...LB...... ...J..0..8... I?4G Author Title Imprint 16 — i CIRCULAR AND REGISTER OF THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL,! FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT AT LEXINGTON, JULY, 1889, TO DEC, 1846. N O R :vr A L li ALL, \V IE S I N K W T O N . ^^AX't^-^ui, BOSTON: WILLIAM B. FOWLE, 133^ WASHINGTON STREET. 1846. CIRCULAR AND REGISTER. OF THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, ^ ' V ex.. AT WEST NEWTON, MASS, FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT AT LEXINGTON, JULY, 1839, TO DEC, 1846. BOSTON: WILLIAM D FOWLE, 138| WASHINGTON STREET, 1846. FOR THE YEAR 1S46-7. JOHN W. JAMES, Esq., Chairman, Boston. H. HUMPHREY, D. D., Pitisfield. Rev. H. B. HOOKER, Falmouth. C. PEIRCE, Principal, 1839 to 1842, and 1844 to 1846. Rev. S. J. MAY, *' from 1S42 to 1844. CAROLINE TILDEN, Teacher of Algebra, Arith- metic, and Grammar, ELECTA N. LINCOLN, Teacher of Geometry, Read- ing and Drawing. JOSEPH BIRD, Teacher of Vocal Music, SARAH WATSON, Teaclter elect in Mathematics for 1847. MARY LIVERMORE, Teacher elect in Music and Geography for 1847. E. BROWN, Principal of the Model School. CATALOGUE OF STUDENTS. ^ N. B. — A star before a name denotes that the person is dead. L. T., after the name, denotes that the pupil left at or before the close of the first term ; L. Y., that she left before the end of her Normal year, but remained more than one term. NAMES. RESIDENCE. Burdick, Susan E. Damon, Hannah M. Davis, Mary Ann Drew, Lydia H. *Hawkins, Sarah Haskell, Mary R. Harris, Louisa Ireson, Adeline M. Locke, Almira Locke, Sarah E. O'Connor, Margaret Parks, Amanda M. Pennell, Rebecca M. Pennell, Eliza R. Rolph, Louisa Stodder, Mary H. Swift, Mary Smith, Maria L. Sparrell, Sarah E. Stowe, Lydia Ann Wyman, Sarah W. Woodman, Susan C. Total, 22. 1839. Nantucket. West Cambridge. Lexington. Boston. L. y. Charlestown. Ashby. L. Y. Roxbury. Cambridge. Epsom, N. H. Lexington. Cambridge. Lincoln, l. y. Wrentham. Newton Boston. Nantucket Lincoln. Med ford. Dedham. Roxbury. Boston. L. L. T. L. Y. y. NAMES. RESIDENCE. 1840. Bowthorpe, Isabella Clarke, Louisa B. Chamberlain, Harriet A. Fiske, Mary E. Fessenden, Jane Harrington, Clarissa Howe, Elizabeth Ann Kimball, Abby Johnson, Emily Johnson, Susan S. Newell, Almira Nelson, Jessemina S, Nelson, Catharine R. Rogers, Eliza Ann Rogers, Hannah P. Spiller, Louisa A. Smith, Julia Ann Souther, Catharine C. Torrin, Rebecca Viles, Martha A. Viles, Rebecca D. Winship, Louisa Total, 22. ^Andrews, Betsey Burton, Elizabeth L Battelle, Elizabeth M. Bray ton, Mary Burton, Maria Cotton, Sally M. 1841. Charlestown. South Boston. Brookfield. l. y. Lexington. Boston. L. Y. Dracut. Lexington. Pawtucket. South Boston. Lexington. Billerica. Salem. Lexington. South Boston. Boston. Lexington. (( L. Y, Rockport. L. T. Wilton, N. H. Fall River. Wilton, N. H. Boylston. NAMES. RESIDENCE. Canedy, Betsey L. *Coffin, Amelia L. Clapp, Clara L. Dudley, Martha Ann Everett, Ann S. Frothingham, Ellen H. Flint, Caroline B. Hosmer, Margaret G. Howe, Mary B. James, Harriet M. Johnson, Harriet N. Jackson, Jennette Kidder, Laura A. Lord, Sarah A. Livermore, Mary *Myrick, Eliza M. Molineaux, Mary F. *Newhall, Mary B. Pond, Julia A. Parmenter, Esther Potter, Gynthia B. Paige, Maria E. 4- Paddock, Mary C. -^Putnam, Sarah •^ Palmer, Emma C. " Pearce, Nancy E. Russell, Mary Ann Southwick, Alpha Saville, Charlotte W. Swift, Catharine Stebbins, Emily Taber, Sarah W. Fall River. Nantucket, l. y. Boston. Roxbury. South Boston. Boston. L. Y. Lincoln. Boston. Beverly. West Bridge water. Lincoln. Philadelphia. L. T. Medford. l. t. Northfield. Milford, N. H. Nantucket, l. t. Chelsea, l. t. Lynn. Dedham. VValtham. Pawtucket. New Salem. E. Dennis. N. Reading, l. y. Woodstock, Conn. Gloucester. Cambridge. Mendon. l. t. Fall River. Nantucket, l, t. Wilbraham. Roxbury. % M ^// 2_ NAMES. RESIDENCE. *^Tufts, Emeline A. AtLleboro\ Wight, Sarah Wayland. Worsley, Mary E. Beverly. Warren, Frances A. Bangor, Me. Total, 42. 1842. Bulfinch, Mary 0. Nahant. *Bacon, Maria E. Salem. Bull, Harriet JVL South Boston. Blake, Mary A. West Cambridge. Blaney, Frances C. Boston. Coolidge, Hannah E. (C Copeland, Sarah W. P. C( Case, Harriet New Bedford, l. y. Curtis, Louisa Downes, Elizabeth C. Boston. Dexter, Mary E. Gloucester, l. y. Damon, Delia West Cambridge. *Ellms, Mary H. South Boston. Fiske, Elizabeth S. Wrentham. Flint, Susan Lincoln. Goodridge, Caroline E, Charlestown. Hood, Ann xM. Nahant. l. t. Hagar, Lucia Lincoln. Hopper, Mary New York. Howes, Susanna Dennis. Judkins, Henrietta M. Boston. Judkins, Maria u Ives, Mary B. Salem. Lincoln, Electa N. Boston. Lincoln, Mary Maria C( NAMES. RESIDENCE. Moore, Ann J. H. Boston. Morris, Caroline A. i( Miles, Mary E. a Spear, Elizabeth L. T. Thompson, Eliza W. West Cambridge. Williams, Abby O. Salem. Weld, Anna T. Beverly, l. t. Whittier, Mary P. West Amesbury. l. y. Whitney, Ann Maria N. Attleboro'. Wilbur, Elizabeth Boston. Whitney, Harriet N. Attleboro'. Total, 36. 1843. Aborn, Elizabeth J. South Reading. Blake, Eleanor W. Charlestown. Brown, Louisa M. Weston. Boody, Martha F. Salem. Burchstead, Mary Boston. Ball, Augusta Concord. Cutter, Helen South Scituale. Downing, Lucy A. Lexington. Davis, Joanna W* South Boston. Dow, Emma L. T. Fiske, Levina Lexington. Fiske, Ellen A. Lincoln, l. t. Field, Mary P. Weston. Fiske, Lucretia Lexington. Fletcher, Hannah R, Chelmsford. Hall, Helen E. Boston. *Hathaway, Abby P. Freetown, l. y. Harris, Mary R. Boston. Lerned, Elizabeth T. Hopkinton, N. H. l. t. 8 NAMES. RESIDENCE. Lane, Jane L. Lucas, Mary E. Mulliken, Lydia W. *Mann, Elizabeth G. Manning, Hannah M. Matchett, Catharine A. Norcross, Eleanor M. Parker, Mary Ann Parker, Abba M. Pierce, Augusta M. Page, Susan Parker, Emeline A. Richardson, Rebecca S. ^Richards, Mary F. Rogers, Sarah B. Rogers, Judith Rich, Abigail S. Stanley, Abba A. Stevens, Maria M. Sargeant, Louisa A. Shermen, Frances C. Spaulding, Hannah E. Stearns, Mary E. Temple, Fidelia Vinton, Charlotte S. Viles, Emeline Warren, Eliza A. Total, 46. Adams, Eleanor S. Allen, Lucy C. 1844. Cambridge. Carver. Lexington. Wrentham. South Boston. Brighton. Lincoln. Billerica. Boston. Charlestown. West Newton. Brookline. South Reading. Attleboro'. Billerica. Boston. L. Y. Dorchester. Norton. Warwick. Boston. E. Chelmsford. Dracut. Marlborough. Providence, R. 1. Montague, l. t. Chelmsford. Lexington. Northborough, 9 NAMES. RESIDENCE. Adams, Frances B. Appleton, Anna E. Abbott, Clara Barber, Lydia Maria Burnham, Caroline M. ^Baldwin, Martha K. Batteile, Sarah J. Blish, Hannah Brett, Mary M. Brown, Abigail H. Brown^ Elizabeth H, Bulfinch, D^lia Clapp, Helen Creamer, JIannah G. Choate, Sarah M. Chase, Hannah E. Clapp, Lucretia Cotton, Susan D. Cushing, Harriet B. Coburn, Eliza Jane Cotton, Martha Darling, Clarissa Everett, Eliza M. Fowle, Ellen C. Fowle, Araminta A» '^Flint, Mary Gorham, Lydia H. Glover, Elizabeth Harrington, Angeline Hastings, Almira J. Henchman, Mary A. Johnson, Sarah Ann Boston. Walt ham. Northfield. l. y. South Boston. Wayland, Dover. Boston. E. Stoughton, Lincoln. Waltham. Lynn, South Scituate. Salem. Woburn. S, Woburn. S. Scituate, Boston. Hingham. Boston, Mendon. Wrenthanci. Boston. West Cambridge, Lincoln, l. y. Cambridge. Dorchester. Lowell. L. T. Boston. Lexington, l. y. West Cambridge. 10 NAMES. RESIDENCE. Ireson, Harriet I. Lynn. Janes, Elvira Medfield. Johnson, Zelinda D. Woburn. Johnson, Elizabeth A. li Messenger, Abba F. Wrentham. l. y. Mulliken, Elizabeth Lexington. Mann, Eliza S. Wrentham, Oakes, Catharine V. H. Boston. Page, Ann Eliza West Newton. Palmer, Elizabeth H. Boston. Pennell, Marc la Wrentham. l. y. *Robins(lfh, Lovina M- East Lexington. Russell, Susanna C. Somerville. Reed, Cordelia R, Springfield. Stimpson, Ellen M. Boston. Shaw, Hannah D. Lexington, l. y. Simonds, Susan C. u Skilton, Caira East Lexington. Sewall, Elizabeth S. Medfield. Stowe, Frances E. Northborough. Smith, Sarah C. Lincoln. Swift, Susan Philadelphia. Tyler, Frances A. Boston. Thompson, Mary Sudbury. Trowbridge, Adeline Newton. Wight, Mary J. Dorchester. Whittemore, Caroline S. West Cambridge. Weston, Ann E. Lincoln. Total, 62. s 11 NAMES. RESIDENCE. 1845. Austin, Elizabeth G. Bruce, Sarah B. Battelle, Caroline E. Beers, Lydia Burbank, Jane Ball, Angelina Corlies, Margaret Cook, Lucretia Cook, Mary G. Clarke, Sarah A. ♦Colburn Mary C. Corey, Catharine R. Copeland Catharine E. Chase, Martha Ann Colburn, Emily Curtis, Mary Day, Clarissa A, Davis, Lucy Dyer, Dinah Everett, Elizabeth Emerson, Rachel W. Fox, Mary E. Fisher, Mary A. Fales, Caroline E. Hall, Maria Harding, Calista Hathaway, Joanna P. Hartwell, Caroline A. Holt, Martha A. Johnston, Mary E. Kingsbury, Sarah B. Nantucket. Boston. Need ham. Woburn. l. y. Newton, Lower Falls. Concord. Trenton, N. J. Northfield. Somerville. l. t. Water town. Lincoln, l. y. Water town. Boston. Cabotville. Boston. Hallowell, Me. l. t. N. Wrentham. l. y. Templeton. l. y. Truro. Boston. Waltham. Fitchburg. L. t. Northborough. Wrentham. Dorchester, l. y. N. Wrentham. l. y. Freetown. South Natick. Fitchburg. Gloucester, l. t. Newton, Upper Falls. 12 NAMES. RESIDENCE. Kent, Harriet C. Ireson, Helen Mason, Harriet Mason, Ann Mills, Elizabeth Moore, Jane C. Newton, Helen M. Newhall, Mary L. Parkhurst, Hannah M. Pearce, Frances Plympton, Harriet H. Putnam, Mary S. Powers, Louisa Rogers, Sarah S. Rogers, Caroline A. Rice, Liiey C. Russell, Caroline Russell, Martha. Stone, Lydia R. Sargeant, Mary Ann Shaw, Emily L. Sanderson, Augusta ^^Sturtevant, Mary E. S learns, M»i^' Theresa ^^<. Thomas, Elizabeth F. Wheeler, Eleanor Watson, Sarah Total, 5S. i 1S46. Brigham, Harriette Bennett, Dolly Bailey, Eliza A. W. Newton, l. t. Lynn. Gloucester. Needham. Newton. Fitchburg. Fall River, l. y. Dunstable. Gloucester, l. t. Med way. l. t. Fitchburg. Weston. Gloucester, l. t. Needham. Watertown. New Bedford. Tern pie ton. Newton. Nantucket. Boston. Newton, U. F. l. t. Salem, l. t, Amherst. Watertown. Nantucket. Bolton. Northwood, N. H. Boston. L. T. 13 NAMES. RESIDENCE. *Bent, Lucy J. Bacheler, Charlotte Cassell, Angelia Corlies, Annie E. Crosby, Jane Crosbv, Elizabeth Chad wick, Mary E. Capen, Jane Cook, Jane Cotton, Mary E. Cutler, Sarah A. Child, Angelina Clapp, Frances Capron, Eleanor Claflin, Sarah A. Day, Ellen M. Davis, Eleanor Demmon, Laura M. Ellery, Lavinia Field, Frances E. Fitts, Almeria E. Field, Caroline J. Field, Phila A. Farnham, Mary H. Fenno, Frances Fessenden, Mary E. Frost, Caroline L. Goss, Mary W. Gavette, Ellen H. Gardner, Eliza Gilbert Eugenia Huffmaster, Frances Sudbury, l. t. Attleboro'. Truro. Trenton, N. J. Boston. East Boston. South Boston. Northfield, Boston. Lexington. Walthann. Scituate. Providence, E,. I, North Chelmsford. Gloucester. Cambridge. Hopkinton. Boston. East Salisbury. Weston. Northfield. South Boston. Chelsea. Boston. Lincoln, l. t. Brookline. South Walpole. W. Newton. Lexington. 14 NAMES. RESIDENCE. Hutchinson, Eliza R. Fitchburg. Hartwell, Joanna E. Lexington. Hearsey, Deborah B. Frankfort, Me. Hall, Hannah W. Cambridge, l. t. Hay ward, Sarah C. Boston. Holder, Phebe A. Berlin. Jarvis, Frances H. Concord. Johnson, Sarah Nahant. Johnson, Hannah M. (C Longley, Sarah H. Shirley, l. t. Lane, Frances M. Charlesiown. Locke, Elizabeth N. Lexington. Mann, Isabella Orford, N. H. McFarland, Louisa M. Boston. Morse, .Augusta Sherburne. Mulliken, Augusta Lexington. Pierce, Sarah E. Boston. Pratt, Eliza H. a Page, Augusta South Walpole. Paddock, Precinda M. Boston. Smith, Sarah B. Gloucester. Smith, Sarah A. Boston. L. T. Stratton, Augusta E. North field. Stratten, Sarah A. (C Staigg, Anna J. Newport, R. I. Shannon, Ann E. Salem. Stearns, Amelia L. Leominster. Stimpson, Charlotte F. Boston. Stratten, Catharine D. South Natick, Stratten, Harriet A. cc Stone, Ellen Shrewsbury. Stone, Maria L. West Newton. { - ..■ ' ■■■^- '■" ' '-'' ' ■' JSAMES. RESIDENCE. Tliaver, Sarah G. Tracy, Mary E. Underwood, Susan M. Whittemore, Eliza A. Winnek, Louisa A. H. Wade, Lois J. Ware, Julia S. Webb, Mary E. Weston, Helen L. Total, 76. Eoxbury. Sheldon, Vt. S. Hingham. West Cambridge. Pittsburg, Pa. Orrington, Me. Chelsea. Bloomfield, Me. Whole number that have entered the School, 364 Whole number that continued one year or more, 803 Number deceased, 16 Number married, 29 REMARKS. Normal Schools are designed for lliose only who pur- pose to teach, and especially for those who purpose to teach in the Common School. The School at West Newton is for females only. E NTRANCE. Conditions of : — 1. Age must be at least 16 years. 2. Explicit declaration of intention to become a Teacher. 3. Certificate of good moral, intellectual and physical character. 4. Pass a satisfactory examination in the common branches, viz : Reading, spelling, arithmetic, grammar, writing and geography. 5. Pledge to remain in the school at least one year. 6. All the candidates for entrance should be at Nor- mal Hall on the morning of the day on which the term commences, at half-past 8 o'clock. None are admitted after the^rs^ week of the term, and none after the first day, but for special reasons. 7. Each pupil, at entrance, must be supplied with slate and pencil, blank book, Bible, Worcester's Dictiona- ry, Colburn's Mental Arithmetic and Sequel, Fowle's or Morse's Geography and Atlas. Many of the other books used will be loaned from the Library of the School, 18 TERMS AND VACATIONS. There are three terms in the year ; one of 12, and the other two of 15 weeks each. The Winter term of 12 weeks, commences on the 2d Wednesday in January ; the Summer term, of 15 weeks, commences on the 2d Wednesday in April ; and the Autumn term, on the 2cf Wednesday in September. Between the Summer and Autumn term, there is a vacation of 6 weeks; between each of the other terms, a vacation of 2 weeks. The pupils who live in the vicinity, have leave to go home on Saturday morning, and stay until Monday morning. No session will be held either on Thanksgiving or Anniversary week, after Wednesday. EXAMINATIONS. The school is visited and examined by the Visiting Committee at the close of each term ; and there is an annual public examination held at the end of the autumn term. TUITION. For those who live in the State, and purpose to keep public schools in the State, tuition is free, — for all others it is $10 per term. At the beginning of each term, each pupil pays to the Principal $1 25, to meet incidental ex- penses. The whole annual expense is about $100. BOAR D. Board may be had in good families for $2 to $2 25 per week, including fuel and washing. Some of the pu- pils take rooms, and board themselves at a lower rate. LIBRARY AND APPARATUS. A well selected library, consisting mostly of works on Education, has been procured. Also, a well assorted apparatus for the illustration of principles in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, &c. COURSE OF STUDY. English branches only are taught in the School. 19 STUDIES. JUIVIORS. 1. Orthography — Worcester's Dictionary, and promis- cuous selections, Fowle's Comnnon School Speller and Companion to Spelling Books. 2. Enunciation and Reading — Russell's Orthophony, The Normal Chart, Bumstead's and Fowle's Tables. 0. Geography and Map Drawing — Fowle's and Morse's Geography, and various Outline Maps. 4. Writing — National Writing Book. 5. Arithmetic — Colburn's First Lessons and Sequel, Greenleaf's, &c. 6. Physiology — Combe's and Cutter's. 7. Punctuation — Rules from Wells's Grammar and examples. 8. Phonography. 9. Drawing — Fowle's '' Eye and Hand." [middle class. 1. Orthography. 2. Writing. 3. Reading. 4. Ancient Geography and Map Drawing — Worces- ter's Ancient Geography. 5. Arithmetic. j c? i .• ^ • ^u /, pi hi "^^^^c^^o^s from various authors. 7. The Globes -Problems. 8. Algebra — ^^Colburn's, Daviefe', and Sherwin's. 9. Geometry — Plane, Solid — Thomson's Legendre. 10. Grammar — De Sacy's, Fowle's,^^ Wells's. 11. Scripture Reading. 12. History— Willson's U. S. SENIORS. 1. x^^lgebra — Sherwin's, Davies', Bourdon's. 2. Geometry — Davies'. 3. Reading, and Scripture Reading. 4. Orthography. 5. Natural Philosophy — Olmstead's. 6. Astronomy — Olmstead's. 7. Rhetoric — Newman's. 8. Constitution of U. S., Story's ; Sullivan's Political Class Book. 9r JUL 2s 9. Book-keeping — Thomas's or Winchester's, also by general lessons, and Comer's. iO. Moral Philosophy — Wayland's, Combe's. 11. Mental do. EX-SENIORS. Some of the foregoing, together with — \, Trigonometry — Davies'. 2. Surveying — Davies'. 3. Spherical Geometry — Davies'. All the school attend to vocal music, drawing, and composition, during the entire year. . Moral Philosophy is taught to the whole school in re- marks, or familiar lectures from the Principal, in con- nection with the opening exercises in the morning. A general lesson, or lecture, is given to the whole school, immediately after the morning recess, each day. Subjects, miscellaneous, moral, scientific and historical. On one day of the week, the school engage in a gen- eral teaching exercise, when the pupils choose their sub- jects, and teach before the whole school. Written ques- tions, in various departments, are also occasionally given out for discussion or solution. Connected with the vschool is a model department or experimental school, which is also intended to be a pre- paratory school to the Normal Department. In this, the pupils of the senior class of the Normal School teach in rotation, under the supervision of a permanent Principal. For ^SQ days in the week, the school holds two ses- sions a day, of 3 to 3 1-2 hours each. The pupils are expected to devote from 2 to 2 1-2 hours each day to study out of school. Each term, the members of the lower classes are ex- amined for advancement to higher classes. G R A D U A T E S . Graduates of the School are requested to report them- selves, their schools, &c. to the Principal, and thus ena- ble him to assist them in procurina: Schools. iO V