^__v^^^H| 1*: m RUSSIA B K 'f^ 1^ JK^Jf RUMANIA '\\. SERBIA JAPAN Knit Your* Bit Swiftly, to and fro, Let your needles fly! Be not yours to know Pause, for tear or sigh. Stitch by stitch they grow, Garments soft and warm That will keep life's glow In some shivering form. Sweater, muffler, sock, For the soldiers' wear! List to pity's knock — For those "over there." Children's voices, too, In the sad refrain, Wring our hearts anew, From that world of pain. Banish for a while Tints of brighter hue, Welcome with a smile Khaki, gray and blue. Days are cold and drear, Nights are long and bleak. Thoughts from home are dear. Where the cannons shriek. Let some simple thing, That your hand employs, Cheer and comfort bring To our gallant Boys. May there be no end To what love supplies ! Thus their share we'll send To our brave Allies ! A. M. D. October, 1917. O.G ~6 191? ^ ©CU479442.-I NITTING Jot ih^. ALLIES Khaki Knitting Book Edited by / OLIVE WHITING '^(^K^^"^ ^m^^ COPYRIGHT 1917. ty ALLIES SPECIAL AID 19 East 37tk Street. New York. X. Y. ,\Nsd a. c^ FORE^VORD This book IS in no sense an instruction book, but for those who are famihar with the art of knitting the articles therein will be found practical and eas\' to make. Thanks are due to the following: American Polish Relief Committee, American Red Cross, Bear Brand Yarn Mfrs., Columbia Yarns, Comite Franco-American, Miss A. M. Drur^', S. B. & B. W. Fleisher, Incorporated, Mrs. Horace Leeds, Modern Knitting Book, Modern Priscilla, Nav}^ League Leaflet, Utopia Yarn Book and Mrs. Ma.ry Willard, for permission to use directions and illustrations without which the book could not have been compiled. The Editor The mone}' from the sale of the Khaki Knitting Book goes to the Allies and am^one lending the book to a friend who can afford to bu}' one, defrauds the Allies. The Editor KHAKI KNITTING BOOK INDEX Sweaters Ladies' Knitted Sweater 1 Sleeveless Jacket 1 Ladies' Knitted Slip-On Sweater 2 Large Sleeveless Jacket 3 Sleeveless Jersey 3 Wristlets Regulation Wristlets 3 Knitted Wristlets 3 Wristlets 4 Crocheted Wristlets with Thumbhole, or Half Glove 4 Men's Socks Socks, in Plain Knitting 5 Bed Socks 6 Regulation Socks 6 Light Hard- Wearing Socks for Men . . . 7 Man's Socks 9 Knitted Socks for Service Wear 9 Heelless Socks 11 Bed Socks 12 Men's Socks knit on 2 needles 12 Soldiers' Knitted Sleeping or Stump Socks 12 Knitted Socks for Medium-Sized Men. 13 Crocheted Hospital Stockings 14 Knitted Sleeping Socks 15 Children's Sweaters Boys' Knitted Sweater 15 Child's Closed Sweater, with V neck. . . 16 Child's Knitted Slip-Over Sweater, with Collar 17 Child's Knitted Sweater 18 Men's Scarfs and Mufflers Crocheted Scarf I 18 Crocheted Scarf 11 19 Knitted Muffler 19 Men's Mittens Knitted Thumbless Mittens 19 Crocheted Thumbless Mittens 19 Men's Knitted Mittens 20 Long Crocheted Wristlets with Thumb- holes, or Half Glove 20 Crocheted Wristlets 21 Soldiers' Knitted Fingerless Gloves, with Thumb and Index Finger . . .21 Knitted Mittens 22 Knitted Bath Mitt 23 Men's Caps, Helmets, Abdominal Bands, etc. Men's Knitted Polo Caps 23 A Man's Helmet, with Cape Pieces . . .24 Seamen's Helmet 24 Helmet without Cape Pieces 25 Sleeping Cap 25 French Soldier's Crocheted Cap 26 Knitted Cap, and Combination Scarf and Cap. for Convalescent Wear. .27 Men's Trench Caps 27 Ear Protectors with Head Band 27 Abdominal Band 28 Knitted Knee Caps 28 Knitted Eve Bandage 28 Knitted Wash Cloth 29 Knitted Hot-Water Bottle Cover 29 Knee Cap 29 Abdominal Scarf Belt 30 Comfort Bags, for Soldier or Sailor 30 Boys' Caps Boys' Knitted Polo Cap. See under Men's Polo Cap. Boys' Knitted Storm Cap 31 Infants' Bands Knitted Band . . .31 Baby's Caps and Socks Baby's Knitted Hood 32 Infant's Snowflake Hood 33 Infant's High Knitted Bootees 33 Child's Mittens Child's Knitted Mittens 33 Child's Knitted Mittens 34-35 Baby's Knitted Angora Mittens 36 Babv's Thumbless Mittens 37-38 Child's Mittens 38 KHAKI KNITTING B O O K Children's Stockings Child's Socks 39 Boys' Socks _ .40 Child's Three-qutirter Stocking, with Scotch Top 42 Crocheted and Knitted Ambulance or Hospital Blankets 43 Crocheted Blanket; Cross in Centre . . .43 Knitted Blocks for Blankets 43 Knitted Blanket with American Flag. .44 Flag 44 Abbreviations Used Ch. — Chain Stitch SI. St.— Slip a stitch Sg. C. — -Single Crochet D. C. — Double Crochet T. C. — -Treble Crochet W. — to wrap wool around needle * and t — Mean that work described is to be repeated between them. KHAKI KNITTING BOOK LADIES' KNITTED SWEATER IN KIMONO STYLE {Courtesy of Columbia Yarns) For 36 or 38 Bust 8 Hanks of Columbia Floss 2 Celluloid Needles No. 5 Cast on 75 stitches for the back and knit plain. Work 75 ribs (2 rows form a rib) then increase 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 91 stitches on the needle. Now cast on 65 stitches at each end for sleeves, work 30 ribs, slip the first 95 stitches off on an extra needle, bind off the next 31 stitches for the neck and on the remaining 95 start the front. Front: Work 6 ribs for the shoulder, now increase 3 stitches every other row towards the neck until there are 110 stitches on the needle, work 23 ribs on this length, now bind off' 65 stitches for the slee\'es. Then de- crease 1 stitch every other row towards the armhole until 37 stitches re- main; work 75 ribs this length and bind off. Work 2nd front to corre- spond. Use the yarn double for the collar and cuffs. Pick up 50 stitches at the end of the sleeves for the cuffs, and work 17 ribs, bind oft" loosely. Sew up the under-arm and sleeves. Pick up the stitches around the bot- tom of the sweater, work 14 ribs, bind off. Pick up the stitches in the right front, work 6 ribs and on the next row work buttonholes as follows. Knit 4 stitches* bind off 3 stitches, knit 15 stitches, repeat from * until you have 7 buttonholes. On the next row cast on 3 more stitches over the bound-off stitches, work 6 ribs more, bind off. Work border on left front omitting buttonholes. For the collar cast on 23 stitches, work 68 ribs, bind off, sew on to sweater leaving | the border extending beyond the collar each side. SLEEVELESS JACKET 1 Pound gray or dark blue knitting yarn 2 Celluloid Needles No. 8 For sleeveless jacket, cast on 80 stitches. I