m.-^.^.f^sM''^^ v.cc^ ^s. ^-6 ssom. c A GHRISTffiAS ^.3 ^:i_^ Bijosse/n. V,-, V ^ ---^ ■^^ (^opyric|F]t \1IJ [View YOF(K. a ALKING clown' tbe counlry road orninq, ^bis loyous obi'isimas m ^\)e fairest bit of loveliness, Qj)[)e pleasant scene adorning, Bomes tbe auamtest little maid ^bat ever cbanced in meeting, ^milina sweetly as sbe words CJ l^indly obristmas-^reetmg. 'IIEa crisp Clip on ner prettv cheel^s Mas made tbem bncjbi and rosy, Mer dimpled face so fair, sb( kS\ little winter posie, )e seems b eovinp all oev sister flowers ^nua m bed b elow, Impatient of the spnng-time, oome to blossom in toe snow. ^^\^UNHY starts from out his Lome (Jmong tbe tborny brambles, Ond spying cjuicl^ the little maid, Qway, in fright he scrambles. , 6(7, naupbty bunny, tl^us to flee, Witb neitber word, nor warnmp, From sucb a sweet and cjentle sigbt, r4or bid be !./:> er e en, — " Crood-mormng. HE little snow-birds, wiser — f (3)han foolisb fngbteneci bunny' — I' eep into her domty face ^o smiling, bright, and sunny, nlutter all about her path Without a thought of danger. K^\)\rp : "tweet-tweet; how very sweet 4*915 little Bhnstmas st ranger. Annie C. McQueen i 016 165 245 3 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRES| 016 165 245 3