HBA35 HB 235 .U6 P65 1922a " " ' Copy 1 Sn^^l SENATE COMMITTEE PRINT IMPORTED MERCHANDISE and RETAIL PRICES LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TRANSMITTING PURSUANT TO REQUEST OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, A REPORT BY THE TREASURY DEPART- MENT ON FOREIGN AND LANDED VALUATION OF ' IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND THE RETAIL SELLING PRICE IN THE UNITED STATES OF THE SAME COMMODITIES Printed for the use of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, July 31, 1922 INDEXED 1 7 i^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 //S ^ 3^ >^..s,^^ COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. PORTER J. McCUMBER, North Dakota, Chairman, REED SMOOT, Utah. ROBERT M. LA FOLLETTB, Wisconsin. WILLIAM r. DILLINGHAM, Vermont. GEORGE P. McLEAN, Connecticut. CHARLES CURTIS, Kansas. JAMES E. WATSON, Indiana. WILLIAM M. CALDER, New York. HOWARD SUTHERLAND, West Virginia. FURNIFOLD M. SIMMONS, North Carolina. JOHN SHARP WILLIAMS, Mississippi. ANDRIEUS A. JONES, New Mexico. PETER G. GERRY, Rhode Island. JAMES A. REED, Missouri. DAVID I. WALSH, Massachusetts. Robert W. Farrar, Clerk. LiBnARt OF CONQKIrSS KECftlVEO NOV 219M 0OCUM6NTS D.V.5! > IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. For the purpose of obtaining official information concerning foreign values of imported merchandise and the retail selling price of this merchandise to the American consumer, the Treasury Department and the Senate Finance Committee undertook a joint investigation. At the request of the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee the Secretary of the Treasury ordered the Appraiser of merchandise at the port of New York, where 75 per cent of our imports are received, to report the facts from Government records showing the country of origin, the foreign value, transportation and other charges, the duty paid, and total landed cost of a large number of articles purchased by consumers in New York by request of representatives of the Finance Committee. On June 9, 1922, the Secretary of the Treasury transmitted the appraiser's report, together with the exhibits, to the Senate Finance Committee, accompanied by the following letter: Treasury Department, Washington, June 9, 1922. Hon. P. J. McCUMBER, Chairman Committee on Finance, United States Senate. My Dear Mr. Chairman: Referring to your letter bearing date of May 6, and in harmony -with yoiu' telephonic request of some weeks ago, the following information concerning various articles of foreign origin is submitted herewith for the use of your committee: Country of origin,. foreign cost, diarges, duty (rate and amount), and total landed cost. ....... / This data was prepared in the office of the appraiser of merchandise at the port of / New York from invoices and entries on file in the customs office at that port. Each / sheet submitted bears an identification letter and number corresponding to the letter / and number appearing on theparticTlI^*^tt{cle't(/whi*ch-tlife sheet relates, the articles I representing identical items of merchandise, or duplicates thereof, covered by the 1 invoice and entry from which the data was secured. \ The exhibits in question were presented to the appraiser's office and inspected and ^identified by examiners who pass upon the particular lines of merchandise involved. Proper record has been kept by the appraiser of invoices and other sources of informa- tion, and the exhibits have been forwarded to your committee under customs super- vision. Additional information of this kind is being prepared by the appraiser and its sub- mission to the Finance Committee will be expedited. The sheets mentioned are submitted in quadruplicate. Very truly yours, A. W. Mellon, Secretary. 1 2 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. The articles which make up the tariff exhibit cover a wide range of both necessities and luxuries, from common floor cloths, soap, shoes, knives, scissors, flatirons, and curling rods to silk embroidered lingerie, fancy clocks, laces, linens, hats, chinaware, doilies, pipes, cutlery, and toys. This list could be extended indefinitely to embrace thousands of articles. These articles were manufactured in more than a score of different coimtries, including China, Japan, England, France, Italy, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Belgium, Spain, Holland, Denmark, and Switzerland, where the cost of production and of labor are far below similar costs in the United States, due to a variety of conditions, from depreciated money to lower standards of living and sanitation, longer hours of work and child labor. / On the following pages will be found photographs of foreign articles and accompanying each the sales slip showing the retail seUing price together with a brief report of the United States Government ap- praiser of the foreign value, landed costs, etc., of these commodities when they passed through the United States customhouse. The facts concerning the additional exhibits are given without photo- graphs, although the original invoices and receipts are in the pos- session of the Finance Committee. In many cases the importer was also the retailer; in other cases, the importer has made his profit between the importation and the retail sale. In any event it will be noted that the landed cost to the im- porter of any article limits the selling price which an American manufacturer could secure for a similar or comparable article. If goods from abroad can be landed at a certain cost to the importer, the American manufacturer will have to meet this cost in order to compete with these imported articles on the basis of that landed cost. In submitting tliis report on the tariff exhibit to the Senate, the Finance Committee calls attention to the following facts established by the joint investigation of the Treasury Department and the committee : 1. The low cost of foreign production. 2. The low duty collected by the Government. 3. The vast amount and percentage of spread between the foreign value and American retail selling price, and the total landed cost and price to the consumer. 4. That the duty collected and the duty proposed in the pendmg tariff bill should not increase the price of this merchandise to the consumer. 5. That the duty proposed by the pending biU wiU in no instance stop importation. 6. That the importer can easily pay the tariff duties without increasing the retail selling price. In other words, the spread be- tween the foreign purchase price and the selling price by the importer is sufficient to absorb the tariff duty many times over without any increase of the selling price of any of these imported products. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL, PRICES. S EXHIBITS ACCOMPANYING TREASURY REPORT. The following data and photographs accompany the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, dated June 9, 1922, relative to the inves- tigation of imported merchandise and the retail selling price of the same in the United States: Note. — The articles of merchandise of these exhibits are in the possession of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate. Exhibit 1. LADIES' KID GLOVES, 16 BUTTON", 24 INCHES. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per pair) 79^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 3^ cents. Duty (rate, $4.50 per dozen pair) 37 J cents. Landed cost in the United States $1. 20^ Retail price in the United States 6. 95 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 477% Article purchased from Rothchild & Co., Chicago, 111., June 12, 1922. Exhibit 2. BRIAR PIPE. Country of origin England. Value in England $4. 32 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .10 Duty (rate, 50 per cent) 2.16 Landed cost in the United States 6. 58 Retail price in the United States 25. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 280% Article purchased from Alfred Dunhill of London, 514 Fifth Avenue, New York City, May 27, 1922. 4 imported merchandise atv^d retail prices. Exhibit 3. /^PIE PLATE, METAL. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 7-^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^ cent. Duty (rate, 25 per cent) 1 ^ cents. "Handed cost in the United States 10 1^ cents. Retail price in the United States 29 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 181% ■ Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, May 'j25, 1922. Exhibit 4. TABLE KNIFE. Country of origin _ Germany. Value in Germany (each) 2% cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) T^m cent. Duty rate (30 per cent) ^^ cent. Landed cost in the United States ^t^j ceiits. Retail price in the United States 30 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 679% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 1, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHAjSTDISE A2^D RETAIL PRICES. Fig. 1. 6 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 5. GLASS LAMP DOME, GREEN CASE. Country of origin Czechoslovakia. Value in Czechoslovakia 28po cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 4^ cents. Duty (rate, 45 per cent) ^^to cents. Landed cost in the United States 45^^ cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 74 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 280% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 6. GLASS LAMP CHIMNEY (DUPLEX). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany ^-riu ceiits. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1^^ cents. Duty (rate, 45 per cent) 1 3^2 cents. Landed cost in the United States ^Tm cents. Ketail price in the United States 23 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 258% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 2, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. ■alERl-KI K^ML i'O.J^ ySlCS Fig. 2. 8 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 7. MUSTARD FRUIT (IN TIN). Country of origin Italy. Value in Italy 23 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^ cent. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) 4^^ cents. Landed cost in the United States . 28 cents. Retail price in the United States 75 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1 67% Article purchased from Joseph Personeni, 496 West Broadway, New York City, June 2, 1922. Exhibit 8. BRIAR PIPE. Country of origin England. Value in England 66 ^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) - 10 cents. Duty (rate 50 per cent) S3^ cents. Landed cost in the United States $1. 09y^o Retail price in the United States 5. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 357% Article purchased from J. Wallack Son (Inc.), 36 West Thirty- third Street, New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 3, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES, J. WALLACH S S0^ •. '"■!C YE OLDE BRIAR W'- mm 10 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 9. FLATIRON, ELECTRIC. [Note retail price in Exhibit 10.] Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 59 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 5^ cents. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) lli^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 76^^ cents. Retail price in the United States $5. 50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 617% Article purchased from Zuckerman Electric & Machine Co., 66 West Twenty-first Street, New York City, May 26, 1922. ♦* Exhibit 10. FLATIRON, ELECTRIC. [Note retail price in Exhibit 9]. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 59 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 5-^ cents. Duty (rate 20 per cent) Uttt cents. Landed cost in the United States 76^;^ cents. Retail price in the United States $6. 50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 747% Article purchased from Zuckerman Electric & Machine Co., 66 West Twenty-first Street, New York City, June 10, 1922. For photograph see Figure 4, opposite page. IMPORTED MEECHANDISE AND EETAIL PRICES. 11 Jwn.s.'sr ^ y, i^/^ ^s^ 12 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 11. lADIES' KID GLOVES, UNDER 14 INCHES. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per pair) 38^% cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2-^ cents. Duty (rate, $2 per dozen pairs) ^^to cents. Landed cost in the United States . 57^ cents. Retail price in the United States $2. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 244% Article purchased from the Reid Corset Shop, 1077 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. (1922). ♦ Exhibit 12. LADIES' LAMBSKIN GLOVES, WRIST STRAP. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per pair) 27}4 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 4 ^^^ cents. Duty (rate $2.25 per dozen pairs) 18 3^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 50 3^ cents. Retail price in the United States $2. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 298% Article purchased from National Glove & Corset Co., 2893 Third Avenue, New York City, May, 1922. For photograph see Figure 6, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 13 Fig. 5. 14 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 13. SILK NIGHTGOWN (LACE TRIMMED). Country of origin Belgium, Value in Belgium S13. 34 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .35 Duty (rate, 60 per cent) 8. 00 Landed cost in the United States 21.69 Retail price in the United States 60. GO Percentage of retail price to landed cost 176% Article purchased from A. N. Saab, 16 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York City, June 8, 1922. Exhibit 14. SIIK BLOOMER AND CHEMISE (ONE SET). Country of origin _ Belgium. Value in Belgium $17.51 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .45 Duty (rate 60 per cent) 10.60 Landed cost in the United States 28.46 Retail price in the United States 90.00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 216% Article purchased from A. N. Saab, 16 West Fifty-seventh Street, New York City, June 7, 1922. For photograph see Figure 6, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 15 Fig. 6. 1539°— 22 2 16 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 15. SALAD OR BERRY SET, CHINA. Country of origin Japan. Value in Japan 96 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 15 cents. Duty (rate, 55 per cent) 53 cents. Landed cost in the United States $1. 64 Retail price in the United States 4. 75 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 189% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York -City, May 22, 1922. Exhibit 16. MARBLE STATUE AND BRONZE CHAIR. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $6. 08 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .97 Duty (rate, 16 per cent) .91 Landed cost in the United States 7. 96 Retail price in the United States 68. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 753% Article purchased from Schwartz Bros., 1454 Broadway, New York City, June 2, 1922. For photograph see Figure 7, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 17 18 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 17. MUSICAL ALARM CLOCK. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $1. 18 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 12 Duty (rate, 30 per cent) . 35^^ Landed cost in the United States : 1, 65^ Retail price in the United States 5. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 202% Article purchased from Morris Wortis, 174 Grand Street, Brook- lyn, N. Y., June 5, 1922. Exhibit 18. CUCKOO CLOCK. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 94 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 4^ cents. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 28 cents. Landed cost in the United States • $1. 26 j^ Retail price in the United States 22. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1636% Article purchased from Peter Korn & Sons, Fifth Avenue and Four- teenth Street, New York City, June 2, 1922. For photograph see Figure 8, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 19 Fig. 8. 20 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 19. CHENILLE VEILING, SILK. Country of origin France. Value in France (per yard) lOyw cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) Iwo c^nts. Duty (rate, 60 per cent) ^t^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 1 18^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 50 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1 70% Articles purchased from John Wanamaker, New York City, June 7, 1922. Exhibit 20. LINEN TOWELS, HEMSTITCHED. Country of origin Ireland. Value in Ireland (per dozen) $14. 82 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .52 Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 5. 18-j^ Landed cost in the United States 20. 52-i^ Retail price in the United States 65. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 216% Article purchased from James McCutcheon, Fifth Avenue and Thir- ty-fourth Street, New York City, May 16, 1922. For photograph see Figure 9, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AISTD RETAIL PRICES. 21 22 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 21. TABLE LAMP, ELECTRIC. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $2. 60 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .60 Duty (rate, 20 per cent) 52 Landed cost in the United States 3. 72 Retail price in the United States 12. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 219% Article purchased from Oscar O. Friedlaender Co., 40 Murray Street, New York City, May 22, 1922. Exhibit 22. ( MARCEL IRON. Country of origin . Germany. Value in Germany ^t^o cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^^ cent. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) l^s^ cents. 'landed cost in the United States l^yVg- cents. Retail price in the United States. $1. 39 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1012% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, May 22, 1922. For photograph see Figure 10, opposite page. U9: IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 23 Fig. 10. 24 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 23. "SPEARS" WILD WEST STENCH (TOY). Country of origin : . . Germany. Value in Germany . . 3^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 9^ cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 1 cent. Landed cost in the United States 13^ cents. Retail price in the United States 50 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 260% Article purchased from Terminal Toy Shop, New York City, 1922. Exhibit 24. JOINTED DOLL. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 37 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 60 cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 13 cents. Landed cost in the United States -. $1.10 Retail price in the United States 4.60 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 309% Article purchased from F. A. 0. Schwarz, Fifth Avenue and Thirty- first Street, New York City, May 31, 1922. For photograph see Figure 11, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 25 Fig. 11. 26 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 25. VALENCIENNES LACE (COTTON). Country of origin France. Value in France (per yard) 1 ^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -jIqL cent. Duty (rate, 60 per cent and 7 cents per pound) ^^ cent. Landed cost in the United States 1 iiro cents. Retail price in the United States 5 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 153% Article purchased from Stern Bros., New York City (1922). Exhibit 26. AMBER BEADS. Country of origin Grermany . Value in Germany 62 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) l^ cents. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) 12^% cents. / Landed cost in the United States 76 cents. I Retail price in the United States $12.50 \ Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1544% \ Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, June 6, 1922. \ For photograph see Figure 12, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 27 Fig. 12. 28 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 27. PADLOCK. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 2^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -j^ cent. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) - i^ cent. Landed cost in the United States 3^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 25 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 581 % Article purchased from Louis Rice, 272 Bowery, New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 28. LUNCH KIT. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 34 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 3 cents. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) 7 cents. Landed cost in the United States . 44 cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 240% Article purchased from Nev-A-Hone Razor Strop Co., 1382 Broad- way, New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 13, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 29 30 IMPORTED MEECHAFDISE AND EETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 29. CELERY SEED (PARIS GOLDEN SELF-BLEACHING). (3^-ounce package.) Country of origin France. Value in France 15|^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ff cent. Duty (rate, free) - Landed cost in the United States 16|-| cents. Retail price in the United States 55 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 241% Article purchased from Stumpp & Walter Co., 30 Barclay Street, New York City, June, 1922. Exhibit 30. WALKING CANE. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 16yV cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2^^ cents. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 6 cents. Landed cost in the United States 24^ cents. Retail price in the United States . $1.50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 515% Article purchased from D. Reid, 1478 Broadway, New York City, June 6, 1922. For photograph see Figure 14, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 31 Fig. 14. 1539°— 22 3 32 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 31. CARROT SEED (SELECTED CHANTENAY). (1 -ounce packgige.) Country of origin Denmark. Value in Denmark 3^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) y\ cent. Duty (rate, 3 cents per pound) -^^ cent. Landed cost in the United States 3^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 20 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 452% Article purchased from Stumpp & Walter Co., 30 Barclay Street,, New York City, June, 1922. Exhibit 32. CABBAGE SEED (COPENHAGEN MARKET). (34-ounce package.) Country of origin Denmark. Value in Denmark 1^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -j-g-o cent. Duty (rate, 6 cents per pound) ywu cent. Landed cost in the United States 2^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 35 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1567% Article purchased from Stumpp & Walter Co., 30 Barclay Street, New York City, June 12, 1922. For photograph see Figure 16, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 33 Fig. 15. 34 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 33. STRAW HAT, MAN'S. Country of origin England. Value in England (each) 91^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 17-ro cents. Duty (rate, 40 per cent) 36-j^ cents. Landed cost in the United States $1. 46^ Retail price in the United States 4. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 173% Article purchased from John David, Broadway and Thirty-second Street, New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 34. STRAW HAT, MAN'S. Country of origin Italy. Value in Italy (each) 69^^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 11 cents. Duty (rate, 40 per cent) 27i% cents. Landed cost in the United States $1. 07-j%^ Retail price in the United States 4. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 270% Article purchased from Saks & Co., New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph, see Figure 16, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 35 36 imported merchattdise and retail prices. Exhibit 35. LADIES' SCHMASCHEN GLOVES. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per pair) 27^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2^^^ cents. Duty (rate, $1 per dozen pairs) 8i^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 38 -j^ cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 156% Article purchased from Stern & Greenberg, One hundred and third Street and Columbus Avenue, New York City (1922). Exhibit 36. STRAW HAT, MAN'S. Country of origin England. Value in England (each) $1. 75 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) . 13| Duty (rate, 40 per cent) .70 Landed cost in the United States 2.58^ Retail price in the United States 7.00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 170% Article purchased from John Wanamaker, New York City (1922). For photograph see Figure 17, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 37 38 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 37. CORONATION CORD, COTTON (6 YARDS). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 7^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -ro cent. Duty (rate, 25 per cent) : .. ._ l^o cents. Landed cost in the United States 9-^ cents. Retail price in the United States 30 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 220% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York Cit}^ (1922). Exhibit 38. LADIES' EMBROIDERED COTTON WAIST. Country of origin Austria. Value in Austria 20 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 7^ cents. Duty (rate, 60 per cent and 7 cents per pound) 12)^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 40 cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 35 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 237% Article purchased from Ernest Horvath, 2595 Broadway, New York City, June 7, 1922. For photograph see Figure 18, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHAXDISE AND RETAIL PRlcKS, 39 Fig. 18. 40 imported merchandise aistd retail prices. Exhibit 39. HAARLEM OIL. Country of origin ■- Holland. Value in Holland (per bottle) Vyfo cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^-^ cent. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) 1t^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 8y^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 55 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost_ .. 526% Article purchased from M. CoAvard, New York City (1922). Exhibit 40. HAIR DRYER, ELECTRIC. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $2.75 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .274^ Duty (rate, 20 per cent) .55 Landed cost in the United States Z.57^ Retail price in the United States 17.50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 389% Article purchased from Knickerbocker Electrolier Co., 807 Sixth Avenue, New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 19, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 41 Fig. 19. 42 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 41. FLASH-LIGHT BULB. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (each) 2 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^^ cent. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 1% cent. Landed cost in the United States '^^nh cents. Retail price in the United States 10 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost. 249% Article purchased from New York Central Supply Co., 64 Third Avenue, New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 42. SAUCE POT, ALUMINUM (BERLIN). Country of origin Germany, Value in Germany ^^7o cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2^ cents. Duty (rate, 25 per cent) 7-^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 40 cents. Retail price in the United States $1.24 y Percentage of retail price to landed cost 210% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, May 25, 1922. k For photograph see Figure 20, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 43 44 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 43. BURNT-OUT LACE, COTTON. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per yard) lOj^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) l-jVo cents. Duty (rate, 60 per cent and 7 cents per pound) 63^ cents. Landed cost in the United States. ^^tA cents. Retail price in the United States 70 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 270% Article purchased from Oliver A. Olsen, 79th Street and Broad- way, New York City, May 23, 1922. Exhibit 44. METAL-THREAD LACE. Country of origin France. Value in France (per yard) 57f^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 5^ cents- Duty (rate, 60 per cent) 34^^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 973^ cents. Retail price in the United States $3.60 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 259% Article purchased from Lord & Taylor, New York City (1922). For photograph see Figure 21, opposite page. IMPORTED MEPiCHAlS'DISE AXD RETAIL PRICES. 45 Fig. 21. 46 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 45. BURNT-OTJT LACE, COTTON. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per yard) 5-^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) yo cent. Duty (rate, 60 per cent and 7 cents per pound S}4 cents. Landed cost in the United States 10 iV cents. Retail price in the United States 40 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 296% Article purchased from Oliver A. Olsen, Seventy-ninth and Broad- way, New York City, May 29, 1922. Exhibit 46. BUENT-OUT LACE, COTTON. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per yard) 22 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2 cents. Duty (rate, 60 per cent and 7 cents per pound) 14 cents. Landed cost in the United States - 38 cents. Retail price in the United States $1.95 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 413% Article purchased from Lord & Taylor, New York City, May 27, 1922. For photograph see Figure 22, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 47 1539°— 22- 48 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 47. TABLE CLOCK, METAL. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 33 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) Iro cents Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 9i^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 44i% cents. Retail price in the United States S 1 . 98 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 347% Article purchased from Pennsylvania Drug Co., Thirty-second Street and Seventh Avenue, New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 48. CLOCK, 400-DAY. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $1.70 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .06 Duty (rate, 30 per cent) .51 Landed cost in the United States 2.27 Retail price in the United States . — 30.00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1221% Article purchased from Peter Korn & Sons, Fifth Avenue and Fourteenth Street, New York City, May 18, 1922. For photograph, see Figure 23, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 49 Fig. 23. 50 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 49. EGG CUTTEE, ALUMINUM. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 6^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -j^ cent. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) 1^^ cents. Landed cost in the United States ^two cents. Retail price in the United States 49 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 488% Article purchased from Metropolitan Hardware Co., Church and Vesey Streets, New York City, June 1, 1922. Exhibit 50. SHEARS. Country of origin Q-ermany . Value in Germany (each) 15i% cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1^^ cents. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 4^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 21^^ cents. Retail price in the United States $2. 65 Percentage of retail price tc landed cost 1127% Article purchased from Nev-A-Hone Razor Strop Co., 1382 Broadway, New York City, May 22, 1922. For photograph, see Figure 24, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 51 lapOBTiED - StgU'^a RAIS OF DUTY Ai:EHICAN RETAIL 2^1.33 PRICE_ NKV-A-HO.NK RAZOR STROP CO. i^ I jL 52 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 51. BAROMETER. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany S2. 82 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ._ .27 Duty (rate, 20 per cent) .57 Landed cost in the United States 3. 66 Retail price in the United States 12. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 228% Article purchased from E. B. Meyrowitz, 520 Fifth Avenue, New- York City, June 3, 1922. Exhibit 52. MICROSCOPE. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $4. GO Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1.54 Duty (rate, 25 per cent) 1. GO landed cost in the United States 6.54 Retail price in the United States 3G. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 358% Article purchased from Aitchison & Co., 483 Fifth Avenue, New York City, May 24, 1922. For photograph, see Figure 25, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 53 Fig. 25. 54 imported meechandise and retail prices. Exhibit 53. CHINA TEA SET, 17 PIECES. Country of origin Japan. Value in Japan $1. 73 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .44 Duty (rate, 55 per cent) . .95 Landed cost in the United States 3.12 Retail price in the United States 8. 95 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 187% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, May 25, 1922. Exhibit 54. r VCHINA DINNER SET, 100-PIECE. Country of origin France. Value in France $21.50 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2.00 Duty (rate, 55 per cent) 11.80 Landed cost in the United States 35.30 Retail price in the United States 134.00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 279% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, June, 1922. For photograph, see Figure 26, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 55 56 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 55. VALENCIENNES LACE (COTTON). Country of origin France. Value in France (per yard) 1 1^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^ cent. Duty (rate, 60 per cent and 7 cents per pound) 1 cent. Landed cost in the United States 2^ cents. Retail price in the United States 8 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost . -. 196% Article purchased from Stern Bros., New York City (1922). Exhibit 56. PEARL NECKLACE. Country of origin France. Value in France S12.25 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .98 Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 4.28 Landed cost in the United States ^ 18.26 Retail price in the United States 150.00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 757% Article purchased from B. Altman & Co., New York City, May 31, 1922. For photograph see Figure 27, opposite page. 1 Includes 75 cents cost for American clasp. IMPORTED MEECHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 57 58 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 57. CANDY JAR, BLUE CRYSTAL. Country of origin Czechoslovakia. Value in Czechoslovakia 49 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 11 cents. Duty (rate, 45 per cent) 22 cents. Landed cost in the United States 82 cents. Retail price in the United States $2. 50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 200% Article purchased from Stewart's Crystal Shop, 66 West Broad- way, New York City, June 1, 1922. Exhibit 58. RAZOR HONE. Country of origin Yugoslavia. Value in Yugoslavia 18ro cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2^^ cents. Duty (rate, free) Landed cost in the United States . . . . 20^^ cents. Retail price in the United States $1. GO Percentage of retail price to landed cost •_ 380% Article purchased from Sperry & Alexander Co., 79 Chambers Street, New York City, June 1, 1922. For photograph see Figure 28, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 59 60 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 59. CHINA DINNER PLATE. Country of origin . Germany. Value in Germany 1 9^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 3^ cents. Duty (rate, 55 per cent) lOJ cents. Landed cost in the United States 32^ cents. Retail price in the United States 98 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 199% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, May 25, 1922. Exhibit 60. THERMOMETER, CLINICAL. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany ^^to cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1 cent. Duty (rate, 45 per cent) 6^% cents. Landed cost in the United States ^^ru cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 575% Article purchased from J. A. Hetherington, Forty-second Street and Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City, June 3, 1922. For photograph see Figure 29, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL TRICES. 61 ?aT3 ■- ..•■■-' --■:,- ' ^-^K mr.Tf. 1^^ .I.VK. A. IlFmiKKIX<;X<» i>Ki-«:«a>«T ... ■ ilS:«l> Mtkkkt ^ Vavi>ki«i«ii.x .Vvk. ^ f 62 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 61. TOILET SOAP, UNPERFUMED. Country of origin France. Value in France (per cake) 10 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2 cents. Duty (rate, 10 per cent) 1 cent. Landed cost in the United States . 13 cents. Retail price in the United States 60 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 361% Article purchased from Fraser & Co., 5 East Forty-seventh Street, New York City (1922). Exhibit 62. DENTAL MIRROR. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany ^t^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^^ cent. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 1^2^ cents. Landed cost in the United States ^tSj cents. Retail price in the United States 35 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 442% Article purchased from S. Riegler, 210 East Twenty-third Street, New York City (1922). For photograph see Figure 30, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 63 1539°— 22- FiG. 30. 64 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 63. CHINA VASE, HAND PAINTED, GOLD MEDALLION. Country of origin China. Value in China 70 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 8 cents. Duty (rate, 55 per cent) 38^ cents. Landed cost in the United States $1. 16^ Retail price in the United States 3. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 157% Articles purchased from Soy Kee Co., 7 Mott Street, New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 64. READING GLASS. Country of origin France. Value in France 66^2 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 13^ cents. Duty (rate, 25 per cent) . 16^2 cents. Landed cost in the United States 96^ cents. Retail price in the United States $3. 50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 264% Article purchased from E. B. Meyrowitz, 520 Fifth Avenue New York City, June 3, 1922. For photograph see Figure 31, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 6S K'SSIOE WSiiaSAlE S.OEE FMCZ RATS OF DUTY HI-.«I ?3^.\lu CiES ^^St^^g^^/^trxrT;^^ 3 ' to 3 3 .SO Fig. 31. 66 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 65. RIFLE (22 CALIBER, BOLT ACTION). Country of origin Belgium. Value in Belgium $1.09 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .15 Dii ty (rate, 35 per cent) -38 Landed cost in the United States 1.62 Retail price in the United States 10. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 517% Article purchased from Davega Bros., New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 66. BIRD CAGE, WIRE. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $1. 20 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .30 Duty (rate, 20 per cent) .24 Landed cost in the United States 1. 74 Retail price in the United States 11. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 532% Article purchased from W. Stoffregn, 124 Fourth Avenue, New York City, May 24, 1922. For photograph see Figure 32, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 67 68 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 67. CARVING SET. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $2. 69 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -263% Duty (rate, 30 per cent) • 80^^ Landed cost in the United States 3. 76y^ Retail price in the United States 1 5. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 298% Article purchased from Nev-A-Hone Razor Strop Co., 1382 Broad- way, New York City, May 22, 1922. Exhibit 68. RAZOR. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany ^^to cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 23I0 cents. Duty (rate, 65 per cent) 11^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 34^ cents. Retail price in the United States $5. GO Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1345% Article purchased from Parker & Battersby, 146 West Forty-second Street, New York City, May 22, 1922. For photograph see Figure 33, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 69 70 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 69. COD LIVER OIL. Country of origin. Norway. Value in Norway (per pint) '^Tm cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2^^^ cents. Duty (rate, free) Landed cost in the United States ^t^ cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 25 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1774% Article purchased from Fraser & Co., 5 Ea^t F^orty-seventh Street, New York City (1922). Exhibit 70. HAIR CLIPPER. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 13 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -. 2 cents. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) 2^% cents. Landed cost in the United States l^xo cents. Retail price in the United States 85 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 383% Article purchased from Bloomingdale Bros., Fifty-ninth Street and Third Avenue, New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 34, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AI^D RETAIL PRICES. 71 Fig. 34. 72 imported meechandise and retail prices. Exhibit 71. GLASS ELECTRIC SHADE (FROSTILLA). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 3y^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2^^ cents. Duty (rate, 45 per cent) IM cents. Landed cost in the United States 7^ cents. Retail price in the United States 25 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 222% Article purchased from Philip Libson Co., 143 Court Street, Brook- lyn, N. Y., May 26, 1922. Exhibit 72. MAGNIFYING GLASS. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany . 76 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 26 cents. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 22 cents. Landed cost in the United States $1. 24 Retail price in the United States $12. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 869% Articles purchased from Schoenig Co., 8 East Forty-second Street, New York City, May 24, 1922. For photograph see Figure 35, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 73 )tNIG & CO.. optician' 74 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 73. VACTJTJM BOTTLE (PINT). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 10-^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1 cent. Duty (rate, 45 per cent) 4^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 16 cents, Retail price in the United States 75 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 368% Article purchased from Nev-A-Hone Razor Strop Co., 1382 Broad- way, New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 74. ALUMINUM TEASPOON. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (each) tVo cent. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^M^ cent. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) i-§"o cent. Landed cost in the United States . i^ cent. Retail price in the United States 4 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 580% Article purchased from R. H. Macy, New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 36, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 75 Fig. 36. 76 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 75. THUMB TACKS, NO. 2 (IN BOX). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per box) ItWct cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) _. I. _. tow cent. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) -^^ cent- Landed cost in the United States 1 1^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 12 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 607% Article purchased from New York Central Supply Co., 64 Third Avenue, New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 76. TOOL SET (6 TOOLS ON A CARD). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per set) • . - 4^^% cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) i% %% cent. Duty (rate, 20 per cent) 1 cent. Landed cost in the United States 6two cents. Retail price in the United States 50 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 671% Article purchased from Winchester Co., New York City, May 23, 1922. For photograph, see Figure 37, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHAISTDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 77 Fig. 37. 78 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 77. PLATED WATCH, MEN'S. Country of origin Switzerland. Value in Switzerland 60 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 18 cents. Landed cost in the United States 78 cents. Retail price in the United States $3. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 284% Article purchased from H. Wortis, 242 Grand Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., June 5, 1922, Exhibit 78. SWISS WATCH (7-JEWEI). Country of origin Switzerland. Value in S witzerland $1. 00 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -01^ Duty (rate, 30 per cent) .30 Landed cost in the United States 1. 31^ Retail price in the United States 9. 45 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 616% Article purchased from Walter & Co., 182 Broadway, New York City, May 24, 1922. For photograph see Figure 38, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 79 Fig. 38. 1539°— 22 6 80 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 79. BLANCO SHOE CLEANER. Country of origin England. Value in England 6^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^ cent. Duty (rate, 1 5 per cent) -^-^ cent. Landed cost in the United States ^two cents. Retail price in the United States 25 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 206% Article purchased from B. Cohen, 89 Christopher Street, New York City, June 3, 1922. Exhibit 80. WATCH, MEN'S NICKEL. Country of orig-in . ... Germany. Value in Germany l^yV cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 5 3% cents. Landed cost in the United States 22 t% cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 335% Article purchased from Geo. Daly & Co. (Inc.), 46 East Fourteenth Street, New York City, May 25, 1922. For photograph see Figure 39, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 81 Fig. 39. 82 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 81. POCKET KNIFE. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany . 19 j^o cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^. _ Iyo cents. Duty (rate, 55 per cent) 10t% cents. Landed cost in the United States ^^tu cents. Retail price in the United States $3. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 843% Article purchased from Nev-A-Hone Razor Strop Co., 1382 Broad^ way, New York City, May 22, 1922. Exhibit 82. POCKET KNIFE, METAL HANDLE (IN CASE). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 57 j^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^Tm cents. Duty (rate, 55 per cent) ai^ cents. Landed cost in the United States ^^two cents. Retail price in the United States $8. 40 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 783% Article purchased from Edward Week & Son, 45 Nassau Street, New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 40, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 83 84 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 83. ROUND METAL CLOCK. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 20 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^ cent. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 6 cents. Landed cost in the United States 26^ cents. Retail price in the United States 79 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 195% Article purchased from Pennsylvania Drug Co., Thirty-second Street and Seventh Avenue (in the station), New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 84. CARVED WOODEN CLOCK. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 6 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) j^ cent. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 1^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 8 ^^ cents. Retail price in the United States $2. GO Percentage of retail price to landed cost 2370% Article purchased from Peter Korn & Sons, Fifth Avenue and Fourteenth Street, New York City, June 2, 1922. For photograph see Figure 41, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 85 Sold Fig. 41. 86 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 85. DOG MUZZLE, LEATHER. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 4^ cents, Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 3 cents. Duty (rate, 30 per cent) 1 ^o cents. Landed cost in the United States 83^ cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1664% Article purchased from Long Island Bird Store, Brooklyn, N. Y., June 1, 1922. Exhibit 86. METAL POT CLOTH. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (eacli) 2 1% cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 3€ cent. Duty (rate, 40 per cent) -^ cent. Landed cost in the United States 3^^ cents. Eetail price in the United States 12 cents Percentage of retail price to landed cost 247% Article purchased from Lewis & Conger, Forty-fifth Street and Sixth Avenue, New York City (1922). For photograph see Figure 42, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 87 Fie. 42. 88 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 87. BUTTONS, VEGETABLE IVORY (12-BTJTTON CARD). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per card of 12 buttons) y*V cent. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^wo cent. Duty (rate, 45 per cent) ^ cent. Landed cost in the United States -^^ cent. Retail price in United States 25 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 2.588% Article purchased from Stern Bros., New York City, June 2, 1922. Exhibit 88. SEWING BASKET (LEATHER AND WICKER). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany $1. 26 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .38 Duty (rate, 30 per cent) . 37^^^ Landed cost in the United States 2. OlyV Retail price in the United States 7. 54 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 274% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, June 1, 1922. For photograph see Figure 43, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 89 Fig. 43. 90 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 89. BISCUITS AMARETTI (ALMOND MACAROONS). Country of origin Italy. Value in Italy (per pound) 18i% cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^ cent. Duty (rate, 25 per cent) 4^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 23^2^- cents. Retail price in the United States $1. GO Percentage of retail price to landed cost 331% Article purchased from L. Bergonzi & Co., 132 Bleecker Street, New York City, June 2, 1922. Exhibit 90. APOLLINAEIS WATER. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per bottle) 2^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1^ cents. Duty (rate 15 cents dozen bottles, 10 per cent on bottle) 1^ cents. landed cost in the United States 5^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 24 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 321% Article purchased from Park & Tilford, New York City, May 31, 1922. For photograph, see Figure 44, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 91 Fig. 44. 92 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 91. GENTLEMAN'S BELT, COWHIDE, BRASS BUCKLE. Country of origin England. Value in England 47-^0 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) S^ cents. Duty (rate, 50 per cent) — _ 14^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 65 cents. Retail price in the United States .'$2. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 208% Article purchased from Martin & Martin, 618 Fifth Avenue, New York City, June 2, 1922. Exhibit 92. MEN'S CLOCKED HOSE, COTTON. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 12t^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1^ cents. Duty (rate, 50 per cent and 7 cents per pound) 6 J cents. Landed cost in the United States 19iw cents. Eetail price in the United States 65 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost . 227% Article purchased from J. P. Carey & Co., Grand Central Terminal, New York City, May 29, 1922. For photograph see Figure 45, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICESr 93 94 impokted merchandise and retail prices, Exhibit 93. TABLE COVER, COTTON (JAPANESE). Country of origin Japan. Value in Japan 76^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) llTS^-cents. Duty (rate, 30 percent) 22^^^ cents. Landed cost in the United States "Si. 11 Retail price in the United States - - 3. .50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 215% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 94. POLISHING CLOTH, COTTON. Country of origin Grermany . Value in'Germany ^^ cients. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) | cent. Duty (rate, 26 per cent) 1t% cents. Landed cost in the United States 6f cents. Retail price in the United States 30 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 344% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, June 1, 1922. For photograph see Figure 46, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 95 ^ ■ii \ is ; i • I 3 i 1 * i ■- 3 I 1 9 93f '%iSl^j^ 1539°— 22 7 96 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 95. "KEY OF HEAVEN" (BIBLE). Country of origin Belgium, Value in Belgium 42^30 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 4^ cents. Duty (rate, 15 per cent) 6^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 53 cents. Retail price in the United States $1 .45 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 173% Article purchased from Benziger Bros., New York City (1922). Exhibit 96. SCRUB CLOTH, COTTON. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (each) 4^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) y^^ cent. Duty (rate, 25 per cent) 1 j^ cents. Landed cost in the United States . . 61^^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 26 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 290% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, June 1, 1922. For photograph see Figure 47, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 97 98 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 97. BEADED DRESS TRIMMING. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per yard) 5 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^ cent. Duty (rate, 50 per cent) 2^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 8y% cents. Retail price in the United States 25 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 204% Article purchased from A. I. Namm & Son, Brooklyn, N. Y., June 12, 1922. Exhibit 98. LINEN TOWELS, HEMSTITCHED. Country of origin Ireland. Value in Ireland (per dozen) $3. 52 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .12 Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 1. 23 Landed cost in the United States 4. 87 Retail price in the United States : - - 24. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 393% Article purchased from James McCutcheon, Fifth Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street, New York City, May 12, 1922. For photograph see Figure 48, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 99 100 imported meechandise and retail prices. Exhibit 99. RUBBER BALI (TOY). Country of origin Germany* Value in Germany 10^% cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ly^ cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 3,^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 15f cents. Retail price in the United States 65 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 312% Article purchased from F. A. O. Schwarz, Fifth Avenue and Thirty- first Street, New York City, May 31, 1922. Exhibit 100. SCHUCO MONKEY (TOY). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 19 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 5 cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) &r% cents. Landed cost in the United States 30^% cents. Retail price in the United States $2. GO Percentage of retail price to landed cost 563% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, May 31, 1922. For photograph see Figure 49, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 101 102 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL. PRICES. ExraBIT 101. SILK VEILING. Country of origin France. Value in France (per yard) 20 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1 cent. Duty (rate, 60 per cent) 12 cents. Landed cost in the United States 33 cents. Retail price in the United States 85 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 157% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, June, 1922. Exhibit 102. LINEN NAPKINS, MACHINE EMBROIDEKED. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (each) 6^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^^ cent. Duty (rate, 60 per cent) ^iW cents. Landed cost in the United States 1 lyw cents. Retail price in the United States 45^% cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 313% Article purchased from John Wanamaker, New York City, June 2, 1922. For photograph see Figure 60, opposite page. I IMPORTED MEECHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 103 Fig. 50. 104 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 103. TOY BOAT (METAL). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 16 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 19 cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 5 1% cents. Landed cost in the United States 40^ cents. Ketail price in the United States $ 1 . 50 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 270% Article purchased from R. Marcus, 532 West Two hundred and seventh Street, New York City (1922). Exhibit 104. JUMPING DOG (TOY). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 3 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 9 cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 3-j^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 21^0 cents. Retail price in the United States 85 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 303% Article purchased from Terminal Toy Shop, Pennsylvania Station, Seventh Avenue and Thirty-third Street, New York City, June 2, 1922. For photograph see Figure 51, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 105 106 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES, Exhibit 105. CORNET (BRASS). Country of origin Czechoslovakia. Value in Czechoslovakia $9. 34 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1. 40 Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 3. 27 Landed cost in the United States 14.01 Retail price in the United States 38. 25 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1 73% Article purchased . from Carl Fischer, 46 Cooper Square, New York City, June 2, 1922. Exhibit 106. BABY CARRIAGE (TOY). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 3 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.), estimated. 3 cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 1 J-^ cents. landed cost in the United States (estimated) 73^ cents. Retail price in the United States 50 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 566% Aiticle purchased from Union News Co., New York City (1922). For photograph see Figure 62, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRUNES. 107 108 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 107. VIOLIN. Country of origin , . . . Czechoslovakia. Value in Czechoslovakia . . $1. 15 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .17 Duty (rate, 35 per cent) . . .40 Landed cost in the United States 1.72 Retail price in the United States 4. 70 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 172% Article purchased from Carl Fischer, 46 Cooper Square, New York City, May 5, 1922. Exhibit 108. UNION STONE BUILDING BLOCKS, NO. 6 (TOY). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 21^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 6 j^ cents. Duty (rate, 36 per cent) 7^% cents. Landed cost in the United States 35 cents. Retail price in the United States $4.00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 1042% Article purchased from F. A. 0. Schwarz, Fifth Avenue and Thirty- first Street, New York City, June 6, 1922. For photograph see Figure 53, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 109 i i. . .33. 110 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 109. ROULETTE WHEEL. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (each) SI. 76 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 1. 49 Duty (rate, 20 per cent) .35 Landed cost in the United States 3. 60 Retail price in the United States 20. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 455% Article purchased from Fifth Avenue Gift Shop, 263 Fifth Avenue, New York City, June 2, 1922. Exhibit 110. LITTLE BASKET WORKER (TOY). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 3^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2^ cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) l^^o cents. Landed cost in the United States 7 1^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 60 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 585% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, June 6, 1922. For photograph see Figure 54, opposite page. IMPORTED MEECHANDISE AND EETAIL PRICES. Ill 1539°— 22 8 112 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 111. BRETONNE COTTON FOOTING. Country of origin England. Value in England (per yard) 1 1^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^ cent. Duty (rate, 60 per cent and 7 cents per pound) -^ cent. Landed cost in the United States 23^ cents. Retail price in the United States 6 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 160% Article purchased from R. H. Macy & Co., New York City, May 26, 1922. Exhibit 112. LEATHER SHOE LACES. Country of origin England. Value in England (per pair) 3^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) to cent. Duty (rate, free) Landed cost in the United States 3^^ cents. Retail price in the United States 26 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 590% Article purchased from Kirkpatrick, 132 Fulton Street, New York City, June 1, 1922. For photograph see Figure 55, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 113 JsxHrBr? F <^ s IJffiORtSD JSJOSSL^mm i^xs KAI3 OF DOVy -£CS±. a:iew.ak ktaii, sai^es prics . »£6 Bar pslr Fig. 55. 114 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 113. TOOTH BRUSH. Country ol origin Japan. Value in Japan (each) 1 1^2^. cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^^ cent. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 3^^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 15^^ cents. Retail price in the United States. -. 50 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 221% Article purchased from Louis K. Liggett Co., New York City, June 6, 1922. Exhibit 114. HOT-WATER BOTTLE (RUBBER). Country of origin Austria. Value in Austria 683^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 3po cents. Duty (rate, 15 per cent) 93^^ cents. Landed cost in the United States '^^to cents. Retail price in the United States $2. 75 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 260% Article purchased from Hetherington (drug store), 55 East Forty- second Street, New York City, May 26, 1922. For photograph see Figure 66, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 115 Fig. 56. 116 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 115. VIOIIN BRIDGES. Country of origin Czechoslovakia. Value in Czechoslovakia lyV cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^ cent. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 3^ cent. Landed co^ in the United States 2^ cents. Retail price in the United States 10 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 335% Article purchased from Carl Fischer, 46 Cooper Square, New York City, May 5, 1922. Exhibit 116. ACCORDEON. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 87 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 9 cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) - 31 cents. Landed cost in the United States $1.27 Retail price in the United States 5.00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 293% Article purchased from C. Meisel, Eighth Street and Third Avenue, New York City, June 3, 1922. For photograph see Figure 67, opposite page. IMPOETED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 117 — _ _i 118 IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. Exhibit 117. COTTON LACE-EDGE DOILY, 12-INCH ROUND. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (each) 263*^ cents. Ctiarges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 2}^ cents. Duty (rate, 60 per cent and 7 cents per pound) 16t^o cents. Landed cost in the United States 45-^% cents. Retail price in the United States $1. 75 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 282% Article purchased from Gimbel Bros., New York City, May 27, 1922. Exhibit 118. COTTON LACE EDGING (UPHOLSTERY). Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany (per yard) 1^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) ^ cent. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 3^2 cent. Landed cost in the United States 2^ cents. Retail price in the United States 10 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 334% Article purchased from Stern Bros., West Forty-second Street, New York City, May 29, 1922. For photograph see Figure 58, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 119 v.X, % Fig. 58. 120 imported merchandise and retail prices. Exhibit 119. VIOLIN CASE. Country of origin Czechoslovakia. Value in Czechoslovakia 86 cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 13i% cents. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 30^^ cents. Landed cost in the United States l $1. 30 Retail price in the United States 3. 60 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 177% Article purchased from Oscar Schmidt (Inc.), 87 Ferry Street, Jersey City, N. J., May 31, 1922. Exhibit 120. VIOLIN. Country of origin Czechoslovakia. Value in Czechoslovakia $1. 15 Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) .17 Duty (rate, 35 per cent) .40 Landed cost in the United States 1. 72 Retail price in the United States 6. 00 Percentage of retail price to landed cost 250% Article purchased from Oscar Schmidt (Inc.) , 87 Ferry Street, Jersey City, N. J., May 31, 1922. For photograph see Figure 59, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 121 Fig. 59. 122 imported merchaistdise and retail prices. Exhibit 121. HARMONICA. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 3}/^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) -^^ cent. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 1^2^ cents. Landed cost in the United States 5y^ cents. Retail price in the United States 50 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 886% Article purchased from Goetz & Co., 81 Court Street, Brookljn, N. Y., May 29, 1922. Exhibit 122. HARMONICA. Country of origin Germany. Value in Germany 6 ^^ cents. Charges (transportation, insurance, freight, etc.) 3% cent. Duty (rate, 35 per cent) 2^% cents. Landed cost in the United States 9-^ cents. Retail price in the United States 50 cents. Percentage of retail price to landed cost 449% Article purchased from New York Band Instrument Co., Ill East Fourteenth Street, New York City, June 2, 1922. For photograph see Figure 60, opposite page. IMPORTED MERCHANDISE AND RETAIL PRICES. 123 FiG.„60. INDEX TO TARIFF EXHIBITS. Accordion 116 Alarm clock , musical 18 Aluminum: Egg cutter 50 Sauce pot 42 Teaspoon 74 Amber beads 26 Apollinaris water 90 Baby carriage, toy 106 Ball, rubber 100 Barometer 52 Basket, sewing 88 Beaded dress trimming 98 Beads, amber and pearl 26,56 Belt, gentleman's 92 Berlin sauce pot 42 Berry set, china 16 Bible, " Key of Heaven" 96 Bird cage 66 Biscuits Amaretti 90 Blanco shoe cleaner 80 Bloomer, silk 14 Boat, metal toy 104 Book (Bible) 96 Bretonne footing 112 Briar pipe 3, 8 Building blocks, toy 108 Bulb, flash-light 42 Buttons 88 Cabbage seed 32 Candy jar 58 Cane, walking 30 Carrot seed 32 Carving set 68 Celery seed 30 Chemise, silk 14 Chenille veiling 20 Chimney, glass lamp 6 China ware : Berry or salad set 16 Dinner plate 60 Dinner set 54 Tea set 54 Vase 64 Clinical thermometer 60 Clipper, hair 70 124 Clocks: Cuckoo 18 Carved wood 84 400-day 48 Musical alarm 18 Round metal 84 Table, metal 48 Cloths : Metal-pot 86 Polishing 94 Scrub 96 Cod-liver oil 70 Cornet 106 Coronation cord 38 Cotton : Bretonne footing 112 Coronation cord 38 Doily, lace-edge 118 Hose, men's 92 Lace, burnt-out 44, 46 Lace, Valenciennes 26, 56 Lace edging 118 Polishing cloth 94 Scrub cloth 96 Table cover 94 Waist, ladies' 38 Cowhide belt 92 Cuckoo clock 18 Curling iron 22 Cutlery: Carving set 68 Pocket knife 82 Razor 68 Shears 50 Dental mirror 62 Dinner plate, china 60 Dinner set, china 54 Dog, jumping (toy) 104 Dog muzzle 86 Doily, lace-edge 118 Doll, jointed 24 Dress trimming, beaded 98 Egg cutter, aluminum 50 Electric : Flatiron 10 Hair dryer 40 INDEX. 125 Electric — Continued. Page. Shade, glass 72 Table lamp 22 Flash-light bulb 42 Flatiron, electric 10 Footing, Bretonne cotton 112 Fruit, mustard 8 Glass: Candy jar 58 Electric shade 72 Lamp chimney 6 Lamp dome 6 Magnifying 72 Reading ' 64 Gloves: Ladies' kid 3, 12 Ladies' lambskin 12 Ladies' Schamauschen 36 Haarlem oil 40 Hair clipper 70 Hair drier, electric 40 Hair iron. Marcel 22 Harmonica 122 Hat, man's straw 34, 36 Hone, razor 58 Hose, men's clocked 92 Hot-water bottle 114 Irons: Electric flat 10 Marcel 22 Japanese table cover 94 " Key of Heaven " (Bible) 96 Kit, lunch 28 Knife: Pocket 82 Table 4 Lace: Burnt-out 44, 46 Edge doily 118 Edging, cotton 118 Metal-thread '. 44 Valenciennes 26, 56 Laces, shoe 112 Ladies' bloomer and chemise, silk. 14 Ladies' gloves 3, 12, 36 Ladies' Marcel iron 22 Ladies' nightgown, silk 14 Ladies' waist, cotton 38 Lamp chimney and dome 6 Lamp shade 72 Lamp, table 22 Leather: Dog muzzle 86 Shoe laces 112 Gloves, ladies' 3. 12, 36 Page. Linen napkins 102 Linen towels , 20, 98 Little basket worker (toy) 110 Lunch kit 28 Macaroons (biscuit) 90 Magnifying glass 72 Marble statue 16 Marcel iron 22 Man's belt 92 Man's cane 30 Man's hose 92 Man's pipe 3, 8 Man's straw hat 34, 36 Man's watch 78, 80 Metal-pot cloth 86 Metal-thread lace 44 Microscope 52 Mirror, dental 62 Monkey, Schuco (toy) 100 Musical instruments: Accordeon 116 Cornet 106 Harmonica 122 Violin 108, 120 Violin bridges 116 Violin case 120 Mustard fruit 8 Napkins, linen 102 Necklace, pearl 56 Nightgown, ladies' silk 14 Oil: Cod-liver 70 Haarlem 40 Padlock 28 Pearl necklace 56 Pie plate 4 Pipe, briar 3, 8 Pocketknife 82 Polishing cloth 94 Pot cloth 86 Razor 68 Razor hone 58 Reading glass 64 Rifle 66 Roulette wheel I. 110 Sauce pot, aluminum 42 Scrub cloth 96 Seed: Cabbage and carrot 32 Celery 30 Sewing basket 88 Shade, glass electric 72 Shears 50 Shoe cleaner, bianco 80 126 INDEX. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Page. Shoe laces, leather 112 Silk bloomer and chemise 14 Silk nightgown 14 Silk veiling 20, 102 Soap, toilet 62 Spears' toy stencil '24 Statue, marble 16 Stencil, toy 24 Stone building blocks, toy 108 Straw hat, man's 34, 36 Swiss watch 78 Table clock 48 Table cover 94 Table knife 4 Table lamp 22 Tea set, china 54 Teaspoon, aluminum 74 Thermometer 60 Thermos bottle 74 Thumb tacks 76 Toolset 76 Tooth brush 114 Towels, liuei Toys: 013 724"885''''2' _ Baby carriage ,„. Ball, rubber 100 Boat, metal 104 Building blocks 108 Dog, jumping 104 Little basket worker 110 Monkey, Schuco 100 Stencil 24 Trimming, beaded dress 98 Vacuum bottle 74 Valenciennes lace 26, 56 Vase, china 64 Veiling, silk 20, 102 Violins 108, 120 Violin bridges 116 Violin case 120 Waist, ladies' cotton 38 Walking cane 30 Watches 78, 80 Wild west stencil (toy) 24 o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 724 885 2 • HoUinger Corp. pH8.5