IS 635 9 9 _g i ^ Stbt, fittttn eentf. 1883 -//£ ACTING DRAMA Copy 1 No. i86. TUB- ^ HAKESPEARE J/f /ATER C ^RE NEW YORK ROORBACH 6- COMPANY 9 Murray Street l. Women's Rights. Caught in his own Toils. Little Boy, The Wrong Battle, The 1 Closing of the " Eagle." Lyrical Lover, A VARIETY. 1 Dark Deeds. Marry in Haste and Repent All in der Family. 1 Eligible Situation, An at Leisure. Big Bananna, The j Fairy Freaks. Matched, But Not Mated. Decree of Divorce, The 1 Fireside Diplomacy. Maud's Command. Dot Mad Tog. Frog Prince, The Medical Man, A Dot Quied Lotchings. Furnished Apartments. Mischievous Bob. Dot Matrimonial Advertise- Girls of the Period, The Monsieur Pierre. ment. Happy Dispatch. The Mothers and Fathers, Gay Old Man am I, A Hadequin Little Red Riding Out of the Depths. Leedle I^lisdake A Hood. Penelope Ann. Mad Astronomer, A Harvest Storm, The Pet Lamb, The Lonely PoUywog of the Mill His First Brief, Poisoned Darkies, The Pond, The Ingomar (Burlesque). Result of a Nap, Tne Mulcahy's Cat. J^ck, the Giant- Killer. Last Drop, The Robin Hood ; or. The Merry Ould Man's Coat Tails, The Men of Sherwood Forest. Spelling Match, The Anyoftkeabov ' will be sent by mail on recei} H oftheprice^ by ROORBACH & COMP> \NY, Publishers, P. 0. Bo:: 34IO. 9 Murray Street, New York. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SCENERY. 016 102 833 2 f THE great expense commonly attending the use of proper scenery often deters many persons from rettinjj up private theatricals. The undersigned have attempted to meet this difficulty by o.Tcring, at quite reasonable prices, to lovers of the " fas- cinating pastime," tv;o series of little scenes suitable for drawing-rooms or small public halls. Of these, there arc two tcts— one painted on cloth, the other printed in colors on strong paper. The accompanying cut is reproduced from a pen sketch of our cloth Garden Scene. Similar representations of the remaininq: seven scenes, together with a proscenium and a drop-curtain, may be found in our catalogue of plays and amateur theatrical goods, which will be mr.iled to any address on receipt of a stamj>/or return postage. ROORBACH & COMPANY, p. O. BOX 3410. No. 9 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK.