1/5 c?7 g3 Gl E 263 . V5 G7 Copy 1 RECORDS OF ROCKINGHAM. 137 Salley, born September 27, 1798. John, born November 22, 1800. Phebe, born January 12, 1803. Volume III. has no vital records. [To be continued^ THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS. From "New York in the Revolution." These muster-rolls are recorded as " Major Brown's De- tachment," and that detachment is mentioned as in " General Arnold's Regiment." The fact that the " Green Mountain Boys" were at Quebec in 1776 ; that this detachment was also at Quebec in 1776; that two of the officers on these rolls, — Captain and Commissary Elijah Babcock and Captain Robert Cochran, — are identical in name and rank with those on a list handed to the Provincial Congress of New York by Ethan Allen and Seth Warner, on July 4, 1775, as officers for the Green Mountain Boys ; and the further fact that none of the men are recorded in any other place, or with any other organization, all confirm the belief that the soldiers on its rolls herewith were a part of that historic band. Colonel Ethan Allen, Adjutant William Satterlee, Colonel Seth Warner, Quartermaster Jonathan Capron, Major John Brown, Quartermaster Samuel McClund, Captain and Commissary Elijah Babcock, Captain Gideon Brownson, Lieutenant Palmerly Allen, Captain Robert Cochran, Lieutenant Michael Dunning, Captain Goodrich, Lieutenant James Goold, Captain Hopkins, Lieutenant Ebenezer Hyde, Captain Charles Nelson, Lieutenant William Lighthall, Lieutenant David Pixley, Lieutenant Waiter Switz, Lieutenant Elishama Tozer, Lieutenant Ebenezer Walbridge, Lieutenant Seth Wheeler, Ensign Benoni Grant, Ensign William Lighthall. THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS. J 39 Abbot, William Alden, Felix Allen, Abraham Allen, Amos Allen, Samuel Ames, David Andress, Jeremiah Andrews, Moses Averil, Ebenezer Averill, Robert Bamur, J. Barker, Alexander Barkley, Robert Barlow, Samuel Beach, Samuel Beamen, Jery Beder, John Begar, Alexander Beltheh, Stephen Bennet, Isaac Bennet, Nathan Bheartwick, John Bishop, Enos Black, Primas Blackmon, Epheram Blanchard, Abner Blanchard, Azriel Blodget, Elijah Boeron, M. Boggess, Thomas Borow, Mathew Brown, John Buck, Isaac Burk, Jonathan Burris, John Burris, Matthew Burroughs, Matthew Cannada, John Capee, George Capern, Thomas Capron, Jonathan Carley, Abraham Caswell, Eliphalet Chadock, Jonas Chamberlin, Joseph Chambers, Henry Chesley, James Chipman, Jessey Church, John Clark, Isaac Clark, Jessey Clarke, James Cobb, John Cochran, Samuel Collins, William Colter, Joseph Comstock, Aaron Connely, John Corbit, Eldad Cross, John Cross, Uriah Cummins, Benjamin Curtis, David Curtis, Timothy David, Abel Davis, Abel Dernim, Asa Dernim, Reubin Dickey, Elias Doud, Jesse Dressen, Jonathan Drew, Samuel Dunlap, Samuel Dunn, Duncan Eastman, Nathaniel Eives, Jonah Erwine, David Fellows, William Fitch, Jonathan Fletcher, John Flood, Moses Flood, Timothy Fone, Timothy Foot, Jennor 140 Force, Timothy Freeman, Elias Freeman, John Freeman, Moody Freeman, Richard French, John Fuller, Elijah Fuller, William Gamble, James Garvin, Epheram Gibson, James Gilbert, Elisha Goodcourage, John Gordon, Alexander Grant, Benoni Grapes, Phillpo Gray, John Griswell, Benjamin Halet, John Hand, Ira Hand, Oliver Hardy, James Hasleton, John Hastens, Jonathan Hawley, Ichabod Haws, Edward Heart, John Heath, Benjamin Henderson, David Heniman, Leonard Holmes, Orsamus House, Jonathan Hulburt, William Huntington, Jery Huntley, Benjamin Hutchins, Asa Jewet, Jedediah Johnson, Jehial Jonston, Edin Jonston, John Jurdon, Jonathan Kelley, Abraham THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS. Kelley, John Kellog, Joseph Kellom, Samuel Kentfield, George King, Reuben King, Thomas Klein, Adonijah Lapish, John Lee, Jonathan Libbey, Joseph Lighthall, William Locheron, John London, Luttington, Moses McConnel, Jonathan Magee, William Magrager, Duncan Malery, David Mallarce, Nathaniel Matthewson, A. Meloy, J. Messer, Abiel Michel, Samuel Millege, John Miller, Robert Milroy, John Moores, Ezra Morris, John Moss, Timothy Nayson, Benjamin Nayson, Edward Nolds, E. Olcott, William Olford, Alexander Ovits, James Owen, Daniel Owen, Silvanus Pain, Francis Park, J. Parker, Amasa Pasavile, John Patee, Zephniah THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS. 141 Patterson, George Paul, Robert Philbrook, Eliphalet Piper, Thomas Powers, Nicholas Prindle, Joel Prose, Benjamin Putnam, Asaph Putnam, Ephron Quackenbush, Gerardus Quackenbush, Jacobus Quinn, Michel Renolds, John Richards, Edward Richardson, Jonathan Ripney, John Robertson, John Robinson, Peter Rowe, Abner Rowley, Samuel Rush, George Sanborn, John Saxston, George Serjeant, Samuel Shavalee, Joseph Shepherd, David Simpson, William Smith, Abraham Smith, Benjamin Young Smith, Eliphelet Smith, John Sopers, William Spencer, Jesse Spring, Thomas Squires, James Stannard, Libeus Sterling, Archibald Steven, Isaac Stevens, John Stewart, John Stickney, Fzekiel Stockwell, Jacob Stow, Seth Stuart, Samuel Sturges, David Styles, Eli Sullingham, Henry Thomas, John Thirstininlis, Ward Trouax, John Trowbridge, Stephen Turner, Nicholas Umpsted, Israel Van De Bogart, Charles Van Gelder, John Van Gelder, Jonathan Van Vorst, Jelles D. Van Wagenen, Evert Vine, Ebenezer Vine, Robert Vine, Solomon Wakley, Stephen Walker, Jonathan Wallis, Samuel Waters, John Watkins, Daniel Welch, David Wells, James Whiston, John Wiley, Divid Willen, Amos Williams, Nehemiah Young, John Young, Joseph MEN WITH ETHAN ALLEN AT TICONDEROGA. We copy the following article from the Burlington, Vt., Free Press in the hope of aiding Mr. Bascom in his search. To the Editor of the Free Press : Dear Sir : — I am tempted once more to ask you to publish the names of those who were engaged in the expedition against Ticonderoga under Ethan Allen. Twice before this list has been published in your valued sheet and each time it has brought nu- merous additions and corrections to the roll. I cannot believe that the sources of information are as yet wholly exhausted. Some names that have been heretofore found in the list are now omit- ted because further investigation has convinced the author that such names had been improperly inserted. If any one is able to add to the appended list of names, I should be grateful for any information in this regard ; and if correspondents will refer to the authority for the statements contained in their communica- tions, my obligations will be increased. All communications upon this subject will be promptly acknowledged. The roll today stands as follows : — Colonel Ethan Allen, Amos Callendar, Benedict Arnold, Major Noah Callendar, Thomas Ashley, John Crigo, ' Ira Allen, Colonel Robert Cochran, Ebenezer Allen, Captain Benjamin Cooley, Heman Allen, Colonel John Chipman, Levi Allen, Captain Asa Douglass, Nathan Beeman, Capta ; n Israel Dickinson, Major Samuel Beach, John Deming, Colonel John Brown, Amariah Dana, Epaphras Bull, Josiah Dunning, Isaac Buck, Jr., Matthew Dunning, Samuel Barnet, Lieutenant Benjamin Everest, Elijah Babcock, Colonel James Easton, Captain John Bigelow, Dr. Joseph Fay (probably Jonas), Samuel Blagden, Josiah Fuller, Thomas Barber, 3d, George Foote, MEN WITH ETHAN ALLEN. J 43 Ezra Heacock, Colonel Samuel Herrick, Jeremiah Halsey, Israel Harris, Nehemiah Hoit, Hewitt, Elijah Kellogg, John Kennedy, Samuel Keep, Ensign Lewis, Josiah Lewis, Captain Noah Lee, Captain Luske, Matthew Lyon, Captain Edward Mott, Major Amos Morrill, Daniel Newton, William Nichols, Captain Noah Phelps, Captain Samuel H. Parsons, Captain Elisha Phelps, Thomas Rowley, Jr., Hopkins Rowley, Rice, Bernard Romans, Christopher Roberts, John Roberts, Peter Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, John Roberts, 2d, William Roberts, Edward Richards, Thomas Rowley, Stephen Smith, Peleg Sunderland, Ephraim Stevens, Nathan Smith, Colonel John SpafFord, Captain John Stevens, Josiah Stoddard, Joseph Tyler, Lieutenant Samuel Torrey, Samuel Walcott, Samuel Walcott, Jr., James Wilcox, Colonel Seth Warner, Amos Weller, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Wait, Major Benjamin Wait, Captain Samuel Wright, Wilkes West, Ashbel Wells. Yours truly, ROBERT O. BASCOM. Fort Edward, N. Y., October 22, 1904. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 782 305 2 NOTES. THE ORIGINS OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. The historical and antiquarian significance of the laying of the corner-stone of the new Dartmouth Hall is described as fol- lows by H. D. Foster, Professor of History at the college, in the January, 1905, number of the "American Historical Pre- view " : — " The visit of the Earl of Dartmouth in connection with the laying of the corner-stone of the new Dartmouth Hall is a re- minder of the origins of the college. The exercises of October 25-26, at Hanover, were accordingly made distinctly historical. Ten historical tableaux pictured incidents in the first half cen- tury of the institution. In an address on ' The Origins of Dart- mouth College,' Professor Francis Brown, of Union Seminary, with more insight than has been shown by any other writer, traced the cooperation of four men of like c historic purpose' — Wheelock, Whitefield, Dartmouth, and Governor John Went- worth — in the founding of the college. The sites of the earliest buildings were marked and in President Wheelock's former man- sion house were exhibited over two hundred rare manuscripts, text-books, coins, articles of furniture, and other memorabilia of the days of the first two presidents. At the banquet in his honor, Lord Dartmouth made a speech of marked felicity and grace. The responses of the presidents of Harvard, Yale (by letter), William and Mary, of Elihu Root of Hamilton, and Dr. Charles A. Eastman, of the class of 1887, the latest Indian grad- uate, all illustrated the thought dominant throughout the celebra- tion, and happily phrased by President Eliot as l transmissive power.' The proceedings, including all the speeches, will be published. " The manuscripts presented to the college by Lord Dart- mouth, on the reception of his honorary degree of LL. D., are with a few exceptions those noted under the heading 'Wheelock' • ill