r. 'ov* A>*^. °W&S$* C* ^ : ^B^'^ «Jl><^ AT "^ft oViiV * 4? °k • ^ilS * AV & ** ^ cF A> ^ A *°^ '-life? ^ ^ VV *£» ° 'f// tfttlYYV j. s~> OV ^°- f° ***** *> V A ^ 0' *> ,V * p \> ^^ THE STAVELESS COMPANY, Organized under the Laws op New York. Capital Stock, $500,000, Divided into 5,000 Shares of $100 Each ; 1,000 SHARES RESERVED FOR WORKING CAPITAL. OFFICE OF THE COMPANY: 54 PINE ST., NEW YORK. — ♦— (P U.S. A, ^ ft* fori: HULIN & CORNWELL, STATIONERS, 234 PEARL ST 1867. i~ Board of Trustees* JAMES A. SMITH, DENISON M. EASTON, SAMUEL H. GROSVENOR, EPHRAIM 0. GILMAN, E. M. PIERCE, JAMES H. CLARK, SAMUEL MULLIKEN, CHARLES B. HALL, EDWARD H. KELLOGG, J. A. STARKWEATHER. President* JAMES A. SMITH. W\cz f resident* JAMBS H. CLARK Treasurer* D. M. EASTON. Sj3eretar#* SAMUEL MULLIKEN. General &gmt SAMUEL H. GROSYENOR. Attorneys, BIRDSEYE & CROSBY. Banking louse CHATHAM NATIONAL BANK. > -< o CO ■o > H m z H CO O > r pi n o > o S > o X z m PROSPECTUS OF THE Staveless Barrel and Tank Co, In calling the attention of the public to the following Prospectus, great care has been taken to exaggerate nothing ; but simply, in stating facts, to prove that at last a Package has been invented which has all the require- ments needed, and which may be considered perfect in all its details. This Company holds the patent for the manu- facture of absolutely tight Tanks, Cisterns, Hogsheads, Puncheons, Barrels, Kegs and Boxes. The want of such an article has long been felt throughout the country, but in no place so much as in the Oil Districts, where millions of gallons are annually lost through imperfect packages. 10 While, therefore, the attention of the trade generally is called to this Barrel, especial re- ference will be made to this large and exten- sive interest, which is increasing daily, and which has become one of our leading sources of national wealth, adding, as it does enor- mously, to our immense revenues. This Barrel is made of thin veneer, or scale boards, one-thirtieth of an inch in thickness, cut or shaved out of boards or timber of any description. First, a circle or layer of this veneer is put in place, closely jointed, and running spirally from end to end ; over this is firmly glued or cemented another layer, another over that, until the desired thickness is at- tained; the seams in each successive layer crossing those of the next to it, in an opposite direction; this forms the body of the Barrel or Package — an ordinary Oil Barrel requiring about thirteen layers. The heads are made of the same material, transversely laid and ce- mented, and are set in their place without beveled chime or groove, and perfectly secure and air-tight, so that when completed, the Barrel has the solidity of a block of wood, and yet possesses a flexibility which will enable it to undergo, without the slightest damage, treat- ment that would ruin an ordinary Barrel. The inner layers being laid in cement, water will not act on them. It will thus be seen that this Barrel, in addition to its extraordinary strength, 11 is absolutely air, as well as water-tight, and that it is impossible for any fluid to escape either by leakage or evaporation. The annual loss of Oil alone, by leakage, throughout the country, is incredible, and at a low estimate may be computed at three and one-half millions of dollars. - This enormous loss may be saved by the use of this barrel, and Alcohol, Oil, Naptha, Spirits Turpentine, Gasoline, Varnish and other liquids, can be shipped to all parts of the world, in the original Package, and there will not only be no leakage, but no noxious or ex- plosive vapors will arise. An immense sav- ing in insurance, labor and tins will thus be effected. This Barrel, being in the form of a cylinder, is more easily handled, and occupies much less room than an ordinary Package of the same capacity; hence, there is a great saving in freight, and little or no dunnage is required, either on shipboard or in store. The novel and peculiar construction of this Package, renders it the strongest ever invented, while the great expense of cooperage is avoid- ed, no hoops being required, except to protect the outside. The scientific principles adopted in the construction of this Package is such — each layer and portion being firmly cemented to its neighbor — that it is impossible for the Barrel to shrink, and that it can be left in the 12 open air, and be subject to the most inclement weather, without fear of injury from exposure. Though this Barrel is the neatest as well as the most serviceable ever used, yet it can be manufactured at less cost than the ordinary Barrel, and is the cheapest to be found. This may seem incredible, but the labor and mate- rial required are comparatively cheap, as any kind of wood can be used, in any part of the country where they are manufactured. And, while on this point, it may be men- tioned that this Company holds the exclusive right to the use of a machine for the manufac- ture of Scale Boards for Barrels. This machine, simple in its construction, was invented by Mr. J. K. Mayo, who is also the Patentee of the Barrel, and is the result of years of appli- cation and study; this gentleman visiting Europe for the sole purpose of improving and perfecting his machine. It can be furnished the manufacturer at less than $1,000, and will cut from the log any kind of wood, at the rate of 50,000 feet (thirty to the inch) , per day. This quantity of Scale Board will make 150 Barrels ; in which the cheap labor of boys may be principally used. It will thus be seen that about $5,000 will be ample for a manufactory capable of turning out 150 Barrels per day, and should parties wish to avoid the expense of a machine, Scale Boards can be furnished at a small advance over ordinary timber. It may be 13 mentioned that a machine is already in the Provinces, and that the Company will soon be in a position to furnish parties with boards. Though many other advantages might be enumerated in favor of this Package, yet these are sufficient to prove that a Barrel has been invented which combines the essential charac- teristics of absolute tightness, cheapness, and great strength, qualities enough to recommend it to all interested. Many purposes for which these Hermetical Packages can be used, will at once suggest themselves. Being absolutely water, as well as air-tight, they can, either in the form of Barrels, Kegs, or Boxes, be used for Fluids of all kinds, and will be found invaluable for Dessicated Meats, Vegetables, Butter, Lard, &c, while it is thought they will come into general use for Gun Powder, Nitro Glycerine and all explosive agents. In fact, it is needless to enlarge on this point, the field is so extensive. It may be mentioned in connexion with the manufactory of Barrels, Boxes and Kegs, that the Company's patent also covers that of Tanks, Cisterns, Hogsheads and Puncheons, of any size and thickness, the same principle being used as in making small packages. This Company, in addition to its factory, proposes selling Franchises for Towns, Cities, 14 Counties and States, as well as to derive a revenue from its Royalties, and it is certain that ere long no other Barrel will be used. It may be added that the demand for Packages for foreign shipment of Petroleum alone, is enormous, being over six million dollars in value for the past year. Based on the low estimate of 10,000 Barrels required daily for Petroleum, and leaving out the immense wants of the trade for Turpentine, Alcohol, Varnish, &c., it will be seen that the revenue of this Company will be very large from the receipt of Royalties, aside from the sale of Franchises. A limited number of Shares of the Working Capital of the Company are offered for sale. The attention of all interested is called to this barrel, various samples of which may be seen at the office of the Company, 54 Pine Street, together with the materials used in its construction, and where full details will be given. The Company's factory will soon be in working order, at 72 TV'ater Street, Brooklyn, WHERE BARRELS CAN BE PURCHASED. vv A '* ^ *$ <■ ^: & «> -^ ^ ^