SOJ^ J 019 593 92" 2851 i3207 >py 1 'Xt^M' ^U'^v\.L yiu<2^^ni /:^K RTY YEARS A Review of the Work of Benedict College, Columbia, S.C. By A. C OSBORN, D. D. N any great enterprise the question may be justly asked: What are the results? Have the methods adopted been practical? Has the administration been wise? What has been actually accomplished? The imperative demand for educational mission work for the emancipated slaves as they came suddenly out of bondage, with limitations and disabilities in every direction, appealed powerfully to the Christian world, Missionary Societies re- sponded. Men and women, moved by Christian sympathy, took up the work. From that beginning the work has gone on enlarging and with enlarged expendi- tures, up to this present time. Properties have been bought, acade- mies, colleges, and universities have been established and maintained. The Societies spent large money and sent many men upon the fields. The fields were ripe for the harvest. What has the harvest been? Instead of dealing in generalties, which, by their largeness often bewilder and confuse, because not fully grasped, let us take one concrete illustration: the Benedict College, at Columbia, South Carolina. Other schools of this Society, as those at Richmond, at Raleigh, and at Atlanta, may show larger results. Here is a school that has been less in the public eye. Has it accomplished a work that has demonstrated the wisdom of its found- ing, and justified the expenditure for^its support? ^ ' ^ V^^IS) \ A SPECIFIC CASE. \>> ^^^ The school was opened as a mission in 1871. The first students were few in number. More than half were men and women past middle age. Some were preachers who came to learn to read. Humble indeed were the beginnings. But the school, as Benedict Institute, grew. It had so grown that in 1894, . twenty-three years after its founding, it was incorporated as Benedict College, with full college powers. It is co-educa- tional. It is not for the teaching of^ trades. Like the colleges for the white youth, its work is the intellectual, the moral, and the religious culture of its students. In OctX)ber, 1895, the speaker became identified with it. In the sixteen years that followed, 3133 students were ad- mitted to that college. Of these 444 completed required courses of study and went out as graduates, 308 of them with college degrees. The ultimate end of all the work of a Missionary Society is the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom. The Society's school mission work has been so pros- ecuted as to look not to those gathered for their personal culture only as the end sought, but to the extension of the Lord's kingdom through them.* They were educated, qualified, ^nd sent out to organize churches, to be pastors of churches, to build church edifices, and to secure full pastoral support with no fi- nancial help except as they developed it on their respective fields. WHERE THE STUDENTS GO. To be specific, graduates of this one .^mm r- mission school are pastors of Baptist Churches in South Carolina in the fol- lowing cities and larger towns: In Charleston, Columbia, Beaufort, Flor- ence,' Anderson, Sumter, Orangeburg, Darlington, Union, Spartanburg, Green- ville, Georgetown, Barnwell, Camden, Winnsboro, Laurens, Greenwood, Clin- ton, Belton, Hartsville, Society Hill, V'erdery, Blairs, Hopkins, Blackstock, Greeleyville, Dovesville, Seneca, and Bamberg.' In some of these cities there are two, three, or four churches, whose pastors are graduates of the college. In other States, graduates of the col- lege, are pastors in New York City, Chester, Pa., Jenkintown, Pa., Kansas City, Mo., Knoxville, Tenn., Houston, Texas, Elberton, Ga., Jacksonville, Fla., Montgomery, Ala., and Wilmington, N. C. FORMER GRADUATES. These, all, are graduates. There is, however, a much larger number of form- er students that did not graduate, who are pastors of churches. There is not in South Carolina a city, or a county, and not many large Negro communities, in which there is not a Baptist pastor form- erly a student in Benedict College. Many of these pastors organized the churches where they are preaching, built the houses in wh'ch they are worshipping, and none have looked to other sources to supplement their salaries. Furthermore, of the graduates of Benedict, two are Presidents — ohe, of a college, and one of a university. Fifteen are professors or teachers in colleges. Eight are princi- pals of city high schools. Two hundred and nineteen are teachers in public schools. These are graduates. A still larger number who did not graduate are teaching in the public schools. Nine of the graduates are practising physicians. Among the graduates are lawyers, dentists, pharmacists, and mer- chants beside farmers, mechanics, and others. A large number passed civil ser- vice examinations, and are in the service of the United States. These, pastors, professional men, teachers, and others were all either slaves or the sons or daughters of slaves. They are now living exhibits of what the col- lege has been doing. Does any one ask for further evi- dence of the work of these schools of this and other denominations? Go South. Get a little out of the beaten lines of travel. Look for things the ordinary tourist does not see. Go to the sections in the cities where the better class of negroes live; go into the black belts in the country, where ordinary tourists do not go. Then look around. NEGRO SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. In every city and hamlet, and by every highway along which you may travel, you may see negro churches, and negro schools; churches in the cities and in the country with over a "thousand communi- cants, well organized, well administered, presided over by pastors of high culture, worshipping in houses, spacious, some- times elegant, which they themselves have built — or churches also in city and in the country with but a little handful of believers, gathered in th^ plainest and rudest kind of a shelter, taught once a month, by some devout man who is building them up in the faith, and per- haps leading them sometimes into a wild ecstasy of religious rapture. In the cities you will find high-schools with colored principals, and corps of colored assistants, under city supervision, pursuing the same courses of study as is required in the white schools. Or, out in the pine woods, or in the sand hills, groups of youngsters, in miserable shacks called school houses, taught, it may be, but two or three months in the year, but by thoroughly competent young women. Back of it all — for churches and schools — for preachers, and teachers, and professional men — was the mission school fitting the workers, and making possible the achievements. However, this is Christian work. So far as known every one of the teachers and professional men that went out from Benedict College is an avowed Christian. In their college life they had had a les- son in the Bible every school day through all the years of their residence, as a study in which they were required to pass examination, as in other studies. Wherever they went, therefore, they went with no small knowledge of the Word of God, to be workers in churches, and Sunday Schools, and centers of per- sonal Christian influence in their com- munities. A BROADER VIEW. But there is yet a broader view. There is no serious negro problem in South Carolina. The upheavings and over- turnings from collisions between the races predicted by alarmists are ground- less forebodings, arising out of ignor- ance of conditions. By the census of 1900 the negroes in the Southern States owned 173,352 farms, valued at $300,000,000. Beside the farms they owned 373,414 homes. In Louisi- anna the negroes owned 50 per cent, of the farms, and in Mississippi 55 per cent.; that is, more farms than the whites, though smaller in size. The farms in the Southern States which they owned, and those which they occupied as tenants, covered 38,233,933 acres; an area of 59,741 square miles; an area much great- er than the State of New York. In Virginia there are lOO counties; in 8i of those counties there are more negro than white farmers. These figures are from the census of 1900. The census of 1910, when available, will show a great increase. The peaceful acquisition and occupation of these millions of acres, by a race that fifty years ago owned not one acre, would have been impossible in a disturbed social condition. The negroes at the South are living in peaceful har- monious relations with their white neigh- bors. They are under some restrictions and disabilities, but the progress made, notwithstanding those disabilities, is only the more remarkable. Personal wrongs, abuses and outrages, do occur; but, they are there, as elsewhere, the rare exceptions. BETTERING CONDITIONS. Never in the history of civilization has a people, from so low an estate, in so few years, so bettered their condition, and made such substantial progress in intellectual developments, in the acquisi- tion of property, in founding and main- taining churches ana schools, in moral culture, and in a higher type of religious life and experience. It was these mission schools that qual- ified and inspired men to lead. From these schools there went out young men and young women into every nook and corner of the land with new ideas for their people, that, in their then condition, were absolutely revolutionary. After living, for example, for the years of school life in a well-built and well ordered house, it was impossible for the student to go back home and be con- tent in the one room of the negro quart- ers, with a wooden shutter for a window, and often only the bare earth for a floor. After sleeping for months in a well made bed with clean sheets, it was impossible to go home and be content to roll one's self in a blanket, in one's work- ing clothes, and sleep thus on a bed or on the floor, in the one room cabin where all the family lived and slept. Thus, as an incidental result of these schools, the ideas and usages of a cleaner, more decent, more refined life, the primary elements of civilization, were unconsciously introduced into the fam- ilies of the freed men throughout the land. Thus a mighty impulse in the home life was given for the marvelous uplife that the passing years have brought about. WHAT RESULTS? What have the Mission Schools, those of other denominations, and Hampton and Tuskegee included, accomplished? Everything, in the intellectual, moral, economic, and social progress of the blacks since emancipation, are the results of the Mission Schools, more than of all other causes combined. Some one may ask, if the conditions are so improved, has not the time come to abandon this work, and leave the negroes now to their own resources? By no means. Shall the farmer abandon his field because the corn he planted has made a good start? That is the rea- son why he should carefully cultivate and make more sure the prospective harvest. The seed in these mission fields has been sown; it has come up; it has grown; it is bearing some fruit. But the abundant harvest has not yet been gathered in. There are millions yet unreached in the ignorance of their primitive condition, not even under the restraint of their former master. The work should be en- larged, and strengthened. There is need of more teachers and better equipment. But above everything else the schools LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 593 927 5 should be endowed. leges and universitie endowments, which the extent of milli these schools, for the colored people, that have no wealthy constituencies to look to. WHAT ELSE? Possibly there may be some brother, or some sister, who has $100,000 that might be laid upon the Lord's altar for the further endowment of the college whose work has been more specifically presented. Such a sum added to its present endow- ment would permanently relieve the Home Mission Society from drafts upon its mission funds for that college. God has most wonderously blessed this v/ork for the negroes. Let a like, or even an approximate progress go on for a few more decades of years, and who can forecast the outcome? We have faith to believe that Christian fidelity and Heaven's blessings will so work together that the negroes in the South will be- come one of the most industrious, most prosperous, most laW-abiding, most God- fearing, and most conservative elements in our national life. The needful char- acteristics are inherent in the race. They need only to be developed, that possibili- ties may be changed into actualities. Published by THE AMERICAN HOME MISSION BAPTIST SOCIETY 23 East 26th Street New York City