5097 3 J6 All Orders declined unless Postag e > v OE NCE Stamps are remitted. ^ 9r 2% Cents. ACTING EDITION. JOHN D08BS. THOMAS HAILES LACY, THEATRICAL BOOKSELLER, 89 STRAND, LONDON; W. C. (Opposite Southampton Street, Covent Garden,) itchell, 33. Old Bond Street ; Roberts, 195, Shoreditch; irmingham, Guest, Bull Street ; Bristol, Bingham, Broad Street-, Dublin, "Wiseheart, Suffolk Street, >inburgh, Sutherland, Calton Street ; Glasgow, Love, Enoch? s Square j Leeds, Ramsden ; Liverpool, Meyrick, mover Street ; Manchester, Hey wood, Deansgate ; and Leggett, Medlock Street, Hulme. Newcastle on Tyne, Allan, Colli ngwood Street. Melbourne, Australia, Robertson. \ T". Spencer, 128, Washington Street, Boston, U. S. S. French, 122, Nassau Street, New York. (B¥ ORDER) OF ALL BOOKSELLERS ia ENGLAND THE COLONICS, OR AM£a ICA, rs cabinet 0F SHAKSPEARE'S PLAYS, 6d. each EDITION FOR THE GRAWIBG ROOM l the Volume for 1859, FOR THE PARLOUR BY E\8I SS KEATIRG, One Shilling each. [NG CHARADES by Miss Pickering, Is. Joe Miller's Own Jest Book. Is. Sir E. bT!EyTTcS^ Plays, ryons — Richelieu — Money — Duchess de la Yalb' Sad as we seem, — In one volume, for 6s. Pos y LIFE~OP~A SHOWMAN, Pi ' — _ — ijoooeraph [TTS ESSAYS OK THE ENGLISH ST Sfiakikg and Action, the Utefen< jorUlm teiwn Elocution, bv G. *** Smiih, 5 3S % W % a w a s>c» 5 Co CO ££§■ ?2 3 •4 CO G» > Co fr ft 3 ^ £ s 3 a a & 1 <** » ^ «>• 00,5 &3 , e > ^ 0> to Co £>* ct> y~L 1 o» • c> <3* * ft- <** • 9 ea"a> a Post Desperate Game A.S.S. Past Train Maid withMilkingPail Trying it on H,ir.dsomeHusband(A P.P. My First Fit of Gout Somebody Else— OJ.e-rerfield Thinskin Curious Caae(A) Little Toddlekins Whitebait ;;tGreenwich •tty Piece of Busi- er of Arts[ne8S T OL. *1" , SCENE. — A handsomely furnished Apartment in the House of Squire Fallowfield — Door c, looking on to a lawn — Door, l.h. — Window, r.h. — A Piano Forte, l.h., and a music stool — Table, r.h. at bach, on which are boohs, newspapers, Sfc — Sofa, 2 e.r.h., on which is worh-basket, and Berlin patterns — Chair, R.H. — Three chairs at back. Squire Fallowfield in shooting costume, belt and double- barrelled gun c.d., looking r.h. — Lucy is at the Piano — Major Frankman is at the R. of Piano, attending to Lucy — Mrs. Chesterton seated on the sofa, and Paternoster seated in a chair before Mrs. Chesterton, and holding a skein of silk, which she is winding. Squire, {whistling r.c.) Here — Ponto — Juno — come back! Zounds ! there they go, over the tulip-beds — so I think the best thing I can do is to follow them. Come, Frankmar "hat say you to a pop at the partridges, eh ? * ' Major, (l.) Why Lucy, (l.) You wouldn't be so ung TJr J» as to run away, Major ? Major. Not I, indeed. Squire, if 1 had only *his excuse for not attending you, {bowing to Lucy) which you must acknowledge a very fair one — you would, I am sure, consider it sufficient; but I have another, which must be attended to — namely my duty ; and as that duty happens to call me to head quarters at Canterbury, why to head quarters at Canterbury I must go. Squire. Then I must beat up for recruits elsewhere. Paternoster ! (Paternoster takes no notice) Paternoster ! you'll come with me ? (poking Paternoster with his gun) Pater, (r. turning round, and finding the muzzle of the gun close to his face) Don't ! I wish you wouldn't! {lifting up his hands, and entangling the silk which he is holding) Mrs. C. (r.) Dear, dear — how clumsy you are, Mr. Paternoster] — -Pater. I beg pardon Squire. Ha, ha, ha ! Pater. Yes, it's all very well for you to laugh — you've got hold of tbe right end of the gun — but I beg to observe, that when a gentle 4 JOHN DOBBS. man hears himself appealed to, and, turning his head round, finds his nose within half an inch of the muzzle of a gun — and that gun, a gun with two barrels — the effect is infinitely more startling than agree- able. Squire. Why, zounds, man, it isn't loaded ! ^ater. What of that ? Do you suppose a gun can't go off with- out being loaded ? That notion's exploded long ago ! Squire. Egad, it would rather astonish me if it did! -Pater. You? You mean it would rather astonish me! Mrs. C. {to Paternoster) A little higher, if you please ! Pater. Beg pardon, {raising his arms with evident discomfort to himself) Squire. Then you won't come? Pater. Certainly not. I'm too agreeably employed. I repeat, I'm too agreeably employed ! {looking tenderly at Mrs. C.) Mrs. C. A little higher ! --—Pater. Beg pardon, {raising his arms agamic.,) Besides, I don't pretend to call myself a sporting character. I don't like guns, and I don't like dogs — and I don't like partridges — except in their natural state, nicely browned, with plenty of bread sauce. I have been out shooting several times in my life, but I gave it up, because there was no variety in it. Squire. No variety? Come, come Pater. Not a bit ! I found it consisted of the same thing over and over again — namely, firing my gun Rt something or other, and miss- ing the something or other that I fired my gun at ! Squire. Why, zounds, man, it was only the other day that you told me you thought nothing of bringing down a brace of pheasants at a time ! Pater. No more I did! I used to bring them down from Leadenhall Market ! Mrs. C. {to Pater) A leetle higher ! Pater. Beg pardon. 0<*mng his hands, $•«HCe eacll— l*esl-free, and of all Bookseller*. r OLUME 16. ?isu out ox Water Moving Tale j.-n Bolt ielyMitaof3cean .Ise and Constant 'Friend the Major x Boy hted Being ng too Fast lia's Supper d of 4i) Foot- lanche [steps »et of Interest ,aa Fide Travel- neymoou [lers LUME 17. jc3 of Comfort of Oheron \. Blue Beard of France Dwarf - (The> ay Belle Hassan ivating Sam ugh Diamond -od for Nothing t for Tat od Little Wife posite Neighbours aree Musketeers OLUME 18. Wonderful Woman ly Wife's Diary v Neighbour'sWife ecret Ajjent ame of Romp3 ke that Girl Away HI "11 * (Opera Is i*( Drama) of Toledo rid Juliet' ker's Hat Shorediteh Ground nneri n he Watch [E 19. 3 ranch and Beast ard (Locks iwithGolden and Iqhi- io (geuia >le Prince > of Jewels harming f Peacock lappyLand & Ariadne g Beauty ifthe Frogs >range Tree vlE 20. 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