LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf .m:i-H3 UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. A History and Geography MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Pi. TOGETHER WITH County and Township Government. [EfisisnEd for the Use of Schaals andtha G-Eneral Reader J. K. HARLEY, M. E., Principal Public Schools, Conshuhocken, Montgomery County, Pa, RKVISED EDITIOISI There is no geography of so much practical use as local geography. , - PHILADELPHIA; lb91. /f y^vX f' Jo/ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by J. K, HARLEY, in the OflBce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Copj'right, 18?-, b}- J. K. Haki^ey. CDNTENTS, Page Preface, ^ . , . , 5 IS'oTE TO Second Edition, .8 Suggestions to Teachers, . . . , . . 9 Outlines, 10 FART I. History of Montgomery County, .... 13 General Descriptiox, . . • . , , ,31 Review Questions on the County, .... 33 Questions on State Georaphy, .... 37 FART II. Description of each Township, with Questions, . 39 Description of each Borough, 72 FART III. Township Government, 83 Borough Government, 90 County Government, 92 Statistics, 105 PREFACE. THIS is probably the first attempt ever made to present tlie subjects of Local History, Geogra- phy, and Government in the form of a text-book. Although the idea and method are entirely new and original with the author, the present work is an ear- nest attempt to give to teachers, pupils, and others the subjects in a form that can be used conveniently ; and as such it is open to criticism, Avhich, it is hoped, will be entirely fair and indulgent. Object. — The work is designed as a text-booh on the subjects named. It is to be studied and mastered, in connection with maps, by the pupils in our county schools. The subjects have thus far been taught orally or by notes, if taught at all, and, with a view to avoid inconvenience and to save the time of the teacher, whose time is generally very limited, the work is prepared. The object is, mainly, to prepare a work suitable for class use. Origin. — The work is an outgrowth of the school- room and experience. The matter was originally prepared by the author for his own classes, and has V VI PREFACE. been used by them. Primarily, it was given orally to the classes, or in notes and outline, the pupils studying therefrom. So inconvenient was this, and so much valuable time used to a disadvantage, that the author has resolved to put the matter in a printed form. Importance. — The necessity of such a work cannot be questioned. The subjects themselves demand it. Local History, Geography, and Government are very imperfectly understood, even by those who are pro- ficient in all other branches of learning. All agree that local geography is, practically, of more use to the majority of people than the geography of Asia or Africa ; it is evident that a thorough knowledge of the government of a township and county is more useful to all citizens than a knowledge of the Constitution of the United States, the foundation of all law and gov- ernment, however all-important it is. The demand for a complete knowledge of these subjects becomes more manifest every day. It is the hope of the author that this work may meet the want and supply the de- mand. Mctliod. — The matter has been arranged in such a way, it is believed, to be most conveniently studied. It is difficult to present a text-book on any subject that will meet the wants of all grades of classes ; however, the author has endeavored to supply pupils at the age ready to study these subjects with the proper book. Special pains have been taken to employ PREFACE. Vll a simple, clear, and concise style, and avoid all rhe- torical ornament. Origin of Matter. — Much of the matter has been obtained by observation and actual investigation. Several "Nvorks on the topics have been examined, and, in some cases, the language partially followed, and acknowledgments duly made. It is possible credit should have been given where it has been with- held. In conclusion, the author desires to express hi^ sincere thanks to friends for suggestions and critical examination of manuscript ; also, to F. G. Hobson, Esq., in rendering grateful assistance in preparing the subjects of Township and County Government. Hoping that the work will meet with favor, in which is the author's highest rcAvard, it is respectfully sub- mitted to the public. The Authoe. Trappe, Pa., October 20ih, 1882. NOTE TO SECOND EDITION, THE first edition of this work having met -*vitn much favor, it is by the earnest request of teachers and friends that this, the second edition, is published. This revision has been delayed for sev- eral years in order to get the census returns of 1890, and noting the recent improvements, and changes in the political divisions of the county. All of these matters have now been brought up to date. The map in this book and the Author's large school map of the county are entirely new, claiming to be the only accurate maps made. The exact loca- tion of every post-office, railroad, boundary line of township or borough, parallels of latitude and long- itude for every five minutes, etc., may be seen upon the large map. Advantage is also taken of this revision to make a few changes in the subject-matter of the work and the manner of presentiog it, all of which are con- sidered an improvement.* The book is thus respectfully submitted to an in- dulgent public. J. K. H. ConshohocJcen, Pa., September 20th, 1891. * It is suggested that changes in the political divisions, and others, may be written from time to time upon the blank leaves placed into the book for that purpose. viii SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. 1. In teacliing tliis subject it is the opinion of the author that the topical method is preferable. For this purpose the outlines should be followed. 2. The historical part may be used for reading or recitation, at the discretion of the teacher, and the time to be devoted to this branch of study. 3. Be sure that pupils thoroughly understand this department of geography, as well as township and county government. With proper questions this may be ascertained. 4. The questions, as given in the work, are by no means exhaustive. Every teacher must add such questions, or change those given to suit circumstances, so that all points may be fully brought out. 5. Pupils, in answering, should be required to give them in complete sentences. 6. Teachers, in putting questions, should not state them that a '' Yes " or a " No " simply will answer. It is believed that only when pupils can discuss a subject in their own correct language they under- stand it. 7. Teach geography and civil government by the synthetic method. OUTLINE— MONTGOMERY COUNTY. I. History. i. First Inhabitants. 1. Selling the Lands. 2. First White Settlers. 1. Settlements. 8. During the Revolution. 1. Warren's Tavern. 2. British enter Philadelphia. 3. Skippack Creek. 4. Battle of Germantown. 1. Washington's Retreat. 2. Americans at Whitemarsh. 5. The Surprise of Howe. 6. American Army at Valley Forge. 1. Condition. 2. Conspiracy. 7. Baron Steuben. 8. ColonelJo-hiai m MOXTGOMERY COUNTY. 11 11. Philadelphia Evacuated. 12. Americans leave Valley Forge. 13. Peter Muhlenberg. 14. Close of War. 4. Count}' Established. 5. Late War. 6. Improvements. 1. Turnpike. 2. CanaK 3. Railroads. a. Pennsylvania. h. Philadelphia, Germantown, Norristown. c. Philadelphia and Reading. d. North Pennsylvania. e. Perkiomen. /. Colebrookdale. g. Doylestown. h. Stony Creek. i. Chester Valley. j. Plymouth. h. Northeast Pennsylvania. I. Bound Brook, m. Newtown. n. Other railroads. II. General Description. 1. Name. 12 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 2. Position and Extent. 3. Surface. 1. Drainage, 2. Soil. 4. Population. 5. Resources. 6. Industries. 7. Boroughs and Townships. 8. Education. III. Statistics of the Census of 1890. 1. Townships. 2. Boroughs. 3. Schools. 4. Banks. 5. Newspapers. 6. County Officers. 7. Post-offices, PART FIRST. HISTORY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 1. Montgomery County was originally settled by a race of Indians who called themselves the Lenni Lenape, or Original People, and also by the Woapa- nachki, or the People from the East. They assumed these names from a belief that they were superior in all respects to any of the neighboring tribes. They occupied the territory from the Hudson to the Susque- hanna Rivers, and therefore lived on both sides of the Delaware and Schuylkill ; and for this fact the early white settlers gave them the name of Delawares. These Indians were tall, straight, and well-propor- tioned, with fine Poman features, and they were very friendly to the English. All the Indian names now existing in the county are the following: Consho- bocken, GoshenhoppeD , Macoby, Manatawny, Methac- tou, Penaepack, Perkiomen, Sciota, Sanatoga, Skip- pack, Tacony, Towamencin, and Wissahickon. These, with their burial-grounds in various parts of the county, and the occasional stone relics found in the 13 14 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. fields, are now about the only mementos of a long- departed race. 2. The earliest purchase by William Penn of any part of what now is Montgomery County was made June 25th, 1683, of Wingebone, for all his rights to lands lying on the west of the Schuylkill, beginning at the lower falls and up to the end of his rights. The next purchase was made July 14th, 1683, of Secane, Idaquoquehan, and others, for all the land betw^een the Schuylkill and Chester Elvers ; and, at the same time, the land lying between the Schuylkill and Penncpack was bought of Malebore and others. On June 3d, 1684, the land lying along the Perkiomen was pur- chased of Maughaiigsin, with the promise on the part of the Chief never "to molest any Christians that may settle thereon." Soon after other lands were bought on both sides of the Pennepack, and extending in a northwest direction "two full days' journey." Thus all the rights and titles of the Indians to any part of what now is ]\Iontgomery County was finally extin- guished by purchase. 3. The Dutch and Swedes, who settled the eastern part of Pennsylvania, had established some trading- posts within this county between 1623 and 1665. Pecords of the Plolland Company show that a great beaver trade was carried on in 1656 along the Schuyl- kill ; and for its successful operation were erected several forts. The Little Schuylkill in consequence MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 15 was called by the Delaware Indians " Tamaqua," sig- nifying the beaver stream. The English, in 1664, conquered the whole country, and though the Dutch and Swedes had made settlements along the banks of the DelaAvare and Schuylkill, and held large quan- tities of fertile lands, the English from this date became the principal actors in the settlement of this part of the country. 4. William Penn received his grant of the province of Pennsylvania, March 5th, 1681, and landed at New Castle, October 27th, 1682, and eleven days after arrived in Philadelphia. At the first Provincial Assembly, held in Philadelphia in March, 1683, it became necessary to j^ass a number of laws to render the government effective. Amongst the rest the province was divided into three counties — Philadel- phia, Chester, and Bucks — and their respective boun- daries settled. These were the first three counties created in the State of Pennsylvania. Emigration began to increase as early as in the summer and fall of 1683. During the few years following several AVelsh Friends settled in the present Tov.Tiship of Lower Merion. About the same time the English Friends commenced settling in the present Townships of Cheltenham, Abington, Plymouth, Springfield, and Whitemarsh, and several years later in Upper Dublin, jMoreland, and Horsham. Some Welsh also settled about 1690 in Whitemarsh and Plymouth, and, in 16 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 1697 and a few years following, in considerable num- bers in Gwynedd. They commenced settling in Montgomery Township in 1710, and a few years later, to some extent, in Hatfield and Limerick. A few Germans from Germantown settled in Springfield and Whitemarsh before 1690, and after 1708 their settle- ments became more extended. In 1709 several settled in the present Townships of Limerick, Kew Hanover, and Pottsgrove. Bo great had become their increase, that in 1734 considerably over one-half of the popula- tion of the county were Germans, and about one-fifth Welsh. Of all the early settlers the German element has shown the strongest attachment to the soil, and the result has been in all the lower townshij^s an im- provement in the land and a steady increase in their number as landholders. Montgomery County thus was peopled by English, AVelsh, Swedes, Germans, and Irish. Though holding different religious opinions, they resolved to live peaceably with each other, and to labor diligently to improve their possessions till they have become as we behold and enjoy them at this day. 5. Important events of the Eevolutionary War transpired within the present limits of ISIontgomery County. After the disastrous battle of Brandy wine, fought on the 11th of Sej^tember, 1777, Washington retreated to Philadelphia, and took post at German- town, a few miles north of the city. Undismayed by MONTGOMEKY COUNTY. 17 his reverse, he resolved to risk another engagement. Accordingly, on the 15th of the month, he re-crossed the Schuylkill and marched toward the scene of the late struggle. Two days later he met General Howe near Warren's Tavern, on the Lancaster Turnpike, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. For awhile the two armies manoeuvred, the enemy gaining the bet- ter position ; then a spirited skirmish ensued, and just as a great battle was about to take place, a violent tem- pest of w^ind and rain swept over the field. The com- batants were deluged, their cartridges soaked, and fighting made impossible. Before dawn of the next day, Howe marched to the Schuylkill ; when there they beheld the breastworks of AYashington's army on the opposite side of the river. Howe turned sud- denly about and hurried up stream along the right bank in the direction of Reading. 6. Washington pressed up the left bank, crossed the Schuylkill at Parker's Ford,* hoping to be able to confroDt the enemy while on their passage up the river. P)ut the movement of the British was only feigned, for as soon as they ascertained that the Americans were near Pottstown, they crossed the Schuylkill at Fatland Ford (now Pawling's Bridge), en the night of September 22d, and hastened to Phila- delphia, which they entered on the 26th without oppor * Parker's Ford crossed the Schuylkill where the Lawrence- ville bridge now stands, a little above Limerick Station. 2 18 MONTGOMERY COUXTY. sition, and the main division of the British army encamped at Germantown. 7. After several days' rest, Washington broke up his camp near Pottstown to take up a strong position and within a convenient distance from the British. He encamped en the Skippack Creek, about tvrenty miles northwest from Philadelphia. Here he was joined by the troops that had been detached under General Wayne, and by the Continental troops that had been ordered from Peekskill, and also by the Jersey militia. By the clcse of the month of Sep- tember, Washington's army numbered about 18,000 troops. The American army, at this time, was in wretched condition for want of clothing and shoes. Upward of 1,000 men were actually barefooted, and performed their marches in this condition. 8. General Howe, on taking possession of Phila- delphia, dispatched a large division of his army to capture Forts Mifflin and Mercer, on the Delaware. Germantown was thus considerably weakened, and AYashingtcn resolved to attempt a surprise. The same plan of attack which had been so successful at Trenton was again adopted. Washington jhaving been informed through friendly emissaries of the di- vided condition of Howe's army, arranged a time and plan of attack. He so disposed his troops that the divisions of Sullivan and Wayne were to march down the main road and enter Germantown by way of Chest- MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 19 nut Hill ; tlie divisions of Green and Stephens pro- ceeded do^vn the Lime Kiln Road, and reached the town at the market-house ; General Armstrong was ordered to march dow^n the Ridge Road and attack the enemy on the left ; in like manner Generals Small- wood and Foreman Avere to march down the old York Road and attack the right of the enemy. The divi- sion of Lord Sterlino; and the briorades of Generals Is; ash and JNIaxwell formed the reserve corps. This excellent . plan having been made, Washington broke camp on the Skippack (in the vicinity of Wentz's Church), and moved the several columns toward the enemy shortly after dark on the evening of the od of October. The attack was made early on the morning of October 4th. There was much severe fighting, and at one time it seemed that the British would be defeated ; but they gained possession of a large stone house — "Chew's Mansion" — and held it. A foolish attempt to dislodge them gave the enemy time to rally. On account of a heavy fog, prevailing at the time, and probably more on account of the inefficiency of the commanders of the flanking columns to co-operate with the attack ujion the centre, the tide turned against the patriots and the day was lost. Washington, that same night, marched his men to Pennypacker's mill (near Schwenksville) on the Perkiomen. He placed his wounded and disabled soldiers in hospitals wherever he could establish them, 20 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. using for that purpose churches and other public buildings between Perkiomen and Reading. 9. As soon as Washington's forces had recovered from the shock of battle and were in a fit condition- to move, he proceeded, with his army, to Whitemarsh, twelve miles from the city. Lines of defense were here thrown up, some of which are etill to be seen near the village of Fort Washington, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. The defenses were thrown up October 20th, winter was approaching, and the patriots began to suffer for food and clothing. Howe, knowing the distressed condition of the Ameri- cans, determined to surprise their camp, but failed by reason of his plans having been discovered and com- municated to the American army.* * General Howe had established his headquarters on Second Street, Philadelphia, and directly opi^osite lived William and Lydia Darrah, members of the Society of Friends, at whose house the council of war was held. On the 2d of December, the Adjutant-General told Lydia that they would occupy a certain room of her house and remain late, and that they wished the family to retire to bed early, adding that when they were ready to go away they would call her to let them out. She, accord- ingly, sent all her family to bed ; but, as the officer had been so particular, her curiosity was excited. She took off her shoes, jnit her car to the Iccy-hole of the rioo?-, and overheard an order read for all the British troops to march out late on the evening of the tth and attack General W^ashington at Whitemarsh. On hearing this she immediately returned to her chamber and lay down. Soon after, the officer knocked at her chamber door, but she rose only at the third summons, pretending to be asleep. Her mind was agitated, and supposing it in her power to save the lives of thousands of her countrymen, she determined, by MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 21 10. The campaign closed at Whitemarsli on the 11th of December, 1777. Washington, after confer- ring with his principal officers, and due deliberation, concluded to go into winter-quarters at Valley Forge. The main division of the army crossed the Schuyiklil Kiver at Swede's Ford (now NorristoAvn). 11. The sagacity of AVashington had pointed to a strong position for his encampment. To the security of the river and hills the additional securities of for- tifications were added. UjDcn the recommendation of Congress, the whole army engaged in religious services, and observed the day with public thanks- some means, to convey the information to General "Washing- ton. Accordinglj-, on tlie following morning, she obtained a pass- port from Lord Howe, and left the city on the pretense of going to villi for fiour. Having passed the Eritish lines, she was met by an American officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Ci'aig. To him she disclosed her secret, after having obtained from him a solemn promise never to betray her individually, as her life might be at stake with the British. The Colonel immediately acquainted Washington with what he had heard, and Lydia returned home with her flour. The British troops went to the intended attack and returned in a few days. The next evening the Adjutant- General called upon Lydia, as he wished to ask her some questions. She now supposed she was either suspected or be- trayed. He earnestly inquired whether any of her family were up the nightheand the other officers met. She told him they all retired at eight o'clock. He observed : " I knoAV you were asleep, for I knocked at your door three times before you heard me. I am entirely at a loss to imagine Avho gave General Wash- ington information of our intended attack, unless the walls of the house could speak. When w^e arrived near Whitemarsli we found all the cannon mounted, and the troops prepared to receive us, and xve have marched hack like a parcel of fools." 22 MONTGOMERY COUXTY. giving and praise. The next day the men were di- vided into companies of twelve to build for themselves a hut fourteen by sixteen feet. The whole number of men was 11,098 when the encampment commenced, while the British army, at the same time, contained 33,73G men. The condition of the American army in their encampment at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777 and '78 was truly distressing. The soldiers suffered intensely from the want of clothing, food, and proper shelter. Many became sick, and thus added to the misery. The patriotism and bravery of the soldiers were shown in fighting the evils in their midst as well as the enemy upon the field. Washington here saw his darkest days, and much was added to their gloom when the miserable conspiracy headed by Generals Gates, Conway, and MifHin to remove him from his command became known. But the alienation was only for a moment ; the allegiance of the army remained unshaken, and the nation's confidence in the troubled chieftain became strono;er than ever. The news of Burgoyne's surrender and the treaty of alliance with France was received with great rejoicing in the American army. It inspired the patriots with new zeal and energy that they might carry on the war to a successful issue. 12. It was during the spring of 1778 that Baron Steuben, a veteran soldier and disci2)linarian, from the army of Frederick the Great, came and joined him- MONTGOMEKY COUNTY. 23 self to Washington's army, and thus rendered in- valuable service in drilling the troops. 13. Colonel John Lacey, of Bucks County, was com- missioned a Brigadier-General January 8th, 1778, and took command of the militia between the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. His orders were to watch the enemy and protect the inhabitants, and for that pur- pose he took station at Warwick about the middle of January, later at Graeme Park, and next at Harts- ville. From this place he proceeded to Hatboro, about half a mile east of w^hich he formed his camp. His forces numbered about 450 men, a part of whom only w^ere armed, and at times suffered for the want of pro- visions. The British havmg obtained information of General Lacey's camp, the arrangement of his forces, and the places of his patrols ; and as he had been active against the enemy, concluded his capture would be an object. Accordingly, a regiment, called the "Queen's Rangers," numbering 800 men, under Colonel Abercrombie, was sent to capture him. They left the city by the Middle Road and below Huntingdon Valley separated. One division under Major Simcoe proceeded up the Welsh Road to the upper corner of Moreland, then across to Horsham meeting-house, thence on the road to Hatboro. Colonel Abercrombie'-s division entered the Byberry Road, which led directly to Lacey's camp. General Lacey and his forces were entirely surprised, as they had not been sufficiently 24 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. watchful. They continued retreating and fighting for two miles, when they suddenly turned into the wood which protected them from the enemy. General Lacey attributed his misfortunes to the disobedience and misconduct of officers of the scouting parties. The Americans lost thirty killed and seventeen wounded ; the British loss was trifling — some six or seven wounded. 14. On the 17th of May, Sir Henry Clinton suc- ceeded Sir William Howe* in tlie command of the British army in Philadelphia, the latter having re- signed and returned to England. On the 18th of June, the British evacuated Philadelphia, and re- treated across New Jersey to Kew York. Previous to the evacuation, Washington dispatched La Fayette with 2,000 choice troops to take position at Barren Hill to watch the enemy. He crossed the Schuylkill at Matson's Ford (Conshohockeu) about noon on the 18th of May, and proceeded to the EidgeBoad, thence to Barren Hill, where he took post one-fourth of a mile west of the church. Hov»e, having been in- formed of La Fayette's position, at once formed a plan to surprise and cut him off. For that purpose Howe sent General Grant, on the night of the 19lh, with 5,000 troops, to gain the rear of La Fayette's position. They proceeded from Philadelphia directly to Flour- town, thence to the present village of Broad Axe, * Howe, however, did not sail till some time in June. MONTGOMEEY COUNTY. 25 thence to Plymouth meeting-house, Avhere they I\alted at daylight the next morning. While the movement Avas in progress on the left, General^rey with a strong detachment advanced up the Eidge Turnpike and took possession of the ford next below Matson's on. the Schuylkill, while the main body under General Howe advanced to Chestnut Hill. 15. During the night cf the 19th, Captain jMcClane cf La Fayette's command captured two prowling Brit- ish grenadiers at a place then called Three Mile Eun. From these men the Captain learned of the move- ments of Generals Grant and Grey. Immediately conjecturing the purpose of the enemy, he sent Cap- tain Parr and some troops to check the advancing column up the Schuylkill, and another in the direc- tion of Chestnut Hill, while he himself, at lightning speed, hastened to the headquarters of La Fayette to apprise him of the danger now^ evidently surrounding him. The young Marquis conceived of skillful manoeu- vres by "svhich he conducted his troops, artillery and wagons safely to Matson's Ford, which he crossed in safety, leaving the enemy in sight on the opposite side of the river. 16. Washington, in his camp at Valley Forge, had been apprised of the movement against La Fayette at Barren Hill, when he at once put his army in readi- ness to move at his command. Accompanied by his aids and field officers, he rode to the top of the hill, 26 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. from the summit of whlcli lie could witness the scene of action through a field-glass. He soon saw that the entire detachment had crossed the Schuylkill in safety. 17. Immediately upon the evacuation of Philadel- phia by tlie British, their route having become known to AVashington, he ordered Major-Gencral Charles Lee, with the advance of the army, consisting of six brigades, to follow the retreating enemy. General Lee left Valley Forge on the 18tli of June — the same day the British left Philadelphia — nnd on the 20th crossed the Delaware at Carroll's Ferry, Washing- ton, w ith the main body of the army, broke camp on the I'Jth, and arrived at Doylestown in the evening, where he encamped for the night. His march hither was much retarded by heavy rainfalls. On the 20th the entire army crossed the Delaware, and en the 28th the memorable battle of Monmouth was fought. Thus it ^^■ill be seen that the Continental army occupied Valley Forge six months, having formally encamped there on the 17th of December, 1777, and left the 19th of June, 1778. 18. Proudly may we remember that General Wash- ington gave one of the most important commands at Valley Forge to General Peter Muhlenberg, of Trappe. He was in the halnt of occasionally visiting his father at Trappe, and f t that purpose ha would start in the evening and return early next morning. These visits became known to the enemy, and on one occasion he MONTGo:\rErwY county/ 27 was saved from being ca23tured only by tlie fleetncss of his horse. 19. From official reports it is ascertained that Washington and his army spent five days less than nine months within the present limits of Montgomery County. Eemains of the entrenchments then thrown up may be seen on the hills of Whitemarsh and Up- per ^lerion to this day. 20. The devolution at last came to a close and the country obtained its independence. Peace reigned supreme. Industry soon brought prosperity. Up to this time the whole county was comprised in that of Philadelphia, where the county affairs were trans- acted. It was a long distance for those attending to them to travel, and at so great inconvenience, in con- sequence of which petitions were signed praying for tlie formation of a new county. These were consid- ered and acted upon by the State Legislature ; and, accordingly, a laAV was passed Sei^tembcr 10th, 1784, "for erecting part of the county of Philadelphia into a separate county, named and hereafter to be called Montgomery." Thus did the present county, rich and populous as it now is, spring into existence one hun- dred and seven years ago. 21. By the same act, a committee was appointed " to purchase and take assurance to them, in the name of the Commonwealth, of a piece of land* situated in * The land purchased by this committee, cliiefly belonged to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.— J?uc>t, 28 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. some convenient place in tlie neigliborliood of Stony Creek, contiguous totlie Schuylkill, in Norriton Town- ship, and thereon to erect a Court-House and Prison." Thus the large and populous borough of Norristown was founded and became the county seat. 22. In the late war, Montgomery County responded nobly to the respective calls made both by the Gen- eral and the State Governments. According to sta- tistics, the total number of men furnished was about 7,850, including substitutes, re-enlistments, cavalry, and those in the naval service. Of the brave men w^ho, in the national defense, left the county, many fell on the field. In the Public Square at Korristown stands, to their lasting honor, the *' Soldiers' Monu- ment," a silent yet eloquent cenotaph. 23. The centennial of the formation of the county was celebrated at Norristown in September, 1884. At this anniversary were displayed the products of the various industries of the county, many old and rare relics, and the customs and manners of former days. Literary exercises and splendid parades formed an important part of the proceedings. IMPROVEMENTS. 1. The improvements in the county from its organ- ization are marked. The Philadelphia and Lancaster MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 29 Turnpike, running through the southern portion of Lower Merion Township, was the first road of the kind constructed in Pennsylvania. It was com- menced in 1792 and finished in 1794. The German- town and Perkiomen Turnpike was commenced in 1801 and completed in 1801: ; the Cheltenham and Willow Grove, in 1803, and completed the following ycuv; the Chestnut Plill and S^mng liouse, in 1804 and 1805 ; the Perkiomen and Peading, between 1811 and 1815; the Pidge, in 1812 and 1816, and the Spring House and Bethlehem, in 1814. The total number of miles of turnpike road in the county is about two hundred. 2. The Schuylkill Navigation Company was incor- porated March, 1815. The canal, one hundred and ten miles in length, extending from Fairmount, Phila- delj^hia, to Port Clinton, Schuylkill County, was commenced innnediately after its incorporation, and finished in 1826, at a cost of nearly three millions of dollars. It is not much used now. 3. The Pennsylvania Railroad (6 miles in the county) was first built by the State from Philadelphia to Columbia, and opened for use April, 1834. In 1857 the State sold its right to the Pennsylvania Eailroad Company, under whose control it now is. 4. The Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad (7 m.) was commenced in 1831, and opened to Norristown in August, 1835. In 1856, the Com- 30 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. paiiy bi.ilt a large depot at Xorristown, rnd laid the entire road ^vith a double track. 5. The Philadelphia and Heading Eailroad was incorporated April 4th, 1833, and opened for travel to Reading in 1839, and to Pottsville in 1842. 6. The North Pennsylvania Hailroad was completed to the Lehigh River in 1857. . The other railroads of the county are as follows: Colcbrookdalc, running from Pottstown to Barto Station ; Doylestown, from Lansdale to Doylestown, Bucks County; Perkiomcn, from Perkiomcn Junction to Ailentown ; Stony Creek, from Norristown to Lansdale; Chester Valley, from Bridgeport to Dmvningtown ; IMymouth, from Con- shohocken and intersects Vv'ith the N. P. at Orelanrded by the numerous streams, nature of the soil, metals, min- erals, and i)ositi<»n of the county, constitute its natural res' These give rise to the varied and exten- sive eniploynients of the people. 8 Industries — The chief occupation is farming. Dairy products are the principal, \\hich find a ready matket in Philadelphia and the larger borougln. Tvliunerous creatneries are in operation, which manu- facture large quantities of butter, mainly f>r Phila- delphia markets. Not a sufficiency of all grains is MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 33 raised for home consumption. The manufacture of iron, cotton and woolen goods, macliinery, etc., is car- ried on in the larger boroughs. Iron-ore mining, and marble and limestone quarrying, form a considerable branch of industry. 9. Boroughs and Townships. — There are fifteen incorporated boroughs in the county, and thirty-three townships. These form eighty- three election dis- tricts and fifty-four * school districts. 10. Education.— There are 469 public schools in the county (1891). There are several flourishing institutions for higher instruction. Montgomery is among the foremost counties in the State in educa- tional interests. The public schools are receiving due attention, and are in a flourishing condition. Many of the districts (28) have adopted a Graded Course of Study, under which the schools are making much progress. The system was first formally adopted, in Lower Providence, on June 6th, 1882, and the first class in the county was graduated, under the sys- tem, on May 9th, 1883. The school term averages 8.49 months. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON THE COUNTY. 1. Give an account of the Indians who originally lived in the county. *0f this number, fifteen are boroughs, six independent school districts, and thirty-three townships. 3 34 MONTGOMERY COUiNTY. 2. Give the Indiau names now iu existence in the county. 3. In what purchase was Montgomery County in- cluded ? 4. Who was WiHiam Penn ? 5. Who was Peter Muhlenberg? 6. AVhat prevented the battle at Warren's Tavern ? 7. What was the condition of the army at White- marsh ? Valley Forge ? 8. What were the names of the different fords across the Schuylkill, and where were they ? 9. Where is Valley Forge ? 10. AVhen was the county organized ? 11. Describe the establishment of the county seat. 12. Discuss General Lacey. 13. Tell the story of the revelation of the proposed attack of the British upon Whitemarsh. 14. Describe the attack upon La Fayette at Barren Hill. 15. Who principally settled in Montgomery County? 16. When was Philadelphia evacuated? 17. How long was the Continental army at Valley Forge ? in the county ? 18. What part did Montgomery County take in the late war ? 19. Name the different turnpikes in the county. 20. How many miles of turnpike in the county? MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 85 21. When was the Schuylkill Navigation Company organized ? 22. From and to what places does it extend ? 23. When was it finished ? What did it cost ? 24. Name the railroads of the county. 25. Discuss the Pennsylyania Railroad. 26. Discuss the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad. 27. Discuss the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. 28. Discuss the other railroads of the county. 29. Bound Montgomery County. 30. What townships of the county border on the Berks County line ? Lehigh County line ? Bucks County line? Philadelphia? Delaware County line ? Chester County line ? 31. What townships in Berks County border on Montgomery County ? Ans. — Douglass, Colebrookdale, Washington, and Hereford. 32. In Lehigh County ? Ans. — Lower Milford. 33. In Bucks County ? Ans. — Milford, Rockhill, Hilltown, New Britain, Warrington, Warminster, and Southampton. 34. Philadelphia? ^;i.s.— The City of Philadelphia. 35. What townships in Delaware County border on Montgomery ? 36 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Ans. — Haverford and Kadnor. 36. In Chester County ? Ans. — TredyfFrin, Schuylkill, East Pikeland, East Vincent, East Coventry, and North Coventry. 37. Name all the townships in the county in their alphabetic order and locate each. 38. Which is the largest? smallest? 39. Name the creeks in the county, and tell in what part they are. 40. What river? 41. Name the boroughs in the county and locate each. 42. What is the population of the county ? 43. What boroughs in Chester County, immediately across the county line ? 44. In Berks County? 45. Name all the bridges you can that cross the Schuylkill. The Perkiomen. 46. Where is the limestone region ? 47. Where are the iron-ore regions? 48. What other metals are found in the county and wdiere ? 49. What do you understand by a county seat? Ans. — A county seat is the place w^here the courts are held, and the county officers transact their busi- ness. 50. What is a township seat ? MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 37 Ans. — A township seat is the place where the elec- tions are held, and the township officers generally meet to do their business. 51. Who are the present county officers? QUESTIONS ON STATE GEOGRAPHY. 1. Name the counties of the State in their alpha- betic order, and give the county seat of each. 2. Locate all the different counties. 3. Give the population of each county. 4. Name the cities of the State, the p)opulation of each, and in w^hat county located. 5. Name the counties bordering on the bounding States. 6. What counties of the bounding States border on Pennsylvania ? 7. Name the counties on the east side of the Sus- quehanna River. West. 8. Name all the railroads of Pennsylvania you can, 9. By what railroad w^ould you travel to the follows ing places : a. From Norristown to Lancaster ? b. From Allentown to Fi^anklin ? c. From PottstoAvn to Corry ? d. From Bridgeport to Carbondale? e. From Lansdale to Altoona? 38 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. /. From Norristown to Kew York ? g. From Jeukintown to Pittsburg ? 10. Name the counties in which iron is found. Coal. Oil. 11. How many Normal School Districts in the State, and where is each school located ? 12. Name all the colleges of Pennsylvania, and in what county each is located. PART SECOND. Description of the Townships and Boroughs OF Montgomery County. Abington. 1. Position and Extent. — Abington Township is situated in the extreme southeastern part of the county, and joins Philadelphia on the southeast. Its area is 15.5 square miles, or 9,920 acres. Population, 2,703. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is generally rolling, and Edge Hill is the most considerable eleva- tion. The Pennepack Creek flows through the eastern part, and receives several tributaries from this town- ship. 3. Resources. — The soil is a fertile loam, and where the limestone abounds is among the best in the county. In the northeastern part the limestone and iron- ore belt commences and extends in a southwestern direction to the Schuylkill. 4. Industries — Farming, the manufacture of lime, and mining iron-ore for the neighboring furnaces constitute the princi^Dal industries. 39 40 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 5. Education. — There are ten schools in this town- ship, and it is among the forenoost townships in edu- cation. The term is ten months. 6. Villages. — The borough of Jenkintown is ifi the southwest central part. The villages are Abing- ton, Mooretown, the township seat, and Weldon. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Abiugton. 2. What railroads in the township? 3. What creek in the township? 4. Name and locate the villages. 5. Name the post-offices in the township. 6. Name the present township officers.* Cheltenham. 1. Position and Extent. — Like Abington, this township is situated in the southeastern part of the county. It is noted for its great numbers of fine country residences. Its area is 8.5 square miles, or 5,440 acres. Population, 4,746. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is consider- ably rolling. The Tacony Creek, rising in Springfield and flowing through Cheltenham and Abington, empties into the Delaware. It has numerous tribu- taries in this township. 3. Eesources. — The soil is rich and productive, being composed of loam and gravel. The various * This and similar questions may be answered by tlie pupils of tliat township, or by referring to tlie Author's County Map. Some of tlie questions are omitted for want of space. Tho newer railroads are not noted in the text on account of the necessity of making too extensive changes in the plates. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 41 Strata of rocks, as exposed by cuttings of tlie N. P. Ivailroad, afford a very iiue geological study. 4. Industries.— Farming, gardening, and manu- facturing which is extensively carried on, are the prin- cipal industries of the people. 5. Villages.— The villages are Shoemakertown, the township seat. Edge Hill, Cheltenham, Waverly Heights, and Ashbourne. 6. Education. — There are eighteen schools in the township, with a term of ten months. All of the schools are graded. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Cheltenham Township. 2. What is the township seat ? 3. What railroads in the township? 4. What creeks? 5. Name the present townshii3 officers. Douglass. 1. Position and Extent. — This township is situa- ted in the northAvestern portion of the county. Its area is 15 square miles, or 9,600 acres. Population, 1,667. 2. Surface. — The surface is rolling and the soil red shale. The principal streams are Swamp, West Branch, and Middle Creeks, which afford some water- power. 3. Industries. — Farming is the chief business of the people. A few engage in mining and manufac- ture. 42 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 4. Villages. — The villages are Gilbertsville, the township seat of the western district, Douglass, and Engleville. There are ten schools, term six months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Douglass Township. 2. What creeks in the township? 3. Name and locate the villages. 4. AVhat post-offices in the township? 5. What townships in Berks County opposite Douglass? Feanconia. 1. Position and Extent. — Franconia is situated in the northeastern part of the county, joining Bucks County. Its area is 14.875 square miles, or 9,520 acres. Population, 2,258. 2. Natural Features. — The surface is generally level. The soil is r^d shale, and in some parts of a clayey nature. The Northeast Branch of the Perki- omen, the Skippack, and Indian Creeks flow through the township and furnish water-power. 3. Industries. — Farming is the principal business. The North Pennsylvania Railroad passes through the township for a distance cf 21 miles, with stations at Souderton and Telford. 4. Villages. — The villages are Telford, Souder- ton, Franconiaville, and Franconia Square, the town- ehi^^ seat. There are ten schools, term six months. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 43 Map Questions. — 1. Bound Franconia. 2. Name the villages and locate them. 3. What railroad in the township ? 4. What streams in the township ? 5. What is the township seat ? 6. Name the post-offices. 7. Name the present township officers. * Frederick. 1. Position and Extent. — This township is situa- ted in the northern part of the county. Its area is 15 square miles, or 9,G00 acres. Population, 1,850. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is rolling, and in some places hilly. In the southern part the elevations are called Stone Hills, and are covered with huge rocks called bowlders. The Perkiomen and Swamp Creeks are the principal streams furnishing water-power. 3. Industries. — Agriculture is the principal indus- try. There are also different manufactories. Copper mines are found in the southern part, and they were worked about 1830. 4. Villages. — The villages are ZieglersviPe, Green Tree Hotel, the township seat, Perkiomenville, Fred- erick, and Spring Mount. 5. Schools. — In the township there are ten schools. Tlie term is six months. IJap Questions. — 1. Bound Frederick Township. 2. Name the villages and locate them. 3. Name the 44 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. post-offices. 4. What is the population? 5. Who are the present township officers ? GWYNEDD. 1. Position and Extent. — This is one of the central townships of the county. Area, 19.25 square miles, or about 1,240 acres, having been reduced by the incorporation of the boroughs of Lansdale and North Wales. Population, 2,367. 2. Surface. — The surface is rolling, and the soil clay, approaching loam, and is well cultivated. The Wissahickon flows through Gwynedd, receiving several tributaries that rise in the township. 3. Industries. — Farming is the occupation of the people. The North Pennsylvania Railroad passes through the township for a distance of six miles, with stations at Penllyn and Gwynedd. The Stony Creek, for three and a half miles, with stations at Acorn, Lukens, and Kneedler. 4. Villages. — The villages are Spring House, toAvnship seat of upper district, Penlyn, Gwynedd Cor- ners, township seat of lower district, and the borough of North Wales, taken wholly from this township. 5. Schools. — There are six public schools in the township. Term, nine months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Gwynedd. 2. What can you say of the shape of the township ? 3. Name the railroads of the township. 4. Who are the •IVIONTGOMERY COUNTY. 45 present townsliii) officers? 5. Name the township seats. Hatfield. 1. Position and Extent. — Hatfield is the central township on the northeastern line of this county. Eleven square miles, or 7,040 acres, is its area. Popu- lation, 1,833. 2. Physical Features.— The surface is generally level ; the soil of a clayey nature. The Neshaminy Creek rises in Hatfield and flows through Bucks County into the Delaware. Several branches of the Skip- pack also rise in this township. This is the culminat- ing township in the county, judging by the direction the streams of water flow. 46 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 3. Industries. — The occupation of the peoi:)le is farming, with some manufacturing. The North Penn- sylvania Raih-oad passes through the township for about four miles, with a station at Hatfield; and the Doylestown branch, three miles, with a station at Colmar. 4. Villages. — The villages are Hatfield, the town- ship seat, Line Lexington, Colmar, and Hockertow^n. 5. Schools. — The townshiphaseightpublic schools, including the independent district of Line Lexington. They have a seven months' terra. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Hatfield Township. 2. Name and locate the villages. 3. What post-ofhces in the townshij^ ? 4. AVhat borough ? 5. What rail- roads ? 6. Name the present township officers. Horsham. Position and Extent. — This toAvnshij) is situated in the eastern part of the county. Its area is 9,966 acres, or 15.5 square miles nearly. Population, 1,239. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is generally- level and the soil a loam. The West Branch of the Neshaminy drains part of the township. The Pcnne- pack rises in the township. 3. Industries. — The people are engaged in farm- ing, with some manufactures. 4. Villages. — The villages are Prospectville, the to-^nship seat, Horshamville, and Davis Grove^ MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 47 5. Schools.— Horsham has three public schools ^Yith a term of ten months. 3Iap Questions.— 1. Bound Horsham. 2. What county to the east ? 3. What can you say of the shape of the township ? 4. :^ame the yillages. 5. The present township officers. Limerick. 1. Position and Extent.— Limerick is in the northwestern part of the county joining the Schuyl- kill on the west. It is the third township in size in the county, having an area of 14,101 acres, or about 22 square miles. Population, 2,224. 2. Natural Features.— The surface is rolling, and in the northern part hilly. Stone Hill is the highest elevation. There are also steep hills in the western part along the Schuylkill. The soil is of red shale and clay. The streams are few. 3. Industries. — The people engage in farming, with some manufacturing. The Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad traverses the entire length of the township along the Schuylkill, and has stations at Liufisld and lioyersford. 4. Villages. — The villages are Limerick Centre, the township seat, Limerick Square, LId field, and Fruitville. The borough of Boyersford is also in thid township. 48 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 5. Schools. — There are thirteen public schools in this township with a term of six months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Limerick Townsliip. 2. What township in Chester County that joins Lim- erick? 3. What is the tow^nship seat? 4. What villages and borough in the township ? 5. What rail- road? 6. How many schools in the township? pupils ? Lower Merion. 1. Its Rank. — The township derives its name from Merionethshire, a county in Wales, where some of the first settlers came from. Formerly, Uj^per and Low^er Merion constituted one towmship, but were divided previous to 1734. It ranks as the largest and most populous township in the county, and is noted for its internal improvements. Its nearness to Philadel- phia gives it a ready market for all its farm produce. 2. Position and Extent. — It is situated in the southern part of the county. Its area is 22.5 square miles, or 14,400 acres. Population, 10,362. 3. Natural Features. — The surface of Lower Merion is rolling, and in the eastern part hilly, afford- ing beautiful scenery. Mill Creek is the largest stream. 4. Industries. — Farming, market gardening, and manufacturing are the occupations of the people. Lower Merion is more largely engaged in manufactur- ing than any other township in the county. The MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 49 PeDnsylvania Railroad j^asses within the townshij^ for a distance of six miles, and has stations at Merion, AYynnewood, Ardmore, Haverford, White Hall, Bryn Mawr, and Rosemont. The Philadelphia and Read- ing Railroad passes through the township for a dis- tance of seven and a half miles, and has statioT^s at Pencoyd, West Manayunk, Roseglen, and West Spring Mills. 5. Villages— The villages are Bryn Mawr, Gen- eral Wayne, Merion Square, Haverford College, Merionville, Ardmore, Overbrook, Libertyville, and West Manayunk. 6. Schools.— Lower Merion has twenty-three public schools, all of which are graded. Term, ten months. Maj:) Questions. — 1. Bound Lower Merion. 2. What townships in Chester County touch Lower Merion ? 3. What railroads pass through the town- ship? 4. Xame the post-offices in the to^^Tiship. 5. What are the township seats? 6. Wlio are die present township officers ? Lower Pottsgrove. 1. Formation and Extent.— Lower Pottsgrove is the southern part formed by the division of Potts- grove Township. It is situated in the northwestern part of the county, bordering on the Schuylkill. 50 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. This township has an area of about 9? square miles, or 5,900 acres. Population, about 875. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is generally hilly. The elevations are Ringing Hill * and Crooked Hill. The soil is red shale, and fairly productive. Sprogle's Run and Sanatoga Creek drain the greater portion of the township. 3. Industries. — Farming is the chief occupation of the people. The Philadelphia and Reading Rail- road has a station at Sanatoga. 4. Villages and Schools. — The villages are Crooked Hill, the township seat, and Sanatoga. There are five schools with a term of six months. Lower Providence. 1. Position and Extent. — This is the most cen- tral township in the county, fronting on the Schuylkill. Upper and Lower Providence constituted one town- * Ringing Hill, with its ringing roclvs, constitute one of the natural curiosities of Montgomery County. These consist of a solid bed of trappean rocks. They are exceedingly hard ; when struck with a hammer they ring like iron, producing all har- monious sounds, A'arying with the size aiid shape of the rock. The largest may Avcigh from five to twenty-five tons each. A number of impressions, as tracks of horses and other animals, ' and even of the human foot, are distinctly outlined. The Ger- man inhabitants of the place call this elevation Klinglcberg, signifying Ringing Hill. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 61 ship, called Providence, i^revious to 1805, when it was divided. The name was given by Penn, probably in honor of his mother's family. The area of this town- ship is 9,143 acres, or about 14.3 square miles. Population, 1,374. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is undu- lating and the western part slopes gently toAvard the Schuylkill and Perkiomen. Along the Skippack Creek it is slightly hilly. Methacton Hill begins in the eastern part and extends eastward through Wor- cester. The township is drained by the Skippack Creek and Mine Kuu, which flow into the Perkiomen on its western boundary. The soil is generally of a red shale, and productive. 8. Industries and Resources.^ — Farming is the chief occupation of the people. The township is very ricli in mineralogical specimens; copper, lead, and their sulphates and oxides are found, some specimens of which are very beautiful and rare. Copper was mined some years ago near Shannonville, shafts were sunk, and an amount of ore raised, but these mines are now not iu operation. 4. Villages. — The villages of Lower Providence are Eagleville, the township seat, Shannonville, Evans- fcurg, and Providence Square. 5 Schools. — The township has seven schools, all of w^hich are graded. Term, eight months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Lower Providence. 2. 52 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Kama r.nd locate the villages of the towDship. 3. What toAviiship in Chester County opposite Lower Providence? 4. What minerals are found? 5. Name the present township officers. Lo^VER Salford. 1. Position and Extent. — This township is situ- ated north of the centre. It has an area of 14 square miles, cr 8,960 acres. Population, 1,755. 2. Natural Features. — The surface is gently undulating, with a few hills along the Branch Creek, v/hich flows through the northwestern part. The Indian and Skippack are also streams of the town- ship. The soil is of red shale Avith some clay. 3. Industries and Formation. — Farming wdth some manufacture is the business of the people. What now constitutes Upper and Lower Salford was origi- nally called Salford, a name derived from a town and several parishes in England. It was separated into two tow^nships previous to the formation of the county. 4. Villages. — The villages are Ilarleysville, Led- erachsville, the township seat, and ]\Iainland. 5. Schools. — The township has ten public schools. Term, six months. Map Quesiions. — 1. Bound Lower Salford. 2. What streams in the township ? 3. Name the post- offices. 4. How many schools? 5. Who arc the present township officers ? MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 53 Marlborough. 1. Position axd Extent. — Marlborough is situ- ated in the northern part of the county. The area is nearly 15 square miles, or about 8,500 acres. Popu- lation, 1,151. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is hilly in the western and rolling in the eastern part. The soil is of red shale or clay. The torrnship is drained by the Perkiomeu, East Swamp, Kidge Valley, and Ma- coby Creeks. - 3. Industries, — The manufacture of powder and oil is largely carried on, together with farming, as the chief industry. The Perkiomen Kailroad has a course of 3i miles i.i the township, with stations at Green Lane, Perkiomen, and INIcLeans. 4. Villages. — The villages are Sumneytown, the township seat, Hoppenville, and Marlboroughville. 5. Schools — The township has five public schools, and a terra of six months. The Sumneytown Acad- emy is situated at that place. Ilajy Questions. — 1. Bound Marlborough Town- ship. 2. What townships in Bucks County join Marl- borough? 3. What streams in the township? 4. Name the villages and township seat. 5. Name the post-offices. 6 . Who are the present township officers ? 7. What railroad passes through Marlborough? •54 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MORELAND. 1. Position and Extent. — Moreland is the inosi eastern township in the county. Its area is nearly 17 square miles, or 10,900 acres. Population, 1,889. 2. Natural Features. — The surface is undulat- ing and the soil a productive loam. Edge Hill crosses the centre of the township. The Pennepack Creek, with tributaries, drains Moreland. 3. Industries. — Farming and market gardening are the chief occupations of the j^eople. Manufacture also receives attention. The Northeast Pennsylvania Railroad passes through the township for three miles, and stations are at Willow Grove, Heaton, Fulmor, and Bonair ; and the Bound Brook, with a station at Bethayres. 4. Villages. — The villages are AVillow Grove, the township seat of upper district, Morganville, Yerkes- ville, Huntingdon Valley, and Sorrel Horse, township seat of lower district 5. Schools. — There are seven public schools in the township, with a term of ten months and 317 pupils. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Moreland. 2. What can you say of the shape? 3. What toM'nshij)s in Bucks County opposite Moreland? 4. What rail- roads in the township ? 5. What streams? 6. Name the villages and post-offices. montgomery county. 55 Montgomery. 1 . Position and Extent. — The township is in the northeastern part of the county, joining Bucks. The area is nearly 11.25 square miles, or 7,170 acres. Popu- lation, 836. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is level and the soil loam and red shale. The township is drained by the Wissahickon, rising near Montgomerj^dlle, and the West Branch of the Neshaminy Creek. 3. Industries. — Farming is the employment of the people, with some attention given to manufacturing. 4. Villages. — The villages are ]\Iontgomeryville, and Montgomery Square, the township seat. 5. Schools. — There are four public schools in the township. Terra, eight and oue-half months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Montgomery To\\'nship. 2. What townships in Bucks County join this town- ship? 3. Kame the villages. 4. What creeks rise in Montgomery Township? 5. Kame the present township officers. New Hanover. 1. Position and Extent. — New Hanover is in the northwestern part of the county. Its area is 20.25 square miles, or 12,960 acres, being the fourth in size in the county. Population, 1,728. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is rolling and the soil red shale and loam. The Swamp and 56 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Deep Creeks, with tlieir brandies, drain the town- ship. 3. Origin and Industry. — What is now com- prised in the present townships of New Hanover, Upper Hanover, Douglass, and Pottsgrove as early as 1734 was called Hanover Townshijo. This name Avas de- rived from a capital and kingdom in Germany. Farm- ing is the chief occuj^ation of the people. 4. Villages. — The villages in New Hanover are Swamp, the townshij^ seat, Fagleysville, New Hanover Square, and Pleasant Eun. 5. Schools. — There are eleven public schools in the township, including the independent districts of Swamp and Fagleysville. The schools have terms of six, seven, and eight months respectively. Map Questions. — 1. Bound New Hanover. 2. Name the villages and j^ost-oifices. 3. What creeks in the township ? 4. Who are the present township officers ? Norrtton. 1. Position and Extent. — Norriton is situated nearly in the centre of the county. Its area is 8.G square miles, nearly, or 5,500 acres. It is the third smallest township in the county, having been decreased by enlarging the borough of Norristown. Popula- tion, 1,236. 2. Natural Filatures. — The surface is undu- MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 67 lating, and the soil is of red shale and clay, and is productive. Stony and Indian Creeks and a few minor streams, drain the toAvnship. 3. IndustPwIES. — Farming and considerable manu- facturing are the occupations of the people. The Stony Creek Bailroad passes through the eastern j^or- tion of the township and has a station at Hartranft. 4. Villages. — The villages of Korriton are Jeffer- son"ville, the township seat, Norritonville, Penn Square, and Spriugtown. 5. Schools. — There are five public schools in the township with a term of nine months, and are graded. Map Questions. — 1. Bound !Norriton Township. 2. Name th« villages and post-offices. 3. What rail- road in the township? 4. Name the present town- ship officers. Perkiomen. 1. Formation. — Perkiomen Township was divided by decree of court March 19th, 1886, making the Perkiomen and East Branch Creeks the dividing line. The division west of these streams is now Perkiomen Township, and the division east, Skip- pack. 2. Position AND Extent. — Perkiomen is situated in the northwest central part of the county. It is 58 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. the smallest township in the county, having an area of about 5.5 square miles, or 3,600 acres. Popula- tion, 1.024. 3. Physical Features. — The surface for the most part Is hilly. The soil is red shale, of a sandy nature, and generally productive. The Perkiomen, with the Lodle Creek, drains the township. 4. Industries. — Fanning is the principal occu- pation. The Perkiomen Railroad extends through the township for four miles, and has stations at Rahn's, Gratersford, and Schwenksville. 5. Villages. — The villages are Schwenksville, Gratersford, the township seat, and Ironbridge. 6. Schools. — There ai-e seven public schools, with a graded course of study, iu the township. Term, eight months. Plymouth. 1. Position and Extent. — Plymouth is situated south of the centre of the county. The area is nearly 8.25 square miles, or about 5,200 acres. Population, 2,224. 2. Natural Features. — The surface is undu- lating, and near the Schuylkill slightly hilly. The soil is fertile and productive, being of a limestone formation. Plymouth Creek is the largest stream in the township. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 69 3. Eesources. — The natural fertility of the soil, immense quantity of limestone and beds of iron ore, constitute its important resources. 4. Industries. — The industries are farming, burn- ing of lime, and mining of iron ore, together Avith some manufacturing. The Plymouth Kailroad passes through the southern part, with stations at Ridge and Plymouth, and the Norristown, Germantown, and Philadelphia Kailroad in the southeastern part, with stations at Mogee and Ivy Kock. 5. Villages. — The villages are Hickory town, tne township seat, Plymouth Meeting, Harmanville, and Mogeetown. 6. Schools. — There are six public schools in the township, with a term of ten months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Plymouth Township. 2. AVhat railroads pass through the township? 3. ]^7ame the villages and township seat. 4. "What river en the southwest? 5. Name the present toAvnship officers. Skippack. 1. Formation and Extent. — This is the eastern portion, formed by the division of Perkiomen Town- ship. It is situated northwest of the centre of the county. The township has an area of about 12.25 square miles, or 7,900 acres. Population, 1,360. 60 MONTGOMEP.Y COUNTY. 2. Physical Features. — The surface of Skip- pack is quite level, except aloug the Perkiomen. The soil is of a clayey nature, but under good culti- vation. The Perkiomen and the Skippack Creeks, with their branches, drain the towns^hi];). Farming is the occupation of the people. 3. Villages. — The villages are Skippackville, the township seat, Lucon, and Harmony Square. 4. Schools. — There are seven schools, with a graded course of study, in the township. Term, seven months. Springfield, 1. Position and Extent.— Springfield Township is situated in the southeastern part of the county. Its area is about 6 square miles, or 3,840 acres, being the smallest township in the county. In 1877 part of the narrow strip running to the Schuylkill was ceded to Whitemarsh. Population, 1,892. 2. Natural Features. — The surface is undulating. The soil is fertile, being of an excellent limestone. Branches of the Wissahickon Creek drain the town- ship. 3. Hesources. — Great quantities of iron ore and limestone are found in this township. The iron mines are extensively worked and the ore sent to Spring Mill, Conshohockcn, Edge Hill, and other places. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 61 4. Industries. — The principal are farming and market gardening, also mining and some manafac- turii]g. The Plymouth Railroad lias a course of two miles in the township, Avith stations at Flourtown and Oreland, where it connects with the N. P. Railroad. The Korth Penns}dvania Railroad passes through the township a distance of two miles, and has stations at Edge Hill, Oreland, and Sandy Run. 5. Villages. — The villages are Flourtown, the township seat, and Chestnut Hill. 6. Schools. — There are four public schools in the township, with a term of ten months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound this township. 2. What metal is found in this township? 3. What creeks in the township? 4. Name the township seat. 5. How many schools? Totvamensing. 1. Position and Extent. — Tow^amensing is situ- ated nearly in the centre of the county. Its area is 9.63 square miles, nearly, orG 160 acres. Population, 1,140. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is generally level and the soil red sliale and clay. The Skippack and Towamensing Creeks, with their branches, drain the township. 3. Industries. — Farming is the principal industry. Manufacturino^ receives some attention. 62 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 4. Villages. — The villages are Kulpsville, the township seat, and Union Square. 5. Schools. — There are six public schools in the township. Term, six months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Towamensing. 2. Name and locate the township seat. 3. What creeks in this township ? 4. Has the township any railroad within its borders ? 5. Name the present township officers. Upper Dublin. 1. Position and Extent. — Upper Dublin is in the southeastern part of the county. It has an area of 13.8 square miles, or 8,840 acres. Population, 2,008. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is rolling and the soil of loam and limestone formation. Camp Hill is an elevation extending through the north- western part. Wissahickon Creek, with its tribu- taries of Rose Valley, Pine, and Sandy Runs, drains the toAvnship. 3. Industries. — Farming is the principal industry. The mining of iron ore and manufacturing of lime are also carried on. The North Pennsylvania Rail- road passes through the western part for 1 2 miles and has a station at Ambler. 4. Villages. — The villages are Fitzwatertown, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 63 Jarrettown, the township seat of the loAver district ; Three Tons, Upper Dublin, Dreshertown, Pennviile, and Piuetown. 5. Schools. — There are six public schools in the township, with a ten months' term, Map Questions— 1. Bound Upper Dublin Town- ship. 2. Name and locate the villages. 3. What railroads in the township ? 4. How many schools in the township ? Upper Hanover. 1. Position and Extent. — Upper Hanover occu- pies the extreme northern corner of the county. Its area is 22 square miles, nearly, or 14 260 acres, being the second largest township in the county. Popula- tion, 1,977. 2. Natural Features. — The surface is undula- ting and in some parts hilly ; the soil is chiefly red shale. Hosensack Hill extends across the township, and is the highest elevation in the county. The Per- kiomen , Hosensack, West Branch, and Macoby Creeks drain the township. 3. Industries. — and manufacturing are the occupations of the people. The Perkiomen Rail- road passes through the township, and has stations at Palm, Pennsburg, Welkers, Hanover, and Hosensack. 64 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 4. Villages. — The villages are Palm, Kleinville, Hillegassville, and Ked Hill. 5. Schools. — There are ten schools in the town- ship. Term, six months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Upper Hanover. 2. What creeks in the township ? 3. Name and locate the vilhiges. 4. How man j schools ? 5. Name the present township officers. Upper Merion. 1. Position and Extent. — Upper Merion is in the southwestern part of the county. Its area is 16 square miles, nearly, or 10,200 acres. Population i? 3,405. 2. Natural Features. — The surface is generally rolling, with high hills in some parts. The soil is of limestone and loam, and very productive. The more important streams are Gulf Creek, East Valley Creek, and Mashilmac Creek. 3. Resources. — Upper Merion, througnout, is the most fertile township in the county and first in its natural wealth. Iron is obtained in abundance in parts, and sent to mills at Port Kennedy, Valley Forge, West Conshohocken, Swedesburg, and other places. Lime is manufactured in great Quantities and shipped to different markets. Many quarries of fine marble also abound, which are extensively worked. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 65 4. Industries. — Farming, miuing, and manufac- turing constitute the chief occupations of the people. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad j^asses through the entire length of the township, and has stations at Valley Forge, Port Kennedy, Merion, and Swedeland. The Chester Valley Railroad, running from Bridge- port to Downingtown, Chester County, has stations at Shainline, Henderson, and King of Prussia. Several short railroads running from the Schuylkill to the mines and quarries were constructed by private enter- prise. 5. Villages. — The villages are King of Prussia, the township seat of the upper district ; Gulf Mills, of the lower district; Port Kennedy, Swedeland, Mat- sunk, Valley Forge, and Mechanicsville. 6. Schools. — There are twelve schools, graded, and a term of ten months. 3fcq) Questions. — 1. Bound Upper Merion. 2. What is the shape? 3. How many schools? 4. What river oa the eastern boundary? 5. What minerals are found ? Upper Pottsgrove. 1 . Formation. — Pottsgrove Township was divided in Upper and Lower Pottsgrove by decree of court December 2d, 1889. The Charlotte Street (from PottstowiO road, with its various courses to Swamp, is the dividing line. 5 ij(j MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 2. Position and Extent. — Upper Pottsgrove is situated in the extreme northwestern part of the county. The area is about 9 square miles, or 5,680 acres. Population, about 1,010. 8. Physical Features. — The surface is generally rolling. The soil is red shale, and in parts pro- ductive. The Manatawny Creek,* rising in Rockland Township, Berks County, and Sprogle's Run, drain the township. 4. Industries. — Farming is the chief occupation of the people, also some manufacturing. The Cole- brookdale Railroad has a course of more than a mile in the township* 5. Villages and Schools. — The principal vil- lage is Half- Way, the township seat. There are six schools, with a term of six months. Upper Providence. 1. Position and Extent. — Upper Providence is situated in the western part of the county. It has an area of 18.9 square miles, or 12,096 acres. Popula- tion, 3,529. ^. Physical Features. — The surface is rolling, and in some parts hilly. Black Rock Hill is in the western part. The soil is red shale and well cultivated. t Sisiiifies Ihe place where we drank. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 67 The Mingo Creek and tributaries of the Perkiomen drain the township. 3. Industries. — Farming and manufacturing are the occupations of the people. The Perkiomen Pvail- road has a course of six miles in this township, with stations at Oaks, Areola, Yerkes, and Colleo-eville. The Philadelphia and Pveading Railroad passes through the western part, with a station at INIingo. 4. Villages. — The villages of Upper Providence are Trappe, the township seat of the upper district, College ville, Mont Clare, Quincyville, and Port Provi- dence, township seat of the lower district. 5. Schools. — There are thirteen public schools in the township, and four in the independent district of The Trappe. They are open for seveu and eight months respectively. i¥cYjj> Questions.— 1. Bound Upper Providence Township. 2. What railroads in the township ? 3. What streams form part of its boundary ? 4. What is the area ? 5. ^N'ame the present township officers. Upper Salford.* 1. Position and Extent. — Upper Salford is situ- ated in the northeastern part of the county. It has au area of 20 square miles, nearly, or 12,755 acres. Population, 1,889. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is generally * Signifies tne place where we drank. 68 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. level, except in the western part, where Stone Hill forms the highest elevation. This hill is covered with large bowlders. The soil is chiefly red shale aud loam. The Ridge Valley and East Branch Creeks drain the township. , 3. Industries. — Farming is the chief employment of tlie people. ManufacturiDg receives some attention. The Perkiomen Railroad passes through the township:). 4. Villages. — The villages are Tylersport, town- ship seat of the eastern district ; Salfordville, of the western district, Branchville, and Mechanicsville. 5. Schools. — There are nine j)ublic schools in the township, with a term of six mouths. Map Questions. — 1. Bound tlie township. 2. What creeks in the township? 3. What are the township seats ? 4. Name and locate the villages. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 69 Whitemaesh. 1. Position and Extent. — Whitemarsh is situated in the southeastern portion of the county. Its area is 14.125 square miles, nearly, or 9,040 acres. Popula- tion, 3,516. 2. Natural Features. — The surface is undulat- ing. The soil is a rich loam of limestone origin. The Wissahickon,* ^vith branches, drains the town- ship. 3. Industries. — Farming is the chief occupation. Iron-ore mining, burning lime, quarrying marble, all of which abound in great quantity and of excellent quality, also form important branches of industry. The Plymouth Railroad passes through the central part and has stations at Plymouth Meeting and Williams. The Xorristown Railroad passes along the western border and has stations at Spring Mill and La Fayette. The North Pennsylvania passes through the eastern portion and has a station at Fort Washing- ton. 4. Villages. — The villages are Barren Hill, tlie township seat of the western district. Fort Washington, of the eastern district, Plymouth Meeting, White- * Signifies the catfish sti'eam, or the stream of yellow watez. 70 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. marsh, Marble Hall, Spring ]Mill, Lancasterville, and Yalley Green. 5. Schools. — There are twelve public schools in the township, all of Avhicli are graded. Term, ten months. Mcqy Questions. — 1. Bound Whitemarsh. 2. Name the creeks in the township. 3. What river bounds it on the west ? 4. What metals are found ? 5. Name the present township officers. Whitpain. 1. Position and Extent. — Whitpain is situated southeast of the central part of the county. Its area is 13.5 square miles, or 8,640 acres. Population, 1,565. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is generally level, and the soil is a loam and red shale. The Wis- sahickon, with tributaries, drains the southern portion, and branches of Stony Creek the northern portion. 3. Industries. — Farming is the principal industry. The Stony Creek Railroad passes through the northern part and has stations at Custer and Belfry. 4. Villages. — The villages of Whitpain are Centre Square, the township seat, Blue Bell, Broad Axe, Franklinville, and Washington Square. Schools. — There are seven public schools in the township. Term, nine months. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 71 Map Questions. — 1. Bound Whitpain Township. 2. Xanie and locate the township seat. 3. What is the shape of the township ? 4. Locate the railroads. 5. Locate the villages. Worcester. 1. Position and Extent. — Worcester is situated in the centre of the county. It has an area of 15.75 square miles, or 10,080 acres. Population, 1,517. 2. Physical Features. — The surface is rolling, the soil red shale and under good cultivation. Zacha- ria Creek is the most important stream in the northern part. Branches of Stony Creek drain the southern portion. 3. Origin and Industries. — Farming forms the chief occupation of the people. Manufacturing also receives some attention. The Stony Creek Railroad crosses the eastern portion. The name Worcester is applied from a city and county of the same name in England. It is derived from the Saxon word Ceaster, signifying camp. 4. Villages. — The villages of Worcester are Cen- tre Point, the township seat, Fairview, and Cedar Hill. 5. Schools. — There are seven public schools in Worcester. Term, eight months. Map Questions. — 1. Bound Worcester Township. 2. 72 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. What creek in the township ? 3. Name and locate the township seat. 4. What township is in the centre of the county ? 5. Name the present township officers. BOROUGHS. Ambler. 1. Organization. — The borough of Ambler w^as established by decree ot court June 16th, 1888. It is situated in the southeastern part of the county at the intersection of Gwynedd, Upper Dublin, White- marsh, and Whitpaiu, from which townships its terri- tory was taken. Population, 1,073. 2. Improvements. — The streets are being well laid out and graded, and when finished will make an at- tractive borough. The residences are generally hand- some. The North Pennsylvania Kailroad passes through the place, also a branch of the Pennsylvania. 3. Industries. — The business enterprise of the borough is establishing various manufactories for employment of the people. 4. Schools. — There are three public schools, with a term of ten mouths. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 73 Bridgeport. 1. Organization. — Bridgeport is located in the eastern part of U2:)per Merion Township on the Schuyl- kill, opposite Norristown. It was incorporated by an Act of Assembly February 27th, 1851. Population, 2,651. 2. Improvements. — Various public improvements add much to the business advantages and prosperity of the borough. The canal of the Schuylkill Nav- igation Company, passing through the borough, was finished in 1824. The Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad passes through tke place. Tlie Chester Val- ley Bailroad connects with the Philadelphia and Beading at this place and with the Pennsylvania Central at Downingtown. 3. Industries. — The improvements give rise to various kinds of business. There are several im- portant manufactories, mills, and machine shops. . 4. Schools. — There are seven graded schools, with a term of ten months. A library was organized in 1858, and contains at the present time about 1,000 volumes. CONSHOHOCKEN. P 1. Organization. — Conshohocken is situated in the southern part of the county, on the left bank of 74 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. the Scliuylkill. Its territory, one mile square, was taken from Plymouth and Whitemarsh Townships, and incorporated by an Act of Assembly May 15th, 1830. Population, 5,470. 2. Improvements. — The canal of the Schuylkill Navigation Company passes throuo^h the borough. The railroad to Norristown was finished through this place in August, 1835. The Plymouth Railroad ex- tends from this place to Oreland. 3. Indtjstries. — The manufoctories are extensive. Large quantities of bar and boiler iron and boilers are made. Considerable sheet-iron of excellent quality is made. The man u Picture of castings, ma- chinery, and iron pipe is largely carried on. Prints and cotton and woolen goods are also manufactured. 4. Schools. — In this borough there are, including the high school, fifteen public schools, also a large parochial school. The school term is ten months. East Greenville. 1. Organization. — East Greenville was incorpo- rated September 6th, 1875. It is situated in the northern part of the county ; its territory was taken wholly from Upper Hanover Township. Population, 539. 2. Improvements. — The Perkionien Railroad passes within the borough, thus affording easy com- MOXTGOMERY COUNTY. 75 muDication with all points north or youth. It Avas opened for travel in 1874. 3. Industries. — The naaniifacture of cigars and dealing in general merchandise constitute the business of the people. 4. Schools. — There are three public schools in the borough, whose terms are eight months. Green Lane. 1. Organization. — Green Lane is the smallest borough in the county. It is situated in the western part of Marlborough Township, from which its terri- tory was taken. It was incorporated by an Act of Assembly December 10th, 1875. Population, 237. 2. Improvements. — Three turnpike roads meet in the borough — Sumneytown and Springhouse, the Perkiomen, and the Green Lane and Goshenhoppen. The Perkiomen Railroad was opened to this place in 1872, and in 1875 to Emaus. Manufacturing is car- ried on to some extent. There is one public school, and a term of eioht months. Hatboro. 1. Organization. — Hatboro is situated in the eastern part of the county, in Morclaud Township, 76 I\rONTGOMERY COUNTY. from ydiicli its territory ^vas taken. It was incorpo- rated August 26th, 1871. Population, 781. 2. Improvements. — The North East Pennsylvania Eailroad, extending to Hartsville, passes through the borough. Several important public roads intersect here. 3. Industries and Education. — The peoj^le are engaged in various pursuits ; manufacturing is carried on to some extent. The borough has four public schools, and a term of ten months. The Union Library of Hatboro was founded in 1755, and now contains about 8,000 volumes. It is the oldest and largest public library in the county. Jenkintown. 1. ORGANiziTiON. — Jcnkiiitown was organized December 8th, 187-4. It is situated in the soutli- eastern part of the county, in Abington Township, from which its territory was taken. Population, 1,609. 2. Improvements. — The North Pennsylvania Kail- road passes witliin the borough limits, giving it many business advantages, A library was established in 1805, and now contains about 1,400 volumes. There are six graded public schools in the borough, having a term of ten months. Lansdale. 1. Organization. — Lansdale was incorporated August 24th, 1872. It is situated in the eastern part MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 77 of the county. Its territory was taken from Gwynedd and Hatfield Townships. Popuhition, 1,858. 2. Improvements. — The North Pennsylvania Rail- road passes through the centre of the borough. The Doylestowu branch and Stony Creek Railroad connect here with the main line, thus making the town an important railroad centre and contributing largely to its business prosperity. The borougli is growing rapidly. There are eight public schools in the bor- ough, with a term of ten mouths. NORRISTOWN. 1. Organization.— Norristown, the county seat of Montgomery County, was organized by Act of Assem- bly March 31st, 1812. It is situated south of the cen- tre of the county, on the Schuylkill River. Its territory was taken from Norriton and Plymouth Townships. The borough is divided into ten wards, and has a population of 19,791. 2. Rank. — Norristowu is the largest borough in the county. It is not surpassed by any town in Pennsyl- vania in beauty of location, supply of excellent water, arjd abundance of marble, iron, and limestone iu the vicinity. 3. Improvements. — The improvements of Norris- town are various and important. In tlie order of time the Ridge turnpike was completed first; the 78 MOXTGOMERT COUNTY. Schuylkill Navigation was the next to be opened, in 1826. The Company constructed a dam here v.hich furnishes valuable -water-po^ver to several manufactur- ing establishments. The Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad was finished in 1835, and in 1856 laid with a double track. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, on the opposite side of the river, adds to the interests of the borough. The Chester Valley, crossing the Swedes Ford bridge, forms a con- nection Avith the Norristown road and the Pennsylva- nia. The Stony Creek Railroad connects the Xorth Pennsylvania with the Norristown. The Court-house, built in 1851, of white marble procured in the county, is one of the finest buildings of the kind in the State. The Insane Asylum is situated a short distance north of the borough and accommodates about 1,600 inmates. There are many handsome residences, the streets are regular and many are shaded, all of which combined give an appearance of neatness to the borough not so generally found elsewhere. 4. Industries. — Norristown has attained consider- able importance as a manufiicturing town. The man- ufacture of cotton and woolen goods, iron, glass, nails, tacks, marble, and oil is largely carried on; there are also saw and planing mills, flour mills, shirt factories, and various other establishments. 5. Schools. — There are fifty-seven public schools in I he borough, including: the high school, and a terra of ten months ; also a parochial school. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 79 KoRTH Wales. 1. Organization.— This borough is situated near tlie centre of Gwynedd Township. It was incorporated August, 1869. Population, 673. :N^orth Wales is a translation oi the Welsh name Gwiueth, from which Gwynedd is a corruption.^ 2. iMrROVEMENTS.— The North Pennsylvania Rail- road passes through the borough. Local business is much improved. There are five public schools. Term, ten mouths. POTTSTOWN. 1. Organization. — Pottstown is situated on the Schuylkill, in the extreme northwestern part of the county. It was erected into a borough in 1815. In 1888 the limits of the borough were extended, taking in large portions of U])per and Lower Pottsgrove, and is now the largest borough in area in the county. Population, 13,285. 2. Improvements. — The borough is beautifully located, the land sloping gently toward the Mana- tawny and Schuylkill. The streets are well laid out. The improvements are rapid, handsome, and substan- * According to Buck. 80 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. tial. The Philadelphia and Reading and the Penn- sylvania railroads pass through the borough. The Colebrookdale forms a connection at this })hice. 3. Industries. — The iron, steel, and bridge works, machine shops, and numerous other minin* manufac- turing establishments give enipl-oyment to the peo[>le. 4. Schools. — There are forty-eight public schools in the borough, including a high school, with a term of ten mouths ; also private schools. Pennsburg. • 1. Organization. — The borough of Pennsburg was formed November 19th, 1887. It is situated in the northern part of the county, near tlie centre of Upper Hanover Township, from which its territory was taken. Population, 627. 2. Improvements. — The Perkiomen Railroad passes through the place. The manufacture of to- bacco and a few other industries give employment. There are three public schools, with a term of nice months. ROYERSFORD. 1. Incorporation. — The borough of Royersford was incorporated in 1879. It is situated on the Schuylkill, in the southwestern part of Limerick MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 81 Township, from which its territory was taken. Pop- ulation, 1,815. 2. iMrPvOVEMENTS. — The borough has increased very rapidly since its organization. The streets are ■well laid out and Avell graded. The improvements are generally fine and substantial. The Phiiadelpliia and Reading Railroad passes through the borough. 3. Industries. — Stove and iron foundries, glass works, and machine-shops are the important indus- tries of the borough. 4. Schools. — There are eight schools in the bor- ough, with a term of nine months. SOUDERTON. 1. Organization. — Souderton is situated in the northeastern part of the county, in Franconia Town- ship. It was organized December 15th, 1887. Pop- ulation, 679. 2. Improvements. — The borough is growing. The streets are being laid out and improved. Various branches of local industry and business are carried on. The ISTorth Pennsylvania Railroad passes through the place. There are two public schools, with a term of seven months. West Conshohocken. 1. Incorporation. — West Conshohocken is situ- ated on the right bank of the Schujlkill, directly 82 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. opposite Consliohocken. It was incorporated in 1874, and its territory was taken fioni Upper and Lower Merlon Townships. Population, 1,6Q6. 2. Improvements. — The Philadelphia and Read- ing Railroad passes through the borough. The rail- road and canal on the opposite side of the river add much to the business interests. 3. Industries. — The manufacture of iron is largely carried on, for wliich the borough is principally noted. Other establishments are also in operation. 4. Schools. — There are five public schools in the borough. The term is ten months. There is also a parochial school. PART THIRD, Township and County Government. OUTLINE-TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT, I. Introduction. 1. I)efinition and Orioin. 2. Powers. 1. To hold i^roperty. 2. To elect officers. II. Officees of a Township. 1. Justice of the Peace. 2. Constable. 3. Supervisors. 4. Assessors. 5. School Directors. G. Auditors. 7. Town Clerk. 8. Board of Election. III. Election Districts. Section I. — Introduction. 1. Definition and Origin. — A township is a subdivision of a county, having its locul officers. In 8a 84 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Euglraid a division of a parish is called a township, from which the term came to be applied to a subdi- vision of a county in the United States. In some States, tow)i is of the same signification as township, but the latter is more commonly used. 2. Powers. — A township may hold property within its limits — both personal property and real estate. The dilTercnt school-houses and lots constitute the real estate lield by the township ; and the school fur- niiure and implements used by the Supervisors, the personal property. A township may sue and be sued. The corporate powers are vested in the Supervisors and School Board. The citizens of a township have the power to elect the several township officers on the third Tuesday of February of each year. The township officers are the folloAving : Justice of the Peace, Constable, Super- visors, Assessors, School Directors, Auditors, Town Clerk, and the Board of Election, consisting of a Judge, two Inspectors, and Eegistry Assessor. Section II. — Officers of a Township. 1. Justice of the Peace. — Every township and borough is entitled to two Justices of the Peace. The term of office is five years. Should a Justice of the Peace die or resign, the vacancy is filled by ap- pointment by the Governor of the State until the next township election. Justices of the Peace may be re- MONTGOMERY COUNTY. o-J moved from office only by the Legislature. If tAventy or more citizens j^etition for such removal, tlie court of the county Avill take the evidence of witnesses in writing and transmit tJiis to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, who will lay the same before the Legislature for its decision. The jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace is two-fold, both civil and criminal. Civil Jurisdiction. — He has exclusive juris- diction in nearly all cases where the sum demanded by the plaintiff does not exceed $100. Where the sum demanded is between $100 and $300 the plain- tiff can commence proceedings either before a Justice, or the County Court of Common Pleas. The judg- ment of a Justice under $5.33 is final, but if over that amount, any party aggrieved may appeal the same to the Court of Common Pleas, where the case will be heard anew. Criminal Jurisdiction. — As his name implies, this officer is indeed a peace officer. Upon oath of any citizen, setting forth that any crime has been committed, it is the duty of the Justice to issue a war- rant to apprehend the criminal, and bring him before said Justice. It is the duty of the Justice then to hear the witnesses for the prosecution only. A Justice of the Peace never hears the defense. If the Common- wealth makes out a probable cause against the pris- oner, he must put him under bail to appear at the 86 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. next Court of Quarter Sessions to stand his trial ; or, in case the j)risoner cannot procure bail, he must be committed to prison until the next court. Ten days before the next term of court, the Justice must make a return to said court of all criminal cases heard before him. The Justice of the Peace is authorized to acknowl- edge deeds and mortgages, and to act as Coroner when the Coroner of the county is absent, or when the office of the Coroner is more than ten miles dis- tant from the place where the death occurred or the body was found. 2. Constable. — A Constable is an officer hav- ing power to preserve the public peace and good order, and bound to execute the warrants of judi- cial officers. He is elected for three years. He is the executive officer of the Justice of the Peace, the same as the Sheriff is the executive officer of the court. He has power to make arrests on warrants from the Justice, and for breach of the peace or any crime coming under his own observation. He must give public notice of township elections, at least ten days in advance thereof; report to the court places in which intoxicating liquors are sold contrary to law, also gambling-houses in his township. Vacancies are filled by appointment from the court. 3. Supervisors. — Each township annually elects tv/o Supervisors, although any township may by vote MOiTTGOMERY COUlirTY. ^7 determine on a greater number. Should a vacancy occur the Court of Quarter Sessions can fill the same. The duties of the Supervisors are to open all roads ordered by the court, and keep them in good travel- ing order ; to make bridges over small creeks, rivu- lete, and deep gullies. They must erect index-boards at cross-roads, with names of places and distances to which said roads lead. Every taxpayer can de- mand the privilege to work out his tax upon the road, but no more. A Supervisor receives a salary of two doUai-s per day for every day he is engaged in the duties of his office, and a commission on the money he actually handles. He must give a bond in double the amount of tax to be collected. Supervisors must an- nually submit their accounts to the Auditors. 4. Assessors.— Every township elects annually one Assessor, and every three years two Assistant As- sessors. Vacancies are filled by the County Com- missioners. It is the duty of the Assessor proper to assess all persons over twenty-one years of age and all prop- erty, both real and personal. He makes a return of his work to the County Commissioners, who levy the taxes based upon such assessment. Their duties begin on the day after the holding of the general election.^ 5. School Directors.— Each tow^nship has six School Directors, elected for a term of three years, two are elected each year. When a vacancy occurs S8 MONTGOMEPwY COUNTY. in the Bor.rcl the remainiiif^ members have power to fill such vacancy until the next annual election. The term of office of School Directors commences on the first Monday of June, when the Board should meet to settle their accounts and organize for the next school year. The duties of the School Directors are to establish a sufficient number of common schools for the educa- tion of every individual, between the ages of six and twenty-one years ; to select sites for, and erect school- houses ; to fix the length of school terms ; to fix sala- ries, and appoint teachers, and lay such taxes as may be sufficient to defray the expenses of the same ; to grade schools when necessary ; to direct what branches shall be taught ; to decide what text-books shall be used, and to visit the schools at least once a month. The studies to be pursued in the common schools are left to the discretion of the Directors, who are governed in their decision by the wants of the district. 6. Auditors. — Each township or borough elects three Auditors, each for a term of three years, one of whom is elected each year. Any two, if properly convened, constitute a quorum. They meet on the second Monday of March of every year to audit all accounts of the Supervisors. The accounts of the School Board are audited on the first Monday of June. MONTGOMERY COUXTY. 89 7. Town Clerk. — Each township or borough has one Town Clerk elected for one year. Vacancies are filled hv the court. The office of Town Clerk has almost fallen into dis- use, and it now exists only in name. The law gives him charge of stray cattle, and he may accompany the Supervisor in his work on the roads, and act as his clerk, for which he is suitably to be paid. 8. Board op Election. — Each election district annually, at the township election, elects a Judge of Elections and two Inspectors. (Each voter casts a vote for but one person for Inspector, and the two having the highest number of votes are elected.) These offi- cers, together with two Clerks appointed by the two Inspectors, constitute the Election Board, whose duty it is to conduct all elections, decide who are entitled to vote, keep a list of all votes cast, and count them at the close of the polls, announce the result, and certify the same to the County Court. Each district also annually elects one Registry Assessor, whose duty it is to prepare a list of all voters, residing in his district two months before any election. In some counties of this State there is an office of To\\Tiship Treasurer, but in Montgomery County there is no such office. 90 MONTGOMEPwY COUNTY. Section III. — Election Districts. Each tovrnship and borough constitutes at least one election district. Some townships, on account of their extent and number of voters, are again subdivided into two or more election districts. The larger boroughs are also divided into several wards. to^ Borough Government. Upon the petition of a majority of the freeholders of any town or village, the Court of Quarter Sessions, with the concurrence of the Grand Jury, has jurisdic- tion to incorporate such territory into a borough, pro- vided the acts of Assembly are complied with and the same appears expedient to the court. Every borough has power to sue and be sued, to •make and use a common seal, and to purchase, hold, and sell such real and personal estate as the purposes of the borough may require. Officers. — The officers of a borough are Justice of the Peace, Constable, Assessors, School Directors, aud Auditors, who are elected for the same terms and ia the same manner, aud who perform the same duties as the township officers of like name. In addi- tion to these every borough elects a Burgess and Town Council. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 91 '^ The Burgess is elected annually. He is the executive officer of the borough. It is his duty to enforce all ordinances of the Town Council ; to pre- serve order and maintain the peace of the borough ; to remove nuisances, and exercise the power and juris- diction of Justice of the Peace within the borough in all criminal cases ; to punish vagrants ; sign all ordinances, and have general supervision of the Police. The Town Council consists of six members, elected for three years (two of whom are elected every year), who have power and authority to legislate and j^ass ordinances for the j)roper government and good order of the borough ; to lay out streets and sewers, and widen and straighten the same ; to prohibit the erection of any building, or obstruction to the open- ing or convenient use of the same ; to require and direct the grading and paving of foot-walks ; to pro- hibit noxious or offensive trades or businesses ; to make regulations for the health and cleanliness of the borough ; to light the streets ; to levy taxes to meet the expenses of the borough, and to borrow money, etc. The Town Council elects annually a Clerk, Borough Treasurer, and a Borough Surveyor, whose duty cor- respond to those of township and county officers of the same name. Many of the older boroughs act under special 92 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. charters granted by the Legislature, and their govern- ment differs greatly, each particular borough being a law unto itself. OUTLINE-COUNTY GOVERNMENT. I. Introduction. 1. Definition and Origin. 2. Po^Yers. II. Officers of a County. 1. Judge of the Courts. 2. District Attorney. 3. Prothonotary. 4. Clerk of Courts. 5. Pegister of Wills. 6. Recorder of Deeds. 7. Sheriff. 8. Coroner. 9. County Commissioners. 10. County Treasurer. 11. Directors of the Poor. 12'. Auditors. 13. County Surveyor. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 93 14. Jury Commissioners. 15. County Superintendent of Schools. 1 6. Prison Inspectors. III. Courts. 1. Definition. 2. Kinds. a. The Court of Common Pleas. h. The Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. c. The Court of Oyer and Terminer. d. The Orphans' Court. 3. Trials by Juries. 1. Grand Juries. 2. Petit Juries. Section I. — Introduction. 1. Definition and Origin. — A county is a cor- porate subdivision of a State, having power to hold property and maintain local government. The term, ill meaning, is equivalent to the English aliire. Al- though meaning the same, the terms are applied on no uniform principle. The shires of England and ^•^cotland are also called counties; but in Ireland and the British colonies, county is employed. In the Enited States the various political divisions of the States are called counties, except in Louisiana, where 94 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. similar divisions are called parishes. The divisions of a county are toAvnships, from three or four to thirty or forty, according to the size thereof. In Penn- sylvania there are now G7 counties, and in the United States about 3,650. 2. Powers. — A county may hold real estate and personal property. It may make contracts within its limits ; and it may sue and be sued. The corporate powers are vested in and exercised by the County Commissioners. Its qualified voters also have power to elect the different county officers and members to the State Legislature. Montgomery County, with a part of Bucks, constitutes the Seventh Congressional District. Section II. — Officers of the County. 1. Judge of the Courts. — The Judge of the Court, properly speaking, is not a county officer. He is an officer of a judicial district, which, although usually composed of a single county, yet may be composed of two or more counties. He presides at all the courts held in his district, interprets the laws, and carries them into effect. He sentences prisoners convicted of crimes and perf )rm3 many duties im- posed upon him by the law. Plis term of office is ten years. Vacancies are filled by appointment by the Governor of the State until the next general election. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 95 Montgomery County constitutes the Thirty-eighth Ju- iicial District of Pennsylvania. It has two judges. 2. District Attorney. — The District Attorney is elected for a term of three years. His duty is to frame all bills of indictment against persons charged with crime, and is the officer of the Commonwealth, who prosecutes and conducts all criminal cases in court. 3. Prothonotary. — The Prothonotary is clerk of the Court of Common Pleas. He issues all writs for the commencement of actions or suits of law, as well as writs of execution for the sale of property, either personal or real. He must keep dockets in which is entered a complete history of every step taken by either party in any suit or execution. He also keeps a judgment docket, in which all judgments are entered in their regular order. All these dockets are open to the inspection of the public. The Pro- thonotary is elected for three years. 4. Clerk of Courts. — This officer is Clerk of the Orphans' Court and Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Each of these courts has separate dockets, in which the proceediugs of each are kept. The Clerk of Courts also keeps a record of the jurymen draAvn and certifies the time of attendance of each to the County Commissioners. All matters relating to the opening, widening, or vacating of roads are recorded and kept by him. He enters a record of the accounts 96 MONTGOIMEEY COUNTY. of guardians of orphans, executors of wills, and ad- miuistrators of estates in the Orphans' Court docket after they are confirmed by the Court. The Clerk of Courts is elected for three years. 5. Register of Wills. — The Register of Wills holds J I is office for a term of three years. He grants letters testamentary to executors and letters of admin- istration to administrators. He examines and files the accounts of executors, guardians, and trustees of life estates. Wills are admitted to probate, recorded, and filed by him. 6. Recorder of Deeds. — The Recorder of Deeds is elected for three years. Vacancies are filled by ap- pointment by the Governor. It is the Recorder's duty to record all deeds, mortgages, and conveyances which shall be brought to him fur that purpose. He must enter every deed or writing in the order of time it was presented. Every deed should be placed upon record within six months of the time it was made. Mortgages should be recorded as soon as delivered, as they take precedence over each other in the order of time in which they are placed upon record. The Recorder also certifies, to any one ordering the same, a complete search of all unsatisfied mortgages resting uj^on any particular property. 7. Sheriff. — The Sheriff is elected for three years. When a vacancy occurs in the office of the Sheriff' the Coroner fills it until the expiration of the term. The MOXTGCltERY COUNTY. 97 Sheriff is the executive officer of the Court. All wiits directed to him by the court must be executed by him, and a return thereof made to the court. He, Avith the Jury Commissioners, draws the names of the jurors, and the Sheriff summons them to attend court. He gives notice of the time and place of general elections and the qualification of voters. 8. Coroner. — The Coroner is elected every three years. Vacancies are filled by the Governor. The duties of the Coroner are almost exclusively confined to holding inquests upon persons who have died by violence or accident, or in a sudden or mys- terious manner. He impanels a jury of six men, who inquire into the cause of death, afler which a ver- dict is rendered. In cases of crime the Coroner has power to cause arrest and to commit to prison ; in other cases neither the Coroner nor the jury have de- fined responsibility, and may only recommend. 9. County Commissioners. — There are thi-ee Commissioners elected in each county for a term of three years. Each elector votes for two persons, but the three having the highest vote are elected, thus ahvays giving the minority party a representative. Vacancies are filled by appointment by the remaining members. It is the duty of the County Commissioners to deter- mine the tax rate from statements of the Assessors, and levy the county taxes. They must keep in repair 98 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. the court-house and prison, and build new ones when authorized to do so. They must also build county- bridges and keep them in repair. Road damages as- sessed to property holders for land taken for new roads or streets within the county are paid by the county on warrants of the Commissioners. All bills against the county must be proved by them before they are paid by the County Treasurer. At the close of each fiscal year they publish a statement of the receipts and expenditures. 10. County Treasurer. — The County Treasurer is elected for a term of three years. Vacancies are filled by the Governor. The Treasurer receives and holds all the money belonging to the county, and pays the same on warrants drawn by the Commissioners. He also receives taxes due the Commonwealth, such as hotel and mercantile licenses, and pays the same to the State Treasurer. It is also a part of his duty to collect the county and State taxes, and for that pur- pose sits in each district at a certain time and place designated by himself. 11. Directors of the Poor. — There are three Directors of the Poor in Montgomery County elected for three years — one each year. Vacancies are filled by the remaining Directors. They have the general supervision of the Almshouse and of the poor of the county. They elect the Steward and other officers, in whom is vested the management of the Almshouse. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 99 The expenses are paid by the County Treasurer by orders drawn by the Directors. They also make a re- port of the receipts and expenditures at the close of each year. The Directors of the Poor of Montgom- ery County act under a special law ; other counties ha ye different laws. 12. Auditors. — There are three Auditors in each county, elected for a term of three years. They are elected in the same manner as the County Commis- sioners. They meet at the county seat on the first Monday in January of each year and audit, ad- just, and settle the accounts of the Commissioners, Treasurer, Directors of the Poor, and Prison In- spectors. 13. County Suryeyor. — The County Surveyor is elected for three years. Pie surveys all unclaimed land and adjusts the boundaries of townships. In this county his duties are little more than nominal. 14. Jury Commissioners. — There are two Jury Commissioners elected for a term of one year. Each elector votes for one person, but the two having the highest number of votes are elected. They, with the Judge of the Courts and Sheriif, fill the jury wheel with names of citizens of the county to be drawn as jurors of the different courts. These names are drawn from time to time by the Sheriff* in the presence of the Jury Commissioners, as jurymen are needed for the different sessions of the courts. 100 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 15. County Superintendent of Schools. — The County Superinteudent of Schools is elected for a term of three years by the School Directors of the various districts of the county in convention assembled. Va- cancies are filled by appointment of the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction. It is the duty of the County Superintendent to visit the public schools of his county as often as practica- ble ; note the methods of instruction and pjovernment practiced ; inquire into the organization of the school ; see that in every district the common branches shall be taught and that scholars are pursuing the- proper studies, and in sufficient number ; examine into the clasiiiication and see that a uniformity of text-books is ill use, and from such observations, oifer suggestions and encouragement to teacher and scholars, as he may deem necessary and expedient. He nuist hold annual examinations of teachers in the S3veral districts of the county, and hold a Teach- ers' County Institute each year. He also makes an annual report of the schools of his county and for- \Yards it to the Department of Public Instruction at Harrisburg. IG. Prison Inspectors. — The Prison Inspectors are appointed by the County Commissioners with the approval of the Court. They elect the warden and other prison officers, visit each prisoner at least once a month, and have general supervision of the prison. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 101 Section III. — Courts. 1. Definition.— A Court, iu law, is a body in the government to wliicli is delegated the public adminis- tration of justice, when regularly convened at the proper time and place. 2. Kinds.— Of the United States Courts there are three in relative importance and jurisdiction, the Su- preme, Circuit, and District Courts. In Pennsylvania the courts are the following : Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Orphans' Court. Any one aggrieved by the decision of any of these courts may, in a proper case, have his case appealed to the Supreme Court, the highest tribunal of the State, where mistakes of the lower courts will be cor- rected. a. The Court of Common Pleas has jurisdiction to try and determine all civil actions or suits. It has jurisdiction in assigned estates, and in the naturaliza- tion of foreigners. h. The Court of Quarter Sessions has jurisdiction to try all crimes and misdemeanors against the Com- monwealth, except those over which the Oyer and Terminer has exclusive jurisdiction. All bridges and roads are authorized by this court, as well as the estab- lishment of new townships, the boundaries and divi- sions of election districts, of independent scliool districts, and the filling of vacancies of tovrnship ofiieers. 102 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. e. The Court of Oyer and Terminer tries all high crimes, known as felonies, such as murder, arson, burg- lary, robbery, and treason against the State. d. The Orphans' Court has jurisdiction over the estates of decedents ; settles and adjusts the accounts of executors and administrators, and distributes the estate among those entitled to it. This court appoints guardians for minors, and has general supervision of their estates. It also decides on the validity of a will, or the right to administer to a decedent's estate, upon appeal from the decision of the Eegister of Wills. The regular sessions of the several courts of Mont- gomery County are held the first and the second weeks of the months of March, June, September, and De- cember, at wdiich jury trials are held. During the first weeks of February, May, August, and November the courts are open for argument upon questions of law before the Judge. Special Courts may be called at any time by the Judge for the trial of causes. The Orphans' Court is open at all times for many purposes which can be j^erformed by the Judge at Chambers. 3. Trial by Juries. — Trial by jury is as old as the common law of England, upon which all o»rlaws are founded, and as venerable. The Constitution of the United States, in Art. Ill, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 103 Sec. 3, provides that the trial of all crimes (except in case of impeachment) shall be by jury, and in th6 4th amendment — "In all criminal prosecutions the ac- cused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury," and by the 3d amend- ment, " No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment before a Grand Jury." By amend- ment VII — ^In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed $20, the right of jury shall be preserved. The Constitution of Penn- sylvania in the Bill of Rights, Sec. 6, says : " Trial by jury shall be as heretofore, and the right thereof remain inviolate." In Pennsylvania, where the amount in controversy exceeds $5.33, a trial by jury is demandable. In criminal cases the jury are judges of the law and the facts, while in civil suits the jury's only province is to determine facts disputed, v\diile the court declares the law. In Pennsylvania there are two kind of juries, \4z.: Grand and Petit. 1. A Grand Jury consists of 24 men drawn from the body of the county C^ny number between 12 and 23 being necessary to do business) to whom are submitted bills of indictment against various prisoners. It is the duty of the Grand Jury to inquire from an examination of the witnesses of the prosecu- tion if ix prima facie case is made out against the pris- 104 'MONTGOMERY COUNTY. oner, such as to com23el him to answer. No witnesses for the defense are heard before the Grand Jury. They do their w^ork alone in privacy, and no one is allowed to divulge what occurs in the jury room. If 12 or more of the members sitting agree that the Commonwealth has made out such a plausible or rea- sonable case, then they return the same "A True Bill." If 12 of their number do not so find, they return it "Not a True Bill." A Grand Jury is also authorized to visit, inspect, and report upon the condition of the public buildings of the county, and make such recom- mendations as they may think right and proper. The Grand Jury has nothing to do with civil suits. 2. Petit Jury. — A Petit Jury consists of 12 men. A panel of 36 or 48 men are drawn to sit for one week ; out of this number 12 are selected by lot to try each case. They are then sworn, listen to the tes- timony of both sides, and the speeches of the counsel, after which the Judge charges them, giving them brief instructions on the law governing the particular case. They then retire and determine the matter. This determination is called a " Verdict," which means a true saying. In order to reach a verdict all 12 must concur in the same finding. In criminal cases they must be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the accused before they can convict. In the civil court the weight of the testimony must determine the verdict. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 105 STATISTICS. Population of Townships — 1890. Abington, Cheltenham, Douglass, Franconia, Frederick, Gwynedd, Hatfield, Horsham, Limerick, Lower Merion, Lower Providence, Lower Salford, Marlborough, jNIoreland, Montgomery. NorritoH; New Hanover, Perkiomen, . Plymouth, . Pott^grove, . Skippack, ^prnij [field. Towaraensing, Upper Dublin, 2,703 4,746 1,6()7 2.258 1,850 2,367 1,833 1,239 2,224 10,362 1,374 1,755 1,151 1.880 836 1,236 1,728 1 024 2,244 1,885 1,360 1,892 1140 2,008 106 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Upper Hanover, . 1,977 Upper Merioii, . 3,405 Upper Providence, . 3,529 Upper Sal ford, . 1,869 Wliiiemarsli, . 3,516 Wiiitpain, . . 1,565 Worcester, ^ . . 1,517 Boroughs. Ambler, 1,073 Bridgeport, . 2,651 Conshohocken, . 5,470 East Greenville, . 539 Green Lane, 237 Hatboro, 781 Jenkintown, . 1,600 Lansdale, . 1,858 Norristown, . . 19.791 Noriii Wales, . 1,060 Pennsburg, . 627 Pottstown, . 13,285 Royersford, . 1,815 Souderton, . 679 West Couslioliocken, 1,666 National Banks of Montgomery County. IMontgomery National Bank, of Norristown. First National Bank, of Norristown. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 107 People's National Bank, of Norristown. National Bank, of Pottstown. National Iron Bank, of Pottstown. Perkiomeu National Bank, of East Greenville. Farmers' National Bank, of Pennsburg. National Bank, of Scliwenksville. First National Bank, of Consbohocken. Tradesmen's National Bank, of Consbobocken. Jenkintown National Bank. First National Bank, of Lansdale. Hatboro National Bank. Union National Bank, of Souderton. National Bank, of Eoyersford. First National Bank, of Ambler. Bryn ]\Iawr National Bank. North ^yales National Bank. Newspapers. Isame. Ambler Gazette, . News and Home News, . Enterprise, Providence Independent, Recorder, News, . . . , Public Spirit, Mirror, . ' . Guide, . . . • Where published. Ambler. Bryn Mawr. Cheltenham. Collegeville. Consbohocken. Harleysville. Hatboro. Hatfield. Jenkintown. 108 MONTGOMEEY COUNTY. Name. Towaiiiensing Item, Beobachter (German), . Keporter, Republican, . Norristown Daily Herald, Herald and Free Press, . Montgomery County Post, National Defender, Daily Register, Scliaylkill Valley Sentinel, Daily Times, . North Wales Record, . Bauern Freund (German), Montgomery Ledger, Bulletin, Daily News, . Schwenksville Item, Montgomery Transcript, Neutralist (German), Independent, . Montgomery County Presse (Ger.), Where published. Kulpsville. Lansdale. Lansdale. Lansdale. Norristown. Norristown. Norristown. Norristown. Norristown. Norristown. Norristown. North Wales. Penusburg. Potts town. Royersford. Pottstown. Schwenksville. Skippackville. Skippackville. Souderton. Telford. Post-offices ix Montgomery County. (September 1st, 1891.) Name. Located in. Abington, . . » . Abington. Abrams, . » . . Upper Meriou. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 109 Name. Academy, Ardmore, Ambler, Anise, . Ashbourne, Areola, . Bala, . Belfry, . Bergey, Blue Bell, Belliayers, Beban, . Bridgeport, Broad Axe, Bryn IMawr, Cheltenham, Cedars, . Ceutre Squai Congo, . Collegeville, Col mar, Conshohocken, Creamery, Cyn^vyd, Davis Grove, Delphi, Dreshertownj Located in. Lower Merion. Lower Merion. Borough. New Hanover. Cheltenham. Lower Providence. Lower Merion. Whitpain. Upper Salford. Whitpain. Morel and. "Whitpain. Borough. Whitpain. Lower Merion. Cheltenham. Worcester. AYhitpain. Douglass. Upper Providence. Hatfield. Borough. Skippack. Lower Merion. Horsham. Frederick. Upper Dublin. 110 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Name. Eiirlington, . Eagleville, . East Greenville, Edge Hill, . Eureka, Elroy, . Fagleysville, Fairview Village, Fitzwatertown, Flourtown, . Fort Wasliiugton, Franconia, . Frederick, . Gilbertsville, Grater's Ford, Greeu Lane, . Gulf Mills, . Gladvvyu, Glenside, Gwynedd, Harleysville, Hatboro, Hatfield, Haverford College, Hendricks, . Hillegass, Hoppenville, Located in, Franconia. Lower Providence. Borough. Cheltenham. Montgomery. Fran COD i a. New Hanover. Worcester. Upper Dublin. Springfield. Whitemarsh. Franconia. Frederick. Douglass. Perkiomen. B )rouuh. Upper Merion. Lower Merion. Cheltenham. Gwynedd. Lower Salford. Borough. Hatfield. LoAver Merion. Upper Salford. Upper Hanover Marlborouorh MOI^TGOMEEY COUNTY. Ill Name. Horsham, Hoyt, . Hoovertoii, . Huntingdon Valley, Iroubridge, . Jarrettown, . Jefferson ville, Jenkiutown, King- of Prussia, . Kulps ville, . Lausdale, Lafayette Hill, La Mott, Layfield, Lederachsville, Limerick, Linfield, Lucon, . Lower Providence, Mainland, Merion Station, . Mont Clare, . Mo r wood, Montgomery Square, Narberth, Narcissa, Neiffer, Located in. Hoi sham. Gwyuedd. Norritou. Morel and. Perkiomen. Upper Dublin, Norriton. Borough. Upper Merion. Towameusing. Borough. Whitemarsh. Cheltenham. New Hanover. Lower Selford, Limerick. Limerick. Skippack. Lower Providence. Lower Selford. Lower Merion. Upper Providence. Franconia. Montgomery. Lower Merion. Plymouth. Limerick. 112 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Name. New Hanover, Niautic, Norristown, . Norritonville, North AYales, Oaks, . Overbrook,* Obelisk, Ogontz, Ogontz School, Orville, Palm, . Penllyn, Pencoyd, Peansburg, Perkiomeiiville, Pleasant Run, Plymouth Meeting Port Kennedy, Port Providence, Pottstown, . Prospectville, Providence Square Red Hill, Rosemont, Royersford, Located in. New Hanover. Douglass. Borough. Norriton. Borough. Upper Providence. Lower Merion. Frederick. Cheltenham. Cheltenham. Hatfield. Upper Hanover. Gwyuedd. Lower Merion. Borough. Frederick. New Hanover. Plymouth. Upper Merion. Upper Providence. Borough. Horsham. Lower Providence. Upper Hanover. Lower Merion. Borouofh. * Branch office of Philadelphia, but in this county. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 113 Name. Rudy, . Rydal, . Salfordville, . Schwenksville, Shannonville, Skippack, Souderton, . Spring House, SumneytowD, Sassamansville, Spring Mount, Stowe, . Swedeland, Telford, Three Tons, Trappe, Tylersport, Terwood, Weldon, West Conshohocken, West Point, . William Penn, Willow Grove, Worcester, . Woxall, Wyncote, 8 Located in. Upper Salford. Abington. Upper Salford. Perkiomen. Lower Providence. Skippack. Borough. Gwynedd. Marlborough. Lower Pottsgrove. Douglass. Frederick. Pottstown. Upper Merion. Franconia. Upper Dublin. Upper Providence. Upper Salford. Morel and. Abington. Borough. Gwynedd. Whitemarsh. Moreland. Worcester. Upper Salford. Chelteuham. 114 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Name, Wynne wood, Yerkes, Zieglersville, Located in. Lower Marion. Upper Provideuce. Frederick. Money-order Offices in the County. (September 1st, 1891.) Ambler, Bryn Mawr, College viile, Conshohocken, Haverford College, Lansdale. Skippack. Linfield, Norristown, North Wales, Pennsburg, Pottstown, Royersford, Private Schools. Abington Friends School, . . Abington. Bryn Mawr College, . . . Bryn Mawr. North Wales Academy, . . North Wales. Ogontz Ladies' Seminary, . . Cheltenham. St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, . Lower Merion, The Hill School, .... Pottstown. Ursiuus College, .... Collegeville. The End. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 311 571 9 s