»*. «, ^ /jftW/k' *& wJ&& & For the translation see the reverse page. The diagram of six great massacres of Christians which took place in Turkey within less than seventy- five years. Every one of these massacres was planned and ordered by the Turkish Government. 1822. Greeks, especially in Scio (Chios) by Sultan Mah- moud, the grandfather of the present Sultan 50,000 1850. Nestorians and Armenians in Kurdistan, by Sultan Mejit, the father of the present Sultan 10,000 I860, Maromtes and Syrians, in Syria, by the same 11,000 1876. Bulgarians by Sultan Aziz, the uncle of the present Sultan 15,000 1894. Armenians at Sassoun, by Sultan Hamid II 10,000 1895. Armenians, in six provinces, by the same 90,000 SEVENTY-NINTH PSALM IN ARMENIAN. (An Armenian mother, writing to her son in the United States, requested him to read the seventy-ninth Psalm in order to know of the situation in Armenia. ) I tl |^i/i/7/»m/o-' ^bptuunuubpp one (fiun_ui7i_ ... arni-ftTCuflin. «£(fyi iTuiluU . nnL-^unupp utiu„ Tftupq. Lqqb Lrjp'h . \^pnL.ULun^Jjf ujl.L pujl^uL pnL. nuupint-npu » 2 ■£««- 6-ujn.uihbpnL.n. n.ftbpjt bplfftbpfi Pn.intJu_ "ubpnUh lfbptulfitL.p mnufib % .pnt. um.ppbpni.ij. tlujpJfiup bpbpft q tu niultUb p n iju i 3 \^unuj uipftJup fni_pft tut^u Pujipbgfiu \?pnt uuJnbJfiu pninput[tj>p , nL. Ji^bp sl/tup np »•»}.•&+ ft}iunl,p » 4 XT^P n.ptuqptbpntJb "htufuiuuiftUD bniuun f buinp nL. Ifiuutujli tlbp pninpwftop bnnnubpnt.u i 5 xrp' b zf L ^pp" "4_ Skp • iip^y tufunp ptupLiu^ "limit . ^nt. Uiupjuiuin. bpuibfi uil;u uihtnh /?»/>_ P n -PP* » (J f&UJipt JtnL. pujp/irtL.jd f)i.'tin u/h Luqq.bpnt.u i/r-Lui' np j>bq /»L LutiniJtin %bu Li-u'b_ L lp » 7 f«Y»w»»_ np Quihnpp tfbputu , r;i_ uiunp phujuni prpLUp lui L ptxiL n.LupdnL.qpu i & \Pp JPl^P dkqfr q-klT ujn_fj> Luuopb.unL.ppL.u_ Itbpp . ptnn ynt-uintf ^uiuuft Jhq/i oiil nnnp_ Uni-P pL-uhL pn. t pu\nL. np pjpuut (3 ■> ni^iun. m. niuli i> t () ~f;nL. iuunL.Lt/Un. lpLun.r>pi ^cutflun onub ifkqfi' nil JLp Lppbni-prbLUU \^umni_uj& n . L. onL. lu _ '*/ n i_ lu'L n ^LuifLup tfiplfh; Jhq t hl. Jhp dbnj»bpp j>wi"k' » 10 >^»»*«- pubu {,bp-uiuriuUbpp , fib n"»-/» h "J- unbt h n utnnL-Uj op j- {3~ n n . l tu I utu n <_/» ^bpLulin. uluo U%9 tlbp LuLpniJli Lun vLn otfJL. bujn.LU^ uhpni-n. P lu tp n L.UJ it LupflL-ufiu tlpl^d-p J J} \\LUuinL-Ui&pu ^iun.LU%Luuop ^pnL. Lun.fl>' n. P nn btlh * J>nL. aopuL-Pbu/Un. JL & n • P b l.L n ij ft iTlu _ ^nt-Uib liluinunL-LU&ubpp LUtupbqnL.p . 2£ f)«- boPuLuuiLnftb ^Luutnt-nnL-LT ppl? tlbp n_piu_ npUbpnth$ ppL'hn h-nnhu Jt^QjS luIi hpbun 'liiu/u ix/_ Mftph^ppu ^»J»«»i.J.'5.» ( npntl J>ba luhutptiL •ih'lt J3 P"^//<7 'fuu.B J* nL -