/ ^ (^ '7^/^/ '■J % ■/ Q/ J E 186 1.P828 Copy ^ THE PRINCE SOCIETY. V , THE PRINCE SOCIETY. ^"^'^ Commonbjealtjj of JHassadjusetts, IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FOUR. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE PRINCE SOCIETY. Be it ena^ed by the Senate and Hotife of Reprefentatives, in General Court ajjfembled, and by the authority of the fame, as follows : Section i. John Ward Dean, J. Wingate Thornton, Edmund F. Slafter, and Charles W. Tuttle, their aflbciates and fucceflbrs, are made a corporation by the name of the Prince Society, for the purpofe of preferring and extending the knowledge of American Hiftory, by editing and printing fuch manufcripts, rare trails, and volumes as are moftly confined in their ufe to hiftorical ftudents and public libraries. Section 2. Said corporation may hold real and perfonal eftate to an amount not exceeding thirty thoufand dollars. Section 3. This a6l fhall take e£fe6l upon its paflage. Approved March 18, 1874. Note. — The Prince Society was organized on the 25th of May, 1858. What was undertaken as an experiment has proved fuccefsful. This Act of Incorporation has been obtained to enable the Society better to fulfil its obje<5l, in its expanding growth. IN QXCTHANOt \Li«Ji. (^huii. CLoauob* NOV 9 1907 THE PRINCE SOCIETY. CONSTITUTION. Article I. — This Society fhall be called The Prince Society ; and it fhall have for its objedl the publication of rare works, in print or manufcript, relating to America. Article II. — The officers of the Society Ihall be a Prefident, four Vice-Prefidents, a Correfponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, and a Treafurer ; who together fhall form the Council of the Society. Article III. — Members may be added to the Society on the recommendation of any member and a confirmatory vote of a majority of the Council. Libraries and other Inftitutions may hold memberfhip, and be reprefented by an authorized agent. All members fhall be entitled to and fhall accept the volumes printed by the Society, as they are iffued from time to time, at the prices fixed by the Council ; and memberfhip fhall be forfeited by a refufal or negledl fo to accept the faid volumes. Any perfon may terminate his memberfhip by refignation ad- dreffed in writing to the Prefident ; provided, however, that he fhall have previoufly paid for all volumes ifTued by the Society after the date of his ele6lion as a member. Article IV. — The management of the Society's affairs fhall be vefted in the Council, which fhall keep a faithful record of its proceedings, The Prince Society, proceedings, and report the fame to the Society annually, at its General Meeting in May. Article V. — On the anniverfary of the birth of the Rev. Thomas Prince, namely, on the twenty-fifth day of May, in every year (but if this day fhall fall on Sunday or a legal holiday, on the following day), a General Meeting fhall be held at Bofton, in Maffachufetts, for the purpofe of ele6ling officers, hearing the report of the Council, auditing the Treafurer's account, and tranf- a(5ling other bufmefs. Article VI. — The officers fhall be chofen by the Society an- nually, at the General Meeting; but vacancies occurring between the General Meetings may be filled by the Council. Article VII. — By-Laws for the more particular government of the Society may be made or amended at any General Meeting. Article VIII. — Amendments to the Conftitution may be made at the General Meeting in May, by a three-fourths vote, pro- vided that a copy of the fame be tranfmitted to every member of the Society, at leaft two weeks previous to the time of voting thereon. COUNCIL. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The Society fhall be adminiftered on the mutual principle, and folely in the intereft of American hiftory. 2. A volume fhall be iffued as often as pra6licable, but not more frequently than once a year. 3. An editor of each work to be ifTued fhall be appointed, who fhall be a member of the Society, whofe duty it fhall be to pre- pare, The Prince Society, pare, arrange, and condu6l the fame through the prefs ; and, as he will neceffarily be placed under obligations to fcholars and others for affiftance, and particularly for the loan of rare books, he fhall be entitled to receive ten copies, to enable him to acknowledge and return any courtefies which he may have received. 4. All editorial work and official fervice fhall be performed gratuitoufly. 5. All contradls connefted with the publication of any work fhall be laid before the Council in diftin6l fpecifications in writ- ing, and be adopted by a vote of the Council, and entered in a book kept for that purpofe ; and, when the publication of a volume is completed, its whole expenfe fhall be entered, with the items of its coft in full, in the fame book. No member of the Council fhall be a contractor for doing any part of the mechanical work of the publications. 6. The price of each volume fhall be a hundredth part of the cofl of the edition, or as near to that as conveniently may be ; and there fhall be no other affeffments levied upon the members of the Society. 7. A fum, not exceeding one thoufand dollars, may be fet apart by the Council from the net receipts for publications, as a working capital ; and when the faid net receipts fhall exceed that fum, the excefs fhall be divided, from time to time, among the members of the Society, by remitting either a part or the whole coft of a volume, as may be deemed expedient. 8. All moneys belonging to the Society fhall be depofited in the New England Truft Company in Bofton, unlefs fome other banking inftitution fhall be defignated by a vote of the Council ; and faid moneys fhall be entered in the name of the Society, fubje6l to the order of the Treafurer. 9. It fhall be the duty of the Prefident to call the Council to- gether, whenever it may be neceffary for the tranfadion of bufmefs, and to prefide at its meetings. 10. The Prince Society, 10. It ftiall be the duty of the Vice-Prefidents to authorize all bills before their payment, to make an inventory of the property of the Society during the month preceding the annual meeting and to report the fame to the Council, and to audit the accounts of the Treafurer. 11. It fhall be the duty of the Correfponding Secretary to iffue all general notices to the members, and to conduft the general correfpondence of the Society. 12. It fhall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a complete record of the proceedings both of the Society and of the Council, in a book provided for that purpofe. 13. It fliall be the duty of the Treafurer to forward to the members bills for the volumes, as they are iffued ; to fuperintend the fending of the books ; to pay all bills authorized and indorfed by at leaft two Vice-Prefidents of the Society ; and to keep an accurate account of all moneys received and difburfed. 14. No books fhall be forwarded by the Treafurer to any mem- ber until the amount of the price fixed for the fame fhall have been received ; and any member negle6ling to forward the faid amount for one month after his notification, fhall forfeit his memberfhip. OFFICERS OF THE PRINCE SOCIETY FROM ITS ORGANIZATION. Prefidents. *Samuel Gardner Drake, A.M., Bollon 1858 to 1870. John Ward Dean, A.M., Bofton 1870 to 1880. The Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, D.D., Bofton 1880. Vice- Prefidents. *Thomas Waterman, Bofton 1858 to 1866. *Frederic Kidder, Bofton 1858 to 1863. Jeremiah Colburn, A.M., Bofton 1858 to 1863. John Ward Dean, A.M., Bofton 1863 to 1870. *John Wingate Thornton, A.M., Bofton 1863 to 1878. The Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, D.D., Bofton 1866 to 1880. William Blake Trask, A.M., Dorchefter 1870. Charles Henry Bell, LL.D., Exeter, N. H 1874. John Marshall Brown, A.M., Portland, Me 1878 to 1885. John Ward Dean, A.M., Bofton 1880. James Phinney Baxter, A.M., Portland, Me 1885. 8 Officers of the Society. Correfponding Secretaries. John Ward Dean, A.M., Bofton 1858 to 1863. William Henry Whitmore, A.M., Bofton 1863 to 1872. The Hon. Charles H. Bell, LL.D., Exeter, N. II. . . . 1872 to 1874. *Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph. D., Bofton 1874 to 1881. *The Rev. Henry Wilder Foote, A.M., Bofton . . . . 1882 to 18S9. Robert Noxon Toppan, A.M., Cambridge 1890. Recording Secretaries. William Henry Whitmore, A.M., Bofton 1858 to 1863. William Sumner Appleton, A.M., Bofton 1S63 to 1865. The Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, D.D., Bofton 1865 to 1866. William S. Appleton, A.M., Bofton 1866 to 1870. William Theophilus Rogers Marvin, A.M., Bofton . . 1870 to 1873. William H. Whitmore, A.M., Bofton 1873 to 1875 David Greene Haskins, Jr., A.M., Cambridge .... 1875. Treafurers. *JOHN Wells Parker, Roxbury 1858 to 1863. Jeremiah Colburn, A.M., Bofton 1863 to 1873. *Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph.D., Bofton 1873 to 1874, Elbridge Henry Goss, Melrofe 1874. ^ OFFICERS OF THE PRINCE SOCIETY. 1890. -^ . — Prefident. THE REV. EDMUND F. SLAFTER, D.D. . . Boston, Mass. Vice-Prefidents. JOHN WARD DEAN, A.M Boston, Mass. WILLIAM B. TRASK, A.M Boston, Mass. THE HON. CHARLES H. BELL, LL.D. . . . Exeter, N. H. JAMES P. BAXTER, A.M. . . ... Portland, Me. Correfponding Secretary. ROBERT N. TOPPAN, A.M Cambridge, Mass. Recording Secretary. DAVID GREENE HASKINS, Jr., A.M. . . . Cambridge, Mass. Treafurer. ELBRIDGE H. GOSS, Esq Boston, Mass. THE PRINCE SOCIETY. 1890. Charles Francis Adams, A.B Quincy, Mafs. William Sumner Appleton, A.M., LL.B Boflon, Mafs. Thomas Willing Balch, A.B Philadelphia, Pa. The Hon. George Lewis Balcom Claremont, N. H. The Hon. Charles Candee Baldwin, A.M., LL.B. Cleveland, Ohio. Charles Edward Banks, M.D Vineyard Haven; IS Lifs. James Phinney Baxter, A.M Portland, Me. The Hon. Charles Henry Bell, LL.D Exeter, N. H. The Hon. John James Bell, A.M., LL.B. . . . Exeter, N. H. The Rev. Phillips Brooks, S. T. D Bofton, Mafs. Alexander Brown Norwood, Va. John Marihall Brown, A.M Portland, Me. John Nicholas Brown Providence, R. I. Jofeph Outerbridge Brown New York, N. Y. Philip Henry Brown, A.M Portland, Me. Thomas Nadauld Brufhfield, M.D. . Budleigh, Salterton, Devon. Eng. James Smith Buck Milwaukee, Wis. Thomas Oliver Hazard Perry Burnham .... Boflon, Mafs. The Hon. Mellen Chamberlain, LL.D Chelfea, Mafs. The Hon. William Eaton Chandler, A.M., LL.B. Concord, N. H. George Bigelow Chafe, A.M Boflon, Mafs. Warwick William Lawrence Chipman .... Montreal, Canada. Clarence Howard Clark Philadelphia, Pa. The Hon. Samuel Crocker Cobb Bofton, Mafs. Jeremiah Colburn, A.M Bofton, Mafs. The Prince Society, 1 1 Deloraine Pendre Corey Boflon, Mafs. Eraftus Corning Albany, N. Y. Ellery Bicknell Crane Worceller, Mafs. John McNab Currier, M.D Newport, Vt. Abram Edmands Cutter Charleflown, Mafs. John Ward Dean, A.M Bofton, Mafs. Edward Denham New Bedford, Mafs. Prof. Franklin Bowditch Dexter, A.M New Haven, Conn. The Rev. Henry Martyn Dexter, D.D New Bedford, Mafs. Samuel Adams Drake Kennebunkport, Maine. Henry Thayer Drowne New York, N. Y. Henry Herbert Edes Charleflown, Mafs. William Henry Egle, A.M., M.D Harrifburg, Pa. Janus Granville Elder Lewiflon, Me. Samuel Eliot, LL.D Bofton, Mafs. Jofeph Story Fay Woods Holl, Mafs. John Samuel Hill Fogg, A.M., M.D Bofton, Mafs. Auguftus Allen Galloupe Beverly, Mafs. Charles William Galloupe Bofton, Mafs. Ifaac DeBlois Garfield Syracufe, N. Y. Julius Gay, A.M Farmington, Conn. Abner Cheney Goodell, Jr., A.M Salem, Mafs. Elbridge Henry Gofs Melrofe, Mafs. The Hon. Juftice Horace Gray, LL.D Bofton, Mafs. William Whitwell Greenough, A.B Bofton, Mafs. Ifaac John Greenwood, A.M New York, N. Y. Charles Henry Guild Newton Highlands, Mafs. David Greene Hafkins, Jr., A.M., LL.B Cambridge, Mafs. The Hon. Rutherford Birchard Hayes, LL.D. . Fremont, Ohio. Thomas Wentworth Higginfon, A.M Cambridge, Mafs. Winfield Scott Hill, M.D Augufta, Me. Amor Leander Hollingfworth, A.M Milton, Mafs. Prof. Eben Norton Horsford, A.M Cambridge, Mafs. James Frothingham Hunnewell, A.M Charleftown, Mafs. David Hunt, A.M., M.D Bofton, Mafs. Theodore Irwin Ofwego, N. Y. The Rev. Henry Fitch Jenks, A.M Canton, Mafs. 12 The Prince Society. The Hon. Clark Jillfon Worcefter, Mafs. John Johnfton, A.M Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Keene Lynn, Mafs. David Sherwood Kellogg, A.M., M.D Plattfburg, N. Y. Nathaniel Thayer Kidder, B.A.S Milton, Mafs. Alexander Hamilton Ladd Portfmouth, N. H. George Lamb Bofton, Mafs. Edward Floyd de Lancey, M.A New York, N. Y. Ifaac Remfen Lane New York, N. Y. Henry Lee, A.M Bofton, Mafs. The Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Ph.D Bofton, Mafs. Alfred Small Manfon Bofton, Mafs. Edmund Marfton Winnipeg, Manitoba. Archer Martin Winnipeg, Manitoba. William Theophilus Rogers Marvin, A.M. . . . Bofton, Mafs. Edward Gay Mafon, M.A Chicago, 111. William Frederic Matchett Bofton, Mafs. Frederick Warren Goddard May Bofton, Mafs. Willard Atherton Nichols, B. S Redlands, Cal. The Rev. James De Normandie, A.M Bofton, Mafs. Prof. Charles Eliot Norton, LL.D Cambridge, Mafs. John Henry Ofborne Auburn, N. Y. George Taylor Paine Providence, R. I. Nathaniel Paine , Worcefter, Mafs. John Carver Palfrey, A.M Bofton, Mafs. Daniel Parifti, Jr New York, N. Y. Francis Parkman, LL.D Bofton, Mafs. James William Paul, Jr Philadelphia, Pa. Auguftus Thorndike Perkins, A.M Bofton, Mafs. The Rt. Rev. William Stevens Perry, S.T.D., LL.D. Davenport, Iowa. William Frederic Poole, LL.D Chicago, 111. John Frank Pratt, M.D Chelfea, Mafs. Samuel Smith Purple, M.D New York, N. Y. The Hon. Nathaniel Fofter Safford, A.M. . . . Milton, Mafs. Jofliua Montgomery Sears, A.B Bofton, Mafs. John Gilmary Shea, LL.D Elizabeth, N. J. The Rev. Carlos Slafter, A.M Dedham, Mafs. The Prince Society. 13 The Rev. Edmund Farwell Slafter, D.D. . . . Bofton, Mafs. Charles Card Smith Bofton, Mafs. Oliver Blifs Stebbins Bofton, Mafs. George Stewart, Jr., D.C.L Quebec, Canada. Mifs Mary Pickering Thompfon Durham, N. H. Walter Eliot Thwing Bofton, Mafs. Robert Noxon Toppan, A.M., LL.B Cambridge, Mafs. William Blake Traflc, A.M Bofton, Mafs. Jofeph Burbeen Walker, A.M Concord, N. H. James Otis Watfon, A.M Orange, N. J. Mifs Rachel Wetherill Philadelphia, Pa. Henry Wheatland, A.M., M.D Salem, Mafs. The Rev. Horace Leflie Wheeler, A.M Newton Centre, Mafs. John Gardner White, A.M Cambridge, Mafs. William Henry Whitmore, A.M Bofton, Mafs. The Hon. Robert Charles Winthrop, LL.D. . . Bofton, Mafs. The Hon. Charles Levi Woodbury Bofton, Mafs. James Otis Woodward, A.M Albany, N. Y. LIBRARIES. American Antiquarian Society Worcefter, Mafs. Amherft College Library Amherft, Mafs. Aftor Library New York, N. Y. Bibliotheque Nationale Paris, France. Bodleian Library Oxford, Eng. Bofton Athenaeum Bofton, Mafs. Bofton Library Society Bofton, Mafs. Britifh Mufeum London, Eng. Buffalo Library Buffalo, N. Y. Chicago Hiftorical Society Chicago, 111. Chicago Public Library Chicago, 111. Concord Public Library Concord, Mafs. Dartmouth College Library Hanover, N. H. Eben Dale Sutton Reference Library Peabody, Mafs. Free Public Library Worcefter, Mafs. Harvard College Library Cambridge, Mafs. VOL. HI. — 42 14 The Prince Society. Hiftorical Society of Pennfylvania Philadelphia, Pa. Lancafter Public Library Lancafter, Mafs. Library Company of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. Library of Cornell Univerfity Ithaca, N. Y. Library of Parliament Ottawa, Canada. Library of the State Department Wafhington, D. C. Literary and Hiflorical Society of Quebec . . . Quebec, Canada. Long Ifland Hiflorical Society Brooklyn, N. Y. Lowell City Library Lowell, Mafs. Maine Hiflorical Society Portland, Me. Maryland Hiflorical Society Baltimore, Md. Maffachufetts Hiflorical Society Boflon, Mafs. Mercantile Library New York, N. Y. Minnefota Hiflorical Society St. Paul, Minn. Miffouri Hiflorical Society St. Louis, Mo. Newberry Library Chicago, 111. Newburyport Public Library, Peabody Fund . . Newburyport, Mafs. New England Hifloric-Genealogical Society . . Boflon, Mafs. Newton Free Library Newton, Mafs. New York Hiflorical Society New York, N. Y. New York Society Library New York, N. Y. Peabody Inflitute of the City of Baltimore . . . Baltimore, Md. Portfmouth Athenaeum Portfmouth, N. H. Providence Public Library Providence, R. I. Public Library of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio. Public Library of the City of Boflon Boflon, Mafs. Public Library of Toronto Toronto, Canada. Redwood Library Newport, R. I. San Francifco Free Public Library San Francifco, Cal. State Hiflorical Society of Wifconfm Madifon, Wis. State Library of Maffachufetts Boflon, Mafs. State Library of New York Albany, N. Y. State Library of Rhode Ifland Providence, R. I. State Library of Vermont Montpelier, Vt. Williams College Library Williamflown, Mafs. Woburn Public Library Woburn, Mafs. Yale College Library New Haven, Conn. PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOCIETY. New England's Prospect. A true, lively and experimental! defcription of that part of America, commonly called New England : difcovering the State of that Countrie, both as it ftands to our new-come Engliyh V\3xit&xs; and to the old Natiue Inhabitants. By William Wood. London, 1634. Preface by Charles Deane, LL.D. pp. 131. Bofton, 1865. The Hutchinson Papers. A Colledlion of Original Papers relative to the Hiftory of the Colony of Maffachufetts- Bay. Reprinted from the edition of 1769. Edited by William H. Whitmore, A.M., and William S. Appleton, A.M. 2 vols. Vol. I. pp. 324. Vol. II. pp. 354. Albany, 1865. John Dunton's Letters from New England. Letters written from New England A.D. 1686. By John Dunton, in which are defcribed his voyages by Sea, his travels on land, and the chara6lers of his friends and acquaintances. Now firil publiflied from the Original Manufcript in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Edited by William H. Whitmore, A.M. pp. 340. Bofton, 1867. The Andros Tracts. Being a Colledion of Pamphlets and Official Papers iffued during the period between the overthrow of the Andros Government and the eftablifhment of the fecond Charter of Maffachufetts. Reprinted from the original editions and manufcripts. With a Memoir of Sir Edmund Andros, by the editor, William H. Whitmore, A.M. 3 vols. Vol. I. pp. 21551868. Vol. II. pp. 346 ; 1869. Vol. III. pp. 257 ; 1874. Bofton. Sir William Alexander and American Colonization. Including three Royal Charters, iffued in 1621, 1625, 1628; a Tra6t entitled an Encouragement to Colonies, by Sir William Alexander, 1624 ; a Patent, from the Great Council for New England, of Long Ifland, and a part of the prefent State of Maine ; a Roll of the Knights Baronets of New Scotland ; with a Memoir of Sir William Alexander, by the editor, the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A.M. pp. 283. Bofton, 1873. John Wheelwright. Including his Faft-day Sermon, 1637; his Mercurius Americanus, 1645, ^"d other writings ; with a paper on the genuinenefs of the Indian deed of 1629, and a Memoir by the editor, Charles H. Bell, A.M. pp. 253. Bofton, 1876. Voyages of the Northmen to America. Including extra6ls from Icelandic Sagas relating to Weftem voyages by Northmen in the tenth and eleventh centuries, in an Englilh tranflation by North Ludlow Beamifh ; with a Synopfis of the hiftorical evidence and the opinion of Profeffor Rafn as to the places vifited by the Scandinavians on the coaft of America. Edited, with an Introduc- tion, by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A.M. pp. 162. Bofton, 1877. 1 6 Publications of the Society. The Voyages of Samuel de Champlain. Including the Voyage of 1603, and all contained in the edition of 1613, and in that of 1619 ; tranflated from the French by Charles P. Otis, Ph.U. Edited, with a Memoir and hiftorical illuflrations, by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A.M. 3 vols. Vol. I. pp. 340 ; i88o. Vol. II. pp. 273; 1878. Vol. III. pp. 240 ; 1882. Bollon. New English Canaan, or New Canaan. Containing an abftradf of New England, compofed in three books. I. The firft fetting forth the Originall of the Natives, their Manners and Cuflomes, together with their tradable Nature and Love towards the Englilh. II. The Natural Indowments of the Countrie, and what Staple Commodities it yieldeth. III. What People are planted there, their Profperity, what remarkable Accidents have happened fmce the firft planting of it, together with their Tenents and practice of their Church. Written by Thomas Morton of Cliffords Inne, Gent, upon ten Years Knowledge and Experiment of the Country, 1632. Edited, with an Introdu6lion and hiftorical illuftrations, by Charles Francis Adams, Jr., A.B. pp. 381. Bofton, 1883. Sir Walter Ralegh and his Colony in America. Containing the Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth to Sir Walter Ralegh for difcover- ing and planting of new lands and countries, March 25, 1584, with letters, difcourles, and narratives of the Voyages made to Virginia at his charges, with original defcriptions of the country, commodities, and inhabitants. Edited, with a Memoir and hiftorical illuftra- tions, by the Rev. Increafe N. Tarbox, D.D. pp. 329. Bofton, 1884. Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson. Being an account of his travels and experiences among the North American Indians from 1652 to 1684, tranfcribed from Original Manufcripts in the Bodleian Library and the Britifli Mufeum. Edited, with hiftorical illuftrations and an Introdu6lion, by Gideon D. Scull, pp. 385. Bofton, 1885. Captain John Mason, the Founder of New Hampshire. Including his Tra6l on Newfoundland, 1620, the American Charters in which he was a Grantee, with Letters and other Hiftorical Documents ; and a Memoir by the late Charles W. Tuttle, Ph.D. Edited, with hiftorical illuftrations, by John Ward Dean, A.M. pp. 492. Bofton, 1887. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his Province of Maine. Including his Traft entitled A Brief Narration, 165S, American Charters granted to him, and other papers ; with hiftorical illuftrations and a Memoir by James P. Baxter, A.M. 3 vols. Vol. I. pp. 268 ; 1890. Vol. II. pp. 270; 1890. Vol. IIL pp. 353 ; 1890. Bofton. VOLUMES IN PREPARATION. 1. Sir Humphrey Gilbert, including his Difcourfe to prove a Paffage by the North- weft to Cathaia and the Eaft Indies; his Letters Patent to difcover and poffefs lands in North America, granted by Queen Elizabeth, June 11, 1578. With hiftorical illuftrations and a Memoir by David G. Haskins, Jr., A.M. 2. Samuel Maverick, including his Defcription of New England, Letters and other papers, with hiftorical illuftrations and a Memoir by Frank W. Hackett, A.M. 3. Edward Randolph, a monograph including his letters and other papers, with hif- torical illuftrations and a Memoir by Robert N. Toppan, A.M. 011710 350