DENISON'S ACTING PLAYS Partial List of Successful and Popular Plays. Large Catalogue Free. Price ISc each. Postpaid, Unless Different Price Is Given DRAMAS, COMEDIES, ENTERTAINMENTS, Etc. M. F. Aaron Boggs. Freshman, 3 acts, 2y2 hrs (25c) 8 8 After the Game, 2 acts, \\\ hrs (25c) 1 9 All a Mistake, o acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 4 4 American Hustler, 4 acts, lYz hrs , (25c) 7 4 Arabian Nights, 3 acts. 2 hrs. 4 5 As a Woman Thinketh, 3 acts, 2H hrs (25c) 9 7 At the End of the Rainbow, 3 acts, 2\i hrs (25c) 6 14 Bank Cashier, 4 acts. 2 hrs. (25c) 8 4 Black Heifei-, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 9 3 Brookdale Farm, 4 acts, 2^4 hrs. (25c) 7 3 Brother Josiah, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 7 4 Burns Rebellion, 1 hr (25c) 8 5 Busy Liar, 3 acts. 2\\ hrs. (25c) 7 4 College Town, 3 acts, 2^4 hrs (25c) 9 8 Corner Drug Store, 1 hr. (25c) 17 14 Danger Signal, 2 acts, 2 hrs.. 7 4 Daughter of the Desert. 4 acts, 2^ hrs. (25c) 6 4 Down in Dixie, 4 acts, ^IVj hrs v2Sc) 8 4 Dream That Cair.^^ True, 3 acts, 2}4 hrs (25c) 6 13 Editor-in-ChieT. 1 hr (25c) 10 Enchanted Wood, \■•■■^, h. (35c).Optnl. Everyyouth, 3 acts, 1 V2 hrs. (25c) 7 6 Face at the Window. 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 4 4 Fascinators, 40 miu (25c) 13 Fun on the Podunk Limited, 11/2 hrs (25c) 9 14 Heiress of Hoetown, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 8 4 High School Fresliman, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 12 Honor of a Cowbov, 4 acts, 2^4 hrs ' (25c) 13 4 Indian Davs, 1 hr (50c) 5 2 In Plum Vallcv. 4 acts, 2 '4 hrs " (25c) 6 4 Iron Hand, 4 acts, 2 hrs.. (25c) 5 4 Jayville Junction. 1'^ hrs. (25c) 14 17 Kingdom of Heart's C