<'MAKE-I T P BOOFv— HOW TO "MAKE-UP." A practical guide for Amai'-ins, with Twenty r tliree Colored Illustrations. Price, 50 cents. No. CCCLII. FRENCH'S MINOR DRAMA. Clje 2Wting tfuitioa. .. A SUPERIOR PERSOH. r DUOLOGUE. BY INA LEON CASSILIS. Authoress of " Hearts or Diamonds ? " "Intervietced," "An Unfinished Story" tfv\, &c. COPYRIGHT, 1891, BY T. II. FRENCH. New York T. H. FRENCH SUCCESSOR TO SAMUEL FRENCH & SON publisher 28 West 23d Street London SAMUEL FRENCH PUBLISHER 89 STRAJSTD MAJKE-TJJ? BOX. Containing Ronge, Pearl Powder, Whiting, Mongolian, Ruddy Rouge, Violet Powder, Box and Puff, Chrome, Blue, Burnt Cork, Pencils for the eyelids, Spirit Gum, India Ink, Camel Hair Brushes, Hare's Foot, Wool, Craped Hair, Cold Cream, Joining Paste, Min- iature Puffs, Scissors and Looking Glass ; packed neatly in Strong Fancy Card-board Boxes, $4.00 ; Elegant Tin Cases, $5.00. THE ABOVE ARTICLES TO BE HAD SEPARATELY, For Prices, see Catalogue. FFENOR S DESCRIPTIVE LTST. SCENERY. With a view to obviate the great difficulty experienced by AmateurR (particularly in country houses) in obtaining Scenery, &c., to fix in a Drawing Room, and then only by considerable outlay for hire and great damage caused to walls, we have decided to keep a series of Scenes, &c, colored on strong paper, which can be joined together or pasted on canvas or wood, according to requirement. Full directions, with dia- grams showing exact size of Back Scenes, Border*, and Wings, can be had free oa application. The following four scenes consist each of thirty sheets of paper. GARDEN. The above is an illustration of this scene. It is kept in two sizes. The size of the back scene of the smaller one is 10 feet long and 6*£ feet high, and extends, with the wings and border, to 15 feet long and 8 feet high. The back scene of the large one is 13 feet long and 9 feet high, and extends, with the wings and border, to 20 feet long and 11>£ feet high. It is not necessary to have the scene the height of the room, as blue paper to represent sky is usually hung at the top. Small size, with Wings and Border complete, $7.50 ; large size, do., $ 10.00. WOOD. This is similar in style to the above, only a wood scene is introduced in the centre. It is kept in two sizes, as the previous scene, and blue paper can be introduced a6 be- fore indicated. Small 6ize, with Wings and Borders complete, $7.50; large size, do., $10.00. FOLIAGE. — This is a sheet of paper on which foliage is drawn, which can be repeated and cut in any shape required. Small size, 80 in. by 20 in., 25 cts. per sheet ; large size, 40 in. by 30 in., 85 cts. per sheet. TREE TRUNK. -This is to be used with the foliage 6heets and placed at the bottom of the scene. — Price and size game as foliage. DRAWING- ROOM. This scene is only kept in the large size. The back scene is 13 feet long and feet high, and extends, with the wings and borders, to 21 feet long and 11}£ feet hi?h. In the centre is a French window, leading down to the ground, which could be made practicable if required. On the left wing is a fireplace with mirror above, and on the right wing is an oil painting. The whole scene U tastefully ornamented and beauti- fully colored, forming a most eleerant picture. Should a box scene be required extra wings can be had, cons pting of doors each side, which could be made practicable. Price, with Border and one set of Wings, $10.00; with Border and two sets of Wings, to form box bcene, §12.50. COTTAGE INTERIOR. This is also kept in the large size only. In the centre is a door leading outside. On the left centre is a rustic fireplace, and the right centre is a window. On the wings are painted shelves, &c, to complete the scene. A box scene can be made by purchasing extra wings, as before described, and forming doors on each side. Price, with Bar er and one set of Wings, $10.00 ; with Border and two sots of Wings, to form box so no, $12.50. The above Scenes, mounted, can be seen at 28 West 22 d St., New York. Full directions accompany each Scene. "A SUPERIOR PERSON." DUOLOGUE. BY y INA LEON CASSILIS Authoress of " Hearts or Diamonds?" " Litervieioed," " An Unfinished Story," &c., &c. Copyright, 1891, by T. H. FRENCH. ^ ?v«i a ^,°* IAN 2 1892 ( London : New York : SAMUEL FRENCH, T ' H> FRENCH > SUCCESSOR TO SAMUEL FRENCH & SON, PUBLISHER, „ TTT , XTC(TT ^„ ' PUBLISHER, 89, STRAND. 28 WEST 23d STREET. f 7X-. \ X <*. r CHARACTERS Mrs. Newlyn (A Young Wife) Mrs, Grimsby (A Housekeeper) "A SUPERIOR PERSON." Scene : A sitting-room in Mrs. Newlyn's house. Enter Mrs. Newlyn, an open letter in her hand. She sits. Mrs. N. I wonder if my troubles are coming to an end at last ! I hope so, now that I am to have a really trustworthy person in the house to take charge of things ! I am not fit to do it — so dear Edward says, and so his mother says. I believe they're right. Sometimes I think I ought not to have married at all — I am so ignorant, and so timid and stupid ; but if I say that to Edward he puts his arms round me and calls me his dear little wifey-pifey, and tells me I mustn't say such horrid things, or he shall think I don't love him. Well, it's very nice to be scolded in that way ; but all the same, he gets cross when the meat is underdone and the potatoes like brickbats — he calls them brickbats, and calls me "Mrs. Newlyn" instead of "Betsie." I can't think why men are so dreadfully particular about what they eat ! I'm sure I've always done my best to please Edward. I roasted the mutton for him myself last Sunday, and made him a pudding with my own hands, and he said the meat was like "eating his boots" and the pudding a "squash." How was I to know that a joint of four pounds doesn't take five hours' roasting ? I thought he'd like it well done ! And first he guffawed, and then he was cross, because he said I ought to have known a plum pudding must have eggs in it ! I made the pudding out of a cookery book ; but I forgot the eggs. I thought it wouldn't matter. Edward needn't have called my pudding a "squash." And then he blames me because Susan won't get up in the morning, and is always running out to see her "mother" — she told me her mother lived in Wiltshire — and takes up cold water for him to shave with ; he even scolded me because one of Susan's hairpins SUPERIOR PERSON. was in tne soup last Wednesday. I can't help all those things ; no one ever taught me to keep house. I didn't tell Susan to put her hairpin in the soup, any more than I told her to send up her butter instead of ours at breakfast, and give Edward's favorite meerschaum to her mother. Men are so selfish — the best of them ! They want to have things go like clockwork ! Well, perhaps Edward will be satisfied when Mrs. Grimsby comes. Let me read over again what his mother says : — {reads) " My dear Margaret, —I am indeed grieved to hear of your household difficulties. Dear Edward tells me the house is a great worry to you, and that the dinner is never properly cooked, or served punctually." Edward needn't have complained to his mother. I don't think mar- ried men ought to have mothers — but she's very kind, though she does underline every second word, {reads) "I thought if you had a nice, steady, respectable, experienced house- keeper, who would take all the trouble off your hands, it would be so much better for you, and things would go more smoothly. You see, my dear daughter-in-law, the best of men, and my Edward" — our Edward, niamma- in-law ; he's mine too! {reads) "My" — our — "Edward is the best of men — will get out of temper if the dinner is badly cooked." I haven't been married six months without finding out that! "Young wives have their les- son to learn" — and they learn it very quickly ! Um — um — {reads) " Dear Edward didn't complain. 1 ' 1 Oh, yes he did ! — um — um — what a sermon ! Old ladies in the country spend half their time in writing letters. Um — um — ah ! {reads) "I am sending you a Mrs. Grimsby, who will call upon you to-morrow" — that is this — {reads) "morning. She is a most superior person. Most highly recommended ; she has lived in very distinguished families, and has the most unexceptionable references. You will find her quite a friend, and all trouble will be taken off your shoulders." How nice ! {folding letter) Then I shall have plenty of time to read and work. Edward wants some new slippers, and there's a new teapot cosy to make, and I haven't been able to get to the third volume of Lady Gertrudes Lover. I am longing to know whether she really does marry that stupid baronet instead of the duke — he's a darling, that duke ! {ring heard) Ah ! Perhaps that is Mrs. Grimsby ! {sits quickly ; tries to look very matronly and self-possessed, but is really nervous) "A SUPERIOR PERSON." 7 Enter Mrs. Grimsby, carrying a handbag ; she looks intensely respectable in manner and attire, but utterly self-possessed, and prepared to rule the roast; Mrs. Newlyn is about to speak when Mrs. Grimsby takes the initiative. Mrs. G. {advancing') Mrs. Newlyn, I presume ? I am Mrs. Grimsby. Mr. Edward Newlyn's mamma informed me that you required an experienced person to take charge of the house — a thoroughly trustworthy and responsible per- son — and I may say that Mrs. Newlyn — the elder Mrs. Newlyn — could not have recommended a more competent person than myself. Mrs. N. {rather takeji aback) Yes — I — certainly did re- quire Mrs. G. {with patronizing smile) Oh, of course, I thoroughly understand what is required. I know how it is with young ladies like yourself, wholly inexperienced. You cannot be expected to understand the care of a house, and gentlemen are so particular ! I remember the Duke of Shellabere, Mrs. Newlyn — the elder Mrs. Newlyn — has, of course, told you that I have lived in the very highest families — in fact, all my employers up to the present had titles. Well, the Duke of Shellabere — such an affable gentleman he was — used to talk to me so nice, almost as if I'd been his mother, as one might say, though his mamma — the Duchess, as was always about with her Royal 'Ighness the Princess of Wales — was a most stately lady. The Duke of Shellabere, he says to me, "Grimsby," he says, "I can't abide," says his Lordship — his Grace, I should say — " I can't abide," he says, "to 'ave my dinner hunderdone." Those were his Lordship's — his Grace's, I should say — very words, and though he was a duke, and Mr. Newlyn the common sort, as one might say, he don't like his meals hunderdone — naturally. You won't mind my sitting, will you, ma'am ? {pulls up chair and sits) Her Grace the Duchess of Shellabere was always so very haffable in that respec'. " Grimsby," her Grace used to say to me, " pray sit down. I know, " she says, ' ' you've been always brought up genteel," she says, "and 'ave been used to your hown servants," she says — those were her very words, ma'am, and true it is, ma'am. I never thought to come to this, being, as one mi^ht say Mrs. N. (who has been fidgeting sometimes during above, 8 "A SUPERIOR PERSON. but is a bit overawed by the ducal family, interrupting desperately) Yes, yes, my husband's mother told me I should find you a most superior person, and that you had the highest references. Mrs. G. (looking at Mrs. Newlyn with lofty surprise at the interruption) Certingly, ma'am, certingly ! I am much obliged, of course, for the elder Mrs. Newlyn's good opinion of me ; but I don't stand in no need of any words of hers — with all respec', you understand — having always lived in titled families. There was the Marchioness of Boufanty — you must have heard of her Ladyship, though you wouldn't know her, perhaps, {with an expressive glance round the room) Mrs. N. {faintly) No, I don't think I ever even heard of her. Mrs. G. No ! dear me ! I thought hevery one had heard of her Ladyship. But then, of course, we all 'ave our places in the world — and yours and my speres is different from her Ladyship's. Mrs. N. Certainly — of course — but — er — Mrs. Grims- by Mrs. G. I lived with the Hearl and Countess of Bany- makillig also. They was very nice, but, being Hirish, not so rich, as one might say ; and they wasn't quite the sort I'd been used to ; still, her Ladyship would have kep me had I been disposed to stay ; but after having lived with the Countess of Noddymore — which I was in that family before I went to the Countess of Banymakillig's and Lord Noddymore kep his carriages and horses, as a nobleman should — of course I owed it to myself, as you understand, not to be put upon, heven by a countess, especially a poor Hirish one. Mrs. N. Yes, Mrs. Grimsby, I am quite satisfied with your references — but don't you think Mrs. G. Yes, ma'am — you couldn't very well be hun- satisfied, could you ? — seeing as I have given satisfaction to so many of the nobility, and might have 'ad a position in the 'ousehold of her Royal 'Ighness the Princess of Wales — only for having the hinfluenza just at that time, and so another pusson was appointed ; but her Royal 'Ighness, as I've heard say, was that disappointed Mrs. N. Yes, no doubt, she would be ; but — but — about wages, Mrs. Grimsby Mrs. G. {loith a lofty smile) Excuse me, ma'am — salary — my salary. Wages is for 'ousemaids and cooks and such "A SUPERIOR PERSON." 9 like — we never says "wages'* to a pusson of my position in 'igh families, the haristocracy is very pertikler on that pint. (Mrs. Newlyn looks sat upon) Yes, ma'am ; well, as to salary, ma'am. Well, of course, I've 'ad very 'igh salaries — and to oblige you, ma'am, and seeing as you're so much put to it, being, as one may say, without Jiany one, I'll say £25 a year, and all found. Mrs. 1ST. {timidly) It is rather more than I wished to give ; but for a person with your credentials Mrs. G. {interrupting) Very well, ma'am. Then we'll say £25, and all found ; and I should require an 'oliday once a fortnight, and to go to church twice of a Sunday. I'm most pertikler on that pint, ma'am. Then I has my breakfast at nine o'clock, with a relish, of course. Mrs. N. A relish ! Oh ! I hope so. I trust you have a healthy appetite ? Mrs. G. Yes, ma'am. I may say I 'ave a very 'ealthy appetite, though a relish isn't a happetite, if you'll excuse me, ma'am. Still, I'm reasonable. A couple of rashers of bacon — nice streaky ones — I always 'ad the best of hevery- think when I lived with her Grace the Duchess of Shellabere ; or a few poached heggs — noo laid heggs — or a kidney, or a bit o' salmon sometimes — I'm not 'ard to please, ma'am. Then my luncheon at twelve, and my dinner at two o'clock, and my tea when I feel inclined — about four — and at height o'clock my supper. Mrs. N. But my husband and I dine at half-past seven. Mrs. G. Indeed, ma'am ! Well, that's rather ill-conven- ient ! You see, it comes across my supper time. Mrs. N. {with some spirit) I could not alter the dinner hour ; it suits my husband and myself ! Mrs. G. Well, that might be arranged. What servants do you keep, ma'am ? Mrs. N. {feeling small) I have hitherto kept only one servant ; you see, I attend to some things myself. Mrs. G. {in a tone implying, and preciously you did it !) Exactly, ma'am. The servant is of good character, I pre- sume ? Mrs. N. Most excellent. She is a little heedless some- times ! Mrs. G. We can see how she goes on ; it may be necessary to discharge her ; but we'll 'ope not. Where is the kitchen situated ? 10 "A SUPERIOR PERSON. Mrs. N. In the front — it is of good size and cheerful. Mrs. G. I will see it presently. I shall want room for some things of my own. I suppose there's no heasy chair ? Mrs. N. N— no Mrs. G. I shall require that — of course at his Grace the Duke of Shellabere's I had my hown private sittin'-room ; but I couldn't do without a heasy chair ; then, as to my bed- room, it must be large and hairy — and with a cheerful look out. I prefer a northern haspec' — it's more 'ealthy ! Mrs. N. Really. I hadn't thought of the aspect. The room you would occupy faces the west. Mrs. G. That won't do, ma'am — not at all — it makes the room too 'ot at night, having the sun on all day. We'll put that down, ma'am, as well as your dinner hour, to be arranged, (pulls paper and pencil out of tag and proceed* to note down) Mrs. N. But I should like to know, Mrs. Grimsby, a few particulars about Mrs. G. (folding up paper, paying no heed to Mrs. New- lyn) I suppose you don't keep much company, ma'am — you see that would not suit me. Mrs. N. We have a few friends, now and then. Mrs. G. Now and then — yes, ma'am. Well, that is no objection. And of course you don't come into the kitchen. Her Grace the Duchess of Shellabere never did— even the Hirish Countess didn't demean herself so far — I couldn't put hup with it. And after the dinner is served, lam at liberty. You can go to bed when you please, ma'am — there'll be no need to sit hup, as I can use the latch-key — I couldn't de- mean myself to come in by the hairey. Mrs. N. I don't think my husband will agree to Mrs. G. I've always been accustomed to my hown latch- key, ma'am. Mr. Newlyn has '« — I presoom. Certainly I couldn't sit hup to the small hours to let Hm in ! Mrs. N. Mrs. Grimsby, you forget yourself ! Mr. New- lyn is not in the habit of staying out until the small hours ! Mrs. G. (unmoved) Well, ma'am — different people, differ- ent ways. I've been used to the haristocracy, and I couldn't suppose a gentleman would be coming 'ome to tea every night, as the sayin' is. But you 'aven't been long married, ma'am, as I understood from the elder Mrs. Newlyn. Mrs. N. It can be no concern of yours, Mrs. Grimsby, how long I have been married. "A SUPERIOR PERSON." 11 Mrs. G. Oh no, ma'am — of course not. Only gentlemen is so different hafterwards to what they is at first. I re- member when the Marquis of Camelshair was first married he was that attentive to my lady. Mrs. N. The Marquis of Camelshair is nothing to me. I wish to ask you, Mrs. Grimsby Mrs. G. Yes, ma'am. I couldn't come before next week — next Thursday, shall we say ? But there's a good many more questions to hask you, ma'am ; also to arrange about the courses at dinner, and your luncheon time ; you see mine is at twelve, and my dinner at two — so you could lunch at one. Very well — a cold luncheon, of course. I don't hun- dertake 'ot luncheons for so low a salary, (pauses for breath.) Mrs. N. (who is fuming, aside) This is intolerable I I am to be a complete cypher ! Mrs. G. And then, ma'am ? Mrs. N. (rising) We will stop there, Mrs. Grimsby. You seem to have entirely misunderstood our relative posi- tions. You have asked questions and dictated terms as if you were engaging me and arranging your own establishment instead of my engaging you ! Mrs. G. (indignant) Reely, ma'am ! Mrs. N. Silence ! I choose to be mistress of my own house. You will not suit me at all ! You may have lived with duchesses and countesses, or you may not — I very much doubt if you have — (Mrs. Grimsby gasps with rage) — but you will not do for me. You can retire ! Mrs. G. (sarcastic) Retire. Oh, very well, ma'am, very well ! Suit yourself, pray, I 'ope you'll find somebody to put up with your mean, prying, poky ways ! You won't suit me, ma'am, not at all ! I haven't lived with dukes, and hearls, and marcuses ! Oh no, of course not ! Tve been used to ladies, I'll let you know — real ladies of title — who kep their carriages and footmen and went to Court ! I was de- meaning of myself to come to a shabby little willa where you couldn't swing a cat round. You're no lady, or you'd know your place better. Mrs. N. (advancing ; Mrs. Grimsby backs towards door) Leave the room at once ! Mrs. G. Oh yes, ma'am, I'm going, I don't want to stay. I wouldn't stay, if you was to offer me two 'undered a year. It ain't a fit 'ouse for a respectable pusson to be hin ! I ceitingly shouldn't 'ave spent 'arf a crown to come here if 12 "A SUPERIOR PERSON. »> I'd have known the sort of people I was coming to, and not even my fare hoffered me ! Good-bye, ma'am, good-bye. I shake the dust off of my boots on your shabby carpet, (ojiens door ; turns on threshold) Nasty, mean, scrubby place ! It ain't fit to 'ang out clothes in ! ( bangs out of the room) Mrs. N. Well ! of all the impudent, abominable creatures ! How could Edward's mother recommend her ! I don't be- lieve there are such people as the Duke and Duchess of Shellabere and the Earl and Countess of Banyma — what d'you call it ? I'll look in the Peerage, and I shall just tell Mrs. Newlyn what sort of a woman her paragon is ! If she's an average specimen of a" superior person" — give me an in- ferior one ! But she has given me a lesson ! I'll put my shoulder to the wheel, and teach myself how to rule my own house. No more housekeepers for me ! Edward shall not have to complain again of hairpins in the soup and puddings without eggs. In future things shall go like clockwork, {at door) I mean to be — though not quite in the style of Mrs. Grimsby — " a superior person," FRENCH S DESCRIPTIVE LIST. PROSCENIUM AND DROP SCENE. ^*3FI.O£U033]N"XTX3\GC 1 .— A most effective Proscenium can be formed by utilizing the paper made for this purpose. Three pieces of wood are merely required, shaped according to this dc&ign, and covered with the paper ; the proscenium having the appearance of light blue puffed satin panels, In gold frames, with Shake- speare medallion in the centre. Puffed satin paper, Light Blue, size 20 inches by CO inches, per sheet, 25 cts. Imitation Gold Bordering, per sheet, 25c., making 14 fset. Shakespearian Medallion, 18 inches in diameter, 50 cts. T"> T^> f>"]^ JSCJDEB^KTE.— The picture shown above is an illustra- tion of this scene. It comprises four sheets of paper which are to be pasted in the eentre of any sized canvas that may be requisite for the drop curtain. Si2e G% feet by 5 feet. Price $2.50. 'UOORSi — These comprise three sheets of paper each, and can be had either for drawing-room or cottage purposes. Size, 7 feet by 3 feet, rrice, com- plete, $1.25 each. X^TTVTTIf^ ^y%y _ — This is a parlor window formed with two sheets of paper, and could be made practicable to slide up and down. The introduction of curtains each side would make it very effective. Size, 3 feet by 4J£ feet. Price, $1.00, complete. Jj"JHL23Kr03E3C T7^7"T3>J"^D^>" , d7 s .— Consisting of four sheets of paper, representing a window containing four large ornamental frosted glasa panes with colored glass around. Size 6>£ feet high by 5 feet. Price $1.50. yXT^*fm=* TT« A €~3~F1-— This is also made with two sheets of paper. The fire is lighted, but should this not be required a fire-paper can be hung over it. It will be found most useful In many farces wherein a character has to climb up a chim- ney, and many plays where a fireplace is indispensable. By purchasing a door, win- dow, and fireplace an ordinary room scene could easily He constructed with the addi- tion of some wall-paper. Size, 3 feet by 4# feet. Price, complete, $1.26. FRENCH'S ACTINi PRICE, 15cts LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 017 400 854 1 ZNTTH^AT* I^Ij-^. x s=>- April Folly At Sixes and Sevens Barbara Baron's Wager Betsy Bow Bells Breach of Promise Breaking the Ice Brothers (The) Bubbles By Special Request Case for Eviction Chalk and Cheese Charity Circumstances Alter Cases Confederate Spy Compromising Case Crazed Crossed Love Danicheffs Dimity's Dilemma Dreams Duchess of Bayswater & Co Duty Engaged Equals False Shame Fennel First Mate For the Old Love's Sake Garden Party Garrick (Muskerry) George Geith Gentle Gertrude Buil Girl Graduate Girls (The) Glimpse of Paradise Gretchen Harvest Home His Own Guest Hook and Eye In Honor Bound Iron Master (The) Lady Fortune Linked by Love Long Odds Love Game Lyrical Lover » Major and Minor Man Proposes ( Grundy) Marble Arch Melting Moments Merry Meeting Mariner's Return Miser Month After Date My Friend Jarlet My Little Girl My Lord in Livery Nearly Seven Nearly Severed Nettle Not Such a Fool, etc. Obliging His Landlady Off Duty Old Cronies On the Brink Once Again Once a Week Open Gate Overland Route Palmistry Petticoat Perfidy Pity Playmates Prompter's Box Postscript Progress Punch Ruined by Drink Railway Adventure Row in the House Sample vs. Pattern Saved Second Thoughts Senior Wrangles Sins of the Fathers Sixpenny Telegram Sour Grapes Spur of the Moment Steeple Jack Step Sister Sunny Side Sunset Sunshine Taken by Storm Tears; Idle Tears That Dreadful Doctor The Nightingale Thorough Base Through the Fire Tom Pinch True Colors Two Pros Which Why Women Weep Woman's Wrongs Written in Sand Yellow Roses Yeoman's Service G-UIDE TO SELECTING- PLAYS; Price 25 Cents. Showing how to select Farces, Comedies, Dramas, for Private or Public Performance; giving the Number of Characters, the Author's Name, the Scenery, Costumes, Time in Representation, and the Plot or Advice, connected with 1,500 Pieces. FRENCH'S PARLOR COMEDIES. A new series of selected plays for Amateurs. Ten numbers. Price, 15 Cents each. Guide to Selecting Play3, Hints on Costume. Scenery to Fit any Stage. Jarley's Wax Works, Ethiopian Plays, Charades, Amateur's Guide, Gulae to the Stage. 7.>TE"VSr CATALOGUE SEJSTT FREE. T. H.FRENOH, 28 West 23d St., New York, I