LIBRARY OF iM CONGRESS I 003 993 106 p6Rmalip6« E 472 .18 .B82 Copy 1 at tki Sixst battle of THianassas Company J, 4th South Carolina Infantry Go. J, 4th South Carohna Infantry ^^^=— -- AT THE -===== Fir^ Battle of Manassas •v^ -^ •ij;* -^ *:;5* 'v* '^ "^ 'v* "^ BY B. B. BREAZEALE MANASSAS JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY MANASSAS, VIRGINIA 1912 B. B. BREAZEALE 4th Sergeant Co. J, 4th S. C. Infantry r^#^»/X yu* Co. J, 4th South Carohna Infantry at the Fir^ Battle of Manassas A Letter Written by B. B. Breazeale to His Son at Manassas Belton, S. C, June 1, 1912. My Dear Son : I am afraid that I shall not be able to come to Manassas this summer. I would like to go over the old battle ground again, but fifty-one years is a long time, and I am not quite as active as I was in 1861. We were all boys then— I was only 24. My regiment was one of the first Southern regiments to reach Northern Virginia. I was, as you know, 4th sergeant of Company J, Capt. William Anderson, of the 4th South Carolina Infantry, Col. J. B. E. Sloan. We left Columbia, South Carolina, June 15, 1861, and when we reached Vir- ginia it was our good fortune to go into camp at the "fair and beauteous Leesburg. " Company J was detailed to guard Edward's Ferry on the Potomac, some three miles east of Leesburg. We remained there, living on the fat of the land and basking in the smiles of the good women, until early in July. All kinds of rumors had been rife in camp. Patterson had come down into the Shenandoah Valley with 15,000 Union troops. Jackson, who was only a Brigadier at the time, to- gether with Bee, Bartow and Elzey, had been sent to Win- chester to keep watch on his movements. McDowell had left Washington, had taken up position around Alexandria and was preparing to move upon Richmond by way of Fair- fax Courthouse. We knew of these movements and all of us were anxious to meet them. How little did we know of war! We broke camp about July 7th and moved down the turnpike in the direction of Centreville. As McDowell did not seem to be very act- ive, we took our time, often going into camp and resting two or three days. We were joined at Frying Pan by Major Wheat with his battalion of Louisiana Tigers. Wheat's bat- talion and the 4th South Carolina, less than 1500 men alto:i:ether, were formed as a brigade and Gen. N. G. Evans took command. We arrived at the Stone Bridge on Wednesday evening, July 17th, and went into camp in a little grove on the left hand side of the War- renton turnpike, just across Bull Run from Cen- treville. My company was on the extreme left, and so when the Tigers were brought up and attached to our regiment it threw us next to them. I got enough of them in short order. They were not afraid of God or man, and no one but Robert Wheat could manage them. I have often seen him tie them hand and foot, gag them and pour water down their throats to make them stop fighting among themselves. This was possibly the original water cure, but even this did not always work. A day or two after we got into camp two of his captains, both named STONEWALL" JACKSON White, fought a duel with their rifles, but neither was killed. In the maantime McDowell had brought his army down in the neighborhood of Cen- tre ville, and Beai^'egard had massed his troops at Mitchell's and Black- burn's fords and at Union Mills, further down Bull Run in the direction of Manassas. We after- wards learned that Beau- regard had planned to cross Bull Run at one of these fords below us and strike McDowell's left at Centre ville, whileMcDow- ell had planned to cross Bull Run atSudley's ford, three miles above the Stone Bridge, and strike Beauregard's left. Of course we did not know of McDowell's plans, and as Gen. Evans had orders to "hold the Stone Bridge at all hazards," we set to work early in the morning of the 18th to make our position secure. We cut every tree that was near enough to the road to fall across it, from the Stone Bridge to the hill near the Van Pelt house. You spoke of some large trees standing near the road about half way from the Stone Bridge to the Van Pelt hill. These must have been only little saplings fifty-one years ago, and too small to be of any consequence in stopping up the road. We cut off and sharpened the limbs of these felled trees and made it practically impossible for anything but infantry to get through. In the afternoon we went back to camp, and while I was lying down upon the leaves I heard the boom of a can- non in the direction of Mitchell's ford. McDowell was GEN. IRWIN Mcdowell making a feint upon our right in order to conceal his move- ments around our left flank, Bonham and Longstreet were at Blackburn's ford, and Early, Ewell and Jones were further down the run. Cocke's brigade was stationed at Lewis ford, about a mile below us, Jackson, Bee, Bartow and El- zey had been ordered from the valley, but as yet had not arrived. I began counting the cannon shots, "Boom, boom, boom, boom;" thev came slowly at first, and I had no diffi- culty in counting them. The shots came faster and faster, and when they reached a hundred I lost count. I afterwards learned that this was Tyler's division trying to drive Long- street from Mitchell's ford. We were, as you see, the first troops upon the battle field of Manassas. On the 19th Jackson, Bee and Bartow arrived from the Val- ley and took up their position at Blackburn's ford with Bonham and Longstreet. I well re- member that Friday night. Lieut. Brown and I went up to the Robinson house and spent the night there. This was one of the two nights that I spent in a dwelling house during the four years of service. We had some mutton for break- fast, and it was about half spoiled. It would kill me now, but a sol- GEN. G. T. BEAUREGARD ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ anything. On Saturday morn- ing Beauregard came to the conclusion that McDowell was massing his troops down at Blackburn's ford, and confidently expected an attack from that quarter. Our brigade fell in, leaving the Stone Bridge unprotected, and marched toward MAP ofth/ rounlri^ oc^upud rtDlRAL AND CONFIDERATE ARMIES on lhel8*»2^'July^86l I WA/iD£fl iCATieTT. SiiniyorsiPuilishe/:t Manassas. We took up a position on the hill back of Mitch- ell's Ford, I suppose as a reserve to Longstreet. Nothing 8 came of this, so in the afternoon we marched back to the Stone Bridge and went into camp. We all slept well that night, as none of us expected an attack. About four o'clock Sunday morn- ing, I was awakened by the rumbling of can- non wheels on the turn- pike in the direction of Centreville. It was McDowell's army in motion. In a few min- utes our camp was up and in arms. We fell in and Captain Ander- son divided Co. J into squads. He ordered me, with Silas Eree- zeale. Press Cowan, E. M. Griffin and Pink Haynie to guard a lit- tle ford about 200 yards below the Stone Bridge. He himself carried the rest of the company up to the bridge, but they did not cross the run. I, with my squad. GENERAL BEE crossed the run on a foot log and took a position on the Centreville side. This was before day. Just about daylight I nociced two of the enemy's vedettes coming over the hill through the broomsedge. They were carrying their guns at trail arms, and, although coning in our direction, they did not see us, for they had their atten- tion on the men at the Stone Bridge. Press Cowan and I left the other three men by the foot log and walked up to the fence by the edge of the field, about 40 feet from the bank of Bull Run. The vedettes came on until they were within a hundred yards of us. I laid my gun down across the top rail and ran my eye down the barrel. At that in- stant Press Cowan, who was standing a step behind me, fired. This was the first musket fired at the Battle of Ma- nassas. It was fired by Press Cowan, a private of Co. J, of the 4th South Carolina Infantry. It was about £00 yards below the Stone Bridge and about 40 feet from the bank of Bull Run, on the Centreville side, about 6 o'clock in the morning. I did not fire, but set my gun down and jumped upon the fence to see what had happened to the two vedettes. At the crack of the gun both went down in the broomsedge. I had no more than reached the top of the fence when "zip" a bullet went by my head. This was the first intimation I had that a Yankee would shoot you if he had a chance, and I lost no time in getting down from the fence and getting under cover. I do not know whether Press hit his man or not. Only one shot was fired at me, and we never saw anything more of the two vedettes. McDowell had crossed Cub Run and was movingnorth ward in the direction of Sudley 's ford, but Beauregard still expected an attack at Blackburn's ford. About 8 o'clock, Major Alexander, chief of the Confederate signal service, who was stationed on a high hill two miles east of Manassas, seven miles from the Stone Bridge, saw clouds of dust in COLONEL BARTOW 10 the direction of Centreville, and caught the glimmer of the morning sun on McDowell's caissons. He made out through his field glasses that the enemy was in motion, and sent this message by signal flags to General Evans, who was at the Van Pelt house. "Lookout for your left. You are being turned. ' ' This was the first message ever sent by signal flags in actual warfare. About this time the enemy brought up four pieces of artillery on the hill I etween Bull Run and Cub Run aid commenced to shell our position. Company B was stationed on the hill between Bull Run and Young's branch. The first shell struck among them and killed Wilton Earle. Later in the day, this same battery opened fire upon our hospital flag, which floated over the Henry House. I do not think they intended firing upon our wounded, but they were possibly raw troops like ourselves, and did not know a hospital fljig when t hey saw one. Beauregard had now awakened to the fact that McDowell was swinging around h i s left flank, so he began moving his troops in our direction. The Loudoun battery, Cap- tain Rodgers, took up position on the Van Pelt hill and began to re- turn the fire of the enemy's battery on the other side of the run. We were between the fires, but ex- cept tearing off the tree tops over our heads no damage was done. GEN. JAMES B. RICKETTS 11 About 11 o'clock Burnside, with two Rhode Island regi- ments, crossed Sudley's ford and appeared upon the top of Mathew's hill. Gen. Evans took the Louisi- ana Tigers and six companies of the 4th regiment and moved at a double quick across the ravine and up the hill to meet them. Ev- ans had less than a thousand men with him at this time. My com- pany still held its posi- tion on the run, while three other companies were left on the pike and below the Van Pelt house and Robin- son hill. The Tigers outran the South Carolina boys and reached the top of the hill first. We could hear the musketry rattling and the men cheering when they got to the top of the hill. Evans, single-handed, was hold- ing in check the Federal advance. We did not know what was happening over there beyond our sight. The musketry got louder and the artillery began taking a hand. Presently cannon began firing from the Henry House hill. This was Imboden, with his Staunton battery, w^ho was attached to Bee's Brigade. We stuck to our post until about 1 o'clock. A Federal brigade of three regiments (Schenck's) came up the turn- pike from the direction of Centreville. We could hear their bands playing "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Yankee Doodle," and we began to get a little uneasy. Another bri- GEN. CHAS. GRIFFIN 12 gade (Sherman's) had already crossed the run a little way above us and was coming- into action from the direction of the Pittsylvania house. We were rav^ troops, and dreaded being captured u'orse than anything else. The br'gade in front halted in the woods about 400 yards above the bridge, and took off their knapsacks and prepared for action. We knew that we could not hold the bridge against them, and as they approached us Captain Anderson withdrew his men from the bridge and brought them down the run toward where my squad was stationed. He called to us that we were being cut off; so we ran across the run and joined them, and together we ran up the hill into the woods toward the Lewis house. We were completely cut off from our regiment and knew not which way to turn. The firing had now shifted to the Henry Hill, so Cap- tain Anderson headed us in that direction. We came out of the woods just above the Lewis house and ran into hundreds of stragglers, wounded men and soldiers that had been beaten back in the fight on Math- ews' hill. Bee and Bartow had now come up and were fighting furiously below the Henry house. Jackson had gotten there also, but had not yet gone into the fight. We had no more than gotten out of the woods when a young officer rode up shout- ing: "Rally, men, rally. Fall in and stand by your colors." We marched out in the open and joined an Alabama and a GEN. JOS. E. JOHNSTON 13 Mississippi company. A little Irishman took command of these three companies and marched us up and formed us in line of battle and stationed us on the extreme left of our ■■ .il^^^H 1 ^Hw ^ H ^^^% ^ 1 ^V^ L v>^.^ JEFFERSON DAVIS line that was already there supporting our artillery, our artillery being- on the extreme right of this line. A portion of our company was in the head of a gulley just over the ridge on the Henry hill, directly between the Henry house and Manassas. All this time the minnies were singing above our heads and shells were exploding above us. Rodger's battery had 14 bean broug:ht up from the Van Pelt house, one gun break- ing down on the way. These, with Imboden's battery (the Staunton Artillery), the Rockbiidge Artillery, the Alexan- dria Artillery and two smooth-bore New Orleans guns, making 17 cannon in all, were stationed in the edge of the woods, near the road leading from the Lewis house to the Warrenton turnpike, almost on a line with the crest of the Henry house hill. We had been in line of battle only a few minutes when General Beauregard rode along our front in the direction of the Lewis house. This was the first time that I had ever seen him. A staff officer with him shouted: "Men, this is General Beauregard." "Yes," said he, taking off his hat, "and fight for General Beauregard. When they put their heads over that hill they are ours." He rode on out of sight down the line. We could hear the men cheering him as he went. Rickett's battery of six pieces had been moved by Mc- Dowell from the Mathews hill and had taken a position in our front, about fifty yards from the Henry House. Some of our sharpshooters were in the house at this time and they opened fire upon him and killed several of his horses. He turned his guns upon the house and riddled it with shells. This was the volley that killed the Widow Henry. She was 85 years old at the time and was confined to her bed. After Ricketts had dislodged the sharpshooters he turned his at- tention to our batteries stationed in the edge of the woods, not over three hundred yards away, on our extreme right. About this time another Federal battery of five pieces under Captain Griffin came up the hill and unlimbered be- tween Ricketts and the Henry House. Griffin's position was now on the left of Ricketts. Both these batteries were shelling our artillery while we were taking our position, over the crest of the Henry hill. All this was almost within a hundred yards of us, but over the hill and out of our sight. After they had been firing for about half an hour. Cap- Q > r Cd o 12; O K ?d O Ki Q ^ ffi O o 15 tain Griffin decided to move two of his pieces to the eleva- tion on the right of Ricketts, in order to give himself more CONFEDERATE MONUMENT AT MANASSAS room. They limbered up and came charging up the hill directly in our front. They did not see us, for their atten- 16 tion was directed toward the artillery on our right. When they got within 22 steps of our line and brought their horses half way around preparing to unlimber, Captain Anderson shouted ' 'Fire ! ' ' We rose up from the gulley and gave them a volley. Sam Emerson and I ran through the smoke to within 16 steps of them to see what had happened. Every horse had been killed and only one man was in sight. He was crouching behind a wheel of one of the caissons. I fired at him, but in the excitement of the battle I do not know whether I hit him or not. This was the first repulse the enemy had met with that day. Captain Griffin afterwards testified before a committee investigating the conduct of the war, that he had moved these two pieces up there and that they had been in position about five minutes and had been firing when they were shot down. In this he was mistaken. They did not even get unlimbered. Captain Griffin remained down the hill with the rest of his battery, and no mounted officer accompanied the two guns to the top of the hill. One of the caissons ex- ploded a few minutes afterwards and shell flew through the air in every direction. The wheel horses were partly burned. We got down into the gulley again and waited for the Federal advance. None of us knew where our regitXient was nor who our present commander was. We only knew that the enemy was in front and that a terrible conflict was taking place in the ravine below us. About this time Company B of the 4th South Carolina— the Palmetto Riflemen— came marching along the top of the hill, between us and the Henry House. The color-bearer stopped a moment and planted our flag upon the two pieces of artillery that we had just disabled. Then they marched on in the direction of the Lewis house. They were also cut off, and were looking for their command. Amid the smoke and confusion no one recognized them until they had passed. By this time Hampton had gotten into action. He had unloaded his Legion— 600 strong— at Manassas that morning 17 and had come to Evans' support. He took up a position near the Robinson house, with, his right over near the Warrenton turnpike. THE JIM ROBINSON HOUSE The brigades of Bartow, Bee and Evans had been pretty well cut to pieces in the ravine below the Henry House and were now coming up the Henry Hill in a disorganized mass. At this time we were badly whipped, but Jackson, who had been stationed in the woods behind the artillery, had come into action. He had formed a line of battle along the crest of the Henry Hill in the face of the enemy's artillery fire. The South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisana troops were in a panic. It was then that General Bee rode in front of th m and shouted: "Look, there stands Jackson like a stone wall. Rally behind the Virginians." He presented a magnificent spectacle, with his long hair and brilliant sash, on his magnificent roan. He was shot immedi- ately afterwards and fell from his horse. Four of his men 18 picked him up and brought him out toward the Lewis House. As they psssed me I fired cfT my gun which I remember was loaded with 12 buckshot and a ball, and put it under him as a support. The four other men and I then carried him back toward the Lewis House. Some others joined us on the way. He was suffering terribly from a wound in his groin. We laid him down and I took off his boots. We then turned him over to the surgeons. He died that night. I then went back to my company. The battle now seemed to center on the Confederate left, a few hundred yards from where my company was stationed. The batteries of Ricketts and Griffin, stationed in front of the Henry House, had confined their attention to our artil- lery, but, as I remember it, with very little effect as they had fired too high and had cut their fuses too long. About two o'clock, after the brigades of Bee, Bartow and Evans had rallied on the Henry Hill, General Beauregard ordered a charge against the batteries of Ricketts and Griffin and their supporting columns. Sherman's brigade had come up Young's Branch to where the Sudley road crosses the War- renton turnpike and had followed the Sudley road up oppo- site to and within 150 yards of the Henry House. The road along here was worn deep enough to furnish shelter to his troops from our fire. He had now left this shelter and his troops were swarming over the plateau in front of the Henry House, when Beauregard ordered the charge. When our man swept down upon them the enemy broke and fled, but three times they formed and came back. The enemy's bat- teries seemed to be the object of the charges. I believe that Ricketts' battery was taken and retaken three times but they were badly disabled and neither side had ammunition to work them. It was in front of these batteries that General Bartow was killed while leading the 7th Georgia. Some Mississippians also fell here. I saw 17 of them lying side by side in front of the Henry House after the battle. They were tall, handsome fellows with high boots on. They were the first dead men I saw during the war. 19 This movement of the enemy against our extreme left and the destruction of their artillery left our batteries free to increase their fire on the enemy's left and rear. They must have done good shooting from the number of dead men, horses, ambulances and muskets left on the field below the Henry House. McDowell now brought in Heintzelman's division and began executing his final flank movement against Jackson's left. Jackson was hard pressed and for a long time held THE FAMOUS STONE BRIDGE WHERE THE FIRST GUN WAS FIRED JULY 21, 1861 back the enemy's advances. They then began moving towards the woods on his extreme left southwest of the Henry House, on the edge of the Sudley road. Jackson was changing his front to meet this movement when Kirby Smith arrived from the Valley with Elzey's brigade. He had unloaded his troops on the Manassas Gap Railroad about four miles from Manassas, and had come across the country at a double quick, guided by the sound of the cannon. He was < Q i O H < W Oh < < < < O Q 3 O c ■►^ ^ a/ 01 c n. ii 1^ ^^§ ^ C § "^ ■ ^ O cS Ji 2^ O 3 g a; 21 not a minute too soon. He struck the advancing columns of Heintzelman in the edge of the woods and they brol^e and fled. General Smith was wounded here and also Colonel Wilcox, one of McDDwell's brigade commanders. This was the beginning of the route. I went upon the crest of the hill where I could see the retreating enemy. Elzey followed up his attack with a charge, and the enemy fled down the ravine west of the Henry House, across the Warrenton turnpike and went over the hill in the direction from which they had come, toward Sudley Ford. Our infantry made little effort to pursue them. The brigade (Schenck's) that had driven us away from the Stone Bridge had not gotten into battle. They had crossed the bridge without opposition, worked their way through our obstructions, come up the Warrenton turnpike and had begun to deploy below the Robinson Hill when the retreat began. They also broke and fled. A few of our artillerymen wheeled one of our cannon around and fired two solid shots at this retreating brigade. The shots struck the ground over by the Van Pell House and did no damage. I wa-; standing a few yards from our guns and to my knowl- edge these were the only shots fired at the retreating enemy who were in plain view for a good many minutes. This brigade (Schenck's) was the only one to retreat by way of the Stone Bridge. They did not stop for their knapsacks which they had left on the other side of the run. The 4th South Carolina picked them up a few hours later and inci- dentally in them we made acquaintance with friends that stuck by us through the balance of the war— greybacks. After the retreating enemy had pretty well gotten out of sight, my company marched back down to the Lewis House. We reached there just in time to meet President Davis. He had come up from Richmond to Manassas and with his staff, had ridden across to the battle field in time to see the victory. He rode up to the house, spoke to General Johnston, took off his hat and cheered for the Confederacy. Colonel Radford, who had been stationed in the woods below '-^ o X >^ z, m w CQ CD O w X H 23 the Lewis House, now brought up his six companies of cavalry and these passed in review before President Davis. The cavalrymen, in great spirits, rode around the President, wrapped their flags about him and almost pulled him off his horse in their enthusiasm. The President all the while mak- ing a mock effort to protect himself. We were all shouting and cheering, and full of enthusiasm. I do not believe, dis- organized though we were, that twice our number could have driven us from the field then. THE STONE HOUSE USED AS A HOSPITAL BY BOTH ARMIES DURING BOTH BATTLES General Johnston now ordered the cavalry to cross Bull Run below the Stone Bridge, at Lewis' Ford, and to attack the enemy between Cub Run and Bull Run. They galloped off out of sight. We learned that night that they had charged a battery with great galantry and had taken Colonel Corcoran prisoner. The Confederate forces were now completely disorgan- ized and no attempt was made to keep the commands intact. 24 I left my company and went back up to the Henry House and went in. Some surgeons were there dressing Mrs. Henry's wounds. Two other ladies were in the room. One, her daughter, had remained with her mother throughout the terrible ordeal. During the bombardment of the house she had crept into the fireplace and put her head up the chim- ney. This saved her life but the concussion from the burst- ing shells made her deaf for the balance of her life. Late in the evening, about sundown, Kershaw's regi- ment, the 2nd South Carolina, was thrown across Bull Run after the retreating enemy. They went over as far as Cub Run, but came back and went into camp on the hill between Bull Run and Cub Run. This was the only effort made, to my knowledge, to follow up the victory with infantry. After sundown our commissary wagons brought from Manassas boxes of ham and shoulders which had been cooked there that morning, together with plenty of hard tack. We had been fighting all day and had not had a bite to eat since the evening before. Oh, how good that ham was! I can taste it yet. We then got together what was left of our regiment and went back to camp. Some of our men, in coming down Young's Branch, came upon a spring just below the Robin- son House. Here they found our adjutant, Sam Wilkes, with his horse and his little pet dog, Jeff, all lying dead. He had evidently ridden down there during the battle to get a drink of water and had been shot. His little dog had fol- lowed him throughout the eventful day and was faithful unto death. Early in the morning, Lieutenant Brown and I went over to Cub Run. Here was the most remarkable sight that I saw during the war. The road was blocked for over half a mile. Artillery, ambulances, forge wagons, caissons were jammed together in hopeless confusion. Muskets, swords, flags, canteens, knapsacks and hospital stores were scattered everywhere. I saw a lady's hoopskirt hanging on Long Tom, the old cannon that was used by the Confederates dur- 25 ing the balance of the war. I went on up across Cub Run to see what had caused the jam. It was a four-horse wagon filled with barrels which evidently had contained salt pork. The singletrees, etc., were still there and I could readily see what had happened. The horses had become unmanageable for some reason and had turned to the right and run back- wards. This cut the wagon squarely across the road with its front end up Cub Run. This was on the little hill about 30 yards across Cub Run toward Centreville. About the time this jam took place, it seems that a rumor was started among the retreating enemy that Johnston had arrived with 30,000 fresh troops. They had been fighting Johnston all day but did not know it. Fear now took pos- session of them. They threw away their muskets, dropped their colors, cut their horses loose and fled. The grass on either side of the road was trampled down and the fences were toppled over. It must have been an awful panic from appearances the next morning. Some of them did not stop running until they had crossed the Potomac. Your uncle, Jim McFall was captured and taken into Washington with this rout. He wa" only 17 years old at the time. We stayed in camp on Bull Run for about three days until tho stench from the battle field got so bad that we could not stand it. We then moved over to Centreville where we stayed until the spring of 1862. This is my experience in the first battle of Manassas, and I saw it only as an observing man would see it. One man can see very little of a battle, so I may be mistaken in some of the details. I hope that none of us will ever see another. B. B. BREAZEALE. ARMY ORGANIZATION AS COMPILED BY PROF. H. F. HENRY AND USED BY HIS PERMISSION. ORGANIZATION OF THAT PART OF GEN. MCDOWELL'S ARMY WHICH TOOK PART IN THE FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN. First Division— Gen. Dan'l Tyler— 1st Brigade, Col. E. D. Keyes: 1st Conn. Rgt., Lt. Col. Speidal. 2nd Conn. Rgt., Col. Terry. 3rd Conn. Rgt., Col. Chatfield. 2nd Maine Rgt., Col. Jameson. 2nd Brigade, Gen. Robt. Schenck: 1st Ohio Rgt, Col. McCook. 2nd Ohio Rgt., Lt. Col. Mason. 2nd N. Y. Rgt., Col. Tompkins. Car- lisle's Battery, six brass guns; 1 30-pounder, Lt. Haines. 3rd Brigade, Col. W. T. Sherman: 13th N. Y. Rgt., Col. Quimby. 69th N. Y. Rgt., Col. Corcoran. 79th N. Y. Rgt., Col. Cameron. 2nd Wis. Rgt., Lt. Col. Peck. Ayres' Battery, six guns. 4th Brigade, Col. Richardson: Before Blackburn's Ford. Second Division— Col. D. Hunter— 1st Brigade, Col. Andrew Porter: 27th N. Y. Rgt., Col. Slocum. 14th N. Y. Rgt, Col. Wood. 8th N. Y. Rgt., Col. Lyons. Battalion of Regulars, Maj. Sykes. Battalion of Marines, Maj. Reynolds. Griffin's Battery, six guns. 2nd Brigade, Col. A. E. Burnside: 1st R. I. Rgt., Maj. Balch. 2nd R. I. Rgt, Col. Slocum. 71st N. Y. Rgt, Col. Martin, 2nd N. H. Rgt., Col. Marston. 2nd R. I. Battery, six guns. 2 boat howitzers with 71st N. Y, Rgt Third Division— Col, S, P, Heintzelman— 1st Brigade, Col. W. B. Franklin: 1st Minn. Rgt., Col. Gorman. 5th Mass. Rgt, . 11th Mass. Rgt, . Ricketts' Battery, six guns. 2nd Brigade, Col. 0. B. Wilcox: 1st Mich. Rgt., . 11th N. Y. Rgt, (Fire Zouaves) Col. Farnham. 38th N. Y. Rgt, Col. Ward. Arnold's Battery, four guns. Third Brigade, Col. 0, 0. Howard: 4th Maine Rgt., Col. Berry, 5th Maine Rgt., Col. Dunnell. 2nd Vermont Rgt, Col. Whiting. 27 ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY UNDER GEN. BEAUREGARD AT THE FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUN, WITH POSITION BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF BATTLE. Ewell's Brigade (before Union Mills Ford): 5th Ala. Rgt., Col. Rodes. 6th Ala. Rgt., Col. Siebel. 6th La. Rgt., Col. Seymour. Four 12-pounder howitzers of Walton's Battery. Harrison's, Green's and Cabell's Companies of Virginia Cavalry. D. R. Jones' Brigade (before McLean's Ford): 5th So. Car. Rgt., Col. Jenkins. 17th Miss. Rgt., Col. Burt. 18th Miss. Rgt.. Col. Fether- stone. Two guns from Walton's Battery. One Company of Cavalry. LongstReet's Brigade (before Blackburn's Ford): 1st Va Rgt., Col. Moore. 11th Va. Rgt.. Col. Garland. 17th Va. Rgt., Col. Corse. 24th Va. Rgt.. Lt. Col. Hairston. 5th N. C. Rgt., Col. Jones. Two guns from Walton's Battery. Whitehead's Company Virginia Cavalry. Bonham's Brigade (before Mitchell's Ford): 2nd So. Car. Rgt, Col. Kershaw. 3rd So. Car. Rgt., Lt. Col. Williams. 7th So. Car. Rgt., Col. Bacon. 8th S. C. Rgt., Col. Cash. Shield's and Del. Kemper's Bat- teries— probably eight guns. Flood's, Radford's, Payne's, Ball's, Wick- ham's and Powell's Companies of Virginia Cavalry, commanded by Col. Radford. Cocke's Brigade (before the fords between Mitchell's and the Stone Bridge) : 8th Va. Rgt., Col. Hunton. 18th Va. Rgt., Col. Withers. 19th Va. Rgt., Lt. Col. Strange. 28th Va. Rgt., Col. R. T. Preston. 49th Va. Rgt., Col. Wm. Smith. Latham's Battery, four guns. One Company Virginia Cavalry. Evans' Demi-Brigade (before Stone Bridge and reporting to Gen. Cocke): 4th So. Car. Rgt., Col. Sloane. Battalion La. Tigers, Maj. Wheat. Four 6-pounder guns. Two Companies Virginia Cavalry. Early's Brigade (in reserve in rear of Mitchell's, Blackburn's and McLean's Fords) : 7th Va. Rgt., Col. Kemper. 7th La. Rgt, Col. Hays. 13th Miss. Rgt., Col. Barksdale. Three guns of Walton's Battery. Holmes' Brigade (was called from Aquia Creek to join Gen. Beau- regard) : 2ndTenn. Rgt, . 1st Ark. Rgt., . Hampton's Legion, 600 strong, came up from Richmond shortly be- fore the battle to join Beauregard's army. 28 ORGANIZATION OF GEN. JOHNSTON'S ARMY, UNITED WITH THAT OF GEN. BEAUREGARD AT MANASSAS. Jackson's Brigade: 2nd Va. Rgt., Col. Allen. 4th Va. Rgt., Coi. Jas. F. Preston. 5th Va. Rgt., Col. Harper. 27th Va. Rgt., Lt. Col. Echols. 33rd Va. Rgt., Col. Cummings. Bee's Brigade: 4th Ala. Rgt., Col. Jones. 2nd Miss. Rgt., Col. Falkner. 11th Miss. Rgt., Lt. Col. Liddell (only two companies.) Bartow's Brigade: 7th Ga. Rgt, Col. Gartrell. 8th Ga. Rgt, Lt. Col. Gardner. Imboden's Battery, six guns. (Both Brigades commanded by Gen. Bee.) Elzey's Brigade: 10th Va. Rgt, Col. Gibbon. 1st Md. Rgt, Lt Col. Stuart. 3rd Tenn. Rgt., Col. Vaughan. Regiments not Brigaded: 8th La. Rgt., Col Kelley. 6th N. C. Rgt, Col. Fisher. 11th N. C. Rgt, Col. Kirkland. 13th Va. Rgt, Col. A. P. Hill. 5 \^\t LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 003 993 106 4 !IHIIIIIli[m5Hjr,,?r?°''°'^^ss Hi 003 993 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS "■|'nfi/''iMiiii mimmui...,,, 003 993 106 r>