^urMviv^iV \mmm '^^'Siyvvvv i^Sw''*v*^*^^«'^e^:.- ^^-^^vKv^V^^^^fe m^^^ 'V.iyyy^; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.! 5 t I [FORCE COLLECTION.] ^ J UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. | i^l'¥^^^^ VWJ/<^W\g ■"^^ Jv"^vW'v^y\/U^ V, ^vw^V*.V^V^*;VV^^: i«g;;sts.ifeii ^^^^^^^iw^ ^y^. >i^^s^^WNi^y^^^'^k! ..^■.is-^^^ ^^>^.^^^:3« 'W"^^^^N^i^, SUmBIART OF THE PUBLIC EXERCISES AND HONORS AT THE OF THE HONORABLE C^SAR A. RODNEY, MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNT TED STATES OF AMERICA. BUENOS AYRES : VRINTED BY STEPHEN IIALLETj ]824. •C ADVERTISEMENT. As a tribute of respect to the memory of a useful and distinguished citizen, and from a zvish to offer some feeble consolation, if possible, to his worthy and afflicted family, tts well as to gratify friends and acquaintance abroad, the particidars of the correspondence, public acts and Jionors^ and other circumstances in relation to the interment of the Honorable Mr, Rodney, together zuiih the substance of the eidogy pronounced at his gi-ave, have been collected and. committed to the press. The high estimation in which the deceased was held by this people, as well as by his ozvn counti'y, on account of his public services and private vir- tues, renders, it is presumed, any further npolo;i y, V ^ "r.iv^ Jvi /v. ,C/v^ -W j^i^a fW^V?v, ,.uwv^v'; v^,v^N,^y ■■«>v- iw^^sva*: ^wWWW^ '^iwwy'j^: .W^MV-k^^wvv; . iW.;^. -i;. , .^,. iUVv.^-«y;^';^:,to,^•i.TcJL LIBRARY CONGRESS