Ar>r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chapfj.SL"^. Copyright No... Shelf...^.5..W \{p UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 'Ik ,^l^ •je:^' J^Uo. yhTi^ J^U^. 'Hr'H^ MiscellMeous MarriageSj 1868-'98. Rev. Gdspefs Marriage Reoord, 1839 -'82. Rev. ShindeFs Marriage Record, 1825-'88. Rev.G. (j. Erlenmyer's Marriage Record, 1840-''?5. WITH INDEX OF SURNAMES. // Compiled by GEO. W. WAGENSELLER, A. M., Middleburgh, Pa. MIDDLEBURQH. PENNA.: WAGEISrSEnLiLER PTJBILirSIIING CO. 1899. M 1:^262 Entered according to the Act of congress, m tlie year 1999, by ©EG. W. Wagensklleb, In the ofllce of the Librarian of congress at Washington, ^WO COPIES DECEIVED. CF COh'i Stcut.o :>OPY, U ^^ u<7dn "K;,,/,' PRE) PACK. The collection of marriage records is not an entirely new venture in local history, but it has been done in so few cases that we are obliged to refer this publication as a new departure in the preservation of local history and genealogy. This work is so different from any other pub- lished that we feel tliat we have made an innovation in this matter. We know of no other county in the State of Pennsylvania that has such a record published. We deem the result of this collection of vast moment in coming years. How much would a list solemnized a hundred years ago be appreciated now? Time passes and if no one makes a record of passing events and nothing or very little is preserved, much is missed by future generations. TJie value of this book will increase as time rolls on and it will be appreciated more as the years roll by. The miscellaneous list of marriages from 1868 to Oct. 1, 1885 was taken from the files of the Middleburg Post and as it is not atall likely that all marriages were reported to this publication during that period, the list cannot be guaranteed to be complete. In fact we know that it is not complete for that time. From Oct. 1, 1885, the time tliat the new marriage license law went into effect, and hence is correct and complete, except in cases where persons went outside of the county to get their licenses. The publication of these marriages began in March 1898 in the columns of the Middleburg Post. About three colums were print- ed in each issue of the Post so that about four pages of this book were printed each week. In that way little by little this long list ot mar- riages was completed. Having compiled the miscellaneous list of marriages, we secured the marriage records of Kev. Adolf B.Casper, Rev. John P. Shindel, Jr., and Rev. C. G. Erlenmyer who served long and faitlifully various peo- ples and congregations in Snyder County, Pennsylvania. We were un- able to get authentic lists of earlier years than those r(>prescnted in this book, a feature we should have been only too glad to include in this publication. Snyder County Marriages. We have exercised every care and caution to secure accuracy in every detail both as to dates and names, and yet we have discovered that some slight though unimportant crrorshave creptin. They are not vital, but we rcgi'ct their presence. On page 5 of this book, it will be ob- served that the date 1888 should be 1899. A few other slight typo- graphical errors have occurred, but they are of small moment, and we trust they will be pardoned. After having printed the first 48 pages, we discovered that it would be a great convenience to print at the top of each page the year in which the marriages on that page took place. Beginning with page 49, we carried into effect this new idea and also had the beginning of each year in the context printed in larger and blacker type, thereby rendering it far more servicable to those wishing a book with a more ready reference. With reference to the index, we would say that we should have preferred to index each and every namcsepartely, but to do that would have required an addition to this volume of almost as much as the pres- ent size of the book. Therefore we have indexed the volume in sur- names. If you wish to look up a particular name, you will find in the index the number of the pages upon which you will find the names. Some names are not so numerous and hence they may appear but once, but there are many names that ap{>ear even hundreds of times. The index, though not as complete as we should have liked to have it, is quite a convenience in discovering names that are desired. The book contains from 7000 to 7500 marriages or a total of 15,- 000 names. This is almost as many names as there are people now liv- ing in Snyder county. The owner of this book will find it a most valu- able companion to secure data that is desired almost every day. To the genealogist or the local historian, the book is an indispeneable article. We appreciate the fact that the toil, labor and oxj>ensc required to get out the book will never be repaid, but the book will serve a useful pur- pose and we trust will be a source of gratification to all who may se- cure one of them. We can not close this preface without expressing our hope that this publication will bring out many more ©fa similar char- acter. The day will come when they will be sought after with the keenest anxiety. Rcs])ectfully Submitted, ^ i^^i Middleburg, Penna., July, 1899. 1868. Feb. 23, by Rev. J. W. Lesher, Seth Metcholaiid MissFietta Broiise botli of Jackson twp. March 29, by Kev. S. Aurand, Levi Witmer and Miss Luzetta C. Wolf, both of Chapman twp. April 13, by Kev. Lesher, J. W. Spaugler and Miss Louisa Wenzel, both of Chapman twp. July 13, by Kev. J. P. Shindel, Jackson Moyer and Catherine Brunuer, both of Musser Valley. July 23, by Rev. Shindel, Jona- than Musser and Catherine E. Wol- Hey, both of Centre twp. July 30, by Rev. Shindel, Pacie H. Dean and Amelia M. Snook, both of Mifflin county. Sept. 6, by Rev. J. W. Olewine, in the M. E. church, Selinsgrove, Isaiah Fink and Miss Maggie Ijutz, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 20, by Rev. Lesher, Geo. Deppen of Herndon and Miss Mary Ann Mertz of Freeburg. Sept. 27, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Richard La- zarus, Aaron Stahlnecker to Miss Lovina Ulrich, both ot Snyder Co. Sept. 29, by Rev. J. W. Lesher, Phillip S. Greenawalt of Lebanon and Miss Izora M. Byers of Selins- grove. Oct. 1, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. R. Lazurus, James VanZandt of Mifflin county to Mary Elizabeth Fraiu of Middle- burgh. Oct. 8, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Samuel McManamy and Miss Ame- lia Peter, both of Mifflin county. Oct. 18, by Rev. Edmonds, John Gerhardt and Miss Mary Beufer, both of Snyder county. Oct. 29, by Rev. Lazurus, Jacob Snook of Mifflin county to Miss Sarah B. Steininger of Bannerville. Nov. 8, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, M. Roswell Moyer to Miss Amelia Moyer, both of this county, Nov. 17, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Lazurus, W. Snyder of Penn twp., to Miss Anna Smith of Franklin twp. Nov. 19, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Snyder County Mabriages. Alfred Pobson to Miss Sarah E. Eisenhour. Nov. 24, by Rev. Laziirus, L. N. Myers, Esq., to Miss Mary L. Moatz, both of this place. Dec. 22, by llev. Shindel, James Gibbons of North'd county and Miss Caroline German of Freeburg. Dec. 26, by Rev. Lazurus, Dan. Crouse, Esq., of Crawfordville, Kansas, and Miss Mary Wittenmy- er ot this place. Dec. 27, by Rev. Shindel, Thos. Martin and Miss Mary Musser.both of Musser's Valley. Dec. 27, by Rev. Shindel, Chas. Mitchell of Beaver Furnace and Miss Sarah Smith of this place. Dec. 28, by Rev. Earley, John H. Wenrick to Miss Louisa Ulrich, both of Selinsgrove. 1869. Jan. 21, by Rev. J. R. Shindel, Joseph Musser to Miss Catherine Kratzer, both of this county. Feb. 2, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, George Koons to Miss Amelia Bobb, both of Centre twp. Feb. 4, by Rev. C. G. Erlenmy- er, Benjamin Miser to Miss Kate Grimm, both of Washington twp. Feb. 4, by Rev. Shindel, William Keiser, of near Lewisburg and Miss Alice E. Yerger of Hartleton, Union county. Pa. Feb. 7, bv Rev. Shindel, John Lawber of Juniata county and Miss Catherine Wertz ot Snyder county. Feb. 9, by Rev. Shindel, Charles L. Smith to Miss Hattie Wittenmy- er, both of this place. Feb. 9, by Rev. R. Lazurus, J. D. Romig of West Beaver to Miss Polly Romig of Beaver twp. Feb. 11. by Rev. Kloss, Walter Seitlerof Limestone to Miss Eliza- beth Fessler of Snyder county. Feb. 11, by Rev. Kloss, Wm. H. Fessler and Miss Sarah E. Wood- ling, both of Snyder county. Feb. 18, by Rev. Shindel, Jack- son Houtz of this county and Miss Mollie A. Shellenberger of Juniata county. Feb. 21, by Rev. Lazurus, Jos. Hook to Miss Anna Jane Gross, both of Decatur twp., Mifflin county. Feb. 21, by Rev. Lazurus. John M. Bowersox to ]v[iss Mary A. Hoff- man of the same place. Feb. 21, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, J. J. Coleman to Miss Ella Bowersox, of Centre township. Feb. 23, by Rev. Erlenmyer, H. Laudenslager to Miss Sarah Krouse, both ol Penn township. Feb. 28, by Rev. Erlenmyer, Lewis Goodling to Miss Mary A. Derr, both of C'hapman township. March 9, by Rev. Erlenmyer, Henry Garman to Catherine Jarrett, both of Penn township. March 11, by Rev. Erlenmyer, Jonathan Hilbish of Elkhart Co., Ind., to Jane Walter of Penn twp. March 13, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, George E. Specht to Rose E. Smith, both of Middleburg. March 14, in Frecbui'g academy, by Prof. D. S. Boyer, G. m. Gross to Miss Sarah Fisher, both of this county. March 14, by Rev. Erlenmyer, Henry Reigle to Miss Charlotte Spaid, both of this place. March 14, by Rev. Brown, Amos Snyder County MAERiAaES. Bailey of Sliamokin Dam and Lu- cinda Straub of Juniata Co., Pa. March 18, by Rev. Sliindel, Michael Haines to Rachael Craig, both of Washington township. March 21, by lie v. J. P. Long, Howard Frantz to Agnes Smith, both of this county, March 29, by Rev. Shindel, Wm. H. Renninger and Miss Barbara E. Bowersox, both of Franklin twp. April 1, by Rev. J. W. Lesher, Levi Ginney and Miss Mary Mussel- man, both of Selinsgrove. April 20, in Selinsgrove, W. S. Keller of Selinsgrove to Miss Mattie Wyland of Sunbury. April 23, by Rev. D. Kloss, I. C. Eden of Middleburgh and Miss Mary A. Gottshall of New Berlin. April 25, by Rev. L. C. Ed- monds, at the residence of the bride's father, Hon. A. K. Middleswarth, Wm. Dreese and Miss Sarah L. Middleswarth, both of Beaver twp. April 25, by Rev. C. G. Erlen- myer, Phillip Freed of Washington twp. to Miss Caroline Craig of W. Perry township. May 2, by Rev. Shindel, Jacob N. Fees of Snyder county to Mary Ann Conrad of North'd county. May 9, by Rev. Shindel, A., m. Smith and Miss Alvilda J. Stetler, both of Beaver township. May 23, by Rev. Shindel, Henry Yeisley and Miss Matilda Zimmer- man, both of Union county. May 30, by Rev. R. Lazurus, Henry Keck of Middlecreek twp. to Mary Bickel of Washington twp. June 6, by Rev. Shindel, Fred. Rath and Sarah J. Pontius of Sny- der county. June 6, by Rev. Shindel, at Bea- vertown, Arthur B. Specht and Miss Amanda Moyer, both of Snyder Co. June 6, in Selinsgrove, by Prof. Born, Philip H. Bentz of Phila. to Miss Maria C. Scharf of Selinsgrove. June 24, by Rev. C. G. Erlen- myer, Emanuel Aucker of Freeburg and Miss Maggie Weipert of Perry township. July 4, by Rev. Erlenmyer, E. C. VVeirick and Miss Rebecca Ren- ninger, both of Washington twp. July 13, Saul Shipman, son of Judge Shipman and Supt. of com- mon schools of North'd county, and Lucinda Fasuld, both of Lower Augusta township. July 22, by Rev. Seiple, Jacob S. Boop and Miss Mary m. Walter, both of this place. July 25, by Rev. Shindel, H. D. Speicht nnd Mary J. Long, both of Beaver twp. Aug. 8, by Rev. R. Lazurus Jonathan Spangler to Mary Alice Bachman, both of Adamsburg. Aug. 8, Rev. Erlenmyer, Frank Hummel to Margaret Dock, both of Middlecreek township. Aug. 8, by Rev. Erlemnyer, P. S. Mitterling to Leah Arnold, both of Perry township. Aug. 14, by Rev. Erlenmyer, Franklin Weirick, editor of the Se- linsgrove Times, and Clara Roll- back, both of Selinsgrove. Aug. 29, by Rev. Shindel, Jos. Catherine and Christina J. Rearick, both of Union county. Sept. 9, by Rev. Erlenmyer, J. B. Shirk and Jane Keller, both of Freeburg. Oct. 5, by Rev. Erlenmyer, Ed. Snyder County Marriages, Boyer of Fremont and Emilene Garman of Washington twp. Oct. 7, by Rev. Erlenmyer, Sol. App and Savilla Gemberling, both of Peun township. Oct. 12, by Rev; R. Lazurus, Dr. J. F. Kanawell and Miss E. J. Showers, both of Centreville. Oct. 13, by Rev. J. C. Bucherin Lcwisburg, father of the bride, J. Wilson Barber of Mifflinburg and Aisnie Bucher of Lewisbiirg. Oct. 13, by Rev. S. Creighton,at the residence of the bride's father in Buffalo township, L. A. Ranck of Lewisburg and Miss H. m. Smith of Buffalo township. Oct. 17, by Rev. R. Lazurus, Reuben Steiniuger and Matilda Ro- benold, both of West Beaver. Oct. 17, by Rev. Shindel, Philip Stroub and Emma J. Shoemaker. Oct. 17, by Rev. Shindel, Wm. Moll and Kate Houser, both of Sny- der county. Oct. 28, by Rev. Lazurus, J. R. Luck of Penn iwp. and Mary E. Martin of Selinsgrove. Nov. — , by Rev. Erlcnmyer, Ephraim Ere) man and Sue Snyder, both ol this county. Nov. 28, by Rev. Lazurus, John H. Bickel of Washington twp. and Polly Ann Duckof Middlecreektwp. Dec. 2, by Rev. Erlenmyer,Jacob Benfer of Beaver Furnace to Mrs. Christina Bolig of Middlecreek twp. Dec. 9, by Rev. l^azurus, Iraac Bickel and Susanna Knepp, both of West Beaver. Dec. 12, by Rev. Shindel, Isaac Hackenburg and Mary Ann Swartz. Dec. 12, by same, J. Moyer and Elizabeth Shrader, both of Snyder county. Dec. 12, by Rev. Erlenmyer, Jeremiah Krissinger of Penn twp. and Kate Sechrist of Union twp. 1870. Jan, 2, by Rev. Erlcnmyer, at the house of the bride's father, Phil- ip J. Moyer of Washington twp. to Mary Jane Erlcnmyer of Freeburg. Jan. 6, by Rev. Lazurus, Wilson Gross of Beaver twp. to Mary Deck- er of West Beaver. Jan. 30, in Middleburg, by Rev. j Lazurus, Samuel F. Aurand and j Elenora Stumpff, both of Beaver township. Jan. 30, by same, H. Wilscn Mattern and Elizabeth Steiniuger, both of West Beaver twp. Jan. 30, by same, Reuben Dreese of Beaver twp. to Mrs. Kate Bar- bin of Franklin twp. Jan, 9, by Rev, L. C. Edmunds, Isaac Bouey to Mary Bachman. Feb. 1, by same, Andrew Heifer of Bellevue, O,, to Emilene Ewig of West Beaver twp. Feb. 3, by same, Michael Dreese to Elizab-th Middleswarth. Feb. 10, in Middleburg, by Rev. R, Lazurus, H. Lash of Snyder county to Mary Ann Oldt of Mif- flin countv. Feb. 24, by Peter Shindel, John Hafley and Mary E. Reigle, both of Snyder county. March 5, by Rev. Erlcnmyer, P. M. Gartnan and Mary Landis, l)oth of this place. IVfarch 13, by Rev. Erlcnmyer, Tobias I^andis and Utica Roav, both of Washington twp. Mar, 20, Rev. Seiplc, Wm. Markle to Carolina Klinglcr, ot Centreville. SnYDiRCoBNTY MaBRIAQR8. March 22, by Rev. R. Lazurus, Jacob P. Auraud and Ella C. Long, both of Centreville. March 26, Uriah Smith of this place and Mary A. Shaeffer of Washington twp. Mar. 26, by Rev. D. Kloss, Oliver P. Kline of Carrol Co., Ills. and Kate D. Moyer of this county. March 31, by Rev. Shindel, Silas T. Cornelius of New Berlin and Kate R. Cochran of this county. April 7, by Rev. Lazurus, Robt. Dreese and Anna Wetzel, both of Adamsburg. April 10, by Rev. Shindel, John Kramer and Amauda Shafer. April 10, by same, Samuel Has- singerand Jane Moyer. April 10, by same, Nathaniel I. Nerhut and Susan Heimbach, both of this county. May 8, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Newton Shannon to AmandRearich. May 15, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Daniel J. Miller of Washington twp. to Susan Kiester of Penns. May 22, by Rev. Lazarus, Wm. J. Klose and Mary Dreese, both of ]5eaver Springs. June o, in Middleburg, l)y Rev. R. I^azarus, Geo. (^oss to I-iaura J. Steining^r. June 10, by Rev. Shindel, Jere- miah Walter and Susan Yeisley, both of Franklin twp. July 17, by Rev. Shindel, Jeffer- son Walter and Harriet J()rdan,lx)th of C'entre twp. June 26, Samuel Bailey of Wash- ington twp. to Sarah Shannon of Franklin. Aug. 4, by Rev. Erlonmeyer, Henry Yerger, Sr., to Mrs. Nancy Smith of Hartley twp. Aug. 9, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Henry C. Shaffer of Washington twp. to Araminda Kreder of Penns. Aug. 11, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Erastus Kemmerling to Ellen S. Snyder, both of Snyder Co. Aug. 14, by Rev. Edmonds, Joseph Getz to Sarah E. Fuhrman, both of this county. Aug. 14, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, George Miller of Union county to Mrs. Ann Shadel of Perry twp. Aug. 14, by A. J. Peters Esq., Allison Shwenk of Middleburg to Ada Smith of Franklin. Aug. 14, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, U. H. Brown of Progress, Dauphin Co. to Sallie Waver of Washington twp. Aug. 21, by Rev. Shindel, Aaron H. Herpster and Angeline Klose. both of Snyder Co. Aug. 28, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Daniel Boyer to Anna Reed, both of Penn twp. Aug. 28, by same, Joseph I^enig to Amanda Kepler, of Perry twp. Sept. 4, by Rev. Edmonds, Elias Folk to Elizabeth Kressinger. Sept. 6, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John Osborn and Ellen Ray, both of Union Co. Sept. 6, by Rev. T. J. Seiple, W. Davis Gift and Addie Bowersox, both of Franklin twp. Sept. 25, by Rev. Edmonds, Henry Ritter to Mary Matilda Kne])p, both of West Beaver twp. Oct. — , by Rev. Erlenmeyer, at Freebin-g, Adam Showers of this place to Mary ( '. Staufter of Selins- 10 Sntder County MABRiAass. grove. Oct. 5, at Lillyville, by Rev. Philip Slieeder of Milroy, Aaron S. Helfrick of Sn^^der county to Tudie Mohler of Mifflin Co. Nov. G, by liev. J. P. Shindel, Jacob Grimm and J^ucy Ann Bow- ersox, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 1, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Zachariah Heimbach and Malinda Dean, both of this county. De(\ 3, by Rev. G. E. Adams, John C. Gotshall ol ^^\'st Buffalo and Kate Deabler of Snyder Co. Dec. 4, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Mah- lon Courtney and Harriet Fry, both of Middle<^"reek twp. Dec. 4, by same, Dtuiiel S. Sny- der and Emma Mengle, both of Perry t^\p. Dec. 0, by Rev. R. Lazarus, Waldo Wittenmyer of this place and Jennie Walter of Winfield, Union Co. Dec. 8, by Rev. Sliindel, Jonathan D. Miller and I^ydia Riggle, both of West Buffalo twp., Union Co. Dec. 11, by Rev. Erlentneyer, Alexander VV. Bowersox of Frank- lin twj). to Viola Stauffjr of Selins- grove. Dec. 15, by Rev. M. L. Shindel, Charles Selin Swineford and Esther Rarks, both of Sclin^grove. Dec. IS, by Rev. J. W Shindel, James Bingaman to Amelia A. Howell, both of Snyder Co. Dec. IS, by same, John Wicand to Sarah S. Smith, both <»f Snvder Co. Dec. 11), Aaron Mover to Sarah J. Wagner. Dec. 20, by Kev. M. L. Shindel, Theodore Greiner to Mary Feehrer, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 22, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John S. King and Tillie N. Ker- chner, both of Juniata Co. Dec. 22, by Rev. D. Kloss, Elias J. Beaver to Ellen Herman, both of Snyder C'o. Fee. 24, by Rev. Kloss, Joseph Dreese and Margaret Hendricks, both of Snyder Co. 1871 Jan. 1, by Rev. Kloss, John A. Leclere of Port Treverton to Phoebe Eckleman of Selinsgrove. Jan. 1, by Rev. Lazarus, Robert Arbogast and Emline Bolender, both of Franklin two. Jan. l,by Rev. Shindel, John S. Gilbert and Jane Stahlnecker, both of Franklin twp. Feb. 5, by Rev. Shindel, Samuel Burgess and Sarah Jane Felmley, both of Franklin twp. Feb. 7, Howard Ulsh of Selins- grove and Lucy Ann Van Villard, formerly of Norihampton Co. Feb. 9, by Rev. J. W. Schwartz, Newton S. Feehrer and Maggie M. Gemberling, both of Selinsgrove. Feb. 14, George F. Weiss of Northampton Co. to Sadie A. Deck- ard of Mifflinburg. Feb. 19, by Prof. D. S. Boyer, Wm. C. Aurand and Savilla Fetter both of Shamokin Dam. Feb. 22, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Mathias Schnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills and >rrs. Eliza C. Weaver of Centrevillc. Feb. 20, i)y Rev. J. P. Shindel, Christian A. Bingaman and Mary A. liubb, both of Franklin twp. Sntdeb County Marriages. 11 Feb. — , byRev. M. L. Shindel, George Fagely and Anna Fagely, both of Middlecreek twp. Feb. 28, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, John Stetler and Hettie Ulrich, both of this place. Mar. 9, by Rev. Geo. J. Bren- singer, Wra. Seers and Lucetra Lenig, both of Selinsgrove. xvlar. 19, by Rev. Shindel, Joseph Moyer and Ellen Deen, both of Beaver. . Mar. 19, Rev J. T. Seiple and Harriet Benfer, both of Kratzerville. Mar. 26, by Rev. Shindel, John Hummel and Isabella Hummel, both oi Franklin twp. Mar. 26, Porter Fink and Mary Rupp of Selinsgrove. Mar. 30, by Rev. M. L. Shindel, Daniel G. Kutz of Northumberland Co. to Amelia Eckleman of Selins- grove. Apr. 15, at the residence of the bride's parents in New Berlin, by Rev. A. Rearich, Charles \V. Or wig of Hartleton to Alice Walter of New Berlin. Apr. 16, Geo. A. Smith and Louisa Hovis, both of Fremont. May 15, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. F. Bower, Rev. George J. Brensinger and Ellen C. Bostian, both of Sunbury. May 21, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Amos Benfer and Amanda Kline. May 21, by same, Franklin Heimbach and Isabella Beachel, both of Snyder Co. May 28, by Y. H. Wagner, Esq., George Derrick of Union Co. to Mary Ann Clapp of Snyder Co. June 4, by Rev. D. G. Erlcn- nieyei", Z^chariah Taylor Gember- ling to Mary A. Whalo%rrb©th of Penn twp. June 8, by Jlev, , ,^i:lenmeyer, Chas. H. Boyer to Amelia Lechner, both of Selinsgrove. June 18, by Rev. J.P^ Shindel, J. Wilson Swartz. of Beaver twp. and Kate E. Ernest^ of Franklin twp. July 16, by M, L. Shindel, Henry Oliver of Northumberland Co. and Maria, Gundrum of Selins- grove. " July 14, A. J. Specht and Agnes Mid dies warth. July 27, JMichael Sullivan and Kate StuU. Aug. 6, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Aaron Wagner and Ellen Kuepp. Aug. 10, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Daniel Dunkelberger and Sarah Ann Money, both of Middlecreek twp. Aug. 20, by same, Daniel Shaef- fer of Penn twp. to Caroline Wood- ling of Freeburg. Aug. 20, by same, Waldo Stuck to Sallie E. Moyer, both of Frank- lin twp. Aug. 22, by Rev. Shindel, Robert Feese and Susan C. Freed, both ot Beaver twp. Aug. 27, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, John Wetzel and Ellen Bingaman, both of Beavertown. Sept. 3, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry A. Rearick to Ada Fisher, both of Selinsifrove. Sept. 3, by same, James W, Smith to Emma Moyer, both of Selinsgrove. Sc})t. 5, by Rev. S. P. Or wig. 12 Snyder County MARRixaES. Calvin Stetler and Knniia Walter both of this place. Sept. 21, by liev. Erlenmeyer, Charles Greene to Caroline Gross, both of B<;aver twp. Sept. 21, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Franklin Moyer of Ohio and Ennua V. Nerlioot of Snyder county. Sept. 24, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Isaac Stellen of Washington twp. to Emma Noacher. Sept. 25, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, Josiah Ehrisman to Mary Garman, both of J uniata county. Sept. 28, by Rev. T, J. Seiple, Henry Miller of New Berlin and Amelia Norman ot Frunklintwp. Sept. 28, at Gettysburg, by Dr. Hay, Horace Alleman, Esq. ot Se- linsgrove to Tillie J. Pierce of Get- tysburg. Oct. 4, by Rev. Casjjer, Allen A. Ulsh and Annie E. Reigle, both of Beaver. Oct. 5, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Geo. C. Knster of Penn tv/p. to Sarah Hendricks of Selinsgrove. Oct. 6, by same, J. P. Ritter of Kratzerville to Alice M. Jarrett of Shamokin Dam. Oct. 22, by Rev. P. Shelden, Michael Strickler t)f MiHlinburg to Sophia E. Hununel of Snyder Co. Nov. 1, by J. W. Ely, at the M. E. parsonage inMilroy, ,J. Rothrock toM. Swanger, both of Adamsbnrg, this county. Nov. 5, by R( V. C. (i. Erlenmeyer, John Gable ol Clia])man twj). to Amelia Bower of Penn twp. Nov. 1), John F. Bigler ofFrank- lin twp. to Sadie Schoch of Adnnis- Ixir"'. Nov. lo, by Rev. J. P. Orwig, John Wittenmyer of Franklin twp. to Maggie Aurand of this place. Nov. IG, at the bride's home near Centreville, Lewis Klose of Union Co., and Sarah Jane Sanders of Snyder C^o. Nov. H»,by Rev. S. R. Gipple, James A. Specht of this place and Mary E. Hunnuel of Mohantongo twp., Juniata Co. Nov. 20, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Adam Remiinger and Leonia Jane Bilger, both of Snyder Co. Dec. ?>, by Rev. Shindel, Amos S. Amsj)aker of York Co. to Ma- linda Haines of Snyder Co. Dec. 7, by Rev. Shindel, John Zicber and Sarah Jane Lambert, both of West lieaver. Dec. M. L. Miller of Selinsgrove and Esther L. Ott of Penn twp. Dec. 10, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Tobias Sechrist of Union twp. and Enuna Jane Mitchell of Centre twp. Dec. 14, by Rev. Erleimieyer, Fred. J. Boyer of Freeburg to Mol- lie E. Fessler of Centreville. Dec. 14, by Rev. S. Aurand, Joseph H. Haughawout of Beaver- town and Emma J. Steininger of Middlecreek. Dec. 14, at the residence of S. \V. Snodgiass, by Rev. 1. (Jrier, D. D., assisted by Rev. J. D. Reordon, AV. Laird Irwin anugh. Mar. 11, by Pcv. Krlenmeyei-, Wellington Heirold and Catherine Milt, both of C'hapman twp. Mar. 14, by Rev. Aurand, G(!o. Hackenburg and Mary M. Goss, of lieavrtown. Mar. 14, by Rev. Graul, Wilson Hauser and Lizzie Dieter, both of Union twp. Mar. 19, John J. Wagenseller and Mary Willier, both of Selins- grove. Mar. 28, by Rev. Haas, Luther Myers and Alice Miller, both of Se- linsgrove. Mar. 28, by Rev. M. L. Shindel, F. B. W^eatherwax of Auburn, N. Y., and Nattie S. Winton of Selins- grove. Mar. 31, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Adam Bitner and Rebecca Sholly, both of Union twp. Apr. If), in Selinsgrove, by Geo. Eby, Esq., Samuel Strawser and Hannah R. Rohbacli, both of Sny- der Co. Apr. IG, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Jocob Moyer and Caroline Stroub, bv)tli of West J]eaver twp. Apr 16, by same, from same place, Elias H. Shroeder and Mary E. Lambert. Apr. 21, by Rev. Shindel, A. Howard Swartz to Mary Middles- wai'th, l)oth of Musser's Valley. Apr, 21, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Gustavus Garmaii and Isophcne Landis of Perrv twp. Apr. — , John 1, Hartmanof L^ni- on Co, to Mary C Sandt'rs of Snv- der Co. May 5, Harvey Wolf of Union Co, to .huK? (Jearhart of Snyder Co, May 5, by Daniel Rohrer, Es(j., flaeob Arnold, Jr., and Sabilla Mar- tin, both of Chanman twp, Mav 14, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Snyder County Marriages. 15 Abraham Freed to Emma Jane Apple, both of Washington twp. May 19, by Rev. Erlennieyer, William Meister to Alice Landis, both ot Perry twp. May 19, by Rev. Erlemneyer, I. D. Arbog-ast to Susan Garman, both of Freinont. May 19, by same, Peter Markel to Emma Hendricks, both of Juniata Co. May 31, at Ev. parsonage at Bea- vertown, by Rev. S. Aurand, Christian Hannanand Viola Ranch, both of Beaver twp. June 9, Samuel L. Matchett and Emma Reigel, both of Port Tre- verton. June 13, by Rev. L. Edmonds, Amer McElhoe ahd Lizzie I^eply. June 16, by Rev. Edmonds, Robert Knepp and Catherine Romig. June 17, in Middleburg, by Rev. Shindel, Henry S. Spigelmeyer and Lydia A. Bair, both of West Beaver twp. June 20, by Rev. Erlennieyer, Benjamin Meiser to Anna Phillips, botli of Perry twp. June 20, at the residence of Joseph Kauffman, in Bratton twp., Mifflin Co., by Elder Peter S. Mey- ers, Henry A. Frybarger to Lavina Thomas, both of Adamsburg. June 23, by Rev. Erlennieyer, Henry Scholl to Mrs. Mollie Se- christ, both of Union twp. June 30, by Rev. Edmonds, James L, Philips and Harriet Goss. June 30; by Rev. Edmonds, James A. Geisinger and Mary E. Smith. July 7, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. W. A. Haas, I^evi Neitz and I^ydia Laudenslager, both of Snyder Co. July 11, by Rev. Edmonds, Isaac Fall and Catherine Etzler. July 21, Philip R. McGram of Arnistrong county and Mary E. Keiser of Selinsgrove. July 29, Wm. H. Duke of Sny- der Co. and Mary A. Krick of Union Co. Aug. 1, by H. D. Mitchell, Esq., Levi Hendricks and Elizabeth Klingler, both of Snyder Co. Aug. 4, by Rev. Aurand, Amos U. Ai'bogast of West Beayer and Sophia Lepley of Beavertwn. Aug. 8, H. J. Moyer and Sarah J. Snffle, both of Chapman. Aug. 11, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Eyer Walter of Mifflinburg and Mary Sanders of Centre tv*^p. Aug. 11, by Rev. Edmonds, Wm. G. Wagner, and Catherine Wagner, both from McClure city. Aug. 11, by Rev. J. H. Snyder, Charles Wagner and Jane Troup of West Perry twp. Aug. 15, by Rev. Edmonds, Jacob K. Stuck and Sarah M. Bak- er, both of McClure. Aug. 18, by Rev. Edmonds, W. I. Dixon to Sallie C. Weideman, both fromWatsontown. Aug. 25, Hiram Hafley and Amelia Anderson both of Chapman. Aug. 25, by Rev. Edmonds, John H. Reber and Joana I. Slear, both of Union Co. Sept. 1, by Rev. Erlennieyer, Gustavus Arbogast and Sarah Yea- ger, both of Perry twp. Sept. 8, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Amos Stout and Sarah Diemer, both of Washington twp. 16 Snyder Codnty JtlARRiAaES. Sept. 8, by same, Henry Holtz- apple of Washington twp. and Catherine A. Dock of Freeburg. 8ept. 8, at Herdon, by Geo. W. Cobel, J. P. Philip 8hi;effer of Sny- der Co. and Sarah Kobel of Schuyl- kill Co. Sept. 8, in this place, by A. J. Peters, John Mills of^ and Harriet Schwenk of this borough. Sept. 8, at Cove, Perry Co., by Rev. P. B. Shirk of I)uncannon, Horace Deiifenderfer of Bedford to Lizzie Lauver of Kreamer, this county. Sept. 12, at Central Hotel, by liev. A u rand at Beaver town, W. H. Bingaman and Mary A. Smith, both of Beavertown. Sept. 17, by Kev. Edmonds, Jas. P. Shirk and Ada Mitchell, both of Beavertown. Sept. 22, by Rev. Rev. J. K. Snyder, Abraham W^eidamer and Margaret Leister, l)oth of Snyder Co. Sept. 29, by Rev. W. A. Haas, A. Z. Drumhcller and Almira Stauffer, both of Selinsgrove. Oct. 1, by Rev. Aurand, Rob. S. Smith and Ada Swager, both of Bea- ver twp. Oct. 1, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Jacob Hovis of Frenn^nt and Lu- cinda Mengle of Washington twp. Oct. 6, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Charles l*arks and Jjouisa Hane, both of Selinsgrove. Oct. G, in Freeburg, at the resi- dence of Dr. J. ^\^ Brown, bv Rev. H. H. Gelbach, P. E. Abef Her- rold and Mrs. Elizabeth Kramer, both of C'hi'pmau twp. Oct. 13, by Rev. Edmonds, Henry Maury and Kate C. Knepp. Oct. 13, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Reuben Boyer of Penn twp. and Science Walter of Franklin twp. Oct. 13, by Rev. Snyder, Solo- mon Hepner, Fayette twp., Juniata Co., and FiaunaGearhart of Monroe twp., Juniata Co. Oct. 26, by Rev. Edmonds, Isaac Brenner and Mary Snyder. Oct. 27, by Rev. Aurand, Norman and Sallie A. Smith, both of Troxelville. Oct. 27, Cornelius Brown and Mary Riue, both of Chapman twp. Oct. 29, by Rev. Aurand, John S. Duck of Smithgrove and Anna J. Strieker of Beavertown. Nov. 3, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Henry Frock and Susan Heimbach, both of I^imestone twp.. Union Co., Pa. Nov. 7, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Jonas Sassaman and Clara Conly, both of Monroe twp. Nov. 7, in Mifflinburg, by Rev. J. D. Rearden, Oliver H. Hoster- man of Freeburg and Julia A. Krighbaum (»f Sunbury. Nov. 10, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. J. Stiup, Isaac and Mary Young, both of this county. Nov. 12, by Rev. Erlenmeyer. Jacob Benner of Delaware twp., Juniata Co., and Barbara Snyder of West Perry twj). Nov. 1 7, by Rev. Edmonds, Jacol) I, G(i?s and Sarah E. Smith. Nov. 2S, in Sunbury, by Jiev. C. H. Vandyne,H. C.Gutelius and Sallie P. Morton, bdth of Suuburv. Snyder County Maeeiaqes. 17 Dec. 1, by Rev. Erlenmeyer Simon Roush to Hannah Heiges, both of Perry twp. Dec. 8, Jonathan B. Stauifsr of Washington twp. and Kate Musser of Franklin twp. Dec. 19, byEev. S. Aurand, C, W. EcElhoe of McClure and Pris- cilla Kemberling of Decatur twp., Mifflin Co. Dec. 20, in Freeburg, by Rev. Graul, Levi S. Goy and Ellie Brown, eldest daughter of Dr. J. W. Brown, all of Freeburg. Dec. 1, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Simon Roush and Hannah Heiges, both of Chapman twp. Dec. 15, by Rev. Erlenmever, George Brosius and Mary Schnee, both of Perry twp. Dec. 19, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Augustus L. Becker of Berks Co. and Barbara E. Boyer of Fremont. Dec. 22, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Henry C. Boyer of Washington twp. to Carrie Wise of Port Tre- vert«>n. Dec. 22, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, John Miller of Union Co. and Har- riet Musser of Franklin twp. Dec. 29, by Rev. Erlemneyer, Jerome Garmanof Washington twp. to Sue Bolig of Penn twp. Dec. 16, by Rev. Aurand, Joseph S. Smith and Henrietta Manbeck, both of West Beaver twp. Dec. 1(3, by Rev. S. Aurand, P. L. Manbeck and Rachael Ettinger, both of Beaver twp. Dec. 22, G. F. Bilger of Snyder Co. and Kate A. Staid of ChiUis- quacjua. Dec. 1(3, at the residence of P. J. Cale in Black Log, by Rev. Tall- helen, Enoch Grove, aged 17, and Annie Troxles, aged 15, both of Black Log Valley. Dec. 24, Benj. M. Fetter and Lydia Heim, both of Kratzerville. 1873. Jan. 4, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, John Moyer of Washington twp. and Catherine Goodling of Perry twp. Jan. 9, near New Berlin, by Rev. Seiple, James Musser of Selinsgrove to Emma Nagle of Union Co. Jan. 9, SuwarroSechrist and Ella Amanda Good, both of Snyder Co. Jan. 12, Samuel Crabb of Snyder Co. and Sarah E. Kunkle of Union Co. Jan. 14, Maj. Chas. H. Shriner of Mifilinburg and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Achenbach of Freeport, Stephenson Co., Ills. Jan. 16, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Isaac Lepley to Harriet S. Romig, both of Beaver Springs. Jan. 16, by same, Geo. W.Spigel- meyer to Laura Matilda Krick, both of Mifflin Co. Jan. 19, by Daniel Rohrer, Esq., William and Sarah Reichenbach, both of Chapman twp. Jan. 25, by Rev. E. B. Smith, Lavi F. Neitz of Port Treverton and Lydia La udenslager of Penn twj) Jan. 30, by Rev. L. L. Haugha- want, at the residence of Joseph Haughawaut, J. G. Flemingand N. C. Hauy-liawaut of Beavertown. Feb. 2, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Fleming O. Seesholtz and Louisa O. Rishel, both of Selinsgrove. Feb. 2, by Rev. Thomas Steck, 18 Snydeb County Mabhiages. Juo. Frank Buyer and Amelia Good, Gratz, Danpliin Co. j Fob. 2, Reuben W. Harnian and , Folly A. Jlollenbaeli, both of the vicinity of Kratzerville. Feb. (), by S. A. Wetzel, Esij., Emanuel Kalpetzer avxl Mary Ann Betlyon, both of Union Co. Feb. (), at the residence of Sheritt Rotherniel in Snnbnry, by Kev. Chubb, B. Frank Deppid of Tre- vertou and Sue Herb of Sunbury. Feb. 11, by Kev. B. F. Stevens, Jas. Smith of Snyder Co. and Mary E. HopfAvell of Point Twp., Nor- thumberland Co. Feb. 11, by D. W. Kelly, Sam. 11. Latsha of Shamokin and Kate Leffler of I^IeKc^'s I lal f Falls, Sny- der Co. Feb. lo, by Jlev. L. (J.Edmonds, Emanuel Snook and Sophia C. Haas. Feb. 15, by Rev. Vv'. A. Haas, Henry L. Noll of Myerstown, Le- banon Co., to Esther L. Gemberling of Selinsgrove. Feb. 1(), by Joseph Heim, Esq., Colburn Seel)old and Mary Jane Boyer of Washington twp. Feb. IG, by Sanuiui SdvoU, Esq., Geo. Washington Trewitz and Em- ma Elizabetl! Fislie)-, bdtii of Union twp. Feb. 1. ]\[ar. 9, l)y Bev. ICrlcnmcyer, George Ix\sherand JaneStalil,both ol Kichtield, ['a. INIar. 9, by liev. W. A. Haas, 11. C. Fiss and Utie Gemberling, both of Monroe twp. Mar. 1;;, by iiev. jM. 1j. Shindel, Henry Bower of Monroe twp. and Mary Herrold of Port Treverton. Mar. 13, by He v. Erlenmeyer, Joseph Benfer and Margaret Leitzel, both of Jaekson twp. INIar. IG, by Rev. Xoah Deabler, Walter M. Frederick of Snyder Co. and Mary E. Young of Union Co. Mar. 19, by Rev. J. Stein, A. J. Gross to Sal lie Chesney, both of Se- linsgrove. Mar. 27, by Daniel Rohrer, Esq., U. P. Halley and 2uary J. Shaeller, both of Port Treverton, Apr. 13, by J. H. Hartman,Esq., Perry Biugaman and Saliie Shriner, both ol Beaver township. Apr. 1 3, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Edward JNlusserand Anmnda M(>y<'r both of Muster's Valley. Apr. 15. by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Aaron Hummel an.d Amanda Stein- inger, both of Snyder Co. xVpr. 20, by Rev. L.C.Edmonds, \Vm. Shrawder and Adeline Knepp. Apr. 20, by Rev. J. W Shindel, Albert Arbogast and Anna Schn^y- i:V of Selinsgrove. Apr. 22, Wilson Bassler, tyjw of Willian)S])ort, formerly of Freel'urg and Sadie Snyder. Apr. 29, by Rev. Edmonds, Wm. I). ^Voodling and Mr-. Elvina \'n- angsL 29, by Rev. Haas, C. L- Griswald of Can^eron Co., Pa., to Sarah Belle Stalev of Selinsgrove. Snyder County Mahkiages. 19 May 15, by Rev. JohuK. Snyder, Abraham Shellenberger ot Juuiuta Co. aud Adelia Troup of Perry twp., Snyder Co. May 18, by Rev. John K. Sny- der, Henry Glatfeller of Juniata.Co. aud Sarah \Villow of Perry t^vp., Snyder Co. kay 27, by Rev. M. L. Shindel, M. PI. Cooke, Esq., io Clara Carey, both of Selinsgrove. June 1, by John C. Kreiizer, Esq., Yv^i.Iliani Snyder of Penu twp. to Salorna Shrawder of Perry. June 15, by Rev. J. P. Siiindel, John Musser and Margaret P. Ivrat- zer, both of Snjder Co. June 20, at the residence of the bride's uncle in Middleburg-, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Win. \V. Deans of Philadelphia to Maj-y M., daughter of tlie late Dr. Charles Bower ot Harrisbnrg. June 22, at tl:e Eairniount House ot George Guyer, P. F. Crornley of Uinon Co. and Maria E. Huniniel of Snyder Co. June 21), Jolni E. Jones of Cata- sacpia, Leliigh Co., and Clnra A. Dreese of Atianisburg. July 3, James M. V\"arncr and Annie Matiern, bolh of McClure, July 8, by L. C. Edmomds, Henry Dobson aud x\nna B, /lirocU. July ('), by 1j. C. Echnonds. Sani iiei Wagner and Osceola Arnold. July IS, at Citrist's cluirch, 8th St., Phiia., by Rev. S. S. Chubb as- sisted by Rev. S. G. Roades, »]ohn S. Farnsworth, son of tiie Rev. J. C. Farnsworth (formerly of this place) and Anna IVE. Sciliv.enk, both of that city. July 20, in the U. B. church in tins place, by Rev. A. Graul, John R. Evans and Mary E. Daucherty, both of Middleburg. July 24, by Rev. C. G. Erlen- meyer, George Reich to Sarah E. Beufer, both of Middlecreek tvv^D. July 27, by Rev. Erleumeyer, John S. Leas, to Jane X. Yeager, both of Perry twp. Aug. 3, in Centre twp., by Rev. A. Graul, John Sassamanand Eliza- beth Kline, both of Centre t>vp. Aug. 3, in Centre twp., by Rev. A. Graul, John Sassamanand Eliza- beth. Kline, both of Centre tNvp. Aug. 10, M. Z. Steininger and Mrs. Selinda Vv^eirick, both of this place. Aug. 10, by Rev, L.C. Edmonds, at Adainsburg, John F. Bolender of this borough and Anna Moyer ot Beaver twp. Aug. 10, by Rev. Edmonds, Uriah Peter aud Nancv I. Louder, Aug. 10, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, Enjauuel Page of ^\'^est Periy twp. to Matilda- Nerhood of Beaver twp. Aug. 10, Samuel E. Norris of Reedsvilie and Sadie Gross of Sny- der Co. Aug. 25, l)y Rev. Ivdmonds, Robert Searer and Sarah. Rebecca Goss. Aiig. 27, Amos Bloom of Clear- lield Co. to li. Kate Losherof Blue Hill, Snyder Co. Aug. 31, by Rev. Edmon^:s, Jacob Felkeraud l^ouisa Snook. Aug. 31, I'V Same, John. C. Pheasant and Elizabeth C. Kerstet- tor. Sept. 1, by Rev. Jvlmonds, Wil- 20 Snyder County AJarriages. liam Keller to Cuilie Smith, both of'Adainsbnrg. Sept. 10, Frank Wetzel, formerly of Snyder Co. to Anna Raymond of Storm Lake, Bnena Vista Co., Iowa. Sept. 10, ))y Rev. Edmonds, Elias Weaver and So])hia K. Stein- inger. Sept. 16, John W. Beistle, form- erly of Selinsgrove, to Phoebe A. Long of JJerien Co., Midi. Sept. 25, in Fremont, J. G. Horn- berger, Esq., Henry R. Reichenbach and Alice Harding, danghter of Wm. Harding, Es(j., botli of Fre- mont, Snyder Co. Se])t. 28, by Rev. J, W. Parks, Jonas Coryell and Lonisa Frymii'e, botli of Shanuikin Dam. Sept. 28, by Rev. Edmonds, Alexander Pecker and Sarah Jane ISIoury. Sept. 28, James Hare of Franklin t\vp. to Eliza Heiser of ^^'^est Peiry twp. Sept. 28, John Dauberman and Miss HolU'nbach, both of Kratzer- ville. Sept. 28, John Sliamory of Frank- lin twp. and Rachael Deobler of Centre twp. Oct. 5, by Rev. W. P. M'ieand, Dr. George F. (hiringer of Snn- bury, I*a., and Sadie Smith of Moser N'alley, this conntN-. Oct. f), Jolm Sower and Jane Brunner of .Ia(•k^o^ twp. Oct. 5, iVter Dreese of Siivder Co. and Amanda Haines oi" Piiioii twp. Oct. 5, Pobert E. Erb and Saral C. Reish, botli of Fi-aid. Nov. 20, by Rev. Weand, How- ard A. Haines of W. Heaver twp. and Mary N. Krick of liannervilie. Nov. 23, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Samnel Derek and Sevilla Sclinee of New IV'rlin. Snydee County Marriages. 21 Nov. 23, by same, John Field aud Bolig, both of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 25, at the residence of the bride's father in Middleburg, by Rev. M. L. Shindel of Selinsgrove, John Cronmiller, Esq., and Mary Louisa, daughter of Rev. J. P. Shindel. Nov. 27, by Rev. Edmonds, Jacob Nerhood and Hannah Zieber, both of Troxelville. Dec. 1, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Enoch Bilger of Middlecreek twn. to Janette Roush of Washington t wp. Dec. 3, in Pittsburg, Persifer F. tSniith, Esq., superintendent of the Sunbury & Lewistown Railroad, and Laura Wood of Pittsburg. Dec. 5, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., Chas. S. Diehl of Washington twp. and Catherine Shotzberger of Union twp. Dec. 7, by A. K. Gift, Alfred Heinibach to SarahC. Beachel, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 7, at the parsonage in Ban- nerville, bv Rev. W. R. Weand, Henry Krebs and Sarah M. Schroy- er, both of West Beaver. Dec. 7, by Rev. Edmonds, Jerome Aigler and Lucy Bouch, both from Beavertown. Dec. 9, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. K. Zim- merman, Dr. Geo. A. Smith of Mid- dlel)urg and Sarah J. Klase of Sny- dertown, North'dCo. Dec. 14, at Centreville, by J. H. Hartman, Esq., Tobias Mitchell of Union Co. aud Mary J. Shrader of Snyder Co. Dec. 16, Amos Hartman of Bristol, Ind., formerly of Centreville, Sny- der Co., Pa., and Elvina Bloom of Parkvdle, Mich. Dec. 25, by Y. H. Wagner, Esq., Aaron Fetter and Susanna Stetler, both t)f Union Co. Dec. 23, in Lewistown, by Rev. S. G. Shannon, Henry Hinely of Mifflin Co. to Sallie Myser of this county. Dec. 23, at the bride's residence, by Rev. A. H. Men sell assisted by by R(>v. J. G. Auspach, G. Alfred Schoch of this place to Alice Mensch of Mifflinburg. Dec. 25, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Henry Byron and Sarah Spangler, both of Jaclcson twp. Dtc. 25, by same, Henrj W. Felty and Sarah Gill, both of Pax- tonville. Dec. 25, by J. H. Hartman, Esq., James Row of Northumberland and Amanda Hartman ot Centreville. Dec. 25, by Rev. H. R. Weand, Robert Lepley and Ellen L. Felker, both of Decatur twp,, Mifflin Co. Dec. 25, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. Morehead, Albert Drumheller to •Jane Gil linger, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 25, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Francis S. Boyer of Washington to Agnes Roush of Freeburg. Dec. 25, by Rev. ^V. A. Haas, George S. Shaeffer of Freeburg to Adelia Walter of this place. Dec. 25, bv Rev. A. F. Yager, Lewis Charles to Lizzie Heintzel- man, both of Port Treverton. Dec. 25, by Rev. Shindel, James H. Long aud Martha E. Sanders, both of Centreville. 22 Snyder County Marriages. 1874. Jan. l,l)v Rov. A. F. Yeager, Jacdl) lloilinan to Martha Witnior, l)()tli (»f Port Trcvi'i-ton. Jan. 4, by Rov. W. A. Haas, William Row to Mary E. Hare of Pcnn twp. Jan. 4, by Sanniol Seholl, I'^sq., rani(4 Reiclicnbach of AV'asliington twp. and Mary Herrolcl of Union tW]). Jan. 4, by same, Jacob Sliarj) and Williniine Kauwc41, both ol Wash- ington twp. Jan. 15, by Rev. W. R. Wc-and, at the parsonage in Banherville, Harrison Breininger and Harah J. !Schwartz, botli of'Miisser Valley. Jan. 21, 1. N. Gross of Shaniokin Dam and Amelia Hancock of Sun- bury, formerly of Cromwell, JEng. Jan. 25, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Reuben Steininger to Caroline Price, both of West Beaver. Jan. 25, in Beavertown, by S. A. Wetzel, Esq., John M. Eike and Clara A. ^Vagner, both of Beaver twp. Feb. 1, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, J2manuel Benfer and Rebecca Leit- zel, both of Jackson twp. Feb. 5, by Rev. Geo. Hunter. George Maurer of Jackson twp. and Ennna Slear ot Union twp.. Union Co., Pa. Feb. 5, by Rev. Edmonds, Simon Wiandt and Susan Hendricks, both of JJeaver twp. Feb. 8, in Manheim, by Rev. L. Peters assisted by Rev. l)aniel E. McCauley, Rev. J. P. Smith of Manheim, Lancaster Co., formerly of this borough, and Mary J. Rule of lialpho twj)., Lancaster Co. Simon Krouse of Adani'^- ville, ]Mich., formerly of this county, and Mary J. W ingard of the same place, formerly of Centre Co., Pa. Feb. 8, by Rev. W. A. Haas, James Mussulman and Mary E. flouseman, both of Selinsgrove. Fill). 10, by Rev. John Johnson, Jas. 1j. Schooley of Watsontown and Lizzie McVicker of Derry, Montour Co. Feb. 12, by Rev. A\\ R. Wound, Irwin Fetterolf and Evilene Stein- inger, both of Musser Valley. Feb. 15, by Rev. Edmonds, John Simon and Lizzie Ettinger, both of J leaver. Feb. 22, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Jacob Denius and flanna Maria Benfer, both of Jackson twp. Feb. 22, by Rev. Auspach, in Mifliinl)urg, Jefferson AVaiter of J^ollovue, O., to Mary Walter of Centre twp. Feb. 24, Dr. B. L. Kershner of Georgetown and Fietta Spotts of McKees Half Falls. Feb. 24, by P. M. Teats, Escj., Charlrs Lon and Catherine A. Deets, both of this county. Feb. 2G, l)y Rev. Erlenmeyer, Geo. S. Snyder of this borough and Kaie Bowersox of Franklin twp. Feb. 27, by Rev. Edmotuls, John Messerman and Louisa Ritter, both of West Beaver. Mar. 1, in Kratzorvillo, by Rev. Samuel Yenrick, John II. iiachman of Middleburg and Kate Baertgcs of Centreville. Mar. 1, Geo. Heintzelman of Chapman twp. and Hannah Leitzel of Jackson twp. Mar. 1, John Shodt and Amelia Snyder County Marbiages. 23 Dock, both of Shamokin Dam. Mar. 2, by S. A. Wetzel, Thos. J. Nipple and Annie M. Wagner, both of Mifflin Co. Mar. 3, by Rev. ^Y. A. Haas, Henry Wood ling to Margaret Kratz- er, both of Jackson twp. Mar. 4, Henry J. lieni and Sarah J. Gaugler, both ofSlianiokiu Dam. Mar. 5, by liev. Edmoudp, FrankUn Beaver and Ellen Jane Aigler, both of Beaver twp. Mar. 8, by Eev. W. II. Weand, Wm. H. Johnson and Alice JS. lienninger, both of Musser Valley. Mar. 12, by Rev. Edmonds, Na- thaniel Jordan and Dina Gerhart, both of Beaver twp. Mar. 15, at Banner ville, by Rev. W. R. AVeand, John Ettinger and Mattie AVagner, both of Lewistown. Mar. 16, C. D. Grissinger and Mary P. Baker, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 17, Geo. Stouiof Blairsville to Pramilla B. Goss of Lewisbiirg, formerly of Snyder Co. Mar. 19, by Rev. Elias Landis, Benjamin Dunkleberger of Freeburg to Catherine Amy of West Perry twp. Mar. 19, by Rev. W. R. Weand, James H. Aigler and Sai-ah Has- singer, both of Beavertown. Mar. 22, by Rev. Erlennieyer, David Gov to Sarah Forrv, both ot Freebiu'g. Mar. 25, in Hughesville, by Rev. L. Heisler, Theodore F. Peters, formerly of this borough and Corn- elia Sevison, of Lewistown, both of Hughesville. Mar. 25, Franklin M. Fisher of Selinsgrove to Anna M. Sigler, of Painter, Mitliin Co. Mar. 26, by Rev. G. W. Hem- perly, in Sunbnry, D. W. Knouse and Mrs. Agnes Frantz of this borough. IMar. 26, by Rev. W. Haas, Wil- liam Adams of Penn twp. to Anna Brouse of Jackson twp. JNIar. 29, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Jonathan Meiser and Sarah Snyder, both of Perry twp. Apr. 7, in Beavertown, by Rev. Daniel Klose, A. H. Bcwersox and Adiiie Smith, daughter of John S. Smith, both of Beavertown. Apr. 7, by Rev. Haas, Henry Brown to Lydia Moyer, both of Freeburg. Apr. 12, bv Rev. Edmonds, Abraham Hassinger to Lydia Cath- erine McClellan, both of Beaver. Aj)r. — , by snme, John Fry and Polly Gilbert of Beaver. Apr. 19, by Rev. Edmonds, Josej)h Weiderto Amelia Goss, both of West Beaver. Apr. 19, by same, Ellis Herbster to Enmia Peter of Bannerville. Apr. 16, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Charles Dent to S. Ellen Erlenmey- er, l)oth of Freeburg, Apr. 30, G. K. Shaeffer and Lizzie Long, both ot Monroe twp. Apr. 30, by AV. R. Weand, Amos Wagner to Sarah E. Yoimgman, both of McClmv. Apr. 30, in Northumberland, Dr. Jas. T. Priestly and Clara Simpson, eldest daughter of Col. A. C. Simp- son. May 3, by P. M. Teats, Esq., Jacob Gilbert of Jackson twp. to Ada Graybill of West Perry twp. May 10, by Rev. W. R. AVeiand, 24 Snyder County AJarriages. (Justavus iSIoyer to Maggie Swartz, both ot Troxel villi.'. May 12, hy Uvv. Haas, Df. T.. A. kSlicrk t(» Keiiic Houtz, hotli ol Frcel)iirg. May 12, by \lv\\ iM-IcniDcyor, CVrnoliiis W( tzcl to ^ratilda Ilols- aj)i)!o, hotli of Wasliingtou tw p. JNIay 17, by Mqv. Erlennit'ver, Jacob (ireiiHT of Sliainokiii Dam to Amelia Mitcliell (»i'Xorllniiul)erla'ul. Mav 21, in Beavertown, by Rev. j\lose, Riehard A. M. llanier au-l Lizzie Howell, both of raxtonville. May 24, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, Jonathan Goodliiig to Mary Tronp of I'erry tAvp. May 2S, by Rev. W. R. Weiand, Hiram H. Herbster to Lanra A. Bell, both of Belltown, Mifflin Co. ]May 29, by Rev. Haas, Michael Slear of Union Co. to Louisa Jjong of Jackson twp., this county. May r>l, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Josiah Walker ot Bnifalo twp.. Union Co., to Matilda E., secoud daughter of A. J. Peters, Es(j., of Fraidvlin twp., this county. June 2, in Montour Co., by Rev. Tighlman Derr, E. J. R. Zeller, Es(|., and S. Jennie Brown. June 18, by AV. R. AVeiand, Cloyd H. ]Matterii and Mary Baker, both of McClure. June 17, by Rev. \V. R. Weiand, Robert Long and Ada Roth rock, both of Adamsburg. June 21, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Isaa(; Saner to Susan Derek, both ot Middlecreek twp. June 23, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Lewis Ronsh to Amelia Reigel, both of Washington tw{). June 25, by Rev. Roht, Hov.'ard Romig of\\'est Beaver twp. toSabil- la Beaver of Franklin tv.p. June 2S, by Rev. J. P. Shindcl, (uibriel jM)wersox and IdaM. JNIcrlz, both of West Buifalo twp., Union Co. July 4, by Rev. .lohn K. Snyder, Samuel Brown, of Greenwoml iwj)., Juniata Co., and ] ydia I^awvcr of l^erry Co. Jnlv o, Daniel Kemblc and Kate Hendricks, both of Union tv.j). July 13, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Valentine Varnes to Surah Mason, both of Selinsgrove. July 10, Henry Breining(>r of Troxelville and ^Nlary Gill of Se- linsgrove. July 23, Ezra Ronsh and Mary Walter, both of Wnshington twp. July 23, Jas. C. Smith of Union Co. and jSIargaret S. Baertges of Centreville. .Vug. 2, in Beavertown, by S. A. Wetzel, E-^(}., Win. Kiester of Uni- on Co. and Mary Pollen IVIoyer of lieaver twj). Aug. 13, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Albert Schnee to Mary K. lirocins, both of Fremont, Snyder Co. Aug. 1(), by Rev. Haas, Tillman Romig of Beaver to JCate Howell of W^est Beaver. Aug. — , by Rev. Edmonds, Henry Klingler to Alwilda Kauifman, both of Beaver twp. Aug. It), by Rev. Snyder, Wni. H. Specht of this borough and Sarah E. George of Richfield. Aug. 23, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Samnel Hassinger and Sarah J. llununel, l>oth of Middlecreek twp. Snyder County Marbiages. 25 July 23, Jas. C. Smith of Union Co. and Margaret S. Baertges, of Centreville. Aug. 27, by Rev. Shiudel, Geo. Roush and Mrs. Elizabeth Bolig, both of Washington twp. Sept. 24, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, John A. Glass to Mary Glass, both of Freeburg. Sept. 27, by Rev. Frlenmeyer, John Arbogast, Jr., to Amanda Kantz, both of Washington twp. Sept. 29, by Rev. A. Copeuhaver, Jerome L. Haldeman of Monroe twp. and Ada M. Lebo of Fayette, twp., Juniata Co. Oct. 4, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Michael K. Brouse to Margaret S. Walter, both of Jackson tsvp. Oct. 11, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Maxwell Bowersox to Catherine E. Walter, both of Franklin twp. Oct. 18, Phares Shambach, son of Jesse Shambach of Centre twp. and Jennie Beaver, both of Avilla, Noble Co., Ind. Oct. 18, by Rev. Erleunieyer, Wilson Shaefler of Perry twp. to Catherine Hopp of Greenwood twp., Juniata Co. Oct. 1 8, by same, Benjamin Stetler of Penu twp. to Mrs. Susan Witten- myer of Middlebiu'g. Oct. 25, Amos Bowersox and Kate Ramer, botli of near Paxton- ville. Oct. 25, Henry H. Glass of Free- burg and Louisa Brosius of Perry twp. Oct. 27, bv Rev. W. R. Weiaud, J. D. Hess of Shenandoah and M. C. Kobb of jNIcClure, Snyder Co. Nov. 1, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Calvin Forry of Penn twp. to Alice Daubert of Port Treverton. Nov. 8, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Wm. Hepner of Washington twp. to Alice Schnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Nov. 10, by Rev. Edmonds, Edward Graver of Lewistown to Tillie Snook of Lilly ville. Nov. 12, by Rev. Edmonds, Ros- well Bowersox to Amanda Rager, both of Decatur tv.p., Mifflin Co. Nov. 12, by Rev. W. R. Weiand, George Lambert of Beaver tv;p. and Clara Dreese of Decatur twp., Mif- flin Co. Nov. 15, by Rev. Edmonds, Jacob Bingaman and Ada Wetzel, both of Beaver twp. Nov. 15, by same, James Peter and Lydia Steiuinger, both of West Beaver. Nov. 15, by P. M. Teats, Esq., George Fogel of Monroe township, Juniata Co. to Frances Gordon of West Peri-y twp. Nov. 15, by Rev. J. W. Miller, John D. Houser of Mililin Co. to Mary A. Bingaman of Beavertown. Nov. 18, b> Rev.W. R. Weiand, Andrew S. Youtz and Mary M. Miller, both of Mt. Union, Hunt- ingdon C^o. Nov. 22, by Rev. Haa>i, Jacob B. Mowrer of Jackson twp. to J^izzie Dinius of Middlc'cn>ek twp. Nov. 24, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Joel Bilger of Middlecreek twp. to ]Mr?. Margaret lUtting of Liverpool. Nov. 2(), by Rev. Edmouvis, Wil- liam D. Raul) and Sophia M. Snigel- meyer, both of AV'est Braver. Nov. 26, by same, Andrew 26 Snyder County Mabriaoes. Weader of West Beaver and Cathe- rine Becker of Kelly, Mifflin Co. Nov. 26, by Rev. Haas, Benjamin Mowrer and Sarah l^oyer, both of Penn twp. Dec. 1, by Rev. Haas, Noah Ijcitzel of Northumberland and Amanda S. Trutt of Winfield. Dec. 3, by Rev. A. W. Decker, Isaac Beaver of Middleburg to Kate Smith. Dec. 3, by Rev. P^rlenmever, Charles C. SeeboldandP^nnnaStahl- necker, both of this place. Dec. 13, in New Beilui, by Rev. Erwine, Henry Bleiler of Buffalo twp.. Union Co. to Rebecca Jane, eldest daughter of A.J. Peters, Esq., of this place. Dec. 29, Michael S. Winey of Evendale and Frances Reynolds of Fayette twp., Juniata Co., Pa. 1875. Jan. 7, l)y Rev. W. R. Wieand, Win. H. Buoy of White Pigeon, Mich., and Mary Eniina Krebbs of Wii^t Beaver twj). Jan. 7, bv Rev. Dr. Hamilton, J. K. Peck of McKees h Falls and S. Jemiie Kij)p of Pfoutz Valley, Perrv Co. .fan. 10, by Rev. Erlennieyer, Francis D. Boyer of \\'ashington twp. to P^lizabeth licnfer of Mid- dlecreek tw|). Jan. 21, by Rev. Erlennieyer, Ijcvi E. Reiniin^tT to Mary Jane Benfer, both of Middlecreck twp. Jan. 24, in Centreville, by J. H. Hartman, Esq., Henry Reichenbach and Sarah Seifret, \)nth of Centre \ twp. Jan. 28, Rev. Hunter, David O. Wendt to Emma Heiser, both of Monroe twp. Jan. 28, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John M. Fink of Ohio and Mrs, Amelia H. Lepley of New Berlin, Pa. Feb. 4, by Rev. Sohme, Levi Young to Harriet Fessler, of Centre- ville. Feb. 9, Dennis Snyder ofSunbury to Sallie E. Fisher of Penn twp. Feb. 10, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Edward Seebold of Union Co. to Lizzie Manbeck of Snyder Co. Feb. 11, by same, Jacob M. Fees to Amelia B. Herbster, bothot Bea- vertown. Feb. ir>, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, W . R. Hoar and Maiv C. Houser, both of Mifflin Co. Feb. 1(), by Rev. D. M. Stetler, David Kline of McClure to Pelila (j ,ss i>f MicUileereek twp. Feb. 23, by Rev. Eriemueyer, Geo. F. Stetler and Jane Houser, both of this place. Mar. (;, by Rev. J. P. Shiiidel, John Hartley to Jane H Sv.arni, both (.f Centre twp. Mar. 9, by Rev, Erlennieyer, Jacob Martin of Freebui-g- to Mm-v Aim Forry of Penn twp. Mar. ii, ui Miildlelnirg, by ivev. IX M. Stetler, Moses Specht, Esq., and Mrs. Mnry 1), l^oyer, both of this coiuitv. Mar. 9, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, .1. H. Jefferies ofSunbury to Louisa SeesL'oltz of Selinsgrove. Mar. 18, by Rev. Hnas, Daniel Dieffen bach of Penn twp. to Cathe- rine RoJish of Washino'ton twp. Snyder County Marriages. 27 Mar. 18, by Rev. Edmonds, Samuel Shirey to Mary McClellau, both of Adamsburg. Mar. 22, by Rev. Wieand, How- ard Kline toLydia Moyerof Troxel- ville. Mar. 25, by Rev. Haas, Frederick Roush of Washington twp. to Amanda Jane Dieifenbach of Penn twp. Mar. 28, by Rev. E. L. Reed, Milton R. Wenrick to Josephine Hane, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 31, Rev. F. E. Bower, formerly of Snyder county, now re- sident in Morgantown, W. Va., and H. H. Harris of Factory ville. Pa. Apr. 5, in Freeburg, by Rev, W. A. Haas, Henry B. Mover, junior editor of the Freeburg Courier, and Lizzie Mertz, both of Freeburg. Apr. 9, near Fremont, by Rev. Donat, Wilson Stiever to Amelia Arbogast, both of Perry twp. Apr. 11, by Rev. Ross, Ainos H. Thomas of Beavertown to Isabella Hoover of I^ock Haven. Apr. 13, by Rev. ICrlemneyer, Anion lieed of Paxinos to L. Laura Erlenmeyer ot Freeburg. Apr. 15, by Rev. Erknunoyer, Peter Heintzelmanof Ohajimantwp. to Hattie Gilbert of Schuylkill Co., Pa. Apr. 15, by same, Henry Linter !'f Schuylkill Co. and Minerva i leintzelman of Chapman tw]). Apr. 18, by Rev. D. M. Sietler, lu>l)ert Rearick to Amelia Moyer, \>'-\h of Franklin twp. Apr. 18, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, I'liilip H. Smith of Ptrry twp. and M:nv McGlinsey of Selinsgrove. Apr. 25, by Rev. Belmer, Cerin O. Gardner to Sallie J. Gemberliug, both of Selinsgrove. Apr. 25, by Rev. J. Weirick, Henry P. Beaver of A villa, Ind. and Mary E. Buffingtou of Franklin twp. May 2, by J. H. Hartman, Esq., Elias Kiester and Jane Grubb, both of Centreville. May 2, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Jonas Garman and Regina Mengel, both of Perry twp. May 11, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Geo. W. Weaver to Barbara E. Schnee, both of Freeburg. May 16, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, A. B. Keek of Middlecreek twp. and Josephine Wolf of Fremont. May 23, by P. M. Teats, Esq., David S. Steifen and Lovina Diehl, both of Washington twp. May 25, by same, Franklin. P. Walter and Margaret Hare, both of Franklin twp. May 25, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Henry Arbogast of Washington twp. to Emma Kantz of Penn twp. May 27, by Rev. Pxlmonds, Jere- miah Miller to Sarah Catherine Spigelmyer, both of Beaver twp. May 31, by Rev. Eldmonds, E. A. Getz to Mary A. Weider, both ot West Beaver twp. Juiic 1, by Rev. Edmonds. Peter Bobb and Til lie J. (iross, both of Beaver twp. June G, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Amos J5olig and Diana Wagner, both of Middlcoeek twj), June 6, by same, Foster Weyne of Richfield and Hanna Clarman of Perry twp. 28 Snyder Codnty MABBiA.aEa. June 10, by Rev. W. R.Wieand, Jacob A. Freed of BeiivertovvH and Alice Moyer of Paxtouville. June 17, by Rev. L. C.Edmonds, near McClure, l*aul Erdley and Susan Auraud, both of Mifflin Co. June 20, by Rev. W. A. Haas, G. A. Staid of Kelly twp., Union Co., and Mary Gem berling of Monroe twp., this county. June 20, at Northumberland, by Rev. James Hunter, Dr. H. ¥. Womer to Ijizzie Wnlf, both of Fremont. June 22, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, H. Spigelmyer of VVest Bea\er to Jane M. Pheasant of Huntingdon, Pa. July 8, by Rev. Weirit^k, Jere- niiali Smith and Mary Smith, both of this borough. July 8, by Rev. Edmonds, Oscar Furguson of Ohio to Katt Smitli of Beavertown July 18, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Franklin W. Erb and Saliie A, Frantz, both of Paxtonville. July 18, by Rev. J. Anspach, John Bover of Limestone twp., Union Co., and Eliziibeth Hunnnel of this county. July 18. at Kantz, by J. K. Huglios, Esq., William Aumiller of AVilliamsport to Ellen Xaugle of Penn twp. Aug. 1, by Rev'. J. W. Bentz, Wm. H. Snook and Loviua Lose, l>oth Centreville. Aug. 1, by Rev. Edmonds, Jos. I. Herbstcr and Amelia Romig, both from W'est Beaver. Aug. 8, near Beavertown, by Rev. 1). :M. Stetler, Michnel Folk of West Beaver to Amelia Haines of Middle- creek twp. Aug. 10, by Rev. Edmonds,. D, Wagner of Mich, and Mrs. Susanna Weaver of West Beaver. Aug. 15, by Rev. C. G. Erleu- meyer, Issac Spotts of Dalmatiii, Northumberlan(lCo.,to Anna Cathe- rine Heigesof Perry twp. Aug. 28, Joseph Geistweit of White Springs and Susan Yerger of Beaver. Aug. 21), by Rev. Edmonds, John M. Troxel of McClure and Jane Smith of Middleburg. Aug. 29, Henry L. Witmer of Union twp. and Amanda Wal borne of Washington twp. Sept. 1, J. S. Leisering, a native of Selinsgrove and AunieM.Cherr}', both of Altoona. Sept. 2, by Rev. Z. A. Yearick, in New Bolin, Charles Drunnn of Mill Run, Northumberland Co., and Maggie S. Catherman^if New Berlin. Sept. 2, by same, James R. Kleckner of New Berlin and Eliza H. Hail of lialtiiiiore. Sf])t. o, by Samuel School, Esq., Geo. W. Herroid and Clara V. Se- christ, both of Union twp. Se])t. 5, by Rev. J. Wririck, Albert Clelan of Perry county and Anna Spaidc of Franklin twj). Sept. o, C. F. M<»\er of Selins- grove and Ella W hitmoycr of Milton. Sept. 12, by Rev. C. G. Erlfen- meyer, Rcily Kepler and Mary E. Yerger, botli of Perry twj). Sept. 14, in Selinsgrove, E. C. Kistner and Anna Schoch, daughter of Benjamin Schoch, dcc'd. Snyder County Mahriages. 29 Aug. 29, by Rev. W. Dietrick, 'John Keiserof Peuu twp. toMelinda Schoch of Washingloii twp. Sept. 1, J. S. Leisering, a native of Selinsgrove and Annie M.Cheriy, both of Altoona. Sept. 5, C. F. Moyet of Selins- grove and Ella W'hitnioyer ot Milton. Sept. 12, by Rev. C. G. Erlen- meyer, Reily Kepler and Mary E. Verger, both of Perry twp. Sep^ 11, in Selinsgrove, E. C. Ki.stner and Anna Schoeh, daughter of Benjamin S<'hoeh, uee'd. Sept. 10, by Rev. W. R. Weiand, Nathan Freed and Su.-^an Snook, both of Beavertown. Sept. 16, at the bride's residence in Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. Doiner of Washington I). C, Chas. (iiven and Anna Hottenstein, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 23, by W. A. Haas, Henry iHime of Jackson twp. to Mary N. Jarrett of Monroe twp. Sept. 23, in St. Janie^i Ev. Luth- eran church, Gettysburg, Fa., by Rev. C. A. Hay, I). D., Rev. E. H. Leisenring of Catavv'issa, (formerly of Selinsgrove), to Ada E., ehiest daughter of W. F. Atkinson, Esq., of Gettysburg. At New Berlin, ex-Sheritf Kessier and Louisa Catherman. Oct. 3, by Rev. C. ii. Erleinney- er, Charles Bickel of Middlecreck twp. and Agnes Doninoyer ot Franklin twp. Oct. 10, by Rev.C.G.Erlenmey- er, Lewis Mover to Catliprine Ar- bogast, both of NVashington twp. Oct. 10, by same, John P. Leitzel to Martha Meiser, both of Middle- creek twp. Oct. 10, by same, Reuben Bubb to EmelineC. Grieghbauni, both of Fremont. Oct. 10, by Rey. W. A. Haas, Benneville Smith to Ellen Swartz, both of Troxelville. Oct. 12, by Rev. Erlenraeyer, Oscar Dunkelberger to SallieHubb, both of Freeburg. Oct. 12, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Jonathan Grimm to Sarah Jane Apple, l)oth of Washington twp. Nov. 1, by Rev. C G. Erlenmey- er, Solomon T. Wetzel of Union Co. to Jane Kratzer of Jackson twp. Nov. 9, Joseph Schnee, formerly of Freeburg, and Jennie Carpenter, botli ot Akron, Ohio. Nov. 1 2, by Rev. W. R. \Vieand, Chas. M.Aurandto AnnieE. Green- hoe, both of Beaver twp. Nov. 14, by Rev. A. B. Casper, J. C. Bowersox to Elizabeth Musser, both of Centre twii. Nov. 14, Daniel Hoilenbach and Lydia Harmaii. Nov. 21, in Selinsgrove, bv Rev. H. B. Beliner, B. F. Batnum of MiMintown to Mary C Mnsselman of Selinsgrove. Nov. 2"), by Rev. Meek, Theoph- o!us Wetzel and Katie Bnrtnett, both of Port Tieverton. Nov. 25, by Y.II. Wagner, J. P., John D. Kessier ot Monroe twp. to M linda Furman of Beaver twp. Dec. 7, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John A. Stroubto Mary O. Sprinkle, both of Washington twj). 80 Snyder County Marria.qes. Dec. 9, by Kev. Ediiionds, Em- anuel Oldt and Ada McClintis, both ofMifHinCo. I>ee. 19, at New Berlin, by Rev. P. \V. Miller, Geo. M. Smith and Anna M. Wetzel, both of Snyder Co. Dec. 19, by Rev. P^rlenmeyer, J. (). Keeler and Sallie Dietrick, both of Middlecreek tvvp. Dec. 23, by Rev. W. A. Haas, A. N. Gemberling to Jennie Shaetl- er, both of Seliusgrove. Doc^ 23, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Abraham Weidcr to Lydia Lepley, both ot West Beaver. Dec. 20, by Rev. Erlenme3^er, Samuel Roads ot Lebanon Co. to Ellen Donraoyer of Franklin twp. Dec. 2C), by Rev. J. F. Smith, J. Calvin Bultinfj:;ton of this borough and Alice A. Burtnett of Port Trcv- crton. Dec. 26, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John S. Zechmanand Harriet Fetter- olt, both ofTroxelville. Dec. 28, by Rev. Elias Landis, Amos S. Winey to Lydia Graybill, both of West Perry tvvp. Dec. 30, by Rev. Erlenmeyer. W. H. Bickel of Middlecreek twp. to Mary E. Ritter of Jacikson twj). Dec. 30, by same, William Kuhn to Ennna .[an-- Gilbert, both of Pemi twp. 1 870. Feb. 2, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, Jacob (Jrinnn of Beaver twp. to Louisa \\'alter of Centreville. luib. 0, Wm. Krick of McCIure to Elizai)etli Zook of Maitland. J^ eb. 8, by Rev. E. L. Reed, 1*. M. Miller to Mary Gardner, both of Selinsgrove. Feb. 14, in Union twp., by Rev. T. M. Morris, John Haas of Bern- ville, Berks Co., and Mrs. Sarah Boyer of Freeburg. Mar. 2, by Rev. W. A. Haas, I^evinus Keeler of Freeburg to Carrie E. Reitz of Shamokin. Mar. 4, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Charles Specht of this borough and Ellen Rearick of Franklin twp. Mar. 9, by Rev. Z. A. Ye;uick, at New ikn'lin, Morris Erdley to Annie E. Wolfley, both oi Snyder county. Mar. 12, by Rev. Donat, Samuel S. Smith of this county to lizzie Frymoyer of Jiniiata Co. Mar. — , by Rev. Haas, James Wertz to Miss Trutt, botii of 1:1 um- mel's Whart. Mar. 12, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. E. L. Reed, Solomon Miller of Tre- verton to Mrs. Lydia B. Fisher of Selinsgrove. Mar. 16. by Rev. E. L. Reed, in Selinsgrove, John Kline to Elizabeth Uhicli, both of Kratzerville. Mar. 19, by Rev. Reed, Emanuel Boyer of Selinsgrove to Elizabeth Fetter of Kratzervilh'. xMar. 19 by Rev. W. A. Haas, W. L. VVitmer to Saraii Wentzel, both of Union twp. Mar. 21, by Rev. Donat, I^evi Kepler to -Afrs. Margaret Siiade!, both of Union twp. Apr. 2, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Martin Robinson and Kate Kline, both of Selintgrove. A])r. 2, by same, S. A. Riegel of Union twp. to Cordelia Sprenkle of Washington twp. Snyder County Marriages. 31 Apr. 9, by Jacob H. Hartmau, Esq., Kobtrt DeLong and Alice Boyer, both of Centreville. Apr. 11, Geo. W. Reichenbacli ol Selinsgroveand Annie L. Hughes of Penn tvvp. Apr. 27, at New Berlin, by Rev. Z. A. Yearick, Franklin Snyder and Ennna M. Mowrer, both of this county. Apr. 30, by Rev. Z. A. Yearick, Emanuel I. Boyer and Mary A. Seivor, both of Union twp. May 4, by Revs. Anthony and Krause, A. W. Smith of Kreamer and Jennie Fox of Bhila. May 7, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Jonas K. Fetter of Penn twp. and Lydia A. B rouse of Jackson twp. May 9, by Rev. Z. A. Yearick, John C Maurer of tliis county and Emma J. Beaver of Union Co. May 11, at New Berlin, by Rev. Z. A. Yearick, Emanuel Gilbert of Meiser's static )n and HattieC. Bilger of Middleburg. May 21, by J. H. Hartman, Esq.. Eleujent Musser and Enuna Fetter- oli, both of Adams twp. May 25, in SeUusgrove, by Rev. Swartz, Geo. W. Baker and Mary Rauch. May 2S, by Rev. E. L. Reed, Mathias Schnee of Perry twj). to Ellen Hoke of W'ashing^^on twp. June 1, by Rev. Yearick, Samuel Harman r.ud Mary A. Hummel, both of Snyder Co. June 4, by Rev. \V. A. Haas, James McCloud to Alice A. Fisher of Selinsgrove. June 4, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. A. K. Fulton, Rev. A. B. Middle- warth, formerly a student of the Mis- sionary Institute, to Amelia Wagner, both of Orangeville, Ills. June 11, by A.. Wagner Esq., Benjamin F. Hoffman of McClure and Elizabeth Clemintiue Kauffman of Troxelville. June 22, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. H. B. Belmer of Selinsgrove assist- ed by Rev. M. L. Shindel of Dan- ville, Rev. E. B. Killinger of Orrs- town. Pa., to Alice L., claughter of Col. \Vm. F. Wagenseller. June 25, by Rev. Reed, H. Howard Klingler to Matilda Her- man, both from Kratzerville. June 25, by same. Win. P, Wal- ter of Kratzerville toEovina Row of Salem. June 28, Samuel A. l^ichardson ot Harrisburg and Sarah E. Parks of Selinsgrove. July 27, by Rev. AVieand, J. J- Mattern and Carolina Manbeck, both of W. Beaver twp. July 27, by same, John M. Goss and Mary Rauch, both of Adaois twp. July 27, by Rev. Donat, W. W. Reading to Mary L. Showers, both of this county. Aug. by Rev. J. Weirick, Geo, G. Peters of Franklin twp. and S. J. Yerger of Adams twp. Aug. 1), by Rev. J^thn K. Snyder, John I). Zeiders and Sarah Corpman, both of Monroe twp., Juniata Co. Aug. -S, by A. G. Hornberger, Es(|., John Knause and Mrs. Mary A. Rumberger, both of Juniata Co. Aug. 8, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John Schroyer of Selinsgrove and Abl)ie E. Bv)ver of Freebiu'"-. 32 Snyder County Mabriages. Aug. 10, by Kev. E. L. Reed, Isaac Koiibli of Freeburg to Margaret Hummel of Shamokin Dam. Aug. 17, at Freeburg, by Rev. J. F. Wam])ole, Absolom Schnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills and Fauline Er- lennieyer. Aug. 81, by Rev. W. R. AVieand, Edward F. Searey to So])liia A. Snook, both of Decatur twp., Mifflin county. Aug. 31, at Beavertown, by Rev. 1). M. Stetler, Henry k^teininger of Decatur twp. and J^ottie Jane Bell of Belleville, Ixth of Mifflin Co. Sept. 3, by Rev. Haas, George Meiser and Barbara E. Mengel, both of AV ashington twp. Sept. 3, by same, John Fry and Mury Staley, both of Seiinsgrovt;. Sej»t. 7, by R«v. John K. Snyder, John Hertz and Susan Graybill, lx)th of Richfiield. Sept. 7, near Berwick, by Rev. James Dickson, Marion B. Kantz of Charleston, S. C, formerlv of Selinsgrove and Helen A. Evans. Sept. 1 0, by Rev. John K. Sny- der, Francis Reichenbaugh and Am- anda Weller, lK>th of Fremont. Sept. 10, by Rev, Elias Landis, licwis Seiders to Sarah Kerstetter, both of Fvendalt. Sept. 1<), at Halifax, Chas. W. Sniitli ot Selinsgrove and Lizzie C. Ditty of (jleorgetown. Sej)t. 20, at Mcchanicstown, Md., by Rev. Summers, Howard D. S. June 23, by Rev. W. Donat, J. P. Noll of Chapman twp. and Alice C. Lease of Perry twp. June 26, in Selinsgrove, John Gruver and Ida Slough. June 28, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Joseph S. Hook of Decatur twp., Mifflin Co., and Kate Gross of Bea- ver twp., Snyder Co. July 8, at Remington, Jasper Co., Ind., Thos. Zellon McMurry, fonn- erly of Williamsport, Pa., to Anna Louisa Haas, late of Selinsgrove. July 16, by Rev. A. Romich, James F. Randenbush and Elizabeth J. Mohney, both of Adamsburg. July 20, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, Peter JSTace of Perry twp. and Em- ma Troup of Middlecreek twp. July 20, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, Henry P. Yeager of Franklin twp. and Melinda Stroub of Washington twp. July 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Jonathan H. Bolig of Franklin twp. to Sarah J. Row of Middlecreek twp. July 22, by Rev. Weirick, Reuben Mitterling of Perry twp. and Amelia Arbogast of Washing- ton twp. July 22, by Rev. J. F. Smith, at Port Trevertou, John Martin and Louisa N. Daubert, both of Snyder Co. Jrly 29, Joseph Scharf and Kate Harman, both of Selinsgrove. Chas. K. Fisher and Clara Kreeg- er, both of Selinsgrove. July 29, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., Andrew Herrold and Viola Riegel, both of Union twp. July 29, by same, John Martin of Washington twp. and Mary Troup of Perry twp. Aug. 5, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., L vid Bickhart of Washington twp. and Sarah F. Bartman of Perry twp. Aug. 5, by D. B. McCloskey, Wm. F. Diehl of Hartley twp.. Union Co., to Carrie Sampsell of Centreville, Snyder Co. Aug. 9, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, 36 Snyder County Marriages. Milton Roush of Fremont and Mary Herrold of Cliapnian twp. Aug. 12, by Key. W. Donat, Ed- M-ard Hookenl)ro»ig'Iit of Washing- ton twp. to Miss Kosecase of S.ianiokin. Aug. 10, at Beavertown, byllev. D. M. Stetler, Elias ISIusser and Sarah J. Snyder, both of JNIiddle- creek twp. Au^. 16, at sanu' place, by same, Isaac Dreese and Amelia, Hassing- er, both oi Beaver twp. Aug. 18, at Hagerstown, llev. M. Ziegler of Selinsgro » e and Fred- erica Bell of the former Dlace. Aug. 20, in Seiinsgrove, by Rev. E. T. Swartz, Ijuther C. Smith of Seiinsgrove and Kaie ( '. McFall of Seiinsgrove. Aug. 20, at Fr(>eburg, by Rev. Haas, (tco -ig-e H. Wolfe of Union twp. and Mary E. Moyer of Chaj>= man twp. Aug. 20, by Rev. J. K. Snyder. J.'M'ob L. Aucker and Esther Ar- bogast, both of Perry twp. Aug. 20 Sani. St;holl, Es(j., George J>each and liiberty Carwell, both of Chapman tAvp. Sept. 0, by Rev. Romig, John Gilbert and Matilda Yea ger, both of Adamsburg. Sept. 12, by J. K. Hughes, Esq., Elijah Roiish ot Washington twp., Snyder Go., and ]>arbara Ellen W^Ttz of Point twp., Northumber- land Co. Sept. 13, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Albeit J. Snook of Adamsburg and Ellen J. Romig of Decatur twj). M-iflin Go. Sept. 10, by Rev. Irwine, diaries G. Shiimbach and Glara E IIowci' of Franklin twp. Sept. 10, Rev. W. A. PFaas, Henry E. Pontius and Hannah E. Bender of Middlecreek twp. Se})t. 10, by P. M. Teats, Esq., Wm. Inch and Mary Matilda i Haines. Sept. 25, by Rev. Elias Landis, Irwin G. Graybill of West Perry twj),, this county, and I'arbara Gray- bill of Mom'oe twp., Juniata Go. Sept. 25, by Rev. J, T. Smith, Thomas B. Lease of Fremont and Ellen Graybill of Richfield. Sept. 20, at Seiinsgrove at the re- sidence of C. B. North, by Rev. T. J. Shen-an), Dr. AV'ashiiigtonRicht- er of Golumbia, Pa., and Jennie E. North, both ol Juniata Go. Sept. 29, by Rev. Geo. E. Adams, Wm. I. Shiveriy of Hiirtley twp., Union Co., to Mary H. Shaclter of l*ort Treverton. Oct. 0, by Rev. J. P. Shindd, Wm. Siialter of Union Go. •\i\d Mary Salome Specht of Middleburg. Oct. 11, at Beavertown, b,y Rev. D. M. Stetler, John H. Walker to Sarah E. ]>enier, both of Franklin twp. Oct. 21, by I^-v. G. E. Adams, Robert F. l>ilger of Adamsburg and Hattie Boyer of Gentreville. Nov. 4, by Rev. John K.Snyder, Peter Inch of Ghapmaii twp. and Barbara lOlh^n Kerstetter of Perry tw]). Nov. 4, by Rev. D. M. Sttitlcr, John Erb and Amelia Ritter, both of W^est Beaver twp. Nov. 11, in l^ea vert own, by Rev. Irwine, Uriah T. IN Fatter of Beaver- town and Mary T. Heimbach of iNIiddlccrcek tw)*. Snyder County Marriages. 37 Nov. 13, by Rev. E. L. Swartz, James Allen Bardsher of North- umberland and Kebecca Young of Monroe twp., Snyder Co. Nov. 15, Henry W. Miller of Snyder Co. to Jennie Goss of Mifflin Co. ]Sov. 15, by Rev. Irwine, at the residence of Andrew Shanibach, Howard E. Shanibach of Paxtonville and Alice M. Ocker of Centre twp. Nov. 15, by J. H. Hartman, Esq., Uriah H. Fessler and Kate Benfer, both of Centreville. Nov. 18, Benj. F. Hnnunel and Emma Eong, both of Monroe twp. Nov. 18, Austin Bingaman of Beavertown and Maiy Shanibach of Adamsburg. , Nov. 28, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, M, S. Schroyer to Anna Lloyd, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 6, by Rev. M. C. Piper, Jacob Springle of Perry Co. to Mary A. Glass of Jackson twp.. Perry Co. Dec. 8, by Rev. E. L. Swartz, H. A. Shaman of Middleburg and Ada A. Bay of Monroe twp. Dec. 8, at Freeburg, by Wm. Moyer, Esq., James A. Frymoyerof Perry twp. to Amanda Stroub ol Washington twp. Dec. 18, Daniel M. Leitzel of Snyder Co. and Isophene Kurtz of Juniata Co. Dec. 18, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Christian Hufnagle and Elizabeth Bubb, both of Beavertown. Dec. 20, by Rev. E. L. Reed, Henry Beaver of Kratzerville to Ada Glass oi Penn twp. Dec. 23, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., Edward W. Mover and Salome Reichenbach, both of Chapman twp. Dec. 25, at Selinsgrove, by Rev W. A. Haas, Joseph Musser of Mid- dleburg; to Susan A. Shaeffer of Freeburg. Dec. 25, by Rev. E, L. Swartz, John Thompson and Annie Willier, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 25, in 1^'reeburg, by D. S. Boyer, Esq., Sylvan us Feaster and Caroline Boyer (daughter of Samuel Boyer), both of Washington twp. Dec. 25, by Rev. E. L. Swartz, Oscar Leighow of Northumberland and Hannah M. Lesher of Monroe twp., Snyder Co. Dec. 25, J. S. Haeper of Newport and Tillie K(3ons ot Mclvees Half Falls. Dec. 27, in Union Co., by G. E. Sheary, Esq., Daniel Bingaman of Centre twp. to Martha A. Sampsell of Union tw'>. Dec. 27, at New Berlin, by Abra- ham Eyer, Esq., Oliver Kessler of Jackson twp. to Harriet L. Mills of Evendale. Dec. 27, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Geo. S. Snyder of Middleburg and Louisa J. Gember- liug of Selinsgrove. Dec. 31, at Mifflmburg, by Rev. Dr. Heisler, Millard J. Courtney of Frankliu twp. to Frances Laura Bachman, daughter of Phares Bach- man of Adams twp. 1878. Jan. 1, Jeremiah Hummel and Mary Alice Stetler, both of Shamo- kin Dam. Jan. 1, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Samuel App of Monroe twp. and Gertie Hughes of Penn twp. 38 Snydeb Godkty Mabbiagbs. Jau. 1, at Mkklleburg, by Rev. J. Weirick, Elias Hartman to Mary C Boyer, both of Centre twp. Jan. 4, by J. H. Hartman, Esq., Jo-eph Lose and Annie M. Snyder, both of Centre twp. Jan. 8, by Rey. W. A. Haas, Wni. H. Mertz of Northumberland to Emab'ne, eldest daughter ot Hon. Geo. C. Moyer of Freeburg. Jan. 9, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Dr. H. H. Bordner and Jane Gross, lx)th of Shamokin Dam. Jan. 1 3, by Rev. Haas, Frank M. Weller and Christian Hackenburg, both of Washington twp. Jan. 17, by Rev. J. Weirick, Isaac Deamer of Middlecreek twp. and Mrs. Eliza Derr of Middleburg. Jan. 1 7, by Rev. M. Sloat, Abra- ham Eyer, Esq., ot New Berlin and Jane E. Wolfe of Kelly twp., Un- ion Co. Jan. 17, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Albert H. Ziegler and Amelia F. Swanger, both of Adamsburg. Jan. 20, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Ner Middltswarth and Marie E. Bingaman, both of Troxelville. Jan. 27, b}^ Rev. Wampole, Wm. Arl)ogast and Maggie Fisher, both of Fremont. Jan. 31, by Rev. A. Krouse, George Leitzel of Kratzerville and Mary C. Mills of Richfield. Feb. 3, at Lewistown, by Rev. Montgomery, Charles P. Frain, formerly of this place, and Maggie C. Brenneman of I^ewistown, Pa. Feb. 5, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wm.Riegel of Adams twp. and Lovina Kuhns of Centre twp. i Feb. 5, by same, Albert Bower- pox of Centre twp. and A Ida Brein- inger of Franklin twp, Feb. 5, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, John Harman of Kratzerville and Lydia Ann Row of Pawling Station. Feb. 8, by Rev. A. Krouse, Wm. Loss of Centreville and A. Bailer of Kratzerville. Feb. 10, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Albert Dewire of South Lewisburg and Lilly C, VVoodly of Monroe twp. Feb. 10, by same, Howard Leit- zel and Lizzie Crouse, both of Mid- dlecreek twp. Feb. 10, by Rev. J. Weirick, Charles Gill)ert and Mary Manbeck, both of Snyder Co. Feb. 10, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Sawirra Bowersox ot Franklin twp. and Henrietta Ulrich of Middlecreek twp. Feb. 16, Jacob Shaffuer of Lykens Valley and Sarah Jane Shaffuer of Snyder Co. Feb. 17, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Wm. Roush and Alice Bickel, both of Washington twp. Feb. 19. by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Samuel H. Stumpff and Alice C. Auraud, both of Beaver twp. Feb. 24, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., Daniel G. Hovis of Fremont and Sarah C. Hendricks of Perry twp. Feb. 24, by same, Henry Fry- moyer and Jane Corkins. Mar. 3, in Liverpool, by Rev\ D. S. Lentz, Morris L. Wickesham and Alice Wilt, both of Chapman twp. Mar. 3, by Thomas Paige, Esq., Jonathan Boardman of Washington Snyder County Maeriaoes. 89 twp. and Mary A. Arnold of Chap- man twp. Mar. 10, at the Central Hotel, by Rev. Joseph Weiri(;k, Jacob G. Smith and Alice L. Gift ol Franklin twp. Mar. 10, R. L. Albert and Ada Gilbert, both of New Berlin. Mar. 14, by Rev. W. A. Haas, S. H. Leitner of New Berlin and Susan Klingler of Penn twp. Mar. 14, by Rev. S. Smith, Rev. D. P. Kline of Jersey Shore and Miriam Eyer, daugher ol Abraham Eyer of New Berlin. Mar. 17, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Henry H. Miissej. of Adamsburg and Esther Berge of Centre twp. Mar. 19, Samuel A. Carl of licwisburg and Ada O. Neinian of New Berlin. Mar. 19, by Rev. Belmer, A. W. Potter, Esq., and Mary Davis, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 24, by Rev. Haas, Banjamin F. Pontius and Mary Eyster, both of Middlecreek twp. Mar. 31, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Ezra Smith and Ad- elaine Wieand, both of Beaver twp. Apr. 4, by Rev. Shindel, John Smith and Carrie N. Patton, both of Perry Co. Apr. 7, by Rev. S. Smith, Am- andus Shambach and Ada Smith, both of this place. Apr. 11, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Ira Filson of Adamsburg and Ella M. Fisher of Kishacoquillas. Apr. 16, John Diehl of New Berlin and Mrs. Mary A. Fuller of Adamsburg. Apr. 21, by Rev. G. E. Adams, W. S. BickleofFreeburg and Jennie M. Yarger of Mifliinburg. Apr. 24, by Seth Mitchell, J. P., Thadous Solomon and Amelia J. Deabler, both of New Berlin. Apr. 28, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Charles Row of Middlecreek twp. and Mary Hassler of Mifliinburg. May 2, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. Belmer, Elias Y. Alexandi'ia of Williamsport and Maggie M. Chambers of Selinsgrove. May 5, by Rev. S. Smith, C. W. Walter of Franklin twp. to Clara Bubb of Centre twp. May 12, by Rev. Haas, John Zieber of Middlecreek twp. and Bessie Jane Ulrich of Selinsgrove. May 12, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, J. Oliver Smith and Sarah J. Steiu- inger, both of Adams twp. May 12, by Rev. I. Irwine, James B. Enterline of Snydertown, North- umberland Co., and Louisa J. Renn- inger of Fianklin twp. May 16, by Rev. Donat, Lewis Womer to Ellen Stahl, both of West Perry twn. May 16, by same, James B. L-^nig to Lydia Kerstetter, both of Chapman twp. May 18, by Rev. W, Donat, Philip A. Stuck to Sarah P. Harris, both of West Perry twp. May 19, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., Oliver Snyder of Washington twp. and Mary Ann Bergy of Union twp. May 26, at Westerville, Ohio, by Rev. W. L. Hankey, Noah Duu- dore of Bergeon, Sandusky Co., Ohio, and Jennie Ever, formerly of F anklin twp. 40 Snyder County Marriages. May 28, Samuel H. Orwig, Esq., and Maggie Hayes, both of Mifflin- burg. June 5, by Kev. I. Irvvine, Dr. H. J. Smith of Fremont to Elvira Beaver of Franklin twp. June 9, by Kev. J. F. Wampole, Theodore Row and Mary E. Miller, both of l*enn twj). June 10, at New Berlin, Adam Musser of Centre twp. and Susan Cochran of Monroe twp. June 13, at Selinsgrove, by llev. E. L. Reed, Geo. W. Gilbert of Uuiontovvn and Ella R. Guyer of Selinsgrove. June 13, by Rev. \V. R. Wieand, Paul ]3ingaman and Enuna Roniig of West Beaver. June 13, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Peter Febnly to Laura Hafley, both of Franklin twp. June 19, by SanuielScholl, Esq., Nicholas Trewitz and Savilla Lesli- man, both of Middlecreek twp. June 27, by R*^v. J. R. Dimm of Lutherville, Md., assisted byDr. H. Ziegler, Rev. J. B. Focht, one of the professors of the Missionary In- stitute, to Lizzie, oldest daughter of Prof. Born, both of Selinsgrove. June 28, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, J. C. Specht of Adamsburg and Laura A. Riegel of Beavertown. July 4, by Rev. J, M. Price, Isaac W. Mattern and Sallie E. Bingaman, boih of Snyder Co. July 25, by Rev. J. M. Price, Geo. W. Erhart to Ida M. Hughes, both of this county. July 28, by Rev. W. A. Haas, William Jarrctt and Utica Garman, lx)th of I'cnn twp. July 28, by Rev. P. L. Haius, Henry Millhoff of Selinsgrove and Mary Lenig of Chapman. Aug. 3, in Paxtonville, by H. D. Mitchell, Esq., P. W. Miller and Savilla Gilbert. Aug. 3, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Geo. A. Helwig and Sarah Seaman, both of Perry Co. Aug. 11, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., Henry Soflel and Mary E. Leach, both of Chapman twp. Aug. 11, by Rev. \V. R. Wieand; Wm. A. T. Ulsh and Amelia S. Wagner, both of W. Beaver twp. Aug. IS, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, J. Albert Shadel and Sarah E. Schnee, both of Perry twp. Aug. 18, by Rev. W. C.McCool, Elias Bruner and Emma Weirick, both of Centre twp. Aug. 18, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Geo. Showers of West Beaver twp. and Ann Kister of Union Co. Aug. 22, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Benjamin F. Grofl of Lillyville and Sarah A. Garland of Beavertown. Aug. 27, by Thomas Paige, Esq., lames H. Moyer and Annie Sutfel, both of CJhapman twp. Sept. 3, by Rev. Elias I^andis, John Gingrich of Evendale and Lydia Winey of West Perry tw^j). Sept. 5, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Cyrus D. Shaetfer of Antes Fort, Lycoming Co., and Susie A. Miller of Selinsgrove. Sept. 8, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, F. P. Decker and Maggie Krebs, both ot West Beaver. Sept. 8, by Rev. J. M. Price, l\>rry W. Treister and ISfary M. Erb, both of West Beaver. Snyder County M»RRiAaE8. 41 Sept. 15, by Rev. J. M. P ice, H. Milton Manbeck of Beaver twp. aud Mag-gie C. FibS of Adams twp. Oct. 3, by Rev. E. L. Read Henry A. Ott of Selinsgrove and S Alice Miller of Sa'eni. Oct. 6, by Rev. E. L. Reed, Dr. Percival Herman and Joanna Beaver, both of Kratzerville, Pa., Oct. 6, by Rev. S.Sidney Ko.iler, Adam B. Shemory to Amanda M. Lenig, both of this place. Oct. 10, by Rev. D. M. Sietler, Franklin Middleswarth and Lizzie Snyder both of Beavertown. Oct. 17, in Paxtonvi'le, by H. D. M-itchel, Goodfellow of Milroy and Emma Fike of Paxton- ville. Oct. 23, by Rev. S. S. Domer of Wiisliingtou D. C, assisted by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Ira Schoch and Mary Schniire, both of SeUnggrove. Nov . 9, by Rev. P. L, Hains Jolm H. Hiembach of Uuion Co., aiid Mary A. Baily of Snyder Co., Nov. 17, at Crossgrove Hall by Rev. J. M. Price, Ner M. Go£s and L. Kate Dash, both of Decatur, Mifiiin Co., Nov. 17, by same, John A. Snyder and Mary Baumgardaer, both of McClure. Nov. 21, by Rev. P. L. Hains, A. B. Markley of Perry twp. and Alice Diehl of Chapman twp. /Nov. 21 by Rev. W. A. Haas, B. F. Klingler of Centre twp. and Emma E. Klingler of Jackson twp. Nov. 24, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Geo. Freed and Sarah C. Gaimnn, both of Washington twp. Dec. 1, by Rev. Haas, L. Kratzer of Penns twp. and Emma C. Crouse of Middlecreek twp. Dec. 1, by D. S. Thursby, Esq., Johu C. Neitz and Sallie Hcover both of Port Trevertou. Dec. 1, by Samuel Scholl Esq., Jacob O. Rine of Chapman twp. and Louisa Herrold of Union Co., Dec. 3, Joseph Peters of Dauphin Co., and Catherine Fitziuger of Chapman twp. Dec. 5, by Rev. J. M. Price, Henry Schrawder of Baunerville and Amelia Trott of Union county. Dec. 15, JohnH. Mertz and Mrs. Susan Naugle both of Fieeburg. Dec. 15, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., Percival Reichenl,ach and Amanda Keiser both of Washington Iwp. Dec. 17, in Selinsgrove by Rev. H. B. Bel ijier Frank J. Wa gen seller, M, D. and MoUie L. Keely, both of Seliusgrove. Dec . 19, by Rev. L-vine, John Shivey of Adamsburg and M. Alice Herbster of Beavertown. Dec. 22 George Rice and Mollie Neitz both of Chapman. Dec. 22, by Rev P. L. Hains, George Dreese and Elmira Kissinger, both of Washington twp. Dec. 24, by Rev. P. L; Hains, Irvin H. Bowersox of this place and Savilla R. Christine of New Berlin. Dec. 24, by Rev. E. Swartz, Albert Johnson of North tmiber land and Maggie H. Rhoads of Selius- grove. Dec. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Wm. A. Fisher and Maggie E. Gemberling both of Penn twp. i2 Snyder Cooktit Marriages. De<". 25, by llev. Irvine, Ner A. Feeseand Delia A. Martin, both of lieavertown. Dec. 26, at Beavertown, by Kev. I. Irvine, Jacob W. Benfer and Harriet K. Walter, both of Snyder Co., Dec. 26 Joseph Leply, Jr., of near Kratzerville and Florence N. Filson of Milroy. Dec. 29, by Rev. Irvine, Georg-e F. Dauberman of Freeburg and Delia H. Buffington otMiddleburg. Dec 21), by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Harry rl. I^ejiley and I^iicy K. Snook, both of Beaver twp. 1879. Jan. 1, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Albert Ci«)od to Ada Sassanian, both of Monroe twp. Ja n. 2, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Isaac Moyer of Adams twp. and Amelia Klose of Beaver twp. Jan. 9, by Rev. I. Irvine, J.Irvin Walter and Mariah Shaffer, both of Franklin twp. Jan. 9, by Rev. I. Irvine, M. L, Moatz and Amelia Wittenmver. Jan. 9, by Rev. W. A.' Haas, John Hackenbnrg and Mary E. Kerstetter, both of Middlebnrg. Jan. 9, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Jercmiali Koch and Lizzie R. Klingci- both of West Beaver. Jan. II, atMcClnre by Rev. J. M. Price, John D. Lutz and Mary McClenahan, i)oth of Mifflin Co., Jan. 14, by same, Omei* Mv- Manaway of Harrisbnrg to Sallie C Fisher of Freeburg. Jan. 19, by Rev. S. G. Shannon, S. C. Bach man of Adamsbnrs: to Sarah Ellen Fall of Beavertown. Jan. 23, by Rev. JohnK. Snyder, Samuel C. Amig of Kansas and Marian C. Keller of Perry twp. Jan. 26, by J. H. Hartman Esq., Emanuel Sassaman and Fanny Bow- ersox, both of Centre twp. Jan. 26, by Rev. W. A. Haas, E. B. Laudenslager and Joanna Wagner both of Monroe twp. Jan. 26, by Rev. Donat, Jacob Z. Strawser and Maiy Derr, both of West Perry twp. Jan. oO, John Mitchell of Elims- port and Henrietta C(nildron ot Selinsgrove. Feb. 2, by Rev. Haas, John Dirk of Jackson twp. and Ellen M. Herman of Penn twj). Feb. 2, by Rev. A. Romig, Wm. H. Getz and Jane E. (xreenhoe. Feb. 2, Daniel Rhoadsof Reading and Sarah Hinkle of Selinsgrove. Feb. 4, at Lewistown, by Rev. G. T. Gray, Wm. Haas, mail agent, S. and L. R. R. and Ella M. Sills of Lewistown. Feb. 13, by J. H. Hartman, J. P., Simon Kline and Effie Swarm, both of Centre twp. Feb. 13, by Rev. C. Deininger, James Schoch of New Berlin and Maggie Gephart of Millhcim. Feb. 16, by Rev. Irvine, John Kramer of Smithgroveto Mary Jane Brnimer of Centre twp. Feb. 19, by Y. H. Wagner, J. P., Gideon Pick of White Sprnigs, and Maria Boyer of Mifilinburg. Mar. 2, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J. M. Miller to Catherine Musselman, both of Penn twj). Snydbr County MARRiAaea. 43 Mar. 9, by J. W. Parks, Jas. B. Fasold of Sunbury and Elizabeth Weudt of Shamokin Dam. Mar. 21, by Rev. Donat, John H. Mei.«er of Perry Emma M. Banner of Susquehanna twp. Juniata Co. Mar. 22, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., John T. Wise and Alvilda Cawell both of Chapman twp. Mar. 27, Jeremiah F. Yetter and Harriet C. Hiegel, both of Snyder Co., Apr. 6, by Rev. W. A. Haas Peter Heiser of Jackson twp. to Emma Romig of Penn twp. April 8, at Lewistown by Rev. J. M. Reimensnyder, Samuel Gross of Banner vi lie and Fanny E. Henry of Milroy. April 8, by Rev. Miller, Uriah Baily of Monroe twp, to Amanda Wellerof Washington twp. April 13, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, J. W. Wagner and Ellen Wagner both of McClure. April 13, in East Greenville, Montgomery Co., by Rev. C. Z. Wieser, Edwin K. Bechtel of Penns- burg and Clara Gutelius formerly ol Selinsgrove. Apr. 15, James Boyer to Josephine Tonlinson both of Aaronsburg. Apr. 2Q, by A. G. Hornberger, J. 1^., Thomas Gordon of Monroe twp., Juniata Co, to Polly Gellnet of Perry twp., Snyder Co. Apr. 21, Charles Bardsherof Osage Co., Kan. and Kate Sanders of Monroe twj). April 24, in Bloomsburg,by Rev. I). J. Waller Jr., Basil Tippy of Dayton O. to xMollie B. Fisher of Kishacoquillas. May 4, Jeremiah Snyder, Esq. of Sunbury and Emma Rupp of Mt. Carmel. May 7, at Loyalton by L. S. Feriee, Esq. Henry L. Jones of Lykens twp., Dauphin Co., to Sarah P. Moyer of Port Treverton. May 8, by Rev D. M. Stetler, Daniel R. Wetzel and Lizzie R., daughter of Rev. A. Romich. May 10, G. W. Smith of North- umberland to Maggie S. Kantner of of Selinsgrove. May 15 by Rev. Irvine, Jacob F. Herbster to Lizzie E. Aigler, both Beavertown. May 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Calvin J. Weaver of Lewisburg and Emma Jane Heim of Kratzerville. May 22, in New Berlin, by Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, Uriah Faber of Fredericksburg, Pa., to Jennie See- bold of New Berlin. May 25, Jacob Morr and Lydia Holzapple both of Washington twp. May 25 in Selinsgrove, by Rev. P. A. Heilman, Allen D. Kramer and Angeline Miller, both of Smith- grove. June 1, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Samuel Trutt of Monroe tvrp. to Lizzie Foltz of Penn twp. June 1, Henry Harding to Martiia Fisher both of Freemont. June 5,C. A. Gemberlingand Mary C. Miller both of Selinsgrove. June 7, Calvin N. Rutter of Millersburg and Alice Aurand of Shamokin Dam. June 7, Daniel Adams and Laura Duck both of Shamokin Dam. June 12, in Middleburg by Rev. I. L-vine, John P. Fisher of McClure 44 Snyder County Marriages. and Sue A. Wagner of Bannerville. June 15, by llev. W. A. Haas, Sylvester Wagner of Middlecreek twp. to Susan Row of Penu twp. Jutu' 17, by Riv. Haas. Jeremiah Beaver of Monroe twp. toHariiet L. Kline of Kratzereille. June 18, by Rev. P. A. Heilmau Samuel Gearhart of Sunbury to Emma L. Schoch cf Selinsgrove. June 19, at Beaver town by R3V. D. M. Stetler, James H. Krick and Lizzie Baker, both of West Beaver. June 19, by Rev. D. P. Kb'ne, Joseph Kline to Kate D. Lline^ both of Troxelville. Juue 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, George Kline of Jaekson twp. to Mary A. Smith ofPenn twp June 29, by Rev. Haas, Jacob A. Wilt and Mary A. Moyer, both of near Freeburg. Jur.e 29, by Rev. D. M. Stetler B. Frank Row of Franklin tvvp, to Agnes Roush of Wasliington twp. July2, Jonati)an Swab of Berrys- burg to Mrs. Mary App of Selins- grove, widow of Isaac App. July 6, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, David F. Kirk and Malinda Garnian, both of Perry tvvp. July 14, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Willit'iu A. Hare and Alice Haupt, bo*^li of SaiinsgTove. Ji\ly 17, by J. K Hughes, PIsq., Daniel Hummel ot Middlecreek twp. to Diana Siraup of Washington twp. July 20, at New JierHn by Rev. W. C McCool, Charles L. Gember- ling and Ellen J. Erdley both of Salem. July 31, by Rev. S. Sidney Kohlei, Michael Ulrich to Maggie BrouFs, both of Jackson twp. Aug. 5, by Y. H. Wagner, Esq. Elias Stetler and Kate A. Hjirrisou, both of Union twp, Union Co., Aug. 7, by D. S. Boyer, Esq., C. Edward Bertch and Abbie Duck, both of Freeburg. Aug. 19, by Rev J.F. Wampole, John W Heck of Paxinos and Clara Menges of Freeburg. Aug. 21, by Rev. A. Romich, Wm. McLellan and Matilda Snook, both of Beaver tvvp. Aug. 31, by Rev. A. Romich, Simon Robert Snook and Ida Jane Wray. Aug. 31, Theodore Dauberman of New Beilin and Elizabeth Swine- ford of Miffliubnrg. Sept. 3 by Rev. A. Romich, James A. Wagner and Sai'ah Alice Troxel both cf Troxelville. Sept. 7, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Amelia Klineof West Beaver twp. and Phillip H.Will of Decatur twj). Sept. 10, by David Thursby Es(|. Hiram Fox and Ennna J. Snoke, both of Port Treverton. Sept. 16, AVm. M. Mease and Ennna J. Erdley both of Penn twp. Sept. 19 Geo! Dimkle of AV^iite Deer a'ld Amanda Dobson of Snyder Co. Sept. 2l,AV^m. Knepp and Al vesta Helfvick of near Troxelville. Sept. 25, by Rev. M. Heihaian, John F. Gilbert of ]VI'nersl)arg and Belle Keely cf Seb'nrgrove. Sept. 25, in Selin.-grove by Rev. J. W. Buckley, John G. Stauff(!r of this place and Amanda Row of Penn twp. Snyder County Marriages 45 Sept 28, by Rev. Kohler, Chas. Beaver of Kantz and Kate Hummel of Meiser. Sept. 28, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John S. Krause and Mary A. Her- man, both of Penn twp. Sept. 28, by Y.H.Wagner, J. P., Cyrus Jarrett of Monroe twp. and Lydia J. Wise of Freeburg. Oct. 2, Henry Snyder and Mrs. Priscilla Weirick, both of Centre- ville. Oct. 4, at Kreamer, by A. B. Keck, J. P., George Martin and Sue Guistwhite, both of Sunbury. Oct. 5, W. D. Herbster and Delia Treaster, both of West Beaver. Oct. 6, John S. Hiue of North- umberland and Sarah C. Renniuger of Freeburg. Oct. 12, Charles Stauffer of Se- linsgrove and Ada E, Pawling of Union Co. , Jesse Cornelius and Mag- gie Diehl of New Berlin. Oct. 28, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., Seth Gelnett of Perry twp. and Jane Strawser of Susquehanna twp., Juniata Co. Nov. 1, Charles M. Slear and Charity W. Young of Monroe twp. Nov. 2, by Rev. A. Romich, Simon A. Snook and Mary A. Oldt, both of West Beaver. Nov. 6, in Middleburg, by Rev. I. Irvine, Henry M. Hassinger of Franklin and Lydia A. Boyer of Salem, both of Snyder Co. Nov. 9, by Rev. S. Smith, F. S. Naugle of Kantz and S. Leitzel of Kratzerville. Nov. 11, by Rev. Kohler, Fred- erick Bolender of Buenta Vista, Ills, and Mrs. Diana Bogar ofNew Ber- lin. Nov. 18, W. Dunkle and Laura M. Gross, both of Union Co. Nov. 23, by Rev. H. W. Zim- merman, Jacob Mitterling to Susan Kohler, both of Fremont. Nov. 23, by Rev. Romich, Daniel L. Nerhood and Caroline M, Mus- ser, both of BeaveJ twp. Nov. 27, Rev. J. P. Shindel, Charles Peters and Mary Hummei, both of this place. Dec. 4, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Harvey S. Bowersex and Sarah A. Heckman, both of Freeburg. Dec. 7, by Wm. Moyer, Esq., Melauc+hon Dunkleberger of Free- burg to Sarah Ann Weller of Mid- dlecreek twp. Dec. 7, at Freeburg, by Rev. Warn pole, John Henry Fries of Krat- zerville and Jennie Eden Seebold of Kreamer. Dec. 7, by Rev. Haas, John Lau- denslager, Jr., and Carrie E. Gem- berling, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 14, by Rev. Wieand, Geo. Herbster of Beavertown and Amelia E. Markle of Adamsburg. Dec. 15, by Rev. Haas, VVm. Se- christ and Elmira M. Bitner, both of Union twp. Dec. 16, by Rev. Stetler Sam. G. Moyer and Ida V. Bowersox, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 18, by Rev. Kohler, Robert B. Erdley of Jackson twp. and Re- becca Wofley of Cent re vi lie. Dec. 21, by Rev. Stetler, W'm. I. Snook of Centreville and Ellen Wagner of Beaver twp. 4G Snyder County Marriages. Dec. 21, by Rev. A. Romig, Saimu'l Wray and Mrs. Ada Eliza- betii Filson, botli ot Decatur. Dec. 21, by J. (j. Hornberger, Esq., Daniel Page of Perry twp. to Kat€ Troup of Monroetvvp., Juniata Co. Dee. 22, by Rev. Donat, John H. Tscho|)j)e of Mouroe tvv]>. to Chris- tina ^l. Dietz oi Greenwood twp., Juniata Co. Dec. 23, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John 8. Kauffnian ot Lower Augusta to Ellen Royer of Beavertown. Deo. 23, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Wni. Petersof Reedsville toCaroline Smith, botli of Decatur twp., Mifflin Co. Dec. 23, by A. B. Keck, Esq., Henry J. Keiser to Angeline Mus- ser, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 23, by Rev. W. C. McCool, S. Everett Beuner and M. Olive Wolfe, both of New Berlin. Dec. 25, by Rev. I. M. Pine, Robt. AV. Stout of near Mifflinbnrg and Clara Brunner of Paxtonville. Dec. 25, by Rev. J. M, Moflit of Bristol, Ind., Arthur L. Sherwin of Elkhart to Sarah N. Middleswarth, oldest grandchild of Judge Middles- warth of Mishawaka, St. floe Co., Ind. Dec. 25, by Rev. Irvine, James Rothrock of Middleburg to Ella E. She II en [merger of West Perry tVp. Dec. 25, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Daniel Herman and Martha Bower- sox. Dec. 25, by same, W. R. Haines *o Phoebe L. Barbin,bothof Adams- l)Mrg. Dec. 25, by Rev. Stetler, Wm. S. Hassinger of Adamsburg to Ellen Kant/ of Freeburg. Dec. 25, by Rev. Stetler, Alex- ander Treaster and Emma J, Lash, both of \V est Beaver. Dec. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haa3, Geo. R. Gemberling io Emma J. Reinhard, both of Penn twp. Dec. 25, at Freeburg, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Henry W. J^oyer of Middlecreek twp. and Sarah Jane Hare of Franklin twp. Dec. 25, at Fredericksburg, Pa., by Rev. A. R. Bartholomew, Milton Stray er and Alice Houtz, both of Freeburg. Dec. 28, by Rev. Geo. Parson, Adam Haupt of Sunbury to Jennie Ressler of Freeburg. 1 880. Jan. 1, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenfo'-d, Wm. W. Romig of Salem and Em- ma R. Harman, daughter of Geo. Harman of Washington twp. Jan. 1, by Rev. A. Romig, Wm. Snook of Decatur and Ada Elizabeth Hofi^mau of Selinsgrove. Jan. 4, by Rev. H. W. Zimmer- man, Henry Shambach and Ida Sprenkle, both of Washington twp. Jan. 4. by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Joseph F. Fetter and Sarah E. Derk, both of Kratzerville. Jan. 6, by Rev. Romig, Douglass Ocker and Annie Elizabeth Keister, both of Troxelville. Jan. 8, by Rev. Romig, Robei't Saltzman and Hannah Jane Aurand, both of Decatur. Jan. 8, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Wm. A. Orner of Lewistowu and Martha Ellen Hummel of Kreimer. .Ian. 11, bv Rev. J.acob F. Snyder County Marriages. Wampole, Frank P. Zerbe and Annie A. Moyer, both of McKees Half Falls. Jan. 15, by Rev. A. Roniig, Henry A. Ranch of Adams twj). to Mary T. Erdley of Franklin twp. Jan. 15, J. M. Aurand of Salem and Sarah E. Pawlingot Kelly twp., Union Co. Jan. 18, by Rev.H. W.Zimmer- man, Cyrus Steiner of Monroe twp. to Lydia Glass of \yashington twp. Jan. 20, by A. B. Keck, J. P., James H. Riegel of Vicksburg and Ada Hummel of Globe Mills. Jan. 20, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Jacob Kinney of Bea- vertown to Mary Alice Keiser of Franklin twp. Jan. 22, John Oldt of New Berlin and Mary J. Care of Troxelville. Jan. 25, at Freeburg, by Rev. H. W. Zimmerman, Wilson Snyder of Washington twp. to Isabelle Hoff- man of Perry twp; Jan. 30, in this pluce, Moses Walter of Limestone twp., Union Co., to Ida Bailey of Centre twp. Jan. 31, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Wellington R. Faust to Matilda Sechrist, both of Union twp. Feb. 1, by H. W. Zimmerman, George Tharp of Union twp. to Clara Deppen of Wash'ngton twp. Feb. 1, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford? Oscar S. Bower of Huumiel's Wharf to Maggie M. Gill of Paxtonville. Feb. 5, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, G. Milton Moatz and Lydia Ken, both of Middleburg. Feb. 8, Wm. Dieffenbach of Elk- hart, Ind., to Lou Gemberling, formerly of Selinsgrove. Feb. 8, by Wm. Moyer, Esq., Calvin Miller and Amelia Thomas, both of Freeburg. Feb. 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Thomas Kolder and Amelia Dreese, both of Beaver twp. Feb. 12, by Rev. Kohler, J. C. Bowersox of Middleburg and Sallie Young of Centreville. Feb. 12, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, W. P. Casper to E. N. Bause, botl. of JNew Berlin. Feb. 15, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Peter L. Aucker of Fayette twp., Juniata Cu., and Elizabeth Bressler of West Perry twp. Feb. 19, at Freeburg, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, EliasWoJfeof Orien- tal and Emma Jane Good of West Perry twp. Feb. 21, by Rev. Donat, Penrose S. Boyer and Mary A. Eby, both of Susquehanna twp., Juniata Co. Feb. 22, by Rev. Wampole, John C Kreitzer, Esq., of Chapman twp. to Sarah Riegel of Union twp. Feb. 22, by D. S. Thursby, J. P., J. R. Moyer and Mary E. Suffel, both of Chapmatwp. Feb. 22, by Rev. J. W. Buckley, S. W. Neitz of Port l^reverton and Louisa Kerstetterof Shamokin Dam. Mar. 2, in Erie, by Rev. H. H. Briuiing, Samuel J. Pawling, Esq., to Alice M. (iuydr, both of Selins- grove. Mar. 4, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, George Martin of Washington twp. to Mary Foltz of W. Peiry twp. Mar. 6, by D. S. Thursby, Esq., Hiram S. Stahl and Wm. Witmer, both of Union twp. , in Beavertown, by Rev. 48 S:fYDER County Marriages. D. M. Stetler, W. E. Housewerth, Es(j., of Selinsgrove and E. F. Diet- rick ot Middleereek twp. Mar. 7, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Perry C'atherman and Mary What- more, both of Union Co. Mar. 7, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Saninel Filson to Adeline Manl)eck, \x)t\\ of West Beaver. Mar. 11, by Rev. S. Smith, Rev. J. Shanibach, son of Jesse Shambaeli, and formerly of this countv, now resident at East Prospect, York Co., and Jane Yetter of West Beaver tWJ). Mar. 11, in Smibnry, by Rev. A. K. Zinmierman, Wm. H. Snyder, Esq., of Salem and Ella Jarrett of Shamokin Dam. Mar. 18, John Wallace of Penn twp. to Barbara Morningstar of Union Co. Mar. 21, A. G. Hornberger, J. P., Geo. S. Gelnett of Perry twp. to Hannah Reichenbach of Fremont. iMar. 25, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wm. S. Miller of New Berlin and Sarah Joanna Herbster of West Bea- ver twp. Mar. 25, at Reading, F. E. Specht, operator at Beavertown, to Emma S. Shaeffer of W^atsontown. Mar. 28, by Rev. Donat, Irwin Kerstetter of Perry twp. to Eliza- beth Snyder of West Perry twp. Apr. 11, by Rev. H.W. Zimmer- man, Wm. Oliver Miller and Lillie L. Fisher, both of Freeburg. Apr. 11, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Franklin Neitz to Utica Shaeffer, Ijoth of Union twp. Apr. 17, Wm. A. Barger of Mif- flin Co. and Mary A. Goss of W^est Beaver twp. Apr. 18, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, James Erb and Snsan Smith, both of West Beaver. Apr. 18, by Rev. N. Young, C. H. Bilger of Adamsburg to Annie Snyder of McClure. Apr. 20, by Esquire Kirk,, An- thony J. Parish and Annie Br n bak- er of Rockton, Clearfield Co. Apr. 20, Samuel Weider of West Beaver twp. and Ellen Michael of MifHin Co. Apr. 25, by Rev. Haas, George W.- Woodling to Phoebe E. Shaeffer, both of Freeburg. Apr. 27, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Henry Krumrine of Spring Mills to Kate Erlenmeycr of Freeburg. May 2, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, H. J. Lenig of Washington twp. and Priscilla Hinkel of Union twp. May 4, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Henry Flanders and Laura Sechrist, both of Union twp. May 9, in Freeburg, by D. S. Boyer, Esq., David G. Hoover of Lower Augusta twp. to Salome Row of Penn twp. May 9, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Edwin t\ Gember- ling to Alice J. Jarrett, both of Se- linsgrove. May 9, by A. G. Hornberger, Esq., David P. I^eister of Chapman t*vp. to Mary Jane Fenstermaclierof Georgetown. May 12, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, assisted by Revs. P. Born, D. D. and W. A. Haas, Rev. Robert B. Starks of Joliett, 111., to Jennie Kistner of Selinsgrove. May 16, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, .Joseph H. Hackenbnrg and Eva Herman of Adams twp. IS80.] Snyder County Marriages. 49 May 16, by J. W. Bentz, T. T. Gray bill to Edith Winey, both of West Perry twp. May 26, by Kev. Haas, Luther M. Laudis of Goldsboro to Ida Ott of Penu twp. May 27, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Jacob V. Mohr of Hastings, Neb., to Jennie E. Fisher of Seliusgrove. May 30, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. Haas, Joseph H. Covert and Katie I. Botdorf, both of Selinsgrove. June 1, at New Berlin, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Thomas Ei'dley of Jackson twp. to Mary C Rhule of Kreamer. June 10, at Port Treverton, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Isaac Neitz to Sallie A. Bender, both of this county. June 10, at Cowan, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Calvin Sanders of Penns creek to Lizzie J. Von Neida of Cowan. June 13, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Benjamin Hoffman and Polly Ann Wieand, both of West Beaver. June 13, by same, Henry B. Wagner of Beaver and Caroline Snook of Ceutreville. June 14, by Rev. J.W.Buckley, H. J. Eckbert and Ida Ryan, both of Selinsgrove. June 15, in New Berlin, by Rev. Kohler, Keubeu Boyer and Maggie M. Rote, both of Laurelton. June 15, Wm. E. Stringfellow of Milroy to Ada (i. Wildman of Ad- amsburg. June 20, at Selinsgrove, David Sholly to Sill lie (xaugler, both of Union twp. June 20, in New Berlin, by Rev. . Kohler, Samuel Mover of Union tw])., T^ni<*n Co., t<» Clara R. Snyd<'r of Jackson twp. June 20, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Noah Brouse to Emma Ulrich of Jackson twp. June 22, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Levi G. Walker to Clara Bickel, both of Selinsgrove. July 1, at Freeburg, by Rev. H. W. Zimmerman, Christian S. Sprig- gle of Washington twp. to Barbara Bollinger of Middlecreek twp. July 4, at Freeburg, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Jeremiah Charles and Minnie P. Watt, both of Freeburg. July 4, by Rev. J. W. Buckley, Elias Stroub of Freeburg and Sarah Cordelia Thompson of Selinsgrove. July 11, by Rev. H. W. Zimmer- man, Geo. W. Goy toEmtnaBertch, both of Freeburg. July 20, at Mt. Carmel, by Rev. C. W. Sechrist, Wm. H. Wolfgahn of Mt. Carrael to Mary E. Mussel- man of Selinsgrove. July 29, at Paxtonville, by Rev. J, M. Swengle, John Brunner and Sallie Mitchell, both of Paxtonville. Aug. 1, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Ard George of Even- dale and Martha Anna Garland of Beavertown. Aug. 1, near Adamsburg, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, H. Calvin Ulsh to M. Jane Herbster. Aug. 1, by David S. Sholly, Esq., George Gaugler of Union twp. to Kate Snyder, fonnerly of Berrys- burg. Aug. 2, at Port Treverton, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Peter Daubert and Sarah F. Spotts, both of this county. Aug, 5, by Rev. W. A. Haas, S. O. Laudenslager of Penn twp. to 50 SxYDER County Marriages. [188U. Alice C. Dimkelberger of Selins- grove. Aug. 8, at Port Treverton, by Rev. !S. W. Boughter, Peter Dau- bert of Port Trevert<>n to Lizzie Spotts of McKees Half Falls. Aug. S, by Rev. JohnK. Snyder, Daniel Mitterling of W^est Perry twp. to "J'illie Hornberger of Perry twp. Aug. 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Ernest F. (lOSS of West Heaver and Bella Kahly of McClure. , in Middleburg. by Rev. Irwine, Charles F. Bingaman and Mary E. Zeelmiaii, both of < 'eutre t\V}). Aug. 12, at Adamsburg, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Isaac Wetzel and Maggie Schweuk. Aug. 12, at Port Treverton, by 1). S. Thursby, Esq., Geo. Irwin Reichenbach and Cordelia Cawell, both of Port Treverton. Aug. 12, Benjamin Tittle of Un- ion Co. to Mollie A. M. Krebs of Snyder Co. Aug. 17, by Rev. John K. Sny- der, Isof Marks of Juniata Co. t© Cora Good of West Perry twp., this county. Aug. 22, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John E. Whatmore and Ida Jane Erdley, both of Snyder Co. Aug. 22, at Freeburg, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Joseph R. Hen- dricks of Salem to Anna A. Moyer of Adams twp. Aug. 29, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, AdamS. HeiserofMt. Pleasant Mills to Alice M, Harding of Fremont. Aug. 29, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Weldy Dent ofBloomsburg to Sarah Aigler of Beavertown. Sept. 1, in Ellington, N. Y., Dr. I. R. Svveigart of Banner ville, thi.s county, and Mary F. Farman of EUin^Hon, N. Y. Sept. 6, Henry Dunkelberger of Freeburg and Lizzie Brosius of Fre- mont. Sept. 19, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John Heimbach of Union twp. to Rebecca Kinney of Beavertown. Oct. 3, by J. G. M. Swengle, Sampson Townseud of Bloomsbnrg to Mrs. Elizabeth Butler of Sidney, O. Oct. 3, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Joseph E. Smith of Plymouth, Pa., to Mary V. Kantnerof Seliusgrove. Oct.' 5, by Rev. W. A. Haas John F. Romig of Penn twp. to Amanda Arbogast of Washington twp. Oct. 7, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, Daniel Arbogast and Jane Shellen- berger, both of Richfield. Oct. 7, at Centreville, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Joseph Frock of ^SlifHin- burg to Ellen, daughter of Jacob Sanders, Esq., of Centreville. Oct. 10, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, Michael Brubaker of Susqueiianna twp., .Juniata Co., and Priscilla Flanders of Port Treverton. Oct. 14, by Rev. A.C. Whitmer, Franklin P. Dauberman of Vicks- burg an«l Maggie E. (christian of ISew Berlin. Oct. 16, by Rev. J. Shindel, Em- erson Sylvester Dubbs and Sadie C. Riegel, both of Snyder Co. Oct. If), by Rev. A. C. Whitmer, Benjamin F. Buoy of Centre twp. and Sarah E. Jordan of East Buffalo twp., Union Co. 1880.] SxYDEii County Marriages. »1 Oct. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Geo. M. VV^itnier of Salem to Dillie Mover of Freeburg. Oct. 17, by Kev. 1). M. Stetlcr, Daniel A. Shell and Alwikla C. Smith, both of Beavertown. Oct. 24, by K. C. Fiss, J. P., John Adams of Monroe twp. to Ann Matilda Smilh of Penn twp. Oct. 26, Marion Ulrich, formerly of Selinsgrove, now of Killinger, Dauphin Co., to Mary Glass of Se- linsgrove. Oct. 28, by Rev. J. F. ^Vampole, John A. Dubbs to Lucy Craig, both of McKees Half Falls. Oct. 28, by Rev. Haas, Sylvester Bo wen and R. Jennie Bowersox, both of I'^rankiiu twp. Oct. 31, by Rev. J; F. Wampole, Francis Steflfeu and Alice C. Boyer, both of Washington twp. Nov. 2, by Rev. I. Irvine, John W. Aigler and D. Mazie Specht, both of Beavertown. Nov. 4. at Freeburg, by Rev. H. W. Zimmerman, M. K. Gordon and Sallie J. Deal, both of West Perry twp. Nov. 7, by Isaac Beaver, J. P., Philip R. Lenig and Amanda Heck- man, both of Washington twp. Nov. 11, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Jacob G. Martin of Fremont to Sarah J. Wilmont of Landisburg, Perry Co., Pa. Nov. 11, by Rev. J. H. Lentz, Wm. I^eonard of Liverpool and Mary A. Glass of Freeburg. Nov. 14, by Rev. I. Irvine, J. S. Sauers of New Berlin to E. J. Mus- ser of this plac^^'. Nov. 14, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, Jane Reed Borman of Port Tre- verton and David Brubaker of Chap- man t>vp. Nov. 16, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry Sterett Bradford of Selins- grove Junction to Anna B. Upde- graph of Selinsgrove. Nov. 18. by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Isaac Gooden to Mary Moore, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 21, by Rev. L. C.Edmonds, Simon Oldt and Enuna Smith, both of Bannerville. Nov. 23, Frederick Bolender of Rock Grove, Illinois, and Amanda Swarm oi Selinsgrove. Nov. 24, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, B. F. Faust and Mary E. Bowman, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 25, by Rev. Edmonds, Harvey Snook and Mollie R. Bea- ver, both of Painter. Nov. 25, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Minnie Miller of Selinsgrove to Daniel O. Laudenslagerof Berwick. Nov. 28, by Rev. Edmonds, James C. Shambach of Adamsburg and Hattie Aigler of Beavertown. Nov. 28, at the Lutheran parson- age, John H. Moyer and liizzie R. Renninger, both of this place. Nov. 28, by Rev. J.F. AVampole, Amelia Weller of Washington twp. to Franklin Bingaman of Middle- biu'g. Dec. 4, at the U. B. parsonage, bv Rev. U. Gambler, Franklin E. Bailey and Rebecca Kissinger of Washington twp. Dec. 5, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Maria Goss to (Oliver P. Snook, l)oth of Decatur, MitHin Co.. 52 Snvder County Marriages. [1881. Dec. 5, by Rev. J. F. Warnpole, Eiiieline A. Row of Penn twp. to John \y. Krouso of Middlecreck twp. Deo. o, by same, Mary Catherine Lose to Louis Pontius, bothot Mid- dlecreek twp. T)er.. ."), by D. S. Thur4)y, J. P., Henry L. Siiatfer to Mary E. More- land, Ixith ot Jt*ort Treverton. Dec. 13, at the U. B. parsonage, by Kev. U. (iambler, John Hart- man of Centre twp. to Elizabeth A. S. File of Franklin tw]>. Dec. 14, by R(!V. N. Young, Samuel Crandcy of Rebersburg, Outre Co., Pa., and Mrs. Catherine A. Ocker ot Middlecreek twp. Dee. 19, by Rev. E. P. Leonard, W. ,]. Price and Mrs. Jennie H. 8peeht, both of Snyder Co. Dec. 21, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Elizabeth Siiambach ot Adanisburg to Albert Engle of Beaver town. Dec. 23, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, Susanna Brubaker toJacobStauUer, both of llnioji twp. Doe. 23, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Emma C. Herman of Kratzer- ville to W. F. Hohenbach ofShamo- kin Dam. Dec. 24, by lie v. l. Irvine, Dr. J. ( '. Sluunan and Sevili-iC. Binga- man, both of Troxelville. De.:. 25, by D. S. Sholly, Esij., William Hcndrix to Mary Ann Arn<»ld, both ot Chapman Iwj). Dec. 25, by Rev. J. W. Buckley, Ada E. Michaels to William C. Winters, both of S-linsgrove. Dec. 2»), by K.ev. A. R. (ilaze, VVnj. F. Bollinger of Kreamer to Sarah C. Bcnfer of Xcw Berlin. Dec. 28, by Rev. Irvine, Geo. S. Lepley of Adanisburg to S. Ellen Reitz of Middlecreek twp. Dec. 29, Moses Benfer and Re- becca Snook of near Adanisburg. Oct. 31, by D. S. Sholly, Esq., David Neitz to Alice Shotzberger, both of Union twp. 1881. Jan. 1, near Adanisburg, by Rev. Edmonds, Annie Ocker to Emerson Hellrick. Jan. 2, by Rev. J. K. Snyder, Emma ( )berholtzer of Monroe twp., Juniata Co., to Daniel Stautler of Union twp., this county. Jan. 2, at Beavertown, by Rev. 1). M. Stetler, Maggie McClennan of Adanisburg to Isaac Snook of Kis- Lacoijuillas, Mifflin Co. Jan. 6, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Ida M. Shellenberger to B. F. Ar- lM)gast, both of Richfield. Jan. (3, in Mifflinburg, by Rev. I. Grier, D. D., Franklin Harry Foster and Sarah V. Barber, daughter of S. S. Barber, decVl, of Mifliinburg. Jan. 13, by Rev. Kohlcr, Ed- ward Smith of ^ew Berlin ai^l Annie C. Sanders ot Ijimestonetwp. Jan. IG, by Rev. W. A. Haas, H. H. Klingler of Jackson twj). to Mary E. Klingler of Penn twp, Jan. 20, by Rev. Haas, Emma Jane Herman ami -John erin, both of Kratzerville. Jan. 23, by Rev. Wieand, A. Alice Middleswarth to D. J. Hinga- nran, both of Adams twp. Jan 2<), in New I^rlin, by Rev. S. Sidney Kohier, John (i. Smith ot' L Magdalena Wochley to H.Frederick Teats, both of Perry twp. Jan. 30, by Rev. H. W. Zini- nicrnian, M. R. Downey to E. A. Roush of Chapman twp. Jan. 30, Charles Covert to Bar- bara Jarrett, both of Selnisgrove. Feb. 1, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Wellington Houseworth of Mason City, Ills., to Lillie Davis of Selins- grove. Feb. 8, by Rev. Edmonds, Mar- garet Lambert to Jeremiah Druck- enmiller, both of Adams twp. Feb. 15, by Rev. A. B. Casper, Rev. S. Sidney Kohler to Agnes Casper, both of New Berlin. YAx 24, by Rev. Irvine, S. Morris Showers and Savilla Walter, both i)f Centre ville. Feb. 27, by Rev. Haas, Eber Bol- linger of Middlecreek twp. to Alice Witmer of Union twp. Mar. 1, at Beavertown, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, Elizabeth Kaiser of Middlecreek twp. and William J. Blettof Lewistown, Mifttin Co. Mar. T), by D. S. Thursby, J. P., Wilson P. Noll and Bertie A. L. AVoodling, both of Port Treverton. Mar. H, by same, Wm. H. Houser <»f Chapman twp. and Sarah J. Sny- der of Union twp. Mar. 10, by Rev. Belmer, Joseph Wallace of Northumberland to Mrs. Lucetta Moore. Mar. 10, at the Coleman House, Lewistown, by Rev. J. M. Reim- ensnyder, Theodore A. Walter and Laura A. Boleuder, daughter of Daniel Bolender, Sheriff of Snyder County. Mar. 10, at New Berlin, by Rev. Kohler, John L. Snyder of Shamo- kin to Jemima E. Cochran of New Berlin. Mar. 11, by Rev. J. W. Buckley, E. E. Buck and Lydia E. House- worth, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 1 3, by A. J. Bowersox, Esq., Solomon Wise of Centre twp. and Mrs. Maggie Sinkabine of Union Co. Mar. 13, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Sarah A. Swartz of Chapman twp. and John S. ShaHer of Union twp. Mar. 20, by Rev. P. L. Haines, David Hoffer of McKees Half Falls and Mary Ellen Kerstetter of Mil- lerstown. Perry Co., Pa. Mar. 21, by Rev. M. L. Drum, J. Frank Sandel of WinfieldtoKate Young of Monroe twp. Mar. 24, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Emma Spigelmoyer and Albert Krick of Decatur^ Mifflin Co. Mar. 20, at the Evan, parsonage, Port Treverton, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Sallie Kemble to Simpson Herrold, both of Union twp. Mar. 27, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Emma Reitz of West Beaver to Roswell Sechri»t of Beaver twp. In Sunbury, James Fuller of WilkesBarre to Eva, eldest daugh- t(>r of the late Cai)t. C. S. Davis. u Snyder County Marriages. [1881. Apr. 3, by Rev. L. C Edmonds, Eliziibeth Gerliart and Jeremiah Bowersox. Aj)r. 5, by liev. Haas, Lewis King to Mrs. Daniel Gemberling. Apr. 12, at Waddans Grove, 111., Mamie L., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Smith, to Robert J. Panis. Apr. 14, by H. Benfer, Esq., Lawrence Middleswarth and Lizzie Walkins. Apr. 17, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Ada Harman to George Hains, both of Washington twp. May 1, at the residence of Chas. Steininger, by Rev. J. Irvine, Calvin S. Steininger of Middleburg and Cinderella High of New Columbia, Union Co., Pa. May 8, by Rev. J. \V. Buckley, 8. D. Specht and Utica Hummel. May 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Adam B. DeLong of Lyons, Berks Co., to Amelia Helfrick of West Beaver twp. May 22, by P. M. Teats, Esq., Isaiah Tressler and Mary Kerstetter, both of Chapman twp. May 22, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Phillip C.Bressler of W. Perry twp. to Emma E. Roush of Washington twp. May 22, by W. A. Orr, Esq., Israel Sanders of Wagner to Mrs. Mary Haines ofBaunerville. May 24, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Daniel Riegel of West Beaver twp. to Susan Nevil of New Berlin. May 29, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, David H. Shaefler and Alice M. Gaugler, both of Perry twj). May 29, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. .1. W. Buckley, .1. Oscar Snyder of Mt. Carmel to Mary E. Gemberling of Selinsgrove. June 2, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. E. H. Leisenring, George C. Wag- enseller and Lulic, eldest daughter of F. J. Schoch, both of Selinsgrove. June 5, by Rev. R. S. Arndt, Wm. E. Shaelferof Washington twp. to Hannah A. Longarce of Union twp. June 5, by same, Noah M. Roush and Ellen C. Gundrum, both of Freeburg, Juue 5, by Rev. J. F. W^ampole, Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, pastor of First Evangelical Lutheran church of Selinsgrove, to Sidlie C. Boyer. June 8, in Lykens, by Rev. J. A. Wirt, J. C. Fear of Selinsgrove to Josie Martin. June 16, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Dr. Benjamin Em- erick and Bertie Wagenseller. June 19, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Simon O. Kratzer and Mary A. Beachel, both of Centre twp. June 19, by same, Howard Jones and Catherine Gilbert, both of Wash- ington twp. June 19, by Rev. W. L. Ditzler, Henry C. Krebs ofMiddlecreeknnd Sophia Knepp of Bannerville. June 19, by same, Charles P. Fiss of Troxelville to Sallie J. Middles- warth of Middlecreek. June 19, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry J. Wagner of Penn twp. and Emma C. Steever of Millersburg. June 22, in ]5ristol, Ind., by Rev. M. Rosevelt, Charles C. Bower of Bristol, Ind., formerly of Middle- burg, to Kittie Hiunilton of Law- rence, Miss. 1881.] Snyder County Marriages. 55 July 3, H. E. Austin and Clara E. Bogar, both of Port Treverton. July 5, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Allen Stetler and Carrie Trutt, both of Monroe twp. July 9, L. W. Riegel of Adams- burg and Maggie C. Botdorf of Lewistown. July 10, by Rev. Irvine, Theo- philus Swineford and Nettie Sooy, both of Philadelphia. July 10, by Rev. John K. Sny- der, Riley Miller and Susan Stroub. July 14, in Selinsgrove, Newton Jarrett and Mollie Benner, both of Selinsgrove. July 17, James Blackford of Mif- flinburg and Mary E. Stetler of Shamokin Dam. July 23, by R. C. Fiss, Esq., H. Pereival Hottensteiu of Shamokin Dam to Sallie Hane of Selinsgrove. July 24, by Thomas Paige, Esq., AVm. H. Shaeifer to Martha M. Herrold, both of Chapman twp. July 28, by R. C. Fiss, Esq., Dr. C Folk of Northumberland Co. to Margaret Coryell of Snyder Co. July 28, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Roswell Krick to Mary S. Hassiuger, both of Decatur twj). July 31, by Rev. H. B. Belmer, Joseph Brown of Herudon to Delia Stroub of Port Treverton. July 31, by D. S. Thursby, J. P., Levi Fritchman of Chapman and Sarah E. Keller of Port Treverton. July 31, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John H. Auman of Union twp. to Anna Alcinda Gilbert of Adams- burg. Aug. 6, nearAdamsburg, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, John Hommel and Ada Harmony. Aug. 7. by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Bentou Kriegbaum of Fremont and Agnes Schnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Aug. 7, byJ.C. Reyfogel, George P. Tompkins of Phila. to Susan Woodling of Freeburg. Aug. 7, H. Mitchell to Amelia A. Kratzer, both of Centre twp. Aug. 11, Thomas Chapel of Un- ion Co. to Hattie Bailey ofKratzer- ville. Aug. 13, Charles C. Miller and Maggie Hains, both of Danville, Pa. Aug. 14, by J. S. Meiser, J. P., Wm. G. Gilbert of Smith Grove to Fanny E. Kerstetter of Chapman. Aug. 14, John Gemberling and Sarah Diehl of Middlecreek twp. Aug 21, at Port Treverton, by D. S. Thursby, Esq., John J. Aur- and of Shamokin Dam to Emma C. Kerstetter of McKees Half Falls. Aug. 21, by A. J. Bowersox, Esq., Wm. Conley of Centre twp. to Sarah A. Doebler of New Berlin. Sept. 1, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Stephen Wendt of Shamokin Dam to Katie A. Shaeffer of Freeburg. Sept. 1, by Sem. Leitzel, Esq., Jacob Bolig and Sarah Kramer, both of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 4, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Benton T. Reichenbach to Harriet Nace, both of Perry twp. Sept. 4, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wm. Y. McGlauglin of Lewistown to Emma Romig of West Beaver. Sept. 4, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Henry Leister and Angeline Snyder, both of Snyder Co. ofi S5VDER CorxTV Marriagi-s. [1881. Sept. 11, by Rev. Shindel, Clinton C. Hein)bach and Sarah L. Stalil- nec'ker of Snyder Co. Sept. 11, at Port Treverton, by Rev. U. Gambler, John O. Spotts ofMeKees Half Falls to Mary M. Arnold of Port Treverton. Sept. 15, by Rev. J. Wesley Rne, John C. Bogenrief of Thompson town to Mary Riegel of Freebnrg. Sept. 15, by Rev. M. I>. Shindel assisted by Rev. James Curns and Rev. K. H. Leisenring, Simon R. Cajnp of" Milton andSueM. Shindel, only daughter of Hon. J. G. Tj. Shindel of Selinsgrove. Se[)t. 18, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Reuben A. Wagner and Sarah Ma- tilda Goss, both of West Beaver. Sept. 20, by Rev. H. W. Gr(»*s, Wm. Bennett of Winfitild and Sadie A. Matthews of Buffalo Valley. Oet. 2, in New Berlin, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Charles H. Heib- ster and Sallie A. Mitehell, both of Beaver twp. Ort. 2, by Rev. H. W. Gross. J. C. Foster and E. C. Mull, both of Union Co. Oct. 2, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, Thomas Marks ot Lewistown to liOiiisa Stuck ofMcCIure. Oct. G, at New Berlin, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Simon Geis antlMary A. Roush of New Berlin. Oct. (), by same, Wm. IT. Smith and Rachael A., oldest daughter of of Frederick I'^ries, both of New Berlin. 0(rt. (), at New Berlin, by Rev. H. W. Gi'oss, James Beaver of Mid- dleburg and .Jennie E. Mensch of MiniiMl)ui"i>'. Oct. 11, by Rev. H. W. Gross, Rev. J. B. Fox of Claytonville, Berks Co., and Emma C, only daughter of Martin Roh bach of liuf- falo Valley. Oct. 13, at Adamsbnrg, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, AnK)n B. Walter of Paxtonville to Mary Jane Has- singer of Fremont; Oct. i;], in Beavcrtown, by Rev. J. C. Brodfuhrer, Lucicn Spigel- myer and Emma Krick, l)oth of De- catur twp., Mifflin Co. Oct. 14, Isaac M. Brnbaker of Selinsgrove and Kate A. Brnbaker of Port Treverton. Oct. 20, John Hugiies and Clara Ellen Felker, both ui' McClui-e. Oct. 22, by Rev. Shindel, J. W. Seebold of New Berlin and Phoebe C. Felty oi Paxtonville. Oct. 27, James E. Rohrer ofMe- Kees Half Falls to Jennie A. Jacol)S of Tuscarora t\\ p.. Perry Co. Oct. 29, by Rev. M. L. Drum, Joseph B. Garihan and Fannie S. Mills, daughter of Capt. N. J. Mills, Ixjth of Northumberland, Pa. Nov. 1, bv Rev. O. E. Nam as- sisted by Rev. J. O. Sully, Will A. Moyer of Beavcrtown and Jennie Ingalls of Mi fH in Co. Nov. 1, by Henry Benfer, Esq., H. D. Mitchell, Es(j., of Paxton- ville to Ei//Ie Smith of Washington twp. i Nov. 24, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Henry W.'Pitter of Krat/ervi!le and Laura Slear of Winfield. Nov. 27, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, A. S. Newton Wetzel of New Ber- lin to Enini:i E. l^iH<'iiii:uu-<.f Midurt''. 1881.] Snyder County Marriages. 57 Nov. 24, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Noah Wise and Ellen C. Straub, both of Washington tvvp. Nov. 27, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Fnvucis Miller of Penn twp. to Savilla Bailey ot Monroe twp. Nov. 27, John Mengle ol Wash- ington twj). to Mary E. Stiver of Perry twp. Dec. 1, C. W. Sanders of near Centreville and Emma E. Moyer of Union Co, Dec. 1, Rufus Knepp of Banner- ville to Agues C. Worrall of Milroy. Dec. 1, at BeavertOwn, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Irwin Howell and Susan Youngmau, both of McClure. Dec. 4, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P.. Jonathan Brunner to Ellen Bower- sox, botii of Centreville. Dec. 4, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John F. Gearhart of Centre twp. to Sarali Jane Row of Monroe twp. Dec. 11, at New Berlin, by Rev. H. W. Gross, Samuel B. Sholler and Caroline A. Beaver, both of Snyder Co. Dec. 12, by J. I. Yerger, J. P., Lewis Troup of Cross Roads, Junia- tii, Co., to Sal lie S. Bender of Perry twp. Dec. 12, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Geo. W^. Miller of Union Co. and Kate Kohler of Snyder Co. Dec. 13, by Rev. M. L. Diet/ler, Emanuel B. Steininger and Delilah Ellen Snook, both of Middlecreek. De(% 15, by Rev. Haas, \V. W. Mayes of Lev/istown and Mrs. v^nna Walborn of Selins^rove. Dec. 18, by Rev. Haas, Benjamin F. Row to Clara Gordon, both of Smith Grove. Dec. 18, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., George Henry of Centreville and and Catherine Grubb of Centre twp. Dec. 22, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, James D. Dreese of Adamsburg and Laura Ellen Straub of Painter. Dec. 22, by Rev. Gross, Rev; J. D. Shortess of Union Seminary and Minerva L. Spitler. Dec. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas, D. F. Fisher of Penn twp. and Ma- tilda Moyer of Washington twp. Dec. 25, by same, John Clopp and Maggie S. Hoffman, both of Se- Unsgrove. Dec. 25, Charles J. DeLong and Ella Fry, Centre twp. Dec. 25, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Nathan Bressler of Schuylkill Co. to Lydia Somes of Aline. Dec. 25, by Rev. J. W. Buckley, John S. Haybrick of Lewistown and Mary C. Kinney of Selinsgrove. Dec. 25, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., Benjamin Loss, Jr., of Centre twp. to Susanna Rarick of Limestone, Union Co. Dec. 27, by Rev Shindel, Allen Boyer and Clara Bolig, both of Sny- der Co. Dec. 27, by Rev. Gross, J. Win- Held Sampsell, M. D., and Ettie A. Spangler, both of Centreville. Dec. 27, by Elder F. Bower, Fred. F. Kramer and Lillie Am- brose, both of Lena, Ills. Dec. 27, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Cyrus C. Dietrick aiid Mary E. Snook, both of West Beaver. Dec. 28, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, FiOi'enza D. Wileman of Adamsburg and Mfiry .Tane Reeaura Buyer of Freeburg. Feb. 23, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Theodore W. Fisher to Ellen Row, both of Pawling Station. Jan. 26, by Rev. John W. Swartz, Joshua Roush of West Perry twp. to Mrs. Isabella Hackmaster of Perry twp. Feb. 2G, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Henry Derk and Mary E. Herman, both of Kratzer- ville. Feb. 28, at Northumberland, by Rev. E. T. Swartz, Wni. T. Roberts of Northumberland and Malinda Machamer of Freeburg, 1882.] Snyder County Marriages. m Mar. 1 , James D. Lesher of Sny- der Co. and Ida E. Young of Union tvvp., Union Co. Mar. 7, Elias Emerick ot Selins- grove and Mrs. Diana Hetricii of Mahanoy. Mar. 7, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, John C. Stimelingof Pfoutz Valley, Perry Co., to Emma Jane Heinibach of \^ ashiugton tvvp. Mar. 9, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Mauasses Gilbert of and Louisa Gearhart, both of Bea- vertown. , at Port Treverton, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, John A. Step and and Amelia C. Fisher, both of Sny- der Co. Mar. 11, at Huntingdon, by Rev. J. I. Pearce, J. D. Hamilton and Cora M. Erhart, both of MeClure. Mar. 19, at Adamsburg, by Rev. M. L. DietzJer, Millard A. Scham- bach of TroxelvJlle to Ellen B. Mc- Clellan of Beaver twp. Mar. 19, W. H. Swartz and Re- l)ecca Price, both of Chapman twp. Mar. 23, John W. Hoch, son of. Albright S. Hoch. and Ida C. Stahl, both of Kelly twp. Apr. 2, by R. C. Fiss, Esq., Za- chariah Keller and Sarah A. Hum- mel, both of Shamokin Dam. Apr. 2, James Helwig and Emma Kramer, both of near Richfield. Apr. 2, Geo. H . Hoffman of Perry twp. to Maggie A. Mengel of Rich- field. Apr. 8, at Montandon, Albert C. Peters, formerly of Middleburg, and Amanda C. Winkleblock of Laurel- ton. Apr. 8, Edward Rhoads of Jun- iata Vak and Annie M. Willow of West Perry twp. Apr. 9, M. L. Walter and Maria J. Moyer, both of Middleburg. Apr. 12, at York, Pa., by Rev. Spalding, D. D., R. Hathaway Shin- del, son of Hon. J. G. L. Shindel of Selinsgrove, and Lizzie M. Schall, both of York. Apr. 13, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John D. Shawver and Martha S. Gill, both of Adam twp. Apr. 13, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Wm. Penu Gross of Adamsburg and M. Magaret AVagner of West Bea- ver twp. Apr. 16, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Edward B. Klock of Herndon and Lydia Ann Weaver of Snyder Co. Apr. 23, Aaron Kerstetter and Alice Raber, both of Chapman twp. Apr. 25, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Frederick S. Herrold and Eva An- derson, both of this county. Apr. 30, by Rev. N. S. Bucking- ham, Morris Boop and S. C. Peters, both of Winfield, May 2, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, J. A. Roniberger and Emma R. Trout- man. May 4, by Rev. W. A. Haas, B. F. Brouse and Agnes Matilda Sass- aman, both of Jackson twp. May 7, John C. Stimeling of Perry Co. and Emma J. Heimbach of Washington twp. May 7, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., Joseph H. Meiser of Oriental and Ida P. Leight of Susquehanna twp., Juniata Co. May 10, at Bedford, by Rev. Father O'Connel, W. H. Beaver and Odessa Cook, both of Bedford, Pa. May 14, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Snyder County Marriages. [1882. Wm. D. Bilger of Jackson tvvp. and Mary M. Foltz of Franklin twp. May 15, by Kev. Coon, Arthur C. Smith of Cedar Falls, Iowa, to Jennie Evans of Oak Park. Ills., formerly of this place. May 17,N. L.Leohner of Akron, O., and Maggie E. Hilbish, daugh- ter, of Col. P. Hilbish of Selinsgrove. May 18, by D. S. Boyer, Esq., R. W. Sanders and Barbara Kers- tetter, both of Perry twp. May 18, by D. S. Boyer, Esq., R. W. Sanders and Barbara Kers- tetter, both of Perry twp. May 18, by Rev. Dietzler, Joseph M. Wagner of West Beaver to Minnie J. Strunk of Lewistown. May 18, by same, Henry C. Hoover of Penntwp. to Lydia Boyer of Washington twp. May 23, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M Stetler, Wm. J. Snook of West Beaver twp. to S. Kate Wag- ner. May 25, by Rev. H. W. Gross, Henry F. Mohn to Lizzie Walter, both of Centreville. May 25, by Rev. Dietzler, Jacob L.Kanawell of Juniata Co, and Sal- lie E. Getz of Adamsburg. May 25, by Rev. Dietzler, Henr^- A. Hendricks and Sue Seip, both of Adams twp. May 28, by Rev. Reed, George A. Stetler of Middleburg and Lydia E. Renninger of Middlecreek. May 29, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Dr. E. W. Toole and Jennie Mertz, both of Freeburg. May 30, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, E. J. Griffith of Shamokin and Carrie Shaffer of Port Treverton. June 4, by Rev. J. W. Bentz.^ Albert Fisher and Alice Shaeller, both of Port Treverton. June 8, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Milton M. Noecker and Annie M. Hockeubroch, both of Chapman tvvp. June 11, by Rev. J. P. Shiudel, Edwin Snyder to Nadora C. Roush, both of Washington twp. Jnne 18, at Northumberland, by Rev. E. T. Swartz, John Houtz of Freeburg to Mary Alice Stroh of Selinsgrove. June 18, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Henry W. Steffen of Union twp. and Amelia Reichenbach of Washington twp. June 24, by Rev. Spangler, Har- rison Knouse and Lizzie Steininger, both of Franklin twp. June 27, Prof. A. E. Gobble of Union Seminary, New Berlin, and Kate Kranshop of Lancaster. June 27, at Mt. Carmel, James Curns of Selinsgrove to Ida M. Persing of Mt. Carmel. June 27, by Rev. Shintld, David Jordan and Amanda Koons, l)oth of this county. June 27, Geo. F. Holmes and Mahala C. Mattis, both of Selins- grove. July 2, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. VV. A. Haas, Charles E. Samj)sell of Centre twp. and Sallie C. M'uU dleswarth of Middleburg. July 2, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Elias Disney of Alton, McKean CV)., to Barbara E. Boyer of Freeburg. July 2, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., F. H. Stine of Centreville to Enuna Valentine of Limestone twp.. Union C^o. 1882.] Snyder County Marriages. Gl June 16, by Rev. R. S. Arndt, Jacob H. Armstrong of Monroe twp., Juniata Co., and Sophia Kerstetter of Perry twp. June 29, by Rev. W. F. Warren, Rudolf B. Schneider and Belle D. Snyder of Freeburg. July 9, by Rev. J. F. Warn pole, John W. Schnee and Agnes Pottiger, both of Perry twp, July 16, Win. O. Bingaman of Georgetown and Lillie M. Beaver of Snyder Co. July 20, in Williamsport, byRev. Geo. Cooper, Wni. H. Yost and Lulu J. Hare formerly ot Selins- grove. July 23, by D. S. Thursby, Esq., John L. Swartz and Ida C'harles, b(3th of Port Treverton. July 27, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Henry I. Peters and Mary E. Shel- lenberger, both (»f Bannerville. Aug. 14, by Rev. A. H. Spangler, Wm. H. Weaver and Alda P. Yea- lick, both of Beavertown. Aug, 15, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Edward S. Hocken brock of Rich- field and Emma Goodling of West Perry. Aug. 20, bv Rev. J. P. Shindel, (). P. McAfee and Jane M. Gill, both of Franklin twp. Aug. 20, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, (Jalvin A. Artley and Lizzie A. Row, both of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 2, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Francis I. Wood- ling and Amelia Row. Sept. 3, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, James Lose and Henrietta Hacken- Iturg, both of Adams twj). Sept. 3, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Levi Kuhns and Amanda Deibler, both of Centre twp. Sept. 3, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds. Henry Gross to Lucy Ann Kaley, both of Wesi Beaver. Sept. 10, by Rev. A. H. Spangler, J. A. Benfer and Lizzie Smith, both of Franklin. Sept. 10, in Port Treverton, by Rev. U. Gambler, Wm. Hoover and Sarah A. Gaugler, both of Port Treverton. Sept. 17, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John L. Hook of Wagner to Ellen E. Spiegel moyer of Decatur. Sept. 20, in Selinsgrove, H. Harvey Schoch to Enuiia C, daugh- ter of George Schnure, both of Se- linsgrove. In Bellevue, O., by Rev. N. S. Shupp, Geo. Bush, formerly of Dau- phin Co., Pa., and Savilla Moyer of Sandusky Co., O. Sept. 21, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, David R. Roth- rock of Middleburgto Lizzie Beaver of Kratzerville. Sept. 21, Geo. P. Mertz, Esq., of Northumberland to Mrs. Wolfe of New Berlin. Sept. 24, Wm. H. Swartz and Louisa J. Sholly, both of Chapman twp. Sept. 24, on Cooper's Island, by Rev. U. Gambler, Philip W. Steffen and Maria C. Neitz of Port Trever- ton, Sept. 24, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John Zechman ami Anna Swarm, both of Snyder Co. Sei>f. 26, by Rev. D. E. Reed, Allen C. Hackenburg and Abby 62 Snyder County Marriages. [188^ Senora Harris, both of Wasliington tvvp. Sept. 28, by Rev. Spangler, Aarou Dreese and Adda S. Hassinger. Oct. 1, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Gransoni K. Can.p of Beavertown to Clara Jane Thomas of Adanis- ))nrg. Oct. 4, by Rev. G. T. Gray, Thomas Dimhai't of VVilliamsport to Angeline A. Roush of Shamokin Dam. Oct. 8, in NorthumberUind, John B. McCreary of NorthumberUind to Mary A. Roush of Washington twp. Oct. 15, by Rev. D. E. Reed, Chas. F. Spaid and Ennna Newman of Franklin. Oct. 15, by Rev. J. G. W. Herrold, William C. Snyder and Ida Mink, both of Middleburg. Oct. 15, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, James H. Swartz to Lizzie J. Swine- ford of (Jhapman twp. Oct. 15, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, AV^m. H. Wolfe of Chapman twp. to Matilda V. Keckof Kream- er. Oct. 17, by J. S. Mciser, Esq., Harrison Bollinger and Savilhi J. Eyster, botii of Washington twp. Oct. 19, at Bamierville, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Wm. Horace Kline and Margaret Jane Knepp, both of A\'est lieaver twp. Oct. 19, Wm. 11. Kline and Caroline Knepj), both of West liea- ver. Oct. 2:3, by Henry Benfcr, Es(j., Samuel Troup and Jane Whatmore, both of Paxtonville. Oct. 29, by lley \V. A. 11 uas, Reuben Hununel to Jjizzie Herman, both of Kreamer. Oct. 31, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Samuel H. Hendricks of Adams twj). and Amanda Elizabeth Denis of West Beaver twp. Nov. 23, at Beavertown, by Rev. W. H. Stover, Wm. F. Howell and Lizzie L.Manbeck, both ofMcClure. Nov. 30, in Selinsgrwve, by Revs. J. Yutzy and S. E. Ochsenford, Dr. P. A. Boyer and Flora E. Carey. Dec. 10, by Rev. J. P. Sliindel, Abner E. Walter ami Ada Gift, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 10, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, Philip Mengcl of Perry twp. to Em- ma Hackenburg of Washington twp. Dec. 18, by Rev. D. Klose, Cyrus B. lloch, formerly of Snyder Co. and Alice Troy, both of Leoiia, Kansas. Dec. 19, by S. A. W^'tzel, J. P., Wm. Hoi tz worth to Saraii C. Catli- erman, both of Centreville. Dec, 24, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, D. Aaron Kern of Troxelville to Mary A. Mover of Middleburg. 1883. Jan. 9, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wm. J. Wi'eand of West Beaver to Lovina J. diarman of Perry twp. Jan. 11, by Rev. A. H. Spangler, Wm. T. Dietrich of Mi(klleburg to Sallie Parnelia Yoder of Kreamer, daughter of Hon, S. H. Yoder. Jan. 11, Wm. Luck of Troxel- ville and Eliza J. Yeakley of Jun- iata Co. Jan. 14, by Rev. W. A. Haas, A. L. Stetler of Kantz to Fnuna M. Roush of Freeburg. Jan. 18, by Rev. D. :\r. Stetler^ 1883.] Snyder County Mareiages. 63 Abraham Holshue and Emma I. Lejjley, both of McClure. Jan. 21, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Levi Matter ol Midtllecreek and Harriet Foltz of Franklin. Jan. 21, Daniel Jarrett of Chest- nut Ridge and Mrs. Mary Holmes of Selinsgrove. Jan. 30, by Rev. S. E. Oehsen- lord, John Kreider to Mary Kratz- er. both of Kratzerville. Feb. 2, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, James Fuhrmau to Alice Smith, both of Adams twp. Feb. 11, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Charles Hare of Middleburg and Hattie Rager of Paxtonville. Feb. 15, by Rev. Spangler, Dr. I. Grier Barber nnd Kate Witten- meyer, both of Middlebnrg. Feb. 15, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Aaron Singley ot Wagner Station to Maria Kerstetter of Decatur. Feb. 18, John A. Rndisill ot Dauphin Co. to Emma Haas of Se- linsgrove. Feb. 23, bv Rev. D. E. Reed, J. F. Bickel of McKees Half Falls to Mrs. Kate De Wolfe of Middlebnrg. Mar. 1, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Albright Dreese to Annie C. Green- hoe, both of Adamsburg. Mar. 5, by Rev. G. Leidy, Geo. S. Wright of Indiana, Pa., to Mary Brubaker of Rockton, Clearfield Co. Mar. G, John Wylan of Milroy and Amanda Hoffman of McClnre. Mar. 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wm. J. Peters of Decatur to Mary Elizabeth Shultz of West Beaver. Mar. 8, Rev. E. D. Keene of Mil- heim and Emma J. Yoder of New Berlin. Mar. 11, in New Berlin, by Rev. H. W. Gross, John E. Loyd of Milton and Clara Smith. Mar. 13, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Daniel H. Snook and Emma A. \Vieder, both of West Beaver. Mar. 13, by Rev. L.C.Edmonds, Daniel H. Snook and Eniilene A. Wieder, both of West Beaver. Mar. 14, at Hartleton, Lewis R. Thomas ot Paxtonville and Cath- erine Kistner of Laurelton. Mar. 15, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetl(;r, D. Franklin Spaid and Susan Smith of Beaver. Mar. 18, U. F. P. Snyder of Snyder Co. and Dora ( -. Stover of Aaronsburg. Mar. 19, by Rev. J. F. W'ampole Robert Pachnicheand Laura Spi'ing- man, both of Freeburg. Mar. 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Allen C. Arbogast and Louisa W. Wert, both of Freeburg. Mar. 25, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, S. C. Hollenbach and Emma D. Straub, both of Kratzerville. Mar. 25, by Rev. Haas, Adam L. Hare and Arietta Steinmeyer, both of Globe Mills. Mar. 2(), by J. C. Burns, J. P., James Miller and Phoebe Sechrist, both of Union twp. Mar. 29, by Rev. Haas, Wm. Mussleman and Maggie Reinart, both of Penn twp. Apr. 1, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, M. W. Scott Benfer and Jennie A. Wetzel, both of Adamsburg. Apr. 1, at Akron, O., Rufus Wearstler of Hartville, Stark Co., ()., to SalHe A. Arbogast, daughter of David Arbogast of Freeburg. 64 Snyder County Marriages. [188^ Apr. 5, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Jacob Ritter and Mary C. ^V^agner, both of West Beaver twp. Apr. 17, at Beavertown, by Rev. A. H.Spaiigler, Ja.s. O. Herbster to Ida M. Smith, both of Beavertown. Apr. 10, in Middleburg, by Rev. F. li. Dietz, Prof J. Hall App of Halifax, Pa., to Minerva J. Gift, oldest daughter of A. K. Gii\, Esq. Apr. 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, James H. Burns to Ellen Hoke, Iwth of Selinsgrove. Apr. 22, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Daniel Good to Lovina Musser, both of Adams twp. Apr. 29, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, Carbon Seeboldto Amanda M. Moy- er, bothof Middleburg. May 3, by Rev. S.PlOclisenford, H. Newton Herman and Ida J. Klingler, both of Kratzerville. May 3, by Rev. Haas, A. T. Dreese and Clara A. E. Erdley, lx)th of Penn twp. May 0, by J. I. Yerger, Esq., Wm. Boyer of Perry township and Catherine Wigler of Washington twp. May 10, by Rev. H. W. Gross, M. K. Hassintjer of Middleburir and Victoria A. Yearick, daughter of Samuel Yearick, Esq. May 15, A. K. Hunberger of Thompsontown and EmmaHunnnel of Snyder Co. May IG, by Rev. Ochsenford, Joseph A. End wig and Mary E. Ulricli, both of Selinsgrove. May 20, by Rev. T, G. C:leese, Robert Aumiller to ISfollie Weis, both ofPawling Station. May 2r;, by Itcv. .I.E. Wnmpole, Jacob A. Diemerof Washington twj)* to Sarah L. I^audenslager of Mid- dlecreek twp. May 27, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wellington Smith and Josephine Whiteman, both of Beavertown. June 7, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Thomas J. Mecht- ley and Sallie Leitzel, both of Kratzerville. June 8, by same, F. Frank Zim- merman of Union Co. to Emma Felty of Snyder Co. June 19, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Ephraim G. Kline of Beavertown to Sallie E. Haines of West Beaver. , at New Berlin, by Rev. H. W. Gross, Geo. S. Heimbach of Sunbury and M. Alice Botdorf of Snyder Co. June 2i), by Rev. J. W. Bough- ter, Zachariah Bowersox andSai'ah J. Walter, both of Franklin twp. July 15, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. xM'. Stetler, Wm. C. Loss of Hartley township. Union Co., to Sarahs. Moyer of Centre twp., Un- ion Co. July 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Rousli B(»llingof Snyder County to Susan Musselman of Dauphin C'o. July 22, l)v same, \V. Hemy Fisher of McClure and Ada Wag- ner of Middlecreek. July 24, by Rev. xM. L. Dietzler, Franklin li. Troxel of Troxelville to Ada Berge of Centreville. Aug. 7, in Middleburg, by Rev. J. W. Bucther, George Walter and Mary J. Hummel, lM)tli of Middle- burg. Aug. 12, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Henry Hartman and Susan Benfer, both of this county. 1883.] Snyder County Marriages. 65 Aug. 11, by Kev.T. O. Cleese, C. S. Kessler of Slianiokii) Dain to Olive N. Siiiitli oftSiinbnry. Aug. 16, by liov. M.L. DIetzlor, Anion Hassinger of Sinitligrove and Mollie E. Sc-hroyer of New Berlin. Aug. 30, by Rev. J. P. Sliindel, Job Beacliel and Mary Alice Mover, both of Snydtr CVuinty. Sept. 4, li. J. C. Fislier, formerly of Selinsgrove, and Sadie Berry of Hughesville. Sept. 5, in jMitilinburg, by Rev. Anspaeh, B. S. Sdiocli ami Minerva Benner, both of New Berlin. Sept. 6, Philip \V. Stronpof Buf- falo Run, CentreCo., to ilady Dock of Middlecreek t\vj». Sept. 6, Jackson Harinan and Barbara Ranicr, both of W'a.sliing- ton twp. Sept. 7, by Rev. D. 11. Stetler, Charles F. Wagner and Amelia Smith, both of iV-avertw]). Sept. 12, at the residence of J. H. Arnold, by Rev. A.H. Spangler, George Seiberaml Eik'u ^foatz, both of Akron. Sept. 16, at Mid(lU'bni-g, by Rev. D. E. Reed, Win. i)c})pcnand Emma Lose, both of (ilol)c Mi lis. Sept. 20, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Joseph Luck of J>anncrville to Ada Jane Swartzler of \\'est Beaver twp. Sept. 20, by same^ Amos G. Smucker of jNfill Creek, Hunting- don Co., to Jennie A. Schroyer of Bannerville. Sept. 23, l)y Rev. M. L. Dietzler, David A. Mattern of Troxelville to Laura E. Berge of Centreville. Sept. 22, by D. S. P>oyer, Esq., Benneville Straub to Lydia Ann Mourer, both of Susquehanna twp., Juniata Co. Sept. 23, by D. S. Boyer, Esq., Frar.k Straub and Mary Deppen, both of Washington twp. Sept. 25, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Theophilus Swine- tord and Ennna J. Knepp, both of W^est Beaver. Sept. 27, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Frederick Row and Jennie S. Stetler, both of Salem. Sept. 30, by J. F. Wampole, Albert Straub of Washington twp. to Sarah A. llassinger of Perry twp. Oct. 5, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, Franklin Sanders and Jennie E. Ocker, both of near Centreville. Oct. 7, by Rev. A. H. S]mngler, J. F. Eisenhour of Middleburg to Semeeda M. Kantz of Freeburg. Oct. 11, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Geo. F. Rhawn of Milton ahd Noia F. Heckendorn of Adanisburg. Oct. 14, by Rev. D. E. Reed, Samuel H. Hummel and Jane Mus- ser, both of Globe Mills. Oct. 18, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Anthony Will and Ada Steininger, both of Decatvir twp. Oct. IS, by same, Amos Snook and Sarah N. Male, both of Decatur twp. Oct. 18, by Rev. H. W. Gross, Wm. W. Sholley and Minerva Hum- mel, bothof Snyder Co. Oct. 20, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, James F. Wirth of Union Co. to Elizabeth Specht of Snyder Co. Oct. 21, by Rev. W. A. Haas, David F. Row and Minerva Pontius, both of Kreamer. 60 Snyder County Marrtagks. [1883. Ocjt, 23, by Kcv. T. R. Dietz, Levi Mussermul Muiy M. Stine, both of Contrevillc. Ot. 2,"), by Kcv. A. ll.Spiuiolor, M. L. Wagner of Boavertown to Annie E. Tobias of Troxelville. Nov. 4, by liv.w A. II. Spangler, Pr. James J. Greenhoe antl Minnie Kepler, both of Fremont, \^)v. IS, by Rev. H. W. Gross, Mr. Harder and Miss Alexander, both of Coburn, Ra. Nov. 18, at Beavertown, Artlinr I). ISnydcr nnd Joanna E. Sn.ook, both (If West Beaver. Nov. IS, by l^ev. S. P. Brown, Jaecjl) E. Herrold and Amelia llnm- mel. botli of C'ha])man. Nov. 20, by Rev. J. W. j*>()nglit- er, John Metzger of Union Co. to Kate Hnttenstine of Snyder Co. Nov. 21, by Rev. J. W. Jiongh- ter, D. M. Ca'rgill and Mrs. R.' J. Tice, both of Levvistown. Nov. 22, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, Elias O. Price of Adanisbnrg and Sar-di E. Thomas oi" Raxtonville. Nov. 2.",, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John Xe]>p of Centreville and Ellen Sin'ader of Eraidclin twp. Nov. 20, by R(-v. J. E. E. Has singer, Wm. H. Bobb of Fisher's I'\'rry and Mrs. Martha Mnsser of Kanlz. Dec. 2, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Hiram W. Haekenbnrg and Alice Strnub, both of Centre Co. Dee. 2, by Daniel Weirick, J. P., .Tohn Danberman of Union Co. lo Iji/zie (idl of Franklin twp. Dee. 2, by Absalom Barner, Esq., Absalom Wilt and I'^nnna Herrold, bot'.i o( this connlv. Dec. 9, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Gustuvns Mengel of Washington twp. to T/.ora Bickhart of Franklin. Dec. 0, by Rev. P. Born, Wilson Wendt and Kate A. Kerstetter, both of Shaniokin Dam. Dee. 9, by Rev. T. O. Cnecse, Harvey \ager to Sallie E. Baney, both of Freebm-g. Dec. l(j, by liev. Bonghter, John Dnck and Alto Walter, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 10, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wm. Romig of McCkiretoAmanda Rearick of Franklin twp. Dec. 10, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Jonathan J>achman and Rebecca Stover, both of near Troxelville. Dec. IS, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Lewis Walter and Alda Moyer, both Centre twp. Dec. 20, by Rev. H. ^V. Gross, Charles F; Bufliington and Jeimie K. Dorn, both of Middlcbnrgh. Dec. 23, by Rev. W. A. Haas, George Bhtomfield of Phila. and Martha .Jane Parks of Selinsgrove. Dec. 23, by Rev. H. AV\ Gross, J. C. Swineibrd of ^Middlcbnrgh to Clara L. Bailey of Centre twp. Dec. 23, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Jesse Cieai'hart of Centre twp. anil Snsan Hontz of Adams twp. Dec. 23, by Wm. Moyer, Esq., George Hains of Washington Iwp. to Hannah L. Heintzelinanof Periy tW]). Dec. 25, byR. L. Gearhart, John A. Hunnnel of Frcebnrg and Ella Getz o^'Lewisbnrg. Dec. 25, by Rev. J. P. Siiindel, Wm. H. Markel and Mary Amanda Spigelmyei-, Ixith of West Beaver. 1884.] Snyder County ISrAr.RiAGES. 67 Dec. 25, by Rev. D. M. Stetlcr, David Micklleswarth to Su'-ali Herb- ster, botli of Adams t\vp. Dec. 25, by liev. H. W. Gross, Harvey E. iSlianibacli and Mattie Bovversox, both of Paxtonville. Dec. 25, at Grand Rnpids, IMieh., by Kev. Gravels, Wni. \V. Ayers, fbri)ierly of Middleburg, now resid- ing at Trufant, Mich., and Lizzie Hartnett of Grand Ra])ids. Dec. 25, by Tvev.E.B. Killinger, Charles A. Erdlcy of Salem and Alice S. Haekenburg of North- umberland Co. Dec. 27, by llev. D. M. Stetler, Peter F. liiegle of Adams twp. to Lizzie E.Hassinger of Decatur twp., MifHin Co. Dec. 27, by same, John C. Knn- kle of Union (_'o. to Alary C. Wal- ter of Centre twp. Dec. 27, by same, James M. Mil- ler and Lizzie A. Shawers, both of Centre vi He. Dec. 29, Joseph Clelan and Mary E. Spaid, both of ISIiddieburg. 1834. Jan. 8, by Rev. 1). M. Stetler, Wilson Walter and Ellen J3. Crouse, both of Hartley twp., Union Co. Jan. 9, by Rev. S.E. Oehsenford, James F. Kessler of Hununels' A\ hart and Ellorah J. Kocher of Selinsgrove. Jan. 13, by Rev. M. Iv. Dietzler, James A. Felker and E. Virginia AV^oodling, both ofAdamsbnrg. Jan. 14, by C. R. Rishel, J. P., Simon J. Wenricii and Clara Hoff- man. Jan. 15, by Rev. D. AI. Stetler, Edward L. li)t -roclv of D(>catur, Afiniin Co., and Lizzie GetzofBan- nerville. Jan. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry B. Reninger and Mary M. Stetler, both of Salem. Jan. 20, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, Charles F. AV^inters of VVilliamsport and Elltv C, Seebold of New Berlin. Jan. 28, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Amon Hnmmel of Kreamer and Ennna C. Charles of Freebvirg. Jan. 31, by Rev. W. H. Stover, James F. Snook and Sadie S.Haines, both of Beavertown. Feb. 3, by Rev. W. H. Stover, James AI. Kline and AbjUie L. VV^etzel, daughter of Judge Wetzel, both of Beavertown. Feb. 7, by Rev. AI. L. Dietzler, Reuben Dreese of Halstead, Harvey Co., Kansas, and Enuna AlcClintic of W^igner, Pa. Feb. 10, by Rev. AI. L. Dietzler, Daniel Zeiber of Halstead, Harvey Co., Kansas, and Susanna AlcClel- lan of Adamsburg. Feb. 12, by Rev. F. .C. Yost, Irvin Romig and Kate A. Plummel of Alilton. Feb. 14, by Rev. H. vV. Gross, Josie Smith of Kreamer and N. C. Gutelius of Aliddleburg. Alar. 2, by Rev. S. P. Brown, James Good ling of Oriental and Elizabeth Vogley of Perry twp. Alar. 2, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., Henry Steimling and Ida Glatfelter, both of Greenwood, twp., Juniata Co. Mar. G, Geo. Spade of Beavertown and Alollie Herbstei of Alifllin Co. Alar. C), by C. Sheckler, Esq. James K. I'rumier of Snvder Co 6S Snyder County Marriages. [1884. find Caroline Mcnsch of Union Co. Mar. U, by Rev. M. L. Diet/ler, Jaeobll. Haiiiesand AdaE. Middles- warth, l)oth of Beavertown. Mar. 11, by Kev. W. A. Haas, James H. Gilbert of Freeburg and Daisy M. Herrold of Kantz. Mar. 27, by Kev. D. M. Stetler, William Bingaman ot Beavertown and Caroline Elizabeth Spigelmyer of near MeClnre. iSiar. 80, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Jefferson 1). Hnnnnel and Mazie Artley, both of jSliddleereek twj). Apr. 1, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John K. Charles of Hartleton, Un- ion Co., and Ada Musser of Centre- vil!e. Apr. 10, by Rev. J. W. liongh- ter, at the Eagle Hotel, F. Edinger and Elizabeth Smitli, both of Polts- ville, Se'.uiylkill Co., Pa. Apr. 13, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Fraid< ]>rown of Chapman and Sadie Stahl of Verdi Ha. A|)r. 17, by Rev. A. C. Whitmer, John Yeisley of West Bnffalo, Un- ion Co., and Alice Riegle of West Bn'aver, Snyder Co. Apr. 17, by Rev. W. M. liandis, W'in. F. Ettinger and Jennie Fetter- olf, both of nearSelinsgrove. Apr. 27, by Absalom, Es(j., James Miller and Alice Cleiuence of Juniata Co. Apr. 27, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Josiali H, Sehrader and Katie E. MiHofr. Apr. 27, by Rev. J. D. Shortess, R. A. Kantz of Selinsgrove to A. ijaura Hughes of Kantz, Fa. May 8, at Beavertown, l)y Rev. D. M. Stetler, Amon Houser and Susan C. Ivoinig, both of Decatur, Milllin Co. May 20, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Asaph Beaver of New Berlin to Pollen Hummel of Kreamer. May 25, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John Peter Aigler to Ida C. Smith, both of Beavertown. June 1, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Jacob Bubb of Troxelville and Am- anda Jordon of Centreville. June 1, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Charles A. Sower to Lizzie C Jjilger, both of Middlecreek twp. June 10, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Thomas J. Middleswarth of Beaver- town to Clyde K. Harner of Adams- burg. June 17, by Rev. T. O. Cleese, M. C. Walter of Selinsgrove to Tillie C. Dock of Freeburg. June 19, at New Berlin, by Rev. \V. H. Stover, Wm. N. Raker of Mifllinburg and Kate C. Stuck of Centreville. June 19, by Rev. JNI. L. Dietzler, John (). Klingler of Middlecreek and Anna V. Gundrum of Adams- burg. June 29, by Rev. M. E. Dietzler, Isaac W. Treaster and INIary J. Gross, both of McClure. June 29, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Philip Daubert of Selinsgrove to Hannah Rothermel of Port Trever- t(jn. June 29, by same, John D. \V\\t and Susan Bickhart, both of Chap- man tW]). July 22, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Irwin Bitting and Emn)a JancBolig, boUi of the vicinity of Middhfburg. July 27, at Freeburg, by Rev. J. F. ^\'alnp<)le, John A. Brosius and Dillie Agnes Heiges, both of the vicinity of Fremont. 1884.] Snyder County Marriages. 69 July 27, by Rev. J. P. Shiudel, Franklin P. Fessler and Lovina Beufer, both of Ccntreville. Aug. 3, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Oscar Slmltzof West Beaver to Mary Whitmer of Selins- grove. Aug. 3, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Wni. H. Treaster of McClure and Sarah J. Weader of Middlecreek. Aug. 7, at Centre vi lie, bv Rev. W. H. Stover, John H. Bolig of Middleburg to Ada V. Berger of Centreville. Aug. 12, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Calvin Bowersox of Centreville to Sallie Mowrer of Beavertown. Aug. 14, by Rev.M. L. Dietzler, Howard A. Goss and I^izzie E. Snook, both of McClure. Aug. 31, J. P. Hainsof Freeburg Sallie F. Huglies of Kantz. Sept. 7, by Re\\ S. E. Ochsen- ford, Jacobs. Kline and Jane M. Brouse, both of Kratzerville. Se])t. 7, by same, Jackson M. Kreidei of Kratzerville to Marv A. AVoxel of Winlield, Sept. 11, Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry Hottenstein and Amelia A. Crouse, both of Freeburg. Sept. 14, by Rev. J. 1). Sliortess, Rev. Y. A. Shortessof New Berlin to Mary Seidel of Beavertown. Sept. 18, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Josej)h T. Sliawver of Adams twp. to Rile Hartnian of Centre twp. Sept. 21, by Rev. J. D. Shortess, Ij. a. Swunger of Baunerville to Jilalinda A. Bilger of Adamsburg. Sept. 21, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, Henry I. Treaster of Adamsburg to Alice Brcinino;er of Troxelville. Sept. 21, by J. K. Hughes, Esq., F. P. Holtzapple and Anna M. Bower, both of Washington twp. Sept. 28, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Wm. Siuith and A. M. Bolig of Centreville. Sept. 28, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, W'ni. Mitchell of Adamsburg and Jane Wagner of W^est Beaver. Sept. 28, byRev.J.F. W^ampole, Jonathan Steffeu and Sallie Steifen, both of Washington twp. Sept. 28, by Rev. Dietzler, Anion ^V^ Stroub of Lewisburg and S. Ellen Bowersox of Troxelville. Oct. 5, by Rev. J. P. Shiudel, Martin Hartmau of Snyder Co. and Sarah Frock of Union Co. Oct. 7, by Rev. Wampole, Joseph S. Hummel of (jlobe Mills and Susan E. Snyder of Franklin. Oct. 23, by Rev. W^ A. Baier, John Libby of Weikert, Union Co., to Louisa C. Buffington of Middle- burg. Oct. 26, by A. (t. Hornberger, J. P., Harrison Goodling and Anna Corkius, both of Perry twp, (3ct. 30, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Charles E. Steiuiuger ond S. Al- wilda Mover, both of Middleburg. Oct. 30, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, W^ni. J. Bilger of Adamsburg and Mrs. Sarah E.Ocker of Middlecreek. Oct. 30, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J. A. Mitchell and Ae-nes D. Bi^lliuij:- er, both of Kreamer. Nov. (>, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Charles Camp of Beavertown and Mary A. W'alter of Paxtonville. Nov. 8, by Rev. S. P. Bvowu, J. F. Markley and Maranda h. Spotts, !)()th of Aline. 70 Snydek County Marriages. [1884. Nov. 13, by Rev. AV. A. Haas, J. G. Brouse autlSusaiiHoUenbacli, both of Jackson tvvp. Xov. 18, by llev. K. P. Her- briick, Henry Hi Ibishol Akron, O., to Kate liauch of Seliusgrove. Nov. 20, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Frank Felniy and Mary M. Smith, both of Paxtonville. Nov. 23, by llev. T. (). (Icese, Elmer El. Bowes of Mifflinhnrgand Anna N. Hilkertofb'hamokn. iXti?:. Nov. 29, by A. G. Hoi jiwerger, J. P., Michael M. Dressier and Mary Jane Thompson, both of Monroe twp., Juniata Co. Dec. 11, by Bev. B. F. Stevens, Hiram M. Potter to Mary C. INloyer, both of Duncannon. Dec. 16, by Bev. J. P . Wampole, Geo. \V. Kratzer of K;-i. /erville to Helen Laviua Good o^ Aline. Dec. 1 S, by Bev. D. M. Stetler, Daniel Seal ot Adamsburg and Leonora Goss of West Beaver. Dec. 18, by same, Peter F. Goss and Caroline Bheams, both of De- catur, Mifflin Co. Dec. 18, by Bev. INI. B. Dietzler, Howard A. Ulsh of Middlecreek and Laura S. Middleswarth of Mc- Cbire, dausj;hter ofNer. B. Middles- warth. Dec. 1 8, l)y Bev. W. A. Haas, Oliver Slcar aad Mary \j. Baker, both of Winliehl. Dec. 20, by Bev. \V. A. Plaas, James O. Lauden.-lagcr of Selins- grove to Fnnna A. Fislierof Shamo- kin Dam. Dec. 20, by Bev. \V. A. Haas, Isaac Bailey of Monnx' twp. to Annie K. Beiinei-of Seiinssfrove. Dec. 23, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, George A. Foltz of Middleburg to Catherine M. Bilger of New Berlin. Dec. 23, by same, Elmer E. Se- christ of Kantz and Mary C. Ar- bogast of Freeburg. Dec. 23, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, B. F. Swartzlander and Fannie J. Lawver, both of Globe Mills. Dec. 23, by Bev. D. M. Stetler, J. O. Wagner, M. D.,of Adamsburg to Ellen Gross of Beavertown. Dec. 24, by Bev. O. O.McClean, S. E. Grinnn of Freeburg to l^innie Ort of Mitttin Co. Dec. 25, by Bev. J. P. Shindel, Henry Stuck and Ivaura P. Stiuc of Mifflinburg. Dec. 2o, by Bev. J. F. W^ampole, William Eisenhour of Middleburg and Kate Boush of Kreamer. Dec. 25, by same, l^eter S. Bick- hart of Washington twp. to JNLuy Nace of Chapman twp. Dec. 25, by Bev. S. P. Orwig, John A. Bearick of BeavertowJi to Sallie M. Markley of Adamsburg. Dec. 25, by same, Henry H. ]]aker and Amanda H. Schrader, both of Centreville. Dec. 25, by Bev. D. M. Stetler, Franklin E. Kern to Elizal)eth Bowersox, both of Beavertown. Dec. 25, by same, John C. Burn- er of Paxtonville to Jjouisa Swartz of Troxelvilhs Dec. 25, by Bev. S. E, Oclisen- ford, Jacob A. Fisher of Selinsgrove to Ella C. Herrold of Kantz. Dec. 25, by same, AV'illiam F. Boush of Freel)urgto Ada M. Mil- ler of Kantz. Dee. 25, by llev. E. K. \Wvy, 1885.] SxYDER County ^Martjiages. 71 Joel V. Laudeiif^lager of Peiiii twp. to Diaua Row of Fermanagh twp., Juniata Co. Dec. 25, by Rev. J. C. Munima, F. D. Stroup of Oriental to Alice S. Gelnett of Aline. Dec. 25, Wm. Frock, formerly of Miiilinburg, to Amanda Mitman, formerly of Kantz, both of Hooper, Neb., at present. Dec. 25, by Rev. S. P. Brown, John S. Watts and Lizzie Spade, both of Evendale. Dec. 25, by Rev. J. R. ShofFner, Vi. Hoffman of Selinsgrove to Rosa Snyder of Cable, Northumberland Co. Dec. 25, by Rev. AV^ A. Haas, Howard Row and Ellen Romig, both of Penn twp. Dec. 25, by same, James H. Toner of AV^illiamsport to J^ibbie A. Bower of Selinsgrove. Dec. 25, by Rev. N. H. Loose, Joim M. Gundrum, formerly of Freeburg, to Mary Leibold of Bel- levue, O. Dec. 28, l)y Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Sanuiel Greer of Mapleton to jNfary C. Knej)p of Middlecreek. Dec. 28, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Sydney A. Dinger of Aline to Laura A. Heintzelman of Pallas. Dec. 28, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Frederick Felmy of Paxtonville to Clara Ida Mover of Troxelville. Dec. 30, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Israel Mover to Rebecca H. Petd's, both of Decatur. Dec. 30, by Rev. Dietzler, John M\ Aurand and Annie Smith, both of Bamicrville. 1885. Jan. 1, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Wm. McAfee of Paxtonville and Emma K. Marks of Middleburfr. Tan. I, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Aaron Moyer of West Beaver and Lizzie M. Helfrick of Adamsburg. Jan. 4, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Jacob Rousli and Jane Schnee, both of Freeburg. Jan. 4, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John S})aide of Middleburgh to Martha Middles vvarth of Troxel viUe. Jan. 11, at New Berlin, by Rev. W. H. Stover, William I; Hess to Ada E. Benfer, both of Chestnut Ridge, Snyder Co. Jan. 25, by Rev. J. W. Bonghter, R. J. Weideusaul of I^ewisburg and Elizabeth Dunkleburger of Fremont. Jan. 27, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford. Franklin J. Deark of Kratzer- ville to Annie E. BergeofDry Val- ley X Roads. Jan. 27, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Wm. H. Newman and Sarah A. Snyder, both of Franklin twp. Jan. 27, by Rev. J. F. ^Vaml>o]e, ^Vm. H. Botteiger of Fremont to Emma J. Miller of Selinsgrove. Jan. 20, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, W. A. ]\Iartin of Wagner to Sallie M. Dreese of ]Mc(.'lure. Feb. 1, byRev. Dietzler, Howard E. Shambach of Paxtonville to L. Jane A. AWigner of McClnre. Feb. 3, William Woollieater of White Deer, Union Co., to Sarah Jane Bickelof Indiana. Feb. 15, IwRev. W. M. Landis, G. C. Rhcams of MifHin countv to Alice J. Knepp of Snyder Co. 72 Snyder County Marriages. [1885. Feb. 15, AVm. A. Hummel ol Globe Mills and Susan Ida Row of Krcanier. Feb. 15, by Rev. Stetler, Lincoln D. Schraderof Troxelville and Mary A. Shambacli of Middleburg. Feb. 11), by Rev. Stetler, J5yrou II. Edmonds, (son ol Rev. Li. C. Edmonds), of McClure to F. Anna Royer of Beavertown. Feb. 22, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Millard Kern of Beavertown to Jennie Fetterolf of Troxelville. Feb. 22, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, H. A. Howerter toMary M. Meiser, both from Juniata Co. Feb. 22, by Rev. C. F. Gephart, Hiram Stah) of Shamokin Dam to Emma S. Bailey of Chestnut Ridge. Feb. 2(), by Rev. W. M. Eandis, Amos Howell and lAz'Ae A. Ulsh, both of McClure. Mar. 1, by Rev. W. M. Eandis, R. B. Gross and Ellen M. Snook, both of Beavertown, March 2, l)y Rev. W. M. Eandis, Joseph H. Smith and MollieStuui]);}, both of Mifllin county. Mar. 3, by Rev. \V. M. Land is, H. A. Peters and Delia (i. Baker, both of West Beaver. OMar. 8, by Rev. A\\ A. Ha.-ts, U. E. Erdley ol Salem and Maggie Jane Hununel ot Franklin. Mar. 10, at Richlield, by Rev. Graybill, John A\'iney and JMiss 1 lockenbrock. Mar. 15, l,y S. P. Brown, Fred- erick Leach to Louisa Bohner, l)oth of Cha|)man. Mar, 17, at New Jk>rlin, by Rev, J. D. Shortess, (ieo, W. S|)itlerand Sarah K. WeUer, both of Xcw Ber- lin. Mar. 18, by J. H. Bachman, J. P., Theodore Erdley of Franklin twp, to Savilla Hartman ot Centre twp. Mar. 29, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Samuel P. Herman of Krat- zervilleand Gertie Boyer of Salem. Apr. 2, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Enmnuel S. Mitterling ant! Sallie C. Teats, both of Richfield. Apr. 5, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Robert E. Beach I er of Mt. Pleasant Mills to Catherine Schaeffer of Pallas. Apr. 12, by Rev. J, F, Wampole, Simon H. Reich of (Tiobe Mills and Mary A, Moyer of Malta, North- umberland Co, A])r. 12, by same, Da\'.Jiddlebury Ivev. Wampule, Isaac F. Krou-e of GhVoeMiilsto Ma«ririe Jane Benier of Jackson twp. June IS, by Kev. W . M. L.mdis, Charles Decker and ]\b>l!ie Koth- rock, both of McCbire. July It), by Kev. S. P. Crwig, Lincoln Penninger of Franklin to Marv Zcc-hnuin of Aliddleburu;, Jnne 21, by Kev. J. P. Sjiindel, Wni. Yerg<-r of Mi. Han]>t of Sc lingrove. Sept. 10, by Kcv. J. S. Bacr, David Graybiflof West Perry twp., Snyder Co'., to Mrs. Martlia \V. Fields of Fayette tw}).. .luniata Co. Sej.t. 12, l)y b'ev. W. A. Haas, John S. Dienier of Kreamerto Mary A. Landenslager of Salem. Sei)t. K), by Rev. W. A. Haas, I. E. Maurer and Alice S. Homig, both of Penn twp. Sept. 20, by Kev. S. E. Ochsen- f)rd, J. Norton Crou>-e of Newville, Pa., and Clara SnyderofSelinsgrove. Sei)t. 24, by Rev. D. Stetler, James A. Wagner and Ida M. Gross, both of Franklin. Sept. 27, at Bannerville, by Rev. I>. M. Stetler, Isaiah Henry and Mrs. Ada Rishel, both of Mitflin- burg. Sept. 20, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Isaac Weiler of Washington twp. to Amaiula Iluifman of Franklin iwp. Sept. 29, by Rev. S. I*. Brown, Oliver Kerstetter of MeKees Half Falls to Sallie Arbogast of Fremont. Sept. 29, by same, David ^^^ Foltz of Kratzervi lie to Anna N. Slear of Union Co. Sept. 29, by Rev. \V. A. Haas, Josiah M. Maurer of Salem and Emma J. Aurand of Ivreamer. Sept. 29, by same, David A. Wentzel to Kate E. Brubaker, both of Union twp. [The marriage license law ot Pennsylvania went ijito effect Oct. 1, 1885. The marriages recorded in tills list from 1868 to Oct. 1, 1885, were taken from the oldliles vi the jMiddleburgPosT. The mar- riages recorded in this list after Oct. 1, 1885, are taken from the mar- riage license docket ofSnvderCo., Pal, Editor Post.] 1885. [From LirExsE Docket. J Nov. 1, by M. P. Arnold, Jvscp, John P. Wiseof Union twp. to Marv E. lleimbach of McKees. Oct. 8, by Rev. J. Yntzy, M. L. Snyder, Escj., and Nettie J. \\'agen- seller, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 15, by J. K. lluhges, Es(j., J. \V. Xeitz ofKantztoMary Ellen Xaiiie of Freehnrii'. 1885.] Snydee County Maeeiages. 75 Oct. 17, by Kev. F. Anrand, Charles B. Witnier of Georgetown to Mollie Beaver of Middleburg. Oct. 20, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Ellsworth Aurand and Annie Fiss, both of Monroe twp. Oct. 22, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, C. W. Dreese of Penn twp. to Sarah E. Haines of Washington twp. Oct. 25, by Charles R. Rishel, J. P., I. F. McFall and Alice C. Musslenian, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 8, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Joini F. Noll to Snsanua Spriggle, both of W^est Perry twp. Nov. 10, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Percival Nerhood to Harriet Bronse, both of Penn twp. Ncv. 17, by Rev. H. A. Letter- nmn, James H. Kline and Barbara Tol)ias, both of Adams twp. Nov. 22, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, AV^arren Heddings of Pottsgrove to Eliza EJlen S])echt of Middleburg. Dec. G, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, Nathan Hckenburg to A 1 vesta Krat- zer, both of Centre twp. Dec. 1 0, by Rev. D, M. Stetler, Edwin K. Smith to Alice M. Monr- ei", both of Beaver twj». Dec. 14, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Michael H. Moyer of Adams twp. to Sarah I. Gundrnni of Selinsgrove. Dec. 15, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John (j. Jarrett and Sarah C-. Smith, both of Penn t'vj). Dec. 17, bv J. E. Shinkle, J. P., C. W. ii. Markley to Alice E. Musser, lx)th of Centre twp. Dec. 20, by Rev. H. A. Eetter- man, Oliver M. Klose und Ellen J. Fetterolf, both of S])ririg twp. Dec. 24, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John D. Weirick of Union county to Mary C. Arnold of Spring twp. Dec. 24, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Samuel Wetzel of Jackson twp. to Hannah Klingler of Centre twp. Dec. 24, by Rev. Newton Shan- non, at Tower City, Pa., Elmer Shannon to Nora Gearhart, both of Spring twp. Dec. 29, by Rev. J. Yutzy, Har- rison F. Herman and Ellen Miller, both of Penn twp. Dec. 30, by Rev. H. G. Dill, H. M. K(>ssler of Hummel's Wharf to p]mma J. Yoimg ot Shamokin Dam. Dec. 30, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, J. C. Thompson to Clara E. Fisher, both of Selijisgrove. Dec. ol, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, B. A. Mussulman of Selinsgrove to Katie Bay of Monroe twp. 1886. Jan. 3, by Rev. Haas, Edwin A. Heiser of Monroe twp. to Emma S. Jam tt of Shamokin Dam. Jan. 10, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Levi H. Pleimbach and Kate Foltz both of Franklin twp. Jan. 17, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, Sydney G. Ocker of Centre twp. to Sallie J. Bilger of Middleburg. Jan. 19, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Philip T. Mover of Washington twp. to Louisa Wilt o+' Newport. Jan. 19, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, J. A. Stroinn of Newvilleto Annie Wagenseller of Selinsgrove. Feb. 4, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John E. Royer and Alice Bingaman, both of Beavertown. Feb. 7, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Waklo Hackenburg and Amanda Stetfen, both of Washington twp. 76 Snyder Couxty Marriages. [1886. Feb. 7, by Rev. W. H. Stover, Luther A. StineandAlir.aHart'iian, both of Centreville. May 16, by I. C. Burns, J. P., J. G. Stahl to Sal lie Shotzberger, both of Uuion twp. Jan. 26, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Joshua F. IJinganian of Centre twp. to Annie Knapp of Adams twj). Jan. 31, by J. E. Shinkle, J. P., D. IVI. Markel and Sarah E. Bower- sox, both of Centre twp. Feb. 17, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Wni. PI. Snyder and Mary M. Witnier, bothof Selins^;rovc. J^'eb. IS, by Wni. Moyer, J. P., W. R. Garman and Kate Hendricks, both of Washington twp. Feb. 1z;i(' W. Henner, both of Selinsgrove. Feb. 25, by Rev. J, P. Sinndel, J. I). Smith of Harvey ( 'o., Kansas, toll. Ida Ileckendorn of Adams- bnrg. Feb. 28, by J. (J. Honibeiger, J. P., Percival Willow to Mary 15enner, both o^' Richfield. Feb. 28, by Rev. D. M. Stc>tler, (u!o. W. Dreese of Beavei- twp. to Susan Schradcrof Adanis. Mar. 4, by Rev.H. A.Letterman, Chas. A. Hackenburg and Lizzie A. Middles \varth, both of Adanisburg. Mar. 4, by sanie, Roland us A. Hassinger of Franklin twp. to Sarah Klose of Beaver twp. Mar. 7, by Rev. S. 1*. Brown, John G. Snyder of Richfield to Alice Snieltz of Oriental. Mar. 18, by Rev. Wainpole, C has. J. Beaver of Jackson twp. to Sarah Jane Hunmiel (»f Middlecreek. Mar. 18, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, David F. Daiibert of MiHlin county to Sarah Wieandof West Jieaver. Mar. 21, l)y Rev. J. P. Shindel, F. P. Plare of Middleburg to Re- becca Catheiinnn of Millinont. Mar. 21, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, John F. Brumicr of Centre twp. to Alvesta Dunbar of Naj)j>aMce, Ind. Apr. 8, by Rev. S. P. ()r\vig, David R. Renninger to Vda M. Krebs, both of McCMinv. Apr. 8, by D. S. Boyer, Esip, John Y. Reichenbachof \\'ashingt()n twp. to Kate F. Wetzel of i^)rt Treverton. Apr. 11, by M. P. Arnold, E.L. Riegel of Union twp. to Lizz'e Lenig of Washington twj). Apr. i:], by M. P. Arnold, J. i*., Harry E. Schaeifer and Elizabeth Kelly, b(»t]i of Port Treverton. Apr. 17, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Wm. J. Fry of Sunbnry to Tillie ^Vdanis of Shatnokin J)am. Apr. IS, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., Edgar Rishe of Richfield to Agnes Stronb of Pallas. Aj>r. 2."), by Rev. S. P. Brown, David K, Plrii li ot Richllold to Jennie 'Miller ()f'( )iiental. 1886.] Snydee County Marriages. 77 Mar. 28, by Kev. Landis, J. S. Krehs and Amanda Lepley, both of Adams twp. Apr. 27, by Rev. Yutzy, James Miller of Penn twp. to Mary Fisher of Monroe twp. Apr. 2 r, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Anion Fisher and Tillie F. Burns, both of near Selinsgrove. May 2, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Zachariah Moyer and Lani'a E. See- bold, both of Centre twp. May 6, by Charles R. Rishel, J. P., William Keller and Anna Keller, both of Selinsgrove. May 13, by Rev. W. A. Baer, Jacob Wiuey and Phoebe M. Sny- der, both of Riclifield. May 13, by Dr. P. Born, Chas. E. Ehrhart of Hanover, Pa., to S. Tura Fisher of Selinsgrov^e. May 18, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, David Ocker of Centre twp. to Mary M. Renninger of Franklin twp. May 20, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Geo. M. Thomas of Lewistown to Rebecca Smith of Beavertown. May 23, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Jacob G. Shotzberger and Kate Lang- acre, both of Union twp. May 30, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Henry M. C. Bnflington of Middle- burg to Aggie Wallaceof Weikhert, Union Co. June 3, by Rev. W. H. Stover, Elmer E. Shambach and Mary Bowersox, both of Centre twp. June 6, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Jacob A. Leitzel of Kratzerville to Annie E. Zinnnerraau of Monroe twp. June 6, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Perry D. Getz of Adamsburg to Jane Schanibacli of Troxclville. June 8, by Rev. W. H. Stover, Henry H. Thomas of Troxclville to Emma I. Bailey of Shamkin Dam. June 12, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, David H. Rhoads and Amelia L. Ettinger, both of Mt. Pleasant Mills. June 17, by Rev. J. Yutzy, Mar- tin J. Herman of Kratzerville to Dora E. Thomas of Salem. June 24, by Rev. Yutzy, Rev. Geo. E. Faber of Lebanon to L. Lulie Albert of Selinsgrove. June 24, by Rev. G. W. Stevens, James Kelly of Hari'isburg to May Switzer of Selinsgrove. June 24, by Rev. H. A. Letter- man, George Dorm of Middlecreek to Alice Baumgardner of McClure. July 1, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., John R. Bailey of Shamokin Dam to Minnie St. Clair of Winfield. July 11, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Albert Shafer and Tillie Kerstetter of McKees. July 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Win. H. Haupt of Selinsgrov^e and Sarah C. Smith of Monroe twp. July 22, by Rev. W. M. Landis, W. A. Ulsh and Susan B. Howell of McClure. July 29, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Geo. H. Steiniuger and Carrie E. Roiningcr, both of Middlehurg. Aug. 1, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Wm. Kramer of Globe Mills and Prisciila Hecknian of Middlecreek twp. Aug. 4, by A. K. Gift, J. P., Levi F. Smith of Spring twp. to Mrs. Caroline Snook of West Beaver twp. Aug. 7, by S. S. Schoch, J. P., E. PI. Minium of Meiserville to Mary E. Markley of Mt. Pleasant Mills. 78 Snyder County Marriages. [1886. Aug. 8, by Rev. W. H. Stover, William Bailey of Kratzerville to Cora I. Bickhart of Penns Creek. Aug. 15, ijy A. G. Hornl)erger, J. P., B. r. Hornberger oi Aline and Emma M. Zimmerman of llieh- field. Aug. 22, by Rev. II. M.Zimmer- man, H. J. Stroll to Emma Arnold, both of Union twp. Sent. 3, by J, G. Hornberger, J. P.^, Jackson Troup of West Perry twp., Snyder Co., to Alice Watts of Monroe twp., Juniata Co. Sept. 6, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, W. L. Laudeiislager and Henrietta Watt, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 9, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Lewis Hummel of Middlecreek twp. to Laura Hoke of Penn twp. Sept. 9, by Rev. D. M. > tetler, Wm. H. Thomas of Troxelville to Sarah Page of Cocolamus, Pa. Sept. 16, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Wm. H. Ranch of Middleburg to Cora Hartman of Centre twp. Sept. 16, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Austin Rager of Wagner to Jane Smith of Beavertowu. Sept. 19, by Absolom Barner, J. P., Gabriel Maurer and Mary Tshoff, botli of Juniata Co. Sept. 19, by Rev. Wesley Dietrick, Daniel Slegle of Madisonburg to Catherine Hackenburg of Mi(klle- burg. Sept. 21, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Geo. N. Erdley and C. I. (Aister, botii of Penn twp. Sept. 21, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Isaac J)urkey of Union tw]). toSarah C. Kratzer of Kratzerville. Sept. 23, by Rev. W. M. Landis, W. G. Spigelmyer and Sarah L. Wagner, both of West Beaver twp. Sept. 25, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Heriry Naugle and Annie Hoffman, both of Freeburg. Sept. 27, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., George Reich ner and Ida Sechrist, both of Chapman. Sept. 30, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Isaac Saltzman of Beavertowu to Sylvia Gamby of Adamsburg. Oct. 9, by A. G. Hornberger, Henry K. Hornberger of Perry twp. to Sarah E. Swartz of Richfield, Oct. 10, by Rev. J. E. Honey- cutt, Charles A. Weaver of MifHin- burg to Polly A. Maurery of Salem. Oct. 10, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Peter P. Brouse to Sarah E. Benfer, both of Jackson twp. Oct. 10, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Benjamin Mitterling of Perry tw[). to Jennie Erdley of Penn twp. Oct. 10, by Rev. S. P. Brown, J. W. Garman and Martha Graybill, both of Richfield. Oct. 10, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Charles W. Moyer and Sallie A. Steininger, both of Middleburg. Oct. 13, by W. W. Wittenmyer, Clerk O. C, Henry Kiester of Perry- vilh,', Ohio, to Malinda Smith of White Spnngs, Union Co. Oct. 14, by Rev. S. P. Orwiti, MordicaM. McDowell and Ellen Feese. Oct. 21, by Rev. S. E. Oclisen- ford, W.S. Barrett to Susie Mitchell, both of Selinsgrove. Oct. 24, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Charles J. IMattern of Tro-xelvilh; and Mary A. Hassinger of I ieaver ^ tW}). 1886.] Snyder County Marriages. 79 Oct. 28, by Rev. J. E. Honey- ciitt, Isaac C. Hackenburgof Troxel- ville to Louisa M. Middleswarth ©f Adamsburg. Oct. 28, by Kev. S. P. Orwig, C. E. Oldt of Dry Valley X Roads to L. A. MoyerofNew Berlin. Oct. 31, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, John Heintzelnian of Washington twp. to Phoebe Heiser of Perry twp. Nov. 1, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Levi H. Kreanier and La'ih Eda Hecknian, both of Globe Mills. jSTov. 1, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Daniel S. Miller of Kant/, to Sallie Meyer ot Rebersburg. Nov. 2, by Rev. Elias Landis, Eli Zeiders of Evendale to Mary Helvick of Richfield. Nov. 2, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, H. H. Lei^zel and Lillie I. Ayers, both of Middleburg. Nov. 2, by Rev. N. Young, Robh C. Snook and Mary E. Phillips, both of McCiure. Nov. 3, by Win. Moyer, J. P., G. A. Botdorfof Penn twp. to Sallie E; Moore of Washington twp. Nov. 4, b} Rev S. P. Brown, James Steffen of Pallas and Royal M. Botts of Shade!. Nov. 4. by Rev. W. H. Stover, S. T. Plillnsh of Selinsgrove to Carrie Smith of Kreamer. Nov. 7, by Rev. S. Aurand, Geo. AV. Anman of Selinsgrove and Sarah E. Strawser of Pallas. Nov. 7, by Rev. VV^. M. i.andis, Robert M. McClellan and Jane Maurer, both of Beaver Springs. Nov. 7, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., JaniQs Potts and Mary Neitz, both of Pallas. Nov. 11, by Rev. W. A. Haas, \V. O. Maurer of New Berlin to Hattie Klingler of Salem. Nov. 11, by Rev. N. Young, Daniel M. Baker andEllen J. Wag- ner, both of McClure. Nov. 18,. by Rev. W. M. Landis, Geo. B. Bowers of Millei-sburg to Sarah I. Seal of Bannerville. Nov. 28, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, John P. Richter and Mrs. Sarah A. Miller, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 28, by Rev. N. Young, Wni. J. Hackenburg and Hettie Hummel, both of Spring twp. Nov. 30, by Rev. S. S. Gray bill, Wm. Winey and Fanny Graybill, both of Richfield. Dec. 4, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., John D. Rearick and Malinda C. File, both of Troxelville. I ec. 5, by Rev. W. H. Stover, Calvin O. Bingaman and Emma L. Berger of Penn's creek. Dec. 7, bv A. K. Gift, Esq., J. F. Gelnett and Sarah E. Horn berg- er, both of Meiserviile. Dec. 10, by Rev. S. P. Brown, David Heiutzelman to Kate C. Bowersox of Centre twp. Dec. 14, by Rev. J. E. Honey- cutt. Dr. A. M. Smitli and Carrie E. Specht, both of Adamsburg. Dec. 16, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Philip Nace of Perry county to Cordia Lenig of Juniata Co. Dec. 19, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J. F. Mull of Norihumberland Co. to Catherine L. Trewitz of Salem. Dec. 20, by Rev. J. E. Honey- cutt, David Getz of Adamsburg to Laura E. Zook of McClure. Dec. 21, by Rev. J. A. Ernest, 80 Snyder County Mareiages. [1887. James Spangler and Etta Bowersox, both of Penii's creek. Dec. 23, by llcv. Simon Aurand, Wm. J. Rambo of Dauphin Co. to ]J linnie C. Hendricks ot Dundore. Dec. 23. by John C. Kreitzer, J. P., AVm. H. Kerstetter of Mc- Kees Half Falls to Minerva Her- rold of Chapman. Dec. 27, by Rev. W. A. Haas, W. J. Hyder and Izora Kratzer, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 25, by Kev. S. P. Orwig, Banks K. Ferster of Evendale to^ Alice A. Shirk of Richfield. Dec. 2G, by Rev. J.F.Wampole, J. F. Stroub of Kantz and Emma T. Boyer of Fremont. Dec. 28, by Rev. W. A. Haas, G. W. Smith of Kratzerville to Ma- liuda Berge of Shamokin Dam. Dec. 28, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Percival licach to Minnie Stahl, both of Chapman. Dec. 28, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Enmiet C. May of Adamsburg to Jennie Wieand of Lowell. 1887. Jan. 1, by S. S. Schoch, J. P., James F. BickharttoAnnaDormau, both of Penn's creek. Ja^. 9, by Rev. W. H. Stover, Henry ]\' . Wagner to A Ida Roush, both of Middleburg. Jan. 12, by Rev, A. A. DeLong, Benjamin Hen of Shamokin to Bella Stahl of Poi t Treverton. Jan. 13, by Rev. S. P. Orwig Perr^ Hare of Middleburg to Sophia Shaeffer of Oriental. Jan. 13, by W. W. Wittenmeycr, Clerk O. C, David Meiser of Meis- ersville to Anna Naugle of Aline. Jan. 16, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, John Walter of INIiddleburg to Luetta Young of Hartleton. Jan. 17, by J. C. Kreitzer, Geo. F. Wise and Lovina Rise, both of Freeburg. Jan. 18, by Rev. J. F. Wampolc, A. F. Herman of Port Royal to Sarah C. Beaver of Penn twp. Jan. 23, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., j\I. C. Stahl and Nora E. Sechrist, both of Lewisburg. Jan. 30, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, J. F. Herman to Sarah Kratzer, both of Kratzerville. Jan. 30, by John H. Bachman, J. P., Samuel Musselrcan and Eva Lenig, both of Franklin twp. Jan. 30, by Rev. S. P. Brown, John H. Troutman and Eva Soupera Hoverter ofOriental. Feb. 1, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Wm. H. Kline and Maggie Fisher, both of Selinsgrove. Feb. 7, by S. S. Schoch, J. P., Daniel H. Boyer and Mary A. Knouse, both of Penn twp. Feb. 8, by Rev. J. F. AV^ampole, Wm. W. Warnets of West Perry twp. to Mary Leese of Perry twp. Feb. 15, by Rev. W. H. Stover, Charles A. Kerr and Ellen M. Stuck, both of Penn's creek. Feb. 20, by Rev. R. F. Hassing- er, Geo. A. Aurand and Lizzie M. Drecse, both of Adams twp. Feb. 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John Laudenslager to Mary Erdley, both of Selinsgrove. F( b. 23, by Rev. S. 1*. Brown, John H. Stahl and Jane Scholl, both of Union twp. 1887.] Snyder County Marriages. Feb. 20; by Rev. S. P. Orwig, J. E. Molm and E. Mav SMukel, both of Peini's creek. Feb. 22, by Rev. S. Aurand, J. D. Reigle and Sarah AVitnier, both of Uuiou twp. Feb. 22, by ilev. AV. A. Haas, Win. F. Roush of Freeburg to Sal- iie E. Haines of Kantz. Feb. 24, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Geo. S. Brown of Willianisport and Anna M. Wauipoleot Freeburg. Feb. 24, by S. S. Schoch. J. P., .J. A. Foreman ot Miftlinburg to Mary M. Goodman of Logan ville. Mor. 6, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., John Newman of Chapman twp. to Eliza E. Moycr of Union twp. Mar. 6, by same, C.A. Shaffer of Chapman twp. to Miimie C. Brn- baker of Union twp. Mar. 10, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Grant E. App and A. Laura Cooper, both ot Selinsgrove. Mar. 24, by Rev. W. A. Haas, H. A. KlinglertoCUira J. Spangler, l)oth of Selingrove. Mar. 24, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Milton W. Brandt of Millerstown to L. Isa Keely of Selhisgrove. >» Mar. 27, by Absalom Barner, J. P., W.H. Strawser and Lizzie A. Dressier, bot'n of Oriental. Mar. 29, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Menno Spriggle of West Perry twp. to Alice Markleof Washington twp. Mar. 31, by Rev. N. Young, John S. Kern of Beavertown to Lizzie J. Gross of Adamsburg. Apr. 3, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Jacob W. Kern and AunaV. Roush, both of Middlecreek twp. Apr. 5, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Jolm Gantt of MifHinburg to Hattie S. Stahlnecker of Middleburg. Apr. 5, by Rev. J. Yutzy, Jolm C. Horting of Lancaster to Mary Alice McCarty of Selinsgrove. Apr. 10, by Rev.J.F. Wampoh^, John'c. Kessler of Selinsgrove to Ida Springman of Freeburg. Apr. 10, by J.M. Stover, Reuben E. Stimeling to Minnie E. Dreese, both of McClure. Apr. 17, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Apr. 3, by Rev. S. P. Brown, W. A. Bahner"' of Chapman twp. to Catherine Hevrohl of Union twp. Henry S. Wise and Etta Bouseman, both of Chapman twp. Apr. 19, by Jno. C. Kreitzer, J. P., Lucian Dillman of Perry tw[). to Hattie C. Reed of Shamokin. A])r. 21, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Charles VV. G. Bingaman of Adams tw]). to Amelia Ray of Franklin twp. May 1, by Rev. H. W. Zimmer- man, C. S. vVitmer of Union twp. to i Alice M. Obryan of Chapman twp. May 1, by Rev. C. V. Aurand, Calvin G. Walter and Minerva Walter, both of Centre twp. May 2, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, C. . E. Lutz of Selinsgrove to xVnnie E. Erdiey of Middleburg. May 12, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John R. Baker and Sophia Wagner, both of McClure. May 15, by A. G. Hornberger. J. P., Riley Downey of Union I wp. to Lilly M. Shafler of Susquehan'.ia twp., Juniata Co May 15, by W. H S<'li(>ch, Jolm M. Wendt and Carrie Mackey, both of Shamokin Dam. 82 Snyder County Marriages. ri887. May 22, bv Y. PI. Wagner, J. P., Geo. C. Fisher aud Mary E. Her- man, both of Kratzerville. May 22, by llev. S. E. Ochsen- ibrd, Oscar Smeltz of Juniata Co. to Clara Troxel of Union Co. May 22, by Rev. AV. A. Haas, AVni. Freyman of Krcanier to Mary Freed of Washington twp. May 23, by J, M. Daubernum, J. P., Jacob A. Beaver of Jat;kson twp. to Ada E.Uh-ich of Pen n twp. May 26, by Rev. W. M. Landis, C. L. Wetzel and Sallie E. Diehl, both of Beavei'towr!. ^lay 26, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Charles A. Manbeck of Lewistown to Kate A. Miller of Middlebnrg. June 1, by Rev. Haas, Chas. F. Sesingorot Phila. t(rb1:i J. Mover of Freeburg. June 7, by Rev. H. P. Orwig, (n-ant Middleswarlh of ]5eaverto\vn to liinda M. Holter oi Milton. June 16, by Rev. G. M. Klepfer, John W. Maioney of Harrisburg to Mary L. Walter of Selinsgrove. June li), by Alfred Specht, J. P., Amos Romberger of Dauphin Co. to Sarah Kanawell of Adams twj). June 23, by Rev. Jacob Yutz}-, Chas. W. Herman of Kratzerville to Mellie M. Miller of Selinsgrove. June 23, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Oilando (i. Walborn of Selinsgrove to Susan E. Bobb of l)auj)liiii Co. Jidy 3, by Kev. J. i). Stover, ]Nb)rris il. Rover and Alice Xeitz of Port 'Preverton. July 10, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, David A. Steiningcr to Sadie \'. Walter, both of Aliddlehurg. July 10, by R. C. Fiss, Esq., Burt Snyder of Liverpool to Kate Hottenstein of Shamokin Dam. July 17, by Rev. W. M. Landis, James D. Wetzel of Beavertown to Carrie B. Moyer of Painterville. July 19, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, Geo. P. Miller and I\Iary ]\loyer, both of Salem. July 23, by J. G. Horuberger, J. P., David Graybill and Mary Minerva Hall, both of West Perry twp. .Tuly 2S, by Rev. S. Aurand, Lincoln E. J^ailey and Amanda Grubb, both of Centre twp. Jidy 31, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Thomas C. Landis of Washington twj). to Anna E. Garman of Perry twp. Aug. 4, l)y Rev. N. Young, J. W. Nerhood and Soj^hia Briggs, both of Beaver twp. Aug. 7, by Rev. J. F. ^V'ampole, Anson Garman of I'erry twj). to Emma Jjenker t)f Freeburg. Aug. 14, by Rev. J. S. Bear, David G. Graybill and EUen Bcn- ner, both of West Perry twp. Aug. 14, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Wm. L. Hottenstein toMimue Mil- ler, both of Shamokin Dam. Aug. 18, by J. C. Gaugler, J. P., Wm. C. Spotts and Kate Frymir", both of Shamokin Dam. xVug. 21, by Rev. S. S. Cray 1)111, Adam Hepner and Katie Gniybill, both of West Perry twp. Aug. 21, byM."P. ArnoM, J. P., j Thonuis B. Attmgerand Maggie A. S<;halfer, both ofChapman twp. j Aug. 21, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, I John H. Nace and Ellen ^^. Arbo- I gast, both of PeiTv twp. 1887.] Snyder County Marriages. 83 Aug. 28, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Leonard E, Ulsh of McKees Half Falls to Mary L. Moyer of Chapniaii twp. Aug. 28, by Rev.H. W. Ziuinicr- mau, Charles Roush of Freeburg to Anna Mai tin of Fremont. Aug. 28, by Rev. S. P. Brown, P. S. Boy er and Amanda Kerstetter, both of Oriental. Sept. 6, by Rev. E. H. Lei^eu- rino- H. N. Follmer of Milton and A. Maude Schoch of Selinsgrove. Sept. 18, by Rev. \V. A. Baier, Philip F. Herrold and Lydia A. Mengle, both of Fremont. Sept. 18, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, Wm. H. Luck of Salem and Annie Romig of Selinsgrove. Sept. 18, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Alfred W. Troxel of Troxelville to Lizzie J. Smith ofBannerville. Sept. 22, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Rev. J. Eugene Dietrich of Cohan- sey, N. J., to Maggie L. Dinuu of Selinsgrove. Sept. 22, by I. C. Burns, J. P., Grant Sanders of Penn twp. and Hattle Warren of Lock Haven, Pa. Sei)t. 22, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Irwin L. Herman of Kratzev- ville to Irene Beaver ofMonroe twp. Sept. 24, by Rev. .J. M. Stover, John H. Lk)yd of Beaver Springs to CarrieM. Steiningerof Bannervilk\ Soi)t. 25, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., E. D. Swineford of Union twp., and Emma J. Wolf of Suscpiehamia twp., Juniata C'o. Sept.. 2S, by Rev. A. Li]).sitz, Moses Goldstein aiid Mary (xetz, both of Bcvavertown. Sept. 25, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Wm. H. Gearhart of Centre t\vp. to Alvesta Hackenburg of Adams twp. Oct. 1, by W. W. Witteumyer, Clerk O. C, Jose})h Hinkle of Un- ion twp. to Mary Marks of CHiap- man twp. Oct. 1, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Albert Heimbach of Washington twp. to Jane Leascj of Perry twp. Oct. 2, by J. C. Kreitzer, J, P., Henry 13. Troup and Mar}^ E. Sliet- terly, both of Pallas. Oct. 4, by Rev. J. Bowsersox, Isaac L. Bruuner to Agnes Bower- soXj both of Paxtonville. Oct. 6, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Harry J. Haiu of Fremont to Edith J. Shafer v. W. A. Haas, 84 Si!?YDER County Marriages. [1887. Charles B. Fisher of Monroe twp. to Mary E. Wagner of Penn twp. Oct. 23, by M. P. Arnold, Elias S. Herrold of Union twp. to Mary E. Shelly of Delaware twp., Juniata C^o. Oct. 25, by Kev. W. A. Haas, E. W. Ulrich of Sharpsville, Ind., and Amelia F. Fisher of Monroe t^vp. Oct. 30, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., 8. A. L. Strawser and Sal lie S. Sholly, both of Union twp. Nov. 1, by S. P. Brown, Henry Ferster and Barbara Winey, both of West Perry twp. Nov. 1, by Kev. Oscar E.Pfieug- er, Wilson Hoffman and Emma S. Bowersox, both of McClure. Nov. G, by llev. J. M. Stover, Wni. F. Heeter and Liendella Swanger, both of J^annerville. Nov. 7, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Ira Hoover of Jaclcsou twp. to Kate Hosterman of Pcnn tw[). Nov. 8, by Rev. O. E. Pfleuger, Wm. H. Kline of Troxelville to Olhilia M. Breiniiiger of Franklin twp. Nov. 13, by Rev. >-. P. Brown, Harvey C. Haas of Perry twp. to C E. Womer of Perry twp. Nov. 13, by Absalom Barner, J. P., Mehvin Fislier of Perry twp. to So- ])hia Meiser of Juniata Co. Nov. 18, by Rev. J. i^'. Wamjiole, Simon A. Ranch to Tillie ^Ver[, both of Freel)urg. Nov. 24, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Hon. Jeremiah Carouse of Middlc- l)nro; and Kate M. Schoch of Selins- grove. Nov. 2(>, by b'cv. (r. Af.Klcpfer, Wm. C. Feehrer and Eliza A. Au- miller, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 27, by Rev. W. H. Stover, James R. Shaffer and Leonora C. Hess, both of Monroe twp. Nov. 28, by Rev. Wm. A. Baier, Gust Bertch and Mahala Steffen, both of Freeburg. Nov. 29, by James Middleswarth, J. P., James M. Blett of Beaver twp. and Clara Jane Moyer of Ad- ams twp. Nov. 30, by Rev. W^ A. Haas, Harvey A. Mowrer to Savi.He A. Erdley, both of Penn twp. Dec. 4, by Rev. W. M. I^aiulis, W^m. Stuck and Barbara Fry, both of Perry tvv'p. Dec. 4, by Rev. J. F. W^am^x^le, Robert M. Coleman and Sarah h. Crouse, both of jMiddlecreek twp. Dec. 8, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., J. S. Sanders and Nora E. HostcJ*- man, both of Penn twp. Dec. 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Motor Smeltz and Lizzie Stetler, both of Winfield, Pa. Dec. 20, by Rev. J. C. Munnna, John A. Reed of Sioux City, I<,<)wa, to E. Gamby of Fremont, Pa. Dec. 21, by J. C. Gauglcr, J. P., William W. Eby and Christiua Kis- caddeu both of Monroe twj). Dec. 22, by Rev. Maurice B. Spayd, George L. Zechman of Bea- ver twp. to Mary S. Hartman of Franklin twp. Dec. 22, by Rev. ^l. P>. Spayd, Albert Hartman and Ellen Krel^s, both of Adams twp. Dec. 23, by Rev. N, Young, Phil- lip J. Ocker and Clcnntiie J. Kline, botli of ''l"'r<)X('lvill('. 188S.J bNYDER County Marriages. 85 Dec. 25, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Alfred Ulrich of Jackson twjx to Sarah L. Beaver of Monroe twp. Dec. 25, by Rev. Oscar E. Pflen- ger, Geo. W. Herbster and Emma L. Goss both of Middlecreekj Pa. Dec. 25, by Rev.N. Young, John F. Gill and Alice Radabach, botli of Troxelville. Dec, 25, Rev. S. Aurand, Conrad L. Springer of Mifflinburg to Susan Millholi of Middleburg. Dec. 26, by Rev. W. A. Haas, D. F, Romig and Mary Parks, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 26, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry D. Deabler and Sarah Moyer both of Freeburg. Dec. 27, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Elsworth Wetzel and Amanda Jane Snook both at Beaver twp. Dec. 29, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Wm. H. Swartz of Adams twp. to Emma Knonse of Centre twp. Dec. 29, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, F. P. Kuster of Penn twp. to I\I. Alice Hassinger of Franklin twp. Dec. 30, bv Jno. C. Kreitzer, J. P., J. W. Shollyof Pallasand Sarah (J. Shetterly of Meiserville. Dec. 31, by Rev. S. S. Graybill, Wm. H, Rine of Northumberland and Viola C. West of Freeburgh. 1888. Jan. 1, by Rev. J. D. Stover, AV. I. Neilz and Carrie E. Arnold, both of Port Treverton. Jan. 1, by Rev. Jacob F. Wam- ])olc Wm. A. Arbogast of Mt. J^leasant Mills to Lizzie S. Hummel of Freeburg. Jan. 3, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Charles M. Arbogast of West Perry twp, to Jennie E. Shellenberger of Monroe twp. Jan. 8, by Jno. C. Kreitzer, Esq., Geo. W. Neitz and Lovina Hile, both of Chapman twp. Jan. 8, by Charles R. Rishel, J. P., Wm. Gemberling and Dollie Kinney, both of Selinsgrove. Jan. 8, by J. C. Gaugler, J. P., Adam Greiner and Lillie Mertz, both of Shamokin Dam. Jan. 12, by Rev. J. A. Koser, Alexander Kiscadden of Monroe twp. to Bertha Justice of Northum- berland. Jan. 15, by Absalom Barner, J. P., Henry D. Sheaffer of Oriental and Alice M. Watts of Richfield. Jan. 15, by Rev. J. D. Stover, S. D. Paige of West Perry twp. to Minnie C. Hornberger of Perry twp. Jan. 1 7, by Rev. S. S. Graybill, W. H. Dougiierty of CollensviHe to Katie Wiuey of Evendale. Jan. 20, by M. P. Arnold, J. P. E. A. Siiaifer and Idi A. Herrold, both of Union twp. Jan. 21, by Rev. Maurice B. Spayd, Elmer E. Bowersox and Sar- ah J. Gift, both of Franklin twp. Feb, 2, by Oscar E. Pile uger, Jno. I. Gill of Paxtonville to Carrie E. Anspacher of McChu'e. Feb. 2, by Rev, J. F, Warn pole, Geo. B. Wetzel and Mary Eugle, both of Penn twj). Feb. 5, by Rev. W. H. Stover, John S. Hehn of Hnnunel's Wharf and Nettie E, EIHott of Shamokin Dam, Feb, 14, by Rev. M. B. Spayd, Geo. B, M. Ranch and Kate N. Hummel botji of Middleburp-. 86 Snydki'v County Marriages. fl88S. Feb. 16, bv Rev. S. P. Or wig, James P. Uh'ich to Mrs. C. E. Parks, both of Selinsgrove. Feb. 16, l)y W. M I.andis, Se- phares L. Freed and Jane E. Wetzel, l)(»tli of Beavertown. Feb. 20, by A. (J. llornberger, J. l\, James H. Bogar of Port Trever- ton and Ida Jane Bordner of George- town, Pa. Fel). 2:], by Rev. J. M. Stover, John W.Kline of Adams twj). to Mary Kby of Laurelton, Pa. Mar. 1, by Kev. S. P. Or wig, John H. Shambach to Lizzie M. Dobson, both of Franklin twp. Mar. 5, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Chas. P. Wetzel of Jackson twp. to Elbe Lose of Middleereek tw]). Mar. 6, by J. C. Kreitzer, Uriah ('. Iverstetter and Mary C. Long, both of Chanman twj). Mar. 8, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, A. C. Winey and Aliee Biibb, both of i\Iiddlebnrgh. Mar. 14, by J no. C. Kreitzer, J. J*., Albert P. Tronp and Carrie Y. Ch'.:bb, both ofMeKees Half Falls, Mar. 1."), bv Kev. Haas, John A. Klinii'ler . Stover, Wm. A. Siiatler and Lusetta Kelly, both (»( I'ort Ti'evertoii. Mar. 27, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Geo. W. Kline of Jackson twp. to Sarah F. Crouse of Peun twp. Mar. 27, by A. J. Bowersox, J. P., E. G. Gilbert and E. L. Knepp both of Adams twp. Mar. 29, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Sam- uel B. Walter and Mary M. Stuck, both of Middleburgh. Apr. 1, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Rufus Miller and Lydia Shaffer of Washington twp. Apr. 8; by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Geo. M. Frymire of Shamokin Dam and Mary E. Shull of Marysville. Apr. 15, by W. H. Coleman, J. P., Henry Sassaman of Centre tw]>. and Anna Fidirman of Adams twp. Apr. 19, by Rev. T. R. Dietz,H. S. Stetler to INIary E. Gift, Iwth of IVIiddleburg. Apr. 26, by Rev. J. C. Mumma, Henry G. Manbeek and I^izzie (J. Gross, both of Adamsburg Apr. 27, by Rev. S. P. Brown, H. S. Gelnett of Aline and Sarah E. ik)rdner of Dalmatia. May 3, by Rev. W. A. Haas, I. N. Johns and S. Agnes Teats, both of Hunmiel's Wharf. May. 6, by Rev. Landis, Geo. A. Krebs of Adams twp. to Sarah J. Knouse of Centre twp. May 9, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, H. L. Hebebrand of Cleveland, CJ., to Aliee M. Arnold of Middleburg. INIay 10, by Rev. Geo. J. Schaeff- er, Wm. IL Shellenberger of Even- dale to Amanda Jane Stuck of NA'^est Perry twp. May 1 3, by Rev. N. Young, Wm. P>. Musser andKllaShreiller, both of Adams twp. Mav i:'., bv Rev. S. P. Orwig 1888.] SxYDER County Maiuiiages. 87 Jerome Errlley of Beaver twp. to liillie K. Reitz ofFrauklin twj). May 15, by lie v. Haas, J. Jarrett ot Penn twp. to Tenisie Row of Midcllecreek twp. INIay 15, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, E. E.buck and S. Ella Albert, both of" Selinsgrove. May 20, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Irwin Boyer of Perry twp. to Sal lie A. Hac'kenburg of Washington twp. May 21, by Rev. M. B. Spayd, Win. C Bubb of Lower Mahanoy, and Savilla C. Brosius of Perry tvrp. May 27, by Rev. S. P. Brown, G. K ' M. Gordon ( f West Perry twp. to Caroline Wochley of Perry tW]). May 27, by Jno. C. Kreitzer J. P. Geo. W. Bohiier and Amelia Moye", l)()th of Cliapman twp. May ;n, by Rev. S. P. Brown, A. H. Kreamer of Evandale to Nora Zellner of Paxtonville. June 5, by Rev. Haas, Harry C. Moyer and Nora M. Bolig, both of Selinsgrove. June 7, by Rev. S. Aurand, Theo. E. l*>ingama'i and Ellen iSI. Slieary Ixttli fti Centre twp. June 7, by Rev. M. B. Spayd, Itobert Haekenburg of Cent'"e twp. t(i Ellen (lift of Franklin twp. June y, bv W. W. Wittenmyer, Clerk (). C.'Wm. H. Brouse and I'^nun;! 1^. (iarman, i)()th of Selins- grove. ffune 10, l)y Rev. Haas, James E. Stclningei'of Middlebui'g to Alice M. Mover of l^^reeburg, June 10, by Rev. S. P.Brown, P. A. Gangler of Chapman twp. to Mary M. Scholl of Union tw[). June 14, by D. S. Boyer, J. P. \Y ni. H. Thomas and Mary A. Heck man b(>th of Freeburg. June 24, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Samuel Bolig and Rebecca Kuhns, both of Centreville. June 24, by Rev. J. C. Mumma, Cliarles H. W^igner and Mary E. Sellers, both of Adamsburg. June 24, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Joseph S. Seaman of West Perry twp. to Ida fe. Willow of Monroe twp. June 21), by Rev. W^ampole, Wm. A. Wampole and Mary J. Boyer, lx)th of Freeburg. July 1, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Samuel H. Graybill of West Perry twp. to Jennie E. Hoot of Monroe twp. July 5, by Elias Hunnnel, J. P., Geo. D. Maneval of Williamsport and Martha Renner of Perry twj). July 1(), by S. S. Schoch, J. P., Frank McQu'een of St. Clair, Mich. andTura Keen of Milton, Pa. July 21, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Geo. Troutman of Tower City to Alice A. Forney of Oriental. July 22, by Rev. S. P. (^rwig, Harry D. Mowrey of jMiddlecreek twp. to Mary J. Renninger ofFrauk- lin twp. July 29, by Rev. S. E. Gchsen- ford, Charles A. Shotzberger of Free- burg to Sarah J. Bordner of Verdilla. July 29, by Rev. M. B. Spayd, George Layton and AlieeBuflington, both of Middleburg. Aug. 4, by Rev. S. l\ Orwig, Isaiah Bingaman of Franklin twp. to Hannali Bingaman of Centretwp. Aug. 4, by Rev. Jacol) Yutzy, 88 Snydf.p. CouivTY Makkiages. [1888. Rev. C. C. Iknison of ShaetferstuwD, Pa. to Lottie M. AppofSelinsgrove. Aug. 5, by Kev. S. E. Ochsen- forcl, Aivin Jleiinaii and r^ydia -i. Doyer, both ofTonns twp. Aug. 12, by Hev. S. E. Oclison- fued, Jnnu'S M. Baker of Jackson i twp, to Sarah J. Kratzer of Penn twp. Aug. 14, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, (J. E. Buliington of Iviiddleburg to Ida E. Hackenburg of Ereeburg. Aug. 16, by Kev. Wampole, Da- vis M. SteiTen of Ereeburg and Su- san A.Stcinnian of Washingtoiiviiie. Aug. lU, by Kev. J. M. Srover, Adam Goss and Lizzie B. Ulsh, botb. of Middiecfcek, Pa. Aug. 19, bylicv. S. P; P>rown, Geo. G. Jirown of Millerstown to Aiuia B. Stroub of Ereniont. Aug. 23, by Rev. !S. P. Orwig, ,). L. Gearhart of Soradoville to Annie M. Kn-pp of >S])ring tw]). Aug. 20, by Kev. W. A. tiaas, NVni. bi. Wagner to Catherine JM. SiDilh, both o i\'nn twp. Ir^ept. 2, J no. G. Kreitzer, ,1. l\, Jnine.- B. iline of McKees i Eails aiul Gatiierii'.e E. ^tetlen of Paiias. Sept. 0, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, \\'iiMani Gilbert of Ereebiirg to Anna C. Hughes of Kantz. Sept. 8, by JClias Iluinniel, J. i'. Henry Herman and Mary lunnuel of h^-anklin tw]i. Sept. 10, by liev. S. P. Orwig, Erantas Lawver of Jiuuata Co. and Elizal)eth Shirk of \ Vest Pttrry twj). Sept. 1(), by Rev. J. E. \Vampok>, Irwin Roush of Chapman twj). to Mary AVuv Reichenbacli of \\'ash- pigton t\v[). Sept. 16, by Rev. J. D. Stover, I'hillip \V. Arnold of Union twp. to Alice II. Shafier of Port Trever- ton. Sept. 23, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Wm. A. Bickel and Maranda Zerby, but ii of Beaverfown. Sept. 23, by Jno. C. Ivreitzer, J. P., \V. il. Garman and Anna Baney, both of Ereeburg. Se})t. 23, byA.J. Bowersox, J.P., Geo. B. M. Wagner and Sadie E. Grubb, both of Centre twp. Sept. 23, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Perry Hassinger ot Mifliin Co. and Effima Wagner of Beaver Springs. Sept. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John Schoeh of Phila. and Lila A. iveeler of Ereeburg. Sept. 25, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Wm. L. C'rossgrove of Milflinburg to Minnie M. Musser of Middleburg. Sept. 30, by Rev. N. Young, Ephraim I. Stuck and Jennetta May Ka'ey, both of McClure. Oct. 4,byJ. K. Peck, J. P., John .V. Miunmaand Anna C. Walborn, both of Harrisburg. Oct. 4, by Rev. S. P. Brown, J. D. Kersielter an(i L, Jemiie I>itting, ooth of Oriental. Oct. 7, bv- J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., Jo!m \j. Ker.-^tetter and Soj-Jiia C Riiuads, both of Oriental. Oct. 7, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, J. N. Lenker of Berrysburg and Sal lie Burns of Selinsgrove. Oct. 14, bv Rev. W. Haas, Geo. N. Wetzel* and Ella M. Sholly, both of Union twj). Oct. 16, by Rev. J. E AVampoie, A\'m. P. Mover and Sarah Alice Reichenbaeh, both ot J^'reeburg. 1888.] Snyder County Marriages. 89 Oct. 20, by Kev. N.Young, Geo. A. Sliively of Troxelville and Lov- iua J. Long of Middleswarth. Oct. 21, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Geo. W. Long and Clara L. Ocker, both of Centre twp. Oct. 21, by same, Wm. E. A ack- er to Libbie Riegel, both of Dun- dore. Oct. 23, by D. «. Boyer, J. P., James H. Ziegler and Sallie C. Ronsh, both of Kreamer. Oct. 25, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Asa H. Hendricks and Mary E. Arbogast, both of Freeburg. Oct. 28, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Samuel O. Kuhns and Dora A. Hart- man, both of Centre twp. Oct. 30, by Rev. S. P. Or wig, (,^has. H. Wenrick of Franklin twp. to Lizzie Lenig of Washington twp. Nov. 1, byliev. W. M. Landis, John Howell and Annie C. Wiigner, both of McClure. Nov. l,by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Rev. Geo. J. Shaflfer of Riehfi'eld to Ella S. Burns of Cocolainus. Nov. 1, by Elias Hunnnel. J. P., David L. Stronp and Ada Zinnner- nian, both of Sunbury. Nov. 8, by Rev. F. E. Erdman, Eugene B. Zerfing of Manch ChnnU to Sue S. Hoffman of Port Trtvei- ton. Nov. n, by Rev. O. E.PHeuger, Jerome .[. Dreese of Adanis Iwp. to Kate (}. Hartman of Franklin twj). Nov. 11, by Rev. D. M. Stauifer, Edward G. Stahl and Susanna S. StauHcr, both of Ur-ion iwp. Nov. 13, by liev. W. A. Haas, Wm. L. Rrouse and j^lizahctli Hci- man, Injth of Ja<;kson twj). Nov. 14, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, James C. Dormanand EnmiaE. Mc- Clenahen, both of Centre twp. Nov. 15, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Thomas J. Erdly of Union Co. to Sallie E. Kuster of Penn twp. Nov. 15, by \V. W. Wittenmyer, Clerk O. C, John Schaffer of Perry twp. to Kate A. Snyder of Richfield. Nov. 17, by W. ^\^ Wittenmver, Clerk O. C' Joseph Page of Mt. Pleasant Mills to .Vlice S. Kemrer of Shadel. Nov. 18, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, William F.Hughes and Minnie E. Schoch, both of Penn twp. Nov. 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, VV^esley F. Kauffman and Ada F. Zimmerman, both of Monroe twp. Nov. 18, by Rev. N. Young, T. M. Leonard and Jennie Gross; both of Adamsburg. Nov. 18, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, Jacob Frock of New Berlin and Enuna Yerger of Jackscn twp. Nov. 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Noah A. VV^iseof Kreamer and Mary rj. Minieh of Freeburg. Nov. 18, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., James H.Jacobs of Selin.^grove to Sarah A. Shaffer of Union twp. Nov. 18, by Rev. W. M. Landis, J. B. Fry mover and Kate Wildt, both of Oriental. Nov. 20, l)v J. C\ Kreitzer,J. P., Wm. M.'fer and Lizzie B. Se- christ, l)oth of Pallas. Nov. 20, by Rev. \V. IT. Sto\'er, Rimer E. (Jreiner and Laura S. Pontius, both of Monroe twj). Nov. 22, by ilev. S. E. Oc^hsen- tord, Hugli E. Boyer of Salem and Cora (i. SIk llv of Jvrcamcr- 90 Snyder County Marriages. [1889. Nov. 26, byChas. K.Kishel, J. F., J. P. Bradish of Buffalo and Flor- ence Murphy of Hartland. Nov. 27, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Allen S. Row of Salem to Minerva Sholly of Kreamer. Dec. 2, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., S. C. Meckley of HummePs Wharf to Annie Heiser of Jackson twp. Dec. 4, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, AVm. P. Fetter and SallieC.Ulrich, both of Jackson twp. Dec. 9, by Rev. J. M. Stovev, Charles DeLong and Sarah J. Kuhns, both of Penn's Creek. Dec. 9, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, James E. Keller and Eva M. Del- linger, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 11, by Rev. N. Young, Charles F. Specht of Beavertown to Clara I. Hartman of Lewis twp., Union Co. GDec. 12, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, eorge S. Davis to Alice M.Keely, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 13, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., Benjamin Seesholtz of Meiserville to Mary E. Slietterly of Aline. Dec. 13, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Ira W. Teats and Jennie Pontius, both of Kreamer. Dec. 13, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Charles Romig of Salem to Amelia E. Boycr of Kantz. Dec. 10, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Roswell Fetterolf and Elizalictli A. Ammerman, both of Troxelville. Dec. IS, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, James E. Walter of Mid(llel»ui-g to Laura Prutzman of New Berlin. Dec. 19, l)y Rov. S. l\ Orwig, Francis C. Bowersox <»f Paxtonvilk' to Hattie C. E. Hassingi rofMiddh- bnrg. Dec. 20, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Sumner M. Smyser of San Francis- co, Cal., to Lillian L. Marsh of Se- linsgrove. Dec. 23, by Rev. J. R. Dimm, D. D., Edgar F. Frederick of Shamo- kin Dam to Sarah E. Minnich of Selinsgrove. Dec. 26, by Rev. G. M. Klepfer, J. H. Rlioads of Middleburgto Flor- ence T. Hane of Shamokin Dam. Dec. 27, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., G. W. Kemrer of Perry twp. to Ida Womer of West Perry twp. 18B9 . Jan. 1, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Noah Kline of Jackson twp. to Anna Kunkle of Monroe twp. Jan. 1, by Rev.C. A. Mutch, J. A. Yarkers and Pollen A. Lease, both of RiciiHekl. Jan. 6. by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Jerome Ulrich of Selinsgrove to Sal- lie E. Erdley of Penn twp. Jan. 6, by Elias Hummel, J. P., S. P. Hare to Barbara E. LefHer, both of Middleburg. Jan. 8, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Jerome (i. Reitz of Middlecreek to Carrie K. Fislier of Lowell. Jan. 10, by Rev. W. A. Haas, B. F. Dock of Dry Valley X Roads to Sarah Roush of Kreamer. Jan. 13, by 1). S. Buyer, J. P., E/ra Rousli and Louisa K. Dressier, both of Washington twp. Jan. 14, l)y Rev. W. L. P,eau- mont, Benjamin Leibyand KttieFi-y, l)(»tl» of \\'rightsvill('. Jan. 17, by Rev. J. V. \Vamj)ole, Frank Specht and Maggie (iiass, both of l'"'reeburg. Jan. 17, bv l{ev. X. Young. E\- 1889.] Snyder County Marriages. Gi- ls worth and Hattie E. Hummel, botli of Middlecreek twp. ' Jan. 20, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Simon W. Sassanmn of Jack- sou twp. and KateSlear of Winfiekl. Jan. 24, by Kev. S. E. Oclisen- ford, Wilson Haupt and Ellen Kratzer, both of Selinsgrove. Jan. 24, by EliasHummel, J. P., John W. Rhoads of White Deer to Amelia Lenig of Washington twp. Jan. 2fi, by Rev, C. A. Mutch, Jno. W. Newman and Eva Leach, both of McKees i Falls. Jan. 27, by Rev. O. E. Pfieugcr, Cyrus H. Ulsh of West Beaver twp. to Laura E. Nerhood of Adams twj). INlar. 28, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Jt,hn S. Gordon of Buchanan, Mich., to Xora Reichenbach of Chapman. Jan. 29, by Rev. S. P. Crwig, William H. Strawser of Union twp. to Mary F. Hilbert of Peryy tw}). Jan. 31, by Rev. J.F. Wsunpoh', John D. Arbogast of Perry twp. to J. to Jemima Krat/er of Kratzerville. May 5, by J. C Kreitzer, J. P., Henry Ilerrold and Lizzie Sclnaw- der, both of MeKees. 1889.] Snyder County Marriages. 93 Apr. 25, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, A. C. Kemberling of Lewis- town to Minnie B. Gemberling of Selinsgrove. May 2, by Rev. O. E. Pfleuger, Win. H. L.M<,yerot Franklin twp. to Annie L. Middleswarth of Beaver twp. May 5, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Percival Keinard and Laura Reich- enbach, both of Chapman twp. May 5, by J. G. Hornberger, .J. P., Albert S. Kemrer and Barbara l*age, both of Perry twp. May 9, by Rev. J.G.M.Swengle, Levi Nerhood of Beaver twp. and jSrary Coleman of Adams twp. May 9, by Rev. S.E.Oehsenford. Y. H. Wagner and Mary J. Ritter, both of Kratzerville. May 9, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, M. I. Potter and lAicy Lumbard, both of Selinsgrove. May 9, by Rev. S. P. Or wig, Wm. H. Wray and Mary M. Shaf- fer, both of Franklin twp. May 12, by Rev. Edwin H. Smoll, John F. Kratzer of Adams twp. to Lydia Matter of Centre tv.-p. May 1(), byA.J. I5owersox, J. P., Adam Faust and Angeline Engle, both of Middlecreek twp. May 16, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., AVm. Frymire ofShamokin Dam to Agnes S. Hoy of Rielifield. May IG, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, S. 1j. Boyer of Salem to Anna Ij. liassinger of Middleburg. May 23, by J. V. Kreitzer, J. P., Wm. P. Moyer of Chapman tw^p. to to Susan Neitz of Perry twp. May 23, by Rev. J. G. M. Swengle, Emmet C. Manbeck and TilHe E. Transne, both of McClure. May 23, by Rev. H. N. Follmer, A. H. Klose and Clydie Alice Schoch, both of Middleburg. June 9, by J. Koliler Peck, J. P., Wm. J. Wilt and Miner vaM.Deng- ler, both of Chapman t\v|). June 9, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Percival Hendricks of West Perry twp. to Sue S. Zaringer of Perry twp. June 9, by by Elias Hummel J. P., Irwin Stetfen and Tillie A. Hackenburg, both of Washington twp. June 11, by Rev. W. M. Landis, David F. Coleman and Mollie E. Howell, both of Beaver town. June 11, by Rev. VV. A. Haas, Edward J. Kratzer of Jackson twp. to Emma E. Kratzer, of Penn twp. June 13, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Thomas A. Watts of Shamokin Dam to Amelia H. Fink of New Berlin. June 13, by Rev. C. A. Mutch, .James F. Hoover- and Lucetta C. Witmer, both of Port Treverton. June 1(3, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Isaac C. Sprenkel of Selinsgrove to Ida M. Stroub of Monroe twp. June 16, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Wm. J. Yetter of Reeds ville and Sadie A. Wright of Adamsburg. June 22, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., John I. Charles and Ida Stroh, both oi' Port Trtverton. June 30, by Rev.O. E. Pfleuger, Howard N. Rieo;el of Middlecreek twp. to Susan Shawver of Troxel- ville. June 30, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Percival Steifen and Ida May Bower, both of Washington twp. June 30^ by Rev. S. P. Brown, 94 SxYDER County Marriages. [1S89. Wni. H. Scholl of Chapman twp. to Anna Sliotzberger of Union twp. June 30, by same, C. R. Spangler of Middleburg- to Mary E. Schnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills. July 13, by Kev. S. P. Orwig, Samuel Hoffman of West Beaver twp. to Agnes Treaster of Deeatur twp. July 28, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Wm. F. Stepp and Mary E. Suoke, botli of Port Treverton. July 28, by same, Wm.B. Reieli- enljaeh of Cliapman twp. to Mary A. Eckert of Union twp. July 30, by Rev. J. C. INI. Swengle, Horace G. Hauies of Mc- Clure and Anna S.AVoodling of Ad- amsburg, Aug. 4, by Rev. S. An rand, Ad- am Musser of Franklin twp, to Mary E. Mare of Jackson twp. Aug. 10, by J. C.Kreitzei-,J. P., John T. Wend t of Aline to Marv A. llerrold of H offer. Aug. 11, by J. C. Kreit/er, .1. P., Henry liopp of Orient:\l to Alice Neit/, of Meiserville. Aug. 18, by Rev. AV. A. Haas, ( "has, A. B. Ghiss of Freel)urg to AiiKinda E. Amey of M'est I'crrv tW j). Aug. 2'>, l)y Rev..]. F. Wampole, Jac<»b (). Dreese of IjOwcII to Sallic S'jhar;ibach (jf Middlcbiu'g. Aug. 2."), by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Will. A. Mohnandlda E. H«»nil)erg- vi\ both of ( 'cntrevilh'. Aug. 251, bv J. K. IWk, .]. P., Hhmton V. Kerstettcr and Sallic lU'iiiicr, both of McKccs. Aug. 2il, by Kev. J;tcob Viit/y, Kiv. M. H. llavifcol Muucn and Laura A. Bergstresser of Sel ins- grove. Sept. 1, by Rev. Haas, Anion W. Row and Clara A. Row, both of Salem. Sept. 1, by same, Samuel F. Maur- er of Penn twp. to Amanda J. Amick of Washington twp. Sept. 1, by Absalom Barncr, J. P., Geo. A. Schrawder of Perry Co. to Sarah J. Stuck of Perry tv.p. Sept. 3, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, I. Jj. Luck of Cumberland, Md., to Ennua L. Duck of Salem. Sept. 5, by Rev. W. M. liandis, Jacob H. Hetrick and Carrie E. Snook, both of J^eavertown. Se|)t. 5, by Rev. J. B. Foclit, Rev. F. P. Manhart of Philadeljiliia to Catherine Born of Selinsgrove. Sept. 5, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, M. L. Dietrick and S. J. Kei-n, both of New C'olumbia. Sept. 8, by Rev. G. M. Klepfer, Oscar S. Jiower of Huinmel's Wharf and Sarah Heiser of Kratzerville. Sept. 10, by J. M. Dauberman, J. P., George'oMt of hvy Valley X Roads to Jennie Bubb of New Berlin. Sej)t. 10, by Rev. Orwig, Prof. Paul Billhanit amlMatticE. Frain, both of Ml(Ullel)urg. Sept. 13, by Rev. (J. M. Klcjifer, 1. E. II Ish of Beaver Springs to Hat- tie Kreegei" of Swineford. Sept. 1."), by Rev. J. (J. M. Swengle, Nathan L. Manbeck and Car/ic E. Yettci, l)oth of Middle- (■i-('('k twp. Sept. 17, l>y ifev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Asher M. llower and Lvdia Uh'ich, both of St-iinsgrovc. 1889.] Snyder County Marriages. 95 Sept. 19, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Nathan 11. Stinieling of Wagner to Sarah C. Kahley of McChire. Sept. 19, by W. W. Wittenmyer, Clerk O. C. Adam Jordan of Centre twp. to Amanda llebecca Derr of Adams twp. Sept. 24, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., D. T. Roiish and Anna L. Reichen- bach, both of Chapman twp. Sept. 26, by Rev. Wampole, H. D. Kuster otPenn twp. and Mary J. Boyer of Washington twp. Sept. 27, by Rev. G. M.Klepfer, Robert Parks and Lottie McFall, both of Selinsgrove. Oct. 1, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, James A. Carey and Nora (). Jar- rett, both of Selinsgrove. Oct. 3, by Rev. Haas, Irwin Ulrich of Selinsgrove to Nora V. Ivomig of Penn twp. Oct. 8, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Geo. A. Upl'nger and Ellen M. Siroub, both of Pen. i twp. Oct. 8, by Wm. Moyer, J. 1\, Jared Ilinkle and Malinda Yeager, both of Washington twp. Oct. 10, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Charles Herrold and Mary B. Truti, both of Jackson twp. Oct. 10, by D. S. Boyer, J. P.. John Hepner of Frceburg to Alice M. Ritter of Shamokin Dam. Oct. 13, by Rev. J. D. Stover, John W. Witmer of Union twp. to Clara Heim of Washington twp. Oct. 15, by Rev. J. M. Stover, W. H. Hennau ano Enmia G. Bailey, both of Mi, l.v M. P. Ainol.l, .1. 1'., John S. Stauffer and Martha Rein- ard, both of Union twp. Dec. 17, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Henry Hassinger of Bannerville to Susanna Zielier of Middleereek twp. Dee. 22, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Abraham Kerstetter of Maitlandto Enuna Howell of McClnre. De(^ 22, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Chas. B. Klingle;; of Middleereek to Anna M. I^ash of McClure. Dec. 22, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Calvin S. Gossand Ida L. Dreese, both of Lowell. Dec. 24, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, D. R. Sholly of New Berlin to Emma E. Beaver of Dry Valley X Roads. Dee. 24, by same, Henry \\a\- born and Elizabetli E. Hnglies, both of Kantz. Dec. 24, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Henry Ijessman and Emma Jane Page,' botli of Mt. Pleasant Mills. J)e(!. 2"), bv W. W. Wittenmyer, Clerk O. C, E. E. Barner of Orient- al to Maggie E. Cox ofDiimnsvil'e, Pa. Dec. 20, by Rev. B. F. Goodman, l^^dward S. Stronb of Centreville to Katie >, by same, A.^I. Anraiul and .lennie M. llelfrick, both of Beaver S])riiigs. Dec. 2C., by U(>v. J. M. Stover, \Vm. (). Lash of I)(n-mantown to Anna M. Moyerof McClnre. Dec. 20, by same, John W. Wag- ner and Lydia Kahhy, both of Mc- CImic. 1890.] Snyder County Marriages. 9: Dec, 26, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Harry If, Harter of Hartleton to Lillie S. Orwig ofMiddlebiirg. Dec. 26, by J. F. Wanipole, V/. W. Wonier, of Fremont Neb. to Marv F. Mengle of Mt Pleasant Mills. Dec. 29, by Rev. J. F. W'ainpole, Elmer J. Kliiiglerand Ada Matilda Baley, botli of Kratzerville. • Dec. 31, by Rev. J. C. Miimma, K. C. AValter ot Middlebiirg to INIarv E. Bubb of Beavertown. 1890. Jan. 1, by Rev. Jact^b Yut/y, Arthur 1>. Carey and>ie 1. Fby, both of Selinsgrove. Jan. 2, by D. S. B )yer, J. P., MathiasS. Schneeto A lice M. Thomas both of Freeburg, Jan. 2, by Rev. AV^. ISI. T/andis, Jno. F. Bingaman of Troxelviiic to Fanny 8. j^arge of Centrevilie. Jan. 7, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Geo. S. Kline and Martha F. JJinga- nian, both of Troxelville. Jan. S, by Rev. (t. M. Klepfer, Thad. \V. Hall of Lewistown to Can-ieB. Mertz of Selinsgrove. Jan. 12, by the same, S. K. (Jauglerand Katie M. Martin, both of Pallas. Jan. 12, by Rev. Oclisenford, Jeremiah D, Fisher and Mary (J. Snyder, l)()th of l\'mi twj). Jan. 12, by Rev. W. A. liai's, Absalom Tharp and J>izzie Aucker, lioth of Diuidore. Jan. 1;> by James ]\Iiddle-^\varth J. P., i aniel K. Staid ..t(Miillis(iua- (jUc to Mamiah A. Kiesierof Adams t\V|). Jan. !;'., by llry. .]. F. M'nnipolc, Samuel S. Scholl and Alice Lenig, both of Pallas. Jan. 14, J. K. Peck, J. P., Simon H. Long and Agnes Marks, both of Hoffer. Jan. 20, by M. P. Arnold J. P., Joel Schaffer and Minnie M. Straw- ser, both of Union tvvp. Jan. 22, by W, W. Wittenmyer, Clerk U. C, Elmer F. Zechman' of Middleburg to Alice M. Brmmer of Centre twj). Jan. 20, by Rev. ^^\ A. Haas, Ja(!ob W. Holtzappleof Millersburg to Louisa Laudeuhliiger of Selin- grove. Jan. 27, by VV. W. \\1ttenmver, Clerk O. C, Daniel Riegel of Bea- ver Springs and Amelia Hackenburg of Franklin twp. ^ Jan. 30, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Ceo. W. Frantz of Mahantongo to Sallie K. Hall of McKees | Falls. Feb. 2, by Rev. W. M." LnJidis, Harry M. Matter and Louisa J. Haines, both of Beaver Sj)rings. Feb. 4, by Rev. \V. A. Haas, Al- len R. Smith o+' Selinsgrove to An- na B. Elrdley of Salem. Feb. 4, by Rev. S. F.Och.'^enfbrd, Harry F. Ritter of JMonr()e twp. to Kate M. Sassaman of Union Co. Feb. 6, by Rev. ^V. M. Landis, Wm. H. Weader and Agnes i\l. \Vagnei-, both of McClure. Feb. 7, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P,, (xeorge Kerstetter ot Perr\' twp. to Eve A. Lenig of ( liapman twp. ^ Feb. 9, by Rev. Landis, Josej)!) E Shilling to .Icmiie (Jood, both of Troxelville. Feb. l;',, by M. p. Arnold, J. P., Wm. IT. Brubaker and Flleii Stef- feii, botli oi' Cnion twp. 98 SXVDER CuL\NTV MaKRIAGKS. [1890. Feb. 13, by J. KohlerPeck, J. P., TViijamin i'ickliart and Marv M. Ncitz, both of lloirer. Feb. 13, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Aaron A. Howell to Annie E. Sel- lers, both of McCUure. Feb. 13, by J. C. ]Munima, Rev. Renben F. Hassinger of Spr'no:t\vp. to Mary E. Zeehnian of Reaver twp. Feb.' 20, by J. K. Peek, J. 1'., I'eter Foltz and RarbaraM. Yerger, both of iSIeiservilie. Feb. 20, by Rev. J. X. Wetzler, James A. Riekel toSarah R. Annian, both of Spring tw]). Feb. 22, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Isaac M. Bogar of Port Treverton to Ennna L. Eby of Herndon. Feb. 23, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Charles Reichley and Mary .1. Berger, Iwth of Monroe twp. Feb. 23, l)y Rev. J. F. Wani])ole, E. D. l>arner of Liverpool to Alice Hummel of Freel)nrg. Feb. 24, bv W. W. Wittenmyer, Clerk O. C, John Felndy of Xorth- lunberland (.'o. to Eliza Benner of ,)\iniata Co. Feb. 25, by Rev. (I. W. Leisher, AVm. H. Riphaofdlobe Mills and India S. Willis of Richfield. Feb. 27, by Rev. J. M. Stover, Wm. .1. Treaster of Decatur to Cora I>. Cearhart of Beaver Springs. F(l>. 27, l>y Ibv. .1. ^r. Stover, AVm. F. Sliniclv of Middlcburg to Marv .J. Heru'.an ot Middleswarth. Mar. 2, by Rev. S. I'.Orwig, Jas. R. Crosj-grove of Middlehurg to Susie E. Euhiis of Benn's Cieek. Mar. 4, by Rev. J. < '. ^^lunima, JohnD. Herbsterand AnnaC. Mid- dleswarth, Ixith of I'xasH-rtown. Mar. 4, by Rev. J. D. Stover, Henry P. Hoot and Carrie Sholly, both of Dundore. :\rar. 4, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, C. M. Middleswarth of McCIiire to Bessie Stout of Middlebui-g. Miu: (), by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Geo. P. Fisher and Etta R. Siegfried, both (df St4insgrove. Mar. 1), byM. P. Arnohl, J. P., I. Snyder of Port Treverton to Ivatie Shotzberger of Pallas. :\!ar. 9, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, W'm. Kratzer of Kratzerville and Mary J. Irwin of Limestone twp., Union Co. Mar. 9, by Rev, J. C. Mumma, Jeroni'^ W. Beaver of Beavertown and Mary L. Riegle oi' Adamsburg. :Mar. 13, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, Rev. J. M. Ilearick of Rebersbui-g to Maggie E. "Walter of Middleburg. Mar. 1(J, by Rev. S. P. Orwig, John F. Binganian and Flora J. Bit- ter, both of Centre twp. Mar. 18, by W. ^V. Wittenmyer, Clerk O. C., Howard Hartnian of Penn's Creek to C'oi-a I. Helfrick of Adan)sburg. Mar. 19,byChas. li. Rishel, J.P., (n^o. W. Showalter and Etmna J. Peck, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 23, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Ch:is. S. Stimeling of MeClure and Mary E. Baker of I^owell. Mar. 23, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, John Straver and Polly Ann Berp;- er, l)otli of V\'ashipgton tw}). Mar. 2:"), by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- lord, E. L. Burns of Selinsgrove to Kat<' Biekhart of Sniithgrove. .Mar. 2"), by Rev. d. X. Wetzler, Ammon Hreese of P>ea\er tw|». to Ida M. S'Niok ol Adnnishurii'. 1890.] Snyder County Marriages. 99 Mar. 29, by Rev. C. O. Lelir, Charles E. Ciilp of Williamstown to Jennie Bower of Svvineford. Apr. 10, by A. A. Romig, J. P., Henry Baiungarduer of Lowell to Mollie E. Houser of Crossgrove. Apr. 20, by A. A. Ulsh, J. P., Arthur J. V> eader and Lydia Ann Herbster, both of Middlecreek twp. Apr. 20, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P.. John R. Leach and Agnes Stahl, both of Chapman twp. Apr. 27, by J.KohlerPeck, J. P., ]33nnevi]le Kerstetter and Mary Ann Kerstetter, l)oth of McKees | Falls. Apr. 27, by Rev. S. E. Oehsen- ford, Henry M. Derk and Lizzie Beaver, both of Kratzerville. May 1, by Rev. J. X. AVetzler, Jacob Er'b and Martha J. Ritter, both of West Beaver twp. May lo. by Rev. Geo. J. Schaef- fer, Calvin C. Mitterling and Lizzie R. Sliellenberger, bolli of West Perry t\v"[i. May 18, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Levi Hein-old of Kantz to Hettie I>aley of Shauiokin Dam. May 18, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Michael Trutt of Union tv-p. and Ivydia Kendell of Jackson twp. May 19, by Rev. A. E. Gobble, Abraham Harbst and Alice Klase, both of Globe Mills. May 22, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Win. B(»yer aJid Katie Reich, botji of Washington twp. May 25, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Daniel L. Keiber and Agnes E. Haines, both ofFreebnri.'. :}Jay 2r,, l,y Pvev. J. F. Wampole, Geo. C. Stuck of (jilo)^e Mills to Marv E. Row ot JCreainei'. ^ May 29, by W. W. Wittenniyer, Clerk O. C, John Heimbach and Sarah Lenig, both of ^\^•lshing•ton twp. May 31, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Phillip W. Kerstetter and Anna C. Kerstetter, both of McKees i Falls. June 1, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., John A. Noecker of Cha])]iian twp. to Sallie E. Zong of Liverpool. June 1, by Rev. J. C. Muninia, Anion M. Smith and Mollie R. Specht, both of Adan)sbnrg. June 5, by Rev. S. E. Furst, D. J. Dreese of Beaver Springs to Sadie Walter of Penn's Creek. June 5, by Rev. S. E. Oclisen- ford. Rev. AV^m. H. Dalt of Belle- fonte to Ella H. J^urns of Selins- grove. ^ June 5, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Calvin Moyer of Winfieldto Mago-ie Aiaurer of Xew Berlin. June 8, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, John F. Thomas of Shamokin Dam to Matilda Bailey of Kratzerville. June 8, by same, H. F. Bressler of Krcamerto Sallie Bamierof Fre- mont. June 21, by Rev. J. D. Stover, Wm. 1). Harner oau] Dolsie Attig, both of Paxtonville. June 22, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., Peter D. Kerstetter of Sus- quehanna twp., Juniata Co., to Louisa Hornberger of Perry twp. June 29, by Rev. John Landis, Emery E. Snyder of West Perry twp. to Carrie S. Brown of Fayette twp., Juniata Co. •\nne. 29, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., John Herrohl and Alarv Shaffer, l)olh of iloiic]'. 100 Sjsyder Culntv AIauiua^eh. [1890. July 1, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Jacob A. Hains to Mary I. Freed, both of Beas^ertovvn. July 6, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Elmer l^rown of Columbia to Pre- cilla Bickel of McKees ^ Falls. July 8, by llev. W. M. Landis, Irwin J. Wagner of McClure to Hattie L. Snook of Lowell. July 8, by Rev. W. A. Haas, W. H. Smith of Lewisburg to Clara L Gundrum of Selinsgrove. July 13, bv J- C. Kreitzer, J. P., George Hile of lloffer to Carrie E. Lenig ofCiiapman. July 17, by Rev. AV. A. Haas, J^ewf()n A. Bowes of Mifflinburg to Jenetta Bell Gemberling of Selins- grove. July 20, by Rev. W. M. Landis, James r>. Spangler and Alvilda M. Wagner, l)oth of Adamshurg. July 20, by Rev. C. O. Lehr, J(^hn Yerdy of Selinsgrove lo Alice Amig of Middlehurg. July 22, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, M.Archie Miller and r»crtlui B. liurns, lx)th of Julv 22, by Ellas Ihunmcl, .1. P.. James Bingaman of Centrevillc and A lice J. kulins of Musst-r's Valley. ,Iulv 2<), l)y Absulom Barncr, .1. P.,"jacol> Sp.iclt/ and Marv bin Swinelbrd, both of Oriental. ,hdy 27, by Wm. >b)vcr, .1. P., Joseph H. Dichl and Susan Milter- ling, both of WnshingTon twp. .lulv 27, by 1). S. P,.,yi-r, .1. 1'., John S. Reich and A^ncs Leiii^, both of Freebuig. Aug. 7, l>y Rev. .bt.oW Viu/y, .b»hn(i. ClK-^tinitt of Lcwi.-tnw n to Aima 1.. Keinpicf <.rScHn>g-<>vc. Aug. 7, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, (,'harles M. Auraud of Eewistown to Eizzie M. Rearick of Adamsburg. Aug. 7, by J. C. Kreitzer, J. P., Joel Marks and Mary Herrold, boih of Perry twj). Aug. 9, by Elias Hummel, J. P., Johu G. Renninger to Mary E. Yerger, both of Middleburg. Aug. 10, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Kichard W. Witmer and Ijouisa Iji^ngacre, both of Ijnion tw]). Aug. 16, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Wm. S. Fenstermacherof Dalmatia to Mary E. ShaHer of Union twp. Aug. 23, bv Pev. C. M. Aurand, Dallas B. Middleswarth of Beaver- town to Mary A. Hackenburg of Troxelville. Aug. 24, hy Rev. J.F.Wampole, .lohn F. Saner of New Berlin to Dora Alta Row of Salem. Aug. 2S, by liev. W. M. Eandis, John \y . Krick and IsLary J. V/ag- ner, both of Adams twp. Sept. ^2, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., John Xeitz of Hoffer to Susan Lo- vina Napp of Peim's Creek. Sept. 8, l)V Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Paul RcadlyofMt. Carmclaiul Ada Moyer ui' J'axtonville. Sept. 9, by Rev. J.(;.:\I. S^engle, Clias. W. Swenglc and Anna Selioeli, l)otli of I'^ranklin twp. Sept. f 1, Uy Rev. .]. X. Wet/.ler, S. W. Shilling of W'tst Ik'aver twi). to Sarah .1. Swaii/ of Spi-iiio- twp. Se|)t. 13, l)y(ie'.,. F. lirosiiis..).!*., W. H. n. Shafer of Perry twp. to I I'^innnali Rlioads of Moni^c twp., I .Juniata ( 'o. I Sept. IS, \:y Rev., I. F. \\';inip(.lc, I Jos. S. Hninnicl of Middlecreek twj). ' to Mafuaret DeiiMer (tf'New Rerlin. 1890. J Snyder County Mauriageh. 101 Sept. 16, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Newtou C. Yarnall of Mt. Carmel to Mabel Forrester of Adajiisburg. Sept. 24, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, H. W. Hummel and Annie C. Eby, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 25, by Elias Hummel, J. P., Chas. Stuck and Carrie J. Ulrich, both of Globe Mills. Sept. 28, by Rev. W. M. Laudis, Charles A. Wagner and Sarah J. Laub, both of Adamsburg. Sept. 28, by Rev. C. O. Lehr, Geo. A. Shaffer and Rosa I. Boyer, both of Washington twp. Sept. 30, by J. K. Peck, J. P., B. C. Kerstetter of McKees ^ Falls to Mary E. Portzline of Meiserville. Oct. 2, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Dr. Geo. B. Weiser of McKees ^ Falls to Sara Catherine Sc^hocli of Selinsgrove. Oct. 5, by Rev. A. K. Zimmer- man, Sammie V. Ulsh to Mary C. Young, both of McClure. Oct. 12, by Rev. W. A. Haas, George Row of Smith Grove to Polly Stroub of Selinsgrove. Oct. 14, by Rev. J. G. M. Swengle, Jas. R. Hassinger and Alice A. Feese, both ot Beavertown. Oct. 1(>, by Rev. J. G. M. Swengle, Charles M. Ingram and Annie M. Kline, both of Troxelville. Oct. 16, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, J. A. Kohler and Bessie M. Hare, both of New Berlin. Oct. 16, by Rev. Jacob Weaver, Samuel B. Oberholtzer of Thomp- sontown to Lizzie A. Weaver of Mexico, Pa. Oct. 22, by Rev. S. S. Graybill, N. B. Vanormerof Danville to Lil- lie M. Sliotzberger of Kvendale. Oct. 28, by Rev. J. D. Stover, A. C. Smith and Nora Walter, both of Kreamer. Nov. 2, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Wm. H. Shinkle and Jcmiie C. Stine, both of C^entreville. Nov. 2, by Rev. Samuel Smith, Xym. E. Fisher and MarvJ. Walter, both of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Nov. 3, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Albert E. Soles of Harrisburg to Mary S. Bickhart of Middleburg. Nov. 4, by W. \V. Wittenmyer, Clerk O. C, Harry L. Newman of Shadel and Agnes A. Reich of Krea- mer. Nov. 9, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., Francis G. Martin of Perry twp. to Jane Frantz of West Perry twp. Nov. 9, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Wm. H. Sanders of Beavertown to Eve E. Hartman of Middleburg. N(.v. 11, by Rev. J. F. Wampoh-, A. M. Kratzer of Washington twp. to Martha J. Steininger of Franklin twp. ^ Nov. 13, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Emmet E. Middleswarth and Annie M. Miller, bothof McClnre. Nov. 16, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Samuel Ulrich of New Berlin and Martha Ripple of Dry Valley X Roads. Nov. 20, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Jacob W. Riegel of Middlecreek to Lizzie C. Smith of Troxelville. Nov. 23, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, James H.Roushand Annie C. Berg- er, both of Freeburg. Nov. 23, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, 102 S.NVDKU Cul.NTV ALviIklAGKS. ISUO- Will. A. Wagner and CV-iiora M. AN'iguer, hotli of We^t lieaver tvvp. ^'ov. 23, by Uev. W. A. Haas, AVni. 11. iianier aiul VMvn Flslitn-, both i)l' Penu twp. Nov. 27, l)yliL'V. J. F. Wanipole, John H. Dienier of Kreanier Clara Moiser, of" Globe Mills. Nov. 27, by same, A. If. Zie'oer of Globs Mills to Ainiie S. Marks of Centre twp. Nov. 28, by Uev. C. (). Fehr, Charles Bowersox antl Alvilda Bowersox both of Centre twp. Nov. oO, by Uev. J. F. AVanipole, Geo. A.SnydertoSallie A. vVagner both of Salem. Dec. 4, by Uev. J. N. Wetzler, Cornielius llaldeman of Winclu'ster Va. to Fanny Siiirk of Fvandale, Dee. 7, l>v U. C. Fiss ,]. P., Pei-cival II. lieiiier of Monroe twp. to Ella M. IiaMdensla_u:er of Penn's twp. l)e<^ 7, by J. (i. llornderger, .1. P.. Abraham Arndt ;nid Annie M. Snvdcr, botii oi We^t Perry twj). Dee. 7, bvs:ime, Albert S.SIirawder antl Agnes Mitterlinu;. Itotli of \V Cst Perry twp. Dec. 11, l)y D. S. P.oyer J. P., Wm. B. Naiigle and Kftuna Iviegcl, l>(»tli ui Free burg. \\".'. P), by Hev. (i. C. II. lb.-- karl, < 'harles F. Dree^e and d'-- .ie M. ( ai |)eiitei', botliot l>e:iverl(i\\ 11. Dm-, is, by liev. .1. D. S...ver, C'llvitfF. Herger to Fmina.I. \\ ;iltei- ))(»th of Ontrevilie. l>fc. 18, by Pev. .1. N. W'etzler, Win. ( -alvin !Sn(»ok and Mcllii- .A. Oldt, b(jth of Midlh'cre, U. Doe. — , .John A. Snvder of Mid- dlebnrg to M. M. Bowes of Mifilin- bnrg. Dec. 21, by Uev. J. F. Wa:njK)le, Milfon iShaifer and Salonia Stronb, both of Hotter. Dec. 21, by same, Anion Klase of Globe Mills to Sarah J. Weiden- meyer of Washington twp. Dee. 22, by W. W. Wittenmyer, Clerk O. v., George S. Martin and Fmma J. Stetten, both ot Pallas. Dec. 23, by Uev. W. A. Haas, Uoi)ei't R •■w and Anjemima Smith, both of Selinsgrove. Dec. 23, bv Uev. J. F. Wampole, (jeo. H. Benfer of K reamer to Hat- ti(! F. Boyer of Salem. Due. 24, l)y C. U. Uisi.el, J. P., Arthnr D. Uenner mid Mary M. (iemberiir.g, both of Selinsgrovt!. ]>ec. 2"), bv Uev. Jacob Yut/.v, ll(v. Wm. H". Ililibish of Siiamokin to Sarah F. Jjutzof S'linsgi-ove. Dec. 2,"), by Uev. W. A. Haas, flames U;ithf>'i of Penn twp. toSul- lie l\. Sclirey <»( L^iion twp. D,'c. 2.'), by Urv. J. D. Stover, A>!am Brnner anef. 2'.', by Rev. Abraham Deip- -<'hit/:, Harry il. Get/.man and Jane ( '. Get/., boti": of Selinsgrove. Dec. :>0, by Uev. J. X. Wetzler, i-vdw;ird A. Ilackenbnrg to Kate A. (Jetz, both of Beaver Springs. Dee. 30, by D. S. P„»yer,' J. P., Willie R. Shrawder to Agnes Bowersox, both ol Richiield. 1891.] Snyder County Marriages. 103 1891. Fel). 1, by Rev. J. 1). Stover, Ira Ij. Attig and Auna C Weidenineyer, both ot Paxtoiiville. Jan. 1, by llev. C. O. Lelr, P. W. Uplinger of West Perry twp. to Mary Jane Catherine Miller of Perry twp. Jan. 3, by A. G. Hornberger, J. P., Charles E. S])otts and Mary K. Minium, both of Perry twp. Ji'n. 4, by Kev. J. F. Wanipole, Riehard L. Shaffer of Pallas and Sarah B. Aucker of Union twp. Jan. 4, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Heniy W. Miller of V/ashington to Amelia Leffler of Chapman twp. Jan. 6, by Rev. J. N. Wetzlcr, J. E. Stimely of Middlel)urg to Elmira C. Spaid of Beavertowu. Jan. 0, by same, C. W. Bingaman of Beavertovvn and Ellen Gilbert of Millmont. Jan. 11, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., B. L. Hornberger of Penn's Creek to Sarah E. SpeeseofSwengle. Jan. 11, by Rev. J. F. Wanipole, Jolm A. Stroub of Shamokin to Alba A. Moyer of McKees. Jan. 15, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., F. W. Heim of Union twp. to Liz- zie Nace of Chapman twp. Jan. 15, by Rev. I. P. Neflf, M. H. Maurer and IVIaggie Bause, both of Jackson twp. Jan. IS, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, IrvinB. Row and Ida M. Foltz, both of Salem. Jan. 18, by Rev. C. O. Lehr, Simon J. Shaffer and Maggie M. Dreese, both of Washington twp. Jan. 22, by Rev. I. P. Neflf, Wm. A. Bogenriefof Swengle to Ida C. Klingler of Penns Creek. Jan. 22, by Rev. J. D. Stover, George Bickhart and Jennie V. Fry, both of Middlebnrg. Jan. 25, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, A. M. Garman of Perry twp. and Mary A. Kepler of West Perry twp. Jan. 25, by Rev. J. F. ^^'ampole, Michael A. Meiigle and Ida Agnes Fisher, both of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Jan. 25, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Henry W. Ettinger of Adams twi). to Sadie E. Carell of Ohio. Jan. 27, by Rev. I. P. Neff, Mil- lard J. Courtney and Mrs. Mary E. Kuhn of Altoona. ^ Jan. 20, by Rev. I. P. Nefi; John S. Bingaman of Selinsgrove to Alice I. Shaffer of Freeburir. Mar. 1, by Rev. J. G. M. Swen- gle, Amon Moyer and Susan Good, both of Beaver twp. ^ Feb. 3, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, J. G. Riegle of Troxelvilleto Alice M. Klose of Beaver twp. Feb. 8, by J. V. Kreitzer, J. P., Daniel S. Stoltzfus of New Holland, Lancaster Co., to Susan W. Stahl of Union twp. Feb.^8, by Rev. S. S. Graybill, Noah Zeiders of Monroe twp. to Amanda C. Helwig of West l*erry twp. ^ Feb.^ 8,^ by Rev. Samuel Smith, Geo. S. Troutman and Laiu-a S. Geist, both of Meiserville. Feb. 8, by same, W. H. Meiser of Portage, JNlichigan to Barbara E. Minium of Perry twp. Feb. 8, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Oliver B. Sanders of Beaver twj). to Annie Walter of Franklin twp. 104 Sjnyukr Col^. TV MAi:r.jAi;F>. [18U1 Feb. 15, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., David S. Herrold and Jkrhara kShotzberger, both of Union twp. Feb. 15, by Rev. J. F. \\ anipole, Thomas W. Herman ofKratzerville to Mary F. Arbogast of INI t. Pleas- ant Mills. Feb. 15, by Rev. Samuel Knhn, Simon J. Snyder of Union twp. to Rose C. Stuck ol Perrv twj). Feb. 17, by Rev. I. P. Neli', VVm. M. Wehr of Mitttinburg to Mollie M. Renninger of Middlebnrg-. Feb. 19, !)> J. K. Peck, J. P., James Willi and Alice Haas, both of Meiserville. Feb. 22, l>y Rev. J. F. ^\'am|)ol(^ Charles E. Hummel and Adilya Stroub, both of Midulecreek twp. Feb. 24, l)y Rev. J. G. M. Swen- gle, Lester E. Wetze! of Benvei- town and Sallie U. BinganKin of P»eaver twp. Mar. I, by R«v. J. F. Wanipolc, liewis R. Phillips and Martlia L. ]n<-h oi Washington twp. Mar. 1, V)y Rev. J. N. Wet/ler, (.;harles E. Ritter and Mary E. Maurer, both of Centre twi>. Mar. :'., by J. C. Kreitz. l^enig of ( 'hapnian and Knima J. Ncitz of Hoffer. Mar. 5, by Rev. S. E. ( ).hs.n- ford, Adani (Joi'don o+' Kreamcr to Mary \'. Erdlev of Sdinsgrovc Mar. 7, bv AV. W. Wittcnmyer, Clerk (). C.,' A. C. Ranch and F. .). Newiiian. Iwjth of Sclinsgrovc. Mar. 8, by Rev. W. A. Haas, S. J. Strauband Flla M. Stair, both of Union twp. ISIar. S, by ilvx. \V. M. Landis, Charles C. Gross and Annie C. Bilger both of Adamsbnrg. ISIar. 14, by Kev. J. F. Wampole Fx'wis Heiml)ach of Washington twj) to liizzie Stimeling of Selinsgrove. Mar. 22, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, J. A. Wagner of Centre tWp. to EUa M. Leitz(4 of Middleereek twp. Mar. 22, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, H. i\ Schnee and Libbie E. Herrold, both of Kantz. Mar. 22, by Rev. Jacob Vntzy, Charles Miller a ntl Maggie Moyer, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 24, l)y Rev. I. P. Xeff, G. F. Hassinger and EUa J. Boleiider, both of Middlebnrg. :Mar. 2'.), by M. P. Arnold, J. P., .John C. Woodling and Catherine M. \\ i.-ong, both of Monnie twp. Apr. 5, by Geo. F. Brosins, J. J*., John 4'. Shetterly of Aline and Ida A. Klingl(?r of Washington twp. Apr. *.>, by W. F. Howell, J. P., rlesse C. Wagner and Carrie M. Klin^ler, l)oth of McClnre. Apr. 12, by Bev. J. G. M. Swen- lile. David V. \\'a'YDER County Marriages. [1891- June 21, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Frank Wagner and Aldula Schravvd- er, both of Troxelville. June 23, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Amon W. iVIusser to Ida M. Beaver, both of Beavertown. June 23, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Francis C. Kratzer and Dora J. Musslemam, both of Penn twp. June 25, by Rev. B. F. Good- man, Wm. A. Heintzelnian of Union twp. to Anna 1j. Leach of Chapman twp. June 26, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Charles Drcese and Susan Bickhart, both of Washington twp. June 27, by Thomas Paige, J. P., James Leach of Chapman twp. and Saloma A. Heifelfinger of Liver- pool. June 27, by Rev. J. D. Stover, Wm. H. Ilofl'man of Franklin twp. to Emma Thomas of Adams twp. June 28, by Rev. A. K. Zimmer- mam, Samuel Baumgardner and Anna C. Treaster, l»)th of \\'«'st Beaver twp. July t», by Rev. L P. Xetf. Wm. A. Miller of Lintield, Pa., to Ada (\ Gill of Paxtonville. July 11, by Wm. F. Howell, J. P., SanuielH. Phillips to Lottie M. Haines, both of Bannerville. .hdy 11>, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Albert Seciii-ist of Union twp. to Ida Port /.line of ( -hapman twp. .lidv 19, by \\v\'. A. K. Zimmer- man, L. C. Wagner of McC In re to C^arrie C. llMckenburg of Ti-o\el- ville. July 2;;, by M. P. Arnold, .1. !>., Sanujel E. Smith and Mary W. I^)uar. \n>\h of l*or( Trcverton. July 26, by Rev. S. E. Ochseu- ford, Isaac H. Kratzer of Middle- burg to Agnes Baker of Limestone twp., Union Co, July 29, by Rev. C. O. Lehr, Daniel G. Fry and Sarah A. Krea- mer, both of Helfenstein, Pa. July 30, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, John W. Beachel of Franklin twp. to Emma Bowersox of Centre twp. Aug. 1, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, S. J. Hackenbr.rg and Hannah Gearhart, both of Union Co. Aug. 2, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Charles H. Mitchell of Kreamer to Emma J. Marks of Centre twp. Aug. 2, by Rev. I. P. Neff, J. E. Martin of New Berlin to Nora M. Hummel of Paxtonville. Aug. 8, by E. S. Radel, J. P., i^'ranklin Spotts of Dalmatia to Fl- len N. Reichenbach of Aline. Aug. 9, by Rev. I. P. Neff, A. H. Musser of Frankliji twp. to M. E. Dii'trick of West Beaver twj). Aug. 11, bv Hev. W. A. Haas, Henry J. Klingler and Enuna E. Kratzer, both of Jackson twj). Aug. 15, by Rev'. W. A. Haas, John M. Moyer and Anna E. Roush, both of Freebiu'g. Aug. 15, by Geo. F. J^)rosius, J. P., J. N. Hornherger to Savilla Horn- berger of Aline. Aug. l(i, by Rev. W. M. Landis, C. H. Kneppand Anna M. Hassing- er, both of B-innerville. Aug. 23, by Rev. B. F.(»oodman, David A. Portzline of Meiserville to Sarah E. Bohnerof Hoffer. Aug. :'.(), by Rev. W. M. Landis, John 1). Aiuniller (jfSpring twj). to SusuM Fctteroli" of Adams twp. 1891.] Snyder County Marriages. 107 Aug. 31, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., Robert M. Spaid of New Berlin to Kate Stiiie of Centre ville. Sept. 3, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Amou DeLong and Ellen Auniiller, both ot Spring twp. Sept. 10, by Rev. J. F. Watnpole, Charles E. Naugle of Kreamer to Minnie M. Thomas of Salem. Sept. 10, by Rev. B. F. Good- man, Frederick H. Attinger of Chapman twp. to Jennie E. Herrold of Union twp. Sept. 10, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Claude H. Klose and Blanche E. Bolig, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 11, by Rev. I. P. Xeff, Reuben Brown of A^erdilla to Am- anda Roush of Freeburg. Sept. :2, by Wm. Moyer, J. P., Simon J. Lenker of Freeburg to Katie J. Dornsife of Northiuiiber- land Co., Pa. Sept. 13, by A, C. Field, J. P., John C. Glase of Globe Mills and Irena 15. Newman of Vicksburg. Sept. 13, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., James F. Reichenbach and Anna Herrold, both of Chapman. Sept. 19, by Rev. 1. P. Neff, John H. Miller of Franklin twp. to Alice jNI. Hare of Middleburg. Sept. 20, by Rev. J. R. Dinnn, I). D., J. W. Kunkel and Tillie E. Kirk]>atrick, both of Shamokin Dam. Sept. 20, by Rev. W. M. Landis, J. Wilson Coleman of Beavertown to Jennie I. Benfer of Adams twp. Sept. 20, by Rev. B. F. Goodman, Perry Rothermel of Port Treverton to Katie C. Wise of Dundore. Sept. 20, by same, Oliver K. Neitz and Salhe E. Knights, both of Port Treverton. Sept. 27, by liev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Percival Leitzel of Jackson twp. to Ida S. Herman of Penn t^\'p. Oct. 4, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Geo. A. Aurand of Kreamer to Ida A. Snyder of Globe Mills. Oct. 4, by Rev. J. F. AVampole, Emanuel Wetzel of Northumber- land Co. to Kate E. Walter of Middleburg. Oct. 8, by Rev. J. I). Stover, Chas. Fry and Ennna J. Hummel, both of Jackson twp. Oct. 11, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Charles M. Herrold and Laura K Dent, both of Freeburg. Oct. 11, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Geo. T. Loss of MifJlinburg to Car- rie E. Eisenhower of Middleburg. Oct. 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Rolandus Haitman of Centre twp. to Mary M. JNfaurer of Spring twp. ^ Oct. 2o, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Fred. R. Zeclunan to Amanda San- ders, both of Beaver twp, Oct. 25, by Rev. J. G. M.Swengle, Jeremiah Walter and Mrs. Amamla L. Weller, both of Franklin twp. Oct. 25, by Rev. G. C. H. Hass- karl, Ph. D., Grant W. Yoder of Globe Mills and Hattie I. Ulsh of Middlecreek. Oct. 29, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Rev. R. G. Bannen of Turbotville Nora Elsie Cooper of Selinsgrove. Nov. 1, by Rev. C. O. Lehr, Reuben J. Young of Northumber- land to Ida Wirt of Freeburg. Nov. 1, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, F. N. Gaugler of Carlisle to Maine C. Renninger of Middlebiu-g. 108 SxYDER County MARRiAaES. [1891. Nov. 4, by EUas Hummel, J. P., Joseph Styers of Hartleton of Har- tletou to Bertie C. Apj) of Selius- grove. Nov. o, by Rev. I. P. Neflf, T. Edward Mohn and Clara V. Bovver- sox, both of Centreville. Nov. 8, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Ambrose B. Peter and E. jNIaggie Svvartz, both of Mid.Uecreek. Nov. 8, by C. R. Rishel, J. P., Geo. F. Snyder of Patricksburg to to Mary E. Womer of Selinsgrove. Nov. 10, by Rev. I. P. Nelf, G. W. Nerhood of Troxelville to Alice J. Hassinger of Centreville. Nov. 10, bv Rev. C. O. Leiir, Harry E. Speclit of Swineford and Emma R. Murphy of Paxtonville. Nov. 12, bvY.H. Wagner,J. P., Cliiford T. IJess of Winfield to Sal- lie A. Beaver of Kratzerville. Nov. 12, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Chas. A. Sc'hroyer and Susie Enter- line of Selinsgrove. Nov. 15, by Rev. S. E. Oclis'u- i'ord, Chas. H. Moyer and I^ena A. Fensterbush, both of Ereeburg. Nov. ir>, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, (yhsrlesj. Hummel and Susan Sny- der, both of Jackson tvvp. Nov. 15, by Rev. AV. A. Haas, J. li. Beaver and Ida S. Hcrtnan, both of I'enu twp. Nov. 15, by Rev. B. F. Good- man, Monroe H. Zimmerman of Dornsite ::iid Mary .1. Staid of Pal- las. N(,v. r.t, hy Rev. \V. M. Landis, Jac«U) S. (jross of Bannervilic to Ejuma I. Yetter of Decatur twp. Nov. 21, i)y .1. Kohler Peck, J. P., Joseph S(Mh-r a ud]\ fa ry Louisa Kreil'^cr, both of McKces i Falls. Nov. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas, S. Allen Klingler and Fietta Benfer, both of Jackson twp. Dec. 1, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., John W. Bickhart of Washington twp. tYi>Eii County MAituiAOES, [1893. July 1, by J. G. Hornberger, J. v., Harrison Miller and Emma Jane Hunt, both of Perry twp. July 1, by Rev. I. P. Net!, H. T>. Stahlnec'ker of Middleburg to Delia O'Neal of Port Treverton, July 6, by llev. P. J. Spraker, Jonathan Brouse and MaryE. Gott.s- hall, both oi Selinsgrove. July 13, by Rev. S. Sydney Koh- ler, Harvey B. Bilger of Middle- creek twp. and Emma J. Breon of Jackson twp. July 15, by Rev. I. P. Neif, Wai- ter L.Graybill and Nora E. Deit- rick, both of Franklin twp. July 17, by Rev.Chas. W. Raner, Simon Moore ol Shamokin to Lydia Troup of Richfield. July 20, byM. P. Arnold, J. P., John Seaman and Ellen N. Witmer, both of Dundore. July 23, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, John H. Romig of Lowell to Laura E. Peter of Crossgrove. July 25, by Rev. S. E. Oehsen- ford, Elmer W. Snyder and Bessie B. Bolig, both of Selinsgrove. Auk. 5, by J. K. Peck, J. P.. Levi Carling to Dolly A. Moyer, both of Chapman twp. Aug. 5, by A. A. Ulsh, J. P.. Jose])h Weader and Ellen Knepp, both of Middlecreek. Aug. 0, by M. W Arnold. J. P., E. A. Shaffer antl Katie A. liickel, both of I'nion twp. Aug. (•>, by R. C. Fiss, J. 1'., Joseph S. iiamer and Sallie Stroub, both of Monroe twp. Aug. 8, by Rev. I. \\ Xeti; A. H. Smith and (J race A. Xctl, both of Middleburg. Aug. 10, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J. Murray Benner and Mazie C. Row, both of Selinsgrove. Aug. l;^), by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Geo. C. Kline and Mary M. Miller, both of MeClure. Aug. 13, by Elias Hummel, J. P., Lewis A. Brouse and Sarah Herman, both of Franklin twp. Aug. 19, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Geo. Bill man ofTamaqua and Jennie Bickel of Middlecreek. Aug. 19, by Rev. Samuel Smith, M. F. Womer and Edith Gordon, both of Franklin twp. Aug. 20, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Eli Riegel and Kate Y. Neitz, both of Chapman twp. Aug. 20, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Norman S. Bickel of M(d\ecs | Falls to Minnie A. Rcichenbach of Hoffer. Aug. 22, by Rev. L P.Neif,Chas. A. Rathfon to LillieC. Smith, both of Swineford. Aug. 24, bv Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Dr. Chas. W.'BousIi and Lizzie M. Smith, both of McClure. Aug. 25, by Rev. 1. P. NVff, P. E. Hackenbui'g of Beaver twp. to Clemmie Mover of Adams twp. Aug. 27, by Rev. S. Sydney Kohler, AmouF. Grubb and Bar- bara E. Bowersox, both of Centre tWj). Aug. 27, by Rev. P. C. Wciden- myer, Charles Walter (»f Beaver Sj)rings to Jemima C. Kehley of McClure. Aug. 27, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., (J(M), Wise and Anna Knouse, both of Dundore. Aug. 27, by Rev. W. A. Haas, 1893.] SNYDEii County jNIarriages. 119 Jacob D. Benfer and Sarah Kling- ler of Salem. Aug. 29, byliev.I.P. Neft,Win. E. Stahlnecker and Annie .J. Mover, both of'Middleburg. Aug. 31, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, VV^ii. Kratzer and EvaLenker, both of Washington twp. Aug. 31, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., John S. Stahl of Port Treverton to Mary Heiges of Oakland jVEills. Aug. 31, by Rev. C. W. Pretty- man, Rev. Wm. P. Taylor of Perry- ville, Md., to Mary H. Buyers of Selinsgrove. Sept. 6, by Rev. Jaco]> Yutzy, John J. Miller and Mary C. Stauf- fer, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 10, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Daniel Sassaman (^f Monroe twp. to Sarah Musser of Globe Mills. Sept. 10, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Allen Dinins of Middleereek twp. to Anna M. Leitner of Jackson twp. Sept. 12, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Jaiues Row and Carrie E. Walter, both of Penn twp. Sept. 16, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- for, Oscar Herman and Anna M. Stahl, both of Penn twj). Sept. 18, by I. C. Burns, J. P., James W. Minfiick to Sarah A, Swartz, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 19, by J. K. Peck, J. P., J. Derwiu Heckerd and Emma Hoff- man, both of McKees ^ Falls. Sept. 19, by James F. Keller, J. P., Henry P. Rathfon of Franklin twp. to Anna Ij. Brown of Adams- burg. Sept. 19, by Rev. S. PI Ochsen- ford, John F. Walboru of Penn twp. to Emma J. Shaeffer ofShamokin Dam. Sept. 24, by R. C. Fiss, J. P., Andrew F. Bailey to Catherine Coons, both of Monroe twp. Sept. 24, by Rev. W. M. Laudis, Frank K. Bowersox and Mary E. Dreese, both of West Beaver twp. Oct. 2, by Rev. PI. G. Schnable, James J. Pawling of Middleereek twp. to Emma M. Roush of Wash ington twp. Oct. 3, by Rev. D. M. Gilbert, D. C. Weik of Milton to Esmerald Trnckenmiller of Lock Haven. Oct. 4, by Rev. I. P.Neff, Harry A. Bibighaus of Philadelphia and Sarah A. Bibighaus of Middlebiirg. ^ Oct. 10, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Newton B. Stetlcr and Katie H. Klingler, both of Saleu). Oct. 10, by Rev. W. M. Stroub, Albert Dreese and Anna M. Snook both of Beavertown. Oct. 10, by Rev. W. H. Schoch, Henry M. Manbeck of Spring twp. to MellissaBause of New Berlin. Oct. 12, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Tillman Stroup aud Barbara Stroup, both of Strouptown. Oct. 14, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, John I. Shaeffer of Chapman twp. to Mary E. Sholly ot Jackson twp. Oct. 15, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, Richard H. Rothermeland Sallie A. Leitzel, both of West Perry twp. Oct. 15, by D. S. J^oyer, J. P., Hiram C. Steffen and Maggie M. Bilger, both of Washington twp. ^ Oct. 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Enos Benfer aud Lydia F. Kliue both of Jackson twp. Oct. 26, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Horace J. Kline of Beaver- 120 Snyder County Marriages. [1893. town and Emma J. Frantz of Pax- ton ville. Oct. 28, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Oliver G. Rice of Port Trevcrton to Amelia E. Campbell of Dimdore. Oct. ni, by Rev. I. P. Neff, Franklin ]M. Parker of Milroy, Mif- flin connty to Susan B. Steflfen of Union twp. Nov. 4, by Rev. W. M. I>andis, Gnst Swart z of Franklin twp. to Ada N. Oldt of Spring twp. Nov. 5, by Rev. CO. Lehr, Wm. Arnold of Port Treverton to Sallie L. Wise of Dundore. Nov. 9, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, J. D. Deitrick of Swineford to Effie Collier of Paxtonville. Nov. 11, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., S. A. Scholl and Mary E. Steffen, botii of Pallas. Nov. 12, by Thomas Page, J. P., ,lohn A. Martin to Cora K. Brown, both of Chapman twj). Nov. 1 2, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henrv E. Meiserand MuidH. How, both of Sak-m. Nov. 12, by Rev. J. N. NVetzUr, John N. Riegle of Middlecreek to Malinda 8. Gearhart of Beaver Springs. Nov. 1 2, by Rev. S. S. Kolder, Alvin W. Hoofnagle and Lydia R. Klase, both of Middlecreek tw}). Nov. 14, by Rev.H.G. Schnable, M. H. Gasser of Cincinnati, O., to Blanche A. Bassler of Freeburg. Nov. 16, by Rev. I. P. Nelf, Henry M. Berge and Malinda E. Hackenluirg, both of Centre twp. Nov. 1y Rev. P. C. Weiden- myer, Oliver D. Howell and Sallie A. Gill, l)oth of Franklin twp. Feb. 17, by Rev. I. P. xNeflf, S. J. Mussulman of LTnion Co. to Lizzie S. Boyer of Penn twp. Feb. 20, by Elias Plum niel, J. P., Davin Coup of Duucannon to Carrie Weaver of Centre twp. Feb. 22, by Rev. Samuel Smith, W. H. Gordon and Lillie Smith, both of Kreamer. OFeb. 25, by Rev. J. N. Wetzler, John A. Shawver of Adams twp. to Minnie E. Varner of Fayette twp., Juniata Co. 122 S^'VDER County Makriage-s. [1894. Feb. 28, by Rev. J. K Wetzler, Anion Klose of Beciver twp. to Bai- lie K. Rearioh of Franklin twp. Feb. 28, by Rev. W. M. Lnnilis, Thompson G. Vonada of East Rul- falo twp., Union Co., to Alice Knouse of Centre t\V|). Feb. 28, by Rev. I. P. Neff,John L Hnmnu'l of Monroe twp. to Jen- nie Anniillerof Shaniokin Dam. Mar. 1, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Dr. Frank R. Weiser of McKees I Falls to Jennetta Sclioch of Selins- grove. Mar. 1, bv John H. Bach man, J. P., A. H. Gill and Minnie A. Hummel, botii of Franklin twp. Mar. 1, by Rev. S. K Wengert, Henry J. Kciser and Caroline Faust, lx>th of Middlebnrg. Mar. 4, by Rev. W. M. Landis, J. Calvin Herbster of Adanis twp. to Catherine K. lb>n)mcl of S|)iing twp. Mar. 4, bv Rev. W. M. Lan.lis, James L. Ocker of Adams tvvj). to Anna M. Auniiller of Spring twp. Mar. 8, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Rev. H. G. Schnable and Dilla F. Charles, both of Freeburg. Mar. 8, by Rev. W. H. Schoch, J. H. Lloyd' of Beaver Springs to Jennie K. Shea ry of Penn's Creek. Mar. 8, by J. E. Shinkel, J. 1*., Milton E. Walter and Jane Fessler, both of of Penn's Creek. Mar. 8, by Rev. 1. P. XetV, P. S. Winey of Richfield and Mary ( '. Sierer of Fremont. :^Iar. 11, by Rev. W. A. Haas, (Mias. E. Wagner and Irene M. Sinitli. lt"th ot Salem. Mar. 11, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Joseph H. Shafter and Kate E. Heint/ehnan, both of Pallas. Mar. lo, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C., ffohn Kepler and Adelia Mitterling, both of Perry twj). Mar. 15, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Chas. A. Forry of Freeburgto Alice Klase of Hummel's V\harf. Mar. 17, by J.H. Bachman, J. P., Milton Derr and Nora AValter, both of Centre twp. Mar. 18, by Rev. 1. P. Neff, Daniel Nace of Washington twj). to Ella Shemory of Frankiin. ! Mar. 18, by Rev. I. P. Neff, Jolm Walter and lA'dia Stimeling, both of Franklin t\vj». Mar. 21, by A. A. Rumig, J. P., James H. Peter and x\ruelia H. Herbster, both of West Beaver twj). Mar. 22, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., .John Ilatley of Cha])man tv.p. to \inanda Snyder of Union twp. Mar. 25, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Aaron W. Swanger and Dessie 1. Herbster, both of Jiannerviile. A|)r. 1, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, J. A. El)right of Meiserville to Sarah Alice Arbogast of Mt. Pleas- ant Mills. Apr. 3, by Rev. Elias Landis, Isaai^ L. Zinuuerman and Mary E. Markel, both of Richfield. A\n\ 5, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, C. D. Gable of Selinsgrove to Cora \". ^Sfover of Salen). Apr. 12, by Wm. F. Howell, J. P., Lewis KaJdey of McClnre and Amiie E. Stuck of JNliddlecu-eek. Apr. 15. by Rev. J. N, Wetzler, Wm. R. Mover of Adams Iwj). to Anna Rittei- of (Vntre twj). 1894.] Snyder Coukty Mareiages. 123 Apr. 15, by liev. H. W . Landis, Levi I. Luck of Adams twp. to Anna M. Oldt of Springs twp. Apr. 22, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, Adam Speclit of Middlecreek twp. to Ida Jane Freed of Chapman twp. Apr 26, by Rev. Elias Landis, Frank Shelleuberger of Monroe twp., Juniata Co., to Rhoda Sho- walter of Viest Perry twp. Apr. 28, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Harry S. Hummel and Clara M. Frantz, both of McKces i Falls. May 1, by Rev. S. E, Ochsenford, W. H. Shemorry of Middleburg to Emma V. Gundrumof Freeburg. INlay (), by Rev. O. G. Roniig, J. A. Reichenl)ach and A. D. Man- evai, both of West Perry twp. May 19, by J. K. Peck, J. P., John E. Rice of Meiserville and Jennie C. Gellnettof HofFei'. xMay 24, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry J. Sassaman of Monroe twp. to Kate P. Benfer of Kratzerville. May 24, by Rev. P. C. Weiden- myer, James J. Shawver of West Virginia to A^irgieD.Moyer of Ad- ams twp. May 24, by James F. Keller, J. P., Calvin DeLong and Cora S. Breimyer, both of Beaver Springs. May 27, by Rev. W. H. Fahs, Andrew Bear of Swales toEminlena M. Knepp of Middlecreek. May 27, by J. K. Peck, J. P., A. W.' Wildt of Georgetown to Ida E. Portzline of Meiserville. May 28, by J. Kohler Peck, J. P., Uriah M. Strawser of Mahan- tongo to Annie C. Bickel of Mc- Kees. May 29, l)y R. C. Fiss, J. P., Charles W. Scheid and Catherine L. Baley, both of Monroe twp. >j May 31, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, John A. Zerbe of Altooua and Maggie M. Ulrich of Selinsgrove. June 2, by John H. Bachman, J. P., F. E. Hoke and JSTora E. Hoster- man, both of Penn twp. June 3, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Isaac C. Hummel of Middlecreek to Fanny M. Peter of Crossgrove. June 5, by Rev. James Eckersly, Dr. L. H. Voelkler and Lottie F. Pine, both of Selinsgrove. June 10, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Newton Wetzel to Mrs. Emma N. Snyder, both of New Berlin. June 17, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, John W. Boyer of Penn twp. to Em- ma J. DunkJeberger of l^ reeburg. June 18, by Rev. L P. Neff, H. H. Hafsinger of Sun bury to Mertie I. Smith of Middleburg'. June 21, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Oscar Fisher of Selinsgrove to Sallie E. Phillips of Pallas. June 23, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Cristie Kline of Lewistown to Alice M. Weidenmver of Paxton- ville. July 1, by Rev. Samuel Smith, Geo. A. Walter of Franklin twp. to Ada C. Zinnnerman of Centre twp. July 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Geo. W. Schoch of Philadelphia to Dora Shaeflfer of Freeburg. July 18, by Rev. P. C: Weiden- myer, Wm. ^ I. Geisinger of Altoona to Lottie M. Wagner, of McCliu'e. July 22, by Rev. H.G. Schnable, Forest E. Holtzapple to Sarah S. Forry, both of Kantz. 12 i Snyder Cou>;ty Marriages. [1894. July 22, by Rev. W. H. Fahs, T. J. Speolit and Ella M. Custer, both of Middleburoj. July 29, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Charles Aucker and Carri(» E. Wolf, both of Duudore. Aug. 1, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Harvey Moyer of Penn twp. and Annie M. Hendricks of Kratzerv' lie. Aug. 5, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Isaac Adams to Jane F. Kratzer of Xratzerville. Aug. 5, by Kev. Oscar G. Romig, James W. Hendricks and Emma R. Herrold, both of Freeburg. Aug. 5, by Rev. P. C. Weiden- myer, J. Allen Wray of Decatur to Ellen M. Snook ot jVIiddlecreek. Aug. 1), bv Rev. S. S. Kohler, J. F. Stroub of Perry twp. and Mary A. Biltyer of Middlecrcek tvv}). Aug. 12, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, \V. H. Sinith'of Middleburgto Mrs. Nettie Swin«'ford of Swincford. Autr. 17. bv .John H. liachman, J. P.^ Jacol) A. (n-mberling of Franklin tAvp. ti> Catherine A. Keister of Adams twj). Aug. 18, by Rev. Oscar G. Romig, Foster (i. P«»rt/linc to Jennie A. P>eaver of Oriental. Aug. 21, by J. K. IVck, -I. P., P. II. Slu.lzberger (»f Freeburg to Cora Kerstetter of McKees | Falls. Aug. 2:5, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C., Daniel liane and Ilettie Hunwncl, both of Moiu-oe twi). Aug. 24, byliev. Hem-yC'. Miui- ro Wm. A. Frankenlield to Dorotha E. Walter, both ofSnnbury. Aug. 25, by M. P. Arnold,.!. 1'., C. E. Aucker of Verdil la to Kate \\. Witmer of Dundore. Sept. 2, by Rev. S. E. Davis, Dr. W. W. Longacre of Fremont to Katie M. Houser ot Verdil la. Sept. 2, by Rev. P. C. Weiden- myer, Tlieodore A. Ewing of Bea- ver Springs to Kate J. Mitchell of Middlecreek. Sept. (), by Rev. H. G. Schnable, Amnion Ulrich of Globe Mills and Anna Hartmau of Grisvvold, Iowa. Sept. G, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, James M. Fisher to Amanda E. Arbogast, both of Perry twp. Sept. 9, by Rev. W. G. Fahs, Wm. E. Herbster and Odtissa Haines, both of Reavertown. Se])t. 12, by Rev. W. M. I-iandis, Anth(»ny W . Krebs of Troxelville to Dcdla Ranch of lieaver Sj)rii;gs. Sej)t. 13, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Asa II. Kantz of Elkhart, Intl., to Eva M. Adams ot Penn twp. Sept. 18, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C'., Thomas Hornberger of Aline to Priscilla Heiges of Meiserville. Sept. 20, l)y Jamc^ Eckersly, .John Wilt to Cora May Stetler, both of Monroe twp. Sept. 20, by llev. S. E. Ochseu- ford, W. 1. Milliioff of Penn twp. to Minerva J. Reaver of Monroe twp. Sept. 20, by Rev. .]. P. Freed, Get>. Hackeiiburg and Evdia C. Kline, both of Adams twp. Sept. 20, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Abraham Reninger and Louisa L. Ister, both of Jackson twp, Sept. 2.5, by Rev. C. O. Eehr, Wm. 11. Reiehenbach to Maggie M. Moyer, l)oth of" Chapman, I'a. Sept. 80, by J. C, Schoch, Clerk (). C. Fi-anIYi)ER CouxTY Marriages. 125 Sept. 30, by Rev. W. M. Landis, A. W. Gill of Centre twp. to Flora Aumiller of Spring. Sept. 30, by same, Thomas H. Hubley of Harrisburg to Alice M. Yerdy (nee Amig) of Middleburg. Oct. 3, by S. 6. Zartnian. J. P., Wm. K. Lessman of West Perry to Catherine A. Cobel of Northnm- berland Co. Oct. 14, by Rev. H. G.Sehnable, John L. Freed and Sadie A. Krat- zer, both of Washington twp. Oct. 14, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., W. H. Beistle of I-'ort Treverton to Lottie A. Renbendolf of Herndon. Oct. 10, by Geo. F. Brosius, J. P., Reuben B. Reichenbach and Em- ma Dressier, both of Perry twp. Oct. 1(3, by Rev. II.G. Schnable, B. F. Harley of Adamsbvirg to Mel- lie Miller of Kantz. Oct. 17, by James F. Keller, J. P., Franklin Gilbert of Beaver Springs to Sadie B. Folk of Beaver- town. Oct. 20, by S. F. Sheary, J. P., Isaac Yerger and Anna Deabler, both of Mifflin Co. Oct. 21, by J.K. Peck, J. P., G. W. Hoffman andXora Kissinger, l)oth of Pallas. Oct. 25, by Wm. H. Coleman, J. P., Wm. A. Rhamstine and Ida M. Shell, both of Beavertown. Nov. 2, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, George A. Bowersox and S. S. Briiner, both of Centre twp. Nov. 3, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Elmer Kerstetter and Mary H. Shotzherger, both of Union twp. Nov. 6, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Wm. A. Jordan and Clara J. Shemory, l>()t]i of Beaver twp. Nov. 11, by Rev. H. G. Schuable, Geo. A. Trevitz and Maggie D. ' Musser, both of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 15, by Rev. R. G. Bannen, Arthur E. Cooper of Middleburg to Carrie L. Ulsh of Swiueford. Nov. 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Martin KHngler of Penn twp. to Clara J. Fetter of Jackson twp. Nov. 18, by Rev. Samuel Smith, Anion Walter and Ida Jordan, both of Centre twp, Nov. 22, by Rev. F. Bower, F. T. Ranch of VVilliamsport and Rose C. Avers of Middleburg. Nov. 22, by EliasHumniel, J. P., John W. Hummel of Middlecreek twp. to Enuria J. Snyder of Jackson twj). Nov. 25, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Wm. Hilbert of Meiserville to Katie Hammaker of McKees Half Falls. Nov. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haa?, M. R. Hoot of Duudore to Mary StahlofYerdilla. Dec. 9, by Rev. F. Bower, Geo. E. Wagner and Anna Kratzer, both of Globe Mills. Dec. 1 1, by Rev. S. L. Whitmore, S. S. Schoch of Middleburg and Maud V. Mensch of Mifflinburg. Dec. 11, by Rev. C. B. Schneder, D. K. Haas of Shamokin to Jennie Stahluecker of Middleburg. Dec. 15, by Geo. F. Brosius, J. P., H. A. Fisher and J\J aggie Gor- don, both of Perry twp, Dec. 16, by Rev, Samuel Smith, Chas. O. Bowersox ofFranklin twp. to Ella A. Shambach of Centre twp. Dec. 10, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., John S. Rine of Port Treverton to Sarah Lenig oi Chapman. 120 S>JYDEii County Marriagkm [1805. Dec. IS, hv Kev.OHcar G. Komig, I'eregin S. "Sliruwder ami Lizzie A\'onier, both of West Perry tw}). Dee. 19, by J. E. Sliinkel, J. P. John E. Lose and Lizzie Donnan, boih of Penn's Creek. Dec. 2:J, by liev. S. S. Kohler, Jonathan Grubb and S. Jane Kerr, both of Centre twp. Dee. 26, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Edward B. Wolle ol Lewisburg to Amne E. Stepp of Port Treverton. Dec. 80, by Kev. S. E. Davis, A. 8. Seehrist of Verdilla and Kate L. Shrey of Selinsgrove. Dec. 30, by Kev. ^. E. Ochsen- ford, James B. Bower of Penn twp. to Ivottie Fisher of Union twp. 1885. .ian. 1, by Rev. H. G. Sehnable, \V. H. Hoitzapple of Washington twp. to Sarah W. Stahl of Union tW]). Jan. 3,byVV. F.Howell, J. P., Ira AV. Mitchell and Maggie M. Weaver iA New Lancast(^r. Jan. 5, bv J. C. Sehocii, Clerk O. ('., Abraham J.. Kidnis of Centre twp. t(.Sn^an J. Kei^ter of Union twp. Jan. 10, by .1. (i. Honiberger, J. P., Annnon "S])riggle and Amanda M. Reich, both f)t West Perry twj). Jan. 15, by J. C\ Schoch, Cleik (). C, (ieo. \\. Whistler and Mary M. Wieand, both of Adams twp. Jan. 17, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Lewis A. Jerkins and Minnie D. Moyer, both of Crossgrove. .Ian. 20, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Heiu-y E. Bell ot Juniata County t(. Mary Jane Shawver of Adams twp. Jan. 20, bv T. T. Davis, J. P., Franklin Snook of Adamsburg and Mary Alien of .JiuiiataCo. Jan. 20, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Daniel M. lierbst and Caroline Heckman, both of Washington twp. Jan. 20, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., David A. lierrold of Chapman to Mattie PI Stepo of Port Treverton. Jan. 24, by Rev. H. G. Sehnable, .Jacob A. Hnnnnel and Rosa .J. Field, bolii of Kreamer. Jan. 24, by Rev. IT. G. Sehnable, Benj. Hummel of Middlecreeh to Lydia Vochley of Perry twj). Jan. 27, by Rev. O. S. Sehierer, Oliver H. B. Strawser of West Perry tvvp. Feb. 14, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Jesse Rohland and Jennie Sholly, botli of Jackson twp. Feb. 17, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Austin H. Shafer to Cora Suft'el, both of Chapman. Feb. 17, by Rev. II. G. Schna- ble, I. F. BilgeraudEUenW.Prutz- man, both of New Berlin. Feb. 16, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, E. E. Musser and Kate A. Walter, both of Franklin twp. Feb. 19, by Rev. H. G. Sehnable, M. L. Brosiusof Sunbury to Laura Fisher of Freeburg. Feb. 19, by Rev. Smith, Chas. O. Bowersox of Centre twp. to Sarah C. Renuinger of Franklin twp. Feb. 26, by Geo. ¥. Brosius, J. P., W. A. Swineford and Y. A. Ar- bogast, both of Peiuj twp, Feb. 28, by Rev. W. H. Hilbish, Reuben I. \\^agner of Crossgrove to Cora M. Goss of Baiuierville. Mar. o, by Rev. Samuel Smith, Zachariah Deabler of Franklin twp to Clarissa Rearick of Selinsgrove. Mar. 4, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, \Tni. W. Nagle of Freeburg to Ver- gie Walborn of Kantz. Mar. 7, by Rev. P. C. AVeiden- niyer, Hurley Romig of Selinsgrove to Tessie Baker of McClure. Mar. 8, by J. E. Shiukel, J. P., Geo. M. Jordon and Anna L. Long- er, both of Adams tvvp. Mar. 10, by Wm. F. Howell, J. P., Homer H. Peter to Cora E. M. Weader, both of Mitlcllecrcek. Mar. 14, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Harvey M. Wagner to Clara I. Weider, both of Crossgrove. Mar. 17, by Rev. O. G. Romig, T. J. Roush to Sallie Wert, lx>th of Freebursr. Mar. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Jefferson S. Pawling of West Milton to Mary A. Moyer of Freeburg. Mar. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J. Dallas Wetzel and Anna S. Her- man, both of Penn twp. Mar. 24, by Rev. S. E. Ochseu- f(jrd, Percival Leitzel of Jackson twp. to Mary S. Row of Selinsgrove. Mar. 26, by Rev. W.H. Hilbish, Charles M. Snook and Lillie M. Wagner, both of West Beaver twp. ^ Mar. 28, by Rev. A. G. Xye, Geo. A. Laub of Adamsburg to Min- nie E. Beaver of Swinefoi-d. ' Mar. 28, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Harry H. Dunkelberger of Middle- creek to Verdilla Miller of Union C^o. Mar. 30, by Rev. S: S. Kohler, L. C. Bachman and xiuna Renning- er, both of Middleburg. Apr. 2, by Rev. D. E. McLaiu, Amnion G. Bashoar of Adamsburg to Mollie M. Ulsh of Swinefard. Apr. 4, by J. H. Bachman, J. P., Oscar Walter and Margaret Hum- mel, both of Franklin twp. Apr. 4, by James Middleswarth, J. P., Benj. F. Markel and Sarah J. Lepley, both of Adams tvvp. Apr. 7, by Rev. W. H. Schoch, Anion Kuhns and Kate Klingler both of Middleburg. ' Apr. 9, by Rev. S. E. Ochseuford, John C. Zellner of Selinsgrove and Cora J. Row of Penn twp. 128 S>Vi»EK Cub^TV AlAKlllAiTLf,. [ibu; Apr. 10, l)y Uev. H. H. Suable, Frank Miller and Ida K. ilow, both of Saloni. Apr. 15, l)y J. II. Dinim, l)r. Wm. G. ^lorrir; and Irene V. Uit- ter, both ot Shaniokin Dam. xipr. 10, by Kev. H. G. Snable, Chas. O. Leuig to Anna I>. Naiiojle, both et Middleereek. Apr. 20, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C., Benjamin F. Hummel ot Middlebnrg to Ennna J. Reieh ot Middleereek tvvp; xipr. 20, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Geo. F. Fanber of Juniata Co. to Susan I. Uplinger of West Perry twp. Apr. 21, by Rev. Oscar G. Romig, David W. Kenner ot Kichfield to Annie M. BurehHeld of West Perry tsv]). Apr. 21, by Uev. ( ). S. Sheirer, Geo. S. Heiser and Mary S. Has- singer, both of Beaver twj). May 2, by Uev. C. O.Lehr, Wm. Dixon of Milnesville, I^uzerue Co., to Emma Xevvman ot Meiserville. May 2, by liev. P. C. Weiden- meyer, Henry K. Lepley and Clara M. Kahley, both of MeClure. May 2, by Kev. J. H. Diebel, Wm. X. Bnliek of Monroe twp. to Alice M. Hotlot Kant/. May 2, by Kev. D. E. MeJ^ain, Frank F. Walter ot Franklin twp. lu Kate H. Garman of Perry twp. May 7, by liev. D. E. MeLain, W 111. Snyder and Anna K. St:\hl- iit.-eker, both ol Middleburg. ]May 8, by Kev. W. M. Landi.s, Ira Eeply of Adams tw}). to Annie L. Felker ot Spring twp. May 10, by Kev. S. E. Davis, A. F. Shanil)aeh to Anna L. Snook, both of Port Treverton. May. 12, by Kev. Osciir Komig, George A. Brown ot Motfer to Daisy A. Hornbei'ger ot Aline. May 12, by Thomas Page, J. P., Henry J. Sweigert to Catharine V. Freed, both of ilotfer. May 10, by Ke-. O. S. Shierer, Frank A. Ewiiig to Anna W. Snook, ))oth of Spring tw}>. May 19, by Kev. A. G. Nye, James H. W'iand (;f Beaver twp. to Sallie E. Boyer of P(.'rrv twp. May 2t^, by Kev. H. M. Landis, Harry A. W agner and Sarah A. Knepp, both of ( 'rossgrove. May 27, by J. K. Peek, J. P., Wm. C. Martz ot Siuibury and Olive M. Wallace ot Mvdvees Halt rails. June 2, by Thomas Paige, J. P., Charles B. Anderson and Jennie F. Shelley, Ixiih of Salem. June 2, by Kev. O. S. S<-heirer, Servalus A. Aurand of Adams twp. to Amanda Berge, ot i'entre twp. June 2, by Kev. H. Ci. Schnablc, J. A. ElIeiilM-rger of Perry Co. and Anna M. I>owersux of Middleburg. June 4, by Kev. II. (J. Schnablc, N. 1. Bingaman of Adams tw]). to Ida Lu(^k of Salem. June 12, by Kev. (ico. .1. Shaettcr, Ammon v\ . (Jraybill of Kichfield to Anna Snyder ot West Perry twp. June 1>, by II. i\ Fiss, J. P., Emanuel Boyerand I lannahCrouse, both ot Monroe twp. June 1», by Kev. W. A. Haas, J. W. Bolig ot Middh-cirek to ^'nggie M. Walter (»f Middleburg. isdo.] Snydp]r County Marriages. 129 Mar. 17, by Kev. Sumnel Kiihn, Frederick Wochley to Nora Stroup, both of West Perry twp. Mar. 17. b> Rev. Allen G. Nye, Micl.ael A. Weirick and Minnie A. Binganian, both of Franklin twp. Mar. 17, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Jolin H. VV^ieand of West I^ver to Anna M. Hook of Spring twp. Mar. 17, by Rev. Allen G. Nye, ISIartin C. Weirick and Maggie S. Harner, both of Paxtonville. Jnne 8, by J. C. Schocli, Clerk O.C, Wni. Wochley and LydiaAr- bogast, both of Perry twp. June 12, by J. (■. Schocli, C'erk 0. C, John L. Eltonhead of Lin- field, Montgomery Co., and Anna J. Hnnunel of Franklin twp. June 16, bv J. K. Peck, J. P., John P. Shaffer of Pa Has and Clan; J>o\ver of Meiserville. June 18, by Rev. 8. S. Kohler, G. Clement Smith of G en Hazel to Virginia B. Sampsell ofCentreville. June 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Chas. A. Bower of Penn twp. and Alice D. Moyerof Selinsgrove. June 20, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Nathaniel H. Moyerand Mary Fah- nestock, both of Meiserville. June 25, by Rev. S. E. Davis, Jere (t. Snyder and Daisy 1^1 Bogar, both of Port Treverton. July 4, by J. C. Gaugler, J. P., 1. M. Young to A. M. Jiilger, both of Monroe twp. July 7, by Rev. W. H. Hilbisli, Ner B. Middleswartii and Maggie E. Peter, both of MeClure. July 7, In M. P. Arnold, J. P., Jacob P. Snyder and Maggie 1. Ilouser, botli of Port Treverton. July 9, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Geo. W. Strawser of Monroe twp., Juniata Co., to Mary M. Kerstetter of West Perry twp. July 14, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Wesley Zieglei- of Herndon to Rosie F. Hendricks of Dundore. July 21, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Edward Erdley of Franklin twp. to Annie M. Gilbert of Union twp. July 28, by J. C. Gaugler. J. P., Harry Bol)b and Nora Meekly, both of ShamokinDam. July 28, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Allen A. Knouse and Etiuiia A'. NV'etzel, both of Middlecreek twp. July 30, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J. O. Herman of Edv^ardsville, J^u- zerne Co., and M. M. Spangler of Monroe twp. July 31, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, Geo. C. Walker andElisie Ellen Car- penter, both of Beavertown. Aug. 4, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Harvey W. Haupt and Lilliuu F. Wenrick, both of Selinsgrove. Aug. 11, by Rev. S. E. Ochs( m- ford, Samuel E. Kunkle of Winlic Id and Ada Fetter of Kratzerville. Aug. 11, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John E. Fisher and Sarah P!]. Mani-- er, both of Penn twp. Aug. ir,, byRcv. E. E. Gilbert, Jacob Duttry of Wilberton, Colum- bia Co., and Annie H. Gaugler of Port Treverton. Aug. 18, by Rev. G. Heinrick, Isaac H. Smith of Beaver iwp. and Mary Kiester of Union Co. Aug. 20, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Rev. James B. Guineyof Altoona to Annie M. Forster of Selin-^p'rove. 130 Snyder County Marriages. [1895. Aug. 23, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Francis Jerome Kerstetterof Meiser- ville and Alda Dora Heini of Chap- man . Aug. 25, by llev. W. M. Landis, Allison Morgan oi' Lewistown and j Sarah J. Treastcr of West Beaver j t\V|). I Sept. 1, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, ' Peter S. Albert and Mary C. Krdley, 1 both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 3, by Rev. W. A. Haas, | John H. Brubaker of Port Trever- I ton and lAz/Ae Lawver of Pallas. Sept. 5, by Wm. F. Howell, J. P., Ulysses F. Herbster and Polly A. Snook, both of Lowell. Sept. 5, by Rev. D. E. McLain. Marion W. Smith and Hattie Wil- liams, both of JVloomsburg. Sept. 7, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Howard W. Foulk and E'sie Wet- zel, both of Middh'burg. Sept. i), by Rev. D. E. M( Lain, G. M. Ronsh and R. B. Edgin, both — of Altoona. Sept. 12, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, W. H. Romig of Harrisburg and Sarah F. Riegle of Beavertown. Sept. 15, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Ammon I). Trutt and Clara C. Boughner, Ijothot Selinsgrove. Sept. 15, by ,1. (J. Hornberger, .1. P., Peter T. Watts of Richliehl and Phoebo! L. Hornberger ot West Perry twp. Sept. 19, by Rev. \V. A. Haas, Mvron K. Landenslager and Xntii of Penn twp. Sept. 20, by Rev. .Jacob Lawver, John F. Brining'r of McCbire and Annie M. Yetter of Bannervillc, Sept. 21, by M. Z. Steininger, J. P., Charles W. Hook and lALiggie Mackner, both of Adam.^ twj). Sept. 22, bv Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Harry P. liolig of IVnn twp. and E. Catherine Arbogast ofSelins- grove. Sept. 24, by Rev. P. C. Weidenmy- er, John Miichell of Limestone twp., Union Co., to Emma Snook of Centre tW}). Aug. 25, by Rev. Allen (». Xye, Harvey Bowersox of Franklin twp. to Maliiida S. J)owersox ot Cenirc twp. Aug. 28, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Wm. J. McNutt of Philudeli.hiaand Bertha B. Mover of Freeburg. Oct. 1, by Wells O. Holmes, J. P., Harvey M. Woodling and Eva C. Mussleman, l)oth <»f Penn tw]). Oct. 8, l>y llvv. 1). E. McLain, Dr. J. C. Amig and Annette M. Marks, both (.f Middleburg. Oct. 10, by Rev. \V. A. Haas, Lester E. Wetzel of lieavertown to (Jertrude M.drarmaii ofSelinsirrove. Oct. 17, bv W. H. (V)leman, J. 1\, (lias. (I.' Wagner of Mifllin Co. to Fh)rencc K. Saylor of Beaver- town. Oct. 17, by Rev. O. S. Sehierer, .1. P. Hassinger(>f Beaver twp. and Sai'ah R. (iill of Fi'aiiklin twj). Oct 17, by Rev. D. K. McLain, Flnicr Bcnfcr of Dry \'aih'y X Roads to Mar\- A. Ivreisher ot Sha- mokin Dam. Oct. 20, l)y Rev. S. E. (X-lisen- ford, Henry .1. Herman and Orpha 1. Kratzer, both ot Kratzcrville. Oct. 22, by J. (I. Horni)crgcr, J. P., Edward F. Arndt of West Perry twp. to .Vda -M. Black of Milton. 1895.] SxYDER County Marriages. 131 Oct. 22, by Rev. S. E. Oclisen- foril, John Brouse and Emma A. Klinoler, both of Jackson twp. Oct. 26, byH. H. Spalm, Reuben Markley of'Beaver Springs and Min- nie Rothermel of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Xov. d, by Y. H. Wagner, J. P., Charles W. Walter of Union Co. to Nora Baley of Monroe twp. Nov. 13, by Rev. J. C. Leinbach, Wm. B. Leiby and Catherine B. At- tick, l)oth of Sunbury. Nov. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Percival N. Brouse and Emma E, Kunkle, both of Kratzerville. Nov. 17, by Rev. O. S. Schierer, Ira L. Nerhood and Anna M. Mu.>- er, botii of Adams twp. Nov. 17, by Rev. Oscar Romig, Henry J. Howell ar.d Delia Brosi- us, both of Perrj' twj). Nov. 21, by VV. F.Howell, J. P., Daniel H. Trcasterof Crossgrove to Ida M. Richwine of Wagner. Xov. 24, hv Rev. Oscar (t. Romig, Jacob F. Stetfeu of Washington twp. and Ida F. Wi'en of Penn twji. Nov. 26, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Isaac A. Moyer and Enima J. Maii- rey, both of Jackson twp. Nov. 28, by Rev. H.G.Schnablc, G. Nelson App of Monroe twp. and Nettie M. Yoder of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 30, by J. C. Schocli, Clerk O. C, Charles O. Rose of Oriental and Susan A. Snyder of Shadel. Dec. 1, by Rev. W. M. Eandis, Chas. A. Wagner of Crossgrove to Amanda J. Romig of Lowell. Dec. 8, by Rev. O. S. Schierer, Henry S. Spiegelmyer of McC^lure and Clai-a D. Trutt of Middlecreek tsVj). Dec. 10, by Rev. W. H. Schoch, Samuel O. Kuhns and Kate Brund- age, both of Penu's Creek. Dec. 12, by Rev. Oscar G. Romig, Abraham Lawver and Ida Jane Zechman, both of Washington twj). Dec. 15, by Rev. H. G. Suable, Dorius F. Sipe of Washington twj). and Kate Nace of Perry twp. Dec. 15, by Rev. H.' G. Suable, Fred. H. Holtzapple of Freebu:g and Clara Row of Salem. Dec. 10, by Rev. P. C. Weiden- myer, Ciiarles S. Klingler of Mc- Ciureaud Effie M. Stuck of Mifflin Co. Dec. 22, by Rev. D. E.McLaiii, H. O. Tobias of Middleburg and Atmie Kerr of Centre twp. Dec. 23, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Abner Kratzer of Washington twi). an J Kate H. Nace of Fremont. Dec. 23, by Rev. Oscar G. Romig, Benjamin S. Winey and Bessie WHiitely, both of West Perry twp. Dec. 24, by Rev. P. C. Weide s- myer, Lester F. Smith of Adann- burg and Cora A. Smith of Troxe!- ville. Dec. 24, by J. K. Peck, J. P., William D. Neuman of McKees J- Falls and Sal lie \Vendt of Meiser- ville. ^ Dec. 24, by Rev. O. S. Schierer, S. F. Erdley of Middleburg and Lizzie Ple.bster of West BeaNcr tW]). ^ Dec. 24, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Frederick Hall of Williamsport and Katie Ranch of Globe Mills. Dec. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas, F; Jj. Zieber of Sjiring twp. and lAz'/Ao Moyer of Washington twp. 132 Snvdku Cuun'J'Y Mauhiageh. [1890. Dec. 25, by Kov. S. B. Bouo^liter, Herbert James Stumiert of Nortli- umberlaiid to Lhi V. Stetlen of Chapman twj). Dee. 2(), by Rev. P. C. Weiden- myer, Calvin C. Dreese ot El kins, Va., toLillie S. Benfer of Beaver Springs. ^ Dec. 27, l)y Kev. eJaeob Yiitzy, Benjamin G. Shields of McAllister- ville and Nora Jane Mark of Se- linsgrove. Dec. 28, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Samuel H. Reichley ofKratzerville and Maggie M. Moyer of New Ber- lin. Dec. 31, by Rev. W. \V. Rhoads, Charles E. Dauberman of Jackson twp. to Kate Shaif(n- of Freebnrg. 1896. .Jan. 2, by J. H. Uachman, J. P., Oliver Walter of Franklin twp. tt) Mary Meiser (»f Rei-ry twj). Jan. S, by M. I'. Arnold, J. P., David ^r. Zimmernian of Reiden- bach's Store, J^ancaster Co., and Amelia Stauffer of Union twp. Jan. 9, by Rev. W. U. Hilbish, AV. H. llcrbster of McCbire and Aunetta S. Knepp of Midillccreek. Jan. 12, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, H. S. llornberger and Sallie A. Shemory, l>oth of West Perry twp. Jan. 12, by Rev. P. C. Vv%..i.len- mver, Willard W. IVingaiVian of jNIiddlecreek and Lillic I. Snnth of Beaver Springs, Jan. 10, by A. A. Ulsh, J. P., Wm. H. Maze and Kate A. Kohler, l)oth of New Berlin. Jan. 19, by Rev. W. M. Laiidis, AVilliani J. Koch ol' Crossgrove to Lizzie J, \\'t idt r of Anddiccrcck. Jan. 23, by Rev. J. P. Freed, Rev. Elmer E. Gilbert of Port Treverton to Alice Lenig of Perry twp, Jan. 23, by Rev. .1, H, Hertz, Francis M. Specht and Mrs. Sallie J.Ocker, both of Franklin twp. Jan. 24, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., J. W, Ely of Herndon and Fietta Neitz of Dnndore, Jan. 26, by Rev. D, E. McLain, W, E. ("nster of Franklin twp. and Maggie E, Spade of Middleburg. Jan, 26, by Rev, Oscar G. Romig, Jerome W, Hornberger of Perry tw}>. and Maria ^leiser of Meiser- ville. Jan, 28, by Rev, W, A, Haas, Jacob A. ICrdley of Pen n twp, and Maggie R. TCrdley of Franklin twp. .Jan. 2('>, by Rev. Thos. A. Gil- bert, Henry S. Moyer of Freebnrg to Sadie C. Hamilton (»f 1 Liverpool. Feb, 3, by Rev, D, E. .McLain, Daniel O. Mnsser of Mt. Carmel to Marv E. Bro>ius of Mt. IMcasant Mi IK Feb. 9, by Rev, W. M. Landis, Adam Thomas of McClure to An- nie R. Knepp of Crossgrove. Feb. t>, by Rev. J. J. Minimier, Anion Whitmer of Uni<'n twp. and Mcrtie M. Knouse of Juniata Co. l^Vb. 13, l)y James MiddleswarLh, J. P., Ira O. r>ingaman of Selins- grove to Nora Pick of Centre twp. Feb. 13, by Rev. O. S. Schierer, Irvin J. Freed and Susan E. Kern, both of BeavertowM. Feb. 25, by J. E. Shinkcl, J. P., James B, Kooi's and E. Gertrude Sampscl, both of ( "cntrevillc. 1896.] Snyder County Marriages. 1 Q'"> Feb. 15, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Jere Frnttehey of Uniou twp. and Julia M. NoetliugofNew York City. Feb. 16, by Thomas Paige, J. P., Heuiy W. Bower of Meiserville to Mary L. Clark of Gralz. Feb. 16, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Geo. A. Lumbard and A. Laura Keller, both ol Selinsgrove. Feb. 25, by Rev.H. G. Schnable, Joel V. Laudenslager and Dora I. Kessler, both of Salem. Feb. 27, by Rev. II. G. Schnable, Joseph Steffen and Salome Kissing- er, both of Pallas. Feb. 27, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, J. E. Newman and Anna Y. Arbogast, both of Perry t\yp. Mar. 1, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Calvin J. Strawser and Gertie I. Ureibellis, both of Oriental. Mar. 1, by Rtv. W. H. Hilbish, Mason S. Knepp and Dessie M. AVagner, both of W^est Beaver twp. Mar. 3, by Rev. ^V. M. Landis, John W. W'ieand of Lowell to Lil- lie JNI. Wagner of McClure. Mar. 3, by Rev.S.E. Ochsenford, Calvin Snyder of Shadel to Lena Jarrett of Selinsgrove. Mar. 6, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, A. A. Bingaman to Jane M. Boyer, both of Centre twj). Mar. 8, by Rev. John Landis. John A. Markel to Maggie M. Her- man, both of McKees | J^'alls. Mar. 8, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Clifford A. Knight of Far Rockaway, L. L, to Mary E. Gem- berling of Selinsgrove. Mar. 8, by Rev. Jacob IT. Diebel, Edwin M. Kline of Liverpool and Charlotta M. Grissinger of Selins- grove. Mar. 13, by W. O. Holmes, J. P., Elias Stroub and Esletta Laud- enslager, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 14, by Rev. C. E. Bougli- ter, James W. Arnold and Mary II. Stroh, both of Port Treverton, Mar. 15, by Rev. H. PL Spahn, Edward H. Zong and Hannah A'. Yerger, both of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Mar. 17, by J. Kohler Peck, J. P., Irwin S. Herrold to Mira Foltz, both of Meiserville. Mar. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Chas. W. Schrey of Union twp. to Agnes M. Reichenbach of Middle- creek twp. ^ Mar. 17, by Rev. J. C. Reichards, Geo. B. M. Arnold of Adamsburg to Gertrude M. Gross of Thompscn- town, Pa. Mar. 19, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, Wm. S. May of Lewistown to Sal lie M. Beaver of Beavertown. Mar. 20, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, W. A. Gilbert of Port Ann to Alice S. Hackeubiirg of Fi-ee- burg. Mar. 24, by Rev. C.E. Boughter, Harvey V. Troutman of Mt. Car- mel to Louisa Newman of Meiser- ville. ^ Mar. 24, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, Edward C. Gundruni of Selinsgrove to Sallie Glass of Union twp. Mar. 26, by Rev. Oscar G.Romig, Wesley G. Stroub of West Peri^y twp, to ]\Iartha PortzHne of Perry twp. Mar. 26, by Rev. O. G. Romig, Henry Portzline of Perry twp. and Xora E. Miller of Oriental. 134 Snyder County Marriages. [1896. INIar. 26, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John F. Fisher and Olive T. Smith, both of Penn twp. Mar. 31, by liev. J. H. Hertz, John C. Grubb of Union Co. to Ida M. Biiiganian of Snyder Co. Mar. 31, by Rev. S. S. Beaver, \Vm. R. Riegel and Katie Anna Hej)ner, botli of Jnniata Co. Apr. 1, by Thomas Paige, Esq., Jacob A. Neitz of HofJer to Nora M. VVhitmer of Dundore. Apr- 2, by John S. Meiser, J. P., Geo. A. Specht of Middlecreek twp. to Jennie J. Derr of Adams twp. Apr. 4, by M. P. Arnokl, J. P., J. E. Arnold and Sue Houtz, both of Port Treverton. Apr. 7, by J. H. Hertz, William Hunt of Penn's Creek to Martha J. Bingaman of Centre twp. Apr. 9, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., Charles W. Neilz and Carrie D. Lenig, both of Port Treverton. Apr. 10, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Dr. A. L'. S])angler and Ida L. Mil- ler, both of Sclinsgrove. Apr. 12, byD. S. Boyer, J. P., Jacob F. Erb of Freeburg to Li I lie V". Keiber of Kantz. Apr. 14, by Thomas Paige, J. P., Geo. I. Dengler ofHofter to Maggie y . Heckart of McKees i Falls. Apr. 18, l)y J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Harry E. Specht and Mrs. Rile Hartman, both of Middlcburg. A})r. 20, l.y Rev. Geo. D. Jiaker of Philadeljihia Emanuel Edgar Pawling, Esq., of Middlcburg and Alice Ivvon Mcnsch of Mifflinburg. Apr. 21, by Rev. Isaac Hcckmaii, JohnJ. Lc»s(' .)f Washington hvp. h) Clara !>. Wciser of T^nion Co. Apr. 25, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Henry Bitner of Juniata Co. to Eva S. Dressier of Snyder Co. Apr. 30, by Rev. O. G. Romig, John S. Yerger and Mrggie L. Dreese, both of Perry twj). May 5, by Rev. O. G. Romig, John F. Shaeffer ol Perry twp. and Maggih Stroub of West Perry twp. May 10, bv Rev. Suable, Jacob G. Row and Jemima Smith, both of Salem. jNIay 17, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Daniel Edward Kremer of Sclins- grove to Mary C. Stetler of Middle- burg. May 19, by J. Kohler Peck, J. P., Henry C. Lahr of Paxinos and Kate E. Wendt of Mciserville. May 21, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Wm. C. Moycr of Freeburg to Jen- nie M. jNIiller of Franklin twp. May 21, by Rev. H. G. Gabel, Anion F. Schnee of jNIt. Pleasant Mills to Minnie M. Stcffen of Wash- ington twp. May 21, by Rev. D. E. McLain, Wm. A. Erdley of Penn twp. to Je- nette Schnee of Washington twp. May 26, by R. C. Eiss, J. P., Anion J. Wagner of Salem to Emma Mull of WinHeld. IMay 27, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, Henry C. Cachman ot Shamokin Dam to Mabel Wetzel of Kratzer- ville. May 28, by Rev. C. II. Mutchcr, Francis S. Gcmbci'liny: ofSelinsp-rove to Kate I lol Icnbach of Fisher's Ferry. June 4, by Rev. J. R. Dimni, D. D., Israel Strout of Ui)]K'r Augusta to Mary Walters of Mifllinburg. June 6, by J. K. Peck, J. P., A. 1896.] Snyder County Mareiages. oo F. Weaver of Meiserville and Mary 0. Holleubach. June 6, by Rev. H. G. Suable, 1. F. Heudricks of Freeburg and Sallie A. Beaver or Oriental. June 7, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, Geo. W. Garniau of Fremont and Katie Mengel of Franklin. June 7, by Y. H. Wagner, J. P., John P. Musslenian ofPenn twp. to Annie C. Beaver of Monroe tw]). June 13, by J. C. Schoch, (Jlerk O. C, M. A. Bateman and E, L. Shinkle, bVitnier of Perry Co. Sept. 20, by Rev. H. G. Suable, J. A. Mengle of Perry twp. to Anna J^>enner of W^ashington twp. Sept. 21, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Daniel Kuhns of Centre twp. to Minnie Sausman of Fayette tNvp., Juniata Co. Sept. 21, by same, Andrew Keef- er of W^oodsidy Simon Hnnnncl, J. P., Bi'njamin A. Gemberling and JVIary E. Ileed, both of Shamokin Dam, Oct. 11, by Rev. O. S. Shierer, Fremau Mitchell of Adams twp. to Anna J. Kratzer, both of Sp^'ing twj). Oct, l;'), by Geo. F. ]irosius,Esq,, Absalom Hoffman of Perry twp. to Laura A. Reichenbach of West Perry twp. 1S96.] Snyder County Marriages, 137 Oct. 15, by Rev. L. Dice, W. J. H. Spiegelmyer of McClure and Maggie E. Haiues ofBeaver Sjjrings. Oct. 18, bj Rev. H. G. Suable, Win. A. Weller of Waf^hington twp. to Ida Denius of Jackson twp. Oct. 19, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Adam F. Rife and Sue Mover, both of Port Trevertou. Oct. 20, by Rev. D. E. McLain, 11. C. Hower, Jr., and Lizzie A. Drake, both of Bloonisburg. Oct. 22, by Rev. S. P. Or wig of Watsontown, George Washington Wagcnseller, Editor "P(«st," and Miriam Ellen Orwig, both ofMid- dleburg. Oct. 24, by Rev. Wm. Larney, Wm. H. Herrold and Annie L. Arnold, both of Port Treverton. Oct 28, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J. G. Martin of Aline to Katie A-Ucker of Union twp. Oct. 29, by Rev. John E. Barb, J. Newton Ferhrer and Mame C. Seers, both of Selinsgrove. Oct. 29, by Rev. W. H. Hilbish, Frank W. Dreese of Adamsburg to Gertrude S. Ulsh of McClure. Oct. 29, by J. K. Peck, J. P., James Willis of Meiserville and Lizzie Fogal of Knoustown. Nov. 1, by Rev. S. S. Kohler^ John Ripple and Nettie 1. Herman, botli of Kratzerville. Nov. 1, Rev. B. F. Kautz, Curtis W. Graybill of Swineford to Lottie M. Showers ot Middlebnrg. Nov. 8, by Rev. D. E. McLain, G. W. Sheary and Minnie G. Stine, bothot Centreville. Nov. 8, by V/. F. Howell, J. P., James P. Baker of Lowell and Car- rie W. Trv of Crosst>rove. Nov. 10, by Rev. H. G. Suable, Heury M. Freed and Alice Lawver, both ot Washington twp. Nov. 10, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, S. W. Kline of Jackson tw]). to Carrie Jarrett of Penn twp. Nov. 12, by Rev. W. A. Ha-s, James F. Moyer to Agnes M. Gem- berliug, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 12, bv Rev. D. E. McLain, G. W. Page and Anna Roinig, both of Penn tw[). Nov. 10, by J, C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Benton T. Reichenbach and Amelia M. Mil lei-, both ofCliapman twp. Nov. 17, bv J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, John R. ShaftVr of Washing- ton twp. to Maggie P. Heisc of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 19, by Rev. H. G. Suable, E. D. Moyer of Washington twp. to Savilla C. Hafley of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 22, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, Levi Swanger and Mary Shirk, both ofl>eavertown. . Nov. 22, by Rev. W. H. Hilbish, Chas. A. Heimbach and Savilla Shemory, both of Middlecreek. Nov. 24, by Rev. W. ^V. Rhoatls, A. A. Heintzelman and Violet Buck, both of Kreamer. Nov. 20, by Rev. F. Bower, H. J. Benfer and Virgie Good, both of Franklin twp. Nov. 20, bv Rev. D. E. McLain, Harry E. Bolender of Franklin twp. to Kate Meiser of Globe Mills, Nov. 20, by M. Z. Steininger, J. P., Harry F. Stuck of St. Johnsville, N. Y., to Minnie Reichley of Cen- treville. 138 Snyder County Marriages. [1897- 11 Dec. 2, by Kev. \V. H. Hoke, W. 1 ^.. Schrawder of l*ort Treverton to Lottie Von Neidi\ of Glen Iron, Pa. Dec. 3, by John H. Bachnian, J. P., James E. Decker of P>eaver twp. to Jane A. Hackenburg of Centre twp. Dec. 6, by llcv. W. M. Landis, Chas. P. Erb andMollie M. Fetter- olf, both of Adams twp. Dec. 6, bv Rev. H. G. Snable, Francis H. Shaffer of Washington twp. to Minnie M. Howell of Mid- dleburg. Dec. 8, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Harvey Foltz of Juniata Co. to Emma Horuberger of Perry twji. Dec. 13, by Rev. W. H. Hilbish, A. H. Swanger ofCro«sgrove and Gertrude C. Shrader of Troxelville. Dec. 15, by D. S. Boyer, J. P., Phillip M. lioush of Globe Mills to Mary J. Nace of Perry twp. Dec. 17, by Rev. H. G. Snable, Wm. A. ArbogKSt of Perry twp. to Emma Bickhart ofWasiiington twp. Dec. 17, by Thomas Page, J. P., D. J. Swartzand Delia C Martin, })<)th ot Pal his. Dec. 17, by J. K. Peck. J. P., John C. Mover of Meiserville to Susan E. Chubb of Inglenw)k, Pa. Dec. 22, by Rev. A. E. Gobble, Rev. Wm. H. Brown of Union Co. t(. Minnie E. Wetzel of Jackson twp. Dec. 23, l)y Rev. Wm. Lamey, C. F. Shalfcr ofFreeburg to Cova A. Witmer of Port Treverton. Dec. 24. l)y M. P. Arnold, J. P., Jacob Hcrrold ol Independence to ^^linnic Wise of Port Treverton. Dec. 24, by Rev. S. E, ( )chsen- ford, John O. Bilger of Shamokiu Dam to Eva J. Gundrum of Selins- grove. Dec. 24, by Rev. L. Dice, Robert F. Kern of Beavertown and Carrie CV Ewing of Adamsburg. 'Dec. 24, by Rev. H. G. Snable, Howard A. Walter and Sal lie A. Hunjmel, of Middlecreek. Dec. 24, by same, J. J . Kiester and Anna Kreitzer, both of Wash- ington twp. Dec. 24, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, Henry I.Gemberling toMary E. Baley of Centre twp. Dec. 24, by Rev. 11. G. Snable, Joseph M. Walborn of Kantz and Nora L. Auckerof Verdilla. Dec. 31, by Rev.S. Sydney Kohl- er, J. H. Bowersox of Franklin twp. to C. E. Hummel of Middlecreek twp. Dec. 31, by Rev. H. II. Spahn, John N. Brosius of Fremont to Min- nie M. Basom of Richfield. Dec. 31, by Rev. B. F. Kantz, Wellington 1. Freed and Maggie J. Middleswarth, both of Beavertown. 1897. Jan. 3, by Kev. W. II. Ililbish, Wm. II. Heimbach and Ada S. Knej)p, both of Spring twp. Jan. 4, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, R. W. Gift and Irene Dobsou, both of Paxtonville. Jan. 10, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, J. L. Middleswartli and Martlia J. Musser, both of licavcr twp. Jan. 14, lainierville. 1897.J SXYDER COUXTY MaRRIAGES, 111 Apr. 25, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, Charles F. Herbster of West Bea- ver twp. to Susan J. Snook of Sprinj^ twp. Apr. 25, by S. H. Graybill, J. P., James M. Sellers and Mary M. Shirk, both of Evandale. Apr. 27, by Kev. W. A. Haas, W. L. Laudenslager and Martha J. Comfort, both oi Selinsgrove. May 1, by llev. II. II. Spahn, Adam G. Garman o^ Perry twp. to Anna N. Shaffer of West Perry twp. May 11, by Rev. D. E. MeLain, Ciuirles Hassinger and Mary E. Staid, both of Centre twp. May 11, by Rev. H. G. Snable, Frank Reigh of Liverpool and Chi'istiana Moyer of Hotfer. May 13, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, J. E. Rambo ot Dnndore to Anna M. Rehrer of Port Treverton. May 14, by J. C. Sehoch, Clerk O. C, Cyrus Dieffenderfer of Union Co. to Ella Smitli of Franklin twp. May 16, by Rev. W. C. Hoe!i, B. F. Arnold and VerdillaMulIner, both of Port Treverton. :\Iay 17, by Rev. H. G. Suable, J. Erwin Hummel of Middlecreek twp. to Carrie V. Renningtr of Franklin twp. May 27, by Rev. D. E. McLaui, Wm Edwin Charles of Port Tre- verton to Meliie C. Smith of Mid- dleburg. May 29, by Rev. D.D.Budding- er, Foster Riegle of Middleburg to Lillie A. Huuunel of Middlecreek. June 1, by Rev. H. H. Spabn, Geo. W. Snyder and Anna C. Law- ver, both of West Perry twp. Junes, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Charles Irwin Miller and Gertrude Oleva Klingler, both ot Selinsgrove. June 8, by Rev. D. E, McLain, C. \V. Ernest of Paxtonville to An- nie X. Eisenhower of Franklin twp. June 13, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, Oscar Long and Emma Deabler, both of Centre tv>'p. June 13, by Rev. W. C. Hoch, Charles S. Shuefler and Louisa X. Meitz, botli of Port Treverton. June 13, by Rev. D. E. McLain, W. H. S])angler and Annie M. Showers, both of jNIiddleburg. Juiie 17, by Rev. D. E. McLain, Gen. F. Bousum of Patterson and Maud V. Lumbard of Selinsgrove. June 17, by Rev. L. Dice, Isaac Lepley of Troxelville to Edda Man- beck of Middlecreek. June 19, by J. G. Horn burger, J. P., Jerome L. Grav 1)111 of \V^est Perry twp. to Edith Shaffer of Wash- ington twp. June 20, by Rev. S. S. Kohlcr, A. C. Ren'jinger of Jackson twp. to Jennie Walter of Middleburg. June 20, by Rev. John H. Barb, Martin Boyer of New Berlin ami Marv M. Anraud of Selinsgrove. June 22, by J. K. Peck, J. P., Frederick C. Moyer of Meiserville to Ella Benson of Dimmsville. June 25, by Rev. H. G. Suable, Anion E. Reed of Monroe tw]). to Miiggie M. Row of Penn twp. June 2G, by J. Kohler Peck, J. P., Geo. A. Kanawell of McKees i Falls to Dora A. Shaetfer ofHoffer. June 27, by Rev. W. A. Haas, CJiarles A. Hackenbiu'g of Salem to Carrie Reinhard of Globe Mills. July], by Rev. \V. A. Haas, 14-2 S^YDEii County MAuiiiAciK-s. [1897. Gnlcii F. ITulslnieof Sliainokin and Annie Teats oflluniiners Wharf. July 15, by Kev. Jacob Yutzy, Harrv E. Lavulenslagor andTola B. Keiser, both of Sclinsgrove. July 18, by Rev. W. C. Hoch, L. J. Ulrich and Alice M. Foltz, both of Yerdilla. Julv 22, by S. II. Graybill, J. P., John L. Oraybill to Minnie Zeiders, both of West Pe^ry iwp. July 24, by Rev. D. D. Budding er, Murry Binganiau and AldaBow- ersox, both of Centre twj). Julv 24, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O.C., S. Frank Elliot of Shamokiu Dam to Emma F. Spencer of Swine- ford. Aug. 1, by Rev. O. G. Roniig, Wm. C. Cawell and Lizzie §.Sw?rtz, both of Juniata County. Aug. 3, by Rev. H. G. Shable, J. 1- . Renninger of Fraiikiin twp. and Marv E. Bowersox of Middh'creek twp. Aug. 3, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, Irwin H. Walter ot Krearner and Mary Ann Xace ol Slianiokin Dam. Aug. 5, by J. Ci. IIorn})erger, J. P., Einauel G. Fi.sher of Richfield to Mary A. Miller of W estPerry twp. Aug. "), by Kev. Jacob Yutzy, Willis II. Young to p]mnia E. Trutt, both of Selinsgrove. Aug. 8, by Hev. ('has. D. Zweier, Wm. E. AValker and Gertrude M. liingaman, both of I'eavertown. Aug. 8, by IJev. W. A. Haas, Anion Svlveslcr \\';igcns(41er or Se- linsirr(»ve and .leneattc Smith of Penn twp. Aug. 11, by Rev. G. D. Druck- enmiller, Charles All)cit Gearhart of Freeburg to Martha Jane Miniiun of Freniont. Aug. 14, by Rev. W. H. Hiibish, Charles E. Dreese and Yerdie M. Freed, both of Beavertown. Aug. 21, l>y J. E. Shinkel, J. P., G. C. Maurer of New Berlin and Clara Walter ot Centreville. Aug. 28, by Rev. Pliilip Keiter, James D. Shaffer to Kate Newman, both of Po'i'v twp. Aug. 2<), by Rev. W.H. Hiibish, James V/. Lepley of Beaver Spi'ings to Clara D. Binganian of Middle- creek twp. Aug. 20, by Rev. H. G.Schnable, Howard Miller of Elizabethville to Elizabeth Klase of Middlecrek twp. Aug. 29, by Thomas Paige, J. P., Daviii II. Snyder of Port Treverton and Laura A. (iaugler of Pallas. Sept. 2, by Rev.S. E. Ochsenford, .lohn D. Row of Union County and Jennie M. Ritter ot Jackson twp., Snyder County. Sept. 7, by Rev. Wm. Lamey, Thomas H. J^rnbaker of Union twp. to Clara L. Port/line of Chapman twp. Se])t. ll,l)y Rev. W. C. Hoch, Ira C. Swartz of Kantz to Lizzie J. Bordner of Yerdilla. Sept. 1 1 , l)y Rev. C. D. Zweier, T. E. Reitz of Spring township and Sarah J, A rbogast of Perry twp. Sept. 1 H by Rev. J. H. Hertz, H. A. Howell and Hettie M. Attig, both of Paxtonville. Se])t. 1(), by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Samuel A. Appof Monroe twp. to l^^bitie .J. M'altcr of Kreamer. 1897.] Sinyder CuLisix Marriages. 113 Sept. 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, H. A. Klingler of Washington twp. to Katie Heini of Monroe twp. Sept. 20, by Rev. II. G. Schnable, Frederick Glass and Ellen Jane Musser, both of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 25, by Rev. E. M. Chilcote, G. H. Herman and Lizzie J, Hum- mel, both of Shamokin Dam. Sept. 28, by Rev. B. F. Kantz, Jacob A. Wagner of Beaver Springs to Gertrude F. Dreese of Adamsburg. Sept. 28, by Rev. A. D. Gramley, O. W. Reichley to Laura C. Napj), both of Geutreville. Sept. 28, by Rev. L, Dice, Ira A. Kline of Troxelville to Irene M. Benfer of Adamsburg. Sept. 30, by Geo. F. Brosius, J. P., Levi Hoffman of Perry twp. to Cora Seaman of Monroe township, Juniata Co. Sept. 30, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, John Franklin Zechnian of i^ranklin twp. to Susan J. Reich of Washington twp. Oct. 2, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk O. C, D. C. Gemberling to Amelia T. Fisher, both of I^iscan, Dauphin Co. Oct. 2, by Rev. H. II. Spahn, John A. Roush and Nettie Paige, both of Nanticoke, Pa. Oct. 6, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, C. O. Renninger of Freeburg to De- lilah Hosterman of Kantz. Oct. 7, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, pjdwin S. INlanbeck and Carrie E. Manl)eck, Loth of Adamsurg. Oct. 10, by Rev. W. C. Hoch, Stcj)hen S. Neitz of Port Treverton to Sarah \V. Arnold of Dundore. Oct. 10, by Rev. H. H. Spahn, Frederick Haupt and Eva Stroup, both of Susquehanna twp,, Juniata County. ' Oct. 10, by same, Andrew J. Dressier and Minnie Kerstetter, both of Susquehanna twp., Juniata Co. Oct. 14, by Rev. E. M. Chilcote, Reuben A. Aumiller of Selinsgrove to Irene Hane of INIonroe twp. Oct. 17, by Rev. D. E. McLain, J. E.Stahlnecker and Naomi Schoch, both of Mid.lleburg. Oct. 17, by Rev. W. H. Hoch, Geo. M. Houser of Verdilla to Em- ma Jane Shelley of Herndon, Pa. Oct. 19, by Rev. C. D. Zweier, Wm. J. Hcaffley and Minnie E. Saylor, both of Beavertown. Oct. 21, by Rev. B. F. Kaut/, Ambrose \V, Aurand of Adamsburg to Hettie M. Hartley of McClurc. Oct. 23, by Rev. A. D. Gramlcv, John O. Bo^versox to Mary E. Hart- man, both of Centreville. Oct. 25, by Rev. A. D. Gramlcv, Wni. F. Sechrist of Beaver Springs to Libbie Wofley of Centreville. Oct. 30, by Rev. Jesse Schambadi, R. S. Spangler of Penn's Creek and Anna V. Crossgrove of Union Co. Oct. 30, by Rev. W. C. Hoch, Foster Kratzer to Hettie D. Howell,' both of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Nov. 7, by Rev. H. H. Spahn^ Amon Ferster of West Perr/ tM'p. to Elvy V. Roush of Evandale. Nov. 9, S. S. Kohler, Clyde Wil- liam Stees and Abbie C. ' Maurer, both of Jackson twp. Nov. 9, by Rev. J. Schambach, Peter AVinegardncr and Carrie Walter, both of Centre twp. Nov. 11, by Thomas Paige, J. P., Geo. A. Reinhard of Union twn. to 144 Snydeu County Maruj.u;es. [1898. Mazie HeiTold of Cimpman twj). Nov. 13, by Thomas I'age, J. 1*., Elmer E. Neitz of'PortTreverton to Anua C. Sclineher of Meist>rville. Nov. 25, by J. C. Sclioch, Clerk O. C, C. V/. Bilger of Centre twp. to Mattie M. Gearliart of Washing- tun twp. Nov. 28, by Kev. H. H. Spahn, :Monroe Naoeand MaryBryer, l)<)th of" Washington twp. Nov. 29, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk (). C, Simon Sipe of Adams twp. to Susan ]V[nsser of Centre twp. Dec. 2, by Uev. O. G. Romig, Harvey Gellnett of Meiserville and IJebecca Holebaugh of Oriental. Dec. 2, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy. SannielJ. Gemberling of Selinsgrove and Maggie SutHe of Chapman. Dec. 4, by .1. Iv. Peck, J. P., Arthur E. Konsh of Juniata Go. to Ellen Eocht (.f Snyder Co. Dec. 5, by Kev. Chas, D. Zweier, A. L. Herbster and Abijie Stahl, both of Eraidow- ersox, both of Centre twp. \)vr. 12, by Kev. W. lI.Hilbish, IraD. ( loss of Tro-xelvilleto Maggie K. Shradcr of Sjiring twp. Dec. IS, by .1. E. Shinkel, .]. P., W. S. Shemory of New Berlin and and Liz/.ieGill of Middleswarth. Dec. 19, by Kev. A. D. Grandey, A. C. Eessle'r and Li! lie \Valt«'r, both of CentH' twp. Dec. 11), bv .1. P». Shellenberger, J. P., David* Deabler and Sarah' M. A. Ettinger. both of Adams tw]>. Dec. 23, l)y K«v. C. D. Zweier. .Jesse Gearha''t of Adams twp. and Ellen i\ Markle of Beaver twp. Dec. 23, by Kev. .Ino. H. Barb, Dolin W. Easold ot Smibnry and Lnlu App of Monroe twp. Dec. 23, by Kev. Jacob Yutzy, Joseph H. Ijong of Peun twp. and Katie Herman ot Selinsgrove. Dec. 23, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, J. O. Ritter of Kratzerville to Carrie Steininger of Middleburg. Dec. 25, by Rev. AV. C. Burns, Calvin Tittle of Spring twj). to Cora Smith of Union twp. Dec. 25, by Rev. S. S. Ivohler, Joel Bilger of Jackson twp. to Mol- lieF. Ulrieh of Union Co. Dec. 25, by Rev. D. E.McLain, H. A. Nace of Shamokin Dam and Catherine Kenninger of Eranklin twp, Dtc. 2S, by Rev. C. D. Zweier, Sanuiel Hartley of Granville twp., ^Nliffiin Co., to Katiira Swartz of Adams tw|>. Dec. 30, by Kev. W. M. Landis, Jlenry G. Kline ami Daisy Wagner, both oi' West Beaver twp. 1898. Jan, 1, bv Kev, D, E, McLain, T R. riosterman of Centre Co. and Olive Kenninger of Middleburg. Jan. 1, by Uev. II. H, Spahn, Geo. W. Long o+* Northumberland Co. to Amia B. Mover ofChapnuui. Jan. 2, by Rev. AV. A. JIaas, (leorge P. Hendricks of Selinsgrove and Hattie E. Landenslagei' oi Shamokin Dam. Jan. 4, by Rev. W, A. Haas, Frank S. Stahl and Emma J. Moy- cr, Ixvth of" AN'asI-ington twp. 1898.] Snydee County Marriages. 145 Jan. 2, by Rev. H. H. Spahn, Francis Kratzer and Anna Sipe, both of Washington twp. Jan. 4, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Elmer E. Row and Mary C. Kuster, both of Penn twp. Jan. 8, by Rev. Jacob Yiitzy, Isaac H. InKrute of Selinsgrove Junction to Carrie Walter of Selins- grove. Jan. 9, by Rev. L. Dice, W ni. J. Yost of Winfieldto Mazie M. Ar- bogast of Middlecreek. Jan. 13, by W. M. Land is, Fred- erick Holsapple to Mary E. Snook, lK)th of Adanisburg. Jan. 19, by Rev. Joseph Brubak- er, Jolin S. Stauffer and Anna R. Brubaker, both of Chapman twp. Jan. 23, by Rev. H. G.Schnable, Joseph L. Roush and Mazie E. Forry, both of Jfreeburg. Jan, 25, by Daniel S. Boyer, J. P., Milton F. Shaffer of Vicksbiirg to Mary Jane Smith of New Berlip. Jan. 25, by Rev. !>. Dice, Andrew Blair Rod key of McVeytown and Maude B. Feese of Beaver twp. Feb. 2, by E. S. Stahl, J. P., Harry Bitner of Dundore and Jane Fokz of Verdi 1 hi. Feb. 6, hv Rev.S.E. Ochsenford, Benjamin Fetter and Maggie E. Gross, both of Penn twp. Feb. 6, by Rev. C. D, Zweier, John D. Baumgardner and Cora B. Herbster, both of AVest Beaver twj). Feb. 6, by Rev. John W. Mes- singer at Milton, John W. Micliael and Phoebe D. Daubert, both of PortTreverton. Feb. 12, by Rev.S. Sydney Koh- ler, Samuel H. Weidenmver and Gertrude B.Howell, both of Paxton- ville. Feb. 17, by Rev. C. H. Brandt Bloomsburg, Jonathan M. Ranch of Beaver Springs to Carrie Williams of Bloomsburg. Feb. 19, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Harvev A. Herman of Kratzer- ville to Effie M. Fries ot Middle- creek twp. Feb. 22, by Rev. H. G.Schnable, Anion Gearhart of Frceburg to Nora S. Artley of Kreamer. Feb. 22, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, William Prunkttrd of Altoona and Racliael Knc|)p of Decatur twp., MifHin Co. Feb. 22, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, James W. Markley and Nettie B. Sellers, both ot Adamsburg. Feb. 24, by Thomas Paige, J. P., Charles K. Heintzelman and Kate Suft'el, both of Independence, Chap- man twp. Feb. 27, by Rev. H. G. Schnable, Calvin M. Saner and Dillie M. Ren- ter, both of Middlecre( k twp. Feb. 28, by Rev. H. H. Spahn, Harvey A. Long of Bfoutz Valley, Perry Co., to Senora Garman of Washington twp. Mar. 5, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, William F. Tittle of Spring twp. to Emma S. Loss of Centre twp. Mar. 6, by Rev. Jno. H. Barb, diaries Henry Heider of Selins- grove and Jessie Hununel of Krat- zer ville. Mar. 8, by J. C. Gaugler, J. P., Edward H, Young and Jane San- ders, both of Monroe twp. Mar. 10, by Rev. Jno. H. Barb, l-iC, 8myder County Marriagk« [1898. Samuel James Pawling to Harriet llicliter, both of Selinsgrovo. Mar. 15, by Y. H. Wagner, J. P., C. H. Mull of Freeburg to Mary Beunage of Dry Valley X Roads. Mar. 15, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, Joseph O. Hackenburg of Micklle- creek twp. to Mary J. Gemberling of Penn twp. Mar. 17, by Rev. Wm. Lamey, John E. Hendricks of Freeburg to Dollie Steffen of Chapman twp. Mar. 17, by H. G. Suable, Simon F.Renuinger of Freeburg to Susanna Xace of \\ ashington twp. Mar. 17, by Rev. G. D. Druck- enmiller, Louis E. Boop of Aarons- burg to Katie Glass of Freeburg. Mar. 17, by Rev. W.H. Hilbish, Amnion \V. Hettrick of Beavertown to Garrie A. Dreese of McClure. Mar. 20, by S. H. Graybill, J. P., John David Zeiders juid Sandi Ellen Hornlxrger, both of West l\ury twp. Mar. 21, by (Jeo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, George A. E. Baker andHettie May CJill, both of Pax- tonville. Mar. 22, by (jieo. M. Shintlel, Clerk O. C, Levi Grubb and Sarah A. Snook, botli <>i Centre twp. Mar. 23, by Rev. ,1. H. Htrt/., John Hutiunel of Chestnut Ridge to Mollie E. V\ etzel of Monroe twp. Mar. 2(), by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., J. T. Shawver ot Middleswarth and Annie R. Crossgrove ot Limestone twj)., Union (,'<». Mar. 27, by E. S. Stahl, J. P., Jacob H. BrubaUerof PortTrever- t(.n to Jennie E. Bitner of Dnndore. Mar. 27, by Rev. O. G. Ronn'g, Knouse of Perrv twp. to Lizzie Dressier of Richfield. Apr. 3, by Rev. W. E. Brillhart, Dr. Jos. E. Bogar of McKees Half Falls to Cora Agnes Wilt of Buch- anan, Mich, Apr. 5, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, J. L. Benfer of Monroe twp. to Lizzie Stahl of Verdilla. Apr. 5, by Rev. S. B. Boughter, Israel Shemorry ol Franklin twj). to Ellen Aikey of Limestone twp., Unierland (V»., to Rebecca Rearich of Adamsburg. Se}>t. 25, by J. (i. Hornberger, J. P., Jacob l>enn(!r of Moni-oe twp., .Juniata Co., to Alice S. Bolig ot West JVri-y twp., Snyder Go. Sept. 2H, l>v Rev. Jno. H. I>arb, Murray \>'. Snu'th and S. Ethel Lund)ard, l)oth of Selinsgrove. 1898.] Snyder County Marriages. 149 Sept. 22, by Geo. M. Shiudel, (;lerk O. C, Davicl G. Snyder ot West Perry twp. to Cora J. Knouse of Perry twp. Sept. 25, by Rev. W. H. Schoch, Augustus Badman of Coal twp., Northumberland Co., to Pvebecca Shirk of Adanisburg. Sept. 25, by M. P. Arnold, Esq., Geo. P. Shafer of Dundore to Anna Stahl of Middleburg. Sept. 25, by Rev. S. B. Boughter, ^muel J. Hackenburg and Sadie Moyer, both of Centre twp. Sept. 27, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, John Zieber and Em- ma Lambert, both of Globe Mills. Oct. 3, by Rev. I. P.Zimmerman, •James W. King and Naomi L. Hook, both of Adamsburg. Oct. 5, by Rev. E. M. Chilcote, Elmer Ruth and Lizzie Staley, both Selinsgrove. Oct. 9, by Rev. G. D. Drucken- miller, Richard S. Shaffer of North- umberland to Ellen S. Lenig of Pallas. Oct. 11, by Rev. D. E. McLain, Samuel F. Kauffmau of Witmer, Lancaster Co., to Lydia Siever of Fremont. Oct. 18, by Rev. M.S.Cressman, Sherman P. Warner of Middleburg to Margarttta M. Bricker of Lewis- town. Oct. 20, bv Kev. G. D. Drucken- miller, John C. W. Bassler of Free- burg to Catherine A. Mengle of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Oct. 23, by J. G. Hornberger, Esq:, Irwin S. Kerstetter of West Perry twp. to Mary Catherine Zeid- ers of Greenwood twp., Juniata Co. Oct. 27, by Rev. Jno. H. Barb, J. P. Kantz of Monroe twp. to Su- san Heim of Selinsgrove. Oct. 27, by Rev. H. G. Suable, D. O. Snyder and Jennie V. Kratzer, both of Middlecreek twp. Oct. 27, by D. S. Boyer, Esq., J. Arlington Swartz of Kantz to Bar- bara E. Aigler of Yerdilla. Nov. 7, by Geo.M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Isaac Crouse of Lewisburg, Union Co., to Ellen J. Miller of Jackson twp. Nov. 11, by Rev. E. M. Chilcote, Harry Luther Gemberling and An- na Maud Curns, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 12, by M. P. Arnold, Esq., Joseph W. Stahl of Verdilla and Phoebe Brubaker of Port Treverton. Nov. 17, by Re^\ H. H. Spahn, Shellenberger and Yerdilla Keck, both of Richfield. Nov. 17, by Rev. D. E. McLain, Geo. W. Hastinger and Mame H. Stetler, both of Middleburg. Nov. 19, by Rev. Chas. D. Zwei- er, Philip C. Varner of Swales, Juniata Co., to Ida M. Wagner of McClure. Nov. 20, by Rev. Robert Oiroyle, Elmer E. Roush of Chpaman and Cerinda Miller of Shenandoah. Nov. 27, by Rev. W. E. Brill- hart, D. F. Uplinger and Cora M. Howell, both of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Nov. 28, by Rev. W. A. Haas, W. L Freed to Lizzie J. Weiler, both of Washington twp. Dec. 6, by Rev. S. S. Kohler, Foster K. Bowersox and Kate E. Erdlev, both of Centre twp. Dec. G, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Jacob Knouse of Penn twj). [to Louisa Fox ot Sunbury. 150 Snyder County Marriages. 1898-99.] Dec. 15, by Rev. H. H. Spalin, Abel A. Shirk and Mary E. Mitter- ling, both of llichfield. Dec. 20, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Henry Kahley to Jen- nie M. Ewing, both of McClure. Dec. 22, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Amon Jordan to Sadie Boonie, both of Adams tvvp. Dec. 22, by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, C. D. Bogar of Port Treverton to Hat- tie M. Fisher of Selinsgrove. Dec. 23, by Rev. W. E. Brillhart, Wna. H. Schrawder and Minnie L. Houser, both of Port Treverton, Dec. 24, by Rev. W. E. Brillhart, Calvin \V. Troup of Washington twp. to Ellen C. Mengle of Perry twp. Dec. 24, by Rev. H. H. Spahn, G. Robert Forry of Kantz to Ella Shadel of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Dec. 25, by Rev. L. Dice, Charles Ewing of Beaver Springs to Ada A. Baker of Bannerville. Dec. 25, by Rev. H. G. Snable, Francis E. Boyer of Mt. Pleasant Mills to Sarah E. Heintzelman of Pallas. Dec. 25, by Rev. W.E. Brillhart, I. W. Longacre and Cora M. Brown, both of Verdilla. Dec. 28, by Rev. C. D. Zweier, Arthur D. Shirey and Lizzie J. Mid- dleswarth, both ot McClure. Dec. 29, by Rev. G. D.Drucken- niillcr, Jacob Simpson Reichenbach and Sallie SclioU, both of Dundore. Dec. 29, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Henry W. Aurand to Mary J. Crouse, both of Middh>- creek twp. Dec. 29, by same, W. 11. Etting- er and Ellen Klose, both of Troxel- ville. Dec. 31, by M. P. Arnold, Esq., Amon Reinard of Chapman to Car- rie S. Herrold of Holler. 1899. Jan. 1, by Rev. V/. H. Hilbidi, Forry W. Zieber ot West Beaver twp. to Nora Knepp of Spring twp. Jan. 1, by Rev. O. G. Romig, Edward Shellenberger of Rujhfield to Agnes Page of West Perry twp. Jan. 2, by Rev. Foster U. Gift, Grant W. Yoder of Globe Mills to Daisy E. Gift of Paxtonville. Jan. 4, by Rev. Wm. H. Bover, Paul Hummel of Franklin twp. to El lie Agnes Inch of Middleburg. Jan. 5, by M. P. Arnold, Esq., Daniel B. Herrold and Lillie A. Shaffer, both of Hoffer. Jan. 5, by Rev. H. G. Snable, Isaac T. Saner ofKreamerandMair- gie Rumbaugh of Richfield. Jan. 5, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Emanuel J. Trevitz of K rea- mer to Carrie A. Yerger ot Globe xMills. Jan. 7, by Rev. B. M. Buhb, Elias E. Zerby of Dalmatiu to Jen- nie L. Kerstetter of Dundore. Jan. 7, by Rev. F. Aurand, Jolni G. Schrader of Penn's Creek to Ida M. Bingaman of Dice, Union Co. Jan. 9th, by J. E. Shinkel, Esq., Harry O. Bowersox to Amanda S. Weaker, l)oth Penn's Creek. Jan. 12, by R3V. Jacob Lawver, Israel Moyer and Amanda Boush, both of Beavertown. Jan. 12, by Rev. Wm. Aucker, Samuel D. Kaullman of Frecbiu'sj: 1899.J Snyder County Marriages. 151 to Lizzie M. Weaver of Thompson- town. Jan. 17, by Kev. D. E. McLain, Wni. F. Bilger of Centre twp. and Cora V. Engle of Union twp. Jan. 19, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, Albert Bowersox of Franklin twp. Mollie J. Wagner of Pawling Sta- tion. Jan. 22, by Rev. H. G. Snable, Daniel G. Benner and Sallie I. Wag- ner, both of Washington twp. Jan. 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Wallace Teats of Hummel's Wharf to Ijillie Katura Kessler of Salem. Jan. 22, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen- ford, Clyde F. Bingman of Salem to Fietta Fetter of Kratzerville. Jan. 22, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Willet Boyer of Freebnrg to Sne Longacre of Verdilla. Jan. 24, by Rev. H. H. Spahn, P. J. Herbster and Gertrude E. VV^etzel, both of Beavertown. Feb. 2, by J. E. Shinktl, Esq., A. I. W. Markley to Matilda Breon, both of Centre vi lie. Feb. 7, by Rev. G. D. Drncken- miller, Jacob Lawver and Kate E. Lenig, both of Pallas. Feb. 9, by Rev. James B. Stein, Samuel H. Kirkpatrickof Shamokin Dam to Catherine I. Ritter of Mid- dlebnrg. Feb. 19, by Rev. S. Sydney Koh- ler, William Ira Seebold of Jackson twp. to Jane L. Bowersox of Frank- lin twp. Feb. 21, bv Rev. H. H. Spahn, Charles W. Frock of Middlecrpek to Maud M. Bubb of Lowell. Feb. 27, i)y Thomas Page, Esq., Levi Moyer and Laura E. Leach, both of Chapman. Feb. 27, by Rev. J. H. Hertz, Wm. A. Cornelius ot Lewisburg to Sarah E. Dershman of Paxtonville. Mar. 4, by M. P. Arnold, Esq.. Ira E. WitmerandDollie Hendricks, both of Duudore. Mar. 6, by Geo.M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Lewis E. Kinney of Selins- grove to Sallie A. Hassinger of Kratzerville. Mar. 6, by Rev. D. E. McLain, Elmer Crissman and Kate Heim- bach, both of Beavertown. Mar. 8, by Wells O. Holmes, J. P., Arlington Row andLulie Bolig, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 9, by Rev. H. G. Snable, Wm. A. Hummel and Ida M. Field, both of Kreamer. Mar. 11, by Rev. O. G. Romig, Levi G. Knouse and Cassa M. Wag- nen, both ot Little Mohauoy twp., Northumberland Co. Mar. 12, by Wm. A. Boyer, Mil- ton S. Heiser of Beavertown to Hat- tie C. Specht of Middleburg. Mar. 14, by Rev. C. D. Zweier, Allen H. Moyer of Middleburg to Jennie V. Matter of Swineford. Mar. 14, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Thomas Hornberger to Ellen Snyder, both of Aline. Mar. 14, by same, Josiah Kratz- er and Minnie Jarrett, both of Penu tW}). Mar. IG, by Rev. H. G. Snable, John G. Holsapple of Kantz and Florence E. Herman of Vicksburg. Mar. 16, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Jonathan Botteiger of Richfield and Catherine Miller of Oriental. 152 Snyder County MARRrAGES. 1899. Mar. 30, by lie v. S.Sydney Koli- ler, Clias. C. Yergcr of Jackson tvvp. to Lizzie S. Knouse of Centre tvvp. Apr. 2, by Y. H. Wagner, Esq., Geo. C. Aumiller of Shaniokin Dam to Harriet Auval of Penn twp. Apr. 4, by Kev. J. O. Yoder, Clyde D. Bolig of Winfield to Dora A. Yoder of Middleburg. Apr. 6, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Geo. F. Fertig to Maggie R. Kline, both of Kratzerville. Apr. 6, by Rev. H. H, Spahn, S. Barber Simontou of Middleburg to Victoria BufKngton of Svvineford. Apr. 8, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, John A. Hummel and Mary J. Gil- bert, both of Franklin iwj). April 13, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Charles Walter and Kate Bilger, both of Centre tvvp. April 13, at Sclinsgrove, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Gottloeb Krise of Lewisburg, and Caroline Roush of Elkhart, Ind. April 12, at thehomeof the bride, by Rev. W. M. Rearick, Albert T. Berkhcimerof Milton and Edith T. Parvin of Cowan, April IG, at Frcoburg, by Rev. O. G. Romig, Geo. A. Glass, of Philadelphia, and Miss Annie L. Roush of Freeburg. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left for Philadelphia. May joy and peace be their lot along the journey of life. SsT. S.dolL ®. CaspsF's Marriage fiecord. 1oS^'^'*^jlI 1839. -, Dr. Evster and Miss Jan. 24, David Pennv and JVIiss^^"*^' Bt)l)b. I ^^^- -^S 'lohn Xornian and Catli- Feb. 7, r. Asper and Lydia ''""^^ I^^^^^^' Leonhard Feb. 7, Mr. Brand and Miss Penny. iSIar. 3, Samuel Vanasdahl and Ijvdia Heiges. Apr. o, Rev. Pete'* S<"heurer a'jd Oct. 27, Aaron Schmidt and Eliza- beth Schnuck. Nov. — , Mr. Rover and Miss Shulmiaeker. Martha Johnson. 1842. Jan. 27, Isaac Ivleckncr and An- na Hayns. Ig40. y^^^- ^' '^'*''" L<^il>'8" J^i», Jacob Gerhard of C entre Mar. 1, Joseph Rcim and :\[arla j ^'"-J*' *''"*' ^^^'^'^-'^ Ha.Hnge,. of Bea- Sciioch, bo^h oi Union Go. ^''^^' ^^^'i^' May 3, John Walter and Miss Snuck. May lU, Henry Ginni and Leise Kisenhauer. Nov. 3, Henry Gochran and Re- becca Wittman, both ol Union Go. Dec. (3, Daniel Knnz of Ohio and Rahel Pennichiioii (;{ IJnion Go. 1841. May 4, Joiin jiaurer and Mar- garet Benfer. May 31, Attorney S. \\'eiricl< and MaritUHie Seeb()]d. Feb. 10, John Schrack and Gath- erine Dunkle. Feb. 13, Samuel Inuniier and Elizabeth Felke»-, both of Beaver twj). Fel). ]"., Jacob (ioss and Maria Stumj)ff, both of Beaver twj). Feb. 24, Isaac \\'ittt'sand Anna Bitzer, both ot Gcnn-e t\v|>. Mar. 1, (.k'orgc Fogel and Eliza- beth Oljcrmeyer, both of Beaver twp. Mar. 1, Geo. Thomas and Marv Magdalena Muck, both of Beav.'r twp. 154 ItKV. Casi-kk's Maimjiaoks. [ 1 84o-o. Apr. 3, Jolin Bilger and Barbara Sell wein forth of jSIiddk'burjr. May '2i% Daniel Stranse and Loiisana Hufnaii;le, both of Beaver twp. -Iiine o, Samuel Matter and Eliza- beth Fidler of Arniaii^^h twp., Mif- flin Co. July '), Benjamin (rephart and Elizabeth Ividy, both of New Berlin. Sept. lo, John Benfer and Mary IVfaurer, both of l^niou twp.. Un- ion Co. Oct. 11, David Sel-.ambaeh and Catherine Staid neeker, lioth ot Ou- tre t\\\). Xov. IP). George Kern and Maria M:igdalena F(>tterolf, both of Bea- ver twp. Dee. lo, Nieolaus Millhouse and Lydia Neiman, both oi New Berlin. Dee. 2'2, Solomon Dietfenderfer and Marv Nett ot Bntralo Vallev. 1843. Jan. 15, J)aniel Fnr>t(r and Lvu tiiiio twp. and l*.;iro:'.ra Smith of .Middieliuro. Sr anoth (^f Peim twp. Feb. 15, David Eeiby of Union twj). and Elizabeth Mayer of Kelly tWj>. Feb. 20, Cliarles Stuart Danley, Jr., to 10iizal>eth Biglow of West Beaver twp. Fel). 29, Miehael Mayer to Cath- erine Berge, both of Union twp. Mar. 21, Fredericik Bolender and Sarah Steese (»f Buflalo N'ailey. Apr. oO, Peter Neiman of ('entre twi). to Catherine Snyder of Uiaoii Sept. S, P. l>olig to Sns:ui Shitr'er of Xew i>«Mlin. Sej)t. 10, CeorovNoeeker to Cath- erine Orwigol Mitiiinbnrg. Nov, 7, Isaac Maurer and Maria Ponliu>, both, of West Beaver twp. Nov. 14, Elias Klingler of New Berlin to Sarah Mayer (J Union twp. Dee. S, Elias Seliwarz to Maria C'hristinia l>ingeman, l)otli -if P>ea- ver twp. Dee. 24, Josej)h Blender to Maria Anna Bover, botii of .Mi(ld!e!>nig. Dec. ol, Elias Keiuiinger to S:ir;dj Sehnu<'k, both of West Beaver twp. 1845, Jan. K), Jacob Mimrer u\u\ ('alh- eruK- Smith. lS4o-7.] liEV.'Ek's Marriages. 155 Feb. 11, John Derr and Susan Smith of Middleburg. Feb. 25, Jacob Hafley and Judith AVolf of Centre twp. Mar. 2, Frederick Walter and Harriet Shannon. Mar. 2, Johu Barber and Emily Wayne of Middleburg, Mar. 4, Thomas Bower and Cath- erine Kremer of Middleburg. Mar. 25, Henry Fry and Matilda Knepp ot VWst Beaver twp. July 8, John Bogar and Diana Kleckner of Nt w Berlin. Aug. 12, Samuel Stumptt and Maria ZxlagiUdena Krebs ot West Beaver tw}). Aug. 17, John Hoch and Sopl:ia Arnold of Centre twp. O.'t. 19, John Mertz and Nancy Bonier of iiuHalo Valley. Oct. 21, Joseph Stum pff and So- phia Ulsh of West Beaver twp, Nov. 9, Henry Snook and Maria Bishop of Centre twp. Dec, 7, John Smith of Centre twp. and Elizabeth Tn»\fl of Mus- ser's Valley. ]^ec. U), Frederick Kiegel and Marv Ami W ile. 1846 Jan. i), Jiicol) La'iI)v and Lovina \\\-i!..f Bntlulo Valley. Feb. 5, Samuel Uennett and Char- lotte Boon ot Ivewisbnrg. Feb. 12, Henry (ic'tz and Cath- erine itomig oi Buiialo Valle^', ^far. 15, John lieichner and Han- nah Bechtei of Middleljurg. Mar. 15, David Sweuirel and Maria Boaar ol Mid-neburti'. Mar. 23, George Kunkle and Maria Moyer of Dry Valley. June 9, John Charles Solomon and Elizabeth Knauft of Middle- burg. July 28, Wilhelm Benner and Sarah Swartz. Aug. 4, Henry Pontius and Re- becca Mitchell. Aug. 4, John Frantzand liachael Hefte of Centre twp. Aug. 9, George Shambach and Catl'.erihi' Moyer ot Centre twp. Aug. 20, Christian Daubcrman and Marv Xorman ot Bnlhilo \'al- ley. Oet. 18. Joseph Peter «»t West Beaver and Elizalxtth Steininger of Decatur twp., Mitilin C-j. Oct. 22, Abraham Fretlerick and Catherine Eshbagh of Ikitlalo Val- ley. (Jet, 25, Jaeob K(»)uig and L\dia Pontius. Nov. o, Daniel and ()!dtand Sara Benter. Nov. 20, Isaac Piatt and Susan Forger. 1847. Jan. 11, Henry Ei^enhaur of Centre twp. and Esther Eichlei" of Beaver twp. Feb. 12, Simoii Decker and Maria Reitz of Centre twp. Mar, 9, Daniel Fuhrman of Jiuf- falo to Sara Baiuit of Centre twp. Mar. 25, Daniel Smitu and Mar.' Saltzmaii of Adamsi)nru. ^lar. 28, Jacob Hendricks of Hartley twp, and Matihia Krebs of West Beaver twjj, Apr. 14, Joseph Sliraek and lie • berea Pi'lee ot West lU'aver twi). lot) Hex. Casper's Mahuiageh. [KS47~9. Apr. 25, Henry Schroyer and Maria Steininger of Decatur twp., Apr. 29, John Stumpff and Sara Oldt.i May 20, Joseph Dean and Mary | Mifflin CJo Snook. May 11, Solomon Baker to Har- Juue 17, Henry Norman and Mar- riet Eichinger, both of Beavertowu ic>n Kreislier. Aug. 2G, Henry Sa.ssaman and ]\Iary Berger of Union twp May 21, George Dreese andGret- chen Plough of Beaver twp. June 11, Daniel Walter and/ Sej)t. 21, Israc Knepj) and Anna Catherine Hackenbuig of Beaver Peter of West Beaver. Oct. 21, Wm. Benler of Centre- ville and Mary Jane Eichiuger of Beavertowu. Oct. 31, Michael Yount to Mary Ann Albert, both of Selinsgrove. Nov. 1), David Hoover of Mifflin Co. and Susan Price of West Bwi- ver. Nov. t), Jacob Bodp Jt. Eli/.a Di- l)(»ns (»t Mifflinburg. Nov. 11, Daniel Scluuikweiler to Susan Miller. Nov. l(j, Jacob MackL-til>urg of Ci'iitre twp. to llanna Ivricks ol Nov. 9, Auiig (lift and FLli/abeth twj). June 18, Samuel Wittenmyer of MidiUebu g and Catherine Glass of Freeburg. July 11, Samuel Harter oi Ohio to Carherine Mertz of Middleburg. Aug. 13, Israel Sli:iinorry and Caroline Long of Musser's Valley. Sept. ."), Amos Rotlurniel and An- na Maurer oi' Mlddleburg. Oct. 1, Samuel Hendricks and Emilie Cliarleth of New Jierlin. Oft, 28, Harrison Wetzel and Dock. lieaver twp. Walter. Dec. 12, Absalom Snyder of Mid- Nov. 14, Isaac (niss and Rebecca tlb'burg to Calhcrine Troxel ol Manbcck of West Beaver. Mu.sser's \'allev Dec. llj, Isaac Gill and Malinda Dt-e- U), Daniel HuninH'land Ue- Band of Middleburg becca Sniitii of I iiioii tup 1848. . Jan. [), Benjaniui Prictinid ( alli- erine Herl),>-ter of NNOt P>eavir. Jan. '.'A\ Pobert Smitli to Eli;-a \\ ittiiMiiver of Middleburg. Feb. P.), Frederick U« ieli of Mid- (Ueereek twp. :'.necca Getz of Buffalo Vallev. loS Re\\ Casper'« Marriages. [1852-3. Dec. 28, Nathanie] Fetter of Un- ion twp. and Susan Wittenmyer of Penu twp. 1852. Jan. 1, Joseph Deitrick of Ly- coming Co. and Sarah Ann Benner of East Buffalo twp. Jan. 11, George Aumtller and Teiuinie I>opp of Middlecrcek twp. Feb. 19, Charles Wolf of New Berlin and Catherine Miller of Lime- stone twp. Mar. 4, Henry C. Houtz and Harriet Boop ot New Berlin. Mar. 9, Elias Walter and Han nah Mover of Union twp. Mar. 11, Reuben Dreese and Ma- tilda Sabman of Adamshurg. June 29, Frederick Fetterolf and Susan Kerstetter of Musser's Valley. July 21, Wm. Bogar and Sebra Bihighaus. Aug. 3, Cliaries Cawley aJid Catheriiie Kleckner. Aug. 19, Joseph Brouse and Su- san Young of Builalo Valley. Aug. 29, Jacob Sheinoiry of Cen- tre twp. and Mary Stronb of Mid- dlecreek, Sept. 2, Jeremiah Jjuek and Sara Hummel. Oct. 19, David Mover ot B.iffalo twp. and Elizabeth Dubs of Union twp. Nov. 4, Joseph Kennel and T^ydia ZerluDan of Union twp. Nov. 4, Jacob Klingler of Penn twp. to Amelia Walterof Union twp. N(jv. 11, Bernard Weber of Lime- stone twp. and Elizabt'lh Ilummel of Uu'.on twp. Nov. 11, J(jhn B(Kip and Sara Ann Geis of New B<'riin. Nov. IG, William Ocker of Bea- ver twp. to Catherine Spangler of Limestone twp. Nov. 21, Peter Strieker and Mary Snyder of Buffalo Valley. Nov. 80, Adam Kunkle and Cath- erine Boger of Union twp. Dec. 23, Jesse W^alter and Rahel Long. 1853. Jan. 4, Lincoln jjong and Mary Catlierine Young. Mar. 1, WellerofenDieffenbach of East lUiHalo twp. and Curoliiie Jar- rett of l*enu twp. Mar. 1, Samuel Wolf of East Buf- falo twp. and Sabille Engel of Un- ion twp. Mar. 4, J( hn Hahne and Harriet Brouse «.»f Union tv.p. Mar. 15, Philip Stahl of Buffalo tw}). and Kebecca Ann Dubs of Un- ion twp. Mar. 22, L. .M. Hyman of Loy- alsock twp. and Ann Miiler of New Berlin. Apr. 7, Sam. Klein of Peim twp. to Mary Maurer of Union twp. May 3, Jai^ob Franklin Erdley of Pine Grove and Mary Ann Coleniens of Union twp. May 12, Isaac Spaid and Harriet jSeiman. Jtuic 2, Samuel Hackman and Levina Hayas. June 30, John G. Feese and Ly- dia Swartzlauder of New Berliu. June 30, Dr. Geo. M. McVey of Bannervllle aitd Margaret T. lluif- j naugle, tormerly ot Middlebiu-g, July 10, Louis Kratzer and Har- li-iet Stetler of Penns twp. 1853-5.] Rev. CASPEii's Makeiages. 159 Aug. 23, John Guyer aucl Mar- garet Auu Snyser of Union twp. Aug. 25, George Smith and Su- san Gross of Adanisburg. Sept. 6, Samuel Hollenbach of Buffalo Valley and Sara H. Clear of Union twp. Oct. 13, William Lloyd and Sara Ann Conley of Union twp. Dec. 1, William Hunnnel and Margaret Long of Union twp. Dec. 1, Noah Stetler of Union twp. and Elizabeth Jarrett ofPenn twp. Dec. 1, Henry Bowersox and Marv Noll of Buifalo Valley. 1854. Jan. 3, John Zimmerman of Union twp. and Mary Jane Truttof Penu twp. Feb. 9, Jacob Engelof Union twp. to Catherine Wolf of Buffalo Valley. Mar. 5, John Heek and Jane Walters of North u mberland. Mar. 9, Frederick Albert and Catherine Deobler of New Berlin. Mar. 12, Daniel B. Trutt of Un- ion tvvp. and Elizabeth Kratzer of Penn twp. Mar. 19, William Loos and Sarah Benfer. Mar. 21, Samnel Heiser and Mary M. Wagner of Penn tup. Apr. 9, George Klein of nearMif- fiinburg and Caroline Beufer of Un- i(;u twp. Apr. 27, William Bowersox and Sarah' Kearick of Franklin twp. Aug. 6, Jacob K. Snyder and Martha A. Daubermau, both of Mid- dUoreek twp. Sept. 28, Joseph Kratzer of Penn twp. and Catherine Leiby of Jack- son twp. ^ Oct. 19, Christopher Seebold and Catherine Miller of Jackson twp. Oct. 31, Frany Long of Franklin tvyp. to Mrs. Mary Sassaman of Limestone twp. Nov. 14, Samuel B. Mason and Mary Ann Shirk. Nov. 21, Isaac Leplev of Union twp. and Elizabeth Trodt of .Penn twp. Dec. 28, (George Dark and Lydia Beaver of Union twp. 1855, Jan. 2, Silas Engel atid Sarah Newbury of Dauvillel Feb. 1, John Long of Centre twp. and Charlotte Atter of Mifflin burg. Feb. 15, Jonathan Hummel and Elizabeth Schlier of Union twp. Mar. 22, Daniel Jarrett and Lov- ine Bosler of Penn twp. Mar. 22, Thomas (Jonnelly and Harriet Clemens of Union twp. Mar. 29, Daniel Showers of Ceu- treville and Elizabeth Mertz of New Berlin. Mar. 29, Joe Hollenbach of Penn twp. to Rebecca Klein of Jackson twp. Apr. 3, Conrad Maurerand Sarah Elizabeth Pontius of Jackson tvvp. May 1, (jeorge Beaver asid Aim:i Fislier. May 22, Samuel J. Gift of Lewis- burg an. and Susan ileinileyof Mif- flin Co. Dec. 14, John Kunkel and TSIary Ann Fas of Union twp. Dec. 25, Refer Youi.g and Nancy Winegardner of Unien twp. De(\ 30, Henry Boyer and Eliza- beth Valentin of Jackson twp. 1857. Jan. 8, Valentin Stetler of Union twp. and Catherine Ann Reichley of Monroe twp. Jan. 11, John Yeger and Hannah Boyer of New Berlin. Feb. 1, George Boop of New Ber- lin and Fiana Steely of Lewisburg. Feb. 19, Joseph Kline of Middle- creek twp. and Mary Ann Bawling of Renn's Creek, June 18, Elias Stetler of Union Co. and Susan Jariett of Moi.roe twp. Aug. 18, Harrison Brouse and Sarah Kreider of Renn twp. Sept. 10, Levi Koser of Buffalo twp. and Catlicriiie Musser of Sny- der Co. Sept. 17, John luiw and Jane E. Winegardner. Oet. 22, Robert Spade of Middle- burg and Saiah Smith of Limestojie twp. Oct. 29, David Boyer and Lovina Houtz of West Buffalo twp. Nov. 15, Jaque Trutt of Union twp. ard Rebecca Sassaman of Mon- roe twp. Jan. 28, Isaac Swarm and Susan Frock. Feb. 1, Samuel Moyer and Mar- garet Brown of Union twp. Feb. 11, Samuel Musscrand Cath- erine Mui^ser. Fel). 22, CharlesMaurcr and Mag- dalene Ulrich of Union twp. Feb. 25, Levi Mitchell and Mary Gill of Centre twp. 1857-9.] Rkv. Casper'h Marriages. 101 Nov. 20, Abraiiaiii ivroiise nvA Diiina Bnnise. Dec. 24, George II orniaii iinii Klizal.H'tli Kiino. 1853. _ .Icjn. 21 . Beiij:i:iii!i Klin^Hor and JSai'aii 1>. llennauot Peiiii twp. Jiin. 21, IVtcr Maurcr and Mary Ann Snyder of Jai^kson twp. Jan. 2S, Daiiiei lw)\v of ITaion twi). and Mary Jane Loos ot" fjiine- stoiie twp. Jaiu 28, Frankliji Rroiise of Perai Isv'p. and Sarah Ann Beaver ol" Un- ion twp. Feb. 4, Percival Beaver cf Mon- roe twj). and Antia lliiininel of Peun twp. Feb. 2o, Samuel Metziier and Susan Benfer of Buffalo \^ailey. May 27, George Benferand Polly Brouse ot Jaekson twp. June 3, Wni. Beaver of Moiiroe twp. arid Pydia Walter of Union twp. June 8, Leonhard Beier and Cath- erine Mark of Linie.'^tone twp. Aug. 22, Joseph Erdleyand Mar- garet T. Befer of Jaekson twp. Aug. 2C), Solomon Kline and Lv- dia ijreuse of Jackson twp. Sept. 16, Reuben D. Walter and Mary Ellen Stroub of Middlecieek twj). Nov. 4, Daniel Maurer of Beaver twj>. and Susan Mover of Union tWj). Nov. 28, Albert Haekenburgand Maria Bi'ousefroni nearNoithuiuber- land. l)ve. 7, Daniel Kroiise of Kelly twp. and Catherine Frederick of Buthdo Valley. .Jan. 11, Aaron irunuii-'l aiid Elizabeth Laudenslager. Jan. 1 1, Fred(a-iek 1 lununel arid E!ey Connelly of Monroe twp. Jan. lo, Beiijarnin Brouse and!) Mei tz of Buffalo \'al!ev. Feb. 13, Hrnvy Ki-ne and Eva ijeitzel of Jackson !->v[). Apr. 21, Peter Kruuse of Mid- dlecreek iwp. and Elizabeth ijeitzel of Jaeksou iwp. Apr. 26, Georg3 Young and Mar- garet Snook of Centre twp. Mav 10, Wni. Sliannon of Union twj). and Lucinda, z'eehinan of New Berlin. Jvnie {), Conrad Huniniel of Mid- diecreek twp. and Magdalcna Benier Jackseeaver twp. Oct. 16, David Ocker of West Beaver tvvp. and Sarah E. Mowrer. Oct. 23, Will. Sanipsell and Sarah Kline of Centreviile. Oct. 25, Benjamin L. Haudenbush of Sc^huylkill Co. and ICIizabeth Wetzel oi Mid llecreek twp. Nov. 17, Joel ]>rouse of Union twp. ond Hetty Zimmerman of New Berlin. 162 Rev. Casper's Marriages. [1859-01. Nov. 17, Matliius Stocker of Un- ion t\v|). and Miu'v Ann Pontins of .Ja(;kson twp, Nov. 24, John 1). Long of Union twp. and Mary C Eiscnliaur of Franklin twj). Dec. lo, Saninel Ijcituer and An- geline Haslet iA' Linu'stone tNvp. Dec. IS, Edward Forrcy and Sarah Ann Zodon of Liniestoitetwp. Dec. 2"), JohnSchradcrand Kliza- heth Trntt of Union twp. Dec. 25, (Jeo. W. Snyder aixl C'atlierine W'chr <»f Jackson twp. 1880 Fel). 9, Henry Moyer and Harriet Bol lender. Feb. 2;;, Johii Steti r and Ma!ia- lah Shannon of Union twp. Mar. 11, rhares Herman and Margareth Klingler of Tenn twj). Mar. 27, John U. Craig and Snsan Long o(" Monroe twp. Mar. 27, Daniel Millhonse and Agnes A. liiiger of JMilllinbnrg. ^ray 27, Frederick Hermar. and Klizaheth I'rouse of l*cnn twp. June 11, .lesse liilgei' of Cents-e- ville and Lucinda Stock of MuMie- creek twj). Aug. i>, Jonathan r>owersox and Harriet Mowrer of CVntre twp. Aug. 19, CiCorge Howerscsx atul C'hri.stine Ken- oi Centic twi). Aug. 23, l\'ter Klingler of" P( jni twp. and Ijatherine Kilter of Monroe IWp. Aug. 23, Wiiruini Marklcy i\u<\ Lucy Ann Sahynian ol Adan>si!ni-g. Sept. 2, IJenj. l'\ Solomon ai;d Snsan Px-aver ol ?doni"oe tw]>. Sept, 13, Martin T. Ranch of East ]5iiffalo twp. and Mary Ann Leader of West Buffalo twp. Oct. 11, iicnj. T. Penfer and Es- ther Boyer of Middlecreek twp. Nov. IS, Alex. Bishoft of Centre twp. and Mary Ann Trutt of Union twj). Dec, G, Andrew T. Super and Elizabeth C\)idey of Moin'oe twp. 1861 Jan. 1, .Tacob Stetler of Union twp. and Amanda Miller of Sclins- grove. .Tan. 1, JohnS. Miller and Chris- tint Moll of Mifflin biirg. Jan. 13, Benjamin Hottenstein of West lieaver twp. and Ann Krousc of iMiddlecreek tw[>. Jan. 24, Hiram Hendricks and May E. Kessler of Penn twp. Jan. 31,Benj. M. Shirk and Eliza- beth Ycung of Centre tw]>. Mar. 21, Joim Maize of Union twp. to Caroline Pittcr of .Jackson tWj). M-.w. 24, Daniel Haines of Buf- falo Valley and Margarelh Jjcihens- fergcr of Pucks Co. May 9, .lanu's Ij. Benfer of Union twp. ann Amelia I>ea\cr of Monroe twp. .]u)W' 2, Peuhen DeT^orig of Cen- ti'cvilh' and Caroline Ycisley of Limestone twp. Aug. 18, \Villi:un CJood of j\r(>n- roe twp. to Pidly Ann Eiatycr of Kratzcrville. I Oct. ;>, Henry Zailman and Mj.rv Stetlei" oi" 1 ^nion t w p. ! Dec. 12, .lohnOldt an. Sept. 11, Ellas B,dig' and Emileiie Erb of Middlecieek twp. Sept. 25, John N. Fontius and Sarah T. Dritshacli of MifHinbnrg;, 0('t. 9, Daniel Upck^i^rove of Ly- coming Co. and Sarah Ann ('ulp of ilvAhio Valley. Nov. 30, Joel LiCiifer and Mary Snyder of Jackson twp. Doc. 4, Franklin Hummel and Mary Siear of Union twp. Dec. IS, Louis Spangler and An- na Jx'itnei' of Limestone twp. Dec. 25, Mark Sylvester and ^Iai"t;'aret Lash'.'l. 1863. Jan. 1, (iecyru'c Kow and Diana Fetzer of Ciu!!is(|!uu[ue. Jiin. oO, Charles Thomas and J'^Hzalu'th Kamer of Jhdlaio N'alley. Mar. 3, San 1 uci iv and Marv ]^>rouse oi Jackson twr. Mar. 12, Henry Ben fer of Mid- diecreek twj>. and Kose Ann Biln-d- (if Jackson twp. Mar. 31, Samuel Strouhof Wash-^ ington twji. and Sophia Lavrver of (.'entre twj). Junelo, Xer Bishoft (o Maria Gerhardt ( f Centre twj), De;-. 21, Jijseph Herman andiiel- tv Ann l^citzel of Jackson twp. 1834. Jan. 14, Micliael Herman of Fen n twp. to Mary Jane Klino-h.]- of.Jack- S(;n twp. F.'l). 2, Wm. y. A. Bolendcr and Mary Sechold, both of Limestone twp. Mar. iO, I'eter Tiiamas and Am- and.a Kratzer of Beaver tw;). ""May 19, James M. Siinman of Franklin twj). to jMamettaBowersox- of Centre twp. May 20, Josiah Kline and Susan Mover of 13eaver tw p, July 3, Samuel Dorrman tol'^liza- beth Miller of Hartley twj). Sept. 11, Peter Herman of Fenn twp. and Catherine Ann J^.enfer of Jackson tw[). Sej^l. 11, Absalom Beaver and Kate Beaver of Monroe twp. Oct. G, Franklin Kratzer and Susanna Kratzer of Jacksosi twp. CX't, 13, Franklin Mocic toSasan Conlev of Monroe twj). Oct. 13, F. L. Manbeck to Lucy Long of Adamsburg. Nov. 8, Jacob D" INliller to Mary xVuii ]>rifer of Limestone tvip. Nov. 1."), .J)i»as Sassaman toMarv June ] )crteh of Monroe twp. N(»v. 17, George S}Kingler to .Jane Leitner of Ijimestone twp. Nov. 27, Solomon Hummel and >Jancv Leitzel of Middleereek twp. 1865, June 1, Henry Walker to Ivaura J:uie Hunt oVScw Berlin, 1G4 Rkv. Casper's MAKniA(n:s. [1KG()-S ,Iuiu' 25, Ri".i!)cn iirown to Mir.- erva Stalil of Monroe t \vj>, .Inly 10, (Miarks Slrouh to Ma- tilda Krouso. Alio-. 24, \Vi)i. vJoiinc'lIv of Mon- roe tvv;-. and < 'arolino I\Ioas(> of Kel- ly twp. Oct. 3, Joseph Uisli and (/atlicr- ine Gror-^s of Beaver twp. 1866. Feb. 22, George E. 8ee!>old and Catherine Cross^rove of Lime.-lone twp. Fel). 2"), Nathan Klinijler of Penn iwp. and Sartdi Kline of Jaekson 1 W]). J one 1 4, Michael Plongh to Pol- ly Leader of J'eaver twp. ' June 23, Wm. Trutt ami Eli/ii N. Beaver of Uiiion twp. July 29, James Christie to VvAvy Wagner ofLiniestone Iwj). Sept. 10, Elias ileinihach of Put talo V'aliey and .\inelia Witter of Jackson twj). Dec. 13, Samuel Wolfinger (?) and Agnes Wolf of P>iii1alo Valley. Dec. :'., Jacob Boyer of West Buf- falo twp. and Sarah Moll of MiiTlin- bnrg. 1867, Jan. 1, (ieorge K. Beaver of Mon- roe twp. and Sarah Ann Walter of Union twp. May P2, Allen Hassinger and Margaret Stroh of xMiddlecreek twp. June 9, Geo. P. Stn.ub to Mary Aun Woodling of Middlocreek twp. Aug. lo, Abraham Burns and Sauah Wagner of Limestone twj). Sept. 12, Reulicn D(4iOi!g and Susanna Fuhrmann, iiot'i of Linu>— stone twp. C-'t. 17, i^etijamin Ilnmiiiel and .Vmanda Conriclly, both of Monroe twp. Nov. IT, George Brouseof Jack- sou twp. and Harriet Hermann of Moijroo tw]). i )ec. 29, 15eiijamin Kralzer an. Oct. 22, Samuel Hus.senplng and Anna Frederick, both of Miniii;- hu-g. Nov. 29, Sam. H. Clair and Jane Sanders, both ol Monroe twp. , J. V\'. Werlin andEiiiily DeLong, b'^th of Ceutreville. Dec. 20, Peter Klingler and M. Jane Koon, both of Centreville. Mar. 29, David Mitchell and Es- ther Courtney of New Berlin. Apr. 5, David Cooneyand Julian Rudy of New Jk'rlin. Apr. 18, (jcorge Reitmyer and Harriet Schiffen of New Berlin. June 7, Wm. Brun'ier and Susan Rearick of New Perlin. June 19, Jacob Maui'crandChri.-- ina Jien^er of Ihiion Twp. July 19, Jacob Daiigerl and.Mary Aura lid (^f New Berlin. July 20, John Rishel and Mary Catherine Sj)ith'r of New Berlin. 18Gli-7o.J iiEV. L'A.spt:it'8 Majikiages, 165 1S89, Mar. 23, Benjnniin Hummel of Bufiiilo tup. and Maria Keish of Centre twp. Mar. 28. Reidjeii Delong of Cen- tre twp. and Maria Ettinger of Bea- ver twp, April 1, Charles Remmel and An- na Black, both of New Berlin. April 11, Wiiliam Ivrick of Buf- falo twp. and Mahala Ediuanof New Berlin. Sept. 19, John Erh of Beaver twp. and Ada Henna on of Centre twp, Nov. IS, James Ulrifk and Mar- tha Fiss, bvth of Northuuiberlaud. 1870. Jan. 4 Henry Neimann of Kan- sas and Maria Hummel of MiddJe- eieek twp, Jan. 4, Kol^ert Smith and Mary Ann Di«nl>ermann. Oct. 10, Isaac Walter of Franklin twp, and Maria Bowersox of Fi'ank- lin twp. Nov. (3, Abr. Ettiiiger and Lizzie Mol!. Nov. 2G. Amos Leitzel and Mar- 1 , m ./> it r, ^ garet Uirlcli. !- ^^'""^ ^^> ^^^'^^y ^^- ^""f^^ and 1871 ville and Catherine A. Eister of Franklin twp. 1872. May 12, Siras B. Hummel and AnnaTrutt. Aug. IS, Jacob Bowersox of Jack- son twp. and Meiinda Beaver of . Aug. 18, George \V, Brema and Lucinda Brouse. Aug. 25, Jatjob Knouse and Lea Cochran, Aug. 25, Henry Krick aud Ka- ehacl Ycamg, .1873. Jan. 1, \\'ill!am Yo.-^t and Isabel Ettinger. April 27, John Leader and Har- riet Wiltenmyer. June 15, Jacob Dreese and Su- sanna Bingaman. Sept. 4, Joseph Shannon and Mrs. Elizabeth Super. Nov. 16, Henry Benfer of New Berlin and Louise Yeisly of Frank- lin twp. Dec. 4, Abraliam Sassaman and Elmira Seebold. 1874. Mar. 31, Peter Krick and Chris- tine Edmau. June 11, William of Union twp. and Catherine Hummel of Munroetwp. July 8, J. Seiilert and M. Musser. Oct.5, Alviu aish of Bea- Barbara A, Derr. Aug. 30, Alex. Becker arid Kate Boli^ Oct. 4, W. W. Krotzer and Bar- bara Bonev. Dec. 24, Jer. Connelly and Wi)- helmina Williams. 1875. Feb. 23, Charles Maurer and fi- ver twp. and Amanda Rieyel of: lisabetli Engel ""T'lTr n .r. ' May 20, Phillip D. Mille,.andcrick Staid and Elizabeth Derk. Dec. 30, William G.Reiehley aud Mary E. Trutt. 1880. Jan. 11, Jerome Smith and Em- riiu l)clA*iig. Feb. 1, James Krebs and Laura A. Pierce. Mar. 29, Henry A. Sassaman and Ann Bower. June 6, James Sauer and Chris- tiana Oberlin. Nov. 28, Charles Bingaman and Anna Gerhard. Dec. 12, Albert Reigel and Em- ma Hummel. 188L Mar. 22, Fraidclin B. Heimbach and Rebecca Lessman. Nov, 13, Samuel Mitchell aud Abbie Bryder. 1882. May 28, flenry Maurer and Catlieriue Heffly of Beaver twp. The above makes a total of 468 marriages taken from Rev. A. B. Casper's Marriage Record. Some More Marriages. Some Records Taken frorn the "Union Star," New Berlin, 1840-42. 1840. Feb, 23, George Hammel of Bea- ver township to Ann Ringert of Centre twp. Feb. 30, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. J. P, Shimlel, Sanuiel Burns to Mrs. Ann Thonipson, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 1, by Rev. Casper, Joseph Heim of East Buflalo to Maria Shuck of Kelly. Mar. 1, Benjan)in Spiegelmyer to Elizabeth, daughter of Ludwig Young, all of Beaver twp. Mar. 5, by Rev. Anspach, Elias Beiifer of Union twp. toSarah Yohu of West Bufralo. 1841.] MlSCELLAMEOUy MaKKIAGES. \(y Mar. 17, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Senior, John McFiierson of Ohio to Elizabeth Silver wood of Northum- berland Co. Mar. 12, by Rev. E.Klefifec, Na- poleon Bonaparte Thompson Schamp to Leah Foreman, both of Buffalo tvvp. Mar. 12, David Sehoch of Centre t\vj>. to Maria, daughter of Samuel Pawling of Penn twp. Mar. 19, by Jacob Ri'olet, Esq., Jonathan Gemljerling of Penn twp. to Sarah Bickiiart of the same place. Mar. 21, Zacharias Brymau and Sarah Ann Jane Kline. Mar. 22, b\ Amv)S Stroh, Esq., John Thornton to Mary Schwartz, both of Selinsgrove. Apr. 7, in Mifflinburg, by Rev. W. Hurst, Wm. Fischer, Junior tditor of the NewBf-rliu Union Star, to Matilda, daughter of Wni. Lotz of New Pverlin. Apr. 14, by Rev. P. Marr, John Lashels, Esq., to Mrs. Margaret Burnside, both of New Berlin. May 3, by S. Engle, Esq., Henry Hittle to Rebecca Mertz, both of Beaver tw p. May 5, by Jacob Riblet, Esq., David Houghton to Catherine Med- 1am, all of the Isle of Que. May b, by Rev. J. (i, Anspach, George Lashells and Mary Aui'aud, botli of Miiiiinbnrs. May 7, by Rev. J. G. Ausparh, Daniel Stahl to Eliza Guiger, both of Kelly twp. May 11, l)y Rev. J, G. Anspach, Simon Oldt of Beavtr to Rebecca Mo(-ire of lY'im tw|>. May 12, by Rev. Wm. German, Jonathan Felty to Catherine V\^)Ife, both of Centre twp. May 13, by Rev. Wm. R. Smith, J. M. Matchin of Danville to Chris- tianna Leich of Sunbury. May 18, by Rev. Alfred Louder- back, M. M. Dimmock, Esq., At- torney-at-Law, jSlillord, Pike Co., Pa., to Mary Alice, daughter of John Cooper of Danville, Pa. May 21, by Rev. J. G. Anspach, George Walter of Kelly twp. and Rebecca Gemberling of Penn twp. May 2b, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Jacob Sleer of Union twp. to Mrs. Hummel of Penn twp. May 31, by Rev.E. Keff*er, Benj- amin Kieomer to Julia Zimmerman, both of Hartley tvvp. June 10, by Levi B. Christ, Esq., George Mease of Lykens Valley to to Elizabeth Knittle of Buffalo tvvp. July 12, by Jacob Riblet, Esq., Samuel C. Fisher to Anna Fisher, both ol Penn twp. Aug. 13, by Rev. James Barber, Jacob Maize to Susanna Hummel, botli of Union twp. Aug. 29, by Rev. J. G. Anspach, Samuel Hoff'er to Maria Shipmam, both of Kelly twj). Nov. 20, by Rev. P. B. Marr, Robert I] ayes, merchant, Wats'^n- town, to Elizabeth Silby of Jiuffalo. Dee. 17, by Rev. Keefer, Jacob Fox to Mary Rush of Buffalo. Dec. 3, by Rev. Keefer, Daniel Boath to Margaret Fry, both of Buf- falo. 1841. Feb. 14, bv ,;ao(.b Riblet, E sq. 1G8 A tiSCELL A Jn" EO UiS M AKRl A G E8. [1»42. Ja(.'()b C'rafTord to Phoebe Troy, both of Peuu tAvp. Mar. 12, by Solomon Engei,Erq., Samuel Wittenmyer, merchant, and Sophia Hains, botli of Beaver twp. Mar. 21, by Jat-ob Kiblet, Eyq., Daniel Mavviey of Selinsgrove to Hannah See:!*]ioltz of Northiup.ber- land County. July 29, by Levi B. Christ, Esq., Henry Noll of Lewisburg to Cath- erine Yost ot Kelly twp. Soto. 2, by Rev. Kcefer, Jacob Weirick to Margaret Sn)ith, both of Hartley twp. Sept. 17, by Solomon Engel, Esq., I\Iichael KydeU)ach to Elizabeth Erny, both of Beaver twp. Sept. 26, by Lev/is Bertram, Esq., Jacob Kremer of Venango coiuity to Catherine iteish of Centre twp. Oct. 14, by Rev. J. (i. Anspach, Andrew Bolich artd [jucetta Slil&er, both of NewBerhn. Nov. 21, by Solomon Engel,E?q., Henry Fctterolt to Annie V\ icai d, both of Beaver twp. Nov. 25, by Rev. J. G. Anspach, John Balliett to Maria Gibeny, both of Lewisburg. Nov. 25, by same, Geo. Schneider to Sop.hia (iailier, both of Hartley, twp. Nov. 2o, by Solomon Engd, I^sq.. Henry P^tzler to Barbara Kern, both of Beaver twp. Dec. 5. by Snlon)oi! Engel, Esq., Williani Stmitpfl of Bca\cr twp. to Catherine Barbai-a Bcwersox of Mif- flin Co. Dec. o, by Lewis Bertram, Esq., Ellis Fuhram of Beaver twp. and Maria Swartzlander of Centre twp. 1842. Jan. 20, by Solomon P^ngel, Esq., Geo. Dawson to Hannah Dimm,both of J'eavcr twji. Mar. 27, by Solomon Engel, Esq., John Hummel of Union tvvv>. to Mary Bilger of Middlecreek twp. Apr. 26, by Rev. Gustavus Erl- enmeyer, Samuel Straub to Mary Ann lxickabaugh,both of Perry twp. May 15, by He v. Gustavus Erl- emiiyer, John jSIoyer and Susanna Scluiffer, both of Perry twp. May. 24, by Lewis Bertram, Esq., Jacob Stock of Centre twp. May 20, by Rev. E. Keefer, So- lon)on Ya hn to Mary K linger man of Hartley twp. .June 28, by Rev. Gus.Erlenmey- er, William Faeberto Phoebe Reed, tioth of Liverpool. Aug. 2, by Rev. Eriennicyer, Levi Herrold to Lydia Motz, both of Union (now Snyder) County. Aug. 19, by Gustavus Erlenmey- er, Rheulitn M'osser to Eliza dead- er of Union county. Oct. 1, by Solomon Engel, [Esq,, Jacob Kline to Sarah Weiand, both of Beaver twp. Oct. 23, by Samuel Roush, Esq., David Snee to Mary Cuny, oi Union twp. Nov. 10, Ikcv. G. Erlenmeyer, George Straub to Many Snyder. Nov. 20, by Jacob Martin, Es(j., Anu)s Schailer of Perry twp. to Sarah Bickel of Chapman tMji. Nov. 26, by the same, George Martin of Perry twp. to Mary Shaf- fer of Chapman twp. Dec. 13, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John J.Klose wf West Buffalo twp. to Miss Sarah Mo^er of Centre t\vj>. !@Yo Jo f . SI|!i|dd'8 Marriage ®seord, List of the Couples Joined Shindel, Jr., 1835=88. Rev. J. P. EXPLANATORY NOTE. Union township in old Union Co. included the present Union township, Union Co., and parts of Jackson and Monroe townships, Snjder Co. Hessler's was the name of the church now at Kratzerville and in- cluding the neighboring to\ynships. Beaver township i ncl uded all of what is now Beaver, West Beaver, Ad- ams and Spring townships, until 1843 when West Beaver was cut ofi. Bluck Oak Ridge was the name of the church and mostly answers for what is now West Beaver. Musser's Valley — church at what is now known as Troxelville — 1 covers what is now Adams township. { Down to 1854 Franklin township i was part of Centre. ' Middlecreek must be distinguish- ' ed from Post Office nov>? iu Spring township. Down to 1855 Snyder County was part of Union County. 1835. Mar. — , Henry Gottshall to Sarah Yaeger of Augusta. March 19, John Whitaker to Polly Tucker, both of Augusta. April 12, Casper J. Reed to Alice C. Barrett, both of Shamokin. April 16, Henry Slack to Mary Sampsell, lioth of Augusta. June 18, Simon FoUmer to Mar- garet Kohler, both of Milton. Feb. 25, J. William Kohler to Mary Goss, both of Augusta. Apr. 13, Samuel Gobin to Susan Shindel, both of Suuhury. Apr. 16, Barnard Cieisinger to Elizabeth Wilhelm, both of Augusta. Apr. 24, Thomas Maguru to Elizabeth Mautz, both of Sunbury. May 10, Daniel Swinehart to Ju- deth Hilemau of Augusta. Oct. 9, Daniel Berger to Rachel Fried, both of Union County. Nov. 5, Valentine Laudenslager to Elizabeth Berger, both of Union county. 1837. Jan. 22, George Zimmerman to Sarah Fashold, both of Augusta. Feb. 17, George Oberdorf to Charity Souders, boih of Augusta. Feb. 26, Jonathan Frey to Mary Creisinger, both of Augusta. April 18, Henry Keller to Hes- ter Lanzicus, both of Shamokin. April 23, Jacob Weidensaul to Catherine Kiehl, widow, both of Sunbury. May 14, ('harles Weaver to Eliza Hih-nian, both of Snnburv. 170 Key. Shunjjel's (Jk.) MAiUvJAuEy. KS37-9.J Juno 27, Bloonificld Simpson to Sarah Millett, botli of Sunlniry. July 2, Daniel Gibson to Hai-riet' Weaver, both of Sunbury. Sept. 2, John llenn to Margaret Frey, both of Augusta. Oct. 8, Abraham Keimert to Cath- erine Klass, both of Shamokiu. Oct. 15, Joseph Guss to Harriet Hilemaa. Oct. 17, Henry Conrad to Elanor Ley tie, botii of Augusta. Dec. 24, Thomas Dawson to Su- sannah Drelicr, both of Augusta. 1838. JaD. 18, JamesLloyu toElizabeth Slier, both of Union county. Feb. 18, Jacob Heiser to Hetty Boyer, both of Union county. April 12, Jonathan Huber to Sarah Keiser, (daughter of Henry Iv.), both of Augusta. May I, Jacob Geiger of Potts- grove to Rachel Quimi of Sunbury. May S, Daniel Bergstrcsser to Rebecca Baker, both of Seliusgrove. May 13, Emanuel Swinefort of Peun's A^alley, Centre Co., to Mar- garet Hamilton of Union County. May 22, Samuel T. Brown of Milton to Elizabeth Young of Sun- bury. Aug. 21, Isaac Moll to Catherine Persing, both of Shamokin. Oct. 16, Lewis Benfort to Chris- tena Jjeaver, both of Hessler's(Krat- ztrville). Nov 2, Jacob I J. Metzger to Hes- ter Long, both of Drv Valley Nov. 15, John Wiltz of West Buffalo to Catherine Romig of Bea- ver. Nov. 20, Joiui Dreis to Hannah Wagner, both of Beaver. Nov. 20, John Troxell to Lydia Hassinger, both of Centre. Dec. 4, John Sheurerto Catherine Aurand, both of Beaver. Dec. 4, Daniel Hollenbach to Louisa Bcnfer, both of Union. Dec. 30, Philip Seaber to Hannah Mowrer, both of Union twp. 1889. Jan. l,Andrev\' Ulsh, Jr. to Cath- erine Miller, both of Beaver. Feb. 17, Peter Miller to Lydia Housewartli, l^oth of Selinsgrove. Feb. 28, Levi Evy of Juniata Co. to Esther Hummel of Jkavertown. March 17, William Durst to Re- becca Guss, both of Sunbury. March 26, Jacob Herman to Nan- cy Brion, both of Hessh^r's. March 27. Jacob John Smith to Catherine Kerstetter,both of Beave". April 14, George Mertz to Ra- chacl Keller, both of Beaver. April 21, Moses Specht to Ra- chael Bingaman, both of Beaver. May 7, Valentine Spiglemoyer to Sophia Knepp, both of Mifflin Co. June 20, John Housewartli to Elizabeth Staley, both of Selinsgrove. July 12, John Breininger to Ju- lian Smith, bothoi IJlackOak Ridge. Sept. 8, Martin N'ogle to I-.cah Ivcrn, both of l^cavcr. Sept. 2^», John Wetzel to Lydia Aigler, both of Beaver. Sept. 2[), Edward Kinney to Leah Grim, both of Beaver. Oct, 15, Edward. INIargeritz to Magdalena Bear, both of Black Oak Ridge. 1839-40.] Rev. Shindel'8 (Jk.) Marriages. 171 Oct. 29, Daniel Ulrich to Mrs. Fanny Fi-^her, both of Seliuso;rove. Nov. 10, Reuben Kocli to Susan Goss, both of Beaver. Nov. 17, Thomas Moyer to Leah Kloss, both ot Beaver. Dec. 3, A mos Aigler to Aniena Ijobb, both of Beaver, 1840. Jan. 23, Charles Kleckner to Mary Gift, both of Centre. Jan. 30, Isaac Boyer to Caroline Boyer, botli of Freebnrg. Feb. 9, Henry Swinefort to Ame- lia Kloss, both of Centre. Feb. 11, David Knauss to Sarah Maurer, both of Union twp. Feb. 10, Frederick Bilger to A- nielia Beniughof, both ot Union twp. Feb. 23, George Ilanimel to Ann Ringert, both ot Cenire. March 1, Benjaniin Spieglemoyer to Elizabeth Young, both ofBeaver. March 12, David Sehoch to Ma- ria Paulding. Marcli 29, Enoch Aurand to A- mena Felker, br.tli ofBeaver. April 26, Jacob Ritter to Sarah Treaster, both of Beaver. May 21, John Hartmau to Mary Keifer, both of Selinsgrove. May 26, Jacob Slear of Union to Mary Hummel of Penn. June 23, Michael Riggle to Ann Eliza Biugaman. June 23, Michael Eichman to Apolonia Menges. July 5, Israel Bachman to Harriet Houseworth, both of Selinsgrove. July 24, Samuel Smith to Eliza- beth Bol lender, both of Centre. July 30, Adam Guth to Mary Slear, both of Union. Aug. 9, David Brion to Mary Dinges, both of Middiecreek twp. Aug. 9, Paul Benier to Leah Bingamau, both ofBeaver. Aug. 9, Jacob Bolig to Christina Breil, both of Middiecreek twp. Aug. 11, Daniel Leitzel to Sarah Schneider of Hessler's. Aug. 23, Joseph Felker to Louisa Fiese, both ofBeaver. Aug. 30, George Mosser to Sarah Schwartz, both of Moser's Valley. Sept. 6, Jacob Fetter to Molly Herman both of Hessler's Sept. 13, Joel Aigler to Eliza Smith, both of Middlehurg. Oct, 3, John Snyder of Middle- bui-g and Maria Sampsell of Ceu- treville. Oct. 6, Charles Kaley to Eliza- beth Ulsh, both ofBeaver. Oct, 27, John A. Smith to Cath- erine Bol lender, both ofMiddlebure:. Nov. 10, Isaac Alter to Henrietta Dubbs, both of Black Oak Ridge. Nov. 15, Aaron Rupley Snyder to Maria Sham bach, both of Middle- l)urg. Nov. 26, Jacob Bickle to Louisa Ortz, both of Washington twp. Dec. 13, John Beaver to Susannah Derk of Hessler's. Dec. 17, Jacob Kratzer to Ra- chael Klingler of Hessler's. Dec. 22, Jacob Milkr of Hartley twp. to Catherine Ritter ot Penn. Dec, 17, Reuben Bowersox to Sarah Reish, both of Centre twp. 72 Uev. 8hi]si^el's (Jh.) ALa^kriages. 1841-2.] 1841. Jan. 14, John Seechrist to Aun Fisher, botli of Chapman twp. Jan. 19, Jeremiah Mosser to Mary Dennis of Hartley twp. Jan. 2(3, Daniel Everhart of De- catur twp. to Christena Robinson ot Washington twp Jan. 28, Philip Boyer of Penns to Amelia Kessler of Mickllecreek. Jan. 31, Abiaham Eisenhower, widower, to Catherine lloyer, widow, both of Centre twp. Jan. 31, Henry Smith, Jr. of Mid- dleburg to Dina Aigler of Beaver. Feb. 9, Frederick Bingaman of Beaver to Mrs. Mary Swineford of Middleburg. Feb. 14, Isaac Huth to Lydia Fahl, both of Beaver. Feb. 28, Benjamin Etzler, wid- ower, to Catherine Mechtly, widow, both of Beaver. March 28, Henry Knepp to Bar- bara Stuck, both of Beaver. April 26, Jacob Glueck to Mary Ann Weider, both of Black Oak Ridge. May 18, Moses Wieder to Lydia Steininger of Blyck Oak Ridge. June 3, James Rauch to Caroline Hartman of Hartley twp. Aug. 1, John Oberlin to Rebecca Schwenk both of Middleburg. Aug. 3, Daniel Reisch to Eliza- beth Schwartz, b<^th of Centreville. Aug. 3, Levi Schmidt to Eve Kerstetter of Black Oak Ridge. Aug. 15, George Roth to Sophia Baker, both of Black Oak Ridge. Auy-. 15, Daniel Alter to Salome Mattern, both of Beaver. Aug. 19, P^raanuel Schoch to Su- sannah Kline, both of Middlecreek twp. Sei)t. 9, John Lenig of Perry Co. to Mary Aun Lose of Union Co. S(!pt. 19, Peter Long to Sarah Long, both of Centre twp. Oct. 17, Amig Nerhutto Barbara Landis. Oct. 25, Peter Brunner to Sarah Mosser ot Moser's Valley. Oct. 31. Jacob Diebler to Amelia Bowcrsox, both cf Centre twp. N'.v. 9, George Hendricks to Phoebe Kantz, both of Middlecreek. Nov. 16, John Kratzer to Polly Benfer of Hessler's. Nov. 16, Michael Weyandt to Polly Dries, both of Centre tw[). Nov. 18, John Bertsch to Phrena Beson, both of Perry county. Dec. 5, Amos Berger to Matilda Herbster, both of Beaver. Dec. 6, George Deckert to Susan- nah Eberhart of Black Oak Ridge. Dec. 26, John Gingrich to Eliza Eisenhauer of Middleburg. 1843. Jan. 2, Daniel Baker to Susanna Ritter of Black Oak Ridge. Jan. 2, William Vail to lianna Lose, both of Centreville. Jan. 4, Henry Goss to Rebecca Goss of Black Oak Ridge. Jan. 20, Simon Wittenmyer to So- phia Smith, both of Beaver. Jan. 30, John Kline of West Buf- falo to Elizabeth Valentine of Bea- ver. Feb. 1, George C. Mover of Free- burg to Elizabeth Fisher of Isle of Que. 1842-3.] E,Ev. Shindel's (Jr.) Markiages. 173 Feb. 8, Thomas Sliiptoa to Cath- erine Schuuck of Beaver. Feb. 15, Jacob Weaver of Centre county to Amelia Botdorf of Free- burg. Feb. 16, Joseph Laber to Lydia Musser, both of Centre twp. Feb. 22, Geo. Aumiller of New Berlin to Sarah Hartman of Centre. Feb. 21, Michael Oberlin toLeah Valentine, both of W^est Buffalo. Feb. 27, Samuel Kline to Han- nah Pluffnagle, both of Beaver. March 22, Henry Mover to Sarah Piatt, both of Beaver. March 24, David Goy of Perry twp. to Mary Ann Swiueford of Centre twp. May o, Jacob Jar'-ett to Mary Ann Eugel, both of Penn. June 26, Peter Hosterman and Catherine Scholl, both of Penn. June 26, Henry Moyer to Leah "Walter, both of Centre twp. Aug. 25, Frederick Everiiard to Mary Brewer, both of Selinsgrove. Aug. 28, George Hummel and Sarah Hix, both of Penn. Aug. 30, George Ulrich to Cor- dilla Gaugler, both of Selinsgrove. Occ. 9, Reuben Rearich to Sarah Moyer, both of Middlebnrg. Oct. 11, Henry Peters to Maria Smith, both of Black Oak Ridge. Oct. 27, Jacwb Hummel to Susan Beaver, both of Hessler's. Oct. 30, John Alexander to Mary Dorman, both of Hartley. Nov. 13, John Jacob Kh)ss of West Beaver to Sarah Mosser o f Centre twp. Nov. 15, Willob)' Trexler and Amelia Filbert, both of Penn. Nov. 17, William F. Stroub and Albertina Mageritz, both of Black Oak Ridge. Dec. 3, William Shilling to Esther Felmly, both of Black Oak Ridge. Dec. 11, Valentine Mosser and Lucetta Kern, both of Beaver. Dec. 15, Joseph Lepley to Sarah Oldt, both of Hessler's. Dec. 22, Elias Beaver to Sarah Bower, both of Hessler's. Dec. 24, Renben Cav^enyto Mary R. Crosier, both of McAllisterville. Dec. 25, -Jacob Eisenhauserto Su- sanna Roshong, both of New Berlin. Dec. 25, Samuel Walter to (.Cath- erine Long, both of Hessler's. Dec. 25, John Miller to Elizabeth Fried, both of Mkldleburg. 1843, Jan. 1, John F. Bingeman and Hannah Mengle, both of Beaver. Jan. 5, Samuel Querns to Sophia Miller, both of Laurelton. Jan. 10, Jacob Riggle to Sophia Wagner, both of Black Oak Ridge. Jan. 24, Peter Seib to Elizabeth Goss, both of Black Oak Ridge. Jan, 29, Andrew Romig, Jr., to Sarah Kerstetter, both of Black Oak Ridge. Jan. 29, John Smith to Martha Middleswarch, both of Beaver. Jan. 31, Samuel Krause to Molly Kratzer, both of Hes-sler's. Feb. 28, Jacob Middleswarth to Sarah Bobb, both of Beaver. March 9, Sanuiel Wetzel to Cath- erine Fi'Ikcr, both of Beaver. 174 Kev. Shindel's (Jr.) Marriages. 1843-4.J March 14, David Hcillacher and Elizabeth Schnuck, both of Beaver. April 23, Solomon Stock to Eliza- beth Knepp, both of West Beaver. April 30, Israel Fike to Ann Mitchell, both oi Beawr. April 30, Frederick Hair and Elizabeth Hummel, both of Middle- creek twp. May 30, George Piatt to Susanna jMosser, both of Beaver. June 6, Eli Keeler to Matilda Bickle ot Washington and Penn. June 6, George German of Wash- ington to Leah Fisher of Penn. June 27, Frederick Fetterolf and Elizabeth Kerstctter, both of Beaver. July 2, Benjamin Try to Lvdia Smith, both of Laurelton. July 16, Isaac Dreese to Mary Ann Beaver, both of Beaver. July 23, Michael Beaver to Ame- lia Dreese, both of Beaver. Aug. (), John Smith to Ann Baker, both of J5eaver. Aug. 20, Reuben Fidlcr to Caro- line Swineford, both of Middleburg. Sept. 3, Stephen Borgerto Julian Welfly, both of Centreville. Sept, 11, Elias Schwartz to Re- hecca Dreese, both of Beaver. Sept. 11, John Young to Harriet Rudy, both of Beaver. Sept. 1 2, Frederick Bower to Ma- linda J. Smith, both of Middh'burg. Sent. 14, Joel Kreider to Eliza- beth Haines, both of Penn. Sept. 14, Henry Edward Biush to Maria Frv, botli of New Berlin. Sept. 17, Frederick Baker to Sarah Smith, both of P.lack Oak IMdge. Sept. 19, John Dauberman and Sarah Saner, both of JMiddlecreek. Oct. 1, Adam Saner to Elizabeth Schwartzlener, both of Middlecreek twp. Oct. 24, Edward Benfer to Susan Kloss, both of Beaver. Oct. 29, Samuel F. Stauffer and Sophia Walter, both of Selinsgrove. / Nov. 5, Lewis Dauberman and Eliza McKee, both of Selinsgiove. Nov. 5, Daniel Fogehnan to Maria Kerstetter, both of Black Oak Ridge. Nov. 12, Levi Fisher of Penn to Elizabeth Aigler of Beaver. Nov. 28, Joseph Adams to Eliza- beth Smith, both of Pemi. Dec. 3, William Beaver to Savilla Smith, both of Beavertown. Dec. 14, John Swengle to Sarah Frantz, both of Centre twp. Dec. 19, Daniel Derr to Lucy Ann Mester, botli of Centre twp. Dec. 19, Henry Dubbs of Lewis- town to P^lizabeth Ranch ofBea>'er. Dec. 26, Lewis Engle of Middle- creek tw]). to Rebecca Olt of Beaver twp. Dec. 28, Elias Ritter to Eve Her- man, both of Penn. 1844. Jan. 18, Levi Benfer to Elizabeth Confer, both of Union. Jan. 18, Daniel Sterner to Sarah Hununel, both of Washington. Jju. 30, John Denius to Esther Brion, both of Middlecreek twp. Feb. 1, Timothy Katherman and Susan Brouse, both of Hartley twp. P^b. 4, John Schaller lo Cath- erine llcrinan, both of llessler's. 1844.] Rev. Shindel's (Jr.) Mahriages. 175 Feb. 8, Lewis Sassainan to Sarah Super, both of Hessler's. Feb. 8, Charles Sleer to Elizabeth Smith, both of Hessler's. Feb. 11, Frederick Rath to Eliza- beth Roinig, both of Beaver. Feb. 13, Elijah Hoffman to Jane Hofif, both of Penu. Feb. 27, George \V. Keller and Harriet Singer, both of Selinsgro^'e. March 3, Joseph Knittle to Eliza- beth Krick, both of Centre twp. March 7, Emanuel Dack to Polly Schhittery of St. Peters. March 31, John Boyer, (widow- er), to Sarah Musselman, (widow), both of Hessler's. April 7, Lewis Dorman to Cath- erine Denius, both of Hartley twp. April 21, George Laber to Sophia Krick, both of Black Oak Ridge. May 2, John Mi Her of Mifflin Co. to Mary Kaly of Beaver. 12, Ajulrew Broiise to Elizabeth Derk, both of Hessler's. May 21, Henry Herbst of East Buffalo to Mary Schwartz of Centre- ville. May 23, Levi Shively of West Buffalo to Elizabeth Smith of Hart- ley twp. June 2, Aaron Rossman to Braii- cher, both of Hartley twp. June 9, Casper Hain to Sarah Kreider, both of Hessler's. July 8, Solomon Moltz of Lewis- town to Margaret Kemmerling of Beaver twp. July 16, Jesse Nerhut to 'Cath- erine Knittle, both of xMosser's Val- lev. Aug. 11, John Vogle to Catherine Beidler, both of Beaver. Aug. 13, Samuel Owen Evans of Juniata Co. to Amelia S. Kremer of Middleburg. Aug. 13, Joseph Berger to Eve Hallacher, both of Beaver. Aug. 15, Daniel Walter to Eliza- beth Renninger, both of Centre twp Sept. 3, Reuben Kloss to Sarah Ann Middleswarth, both of Beaver twp. Sept. 8, Siujon Gass to Hanua Kemmerling, both of Black Oak Ridge. Sept. 12, Jonathan Jiostian of Sunbury to Mary Bachman of Mid- dleburg. Sept. 12, William J. May and Leah Klose, both of Beaver. Oct. 21, Jesse Kline to Catherine Miller, both of Beaver. Oct. 22, Tobias Katherman and Margaret Fuhrman, both of Mosser's Valley. Nov. 17, Samuel Seesholtz of Isle Que to Catherine Ramstone of Cen- tre twp. Nov; 21, John Gingrich of Wash- ington twp. to Elizabeth Graybillof Perry twp. Nov. 20, William Knepp to So- phia Peter, both of West Beaver. Nov. 26, David Bausch to Luc- cetta Mosser, (widow), of Beaver. Dec. 12, George Long to Sophia Oberdorf, both of Beaver. Dec. 24, Jacob Schroederto M-iria Christianna Schwartz, both of Mos- ser's Valley. Dec. 26, Cliristian Stringer of Un- ion t()S;u'aIi Le|)ley of Plessler's. 176 Kev. Shindel's (Jk.) Marriages. 1844-5.] Dec. 26, Jeremiah Fetter to Eliza- beth Kreider, both of Peun. Dec. 29, Jeremiah Miller to Su- sanna Landis, both of Beaver. Dec. 29, Adam Kalpetzer, (widow- er), to Esther Hieter, (widow), both of West Beaver. 1845. Jan. 7, David Getts to Mary Ann Lepley, both of Beaver. Jan. 12, Levi Gitt to Matilda Feese, both of Centre twp. Jan. 19, Amos Ritter to Lydia Ann Keachner, both of Penn. Jan. 21, Henry Kratzer, Jr., to Amelia Olt, both of Beaver. Jan. 21, Tobias Baker to Eliza- beth Man beck, both of West Beaver. Jan. 28, Joseph Manbeck to Caro- line Kauch, both of Beaver. Feb. 9, John Sower to Dianna Engel, both of Middlecreek twp. Feb. 11, Frederick Schoch to Jane E. Pawling, both of Peun. Feb. 11, John Yerger to Mar- «:aret Farnsworth, both of Centre. Feb. 11, Levi Komig to Sophia Kerstetter, both of West Beaver. Feb. 13, Amos Engel of Penn to Rachael Hassinger of Centre twp. Feb. 18, George Hilbish of near Freeburg to Harriet Schoch of Cen- tre twp. Feb. 23, Thomas Youngman to Catherine Lepley, both of West Itei- ver. March 4, Conrad Fetter to Cath- erine Duukelberger, both of Mid- dlecreek twj). Mai'ch 1<), Emanuel E. Thonip- w>n to C-atherine Laudeuslager, both of Pern I. March 23, Thomas Herbster to Mary Baker, both of West Beaver. March 23, Jacob Krebbs to Eliza- beth Olt, both of West Beaver. March 25, Samuel Smith to Juli- anna Bingeman, both of Penn. April 6, Israel Yerger, (widower), to Catherine Unger, (widow), both ot Centre twp. April 13, Henry Hummel of Middlecreek to Elizabeth Jane Zell- ner of Fayette, Juniata County. April 23, James Smith to Mar- garet Dreese, both of Centre twp. April 27, Jackson Howell and Mary Higgle, both of Centre twp. April 29, Jac(,b Seebold to Chris- tiana l^olig, both of near New Ber- lin. May 20, Reuben Grimm, (widow- er), to Elizabeth Kloss, (widow), both of Beaver. Jiuie 3, Aaron Middleswarth, (widower),to Elizabeth Dreese, (wid- ow), both of Beaver. June 4, John L. Rockey to Mary Ann Ruble, both of Buffalo twp. June 10, John Hendricks to Su- san Fetlerolf, both of Mosser's Val- ley. July 20, John Stambach to Mary Aim Long, both of Beaver. July 24, Benjamin Duukelberger to Catherine Stroub, both of Wash- ington. Aug. o, Samuel Ulrich to Eliza- beth HoUenbach, both of Hessler's. Aug. 5, Henry Vanatter to Mary Hartman, both of Hartley twp. Aug. 10, David Ploch to Mary Ann Kloss, both of Centre twp. Aug. 10, Jacob Walter to Cath- erine Eisenhauser, both of Centre twp. 1845-6.] Rev. Shindel's (Jr.) Marriages. 17^ Aug. 12, Elijah Koch to Maria Biugeman, both of Beaver. Aug. 24, David Bowersox to Lucy Aun Yerger, both ot Centre twp. Aug, 26, Joel Ijeitzel to Rebecca Klingler, both of Hessler's. Aug. 26, Jacob Boyer to Eliza- beth Yei:?ley, both of Centre twp. Sept. 11, Samuel Greenhoe to Amelia Engle, both of Beaver. Oct. 9, John Knause to Elizabeth Herman, both of Hessler's. Oct. 12, Reuben Aigler to Mary Eisenhauer, both of Beaver. Oct. 15, Samuel Benfer of New Berlin to Harriet Bowersox of Mid- dleburg. Oct. 26, Levi Erdley to Elizabeth Mattes, both of Hessler's. Oct. 28, Nathaniel Comfort to Sarah Catherine Kulp, both ofLew- istown. Oct. 30, Charles Oliver Perry Ramsey to Amelia Margeritz, both of West Beaver. Nov. 18, Daniel Herner to Molly Fetter, both of Hessler's. Nov. 25, Benjamin Walter to Hannah Geis, both of Hessler's. Nov. 25, John Ulrich to Eve Benfer, both of Hessler's. Dec. 2, Samuel Ritter to Cath- erine Gill, both of West Beaver. Dec, 9, Nathan Beaver to Eliza- beth Walter, both of Hessler's. Dec. 16. Martin Fogle to Mary Swartzlener, both of Beaver. Dec. 16, John Kaley of Beaver to Susan Rearich of Centre twp. Dec. 18, Jacob Bobb of Beaver to Rachael Shilling of West Beaver. Dec. 18, Noah Aigler to Susanna Grimm, both of Beaver. Dec. 21, Jacob Daniels of Belle- fouie to Elizabeth Brion of Middle- creek twp. Dec. 25, Sanuiel Ritter to Leali Probst, both of Penn twp. 1846. Jan. 13, David Lomison of Schu- ylkill county to Caroline Youngman of Beaver twp. Jan. 25, George ^Vagner, (widow- er), of West Beaver to Mary Philips, (widow), of Big Valley. Feb. 12, Henry Grubb to Nancy Klingler, both of Hessler's. Feb. 19, John Beaver to Amanda Bear, both of Beaver. Feb. 22, Peter Goss to Catherine Sarah Gross, both of West Beaver. Feb. 22, Joseph Haines to Harriet Ranch, both of Beaver. Feb. 22, Zeno Feese to Lovina Gift, both of Beaver. Feb. 24, Jacob Lepley to Rebecca Lash, both of Beaver. March 6, Samuel Charles to Mar- iah Smith, both of Laurelton. March 19, Simon Sassaman and Ann Hassinger, both of Centre twp. March 24, Abraham Knittle to Amelia Mover, both of Mosser's Valley. March 26, John Jacob Mattern to Mary Jane Stoll, both of West Bea- ver. April 21, Henry Kaly to Sarah Dreese, both of Beaver. May 14, Jacob Reich 1 ey en Smith to Mary Ann Mattern, both of West Bea\er May 1 , Henry Trcaster to Sophia Goss, botli of West Beaver. May 13, Reuben Beach ler to Ame- lia Erb, both of Centre twp. May 17, Joel Bobb to Mary Catherine Ulrich, both of Selins- grove. May 22, Matthias Dauberman, Jr., to Hannah Erdley, both of Mid- dlecreek twp. May 22, Levi K.Schoch to Cath- erine Yerger, both of Hartley twp. May. 27, James Ayers to Lydia Mitchell, both of Beaver Furnace. June f), Benjamin Rine to Susan- nah Hummel, both of Washington twp. June 12, J(»lm Riggel of Mifiliu Co. to Susan Keller of Beaver twp. June 20, Joseph Louder of Lime- stciuc twj>. to Margaret Badger of Plartley twp. July ], John Fertig to Eve Her- man, both of Hessler's. Aug. 2, Jacob Rearich of Beaver to Catherine Ann AV^alter of Centre twp. Aug. 19, David Kutz to Leah Kiester, both of Hartley twp. Aug. 19, Solomen Walter and Mary Ann Derr, hoth of Centre twp. Aug. 23, Sanuiel Bobb to Sarah Kloss, both of Centre twp. Aug. 23, Aaron Hummel to Sarah Jane Beaver, both of Hessler's. Aug. 30, David Ruble to Ange- line Schoch, both of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 4, Jackson Bingeman to Su- san Hook, both of Beaver. Se])t. 20, John Walter of Centre twp. to Amelia Rearich of Beaver twp. Sept. 20, Jonas Fry ot Centre Co. to Catherine Smith of Laurelton. Oct. 11, Henry E. Wetzel to Eliza Bostwick, boih of Middleburg. Oct. 18, Aaron Lehr to Lucetta Houtz, both of West Beaver. Oct. 25, Charles W. Childs of Danville to Mary Super of Hessler's. Oct. 25, Benjamin Loss to Eliza- beth Shambach, both of Centre t\vp. Nov. 12, Aaron Kline to Cath- erine liingeman, both of Mosser's V^alley. Nov. 15, Reuben Kloss to Susan Kline, both of Beaver. Nov. 20, Levi Boney to Ivydia Beachler, both of Centre twp. Nov. 29, Isaac Ulsh of West Bea- ver to Christina Troxell of Mosser's Valley. Dec. 0, Harrison Manbeck to Re- becca Goss, both iyi' West lieaver. 184y-51 ] Key. Shindel's (Jr.) Marriages. 181 Dec. 13, Franklin Koch to Ellza- heth Benfer, both ot West Beaver. Dec. 13, Jacob Walter to Sarah Rjiuch, both of near Middleburg. Dec. 27, Jacb Gilbert to Judith I^iuch, f»i near Middleburg. 1850. .Jan. 6, Samuel Kiester to Mar- garet Daughenbauch, both ot Hart- K:y t\v|». ,[an. 22, Adam Wagner to Maria Goss, both of West Beaver. Jan. 22, Isaac Bowersox to Mary Ann Yeisley, both of ('entre twp. rian. 24, Joseph Goss to Elizabeth Gerhart, both of W^est Beaver. Feb. 19, Absalom Friese to Susan Moyer, both of \i" est Beaver. March 19, Simon Burry to Cath- erine Oossgrove, both of Limestone twp. Aprl 25, Bernhart Kline to Han- nah Harman, both of Hessler's. April 25, Charles Sciioch of New Berlin to Amelia Kloss of Centre twp. April 30, John Yerger to Lucinda Huutittgton, both of Hartley twp. May 2, Hiram P. Hendricks to Lydia Kreider, both of Hessler's. May 15, John Montgomery to Mary Ann Eugle, both of Beaver. May 28, .John Cawley to Mar- garet Ruble, both of Hartley twp. May 30, John C. Howell to Bar- bara VVeller, both of VV^est Beaver. .lune 6, Solomon Kline to Cath- erine Reish, both of Mosser's Val- ley. June 0, Daniel Wagner to Ma- tilda Erb, l)oth of West Beaver. H. Shaffer and both of Centre June 9, William Kerstetter to Leah Spigelmyer, both of West Bea- ver. July 25, Elias Mengel of Mitllin- burg to Jemima Loss of Centre twp. Sept. 5, Elias Fetterolf to Rachael Weiand, both of Hartley twp. Sept. 10, Dr. Jacob H. Hassen- plugto Priscilla Kleckner, both of Xew Berlin. Oct. 10, Henry Ruble of Laurel- ton to Nancy Grove of Kelly twp. Nov. 3, Adam Welfley to Cath- erine Stock, both of Centre twp. Nov. 3, Reuben Bowersox and Loviua Muthart, both of Jersey shore. " Nov. 3, Henry Mary Bowersox, tW[). Nov. 14, Benjamin Herman and Lydia Jarrett, both of Hessler's. Nov. 19, Samuel R. Yearick to Matilda Sassaman, both of Hessler's. Nov. 21, Philip Mosser of Centre county to Mary Katterman of Lau- relton. Dec. 10, Jacob Moyer of Beaver twp. to Magdalene Long of Centre twp. Dec. 17, Daniel Spigelmyer and Lsabella Weiandt, both of West Beaver. Dec. 19, David Loss of Centre twp. to Harriet Leitzelof Hessler's. Dec. 26, Joel Loss to Elizabeth Bowersox, both of Centre twp. 1851. Jan. 14, Jacob Searer to Nancy Shilling, both of West Beaver. Feb. 9, Jacob Bowersox, (widow- er), to Mary Ann Kiester, both of Centre twp. 182 Kev. Siiim)Kl's (tiK.) Marriages. 1851.] Feb. 13, Andrew Knepp to Ma- Vuiihx Kloiss, both of Beaver. Feb. 18. Amos Kini; to Sarah Spigchuyer, botli of West Beaver. Feb. 2o, Aaron Folk to Sophia SpigehDver, both of West Beaver. Mareh G, John Feter of Decatur twp., Mitttin Co. to Mary Ann Eliza- U'tli Stout of West Beaver. Mareh 6, John D. Diemer and Mary Olt, both of West Beaver. Mareli 11, Simon Stuck to DeHui Kline, boih ot Mosser's Valley. March 16, Isaiah Knhnsto Cath- erine Mitchell, both of B«aver. March 18, William Kline to Ma- tilda Aigler, both of Beaver. April 3, JohnUlfh, Jr., of Perry Co. to Susan lieber of Union Co. April 13, John Edward Heim- bach to Barbara Long, both ot Cen- tre twp. May 15, George Yerger of Mid- dlccreek twp. to Mary Katternian of near Mifilinburg. May 22, Conrad Menges of Wash- ington tw}). to Mary Ann Erdley of IbilhUo twp. June4, JohnL. Camp to Mar- garet Weirick, both of Beavci town. June 10, Jacob Yaeger, (widow- er), to Mary Feirig, (widow), both of Miffiin (bounty. June 12, Thomas S. Strohecker to Catherine A. Bachman, both of iieavertowu. June 12, WiUiam liitzman of Illinois to jNfary Mitterling of Cen- tre twp. July 15, Josiali B. Longto Sarah Aigler, both of lieavei'. July 24, Lewis Krouse to Re- becca KlingU'r, boti\ of Hessler's. July 30, Solomon Schroeder and Catherine Kattermau, both of near Mitllinl)ur'r. July 31, David Reishio Julian Kline, both of Mosser's Valley. July 31, Henry Specht to Caro- line Bolig, bothof Middlecreek twp. Aug. 14, Samuel P. Aurand and Mary Ann Heimbach, both of near New Berlin. August 14, Harrison Mowrer to DelilaBreiner, both of West Beaver. August 17, Samuel Dufferd of Centre county to Matilda Steininger of Laurel ton. August 28, Edward Stumpfl to Agnes Dreese, both of West Beaver. August 31, Isaac Wagner to Cath- erine Swinehart, both of Beaver. August 31, Henry Louder and Mary Ann Shilling, both of West Beaver. Sept. 7, Daniel Kuhns to Amelia Deckert, both of Centre twp. Sept. 14, John Penrose Hetterick to Amelia Shannon, both of Middle- burg. Sept. 15, John M. Smith to Eliza- beth Schoch, both of Middleburg. Sept. 16, Samuel S})igelmyer to Catherine Weiandt, both of Beaver twp. Oct. 5, Jacob Arnold to Elizabeth Mitterling, both of Centre twp. Oct. 7, John Derk to Mary Kline, I botli of Hessler's. Oct. 9, Jacob Lepley to Sophia Hook, bothof West Beaver. Oct. 16, John P. Snook to Caro- line Koch, both of AY est Beaver. Oct. 30, Joseph Engel to Anna r.e]dey, both of Hessler's. 1851-3.] Key. ShindelV (Jr.) Marriages. 183 Nov. 6, Moses Yetter to Matilda Keiser, both of Decatur, Miffliu Co. Dec. 4, Philo Keiser to Rebecca Bauni, both of Decatur, Mifflin Co. Dec. 9, Franklin Kreider to Mary Oblinger, both ofPenu. Dec. 25, John Earnest to Rachael lligijjle, both of lieaver Furnace. 1862. Jan. G, James Buttington to Eliza Zechman, both of Middleburg. Jan. 29, George Fassick to Phian- na Shallenberger, both of Richfield. Feb. 19, John F. Middleswarth to Lydia Beaver, l)oth of Beaver. Feb. 19, Michael Kline to Ra- chael Thomas, both of Mosser's Valley. Feb. 26, John Ebey of Union Co. to Caroline Troester of Mifflin Co. March 18, Samuel Walter and Marv Arm Renuinger, both of Cen- tre twp. April 27, Daniel Shawber to Ma- tilda Fetterolf, both of Mosser's Valley. A]>ril 29, Matthew McLintick to Mary Ann Lash, both of West Bea- ver. May 4, Samuel Swartz to Jemima Hare, both of Mosser's Valley. May 5, Martin Luther Shindel to Catherine Louisa Young, both of Sun bury. May 27, William Krebbs to Ann Maria Esther Swartz, of Mosser's Valley. June 17, Willi uii C. Engel and Margaret Kloss, both of Beaver. August 21 Michael Frack of Ijimestone twp. to Mary Rearich of Centre twj). Sept. 14, George W. Showers to Mary Ann Yerger, Ixjth of Centre- ville. Sept. 27, Mi(;hael Bause of In- diana toMalinda S. Swengel of Cen- tre twp. Oct. 7, Charles Krause to Han- nah Yerger, both of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 4, John S. Beaver to Mary Aim Bolig, both of Union twp., Union Co. Nov. 1 8, Henry Heiser to Sarah Elizabeth Miller, both of Hessler's. Nov. 25, Isaac Boyer of West Buffalo to Elizabeth Mosser of Cen- treville. Nov. 30, John Rahmstine and Elizabeth Jane Specht, both of Bea- vertown. Dec. 21, Daniel Blett of Milroy, Mifflin Co., to Catharine Riggel of Centre twp., Union Co. Dec. 23, Jacob Bingaman to Cath- erine Fetterolf, both of Mosser's Valley. 1853. Jan. 27, Adam Miller to Amelia Smith, both of Penn twp. Feb. 24, Gottlieb Zeiner to Mary Elizabeth Bower, both of Lewis- town. April 14, Jacob Herman to Sarah Smith, both of Hessler's, June 2, Henry Getts to Caroline Borger, both of Mosser's Valley. June 2, H. P. Jarrett to Rebecca Musselman, both of Selinsgrove, June 13, Frederick E. Kremer of Middleburg to Elmira G. Smith of Isle of Que. June 15, P. Melanchton Shindel to Catherine Haas, both of Sunbury. 18-1 Kkv. 8hiki)El'.s (Jr.) Maukiagks. 1853-4.] June 10, Hiram Jlorbsk'r and ElizalK'lli Ivi't'bbs, both ot West J>{;:i\er. JiMU' IT), 8;iinuet Thomas and Sarali Hartley, both of Mosser's. July 27, David Heckendorn and Mary Anil Rothrock, both ot Ad- am.sburg. August 9, John Gross, Jr., and Catherine Ann Mitterling, both of Jx'aver tvvp. August 18, William Dunkelberg- er tx» Elizabeth Hare, both of Mid- dlecreektwj). August 25, Ed\yard Gill to So- phia liitter, both of West Beaver. Sept. 22, William Kriek to Ma- linda Kitter, both of West Beaver. Sept. 27, L. 1). Williams toMary Jane Smitli, both of Mililiuburg. Oct. 10, John Sohnee of Freeburg to Lydia Sv/engel of Centre t\v]). Oct. 2(», William Bolig to Eliza- beth Dean, bothof Middleereek twj). Oct. 20, Henry Walter to Sarah .Taue Xeitz, l)oth of Hessler's. Oct. 25, Enianuel Kline to Esth- er Hagenberg, bothof Mosser's Yal ley. Nov. 29, John S. Hassinger of Centre to Margaret Louisa Kleek- ner of Mitllinburg Dec. 8, ( Jharles Mattern to Cath- eriue Ocker, both of ^Mosser's Val- ley. Dec. 29, M'illiam Tate to Sarah Gilbert, both of Jieaver Furnace. 1854. Jan. 19, John Wagner to Matilda Long, both of lieaver twj). Feb. 9, Harrison Schwartz to Ma- tilda Waunci'. both of ^\'est Beaver, March 9, Beuben Knepp of De- catur, Mifflin Co., to Maria Diemer of West Beaver. March 10, George Valentine to Eve Hartley, both of Hessler's. March 10, Solomon Reish and Ijucinda Sanders, both of Mosser'n N^illey. March 30, Daniel Moyer to Lydia Gerhart, b(jth of Mosser's Valley. June 1, .John Biugeman to Re- becca Benfer, both of Beave-town. June 1, William Hassinger and Amelia Arbogast, both of Centre tW]). June 5, George Shambach and Siirah A. Hassinger, both of Centre twp. June 25, .Tacob Erb to Elizabeth Hartley, both of West Beaver. July 18, Amos Resslerot Juniata Co. to Albertine Mageritz of West Beaver. August 0, Henry Herman of Centre twp. to Susan Bilgerof Mid- dlecreek twp. August 17, Jacob Dauberman to Esther Yerger, both of Middlecreek wp. Sept. 14, Simon Weller to Eliza- beth Rehrer, both of Middlecreek twp. Oct. 12, Reuben Decker to Ame- lia Reitz, both of Centre twp. Oct. 17, Dr. George Bowes ot Middleburg to Amelia C. Smith ot Isle of Que. Nov. 10, Lewis R. Haines and Louisa Saltzman, both of Adams- burg. Nov. 19, Henry Houtz of Centre Co. to Rebecca Kline of Mosser's Vallev. l«54-5t) J Rev. 8hi^!del's (.hi.) MAiiiMAcEs. 185 Dec. 7, John Small of Clearfield Co. to Eliztiheth Hagenberg ot Un- ion Co. Dec. 14, Fmlerick Price to Cath- erine Fesslcr, both of West Beaver. Dec. 17, Aaron Hassinger, (Mil- ler), to Lucy Ann Snook, both of Mossei's Valley. Dec. 21, Henry Moyer oi Beaver tw'j). to Amelia Hassinger of Frank- lin twp. 1855. Feb. 22, WalHsLepley to Eliza- betii Kalpetzer. both of West Wea- ver. Feb. 22, Daniel BolenJer to Sa- bina Siunnan, both of Franklin twp. March 4, John Culbertson and Polly Yetter, both of Decatur, Mif- flin Co. April 3, .)')hn Boyer to Hannah Gerhiirt, both of Mosser's Valley. April 19, John Bcachler of Frank- lin twp. to SarahKitter of Hessler's. April 26, Henry Yetter to Mar-a Kocli, both of West Beaver. April 26, Simon Row to Sarah Specht, both of Penn twp. May 3, Solomon Wagner to Sarah Mowrer, both of West Beaver. May 17, Amos Sretler to Amelia Gift, both o^'Fi'anklin twp. May 31, Jacob Ivreisher of Buf- falo to Regina Leitzel of Mith lie- creek twp. June 14, Philip Fetten.lf to Fay- ette Weaver, both of Mosser's Val- ley. June 25, William Walter to Bar- bara Ellen Heimbach, both of Frank- lin twp. July 1, Levi Spigelmyer to Ame- na Haines, both of Adamsburg. August 0, William Ettinger and Marv Fetterolf, b(»th of Mosser's Valley. August II, Frederick Biageman of Hartley twp. to Elizal»eth Heeter of Mosser's A'alley. August 16, Richard A. M. Harn- er to Caiherine J^H'nfer, both of Bea- ver Furnace. August 30, Abraham Wagner to Sabina Tittle, both of West Beaver. Sept. 9, Frederick Abel to Agnes Kreider, l)oth of Hessler's. Sept. 13, William Spangler and Amanda Mitchel, both of Adams- burg. Sept. 13, Frederick Schaaf and Sarah Bossier, l)oth of Mifflin Co. Ocl. 2, John Felker to Delilah Middleswarth, [joth of West Beaver. Oct. 4, John Reninger and Eve Boleoder, both of Franklin twp. Oct. 25, Joseph Walter to Susan Hassinger, l)oth of Franklin twp. Oct. 25, Jacob Mus'^elman to Su- san Ob'inger, both of Penn twj). Nov. 8, Isaac Beaver and IMaria Hummel, both of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 11, William B. Baum and Sarah J. Ti-oxell, both of Mosser's Valley. Dec. 6, Joel Hertnan of Penn twp. to Lovina Hendricks of Midflh^creek twp. Dec. 18, William Wagner to Mary Bingeman, both of Mosser's Valley. 1856. Jan. 1, John Braucher to Cecelia Kauflfman, both f)f Hnrllev tMj). 180 Key. t5HiM>EL'!5 (J K.J Maukiagks. 1856.] Jan. 3, Elias A. Steininger anara Stock, both (»f Mosser's Valley. 185t)-S.] Rev. Shindel's (Jr.) Marriages. 187 Dec. 11, Thomas Lowmiller of Lewistovvn to Barbara Loviua Speclit ol Beavertown. 1857. Jan. 1, Amos Hageii berg to Sarah Mittihel, both of Beaver twp. Jan. 8, Solomon Walter to Dc- Hla Ijouder, both of Centre twp. Jan. 29, Sem. Edward Dauber- man to Rebecca Heimbach, both oi Bulfalo twp. Feb. 8, George Miller of Wash- ington twp. to Isabella Dreese of Beaver twp. April 5. Samuel Hassinger and Catherine Breininger, both of Frank- lin twp. May 18, George Schoch of Se- linsgrove to Elvina Smith of Ad- amsburg. June 11, Edward Beiver and Mary Weirick, both <»f Beavertown. Jime 11, Hezrioh Moyer to Mary Elizabeth Hoffman, both of Union Co. •June 18, Simon Beaver to Barbara Herman, both of Hessler's. June 18, John Diemer to Amelia Smith, both of East Buffalo twp., Union Co. July 19, Samuel Weirick and Elizabeth Hook, both of Decatur, Mifflin Co. August 6, Daniel Romigto Eliza- beth C. Ulsh, both of Beaver twp. August 27, Abner Brunner and Emeline Kinney, both of Adams- burg. Sept. 17, William Katterman to Barbara Oldt, both of Union county. Sept. 24, John Reitz to Elizabeth Renninger, both of Franklin twp. Oct. 1, Daniel Stetler to Mary Heimbach, both of Frnnklin twp. 0(!t. 8, John Heiser and Sarah Heim, both of Hessler's. Oct. 29, Isaac Benfer to Susan Herman, both of Hessler's. Nov. 12, Jonathan Heimbach to Harriet Sowers, both of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 12, .Jacob Eisenhower and Mrs. Catherine Ann Rearich, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 10, Philip Dreese to Maiy A. Middleswarth, l)oth of Beaver. Dec. 31, Moses Brunner to Eliza Etzler, both of Franklin twp. 1853, Jan. 3, John Gilbert and Susan Gill, both of Franklin twp. Feb. 9, Simon J. Arnold to Eliza- beth Blouch, both of Mosser's Val- ley. Feb. 11, Henry M. Ulsh to Louisa Smith, both of West Beaver. Feb. 11, Joseph TrofcSter to Sarah Gross, both of West Beaver. March 18, Daniel W. Hartley to Sophia Peter, both of Decatin-, Mif- flin Co. March 18, Frederick Gerhart to ICsther Herman, both of Mosser's Valley. April 1, Element Musser of Cen- tre twp. to Sarah Yeisley of Frank ■ lia twp. April 6, Philip Herman to Eliza- beth Ritter, both of Hessler's. April 11, Nathaniel Diebler and Angeline Hoffman, both of Franklin twp. 166 KkV. ??iilM)Ei/ft l^Jii.; MAHKlAtJEft. i5o«~U.J April 15, Josojjli Kline tu Harriet Ocker, both of Mosser's Valley. April 20, Edward Smith to Ma- tilda Jiakei", both of N\'e8t Beaver. May 9, Henry Koush to Eliza Daubernian, both ot Middlecieek twp. June 17, David Benter of \\ est Beaver to Matilda Drtese of Adams- burg. August 10, Levi Decker to Bar- bara Sanders, both of" FrMnkliutwp. August 13, William Fuller of Beav(;r Furnace to Ann Ijepley of near Adamsburg. August 15, Philip Spade of Mid- dleburg to Catherine Smith of Bea- vertown. August 26, Charles Win. Hel- tiiek to Mary Ann Oldt, both of Beaver twp. August 31, George Oldt to Mary Amanda Klingler, Uith of Beaver twp. Sept. 0, Bobert FetJerolf toMary Chrisiiana Ettinger, both of Mosser's Valley. Seaver. May 1, O. P. Shively to Eliza- beth Jane Baker, botii of Lewisburg. May 11, Robert Logan of Perry- ville, Juniata Co., to Eliza Miller ot Middleburg. May 22, George \^'agner to Ann Amanda Benfer, both of West Bea- ver. June 9, Washington Bowtrsox to Susan Hagenberg, lx)th ofFraidecht, both of Beaver twp. Nov. 26, Henry Wagner to Caro- line Spigelmyer, both of West Bea- ver. Dec. 8, David Stock to Margaret Trutt, both of Centre twp. Dec. 24, Jos'iah H. 0(4. Dec. 20, H. H. Grimm to Eliza- beth Roush, both of Freeburg. Dec, 25, Samuel Bolig to Polly Ann Sieber, both of Middlecreek twp. Dec. 28, I. Jeiferson Kern to Eliz- abeth Weaver, both of Mosser's. Dec. 28, William Gerhart to Re- becca Kramer, both of Beaver. 1867. Jan. 1, RoI)ert H. Moll of Union Co. to Mary E. Smith of Middle- burg. Jan. 1, Aaron Crossgrove to Sal- lie S. Steele, both of Union Co. Jan. 3, William H. Ewing of Perry Co. toElmira Middleswarth of Mosser's A^alley, Snyder Co. Feb. 10, George Adam Bowersox to Margaret Renningcr, l)oth of Franklin twp. Feb. 24, Michael Hagenberg to Mary Jane Walter, both ofFranklin twp. March 17, Henry Bickliart to Sarah Roush, both of Washington twp. May 2, Paul H. Knepp to Cath- arine Smith, both of West Beaver. June 20, James Aurand to Sarah Kline, both of Mosser's Valley. June 30, Harry iiowersox to Ra- chael Walter, both of Centre twp. August 4, Thomas J. Keller to Elizabeth H. Specht, both of Bea- ver. August 20, Samuel Koser of Un- ion Co. to Catherine Burns of Mid- dleceek twp. Sept. 8, James Middleswarth to Sarah M, Bingaman, both of Mos- sej's Valley. Sept. 29, William Martz to Ma- linda S. Heimltach, both of Selins- grove. Oct. 17, Robert J. Bingaman to Lovina Hendricks, both of Mosser's Valley. Oct. 20, Isaac Koons to Cather- ine Hendricks, both of Mosser's Valley. Nov. 21, Daniel Roush to Eliza- beth Rine, both of Freeburg. Dec. 3, Mark Hnffnagle to El- vina J'oush, both of Beaver twp. 194 Ri-T\'. Siitndel's (Ju.) Matirtages. 1867-9.] Dec. 5, Daniel I. Hassinger of Beaver twp. toSabilla Nonnan of Franklin twp. Deo, 8, William A. Smith and Mary Ann Shamhach, both ot'Frank- liu twp. Dec. 29, William Haines to E- lizabeth Wolfe, both of near Free- bnrg. Dec. 31, Samuel Kdwin Ijong of Philadelphia to Maggie M. H(K'h of Midtlleburg. 1868. Jan. 16^ John W. Stroup to Sallie E. Berry, both of Freebiirg. Jan. 19, Solomon J. Bowersox to liy dia Kerr, both of Franklin twp. Jan. SO, Henry Feese of Ohio to Sabilla H. Aigler of Franklin twp. Feb. 20, George Evvig to Suaan Erb, both of Beaver twp. March 24, Daniel Stahlnecker of Northumberland Co. to Eliza Stahl- necker of Middleburg. April 30, Cah'm L. Derrto Eydia Moyer, botli of Franklin Iwp. May 30, Elias of Wash ington tw]). to Sarah Shaffer of Mon- roe twp. Jiuie G, Austin J, Gift to Savilia Thomas, both of Franklin twp. June 21, James W. Spccht and Ellen Bobb, both of Beaver twp. July l2,William Smith to Alvilda FetteroH, both ot Mosser's Valley. August 13, Jackson Moyer and C-atherine I'runner, both <»f Mosser's Valley. August 23. Jonathan Musser and Catherine E. Wolfley, both of Cen- tre twp. August 30, Isaac H. Dean and x\melia Snook, both of MitHin Co. Sept. C», 11. Franklin Thomas and to Eliza Fike, both of Beaver Fur- nace. Oct. 8. Roswell Moyer to Amelia Mo} er, both of Centre twp. Nov. 19, Alfred Dobson to Sarah C. P]isei'howcr, both of. Franklin twp. Dec. 22, James H. Gibbons of Northumberland L'o. to Caroline German ofFreeburg. Dec. 27, Thomas Martin to Mary Musser, both of Mosser's Valley. Dec. 27, Charles Mitchell of Bea- ver Furnace to Sarah E. Smith of Middleburg. 1869. Jan. 21, Joseph Musj^er to Cath- arine Kratzer, both of Mos.ser's Val- ley. Feb. 2, George Koons to 7\melia Bobb, i)oth of Centre twp. Feb. 4, William Kei.'^ei- to Alice E. Yerger, both of Union Co. F(4). 7. John r.awbei' t.f Juniata Co. to Catherine W'erlz of Si.'yder Co. Feb. 9, C:harles L. Smith to Har- riet Witteufuyei', bolh of ?diddle- burg. l^eb. 18, Ja(4owersox,l)ot!i of'M'uldlecrcek twp. May 21, Franklin Heimhach to Isabelle Beachel, both of Fi"ankliii twp. May 21, Amos Ben fer to Amanda Kline, both of Mosser's Valley. Jnne 18, J. Wil^^on Swartz of Troxelville to Catharine Vj. Earnest ot Beaver Fnrnace. Augn8t22, Robert Fees to Snsan ('. Freed, both of J^eavertown. Sept. 21, Franklin Moyerof Ohio to Fnnna C. Nerhnt ot Frankhn twp. Nov. 20, Adam Renninger ot Franklin twp. to Lovina Jane Bil- ger of Middlecreek tw)). Dec. o, Amos Amspacher of York Co. to Malinda Haines of Snyder Co. Die. 7, John Zeiber toSaridi Jane Ivamberl, both of West Beaver. 1872. Feb. 20, Zuchariahl)iel)ler of Sny- dey CV). to Lizzie Catherman of Union Co. l'\«b. 22, Daniel Die! ler to P^fa tilda Bishop, both of Centre twp. Mar(;h 7, H. C. Klick of Ohio to Snsan Diebler of Centre twp. April 21, A. Howard Swartz to Mary C. Mid.lleswarth, b(»th of Mosser's Valley. Jnne Ki, Henry S. Spigelmyer to Lydia A. Bair, both of West Beaver. Jnly 14, George Moyer of Dan- phin C(j. to Rachael Boligof Snyder county. Auiiust 25, Samuel Pick of Un- ion Co. to Ellen Jane Wcrtzof Snv- der Co. Sept. 1, Irvin Jonathan Moyer to Ellen M. Wittenmyer, botli of Mosser's Valley. Sept. 15, Elias J. Erdlcy t.) Su- san Boyer, both of Snyder Co. Sei)t. 22, Henry C. Swineft)rd to Caroline Shively, both of Union Co. Oct. 1, Charles Henry (Jilass and Elenoi-a Wolf, both of Snyder Co. Nov. 10, Cyrus Bowersox to Ju- liaima Bingaman, both of Centre twp. 1873. Jan. r>0, George Albert Wilt and Mary Ami Heiinl)aeh, liolh of Sny- der Co. A])ril 13, Edward jNlusserto Am- anda Mover, both of iMosscr's \'ul- ley, April ];>, Aai'on Hummel to Am- anda Stcininger, both of Franklin twp. April 20, Albert Arlx.gustio An- na Schroyer, both of Selinsgrove. Jiuie 15 fjohn Henry Musser to Margaret Priscilla J\i-atzer, both of Snyder Co. June 20, William W. Deans ot IMiiladelphia to Mary iM. F>ower oJ l^^ranklin twj)., Snyder Co. June 22, P.'F. Crondy of Union Co. to Maria E, Hunnnel of Snvder Co. Sept. 2(S, .John Shemory of l"'rank- lin twp. to Raehael Diebler of Cen- tre twj). Oct. 5, Peter Dreese of Snyder Co. to Amanda Haines of Union Co. Oct. 5, .John Ijower torlane I'rnn- ner, both of -Jaeksoii twj>. Oct. 5, Robert E. ICrb and Sarah CatluM'ine, Reich, liotli ol 1^'ranklin twp. 1873-8.J Rev. Shindel's (Jr.) Marriages. 197 Nov. 16, W. C. 15iibb of Banuer- ville to Elizabeth L. Ingram ot De- catiire twp., Miiflin Co. Dec. 4, William Rager to Hattie Howell, both of Paxtouville. Dec. 25, James H. Long toMartlia E. Sanders, both of Centreville. 1874. April 12, James H. Castor and Catherine Viola Eike, both of Pax- ton vi He. ' May 31, Josiah Walker of Bnf- falo. Union Co, to Matilda Peters of Middlebnrg, Snyder Co. Jnne 28, Gabriel Bowersox to Ida Minerva Mertz, both of West Buf- falo. Aug. 23, Sanniel Ha.?siuger and Sarah Jane Hnimnel, botii of Mid- dleoreck twp. Aug. 27, George Roush, (widow- er), to Elizabeth Bolig, (widow), both of Washington twp. Now 8, Christopher H. Springer of Montour Co. to Mary Jane Dreese of Snyder Co. Nov. 22, John Allen Smith of Washington twp. to Mary Ellen Reich of Eranklin twp. Dec. 6, Wlliam Benfer to Jane Ellen Long, both of Centreville. 1875. Jan. 28, John M. Fink, (widow- er), of Ohio to Amelia H. Lepley, (widow), of New Btrlin. March 7, John Hartley to Jenny E. Swarm, both of Centreville. July 18, Franklin W. Erb and Sal lie A. Frantz, both ot l^axtou- ville. Nov. 7, Harrison Dean to Mary Nerhut, both of Mosser's Vallev. 1876. March 5, Charles F. Sjjecht to Mary Ellen Rearich, both of Middle- burg. June 15, Enoch Jordan to Kate Moyer, both of Centre twp. Aug. 10, Josiah Nerhut to Am- anda Elizabeth Ettinger, both (.f Mosser's Valley. Oct. 1, George W. Kratzer of Snyder Co. to Kate Pick ot Union county. 1877. Jan. 7, John Edward Fetterolf to Sai-ah Jane Berge, l>oth of Snyder county. April S, Oliver J. Catherman to Sarah Ellen Catherman. both of Un- ion county. April 19, Levi Piatt of Franklin twp. to Sarah Jane Moore of Mid- dlecreek twp. May 10, Charles H. Spmcer of Elk Co., Pa., to Susan C. Bickhart of Franklin twp., Snyder Co. Aug. 12, Samuel O. Dillof Lew- istown to Ann M. Berger of Snyder county. Oct. 6, William Shelter of Union Co. to Mary Solomie Specht of Mid- dlebnrg. 1878. March 28, Samuel Erb to Mary Ellen Earnest, both of Paxtonville. April 4, John P. Smith to Carrie N. Patton, both of Perrv county. May 2, Robert Bickhart to Sadie M. Earnest, both of Paxtonville. May 26, Hem-y W. Koons and EveSipe, both of Mosser's Valley. Oct. 1, George Musser to Eliza- beth Lose, both of Jackson twp. 198 JiEV .SiriNT)ET>'S (J R.J M ArvHIAGES. 1870-83.] 1879, May 22, Uriah Hemtzeliiian and Emilia M. Snoke, both of Washing- ton twp. Nov. 27, Charles W. Peters of Mlddlehiirg to Maria Huinmel of Midilleereek tup. 1880. March 7, Perry Cathennnii ot Union Co. to Mary Whatinore ol Snyder eonnty. May 2, H.J. lenig of Washing- ton twp. to Priscilla Hinkleol Un- ion twp. May IG, Joseph II. Hagenberg lo Eve Herman, both ot Snyder Co. Aiiij. 22, John E. Whatinore to Ida Jane Erdiey, botJi oi Paxtou- viile. Oct. IG, Emerson Sylv« sterDul)b- to Sadie C. Kiegel, both ot Snyder eonntv. 1881. Aug. 7, Hop Mitehel to Amelia Aliee Kratzer, both oi Centre twp. Aug. l:], Charles C. Miller and Maggie A. Haines, both ol Danville. Sept. 4, Henry A. Leister to An- geline Snydei', both of Snyder Co. Sejit. 11, Clinton C. Heimbaeh to Sarah S. Stahlnecker, l>oth ot Snv- der county. Oct. 22, J. W. Sccbold of Union Co. to Phoebe C. Eelty of Paxton ville, Snyder C'o. Dec. 12, George W. Miller of Union ('o. to Kate Kolilcr of Snv- der county. Dec. 27, Allen J>oyer to Clara Bolig, both of Siivder Co. 1882. Jan. 20, Samuel C. Yerger of Franklin tw{). to Eydia E. Duke of Middlecreek twp. April IG, Edward P>. Klock of Northumberland Co. to Lydia Ann Weaver of Snyder Co. May 25, A. H. llackenburg and Mary Ami Duck, both of Snyder Co. June 11, Edwin Snyder to Ma- dora C'. Koush, both of Washington twp. June 27j David Jordan to Am- anda Koons, both of Centre twp. Aug. 20,0. P. McAfee to Jane M. (iill, both of near Paxtonvilie. Sept. 3, James Lose to Henrietta •S. llackenberg, both ot Snyder Co. Sept. 24, John Zechman to Anna Swarm, boih of Franklin twp. Nov. 19, Emanuel iiaekenberg to Sarah Jane Smith, both of Cen- t rev i lie. Dec. 10, AbiifrE. Walter to Ad- da E. Gift, both of Snyder Co. 1883. Aug. 10, Henry Hariman to Su- san Penfer, both of Centreville, Aug. 30, Job Peaehel to Mary Alice Moyer, both of Snyder Co. Oct. 1, Theodore Daul)erman (>f N'^ewJ^erlin to Ktbcca Sj)ade of Snyder Co. Oct. 20, James F. AVirth of Un- ion Co. to Kli/abeth Speclit of Snv- d-r Co. Nov. 2"), .Tohii Nepp to VX\^'\\ Schrader, both of SnydcM- Co. Nov. 29, Joseph Clelan to Mary IC. S|)ade, both ot'Siiydt-r Co. 18S3-7.] Rev. SaiNDEL'y (Je.) Marriages. 199 Dec. 2, Hiram Wm. Hageiiherg tf) Alice S'rouh, hoth of Snyder Co. Dec;. 9, (iustmivs Mengle ot Washington t\v]). to Izora Bickiiart of FranlvHn twj). Dee. 2r>, W'iUiani Henry Mark(>l to \!ary Amanda Spigelmyer, botli of West Beaver. July 27, Franklin P. Fessler to L(»\inu Benfer, both ot Centrevdle. S-jj)!, 2S, V/illiani Smith ot Wiiite Springs to Ami B;.lig ol Cen- (levllle. Oct. ."), Martin ilartman of Sny- der Co. to Sarah Frock ot Union Co. Dee. 25, Henry Stnek to Lanra P. SliiU', (»()t!i ot Centreville. 1885. .[an. 1, William McAfee to Fm- n)a Kate Marks, l)oth of Snyder Co. Feb. 8, William Wollheater of Union Co. to Sarah Jane Biekle of Indiana. Fei). 22, L. V. Tharp to Mary Lebkichler, both of Perry Cv>. May 24, Milton Reichabach to Kate Shamorry, both of Freeburg. ,]\\ne *.), Herbert Hare of Middle- biirg to Fiz/.ie Fikhotl ot Mauch Chunk. June 21, \\'iiruun Yergerto Liz- zie Moll, both of near Kreamcr. Aug. 2;], i;harle.s Brnlf to Fllen Spangler, l)oth (.)f Port Ann. Sc[)t. ('), Abraham Kicsterto Clara Jarie Thomas, lioth ol Snyder Co. Sept. 27, R. W. Hare to Laura S. J-^isenhower, both of Snyder Co. Xov. 22, Warren Hedding of Northumberlnnd Co. («» Lycha F. Sjiecht of Snyder Co. 1886. Feb. 18, Andrew Wagner, (wid- ower), to Mary Mattern, (widow), of West Beaver. Feb. 25, J. D. Smitli of Kansas to Ida Heckendorn of Adamsburo-. ^ March 18, David F. Daubert to Sarah Weiandt, both of West Bea- ver. March 21, Franklin F. Hare (.f Snyder Co. to Rel)ecca Cathermau of Union Co. May 2, Zacliariah Mover to Lain-a E. Seebold, both of Ssiyder Co. June 12, David N. Rhoads and Amelia L. Ettinger, both of Wash- ington twp. Sept. 10, William Ranch to Cora Hartman, both of Franklin twp. 1887. April 21, Charles W. T. Binga- njan to Amelia Ray, both of Snyder county. ^^ay 3, C. E. Lutz of Selinsgrove to A. E. Erdley of Middleburg. May 12, John R. Baker to Sophia Wagner, both of West Beaver. ' Sept. 25, William H. Gerhart to Ebesta Haekenburg, both of Mos- scr's Vallev. leijnjejer § Marriage Sec 1865. Jan. 19, Abraham Shelly to Cath- erine Barge, both of Juniata Co. Ian. 22, Thomas Kantz to Cath- erine Romig, both of Penu twp. Feb. 5, Elias Heintzelman to De- bora Reicheubach of Chapman. Feb. 9, Jacob J. Rhine to Sarah Lawer of Juniata Co. Feb. 21, Ferid Bachman to Mary Bingeman of Beaver twp. Feb. 28, William H. Moser and L3 dia Ginney of Middlecreek twp. April 9, Henry Denius to Sarah Jane Erdley of Middlecreek twp. April 11, Jacob Jarrett to Mrs. Harriet Couelly of Monroe twp. May 14, Jacob Gaugler to Caro- line Reicheubach. May 21, Jeremiah Kratzer to Mrs. Susanna Kratzer of Penn twp. June 4, Henry B. Yerger to Catherine Kremer of Middlecreek. June 11, William Schnee to Car- oline Moury of Perry twp. July 23, Henry Yachthimer to Elizabeth Holtzapple of Washington twp. Aug. 1, Henry K. Fisher to Clar- inda E. Parks, both of Selinsgrove. Aug. 6, Henry J, Doebler to Izora Eyer of Selinsgrove. Aug. 13, Henry F.Reigel to Em- ma Jane Woodling, both of Wash- ington twp. Aug. 24, Franklin Bopp to Ame- lia Kramer of Middlecreek. Aug. 24, Fred. Connelly to Ma- tilda Hummel of Monroe twp. Aug. 27, Henry Hosterman to Lucy Ann Hoot of Fenn twp. Sept. 3, Samuel Gundrum to A- melia Roush of Freeburg. Sept. 7, Jarius Roush to Emma Cortney of Middlecreek. Oct. 14, Daniel Witmer to Mary Schnee of Perry twp. Oct. 17, Fred. Miser to Sarah Lower of Juniata Co. Oct. 29, William |Gilbert to Mrs. Diana Wolf of Middlecreek tvvp. Dec. 23, John B. Gise to Lillie Boyer of Gratztown. Drc. 24, William H. Row to Mary Ann Herman. Dec. 24, Joseph Moyer to Cath- arine Straub. both of Washmgtoa twp. Dec. 31, Henry Sauer to Lydia Dunkelberger of Middlecreek twp. 1866. Feb. 1, Philip Emey to Harriet Shambaugh. Feb. 6, B. Franklin Kantz to Lucinda Erdley of Penn twp. 202 Rev. Erlenmeyer's Marriages. 18GG-7.] Feb. 22, Edward K. Boyer to Louisa Kautz of Ponn twp. March 1 8, Thomas Newman to Elizabeth Weiser of C'hapman twp. March 18, Samuel Erdly to Sarah Krouse of Penu's twp. March 29, Levi Weller to Mary Ann liathfon of Perry twp. May 15, S. B. Pawling to Ester Long of Selinsgrove. May 17, David Nagle to Henri- etle Busier of Penu's twp. May 20, David Schnee to Lydia Schaefier of Washington twp. May 27, Edward Brown to Mary Benfer of Penn twp. May 27, Henry H. Seechrlst to Mary Ann Erdley of Penn's twp. June 10, J. H. Shamory to Mrs. Elizabeth llice, both of Chapman. June 10, Perry Meiser to Mary Ebiight of Perry twp. June 24, George Goodling to Car- oline Garmau of Perry twp. July 22, Henry Fisher to Ellen Fisher, both of Penn's twp. July 24, Jacob Hendricks of Mon- roe twp. to Mary Scheffler of Nor- thumberland Co. Aug. 5, John B. Nagle to Eliza- beth P, Keppler of Perry twp. Aug. 12, Samuel Snyder to Sallie Brouse, both of Penn's twp. Aug. 16, George DIehl to Amelia Martin of Freeburg. Sept. 9, Jonathan vVomertoMary Kepler, both of Perry twp. Sept. 13, Dr. H. M. Nipple to Viola Schnee. Sept. 23, Robert Teats and Eli- sabeth Wommer of Perry twp. Oct. 14, Henry Scholl to Lizzie Lenig of Chapman. Oct. 14, Peter Kratzer to Susanna Wertz of Washington twp. Oct. 14, Jonas Bickhart to Har- riet Wetze'. Nov. 1, Gustavus A. Erlenmeyer to Malinda K. Houtz, both of Free- burg. Nov. 8, George S. Mitterling to Margaret Weiss, both of Perry twp. Nov. 22, Aaron Howell ofFrank- liu twp. to Mary Hoffer of Chapman. Dec. 9, Henry F. Charles of Freeburg to Elisabeth Row of Penn's twp. Dec. 13, Wm. Fryman to Se villa Smith of Middlecreek twp. Dec. IG, Geo. W. Barner to Fi- anna Heighgis of Perry twp. Dec. 23, Abraham Mitterling to Miss Emeline Arbogast of Perry twp. Dec. 23, William Boyer to Sarah Weiss of Penn twp. Dec. 27, Henry Walborn to Sarah Witman of Penn's twp. 1867. Jan. 1, Jefferson Geisselman to Mary Tulauf of Juniata Co. Jan. 17, William Gilbert to Car- oline Maintz of Washington twp. Feb. 19, Henry M. Freed to Louise Sechrist. Feb. 21, Henry Krouse to Mary A. Gemberling of Selinsgrove. Feb. 24. John Shetterly to Mary Elisabeth Troup. March 3, John K. Hughes to Clara Seebold of Penn's twp. March 10, Ezra Roush to Mary Bollinger of Middlecreek twp. 1867-8.J Rev. Erlenmeyer's Marriages. 203 April 14, G. Washington Leuig to Miss Catharine Gable of Chapman. April 28, James Erdley to Liz- zie Hendricks of Middlecreek twp. May 30, William Miller toSusan Straiib. June 13, Daniel Wolf to Louise Adams, both of Washington twp. June 30, Evans Moyer and Miss Fianna Weller, both of Washington twp. July 11, Jacob Riegel to Miss Kate Ginney of the Isle of Que. July 16, Franklin Dock to Re- becca Henly of Dauphin Co. Sept. 1, Jackson Lenig to Anna Virginia Dirk of Washington twp. Sept. 8, John Mitman, to Mary Saner of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 15, Joseph Himeto Melinda Hoffman of Perry twp. Sept. 29, Ezra Philips to Satilla Lenig of Chapman. Oct. 13, Samuel Martin to Sarah Graybill of West Perry twp. Oct. 31, John Row to Lydia Look of Penn's twp, Nov. 10, Willis Erdley to Cath- arine Snyder of Jackson twp. Nov. 26, Joseph S. Diehl to Sarah A. Slieliler of Northumberland Co. Nov. 28, Samuel Krousc to Sarah Kratzer of Penn's twp. Dec. 5, Jacob Heintzelman to Henrietta Smith of Middlecreek. Dec. 5, Christian I. Winey of East Salem to Amanda Landis of Richfield. Dec. 15, Henry F. Charles to Mary Alice Knights of Port Trev- erton. 1868. Jan. 2, Reuben Bratton of Mifflin Co. to Ellen Hosterman ofFreeburg. Jan. 5, Isaac Row to Diana Jar- rett, both of Penn's twp. Jan. 12, William N. Heimbachto Amanda Thomas of Selinsgrove. Feb. 13, John M. Rine of Mc- Kees Half Falls to Elisa Kliuger of Gratztown, Dauphin Co. March 1, Michael Beaver toAlice A. Hoffman of Monroe twp. March 17, Daniel Boyer to Mrs. Sa.ah Bolender of Washington twp. April 16, Georg(; Bressler to Su- san Aucker, both of Perry twp. June 7, Henry S. Sehnee to Lucy Ann Mitterliuo;: June 14, Samuel Hammaker to Mrs. Elisa Strayer of Freeburg. June 28 Amos Jarrett to Mary Ann Fertig of Jackson twp. July 5, George Ewig of Jackson twp. to Amanda Deitrich of Middle- creek twp. July 12, William Yerger to E- lizabetli Bingman of Perry twp. Sept. 20, Charles Look to Eliza Snyder of Penn's twp. Nov. 1, James Hosterman to Mary Duck of Penn's twp. Dec. 6, George H. Yeager to Sa- rah Rine of W^ashington twp. Dec. 13, John H. Siler ofNorth'd Co. to Araminda Miser of Perry twp. Doc. 15, George Holtzapple of Freeburg to Catharine Bittinger of Washington twp. Dec. 29, George W. Clase to Su- san Banner of Penn's twp. Dec. 24, Geo. W. Row of Jack- son twp. to Lydia Hain of Monroe twp. 204 Rev. Erlenmeyee's Marriages. 1868-70.] Dec. 24, William Look to Rach- el Ewing ot Penn's twp. Dec. 31, George R. Hendricks to Matilda Boyer ot Washington twp. 1869. Jan. 17, Lewis Minium to Mary Fisher of Perry twp. Jan. 28, Noble Heskel to Emma Holtzapple of Freeburg. Feb. 4, Benjamin Miser to Cath- arine Grimm, both of Washington twp. Feb. 21, John J. Coleman to El- leu Bowersox of Centre twp. Feb. 23, Henry Laudenslager to Susan Knouse of Penn's twp. Feb, 28, Lewis Goodliug to Mary A. Derr of Chapman twp. March 9, Henry Garman to Cath- arine Jarrett, both of Penn's twp. March 10, Jonathan Hilbish of Elkhart, Indiana to Jane E. Walter of Penn's t\vp. March 14, Henry Riegle to Char- lotte Spade, both of Middleburg. April 25, Philip Freed to Caro- line Craig of West Perry twp. May 19, David Botdorf, Esq., to Elizabeth Arnold of Chapman. May 23, Jacob Minium to Catha- rine Hertz. June 24, Emanuel Aucker to Maggie Weipert of Perry twp. July 4, Elias C. VVeirick to Re- becca Reuninger of Washington twp. Aug. 8, Franklin Hummel to Mag- gie Dock of Middlecreek. Aug. 8, Philip S. Mitterling to Leah Arnold of J^erry twp. Aug. 14, Frank Weirick, Editor of the Selinsgrove "Times." to Miss Clara Rohbach, both of Selinsgrove. Sept. 9, Jacob Shirk to Jane Keeler, l)oth of Freeburg. Oct. 5, Edward Boyer to Emeliue Garman of Washington twp. Oct. 7, Solomon App to Sevilla Gemberling of Penn twp. Oct. 10, John B. Smeigh to Eme- line Houtz, both of Sunbury. Oct. 24, John A. Schnee to Sarah Winey of Richfield. Oct. 28, B. H. Koster of East Salem, JuniataJCo. to Clara Winey of West Perry. Nov. 7, John Miser to Mary Look both of Middlecreek twj). Nov. 14, Ephraim Freyman to Susan Snyder of Franklin twp. Nov. 21, Benjamin Smith toSarah Knouse, both of Penn's twp. Dec. 2, Jacob Benfer to Mrs. Christiana Bolig of Middlecreek. Dec. 26, Jeremiah Krissinger to Catharine Sechrist of Union twp. 1870. Jan. 2, Philip J. Moyer to Mara Jane Erlenmeyer of Freeburg. Jan. 4, Daniel Heintzelman to Lybilla Hime of Union twp. Feb. 10, Miles Wetzel to Emma Jane Roush ofFreeburg. April 10, Ner. Arbogast to Ame- lia Smith of Perry twp. April 7, William Brouse to Re- becca Ilollenbach of Jackson twp. April 8, Peter M; Garman to Mary Land is, both of Mt. Pleasant Mills. April 13, Tobias Landis to Utica Row, both of Washington twp. May 1, George Freed to Ellen Roush of Washington twp. 1870-1.] Ukv. Eulenmeyer's Marriages. 205 May 15, Daniel Nagle to Catha- rine Bottieger. June 19, George Klose of Bellc- vne, Oiiio, to Mrs. Sophia Huminel of l'VeeI)iirg. June 19, Henry Uplinger to Mrs. Margaret Dienier. June 26, Levi Fisher to Alice A. Iloflman, both of Selinsgrove. June 28, Philip Derr of Milton to Mary Ann Heckendorf of McAlis- terviile, Juniata Co. July 21, Jonathan Arbogast to Ju!i<t. 8, Henry Kessler and Mrs. Barbara E. Huglies of Washington twp. Sept. 8, George A. Botdorf and Mary Ann Goy, both of Freeburg. Sept. 11, George Brosius to Em- ma Sehnee, both of Ferry twp. Sept. 11, David Snyder of Jaok- son twp. to Mary lieigle of Wash- ington twp. Sept. 11, Jacob Fisher and Mrs, Mary Grissiuger of Selinsgrove. Sept. 11, William S. Stahl of Union to Lydia Row of Fenn twp. Sept. 1 1 , James H. Hair to Mary Smith of Middlebuig. Oct. 2, Howard Bilger to Catha- rine Hummel of Middlecreek twp. Oct. 2 Henry Moore of Washing- ton twp. to Anna Rohrig of Selins- grove. Oct. 4, Adam Showers of Mid- dle burg to Mary C. Stauffer of Se- linsgrove. Oct. 22, Jacob C Keller to Lydia N. Miller of Selinsgrove. Oct. 30, Jacob J. Yerger to Caro- line Rine, both of Fremont. Nov. 10, Benjamin Tressler and Mrs. Barbara Kerstetter of Juniata county. Nov. 24, Henry Woodling and Mary Jane Kratzer of Fenn twp. Dec. 4, Mahlon Courtney to Har- riet Forry of Middlecreek. Dec. 4, Daniel S. Snyder to Em- ma Mengel of Ferry twp. Dec. 11, A. W. Bowersox of Middleburg to Violttta Stauffer of Selinsgrove. Dec. 11, Levi Heigeis to Eliza- beth Nagle of Ferry twp. Dec. 11, Jonathan Heintzelman to Catharine Fhil 1 i ps of Chapman. Dec. 18, Fred Holtzapple to Mrs. Eliza Winkelmen. Dec. 29, Henry Moyer to Alice Hoch, both of Washington twp. Dec. 29, Jonas Yoder to Emma Arnold of Delaware twp., Juniata county. Jan. 1, William Brosius to Mar- tha Wagner of West Beaver twp. Jan. 8, Casper D. Forgey to Sarah Keiser, both of Selinsgrove. 20G Rev. Erlenmeyer's Marriages. 1871-2.] Feb. 9, E. M. Straub to Anna Boycr, both of Pcnn twp. Feb. 12, William Troupto Eliza- beth Hoffman of Perry twp. Feb. 23, Matthias Sciinee to Mrs. Elisa Weaver of Centrevillo. Feb. 28, John F. Stetl(«r to Ilat- tie E. Ulrich, both of Middleburg. Mar. 2, Wilson Charles to Mary Jane Hoff, both ot Selinsgrove. Mar. 5, Henry Derr to Amelia K(!mrer of Perry twp. April 16, George S. Smith to Louisa Hcvis, both of Fremont. June 4, Zachariah T. Gemberling to Mary A. Way land of Penn twj). June 8, Charles H.Boyer to Ame- lia Leehner, botii of Selinsgrove. June 13, Jacob K. Herman and Matilda Fetter of Penn twp. June 15, Christian Benner to Car- rie Gingiich of McAllisterville, Juniata Co. June 18, Paul Hummel to Cath- erine Bickel of Washington twp. July 2, N. E. Hartman to Alice Leiihart, both of Shamokin Dam. July 9, George W. Sears to Sopl.ia Mengel of Perry twp. July 23, Allison N. Miller to Sal- lie Frock, both of Limestone twp., Union Co. Aug. 10, Daniel Dunkell)erger to Sarah Ann Maurey of Middlecreek. Aug. 20, Waldo Stuck to Sal lie E. Moyer of Franklin twp. Aug. 20, David Schaeffer to Caro- line Woodling of Freeburg. Sept. 10, Jienjamin Meiser and Catherine Mengel of Washington twp. Sept. 21, Charles O. Qreenough ^o Caroline Gross of Beaver twp. Se])t. 24, Isaac Steffen to Emma Noeecher of Chapman. Oct. 29, Aaron W. Gill to Ellen B. Gemberling, both of Penn twp. Nov. 5, John Gable of Chaj^nan twj). to Amelia Boycr of Washing- ton twp. Nov. 5, Henry Zcchmau to Mary Walter, both ot (Jentre twp. Nov. 23, Henry K. Arnold and Emma ileamer, both of Delaware twp., Juniata Co. Dec. 10, Tobias Sechrist of Un- ion Co. to Ennna Jane Mitchell' of Centreville. Dec. Fi-ed. I. Boycr of Frcel)urg to Molly E. Fessler of Centreville. Dec. 17, I. Peter Klingler and Margaret Seville Ulrich, both of Jackson twp. Dec. 17, John C. Moyer to Chris- tian Metzger. Dec. 24, Henry K. Fisher and Marl ha Jane Minium of Fremont. Dec. 26, Simon Kantz of Wash- ington twp. to Saruh Heintzelman of Chapman. 1872. Jan. 7, Manoah Stauifer toLydia Sechrist of Union twp. Jan. 7, Jacob Doch to Amelia Diemer, both of Miildlecreek twp. Jan. 30, Frederick Walter and Susan Hughs of Penn twp. Feb. 13, Horace Adie of Union- town to Julian Wasser of Lewis- burg. Mar. 3, William A. Kaltride to Polly A. Keichenbach of Perry twp. Mar. 17, Wellington Herrold to Catharine Trutt of Chapman. Mar. 31, Adam Bitner to Rebecca Scholly of Union twp. 1872-3.J Rev. Erlenmeyer's Marriages. 207 Apr. 21, Giistavus Garman and Josephice Lanclis of Perry twp. May 14, Abraham Freed to Em- ma Jaue Apple, both of Washing- ton twp. May 19, William Meister and Alice Landis, both of Perry Lvvp. May 19, Peter Markel to Emma Hendricks of Monroe twp., Juniata county. Mny 19, J. D. Arbogast to Susan Garman of Fremont. June 16, ZachariahDock to Catha- rine Kustcr of Penn twp. June 20, Benjamin Meiser to An- na Phillips, both of Perry twp. June 23, Henry Seholl and Mrs. Molly Sechrist, both of Qnion twp. Aug. 11, Ever Walter of Mi ffiin- l)urg to Mary A. ISanders of Centre twp, Sept. 1, Gustavus Arbogast and Sarah Yeager, both of Perry twp. Sept. 8, Amos Straub to Sarah Diemer. Sept. 8, Henry Holtzapple of Washington twp. to Catharine A. Dock. Oct. 3, Jacob Ho vis of Fremont to to Lucinda Mengel of Washington twp. Oct. 6, Charles Parks to Louise Hane, both of Selinsgrove. Oct. 13, Reu[)eu Boyer of Penn twp. to Cyrene Walter of Centre twp. Nov. 3, Henry Froch to Susan Heimbach ot Buffalo twp. Nov. 7, Jonas Sassaman to Clara Couly, both of Monroe twp. Nov. 12, Jacob Benner of Del- aware twp., Juniata Co., to Barbara Snyder of West Perry twp. Dec. 1, Simon Roush to Hannah Heiggis, both of Chapman twp. Dec. 15, George Brosius to Mary Schnee, both of Perry twp. Dec. 19, Augustus Z. Becker of Berks Co. to Barbara E. Boyer of Fremont. Dec. 22, Henry C. Boyer of Wash- ington twp. to Carrie Weiss of Port Treverton. Dec. 27, John Miller to Harriet Musser of Franklin twp. Dec. 29, Jerome Garmau to Su- san Bolig of Penn twp. 1873. Jan. — , John A.Moyer of Wash- ington twp. to Catharine Goodliug ot Perry twp. Mar. 9, George Lesher to Jane Stahl of Richfield, Juniata Co. Mar. 13, Joseph Benfer to Mar- garet Leitzel, both of Jackson twp. July G, David Bottinger to Emma Arbogast of Freeburg. July 24, George Reich to Sarah Benfer of Middlecreek twp. July 27, John S. Leas to Jane N. Yeager of Perry twp. Aug. 24, Philip S. Schnee to El- len Moore of AVashiugton twp. Oct. 19, John Reitz of Treverton to Lucinda Charles of Freeburii. Oct. 26, Jonathan Shotzberger to Barbara Steffen of Chapman twp. Nov. 16, William Grimm to Clara Hostermau, both of Freeburg. Nov. 18, Martin Kemble to Har- riette Weller of Washington twp. July 23, Samuel Derk to Savilla Schnee, both of New Berlin. Nov. 23, John Field to Mary Bolig, both of Middlecreek twp. 208 Rev. Erlenmeyer's Maiiriages. 1874-5.] Dec. 1, Enoch Bilger to Janetta llousli of Washington twp. Dec. 21, Henry Byron to Sarah Spanglcr of Jackson twp. Dec. 25, Francis S. Boyer antl Agnes Koiish ofFreeburg. Dec. 25, Henry W. Felty to Sarah Gill, both of Paxtonville. Feb. 1, Emanuel Benfer to Rebec- ca Leitzel, both of Jackson twp. Feb. 27, John Arbogast to Am- anda J. Kautz, both of Washington twp. Feb. 22, Jacob Denius to Hannah Maria Benfer of Jackson twp. Feb. 26, George S. Snyder and Kate Bowersox of Middleburg. Mar. 22, David Goy to Mrs. Sa- lome Forrey,both ofFreeburg. Mar. 29, Jonathan Meiser and Sarah Snyder, both of Perry twp. April IG, Charles P. Dent and Sarah E. Erleumeyer of Freeburg. May 10, Cornelius Wetzel and Matilda Holtzapple, both of Wash- ington twp. May 17, Jacob Greiner of Sha- mokin Dam to Amelia IMitchell of Northumberland. June 21, Isaac Sauer to Susan Dirk, both of Middiecreek twp. June 23, Lewis W.- Roush and Amelia Riegel of Washington twp. Aug. 23, Benjamin Straub and Mary Hepner, both of Washington twp. Sept. 24, John A. Glass to Mary Glass, both of Freeburg. Oct. 11, Maxwell Bowersox and Catharine E. Waller, both of Frank- lin twp. Oct. 1 8, Wilson Schaeffer of Perry twp, to Catliarine Hupp of Green- wood twp., Juniata Co. Oct. — , Ik'njamin S(etlcr of Penn tWp. to Mrs. Susan Wittenmyer of Middleburg. Oct. 20, Calvin Forrey of Penn twp. to Alice Daubert of Port Tre- verton. Nov. 8, William Hej)ner of Wash- ington twp. to Alice Schnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Nov. IG, Andrew Goodwill of Shamokin to Cora Brown of Free- burg. Ncv. 24, Joel ]>iiger of Middle- creek to Mrs. Margaret Bitting of Liverpool, Perry Co. Dec. 10, Charles Seebold to Em- ma Staidnecker, both of Middle- burg. 1875. Jan. 10, Francis D. Boyer of Washington twp. to Elizabeth Ben- fer of Middiecreek. Jan. 21, Levi E. Renninger and Mary Jane Benfer, both of Middle- creek. Feb. 23, George F. Sletlcrto Jane Houser, both of Middleburg. Mar. 9, J. H. Jeffries of Sunbury to Louisa Seesholtz of Selinsgrove. Mar. 9, JacobMartin ofFreeburg to Mary Ann Forry of Penn twp. April 13, Amnion Reed of North- umberland Co. to Laura L. Erlen- myer of Freeburg. April 15, Peier Heintzelman to llattie Gilbert of Schuylkill Co. April 15, Henry Tjintner of Schuylkill Co. to Minerva Heintzel- man of Chapman twj). 1875-40.] Rev. Erlenmeyer's Maiikiages. 209 April 18, IMiilip H. Smith and Mary Mcl^nsie of Selinsgi'ove. May 2, Jonas Garnian to Kegina Mongel, both of Perry twp. May 1 1 , George \V. Weaver and Barbara E. Schnee, l)oth of Freeburg. May 16, A. B. Keck to Josephine Wolf of Fremont. May 18, Joiin Maier of Wiikes- barre to Polly Ann Nagle of Wash- ington twp. May 23, Henry Arbogast of Washington to Emma Kantzof Penn twp. May 23, Franklin P. Walter to Margaret Hair of Franklin twp. June 6, Amos Bolig to Amanda Wagner, l)oth of Middlecreek. June 6, Foster Winey of Rich- field to Hannah Garman of Perry twp. Aug. 15, Istiac! Spotts to Catha- rine Ami Heiggis of Perry twp. Sept. 12, Riley Kepler to Mary K. Yertj;er, both of Perry twp. Sept. 12, John Schaeflfer to Ma- tilda Reicheubach, both of Washing- ton twp. Oct. 1 0, Lewis Moyer to Catlia- rin*( Arbogast of Washington twp. Oct. 10, Reuben Bubb to Emma Caths^ruie Grichbaum. Oct. 10, Joim P. Leitzel to Mar- tha Meiesr. O^it. 10, Abraham Long of Sell ns- grove to Jtnuie Thomas. Oct. 12, Oscar Dunkelberger to Sarah Habb, l>oth of Freeburg. Oct, 14, Jonathan (irrinnn toSarah Jane Apple, l)oth of Washington twp. Oct. 30, Charles Bickel of Penn twp. to Agnes Donmeyer of Franklin twp. Oct. 31, Simon Arbogast to Sallie Hoflman of Perry twp. Nov. 7, Solomon J. Wetzel and Jane Kratzer of Jackson twp. Dec. 19, J. O. Keeler and Sallie Dietrich, both of Middlecreek twp, Dec. 25, Samuel Roads of Lebanon wunty to Ellen Donmoyer of Frank- lin twp. Dec. 30, W. H. Bickel of Middle- creek to Mary K. Ritter of Jackson twp. Dec. 30, William Kuhnto Emma Jane Gilbert, both of Penn twp. moT Jan. 19, Frederick Staley to Ab- ba Speece, both of Liverpool. Jan. 22, John Charles to Susan Charles, both of Liverpool. Feb. 7, Frederick Stark to Mary Gontz. Feb. 11, Leroy Holmes to Mar- garet Keiser. Feb. 1 1, Daniel Ziegler and Mary Keiser. Feb. 11, Jacol)Baehus to Eliza- beth Wagner. Feb. 25, Jacob Duck to Rebecca Aucker. Feb. 25, Arthur Forrney to Susan Nagle. Mar. 19, Jacob Betch to Eliza- beth Moyer. April 2, Joseph Aucker to Mary Keppner. April 30, Samuel Stevens to Mary Johns. May 28, Samuel Johnson to Mary Charles of Liverpool, Perry Co. 210 ^SEY. Erli;'s M-areiages. 1840-1.] July 5, Mr. Beaver to Mary Shipe. July 12, John Ellig to Judith Smith. July 23, Mr. Traub to Elizabeth lloth. Aug. 20, Jacob Ilessrich to Oaro- Jine Hinies. Sept. 8, Adam Hallman to So- phia Hammaker, both of Liverpool, I'erry Co. Sept. 18, Michael liaabs to Susan- an Taylor, both ot Halifax, Dauphin County. Oct. 1, Daniel Leas to Salome Schnee, ])oth of Perry twp. Oct. 4, George Van Ormen and Maria Comfort. Oct. 29, John Wirt to Catharine A. Dirk. Nov. 5, Jacob Zimmerman and Catharine Schaefler. Nov. 0, Daniel I'rink and Ann Henry, both of Liverpool, Perry Co. Nov. 10, Jacob Fisher to Mar- gaj ct Wilt. Nov. 12, David Steel to llebecoa Stephen, both of Perry Co. Nov. 22, Jacob Ewlg to IVirbara Dillman. Nov. 26, Jolni Yeagerto l>arl)ara Sechrist. Nov. 29, Michael Schnee to Anna Dcckard of Liverpooh Dec. 8, AlbrightSwinefort toSarali Diehl, both of Juniata Co. Dec. 8, Daniel Stephen to Ann Hunter, both ot lUilValo, Perry Co. Dec. 10, Henry (irubb to Catha- rine Keagle, both ot Perry Co. De(\22, Jn Co. Sept. 29, Jacob Hoch to Rebecca Schoch of Middlecreek. 1843. Jan. 5, David Mackenzie to Mar- garet Karr, both of Liverpool. Jan. f (■hapiuan twp. Jan. IS, .Joseph F. II oclli of Cen- tre twp, to l^eah (iift of Perry twp. Jnn. 1 1, Frederick Bingaman to Susan Swartz of Beaver twp. Feb. 0, Samuel Somers to Encin- da Maurer of Washington twj). l'\'b. 15, .John Roniigto J\Iargarf>t Stctlcr, both of East BiiHalo (wp. Feb. 15, William Herrold and Mary Blasser, both ofChapmantwp. Feb. 15, Charles Krisher to Miss Martha Keeler, both of East Buf- falo twp. Feb. 24, Daniel Riegelto Hannah Hackenburg, Ixjth of Washington twp. Mar. 5, Daniel Albright toliouise Schnee of Freeburg. April 1, Jonas Meiser to Maria Herrold, both of Wji^hington twp. April 8, Aaron Moyer to Catha- rine Strayei', of Freebin-g. May 8, Samuel Benner to Eliza- beth Shadow. June 2, Solomon Getz and Mary Fas.snacht, both of Selinsgrove. June 11, Davi»l Mertz to SaraJi Kime. June 17, Abraham (jrubb and Frances Ilallman, both of Liveri)ool, Perry CV). 1845. Jan. 2, John JetlcTson Hassen- plug to Sarah Moyer of Frt'el)urg. Jan. 9, Jacob Lose to Susan Ner- hoot. Jan. 19, AVashingtoM Menges to Susan Roush, both of Freebiug. Jan. 21, Jacob Krider of Perry twp. to Elizabeth Hoiitz. Jan. 21, William WellertoMary Ann Eawver, both of IVrry twp. Jan. 30, Robert Shipton toCafha- rine Nerhoot. Fi'l. 4, BcuiJamiiiCebliarttol'^liza- beth Miller of U'ashington twp. Feb. 20, Jeremiah ^Nlatfliias and Judea Moore, both of Penn twp. Feb. 25, John CJeorge Ulrieh to Saiah Row of -luniafa C^). iS45-G.] Rev. Erlexjieyer's Marriages. 218 Mar. 20, Jacob Erb and Sarah Ann Bitner, both of Ccntro twp. Mar. 25, Henry Matthias to Ma- tilda Crush, both of Peun twp. TNlar. .30^ Lewis Stock to Susaniia Schrojer, both of Penn twp. Aj)ril 3, Peter Mertz and Susan Hilbish, both of Freeburg. April G, Moses Fisher to Hannah Musschnau, both of Penn twp. April 24, Peter Eby to Elizabeth Weller of Periy twp. JSIay 18, Peter Arnold to Mary Ann Schaetter, both of Chapman twp. May 20, Samuel Boyer to Sophia Beyer, both of Penn twp. June 15, Amos Wittenmoyer to Elizabeth llassinger, both of Centi-e twp. June 17; John Straub and Maria Houser, both of Perry twp. June 22, William (jrundrum and Lui'y Strayer of Freeburg. Aug. 3. Fred Bingman to Susan- na Houtz, both of Centre twp. Aug. 3, Henry Fisher to Sarah Ann Moody, both of Penu twp. Aug. 14, Jonathan Waters to Re- becca Albert, both of Seliusgrove. Aug: 3, William Moyer to Ame- lia Freyei, both of Chapman twp. Aug. 4, David Fisher to Hamea Heim, both of Chapman twp. Aug. 12, Harrison Meiscr of Perry twp. to Susanna Fisher of Chapman twp. Jidy 11, Joseph Shannon of Mid- dleburg to Mary Stetler of Centre Ivvp. July 25, Marcus Hainsto Hannali Benner, both of Washington twp, Oct. 9, Charles Sham bach and Elizabeth Bilger. Oct. 12, Daniel Straub to Lydia Heimbach, both of Chajiman twp. Oct. 14, Nathan Schlappigto Su- sanna Kantz, both of Wasliington twp. Dec. IG, Henry liolig and Mary Ann Herrold. Dec. 1 8, Emanuel Knights and Elizabeth Houser. Dec. 13, George Steininger and Susan Steininger, both of Centre twp. Dec. 25, William Hummel and Elizabeth Herrold. 1846. Jan. 1, Samuel Grier and Mary Miller, both of Washington twp. Jan. 4, Daniel Beuner to Mary Lenig, both of W^ashingtou twp. Jan. 8, Peter Hummel to Anna Kei'stetter, both of Chapman twp. Jan. 22, Augustine Arnold and Leah Rine, both of Chapman twp. Jan. 25, Isaac Jarrett to Anna Keller, both of Penn twp. Feb. 5, George Goodling to xVn- na Goy of Perry twp. Feb. 10, John Schnee of Freeburg to Hannah Youno^. Feb. 19, Daniel Swartz and Eve Arbogast of Washington twp. Feb. 26, Simon Dietrich to Saraii Giltrich. Mar. 5, Andrew Huber to Eliza- beth Hummel, !)oth of Chapman twp. Mar. S, Joseph Stork of Esther Hain, both of Penn twp. Mar. 22, Harrison Zieglor and Catharine Snyder, both of Chapman twp. 214 IvEY. I'lrjLENJIEYER'.S MAr.RIAOER. 184G-7.J April 2, Jacob Scluu-c to nobcwa :Mertz of Washington 1 wp. April 26, John Kantz to Hannali Walborii, both of Washingtou twp. April 28, Frank Boyer to Eliza All rand, both of Pen n twp. April 28, Henry Gilbert to Mary Ann Spade, both of Centre twp. May 17, Mr.;Fertenbaugli of Dan-- phin Co. to Susanna Strieker of Chapman twp. May 26, Benjamin MoyertoMary HoMFeworth, both of Chapman twp. Jnnc28, Jacob Hettrick toLydia Lehvig. July 2, James Auc^hmnty to Lucy Ann Strawser, botl; of Penu twp. July 26, Benjamin Brosius and Sarah A. Sho waiter, both of Penn twp. July 28, Abraham Wayne and Phebe Shelly, both of Juniata Co. Aiig. 11, John Ueifensnyder, Esq., to Nancy Musselman, both of Liverpool, Perry C^o. Sept. 24, Henry Swincford to Su- sanna Hassenplug. Oct. 1, Hem-y(Jlass ofPreeburg to Elizabeth Stetler of Centre Co. ()(;t. 8, John Meiser to Susamui Zcllcr, both of Perry tw]). Oct. 11, (xeorge Sj^nde to Phebe Hendricks. Oct. 18, George ilam;4()iic and Mary Elizabeth G;dl'.ckcr. Oct. 18, Eester Beimer to Susan- na Wayne, both fif Washington twp. Oct. 27, Solomon Walter to Catha- rine Mark. Oct. ol, C;harles Fetter to Eliza- beth Fetter, both of Washington twp. Nov. 15, Herman Fose to Susan- na Thomas. Nov. 17, George Mertz to Ame- lia Hummel. Nov. 22, Henry Walter to Ma- tilda Bowersox. Nov. 24, Benjamin Snyder to An- na Graybill, both of Perry twp. Dec. 3, Jacob Miller and Sarah Bower, both of Selinsgrovo. Dec. 3, Daniel Iloush to Sarah Shuman, both of liiverpool, Perry Co. Dec. 20, Jacob Wagner to Ame- lia Hains, both of Liverpool, I*crry County. Dec. 24, George Heimbaeh and Elizabeth of Chapman twp. Dec. 24, Peter Gross to Sarah Am\ Wendt, both of Peim twp. Dec. 24, Jacob Luck to INIary Ann Kerns of Penn twp. Dec. 27, Frederi(^k Traui) and Polly lleichcnbaugh. 1847. Jan. 5, John Dietrich (J Penn twp. to J*olly Wittenmeyer of Cen- tre twj"). Jan. 10, Adam Fisher to Barbara Wood ling, both of Penn twp. Jan. 17, William Woodling and Mary Musselmen, both of Penn twp. Feb. 7, Isaac JClatfelter to Susan- na Moyer, both of Chapman twj). Feb. 9, Simon Herman to Catha- rine Knights, both of l*enn twp. Feb. 16, Jacob Kantz to Elsie A u- rniller, both of Penn twj). Feb. 18, Amos Shaefer to Caroline Goodling of Chapman twp. Feb. 28, Simon Lark and Sarah Boyer of Freeburg. 18 4 7-8. J Rev. Erlenmeyer's Marriages. 215 Mar. 18, David Bnibaker to Su- sanna Shettcrly. April 1, Micliael Shnman to Eliza- beth Clicsnev, both of Liverpool, l^erry Co. April 4, George Mcnges to Snsan- na Deitz. April 13, John Reigle to Sarah Repass. May 4, Adam tiettrick to Catha- rine Wendt. May 4, Mr. I^awrent/ to Marga- ret Grubb, both of Liverpool, Perry county. May 9, John Shanibach to Maria Nerlioot of Chapman twp. May 18, Andis Ulrich to Catha- rine Hummel of Union twp. June 8, Elias Keck and Anna Bi(^kel, both ofPenn tw'_\ Oct. 17, John Watney of Brad- lord Co. to Adalia Stroll ot Selins- grove. Nov. 7, John Hime to Catharine Sehrader, both of Chapman twp. Nov. 7, H-enry and Polly Rohrer, both of Perry twp. Nov. 14, Samuel V/orly to Hau- nali W'eirick, both of Centre twp. Nov. 18, Samuel Kepner to Bar- bara Motz. Nov. 18, William Bitting and Eliza Loss. Nov. 18, William Sponebergerand Catharine Charles, both of Liver- p(X)i, Perry Co. Dec. 15, Ellsworth Moyer and Mary Phillips, both of Chapman twp. Dec. 26, George Earner, Esq., of Juniata Co. to Catharine Arnold of Chapman twp. 1848. Jan. 4, IMichael Frantz to Har- riette Mitchcl of Centre twp. Jan, IG, Samuel Wriyue to Sarah Wavne, both of Perry twp. Jan. 30, Isaac Troutniau to Su- sanna Grubb of Liverpool, Perry Co. Feb. 17, John Fisher to Catharine Wilt, l)oth of Chapman twp. Feb. 17, Andrew Krouseto Lucy Keiper, both of Washington twp. Marcli 5, John Bickel to Harriet Phiiipps, both of Chapman twp. March 14, Jacol) Weiser to Re- becca Neimond, both of Chapman tW]). March 10, Henry Jarrett to Maria Hain, both of Penn twp. March 21, Isaac Haldman to An- na Gray bill, both of Juniata Co. March 23, Joseph Kerstetter to Catharine Herrold, l)oth of Chap- man twp. March 23, Joseph Esholmau of Middleburg to Catharine Gauglcrof Penn's tvvp. March 26, Nathan Roush to E- lizabeth Duck, both of Penn twp. April 20, David Botdorf to Eliza Boyer, both of Freeburg. April 23, William Garman to Leah Menges, both of Chapman twj). April 24, Levi Heimbach to Har- riett Mover, b'jth of Centre twp. May 7, Peter Klatfclter to Char- lotte Arnold, both of Chapman twp. May 25, Jacob Nagle to Sarah Miller of Union Co. June 15, Jacob Housewerth to Polly Fisher, both of Chapman twp. July 16, David Hoffman to Su- sanna Kciser, both of Penns twj). 216 Key. Etjtf.nmf.yetj's Maeeiaoes. 184 8-i). Aug. 3, Plnlip Koiisli to Caroline \i\uc, both of Wasliijigton twp. Aug. 10, Jatnos Row to Catharine Laudcnslagor, both of Pcnn's twp, Sept. 8, John Mcugcl to I.cah Ickes, both of Wasliington twp. Se[)t. 14, Samuel Nerhoot to A- nielia iirenniiiger of I>eaver twp. Oct. 1, Joel Keller to Sibil hi llinie both of Chapman twp. Oct. 12, Vogel lo Bar- bara Kohler, both of Juniata Co. Oct. 15, John Dnnkellu'vger to Snsannn Longeneeker. Oct. 24, Henry Motz to I'^Ji/a- beth Moyer, boih of Freebnrg. Oct. 2G, Samuel Shidoji to Eliza- beth Kauber, both of IVrry 1 wj), Nov. 12, Jacob Jarre't to Eliza- beth Slianon, both of IVnn's twj). Nov. 16, John Young of Union Co. to Miss Sarah W^arion of Nor- thninberlaiid C'o. Nov. 11), Aaron Fisher to Sarah Lanig. Nov. 21, David Traub to Anna Runifelt, both of Chapman twp. Dec. 3, John Arbogast to lletti(> Koush, both of Washington twp. Dec. 8, Isaac Weiser to Catharine llonscworth of Chapman 1 wj). Dec. 26, Aaron Uoush to Susanna llorhler. Dec. 27, Edward J3assler of Se- linsgrovc lo Catharine A. Dover of Freebnrg. 1849. Jan. 24, Emanuel I^auver to So- phia Winey, both of liiehlk'ld, Feb. 6, Henry Boy er, sheriil, to Mary A\''agenseller of Selinsgrove. Jan. 7, George Lanig to Hannah Burkhart, both of Chapman twp. Feb. 13, John Boyer of Froeburg to Hannah Kantz of Penn's twp. Feb. 22, Peter Byerly of Selins- grove to Sarah Hartman of Penn's twp. March 1, John Miller of Wash- ington twp. to Matilda Moser of Centre twp. March 8, Josiah Weiser to Mary Fryer, both of Chapman twj). March 15, David liow to Maria Haiu, both of Ponn's twj). April 5, William Garman to Eliza Ann Craig. April 8, William Deckard to Sa- rah Hetrick. Api'il 8, Adam ^Veavcr of Centre Co. to Catharine Botdorf of Free- burg. April 25, Henry Summers to Catharine Moor. May 15, John Gilbert to Ann Swartz both of Washington twi). May 31, Peter Lauverto Susanna Kegel, both of Perry Vn. June 17, Elias Bailey of Penn's twp. to Mary Ann Scihwartz of Washington twp. June 30, Jolm Hackenberg to ]\Irs. Haima Metzer. July 5, William Wellcr to Lucy Ann lloush,both of Washington twp. July 8, John Hopp to Maria Lauber. July 23, Benjamin Nagle to Sarah Riegel of Washington twj). July 28, John Erb to Elizabeth Deckert. Aug. 2, Jacob Arnold to Mary Ann Shaefler, both of Chaj)man twj). 1819-50.J IvEV. Erlenmeyer's Mareiages. 217 Aug. 20, Enoch Smith to Cathii- rine Schiiee, both of Perry twp. Sept. 27, Peter Riegel lo Catha- rine Gundrum. Sept. 28, Thomas Gray bill of Kichlield to Susanna lline of Perry twp. Oct. 7, Ludvvig Arbogast to Mrs. Ann M. Boyer of Freeburg. Oct. 11, Moses Mohr to Caroline Straub, both of Middlecreek twp. Oct. 23, John Burk waiter t( > Mary Strieker, both of Chapman twp. Oct. 23, Lewis Gemberling ot Buifalo twp. to Mrs. Jene C. Schoeh of Penn's twp. Nov. 1, John [j(^iter to Susanna Hoflman, both of Selinsgrove. Nov\ 1, Jacob Sears to Lydia Mitterling of Perry twp. Dec. 6, Daniel Gaugler to Phebe Arnold, both of Chapman twp, Dec. 16, Charles McKenzie to Maria Gemberling of Selinsgrove. 1850. Jan. 1, C'hesselden Fisher to Jane Wareluim, both of Selinsgrove. Jan. 3, Michael Hain to Eliza Laiidenslager. Jan. 3, William Adam to Caro- line Jarrett of Penn twj). Jan. 8, Daniel Ivong to Mary Diehl of Pfoutz Valley, Perry Co.* Jan. 15, Jacob Duck to Mary Margaret Fisher, both ot Penn twp. Jan. 15, Levi Woodliug to Caro- line Glase, both of Washington twp. Jan. 20, Daniel Aumillerto Cath- arine Moll, both of Penn's twj). Jan. 24, Harrison H(!rrold lo Hannah M. Spyer. Jan. 24, Frederick Kramer to Mary Ann Heim. Jan; 24, Jacob Bnsslerto Lucetta Koush, both of Washington twp. Jan. 24, George H el wig to Caro- line Lanig of Washington twp. Feb. 12, Isaac Bidelspach to Mary Ann Hummel of Penn's twp. Feb. 10, Christian Snyder of Huntingdon Co. to Mary Gingerich of W^ashington twp. Feb. 26, Peter Kantz to Eliza J5eachel, both of Penn's twp. March 3, William Sohroyer of Selinsgrove to Elizabeth Morr of Washington twp. March 19, Jacob Keller to Eliza- beth Straub of ChaDman twp. March 2(), Edward Keiser of Mexico, Juniata Co. March 28, George K<'hler of Ju- niata Co. to EmelineSnyderof Perry twp. April 25, Austin Mohr to Lucin- da Klingler of Union twp. A}»ril 30, Lewis Aurand to Eliz- abetli Aumiller, both of Penn's twp. May 12, John C*ot)k to Rachel Stephen, both of Chapman twp. May 1V>, George Harrison to Lv- dia Milhoff, both of Penn's twp. May 23, Samuel M. Kauflman of Juniata Co, to Elizabeth Gingrich of W^ashington tw[). June 2, Henry Koush to Marga- ret Fisher. June 23, Daniel Kiegel to Eliza- beth Herrold, bothof Chapman fwp. June 30, Philip Apple to Rebecca Hains, both of Washington twp. Aug. 20, William Pawling and Caroline Row of Penn tw[). 218 ] Jkv. Kr.i.r-NMEYER's ]\I A nrjAf;i:.s. 1850-1.1 Auiij. 20, Elias Strassor to Susnii- iin Ziniincnnniij hotli of Perry tAvp. Aug. 22, James Miller to Elizn- helli JiruMiier, both ofPewn twp. Aug. 22, David Hains to Eliza Bender, both of A\'ashingt()n twj). a\ug. 25, Levi Ivleiu to Ijnrhara Kline, both ol'Mosser's Valley. Sept. 1, Ira Tayers of Port Trev- erton to Mrs. Elizabeth Witmer of Ciiapuiau l\v\). Get. ?), Percival Hart man lo Sarah Krider, both of Pen n twj). Oct. 3, Lsaae Kriefer toCathai-ine Batenian, both of Chapman twp. Oet. {'), Samuel Ileiehenbach and Cathaiine Arbogast of Washington twp. Oet. 31, Edward llaupt to Sarah Tjong, both of P(>nn Iwp. Sept. IS, Jialthaser T^awver and Mary Gray bill of Uiefa-ld. Oet. 28, Peier Kline and Leah Moyer of Leaver- twp, Dec. *J, Solomon Fjong to Harriet How bothof I'enn twp. Dec. 10, Morris Erdley 1<> Eliza- belh Stetler, both of Penn twp. Dec. 19, John S. Aucker to Mary Lawver, both of Perry tw}). Dee. 10, Aaron Moy(>r to [jouise PclTer, both of CJhapman Iwp. Dee. 31, Samuel WaltiT of Chap- man twp. to Elizabeth T^ook of Penn twp. 1851. •bui. 7, -binalhan Lon«r to Judilli Dield. dan. 1 1, Jamep l>ieht of ]>uflalo twp. to IJfbeecn Pawling of Penn twp. fan. It), Abi'ahani Wagner and Mary Elizabeth Mover, both of P>ea- vertwp. Jan. 10, Valentine; Laudenslager to Mrs. liac'iel Jirousc of Penn twp. Jan. 21, W^illiam Moyer to Anna Traui), both of C'hajMiian tw'j). Jan. 23, John liine toMaryKer- stetter, both of Cha])man twp. Jan. 30, Samuel Herrold to Catha- rine Snyder, both of Chapman twp. Feb. 0, John Graybill to Eliza- beth Fisher, both of Perry twp. Feb. 13, Perry Ulrieh of Sel ins- grove to Pollv Morr of Wa.shington twp.j April 8, John Step of Nortlunn- berland Co. to C-atharine Keller of (1ia))nHin twp. April 15, William Kain to Sarah Hummel. May 4, Peter Hopj) to Dorothea Uoth, lx)th of Perry twp. May 22, Charles Hinnmel to Es- ter Smith, both of Penn's tw[). May 35, Jacob Jlt>igel to Ijovina Gill, both of Centre twp. May 20, George Moyer to Catha- rine Minium. May 20, Daniel Gaugler to Su- sanna Gamby. June 3, Daniel Hcintzelman to C'atharine Txinig, both of Washing- ton tW]). June 10, Joseph Meiser to Han- nah Shadel of Perry twp. June 12, John Felndey to Ciitha- rincLang, both of Centre twp. Mav 17, AdamNerhoot to Catha- rine Ilerrohl, both of Chapman twp. Suly 20, Edward Koush to Cath- arine Hemtzelman of C!'ha])man twp. July 21, Mi(;ha(>l Mengello Cath- arine Arbogast, bothof Pei-ry Iwp. 1S51-2.] IIev. Erlexmeyer's Maiiriages. 210 July 24, Jacob Sholly to Susanna Snyder, both of Cha[)nian twp. Aug. 10, Jonas Smith to Mary Ann Row, both of Ponn's twp. Sept. 21, Joseph Hoke to Mary Lanig. Oct. 5, Charles Weaver of Lew- isburg to Sarah Vnnornier of Perry twp, Oct. 3, William Arbogast to Sa- rah Jane Cluck of Perry twp. Oct. 16, Joel Row to Mary Ann Jarrett, both of Penn's twp. Oct. 19, Emanuel Boyer toPhebe Ann Boyer, both of Penn's twp. Oi;t. 2G, Jacob Piatt to Mary Fleuley. Oct. 28, Henry Bilger to C-atha- rine Hoff. Nov. 1, David Cilbert to Sarah Shamorry, both of Washington twp. Nov. 11, Andrew Heintzelman to Mary Nerhoot, both of Chnpman t wp. Nov. 18, William P>. Acaley of Mifflin Co. to Anna Lehr of Perry Co. Nov. 18, Rudolph BruckiM to Soj)hia Moyer of Centre twj). Dec. 4, Peter Lauver to Marga- ret Man rer, botli of Perry twp. Dee. 25, Daniel Gellingerto Mary Roush, both of Washington twp. 1852. Jan. 1, Josej)h jienedict Burkhart to Margaret Law. Jan. 22, John Schneeand Abigail Freed. Feb. 5, Benjamin Landisof Juni- ata Co. to Susanna Stork of Perry twp. Feb. 5, John Stettler of Northum- berland Co. to Polly Millhof of Washington twp. Feb. 19, Daniel Moyer to Maria Renninger of Centre twp. March 7, Andrew Kerstetter of Perrv twp.. Sophia Mark of Juniata Co. ■ Mar(4i 18, Benjamin Trego of Northumberland Co. to Catharine Kratzer of Chapman twp. March 23, Isaac Morr to Anna Maria FIeiml)ach, l>oth of Washing- ton tWj). March 28, Hiram P. Schmit to Caroline Ijautcnslayer of Penn's twp. Marc^h 28, Jacob Hendricks t'o Susanna Haggerty. April 1, George Garrett to Anna Deitrich of Penn's twp. April 1, George B. Stiaub to Catharine Ann Roush. April 4, George Row to Mary Boyer. April 8, Charles Hughes of Wash- ington twp. to Sarah Snyder. April 8, Samuel VV^^zel to Su- sanna Hummel, both of Union Co. April 15, Washington Wilt to Sarah Houseworth. April 22, Tohias Basom to Caro- line Vanorman, both of Richfield. April 29, John Stock to Susanna Arbogast, both of l*erry twp. May 20, Elias Hartman to Catha- rine Kieper, both of Peun tv.p. May 22, John Ruhl to Mrs. An- na Schmit of Bullalo. May 23, Adam Alman to Louise Lawver of Buffalo. May 23, Henry Hollenbach and Margaret Hoffman of Selinsgrove. 220 Rev. Eei enmeyer'b Marriages. 1852-3.J May 30, John (Jlass to jSIsri^nrct Haas, both of Kivchurg. Juno 8, Jonas yVrkor to Eiizabcth r>()iiglierty of Lycoinii\<^ Co. June 8, Samuel Kaufl'inan ot Un- ion twp. to Harriette Jjaudeuslager of Penn twp. June 10, Daniel llcfricli to Mary Ann Janett, both ol'lVnnlwp. June 10, Jaeob Long and Eliza Jarrett, both of Penn twp. July 1, John Miller to Susanna Strayer of Freeburg. July 1, Isaae Woodling toC*atha- rine Gilbert of Washington twp. Aug. 17, William INFiller of Ly- eoming C^o. to C^itharine Aumillcr of Pemi twp. Aug. 29, William Woodling and Mary Smith, both of Penn twp. Sept. 2, George Glassof Freeburg to Sarah Sehoeh of Penn tw]). Sept. 30, P)enjamin Apple toMary Ann Angstatt, both of Washington twp. Get. 3, John Stephen to Elizabeth Riegle, both of Washington twp. Get. 10, Nathan A[oy(>r to Lydia Yeager. Get. 10, John ilotl to ElizalHih Heimbaeh of Freeburg. Get 21, Henry Heimbaeh to Mrs. Mary P»rown, both of Washington twp. Get. 26, Eli Miller to Sarah Kiep- er of Washington tw|). Nov. 4, lulward Snyder to Elmira Kathfon, both of Perry tw]). Nov. 9. (jeorge \\. Kantz and Sarah A. Power of Penn twj). Nov. If, Charles Dunkelberger to Sarah T. Ilollman, both ot Wash- ington Iwj). Nov. 18, Peter Arbogast to Anna Holtzapple of Washington twp. Nov. IS, Henry Bickhart to Ade- line Herrold ot Chapman twj). Nov. 25, David liryon to Eliza Bilger, both of Union Co. Nov. 25, I'eter Garman to Catha- rine Moyer of Washington twj). Dee. 9, Peter Treonto Sarah Ann G lase. Dee. 23, Abraham Jjretz to Mary Sehaefer, both of Seliusgrove. 1853.. Jan. G, A\ illiam Kepner to Bar- para Ickes, both ot Juniata Co. Jan. 27, Enos Erdly to Margaret liautenslayer, both of Penn's twp. Jan. 27, Fred Herrold to Mary Jane Aurand, both of Chapman t\\p. Feb. 19, Henry Diehl to Catha- rine Kerstctter, both of Chapman tp. Feb. 22, Henry Zimmerman to Mary Jjandis, both of Perry twp. Marc^h 10, Pennval Hartman to Margaret Hoif of I'emi twp. Mareh 15, Jaeob Itoush to Selena Mohr of Middlecreek twp. June 7, William VV^agner to Mary Ami Matthias. June 1(), Benjamin Fisher of the Isle of Que to l^ydia Snyder of Dau- phin Co. June 30, Miehael W^dter of Se- liusgrove to Elizabeth Fryer of C!ha])man. Jidy 10, William Strayer toMar- garet Duck, both of Freelnu'g. .Iidy 14, fJa(U)b Arbogast to Cath- arine Sehrader, both of Perry tw]). July 17, Alfred Herman to Sarah Miller of Seliusgrove. Jidy 24, Levi Charles to Amelia Keiper, b(»tli of Freebui'g. 1853-4.J llEv. Erlexmeyer's Marriages. 221 Sept. 15, Joseph Lauver to Mar} Moyer of Richfield. Sept. 4, Jacob Greincr co Scvilhi Hartman of Shaniokin Dam, Oct. 30, Frederick Mertz to E- lizaheth Showers, botii of Cciitre- viile. Nov. 8, Henry Wagner to Susan Hain, both of Penn's twp. Nov. 15, Jacob Frederick and Eniilie Braun of Washington twj), Nov. 24, John Strayer to Eliza- betli Arbogast of Perry twp. Nov. 27, Jonathan Minich and Leah Gilbert of Washington tw}). Dec. 1, Jeremiah Deitrick to Sa- rah Ressinger of Selinsgrove. Dec. 8, David Boyerto CatJiarine Frederick, both ofFreebiirg. Dec. 25, Philip Greincr to Mrs. Elizabeth Went of Perry twp. Dec. 27, Jackson Beachel of Buf- falo Valley to MettieKantz of Penn twp. Dec. 29, Hem-y Uerrold to Mar- tini Fisher of C-hapman twj). 1854. Jan. 10, Henry Gingrich to Eliza- beth Garnian of Washington twp. Jan. 15, Frederick Hair to Mrs. Hettie Terns. Feb. 2, Henry Herrold to Susan Schaeflfer, both of Chapman. Fcl). 2, George Long of Mifflin- burg to Susan Boyer of Frecburg. Fob. 7, Lenhart Kline to Mary Sechrist of Perry Co. Feb. 23, David Fisher to liarbara Hinie of Chapman twp. Feb. 23, John Rine to Matilda Arbogast of Perry tw[). Feb. 26, Samuel Duukelberger to Jane Roush of Freeburar. March 7, Josias Ulsh to Sarah Arbogast of Perry twp. March 21, Simon Kohlcrto Eliza- beth Sc'.inee, both of Perjy twp. March 26, George Baker to Mrs. Mary Catharine Hime, both of Se- linsgrove. March 28, Henry Kreider to Ma- tilda Jarrett, both of Penn twp. March 30, Simon P. Kern of San- dusky, Ohio, to Maria Gemberling of Penn twp. April 6, Henry Spade to l^arbara Stauber of Perry tv.p. April 9, G(^orge Bears of Centre Co. to Susan Wcller of Washington twp. April 16, John F. Kremcr of Clearfield Co. to Catharine Griech- baum of Perr}^ twp. April 27, Henry Fisher to Har- riette Harrison, l)oth of Penn twp. May 11, Jonathan Snyder and Hannah Gelnctt of Perry twp. May 11, John Stiver to Salome Steffeu of Perry twp, June org(^ Ifcrnian and E- lizaheth Fisiier, both of l*enn Iwp. Get. 5, Amos Schellenherger iind Mary Barge of Juniata Co. Oct. 19, Joseph Arbogast to E- lizabeth Stennnling of Perry twp. Oct. 2a, Peter Graybi 11 of Perry twp. to Polly Rine of Washington twp. Oct. 20, Joseph Pine to Elizabeth Straiib, both of Chapman. Oct. 26, Hem-y Schooh and Mar- garet Pawling, both of Penn twp. Oct. 2<), C^harles Povish of Free- burg to Matilda iStraub of Chajiman t\\]). Nov. 1, Samuel Kline of Union tw}>. to Mrs. Amelia MoyerofChap- man. Nov. 2, John Ilallman to Mrs. Lydia Holtzman, both of Perry Co. Nov. 9, JamesAnchmnty toLucy Ann Steffen. Nov. 19, Ellas Mimiig to Sophia Carman. Nov. 21, Simon Kister to Catha- rine J'olig of Centre twp. Nov. 30, Henry S. Boyer to Sa- rah Glass of Freeburg. Nov. 30, J)r. Charles Reichen- baeli to Cathai'inc iV. Arl)ogast. Dec. 20, Robert Kern to Susan Moyer ot Penn twp. Dec. 14, Jkuijaniiii Kerst(>tter and -I'nbara Marx ol CTiapman. \\v. 21, John Shotzberger to Sa- rah Holtzapple. Dec. 21, David Witmer to Sarah Miller of Penn tw}.. De(\ 24, George Kiihn toBarbara Kantz of Penn twp. Dec. 28, Jacob Maueh of Ne\v_ Berlin to Mrs. Amelia Bender. Dec. 28, Franklin Jiilgerto Anna Maria Schuman of Centre twp. De(!. 28, John W. Hendri(^lretz, both of Northumber- land Co, May 27, John Kepler to Eliza- beth Bender of l\'rry two. May 27, Wilson Pathlbn t~ met Eli's MAERTACiES. 185G-7.] A]>ril 24,J()n:ilii:iii Kow toCntha- riiu> Boycr of rcnn twp. April 29, Isaac Leight to Calhu- riiic Ann Nieniantl of ChniMnnn twp. May 8, John Gundnnn to Catha- rine Uonsh of Washington 1 vvp. May 25, Jacob Frederick to Marj I'.orns of Penn twp. Jnne 5, Franklin Osternian and Catharine Mains of Freehnrg. July 8, John Weist of Philadel- ])hia to Ennna I. ]>oyer of Freehnrg. Aug. 10, Henry Kantz to Mary Strawser ot Washington twp. Aug. 14, Henry Smith to Lydia Row of Penn twp. Aug. 31, Piiilip Arbogast to So- phia Spade of Perry twp. Sept. 9, George W. Leiter to Su- sanna Snyder, both of Chapman twj). Sept. 1 1, George OU to Amelia Eisenhower. Sept. 11, Andrew Landenslager to Rosanna Bellman. Sept. 14, Henry Snyder to Mary Meiscr of Perry twp- Sept. 25, I. E. Loyd and Susan Straul) of Penn twj). Oct. 12, William lierteh of Free- burg to Mary Saner of Middlecreck twp. Oct. 30, John Sl.adle to Margaret Miser of Perry tw}). Nov. G, Sanniel Roush toMalinda Fryman of Middlecreek twj>. Nov. 9, Henry Garman to EJiza- JKsth Freed of Pen-y twp. Nov. K), Henry Aucker to Anna Shotzberger of CJhapman twp. Nov. 18, Jonas (jlriechbaum and Eli.'^.abetli Smith ol Perry twp. Nov. 20, Michael Shellenberger to JiarbaraReitz of liichfleld. Nov. 20 Philip Poyer to Sarah Roush, both of Freeburg. Nov. 23, Christian Steininger to Susanna Yeager of Franklin twp. Nov. 25, I>enjamin Ulrich to An- geline Pawling ofPeim twp. Nov. 27, Jacob Shellenberger to Caroline J>rown of Juniata Co. Dec. 7, Frederick Gilbert to Su- san Riegel of Washington twp. Dec. 18, Joseph Siebcr to Mrs. Sar.oh Motz of Washington twp. Dec. 21, Andrew Bowersox and Polly Rine of Perry twp. Dec. 23, John Kremer to fjouise Kepler of Perry twp. Dee. 25, Daniel Row to Anna Ritter of Penn twp. Dec. 25, Michael Kcrstetter and Susanna Minnig of Penn twp. Dec. 28, Henry Aurand to Maria Hollman of Monroe twj). 1857. Jan. 1, Henry Glass and Sarah Boyer of Washington iwj). Jan. 8, John Specht to Catharine Bender of Franklin twj). Jan. 25, Samuel W. Hughes and Barbara S. Boyer of Freeburg. Jan. 29, Jacob Thursby to Pollv Steffen. Jan. 29, Peter Shamoi-y to Mary Gaugler. Feb. 10. William Schaefer and Mrs. Lucctta Klatfelder. Feb. 10, Daniel Shelly to Polly l^ender. Feb. 12, Samuel Long to Susan Oldt of Monroe twj). March 5, ^Villiam Leach to Bar- bara Arnold of Chapman twp. 18o7-8.J Rev. Erlenmeyer's Marriages. 225 March 12, Isaac Row to Mary Look of Pcnn twp. March 12, Frederick Glass to Su- san Garinan, both of Frceburg. Marcli 15, Heury Seebold of Un- ion Co. to Anna Eliza Wetzel of Snyder Co. May 5, Franklin Row to Salome Erdley of Penn twp. May 7, Alexander Krebs and E- lizabeLh Tluirsby ot Chapman twjj. May 21, Aaron Ren niuger to Har- riet Barber of Franklin twp. May 30, Jacob Bogar to Sarali Witmer of Port Treverton. June 28, John Keller to Catha- rine Oldt of Monroe twp. July 7, Philip Hendricks and E- lizabeth (jilbert of Washington twp. July 16, Jacob Row to Harriet Erdley, both of Penu twp. Aug. 1, Jonas Garman to Martha Lupole. Aug. 9, Lev/is Snyder to Louis Mease of Penn twp. Aug. 20, William Hains and E- lizabeth Snyder of Salem, Pa. Sept. 3, BenjaminStetler to Eliza- beth Row of Penu twp. Sept. 6, Daniel Grimm to Catha- rine Herrold of Washington twp. Sept. 20, John Rathgeber to Mrs. Elizabeth Glass. Sept. 22, Henry Willi of Middle- burg to Susan Sohoch of Middlecreek twp. Oct. 8, Philip Straub and Maria Enlley of Penn twp. Out, 15, Jonathan Botteiher and Mary Ann Bender, both of Perry tp. Oct. 15, Lewis Wilt and Polly Kcely of Juniata County. ' Nov. 3, William Miller to Sarah Boyer of Penn twp. Nov. 10, Benjamin Row to Catha- rine Row of Penn twp. Dec. 1, John G. Vfatts to Mar- garet Showers of Richfield, Pa. Dec. 1, Lewis Amig to Julian Lawver. Dec. 1, G. Washington Snyder to Caroline Hartman of Shamokin Dam. Dec. 20, Elias Shotzberger of Freeburg to Amelia Nagle of Wash- ington twp. Dec. 24, John Feirich to Catha- rine Shamorry of Chapman twp. Dec. 24, George Smith to Susan Apple of \¥ashington twp. Dec. 24, Jacob Riue to Catharine A. Apple of Washington twp. Dec. 31, Henry Boyer to Catha- rine Rine. 1858. Jan. 7, Daniel Shraeder to Eliza Weyne of Franklin twp. Jan. 14, Levi Kratzer and Mrs. Eliza Boyer. Feb. 11, Harry Puffenbergcr and Catharine Herman of Selinsgrove. Feb. 16, Thomas Shaefer to Han- nah Dressier of Perry twp. Feb. 18, Benjamin Reichenbach to Amelia Moyer of Washington twp, Feb. 20, Peter Garman to Sarah Straub of Perry twp. Feb. 28, Aaron Gundrum to Su- san Gemberling, both of Selinsgrove. March 7, William Dock to Sarah Kister of Hartleton. March 9, Daniel Heimbach and Lucy Ann Heiidricks. March 18, David Kerstetter to Catharine A. Garman of Perry twp. 22(3 llEY. KrLENMEYER'S MARRIAGES. 1858-9.] March 30, I. C. Franklin lo E- lizabc'th Rine of MoKecs i Falls. April 9, Benjamin Ncnschwinfler to Margaret Fisher. April 11, Sanuiel W. WalLs anoyer of Selinsgroye. Jan. 9, Samnel Hartman to Catha- rine Anrand of Monroe twp. Feb. 15, Joseph P. Arnold and Mary Ann Fisher of Northnmbei-- landCo. Marcli 3, Amos \\'eynet(>liM('liael Renninger of Franklin Twp. Mar. 3, Jac(jb Heekmen to Mar_ 1859-60.] Rev. Erlenmeyer's Maiuiiages. 227 garet Duck, both of Washingtou tp. ^Nlarch S, Franklin Dietrich and liciu'ietta Engel. March 17,Henry Kuster to Polly Duukelberger of Penn twp. April 14, Daniel Ileiser to Ma- tilda Long of Monroe twp. April 34, JohnS.Forrey to Catha- rine Ott of Monroe twp. May 1 2, I. H. Gaskins of North- umberland Co. to Lizzie Hartnian i)f Shaniokin Dam. May 18, J. H. Feehrer to Mary C. Gingrich, both of Selinsgrove. May 19, Jacob Yoder of Lewis - l)urg to Mrs. Margaret Kohler. June 2, Samuel How to Susanna Laudenslager of Penn twp. Jiuie 9, Emaiuiel Bickhart and Hattie Thomas of Centre Co. June 26, Isaac Kerstettei and Besny Stravvser of Ch-'ipman tw[). Aug. 11, Jacob Arbogast to Ab- by Roush of Washington twp. xlug. IS, John Klinger to Sarah Grouse of Middlecreek twp. Aug. 18, Isaac Row of Liverpool to Louise Miser of Perry twp. Sept. 25, William Hughs and Mary Kantz of Penn twp. Oct. 16, John lloltzapple to Polly Anji Hainsof Washingtou twp. Oct. 23, Solomon Kline to Bar- bara Sechrist. Nov. 6, Simon Kantz to Matilda Crush of Penn twp. Nov. 24, EH J. Wagner to Han- nah Gilbert of Jackson. Dec. 8, Hiram Kantz Cassandra Walter of Penn twp. Dec. 15, Henry Edward Leitzel • to Eva Benfcr of Jackson tNV[>. Dec. 18, Joseph Miller of Leban- on Co. to Sarah Fisher of Monroe twp. Dec. 25, Moses Frymoyer to So- phia Zeller of Perry twp. Dec. 25, Benville Bobb to Eliza Roush of Washington twp. Jan. 12, David Aumillcrto Leah Aurand of Middlecreek twp. Jan. 15, Levi Look to Mary Catharine Baker of Selinsgrove. Feb. 2, Samuel Woodling and E- lizabeth Fisher of Penn twp. Feb. 26, Peter Hains to Sai-ah Giuidrnm. Feb. 26, Jacob Kuhn to Amelia Morr. March 15, Augusta Springmau to Josephine Bnrd of Juniata Co. March 20, Levi Wagner to Catha- rine Kreider of Penn twp. March 27, Henry Moyer to Mary Dachel of Penn twp. April 1, Jeremiah Erdley to Sa- rah Jarrett of Penn twp. April 9, Adam Saucers to Susan Yerger of Middlecreek. May 24, Jeremiah Mitchell and Amelia Boyer of Middlecreek twp. May 31, Michael Smith to Eliza- beth Kreider. June 10, Benjamin W. Shaefer to Sarah Kantz of Washington twp. June 17, Elias Straub to Emma Jane Moll of Peun twp. July 29, Isaiah Hains to Melinda Shotzberger of Chapman twp. Aug. 5, Jacob Nace of North- umberland Co. to Susan Bender of Perry twp. Aug. K), John Spade to Polly Gerlun-t of Perry twp. 22 Scholl. April 5, Benjamin Iliegle tu Mrs. Lucy A. Krouse of Washington tp. Apeil 13, Jacob Morr to Susanna Koush of Washington twp. A])ril 24, Jeremiah Snyder of Salem to Ilarric^tta Smith of Mid- dleburg. June 1, Charles Miller of Penn twp. to Lydia Kantz of Middlecreek twp. July 13, Daniel Baneyto Amanda Dnnkelberger of Middlecreek tw}). Sept. 5, Nathan Krissinger and Mary Thomas of Penn twp. Sept. 4, Sanuiel liitter and Mrs. Lydia Fisher of Penn twp. Oct. 20, Henry Miser to Eliza- beth Garman of Perry twp. Oct. 28, Joel Look to Maria How of Penn twp. Oct. 30, Samuel Lookto Maliniki Row of Penn twp. Nov. 2, Jacob Snyder to Sarah Rine of Chapman twp. Nov. 13, Joel Miser to Rebectca Marks of Juniata Co. Dec. 25, G. R. Coffee to Sarah Moycr of Chapman twp. Jan. 15, William Boyer toCatha- rine Row, both of Penn twp. Feb. 24, John Freed to Susan Craig of Washington twp. April 14, Frederick Meiser and Catharine Lawver of West Pen-y twp. April 21, George HolF to Eliza- beth IJovis of Washington twp. May 17, Percival Garman to Sa- rah Boyer of Perry twp. May 24, John Anrand to Sarah Row of Penn twp. June 6, Henry Renninger of Franklin twp. to "Sevilla Hunuiiel of Middlecreek twj). June 18, Abraham Arbogast and Sarah Garman of Washington twp. June 21, Henry Moll to Susanna Long of Middlecreek twp. July 7, Elias Stahlnecker to Mrs. Maria Smith of Penn tw]>. July 2G, Joseph Roush of W'ash- ington twp. to Mary Kline of Mid- dlecreek. 230 Rev. Erlenmeyee's Marriages. 18G3-4.] Aiiff. 23, Jacob Smith to Mar- garet Row of Fanu twp. Sept. 29, Henry Motz to Sarah Swartz, both ofFrceburg. Oct. 8, Henry Rine to Melinda Garmau of i*orry twp. Oct. 8, William Graybill and E- li/abeth Shelly of Ricfield. Oct. 11, Jackson Bovvcrsox and Elizabeth Smith of Franklin twp. Oct, 18, AdamWentzel to Catha- rine Rine of Chapman twp. Oct. 20, William Heiggis to Su- san Scholl of Chapman twp. Nov. 1, Daniel Heckman to Mary Ann Moyer of Wasliington twp. Nov. 1, Ezra R. Jacoby of Wil- liamsport to Mrs. Clara Stievcr of Selinsgrove. Nov. 15, John J?endcr of Perry twp. to Barbara A. Her rold of Chap- man twp. Nov. 15, Jacob Menges to Elira Ann Moyer of Frceburg. Nov. 22, Nathan Arbogast to Phrene Stepp of Perry twp. Nov. 20, Michael Kratzer and Mary Garman of Monroe twp. Nov. 29, Isaac Hovis of Wash- ington twj). to Esther Krissinger of Penn twp. Dec. 1 9, Abraham Schelly of Rich- field to Catharine Barge of Juniata County. Dec. 22, Luther Kantz to Caro- line lioyer, both of Washington tp. 1864. Jan. 28, AltdShurrick of Juniata Co. to (-alh(!rine Aucker of Perry twp. Feb. 21, John Nagle of Liver- pool, Perry Co., to Mrs. Susan Mil- ler of Frceburg. Feb. 21, George Shaeffer and E- lizabeth Haas, both of Porry twp. Feb. 21, Michael Fisher to Sarah Hoot, both of Isle of Que. Feb. 28, John W. Spade to Sarah Eyster of Franklin twp. June 9, John S. Straub to Catha- rine A. Pontius, both of Washing- ton twp. June 10, Martin Fisher to Abby Eyster of Selinsgrove. June 12, John J. Hendricks and to Fannie Hovis of W^ashingt(mtwp. June 14, John Ziegler to Catha- rine Lanig of Washington twp. July 31, Johnlloussto Elizabeth Linbcrt of Juniata Co. July 31, Samuel Musselman and Sarali Jane Woodling of Monroe tp. Sept. 5, Samuel Gilbert of Phila- delphia to Rosanna Smith Absecon of New Jersey. Sept. 22, Samuel Heckman and Margaret Fn-ed of Washington twp. Nov. 20, George Schnee to Eliza- beth Minium of Perry twp. Dec. 11, Francis Boycr to Weal- thy Erdley of Penn twp. Dec. 15, David Boycr to Mary Dicmer of Washington twp. Dec. 22, .John Thomas to Am- anda Musser of Franklin tw]). Dec. 25, .lacob Snyder of Pcmi twp. to Clara Amig of Selinsgrove. INLEX. [Note. — It must not be forgotteu that ill tlie following index a name many occur more than once on a page, though the figures appear] but once. I or example, the name Boy- er appears 4 times on page 224, but these figures appear but once in the index. ^ G. W. W.] Abel, 185. Absceou, 230. Acaley, 219. i^chenbach, 17. Adam, 217, 223. Adams, 23, 33, 43,51, 70, 124,148, 174, 203. Adee, 13. Adie, 206. Aigler, 21, 23, 33, 43, 50, 51, GS, 140, 149, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 182, 190, 194. Aikey, 146. Albert, 39, 76, 77, 87, 120, 130, 156, 159, 213. Albright, 210. Alexander, ijG, 173. Alexandria, 39. All email, 12. Allen, 126. Allspach, 179. Aiman, 212. Alter, 17 (, 172. Amln-ose, 57. Amick,94. Amig, 42, 100, ISO, 133, 225,230. Animerman, 90. AuispacliCf, 12, 85, 196. Amey, 94. Amy, 23. Anderson, 15, 59, 128, 211, 212. Angstatt, 220. Antes, 157. Anspach, 211. App, 8, 33, 37, 44, 58, 64, 81, 88, 108, 131, 142, 144, 204. Apple, 15, 29; 91, HI, 140, 207, 209,217, 220, 223, 225. Arbogast, 10, 15, 18, 20, 25, 27, 29, 35, 36, 38, 50, 52, 63, 70, 72, 74, 82, 85, 89, 91, 104, 109, 112, 115, 122, 124, 127, 129, 130, 133, 138, 142, 145, 179, 184, 196, 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 213, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230. Arker, 220. Armstrong, 61. Arndt, 91^102, 130. Arner, 211. Arnold, 7, 14, 19, 39, 52, 56, 75, 78,85, 86, 88, 120, 133, 134, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 154, 155, 182, 187, 190, 204, 205, 206, 210, 211, 213, 215, 216, 217,223,224. Artley, 61, 68, 145. Asper, 153. Atkinson, 29. After, 154, 159. Attick, 131. Attig, 99, 103, 142. Attinger, 82, 83, 107. Auchmuty, 214, 222. Aucker, 7, 13, 36, 47, 83, 89, 97, 103, 109, 117, 124, 137, 138, 140, 203, 204, 209, 218, 224, 229, 230. Auman, 55, 73, 79,98. 234 Index. Aiimiller, 28, G4, 84, 91, 106, 107, 122, 125, 135, 143, 152, 158, 173, 214, 217, 220, 22G, 227, 228. Anrancl, 8, 9, 10, 12, 28, 29, 38, 43, 4G, 47, 55, 58, 71, 74, 75. 80, 91, 95, 9G, 100, 107, 128, 13G, 141, 143, 14G, 150, 159, 164, 166, 167, 170, 171, 178, 182, 188, 190, 193, 214, 217, 220, 223, 224, 226, 227, 229. Austin, 55. Auval, 152. Ay res, 67, 79, 125, 180. Baal), 210. Bachnuin, 7, 8, 13, 22, 37, 42, 66, 127, 140, 171,175,182, 201. Bachus, 209. Badger, 179, 180. Badman, 148, 149. Baert^es, 22, 24, '25. Bailer, 38. Bailey, 7, 9, 41, 43, 47, 51, 55, 57, 66, 70, 72, 77, 78, 82, 95, 97, 99, 110, 119, 123, 131, 138, 139, 148, 216. Bair, 15, 196, 211. Bakeless, 58. Baker, 15,23, 24, 31,44,70, 72, 73, 79, 81, 83, 88, 96, 98, 106,127, 137, 139, 146, 150, 156, 170, 172, 174, 176, 179, 188, 199, 221, 227. Balliett, 168. Bandt, 155, 1 56. J^>auey, 66, 88, 226, 229. Bannen, 107. Banner, 43, 99, 203. Baiim, 18, 77, 183, 185, 212. Barber, 8, 52, 63, 155, 225. Barhiu, 8, 46. Bardsher, 37, 43. Barge, 97, 201, 222. larger, 109. BanuT, 96,98, 139, 202,215. Pxirrett, 78, 169. Ijartuian, 35. Bartley, 179. Basl.oar, 127. Bassler, 18, 120,149,159,185,216. Basom, 138, 219. Baten]an,29, 135,218. Baiiingardner, 41, 98, 105, 106, 112, 145. Bause, 47, 103, 119, 139, 183, 186. Bay, 37, 75. Beachel, 11, 21, 54, G5, 73, 106, 161, 186, 190, 19G, 198, 217, 221. Beachler, 178, 180, 185. J5ear,123, 170, 177, 178,221. r>eaver, 10, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 37, 40, 41, 44, 45, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 68, 75, 76, 80, 82, 83, 85, 96, 98, 99,106, 108,109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 117, 121, 124, 127, 133, 135, 136, 139, 147, 157, 159, IGO, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 170, 171, 173, 174, 177, 178, 180, 183, 185, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 203, 209, 210. Bechtel, 43, 155. Becker, 17, 20, 26, 165, 207. Beckley, 179. Bedellion, 228. Beidler, 175. Beier, 161. Beistle, 20, 125. J]ell, 24, 32, 36, 126. Belhnan, 118, 224. Bender, 36, 49, 57, 218, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230. Benfer, 5, 8, 11, 13, 18, 19, 22, 26, 35, 36, 37, 42, 52, 61, 63, 69, 71, 73, 78, 82, 102, 107, 108, 119, 123, 130, 132, 137, 139, 143, 145, 146, 153, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 170, 171 Index. 235 172, 174, 177, 178, 181, 184, 185, 18G, 187, 188, 191, 192, 100,197, 198, 199, 202, 204, 207, 208, 227, 229. Beniiighof, 171. Bennage, 146. Benncr, 16, 46, 55, 65, 76, 94, 98, 112, 118, 128, 136, 148, 151, 155, 157, 158, 206, 207, 212, 213, 214. Bennett, 56, 155. Beunv, 95. Benson, 88, 141. Bentz, 7. Berge, 39, 64, 71, 76, 79, 80, 120, 128, 140, 146, 154, 157, 160, 197. Berger, 13, 33, 39, 48, 69, 98, 102, 109, 156, 169, 172, 174, 175, 178, 179 197. B( rgstresser, 94, 101, 170. Berkheinier, 152. Berry, 65, 181, 194,229. Bertch, 44, 49, 84, 172, 190, 209, 221, 222, 224. Bertram, 168. Besom, 172. Betylon, 17. Beyer, 213. Bibighaus, 116, 119, 158, 189. Bickel, 7, 8, 29, 30, 38, 39, 49, 63, 71, 88,98, 100, 118, 123, 168, 171, 174, 190, 191, 192, 199, 206, 209, 215, 226, 228. Biclvhart, 33, 35, QG, 68, 70, 78, 80,91,96, 98, 101, 103, 106, 108, 109, 115, 138, 167, 193, 197, 199, 202, 220, 226, 227, 228. Bidelspach, 217. Beilit, 218 Bigler, 12. Big low, 154. Bilger, 12, 17, 21, 25, 31, 33, 36, 48, 60, 68, 69, 70, 75,104, 115, 118, 119, 120, 124, 127, 129, 138, 144, 151, 152, 154, 157, 162, 163, 168, 171, 184, 196, 205, 208, 218, 219, 220,222. Billharclt, 94. Billman, 118, 224. Bingaman, 10, 11, 14, 18, 25, 33, 37, 38,40,50, 51, 52, 61, 68, 75, 76, 79, 81, 87, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103,104, 105, 113, 115, 116,121, 128, 129, 132, 133, 134, 136, 139, 140, 142, 147, 150, 151, 154, 156, 165, 166, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 199, 201, 203, 212, 213. Bird, 212. Biri, 166. Bishop, 14, 33, 153, 155, 162, 163, 196. Bitner, 14, 45, 112, 134, 145, 146, 206, 213. Bitting, 25, 33, 68, 88, 208, 211, 215. Bittinger, 192, 203. Bitzer, 153. Black, 130, 165, 210. Blackford, 55. Blasser, 212. Bleiler, 26. Blett, 53, 84, 92, 183, 191. Bloom, 19, 21. Bloomfield, 66. Blouch, 187. Boardman, 38. Boath, 167. Bobb, 6, 27, m, 82, 129, 153, 173, 179,180, 190, 192, 194, 227. Bogar, 34, 45, 55, 86, 98, 106, 113, 129, 146, 150, 155, 158, 212, 225. Bogenrief, 55, 103, 191. Bohner, 72, 81, 78, 105, 106, 111. Bolender, 10,13,19, 45, 51, 53, 236 Index, 91, 104, 114, 116, 137, 154, 160,162, 163, 171, 185, 190, 203, 226. Boli^, 8, 17, 21, 25, 27, 34, 35,55, 57, OS, 60, 87, 107, 109, 114, 118, 128, 130, 140, 148, 151, • 152, 154, 163, 165, 168, 171, 176, 182, 183, 184, 189, 193, 195,196, 197, 198, 199, 204, 207, 209, 213, 222, 223, 226, 228. Boiling, 64. Bollinger, 34, 49, 52, 53, 62, 69, 92, 110, 111, 157, 192, 202. Bouey, 8,74, 165,178, 180. Boon, 155. Bonsall,210, 211. Boon, 228. Booney, (Boonie), 92, 148, 150. Boop, 7, 59, 146, 156, 158, 160, 179,201. Border, 96. Bordner, 38, 86,^87, 142, 212. Borger, 183. Boinian, 51. Born, 40,04. Boins, 224. Borough, 136. Boslian, 11, 175. Boat wick, 180. Botdorf, 49, 55, 64, 79, 173, 204, 205, 215, 216, 222. Botteiger, 61, 71, 109, 111, 151, 191, 205, 207, 223, 225. liotts, 79. Jiouch, 21, 32. Boughncr, 130. Bousoinan, 81,104, 114. Jk.nsh, 118, 150 174, 175, 193. Bousuni, 141. Bower, 12, 18, 19, 27, 47, 54, 69, 71, 93, 94, 99, 110, 113, 114, 126, 129, 129, 133, 135, 155, 166, 173, 174, 183, 196, 214, 220. Bowers, 79. j^owersox, 6, 7, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24. 25, 29, 33, 35, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 51, 54, 57, 58, 64, 67, 69, 70, 73, 76, 77, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 90, 91, 95, 96, 102, 105, 106, 108, 109, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144, 147, 149, 150, 151, 154, 157, 159, 162, 163, 164, 165, 168, 171, 172, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 204, 205, 208, 214, 224, 230. Bowes, 70, 100, 102, 184. Bowman, 51. Boyer, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 28, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 38,42,45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 54, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 72, 73, 80, 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 99, 101, 102, 110, 113, 114, 115, 117, 121, 123, 128, 133, 141, 148, 150, 151, 16(T, 162, 164, 165, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176, 183, 185, 196, 198, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 228, 230. Brack, 178. Bradford, 51. Bradish, 90. Bragonier, 117. lirandt, 81, 153. Bratton, 203. Brauchcr, 83, 175, 179, 1.S5. Branii, 221. Brccklnll, 33. Brei 1,171. Breinser, 182. Breininger, 22, 24, 38, 69, 84, 130, 148, 156, 170, 179,187, 188, 216. JJreiinyer, 123. Index. 237 BreniughouH, 140. Bryer, 144. Jirennemau, 38. Bubb, 10, 29, 37, 39, 68, 86, 87, Brensinger, 11. 94, 97, 105, 113, 116, 117, 151, Breou, 118, 148, 151, 170, 171, 195, 197, 209. 174, 177. Buchanan, 210. Bressler, 47, 54, 57, 99, 105, 110, Buclier, 8. 136, 148, 203. Buchuer, il4. Brejna, 165. Buck, 53, 74, 136. Bn tz, 220, 222. Buffington, 27, 30, 32, 42, 66, 69, Brewer, 173. 74,77,87, 88,95, 152,180,183, Bricker, 149. 186. Brider, 166. Buoy, 26, 50. Briggs, 82. Bulick, 128. Briman, 167. Burchfield, 128. J'.rindle, 95. Burd, 227. Brink, 210. Burgess, 10, 195. Briter, 163. Burkey, 78. Brock, 19. Burtnett, 29, 30. Brosius, 17, 24, 25, 34, 50, 68, 87, Burkhart, 216, 219. 105, 114, 115, 127, 131, 132, BurkwaJter, 217. 138, 205, 207, 214. Burns, 14, 64, 77,88, 89,98,99,100, Brouse, 5, 23, 25, 31, 44, 49 , 59, 105, 110, 136, 164, 166, 193, 69, 70, 75, 78, 87, 89, 110, 111, 226. 113, 114, 118, 131, 139, 157, Burnside, 167. 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, Burty, 166. 165, 174, 175, 177, 179, 202, Busier, 202, 222. 204, 218, 228. Bussler, 217. Brovver, 192. Bush, 61. Brown, 9, 16, 17,23, 24, 55, 68, Butler, 50. 81, 88, 91, 99, 100, 107, 109, Buyers, 92, 119. 119, 120, 128, 138, 139, 150, Byerly, 216. 160, 161, 164, 170, 202, 205, Byers, 5. 208, 220, 224. Byron, 21, 208, 220. Brim, 191. Byrum, 211. Bruif, 199. Cachman, 134. Brnbaker, 48, 40, 51, 52, 56, 63, Camp, 56, 62, 69, 182, 211. 74, 81, 97, 112, 113, 130, 139, Campbell, 120. 142, 145, 146, 149, 189, 21 [5. Ci^re, 47. Brucker, 219. Carell, 103. Bruudage, 131. Carey, 19, 62, 95, 97. Brnnner, 5, 16, 20, 40, 42, 46, 49, Cargill, 66. 57, 07, 76, 83, 97, 102,112,125, Carl, 39. 153, 164, 172, 178, 186, 187, Carling, 118. 192, 194, 196,218. Carpenter, 29, 102, 129, 192. Bryan, 223. Car well, 36. 238 Index. Casper, 47, 53, 154, 212. Castor, 197. Catherman, 7, 14, 28, 29, 34, 48, G2, 76, 163, 196, 197, 198, 199. Ca^'eny, 173. Cawell, 43, 50, 142. Cawley, 110, 139, 158, 181. Chambers, 39. Chapel, 55. Charles, 21, 49, 61, 67, 68, 93, 96, 122, 141, 177, 202, 203, 206, 207, 209, 210, 215,226. Charleth, 156. Cherrv, 28, 157, 178. Chesnej, ^8, 73, 215. Chestuutt, 100. Chikls, 180. Christian, 50. Christie, 164. Christine, 41, 110. Chubb, 86, 138. Clair, 164, 228. Clapp, 11, 110. Clark, 132, 140. Clase, 203. Clear, 159. Clelan, 28,67, 198. Clemence, 68. Clemens, 212. Cliugman, 109. Clopp, 57. Cluck, 219. Cobel, 125. Cochran, 9, 14, 40, 53, 153, 165, 166. Coffee, 229. Coleman, 6, 84, 93, 107, 140, 148, 158, 204. Collier, 120. Collins. 211, Comfort, 141, 177, 210. Confer, 174. Conley, 16, 55, 159, 162, 163,207. Connelly, 159, 161, 163, 164, 165, 201. Conrad, 7, 120, 170, 195. Cook, 19, 59, 217. Cooney, 164. Coons, 119. Cooper, 81, 86, 105, 107, 125, 167. Corkins, 38, 69, 147. Cornelius, 9, 45, 136, 151. Corpman, 31. Coryell, 20, 55, 116. (-ouldron, 42. Coup, 121. Courtney, 10, 37, 102, 163, 164, 178, 179, 186, 192, 201, 205. Covert, 49, 53. Cox, 96. Crabb, 17. Crafford, 168. Craig, 7, 51, 162, 194, 204, 216, 223, 229. Cramer, 195. Creissinger, 169. Crissman, 151. Croll, 32, 188. Cromley, 19, 196. Cronimiller. 21. Crosgrove, 88, 98, 116, 143, 146, 181. Crosier, 173. Crouse, 6, 38, 41, 67,69, 73, 74,84, SQ, 115, 128, 139,149, 150,161, 162, 164, 173, 178, 182, 183, 186,202,203, 215, 227. Crush, 213, 227. Culbertson, 185. Culp, 99, 163, 166. Cuny, 168. Curns, 60, 149. Custer, 81, 124,132, 204. Dachel, 227. Dale, 99. Dangert, 164. Daniels, 177. Dark, 159. Dash, 41. Daubcrman, 20, 42, 44, 50, 66, 83, Index. 239 132, 136, 155, 159, 1G5, 174, 180, 184, 187, 188, 198. Daiibcrt, 25, 35, 49, 50, G8, 76, 145, 199, 208, 223. Dancherty, 19. Daughenbach, 181. Davis, 39, 53, 58, 90, 108. Dawson, 168, 170. Deabler, 10, 14, 20, 39, 55, 85, 100,105, 125, 127, 140, 141, 144, 159, 160, 201, 223. Deal, 51. Deau, 5, 10, 11, 19, 96, 156, 184, 194, 195, 196, 197. Deater, 112. Deckard, 10, 154, 210, 216, Decker, 8, 40, 73, 115, 138, 155, 184, 186, 188, 192. Deckert, 172, 182, 216. Deets, 22. Deibler, 61, 172, 187, 196. DoLonjr, 31, 54, 57, 90, 126, 162, 164,^165, 166. Dellinger, 90. Denius, 22, 62, 136, 152, 174, 201, 208. Dengler, 93, 134. Dennis, 172. Dent, 23, 50, 107, 208. Dentz, 34. Deppen, 5, 47, 65. Deppid, 18. Derek, 20, 24, 58. Derk, 42, 46, 71, 76, 99, 166, 171, 175,182,203,207, 208, 210. Derr,6, 33, 38,42, 58, 95, 96, 109, 122, 134, 155, 165, 174, 179, 180, 192, 194, 204, 206, 223. Derrick, 11. Dersham, 117, 151. Dewire, 38, 157. De Wolfe, 63. Dibbons, 156. Dice, 147. Dieflfenbach, 26,27, 47, 158. Dieifenderfer, 16, 141, 154. Diehl, 21, 27. 34, 35, 39, 41, 45, 55, 82, 96, 100, 113, 147, 202, 203 210, 217, 218, 220. Diemer, 13, 15, 38, 64, 74, 102, 182, 184, 187, 188, 205, 206, 207, 226, 230. Dieter, 14. Deitrick, 30, 48, 57, 62, 83, 94, 106,118, 120, 158, 203, 209, 213, 214, 219, 221, 222, 223, 227. Dietz, 46, 215. Dill, 197. Dillman, 81, 115, 116, 140, 186, 210. Dinihart, 62. Dinim, 83, 168. Dimniock, 167. Dinger, 71,114. Dinges, 171. Dinius, 25, 118. Disney, 60. Ditty, 32. Dixon, 15, 128. Dobson, 6, 19, 44, 86, 113, 138, 194. Dock, 7, 13, 16, 23, 65, 68, 73, 90, 115, 156, 203, 204, 206, 207, 211, 225, 226. Doninoyer, 29, 30, 209. Dorm, 77. Dornion, 80, 89,126, 163, 173,175. Dorn, 66, 179. Dornsife, 107. Dougherty, 85, 220. Downy, 53, 81, 136. Drake, 137. Dreese, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 35, 36, 41,47,57,62,63,64,66,71,75, 76, 80, 81, 89, 92, 94, 96, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104,105, 106,112, 116, 119, 132, 134, 135, 137, 142, 143, 146, 156, 158, 165, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 178, 240 Index. 179, 182, 187, 190, 191, 192, 190, 197, 212. Dreibelbliss, 33, 133. Dreifus, 153. Dressier, 32, 70, 81, 90, 91, 121, 125, 134, 143, 146, 225. Dreyer. 170. Dreisbach, 103. Druekenmiller, 53. Drum, 28. Druniheller, 16, 21. Dubbs, 33,50, 51, 158, 174, 198. Duck, 8, 13, 16, 43, 44, 60, 87, 94, 115, 175, 179, 198, 203, 209, 215,217, 220, 226, 227, 228. Dufferd, 182. Duke, 15, 198. Dunbar, 76. Dundore, 39. Dunkle, 44, 45, 58, 153, 157. Dnnkelberger, 11, 23, 29, 32, 45, 50, 71, 114,123, 127, 130, 163, 176, 184, 190, 191, 201, 206, 209, 213,220, 221,227,229. Dunn, 115. Durst, 170. Dnttry, 129. Eakcn, 73. Kberhart, 172. Ebright, 122,202. Eby, 47, 83, 84, 86, 97, 98, 101, 183,213. Eckbert, 49. Eekert, 94. Eckelman, 10, 11. E8, 89, 227. Fuiiniian, 9, 29, 34, 63, 86, 91, 113, 155, 164, 168, 175. Fuller, 38, 53,188. Fiirguson, 28. Gable, 12, 96, 114, 122, 139, 203, 206. Galer, 110. (iallieker, 214. Gallier, 168. Gamby, 78, 84, 218, 226. Gant,"81. Gardner, 27, 30. Garilian, 56. (Jaringer, 20. Garland, 40, 49. Garman, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 27, 33, 35, 40, 41, 44, 62, 76, 78, 82, 87, 88, 103, 114, 115, 128, 130, 135, 136, 141, 145, 202, 204, 207, 209, 211, 212, 215, 216,220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 226, 228, 229, 230. Garrett, 219. Garver, 105. Gaskins, 227. (Nasser, 120. (Jates, 14. Gaugler, 23, 35, 89, 54. 61, 83, 87, 97, 105, 107, 110, 129, 142,172, 173,201, 211, 215, 217, 118, 224. Gearliart (Gerhart), 5, 14, 1(5, 18, 20, 23,44, 54, 57, 59, GG, 75,83, 88, 98, 106, 112, 115, 120,142, 144,, 145, 153, 163, 166, 178, 181, 184, 185, 186, 187. 190, 193, 199, 227. (ji(!iger, 170. Geis, 56, 158, IGO, 177, 191, 201. (Jeise, 12, 178. Geiselnmn, 202. (Jeisiiiger, 15, 123. (ieistweit, 28, 45, 114, 193. (kllinger, 34, 219. (ielnett, 43, 45,48, 71,79, 86,123, 144, 221, 226. Index. 24J Gemberling, 8, 10, 11, 18, 20 27, 28, 30, 37, 41, 43, 44,45,46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 73, 74, 85, 91,92, 93, 100, 102, 114, 124, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 143, 1 44, 146, 149, 157, 167, 202, 204, 206, 212, 217, 221, 225. George, 24, 49. Gephart, 42, 154, 212. Geniinn, 174 194. Gespiier, 135. Getz, 9, 27, 42, 60, 66, 67, 76, 79, 83, 102, 110, 155,157, 176,177, 183, 212. Getznian, 102. Gibbons, 6, 194. Gibbony, 168, 191. Gibson, 170. (iiest, 92, 103. Gift, 9, 39, 02, 64, 85, 86, 87, 138, 150, 156, 159, 171, 176, 185, 186, 188, 194, 198, 212. Gilbert, 10, 23, 27, 30, 31, 36, 38, 39,40,44,54, 55, 59, 68, 73, 86, 88, 103, 109, 112, 125, 129, 132, 133, 139, 152, 164, 178, 181, 184, 186, 187, 195, 201, 202, 208, 209, 214, 216, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 227, 230. Gilfillin, 211. Gilham, 188. Gill, 21, 24, 47, 61, 66, 85, 95, 106, 121, 122, 125, 130, 140 144, 146, 156, 160, 177, 178, 184, 187, 191, 192, 198, 206, 208, 218. Gil linger, 21. Giltrick, 213. Gingrich, 40, 172, 175, 206, 217, 221, 227. Ginuey, 7, 201, 203, 223. (|inni, 153. Given, 29. Glace, 58, 147. Glase, 107, 108, 191, 217, 220,223. Glass, 25, 37, 47, 51, 76, 90, 94, 109, 120, 133, 143, 146, 152, 192, 196, 208, 214, 220, 221, 222, 225. Glatfelter, 19, 67, 215, Glover, 73. Glueck, 172, 179. Gobble, 60. Gobin, 169. Goldstein, 83. Gontz, 209. Good, 13, i7, 18, 42, 47, 50, 64, 70, 97, 103, 109, 110, 112,114, 136, 162. Gooden, 51. Good fellow, 41. Goodling, 6, 17, 24, 61, 67, 69, 96, 108, 116, 202, 204, 207, 213, 214, 226. Goodman, 81. Goodwill, 208. Gordon, 25, 43, 57, 87, 91, 104, 105, 110, 118,121, 125. Goshen, 33. Gobs, 9, 14,15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 31, 32, 37, 41, 48, 50, 51, 56, 69, 70, 73, 85, 88, 96, 108, 114, 115, 116, 127, 144, 150, 153, 169,171, 172, 173, 175, 177, 178, 180, 181, 188, 190, 191, 192. Gottshall, 7, 10, 118, 169. Goy, 17, 23, 49, 173, 205, 207, 213. Grandey, 52, 156. Graver, 25. Graybill, 13, 23, 30, 32, 36, 49, 74, 78, 79, 82, 87, 95, 105, 108, 118, 128, 137, 141, 142, 175, 203,214, 215, 217, 218, 222, ^ 223, 230. Greenavvalt, 5. Greene, 12. Greenhoe, 29, 42, 63, 66, 176. 244 Index, Greenough, 206. Gregory, 13, 140. Greer, 71. Greioer, 10, 24, 85, 89, 208, 221. Greichbaum, 209, 221, 224. Greigbaum, 29. Grier, 213. Griffith, 60. Grimm, 6, 10, 20, 29, 30, 70, 114, 170, 176, 177, 193, 195, 204, 207, 209, 225. Grissinger, 8, 23, 133, 205. Griswold, 18. Groff,40. Gross,6, 8,12, 13, 18,19, 22, 27, 35,38,43,45,59,61,68,70,72, 74, 81, 86, 89, 104, 105, 108, 112, 115, 116. 133, 145, 159, 160, 164, 177, 184, 186, 187, 189, 206, 214. Grove, 17, 181. Griibb, 27, 57, 82, 88, 113, 118, 126, 134, 146, 166, 177, 193, 210, 212, 215, 223. Gruver, 35. Guiger, 167. Guiney, 129. Gumby, 114, 120, Gundrum. 11, 54, 68, 71, 75, 100, 109, 123, 133, 138, 201, 213, 217, 223, 224, 225, 227. Guss, 170. Gutelius, 16, 43, 67, 112. Guth, 171, 226. Guyer, 40, 47, 159. Haas, 18, 35, 42,63, 84, 92, 104, 109, 125, 183, 220, 226, 228, 230. Hackenburg, 8, 14, 38, 42, 48, 61, 62, 66, 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 87, 88, 91, 93, 97, 100, 102, 106, 109, 110, 116, 117, 118, 120, 124, 133, 135, 138, 141, 146, 147, 149, 156, 161, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 193, 195, 198, 199, 211, 212, 216. Hackman, 158. Hackmaster, 58. Haeper, 37. Hafley, 8, 15, 18, 34, 40, 58, 112, 122, 137, 143, 155, 166, 195. Haggerty, 219. HaiD, 83, 175, 203, 213, 215, 216, 217 221. HaiDs,' 117, 153, 213, 214, 217, 218, 223, 224, 225, 227. Haines, 7, 12, 20, 28, 32, 36, 46, 54, 55, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 75, 81, 92, 94, 97, 99, 100, 106, 111, 113,124, 136, 162, 167, 174, 177, 184, 185, 186, 189, 194, 196, 198, 211. Haldeman, 13, 25, 102. Haldman, 215. Hall, 28, 82, 97, 131. Hallacker, 174, 175. Halhnan, 210, 212, 222. Hallenbach, (See Holleiibach.) Hambrick, 33. Hamiltoi^ 54, 59, 132, 170, 211. Hammaker, 125, 203, 210. Hanoock, 22. Haue, 16, 26, 33, 34, 55, 90, 124, 143, 158, 207. Hank, 157. Harbst, 99. Harder, 66. Harding, 20, 43, 50. Hare, (Hair), 20, 22, 27, 44, 46, 61, 63, 73, 76, 80, 90, 92, 94, 101,107, 111, 112, 174, 178, 183, 184, 193, 199, 205, 209, 211,221. Harley, 125. Harmony, 55. Harner, 24, 34, 68, 99, 129, 185. Harper, 92. Harris, 26, 39, 62, 114, 120. Harrison, 44,217, 221. Index. 245 Hart, 95. Harter, 73, 86, 97, UO, 156, 222. Hartnian, 14, 21, 32, 38, 52, 69, 72, 73, 76, 78, 84, 89, 90, 98, 101, 105, 107, 109, 112, 116, 124, 134, 136, 139, 143, 153, 171, 172, 173, 176, 179, 188, 191, 192, 198, 199, 206, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 225, 226, 227. Hasseupliig, 164, 181, 212, 214. Hassi'nger, 9, 20, 23, 24, 36, 45, 46, 55, 5G, 62, 64, 65, 67, 76, 78, 85, 88, 90, 91, 93, 96, 98. 101, 104, 106, 108, 111, 112^ 113,117, 123, 128, 130, 140, 141, 148, 149, 151, 153, 156, 160, 164, 170, 176, 177, 184, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 213, 226. Hassler, 39. Haiighavvout, 12, 17. Haupt, 44, 46, 74, 77, 91, 95,121, 129, 143, 218. Ilavice, 94, 190. Hayhrick, 57. Hayes, 40, 158, 167. JIazlett, 162. Hebebrand, 86. Heck, 44, 159. Heokard, 92, 113, 119, 136, 140. Heckart, 134. Heckendorf, 205. Heckendorn, 65,76, 184, 199. Heoknian, 44, 51, 77, 79, 87, 96, 113, 126, 226, 230. Heddiiigs, 75, 199. Hceter, 84, 140, 154, 176, 185, 186. Hetf el finger, 106. Hefte, 155. Helin, 85, 91, 148. Heider, 114, 145. Hciges, 17, 28, 35, 68, 119, 124, 153, 202, 205, 207,209,223,230. Heim, (Hime), 17, 29, 34, 43, 95, lOa, 108, 111, 115, 116, 130, 135, 139, 143, 149, 166, (87, 203,204, 210, 213, 215, 216, 217, 221. Heiiubach, 9, 10, 11, 16, 21, 36, 41,50,56,69,64,74,75,83,99, 104, 117, 120, 136, 137, 138, 148, 151, 157, 164, 165, 166, 178, 182, 185, 186, 187, 188, 192, 193, 195, 196, 203, 207, 213,214,215,219, 220, 223, 225. Heimly, 100. Heinly, 33. Heintzelman, 13, 14, 21, 22, 27, G6, 70, 79, 106, 117, 121, 122, 137, 145, 150, 198, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 218, 219. Heiser, 20, 26, 32, 43, 50, 75, 79, 90, 94, 112, 128, 137,151, 159, 170, 183, 187, 227. Heiter, 192. Heifer, 8. Helfrick, 10, 42, 44, 54, 71, 96, 98, 116, 188, 191. Helvick, 79. Helwig, 40, 59, 103, 217, 223. Hen, 80. Hendricks, 10, 12, 15, 22, 24, 33, 38, 50, 52, 60, 62, 76, 80, 83, 89, 93, no, 120, 124, 129, 135, 144,146, 148, 151, 155, 156, 162, 172, 176, 181, 185, 193, 202, 203, 204, 207, 214, 219, 225, 230. Henly, 203. Henninger, 108. Henry, 43, 57, 74, 113, 210. Hepner, 16, 25, 72, 82, 95, 134, 136, 208, 221. Herb, 18. Herbst, 126, 175. Herbster, 9, 23, 24, 26, 28, 41, 43, 45, 48, 49, 56, 64, 67, 85, 91, 98, 99, 114, 121, 122 124,130, 246 Tndex. 131, 132, 140,141,144,145,151 156, 160, 172, 176, 178, 179 184, 195. Hermau, 10, 15, 18, 29, 31, 33 35, 38, 41. 42, 45, 46, 48, 52 54, 58, 62, 64, 65, 72, 75, 77 80, 82, 83, 88, 89, 95, 98, 104 107, 108, 110, 112, 113, 114 115, 117, 118, 119, 126, 129 130, 133, 139, 143, 144, 145 148,151, 159, 161, 162, 163 164, 165, 166, 170, 171, 174 177, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 193 198, 201, 204, 210, 214, 220 222, 225. Herner, 177. Herrold, 14, 16, 18,22, 28, 35, 36 41, 53, 55, 58, 59, 66, 68, 70 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 91, 92, 94 95, 99, 100, 104, 107, 110 115, 116, 124, 126, 127, 133 137, 138, 139, 144, 150, 165 168, 206, 211, 212, 213, 215 217,218, 220, 221, 222, 225 230. Hertz, 32,112, 204. Heskel, 204. Hess, 25, 71, 84, 108, 157, 161, 165, 166. Hessrich, 210. Hetrick, 58, 94, 146, 179, 182, 214, 216, 220. HiggiDs, 221. High, 54. Hilbert, 73, 91, 125. Hilbish, 6, 34,60,70, 79, 102, 176, 179, 189, 190, 204, 211, 213. Ililc, 85, 100, 121. Hileman, 169, 170. Hilkert, 70. Hine, 44. Hinoly, 21. Hinkle, 34, 42, 48, 83, 95, 135, 198. Ilittle, 167. Hix, 173. Hoar, 26. Hoch, 62, 155, 176, 191, 194, 205, 211, 212. Hochenbroiight, 36, (50, 61, 72. Hoefli, 212. Hoif, 110, 115, 128, 175, 206,219, 220, 226, 229. Hnffer, 53, 167, 202. Hoffman, 6, 18, 22, 31, 34, 46, 47,49, 57, 59, 63, 67, 71, 74, 78, 84, 94, 104, 106, 109, 119, 125, 126, 136, 143, 157, 175, 177, 178, 187, 203, 205, 206, 209, 210, 215, 217, 219, 220, 223, 224. Holienbacli, 52. Hoke, 31, 64, 78, 95, 123, 219. Hollenbach, 13, 18, 20, 29, 63, 70, 73, 134, 135, 144, 147, 159, 170, 176, 178, 204, 219. Plolmes, ()0, 63,209, Plolshiie, 63, 142. Holsworth, 62. Holier, 82. Holtzapple, 16, 24, 43, 69, 97, 105, 123, 126, 131, 145, 151, 201, 204, 205, 207, 220, 222, 227. Holtzman, 223. Hood, 127. Hoofnagle, 120. Hook, 6, 34, 35, 61, 129, 130,149, 180,182, 187. Hoot, 87, 98, 125, 201, 230. Hooven, 192. Hoover, 27, 35, 41, 48, 60,61, 84, 93, 156. Hopewell, 18. Hopj), 25, 94, 216, 218. Honiberger, 50, 78, 79, 85, 94, 99, 103, 106, 111, 124, 128, 130, 132, 138,146, 151. Horting, 81. Hosterinan, 1(), 20, 84, 123, 143, Index. 247 144, 173, 201, 203, 207. Hottensteiu, 29, 55,66, 69, 82, 162. Houghton, 167. Houseman, 22. Houser, 8, 14, 25, 26, 53, 68, 91, 99, 124, 129, 139,140,143,150, 195, 208, 213. Houseworth, 48, 53, 170, 171, 214, 215, 216, 219. Houss, 230. Houtz, 6, 24, 46, 60. GQ, 134, 153, 158, 160, 180, 184, 190, 191, 194, 202, 204, 212, 213. Hovis, 11, 16, 38,206, 207, 222, 223, 229, 230. Howell, 10, 24, 57, 62, 72, 77, 89, 93, 96,98, 105, 121, 131, 138, 142, 143, 145, 147, 149, 176, 181,188, 189, 192, 195, 197, 202. Hower, 32, 36, 94, 137. Howertcr, 72, 80. Hoy, 93. Huhb, 29, 209. Hiiber, 170, 213. Hubley, 125. Hufnagle. 37. 102, 154, 156, 158, 173, 179, 193. Hutigins, 179. Hughes, 13, 30, 34, 37, 40, 50, 68 69, 88, 89, 96, 202, 205, 206 219, 224, 227, 228. Hummel, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14,18, 19 20, 24, 28, 31, 32, 37. 44, 45 46, 47, 54, 55, 59, 62, 64, 65 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 76, 78 79, 85, 88, 91, 92, 98, 100, 101 104, 106, 107, 108, 115, 116 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 138 139, 140, 141, 143, 145, 146 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 156 158, 159, 161, 163, 164, 165 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 173 174,176, 178, 179, 180, 185 189, 190, 196, 197, 198, 201, 204, 205, 206, 213, 2l4, 215, 217, 218, 219, 222, 226, 228, 229. Hunberger, 64. Hunt, 118,121,134,163. Hunter, 114, 210. Huntington, 181. Hupp, 208. Huth, 172. Hutt, 226. Hyder, 180. Hyman, 158. Ickes, 216, 220. Inch, 36, 104, 148, 150. Ingails, 56. Ingram, 101, 111, 197. Inkrute, 145. Irwin, 12, 98. Ister, 124. Jacobs, 56, 89, 121. Jacoby, 230. Jarret, 6, 12, 29, 34, 40,45,48, 53, 55, 58, 63, 74, 75, 87, 92, 95, 108,111, 112, 116, 117, 133, 137, 140, 146, 148, 151, 158, 159, 173, 151, 183, 201, 203, 204,213, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 227. Jeileries, 26, 208. Jenkins, 126. Jodon, (mispelled Zodon), 162. John, 73. Johns, 209, 229. Johnson, 23, 41, 153, 209. Jones, 19, 43, 54. Jordon, 9, 23, 50, 60,68,72,95,125, 127, 148, 150, 195, 197, 198, Justice, 85. Kahley, 50, 61, 88, 95, 96, 117, 118, 122, 128, 150, 171, 175, 177, 179, 190. Kain, 218. Kalpetzer, 18, 176, 185. Kaltride, 206. 24 8 Index. Kaltwriter, 14. Kainblo, 20, 24. Kanavvell, 8, 22, GO, 82, 141. Kantncr, 43, 50, 179. Kantz, 13, 25, 27, 32, 34, 46, Go, G8, 124, 149, 172, 201, 202, 206, 208, 209, 213, 214, 216, 217, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230. Karr, 211. Kathernian, IGG, 174, 175, 178, 181, 182, 187,189. Kuuher, 216). Kauffiiian, 24, 31,46, 89, 105,148, 149, 150, 185, 217, 220. Keagle, 210, 216. Kearns, 146. Ke(4<, 7, 27, 62, 135, 149, 209, 215. Keefer, 136, 171. Keeler, 20, 30, 88, 174, 204, 209, 212. Keelc>y, 41, 44, 81, 90, 135, 225. Keen, 87. Keene, 63. Keet, 223. Kehler, 217. Keiber, 99, 121, 134, 219 Keiper, 215, 220. Reiser, 6, 15, 28, 33, 41, 46, 47, 53, 92, 122, 142, 170, 183 ,194, 205,209, 215, 217. Keller. 7, 20, 42, 55, 59, 77, 90, 105, 121, 133, 160, 169, 170, 175, 180, 191, 193, 205, 213, 216, 217,218, 225. Kelly, 76, 77, 86, 113, 226. Kemberliiig, 1 6, 93. Kenible, 53, 207. Keiniuerliiifi;, 9, 175. Kempfer, 100, 109. Kcmrer, 89, 90, 93, 206. Kendall, 99. Kennel, 158. Kepler, 9, 28, 30, 6<), 83, 103, 122, 136, 202, 205, 209, 211, 221, 222, 224, 226. Kepner, 209, 210, 215, 220. Kern, 47, 62, 70, 62, 81, 94, 120, 132, 138, 139, 146, 154, 168, 170, 173, 186, 189, 193, 214, 221, 222. Kerr, 80, 126, 131, 162, 194. Kershner, 10, 22, 179, 180, 195. Kerstetter, 19, 32, 36, 39, 42, 47, 48, 53, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, m,i'A',, 74, 77, 80, 83, 86, 88, 94, 96, 97, 99, 101, HI, 116,124, 125, 129, 130, 143, 146, 147, 149, 150, 158, 170, 172, 173, 205, 211, 213, 215, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227. Kessler, 29, 32, 37, 65, 67, 75, 81, 105, 115, 120,133,151,157,160. 162, 166, 172, 180, 205. Kidder, 180. Kiehl, 169. Kiester, 9, 24, 27, 40, 46, 74, 78, 92,95,97,124,126, 129, 135, 138, 147, 180, 181, ISC), 188, 192, 195, 199. Killinojer, 31. Kinie, 212. Kine, 210. King, 10, 54, 149, 179, 181, 190, 195. Kinnev, 47, 50, 57, 85, 92, 113, 114, 121, 160, 170, 187, 189, 223. Kipp, 26. Kirk, 44. Kirkpatriek, 107, 151. Kiscadden, 84, 85. Kissinger, 41, 51, 125, 133. Kister, 222, 225. Kistner, 28, 4c-^, 63. Klase, 21,99, 102, 120, 122, 142. Klass, 170. Klatfelter, 214, 215, 224. Klcckner, 2S, 33, 153, 155, 157, Index. 249 158, 166, 171, 181, 184, 190. Kleonier, 167. Klick, 14, 196. Kline, 9, 11, 19, 26, 27, 30, 38,42, 44, G2, 64, 67, 69, 75, 80, 84, 86, 90, 91, 97, 101, 104, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 123, 124, 133, 137, 139, 143, 144, 146, 152, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 167, 168, 172, 173, 175, 178,179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192,193, 196, 218, 220, 222, 227, 229. Klingernjan, 168. Klingler, 8, 12, 15, 24, 31, 38, 41, 42, 52, 64, 68, 75, 79, 81, 86, 96, 97, 103, 104, 106, 108, HI, 114, 119,121, 125, 127, 131, 136, 139, 141, 143, 146, 148, 154, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 171, 177, 178, 179, 182, 188, 203, 206, 217, 227, 228. Klock, 59, 108. Klose, (Kloss), 9, 12, 35, 42, 75, 76, 93, 103, 107, 122, 150, 156, 168, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 195, 205. Knarr, 14, 189. Knauil, 155. Knausp, 171. Kiiepp, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18,33, 44, 54, 57, 62, 65, 71, 76, 86, 88, 91, 106, 109,110, 111,113,116, 117, 118, 123, 128, 132, 133, 138, 145, 150, 154, 155, 156, 170, 172, 174, 175, 178, 182, 184, 186, 188, 191, 193. Knight, 133, 203, 213. Kniglits, 107, 214, 228. Knittle, 167, 175, 177. Knouse, 14, 23, 31, 60, 80, 85, 91, 108, 111, 118, 122, 129, 132, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 161, 163, 165, 177, 204, 226. Kobb, 25. Kobel, 16. Koch, 42. 132, 147, 171, 177, 181, 182, 185. Kocher, 67, 92,113,115. Kohl, 210. Kohler, 45, 47, 53, 57, 101. 132, 169, 198, 210, 216, 221, 222, 227. Koons, (Kiihns), 6, 37, 60, 72, 98, 100,109, 132, 153, 164, 182, 193, 194, 197, 198. Kosor, 160, 193. Kramer, (Kremer), 9, 16, 42, 43, 55, 57, 59, 77, 78, 87, 106, 108, 117, 120, 134, 140, 155, 168,175, 183, 188, 190, 193, 201, 211, 217, 221, 224, 226, 229. Kranshop, 60. Kratzer, 6, 13, 19, 23, 29, 32, 41, 54, 55, 63, 70, 75, 78, 80, 88, 91, 92,93, 98, 101, 106, 111, 113, 116, 119, 121, 124, 125, 130, 131, 136, 137, 138, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164, 165, 171, 172, 173, 176, 178, 179, 180, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 201, 202,203, 205, 209, 219, 223, 225, 230. Krebs, 21, 26, 34, 40, 50, 54, 76, 77, 84, 105, 113, 117, 124,136, 139, 155, 166, 176, 183, 184, 223, 225. Kreeger, 35, 94, 146, Kreider, 9, 63, 69, 160, 174, 175, 176,180, 181, 183, 185, 205, 212, 218, 221, 227, 228. Kreisher, 130, 156, 185, 212. Krcitzcr, 47, 108, 138. Kressinger, 9. 250 In'DEX. Krick, 15, 17, 20, 30, 44, 53, 55, 50, 100, 150, 105, 175, 184. Kriefer, 218. Krighbaiim, 10, 55 Krinor, 211. Kriso, 152. Krissing-er, 8, 204, 229, 230. Krouse, (!See Cronse), 6, 22, 45, 52, 73, 228,229. Krumrine, 48. Kuhns, (Koons), 30, 38. 01,87, 89, 90, 103, lie, 121, 120, 127, 131, 130, 148, 182, 180, 189, 190, 209, 222, 227. Kulp, 177. Kunkle, 17, 07, 90, 107, 129, 131, 139, 155 158, 100,103, 179. Kurtz, 37. Kuster, 12, 85, 89, 95, 120, 145, 207, 227. Kutz, 11, 180. Lahr, 134, 223. Lambert, 12, 14, 25, 53, 149, 190. Landis, 8, 14, 15, 49, 82, 90, 172, 170, 203, 204, 207, 219, 220. Lang, 218. Lauter, 157. Lauzicus, 109. Laport, 220. Lark, 214. Lash, 8, 40, 95, 90, 105, 139, 177, 183. Lashell, 103, 177. Latsha, 18. Laub, 101, 120, 127, 192. Lauver, (Lawver), 10, 24, 70, 88, 110,130, 131, 135, 137, 141, 151,103, 173, 175, 194, 201, 212, 210, 218, 219, 221, 223, 225, 228, 229. Laudeuslager, 0, 13, 15, 17, 42. 45, 49, 51, 58, 04, 70, 71, 74, 78, 80, 97, 102, 121, 130, 133, 135, 141, 142, 144, 101, 109, 170, 204, 212, 210, 217, 218, 219, 220, 224, 227. Law, 219. Lawber, 0, 80. Lawrentz, 215. Lawson, 148. Laydon, 1 10. Layton, 87. Loach, 30, 40, 72, 80, 91, 99, 100, 151, 224. Leader, 102, 104, 105, 195. Leahmaa, 154. Lease, 19, 35, 30, 80, 83, 90, 207, 210. Lebkicher, 109, 199. Lebo, 25. Lechncr, 11, 00, 200. Lecknv, 10. Lee, 104. Leffler, 18, 90, 103. Lehr, 180, 219. Lehvig, 214. Leibig, 153. Lei bold, 71. Leiby, 90, 131, 154, 155, 159. Leicli, 107. Leighow, 37. Leight, 59, 210, 224. Leisenring, 28, 29. Leister, 10, 48, 55, 130, 198. Leiter, 217, 224. Leitner, 114, 119, 147, 102, 103. Leitzel, 18, 22, 20, 29, 37, 38, 45, 58, 04, 77, 79, 104, 105, 107, 110, 119, 127, 101, 103, 105, 100, 171, 177, 178, 181, 185, 180, 188, 207, 208, 209, 223, 227, 229. Len, 22. Leuhart, 20(). Lenig, (Lanig), 9, 11, 39, 40, 41, 48, 51, 70, 79, 80, 89, 91, 97, 99, 100, 104, 114, 125, 128, 132, 134, 149, 151, 172, 190, 198, 202, 203, 205, 213, 210, 217, 21 OS, 219, 222, 229, 230. Index. 251 Lenker, 82, 88, 107, 114, 119. Leonard, 51, 89, 153. Leploy, 15, 17, 21. 2G, 30, 34, 42, 52, 02,77, 113, 115, 117, 127, 128, 141, 142, 159, 173, 175, 176, 177, 182, 184, 188, 191, 197. Lesher, 18, 19, 37, 40, 59, 86, 96, 207. Lessmau, 72, 96, 125, 166. Ley tie, 170. Libbv, 69. LicUHck, 210, 211. Liebensferger, 162. Li 1 ley, 72.' Liiibert, 230. Lius, 117. Linter, 27, 38, 208. Livingston, 210. Lloyd, 37, 63, 83,122,159,170,224. Lobb, 171. Logan, 188. Loniison, 177. Long, 7, 9, 20, 21, 23, 23, 24, 37, 86, 89, 97, 104, 110, 112, 114, 117, 120, 127, 135, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 154, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 170, 172,173, 175, 176, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 188, 194, 195, 197, 202, 209, 217, 220, 221, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229. Lcngacre, 54, 77, 100, lit;, 124. 139,150, 151, 216). Lose, 28, 38, 52, 57, 61, 64, Go, 86, 107, 12t), 134, 172,198,212. Loss, 114, 145, 159, 161, 180, 181, 197, 215. Londen, 211. Louder, 19, 180, 182, 187, 189. Lower, 196, 201. Lovvniiller, 187. Luck, 8, 62, 65, 83, 94, 110, 123, 128, 158, 203, 204, 214, 218, 221, 223, 225, 228, 229. Ludwig, 34, 64. Liunbard, 93, 105, 133, 14(, 148, 192. Luplier, 211. Lupole, 225. Lutz, 5, 42, 81, 102,140,167, 199. McAfee, 61, 71, 198, 199. McCarty, 81. McClellan, 23, 27, 44, 59, 67, 79. MeClenahan, 42, 52, 89. MeClintis, 30, 67. McCloskey, 34. McCloud,*31. AleCreery, G2. McCullough, 157. McDowell, 78. MeElhoe,, 15, 17. McElrath, 34. McElwee, 34. MeFall, 14, 36, 75, 95. McGlaugldin, 55. McGliusey, 27, 209. McGrau), 15. McKee, 174. McKensie, 217. McLain, 105. MeLintick, 183. McuMananiy, 5, 42. MeMorris," 211. MelVLurry, 35. McNutt,130. McPherson, 157, 167. MeCiueen, 87. MeVey, 158. McVicker, 22. McWilliuins, 116. Macbanier, 58. Mackey, 81, xMackner, 130. Madera, 157. Magurn, 109. Maier, 209, 211. Maize, 162, 167. I^Fakensie, 211. Male, 03. 252 Index. Malich, 22G. Maluney. 82. Manbeclc, 17, 26, 31, 38, 41, 48, G2, 73, 82, 8G, 93, 94,104, 112, 113, 119, 141, 143, 148, 150, 1G3, 17G, 180, 188, 191. Maueval, 87, 123. Manhart, 94. Manier, 212. Mantz, 1G9, 202. Mar^eritz, 170, 173, 177, 184,192. Mark, 132, IGl, 214, 219. Marks, 50, 56, 71, 83, 97, 100, 102, lOG, 130, 199, 227. Markle, 8, 15, 45, QQ, 76, 81, 115, 122, 133, 144, 199,207. Markley, 41, 69, 70, 72, 75, 77,92, 116, 127, 131, 140, 145,147,162. Marsh, 90. Marsliall, 157. Martin, 6, 8, 14, 26, 35, 42,47, 51, 54, 71, 76, 83, 97, 101, 102, 106, 111, 113, 117, 120, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 168, 190, 194,202, 203, 208, 223, 228. Martz, 92, 128, 193. Marx, 222. Mason, 24, 159. Matohett, 15, Matchin, 167. Mattliews, 56. Matter, 36, 63, 93, 97, 151, 154. Mattern, 8, 19, 24, 31, 40, 65, 76, 78, 136,172, 177, 180,184,192, 199. Mattes, 177. Matthias, 157, 212, 213, 220. Mattis, 60, 157, 190. Mauch, 222. Mauror, 18, 22, 25, 26, 31, 65, 66, 74, 78,79, 99, 103, 104, 107, 112, 120, 129, 136, 142, 143, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160,161, 164, 165, 166, 170, 171, 219. Maurev, 16, 20, 78, 87, 113, 131, 161, 162, 163,167,170,201,206. May, 80, 133, 175. May CM-, 154. Mayes, 57. Maze, 132. Mease, 44, 164, 167, 225. Mechtlev, 64, 172, 178. Mcekley, 90, 129. Medlam, 167. Meiser, 6, 15. 21, 23, 29, 32, 43, 59, 72, 80, 84, 91, 92, 102, 103, 105, 108, 110, 120, 132, 137, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206. 207, 208, 209, 212, 213, 214', 218, 222, 224, 227, 228, 229. Meister, 15, 207. Menges, 44,171, 230. Mengle, 10, 16, 27,32, 33, 57, 59, 62, 66, 83, 91, 96, 97, 103, 105, 135, 136, 149, 150, 173, 181, 199, 205, 206, 207, 209, 216, 218, 221, 223, 226. Mensch, 13, 21, 56, 68, 125, 134, 179. Merril, 57. Mertz, 5, 24, 27, 38, 41, 60, 61, 85, 97, 105, 155, 150, 157, 159, 161, 167, 170, 197, 212, 213, 214, 221. Messernian, 22. Mester, 174. Mechtol, 5. Metzer, 216. Metzgar, 12,66,112, IGl, 170, 206. Meyer, 79. Meyers, (). Michael, 48, 52, 145. Midtlleswarth, 7, 8, 11, 14, 30, 32, 38, 41, 46, 52, 54, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 76, 78, 82, 93, 98, 100, 101, 108, 112, 113, 114, 129, 138, 150, 173, 175, 176, 178, 183, 185, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 196. Index. 258 Miller, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 25, 27 30, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48 51, 53, 55, 57, 58, 63, 67, 68 70, 71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82 86, 100, 101, 103,104,105, 106 107, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119 121, 125, 127, 128, 133, 134 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142 147, 149, 151, 156, 157, 158 159, 162, 163, 165,170,171,173 175, 176, 183, im, 187, 188 190, 195, 198, 203, 205, 206 207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214 215, 216, 218, 220, 221, 222 225, 226, 227, 229,230. Millet, 170. Millhoff, 40, 68, 85, 110, 124,157, 217, 219. Millhouse, 154, 162. Mills, 16, 37, 38, 56. Minimii, 13, 77, 92, 103, 142, 191, 204, 206, 212,218, 223, 230. Mink, 62. Minnich, 89, 90, 119, 221, 222, 223, 224. MitoheJl, 6, 12, 16, 21, 24, 42, 49, 55, 56, 69, 78, 92, 106, 110, 113. 117, 124, 126, 130, 136, 154, 155, 160, 164, 166, 174, 178, 180, 182, 185, 187, 188, 192, 194, 198, 206, 208, 227. Mituian, 71, 203. Mitterling, 7, 34, 35, 45, 50, 72, 78, 99, 100, 102, 111, 114, 122, 138, 150, 182, 184, 202, 203, 204, 217, 223. Moatz, 6, 13, 33, 42, 47, 65, 168, 190, 211, 215, 216, 224, 230. Mock, 163. Mohler, 10. Mohn, 60, 81, 94, 108. Mohney, 35. Mohr, 49, 217, 220. Moll, 8, 56, 79, 162, 164,165, 170, 193, 195, 199, 217,223,227,229. Moltz, 175. Money, 11. Montgomery, 181. Moody, 213. Moore, 51, 53, 79, 118, 167, 197, 205, 207, 212, 216. Moreland, 52. Morgan, 130. Morningstar, 48. Morr, 43, 217, 218,219, 227, 229. Morris, 30,128. Morton, 16. Moser, 166, 216. Motter, 193, 211. Mourer, 75, 84, 228. Mowrer, 84, 180, 182, 185. Moyer, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66' 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84,85, 87,88, 91, 92, 93, 96, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 144, 147, 149, 150, 151, 155,156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 168, 171, 172, 173, 177, 178, 179, 181, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 212,213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230. Muck, 150. Mull, 134, 139, 146, 147, 178. Mullner, 141. Mnninia, 88, 148. Murphy, 90, 108. Musser, 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 29, 31, 254 Index. 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46, 51, 64, 65, m, 68, 75, 86, 88, 94, 96, 106, 119, 121, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 135, 136, 138, 143, 144, 148, 160,165,166,168, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 181, 183, 187, 189, 192, 194, 196, 201, 207, 228, 230. MusHolman, 7, 22, 29, 42, 49, 63, 64,75,80, 106, 115, 121, 130, 135, 140, 175, 183, 185, 213, 214, 228, 230. Muthart, 181. Myers, 14, 229. Naoe 35, 55, 70, 79, 82, 103, 113, 122, 131, 138, 142, 144, 146, 223 227. Naglo,' 17, 28,41,45, 74, 78, 80, 102, 107, 108, 127, 128, 202, 205, 209, 215, 216,225,226,230. Napp, 91, 100, 143,191. Neely, 111. Neft, 117, 118, 154. Neiman, 39, 154, 157, 158, 160, 165. Neitz, 15, 17, 34, 41, 47, 48, 49, 52,61,74,79,82,85,93,94,98, 100, 104, 107, 118, 132, 134, 136,141,143,144, 184. Nepp, 66, 198. Nerhood, (Nerhut), 9, 12, 19, 21, 34, 45, 74, 75, 82, 91, 92, 93, 108, 116, 131, 172, 175, 191, 192,1 5, 16, 197, 212, 215, 216, 218, 219. Neuschvvindcr, 226. Nevil, 54. Newbury, 159. Newman, 62, 71, 81, 91, 96, 101, 104, 107, 110, 116, 128, 131, 133, 142, 202. Nicholas, 115. Neimond, 215, 224. Nipple, 23, 58, 202. Noaohcr, 12, 60. Noei'kcr, 99, 154, 206, 228. Noetling, 133. Noll, 18, 35, 53, 73, 75, 95, 105, 111,140,157, 159, 168. Norman, 12, 16, 92, 153, 155,156, 194. Norris, 19. North, 36. Oaks, 110. Oberdorf, 169, 175. Oberholtzer, 52, 101. Oberlin, 96, 166, 172, 173. Obernieyer, 153. Oblinger, 183, 185. Obryan, 81. Ochsenford, 54. Ocker, 37, 46, 52, 65, 69,75,77,84, 89, 105,122, 132, 158,161,184, 186, 188, 189, 190. O'Donuel, 112. Oldt, 8, 30, 51, 94, 102, 109, 120,121, 123, 155, 156, 160, 162, 167, 173, 174, 176, 180, 182, 187, 188, 191, 224, 225. Oliver, 11. O'Neal, 118. Oplinger, 226. Orner, 46. Ort, 70. Ortz, 171. Orwig, 11, 40,97,105,137,154,157. Osbon, 195. Osborn, 9. Osterinan, 224. Ott, 12, 41, 45, 47.. 49, 224, 227. Pa(;hniche, 63. I'uge, 19, 46, 78, 85, 88, 92, 93, 96, 137, 143, 150. Panis, 54. Parish, 48. Parker, 114, 120. Parks, 10, 16, 31,66, 85, 86, 95, 201, 207, 210, 212. Parvin, 152. Patton, 39, 197. Index. •25i Paul, 34, 188. TawJing, 45, 47, 115, 119, 127, 134, 146, 160, 167, 171, 176, 178, 191, 202, 217, 218, 222, 224, 226. Peck, 26, 34, 98. Peffer, 218. Peiiiers, 32. Pcnuichotf, 153. Peimy, 153. Percel, 58. Persing, 60, 170. Peter," 5, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 41, 45, 46, 59, 61, 63, 71, 72, 108, 113,118,121,122,123, 127, 129, 139, 147, 148, 155, 156, 173, 175, 182, 187, 197, 198. Pheasant, 19, 28. Phillips, 15, 79, 104, 106, 109, 123, 140, 177, 203, 205, 207, 215. Pick, 32,42, 132,196,197. Pick hart, 157. Pierce, 12, 166. Pine, 123. Piatt, 155, 173, 174, 197, 219. Plough, 156, 164. Pontius, 7, 33, 36, 39, 52, 65, 89, 90, 113, 139, 154, 155, 159, 162, 163, 179, 190, 192, 195, 222, 228, 229. Portzline, 101, 106, 116, 121, 123, 124, 132, 133, 140, 142. Potter, 34, 39, 70, 93, 189, 223. Potts, 79. Price, 22, 52, 59, 66, 155, 156, 185. Priestly, 23. Probst, 177. Pruiikard, 145. Prutzman, 90, 127. Puflenberger, 225. Querns, 173. Quinn, 170. Raber, 59. Kadabach, 85. Kager, 25, 63, 78, 178, 197. llaker, 68. Kanibo, 34, 80, 141. Ramer, 14, 25, 33, 65, 70, 102, 117,118, 163. Raaisay, 108, 177. Ranistone, 175, 214. Ranck, 8, 15, 31, 125. Rath, 7, 172, 175, 195, 210, 218. Rathfon, 102, 118, 119, 120, 202, 212, 220, 222, 223, 226. Rathgeber, 225. Raub, 25. Ranch, 47, 70, 73, 78, 84, 85, 91, 102, 104, 109, 124, 131, 135, 145, 162, 172. 174, 176, 177, 181, 189, 193,199. Raudenbush, 35, 161. Ray, 9, 34, 81, 186, 195, 199. Raymond, 20. Reachner, 176, 178. Reading, 31. Readly, 100. Ream, 181. Reamer, 206. Rearich, 7, 9, 11, 27, 30, 33, 57, 66,70,79, 98, 104, 122, 126, 127, 136, 148, 159, 164, 173, 177, 180,183, 186, 187, 189, 195, 197. Reber, 15, 182. Reed, 9, 27, 57, 81, 84, 109, 136, 141, 147, 168, 169, 205, 208, 211,226. Reel, 211. Rehrer, 141, 184. Reich, 19, 72, 99, 100, 101, 126, 128, 143, 156, 196, 207. Reichenbach, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22,26, 31, 32, 37, 41, 48, 50, 55, 60, 72, 76, 88, 91, 93, 95, 105, 106, 107, 111, 116, 118, 123, 124, 125, 133, 136, 137, 147, 148 256 In'DEX. 150, 199, 201, 206, 209, 211, 214, 218, 222, 225, 22G. Keichley, 98, 109, 112, 132, 137, 143, IGO, 166, 177. lleichner, 78, 155. Reifsnyder, 214. Keigle, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 24, 30, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 47, 50, 54, 55, 56, 67, 68, 76,81, 89, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, 101,102, 103, 111, 112,117, 118, 120, 130, 134, 135, 140, 141, 146, 155, 165, 166, 171, 173, 175, 178, 180, 183, 191, 195, 198, 201, 203, 204, 205, 208, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 223, 224, 229. Reim, 153. Reinhard, 46, 93, 96, 111, 141, 143, 150, 156. Reiuliart, 63. Reitniyer, 164. Reitz, 30, 52, 53, 87, 90, 93, 95, 105, 110, 111, 142, 155, 179, 184. 187, 207, 224, 226. Reish, 20, 165, 168, 171, 172, 181, 182, 184, 190. Rem, 23. Renimel, 165. Renn, 121, 170. Renner, 79, 87, 102. Renniuger, 7, 12, 13, 18, 23,26,39, 44, 51, 60, 67, 73, 76,77,87,95, 100,104, 107, 117, 124, 127, 136, 141, 142,143, 144.146,154, 173,175, 179, 183, 185, 187, 193, 194, 196, 204, 208, 219, 222, 225, 226, 229. Repass, 215. Resinger, 221. Ressler, 46, 184. Reubendolf, 125. Reynolds, 26. Rice, 41, 120, 123,202. Richardson, 31. Richter, 36, 79, 146. Riclivvlne, 131. Rlckabaugli, 168. Riehl, 135. Rife, 137. Riue, 16, 41, 85, 105, 125, 180, 193, 201, 203, 205, 211, 213, 216, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226,228,229, 230. Ringert, 166, 171. Ripka, 98. Ripple, 101, 137. Rise, 80. Risliel, 17, 74, 164. Ritter, 9, 12, 22, 30, 36, 5(j, 64, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 104, 12 1, 122, 128,142, 144, 151, 157, 162, 171, 172, 174, 176, 177, 184, 185, 186, 187, 209, 224, 229. Ritz, 20. Ritzman, 160, 182. Rhamstine, 125, 183. Rhawn, 65. Rheanis, 70, 71. Rhoads, 41, 42, 58, 59, 77, 90, 91,100,192, 199. Roads, 30, 209, 21 i. Robenold, 8, 58. Roberts, 58. Robinson, 30,172, 178. Rock feller, 33, Rockey, 176,178. Roderer, 73. Rodkey,145. Rohback, 7, 14, 5Q, 1 86, 204. Rohland, 127. Roln-back, 114. Rohrer, 56, 215. Roln-ig, 205. Rohrler, 216. Rouiberger, 31, 59, 82. Romicli, 43. Romig, 6, 15, 17, 24,28, 32, 34, 36, 40, 43, 46, 50, 55, G6, 67, 68,71, 73,74, 83, 85, 90, 95, Index. 257 105, 109, 114, 118, 120, 127, 130, 131, 137, 147, 155, 170, 173, 175, 176, 187, 191, 192, 201, 212, 223. Rose. 131. llosecase, 36. Koshon, 157, 160. Roshong, 173. Rossniau, 175. Rote, 49. Rothermel, 68, 107, 119, 131, 156. Rothrock, 12, 24, 46,61,67,73,184. Roudi, 17, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 35, 36, 38, 44, 53, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 83, 88, 89, 90, 92, 95,101, 106,107, 110, 116, 117, 119,127,130,138, 143, 144, 145, 149, 152, 188, 191, 193, 197, 198, 201, 202, 204, 207, 208, 212, 214, 215, 216,217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 229. Row, 8, 21, 22, 31,34,35,38,40,44, 48, 51, 57, 58, 61, 65, 71, 72, 87, 90, 91, 94, 99, 100, 101, 102,103, 105,111,113,117,118, 119, 120, 121, 126, 127, 128, 131, 134, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142,145, 151, 160, 161, 163, 185, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 212, 216, 217, 219, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230. Rovve, 146. Royer, 46, 72, 75, 82, 153, 154, 172. Rnbeiidall, 92. Riulisill, 53. Rudy, 32, 154, 164, 174. Ruhl, 49, 176, 180. 181, 219 Rule, 22. Runibaugb, 150. Rumfeld, 212, 216. Rupley, 171. Rupp, 11, 43. Rusli, 167. Rutli, 149. Ruthruflf, 73. Rutter, 43. Ryan, 49. Rydelbaoh, 168. Sabman, 158. Sabyman, 162. Sandel, 53. Saltznian, 46, 78, 155, 184. Sampsell, 35, 37, 57, 129, 132, 161, 169, 171. Sanders, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 43, 49, 50, 52, 54, 57, 60, 65, 83, 84, 101, 103, 107, 111, 145, 157, 164, 184, 188, 189, 197, 207. Sassanian, 16, 19, 42, 59, 86, 91, 97, 113, 119, 120, 123, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163, 165, 166, 175, 177, 181, 207. Saucers, 227. Sauer, 24, 51, 100, 145, 150, 166, 174, 201, 203, 208, 223, 224. Sausman, 136. Say lor, 130, 143. Sciuiaf, 185. Schadt, 73. Schall, 59. Seharf, 8, 35, 192. Scheid, 123. Scheurer, 153, 170. SchiHen, 164. Sclilappig, 213. Schlesinger, 91. Schlier, 159. Sehlutterly, 175. Schuee, 10, 17, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 40, 55, 61, 71, 94, 97, 104, IM, 168, 179, 180, 184, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 217, 219, 230. Schneider, 61. Schuure, 32, 41, 61. Schoch, 12,21, 28, 33, 41, 42, 44, 54, 61, 65, 83, 84, 88, 89, 93, 258 I]*DEX. 100, 101, 117, 122, 123, 125, 143,147, 153, 166, 167, (71, 172, 176, 180, 181, 182, 187, 190, 191, 193, 21], 217, 220, 222, 225. Scholl, 15, 80, 87, 94, 97,120,150, 173,202, 207, 211, 228, 229, 230. Schooley, 22. Schrack, 153, 155. Schrey, 102, 126, 133. Schrieber, 144. Schroyer, 18, 21, 31, 37, 65, 108, 147, 156, 196, 213, 217. Seal, 70, 79. Seamen, 40, 87, 118, 143. Searer, 19, 32, 181. Sechrist, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 28, 45, 47, 48, 53, 63, 70, 78, 80, 89, 95, 104, 106, 109,112,126,143, 146, 172, 202, 204, 206, 207, 210, 221, 227, 228. Seebold, 18, 26, 43, 45, 66, 64, 67, 77, 91, 117, 120, 151, 153,159, 163, 164, 165, 175, 198, 199, 202, 208,211, 225. Seers, 11, 137,206, 217. Seesholtz, 16, 26, 90, 147,168,175, 208. Seib, 173. Seiber, 65, 192,193,224. Seidel, 69. Seiders, 32. Seller, 108, 203. Seip, 60, 105. Seifferet, 165. Seifret, 26, 32. Seitler, 6. Sellers, 87, 98, 141, 146, 226. Sesinger, 82. Sevisoii, 23. Shadel, 9, 14, 30, 40, 150, 205, 211, 212, 218, 224. Shadow, 210,212. Shaeficr, (Slialfer, Schacffcr), 9, 10, 13,16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 30, 32, 36, 37, 40, 42, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60,72,73,76, 87, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 10^ 111, 112, 115, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 127, 129, 132, 134, 137, 138, 141, 142, 145, 149, 150, 154, 168, 181, 189, 191, 194, 195, 202, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 227, 229, 230. Shaffner, 38. Shalter, 32, 36, 197. Shambach, 13, 25, 36, 37, 39, 46, 48, 51, 52, 59, 67, 71, 72, 77, 86,94,108,111,125,128,154,155, 171, 180, 184, 194,201, 215. Shanip, 167. ShannoD, 9, 75, 135, 155, 161, 162, 165, 166, 179, 180, 182, 195, 213, 216. Sharp, 22. Shawver, 34, 59, 67, 69, 72, 93, 121, 123, 126, 146, 180, 183, 189, 190. Shay, 32. Shearer, 34. Sheary, 87, 122, 137. Sheffler, 203. ShcHley,191. Shell, 51, 114, 125. Shellenberger,6,13,19,46,50, 5 1, 61, 85, 86, 99, 110, 111, 123, 139, 140, 149, 150, 183, 194, 222, 224, 229. Shelly, 13, 84, 128, 143, 201, 214, 224, 230. Shemorry, 20, 41, 72, 122, 123, 125, 132, 135, 136, 144, 146, 156, 158, 196, 199, 202, 219, 224, 225. Sherwin, 46. Shettcrly, 83, 85, 90,104,113,135, Index. 259 202, 215, 229. Shidoh, 216. Shields, 132. SliilUng, 97, 100, 173, 177, 178, 181, 182. Shindel, 13, 21, 56, 59, 169, 183. Shinkle, 81, 101, 135, 191. Shipe, 210. Shipmau, 7, 167, 178. Shipton, 173, 212. Shirey, 27, 41, 110, 111, 150, 191, 192. Shirk, 7, 16, 24, 80, 88, 96, 102, 121, 126, 135, 136, 141, 149, 150, 159, 162, 204. Shive, 112. Sliively, 89, 175, 188, 196. Shiverly, 36. Sliodt, 22. Shoemaker, 8, 153, 210. Sholler, 57, 174. Sholly, 14, 49, 61, 65, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 96, 98,119, 127,140, 188, 206, 219. Shortess, 57, 69. Shotzberger, 20, 21, 52, 76, 77, 87, 94, 98, 101, 104, 116, 124, 125, 126, 140, 207, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227. Shout, 189, 192. Showalter, 98, 123, 214. Showers, 8, 19, 31, 33, 40,53, 137, 141, 159, 161, 183, 191, 205, 221, 225. Shrader, 8, 14, 21, 66, 68, 70, 72, 76, 96, 138, 144, 150, 162, 175, 182, 188, 192, 195, 198, 215, 220, 225. Shrawder, 18, 19, 41, 74, 92, 94, 102, 106, 126, 138, 140, 150. Shreffler, 86. Shrincr, 12, 17, 18. Shider, 226. Shall, 86. Shultz, 63, 69, 117, 120, 188. Shumacher, 195. Shuman, 37, 52, 163, 185, 210, 214, 215, 222. Shnre, 13. Shurrick, 230. Shwenk, 9, 13, 14, 16, 19, 33, 34, 50, 154, 156, 157, 172. Siders, 211. Siegfried, 98. Sierer, 34, 122. Siever, 30, 149, 170. Sigler, 23. Silby, 167. Sills, 42. Silver wood, 157, 167. Simon, 22. Simon ton, 152. Simpson, 23, 170. Singer, 175. Singley, 63. Siukabine, 53. Sipe, 131, 144, 145, 197. Six, 32. Shunkweiler, 156. Slack, 169. Slear, 15, 22, 24, 45, 56, 70, 74, 91, 115, 163, 167, 171, 175. Slegle, 78. Slier, 170. Slough, 35. Smeigh, 204. Smeltz,'76, 82, 84, 100, 110. Smith, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,13,14,15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25,26, 27,28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 , 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 92, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 110, 112, 113, 115, 118, 121, 122, 123, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 139, 140, 142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 260 Index. 159, 160, 163, 165, 166, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 212, 217, 218, 219, 220, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230. Snuicker, 65. Srnull, 1 85. Siuyser, 90. Snable, 122, 147. Snodgrass, 12, 58. Snoke, 44, 98, 198. Snook, 5, 18, 19, 25, 28, 29, 32,36, 42, 44, 45,46, 49, 51,52,57, 58, 60, 63, 65, 66, 67,69,72,77,79, 85, 94, 95, 98, 100, 102, 109, 113, 117,119,124,126, 12,7 128, 130, 141, 145, 146, 153, 154, 155, 156, 161, 173, 174, 178, ■ 182, 185, 186, 190, 194. Snyder, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 31, 36,37,38, 39,41, 43, 44, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54,55, 57, 58, 60,61, 62, 63,66,69, 71, 74, 76, 77, 82, 83, 88, 96,97,98, 99, 102, 104, 107, 108, 111, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123, 125, 128, 129,131, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142, 148, 149, 151, 154, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 168, 171, 188, 159, 190, 192, 193, 198, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 213, 214, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230. Sole.s, 101. Solomon, 39, 155, 1()2. Somers, 212, 216. Somes, 57. Soov, 53. Senders, 169. Sower, 20, 68, 176, 187. Spaid, (Spade), 6, 28, 58, 62, 63, 67, 71, 96, 103, 105, 107, 114, 132, 135, 158, 160, 188, 198,204, 214, 221, 224, 226, 227, 228, 230. Spangler, 5, 7, 21, 57, 80, 81, 94, 100, 115, 129, 134, 141, 143, 147, 154, 158, 163, 185, 186, 199, 208, 211. Specht, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 24, 26, 30, 36, 40, 48, 51, 52, 54, 65, 75, 79, 90, 99, 109, 112. 123, 124, 132, 134, 136, 151, 170, 182, 185, 187, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 224. Speese, 209. ^ Speicht, 7. Six>ncer, 35, 142, 197. Spigelmever, 15, 17, 25, 27,28, 33, 53, 56^ 61, 66, 68, 78, 131, 137, 14S, 154, 166, 170, 171, 178, 181, 182, 185, 190, 196, 199. Spitler, 57, 72, 147, 164. S])onel)erger, 215, Spotts, 22, 28, 49, 50, 56, 69, 82, 92,103,106,209. Sprenkle, 29, 30, 46, 93, 113. Spriggle, 75, 81, 126, 223. Springer, 85, 197, 211. Springle, 37. Springman, 63, 81, 113,227. Spyer, 217. Stadon, 35. Stahl, 13, 14, 17, 18, 28, 39, 47, 58, 59, 68, 72, 76, SO, 89, 97, 99, 103, 104, 108, 112,113,115, 116, 117, 119, 125, 126, 139, 141, 144, 146, 149, 158, 164, 166, 167, 205,207,228. Stabler, 109. Stahlnecker, 5, 10, 26, 56, 81, 113, 116, 118, 119, 125, 128, 143, 154, 186, 190, 194, 198, 208, 229. Stalev, 18, 32, 149, 170, 209, 210. Index. 261 tStambach, 176. Staimert, 132. Stark, 209. Starks, 48. Stauber, 221. Staufter, 9, 10, 13, 10, 17, 44, 45, 52, 89, 96, 111, 119, 132, 145, 174, 205, 206. St. Clair, 77. Steel, 193. Steely, 160. Stees, 143, 154, 179. SteHen, 12, 20, 27, 34, 51, 60, 61, 69, 75, 79, 84, 88, 92, 93, 97, 102, 116, 119, 120, 131, 132, 134. 136, 140, 146, 178, 206, 207,221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228. Steimlv, 32, 98, 103, 111, 112, 186, 182. Stcinin-er, 5, 8, 9, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 32, 39, 54, 57, 58, 60, 65, 69, 77, 78, 82, 83, 87, 101, 113, 114, 144, 155, 156, 172, 178, 182, 186, 188, 192, 196, 213, 224. Steiinan, 88. Steinmeyer, 63. Step, 59, 219. Stephen, 210, 217, 220. Stepp, 94, 125, 126, 230. Sterner, 174. Stetler, 7, 11, 12, 21, 25, 26, 35, 37, 44, 55, 58, 60, 62, 65, 67, 84, 86, 110, 114, 115, 119, 124, 134, 135, 147, 149, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 178, 179, 185, 187, 195, 206, 208, 212, 213, 214, 218, 219, 225, 228. Stevens, 209. Stiever, 27, 34, 54, 57, 83, 230. Stinielinsr, 58, 59, 67, 81, 95, 98, 104, 109, 122, 222. Stine, 60, 66, 70, 76, 101, 107, 115, 137, 192, 199. Stiver, 221. Stocker, 162. Stoll, 177, 228. Stolfuz, 103. Stonecyplier, 117. Stork, 213, 219, 228. Stout, 15, 23, 46, 98, 139,182,189. Stover, 63, 66. Strasser, 218. Strause, 154. Strawbridge, 210. Strawser, 14, 42, 45, 79,81, 84, 91, 97, 115, 123, 127, 129, 133, 147, 214, 223, 224, 227. Strayer, 46, 98, 203, 212, 213,220, 221. Strieker, 16, 158, 211, 214, 217. Striekler, 12, 112. Sti'inger, 175. Stringfellow, 49. Stroh, 60, 78, 93, 121. Strohecker, 182. Strolun, 175. Stronok, 14. Stroub, 7, 8, 14. 29, 33, 35, 37, 44, 49, 54, 55, 57, 63, 65, GG, 69, 71, 76, 80, 86, 88,89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 101, 102, 103, 104,113,114, 115,118, 123,126,133, 134, 139, 158, 161, 163, 164, 168, 173, 176, 199, 201, 203, 206, 207, 208, 213, 217, 219, 222, 224, 225, 227, 229, 230. Stroup, 119, 129, 135, 143, 194, 165. Strouse, 194. Strout, 134. Struok, 60. Stuart, 154. Stuck, 11,15,39,56, 68, 70, 80, 84, 86, 88, 81, 94, 95, 96, 99, 101, 104, 109, 110, 121, 131, 136, 137, 157,162,168,172,174, 179,181,182, 186,188,189,190, 199, 206, 213, 219. 202 IXPEX. Stull, 11. Stuinptt, S, 32, 38, 72, 108, 153, 155, 150. 168, 179, 182. Stycrs, 108. Sufk'l, 127,145,148, 212. Sufflc, 15, 40, 47, 144. Sullivan, 11. Suininors, 212,216. Super, 13, 162, 163, 165, 175, 180. Swab, 44. S wager, 16. Swalni, 135. Swanger, 12, 38, 69, 84, 114, 122. 137, 138, 178, 180. Swarm, 20, 26, 42, 50, 61, 157, 160, 197, 198. Swartz, 8, 11, 14, 22, 24, 29, 53, 58, 59, 61, 62, 70, 78, 85, 91, 92, 100, 105, 108, 109, 113, 116,119, 120, 138, 142, 144, 147, 149, 154, 155, 167, 171, 172, 174, 175, 183, 184, 195, 196, 212, 213, 216, 222, 220 Swartzlander, 70, 158, 168, 174, 177, 223. Swartzler, 65. Sweigart, 50, 128, 147. Swengle, 100, 155, 174, 183, 184, 186. Swenk, 117. Swincford, 10, 13, 44, 55, 62, 65, 66, 83, 100,114,115, 124, 127, 154,170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 189, 191, 192, 196, 210, 211. 214. Swinehart, 1()9, 178, 182. Swint, 112. Switzcr, 77. Sylvester, 163. Taggart, 58. Tarbeaiix, 146. Tate, 184. Tayers, 218. Taylor, 119, 135, 210. Teats, 53, 72, 90, 92, 142,151,202. Terns, 221. Thanier, 223. Tharp, 47, 97, 199. Tlionias, 15, 27, 34, 47,62, 63, 66, 74, 77, 78, 87, 91, 95, 97, 99, 104, 106, 107, 110, 111, 121, 132, 136, 153, 154, 163, 183, 184, 193, 194, 199, 203, 209, 214,222, 227, 229, 230. Thompson, 37, 49, 70, 75,166,176. Thornton, 18, 167. Thursby, 225, 226. Tiee, 66. Tippy, 43. Tittle, 50, 144, 145, 185. Tobias, 66, 75, 131, 135. Tobson, 211. Tompkins, 55. Toner, 71. Tonlinson, 43. Toole, 60. Townsend, 50. Transue, 93. Traub, 210, 211, 214, 216, 218. Travers, 117. Treaster, 33, 40, 46, 68, 69, 94, 98, 106, 130, 131, 140,171, 180, 183, 187. Trego, 219. Treon, 220. Tressler, 54, 205. Trewitz, 18, 40, 79, 125, 150. Trexler, 173. Troxel, 17, 28, 44, 64, 82, 83, 105, 148, 155, 156,160,170, 180,185. Tronp, 15, 19, 24, 35, 46, 57, 62, 78,83, 86, 92, 118, 135, 150, 202, 206, 229. Trontnian, 59, 80,87, 103,133,215. Troy, 62, 168. Tnu'keimiiller, 119. Trnfant, 67. Tnitt, 26, 30,41, 43, 55, 92, 95, 99, 130, 131,142, 159, 160,162, 161, 165, 166, 190, 206. Index. 263 Try, 137, 174. Tschoppe, 38. Tshoff, 78. Tucker, 113, 1G9. Tnlauf, 202, 210. Tyson, 117. Ulrich, 5, 6, 11, 12, 30, 32, 38, 39, 44, 49, 51, 58, 64, 76, 82, 84, 85, 86, 90, 94, 95, 101,105, 111, 117, 120, 123, 124, 126, 130, 142, 144, 160, 165, 171, 173, 176, 177, 180, 206, 212, 215, 218, 224, 226. Ulsh, 10, 12, 40, 49, 70, 72, 77, 83, 88, 91, 94, 101, 104, 107, 125, 127, 136, 137, 155, 165, 170, 171,178, 180, 187,210,221. Unangst, 18. Ungerj 1 76. Updeg'-aph, 95, 103, 120, 121, 128, 139, 149, 205. UpJegrove, 109, 147, 163. Uplingcr, 95, 103, 120, 121, 128, 139, 149. 205. Vail, 172. Valentine, 60, 160, 172, 173, 180, 184. Vanasdahl, 153. Vauatter, 173. Van Or man, 210, 219. Van Ornier, 101, 190, 219. Van Villard, 10. Van Zandt, 5, 116. Varner, 121,149. Varnes, 24. Vochley, 126. Voelkler, 123. Vogle, 170, 175, 216. Vogley, 67. Von Neida, 49, 122, 138. Wagenseller, 14,31, 41,54,74, 75, 137, 142, 216. Wagner, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 54, 56, 59, 60, 64, (^5, 66, 69,70,71,72,73,74,76,78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 88, 89, 91, 93, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 139, 140, 143, 144, 147, 148, 149, 151, 154, 159, 164, 170, 173, 177, 178, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 190, 193, 195, 199, 201, 205, 209, 214, 218, 220, 221, 223, 227. Wain, 189. Wakefield, 13. Walborn, 28, 57, 82, 88, 96, 109, 114, 119, 127, 138, 202, 214, 221. Walk, 136. Walker, 24, 36, 49, 126, 129,442, 163, 197. Walkins, 54. Wallace, 48, 53, 77, 95, 128. Willis, 73. Walter, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16,21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 39, 42, 47, 53, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 80, 81, 82, 86, 90, 91,96,97,98, 99, 101, 102, 103,105,107, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 132, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 150, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 167, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 187, 191, 192, 193, 195, 198, 199, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 214, 218, 220, 226, 227. Walters, 134. Wampole, 81, 87. Ware, 189. Warehani, 217. Warion, 216. 204 1]S>DEX. Wanier, 19, 149, 226. AVanietts, 80. Wtirrcn, 83. Wasser, 13, 20G. AVators, 213. Watnov, 215. Watt, 108. Watt-, 49, 71, 78, 85, 93, 130,225, 226. Waughen, 58. Waver, 9. Waylnnd, 206, 229. Wayno, 155, 214,215, 223. Weader, 114, 118, 127, 168. Wearstler, 63. Weatliervvax, 14. Weaver, 10, 20, 27, 28, 43, 59, 61, 74, 78, 101, 121, 126, 135,151, 169, 170, 173, 178, 179, 185, 186, 189, 193, 198, 205, 206, 209, 216, 219, 229. Weber, 158. Wehr, 104, 116, 156, 162, 165, W(ntlaiiier, 16. Weill man, 15. Wei.leninyer, 102, 103, 123, 136, 145, 148. Weideiisaul, 71, 169. Weider, 23, 26, 27, 30, 48, 63, 68, 96,97, 99, 127, 132, 172, 186. Weik, 119. Weikcl, 110, 157. Weil, 157. Weipert, 7, 32, 204- Weirick, 7, 13, 19, 40, 44,75, 129, 153, 168, 182, 187, 204, 215. Weiser, 83, 96, 101, 122, 134, 202, 215, 216. Weisp, 10, 64, 202, 207, 211. Wellcr, 20, 32, 33, 38, 43, 45, 51, 72,74,95,107, 137, 140, 149, 181, 184, 186, 202, 203, 207, 212, 213, 216,221. Wendt, 26, 43, 55, 58, (M'y, 81, 94,96, IJO, 113, 116, 117,131, 134, 136,139, 214,215,221,223. Wenrici), 6, 27, 67, 89, 105, 111, 129. Wenzel, 5, 30, 74, 230. Werliu, 164. Werner. 117, 211. Wert, 63, 84, 111, 116, 127. Wertz, 6, 30, 36, 95, 194, 196, 202. West, 85. Wetzel, 9, 11, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30, 43, 50, 56, 63, 67, 73, 75, 76, 82, 85, 86. 88, 104, 107, 112, 121, 123, 127, 129, 130, 134, 136, 138, 140, 146, 151, 156, 157, 161, 170, 173, 180, 193, 202, 204, 208, 209, 210, 219, 225, 226. Weyl, 153. Weyne, 27, 225, 226. Wlialon, 11. Wliatmore, 48, 50, 62, 198. Whistler, 126. Whitaker, 169. Whitenian, 64. Whitely, 131. NMiItnier, 132, 134. Whitmcyer, 28. NVliittier, 92. Wiandt, 22. W^iekcrsliani, 34, 38. Wieand, 10, 39, 49, 62, 76,80, 115, 126, 128, 129, 133, 139, 140, 168, 172, 181, 182, 189, 195, 199. Wielder, 58. Wiest, 224. WiukT, 64. Wiklnian, 49. Wile, 155. Wik-nian, 57. Wilhelm, 169. Will, 44, 65. Wilkird, 228. Willi, 104, 225. Index. 265 Williams, 130, 145, 165, 178, 184. VVillier, 14, 37. Willis, 98,135, 137, 211. Willow, 19, 59, 76, 87, 114. Wiltnout, 51. Wilson, 109, 136. Wilt, 14, 38, 44, 66, QH, 75, 89, 93, 123,124, 140, 146, 196,210, 215, 219, 225. Wiltz, 170. Winegardner, 143, 160. Winej, 26, 30, 40, 49, 72, 77, 79, 84, 85, 8Q, 122, 131, 203, 204, 209, 216, 228. Wingard, 22. Winkleblock, 58. Winklenmn, 105, 205, 211. Winters, 52, 67. Wiiiton, 14. Wirt, 107, 210. Wirth, G5, 198. Wise, 17, 43, 45, 53, 57, 74, 80, 81, 88, 92, 104, 107, 118, 120, 135,138. Witmer, 5, 22, 28, 30, 47, 51, 5'S, 69, 75,76, 81, 93, 95, 100, 114, 118, 124, 136, 138, 151, 212, 218, 222, 225. Wittenniyer, 6. 10, 12, 25, 42, 63, 156, 158, 165, 168, 172, 186, 189, 190, 192, 194, 196, 208, 212, 213, 214. Witter, 168. Wittes, 153, 189. Wittfield, 109. Wittniaii, 153, 202. Wochley, 53, 87, 110, 129. Wolf, 5, 14, 27, 28, 36, 38, 46, 47, 61, 62, 83, 95, 115,124,126, 155, 158, 159, 164, 167, 194, 196, 203, 209. Wolfgahii, 49. Wolfinger,164. Wolfley,5, 30, 45, 143, 174, 181, 191, 194. Wonier, 28, 39, 72, 84, 90, 97, 108, 110, 118, 126,202. Wood, 21. Woodling, 6, 11, 18, 23, 38, 48, 53, 55, 61, 67, 92, 94, 104, 109, 111, 130, 164, 201, 205, 206, 211, 214, 217, 220, 222, 227, 230. Woodruti, 112, 120, 148. Woolheater, 71, 199. Worley, 215. Worrall, 57. Woxall, 69. Wray, 44, 46, 93, 109, 124, 139. Wren, 131. Wright, 63, 93. 210, 211. Wylan. 63. Wyland, 7. Yacbtimer, 20. Yarkers, 90. Yarnell, 101. Yeager, 19, 35, 36, m, 95, 160, 169, 182, 203, 207, 210, 211, 220, 224, 228. Yeakley, 62. Yearick, (5tli notice, p. 11), 61, 64, 109, 110, 181. Yeisley, 7, 9, 68, 162, 165, 177, 181, 187, 189,191, 195. Yerdy, 100, 125. Yerger, 6. 15, 28, 31, 39, 73, 89, 96, 98, 100, 109, 112, 117, 125, 133, 134, 147, 150, 152, 160, 161, 176, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 192, 194, 198, 199, 201, 203, 204, 205, 209, 227. Yetter, 43, 48, 93, 94, 108, 111, 130, 178, 179, 183, 185, 186, 193. Yoder, 62, 63, 73, 107. 131, 148, 150, 152, 205, 227. Yohn, 166, 168. Yost, 61, 105, 145, 165, 168. Young, 16, 18, 26, 35, 37, 45, 47, 266 Index. 53, 59, 75, 80, 91, 101, 107, 129, 139, 142, 145, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 170, 171, 174, 183, 211, 213, 216. Youngman, 23, 57, 116, 176, 177, 179. Yount, 156. Youtz, 25. Yoxheimer, 13. Yaringer, 93. Zartman, 162, 179, 192. Zechman, 30, 60, 73, 74, 84, 97, 98, 107, 114, 131, 143, 157, 158,161, 183, 190, 195, 198, 206. Zeiders, 31, 79, 103, 142, 146, 149. Zeiner, 183. Zeller, 24, 214, 227. Zellers, 139, 228. Zellner, 87, 127, 176. Zerbe, 46, 47, 73, 88, 113, 123. Zerber, 228. Zerby, 150. Zerfing, 89. Zieber, 12, 21, 39, 67, 96, 102, 131, 149, 150, 157, 189, 196. Ziegler, 36, 38, 89, 108, 129, 209, 213, 230. Zimmerman, 7, 51, 58, 64, 77, 78, 89, 108, 122, 123, 132, 136, 159, 161, 167, 169, 195, 210, 218, 220. Zong, 99, 133. Zook, 30, 79. The End. •^if;;?s,i«k LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III II I iiiiiiiiiiii 0014311 614 1 • "^~^