With the Compliments i^^*^^ ^^^^co DIARY KEPT BY CAPT. LAWRENCE HAMMOND, OF CHARLESTOWN, MASS. 1677-1694. SJEiHj Notes anti an Entrotmction, By SAMUEL A. GREEN. AID. ^$> OF WASHINOlS^" '^ DIARY KEPT BY CAPT. LAWRENCE HAMMOND, n OF CHARLESTOWN, MASS. 1677-1694. W.it\) Wotfs anti an Introtiucti'an, By SAMUEL A. GREEN, M.D. ^y OF WASHINGTON- CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. ^EntijErsttg ^;3rtss. 1892. DIARY OF LAWRENCE HAMMOND. At a meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, held in Boston, on January 14, 1892, Dr. Samuel A. Green, in presenting a copy of an old journal, made the following remarks : — Among the manuscript volumes belonging to the Historical Society is a diary of Lawrence Hammond, of Cbarlestown, kept two hundred years ago, which was given on March 11, 1858, by Miss EUzabeth Belknap, together with other books and manuscripts once owned by her father, the Rev. Dr. Jeremy Belknap. The journal consists of forty-three closely written pages, — though not always in regular sequence as to dates, — besides some blank ones, and was unbound when it came into the possession of the Society. It has since been bound, however ; and in the copy now presented for the Pro- ceedings nothing is omitted, with the exception of a few pages on ancient history and King Henry VHI., though no attempt has been made to arrange the entries in chronological oider. A minute scrutiny of tlie folds of the paper comprising the volume seems to show that once, before it came here, there were more leaves in the book than there are now, and perhaps in tearing off the missing portion, presumably for the most part blank, in order to use the paper, some of the writing was lost. At different periods this diary has been consulted by several historians, who refer to it in their pages. Thomas Prince, in the Preface to his Annals (page vii), mentions it as "An Oi-iginal Journal of the late Capt. Lawrence Hammo7id of Charlestoivn and Boston^ from 1677 to 1694, inclusively " ; and in a note written by him on a letter from Thomas Hinckley to Isaac Foster, he refers to certain entries in the journal not now found there. (See Collections, 4tli series, V. 13.) Dr. Jeremy Belknajj, in his History of New Hampshire (I. 151, note), speaks of it as " a MS journal found in Prince's collec- tion, and supposed to have been written by Captain Lawrence Hammond of Charlestown " ; and uses it as authority for certain statements relative to an attack near Dover by the Mohawk Indians (I. 153), as well as for statements relative to tlie appointment of a commission to make a treaty of peace with the Indians {I. 158), — whereas neither of these events is even alluded to in the manuscript volume. This com- parison shows that in Prince's day the journal extended over the same period of time as it covers now ; and, furthermore, that then, as well as in Dr. Belknap's day, it contained more entries than it has now. These differences may be explained, perhaps, by the absence of leaves in certain folds of the book that I have already noted. All the missing entries occur within a period of less than thirteen months, and probably filled only a few pages of the diary. From these omissions our late associate, Charles W. Tuttle, Esq., was led to infer that once there were two separate and distinct journals kept by the writer. See his paper in the Proceedings XIII. (314) of this Society, which was presented at the meeting held on June 11, 1874. Captain Hammond was made a freeman of the Colony on May 23, 1666, and for several years was chosen a De]3uty to the General Court from Charlestown. In 1686 and several following years he was the Recorder of Middlesex County, whose duties corresponded very nearly to those of the present Registers of Deeds and Probate combined. He took an active interest in military matters, and was a Lieutenant and the Captain of a foot company in Charlestown. His death took place in Boston, on July 29, 1699. IG87/8 March 9*^ The Disease of y" meazles hath prevailed exceedingly in tliis land, it began in Boston in y** summer & spread since into all parts of y* Country, few have dyed thereof. It began in our Towne y" begining of Winter & hath gone almost through every family. Franc Hainond fell sick w^'?' it about a month agoe. he kept at Widow Peachees. Betty Hammond soone after him. W"' Gerish at Boston about a montli agoe Mei7l Abigail Hammond at Salem about y'^ same time, or before. Parson Gerish in my family about y*' 22'! of February. Betty Gerish ) Bethia Gerish >- March y"" 7'!' in our family, are now very ill. Little Laurence ) 12 All well recovered through Gods mercy. Our Maid Tryal sick also & recovered. This day we began to remove our Goods to M? Tucks house having hyred y^ southerly end for a Lease of 7 yeares, to pay £5.0.0 p annum. 30 Fra : Hammond shipt on board M^ Shrimptons barque, W"' Everton Ml' bound for y*" Madera. April 1 Skipper [William] Hurry made his first Voyage for this yeare fro. Pascataq^ [Portsmouth, N. H.] loaden w"" boards &c 3 This day, I deliu''ed y-^ key of Dl' Chickerings house to M" [Han- nah] Hunting, wife of Cap' Sam : Hunting, who received y'' same of me. B' Jos. Gerish carryed home his Daughter Betty from our house this day. 6 I rec^ of Mf Jn° Parker of Redding for acco? of Tho. Tayler sen^ of s*? Towne 34 s for Costs of Court & 50,'s. in full of all accompts. 23 Munday. Training day. We Examin'd Armes & Ammunitio I dismissed Samuel Kettle from being Drummer & Sergeant Rich*^ „ . . Lowden from beins; Sere' of y*" Company, at both their re- ° quests ; I made Samuel Kettle youngest Serg! & Nathaniel Kettle Drummer of y® Company. This day came into our family Elizabeth Nevenson, daughter of M' Jn!' Nevinson & E^lizabeth his wife, who wilbe 13 yeares of age ye 22'' day of October next : The verbal Coven* betweene my Nevinson ^^^'^ ^ '^^'- Nevenson is, that she ye s'^ Elizabeth shall dwell with my wife as a serv' six yeares, to be taught, instructed & provided for as shalbe meet, & y' she shall not depart from our family during ye said time without my wives consent. 24 I waited on the Governour to Concord, to vizit Major Bulkeley. 25 The Governor took his Journey to y" Eastward, & returned back May 28*f following. May 3 Was kept by Boston old Church, our Towne & Dorchester in fasting & prayer, more especially for raine, it having been an exceed- ing dry Spring & great signs of a Drought. And God was pleased to hear prayers, & to give an answer in part that night in sending a very refreshing shower about two houres long, & a plentifuU raine the begining of y*^ following week. 11 My wife & I rod to Wenham this day, being fryday, & continued there till Wednesday following, from thence we came to Salem y' day & staid till ye next ; & then came home. 25 Major Peter Bulkeley dyed this day & was privately buryed on Mai"" y® Sabbath being y^ 27'!* day. Bulkly's June 9 My wife & I rod to Concord to Visit Ma(T. Bulkley death (being Saturday) & returned home on tuesday following. 6 This Evening M"^ Sampson Sheafe was set upon in Boston Comon, & knockt downe & robbed by two Ruffins, One Hambleton M^ Sheafe (ia^(-g]y ^ Lodger at his house) being present, who it is judged hyred them to do it ; he Whistling w" he met M' Sheafe, these fellowes immediately fell upon liira ; y*^ Ruffins fled, Hambledon in Custody 1 1 A thunder shower in y" Afternoone, very fierce in these two Townes ; struck M'' Sheafe's house in Boston, split severall Lig tning ^jj^|jgj,g ^ shattered others, strook his wife on her face, but she rec'' no great hurt. 10 Maior Humphry Lustcomb TLiscom] of Boston dyed of Lustcom „ "^ *^ a leaver. 13 I went to Boston, & paid M' West 46/s. money, w*^.'' I West rec? of our County Treasurer, for Acts by him sent to this county, w'^.'* was allowed in March Court. 1^=" Note that ever since y^ fast on May 3? much raine hath season- ably & raercyfully fallen ; so that at this day y'' fruits of ye earth are all in a very flourishing rate, praised be God ! 1688/9 March 7 About a fortnight agoe two men of Chelmsford, who were Cousen-Germans, who also marryed two sisters, went out w'^ their Guns together to kill Ducks &c. y" one going just before ye other, the Guu in ye hand of ye hindmost man went off, & shot ye foremost man in ye back, wherof he presently Dyed : & when y" Gun was Lookt upon, ye Cock was found at halfe bent, guarded w'!^ ye Dog on ye outside, & the Hammer close down upon the pan ; ye man not touching ye Lock after it fired, but threw ye gun down, & Ran to ye wounded man ; Noe man knowing how ye powder sh? take fire, unless it were by a spark of fire from ye foremost mans tobacco pipe (w*^^ he had in his mouth when shot) carryed by ye wind between ye Barrel & Hammer of ye Gun, tho' no spark was seen by either of them ; the hindmost man had no pipe lighted or fire about him : A strange providence ! M' Sam. Whiting Minister of Billerica Related it to me this day. Anno 1688. In New england. One J Brodbent an Exciseman and a Hectoring Debauchee, Resid' in Boston (where too many of the same stamp, have lately multiplyed) meeting an Honest, Ingenious Country- man upon the Road, enquired of him, what Newes Countryman ? who Replyed, I know none : the other then Replyed, 111 tell you som ; What is it? (said ye Countryman) ; said the other. The Devil is Dead : How ? said ye Countryman, I believe not that ; Yes, said ye other, he is dead for certaine : Well then, said ye Countryman, if he be dead, he hath left many fatherless Children in Boston. ( An Eminent Deliverance of M''. Jn'! Hale Minister of Beverly ^ his family from Ligldniiuj. Febr: 19. i68§. His Relatiou wlierof is this. My wife, two maids & two Children were by ye kitchin fire ; myself with Deacon Hill in my study, & hear- ing ye thunder smart, were going down to Comfort ye family below, & as we came to ye head of ye Staires (D. Hill part down) we were both struck w"' Lightning in our right Amies & right Legs, yet neither of us heard ye thunder, or saw ye Lightning; He was Less strook, & sooner got down staires ; I was struck down upon my knees, by ye post we use to lay hands on, as we goe up & down staires, & unable to stirr for som time ; but heard som of my family crying out of hurt below : at last I got down, my foot as if it were dead, & Leg full of paine, but w''' help got to lie down on a bed ; my Elbow seemed out of joynt, & Arm hung down like a stick, w'!^ m'^.'^ paine in it, but my lingers seemed dead : I have a bruise on my face, but suppose it might be w'^ my fall. In less y" an hour, I found life in all my Limbs, & y' no bone was broken or out of joynt, unless som small starting out of a bone in my wrist (praised be ye Lord) I find ye post I was by shivered on 3 sides. But to com to ye Rest ; ye Lightning came downe ye Chimney, brake out som bricks just above ye mantletree ; Hurt my wife & English maid on their heads, & ye Negro on her right Arm, yet all pretty well againe (thro' mercy) it bowed out two paines of glass in y" kitchin but brake out no glass, & on ye other side ye house beat out ye bottom of a paile, & touched severall pewter platters : on y"" top of y" kitchin Chimney it brake out about 20 bricks ; & on ye other side of ye Roof made an hole about 8 foot long, & then beat out ye North end of ye kitchin Chamber about 8 foot long & 3 foot wide, & tore out many other boards at y* end. without doores it killd me a Cow, & in ye stable one Lamb, w*^.^ y* Lord accepted of instead of our Lives. How unsearchable are his wayes & paths past finding out &c. I find no mark on my body, but a blue spot on my heele a \ of an Inch long & }j so wide, & somwhat sore, & one spot on ye sole of my foot, but not sore, taken out of his own Letter sent to his Bro : Wilson in Charlestowne. A Remarkable Experim'. tryed upon a Deaf ^- Dumb man. AVee pricked a knife's point (saith Ml" Morton in his Discourse of ye sense of Hearing) into ye belly of an Harpsicot, causing him to hold ye haft in his Teeth, then two of us severally played in his sight, ye one Harmonically som Tunes, ye other afterward struck a Confused Dis- cord, clashing many of ye keyes at once : ye poor man expressed won- derfuU Joy at ye Harmony, & embraced him y' had played it ; but withall showed as m'^'^ displeasure & Contempt of him y' had troubled him w'!" ye Discord. Then blindfold we set him in ye former posture ; & he y' before had Clashed, now play'd Regularly ; & ye other y' before had made musick, now Jumbled w* ye keyes, this we did severall times, shifting hands as we thought fit ; & between every time unbound his Eyes. The man still after a musical playing shewed his kindness & gratitude to him whom he had seen play, w" at first it pleased him, & so on the contrary. By w"^'' it appeared plainly, y' tho' he mistook ye persons, yet he very well pceived y" sound & it's affections, & Distin- guished betweene y^ Harmony & y*' Discord, w'!" an answerable satisfac- tion, or Regret. Mr Morton gives this Instance to note a probability y' y' mouth is not devoid of a power of perceiving sound ; & y' by ye tender nerves of y" Teeth. &c. A Violent Noysc may so Disorder the Brayn, as to render it imapt for its proper functions, ever after. An Instance wherof, M"^ Morton Relates (in his Discourse of ye sense of Hearing) in a Child, carryed in Armes, but of a quick apprehension, a Drum being beat close to ye child suddainly, as soon as ye Druiu began to beat, ye child was Imediately taken w'!" a grievous Convulsion, the Countenance Distorted, & all understanding driven away ; «fe so it con- tinued for w? it was of 20 yeares of age, he saw it a Natural f oole ; & enquir- ing ye Cause, his parents gave the afores? beat of y® Drum as ye reason, tho. he Remembers not y' ye hearing was therby much Impaired. 1689 April 18 Since the change of Government in this Land, by y"^ Vacat- ing our Chartar, & setting up a new form, first by a presid? & Council, w".*^ was done May 13'!* 1686. upon y^ Arrival of y^ Rose frigot, wherin Mr Edw^ Randolph brought a Coinission for M'' Jos. Dudley, Presid' & sundry other Gentlemen to be of y" Council ; and then by a Governour & Council, upon the arrival of S' Edm'^ Andros, in the Kingfisher on y* 18'!* day of December Anno 1686. whose Coinission from King James ye 2'! Constituted y" said S"" Edm'' to be Cap* Generall & Gov- ernor in Chiefe of his Maj"*^ Territory & Dominion of Newengland, in w'^!* Commission sundry pei-sons were joyned in Comission w'*" him as his Council : After w*^!' other plantations were added to ye same Gov- ernmf as Connecticut, New-york, East & west Jerzy &c. wherby ye Territory under ye same Governour was Extended to near 600 miles in length : I say these changes befell us, great & manyfold oppressions by fines, Imprisoum'.', illegal & arbitrary prosecutions of many particular persons began to grow upon us, with P^xcessive charges in all Lawsuits & other matters in Courts, as also a claiming in ye name of ye King, all our Lands, especially such Lands as were not under person all & par- ticular Iniprovem", & y* same in part, (& more designed to be) given to such who would petition & pay yearly acknowledgin*" & the large fees stated, for y'' same, besides many other grievances w'=!' no way ap- peared to redress, but men were made offenders for a word &c. The people in Boston & in y-^ Townes adjacent did this day rise as one man, & having seized Cap' Georp;e Commander of ye Rose & others ; Drums were beat in Boston & sundry persons appearing form'd themselves into Companyes under ye Coinand of such Leaders as were well approved of for ye Design in hand : The Governor & severall others who had been his Creatures, fled to y'^ fort, & there stood upon their defence ; above a thousand men were soon in Amies in Boston, chiefly of y' Towne, & partly from Charlestowne, & Roxbury ; also six or 700 men marched down out of Middlesex to Charlestown y-^ same day under y" CoiTiand of Cap' Naih. Wade, & there quartered y' night, y-^ Com- panies in Armes at Boston, Marched to y'' fort, took f lower fort with ye great Artillery ; y^ Redcoates ordered by y"^ Governo': to Issue out of y" fort & fire upon them, but beuig come down ye Hill fired not a gun, but ran back to ye fort againe : Boston having taken y° lower fort & sreat Guns, Loaded them, & planted y"" right against y'' fort ; then Simon Bradstreet Esq. w"' divers, Gentlemen, some of y" Council, & others of ye former Governm', formd y™'. into a Council & sent in writing to y« Governo^ under their hands, their advice to him to sur- rende? y'' Governm' & forts, least ye Country now up should storm ye same, & take it by force, w-^"^ would be ye occasion of bloodshed, &c. The Governo^. w"^ others at length came down to y" Council, sitting in y** Town house ; & after some discourse resignd all up An Acco' of my severall Marriages, to whom, & y^ time w?, & y^ time of the deaths of such of y™ as God hath removed: Also y^ Names of my children wliom God hath graciously given me, by whom, w^ borne & y^' time of y^ decease of such whom God hath bereaved me of. I was marryed to Audria Eaton, a Virgin, in Charlestowne in New eugland (who came y'' yeare before from London) on y" 30' ^"'^'■'''^ day of September 1662. who dyed in child-bed in Charles- towne on y-^ 27'" day of August 1663. I was marryed to M" Abigail Willet, widow of M"! .7n<^ Wdlet, Youngest Daughf of M"^ Edward Collins of Meadford in N. Abigail Eno-Umd, on y'' 12'!' day of May 1665. who Dyed of a Ma- liauant feaver'on y-^' first day of february 167:^ in y« morning °I was marryed in Charlestowne to M" Margaret Willoughby, widow of Francis Willoughby Esq. on y" 8'!> day of February 16/ i. Margaret ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^j .^ f^^^er on y-^ 2". day of February 168f. I was marryed in Charlestowne to M^ Anne Gerrish, widow of D^ W"-^ Gerrish on y^ 14'" day of January 168*. whom God yet '^""® is pleased to spare to me By ray wife Audria, I had a sonne, named Francis, borne August y« 19"^ 1663. who about y« age of 18 yeares was bound to M^ Nicho : Follet,Marrinerof Pascataqua for 5 yeares; whose time being expired, 2 10 He went to sea upoQ His own Acco', having j" Commendation of all y* knew Him for Sobriety & good proficiency in y^ Marriner's Art, & very hopefuU in reference to true piety. The last Voyage He made . was from Boston in a Vessel of Colonel Shrimpton's, W- Everton M! bound for Madera's, after their discharge from y* port they touched at Barmuda, & from thence home ; & on y" 24'!' day of November 1688. being come into Nantasket Bay, betw : 7 & 8 at night, y*^ wind not serving to com up, they came to an Ankor ; my son Francis was in y* foretop, furling y' foretopsaile, & from thence fell downe, struck upon y* ship-side, & into y® Sea, being (as its thought) struck dead w*'' y* blow, soon .-unk, & was never more seen, no boat nor hands ready to save him. By my wife Abigail, I [had] one son & four Daughters. Martha ^- ^^^^'^^^^ '■ borne y" 6'J? of April 1666. who dyed y" 7"^ of June. 1666. Abigail. 2. Abigail, borne y" 27. of April 1667. yet living. ^ , 3. John,, borne y'' P-i of May 1669. who dyed y*^ 8 of Sep* '^°''"- 1669 4. Jane., borne y" 10* of August 1670. who dyed y^ 25 of Dec^' 1681. Elizabeth 5. Elizabeth, borne y*^ 13'!' of July. 1672. yet living. By my wife Margaret 1 had no Child. By my present wife Anne, I had Laurence, borne November y'' 23!^ y 1685. who dyed the 1" day of October 1689. by bladd' grown in his throat, begun on fryday Sep' 28'!" w'^!' ended his life on tuesday foil? betw: 7 & 8 at night, (a pleasant child) Francis Also Francis, borne Sep! 13'!' about one in y*" morning, yet Living, tho' now ill. This Record I have here made this 2*^ day of Octob"^ 1689. Attested by Lack. Hammond. Francis, my youngest sonne, taken w'!' a Hoarsnes in y* morning be- -p . fore day, dyed this 2'^ day of October 1689. betweene 8 & 9 at night of y" same distemper (as we Judg) wherof his brother Laurence dyed y" night before. They were both buryed in one Grave October 4"" following. All my 3 sonnes dead within y" Com- pass of a yeare. Of eight Children w*^.'* God hath given me, but two Daughters (Abigail & Elizabeth) are now living. The Lord gives, & y*^ Lord takes; blessed be y^ name of y^ Lord. Nov. 1 M' Tho : Fairweather sailed for London, in a New ship built by M' [Samuel] Ballat this yeare. M"' Ricli'! Daniel saild in him fryday morning. January 30 This day my Daughter Abigail was joyned in Marriage unto Luke Greenough son of Mf W" Greenough of Boston, Ship- wright, by Mr Charles Morton jMinister at Charlestowue. February 10 This day sailed from Boston bound for London, Mr Bant 11 & in him S^ Edm** Andross, late Gov! of Neweuglaiid, M'; Jos. Dudley, M' Palmer, M' Randolph Mf West, Mr Graham & others, who are sent home to y" King, as by his Letter arrived here in November last. Likewise INL Rich'' Martin sailed y'' same day, & in him D'' Elisha Cook Df Thomas Oakes & M' Icchabod Wiswall, who are sent by y*" Convention to Implead y^ afores*^ Gentlemen. They Anchored at Nan- tasket, y^ wind coming Southerly. M' Martin Anchored not, but saild direct away. 11 Court of Mictct!' holden in Charlestown by adjournm', Jn'.' Walker tryed about being y" father of a Bastard child, brought forth by Mary Phipps Solomon Phipps Lame Daughter. She lays it to him, y*" child dead. 168 a ^"90 February 12 The Convention removed fi'ora Boston (y*" smallpox encreasing there) to Charlestowne this day. 15 Cap! Bant, w*^ S!' Edmund &c is said to Sail from Nantasket for London. 19 M' Rob* Wallis of this Town, sailed for London, in a Brigau- tine, M" Woodgate saild in her. John Rayner came in from y*" Bay of Campeach, loaden w'^ logwood. 21 The Convention, adjourned to March 1 Satuday, Wind high, at W. fair & cold: 2. Stephen Codman's child baptized. Wind at W. High & cold. 3, Generall meeting of y'' Inhabitants of Charlestowne, to choose Officers Constables chosen are M' W^ Welsted sen' Natha! Kettle Nathal Davis. Joseph Frost. Selectmen chosen are Cap' Rich'! Sprague Peter Tuffts RicW Low den Natha' Rand Peter Fowle Sam' Hunting James Miller. Clerk of y"" Writts chosen is Laur. Hammond Wind at W N W. blew very hard & cold L' Nickols \ 4 Tuesday, wind at S. a fair, moderate day Sak^ehis f ^ Wedensday. wind at leg / N. W. & cleer, blew hard -u j.i.v.n.wio , ^ iuesuay, wiuu at o. a lair, nioueraie uay. brake his i ^ Wedensday, wind at E., & snow : at night wind at 6 Thursday, Publ. Fast. Wind at W. & N. W. blew very hard all day & all night Extream Cold freezing weather. 12 7 Fryrlay, clear clay, wind at N. W. blew very hard, Extream cold & freezing. 8 Saturday, Haizy sky, wind at N. W. blew moderate, but exceed- ing cold, som snow in y'' afternoon, wind at S. W. in y^ night N W. blew hard & Exceeding cold. March 9 Lord's day, wind at N. W. blew hard an Exceeding cold freezing day. clear weath' 10 Munday, wind at W. blew fresh. Exceeding cold morning, after- noone more moderate : a very sharp, freezing night. 1 1 Tuesday, wind at W. a moderate, still day. County Court sat by Adjournm* at Charlestowne, & allowed of y*" Towne's choise of me for Clerk of y" writts. 12 Wedensday, wind at S. E. & E. snow y" forenoone, rainey, misty afternoon, moderate 13 Thursday, wind at N. E. som raine, still, moderate, cloudy day. 14 Fryday, wind at E. & snow afternoone, cloudy, still, moderate day. 15 Saturday, wind at E. still cloudy, morning, then snow & y" raine all [nit, in cypher^ : Mf Clutterbuck arrived from y*" Canaries with wme, yesterday. 16 Lords day, Raine all day, moderate weather, wind at E. clear at night wind at W. M! Morton preached in yf forenoone, & Ad- ministred y*" Sacram': this is y" first time I was at y" Sacram', since my confinem! Young M' Peirpoint Afternoon. 17 Munday, Wind at W. N. W. blew a hard gale in y" forenoon; little, afternoone. a calm, moderate night. 18 Tuesday ; wind E. came to S in y" Evening & cloudy ; blew fresh in y'^ night. 19 Wedensday wind at S. & raine till near Noon, y." fair, wind at S. W & moderate. 20 Thursday, a fair day, wind at N. moderate weather, wind came to N. E. Major Appleton & L' Stacey Lodged our House : y*" Convention still in Charlestown. This day came a post enforming y' yesterday, y^ Indians came to Nucha wanick [Berwick, Maine] & had don m'^? spoile. 21 Fryday, wind at N. E. cloudy, cold day, som raine in y'^ night. Maj. Apleton & His L' lodged againe at our house. The Enemy at Nuchawanniek have burned about 30 Houses, & Nuchawiui- '^ill'i »^ carryd awa}'^ about 80 persons ; wherof about 30 nock (le- men. they were set upon by a parcel of English y' came to s roye yg Town's reliefe, they fought till night parted y'" 2 of our men slaine & about 7 or 8 much wounded : we know not of one Lidian slaine : one frenchman taken prisoner: y*" P^nemy said to be not above 60. ye meeting house burnt. ^ 1 For other particulars of this attack, see Proceedings, vol. xiv. p. 126. 13 22 Saturday. Wind at N. E. a cold, cloudy day. Maj'' Appleton went home. a man Yesterday a man fell out of a shallop in y"^ river coming up ilrownrl (q j]^jg Xown & was drowned, it was Vee's shallop, our Cow ) 23 Lords day, a cloudy, moderate day, wind at S. at night, Calved \ warm, moist Aire, wind blew hard in y" night. 24 Munday, wind at S. blew very hard, dark showry weather ; wind at S E. in Evening & m'^'' raine till about 10 at night ; 25 Tuesday, wind at S. W. blew very hard, fair : calm tow*^.^ even- ing, rain at night, wind at N. E. My wife & I went to Boston, visited Mr Clutterbuck. 26 Wedensday, wind at N. E. & raine at times till within night, weather moderate 27 Thursday, wind at N. W. blew fi-esh, fair, moderate weather. 28 Fryday, wind at N. E. Haizy weather, moderate. INIarch 29 Saturday, wind at E. & raine, moderate weather. 30 Lord's day, wind at S. W. a fair moderate day, Moon changed. 31 Munday, wind at S. E & N. E. & calm at nigh [t] , a fair moderate day. All this week to Saturday, fair weather & seaturns every day, calm nights. I went w* my wife & son & Daughter Greenough to Winnisimet. April 2 Wedensday, I planted my Rose pease. 4 Fryday, my wife & I walked to Ben : Bowers. 6 Lords-day, wind at W & N. W. blew fresh, fair, cool day. Mf Metcalf made his confession before y" Church of v" sin of Metcalf „ . . "^ -^ fornication. 7 Munday, wind at N. a fair, moderate day, wind at N. E. in y^ night „, , , M'i Welsted in Gov^ Andrews Sloop, sailed for London, Welsted , being sent by y" present Governm' on y': 2 or 3- instant. 8 Tuesday, wind at N. E. som snow in y" forenoon, then rain all day, a storm of wind & rain at night. 28 S' Ws Phipps Chiefe & about 700 men in 3 or 4 Vessels fitted as men of Warre (Cypr: Southdeck, who rec'? a ire of mart from y® King being one) saild, being design'd by those now in Goverum' ag?' y* french forts at y** Elastward to take y".' May 4 Lords day, a Brave soaking Raine. From thence until y*^ 14'!" day dry, faire, moderate, weather. 14 Raine, very refreshing; wind at N. E. & E. 12 Arrived from London Tho. Gilbert in ^NP Belchar's ship. 15 Thursday, wind blew fresh at S. AV. fair, moderate weather, a shower. 17 Saturday, a considerable raine in y" night preceding & this morn- ing, wind at E. ( This day & yesterday fatal for y" desolating of Casco by Casco -s y" Enemy, as y* news of it was brought to us on Munday ( night pticulars not known, all killd & taken. 11 22 Thursda}^ News from S- W'^ Phipps, y*^ forts [at Port Royal] surrendered, much plunder taken. My wife & I rod this day to Weuham, to B! Gerrish's 28 Wedensday, we returned home, thro' Salem, dined at Benj* Ger- rish's & thence home in y^ Evening. Election carryed on this day as foil. viz. Simon Bradstreet Esq,. Govf Tho. Danforth. D. G. July 3 Our Cow went to L! Nickel's pasture in y" Evening of this day. August 3 A fire brake out in Boston, betw: 2 & 3 in y" morning, by ^. y^ Millbridge, w".'* consumed about 30 Buildings, y'' cause not known, a Young man's thigh being brake, he dyed soon. 9 The Fleet, consisting of about 32 Ships & Vessels, w"' about 2200 ^ , men, under S' W'" Phipps, General, bound to Canada, ag*' Canada . J ,.,,,. -r- . y® lirench, sand this Evening. 14 A Seizure was made of Cot. Potter & all his Letters, who being sent by Cap' Nickolson, Gov^ of Virginia, hether by Land, was ready to return back to him, with a great quantity of Letters to him & c, . others, w'!' Ires so seized by a Warr! from som in Boston, Seizure ' •' . . of were opened & read by y® Council, & som kept, & som redeliv- Letters eved to y^ Messenger, & suffered to depart y^ next day : Som have been called to acco* for w' they writ, & others expect y*" like. How congruous this is to y*^ obtaining their Charter, they have been suing for, & how acceptable it wilbe to his Maj'!'' y'' world may judge. Sep! 5 Jos. Lynde jun.saild for Barbados in a Ketch, W" Gerish sailed w'.'* him at 20/s ^ meni?. 16 A fire brake out in Boston, this night about 11 of y" Clock, in the house of one Cornish, & so prevaild y' 5 Houses were burnt by y* South Meeting-house, L! Reynalds stone House, y® timber work all consumed, in y^ flame wherof, y*^ Meeting house was several times fired, but by y* Industry & activity of Cap* Cypr: Southdeck, & som others, (thro' God's great mercy) y*^ fire was still put out, & y" Meeting house preserved, w'"'' had if fire prevaild upon, y*^ whole Town, at least to Leeward, had been endangered, y'' wind blowing fresh at S. W. a youth about 12 years of age was consumed in y*^ flames in the s? Cornish's House. It is said, y'^ Man of y'' House himself had carelesly stuck up a lighted Candle ag" y" claboards within y" House, & y? went forth to an Alehouse to drink, & forgetting his Candle, there staid till his house was on fire.^ 1 Other particulars of tliis fire are found in the " PUBLICK OCCUR- RENCES Both FOREIGN and DOMESTICK. Bosto>i, Thursday Sept. 25th, 1690," the first newspaper ever printed on this continent. See "The Historical 15 17 My Daughter Abigail Greeuough, was delivered this morning about 3 of y® Clock of a Daughter, y" her full time not beiug com, by at least a month. Nov. The first Vessel Returned from Quebeck, bring newes of our defeat there, all Returning home, many dead & more sick of small- pox, fevers & fluxes, besides som slain by y® Enemy ; like to be a great mortality. Decemb"; 1 A Pink, wherof M": Jos. Buckly was M' full Loaden, -p. bound for Jamaica, by carelessnes of 2 persons on board, was fired & burnt to y'^ water, she rode at Anchor in Boston. 22 The Green Dragon in Boston, kept by Mother Wilmot (now Smith) took fire between 12 & one this Morning, & burnt down, no other House fired, no wind & good help, & snow upon y* Neighbo' Houses, was a means of their p'"servation. Very little in y** House saved. 27 About 2 in y" morning Cap* Dan. Turin's shop was burnt down (; no other mischiefe y' I hear of) in Boston. 1691 May 13 Hyred a Cow of Abrati. Hill, for y** Summer, from this day till 7t)er 13'!^ for 20/s. she is put into y"" pasture y' was Lieu' Nichols, to pay 20/s. for Suinering. This Cow proving unruly & unlucky, so as none could milk her, was retui'ned to Hills y*^ same day. 14 Agreed w'.'' Jn° & Hainiah Newel jun' for halfe y" milk for this Summer w".'' y^ Cow we sold }'" shall give, until y*" season for Housing coms. We paying for her pastorage, w°.'* is to be 20/s as abovesaid. 19 M? Mary Trumbal & y* Wife of Sam. Reid, being sentenced at an Adjournm' of y'^ pretended Court in this County on fryday 15'.^ in- stant to pay a fine of £5. 0. 0. each, & give bond of £20. 0. w'!' sure- ties for y'' good behaviour, & not to sell any more drink, were Oi'dered to stand Committed till y* sentence were fulfilled hereupon Sam. Goo- kin, y" pretended Marshal, takes y"} under his Custody & puts y" into M^ Jackson's House, & there orders y"!" to abide; where they stayed y? night & until Munday y* 18"'; but they sending to y" Marshal for a Magazine" (I. 228-23f), August, 1857, for a copy made by me thirty-five years ago. The account of the fire is as follows : — " Altho' Boston did a few weeks ago, meet with a Disaster by Fire, which con- sumed about twenty Houses near the Mill-Creek, yet about midnight, between the sixteenth and seventeenth of this Instant, another Fire broke forth near the South- Meeting-House, which consumed about five or six houses, aad had almost carried the Meeting-house itself, one of the frtire«t Edifices in the Country, if God had not remark- ably assisted the Endeavours of the People to put out tlie Fire. There were two more considerable Circumstances in the Calamities of this Fire, one was that a young man belonging to the House where the Fire began, unhappily perished in the Flames; it seems that tho' he might sooner awake than some otiiers who did escape, yet lie some way lost those Wits that should have taught him to help himself. Another was that the best furnished PRINTING PRESS, of tiiose few that we know of in America was lost; a loss not presently to be repaired." 16 Coppy of their Mittimus, he told y^ Messeng" he had none, but sup- posed y" Clerk had it ; Sam. Phipps y^ Clerk being spoken w'!", said, he had none, but he believ'd y* Marshal had it, & if he had none, y" there was none granted. These Women hereupon were advised to return to their families, for they could not be deteined prison" without IVIittimus longer y" y* Court was sitting; by colour of no Law; w''^ Court ended on y? said 15'?^ instant They accordingly came to their Houses on Munday. But on this 19"' day, comes y^ said Gookin to Charlestown, & with- out any Warr* brake open M" Trumbal's House, Rob' Wyer's House & Dan. Smith's House, where he found & seiz'd M" Trumbal ; His Wai-r* beijig demanded for so doing, he said, he was y* Kings Officer & needed no Wan' ; & y' by vertue of his office he could break open any house, or all y*^ Houses in Town, if he saw meet, or words to this effect. Cap' Sprague told me, y' in his hearing at Geo. Monk's in Boston, & in y*" Hearing of many more, M"" Andrew Belcher of Charlestown, on y^ 18'?* instant did say, y' y® Jury y' found Leysler & his Accomplices guilty, & Dudley y^ Judg who Coudemu'd y'" to death, deserved to be Hanged y™! & it was pitty Dudley had not been Hanged w" he was in England, present at y* same time Piani Blower, Benj^ Alford & many others. 20 Pretended Election at Boston. June 2 Their Court adjourned to October 3 Elizabeth Robinson came to us, to serve for Wages at £3. 0. 0. y" yeare July 25 One Rich"^ Lilly, com in from y*" Westindies in one Robin- son y*^ day before, being handing small Armes into Charles Hopkins boat at Boston, to be carryed on shore, took one Gun & Hopkins holding y" muzzle tow'l^ Hopkins, said, old man here's a sliot. •' /-111 gun for you, & immediately y'' Gun fired & shot y" said Hop- kins into y* body, wherof he presently dyed. This Hopkins wife is Maj^ Henchman's sister : & Rich^ Lilly is old Lilly's son y® Cooper. August 4 By a Vessel from New- York, we have y^ sad Newes of Col. Henry Sloughter's death, y^ Kings Gov^ there, who dyed suddenly. Sep' 2 At Dunstable, one man, his wife & son & patrick Mark's Daughter killd by Indians.-' 29 Barachiah Arnold, Arrived from London. Octob. 2 Capf Jn" flToy sailed for London. Sep' 21 Cap! W" Symms dyed of a feaver. Octob. 16 M!' Rich, ffoster sailed for London. 2o One Gutteridge & his wife & 3 more. Living in ye bounds of Rowly were Murthered by Indians, two more of y" family missing, this was on y" Sabbath Evening. 26 A merch' & a master, lately com from Bristoll (y* merch'^ name 1 The victims of tliis miinlerous assault were Joseph Hassell, Anna, his wife, and Benjamin, their son, and Mary, daugliter of Peter Marks. The scene of the massacre lies now within the limits of the city of Nashua, New Hampshire. 17 was Martindale) & one Shortridge, M' Gilbert's Mate, & 2 other men, all Drowned, coming up from y* Hands in y** night, wind at N. W. in Gil- berts Yaul, supposed to overset, y* Wind blowing very hard, not one saved. It is Reported, another family is Cut off by y" Enemy at Aimsbury this night. Novemb. 8 A Violent Storm of Wind & Rain at S. did much harm to Wharfes &c. One man Drowned out of a Woodboat in y^ South River on Mistick- side, a Boston man. 12 A flight of snow about an hour, Wind at N. W. w'^'' continued blowing very hard, & Extream Cold, freezing weather, till Saturday Evening y® 14* 14 John ffoster sailed for Barbadoes. 16 At night, began a Storm at N. E. very much Wind, Snow & Haile all night, Less wind y^ next day, snow continued more or less till night. A Vessel from Madera Castaway at Cape Cod this storm, one More was master, men, & most of y*' Goods saved. 15 A clear, sharp day, fresh gale at N. W. 22 Fair, sunshine weather Wind at N. W. & freezing nights & morn- ings all the last week from y® 18'!' day till this day, w" there was little or no Wind ; cloudy at night ; 23 Munday, Wind at S. E. cloudy, moderate weather ; Rain at night, all night, more or less. 24 Tuesday, Wind at N. & NNE. moist, misty weather & Cold : but thawing. 25 Wedensday : Wind at N & NNE. Bleu hard in y'^ morning & snow all day more or less, cold, but thawing. 26 Thursday, Wind at N. W. fair Weather. 29 Sabbath, a Very cold day, snow & rain at night. Wind S. E. Little of it Nov. 30 JMunday, Wind at N. W. cloudy, misty weather, clear at night. 1 went to Boston w'!" M^ Knill, discoursed My Newton about his busines : also Comitted to M' Newton y*" prosecuting Mr Pool's bonds at next Court, I gave him 12^ M'' Sheafe promised to com over to me this week, & if M^ Ellis did not, he would make up w' I had already rec'^ of M! VAlis 30' for ye writings drawn betw. them. Dec. 1 Tuesday, a moderate day, raine at night, little or no wind. 2 Wedensday, Wind at N. E. Rain & snow. & much rain at night, blew hard. M'' Knill [This line is written in cypher; and for a translation by our associate, Mr. Upham, see his letter printed below.] ^ 1 Newtonville, Mass., Jan. IG, 1892. Dr. Samuel A. Green: My dear Sir, — The short-hand in Hammond's Journal, which you asked me to decipl)er, differs from any I have ever met with. Among the twenty or 3 18 Maiy Martiu came this day to our House to Dwell. 6 Good, moderate weather till day ; w'^'' was cold & still ; in y' night Raine & m'=.'' winds at E & S. E. Ml^ Jonath. Russel preached this afternoon in Joh. 1. 12. 7 a faire day, wind at N. W. moderate weather. 8 Tuesday, wind at N. & N. E. a moderate, still day, Rain all night. wind at E^ & S E. This Afternoon M." Dudley came over & w'!' him, Cap* ffoxcraft & Cap* Davis ; Mr Graves, Cap' Sprague, Cap* Hunting, Ml Jn? fEowle & myselfe treated y".' at Suiners w'l" a Glass of Wine, Maj'. Hincbman, came to Town this Evening & was in y* Company. 9 Wedensday,Wind at N. E. Rain all day. cleer night. Wind at NW. 10 Thursday, fair, moderate day, wind at S. W. 11 fryday, fair, moderate day, wind at S. W. Jn° Pullen came in from Jamaica ; W"' Gerish w"' him. M' Newton & Mr Pool came over to me ; Mr Pool proposed to pay £38. money & 20' M' Newton's fees for a final issue. I told him if ye Women concerned w'! accept it, I w*? be satisfyed, & w'' give Mr Newton a speedy acco' therof. I accordingly spake w"' M" Long & M? Tuck, who did both accept his proposals. 12 from this day to y*" 17'.'* moderate weather & som Raine. 18 Tho. Gilbert saild for Jamaica. Wind at N. W. blew hard, a flight of snow, cold weather. 19 Saturday, wind at W.&W& by N. blew hard, faire weather & cold. 28 W"" Gerrish, shipped on a sloop, bound for Mountserrat, Edw. Loyd M' at 40 '' V mense. January 22 Cap* Dolbury arrived at Cape Cod from London, Rob! Orchard a passenger in him, came to Boston by Land y* 26* day. brought not one Letter w'^ him from on board, sent from London, a £re to Coll. page from y" M', he brought, w*^.*" informs y' S' W'" Phipps is coming Genl' Govf over all y* territory from y® East end of New- york to y^ West end of Newfoundland, y' flfoy & Quelsh & Bant are taken Bob. Orchard tells y*^ same ; y" News of y^ GovT they rec*? at plim" 6 weekes passage from plym°, y' Ware & Gillam came out w*.^ them more short-hand alphabets existing before 1692 the only one that furnishes a clew is that of Thomas Skellon, 16.50, which is the same, substantially, as that of Elisha Coles, 1674. A few of the characters are double consonants or arbitrary symbols not given in the alphabet, so that their meaning can only be conjectured. What is doubtful is given within brackets. Using Skelton's alphabet, I make the entries to read as follows : — 1691, Dec. 2. "M: Knill [th]is m[or]ning told me [at our] h[ou]s[e] : t[hat] he was sur[e] lie sh[ou]ld n[ot] liv[e] -30 da[y]s mor[e] : he was in a pa[y]ing : to [save] being [attached ?] " 1694, May 8. "Jos. Arnald for Autigua. ' niistris ha[ ]d went down to Nan- ^sket : — " 16i(4, June 24. "myself presenting her to [him] to be baptized." Very truly yours, William P. Upiiam. Ill January 14 A Fast thro' the Colonic by order of Gen" Court. 24 Sabbath day morning sayled sundry Vessels from Nantasket, among whom, Barachiah Arnold & Edw. Loyd for Mountserrat. 25 York at y*" Eastward, Attaqued by French & Indians, most of y^ Town burnt ; 140 persons, missing, about 40 found killd & buryed by Cap' fflood & his Company, who lay in pay at pascataq^. when this mine befell York, & went After y* mischiefe was don, to bury y^ dead. M"; Shubal Dummer, Minister of ye Town found cut in pieces. Febr. 15 My Daughter Elizabeth Peirson was delivered of a son, in Boston. g. -^ym Xemple in a Treatise of his, thus describes King W- of England. He is a prince of great firmnes to w! he promises or denies ; He speaks little but thinks much : Ambitious to be great ; a prince of great vertues & no apparent Vices. 23 Rain began in y^ night, & continued all y*" week, more or less to rain w"' much wind betw. y^ S. E & N. E. 2(S Likewise much rain & wind. Som raine y*' 29'*' also. March 1 Wind at N. W. & cleare weather. These raines, w'!^ y^ Violent sudden melting of y*^ snow in y" Wilder- nes caused such a sudden & Violent flood jl hath done abundance of damage in most parts of y" Country, carrying away bridges, Mills &c. Connecticut river 3 f! higher y" ever it was known before, destroyed m''.'^ Cattel in y* meadows, carryed away som Houses, & washed away in many places y® very land w'l' y* English graine sown in it. Fe15r. 25 My Daughter Abigail [widow of Luke Greenough] was marryed, before M'' Sewell to M" James Whippo of Barnstable. March 1 My wife & I set out on Horsback w*!' son & Daughter Whippo for Barnstable, but at Roxbury were informed y^ waters were so high & wayes so bad we could not pass. We returned to Boston. 2 We took passage in a Sloop, Sam. Allen M' in y* morning, but y^ wind being contrary we put into Cunnihasset [Cohasset] & landed there at night ; from thence we travaild by land 7 & arrived at Barnstable on Munday night y"" 7"' instant. 19 My wife & I set out from Barnstable came to Sandwich, staid y'= Sabbath, lodged at M' Prince's. 21 We came to plimouth, lodged at M' Cottons. 22 We came to Braintree, lodged at Mf fisks. 23 We came safe home, thro' Gods mercy. 1692 Apr. 18 Susanna Burrage came to us to serve for wages at A^. "^ annu. Parson Gerish first went to School to M' Emerson. 21 Mf Steph : Codman's sloop launched, built by M"^ Row. 29 Mr Jn" ffoster arrived from Barbadoes. May 3 M'. Dudley arrived from N. York. ^ 20 4 An Election held at Boston, y^ only change made, was, M^ W- Johnson of Wooburn left out & Majf Jn° Richards taken in. 11 Cap' Elisha Bennet's ship was launclied by Kdw"! Johnson. 14 S' W"'. Phipps arrived in y" Evening (being Saturday) in y*" Non- such ffriggot, Cap! Staples in a Hakeboat in Compay, & a french prize by y"' taken on Newfoundland-banks, loaden w'l' Sugar, bound for france from Martinico. 16 Munday, 10 Companies in Arms, consisting in 8 of Boston & 2 of Charlestown, attended S' W" to y*^ Townhouse where his Coinissiou was read, to be Cap! Gen" & Govf in chiefe over Massachusets & pli- mouth ; & y*^ Kings Lieu' over y* militia in Connecticut, Road Hand & province of New-Hampshire. Likewise M"; Stoton's Comission to be Lieu! or Deputy Gov^ & y" Kings Deputy Lieu' over y° militia &c. M! Addington Secretary included in y"" Gov'.^ Comission, as likewise all y*^ Council. M"^ Stoughton gave y^ oath to y" Gov' as by Coiiiission he was appointed y"^ Secretary gave y* oath to M"^ Stoughton & y^ Council, such as were present. 26 Publike Fast held by order of y^ Governm! 24 M'? Cary, wife of Nath. Cary, Committed to Cambridge prison, & put in Irons, upon suspition of witchcraft. Coppy of a Warr' for an Assembly. ^.^^^ S: W^ Phipps Kn^- Gap*. Gen^} Sr Govl in chiefe of their Mnf'? (seal) province of y^ Massachusets Bay in N. E. in America. To y" Constables or Constable of Charles town., Greeting. These are in y"" I\Iaj''.^^ Names W- & Mary by y^ grace of God of Engl^, Scotland, France & Ireland K & Q : &c. to will & require you, upon rec' hereof, forthw"' to assemble at such time & place as you shall appoint, y^ freeholders & other Inhabitants of y" s'! Town & place, qualifyed as in & by his Maj"."^ Royal Charter for setling of y^ Gov- ernm! of s*? province is directed, y' is to say, such as have an testate of freehold in land within y® s*^ province or Territory to y'' Value of 40 's y annu at least, or other Estate to y** Value of 40^ sterl : to Elect &, depute two psons & no more to serve for & represent y"' in a great or Gen" Court or assembly for y* s*^ province, by me appointed to be convened, held & kept at y*^ Townhouse in Boston upon Wedensday y* S'*^ day of June next ensuing y" date hereof for their Maj'":'' Service ; w".'' person so Elected or deputed by y" major part of y*^ s'^ freeholders & other Inhabitants who shalbe present at y'^ s'! Election, you are timely to Suiiiou to attend y*^ s*! great & Gen" Court or assembly y* day above prefixed by 9 in y^ morning & make return of this writ w'!' yo! doings therin under yo! hand, into y"' Secretary's Office y*^ day before y* s'^ Assembly's meeting ; hereof fail not as you will answer 21 yf neglect. Given under my hand & seal at Boston y*" 20"' of May 1G92, in y* 4"' year of their s" Maj"?^ Reign. Wm Phipfs June 1 The freeholders of Charlestown met to choose Assembly- men Major Phillips chosen Moderatour. It was proposed by Mf Graves to Enquire who had a right in Voting & y* a list of their names might be taken ; but y' was not approved. They were not willing to question any present. The manner of Voting being discoursed, M"! Graves proposed by polling according to y*' way of P^ngland ; but Voting by papers was preferred before it ; JNI": Morton being y"" Chiefe speaker, did w*^ great Vehemency (& as little prudence) inveigh ag" y** manner of Choosing parliam' men in England, calling it prophane & wicked &c. They carryed it by a Vote to choose by papers ; & y'' minor part of y" Voters present chose Jacob Green sen!' & SaiTi. Phipps ; above 40 Voters present refused to Vote in y' way, & so Voted not at all ; many of whom refused to Vote, only because they carryed it in y* way. Divers freeholders we find were not warned to y^ meeting so y' It is Judged an illegal choise. 2 A Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem this day, W^^ Stough- ton Esq, Judge, to try severall of those who are accused of Witchcraft. 3 An old Woman, wife of one Bishop of Salem (her name was for- merly Olliver) found guilty, & condemned to be hanged. 6 The Conception, a man of Warre Coinanded by Cap* Fairfax arrived here from Virginia, being ordered from Whitehall to guard this Coast, as he shall receive orders from y^ Governo": She is a french prize, a o"* Rate, 32 guns 8 The Assembly Convened at Boston. y« Con- 10 Cap' Sprague myselfe & divers others of our Town, demned ^g,-,^ (j^wn to y"' Hands in Steph. Codman's Sloop, we came vvoniaii was . .„ „„r, in a pa this day «P m y" Afternoon, & y* Sloop & men Arms ct Ammuni- hanjid tion belonging to her were Impressed for y'^ Kings service. 11 Tho: Het senf went up in Edw. Johnson's Cannoo tow*^.' y" Oyster banks near Cambridge River to get Oysters ; he fell out of y* Cannoo, about y^ point of marsh belonging to M": Hills farm; none being w* him. M"" Hill heard a man Hallow, & casting his eyes y' way, saw a Cannoo adrift & a man in y*' water ; he hastned to him w* his boat, & found him on y* flats drowned in not above 3 foot water, he took him up, & brought him to Town. July 5 A fire began in y*^' Kiug's-Head Tavern in Bo.stoii, *'''"'' by Halsy's Wharf, bet w H & 12 at night, w*^'' destroyed about 20 Dwelling Houses & Warehouses 6 Commencem' day. July 14 Publike Thanksgiving throughout y*' province, by ord"". of Gov'' & Council '>9 17 The Moon almost totally Ecclipsed. ] 9 Five persons Executed at Salem, being Convicted of Witchcraft. 20 I removed w'!* my family to Cap' Jn" Wing's House in Boston, at £12. V annu Rent y'' stable included. 12 Leat to Seth Sweetsir y'^ stable standing by y'' House Rented by Edw'l Johnson in Charlestown, at 15/' V annu. Aug'.' 3 Arrived Jn": Bolston from .Jamaica, who brought y'' tidings of y" amazing Earthquake at y*^ Hand, wherby y*' whole Town of port Royal (Except y^ back street) is sunk under water, & above 2000 Earthquiik psons suddenly destroyed, not a House upon y*" Hand, but is at Janiaioa either down or greatly damnifyed. this hapned June 7* about noon, being tuesday, a faire, still day ; y* Town all well, & sunk, being overflowed by y" sea in y" space of 2 or 3 minutes ; 4 or 5 fathom water & in som places more now over y'^ Town. 4 A fast at y*" North-Church in Boston. 12 A fast at Charlestown. A post from pascataq^ gives acco! of y"" arrival of y^' Mast ships, w . a man of warr of forty odd guns, in whom M!; Jn" Usher came, L' Gov' of y' province ; News from England, y* on y'^ 18*' or 19* of May, y"' P>nglish & french fleets P^ngaged ; y' y" french was routed, about 23 of their Capi- tol Ships burnt & sunk, wherof y^ Admiral & Vice admiral, of 104 guns a ps, y*" rest most of 80 & 70 guns a ps, none under 60 guns, a little before this Engagem', a grand plot was discovered, wherein sev- eral Lords & Gentlemen were concerned to bring in King .James. 13 Cap' Bozinger arrived in Boston, who came w'!' y*" mast ships from London. 11 Leat to Daniel of Boston Butcher, y'' stable belonging to Cap' Wings House, at 40/s %! annii. Rent to begin when put in repaire ; M"^ Jn" Fowl present at y^ Agreem' 15 The Stable repaired, y" Rent began this day, being Munday Sep' 5 M^ .Jn° Foster sailed for Barbadoes, being Munday, a fair wind continued till Thursday morning. Sep' 16 Cap! Jn° Carter of Wooburn was buryed (who dyed of a feaver) the bearers were. Cap' W'" Johnson, Cap' Jos. Lynde, Cap' Jer. Swain, Cap! Jn° Brown. Cap' Jonath. Danforth & myself, gloves to y*-' bearers. 17 The Governo' saild for Pemicjnid in y^' sloop Mai-y. yc 20"' 19 Cap' Gilbert & Capl Emes arrived from Canada river, M": Hough they brought in w'.'^y'" a french prize, a Flyboat, Judged about doz Can" '^^^ Tuns full of french Goods, taken in y*^ mouth ol Canada, dies. bound up y*' River, from France, she is judged a Rich ship. 24 8 psons hanged at Salem, & one pressed to death som dayes be- fore being Condemned about Witchery. 21 in all have been P^xecuted at Salem since y* Court began. 9'>. 26 I Rec'' o?W Grace Ireland £12. 0. iu good ps of |- for w"^ I gave her a Bond under my hand & Seale to pay to her Husband INF Ju? Ireland £12. 9. 6 in good & Lawfull money of N. E. on or before y^ 26 of march next; she promised y' If they could spare it & I sh^ desire it, I might have it another halfe yeare. M' Ju° Ireland arrived from Nevis this Evening. 28 Cap' Elisha Bennet sailed for Barbadoes & Cap' Quelsh for Jamaica. They stopt at Nantasket. 29 The Governo" arrived from Pemiquid. Oct. 8 A Rainy day Wind at N. cleer night & a hard frost, wind N. W. 9 Sabbath day. Wind at N. W. a very t-old day. ... ■ 10 Snow in y^ morninij fair before noon, snow £[one bv 1°^ snow JO ' e> J Noon. 1 1 Maj' Ilinchman, lodged here this night, & desired quarters & lodging- here till y*^ Gen" Assembly shall end. w"*" we granted 12 Gen!' Assembly began ; Cap' Goodenow, began to Quarter here this night on y" same occasion w'!* MajT Hinchman. 15 Maj^ Hinchman went home after dinner. Cap' Goodenow staid here. 30 The Man of Warre & Mast Ships saild from Pascatq,. Mad' Daniel tfe M" AYoodgate went Passengers. Dec. 2 M"^ Thwing saild for Montserat. 3 Edw!" Loyd saild for Montserat. 14 I rec!^ a Ire l^rom Bf Parson, by one Monk, who arrived here yC 2 2''^ day. in it % Bill Exchange drawn by Mr Anthony Hodges of Montserat for £36 5. 0. payable to my Brother or order, by M' James Leblond of BostoiA at 10 ds sight I did y*^ same day present y^ Bill to him, who p'' y' money on sight. It was signed by my Brother on y*^ back side. 15 Mf James Berry Arrived fiom Jamaica, by whom we have y" sad News of M"^ Clutterbucks death after his arrival at Jamaica, taken sick Sep' 24. dyed y"' 29'!' Also of y*^ continuance of y** Earthquake, & a dreadfull ruortality about 4000 dead since ye Earthquake, besides those y' perished by it, Computed about 2000 persons. 13 Tuesday : Betty Palladay came home from Mr Taylors & Betty Gerrish went to M' Taylor's in her place. 19 Cap' Ernes in y" Flyboat S' Jacob sailed for Salturtootha [Sal Tortugas]. 20 Mr Jos. Lynde saile 1 in his Ketch for Salturtootha. 19 Cap' James Thomas Sailed for Barbadoes. 21 In y' Evening, about 6 of y*^ Clock, a fiery meteor blazed w'.'" a great light, sending from it 7 or 8 distinct balls of fire, shooting from y' West tow*^' y^ S. E. as Cap' Benj" Gillam & Cap! Eldridge have affirmed who diligently observed it & say y* light continued about 2 minutes Mi Sheafe is my Authour, who told me he rec'' this acco' 24 from y*^ aboveiiamed persons ; it was also Visible to all y' were out of their Houses in y® open Aire. 22 Acco' of y* death of Mf Jn". Russell of Hadley, who Sickned & dyed in or about one houres time ; he was Minister of y' Towne. y*" dav of his death was on the day of this instant December. March 12 Cap' Gilbert Bant arrived from London. 19 Cap' Jose arrived from London. 1693 April 22 Cap' Emms in Ship S' Jacob arrived w'!" Salt from Xuma [Exuma]. Nath. Green arrived from Barbadoes. 18 Indians are supposed this day to have murthered a man & 2 children & to have Carryed away a Woman & a boy at Lampereele river, y^ dead being found, & y" others missing, but none of y'' House left to give any acco' May 8 Six persons, men. Women & Children murthered by Indians at York near pascatq^. 10 My wife returned from Wenham. whether I carryed her Apr. 28'^ 12 M' W- Thwing arrived from Montserat. 14 My Stretton arrived from Montserat. 17 Edw'^ Loyd in Ship prosperous arrived from Nevis. Five Ml''/' sugar 4 B"! parsons, one W!^' Gerish's landed out of Stret- ton into M^ Cooper's Warehouse. Six Tierces sugar B^ Parsons out of Thwing landed & put into M^ Lillies Warehouse. 23 M^ Hall & 1SI\ Rankin came in from Xuma. I weighed to M' Tho. Cooper 4 Mi'^'' B' parson's & one Mi W~ Gerrish's Sugar. 24 M' Rich'' Foster came in from Salturtootha. 25 This morning betw. 12 & one, a fire broke out in Boston, in y® Lane opposite to Halsy's Wharf e, it benan in one Holt's House a Baker. & proceeded up*^^ y^ lane, one House being blown up below & Giles Fyfields house above stopt it (w'!' Gods blessing) so as to bui*n down only 3 houses, w*^'' w* 2 blown up 5 in all were destroyed, liow this fire was first kindled, is not known ; In blowing up one House David Edw''.'' Arm was brok ; & one Whit- terige a stout Seaman so bruised y' he is said this day to be near death, this was don by y^ fall of timbers upon them. June 1 1 Their Maj*'"^ Fleet consisting of about 17 Saile of Men of Warre & Tenders, under y* Comand of S-' Fra : Wheeler General, ar- rived here from Martinico. July 5 Commeucem* 6 A Fast at the old Church. August 2 S; Francis Wheeler & y* fleet sailed hence. 1694 April 2 Major Jn" Richards of Boston dyed suddenly, being in 25 health (to appearance) a moment before : being opened his Vitals ap- peared Very sound. April 6 Maj; Richards was buryed at y* North burj'ing place with the foot Regiment attending the funeral. 9 S: W'V Phips Sailed from Boston in a Brigantine bound to the Eastward. 22 Cap' Benj? Gillam Command' of Ship Prud' Sarah, arrived here from London. 30 Raine began, being Munday, Wind at E. & N. E. continued till Thursday foil, much Raine fell in y'^ time Little or no Raine having fallen in a month before. May 7 D"- Daniel Allen, a true Lover of his Country & most Loyal to the Crown of England, Learned, Wise, Humble pious, most true to his friend, the approved, able and beloved physician &c. Sickned Sat- urday the 28* day of April in y*^ night, and dyed this day being Mun- day, to the universall grief e of all good men who were acquainted with his worth. 8 Jn° Tenny & M^ Bishop sailed for Montserat Jai'is for Nevis. Jos. Arnald for Antigua. [The rest of this line is in cypher ; and for a translation, see note, page 18, ante.^ 9 Dr Allen buryed, 6 Cap! Horton in ship Tryal who came out in Company with Cap' Gillam arrived this day. 4 M' Brenton set out for Road-Iland, a privatier one Cap' Too, arrived there April 28'!' with much treasure y' Dep. Collecf; Seized y*" Sloop, & gave notice of it to y*" Collect' w''^ occasioned his going thither. May 10 M" Jose went tow? Pascataq, this day, her son Richard Lee sent to our House, there to stay till her return. 23 S' W™ Phipps arrived from pemiquid. June 2 M" Jose returned. 12 Eclips of the sun, a clear day. Cap' Wing sent his Daughter to Warn me out of his house 19 Cap' Dagget saild for London. 22 Jur Phillips & his B' Sam. philips saild in a sloop for Bristoll. Genl' Court adjourned to y^ first Wedensday in 7ber. 16 My Daughter Abigail wife of James Whippo delivered of a Son at Barnstable about Noon, y* next day baptized by y^ name of Laurence. 24 My Daughter Elizabeth wife of Tho. Pierson deliv'ed of a Daughter, who was Baptized Elizabeth by M' Morton the first day of July foil, at Charlestown [A line in cypher ; and for a translation, see note, page 18, ante.^ 25 26 July 18 In y' morning a little before day, The Indians fell upon & 4 >- Gen" Training at Charlestown. 26 destroyed y*^ Village called Oyster river [Durham] in y- province of New Hampshire, Killed above 50 persons, & many Carried away, & burnt most of y* Houses. 2 or 3 dayes after a party came down within 2 miles of Strawberry bank [Portsmouth, N. H.], & Killd y" Widow of M^ Jn° Cutt & a Negro man, & wounded another negro ; 20 S!' W? Phips Sailed in y« Galley to y" Eastward. 27 The Indians Set upon Groton burnt 2 Houses, kild 22 persons found dead, 13 more missing, they were pursued by about 100 Horse but they returned without finding them.^ Aug- 2 S' W"" Phips returned home from Pemaquid. Indians all gon from those parts. &c. Wind at N. E. & E. cloudy & misty all night, foggy in the morning, w''*' soon turnd to raine ; We had abundance of raine this day by many great showers w"' thunder & Lightning, y'' raine continued more or less all night. 4 The sun shined a little this morning ; but y^ clouds returned, & it rained very often in y" day, at Evening y^ raine set in againe & con- tinued all night with a very great Storm of Wind at N. PI 5 Sabbath day a clear, hot, sunshine day. This raine is Judged very seasonable for y® grass & Indian Corn w*:*^ in many places was Languish- ing for want of Raine This Evening Cap! Fox's child was baptized (named John) by M' Hatten at Cap' Fox's House, Godfathers Ml" Ja : La-blond & M' Sherloe Godmother the Wife of M!' Tippet. M'? Fox was delivered July 29* about 6 o clock in y® morning being y'' last Sabbath. 7 Eben : Orton & Tho : Fowler this day signed Coven*.' y^ s!^ orton to build the s'^ Fowler a Barque at Hingham, according to y'' Coven'.^ agreed on ; I drew y'' Writings, & met the parties at y*^ Exchange Tavern betw : one & two afternoon, y^ writings being signed, Sealed & deliv'ed in y* p'sence of Mr Sam. Shrimpton & myself Witnesses ; the s^ Fowler paid Said Orton £20.0.0 in good ps of eight w'=.*' s? Orton rec'^ of him in my presence. I left them at y^ sl^ Tavern ; towards night, y^ s^ Eben : Orton & his wife went on board a Sloop bound for Hingham, but having saild part of y* way y"^ wind not faire, they re- turned tow*^.* Boston, & came near y^ shoar on y*" south side of the Town, & there y'' boom struck s? Orton overboard, & he was there drowned, this was about nine at night ; the next morning he was found, w'.'^ y" money in his pocket. 1 Judge Sewall, in his Diary (Mass. Hist. Coll. 5th series, vol. v. p. 391), smjs in regard to this assault : " Friday, July 27. Groton set upon by the Indians, 21 persons kill'd, 13 captivated, 3 badly wounded " ; and tlie Reverend John Pike, in his Journal (Proceedings, vol. xiv. p. 128), has the following: "July 27. The enemy fell upon Groton ab' day-break, killed 22 persons & Captivated 13." 27 August 8 Their Maj"''' Galley Called the Newport, and Cap' Jn"- Foy arrived from England this day ; they parted with another Frif>;got & two Masts ships bound for pascatq, the 4*1* instant. Cap' Packston Comands the Galley. Cap' Sewell & Maj' Townsend departed hence for Newyork y"" 6"' in- stant, to meet w'!* Colonel Pinchon who are here appointed to Joyn w* Colonel Fletcher in a treaty with the Maques [Mohawks] about a firm peace. April 7*!^ 1691. Then Received of Laur. Hammond, by the order of Abigail Rogers of Billerica, One Deed of sale, of 12 Acres & ^ of land lying in Charlestowne, from John Cutler senr of Charlestown, to William Rogers, sonn of William Rogers late of Charlestown dec*^ under y" hand & seal of y*" said John Cutler, bearing date y*" 20"" day of June 1690. in pres- ence of Nathaniel Dowse & Laur. Hammond, Witnesses. I say rec'' by me. Danil Gould 1677 A memoriall of Mortality, being an Acco* of the Death's of Persons in New-England, concerning w""?* some I'emarkable Circumstances attend the same, & Especially of such growne persons who have dyed in Charlestowne ; beginiug w"" y*^ yeare 1677. March 17 D^ Sam. Alcock, of Boston, after long languishing, Dyed. May 14 M'' David Anderson, Commander of Ship Blessing, bound home from London, dyed neer this land, buryed on shore at his funeral, 24 Guns fired from y° ship & 12 fro y* Towne June 15 Francis Willoughby, youngest son of Fra. Willoughby Esq,, coming from London in Cap' Jenner, dyed at sea, w'l' y'^ smallpox. July 17 Two men kild by Lightning, one at Topsfield & another at Wenham. July 18 Skipper How returned, after a wonderful 1 preservation at Sea, five persons dying on board & upon a desolate Hand upon w'.'' he was cast, all perishing Except himselfe. Aug 5 M^ Rich*^ Sharp of Boston, who came in well from sea on y*" 2^ instant, dyed of a viol' distemper, poyson suspected. 6 M^ Jn? Lake of Boston, dyed, whose will M"^ Sharp aforenamed wrot y*" 4'f' instant ; but dyed before y*" Testato": 27 Isaac Foul's Daughter about 4 yeares old, was Drowned in Josh. Ednmnd's well. 2S Tom my Negro-man, dyed w'."* the smallpox. Si'pt' 9 W'" Willoughby, dyed of the small-pox. M'' Jos. Brown's Negro-woman, Rose, dyed of y*" small-pox. 13 Tlio. Mousal's wife dyed of a feaver &c. 21 John Edmunds, dyed of a consumption. 28 22 John Caudag's daughter dyed of y" smallpox. 28 M' Jn*? Anderson of Boston, Shipwright, dyed. Oct. 8 Phebe Richardson, of Cap' Hinchman's family, dyed of y*" small-pox. 10 Acco* brought of the death of M^ Benj? Gibbs, late of boston slaine by his own Indian in y^ bay of Campech. 11 M? Rawson, the wife of M' Edw. Rawson, after some time of sicknes, dyed. 15 The wife of Lieu? Ted, after long sicknes, dyed. 17 The maid of M' Tho. Graves in this Towne, dyed of y" smallpox. Nov. 6 Ensign W™ Fletcher of Chelmsford, dyed of Gripings. 12 Sarah Tredway, M' Graves other maid, dyed of y" smallpox. 16 John Tomlin of Boston, under discontent, Hanged Himselfe. 20 GoodiTi. Williams of Boston, an aged man, cut his owne throat & dyed. M"^ Mather this day informed me, that in Plimouth Colonie, about a month agoe, an English Woman, said to have had 19 children, & w*.^ child of y® 20"' & two Indians, murthered themselves. 25 Jn° Upham, a Sojourn- at Jn° Mousal's, dyed of ye Smallpox. 28 Jn9 Dowse of Charlestowne, dyed of y*" Smallpox. Decemb. 9 W'? Johnson, an aged man of Charlestowne, dyed. 10 Tho. Larkin, dyed of y® Small-pox. Jn*? Dexter of Maiden shot by Cap' Sam. Hunting of Charlestown whereof he dyed, it was by accident done y'' last week. 12 A new borne child found in Boston-Dock, w*^.'' had been murthered. 16 W. Sheaf's wife, dyed of y" Smallpox. 22 M"^ Tho. S/iepard, y" Reverend & super-Eminent Teacher of this church, dyed of y^ small-pox. 29 John Poor's wife dyed of y^ smallpox. The Mate of a Ketch, under saile in Boston Harbour, fell overboard & was drowned. Janua : 1 Jn? Burrage Junior, dyed of y* small-pox. 2 W" Brown Senior, his child, dyed of y'^ smallpox. 7 Zech. Foule, dyed of the small-pox. 16 D! Sam. Brackenbury of Boston, dyed of y*" smallpox. 17 M? Norton, widow of M- Jn° Norton of Boston, dyed of an Appoplexy. M"" Alex. Adams, of Boston, dyed y*" 15'.'^ instant. 18 Mary Keyes, Nath. Frothingham's maid, dyed of y*" small-pox. 22 M'^^' Howard, Maj. Willard's daughter & Nath. Howard's wife, dyed. 30 Mary, y*" widow of Zech. Foule, died of y'' small-pox. Febr. 6 M' Antho. Checkly's wife of Boston, dyed, being in trouble of mind refused to eat. 17 Jn? Larkin, after 13 weekes illnes of y" smallpox &c. dyed. 29 28 Deborah Long, daughter of Mich. Long, dyed of y*" smallpox. March 8 Old Father Jones, near 90 yeares of age, dyed. 10 M- Jos. Lynde's Indian dyed of y^ smallpox. 18 Jn° Bacon's child dyed of y*" smallpox. Old widow Cutler dyed w*^ Distempers of old age. 1678 March 20 Jn° Bacon's wife dyed. 25 Hannah Kettle, daughter of Jos Kettle dyed of the smallpox. April 4 Jn? Lowden, who hath stood for some time Excomunicated, dyed. 5 M^ Josiah Allen, a Merch' in Boston, being on board Cap' Benj. Gillam's great ship, was shot to death by a fouling piece, accidentally firing in a boat, going off y" ship side. 7 Jn° Newel's child dyed of y*" smallpox. Jn° Bacon, dyed of y*" smallpox. 13 Nath. Rand's wife, dyed of y" small pox. 18 Widow Barret's child dyed of y" smallpox. M" Newman, Minister at Rthoboth, dyed since this month began. 26 Tho. Tarbal ^ dyed of y*" smallpox. 29 M"^ Hay man's Negro man, dyed ; He well on Saturday fore- noone, Drunk in y*^ Afternoone, taken w".' an Exceeding swelling in & about his Cods on y" Sabbath, & dyed ys morn? May 1 Mr Sam. Ballat's wife dyed of y*^ small-pox. Sarah Osburne dyed of y"" smallpox. 9 Mf Jos. Browne (lately removed hence to Boston) dyed, having been for some time ill. 13 M!^ Jn° Lake's widow dyed in Boston of y" smallpox ; 17 M"^.^ Starre, formerly Gatliefe of Boston, dyed of y"^ small-pox. 23 W" Goose, Junior dyed at Sea on board one Johnson, coming from Loudon, the ship came in this day ; he dyed of y" smallpox. 28 Ezek. Hamblin's child, dyed of y" smalipox. 30 Ezek. Hamblin's child (viz. another) dyed of y*" smallpox. Sarah Sawyer, M'' Green's maid, dyed of y*" smallpox, or pestilentiall feaver, in a strange manner ; it was on y*" 29'^ instant. June 6 Sam. Carter Junior, dyed of y" smallpox. 9 Ursula Cole, y*" wife of Jn? Cole sen!^ dyed of a feaver. 11 Old Goodm Tarbal,^ & y" wife of Jn° Cole Junr & her child born yesterday, dyed of y® small pox. 18 Newes of a Woman & two children murthered by Indians about New-London. 1 Tliomas Tarbell, Jr., a former resident of Groton, but who after tlie destruc- tion of tliat town by the Indians on Marcli 13, 1676, had removed to Chnrlestown. Thomas, the father, died seven weeks later, also at Charlestovvn, on June 11 ; and they both were original proprietors of Groton. 30 June 19 Three Indians of Natik kild by y*" Mohawkes, & divers captiv'd. 30 Cap' Tho. Clerk, Ironmonger in Boston dyed. July 4 M"" Timo. Symmes dyed of y*" small-pox. 15 M'* Marshal, wife of M'' W° Marshal, dyed of y*" smallpox. Aug. 6 Henry Swaine's wife dyed of y" smallpox. The following receipts are of interest, as showing the crude ideas that prevailed more than two centuries ago, here and elsewhere, in regard to medical therapeutics. Physical Receipts. For Comforting the Head & Braine. Take Rosemary & Sage of both sorts of both, w* flowers of Rose- mary if to be had, & Borage w*.** y'' flowers. Infuse in Muscadine or in good Canary 3 dayes, drink it often. The fat of a Hedg-hog roasted drop it into the Eare, is an Excel- lent remedy against deafnes. Also a Clove of Garlick, make holes in it, dip it in Honey, & put it into the Eare at night going to bed, first on one side, then on the other for 8 or 9 dayes together, keeping in y" Eares black wooll. An Excellent water for y^ Eyes. Take Sage, Fennel, Vervain, Bettony, Eyebright, Celandine, Cinque- foyle, Herb of grass, pimpernel, Steep them in White wine one night, distill all together, & use the water to wash the Eyes. The juice of Eyebright is Excellent for y*" sight. Another. Take good White wine. Infuse Eyebright in it 3 dayes, then Seeth it-w*!^ a little Rosemary in it, drink it often, it is most Excellent to re- store & Strengthen the sight. Also Eate of the powder of Eyebright in a new layd Egge rare roasted every morning. Another. Take Fennel, Anniseed & Elicompaine, dry & powder them, mix it with good Nants-brandy, & dry it againe : Every morning & Evening eate a pretty quantity it is Excellent for y*" sight. 31 A Medicine to recover t"^ Colour & Complexion WHEN LOST BY SiCKNES. Take two quarts of Rosewater red, take five pounds of clean White "Wheat, put it into y'' Rosewater, Let it Lie till the Wheate hath soaked up all y*" Liquor, then take the Wheat & beat it in a mortar all to mash. Nettle Seeds bruised & drank in White Wine is Excellent for the Gravel. For Hoarsnes. Take 3 or 4 figs, cleave them in two, put in a pretty quantity of Ginger in powder, roast them & Eate them often. For the Palsey. Take a pint of good Mustard, dry it in y'^ Oven till it be as thick as a pudding, then dry it over a Chafing dish of Coales till it may be beaton to powder mix w'!" it a haudfull of powder of Bettony leaves, put som Sugar to it & Eate it every morning. For the Megrum. Mugwort & Sage a handfull of each, Caraomel & Gentian a good quantity, boyle it in Honey, & apply it behind & on both sides y'' Head very warm, & in 3 or 4 times it will take it quite away. /4^' \