r THE RUGBY HANDBOOK OF THE FIRST STORR IN RUGBY. ENQLISH:AME[\IC^N COLONY- — ON THE — Plateau of the Cumberland Mountains, fn east tennessee. "VTITSC 3^I35TE E3iT<3-IB-A.Tri3iTCS-S Ji-ltTTi .A. IJZJ^'S'. RUGBY CINCINNATI ; jasui6u3 |i">3 uo)|e/y\ (jeqoy Xq ■"!0"0S JJeSoaTTFl H!I« I'lO B 11!II 11<)3«.)(1 H pilllOJO IdlfDUO I A'jBjqii 0111111,1 j » -1^ :<,^ ^o ©S p o 3-0 SjfD -.<» 3 3 -.^ a^i ° p o nr'r^'^g v^ T 3'3-~ - -< _ £ ffl O C ^ => 3 X' Cftf^^p 2 2,5'= > f^S'g s." ^» '^ = 3 t> °r •5 ms . ^- .-on. P « eh ° ^ 3 ?,c 'S2 5-gworg^s»go3 «, — 3 3'ffi 1 ■o 52. ™ 'J: p 3 ;; p T re M "3 ^ _^- crre ^.<5 cr; ^^3 o o M 3 ■^4 3 5 t>o-S^3 I S^^^S^po^S^-g^ S^HfSm=i2|2 g.thp P 1 :;?3-o 2'-" „ an < S r^C^' So'^'s ►-.3 re ^O — " o C P ^S « 2.B-0 -•-^- or? . P re re ".-^>„: ri-1 - „ (>r2 3 per; ,^ S.3-r-2 d » re —3 B-g «,o 3^5 "r,,3'_.^«33pe»^ ,!« 2 3 TEMPERATURE A N D RAINFALL OBSERVATIONS AT Rugby, Tenn., for 1883. TXaiOI^j&.S IF'.^I^XSOiT, OTsser-wo*. «H 'X to 00 -;J ^1 ^- 001— 'OOO^OOJtCOOO^O^tC' en en en en o> Cn iL4-4COi4^bo*atococ^tcer«ao toacc;icj»cnoien»**.rfi»-tcwtc O^ Ol I— 1 to 1:0 O "X* CO CO ^ •— ' CJ ' l-O CO 01 C?i L>i' U* *^ 'CC ^n .f- O '-" Ioct>o-at-'o rf*. en Oi as -4 ^T ^3 Ol Oi 1^ 0^ ►t^ K-* oi en ec CO ^ — t-c- 00 ci io b-- H O pg H ►^rf*.enas— T-^--Tenen4;»->t^'j CO CO CO' o^ o eoo -^ I— ' ic tsO t CO tc en c H-t H-i tc oc ^ H^ o I - tOOOOCOCOOSI— »C-WGO<— '30 3 -^ ^re 5: m rr. r .:0--JCC— JCO— JOCtD>— »^^00>*^ •saqouj JO 93l!.l3AV At Rugby, Tenn., for 1884. C. ONDERDONK, OBSERVER. January February March April May June (18th to 30th July August September October November December Year 1884 THER^rOMETERS. Monthly Means. Max. 37.1 54.2 56.6 63.4 80.2 85.8 82.5 81.8 79 8 72.5 57.2 47.5 Min. 14.8 32.0 32.4 37.2 47.3 58.8 58.2 53.7 53.2 46.6 30.6 30.4 Mean. 25.9 42.9 44.3 50.3 63.8 72.3 70.4 67.8 66.5 59.5 43.9 38.9 53.8 Hygrometer Monthly Means. Dry Bulb. 39.0 52.5 52.5 48.3 76.4 75.2 71.6 70.3 62.0 46.1 42.0 Wet Bulb. 37.8 51. H 49.6 46.8 71.1 71.9 67.4 97.0 57.9 41.9 40.8 Rainfall. Inches Aver- age of State. 6.47 9.47 7.12 4.93 3.00 2.41 5.14 3.92 0.70 2.77 1.58 5.40 52.91 53.72 9.49 4.68 5.71 6.41 3.29 4.78 5.27 4.03 3.17 2.98 4.27 4.19 REMARKS. Rugby, Morgan County, Tenn., is in N. Lat. 36° 21^, W. Long. 84° 44^. Instruments used : a Si.xe max. and min. thermometer, wet and dry bulb, and rain-gauge, all by A. S. Aloe & Co. St. Louis. Elevation, 1,410. Mr. T. Fardon was observer to May 30th, and Mr. C. Onderdonk took charge .June ISth, since which time not a single day's observation has been lost. Maximum of the vear, 02°, on .lulv 25. iVLiniinum of year, — 16°, on .Ian. 6. Last frost of si)ring, 31°, on Apri'l 25. First fmst of fall, 27° on Oct. 16. Observations taken at 6 p. ^r. daily. The wet and dry bulb observations were omitted for temi)eratures below freezing. Oltservations of 1884 charted and coMii)Uted in tlie office of the Board of .Vid to I^and Owner- ship (Limited) by C. H. Wilson, Assistant Surveyor to the Board, Rugby Stables. WILLIAM BALDWIN, Proprietor. Horses and Buggies for Hire HACK MEETS TRAINS AT RUGBY ROAD STATION Twice on week days, all through the year, and on Sundays during the months ot July, August, and September, to convey PASSEmERS Am MAILS TO RUGBY. Ql-|E/\^p- P/\Rr-|l[x!G • |jA[NlDS ox THE BOARD OF AID ESTATE ON THE CUMBERLAND PLATEAU. COMPARATIVE ELEVATION. CINCINNATI, 550 Feet above Sea Level. CHATTANOOGA, 685 Feet above Sea Level. KUGBY, ..---. i,4lo Feet above Sea Level. TJie Bocifd of Aid Estate, centralltf situated on this Plateati, eonsistft of 35,000 Acres of Gi'azinf/, Favinina, Emit Raisiuij, and Vine Gfowin.y Lands. It skirts ten miles of frontage on the Cincinnati Soutliern R. K., and has five depots located on it. The titles are amons the oldest and be.^t in Tennessee anil ha oc been leiinUy tented and proved by the Board. The lands enumerated below are being offered in tracts suitable to all pur- chasers at LOW FIGURES and with deferred payments. Board lands on the Cincinnati Southern R. R., west of Glen Mary Station. About 3,000 acres of very desirable land fronting on the Cincinnati Southern R. R., is here laid out in 100 acre farms. No farm is more than three miles from cither Sunbright or Glen Mary Depots ; to the latter are adjacent the Crook Coal Mines, employing 200 men and with an output of twelve car loads per day. 10.50 in Half Morocco. Bound Volumes of Harper's Young People for three yearn hack, each containing the 52 Numbers for a Year, in Illuminated Cloth, $3.00 ]»er Volume. CLOTH CASES. Cloth Cases for i)inding the MA(iAZiNE or Young People, 50 cents per Volume. Cloth Cases for binding the Weekly or Bazar, $1.00 per Volume. BACK NUMBERS. liack Numbers of the Magazine for three years hack, 35 cents each. Back Numbers of the Weekly or Bazar for three years back, 10 cents each. Back Numbers of Harper's Younc; People for three years back, 5 cents each. Hemittan(!es should be made by Post-Ortice Money Order or l»raft, to avoid risk of loss. Address: HARPER A BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 570 647 6 » s W!