635 P85 1/ 1 Uncle Sam's Flower Garden BY Mrs. W. H. PRESTON. PRICE 15 CENTS Eldridge Entertainment House Franklin, Ohio A HIT ON YOUR NEXT PROGRAM! Something Out of The Ordinary In High-Glass Humorous Songs. MUSICAL SKETCHES FOR YOUNG LADIES By Harry C. Eldridge These fill an urgent need in supplying musicaf numbers with action, for any secular program, ior girls or ladies of any age. Clever words and singable music combined to make novel numbers for your entertainment. THE HAT OF OTHER DAYS. Everyone knows how ridiculous the changing styles make out-of- date hats appear. The song is based on this fact, and the appearance of these '*hats of other days'' will cause loads of merriment. '1 CANT B3 A THING WITH MY HAIR SINCE irS WASHED." Did you ever hear the above expression ? They all say it. This song is for a merry group of girls who have trouble in keeping their hair in bounds. Ajollysong^^ REDUCEB TO $1.99. The figures in a dry goods show windov/ are indignant at having to par- ticipate in so many * 'reduction sales,'' and, revolting, walk off the stage after telling their troubles in song. The eccentric motions of these figures make a very laughable number. THE WINNING WAYS OF GRANDMA'S DAYS. Sung in costume, this portrays the many welcome and pleasing' costumes of ''ye olden times." Di- rections for minuet included. Very enjoyable. Any one ef the akove sent p9st?aii en receiirt if 25 eeats. ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio UNCLE SAM'S FLOWER GARDEN An Allegorical Temperance Play for Children. By Mrs. W. H. Preston. Copyright, 1915, Eldridge Entertainment House. PUBLISHED BY Eldridge Entertainment House, FRANKLIN, OHIO. i^CLD 42B01 DEC 20 i:)*: Uncle Sam^s Flower Garden. Scene— A Garden. Decorate with flowers, flags and crepe paper. One chair is draped with a flag, one chair is draped in white. The crown for the Goddess of Liberty should hang on the chair in white. (Enter Uncle Sam, looks around, seats himself in flag draped chair. He should be about IS years old, dressed in Uncle Sam costume. ) Uncle Sam. Well, I have come out here jto rest awhile. This is a beautiful place. So. full of fresh air, fragrant with the breath of flowers. Our world is full of beauty and loveliness, but the more I think of her wealth and power, the more I am convinced that much yet remains to be done to make our coun- try what she is, only in name ''Free." The evils of drink are everywhere and the real flowers of this fair land are being destroyed by the thousand, year by year. Men, women and children are sacrificed on the altar of the Demon, Alcohol. {Rising and lifting flag,) When I look at this flag with it's stars and stripes, and know it is the emblem of our country, I am filled with sorrow because of those under it's ban- ner enslaved by the curse of drink. {Singing outside, girls voices. ) ' 'And the Star Spangled banner, In Triumph shall wave. O'er the land of the free, And the Home of the brave." Uncle Sam. What means this magic spell? Did I not hear some voices singing, "O'er the land of the free?" would I could say as much, but the shackles of rum must be broken ere the flowers, who are the men, women and children of this country will be free to grow into their full beauty as God intended. I am bowed down, my heart is heavy. I will rest awhile. (Sleeps, sits in flag draped chair.) (Enter nine girls representing Truth, Courage, Pur- ity, Honesty, Temperance, Humility,^ Love, Kindness, Mercy, The first three are dressed in red crepe paper or cheese cloth. The next in white, the next in blue. Each carry a flag about a Joot long. As they enter Uncle Sam is observed. They form a semi-circle around him. ) Truth. Poor Uncle Sam is so tired. Let us speak quietly so we do not waken him. Temperance. He is grieved over our Country's welfare. Courage. We will help to right the Vv^rong. All. (With gesture to Uncle Sain.) Sleep on and take yjour rest. Purity. We are the flowers of our Country. Our mission is to help Uncle Sam rid this country of drink. Truth. I am the strong plant Truth. Without it nothing can stand. Not even our Country. Honesty. I am the flower of Honesty. Our nation is built on it. Courage. I am Courage, the greatest and strongest flower needed to right temptations. Purity. There is no sweeter flower in Uncle Sam's garden than the fragrant flower of Purity. Temperance. I stand for total abstinence for all mankind. I am a strong plant and cannot be up-rooted. Humility. I grow in a cool shady place, doing my work quietly. Humility is a danity plant with a sweet odor. Love. The flower of Love, I am. I g:row in all soils. In any country, at all seasons of the year. Yes, Love is the crowning flower of the garden. Kindness. I, too, am a modest flower. Kindness is the plant all desire. Mercy. This flower is so much like love that they can scarcely be told one from the other. We have a great work to do. We must help Uncle Sam. With- out us he can do nothing. Honesty. Let us resolve today to go forth at his bidding and by uniting his forces we can bring about National Prohibition. {All march to front of platform and sing one verse of America. After singing march around in semi- circle as at first Uncle Sam. (Rising and rubbing his eyes. ) Have I been dreaming? Yes, here they are, the very beau- tiful creatures I have been dreaming about. All. Uncle Sam, we have come to help you. Courage. Yes, Uncle Sam, Courage is ever ready to help you. Uncle Sam. You shall help me. While I slept I dreamed this old flag would wave over a free people. I waken to find my dream coming true. All. Yes, Uncle Sam, it takes Truth, Honesty, Courage, Purity, Temperance, Humility, Love, Kind- ness, and Mercy to make the old flag free. {Each one speaks her oivn name in the above sentence. ) All join in singing two verses of ''Columbia the Gem of the Ocean. ' ' Just as they finish enter Prohibition and Goddess of Liberty. Prohibition ivears a cap made of red, ivhite and blue bunting. A scarf of the same with the word ''Prohibition'' on it. Goddess of Liberty should wear a long white dress with gold or silver stars on it. A scarf of red, white and blue and carry afiag much larger than the rest. Prohibition may carry a flag. They should each be about twelve years of age. ) ( Uncle Sam greets them as they enter. Each gives the soldiers salute. He escorts them to the throne. Prohibition standing on one side, Uncle Sam on the other, while Liberty is in the center. ) All. Welcome Goddess of Liberty and Prohibition. We are glad to see you. Honesty. Yes, Liberty, we love our flag country too much to see it cursed with rum. All the flowers are glad to have you come to set us free. Prohibition. Uncle Sam, Liberty and I have had a long, hard and tiresome journey. We have crossed desert places. We have encountered wild beasts and reptiles. We have seen into homes where little chil- dren are ragged and hungry. We have seen wives and mothers weep over loved ones who have fallen on account of drink. We have seen homes made wretched, hearts and hves saddened, and the best men brought to sin and disgrace by the liquor habit, but thanks be to you and these beautiful flowers, we are now ready to proclaim freedom from all that will intoxicate and to crown our Goddess of Liberty. ( Uncle Sam places crown on head of Liberty, ) Uncle Sam. This is the dawn of a new day. May you never cease to wear this crown. It stands for love to God, love to home and love to all mankind. Liberty. The Goddess of Liberty rejoices to see all the brightest and best flowers in Uncle Sam's garden gathered here today. Long may they live and grow and bloom, till this old world is brought out of dark- ness and the Demon Drink driven from the land. Liberty. (Recites) THE BATTLE IS ON. Did they finish the fight that day, When the Liberty Bell was rung? Did they Silence the noise of war, When Liberty's triumph was sung? Was Freedom made Sovereign indeed, And the Banner of Freedom unfurled? A battle has raged since the world was new A battle is on! God calleth for you! There is woe in our broad, brave land Though we shout for victories won ; Wide trenches are heaped with our dead. Though our banners fiash in the sun; For the fight came not to a close When the Bell rung its news afar; Over all our hurrahs and acclaim. Still echo the horrors of war. This battle has waged since the world was new, This battle is God's! God calleth for you! Wherever the adder of drink Stings body and soul to the death, Wherever the fumes of the cup Mix woe with Man's God-given breath— There charges the foe, and there fall • Our dearest, our best and our brave. Finished not was the fight that day. For America harbors the slave— The slave of the death dealing still, The slave of the drunkard's wild woe. America's danger to-day Emboldens America's foe. Then strike for the battle is God's! Strike deep as you cherish your own! In the name of our God smite the foe, Till Liberty taketh her throne! Temperance, (recites) BONNY FLAG. A song for the flag, the bonny, bonny flag With its stripes of red and white. Its bit of sky-blue, with the stars peeping through. It will brighten the darkest night. Hurrah for the flag, the bonny, bonny flag. We will sing its colors fair. We love the pure and true, so choose the red, white and blue. And we will follow it everywhere. Hurrah for the flag, the bonny, bonny flag. Now that Liberty has come, to seal old Whiskey's doom. We will love her stars and stripes more and more. That will float over our land from shore to shore. (Enter Little Temperance Girl.) All. Here comes the little Temperance Girl! (Temperance should be dressed all in white. She carries a white flag. She steps to the front of the plat- form and recites. ) A little Temperance girl, am I, Here's my banner see it fly! May it wave o'er our land and sea Till from drink we are set free If you listen we will try To give you our rally cry. (She steps back in line ivith those in white. ) All. Prohibition time has come, Down with rum! Down with rum! He's our foe! He's our foe! Go King Alcohol! Go! Go! Go! (Make gesture with right hand three times as the word ''go'' is spoken. (All march around ivaving flags and singiny one or two verses of Star Spangled Banner. ) If held at night can have a tableau with red lights. RELEASED IftR AMATEUR PRODUCTION. ^Hie Utile Politician" By SEYMOUR S. TIBBALS A COMEDY IN FOUR AOTS SEVEN MALBS AND THREE FEMAUES ^IfHIS play was produced professionally ^^ for several seasons under another title, and is now released for amateur production without royalty and without restrictions of any kind. The scenery and costumes are simple. Time, about two hours. A young society girl plays an im.portant part in overthrowing a corrupt political boss and brings about the election of -her fiance. The race for the hand of a wealthy widow Itv rival suitors furnishes the comedy, A pretty story is unfolded, but without actual love-making or any scenes objectionable to the amateur. Recommended for high schools and dra- matic clubs. le garden party in the second act affords opportunity for the introduction of any number of characters* Sent Postpaid on Receipt of Price by tl^ ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio LIBRARY OF CONGRES 017 401 587 9 " THE HOUSE THAT HELPS " n m SPECIALISTS IN Amateur Entertainments It is not a side line with ns, but we devote our entire time to that business Realizing that many people have grown weary of searching through catalogs and read- ing entertainments only to discard them as unavailable we appreciatejthe fact that our cus- tomers have often spoken of us as ''the house that helps.'* We have had practical exper- ience in selecting and producing amateur en- tertainments and we feel that we know what will please the public, and what can be pro- duced under certain conditions. Our expirieRce is at your ilisposal.'"*^rite us, giving full particulars of your special need in the way of an enter- tainment, and we will select a play, an oper- etta, a drill or even an entire program for you. Byt always enclose a stamp for the reply. Remeaiber, that in addition to our entertain- ments we carry a large line of publications of other dealers. If in doubt as to the entertain- ment you desire, send particulars and we will suggest something to fit. We are at your service. ILDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio