Nebraska Corn Book E. C. BISHOP Published for The State of Nebraska Department of Public Instruction by The University Publishing Co. Lincoln Class Book. 3^ Copyright N°_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. 61^1^51^- Nebraska Corn Book Including A Brief Treatment of the Principal Corn Plants, Potatoes , and Sugar Beets, with something audit Domestic Science, Manual Work, and Announce- ments Concerning the 1906 Corn Contest and Convention BY E. C. BISHOP Deputy State Superintendent of Public Instruction Published for The Nebraska Boys and Girls' Associations The University Publishing Co., Lincoln 1906 LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 5 1906 t. vopynfni Entry a XXfti No. 'IK* j CO* Copyright 1906 BY E. C. Bishop All Rights Reserved INTRODUCTORY THE LAND OF CORN Far inland from the raging sea, And its boom and rush and roar, There lies a land, wide, wide and green, As flat as a dancing floor — 'Tis Nebraska, the land of corn. The sun just seems to love the land, For it shines the whole year through, And the skies smile down upon her plains, Serenely, calm and blue — O'er Nebraska, the land of corn. — Will Reed Dunroy in Corn Tassels. NEBRASKY Great fields of emerald bladed corn, That swishes in th' breeze; An' here and thar are little clumps, Of supple wilier trees — An' that's Nebrasky. — Dunroy. OUR HOMES, OUR PEOPLE, OUR MEMBERS, AND OUR ORGANIZATIONS There may be homes as dear There may be lands as fair But none are dearer, But none are fairer. Than in Nebraska. Than in Nebraska. There may be hearts as true But none are truer, Than in Nebraska. — Will Reed Dunroy. TO OUR MEMBERS Our organizations had their beginning in the spring of 1905, with a member- ship of five hundred Nebraska boys who entered the corn growing contest. At the first state meeting, December 14-16, 1905, we added "corn cooking" and in- itiated au equal number of Nebraska girls. This year our work includes corn, wheat, potato and sugar-beet growing; corn cooking, and other branches of cooking; hand sewing, and manual training, with work in county clubs in other lines of Agriculture, Domestic Science, and Manual Training. (3) 4 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK Since our organizations had their beginning in the production and use of corn, and since corn is Nebraska's greatest and favorite crop; at the meeting of the executive committees held at York, July 27 and 28, when the question of the title of our 1906 "guide book" was presented, it was unanimously agreed that it should be named "The Nebraska Corn Book." In this booklet we have given liberal space to the discussion of corn, and have treated briefly other subjects of interest to our members. We hope that brief mention here will lead to investigation and study, and to profitable ex- perimental work on the part of our membership. The object of our organization is to provide suggestion and direction rather than instruction. The boy who carefully cultivates and studies the growth of a patch of corn, sugar beets, potatoes, wheat, or other plants, will gain a new interest and a better appreciation of the value of careful thought applied in the study and the adaptation of seed selection, soil fertility, and the intelligent culture of plants. Further, he will become interested in the best methods of marketing, and of the use of these plants as food for man and animal. This will direct him to study, to discussion, and to investigation, leading to a knowl- edge of systematic feeding and caring for live stock, to a study of animal adap- tation and needs, and to a careful consideration of the financial problems in- volved. This is education. The girl who learns by actual experience to successfully cultivate one flower, one vegetable, or any plant in which she becomes interested; who learns to bake a loaf of bread, to prepare an edible dish for the table, to can a jar of fruit, to make an apron for the use of herself or a member of the family, to neatly darn or patch a garment; — if she seeks to know and to perform these simple yet important duties the best way; if she combines with her work, cheerfulness, careful thought and intelligent study; she will ere long become expert in home duties, and will become such a student of nature, of the home and of the foundation of social life, that she will be led to a proper growth and development, into the student, the business woman, the home-maker, and the home-keeper, — the highest of all womanly callings. "Earth's noblest thing, — A woman perfected." — Lowell. "To reason firm, The temperate will, Endurance, foresight, strength and skill A perfect woman, nobly planned, To warn, to comfort, and command." — Wordsworth. "A woman should be good for everything at home." — Euripides. We expect each of our members to learn to do something worth doing, — "something the world wants done," to learn to do it well; to acquire skill with the hands, to combine brain and muscle; to answer so far as possible his own questions, by experiment and by study; each thus to become his own teacher, and to lead himself into an education that will bring the fullest development of the triunity, — the hand, the head, the heart. E. C. BISHOP, State Manager. Lincoln, Nebraska, Sept. 20, 1906. NEBRASKA CORN BOOK THE CEREALS Webster tells us that a "cereal" is "any grass cultivated for its edible grain or the grain itself; as wheat, rye, maize, rice, etc." The Standard dictionary says that the wqrd "cereal" means "a plant yielding grain or farinaceous seeds used for food; as wheat, maize, rye, oats, barley, and millet." Cereal Crops. — Cereal crops include those crops of the grass family that are cultivated primarily for their grass or seed. They are the most important group of farm crops. They are adapted to the widest possible range of cli- matic and soil conditions, being grown the world around from the equator al- most to the polar circles. They are annuals and have been developed from wild plants by selection, breeding and careful tending. This class of plants have tall jointed stems, either hollow or solid, long slender leaves and usually a shallow fibrous root system. *Corn Plants. — Corn plants are called cereals or cereal grains. The word cereal comes to us from the myths of the Roman people. The Roman story of Ceres and Prosperine tells of the beginnings of agriculture, in which the "ce- reals" received their name from the goddess of agriculture, Ceres. The ancient Romans held Cereal Festivals each year at springtime and har- vest. At the first festival, the people thruout the country marched in pro- cession around their fields, imploring the favor of Ceres upon the growing grain. On the last day of the festival, elaborate games were held in honor of Ceres. The second festival came in August and was a feast of thanksgiving, at which time the first fruits of the harvest were brot as an offering to Ceres. These gifts to Ceres were called "cerealia munera" (Ceres' gifts) or simply "cerealia." It is thus that the corn plants became known as cerealia or cereals. The Assyrians and Babylonians who dwelt in the fertile valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, also left evidences of their appreciation of the value of corn plants. One of their ancient monuments recently discovered shows a king offering an ear of wheat for a sacrifice. Rice, the principal corn plant of the Chinese, has been held in high estimation by the people of China for centuries. The ancient Peruvians almost worshipped the maize plant. Corn (maize) has been found buried with the mummies of Mexico, Peru, and Chili. When the first settlers came to this country they found "Indian corn" largely cultivated by the Indians of North America. "Far back through history's shadowy page It shines, a power of boundless good, The people's prop from age to age, The one unfailing wealth of food." — Celia Thaxter. •"Corn Plants. Their Uses and Ways of Living," by Sargent, published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, presents corn plants in a most interesting manner and is a very complete text on this subject. 6 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK The cereal grains are our most useful food plants. Wandering nomadic tribes and savages who obtain their living by hunting, fishing, and by gather- ing seeds and fruits of wild plants and who make but little use of domestic animals, cultivate the cereal grains to a very limited extent; but people who live in settled communities where wild fruits, seeds and roots cannot supply the increased and continued demand for vegetable food, and where hunting and fishing no longer yield the necessary amount of animal food, and whose tastes and habits lead them to appreciate the benefits and luxuries of a more varied diet and of well prepared food, make extensive use of the cereals; first, as food prepared directly from the cereals, and second, the seeds of cereals and the stover, or forage, of cereal plants as food for domestic animals which, In turn, supply a civilized community with beasts of burden, motive* force, and meats as food. As the nations have advanced in culture, their dependence upon corn plants has increased until new Ave must look to corn plants, principally, for our daily bread. Cereals or corn plants are thus held in high favor by all civilized people; first on account of their abundant yield according to the care given them, and second, on account of the form in which they store the nutriment, making it convenient to harvest and preserve the parts used as food. The study of proper methods of cultivation, seed selection, and propagation of these plants has become one of the most important subjects that occupy the attention of our people. In the study of scientific and practical agriculture, we have a field so wide, so important, and so interesting, that it is not only a fas- cinating study but one which yields most profitable returns. Frederick LeRoy Sargent, in his book called "Corn Plants," in classifying the important cereals, appropriately designates them as "Maize, the Corn of the West," "Wheat, the King of Cereals," "Oats, the Grain of Hardiness," "Rye, the Grain of Poverty," "Barley, the Brewer's Grain," "Rice, the Corn of the East." These are the corn plants in which we are principally interested. ROSALIE SHERMAN Student at the Indian School, Genoa, Neb. Sioux Indians, Pineridge Agency A CORN ESSAY BY A DESCENDANT OF THE ORIGINAL CORN GROWERS OF AMERICA Rosalie Sherman is an Indian girl at the Genoa Indian School, Genoa, Nebraska. Her mother is a Rosebud, South Dakota. Sioux Indian, who was educated at the Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Indian School. Her father is half Sioux. They were married at Genoa, THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 7 where both were employed at the Indian School. Rosalie is IT years of age. This com- position was a part of her regular school work. It constituted a part of the Indian School Educational Exhibit at the close of the school year June 17, 1900. The Indians are proud of the fact that maize, or Indian corn, which has become such a prominent world product, was first raised in America by Indians. MAIZE By Rosalie Sherman, Tribe, Sioux. Rosebud Reservation, Genoa Indian School, Genoa, Nebr., May 7, 1906. Corn is a common name for Indian corn or maize. It was first grown in the New-world, and the United States. Corn is the principal crop of the United States, and needs a warmer climate than wheat does, and is therefore grown in the states, south of the wheat belt. The Navajo Indians say that they got maize from a Turkey-hen that came flying to them from the morning star, and shook an ear of corn from her feathers. The Indians of Massachusetts have a saying that a crow brought them a grain of corn in one ear and a bean in the other. Corn is an Anglo Saxon word and means any kind of grain. Corn, or maize, is the principal food supply of the people of Mexico, Central and South Amer- ica, and is an important element of diet in Southern Europe as well as in the United States. Maize is used in fattening cattle and swine for market, and is also used in the manufacture of alcohol and alcoholic liquors, starch and glucose. Corn starch is a common article of diet in the United States and is extensively exported. Three-fourths of the world's supply of Indian corn is raised in the United States. The farm value of our corn crop in 1902 was estimated at $1,017,017,349. CORN .RArSED BY DRY FARMING METHODS IN WESTERN NEBRASKA THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK MAIZE Upon a hundred thousand plains Its banners rustle in the breeze, O'er all the nation's wide domains Prom coast to coast betwixt the seas. It storms the hills and fills the vales, It marches like an army grand, The continent its presence hails, Its beauty brightens all the land. — Celia Thaxter. HISTORY Maize, or Indian corn, the term by which it is known in the Western conti- nent, is a native of America. It was not known in the Old World until after the discovery of America by Columbus. Corn, the most important of the cereal grains, belongs to the great Grass family, the most abundant and varied of all vegetable life. The Term "Maize." — When Columbus wrote letters from the West Indies to Spain, he told of a kind of bread which the natives gave him. This bread was made from a grain which the natives, or "Indians," as Columbus named them, called "mahiz." This grain has become known as maize, Indian corn, or sim- ply, as "corn." Distribution. — Columbus took some seed of this Indian corn with him on his return to Europe, but until the 19th century it was there regarded more as a curiosity than as a valuable food plant. Its use has now spread from America and Europe to Africa and Asia even into China and the East Indies. Maize, or Indian corn, to which we shall refer, generally, in this publication, as "corn," was first grown in Mexico and Central America; from there it was carried both north and south by the Indians. The familiar story of Captain John Smith's trips up the James River for the purpose of trading for Indian corn that the colonists might have food thru the long cold winter days; the saving of his life by Pocahontas, and his return to the colony to again make other trips of like nature; and the adventures of Roger Williams in his nu- merous expeditions among the Indians to secure a supply of this, then most precious grain, are reminders of the dependence of the early settlers upon In- dian corn, and how many times they would have suffered for lack of food had not the original corn raisers of America used their simple methods of raising corn and preserving it for use during the winter months. It is for this reason that, in the celebration of Thanksgiving Day, special prominence was given in earlier times, and is yet given in many localities, to corn, for use in decoration. Corn is not so widely distributed as other cereal crops. The warmer coun- tries of Europe and Argentina, Mexico and Egypt being the only places it is grown to any extent outside of the United States. The United States produces more than two-thirds of the total amount of corn raised in the world. CORN Meaning of the Word. — The word "corn" has various meanings by different people. In England corn means either wheat, barley, rye, and oats, collectively, or more specifically, wheat. In Scotland the word corn is generally restricted THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 9 to mean "oats." In America the word corn means maize, or Indian corn. In northern Europe when "a corn field" is mentioned, it is generally understood to mean a "field of rye." The Englishman, unacquainted with our maize, thinks of a "head of wheat" when we speak of an "ear of corn." The word "corn" is used in the Bible in referring to various kinds of grain. The Mosaic law provides that "if a fire break out and catch in thorns so that the stalks of corn and standing corn of the field be consumed — " and "when thou comest into the standing corn of thy neighbor, thou mayest pluck the ears with thine hand; but shall not move a sickle — ." The words of Jesus: "except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and die, it abideth also" plainly indicate the meaning of the word "corn" to be "kernel." The direction of Moses: "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn," is understood to apply to all grain plants harvested by the Israelites. We are told how Sampson in the time of the "wheat harvest" tied fire brands to the tails of three hundred foxes and "let them go into the standing corn of the Phillistines and burnt up both the shocks and also the standing corn." On the plains of Jerico, the Israelites "did eat of the old corn of the land." Jesse told his son David to take an ephah of "parched corn" and run to the camp of his brethren. Abagail "took five measures of parched corn." When David came to Mahanam, they brot him "wheat and barley flour and parched corn." When Jonathan hid from his enemies by going into a well "the woman spread a covering over the well's mouth and spread ground corn thereon." The disciples "were an hungered and began to pluck the ears of corn and eat. Ruth asked permission of her mother-in-law to go to the field and glean "ears of corn." She went to the field of Boaz who invited her to "glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves." He further invited her: "at meal time come thou hither and eat of the bread," and when she sat beside the reapers, "he reached her parched corn and she did eat — ." After dinner "she gleaned in the field until even, and beat out that she had gleaned; and it was about an ephah of barley." The story concludes with: "And she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz to glean unto the end of the barley harvest and the wheat harvest." The Psalms tell us "the valleys also are covered over with corn." In Genesis, we are told that "Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea" during the seven plenteous years in Egypt"; and in Deuteronomy, that "the fountain of Jacob shall be a land of corn and wine." Which cereal is meant in the following lines by Milton? "In one night, ere glimpse of morn His shadowy flail had thrashed the corn." And what grain is meant by the words of Jones Very? "Ere near thee rises green the bladed corn." Types of Corn. — The nearest relatives to Indian corn, such as broom corn and sugar cane, — resemble corn quite closely, except that in them, the seed is borne at the top, — not upon an ear at the side, as with corn, altho corn fre- quently bears seeds upon the tassel, — sometimes as scattered grains, often as a real ear without a husk. Few plants vary so much either in size or in the cLaiacter of the seed. There is great variation in the grain, in color, size, form and composition. There are six types of corn. Four types; dent, flint, sweet and pop corn are common in Nebraska. Sixty-one varieties of field corn are grown in this state. 10 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK Pod Corn. — Pod corn, sometimes called primitive corn, is very leafy, hence called "Cow Corn." Each kernel is enclosed in a pod, or husk, and the whole ear enclosed in husks. This type is grown only in southern countries. Pod corn is supposed to be the original form of corn. Soft Corn. — Soft corn is mealy like wheat or rye. It is grown only in south- ern countries. It is called soft corn because of the lack of firmness in the ker- nel, as found in the dent and flint corns. Pop Corn. — In the pop corns, the external covering of the kernel is so dense that when the kernel is heated, the moisture in the kernel expands into steam and the steam is held from escaping until the pressure becomes intense, when the kernel suddenly bursts with a minute explosion. Fifteen varieties of pop corn are grown in Nebraska. The best varieties that may be grown to ad- vantage are white rice, pearl, and red rice. Nebraska is a large producer of pop corn for the general trade. The principal productive area, on a large scale, is on the north and middle Loup Rivers where sometimes 100 bushels to the acre are grown. Sweet Corn. — Nebraska grows twenty varieties of sweet corn. On account of its sweetness, this type is often called "sugar" corn. A portion of the starch in sweet corn is converted into sugar, which gives a shriveled appearance to the kernel. The vitality of sweet corn is very low. It is exceedingly difficult to secure a "good stand" of sweet corn without very careful testing and sort- ing of seed. This type of corn is common in the gardens of nearly the whole of the United States. There are many factories where sweet corn is canned. In Nebraska, there are corn canning factories at Blair, South Sioux City, Fre- mont, Grand Island, St. Paul, Auburn, and Nebraska City. Nebraska is the first state in the Union in the production of sugar corn for seed purposes and produces more than all the other states combined. The two general types of field corn which are most common are the flint and dent types. Flint Type. — Flint corns are mostly grown in northern climates where the season is short. The kernel has a very hard and smooth outer surface and is oval in form. Flint corn generally matures earlier than dent corn. It is, there- fore, best adapted to only the higher latitudes in western and northwestern Nebraska. Dent Type. — Dent corn is the most common and the best type raised in this country. It gets its name from the dented or hollow crown. Dent corn pro- duces large ears and is generally preferred in the corn belt where the greatest yield is sought. It can be grown in all parts of Nebraska but does not do so well in northern and western Nebraska where the altitude is high. Ried's yel- low dent and Learning's yellow dent are the types furnished to our state con testants this year. Other common dent varieties are: Nebraska White Prize, Mammoth White Pearl, Mammoth Golden Yellow, Hogue's Yellow Dent, Riley's Favorite, Golden Eagle, Pride of the North, Boone County White, Silver Mine, Johnson's White, St. Charles' White, Bloody Butcher, Chase's White Dent, Golden Row, and Calico. Other than sugar corn, the sugar yielding varieties of corn are, — sugarcane, bearing crystallizable sugar; and common sorghum, bearing uncrystallizable sugar. The non-saccharine sorghums are: Kaffir corn of South Africa, Millet of China and India, Milo-maize, Guinea corn and Broom corn. THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 11 Kaffir Corn. — Kaffir corn is a native of South Africa. It takes its name from the African tribe known as Kaffirs. It was introduced into the U. S. 20 years ago by the United States Department of Agriculture. It was first sent to the Southern states where it did well, and the following year was distributed in the North where it has done well. It has proved to be a valuable stock food in Nebraska and its cultivation is rapidly increasing. Its drought resisting quali- ties make it especially valuable to farmers living in dry localities. There are many varieties of kaffir corn. The three principal varieties grown in this country are: — Red kaffir corn; White kaffir corn; and a variety which goes by the three names: Black-hulled White Kaffir Corn; White Kaffir Corn, and African Millet. Each of the contestants who exhibited at the 1905 Ne- braska Corn Contest was furnished a seed package of the last named variety of Kaffir corn for planting this season. Indian corn is generally regarded as the standard feed for pigs in this coun- try. In regions where there is not sufficient moisture for Indian corn, Kaffir corn is a very valuable substitute. For a period of eleven years, the average yield at the Kansas Experiment Station has been: Kaffir corn, 46 bushels; In- dian corn 34% bushels per acre. Pigs tire of kaffir corn when it is fed alone more quickly than they do of Indian corn, but do not tire of it when fed with alfalfa, soy beans, or skimmed milk. Experiments at this station also show that Kaffir corn, when combined as above mentioned, compares well in results with Indian corn in the development of the pig and in fattening him for market. A Kansas farmer is credited with saying: "Kaffir corn waits for the farmer." The seeds ripen early but the stalks and leaves remain green until frost comes. This is one reason why kaffir corn is a favorite forage crop. CORN AS A FOOD. God's gift to the New World's great need That helped to build the nation's strength, Up thru beginnings rude to lead A higher race of men at length. — Thaxter. Corn has played a very important part in the development of the New World. The methods of planting and cultivation were so simple that early settlers could grow corn in the clearings made in the forests; they could grow corn in their patches of cultivated land on the plains; and the ears of corn were easily harvested and stored for winter's use. Corn yields with little labor more than twice as much food per acre as many other kinds of grain. The value of Indian corn, to man, in furnishing a great variety of food prod- ucts for himself, and in supplying his domestic animals with food, is now so well recognized that the study of maize has become one of great interest and importance. The early American settlers learned from the natives their crude methods of raising corn and the best ways of making use of it. The early Spaniards found the native Mexicans using Indian corn by first soaking the whole kernels in hot water, adding a little lime to soften the hulls, then cleaning and crushing the grains until they were made into paste. This paste was spread in thin layers over heated stones and when cooked became the corn cakes which the Spaniards called "tortillas," which is yet a popular food in Mexico. 12 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK The Indians of southeastern United States, who generally preferred the blue variety of corn, ground the corn into a meal by the use of a stone mortar, made a thin batter by mixing it with water, and then baked it on a hard slab of iron or stone, making large thin sheets of bread which the Moqui Indians called "guagava." Other manners of cooking corn are followed by Indians of other tribes. From these various methods we have the "Ash-cake," the "Hoe-cake," and "Corn-pone," so much used and written of in the southern states. The early American pioneers adopted some of the methods of the Indians in preparing corn for food and retained the Indian names for some of the dishes thus prepared. The mixture of green corn with beans which the Indians called "msickquatash" is known now as "succotash." The Indian word for what is now our hominy was "auhuminea." Roger Williams tells of the native Indian "Nasuamp," a sort of meal, powdered, which the colonists called "samp." Benjamin Franklin tells of a custom borrowed from the Indians who parched a certain kind of corn until the grains would "burst and throw out a sort of white substance of twice its bigness." We may quite correctly guess that this must have been what is now known as pop corn. Corn Products. — Altho the chief value of corn is as food for man and do- mestic animals, it is used in the preparation of more than one hundred dif- ferent articles. First, the entire plant is used either as it comes from the field or as prepared in various ways to minimize waste. The fibers are woven into fabrics and the leaves, husks, and stalks are used in making paper. The husks are valuable in making coarser articles, for stuffing mattresses, and for pack- ing. The pith is used in making gun cotton and other high explosives, and is also used in the construction of war vessels where compressed blocks of it are placed behind the outer armor plate to absorb the water and close the aperture in case the plate is pierced by a projectile. The cobs are often ground up for feed, are used for fuel, and in the manufacture of tobacco pipes. In a few counties in Missouri a variety of corn with a very large cob is grown espe- cially to supply the trade in corn-cob pipes. Corn starch, so much used in this country, also laundry starch, is made largely from the kernels of maize. The starch from corn is also turned into sugar and used in the manufacture of candy. Whisky and alcohol are made extensively from corn. In manufacturing the various principal substances a number of "by-products" are obtained. Gluten meal and gluten feed, made from the starch of the corn kernel, are used largely as feeding stuff for farm animals. Gluten feed is the entire residue of the kernel, including the germs and hulls. Gluten meal, cream gluten, and similar material, sold under various names, do not contain the corn hulls. Gluten meal and feed are very digestible animal foods and are valuable, especially for dairy cows and for fattening cattle and hogs. Maize oil, or "corn oil," is obtained from the germ which is extracted from the kernel in the manufacture of starch and glucose. This is a light, clear, amber colored fluid, used for culinary, mechanical and lighting purposes. It is also used in the manufacture of soap and as a substitute for rubber. The leaves, tassel, and stalk of the corn plant constitute what is known as "forage," "stover," or sometimes commonly designated with other hay foods as "roughness." The stalks, after the leaves and pith have been removed, are known as "corn shives." Various kinds of breakfast foods are made from corn. Glucose or corn sirup is a common product, and the many forms of cracked and crushed corn, as THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 13 hominy and the different varieties of meals, are well known. The finest white corn flour is made by grinding the grain after the germ and some of the outer envelope have been removed from the kernel. Altho often stated to the oppo- site, there is no marked difference in the feeding value of white and yellow corn, or of dent corn and flint corn. Corn is the most general feed for pigs in the United States. A bushel, when fed alone, will produce, on an average, eleven pounds of pork. Corn ranks high in comparison with other cereal grains as a food for man. Corn meal, made into corn bread, mush, and other foods, is one of our most wholesome and nu- tritious foods. Green sweet corn, either fresh, canned, evaporated, or dried, is a favorite food. Our best canned corn is grown in New York and Maine, altho Illinois, Nebraska, and Kansas can large quantities. It is expected that the new law, which removed the tax from "denatured" alcohol, will result in an increased consumption for three Nebraska products. These products are corn, potatoes, and sugar beets; the three farm products which can be used with greatest profit in producing denatured alcohol. One writer estimates that an acre of corn — 50 bushels — will furnish 130 gallons of absolute alcohol; tbat the corn stalks, which contain large quantities of sugar and starch, if harvested before they dry out, will produce 100 gallons of commercial alcohol per acre. Dr. Wiley states that the fermentable material in the corn stalk can be re- moved by the presses now used to extract the juice of sugar cane. He also states that twenty times more power can be obtained by burning the alcohol which exists in corn than in burning the corn itself. It is estimated that the by-products of corn after the industrial alcohol has been extracted, would pay the cost of distillation. At the time of this writing, September 20, some Eastern capitalists are considering the erection of a de- natured alcohol plant at Lincoln at a cost of $350,000. STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION. 1. The corn kernel is made up of tbe following parts: The germ, located in the depression of the upper side of the kernel containing the young plant or embryo, the central loose white floury starch surrounding the germ and ex- tending to the crown in dent varieties, the hard horny starch on the lower side and along the edges and the hull or covering of the entire grain. 2. Corn contains the following substances in about the given amounts when analyzed chemically: Grain Stover Water 10. 40. Protein 10.5 4. Nitrogen Free Extract (Starch) 70. 32. Crude Fiber 2. 20. Ether Extract (Fats) 5. 1. Ash 1.5 3. 3. Stalks vary from two to twenty feet in height. 4. Cobs vary from one to eighteen inches in length and may have from six to forty rows of kernels. 5. The stalk is solid with a pithy fibrous interior and a hard casing outside. THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 15 6. The female part of the flower grows on the side of the stalk (the ear) while the male part grows on top (the tassel). 7. The ovaries or grains grow in pairs so there is always an even number of rows on the cob. 8. Each kernel must be fertilized in order to produce a grain. 9. The pollen is carried from the tassel to the silks which protrude from the outer end of the ear. 10. There is a silk for each kernel. 11. The pollen finds lodgment at the end of the silk and grows down the hollow tube of the silk until it reaches the rudimentary kernel before fertiliza- tion takes place. 12. Silks do not all come out at the same time, hence it takes several days for corn to become completely fertilized. SEED CORN Selection. — The judicious selection of seed increases the yield of corn per acre by increasing the amount of corn on the ear. A cylindrical ear bears more corn than a tapering ear. A tapering ear may decrease the corn on the ear from five to ten per cent. A rough ear with deep kernels produces the great- est yield of corn. A smooth kernel is usually shallow. A deep rough kernel goes with late maturity, therefore cannot be used in a region having a short growing season. A tapering tip with shallow kernels is a sign of degeneration. The shank should be smooth but large enough that there will be no danger of the ear blowing off. The shape of the kernels should be such that they fit snugly from tip to crown. Square, round, or too pointed kernels cannot be fitted on round cobs. It is impossible to make a machine drop the same num- ber of kernels per hill unless the grains are uniform in size. In order to secure nearly uniform kernels for planting it is necessary to either screen the corn or sort the ears according to size of kernels. Corn must be acclimated before it can give its maximum yield. Well bred corn from a distance may not yield well at first, but pure bred seed corn, if of the right type, will prove better in the end than scrub corn. It is important to get the type or variety of corn adapted to the soil and climate. No one variety of corn is best suited to all parts of the state. There is no need of a variety of corn "running out." "Running out" is due to careless seed selec- tion, deteriorating soil, or poor cultivation. Remember that the largest ear is not always the best seed ear. Select seed in the fall before freezing weather. Seed corn suffers great damage by being frozen while containing considerable moisture — as it usually does when first taken from the field. Keep seed corn in a dry, well ventilated room where it can be well dried before freezing. Other things being equal, home-grown seed is to be preferred to that grown in another locality and under different environment. The best plan is to have a special seed corn field which has been planted with selected ears and select the best ears from this field. Another plan, but not so good, is to go through the field before the general harvest and select ears from good healthy stalks, bearing in mind the stand- ard of the variety you are growing.- Select ears of good average size in length and diameter, sound and vigorous and well filled at butt and tip. Stalk, medium size. Kernels should be close and even. Cob should be firm and rigid. rt uin THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 17 All good seed should be tested as to vitality before planting. It should test at least 95 per cent and germinate strongly. See score card and rules for judging corn. TESTING CORN FOR VITALITY Standard for Germination 90-95 per cent. Sampling. — The importance of making germination tests of corn cannot be emphasized too strongly, since seed corn will often have a fair outward appear- ance and yet germinate poorly. When the germinating power of corn is very low, and reliable seed is hard to select, it is often desirable to make germination tests of each ear separately. To do this, first number the ears by slipping a piece of cardboard containing the number between two rows. Then remove one grain from the butt, middle and tip of each ear. Then taking your germinator, as described below, mark off the blotting paper in the bottom into inch squares, numbering each. Now put the grains from each ear in their respective square, and allow to germi- nate. In this way several hundred ears may be tested at once. For testing a large lot of corn in the ear, select 100 ears at random and take one grain from each of these about two inches from the butt. More corn seems to germinate poorly near the butt than at any other point. Place seed in germ- inator. Germination should begin in about two days and be complete in six. For best results keep temperature as near 80° to 90° F. as possible, and never let it fall below 60° F. A YORK COUNTY CONTESTANT WHO GOT STAND" TOO GOOD A 18 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK HOME MADE GERMINATOR One of the simplest and most practical germinators can be made by taking two common dinner plates, and placing in the bottom one, two or three lay- ers of filter paper, blotting paper or other absorbent and thoroly wetting it. Place the seeds to be tested on top of this. If the seeds are as large as corn or wheat you may cover them with blotting paper or a cloth, tho this is not necessary. Small seeds, such as clover or grass, do better if not covered. Now invert the second plate over the first, being careful that the edges touch evenly. This makes a moist chamber, and gives the most favorable conditions for germination. Similar moist chambers may be fixed up by using any shallow bucket or pan having a cover, or tin or wooden boxes may be used such as tobacco and cigar boxes, all of which, when used properly, will give satisfactory results. THICKNESS OF PLANTING CORN In 1903, and again in 1904, experiments were made at the Nebraska Expend ment Station farm to determine the effect of different rates of planting corn upon the yield of grain, size of ear, quality of the grain, number of barren stalks and suckers, and upon the yield of stover. The hills were placed forty- four inches apart each way. The following table shows the average results for two years: No. stalks Yield Average weight Good No. of ears No. o suckers per nill per acre of ears ears per 100 plants per 100 plants Bushels Ounces Per cent 1 55 10.7 64 174 198 2 68 10.5 68 119 76 3 78 9.2 55 98 25 4 78 8. 42 82 8 In plantings made in 1903, the best yield came from the planting of four stalks to the hill, while in 1904 three stalks to the hill produced the most grain. The average for the two years for the plats containing three stalks to the hill and for the plats containing the four are the same, owing to the fact that the first year, being wet and a good corn season, favored the heavy planting, and 1904, being dry, favored the lighter. The rate of planting that gives the best yield will vary according to soil and season. In Nebraska the rate of planting should be heaviest in the east, not less than three kernels per hill. The rate should gradually decrease westward, two grains per hill probably being sufficient for the best average results on the western edge of the corn belt. A few other results noted are: One stalk per hill produced the largest ears but the least number of bushels and produced a greater number of ears per 100 plants, also a greater number of suckers and had the least number of barren stalks; four stalks and three stalks per hill, respectively, produced the larger ears, the larger percentage of good ears, a greater number of bearing stalks and also an increased number of suckers over the four stalks per hill planting. THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 19 DEPTH OF PLANTING The Nebraska Experiment Station carried on experiments in 1904 relative to depth of planting. Corn was planted at depths of 1, 2, 3, and 4 inches. That planted at a depth of one and two inches came up readily, and gave a good stand, while only a small per cent of that planted four inches deep came up. The weather was quite cold and wet just after this planting, which doubtless caused a large per cent of the deep planted corn to rot. Whatever be the depth of planting, the main root system which develops at the base of the plant, branches out about three-fourths of an inch below the surface. This is the normal depth under average conditions, but planting should be deeper to se- cure moisture for the seed. Mr. Lyon concludes: "There is no object in planting corn at a greater depth than enough to insure germination; in fact, it is a positive detriment to plant deeper. Listing permits the roots to be deeply covered with soil, although the seed when dropped is not too deep." RELATION OF SIZE OF EAR TO YIELD In order to get the relation between the average size of ear and the yield per acre of the varieties of corn tested at the Nebraska Experiment Station farm, one hundred ears of each variety, taken as they came in the row, were weighed and measured. The interesting fact developed that the heaviest yield- ing varieties are of medium size. The average weight per ear of the five highest yielding varieties was .705 pounds. The most desirable size of ear varies according to locality, season, soil, climate and elevation. The best type of corn for western and central Nebraska should be a smaller ear type than for the eastern part of the state. TILLERS, OR "SUCKERS" Botanically, a tiller is simply a side branch arising from one of the lower nodes or joints of the corn plant. The early progenitor of corn was undoubt- edly a much branched plant with many ears. But through proper seed selec- tion and cultivation, the number of tillers has been gradually reduced. The development of the tiller varies according to the variety of corn, the rate of planting, fertility of the soil, relative moisture, climatic conditions and manner of cultivation. Listed corn usually develops fewer tillers. The young tillers are first attached to the main plant and draw their sub- sistence from it (hence the name "sucker"), but they soon develop their own roots and finally become independent plants, sometimes becoming entirely separated from the main plant. Experiments at the Nebraska State Experi- ment Station have shown that if the tillers are removed when the plants are from 20 to 25 inches high no more will develop. Value of Tillers. — Tillers thicken a deficient stand of corn and when well de- veloped produce ears. Experiments made in 1903 and 1904 at the Nebraska Experiment Station showed an average loss of 17 bushels per acre in the field where tillers were removed. These were years of plentiful rainfall. As many tillers start on corn planted thick, as on corn planted thin, but in thick planted corn they make only feeble growth and usually die and dry up later in the season. Mr. Lyon concludes that tillers "serve a purpose whenever the stand is thinner than the soil or season will support. In regions of sufficient rainfall it would not seem advisable to remove the tillers in the THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 21 CORN BILL-BUGS AND THE CORN ROOT-LOUSE Corn bill-bugs and the corn root-louse have long been recognized as serious enemies of corn. Mr. S. A. Forbes, Illinois State Entymologist, found that in timothy fields badly infested with corn bill-bugs 50 to 75 per cent of the timothy bulbs were injured to some extent. He found that at least 33 per cent of hills of corn infested by these insects failed to form ears or filled out very imper- fectly. A test of the value of fall plowing in controlling these insects showed that the injury from the corn bill-bugs is due almost entirely to planting after timothy and spring plowing. The corn root-aphis is an insect which, like many other aphids, is cared for by certain special ants. The ants construct their nests in the soil and care for these insects the year round. In one experiment for exterminating them it was found that where the soil was disked three times and harrowed once the number of ants and aphids was reduced by 92 per cent. In one instance the insects were reduced 89 per cent by single treatment of the soil with the disk and harrow. It will be noted that the treatment most effective for the root- aphis in spring is in a great measure that which will be found most useful as a thorough preparation of the soil for corn. This method will not entirely eradicate the corn root-louse, but will reduce the numbers to such an extent that they will be of little injury to the crop. WIND IN THE CORN I love to lie in the prairie-grass As the sun's noon heat is born, And list to the lisp of the lashing leaves, As the wind blows through the corn. For the sound of the wind is soft and sweet As the sigh of a child in sleep; As soothing and calm as the drifting dark That falls from the bluey deep. It does not moan as it does in the pines, Nor wail as it does on the sea, But sings a song, faint, far, and low — A marvelous melody. — Will Reed Dunroy in "Tumble Weeds." SOME CORN STATISTICS Since corn is Nebraska's greatest and also favorite crop; exceeds in amount the sum of all other grain crops of the United States, and is produced in greater amount than any other product of the Western hemisphere; some facts relative to its production are of interest to us. Statistics are generally considered "dry" reading matter; but specific facts relative to matters in which we are much interested, when properly compared, become valuable information which appeals to us because of its relation to our environment. Hon. James Wilson in his report of 1905, the 9th annual report as the Secre- tary of Agriculture, says that corn, in 1905, reached its highest production, 2,708,000,000 bushels being raised in the United States in the year 1905. This 's 42,000,000 bushels more than raised in the year 1899, the next lower record. 22 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK The total value of last year's crop is estimated at $1,216,000,000. Mr. Wilson adds, "No other crop is worth more than one-half as much." The statistics herein given for cereals, unless otherwise stated, are taken from the Year Book of the Department of Agriculture, 1905. Production. — Only "round" numbers are given except in a few cases. Total world production of corn, 1904, 3,105,000,000 bushels. Of this North America produced 2,578,000,000 bushels, of which the United States produced 2,467,- 000,000 bushels. Last year (1905) the United States produced 2,708,000,000 bushels, of which Nebraska produced nearly 263,000,000 bushels. This gives us proper reason for declaring that the United States is the "Corn Field of the World." Last year corn was raised on 93,000,000 acres in the United States. In Ne- braska 8,000,000 acres were planted to corn. (The Nebraska report shows 6,472,487 acres. The state report for 1906 gives 6,840,905 acres planted to corn). The United States report gives the following rank of states in the number of acres planted to corn in the year 1905: Illinois, 9,607,000; Iowa, 8,767,000; Ne- braska, 8,035,000; Kansas, 6,977,000; Texas, 6,532,000; Missouri, 6,000,000; In- diana, 4,600,000; Georgia, 4,000,000; Kentucky, 3,195,000; Tennessee, 3,138,000. Wyoming is lowest with 2,107 acres. The Nebraska state report for 1906 shows that Lancaster county, with 243,- 000 acres planted to corn, stands first. Custer county is second, with 232,000 acres. Knox county is third with 224,000 acres. Gage is fourth with over 188,- 000. Buffalo is fifth with 181,000. Then follow Saunders with 180,000; Otoe, 143,000; Platte, 136,000; Dawson, nearly 132,000; and Harlan county is tenth with nearly 130,000 acres. Only one county, McPherson, reports no acreage planted to corn. Grant county has 42 acres, the lowest number. Kimball county, the second lowest, has 828 acres. Thomas county is third with 1,925 acres. Total Yields. — In the amount of production, in 1905, the rank of the ten lead- ing states differ somewhat from that in acreage. It is as follows: Illinois, 383,000,000 bushels; Iowa, 305,000,000; Nebraska, 263,000,000; Missouri, 202,000,000; Kansas, 193,000,000; Indiana, 187,000,000; Texas, 139,000,000; Ohio, 112,000,000; Kentucky, 95,000,000; Tennessee, 77,000,000; Wyoming raised only 56,678 bushels; Georgia, which ranks eighth in the number of acres, produced only 47,000,000. This offers us a suggestion as to the relative results in corn raising as affected by climate, soil, and cultivation. Yield Per Acre. — The average yield per acre of corn raised in the United States in 1905 was 28.8 bushels. The highest yields per acre, by states, are as follows: Connecticut, 42.7 bushels; Indiana, 40.7; and Ohio, 37.8. The lowest yield per acre is in Florida, where the average yield was 10.1 bushels. South Carolina was next lowest with 10.9 bushels per acre; Georgia next, with 11 bushels per acre. The average in Nebraska for 1905 was 32.8 bushels per acre (State Record, 37.65 bushels per acre). Our immediate neighboring states have the following average: Iowa, 34.8; Kansas, 27.7; South Dakota, 31.8; Colorado, 23.8; and Wyoming, 26.9. The entire corn crop of the world for the year 1904 was nearly three billion bushels. Last year the United States alone produced nearly 2,708,000,000 bush- els. Of this 70 per cent was contributed by eight states in the following order: Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Indiana, Texas, and Ohio. The average yield per acre in the United States last year was 28.8 bushels. In the eight states above mentioned the average was 33.6 bushels per acre. The THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 23 largest yield of corn on record is 237 bushels per acre. This was grown in South Carolina. Value Per Acre. — The average value per acre of corn in the United States, based upon farm value, December 1, 1905, was $11.88 per acre. The highest values per acre by states are as follows: Connecticut, $30.32; Massachusetts, $26.25; New Hampshire, $25.53. These values continue to decrease in the dif- ferent states to $6.67 per acre in Florida. Georgia has the second lowest value, $7.70 per acre. The average value per acre in Nebraska was $10.50. Our neighbors ranked as follows: Kansas, $9.14; South Dakota, $9.86; Colorado, $11.19; Iowa, $11.83; Wyoming, $20.17. Farm Price Per Bushel. — The average farm price of corn per bushel in the United States, December 1, 1905, was $.288. The highest average prices at this time in the different states were as follows: Arizona, 97c; California, 76c; "Wyoming, 75c; South Carolina, 74c; Rhode Island, 71c; Georgia, 70c. The lowest value per bushel was in South Dakota, where it was 31c per bushel. In Nebraska the value was 32c per bushel, the same as in Oklahoma; in Kansas, 33c; Iowa, 34c; Missouri, 37c; Colorado, 47c. A comparison of these values per bushel will make a profitable study in commercial and indus- trial geography and in agriculture. Nebraska is the third state in the Union in the number of acres planted to corn and in the number of bushels produced, but the average price per bushel is lower in only one other state, South Dakota. The quality of Nebraska corn is good. Why this low price? Is it over-production, transportation facilities, distance from market, lack of local consumption as compared with other states, or — what? CULTIVATION FOR CORN The climate and the soils of Nebraska are so varied that proper specific in- structions as to methods of cultivation cannot here be given. A few general suggestions only are offered. The Nebraska corn grower should study well the soil and climate of his locality and then govern his selection of seed and his method of cultivation accordingly. The essential points to be observed in growing corn are good seed and good tillage. Conservation of Moisture. — To prevent undue loss of water by evaporation is one of the important objects of tillage in Nebraska. Movement of Soil Water. — Soil water has two principal movements: perco- lation, the soaking downward of water after rains; and capillary, the slow up- ward movement of water between rains, to supply that lost by evaporation or that taken up by growing plants. A loose open structure favors percolation, as it permits the water to run into the soil more readily. A close compact structure favors the upward capillary movement. What is desired, then, is a loose surface to catch and allow rain to soak in, and a compact sub-surface, so that there will be a strong upward movement to supply the roots of growing plants. The loose mulch will prevent water loss from the surface. Plowing. — Early summer plowing breaks up the compact surface and puts a loose surface layer at the top, which breaks the capillary upward movement of the soil water and thus checks evaporation. The loose plowed soil catches the rain better than a compact surface and thus gets more of the rainfall. The trash turned under also has a much better chance to rot and help render avail- able fertility. 24 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK Fall plowing is sometimes an advantage. It prevents further evaporation of soil water and makes a roughened surface to catch winter snows and rains. But summer or fall plowing is not advised on soils liable to blow and drift, or on soils that become very loose during the winter, when fall plowed. Early spring plowing is one of the most effective ways of preventing evap- oration. Early plowing may be done deep as there will be no clods or lumps formed to bother and make the formation of a good seed bed difficult. Then there will be plenty of time for the sub-surface to become settled and compact. The later the plowing the shallower it should be as the time left to get the sub-surface compacted is very short. Cultivation. — Cultivation should be frequent enough to keep the soil mulch from compacting and becoming wet from the lower soil water brought upward by capillary movement. Cultivation should always follow a rain as soon thereafter as the ground is workable, to prevent the formation of a crust. Water moves more rapidly through a moist than through a dry soil. Consequently a rain, if not followed by cultivation, may actually cause a soil to lose water. The depth and frequency of cultivation should vary with the season. The deepest cultivation should be done at first because there are few roots to injure at this time and aeration is more needed. Evaporation is also less early in the season. Cultivation should become shallower and less frequent as the season progresses. It is desirable for the plant to develop as many of the surface feeding roots as possible. JUDGING CORN The productiveness of corn can be greatly increased by the selection of ears having certain desirable qualities for seed. The well known varieties of corn have been developed by years of careful selection of seed ears. The principle involved is that an ear of corn when planted reproduces more or less closely its own characteristics in the ' resulting ears. By selecting for seed, ears of uniform size, deep kernels and other desirable characters, we largely avoid the production of nubbins, shallow kernels and other objectionable points, and thus increase the yield. SCORE CARD FOR CORN. Variety name VALUE STUDENT'S SCORE CORRECTED SCORE 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 15 Shape of kernels Space between kernels Proportion of corn on ear . . Weight of grain Student's name. THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK ?S RULES FOR JUDGING EXHIBITS OF CORN Uniformity of Exhibit. — The ears in an exhibit should be similar in size, shape, color and indentation. In other words, each ear should look as much as possible like every other ear. In considering this point the judge is not called upon to decide as to the desirability of the characters possessed by the different ears, but solely as to their similarity. The judge places the ten ears side by side on a table or bench with the butts toward him. He then, by removing one ear and replacing it by another, sorts over the exhibit until he has the similar ears lying side by side. If there are six similar ears of one type and four of another, he credits the exhibit with six similar ears, even should these not be so desirable as those of the other type. For each ear deficient in these respects, cut the exhibit one point. Shape of Ears. — Leaving the exhibit arranged as before, count the number of ears that are cylindrical or nearly so. Cut the exhibit one point for each ear deviating from this requirement. MAP SHOWING SEC- TIONS INTO WHICH THESTATE IS DIVIDED FOR MAKING VARIETY TESTS OF CORN. Reid's Yellow Dent seed corn was furnished to contestants in districts 1, 2, 3 and 4, Learning's Yellow Dent, to contestants in districts 5 and 6. Color of Cob. — The cobs should be uniformly red or uniformly white. For each white cob in an exhibit in which the red predominate, cut the exhibit one- half point. Do the same for each red cob in an exhibit of white cobs. Color of Kernels. — A yellow kernel on a white ear or a white kernel on a yellow ear shows that the corn has been fertilized by pollen from corn of an- other color. In other words, it shows that the variety is not strictly pure. For each white crowned kernel in a yellow or red variety, cut the exhibit one-tenth point. For each yellow kernel in a white variety, give the same cut. Market Condition. — The corn should be well matured, firm and sound. For each ear deficient in these respects, cut the exhibit one point. Tips of Ears. — The tips of the ears should be covered with regular, uniform kernels. Add together the lengths of protruding cobs on all ears of the exhibit, and cut at the rate of one-half point for each inch. Butts of Ears.— As the ideal ear is cylindrical in shape, the butt should be uniform in diameter with the rest of the ear. It should be well rounded and symmetrical. The rows of kernels should be even and swell out evenly beyond bi "S 3 rt a O c S-. Ih . Si u c 2 1> rt >+-i u o -5 T3 t- 3J ■— 3 bfl en u u bfl In 03 C o £ tablespoons butter Vi teaspoon grated nutmeg 3 eggs li/o teaspoons salt 1 cup milk zy 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder Cream the butter and add one-half sugar. Beat eggs until light, add remain- ing sugar and combine mixtures. Add flour, mixed and sifted with baking pow- der, salt and spices; then enough more flour to make dough stiff enough to roll. Toss one-third of mixture on floured board ,knead, slightly pat and roll out to one-fourth thickness. Shape with a doughnut cutter, fry in deep fat, take up on a skewer and drain on brown paper. Add trimmings to one-half remaining mixture, roll, shape and fry as before. Repeat. Doughnuts should come quickly to top of fat, brown on one side, then be turned to brown on the other; avoid turning more than once. The fat must be kept at a uniform tem- perature. If too cold, doughnuts will absorb fat; if too hot will brown before sufficiently risen. Fat should be of such a temperature that it will change a cube of soft bread to a golden brown color in 40 seconds. Recipes for Ginger cookies, cookies with eggs, and doughnuts are adapted from the Boston Cooking School Cook Book by Miss Fannie M. Farmer. RECIPES FROM SUCCESSFUL CONTESTANTS, 1905 Corn-cob Sirup One-half dozen red corn-cobs; add two quarts of hot water and boil three hours. Strain thru cloth; add two cups of sugar and boil until it becomes a thick sirup. Annabelle Turnbull. Pawnee County. 62 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK Corn Starch Pudding One quart sweet milk; sweeten to taste. Put on stove and allow to come to a boil, then stir in one-half cup corn starch, one teaspoon vanilla and a few drops of fruit coloring; top off with whipped cream. Allow to cool thoroly before putting on cream. Lizzie Burnham. Lancaster County. Corn Salad I took twelve ears of sweet corn, not too hard, cut it from the cob and run it thru a food grinder. I then took a small head of cabbage, run it thru the food grinder and mixed the corn and cabbage together. I then added two quarts of vinegar, one-fourth pound of mustard, one teaspoonful of salt, two tablespoons- ful of sugar with the above mixture, and cooked twenty minutes. Grace Heiderstadt, Fillmore County. The Eighth Grade at the Bancroft school, Lincoln , served a dinner "all cooked by ourselves" CANNING OF FRUIT Rosa Bouton Killing the Bacteria. — The decay of fruit is due to microscopic organisms called bacteria, which are always present on fresh fruit. Canned fruit will not keep unless these bacteria are killed and the admission of others prevented. This result may be secured by two processes. Method I. The fruit is cooked before putting it into the cans, thereby killing the tiny organisms present, and then closing the cans air tight so that no more may enter. Method II. This differs from the first in that the fruit is cooked after it is put in the cans before they are tightly closed. Methods Compared. — So far as the preservation of the fruit is concerned the methods are equally good, provided the same amount of care is used in each. The first method is quicker if small amounts of fruit are to be put up. The second method breaks the fruit less. THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 63 In cooking the fruit by the second method the glass cans must not be placed on the bottom of the kettle or boiler in which they are to be cooked as such treatment is likely to result in cracked cans. Some material which will allow the water to pass freely under the cans must be placed on the bottom of the boiler. Sometimes cloth is used for this purpose. If much canning is to be done by the second method it is better to have made a perforated support of metal or wood, which will fit in the bottom of the vessel, be it boiler or kettle, in which the boiling is to be done. On this support the cans may be placed, care being taken that they do not touch each other. Partitions an inch high may be made on the upper surface of the support in which the cans may be placed. If it is not convenient to make these partitions the cans may be kept from touching each other by means of cloth or thin pieces of wood. The cans filled with fruit and loosely covered are placed on the sup- port and surrounded with water two-thirds of the way to the top of the can. The vessel is then covered and tne water brought to "the boiling point and boiled for an hour or more according to the nature of the fruit. Preparation of Cans. — Care should be taken to use covers which fit the cans tightly. Always use new rubbers as rubber becomes porous when kept a long time. Wash thoroly the cans and covers. Sterilize them, that is, kill all the bacteria on them by placing them in a pan of cold or warm — not hot — water, and gradually bringing the water to the boiling point. In this water allow them to remain until ready to fill with fruit. Preparation of Fruit. — Berries should be carefully looked over and washed. The washing may be easily done by placing them in a colander in a pan of water or by putting the colander containing them under running water. Cher- ries may be canned with or without the pits. Plums are canned with or with- out the skins. Apples, pears and peaches are pared for canning. Tho these fruits are sometimes pickled without paring and put up in cans. Sugar Used in Canning. — The amount of sugar to be used in canning fruit varies according to the kind of fruit and the result desired. Some people can fruit without using sugar — adding it whenever the fruit is served. The flavor is, however, much better if the sugar be cooked with the fruit when it is canned. Sour fruit, like gooseberries, require a larger amount of sugar than peaches. The difference between preserves and ordinary canned fruit is that the former contains much more sugar than the latter. Large amounts of sugar hinder the growth of bacteria, hence, preserves are not always canned. Perhaps the best general rule as to the amount of sugar to be used is one cup of sugar to one quart of uncooked fruit. This amount should be increased or decreased according to the nature of the fruit and the taste of the individual. Cooking the Fruit. — If method I be used, the fruit should be measured and put into a porcelain or granite iron kettle, the proportionate amount of sugar added, and enough water put in to just cover the fruit. The whole should then be brought to the boiling point and gently cooked until the fruit is tender. Care should be taken to stir no more than is necessary to keep the fruit from burning on the bottom of the kettle, as stirring breaks the fruit. When the cooking is complete place a warm sterilized can, on which the rubber has been placed, on a damp cloth and fill with hot fruit to the brim. Screw on cover. If method II be used, fill sterilized cans with uncooked fruit. Place on sup- port in boiler of warm water. Pour over the fruit in these cans a hot syrup, the sweetness of which varies according to suggestions made above. Pill the cans nearly full, leaving a little space for the expansion of the fruit as it be- 64 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK comes hot. Put the covers of the cans on loosely, as there is danger of the cans breaking if the covers be screwed on tightly, because of lack of room for expansion due to the heating of the fruit. All fruit should be heated until it is thcroly cooked or until tender. The more difficult the fruit is to keep the longer it should be cooked. When the cooking is finished and the water no longer boils the covers may be screwed down tightly. After the Fruit Is Canned. — Take care not to set the hot can of fruit on a cold surface, as there is danger of breaking the can. Turn the cans upside down and leave in that position over night. If no juice comes out they are air tight. Tighten the covers, label, and put in a cool place. Write to Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, for free bulletin No. 203, "Canned Fruits, Preserves, and Jellies"; No. 94, "The Vegetable Garden"; No. 154, "The Home Fruit Garden"; No. 256, "Preparation of Vegetables for the Table"; No. 255, "The Home Vegetable Garden"; and to the Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Lincoln, Nebraska, for free bulletin No. 80, "Garden Veg- etables." WORK APRON OR SEWING APRON Nellie Lynch, Columbus, Nebr. Take three-fourths yards of gingham 27 inches wide and turn it up at the bottom 6 inches. This makes a large pocket at bottom of apron, which we di- vide into four parts which makes four pockets at bottom of apron. Use check gingham and sew with the plain cross stitch, filling each check. FANCY APRON Nellie Lynch Fancy or white aprons are made by using three-fourths yards of India mus- lin. Cut out a round apron 15 inches long. Around the edge sew a ruffle made from four widths of the muslin hemmed by hand stitching. Finish where ruffle sews to apron with a felled seam or overseam. Edge ruffle with lace and put on belt, using button hole and button for fastening, in order to show hand work better; make fancy pocket for apron. FANCY WORK APRON Lily A. Wilkinson, Kimball Note : This apron is very attractive in appearance. The author of these directions, Miss Lily Wilkinson, when first seen by the manager, at her home, was wearing one of these aprons made by herself. He asked her to write out directions for making the apron, that thru the "Corn Book" other girls might learn to make the same kind of an apron. A distinctive feature of this apron is the side extension of the pocket. The inner side of the top piece of the pocket is extended to the waistband. The outer side of the top of the pocket, extending about half way across the top of the pocket, is the same depth as the ordinary pocket. The long inner side of the pocket reaches to the waistband. It gives the top piece of the pocket somewhat the appearance of a long pipe. Directions Three widths, any desired length, are used in the skirt of this apron. Front width is gored slightly on both sides, side widths on one side. After hemming gored sides of side widths sew selvedge to front width. After facing outside edge of pocket with bias strip, or hemming, turn under about a quarter of an inch of remaining edge (except end of long strip which is to be fastened into the waist band). Place long inside edge of pocket over right seam of skirt, then baste and sew edge in place. A pocket may be placed on left side if desired. THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 65 Make flounce of five straight widths seven inches wide. Make a lV^-inch hem on bottom and gather at top. Sew gathered edge to bottom of skirt and face under with strips of goods two inches wide, cut same way in goods as flounce. Gather top of skirt ready to put in band. For band cut two strips, waist measure, about two inches wide — same way in goods as flounce. Turn under about 14-inch on edges of each strip. Place edge of one strip over gathered top of skirt on right side and one on the wrong side. Baste and sew in place. Leave top edges open until bib is inserted. Hem bib on both sides; gather top and bottom. Yoke of bib and straps are made in one. The facing is cut the same as the outside. Turn under about %-inch on edges of yoke and straps; lay the two — the outside side and facing — together ("wrong side to") and baste and sew, first placing the lower edge of the yoke over the upper gathered edge of the bib. After the yoke and straps are securely stitched around, insert lower gath- ered edge of the bib into open waistband, being careful to place the center of the bib on the center of the band. Baste the band and facing together and sew. Work button holes in ends of straps and one side of waistband. Sew on buttons. In cutting out the apron always place center of the front width of skirt, the center of bib, and center of the yoke on the lengthwise fold. Straps should cross in back. THE 1906 CORN CONTEST AND CONVENTION The Second Annual Nebraska Corn Contest and Convention of the Nebraska Boys' Agricultural Association and the Nebraska Girls' Domestic Science As- sociation will be held at Lincoln, December 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, 1906. WHO MAY ENTER Any Nebraska boy or girl under 21 years of age may enter the contests as herein specified. Members who have become 21 years of age since joining one of the associations are retained as members, but they may not compete in the contests. No entrance fee will be charged for exhibits. OFFICIAL BADGE The official badge is an enameled ear of corn in colors on a badge pin. The official badge is presented to each contestant who is present at the state meeting and to other members (not contestants) who attend the state meeting. The wearer of the official badge is admitted free to all meetings of the con- vention and privileged to view the contest exhibition. The official badge will be issued to members on registration at headquarters. HEADQUARTERS Headquarters this year will be at the Lindell hotel, 13th and M Sts. On ar- rival in the city each contestant or member should come directly to headquar- ters, register, receive the official badge, and see that his exhibit is properly placed at once. THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 67 EXHIBIT BUILDING The city of Lincoln has generously provided for our use during the entire week, the city auditorium. This building provides sufficient space for exhibit purposes with a large seating capacity in the galleries. The building is di- rectly across the street from the Lindell hotel, our headquarters. All members will be given free admittance to the exhibit. NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS Read all directions to contestants. See that your exhibit is in proper shape; that it reaches the exhibit building at the proper time; and that the proper entry is made. Special directions to contestants are given under each depart- ment. Read carefully "Directions to Contestants." STATE OFFICERS State Manager, E. C. Bishop, Lincoln Nebraska Boys' Nebraska Girls' Agricultural Association. Domestic Science Association. Pres., Jas. Loomis, Ord. Pres., Margaret Whitley, Normal. V. Pres., Lester Moore, Seward. V. Pres., Grace Aldrich, Ord. Sec, Hugh Garrett, Geneva. Sec, Eva Bolton, Geneva. Treas., Patrick Hickey, West Point. Treas., Hattie Thompson, Clay Center. Executive Committees: The officers of the two associations comprise the respective executive committees. Advisory Council. The advisory council is composed of the officers of the various county organizations. MEMBERSHIP Active. Any Nebraska boy or girl of school age may become a member. Honorary Member. Any teacher or other person whose interest and activity makes his services valuable to the organizations may become an honorary member. Club Membership. Any county or school boys' or girls' club may become an active club member by complying with the regulations of the state associations. County Manager. The county superintendent, or a person appointed by him, is ex-officio manager of the county club. School Improvement Clubs. The teacher or some person appointed by him is ex-officio manager of the School Improvement Club. Membership Dues. The annual membership fee is- 10c for regular members. The payment of this membership fee entitles the member to a copy of the "Corn Book," prize list, program and other printed announcements; and on registration at the state meeting an official badge which admits the bearer to all regular meetings of the associations. This applies only to persons who be- come members before the date of the state meeting. Local Membership Fee. Any boy or girl eligible to membership who does not become a member previous to the date of the state meeting, December 11, 1906, may share the privileges of the convention and contest program on pay- ment of the local fee of 25 cents. UOFC. JAMES LOOMIS, PRESIDENT N. B. A. A. LESTER MOORE, VICE-PRESIDENT N. B. A. A. MARGARET WHITLEY, PRESIDENT N. G. D. A. GRACE ALDRICH, VICE-PRESIDENT N. G. D. A. HUGH GARRETT, SECRETARY N. B. A. A. PATRICK V. HICKEY, TREASURER N. B. A. A. EVA BOLTON, SECRETARY N. G. D. A. HATTIE E. THOMPSON, TREASURER N. G. D. A. 70 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK Honorary Membership Fee. Honorary members who attend the state con- vention and contest will be entitled to all the general privileges of the pro- gram on payment of the local honorary membership fee of 25 cents. Contestants are Members. Each contestant who last spring entered one or more of the agricultural contests, having paid the fee of 22 cents therefor, is a paidup member of the association and will be furnished free a copy of the "Corn Book," prize list, program, and such other literature as is issued to members; and on registration at the state convention and contest will be is- sued an official badge. Other Contestants. Contestants entering exhibits in either the agricultural, the domestic science, or the manual training contests become members with- out the payment of membership dues, and on registration at headquarters will receive the official badge. Prize List The prize list for the various contests will be published and sent to all regis- tered contestants before the date of the state meeting. Railway Rates. We expect to secure the usual one fare round trip railway rates on all lines in Nebraska leading to Lincoln. OUR HEADQUARTERS The Lindell, Lincoln's leading hotel, will be official headquarters. It is well fitted to entertain hundreds of corn contestants and their friends. The regular rates at this hotel are from $2.00 to $3.50 per day. For our meeting an exceed- ingly low special rate has been made of $1.50 per day. The hotel is just across the street from the City Auditorium where the exhibit and contest will be held. LOCAL EXPENSES Local expenses while in attendance at the contest and convention need not exceed that of the individual at home. Meals are served in the city from 15c, up and rooms may be secured from 25c, up. The very generous special rate of $1.50 per day granted by the Lindell hotel, "Our Headquarters," is exceedingly low for the excellent service given. The principal places of holding the dif- ferent sessions of the program are close to headquarters. All points of interest in and about Lincoln are reached by street car. Delegates Any school may be represented at the state meeting by as many delegates as desired. Each school is requested to choose and send one authorized dele- gate who will represent the district in the business meeting and who should be instructed to make report to the school on return from the state meeting. County Delegations The county superintendent in each county is authorized to organize the county delegation. Special cars will be provided from points where the dele- gations are sufficiently large. Q g< 72 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK CONVENTION PROGRAM The program this year will be a combined "School of Instruction" and enter- tainment course. The School of Instruction will include section meetings each day, in which instruction will be given in various lines of agriculture and do- mestic science by special instructors from the University of Nebraska and from abroad. The City Auditorium, Representative Hall in the Capitol Building, Memorial Hall, Agricultural Hall and other rooms at the University of Nebraska and State Farm, and St. Paul's church will be the principal places of holding meetings. Two general sessions will be held each day. For these meetings we are now arranging for some of the best talent in the country. The National Department of Agriculture will be represented by Mr. Dick J. Crosby of Washington, D. C, the government specialist in agricultural educa- tion, who, in addition to conducting classes in the School of Instruction during the convention, will give an illustrated lecture on agricultural education in connection with the public schools as conducted in the United States and other countries. Mr. Alfred Montgomery of Illinois, "The Farmer Painter of the World" and Chautauqua entertainer, will be present during the entire time of the conven- tion to instruct and entertain. Mr. Montgomery is the leader in his art. In recognition of his work and for use in a text book for the public schools of the city of Washington, D. C, Mr. Montgomery recently received $10,000 for a single painting showing a farm scene. His "Living Corn Picture," that so de- ceived Congressman Dickson, was later bought by President McKinley. The original "Bunch of Corn" picture, a cut of which appeared on the menu card at the Omaha Corn Banquet, was later searched out and bought by President Roosevelt. Mr. Montgomery will bring with him and have on exhibition in the city audi- torium, where the contest exhibits will be on display, his collection of paint- ings valued at $60,000. In his letter accepting the invitation to be at our con- vention he writes in relation to his part of the program, "When I am not talk- ing, I shall be painting." We shall see him paint. Mr. Montgomery is recog- nized as the greatest "Farm Painter" of our time. He is an artist and an en- tertainer alone worth the entire cost of coming to Lincoln to hear and see. Mr. C. S. Harrison, the "Plant Wizard" of Nebraska, who so delightfully entertained the girls' section last year, will be with us again this year, and will conduct classes in the School of Instruction in both boys' and girls' sec- tions. Negotiations are pending with other talented persons who will appear on the program. We have already engaged the services of the Peru State Normal Male Quartet, which will be with us during the entire convention, and the Uni- versity of Nebraska Mandolin and Glee Club. The University Military Band, the largest and best band organization of its kind in the state, will again fur- nish music for our convention. The program is designed to provide instruction in lines of agriculture and domestic science that will be of much value to every member attending, and in addition will give each member the benefit of the best entertainers that can be brot to our meeting. The program in full will be published before the date of the state meeting and will be sent to all members and others applying for the same. THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 73 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA MILITARY BAND This band will give a concert one evening LOCAL EXCURSIONS Trolley excursions to the many interesting points in and about Lincoln will be planned as last year. Capital Beach, Epworth Lake Park, Lincoln Park, Antelope Park, College View, Fairview, (Bryan's Home) Wyuka Cemetery, University Place, Havelock, the State Penitentiary, the Insane Asylum, Home for the Friendless, Tabitha Home, and Bethany are included in the points of interest in the suburbs of Lincoln. The Capitol Building, the State Farm, the various buildings and departments of the University of Nebraska, and Lin- coln's varied and numerous other educational institutions, visits to some of the large department stores, and the fire run exhibits by the city fire department are among the attractions that will provide profitable entertainment to supple- ment the regular program of the convention. More real education will be crowded in one short week than the study of books alone can bring in a much longer time. Mckinley chimes The McKinley chime of bells will be rung each day for the entertainment of visitors. EXCUSED ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL It is recommended that school boards grant leave of absence to teachers who accompany their pupils to this convention and that pupils be excused from school duties during the time of attendance at the convention. 74 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK THE PERU STATE NORMAL SCHOOL QUARTET Will sing each day during the convention GENERAL DIRECTIONS TO CONTESTANTS AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS A report blank and entry card will be sent to each contestant who was fur- nished seed in any of the four agricultural contests. Any such contestant who fails to receive these should notify the manager. Any Nebraska boy or girl of school age who has raised, by his own effort, corn, potatoes, or sugar-beets may enter Class C, Corn Exhibit; Class B, Potato Exhibit; or Class B, Sugar- . L rrP\ ■9, m*'f< HhBSw^" 1— - ■ ■■ '* 1 F- — Qfr™ ||| CAMPUS VIEW UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 75 beet Exhibit. See also "Discretionary Class." Report blank and entry card will be sent to any boy or girl desiring to enter any of these contests. In ap- plying for entry card and report blank give name and address plainly and state which contest or contests it is desired to enter. Photographs. — Much interest was added to our exhibit last year by the ap- pearance of photographs. Each agricultural contestant is requested, tho not required, to send a photograph of him or herself, or a photograph relating to the exhibit. This is not necessary, but we shall be glad to have photographs, large or small, of all contestants who can conveniently furnish them. A YOUNG SALINE COUNTY AGRICULTURIST DOMESTIC SCIENCE EXHIBITS Great care should be exercised in sending or bringing exhibits in cooking. Neatness and orderly arrangement has much to do with the appearance of the exhibit. The name of the contestant should be attached somewhere to the ex- hibit so that it will not easily be lost. Exhibits in sewing and house ornaments should be carefully packed so as to prevent bad results from wrinkling and other disorder in transit. The name of the article and address of the contest- ant should appear upon each article. Each exhibit of canned fruit or jelly should have the name of the exhibit and the name and address of the exhibitor securely fastened to it. MANUAL TRAINING EXHIBITS Exhibits in manual training should be carefully packed if sent to the exhibit. The name of the article and the name and address of the contestant should appear upon each article. ROBERT ENGEL, GRACE ODELL, Winner of the $100 prize in class A, Winner of first prize for corn bread, Corn Contest, 1905 1905 contest ANNABELLE TURNBULL, MILT0N H ARTWIG, Winner of the sweepstakes prize for col- Lir youngest prize winner in class B, lective exhibits, corn cooking, 1905 190 5 Corn Contest THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK 77 NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS Some exhibits were not shown or judged last year on account of reaching the exhibit building too late. Contestants who are unable to be present at the State Contest may send their exhibits by some other person who will bring them to the exhibit building and enter them, or contestants may send exhibits by mail, prepaid express or freight, directed to the State Manager, E. C. Bishop, Lincoln, Nebraska. All exhibits sent by mail, express or freight (with the exception of cooking exhibits which should not be prepared so long before the time of the exhibit) should be forwarded in time to reach Lincoln not later than December 8. All exhibits should be entered the first day of the exhibit, as the judging will be done the evening of the first day and in the morning of the second day. HOW TO ENTER EXHIBITS We desire, if possible, to have all entries recorded and entry cards made out before the date of the contest. (1) Contestants who are not provided with entry cards should ask the teach- er, county superintendent, or send to the state manager for the same. (2) Contestants who bring their exhibits to Lincoln should come directly to "headquarters," where further directions will be given them 1 . (3) Contestants who are unable to bring their exhibits to the contest should secure entry cards to accompany their exhibits and follow directions as given under "Notice to Exhibitors." CERTIFICATE AND AFFIDAVIT In entering, each contestant will be required to certify in writing that his or her exhibit is the product of his or her own effort and that all the conditions of the contest have been met. In order that all contestants may know that they are protected against com- petition with ineligible entries, before the most valuable prizes will be awarded, the winning contestants will be required to furnish affidavit from parent or guardian testifying that the exhibitor has complied with all requirements of the contest. INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE EXHIBITS Each individual exhibit in any one of the contests may comprise a part of the collective exhibit of the school or of the county. CARE OF EXHIBITS The management will exercise all possible care in receiving, placing and returning exhibits, but each exhibitor is responsible for his own exhibit. Great care should be taken in packing exhibits and in seeing that they are properly labeled so that they will reach the contest in good condition, and that proper credit will be given the exhibitor. 78 THE NEBRASKA CORN BOOK DISPOSAL OF EXHIBITS All exhibits are at the disposal of the exhibitors at the close of the contest, with the exception of a few exhibits in the agricultural and cooking contests which win the most valuable prizes. These exhibits will be auctioned to the highest bidder. Exhibitors desiring the return of their exhibits should either call in person at the close of the exhibit or delegate some person to care for their exhibits. FREE BULLETINS If you wish to receive regularly the free bulletins issued by the Department of Agriculture send your name and address to the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, and ask that your name be placed on file to receive the monthly publication giving list of available bulletins. If you desire the bul- letins from the Nebraska Experiment Station, University of Nebraska, send your address to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, requesting that your name be listed for bulletins on such subjects as you may desire. PRINTED MATTER Premium lists, entry blanks, and program of the state convention and con- test will be forwarded before the time of the state meeting to all contestants whose names and addresses are filed in the manager's office. Any other per- son desiring such supplies should send name and address to the manager. BEC 5 1906 INDEX Barley — History, "The Brewer's Grain," Varieties, Statistics 40-41 Bulletins, Free 31, 38, 47, 49, 78 Cereals, The 5 Corn — Meaning of Word, Types, Kaffir Corn, As a Food, Structure and Com- position, Seed Corn, Testing, Planting, — Thickness, Depth, Size of Ear, Tillers, Corn Bill Bugs and the Corn Root Louse, Statistics, Cultivation, Judging, Score Card, Directions to Contestants, Corn Exhibit, Classes in the Corn Exhibit, Bulletins, Our National Emblem, The Royal Corn. 8-35 Corn Contest and Convention, The 1906 — Who may enter, Official Badge, Headquarters, Exhibit Building, Notice to Exhibitors, State Officers, Membership, — Active, Honorary, Clubs, County Manager, School Im- provement Clubs, Membership Dues, Contestants are Members, Prize list, Railway Rates, Expenses, Delegates, Delegations, Excursions, Mc- Kinley Chimes, Excused Absence from School, Directions to Contest- ants, General, — Agricultural Exhibits, Domestic Science Exhibits, Man- ual Training Exhibits, Notice to Exhibitors, How to Enter, Certificate and Affidavit, Individual and Collective Exhibits, Care of Exhibits, Disposal of Exhibits, Printed Matter 65-78 Discretionary Class 56 Domestic Science — Introduction, State Contest, Cooking Exhibit, Canning Fruits and Jellies, Needle Work, Boys' Exhibit, Recipes; Baked Corn Bread, Steamed Corn Bread, Corn Bread Like Mother Used to Make, Graham Corn Bread, Kentucky Soft Corn Bread, Kentucky All-Corn Bread, Corn Meal Muffins, Corn Pone, Sponge Cake, Ginger Cookies, Sugar Cookies, Doughnuts, Corn-cob sirup, Corn Starch Pud- ding, Corn Salad 49-62 Exhibits: Collective; Individual-Collective — Corn Products, Varieties of Corn, General Agricultural, Hand-made Articles. School-Collective, — Rural, Village or Town, City, County 54-56 Exhibits: Individual; Corn 29-31, Wheat 38, Potatoes 46-47, Sugar Beets 49, Domestic Science 52-53, Manual Training 53, Discretionary 56 Fruit — Canning of, Killing the Bacteria, Methods, Preparation of Cans, Of Fruit, Sugar Used, Cooking the Fruit, After the Fruit is Canned . . 62-64 Introductory 3 Maize 6-8 Manual Training, Exhibit 53 Oats — History, Products, Statistics 39-40 Potato, The — History, Adaption, Selection of Seed, Cutting, Preparation of Ground, Planting, Cultivation, Potato Bugs, Harvesting, Storage, Vari- eties, Statistics, A Paying Industry, The Potato Exhibit, Score Card, 43-47 Rice — History, Varieties and Cultivation, Statistics 41— .3 Sewing — Sewing Apron, Fancy Apron, Work Apron 64 Sugar Beet, The — History, Production, Factories, Cultivation, Exhibit, Bul- letins 47-49 Wheat — History, Types, Macaroni or Durum Wheat, White Bread, Flours, Statistics, Wheat Exhibit, Bulletins 35-38