t 1215 1595 »py 1 INSTRUCTIONS SPECIAL RIVER OBSERVERS SIGNAL SERVICE. SEVENTH EDITION WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIC J 889. --■ ■■- • / INSTRUCTIONS SPECIAL RIVER OBSERVERS SIGNAL SERVICE. SEVENTH EDITION. WASHINGTON: ," GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. ^ .»•'•. -a 1 rh ( ^ ^ Signal Office, War Department, Washington, July i, 1889. The following instructions to special river observers of the Signal Service are published for the information and guidance of all concerned. A. W. GREELY, Chief Signal Officer. (3) INSTRUCTIONS TO Special River Observers of the United States Signal Service. The Signal Service has had in operation for many years a system of observations and reports of the stage of water in the principal rivers of the United States, by which the water level is reported daily to certain designated centers, and during hours of danger from floods, or extremely high water, these observations are taken and telegraphed as often as is considered' necessary for the public inter- ests. In the absence of floods, river commerce demands a knowledge of the volume of water in the tributaries of the principal rivers, to per- mit a determination of the future supply for purposes of navigation at points where the depth is sometimes insufficient. To meet these several demands the Chief Signal Officer is charged by law with the duty of establishing special stations at suitable points on the rivers included in the system. At meteorological stations located on rivers the observers take regular daily observations of the stage of water. At other points where readings are desired special observers are selected from citi- zens interested in the reports, who receive appointments from the central office at Washington. The duties required are not arduous and can be performed in con- nection with other vocations. They consist of taking and recording at stated hours, in a book provided for the purpose : (i) the depth of water in the river ; (2) the^ state of the weather ; (3) the direction of the wind ; (4) the amount of rain or snow-fall since the last observation; (5) time of beginning and ending of each fall of rain or snow ; (6) depth of unmelted snow on ground. The information, if sent by telegraph, is reduced to a brief dis- patch in cipher, as hereinafter described, which is delivered at the local telegraph office for transmission to the district center. If for- warded by mail, the report is entered on a postal card and addressed to the observer in charge of the section. The data collected in making these observations are preserved in permanent form for the benefit of the public, and observers are authorized to permit inspection and use of the same by all inter- ested persons. (5) 6 The number of observations to be taken daily will be determined by the chief signal officer or by the observer in charge of the section. The centers are located in cities where the reports can be most advantageously collected and published for the benefit of those interested in river commerce. INSTRUCTIONS. i. Special river observers will receive all their instructions from, and render all their reports and bills for services to, the observer in charge of the center. In accepting appointments they become the authorized agents of the United States, and are amenable to the laws in case of neglect of duty. They should take their observations with correctness and promptness, bearing in mind the importance of the duty. 2. Each station will be supplied with : i river-gauge ; i wind-vane ; i rain-gauge and overflow attachment ; i Instructions to River Observers ; i book Form 203 (cipher telegraphic report); 10 Form 261; ; 60 Form 114 (monthly report) ; 50 official envelopes, addressed Obs. Sig. Ser., etc ; 1 quire letter paper ; 2 lead-pencils ; 20 pens ; 1 cone black ink ; 2 pen-holders. 3. All articles, except the river-gauge, will be supplied from the section center. The stationery above enumerated will be the amount allowed for one year. 4. The following-named articles are unexpendable, viz : river- gauge, rain-gauge and overflow, and wind-vane. When they become unserviceable from wear and tear or accident, the special observer will notify the obseryer in charge of the center and await his orders as to disposition of the property. In no case will the articles above mentioned be thrown away simply because they are unserviceable. 5. Public property lost or destroyed must be accounted for by affidavit, or other satisfactory evidence. 6. Observers will be required to mail, semi-annually, on the 30th day of June and the 31st day of December of each year, to the sec- tion center, a return of Signal Service property, form 26c. 7. The observer in charge of the section will check and see that all articles at the special station have been taken up and reported thereon. 7 RIVER-GAUGE. 8. The river-gauges used by the Signal Service are of four kinds, and are shown in figures i, 2, 3, and 4. The kind to be used will be decided upon after an examination of the local conditions has been made. 9. The specifications to be followed in procuring bids for the con- struction of these gauges are as follows : SPECIFICATIONS FOR RIVER-GAUGE SHOWN IN FIGURE I. The river-gauge will be made of sound pine or oak timber, free from knots or shakes, 2 to 3 inches in thickness, 8 to 12 inches in width, and of such a length as to extend from 2 feet or more below the zero-point to 5 or more feet above the danger-line. The sides of the plank upon which the graduations are to be made will be planed smooth, and will receive two coats of the best white-lead paint. It will then be graduated as follows : Commencing at the point which will correspond to the zero, grad- uate the gauge both above and below that point into feet and tenths of feet. These graduations will be marked by placing copper tacks one-half inch long across the plank. ' The foot-lines will be marked by placing the head of each tack not more than one-eighth of an inch apart. The heads of these tacks should be not less than one-fourth of an inch across the top. Each foot-mark will be further designated by copper figures not less than 2 inches long by one inch in width. The figures will be securely fastened by copper nails over the central part of the division which they express. The five-tenths will be designated by tacks extending half the way across the plank while those for the tenths will be designated by tacks extending one-fourth the distance for the foot-marks. Having graduated the gauge, select a pile or other stationary object on some portion of the levee or wharf where the gauge will be secure from injury, and where it will not be left dry by low water. Lower the gauge into the water, taking care to keep it in a vertical position until it touches the bed of the river, or its zero is the point of lowest water, then securely fasten it by spikes. SPECIFICATIONS FOR RIVER-GAUGE SHOWN IN FIGURE 2. 10. Procure a piece of pine or oak timber about 2 inches thick by 10 inches in width, and of sufficient length to cover the full range of the river between extreme low and high-water marks. This timber will be placed in the river-bank, the broad side vertical, firmly im- bedded in the earth, leaving 1% inches of its width exposed above the level of the ground. The upper edge should be planed smooth, and graduated in feet and tenths of a foot after being placed in position, taking the point 8 of lowest water, or that which has been selected as the zero of the scale, locating the feet and tenths both above and below that point. The graduations for this gauge will be the same as those authorized for the gauge shown in figure i. Especial pains should be taken in graduating the gauge to see that the distances marked off upon it for each foot and its subdivision correspond exactly to a vertical foot and its subdivision, of which it is the measure. This can readily be done by means of an ordinary carpenter's square and a spirit-level. SPECIFICATIONS FOR RIVER GAUGE SHOWN IN FIGURE 3. 11. Where a stone pier or abutment is available, a very durable gauge can be made by dressing a face one foot wide, and perpendic- ular to the water-line, from extreme low water to the top of the pier or abutment. The dressed surface should be painted two coats of the best black paint, after all holes and indentations in the pier have been filled by cement. The space both above and below the point at which the zero will be placed is to be graduated into feet and tenths. The figures indi- cating the foot-marks to be not less than 2 inches in height, painted white, and placed as shown in figure 3. The half-foot marks to be indicated by lines painted in red; those for tenths to be painted white. The lines representing the foot-marks, the half-foot marks, and the tenths to be exactly one-fourth of an inch in width. SPECIFICATIONS FOR RIVER GAUGE SHOWN IN FIGURE 4. 12. Where a permanent sloping bank or levee is available, a gauge can be made of stone in the following manner : Blocks of stone, with one corner dressed to a right angle, should be placed in the bank or levee, like the steps of a stair. If it is nec- essary to place the gauge where there is heavy teaming, each block should have a rise of one-half of a foot ; in the absence of traffic, a rise of one foot to each block may be given. The foot-marks should be cut*in the top of each block, and the tenths in the perpendicular face. 13. River observations must be made and reported with regularity and accuracy. When an observer is compelled to intrust this duty to another, he should impress upon the person selected the importance of taking great care in making the observations. RAIN-GAUGE. 14. The rain-gauge must be placed, whenever practicable, with the top of the funnel-shaped collector twelve inches above the surface of the ground, firmly fixed in a vertical position, and protected from the interference of unauthorized persons. It must be examined at the time of making each observation, the amount of water it Bg.l JZ ^ern ,eJLi 0iW a Xer. "WaterXiirie. H 5ft + 6" > = 1 4ft 3ft I 2ft HffiE - I 1ft s| 4 = 1 1ft = i L_J S if, pile of wharf, levee or bridge. K, pine scantling divided in feet and tenths of a foot. S, iron or copper strap fasten- ed to edge of scantling, with ser- rated or notched edge, indicating feet and tenths of a foot corres- ponding to divisions painted on scantling. "River TB o ttom A, a plank to be graduated in feet and tenths of a foot, after insertion in bank, by means of the upright meat>uring-rod By etraight-edgo and spirit-level cross- •wist), as shown by the dotted linos at C Fig. 3. ll~Wt D, pier or abutment of bridge. E, dressed face of same, perpendicular to water-line, divided into feet and tentba of a foot. EEfcift Tlg-4. Extreme JF_ig_ "W-ttex 2 feet. lfbot — G _^ J "Water- l__e — <*>S ______ — . ________ — _>___- o G --! l£t. jS^ _ f permanent sloping river tank or levee. (?, stone steps, each one-half foot high, divided into tenths of a foot. 9 contains carefully measured by means of the measuring-stick sent with the gauge, and then emptied and returned to its proper position. When a position on the ground with a sufficiently clear exposure, cannot be found, the gauge should be placed upon the roof of a building. The measuring-rod is graduated in inches and tenths. The pro- portion between the cylinder and funnel is as one to ten, so that ten inches upon the rod correspond to one inch of actual rainfall, one inch on the rod to one-tenth of rain, and one-tenth on the rod to one-hundredth of rain. Example : If the rod indicates four and two-tenths (4.20) inches of water in the gauge 5 , then forty-two (0.42) hundredths of an inch of rainfall will be recorded on Form 114. Always divide the amount of water in the gauge, as shown by the measuring-stick, by ten, and the result will be the amount of rainfall. 15. The rain that has fallen since the last observation will be measured as near the time of taking the river observation as prac- ticable. When the amount is less than one-hundredth of an inch it will be indicated by the letter "T" in the proper space on Form 114. A careful record will be kept of the times of the beginning and ending of precipitation ; intervals of fifteen minutes, or less, between the times of ending and re-commencement not being considered except near observation time. In the warm months of the year the rate of evaporation often exceeds that of precipitation. When this is the case, and when rain- fall has occurred since the last observation and ceases before the next observation, it will be measured and recorded as soon as it ceases. SNOW-FALL. 16. Snow must be melted, then measured and recorded in the same manner as rain. When rain and snow occur on the same day the amount of melted snow in inches and hundredths must be added to the rainfall, and the sum entered in the proper space for the day on Form 114. A measurement of the show before melting should be made in inches and tenths, and entered in the proper space for the day in the col- umn headed "Depth of snow on ground." 17. In addition to measuring the amount of snowfall since last observation and reporting it, a measurement will be made of the actual depth, in inches, of the snow on the ground, not taking into consideration the period during which it fell. This amount will be included in the message containing the observation. It will be expressed by the words one, two, three, four, etc. 18. The word to express this amount will be next to the last word In the cipher-message. For example, if the average depth of snow 10 on the ground is five inches, the observer will write the word "five" in the proper space on Form 203. If the snow measures fourteen inches the word "fourteen" will be written, etc., .care being taken to express these quantities always by words and never by figures. WIND-VANE. 19. The vane must be exposed where the wind can act freely upon it from all directions. Observations of the wind require some care. When the wind is so light as not to disturb the leaves of trees it may be considered as calm and so recorded. In a calm there is no wind and consequently no direction. The attention of observers is called to this fact so as to prevent their recording^ a direction of wind during a calm. 20. Wind direction will be designated by the eight, principal points of the compass, viz : N., NE, E., SE., S., SW., W., and NW. 21. Wind-vanes will not be furnished stations where the observer can determine the direction of the wind from a vane on a building in the vicinity. 22. In using the instructions contained in the following paragraphs, describ- ing when observations are to be taken and how dispatched, observers will be governed by those paragraphs in which the blank spaces are filled up. TIME OF OBSERVATIONS. 23. The river observation at will be taken at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, which corresponds to m., local time - and transmitted by to 24. When the rise has been or more feet during the past twenty-four hours, or the rainfall equals or exceeds inches, or when ordered by observer, the observation will be enciphered and tele- graphed to observer .___ 25. When special reports are sent, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and a report has not been telegraphed in the past twenty- four hours, they must show, besides the stage of water at the time of observation, the total change (either rise or fall) in the twenty- four hours immediately preceding. This information will be given by adding to the regular report the cipher-words indicating the change, always placing them immediately before the name of the observer. For example: If the river has fallen two feet, six-tenths, then the cipher-words would be "two, six, fall;" if it has risen ten feet, four tenths, then the words "ten, four, rise," would be added. If a report has been telegraphed in the past twenty-four hours this change will not be reported. Rg.5. 11 SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS. 26. When the rise of the water is gradual the observation made at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time, daily, will be sufficient. When a rise is sudden and dangerous, or when special reports are called for by the observer at 1 , other readings should be taken and telegraphed to observer 27. The observer at is authorized to call for special telegrams from your station. In such cases he will specify the number of reports to be taken each day and the period they are to continue. Example : Pittsburg, Pa., March 10, 1889. To Observer, Morgantown, W. Va. Send special observations at 9 a. m., 12 m., and 6 p. m., this date. Observer* 28. All observations must be taken promptly at the hours desig- nated, immediately enciphered, and sent to the observer calling for them. The local time corresponding to 75th meridian time will be found in the table on page . 29. All observations must be made on 75th meridian time. 30. Special telegrams of the formation or breaking up of ice- gorges, the presence of floating-ice when liable to gorge, of heavy drift or other obstructions in the river, when of sufficient extent to endanger navigation or destroy property, will be sent to the observer at , giving in as few words as possible the location and extent of the dam, break, or obstruction. 31. A report will also be sent to observer ■_ on the closing of navigation, by the river freezing over, and of the opening of the same. ENCIPHERING REPORTS. 32. Telegraphic reports will be sent in the cipher accompanying these instructions, and in the manner explained in paragraph 34. When the river is rising at the time of observation the cipher-words ■ in the column headed "rise" will be used; when it is falling, those in the column headed "fall." ^t,. Reports must be printed on Form 203, which will be made in duplicate. One copy will be given to the local telegraph operator, and the other retained by the special observer. The messages must be filed at the telegraph office within fifteen minutes after the time of taking the observation. 34. Reports for telegraphic transmission will be enciphered on Form 203, as follows: 12 The first space will contain the word " observer;" the second the name of the place to which the report is to be telegraphed; the third the name of the station from which the report is telegraphed; the fourth the cipher-word for the date and time of the report; the fifth the word to indicate the direction of wind and state of weather; the sixth the word for the depth of water ; the seventh the amount of rainfall; the eighth the depth of unmelted snow in inches; and ninth the surname of the observer sending the report. If there is no snow on the ground,, the name of the observer will go in the eighth space. If no rain has fallen, his name will go in the seventh space. 35. The following is an example of an enciphered report with the translation. The water is supposed to be above the zero of gauge and the ground covered with snow: Example. [Form No. 203.] War Department, Signal Service. River observation taken at Clinton, Tenn., on March 1, 1889, at 8 a. m., 75t/i meridian time. 1 Observer. 2 Chattanooga. 3 Clinton. 4 Baby. 5 Home. 6 Schedule. 7 8 9 10 Handed to operator 7.45 a. m., local time. Note. — Operators will send only the matter inside the lines. translation. Observer ) Address of Signal Service observer at Chattanooga, Chattanooga. _ j Tenn. Clinton — Name of river station at Clinton, Tenn. -d -> j Date of report First day of the month. ( Time of observation, 75th meridian time 8 o'clock a m. Tj ( State of weather Rain. ' \ Direction of wind . _ _ . Northwest. Schedule \ Sta § e of water in the river 12 -5 f eet - 1 River rising Rabbit — Amount of rainfall, .01 of an inch. Ten — Depth of unmelted snow on the ground, ten inches. Jones — Name of river observer. The following is an example of an enciphered report,' followed by the translation, when the river is below the zero of the gauge and there is no snow on the ground : 13 Example. [Form No. 203.] War Department, Signal Service. River observation taken at Helena, Ark., on April 20, 1889, at 8 a. m., 75//? meridian time. 1 1 2 Observer. Memphis. 3 Helena. 4 Bear. 5 Hidden. 6 Kitten. 7 Smith. 8 9 10 Handed to operator 7.20 a. m., local time. Note. — Operators will send only the matter inside the lines. TRANSLATION. tit m -, • y Address of observer at Memphis, Tenn. Memphis \ r ' Helena — Name of river station at Helena, Ark. -d j Date Twentieth day of the month. ( Time of observation, 75th meridian time . _ 8 o'clock a. m. rj.ii j State of weather" Cloudless. ( Direction of wind West. tt-.. , j Height of water below zero of gauge. . j 2 feet and 8- ( River falling ( tenths of a foot. Smith — Name of river observer at Helena. ENCIPHERING SPECIAL REPORTS. 36. Special reports will be telegraphed in the same manner as reports of regular observations, by using the proper cipher word to express the date and time of observation. MONTHLY REPORTS. 37. Form 114 (monthly report) will be filled up in duplicate as the headings of the several columns indicate. One copy will be for- warded to observer , and the other retained for file and reference. When more than one observation is taken daily, a Form 114 will be used for each series of observa- tions — that is, all the regular observations will be entered on one form and all the special observations on an additional one. 38. Great care must be taken to enter all the observations, as these monthly reports are used in auditing the account of the observer. 39. On the last day of the month during which observations have been taken, each river observer will mail to observer , Cop of Form.. 114, properly filled up, and also all retained copies of Form 203. A bill for services should 14 be rendered quarterly, on the first day of January, April, July, and October, for the services rendered during the three months ending the previous day. 40. Observers will not prepay telegrams on official business, as settlement will be made by the Central Office direct with the tele- graph company sending the reports. 41. All official telegrams should be marked collect government RATE. 42. The Chief Signal Officer reserves the right of withholding payment from an observer who neglects to make his reports accu- rately and forward them promptly. 43. Observations will be made on Sundays and holidays as on other days, and forwarded at the regular hours. 44. Official communications by mail should be addressed to the Observer, Signal Service, , by telegraph Observer, 45. The necessary blank forms, stationery, etc., will be furnished observers by the section centers. Timely requisitions will be made upon Observer for additional blanks and stationery whenever required. tenth of a foot, tenths TABLE FOR CONVERTING INCHES INTO TENTHS OF A FOOT. 46. If the river-gauge is graduated in feet and inches, the inches may be converted into tenths of a foot by consulting the following table : 1 inch of water equals one 2 inches " two 3 " " three 4 " " three 5 " " four 6 " " five 7 " " six • 8 " " seven 9 " " eight 10 " " eight 11" " nine 47. When the river is frozen and observations cannot be made, the word "frozen" will be entered in the proper space on Form 114. CIPHER. 48. The following cipher will be used in enciphering reports for he purpose of telegraphing : 15 •3i«a 1 CM CO ^ iO(Ot-Q0 fflOHM CONOID t-QOOSO ^ CN CO ■** O SO N 00 fflOH rH ph i-H t-l rH rH f-H rH i-H r-i CM (M CM CM CM «MCT« CM CO CO _ fii a> b^"" °« ^ -^ .s .SfS -Sp oooo oooo fc^izi fc^izijzj fc Jz; £ iz; •a •» a> 3 3 >» ci ci ci ci ri A ci cd cc rf .S .5 O O O OOOO O O 3 3 ssss ssss ssss ssss 3 3 ?v C3 ci ci c« "E h to « >».SM ci c3 aJ cfl c3 'C *"0 ^ HHH8 HHHH KHHH HSHH HKWH SWHW l&'G \ S«c2 H-gfS § =° ^2 3^ fl^»*> ddicj ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ,.2 "2 be— a a PPPP Ojj 3 ci a a a a PPPP 'C 'O r t3 <*-i a a a a PPPP nion nit njust njoin like live pay pen ci ci~ 2 g*6 o> a a a a a a a a. PPPP PPPP PPPP PPPP Ci .2'3 60 bt) ci -V ci ci.a.a s s s a & g o 3 a a a a a W ci ® JT3 -3 -3 *a -c ■ - a a a a b a ig^Sl fe^gg- bclaa fcS.jh-3 ^?P« cicicici cio)«>a> csojaiai a>»aj.,H .„.„._..« WMMM W^IWW MWUiW MMM« WWWW .§.2 a a SSgg - a §§ MW«« MWWt£( WWW lOCOt-00 OOHW CO-#iOCO t-cooio i— IrHH i— IHHH i-Hr-irHOJ CO -^ iC CD NMCftO rH CM 3=5 iO CD t* 00 COH 16 S H tXjJg ^ S ^ DO C. ffl £~ c te u o o o o o o W W WWW £ w . £ -a >. >, fc cS J3 .s * i? H © a O O coo c ° WW i-M W W =i w a T! ^ £ •s -a ©CD CD fl j ■C bD Ssa a< - WW WWW jr fe H "q O _ (D ."E -i 1 CD J3 CO 5 s WW 111 ~ W B o a a tzi .3 M V +a p ce cs cS cS ci o M hr< WWW w $ >> GO • -&-0 ■3 a a c l>> ce WW WWW £ W n s ™ m H ■*■? sa 1 c ■§ fH in eS « c6 cS WW www W W o © a p bfl a t3 S a !£b„ a a a R 1 S* ce ~- ^i © o 5*5 +s m a o & T3 O o 33 o-a^i ee cS sS =3 ci cc c8 WW WWW — w u 1 £■ C £ <+■ C 5 5 ! o "3 &> 5^ ■e a =3 S ! i Ofe PhOQ K a 17 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. Rise, River below zero of gauge. (Sixth, space in Form 203.) Jut (below zero) 4 feet Just * 9 tenths Junk 8 tenths June 7 tenths Jump 6 tenths Juggler 5 tenths Judge 4 tenths Jot 3 tenths Joke 2 tenths John 1 tenth Jogging (below zero) & feet Quiet Fall. Quorum Quoting Quoter Quoin .Quire Quip .Quinine Quince . Quinate OuilL Jockey 9 tenths Jobber 8 tenths . Quidam Quicken Quibble 7 tenths . 6 tenths _. Questor 5 tenths Quest . 4 tenths Quench tenths Jimmy Jill ___ Jigger Jib .... Jewess Jew h . __2 tenths. Jetty 1 tenth Jest (below zero) 52 feet _ _ Jerk 9 tenths Jenny _ _ 1 8 tenths Jean 7 tenths Jay 6 tenths . Jaw 5 tenths Javel 4 tenths . Jaunt 3 tenths Jaunce 2 tenths . Jasper 1 tenth Jar (below zero) . 1 foot Quaintly Jape 9 tenths Quaint Japan 8 tenths Quailing Queenly . Queen Quay .Quaver Quarter .Quoit Quash .Quart Quarrel .Quality Qualify .Quaking Ouake Jane James Jalap Jailor Jagged Jade . Jack (below zero) 7 tenths Quail . 6 tenths Quaffing 5 tenths Quaff er .4 tenths Quaff 3 tenths Quadrant . 2 tenths Question 1 tenth Quack 959—2 18 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Sabal ..©feet Tab Sabbath i tenth Tabbard Sabine 2 tenths ; Tabby Sabre 3 tenths . Table Sachem i 4 tenths Tablet Sack 5 tenths Tabling Sacket 6 tenths Taboo Sackful 7 tenths Taboret Sacking 8 tenths 1 Tabular Sackless 9 tenths Tabulate Sacrifice 1 foot . Tacking Sacrilege 1 tenth Tackle Sad 2 tenths Tact Sadden 3 tenths Tactics Saddle 4 tenths Taffy Safe 5 tenths Tag Safeguard 6 tenths Tailor Safely 7 tenths Taint Saf eness 8 tenths Taintless Safford 9 tenths Tainture Sagacious 2 feet Talent Sagely 1 tenth Tales Sagging 2 tenths Talk Said 3 tenths Talking Sail 4 tenths Taller Sailing 5 tenths Tallness Sailor 6 tenths Talon Saintly 7 tenths Talus Sake 8 tenths Tamarin Salabel 9 tenths Tame Salad 3 feet Tamer Salary 1 tenth Tamp vSalem 2 tenths Tamper Salesman 3 tenths Tamping Salient 4 tenths Tandem Salina 5 tenths Tangent Salivate 6 tenths Tangible Sallow 7 tenths Tangle Sally 8 tenths Tangly Salmon 9 tenths Tangram Salting 4: feet Tankard All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. Note. — The above cipher-words will also be used in enciphering the change in the depth of the river, as well as the depth, as called for by paragraph 59. 19 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Eise. Fall. Saltish i tenth Tanner Saltness 2 tenths Tanning Salty 3 tenths Tansy Salute 4 tenths Tantamount Saluda 5 tenths Tape Salvage 6 tenths Taper Salve 7 tenths Tapestry Salvia 8 tenths Tapish Salvor 9 tenths Tardy Sameness «i feet Targum Samite 1 tenth Tariff Samlet 2 tenths Tarnish Sample 3 tenths Tarry Sampson 4 tenths Tarsal Sam 5 tenths Tart Samuel 6 tenths Tartar Sanborn 7 tenths Tartish Sanctum 8 tenths Tartly Sand 9 tenths Tartness Sanders © feet Taste Sandford 1 tenth Tasteful Sandish 2 tenths Tasteless Sandwich 3 tenths Tasting Sandy 4 tenths Tasty Sane 5 tenths Tatter Saneness 6 tenths Tattle Sanguine 7 tenths Tattoo Sanity * 8 tenths Taught Sap 9 tenths Taunt^ Sapless 7 feet Tawny Sapling 1 tenth Tax Sapper 2 tenths Taxable Sappy 3 tenths Taxation Sarcasm 4 tenths _ _ . Taxless Sardine 5 tenths Tea Sardonic 6 tenths Teach Sash 7 tenths Teaching Satan l 8 tenths Teachless Satanic 9 tenths Team Satilla 8 feet Tear All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. y 20 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Satinet i tenth Tedious Satire 2 tenths Teeth Satisfy 3 tenths Telegram Satrap 4 tenths Telephone Saturate 1 5 tenths Tell Saturday 6 tenths Teller Saturn 7 tenths Telling Sauce 8 tenths Temperance Saucepan 9 tenths Temperate Saucy 9 feet Temple Saul 1 tenth Tempt Saunter 2 tenths Tenance Sausage 3 tenths Tenant Savage 4 tenths Tend Savant 5 tenths Tendance Save 6 tenths Tender Saville 7 tenths Tendril Saving 8 tenths Tendron Savana 9 tenths Tenement Savoy . . 1 © feet Tense Sawfish 1 tenth Tensely Sawyer 2 tenths . _ Tensile Saxon 3 tenths Tension Say 4 tenths Tent Saying 5 tenths Tentful vScab 6 tenths Tenth Scabbard 7 tenths Tenting Scaffold . 8 tenths Tenure Scald 9 tenths Tepid Scalp 11 feet Terminal Scaly 1 tenth Termless Scamble 2 tenths Terrell Scamp 3 tenths Terrible Scamper : 4 tenths Terrify Scandal 5 tenths Terry Scantling 6 tenths Test Scantly 7 tenths Testable Scape 8 tenths Testament Scarce 9 tenths Testate Scarf . _ 12 feet Testing All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 21 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Eise. Scarlet i Scathe 2 Scatter 3 Scene 4 Schedule 5 Scheme 6 Scholar 7 School ." 8 Schooner 9 Scorch 1 Scorn 1 Scornful 2 Scottish 3 Scotland 4 Scott 5 Scoundrel 6 Scour 7 Scourge . 8 Scout 9 Scowl 1 Scrambled 1 Scrambling 2 Scrap 3 Scraper 4 Scraping 5 Scratch 6 Scrawl 7 Scream 8 Screw 9 Scribe 1 Script 1 Scripture 2 Scrivner 3 Scrofula 4 Scroll 5 Scrub 6 Scrubbed 7 Scrubby 8 Scruple 9 Scully 1 Fall, tenth Tether tenths Teuton tenths Texas tenths Text tenths Textile tenths Texture tenths Thaler tenths Than tenths Thanks 3 feet That tenth Thatcher tenths Thaw tenths Thee tenths Theatre tenths Theban tenths Theft tenths Theme tenths Then tenths Thence 4 feet Therein tenth Thereof tenths Thermal tenths Thesis tenths They tenths Thick tenths Thicken tenths Thicket tenths Thickly tenths Thickness & feet Thigh tenth Thimble tenths Thime tenths Thing tenths Think tenths Thinker tenths Thinking tenths Thinly tenths Thinness tenths Thinning ©feet Thirst All cipher- words must be printed distinctly. 22 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Sculpin i tenth Thirsty Sculptor '___■_ 2 tenths This Sculpture 3 tenths Thistle Scum 4 tenths Thither Scurvy 5 tenths Thomas Scuttle 6 tenths Thompson Scythe 7 tenths Thorn Seaboard 8 tenths Thorndike Seaford 9 tenths Thornton Seamless 17 feet Thorough Seaside 1 tenth Those Season 2 tenths Though Seaton 3 tenths Thought Seaville . 4 tenths Thoughtful Sebate 5 tenths Thousand Sebago 6 tenths Thrall Secede 7 tenths Thralldom Seclude 8 tenths Thrash Second 9 tenths Thread Section 18 feet Thribble Secular 1 tenth Thrice Secure : . . 2 tenths Thrift Sedalia 3 tenths Thrive Sedan 4 tenths Throat Sedate 5 tenths Throb Sedge . 6 tenths Throne Sedgewick 7 tenths Throng Sedition 8 tenths Throttle Seduce 9 tenths Through Seek 19 feet Thud Seeking 1 tenth Thug Seem 2 tenths Thumb Seeming 3 tenths Thump Seemly 4 tenths .... . . Thunder Segment 5 tenths Thurl Seize 6 tenths Thurlow Seizure 7 tenths Thurman Selby 8 tenths ... Thursday Seldom 9 tenths Thus Selfish *2© feet Thyself All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 23 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Kise. Fall. Sell i tenth Ticket Selma 2 tenths Ticklish Semblance 3 tenths Tidal Semble 4 tenths Tide Seminate 5 tenths Tideless Senate 6 tenths Tidings Senator 7 tenths Tidy Send 8 tenths Tierce Sending 9 tenths Tiff Sense _ 31 feet Tif ton Senseless 1 tenth Tiger Sensible 2 tenths Tight Sensive 3 tenths Tighten Sensor 4 tenths Tightness Sentence 5 tenths Tigress Sentiment : 6 tenths Tilden Sentine 7 tenths Tillage Sentinel 8 tenths Tilt Sentry 9 tenths Tilting September !S3 feet Timid Septic 1 tenth Timothy Sequence 2 tenths Tin Seraph 3 tenths Tincture Serenade 4 tenths Tindall Serene 5 tenths Tinge Serf 6 tenths Tingley Serfage 7 tenths Tinker Sergeant 8 tenths Tinkle Series 9 tenths Tinman Serpent SO feet Tinney Serval 1 tenth Tioga Servant 2 tenths Tip Serve • 3 tenths Tipton Service 4 tenths Tipple Servive 5 tenths Tipsy Serving 6 tenths Tiptoe Servitude 7 tenths Tiptop Session 8 tenths Tirade Set 9 tenths Tiresome Settle 34 feet Tither All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 21 RIVER. REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Eise. Settlement i tenth Settler 2 tenths Settling 3 tenths Seventh ' 4 tenths tenths Sever. Several . . Severance Sew Sewage Sewing __SI«Sfeet Sex 1 tenth Fall. Tithly .Title Titmouse Titular Titus 6 tenths Toad 7 tenths Toast 8 tenths Toasting 9 tenths Tobacco Toil , Toilet Sextant 2 tenths Toilful Sextile 3 tenths Toiling Sexton 4 tenths Toilsome Shabby 5 tenths Token Shackle 6 tenths Told Shad 7 tenths Toleston Shaddock 8 tenths Tolerate Shading 9 tenths Tom Shaft SMS feet Tombless Shaggy 1 tenth Tomboy Shake 2 tenths Tompkins Shaken 3 tenths Tone Shall 4 tenths Toneless Shallow 5 tenths Tongs Shamble 6 tenths Tongue Shambling 7 tenths Tonic Shame 8 tenths Tonnage Shameful 9 tenths Tonsil Shanghai 27 feet Tool Shanks 1 tenth Topaz Shannon 2 tenths Topic Shanty 3 tenths Topless Shape 4 tenths Topmast Shapeless 5 tenths Topping Share 6 tenths Torch Sharp 7 tenths Torment Sharpen 8 , tenths Tornado Sharply 9 tenths Torpedo Shaver 28 feet Torrent All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 25 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River abGve zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Shaving i tenth Torrid Shaw V 2 tenths Torsion Shawl 3 tenths Tortive Shawnee 'j.~ 4 tenths Tortoise She 5 tenths Torture Sheaf . 6 tenths Tory Shear 7 tenths ' Toss Shearing '. 8 tenths Tossing Sheathe 9 tenths Total Shedding '____' S@ feet . Tough Sheep i tenth Toughly Sheepish 2 tenths Toughness Sheepy 3 tenths Tour Sheet 4 tenths Tournament Shelburne 5 tenths Tow Shelby _ 6 tenths Towage Sheldon 7 tenths Towanda Shelf 8 tenths Towards Shell 9 tenths Towing Shelly ", 3© feet Townsend Shelter 1 tenth Town Shelve 2 tenths Township Shelving 3 tenths Townsman Shepherd 4 tenths . Towser Sheridan 5 tenths Toy Sheriff 6 tenths Toy f ul Sherman 7 tenths Toyish Sherry 8 tenths _ v Toyman Sherwood 9 tenths Trace Shiftless '_ . 8 1 feet _ : 1 : Track Shilling 1 tenth Trackless Shiloh 2 tenths . Tracy Shindle 3 tenths Trade Shine : 4 tenths . - Tradesman Shingle 5 tenths Tradition Shining 6 tenths Traduce Ship 7 tenths Traffic Shipman _/ 8 tenths Tragedy Shipment 9 tenths Tragic Shirt 33 feet Trait All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 26 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Eise. Fall. Shirtless i tenth Traitor Shiver 2 tenths Trammel Shoal 3 tenths Tramp Shock 4 tenths Trample Shocking- 5 tenths Tramway Shoddy 6 tenths Trance Shoe 7 tenths Tranquil Shoeless 1 8 tenths Transact Shoot 9 tenths Transcend Shorn 33 feet Transfer Shorten 1 tenth Transfix Shortly 2 tenths Transform Shortness 3 tenths Transgress Should . 4 tenths Tranship Shoulder 5 tenths Transient Shout _- . 6 tenths Transit Shouting 7 tenths Translate Shovel 8 tenths Transmit Shower 9 tenths Transom Showy 34 feet Transport Shred 1 tenth Transpose Shrewd 2 tenths Trap Shrewdly 3 tenths Trapeze Shrewdness .' 4 tenths Trapper Shrill 5 tenths Trappings Shrink 6 tenths Trash Shrinkage 7 tenths Travel Shroud ■ 8 tenths Traverse Shroudless 9 tenths Tray Shrubless 35 feet Treason Shrug 1 tenth Treasure Shrunken 2 tenths Treasury Shuck 3 tenths Treat Shucking 4 tenths Treatise Shudder 5 tenths Treatment Shuffle 6 tenths Treaty Shuffling 7 tenths Treble Shumac 8 tenths Tree Shun 9 tenths Trellis Shut 30 feet Tremor All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 27 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Shuttle i tenth Trench Shy 2 tenths Trend Shyness 3 tenths Trenton Siam 4 tenths Trespass Sibley 5 tenths Trestle Sicily 6 tenths Trial Sicken 7 tenths Tribe Sickish 8 tenths* Tribunal Sickle 9 tenths Tribune Siddons - »7 feet Trifle Side 1 tenth Trigger Siding 2 tenths Trill Sidney 3 tenths Trillion Siege 4 tenths Trimley Sieve 5 tenths Trimmer Sift 6 tenths Trimming Sifter 7 tenths Trinity vSigel 8 tenths Triplet Sigh 9 tenths Tripod Sightful 38 feet Trojan Sightless 1 tenth Trombone Sightly . 2 tenths Troop Sigma 3 tenths Trophy Sign 4 tenths Tropic Signal 5 tenths Trot Signature 6 tenths Trouble Signers 7 tenths Trousers Signet 8 tenths Trout Signify 9 tenths Trowel Silent 39 feet Trudge Silently 1 tenth True Silex 2 tenths Trumbull Silk 3 tenths Trueman Silky 4 tenths Trumpet Sillon 5 tenths Trundle Silver 6 tenths Trunk Similar 7 tenths Trusion Simmer . 8 tenths Truss Simmons 9 tenths Trustee Simpless 40 feet Truthful All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 28 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Simpleton i Simplify 2 Simply 3 Simulate i 4 Sin 5 Since 6 Sincere 7 Sindon *.? 8 Sinclair 9 Sinful . . 4 Sing 1 Singer 2 Single 3 Singly 4 Singular 5 Sinister 6 Sink 7 Sinless 8 Sinner 9 Sioux . 4 Sipping 1 Siphon 2 Sipid 3 Sippet 4 Sisson 5 Sister 6 Sitka 7 Situate 8 Sixpence 9 Skate 4 Skein 1 Skeleton 2 Skeptic 3 Sketch 1 4 Skiff 5 Skillful 6 Skill 4 7 Skilled... 8 Skillet 9 vSkipper tenth Truthless tenths Truxton tenths Trying tenths Tub tenths Tubing tenths Tuft tenths Tulip tenths Tumble tenths Tumid 1 feet Tune tenth Tuneful tenths Tuneless tenths Tunnel tenths Turban tenths Turf tenths Turfless tenths Turk tenths Turkey tenths Turn S feet Turning tenth Turnip tenths Turret tenths Turtle tenths Tuscan tenths Tussock tenths Tutor tenths Twain tenths Twelfth tenths Twice 3 feet Twin tenth Twist tenths Ugly tenths Ulan tenths Ulcer tenths Ultimate tenths Ultimo tenths Ultra tenths „ Umber tenths Umbrage feet . . Unarm All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Skirmish i tenth Skulk 2 tenths . Skulking 3 tenths Skull 4 tenths Skylark 5 tenths Skyward 6 tenths . tenths Fall. Unbar .Unbend Unbias Unbid Unbind .Unblest Unbolt 8 tenths Unborn 9 tenths Unbound 4*5 feet Uncase 1 tenth Slacken Slackness Slander Slash Slate Slating' 2 tenths Slaughter 3 tenths Slave 4 tenths Slavery 5 tenths Slavish 6 tenths Slay 7 tenths Sled 8 tenths Sledge 9 tenths Sleeping 46 feet Undo Sleepless 1 tenth Undone Sleepy 2 tenths Undraw Sleet 3 tenths Undress vSleeve 4 tenths Undue Sleighing 5 tenths Uneasy Slender 6 tenths Unfair Unchain Unclasp Uncle Unclean Unclog Uncork Uncouth Uncover Uncurl Slew 7 tenths Slice . 8 tenths. Slide / 9 tenths Sloop : 47 feet . Slumber 1 tenth Sly ... Smack Small 4 tenths Smart 5 tenths Unfit Unfold Unfurl .Uniform Union 2 tenths Unison 3 tenths Unite Unity- Unjoin Smell 6 tenths Unjust Smile 7 tenths Unkind Smith : 8 tenths Unknown Smoke 9 tenths Unlace Snake 48 feet Unlock All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 30 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Snow i tenth Unmanly- Snuff 2 tenths Unmask Soda 3 tenths Unripe Solder 4 tenths Unroll Soon 5 tenths Unruly Sorrow 6 tenths Unsafe South 7 tenths Unsay Space 8 tenths Unsound Spain - 9 tenths Untie Spark 49 feet Unwell Speed i tenth • Upset Splice 2 tenths _ . . Upton Sponge 3 tenths Urchin Spread 4 tenths Urge Spring 5 tenths Usage Spruce . 6 tenths Useful Square 7 tenths Usher Squint ■ 8 tenths Usual Stage 9 tenths Usurp Starch •?© feet Ubi Stab i tenth . Uber Stable 2 tenths Udder Stack 3 tenths Ukase Staff 4 tenths Ullage Staid 5 tenths Ulnar Stain = __ = : _ -^ 6 tenths Umbel Stair 7 tenths Umbra Stake 8 tenths Umbrel Stalk 9 tenths Unapt Stammer 5\ feet Undock Stanch i tenth Unmoor Stang 2 tenths Unmove Stank 3 tenths Unnerve Staple 4 tenths Unoil Star 5 tenths Unown Stare -. 6 tenths Unpart Stark 7 tenths Unpave Start 8 tenths Unpay Starve 9 tenths Unpen Station --SUB feet Uncap All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 31 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Statist i tenth Unrig Statue 2 tenths Unright Stave 3 tenths Unring Stays 4 tenths Unriot Stead 5 tenths Unroot Steal 6 tenths Unsaid Steam 7 tenths Unseat Steane 8 tenths Unseen Steel 9 tenths Unset Steg *i«l feet Unshape Stella i tenth Unsheath Stem 2 tenths Unship Stench 3 tenths Unshod Stent . 4 tenths Unshook Step 5 tenths Unshorn Stere 6 tenths Unshot Sterile 7 tenths Unshrunk Stern 8 tenths Unshut Steve 9 tenths Unsoft Stibal JH4t feet Unsown Stick i tenth Unspeak Stiff 2 tenths Unsped Stiffen 3 tenths v Unspent Stiffness 4 tenths Unspied Stifle 5 tenths Unsplit Stigh 6 tenths Unspot vStigma 7 tenths Unstaid Stile 8 tenths Unstate Still 9 tenths Unstop Stinger && feet Untaint Stink i tenth Untame Stint 2 tenths Untaste Stipe 3 tenths Untax Stipend 4 tenths Unteach Stipple 5 tenths Untent Stiptic 6 tenths Until Stir 7 tenths Unto Stirk 8 tenths Untomb Strip 9 tenths Untried Stoak 56 feet Untune All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 32 RIVER REPORT IN FEET AND TENTHS OF A FOOT. River above zero of gauge. Rise. Fall. Stockade i tenth Untwine Stock 2 tenths Untwist Stocking 3 tenths Unuse Stoic 4 tenths Unusual Stoke 5 tenths Unvail Stoll 6 tenths Unvex Stomach 7 tenths Unvote Stone 8 tenths Unwarp Stood 9 tenths Unwary Stoor 57 feet Unwept Stopper i tenth Unwet Stopple 2 tenths . . Unwield Storage 3 tenths Unwind Store a 4 tenths Unwise Storial 5 tenths Unwound Stork 6 tenths Unwrap Storm 7 tenths Unwrung Story 8 tenths Unyoke Stot 9 tenths Unzone Stout 118 feet Upgrow Stove i tenth Upheave Stow 2 tenths Uphold Straddle / 3 tenths Upland Straggle 4 tenths Uplay Straight 5 tenths Upled Strain 6 tenths Uplift Strait 7 tenths Uplook Strake 8 tenths Upon Strand 9 tenths Upper Strap lif) feet . Uprise Strata i tenth Uproar Strategy ' 2 tenths Upshot Stratagem 3 tenths Upstart Stratum 4 tenths Upstear Straw 5 tenths Upstrain Stray 6 tenths Upturn Streak 7 tenths Upward Stream 8 tenths Upwind Street 9 tenths Urbane Stretch 60 feet Usure All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 33 0.00 to 0.49 inch. *Johnson o.oi Rabbit 0.02 Rabble 0.03 Raccoon 0.04 Race 0.05 Racer 0.06 Rack 0.07 Racket 0.08 Racy 0.09 Raddock 0.10 Radiant 0.1 1 Radiate 0.12 Radical 0.13 Radish 0.14 Radius 0.15 Raffle 0.16 Raft 0.17 Rafting 0.18 Rag 0.19 Rage 0.20 Rageful 0.21 Ragged 0.22 Ragman 0.23 Raid 0.24 Rail 0.25 Railing 0.26 Rain 0.27 Rainbow 0.28 Rainless 0.29 Rainy 0.30 Raise 0.31 Raisin 0.32 Rake 0.33 Raking 0.34 Rally 0.35 Ramage 0.36 Ramble 0.37 Rampage 0.38 Rampant 0.39 Ramrod 0.40 Ransom 0.41 Ranche 0.42 Rancid 0.43 Rancor 0.44 Random 0.45 Range 0.46 Ranger 0.47 Rank 0.48 Rankness 0.49 Ransack RAINFALL SINCE LAST REPORT. In inches and hundredths of an inch. O PI 03 ■ — 1 B u o a •1-1 O o +3 03 03 O 0.50 to 0.99 inch. 0.50 °-5i Rap Rapid 0.52 Rapine °-53 o-54 Rapture Rascal °-55 Rash 0.56 Rashly 0.57 Rashness 0.58 Rat °-59 Rather 0.60 0.61 Ratify Ratio 0.62 Ration 0.63 Rattle 0.64 Ravage 0.65 Ravel 0.66 Raven 0.67 Ravish 0.68 Rawley 0.69 Raymond 0.70 Razor 0.71 0.72 Reaching Read 0.73 0.74 o-75 0.76 Reading Ready Really Ream 0.77 0.78 Reap Rear 0.79 Reason 0.80 Rebate 0.81 Rebel 0.82 Rebound 0.83 Rebuff 0.84 Rebuild 0.85 Rebuke 0.86 Rebut 0.87 Recall 0.88 Recast 0.89 Recede 0.90 0.91 Receipt Receive 0.92 Recent °-93 0.94 Reception Recess °-95 0.96 Rechange Recite 0.97 Reckless 0.98 Reckon 0.99 Reclaim * This word must be used in telegrams for rainfall when rain has fallen since the last report, hut the amount found in the gauge is less than 0.01 of an inch. All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 959—3 34 RAINFALL SINCE LAST REPORT. 1.00 to 1.49 inches, i.oo Reclasp i.oi Recline i.o2 Reclining 1.03 Recluse 1.04 Recoil 1.05 Record 1.06 Recount 1.07 Recourse 1.08 Recover 1.09 Recruit 1. 10 Rector 1.1 1 Recur 1. 1 2 Recusant 1. 13 Red 1. 14 Redden 1. 15 Redeem 1. 1 6 Redoubt 1. 1 7 Redound 1. 18 Redraw 1. 19 Redress 1.20 Reduce 1. 2 1 Reed 1.22 Reef 1.23 Refer 1.24 Refill 1.25 Refine 1.26 Refit 1.27 Reflect 1.28 Refloat 1.29 Reflux 1.30 Refold 1.3 1 Reforge 1.32 Reform 1.33 Refrain 1.34 Refresh 1.35 Refuge 1.36 Refund 1.37 Refusal 1.38 Refuse 1.39 Refute 1.40 Regain 1. 41 Regal 1.42 Regard 1.43 Regatta 1.44 Regent 1.45 Regiment 1.46 Region 1.47 Register 1.48 Regrade 1.49 Regret In inches and hundredths of an inch. O a CO CD CD a u o a •1-1 c6 Sh Cm O CO CD o •l-H a CD CD CD m 1.50 to 1.99 inches. 50 Regular 51 Regulate 52 Rehash 53 Rehearse 54 Reject 55 Rejoice 56 Rejoin 57 Rejudge 58 Relapse 59 Relate 60 Relation 61 Relative 62 Relator 63 Relax 64 Relaying 65 Release 66 Relent 67 Relenting 68 Reliance 69 Relic 70 Relief 71 Relieve 72 Religion 73 Relish 74 Reload 75 Reluctant 76 Rely 77 Remade 78 Remain 79 Remake 80 Remand 81 Remark 82 Remedy 83 Remember 84 Reminder 85 Remiss 86 Remit 87 Remnant 88 Remodel 89 Remold 90 Remorse 91 Remote 92 Remotely 93 Remount 94 Removal 95 Remove 96 Render 97 Renerve 98 Renew 99 Rennet All cipher-words must be printed distinctly. 35 RAINFALL SINCE LAST REPORT. In inches and hundredths of an inch. 2.00 to 2.49 inches. 2.00 Renown 2.01 Rent 2.02 Rental 2.03 Replace 2.04 Repack 2.05 Repaint 2.06 Repair 2.07 Repast 2.08 Repay 2.09 Repeal 2.10 Repeater 2. 1 1 Repel 2.12 Repent 2.13 Repine 2.14 Replacing 2.15 Replant 2.16 Repleat 2.17 Replevin 2.18 Replevy 2.19 Replunge 2.20 Reply • 2.21 Report 2.22 Reposal 2.23 Repose 2.24 Repress 2.25 Reprieve 2.26 Reprint 2.27 Reproach 2.28 Reproof 2.29 Reprove 2.30 Reptile 2.31 Repugn 2.32 Repulse 2.33 Repute 2.34 Request 2.35 Require 2.36 Rescind 2.37 Rescue 2.38 Research 2.39 Resend 2.40 Reserve 2.41 Reset 2.42 Reship 2.43 Reside 2.44 Resident 2.45 Resign 2.46 Resin 2.47 Resist 2.48 Resolute 2.49 Resolve o a 03 CD ■— I o a •1-1 o3 f-, o 02 (D I a> m 3.50 to 4.00 inches. 3-5° Ross 3-5 1 Roster 3-5 2 Rostrum 3-53 Rosy 3-54 Rotary 3-55 Rotate 3-5 6 Rotten 3-57 Rotunda 3-58 Rough 3-59 Roughly 3.60 Round 3.61 Rouse 3.62 Rousing 3- 6 3 Route 3-64 Routine 3-65 Roving 3.66 Row 3.67 Rowdy 3.68 Royal 3-69 Rub 3-7° Rubbage 3-7 1 Rubber 3-7 2 Rubbing 3-73 Rubbish 3-74 Ruby 3-75 Rudder 3-76 Rude 3-77 Rudeness 3-78 Ruffian 3-79 Rufus 3.80 Rugged 3.81 Ruinous 3.82 Rule 3-83 Ruling 3.84 Rummage 3-8 5 Rumor 3.86 Rumpus 3-87 Run 3.88 Running 3.89 Ruption 3-9° Rural 3-9 1 Rusking 3-9 2 Russell 3-93 Russia 3-94 Rust 3-95 Rustic 3.96 Rusty 3-97 Ruth 3-9 8 Rutland 3-99 Rutter 4.00 Rutledge. of rainfall since the last report exceeds four inches, two or more to express it in the telegram. .- All cipher- words must be printed distinctly. 37 DEPTH OF SNOW ON GROUND. At time of observation. For i inch of snow send the word One 2 do Two 3 do. .Three 4 do 1 _ Four 5... do Five 6 do Six 7 do Seven 8 ...do Eight 9 do . Nine 10 do Ten 11 do. Eleven 12 do Twelve 13. do .Thirteen 14 do Fourteen &c &c &c. &c. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS