PR 2808 .Q2 F6 Copy 1 Julius Caesar, A TRAGEDY IN 5 ACTS, BY William Shakespeare AS PRODUCED AT BOOTH'S THEATRE, N, Y., UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF JARRETT & PALMER, NEW YORK : SAMUEL FRENCH & SON, PUBLISHERS, 122 Nassau Street. LONDON: SAMUEL, FRENCH PUBLISHER, 89 STRAND. PRICE, ^S OETX'JT^. #ni I^I=LEi3SrC!I3:'S From aptfoved designs. Representing scenes suitable for any piece. .-These are invaluable to amateur scene-painters, and also a great guide and help to a professional. PRICE, COLORED, EACH, 30 Cents. 1. Cottage, Interior 2. " Exterior 3. Wood 4. Prison. 5. Field 6. Castle 7. Street PRICE, PLAIN, EACH, 15 Cents. 8. Palace 9. Drawing-room 10. Library 11. Street, Foreign 12. Roadside Inn, with river and bridge m 1769 Dolly Good Night, Sei Haunted Mill. Highland Reel Jeauette's Wed Jessie of Dunbl Loan of a Love Lost and Foum Madame Angot Midas No Song, No S No! No. '-■ DEPARTMENT 6> STATE. '■ &. per. Alcove, Shelf, M. 3 7 4 G 1 The Vocal Music of Shakespeare's Plays. With Pianoforte Accompaniment, adapted for binding, with any modern edition of Shakespeare, in single plays. 8. Measure for Measure — $0 40 1. Thou Soft Flowing Avon (with Titles and Index of the work) .. * $0 40 6. Antony and Cleopatra... . 40 20. As You Like it 80 13. Cymbeline 40 14. Hamlet 40 17. Henry IV., Part 2 40 18. Henrv VIII 40 15. King Lear 40 9. Love's Lab&ur Lost 40 10. Macbeth 1 00 4. 16. 3. 19. 12. 21. 2. 7. 5. 11. Merchant of Venice 80 Merry Wives of Windsor 80 Midsummer Night's Dream 1 50 Much Ado About Nothing 60 Othello 40 Romeo and Juliet 40 The Tempest 1 00 Twelfth Night 60 Two Gentlemen of Verona 40 Winter's Tale 60 Complete in Cloth, Ten Dollars. FRENCH'S STANDARD DRAM/^. No. LXXXI. JULIUS CJESAR 21 Srageftj) IN FIVE ACTS BY WM. SHAKESPEARE. WITH THE STAGE BUSINESS, CAST OF CHARACTERS COSTUMES, RELATIVE POSITIONS, ETC. NEW- YORK: SAMUEL FRENCH, 121 XASS AU-STREET. •At Fa. CAST OF CHARACTERS. Theatre Royal, 1824 Astor Place, 1849. UareAntony Mr. C. Kemble Mr.G. Vandenhoff. Julius Casar " Egerton. " C.W.Clarke. Brutus " Young. " Macready. Caseins " Cooper. " Ryder. Dtcius " Abbot. M Macdonald. Soothsayer . . " Chapman. " Marshall. Oetavius Caesar " Connor " Charles. Casea " Fawcct ' W. H. Cliip p an dsfc Metellus " Coiner. PopiHus. " Norris. Titinius " Claremont. Trelonitu..* " T.P.Cooke « H. R Phillip* Cinna " Austin Lucius. " Parsloc. Mis* CarpeDter. i'indarue " Horrebow. Sernus Mr. Percy. Calphurnia Mrs. Vining. Mrs. G. Jonee. Portia. " FaueiL Miss C. Weayree. t COSTUMES. JULIUS CESAR. — Scarlet toga, buff hose, scarlet sandals. MARK ANTONY.— White toga, buff hose, and black sandals. Second Drcett — Scarlet and gold Roman uniform. OCTAVIUS CESAR.— Scarlet toga, scarlet sandals. BRUTUS, and all the Conspirators.— White toga, buff hoso, asd black """df** Second Dress — Scarlet and gold Roman uniforms. LICTORS. — Scarlet Roman costume, trimmed with orange PLEBEIANS.— Drab and brown common dresses. CALPHURNIA— White and silver. PORCIA. — White and gold, with a scarlet robe. EXITS AND ENTRANCES. R. means Right; L. Left; R. D. Right Door; L. D. Left Door; % - E. Second Entrance; U. E. Upper Entrance; M. D. Middle Door* RELATIVE POSITIONS. R. C. Right of Oeetrvi . means Right; L. Left; 0. Centre; X Left of Centre. By Transfer Dept. of State DEC 1 1935 EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION