Hoik of Hlemljct0l)i^j OF THE NEW ENGLAND Historic Genealogical Society Corrected to July 1, 1898 JloUa of illcmbcvsl)i|) //. lEW ENGLAND Historic Genealogical Society Corrected to July 1, 1898 GEORGE KUHN CLARKE, LL.B., Committee on the Rolls of Membership BOSTON Pkinted fok the Committee on the Rolls 1S9S ^-b MOKYHOXa Nl if. E.Hlst. CJeni. Soo. PREFACE At the annual meeting of the New England Historic Genealogi- cal Society, in January, 1898, the Society voted " That an alpha- betical list of the present members of the Society be printed with the proceedings of this day ; the preparation of the same to be under the direction of the Committee on Rolls." Well aware that, with more than five hundred changes in its membership since the Society printed the Rolls in 1893, the ap- pearance of the proceedings would be followed by numerous com- munications calling attention to errors, or containing suggestions, I desired to have a reprint, embodying the corrections, issued a month later than the proceedings. It was, however, imperative to distribute the type at once and I was disappointed as to this plan. Although the lists were carefully copied by Mr. Frederic Wil- lard Parke, it was necessary for me to devote some forty hours, with considerable volunteer assistance, to the tedious labor of verifying these lists by comparing them with the chronological records. An equal amount of time was expended in ascertaining that the names and residences of the members were correctly written, but the result has proved that more time was requisite to perfect the Rolls, especially in the matter of academic degrees, and the proceedings contain a number of misprints that ought not to have occurred. The Society publishes its Rolls of Membership so seldom that I feel strongly the importance of having them correct, and early in April determined to continue my labors upon the Rolls, and to print them again and at my own expense. I have now adopted 4 PREFACE. new methods of keeping the records, which, if continued, will obviate in the future a repetition of much of the labor that has been essential to prepare the Rolls for the press. It is my intention to indicate all the academic degrees received bj our members except A.B., when followed by A.M., and S.T.B. or D.B. by D.D. No distinction is recognized between S.T.D. and D.D. An attempt is made to give the principal learned societies and orders to which our honorary and corresponding members belong. The well known English societies and orders are designated by the customary letters, and the American societies by the abbreviations used in the catalogue of Harvard University. We have one French and two Italian corresponding members, all of whom belong to many learned societies, too numerous to mention, but I give the names in English of such orders conferred upon them as appear in the Almanach de Gotha. The date preceding a name is that of the year of the member's election. In the case of a Life Member two dates are given, the first being that of the year when the life membership began, and the second, in parenthesis, that of entrance into the Society. Where a membership had ceased and has subsequently been re- newed by election, the later date only will appear. The titles " Honorable " and " Esquire " are omitted, as are also military and naval titles, except in the case of an officer of the regular Army or Navy. Villages and post-offices are not recog- nized unless within the municipal limits of Boston. All residences are in Massachusetts unless the contrary is indicated. It is earnestly requested that all errors be reported. July 1, 1898. George Kuhn Clarke, Committee on the Rolls of Membership. LIFE MEMBERS. 1893 (1892) Francis Ellingwood Abbot, A.M., Ph.D Cambridge. 1895 (1894) Lemuel Abijah Abbott, B. S., Major U.S.A Washington, D. C. 1891 (1891) Charles Francis Adams, A.B., LL.D Lincoln. 1870 (1869) James Adams Brookline. 1885 (1885) Walter Adams, A.B. . . . Framingham. 1897 (1897) Francis Olcott Allen . . . Chestnut Hill, Montgomery Co., Pa. 1883 (1875) Justin Allen, A.B., M.D. . . Topsfield. 1883 (1883) Oakes Angier Ames .... Easton. 1893 (1893) Nathan Appleton, A.M. . . Boston. 1864 (1859) William Sumner Appleton, A.M., LL.B Boston. 1871 (1871) Walter Titus Avery, A.B. . East Moriches, N. Y. 1872 (1869) Simeon Eben Baldwin, A.M., LL.D New Haven, Conn. 1889 (1889) James Barrett, A.M., LL.D. Rutland, Vt. 1895 (1895) Perkins Bass, A.B Boston. 1896 (1896) William Carver Bates . . Newton. 1877 (1867) James Monroe Battles . . East Boston. 1871 (1870) James Henry Beal .... Nahant. 1872 (1870) Albert Decatur Spaulter Bell Cambridge. 1871 (1870) Austin Williams Benton . . Brookline. 1872 (1872) QuiNCY Bicknell Hingham. 1867 (1866) Ledyard Bill Paxton. 1888 (1871) Francis Everett Blake . . Boston. 6 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1863 (1S55) George Dana BoARDMAN Blan- CHARD Maiden. 1898 (1895) Samuel Stillman Blanchard Boston. 1869 (1869) Eliphalet Wickes Blatch- FORD Chicago, 111. 1870 (1865) Cornelius Newton Bliss . New York, N. Y. 1897 (1897) Charles Knowles Bolton, A.B Brookline. 1881 (1881) Charles Pickering Bowditch, A.M Jamaica Plain. 1896 (1895) Edwarl> Augustus Bowen . Brooklyn, N. Y. 1889 (1889) DwiGHT Eliot Bowers, A.B., LL.B New Haven, Conn. 1872 (1872) Horace Denison Bradbury . Winchester. 1894 (1894) John Summerfield Brayton, A.M., LL.D Fall River. 1890 (1890) Frank Brewster, A.M., LL.B. Boston. 1890 (1889) Lloyd Vernon Briggs . . . Hanover. 1880 (1871) David Henry Brown, A.B. . Medford. 1870 (1867) Hayden Brown West Newbury. 1876 (1868) John Coffin Jones Brown . Roxbury. 1884 (1884) John Nicholas Brown, A.M. Newport, R. I. 1870 (1869) Edwin Holmes Bugbee . . . Putnam, Conn. 1877 (1865) Otis Brigham Bullard . . , Washington, D. C. 1891 (1891) Augustus George Bullock, A.M Worcester. 1869 (1869) Benjamin Franklin Burgess Brookline. 1885 (1885) Rev. Waldo Burnett, A.M. . Southborough. 1868 (1868) Edward Payson Burnham . Saco, Me. 1863 (1863) Charles Chauncy Burr . . Newton. 1896 (1895) Herbert Leslie Burrell, M.D. Boston. 1863 (1858) John Wilson Candler . . . Brookline. 1896 (1896) Henry Clinton Carter, B.S., LL.B New York, N. Y. 1889 (1888) Robert Inglee Carter, A.B. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1870 (1869) George Bigelow Chase, A.M. Dedham. 1885 (1885) Elihu Chauncey, A.M. . . . New York, N. Y. 1894 (1894) Dudley Richards Child . . Boston. 1873 (1870) William Claflin, LL.D. . . Newton. LIFE MEMBERS. 1885 (1885) Rev. Arthur March Clark, A.B New York, N. Y. 1885 (1885) Edmund Sanford Clark, A.M. Boston. 1872 (1871) Rev. George Faber Clark . Acton. 1885 (1885) James Wilson Clark . . . New York, N. Y. 1885 (1885) Jonas Gilman Clark . . . Worcester. 1883 (1878) George Kuhn Clarke, LL.B. Needham. 1870 (1869) Henry Martyn Clarke . . Boston. 1882 (1882) Edmund Janes Cleveland . Hartford, Conn. 1870 (1863) Robert Codman, A.M., LL.B. Boston. 1882 (1882) William Edward Coffin . . New York, N. Y. 1874 (1873) George Cogswell, A.M., M.D. Bradford. 1870 (1870) Elisha Slade Converse . . Maiden. 1871 (1863) Deloraine Pendre Corey . Maiden. 1870 (1869) Charles Cowley, LL.D. . . Lowell. 1891 (1891) Alvah Crocker, A.B. . . . Fitchburg. 1868 (1862) John Cummings Woburn. 1892 (1892) Frederic Cunningham, A.B., LL.B. . • Brookline. 1891 (1890) Henry Winchester Cunning- ham, A.B Manchester. 1873 (1861) Abram Edmands Cutter . . Charlestown. 1872 (1868) Charles Chase Dame . . . 1891 (1890) Edward Livingston Davis, A.M 1888 (1883) Horace Davis, A.B., LL.D. . 1859 (1850) John Ward Dean, A.M. . . 1897 (1897) Charles Deering 1894 (1877) Henry Deering, Master U.S.N. 1870 (1870) John Newton Denison . . . 1898 (1898) John Edward Devlin . . . 1895 (1893) Samuel Bradlee Doggett Newburyport. Worcester. San Francisco, Cal. Medford. Evanston, 111. Deering, Me. Boston. Wilton, N. H. Boston. 1896 (1887) Rev. Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton, A.B. . . New York, N. Y. 1871 (1868) Henry Herbert Edes . . . Cambridge. 1890 (1890) Thomas Franklin Edmands . Boston. 1891 (1874) George Munroe Endicott . Canton. 1870 (1870) William Endicott, Jr., A.M. Boston. 8 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1889 (1889) Charles Sidney Ensigx, LL.B. Newton. 1886 (1886) John Henry Evans d' Oyley, Marquis d' Oyley, M. A. S., M.D., D.D.S Paris, France. 1862 (1859) Edward Franklin Everett, A.M Cambridge. 1870 (1863) Percival Lowell Everett . Cambridge. 1886 (1882) Charles Frederic Farlow . Boston. 1885 (1885) Ezra Farnsworth .... Minneapolis, Minn. 1876 (1867) Darius Daniels Farnuji . . Woonsocket, R. I. 1891 (1885) Andrew Coatsworth Fear- ing, Jr Boston. 1895 (1895) Edward Nicoll Fenno, A.M. Falmouth. 1898 (1898) Mrs. Lydia Matthews Fisher, Hyde Park. 1891 (1891) Andrew Fiske, A.M., LL.B., Ph.D Weston. 1894 (1894) Joseph Emery Fiske, A.M. . Wellesley. 1885 (1885) Charles Louis Flint, S.B. . Boston. 1881 (1881) David Boardman Flint . . Boston. 1898 (1898) Mrs. Julia Elizabeth Folsom Brookline. 1883 (1883) John Murray Forbes . . . Milton. 1888 (1883) John Davis Williams French, A.B Boston. 1868 (1868) Jonathan French, A.M. . . Boston. 1886 (1886) Thomas Goddard Frothing- HAM Boston. 1886 (1886) Charles William Galloupe, A.B., M.D Swampscott. 1878 (1876) James Freeman Dana Gar- field Fitchburg. 1863 (1862) Abner Cheney Goodell, A.M. Salem. 1884 (1884) James Junius Goodwin . . . New York, N. Y. 1897 (1896) George Lambert Gould . . Maiden. 1870 (1858) Samuel Abbott Green, A.M., M.D., LL.D Boston. 1891 (1890) Samuel Swett Green, A.M. . Worcester. 1898 (1898) Mrs. Lucy Hall Greenlaw . Cambridge. 1896 (1895) William Prescott Greenlaw Cambridge. 18(33 (1845 1881 (1881 1891 (1890 1891 (1891 1889 (1SS9 1887 (1886 1885 1882 1896 1880 1871 189-2 1887 1870 1897 1892 (1885 (1882 (1895 (1867 (1871 (1892 (1887 (1870 (1897 (1888 1890 (1890 1898 (1897 1881 (1875 1896 (1896 1897 (1897 1898 (1898 1868 (1866 1896 (1895 1871 (1870 1870 (1868 LIFE MEMBERS. William Whitwell Gkeen- ouGii, A.B Boston. CujRTis Guild Boston. Eugene Bigelow Hagar, A.M., LL.B Boston. Rev. Edward Everett Hale, A.M., D.D Roxbury Richard Waldex Hale, A.B. Boston. Harry Fairfield Hamilton, S.B., D.M.D Boston. Benjamin Cutler Hardwick Dorchester. Edward Doubleday Harris . Brooklyn, N. Y. Alfred Townsend Hartwell Boston. John Tyler Hassam, A.M. . Boston. Ezra Hawkes Boston. Augustus Hemekway, A.B. . Canton. James Edavard Radford Hill Boston. John Hill Stonehara. Thomas Hills Boston. Gustavus Arthur Hilton, LL.B Boston. Almon Danforth Hodges, Jr., A.M Boston. Levi Holbrook, A.M. . . . New York, N. Y. Henry Ware Holland, S.B., LL.B Boston. Timothy Hopkins . . . . ,. Ittenlo Park, Cal. Jerome Carter Hosmbr . . Dorchester. Clement Stevens Houghton Boston. Albert Harrison Hoyt, A.M. Boston. Joseph Hubbard Boston. Horatio Hollis Hunnewell, A.M Wellesley. James Frothingham Hunne- well, A.M Charlestown. 1891 (1891) John Chester Inches Boston. 10 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1883 (1882) Rev. George Ansox Jacksox, Ph.B., A.M Swampscott. Rev. Henry Fitch Jenks, A.M. Canton. Rev. Henry Griswold Jesup, A.M Hanover, N. H. Enoch Stafford Johnson . Lynn. Samuel Johnson, A.M. . . . Boston. Camillus George Kidder, A.B., LL.B Orange, N. J. Edward Hartwell Kidder, A.M Brooklyn, N. Y. Helen Frances Kimball^ . . Brookline. Franklin King * Dorchester. Bradford Kingman .... Brookline. James Reynolds Knott . . Boston. 1880 (1866) 1883 (1883) 1889 (1889) 1870 (1870) 1883 (1883) 1882 (1882) 1898 (1898) 1871 (1870) 1882 (1861) 1871 (1871) 1896 (1896) 1875 (1875) 1882 (1882) 1891 (1891) 1887 (1887) 1898 (1898) 1870 (1863) 1898 (1898) 1898 (1896) 1898 (1897) 1891 (1890) 1878 (1878) 1863 (1847) 1898 (1898) George Lamb William Thomas Lambert Charles Larned Samuel Crocker Lawrence, A.M Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, A.B., D.D., LL.D., . . . . Emily Wilder Leavitt . . Henry Lee, A.M Mrs. Sara White Lee . . . Theodore Edward Leeds . . George Henry Leonard . . George Vasmer Leverett, A.M., LL.B Beza Lincoln Frederic Walker Lincoln,^ A.M William Caleb Loring, A.M., LL.B . Cambridge. Roxbury. Boston. Medford. Cambridge. Boston. Brookline. Brookline. New York, N. Y. Boston. Cambridge. Boston. Dorchester. Boston. 1 In these lists the absence of a prefix to a woman's name indicates that the member is unmarried. 2 Mr. King died 29 August, 1898. « Mr. Lincoln died 18 September, 1898. LIFE MEMBERS. 11 1874 (1867) JoHx Jacob Loud, A.M. . . Weymouth. 1870 (1866) Henry Lyox, A.M., M.D. . . Charlestown. 1870 (1868) SiLVAxus Jenkins Macy . . Rochester, N. Y. 1873 (1868) Rev. Willard Francis Malla- LiEu, A.M., D.D Newton. 1881 (1881) George Sumner Mann . . . Brookline. 1876 (1876) Francis Henry Manning . . Boston, 1870 (1870) Nathan Matthews .... Boston. 1870 (1859) John Joseph May Dorchester. 1871 (1870) Charles Merriam Boston. 1891 (1889) Samuel Merrill, A.B., LL.B. Cambridge. 1885 (1871) Thomas Minns Boston. 1898 (1894) Tyler Seymour Morris . . Chicago, 111. 1889 (1879) Asa Porter Morse .... Cambridge. 1871 (1871) Levi Parsons Morton, LL.D. New York, N. Y. 1871 (1871) Edward Strong Moseley, A.M Newburyport. 1885 (1879) Gbenville Howl and Nor- CROSS, A.B., LL.B Boston. 1890 (1890) Otis Norcross, A.B., LL.B. . Boston. 1892 (1892) James Atkins Noyes, A.B., Ph. B Cambridge. 1870 (1856) Samuel Bradley Noyes, A.M. Canton. 1885 (1885) Rev. Edavard Newman Pack- ard, A.M., D.D Syracuse, N. Y. 1894 (1894) IIollis Bowman Page . . . Belmont. 1875 (1873) George Taylor Paine . . . Providence, R. I. 1895 (1895) Walter Edward Parker . . Lawrence. 1892 (1892) John Parkinson Boston. 1895 (1895) Charles Henry Pearson . . Brookline. 1896 (1896) Jacob Joseph Sumner Peter- son Waltham. 1896 (1896) John Goddard Phillips . . Dorchester. 1873 (1851) Alfred Poore Salem. 1874 (1867) Lemuel Pope Arlington. 1884 (1884) Edward Ellerton Pratt, A.B. , LL.B Boston. 12 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1898 (1897 1871 (1871 1886 (1886 1898 (1898 1870 (1870 1890 (1890 1882 (1882 1870 (1869 1890 (1890 1875 (1875 1885 (1885 1885 (1885 1871 (1870 1877 (1870 1870 (1870 1894 (1894 1870 (1870 1871 (1871 1872 (1870 1889 (1889 1870 (1865 1879 (1879 1881 (1881 1890 (1890 1886 (1886 1886 (1886 1895 (1894 1869 (1869 1866 (1861 1872 (1870) Alfred Pressor Gloucester. William Gibbons Preston . Boston. Eben Putnam Danvers. Mary Perkins Quincy . Thomas Dennie Quincy New Haven, Conn. Philadelphia, Pa. Charles Sedgwick Racke- MANN, A.M Milton, Seth Alonzo Ranlett . . . Billerica. Henry Augustus Rice . . . Newport, R. I. William Reuben Richards, A.M., LL.B Boston. Albert Lewis Richardson . Boston. Arthur Gregory Richardson Weston. Frederick Hastings Rindge, A.B Los Angeles, Cal. Royal Elisha Robbins . . . Boston. Charles William Romney . Boston. Joseph Samuel Ropes, A.M. . Norwich, Conn. Henry Sherburne Rowe . . Boston. John Daniel Runkle, A.M., S.B., Ph.D., LL.D Brookline. Edward Russell Brookline. Nathaniel Johnson Rust . . Boston. Stephen Salisbury, A. M., LL.B Worcester. Edwin Holbrook Sampson . Boston. Ira Leavitt Sanderson, M.D. Ft. Meade, S. Dakota. Joshua Montgomery Sears, A.B Boston. Frank Edson Shedd, B.S. . Dorchester. Hezekiah Spencer Sheldon . Suffield, Conn. William Green Shillaber . Boston. Abraham Shuman Boston. Rev. Carlos Slafter, A.M. . Dedham. Rev. Edmund Farwell Slaf- ter, A.M., D.D Boston. Benjamin Greene Smith . . Cambridge. LIFE MEMBERS. 13 1873 (1873) Joseph Adams Smith, LL.B., Pay Director U.S.N. . . . Washington, D. C. 1884 (1884) 1882 (1869) 1871 (1870) 1870 (1870) 1870 (1860) 1885 (1885) 1884 (1884) 1895 (1895) 1877 (1877) 1894 (1893) 1880 (1880) 1887 (1878) 1871 (1871) 1864 (1864) 1870 (1868) 1868 (1866) 1858 (1851) 1891 (1891) 1896 (1895) 1877 (1877) 1864 (1864) 1891 (1888) 1890 (1872) 1889 (1889) 1877 (1877) 1881 (1881) 1871 (1870) Fra^tk P^abxsworth Starr Charles Augustus Stearns . Daniel Baxter Stedman . . Benjamin Franklin Stevens Alexander Johnston Stone, M.D., LL.D Middletown, Conn. Watertown. Chicago, 111. Boston. St. Paul, Minn. 18S5 (1885) Nathaniel Thayer, A.B. . . Lancaster. Abijah Thompson Winchester. Eben Francis Thompson, LL.B. Worcester. Leonard Thompson .... Woburn. TowNSEND William Thorn- dike Boston. Walter Eliot Thwing . . . Roxbury. Rev. Anson Titus Somerville. William Cleaves Todd, A.B. Atkinson, N. H. Benjamin Barstow Torrey . Hanover. Arthur French Towne, LL.B. Chicago, 111. John Parker Towne, A.B. . Edgerton, Wis. William Blake Trask, A.M. Doi'chester. Francis Bacon Trowbridge, A.B., LL.B New Haven, Conn. Edward Morton Tucke, A.M. Lowell. Edward Preston Usher, A.M., LL.B Grafton. Andrew Henshaw Ward . . Allston. FisKE Warren, A.B Harvard. Henry Fitz-Gilbert Waters, A.M Salem. Walter Kendall Watkins . Chelsea. Charles Granville Way . . Brookline. Charles Alfred Welch, A.B. Cohasset. Rev. Joshua Wyman Well- man, A.M., D.D Maiden. Moses Jones Wentworth, A.M., LL.B Chicago, 111. 14 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1868 (1868) 1890 (1890) 1898 (1897) 1896 (1896) 1891 (1891) 1887 (1887) 1887 (1887) 1885 (1885) 1887 (1887) 1886 (1886) 1896 (1896) 1884. (1884) 1896 (1896) Samuel Hidden Wentworth, A.M., LL.B Edwakd Wheelwright, A.M. Alfred Tredway White, A.M., C.E Charles Burnham Whitman . Arthur Eastman Whitney . William Ward Wight, A.M. Edward Baker Wilder . . Levi Lincoln Willcutt . . Edward Henry Williams Robert Charles Winthrop, Jr., A.M Theron Royal Woodward . James Adams Woolson . . . Morrill Wyman, Jr. . . . Boston. Boston. Brooklyn, N. Y. South Boston. Winchester. Milwaukee, Wis. Dorchester. Brookline. Jamaica Plain. Boston. Chicago, 111. Cambridge. Cambridge. EESIDENT MEMBERS. 1893 Alexander Clinton Adams . . . Barnstable. 1895 Rev. Andrew Napoleon Adams . . Fair Haven, Vt. 1884 Rev. George Moulton Adams, A.M., D.D Newton. 1873 Theodore Parker Adams, A.B. . . Boston. 1896 John Eaton Alden Newton. 1896 Ebenezer Alexander Roxbury. 1894 Elbridge Gerry Allen Boston. 1895 Francis Richmond Allen, A.B. . . Boston. 1895 Frank Augustus Allen Cambridge. 1895 Rev. Frederick Baylies Allen, A.M. Boston. 1885 James Sidney Allen West Bridgewater. 1889 Orrin Peer Allen Palmer. 1877 Willard Spencer Allen, A.M. . . East Boston. 1879 William Henry Allen Boston. 1897 Adelbert Ames, Brevet Major General U. S. A Lowell. 1882 Frank Morton Ames^ Canton. 1888 Frank William Andrews .... Middletown, R. I, 1897 George Washington Armstrong . . Brookline. 1894 Olney Arnold Pawtncket, R. I. 1897 George Edward Atherton .... Brookline. 1881 Richard Ingalls Atwill Boston. 1897 Hartley Frederic Atwood, A.B. . Brookline. 1879 Frederick Fanning Ayer, A.B, . . New York, N. Y. 1882 James Bourne Ayer, A.M., M.D. . . Boston. 1 Mr. Ames died 2o August, 189S. 16 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1891 Robert Tillixghast Babson, A.B,, LL.B Gloucester. 1898 Horace Sargent Bacon Lowell. 1879 Robert Maurice Bailey Dedliam. 1885 William Wallace Bailey, A.B., LL.B. Nashua, N. H, 1896 George Lewis Balcom Claremont, N. H. 1865 George William Baldwin, A.B. . . Newport, R. I. 1893 Hose A Stare Ballou Brookline. 1896 Edmund Dana Barbour Sharon. 1868 Edward Tobey Barker Cambridge. 1898 Abel Tuttle Barnes Jamaica Plain. 1889 William Barnes Marlborough. 1876 Edwin Shepard Barrett .... Concord. 1880 Rev. Samuel June Barrows, D.B. . Boston. 1896 Joseph Gardner Bartlett .... Boston. 1896 Robert Batcheller North Brookfield.. 1892 Theodore Cornelius Bates . . . Worcester. 1882 James Phinney Baxter, A.M. . . . Portland, Me. 1876 Augustus Ramsay Bayley .... Cambridge. 1897 Boylston Adams Beal, A.B., LL.B. . Nahant. 1896 Rev. Charles Edward Beals . . . Stoneham. 1894 Joseph Eber Beals Middleborough. 1892 Samuel Collins Beanb, A. B., D.D. . Newburyport. 1874 Alanson Wilder Beard Lexington. 1894 Franklin Thomason Beatty, M.D. . Boston. 1880 George Eugene Belknap, LL.D., Rear Admiral U. S. N Brookline, 1889 Alexander Graham Bell, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D Washington, D. C. 1890 Arthur Fitch Benson Salem. 1895 Allen Herbert Bent Boston. 1897 JosiAH Henry Benton, Jr., A.M., LL.B. Boston. 1894 Amos Binney, A.B., S.B Boston. 1864 Halsey Joseph Boardman, A.B. . . Boston. 1876 Rev. Joshua Peter Bodfish . . . Canton. 1875 Rev. George Madison Bodge, A.M., D.B Leominster. 1897 Arthur Thomas Bond Wilmington. 1894 Edward Chauncey Booth, A.B., M.D. Somerville. 1891 Albert Davis Bosson, A.M. . . . Chelsea. RESIDENT MEMBERS. 17 1877 Francis Marion Boutwell .... Groton. 1879 William Augustus Bowdlear . . . Roxbury. 1895 George Ernest Bowman, A.B. . . . Boston. 1898 Eben Moody Boynton West Newbury. 1891 Everett Boynton, A.M Swampscott. 1883 Frank Eliot Bradish, A.B. . . . Boston. 1890 William Pitt Brechin, M.D. . . . Boston. 1880 Charles Henry Bass Breck . . . Boston. 1898 Herbeut Gei!ky Briggs, A.B., . . . Chelsea. 1885 Oliver Leonard Briggs Boston. 1896 Brayton Alvaro Remington Brig- ham, M.D Chicago, III. 1896 Willard Irving Tyler Brigham . . Chicago, 111. 1888 Walter Frederic Brooks .... Worcester. 1891 William Gray Brooks, LL.B. . . . Boston. 1894 Abram English Brown Bedford. 1898 Mrs. FAN^JIE Wilder Brown . . . Fitchburg. 1889 John Freeman Brown, A.B., LL.B. . Milton. 1868 John Marshall Brown, A.M. . . . Falmouth, Me. 1892 Edward Ingersoll Browne, A.M., LL.B Boston. 1881 John Howard Burdakin Dedham. 1898 Mrs. Ellen Augusta Lord Burditt Boston. 1892 George Burroughs Roxbury. 188-1 Sidney Homer Buttrick Melrose. 1888 Rev. Ezra Hoyt Byington, A.M., D.D. Newton. 1897 Frederick Pickering Cabot, A.M., LL.B Brookline. 1876 Rupus George Frederick Candage Brookline. 1885 Rev. Charles Carroll Carpenter, A.M Andover. 1896 Edmund Janes Carpenter, Ph.B. . Milton. 1896 Jacob Chester Chamberlain, B.A., M.S New York, N. Y. 1894 Joseph Edgar Chamberlin .... Wrentham. 1896 Frederick Emerson Chandler, M.D. Dorchester. 1883 William Eaton Chandler, A.M., LL.B Concord, N. H. 1890 Charles Augustus Chase, A.M. . . Worcester. 18 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1897 William Hen"ry Chase Brookline. 1892 William Martiij Chase, A.M., B.S. . Concord, N. H. 1883 Charles Chauncey, A.B Lower Merion, Pa. 1897 Otis Chickerin^g, A.M Andover. 1897 Horace Walter Child Brookline. 1896 Charles Fran'cis Choate, A.M., LL.B Southborough, 1894 Herbert Bleloch Church .... Brookline. 1894 Walter Church, A.M., LL.B, . . . Brighton. 1892 John Cottox Clapp Boston. 1885 Benjamin" Cutler Clark, A.B. . . . Boston. 1896 Charles Peter Clark Boston. 1885 Rev. Frank Gray Clark, A.M. . . Plymouth, N. H. 1896 Augustus Peck Clarke, A.M., M.D. Cambridge. 1898 Mrs. Martha Cilley Bout on Clarke Manchester, N. H. 1898 George Albert Clough Brookline. 1893 Walter Coburn Lowell. 1894 James Macmaster Codman, A.M. . Brookline. 1871 Edward Russell Cogswell, A.M., M.D Cambridge. 1891 Reuben Colton, A.B Boston. 1893 John Adams Conkey Newton. 1889 Rev. Arthur Theodore Connolly, D.B Roxbury. 1894 Alexander Corbett, Jr Boston. 1898 Mrs. Adelaide Elizabeth Cordis . Medford. 1896 Edward Cowles, M.D., LL.D. . . . Belmont. 1897 Edward Birch ard Cox Brookline. 1897 Edward Jones Cox Newton. 1878 William Francis Crafts .... Boston. 1893 Albert Crane, A.B., LL.B Stamford, Conn. 1889 John Calvin Crane Millbury. 1897 Joshua Eddy Crane, A.M Bridge water. 1894 Rev. William Tufts Crocker, A.M., B.D East Boston. 1885 George Theodore Cruft Bethlehem, N. H. 1895 Benjamin Franklin Cummings, Jr. . Salt Lake City, Utah. 1883 Horace Stuart Cummings, A.B. . . Exeter, N. H. 1897 Joseph Henry Curtis Boston. 1895 Frederic Haines Curtiss .... Boston. RESIDENT MEMBERS. 19 1897 George Shattuck Gushing .... Milton. 1872 Lawrence Brown Gushing .... Newbury port. 1898 Sara Elizabeth Gushman .... Newton. 1870 William Richard Gutter .... Woburn. 1892 Rev. Asa Dalton, A.M., D.D. . . . Portland, Me. 1891 Allen Danforth, A.M Gambridge. 1895 Edwin Alfred Daniels, M.D. . . . Boston. 1890 Nathan Hagar Daniels Boston. 1895 Samuel Garter Darling, A.M., LL.B. Somerville. 1877 Bennett Franklin Davenport, A.M., M.D Watertown. 1896 Elwin Gerry Davis Boston. 1882 Horatio Davis Boston. 1896 Frank Gutter Deering Saco, Me. 1890 Rev. Jahes DeNormandie, A.M., D.D. Roxbury. 1885 Lyman Willard Densmore ^ . . . Hillsborough, N.^H. 1894 William Edward Lovell Dillaway, LL.B Boston. 1878 Andrew Dimock Boston. 1894 Isaac FrxVncis Dobson Ipswich. 1893 James Hale Dodge Jamaica Plain. 1895 Freeman Jenness Doe Boston. 1895 William Wisner Doherty, LL.B. . Boston. 1895 Herbert Beeman Dow, A.M. . . . Woburn. 1894 JosiAH Hayden Drummond, A.M., LL.D Portland, Me. 1894 Sanford Harrison Dudley, A.M., LL.B Gambridge. 1895 William Aldrich Dudley, A.B. . . Marlborough. 1895 Gharles Franklin Dunbar, A.B., LL.D Gambridge. 1875 William Bullard Durant, A.M., LL.B Gambridge. 1888 Theodore Frelinghuysen Dwight . Boston. 1895 Ghester Williams Eaton, B.S. . . Wakefield. 1891 Richard Ela, A.B., LL.B Gambridge. 1 Mr. Densmore died 20 July, 1898. 20 N. E, HISTOEIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1891 Walter Ela, A.B., M.D Cambridge. 1897 ZoETH Skixner Eldeedge .... San Fi-ancisco, Cal. 1893 Charles Darwix Elliot Somerville. 1898 Mary Elvira Elliot Somerville. 1892 Richard Moses Elliot, A.B. . . . Boston. 1890 Warrex Bartlett Ellis .... Boston. 1897 George W Emery,i A.B., LL.B. . . Marshfield. 1882 Rev. Samuel Hopkiists Emery, A.M., D.D Taunton. 1891 Frederic Endicott Canton. 1897 George Dexter Eustis Brookline. 1886 William Tracy Eustis Boston. 1896 Aloxzo Hathaway Evaxs .... Everett. 1897 JoHX Wilder Fairbaxk Boston. 1879 JoHx Whittemore Farwell . . . Melrose. 1881 Walter Hamlet Fauxce . . " . . Kingston. 1862 Charles Sumister Fellows .... Milwaukee, Wis. 1896 Daxa Willis Fellows, M.D. . . . Portland, Me. 1890 George Marshall Fellows, A.B. . Hyde Park. 1884 Francis Fessendex, A.B Portland, Me. 1895 James Braixerd Field, A.B., M.D. . Lowell. 1891 Walbridge Abxer Field, A.B., LL.D. Boston. 1867 Rev. James Hill Fitts Newfields, N. H. 1897 Stanley Gkiswold Flagg, Jr., B.A. Philadelphia, Pa. 1895 Grover Flixt, A.B Petersham. 1898 David Floyd, 2d Winthrop. 1866 William James Foley Boston. 1879 Albert Aloxzo Folsom Brookline. 1895 Rev. Johx Perkins Forbes .... Taunton. 1894 Francis Apthorp Foster .... Cambridge. 1892 Joseph Foster, Paymaster U.S.N, . Portsmouth, N.H. 1879 William Eaton Foster, A.M. . . . Providence, R. I. 1897 Leonard Fowle Swampscott. 1898 Tappan Eustis Francis, A.B., M.D. Brookline. 1896 James Goldthwait Freeman . . . Boston. 1897 Samuel Wales French Newton. 1860 Theophilus Clinton Frye .... Lawrence. 1 Mr. Emerv has no middle name, but uses W as a designation. RESIDENT MEitfBEES. 21 1894 Fraxcis Hexky Fullku Jamaica Plain. 1886 Rev. Biiadfokd Moiitox Fullektox, A.B., D.D Brockton. 1896 1896 1896 1892 1889 1895 1885 1896 1896 1895 1871 1894 1897 1879 1896 1876 1869 1891 1893 1898 1876 1898 1896 1896 1898 1889 1893 1896 1896 William Wyllts Gaxxett . . . . James Albert Garlax^d, Jr., A.B. Albert Gay Frederick Lewis Gay Julius Gay, Ph.B., A.M William Gerrish JoHx Clark Gilbert Watsox Gill Dax'iel Axgeli. Gleasox, A.B., LL.B, Rev. Alfred Kix^gsley Glover . . Joseph Be ale Glover Bexjamix Nourse Goodale .... Joseph Horace Goodspeed .... Charles Bailey Gookix Edwix Averill Gordox George Augustus Gordox^, A.M. . . Elbridge Hex'ry Goss Fraxk Palmer Gouldixg, A.B. . . Rev. Hexry Clixtox Graves, A.M., D.D Mary Haxxah Graves , . . . . Charles Pelham Green^ough, A.B., LL.B KoKOMo Frances Leighton Gregg . Appletox Prextiss Clark Griffix . William Herrick Griffith . . Mrs. SusAx ViNixG Griggs . . James Seymour Grixxell Chester Guild, Jr. . . Edward Paysox Guild James Newtox Guxx . A.M. 1878 Fraxk Warrex Hackett, A.M. 1883 Amos Hadley, A.M., Ph.D. . . 1880 Obadiah Brown Hadwex . . 1875 JosiAH Little Hale, A.M., M.D. Cambridge. Beverly. Brookline. Brookline. Farmingtou, Conn. Chelsea. Boston. Syracuse, N. Y. Medford. Le Sueur, Minn. Boston. Saco, Me. Boston. Boston. Newton. Somerville. Melrose. Worcester. Somerville. Boston. Brookline. Pittsfield, N. H. Newton. Albany, N. Y. Brookline. Greenfield. Newton. Reading. Medford. Portsmouth, N. H. Concord, N. H. Worcester. Brookline. 22 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1898 Alfred Stevens Hall, A.B., LL.B. . Winchester. 1895 Charles Wells Hall Newton. 1898 Virginia Hall ......... Cambridge. 1894 Samuel Kino Hamilton, M.S. . . . Wakefield. 1895 Gardiner Greene Hammond, Jr., A.B Falmouth. 1876 George Warren Hammond .... Boston. 1897 WiNTHROP Hammond Woburn. 1886 Warren Hapgood Boston. 1887 William Francis Harbach .... Newton. 1898 Kate Augusta Harris Brookline. 1892 George Trumbull Hartshorn, A.M. Taunton. 1891 Herbert Joseph Harwood, A.B. . . Littleton. 1897 Charles Field Haseltine, A.B. . . Philadelphia, Pa. 1896 Daniel Waldo Haskins, A.B. . . . Charlestown. 1869 David Greene Haskins, A.M., LL.B. Cambridge. 1893 Robert Edgar Hastings, B.M.E. . . Philadelphia, Pa. 1895 Edward Augustus Hatch .... Koxbury. 1889 Frank Mortimer Hawes, A.M. . . Somerville. 1895 Nathan Mortimer Hawkes . . . Lynn. 1853 Elias Sill Hawley, A.B Buffalo, N. Y. 1898 Mrs. Henriette Estelle Hayes . . Boston. 1892 Rev. Silvanus Hayward, A.M. . . Southbridge. 1870 Rowland Hazard,^ A.M South Kingston, R. I. 1875 Rev. Henry Allen Hazen, A.M., D.D Newton. 1879 Alfred Henry Hersey Hingham. 1894 Francis Coney Hersey Wellesley. 1871 Charles Amasa Hewins West Roxbury. 1887 Rev. William Sweetzer Heywood . Dorchester. 1868 Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A.M., LL.D Cambridge. 1881 Don Gleason Hill, LL.B Dedham. 1898 Edward Bissell Hill Brookline. 1897 Lew Cass Hill Boston. 1895 William Sanford Hills Boston. 1896 William Smith Hills, LL.B. . . . New York, N. Y. 1890 John Hitchcock Boston. 1 Mr. Hazard died 1*3 August, 1898. EESIDENT MEMBERS. 23 1886 George Frisbie Hoar, A. B., LL.B., LL.D Worcester. 1866 John Emory Hoar, A.M Brookline. 1888 Lemuel LeBarox Holmes, S.B. . . New Bedford. 1891 JoHX HoMANS, 2d, A.B., M.D. . . . Boston. 1891 Thomas Hoopkr Brookline. 1898 Mrs. Fanxy Winchester Hotchkiss . New Haven, Conn. 1897 Edward Otis Howard, A.B. . . . Roxbury. 1890 Archibald Murray Howe, A.M., LL.B. Cambridge. 1896 Edward Willard Howe, A.B. . . . Roxbury. 1897 Oilman Bigelow Howe Northborough. 1896 Daniel Webster Rowland .... Brookline. 1876 Charles Wells Hubbard, A.B. . . Weston, 1884 James Mascarene Hubbard, A.B. . . Boston. 1897 George Henry Hudson Plattsburg, N. Y. 1891 John Elbridge Hudson, A.B., LL.B. Boston. 1895 Charles Edwin Hurd Boston. 1895 Frank Allen Hutchinson .... Boston. 1898 William Jackson Boston. 1879 Rev. Ephraim Orcutt Jameson, A.B. Boston. 1898 Thomas Leighton Jenks, M.D. . . Boston. 1890 Charles Alfred Johnson .... Denver, Col. 1890 Edward Francis Johnson, A.B., LL.B. Woburn. 1889 Elliott Otis Johnson Lynn. 1896 Henry Elisha Johnson Melrose. 1896 John French Johnson Amesbury. 1879 Augustine Jones, A.M., LL.B. . . . Providence, R. I. 1897 Daniel Winfield Jones Roxbury. 1881 Fritz Hermann Jordan Portland, Me. 1895 Scott Jordan Chicago, 111. 1892 Rev. Matthew Cantine Julien, A.B. New Bedford. 1883 Edward Albert Kelly, A.M. . . . Boston. 1896 Wade Keyes, Ph.B Boston. 1895 Andrew Marcellus Kidder . . . Somerville. 1855 Samuel Smith Kilburn Newton. 1898 Mrs. Sarah Abigail Clark Kimball . Methuen. 1897 William Bird Kimball, A.B. . . . Boston. 1895 Sidney Arthur Kimber Dorchester. 24 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1894 JoHx Sterling Kin^gsley, A.B., Sc.D. Sonierville. 1897 George Lyman Kittredge, A.B. . . Cambridge. 1880 Jeremiah Chapman Kittredge . . Brookline. 1870 George Brown Knapp, A.M. . . . Newton, 1895 Thomas Henry Knowles, A.B. . . New Bedford. 1888 Babson Savilian Ladd, A.B. . . , Boston. 1892 Herbert Warren Ladd, A.M. . . . Providence, R. I. 1898 Charles Edgar Lamb Winthrop. 1880 Alfred Otis Larkin Portsmouth, N. H. 1898 Mi-s. Harriet Westcott Lawrie . . Boston. 1888 James Henry Lea Fairhaven. 1896 JosiAH Granville Leach, LL.B. . . Philadelphia, Pa. 1894 Francis Mason Learned Boston, 1873 Francis Henry Lee Salem. 1895 Isaac Newton Lewis, A.M., LL.B. . Walpole. 1897 Walter Updike Lewisson .... Boston, 1897 Charles Freeman Libbie .... Boston. 1891 Solomon Lincoln, A.M., LL.B. . . . Boston. 1891 Waldo Lincoln, A.B Worcester. 1897 James Andrew Litchfield .... Lunenburg. 1886 Charles Harrison Littlefield . . Lawrence. 1882 George Emery Littlefield, A.B. . Somerville. 1885 Henry Cabot Lodge, A.B., LL.B., Ph.D., LL.D Nahant. 1897 Arthur Greene Loring Woburn. 1884 Thomas Jackson Lothrop, A.B. . . Brookline. 1898 Orin Messinger Lowe Fitchburg. 1890 William Alexander Macleod, A.B,, S,B,, LL.B Dorchester. 1895 Charles Hooper Trask Mann . . Methuen. 1898 George Elwood Mann, A.B. . . . Hartford, Vt. 1874 William Rupus Mann Sharon. 1884 Jacob Warren Manning ..... Reading. 1896 Prentiss Hobbs Manning .... Newton. 1897 Gideon Marion Mansfield .... Dorchester. 1887 Lucius Bolles Marsh Boston. 1890 Charles Frank Mason, A.B. . . . Watertown. 1885 Joseph Mason, A.M Plainfield, N. J, RESIDENT MEMBERS. 26 1884 Nathan Matthews, Jr., A.B. . . . Boston. 1871 FREDEPacK Warrex Goddard May . Dorchester. 1895 Arthur Daggett McClellan, A.M., LL.B Boston. 1893 William Eshorne McKay .... Dorchester. 1890 Rev. Alexander McKenzie, A.M., D.D. Cambridge. 1895 Robert Randall McLeod, B.D. . . Brookfield, N. S. 1895 Rev. Jesse Gibson McMurphy, M.S., B.D Derry, N.^H. 1888 Arthur Frederick Means, LL.B. . Dorchester. 1895 Willis Barnabee Mendum .... Dorchester. 1895 Albert Metcalf Newton. 1895 Henry Brewer Metcalf, A.M. . . Pawtucket, R. I. 1898 Mrs. Ida Louise Farr Miller . . . Wakefield. 1898 Mrs. Charlotte Jellison Millike n . Boston. 1890 Rev. Charles Langdon Mitchell, A.M. Winchester. 1883 Rev. George Mooar, A.M., D.D. . . Oakland, Cal. 1895 Rev. Charles Lincoln Morgan, A.M., D.D Jaraalca Plain. 1895 George Washington Morse, B.S., M.S., A.M Newton. 1892 Lemuel Foster Morse Roxbnry. 1895 Francis Field Morton Brighton. 1895 Charles Bailey Moseley .... Boston. 1893 Charles William Moseley .... Newburyport. 1895 Frederick Clark Moseley .... Roxbury. 1890 John Graham Moseley Boston. 1878 William Augustus Mowry, A.M., Ph.D Hyde Park. 1891 Nathaniel Cushing Nash, A.M. . . Cambridge. 1898 Alfred Carter Needham .... Manchester. 1898 Mrs. Mary Desire Newell .... Yarmouth. 1892 William Taylor Newton .... Brookline. 1874 Sereno Dwight Nickerson, A.M., LL.B Cambridge. 1891 John. Noble, A.B., LL.B Boston. 1889 George H Norman^ Newport, R.I. Mr. Norman has no middle name, but uses H as a designation. 26 N. E. HIvSTOEIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1889 Charles Henry Norris Salem. 1894 Charles Jackson North Buffalo, N. Y. 1895 George Nowell Boston. 1891 Isaac Newton Nutter East Bridgewater. 1870 Nathaniel Paine, A.M Worcester. 1871 Rev. Edwards Amasa Park, A.B., D.D., LL.D Andover. 1896 Frederic Willard Parke .... Jamaica Plain. 1869 Augustus Parker Roxbury. 1896 Charles Henry Parker, Jr., A.B. , Milton. 1896 Charles Wentworth Parker . . . Boston. 1869 P^RANCis Jewbtt Parker .... Boston. 1897 Frederick Wesley Parker . . . Somerville. 1885 Rev. Henry AiNSwoRTH Parker, A.M. Cambridge. 1888 William Prentiss Parker .... Roxbury. 1896 Fulton Paul Hudson, N. Y. 1894 Edward Payson Patson, A.B., LL.B. Brookline, 1895 Fisher Hildreth Pearson .... Lowell. 1883 Jonathan Eastman Pecker, S.B. . . Concord, N. H. 1897 Clarence Eugene Peikce .... Pawtucket, R.I. 1.860 Ebenezer Weaver Peirce .... Freetown. 1891 Charles Sherburne Penhallow, A.B. Boston. 1878 Sidney Perley, LL.B Salem. 1892 John Andrew Peters, A.B., LL.D. . Bangor, Me. 1891 William Jerdone Pettus, M.D. . . Fort Monroe, Va. 1897 James Franklin Phelps Lynn. 1890 Elijah Brigham Phillips .... Brookline. 1885 James Fabrington Pickering . . . Charlestown. 1895 Joseph Pinkham New Market, N, H. 1892 Wilt.iam Taggard Piper, A.M., Ph.D. Cambridge. 1891 George Edward Pollard .... Charlestown. 1887 Rev. Charles Henry Pope, A.B. . . Cambridge. 1876 Alexander Sylvanus Porter . . . Beverly. 1870 Rev. Edward Griffin Porter, A.M. Doi'chester. 1887 Robert Marion Pratt Boston. 1897 Alfred Presson Gloucester. 1897 Charles Henry Preston, B.Sc, S.B. Danvers. 1887 LoRiNG William Puffer, D.D.S. . . Brockton. 1891 William Henry Pulsifer .... Newton. RESIDENT MEMBERS. 21 .1886 Raphael Pumpklly Newport, R. I. 1885 George Franklix Putnam .... Boston. 1895 George Jacob Putnam, A.B. . . . Brookline. 1892 Henry Ware Putnam, A.M. . . . Boston. 1893 Henry Cole Quinby, A.B New York, N. Y. 1897 Charles Frederic Rand New York, N. Y. 1887 Charles Everett Ranlett .... Newton. 1881 Freeborn Fairfield Raymond, 2d . Newton. 1896 Charles French Read Brookline. 1894 Melvin Eugene Rice Chelsea. 1883 Shebnah Rich Salem. 1897 Ephraim Thomas Carroll Richmond, Captain U. S. A Liberty, Md. 1S96 Joshua Bailey Richmond .... Little Compton, R. I. 1898 Mrs. Anna Margaret Riley . . . Clareraont, N. H. 1895 Charles Stedman Ripley, Lieut. U.S.N. Springfield. 1897 Forrest Clifton Rivinius .... Cambridge. 1898 Charles May Robbins Attleborough. 1894 Isaac Gilbert Robbins Melrose. 1898 Mrs. Harriet Hanson Robinson . . Maiden. 1896 Rev. Lucien Moore Robinson, A.M. . Philadelphia, Pa. 1882 William Pitt Robinson Washington, D. C 1897 Edward Little Rogers Boston. 1891 Horatio Rogers, A.B., LL.D. . . . Providence, R. I. 1882 Daniel Rollins Boston. 1884 William Henry Rollins, A.M. . . Portsmouth, N. H. 1889 Henry Augustus Root Winthrop. 1859 John Codman Ropes, A.B., LL.B., LL.D Boston. 1897 Willie Martin Russell Watertown, 1891 Edward Elbridge Salisbury, A.M., LL.D New Haven, Conn. 1898 Mrs. Evelyn MacCurdy Salisbury . New Haven, Conn. 1891 Richard Middlecott Saltonstall, A.B Newton. 1894 Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, A.B. . Concord. 1895 Victor Channing Sanborn .... La Grange, III. 28 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1896 Edward Parker Sands Boston. 1855 Aaron Sargent Somerville. 1892 Rev. George Winthrop Sargent, A.B. Boston. 1886 Charles Hicks Saunders .... Cambridge. 1896 Huntington Saville, A.B., LL.B. . Cambridge. 1891 George Augustus Sawyer, A.B. . . Cambridge. 1893 Jacob Herbert Sawyer Newton. 1898 Mary Cummings Sawyer Wellesley. 1884 Timothy Thompson Sawyer . . . Boston. 1886 James Schouler, A.B., LL.D. . . . Boston. 1893 Rev. George Robert White Scott, D.D Brookline. 1859 George Oliver Sears Cohasset. 1887 Stephen Paschall Sharples, S.B. . Cambridge. 1883 Henry Russell Shaw, A.B. . . . Boston. 1896 Henry Southworth Shaw .... Boston. 1898 George Sheldon Deerfield. 1895 William Henry Sherman .... Boston. 1878 Thomas Sherwin, A.B Jamaica Plain. 1895 Nathan Parker Shortridge . . . Wynnewood, Pa. 1864 Rev. Thomas William Silloway, A.M. Allston. 1897 Henry Alonzo Silver Roxbury. 1898 Mrs. Emeline Bridge Simonds . . Charlestown. 1876 Joseph Heber Smith,^ M.D Boston. 1881 Rev. William Spooner Smith, A.B. . Newton. 1881 Rev. Egbert Coffin Smyth, A.M., D.D. Andover. 1888 Frederick Smyth, A.M Manchester, N. H. 1879 Samuel Snow, Ph.B., LL.B Cambridge. 1870 Arthur John Clark Sowdon, A.M., LL.B Boston. 1896 William Gardner Spear .... Quincy. 1869 Richard Pratt Spencer Saybrook, Conn. 1892 Charles Byron Spofford .... Claremont, N. H. 1894 Francis William Sprague .... Roxbury. 1873 Henry Harrison SpRxVgue, A.M. . . Boston. 1885 Myles Standish, A.M., M.D. . . . Boston. 1883 Edward Stanwood, A.M., Litt.D. . . Brookline. 1885 Rev. Carlton Albert Staples . . Lexington. 1 Dr. Smith died 23 October, 1898. RESIDENT MEMBERS. 29 1887 James Henry Stark Dorchester. 1895 Edavin Augustus Start, A.M. . . . Somerville. 1897 Charles Henry Stearns .... Brookline. 1894 Ezra Scollay Stearns, A.M. . . . Rindge, N". H. 1876 Oliver Bliss Stebbins South Boston. 1889 Eliot Dawes Stetson, A.B. . . . New Bedford. 1882 Charles Woodbury Stevens . . . Dorchester. 1894 Jonathan Tyler Stevens .... Lowell. 1886 William Stanford Stevens, A.M., M.D St. Albans, Vt. 1898 George Sawin Stewart, A.B. . . . Newton. 1891 Elijah Brigham Stoddard, A.M. . . Worcester. 1895 Charles Wellington Stone, A.M. . Boston. 1898 Mrs. Harriet Hodges Stone . . . Newton. 1880 William Eben Stone, A.B Cambridge. 1892 John Humphreys Storer, A.B., LL.B. Boston. 1884 Isaac Story Somerville. 1896 Arthur Washington Stuart, A.B. . Marmont, Ind. 1889 Edward Norris Sullivan .... Boston. 1885 Richard Sullivan Boston. 1861 Hales Wallace Suter, A.M. . . . Boston. 1889 Robert Thaxter Swan Boston, 1894 Russell Smith Taft, A.M Burlington, Vt. 1882 Newton Talbot Boston. 1894 Vernon Otis Taylor, M.D Providence, R. I. 1878 Rev. Albert Kendall Teele, A.B., D.D Milton. 1875 Henry Charles Thacher .... Yarmouth. 1889 William Appleton Thomas .... Kingston. 1895 Charles Oscar Thompson, M.D. . . Boston. 1886 George Eben Thompson, S.B., M.D. . Boston. 1896 Arthur Cecil Thomson Brookline. 1865 Samuel Lothrop Thoundike, A.M., LL.B Weston. 1898 James Brown Thornton, M.D. . . Boston. 1873 Benjamin Holt Ticknor, A.M. . . Jamaica Plain. 1897 RisBROUGH Hammett Tilley . . . Newport, R. I. 1882 Caleb Benjamin Tillinghast, A.M. . Boston. 1897 Rev. Rufus Babcock Tobey, A.M. . Quincy. 30 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1898 Fredejrick William Todd .... Roxbury. 1895 George Francis Topliff Boston. 1891 Rev. JoHx Low Rogers Trask, A.M., D.D Springfield. 1883 JoHX Harvey Treat, A.M Lawrence. 1892 Charles Edwin Tucker Boston. 1887 Edward Tobey Tucker, A.B., M.D. . New Bedford. 1894 Albert Clifford Tufts Somerville. 1888 Alfred Rogers Turner Maiden. 1890 Julius Herbert Tuttle Dedliam. 1898 Mrs. Lor a Altine Woodbury Under- HiLL Brookline. 1887 William Henry Upton, A.B., LL.B., LL.M Walla Walla, Wash. 1894 Henry Hobart Vail, A.B New York, N. Y. 1893 John Marshall Varnum Boston. 1857 Peter Ebenbzer Vose Dennysville, Me. 1875 Henry Edward Waite Newton. 1892 Charles Hosmer Walcott, A.B. . . Concord. 1882 Henry Pickering Walcott, A.B., M.D Cambridge. 1896 Rev. Edwin Sawyer Walker, A.M. . Springfield, 111. 1874 Joseph Burbeen Walker, A.M. . . Concord, N. H. 1877 Cranmore Nesmith Wallace . . . Braintree. 1898 Mrs. Frances Ione Abbe Wallace . Albany, N. Y. 1897 Francis Jackson Ward Roxbury. 1864 Franklin Cooley Warren, M.D. . Boston. 1892 Henry Dexter Warren Boston. 1875 John Collins Warren, A.B., M.D., LL.D Boston. 1880 Samuel Edward Warren, C.E. . . Newton. 1898 Charles Everett Washburn, Ph.B., LL.B Wellesley. 1896 George Herbert Waterhouse . . Maiden. 1896 William Lewis Welch Salem. 1886 Edwin Perry Wells, S.B Hyde Park. 1891 Samuel Wells, A.B Boston. RESIDENT MEMBERS. 31 1896 William Hall Wextworth Cam brill oe. Dalton. Middleboroiigh. Newton. Stonington, Conn. 1882 Byron Weston,^ A.M. . . . 1898 Chester Elwood Weston . 1884 Thomas Westox, A.M. . . . 1869 Richard Axson Wheeler . 1891 Edmund March Wheelwright, A.B. Boston. 1891 Sherman Leland Whipple, A. B., LL.B Brooklino. 1898 Mrs. Emma Story White .... Boston. 1897 Francis Beach White, A.M. . . . Cambridge. 1857 Geoi:ge White, A.M., LL.B. . . . Wellesley. 1895 Albert Henry Whitin Whitinsville. 1854 William Henry Whitmore, A.M. . Boston. 1890 David Rice Whitney, A.M. . . . Boston. 1897 James Francis Whitney Somerville. 1897 William Henry' Whitney .... Cambridge. 1896 Benjamin Ballou Whittemoee . . Dorchester. 1893 Charles Whittier Roxbury. 1858 Alexander Williams Boston. 1892 George Frederick Williams, A.B. . Dedham. 1887 Henry Williams, A.B Boston. 1874 Joseph Williamson, A.M., Litt.D. . Belfast, Me. 1890 William Cross Williamson, A.M., LL.B Boston. 1898 Elizabeth Josephine Wilmarth . . Attleborough. 1883 Rev. William Copley Winslow, A.M., Ph.D., Sc.D., L.H.D., D.D., D.C.L., LL.D Boston. 1888 Winthrop Church Winslow, A.B. . Boston. 1897 LoTHROP Withington London, Eng. 1890 Roger Wolcott, A.B., LL.B., LL.D. . Boston. 1867 Charles Levi Woodbury^ .... Boston. 1893 John Page Woodbury Boston. 1895 Louis Augustus Woodbury, A.M., M.D Grovelaud. 1896 Henry Woods Boston. 1880 Henry Ernest Woods Boston. 1891 Frederick Francis Woodward . . Fitchburg. 1 Mr. Westou died 8 November, 1898. ••; Mr. Woodbury died 1 July, 1898. 32 N. E. HISTOKIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1897 LeRoy Levi Woolson Hopkinton. 1898 Roland Wokthington Boston. 1877 Carroll Davidson- Wright, A.M., LL.D Reading. 1897 John Stratton Wright Boston. 1889 William James Wright Duxbury. 1878 Isaac Chauncey Wyman, A.M., LL.B. Salem. 1891 James Holden Young, A.B., LL.B. . Boston. 1898 Mrs. Constance Whitney Zerrahn . Milton. HONORAEY MEMBEES. 1890 Charles Kendall Ad AMs/M.A.,LL.D. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1890 Sir John Campbell Allen,^ LL.D. . Fredericton, N. B. 1890 James Bryce, B.A., B.C.L., D.C.L., Litt.D., S. Polit. D., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.C, Hon. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc, For. Hon. Memb. Am. Acad., Cor. Memb. Acad. Sci. Mor. et Pol. (Institut de France) London, Eng. 1879 John George Edward Henry Doug- las Sutherland Campbell, Marquis of Lome, B.A., D.Lit., D.Sc, LL.D., K.T., G.C.M.G., F.R.S.C London, Eng. 1892 William Maxwell Evarts, A.M., LL.D., Hon. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. . New York, N. Y. 1891 Melville Weston Fuller, A.M., LL.D Washington, D. C. 1890 William Edward Hartpole Lecky, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.H.S., Hon. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc London, Eng. 1890 Sir James Macpherson LeMoine,^ F.R.S.C, Cor. Memb, Mass. Hist. Soc, Memb. Am. Philos. Soc Quebec, Can. 1890 Sir Theodore Martin," LL.D., K.C.B., K.C.V.O Bath, Somerset, Eng. 1890 David Masson,^ M.A., Litt.D., LL.D., Hon. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. . . . Edinburgh, Scotland. 1891 Andrew Dickson White, A. M., L.H.D., LL.D., Commander of the Legion of Honor (France), Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc, Memb. Am. Philos. Soc, Fellow Am. Acad. . . Ithaca, N. Y. 1 Elected Corresponding Member 1885. 2 Elected Corresponding Member 1884. 8 Elected Corresponding Member 1875. * Elected Corresponding Member 1885. 5 Elected Corresponding Member 1859. COEEESPONDING MEMBEKS. 1894 Charles Harold Athill, F.S.A. . . London, Eng. 1880 Edward Howard Baker Rockford, 111. 1847 Henry Barnard, A.M., L.H.D., LL.D. Hartford, Conn. 1864 Joseph Hartwell Barrett, A.M. . Loveland, Ohio. 1857 John Lauris Blake, A.M Orange, N. J. 1846 Lucius Manlius Boltwood, A.B. . . Grand Rapids, Mich, 1875 Robert Alonzo Brock, F.R.H.S. . . Richmond, Va. 1880 Alexander Brown, D.C.L., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc Norwood, Va. 1852 Asa Warren Brown Kensington, N. H. 1861 Edward Burgess Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1887 Henry Farnham Burke, F.S.A. . . London, Eng. 1880 Samuel Constantine Burke, F.R.G.S. Kingston, Jamaica. 1847 James Davie Butler, A.M., LL.D. . Madison, Wis. 1878 Sir Gilbert Edward Campbell, Bart. Carrick-Buoy, Done- gal, Ireland. 1878 Rev. John Roy Campbell, B.D. . . Dorchester, N. B. 1847 Amos Bugbee Carpenter .... Waterford, Vt. 1860 George Lovell Cary, A.M., L.H.D. . Meadville, Pa. 1875 L'Abbe Henri Raymond Casgrain, DXit., F.R.S.C, Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc Riviere Ouelle, Can. 1845 Mellen Chamberlain, A.B., LL.B., LL.D., Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc, Fel- low Am. Acad Chelsea. 1880 John Denison Champlin, Jr., A.M. . New York, N. Y. 1861 Richard Stephen Charnock, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Memb. Roy. Asiatic Soc, Roy. Soc. of North. Antiq., Anthropological Soc (Paris), Fellow Philological Soc London, Eng. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 35 1869 Robert Clarke Cincinnati, Ohio. 1881 Charles Henry Coote London, Eng, 1861 Gilbert Cope West Chester, Pa. 1875 John Augustus Whittemore Corliss, > Fort D. A. Russell, Captain U.S. A ^ Wyoming. 1880 Jean Baptiste de Crollalanza, Chevalier of the Orders of Saint Maurice and Saint Lazarus, of the Crown of Italy, and of Saint Marino Pisa, Italy. 1864 William Theodore Cushing . . . Irving Park, 111. 1867 Jacob M DaCosta,i A.M., M.D., LL.D., Memb. Am. Philos. Soc, Fellow Am. Acad Philadelphia, Pa. 1885 Charles William Darling .... Utica, IST. Y. 1876 William Gilbert Davies, A.M., B.S. New York, N. Y. 1888 Nicholas Darnell Davis, C. M. G., ) Georgetown, Demara- F.R.H.S j ra, British Guiana. 1847 Rev. George Edward Day, A.M., D.D. New Haven, Conn. 1846 Horace Day, A.M New Haven, Conn. 1879 William Dean London, Eng. 1872 Rev. Benjamin Franklin De Costa, D.D New York, N. Y. 1859 John Watts de Peyster, A.M., LL.D., F.R.H.S Tivoli, N. Y. 1863 Benjamin Homer Dixon, K.N.L. . . Toronto, Can. 1888 Rev. John Eaton, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D. Washington, D. C. 1884 Rev. Edward Eggleston, A.M., L.H.D., D.D Lake George, N. Y. 1881 William Henry Egle, A.M., M.D. . Harrisburg, Pa. 1887 Ellsworth Eliot, A.M., M.D. . . . New York, N. Y. 1860 Rev. Henry Martyn Field, A.M., D.D. New York, N. Y. 1868 Osgood Field, F.S.A Rome, Italy. 1864 Benjamin Fish New York, N. Y. 1863 George Purnell Fisher, A.B. . . Washington, D. C. 1860 Henry Flanders, A.M Philadelphia, Pa. 1883 Joseph Foster, M.A London, Eng. 1 Dr. DaCosta has no middle name but uses M as a designation. 36 N. E. HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1884 Asa Bird Gardiner, A.M., LL.B., ) Garden City, Long LL.D., Major U.S.A \ Island, N. Y. 1894 Nicolas Henri Jules Gourdon de Genouillac, Officer of the Order of Nichan-i-Iftikhar, Chevalier of the Military Order of Christ, and of the Order of Saint Maurice and Saint Lazarus Paris, France. 1855 Rev. Emanuel Vogel Gerhart, A.M., D.D,, LL.D Lancaster, Pa. 1858 Seth Hastings Grant, A.M. . . . Newburg, N. Y. 1888 ViNCENZo Palizzolo Gravina, Barone di Ramione, Grand Cross of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great, Chevalier of the Orders of Isabella the Catholic, and of Saint Marino Palermo, Italy. 1897 Richard Henry Greene, A.M., LL.B. New York, N. Y. 1859 Isaac John Greenwood, A.M. . . . New York, N. Y. 1866 Andrew Mack Haines^ Galena, 111. 1860 Nicholas Esterhazy Stephen Army- tage Hamilton London, Eng. 1885 William Harden Savannah, Ga. 1866 Charles Henry Hart, LL.B., Cor. Merab, Mass. Hist. Soc Philadelphia, Pa. 1858 David Harter Crawfordsville, Ind. 1879 Rev. Moses Harvey, B.A., LL.D., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.C St. John's, N. F. 1874 Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, A.M. . Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1881 Rev. Charles Wells Hayes, A.M., D.D Phelps, N. Y. 1878 Charles Riche Hildeburn, Memb. Am. Philos. Soc Philadelphia, Pa. 1846 Charles Jeremy Hoadly, A.M., LL.D., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. . . . Hartford, Conn. 1 Mr. Haines died 10 November, 1898. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 37 1879 Rev. Roswell Randall Hoes, A.M., U.S.N Kingston, N. Y. 1861 Frederic Augustus Holden . . . Hyattsville, Md. 1893 Robert Hovenden, F.S.A., F.R.H.S. . Croydon, Surrey, Eng. 1887 Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard . . Beebe, Ark. 1855 Joseph Jackson Howard, LL. B., LL.D., F.S.A., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc Blackheath, Kent, Eng. 1866 George Rogers Howell, A.M. . . Albany, N. Y. 1869 Rev. Francis Southack Hoyt, A.M., D.D Berea, Ohio. 1873 Charles Hughes Montreal, Can. 1858 William Henry Kelley St. Paul, Minn. 1886 David Sherwood Kellogg, A.M., M.D. Plattsburg, N. Y. 1882 Rev. Ralph Wood Kenyon, A.M., D.B. New York, N. Y. 1877 Joseph Wilson Lawrence .... St. John, N. B. 1863 Charles Godfrey Leland, A. M., F.R.S.L., Memb. Am. Philos. Soc. . London, Eng. 1862 Henry Maine Port Jervis, N. Y. 1877 George William Marshall, LL.B., LL.M., LL.D., F.S.A London, Eng. 1876 DiviE Bethune McCartee, A.M., M.D. Tokio, Japan. 1885 Justin McCarthy, B.A Chelsea, Eng. 1893 John Bach McMaster, A.M., Ph.D., Litt.D., Memb. Am. Philos. Soc. . . Philadelphia, Pa. 1861 John Meigs Washington, D. C. 1859 Return Jonathan Meigs .... Washinorton, D. C. 1878 George Douglas Miller, A.B. . . Albany, N. Y. 1860 Frank Moore, A.M New York, N. Y. 1858 Charles Combault Moreau . . . New York, N. Y. 1860 George Goundky Munger, A.B. . . New York, N. Y. 1883 Joseph James Muskett, Memb.R.C.S. Stoke Newington, Middlesex, Eng, 1889 Francis Smith Nash, A.B., M.D. . . Washington, D. C. 1895 William Nelson, A.M Paterson, N. J. 38 N. E. HISTORIC GENBAIiOGICAL SOCIETY. 1859 James Bertrand Payen-Patne,^ D.C.L., F.R.S.L., F.R.G.S., M.R.LA., Knight of the Order of Francis I., of the Eagle of Este, and of the Imperial Constantinian Order of Saint George, Commander of the Lion and Sun, of the Order of Nichan-i-Iftikhar, and of the Medjidie, Lieutenant-Colonel . . Bexliill, Sussex, Eng, 1858 Edward Peacock, F.S.A Kirton-in-Lindsey, Lincolnshire, Eng. 1876 Hbrvey Charles Pechell .... Maresfield Park, Sussex, Eng. 1881 Rev. Stephen Denison Peet, A.M., Ph.D Chicago, 111. 1859 Samuel Clarke Perkins, A.M., LL.B., LL.D Philadelphia, Pa. 1888 William Phillimore Watts Philli- MORE, M.A., B.C.L London, Eng. 1887 Thomas Maxwell Potts Canonsburg, Pa. 1878 George Alfred Raikes, F. S. A., F.R.H.S., F.S.S., F.R.S.L., Lieuten- ant-Colonel London, Eng. 1884 Rev. John James Raven, M.A., D.D., F.S.A Harleston, Norfolk, Eng. 1861 John Howard Redfield Philadelphia, Pa. 1877 John Paul Rylands, F.S.A. . . . Birkenhead, Chester, Eng. 1871 Alfred Sandham Torontp, Can. 1881 Mgr. Robert Seton, J.U.B., D.D., LL.D Jersey City, N. Y. 1860 Stephen Vaughn Shipman .... Chicago, 111. 1856 Richard Sims, M.A Oxford, Eng. 1857 Henry Mitchell Smith, M.D. . . . New York, N. Y. 1883 John Challenor Covington Smith . Richmond, Surrey, Eng. 1 Mr. Payen-Payne died 27 September, 1898. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 39 1863 John Austin Stevens, A. B., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc New York, N. Y. 1859 Henry Reed Stiles, A.M., M.D. . . Caldwell, N". Y. 1876 George Archie Stockwell, A.M., M.D., Ph.D., Detroit, Mich. 1881 Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, A.M., L.H.D., D.D., LL.D., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc Brooklyn, N. Y. 1880 Frederick Washington Story, A.B. Baltimore, Md. 1882 William Scudder Stryker, A.M., F.R.H.S ^ Trenton, N. J. 1847 Rev. Benjamin Lincoln Swan, A.M., Bridgeport, Conn. 1894 Reuben Gold Thwaites Madison, Wis. 1859 John Tuckett Kentish Town, Mid- dlesex, Eng. 1867 Rev. Joseph Farrand Tuttle, A.M., D.D., LL.D Crawfordsville, Ind. 1885 Lyon Gardiner Tyler, A.M., LL.D. Richmond, Va. 1878 Rev. Moses Coit Tyleii, A.M., L.H.D., LL.D., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc, Memb. Am. Philos. Soc Ithaca, N. Y. 1894 Rev. Frederic William Weaver, M.A. Milton-Clevedon, Som- erset, Eng. 1886 Rev. Charles Richmond Weld, D.B., LL.D., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. . Baltimore, Md. 1886 Rev. Charles Harold Evelyn White, F.S.A Rampton, Cambridge, Engr. Note. — Horace Denison Bradbury, Life Member (see page 6), died 28 July, 1898. Henry Lee, A.M., Life Member (see page 10), died 24 November, 1898. In these Rolls the degrees of S.T.D. and S.T.B. are indicated by the more familiar letters D.D. and D.B., but in a few instances S.T.B. is preferred by the member and therefore appears. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 995 013 6