^^v--*' W-^ KrV^S^-vife [it^ ?iti-^''£V. ENGLISH IN THE GRADES BY THOS. C. BLAISDELL, Ph.D. <•%) NEW YORK-:. CINCINNATI. {.CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY STEPS IN ENGLISH These books meet modern conditions in teaching Elementary English as explained in this pamphlet. They teach the child how to express his thoughts in language rather than furnish an undue amount of grammar and rules. From the start, lessons in conversation are employed simultaneously with those in written language. Picture-study, study of literary selections and Setter-writing are presented at sufficient intervals. The books mark out the daily work for the teacher in a clearly defined manner by telling him what to do and when to do it. Many unique, mechanical devices, such as a I'cbor-saving method of correcting papers, and a graphic system of diagramming, are provided. American Book Company ENGLISH IN THE GRADES SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHERS THOS. C. BLAISDELL, Ph.D. Professor of English in the Fifth Avenue Normal High School Pittsburg, Pa. NEW YORK •:• CINCINNATI .:• CHICAGO AMERICAN .BOOK COMPANY UBRARYof aONGHtSS Vwo Oooies rta;«vtsu JUN 14 1905 vouyneiii tiiuy COPY e. Copyright, 1905, by AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. LI). .. . ENGLISH IN THE GRADES. W. P. 1 FOREWORD The school world to-day generally agrees to the correctness of the following propositions concerning the teaching of language : 1. The chief ends of language teaching are (dC) facility in the verbal expression of one's own thought andfeelijig; (b) accuracy ift the use of the spoken and written forms of one's native tongue. 2. Power to speak and to write conies only through speaking and writing under proper guidance. 3. Oral expression should precede written work. 4. Language work should be based upon the child's experie7ice. 5. The study of English grammar at the proper age and in the proper manner has great- value. The author believes that the proper applica- tion of the foregoing propositions will make the work of the teacher easier and better. He fur- ther believes that the following are the most: effective exercises to arouse the child's interest and to lead him to