HV 875 .12 Copy 1 > I erican Baptist Publication Society I r "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me ; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."— matt. 19 : 14. Child and God BY Rev. m. C. Eamb Author of' 1 The Mormons and Their Bible ' " Every Creature " "Success in Soul Winning" " Heredity," etc. PHILADELPHIA American Baptist Publication Society 1420 Chestnut Street ^^^^^^^^^►P <& v I2 : 22 - Threatened with punishment : Ps. 5 : 6 ; 52 : 1-6 ; 55 : 23 ; Prov. 12 : 19 ; 19 : 5, 9 ; Rev. 21 : 8, 27. Abominable : Ps. 101 : 7 ; 119 : 163 ; 120 : 2 ; Prov. 13 : 5 ; 19 : 22. Characteristic of a fool : Ps. 58:3; Prov. 10 : 18 ; 14 : 5, 25 ; Isa. 30 : 9. Comes from the devil : John 8 : 44 ; Acts 5 : 1-10. When the boy finds out that it is God himself speaking directly to him he will feel very differently about the message than when you are speaking upon your own authority or experience to him. And precisely the same process for arousing the conscience and quickening the moral sense, if in- stead of lying the bad habit in your child should be swearing or petty thieving or some other habit that is offensive to God and ruinous to the soul. But possibly there are no specially bad habits in your child to fight against and eradicate. The chief difficulty may be simply carelessness, neglect, a gay and giddy, self-seeking, pleasure-loving life, thoughtlessness as to spiritual interests, a lack of appreciation of the wonderful personal love of the Lord Jesus Christ. But this attitude of careless- ness about God's claims and the claims of our own spiritual natures is more offensive to God than THE GREAT OBJECTION 101 either of the above bad habits. To forget God is an awful crime and is so presented in the Bible. And still a greater crime is unbelief or a refusal to open the door and let Jesus come in. If Jesus is standing at the door and knocking for admittance to your child's heart and life, that child ought to know it and know it thoroughly. He ought to be made to understand how mean and selfish and de- praved a condition of heart that could allow the best and noblest and most loving friend in all the universe to come to his door and knock for admit- tance and be refused ! But let all these views of truth, this presentation of the child's needs, his great sins, and the won- derful love of God as exhibited in Christ Jesus come to him through the words of Scripture. Let it be always understood that it is God who is speak- ing, not the parent or the preacher or the Sunday- school teacher. Because God's words are so dif- ferent from our words, as already suggested, God's word proves to be. a sharp sword with two edges, it not only arouses the conscience and quickens the moral sense when backed up by the Holy Spirit, it does vastly more. It gets down into the heart and begins a new life there ; hence is called "seed," living seed (see i Peter i : 23 ; Luke 8:11, etc.). And do we readily take in the full meaning of this statement, that God's word is living seed ? If you and I were skillful we might manufacture a kernel of corn that would appear to be an exact copy of one of God's kernels. If we were very 102 THE CHILD AND GOD skillful we might make it so exact a copy that the most skillful chemist could not detect any differ- ence. But plant our production in the best possible soil and under the best possible conditions and it would not grow. Why ? Simply because there is no life germ in our kernel. God puts a life germ in every kernel he makes, such that when planted under appropriate conditions it grows and develops a new life. We cannot do that. Omnipotence and omniscience alone can put a life germ in a kernel of corn. So God's words are strangely different from our words. He seems to have put life germs in them, life germs of such character that when planted in the heart of a child under appropriate conditions they will grow there and develop a new life, the life of God in the human soul. But the devil is wary. He understands the char- acter of God's word, its irresistible and transform- ing power, and so is on the alert, and as soon as the seed is sown he catches it away if possible ; hence the help of the Holy Spirit is needed to do two things for that child : Help him to understand clearly the meaning of the message he reads ; To prevent the devil from catching it away until it has had time to make its impression and get firmly rooted as seed. Do not, therefore, content yourself with simply requiring your child to commit God's word to memory, and then leave it to the Holy Spirit to use THE GREAT OBJECTION 103 his own words as a sharp two-edged sword or as living seed. The Holy Spirit expects us to co- operate with him and work with him just as far as we possibly can. Hence it is your privilege as a parent to sit down with your child and carefully go over with him each one of these passages from God's word. Do it very earnestly and thoroughly, pray over each separate passage, pleading with the Holy Spirit in your child's presence to make the meaning of this passage very plain to him, to " show them M to him. This will impress upon the child the great sacredness and the importance of God's words and thus aid the Holy Spirit in fixing them in the memory and getting them down into the heart as living seed. The point we are anxious to emphasize is the great importance, the absolute necessity of using God's word with your child instead of your words, God's thoughts instead of your thoughts. One of the most common mistakes of Christian parents is that they talk with their children, talk very ear- nestly perhaps and plead with them very tenderly, and pray for them as earnestly and tenderly, but forget to furnish any material to work upon. It is as if a farmer should plow his ground and harrow it thoroughly and put it in the best possible condition to raise a crop, and then pray God to give him a good harvest, but forget to sow any seed ! This is what we do so often. God's word is the living seed. There is no possible genuine con- version apart from God's word. The Holy Spirit 104 THE CHILD AND GOD must have his sharp, two-edged sword if he would reach the conscience. He must have his living seed if he would begin a new life in the soul, and it is our province to furnish him that sword and to sow the seed. It is his province to get down into the conscience and make that sword cut ; to find his way into the heart and see that the seed sown is lodged there until it germinates and develops a new life. And the beauty of it is that the Holy Spirit can always be relied upon to do his part faithfully and successfully, if we do our part faithfully and thoroughly and ask his help with persevering earnestness. Permit us to urge still further that you do not delegate this important duty and privilege to some one else, to the Sunday-school teacher or even to the pastor. Of course, you will gladly accept their assistance, but in reaching your child you have im- mensely the advantage of anybody else, for your child believes in you and loves you and you love your child as no other person can, and love is irre- sistible. You can get closer to your child and be more persistent and intent than any other person can. A remarkably suggestive scene is that recorded in 2 Kings 4 : 34-36, the restoration of the dead boy to life. The prophet went alone into the room where the dead child lay, and after shutting the door and praying, " He went up and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands : and he stretched himself upon the child, and the flesh of the child waxed warm." And this process was repeated until " the child opened his THE GREAT OBJECTION 105 eyes" and life was restored. Whether a designed type or not, there is in this strange scene a beautiful suggestion of God's method of bringing dead souls to life, by having a live soul, one full of the Christ life, come into such close and per- sistent contact with a dead soul, as that the warmth and heat of the one shall become contagious, and by and by impart itself to the other. Or to express it in another way, this man whom I wish to reach and save has ears, but he does not hear God's warnings or his gracious promises, and so I put my ears into his ears' place ; I hear for him. He has eyes, but they do not see the dangers that beset him, or the glorious things that are offered him ; but I see these things clearly, and so I become eyes to him. He has a mouth, but it has never been opened in prayer to God, and so I talk to God in his behalf, as he ought to talk for himself. His heart is cold and dead, and so I put my heart in his heart's place and at- tempt to feel for him the burden of soul and the agony of interest that he ought to feel for himself. And thus I put my soul in that soul's place so closely, so persistently, that he cannot help but catch my fire and become warm from my heat. 1 And the point we make is that there is no person on earth who can do this for a child quite as effect- ively and persistently as the parent, because of the natural relations that exist between them. As you value your child's soul, therefore, do not delegate this unspeakable privilege to anybody else. If you have neglected this duty to your child alto- gether in the past you will very likely shrink from it now. A consciousness of neglect and of guilt before God will arise. And the more you think about it and pray over it the greater and darker that guilt will appear. You have loved your child 1 " Every Creature," pp. 46, 47. io6 THE CHILD AND GOD all these years and yet have committed the great crime of overlooking and persistently ignoring its highest interests. You have yourself found a friend The Adopted Girl Ahead Said a vulgar little girl, who was sneering at another, In accents that were very far from mild, 'You ain't got no father, you ain't got no mother — You ain't nothin' but a horrid 'dopted child !" " I'm quite as good as you," came the answer from the other, " I was carefully selected from a lot ! But only look at you — your father and your mother Had to keep you if they wanted to or not." — Selected in the Lord Jesus Christ, better to you, more precious, more valuable and desirable in every way than all other friends together, and yet you THE GREAT OBJECTION 10J have never introduced that dearest friend to your child. On the contrary, the adversary of souls, the devil himself, has gotten possession of your child and is gradually leading him to ruin, and the child is blindfolded and therefore quite unconscious of the situation, but you can see. You understand the situation and yet have remained silent all these months and years past. All this consciousness of personal neglect of your child's highest interests will naturally lead you to shrink from the duty and obligation now, and you will be tempted to appeal to the child's Sunday- school teacher or to the pastor or some other person to perform this service for you. But the very fact of past neglect is the reason why you may not and must not shirk. Your own attitude toward your child in the past has very likely been the main reason why God has not been able as yet to save him, and if so, then you are the main obstacle in the way of your child's salvation, and you cannot shirk with safety to the child ; besides, the richest blessing to your own soul lies right under this cross . Try it and see. CHAPTER VII SOME PRACTICAL LESSONS 1. Advantages of God's Plan (i) All other methods may or may not have re- gard to the best interests of the child. They are liable to have most prominent the interests of the other party. God's plan has the future of the child always to the front. (2) All other methods are liable to overlook God's rela- tion to the child and his inter- est in it. But this plan never. In it God is exalted and his claims recognized. (3) Applicants for a child, under control of any of these lower motives, may be unfitted to have the care of the child. A few days before last Christmas one of the largest daily papers in Phila- delphia gave quite a unique notice of the work of the New Jersey Children's Home Society by adver- tising the fact that the said society had babies to give away as "Christmas presents." The result was a great flood of applicants, good, bad, and indiffer- ent — for nearly all people love children. However, scarcely one in ten of these applicants measured 108 SOME PRACTICAL LESSONS 109 up to our requirements. We have constantly to refuse applicants who possess one very important recommendation — they love children dearly. On the other hand, we have never yet had reason to refuse an application from a person or family able to reach so high a standard as to receive a child for Christ's sake, or for the sake of the child's future. Such families will necessarily be intelligent people, people who have clear views of God's in- terest in that child, and of the child's future. They will be thoroughly consecrated people who can rise above personal and selfish interest and worldly con- siderations, and therefore can always be counted upon as first-class applicants. No second-rate family can reach so exalted a position. (4) This plan secures God's presence and aid in the training $p6 -care of the child, and therefore the best reasons .for expecting success and happy results. All other plans have no such promise or assurance, and therefore frequently are most unpleasant failures. (5) This plan therefore secures not only the best interests of the child, but the best interests of the family, its spiritual uplift, a consecrated Christian life, clearer views of God and unseen realities. At the same time, as already shown, it insures best financial returns from the child taken. (6) It insures a better child in every way. The family's treatment of the child will have more of tenderness and love, as well as more of wisdom and firmness. This will react upon the child in no THE CHILD AND GOD returned affection, in more respect and reverence. The child will become a more thoroughly reliable and helpful child, and therefore more a comfort and satisfaction to the family. (7) This plan is the only one that lays up treasure