"Ur^C^^.^ »'_t-!t<>t\ .<• mwmf\m ^a.AA.AAj ^'^f^'^^J ^Mmm;iim^m -^on: :r^.^w. m'/^i wm^^my.^ 1/&. Oi ! U ' H3 With\ ■': Every * 6ood ar\d t. Perfect * Wish ^ Brilliant the ball, as such balls always go :— Flirtation— punch— small talk— the gay (jalop. Bret: such the ball: a feast of soul and reason That stereotypes on eveiy summer season. »r^t*!:iS^tiS^i:^t^i:^tiSr!:i^^^ ^^it^ S-2»r^ i^ ^J*^ ieJar^^-mr' i-2«n i^ ^cJsir^ iJ^ iJirr^ ieJ^ u^ m •^SJsi SYBILLA: m 'ft Ci 3^ A ROMAUNT OF THE TOWN A DEM1-DRAA\ATIC. HEMI-HYSTERIC, PARTI-PATHETIC, SEMI-SATIRIC NOVEL IN VERSE, NEW YORK AND WATERING PLACE HYPER-FASHIONABLE LIFE. By TrC/'DELEON, Author of 'Four Years in Rebel Capitals." "A Fair Blockade Breaker." •Junv, • "The Rock or the Rye." Etc.. Etc. MOBILE. A THE GOSSIP PRINTING COMPANY, > xHif^ ucdogri tu^i^i ^el&f^ ieJif^ idJ^i^ xjJj^ i£Jcan ifciir^ ifciii« iti^ xJ2itn ^- }'ii*r JX <" s>^ 5®^ COI'VRlGHTtl) BV THE GOSSIP PRINTING COMPANY. ? >.*7?3» fc*??^ '^OT^ '.*75'3* •^^fyfx y*7?» <-*?!'x t*?fs» >^ifyrK ^^ifyrx ^.^f/rx t*??^ «»yf^ >^»77^V *^-. .^'^.^^I'^'l^-. ^-. ^^^. ^-^^ m When I tirst wrote this satire, and read it for a local occasion in my own city, what success it may have met was most largely due to the beauty of the tdhh'an.r, by which it was illustrated. These were made by ladies and gentlemen from our society, who never weary of good works ; who ever do them gracefully. When the reading resulted in decision for publication of the poem, in book form, the camera ■■- Shone o'er fair women and brave men." who again came to the author's assistance. And, as result, a series of pictures have been made possible, which— for grace, effectiveness and n-aixi'Dihlann' — the most cunning brush could never have created, without the same models. These, of course, were not attainable, save in the far more perfect manner here reproduced; and it is proper that the readers of this little book should know that they are indebted to these courteous friends, almost in equal degree with THE AUTHOR. Mubllc, Ala., Xoremher loth, 1S9]. ^^*^ ^^{^ "^77 '^T? ^^ '■"Tf^ ^{"^ t*^ "^{7^ ^r^ '-*7^ '^7^ ^7^ "^7^ w*7^- % m H m m TO THH I.EAIJER SUMMER COTILLION. WITH PKRIECTHI) KNOWLH.DCjE Oh ITS EMPTY I NWORTHINESS THEREFOR. THIS tPICENE EPIC OF HYPER-FASHION IS INSCRIHEI). ..5^ * {fig- -fe€s jMtX ''*/^^ '^t'^ ^"^7 rs^*-^ <^ ^^f^"^ '^*7'^ '.»>^w ^*/'^'* ^^Z"* ^•'V'^'* '■^y* '•*7~'* •■^*7'^ '-*T''^ ^-"T""' ''^Y'"' '*/''*X^ ~i 30.^^5 jjii^^ .^^1 ^4 ^4 ^4 ^4 .^4 ?^4 ^4 ^4 ^4 ^'\ ^4 vie m m iS c-"^ '*?^ "*?"? ""r? ""rT ^r"? ""^T ^'VT ^^? ^?^ "*?T ""(^ "•fT "V^ ^*<"T^*) st-^jT^ x^te^ >6-/«^ i>4«?> »«^^«^ it-/«^ te.y*-' >e.2jr-^ it-d«r« ^ud contended. His pointed moral for your ears intended. fig- ^mmmmmmmr ?^r?^rF^f^«^f* •"?* -'-f* ^^ ^^ ^^ ^f^ ^f^ ^f^ ^f^^k •£^ « <,i^ig^ ^J<*^ *ti6i(^ xJiif^ uJ/j^ ^J/jei lelc!^ teJ/jf^ leJ'Oe^ teJcie^ ifcor^ ifci: jtiiir^ teJ^* -QM m 1^ ' Do you know it has cost me full 5io,ooo— To finish you off like old Rougir's best scholars? And you to sit there and inform me you mean To marrvsome dining, or dancing, machine!" "^m ^i^p^^ Sybilla: a Romaunt. - ij.t •^isi -SM >\viniiV('rty forced foreign princes to mart; Mytliological, chrssical curios thronged — Poking fun at the modern to whom tliey helonged. Pare tropical plants with rich o(h)rs essaye(l To kill just a sou/iron that almost hetrayed The neighlioring kitchen ; while In I the hall chair. Half-hid, half-hetrayed tlic - Tnwn Tojiirs" laid there. How into a case so resplendent was crammed What could make one so fervently pray to he d ! .\s the great Peter Oleum, who's up with a hound And dashes the letter he holds to the ground, .Vs he screams at the menial, — " i>y hlank, sir, don't stare I But get out and hid Miss Syhilla come here !" II. T.\i,L, willowy, cliic — almost painfully fail- — Sj'hilla glides in and dissolves in a. chair, In just the right light and ])osture to show To the hest a toilette that is tout a projios m S5^ W m r^*ttx '■^"T^ **y^ '^'Tr^ '^'?T^ «»?->« ^^/rx '=*?r» t»,?-5t tafT-ai i*7-at t»7-3t fci»??5« i-*?'^ >-*^'^v!< J i;(>.y.ir.\T. \\\ color ainl falii'ic. Ilcr lan vaij?^ ^^*^ '^"'^^^ ^T^ '^'^'^ ^^'^ ^^ '■*(^^ '^^ "-"^r^ '■^2^ *^?^ '^*?^ '^■^^^'^3 ?)*. 1 Ami villi t(i sit there .-iiid int'nriii iiic vim iihmii To marry some (lining, or danciuf^, nuu-liiiicl 'A man!' — I suppose you'd prefer to stay siniile I'ntil 1 pick up that yoiniL;' pauper, 'i'oiu •linule'.-' ( )r, ]ierliaps you'd |iretV-r some ohl, urc^y-licai'ded iiuiii, Witli hall-ton oflirass in his face and Ids throat, i>ike that siuiiiiiLi' Italian " •• No. papa; In^'s slow; Ihit ('ount Monle-l'"iaseo /.v uolile, you know — A \iseouiit and I'rinec; and his un( les at honu' Are iiepliews-iu-law to the late I'ope of lioinid" Peter ()li-um hreathed hard; winle the deep wrath arose ()n his hrow and ji'leameil down on the tip of his nose, Till it flowed like hest imported -laiianese ro(dT« '^•7'^ '-*?'^ '^/"'* '^T:''* ^^5^'^* ^^V^ m m m m m i '*^^ci-i*-' Ci-^^ i^«^ i -^^^ 4^- ';r^ J^Z^ • t^'!*^ X^J*^ it^«^ JC^'*?' K^«' k:^:!*?' Ifc^i »t-ijr^ X^^ ^^& m m m m .1 A'o.v.i r.vr. I\iii<:j crowned and anuintcd; his sceptre a pen, Dealing ruin, or riches, to all lesser men! In days not remote — this was whispered snl'ducd l'>y l)amc (irundy who never cares, loud, to lie rudi — The mighty P. (Jlcum had come to the city So green lie excited both laughter and pity, 'i'ill a great Money liaron, wlio sat at the IJoanl, Had used him most wisely. Then upward he soai'e^«^ ye^*^ ^^2*^ ^^ar, k^«=> i^_ jfc^«i »fc 2^?** If 'J i i .1 RdMArxr. A great Moiic}- Baron, a Bear of the Street, Was Koon to be eornereil and liaited till beat. He called on the great man; the great man said •' Shoo!" i'.ut talked for ten minutes, wlu-n business was through. Thev were strangers next day when they met at the l>oard; P)Ut Peter bought Erie. The corner was floored! 'Tis needless to trace hut idses will pale in the ruddiest cheeks. Mis. ( )leurn had ])i(ived a sad scold, ore the weeks ( )!' the honeyinoiin waneil; and the j^rooni all forlorn Learned, as faded the petal, iieneath lurkecl the thorn; For as weeks rolled to months, at the \-ery least tri)!, he Founil — no Socrates — he had wedded Xanli|ipel VtwX not to those dainty l-'our Hundred, or so, Whom we called ••the World. ■' .lid this skeh'ton show. Their friends o-ot the feasts; but the habit Egyptian Don't obtain in lirown fronts of that size and de- scription. 1 8 m m ^^1 I Survived all the perils of park-crossing talks, When nurse met police, in their afternoon walks. — Page 2;'>. * -^^-- ^— , i>i«r^ x-iiir^ i£~2j^ t£.Jjgr^ i€.-(jir> >t-^«^ >fc>-- >t- i^*-< ic^^K^ it-2«-> K:'' i i .1 noM.lVXT. So PctiT grew t'ond of Frciieb brmuly — cigars — I'rcfcrriiig liis Itottle to family jars; Stayed out late at •'Imsiness" and joined tlie ('lub — her Special aversion: l)et liigii on his ruljbor; \\'liile Maihune rolleut babies will grow — their sweet novelty wane. Ma scolded; pa took to his club-life again; And — strangely contrary — as tighter she drew The zone "Iwut her waist, the more tiesliy he grew; tsv^ ^•i^ mmmWmmmW^mmmmmmmm <»^rK^^*i X^2*r. i.2^ ^Js^ ixi«^ xJjtr, i2«-v te^^Agr, >fc^«-, i^«n ie^«f^ >fc^«r> >fc2«-> »fc^«r. And, as if to provoke licr, as t'adcil tlic rose By degrees from lier clicck, tlic more red i^lowed his — nose ! And, still more to shock her vexed vision appalled, lie, spite of all tonics — orew rajiidly haldl V. 'Trs s}iecially ours, in these days of 'I'ruth, To nurtui-e most lovint;iy feminine youth; 'I'o endue them wjtli virtues resplendent and rare, In theii- days of short dresses and dark-colored hair. ()! hlessed are we, who avoid all (|uicksan^i t*^^ t*??^ t*57^ <^»?'^V m S<^J/*«?> i^«i i-^«n u.2jrr, ^^«^ K^-i*^ ifc-c*-! le-i'*^ »fc-;«-' >«t- it-i*^ »t-t«-i »&-£«?> X^v^ m .1 JinM.ilxr. Tliat showy inanity, aimless display And cmiitiness, gaudily gilt, stalk away From the face of that system, so V)arren of fools — So peerlessly pure! — our finishing schools. Who dare call them hot-beds of vicious unrest — Forcing-houses, whence Fashion alone is expressed? Away witli such scoffer! How Xi-^*^ i-Jjr^ x-2^ x.2^ ^-t^«-> x~2jg^ itJjK^ >e-ir^ jt^V-i »t-fi Si «1 SYH/IJ.A Hai] striiii'iiU'il, liad kick<'il mul lind torn licr hair In nursery tliralilum, until licr twclt'lli ycai- Signed a haj>iiy release; lei her little sonl vannt Desires unripe to -a Jiiuikc iioiircnKiiitr. l'\)Ui- yeai-s; and Syhilla had hlcnidined liei' hail' And was sent, for last polish, tu Madame Iluniiir; And with her a sponn and a fork, na|ikin ring. Ten tiiw(ds, a Uihle; in short, everything 'i'luit hody, or soul, nf a girl ( hild can need I'or h'arning to marry, or learning tu i-ead — At that age whi(di King Siddimm leaves us .-i hiank. When she's too young \\>v ilrhnl. \rt-2»^ te^^it^ yeJji^ Li-i;^ i^^^ < i^jc^ x^^[-^ x^2*^ x^Ja^ x-Js^^ ac-^ x^Jt^ x^2^ >(M^^ ^M ■s/M .ff/iTi .1 HoMMSr. <'ciiil(l talk of pliilosojiliy. i>liysics so pat; And essayed in oils, now and tlieii — from tiie fiatl She doted on Swinburne, all Saltus she knew And "Robert Elsmere '" li.id run rapidly through: But seissors and needle to iier had no point, And a spare-rib she never eould tell from a Joint. Yet, in (h'ess and in daucini:, in curtsev or faint — She'd the grace of a Xaiad — the soul of a saint! \\. \\'iii:i;i': the ulail watcr> rull, willi ceaseless beat An i^m tt2*^ ^cJjj^^ u^<^ i^-o^ i^tri >«te.2«r< ifc. «t-<5ri it-6»?> >(t<^ i&<^ i'' J S-4 F1;is1k'<1 her rnuiiil linilis aluiiii tlic glancing wave, Decked but with gems tlie loving billows gavel And, when reflections from the purpling West Shimmered tlie sea like dying dol]>iiin's breast, As at her feet he laid tiie linny sjioil — One smile rewarding all bis sunny toil — May not von pine ba\c caught their murmured vows And nddded soft ajipruval with his Imuglis'.' 'idiis dell eud)osiims many a circled grave Where slee}) unheeding, s(|ua\v, jiapponse and brave, <^uiet in restbeneatii that i lei-n turf, — Lulled by the song of immemorial surf! On that bold eri'st — tVtr ages standing guard. A lioary sentinel, above the sward — As the young moon. Ileec(>-(da it^^i i^*^ ii_/«^ ifc^^ ifc^ar) te~2j^ te-iar^ ie.Jjfr, x\ m A UOMMWr. Philosopher in most tliinj>s, greut or small — Not kuowiiis " Locksley," still loves Ocean Hall! No tough hcau-errant is this arrant swell; if Xahant liores, The Beach will do as well; And whiii the maidens tire of his prattle. Moves where the dismal dowagers do hattle! A youth unHt for treason, or sedition; Tn fact, a pocket English edition — Such as The Ilnb gets up in imitation Of tiiat sure-footed and side-whiskered nation. Vet, uiiw all shorn of its (diarm of yore, Most mixlern youth vote fair Xahant a bore; Aiul seek those sands, where added palpitation Rewards, when belles strive to "outstrip creation! \I1. A iTi.i. moon now steals up beyond the sea. To wash a world in silvered purity, As .lingle writes his candle brief away, In ■• correspondence " for his weekly pay: Tells tales of romance, gossip and toilette — Of scandal just a shade the raciest yet — I'rys into secrets of each belle's past life, Or hints the ruin of some worthy wife; Will praise the sea, or patronize the air; For discount, even puff the hotel fare! m twf. ^^c '/irXifci^ i2i5»-> ifc^ Mii^ ieJ^ ieJJj^ H^Jao xJCae^ uJ^^ »6^V> »fc<5in «fci<^ ifc^«e^ »fc>>^ '(si ¥ No triHi' e'er too small to swell the list <)t' sueli ])ro(i;ressive inodeni .loiifiialist — iVll to be sea)iiie(l, witli ca<;er iioil ami i;rin, When next morn Fashion takes the paper in! I'^or Jingle — poet, beau, and lover, too — Writes fashion letters for the " Daily \'ie\v "; l'"in(ling them j)ay far i)etter, in these times, Than noljlest epic, or most caustic rliymes. Why linger here, if bills be jirompt and high? The very sim]>lest, yet most aiicieul — why : Tom .lingle loves Syl)illa, rich as lair. Who brav(>s the boredom of Nabaut this yeai' : And tliat Italian, with the liyphened name, Cut Xarragansett, just because she came ! 'i'om half sus]iecte iiiri «A-> «i^»-. tg.J'^^ ■tfj/^-' ieJ/eaux and belles unripe; All varying versions of the social type — Stout matrons, pilumed and Ihishing diamonds great: 3- 'S^r^W^'^'^^m^m^^-^^m^^m: ^0^0^mm^^0^0^m»^0^mmf u m m ft m '*/p^X»fc-^«-' te^*^ ifc-i«^ ifc-c«-> >c-c^«^ it-^^ je-.ir-' i^ i^if tc. m m m .1 li'iMAiyr. Sweet married lielles, — always a triHe late; (ilili s of crow-clad youth, with naught to show 111 one a ditl'ereiice t'roiii his hrother lieau; And lilase men, (juite knowing as to points ( )1' woman flesh — with dimples in its joints: A general stufly, perfumed atmosphere That battles e'en the vigorous sea air. White shoulders gleam and palpitating bust Leans on strange vest, with strangely gen'rous trust ; I'll re eyes look love to eyes a shade bloodshot, Xor Wdiider if it be the wine, or what? Mark well yon virgin — wise, or foolish she? — Who trims her lamp so near to nudity; Whose rounded curves seem striving still to teach A i>lainer lesson than the bathing beach; A costume fitting well for Fashion's — birth. Yet loud proclaiming figure set by — Worth! Could she have seen it, what a jealous sigh had Escaped the breast of every envious Dryad; While, shocked until near ready for a faint. The Indian maid had blushed, in spite of paint! Might not the Graces let their mantles rest On such fair shoulders that could liear them best? 33 i^ xiv* m m 1^ •adi m -ass 1^ '-1^ -^^1^ pi^ ::ii^ pn^ :.^^ ci^ pi^ tii^ r 1^ pn^ cti^ i'^4^ ' ' ' ir^ i>^«?i i,^^ i-J^ x.Jj^ C^J*^ K-^«-> x--i^ »e.2^ iL<^«^ ic-^ i«_ >L4»?> ^^TtV i Near licr a youth (if tiiiurc cuiiirnrin — llanl liaiiilu-a|i|ii'i| liy ( iiiarilsniaii's unilnnn — Willi iicvci' won amid tlic liattlc's llasli 'I'lic ri<^lit 1,(1 wear a tcrrililc iiinustaclicl Still, liu})py thought ! Where wit is nut of jdiut, l>y wearing it he'd give eacdi piirase a [idinll Ki'Versed Aeliilles, hit in softest jiai-t, IleM ape the ivplc with all his little heart; i-'.iiilirai-e the hall — Minervas all. ruin Marte, And fall in love, at once, with all the partyl {•'or lioots invited — rather than for hrain — 'i'iio' slow, he hajis to eat(di the fastest ti'ainl A seuliitor might he wcdl eonlcnt to ga/.e On that tall girl heneath ihe lamplight's hla/e. Don't hlame her. if too well she seems to know What every hour her mii-ror tells is so: For vanity, "luong all the faidts so human. We hest excaise, when in a — jiretty — woman. Iler/'orfe is style; and one great point is this — She's queened it in our great metropolis: Nor has she toured in Kurope (piite in vain. Whom Paris named la helle Amn-icainc: And then, she stai'tled hondon. some years since. By equal notice from the press and — i'rincel Hut one point greater may perchance attract m i */?>c£--c«^ le-or^ ie-tccant, to their knees; To stri]i from back of every bold, bad flirt His garb of guile that (dings like Nessus" shirt! Foremost of all who love their fellow men, The clerkly .\ngel for her nibs fresh pen! ^'ond(■r a maiden — fi-esli from the Anne.\ — .\ dizzy group with problems seems to vex; .Vlludes to science and the Azure Mystery, Or lightly skips from Sophocles to history; (Quotes Huxley's lore and toU(dies on astronomy, 5^ <*^rK«-^«-' ^^»-> i^^ i^*^ u^-ir^ u~2i^ k^«-i vlZ^^ »t2«^ >tij«^ it^«^ »eJir>. it-<^«-i »t^«-. XWv'^ ■qa ■QA •QA ■qa Or i»laci(l prate!^ political t'connmy. Short haired, with glasses and a wondrous store Of lialf-forgotten and eeeentric lore, She drops qnotations like that tallied maid, Who spluttered toads with every word she said. Ah, me! Who takes such virgin to his lireast, Must, like the wicked. ho|)e to have no resti />;>;/■, such the hall: a feast of soul ami reason That stereotypes on every sunimci' season. X. SviuiJ.A strolls up slowly from the beach. With clH'ck whose Idoom has rohhed some early peach : While the meek violet, that half-hidden lies, Might catch new color from her candid eyes. Her jiretty jtrolile, I'hidian in its lines, No seam of trouljle in its curves contines. She walks a queen; she smiles a simi)le maid — The lilies of the held not so arrayed. All women toil, in this drear world below; And how she spins, the German dancers know. Is she a Hirt? Perhaps an easy guess Might make her more, but surely nothing less; Merry, yet placid; compound sweetly quaint — A tender Tom-boy, grafted on a Saint! 36 i ^* IS IS I?^^1^^^^^^1^^1^^^^1^^t^^1^^1^^^ "/f xi^*^ ^< L<3 JfJ. ''Mm «^ »e.^«^ >fc «=i «e/«-i ifc .1 no.v.irxr. ■^*^ li-/«-> ie^<€^ >fc>6«r> J£-d«fl JCZ^I i I'^iiic arc the tlireads in sucli a varied skein W'iiirli, tani^led once, sliall ne'er ])e loosed again. .Iin<;;le, beware! For deft infc>^«^ ii^«r> jt-^ari »t.<^ lfc^«n »t>^«n jtiirn »t^i»?i J^T/t*!"- m m m ^^ m -1 noMM'sr. Tlius inuscd Tom .Jiiiglc, a?> in slippciHMl hose lie lilcw tlic siiKjke-wroatlis lliro' his classic nose And (Ircained of bliss, alasl too llcetiiig far; And mourned how brief his twenty-cent cigar! Sudden lie hurled its stump the wiiulow through: SeeuuMJ (|uite awake, altlmugli 'twas long past two His facile pencil seized, with feverish haste, Aiul on llie pad tliese ten Floated, then fled, thro' the perfumed air. Seldom. I ween, on this earth below, Moitais arc Idest witli a scene so fair! .\nd I stood by, in haif-di-eaming trance. Striving to read from the future's Ijook : Sad, when she passed me witii transient glance- Thrilling M'ith love at each lengthened look; Till my soul took wings frt)m its prison clay .Vnd Hoatcd in Fancy's realms above; Wiiile tiu' hand of IIoj>e swept the notes away That Doubt liad dashed in the beams of Love E 41 .ff,<^i ^jmy.^ }*^ ^ -^«-> »Lv^«-< i-^*-- ^J*^ x.^9^ x.^^-' u.^*^ xs A" ic-i*-" >fc^«r> i^«-i i-^«r. i^*?! .>^v* #S ^^ ■QM And liere T sit, as tlic lirayer. In place, a wronged there; And towering high o'er tiie creature so small, Defied, lashed, despised and then dared him do all He had threatened. And in her soft voice was a ring That hinted e'en huttertiies, battled, might sting! 43 m m m — hp, m m m m m m m i^ ^ ' ' ' ^J;^ £2^ ^Jj^ ^■r> ieJ:sgr^ ifc-ir^ »t^ it ifcAn jeiir^ ndAri .^x? * .^~ « ^&s * SYUILLA : Tlii'ii, (|ureiilik<', slic Irl't liiiii: with gesture tliat saiil All 'twixt tljciii. ill fiiturc, was utterly ilfalic shuuld I'cadI l')Ut, niuiiidy u|Min his hluc niusiu); there hreaks A ji;ras|i on his i-nllar: liis knee sudden shakes. .\s .linjile junijis dut iVoin the >;l(Mini. ami demands Thiise letters at once shall he ]ilaeed in his handsl Ikit raye and rejection ih' Italian now iiervecj. .\nd from his straiji'ht |iurpose he would not he swerved; — The h'tlers were liis: in this country was law. To hel|) e"en the I'ascal whose case shows no flaw: Her father sliould pony up, liherally pay — Or he'd puldish her letters, the very next day I Till T(un — with a twitch in his hicej)s severe To hreak all thi' hones of the cad. then and there — Controlled his inijuilse and slow-whispered each word:— 44 i f9 m m m A noMAVxr. "7 liavc i-aliles t'rnni Milan: perhaps i/au liavc licanl That Count Monte-Fiasco /(«.s' sailed for this shore, As Special Knvoy: and for one matter more — Concerninji those diamonds his valet " A yell. Like l>ante couceivecl lur the tortured in hell, iinike out on the curdliuij; t-ar of the ni<;ht. .\s (piitk Hashed the n;l(.am of a da<; K^:^«^ «^i«-i j^»^ ifc^*^ i_fc-£«n >t jtZ*-! ifc^«-> atIv -Hi srilllJ.A: Wliile the writliiiifj; Italian, ••-■'o/x lircatli. coiilil luit make 'I'lii' .sign uf tiu' Cross in assent. 'I'licn 'I'oni said: "You cur! "Twere but just did 1 break your vile head And kick " Tiien lie jiaused. He was standinu alone. With a coat in his hand. Count l'"iaseo was i;onel Xlii. 'I'hk Cluireh of St. I'lntus is crowded and janinicd. Stout nnitrons, luait' sinners and drliHtdiilis ci-ainined, in a iKilr hii;li I'ashioneil and holy. .\nd the president Tries! has just mounted his IK.rch- With an ett'ort, because he's so very Hii;h ('hundi. -Vnd his figure's a shade roly-jioly! 'Pile deej) diapason so i-irhly rolls out From the organ, it leaves one a trille in doubt ]f a jtsalni, or a xoiki 's intendeil, I'ntil the Soprano — with voice full of tears — Sings a theme slightly changed from Sir A.'s " Cou- (hiliers " And a i)rayer is began as 'tis ended. 46 p5- m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m "/»X»«-^ te^*^ ye^t^ i2^«ri i^*^ ifc--'«-i it-j**-. icv'^r. >t--?«^ ifc^«^ it^«r. ifc^v old Peter Oleum, tiiough master of stocks, ( )f water-front stores and the brownest stone blocks. Still thinks that I'eligion might — pay! And Madame is eyeing tiiat lady in scarlet — Not Original Sin in ///"/ color they snarl at, Hut very nnich later edition; And — wondei'ing whence in the world came that bonnet With all the piltMl ])iuk jjassamenterie on it — T'uts up a liriel'-murmured jietition. As fair young Sybilla, — the ju'lde of that jjew And the whole congregation assembled there, too — Sweeps up tlu' broad aisle with a rustle; 47 ^^^i^*- iJ<^«-> i^«^ «.e.t-<5r^ le-C*^ it^ir-' jfc-ir^ i^^«^ i-^ X T^^ ^ W SYIHIJ.A : And shows a costiinu\ IVcsli ini])(>i'tcil fVnni Wdrtli. Tliat strangles all hope of her rivals at hirtli — With close-clinginj;- lulils ami no laistiel 'i1icn eyes, male ami female, all turn from the i'ricst On suggested round eurves of her figure to feast, While elhow seeks elhow most knowing; For the Season's hegun and the "Swell Set" all kmiws ■j'hat she's to he .Mrs. .hdin liiill'. ere its elose — -Vnd none else has a ghdst of a showiiigl lUit, when those good Christians — all purilied, rlean — Stream out from the edilii-e, making one sheen Of satin and sahlc and feather. The gossips, wise nodding and whispering, sec ller pauper old l.eau of last season and she Walk the .\ venue calmly together! But young Mr. iJulf. witli liis and)le and grin, Walks solemnly 1 le witii her mother — goes in As meek as a Saint, if a sinner; While .Jingle — with never a cloud on his hrow — Stops short of tlie ste)i, with an ■■(iii revnir" how, And leaves his rich rival for diniu-r! 4« m "Excuse enoupih ! " — cried she — "if I were sti single ; But let this suffice — I'm Mrs. Tom Jingle!" m m m m .1 KOMA rxr. XIV There is tlunnler ami wrath in the air; and the eye In the head of tliat house sullen lightnings lets fly; W'liilc the silver and glass and the servants, dismissed From the hoard, trcmhle now as he hrings down his fist. Poor Madame is dissolved in a cyclone of sighs; Svhilla has risen, with war in her eyes; While, 'mid all tlie storm, that impassive .lolin Ruff Stands soft, liutfv, seal-like — a regular muff! What storm has caused weather so rosy to cloud. Mid smashing of glass — and proprieties — loud? The dinner was perfect, from Blue Points to fruit; The service delightful; the champagne was Brut; >[adeira and Tokay and other rare wine — Unlike the host's feeling — seemed specially fine; While cafr a la Tnnjuc, with rock syrup and grounds, Had won a swift bow-string, where that fad abounds. Sybilla luid risen, at sign from mamma To leave the two men to post-prandial cigar. And smiling John PntV had just ambled before The ladies, to open the carved rosewood door. When the head of that house — with a sentiment very i 1^ m wmmmm&m&&^^^^^ SYJIILLA : Unlike his rough way, wlien unsmoothi'd by old Sherry — 15a(le the ladies remain: and pluiiiju'd full in the matter That had caused the ehureli gossips, at noon, so niiudi ehatter; Said 'twas jn'oper as i)lain, that Sybilla had learned The worth of his wishes since she had returned I'^i'oni Xahant, aftci' (indiiig the Count was a sham And penny-a-liners were not worth a 1 And so, as there intervened obstacles none. He'd ])ledge their betrothal and welcome — a son! But the girl quick broke in: — ■■ Why, papa! Dcju't you see How your words shock propriety — nuunma — and me? And as for Mr. Ruff, tho' an excellent ■friend, I tiild him last June, all else 'twixt us must end. Indeed, I respect him and like — but ()! dear! Not one other word on this subject I'll hearl " Then — his wine all turned acid, in social ferment — Old Peter's nose glowed 'ncatli his bushy Vtrows bent; And the family tempest, so often rehearsed, In violence greater than ever outburst: — He had toiled and had labored, like slave most abject. To buy her high station — the great world's respect! m m •^^irxi^*^ k^4ri Mt «t^iri ij& >c- ^If^ i ^f;,^. % m .1 noMAVxr. Spent thousands on tliousands to linish her fine And fit as society's leader to sjiine. Tlie lover in c|uestion — slow stroking his chin, Stood vacuous, wordless, with meaningless grin; While the tears of the mother, the fast-rising ire In Sybilla's eyes added fuel to fire. Peter pounded the tal)le; with coarse oatli he swore That the girl should obey, or be turned fi-om his door! She quietly answered: '•Tliis subject must cease. 'Tis silly — insulting. I'll go, if you please!" But Peter strode (juick 'fore the girl; seized her wrist In no gentle grasp, as he furious hissed: — " I will be (>I)eyed! Why, j-oi; minx, there's no use To dare and defy me! No sort of excuse For such curseil disobe " But she, in defence Freed her hand: tlirust it quick in her bosom; and thence Drew out a soiletl paper and held 'fore tlie eyes That now from her father's head l)ulged in surprise. "Excuse enough!'' — cried she — " if I were still sin- gle; l)Ut let tiiis suttice — I'm Mrs. Tom .liugie!" With cheeks royal purple, with breath like a snore, Peter Oleum once staggered — fell prone to the Hnor. 53 3" ^Iflflflfiiififififififififii xJ^t^ ^do^ iklc^ icJjt^ liclii^ ie^car> iii«^ icli^ iic^2^ ', (^uii/k they loosfiiLMl liis (_-(illar, piled ice nii liis licnd, Poured rnw livanily in him; tlicii Ikh-c iiiiii to lied. Where highest priced Doctor and costliest drug For days, with the D . lor his sonl, had a tug. And. by day and hy night, sleepless, gentle of hand, Syhilla sat hy.— hathed his hrow — softly fanned; Sniootlie(l his ever hot itilhiw — gave |iotioii and ])ill; liilter Idaining the while that inlnTited will W'hiidi — roust'd hy injustice and tyrannous taunt To rehidliou — had hi-ought on this nuip fiiiidriiijiiiit : While hei' mother hemoaiied. wej)t — fainted. .\nd tlK'U 'idle hardened old sinner grew hotter again; 'i'ill one ut no sooner u})on the fair, l)owed head they fell. Than they glowed with a light less of healtli tlum of hell; And the feelile voice liissed; — " (io! I'or never again Will 1 look on your face. *ioI for pleading is vain I" The kneeling girl shuddi/red; ludf-sobbcd; — "(), for- give! Dear papa, and we'll worship you long as we live! " " Forgive? " he gasped — " should T the're three never can: — 54 m u m m m ^ViXjfc^*-- >fc-ir^ xJ^ it2u!lahy '. Rest, haby — sleep 1 Litllnhii! MiitJier-love watehes tiiy shnnher so deep! Notliinii' seems hitter when baliy is bye — Rest, precious babel J^i,ll„.l,,l!—l^,ill.„-h,,! Kest, nuininuis l)al)e! Sleep, darliiifi, sleep! Lullah!/! I'apa is cdniinii' with kisses so sweet, Love's guardian angels all sorrows defy — Rest, })recious babe — L„II.„hi/'—Li'll-„-h,/.' Rest, papa's boy, Sleep, gently sleep! Lullal)}/' m m m ^31 m * U w«5>;^ ^.»>r3!i k*7ra« «.*>-a« « |l?>S!*^t W*^^' Sii*'4 Si»^t' ? *m '^^(f ^^ '^^f '^ "^^ '^•^^■^^i^y ' ' -^ j5i»(^ ^t^' ^4' ^t| ^"^^^ ^^^^ ^t^ ' . ielij^ \ -St * f -£ ^ -£ iL<^*i »t-^«-. ^_<:^«^ ^l^«-i i^i^x i^iyfX ijKp^^t (.^m^rjt i^n>r:x <^mp?3t u0y!^t ^jm^rx ij^^ _ ,..^ ,, I ■fifes •fifes -fefei I'^'en his high post as I'asliidn's " l;uuii(l;il)i)iit "" Went, wlicii liis thi'cadliarc cvt'iiinti-suit n;nc nut. Oft in tlie loiii;- year, since tliat t'atfsonu' liay When Peter ilrove liis wilful child away. His prancing bays had halted round (he hlock ; And her weak mother — in hlatd-: veil and fnMd< — Had trod with loathing 'mid the crowding poor, And timid, sought tinil child's forbidden door: liringing her tears, her woes and sympatliy — Some lioarded dollars — surreptitious tea. i''or Peter's orders — cinKd-fixcd .as T'ate — Were that her name, within tiiat mansion great Sliouhl ne'er l)e whispereil ; nor would lie relent, Tliat dime, or dinner — should she starve — be sent So the wt'ak wife, in trembling did c\adc Those laws Heroer"s grave! i*>ut. to the lonely mother lirst had come The summons in her gildeil, broken home To leave the Best Society down here And enter into it, we'll hope, up Tliere ! Yet, liowe'er liigh in human language rated, One's wortli may drop, ]ierchance, when he's tran lated! 5S m m m m m m ■AMi>ws'*W'' The jaw drops — Tisover! — The hand, even then, Relentless in death, fiercely gripping the pen! —Page 68. */iV>fc-^«^ te-^itr, i:>im^ »t-i«:> te.J-te^ >t-^«?> j£^«-. it^«?> it^V" j^*^ k:2»^ i-^*^ i<:?»i ii^ X»v"'' ^^ .W.J m i .1 Iin.VAVXT. And now tlic Ijiittle, waged so l)rave ami well, Seenieil lost indeeil. Her paint ini;' would not sell : While |)uldisiiei-s — polite and free of old — (irew to Tom's etfbrts, critical and eol ij iciiri »eyAn iei^ Tdiii weai-ily drops in tlic rickety diair — Too tired to liope, yet too dulled to despair; And says, in a voice 'twixta lauj;;li and a moan: — " I guess I had l)etter leave writing alone. Whatever I try. its rejection is sure — There lie my last stories : — tliey vote me a horel And when I called. r heti-ayed, Tho' two hot little tears fi'om her eyelids liad strayed, Meand'ring along to the tip of her iiosc — While a great lum]i. hard-throhhing, into licr throat rose : Hut cheerily answered, pretending a cough That swallowed the one, as the others hi'ushed off: — Gz m m "^l ^^^)i m 1 x^ij^ it^j*^ »fc.y tea, with a small, dismal titter, Remarked that their lot. like their beverage, was bit- ter. Then sudden: "Oh! Billa, 1 hapiiened to meet Your old nurse. Mammy Jane, up on 6!Hh street. I'm awfully dull, for 1 really forgot — You'll forgive me, my dear little wife, will you not? She said that your father's again very ill — .\notlier bad stroke, that is likely to — kill!" 6.? i3^ m 9l! The jj,irl (-linclKMl her liamls; drew a dee}) breatli,, or two; W'liile her colorless face a shade whiter ale, urave, determined — translinm-cd hy hovc', Spite of jiatched, faded gown and tattered oh! nlo\-e, Dingy bonnet — but haloed by crown of fair iiair, Sybilla, the girl of the old (hiys. stood there! X\II. She was gone; through \]\r gloom and the fast fall- ing sleet, 'i'iiat clung, like .Misfortune, aiuiut lier slim feet. ikit the rush other pulses, in memories (j|d, Killed all tliought of distance, the wt't and the cold I'ntil. drenched and j)anting. .Sybilla once more Passed under the monogram over that door, Where — frosted with icicles, dreary to see — 'Die corpulent () was still clasped by the I'! m m m m m m p5 m m m m ■I i m m ai^tf ^^ ^ti^ l:ti^ l^s^ i:?^ p?^ ^?^ t^ '^"'/rnKx-'ir'' i^-o«^ tc-i^'' >t-i«-> i-^.j:' v_-ii ' t::-_c t;-'^tJBv'' .1 l;(>M.ll'ST. W'itliiii, all was (|niet and still as the grave. Her wet, turn slip]>ers. no eelio back gave Fnmi that sdft, tufted carpet of Japanese loom, As she breathless aseendeil and peered in his room. And thiTf lay the man who had given her life : There Doctor and si'rvant, — no daughtci- — no wife! Ho seemed to l)e conscious ; Syl)illa could hear iiricf word of eomjdaint ; anon he would swear .\1 tardy attendant, or (|Ucrulous seek 'I'd know if he'd get hack to business that week ? Deep pily — fresh-gushing affection possessed, .\t sound of his voice, all the wronged daughter's breast. Cast olf with her wrap, iier last shred of pride. She moved softly in and knelt down by his side; And clasping the vein-knotted hand in her two. Bowed on it her fair head, in reverence true. Tlie sick man slow turned his eye, heavy and blear. To rest on that damp mass of fair-shining hair : Then, strong nerved by passion, half-raised in his bed And spoke loud and clear; " Ho! you thought I was dead? You ingrate! you viper! And so you would dare To mock and defy me, when stretched on my bier! l)isgraced an i,e- «t^5r-> ie-4ri >e..<5»^ ie- X^V )'(//('f/ come a dcail fatlicr to taunt ami to voxl Tliat father's resentment I'll tearh yoii Id know — '' He snatched his luind free: and a iiuiik. heavy hlow Dealt straight at the faee, raised iu ]iityinii- prayer To his own. Hut starvation and grief and despair Were swifter than hate. I'rone, hacd^ward she fell Dead-fainting: while hues (d'the nethermost ludl Spread over the purpling hrow, li]is and (dieek Of the father, now gaspingly trying to s]ieak. ••(^ui »fc^*^ i-^nn «l^*^ «^«e. »t-:ir-> i^m^ x.2jrr, . £f^l U^ .1 ROM A r XT. And lii)in(> for sucli women as want, dire, strennons — In tliis land of Cliristians and underpaid work — Oft drives to far worse than hareeni of tlie Turk! Tiiat fortune colossal — drops coined from each heart, Not exceptino; his own — thus Peter made part Of his whole rule of life. But mention was none (.){ starving young daughter, or baby grandson. " For vtitn cv'rt/oiic fliat hath shall he given." Was part of the word for whieli he had striven : And (Iccj) on his hard heart was graven to-day — " Bitl front, him that Itath not, shall be taken away!" So writing this devise, with hatred-born oath, The father had nnittered: — "Yes! Let them starve, both! " And. conning this new one o'er, eagerly still. Had tossed in the tire his one other will, That cut off Sybilla, but left to his wife The income of five solid millions, for life. But. just as the old clerk iiad turned to call in A witness to signature — outside a din Rose wild, as though Satan might demons unchain To seize his male-children of greed and of gain: — ■•The Barings were ruined!"' — "The banks of the world, Toppled down by the Samson, to atoms were hurled! " ^ *-*/SXie-^«-' x^if^ x^^^^ tc-^if^ iiiJ2j^-' le-^ir^ ifc-t-^«-> X^ i sYBii.i.A : A i;oMA rxr. Aiici old I'ctcr — cnisliiu^ the will in his pocket — SJiot straight to the Board, like ;i liiiiiiici:il i-ockct. And there, 'mid tlie strain, rusiji niid wild Inihlml)- 1)00, Was stret<-lied on the Hour hy his seeond had caup! Will. And now, with the fury of lost souls possessed. He gasped, clutched his throat; while his lahoring hreast Heaved hard and convulsive, and over liis face l*'a(di vein, full and swol'n. left dark purple trace. In \ain soot I um I the l)octor — in vain prayeil the men — The patient's one answer: •' (^uick — damn youl — the pen!" It came; it was chitche(I in a hot. eager grasp; The r was half foi-mcd: then a dull, rattling gasp; The arm stitfened out, as the testament fell' Then dull-gla/.iug eyes of the last struggle tell — The jaw drops — 'Tis over! — The hand, even tlien. Relentless in death, fiercely griiijiing tiie ]ien' But those lurid intentions, — with such hell is paved — Remain unfultilled; and Svhilla is saved! i P '1 Ri«n it^«r. jfc^«n i_ij«n lfc/«r> Jfc^«?> >t-ijr-> *L<^«n K.-;?«fl i^9^ i^^r, y^^%^ ^/^Xi-''«^^ii»^ ^if^ ^^*^ »e^«-' ^i**^ xjJ'*^ ieiAr-> ii/«?< ««^«-> ifc/*-' iti'*-! le-- «-> »e-^«?> . •IK P^^ B^* If s -iJXsS Words by T. C. DE LEON i LULLABY. Music by JNO. S. HOIMES. m k^}^ hm m m ^'9 i * m 1^ /flKxJ-O^ «ior> jfciiir' i€^<3^^ leJ-ci^^ »c; ME.k{«» 2^** **^Xlfct^«-> iL^**-! Ifc^*^ >L^«=' lfc^«^ X^^ry U^^JK^ X~2^ i^i»?> X^IV* ^itiie^ ie.2t^ x.2*^ ifcfc-ijr=i »fc. iL<:«-' ifc^j*;' ixi*^ ^-^^^ iu^«^ K.v'«■^ A^^r m ^ -£^ ^:^ ^£^ H 491 85 4 m!^i^^ mm ''♦'*©*%' **"«JP*\' ',^*^itr^ T^O^ ^=f^.: y -*v.^^ ^0* ".'^OJ^-^,' iO-A ;^p>;. o V "•*>^.^ ^"•^^^ -^. .^^^r^^^ "^^^^ A°^ ^^^x .:■«► ■0-0^ iOVj. ■"'^^.