TH PLWflBiN(iltai *sSeis.*.=«^S^ ; Class _Xtl MM Book.- 3_2i__ Copyright ]^° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. 1903 Sanitary^ Plumhing Goods CATALOGUE "C" H. VERBEEK, President and Majvager Sanitary Specialty Mfg. Co. 55-57 North Clinton Street 24-30 Milwaukee Avenue CHICAGO Telephones: Main 1816 and Main 1817 Long Distance Connections Cable Address: "Verbeelc, Chicago" (W. U. Code) <^'^. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Rsceived MAR 28 1903 ^c^Copynght Entry « CLASS ^ ^ m No. \^>K <» ^ 5" Copyright 1903 By the Sanitary Specialty Mfg. Co, Chicago % ^ c Marsh & Grant Co., Printere and Engravers, Chicago. TO OUR FRIENDS THE TRADE OUR purpose in this compilation is to furnish the trade with a compact, handy-for-reference catalogue of fine plumbing goods, and in order to make this convenience as complete as possible we have confined the line strictly to such goods as are most in demand, contenting ourselves with here reminding our patrons — present and future — that we are in a position to supply anything that may be called for in the general line of Plumbing, Gas, Steam and-Water Supplies. The Goods Illustrated are thoroughly representative of modern progress in the application of principles of sanitation to plumbing work, and in respect of workmanship, material, and design, embody the very latest improvements. We list only such goods as we aim to carry a complete stock of, so that orders may be filled without inconvenient delay. This is a Feature which Architects will Appreciate, as they may rely on it that the goods which they specify will be promptly obtained by plumbers. For Staple Brass Goods, refer to our "Official Price List of Plumbing Brass Goods." We will be pleased to send you a copy if you do not possess one. Our Business Expansion is the natural result of the kind of service that we are able to give our customers, the low prices we are in position to quote them — the lowest possible — and the saving in time and trouble which they effect through obtaining all that they require from one house. Promptness in Shipping is another reason why we enjoy so large a share of the Trade's confidence and patronage, for which we take this opportunity of returning our cordial thanks. We Guarantee all Goods. Goods found defective in manufacture will be replaced. Shipping Directions. Customers in ordering goods will kindly designate them by their Name and Figure Numbers, specifying the most convenient route for shipping. Sanitary Specialty Mfg. Co,y Chicago H. VERBEEK, Pres. and Mgr. Long Distance Telephones: 24-26-28-3O Milwaukee Avenue Main 1816 and Main 1817 55~57 North Clinton Street Our Tool Catalogue is a handy book for busy plumbers. If you do not possess a copy, notify us and we will be pleased to send you one. special Notice Index in Back. r. erms: To parties with established credit, satis- factory rating or reference, 30 days net, or 2 per cent discount if paid in 10 days from date of shipment, otherwise cash with order. Payments: Should be made by New York or Chicago Exchange, or Money Order. Local Checks are subject to a discount of 15 cents or more for Clearing House charges. Plumbing Goods Sold Only to the Trade A i^\ .A o 2 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Design No. i (Illustrated on Page 8.) ;p^ISCELLANEOUS TRIMMINGS Towel Arms. C 1 1 4 Bath Bar. C 1 1 2 Towel Basket. ... Sponge Holder. C 76 Lists "DATH. Montalvo C 26, Porcelain Enameled, with 43,/j^ inch Roll Rim, Nickel- plated Bell Supply and Waste Fittings and Soap Tray, Exterior Finished Ivory White and "Empire" Border (5 foot size) . . . . . . % 77. 50 gHOWER BATH AND RECEPTOR. Nickel-plated Combination Shower and Needle Bath, with Liver Sprays, Thermometer and Rubber Curtain. Por- celain Enameled Receptor, Exterior Finished Ivory White and "Empire" Border, 230. 00 gITZ BATH. C 41, Porcelain Enameled, with 3-inch Roll Rim, Nickel-plated Bell Supply and Waste Fittings, with Liver Spray and Bidet, Exterior Finished Ivory White and "Empire" Border . . . . . , . 89. 00 pOOT BATH. C 43, Porcelain Enameled, with 3-inch Roll Rim, Nickel-plated Bell Supply and Waste Fittings, Exterior Finished Ivory White and "Empire" Border ............ 35.00 LAVATORY. Mexican Onyx, with Scroll Pillars and Shelf, Decorated Vitro- porcelain Basin, Nickel-plated Offset Legs, Combination Supply and Waste Fittings, with Onyx Handles ........ 400.OO "^/yATER CLOSET. Leta C 314, Vitro-porcelain Embossed Siphon Jet Bowl, Recess Front Tank and Saddle Seat. Woodwork of Quarter Sawed Golden Oak. Tank with selected Grain Italian Marble Top. Supply Pipe with Stop Valve . . . . . . . . . . . 36.OO 2.00 5.00 12.00 1.70 El o U o z Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago II "Sanitary" Design No. 2 (Illustrated on Page lo.) Lists gATH. Morena C i6, Porcelain Enameled, 3 -inch Roll Rim, Nickel-plated Bell Supply and Waste Fittings and Combination Soap and Sponge Holder. Bath (5 foot), complete with Exterior Finish and Gold Bands $ 65.25 GHOWER. C 138, Nickel-plated Shower with Rubber Curtain and Shampoo Attachment complete .......... 43'5*^ glTZ BATH. C 39, Porcelain Enameled, 3-inch Roll Rim, Nickel-plated Bell Supply and Waste Fittings. Complete, with Exterior Finish and Gold Bands 47*50 LAVATORY. *' Blanco P" Marble with' Nickel-plated OfFset Legs, Basin Cocks, Supply Pipes with Stops, Imperial Waste, Unique Trap and Decorated Vitro-porcelain Basin . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 ^^ATER CLOSET. Leta C 310, Vitro-porcelain Syphon Jet Embossed Bowl, Quartered Oak Tank and Seat, Nickel-plated Cast Brass Hinges, Supply Pipe with Stop, and Paper Holder C 97, complete ...... 32.10 ]y[ISCELLANEOUS TRIMMINGS. Mirror, Nickel-plated Brass Frame, 32-inch Tooth Brush Holder. C 75 Brush Tray. C. 80 Tumbler Holder. C 69 Coat Hook. C 85 . Robe Hook. C 88 . Towel Basket. Towel Shelf and Bar. C 1 1 6 Towel Arms. C 1 1 4 25.00 1-75 2.00 2.00 •50 •25 12.00 5.00 2.00 tLH U Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago '3 "Sanitary" Design No. 3 (Illustrated on Page 12.) Lists 'DATH. Morena C 17, Porcelain Enameled, with 3-inch Roll Rim, Nickel- plated Supply and Waste Fittings through rim. Combination Soap and Sponge Holder, Ivory or Zinc Exterior Finish . . . . . . . % 55.25 gHOWER. C 138, Nickel-plated Shower Bath with Rubber Curtain, Wall Hook and Chain, and Shampoo Attachment ....... 43-50 CITZ BATH. C 39, Porcelain Enameled, with 3-inch Roll Rim, Nickel-plated Imperial Bell Supply and Waste Fittings, Ivory or Zinc Exterior Finish . . 47-50 j^AVATORY. "Blanco P" Marble with Decorated Vitro-porcelain Basin, Nickel-plated Legs and Frame, Fuller Combination Supply and Waste Fittings, Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Stops, and Trap .... 150.OO ^ATER CLOSET. Leta C 314, Vitro-porcelain Siphon Jet Bowl, Quartered Oak Tank with "Blanco P" Marble Top, Saddle Seat and Cover, Nickel- plated Cast Brass Hinges, Supply Pipe with Stop, and Paper Holder . . 38. 40 ^MISCELLANEOUS TRIMMINGS Towel Shelf and Bar. C 1 1 6 Towel Bar. C 1 1 o Coat Hook. C 85 . Brush Tray. C 80 Tumbler Holder. C 74 Wall Soap Dish. C 65 Towel Basket Mirror 5.00 1.25 .50 2.00 1.20 1.20 12.00 24.00 <- Wp/f — l' o U o Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 15 "Sanitary" Design No. 4 (Illustrated on Page 14.) Lists "DATH. Morena C 16, Porcelain Enameled, with 3-inch Roll Rim, Nickel- plated Bell Supply and Waste Fittings and Soap Dish. Price (5 foot), complete with Ivory or Zinc White Exterior Finish and Border $63.75 gHAMPOO. C 129, Nickel-plated 3 Valve Wall Shampoo Fixture with Rubber Bound Sprinkler .......... 9. 00 T AVATORY. C 265, Porcelain Enameled Slab and Bowl with Apron cast integral. Enameled Back and Nickel-plated Brass Brackets, Soap Dish, Low Pattern Fuller Basin Cocks, Supply Pipes and Vented "S " Trap. Price, with Fittings complete . . . . . . . . 29.50 For Lavatory Enameled all over^ add . . . . , . . 2.00 pOOT BATH. Porcelain Enameled, with 2^-inch Roll Rim, Nickel-plated Bell Supply and Waste Fittings. Price, complete with Ivory or Zinc White Exterior Finish and Border . . 35.00 ^ATER CLOSET. Leta C 311, Vitreous Porcelain Siphon Jet Bowl with Hardwood Tank, Seat and Cover, Nickel-plated Supply Pipe, Flush Connec- tion and Paper Holder ......... 30.IO J^ISCELLANEOUS TRIMMINGS. Mirror . . , . . . . . 25.00 Glass Shelf 8.00 Towel Rack for Lavatory. Cm 2.25 Towel Rack for Bath. Cm 2.25 Sponge Holder. C 76 2.70 Coat Hook. C 85 .50 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 17 "Sanitary" Design No. 5 (Illustrated on Page i6.) Lists DATH. Morena C 14, Porcelain Enameled, with 3-inch Roll Rim, Nickel-plated Fuller Double Bath Cock, Supply Pipes, Standing Waste and Combination Soap and Sponge Holder. Price (5 foot. Plain Exterior), with Fittings complete .... $43.00 For No. I Ivory or Zinc White Exterior Finish with Gold Lines add . . 16.OO gHOWER. Hose Portable Shower Bath with Rubber Curtain and Connecting 15.00 T AVATORY. C 264, Porcelain Enameled Slab and Bowl with Aprons on four sides, all cast integral. Enameled Brackets, Nickel-plated Compression Basin Cocks, Supply Pipes and "P" Trap. Price, with Fittings complete ........ For Lavatory Enameled all over, add ....... 27.00 2.00 pOOT BATH. C 43, Porcelain Enameled, with 3-inch Roll Rim, Nickel-plated Bell Supply and Waste Fittings. Price (Plain Exterior), with Fittings complete . . . . . For No. I Ivory or Zinc White Exterior Finish with Gold Lines, add 28.00 7.00 ^ATER CLOSET. Conta C 355, Porcelain Enameled all over Siphon Wash- down Bowl with Hardwood Tank, Seat and Cover, Nickel-plated Supply Pipe, Flush Connection and Paper Holder C 97 . . . . . 26.85 Jy/[ISCELLANEOUS TRIMMINGS. Mirror . . 24.00 Glass Shelf 10.00 Wall Soap Dish. C 65 1.20 Towel Bar for Lavatorv. C 1 1 1 1.80 Towel Bar for Bath. C iio 1.25 Coat Hook. C85. .50 u a. < Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 19 "Sanitary" Design No. 6 (Illustrated on Page 1 8. L'sts gATH. Mendota C 4, Porcelain Enameled, with 2i4-inch Roll Rim, Nickel- plated Fuller Double Bith Cock, Offset Supply Pipes, Con-iected Wa.'c and Overflow, and Soap Dish, C 82. Price (5 foot. Plain Exterior), with Fittings complete .... For No. I Ivory or Zinc White Exterior Finish add .... *33-75 13. CO r AVATORY. C 264, Porcelain Enameled Slab and Bowl with Aprons on tour sides, all cast integral. Enameled Brackets, Nickel-plated Compression Rasin Cocks, Supply Pipes and <4'-ft. As shown, White Enameled, each, $21 .75 21.75 24.00 2775 6-ft. 32.25 MENDOTA" C=2. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 19/^ inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With . nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper, and nickel plated Fuller No. 4^^ double bath cock. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4i^-ft. 5-ft. 5><-ft. 6-ft As shown.White Enameled, each, $24.75 24.75 27.00 30.75 35.25 If finished outside Zinc White, add |13.00. If finished Outside Zinc White, and two Gold Bands, add %\ Waste plug and overflow not included in above price. 1.00. 26 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary 2J4=iiich Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. "MENDOTA" C=3. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 29;^ inches Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper, nickle plated Fuller No. 4)4 double bath cock, and nickel plated connected waste and overflow Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. Ayi-ii. 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. As shown, White Enameled, each.$27.00 27.00 29.25 33.00 37.50 MENDOTA" C=4. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 2934 inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock. Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper, nickel plated Fuller No. 4^^ double bath cock, nickel plated connected waste and overflow, and nickel plated offset bath supplies with floor flanges. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4>^-ft. 5-ft. 5i^-ft. 6-ft. As shown. White Enameled, each,$30.00 30.00 32.25 36.00 40.50 If finished Outside Zinc White, add |13.00. If finished Outside Zinc White and two Gold Bands, add ^16.00. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 27 "Sanitary" 2i4=inch Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. "HENDOTA" C=5. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over .all, IV/^ inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated Fuller No. AV2 double bath cock, and nickel plated Ideal bath waste. Size of Tub, - _ - - 4.ft. 4>^-ft. 5-ft. 5i<-ft. 6-ft. As shown, White Enameled, each, $31.75 31.75 34.00 37.75 42.25 HENDOTA" C=6. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 'B% inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated Fuller No. A)A double bath cock, nickel plated Ideal bath waste, and nickel plated offset bath supplies with floor flanges. Size of Tub, - - .- 4-ft. 4>^-ft. 5-ft. 5i.4-ft. 6-ft. As shown.White Enameled, each, $34.75 34.75 37.00 40,75 45.25 If finished Outside Zinc Wliite, add $13.00. If finished Outside Zinc White, and two Gold Bands, add |16.00. 28 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" 2}4=inch Roll Rim Enameled iron Bath Tubs. "MENDOTA" C-7. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 29% inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated Fuller No. 4^ double bath cock, nickel plated Ideal bath waste, and nickel plated supply pipes with bulb air chambers and floor flanges. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. A]/,-i\. 5-ft. 5i/^-ft. 6-ft. As shown. White Enameled, each, $39 25 39.25 41.50 45 25 4975 "MENDOTA" C=8. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 29>^ inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. With nickel plated bottom bell supply compression valves, nickel plated supply pipes with floor flanges, and Ideal bath waste. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4>^-ft, 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft As shown, White Enameled, each, $41.00 41,00 43.25 47 00 51.50 If finished Outside Zinc White, add 113.00. If finished Outside Zinc White and two Gold Bands, add $16.00. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 29 "Sanitary" 3^inch Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. "MORENA" C=9. Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over all, 30>^ inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4i^-ft. 5-ft. 5>4-ft. 6-ft As shown, White Enameled, each, $24.00 24.00 27.00 30,75 35 25 'MORENA" C=10. Height on Legs, 2" inches. Width over all, 'AV, iuehes. Depth inches, 17 inches. Frum C to C of (Jock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper, and nickel plated Fuller No. 4i.4 double bath cock Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4^2-ft. 5-ft. 5><-ft. 6-ft. As shown, White Enameled, each, $27,00 27.00 30 00 33 75 38.25 If finished Outside Zinc AVhite, add «;13.00. If iinislicd Outsiile Zin.c V/hitc, and two CoM r;nn'''n. .o,vi $16 00. Waste plug and overflow act included in above price. 3° Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary 3-inch Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over all, 3054 inches. MORENA" C=n. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of ('ock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper, nickel plated Fuller No. 4>4 double bath cock, and nickel plated connected waste and overflow. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4^A-ft. 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. As shown. White Enameled, each, $29 25 29 25 32 25 36 00 40 50 Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over all, 30% inches. "MORENA" C=12. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper, nickel plated Fuller No. 4^^ double bath cock, nickel plated connected waste and overflow, and nickel plated offset bath supplies with floor flanges. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. As shown. White Enameled, each, $32.25 If finished Outside Zinc White, add |13.00. , If finished Outside Zinc Whit? and two Gold Bands, add |16.00, 41^ -ft. 5-ft. 5K-ff. 6-ft. 32,25 35.25 39 00 43 50 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 31 "Sanitary" 3 -inch Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. "MORENA" C-13. Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over all, 30)^ inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated Fuller No. Ayi double bath cock, and nickel plated Ideal bath waste. Size of Tub, - - - 4 ft. 4i<-ft. 5-ft. S^^-ft. 6-ft As shown, White Enameled, each, $34.00 34.00 37.00 40.75 45.25 "MORENA" C=14. Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over all, 30>^ inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated Fuller No. 4^ double bath cock, nickel plated Ideal bath waste, and nickel plated offset bath supplies with floor flanges. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4>^-ft. 5-ft. 5i<-ft. 6-ft. As shown. White Enameled, each, $37.00 37.00 40.00 43.75 48.25 If finished Outside Zinc White, add |13.00. If finished Outside Zine White and two Gold Bands, add ^16.00. 32 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 3=inch Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. "MORENA" C=15. Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over all, 30>^ inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated Fuller No. 4^ double bath cock, nickel plated Ideal bath waste, and nickel plated supply pipes with bulb air chambers and floor flanges. Size of Tub. - - - 4-ft. 4>^-ft. 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. As shown, White Enameled, each,$4 1.50 41.50 44 50 48 25 52.75 MORENA" C=16. Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over all, 30% inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. With nickel plated compression supply fittings for bottom, nickel plated supply, nickel plated Ideal bath waste, nickel plated supply pipes with floor flanges. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4}^-it 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6-ft. As shown, White Enameled, each, $43.25 43 25 46.25 50.00 54.50 If finished Outside Zinc White, add $13.00. If finished Outside Zinc White, and two Gold Bands, add $16.00. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 33 "SanttaTy" Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over ali, 30J^ inches 3 -inch Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. ♦♦MORENA" C=17. Depth inside, 17 inches. With new design enameled rim, polished and all nickel plated compres- sion supply fittings handles above rim; nickel plated supply pipes to floor polished and nickel plated connected waste and overflow. Size of Tub, - - - 4_ft. 41^ -ft. Asshown,White;|Enameled,each, $36.00 36"oO 5-ft. 39.00 42.75 6- ft. 47.25 Height on Legs, 23 inches. Width over all, 30% inches. For Public Baths, Sanitariums, Hospitals, Etc. "MORENA" C=18. Depth inside, 17 inches. With 1-inch nickel plated special compression supply fittings, 1-inch nickel plated supply pipes, overflow strainer and chain, nickel plated waste plug with 2-inch outlet and 2 -inch rubber stopper. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. A% ft. 5-ft. 53^-ft 6-ft As shown.White Enameled, each, $37.00 37 00 40.00 43.75 48.25 If finished Outside Zinc White, add |13.00. If finished Outside Zinc White, and two Gold Bands, add $16.00. 34 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" \y^Anc\\. Roll Rim Enameled iron Bath Tubs. Narrow Pattern for Small Bath Rooms and co replace Copper Tubs. "HIRABEL" C=19. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 25 Inches. Depth, inside, 16 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper. Size of Tub, - - - 4-ft. Ay.Al. 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. Asshown.White Enameled, each, $21.75 21.75 24.00 27.75 32.25 "niRABEL" C=20. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 25 inches. Depth inside, 16 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper, and nickel plated Fuller No. 4}^ double bath cock. Si^e of Tub, - - - 4-ft. 4>^-ft. 5-it. 5 3^ -ft 6-ft. As shown,White Enameled, each, $24.75 24 75 27.00 30.75 35.25 K finished Outside Zinc White, add 113.00. ^^ ..,„„„ If finished Outside Zinc White, and two Gold Bands, add $16.00. Waste plug and overflow not included in above price. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Height on Legs, 22inelies. Width over all, 25 inches. 15^=inch Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. Narrow Pattern for Small Bath Rooms and to replace Copper Tubs. "MIRABEL" C=21. Bepth inside, 16 inches. iTom C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper nickel plated Fuller No. A% double bath cock, and nickel plated connected waste and overflow. Size of Tub, ' - - - 4_ft. 4>^-ft. 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft As shown. White Enameled, each, $27.00 27 00 29.75 33.00 37.50 35 Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 25 inches. "MIRABEL" C=22. Depth inside, 16 inches. From C to C of Cock Holes, 3% inches. With nickel plated overflow strainer, waste plug and rubber stopper nickd plated Fuller No. 4>^ double bath cock, nickle plated connected waste and overflow, and nickel plated offset bath supplies with floor flanges. Size of Tub, - - - 4.ft. 4n^_ft. s.ft. si^.ft. 6 ft As shown. White Enameled, each, $30.00 30.00 32.25 36.00 40.50 If finished Outside Zinc White, add «13.00. If finished Outside Zinc White and two Gold Bands, add f 3.00. 36 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Height on Legs, 225^ inches. Width over all, 32 inches. 3=inch Under Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. «' riANDALA " C-23. Depth inside, 17 inches. With nickel plated all over compression supply fittings arranged for bottom supply, nickel plated all over Ideal bath waste, and nickel plated supply pipes Size of Tub, Length over Rim, - - - 5-ft. 5^-ft. 6- ft. As shown. White Enameled, - - - $55.00 59.00 63.00 If T^ixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct |2.00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White Outside, add |13.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $3.00. "flANDALA" C=24. Height on Legs, 22>^ inches W^idth over all, 32 inches. Depth inside, J 7 inches. Finished zinc white outside, with two gold bands, nickel plated all over Fuller supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated all over Ideal bath waste, nickel plated brass supply pipes, and nickel plated shampoo with niixing chamber and sprinkler Size of Tub, Length over Rim, As shown, - - - 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. $83.00 87.00 91.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct |2.00., If with Bulb Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $2.50. If Tub is not finished Zinc White outside, deduct |13.00; if without Gold Bands, deduct |3.00o Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 37 "Sanitaty" Height on Legs, 1V/^ inches. Width over all, 32 inches. 3=inch Under Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. •' MANDALA" C=25. Depth inside, 17 inches. Finished zinc white outside, with two gold bands, polished and nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated all over Ideal bath waste, nickel plated supply pipes, and nickel plated brass shower with supply pipes, shampoo and 24 x 30-inch oval curtain ring, with rubber curtain, rings and holder. Size of Tub (Length over all). As shown (Finished outside). 5-ft. $121.00 5>^-ft. 6-ft- 125.00 129.00 If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add 15.00. Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for Above, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Orates. Size of Tub, Size of Slab, Prices, 5-ft. 5i^x3.ft. 1-in. $26.75 5>^-ft. 6x3-ft. 1-in. 29.00 6-ft. 6i^x3-ft. 1-in. 31.25 38 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago Height on Legs, 24 >^ inches Width over all, 35 inches. "Sanitary" =inch Under Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. "MONTALVO" C=26. Depth inside, 19 inches. Nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated all over Ideal bath waste, and nickel plated supply pipes, legs finished same as tub. Size of Tub (Length over Rim), - 5-ft, 5}4-it. 6 ft. As shown, - - . - - - $60.00 63.50 67.00 As shown, with Zinc White Outside Finish - 76.00 79.50 83.00 and two Gold Bands. Fuller Supply Fittings same price as Compression. "MONTALVO" C=27. Height on Legs, 243^ inches. Width over all, 35 inches. Depth inside, I'J indhes. Finished zinc white outside, with two gold bands, nickel plated all over Fuller supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated all. over Ideal waste, supply pipes v/ith bulb air chambers and nickel plated brass shampoo with mixing chamber and sprinkler, legs same finish as tub. Size of Tub (Length over Rim), - 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. As shown, - - - - - $90.50 94.00 97.50 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct |2.00. If without Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, deduct $2.50. If without Gold Bands, deduct J3.00. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 39 "Sanitary" Height on Legs, 24J^ inches. Width over all, 35 inches. 4^=inch Under Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. "MONTALVO" C=28. Depth inside, 19 inches. Finished zinc white outside, with two gold bands, polished and nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated all over Ideal bath waste, nickel plated supply pipes, and nickel plated brass shower with supply pipes, shampoo and 24x30-inch oval curtain ring, with rubber curtain, rings and holder. Size of Tub (Length over all), As Shown (Finished Outside), 5-ft. $126.00 5>^-ft. 129.50 6-ft. 133.00 If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5.00. If with Oval Perforated Ring Shower, add f5.00. Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for Above, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Q rates. Size of Tub, Size of Slab, Prices, 5-ft. 5}4x3-it 1-in. $26.75 5>^-ft. 6x3-ft. lin. 29.00 6-ft. 6>^x3-ft. 1 31.25 in. 40 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary' 3='inch Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tub with Base to Floor, nODESTO" C=29. Length, 5 feet. Height from bottom of Flange to Rim of Tub, 203^ inches. Width of Flange or Base, 4)^ inches. Depth inside Tub, 163^ inches. Width inside of Tub, 23 inches. Width of Rim,^3 inches. A sanitary fixture. Dirt cannot accumulate. When desired base can be depressed in floor 4 inches, making height from floor to rim of tub 16^ inches. With nickel plated bottom bell supply, compression valves, nickel plated Ideal bath waste, and nickel plated supply pipes with floor flanges. Size of Tub ----- - 4>^-ft. 5-ft. Sj^-ft. Without Fittings, White Enameled, each - $30.00 35.00 40.00 As shown. White Enameled, with Fittings, each 55 00 ■ 60,00 65.00 Painted one coat outside. Any style of Fitting can be used on this Bath. Finished Outside Zinc White, add 113.00., Fiuished Outside Zinc White and two Gold Bands, add $16.00. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 41 "Sanitary" ^°inch Under°RoIl Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. "MERIDA" C=30. Height on Legs, 24^ Inches. Width over all, 34 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches, Nickel plated Fuller double bath cock, polished brass nickel plated all over ideal bath waste, and nickel plated brass supply pipes with bulb air cnambers. Size of Tub (length over all) As shown, ■ 5-ft. $51.25 55^-ft. 55.25 6-ft. 59.25 If without Supply Pipes and Air Chambers as shown, deduct |5.25. If Tub is finished Zinc White Outside, add $13.00; if with X\\o Gold Bands, add extra, |3.00. MERIDA" C=31. Height on Legs, 24J^ inches. Width over all, 34 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Nickel plated all over compression supply fittings arranged for bottom supply, nickel plated all over ideal bath waste and nickel plated supply pipes. Size of Tub (length over all) As shown, 5-ft. $71.00 53^-ft. 75.00 6-ft. 79.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough not Polished, deduct $2.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $13.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $3.00. If Supply Pipes are fitted with Air Chambers, add extra, f.3.00, 42 Sanitary Specialty- Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Height on Legs, 2434 inches Width over all, 34 inches. 4^=inch Under Roll Rim Enameled iron Bath Tubs. «'MERIDA" C-32. Depth Inside, 19 inches Finished zinc white outside, with two gold bands, polished and nickel plated all ovef compression supply fittings arranged for bottom supply, nickel plated all over Ideal bath waste, nickel plated supply pipes, and nickel plated brass oval perforated ring shower, with supply pipes, shampoo and 24x30 inch oval curtain ring, with rubber curtain, rings and holder. Size of Tub (Length over Rim), As shown, 5-ft. $126.00 5K-ft. 130.00 6-ft 134.00 If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5.00. If with Regular Round Overhead Shower, deduct $5.00. Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for Above, with Nickel Plated I Safe Waste Q rates: Size of Tub, - - - 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. Size of Slab, - - - 5-J^x3-ft. 6x3-ft. 6^x3-ft Prices, - - - $26^.00 28.25 30.50 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 43 "Sanitary" Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 33 inches. 4°lnch Under=Roll Rim Enameled Iron Bath Tubs. «'MORELLA" C=33. Depth inside, 17 inches. Nickel plated Fuller double bath cock, polished brass nickel plated all over Ideal bath waste, and two nickel plated brass supply pipes, iron pipe size, with bulb air chambers. Size of Tub (length over Rim) As shown. White Enameled 4>^-ft. $49.25 5-ft. 53.25 5 3^ -ft. 6-ft. 57.25 61.25 If Waste is Polished and Nickel Plated on Top and Grate and Nickel Plated on Rough Body- deduct J0.50. If Nickel Plated on Top and Grate only, deduct $1.50. If without Supply Pipes, deduct J5.25; if with Supply Pipes without Air Chambers, deduct $2.50. If finished Zinc White outside, add f 13.00; two Gold Bands, extra $3.00. "HORELLA" C=34. Height on Legs, 22 inches. Width over all, 33 inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. Nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated all over Ideal bath waste and nickel plated brass supply pipes. Size of Tub (length over all) As shown. White Enameled 4j^-ft. $53.00 5-ft. 57.00 5>^-ft. 61.00 6-ft. 65.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, deduct $2.00. If finished Zinc White outside, add$13.U0; two Gold Bands, extra, |3.00. 44 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" 4°inch Under^'Roll Rim Enameled Iron Biath Tub. ««MORELLA" C=35. This tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bathtub. Finished zinc white outside with two gold bands, polished and nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated all over ideal bath waste, nickel plated brass supply pipes, and nickel plated brass shampoo with mixing chamber and sprinkler. Size of Tub, - 4i^-ft. 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. As shown. - - $81.00 85.00 89.00 93.00 If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5.00. I3>^=inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Qrate. Size of Tub, 4>^-ft. 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. Size of Slab, 5x2 ft. 11 in. 5>4x2 ft.l 1 in. 6x2 ft. 11 in. 6i4x2ft.llin As shown, $23.00 25.25 27.50 29.75 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 45 "Sanitary" Solid Porcelain Roll=Ritn Roman Bath Tubs. Width outside, 2 feet. 6 inches. Width including Fixture, 3 feet. Depth inside, 18 inclies. C=36. ,^a.:^. Finished zinc white outside, nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated brass supply pipes to floor, and nickel plated all over Ideal waste. Class A. As shown, 5 feet long, - - - $182.00 As shown, 5 j^ feet. - . . . 197.00 If with two Gold Bands, add $3.00. Class B. 137.00 147.00 C-37. Length of Tub, outside, 5 feet 3 inches. Width, outside, 2 feet 5 inches. Width, including Fittings, 2 feet lOJ^ inehess Depth, inside, 18 inches. Finished zinc white outside, with two gold bands, nickel plated all over Fuller double bath faucet for bottom supply, nickel plated brass supply pipes, to floor, with bulb air chambers, nickel plated all over Ideal waste and four Italian marble legs. C-37. As shown, with Fuller Faucet _ _ _ _ $210.00 C-38. With Fuller Faucet and nickel plated Brass Shampoo with 224.00 Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler If with Compression Valves, without Air Chambers, deduct S3.00. If without Gold Bands, deduct |3.00. IJ^-inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slab, 6 feet x 3 feet 2 inches, extra, S28.50. 46 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Enameled Iron RolI^Rim Seat Bath Tub. Length over Rim, 28 inches. Length including Fittings, 32 inches. Width, 27 inches. Height at Front, 12 inches. Height at Back, 19 inches. Width of Roll, 2 inches. Zinc white finish and two gold bands, nickel plated compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated ideal waste and nickel plated supply pipes. C=39. Price, White Enameled as shown, _ _ _ _ $47,50 Price, White Enameled Tub only, without Fittings or outside Finish, 25,00 If without Zinc White Finish and two Gold Bands, but with Fittings as shown, ..___. 38.50 Enameled Under°Roll-Rlm Seat Bath Tub. Width over Rim, 30 inches. Front to Back over Rim, 27)^ inches. Height from Floor to Top of Rim Front, 15 inches, Back 20 inches. With nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, handles over rim, nickel plated ideal waste and nickel plated supply pipes. C=40. Price, White Enameled, as shown, . . . . $45.50 Price, White Enameled, as shown with Zinc White Finish, 52.50 Price, White Enameled, as shown, with Zinc White Finish and two Gold Bands, - - - - - - 54.50 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Go., Chicago 47 "Sanitary" Enameled Iron Under Roll Rim Seat Bath with Combination Wave and Spray. With nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated Ideal waste and supply pipes. C=41. Price as shown, White Enameled $80 00 Price as shown. White Enameled and Finished Zinc White outside 87.00 Price, as shown, with Zinc White Finish and Two Gold Bands 89 00 Marble Floor Slabs, $1.50 per foot, extra. Solid Porcelain Roll Rim Seat Bath. Finished zinc white outside, with two gold bands,, nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply, nickel plated Ideal waste, nickel plated supply pipes, and four Italian marble legs. C=42. Price as shown - - - - - - If without Two Gold Bands _ . - - - If without Zinc Finish and Two Gold Bands If with Enameled Iron Legs, deduct $6.00. Cut for Right or Left Fixture, as desired. Class A Class B $95.00 $71.00 93.00 69.00 83.00 59.00 48 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" C=43. Enameled Iron RoIhRim Foot Bath. Width inside, 18 inches. Front to Back inside, 15 inclies. Depth inside,10 inches. Width over rim, 22)^ inches. Front to Back over Rim, 193^ inches. Front to Back over all, 23 inches. Height from Floor to Top of Rim, 143^ inches. With zinc white finish outside and two gold bands, nickel plated all over compression supply fittings for bottom supply,nickel plated ideal waste and supply pipes. Price, as shown, . . . - . If without two Gold Bands, If without Zinc White Outside Finish and two Gold Bands, $35.00 33.00 28.00 Solid Porcelain Roll^Rim Foot Bath. Length, 26 inches. Width, 21>^ inches. Height outside, 13 inches. Zinc white finish outside with two gold bands, nickel plated all over compression supply fittings* nickel plated ideal waste and supply pipes. C=44. Price, as shown, -_.-.. If without Outside Zinc White Finish and two Gold Bands, deduct, If without Nickel Plated Fixture above described, deduct, $70.75 10.00 25.00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 49 "Sanitary" Height, 233^ inches. Width over Rim, 28 inch All Steel Bath Tub. Enamel Painted Inside. Depth inside, 17)^ inches^ C-45. Blue enameled exterior, gold trimmed, hardwood rim. Size of Tub . . . . 4>^-ft. 5-ft. 5^ As shown with connected Waste and Overflow, Plug and Chain - $19.50 20.50 21.50 Fitted for Fuller No. 43^ Double Bath Cock unless otherwise ordered. ft. 6-ft. 24.50 •Steel Shell Copper Lined Bath Tub Height , 233^inches. Width over Kim, 28 inches. Depth 173^ inches. C=46. Light gray finish with gold bronzed legs, hardwood rim. Size of Tub - - . _ 4>4-ft. 5-ft. 5>^-ft. 6-ft. As shown, with connected Waste ( J^'^^' ^24-50 $25.50 $26.50 $28.50 and Overflow.Plug and Chain if °^- 26-50 27.50 28.50 30.50 ^ (l6oz. 28.50 29.50 30.50 32.5C J'itted for Fuller No. iy^ Double Bath Cock unless otherwise ordered. so Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Copper Bath Tubs. Outside Width of Tub, 24 inches. Outside Depth, 19 inches Regular Pattern. C=47. Outside Length, 43^ -ft., 5-ft., 5>^-ft. and 6-ft. Weight of Copper 10-oz. 12-oz. 14-oz. 16-oz. 18-oz. 20-oz. Price of Tubs, each $15.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 Width of Tub, 263^ inches. Outside Depth, 22 inches. French Pattern. C=48. Weight of Copper 10-oz. 12-oz. 14-oz. 16-oz. 18 oz. 20-oz. Outside Length 4 >4 ft. $16.00 $17.00 $19.00 $21.00 $23.00 $25.00 Outside Length 5 -ft. 18.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 Outside Length 5 >^ -ft. 20.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 Ontside Length 6 -ft. 22.00 23.00 25.00 27.00- 29,00 31.00 Zinc Tubs. (Not illustrated). Size 5-ft., 5i^-ft. or 6 ft. $8.00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 51 "Sanitary" Bath Trimmings Nickel Plated Fuller Double Bath Cocks. C=49 C-49. List, C-50. With Black Handles, list. Combined Waste and Overflow. Bell Supply Fixture. C=51. C=S2. C-51. Rough Brass, Nickel Plated Trimmings, Polished and Nickel Plated all over, C-52. Rough Brass, Nickel Plated Trimmings, Polished and Nickel Plated all over, C-53, Rough Brass, Nickel Plated Trimmings, Polished and Nickel Plated all over, C=50. $12.00 21.00 "Ideal" Bath Waste. C=53. $ 3.25 3.50 19.50 25.00 10.50 11.00 52 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary Bath Trimmings Nickel Plated Compression Bath Cocks. C=S4. C=55. C-54. Regular Pattern, list C-55. With Ring Cup, list $5.50 8.00 Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes. C=S6. Straight Per pair, $3,50 C=S8. C=S9. Pipe Air Chamber Bulb Air Chamber Per pair, $7.50 Per pair, $6.00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 53 "Sanitary" NICKEL PLATED BATH ROOM AND LAVATORY TRIMMINGS. ^ Monarch Quadrate Combination. Beauty Combination. Hanger. C=60. For tumbler, powder, brushes and soap, $5.00 each. Shell Soap Cups. C=61. For sponge and soap. Size A, $3.00 ea. 8>^-in. strap Size B, 3.25 ea. 9)^ -in. strap Size A sent unless otherwise C=62. specified. For brush and comb. 75 cents each. Bracket Soap Cup. C=63. 80 cents each. C=64 With Chain Stay, $ 1 .00 ea. Oval Sponge Holders. C=65. $1.20 each. Wall Soap Cup. C=66. C=67. With cast brass bracket. With bent tube bracket. $2.00 each. $1.50 each. 54 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" NICKEL PLATED BATH ROOM TRIMMINGS Tumbler Holder Tumbler, Mug and Soap Tumbler Holders and 20<'In. Cast Brass Combination, Cast Brass Towel Bar $1.20 each. $3.00 each. $2.75 each Double Shell Soap Dish Cast Brass Combined Tum- bler Holder and Towel Ring Robe and Coat Hook, Two Prong $ 1 .00 each. .1.00 each. 35 cents each Coat or Robe Hook or Towel Bar 9 inches long 35 cents each. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 55 "Sanitary" NICKEL PLATED BATH AND ROOM LAVATORY TRIMMINGS. FIat=Back Combinations. Triad Combinations. C=69. C=70. C-69. For Tumbler and Soap, each, C-70. For Brushes and Soap, C-7I. For Tumbler, Tooth Brushes and Soap, C=7I. - $2.00 2.00 3.00 Bracket Tumbler Holder. Corner Combinations. C=72. C=73. C=74. $1.20 each. Bracket Brush Holder. C-72. For Soap and Tumbler, each, C-73. For Soap and Brushes, each, $2.00 2.00 C=7S. $1.75 each. 56 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary NICKEL PLATED BATH ROOM AND LAVATORY TRIMMINGS. Sponge Holder. Elk Wash Cloth and Tooth Brush Holder. C=76. Rod brass and tube brackets* $1.70 each. Soap and Sponge Holder. Tooth Powder Receptacle $1.40 each. C=77. $2.00 each. Beauty Wall Tray. C=81 Standing Soap Cup. illl'l 'W/mMMA C=80. C=79. For hair brush and comb, $2.00 each. $1.50 each Beauty Soap Cup. Soap Cup. Soap and Sponge Holder. C=82. For roll- rim bath tub. Size A, $1.50, each. Size B, 1.75, each A, $1.25 ea., for kitchen sink. B. 1.40 ea., for bath tub. C=84. $ 1 .30 each Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 57 "Sanitary" Bath Room Trimmings Coat, Hat and Robe Hooks. For Robe and Coat. C=8S. Nickel Plated and Copper, 50c each. For Coat and Hat. C=86. Three Prong. Nickel Plated and Copper, $2.75 each Brass and Bronze, $2.50 each. Nickel Plated Ring Shower with For Coat and Robe. Hose. C=90. C=9I. C.89. 18 inch, $3.50 each. 40c each. Height, 51^ inches With Hinge, 4.50 each. 60c eacn 58 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Bath Room Trimmings Acorn Paper Holder. Coral Match Scratch. Nickel Plated Brass Paper Holder. Will take paper 5x7 in. C=92. 25c each. Gothic Paper Basket. C=93- 40c each. C=94. $1.50 Bach Toilet Paper Holders. C=9S. $3.75 each. C=96. $2.70 each. C=97. $1.10 each. TOILET PAPER AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. C=98. A. B. Oak. Regular, for 2^. in. to 4-in. rims, each, - $1.75 Special, for larger than 4-in. rims, each, - - 2.00 Size A in oak sent unless otherwise specified. $2.50 2.75 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 59 "Sanitary" Bath Room Trimmings C-99. With cigar rest, each, $1.50 Coral Cigar Rest and Scratch. C-IOO. Each, 90c C=I02. Each, 50c Thermometer. C=10l. With ash receiver, each, $1.25 Match Holder and Scratch. C=I03. Each, $1.50 C=I04. Each, $1.00 Empire Adjustable C=I05. Each, $2.50 6o Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Bath Room Trimmings Nickel Plated Brass Towel Racks and Bars, C=106. For wash cloth and sponge, each, ,25 ^-inch bent tube, each, C=107. 18-in. $0.85 24-in. 1.00 30-in 1.20 |/^-inch bent tube, each. C°I08. 16-in. . 18-in 24-in $0.55 .60 75 C=I09. 20-in. 24-in 3C-in ^ -inch rope tube, each, - - , $1.10 1.25 1.40 c-iio. ^-inch plain tube, each, 20-in $1.00 24 in 30-in 110 1 25 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 6i "Sanitary" Bath Room Trimmings Nickel Plated Brass Towel Bars. C-lll. ^inch tube, each, 20-in. $1.80 24-in. 30-in. 2.00 2.25 ^-inch tube, each, C=112. 36-in. 42-in. 48-in. 54-in. 60-in. $3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 Arms, 3^ X 15 inches, each. c°n3. C°114. Arms, ^ y- 16 inches, each, _ . _ Three arm sent if not otherwise specified, 2 Arm 3 Arm $1.10 1.25 « ^ 2 Arm 3 Arm $1.65 2.00 62 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary Bath Room Trimmings 20-inch, 20-inch, Nickel Plated Brass Bath Towel Shelf. $3.50 26-inch, C-116. $4.00 26-inch, 20-incli sent unless otherwise specified. $4.25 $5 00 C-117, 0-inch. 36-inch. 42-inch. 48-inch $2.25 2.50 2.80 3.10 54-inch. 3.50 60-inch; 4.00 Bath Towel Bar. C°118. 36-in., $2.00 42-in., $2.25 48-in., $2.50 54-in., $2.75 60-in., $3 00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 63 "Sanitary" Tinned Copper Showers. C-llP. For ^-inch iron pipe. No. 0, per doz., $11. 00 C=120. No. 1, per doz., $12.00 For i^-inch iron pipe, No. 1)4, per doz., - $15.00 c-122. No. 4 tubular, per doz., - $27.00 C=I23. No. 6 with flange and thimble, per doz., - - $32.00 Nickel Plated 5hampoo Sprinklers. C=124. C-125. With rubber ring, $2.00 With handle, $ 1 .25 Yi corrugated or plain rubber tubing for above, per foot, }0.12. Special Showers up to 18 inches in diameter made to order. C=126. Plain, $0.85 64 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Nickel Plated Brass 5howers. In presenting the following line of Nickel Plated Brass Showers we have Included only those fixtures known as staple. Prices of special showers made upon application. C-I27. C-128. As shown, $13.00, As shown, $13.00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Showers 65 Shampoo Attachments For Rubbing Slabs. C=129. Complete as shown, $9.00 C=130. Complete as shown, $7.00 Shower With Self=Closing Valve and Pipe to Ceiling. C-13I. Co mplete as shown, $8.50 C=132. Nickel plated brass shower for cold water, with self-closing valve, and 4- inch wall flange. Price, $8.50 C>133. Nickel plated brass ring shower with self-closing valve, chain and pull, (20 inches in diameter). Price, - - $8.50 Nickel plated curtain ring with wall flange, and curtain rings, (25 inches diameter). Price, - - $6.50 66 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Samtary" Nickel Plated Brass Showers. Total Height, 7 feet 6 inches. Distance from Wall to Center of Shower, 20 inches. Diameter of Shower, 9J^ inches. C=134. C=13S. C- 1 34. Nickel plated spray bath, with upper self-closing valve and supply pipes to floor. Has a 6-inch, finely perforated sprinkler, which when valve is opened, throws the water in a fine spray at an angle from the wall so a bath can be taken without wetting the head of the bather. Price as described, - - - - -- - - $22.50 If with Shampoo, add $5.00. C-135. Shower with shampoo attachment, air valve and supply pipe to floor, nickel plated. Price as described, - - __ _ _ _ _ $25.00 Adapted for use in places where it is not necessary to confine the spray. 1%-inch Italian Marble Base, countersunk ^inch deep, 26x36 inches, with 5-inch nickel plated Waste Strainer with 2 inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $16.00. If with Check Valves on Hot and Cold Water Supply Pipes, add $5.00. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 67 "Santtary" Nickel Plated Brass Showers Total Height, 7 feet 3 inches. Diameter of Ring, 20 inches. Distance from Wall to Center of Ring, 18 inches. Total Height, 8 feet. Diametei; of Ring, 20 inches. Diameter of Shower, 8}^ inches. Distance from Wall to Center of Ring, 20 inches. C=136. C=137. C-136. Perforated ring shower with shampoo attachment and supply pipes to floor, nickel plated. The perforated ring enables one to enjoy a shower bath v/ithout wetting the head. Price as described. _._.-- $26.00 If with Check Valves on Supply Pipes, add S5.00. If with Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain, add |22.00. C-137. Perforated ring shower and regular overhead shower with upper self-closing valves, shampoo attachment and supply pipes to floor, nickel plated. Price as described, ------ $40.00 If with Check Valve on Supply Pipe, add S5.00. Having Independent Upper Self Closing Valves, Shower can be used separately or together as desired. 13^-inch Italian Marble Bas'', Countersunk J^-inch deep, 30x26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Straine' with 2-inch outlet. Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, Sli>.50. 68 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary -^ Nickel Plated Brass Showers. Total Height, 8 feet. Total Height, 7 feet 6 inches. Diameter of Shower, 8^ inches. Diameter of Shower, 9>^ inches. Diameter of Ring 20 inches. Distance from Wall to Center of Shower, 20 inches. Distance from Wall to Center of Ring, 20 inches. C=138. C=139. C 138. With 25-inch curtain ring, shampoo attachment, supply pipes to floor, with check valves and nickel plated curtain holder and rubber curtain. Price as described, --__---■_ ^43.50 C-139. Nickel plated perforated ring shower and regular overhead shower with upper self-closing valves, shampoo attachment, supply pipes to floor, with check valves and nickel plated curtain ring. Price as described, ------- . |46 50 Having independent upper self-closing valves, showers can be used separately or together, as desired. 13^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk to depth of 3^-inch, 36x38 inches, with 5-inch nickel plated Waste Strainer, with 2-lnch Outlet Coupling, extra, $22.00. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 6c) "Sanitary" Nickel Plated Brass Shower With Enameled Iron Receptor. C=I40. 0-140, Nickel plated brass shower with curtain rings, rubber curtain, curtain holder and enameled iron roll rim receptor, painted outside. Price as described, with 36x36 inch Receptor, - - $68.00 Price as described, with 42x42 inch Receptor, - - - 76.00 If Receptor is finished Zinc White Outside, add 15.00. The Receptor has 6-inch Strainer with 3-ineh Outlet CoupUng. Above is furnished with check valves on the supply pipes to prevent cir- culation of water should valves be left open. The Receptor is Guaranteed to be of First Quality. 70 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Nickel Plated Brass Combination Needle and Shower Bath. C=l4t. Combination needle and shower bath as shown, for cold and hot water, nickel plated, with copper shower, and 6-inch nickel plated waste strainer with 3-inch outlet coupling, marble not included, - $85.00 Combination needle and shower bath, for cold water only, nickel plated, and nickel plated waste strainer and coupling, - - - 78.00 Needle bath for hot and cold water, nickel plated (without shower), with nickel plated waste strainer and coupling, - - - 65.00 Needle bath for cold water only, nickel plated (without shower), with nickel plated waste strainer and coupling, . _ - - 58.00 Italian Marble Stall, Back, two Sides and Base, 7 feet by 3 feet 2 inches, by 3 feet 2 inches, extra $102.00; Slate, $65.00 Italian Marble Stall, Back, two Sides and Base, 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 2 inches, by 3 feet 2 inches extra, $95.00; Slate, 860. 00. Nickel plated Curtain Rod Flanges, Bolts and Rings and Rubber Curtain, extra, 820.00. If with Cast Brass Head Shower, add $5.00. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 71 "Sanitaty" Nickel Plated Brass Combination Sliower, Needle and Bidet Batli, Douclie and Liver Spray. Total Height, 7 feet 6 inches. Diameter of Oval, 35x40 inches. C=I42. C-142. With 18-inch mixing chamber, with thermometer, valve column, cast-brass shower, and 6-inch strainer with 3-inch outlet, without marble. Price, $215.00 Mixing Chamber furnished on right hand side unless ordered on left hand. Price of Marble Base, Stalls, etc. upon receipt of Specifications. To insure satisfactory results care should be taken that the supply pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had ; the pressure should be at least 20 pounds. . 72 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Nickel Plated Brass Combination Needle, Shower and Bidet Bath. Total Height, 7 feet 6 inches. Diameter of Oval, 35 inches by 40 inches Base, 4 feet by 3 feet 9 inches. ^^ C-143, With 15^ -inch mixing chamber, with thermometer, 1-inch supply pipes with check valves to wall, adjustable liver sprays, cast brass shower, curtain ring and rubber curtain, and 6-inch nickel plated brass waste strainer, with 3 inch outlet coupling and 2- inch Italian marble base, countersunk ^-inch deep, - • $250.00 If floor is not absolutely water tight, 5-inch High Marble Risers are necessary. Where ordered, add $20.00 to above list. To insure satisfactory results, care should be taken that the supply pipes are sufficiently large and as direct as possible, so an even flow of water may be had; the pressure should be at least 20 pounds. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 73 "Sanitary" Portable Shower K^W. .■••,, f»» y - PATENTEO C 144. Showing Position Over Tub C 144. The Frame ^pHIS PORTABLE SHOWER is the ideal fixture for the great number of people who live in rented houses. Can be attached to any bath tub having a double bath cock. A couple of nails or hooks in the wall are all that is needed to put it up. The curtain is of best soft, white rubber, and folds back in small space when not in use. The frame is of seamless brass tubing, nickel-plated, substantially made. The rubber supply tube is made with a slip socket to go over the faucet of the tub. If desired, this slip socket may be cut off and the regular screw connection belonging to faucet be inserted in tube. List, complete with curtain ;i5.oo 74 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitafy" Lavatory Trimmings C 145 pULLER COMBINATION LAVATORY FIXTURE. Porcelain handles and porcelain index on waste, marked "waste." "Hot" and "cold" are marked in the respective faucets. Extra heavy nickel-plated. We can also furnish the above with ebony or ivory handles, the waste without porcelain index, "waste" when so specified. pULLER COMBINATION LAVATORY FIXTURE. With . porcelain handles and porcelain index on waste marked " waste." ** Hot " and " cold " are marked on the respective faucets. See Lavatory, C 235, for an example of these fixtures in use. We can furnish either of them with that lavatory at the same price. Can also furnish either of the above in compression work. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 75 "Sanitary" Lavatory Trimmings NO PACKING BASIN COCKS C 146 Finished, per doz. . . Nickel-plated, per doz. Semi-Low-Down $52.00 58.00 C147 ^S this name indicates the No Packing Basin Cocks are constructed without packing. On this account they are es- pecially adapted to HOT WATER and STEAM, or for high pressure. Dirt cannot get between the seats to grind them out. There is no hammering or pounding of pipes, even under the highest pressure. Made of best quality of Phosphor Bronze and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Self-Closing Finished, per doz $52.00 Nickel-plated, per doz 58. 00 Tail piece for ^ or i^ iron pipe, per doz., extra, ^6.50 Crown may be removed and spring replaced without shutting off water. Finished, per doz $76-50 Nickel-plated, per doz 83. 00 "jd Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Self Closing Basin Cocks Paragon Patent, Crown Handle C 149 Finished, per dozen ........ $52.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen . . . . . . . 60.OO If wanted with Porcelain index buttons on handles, add per dozen . 4. 00 A/V/^E believe we can claim, without the slightest egotism on our part, that our PARAGON "CROWN" HANDLE SELF-CLOSING work is without exception, the best self- closing work now manufactured. In describing our "CROWN" Handle Self-Closing Work, we wish to say that from an artistic view it has no equal, the "CROWN" Handle adding greatly to make a very handsome fixture. From a practical point it will be seen that the handle fits the hand perfectly, the grooved bpttom making the grip firm against soapy hands, etc. The "CROWN" Handle is BALL-BEARING, having three balls, which roll on grooved inclined planes, and while a spring of probably double, or treble, the tension heretofore used in faucets of this general character is employed, the opening of the valve is much easier than in other faucets. This same feature relieves the friction which causes all other Self-Closing Work made by other manufacturers to wear out so rapidly, and which in our case adds very materially to the life of our faucet. It will also be noticed that the "CROWN" Handle Faucets and Bibbs are constructed in such a manner that it is impossible to tie open or in any way keep the water running. We guarantee, without reservation, every "Crown" Handle Faucet or Bibb to give perfect satisfaction. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 11 "Sanitary" Self-Closing Basin Cocks Paragon Patent Crown Handle C 150 Finished, per dozen $56.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 64. OO If wanted with porcelain index buttons on handle, add per dozen 4. 00 COMPRESSION BASIN COCK Porcelain Index C 151 Finished, per dozen $52.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 60.00 If wanted with porcelain index buttons on handle, add per dozen 4.00 /yfoTx FULLER BASIN COCK Porcelain Index C 152 Compression Semi-Low-Down Basin Cock with cross and ball handle and porcelain index marked "hot" or "cold." Nickel-plated, per dozen . . $36.00 The same, without porcelain index, but stamped "H" and "C." Nickel-plated, per dozen, $32.00 No. O, Fuller Basin Cock with porce- 1 ai n index, marked " hot " and "cold." The most satis- factory Fuller Basin Cocks on the market. Nickel-plated, per doz. $50.00 78 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Lavatory Trimmings COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS C 154. T-Handle Nickel-plated, per doz $17.00 Weight not to exceed i lb. 2 oz. C 154!/^. Tee Handle Extra Pattern Com- pression Basin Cock with stuffing box. Nickel-plated, per doz $19.00 C 155. Cross Handle Nickel-plated, per doz $l8.00 Weight not to exceed i lb. 3 oz. C I SS/4- Cross Handle Extra Pattern Com- pression Basin Cock with stuffing box. Nickel-plated, per doz $20.00 SODERLUND TWIN FAUCET FOR BASINS. Full nickel- plated. Measures 4 inches from C to C of cock holes. C 156 TN the Soderlund Twin Faucet the handle is attached to a cam, which, as it is turned, comes in contact with one of the valve stems, opening it against the pressure. When the first valve is opened to its fullest extent the cam will, by turning the handle come in contact with valve No. 2, and a mixture of the two waters is obtained, and as one keeps turning the handle, a larger flow is. received from valve No. 2 and less from No. i, until the latter closes and No. 2 is wide open. Further turning of the handle allows No. 2 to close with the pressure. C I 56, with porcelain indexes, marked *' hot " and " cold," and with porce- lain handle. Price, each ........ $5*00 C 156^, without porcelain handle and indexes, but stamped "hot" and "COLD." Price, each . . . . . . . . 4. 00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 79 "Sanitary" Lavatory Trimmings SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCKS Doherty Boston or Zane C 157 Finished, per doz. . $45.00 Nickel-plated, per doz. 48. 00 C 158 Finished, per dozen . . Nickel-plated, per dozen Ci58>^ $45.00 48.00 FULLER BASIN COCKS C 159. (No. o) C 160. (No. i) C 161. (No. 2) Nickel-plated,per doz. $40.00 Nickel-plated,per doz. $40.00 Nickel-plated, per doz. $44.00 When specifying or ordering, be careful to give catalogue name and number. 8o Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary' Lavatory Trimmings FULLER BASIN COCKS C 162 C 163 C 164 Nickel-plated, per doz. $58.00 Nickel-plated,per doz, $60. 00 Nickel-plated, per doz. $6o.OO C 165 C 166 Nickel-plated, per dozen ... . . $75.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen $76.00 Note — C 163, C 164, C 165 and C 166 faucets are provided with Union Joint (see illustration), so the top part containing the working parts can be easily and quickly detached and replaced without disturbing any joints or loosening the body of faucet from the slab. When specifying or ordering, be careful to give catalogue name and number. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Lavatory Trimmings CHAIN STAYS ^°' '^ No. 2 No. 3 Ko. o C 167 C 1671^ Nickel-plated, per dozen No, 6 C 168 C i68>^ C 169 No. o No. % No. 3 No. 4 No. 6 . . . . $2.50 $3.75 $4.25 $8.00 $9.00 SANITARY CONNECTED WASTES C 170 ■ Size, \]^ Finished or nickel-plated as shown $5.40 If wanted to fit waste, deduct for each plug 40 i^ in. 2 m. $5-90 $8.00 .40 .40 C 171 Size, i^ ii Finished or nickel-plated, as shown $ 6.40 If wanted for five-part basins 12. 40 If wanted for seven-part basins 18.40 If wanted to fit waste, deduct for each plug .40 I 14 in. $ 6.90 13-50 20.10 .40 2 in. $ 9.10 18.10 27.10 ,40 C 172 Size, i^ in. ij^ in. 2 in. Finished or nickel-plated, as shown $ 6.20 $ 6.90 $11.30 If wanted for four-part basins 8.70 9-70 13. 20 If wanted for five-part basins 11.20 12.50 17. 10 If wanted for six-part basins I3-70 I5-30 25.80 If wanted to fit waste, deduct for each plug .40 .40 .40 IMPORTANT. — All the above prices contemplate measurements of 24-inch Centers, and orders will be filled cordingly unless otherwise advised. If wanted to fit special tailpiece, always state outside diameter of same. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Lavatory Traps C 174 C 173 Nickel-plated )^ "S" Trap, not vented. I }i inch $2.75 xy^ inch 3-75 C 1731^ Nickel-plated i^ "S" Trap, vented. 1 14: inch $3-00 1 Vo inch 4-00 C 174. Nickel-plated. \y^ inch I i^ inch $3.00 4.00 C 175. Nickel-plated. I ^ inch $2.75 3.75 74 ii^ inch Acorn Pattern. Bottom screws on, so it is easily cleaned out. C 176 Size 134^ in. i ^ in. Finished or nickel-plated, each . . . $3.00 $3.50 If wanted with Ell connection, deduct .20 .20 If wanted with I ;^ in. P.O. plug, add .40 .40 C 175 ^^?^^ Brass Connection for Trap Waste Pipes. Made to screw in Durham Fittings. c 176;^ \% in. I. P. Male reamed for \% in.O.D. waste pipe Rough, as above described, each $0.35 N. P., as above described, each 4° 1^ in. I. P. Male reamed for i^ in.O.D. waste pipe. Rough, as above described, each $0.40 N. P., as above described, each 45 Sanitary SpEcrALTY Manufacturing Co., Chicago 83 "Sanitary" Lavatory Traps BRASS FLASK TRAPS C 177 c ^iiYz 1/ in \^/.\r I '4 m. iy2, in. I '4 in. 1)4 in. Finished or nickel-plated, each. $5.00 $5.50 Finished or nickel-plated, each. $4.50 $5.25 If without vent 4.50 5.25 If without vent 4. 00 4.75 BRASS PANEL TRAPS With Slip Joint C 17 I J4 in. I J4 in. Finished or nickel-plated, each. $4.70 $5.60 .... 4.20 5.00 If without vent ; i:?..r Zb. ': C 178;!^ 114^ in. i^ in. Finished or nickel-plated, each. $5.00 $6.00 If without vent 4.50 5.50 84 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Non-Siphonable Lavatory Traps A Self Cleaning Trap, perfect in construction and action. C 179 Finished or nickel-plated . . $5.00 $6.50 C 179^ Finished or nickel-plated iX 'M $6.00 $7.50 C 180 With nut for iron pipe connection iX ^V^ Finished or nickel-plated . . $5.00 $6.50 Same, vented 6.00 7.50 C 180^ With waste to wall from side 'X ^V^ Finished or nickel-plated . . $5.00 $6.50 Same, vented 6.00 7.50 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary' Non-Siphonable Trap A HANDSOME Sanitary Trap, and the only sate trap for use without re-vent; durable and easily cleaned. There is no other trap manufactured that will withstand the tests given this trap. It maintains a perfect water seal against sewer gas, under any and all conditions. It is not affected by acids or mineral water. The trap is made with and without a re-vent, so that where it is desired to re-vent all fixtures it can be used. The trap is as safe without a vent as with one. All are heavily nickel-plated. C i8i Patented Aug. ii, 1896 Patented Dec. 19, 1899 I 14^, No Vent I J^j^, Vented i"^, No Vent i^, Vented C 181. Waste to floor, $5.75 $6.50 $6.60 $7.50 C i8z. " " wall, 5.75 6.50 6.60 7.50 BATH TRAPS With Combined Waste and Overflow C 1811^ Non-siphonable trap for bath tubs complete with N. P. connected waste and overflow. I ^ -inch, as shown $9.00 i^-inch, without waste and overflow .... 6.75 C 182 The trap sets above the floor and is an ideal fixture for tiled floors and where there is slight space between floor and ceiling below. Size ij^ inch. Finished or N. P., with cast grate, each . . . $6.50 " *' " stamped grate, each . 6.25 Diameter of overflow pipe, i^ inch. 86 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Lavatory Trimmings IDEAL WASTE C 183 Finished or nickel-plated, with plain brass head . . . . $3.75 Finished or nickel-plated, with porcelain index ma r k e d " waste" $4-25 IDEAL WASTE With Jewel Cup and Fuller Handle EXCELSIOR WASTE C183K Finished or nickel-plated . $5.00 Showing method of connecting waste. Waste is adjustable to fit various styles of basins. Porcelain index marked " waste.'' Finished or nickel-plated, as shown $4.00 Finished or nickel-plated cross or lever handle $4.25 NICKEL-PLATED BRASS BASIN SUPPLIES C 185 ^ C 186 C 187 C i5 C \\ C 190 C 191 C 192 C 185 C 186 C 187 C 188 C 189 C 190 C 191 C 192 Per pair ^-in. I. P. Size . . $2.50 ■ • 4-50 . . 5-00 . . 5-00 ■ ■ 4-50 . . 6.50 . . 6.90 • ■ 7-5° Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 87 "Sanitary" Lavatory Trimmings Nickel- Plated Brass Basin Supplies C 193 C 194 C 193. Per pair, C 194. " " C 195. - " C 196. " " C195 C 197 C i( C 197. Per pair, C 198. " " C 199. " " C 200. " " C 199 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary Marble Lavatory C 20I Specification npHE Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co.'s Italian Marble Lavatory, C 201. Complete as described. Description Deeply countersunk Italian marble corner slab, with 1 4X 1 7 oval basin ; nickel-plated Fuller basin cocks; nickel-plated supply pipes with air chambers; nickel-plated brass ideal waste and trap, vented, flanges, clamps and screws, Italian Marble Tennessee Marble Size 22X22X12, as described, list, . . $22.75 $21.75 " 24x24x12, " ** . . 24.00 23.00 C 202. Same as C 201, with supplies and waste to the wall. Same price as C 201. C 203. Corner slab, similar to C 201, but having 14-inch round basin; nickel-plated Fuller basin cocks; nickel-plated supply pipes without air chambers; nickel-plated '^ In ordering Recess Slabs great care should be exercised in sending us the exact width and depth of Recess Recess Slabs vary so in size that a table of measurements would be of no benefit to customers. N. B. — Slabs ordered without Backs or Sides cost more per square foot. Slabs for Combination Cocks and Oval Bowls must not be less than 22 inches wide. In ordering Slabs, be particular to state size, kind of Marble, number of Cock Holes, if for Chain Stay and Clamps, size of Bowl, and whether round, oval or square. In calculating measurements add one inch to each finished edge. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago lol "Samtary Marble Edges Sectional cut showing O. G. Moulding Sectional cut showing Fillet and Chamfer Moulding Sectional cut showing Plain Chamfer or Beveled Moulding Sectional cut showing Triple Bead Moulding 4 Sectional cut showing Roll Edge Moulding Fancy Shell Soap Cup Each, ^2.00, net We are prepared to furnish lavatories in the following grades of marble : Italian, "Blanco P." Italian, Tennessee, American, Florence, African, St. Baume, French Jasper and Rouge Royal; also in Mexican, Arizona or Algerian onyx. 102 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Porcelain Enameled Lavatories f»;*; C 257. One Piece » Specification T^HE Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co.'s Porcelain Enameled I,avatory, C 257. Complete as described. Description Countersunk, roll edge, porcelain enameled iron, flat back lavatory, 19x24 inches, with 12x15 Atheaian, basin. The slab and back are cast integral and are both countersunk ; removable nickel-plated overflow strainer; nickel-plated compression semi-low-down basin cocks, with porcelain indexes, marked "hot" and "cold;" nickel-plated flask trap, vented; nickel-plated supply pipes, with air chambers, flanges, screws chain and stopper. Enameled inside, painted and decorated outside, as described $28.00 Enameled inside and outside, as described 26,50 Slab only, with overflow strainer, plug and stopper. Enameled inside, painted and decorated outside, $15.00 Enameled inside and outside . . 20.00 If Fitted with C 183 ideal waste, add $3.50. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 103 "Sanitary" Porcelain Enameled Lavatories. C38ffcec><- "^:' C 258. One Piece Specification 'TM^.< Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co. 's Porcelain Enameled I^avatory No. C 258. Complete as described. f Description 1 lOijuntersunk, roll edge, porcelain enameled iron corner lavatory with 12x15 Athenian basin. The slab and bacit riff: cast integral, the slab ex tending out square into the room ; special brackets, cast at an angle; removable nick lii-jplated overflow strainer; nickel-plated Fuller basin cocks; nickel-plated trap, vented; nickel-plated sup- Pbl P'lj'fi; flanges, screws, chain and stopper. Enanjitcled inside, painted and decorated outside, as described, $30.00 EJnaijkled inside and outside, as described, S4.S5 I : C 259. I Slab same as C 258. Trimmings same as C 257. liuameled inside, painted and decorated outside, as described, $S3.00 IJuaniielcd inside and outside, as described, 26.50 j Slab only, with overflow strainer, plug and stopper. Ijuaniieled inside, painted and decorated outside, $15.00 Enanjieled inside and outside, 30.00 II' fitted vvith C 183 ideal waste, add $3.50. 104 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago '^Sanitary" Porcelain Enameled Lavatories '•/» C 260. One Piece Specification 'Y'HE; Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co.'s Porcelain Enameled I^avatory, C 260. Complete as described. Description Countersunk, porcelain enameled iron flat back I^xio, 6gal $12.50 $13.25 C 389. 21x12x11, 8 " 15.00 16.00 Top Supply C 390. 2oxioi^xio 12.50 13.25 C 391. 21x12x10 15.00 16.00 use and recommend the 8-gal. tanks for all closets with jet. Plain tank, with a good ball cock, galvanized siphon, etc. TINNED COPPER OR I^EAD L,INED Bottom Supply C 392. 17x8x10, capacity 5 gal., 1^ coupling $ 7.50 C 393. 20x9x10, " 8 " iji " 10.00 Top Supply C 304. 17x8x10, capacity 5 gal., ij^ coupling $ 7.50 C 395. 20x9x10, " 8 ". \% '• 10.00 REGUI^AR COPPER LINED, NOT TINNED Bottom Supply Top Supply C 396. 17x8x10, capacity 5 gal., \'%. coupling. . . $6.50 C 398. 17x8x10, capacity 5 gal., \% coupling. . . $6.50 C 397. 20x9x10, " 8 " ij^ " ... 9.00 C 399. 20x9x10, " 8 " i^ " ■ ... 9.00 For Glass Floats, furnished with any of our tanks, add 50c. 146 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Closet Tanks PATE.-»TED JULY 3, 1C94 Tank for low tank combination; hardwood, cabi- net finish, piano polished; high-pressure ball cock and patented refill arrangement. Furnished complete with N. P. brass angle brackets and supply pipe. Capacity 8 gallons; 2 inch coupling. Tinned Copper or Lead Lined C 400. For siphon washdown closet . . . $16.00 C 401. " " jet "... 16.00 Regular Copper Lined, Not Tinned C 402. For siphon washdown closet . . . 15.00 C 403. " " jet "... 15.00 Sectional view, showing the working parts. The refill is the small tube rising from the ball cock, bend- ing over and discharging into the flush. When the cock is open water passes through this tube and escapes into the closet bowl. This insures a supply of water in the bowl to make an effectual seal. Furnished in natural or golden oak. Natural oak sent unless otherwise ordered. Quartered oak, mahogany or cherry to order. Recess front; bent-wood effect tank; quarter-sawed oak; piano polish; high-pressure ball cock and refill ar- rangement. Furnished complete with N. P. brass angle brackets and supply pipe. Capacity 8 gal.; 2-in. coupling. Tinned Copper or Lead Lined C 404. For siphon washdown closet . . . $17.50 Regular Copper Lined, Not Tinned C 405. For siphon washdown closet . , , 16.00 Tank same as C 404 but for siphon jet. Tinned Copper or Lead Lined C 406. For siphon jet closet $17.50 Regular Copper, Not Tinned C 407. For siphon jet closet 16.00 Furnished in natural or golden oak; natural oak sentunless otherwise ordered; mahogany or cherry to order. For Glass Floats, furnished with any of our tanks, add 50c, J Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago ^M "Sanitary" Closet Seats "ST. PAUL" SEAT For attaching to bowl. Natural oak, cabinet finish. Price (.00 C 408 "CHICAGO" SEAT With nickel-plated brass hinges for attaching to bowl. Natural or golden oak. Regular pattern, price . $4.00 With offset "hinges (for low tank) . , , . • 4.40 SADDLE SEAT C 409 BENT WOOD SEAT ^ " " . ■ 4-50 FOR STRAIGHT PIPES C 422 C 423 C 422. Flush pipe support, with rubber bumper. 1 1^ -inch, per dozen, . . $6.00 i^ '' " . . 7.00 C 423. Supply pipe support. C 421 Pipe strap, without bumper, i^-inch, per dozen, . . $0.75 i>^ " " . . 3.50 N. P. CLOSET FLOOR SCREWS y^ or 54 -inch, per dozen. $5.00 C 424 C 425 C 424. Steel, per hundred, . % 7. 00 Brass, " . 10. 00 C425. Steel, brass head, per hundred 13.50 Brass, " '« 17.50 SEAT BUMPER (Rubber) RUBBER HEAD FENDER NAILS NICKEL PLATED BRASS WASHERS 01 C427 Size I , per 100, $1.00 C428 " 2 (< 2,00 " 3 <( 3.00 Per hundred. ' l> .^m O iiJiiJII>' C429 ■50 150 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Closet Trimmings RUBBER GOODS PLUNGER RING Soft Pure Rubber C430 1 1^ inch, per dozen 1 Vo. " ^2.50 3.00 ROBE'S CONNECTION C432 1 1^ inch, per dozen 11/ " I3.50 3-75 RUBBER AND BRASS Slip Joint Ell i*'H»k C 434 \y^ inch, each 114 2x1 i^ " *< 2 " " ^0.85 1.30 1.30 RUBBER SIPHON PACKING C431 I y^ inch, per dozen i^/^ " ^2.50 3.00 OLIGHER CONNECTION C433 1 1^ inch, per dozen 11/ - ^2.50 3.00 RUBBER SLIP JOINT ELL C435 \y^ inch, each CC <( $0.85 1.30 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago ''Sanitary' Closet Trimmings NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SLIP JOINT ELL \ C436 Allows an adjustment of 2 inches. 1 1^ -inch closet end for i i^^-inch flush pipe, each. Wa I 14 " '< " f« N. P. SPUN BRASS FLANGES pi.oo 1.25 C437 Outside Diameter— >^ ^ ^ i ji^ j^ Per dozen, . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.25 $1.25 $1.50 For Iron Pipe Size Tubing — y% Yz 'hi Per dozen, |i.Oo $i.oo $1.25 SALVAGE CLOSET REPAIR CONNECTION Ui C438 1 1^ -inch, each. i( (I Fl.50 2.00 Showing Method of Applying 152 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Santtajy" Closet Tank Trimmings GALVANIZED IRON SIPHON I SUCCESS SIPHON Made of Copper ^ ^JJ C439 Made both I )^ inch and i ^ inch of the best grey iron, heavily galvanized by the hot dipping process. These siphons have a large, free waterway, are com- pact and neat in appearance, and never require repairs except renewing the rubber washer, i J^ in. i i^ in. "Price, per dozen $30.00 $40.00 DOUGLAS BALL, OR FLOAT VALVE For Closet C 440 i^ in. i^ in. Per dozen $30.00 $40.00 COMPOUND LEVER, HIGH PRES- SURE BALL COCK Per dozen $14.00 C 442 Price, each $2.50 Can furnish for top or bottom supply. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 153 "Sanitary" Roll Rim Kitchen Sinks C 443. Roll Rim, Center Outlet When ordering or specifying, please give catalogue name and number. Enameled Roll Rim Sink, Painted Outside, with Painted Brackets. Galvanized, White Enameled with Galvanized with Painted Galvanized, White Enameled with Galvanized with Painted Size of Sink Brackets Brackets 16 X 24 inches . • $4.75 $6.50 18 X 30 " . 5-00 7.00 18 X 36 " . 6.25 8.25 20 X 30 ♦* 6.00 8.00 Size of Sink Brackets Brackets 20 X 36 inches . . $6.50 $8.50 20 X 40 " . 7.25 9.25 22 X 36 " 7.00 9.00 22 X 42 " • 7-50 9.50 The outside of Galvanized Sinks is galvanized; and of Enameled Sinks, painted. C 444 Enameled Iron Roll Rim Sink v^rith Iron Brackets and Metal Strainer; ^g-inch Marble Back (fitted to sink) and one pair N. P. Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets for Lead Pipe. Tenn. Italian Marble Marble $15.50 $16.25 17.00 18.00 16.00 16.75 17.25 18.25 Tenn. Italian Marble Marble 16x24 w^ith I 8 in. back . . $12.25 $12.75 20x36 with 18 in. back 18x30 " 18 . 13.25 14.00 20x42 "18 " 18x36 " 18 " . 15.25 16.00 22x36 " 18 " 20x30 " 18 " . 14.25 15.00 22x42 " 18 " 154 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago Size of Sink 16x24 inches 18x30 " 18x36 " 20x30 *' 20x36 " 20x40 " 22x36 " 22x42 ** C4+S If without faucets, deduct $2.2.5 ; if without air chambers, deduct $2.00. Air chambers are tapped for ^-inch iron pipe. The outside of plain sinks is painted ; of galvanized sinks, galvanized ; and of enameled sinks, painted. C 446. With I 5 -inch high back, concealed air chambers and left-hand end ; one bracket and two nickel-plated improved Fuller faucets with flange and for iron pipe. Size of Sink 16x24 inches 18x30 " 18x36 " 20x30 <' Galvanized with Galvanized Bracket . $12.00 • 14.25 • 15.75 . 15.50 White Enameled with Painted Bracket $16.50 18.75 20.25 20.00 "Sanitary Roll Rim Kitchen Sinks CENTER OUTLET C 445, 15-inch high back, with concealed air chambers, brackets and two nickel-plated improved Fuller faucets with flange and for iron pipe. Plain with Painted Brackets $ 7-75 8.75 8.25 9.25 10.00 9.75 11.25 Galvanized with Galvanized Brackets $10.00 12.25 13.75 13.25 14.25 15.75 14.75 16.25 White Enameled with Painted Brackets $14.00 16.25 17.75 17-25 18.75 20.25 19.25 20.75 Size of Sink 20x36 inches 20x40 *' 22x36 ** 22x42 " Galvanized with Galvanized Bracket $16.50 18.25 17.25 18.75 White Enameled with Painted Bracket $21.50 23.00 22.25 23.75 If without faucets, deduct $2.25; it chambers are tapped for ^-inch iron pipe, and of white enameled sinks, painted. C 447. Same as Above, except end is on right-hand side. without air chambers, deduct $2.00. Air The outside of galvanized sinks is galvanized; Same prices. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 155 "Sanitary Roll Rim Kitchen Sinks CENTER OUTLET C 448. I 5 -inch high back, with con- cealed air chambers, legs and two nickel- plated improved Fuller faucets with flange and for iron pipe. Plain Galvanized Enameled with Painted with Galvanized with Painted Legs $14.50 16.75 18.25 17.75 19.25 20.75 19-75 21.25 If without air chambers, deduct ^2.00. Air chambers are tapped for 3^-inch iron pipe. The outside of plain sinks is painted; of galvanized sinks, galvanized, and of enameled sinks, painted. C 448 If without faucets, deduct ^2.25. Size of J link Legs Legs 16x24 inches. $10.50 18x30 $8.25 12.75 18x36 9.25 14.25 20x30 8.75 13-75 20x36 • 9-75 14-75 20x40 10.50 16.25 22x36 10.25 15-25 22x42 11-75 16.75 C 449. With 15-inch high back, concealed air chambers and left-hand end, one leg and two. nickel-plated improved Fuller faucets with flange and for iron pipe. Note. — The outside of plain sinks is painted; of galvanized sinks, galvanized, and of white enameled sinks, painted. Galvanized with Galvanized Legs $12.25 14.50 16.00 Size of Sink 16x24 inches, 18x30 " 18x36 " 20x30 " . . . . . 15-75 20x36 " ..... 16.75 20x40 " . . . . . 18.50 22x36 *' ..... 17-50 22x42 '* ..... 19.00 If without faucets, deduct ^2.25. If without air chambers, deduct ^2.00. are tapped for ^-inch iron pipe. C 450. Same as Above, except end is on right-hand side. Same prices. White Enameled with Painted Legs $16.75 19.00 20.50 20.25 21.75 23.25 22.50 24.00 chambers 156 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Roll Rim Kitchen Sinks CENTER OUTLET 1 5 -inch High Back, with Con- cealed Air Chambers and Left-Hand End, one Leg and two Nickel-plated Improved Fuller Faucets with Flange and for Iron Pipe. 18x30 inches. . $14.50 18x36 20x30 20x36 20x40 22x36 22x42 Galvanized with White Enameled with anized Legs -Painted Legs ;i4.5o $19.00 16.00 20.50 15.75 20.25 16.75 21.75 18.50 23.25 17.50 22.50 19.00 24.00 If without Faucets, deduct ^2.25 ; if without Air Chambers, deduct ^2.00. C 452. Same as Above, except end is on right-hand side. Same price. EXTENDED BACK FOR DRIP BOARD Sink with 15 -inch High Back with Concealed Air Chambers, Painted Legs and one Bracket, two Nickel-plated Improved Fuller Faucets for Iron Pipe and 24-inch Ash or Iron Drip Board. Backs over 5 feet long are made in 2 sections. White Enameled with Painted Legs and Enam- eled Iron Drip Board $25.75 27.25 27.25 ' 28.75 inch White Enameled with Painted Legs and Ash "Sink Drip Board inches $23.50 25.00 24.50 26.00 27.50 26,50 28.00 30.25 29.75 31.25 20x40 C453 22x36 22x42 If without Faucets, deduct $2.25. Air Chambers are tapped for ^-inch Iron Pipe. The outside of Galvanized Sinks is galvanized ; and of Enameled Sinks, painted. The Drip-Board End is depressed so when Marble, Slate or Wood Drip is in place the top of same and top of Roll-Edge will be on a level. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 157 "Sanitaty" Roll Rim Kitchen Sinks Sink with 15 -inch high back, with concealed air cham- bers, painted legs and brackets, and two nickel-plated improved Fuller faucets for iron pipe, and two ash drip boards. Back, on account of length, is made in two sections. Size of Sink. 18x30 inches, with back for two 18-inch drip boards, 18x36 20x30 20x36 20x40 22x36 22x42 If without faucets, deduct ^2,25. If without air chambers, deduct ^2.00 ash drip boards, deduct ^4.00, Air chambers are tapped for ^-inch Iron Pipe. For Recess — With i 5 -inch back and two ends, air chambers and two nickel-plated improved Fuller faucets with flange and for iron pipe. Galvanized White Enameled with Galvanized with Painted Size of Sink Legs Legs 18x30 in., $16.25 $21.25 18x36 *' 17.75 22.75 20x30 ** 17.75 22.75 20x36 " 18.75 24.25 20x40 " 20.50 25.75 22x36 " 19.75 25.25 22x42 " 21.25 26.75 If without faucets, deduct ^2.25. Air chambers are tapped for ^-inch iron pipe. The outside of galvanized sinks is galvanized, and of white enameled sinks, painted. Enameled, with Painted Legs $27.25 28.75 28.25 29-75 31.25 30.25 31.75 If without C455 158 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Roll Rim Kitchen Enameled Iron Kitchen Sink with 15 -inch high Enameled Iron Back with Concealed Air Chambers, Brackets and two Nickel- Plated Improved Fuller Faucets with Flange and for Iron Pipe and 24-inch Enameled Drain Board. 16 X 24 inches with 24- inch Drain Board, 18 X 30 18 X 36 20 X 30 20 X 36 20 X 40 22 X 36 22 X 42 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 If without Faucets deduct ^2 tapped for ^-imli Iron Pipe. SQUARE KITCHEN SINKS 25. If without Air Chambers deduct ^2.00. White Enameled with Painted Brackets $18.75 21.00 22.50 22.50 24.00 25-50 25.00 26.50 Air Chambers FLAT RIM C457 White White Size of Sink Plain Galvanized Enameled Size of Sink' Plain Galvanized Enameled 12x18x6 in ., $1.25 $2.60 $4.75 20 X 36 X 6 in •, $ 3-70 $ 7.75 $10.50 14X 20 X 6 * ' 1.50 3-20 6.00 20 X 38 x 6 * ' 3.80 8.00 11.00 15 X 27 X 6 ' 2.00 4-25 7.25 20 X 40 X 6 ' 4.00 8.75 11.75 16 X 24X 6 « 1.80 4.00 6.50 20 X 42 X 6 ' 4.25 9.00 12.00 16 X 28 X 6 ' <■ 2.10 4.50 7-50 20 X 48 X 6 ' ' 5.30 11.50 13.25 16 X 30 X 6 ' ' 2.25 4.75 7.75 21IX32JX6 ' 3.35 7.00 10.00 18 X 24X 6 ' ' 2.10 4-30 7.00 2llx 36 X 6 ' 3-90 8.10 11.25 18 X 30 X 6 ' 2.50 5.10 8.50 22 X 42 X 6 ' 4-25 9.00 12.00 18x32x6 ' 3-00 6.25 9-50 22 X48 x6 ' ' 5-75 12.25 15.00 18 X 36 X 6 ' 3-00 6.50 9-50 24 X 50 >x 61 ' ' 7-50 16.00 18.00 20x24x6 « '• 2.40 5.00 7.50 22 X 62 X 8 * ' 10.75 22.00 26.00 20x30x6 ' 3.00 6.25 9.00 22x76x7 * ' 15.00 32.00 4O.OQ Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 159 "Sanitary" Kitchen Sinks Enameled iron flat rim Kitchen Sink, painted outside, with 2 painted brackets, and i z-inch high back, i i^-inch roll rim enameled. 16 X 24 inches 16 X 30 18 X 24 18 X 30 18x36 20 X 24 20 X 30 20 X 36 20 X 40 20 X 42 22 X 42 Air Chambers cannot be used on above Sink Back, it being only i i^ inches deep. CORNER .^.^^^^ SINKS ::,p ■ I, C459 Size Side Front Plain No. I 17 inches 25 inches $1.25 "2 20 *' 28 " 1.75 "3 22 " 31 " 2.10 HALF ROUND SINKS $ 9.00 10.75 9-50 11.50 13-15 10.00 12.00 14.15 15.85 16.85 16.85 Galvanized Wh ite Enameled $2.75 $6.00 3.50 7.00 4.20 8.00 I ','■',' ■■,'"■,'"' C 460 Size Back Width Plain No. I 24 inches 14 inches $1.50 "2 27 " 15 " 1.80 '■3 29 " 16 " 2.00 " 4 . • • . • 3i>^" 17 " 2.25 These Sinks can be made with Patent Overflows when desired, Galvanized White Enameled $3.25 $6.00 3.90 7.00 4.50 8.00 4.75 9.00 i6o Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Santtary" Enameled Iron Sink Backs W'-^ C 461 For regular Sinks 12 in. high, 1 14^ in. deep Size, I^ength 24 30 36 inches Price $2.50 3.00 3.65 Size, I^ -inch brass plugs and coupling, add ^2.40. If without soap cups, deduct for each one, 50 cents. Add to the above prices, for galvanized iron legs, per set of three $2.10; covers, hardwood, paneled, stained, 6-foot, ^4.50; wood covers, oak, varnished, 6-foot, ^7.50; polished brass rim, $13.50. Will be sent with cock holes and painted iron legs uijless otherwise ordered. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., i Chicago "Sanitary" Stone Laundry Trays C 522 'pWO-PART SANITARY STONE LAUNDRY TRAY, with back 12 inches high; two painted iron legs; soap cups and two pair of S/^ nickle- plated flange and thimble Fuller wash tray bibbs. Tray Only, with Tray Complete, Soap Cup and as Described, Including Two Painted Iron Legs Brass Waste Plugs $19.40 $24.70 29.20 33.95 Number Length 9 4 feet o inches 10 4 " 6 " 11 5 ♦' o " Width 2 feet 2 " 2 " Depth 16 inches 16 " 16 - If with I ^ -inch brass plugs with couplings, add 80 cents; add for galvanized iron legs, per set of two, ^1.40; if without soap cup, deduct 50 cents. 23.90 28.65 C 523. Three-part Sanitary Stone Laundry Tray, with back i 2 inches high; three painted iron legs; soap cups and three pair S/^ nickle-plated flange and thimble bibbs. Tray Complete, With Soap Cup as Described, Including Three Painted Iron Legs Brass Waste Plugs $36.10 $44.05 41.10 49.05 44.10 52.05 Number Length 12 6 feet o inches 13 6 " 6 " 14 J " o " Width 2 feet 2 " 2 " Depth 16 inches 16 " 16 ♦' If without soap cups, deduct, each 50 cents; add for galvanized iron legs, each, 70 cents; add for i i^-inch brass waste plug with coupling, each, 40 cents. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Combined Sink and Laundry Tray C 524 SANITARY STONE COMBINED SINK AND LAUNDRY TRAY, with 12-inch back and left-hand end; hardwood cover for laundry tray forms drain board for the sink. Complete with one pair flange and thimble Fuller bibbs for sink and one pair flange and thimble Fuller bibbs for laundry tray; galvanized bracket and legs; waste plug, with coupling, and sink strainer. imber Length Width 15 4 feet inches 2 feet 16 4 " 6 " 2 " Size of Sink Price, as Described 24x24 inches $31.80 30x24 " 36.30 If high end is not wanted, deduct ^2.00. If oak drain board is not wanted, deduct S2.00. If with painted legs and bracket, deduct ^1.90. C 525. Same as C 524, with sink and end on right-hand side. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 183 "Sanitary" Manufactured Stone Laundry Trays QUR SANITARY MANUFACTURED STONE LAUNDRY TRAYS are made of the best Portland cement and powdered granite. They are cast solid, without seams, and bound with metallic rims. We guarantee them against leakage for a period of ten years. C 526. Two part manufactured stone laundry tray with zinc rim, brass plugs, overflows and waste connections. Same size and design as C 520. Tray with Two Painted Tray with Two Painted Length Iron Legs Iron Legs and Brass Rim 4 ft. $11.40 $I340 4 ft. 6 in. 12.90 I4"05 Add for galvanized iron legs, per set of two . . . . . . . . ^1.40 " " " " soap cup . . . . . . . . . . .50 Wash tray bibbs extra. C 527. Three part manufactured stone laundry tray, with zinc rim, brass plugs and waste connections and patent overflows. Same design and size as C 521. Length 6 ft. ... 6 ft. 8 in. 7 ft. 6 in. Add for galvanized iron legs, per set of three " " " " soap cups, each Wash tray bibbs extra. C 528. Two part manufactured stone laundry tray, with back 16 inches high. Both tray and back bound with zinc rim. Furnished with brass plugs and waste connections; patent overflows with strainers. Same design as C 522. Tray with Three Painted Tray with Two Painted Length Iron Legs Iron Legs and Brass Rim 4ft $15-40 $19-40 4 ft. 6 in. . . . . 17.40 21.65 5ft 18.15 22.95 Add for galvanized iron legs, per set of two . . . . . . . . . ^1.40 " " " *' soap cup ........... i 50 Wash tray bibbs extra. C 529. Three part manufactured stone laundry tray, with back 16 inches high. Both tray and back bound with zinc rim. Furnished with brass plugs and waste connections; patent overflows and strainers. Same design as C 523. Tray with Three Painted Tray with Three Painted Length Iron Legs Iron Legs and Brass Rims 6 ft. $24.10 $30.10 6 ft. 8 in. . . . . . 26.60 33.00 7 ft. 6 in 28.10 35-30 Add for galvanized iron legs, per set of three ........ ^2.10 " " " " soap cups, each . . . . . . . . . .50 Wash tray bibbs extra. Special sizes of any of the above promptly made to order. Tray with Three Painted Tra) ■ with Three Painted Iron Legs Iron Legs and Brass Rim $18.10 $21.10 20.10 23.30 21.10 three 24.70 $2.10 .50 184 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Laundry Tray Fittings PLUG FOR LAUNDRY TRAY SINK STRAINER C530 Plug with coupling, locknut and tailpiece. l^-inch brass, each $0-75 i^ ** nickel-plated, each . . . .85 PLUG FOR LAUNDRY TRAY C531 Sink Strainer with coupling and tailpiece. Brass, each $0.75 Nickel-plated, each 85 STRAINER • C 532 C 533 Brass, with bolts, each $0.35 a js, with bolts, each . $0.35 BRASS CONNECTED WASTE FOR LAUNDRY TRAY For 2 trays, " 3 " «' 4 «< C534 I ^ -inch rough brass continuous waste; nickel-plated, with plugs. \ 5.00 7-50 10.00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 185 "Sanitary" Laundry Tray Fittings SOAP CUPS C535 Galvanized, each Brass, each CS36 C537 PO.50 1. 00 ASH COVER FOR LAUNDRY TRAY cover. 2+- 48 inch '« 54- < I < i 72 " " 84 " C538 ^2.00 3.00 4.00 4.50 6.50 LAUNDRY TRAY LEG LAUNDRY TRAY LEG C539 Galvanized, for corner, each Galvanized, for center, each C 540 fl.50 Painted iron, each . . . 2.00 Galvanized iron, each pO.70 1.40 1 86 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Laundry Tray Fittings LAUNDRY TRAY TEE C S4I MALLEABLE IRON GALVANIZED CROSS-OVERS C 542 _ Tapped )^-in. to cross ^ - in. pipe \M Each $0.22 35 45 32 50 62 49 68 MALLEABLE IRON GALVANIZED CROSS-OVER TEES C 544 This cross-over tee does the work of five of the ordinary tees, 45° ells, nipples, etc. List Tapped ^-in. to cross J^-in. pipe . $0.38 " y^ " " " ^ '* " . .48 ^ " " " ^ " " . .56 ^X^ . $0.30 No. 2 OUTLETS Extra long y . $0.25 34 . $0.35 yx% . $0.35 We furnish standard length fittings unless otherwise specified. MALLEABLE IRON GALVANIZED CROSS-OVERS C543 Back outlet same size as run. Tapped )^-in. to cross )^-in. pipe 3/ " " " 3/ " '« Each ^0.26 •39 .60 MALLEABLE IRON GALVANIZED DOUBLE PIPE HANGER C545 Designed to be used with cross-over tees. >^-inch . $0.13 ^ " • -^4 I " 16 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 187 "Sanitary" Grease Traps No. I No. 2 C 546 The No. I size is adapted for hotels and restaurants. C 547 The No. 2 size for residences. Price Unameled IvCngth Width Depth Connection Trimmings Price Painted Inside No. I . . 18-inch 12-inch lo-inch 2 -inch Finished Brass $14.00 $19.00 No. 2 . . 12-inch 8-inch 9-inch i^-inch Nickel-plated 12.00 14.00 Add to No. I ^4.00 if enameled outside. Also add to No. 2 $2.50 if enameled outside. NO VENT Size, 5-inch . . $9.00 6-inch $11.00 .40 .40 . . 1.20 1.20 . . .50 .50 C 548. S TRAP. Finished or nickel-plated, each If wanted with sink funnel, add " " " " strainer " " " " '' vent " Important — When ordering always state if inlet is on right or left hand side of trap. C 548 has slip-joint connection at inlet, which takes i i^-inch outside diameter tailpiece. Unless no con- trary information is given m this matter, orders will be filled as shown. C 548 C 549 "Sanitary' Non-Siphonable Sink Trap ^ PERFECT Non-Siphonable Sink Trap. Can be used with perfect safety where it is impossible to put in a revent. Made of brass, nickel-plated. No Vent Vented Size, 1 1^ -inch, each $6.50 $7-50 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Sink Trimmings SINK COUPLINGS C 550. Tapped for iron pipe waste Tapped for i-in. i_^-ln. i^-in. Plain, each . . . $0.75 -75 -75 Galvanized, each . .90 .90 .90 IRON SINK PLUGS 2-m. 1. 00 1.25 C 552. With rubber stopper Plain, price net, each Galvanized, price net, each . . . White enameled, price net, each . SINK BRACKETS .40 .50 .60 Galv. No. I, 16x16 . . $0.50 i.oo No. 2, 16x18 . . .50 I.oo No. 3, 16x20 . . .70 1.25 SHORT BRASS BOLT Enam. I.OO I.OO 1.25 C556 Price, per dozen, brass $0.40 Price, per package of 100 . . . . 2.00 C551 Plain, each $1-50 Galvanized, each I.50 OPEN SINK STRAINER CSS3 Plain, per dozen $I«50 Galvanized, per dozen 2.6o LONG SINK BOLT C5S5 Per Doz. Price, iron $0.40 Price, brass I.OO Price, N. P. brass . . . 1. 25 Per 100 in Package 2.00 5.00 6.25 RUBBER SINK GASKET Per dozen 52.00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Crown Handle Self-Closing Bibbs Note. — For full line of /f__ Bibbs, see our. */ Plumbing Brass Goods " Catalogue of January i, 1903. The Crown Handle, is p e r f e c t i o n in self-closing bibbs ; impossible to prop or tie this bibb open. C558 C 558. Iron pipe ^ % Finished, per dozen $34. OO $37.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 41.00 45.00 C 559. I,ead pipe % $'s Finished, per dozen $30.00 $34.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 37.00 41.00 C 560. Solid flange with thimble lead pipe. Finished, per dozen $42.00 $47 00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 51.00 55.00 C 561. Solid flange nut and bent coupling for lead pipe. J^ f^ Finished, per dozen $51.00 $60.50 Nickel-plated, per dozen .... 60.00 69.50 C 562. Loose flange for iron pipe, male. Finished, per dozen $46.00 $52.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 54.00 59 00 C 563. Solid flange for iron pipe, male. . . % :'P. Finished, per dozen $39.00 $44 00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 47.00 51.00 Add for porcelain index buttons on above bibbs " " hose ends on above bibbs, per dozen. C 564. Solid flange for iron pipe, female. % rs Finished, per dozen $39.00 $44.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 47.00 5l ,00 C 565. I,oose flange for iron pipe, female. Finished, per dozen $46.00 $5k!.00 Nickel-plated, per dozen 54.00 69.00 C 566. I,oose flange Extension Bibbs, iron pipe, male or female. Q% in. long 9% in. long From center of spout to back of flange Per dozen % H 'A Vs Finished $52.00 58.00 54.00 60.00 Nickel-plated... 60.00 65.00 62.00 67.00 C 567. Solid flange Extension Bibbs, iron pipe, male or female. 65^ in. long 9^ in. long From center of spout to back of flange Per dozen ^ Finished $46 00 Nickel-plated . 53.00 per dozen, 50 00 47.00 57.00 55.00 $4.00 4.00 52.00 59.00 SYRACUSE NO PACKING BIBBS Especially adapted to extreme high pressure or to very hot water or steam. See page 75 for further description. C 568. No. 1 Sink Bibb, Plain; patented Per dozen Size ^-in. %-\n. Finished, iron pipe $38.00 $48.00 Nickel-plated, iron pipe 43.00 53.00 Finished, lead pipe 38.00 4S.00 Nickel-plated, lead pipe 41.00 51.00 C 569. No. 1 Sink Bibb, Hose; patented Per dozen Size ^-in. K-in- Finished, iron pipe $43.00 $53.00 Nickel-plated, iron pipe 48. OO 58. OO Finished, lead pipe 41.00 51. OO Nickel-plated, lead pipe 46.00 56.00 190 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Sink and Basin Trimmings BIBB WASHERS C 570. Red Rubber Bibb Washers Inches . ^ y^ y^ yi i * Perjoo $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 C 571. Rubber Boss Bibb Washers Inches . ^ Y^ Y^ Y\ i Per 100 $1.00 I.OO 1. 00 I.OO 1.50 , C 572. Red Fibre Bibb Washers Inches . ^ Y^ Y^ Y\ ^ Per 100 $0.60 .60 .60 .60 .80 IDEAL WASTE WASHER C576 Size ii^ 1/ Per dozen $1.00 I.50 2.00 GOOD STOPPER C578 Per dozen, basin size * ' bath size . , P4.20 6.00 C 573. Leather Bibb Washers Inches . ^ Y^ Y^ Y\ ' Per 100 $0.50 .50 .50 .50 .70 C 574- Genuine Bell Boss Bibb Washers Cold Inches . ^ Y^ Y?' Y\ ' Per 100 $1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 2.00 C 575. Genuine Bell Boss Bibb Washers Hot Inches . ^ Y^ Y^ Y\ ' Per 100 $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.20 MACK BASIN WASHER c 577 Per dozen $1.00 RUBBER STOPPER CS79 Size, in ^ ^ i Per dozen $1.00 I.OO I.OO Size, in. W IVa lYs ^y. Per dozen $1.10 1.20 I.40 1. 60 2.50 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 191 "Sanitary" Basin Trimmings SAFETY CHAIN C 580. Basin Chains, 16 inches long. No. 00 o I Per doz., brass . . . $0.95 1. 00 1.20 " " nickel-plated 1. 15 1-35 C 581. Wash Tray Chains, 20 inches long No. o I Per dozen, brass $1.25 " " nickel-plated . . 1.40 Package of 12 yards, brass, " "12 " nickel-plated, Reel of 500 feet, brass, " " 500 " nickel-plated. C 582. Bath Tub Chains, 26 inches long. I 2 No. 012 1.40 1.55 Per dozen, brass $1-35 I-50 1.95 1-55 'i■^^o " *' nickel-plated . . 1.50 1.75 2.10 C 583. Plumbers' Safety Chain. No. 00 o i 2 $1.25 1.50 1.85 2.30 1.35 I -So 1.95 2.40 18.00 21.50 26.00 32.00 18.50 22.50 27.50 33.50 NICKEL-PLATED SPLIT LINKS Full size NICKEL-PLATED BRASS 8 HOOKS 7 sizes, ranging from i3^ in. to ^ in. ^^SiSijjjiSmBiiimiiiimSaiiliik C585 C 584 t; 5«5 C 586. Per gross No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Per gross . . . $1.75 Per gross $2.00 $2.40 1.95 1.65 I.45 1. 25 1.05 1. 00 BASIN CLAMPS C587 Per dozen $1.25 Cs^ Per dc C587 WALL POCKETS C 589 c 590 Nickel-plated, each .... $0.50 Nickel-plated, each . C591 $0.50 Nickel-plated, each .... $0,60 192 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Earthenware and Porcelain Enameled Basins Athenian Basin Patent Overflow. Metal Plug C 592 See page 86, C 184 for cross section lixl7-in. 15xl9-iri. Patent overflow $5.00 $6.00 No overflow . . . _. 4.50 5-50 Patent Overflow. Rubber Plug 14xl7-in. 15xl9-in. C 595- Oval $3.50 $4.50 12-in. 14-in ;i6-iii. C 596. Round $1.50 $1.50 $3.00 Common Overflow. Metal Plug 14xl7-in. 15xl9-iti. C 593. Oval $3.00 $4.00 12-in. 14-in. 16-in. C 594. Round $1.25 $1.25 $2.50 No Overflow. Metal Plug 14xl7-in. Ir)xl9-in. C 597. Oval $2.50 $3-50 12-in. 14-in. 16-in. C 598. Round $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 Enameled Stock C 601 I' II Oval Basin Painted Galvanized Enameled I4xi7-in. P. O. $2.50 $3.00 $3 50 I4xi7-in. C. O. 1.90 2.50 3.00 14xl7-in. 15xl9-in' I4xi7-in. N. O. 1. 90 2.50 3. 00 C 599. Oval $2.50 $3.50 I5xi9-in. P. O. 3.00 3.25 3.80 12-in. 14-in. 16-in. isxi9-in. C. O. 2.25 3.00 3.50 C 600. Round $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 I5xi9-in. N. O. 2.25 3.00 3.50 C 602. Round Basin Painted Galvanized Enameled 14-in. P. O $1.70 $2.20 $2.80 14-in. CO 1.40 2.00 2.40 14-in. N.0 1.40 2.00 2.40 Note — Prices of C 601 and 602 enameled basins include nickel-plated brass plug and coupling and rubber stopper. On Earthenware Basins, add to list for embossing, ^i.oo. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 193 "Sanitary" Urinal Stall C 603. Single Stall J^ONG Single Sanitary Stone Urinal Stall (without Center Partitions), fitted with Galvanized Cast Iron Gutter with Outlet Connection, Polished Brass Perforated Washdown Pipe with Loose Key Stop and Polished Brass Clamps and Bolts. Can be made of any length, height and depth to suit requirements. The back and ends are i i^-inch; the base is 2 inches thick, deeply countersunk. Made single face, as shown, or double face, accessible from both sides. Height of stall, 4 feet 6 inches; depth of ends, 20 inches. Length Price, single face Price, double face 4 feet 6 feet 8 feet i o feet i 2 feet . $45.00 $ 65.00 $ 85.00 $105.00 $125.00 85.00 115.00 150.00 185.00 220.00 Above stall also made with 6-inch gutter cut in the stone floor. Can be furnished in slate at same price. Can also be furnished in marble or hammered glass. Prices of these two latter on application. Only limited stock of these carried. Orders for above or special sizes promptly made up if not on hand. 194 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Urinal Stalls Height, Height, 5 ft. s>^ft- 588.00 $93.00 27.00 28.75 27.00 28.75 37.00 39-25 C 604 ^HREE-STALL SANITARY STONE URINAL, with i i^-inch partitions and rabbeted back, 2-inch countersunk base, poHshed brass clamps and bolts, polished brass perforated washdown pipe with loose key stop and cast iron galvanized gutter with straight outlet connection. Dimensions Height, 5 or 5!/^ feet; width from center to center of partitions, 2 feet; depth, 20 inches. Three-Stall Urinal, complete as described ..... For each additional stall (continuous), add . . If only two stalls are required, deduct for one stall(from three-stall list) One single stall, as above described ...... Can be furnished any special size to order on short notice. Can also be furnished in slate at same price. ITALIAN MARBLE URINAL Three-Stall Italian Marble Urinal, with Z^-inch partitions polished on both sides, 7/^-inch rabbeted back pohshed on inside, and 2-inch countersunk base, fitted in same manner as described above, 24-inch centers and 20 inches deep. Three-Stall Urinal ........ For each additional stall (continuous), add . . . . If only two stalls are required, deduct for one stall(from three-stall list) One single stall as above described ...... Will be sent with outlet and supply on left-hand end, as showji, unless otherwise ordered. Can also be furnished with outlet in center or on right-hand end, or with bent outlet. All parts are carefully fitted and adjusted in our factory before shipment. Note — When ordering, be particular to give location of outlet and supply — whether right or left-hand end, or with outlet in center. Only a limited stock of these carried. Orders for above or special sizes promptly made up if not on hand. Height, Height, 5 ft. 5Kft. 114.50 $122.00 33.00 35.00 33.00 35.00 48.00 52.00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary Urinal Stalls 195 C 605 J])OUBLE URINAL STALL for schools, with slate partitions, rabbeted back and counter- sunk base, fitted with galvanized cast iron gutter, galvanized iron top clamps and brass base clamps with bolts, perforated brass washdown pipes and copper lined automatic siphon tank. Dimensions Height of stalls is 4 feet 6 inches; width from center to center of partitions, 20 inches; depth, 20 inches; base is 26 inches wide and countersunk as shown. Capacity of Total Number Flushing Tank. Double Slate Urinal Stall, 2 Stalls on each side "3 4 5 " 6 " 7 9 10 1 1 15 of Stalls 4 6 8 10 14 16 Gallons 5 5 10 10 20 22 24 30 15 15 24 Price complete as described above $ 98.00 143-00 188.00 232.00 278.00 322.00 368.00 412.00 459.00 503-00 550-00 688.00 The brass "Y" connection on washdown pipe and connection on tank are for iron pipe. The iron pipe hangers on tank shown in illustration are not furnished. Above can be furnished with outlet in center when desired. Unless otherwise ordered outlet as shown will be sent. The tank can be^ adjusted to flush at intervals. Can be furnished in sanitary stone at same price. Only limited stock of these carried. Orders for above or special sizes promptly made up if not on hand. 196 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Urinal Stall FOR CORNER TV/f ARBLE, Slate or Sanitary Stone Urinal Stall for Corner, with Marble, Slate or Sanitary Stone Backs and Base. Above can be fitted up in any manner desired, of any size, and with any desired fixtures. Price upon application. "Sanitary" Earthenware Urinals C 606 No. I. 15 XI 8 inches, each $8.00 No. 2. 12 xis " 6.00 No. 3. ii>4xi4 " 5-00 C 608 No. I. 12 XI 2 inches, each $8.00 No! 2. II XII " 6.00 No. 3. lo^xioX " 5.00 c 609 np c 611 No. I. 15x18 inches, each $10.00 No. i. 12x12 inches each $io.00 ^ ,r <■<■ 8.00 No- ^- iixii °;"" Mo. 2. 12x15 .',,"■' 'j ' r ,.„ r f,Ti 4 '" $12.00 $12.00 $12.50 $12.50 6.65 6.65 7.00 7.00 Diamond Expansion Bolts With Soft Metal Shields For Plumbers, Electricians, Marble Workers, Etc. C653 "DIAMOND" EXPANSION BOLT AND SHIELD, made of iron or composition with any style of head for iron work, electrical work, plumbing, etc. The roughened surface of the shield secures a hold in the masonry which cannot be loosened without unscrewing the bolt. The shield is composed of only two parts and cannot become disarranged in the wall. Any length of screw can be used with same shield according to the thickness of the material to be fastened. The "Diamond" takes less time to fasten and holds tighter than any other bolt. Price Per Hundred, Round or Countersunk Head — Iron Length I inch /s or No. 5 . $6.90 7.00 ^^g or No. 10 ^ or No. 14 «7 .go re or No. 18 ys or No 24 ^2 or No. 30 i>^ " 8.00 ^8 9S $9 .80 2 " 7.10 8. 10 9 00 9 .90 2>^ " 7. 20 8.20 9 05 10 .00 |I2.00 ^18.80 3 . " Shields on ly '■ • 7-3° 6. 50 8.30 7.50 9 8 10 50 10 9 . 10 .00 12 . 50 I I . 50 19.40 18 .00 Number LiST PeR HuNDRED CoM Threads Per Inch l^^-in 2-in. 2J4-in. 3-in 4-in plete Square Heads o-in. 6-in. 7-in. 8-in. 9-in. 10-in. 11-iu. 12-in. Bronze or Compositio ^ 'A ' li'A ' ch 13 $8 11 8 9 9 7 5 5 i% . 4 4 3 00 95 80 $8.10 $8 20 9 00 9.05 9.90 10.00 .... 12.00 .... 18.80 .... 23.00 .... 31.00 18.30 |8.4 9.10 9.1 10.10 10.2 12.50 13.0 19.40 20.0 24.00 25.0 32.00 33.0 5 10.30 13.90 20.60 26.00 34.00 10.40 14.10 20.90 27.00 35.00 45.00 56.00 70.00 10.50 14.30 14.50 21.20 21. .50 28.00 29.00 36.00 37.00 46.00 47.00 57.00 58.00 71.50 73.00 2i'.86 '.'.'.'.'. 30.00 31.00 38.00 39.00 48.00 49.00 59.00 60.00 74.50 76.00 32" 00 33' 00 40.00 41.00 50.00 51 00 61.00 62.00 77.50 79.00 For brass screws add 30 per cent. For nickel-plated on iron, add 10 per cent. For nickel-plated on brass, add 30 per cent. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 207 "Sanitary" Automatic Flushing Tanks C654 r^OPPER Lined, Oil Finished Pine, Automatic Siphon Flushing Tank, with bronzed iron brackets. Pine Oak No. I. Capacity, i gallon. Single Coupling, . . . % 5-25 % 6.25 ' I ' I ♦« Double 5-75 6.75 ' 2 ' 2 gallons. Single 6.25 7.25 ' 2 ' 2 ' Double 6.75 7.75 ' 3 3 ' ' Single 7.25 8.25 ' 3 3 ' Double 7-75 8.75 ' 3 3 ' * Triple 8.25 9-25 ' 4 4 ' Double 8.75 10.75 " 4 4 ' ' Triple 9.25 11.25 ' 5 5 ' Double 9.75 11-75 '■ 5 5 ' ' Tricle 10.25 12.25 '< 8 8 ' ♦ Single 11.25 14.25 ' 8 8 ' ' Triple 12-75 15-75 " 10 ' 10 ' ' Triple 14.00 17.00 Add for bent round corner tanks to prices of oak tanks, $1.00 extra up to No. 5; over N 0. 5 to No. 10, ^2.0C ) extra. For Nickel-Plated Iron Brackets Add to prices of Nos. i, 2, 3 and 4, . • . . " " " 5 and 8, . " " " 10, PO.75 I.OO 1.25 For Nickel-Plated Brass Brackets Add to prices of Nos. i, 2, 3 and 4, • " " " 5 and 8, . " " " 10, '..... pi-75 2.25 3.50 208 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Galvanized Range Boilers *'•'■■.'■ Capacity 82 gallons 98 gallons 100 gallons I 20 gallons 120 gallons 144 gallons 168 gallons 192 gallons Boilers less than 24 Boilers less than 34 Boilers less than 36 Capacity I 2 gallons 17 gallons 1 8 gallons 21 gallons 24 gallons 24 gallons 27 gallons 28 gallons 30 gallons 32 gallons 35 gallons 36 gallons 36 gallons 40 gallons 42 gallons 47 gallons 48 gallons 52 gallons 53 gallons 63 gallons 66 gallons 79 gallons SFze inches by i inches by i feet by i 2 feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by 41^ feet by 6 feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by feet by 20 feet by 20 feet by 22 feet by 22 feet by 24 feet by 24 feet by 24 feet by 24 36 34 3 3> 4 3 4> 3> 5 4 5 6 4> 5 4 by I 2 inches . by 1 2 and over by 1 2 and over 24 inches 34 inches o inches 2 inches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches nches We have extra heavy boilers of above sizes, "extra heavy." When ordering be careful to specify same Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 2og "Sanitary" Range Boilers with Steam Coil HORIZONTAL VERTICAL C 656. With coil inlet and^outkt at bottom HORIZONTAL C 657. With coil inlet and outlet at end HORIZONTAL C 658. with coil inlet at top and outlet at bottom Capacity , , Size SOgallons 5 feet by 12 inches 40 gallons 5 feet by 14 inches 52 iallons 5 feet by 16 inches 63 gallons 6 feet by 16 inches 66 Iallons 5 feet by 18 inches 83|allons 5 feet by 20 inches Size fm Gallons 5 feet by 22 inches 2olallonl • 6 feet by 22 inches loll oni . 5 feet by 24 inches 144ia ons i:".:: 6 feet by 24 inches fisllllons 7 feet by 24 inches Ig'lanoSI::::;::::..:. 8 feet by 24 inches can be furnished with a Prices of boiler and coil quoted on application. Any size boiler shown on P^f^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ l^^^vy. coil when so ordered. We can furnish the above boilers ^^ndard or extra hea^^.W^^^^^ NOTE— When ordering, always state the number of pounds of steam pressure to oe ubeu ou GALVANIZED HOT WATER EXPANSION TANKS o- Price Capacity Size ^ ^^ 51^ gallons, 9 by 20 inches, each , 7 SO 8 gallons, 10 by 20 inches, each 7-5^ ''''..........•■■ 8.50 9.00 ......... 9.50 . 12.50 13-00 10 gallons, 12 by 20 inches, each 12 gallons, 12 by 24 inches, each 15 gallons, 12 by 30 inches, each 18 gallons, 12 by 36 inches, each 20 gallons, 14 by 30 inches, each 24 gallons, 14 by 36 inches, each 26 gallons, 16 by 30 mches, each le 00 32 gallons, 16 by 36 inches, each ^5- 42 gallons, 1 6 by 48 inches, each C 660 ^^ gai.ui.o, -v, „^ T- ... — —, 01.00 66 gallons, 18 by 60 inches, each 07 oo 82 gallons, 20 by 60 inches, each ej 00 100 gallons, 22 by 60 inches, each c8 00 120 gallons, 24 by 60 inches, each Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago For "Sanitary' Range Boiler Fittings BOILER STANDS For Galvanized Range Boilers 30-galIon boiler, or smaller, 12-inch ring, each $1*25 1 3 -inch ring, each 1*35 35 40 52 66 82 100 1 20 WROUGHT IRON HANGERS H 16 18 20 22 1.40 1.85 2.00 2.25 2.75 or over, 24-inch ring, each S-S^ Hangers Brackets • per pair per pair 1 2 -inch. per pair, list . $6.50 $11.00 14 " . 6.80 11.50 16 " 7.00 12.50 18 «' • 7.50 13-50 20 " . 8.00 19.00 22 " . 8.80 20.00 24 " . 9.80 28.00 WROUGHT IRON BRACKET C 662 CIRCULATING BOILER FITTINGS Galvanized C663 C 664 BOILER COUPLING WITH TEE C 665 C 666 C 667 Female Male Female Male Female Male ^xs^^xi }^^}4^i >^xi^xi Each Each 0.40 $0.40 •75 .60 .40 .40 •75 .60 C 668 Each C 664. Boiler elbows .... $0.40 C 665. *♦ ♦* withunion .75 C 666. " coupling 40 C667. " '' withunion .75 C 668 Price as shown Coupling and tee ^ $I'50 Coupling only 1. 00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Crescent Instantaneous Water Heaters For Baths and Domestic Use. Made Entirely of Copper, Highly Polished and Nickel-plated 'pHESE WATER HEATERS use gas as fuel and are fitted with powerful burners and large copper heating surfaces, so that by lighting a match a stream flows out instantly. Hot water is obtained by means of these heaters, night or day, at the rate of two to three gallons per minute, even though every fire has been dead for days. We guarantee these Heaters to be in every respect as we represent them, and to be the finest, most efficient and most complete Instantaneous Water Heater ever offered to the public. C 669. No. I HEATER C 670. No. 2 HEATER Height, 32 inches; diameter, 10^ inches; net Including duplex safety valves and unions; height, weight, 38 pounds; shipping weight, 70 pounds. 36 inches; diameter, 12 inches; net weight, 50 Price $30.00 pounds; shipping weight, 85 pounds. Price . $35.00 In the Nos. i and 2 the products of combustion are entirely separate from the water, which may be used for domestic purposes. The Nos. 6 and 8 are recommended for baths only. C671. No. 6 HEATER C 672. No. 8 HEATER Height, 30 inches; diameter, 12 inches; net Height, 30 inches; diameter, 10^ inches; net weight, 45 pounds; shipping weight, 75 lounds. weight; 35 pounds; shipoing weight, 60 pounds. Price $25.00 Price $22. OO C 673. No. 7 HEATER C 673. No. 9 HEATER For gasoline; height, 30 inches; diameter, 12 Made to connect with rubber tubing, so that it is inches; net weight, 55 pounds; shipping weight, 85 portable; height, 24 inches; diameter, 9^^ inches; pounds. net weight, 24 pounds; shipping weight, 40 pounds. Price $29.00 Price $15.00 VENTILATING FITTINGS Made of Copper, Highly Polished and Nickel-plated Our vent pipe will be sent in 24-inch lengths, unless otherwise ordered. Price, per foot, 3^-inch .... $0.50 Extension thimbles have nickel-plated flanges on each end; 4 to 8-inch extension. Price, 3j^-inch go Elbows, 3j^-inch, nickel-plated .75 Vent pipe collars, 3 j/^ -inch, nickel-plated 30 Vcrjtilating hood, for use vifhere vent pipe terminates outside, to prevent down drafts. Price, galvanized iron , 1. 25 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Water Heaters Self-Feed H^'^ WATER SUPPLY for flats, laundries, residences, hotels, conservatories, greenhouses, bath houses, baptistries and wherever hot water supply is needed. C675 Heating Size of Capacity Tolal Sizes Price Heater Gallons Height, Flows and Magazine Heater Inches per Hour Inches Returns Weight Feed 17 17x30 130 48 1-\% 430 $ 78.00 18 17x36 150 54 2-VA 450 82.00 21 21x30 200 57 2-2 530 93.00 22 21x36 250 57 2-2 560 100.00 23 21x42 300 • 63 2-2 590 107.00 24 21x48 350 69 2-2 630 113.00 25 25x36 300 57 2-2 730 143.00 26 25x42 350 63 2-2 780 150.00 27 25x48 400 69 2-2 830 158.00 30 30x42 500 67 2-3 1120 171.00 31 30x48 600 73 2-3 1220 180.00 32 30x54 700 79 2-3 1300 188.00 Magazine feed heaters are always shipped unless surface burners are specified in order. Surface Burners No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Size of Heater, Gallons, Size, Flows Inches Per Hour and Returns 10x16 30 • 1 10x18 40 1 12x24 65 1 12x30 80 1 15x30 100 IK 15x36 120 IJi All surface burners, except Nos. 1 and 2, have front fire doors. All surface burners made without fire doors if desired. PRICE I.IST OF TANKS FOR HOT WATER SYSTEMS, VERTlCAI, AND HORIZONTAI, Price of Weight Heater 120 138.00 125 40.00 180 48.00 200 50.00 250 56.00 270 60 00 . Price Tanks — Capacity, Diam., Length, Galvan Gallons Inches Feet Weight Plain ized 66 18 5 220 1 48.00 1 60.00 85 20 5 250 50 00 63 00 100 22 5 280 52.00 67.00 120 24 5 320 55.00 72.00 145 24 6 360 58.00 78.00 170 24 7 400 61.00 83.00 180 30 5 480 64.00 90.00 215 30 6 540 70.00 98.00 250 30 7 590 75 00 105 00 290 30 8 640 80.00 112.00 315 36 6 780 92.00 365 36 7 810 102.00 420 36 8 880 112.00 525 36 10 980 120.00 430 42 6 1150 116.00 575 42 8 1400 130.00 720 42 10 1650 146 00 865 42 12 1950 167.00 1000 42 14 2300 188.00 Size Coil 4 pipes 1 in. 4 pipes 1 in. 4 pipes 1 in. 4 pipes 1^ in. 4 pipes 1% in. 4 pipes 1^ in, 4 pipes 1^ in, A TAi't^oo 11/ 4,-1 -Coils Built in Tanks 4 pipes 1 }( in. 4 pipes 15I in. 4 pipes 1^ in. 4 pipes 1^ in. 4 pipes 1% in. 4 pipes lyi in. • 4 pipes 1 % in. 4 pipes l]/i in. 4 pipes \% in. 4 pipes ]>^ in. . 4 pipes xy^va. 4 pipes 1/^ in. Price Plain Coil $11.00 11.00 11.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 22.00 18.00 21.00 24,00 27.00 30.00 Price Galvanized Coil $13.00 13.00 13.00 16.00 17 00 18,00 16.00 17 00 18.00 19.00 21.00 22.00 23,00 25.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 Price Brass Coil % 30 00 30.00 30.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 56.00 62.00 68.00 80.00 56 00 68.00 80.00 92.00 104.00 All tested to 100 pounds pressure. Manholes in head or shell, $12.00 extra (list). No extra charge for more or larger openings than shown in cut. In ordering, state whether vertical or horizontal tanks are w^anted, and give sizes and location of openings, if anything special is wanted. TANK STANDS FOR VERTICAL, TANKS Diameter tank ■ 18 20 24 30 36 Price .stand |3.00 $3.00 ,?4.00 |4.00 $4.00 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 213 -'nS^s C677 Size No. Height, inches . Width, inches . Size of pipe Between centers of pipe Capacity, square foot of radiation Price . . . . . "Sanitary" Water Heaters LITTLE GIANT WATER HEATER TS MADE in four sizes; can be placed in any furnace; no joints to leak or rust; will heat from one to four rooms; will do more than is claimed; don't clog up; has been tested for years; always satisfactory; should be placed just above fire pot. No. 3 is tapped at the top 9 9 io>^ 12 5 8 10 12 6K 8>^ 2 30 50 100 150 $6.00 $7-50 $9.00 $12.00 Two collars with set screws go with each Little Giant. C 678. CIRCULAR GIANT Size No. .... Diameter, inches Size of pipe Capacity square foot of radiaion Price ..... 14 16 18 20 22 24 14 16 18 20 22 24 'X ^% 2 2 ^% 3 75 100 150 200 250 300 $9.00 $12.00 $16.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 Two collars with set screws go with each Circular Giant. THE UNIQUE WATER HEATER C 679 A GAS Appliance for Supplying Water to Range Boilers. Made in two sizes. No. 3. Size, 9 inches wide, 10 inches deep, 5 inches high; for 30 to 40 gallon boilers. Shipping weight, 36 pounds. List .... $12.00 No. 4. Size, 9 inches wide, 18 inches deep, 5 inches high; for 40 to 80-gallon boilers. Shipping weight, 53 pounds. List .... $20.00 Where flue connection is desired, we will furnish galvanized iron collar, with 2 -inch flange for flue pipe, for ^1.50 list. Galvanized Iron vent pipe, 40c per length. Elbows, 30c each. 214 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Doorenbos Gas Arc Lamp C 680 pOR STORES, OFFICES, SHOPS, CHURCHES OR HALLS, without question this is the best gas arc lamp on the market. Average consumption 1 3 ^ feet of gas an hour. It produces a greater candle power than any other lamp with this amount of gas, and it produces as great a candle power as any gas arc lamp of 4. mantles, no matter what amount of gas is consumed. It is not liable to get out of order, and it will burn month after month with no attention except to renew the mantles. I'his lamp is very economical of mantles, they averaging very much longer life than on any other lamp. All metal parts are handsomely nickel-plated. Price, complete with i set of mantles, ...... $I5.00 Special Doorenbos mantle, each, . . • . . . .20 Write for circular and discounts. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 215 "Sanitary" Gas Arc Lamp Church Fixture C 681 "POR Lighting Churches or Large Audience Rooms. This is the most powerful and the most satisfactory church lighting fixture on the market. Made up with Doorenbos gas arc lamps. Furnished in bronze or wrought iron finish. C 681. 6-lamp size, complete, as shown .... $150.00 C 682. 4 " •* " .... 110.00 C 683. 3 " " " .... 90.00 C 684. 2 •' " '♦ .... 70.00 In ordering, specify kind of finish wanted. Only limited stock of these carried. Orders for above or special sizes promptly made up if not on hand. 2l6 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary' Combination Gas Arc and Electric Fixture C 685 QOMBINATION FIXTURE OF DOORENBOS GAS ARC LAMP and 12 Incan- descent Electric Lamps. Furnished in oxidized, polished brass, or wrought iron finish. Price, complete as described ..... $75*00 We have facilities for making any size or style of fixture wanted. Prices and designs on application. In ordering, specify kind of finish wanted. Only limited stock of these carried. Orders for above or special sizes promptly made up if not on hand. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 217 "Sanitary" Economic Gas Heating Stove C686 lyf ADE of pressed sheet steel, with a perforated outer shell. By an ingenious arrangement the gas is super-heated, causing it to expand before being fed through the burner. It also has an air tight drum, which effects the circulation and oxidation of all the hydro-carbons not immediately consumed by the burner. This secures the consumption of all the products of combustion, making an odorless stove, using 25 per cent less gas than the best of other gas heaters. Besides the flame is 2^^ times hotter, so that it burns less than one-third the gas required by other stoves. The average consumption is i 3 feet of gas per hour. It has a Bunsen burner, with an adjustable gas orifice. It attaches to any gas jet by means of a rubber tube. Made for natural or manufactured gas. Price, crated for delivery $5-00 We furnish fine quality of gas mohair tubing with rubber connections, any length desired. Per foot .05 2l8 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Pneumatic Water Supply System THE "KEWANEE" ^IR PRESSURE FOR INCREASING CITY PRESSURE FOR HIGH BUILDINGS, and for a Waterworks System for Farms and Country Residences, for Villages and Cities. Our system consists of an air tight, heavy steeel tank. As water is pumped into the bottom the air above is compressed, the pressure increasing as the air is forced into smaller and smaller space. The expansion of this air will force the water through the supply pipes at the bottom of the tank, to the plumbing fixtures or wherever required. The table on page 221 shows the height to which water is delivered under different pressures. High Buildings The disadvantages of the elevated tank are nowhere more apparent than in high buildings in cities where the city water pressure is not strong enough to supply the upper ftoors. These roof tanks cause an enormous and unequal strain on the building and are a great source of danger in case of fire. A pneumatic tank in some unused corner of .the basement is free from all these defects. No other system will compare with this for increasing the city pressure for office or apartment buildings or for factories. Upon request, we will be pleased to furnish detailed information regarding the method and expense of such installation. Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago 219 "Sanitary" Pneumatic Water Supply System THE "KEWANEE" Compare Cost and Durability. Compare Exposure to Frost and Fire, Wind and Weather. pOR Country Residences and Farms the Elevated Tank cannot be compared with the Pneumatic system. Some of the advantages of the Pneumatic system are: It is made of heavy boiler steel and will last a lifetime. It is placed in the cellar or buried underground, and is not exposed to frost or the action of the elements. There is no danger of damage from settling of walls, or cracking of plaster or from leaks. A pressure can be maintained that will throw water over any building and provide effective fire protection. The absorption of air under the heavy pressure destroys all animal or vegetable matter in the water, and keeps it remarkably sweet and clean. No special pump is required, any good force pump will do, and it may be operated by hand, by windmill or any kind of power. This system provides any farm or country residence with as good a water supply as ir connected with city water mains, together with efficient fire protection. Send for free booklet, "A City Water Supply and Fire Protection for Country Homes." Fire protection with 45 pounds pressure, equal to a tower 100 feet high. 2 20 Sanitary Specialty Manufacturing Co., Chicago "Sanitary" Pneumatic Water Supply System THE "KEWANEE" Price List of Our PNEUMATIC PRESSURE TANKS Diameter, Length, Thickness Thickness Capacity, Plain Automatic Inches Feet Shell Head Weight Gallons Tank Tank 24 6 tVo H 350 140 $ 77-00 $109.40 24 8 (( 11 420 190 88.08 120.48 24 10 (( ft 500 235 96.50 I 28.90 30 6 tA tV&^ 530 220 96.62 134.42 30 8 (( " 650 295 105.20 143.00 30 10 (( (( 770 365 116.48 ,154.28 30 12 (( (t 900 440 130.50 171.00 30 H t< ft , 1000 515 144.40 184.90 36 6 3 tV 750 315 113.70 154.20 36 8 << ft 900 420 I 27.80 171.00 36 10 (( ft 1050 525 144.60 187.80 36 12 (( ft 1200 630 156.00 201.90 36 H (( (( 1400 735 175.70 221.60 36 16 €( (( 1575 840 187.20 235.80 42 8 Va 3/8 1450 575 162.40 208.30 42 10 tt (( 1650 720 179.40 228.00 42 12 tl (( 1900 865 196.60 245.20 42 H f( ft 2200 1000 219.40 270.70 42 16 if ft 2400 1 150 236.40 287.70 42 - . 18 €f ft 2650 1300 59.00 313.00 42 20