted in our army to bear that standard sheet on high? Side by side with the heroes of the Revolution will their names go down in history, never more to be forgotten. 360 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. To whom do we owe it that we have a country to-day? to whom but to those who. with heart vand brain and stalwart arm, upheld the flag? To tbe loyal men and women of America, to those who went to the front and to those who remained at home, are we this day indebted for the security and peacefulness of our firesides and for the liberty we enjoy; but most of all to those gallant heroes, in memory of whom that marble monument has been erected ; who, standing "between their loved homes and war's desolations," have died for their country. Do all that we may or can, we never shall be able to repay more than a trifling moiety of the great debt of grat- itude and love we owe to those heroes who have gone to that " Undiscovered country From whose bourne no traveler returns." Build them monuments of marble, surmounted with statues of " Victory ;" cut their names in enduring tablets of stone; tell of their heroic deeds in story, and sing of them in song; keep their memories green in our hearts forevermore, .and yet we will not pay one half of the great debt of gratitude and love we owe. The liberties secured to their country by the sacrifice of their lives, they themselves cannot enjoy ; for you and for me, and for those who will come after us, they have died. Long after that massive marble monument has moldered into dust, their memories will live; the generations to follow us will honor them even more than we honor them now. Think you that while there remains one human heart that loves liberty their memories will perish ? No. Hundreds of years ago, Leonid is and his band of Spartan soldiers went down in the defense of the Pass of Thermopylas, but forevermore, among every people in whose language there can be found a word to express liberty, those dead heroes will be remembered. Those whose memories we seek to perpetuate by that marble pile were the defenders of our Thermopylae, not like Leonidas and his Spartan soldiers, doomed to defeat in honorable death, but victory, overwhelming and complete, has crowned their heroism. Fitly do we place the statue of " Victory " on the monument the grateful patriotism of all the people of Stephenson County has erected to their memory. Never on earth can they answer roll-call again. " On Fame's eternal camping-ground Their silent tents are spread, And glory guards with solemn round, The bivouac of the dead." Engraven deeply on those marble tablets are the names of nearly seven hundred of the gallant heroes of Stephenson County, who went out to the defense of their country, and came not back again. And yet they were but a handful in the great sacrificial offering that liberty demanded and received. « w . , . .. . •' Four hundred thousand men, The brave, the good, the true, On battle plain, in prison pen, Have died for me and you. Four hundred thousand of the brave, Have made our loyal soil their grave, For me and you ; Kind friend, for me and you." Dedicating this day that colossal marble monument to the memories of the gallant dead of Stephenson County, let us thank God for the glowing patriotism that gave to the nation its heroic defenders, and reverently ask His blessing upon the work which they have accomplished. The following are buried in the cemeteries about Freeport : Gen. J. W. Shaffer; Cols. H. Putnam, T. J. Turner, C. T. Dunham and John A. Davis ; Capts. S. W. Field, James R. Shaffer and James W. Crane ; Majs. Will- iam McKim and Elisha Schofield ; Lieuts. M. R. Thompson, H. A. Sheets, T. M. Hood and Emil Neese, Elias Diffenbaugh, Joseph Degon, Samuel Ailey, R. C. Swain, M. D., H. Broadie, Mortimer Snow, Joseph Cavanagh, Eli M. Ketchum, James Daniels, Max Lambrecht, Lawrence Fisher, Anton Bauer, James Jordan, L. Bentlj, J. W. Sinlinger, David McCormick, James C. McCarthy, William Haggart, Sidney Haggart, William Eddy, John Bortsfield, Charles Gramp, Joseph Maxwell, Jacob Backers, Van Reason, Fred Shilling, Aaron S. Best, Milton S. Weaver, Thomas Mullarkey, Lary Paten and Andrew Bartlett. " Winds of summer, Oh ! whisper low, Over the graves where the daisies grow. Blossoming flowers and songs of bees, Sweet ferns tossed in the summer's breeze — Floating shadows and golden lights, Dewy mornings and radiant nights — All the bright and beautiful things That gracious and bountiful summer brings, Fairest and sweetest that earth can bestow Brighten the graves where the daisies grow." HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 361 STATEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS, 1879. Corn Winter wheat Spring wheat Oats Apple- Peaches Vineyards (wine) Timothy Clover Prairie Hungarian and millet Rye Barley Buckwheat Beans Irish potatoes Sweet potatoes Tobacco Broom corn Flax (fiber) Sorgo (sirup) Turnip and other root crops Other fruits and berries Other crops not named above Pasture Woodland Uncultivated land Area city and town real estate (not included above) 77,851 acres. 9,436 " 12,069 " 35,622 " 2,934 " 15,118 12,785 5,783 67 9,826 11,456 193 41 1,715 3 148 40 2,156 21 27 24 38 49,070 23,360 9,867 733 3,045, 236, 119 1,287 17 183 26.6 2 141 296 61 16 2 $79 576 bushels. 149 " 776 " 644 " 479 " 7 " 405 gallons. ,443 tons. ,620 " ,457 " 173 " ,911 bushels. ,830 " 421 " 329 " ,834 " 217 " 911 pounds. 395 " 805 " 363 gallons. 065 (value.) 650 " 340 " Total number of acres 280,399 aores. Number of sheep killed by dogs 265 Total value sheep killed by dogs $926 Number pounds wo »1 shorn 62,956 Number fat sheep sold 2,430 Total gross weight fat sheep sold 240,265 Number cows kept 2,972 Pounds butter sold 804,971 Pounds cheese soM 3,711 Gallons cream sold 4,173 Gallons milk sold 69,685 Number colts foaled .- 944 Number horses died, any age 405 Number fat cattle sold ." 3,880 Total gross weight fat cattle sold 4,209,978 Number fat hogs sold 43,153 Total gross weight fat hogs sold 10,764,977 Number hogs and pigs died of cholera 25,652 Total gross weight of swine died of cholera 1,811,748 Number bushels timothy seed 1,269 Number bushels clover seed 12,607j Number bushels Hungarian and millet seed 209 Number bushels flax seed 14,781 Number pounds grapes 5,348 362 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. ■ - : co oo : O r^ : o oo r- : o ; : cm m . o t- «l ■^ : co • o : co r- :^< t- O ^ : ** - O r D : o i^ Q o 3$ : ■* CO o ■ CO s S 5 > \ . 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C X. HCOiCOCOOlH IO CM r-l CO CO ri SO CM IO O CO TH C H HI O CO IO SO X CO 3 -51 t- CM CM CO r- — t- iO ir- OS tH CC CM OS 3 OS r*H CM CM CM rH CD OD CM 7 $ ►J : »o : ■^ CO CO Tf SO SO X) SOHHSOt-iOCM CM t- CO r-l CO SO' CI CO -f OJ «* CO SO X SO t- SO tO CO CO CM CO rH rH CO CD CD 03 CD 7 O ►J a < 5"S ^ ' : qs • CM : -^ ^ 1 : :-^ :os Q 0: 7 ? J : so : 00 00 00 TOWNS. c c ( a r- : a c r Si i 1- a > '7 < 5 c r= c '■ 2 .- a B © r: Ih [ ■r £ - c pi 1 1 S | i IB . a : > • c : u •£'- it c 1 "3 H '" CM CO t IT sc ^CO 0" c c r- -f ie — I- oc HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 363 Patent Rights Value. :::::: o ; : ; • : : : c • : : o : : © : : r^ Fran- chises. Value. :::::: o : : : : : : :co : i ; i i i 1" i • : =° : . co : : co : : a* a z ■4 z s o . S 5 8 c S c « ■5 "3 #22 77 23 95 15 72 10 69 13 39 10 11 20 62 14 74 17 35 16 38 8 79 17 63 8 77 29 82 18 33 23 70 12 03 20 18 $16 66 - d 82(15 575 173 139 696 445 495 1430 486 294 255 1411 537 1923 440 806 409 545 810264 d 1 fc — -r r- c: c i -r -r i - x x © ~ r- r- -h -* -r r- — w K PS o fc. Z «! ^ 8 7(1 (ill 33 75 21 20 45 00 33 25 46 43 43 97 38 21 25 00 45 00 56 61 21 25 55 00 55 00 50 00 40 00 66 67 844 (13 <3> 1 8 ' 70 270 212 45 266 325 7915 535 25 90 1925 85 220 no 50 120 200 812403 d ■HKCHXt-Ci'Hjm'i'N^nW CO ', rH CO rH CO CO ; t-, "3 io 30r-icNi©rHr-©©r ^ : c ■; x ai :i j: oi - -r- :<: xot- o t- co r- co 7 74 7 49 4 97 8 39 5 75 5 87 5 67 7 88 $0 50 883 2062 712 1737 691 704 1113 883 819964 6 Z 63 128 124 130 187 115 108 642 159 88 114 275 143 2( 17 120 130 196 112 3041 J3 c OS «S SI 09 1 36 1 93 1 67 1 23 1 62 1 02 3 96 2 11 1 27 2 85 2 59 1 01 1 63 1 25 1 04 1 15 1 13 2 14 _3 13 r- S 104 249 4(12 416 328 594 234 4911 484 196 334 1445 267 643 233 228 357 216 $11641 No. 95 183 208 265 306 228 1238 229 154 117 556 262 393 186 219 309 190 6446 <8 c 5 3 < > Si 2 05 14 (id 15 94 8 70 15 17 11 84 17 10 22 12 14 57 13 72 17 09 12 07 12 77 15 72 12 81 14 38 15 07 18 06 814 91 I r» $1795 3462 4734 3334 6177 4324 5868 10884 4925 2636 4255 6895 4585 8100 3012 3638 5594 3560 $87718 d 124 2:^7 297 383 403 305 343 492 338 192 249 544 359 515 235 253 357 197 5883 .£3 O "5 SB ^£ s 5 > "a <> : : : © : o : o : :::=:=: «o ; : s : o '• io '• ih '• ee : : : : : © CO © i- © CO N 4g . 1 : : :o :«j : u> : a> : : : ^ : : ^ : 3 i : : : • :<•*:: • : • : : ■ : 1 (& : : : : : : c5 co 5 1 ; ; :- rt i rt -g ; ; *5 1 : : : : ! : c; <= 3 n : ' co : : o ; : 3) : o :° :*° I *- : rH : » : = : co : ?i to 3 "3 : ; 4Tj o : • • »o io ■ . ci z; . : : r« co : : - 1 r* : : : o : : : : " : uo : co : co CO : © i ^ o : — •* : : : o cvj : : >* : : r- : •a : i in 1 1 5 i c - S 3 -. - :S -£c ■ = : ■^ - '■ 3 cv *; ■ : 3 . -*-> w ? o a . mmu faco««JfeW« r cc -* u; » t' oo oi o f : a / i o 3 : P< a : 3 ■ "E ' h 01 c- - \ : . > : . . o • D ■ t- • . -•-C : SQtfOr* - ic - b- 3( : ■ 364 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. POPULATION OF THE COUNTY BY TOWNSHIPS FOR THE CENSUS YEAR 1880. Rock Grove Harlem Lancaster Kent Ridott Winslow West Point Lena Village Buckeye — Erin Florence Oneco (including villages). Dakota Silver Creek Loran Rock Run, 1st District Rock Run, 2d District , Jefferson Freeport, 1st Ward Freeport, 2d Ward Freeport, 3d Ward Totals Population. 1,071 1,3a 1,173 1,214 2,014 1,004 1,224 1,520 1,655 761 1,201 1,579 887 1,312 1,251 1,172 1,030 651 2,863 2,287 3,371 30,561 167 179 186 172 298 124 192 8 206 114 171 198 109 188 170 113 155 94 13 2,857 11 10 8 14 25 4 15 12 17 8 5 17 16 9 5 23 6 6 40 23 41 315 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 365 FREEPORT. The history of the city of Freeport is the history of most of the cities which to-day dot the landscape of the great Northwest. Though not entirely devoid of varied and romantic incidents, which stimulated or dismayed the pio- neers in other portions of the country, the settlement of the city was made at a date when hair-breadth 'scapes from the Indians were facts which had passed into history and became as a tale that is told. The Black Hawk war closed, the treacherous savages had been transferred to distant reservations, and the fertile and beautiful region was one vast solitude, the songs of birds and the murmurs of the rippling streams alone breaking the silence. At rare intervals an "Indian trader" appeared upon the scene, a circuit rider traversed the ter- ritory, or a small band of Indians, who had evaded the watchfulness of the authorities, were attracted to the homes the} 7 had once prized so dearly, and yielded up only when conquered and banished. But, while there were no desperate struggles for life or liberty with the sav- ages, no days of unrequited toil in felling forests and wresting scant returns from the soil, the early settlers were endowed with that self-reliance, energy and character which have developed the country, builded the cities, created avenues of trade and won for Freeport the very pronounced prosperity she enjoys to-day. The city of Freeport is h.-mdsomely situated on the Pecatonica River, about 30 miles from its mouth, 121 miles from Chicago, 118 miles from Milwaukee, 67 miles from Dubuque and 35 miles east of the Mississippi River. The Pecaton- ica forms the north and east boundaries of the city, with the surface of the ground on which it is built sloping gently in the direction of the river, and well laid out into streets and avenues, perfectly shaded, and lined with residences and business houses which attract the attention of visitors and residents, not more for their architectural finish than their substantial character. A portion of the territory which now constitutes Lancaster Township was settled a short time prior to Freeport, by Benjamin Goddard, who made a claim to land that is at present known as the Furst farm, between Freeport and Cedarville. Mr. Goddard was accompanied by his family, also a brother, John Goddard (deceased), and John Jewell. Mrs. Goddard is known as the first white woman who ventured into Lancaster Township. This was early in the the month of December, 1835. He built a cabin and practically began the battle for existence before the new year dawned, dividing possession of this por- tion of the county with no one until the arrival of William Baker, who came soon after and laid the foundation of the present city by the erection of an "Indian trading-post" at the mouth of the creek. Mr. Baker settled in La Fayette County, Wis., some years previous to the date above mentioned, which proved, however, a "pent-up Utica," contracting the powers of his restless and untiring energies, and first in 1827, while looking for a more extended field of eifort, he came to the banks of the Pecatonica. He readily appreciated the possibilities of the situation ; the broad prairies presented fields that required but energy and industry to render fruitful ; acres of timber that would supply fuel, fencing, and material for the construction of temporary houses, while Pecatonica River would furnish the motive power for both grist and saw mills. Impressed with the opportunities afforded by the surround- ings, Mr. Baker determined to secure possession of this favorable location, confident that settlers would be attracted to a spot promising so many advan- 366 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY, tages to those seeking their fortunes in the "Far West.'-' The patient watch and vigil long required to wrest a rich return of golden grain from Mother Earth, the enterprise and skill indispensable to make the rushing waters the slave of man's will, the brains to plan, and energy to successfully conduct, enter- prises of moment which render a community prosperous — belong to the type of men of which the early settlers of Stephenson County were a true index, and with the advent of one of whom the settlement at Freeport was begun. Timbers for the Indian trading-post above mentioned were cut and prepared with surprising rapidity by Mr. Baker and his son, jor on the 24th of Decem- ber, 1835, the frame was shaped, its raising accomplished, and rendered inhabit- able before the close of the year. This unpretentious and primitive tenement contained but one room, and the most limited of modern conveniences, furnished a hospitable shelter to many of those who came afterward and iden- tified themselves with the country. During the winter, which was cold and dreary, with little to encourage the settlers but hope in the future, Mr. Baker, assisted by Benjamin Goddard, prepared the materials for a home for his family, which remained in Wisconsin, pending his return thither. The house was built by Benjamin Goddard, a man named George Whiteman working with him in a subordinate capacity. Whiteman was a character who is well remembered by the early residents of those days. A man without principle, courage or industry, he led a jack-leg sort of a life, endured by the settlers until his felonies became too frequent and pronounced, culminating in the theft of horses from Hugh Mack, who resided at the mouth of the river, when he was run out of the country. It should be observed that Mr. Baker had made claim to all the territory where Freeport now stands, in the possession of which he was associated with William Kirkpatrick and W. T. Galbraith, composing a company known under the title of "Baker, Kirkpatrick, Galbraith & Co.," organized for the purpose of developing the resources of the country, attracting emigration and building the city. The rude cabin of logs, built by Mr. Baker on the banks of the Pecatonica, was the first house erected in the future city, and this was followed by that put up under the supervision of Benjamin Goddard. It was of hewn logs, "raised" into local prominence by Miller Preston, Joseph Van Scoit, Fred Baker and others, completed for occupation in February, 1836, and for many years was the only public house in Freeport. Having thus provided the ways and means for protection to his family, Mr. Baker returned to Wisconsin, accompanied by Benjamin Goddard and a yoke of oxen and wagon, owned by the latter, for the purpose of removing his family to the new home. The trip was long and fatiguing, through a wilderness inhabited by savages and wild beasts, at a sea- son of the year when the unsatisfactory manner of travel was augmented by inconvenience and the lack of comforts accessible even at that early day, and the result was that spring had yielded place to summer before the journey was com- pleted, and the site of the city honored by the presence of a white woman, Mrs. Baker being the first white woman to settle there. Early in this year the town was laid out in the north part of the southeast portion of Section 31, which was subsequently removed, however, for the fol- lowing reason : When the Indians disposed of their title to the lands in this portion of the country, certain tracts were reserved to the half-breeds, to be selected in any part of the unoccupied territory they might choose. As soon as it became known that Baker, Kirkpati'ick, Galbraith & Co. had laid out a town, Mary Myott located her claim on this section of land, which constrained s HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 369 the town builders to remove their stakes to a point further west, comprehended in that portion of the city now bounded by Winslow, Broadway, part of Locust, Oak and Chicago streets and the Illinois Central track. This section, after the removal was made, continued to lie idle and unimproved for many years, until John A. Clark and some other gentlemen obtained title to it, and laid out the Winneshiek Addition, by which it is now known, since when it has become one of the most desirable portions of the city for residence purposes. When the time arrived for setting the stake for the county seat, those who had been instrumental in aiding the claimant to perfect her title to the land in this beautiful portion of the township, were refused a hearing when they sought to have the county seat established in the village first laid out, and subsequently, these officious intermeddlers were escorted to the borders of the county whence they were invited to depart, with the assurance that, if they returned, hospit- able graves would welcome their coming. The season of 1836 witnessed a limited number of arrivals with a view to settle permanently in the proposed city; the larger proportion of those who came, however, remained but a brief period at Freeport — or, as it was then known, Winneshiek — before departing to other portions of the county. The drift of immigration, as a rule, avoided the town, which then consisted of Baker's cabin and tavern. While this latter was building the only gimlet in the settlement was broken, and Frederick Baker walked to Craine's Grove, in Silver Creek Township, charged with the duty of supplying its absence by bor- rowing one of Mr. Craine. Not only was he successful in this respect, but he then, for the first time, met the young lady who subsequently became his wife. One of the most important events of the year was the birth of Caroline Baker, which occurred in May, and was the first child born in the city or town- ship. She still lives, as Mrs. Amos Doane, of Kansas. Baker, Kirkpatrick, Galbraith & Co. put up two houses this year, one at the corner of Galena and Chicago streets, and one on what is now Stephenson street, opposite the monument. These two comprised the improvements made, except a small hut on the river bank, occupied in the fall by L. 0. Crocker as a store, subsequently by 0. H. Wright, and finally as a schoolhouse, where Nelson Martin inaugurated a system of education long since vacated for that now in force. Among those who settled in Freeport in 1836, was 0. H. Wright, L. 0. Crocker, Joel Dodds, Hiram G. Eads, Jacob Goodheart, John Hinkle, James Burns, the first mason ; William, Samuel and Robert Smith. Benjamin R. Wil- mot, John Brown, etc. F. D. Bulkley went to Silver Creek ; E. H. D. San- born came in and went to Harlem ; so that when winter succeeded the ides of November, there was quite a sprinkling of inhabitants. That winter is remembered as one of exceeding severity, and none engaged m labor out of doors but what was indispensable to procure in-door comforts. There was no building in the future city ; the saw-mill of Kirkpatrick at Mill Grove — which supplied the lumber for houses put up that and succeeding years by the company of which he was a member — was idle, and any mater- ial prepared for building purposes was hewn in the woods. The spring of 1837 opened auspiciously, and the outlook for the season was regarded as promising. This year's arrivals included Isaac Stoneman, Daniel Eobrust, who was moved into the city by William Kirkpatrick ; Richard Earl, John A. McDowell, Maj. John Howe, Michael Red, Luther and Charles Hall, Richard Howe, Chancellor Martin, Richard Hunt, Davis, Abraham Johnson. William Stewart, L. W. Guiteau and others. Those who came to the city, but removed to other points in K 370 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. the county, were Thomas J. Turner, Julius Smith, Patrick Frame, Harvey P. Waters. William Barlow, etc. The company erected buildings on Galena street • Michael Red put up one at the corner of Galena and Van Buren streets ; B. K. Wilmot and Levi J. Webb, erected residences on the former thoroughfare. During the summer, Thomas Hathaway and James and Matthew Brown made their first appearance and ''broke" farms in the present city. They raised what was known as sod corn, and oats, but as there were no markets for their sale the crops were retained for home consumption. That summer also, the company continued to complete improvements, extending the same to Stephen- son street. 0. H. Wright erected a frame store near the reservation, to which was added his residence. Mr. Wright had previously purchased lots near the original town, but business promised to flourish in the new town and he removed thither. Before fall of 1837 the county seat of Stephenson County had been established at Freeport, by which name the town was that year formally characterized. It had been previously known as Winneshiek, and consisted then of not to exceed a few houses. The tavern, in fact though not in name, was the residence of William Baker, on the river bank, at which new- comers were hospitably welcomed, often without price. Mrs. Baker finally began to tire of her husband's promiscuous hospitality, and one morning at breakfast re-christened the settlement "Freeport," under which generous title, applied ironically in the instance cited, it has become familiar to the settler, merchant, drummer and speculating public. There was considerable rivalry for the county seat, made principally by Cedarville, Freeport, and one other town which was backed by Thompson and Rezin Wicoxon, but without success. The claims made for Cedarville were based upon her location near the center of the county, but the company organ- ized to build up Freeport emphasized their arguments with a donation of $6,500 for the erection of the county buildings, and that decided all doubts in favor of Freeport. Thereafter, the town began to fill up rapidly, and improvements kept pace with the new arrivals. In the summer, W. H. and H. W. Hollenbeck, Am- brose Tower, Charles and Isaac Truax, William Patterson, Allen Wiley, James Barr, Samuel Leonard, John Montgomery, John A. Clark and others came in. About this time the Indians, who were in the vicinity in patches, robbed the "Widow" Brown* of supplies, and fled to Rock Run Township. The madam promulgated the loss she had sustained, and William Baker, M. Brown, Jake Godheart and " Wild Gunner" Murphey pursued the thieves, accompa- nied by Frederick Baker, who was to officiate as interpreter. The rascals were come up with, as stated, in Rock Run Township, and as soon as their camp was reached, one of the pursuers, becoming frightened at their warlike and bloodthirsty appearance, retired from further overtures for the return of the stolen articles, at a gait rivaling that reported of Tarn O'Shanter when pur- sued by the witches. The red men who, by the way, are said to have been in a condition of decided inebriety, and proportionately fierce, interrogated Mr. Baker as to the cause of the paleface's sudden withdrawal, and were answered that he was hurrying to a force of one hundred men, en route to their camp, to announce the location of the enemy, and, if an immediate settlement was not concluded favorable to the widow, reprisals would be made of their scalps. Thus admonished, the thieves exhausted their eloquence and available resources to reach a compromise, which was finally attained, the Indians returning what remained of the "widow's" property, and reimbursing her for what had been disposed of with a horse, giving Mr. Baker a horse to pilot them clear of HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 371 Freeport and the volunteers, and paying Frederick Brown four coon skins for conducting the negotiations. This year, it is said, Court convened in 0. H. Wright's house, Judge Daniel Stone presiding. Speaking of Indians, the following is related in that connection : On the afternoon of a very stormy winter's day, five Indians came to the door of a resident (F. D. Bulkley), and asked shelter, extending their hands with expres- sive gestures toward the naked frames of their deserted wigwams that stood in sight, and saying, "Wigwams all gone; Indian got no wigwam." They were welcomed to the cabin, where they stripped off' their wet clothes and hung them to dry, and, as the only way in which they could testify their gratitude, sent a lad of their number to transfer whisky with his mouth from a large jug to a small one, so as to offer him a drink. One day Mr. Kent, the first settler at Rockford, had been to visit his brother, the Rev. Aratus Kent, who then resided at Galena. On his return he procured a canoe at some point on the Pecatonica, and, loading the same with potatoes, continued his journey to Rockford. Arriving at Winneshiek Lodge (Freeport), he tied up and went on shore. When he came back he found his boat surrounded by squaws and little Indians, naked and swimming about, all busy as squirrels carrying away his potatoes. Those that remained he carried home, planted them, raised a fine crop, and awoke one morning to find them all harvested and carried off by the Indians. In the fall of that year (1836), Emma Eads, daughter of Hiram G. Eads, died in a two-story frame house at the foot of Stephenson street, then occupied as a tavern. She was buried in a lot of ground, afterward laid out as a ceme- tery, at the foot of Summit street, the coffin being made, it is thought, by Richard Earl, a carpenter, who settled in the city, as already stated, in the preceding spring. Hers was the first death in the city or township. Improvements this fall were of a nominal character. Wilmot and the Hollenbecks put up cabins, and some motion was made toward pretentiousness in the town, of limited capacities, however, in their behalf. Religious meetings were occasionally held, when the circuit rider tarried at the fireside of a settler to define the Scriptures or engage in the duties incident to his profession. This year, it is believed, Father McKean preached the first sermon in the city. While the religious interests of the community were thus cared for, the cause of education was reserved for the future to develop, and the youth of the inhab- itants ran wild in the woods, afar from pedagogue influence or restraint. Social amenities began to crop out, and dancing found admirers among the belles of the surrounding country, the Craine girls, Eliza and Sarah Hunt with Melinda Norris being the focal attractions toward which sighing swains were irresistibly drawn. 0. H. Wright maintained the store, Dr. Martin and Van Valzah, the latter residing at Cedarville, however, prescribed medicaments for the diseased, carpenters officiated as undertakers, and graves for the dead were prepared by friends and relatives of the family thus afflicted. There were neither holidays nor sports, Christmas came and went without the " fixins " peculiar to the modern celebration of that event, and Fourth of July, the day upon which the hearts of Americans are supposed to thrill with an exuberance of enthusiasm, was not celebrated until 1838 in the city. The spring succeeding was equally uninteresting as the fall of 1837. Richard Hunt erected a frame building on Van Buren street, also one on the corner of that thoroughfare and Spring street. But building was not general. The country, however, enjoyed a happier experience ; farms were opened, the 372 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. area of cultivation was measurably increased, and the system employed brought forth more generous returns. Early in the summer, Michael Red added to the number of buildings, and on the 9th of April, Richard Earl was married to Catharine Brown, Squire Julius Smith consolidating the two hearts into one according to the forms prescribed by statute. This was the first matrimonial venture made in the settlement, and, without exaggeration, it may be concluded, was regarded as an auspicious circumstance in the history of the town. In the spring of this year, H. G. Eads built a tavern at the pres- ent corner of Stephenson and Liberty streets. Julius Smith was the architect and carpenter employed, and, upon its completion, it was named the " City Hotel." The court house, for which timbers had been gotten out during the winter previous, was begun the same spring, though its completion was delayed until 1840, due probably to the embarrassed financial condition of the county, county orders at this period commanding but thirty cents on the dollar. The nation's birthday was first celebrated in Freeport July 4, 1838, with all the pomp and circumstance available at that period. In the fall of 1838, the " Mansion House " was put up by Benjamin God- dard, and for many years thereafter occupied as a hotel under the control of Mr. G. It was of frame, two stories high, with nine rooms and accommoda- tions for a limited number of guests. It still stands across the creek in the southern portion of the city on the very spot of its origin, and occupied for the manufacture of "pop, root beer, cider " and other compounds, which commend themselves to the patronage of teetotalers. John Montgomery and A. Wiley built a frame house on the present site of the First National Bank, which was used as a store, and subsequently became a tavern. Elijah Barrett opened a similar depot the same year, and L. W. Guiteau an establishment for the sale of a general assortment of goods, at the corner of Galena and Liberty streets. In the winter, Nelson Martin opened the first school taught in the city, in the building formerly occupied by L. 0. Crocker as a store. This year the ferry was removed to the foot of Stephen- son street, where it was maintained by H. G. Eads and his successors until public necessity substituted a bridge. The ferry was first established on Peca- tonica River, opposite the city, by William Baker, when Freeport was known as Winnesheik. On the last day of the year (1839), George Purinton, still living, one of the oldest residents in the city, came to his future home with ten shillings in his pocket, and put up at the Mansion House. Among others who came in 1839 was Squire A. T. Green, who still lives in the city he made his home forty-one years ago. He has been identified with its progress, as he was with its infancy, by the erection of buildings, and other improvements, and in the enjoyment of a hale old age, bright memories blossom out of the shadowy past for him, beautifying its dimness and tinting the vanished years with colors of never-ending fascination. The year had been one of greater prosperity than those preceding. Emi- gration had been general to the State and county, and many who had come in / search of a permanent abiding-place found that desideratum at Freeport, and remained. The outlook was the reverse of gloomy ; the panic of 1837, which paralyzed more prosperous communities, was not felt in Freeport, and the " city," which, but five years before, was without a local habitation, had been sur- veyed, laid out and platted by F. D. Bulkley, the plat being drawn by Miss Cornelia Russell, one of the vocal celebrants of July 4, 1838. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 373 The houses, though not numerous, were sufficiently so to demonstrate pos- sibilities a few years hence to those who anticipated a day when their most san- guine expectations would be fully realized. None of them bore the marks of architectural finish, but presented an appearance which added a spice of cheer- fulness to the surroundings. Business was, as a rule, transacted on a cash basis, thereby avoiding causes of complaint and bills of costs. Amusements were found in developing the country and providing ways and means to enrich the inhabitants. Balls, dances and socials comprised the limit of entertainments provided, and these were conducted with a dignity and propriety more genuine than is to be observed among the blue and gold social circles of to-day. The moral show, circus, Ethiopian comedians and combinations were "blessings" yet unborn in the history of the town, and the residents were to be felicitated on their possession of a bliss born of an ignorance of the existence of these chan- nels of useless expense. No one was rich ; impoverishment, rather than inde- pendence, was the rule, and if extravagance had been added to these embargoes the history of Freeport might yet have been in a future, beyond the ken of man to descry. The winter of 1838-39 was characterized by k ' harder times " than any pre- vious season. There were no accessible markets for the sale of crops, compara- tively little money, impassable roads and other features of a pioneer life that increase the general happiness in proportion as they diminish in importance. Supplies were obtained at Galena, New Diggings, and occasionally brought from Chicago by teams and wagons, or "prairie schooners," as they were sometimes termed, the piloting of which not only required the skill of a special pleader, but levied contributions from sources of original and fruitful profanity. About 1837 or 1838, J. D. Winters operated a stage line from Chicago to Freeport, where Frink & Walker made connection for Galena. In 1839, how- ever, this arrangement was abandoned, Frink & Walker monopolizing the entire trade, and finally compelling the Winters organization to abandon the field. The stages, drawn by four horses, reached Freeport three times a week from Chicago, and delivered passengers at the Mansion House, kept by Benjamin God- dard. It required two days and a night to make the trip to or from Chicago, and the fare is stated to have been $5. In the spring of 1839. a well-known character by the name of Worden P. Fletcher, but more familiar to settlers under the euphonious pseudonym of "Pony " Fletcher, was arrested for "jumping" a claim, and conducted to the office of Justice Richard Hunt, at the corner of Galena and Van Buren streets, to be arraigned and plead. It seemed that upon a submission of the evidence, His Honor decided the eccentric "Pony" guilty, and imposed some penalty which the latter conceived as entirely disproportioned to what he insisted was a nominal offense. In harmony with this conclusion, the alleged claim jumper attempted to escape from the presence of justice without first having satisfied the demands of the blind goddess. But his movements in that direction were restrained by the audience, from which a posse eomitatus was enlisted, and Fletcher's departure indefinitely postponed. When brought to bay, and all hope of escape prevented, the prisoner seized his gun, and, before any one was able to prevent him, discharged its contents at the Justice ; happily, the only damage done was to the Squire's vest, which was ruined, and, before the impet- uous gunner could again draw the bead, he was disarmed by the crowd, which included Frederick Baker, Isaac Stoneman, Allen Wiley and others, and tied in a hopelessly defenseless "knot" until the case could be adjudicated. He was held in bonds to appear on a future day, and obtaining bail, departed for 374 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Rock Run Township, where he opened a farm, married a daughter of the Widow Swanson and become a prominent citizen, identifying himself with the best interests of the people. The charge against him was never prosecuted. During the same year, a man named John Barker was arrested for a sim- ilar offense against the laws, but failed to receive the generous leniency accorded Fletcher. The accused had " settled " on one of Benjamin Goddard's claims, since become a part of the city, and now identified as the block on Stephenson street, wherein Maynard's store is located, and refused to vacate. He was accordingly arrested, and submitted his defense before a committee, of which William Baker was chairman. After a careful consideration of the premises, the court decided that the claim must be vacated by Barker within a certain time, in default of which, thirty lashes should be administered to the recalcitrant settler. He failed, however, to heed this admonition, and, on the day upon which the limit of indulgence expired, he was taken into custody, tied up by the thumbs and lashed into penitence and humility. Upon being released from custody, he was escorted to the county line and urged to consult neither time nor distance in accomplishing a permanent and unlimited space between himself and present surroundings. If he returned to the vicinity, he was told he would certainly be hanged. His presence was never again inflicted upon the citizens of Freeport. As an illustration of the early administration of the civil law, the following is related : One Mike Walsh was arrested for assault and battery and brought before Justice Red. The jury was summoned, and the case heard, but, before the jury retired, the accused came in with a tin pail of whisky and cup, saying, " I expect you'll hang the little Irishman anyhow, but we'll have a drink together first." When their thirst was sufficiently slaked, the jury retired, and soon Red come demanding admittance to give some further instruc- tions. This came near causing a fight with the Constable, but was at length disposed of, when the jury came forth with a decision of " not guilty," and that the costs be divided between the parties. Accordingly, the money was handed over to the Justice, and by him paid to witnesses and others coming with demands until it was all gone, and, when the clouds were sufficiently dissipated to permit of a reckoning, he found himself about $4 out of pocket. In 1839, the post office was established at Freeport, with Benjamin R. Wilmot as Postmaster, who held the office in his private residence on Galena, between Van Buren and Chicago streets. Two years previous, Thomas Craine, residing at Craine's Grove, where he kept a tavern, carried the mail from his house to Galena and Freeport, via the old State road, his pocket being the letter pouch, himself delivering its contents to the addresses to whom they were directed. Among those who came to Freeport in 1839, were D. A. Knowlton, who opened a store at the corner of Galena and Van Buren streets, and became one of the most prosperous citizens of later days ; A. T. Green, still residing in the city of his adoption ; N. L. Rogers, James M. Bailey, Charles Pratt, John Rice and others. That winter, John A. McDowell and Isaac Stoneman passed in the woods, preparing timber for the hotel then projected at the corner of Galena and P^xchange streets, which was completed a year later. During 1840, the emigration to the city and county which had up to that date annually increased, came to a stand and gradually diminished until 1850. The growth of the town was in consequence slow, there being comparatively little to attract new-comers. The town was "inland" at some distance from HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 375 market, and there was an abundance of good farming lands contiguous to Freeport ; but the agricultural classes were not numerous enough to enrich mer- chants and develop a city by liberal patronage. The city contained, at that date, about forty houses, as near as can be recalled by the residents of the period, two or three of which were hotels, three stores, viz., Wright's, Guiteau's, and Knowlton's ; Abraham Johnson, James Rock and James Montgomery's saloons and gambling houses, etc., the remainder consisting of public buildings and private residences ; neither banks nor drog stores being then erected. Mon ey of farmers was deposited with merchants and by them forwarded to places of security in cities rejoicing; in the possession of a safe deposit. There was little need of medicine either. When one of the citizens was attacked by the chills and fever, he usually found a solution for his woes, effective if unpalatable, in " Rowan's Tonic Mixture," "Indian Cholagogue " and other specifics retailed as staple articles by the merchants. When, however, the diseases ministered to refused to yield to such harmless compounds and required a more thorough course of treatment to stay the progress of the man on the pale horse, Drs. Martin, Van Valzah and others, who professionally administered to frames dis- eased, were summoned. If money was comparatively scarce, as noted, and necessaries proportion- ately ex'pensive, luxuries, so called, were not held at figures beyond the reach of the seeker therefor. These latter included liquors which could be obtained at the several saloons in the town, as also at the hotels, except the Mansion House, which was a hotel conducted in accordance with the principles of tem- perance, which even in that early day and where society was measured by its excesses, found substantial expression in this growing city of Northern Illinois. As a rule, say they who were then residents of the municipality, morality was not held in as high regard as it has since obtained. With a population to a large extent transient, with whisky sixpence a drink, and limited facilities for the enforcement of the laws, any other conclusion would be naturally incor- rect. Gambling, too, was welcomed, not only as a diversion, but also a means of livelihood. The game of faro was publicly dealt without interference, and during 1840, James Rock introduced the game of keno to an admiring patron- age, who in daylight and after dark gathered in a little room in the building then occupying the corner of Van Buren and Galena streets, the present site of Hoebel & Moogk's drug store, to tempt the fickle dame by the card and button route. In the same year, the Rev. F. C. Winslow and John A. Clark, appreciating the existence of a field for the inauguration of reformatory meas- ures, commenced meetings in the same building and organized a temperance society, which accomplished much good in time among the unfortunates who were confirmed worshipers at the shrine of Bacchus. Indeed, drinking is said to have been universal among nearly all classes, and crime scarcely less retiring. Horse-stealing was a species of felony that afforded the guilty party nearly every means of escape and profitable investment. As a result, it was prac- ticed by men unsuspected at the time, at the most inconvenient seasons, and when the victim of the theft was the least prepared either to prevent its com- mission or recover the property. This grade of crime became too frequent in time, and the capture of one of the thieves was almost invariably followed by a trial, the soul of which was its brevity, conviction and summary punishment. Freeport was a resting-place for this class while evolving a plan of future opera- tions to be executed elsewhere. Many miners going to and returning from the mines rendezvoused at Freeport, and, with the facilities for dissipation accessible, debauches and disorder were by no means exceptions in the daily 376 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. lives of those classes of men who generally, without homes or restraining influ- ences, are ready for any quality of excitement afforded at the moment. The block-house which then stood where the high school now is, it is said, was filled to repletion with horse thieves and rioters, who after a brief imprisonment, were either sent to Alton, mysteriously disappeared or shipped out of the country with the assurance that their lives would pay the penalty of their return. In the summer of 1840, M. P. Sweet came into Freeport and established himself permanently as a practitioner at the bar. Thomas J. Turner came the next, and in their several capacities both gentlemen attained prominence and secured reputations that will survive while the practice of law is regarded in Freeport as among the most reputable and profitable of the professions. Yet, amid the scenes of dissipation and disorder quoted, there were occa- sional gleams of sunshine through the clouds, promising a brighter future. Though the moral atmosphere of the city is represented as having been odor- ous with crime, there were ministers and religious services, and the cause of education was constantly agitated by the sincerest of advocates. - The Rev. F. C. Winslow, "Father" McKean and other laborers in the cause of religion and morality, preached at intervals in private residences, the school and court houses, in addition to conducting prayer-meetings and Sabbath schools. The congrega- tions were of course small, but they are said to have been sincere, and the fruit of their labors is to be seen in Freeport to-day in the numerous congregations, handsome church edifices and evidences of prosperity evident on all sides. They laid the foundation for that morality and Christian harmony which pre- vails not alone among the churches, but among those who are even remotely influenced by their teachings. In the winter of 1840, the first dancing-school taught in the city was opened in the building still standing at the corner of Exchange and Galena streets, in the room fronting on the former thoroughfare. Professor Bailey instructed ambitious youths in the arts of Terpsichore and politeness, while Charley Pratt accompanied him with the fiddle. The class was made up of a dozen young people, representing the beauty and chivalry of Freeport, who met once a week and engaged in the "dizzy maze " with all that the term im- plies, until late at night. Many who participated in those hops still live, and unite in awarding the palm for grace and beauty to Miss Sarah Hunt, none of whom, however, were able to influence the young lady to remain in Freeport. She returned to New York — whence she originally came — while yet a young lady, where she was married, and lost fight of in the years that followed. Among those who came during this period were Mathias Hettinger, Ashael Rice, etc. Calvin Waterbury, a Presbyterian missionary, came in 1842, as also did others. In June of the latter year, the first circus to pitch its camp in Freeport unfolded its tents near the present site of the Tremont House, and the residents for miles around were edified by the feats of horsemanship and ground and lofty tumbling exhibited, as also by the witty bon mots of the clown. The show was under the management of Levi J. North, it is thought, and its success in Free- port not less pronounced than remunerative. Henceforward, inconsistent as it may seem, the truth as related by those con- versant with the facts, represents the growth of the city as comparatively slow. The same causes which operated so disadvantageously to the county in that respect were repeated in the advancement of the city. The great distance from mar- ket and meager facilities discouraged immigration and retarded the city's improvement. When the railroad system, however, was projected, it was per- HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 377 ceived that Freeport would eventually become an important point of communi- cation. This stimulated immigration long before any road was proposed, and was materially increased when the roads were completed. In those times, as now, the business and residence portions of the city were not several, as to-day, but distributed about the city with a charmingly incon- venient irregularity. There were no stately mansions nor marble palaces, where elegance resided or fashion was exhibited. Travelers were not rolled into town in Pullman sleepers or parlor cars, but in Walker & Frink's stages, or upon a lumber wagon drawn by a yoke of oxen. Beauty and chivalry were not as pre- tentious as they are to-day, and the style sought to be established, the embodiment of usefulness ; ornamentation was held at a distance, if not entirely tabooed. As one of the old settlers observed when commenting upon the times referred to, " There was no hicondirifics then, young man, I tell you. A man was taken for just what he was worth, and a woman too ; and if either of them failed to come up to the standard of expectation, he or she was left in the race for leadership." The days mentioned were well calculated, according to report, to develop whatever of character there was lying dormant in a man's composition, only wait- ing for circumstances to bring it out. A man able to maintain his position in any relation of life, either as a merchant, a mechanic, or professionally, was sure of success. It might not come with the dawn of the day after trials and labors, but come it would, and to remain. The success which has attended the labors of every man who has distinguished himself in Freeport illustrates the truth of this conclusion. So, too, a man without the ambition to succeed could certainly attain the nadir of hopelessness without the delay ordinarily experienced to-day through the intervention of so-called financial or other fortuitous influences. Early in the forties, notwithstanding the absence of encouraging features, the class of improvements begun and completed, as also those proposed, were of a more substantial, not to say finished, type than those which had gone up dur- ing the earlier years. The business houses constructed after designs as original as they were adapted to the times when called into being, were becoming worn and disagreeable features to the gaze of the comparatively aesthetic residents who had become identified with the city from 1840 to 1845. And this was not to be wondered at, either. Freeport was possessed of many advantages by this time which were highly prized and gladly availed of. Transportation facilities had become more extended and convenient. Stages communicated with towns in the interior of the State, as also in Wisconsin and the Territory of Iowa. The subject of rendering the Pecatonica navigable was generally mooted, and, though nothing was accomplished in that direction, it was not for any lack of promise the completion of such an undertaking held out. The mail was daily ; and the postoffice, held about this time in the residence of Thomas J. Turner, became the resort of all who were possessed or in search of news. The old building then occupied, it is said, long since gave way to a more extensive suc- cessor, meeting the fate of useless appendages in cities — destruction. About this time, the first brick building erected in the city went up, but there is a dispute as to its locality. Some assert that it still remains, occupying the corner of Galena and Cherry streets, where it was put as a residence for John Perkins, thirty-five years ago. Others claim that the first brick was built about this time at the corner of Bridge and Van Buren streets. That too, was a residence, being occupied by David Clay, and for many, very many years, was devoted to this purpose by various citizens. Within a few years, however, it was razed, and the elegant brick building, now used as a post 378 '• HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. office, occupies its site. There is a claim also made that the one-story brick building at the corner of Stephenson and Mechanic streets, was the first of the kind in Freeport. Appearances would indicate that this last is quite aged, but the claims made in its behalf are disputed in favor of the Clay and Perkins resi- dences, with a tendency to settle the question in favor of the former. From that date, brick buildings gradually became the rule instead of the exception. A. T. Green put up one at the corner of Stephenson and Chicago streets, in 1846, the third in the city ; this, too, was destroyed years ago, and a block erected in its stead was utilized to purposes as numerous as were the colors in Joseph's coat. These precedents established, others went up, each one more elaborately finished, and, during the ensuing decade, when 0. H. Wright built a three-story brick store and warehouse on Stephen- son street, and caused it to be finished in hard wood, it was regarded with a curiosity equal to that with which the ancients regarded the seven wonders. As first built, it occupied a slight elevation, and was reached by a flight of steps. In time, this came to be regarded as inconvenient and detracting from its general appearance, when a slight elevation was cut away and the building lowered to its present level. The task was accomplished by means employed for similar pur- poses in Chicago, and attended by a large expense. In the fall of 1842, Freeport was the stage of an almost unprecedented excitement, consequent upon the mysterious disappearance of a lad named Tripp, under circumstances inducing an apprehension of foul play. He, in company with a number of boys, had visited the woods which line Yellow Creek, for the purpose of collecting a store of butternuts, and. becoming fright- ened at the outcries of his companions, one of whom appeared to him dressed in a buffalo robe representing a panther, had fled. When night came on, the remain- der of the party returned to the village, accounting for his absence so unsatis- factorily as to excite the gravest suspicions concerning his fate. The following day young Tripp failing to appear, strengthened these suspicions, and created the greatest anxiety. In the midst of the excitement prevalent, a meeting of citizens was convened, and, after deliberating upon the mysterious circumstances shrouding his disappearance, a committee of citizens was organized to ascertain his whereabouts or secure the remains, as it was thought he had been mercilessly slaughtered. The committee mounted on horses, ranged the woods for several days and nights without success, and, as they were about abandoning further pursuit, footsteps were discovered in the sand of the creek bottom, which, being followed up, led to his place of rest in the woods, about three miles from where he disappeared. He was in a condition approximating starvation, but recovered his usual health in time, and the occurrence was soon forgotten. When the boys with whom he had gone to the woods frightened him, as related, he had left their company, and wandering aimlessly about for three days, finally succumbed to exhaustion, and was only saved from impending death by the fortunate dis- covery of his tracks, and the subsequent finding of himself. The most important event probably of this decade was the establishment of a weekly newspaper in the town. This was accomplished through the in- strumentality of the Hon. Thomas J. Turner, then a representative in Congress. Stephen D. Carpenter, who had previously been editor of the Girard (Penn.) Free Press, was elected to manage its affairs, and under his direction it was issued as the Prairie Democrat. In the following year the Freeport Journal was promulgated by Messrs. Grattan & McFadden, in the interests of the Whig party, and met with a ready support. Both papers have survived the whips and scorns of time, and HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. * 379 are to-day flourishing and authoritative mediums of information, as also sources of profit. During this year, Horace Tarbox erected a large three-story stone building at the corner of Stephenson and Chicago streets, which was designed for and appropriated to hotel purposes. The premises were completed in December and thrown open to the public on January 1. 1849, as the " Winnesheik House,'' remaining for many years a hospitable home for the immigrant and traveler, and supplying the absence theretofore experienced of a "first-class " house of entertainment. Upon the opening night, a ball was given in the house, which was attended by the elite for miles around, and is remembered to-dav as an event of importance and pleasure. The building was torn down in 18*74. The improvements made this decade, though not numerous or elaborate, were substantial, and kept pace with the necessities of the people. They in- cluded buildings erected by D. A. Knowlton, George Purinton, 0. H. Wright, C Rosenstiel, William Glover, Emmert & Strohm, I. C. Stoneman, and others, which, in addition to increasing the conveniences of the village, added mate- rially to its appearance. A dam was also constructed across the Pecatonica as an inducement for the investment of capital. It was erected, under authority granted by the Legislature, by E. E. Hanchett, and was owned in part by 0. H. Wright, Lerch, Powell & Goddard. Upon its completion, a capacious flour- ing-mill was built and other improvements made, consisting of a saw-mill, carding-machine, etc. An additional impetus was given to the village by these accessions of resources, and the subsequent growth and prosperity of Freeport properly began at this period. In 1849, the population of the village is quoted at 1,020. There were five ministers, three school teachers, four doctors, two surgeons, one surveyor and nine lawyers. In addition to these, nine land-speculators were numbered among the population, twenty-nine mechanics'and twenty stores. A division of the Sons of Temperance, a lodge of Odd Fellows and other less important auxiliaries to success are noted as originating during 1849. This year the first church edifice in the city was erected and occupied, being the Presbyterian Church, yet stand- ing on the corner of Walnut and Stephenson streets, being occupied now as a machine shop, pretzel bakery and what not, entirely dissimilar to the uses for which it was originally consecrated. Notwithstanding the California fever and departure for that auriferous region of many who had been up to that time identified with the social, com- mercial and other interests of Freeport, the village advanced rapidly in the scale of importance and wealth. Additions had been made to the original town plot by D. A. Knowlton and others, which were platted and sold without the difficul- ties attendant upon later-day transfers. About this time the miscellaneous class of people who always become part of new towns began to thin out and disappear, and the sporting characters, whose presence has been noted, having exhausted the supplies here, wended their way to other points. Some were after- ward heard of in California, some in the lead mines, some on the Miss- issippi River, and some on the gallows ; but thereafter they avoided Freeport as carefully as they had sought its attractions theretofore. Church services and Sabbath schools were numerously attended ; a Bible Society was organized ; the temperance advocates became a power for good in the community, and the moral success of Freeport thenceforward was unde- niable. Educationally, equally gratifying advancements were made. The "Old Red Schoolhouse " had by this time become entirely too small to 380 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. accommodate the demand, and other arrangements had to be made to furnish the public wants. Early in the year, a meeting was convened at the court house for the purpose of considering this question, which was largely attended. Numerous plans were submitted for the consideration of those present, and the outgrowth of these suggestions was a decision by which lots were purchased in Knowlton's Addition as a location for the union school building afterward erected. This meeting, it may be added, was the origin of the school system since so admirably conducted from the period when Freeport was a compara- tively unimportant village until to-day,when, as the most important city in North- ern Illinois, the educational facilities are among the most highly prized of her improvements. The same year, a female seminary was established, to be in har- mony with the spirit of the age, and, with the two weekly papers then in the first flush of success and popularity, the outlook was pictured to the residents as without clouds or unfavorable symptoms. The residence portion of the town was then beginning to tend toward Upper Stephenson street, and cross streets intersecting that thoroughfare were by no means avoided. Some of the most available sites were promptly taken possession of and occupied temporarily or held for future improvement ; but it was not until some years later that the street began to be built up. To-day it is adorned with handsomely furnished private residences nestling in the midst of gardens and foliage, the homes of wealth, intelligence and liberality. In no city in the Northwest is there an ave- nue possessing so many attractions in this respect. The lower portion of the street is devoted to business ; this extends to Walnut street, after crossing which the scene is metamorphosed. Costly church edifices, schools, lawns shaded by forest and ornamental trees, with other factors of beauty and excellence in the surroundings, complete a picture both harmonious and attractive. At the time of which mention is made, there were neither residences nor the promise of them. The lower end of the street was but imper- fectly occupied as a business center. Galena street monopolized the stores, saloons, warehouses, and , in most instances, private residences. There were houses at intervals in the vicinity of where Embury Church and the Union school are located. Beyond these points was almost a terra incognita. On the opposite side of the town, now limited by Galena avenue, the improve- ments were equally as distinct and distant, consisting of a cottage here and there, but scarcely anything more pretentious. The "boom" was coming, but had not reached Freeport. To the west were farms and forests, to the east the Pecatonica and the cemetery. This latter was laid out when the death of a little daughter of Hiram G. Eads required a place of burial, and by this time gave evi- dence of the fact that precious dust, how precious none but broken hearts can tell, had been laid beneath the turf — dust that once rounded into life, and warmed into love ; dust once folded in the clasp of sheltering arms. Age reposed there even then, and youth — a bride, perchance, whose cheek stained with the bright blush of the bridal, took on the pale seal of the "Master of mortality." Father, mother, husband and wife slept there too, in the icy clutch of death, and, when the cholera visited the town a few years thereafter, the hil- locks in that humble resting-place increased and multiplied. But the old church-yard long since was moved, the living must have room ; and, where beauty once was laid, the tears of love mingled with the damps of death upon her brow, a railroad now winds its devious way. Cherished dust, crumbling cof- fins and disjointed skeletons, gave way to the tread of life and that the world might go by. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 381 With the beginning of the decade indexed by 1850, the village had grown, slowly to be sure, into the importance of a town. At all events, that seemed to be the impression of the people, who procured its incorporation as such during the summer of that year, under the general law of the State, and at an election held in pursuance of the law, the following were selected as Trustees : Thomas J. Turner, Julius Smith, John K. Brewster, John Rice and Joseph B. Smith. By this year the importance of railroad communication between Free- port and distant points became apparent, and a meeting was called to ascertain what contributions were necessary to the end that the Galena road might be directed thither. The aid that was furnished, and the labor and pains employed, to promote the success of that undertaking, as also the subsequent proceed- ings, had in that and other railroad enterprises, has been detailed, and is only referred to here as an incident connected with the growth of the city. The population increased nearly five hundred, as was evidenced when the census was taken under the supervision of Oscar Taylor, who returned the city 1,486, and the county 11,666, an increase in the latter of 8,797 in the past ten years, notwithstanding the difficulties of trade and inaccessibility to market that were encountered during that period. The cholera came to Freeport about this time and departed after a brief sojourn, but not before it had invaded the ranks of the citizens indiscriminately. The disease visited the city twice there- after, in 1852 and 1854, since when it has remained at a distance both enchanting and safe. • The epidemic of 1852 will be long remembered, and is to-day referred to, by those who survived, with shudders and expressions of fear. The first case is said to have occurred on the " Branch," and its advance in that portion of the city, at least, was not checked until it had run the gantlet of every resi- dence in that quarter. Indeed, it was confined to this portion of the city, the cases of Dr. Lowman and Mrs. Wright being the only ones reported north of Stephenson street. During this terrible visitation (and that it was terrible is to be found in the fact that, upon one day in August, eighteen deaths occurred) the people apparently remained unappalled by the frightful spectacle, and combined to ameliorate the effects of this unprecedented calamity. The sick were nursed and the dead buried by people from every grade of society. The gambler, outlaw and outcast felt as keen sympathy, nursed as tenderly and died as bravely as those who in purple and fine linen, forgetful of station or danger, lent their presence and assistance to mitigate the horrors of the plague, bind up broken hearts and care for the widow and fatherless. There were but a few physicians during this trying period ; Drs. L. A. Mease, Chan- cellor Martin, Robert H. Van Valzah and T. J. Hazlett being the more promi- nent ; the nurses and grave-diggers were similarly limited, and taken from the various lines of life then cast in the vicinity. As illustrating the presence here, of some who remained rather through hope of gain than from humanitarian promptings, it is said that thieving and rascality, after suppression during years immediately previous, broke out afresh here during the continuance of the epidemic, and with greater virulence than was ever before manifested. In support of which a citizen related the following as a fair criterion of the existent state of affairs in that connection. A resident of St. Louis, proceeding to Buffalo, had taken passage in the stage at Galena for Chicago, en route to the Eastern markets. Upon reaching Free- port he was attacked with the disease, and, being quartered at the Winnesheik Hotel, was attended to as carefully as circumstances and the exigencies of the times permitted. He was known to have a large sum of money upon his 382 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. person, and, when taken down, careful watch was maintained to prevent the attacks of marauders. He finally convalesced sufficiently to go down stairs, and ventured out during an afternoon to test his capacity to endure the fatigues of a trip East. That night he suffered from a relapse, and died before medical aid could effect a change. After death, $6,000 of the amount he had in his posses- sion mysteriously disappeared, and, though thorough search was made there- for, but $1,400 was recovered. He was buried in the cemetery, on the river bank, and his place of interment was lost sight of among the many graves that season caused to be prepared. Several years ago, his family came to Freeport to reclaim the body, but the grave could not be identified, and no man knows where he was laid. After the disease had spent its force, business revived, and in the fall of that year, as also the succeeding spring, the town transacted a larger amount of business than any other place of its size west of Chicago. Six stages arrived each day, and the hotels were fairly packed with travelers. In addition to the stages, there were hacks and other vehicles, bearing passengers, coming in hourly ; indeed, as has been said, it was no uncommon circumstance to see twenty-five or thirty conveyances, laden with speculators, reach Freeport daily. As a manufacturing center, Freeport was commencing to become prominent. This was doubtless one of the many advantages which came with the railroad that made its first advent into town in August, 1854, and began to run regu- larly during the following September. The impetus this gave to all the inter- ests, active and quiescent, cannot be described, but is said to have been immense. Among the results was the establishing here of a steam fiouring- mill, foundries, and machine-shops, one with a capacity for turning out one thousand plows annually, steam saw-mills, planing-mills, the railroad shops and other mediums for the accretion of wealth and attracting additions to the population. For months prior to the town becoming a city, the question of obtaining a charter therefor was generally agitated. Meetings were held, at which a full and fair discussion of the important subject was had, participated in by such men as D. A. Knowlton, Judge Farwell, C. S. Bogg, J. C. Kean. A. T. Gree, Judge Purinton and others, and the necessities of the town were fully canvassed. The people, as a rule, were largely in favor of the change, arguing that it would bring a more efficient government, in many respects, than was then enjoyed. The population and business had increased rapidly during the past years, and brought to the surface new interests, which required the care and protection of legislation ; with growth and prosperity, it was claimed, the moral character had been in no very great degree elevated, and it was indispensable that the town be rid of the pestering vices which had thus far attached to the city's growth. To accomplish their destruction, enlarged powers, such as would be conferred by legislative enactment, were necessary. Opponents of the proposed change urged that the Town Trustees possessed every power that would be vested by a city charter ; that it was within the pre- rogative of the board to organize and provide for the support of a police force and fire department; to suppress tippling and gambling houses: to arrest disorderly characters, and generally to provide ways and means for the enforce- ment of right and justice. These discussions were continued until the Legislature convened, when, in response to an application therefor, a charter, incorporating Freeport into a city, was passed, and an election held on the 2d of April, 1855, with the fol- lowing result: Thomas J. Turner, Mayor; Treasurer, E. W. Salisbury; Clerk, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 383 H. N. Hibbard; Marshal, W. W. Smith; with John A. Clark, W. G. Waddell, Joseph B. Smith, John Barfoot, A. Cameron Hunt and John P. Byerly con- stituting the Board of Aldermen. At this period, the commercial and other advantages of the new city may be regarded as fortunate and important. Situated at the junction of two rail- roads, the business men had direct connection with Chicago and the East, and St. Louis and Cairo on the south, while the coal fields of Illinois were but seventy-five miles distant. The tide of western travel from the Eastern States to Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin, passed on one road, and the Southern travel on the other. The counties of Stephenson, Carroll and Green (the latter in Wisconsin) centered their business in Freeport, and over these counties were springing up farms, improvements and other features of long-settled countries. Mention has been made of the foundries, mills and machine-shops attracted to Freeport, and it only remains to observe that with these surroundings and resources the prediction was made that within a decade of years Freeport would be regarded as one of the first inland towns of the State. The improvements completed and ready for occupation during this period, among others, numbered a building on the south side of the square erected by Judge Farwell, Martin & Karcher's building, on Stephenson street, Mitchell & Putnam's bank building, at the corner of Stephenson and Chicago streets, and E. H. Hyde's block. This latter was said to be the most complete of any up to that time erected in the city. The ground floor was occupied as a dry-goods store and banking office, the second story was fitted up for offices, while the third floor was occupied by a hall for meetings and concerts. It was 45x70x15, handsomely furnished, and would comfortably seat several hundred. Aside from these features, the entire building was heated by steam and lighted by gas — the first public building in the city thus appointed, it is believed. This building was known as Plymouth Hall. In addition to this improvement, the city contained nine churches, and the large congregations attending each were an indication of the moral tendencies sought to be utilized by legislation. There were also three schools and an addi- tional paper, the Deutsch Anzeiger, all of them doing, if not a " land office," at least a remunerative, business. From these facts and statements, obtained from every accessible source of information, it will be seen that the predictions ven- tured, as above quoted, were not suggested by men of straw, nor yet enthusi- astic visionaries, but by men who reason from correct premises and deduce con- clusions irresistibly convincing. One feature of perfection, however, was wanting to " render the setting " complete, and that was a first-class hotel. This want was keenly felt by citi- zens, and before the close of 1855 arrangements had been completed for a build- ing five stories high and containing every convenience of comfort and luxury. The Exchange Block, on Stephenson, between Chicago and Mechanic streets, was occupied this year. This extensive addition was made by Engle & Strohm and John Hoebel, and very materially improved the appearance of the city. The ground floor contained commodious and handsomely finished stores ; the second story was fitted up for offices, and the third was occupied by a hall, well arranged with reference to comfort and convenience. Early in the spring of 1856, the Brewster House was commenced, and arrangements were completed by the Freeport Manufacturing Company for the erection of a building 150x60 and four stories high, the same to be located on Spring street, near the gas works. Both buildings were completed in 1857, in spite of the panic, and taken possession of. The Brewster House is still in use. 384 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. but the handsome and thoroughly equipped brick put up for manufacturing pur- poses is unoccupied. Mr. Jere Pattison is the present owner of the latter prem- ises. In 1856, the square containing the Exchange Block was further beauti- fied by the erection of four buildings by J. B. Childs. The block was divided into stores, offices, and a public hall, and cost $10,000 when completed. A new three-story brick was put up by J. P. Spitler, on Chicago, between Galena and Stephenson streets, and many other improvements were perfected which still remain enduring monuments to the memory of the enterprising citizens who flourished about this time. Ordinarily, the growth of a town resembles that of the human frame, where the process of assimilation is so gradual that no line of demarkation between the old and the new can be drawn. But in Freeport that line was so visibly plain that no man erred in regard to its location. In fact, there were three distinct planes of improvement in the city : One belonging to that period when Freeport was a promising village, with a good water-power and farming country as resources. This plane was illustrated in the old-fashioned court house, the one-story stores and the small tavern enveloped in porches and white paint. Another class of buildings was erected when the prospect of railroads was encouraging. Two-story brick stores were substituted for one-story frames, and the handiwork of early settlers who had by this time become independent in circumstances, was seen in the improved style of residences that were built under their direction. Lastly come edifices which belong to the era of railroad communication, palatial residences, stately churches, brick blocks, halls and establishments where gas-light revels amid wealth and taste. The young city had lengthened her cords and strengthened her stakes with the increase of years, and everywhere were to be seen, as the decade clos- ing with the dawn of 1860 winged its flight, indubitable evidences of prosperity and refined culture. But this state of affairs was only secured after enduring privations, exhib- iting enterprise and encouraging improvements, even during the dark days of 1857, when hard times were the most prominent perspectives visible in the picture of the future. The panic of that year has been referred to already, and is only suggested in connection with its effects, which became visible in the city between that date and during the years immediately subsequent. When the panic came on, the business directory of the city showed a total of forty-eight dry goods and grocery stores, five drug stores, ten clothing stores, four furniture establishments, five saddle and harness shops, two book stores, three banks, two confectioneries, four hardware stores, five bakeries, two gun shops, four jewelry stores, four meat markets, one hat store, seven boot stores, three liquor, two cigar and tobacco, and two paint and oil stores, twelve hotels, six millinery establishments, five agricultural implement agencies, two daguer- rean galleries, one brass foundry, nine forwarding merchants, one sash and blind factory, one soap and candle factory and three auction and commission rooms. Besides these, there was a full quota of attorneys, physicians and pro- fessional men, three weekly and one daily newspaper, and a list of manufact- ories, including the Manny Reaper, Williams Threshing, DeArmits Plow and Stiles & Griffiths Fanning Mill Factories. From this it will be seen that there were few idle hands to engage in mischief. When the financial revulsion reached Freeport, to express it in the language of one who was on the ground and witnessed its effects, ' k the bottom fell out completely." Excessive bank issues, over-trading, and the rage for speculation in Western lands, brought with them the terrible train of evils, which spread over the country like the wings ^ Jf^ M^Ue EPORT. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 387 of an Angel of Death. It was several years before Freeport recovered its spirits, and a healthy growth was substituted for deterioration caused by "tight" and "dull" times, the natural outgrowth of 1857, and the concomi- tants which attended that year. The year 1860 opened with intensely cold weather. On New Year's Day the mercury marked 32° below zero, and this exaggerated visitation remained for several days. This year was noted for no particular circumstance of note until the nomination of Lincoln, his subsequent election and the pro- ceedings that succeeded that event, which are treated of in another portion of this work. During the summer a horse drover, from Pine Creek, Ind., was murdered near Lena, and for a time no trace could be obtained of his assassin. The body was found, it is stated, by one of Capt. W. R. Goddard's children, and its iden- tity established by means of a memorandum found in one of the pockets of a coat worn by deceased. The mystery was finally solved by the arrest of his mur- derer at Elkhorn Grove, and his removal to Freeport in 1865. His name is stated to have been William Ridgley. He was retained in Freeport until it was generally understood that no prosecution would follow his detention, when he was released. In 1861, the firing upon Sumter created an excitement corresponding to that witnessed throughout the North. Meetings were held to denounce the "treason," money subscribed to aid in the enlistment and equipment of troops. Liberty poles were elevated, and patriotism without limit invested the city and county. This was maintained up to the close of the war, and to-day, similar causes, direct or collateral, would inspire the people with similar sentiments find expression in similar manifestations. Improvements were not in harmony with the war spirit of the times. Had this been the case, the streets of Freeport would have been lined with buildings and the highways with homes. The results of 1857 were not dissipated by the excitements growing out of the contest, and, when the first ebullition had exhausted itself, trade resumed its wonted quiet. The most important improve- ments completed between 1860 and 1865 were, among others, Taylor's Block, Fry's Block and Munn's Block, on Stephenson street ; the organization of the First and Second National Banks, and the building and furnishing of the woolen-factory, on the east side of the Illinois Central track, north of Stephen- son street. This important interest was rendered practicable through the enter- prise of C. H. Rosenstiel, W. S. Gray and L. F. Henderson, who expended $50,000 in putting it in order, and conducted it for several years. They were succeeded by Thompson & Blanchard in 1873, the latter remaining in charge until 1877, when the works suspended. They are still owned by C. H. Rosen- stiel and J. I. Case, the latter of Racine, Wis., but are unoccupied. After the war, the improvement of property and the decoration of grounds became more general, and the forest of trees in which the city is now located dates its growth from 1864. Up to that time there were, comparatively, no shade-trees in the city, and frequent complaints were made thereat. To-day the shade and ornamental trees to be found within the city are said to be entirely too numerous for health. One of the most violent storms that has visited this section in the last eighteen or twenty years, burst over the city about 4 o'clock on Saturday after- noon, June 19, 1869. For three hours the water fell in torrents, the wind blew a gale, the lightning darted across the heavens, and the elements held a high carnival. A second deluge for a time seemed imminent and by no means 388 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. improbable. To estimate the amount of damage done by the storm, or to detail any or all of the attending incidents, is impossible. In town the greatest amount of damage was done along the banks of the little creek which runs through the city just south of Galena street. The water soon overflowed the banks of this, and began running over the bridges crossing them, and invading the cellars and houses within its reach. All communication between the busi- ness centers and the south part of town was cut oft". Those living on the hill and who happened to be caught down town assembled on the banks of the creek and contemplated the scene with dismay, their prospects for supper and a visit to their households growing gradually and beautifully less ; while past them rushed a mass of floating debris sufficiently attesting the damage being done by the flood elsewhere. The mustard factory on Van Buren street, and several other buildings were nearly submerged, while the cellars of Keuhner's furniture store, the lower story of Fehley's turning-shop, Pattison's machine- shop, and cellars of dwelling houses, not only along the banks of the stream, but all over town, were flooded to a greater or less extent. The culvert and bridge on Spring street, between Exchange and Jackson, was raised from its foundation and badly injured ; the abutments of the Exchange street bridge were also partially washed away. At Chicago street the sidewalk on both sides of the bridge was washed away for a considerable distance, the railing on the east side of the bridge and a portion of the sidewalks destroyed, the premises of John Hoebel, invaded and a large bee-house standing on the banks of the stream containing a number of hives washed away. More or less damage was done at Pattison's machine-shop, and at the gas works, but the greatest loss in town probably was that sustained by John B. Taylor, whose extensive tannery on Jackson street was seriously damaged, the dam being washed away, two of the vats washed out, and some eighty cords of bark and about forty sides of leather floated off. Mr. Taylor's loss was variously estimated at from $3,000 to $4,000. The culvert under the track of the Illinois Central Railroad just below the tannery was badly injured, about one-half of it being washed away and caved in. All over town large trees were blown down or bereft of one-half of their branches. A large brick house, 30x24, at the corner of Locust and Pleasant streets, which Mr. Waddle was building for D. A. Knowlton, was badly injured, the south and east walls being blown down, and together with joists, window frames and door casings, thrown in one incongruous mass in the cellar below. The brick-layers had just completed the walls a few hours before the storm came on, but not in time to allow the carpenters to put on the rafters which would probably have braced and saved the walls from falling. Of course, the cellar of Plymouth Block and those of buildings in process of erection, was flooded. At the corner of Van Buren and Stephenson streets the water broke through the gutter and invaded the barber shop under Messrs. Pelton & Co.'s jewelry store. John Hoebel's saloon was also invaded, as was the cellar of Messrs. Middleditch, Potter & Co.'s wholesale liquor establishment, in Capt. Young's new block. Near the gas works, a boy named Burns, twelve or fourteen years of age, attempted to reach in and secure one of the hives of honey that had floated down from Hoebel's apiary, and in so doing fell in the water and was carried along down stream under two bridges, the rapidity of the current being such that he did not sink. He finally caught hold of some bushes and saved himself just as he was about to be washed under the railroad culvert. He escaped with some slight bruises about the head and a good scare. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 389 Taken all in all, the damage done to buildings and other property in this vicinity probably figured up not less than $50,000 or $60,000. The year 1870 gave bright promise for the future, and the decade to which this was the introductory annual has not altogether failed of a fruition of this promise. The new court house, the sugar factory, Germania Hall and other build- ings have gone up since its advent, and still are prominent features of attrac- tion in her midst. In all respects the city is prosperous and desirable both for business and residence purposes. The religious spirit predominating is evinced by the number of religious societies and places of worship existing in the city. The system of public schools, as organized and graded, is not surpassed by any employed elsewhere in the State. They are divided into primary, grammar and high school departments, each department being subdivided into grades, and the whole a perfectly systematized course of instruction, running through all the departments of both common school and academic education. The societies established in the city, including the Masonic, Odd Fellows, Temperance, Workingmen, etc. ; the press, insurance and other interests are maintained successfully and in a prosperous degree. Few towns are more fortunately situated in respect to ease of access and means of travel and transportation. The Illinois Central makes Freeport one of its main points on the line to Cairo ; the Galena Branch of the North- Western advertises the city as its western terminus, and the Chicago, Milwau- kee & St. Paul furnishes a direct line of communication with the Mississippi at Savannah and Lake Michigan at Milwaukee. In addition to these, the Free- port, Pecatonica Valley & Dodgeville Railroad, a narrow gauge hence to Dodge- ville, is surveyed, partially graded, and only awaits the means to promote its completion. In point of manufactures, Freeport is not inferior to other cities similarly situated. As a market for the purchase and shipment of produce, the city has scarcely a superior in the West. The mercantile business is rapidly increasing, and the wholesale trade approaching an importance beyond comparison. In all respects, the city contains attractions that invite the attention of immigrants and capitalists ; taxes are light, and other features combine to per- suade many persons to become citizens and establish homes in a city where so many advantages can be obtained for so limited an outlay. OFFICIAL ROSTER. Previous to 1850, the village of Freeport was under a Board of County Supervisors. In the summer of 1850, the village was incorporated as a town, under the general law of the State. The corporate existence of the town of Freeport continued until the adoption of an act incorporating the city of Free- port, which took effect February 14, 1855. Trustees. — Thomas J. Turner, President ; Julius Smith, John K. Brew- ster, John Rice and Joseph B. Smith, 1850-51. Edward S. Hanchett, President ; Silas D. Clark, Thomas Egan, Isaiah G. Bedee and John II. Schlott, 1851-52. Silas D. Clark, President ; John Black, Walter P. Hunt, J. G. Fuller and Asahel W. Rice, 1852-53. Peter B. Foster, President, resigned July 14, 1854, and was succeeded by Frederick Baker, who also resigned, when Henry Smith was appointed. 390 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Peter B. Foster, President ; September 9, 1854, Isaac Stoneraan (vice F. Baker, resigned,) appointed, William D. Oyler, Jacob Mover, William W. Smith, resigned April 1, 1854, and Henry Smith, appointed to the vacancy. Asahel W. Rice, President; John K. Brewster, Warren C. Clark, Edward S. Hanchett and Isaac C. Stoneman. Town Clerks.— J). H. Sunderland, 1850-51 ; Richard Earle, 1852; Mar- tin Krimbill, 1853; G. G. Norton, 1854. Assessors. — C. A. Sheetz, 1850; S. H. Fitzer, 1851; Levi A. Mease, 1852; no returns for 1853; Peter B. Foster, 1854. Collectors.— P. C. Shaffer, 1850; J. B. Snyder, 1851; John Barfoot, 1852-53; John Burrell, 1854. Mayors. — Thomas J. Turner, 1855; A. Cameron Hunt, 1856-57; John W. D. Heald, 1858; Denard Shockley, 1859; Hiram Bright, 1860; Francis W. Hance, 1861; Urban D. Meacham, 1862; Charles Butler, 1863; John F. Smith, 1864-66; David H. Sunderland, 1867-68; C. J. Fry, 1869-70; E. L. Cronkhite, 1871-72: Jacob Krohn, 1873-74; A. P. Goddard, 1875-76; Jacob Krohn, 1877-78; E. L. Cronkrite, 1879-80. Aldermen. — John A. Clark, W. G. Waddell, Joseph B. Smith, John Bar- foot, A. Cameron Hunt and John P. Byerly, 1855. John H. Schlott, A. W. Rice and John W. D. Heald, 1856. J. H. Schlott resigned, and H. Putnam elected to the vacancy. John A. Clark, Samuel B. Harris and John Hoebel, 1857. John C. Kean, Irwin H. Sunderland and Warren C. Clark, 1858. W. C. Clark resigned, and J. M. Smith elected in his place. Warren C. Clark, Thomas Robinson and John Hoebel, 1859. Elias C. Depuy, Chancellor Martin and Moses R. Thompson, 1860. Isaac H. Miller, Nathan F. Prentice and Jacob Hime, 1861. Jacob B. Kenegy, John H. Beaumont and John O'Connell, 1862. John O'Connell resigned, and John Hoebel elected. Isaac H. Miller, E. McLaughlin and P. E. Fowler, 1863. W. G. Waddell, Jacob Rodearmel and Jacob Krohn, 1864. E. L. Cronkrite, Charles L. Currier and J. S. Rogers, 1865. W. G. Waddell, J. H. Snyder and Jacob Krohn, 1866. August Bergman, Charles L. Currier and Fred Bartlett, 1867. A. P. Goddard, B Huenkemeyer and Henry Baier, 1868. B. T. Buckley, Jacob Rodearmel and A. J. McCoy, 1869. William O. Wright, H. H. Upp and Henry Lichtenberger, 1870. W. O. Wright resigned, and Elias Perkins elected his successor. J. W. Crane, T. C. Gatliff and A. J. McCoy, 1871. Elias Perkins, G. W. Oyler and Henry Lichtenberger, 1872. O. S. Ferris, M. Hettinger and A. J. McCoy, 1873. Charles F. Goodhue, G. W. Oyler and Henry Lichtenberger, 1874. August Bergman, I. S. Zartman and A. J. McCoy, 1875. Charles F. Goodhue, George W. Oyler and Charles G. Steffen, 1876. A. Bergman, I. S. Zartman and Peter Muldoon, 1877. J. H. Crane, D. Kuehner and H. J. Porter, 1878. A. T. Irvin, I. S. Zartman and John R. Wagner, 1879. A. T. Irvin, resigned, and H. Dorman, elected his successor. T. L. Waddell, J.Brown Taylor and H. J. Porter, 1880. City Clerks.— R. N. Hibbard, 1855-57 ; J. Bright Smith, 1858-59 ; L. F. Burrell, 1860-62; Frank Corbin, 1863; J. E. Brown, 1864; Joseph B. Smith, 1865-66 ; U. M. Mayer, 1867 ; Joseph B. Smith, 1868 ; James Durst, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 391 1869; F. B. Malburn, 1870-72; William Trembor, 1873-79; H. C. Hutch- ison, 1880. Attorneys. — John A. Jameson, 1855 ; H. N. Hibbard, 1856-57 ; J. Bright Smith, 1858-59 ; Henry C. Hyde, 1860 ; James S. Cochran, 1861 ; John C. Kean, 1862-64 ; F. W. S. Brawley, 1865 ; John Coates, 1866 ; H. M. Barnum, 1867 ; Thomas F. Goodhue, 1868-71 ; T. T. Abrams, 1872 ; John C. Kean, 1873; John C. Kean, 1874-76; 0. C. Lathrop, 1877; John C. Kean, 1878-79 ; James R. Stearns, 1880. City Treasurers. — E. W. Salisbury, 1855 ; Oscar Taylor, 1856-57 ; Silas D. Clark, 1858 ; Frederick Bartlett, 1859 ; B. F. Black, 1860 ; W. W. Smith, 1861 ; M. D. Chamberlin, 1862 ; C. L. Currier, 1863 ; Thomas Web- ster, 1864 ; John Hoebel, 1865 ; George Lichtenberger, 1866 ; C. W. Rose- brough, 1867; Philip Arno, 1868; C. W. Rosebrough, 1869-70; W. H. Wagner, 1871; C. Trepus, 1872-73; D. B. Schulte, 1874; Horace Meigs, 1875-76; Jacob Molter, 1877-78; Henry Ratz, 1879; D. B. Breed, 1880. Marshals.— William W. Smith, 1855-57 ; John R. Edick, 1858 ; Henry Settley, 1859: David C. Laird, 1860; John H. Mease. 1861; Isaiah G. Beede, 1862; Jacob C. Gilbert, 1863-64; Charles Baumgarten, 1865; F. R. McLaughlin, 1866-67 ; Charles Rohkar, 1868 ; J. B. Shirk, 1869-70 ; George J. Lamm, 1871; E. W. R. Dreyer, 1872-78; E. S. Chamberlain, 1879-80. Surveyors. — Lodowick Stanton, 1857 ; Marcus Carter, 1858-59 ; W. O. Saxton, 1860-61 ; Marcus Carter, 1862 ; Charles Baumgarten, 1863-64 ; Marcus Carter, 1865-66 ; Lodowick Stanton, 1867; Marcus Carter, 1868; Charles Baumgarten, 1869 ; C. T. Dunham, 1870 ; Charles Baumgarten, 1871-74; F. E. Josel, 1875-76; L. Stanton, 1877; F. E. Josel, 18 1 8-80. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The fact that the business houses of Freeport, as also the manufactories and a large proportion of the private residences, are composed of material used in their construction not easily ignited, explains in a measure the freedom of the city from disastrous conflagrations. This, in conjunction with an efficient, thoroughly organized and disciplined department, would render the city almost fire-proof, if not an actual salamander. Underwriters would never, or scarcely ever, be called upon to regulate the rates of insurance, and adjusters or middle- men between individuals and corporations, carrying policies, would be rare. Before Freeport assumed the dignities and prerogatives of municipal authority, fires were visitations at such long intervals that the most primitive means only were employed for their extinguishment. As the settlement became a town, gradually approximating in business and appearance toward a village, both pretentious and ambitious, the necessity for conservators of the public peace and public safety found frequent expression, and they were in turn supplied. The judiciary and constabulary sought to preserve the one, while the other was maintained by militia and social organizations, supplemented by the bucket brigade, which was composed of every able-bodied male resident of Freeport, who responded to the by no means numerous alarms which were sounded from the belfries of the village meeting-houses. This condition of affairs continued for years, rather because there was no occasion for change than because of the absence of that quality of public spirit and enterprise seemingly indigenous to growing societies. On the evening of January, 13, 1854, a meeting of citizens was held at the court house to discuss the propriety of organizing Freeport into a city, and in 392 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. little more than a year from that date occurred one of the most destructive fires that has ever visited the city incorporated in harmony with the demands made at the meeting convened in January. About 2 o'clock on the morning of February 20, 1855, the square bounded by Stephenson, Mechanic and Chicago streets, in the center of busi- ness and the heart of the city, was the scene of a conflagration which destroyed thousands of dollars' worth of property, and, though entailing great damage, was compensated for in the creation of a fire department which has since flour- ished, and is to-day one of the valuable institutions of Freeport. The fire of February 20, 1855, broke out in a building occupying the present site of No. 79 Stephenson street, then used as a bakery carried on by Spratler & Hoebel, and destroyed the stores of Engle & Strohm, hardware merchants, John Hoebel, grocer, also buildings belonging to G. M. Clayton, before its advance was checked. The citizens formed several lines from the fire to a creek located a square's distance from the scene of operations and sought to extinguish the flames by means of bucketfuls of water passed from the fountain-head to the burning buildings. But this was found to be impossible, and, as a last resort, gunpowder was employed to stay the fire's advance, which accomplished its object, but not before a loss had been sustained which it required years of care and labor to restore. Further delay in the organization of a force and procuration of means to repulse future attacks of the enemy was not indulged ; meetings were held for the purposes mentioned, and the City Council decided to appropriate a sum sufficient to enable the city to purchase the engines and equipments desired. Action was had on the question without delay, a loan of $4,000 was negotiated, leave having been obtained therefor at an election holden December 22, 1855, and in September, 1856, two fire engines, the Black Hawk and Winnesheik, were set down in Freeport, objects of interest and admiration to the inhabitants for miles around. Two companies were at once formed to man the engines and guard the city against a repetition of the horrors endured in the spring of 1855. These companies were composed of the brawn and intelligence of the city, officered by competent men and marshaled by Holden Putnam, who entered the army at the breaking-out of the war, and fell at Mission Ridge. Upon the opening of hostilities, a large representation from the depart- ment enlisted for the war, and did as excellent service in the contest for national supremacy as they had done in contests with the elements. This had the effect of weakening the force to some extent, and for several months their absence was felt. In July, 1862. however, an increase of the department was agitated, and a movement set on foot to purchase a new engine for the German company. A subscription paper was circulated to raise money for this purpose, and a committee appointed, consisting of D. B. Schulte and John Hoebel, authorized to expend the fund thus created. These gentlemen accord- ingly visited Chicago and purchased the " Torrent," of the department of that city paying therefor and equipments the sum of $1,200. It was brought to Freeport during the month of August, 1862, christened and established in a warehouse, the " Black Hawk " and " Winnesheik " being stationed in the engine house corner of Stephenson and Walnut streets. From this event the history of the Freeport Fire Department practically dates its beginning. It should be stated that the Winnesheik company surrendered its engine to the city previous to the purchase of the " Torrent," and a new company was organized to be known as the " Union." The " Torrent" still exists and is handled as effectively to-day as when first introduced to admirers at Janesville, HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 393 Wis., in September, 1865, when she carried off the first prize, a silver trumpet, still in possession of the company. In the same year (1863), the Union and Black Hawk companies surrendered their engines to the city, and, retir- ing from active service, left the field clear to the " Torrent " for the space of four year3. During this period the city was visited by fires which at times threatened to culminate in disastrous conflagrations. All these fires were suc- cessively controlled and extinguished by the engine and its company, and to their efforts is due the absence of serious loss attending the burning of Steffen's brewery, B oyer's store, the Exchange Block and other buildings. On September 18, 1866, an election was held to pass upon a proposition to borrow the amount necessary for the purchase of a steam fire engine. The proposition was rejected, but, in May of the following year, the City Council decided to purchase a steam engine, and on the 30th of August of that year the engine arrived in the city, where on the day following it was tested. A company was at once organized, known as Steamer No. 1, which still continues in active operation and contributes materially to the safety of the city from the devouring element. This steamer, in conjunction with the Torrent and a hook and ladder company, composed the fire department of Freeport for nearly seven years. The Black Hawk and Union engines had been disposed of to out- side parties ; their usefulness in the city, at least, having long since vanished. The resources of the "boys, " although limited, proved to be ample, and no demand was ever made which failed of a full and effective response. Yet the increase in population, number of buildings and value of interests generally, necessitated a corresponding increase in the facilities for controlling and extin- guishing fires. With a view to this end, Steamer No. 2, of the Silsby pattern, was purchased in 1874, and is handled by a force eminently capable of acquit- ting itself in a manner that will commend its efforts. The present department is composed of two steamers, one hand engine, one hook and ladder and three hose companies, officered as follows : D. B. Steck, Chief Fire Marshal ; Andrus Rogers, First Assistant ; Joseph Seifert, Second Assistant. Freeport Steamer, No. 1. — Foreman, William Weinhold ; E. Chamberlin and Joseph Kaley, Assistants ; Secretary, Leonard S. Stoskopf ; Treasurer, Charles G. Sanborn ; Engineer, James Edwards. Freeport Steamer Hose. No. 1. — Foreman, C. H. Heard ; Assistant, Will- iam Musser ; Secretary, L. Karcher. Col. Stephenson Steamer, No. 2. — Foreman, August F. Voight ; Assist- ant, John Moritz ; Secretary, Albert H. Wagner ; Treasurer, James Stack ; Engineer, John Rodemeyer. Col. Stephenson Hose, No. 2. — Foreman, Frank Lohr ; Assistant, Richard Weik ; Secretary, Jacob Waldecker ; Treasurer, Otto Wagner. Torrent Engine, No. 1. — Foreman, Philip Arno ; Jacob Maurerand John Kerch, Assistants ; Secretary, Oscar Zeigler ; Treasurer, Philip Burkhart. Torrent Hose, No. 1. — Foreman, Louis Brun ; Assistant, H. W. Rotz ; Secretary, J. W. Koch ; Treasurer, H. Knauf. Rescue Hook cf Ladder, No. 1. — Foreman, Luther Herbeg ; Assistant, Frank Hettinger ; Secretary, Frederick Kruse ; Treasurer, F. J. Koehler. POLICE. The present system, organized some years ago, has served its purpose effectively and maintains order. The force is composed of six patrolmen under the control of the City Marshal. 394 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. The department is uniformed and governed by rules and regulations simi- lar to those adopted for metropolitan organizations. EDUCATIONAL. The country schools throughout the West fifty years ago, whether consid- ering the buildings, teachers or regulations, were generally of a character that would be denominated exceedingly limited. The buildings were usually sorry apologies for a modern tenement, or a room 12x14 in some incomplete residence. The seats were slabs or puncheons elevated at a distance from the floor, sug- gestive of dangerous possibilities to small scholars, who were required to sit thereon, however painful the experience. The teacher was ordinarily a man of fact, who regarded all else but his duties as fictions unworthy his condescension. He always occupied an old-fashioned arm-chair about the center of the room, adjoining a small round table, which supported, in addition to the text-books comprising his limited course, a birch rod of tried strength, length, breadth and thickness, as the pupils had oftentimes had sensible evidence. With these surroundings, that would, in this day of superior educational facilities, be regarded as discomforts not to be endured, scholars were taught the alphabet, their "abs," reading sentences containing words of two syllables only, and many other incidents peculiar to school life, which, in that age, inspired the intellectual, but to-day provoke the mirthful and cause mental inquiries if such things could be. But recurrence to these days often engages the reflections of pioneers, who see no compensation in the labor-saving apparatus employed to aid ambitious youth in his ascent of the hill of knowledge. Gibbon relates that, during a cruel persecution at Ephesus, seven noble youths concealed themselves in a cave, when they fell into a sleep which was miraculously prolonged for a hundred years. On awakening they found every- thing so changed, to conform to the advanced age, that they burst into tears and prayed God that they might be permitted to return to their slumbers again. Such are the feelings of many who were scholars half a century ago, regarding with feelings of indignation the neglected facilities of the present, when fond memory brings the light of other days about them. The pedagogues of fifty years ago were earnest in their efforts, and the advanced state of education during these the final decades of the nineteenth cen- tury are, in a great measure, the result of their labors. The pupil of those times, too, was a character of the day beyond comparison or caricature. He usually appeared at school prompt to the minute, barefoot in summer, his trowsers of home manufacture kept in place by a couple of pieces of ticking, to which he appropriated the term of " galluses," and his head protected from the penetrat- ing rays of the summer's sun by a chip hat, or cap deftly fashioned by a mother's or a sister's hands. Thus embellished, the young man of promise came early, and from his advent upon the scene to his exit therefrom joined constant issue with the teacher with such requests as " Lemme speak to sis," " Lemme go out," "Lemme ha' a drink," etc., etc., until the expiration of the day's term, when he is permitted to go home, where, after the chores are done, he slips off his trowsers, hangs them to the bed-post by the " galluses," and, soon reveling in the dim land of dreams, becomes forgetful of the trials that will be born again with the morrow. Among the early settlers of Illinois there were many men of unusual ability ; not men of extensive education, but men who made their marks upon the times, and, had they received the advantages of early training, would have proved themselves giants in intellectual and moral forces. Many names will HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 395 come to the readers from the fountains of the past, of men who have left the impress of their characters upon the sands of time, and pleasant memories to those who survive them. The men of thirty and forty years since have nearly all passed away, yet a few remain, connecting links of the eventful past and buoyant present. In the natural order of things, these, too, mu8t soon be gathered home, for Death's sickle, which harvests all flesh, is in constant motion. Both those who have gone, as also those who will follow, have left enduring monuments to commemorate their achievements, and hand down to pos- terity an unprejudiced record of lives spent in providing for the prosperity, morality and happiness of generations yet unborn. The growth of those who come after them, in knowledge, in mental culture and training for society, the management of national affairs, to speed the cause of truth, religion and prog- ress in the right direction, were subjects in which the pioneers of Stephenson County, not less than the State of Illinois, took a personal interest. A good school in settlements was regarded as important in those days as the providing of necessaries for one's family, and what the schools are to-day they have been made as a result of the efforts employed in that behalf when Freeport slumbered in the future. In the procuration of facts and data out of which to formulate, at best, an imperfect history of the early schools of Freeport, the historian has encoun- tered infinite difficulties. The uncertainties of date, location, teachers, pupils, studies pursued and other incidents connected therewith, have not been dis- puted by facts, simply because facts were inaccessible to research or inquiry. With regard to the exact year in which the pioneer school of Freeport was born, authorities differ widely, some asserting it was brought forth in the fall of 1837, other in 1838, and still others insisting that its coming was delayed until 1839, when a few .children gathered from day to day in an unfinished room on Galena street, as pupils of a pedagogue whose name is not of record. The gen- eral opinion, however, seems to be that the first school taught in Freeport was opened by Nelson Martin, in the winter of 1837-38. His base of operations was an unpretentious log house, erected by 0. H. Wright or L. A. Crocker, near the bank of the Pecatonica River, at present described as between the branch and the Illinois Central track, not far from the foot of Galena street. In this modest and comfortless temple of learning, about twenty scholars, com- posed of the sons and daughters of settlers in the vicinity, congregated and received their first introduction to the primitive manner of impressing knowledge on the susceptible mind employed fifty years ago. Among these were Frederick, John, Elmus and Thomas Baker ; John, Ellen and Elizabeth Thatcher ; Chloe, Ann, Rebecca, Jane, Elizabeth, Orange P. and W. W. Smith ; A. C, Eliza, Sara and Hamilton Hunt ; Polly Strockey ; Enos and Salome Fowler ; Michael Reed, and Levi, William and Olive Davis. The latter became Mrs. Isaac C. Stonemenin after years, and died in Freeport May 26, 1880, one of the oldest lady settler in the vicinity at the time of her death. Mr. Martin opened school under reasonably favorable auspices, and began the education of the pio- neer youth with a reasonable promise of realizing his object. Learning in those times, especially among the young and unmarried, of both sexes, was an unknown quantity of bliss all yearned to experience. The opportunity presented was flattering, and the effort was made to aid those who were ambitious to avail themselves of this opportunity. According to sources of information, presum- ably authoritative, there were no sessions of school during the presence of the summer solstice, their initial opening being postponed until that month when, to express it poetically, 396 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY, " The russet year inhaled the dreamy air, Like some tanned reaper in his hour of ease, When all the fields are lying brown and bare." The new dispensation in the wilderness progressed without the happening of any notable event to disturb the serenity of its daily existence from frost, until winter, with its aged locks, appearing upon the scene, completed the ruin of the foliage and gathered the swift-flowing Pecatonica in its icy embrace, when an incident occurred which is said to have put a period to "•school-keeping," and temporarily embargoed the cause of education in the vicinage. It seems that Mr. Martin had admonished his pupils to restrain their impetuous desire to test the strength of the ice on the river, accompanying his admonition with the promise that those who failed to be governed accordingly would receive the butt end of the law. John Thatcher, however, with confidence in the substan- tial quality of the forbidden ground, disregarded the injunction, and was called upon to plead, answer or demur to its violation. His inability to submit an acceptable defense was followed by the imposition of the penalty, which was administered with such fidelity that the "school" — excepting the Davis and Hunt children — becoming appalled at a sense of their insignificant capacity for resistance should they be similarly tempted and punished, withdrew their patron- age, and after a few weeks of uncertainty the school was closed. Another summer was passed without any effort on the part of teacher or pupil to reach an understanding, but in the fall a Mr. Everett made his appear- ance, and in the winter of 1838-39 wielded the birch in the same school edifice, the attendance including Rivers Fowler, the Wilmot children, W. H. and H. W. Hollenback, A. P. Goddard and a few others, in addition to those who the previous year, Gamaliel like, had sat at the feet of Mr. Martin. The glory of this institution departed with the advent of spring. F. D. Bulkley also is said to have taught this season. During the summer, the little building — 14x10, seven feet high to the eaves, and with but one window — after serving the purpose of a "grocery," with all that the term implies, was hitched to a "breaking team" and moved up town near to where the opera house now stands, where it was set up for a schoolhouse and church. School was taught in it that winter by Fred- erick Buckley, and on Sabbath days there was preaching, at which Gen. John A. Clark and Col. T. J. Turner, with a lady singer, made up the choir. A few years after, the building was removed once more, and became a cow-stable, serving in that capacity until it was burned down. About 1840, Miss Wright, who subsequently married L'. 0. Crocker, taught school in a frame house at the corner of Galena and Chicago streets, erected in the fall of 1836 by William Kirkpatrick. The premises remained intact until quite recently, when they were torn down to give place to the present handsome brick structure, occupied by Hoebels & Moogk's drug store. Rothilda Buck also taught here, as did Lucinda and Marilla Williams; the latter subsequently became Mrs. Beaushaine, of Webster City, Iowa. After these, Judge William Buckley administered the internal affairs of a schoolhouse erected by Mr. Knowltun for the purposes of aiding in the cause of education, and the build- ing of Knowltontown, then in its infancy. Early in the forties, the growing population requiring increased school facilities, arrangements were made for building what is remembered to-day as the " old red schoolhouse," although it long since met the ultimate fate of frame buildings. It was built by subscriptions collected from householders and bachelors, which latter, it might be observed, were by no means scarce in the community, and completed, some say, in 1843. The building was a one-story HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 397 frame, 18x30, stood on the present site of Wertman's wagon-shop, and was painted red, from which remarkable feature its name was derived. The cost of the building is stated to have been about $300. In this house, D. H. Sunder- land opened school during the winter of 1845-46, remaining through the term at a monthly compensation of $20 and " found ;" in other words, " boarding round." His average attendance was about fifty pupils daily, including all nationalities and colors, and to Mr. Sunderland belongs the honor of prepar- ing Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield for the military distinction that official has since acquired, for he was a scholar in the " red schoolhouse " and sat among the boys. Here, too, came "Black Abe," a senegambian household colporteur, employed in the family of "Father" Brewster, but anxious to be a scholar and with the scholars stand ; notwithstanding which some of these declined to amend the exist- ing prejudice toward emigrants from Afric's burning sands, considerable trouble was occasioned. Abe was placed at the same desk ( the only one hap- pening to be vacant at the time) occupied by a student named Silas . Silas rebelled at this intrusion, and, upon returning home at the close of the day, related his grievance. The next morning Mrs. visited the school in a con- dition of mind the opposite of cheerful, and defined her position with an absence of ambiguity that was convincing. Mr. Sunderland was young and modest in those days, and accepted the situation without demurrer; but after the calm which succeeds the storm, made its appearance, Mr. S., by an eloquence per- suasively irresistible, acquitted himself of blame, and obtained pardon for Abe, who remained a scholar and toiled up the hill of science to the famous rule of three. Other teachers succeeded Mr. Sunderland, but in time the building was changed into a livery stable, and, one night, went up in smoke. The following is said to be a list of teachers who figured in the early days of Freeport, but, departing, neglected to leave behind them either metaphorical foot-prints in the sands of time, or tangible evidences of their existence to guide the historian "in his laborious research after facts : Nelson Martin, 1837-38; F. D. Bulkley, 1839 to 1842; Mr. Everett, 1839-40; Frederick Buckley, Miss Wright. 1841-42 ; Rothilda Buck, Miss Cornelia Russell, the present Mrs. Hazlett, Mr. Bently, D. H. Sunderland, Judge William Buckley, the Rev. Messrs. Coon and Dickey, George Scovill, A. B. Campbell, George W. Lutz, Louise Burchard and others. The public schools of Freeport were placed under the control and manage- ment of the Board of Education of Freeport School District, and the system of •graded schools has been in operation now since about 1851. The "old red schoolhouse" was used as such until 1850, by which time the attendance became so numerous as to necessitate the procuration of en- larged quarters, notwithstanding the existence of private schools in the grow- ing village. During the early days of school-teaching in Freeport and vicinity the means employed to liquidate bills incurred therefor were obtained from patrons. This lasted until the act appropriating certain lands in each county to school purposes was adopted, when the proceeds derived from the sale of lands thus set apart were obtained and distributed until the passage of the special act cited, which of course contained provision for the support of the schools by the levy of a tax on the personal property held in the county. When the contracted dimensions- of the red schoolhouse compelled other provisions for the accommodation of the ambitious young idea, it was decided to build another schoolhouse that would supply every absence of convenience and room complained of. Accordingly, a tax was voted for the purpose, lots were 398 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. procured on Exchange street, now Galena avenue, and what was for many years known as the " Union School " was commenced. This building was completed in 1852, at a cost of, say, $3,000, and immediately taken possession of for a high, middle, and grammar school, the primaries then being taught in the basements of the Presbyterian, Evangelical and Methodist Churches. In 1856, additions were made to the "Union School" building at a cost of several thousand dollars, and to-day, in complete repair, it gives promise of many years of service in the cause of education. ¥ During the latter half of this decade, Henry Freeman officiated as Princi- pal of the High School, discharging the duties of Educator and Superintend- ent until 1859, with such fidelity and success that the good results which fol- lowed his administration were apparent long after he dissolved his connection with the educational interests of Freeport and became identified with those of Rockford. On the 1st of September, 1859, an election was held in Freeport for the purpose of determining whether a site for the erection of a schoolhouse should be purchased and the amount of tax necessary to be levied for defraying the expenses of erecting a schoolhouse, etc., at which it was determined to pur- chase Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Clark's Addition, and to erect thereon a school building at a cost not to exceed $6,000. These lots were accordingly purchased, a plan of the building drawn by G. P. Randall, of Chicago, was ac- cepted by the Board of Directors, and the erection of the River, now the Douglas, School, in the First Ward, commenced under the superintendence of H. H. Upp, and completed during the summer of 1860, or in time for the fall term of school of that year. The high school was maintained at the union school building ; also a branch of the grammar school. The new schoolhouse was devoted to the uses of a grammar, intermediate, and two primary depart- ments, the remaining primaries being taught in the basement of the First Presbyterian and Evangelical Churches. That year school began on the 24th of September, and was continued through the winter and until summer vaca- tion, under the care of the Messrs. Heald, Buckley & Smith, Board of Direct- ors, with George L. Montague as Principal of the High School, remaining in that capacity until the fall of 1862, when he was succeeded by M. W. Tewks- bury, who continued two years, and gave way to H. M. Barnum. who in turn yielded place to W. H. V. Raymond, and he to David Parsons. Nothing of particular import occurred from 1861 to 1865 worthy of mention in the history of the schools. On the 7th of August, 1865, a special election was held in the city of Freeport, at which it was determined to purchase lots in Wright & Purinton's Addition to Freeport, on which to erect additional school accommodations, and a special tax was levied upon the taxable property of the district, wherein the school was designed to be located, to defray the cost of the property and erec- tion of the edifice. This latter was completed in 1866, and cost a total of $17,000. It is of brick, three stories high, located in the Third Ward, at the corner of Liberty and Williams streets, and has capacity for the conven- ient and comfortable accommodation of five hundred pupils. Its building was necessitated by the rapid increase in the number of primary scholars, and, upon its completion, the primary departments of the school system were trans- ferred from the church basements, occupied almost time out of mind by these necessary incidents to advancing civilization, to the "Third Ward," but now known as the "Wright" School. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 399 The directory for the year 1867 was composed of C. J. Fry, H. M. Bar- num, F. W. S Brawley and G. G. Alvord, and at a meeting thereof convened September 2 of that year, the office of Superintendent was formally created. Previously, the Principal of the High School was informally charged with a general supervision of the schools; but with years the duties of Principal became more onerous and exacting with the result quoted, and Mr. Alvord was appointed to the trust. At the meeting of the board held on January 1, 1868, the President was authorized to purchase Lots 12, 13 and 14, in Block 2, of Knowlton's Second Addition to Freeport, for school purposes. Acting upon this suggestion, the lots were bought for the sum of $1,200, and the erection of the Lincoln Avenue School, in the Second Ward, was ordered, according to plans submitted by Alex- ander Smith, to whom was awarded the contract for building. The same causes which compelled the erection of the Third Ward School prevailed in connection with the Lincoln Avenue School. Most of the schools below the grammar school had been crowded with pupils during a greater part of the year, and became an evil, so pronounced in its effects, that, unless it was remedied, many of the pupils would be denied the privileges of an education. Hence, the purchase of the lots mentioned, and efforts made to supply the absence complained of. During 1868, the School Board was composed of C. J. Fry, H. M. Bar- num and F. W. S. Brawley, Ezrom Mayer, Treasurer, and L. W. Guiteau, Alternate. The total receipts amounted to $20,244.60, and the expenditures to 117,610.03. The new school was completed and occupied within a few days of the com- mencement of the fall term of 1868, at a total cost of $12,465.77, and there- after the primary departments found an abiding-place in that and the Third Ward, or Wright School. The former is now known under the name of the Lincoln School. During 1869, L. W. Guiteau, F. W. S. Brawley and H. M. Barnum made up the Board, G. G. Alvord continuing as Superintendent and remaining in that capacity until the advent of C. C. Snyder, the present incumbent, in 1872. During 1870, the board consisted of L. W. Guiteau, O. E. Stearns and C. H. Knapp, the latter being succeeded by C. J. Fry in 1871, and Mr. Gui- teau by O. B. Bidwell in 1872. Twenty schools were in operation in that year; also in 1873 ; in the latter year, German was included in the curriculum, but the board remained unchanged. The school year closing July 13, 1874, had been attended with gratifying results. Twenty-one schools were conducted during a greater portion of the year, employing twenty-six teachers and a Superintendent, at an expenditure of over $18,000, and furnishing the means of education to 1,406 scholars. The board remained as noted, but, in 1875, J. M. Bailey succeeded O. B. Bidwell, which was the only change recorded during that year. In 1876, the number of schools was increased by the addition of one department in the Third Ward School, necessitating a corresponding increase in the number of teachers and amount expended therefor. This condition of affairs was maintained during the year 1877, under the board composed of J. M. Bailey, Jacob Krohn and Frederic Bartlett. At a meeting of these gentlemen, convened July 7, 1877, it was resolved to select and purchase a suitable site for a schoolhouse, which should be erected for the accommodation of high school purposes, and on the 30th of the same month it was iecided to raise the sum of $4,000 by special tax on all the taxable property of the district to defray the 400 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. expenses incident to the undertaking. These preliminaries having been dis- posed of, Frederic Bartlett, on behalf of the board, purchased Lots 1 and 2 in Block 6Q, of the original town, from Henry Burrell for the sum of $2,000. Plans submitted by S. M. Randolph, of Chicago, were accepted, and the con- tract for the erection of the present high school, corner of Bridge and Cherry streets, was concluded with William G. Waddell, the consideration therefor being expressed at $12,000, for which bonds of $1,000 each were issued, bearing interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and due in three, four and five years from date. Work on the edifice was commenced during the summer, and so expeditiously were the efforts toward its completion directed that the build- ing was accepted and occupied at the opening of the spring term, 1878, at a total cost of upward of $14,000. Jacob Krohn, Frederick Bartlett and W. O. Wright constituted the Board of Education during 1878 ; in 1879, Mr. Krohn was succeeded by W. G. Barnes, and Mr. Bartlett by Henry J. Porter in 1880. Mr. C. C. Snyder, whose election as Superintendent in 1872 has been men- tioned, has remained in charge up to i the present date. Within this period, facilities for the efficient management and conduct of the schools have been greatly multiplied, the grade re-arranged, the course of study revised upon a sub- stantial and thorough common-school basis, and such improvements in the mode of instruction, classification and gradation in all of the departments introduced as have placed the schools of the city among the foremost in the State. To keep pace with the increase of attendance, new departments have been opened, the corps of teachers has been augmented, and other improvements per- fected, so that, with an attendance of sixteen hundred and seventy pupils for the year just closing (1880), twenty-eight teachers are employed by the board. Formerly, instruction in the German language was confined to the high school and grammar school departments, but within a year the experiment of having German taught in the lower grades has been ventured. The experi- ment gave such satisfaction to the patrons and citizens that the plan of giving German instruction to all the children of certain grades who desired it has come to be a permanent feature of the city school system. The aim of the authorities is to provide for the children of the city, not a classical nor academic education, but a thorough, practical knowledge of such of the common English branches as shall best fit them for good citizenship and the duties of a business life. That this aim is accomplished, is a fact as undeniable as it is gratifying. The following comparative statement shows the amount of the running expenses of the Freeport Public Schools during each of the twelve years since the passage of the act incorporating the board, also the number of schools maintained each year : No. of Schools. Expenses. Year ending July, 1868 14 $12,794 46 Year ending July, 1869 17 13,699 55 Year ending July, 1870 19 17,177 43 Year ending July, 1871 19 18,535 32 Year ending July, 1872 20 16,866 31 Year ending July, 1873 20 17,999 60 Year ending July, 1874 21 17,770 14 Year ending July, 1875 21 17.230 21 Year ending July, 1876 22 18,231 08 Year ending July, 1877 22 18,770 81 Year ending July, 1878 23 19,908 44 Year ending July, 1879 24 22,403 96 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 401 The schools are supported by tax on the equalized valuation of property in the several districts in the county ; the value of property so equalized and assessed is stated at $1,348,609, and the rate $1.30 on the hundred. THE PRESS OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. The press is a happy 6gure of speech for the newspapers of a city, country or the world. The printing press is the foundation of journalism ; it is the mechanical device which makes the profession of journalism a possibility. The invention of printing made possible the production of books, but the invention of the press made possible the production of the newspaper. The art of printing, considered merely with reference to the manufacture and use of movable types, has not accomplished a great degree of progress since the days of Guttenberg, yet its efficiency has been wonderfully enlarged by collateral mechanical inventions. The type of to-day differs but little from the type of the fifteenth century, while the press of to day would be scarcely recognized by the "press-gang" of twenty years ago; yet it is to the wonderful mechan- ical advancement made in the printing press during the last twenty-five years that is due the merit of carrying the art of printing ten times as far as it progressed alone in three centuries before, until it has finally become the real foundation that underlies the splendid superstructure of modern journalism. Thus much for the process ; the result is the newspaper. Coster or Gut- tenberg invented types ; Adams and Stanhope created the modern hand-press upon the model of three centuries, while Hoe, Bullock, Walter and Applegarth carried mechanical skill, daring and ingenuity to the wonderful point which enables the modern journalist to have the readiest, easiest and quickest mode of communication with his readers. The profession of journalism is a small part of the labor and thought expended in order that the paper may be laid before its readers ; yet his function is that toward which the function of the printer, the inventor and the mechanician concentrate. His work is the crown and flower of theirs. Many contend that journalism is the objective point toward which men bankrupt in all other professions, tend their inclinations. The fact that they have failed in securing reputation or wealth through the mediums of theology, law or physic, argues them to the irresistible conclusion that the divinity which shaped their careers disastrously in other departments of life, did so with a special view to convincing the subject that his mission through this vale of tears was the editorial management of a metropolitan journal. Wealthy parents, distinguished public men they are, insist that the royal road to journalistic eminence is through the expenditure of resources in that connection for sons who have returned from the academic groves of their alma mater, eager to relieve their pent-up Uticas through the columns of a daily pa- per. He is more "wordy " if anything than were those who flourished when Shakespear wrote and Hamlet moralized. Assuming literary magic, he con- jures with words in the production of miraculous sentences and by their em- ployment colors his airy nothings with rainbow tints. And, though a trifler and pretender, his wealth often procures the stamp of wit for pertness, and pro- fundity for the empiricisms he lucubrates. But he reaches his level in time, and falls, another evidence of the fate of vaulting ambition. Still, the business of journalism will continue to be an inviting field for the experiment of those having large amounts of money and egotism. The true journalist, however, is born, not made, and survives the manu- factured article as truth rises above falsehood. And his life is by no means 402 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. that cheerful photograph the imagination of amateurs ambitious of preference pictures to his mind's eye. The popularity of a writer who daily seeks to mold public opinion is of a negative character — and yet cotemporary popularity is not less enduring than cotemporary codemnation. Bunyan was regarded as a crazy dreamer, and Byron was ridiculed by the critics until he lashed them into admiration with the whip of scorpions. No argument is needed to prove the important role enacted by the press in the drama of social and commercial intercourse. To the commerce of thought and in all the walks of life, it fur- nishes the only available currency. Whether expressing the verdict of public censure upon affairs of state, or singing the praises of a plow-boy till these praises soar from the daisies beneath his feet to the celestial fields of a sensuous paradise, the press always proves itself an innate force holding in contempt the trammels of the schools and defiant of circumstances. As in poetry and the arts, so in religion, the laws and sciences, the press is the stern, uncompromising agency through which their excellences and defi- ciencies are commended or condemned. The capacity to thus protect the weak, to mold public opinion, to create ways and means for the universal good, and originate enterprises whose blessings increase with years, must be born — it can- not be acquired. Culture may soften and polish a superficial capacity, but it cannot originate ; it may fashion a giant's garb, but cannot fill it. The strip- ping David, armed with his sling, and his strong, untrammeled faith, treads the pathway of sublimity as he goes forth to meet Goliah, but had he attempted to magnify his proportions by masquerading in a giant's uniform, he would have made himself ridiculous. In all the departments of life, the press should seek to strengthen the right, crush the wrong ; and its teachings ; like the sunshine of familiar faces, should be welcomed at the poor man's cottage and the rich man's home. The Bulletin, da,\\y and weekly, enjoys a deservedly large circulation, proportioned to the careful and able management by which it is conducted. The early history of this paper is the story of every undertaking that has attained success ; it was filled with disappointments, trials and efforts that often proved vain. But it feas survived all these, and, gathering strength with its increase of age, has become resolved into a remunerative investment, direct- ing Democratic public opinion in Northern Illinois, and conserving the material welfare of the city and county wherein it has abided for upward of thirty-three years. In 1847, the village of Freeport was rapidly blossoming into a thickly populated town. The residents were dependent upon more Eastern frontier communications, not only for "stores " but also for news of the outside world. How this dependence was endured, and sought to be rendered less burdensome, and how it finally disappeared, under the influences invoked to that end, has already been detailed. During these times, the absence of no agency that would conduce to the success of the people and the prosperity of the town, was more a source of regret than that of a weekly paper — a medium where the daily happenings occurring in the State, county and town, might be recorded for the benefit of mankind ; a record containing a transcript of current events, acces- sible to all, "That all who ran might read." No doubt the enterprise and ambition of the settlers had prompted their efforts to supply this absence, but nothing came of their endeavors until 1847, when the birth of the infant, since grown to manhood, journalistically speaking, and now known as the Bulletin, was announced to an interested and gratified public. 'Ct^L FREEPO RT HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 405 At that time, the Hon. Thomas J. Turner represented this district in Con- gress, and was solicitous, doubtless, that his position upon various questions then agitating the body politic, should be fairly represented to his constituency. With a view to that end, he projected the Prairie Democrat, and procured the services of S. D. Carpenter to conduct the same. Under such auspices, and with a limited patronage, the first paper to commence its career in Stephenson County was ushered into existence during November, 1847. Mr. Carpenter, in the first number, explains the reasons which prompted him to come West and embark in the comparatively hazardous business of pub- lishing a paper : " We came to the Western country for the purpose of secur- ing a permanent location. Various were the means of information, both by personal news and friendly communications, to learn the many advantages that many towns north of the Illinois River presented. But none gave us the satis- faction desired save Freeport. We were attracted thither by the peculiar loca- tion and advantageous situation of the town, being a fair business distance from Galena and Chicago, with plenty of water-power for all practical purposes, a soil and climate unsurpassed by the most fertile plains and salubrious portions of Italy, teeming with an intelligent population who, without boasting, may safely challenge the world for a greater degree of public spirit and enterprise, the beauty of the surrounding country, its undulating prairies and groves of valu- able timber, through which the Pecatonica winds its serpentine course to join the Father of waters, the unequaled facilities for railroad communications and many other considerations induced us to 'pitch our tents here,' and claim Freeport as our future home." From this, it would seem that Carpenter, if a forcible, was at the same time a humorous, writer. The history of the paper, from its initial number until about the time the present proprietor assumed charge, is partially clouded. The earlier files have not been preserved, and those succeeding until 1870, neither consecutive nor complete. As a result, the facts as submitted are derived from the memories of the proverbial elder inhabitants, but believed to be correct. When the Democrat was decided upon, the scarcity of buildings affording conveniences for the publication of a paper was marked, and difficulty was experienced in obtaining accommodations. Finally, a room was procured in the court house, and work begun. The stay of the paper here, however, was brief, and, as soon as arrangements could be concluded in that behalf, a removal was effected to the second floor of a frame building located at the corner of Galena and Chicago streets, where it remained, as is believed, during Mr. Car- penter's administration of its affairs. According to the most authentic sources of information, the paper flour- ished, attended only by such drawbacks as invariably seek to accompany genuine merit. Its publishers made no hesitation in declaring their party prefer- ences, advocating Democratic principles as they were distinctly defined by expo- nents of that party, yet guided by no prospective or partisan policy in the treat- ment of political opponents. All wei'e treated candidly and courteously, with- out resorting to obsequous sycophancy or hypercritical condemnations. The local department is said to have faithfully related the passing events of the day, the literary selections were choice, the miscellany varied and interesting, and the agricultural department made up of excerpts from standard authorities. Mr. Carpenter continued to go it alone in his dual capacity of editor and manager until about 1850, according to the record, when he became wearied of this professional game of solitaire and retired from the position he had so con- tinuously and acceptably occupied. He was succeeded by J. 0. P. Burnside, M 406 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. and his induction into possession constituted the limit of the changes made, there being no departure in the political or general character of its contents. Locally, and as the disseminator of general news, the paper had materially improved ; politically, it remained Democratic of the most direct character ; as a success, that desideratum had been secured. This was to be expected, how- ever, for pains and means had been contributed to that end ; and, during the years of its struggles and vicissitudes, there always lingered in the breasts of its originators the reflection of a journalistic goal, toward which they bent their aims and aspirations as readily as the willow to the storm. Mr. Burnside remained at the helm for two years, having his office, it is stated, near the corner of Stephenson and Chicago streets, and attracting pat- ronage, notwithstanding the existence of a rival enterprise which had appeared during Mr. Carpenter's control of affairs, and by this time had secured a foot- hold. At the expiration of that period, he disposed of his interest to George P. Ordway, who removed the office to the corner of Galena and Exchange streets. One year's experience created a desire for change, and Mr. Ordway re- sold to Mr. Burnside. That gentleman renewed his title to the premises (in 1853) at a time, when, it is believed, the original materials of the office, having served the purposes to which they had been designed faithfully and effectively, were become " decrepit with age," and no longer available; hence a change in these respects, being imperative, was made. The old type, rules, reglets, quoins, chases, cases, imposing stones and other paraphernalia of the office were disposed of and replaced with new. Many other improvements were concluded, and in July, 1853, the Freeport Bulletin, successor to the Prairie Democrat, was launched forth, made its most profound salaam to Democratic and general readers, and began a weekly existence which has gathered strength with each succeeding issue. Mr. Burnside was, in time, followed by Bagg & Brawley, it is asserted ; they by Giles & Scroggs in 1861, by J. R. Scroggs in 1864, and by W. T. Giles in 1869. The latter gentleman conducted the Bulletin with signal ability during a career of nearly seven years, making it a medium of information for all, and, as the index of true Jeffersonian Democracy, as fearless as it was unsurpassed by any paper of similar political predilections in the State. During the seventeen years Mr. Giles was directly and indirectly con- nected with the paper, its course had come to be regarded as, in a great measure, the formulator of public opinion in this portion of the State. Its sentiments were unflinchingly Democratic, and its editorials sufficiently plain to indicate to their readers that the authors were not journalistic trimmers, nor advocates of and practitioners in that school of newspaper education which has given birth to pretentious sheets, but sheets devoid of merit — " Independent journalism." At the close of the war, the Bulletin defined its position to be that of recognizing the results following the contest, but insisting upon a strict observ- ance of the law as defined by the constitution for future government of the administration. It opposed the election of Grant, in the first instance, but, when Greeley was nominated, extended a most ardent support to this ancient enemy of the Democracy. In commenting upon the result, the editor considers that the election should be gratifying to any Grantite. It was of the kind that authorized corruption in every department of the government. If a man held office and did not steal, it would be simply because he possessed honesty. If the American people preferred dishonesty to virtue, let them have it. If the bayonet was to rule the land, let Grant remain in power. Though Greeley was defeated, the fight made by the Bulletin was so sincere, so bold and so effect- HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 407 ive, that the friends who gathered around it then are among its ardent sup- porters of to-day. On the morning of January 2, 1873, Mr. Giles bade farewell to the patrons and friends of the Bulletin, after an acquaintance of seventeen years. Messrs. Taylor & Aspinwall would in future have charge of the Bulletin, and, as both were well known, their introduction would be superfluous. This announcement, however, proved to be premature. The advertised vendees never gained posses- sion of their purchase, owing to a misunderstanding which occurred subsequent to the sale but prior to the delivery. In the issue of January 9 following, such publication was made, supplemented by a second appearance of Mr. Giles before the curtain in the roll of an editor upon his farewell tour, etc. That day, the paper had been transferred to C. C. Shuler, a well-known citizen of Freeport, and J. W. Potter, equally well known as the editor and proprietor of the Bolivar (Mo.) Herald. These gentlemen assumed the responsible and onerous duties of publishing the paper with the issue of January 16, 1873, and promised to make it all that it had been theretofore. In the future as in the past, the Bulletin would faithfully battle in the cause of Democracy ; the foe of rings formed in the interest of the few to the detriment of the welfare of the many ; while being a fearless, outspoken and independent advocate of liberal democratic principles, it would be just and candid to its adversaries and true to its friends. It would be made the true exponent of the city's business inter- ests, and a faithful and reliable friend to every enterprise organized in the interest of the neighborhood. Mr. Potter was detained in Missouri for a brief period, but soon estab- lished himself in his new residence and took active charge of his purchase, directing the molding and formation of its editorials, and generally assuming care of the internal affairs of the office, with H. Clay Bray assisting as local editor. The columns of the paper under the new management were found to deserve the congratulations extended, presenting a persuasive appearance that was irresistible, and enlarging the circle of its readers beyond what the most sanguine of its friends had anticipated. After five months' experience, the encouragement extended became so substantial and the supplies of news so gen- erous that it was found necessary to enlarge the sheet to dimensions commensurate with the increasing demands for " space." Accordingly, this was done, the Bulle- tin appearing in its new dress on Thursday, June 19, 1873, and presenting a gratifyingly neat and attractive appearance. The paper by this improvement was lengthened two inches ; a column was added to the page, making a total of eight columns, which, with the typographical and other new features, strength- ened its claims to consideration, and rendered a liberal patronage the more secure. Under such advantageous auspices, the Bulletin began its tenth year as such, and continued to shed an influence around its extended circle of admirers, as the influence of a spring day is felt when the blue skies shine like blessings, and the sunlight flicker streams through a veil of fleecy clouds in slanting golden lances. In the issue of October 29, 1874, the partnership was dissolved, and Mr. Shuler, after many months of uninterrupted intercourse with his readers, laid down the pen and grasped them by the hand to say "good-bye." Mr. Potter thus succeeded to the entire charge of the paper, and, though disclaiming to be a man of brilliant promises, he should keep the Bulletin up to its standing, making it acceptable to the family circle and commending it to all for its unrivaled excellences. Mr. Shuler removed to Iowa, where he engaged in banking, and still remains. 408 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. The paper thenceforward and to the present writing has been under the exclusive managerial control of Mr. J. M. Potter, assisted at intervals by com- petent journalists. And, though the experiment of conducting a paper success- fully single-handed has been heretofore considered almost an impossibility, Mr. P. has confirmed an exception to the rule, and promoted the measures of reform in State and county affairs, which have since crystallized and been recognized as indispensable. Politically, the Bulletin has continued to maintain an attitude consistent with its earlier convictions and proclamations. It has been unfaltering in its support of all measures recognized as constitutional and expedient, and relent- less in its attacks upon rings, corporations and monopolies. During the campaign of 1876, the paper advocated a reform from the "villainies" which had characterized the Grant administrations, no matter what means it might be found necessary to employ, so the same were in harmony with the law. The nomination of Hayes was necessitated by the position into which Grant had placed his party ; the people could only be deceived by throwing the whole crew overboard, and asking " unknown, unhonored and unsung" Republicans to accept the chance of defeat. The nominees of the Republican party were merely figureheads for Morton and Blaine, and the reform promised and proposed was a mockery, a delusion and a snare. In these opinions the Bulletin indexed the conclusions of its subscribers. During the pendency of a decision, the paper, as may be supposed, earnestly labored for the election of Mr. Tilden, under whom there would be no San Domingo infamy, safe burglary, whisky ring, Babcock, Belknap, Robeson, Delano, Williams, or Black Friday, and the White House would neither become a retreat for thieves, nor a haven for felons, as the Cabinet would not become an asylum for imbeciles. The result of the election was regarded by the paper as a victory for the Democratic candidates, and it insisted that they should be inaugurated. When the Commission was proposed it denied the constitutionality of the measure, and insisted that it should not be substituted for the law on the subject as it stood ; in short, that to violate the Constitution was the destruction of the Government. When the Commission was agreed upon, the Bulletin accepted its innovation as the will of the majority, and gave the measure its cordial support. When it became apparent what the decision of the Commission would be by the shadows preceding that event, the paper, in commenting on the "special plead- ing" indulged, stated that by a strictly party vote, the Commission appointed to inquire into the Presidential question, decided not to go behind the returns in the Florida case. They will, however, inquire into the eligibility of electors. By this decision the most gigantic frauds may go unquestioned. The people would now have an opportunity of testing the non-partisan character of the Supreme Court Judges by their decision in the Oregon case, when it will be necessary to go behind the Governor's certificate in order to elect Hayes. When the question was practically decided in favor of Hayes by the re- fusal of the Commission to go behind the returns, the Bulletin accepted the ultimatum, but, in an editorial dignified and forcible, submitted its apprehensions as to the situation, from which the following is taken : "As predicted by the Bulletin last week, by the usual strict party vote of eight to seven, the Electoral Commission of last Friday decided : First, that no evidence whatever should be received in the Louisiana case ; and secondly, that the vote of the State should be counted for Hayes. HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 409 " The Democratic counsel offered to prove that the Returning Board of Louisiana was a body not recognized by the State Constitution ; that it was not organized in accordance with the law creating it ; that even if it was constitutional and legally organized, it had no jurisdiction over the re- turns for Presidential Electors ; that the method of its procedure violated the law in every particular ; that its findings were the exactly contrary of the truth ; that its decisions were influenced by corrupt motives ; and that two of the Re- publican electoral claimants were ineligible under the Constitution of the United States ; in a word, that the so-called Hayes electors were not elected, and the Tilden electors were. Evidence to establish the several points was sep- arately offered, and in each instance ruled out by the eight Republicans of the tribunal. " The only point the Republican counsel contested was the constitutionality of the Returning Board. They did not deny that Louisiana had elected the Tilden electors by majorities ranging from 6,000 to 10,000. They did not deny that the four unhanged scoundrels of the board disfranchised 13,000 American citizens. They did not deny that these villains had for weeks been attempting to peddle the electoral vote of the State to whoever would buy. They denied nothing. They merely fell back on the partisan majority on the Commission, and reiterated again and again that the American people had no recourse but to submit to the inauguration of a man they had never elected. " The act creating the Commission provides that it shall have such powers (that is, as respects the certificates submitted to it) as now possessed by the two Houses of Congress acting separately or together, and since Congress, as we have just shown, does possess the power of going behind the returns, and has always exercised that power, it is plain that both the Constitution and the electoral act authorize the commission to take evidence as regards the merits of the case, and the refusal of the majority to do so can be accounted for upon no other hypothesis than that the eight genteel compounders of felony have will- fully, knowingly, coolly, set themselves to the task of counting Hayes in, irre- spective of the frauds, wrongs, violations of law, usurpations, and perjuries with which his path to the White House is strewn." The inauguration of Hayes was treated in a similar spirit, and the act regarded as the crowning chapter of a history of illegalities and constitutional violations from which the Republic would never recover. As the years came and went and the wants of the community and the prog- ress of the times demanded something more than a weekly paper, Mr. Potter determined to meet the requirements of the public by issuing a daily. In accordance with this view, the Daily Bulletin was issued on the 18th of Septem- ber, 1877, and in every respect equaled public expectations. No apology was vouchsafed for its appearance, as in all well-regulated families none is expected for recent arrivals. The "bub " was attired in its parent's garments, and, after a brief experiment, was set up in business for itself. When this consummation was reached and the infant had waxed strong, and his business began to increase in a gratifying degree. He then put on a new dress, including a hat, and was known on the street, where he offered money to loan, property for sale, houses to rent, etc. ; solicited correspondence with a view to matrimony, and, as the agent for schemes, news, accidents and incidents, became an invaluable accessory to men, women and children. The daily is now in the fourth year of its existence, and enjoys a patron- age both widespread and remunerative. 410 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Both enterprises are owned and edited by J. W. Potter, assisted by 0. Pot- ter and F. C. Donohue, under whose " manipulation" the daily has become an indispensable acquisition to every household. The combined circulation of the daily and weekly aggregates 5,500 weekly, requiring the services of eight men, in addition to the editorial force, to procure its issue. The investment represents a valuation of $12,000. The Freeport Journal, a weekly publication, issued by A. V. Richards & Co., is one of the oldest papers in the State, and enjoys a patronage and sup- port commensurate with its undeniable merits. The first number was put forth on the 22d day of November, 1848, and thirty-two years' experience in the checkered ways of the world has confirmed the predictions ventured by its founders when they launched their journalistic barque on the tide of Time. The merit of the undertaking is due to H. G. Grattan and A. McFaddan. The former gentleman came to Freeport, in 1848, from Janesville, Wis., where he had previously started the Gazette, and, realizing the advantages to be derived from repeating his experiment in the county seat of Stephenson County, decided to court Fortune's smiles through the columns of a weekly publication. The first paper was issued, as stated, on the 22d of November, 1848, and represented the Whig element in politics. It was a folio with six columns to the page, and typographically presented an appearance by no means calculated to excite hypercritical comments. The advertising depart- ment promulgated the existence of Turner & Turner, Purinton & Betts, John A. Clark, T. F. Goodhue and Sweet & Brawley, as attorneys ; Martin & Van Valzah, physicians ; L. W. Guiteau, D. A. Knowlton, O. H. Wright, S. D. Knight & Co. and Jackson & Brothers, grocers ; Emmert & Strohm, drug- gists ; A. W. Rice, cabinet-maker, etc. The first page was devoted to literary selections, the second page to telegraphic and editorial news, the third page to local and poetic fulrainations, and the fourth page to brief paragraphs and adver- tising. Taken as a whole, the make-up was attractive, evidencing to the reader a disposition on the part of the management to consult the public appetite and interest public expectation. The terms at which the journal would be furnished were $2 per annum if paid within six months, 50 cents additional if pay- ments was delayed, and $3 if not paid at the expiration of the year. Advertisements not exceeding one square would be inserted three times for $1.50. Such were the inducements offered the reading and advertising public in exchange for their support. The prospects of success were by no means rose- colored, yet the venturesome editors indulged a confiding hope that their efforts to civilize and enlighten might not be entirely unappreciated. They had assumed the enterprise of publishing a newspaper in Freeport, believing that the capabilities of the county were fully equal to its necessary support. The population of the county was then not far from 10,000 ; the fertility of the soil, salubrity of the climate, and the agricultural and manufacturing resources, as also the enterprise and general intelligence of the population, unsurpassed. Yet the population was by no means homogeneous ; coherency and unity were wanted, and the agency most effective in promoting this unity was the press. In the light of these conclusions, the Journal was offered with the conscious assurance that its future would equal the present, and, with the efforts that would be made to secure deserved success, excel the former period. The firm established an office in the upper story of a brick building a few rods northeasterly of the then residence of Judge Ormsbee, and began practical business. The building, after serving the purposes of a printing office, drug HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 411 store and other depots for the support of life, the pursuit of happiness, etc., was torn down and is now known as the corner of Broadway and Beaver streets, and occupied by a handsome frame residence. The headquarters of the Journal were retained in the "dilapidated brick building " during its infancy, where it grew in strength and excellence for nearly a year. On the 31st of October, 1849, the partnership of Grattan & McFaddan was dissolved, the former gen- tleman purchasing the latter's interest, and thereafter exercising sole control of the sheet. The office was at once removed to the second story of a small wooden building on Galena, between Exchange and Walnut streets, at that time occupied by A. W. Rice as a cabinet-shop. The "old frame" still stands, affording shelter to a paint shop, and promises to survive the wreck of matter for many years to come. The paper missed one issue in consequence of the "bother" incident to removal, but came to the front again on November 14, bristling with news which included the intelligence that, at the election occur- ring in New York the week previous, the empire State had nobly maintained herself against the combined forces of Hunkerism and uncertain Free-Soilers. The political utterances of the paper indicated irresistibly the tendencies of the people in Stephenson County to be in the direction of principles which subsequently found expression in the platform accepted by Fremont and Day- ton. About that time, the Constitutional Convention held in California pronounced against the introduction of slavery into that State, and the Journal, taking this for its cue, predicted the coming of a day when slavery would become a relic of departing barbarism in the history of the republic. Subsequent events have fully confirmed this proposition. As a medium for the dissemination of local intelligence, the Journal, while answering that purpose, or, to use an aged but expressive conclusion, " supply- ing a want long felt," was scarcely up to the more modern standard, as illustrated in the more pretentious sheets of to-day. That which now constitutes palatable news, was rarely recorded, because of its absence in part, and also of an indis- position to sensational journalism which so readily obtained in after years. There were no murders to excite the reportorial imagination, and scandals which to-day are displayed in colors, with head-lines of glaring prominence, were items of news, which, in those days, came under the ban. The selections were culled from the works of standard authors, compre- hending poetry and fiction, and the columns "justified" with scientific or historical excerpts. That portion of the paper assigned to advertising was visibly enlarged during the paper's first year, though rates were not increased, it requiring a total of thirteen columns to furnish sufficient space for the demands of patrons. Taken as a whole, the Journal competed successfully with its cotemporaries in fulfilling its mission in point of news, appearance and "make-up," becom- ing a source of revenue to the publisher, of information to the readers and pride to the community. On December 27, 1850, was commenced the third volume of the paper. Promises were not renewed, nor was a new line of policy marked out. It would be continued as a firm, conservative Whig paper, under the influence of no clique, but free to pursue an independent course. It would be the object of the publisher to make it particularly valuable as a newspaper, a medium of intelligence, both of a local and national character. The editor was cheered by the success which had previously met his efforts, and re-assured of the correct- ness of the principles it had been his effort to promulgate. He bade farewell to a past, which, like the aged and forsaken of men, drop into the grave of 412 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. forgetfulness, and greeted the future like a hopeful boy, who bounds forward with a shout of gladness to run the race set before him. Early during this year, the office was removed to a small wooden building on the north side of the court house square. The Journal divided the occupa- tion of these premises with others, and remained domesticated therein until 1855. The building itself continued in existence for a number of years, until the weight of age and servitude necessitated its retirement from the active scenes of life. The site thereof is to-day, in part, occupied by the establishment of Bergman & Dorman. Mr. Grattan remained sole owner of the enterprise until April 25, 1851, when Hiram M. Sheetz became a partner, and the business was conducted under the firm name of Grattan & Sheetz until the following August. On the 15th of that month, Mr. Grattan retired, and A. McFadden, one of the originators of the undertaking, accepted the position vacated by his whilom partner. This was the only change Mr. Grattan's retirement produced. The paper's politics remained unchanged under the new dispensation, the sup- port of the Whig party being adhered to, and the policy of that party discussed calmly, earnestly, but temperately. In measures, legislative and administra- tive, the Whig creed was advocated ; in local politics, it sought to follow, rather than lead public opinion. In all its features, the Journal was so conducted that the cause of morals and religion, these fundamental interests of man and society, were advanced, and its columns were always open to the advocacy of whatever would promote these interests. Its editor also urged the adoption of a system of internal improvements, having for their object the development of the latent resources of the State and county, etc., including the building of railroads, turnpikes and manufacturing establishments, the employment of skilled labor, the formation of corporations whereby the good of the public might be conserved, and other features which have since been practically adopted with profit. With the issue of September 24, 1852, the Journal was enlarged by the addition of one column to each page, new type was substituted for the " fonts" which had begun to exhibit the ravages of time and constant use, and the job department of the establishment was prepared for printing in colors as varied as those of Joseph's coat. The constantly increasing prospects of the town and the paper, and the manifest demand of the citizens for a superior family paper, induced these improvements and assured a reasonable degree of success for the venture. The enlargement was attended by other calls for additional help and consequent expense, and the efforts employed to fill its columns with information in the shape of general news, in agriculture, manufactures, com- merce, religion, politics, with a " sprinkling of mirth, " were received with encouragement worthy the undertaking. During this year, the paper supported Scott and Graham for the offices of President and Vice President of the Re- public with vigor, and insisted upon the defeat of all candidates who were not in favor of confining the institution of slavery to the limits of the territory wherein it existed. When the great struggle was over and the triumph of the Democracy became a part of history, Mr. Sheetz, who, by the way, directed the editorial department of the paper, admitted defeat, but refrained from speculating upon the causes which operated to produce such results, contenting himself with admonitions designed to prevent a repetition of the calamity in the future. On the 7th of January, 1853, the fourth volume of the Journal was intro- duced to the public. Five years previous, the first Whig paper in Stephenson HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 413 County was commenced. At that time, the town was an insignificant village, and such was the sparsity of population in the county that the enterprise was deemed almost a hazardous experiment. During the interval, the paper was established, enlarged and materially improved, and was, at the date mentioned, on the highway to a permanent success. On the 15th of April, 1853, Mr. McFadden disposed of his interest in the Journal to Mr. Sheetz, who remained sole owner and director for the space of three years, during which period its general character was not materially changed, except so far as experience and circumstances suggested improve- ments that rendered the weekly editions more acceptable to their readers. In politics, it continued to advocate Whig principles, in the belief that they were best adapted to the interests of the country ; as a newswaper, the Journal was not surpassed by any paper with equal facilities for obtaining news. Edi- torially, the endeavor was made to keep a correct record of the growth of the town and county, and to speak boldly and independently on all questions of reform. It selections were made with reference to the tastes and interests of . the readers, and every means were employed to render the Journal not only acceptable to all classes, but a welcome visitor to the family circle, the counting room, the work-bench and the farmhouse. In the summer of 1855, increasing business necessitated the procuration of more extended quarters, and the Journal office was removed to the third story of Martin's Block, on Stephenson, between Van Buren and Chicago streets, where it was "housed " for nine years. The old building still stands and bears the marks of age, while the paper it sheltered for nearly a decade has grown in strength and influence with the progress of time. Mr. Sheetz maintained editorial control of the paper until April 24, 1856, when he disposed of his interest to C. K. Judson and C. W. McCluer, who acquired title to the property by purchase, and issued the subsequent editions for years under the firm name of Judson & McCluer. From this transfer, the paper's present series takes its date. On taking charge, the new management expended liberally in effecting improvements and completing reforms. The paper was enlarged one column to the page, and the suits and trappings which had become familiar to the people were exchanged for a "new dress" — one which survived the wear and tear of time, change of administration, the proud man's contumely and other incidents peculiar to the experience of country papers, for nearly ten years before it was laid aside. They also ventured the publication of a daily record of current events in addition to the weekly. This appeared almost simultaneously with their assuming the management of the latter. It was a folio, 12x18, with five columns to the page, printed in brevier and nonpareil, and attained a liberal cir- culation. It was continued until November 9, 1857, when the prevailing strin- gency in money matters and (he difficulty experienced in making cash collections induced the proprietors to withdraw the daily from the field of com- petition. The promise was made to resume at any moment when the financial world gave signs that all was well. But, in default of any favorable indication in that direction, the suspension became permanent. As will be remembered, the Republican party, as a party, took 3hape in 1856, and presented Fremont and Dayton as candidates for the people's suf- frages. The Journal accepted these offerings, which were regarded as eminently proper, and tending to unite in one solid phalanx all men actuated by the common desire to stop the onward march of African slavery, and retain it within its limits at that time. During the canvass which preceded the election, the 414 HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. Journal was constant and unwavering in the support it offered, and, when the result was announced, consoled itself with the reflection that, defeat was caused by the perpetration of unparalleled frauds, and a combination of the slavery propaganda, under the guise of Democracy and Americanism. On the 6th of May, 1858, William T. Tinsley, recently theretofore fore- man and assistant editor of the Lyons (N. Y.) Republican, purchased an interest in the Journal, and became associated in its management with Judson k McCluer, remaining until St. Patrick's Day, 1859, when he sold out to his partners and returned to Lyons. From the year 1856 up to the present time, the Journal openly espoused the cause of human freedom. From that date, it battled manfully and consist- ently for the principles which became triumphant in the election of Abraham Lincoln. When the question as to the intentions of the Republican party toward the slave-holding States was being discussed, the Journal defined its position to be, that Congress had the right to exclude slavery in the Territories, and it was the duty of Congress to exercise that right. It was the freedom of the Territories as such, that was demanded. When the surrender of Fort Sumter was telegraphed, the Journal insisted that the issue was joined, the case made up, and that but one course was left open to the nation. There was but one allegiance, one government, one system of law in all our borders. It was a great calamity that the law had been resisted, but greater calamities would attend the general anarchy which the secession mania would ultimately bring on the people, if not checked, than could possi- bly follow from a vigorous enforcement of the laws as they existed. From the commencement of hostilities until peace was promulgated, following the sur- rendered at Appomattox Court House, the Journal was untiring in its support of the Government, and earnest in its advocacy of such measures as were con- ceived to be right. Judson & McCluer "held the fort" until the dawning of the new year, 1866, when the proprietorship of the Journal became vested in J. M. Bailey, at present one of the Justices of the Appellate Court, and R. V. Ankeny, both well-known citizens, under the firm name of Bailey & Ankeny, the former gen- tleman wielding the editorial quill, and promising to represent in the columns of the paper the great material, social and educational interests of the North- west ; to also advocate that course of legislation which would most rapidly develop these interests, protect those of capital and labor, and increase the wealth, morality and intelligence of the people. On April 9, 1864, the folio was increased to a quarto, and was published by the new firm until May 9, 1866. On that date the interests of the Journal and North- West were con- solidated, the latter undertaking being merged into the former, Gen. Ankeny retiring from the Journal, and Gen. S. D. Atkins from the North-West. The new journalistic venture was thereafter controlled by J. S. McCall, J. M. Bailey and M. B. Mills, who remained at the helm until November 1 of the same year, when Mr. McCall became sole owner. During his administration, a second effort to popularize the institution of a daily edition was made. The first issue appeared January 2, 1867, being a folio six columns to the page, printed in minion, nonpareil and brevier, and bid- ding for readers and advertisers, through the agency of the Associated Press dispatches, a franchise still held by the Journal. In all features both the daily and weekly equaled expectations. As a party organ, they bore allegiance to the Republican party, to which the most cordial and earnest support was tendered. As mediums for the promulgation of current events, the news, con- HISTORY OF STEPHENSON COUNTY. 415 •densed or elaborate, as the occasion demanded, was to be found in their columns. But the daily failed to receive the support it was deserving of, and after an experience of nearly two years yielded up the ghost. After running the gamut of supplying editorialand reportorial pabulum to the citizens of Stephenson County and vicinity for two years, Mr. McCall ceased to be a practical representative of the fourth estate, and was succeeded by Gen. Smith D. Atkins, at present Postmaster of Freeport. The varied proprietary experience to which the paper had been subjected since it first appeared "an infant," so to speak, "mewling and puking in its nurse's arms," was borne out in the frequent change of base effected by its owners. In August, 1864, another move was made to the building corner of Chicago and Bridge streets, erected by Jacob Kline for the purpose, and fitted up with due regard to the convenience of the occupants. Improvements were also extended to the establishment itself, including one of Roper's caloric engines, and other appurtenances peculiar to a printing office, rendering it com- plete in its outfit and capacity to supply every demand. When Gen. Atkins took charge the paper was an established fact, and during his control of its destiny the hold previously gained on public patronage and support was confirmed and extended. The paper was published under his direction and name until June 11, 1873, when his editorial connection ceased. On that day, he disposed of the concern to William B. Thomas, Dwight B. Breed and Charles R. Haws, who assumed entire control, Gen. Atkins retaining an interest, however, but devoting his attention more particularly to the prac- tice of the law and literary pursuits. Messrs. Thomas, Breed & Haws remained as editors and managers until May 26, 1875, when Haws sold out his interest to Gen. Atkins, and the old firm was succeeded by that of S. D. Atkins & Co. On the 2d of September following, Capt. A. V. Richards purchased three- fourths interest in the paper, being the interest controlled by Atkins, and the firm became A. V. Richards & Co., under which it still remains. The sale of the paper and charge assumed by the purchaser is thus noted in the editorial columns of September 8, 1875: On last Thursday, September 2, I disposed of my interest in the Freeport Journal news- paper, steam printing office and book bindery, to Capt. A. V. Richards, late of Galena, Illinois, and my connection with the publication of this paper on that day terminated. Capt. Richards is a thoroughly educated gentleman, an experienced and polished writer, was a patriot and soldier in the hour of the nation's danger, and has been a Republican ever since he was old enough to vote. My late partners, Dwight B. Breed and William B. Thomas, will be associated with Mr. Richards in the publication of the Freeport Journal, under the firm name of A. V. Richards & Co. From long and intimate acquaintance, and close busiuess association with Mr. Breed and Mr. Thomas, I can speak of them in the highest terms. They are both accomplished workmen, perfect masters of the " art preservative of arts," both Republicans, both experienced publish- ers, both fine writers. I can cordially commend the Freeport Journal to its old patrons and friends, believing that under the new management of A. V. Richards & Co. it will be a more welcome visitor into the family circle, an abler champion of the Republican party, a more effect- ive advocate of the advancement of the material interests of Freeport and the surrounding country, and I most earnestly hope that the extensive patronage and wide circulation the paper now enjoys, will be largely increased. The subscriptions now due upon the Freeport Journal will be paid to A. V. Richards & Co., who will furnish the paper to those who have paid for it in advance. For the kindness I have always received from the patrons of the Freeport Journal, I beg to return my sincere thanks. Smith D. Atkins. In assuming editorial control of the Journal, we feel that we are taking upon ourself a weighty responsibility. Such a paper, properly managed, can be made a power for good, and improperly managed, equally powerful for evil. We hope and trust our voice will never be raised in advocacy of other than the right. In