CJ 1825 .W5 Copy 1 mm 1 ^xm^ >H""^A>j HOT ■I fflwffiMI CJ 1825 .W5 Copy 1 COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES COINS 1804 DOLLAR MAJOR W. B. WETWIORE CATALOGUED BY S. H. & h. chapman; PHILADELPHIA JUNE 27™ AND 28™ f 1906 THE COLLECTION OF COINS OF THE UNITED STKTES FORMED BY MAJOR WILLIAM BOERUM WETMORE, U. S. A. OF Mew York City An Original 1804 JJ. S. Dollar CATALOGUED BY S. H. & H. CHAPMAN NUMISMATISTS 134=8 Pine Street Philadelphia TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION BY DAVIS & HARVEY ATJCTIONEEERS 1112 Walnut Street Philadelphia Wednesday and Thursday, June 27th and 28th Commencing at 2 IF*. N£. Each Day 1906 v* t V"i LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two fcoores Rsceived JUN 20 1906 ^ Cowyriyht Entry CfCLASS 6C XXc. No. cor>Y B. Copyright 1906, S. H. & H. CHAPMAN. s« PREFACE Major W. B. Wetmore is- one of the oldest collectors, though not in age, in the United States, having been form- ing the following collection since about 1860, which we are commissioned to catalogue and sell at auction without reserve. There are many very desirable coins here offered, notably the grand old King of American Coins, The 1804 Dollar a coin the possession of which has afforded Major Wet- more much pleasure for nearly thirty years. There are many other desirable coins in the sale, the gold being notably good. The 1863 quarter eagle; the three dollars of 1875 and 1876 are of extreme rarity. In the silver the rare dates are all represented and will enable several collectors to fill gaps in their sets, and par- ticularly dollars of 1794, 1804, 1836 Gobrecht in field, 1838, 1839, 1851, 1852, 1858; half dollars 1796, 1797; quarters 1823, 1827; dime 1804; half dime 1802. Mag- nificent cents. Kare half cents. Fine currency, solid disk 25c, etc. Collectors are requested to carefully examine their bids before sending them in, remembering to make their bid so much each piece except in proof sets and where lot is stated; and that no lot is separated. Our grades of con- dition have been established now nearly 30 years and are uniform and well known and the coins will meet the con- dition stated, no more, or less. Our motto is: fairness to seller and buyer. Many letters have just been received from successful bidders at the great Smith collection sale just closed, (several of our bidders securing over f 1,000 worth each) telling us how much pleased they were with the coins bought. II On bids entrusted to our care we make a charge of 10 % on the amount purchased (no charge unless purchase is made). This fee is for entering, purchasing at sale, and forwarding goods bought. The auctioneers will receive bids and execute them free of charge, but they assume no responsibility and require payment before delivery. We guarantee all the coins and medals to be genuine. Catalogues illustrated with five plates showing the rare coins, especially valuable to collectors on account of the 1804 Dollar. Sent before sale, price $1.00 Plate catalogue sent before sale, to be returned and priced after sale 1.50 Plain catalogue priced after sale .65 S. H. & H. CHAPMAN, Numismatists. 1348 Pine st., Philadelphia. SCHLE, 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 CATALOGUE. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND STATE COINS. 1 1652 Massachusetts. Oak tree shilling. Good. Dents and scratches on border of obv. Rare. C> 4— C. 2 1652 Massachusetts. Oak tree. Six pence. Tree invisible, the rare die with masathvsets only on obv. R. in new England ano. Obv. Center poor, ins. fair. R. Good. Rare. C, 6 — F. 3 1652 Massachusetts. Oak tree three pence. Sur- face corroded. Fine. Rare. C, 5 — B. 4 1652 Massachusetts. Oak tree three pence. Bent. Good. C, 1— A 2 . 5 1652 Massachusetts. Oak tree three pence. Fair. 6 1652 Massachusetts. Pine tree shilling. Very good. Has been bent and straightened. C, 21 — L. 7 1652 Massachusetts. Pine tree three pence. Obv. almost entirely worn off. R. Part of ins. Date good. 8 1722 Rosa Americana. Geo. I. Bust. R. Full blown rose. Penny. Fine. 9 1723 Wood's Coinage for Ireland, circulated in America. Geo. I. Bust. Half p. Var. Vg. 2 pes. 10 1722 Franco Americana, l's crowned. Sou. Mm. H. Vg. 11 1767 Franco Americana. C. S. R F. Very good. 12 1767 Franco Americana. As last. Very good. 13 1785 Vermont, vermonts. res. publica. Range of hills with sun, plow below. R. quarta decima Stella. (Fourteenth Star of the Republic). Eye in glory of rays and stars. Very fine. Strong, 2 AMERICAN STATE COINS. WASHINGTON COINS. even imp. Light olive. An exceptionally excellent example of this scarce coin. 14 1785 Vermont. As last. Holed. Another vermon- tis. Weak in centre and flake ont over mountains. Fair. 2 pes. 15 1787 New Jersey. Horse head and plow. Large type. Vg. 16 1786 New Jersey. 1773 Va. 1788 Vt. 1787 Conn. 1788 Mass. 1787 N. Y. 1785 N. Const. Fair. 9 pes. 17 1787 Massachusetts, commonwealth. Indian stand- ing. R. Massachusetts 1787. Eagle. Half cent. Fine. C, 1 — D rarity 4. 18 1788 Massachusetts. Half cent type as last. Fine. C, 1— A rarity 6. 19 1787 Immunis Columbia. Liberty seated on globe holds flag, immunis Columbia. Date off. R. s pluribus unum. Eagle. Very good. Rare. 20 (1791) Kentucky. Arm with scroll, our cause is just. Plain edge. Extra fine. COINS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. 21 1783 Cent. Washington & independence 1783 Bust. R. UNITY STATES OF AMERICA. ONE CENT. Good. Weak. 22 1791 Cent. Washington president. R. Heraldic Eagle ; one cent above, date beneath. Edge united states of America. Uncirculated. Steel color. 23 1791 Cent. Obv. as last but with date beneath bust. R. Large eagle; one cent above. Edge as last. Uncirculated. Very slight oxidation around edge. Light olive, traces of red. 24 1791 Cent. As last. Uncirculated. Olive color. 25 1791 Cent. As last. Good. Edge badly dented. 26 (1795) Penny. Bust 1. george Washington. R. PLATE I WETMORE COLLECTION COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. GOLD. EAGLES. 3 liberty and security Eagle and shield. Edge, AN ASYLUM FOR THE OPPRESSED OF ALL NATIONS. Very fine. 21 1795 Halfpenny. Bust r. george Washington. R. As last but with date. Edge payable at Lon- don, LIVERPOOL OR BRISTOL. Vg. COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. GOLD. EAGLES. 28 1795 Bust of Liberty r., draped, with cap; above, liberty, beneath, 1795; 10 stars behind and 5 be- fore head. Kev. united states of America. Eagle standing on palm branch bears wreath of laurel. Fine. 29 1796 Pin-head dent behind head. Very fine. Bare. Plate I. 30 1797 Four stars facing, die cracked. Rev. same. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate I. 31 1797 Six stars before bust. Rev. united states of America. Heraldic Eagle bears ribbon, on which E pluribus unum; above, 13 stars and clouds. Ex- tremely fine. 32 1798 Over 7. Four stars facing. Extremely fine. Proof surface. Very rare. Plate I. Small stars. Fine. Extremely fine. Mint lustre. Plate I. Very fine. Extremely fine. Sharp. Mint lustre. Plate I. Fine. Very rare. Plate I. Note. — Eagles were not again issued until 1838. 38 1838 Head of liberty to left, surrounded by 13 stars and date. Rev. united states of America, ten d. Eagle with shield on breast. Very good. Scarce. 39 1861 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 33 1799 34 1800 35 1801 36 1803 37 1804 4 THE UNITED STATES. EAGLES. HALF EAGLES. 40 1897 Brilliant proof. 41 1898 Brilliant proof. 42 1899 Brilliant proof. 43 1900 Brilliant proof. 44 1903 Brilliant proof. 45 1904 Brilliant proof. HALF EAGLES. 46 1795 Bust of Liberty r. same type as the Eagle. Wide date, the 5 merging with bust. Extremely fine. Bare. Plate I. 47 1795 Close date. Very fine. Bare. 48 1796 Over 1795. Very fine. Very rare. Plate I. 49 1798 Small date. Kev. Heraldic Eagle. Extremely fine. Faint scratches behind head. Plate I. Scarce. 50 1798 Large close date. Fine. Faint scratch on cheek. Scarce. 51 1799 Extremely fine. The field slightly abraded on obverse. Slightly bent. Bare. 52 1800 Very good. 53 1802 Over 1801. Very fine. 54 1803 Over 1802. Very fine. 55 1804 Small 8. Uncirculated. Field very slightly abraded. Plate I. 56 1805 Extremely fine. 57 1806 Pointed 6. Five stars before bust. Very fine. 58 1807 Bust to right. Very fine. 59 1807 Bust of Liberty to left wearing soft cap on band Of Which LIBERTY. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 5d. Eagle with shield on breast. Very fine. Plate II. 60 1809 Very fine. 61 1810 Large date. Uncirculated. Plate II. 62 1810 Small date. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate II. 63 1811 Very fine. THE UNITED STATES. HALF EAGLES. THREE DOLLARS. 5 64 1812 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Superb piece. Plate II. 65 1814 Head of Liberty 1. wearing cap on which liber- ty surrounded by 13 stars, date beneath. Eev. same type. Very fine. Kare. 66 1818 Close date. Uncirculated. Slight chafing. Plate II. 67 1820 Curled 2. Proof, now extremely fine. Slight chafing. Scarce. Plate II. 68 1823 Uncirculated. Scarce. Plate II. 69 1825 Over 1821. Uncirculated. Semi proof. Splen- did specimen. Extremely rare. Plate II. 70 1831 Uncirculated. Extremely rare. Plate II. 71 1833 Extremely fine, has been a proof. Extremely rare. Plate II. 72 1834 Large type. With motto e pluribus unum over Eagle. Very fine. Very rare. Plate II. 73 1838 Dahlonega Mint. Very fine. 74 1874 Uncirculated. 75 1904 Brilliant proof. THEEE DOLLARS GOLD. Uncirculated. First year of coinage. New Orleans Mint. Fine. Fine. Very fine. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Fine. Rare. Very fine. San Francisco Mint. Fine. Rare. Fine. Fine. Scarce. Very fine. Very fine. Very rare, only 1,165 coined. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Brilliant proof. Very rare, only 1,540 coined. 76 1854 77 1854 78 1855 79 1856 80 1^57 81 IS 58 82 1859 83 1860 84 1861 85 1862 86 1863 87 1865 88 1874 89 1882 6 THE UNITED STATES. QUARTER EAGLES. 90 1883 Brilliant proof. Very rare, only 940 coined. 91 1884 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Very rare, only 1,106 coined. 92 1885 Brilliant proof. Very rare, only 910 coined. 93 1886 Brilliant proof. Rare, only 1,142 coined. 94 1887 Brilliant proof. 95 1888 Brilliant proof. 96 1889 Brilliant proof. Last year of issue. QUARTER EAGLES. 97 1796 Bust of Liberty r., draped, wearing cap; liberty above, date beneath. Rev. united states of America. Heraldic Eagle. Very fine. Rare. Plate II. 98 1796 Bust of Liberty as above ; 8 stars behind and 8 before bust; above, liberty beneath, date, R. As last. Fair. Very rare. 99 1798 Seven stars before, and 6 behind head. Fine. Rare. 100 1805 Very fine. 101 1806 Over 4. Five stars before arid 8 stars behind bust. Weak in center. Fine. Very rare. 102 1807 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 103 1808 Bust of Liberty to 1., wearing soft cap, on which, liberty. Seven stars before, 6 behind head. Rev. united states of America 2 d. Eagle bearing shield on breast ; above, e pluribus unum. Slight dent on edge. Fine. Rare. 104 1821 Head of Liberty 1., surrounded by 13 stars and date. Rev., same type. Very fine. Proof sur- face. Very rare. Plate II. 105 1831 Brilliant proof. Extremely rare state of pre- servation. Plate II. 106 1832 Uncirculated. 107 1846 Head of Liberty 1. with diadem inscribed liberty. Rev., same type without motto. The 4 PLATE H WETMORE LE THE UNITED STATES. QUARTER EAGLES. DOLLARS. 7 and 6 are more or less filled up and may be an over date, but which previous date it is impos- sible to determine. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare in this preservation. 108 1901 Uncirculated. 109 1902 Uncirculated. 110 1903 Uncirculated. 111 1904 Brilliant proof. ONE DOLLAR GOLD. 112 1849 Head of Liberty, diademed 1. Wide wreath. Fine. Size 8. 113 1849 New Orleans Mint. Wide wreath. Fine. 114 1849 Dahlonega Mint. Wide wreath. Very fine. Rare. 115 1850 Very fine. 116 1851 Very fine. 117 1851 New Orleans Mint. Very good. 118 1852 Very fine. 119 1853 Uncirculated. 120 1853 New Orleans Mint. Uncirculated. 121 1854 Uncirculated. 122 1854 Head of Liberty wearing Indian head-dress. Size 9. Uncir. 123 1855 Uncirculated. 124 1856 Very good. Dented. Upright 5. 125 1856 Very fine. Slanting 5. 126 1857 Very fine. 127 1858 Very fine. 128 1859 Uncirculated. 129 1861 Uncirculated. 130 1862 Uncirculated. 131 1863 Uncirculated. Very rare. 132 1873 Uncirculated. 133 1874 Uncirculated. 134 1875 Brilliant proof. Excessively rare, only 420 coined. 8 THE U. S. DOLLARS. DOUBLE EAGLE. GOLD PROOF SETS. 135 1876 Brilliant proof. Eare. 136 1882 Brilliant proof. Scarce. 137 1883 Uncirculated. 138 1884 Brilliant proof. 139 1885 Brilliant proof. 140 1886 Brilliant proof. 141 1886 Brilliant proof. 142 1887 Brilliant proof. 143 1887 Uncirculated. 144 1888 Brilliant proof. 145 1889 Brilliant proof. 146 1903 St. Louis, Bust of President Jefferson. Uncir- culated. DOUBLE EAGLES. 147 1862 Brilliant proof. Slightly hair-marked. Rare state. GOLD PKOOF SETS. Each contains the complete gold coins of the year unless otherwise mentioned. These proof sets are exceedingly rare, and our estimate would be that there are not over five sets in existence of these dates. All are brilliant proofs, and are sold at so much per set. 148 1863 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. The $2y 2 extremely rare, only thirty pieces coined, and of these Mr. J. F. McCoy informed us some were melted at the Mint, $3 and $1 very rare. Complete set 6 pes 149 1864 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2y 2 , $1. The $3, $2%, $1 very rare. Complete set. 6 pes 150 1866 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. The $3, $2y 2 $1 very rare. Complete set. 6 pes 151 1867 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. The $3, $2%, $1 very rare. Complete set. 6 pes 152 1868 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2y 2 , $1. Complete set. 6 pes 153 1869 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. The half eagle, $3 very rare. Complete set. 6 pes THE UNITED STATES. GOLD PROOF SETS. 9 154 1870 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2y 2 , $1. Complete set 6 pes. 155 1871 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2y 2 , $1. Complete set. 6 pes. 156 1872 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. Half eagle, $3, quarter eagle, $1, rare. Complete set. 6 pes. 157 1873 $20, $10, $5, $3. $3 excessively rare, only 25 coined. The eagle is rare, only 825 struck. It lacks the $2y 2 and $1. 4 pes. 158 1875 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. Of this set, with the exception of the $20 all the pieces are very rare. Of the $10 only 120 were struck ; of the $5 only 220; of the $3 only 20 pieces; of the $2% piece 420 ; of the dollar 420. As only 20 $3 were coined there could not have been more than twenty sets struck. We once bought in Europe two sets of this year lacking the $3 which no doubt were used for cuff buttons. The $3 alone sold at our Wil- cox sale in 1901 for $205, and would bring vastly more to-day. Complete set of excessive rarity, 6 pes. 159 1876 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. Of the eagles there were struck 732, half eagles 1,477; of the three dollars only 45; of the dollars 3,425. Complete set. 6 pes. 160 1877 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. Of the eagles there were 817 struck, of the half eagles 1,152; of the three dollars 1,488; of the quarter eagles 1,652 of the dollars 3,920. Complete set 6 pes 161 1878 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. Of the dollars 3,020 were struck. Complete set. 6 pes 162 1879 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. Of the three dol lars 3,030 were coined ; the dollars 3,030. Com plete set. 6 pes 163 1880 $20, $10, $5, $3, $2%, $1. Of the three dollars 1,036; of the quarter eagles 3,986; of the dollars 1,636. Complete set. 6 pes. 164 1881 $20, $5, $3, $2%, $1. It lacks the $10, which 10 THE U. S. GOLD PROOF SET. WESTERN GOLD. is one of the commonest pieces. Of the f 20 there were coined 2,260 ; of the three dollars 550 ; of the quarter eagles 680 ; of the dollars 7,660. 5 pes. Note. — The numbers coined include proofs and impres- sions for circulation; of the former only a very few were struck, usually under fifty. WESTERN GOLD. 165 1855 $1 California Gold. Octagon. Extremely fine. 166 1876 $1 California Gold. Octagon. Proof/ 167 1854 Half dollar. California Gold. Octagon. Pierced. Very fine. 168 1865 Half dollar. California Gold. Round. 5 not up. Half dollar. California Gold. Round. Proof. Half dollar. California Gold. Octagon. Proof. Quarter dollar. California Gold. Round. Une. Quarter dollar. California Gold. Round. Quarter dollar. California Gold. Octagon. Proof. 174 1876 Quarter dollar. California Gold. Round. Proof. 175 Utah. Mormon 1860. holiness to the lord in Mor- mon characters; below 1860. Lion reclining to 1. R. deseret assay office pure gold, 5d. Eagle fac- ing, bearing bee-hive before him above his talons, which hold olive spray in r. and three arrows in left. Extremely fine. Mint lustre. Very rare, and extremely so in this condition, usually only good. Plate II. 176 St. Louis Half and Quarter Dollar Charms. 2 pes. 177 North Carolina, c : beohtler. rutherf : 28 G. Rev. N : Carolina gold, dollar. In centre one. Very good. Scratched. Rare. 169 1876 170 1876 171 1865 172 1870 173 1876 THE UNITED STATES. SILVER DOLLARS. 11 DOLLARS. 178 1794 Head of Liberty r., 8 stars behind and 7 be- fore head, liberty above, date beneath. Rev. united states of America; Eagle standing on clouds within olive wreath. Edge, hundred cents, one dollar or unit. Very fine. Defect in planchet from point of bust through first star. Unusually strong impression, the date and inscription on reverse strongly struck. Very rare. Plate III. From H. S. Adams sale, 1875. 179 1795 Head. Very fine. Mint lustre. Two pin scratches on obv. Milling not up on lower edge. 180 1795 Bust of Liberty r., draped, and hair tied with a fillet. Rev. Eagle on clouds within wreath of olive and palm, otherwise as 1794. Type 1795 — 1798. Star on r. touches bust. Very good. Nick on edge of rev. 181 1795 Bust in left of field. Star distant. Good. 182 1796 Large date. Rev. Small letters. Very fine. Rare. 183 1796 Small date. R. Large letters. Fine. Rare. 184 1796 Small date. R. Small letters. Poor. Rare. 185 1797 Sixteen stars. Six stars facing. R. Large letters. Extremely fine. Slightly weak as usual. Mint lustre. Very rare in this state. Plate III. 186 1797 Sixteen stars. Seven stars facing. R. Large letters. Fine. 187 1798 Fifteen stars. R. Small eagle. Very good. Rare. 188 1798 Thirteen stars. R. Small eagle. Fine. Rare. 189 1798 Thirteen stars. R. Heraldic Eagle. Fine. Dent on head. 190 1798 Thirteen stars. Rev. Heraldic Eagle. Varie- ty. Good. 191 1799 Over 1798 Very fine. 192 1799 Over 1798 Fine. 12 THE UNITED STATES. SILVER DOLLARS. 1804 DOLLAR. 193 1799 Five stars facing. Very fine. Rare. 194 1799 Very good. 195 1799 Very good. Slight file mark along edge at first star. 196 1799 Fine. No berries on laurel branch. 197 1799 Very fine. 198 1799 Very fine. 199 1800 Good. Pierced at upper edge. * 200 1800 Very fine. Die broken on reverse, making it appear americai. 201 1800 Different dies. Fine. 202 1800 Very good. 203 1801 Very good. Scarce. 204 1802 Perfect date. Very good. 205 1803 Large 3. Fine. 206 1803 Small date. Very good. 207 1803 Small date. Good. 208 1804 Upper right hand star almost touches letter y. Rev. states of, about equally spaced be- tween Eagle's wings. Borders circle of beads within a rim. Lettering on edge lightly struck, and invisible on part of the periphery as in all the other six specimens. Weight 410- 1 / 4grs., which is correct, as the difference between this and the average weight of the very fine specimens, 415-8/10 grs., legal standard" 416 grs., has been lost by wear, as it has evidently been much circu- lated, sufficiently to have caused it to have lost this difference of about 5 grains. It has evidently been in actual circulation and bears no appear- ance whatever of a piece rubbed purposely to make it look old. It is the only specimen that shows having been in circulation. We guarantee it to be genuine and original like the specimen in the U. S. Mint. PLATE III WETMORE C THE UNITED STATES. 1804 DOLLAR. 13 The record of the previous ownership of this piece is as follows : Major Wetmore purchased of Mr. Parmelee in 1878 for $600, who had bought it at the sale of the H. S. Adams collection, 1876, at $500, and Mr. Adams had purchased it at the sale of Ool. M. I. Cohen's collection the year be- fore at $325. In the catalogue of the collection of Col. Cohen of Baltimore Mr. Edward Cogan, the venerable numismatist, described it as follows : "This extremely rare Dollar was procured from Eichmond, Virginia, where it was known to Col- onel Cohen to exist for many years before it came into his possession. It has been more circulated than either of the two previously sold at Auction, and has every appearance of having been struck in the year of its date, and is guaranteed to be original." A year after the sale we remember con- versing with Col. Cohen, and he confirmed the statement made by Mr. Cogan. The 1804 dollar was first published by Messrs. Eckfeldt & DuBois, Assayers of the Mint, in their Manual of Coins in 1842, in which they placed it on one of their plates made by the ruling engine, (which traces the image mechanically, and it is therefore almost as good a record as a photogra- phic plate, ) without comment as to its rarity, and evidently simply chose it as the finest impression of the type in the Mint collection. This was fif- teen years before the first restrike and the high values upon U. S. coins, which tempted later re- strikes or fabrications. In 1843, according to a letter which the late Matthew A. Stickney wrote us, he exchanged with the Government author- ities an immune Columbia in gold for a duplicate, and we thus have two direct witnesses that the dollar was there in 1843. Of this first class of 14 THE UNITED STATES. 1804 DOLLAR. impressions only six are known to exist, and three of these; No. 1, the Mint specimen, — No. 2, the Appleton specimen, now in the Library of the Mass. Historical Society, — No. 3, Byron Reed specimen, formerly of the Parmelee collection, and now in the City Mnsenm of Omaha, — are for- ever out of the reach of the collector, thus leaving but three specimens which could come upon the market. In addition to this class of impressions there are two series of restrikes that were made in the U. S. Mint. Restrike A. with a new reverse die and plain edges, and deficient in weight. There are two of these known to be in existence. One in the Mint. Restrike B. Very similar appearance to the originals, but invariably with errors in the letter- ing of the edges, two or three of the letters being doubled. Of this latter class there are four or five in existence. Superficial numismatists and would-be experts on the 1804 dollar have thought that they discov- ered evidence that it was not contemporaneous in its border, which is a circle of beads within a raised rim, and not long serrated points like the dollars of the previous years, but in such a case the other coins of the year should be studied. We did so, and found that the same border is employed on the dime on both the obverse and the reverse dies. This discovery forever sets at rest the ques- tion of the border, and is one of the strongest points to prove the contemporaneous execution of the dollar. Plate III. (copyright) 209 1836 Liberty seated to r., with head turned back to 1., holds Liberty staff in 1. hand, and shield in r. ; 1836. Below base of figure in field, signature of the artist, c. gobrecht. f. Rev. .united states THE UNITED STATES. DOLLARS. 15 of America one dollar. Eagle flying L amidst 26 stars. Edge plain. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare, only 18 made. Plate III. 210 1836 Same. Signature on base. Very fine. Light scratch and pin dents on obv. Eare. 211 1838 Thirteen stars around obv. field. Rev. With- out stars. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare. Plate III. 212 1839 Brilliant proof. Very rare. 213 1840 Obverse as preceding. Rev. united states of America one dol. Eagle defiant, with shield on breast, olive branch in r., and three arrows in 1. talon. Very fine. Scarce. 214 1841 Good. 215 1842 Very fine. 216 1843 Fine. 217 1844 Extremely fine. Scarce. 218 1845 Extremely fine. Scarce. 219 1846 New Orleans Mint. Very good. 1st year of doll, coinage at this Mint. 220 1846 New Orleans Mint. 1847. Good. 2 pes. 221 1848 Very fine. Scarce. 222 1848 Very fine. Scarce. 223 1849 Uncirculated. 224 1850 Very fine. Scarce. 225 1850 New Orleans Mint. Poor. 226 1851 Proof. Obv. field covered with fine hair marks, yet effigy perfectly uncirculated. Very rare. Plate III. 227 1852 Poor. Very rare. 228 1853 Good. 229 1854 Extremely fine. Rare. 230 1855 Uncirculated. Rare. 231 1856 Very fine. Slight pin scratch on obv. and over eagle's head on rev. Scarce. 232 1857 Uncirculated. Proof surface. Field slightly abraded. 16 THE UNITED STATES. DOLLARS. HALF DOLLARS. 233 1858 Proof, but centre of obverse covered with min- ute or microscopic nicks. Very rare. Plate III. 234 1859 New Orleans Mint. Very fine. 235 1860 Uncirculated. Slight abrasion. 236 1860 New Orleans Mint. Very fine. 237 1861 Extremely fine. Light nicks in field on rev. Rare. 238 1864 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Scarce. 239 1865 Uncirculated. Slight abrasion on Liberty. Scarce. 240 1866 Brilliant proof. 1st year with in god we trust. 241 1870 0. O. Mint. Uncirculated. 1st year of this Mint. Rare. 242 1875 S. Mint. Uncirculated. 243 1876 C. O. Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Rare. 244 1877 S. Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 245 1878 Standard. 8 feathers in tail. Proof. Scarce. 246 1878 Standard. 8 feathers in tail. Unc. Perfec- tion. 247 1878 Standard. 7 feathers in tail. Unc. Slight abrasion. 248 1878 Trade. C. C. Mint._ Very fine. Scarce. 249 1878 Trade. S. Mint. Very fine. 250 1904 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Last year of issue. HALF DOLLARS. 251 1794 Head of Liberty to r. ; above, liberty, beneath, 1794. Eight stars behind and seven before head. Point of bust touches last star, and lowest curl passes through top of star at 1. of date. Rev. united states of America. Eagle standing with- in olive wreath. Edge, fifty cents or half a DOLLAR. Good. 252 1795 Different varieties. Fair to good. Rare to get so many different dies. 16 pes. 253 1796 Bust of Liberty r., draped, and with hair tied THE UNITED STATES. HALF DOLLARS. 17 with fillet. Eight stars behind and 7 before bust. Above, liberty, beneath, 1796. Kev. united states of America J. Eagle standing on clouds within wreath of olive and palm. Edge as be- fore. Type 1796-1797. Very good. Very rare. 254 1797 Fair. Thin cut from top of E to edge. Very rare. 255 1801 Good. Kare. 256 1802 Good. Rare. 257 1803 Large 3. Very fine. Slight nicks on bust. 258 1805 Over 4. Fine. Pin scratch in field. Rare. 259 1805 5 berries on laurel. Good. 260 1805 5 berries on laurel. Good. 261 1806 Over 5. Good. Rare. 262 1806 Blunt 6. Wide date. Fine. 263 1806 Blunt 6, close date. Fine. 264 1806 Pointed 6, low 8. Very fine. 265 1806 Pointed 6 , even 8. Close date. Extremely fine. 266 1806 Pointed 6, wide date. Fine. Weak in centre. 267 1806 Pointed 6, no stem below talon. Fine. Die cracked. 268 1807 Fine. 269 1807 Bust of Liberty to 1., draped, wearing cap on which liberty. Six stars behind, and 7 before bust, 1807 beneath. Rev. united states of America, 50 c. 2 under the 5 of 50 c. Eagle r. with head turned to 1., holds olive branch in r., and 3 arrows in 1. talon. Above, e pluribus unum on scroll. Fine. Type 1807-1836. 270 1808 Over 1807 Uncirculated.Mint lustre. Die cracked. Scarce. 271 1808 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 272 1809 Very fine. 273 1810 Very fine. 274 1811 Small 8. Uncirculated. Weak stars behind head. 2 18 THE UNITED STATES. HALF DOLLARS. 275 1811 Large S. Die cracked. Very fine. Stars flat. 276 1811 Fine. 277 1811 Date with period 18.11. Good. 278 1812 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Sharp imp. 3 Stars behind head not up. 279 1812 Fine. 280 1813 Very fine. Sharp impression. 281 1814 Three suction bars under ear. Very fine. 282 1815 Very good. Eare. 283 1817 Close and wide dates. Fine. 2 pes. 284 1818 Over 17. Small 8. Extremely fine. 285 1818 Over 17 Large 8. Extremely fine. 286 1818 Clawhammer 8's. Extremely fine. Eare. 287 1818 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. Varieties 4 pes. 288 1819 Over 1818. Very fine. 289 1819 Close date. Extremely fine. Sharp imp. 290 1819 Wide date. Uncirculated. Sharp impression. 291 1820 Over 1819. Very good. 292 1820 Tall, square base 2. Ex. fine. 293 1820 Duplicate of last. Extremely fine. 294 1820 Large date, knob 2. Very fine. 295 1820 Small curl top and bottom 2. Very fine. 296 1821 Extremely fine. Sharp. 297 1822 Different dies. Very fine. 2 pes. 298 1823 Perfect 3. Extremely fine. Mint lustre. 299 1823 Erratic 3. Fine. 300 1824 Over 1820 and other dates. Very fine. 301 1824 Over 1821. Extremely fine. 302 1824 Extremely fine. Different dies. 2 pes. 303 1825 Fine. 304 1826 Large and small 8's. Very fine. 2 pes. 305 1828 Large curled 2. Uncirculated. Sharp. 306 1828 Large curled 2 with knob. Very good. 307 1828 Small 2, square base. Uncirculated. 308 1829 Erroneous 9. Uncirculated. Sharp. Mint lustre. THE UNITED STATES. HALF DOLLARS. 19 309 1830 Small O in date. Uncirculated. Sharp. Mint lustre. 310 1830 Small O in date. Uncirculated. Sharp. T>'d. die from last. 311 1832 Reverse small letters. Extremely fine. 312 1833 Very fine. 313 1834 Large date. E. Very small, 50 c. Unc. 314 1834 Large date. R. Large letters. Very fine. 315 1834 Small date. R. Small 50 c. Unc. Mint lustre. 316 1834 Small date and letters. Large and small busts. Very fine. 2 pes. 317 1835, 1836 Very fine. 2 pes. 318 1836 Gobrecht's design. Bust of Liberty L, six stars before bust, 7 behind it. Rev. Eagle as last ; no motto, and has 50 cents instead of 50 c. as first issue. Edge milled, no letters. Very good. Rare. Type 1836-1839. 319 1837 Very fine. 320 1838 Uncirculated. R. Die cracked across, half dol instead of 50 cents as on last two. Mint lustre. 321 1839 Extremely fine. Scratch on reverse. 322 1839 Die cracked around stars. New Orleans Mint. Very fine. 323 1839 Liberty seated on rock, to r. head to 1. her r, hand supports shield, the left holds staff and Liberty cap; 13 stars, below date. R. Same type as last. Drapery from point of elbow. Very fine. Type 1839-1865. 324 1840 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Very slightly hairmarked. N. O. Mint. Large and small O. Vg. 2 pes. New Orleans Mint. Very fine. Large date. Very fine. Small date. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Rare. Extremely fine. 325 1840 326 1841 327 1842 328 1842 329 1843 330 1843 331 1844 332 1844 333 CJ 1845 334 1845 335 1846 336 1846 337 1847 338 1848 339 1849 340 1850 341 1851 342 1852 343 1853 20 THE UNITED STATES. HALF DOLLARS. New Orleans Mint. Fine. Very line. New Orleans Mint. Uncirculated. Slightly hafed. Fine. Scarce. N. O. Mint. Dif. positions of o. Vg. 2 pes. Large date. Very fine. Small date. O and P Mints. Very fine. 2 pes. New Orleans Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Slightly chafed. Very good. Very fine. Scarce. Uncirculated. Bare in this preservation. New Orleans Mint. Extremely fine. Rare. Arrows, '54, '55, '56, '57, '58. P and O of each except 1855 which is P only. Very good to very fine. 11 pes. 344 1857 San Francisco Mint, large and small s. Vg. 2 pes. 345 1858 San Francisco Mint. Very fine. Scarce. 346 1858 San Francisco Mint; dif. position of s. Vg. and good. 2 pes. 347 1859 N. O. Mint. Very fine. S. Mint. Poor. 2 pes. 848 1860 N. O. Mint. Dif. dies. Ex fine. 2 pes. 349 1860 San Francisco Mint. Fine. 350 1861 P. and N. O. Mints. Ex. fine. 2 pes. 851 1861 San Francisco Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 352 1862 San Francisco Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Large s. 353 1862, 1863 San Francisco Mint. Good. Small s. 2 pes. 354 1862 Extremely fine. 355 1864 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Scarce. 356 1864 San Francisco Mint. Minute s. V. fine. Rare. 357 1864 San Francisco Mint. Large and small s. Vg. 2 pes. THE U. S. HALF DOLLARS. QUARTER DOLLARS. 21 358 1865 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Scarce. 359 1865 San Francisco Mint. Fine. 360 1866 First year with motto in god we trust. Proof. 361 1866 San Francisco Mint. Fine. With motto. 362 1867 San Francisco Mint. Dif. positions of s. Ex. fine. 2 pes. 363 1868 San Francisco Mint. Good. 364 1869 San Francisco Mint. Dif. positions of s. Very fine. 2 pes. 365 1870 San Francisco Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Kare. 366 1870 Poor. San Francisco Mint. 367 1871 San Francisco Mint. Dif. positions of s. Vg. 3 pes. 368 1871 Carson City Mint. Uncirculated. Very rare. 369 1872 Carson City Mint. Uncirculated. Very rare. 370 1873 Carson City Mint. Uncirculated. With ar- row heads. Very rare. 371 1873 San Francisco Mint. With arrow heads. Un- circulated. Very rare. 372 1874 San Francisco Mint. Uncirculated. The S low between p and d. 373 1874 Carson City Mint. Uncirculated. Eare. 374 1874 s high. 1875, s small, c c. Very fine. 3 pes. 375 1876 San Francisco Mint. Dif. positions of S. Fine. 4 pes. 376 1876 Carson City Mint. Uncirculated. 377 1877 Mint lustre. Uncirculated. 378 1877 Carson City Mint. Uncirculated. Slightly chafed. 379 1877 San Francisco Mint. Dif. positions of s. Unc. 3 pes. QUARTER DOLLARS. 380 1796 Bust of Liberty r., draped, and with flowing hair tied with a fillet, liberty above, beneath, 1796. Seven stars before, and 8 behind head. 22 THE UNITED STATES. QUARTER DOLLARS. Bey. united states of America. Eagle stand- ing on clouds within wreath. Very good. Rare. 381 1804 Good. Rare. 382 1805 Very good. 383 1806 Over 5. 1818 close date. Poor. 2 pes. 384 1806 Perfect date. Very good. Bold impression. 385 1807 Small O in date. Very good. Bold impression. Note. — No quarters were struck between 1807 — 1815. 386 1815 Bust of Liberty L, 7 stars before, and 6 behind bust. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 25 C. Eagle, defiant; above on scroll e. pluribus unum. Fine. Note. — No quarters were struck during 1816 — 17. 387 1818 Wide date. Fine. 388 1819 Small date. Uncirculated. Sharp. Mint lustre. Rare. 389 1820 Small date. Uncirculated. Sharp. Mint lustre. Rare. 390 1820 Large date. Wide and close date. Very fine and fine. 2 pes. 391 1821 Very good. 392 1822 Very fine. Rare when in so fine a state of pre- servation. 393 1823 Over 1822. Head worn smooth, though liber- ty shows. Good for date. Short nick in field. Extremely rare. 394 1824 Perfect date. Very good. Rare. 395 1825 Over 1823 Extremely fine. Sharp. 396 1827 Over 1823. Brilliant proof. Original. Sharp impression. Probably the finest specimen, and of the originals about five are known. Excessive- ly rare. Plate III. From the Thos. Cleneay coll. sold by us, then from the John G. Mills collection sold by us 1904. Lot No. 99. 397 1828 Uncirculated. Sharp, beautiful imp. Mint lustre. THE UNITED STATES. QUARTER DOLLARS. 23 398 1831 Large letters on rev. Extremely fine. Lustre. Scarce. 399 1831 Small letters on rev. Extremely fine. Lustre. 400 1832 Fine. 401 1833 Very fine. Scarce. 402 1834 Period after 25 o omitted. Extremely fine. 403 1835 Period after 25c. Uncirculated. Lustre. 404 1836 Perfect die. Slightly weak imp. Unc. 405 1837 Small heads to arrows. Uncirculated. 406 1838 Bust, fine. Liberty seated good. 2pcs. 407 1839 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 408 1840 With drapery from elbow. Very fine. 409 1840 N. O. Mint. No drapery from elbow. Dif. positions of o. Vg. 2 pes. 410 1841 N. O. Mint, o over space. Very fine. 411 1842 Extremely fine, slight proof surface. Rarely offered so fine. 412 1842 N. O. Mint, o small. Very good. 413 1843 N. O. Mint. Very fine. 414 1843 Extremely fine. 415 1844 Extremely fine. 416 1845 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 417 1846 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. 418 1847 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. Scarce. 419 1847, 1850, 1853 arrows. 1854, 1856 to 1859. O. Mint. Poor. 8 pes. 420 1848 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. Rare. 421 1849 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. 422 1850 Semi-proof. Scarce. 423 1851 Fine. Scarce. 424 1852 Extremely fine. Scarce. 425 1853 No arrow heads at date, no rays on reverse. Very fine. Very rare. 426 1853 Arrow heads at date and rays on rev. Vg. 427 1854 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Scarce. 428 1855, 1858 San Francisco Mint. Poor. 2 pes. 24 THE U. S. QUAR. DOLLARS. TWENTY CENTS. DIMES. 429 1855 Brilliant proof. Very rare. 430 1856 Brilliant proof. Bare. 431 1856, 1858, I860. Very good. 3 pes. 432 1857 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. 433 1861 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 434 1864 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Scarce. 435 1865 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Scarce. 436 1866 Brilliant proof. Scarce. 437 1870 Carson City Mint. Semi-proof; slightly hair marked. The finest we have ever seen. Extreme- ly rare in this condition. 438 1872 Carson City Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Perfection. Extremely rare. 439 1876 Carson City. Two positions of cc. Uncircu- lated. Mint lustre. 2 pes. 440 1876 Carson City. Wide and close cc. Vg. 2 pes. 441 1876 Phil, and S. F. Mints. 1877 P. Mint. Unc. 3 pes. 442 1877 Carson City Mint. Dif . positions of CC. One fine, others brilliant and unc. 3 pes. 443 1877 San Francisco Mint. Diff. positions of B. One very fine. Others Unc. 4 pes. 444 1893 Isabella. Bust of Queen Isabella 1. Only coin of U. S. with a crowned head on it. Unc. 445 1893 Isabella. As last. Uncirculated. 4 pes. TWENTY CENTS. 446 1875 Brilliant proof. Scarce. 447 1875 Brilliant proofs. Scarce. 3 pes. 448 1875 Carson City Mint. Unc. Weak in centre. 449 1875 San Francisco Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 450 1875 San Francisco Mint. As last. 4 pes. DIMES. 451 1796 Perfect die. Good. Rare. 1st year of issue. THE UNITED STATES. DIMES. 25 452 1797 16 stars. Fine. Die cracked above date. Very rare. 453 1798 Over 1797. Fair. Surface corroded. 454 1801 Plugged over head and e engraved so that it hardly shows. Fair. Rare. 455 1802 Good. Rare. 456 1803 Poor. Date very good. 457 1804 Good. Date strong. Extremely rare. Rarest dime. 458 1805, 1807 Good. 2 pes. 459 1809 Very good. Rare. 460 1811 over 1809 Plain edge, milling filed off. Very good. 461 1814 Large date. Uncirculated. Stars behind head flat and very weakly struck. 462 1821 Small and large dates. '23, '24, '25, '27, '29, '31, '35, '37 starless '38 starless. Both var. '39. Poor. 13 pes. 463 1823 over 1822. Good. 464 1824 Over 1822. Good. Scarce. 465 1827 Extremely fine. Mint lustre. 466 1828 Small date. Very good. Scarce. 467 1828 Large date. Good. Very scarce. 468 1830 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 469 1832 Uncirculated. 470 1833 Uncirculated. 471 1834 Large date. Unc. Semi-proof. Nick on edge. 472 1834 Large date, 1835, 1836, 1837 bust. Ex. fine. 4 pes. 473 1835 Uncirculated. 474 1838 Stars. '40nd. '41, '2, '5, '7, '8, '9, '50, '51, % '3, '6, '9. Vg. 15 pes. 475 1839 ( Very fine. 476 1840 With drapery from elbow. Unc. Rare. 477 1840 Without drapery 2 sizes of o. % % '3, % '50, '1, '4, '6, '9. O. Mints. Fair. 11 pes. 478 1S46 479 1850 480 1853 481 1854 482 1856 483 1857 484 1860 26 THE UNITED STATES. DIMES. HALF DIMES. Very good. Uncirculated. No arrow heads. Very fine. '5, '6 large date, '7, '8. Ex. fine. 5 pes. Brilliant proof. Very rare. New Orleans Mint. Uncirculated. Lustre. San Francisco Mint. With stars on obverse. Uncirculated. Very rare. 485 1860 Ins. on obv. '61, '73 arrows '82, '3. Very fine. 5 pes. 486 1864 Uncirculated. Scarce. 487 1865 Uncirculated. Scarce. 488 1866 Proof. Scarce. 489 1867 Fair. '75 s outside wreath, fine. Inside una '76, '77. S. Mint. Unc. 5 pes. 490 1875 3 of '76, (3). '77 (2) '78. C. C. Mint. Uuc. 10 pes. HALF DIMES. 13 stars. Fair. Very rare. 15 stars. Good. Rare. 15 stars. Poor. 16 stars. Very good. Rare. Fair. Poor. Hole at point of the bust. Good. Slight dents on shield on rev. Ex- cessively rare. See plate. From the sale by the late Edward Cogan, June 28, 29, 1877, lot number 188, |105. 498 1803 Large 8. Fine. Rare. 499 1829 Small 5 in 5c. Semi-proof. 500 1829 '31, '2 (2), '3, '4 (3), '5, '6, '7 starless, '8, '40. Very fine. 13 pes. 501 1835 Large date. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 502 1835 Small date. Large and small 5c. Ex. fine. 2 pes. 503 1839 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 491 1797 492 1797 493 1797 494 1797 495 1800 496 1801 497 1802 THE U. S. HALF DIMES. THREE CENTS SILVER. 27 504 1840 Drapery from elbow. Unc. Mint lustre. Rare. 505 1841 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 506 1843 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 507 1844 Double cut date. Unc. Rare. 508 1845 Uncirculated. 509 1846 Good. Rare. 510 1847 Very fine. 511 1849 Date does and does not touch base line. Very fine. 2 pes. 512 1850 Uncirculated. 513 1851, '52, '53 no arrow heads. Very fine. 3 pes. 514 1851 New Orleans Mint. Uncirculated. 515 1852 New Orleans Mint. Extremely fine. Very rare. 516 1853 No arrow heads. Uncirculated. Scarce. 517 1853 Arrows, '4, '5, '6, '7, '8, ,60, '1, '71. Unc. 11 pes. 518 1855 New Orleans Mint. Fine. Scarce. 519 1864 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Rare. 520 1865, 1866 Proofs. Scarce. . 2 pes. 521 1867 San Francisco Mint. Good. 522 1869 San Francisco Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 523 1872 San Francisco Mint. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 524 1830—1870 Various dates. 1838 no stars. 1848 large date, etc., Poor. 29 pes. THREE CENTS SILVER. 525 1851 Uncirculated. Brilliant Mint lustre. 526 1851 O. Mint (2), '51 P Mint, '52, '54, '55 (bent) '57, '61. Fair, last fine. 9 pes. 527 1853 Uncirculated. Brilliant Mint lustre. 528 1855 Very good. Bold impression. Scarce. 529 1856 Fine. Bold impression. 530 1858 Uncirculated. Sharp impression. Mint lustre. 531 1858 '61, '62. Uncirculated. 3 pes. 532 1860 Proof. Scarce. 28 THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 533 1864 Proof. Very rare. 534 1865 Uncirculated. Kare. 535 1866 Brilliant proof. Scarce. 536 1871 Proof. Scarce. CENTS. 537 1783 u. s in wreath, libeetas justitia, 1783. R. nova constellatio. Eye in glory. Vg. 0, 2 — B. 538 1787 Fngio. Sun dial, fugio 1787. mind your BUSINESS. R. UNITED STATES. WE ARE ONE. 13 rings. Silver, New Haven dies. Unc. 539 1793 Chain. Head of Liberty r. liberty 1793. R. Chain enclosing one cent tp. Poor and dents on edge but it is Crosby 2-C, and the second speci- men yet discovered of this die, the one pictured in Crosby came from us and is now in the collec- tion of Dr. Thos. Hall of Boston. 540 1793 Large head of Liberty, large liberty, spray and date. R. united states op America: Wreath enclosing one cent, below bow nh). Very fine. Surface lightly eroded. Black. Pin scratch in field. Rare. See plate. Crosby 6 — F. 541 1793 Very poor, date just discernible. Crosby 9 — G. 542 1793 Liberty cap. Perfect die. Very poor. Obv. shows everything. 543 1794 Hays No. 13. Extremely fine. Slight granu- lation in planchet on uni of rev. Light olive. 544 1794 Hays No. 14. Extremely fine. Light olive. 545 1794 Hays No. 45. Fine. Light olive. Milling uneven as always the case with this variety. 546 1795 Lettered edge. Thick planchet. Uncircu- lated. Obverse, some roughness on the cheek that was in the planchet and which the impression did not eliminate though it is a bold, sharp, even Im- pression. Beautiful lighe olive color, with traces of original red color on rev. Very rare. See plate. TMORE COLLECTION THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 29 547 1795 Plain edge. Thin planchet. R. one cent high in wreath. Extremely fine. Deep even mill- ing obv. and rev. Light olive color. See plate. 548 1795 Plain edge. Thin planchet. R. one cent in centre of wreath. Extremely fine. Milling behind head not struck up. Light olive. 549 1796 Liberty cap. Mouth of Liberty open. 6 far from bust. Uncirculated. Even impression, with the milling all around the obverse which in this variety is very unusual. Original red color and the finest cent of this date known. Unique in this state of preservation. See plate. 550 1796 Liberty cap. Mouth closed. 6 close to bust. Fair. 551 1796 Bust of Liberty. Erratic low 6. Double pro- file. Minute nick on neck. Milling weak. 8 berries on laurel. Very fine. Light olive. Rare. 552 1796 Bust of Liberty. Even date. 11 berries on wreath. Fair. 553 1797 Close date. Six berries on each branch of wreath. Uncirculated. Superb specimen with deep even milling around both obv. and rev. Rich glossy brown color. See plate. Similar examples in Smith sale sold for $21 and $25. 554 1797 Closer date. The variety with short bar un- der eye from a nick or scratch in the die. Rev. Same as last. Uncirculated. Light olive. R. With tinge of original color. Deep even milling obv. and rev. 555 1797 Wide date. Die cracked from back of head to edge. R. Five berries on each branch. Uncir- culated. Original red color, tinging to steel color. Deep milling. Superb piece and a very rare die. See plate. 556 1797 Gripped or milled edge. Fair. Unusually good edge. 30 THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 557 1798 Over 1797. Large 8. Good. Scarce. 558 1798 Perfect date. Large date. E. cracked die from in ?h to e in united. Extremely fine. Plum color. Rare in this preservation. From the Winsor and Borden collections. 559 1798 Small date. Die crack from T in liberty to edge before face. Very fine. Plum color. 560 1799 Over 1798. Good. Steel color. Extremely rare, more so than the perfect date. 561 1799 Perfect date. Good. Two dents on edge. Dark brown color. Cost Maj. Wetmore $25 about 40 years ago. Very rare. See plate. 562 1799 Perfect date. Fair. The date strong and good. Edge dents. Very rare. 563 1800 over 1798. Good. Slight edge nicks. Very rare. 564 1800 Erroneous die, showing 79 under 80 when the die sinker evidently forgot the change in the cen- tury. Uncirculated. Steel color. Very rare in this preservation. See plate. 565 1800 Period in first O in date from small defect there and below 00 of date which was in the die. Extremely fine. Light olive with traces of ori- ginal red. Very rare in this preservation. See plate. 566 1801 too on reverse. Die broken over R t of liber- ty. Very sharp, bold impression of this rare and remarkable error. Extremely fine. Rich, dark, steel brown color. One of the finest known. See plate. 567 1801 united, oh , One stem to wreath below bow. Fine. Bold impression which is not often seen of this variety, Slight nick near edge behind head. Steel brown color. Very rare in this pre- servation. 568 1801 T7o over vU showing the die sinker endea- vored to correct his blunder. Good. THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 31 569 1801 Wavy line variety, caused by a curious sink- ing of the die from ty of liberty across field be- fore face. Extremely fine. Steel color with traces of red. Sharp impression. Very rare in this condition. See plate. 570 1802 Uncirculated. Superb impression. Steel col- or with a very fine semi-proof surface. From Winsor and Borden collections. See plate. 571 1802 oU on reverse. Good. 572 1803 Small ih . Die cracked on obverse across point of the bust. Uncirculated. Superb, even impression. Original red steel color. See plate. 573 1803 Uneven date, 18 wide 03 close, liberty close to top of head. E. Same as last. Extremely fine. Sharp, even imp. Light olive. 574 1803 Large rfo . Uncirculated. Sharp, even imp. Steel-brown color. 575 1803 Tthr over -ufa. Double chin on Liberty. Good. 576 1804 Perfect die. Very fine, even impression. Sur- face very lightly eroded. Steel color. Very rare. See plate. 577 1804 Perfect die. Poor. Surface eroded. Date good. Eare. 578 1804 Broken die. Extremely fine. Very bold im- pression. Small, almost microscopic dents on obv. but they do not mar the beauty of this grand cent, one of the finest known. Light olive color. Excessively rare. See plate. 579 1805 Blunt 1 in date. Uncirculated. Superb im- pression and of the most delicate lustrous light olive color both obverse and reverse. The finest 1805 cent known. Unique in this preservation and should command more than any cent of this date has ever sold for. See plate. 580 1805 Pointed 1 in date. Extremely fine. Steel color. Very rare in this preservation, scarce in any. 32 THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 581 1806 Extremely fine. Planchet defective over rt of Liberty; a depression like a dent but caused by another planchet being cut out touching this. Light pin scratch and nicks on obv. Steel color. Rare. 5S2 1807 Over 1806. Fine. Steel color. 583 1807 Perfect date. Large ih . Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Beautiful light olive color which is very unusual with cents of this year. Very rare in this preservation. See plate. 584 1807 Small ih. Fine. Not struck up on ta of states. Small dent on hair and neck ; pin scratch in field behind head. Dark olive. 585 1808 Uncirculated. Sharp impression, every star centered; milling on obverse not even — not on at all behind head; though on reverse it is perfectly even. Obverse beautiful light olive. Reverse steel color. Very rare in such preservation. See plate. 586 1808 12 and 13 stars. Fair. 2 pes. 587 1809 Over 1808. Uncirculated. Stars not cen- tered. Struck to one side. Blue steel color. Very rare. See plate. 588 1809 (2) 1811 perfect date. Poor. 3 pes. 589 1810 Perfect date. Uncirculated. Splendid im- pression. Every star centered. Original red and light olive color. One of the finest cents known of this year and very rare in such preser- vation. See plate. 590 1810 Perfect date. Fine. Dark olive color. 591 1811 Over 1810. Very fine. Steel color. Rare. 592 1811 over 1810. Perfect date. 2 good. Scarce 3 pes. 593 1811 Perfect date. Uncirculated. Stars and mill- ing before face not up; those behind head up sharp. Several edge dents which appear on re- verse only. Brown color. Very rare. See plate. PLATE V \A/er-riv/n~fcPcr r^rn i rrTifiN THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 33 594 1812 Large date. Uncirculated. Five stars before bust not centered, otherwise a sharp impression. Steel color. See plate. 595 1812 Small date. Very fine. Brown color. Even imp. 596 1813 Uncirculated, but surface eroded by its having lain in a damp place. No milling on lower half of obv. Steel color. 597 1814 Plain 4. Extremely fine. Sharp, even im- pression. Steel color. 598 1814 Crossed 4. Extremely fine. Sharp, even im- pression. Steel color. 599 1816 Broken die. Original red color. Unspotted. 600 1817 13 stars. Close date. Unc. Pale red, light olive color. 601 1817 13 stars. Wide date. Extremely fine. Light olive. 602 1817 15 stars. Very fine. Bold impression. Brown color. 603 1818 Wide date, the 8 to right of lower lock. Per- fect die. Extremely fine. Light olive. 604 1818 Close date. Extremely fine. Beautiful light olive. 605 1818 Erratic date. Stars and date connected by break in die. Uncirculated. Bright red, slight smearing and few specks. 606 1819 over 1818. Small date. Extremely fine. Light olive. Slight stain. 607 1819 over 1818. Large date. Very fine. Cleaned red. 608 1819 Perfect date. Extremely fine. Steel color. 609 1820 Large O in date, closer to the 2 which is smaller than on the following large O and cracked die. The star points at the very point of the dia- dem, while in next it points well below point of diadem. Perfect die. Uncirculated. Steel color 34 THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. and light olive. Slight proof surface and was for- merly described as a proof. A very rare variety. 610 1820 Large O in date but date wide and open. Stars and date connected by a break in die. Uncircu- lated. Steel color. 611 1820 Small O in date. Close date. Perfect die. Yery fine. Steel color. 612 1820 Small O in date. Wide date. Perfect die. Uncirculated. Bright red original color; slight dark spot near edge but hardly mars this unus- ually fine piece. Bare. From Borden collection. 613 1821 Close date. Uncirculated. Wonderfully sharp impression. Every star up and centered. Even milling obverse and reverse. Steel color. See plate. 614 1822 Close date. Very fine. Olive color. 615 1822 Wide date. Fine. Steel color. 616 1823 Over 1822. Brilliant proof. Superb, even impression. Obverse steel olive color. Beverse, light olive, traces of original color. We believe but one other proof is known — the one formerly the property of J. W. Haseltine (1876), S. S. Crosby, then L. G. Parmelee; present where- abouts unknown to us. It was a black cent, and therefore did not equal this example. Extremely rare. See plate. From Mills collection. 617 1823 over 1822 and perfect date. Fair. 2 pr-s. 618 1823 Perfect date. Bestrike. One of the few impres- sions secured before die cracked across, but slight- ly broken on the edge and this has been cut off. Bright red. Bare. 619 1823 Perfect date. Bestrike. Shows die cracked across and on edge. Bright red. 620 1824 Close date. Very good. Very scarce. 621 1824 Close and wide dates. Good. 2 pes. 622 1825 Close date. Very fine. Light olive. Slight stain on reverse edge. THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 35 623 1825 Wide date. Very fine. Beautiful light brown color. 624 1826 Close date. Inner line around stars. Uncir- culated, slight rub on cheek. Sharp imp. Light olive, traces of original red. Slight dark spot on obv. 625 1826 Close date. No inner line. Extremely fine. Light olive color, mottled on rev. Small dent on edge. 626 1826 Wide date. Fine. Dark place behind head and on rev. 627 1827 Perfect die. Extremely fine. Brown color. 628 1827 Die broken connecting stars and date. Dull original color. Sharp even imp. 629 1828 Large date. Extremely fine. Brown color. 630 1828 Small date. Very good. Steel color. Bare. 631 1829 Large letters on rev. Bronze proof. Sharp, even impression. Faint small nick in field be- fore face. Very rare. Several of these cents are known, and judging by their color and impression it has always been considered they were a few special pieces made for some appreciative numis- matist in 1829. See plate. 632 1829 Large letters. Dif. obv. die, stars lower. Fine. Light olive. 633 1829 Small letters on rev. Very good. Bare. 634 1830 Inner line. Wide date. Uncirculated. Sharp stars and one of the finest impressions of this die we have seen. Uncirculated. Mostly original bright red color. Very rare when in this preserva- tion. 635 1831 Large letters on rev. Uncirculated. Light olive. 636 1831 Small letters on rev. Uncirculated. Original bright red somewhat stained. Weak stars. 637 1832 Large letters on rev. Uncirculated. Even impression. Dull original red turning to steel color. Bare. 36 THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 638 1832 Large letters on rev. Fine. Steel color. 639 1832 Small letters on rev. Stars on obv. over head connected by a break in the die. Uncirculated. Pale pink color. R. Steel color. Rare. 640 1833 Small letters on rev. Uncirculated. Light olive. 641 1834 Small date. Cracked die. Very fine. Dark olive. 642 1834 Small date. Double profile, very marked. Vg. 643 1834 Large date. Very fine. Steel color. 644 1835 Blunt diadem. Small date. Ex. fine. Light olive. Dark spot on rev. 645 1835 Pointed diadem. Small date. Very fine. Light olive. 646 1835 Large date. Good. Scarce. 647 1836 Perfect die. Extremely fine. Weak stars. Light olive. 648 1836 Die broken at 6th star. Very fine. Chocolate color. 649 1836 Die broken at 8th star. Very fine. Steel color. 650 1837 Plain hair cord. Die broken through stars on obv. before face. R. Small letters. Fine. Rare. 651 1837 Same obv. R. Large letters. Unc. Brown color. 652 1837 Beaded hair cord. R. Small letters. Un- circulated. Light olive. 653 1838 Proof. Surface dull. Bright red. Stars not centered. From Bushnell collection. Very rare. 654 1838 Protruding lock under diadem. Vg. 655 1839 Over 1836. Very good. Brown color. Rare. 656 1839 Over 1836. Fair. Rare. 657 1839 Head like 1838. Very fine. Brown color. Scarce. 658 1839 Silly head. Bar under cent. Very fine. Steel color. THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. 37 659 1839 Booby head. No bar under cent. Ex. fine. Slight nick on edge. Pale olive color. 660 1839 Head as 1840. Uncirculated. Lustrous ori- ginal red color, tinged with steel color. Sharp imp. Rare in such beautiful condition. 661 1839 1838, Booby, Silly heads. Good. 1840 head fine. 4 pes. 662 1840 Double cut 18 in date. Small date. Proof, dulled. Obv. Considerable red. R. Steel color. Extremely rare in this preservation. 663 1840 Small, perfect date. Large date. Fine. 2 pes. 664 1841 Brilliant proof. Bright red, but slightly smeared. Sharp imp. Very rare. 665 1842 Small date. Uncirculated. Original red color smeared. Rare. 666 1842 Large date. Uncirculated. Sharp imp. Ob- verse bright red. Reverse dull red. A remark- ably beautiful cent. 667 1843 Type of 1842. Uncirculated. Light steel color. 668 1843 Type of 1844. Very fine. Rich brown color. 669 1843 The three varieties. Vg. 3 pes. 670 1844 Extremely fine. Faint nick on cheek. Light olive. 671 1845 Very fine. Light nicks on cheek. 672 1846 Date double cut, the under date showing plain- ly and was higher than last date cut in. Small date. Uncirculated. Red. Very rare. 673 1846 Date double cut, the first date a shade lower than last date cut in. Uncir. Steel color. Very rare. 674 1846 1 double cut. Small date. Very good. Very rare. 675 1846 4 and 6 double cut. Small date. Very fine. Brown color. Very rare. 676 1846 Small perfect date. Uncirculated. Steel and red color. 38 THE UNITED STATES. CENTS. HALF CENTS. 677 1846 Large date. Good. Scarce. 678 1847 Uncirculated. Die broken on lower edge. Dull red. 679 1848 Uncirculated. Ked and steel color. 680 1849 Proof. Sharp impression. Original red turn- ing to steel color. Extremely rare. 681 1850 Uncirculated. Bright red. 682 1851 Uncirculated. Bright red. 683 1852, '54, '55 with knob over ear. '57 both dates. Very fine. 5 pes. 684 1855 Slanting '55. Proof. Nick before mouth. Obv. red. R. Steel color. 685 1794-1856 not consecutive, no rare date; first pick after above were removed, 25 prior to 1816. Fair to very good. 110 pes. 686 1793-1853, not consecutive, no rare dates. 47 prior to 1816. Poor. 114 pes. HALF CENTS. Very fine. Olive color. Very poor. Date shows. Large head. Very good. Steel color. Lettered edge. Poor. Plain edge. No pole to cap. Good. Fine. Deep, even milling. Brown color. Date close to bust. Milling from die struck on edge before bust. Fair. 694 1800 Extremely fine. Light olive. Rare in this condition. 695 1802 over 1800. Fair. Rare. 696 1803 Fine. Slight scratch on bust. 697 1804 Plain 4. No ends to stems. Ex. fine. 698 1805 No ends to stems on rev. Ex. fine. Rare. 699 1806 Unc. Light olive, partly red. 700 1807 Very fine. Olive color. 701 1808 over 1807 Very good. Scarce. 687 1793 688 1793 689 1794 690 1795 691 1795 692 1797 693 1797 THE IT. S. HALF CENTS. MINOR COINS. PAT. PCS. 39 702 1809 over 1808. Very fine. Light olive. 703 1810 Very fine. Steel color. Scarce. 704 1811 Good. Scarce. 705 1825 '28 12 and 13 stars, '29. Ex. fine. 4 pes. 706 1835 Bright red obv. R. Steel color. 707 1840 Original. Proof. Steel color. Excessively rare. 708 1841 Original. Very good. Obv. covered with pin point nicks. Very rare. 709 1848 Restrike. Proof. Red and steel color. Ex- tremely rare. 710 1852 Restrike. Proof. Steel color. Very rare. 711 1855 Proof. Obv. red. R. Steel color. 712 1857 Uncirculated. Bright red. 713 1804 '9, '26, '32, '4, '49, '50, '1, '3, '4, '6 (dented). Poor to very fine. 19 pes. MINOR COINAGE. 714 1856 Cent. Eagle flying 1. Copper nickel. Very fine. Rare and in great demand. 715 1857 to 1876 1902-4. Cents. Extra fine set, 1859 fine, 1866 proof and rest unc. 1858 large and small letters, 1864 nickel and copper with and without L on riband. 26 pes. 716 1857-1904, not consecutive. Various dates. 1 curious mis-strike. Cents. Vg. to unc. 35 pes. 717 1864 to 1872 incl. 2c 1864 large and small letters in motto. 4 vg. others unc. 9 pes. 718 1864, '5, '6, '7, '70 2c. Vg to unc. 12 pes. 719 1865 to 1874 3 cent nickel. Vg. 1 proof. 18 pes. 720 1866 to 1875 etc. 5c nickel. Vg. to unc. 14 pes. UNITED STATES PATTERN PIECES. 721 1837 Three cents. Arms of N. Y. 1837. R. feuchtw anger's composition, in wreath three cents. Ex. fine. 40 THE UNITED STATES. PATTERN PIECES. 722 1837 Cents. Eagle. Feuchtwanger's composition. Vg. 4 pes. 723 1838 Half dol. Bust Liberty 1. R. Eagle flying 1. Hole in centre, and another hole half through from the back, why this rare and beautiful coin should be thus mutilated passes our understand- ing. Proof. 724 1850 Ring cent, cent 1850. R. u. s. A. one tenth silver. Ex. fine. 725 1851 Cent. Liberty seated, 13 stars and date. R. 1 cent in wreath. Nickel. Ex. fine. Very rare in this metal. 726 1854 Cent. Head Liberty. 1854. R. united states of America in centre one cent. Copper. Very fine. 727 1855 Cent. Eagle flying 1. 13 stars and date. R. As last. Copper. Very fine. 728 1858 Cent. Large eagle flying 1. R. Oak wreath and broad shield. Copper nickel. Proof. 729 1858 Cent. Small eagle. R. Laurel wreath. Copper-nickel. Proof. 730 1858 Cent. Indian head. R. Oak wreath, broad shield. Copper-nickel. Proof. 731 1858 Cent. Indian head. R. Tobacco wreath. Copper-nickel. Proof. 732 1858 Cent. Indian head. R. Laurel wreath. Copper-nickel. Proof. 733 1859 Half dollar. Liberty seated. R. } dollar in wreath. Copper. Dull proof. 734 1859 Half dollar. Bust Liberty r. R. As last. Copper. Dull proof. 735 1859 Cent. Indian head. R. Oak wreath, narrow shield. Unc. 736 1862 Half dollar. Regular type but with motto god our trust on scroll over eagle's head. Silver. Proof. Rare. THE UNITED STATES. PATTERN PIECES. 41 737 1863 Two cents. Bust of Washington r. god and our country, 1863. R. Similar to regular issue. Copper. Proof. 738 1864 Three cents. Eagle holding snake, 1864. R. feuchtwanger's composition. In oak wreath three cents, at points 3. Uncirculated. 739 1865 Cent. Regular dies struck in nickel, thin planchet. Rare. 740 1866 Dollar. Struck in copper from the regular dies of silver dollar. Bronze. Ex. fine. 741 1866 5c. Head of Washington r. in high relief. GOD AND OUR COUNTRY, 1866. R. UNITED STATES of America, wreath of olive with prominent berries. Nickel. Proof. Very rare, not in the great Smith collection. 742 1866 5c. As regular issue but without bars between the stars. Nickel. Proof. Extremely rare. 743 1867 5c. Head Liberty, star on diadem, united states of America, 1867. R. Olive wreath en- closing 5 cents, at top in minute letters in god we trust. Nickel. Proof. 744 1868 10c. Type large cent 1857. R. ten cents in wreath. Copper. Unc. Slight crack on obv. Unc. Very rare. 745 1869 50c, 25c, 10c, Bust Liberty with Phrygian cap, two large stars as a diadem, united states of America, below on scroll in god we trust. R. standard silver, 1869 in wreath 50 cents. Sil- ver. Milled edges. Proof. 3 pes. 746 1869 50c, 25c, 10c. Head of Liberty without cap. Single star on forehead, otherwise as last. Silver. Proof. 3 pes. 747 1869 25c, 10c. Head Liberty with pointed diadem otherwise as last. Silver. Proof. 2 pes. 748 1873 Trade dollars. Splendid set of the beautiful designs made this year ; the beginning of the trade 42 CON. STATES. WAR FOR UNION 1861-5. NEC. MONEY. dollar. One has milled, the rest with plain edges. Brilliant proofs. The set of six pieces sold as one lot. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. 749 1861 Cent. Head Liberty 1. confederate states of America, 1861. R. Cotton, sugar cane, etc., forming wreath enclosing 1 cent. Copper. Proof. Restrike. 55 made. Dies destroyed. Very rare. WAR OF THE REBELLION. 1861—1865. NECESSITY MONEY. Unused U. S. Postage Stamps encased in a mica and me- tallic frame. 750 Five cents. Reverse pat. aug 12, 1862. j. gault. Very fine. 751 Five cents. Reverse pat aug 12, 1862. j. gault. The stamp slightly more red brown than that used in the last specimen. Very fine. 752 Ten cents. Reverse pat aug 12, 1862. J. gault. Very fine. 753 Ten cents. Reverse pat aug 12, 1862. J. gault. Very fine. 754 Twelve cents. Reverse pat aug 12, 1862. j. gault. Very fine. Very rare. 755 Twelve cents. Reverse pat aug 12, 1862. j. gault. Very fine. Very rare. 756 Twenty-four cents. Reverse pat aug 12, 1862. J. gault. Very fine. Very rare. 757 Thirty cents. Reverse pat aug 12, 1862. J. gault. Very fine. Extremely rare. 758 Twenty-four cents. Reverse applications for ad- vertising ON THIS CURRENCY BE ADDRESSED TO KIRKPATRICK & GAULT, NO. 1 PARK PLACE, N. Y. pat aug 12, 1862. Very fine. Extremely rare. 759 Thirty cents. Reverse same as last. Stamp unusually brilliant and bright. Perfect. Extremely rare. WAR FOR UNION 1861-5. NEC. MONEY. TOK. MED. 43 760 Necessity Money issued by Merchants and circulated for cents. Various devices illustrating trades, patriotic emblems, cards of issuer's and tokens without issuer's name. Various States and metals, nearly all uncirculated, having been collected by Maj. Wetmore at the time. One of the finest lots ever offered. Believed to be different. 1180 pes. HARD TIMES TOKENS. 761 1832 Jackson. Bust r. Brass, silvered. Unc. L. No. 4. Rare. 762 1837 Short ground under Jackass. Good. L. No. 17. Rare. 763 1837 Half cent. Very fine. L. No. 49. 764 1837 Benedict and Burnham. Unc. L No. 109. 765 1837—41. Various. Good to fine. 11 pes. TOKENS, CARDS, ETC. 766 Eagle, u. s. subsistence department. R. one ration. Holed near edge. Fine. Probably a token given to the Indians. Workmanship indi- cates period 1830 — 1840. Very rare. 767 New York, third avenue railroad. Two obverses, Omnibus. Street car. R. harlem R. york- ville on each. Lead. Very fine. Size 17. Rare. 4 pes. 768 New York. As last. Car. R. harlem. Very fine. AMERICAN MEDALS. Closing number is the diameter in 16ths of an inch. Ail bronze and in very fine condition unless stated otherwise. 769 1776 — 1781 Libertas Americana. Head Liberty 1. R. Hercules, etc. Bruised and scratched. Very good. 30 770 1776 Franklin. Bust r. R. Beaver gnawing an oak. 26 771 1784 Franklin. Bust 1. R. Truth standing. 29 44 AMERICAN MEDALS. 772 1781 Cowpens, Battle of. Medal given to John Egar Howard for battle. Victory wreathing Howard. 29 773 1824 Lafayette. Bust r. B. the defender op AMERICAN AND FRENCH LIBERTY, 1777 — 1824, etc. 28 774 1814 Macomb. For Battle of Plattsburg. Bust r. K. Battle. Badly stained. 40 775 1812 Jones. For battle between Wasp and Frolic. Bust r. R. View battle. 40 776 1847 Allston, Washington. Bust r. R. Columbia wreathing artist. Award Medal of the Ameri- can Art Union. 40 777 1847 Taylor, Zachary. Grand medal given him by Congress for Campaign in Mexico. Bust r. R. View of Battle of Buena Vista. Several light nicks. 56 778 1848 Scott, Winfield. Bust 1. R. Views of seven battles in Mexico. Grand medal awarded by Con- gress for Campaign in Mexico. 56 779 1859 John Brown. Bust. R. Brown hanging. Wm. 20. 2 pes. 780 1861 Sumter, View of fort. Given to Maj. Robt. Anderson by citizens of New York. Wm. Slightly abraded on field of obverse. 44 781 1863 Jackson, Stonewall. Head 1. R. Names of battles. Wm. 32. 782 1876 Centennial of Decl. of Independence. The official medal. Liberty kneeling, 1776. these UNITED COLONIES ARE AND OF RIGHT OUGHT TO BE FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES. R. Columbia bestowing wreaths. Bronze. Gold plated. Cop- per. Wm. 36 3 pes. 783 1876 Centennial. Gold plated. Bronze. 36 2 pes. 784 1876 Centennial. Design as last. Sometimes called the Centennial dollar. Silver. 24. AMERICAN MEDALS. 45 785 1876 Centennial. As last. Silver. 24. 786 1876 Centennial. As last. Gold plated (2). Bronze. 24. 3 pes. 787 1876 Centennial. Views of Main building and Art Gallery. Bronze. One of the finest medals issued for event. 33. 788 1876 Centennial. Pine tree. Massachusetts. 11. "Sail on O Union strong and great." 1776 U. S. 1876. Oval. Silver. Ring at top. Rare. 12x16. 789 1876 Centennial. Various issues. Also a few for other events. 4 brass, 2 holed. Wm. 14 — 32. 20 pes. 790 1876 Centennial. Independence Hall. Memorial Hall. Main building. Struck in black walnut. 39—48. 3 pes. 791 1893 Columbus. Bust 1. Tiffany & Co. Christo- pher COLUMBUS GAVE A NEW WORLD TO HUMANITY. R. AFTER FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OF PROGRESS FREE AMERICA HONORS ITS DISCOVERER. A Splendid medal issued by the American Numismatic S. Silver. Perfect. Rare. 48. 792 1893 Columbus. Head 1., his three ships sailing around. R. to commemorate the four hun- DRETH ANNIVERSARY etc. BY AUTHORITY OF THE COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED CITIZENS OF NEW york. Silver. Perfect. Rare. 36. 793 Fireman. Female appealing to Neptune; fire engine in background, demon of fire below. R. en- dowed BY A FUND CONTRIBUTED BY JAMES GORDON BENNETT. PRESENTED TO — IN APPRECIATION OF MERITORIOUS PERFORMANCE OF DUTY AS A FIREMAN. trustees. Bronze. Very rare. 26. 794 Politicals. Harrison, Clay, Buchanan, Douglas, Lin- coln, Grant (pins). 6 holed. 20 pes. 795 Siege of Boston. Penn's treaty. Monitor. Atlantic cable. Firemen. Copper and brass. 20 9 pes. 46 WASHINGTON AND PRESIDENTIAL MEDALS. WASHINGTON MEDALS. 796 1776 Siege of Boston. Bust r. B. View of the evacuation by the British. From the original die — the one now sold by the U. S. Mint is only a copy. Bronze. 44. 797 1797 Presidency relinquished. Bust r. B. Altar. Wm. 29. Bronze. 26. 2 pes. 798 1799 Death. Bust r. by Westwood. B. WITH courage, etc. Gold plated. 26. 799 1805 In memory of, by Eccleston. Grand bust in armor r. R. Indian standing the land was ours. Gold plated. Slightly chafed on cheek. 48. 800 Tomb. Bust 1. R. Tomb Mt. Vernon. Bust r. by Lovett. R. Minerva 1860. Wm. 40, 32. 2 pes. 801 1876 Centennial, a century adds lustre to his fame. R. Two females on globe. see how we prosper. Wm. Scarce. 28. 802 1860 Cabinet. Bust r. R. Cabinet of Washing- tons in U. S. Mint. Silver. Slightly dented and chafed. 38. 803 1860 Cabinet. As last. Bronze. 38. 804 Bust 1. avoid the extremes of party spirit. Born 1722 died 1799. Cop. 18, 12. 2 pes. PRESIDENTIAL MEDALS. 805 Jefferson. Bust 1. R. Clasped hands, tomahawk and pipe of peace, peace and friendship. R. Die cracked. 48. 806 Adams, John Quincy. Bust r. 1825. R. As last. 48. 807 Van Buren. Bust r. 1837. R. As last. 48. 808 Tyler. Bust 1. 1841. R. As last. 48. 809 Lincoln. Bust r. 1862. R. Indian scalping another, etc. Indian plowing — Scene of civilization. 40. 810 Lincoln. Garfield. Heads on either side. Gold. Bril- liant proof. 16. Metal value about f 8. Wt. 8 pwt. 3 grs. 815 Austria. ver. 816 Canada. 817 Christ. Good. PRESIDENTIAL AND FOREIGN MEDALS. 47 811 Johnson. Head r. 1865. R. Columbia and Indian clasping hands before statue of Washington. 48. 812 Grant Bust 1. by Bovy of Geneva. I intend to fight IT OUT ON THIS LINE, etc. 38. 813 Grant. Head r. by Barber. R. liberty the trt:b FOUNDATION. 29. 814 Grant. Head r. R. Coast scene. Completion of U. P. R. R. 1869. 29. FOREIGN MEDALS. Jos. II and wife. Busts. R. Hymen. Sil- Vf. 18. Victoria bridge, cost $7,000,000. Wm. 32. Bust 1. R. Ins. in Hebrew. Holed. Brass. 24. 818 China War medal. Victoria. R. Arms. Bar taku forts 1860. Silver. Medal size 23. Very fine. 819 England^ Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Head. R. Plumes, national thanksgiving for re- covery. Feb. 1872. Silver. Proof. Rare. 36. 820 England. Same event. St. Paul's, 1872. Oval with crown. Bronze. 12x22. 821 Franco-Prussian War. 1870 — 1. Medal given sol- diers. Bronze. With ring. 19. 822 France. Kings Raoul and Louis IV. Bust on each. Bronze silvered. 32. 2 pes. 823 France. Napoleon I. Head. R. Emp. on shield. Silver. Vg. 9. 824 France. Exp. 1878. 2 uniface medals. Balloon, view of and exhibition. Various 5. 22 — 32. Wm. and Bronze. 8 pes. 825 Mexico. Augustin. Eagle. Inauguration, 1822. Silver. Very fine. 22. 826 Paderborn. Cupids above City, 1736. Silver. Good. 22. 827 World. Very finely made medal, showing, the 48 CONTINENTAL AND STATE PAPER MONEY. Eastern and Western hemispheres. Wm. Proof. 47. AMERICAN PAPER MONEY. ISSUED BY THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. 828 1775 May 10, $3, $6. Uncirculated. 2 pes. 829 1775 Nov. 29, $2 poor. $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, good to very fine. 7 pes. 830 1776 Feb. 17, * i, f *, |%, 9 % , fl, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, f 7, $8. Good to V. fine. 12 pes. 831 1776 May 9. fl, $2, |3, $4, $5, |6, |7, $ 8. Good to Ex. fine. 8 pes 832 1776 Nov. 2. f 6, $7, f 60. 1777, May 20. $4, f 7 Good to fine. 5 pes 833 1778 Sep. 26. $5, $7, $8, $20, $30, $40, $50, $60 Good to very fine. 8 pes 834 1778 Sep. 26. Blue paper proofs, unsigned, issued by the Gov. to bankers to prevent counterfeiting. Denominations as last. Uncirculated, Rare. 8 pes. 835 1775 Cont. bill taken from the pocket of a dead sol- dier during the Rev. War. Poor. CONNECTICUT. 836 1775 July 1. 2 J sh., 6 sh., 10 sh. Fair. Torn. 3 pes. DELAWARE. 837 1776 Jan. 1. 1, 1 J, 2 \ , 4, 5, 6, 10, 20 sh. First two vg., others unc. 8 pes. GEORGIA. 838 1776 $2. Two pitchers in vermillion. Lower left end torn off. MASSACHUSETTS. 839 i 1780 May 5. $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $7, $8. Cancelled by circular hole in centre. Fine. 7 pes. 840 1780 As last. Very good to fine. Cancelled. 24 pes. COLONIAL AND STATE PAPER MONEY. 49 MARYLAND. 841 1767 Jan. 1. $ f , $1, f 2, $4, f 6, f 8. 1770 Mch. 1. $2, $4, $8. 1774 Ap. 10. |J , $ f , $1, $2, $4, $6. 1776 Aug. 14. | h, $ f , Very poor to fine, some torn through centre. 18 pes. NEW JERSEY. 842 1756 June 22. 12s. Uncirculated. 843 1758 May 1. 30 s. £6. Good. 2 pes. 844 1762 April 8, 12, 15, 30 sh. £3. Good. 4 pes. 845 1762 April 8. £6. Beautiful note. Very fine. 846 1776 Mch 25. 1, 1 1 , 3, 6, 12, 15, 30 sh. £3, £6. Unc. Beautiful set. 9 pes. 847 1776 Mch 25. 6 sh. Small seal Signed by John Hart, signer of the Decl. of Indep. Unc. 848 1776 Mch 25. £6. Blue and red note. Very fine. 849 1862 Newark. 10c, 15c, 25c (2). Jersey City, 5c. Fine. 5 pes. NORTH CAROLINA. 850 1768 Dec. 5. 20 sh. Fair. Torn. 2 pes. 851 1771 Dec. £1. Leopard head. Very fine. PENNSYLVANIA. 852 1758 May 20. 10, 20 sh. Torn through centre. 15 sh. fine. Printed by Benj. Franklin and D. Hall. 3 pes. 853 1769 Mch. 10, 1 J , 2, sh. 1st torn, other stained. Vg. 2 pes. 854 1775 Oct. 25. 3, 4, 6, 9, pence, 1, 1 } , 2, 2 \ , 5, 10, 15 sh. First four Vg., others unc. llpcs. 855 1775 Ap. 25. 3, 4, 6, 9 pence; 1, 1 J , 2, 2 \ , 10, 20, 30, 40 sh. Vg. 12 pes. NEW YORK. 856 1756 Ap. 20. £5. Fair. 857 1758 Ap. 15. £10. Good. 50 COLONIAL AND STATE PAPER MONEY. 858 1759 Ap. 2. £5, £10. Fine. 2 pes. 859 1759 Ap. 2. £5 (4). £10. 1760. Ap. 21. £2. 1775. Aug 2, 2s. Sep. 2, $1. 1776, Mch. 5. All torn in two in centre, otherwise good. 9 pes. 860 1760 Ap. 21. £2. Fine, but torn in on centre and upper edge. 861 1775 Aug. 2. 2, 8, sh. Waterworks. Good. 2 pes. 862 1776 Mch. 5. $ | , f 5. Aug. 13, $ i , $2. Very finp, 4 pes. 863 1791 Poughkeepsie. Mch. 19. 1 penny. Fine. Rare. 864 1861 Poughkeepsie. F M BK. 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 cts. Crisp. 5 pes. 865 1815 Hudson 25c. 1814. Kinderhook 25c. 1816, Princeton, 75c. Troy, 10c. Albany, 25c. Sauger- ties, 25c. Boston W. R. R. Co., 20c. Conn., 1811. R. I. 1808 10c. Fine. 10 pes. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 866 1755 Ap. 3,15, 30, 60 sh. Reprints. Unsigned. 3 pes. RHODE ISLAND. 867 1780 July 2. $3, $ 7. Uncirculated. 2 pes. SOUTH CAROLINA. 868 1777 Feby. 14. $20, $30. Very fine. 2 pes. 869 1778 Ap. 10. 2 J, 3%, 5, 10 sh. Complete sheet. Unc. 4 pes. VIRGINIA. 870 1777 May 1st. $1. Oct. 20. $6, $15. Fine. 3 pes. 871 1780 July 14. $80 (2), $100 (4). Thin notes. Fine. 6 pes. 872 1781 Mch. 1. $500. Thick and thin paper. Very fine. 2 pes. 873 Duplicates of the Cont. and State notes as above. Poor to fine. 35 pes. STATE, U. S. AND CONFEDERATE NOTES. 51 STATE, CITY, CONFEDERATE NOTES. 874 Arkansas, Little Rock. $3, 1862. W. B. Wait. Very fine. 875 Missouri, Defence Bonds. 186--. Unsigned. $1, $3, $4, $4 i , $20, $50, $100. Crisp. 16 pes. 876 Southern State, City and other notes. Good. Cuba 3. 25 pes. 877 C. S. A. 1864. $100 endorsed. "Captured with Lee's Army. April 1865. Henry I. Hunt. "Bt. Maj. Gen'l." Crisp. 878 C. S. A. 1864, $100. As last in every respect. 879 1864 Complete set,' 50c, $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500. Crisp. 9 pes. 880 C. S. A. 1861 — 4. Various dens, and issues. Poor to fine. 36 pes. 881 C. S. A. Bonds 1863. Mch. $100 signed. June $1000 unsigned. 2 pes. 882 C. S. A. Bond 1864. $1000 complete, all coupons. UNITED STATES NOTES. 883 $10 Refunding certificate. Ap. 1, 1879. Convertible with accrued interest at 4% into U. S. Bonds in sums of $50. Bust of Franklin. Crisp, unc. Rare. 884 $1. N. Y. Nat. Banking Asso. 1865 Columbia and Peace. R. Landing of the Pilgrims. Crisp, unc. Rare. 885 $1. R. I. Am. Nat. Bk. of Providence. Design as last. Crisp. UNITED STATES FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. All in crisp uncirculated and perfect condition; excep- tions noted. FIRST ISSUE. Fac Simile of postage stamps. R. A. B. N. Co. on back y American Bank Note Co. 52 UNITED STATES FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. 886 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c. Perforated edges. 25c has perfor- ations for half inch cut off left end and on top they run into note but have margin beyond perfs. Eare. 4 pes. 887 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c. Cut edges. Pin head spot on 5c, 10c crumpled. 25c cut crooked. 4 pes. 888 5c, 10c, 25c. Cut edges. Very fine. 3 pes. Without A. B. N. Co. on back. 889 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c. Perforated edges. Rare. 4 pes. 890 10c. Cut edges. Dark green. Rare. SECOND ISSUE. Head of Washington in gilt ring. 891 5c. R. 1 1863. 10c. T. 1 1863. 25c T. 2 1863. 50c, T. 1 1863. Silk fibre paper that can be split. Very rare. 4 pes. 892 10c, T. 1863 Vg. 25c, T. 1863 2 shades. 50c, T. 1 1863. Silk fibre paper. Very fine. 4 pes. 893 5c. 1R, 1 1863. Cut close on top and end. Ex. fine. 894 50c. ©♦ 1 1863. Silk fibre paper. Very rare. 895 50c. Z. 1 1863. Silk fibre paper. Rare. 896 5c. heavy paper. 10c, 25c without date on rev. 3 pes. 897 5c 1863 blurred. 10c G. T. 1863. 25c G. T. 1863. 50c 1863 4 pes. 898 10c. 1863 clear. Brown to red. Stiff paper. 899 5c (4) 10c (2), 25c. Fine to crisp. 7 pes. THIRD ISSUE. Various Vignettes. 900 3c Washington. Light background. 901 3c Washington. 1 crumpled. 5 pes. 902 3c. Upright pair. 2 pes. 903 5c. Clark. Plate a. Carmine and green backs. 2 pes. 904 5c. Clark. Plate a. Var. 7. without a 2. Green bks. 9 pes. 910 25c. 911 25c. 912 25c. 913 25c. 914 50c. UNITED STATES FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. 53 905 5c. Clark. No plate let. Carmine and green backs. 2 pes. 906 10c. Washington. Autograph sigs. of Jeffries and Spinner. Carmine back. Eare. 907 10c. Washington. Plate I. Carmine back. Scarce. 908 10c. As last, carmine back, fine. Green back, 5. 6 pes. 909 25c. Fessenden. Small solid disk. Fibre heavy paper. R. M 265. %th inch tear in from edge, otherwise bright, beautiful specimen. Extremely rare. Fessenden. Carmine back. Rare. Fessenden. Carmine back. Rare. Fessenden. Plate a and without. Green backs. 2 pes. Fessenden. Plate a. 1. Without 3. 4 pes. Justice. Parchment fibre paper. Autograph signatures of Colby and Spinner. R. S 2 64. Carmine back. Creases through centre; worn. Very good. Very rare. 915 50c. Justice. Parchment fibre paper. R. S 2 64. Carmine back. Very rare. 916 50c. Justice. Parchment fibre paper. Plate I. R. a 265. Green back. Rare. 917 50c. Justice. Duplicate of last in every respect. 918 50c. Justice. Autograph sigs. of Colby and Spinner. R. Without let. or num. Carmine back. 919 50c. Justice. Plate I. Eng. sigs. Carmine back; no let. or num. Rare. 920 50c. Justice. Plate I. Green bk. No let. or num. Rare. 921 50c. Justice. Green bk. R. a 265. Nick off lower corner. 922 50c. Spinner. Autograph signatures of Allison and Spinner. R. a 265. Carmine back. Very rare. 923 50c. Spinner. Plate I (minute). R. A 265. Car- mine back. Slightly plate streaked on lower edge of rev. Rare. 54 UNITED STATES FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. 924 50c. Spinner. Green bk. No plate marks. 925 50c. Spinner. Plate I a. R. Open work. Green bk. 2 var. of plate ink. 2 pes. 926 50c. Spinner. Plate I. R. Open wk. Green bk. Thin bluish paper. Cut into on top. 927 10c, 25c, 50c, Spinner, both green bks. (5). Fine. 7 pes. FOURTH ISSUE. Various Vignettes. 928 10c. Liberty. Large seal blue end. White end. Small seal. 3 pes. 929 10c. Liberty. Large seal 7. Small seal 4. 11 pes. 930 15c. Liberty. Large seal, deep blue end. Rare. 931 15c. Liberty. Large seal, white end. Scarce. 932 15c. Liberty. Small seal, deep blue end. Scarce. 933 15c. Liberty. Large seal, deep blue end, white end 7. Small seal. 9 pes. 934 . 25c. Washington. Large seal, blue end. Fibre pp. 935 25c. Washington. As last in every respect. 936 25c. Washington — Large seal, white end. Fibre pp. Plain and wkd. p. 2 pes. 937 25c. Washington. Large seal. Water mkd pp. 8 pes. 938 25c. Washington. Small seal, deep and pale blue ends. 2 pes. 939 50c. Lincoln. Water marked, fibre paper. Scarce. 940 50c. Lincoln. As last. 4 pes. 941 50c. Stanton. Deep and pale blue ends. 2 pes. 942 50c. Stanton. Blue ends. Ex. fine. 2 pes. FIFTH ISSUE. 943 10c. Meredith. Green seal. 944 10c Meredith. Green seal. 7 pes. 945 10c Meredith. Green seal. Crumpled. 3 pes. 946 50c. Dexter. Light and dark green seals. 2 pes. 947 50c. Dexter. Light green seals. 3 pes. UNITED STATES FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. 55 SIXTH ISSUE. 948 10c. Meredith. Red seal. Long, two shades, and short key. 3 pes. 949 10c. Meredith. As last. Light and dark bks. 13 pes. 950 25c. Walker. Long and short keys. 2 pes. 951 25c. Walker. As last (3). 50 (3). 6 pes. 952 50c. Crawford. ESSAYS. Face and back on separate paper. 953 15c. Grant and Sherman. Autograph signatures of Allison and Spinner. 1 face with red back, with green back. Wide % inch margins. Very rare. The three pieces sold as one lot. 954 15c. Grant and Sherman. Autograph signatures of Jeffries and Spinner. Red back. % inch margin. Very rare. 955 15c. Grant and Sherman. Eng. sigs. Colby and Spinner. Green back % and y 2 in. mgs. Rare. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 956 1903 IT. S. Shield and Eagle, united states op America, 1903. R. Female at anvil, volcano in background, one peso Filipinos. Complete set consisting of Peso or dollar, $>4, f k , $ to , ><2C, lc, 5c, last two dated 1904. The dollar and 20c S Mint. Unc. 7 pes. sold as one set. 957 1904 Complete set as last. Proofs, 7 pes sold as one set. 958 1905 Complete set as last. Proofs. 7 pes. sold as one set. 959 1903 Dollar. San Francisco Mint. Unc. 960 1904 y 2 c, lc (2), 5c (2). Unc. and proofs. 5 pes. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN, 1896. 961 1896 A GOVERNMENT DOLLAR CONTAINS 412% GRAINS COIN SILVER T %%% FINE — THIS PIECE CONTAINS 823 56 ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN. FOREIGN GOLD COINS. GRAINS COIN SILVER IN VALUE THE EQUIVALENT OP ONE GOLD DOLLAR. SEP. 16TH, 1896. GORHAM MFG. CO. silversmiths. R. Wheel showing that the present U. S. dollar contains about half its value in metal. Silver. Perfect. Size 33. 962 1896 Same obv. as last. R. Blank. Silver. Perfect. Size 33. ANCIENT COINS. 963 Lysimachus. Thrace. B. C. 316 to 285. Head of Alexander r. filleted and with horn of Ammon. R. BAZIAE&2 AYZIMAXOY Pallas seated 1. holds Nike on r. hand. Tetradrachm. V. fine. Tar- nished black. 964 Corinth. B. C. 300. Pegasos 1. Rev. H. of Pallas 1. Didr. Vg. 965 Augustus, B.'C. 29— A. D. 14. Rev. Caius and Lu- cius. Den. Good. 966 Tiberius. A. D. 14—37. Head r. Denarius. Tribute Penny. Vg. 967 Plautilla. Bust r. R. PROPAGO IMPERI. Emper- or and empress standing with hands clasped. Den. V. fine. 968 Postumus. Den. 5 pes. 4 different rev. Otacilla. Good. 6 pes. FOREIGN GOLD COINS. 969 Austria. Ferdinand I. Bust r. R. Eagle bearing arms. 4 ducats, 1845. Proof, slightly hair marked. One of the largest modern gold coins. 970 Austria. Franz Jos. I. Head. 8 florins or 20 francs. 1876. Unc. 971 Australia. Victoria. Head. Sydney sovereign, 1866. Vg. 972 Denmark. Christian IX, father of Queen Alexan- dria of England. Head r. R. Female seated. 20 Kroner, ($4) 1873. Very fine. FOREIGN GOLD COINS. 57 973 Denmark. As last. 10 Kroner, 1874. Uncirculated. 974 France, bonaparte premier consul. Head 1. R. re- publique francaise, An 12=1803. 20 francs. Very fine. 975 Finland. Alex. II. Eagle. Finland stjomi. 20 mark- ka^ 1878. Unc. 976 Finland. As last. 10 markkaa, 1878. Unc. 977 Guatemala. Carrera. Head. 1 peso (dollar), 1S59. Fine. 978 Hamburg. Arms of City. 20 marks ($5), 1878, Unc. 979 Hamburg. Arms of City. 10 marks, 1877. Unc. 980 Holland. Ancient warrior in armor r. with sword and bunch of arrows. Ducat, 1849. Ex. fine. 981 Holland. William III. Head r. R. Arms. 10 gul- den, 1875 (date above arms). Unc. 982 Holland. As last but rev. has date below arms. 10 gulden, 1876. Unc. 983 Hungary. Franz Jos. I. Head. R. Arms Magyar kiralysac. 20 francs, 1875. Ex. fine. 984 Italy. Vic. Emanuel II. Head 1. R. Arms. 20 lire, 1878. Unc. 985 India. Madras. Pagoda surrounded by a garter in- scribed pagoda. R. God Swami. Pagoda (|2). Ex. fine. 986 India. Bengal Presidency. Mohur with Persian ins. trs "Defender of the Mohammedan faith, Reflec- tion of Divine excellence, the Emperor Shah au- lum has struck this coin to be current throughout the seven climes." R. "Struck at Moorshedabad in the year 19 of his fortunate reign." See illus- tration page 150, Atkins coins of the British Em- pire, 1889. Fine. 987 India. Crescents, etc. About a 20th of a mohur. 988 India. Victoria. Head 1. R. Lion and palm. Mo- hur, 1841. Very fine. 989 India. Victoria. Bust in rich attire. Mohur, 1862. Very fine. 58 FOREIGN GOLD COINS. 990 Japan. Collection of base gold coins. One square size 9 and others all oblong-square sizes 14x8 (6) and 11x6. Fine. 12 pes. 991 Japan. Oval plate with tablets on ends-lines across field. Four characters stamped in. Oval 38x21. Very fine. 992 Japan. Same design, but diff. dies. Oval 38x21. Very fine. 993 Japan. Same as last. Oval 23x13. Very fine. 994 Japan. Same as last. Very fine and very good. 2 pes. 995 Japan. Chrysanthemum, flowers and banners. Dra- gon. Native ins. only. $5, $2, $1. Unc. 3 pes. 996 Japan. Dollar as last. Uncirculated. 997 Japan. Similar design but smaller. $5. Proof. 998 Morocco. Muley Abd-er-Eahmen. 1271-1854. $1, $2. Good. Rare. 2 pes. 999 Norway. Oscar II. Head. R. Arms. 20 Kroner ($5), 1874. Unc. 1000 Norway. Oscar II. As last. 10 Kroner, 1877. Unc. 1001 Prussia. Fred. Wm. III. Half length 1. R. Eagle. Fred, d'or ($4), 1798. Fine. 1002 Portugal. Joseph I. Crown. R. Cross. 400 reis, (|i/ 2 ),1752. Fine. 1003 Sweden. Carl XV. Head. R. Arms. 10 francs, 1872. V. fine. 1004 Sweden. Oscar II. Head. R. Arms on mantle. 20 Kroner, 1877. Unc 1005 Sweden. Oscar II. As last 10 Kronor, 1876. Unc. 1006 Spain. Chas. Ill, 1788. Ferd. VII. 1817. Dolls. Vg. 2 pes. 1007 Tripolis. Morad III. A. D. 1574-95. Inscription Rev. ins. Size 13. Wt. 52 grs. 1008 Turkey. Malimoud II. Sultan's signature sur- rounded by ins. Rev. "Constantinople. Year 1223" (A. D. 1808.) V. f. Size 19. Wt. 3 dwt. 1009 Same. V. f. Size 12. Wt. 25 grs. FOREIGN SILVER COINS. 59 1010 Same Sultan. Varieties. Sizes 17 (3), 13, 10. Fine. Pierced. Wt. 210 grs. 5 pes. 1011 Wurtemburg. Karl. Head r. 20 marks, 1873. Ex. fine. FOREIGN SILVER COINS. 1012 Anhalt, Baden, Bavaria, Hamburg, Germany. 2 marks 1876, except last, 1903. Austria 1876 florin. Very fine. 6 pes. 1013 Austria. Maria Theresa. Bust. Levant dollar, 1780. Ex. fine. 1014 Austria. F. Jos. I. Head. Double florin, 1872. Unc. 1015 Baden. Fred. Head 1. 5 marks, 1876. Very fine. 1016 Bavaria. Max. Jos. 1771. Chas. Theo., 1780. Bust R. Virgin and Christ. Crowns. Good. 2 pes. 1017 Bavaria. Ludwig II Head r. 5 marks, 1875. Ex. fine. 1018 Belgium. Lion rampant. R. Clasped hands. Florin 1790. Good. 1019 Burmah. Thebaw. Peacock. Rupee, 1852. Ex. fine. 1020 Brazil. John 1814, John VI, 1818. Dolls. Vf. 2 pes. 1021 Brunswick. Geo. III. St. Andrew. Crown 1769. Fine. 1022 Brunswick. Geo. III. Arms. § crown 1797. Vf. 1023 Bolivia. Head Bolivar; 3 types. Dolls., 1836, '47, '51. Fine. 3 pes. 1024 Bolivia. $%, 1854, Vg. Mexico, |J, 1875, unc* Poland % rouble, 1840 good. 3 pes. 1025 Canada. Anchor and crown, ?%, f tV, 1822. Unc. 2 pes. 1026 Ceylon. Geo. IV. Head. R. Elephant. Rix dollar, 1821. Fine. Size 17. 1027 Ceylon. As last. Very good. 1028 Chile. Volcano. R. Globe on pedestal. Dol. 1818. Fine. 1029 Chile. Condor breaking chains. Dollar, 1848 Unc. Rare. 60 FOREIGN SILVER COINS. 1030 Chile. Condor r. and 1. Dolls 1853, '74. Vg. and nnc. 2 pes. 1031 Columbia. Indian head. R. Pomegranate cundina- marca. Dol. Poor. 1032 Colombia. Cornucopias, fasces, etc. Doll., 1834.Vg. 1033 Columbia. Head Liberty. Bogota dollar, 1868. Ex. fine. 1034 Denmark. Christian V. Cypher crowned. R. Arms. 4 marks or dollar. 1682. Vg. 1035 Denmark. As last. Good. 1036 Denmark. Christian IX. 10, 25 Ore. 1, 2 kroner, 1875, Head. Vf. 4 pes. 1037 Dominica. D in rays. Edges crenated. R. Blank. Cut from centre of a dollar. 3 bits. Fine. 1038 Egypt. Mahmud II. Sultan's toga. Base silver dollar, of the 8th year=1815-16. Vg. 1039 Egypt. Mahmud II. Similar but smaller. Base silver dollar of the 29th year=1851-2. Vg. 1040 Egypt. Abl-el-Medschid. Good silver, |i/ 2 var. $y 4 5 smaller. 1841-3. Vg. 8 pes. 1041 Egypt. Various small base. Fine. 6 holed. 22 pes. 1042 Finland. Arms, 25, 50 pennia. 1, 2, markkaa, 1865 '73. Vf. 4 pes. 1043 Formosa. Rebel dollar. Confuscius (face not visi- ble) with wand; characters around. R. Fort- ress. Has many Chinese merchants chop mark. Very rare. 1044 Formosa. Rebel dollar. Four rows of characters on each side. Unc. Weakly struck on rim in two places. Rare. 1045 France. Louis Philippe. Head r. 5 francs, 1831. Fine. 1046 Frankfort. Eagle. R. in com. of Schiller's birth- day, 1859. Thaler. Unc. 1047 Frankfort. As last. Uncirculated. 1048 Georgia. Tiflis. Different sizes. Good. 3 pes. FOREIGN SILVER COINS. 61 1049 Guatemala. Carrera as President. Head. Doll., 1862. Vf. 1050 Hamburg. Arms. 5 marks, 1876. Unc. 1051 Holland, Breda. Necessity coin struck when be- sieged by the Spaniards. Arms breda obses, 1625. 20 and star stamped in angles. Uniface. 20 sols. Ex. fine. Square. 1052 Holland. Breda. Arms, (b)reda obsessa, 1625. 2 Sols, copper. Uniface. Vg. Square. 1053 Holland. Groningen. Necessity coin struck when besieged by the Bishops of Munster and Col- ogne. Arms, ivre et tempore 1672. 50 st- Uniface. Very fine. Square. 1054 Holland. Embden. Lion holding arms. R. Knight in armor standing behind arms. 40 stivers or crown without date (circa 1650). Very fine. Eare. 1055 Holland. Knight charging r. R. Arms. Crown, 1771. V. fine. 1056 Holland. Geleria. Type as last. Crown, 1765. Very fine. 1057 Holland. Overyssel. Eagle. 28 stivers, 1685. Knight and arms. Crown 1683. Dates poor on each. Fair. 2 pes. 1058 Holland. Utrecht. Knight charging. R. Lions and arms. Crown and half crown, 1762, 1772. Ex. fine. 2 pes. 1059 Holland. Westphalia. Half length of Prince of Orange? R. Lion on shield, crowned. Crown, 1650. Good. 1060 Holland. Zwoll. Ferdinand III. Roman Emper- or. Half length r. R. Arms crowned. Crown, 1655; two first figures of date invisible. Very good. Rare. 1061 Holland. Louis Napoleon. Head r. R. Arms. 50 stivers or crown, 1808. Ex. fine. 62 FOREIGN SILVER COINS. 1062 Holland. Wm. II. Head. 10c, 25c, %, 1, 2y 2 gul- den, 1841—9. Fine. 5 pes. 1063 Holland. Wm. III. Head. 5c, 10c, %, 1, 2% gulden, 1857—74. Very fine. 5 pes. 1064 Hong Kong. Victoria. Head. Dollar 1866. Vg. 1065 Hong Kong. Victoria. Head. Cent, copper silver. 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, dollar, 1866. Unc. 6 pes. 1066 Hong Kong. Victoria. Head. Same obv. die as struck the dollars for circulation. R. hong KONG CITY HALL FOUNDATION STONE LAID BY H. E. Sir, R. G. Macdonnell, O. B., 23rd Febru- ary, 1857. a. hermitte, archt. , Commemor- ative dollar. Brilliant proof. 1067 India. Native rupees of Brooch near Surat. Hy- derabad. Deccan one % rupee. Thick. Vg. 9 pes. 1068 India. Marwar. Square rupee. Uncirculated. 1069 India. Bengal and Madras. Native ins. only. Ru- pees. Unc. 2 pes. 1070 India. Madras. Pagoda sur. by stars, quarter pagoda (1811). Ex. fine. 1071 India. Madras. 1, 2, 5 fanam (1811). Fine. Rare set. 3 pes. 1072 India. Wm. IV. Victoria, head and bust. Rupees, 1835—62. Vg. Dif. 3 pes. 1073 India. Victoria. victoria queen above head. Head 1. 2 Annas, y 2 , 1 rupee, 1840. Vf. 3 pes. 1074 India. Victoria, victoria queen before and behind head. 2 a, %, i/ 2 , 1 rupee, 1840. Vf. 4 pes. 1075 India. Set as last. Good. 4 pes. 1076 India. Victoria. Bust crowned. 2a, %, %, 1 rupee, 1862. Unc. 4 pes. 1077 India. As last. 2a, %, y 2 , 1 rupee. 1862—74. Unc. 4 pes. 1078 Japan. Oval plate with characters counter stamped on either side. Fine. Rare. Size 41 x 24. 1079 Japan. Oval cast and chased piece, designed after a tempo. Hole in centre. Fine. Size 8 x 10}^. FOREIGN SILVER COINS. 63 1080 Japan. M Shio. Double row of characters. %, 1, 2 itzbue. Very fine. Kare. Oblong. 3 pes. 1081 Japan. Itzbue and %. Unc. Oblong-square. 2 pes. 1082 Japan Itzbues 3, J4 itzbues 3. Vf. 6 pes. 1083 Japan Mutsu Hito. Native ins. Dragon in centre, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, f 1. Unc. 5 pes. 1084 Japan. Dragon. Ex. fine. 420 grains, trade dol- lar. 900 fine. Ex. fine. 1085 Japan. Dragon. 416 one yen 900. Lower values with den. in English. 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1. Ex. fine. 5 pes. 1086 Japan. Dragon. 416 one yen 900. Ex. fine. 1087 Granada. Arms. Bogota. Peso, 1859. Good. 1088 Malta Em. Pinto. Bust. 4 tari (20 size). 1768. Vg. 1089 Mexico. Augustin, Iturbide. Small bust r. Doll. 1822. Good. 1090 Mexico. Augustin Iturbide. Large head r. Doll. 1823. Good. 1091 Mexico. Maximilian. Head. Dollar, 1866. Unc. 1092 Mexico. Dollar as last, 1867. Very fine. Scarce. 1093 Mexico. Doll, as last and $y 2 1866 (with throat cut). Vg. 2 pes. 1094 Mexico. Eagle. Dollars 1871—5. Diff. types. Ex. fine. 2 pes. 1095 Morocco Ya dime and dime size with ah dates of 1276—1286 etc. Vg. 7 pes. 1096 Naples and Sicily. Frederick II 1296—1337 frid : (dei) gra rex sicili. Eagle in tressure of arches. R.+ac atenar & neopat dvx. Tops of letters off. Arms of Aragon in centre. Groat. Vg. 1097 New Guatemala. Sun and mountains. R. Tree. Dollar, 1824. Mm. N. G. Ex. fine. 1098 Norway. Fred. III. Bust r. R. Lion and halberd. Crown 1650. Very fine. 1099 Norway. Carl XIV. John. Bernadotte, Napoleon'* 64 FOREIGN SILVER COINS. Brother-in-law. Bust. R. Arms. Doll. 1827. Very fine. 1100 Norway. As last, also f 1 /^. Fine. 2 pes. 1101 Norway. Oscar I. le, 10c (3), 20c (2), 50c. Dift'. Vg. 6 pes. 1102 Norway. Oscar II. 5c, 10c. Head on 50 ore 1 kr., 2 kr. broderfolkens vel. R. Arms. Unc. 5 pes. 1103 Peru. Potosi. Chas. II. Cross with arms of Leon and Castile. R. Pillars, plus ultra. (More beyond). Dollar. Holed at top. Vg. 1104 Peru. Liberty standing and seated. Dolls. 1833, '55, '64. Dif. Vf. 3 pes. 1105 Prussia. William. Head. 5 marks 1876. V. line. 1106 Prussia. William II. Head. 5 marks, 1903. Very fine. 1107 Portugal. Philip II and III. 1598—1640. Arms. Testoon. Poor. 1108 Portugal. Alphonso VI, 1656—83. Arms. Testoon. Vg. 1109 Russia. Elizabeth. Bust r. Rouble 1743 (date poor). Edge very heavily lettered. Good. 1110 Russia. Alex. I. Rouble and ^ r. 1817—9. Poor. 2 pes. 1111 Russia. Alex. I. Arms. 10, 15, 20 k. y 2 , 1 rouble, 1855-78. Unc. 5 pes. 1112 Russia. Alex. II. Arms. Roubles, 1878. Une. 2 pes. 1113 Russia. Alex. II. 10k (5), 15k (7), 20k (7), Unc. 19 pes. 1114 Saxony. Albert. Head. 5 marks, 1876. Very fine. 1115 Siam. Bullet money. % (2), Ya ticaL 3 pes. 1116 Siam. Elephant. R. Umbrellas. tV, %, 1 tical. Unc. 3 pes. 1117 Sicily. Ferd. II. Head. Crown, 1854. Good. 1118 Spain. Cob or cut money. Dime size. 11 pes. FOREIGN SILVER AND COPPER COINS. 65 1119 Spain. Isabella II. Head, f & , $ * , $%, 1 dol. 1857—68. Ex. fine. 4 pes. 1120 Spain. Female reclining. Dollar, 1870. V. fine. 1121 Spain. Amadeo I, 1871. Alfonso XII, 1878—85. 2 var. Alfonso XIII, 1896. Dollars. Vg. 4 pes. 1122 Sweden. Carl XV. Head. E. Arms. Doll., 1864. Vg. 1123 Sweden. Oscar II. Arms 10, 25, 50 ore 1 kr. Head. 1, 2kr. Vf. 6 pes. 1124 Turkey. Mahmud II. 1808—1838. Small to dollar. Base silver. 4 holed. 13 pes. 1125 Turkey. Abd-el-Medschid. 1839—61. 3c, 5c, 10c, 25c, f 1. Good silver. Vg. 5 pes. 1126 Various countries. 20c size. Good to unc. 39 pes. 1127 Various countries. 10c size. Good to unc. 34 pes. 1128 Various countries. 5c size. Good to unc. 56 pes. 1129 Various countries. Base silver. Poor to unc. 84 pes. FOREIGN COPPER COINS. 1130 Akita. Two birds of Paradise. R. Characters. y 2 Sjn, (1860). Oval. Oblong hole in centre. Very fine. Rare. 1131 Burmah. Peacock 1. j4 ferang, 1854. Fine. 1132 Canada. Various issues, none rare. Good. 88 pes. 1133 Celebes Island. Native ins. and 1250. Kepeng. Fine. 1134 Ceylon. About 1200 A. D. Rajah seated. Rude. Curious. Good. 1135 Ceylon. Under Dutch E. I. Co. voc in monogram. c above. R. %st. Thick. Very fine. Rare. 1136 Ceylon. Under the British. Elephant 1. iV rupee. Thick. Good. 1137 Ceylon. Geo. III. Bust. R. Elephant. 1815. 1/192, 1802. Good. 1138 Ceylon. Victoria. Head. R. Palm. 1870. V. fine. 1139 Ceylon. 1802—1870. Vg. 6 var. 5 i/ 2 , 1, 2 S. 4 pes. %, %, 1, 5c. 4 pes. 13 pes. 66 FOREIGN COPPER COINS. 1140 Gibraltar. View of rock. B. Fortress. 1802. Vg. 1141 Honduras. Provisional coinage, 1832 — 57. 2 and 4 reals. Base silver and cop. Poorly minted as usual. Good. 5 pes. 1142 Honduras. Arms. R. Tree. 1, 2, 4, pesos, 1862. Patterns for gold coins. Unc. 3 pes. 1143 India. Lion 1. 5, 10. Cash 1833—5. Good. 1 unc. 4 pes. 1144 Java. Bar money. 2 St. R. (1) 818 first figure of date off, otherwise fine. Size 12. Thick. 1145 Mexico. Chihuahua. Indian with bow and arrow. %, 14 real 1855. Fine. The % very rare. 2 pes. 1146 Morocco. A H 1210—1286. Good. 52 pes. 1147 Post trader. Weideman & Co. Fort Russell Wy- oming Ter. 15c, 25c. Brass. 2 pes. 1148 Pondicherry. Fleur de lis. Dudu. Good. 1149 Sarawak. J. Brooke, %, lc. C. Brooke, %, lc. Fine. 7 pes. 1150 Straits Settlements. Victoria. %, y 2 , lc. Vf. 3 pes. 1151 Store cards. Rubber 8. Shell cards 4. Miscellan- eous, 23. 35 pes. 1152 Foreign Copper coins, balance of collection after above were removed. Different. Good to unc. 250 pes. 1153 Foreign Copper coins Duplicates. Good. 330 pes. 1154 Foreign Copper coins. Very poor or holed coins from every series. 103 pes. 1155 English, French, etc. Current coins. Nickel and cop. 70 pes. COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 1156 Edward I, II, 1272, 1307, 1307—1327. Pennies. Bust. Struck at cities of Canterbury, London, New Castle. 1 holed. Good. 8 pes. 1157 Edward IV. 1461—83. Groat. Bust facing. Edge irregular. York mint. Good. COINS OF GREAT BRITIAN. 67 1158 Henry V. 1413—22. Half Groat. Bust facing. Calais Mint. Good. 1159 Henry VI. 1422—61. Eestored 1470—71. Groat. Bust facing. Calais Mint. Ex. fine. Evenly struck. Good. 1160 Henry VI. Groat. Small bust facing. Mm. Cross crosslet. London Mint. Very good. 1161 Henry VIII. 1509—47. Penny. King enthroned (not struck up) London Mint. Good. 1162 Henry VIII. Penny as last struck at York and having two keys on rev. King fine; ins., gone. 1163 Henry VIII. Second coinage (1526—43). Bust of King — profile. Groat. Very fine. 1164 Elizabeth, 1558—1603. Bust 1. Six pence. 1593—7. Vg. 1165 Elizabeth. Six pence, 1580. Three half pence, 1570. Two pence, Fair. 3 pes. 1166 Elizabeth. Six pence, 1569 holed. Jas. I. Chas. I. Shills. Poor. 4 pes. 1167 James I. 1603—25. Six pence, 1619. Bust. Fair. 1168 James I. Penny. Rose. R. Thistle. Fine. 1169 Charles I. 1625—49. Half crown. King on horse- back to 1., the horse caparisoned, the housings being marked with a plain cross. R. Oval shield, Lis at top, dividing cr. Mm plume on both sides ( 1630 ) . Very good. Well struck. 1170 Charles I. Shilling. Bust 1. Mm. P. (1643). Obv. Fine. R. ins. off. 1171 Charles I. Two pence. Bust. Mm. Harp, (1632.) Good. 1172 Charles II. 1660—85. Six pence, 1677. Bust. Fine. Lightly gilt. 1173 Chas. II. Two pence by Simon, other Maundy money, various. Vg. to Vf. 8 pes. 1174 Charles II. Maundy money. Set 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 1677 by Roettier. Unc. 4 pes. 68 COINS OF GREAT BRITAIN. NUMISMATIC PUBLICATIONS. 1175 William III. 1694—1702. Six pence. 1696. Bust r. Ex. fine. 1176 Anne, 1702—14. Skills, 1708, 11 (laaped). Six p. bent as a witch pierce. Geo. IV Lion 6 pence. Poor. 4 pes. 4 pes. 1177 Anne. Six pences. vigo, 1703. Plain 1711. Ex. fine, 2 pes. 1178 Anne. Farthing, copper. Bust 1. anne regina. R. Britannia seated. Britannia vgvd. Good. Rare. 1179 George III. 1760—1820. Shillings by Pingo, 1787 only struck this year of this type. Very fine. 4 pes. 1180 George III. Bank of England dollar, 1804. Bust. Very fine. 1181 Victoria. 1837—1901, Bust in rich dress. Gothic Crown, 1847. Lettered edge. Hole over head. Fine. 1182 Victoria. Model crown, Penny, %p (3), Regular J-, yi farthing, Geo. IV Ya farthing, copper. Unc. 8 pes. 1183 Half penny, copper tokens. Bungay. Nothing ven- ture, nothing have. Newgate. Prince Wales. Unc. 7 pes. 1184 Ireland. Henry III. Head in triangle. Dublin. Penny. Good. 1185 Scotland. Jas. I. Bust. R. Harp. Six pence. Fair. NUMISMATIC JOURNALS, CATALOGUES, etc. 1186 COIN COLLECTOR'S JOURNAL. Illustrated. In parts. Vol. I to Vol. V. Not consecutive. 8vo. 43 numbers as one lot. New York, 1875 to 1880. 1187 COIN JOURNALS. In parts as issued. 94 sold as one lot. 1188 MASON'S COIN & STAMP COLLECTOR'S MA- NUMISMATIC PUBLICATIONS. 69 GAZINE. 1867 to 1869. 25 parts as one lot. 1189 STAMP COLLECTOR'S MAGAZINE. 1865 to 1870. 84 parts sold as one lot. 1190 CHAPMAN, S. H. & H. Winsor Collection 1895, printed prices. Priced catalogue of Evanson Collection 1903. Plate catalogue, unpriced, Barker collection, 1904; also four other sales unpriced. May 14, 15, 1885. 1804 dollar Sale. 3 plates. Unpriced. 8 pieces as one lot. 1191 COGAN, E. Catalogue of Col. M. I. Cohen Collec- tion, priced and with four photographic plates, showing 1804 dollar and other rare pieces ; also priced catalogue of Henry S. Adams sale and a sale 1877 with photographic plates, unpriced; two others partly priced. Lot of 5 sold as one. 1192 WOODWARD, W. E. Catalogue of auction sale 1867 of great collection of Joseph J. Mickley, neatly priced, but first 20 pages stained. Very rare. 1193 PRICED CATALOGUES of various auction sales of coins. 60 pieces sold as one lot. 1194 AUCTION SALES of coins, unpriced catalogues. About 100, sold as one lot. 1195 DEALERS STOCK LIST and MS. catalogue of col- lection of coins. 12 pieces as one lot. 1196 HASELTINE, JOHN W. Catalogue of Confeder- ate notes and Bonds. One of the best issued. Philadelphia, 1876. COLLECTION OF THE REV. JEREMIAH ZIMMER- MAN. NAPOLEON I. All bronze and in very fine condition, contrary is stated. Closing number refers to size in 16ths of an inch. 1197 1794 Cisalpine Rep. Head r. bonaparte rep. ital. praeses. anno in. R. The Fates. Nickel and worn. Fine. 38. 70 MEDALS OF NAPOLEON I. 1198 1796 Battle of Castiglione. Warrior having slain one man combats another. R. Trumpets and wreath. 27. 1199 1797 Peace of Campo Formio. Bust r. R. Bona- parte mounted L, Prudence and Valor running before him, Victory above. Copper. Proof. Restrike. 38. 1200 1797 italicus. Bust 1. R. alexand. bonaparte, etc., Trophy of Arms. Tin. Rare. 26. 1201 1798 Egypt, Conquest of Upper. Head Isis 1. R. Crocodile chained to palm. Copper. Proof. 22. 1202 1799 July 14; and Erection of Nat. Column of Bastile. Fine bust r., above names of Camba- ceres, etc. 36. 1203 1799 As last, but size 27. 1204 1800 St. Bernard, passage of, and battle of Maren- go. Bust 1., by Brenet. R. Words to his troops before the battle. 32. 1205 1801 Peace of Luneville. Bust r. R. Peace. 26. 1206 No date. Head of Napoleon in helmet 1., napoleo i. gall. imp. ital, rex.; olive and oak bran- ches crossed below. R. Minerva standing, wreath in extended right hand and olive branch in left, owl at her feet; pelicibus inde ingeniis aperitur iter; Exg. a: scha- bel. F. Die cracked on reverse which may ac- count for the rarity of this medal, the first spe- cimen we have seen. Silver. Ex fine. 40. 1207 1802 Legion of Honor. Bust of Henry IV. R. Order. 26. 1208 1802 Peace of Amiens. Busts of the three Consuls, Bonaparte, Cambaceres and Le Brun. R. paix interieure, etc. Very fine but bronze worn on obv. 43. 1209 1803 Rupture of Peace of Amiens. Bull dog rend- ing the treaty. R. Victory mounted, full speed r. Hanover occupied by the French, etc. 26. MEDALS OF NAPOLEON I. 71 1210 1803 Civil Code. Napoleon standing. R. Min- erva standing. 26. 1211 1804 Camp at Boulogne; preparatory to invading England. Undraped bust r. laureated. No. In- scription. R. Hercules strangling British lion. CAMP DE BOULOGNE AN XII DE LA R. F. MDCCCIV Very rare. 26. 1212 1804 Coronation. Head r. R. Napoleon on shield held by two soldiers. 20. 1213 1804 Coronation. Head r. by Droz. R. Same as last. Dented. Vg. 26. 1214 1804 Coronation. Bust of Pope Pius VII. R. Notre Dame. 26. 1215 1805—1813 Various Events. All with head of Na- poleon. Different. 26. 9 pes. 1216 Mount Blanc. Head Nap. by Andrieu. ( Spotted on obv.). R. Giant of the Mountain. Rare. 26. 1217 1809 Capture of Vienna. Porte St. Martin Paris. "The Emp. quits Paris April 13, 1809." R. Porte de Carinthie, Vienna, where he entered a month later. 26. 1218 1809 Victories and battle of Wagram. Head wearing iron Crown. R. Beautiful fig. of Vic- tory. Spotted. 27. 1219 1810 Marriage. Bust of Nap. and Marie Louise. R. Hymen drives Mars away; trs. "A happy marriage drives away the cruel Mars." 27. 1220 1815 Return from Elba. Eagle flying from Elba. R. Napoleon and soldiers. 26. 1221 1821 Death. Bust after death. R, Napoleon in Heaven receiving his son, 1832. Scarce. 32. 1222 1833 Column of July. Statue replaced. R. Nap. as a Roman Emp. Rare. 35. 1223 Various Events. Mostly size 16. 1 cast. Dif . 3 later. 16 pes, 1224 Caroline Queen Naples and Sister Nap. Exquisite head r. R. Bull. 14. 1225 Eugene Napoleon. Head 1. Dif. 26, 28. 2 pes. 72 AMERICAN AND FOREIGN MEDALS. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN MEDALS. All in bronze and very fine unless otherwise mentioned. Closing number is the size. 1226 Agassiz. Head r. R. Inverted torches. 40. 1227 Award. Sweden. Mercury standing. R. Victory. 32. 1228 Bismarck. Head r. R. Arms. Wm., toned. A. grand medal. 57. 1229 Canova. Head r. R. al secolo decimo nono. 22. 1230 Columbus. Head L, Indian and Columbia at sides. R. Female — Civilization alighting at Chicago. The most beautiful design made for the 400th Anni. of the Discovery of America. 38. 1231 Columbus. Half length. By Gertel R. Female flying over Sea, 1492. 38. 1232 Columbus. Head in centre; his ships sailing around. Issued by Com. of 100 citizens of N. Y. 36. 1233 Columbus. Half length to 1. R. Landing at San Salvador. 32. 1234 Columbus. Head r. R. Presidents of U. S. Wm, bronzed. 35. 1235 Columbus. Head Liberty 1. R. Landing at San Salvador 1492. A grand medal in proof con- dition. One of the largest made. 56. 1236 Columbus. View of the Santa Maria. R. Exposi- tion. Wm. bronzed. 32. 1237 Du Vivier. Great medalist. Head r. 26. 1238 Franklin and Montyon. Bust 1. 26. 1239 France. Head of Rep. R. View Exp. 1899. 32. 1240 Dante. Head 1. R. His tomb. Cast. 35. 1241 Gutenberg. Statue of him. 25. 1242 Hufland. Dr. C. W. Bust r. R. Group. 26. 1243 Humboldt. Head r. R. eaeth and heaven hb explored. Wm., toned. 32. 1244 Lafayette. Bust r. R. the defender of American AND FRENCH LIBERTY. 30. 1245 Lafayette. As last, worn, now fine. 1246 Louis XVIII. Bust 1. By Brandt. R. Minerva. Academy of Roman Art, 1825. 30. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN MEDALS. 73 1247 Louis XVIII. and Chas X. Heads 1. R. The City presenting Key of the Bourse and Tribunal of Commerce, 1825. Real bronze. 43. 1248 Napoleon III. Head 1. R. Trophy. Sebastopol 1855. 29. 1249 Patrus, Jos. Hungary. 1846. Bust 1. R. Ferd. Bust r. 34. 1250 Politicals. Jackson 2, Lincoln 3, Scott 2. Brass. Cop. Wm. 20. 7 pes. 1251 Raffael. Bust 1. 400th Anni. 1883. 35. 1252 St. Paul. Beheading. R. Interior of Chapel of the three fountains. Rome. 24. 1253 Schiller. Head r. R. Schiller's House in Weimar 1847. 1254 Sir Walter Scott. Bust r. By Crawford. R. Blank. Lead, bronzed. Placque. 68. 1255 Suwarrow. Russian Com. R. Trophy. Wm. 24. 1256 Umberto I and Victorio Amedeo II. Bust r. R. Cavalry charging. A grand medal on Bi Cent, of Cavalry Reg't, 1690—1890. 42. 1257 Victoria. Bust 1. R. Royal Arms, enclosed by shields bearing names of Colonies. A splendid medal on the 60th Anni of her reign 1897. 48. 1258 Victoria. Obv. as last. R. Busts of Kings and Queen who were the four longest reigns. Same obv. R. Royal family. 24. 2 pes. 1259 Washington, Lincoln. Head on each side. Silver. 12. 1260 Washington. Bust r. R. Cabinet of Washington coins and medals in Mint, 1860. 38. 1261 Webster, Daniel. Head r. R. Column surmount- ed by globe, liberty and union, now and for- ever, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. 48. 1262 William III. Fred. Wm. IV. William I. Heads 1. By Wiener. R. Edifice Aachen. 50th Anni. Rhein Prov. with Prussia 1865. 44. 74 ANCIENT HEBREW AND ROMAN COINS. ANCIENT HEBREW AND ROMAN COINS. 1263 Simon Maccabeus. Judea. In old Hebrew, Shekel Israel. Cup or chalice, above which, "Year 2," equal B. C. 140-139. Rev. "Jerusalem the holy/' Triple lily or Aaron's rod. Shekel. Size 14. Extremely fine. Very rare. 1264 Claudius. Felix Procurator. Mite. V. p. 1265 Caligula. Head 1. laurated. Rev. agrippina drvsilla ivlia. His three sisters as dieties standing. Below, S. C. I. B. V. g< 1266 Vespasian. Head r. laureated. Rev. IVDEA CAPTA. Palm tree, to 1. Emperor standing with foot on helmet, to r. Judea seated discon- solate. I. B. V. g. Rare. 1267 Faustina, Jr. Rev. saecvli felicitas. Couple on bed. 1 B. Green patina spotted. 1268 Diocletian, Maximianus, Julian the Apostate, Theo- dosius. 2 B. V. g. 8 pes. 1269 Aurelianus, Gal. Maximinus, Licinius, Constantine, Crispus. 3 B. Good. 22 pes. 1270 Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. Busts face to face. Rev. victoriae avgstorvm. Victory walking r. bearing wreath in her hands. Copy of medallion with large added margin, such as used in Roman ensigns. Size 43. 1271 Justinianus I. A. D. 527-565. Bust facing. 1 B. Fine. 1272 Tiberius Constantinus. A. D. 578—582. Bust fac- ing. 1 B. Fine. COLONIAL COINS, CENTS, CURRENCY, ETC. 1273 1785 Vermont. vermontis res publica. 1785, Range of hills with sun, plow below. R. Eye in rays. Thin planchet which is slightly gran- ulous, as usual. Good. Rare. 1274 1787 New Jersey. Horse head and plow. Ex- CENTS. FOREIGN COINS. CURRENCY. 75 tremely fine. Light olive. M 46-e, which al- ways shows the suction mark of the shield on obv. 1275 1788 New Jersey. Horse on rev. before legend. Fair. Nick and scratch on obv. M 77-dd. Rare. 1276 1787 N. J. (1 holed) Conn. N. A. token 1781. Tal- bot 1794. 1783 Nova. (Holed). Poor to good. 8 pes. 1277 1787 Fugio Cent. Sun dial, mind your business. R. Links, we are one. states united. Ex. fine. 1278 1787 Fugio Cent. As last. Very fine. 1279 1793 Chain Cent. Very poor but date shows. 1280 1828 Small date. 1834 Large date. Cents. Vg. 2 pes. 1281 Common dates Cents. Poor to good. 1824 Holed. 36 pes. 1282 1804 Half Cent. Crossed 4 with stems. Vg. 1283 1837-41 H. T. Tokens 5. Rebellion Tokens 29. Slave Medalet 1807. Canadians 9. Carthage- na. Liberia 1833 Cent. Small brass medalets 11. Poor medals 6. Good. 66 pes. 1284 1833 Liberia. Native, tree, ship. Cent. Unc. 1285 China. 500 cash? Good. Old issue. Size 36. 1286 China. Temple pieces. Vg. 28. 2 pes. 1287 Egypt 21. England 1797-1855. Ceylon 2. Good. 25 pes. 1288 Currency. 1st issue 5c. 2, 10c. 4, 50c. 2d issue, 10c. 3. 3d issue, 10c. 2, 25c. 4th issue, 50c. 4th issue, 10c., 25c. 6th issue, 50c. 1st issue fine, others crisp. 16 pes. 1289 4th issue, 50c. Bust Lincoln. Unc. Wk. pp. 1290 5th issue. 10c. Meredith. Green seal. Crisp. / 001 371 302 9 • LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 001 371 302 9