&^. ^5V/ ■ u/7^ Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5 ^i A GUIDE 1^^ — TO— GYMNASTIC EXERCISE, With explanations for executing the principal movements on a number of the most popnlar pieces of Gymnastic Ap- paratus, including- CHEST PULLEYS. LEG DEVELOPER, FORE-ARM DEVELOPER, NECK DEVELOPER, . ABDOMINALAND C2 GIANT PULLEYS, . QUARTER CIRCLE, Etc. Issued for the use of members of the Young Men^ Christian Association, of ST. LOUIS. ]8S8: Perhix (.t Smith, Print 208 and -210 Olive St. COPYRIGHTED BY C M. WILLIAMS, 1 888. (^V: CHEST PULLEYS. ANTERIOR WIOVEIVIENTS. POSITION -Stand erect lacing the pulleys, the head well up in the air, the chest thrown out and shoulders back. The arms are extended in front, the hands grasping the pulley- handles, the palms turned DOWN. ■ The legs are straight, with feet spread sUghtly apart, to allow of " grip " on the floor. The heels touch a line rtinning at right-angles to the extended erms. Keep the arms and legs straight throughout all the anterior movements. riRST Movement .-Bend forward and downward without jerk, carrying the hands do^xTi to the floor and then resume position . Eepeat. Second Movement .-Carry the hands down to side of thighs, keeping the body erect, bringing the shoulders ^vell back, and then resume position. Repeat. Third Mo vejient. -Keeping the arms straight, carry the hands high up in the air over the head and then re- sume position. Eepeat. ANTERIOR ENDINGS. FiEST Ending.— Position with the palms turned up. Bend- ing the arms at the elbows, carry the hands in a curling manner back to the shoulders and then resume position . Eepeat. Second Ending.— Position Avith hands turned in. Fold the arms close to the body, carrying the left hand under the pit of the right arm and the right-hand over the left shoulder. Eepeat with position of hands reversed. A GUIDE TO LEG DEYELOPER. POSITION.— Back to the wall board, legs straight, right foot in stirrup . FirstMovement.— Carry the right foot up in front, keep- ing the legs straight till it assumes a line at right- angles with the supporting leg. Repeat, and alter- nate with left foot in stirrup . Second Movement —Position with right foot in stirrup, bending the leg, carry the knee well up in the aix, and then push down to starting position. Repeat, and alternate with left foot in stirrup . Third Movemext.— Position with left side to wall board, right foot in stirrup. Carry the leg ontward and upward aud then back to starting position Repeat, and alternate with right side to wall board and left foot in stirrup . FORE-ARM DEVELOPER. SuPiNATiNG Movement.— Hands grasping the bar with palms turned up. Roll the bar and unroll with hands in this position. Repeat. Pronating Movement.— Hands grasping the bar with palms turned down.— Roll and unroll the bar with hands in this position. Repeat, and alternate with right hand prone and left surpine, and then reverse this with right supine and left prone. NECK DEYELOPER. POSITION.— Place the cap on the head, face the pulley with feet spread wide apart, bend forward, plac- ing the hands on the knees. GYMNASTIC EXERCISE. First Movement.— Keeping the body perfectly still, carry the head down in front, and then up and hack. Repeat. Secoxd Movement.— Keeping the body still, carry the head toward the right side, then down in front and to the left side. Repeat. Third Movement. — Position with arras behind hack. Swing forward and down, bending the body at the waist, and then swing upward and back. Repeat. FouKTH Movement.— Position as in the third. Swing down in fi-ont and then to the right side, bending the right leg at the knee, swing down in front and then to left side, bending left leg. Repeat. CHEST BARS. POSITION.— The feet are on the floor board, spread slightly apart; the toes bear on the centre of the hoard. The hands grasp the bars at about three inches below line of shoulders. Keep the head well up. First Movement.— Push forward and in strongly carry- ing the upper part of the body between the bars, raising on the toes and then resume position. Repeat. Second Movkment.— Bend the legs, sink on the toe3, sliding the hands downwards and then resume position. Repeat. Third Moyement.— From position raise on the toes, slid- ing the hands upwards, turning the palms slightly out in so doing, and allow the body to curve for- ward between the bars, keeping the toes on the floorboard. Resume position and repeat. A GUIDE TO Combinations.— These three movements may be comi- hined at the student's will. For example: first, second, third, first and repeat. SPLIT-HANDLE GIANT PULLEY. POSITION.— Face the pulley with feet spread wide apart, hands grasping the pulley-handles, palms turned IN. Keep the legs and arms straight throughout the following movement: Principal Movement.— Swing torward and downward, eai-ryingthe hands between the legs, turning the palms down and out, turning the head to the right side to avoid the rope. Swing back to starting po- sition, and from that open the hands to side hori- zontals and at the same time lay well hack, bending the body at the waist backwards; then resume position and repeat, turning the head to the left side of rope in swinging down. ABDOMINAL OIANT PULLEY. POSITION. —Theback is against the wall board, the head, shoulders and buttocks touching it. The arms are extended over the head, the hands grasping the bar or stirrup, palms turned out. The following movement is exaggerated at each change by re- spectivelj^ moving the head, then the head and shoulders, and then the head, shoulders and but- tocks from the board and repeating in those posi- tions. Movement.— Keeping the body erect and arms perfectly straight, bring the hands down in front till they approach the horizontal, and then, without jerk, allow them to swing back to position. Repeat. GYMNASTIC EXERCISE. INTERCOSTAL PULLEY. POSITION.— Face the wall pulley, standing directly under the ceiling block, the arms extended vertically in the air, the hands grasping the handles, palms turned ix. Keep the body erect and head well up in the air throughout the following movements : FikstMovemext.— Bending the arms, the etboAvs touching in front, carry the hands well down in front, keep- ing them close to the body, and as the knuckles touch in front open out to sides, swinging up to the horizontal, turning the knuckles upwards. From that position, allow the hands to swing up in the air with a slightly jerking motion, making the knuckles to touch over the head. Reverse the hands and repeat. Sj^cOjStd Movement.— Reverse of the first. Starting with the knuckles touching over the head, swing down to side horizontals, then bend the arms as they are carried to the front of the body, and then up to position for the first movement, with palms turned in. Reverse the hands and repeat. LOW ABDOMINAL PULLEY. POSITION.— For first movement, face the pulley, legs straight, heels together, toes turned out, the hands grasp the bar, palms turned down. For second movement, stand facing and close to the pulley, arms bent in front, hands grasping the bar, which is close to the body, palms turned up. First Movement.— Keeping arms and legs straight, bend forward and down, carrying the hands to the floor and then high up iu the air. Repeat. 8 A GUIDE TO GYMNASTIC EXERCISE. Second Moytsment.— Raise the heels from the floor and sink on the toes, then extend the body, keeping on the toes andpnshthe bar high np in the air. Re- peat. KOWING PULLEY. rOSITION.— Sit in the truck with feet in the straps and knees together, hands grasping the bar, palms turned Dowx. First Movement.— The ordinary rowing stroke, sliding toward the foot-board, bending well forward, doubling np the legs; from that straighten out to position. Repeat. Second Movement.— Side stroke, sliding forward as above, and in sliding back, carry the hands to the right side then forward again, and carry the hands to the left side as you straighten out. Repeat alternately. Third Movement.— After sliding forward as above, straighten out and lay well back, carrying the hands high in th*^ air, keeping the arms straight. Repeat. FOURTH Movement.— Sit still in the truck; lay well back, and without bending arms or legs, carry the hands high up in the air and down over the head. Repeat . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS k. Loui^ Young Mt IIIIIII|IIIIIII!llliill| 020 108 586 A Pine Sl Twenty-Ninth Sts. PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Prof. C. M. WILLIAMS, Superintendent and Instructor' aided by a corps of volunteer assistants. THE GYMNASIUM is one of the finest in the West, and contains a complete assortment of the latest and best made' developing apparatus adapted to the young and old, the weak and strong. THE INSTRUCTION is scientific, systematic and thor- ough, and inclU'les optional physical examination and special courses of exeicise. THE BATH ROOMS are fitted up with five varieties of the bath, each supplied with hot and cold water, and are entirely free to members. Any young man of good chaiacter may become a member. Full Wlembership Ticket, - - - $5.00 Including, in addition to the above, all privileges of the Association, such as Educational Classes, Circu- lating Library, Literary Society, Athletic Club. Correspondence and Chess Rooms, Lectures, Entertainments, etc. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 108 586 P t HoUinger Corp. pH8.5