Outline g>tufcp of Cnflltsj) 2|t0torp Maud E. Kingsley, a. m. The Palmer Company BOSTON Class, d-lfl Q^ Book, GopigM .. ITS" COPYRIGHT DEPOSm Outline of English History Outline of English History by Maud Elma Kingsley Copyright, 1912, by The Palmer Company Boston The Palmer Company, Publishers J20 Boylston Street, Boston PRESS OF NEWCOMB & GAUSS SALEM, MASS. XlfO CI.A320820 Outline Study of English History. A. PRELIMINARY WORK. I. ENGLISH HISTORY INCLUDES J. The History of the British Islands (Particularly that of the Island of Great Britain*) 2. The History of the English People* a. Including- the development of the English language and distinctive racial characteristics. 3. The History of the English Monarchy, a. Including the development of English political insti- tutions and ideas. Note 1. The English people did not become the dominant race in the British Islands until after 450 A. D. ; English political history begins with the completion of the Norman Conquest, 1066. II. THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN BEFORE THE ENGLISH SETTLEMENT. Note 2. The island of Great Britain was known to the Bomans as Britannia, whence the English Britain. J. Traces of Primitive Man in Britain. a. The paleolithic or chipped flint implements: their occurrence in geological strata in connection with the remains of animals long extinct in Europe. b. The neolithic or polished stone implements associated with remains of animals of existing or recently extinct species. 2 Outline Study of c. The Bronze Age. (1). Meaning- of the term. (2). The great advance in civilization indicated by the knowledge of smelting metals. (3). Extensive remains of the prehistoric Bronze Age in Britain, (a). The Cromlechs : Dolmens: Stonehenge. Note 3. Nothing is known of the language or race affilia* tions of the people who erected these structures. 2* The Celtic Race : Its Part in European History* a. Conquests of the Celts in western and southern Europe ; in Asia Minor. b. Settlement of the Celts in Britain, B. C. 600 to B. C. 200. c. Complete absorption or extermination of previous population by the Celtic invaders. d. Introduction of the use of iron during the period of Celtic settlement. Note 4. Two very distinct varieties of the Celtic speech exist in the British Islands : the Goidelic, represented by the Irish and Highland Scottish languages ; and the Brytlionic, represented by the existing Welsh and the recently extinct language of Cornwall. This fact is regarded as indicating progressive waves of Celtic invasion. e. Characteristics of Celtic civilization. (1). The clan system of social organization. (2). The use of both iron and bronze implements. (3). Savagery of the masses but a certain degree of barbaric magnificence among the chiefs. (4). The Druid priesthood: its mysterious rites and secret influence. f . The Phoenicians of Cadiz and the Greeks of Marseilles seek commerce in Britain. English History 3 (1). Exploration of the coast of Britain by Pytheas of Marseilles, 4th century B. C. Note 5. The narrative of this early explorer is known only by scanty and garbled quotations in later writers. 3, The Roman Conquest of Britain : Britain Under the Romans. 'Note 6. The Bomans were the recognized protectors of civilization and commerce in western Europe after 200 B. C, their dominions including the com- mercial settlements of both Greeks and Phoenicians. a. Conquest of Celtic Gaul by the Bomans under Julius Caesar, 58 B. C. to 51 B. C. (1). Invasion of Britain by Caesar in 55 and 54 B. C. Note 7. These invasions were mere raids for political effect since no claim of sovereignty over Britain was made by Caesar. b. Establishment of Boman interest in Britain through commerce ; the adoption of Boman manners by the British princes and noblemen. c. Invasion of Britain by the Boman Emperor, Claudius, to protect the Boman interest, A. D. 43. d. London and Camuledunum (Colchester) centers of Boman power. e. Obstinate resistance of the Celts of the north and west ; slow progress of the Boman Conquest. f. Destruction of the Druids in the Island of Anglesey by Suetonius Paulinus, A. D. 61. g. Bevolt of Boadicea in the east, A. D. 62 ; cruel re- venge of the Bomans. h. Final establishment of the Boman power in Britain by the victory of Julius Agricola over the Cale- donians in central Scotland, 90 A. D. i. Britain organized as a Boman province. Note 8. A Boman province was a portion of the world of Outline Study of •which the Eoman people assumed the protection and government. It was not regarded as an integral part of a Eoman nation, nor were the provincials, as such, Eoman citizens. The Eomans modified their system of provincial government to suit the needs of each individual province. People who were sub- missive and capable were allowed some degree of municipal independence ; a thoroughly trusted prince or nobleman might be allowed to rule part of a province as a vassal king. In general, the provincials were forbidden the use of arms and were heavily taxed to support the Eoman military garrison and a swarm of civil officials sent from Italy to govern them. A heavy tribute for the Eoman imperial treas- ury was also exacted, and resident Eoman citizens formed a privileged class. At the sacrifice of all national aspirations, all political, and much of their personal, freedom, the provincials gained protection against foreign enemies and civil dissentions, a sys- tematic and fairly just government, good roads, and as much of the refining and civilizing influence exist- ing in the Eoman world as they were capable of as- similating. Britain under the Eomans. (1). Geography. (a). Walled towns of Chester, Lincoln, London, St. Albans, York. (2). Eoads. (a) . Importance of Eoman roads to Eoman civiliza- tion, (b). Survival of some of the Eoman roads in Britain into Saxon and even later times. (3). The Northern Frontier. (a). No attempt made by the Eomans to extend their conquests into the extreme north of Britain, (b) . Consequently the Eomans were compelled to de- fend a frontier against active savages constantly English History 5 reinforced from Ireland and, perhaps, from Scan- dinavia, (c). The wall of the Emperor Hadrian (A. D. 122) from the Tyne to the Solway : its purpose : exist- ing remains. (4). Advance of the Eoman frontier. (a). The wall of the Emperor Antonius Pius (A. D. 142), between the Forth and the Clyde. (5). Eevolt of the Caledonians and northern Britons (A. D. 160-185). (6). Expedition of the Eoman Emperor Septimus Severus to Britain: his death at York (208) : the frontier of Eoman Britain again established at Hadrian's wall. k. Life in Britain as revealed by excavation of Eoman ruins. (1). Towns generally small and mean as compared with those of Gaul and Italy. (2). Much of the country held, apparently, in vast estates tilled by slaves and serfs. 1. Introduction of Christianity into Britain. (1). Flourishing Christian churches in Britain in the latter part of the third century. (2). Legend of St. Alban of Verulamium. (3). The town population apparently thoroughly christianized during the fourth century, m. End of Eoman Britain. (1). Increasing pressure of the barbarians on all the frontiers of the empire after 300 A. D. (2). New tribes of savages, the Scots and the Picts, appear in North Britain. (3). German tribes from the region of the mouth of the Elbe appear in Britain ; known to the Eomans as Saxons. (a). Their piratical incursions. (b). The Count of the Saxon Shore. 6 Outline Study of B, ENGLISH HISTORY PROPER, I* THE ANGLO-SAXONS AND THE EARLY ENGLISH. J, The Downfall of Roman Civilization in Britain Contemporaneous with the Occupation of the Eastern Half of the Island by German Invaders* Note 9. A line drawn from the mouth of the Tweed through the mouth of the Severn to the south coast, would represent roughly the boundary between the Celts and the Germans at the time when Eoman civ- ilization finally disappeared, early in the 7th century. 2. Evidence that the Celtic Race became Extinct in the Region included in the Earliest German Conquests* 3* Points to be Noted Regarding the Anglo-Saxons* a. Their language, the earliest form of the English language, was radically identical with the languages of the German coast of the North Sea.. b. Meaning of the word Saxon as applied to these Ger- man invaders by the Romans and the British- Celts. Note 10. The Germanic peoples called the British Celts. "Welsh". There was a sharper distinction, physi- cally, between the Englishman and the Welshman than between the Englishman and the Hollander, or North German. Suggestion 1. Give the derivation and meaning of the word "Welsh". c. Traditional racial divisions of the German settlers in Britain. (1). The Angles, Jutes, Saxons; location of their re- spective settlements. Suggestion 2. Note the following points: (1) The deriva- tion of the word "England" ; (2). Derivation of the word "English"; (3). Original meaning of the term "Anglo-Saxon"; (4). Extent to which the word English History 7 "Anglo-Saxon" is synonymous with the word "Eng- lish"; (5). The difference oetween the common use of the term at the present day and its historical significance. d. Traditional or mythical stories of Hengist and Horsa and the conquest of Kent ; of Aella and the South Saxon settlements ; of Cerdic and the foundation of the West Saxon kingdom. "Note 11. There is no real history of the English con- quests in Britain nor any surviving tradition or myth to account for the English settlements north of the Thames. 4, Racial Development of the Early English* a. Barbarians lifted above utter savagery by their knowledge of the rudiments of agriculture and the simple domestic arts. b. The social unit, the family. "Note 12. Either the natural family, descendants of one ancestor ; or the artificial family, formed by the de- pendents of one lord. A man looked to his relatives or lord for protection and was responsible to his rel- atives or to his lord for his own conduct. No more was expected of public authority than to see that disputes between families or lords were terminated in accordance with law and custom. c. The economic unit, the household. Note 13. By household was meant the actual household and the hide or measure of land sufficient for the support of one household. A man's wealth was measured by the number of hides, the householders of which were his serfs and tenants. d. Classes of society. (1). The King, believed to hold his rank, if not his power, by right of divine descent and appoint- ment. S Outline Study of (2). The Thanes (Anglo-Saxon Thegn), or chosen warriors and counsellors of the king-; often members of his own or other royal families and usually landholders and lords, (a). The thanes in actual military service, attending the king, were called knights. (3). Wealthy landholders or members of families which, collectively, held much land. (4). Free householders (ceorls or churls) who lived on one or two hides of land which they either owned or rented of a thane or wealthy land- holder whom they accepted as their lord. (5). Slaves, and freedmen who earned their living by menial service, (a). The wergeld or money value of a man's life. 5» Government of the Early English. a. Large states incompatible with primitive social or- ganization. (1). Consequent division of England into a large number of small kingdoms, (a). Bernicia, Lindsey, Mercia, East Anglia, the kingdom of the Hwicce, Wessex, and others. b. Duties of government limited to keeping the peace and defending or extending the boundaries of the kingdom. c. The king and his thanes the only public authorities. d. Each landholder liable, under some circumstances, to various taxes and tributes for the king's use, and always liable to military service. e. For administrative purposes, each kingdom was di- vided into districts ; each district, under a thane, who was known as the king's reeve. Note 14. The administrative divisions of the kingdom of Wessex were known as shires and their royal govern- ors as shire reeves (contracted to sheriffs), names English History 9 which English speaking emigrants have taken with them into all parts of the world. 6* Manners and Customs* a. Warfare. (1). Wealthy classes best equipped for military ser- vice, and, consequently, most relied upon. (2). The kings, thanes, and knights, the nucleus of the military force ; the horseman preferred to the foot-soldier. (3). A general levy of freemen in cases of emergency. (4). Weapons and armor. 'Note 15. The two-edged cutting sword, the pike or thrusting spear, and the javelrn were the usual weapons of this period. The long bow did not become the distinctive weapon of Englishmen un- til after the Norman Conquest. The armor con- sisted of a small round shield, a helmet of iron, and a coat of iron chain mail. b. Agriculture. (1). Basis, the heavy plow drawn by eight oxen; vil- lage co-operation enforced by the use of such clumsy machinery. (2). Fertility of the soil maintained by the prohibi- tion of continuous cropping according to the uni- versal mediaeval custom. c. Social life. (1). Little if any town life in earliest England. - Note 16. London, Canterbury, York, and Lincoln, the oldest English towns, were, perhaps, in existence one hundred or one hundred and fifty years after the destruction of the Eoman towns on the same sites. (2). Houses. (a). Small, usually of one room, with high pitched roofs covered with thatch or tiles. 10 Outline Study of d. Trade. ( 1 ) . Exports : — cattle, wool, slaves. ( 2 ) . Imports : — gold and silver ornaments ; rich cloth- ing. (3). Gold, silver, and bronze coins in use. Note 17. The words penny and shilling come from the earliest English, but the names have indicated widely different values at different periods. e. Writing. ( 1 ) . The Runic alphabet. (2). Knowledge of letters confined to a few and re- garded as a magic art. (3). Roman letters introduced "with Christianity. f. Religion. (1.) Same gods as those worshipped in Germany and Scandinavia. ~Note 18. This is indicated by English names of the days of the week. Tuesday (Tyr's day), Wednesday {Woden* s day), Friday (Frigga's day), etc. (2). Mythology and form of worship of the early English unknown. Note 19. The Teutonic religion seems to have been an extremely primitive superstition which had been out- grown long before Christianity was preached in the north. 7. The Celtic Neighbors of England. a. Wales, including Shropshire and Herfordshire, until the middle of the 8th century. Note 20. The Celts of Wales were restless and warlike but were seldom united against the common enemy. b. West Wales (Cornwall and part of Devon). Note 21. This section was cut off from Wales by the victory of the Saxons at Deorham, 577. It was a rude and barbarous region having little connection with early English history. English History 11 c. North Wales, comprising the western Lowlands of Scotland, with Cumberland and Westmoreland. Note 22. This section was cut off from Wales when Ches- ter was taken by the English, 613. (1). Not a political unity at this time, later the pow- erful British kingdom of Strathclyde. d. The wandering Gaelic savages of the eastern and northern Highland of Scotland who were known as Picts. Note 23. The Celts, at the beginning of the 7th century, were all Christians, and all except the Highland Picts retained some memory of Eoman civilization; but, cut off from the Christian world and confined by rugged mountains and desolate moors, they were, in some respects, more barbarous than the heathen English. The Celts and the English regarded each other with mutual contempt. 8. The Civilizing of the English through the Introduction of Christianity. a. Survey of the situation. (1). Gaul, Spain, and Italy, as well as Britain, con- quered by German barbarians. Note 24. The conquerors of these provinces, unlike the English, were already Christians, familiar with the ideas of civilization and open to civilizing influences. (2). The Christian Church organization the most vig- orous institution in the later Eoman Empire and the most efficient protector of civilization during the barbarian conquests. (3). The universality of the Church kept alive the Eoman Empire in spirit for ages after it had ceased to exist in bodily form. (4). Organization of the Church. (a). Secular clergy who performed the services ol the Church for the laity. 12 Outline Study of (b). Eegular clergy or monks, who devoted their lives wholly to religious contemplation and ex- ercises, (c). The Bishops or overseers of the Church, the Popes. 1\ Gregory I. (Known as Saint Gregory), Pope of Eome, 590-604 : his energetic character ; his efforts to develop the primacy of the Eoman Church into an effective dominion over other churches ; his dream of a reunited Christian world. Suggestion 3. Eead the story of Pope Gregory and the English slaves. State its meaning. b. The Coming of Augustine, a Eoman monk, dispatched by Pof>e Gregory as missionary to the heathen English lands, 597. (1). The conversion of Ethelbert, King of Kent, and his people. (2). The rapid evangelization of the greater part of England. (3.) Attempt of Augustine and his disciples to induce the Celtic Christians to join "with the English converts in communion with Eome ; the attempt fails. {4). Heathen reaction; the Eoman clergy driven from Northumbria, 633. (5). Northumbria reconverted by the Celtic missiona- ries from the great monastery of Saint Columba in the island of Iona. (6). Contest between the Celtic and Eoman churches for the control of northern England settled in favor of Eome by King Oswy at the synod of Whitby, 664. c. Effect of the conversion of the English. (1). Adoption by the English of the Eoman civiliza- tion, including' what still existed of the Latin literature. English History 13 (2). Admission of the English to commercial and dip- lomatic intercourse with the civilized Franks and Italians. Suggestion 4. What is meant by "Franks"? (3). Establishment of the monastic system through- out England. 'Note 25. The monasteries served as centers, not only of learning, but of agriculture and industry as well. (4). Development of the idea of a common English nationality from the unity of the Church organi- zation in England. 9* The English Kingdoms. a. Varying boundaries and degree of independence. b. The BreUvalda or chief king. c. Supremacy of Northumbria, 650-700; of Mercia, 725- 800 ; of Wessex, after 825. d. King Egbert recognized as BretwaJda, after 830; sometimes reckoned as the first king of all Eng- land. JO* The Danish Invasion. a. Beginning of the Danish raids. (1). Origin and character of the people known to the English as Danes, and to continental Europe as Northmen. (2). Their heathenism, bold seamanship, reckless cour- age, and savage cruelty. b. The Danish Invasion. (1). Impelling motive of the movement. (a). Over population of the sterile North; love of adventure ; later, the desire for the luxuries of civilization and the attractions of mild climate and fertile soil. (2). England exposed to attack: — neglect of the sea and seacoast ; inefficiency of government ; lack of 14 Outline Study of national spirit and co-operation for common de- fence. (3). The raids of Danish sea rovers in the reign of Egbert become actual invasions in the reign of Egbert's son, Mhelwolf, and his sons, 836-871. (a). East Anglia, the southern half of Northumbria, and the eastern half of Mercia became Danish lands, before 875. (b). Alfred, son of Ethehvolf, King of Wessex, at- tacked by a great Danish host, 876. 1\ The defeated Danes forced to surrender to Al- fred, 878. (4). Treaty between the Danes and the English, after 897 ; The Danes accept Christianity, and acknowl- edge Alfred as their over-lord. (5). The Danish Dominion. (a). Eecognition of Danish dominion in East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria. (b). The Danelagh: — East Anglia, the Five Boroughs, York. Note 26. A straight line drawn from Chester to the Thames at London will roughly represent the southern boundary of the Danelagh. (6). Most important result of the Danish invasions, (a). The development of an English nationality. Note 27. With the exception of a small English kingdom in Northumbria, north of the Tyne, all Englishmen, who had escaped subjection to the Danes, recognized Alfred, King of Wessex, as their sovereign. \ I* Alfred the Gfeat : His Character. (1). His military skill and his success in war; his greater success in arousing national spirit and enthusiasm ; his ability as an organizer of civil life ; his patronage of learning and literature ; his own literary work; his place in English lit- erature. English History 15 J 2. Efforts of Alfred's successors, Edward, Athelstan, Edmund, and Erred to extend their sovereignty over the Danelagh, 900-955. \ 3. End of the Political independence of the Danelagh, about 950. Note 28. The Danes adopted the English, language with some variations of dialect, and became Englishmen in name and national instinct. They preserved, however, many of their distinctive customs and laws and re- mained an active and influential element of the Eng- lish people. J4. Reign of Edgar, 959-975, the culmination of the power of the house of Alfred* a. Archbishop Dunstan Edgar's chief counsellor ; his enlightened statesmanship in Church and State. J 5. Confusion after the death of Edgar; Aethelred the Redeless, or the Uaready; meaning of the epithet, J6. Renewed Danish invasions; conquest of England by the Danish king, Sweyn. 1 7. Defeat of Edmund Ironside, son of Aethelred, by Canute, son of Sweyn. 18. Canute, King of England, J0J7-X035, a. His character ; his popularity in England. b. His vast empire (including England, Denmark, and Norway) in direct sovereignty, with overlordship far to the east and west. c. End of the Danish line with the deaths of the sons of! Canute, 1040-1042. 19. England from the end of the Danish line to the Norman Conquest. a. Eestoration of the line of Alfred in the person of Ed- ward, son of Edmund Ironside. b. Reign of Edward (known in history as Edward the Confessor) , 1042-1066. (1). Character of Edward I. 16 Outline Study of Note 29. Edward the "Confessor" was a crowned monk, respected only for his moral virtues and sincere piety. (2). The kingdom held for Edward by the three earls : Leofric of West Mercia, Siward of Northumbria, Godwin of Wessex. (3). Growing- influence of continental ideas in English politics ; increasing intercourse with the Nor- mans across the channel. III. THE NORMAN CONQUEST. J. The Normans in France; their origin; their enthusiastic adoption of Latin civilization; their energy and virility* a. The Duchy of Normandy ; its relation to the Norman race and to the French monarchy ; its situation, extent and neighbors. 2. The Feudal System. a. Effect of the feudal system upon society. (1). Sharp division of classes; crushing burden of the military class on the agricultural and industrial population relieved somewhat by the institution of free towns. (2). Political effects of the Feudal System. (a). The king only one of many great lords in his kingdom, (b). The dukes and counts legally royal officers really independent sovereigns ; royal power over them merely nominal. 3. Relations by marriage between the kings of England and the dukes of Normandy. 4$ Note 30. Edward the Confessor was, through his mother, a grandson of Eichard I, the third Duke of Norman- dy; William, the reigning Duke of Normandy after 1035, was a great-grandson of Duke Eichard I. English History 17 4. Harold* son of Earl Godwin ; his ascendency over King Edward; story of his oath of homage to Duke "William of Nor- mandy* 5. Death of King Edward, J 066, without direct heirs. 6. Harold, regent of the kingdom, immediately chosen king by the Witan. Suggestion 5. Explain the word "witan". Xote 31. The action of the witan amounted to nothing" more than a formal recognition of the fact that Har- old had made himself king. The male line of the de- scendants of Alfred was not extinct, and Harold had no other claim to the crown than the power to seize it. 7. Duke "William of Normandy claims the throne of England as the next of kin, recognized as such by King Edward. a. Harold's oath of homage alleged as evidence that he had understood and accepted this arrangement. b. A great host assembled by William for the invasion of England. 8. The Norman Conquest of England. a. Preliminary events. (1). Nature of William's army of invasion; nature of his position as its commander ; the profit sharing aspect of the enterprise. (2). William supported by the Pope and by the feudal princes generally. Xote 32. William and his knights were regarded as mis- sionaries of feudalism and Latin civilization to a land which an obsolete social system kept in unprogres- sive barbarism. (3). Tostig, Harold's brother, offers the crown of Eng- land to King Harold Hardrada of Norway, (a). Attack of Tostig and Harold Hardrada on the coast of Northumbria. (4). Threatened with invasion on two sides, the Eng- 18 Outline Study of lish, as a whole, rally around the native King- Harold. (5). Tostig and Harold Hardrada defeated and slain by King Harold at Staniforcl Bridge, September 25, 1066. b. The Norman Conquest. (1). William of Normandy with his army lands at Pevensey in Sussex, September 27, 1066. ( 2 ) . Harold hastily marches south to meet the Nor- man invader ; the levies of Wessex join him but the northern earls are slow in gathering their forces. (3). The English army annihilated in the great Battle of Hastings; King Harold and his brothers slain, October 14, 1066. (4). Attempt of the witan to rally the English in sup- port of the Aetheling (Prince) Edgar, grand nephew of the "Confessor" ; refusal of the north- ern earls to fight for Edgar. (5). William enters London and is proclaimed king- by the witan, December 25, 1066. IV. THE FOREIGN MONARCHY. U William I. (The Conqueror.) a. Lived 1027—1087; reigned, 1066—1087. b. Title to the throne — conquest. Note 33. William was not only the founder of a new dy- nasty, but the first king of England in the sense in which the word "king" was understood by feudal lawyers and historians. c. Obstinate but disorganized resistance of the English to foreign domination. d. Conquest completed with the surrender of Hereward at Ely, 1071. e. Attitude of William towards the English. Note 34. Accustomed to the conditions of the continent, English History 19 William regarded a people which supported no exclu- sive military class as essentially servile and bar- barous. f . Objects considered by William in the settlement of his Conquest. (1). The reward of his soldiers who regarded them- selves as partners in his enterprise. (2). The establishment in England of the feudal land tenure and the customs and laws which were based on it. Note 35. In common with all the practical statesmen of his time, William regarded the Feudal System as the only safe and sufficient basis for civilized society. (3). The firm establishment of the royal power as a guarantee of the permanence of his work. g. The Feudal System in England. (1). The confiscation of the land. Note 36. As the result of his Conquest, William pro- claimed himself the rightful owner of the soil of England. Whoever henceforth should hold land in England must hold it by grant from him. The titles of the great English landholders were cancelled and .their lands redistributed among the foreign soldiers to be held by feudal tenure. If an Englishman re- tained his land tf any part of itj he, like the foreigner accepted it as a grant from the king on the same condition of feudal tenure. (2). The principle of the feudal tenure. Note 37. That land was a loan to its possessor from his lord to be enjoyed by him on condition of his per- forming certain stipulated services. (3). Practical working of the feudal tenure in Eng- land. Note 38. A group of cultivators of the soil (churls or villeins) constituting a village, held their land of some soldier (knight or esquire), on conditions which made 20 Outline Study of him, practically, their master and made them his serfs, differing" from slaves only in the fact that they were not chattels but went with the land. The soldier, with a number of others of his class, held lands from one of the king's barons, on condition of being always ready for military service, equipped with horse and armor and accompanied by armed followers of inferior grade. The baron, in turn, held his land from the king on condition of having a small army of knights and men-at-arms ready on call. Note 39. There were, of course, many variations of this scheme : — knights holding directly from the king ; knights' lands held for other than military service ; etc. (4). The effect of this system on society. (a). The whole country was brought under the dis- cipline of a military camp. Note 40. Failure in the service by which land was held meant the instant loss of the land and exposure to barbarous punishment which every baron or other chief, tenant of the crown, was empowered to indict. (5). Outlaws and the forests. Note 41. Much of the land of England at this time was incapable of cultivation by the methods then known. These wastes were generally wooded and well stocked with game. Dispossessed Englishmen who would not submit to the new order sought to maintain them- selves in such places by hunting and plunder. The most rigorous of the feudal regulations were designed to keep persons not belonging to the military class out of the forests. The struggle between the outlaws and the barons is reflected in the familiar story of Robin Hood. (6). Fate of the English under the Feudal System, (a). The lowest classes of freemen changed native for foreign masters : their burdens were in- English History 21 creased ; they felt the full rigor of the stern dis- cipline involved in the new social order, (b). The higher class of freemen, who tilled a few acres of their own and regarded themselves as landholders, found no place in the feudal system ; they were reduced to the lower class of villeins. (c). Of the wealthy classes of Englishmen, those who were awarded land enough for the purpose, could, by adopting foreign language and manners, ob- tain recognition as members of the military class. *Notv 42. Those who could not or would not take this course were compelled to obtain the protection of some foreign soldier-baron on the best terms obtain- able. (d). From the higher nobility, the governing class, the English (after 1075) were absolutely ex- cluded. (7). The Church. (a). Church lands generally were exempted from the confiscation; but the English Church itself suffered a foreign conquest, foreign ecclesiastics replacing natives in all the higher offices as rapid- ly as was consistent with the dignity of the re- ligious profession. (8). Eoyal power. • (a). The weak point of the Feudal System was lack of central control of the strong social units it created. 'Note 43. The reason for this lack of control may be stated as follows : — During the development of the sys- tem, the royal governors of provinces, dukes, counts, etc., succeeded in intercepting the service of the Karons under them, and thus made their offices their property, depriving the king of all real power over his nominal dominions, (b). Measures of William to prevent this process 22 Outline Study of from being* repeated in the feudalization of Eng- land. "Note 44. The old English laws, unaffected by feudal ideas, were based on the primitive theory of the king- ship as the ultimate source of all authority ; conse- quently, William, while imposing the feudal laws on his English subjects, kept the English laws for him- self. Side by side with the feudal regulations which enforced the power of the superior over the inferior, he retained and developed the old English regulations which enforced the direct authority of the king over everybody, (c). Consequences of this use of royal power. ~Note 45. The titles of duke and count, associated as these titles were, at the time, with the idea of territo- rial sovereignty were not conferred by William. His governors of provinces had to be content with the title, and, with two or three exceptions for purely military reasons, with the powers of the former Eng- lish earls. The English division of the country into shires was retained, and with it the shire courts and the judicial powers of the sheriffs. William's sheriffs were, of course, foreigners ; but, as the purpose of their office was to uphold the royal authority, they administered in their courts the Eng- lish common law which recognized no exemptions from the king's justice. Note 46. It must not be supposed that these measures were always and under all circumstances effective against the arrogance and strength of great feudal lords. The king could not pull a baron out of his castle without the aid of a military force which he could obtain only by calling on other barons. But asFPrtion of independence by powerful barons was, in England, never distinguished from rebellion. h. The Domesday Booh. "Note 47. In 1085-1086, a royal survey was held to deter- English History 23 mine just what disposition of the land of England had been made as a consequence of the Conquest. The original record of this survey, known as the Domesday Book, is still preserved in the public record office in London. i. William's last years. (1). His wars in Normandy against his eldest son Bob ert and King Philip of France. (2). His death at Rouen in Normandy, 1087. William II. (William Rufus.) a. Lived 1059-1100; reigned 1087-1100. b. Title to the throne — second surviving son of William the Conqueror. (1). William I, at his death, gave to William Rufus the kingdom of England and to his elder brother, Robert, the duchy of Normandy. c. Character of William Rufus. (1). His coarseness and brutality. d. Wars waged by William Rufus. (1). With rebellious barons, 1087-1095. (a). Result — supremacy of the crown maintained. (2). With Robert of Normandy, 1088-1096. (a). Result — Normandy united to the crown of Eng- land. (3). With Scotland. (a). Result — conquest of Cumberland and West- moreland. e. Financial difficulties : oppressive and illegal taxation : quarrels with the Church. (1). Appropriations of the revenues of vacant bishop- rics. (2). Dispute with Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, as to whether the Pope, as head of the Church, or the King of England was the overlord of the lands of the English Church. 24 Outline Study of (3). Banishment of Anselm. f. Accidental death of William while hunting 1 in the "New Forest." 3. Henry I. (Beauclerk.) a. Lived 1068-1135; reigned 1100-1135. b. Title to the throne. (1). The youngest son of William the Conqueror, he outwitted and outfought his older brother, Rob- ert of Normandy. (2). At the death of William II, Henry bought, with the royal treasure, the acquiescence of the sur- rounding barons in his seizure of the crown. (3). Secured the support of the Church and of the in- terests opposed to feudalism by a proclamation promising redress of grievances and the mainte- nance of the English "Laws of Edward. 4 " c. Events in the reign of Henry I. (1). Archbishop Anselm recalled. (2). Henry marries a princess of the old English line, thd sister of the king of Scotland. Note 48. This princess was, through her mother, the great-grand-daughter of the English king, Edmund Ironside, and niece of Edgar the "Atheling" who had been a claimant of the English crown against Wil- liam the Conqueror. Through her, all subsequent kings of England, except Stephen of Blois, down to the present day have traced their descent to Alfred and the early kings of Wessex. (3). Henry buys off his brother Eobert, allowing him to retain Normandy, 1101. (4). Puts down feudal rebellion in England. (5). Attacks Eobert and recovers the domain of Nor- mandy at the Battle of Teuchbrai, 1106. (6). Compromise with the Church. (a). The Church to elect its own bishops and ab- bots. English History 25 (b). The king to be entitled to feudal homage for Church lands. (7). The beginnings of the English administrative sys- tem. (a). The curia regis or royal council: its functions as a supreme court. (b). The itinerant commissioners of the curia, as circuit judges, assume the judicial functions of sheriff in the shire courts, (c) . The Court of the Exchequer : its supervision over the royal revenue gradually extended to cogni- zance of financial and commercial transactions generally. (8). Beginnings of mercantile life in England. 'Note 49. There was no protection for the merchant or artisan in the middle ages except as he procured it for himself ; and seeking for protection ordinarily implied more sacrifice of personal independence than a merchant or an artisan could afford. Consequently such people formed associations and offered joint ser- vice to the king or other protecting power. These associations were encouraged by enlightened princes and tacitly permitted to frame laws and regulations for the government of their members. The union of a number of such associations around a cathedral church made a "town." (9). Death of Henry's only son, William, in ship- wreck, 1120. (10.) Marriage of Henry's only daughter, Matilda, to Geoffrey, Duke of Anjou : her children. (11). Aversion of the Norman barons to the rule of a woman or a child : traditional enmity between Normans and Angevins (the people of Anjou). (12). Sudden death of Henry I, 1135, 4. Stephen of Blois. a. Lived 1197-1154 : reigned (under disturbed conditions) 1135-1154. 26 Outline Study of b. Title to the throne (disputed). (1). Grandson, through his mother, of William the Conqueror. (2). Elected by the barons and bishops. Note 50. Stephen was chosen from among- their own number by the barons in the belief that he would prove merely a feudal overlord and not an English king as his grandfather and uncles had been. c. Events in Stephen's reign. (1). Immediate dissolution of the Norman-English kingdom into its feudal elements : earldoms, bar- onies, and bishoprics, (a). Consequent turbulence and devastating petty wars. (2). Vain attempt of Stephen to maintain the royal authority by means of mercenary soldiers. (3). Eobert, Earl of Gloucester, the most powerful of the English barons, proclaims Matilda, daughter of Henry I, Queen of England, 1139. (4). Civil war added to feudal anarchy for the re- mainder of Stephen's reign. (5). Conquest of Normandy by Matilda's husband, Geoffrey of Anjou, in the name of his wife and son, 1144. (6). Henry, son of Geoffrey and Matilda, acknowledged by Stephen as his heir, 1150. (7). Death of Stephen, 1154. d. Summary of Stephen's reign. Note 51. Stephen's reign was long ?emembered by all classes in England as an example of the evils of un- checked feudalism. In those evil days, the barons themselves learned to appreciate the system of Wil- liam the Conquerer which subordinated feudal inde- pendence to the law of the realm. English History 27 Henry IL (Plantagenet.) a. Lived 1133-1189: reigned 1154-1189. b. Title to the throne. (1). Grandson, through his mother, of Henry I. c. Dominions already in Henry's possession at the time of his accession to the English throne. (1). DuTce of Normandy, 1150; DuJce of Anjou and Tou- raine, 1151; Duke of Aquitaine, Poitou, and Gas- cony, 1152 (in right of his wife). d. Events in the reign of Henry II. (1). Promptly restores in England the political sys- tem of William the Conqueror and the adminis trative organization of Henry I. (2). Henry's continental ambitions and wars. (3). Taxation. (a). The system of scutage or tax in commutation of feudal service. (b). Tallages or arbitrary taxation of commerce. (c). Other forms of irregular taxation. (4). Henry's quarrel with the Church. (a). Chief point of the controversy: — the claim of the Church courts to exclusive jurisdiction over all persons connected with the clerical profes- sion. (b). Thomas BecJcet, Archbislwp of Canterbury; his character and early career ; reasons for per- sonal animosity between King Henry and Becket. (c). The Constitutions of Clarendon; nature of this edict ; reasons for the opposition of the clergy ; ultimate fate of the Constitutions. (d). Eepudiation by Becket of the authority of the king's courts over ecclesiastics ; Becket takes refuge on the continent and excommunicates the king's ministers, 1166. (e). King Henry's eldest son crowned as his father's colleague by the Archbishop of York. ,28 Outline Study of Note 52. This act constituted an invasion of the rights of Becket as primate of England. ;(f). In Henry's absence, Becket returns to Canter- bury and excommunicates the Bishops of London and Salisbury. ((g). Murder of Becket by knights of Henry's house- hold : his posthumous career as Saint Thomas of Canterbury, ((hi)-. General belief that Henry instigated the mur- der of Becket ; compelled to purchase peace with the Church by surrender on the question of the rights of his courts over ecclesiastics, 1772. e(5). Alliance of Henry's wife and sons with his enemy, the King of France. C(6). Feudal rebellion in England, 1173-1174. (a). The towns and the smaller landholders firmly support the king, (b). Successful defence by Henry of his vast do- minions. (7). Last years of Henry's reign: his death. *€. Permanent results in English History of the reign of Henry II. ? ^1). Final separation of the executive and judicial functions of government by the establishment of the "Court of King's Bench" within the curia regis aid by the development of the system of it- inerant justices. (2). The establishment of the principle (not the mod- ern practice) of trial by jury instead of the bar- barous trials by ordeal or duel of the old English laws. (3). The establishment of the principle that all sub- jects of the king owed him service and might look to him for protection regardless of feudal relations. Note 53. This principal was part of the Conqueror's the- ory of government. The organization of the shire English History 29' courts under the itinerant justices made it effective to the detriment and ultimate destruction of feudal power. 6, Richard I. (Coeur de Lion.) a. Lived 1157-1199; reigned 1189-1199. b. Title to the throne. (1). Eldest surviving' son of Henry II. c. Character of Richard : reasons for his fame in poetry and romance : his military ability and love of war : disregard of his non-military subjects ex- cept as revenue producers. d. Eichard and the Crusades. (1). The Crusade of Richard; reckless financial meas- ures in furtherance of this project. (2). The captivity of Richard; cause of his imprison- ment ; enormous ransom demanded for his release. (a). Financial expedients for raising the money; origin of the system of taxation of moveable property. (3). England practically kingless during the ten years of Richard's reign ; his able ministers ; their pol- icy of framing definite administrative regulations after consultation with the interests concerned. Note 54. The regulations drawn up for the guidance of the public officials of this period, the voluminous records they were forced to keep, and the arguments by which they justified their actions serve as a defi- nite beginning for English administrative history. V* THE AWAKENING OF NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS. !• John. a. Lived 1167-1216; reigned, 1199-1216. b. Title to the throne — the last surviving son of Henry II (This title was disputed until 1203.) c. Character of John — weak, cowardly, mean, >and treacherous. 30 Outline Study of (1). Effect of his moral defects on his career as king, d. History of John's reign. (1). Growing discontent in the continental dominions of the kings of England : its causes. (a). Gradual development of a feeling of French nationality, (b). Eespect for the character and ability of Phiilp Augustus, King of France, (c). Discontent in the scattered dominions of the Plantagenet kings with the rule of foreign gov- ernors and mercenary soldiers. (2). Arthur of Brittany, son of John's deceased elder brother Geoffrey. (a). His claim as the heir of Eichard; his claim generally supported by the Norman and Angevin barons ; secretly aided by Philip Augustus, (b). Seizure of Arthur by John; his murder, 1202. Suggestion 6. Explain the terms, Norman king, Angevin king, Plantagenet kings. (3). Normandy, Anjou, and Poitou seized by the King of France, 1204 ; only Guienne and southern Aquitaine left to John from the vast continental dominions of his father, (a). Consequences to England of the loss to her kings of their continental dominions. Note 55. The great barons were compelled to choose between their English and their continental estates? Those who chose to retain their English lands were cut off from connection with France, and their de- scendants became Englishmen ; while the kings of England were compelled, henceforth, to make Eng- land their home, since Guienne and Aquitaine were of too little importance and were too far away to be honored by frequent royal visits. France was now a great power animated by a vigorous national spirit. The kings of England were forced to encourage man- ifestations of English national spirit as a counter- poise. English History 31 (4). Quarrel with the Church: its cause. (a). A dispute between the king and the olergy of the diocese of Canterbury over the election of an archbishoj) was terminated by the Pope who declared a nominee of his own to be the rightful prelate, 1206. (b). The interdict; suspension of religious services by order of the Pope. (c). John retaliates by confiscating the Church property. Note 56. At this period, the discontent of the English Church and the baronage was kept down by martial law enforced by mercenary soldiers. (d). The Pope declares John deposed and his king- dom given to King Philip of France : prepares to invade England, 1213. (e) . Abject submission of John : the Pope's nomi- nee, Stephen Langton, recognized as Archbishop of Canterbury : Church property restored. (f). The Pope formally acknowledged by John as his feudal overlord, 1213. (g) . The interdict removed. (5.). Preparations of the King of France for the inva- sion of England stopped. (6). Kef u sal of the barons to support John in an in- vasion of Normandy. (7). With his mercenary soldiers, John supports the German emperor and other princes in war against the King of France. (a). Victory of the King of France at Bouvines, July, 1214. (b). John returns to England in defeat. (8). Kevolt of the barons, 1215. (a). The barons occupy London and besiege John in Windsor (May). (b). Surrender of John by acceptance of the "Great Charter" (Magna Carta), June 15, 1215. 32 Outline Study of (9). The Great Charter of 1215; its significance in English history. Note 57. The Great Charter was a compact between King John and his barons, covering certain specific points most of which were of merely temporary im- portance, seme even trivial. Its importance lies in the fact that the barons made their demands not as a feudal class, but as the representatives of the people of England, peeking to limit the rights of their king over their persons and property. The Great Charter was the first recognition by the kings of England of the political rights of the Eng- lish nation ; consequently it served as a precedent and model for all future assertions of the rights of the nation against abuse of the regal power, (a). English political institutions first formulated in the Great Charter. 1\ The principle of the consent of parliament in matters of taxation. Note 58. The actual form in which this consent was subsequently asked and granted cannot, however, be derived from the provisions of the charter. 2 1 . The King's Court of Justice fixed at Westmin- ster. Note 59. This provision involved the separation of the judicial administration from the king's person. 3 1 . Trial by jury : no second trial for the same of- fense : no extortion of money under pretext of judicial fine : the definite legalization of the f ree- . dom of towns by charter. (10). Efforts of John to escape from his promises and from the tutelage of the barons. (11). Renewed civil war. (a). The barons renounce allegiance to John and offer the crown of England to Louis, eldest son of the King of France. English History 33 Note 60. The offer was made in right of Louis's wife, Blanche of Castile, a granddaughter of Henry II. (12). Death of John in the field against the barons and their French allies, Oct. 19, 1216. 2. Hear/Hi. a. Lived 1207-1272: reigned 1216-1272. b. Title to the throne — eldest son of King John. c. Collapse of the party of Louis of France on the death of John : defeat of the insurgent barons and their French allies by William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, regent for the boy king. (1). Louis leaves England, Oct., 1217. d. Slow recovery of England from the evils of misgov- ernment. The great chief justices, William Mar- shall and Hubert de Burgh, 1217-1232. e. Character of Henry III — weak, visionary, and unreli- able ; but refined and intellectual. Note 61. The design of Westminster Abbey is a monu- ment to the artistic taste of King Henry III. f . Predilection of Henrjr for continental civilization : his dreams of recovering the continental possessions of his house ; his foreign advisers and favorites. g. Chief events of Henry's reign. (1). Heavy taxes requisite for the support of Henry's foreign schemes, (a). Charters and privileges granted to towns in re- turn for financial favors. (2). Frequent assembling of the "Great Council" or Parliament of the barons. Note 62. The consent of this parliament to revenue laws was essential under the terms of the Great Charter. (3). The development of this council of the barons into a national assembly by summoning, with the barons, certain "Knights of the Shire" : as repre- 34 Outline Study of sentatives of landholders not of baronial rank (after 1253). • (4). The cosmopolitan imperial policy of the king op- posed by an insular English policy favored by the great majority of the barons. (5). Simon dc Mont fort, Earl of Leicester, leader of the opposition to the king's policy : his character and origin. fote 63. The fact that a French baron could assume the leadership of the national party in England is evi- dence that as yet there was no distinction of lan- guage or other racial characteristics between the barons who adhered to the kings of England and those in the service of the kings of France. (6). The "Mad Parliament'''' and the "Provisions of Oxford", 1258. (a). King Henry submits to reign as a mere pup- pet in the hands of a committee of the barons headed by Montfort. (7). The "Provisions of Westminster". (a). The definite substitution of the King's Courts for the feudal courts in the trial of civil suits of importance. (8). Attempt of Henry to escape from his bondage through the aid of the Pope and the King of France. (9) Civil war, 1265. (a). Battle of Lewes: victory of Montfort: recap- ture of the king. (10). Attempts of Montfort to gain support outside of the baronage, (a). The citizens of the towns summoned to send representatives to parliament, 1265. (11). Prince Edivard, eldest son of Henry: his char- acter and abilities, (a). Puts himself at the head of the barons opposed to Montfort. English History 35 (b). Montfort defeated and slain by the army of Prince Edward at Evesham, Aug. 4, 1265. (12). Guardianship of the king by the barons con- tinued in a less oppressive form after the death of Montfort. (13). Prince Edward's crusade. (14). Death of King Henry, Nov., 1272. 3. The English Nation at the Close of the Thirteenth Century. a. Social Divisions. (1). The Barons or Lords, the Nobility of England. Note 64. The nobility of England, at this period, was still French in race, language, and habits of thought, though intensely national, politically. (2). The Clergy. (a). Regular Clergy, the Monastic Orders. I 1 . Benedictine, Cistercian, Augustinian Monks. 2 1 . Franciscan and Dominican Friars. (b). The Secular Clergy (ivho administered the rites of religion to the people). I 1 . Ranks of the Secular Clergy : — Archbishop, Bishops, Priests. Note 65. Very few Englishmen attained high office in -the Church at this period. (c). Education and learning a monopoly of the clerical orders. I 1 . The Universities or Church schools at Oxford and Cambridge ; their curriculum. 2 1 . Logic, or the art of systematic reasoning, the most valued branch of study. 3 1 . Roger Bacon and the beginnings of experi- mental science. (3). The Commons. {Men of wealth and influence be- loiv the rank of baron). (a). The smaller feudal tenants of the crown or of the great barons, (b) . The merchants and manufacturers of the 36 Outline Study of towns, who were politically and commercially powerful, not as individuals but as members of corporations. Note 66. The two divisions of the commons were still separated by a wide gulf, socially. The small land- holders were of the same race, language, and cus- toms as the barons, while the townsmen were mostly English in race and language, though many of their leaders were French or other continentals. (4). The Villeins or Serfs. (The tillers of the soil, the toiling masses). Note 67. These people, whether living directly by the wages of their labor, or holding land of their own on some kind of tenure, were bound, by the feudal law of personal service, to the soil of the manor on which they lived. The lord of the manor was entitled to the personal service of his villeins, in tilling his own fields; and, at this period, this obligation was rigor- ously exacted. The villeins were wholly of English race, b. Languages. (1). Latin, the universal language of western civili- zation, exclusively the language of religion and learning. (2). French, the language of the court, of the nobil- ity and feudal classes. It was also the official language of the law courts and of commerce. (3). English, the language of the villeins and the or- dinary language of the towns. (a). Meaning of the term Middle English: how dif- ferent from the Old English of Alfred? How different from Modern English? (b). Dialects of Middle English: Northern, South- ern, Midland. (c). Literary works in Middle English: — The Ormu- lum (1200) ; Lay of HaveloJc (1250). English History 37 4o Edward I. a. Lived 1239 — 1307; reigned 1272—1307. b. Title to the throne — eldest son of Henry III. Note 68. The succession was undisputed and there was no "break in the administration, although King Ed- ward did not appear in England for nearly two years after his accession to the throne. This fact is important as showing that at this early period, the king's government had no need of the personal intervention of the king. c. His character. — Grave, cautious, statesmanlike, up- right. Note 69. King Edward I was one of the few really great men in the list of English kings. (d.) His military genius: the founder of the mili- tary reputation of the English nation. e. Statutes of Edward I which have moulded all subse- quent English legislation. (1). Statute of Westminster, 1275, establishing cus- toms duties on imports and exports as the ordi- nary revenue of the crown. (2). Statute of Gloucester or quo warranto, 1278, de- fining for all time the limit of baronial privilege. (3). Statute of Mortmain, 1279, checking the accumu- lation of landed property in the "dead hand" of the Church. (4). Statute of Winchester, 1285, organizing a na- tional militia. ,(5). The Statute quia emptores, 1290, limiting feudal rights and privileges to persons actually in pos- session of land. Note 70. This statute had the effect of arresting the de- velopment of the military class into a military caste. (6). The confirmatio cartarum, 1297, establishing the principle of no taxation without the consent of parliament. 38 Outline Study of f. The Model Parliament of 1295. (Embodying the theory of the English parliament down to the middle of the nineteenth century.) (1). Every baron and lord a seat in parliament in his own right. (2). Knights of the shire as representatives of feudal classes below the rank of baron. (3). Elected representatives of the mercantile towns. (4). Churchmen in a separate assembly organized un- der the laws of the Church. Note 71. It must be remembered that parliament at this period was merely a tax assessing body. Its influence on legislation was limited to bargaining with the crown for redress of grievances as the price of a money supply. g. Events in the reign of Edward I. (1). Conquest of Wales: Llewellyn. (2). Conquest of Scotland. (a). Condition of the Scottish kingdom. (b). Customary homage of the kings of Scotland to the kings of England. (c). Death of King Alexander III without direct heirs, 1286. (d). Attempt of Edward to unite the crowns of Scot- land and England by marriage between his son and Alexander's granddaughter, "the maid of Norway": death of the "maid". (e). Contest for the crown between two noblemen: John Baliol and Robert Bruce. Note 72. Neither of these noblemen could allege more than a shadowy right to the crown. (f). The dispute submitted to Edward as arbiter. (g). Baliol made King of Scotland by Edward on his promise to act as a vassal of the English crown. (h) . Rebellion of Baliol ; invasion and complete con- English History 39 quest of the civilized portions of Scotland by- Edward, 1296. (i). Brave but futile uprising of Wallace, 1297- 1305. (j). Robert Bruce (son of the claimant) assumes the crown of Scotland and the leadership of the national party, 1306. (k). Desolating- partisan war in Scotland. - (3). Death of Edward while directing operations at Carlisle, 1307. Edward II. a. Lived 1284—1327; reigned 1307-1327. b. Title to the throne : — eldest surviving son of Ed- ward I. c. Personal character of Edward II. — Weak and worth- less. d. Events in the reign of Edward II. (1). The army, assembled by Edward I for the recov- ery of Scotland, broken up and the scattered English garrisons in that country left to their fate. (2). Incapacity of the king for business; ascendency of favorites ; Piers Gaveston practically regent, 1307-1312. (3). Opposition of the barons headed by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, the king's cousin, (a). Gaveston captured by the insurgent barons and put to death, 1312. (4). The guardianship of the king assumed by a com- mittee of the barons under the title of "Lords Ordainers." (5). Desolating war in Scotland and the north of Eng- land, (a). The English garrisons in Scotland yield to Bruce. (b). Edward and the Lords Ordainers invade Scot- 40 Outline Study of land with, a great army for the relief of the English garrison in Stirling, 1314. I 1 . This army decisively defeated by Bruce at Ban- nocJcburn, June 24, 1314.