F ■ssa i ii t \ ^NGCBSCUlOt ■i THE OFCMCAG O ' ; ■ ■ ' ■ '{ ■.'<-'H -' ' ' : ,• S asl&Kt? ■'■.■'' , mo ■ i E. F. HOLLISTER & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN O h_ fUVTRlPT^F o OTJ DIKTG, Goods, mm Class Fff kt Book. iiiifs ^Jsf EVERY RARY, DINING- ROOM AND FINE FURNITURE. HOUSES, HOTELS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, CHURCHES, Etc., Etc/, FURNISHED 'THROUGHOUT WITH |aipt$, |talta, Ijttrtaiitf, Redding:, Jtc. Our Combined Stock will be found the Largest and Finest in the City, and an examination of Goods and Prices is earnestly solicited. Gould Bros. & Dibblee, 149 & 151 State St., Chicago, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ornamental Metal Work COMPRISING, IN PART, Fountains, Vases, Drinking Fountains, Aquariums, Statuary, Deer, Dogs, Lions, Copper Weather Vanes. ' Emblematic Signs. IRON ZFL^HjIiKTC^S, For Public and Private Buildings, Balconies, Cemeteries, .etc. "WIIRIE RAILIITGS For Banks, Offices,- Counters, Windows, Doors, etc. IN EVERY VARIETY. CRESTINCS for MANSARD ROOFS. Bedsteads, Hat Stands, Umbrella Stands, Wash Stands, Blower Stands, Towel Backs, Spittoons, etc. Brackets, Store Stools. Lawn Moivers, Rollers, and Sprinklers, Lawn Tents and Chairs. CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. AGENTS FOR FRENCH PATENT BOULEVARD CHAIRS AND SETTEES. Chas. Gossage & Co. ('/Successors to Boss &\Gossage,) Dry Goods. We have completed, and are now occupying, our new and elegant Store, at the " Old Location," 106, 108 £110 State Street 60 & 62 WASHINGTON STREET, With a magnificent stock of Fashionable Goods, including Tthe latest styles of Ladies' G-arments, Silks, Novelties in Dress G-oods, Fine Laces, Trim- mings, Ribbons, Fancy Wares, Fine Hosiery, Blankets, Flannels, etc., etc., with a very full and complete assortment of the Best Goods in all departments. We extend a cordial invitation to all visiting our city to an inspection of our premises, and the new and attractive Styles now opening. Sole Agents in Chicago for the " HARRIS" Kid Glove. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. & /^-A^ THE 2.S2-? nmt (SiZr&s GIVING TUB LOCATION OF Places of Amusement, Banks, City Offices, United States Offices, F'or- eign Consuls, Churches, Cemeteries, Educational Institutes, Hospitals and Asylums, Societies, Hotels, Parks, News- paper Offices, Public Jiuildings, Railway Depots, Freight Offices, Ticket Offices, Transportation Lines, Telegraph Offices, Hack Ordi- nances, Suburban Towns, Etc. COMPLETE AND RELIABLE DIRECTORY BUSINESS HOUSES AND STREETS. HDAJXTIELS Railroad Fares 45 Transportation Links 31 Tunnels 71 i nited States Mail Regulations 96 ILLUSTKATIONS. American Express r.rn. ding n Chamber of Commerce 57 City WATER Works 43 Court House (Old).. 91 Custom Bouse and P. o. Bi.dg. (New) S6 Exposition Building 113 First Bouse in oik-ago 59 Foundling's Home 115 New England and I'nity Churches.. 109 One Year After the Fire 95 St. Ignatius College. 73 View of the Ruins-- South Side 03 KAILROADS. Chicago, Burlington & Qtjinot 30 Chicago & North-Western 48 Illinois Central 94 Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago... 92 HOTELS. Bbiggs House 107 Clifton House 89 Matteson House 105 Palmer House 35 Tremont House M THE HEALTH LIFT, AT 114 DEARBORN STREET. CULVEE, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS. f Opposite Old Post Office. 8 Business Guide to the City of Chicago. Guide to the Leading Business Houses; Amusements. HOOLEY'S OPERA HOUSE, Randolph st., nr. La Salle (see adv't, page 78). Art Emporiums. PARKER, GEO. H., 146 State st. Artificial Limb and Deformity Apparatus. DANIELS, W. C, M.D., address J. E. Gardner, U. S. C, 119 S. Clark st, Awnings and Tents. GILBERT HUBBARD & CO., 226-230 S. Water st. (see adv't, page 20). Bags and Bagging. HART, ASTEN & CO., 179 S. Water st., cor. La Salle. NEAHR, M. J. & Co., 139 S. Water st. Baking Powder. STEELE & PRICE, mfrs. of Dr. Price Cream Baking Powder, 201 and 203 S. Water st. (see adv't, page 46). Banks. COOK COUNTY NATIONAL, cor. Dearborn and Washington sts. (see adv't, page 88). FIRST NATIONAL, cor. Washington and State (see adv't, page 54). STATE SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 80 and 82 La Salle st. Bedding and Feathers. COLBY & WIRTS, 265 and 267 State st, LIVERMORE, D. E., 143 State st. (see adv't, page 118). Belting and Hose — Leather and Rubber. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO., 105-107 Madison st. (see adv't, page 100). WALWORTH, BROOKS & CO., 243 and 245 Lake st. (see adv't, page 60). Birds and Gold Fish. KAEMPFER, FRED., 127 S. Clark st. (see adv't.page 56). Blank Books, Stationery and Printing. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO., 118 and 120 Monroe st. (see upper right hand lines). MIDDLETON, J. W., 55 State st. Bonnet and Straw Hat Bleachers. BULLARD & CO., 246 Wabash ave. Book Binders. DONOHUE, WILSON & HENNEBERRY, 105-109 Madison st. Booksellers and Stationers. JANSEN, McCLURG & CO., 117 and 119 State st. (see adv't, page 24). Boots and Shoes — Wholesale Manufacturers of. FARGO, C. H. & CO., cor. Madison and Market sts. FEAREY, THOS. & SONS, 254 Madison st. GREENSFELDER, ROSENTHAL & CO., 34 and 36 Lake st. MACKENZIE, FASHIONABLE HATTER, 103 £. Madison Street. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. } 118 & 120 Monroe Street, PUBLISHERS OF LEGAL BLANKS. J Opposite Old Post Office. Busmess Guide to the Uity of Chicago. 9 Hoots and Shoes— Wholesale, FARGO, C II. A CO., cor. Madison and Market Bts. PEARBT, THOS. & SONS, 254 Madison st. GREENSFELDER, ROSENTHAL A CO., 84 and 86 Lake si. RICHARDSON, GEO. S. & CO., 128 and 130 Franklin st. THOMPSON, C. 0. & CO., 42 Wabash ave., 2d Hoor. Hoots (ind Shoes — C tist otn Made. JEWETT, .7. T., 208 State st. Bomee, FRENCH A TODD, 300 and 202 Randolph st. (see adv't, page 106). lirass a tut Iron Goods for Steam ((tut (i((s litters. Etc, CRANK BROS. MFG. CO., 10 N. Jefferson st WALWORTH, BROOKS A CO., 348 and 346 Lake st. (see advt, pagi 80 Sutter (Did Cheese House. RICHARDS & GOOCH, 181 S. Water si 'Builders' Hard tea re. CHICAGO HARDWARE CO., 187i Lake st. HUNT, B. HAMILTON, 18 State st. (see adv't, page Cor pets. Oil Cloth, etc. HOLLISTER, E. F. A CO., 117 L28 State st. (see adv't, inside front cover). Carriage (ioods and Mood Stork. BARROWS, CARPENTER A CO. (late Bnchanan, Carpenter A Co.), 202 Lakest. Cheese and 1'rorisions. BALTZ, CHARLES, cor. Dearborn and s Water sts. Corn Doctor, STEPHENS, Db. KIRK. 134 Dearborn St., room 3 Cloak and Shawl stands. PALMENBERG WIRE WORKS. Chas. J. Jetter, Man'r, 300-809 K. Madison st CloakSf Suits and Trimmings— Wholesale, GRISWOLD, J. W. A CO., 64 and 66 E. Madison st. (see adv't, page Hi. Cloaks, Suds and Trimmings —Wholesale and Retail, HOTCHKIN, PALMER A CO., 187 and L89 State st. ( 'foth i n (j — - Beta tl, WILDE, BLUETT A CO., N. W. oor. Stat.' and Madison sts. (see advt, page 12). Confectioners— Wholesale. PAGE, M. Iv A CO., 811 and 318 Lake st. Croekern, China and Classtcare. BOWEN A KENT, 363 A 864 Wabash ave. (see adv't, on map Inset) FRENCH, AJBRAM A CO., 101 and 108 Wabash ave. (see adv't, page 63) JOHNSON A ABBEY, 56 and 57 S. Water st. Cutlery and Fire-arms. SPENCER, W. E. A Co , 885 Wabash ave. near P.O. (see adv't on map inset). Curled Hair and Sandpaper, BAEDER, ADAMSON A CO., 183 Lakest. Curtains and Cornices. LIVERMORE, D. E., 14:! State st. (see adv't, page 118). o - X Q O O Q X > co t« CO H > W CO H * W W H ts a> p> n b CO O 3 DO YOU WANT A FASHIONABLE SILK HAT? If so, go to MACKENZIE'S, 103 E. Madison Street. CULVEE. PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Publishers of Blanks & Books 118 & 120 Monroe Street. ) For Railroad Companies. 10 Business Guide to the City of Chicago. Dentists. CHESS, Dk., Palmer House (see adv't, page 50). CLEVELAND & ASPINWALL, cor. State and Wash'n sts. (see map inset). ELLIS & YOUNG, 209 State st. (see adv't, page 52). Diamon d Merchants. MORSE, R. J. & CO., S. E. cor. Clark and Lake sts. (see adv't, page 34). Dollar Store. STEIN'S, 100 E. Madison st. (see adv't, on map inset). Dress and Cloak Making. HOVEY, MRS. A. J., 174 Clark st. (see adv't, page 114). Druggists — Wholesale. GALE & BLOCKI, 85 S. Clark st. (see adv't, page 44). HURLBUT & EDSALL, 44 and 46 River st. (see adv't, page 62). LORD, SMITH & CO., 86 Wabash ave. Druggists — Retail. GALE & BLOCKI, 85 S. Clark st. (see adv't, page 44). Dry Goods — Wholesale. FIELD, LEITER & CO., cor. Market and Madison sts. (see adv't, page 74). Dry Goods — Retail. GOSSAGE, CHAS. & CO., 106-110 State st. (see adv't, page 4). Dry Goods — Fancy Retail. HOTCHKIN, PALMER & CO., 137 and 139 State st. Dyers, Etc. BRELLE & HOGEN, 116 Madison st. (see adv't, page 87). Electrical and Electro-Medical Apparatus. BLISS, GEO. H. & CO., 41 Third ave. (see adv't, page 28). Elevators, Steam — Passenger . Freight and Mining. CRANE BROS. MFG. CO., 10 N. Jefferson st. Engravers on Wood. BAKER & CO., cor. Clark and Monroe sts. (see adv't, page 18). BOND & CHANDLER, S. E. cor. Madison and Clark sts. (see adv't, page 110). McMULLEN, C, S. W. cor. State and Madison sts., room 1 (see adv't, page 98). Engravers — General. CHILDS, S. D., JR. & CO., 115 Franklin st. WIGGENS, J. B., S. W. cor. State and Madison sts., room 1 (see adv't, page 98). Express. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., Monroe st., bet. State and Dearborn. Express — City. BRINK, W. P., 39 E. Randolph st. (see adv't, page 36). Feathers — Wholesale. EMMERICH, CHAS., 287 Madison st. ESMAY, A. S. & CO., 142 Lake st. (see bottom lines from page 97). Flags and Ran tiers. GILBERT HUBBARD & CO., 226-230 S. Water st. (see adv't, page 20). Flavoring Extracts. STEELE & PRICE, Mfrs. of Dr. Price's Flavoring Extracts, 201 and 203 S. Water st. (see adv't, page 46). silk: hats .a. sipieoialt^t, At MACKENZIE'S, 103 E. Madison Street. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS. f Opposite Old Post Office. Buttmeas Guide to the City of Chicago. 11 o I'torisfs. jyj MOREY, LEWIS, 161 Madison st. (see adv't, page 50). SHEPHERD, W. T., 99 State st. (see adv't, page 22). Furnaces, liamjis and Stores. BLISS & BROWN, 82 Lake st. FULLER, WARREN & CO., 58 and 60 Lake st. LESTER, M. W. & F., 804 State st. Furniture. COLBY & WIRTS, 265 and 267 State st. HOLLISTEK, E. F. & CO., 117-128 State st. (see adv't, inside front rover). Glue. BAEDER, ADAMSON \ CO., cor. Wabaeh ave. and Water at. MEAD, J, S. & w (,'., mr and 109 s. Water, and ii Dearborn st Guns, Pistols, Etc. ^ SPENCER, W. E. & CO., 886 Wabaeh ave., near P.O. (see adVl on map Inset). °° Gunpowder— Manufacturers of. LAFLIN & RAND POWDEB CO., C. II. Vehmeyer, Agent, I State -t Hair Goods. 30 GLASSBROOK, M , ss State st. (see adv't. page to). GRAY & NOLAND.72 Randolph St. Hardware and Cutlery Wholesale, MARKLEY, LLLING & CO., 58 and 60 Lake st, C5 Mcdonald, bros., 189 Lake st rjo Hardware, Metals, and Agricultural Implements. ^ BRINTNALL, TERR! & BELDEN, 175 and 177 Lake st. c5> Hardware and stores. K Lake st. Hardwood Lumber, SURDAM, S. .1. & CO., 17s Lake st. £ HOLDEN, HENRI V. 211 S. Market st., cor. Jackson. >» Hats. Caps, Etc.— Wholesale. WILLIAMS. MILLEB & OLMSTEAD, 127 and L29 Markel sta Hoisting Machines. KENNEDY, JOHN„188 and L90 Ohio st. (see adr't, page 108) iron, steel. II ear if Hardware, Etc. KIRK & BARKER, L98 and 198 Lake st. PAUKHURST & WILKINSON, .V! and 66 Lake st. CD Japanned U Publishers of Blanks and Books 118 & 120 Monroe Street. ) For Public Offices. Business Guide to the City of Chicago. 15 . United Staffs Commissioners. BOYNE, PHIL. A,, 157 and 150 I,;. Salle st, (see adv't, page 70). Upholstery Hoods. LIVERMORE, D. E„ 143 State Bt. (see adv't, page 118). Varnishes, (tits unit 'Paints, FRENCH & TODD, 200 and 802 Randolph Bt. (see adv't. page 100, ARMSTRONG .V CO., 187 Lake Bt. Wat eh Manufacturers, ELGIN WATCH co.. Am. Express Building, 78-78 Monro Wi/nes and Liquors Importers. GROMMES & 1 LLRICH, 199,201 and 20:: Randolph Bt. Window illass. FRENCH & TODD, 200 and 202 Randolph si. (see adv't. page loin. Wire (loth and \\ ire Ooods, CLINTON Willi'', clot 1 1 co.. !;."> I', Randolph si. (see Inset, bet. pp. 96 A 97). Wire Hope. GILBERT BUBBARD .v CO., 296 980 8. Wateret.(aee adv't, page Wire Work, and Window "Fixtures, PALMENBERG Wild'; WORKS, Chas. .1. Jetter, Man . 900 ,v 909 Madison Bt. Woven Wire Mattress. WHITTLESEI & PETERS, Mfrs., 181 Madiaon idv't, page 58 Wrought Iron Pipe Manufacturers, CRANE BROS. MFG. <'<>., 10 \. Jefferson Bt. WALWORTH, BROOKS & CO., 248 and 948 Lake at. (see adv't, ] TEN MINUTES EXERCISE «>>< ■ 1 : \ DA.1 at THE HEALTH LIFT Improves the Circulation, Warmsthe Extremii Relieves the Aching Brain, Quiets Nervous Irritability. Strengthens Weak Organs, Regulates the //nut's Action, Deepens the Breathing, Promotes Digestion, Ami Increases the General Vitality. T lE-I E APPARATUS May be Been and tried, and hand honks mid circulars, giving full particulars furnished tree, on application at the rooms, 114 DEARBORN STREET. GUESTS PLEASE CALL. & H B P. 02 3 W > Q OQ & ^1 02 02 % a 0Q B J» S P> >■" m O B MACKENZIE, FASHIONABLE HATTER, 103 E. Madison Street. LINENS AND 0it$ei|ee|iiti0 ii| m$$i 1 AT Carter & Warrin's 77 STATE STREET. $ I JEjW tQOWS A SPECIALTY. AMERICAN BXPRE88 BUILDING. Monroe Street, between State and Dearborn Streets. W. & B. DOUGLAS, MANUFACTURERS OF ? Hydraulic Earns, Garden and Fire Engines, Pump Chain and Fixtures, Iron Curbs, Etc. P> ALSO, IEOU AND LEAD PIPE EUBBER HOSE IX STOCK. braitch: warehouses ■ 1 97 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 85 & 87 John Street, New York. Factory at Middletovra. Conn. Works Founded in 1832. B. DOUGLAS, President. JT. Jf. DOIGXAS, Sec. and Treat. '^JDe signers Enb m oH WOOD. Foot Flock, Cor. of Clark & Monroe. CHICAGO. 7)£AlET)S l/J EtJqT^vifJq, Toots fpfo f/Af/^VE/^s Outfits. ORDERS BY MAIL SOLICITED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. WHOLESALE STATIONERS. f 118 & 120 Monroe Street, Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's (tunic to ike City of Chicago. 1!> REGISTER OF CITY OFFICIALS. Mayor — Hon. H. D. Colvin, office, 2 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. City Clerk — J. K. C. Forrest, /TCity Hall, Adams street, east entrance. City Comptroller — S. S. Hayes, 3 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. City Treasurer — Daniel O'Hara, office, 9 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. City Attorney — E. Jamison, office, 8 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. Corporation Counsel — J. O. Norton, office, 8 City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. Tax Commissioner — C. N. Holden, office, 5 City Hall, La Salle street entrance. City Assessor — C. Dennehy ; James N. Clark and W. H. Gray, Ass. Assessors' office, 5 City Hall, La Salle street entrance. City Collector — Geo. Von Hollen, office, 1 City Hall, La Salle street entrance. Oil Inspector — John O'Neill, Ft. Wayne Oil House. Fish Inspector — John F. Brown, 415 W. Washington street. Steam Boiler Inspector — Thos. Hamilton, Room 1!), 188 Madison street. City Physician — Dr. John Guerin. City Weigher — Miles Kehoe, Hay Market. Corporation Paper — Inter-Ocean, 110 Lake street. City Sealer — C. H. Gillespie, 87 and 89 Washington street. Superintendent House of Correction — C. E. Feltoo. Common Council — Meets Room 17, City Hall, Adams street, east entrance. Board of Public Works — Headquarters, City Hull. Adams street, west entrance. Louis Wahl, Pres. ; E. S. Chesbrough, City Engineer. Board of Health — Headquarters, City Hall, Adams street, west entrance. Dr. J. A. Hahn, President ; Dr. Ben. C. Miller, Superintendent. Police Department — Headquarters, City Hall, La Salle street entrance. Mark Sheridan, President; Jacob Hehm, Superintendent. Police Courts — South Division, cor. Harrison street and Pacific avenue, N. B. Boyden, Justice ; West Division, cor. Madison and Union streets, Daniel Scully, Justice ; North Division, Chicago avenue near Clark street, H, A. Kaufmann, Justice. Fire Department — Headquarters, City Hall, Quincy street entrance, M. Benner, Fire Marshall. Fire Alarm mid Police Telegraph — City Hall, Quincy street entrance, E. B. Chandler, Superintendent. GILBERT HUBBARD & CO. 226, 228 & 230 S. WATER ST., DEALERS IN Twines • Cordage. TENTS, WAGON COVERS AND PAUL/NS. AWNINGS, for Store and House Fronts, Made to Order and sent by Express to any part of the country. Flags and Banners, OF SILK OR BUNTING. ALL SIZES ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. NETS AND NETTING TWINE, COTTON DUCK, all Widths and Weights. STEEL AND IRON WIRE ROPE, FOR HOISTING, MINING AND FERRY USES. CRANE AND DREDGE CHAINS. BEST IMPORTED QUALITIES. GILBERT HUBBARD. GEO. B. CARPENTER. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. J 118 & 120 Monroe Street, WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS. f Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 21 U. S. CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. Northern District of Illinois. Terms — At Chicago, first Mondays of March, May, July, October, and third Monday of December. Rule Day in Chancery, first Monday of each month. Return Days in Mesne-Process in Admiralty, in District Court, first Monday of each month. Judges, David Davis (Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court), Thoinas Drummond, Circuit Judge, and Henry VV. Blodgett, District Judge ; Clerk Circuit and District Courts, Wm. H. Bradley ; U. S. District Attorney, Joseph O. Glover; U. S. Marshal, Benj. H. Campbell; U. S. Commissioner, Phillip A. Hoyne ; Master in Chancery, Circuit Court, Henry W. Bishop; Register in Bankruptcy, H. N. Hibbard. Republic Building, La Salle St. UNITED STATES COMMISSIONERS' COURT, Can be holden by United States Commissioners Phillip A. Hoyne, Robert Rae, 0. K. A. Hutchinson, D. Goodwin, Jr., L. Proudfoot, Jr., Simeon W. King, Henry W. Bishop, S. S. Willard, and Charles L. Driesslein. Custom House. SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY. Terms — First Monday of each month. Chief Justice, Joseph E. Gary; Associate Judges, John A. Jamieson and Samuel M. Moore ; ( 'lcrk, Alexander F. Stevenson ; Masters in Chancery, Benjamin D. Magruder, Henry T. Steele, and Franklin Dennison. Jurisdiction — Concurrent with Circuit Court. City Hall. CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. Terms — Third Monday of each month. Chief Justice, Wm. W. Farwell ; Associate Judges, Erastus S. Williams, Henry Booth, John G. Rogers, and Lambert Tree; Clerk, Jacob Gross; Masters in Chancery, Grant Goodrich, Walter Butler, Hiram M. Chase, Charles T. Adams, and Charles H. Lawrence. Original Jurisdiction in all cases of Law and Equity, Appellate Jurisdiction as is, or may be, provided by law. City Hall. COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY. Terms — Third Monday of each month. Judge, M. R. M. Wallace ; Attor- ney, John M. Rountree ; Clerk, Hermann Lieb ; Chief Deputy, E. Drury ; Public Administrator, Julius Rosenthal. Has Jurisdiction in all matters of Pro- bate and in County business. East Wing of Court House. CRIMINAL COURT OF COOK COUNTY. Terms — First Monday of each month. The Terms of this Court must be held alternately by one of the Judges of the Circuit and Superior Courts of Cook County. Said Judges being ex-officio Judges of said Criminal Court. Clerk, Austin J. Doyle ; Chief Deputy, T. D. Barrett; States Attorney, Charles H. Reed ; Assistant, H. T. Birch ; Sheriff, T. M. Bradley. Jurisdiction same as Circuit Court in cases of criminal, or quasi criminal, nature. Appeals, in such cases, returnable to this Court only. POLICE AND JUSTICE'S COURT. Sessions Daily (Sundays excepted), N. B. Boyden, Justice, S. D. ; Clerk, Martin Scully. Daniel Scully, Justice, W. D. ; Clerk, John Amburg. Henry A. Kaufman n, Justice, N. D. ; Clerk, J as. G. Spencer. Jurisdiction within their County in certain civil cases not exceeding $200 in amount, and in all cases of violation of City Ordinances. I IMPROVED SILENT Sewing Ilaclie. Machines RENTED, and sold on Monthly Payments. Agents Wanted in Every County in the North-west. X^Vj«\s«^JVl X Liberal Terms to Responsible Parties. For full particulars, with Descriptive Circu- lars, address WILLCOX &> GIBBS SEWING MACHINE CO., 200 & 202 Wabash Avenne, corner Adams Street, W. B. NEEDHAM, Manager. CHICAGO, ILL. WM. T. SHEPHERD, 99 STATE STREET, Entrance through the Jewelry Store. FLORAL DECORATIONS Of every description furnished at moderate prices. ORDERS FOR THE COUNTRY Filled promptly, and shipped by Express or Mail, securely and safely. "WEIDIDIXsra- ORDERS .A. SPECIALTY. CHOICE FLOWERING PLANTS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WM. T. SHEPHERD, S. E. corner State and Washington Streets. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Box Makers' Stock & Tools, DEALEK8 in f 118 & 120 Monroe Street. The St/ranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 23 THE POST OFFICE. The Post Office is situated on the northwest corner of Wabash avenue and Harrison street, nine blocks south of Lake street, and can be reached either by street cars or omnibuses. The office is open for the delivery of letters from 7:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. The retail stamp window from 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. M. The Postmaster's room from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The Money Order department from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Registered Letter department from 8 a. m. to ■"> P. m. Revenue stamps can be procured at the Cashier's office from 9 \. \i. to 5 P, K. Branch Post Offices at the corner of West Washington and Halsted streets, and Turner Hall Building, North Clark street, but no mails are delivered from those offices. All mails for the East close at 3:20 P. M. Open from 7::S0 a. m. to 7:30 P. M. UNITED STATES OFFICIALS. Collector of Customs — Norman B. Judd, Republic Bld'g, 107-163 La Sail.- St Register in Bankruptcy — H. N. Hibbard, " United States Marshal — B. H. Campbell, " United States Depositary — Norman B. Judd, " Collector of Internal Revenue — S. A. Irvin, Assistant U. S. Treasurer — J. D. Webster, United States Commissioner — P. A. Hoyne, " Postmaster — John Mc Arthur, Post Office, cor. Wabash ave. and Harrison at. Pension Agent — D. Blakely, 86 and 88 Dearborn street. Headquarters Military Division of the Missouri — P. H. Sherridan, Lieutenant- General Commanding, corner La Salle and Washington streets. FOREIGN CONSULS. German Empire — H. Glaussenius, 125 Fifth avenue. Austria — Robert Schnitzler, 125 Fifth avenue. France — E. Carrey, 155 La Salle street. Belgium — Dr. C. F. Henrotin, 191 La Salle street. Denmark — Emil Dreier, 137 Milwaukee avenue. Netherlands — John P. Voswinkei Dorselen, Union Bld'g, 104 La Salle street. Norway and Sweden — Peter Savanoe, Rooms 10 and 11, northeast corner La Salle and Monroe streets. Great Britain — James Warrack, V. C, 135 La Salle street. Italy — Q. L. Cella, 251 South Clark street. Switzerland — H. Enderis, corner Clark and Lake streets. JANSEN, MSCLURG & CO. Fine Books* We offer the choicest and largest collection in tlie West of the Masterpieces of Literature— " THE GOOD BOOKS OF TO-DAY, AND THE GOOD OWES OF ALL TIME" — in all varieties of editions and bindings, from the most modest and inexpensive to the finest productions of the English presses and binderies. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE: 1 st. The Best Books and Best Editions for Public and Private Libraries. 2d. Splendid Art Works for the Drawing-room, or for Wedding and Anni- versary Presents. 3d. Rare and Curious Editions of Old and Scarce Works. 4th. The Direct Importation of Fine and unusual Foreign Books. 5th. The Choicest English, French, and American Papers, Envelopes, and Stationery, for Ladies and Gentlemen. ALL ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL STORE, OTJR WHOI^ESAJLiE DEPARTMENT is supplied with School, Miscellaneous, Medical, Scientific, and Text Books, Blank Books, Envelopes and Stationery of all descriptions, in the largest quantities, and greatest varieties. All offered to the Trade at the lowest prices. JANSEN, McCLURG & CO. 117 & 119 STATE STREET. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS. ( Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. -2~> o S0 03 H s n 3 a n B 7t a M GB a H O e K 3 a " o tin d 7T 5 ■1. O > a a » a a. >fl o > 00 a. H B 2 O 'C S3 OB *i « s M '/. a a p b TURKISH, ELECTRIC, AND VAPOR P FOIR. THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHUOKIC DISEASES, GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL, CHICAGO, ILL. Private Entrance on Jackson street, near La Salle. This Institute is furnished with all Modern Improvements, and is one of the most complete of its kind in the country. THE TURKISH BATH. The Doctor has spared no pains or money in fitting up this department, and justly claims it as one of the most complete in this country. It is the only one in the city that has the Plunge Bath connected with it. It is thoroughly ventilated and well lighted, and offers every convenience for the comfort and pleasure of persons desiring that form of treatment. It is centrally located, and can be reached by the State and Madison and Van Buren street cars ; also by the South and North Side stages. WHAT DOES THE IB-A-TH DO . W. HITCHCOCIi, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. CULVEK. PAGE, HOYNE i verse v avenue, running to C race land ( 'emetery. West 'Hid Son/// Division*. In addition to the above, a line of cars runs through from Wood st. on the West Side to Twenty second st. on the South Side, via Madison and State sts, These cars run about every five minutes. OMNIBUSES. Canal Street Line. — Runs from Sixteenth ami Canal streets to Kinzie street, Ivin/.ie street to N. Clark street. Worth Side Stage Company. — From Jackson and Clark streets to Lincoln Park, on N. Clark st. From Madison st. to Chicago ave. west to Larrabee and Centre sts. From State on Madison st. N. Clark st, to North ave. bridge. Lwnbennan'8 Line. — From Lake and State streets to Clinton street, Clinton street to Washington street, Washington street, to Desplaines street, Des- plaines street to Van Buren street, Van Huren street to Halsted street, Hal- sted street to Twenty second street. Madison Street Line. — State and Madison streets, on Madison street to Western avenue. Twenty-second Street tins.— From Twenty-second street and Wabash avenue on Wabash avenue to Madison street, on Madison street to Halsted street. People's Bus Line, ">■ Z. [. P. — From Wabash avenue and Twenty -ninth street on Wabash avenue to Madison and State streets. Great Westi rn /.inc. — From State and Randolph streets, on Randolph to Lake street, on Lake street to Western avenue. Indiana street Line. — From Randolph and State streets, on Randolph street to Halsted st,, on Halsted st. to Indiana st., Indiana st. to Western ave. Milwaukee Avenue Lint. — State and Randolph streets, on Randolph street to Halsted st,, Halsted st, to Milwaukee ave., Milwaukee ave. to Oakley st. H e W, WETHERELL 1 SUCCESSOR TO H. W. & J. M, WETHERELL, ^myorter aqd jobber of/ illMt& mtm 4$tofo> IsTOTIOIsrS, Nos. 43 & 47 JACKSON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. R J. MORSE & CO. 8 IE* WBBMMITMB, Have constantly on hand an assorted stock of the finest goods ever offered in this market, at prices to suit the times. WATCHES REPAIRED BY SKILLED AND CAREFUL WORKMEN And all repairing guaranteed to give satisfaction. MANUFACTURING OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER. SOUTHEAST CORNER CLARK AND LAKE STREETS. Palmer House Stailes* FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGES, With careful drivers, always in waiting. Also, LIGHT LIVERY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Orders left at Office, or sent us by Telegraph from any part of the City, will receive prompt attention. 224, 226 £.228 WABASH AVENUE. OFFICE, 39 E. RANDOLPH STREET. Wagons to each Division of the City at 10 A. M., 2 and 5 P. M. and Packages called for and delivered to all parts of the City and Suburbs, with promptness and dispatch. All kinds of City Expressing done on short notice. Trunks transferred for 25 cts. each, by checks given on all depots. W. I*. BRINK, Proprietor. CULVER, PA&E, HOYNE &fM©f., Northwest cor. State and Madison Sts. CHICAGO. CULVEK, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. | Agents for Amberg's Letter Holder, 118 & 120 Monroe Street. ) File and Binder. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 43 \ GALE <& BLOCXEZ, Importing and Retail DRUGGISTS, 85 S. CLABK STREET, Opposite the Old Court House. BRANCH STORES. 44 & 46 MONROE STREET (Palmer House), And 57 WEST RANDOLPH STREET. Make a specialty of FRENCH ARTIFICIAL EYES AND FINE TOILET GOODS of every description. Wholesale agents for Dr. Ridge's Patent Prepared Food for Infants and Invalids. HEADQUARTERS FOR DUNBAR'S BETHESDA WATER. J. W. GRISWOLD & CO. Manufacturers and Importers of Cloaks, Suits, and Underwear. ALSO, CLOAKINGS AND SUITINGS, VELVETS, BEAVER8, EIISTEiTVS, LAWNS, Etc. IIHlIiii^ LACES, GIMPS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, CORDS, TASSELS, Etc. A Large Stock and Latest Styles, Close Buyers are invited to Examine. 54 $ 56 JEast Madison St. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, Manufacturers of Paging Machines. ) Opposite old Post office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 45 TABLE OF DISTANCES AND FARES. Distances compiled from official Railroad Time Tables, and Rates of Fare fur- nished by General Ticket Agents. Where there are several routes running to one point, the shortest has been chosen. CHICAGO TO DISTANCE. FARE. Albany Alton, 111... Bangor, Me_ Boston Buffalo Baltimore, Md Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus, O . Davenport Denver, Col .. Detroit Dayton, Fort Wayne, Ind__ Hartford, Conn Harrisburg, Pa Indianapolis Kansas City, Mo . . Leavenworth, Kan Little Rock, Ark . . Louisville, Ky Montreal Madison, Wis Memphis Milwaukee . _ Mobile, Ala Niagara Falls New York.. Nashville, Tenn. . New Orleans Omaha Providence, R. I Peoria, 111 Pittsburgh, Pa Philadelphia. Portland, Me Quincy, 111 Quebec Salt Lake City Springfield, 111 St. Joseph, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Sacramento San Francisco Toledo, Terre Haute Vicksburg Washington, D. C. 837 257 ,246 ,018 539 802 356 314 183 284 149 ,025 717 217 488 515 848 137 85 514 913 ,415 492 160 469 823 ,145 263 ,781 185 469 280 447 ,273 411 243 842 $21.00 9.85 26.50 24.00 15.50 19.00 9.00 11.00 10.50 5.95 58.50 8.50 9.00 5.15 22.25 18.50 6.85 18.40 18.40 26.65 11.35 20.75 4.85 20.50 3.00 31.00 15.50 22.00 18.75 31.00 17.50 23.00 5.75 14.00 20.00 22.00 9.00 24.75 99.70 7.50 18.40 11.00 15.25 117.50 117.50 7.50 7.45 31.25 19.00 STBL1 & Flies, MA1TUFACTUEEES OF >» ® m wr«» ^ , r <\ \ * T/te iJfos* Perfect Made. "HP'*. fecial ^lavaring wstracts, None like them. <%< js C*, »>. JFVo?ra /%e " Chicago Advance," June 5th, 1873. "Household Words." —Prominent among Chicago establishments is the new manufactory of Steele & Price, 201 and 203 South Water Street, corner of Fifth Ave., where articles indispensable to all trood housewives are prepared. We refer to the celebrated Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Special Flavoring Extracts, which have become, truly, household words, and are indispensable articles in every family. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the leading baking powder in this country, and has acquired its extended reputation from its perfect purity and wholesomeness ; while Dr. Price's Flavoring Extracts are acknowledged three times the strength of those ordinarily sold, and are true to their names — the most delicious, delicate flavors ever made. The United States government indorse the claims of this establishment for purity, strength, and excellence of its productions, by giving the house large orders to meet the wants at the various military posts. The motto of this house is: No ad all, ration ; no deception; full measure ; ami i n ry article qf the highest excellence. If reliable articles in this line are wanted, they can be found at Steele & Price's Laboratory, which is, without doubt, the largest of its kind in the world. CULVEK, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. 118 & 120 Monroe Street. Bankers' and Office Outfits A Specialty. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 47 BANKING HOUSES. Clearing House — 124 Clark street. Adsit, J. M. — Corner Clark and Lake streets. Bank of Chicago — Corner Randolph and La Salle streets. Bank of Montreal — Major Block. Barclay, Voorhies & Co. — Corner Washington and Dearborn streets. Cook County National Bank — Northwest cor. Washington and Dearborn sts. Cook County Savings Bank — Northeast corner Clark and Madison streets. Corn Exchange National Bank — Room 15, Board of Trade Building. Chicago Savings Institution and Trust Co. — Northwest corner Dearborn and Madison streets. Citizens' Bank of Chicago — 149 and 151 East Madison street. City National — 158 Washington street. Commercial Loan Co's Savings Bank — N. W. cor. Michigan and Clark streets. Commercial National Bank — N. E. cor. Dearborn and Washington streets. Fidelity Savings Bank and Safe Depository — 143 to 147 E. Randolph street. Fifth National Bank — Northwest corner La Salle and Washington streets. First National Bank — Washington corner State street. Follansbee & Son — Southeast corner Washington and Clark streets. Fourth National Bank — Northeast corner Washington and Clark streets. German Savings Bank — Fifth ave., bet. Randolph and Washington streets. Germania Bank — Southeast corner Washington street, and 5th avenue. German National Bank — Fifth ave., bet. Randolph and Washington streets. Grcencbaum & Foreman — 54 Washington street. Greenebaum, Henry & Co. — Fifth ave., bet. Randolph and Washington streets. Hibernian Banking Association — Southwest corner Clark and Lake streets. Hide and Leather Bank of Chicago — Southwest corner Randolph and La Salle streets. Home National Bank — 56 and 58 South Halsted street. International Bank — Southwest corner La Salle and Washington streets. Marine Co. of Chicago — Corner Lake and La Salle streets. Mechanics' National Bank — 152 and 154 Lake street. Merchants, Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank — 75 South Clark street. Merchants' National — Corner Madison and La Salle streets. Merchants' Savings, Loan and Trust Go. — Northeast corner Madison and Dear- born streets. National Bank of Commerce — Madison and Dearborn streets. National Bank of 111. — Southeast corner Washington and Dearborn streets. Northwestern National Bank — 15 Chamber of Commerce. Prairie State Loan and Trust Co. — 112 West Washington street. Preston, Kean & Go. — Republic Life Building. Slaughter, A. 0. — 136 South Clark street. Smith, Adam & Son — Corner Washington and State streets. State Street Savings Bank — 281 State street. THE STATE SA VINGS INSTITUTION— 80 and 82 La Salle street. 'Third National Bank — Corner Washington and Dearborn streets. Traders' National Bank — Corner Madison and La Salle streets. Union Insurance and Trust Co. — Corner Clark and Madison streets. Union National Bank — Corner La Salle and Washington streets. Union Stock Yards National Bank — At Stock Yards. 1 ZB"CTY~ YOTTIR, TICKETS VIA THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY FOR SHEBOYGAN, MANITOWOC, WATERTOWN, FOND DU LAC, OSHKOSH, APPLETON, MENASHA, O-ZE^ZEZEILSJ" ibjly, ESCANABA, MARQUETTE, NEGAUNEE, L'ANSE, ISHPEMING, AND THE SHORES OP LAKE SUPERIOR. THIS IS THE ONLY ROUTE FROM OECEO-&QO to IT, F ATTI* Via Madison. Baraboo. and Elroy, and it is the only route running Pullman Palace Cars through between Chicago and St. Paul ! THIS IS THE DIRECT ROUTE FOR SAX FRANCISCO, SACRAMENTO, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, Yankton. THIS IS THE ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS PULLMAN PALACE CARS and SUPERB COACHES FROM C H IE C A, G- C3 Tia DIXON. CLINTON, and CEDAR RAPIDS, to COTJITCIL BLUFFS &c Ol^LJ^JBL^ "WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. And connects with the OHION PACIFIC KAILROAD for Cheyenne, Denver, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, AND ALL POINTS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. IT m TEE SHORTEST AND BEST MQWTE* CHICAGO TICKET OFFICES: Corner La Salle and Randolph Streets. Corner Canal and Madison Stri Kinzie St. Depot, cor. W. Kinzie and Canal Sts. Wells St. Depot, cor. Wells and Kinzie - MARVIN HUGHTTT, W. H. STENNETT, Gen'l Superintendent. Gen*l Passenger Agent. ft CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, PUBLISHERS OF LEGAL BLANKS. ) Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 49 CHICAGO CHURCHES. DENOMINATION, LOCATION, AND PASTORS. AMERICAN REFORMED, ETC. American Reformed Church — Rev. U. D. Gulick, pastor, West Washington and Ann streets. BAPTIST. Ashland Avenue — Rev. G. W. Northrup, D. D., pastor. Coventry Street — Corner of Coventry street and Bloomingdale avenue. Rev. Wm. J. Kermott. Erangelical Baptist — Seminary building, Rhodes avenue. Gilbert Bailey, supt. Fifth — Harrison street, cor. Sangamon. Rev. U. F. Raflin, Harrison street, cor. Sangamon. First — Wabash avenue, corner of Hubbard court. Rev. W. W. Everts, D.D., 8 Rhodes avenue. First Danish — 187 North Union street. Rev. Johannes Madsen, 187 North Union street. First German — Second street, near Bickerdike. Indiana Avenue — Indiana avenue, corner of Thirtieth. Rev. W. W. Everts, Jr., 8 Rhodes av. Lincoln Park Baptist — Hurlbut street, between Belden street and Fulton avenue. Swan, supt. Michigan Avenue — Michigan avenue, near Twenty-fourth street. North Star — Cor. of Division and Sedgwick streets. Rev. J. M. Whitehead, 226 Sedgwick st. Olivet (colored) — Fourth avenue, bet. Taylor and Polk streets. Rev. R. De Baptist, pastor. Providence (colored) — 13 Perch street. Rev. J. W. Hall. Second — Cor. Monroe and Morgan sts. Revs. E. J. Goodspeed, D. D., and T. W. Goodspeed. Second German — Chicago avenue, corner Chase street. Rev. II. Snyder, pastor. South Baptist — Corner Bonaparte and Lock streets. Rev Edward Ellis. Swedish Baptist Church — Oak street, between Sedgwick and Townsend streets. Tabernacle Baptist (Danish) — Northwest cor. Noble and Fourth streets. Rev. John Johnson. Trinity Bajitist — Corner Indiana avenue and Lincoln street. Wm. S. Heath, supt. Twenty-fifth Street — Twenty-fifth St. and Wentworth av. Rev. L. T. Bush, 345 Dearborn st. Union Park — Cor. Washington and Paulina streets. Rev. F. McCarthy, St. Caroline's Court. University Place — Rhodes avenue and Douglas place. Rev. A. J. Frost. Western Avenue — Corner of Western and Warren avenues. Rev. John Gordon, pastor. FREE BAPTIST West Jackson — Corner Loomis and West Jackson streets. CHRISTIAN. ' Indiana Avenue — Indiana avenue, corner Twenty-fifth street. Rev. O. A. Burgess, pastor. Second — Carpenter street, corner Front. CONGREGATIONAL. Bethany — West Indiana street, corner Paulina. Rev. Dr. Snyder, pastor. Clinton Street — Wilsi "i street, southwest corner South Clinton. Rev. John Bradshaw, pastor. First — Washington St., cor. Ann. Rev. Edward P. Goodwin, pastor, 345 West Washington st. Leavitt Street — Adams street, corner Leavitt. Rev. Albert Bushnell, pastor. Lincoln Park — Center street, corner Dayton. Rev. C. E. Sumner, pastor. New England — Corner White and North Dearborn streets. Rev. L. T. Chamberlain, pastor. Oakland — Cottage Grove avenue, west of Oakland avenue. Plymouth — Indiana avenue, corner Twenty-sixth street. Rev. Wm. A. Bartlctt. pastor. Scandinavian — Worship in Tabernacle Church. Rev. C. Corneliusson, pastor. Tabernacle — West Indiana street, corner Morgan. Union Park — Ashland avenue, corner Washington street. Rev. Charles D. Helmer, pastor. Wicker Park — Corner Moyne and South Hoyne streets. Rev. Wm. Holyoke, pastor. Welsh — May street, corner Fulton. Rev. Morris Davies, pastor. CATHOLIC. Diocese of Chicago, established 1844. Comprises Illinois north of the counties of Adams, Brown, Cass, Menard, Sangamon, Macon, Moultrie, Coles and Edgar. Right Rev. Tho- mas Foley, D. D., Bishop, 795 Wabash avenue. Cathedral of the Holy Name — North State street, corner Superior. Rev. John McMullen, 266 Superior street. Church of the Annunciation — Rev. T. Edwards, corner Paulina street and Waubansia avenue. Church of the Nativity — Halsted and Thirty-ninth sts. Rev. J. S. O'Neill, 1640 South Halsted st. Church of the Holy Family — Corner Twelfth and May streets. Very Rev. Arnold Damen, S. J., superior. House of the Good Shepherd — North Market street, between Division and Hill streets. Superior, Mother Mary of the Nativity. Office, 26 Palmer House. iV. B. — All kinds of Dental work in best manner, at short notice. Lewis Morey, ^22^^3=0- FLORIST 1 '6 7 Madison Jt., cor. Jua^alle. Cut Flowers, Floral Baskets, Bouquets, ■WH-U^^-THS, ETC. EVERY VARIETY OF FLORAL DECORATION. Roses and Bedding Plants in Great Variety. Greenhouses, Oak Park, Ills,, 3 1-2 Miles West of the City, on Iowa Division North-Western Railway. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Box Makers' Stock & Tools, dealees m ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street. The Stranger's Guide to, the City of Chicago. 51 Immaculate Conception —Franklin, between North avenue and Schiller sts. Rev. P. Butler. Notre Dame de Chicago (French) — Halsted street, corner Tyler. Rev. Jacoh Cote. Our Saviour's — May street, corner Erie. Rev. Jens Krohn, 218 North May street. St. Boniface (German) — Corner of Cornell and Noble streets. Rev. J. Venn. St. Bridget's — Bridgeport. Rev. John H. Grogan, 715 Archer avenue. St. Columkill— corner of Paulina and Indiana streets. Rev. Thos. C. Burke and Rev. C. S. Lightner, D. D. ; residences adjoining church. St. Francis Assissum (German) — Corner of Twelfth and Newberry streets. Rev. Ferdinand Kalvelage and Rev. J. Banks. St. James — Prairie avenue, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh. Rev. P. W. Riordan and ReV. Edw. Dunne, 1233 Prairie avenue. St. Patrick's — Desplaines street, corner Adams. Rev. P. J. Conway, pastor; Revs. E. Terry and W. Campbell, assistants. St. Mary's — Wabash avenue, southeast cor. Eldridge court. Rev. Patrick M. Noonau, pastor. St. Jarlath's — Hermitage avenue, corner West Jackson street. Rev. J. J. Grogan, pastor. St. John's — Clark street, corner Eighteenth. Rev. John Waldron and Rev. P. McGuire. St. Joseph's Priory (German) — Market street, corner Hill. Rev. Jeggle Meinard, pastor. St. John Nepomucene (Bohemian) — Twenty-fifth street, corner of Portland avenue. Rev. Wil- liam Coka, Pastor, 178 DeKoven street. St. Louis — Sherman street^ near Polk. Rev. P. Noonau, pastor, 156 Sherman street. St. Michael's (German) — Linden street, corner Hurlbut. Rev. Peter Zimmer, pastor. St. Peter's (German) — Clark street, cor. Polk. Very Rev. Peter Fisher and Rev. Wensierski, pastors. St. Stanislaus — Evans street, opposite John. Rev. M. Oakley, S. J., 413 West Twelfth street. St. Stanislaus Kosta (Polish) — Noble street, corner Bradley. Rev. Adolph Bakanowski, pastor. St. Stephen's — Sangamon and Ohio streets. Rev. Stephen M. A. Barrett, pastor. St.. Thomas Aquinas — Hyde Park. Rev. Thomas Kennedy. St. Wenceslaus (Bohemian) — Desplaines street, coiner De Koven. Rev. J. Moliter, pastor. EPISCOPAL. All Saints — Corner Carpenter and Fourth streets. Rev. H. G. Perry, rector, 454 Hubbard st. Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul — West Washington street, corner Peoria. Right Rev. H. J. Whitehouse, D. D., LL. D., 445 West Washington street; Rev. J. H. Knowles, 260 West Washington street. Calvary Church — Warren ave., near cor. Western ave. J. F. Walker, rector, 043 W. Lake st. Church of the Epiphany — Troop st., bet. Adams and Monroe. Rev. C. H. W. Stocking, rector. Church of the Atonement — Corner West Washington and Robey streets. Rev. Henry C. Kinney, rector. Church of Our Saviour — Belden avenue, corner Lincoln avenue. Rev. J. W. Petrie, rector. Church of the Ascension— -La Salle st., corner Elm. Rev. C. P. Dorsett, rector, North Clark st. Church of the Holy Communion — Burnside St., near Thirtieth. Rev. John Wilkinson, rector. Emmanuel Church — Center street, northwest corner Dayton. Grace Church— Wabash avenue, near Fourteenth street." Rev. Clinton Locke, D. D., rector. St. Ansgarius (Swedish congregation) — No. 99 to 103 Sedgwick st. Rev. J. Bredberg, pastor. St. James' Church — Cass St., corner of Huron. Rev. Arthur Brooks, rector, 334 Huron st. St. John's — Ashland avenue, near Union Park. Rev. H. N. Powers, D. D., rector, 517 Fulton st. St. Mark's — Cottage Grove. Rev.'B. Morgan, rector, 99 Thirty-seventh. St. Stephen's — Corner Blue Island and Forquer. Rev. Mark Chase, rector, 235 Ewing street. Trinity — Corner Michigan ave. and Twenty-sixth st. Rev. Edward Sullivan, D.D., rector. REFORMED EPISCOPAL.. Christ Church — Michigan avenue, corner Twenty-fourth street. Bishop Cheney. « EVANGELICAL. First Society of the Evangelical Association of North America — Polk street, corner Third avenue. Rev. W. F. Walker, pastor, 167 Third avenue. First German, Evangelical Reformed Church — Desplaines street, between Van Buren and Harrison. Rev. Frederick Kuenzler, pastor. Second (German) — Sedgwick street, corner Wisconsin". Rev. Amos Gockley, pastor. Third — West Twelfth street, southwest corner Union. Rev. Amos Gakley, pastor. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Bethlehem — McReynolds street, corner of Paulina. Rev. Augustus Reinke, pastor. English Evan. Lutheran Ch. of Mercy — Cor. N. Dearborn and Erie. Rev. P. Richards, pastor. Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church — Superior street, corner Bickerdike. Rev. T. J. Groose, pastoK. Evangelical Lutheran Trinity — Hanover street, corner Kossuth. Rev. F. Doederdike, pastor. Evangelical Lutheran Zion — West Nineteenth street, cor. Johnson. Rev. A. Wagner, pastor. First Ger. Evangelical Luth. St. Paul's — Superior st., cor. Franklin. Rev. H. Wunder, pastor. Norwegian — Corner Indiana and, Sangamon sts. Rev. C. O. Patterson, 155 West Indiana st. Salem Lutheran (German) — Wentworth ave., cor. Bushnell st. Rev. C. Wargowsky, pastor. Second Ger. Evang. Luth. Immanuel's — W. Taylor St., cor. Brown. Rev. C. Koerner, pastor. St. Jacobi's — Sophia street, southwest corner Tremont. Rev. Wm. Bartling, pastor. St. Paul's Lutheran — Ohio street, sw. cor. North La Salle. Rev. Joseph Hartman, pastor. Svenskt Evangeliste Emanual Church — Sedgwick street, near Oak. Rev. Erland Carlson. E. HAMILTON HUNT, DEALER Ilf Builders T Hardware,, 42 STATE STREET. Goods Delivered FREE in any part of the City. All the Hardware in the Tremont House was furnished by the above establishment. ELLM8 # YOUNG «® v ©MSITSSTS. SEVENTEEN YEARS PRACTICE IN CHICAGO. C No - 309_STATE STREETTCorner of ADAMS. j^ CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS. [ Opposite Old Post Office. UNITED EVANGELICAL. Evangelical Lutheran Trinity — Snell street, between Chicago avenue and First street. Fifth German United Evangelical Lutheran St. Stephen's — Wentworth avenue, corner Twenty- fifth street. Rev. Ernst Guntrum, pastor. First German United Evangelical Lutheran St. Paul's Church— Burnt; new location not decided. Fourth German United Evangelical Lutlieran St. Peter's Church — Chicago avenue, cor. Noble street. Rev. G. Lembrecht, pastor. Second German United Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church — Union street, northwest corner Mitchell. Third German United Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church — Twenty-first street, corner Archer avenue. Rev. C. Wargowsi. pastor. INDEPENDENT. North Side Tabernacle — Ontario street, corner Wells. D. L. Moody, superintendent. JEWISH CONGREGATIONS. Kehilah Benay Shalom — Congregation of the Sons of Peace: burned, not yet located. Kehilah Anshe Maarab — Congregation of Men of the West, Peck court and Wabash avenue. Rev. M. Machol and Rev. Lieman Adler, pastors. M- M. Gerstley, president. Eodef Sholem Church — May street, northeast corner Huron. Rev. Herman Eliassof, pastor. Sinai Congregation — Wabash ave. , corner 14th st. Dr. K. Kohler, pastor. G. Elial, pres. Zion Congregation — Jackson street, corner Sangamon. Rev. B. Felsenthal, pastor. Henry Greenebaum, president. Reformed Synagogue. METHODIST. Ada Street. — Between Lake and Fulton streets. Rev. T. R. Strowbridge, 10 North Page st. Reuben Street (German) — Ashland avenue, near Milwaukee avenue. Rev. W. F. Stewart.pastor. Bethel (African) Methodist Episcopal — Third avenue, near 12th street. Rev. Henry Brown. Centenary— Monroe St., between Morgan and Aberdeen. Rev. J. O. Peck, 409 West Monroe st. Clyboum Avenue (German) — Near Division street. Rev. F. Rinder, 198 Division street. Dickson Street — Near North avenue. Rev. J. T. Thomas, 192 West North avenue. First — Corner Washington and Clark sts. Rev. H. W. Thomas, D. D., 162 West North av. Grace — Corner North La Salle and White streets. Rev. C. E. Phelton, White street. Grant Place — Grant place, corner Larrabee st. Rev. T. C. Clendenning, 222 Fremont st. Half hil Street — Near Canalport avenue. Rev. T. Craven. Lake Street M. E. Church — hake street, west, of Seymour. Rev. G. L. S. Stuff, pastor. Maxwell Street (German) — Maxwell street, near Newberry. Rev. I. W. Roecker, pastor. Michigan Avenue — Between Thirty-second and Thirty-third sts. Rev. R. D. Shepard, pastor. Park Avenue — Corner Park avenue and Robey street. Rev. W.H. Daniels, 18K Park avenue. Quinn's Chapel (African) Methodist Episcopal Church — Fourth avenue, between Taylor and Twelfth streets. Rev. Wm. C. Trevan, pastor. Stale Street — Near Forty-seventh street. Rev. N. M. Stokes, State street, near Forty-seventh. St. John's — Corner Langley street and Egan avenue. Rev. V. E. Manderville. St. Pa u/'s — Maxwell sireet, near Newberry. Rev. S. G. Lathrop. Trinity — Indiana avenue, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets. Rev. S. Mc- Chesney, pastor. Van Buren Street (German) — Van Buren street and Fourth avenue. Rev. R. Fickinscher. Wabash Avenue — Corner Fourteenth. Rev. J. L. G. McKowan, pastor. Western Avenue — Western avenue, corner Monroe street. Rev. A. Yonker. FREE METHODIST. Free Methodist — Morgan street, near Lake. Rev. J. G. Terrill. SCANDINAVIAN LUTHERAN. 'First Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Churzh — 180 and 182 North Peoria street. S. Perter- son, pastor. Norwegian Lutheran Bethlehem Church —Sangamon street, corner Philip. Rev. S. M. Krog- ness, pastor. Our Saviour's Church — North May st., between W. Erie and Second. Rev. J. Hrohn, pastor. Swedish Lutheran Salem Church — Bushnell street, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth. Rev. John P. Niequest, pastor. NEW JERUSALEM. Chicago Society of the New Jerusalem — Calumet avenue, corner Thirty-third street. German Society of the New Jerusalem — Reuben street, west of Indiana, near West Chicago avenue. Rev. Wm. Weiser. New Jerusalem Church — Washington street, corner Ogden avenue. Rev. John R. Hibbard. New Jerusalem Temple — Washington St.. corner Southwestern avenue. C. Day Noble, pastor. t Ifgt Sational l a ^ 1^ -""" OF CHICAGO. ^^5 0* < M < 31 » ■a c to a o § fitters: SAMUEL M. NICKERSON, President. L. J. GAGE, - - • Cashier. F. D. GRAY, - - Vice-President. H. E. SYMONDS, Assistant Cashier. directors : Samuel M. Niokerson, Chicago. H. H-. Porter, - Chicago. Franklin D. Gray. " Mancel Talcott, " Samuel W. Allerton, " Edw'd F. Lawrence," Lyman J. Gage, - Chicago. Nelson Morris, " H. M. Wilmarth, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Issue Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers' use, available in any part of the World. CULVER, PAGE, HOYUE & CO. ) Publishers of Blanks and Books 118 & 120 Monroe Street. ) For Insurance Offices. The Sin-anger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 55 PRESBYTERIAN. Ashland Avenue — Corner Washington st. and Southwestern ave. Rev. Arthur Swazey, D. D. Bethany Mission — Corner Jackson and Peoria streets. Rev. D.J. Burrell, pastor. Eighth — Corner Washington and Robey streets. Rev. H. Reid, 940 West Washington street. First German — 71 and 73 Howe street. Rev. Christian Wisner. pastor. First — Indiana avenue and Twenty-second st. Rev. Arthur Mitchell, 50 Twenty-eighth st. First Hyde Park — Hyde Park. Rev. D. S. Johnson, Hyde Park. First Scotch — Cor. Adams and Sangamon st. Rev. James McLaughlin, 372 West Randolph st. Forty-first Street Church — Corner Prairie avenue. Rev. E. R. Davis, 310 Michigan avenue. Fourth — Corner Rush and Superior streets. Prof. David Swing, 410 Superior street. Fiillerton Avenue Church — Near North Clark 6treet. Rev. William H. Young. Grace Church — Corner Oak street and Vincennes avenue. Rev. Ben. E. S. Ely, pastor. Holland — Corner Erie and Noble streets. Rev. Dr. Post. Ninth — Ellis avenue, between Wahpanseh and Egan avenues. Pilgrim — Ashley street, near Robey. Rev. J. Harrison, pastor. Reformed — Corner Fulton and May streets. Rev. Samuel Fulton. Reunion Church — Fourteenth street, between Throop and Loomis. Rev. J. H. Walker. Second — Michigan avenue, corner Twentieth street. Rev. R. W. Patterson, D. D., pastor. Third — Washington and Carpenter streets. Rev. A. E. Kittredge, 78 Ashland avenue. Thirty-first Street — Wabash avenue, south of Thirty-first st. Rev. C. L. Thompson, pastor. United — Paulina street, near Adams. Welsh — Corner of Monroe and Sangamon streets. UNITARIAN. Church of the Messiah — Corner of Michigan avenue and Twenty-third street. Rev. R. Laird Collier, pastor. Fourth. — Corner of Prairie avenue, south of Thirty-first street. Rev. Charles W. Wendte. Third — Corner Monroe and Laflin. Rev. Minot J. Savage. Unity — North Dearborn st., cor. Lafayette place. Rev. Robert Collyer. UNIVERSALIST. Church of the Redeemer — West Washington street, corner Sangamon. Rev. J. D. Forrester, D.D., pastor. Murray Chapel — Indiana avenue, near Twenty-ninth. Rev. J. W. Hanson, Blue Island. St. Paul's — Worship in Jewish Church, corner Peck court and Wabash avenue. Rev. W. H. Ryder, D. D., pastor, 865 Wabash avenue. UNION MISSIONS. Bethel Home Chapel — Rev. B. Frankland, chaplain. Burr Mission Chapel — Third avenue, north of Fourteenth st. Rev. E. F. Dickenson, supt. North Avenue — Near Halsted, Schwuchow, superintendent. South Englewood — Frank Dorn, superintendent. BAPTIST MISSIONS. Central Park — Lake street, near city limits. Scandinavian — 187 North Union st. M. R. Bortree, supt. Sustained by Second Baptist Church. Swan Street — R. I. car works. Rev. J. Coleman. Union. Band — J. C. Prince, superintendoit. Union Stock Yards — Near Transit House. METHODIST MISSIONS. Milwaukee Avenue — West of Chicago avenue. Samuel Polkey, superintendent. EPISCOPAL MISSIONS. Trinity — Third avenue, south of Polk street. , St. John's Mission, — Desplaines street, between Lake and Randolph. David D. Lyon, supt. St. George's — Hanover street, corner Twenty-seventh. J. Wooster, superintendent. Good Shepherd — Douglas place and Shurtleff street. Wm. Edmonds, superintendent. Tyng Mission- — Near Archer avenue and Twenty-second street. Rev. M. Tucker, pastor. PRESBYTERIAN MISSIONS. Erie Street Mission — Corner Franklin street. S. L. Brown, superintendent. Onward — Peach street, near Fulton. Thomas Hood, superintendent. Rail Road — State street, south of Fourteenth. J. K. Stearns, superintendent. Riverside — Clybourn avenue, near Fullerton avenue. E. H. Harvey, superintendent. Third Presbyterian — Desplaines street, between Lake and Randolph. CONGREGATIONAL MISSIONS. Bethany Mission — W. N. Mills, superintendent. Bright Side — Milwaukee avenue, near Halsted street. PETERS' IMPROVED Woven Wire Mattress* An Improvement over all others. One very thin Mattress over tliis fabric makes the most Healthy, Economical, and Comfortable Bed in use. It is wonderfully Elastic ; does not harbor vermin, and will not get out of repair for many years. EVERY MATTRESS WARRANTED. CALL AND EXAMINE IT. WHITTLESEY & PETERS, Manufacturers, 131 MADISON STREET, 2nd door West of Clark. DEALER IN SINGING BIRDS, ®ABMB» SMBB8, G-'OLtD-FISH, SHELLS, IMMORTELLES, MOSS, And all other materials for Waxwork. Bird Skins, Artificial Glass Eyes, Leaves, Glass Shades, Etc. PREPARED MOCKING-BIRD FOOD. 127 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Between Madison and Washington streets. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. j 118 & 120 Monroe Street, WHOLESALE STATIONERS. ) Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger 's Guide to the City of Chicago. 57 VIEW OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. S Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 59 ESTABLISHED IN 1853. Walworth, Brooks & Co. (LATE JAMES J. WALWORTH.) 243 & 245 Lake Street, CHICAGO, Manufacturers, and Dealers in WROUGHT IRON PIPE, FITTINGS FOR Gas, Steam and Water, Brass and Iron VALVES, TOOLS and SUPPLIES, LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING, HOSE, Etc., Etc. M©mm Pmmp>^ fJ S>i^mm OTIS BRO'S STEAM SAFETY ELEVATt LC Etc. Our senior partner having been engaged in this business constantly since 1841. and having originated the entire modern system of Steam Heating and Ventilating, as well as of Valves, Fit- tings, etc., and as we have extensive Foundries and Machine Shops, both in Boston and Chicago, wc are prepared to supply all goods in our line of the most approved design and quality, at the most favorable prices. The experience obtained in heating over 3,000 buildings in all parts of the country is at the command of our customers. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Publishers of Blanks & Books 118 & 120 Monroe Street. ) For Banking Houses. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 61 PUBLIC HALLS, BLOCKS and BUILDINGS. Abbey Block — 250 to 258 Wabash avenue. Adelphi — Corner Wabash avenue and Congress street. American Express Building — 75 to 78 Monroe street. Andrews Block — 153 and 155 La Salle street. Apollo Hall — 1296 and 1298 State street. Arthur Block — 970 to 974 Wabash avenue. Ashland Block — Northeast corner Clark and Randolph streets. Auror'a Turner Hall — Corner Second street and Wilwaukee avenue. Bernauer Buildings — Northwest corner West Lake and Clinton streets. Bohemian Hall — West Taylor street, between Canal and Beach. Boone Block — 129 to 133 La Salle street. Boyce Block — Northeast corner State and Madison streets. Bryan Block — La Salle street, from Monroe north to alley. Central Block — Southwest corner Washington and Market streets. Central Union, Block — Northwest corner Madison and Market streets. Chamber of Commerce — Southeast corner Washington and La Salle streets. Cobb's Building — Southeast corner Michigan avenue and Lake street. Cornell Block — 10 to 16 North Canal street. Dearborn Block — Northwest corner Michigan avenue and Randolph street. Drake Block — Southeast corner Wabash avenue and Washington street. Edwards Block — 553 to 561 Milwaukee avenue. Ellis Block — 619 to 629 West Lake street. Exchange Building — Southwest corner Clark and Washington streets. Farwell Building — Arcade court, rear Republic Life Bld'g, 159 to 167 La Salle. Father Matthew Temperance Hall. Field, Letter & Co. — Northeast corner Market and Madison streets. First National Bank Building — Southwest cor. State and Washington sts. Forbes Block — 191 to 197 Washington street. Forester's Hall — 82 West Randolph street. Fox Building — Corner Milwaukee avenue and North Reuben street. Oallup & Hitchcock Block — Northwest corner Madison and La Salle streets. Grocers' Block — Southwest corner Wabash avenue and Lake street. Qrow's Block — 487 to 491 West Madison street. Qrow's Hall — Corner Bishop court and West Madison street. Harben Hall — 222 West Twelfth street. Hartford Building — 49 La Salle street. Howley's Iron Building — Southwest corner Madison and La Salle streets. Hemlock Block — Corner Michigan and North La Salle streets. Honore Building — Southwest corner Dearborn and Monroe streets. Hooley's Opera House — Randolph street, west of Clark. Inter-Oceanic Building — 310 to 314 Wabash avenue. Journal Building — 159 and 161 Dearborn street. Kent's Block — 151 and 153 Monroe street. Kendall's Block — Southwest cor. Washington and Dearborn streets. Kentucky Building — Northeast cor. Adams and Clark streets. Kingsbury Music Hall — Clark street, opposite Sherman House. Kings Block — Northwest cor. Washington and Dearborn streets. Lakeside Building — Southwest cor. Clark and Adams streets. Lincoln Hall — 515 Milwaukee avenue. Lind's Block — Northwest cor. Randolph and Market streets. Lumbermen's Exchange — 234 to 240 South Water street. Madison Block — Southwest cor. Madison and Peoria streets. Major Block — Southeast cor. Madison and La Salle streets. ESTABLISHED IN 1822. Abram French & Co., Boston. Wm. 0. Chapman. §Mtir\ iVei^ & Co. IMPORTERS OF Chiaa, Ikss i luthe&wue SILVER-PLATED WARE and CUTLERY, 101 Sr 108 WABASH AVENUE, 151 & 153 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. CHICAGO, ILL. ESTABLISHED IN 1844. Successors to J. H. REED & CO. HURLBUT & EDSALL, ZEZMZFOZE^TZEIRS AND Wholesale Druggists, 44 & 46 Rivpi^ St., CHICAGO. COMPLETE STOCK OF PURE GOODS, LOW PRICES FOR CASH, CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, PRINTEKS. ) Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 63 Mason Block — 92 and 94 Washington street. Masonic Temple — Southwest cor. Randolph and Halsted streets. Morrison Building — Northeast cor. Clark and Madison streets. Morrison Block — Southeast cor. Clark and Madison streets. Morton's Block — 112 and 114 Franklin street. McCarthy Building — Northeast cor. Dearborn and Washington streets. McKin Block — 138 to 144 State street. McVicker's Theater — Madison street, west of State. McCormick's Music Hall — North Clark street. Mechanics, Manufacturers and Builders' Exchange — Rear of Boone Block. Merchants' Block — Northwest cor. La Salle and Washington streets. Nixon's Block — Northeast cor. La Salle and Monroe streets. Nevada Block — Southwest cor. Washington and Franklin streets. Odd Fellows' Hall — Corner Randolph and Clinton streets. Orpheus Hall — Corner Peoria and Lake streets. Otis Block — ha Salle, from Madison street south to alley. Owsley's Hall — Corner Robey and Madison streets. Pacific (Grand) Hotel — Corner Jackson and Clark streets. Palmer's Block — State, bet. Washington and Madison streets. Palmer House — Southeast cor. State and Monroe streets. Peter Page's Block — State, bet. Madison and Washington streets. Portland Block — Southeast cor. Washington and Dearborn streets. Phomix Block — 186 to 190 Madison street. Pleiades Hall — Clinton and Twelfth streets. Produce Exchange — Northeast cor. Lake and La Salle streets. Rawson's Block — 149 and 151 State street. Reaper Block — Northeast cor. Clark and Washington streets. Republic Life Insurance Building — 159 to 167 La Salle street. Rice's Btiilding — 75 to 81 Dearborn street. Rice & Jackson's Block — 95 to 107 West Randolph street. Rudolph Hall — Northwest cor. Clark and Eighteenth streets. Scocille Block — 28 to 36 South Canal street. Singer Building — Northeast cor. State and Washington streets. Standard Hall— Corner Michigan avenue and Thirteenth street. Stanley Block — 619 to 625 — West Lake street. Staats Zeitung Building — Northeast cor. Fifth avenue and Washington street. Superior Block — 75 to 79 South Clark street. TJiompson Block — 229 to 247 West Madison street. The Chicago Times Building — Northwest cor. Fifth ave. and Washington st. Tremont House — Corner Dearborn and Lake streets. Tribune Building — Southeast cor. Dearborn and Madison streets. Turner Hall (North Side) — Corner North Clark street and Chicago avenue. Turner Hall (West Side) — Twelfth, bet. Halsted and Desplaines streets. Union Building — Southwest cor. La Salle and Washington streets. Van Buren Block — From Canal to Clinton streets. Vermont Block — 155 and 157 Fifth avenue. Wadsworth Building — 175 to 181 Madison street. Wall's Hall — Corner Halsted and Adams streets. WALWORTH, BROOKS & CO. — 243 and 245 Lake street. Weber Block — 636 to 640 West Lake street. Williams Hall — Corner Taylor and Canal streets. Willard's Block — Corner Wabash avenue and Congress street. Williams Building — Southwest cor. Fifth avenue and Monroe street. Workingmen's Hall — 368 and 370 Twelfth street. CULVER, PAGE, H0Y2TE & CO. } Agents for Amberg's Letter Holder, 118 & 120 Monroe Street. ) Pile and Binder. 64 The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. B ^ s COt3 a a u a 3 "a ■a-p a-^4 •a -a «o M* O-a X S S3 ^* TO «j P*> «* . n* si) rQ CO C0>a ■so a * 00 ^ TO CO ™ ■a"£ (O o ©fl is 2la = sA 14 ^ u, ^"2 - =>- «" ■n2«^° 3 -SB -^ 111 &l ^iflijilfs &&!f ? &§1 slttfgi s .SB .,§«.,:«.«& e-sII s| &l-§lf Ji|f1 &s?f is &§1 slttfli & O — * '3-s 03° 0) o > t. t- <" C5j= oq 00 * aa'a X K :/J a a a ►JwJ G*a$o* a a x 3S3 .2 to =■ .Hg O oio|3, a — -5 "2 -S ° OS • pg MO £ iS a-a-S a ■" +j a uj SCo.oiSS^ag -OPh o *-" DO _i ° - X on - o.a B a o i:W SSJ ;«; < 3 1- 1- 1- 1- c- aagg^g; H»"S *• nu - »Z 13 K " M ~r *W « "to L^m u" Ki-i 03 0)^3 T ,«J a « != "K 2 a ; 5 a a utH o^ fe a a ^^ r T T •— |zi.2 a^E s t- t- 5 t- 2 O O o O Q a c -r- a o u t- opt. o o o a o Z OOHOfe R S ^9 a n\ Oi t- . j.2|obq£ 3 S S 6 w>. .M a 5 ,-S^o 3 M50. a S S>!3 ■g § S2'g-g a S£ S.-5 gfe'3 g S-g.2 g SfldS 5jai!iS5£.» oS £ -^oooaa.Soo. . S OM<)<5fiW05fMSa^oKfMaoMKaMt45D^^3^CC>^^J5C^t- Wm. Owen & Son, for C. TL MALL'S T •xi$$mtttt> ox $tymq §«mp> Fig. - wsTnw P 1 Ilillll SI Fluids Moved by Self-Acting Pulsations. Cylinders, Pistons, Piston Rods, Stuffing Boxes, Glands, Cams. Eccentrics, Slide-Valves, Cranks, and Fly-Wheels, of No Further Use. Re-boring Cylinders, Reneir'nig worn-out Pistons, Re-packing Piston Rods, Re-facing Slide-Valves, Bolting on Cylinder Heads, Oiling Journals and Slides, and" Starting off the Centre" no longer prac- ticed. A NEW AND USEFUL INVENTION. 51 ®w being e.ctensiwely and rapidl '// introvhi :ced jo r P wm />- ing Water and other Liquids, ADAPTED TO MINKS, MANUFACTORIES, RAILROADS, DWELLINGS, STEAMBOATS, TAN YARDS, BRICK YARDS, SEWERS, BREWERIES, SUGAR HOUSES, DRV DOCKS, FOUN- DATIONS, WELLS, CAS WORKS, &C. The attention of the Railroad, Steamboat, Mining and Manufacturing community; and all others directly or indirectly connected with the use of steam, is solicited for the examin- ation of the wonderful, unique, and interesting apparatus shown in perspective and in sec- tion on first page of this circular. It represents the latest improved form of the " Pulsometer," and in its design and con- struction, and vast universal scope of usefulness, will be found to combine maximum dura- bility, efficiency, simplicity and strength, with minimum weight, size, and operative expen- diture, and will meet all the exigencies of the severest trial. The principal characteristic difference which distinguishes the invention from the Piston Pump, is the total absence of mechanical elements, and a substitution therefore, of purely functional conditions, arranged in harmony with the simpler form of apparatus, thereby utilizing the simplest principles of hydro-dynamics. It is an invention in which the steam pressure is brought directly to bear upon the liquid, as the forcing element, while the subsequent condensation of the same furnishes the lifting force, whereby the alternate vacuum and pressure within a pair of suitably arranged cham- bers, produces a continuous stream. The Pulsometer is peculiarly adapted to pumping water from Mines, as its entire reliabil" ity and positiveness of action secures it from liability to stoppages by breaking machinery or wear and derangement of parts by grit, mud, or sand, which maybe present in the water; it is, therefore, indispensible in digging for foundations, and excavating where these trouble- some elements occur. It is also adapted to irrigating lands, draining swamps, Ac, Idling tanks at railroad sta- tions, and may be so located as to fill the locomotive tank from any contiguous pond, well, or stream, by using the steam from the locomotive itself. One of suitable size, with flexible steam connection ready for instant application, would thus do away with the use of special water tanks, pumping engine, and the expense of an engineer, at watering stations. It may be used on board vessels for the triple purpose of a bilge pump, fire extinguisher and deck pump; being instantaneous in its action, and always ready for use, requiring no oiling, packing, or any special care from a professional engineer. Its great value for this- purpose must be apparent. It may also successfully be used to elevate water in large quan- tities, for the supply of cities, towns and villages. It may be placed any distance from the boiler operating it, it being only necessary to con- vey the steam through a small pipe protected by some non-conducting felting. In excavat- ing shafts, wellt, or other places, the Pulsometer may be suspended by a chain or rope, and lowered at will, as the work progresses; a flexible steam and discharge pipe being provided to facilitate the changing adjustment. The Pulsometer is peculiarly adapted to Paper Mill use, as it will pump pulp as readily as water. Sugar Houses are also using them with great satisfaction for elevating syrups. In short, the Pulsometer utilizes a principle of nature, never before reduced to practice, and all interested in pumping of every kind are invited to examine its claims to public favor, criti- cise the philosophy upon which its action depends, and avail themselves of the advantages offered by its adoption. Pulsometers, with suitable boilers, furnished for Mills, Factories, Tan Yards, Brick Yards, Paper Mills, Oil Works, Mines, Railroads, Wrecking or Bilging Vessels, and for Water Works. Competent mechanics furnished when desired, to properly connect and operate the Pulso- meter, or full printed directions will be furnished, to enable the unskilled to manage it. Orders filled for Pulsometers of Brass, Composition, for Tanneries, Salt Water &c, Lead, for Acids, or ISronze for Sugar Works. Satisfaction guaranteed, and a reasonable time allowed for trial to responsible parties, For further information, Price Lists, Directions, &c, &C, call on or address WM. OWEN & SON, Agents, 5.9 Wells Street, CHICAGO. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. PUBLISHERS OF LEGAL BLANKS. 118 & 120 Monroe Street, Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 65 ■e . f. T3 ^'O 14 O* coC >- tc" w S bfi . W) S-Js £3 >>-':>> • kS ►> eS !>>« >>=i^3 =3 -a OS'S cs^a £-c a* a -a c a a O'JO' s. o - o SfegfegE-g CO Q> -^ -< cjj3 a ■ CO O 1+3 i >« ■ X a. ! o b 3-d 0^-3 p,a> Is moo xj to S 5 dj c3 rt « O* -*• »- a w K 'O CO 5 « g CS w o« O (3 « p.5 M "S"3 S3 CO o S > a •a 00 *4 T-'CtJ to ■oss^ +J — — -a TH Ci CO>* "S « o o o O S fl g a o o o o gsss ;gt-t-c- H lery, dery. dery, dery, pflCP e* e3 TO C3 M laas W |aaa IB S o o o oooo H o o o o E-< 3000 O P.O. CO. u >>>>>t>i (2! <1 CO £ CO CD «<< .00 •*) Si i'Ss. : moo ; ^k <£ 'U . So' «> Pn « ;* CO ». -K . OH »"s ^ 4)^. ° •tfoss er Lc cilP Chap Coil! BS . • "3 S > r, CO O O ° COOCCO) Rer ago rgas ntal a.s s ° 03 J3 E >oao O «3 CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS. ) Opposite Old Post Office. 66 The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. LODGES meet as follows : MONDAY. Chicago, No. 55 Northeast cor. Halsted and W. Madison streets. Rainbow, No. 400 Robey street, northwest cor. West Madison. Eclipse, No. 404 1372 State street. Home, No. 416 Clark street, southeast cor. Washington. > Progress, No. 524 554 South Halsted street. TUESDAY. Duane, No. 11 112 and 114 Randolph street. Excelsior, No. 22 Clark street, southeast cor. Washington. Robert Blum, No. 58 54 West Lake street. Fort Dearborn, No. 214 Halsted, northeast cor. Madison street. Lincoln Park, No. 437 103 Clybourne avenue. Olympia, No. 477 Michigan street, cor. North Clark. South Western, No. 488 ..691 and 693 South Halsted street. WEDNESDAY. Harnionia, No. 221 West Randolph, northeast cor. Clinton street. Hoffnung, No. 353 Union street, southwest cor. Mitchell. Garden City, No. 389 112 and 114 Randolph street. Hutton, No. 398 1372 State street. Ellis, No. 447 810 and 812 Cottage Grove avenue. Palme, No. 467 Turner Hall Block, North Clark street. First Swedish, No. 479 Clark street, southeast cor. Washington. New Chicago, No. 506 103 Clybourne avenue. . Eintracht, No. 531 Waller street, southwest cor. West 12th. Rochambeau (T^r.)No. 532. Northeast cor. Madison and Halsted streets. THURSDAY. Union, No. 9 Clark street, southeast cor. Washington. Gcethe, No. 329. 280 Milwaukee avenue. North Chicago, No. 330.. ,103 Clybourne avenue. Lily of the West, No. 407. .Waller street, southwest cor. West 12th. Douglas, No. 432 South Park avenue and 27th street. Templar, No. 440 Southwest cor. Desplaines and W. Washington sts. South Park, No. 484 Southwest cor. Lake and La Salle streets. Syria, No. 451 54 West Lake street. Silver Link, No. 521 554 South Halsted street. FRIDAY. North- Western, No. 388. . .280 Milwaukee avenue. E N C A M PM E NTS Humbolt, No. 101, 1st and 3d Monday, 280 Milwaukee avenue. Teutonia, No. 114, 1st and 3d Tuesday, Union St., southwest cor. Mitchell. Germania, No. 40, 1st and 3d Thursday, 112 and 114 Randolph street. Chicago, No. 10, 1st and 3d Friday, Clark st., southeast cor. Washington. Hermann, No. 110, 1st and 3d Friday, South Park avenue, cor. 27th street, Illinois, No. 3, 2d and 4th Friday, Clark St., southeast cor. Washington. Adriel, No. 106, 2d and 4th Friday, Halsted st., northeast cor. Madison. Excelsior, No. 108, 2d and 4th Friday, 1372 State street. CULVER. PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Publishers of Blanks & Books 118 & 120 Monroe Street. j For Railroad Companies. The St/ranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 67 SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Officers of Grand Division of Illinois — Dr. V. Ross, G. W. P., Dover ; T. M. Van Court, P. G. W. P., Peoria ; M. C. Edwards, G. W. A., Pinckneyville ; G. N. Jones, G., Chicago; H. Riblett, G. T., Pekin; David Davis, G. Ch. ; H. 0. Brower, G. Conn , Danville ; N. D. Wood, G. Sen. Sheet Anchor Division, No. 842 — 182 N. Peoria, Friday, at 7.30. P.M. Garden City Division, No. 842 — W. Randolph cor. Clinton, Tuesday, ev'g. Tabernacle Division, No. 679 — Cor. Desplaines and Wash'n, Tuesday, 7.30. Hyde Park Division, No. 843 — Presbyterian church, Hyde Park avenue, cor. Oak, every Monday, at 7.30 P. M. . . Star Division, No. 681 — Every Thursday, Sedgwick, cor. Division sts. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS. Grand Lodge of Illinois — D. Wilkins, P. G. W. C. T., Bloomington ; J. W. Nichols, G. W. C. T., Bloomington ; J. K. Van Doom, G. W. S., Quincy ; Uriah Copp, jr., G. W. C, Loda ; Eunice Hooper, G. W. V. T., Pana ; John Sobieski, G. W. T., Bloomington ; Rev. E. A. Hoyt, G. W. C, Pocahontas ; Fred D. Dal- ton, G. W. A. S., Streator; R. W. McCartney, G. W. M.. Metropolis; Mrs. Ellen Wilkins, G. W. D. M., Bloomington ; Robert A. Campbell, G. W. Mess., Vandalia; O. C. Brockway, G. W. I. G., Manteno ; A. V. Whitney, G. W. O. G., Streator ; J. L. Drake, D. G. W. C. Templar for Cook county. Union Degree Temple, No. 1 — Saturday, cor. Desplaines and Wash'n sts. Rolling Mill Degree Temple — N. Branch, Chicago, first and third Saturday. Star of Hope Lodge, No. 15 — Friday, cor. Desplaines and Washington sts. Houston Lodge, No. 32 — Every Tuesday, cor. Desplaines and Washington. Cleveland Lodge, No. 494 — Every Monday, hall on Bonfield, Bridgeport. Home Lodge, No. 607 — Every Monday, at 572 W. Madison street. Lincoln Lodge, No. 618 — Every Thursday, at 17 Milwaukee avenue. Truesdell Lodge — Every Monday, in Grant Place M. E. Church. Aqua Pura Lodge, No. 670 — Tuesday, at Hall cor. Madison and Robey sts. Rolling Mill Lodge, No. 919 — Every second and last Saturday, at their Lodge room, near Ward's Rolling Mill. Life Boat Lodge, No. 1000 — Every Tuesday, cor. Clark and 18th street. Horeb Lodge, No. 71 — Every Monday, cor. Cottage Grove ave. and 37th st. R. J. Walshe, DRAPER* TAILOR, i McVickefs Theatre Building. CITLVZB. ?A&2, HOTNZ & CD. [ US k 120 Monroe Street. B WBSAIaB STATIONERS. Opposite Ola Post Office. J 7 .-. Stranger* Guide to the City of Chicago. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF B'NAI B'RITH. B*w»w Lodge l r I — Bvuj -v-aday, at 10 a_m., 14 Clark str- Maebice Mjhjeh I . . : ■ _" 105 — Every Monday at 475 Wabash avenue. zl Lodge. Be S3 — Z~-:y Thursday, on Madison street, cor. Ha": ■Toxat tta- _ : ■ - z No. 130 — Every Sunday, on 18th street, eor. Clark. zaEiGyrr L 148 — Every Sunday, at 80 and 82 W. Randolph INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RED MEN. Pr BA-m Tbebe — At Helvetia Hall, 630 South C8.ni.. stj .:seh Tblbe. No. 109 — Everv Sarurdav. at 185 Ohio st: Calttcet Those. No. 11' — I wetj Tuesday ."at Helvetia Hall, 630 S. Canal st. Pocahostas Tbtbe 1 I — B mjj -rcond and fourth Wednesdav. at Globe Theater. U. O. ANCIENT DRUIDS. B Gbote, No. 24 — Every Thursday, at Hammers Hall, 505 S. Unioi. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF THE SONS OF HERMAN. _t> Lodge ■ "hz 9 KM oe Hebmax — Meets anee in three months, in the hall. 73 W. Lake street. Jacob Stolz, G. Pres. : Charles A Blaurock, & ^mpme3tt TErTo:siA of the Soxs or Heemax — Every second Sunday. 1 — Every Monday at 73 W. Lti: Thoma? Paxve Lana H I — B i ulj Tuesday, at 73 W. L. M attx -vf- — | Wednesday, at 73 W. Lar gracm. Lodge, No. 4 — Every Thursday, at 73 W Lake st:- i — Z ~-ry Wednesday. Wallace st., cor. 12th. Hill Loi> — At Cottage HilL Len — I - Saturday, on North ave., near Larrabe*- Koebxee Lodge, No. 11 — Every Wednesday, at 278 and 280 Milwaukee ave. Schtt.t.ftr Loi>i-i 1 1- B i uj Friday, at 73 W. La£ - Alexakdee Lodc-l 9* - — Every Friday, at 376 W. 12th street. Gekmakta LflD Tuesday, at 186 Ohio street. Euttbacht Lodge. N: 13 — I iidav, on Archer ave.. cor. Wentworth BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. - every Wednesday evening, at 7.30, and every third Sunday of each wnnrth. at 2 p.m.. at 980 Sta: - No. 96 — West Chicag-o. meets every Thnrsdav. at 119 Milwaukee avenue. CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. No. 16 — M .ast Wednesday in each month, at 7.30 p.m., from October 1st until April 1st : and at 8 p.m. from April 1st until October 1st, Rice Build- ing, cor. Randolph and Dearborn FRANKLIN SOCIETY. Annual meeting, third Wednesday in February. Library, at 118 and 120 CTTLVZE, PAGE. H3INZ & CO. [ US & 120 Monroe - PBINTERS. " -" "-- '-- The Stranger* Guide to the C"-ty ■ ~ '. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. HOSPITALS. Chicago Hotpitalfor Women and Children— in South Paulina street. Coot County Hospital— South Arnold street, between 18th sad ISA. Hahnemann (net Seammon Hospital— Cottage Gro~e crease aad Sco Hoisted Street BotpUal—QU&efr-Caraa B alsted street aad Cryboarae areaae. Jfercy Hospital— Calumet areaae, b et wee a 35th aad 26th streets. : :-: ■■ -- : "... ----- :: '-.: ..:: St Z*fe# .Pr*? Hernial— Til Indiana areaae. FTobkrj Hospital (Belief ^— Comer Harrison aad Lytle streets. ASYLUMS. Catholic Aeytmm for Boy*— Bri&zeport. Ckicrujo Foundling <'• Homt—\iators admitted Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. adm:::«i oa Baadaja C^*r<3^> R'.fr/rm aad JMaaVaa) >- ; ad Hjiaj/pial, . r -- . - — :_ ...--. -.:-•--.--- Magdalen Asyl'jm—yorth Market street, southwest cor. Fftn JTary Stnarfi Home— in Home for the Friendless —Wabash ■riaau'. northwest cor. 30th ■ Xemrsboy's and Bootblack'* Home — Xursery aad Half Orphan A syhsm 175 Barling aad 955 Xorth Watered streets. Old Ladies' and Men's Infirmary— 19*3 Indiana aTeaae. between 36th aad 37th streets. Protestant Orphan Asyfnm—TgB Michigan areaae : Miss Emily Seraa, matron. Soldiers' Home— Fairriew. near Evanston. ST. Mary aad 5f . /o*g>* Orphan Asylum— Locnted. at Fairriew. 5?. Pn'it! ftaahjaVraai On*** lift— i 111 Oaaarai --~~*:. St. Vincent Hon*! of Providence —301 Huron street. '• - . ' ." — Vi . - - -•- -r ----------- i-^r. -.« FIRMAF Chicago Charitable Eft and Ear Infirmary— 579 West Adams street . LIBRARIES 77U Public Library— Southeast cor. Madison street aad Wabash areaae. Christian Union— 114 Madison street. Union CathoBc— State aad Monroe streets. Young Men's Chrittian Association— Madison street. :-■-.' : -' ■ - >! ". _ :. - " I . • B -. :-.'.■ ~. ■: —■' z. :>':' .- ^- ;i: -_- ------ ?n = i.:z ------ St Peter's Hall— State street, near Van Barea. Open ereaings from 6 to 10 o'clock. Mu:fiiom Aim •■■ F-~- IMr w*— Baata* rfcanh.lliiBfrwa areaae, ad Maaa att -.-=-.-- German Mission Free Library— Corner A "Bland areaae aad West Chicago. Presbyterian Theological Seminary Library— On FullertoB areaae. Bear Hrr I JorfA Caitaaa Bot&ng Mills Library— "Si Waubansia areaae. CEMETERIES. Anshe Mayrer — One mile north of city limits, on Green Bay road. Calrary — Ten miles north of Chicago, at Eranston. Office, a, e. cor. - Cemetery of the Hebrew B enevole n t Society— Adjoiaim the Cemetery of the Sons of Peace. Cemetery qf the Congregation of the Sons of Peace— 6ae aad a hail Bailee north of the Cemetery, aear the lake. Chebra Kadvha UbOarthoim—Two miles north of the city limits, oa Green Bar road. City Cemetery— Sonh areaae to Lincoln Park, between Xorth Clark street aad the lake. Gil man Catholic Cemetery— Three miles from cifr limits, oa Green Bay road. German Lutheran Cemetery— Of the St. Pid Graetland— Two miles north of the citr on Green Bay road. OSce. TX W. Washington st. Oak Woods Cemetery— Seren miles south, on I. C. R. B. Office, cor. La Salle and Lai Bote Hill Cemetery— Seren miles north, oa Milwaukee Railroad. Office. ITiaihili*, "n-*° i *° Court House. CEO. F. ROOT <& SONS, 109 STATE STREET. SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, Mi@ck Pimm®®? BbffmM ®ggmmM, PIANO STOOLS AND COVERS, Guitars, Accordeons, Violins, Strings, Eto., Etc. 109 STATE STREET, Near Field, Leiter & Co's. COMMISSIONER HOYXE'S OFFICE. ESTABLISHED IN 1855. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Unitei Slates Comsinione! Commissioned in 1855. Commissioner for the United States Court of Claims, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds FOR ALL THE STATES AND TERRITORIES, TO 'WIT: Alabama, Connecticut, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, Alaska, Dakota, Iowa, Mississippi, N. Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Arizona, Delaware. Kansas, Missouri, N. Carolina, Rhode Island, W. Virginia, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Maine, Nebraska, S. Carolina, Wisconsin, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, Tennessee, Washington Colorado, Idaho, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, Texas, Wyoming. Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Ohio, Utah, Etc., Etc. Room 21, Republic Building, same Building with the U. S. Courts and Custom House, 157 & 159 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. Depositions taken, Deeds certified and Claims proved, for any of the States and Territories above named. Jgip- Insurance Companies —Examinations and Proofs of, a specialty. PASSPORTS OBTAINED. NORMAN HALL, Clerk. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. j. 118 & 120 Monroe Street, WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS. f Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 71 PUBLIC PARKS. A magnificent system of Parks and Boulevards is being provided in and around Chicago. When finished, they will be unexcelled in the world for extent and general beauty. At present the work is being carried out, and they present an unfinished condition. The Parks, and routes to them, are as follows : Lincoln Park — On N. Clark st. and the lake. Accessible by cars on N. Clark st. and North Side omnibus line. Humboldt Park — In the northwestern part of the city, on California ave., bet. W. Division st. and W. North ave. Accessible via Milwaukee ave. Central Park — In the western part of the city, on Central Park ave., between Kinzie and Harrison sts. Accessible by Madison and Randolph st. cars and omnibus line. Douglas Park — Southwest, on California ave., bet. Twelfth and Nineteenth sts. Accessible by way of Twelfth st. South Park — On the lake, south of the village of Hyde Park. Accessible by way of Cottage Grove ave. cars and 111. Cent. H. R. These Parks are connected by a system of splendid Boulevards, from 300 to 400 feet in width. Besides the above system, Chicago has other Parks, viz. : Union Park, on W. Lake and W. Madison sts. ; Jefferson Park, bet. Loomis and Throop and W. Monroe and W. Adams sts. ; Ellis Park, on Vincennes ave., south of Douglas place, and the Lake Park, on the lake front and Michigan ave., bet. Randolph and Twelfth sts. Union and Jefferson Parks can be reached by Madison and Randolph st. cars; Ellis Park, by Cottage Grove ave. cars, while the Lake Park is within easy walking distance of the old Court House. CHICAGO TUNNELS. Washington Street Tunnel — Extending from S. Market st. to S. Canal. First contract for building awarded to Messrs. Stewart & Ludlam, in the spring of 1866, but in the fall of same year, a section of about 80 feet caved in, and the work was then abandoned. New contract for building given June 20, 1867, to J. K. Lake & Co., who completed the work in the summer of 1868. Covered portion, 920 feet; extreme length, 1,650 feet; width of arches at river line, 24 ft. 6 in. ; cost of building, $400,000. La Salle Street Tunnel^ — Extends from E. Randolph st. to N. Kinzie. Contract for building awarded May, 1870, to Robert E. Moss & Co., and was com- pleted May, 1872. Covered portion, extending from Lake street to Kinzie, 1,000 feet long; river portion, 250 feet long; extreme length, 1,750 feet; cost of building, $500,000. Lake Tunnel — Contract for building awarded, 1862, to Messrs. Dull & Gowan. Tunnel, completed 1865, extending from Water Works to Crib, is two miles long ; diameter, 5 feet 2 inches ; total cost, $450,000. The New Lake Tunnel — (Now in course of construction.) Contract for build- ing awarded to Messrs. Steel, McMann & Steel, fall, 1872 ; is to extend from corner 22d street and Ashland avenue to Water Works, and thence alongside of old Tunnel to Crib ; extreme length, 6 miles ; diameter, 7 feet 2 inches ; estimated cost, $500,000. Chickering Pianos A NEW IMPROVEMENT. The world renowned Chickering Piano firm have recently in- vented and patented a new metal double bearing agraffe, through which every string in the Piano passes, thus producing the clearest and sweetest tone imaginable. The Piano both tunes much easier and stands in tune longer. It is used ONLY in the Chickering Pianos, and is considered the most notable and valuable improvement that has been made in Pianos in late years. The superiority of Pianos made in this new style is so marked that to see and hear the Piano is to admit the fact. A comparison is challenged between these and the instruments made in the ordinary way. No one who thinks of purchasing an instrument should neglect to see them. Prices range from $500 to $800, according to style of case. Will be furnished on payment of $100 cash,balance in monthly installments. Old Pianos taken in exchange at their cash value, in part pay- ment for new ones. Samples of these netv style Pianos can be seen at bid's i ntnj tf music, Cor. Dearborn and Van Buren Streets. Every visitor at this Hotel is cordially invited to call and ex- amine them, whether wishing to buy or not. A large assortment of cheaper grades of new and secondhand Pianos, at. prices from $200 to $400, also constantly on hand. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR o o M O El H i FIELD, LEITER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS CARPETS, AT BOTTOM PRICES. Madison and Market Streets. FIELD, LEITER & CO. RETAILERS OF Dry Goods# Carpets The Latest European Novelties Received as Appear. State and Washington Sts. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Publishers of Blanks and Books 118 & 120 Monroe Street. ) For Public Offices. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 75 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Board of Education — Office, Fry's Block, La Salle street, opposite the Court House. Office hours — 8 a.m. to 12 m.; March 1 to Nov. 1 — 2 to 6 p.m. ; Nov. 1 to March 1 — 2 to 5 p.m. COLLEGES AND SEMINARIES. Baptist Theological Seminary — Ehodes avenue. Chicago Conservatory of Music — Wabash ave., south of Peck court. Chicago Theological Seminary — Warren ave., cor. Ashland ave. ; E. W. Blatchford, Pres. ; J. E. Roy, Sec. Garrett Biblical Institute — Evanston. Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the Northwest — 1060 North Halsted street. St. Ignatius College — Near West 12th street, between Blue Island avenue and May street. University of Chicago — Cottage Grove avenue, cor. Douglas place. MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS, COLLEGES and SOCIETIES. Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery — 461 Clark street ; L. S. Major, M. D., Pres. Chicago Medical College — 54 and 56 26th st. ; Dr. Lyman Ware, Pres. Hahnemann Medical College — 287 and 289 Cottage Grove avenue. Herrick's Dispensary — Wright street, cor. Newberry. North Star Dispensary — Division street, cor. Sedgwick. Rush Medical College — County Hospital, 18th street, cor. Clark; Dr. J. W. Freer, Pres. ACADEMIES AND SEMINARIES, Etc. Academy of the Sisters of Charity. Academy of Sciences — Wabash avenue, south of Jackson street. Academy of the Sacred Heart — West Taylor street, near Lytle. Academy of St. Agatha — Michigan ave., bet. 25th and 26th streets. Academy of St. Francis Xavier. Chicago Academy — 11 18th street. Dearborn Seminary for Ladies — 985 Wabash avenue. Dyhrenfurth's College — Hooley's Opera House, Randolph street. Ellis Park School — 101 Wahpanseh avenue. Graham Seminary — 354 Michigan avenue. The Bryant and Stratton Business Institute — Corner State and Washington streets. West Chicago Female Seminary — Bishop court. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN AMERICA. Catalogues and Price Lists supplied to the Trade Free. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Box Makers' Stock & Tools, dealers IN \ 118 & 120 Monroe Street. Street Guide to the City of Chicago. 77 CHICAGO STREET DIRECTORY. EXPLANATOKY. The city comprises three Grand Divisions, known as the North, South and West Sides. State street is the main artery to the South Division. Horse cars run its entire length, and also branch off for Indiana avenue, Cottage Grove avenue and Archer avenue ; also for the West Division. North Clark street is the main artery to the North Division. Horse cars run its entire length, and also branch off for Chicago avenue, Division street, Sedgwick street, Larrabee street and Clybourn avenue, Madison, Randolph and Lake streets are the main arteries to the West Division. Horse care, from corner State and Lake, in South Division, run on Madison street to Western avenue, branching off at Halsted street for Blue Island avenue S. W. to Mitchell street ; also, from corner State and Randolph, South Division, run on Randolph Btreet its entire length, thence on West Lake to Western avenue. Branches from Randolph street run on Clinton and Jefferson south to Burlington Crossing, on Van Buren street to Southwestern avenue, and on Milwaukee avenue to Division street. Horse cars and stage lines are noted in such streets as they run upon: also, on such streets as may be reached by those conveyances within a few blocks. ABBREVIATIONS. al Alley av Avenue bid Building b Block ch Church col College E - East fr From h House N - North ND North Division N E._ Northeast N W Northwest pk Park ps _ ..Public Schools pi Place I'd... Road RR Railroad S South S D South Division SE Southeast sq-. Square S W -_ Southwest WD _ West Division A, fr S Halsted W to Laurel, S D, take Ar- cher av cars. A, fr Dominick E to Southport av 1 b. Cly- bourn av cars to Sheffield av, thence 5 b NW. Aberdeen, fr 328 W Madison st S to Eleventh. Madison st cars. Ada, fr 437 W Randolph S to 461 W Madison. Randolph st cars. Ada, N, fr 437 W Randolph N to W Erie. Adams, fr the lake to the river. Adams, W, fr the river W to California av. Madison st cars 2 b S. Alaska, fr Larrabee 1 b W. Albany av, fr Barry Point rd S to W Harri- son 3 b. Alexander, fr Stewart av E to Wentworth av. Aim, fr W Taylor S to Ashland av. Almond, fr W Taylor S to Ashland av 1 b. Blue Island av cars. Amelia, fr Ashland av S W to Robey 8 b. Ann, fr 362 W Randolph S to 369 W Madison. Randolph st cars. Ann, N, fr 362 W Randolph N to W Kinzie. Arcade court, fr 137 LaSalle E to 160 Clark. Arch, f r Lyman to Archer av. Archer av, fr 924 State S W to the city limits (and Bridgeport). Has horse cars fr cor State and Lake. Armitage av, fr Mendcll, near the river, to the city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Armour, fr 459 W Kinzie N to 433 W Chicago av. Milwaukee av cars to Chicago av. Arnold, fr Sixteenth S to city limits. Arthington, fr Centre av to Loomis 3 b. Arthur, fr W Sixteenth S to Lumbar 8 b. Ashland, fr Robey to Olive 4 b, Ashland av, fr Park av S to city limits. All West Side cars and stages run to this av. Ashley, fr Wood W to Leavitt. Randolph st cars to Wood, thence 7 b N. Astor, fr 561 Division N to Schiller, 4 b. Clark st cars to Division, thence 3 b E. Astoria, fr Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth. Asylum pi, from Elston av W to N Robey 6 b. Attica, fr Laurel E to Halsted 2 b. Archer av cars to Halsted. Auburn, fr Attica S to Esplanade 6 b. Ar- cher av cars. Augusta, fr 75 Elston av W to Western av. Avery, f r 1555 State W to Clark 2 b. jrjfif. &E&I1TEAW, Importer and Retail Dealer in MILLINERY GOODS, £44 ~WcLbcL8K jive., Would respectfully invite your attention to her large and carefully selected stock of HATS, BONNETS, STRAW, FRENCH CHIPS, FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, FRAMES, LACES, &C, Comprising all the latest novelties of the seasons, in great variety, and at UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES. HOOLEF6 THEATRE* Randolph St., between Clark and La Salle. K. M. HOOLEY, - Proprietor and Manager. THE PARLOR HOME OF COMEDY THE GREAT FASHIONABLE RESORT. THE GEM THEATRE OF THE WEST. OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE k CO. > 118 & 120 Monroe Street, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. S Opposite Old Post Office. Street Guide to the City of Chicago. 79 B f r S Halsted W to Laurel, S D. Archer av cars. B, fr Dominick E to Sonthport av 1 b. Cly- bourn av cars to Sheffield av, thence 5 b N W. Baldwin, fr 725 W Kinzie N to Hubbard 1 b. Banks, fr 458 N State E to the lake 3 b. Barber, fr 103 Stewart av W to 580 Halsted. Lumberman's line of stages. Barker av, fr Caroline W 1 b. Barrypoint rd, fr junction Madison and Cali- fornia av S W to limits. Bartlett av, fr Humboldt av to Kiinbell. Batavia, fr Wood to Lincoln 1 b. Bates, fr Lnmber to Stewart av. Bauwans, fr W Black Hawk S E to Ashland av 2 b. Beach, fr 40 W.Harrison S to Twelfth. Clin- ton st cars to Twelfth, thence 2 b E. Beers, fr Thirty-first S to city limits 5 b. Archer av cars. Belden av, fr Perry E to the lake. North Clark st cars. Belden pi, fr Belden av N to Fullerton av 1 b. N Clark st cars. Belknap, fr 425 Morgan J^bW. Benson, fr Thirtieth S to Lancaster 3 b. Benton pi, fr 45 State E to Dearborn pi 2 b. Berlin, fr Leavitt W to Western av 2 b. Just opened. Better, fr Sholto W to 340 May. Bickerdike, fr 412 W Indiana N to 397 W Chi- cago av. Milwaukee av cars to Chicago av. Bickerdike sq, fr Bickerdike W to Armour, bet Fourth and W Indiana. Birch, fr Robey to Kendall 3 b. Bishop ct. fr 170 W Washington S to W Mad- ison 1 b. Bissell, fr 137 Dayton N W to Willow and N to Belden av. N Clark st cars. Bixby pi, fr Hubbard to Kinzie. Black Hawk, fr the river N E to Sedgwick. Clvbourn av or Sedgwick st cars. Black Hawk, W fr the river W to N Reuben. Blackwell, fr 240 Eighteenths to Twentieth. State st cars. Blair, fr 31 Canalport av S V4 b. Blanchard, fr Thirty-drill to Illinois and Mich. Canal. Blanche, fr the river to N Reuben. Milwau- kee av cars. Bliss, fr N Branch N E to N Branch canal 3 b. Clybourn av cars to junction Cly- bourn av and Division, thence 7 b W. Block, fr North av N to Linden 1 b. Sedg- wick st cars to North av, thence 2 b W. Bloom, fr W Douglas pi N 1 b. Bloomingdale rd, fr Elston av to Seymour av 15 b. Only a few houses. Not num- bered. s Blucher, fr Fowler W to N Wood. Blue Island av, fr junction of Halsted to Harrison S W to Western av. Has horse cars from State and Lake. Boardman, fr Archer av W to city limits 6 b. Archer av cars. Bonaparte, fr Church W to Locke 2 b. Archer av cars to Church. Bonfield, fr Thirty-first N to Hickory 3 b. Archer av cars. Bonney, fr Cook to Mowry. Boone, fr DeKalb to Leavitt 1 b. Bowery, fr 288 W Van Buren S to 242 W Ty- ler 2 b. Van Buren st cars. Bradley, fr Elston av to Noble. Milwaukee av cars to Noble. Bradley, fr Douglas park boulevard S to W Sixteenth 2 b. Blue Island av cars. Bradwell av, fr Waubansia av N to W Asy- lum pi 13 b. Not numbered and but few houses. Bremen, fr Leavitt W to Western av 2 b. No houses. Bremer, fr Chicago av N to Division Chi- cago av cars. Bridgeport, see Archer av. Brigham, fr N Reuben 2 b W. Milwaukee av cars. Broad, fr Thirty-first N W to Archer av 1 b. Archer av cars. Broadway av, fr 30 Northern av to Twenty- eighth st 1 b. Broom, fr 565 W Indiana N to Fourth 1 b. Bross av, fr Long John W to city limits. Brown, fr 316 W Taylor S toW Twenty-sec- ond. Blue Island av cars to Morgan, thence 1 b E. Bryan pi, fr W Randolph N W to Lake (op. Union Park.) Bryant, fr Stanton av E to 3!) Vincennes av. Bryson, fr Leavitt W to Western av 2 b. No houses. Buddan, fr 381 Twenty-second S to Thirty- third. Buena Vista pi, fr Murray N E H b. Bunker, fr Beach W to 442 nalsted. Burling, fr 183 North av N to Belden av. Clybourn av cars to North av, thence 2 b E. Burlington, fr !)7 W Sixteenth st S to 96 W Eighteenth 1 b. Burlington Crossing, fr the river E to Indi- ana av. Burnside, fr Fourteenth S to city limits. {Now called South Dearborn.) Burton pi, fr N Clark E to N Dearborn 1 b. N Clark st care. Bushncll, fr 252 Archer av E to 30 Went- worlh av. Butler, fr 264 Archer av S lo Twenty-ninth. Buttorfield, fr 150 Sixteenth S to the city limits Stale st cars 2 b \V. C, fr S Halsted \V to Laurel, S D. Archerav care. C, from Dominick E to Sonthport av 1 b. Clybourn av cars. Calhoun ])1. fr 100 Market E to 109 State; alley bet, Washington and Madison. Calif ornla av, frw Twelfth st N to W Chi- cago av. Few houses, and no numbers, Calumet av, fr 15 Twentieth S to Thirty-fifth. Cottage Grove av or Prairie av cars. Campbell, fr W Twelfth S to Steele, 14 b. Campbell av, fr 1008 W Madison S to South- western av 13 b. Canal, N, fr 30 W Randolph N to W Kinzie. Canal pi, fr N branch W to Elston av. Canal, S, fr 30 W Randolph S to Lumber ; Canal st line stages to Sixteenth. Canalport av, fr 735 Canal S W to Twenty- second. Lumberman's line of stages on Halsted. Carl, fr N Wells E to N LaSalle lb. N Clark st cars to Schiller, thence 2 b. Carpenter, N, fr 301 W Randolph N to the river. Carpentei, S, fr 301 W Randolph S to 393 W Madison. Carroll, fr the river W to N Reuben. (See Washington av.) Cass, fr Kinzie N to E White. 3 b E of N Clark. Catharine, fr 131 Stewart av W to Cook. Cayuga, fr Halsted W to Laurel, 2 b. Archer av cars to Halsted. Cedar, fr Rush E to the lake, 2 b. N Clark st cars to Elm, thence 2 b E. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Agents for Amberg's Letter Holder, 118 & 120 Monroe Street. ) Pile and Binder. 80 Street Guide to the City of Chicago. Center, fr Racine rd E to 900 N Clark. N Clark st cars. Center av, f r 482 W Madison S to Lumber. Center pi, from 23 Desplaines to Halsted, 2 b. Central av, fr S Water S to Randolpb. Central Park av, from W Madison S to W Sixteenth, 7 b. Champlain, from Bro*s avS toC&SLRR track, 3 b. Chapin, fr Currier to 321 Noble. Milwaukee av cars and stages. Charles, fr W Van Buren to W Harrison, 1 b. Charles pi, fr 290 Franklin E 275 Fifth av; al bet Van Buren and Harrison. Charlotte, fr Central Park av W, 1 b. Chase, fr W North av N to Breckenridge av, lb. Chase, fr 312 W Chicago av N to Cornell, 2 b. Cherry av, fr 314 N Branch N W to Eastman and N to North av. Clybourn av cars. Chestnut, fr Birch S to Ashland, 2 b. Chestnut pi, fr N La Salle E to N State. N Clark st cars. Chicago av, f r the river E to the lake. Chica- go av cars. Chicago av, W, fr the river W to city limits. Milwaukee av and Chicago av cars. Church, fr 1 b S of Blackhawk N to Center. Sedgwick st cars to Blackhawk. Church pi, fr Fuller W to Archer av, 1 b. Archer av cars. Churchill, fr N Robey W to Wilmot, 2 b. Cicero ct, fr Ashland av N to Twenty-second. Clarinda, fr 34 Holt W to Wood, 5 b. Clark, from the river S to city limits. Clark, N, fr the river N to North av, thence N W to June of Green Bay and Lake Shore rds. Horse cars run the entire length of this st, and branch off for Chicago av, Cly- bourn av, and Sedgwick st. Clarke av, f r Sheffield av E to Green Bay rd, 8 b. Chicago av cars to Green Bay rd, thence 4 b N W. Clay, fr Sheffield av E to N Halsted, 4 b. Clybourn av. cars to Sheffield av, thence 1 bN. Clayton, fr 733 May W to Western av. Blue Island av Cars. Cleaver, fr Milwaukee N to Branch. Clinton, N, fr 62 Randolph N to W Kinzie. Clinton, S, fr 62 Randolph S to 165 Maxwell. Clybourn av, fr 287 Division N W to Fuller- ton av, thence N to the city limits. Cly- bourn av cars fr Clark st bridge. Clybourn pi, fr the river E to Clybourn av, . 3 b. Clybourn av cars. Clybourn pi, W, fr the river W to N Robey. Milwaukee av cars to N Wood, thence 4 b N. Coblenz, fr N Robey W to Western av, 4 b. Colfax av, fr Thirty-second S to 150 Douglas pi. Cottage Grove av cars. College, fr Rhodes av E to Cottage Grove av, 1 b. Cot Grove av cars to the University. Cologne, fr Quarry S W to the river, 6 b. Archer av cars to Quarry. Columbia, fr Ashland av W to Grand. 10 b. Commercial, fr 237 W North av N to Armi- tage av, 4 b. Congress, fr 317 State E to the lake. Connor, fr. Hnrlbut E to Sedgwick st. Conrad, fr Union to Ruble. Cook, fr the river S W to N Jefferson. Cook, fr W Twelfth to Ogden av Cook, from W Twenty-second to Steele. Cooper, fr 806 Clybourn av N to 121 Fuller ton av, 2 b. Clybourn av cars. Cork, fr 208 N Reuben to Paulina 2 b. Cornelia, fr 439 Milwaukee av to Lincoln. Cornell, from 400 Milwaukee av W to 321 N Reuben. Milwaukee av cars. Cortez, fr Humboldt Park E. Corwin, fr Catharine S to W Sixteenth, lb. Cossitt, fr 965 W Lake N to Hubbard, thence Vt b. Randolph st cars. Cottage Grove av, fr 89 Twenty-second st S E to the city limits. Has horse cars fr cor State and Lake. • Cottage pi, fr Twenty-ninth S to Thirty- second. Cottage Grove cars. Couch pi, fr Market E to State; al bet Lake and Randolph sts. Coulter, fr Robey W to We>tern av, 5 b. Court pi, fr Market E to State; al bet Ran- dolph and Washington sts. Courtland, fr N Robey W to Wilmot, 3 b. Milwaukee av cars. Coventry, f r W Clybourn pi S E to W North av. Milwaukee av cars. Cox, fr N Robey W to Milwaukee ay. Crawford, fr nr Twenty, second to nr Archer av, }£ b. Archer av cars. Crippen, fr Indiana av to State. Crittenden, fr Currier W to 285 Noble. Mil- waukee av cars. Crittenden av, fr S Park av E to the Chicago University Ground. Crooked, fr Southport av S E to intersection of Jones and Clybourn av. Crosby, fr 79 Larrabee N W to Division. Clybourn av cars. Cross, fr Barrypoint rd S to W Harrison, 1 b. Crossing, fr Ridgeville rd E to Bremen. Crystal, fr Leavitt 230 ft E. Currier, fr 67 August a N to Chapin. Milwau- kee av cars. Curtis, N, fr 322 W Randolph N to Second. Curtis. S, fr 322 W Randolph S to 323 W Madison. Custom House pi, fr Monroe to Dearborn sts; rear of post office. Cynthia ct, fr Ogden av to Twenty-second. Cypress, fr Kendall S to W Twelfth. 3 b. D, fr Halsted to Laurel. Dakota av, fr Thirty -first to Thirty-second. Damen, fr 75 Sholto to 346 May. Dashiel, fr Douglas pi S to city limits. Cot- tage Grove av cars. Davis, fr W Division N to W North av, 4% b. Dayton, fr Rees N to Belden av. Clybourn av Cars. Dean, fr Ridgeville rd N W to Brigham. Dearborn, fr the river S to Jackson. Dearborn, N, fr the river N to North av. Dearborn pi. fr Randolph S to Madison. Deering, fr Thirty-first N W to the river, 5 b. Archer av cars." Deer Path av, fr W Kinzie N to Armitage av. DeKalb, fr Flournoy S W to Leavitt, 5 r>. DeKoven, fr 151 Beach W to 406 Halsted. Lumberman's line of stages. Depot, fr Stewart av W to Morgan. Depot pi, fr N Ada W to Ashland av, 4 b. Randolph st cars. DePuyster, fr 259 Desplaines W to 246 Hal- sted. Lumberman's line of stages. Derby, fr W Jackson N to W Kinzie. Desplaines, N, fr 122 W Randolph N to W Erie. Desplaines, S, fr 122 W Randolph S to 213 W Twelfth. Dexter pi, f r the river N W and W to Leavitt, lib. Dexter pi, fr 430 Cottage Grove av to Thirty- second, % b. Cottage Grove av cars. Dickson, fr 636 Milwaukee av N to Bloom- ingdale rd. Milwaukee av cars. WALSH & HUTCHINSON, Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of Millinery & Straw (roods Notions, and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, 981 S 888 Wmhmk Ave fine , CHICAGO. JAS. WALSH. THOS. HUTCHINSON. P. J. HENNESSY. P. S. WETTERER. NEW YORK OFFICE, 530 BROADWAY. The only Strictly Dollar House in the city. 106 JSJ. 2£adison Street, Between Clark and Dearborn Streets. FORMERLY 83 CLARK ST. ESTABLISHED IN 1863. M. B. CLEVELAND. M. H. ASPINWALL. Irs, Cleveland & Aspiiwall, DEHTISTS, Over First National Bank, lOS $ 104 State Street, CORNER WASHINGTON. LJcuLJLJLJLjLJLia! yj HuK igag JUUIl saggse L3L_U, 9 1 " u yL r u\VT\\A IRA P. BOWEN. THOS. B. KENT, Late of Abram French & Co., Chicago. mo'mmw a§ ksxtt, SUCCESSORS TO IRA P. BOWEN & CO., IMPORTERS OF CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, Silver Plated Ware, Lamps and Kerosene Goods 262 & 264 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. r , w. E. Spencer & Co, BIGGS, SPENCER & CO. Fishing Tackle f Sporting Goods, 335 WABASH AVENUE, NEAR P. O. AND CELL ST., SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. In Breech Loaders we import direct the latest improvements in " Westley Richards," "Greener," "Scott's," our own, and others. In Pocket and Pen Knives our stock consists of several thousand dozen, and of patterns the new- est and most desirable. Also, a full line of Razors, Scissors, Barbers' and Tailors' Shears, Table and Butcher Knives, Carvers, etc. Revolvers of all leading- makers. Fishing Tackle and sportsmen's complete outfit. Our importations come direct from our house in Sheffield in bond to Chi- cago. We sell both Wholesale and Retail. All g-oods bearing- our name are warranted g-ood quality, and if otherwise may be returned. Please favor us with a call. Yours truly, W. £. SFEITCEH. A CO. CULVER, PAGE, H0Y1TE & CO. 118 & 120 Monroe Street. Publishers of Blanks and Books For Banking Houses. Street Guide to the City of Chicago. 81 Dieden, fr Elston av to Currier, 1 b. Diller, fr 906 Fulton N to Fourth. Randolph st cars to Western av. Dinet, fr McHenry W to Elston av. Division, fr the river E to the lake. N Clark st cars. Division. W, fr the river to the city limits. Milwaukee av cars to 600 Milwaukee av. Dix, fr the river S E to 100 Chicago av. 5 b. Dock, fr River st N W to the river, % b. Chapman's Dock. Dodge, fr Lumber to Mitchell, 3 b. Dominick, fr Webster av S to C st and % b beyond, sy 2 b. Clybourn av cars, thence 5 b N W. Dorman ct, fr Jefferson 1 b E. Douglas pi (or Thirty-fifth st), fr the lake W to Halsted. Douglas pi, W, fr S branch of river W to Western av, 9 b. Dudley, fr Augusta N to W Asylum pi, 10 b. Dunn, fr W Kmzie N W to Cook, 1 I). Dussold, fr 485 Jefferson W to 478 Halsted. Lumberman's line of stages. E, fr Halsted to Laurel. Eagle, fr 21 N Desplaines W to 21 N Halsted. Randolph st cars. Eastman, fr N Branch NE to Judson, thence E to 575 N Halsted. East Park, fr S Park N to N Park, 1 b. Eberhart av, fr Humboldt av to Kimbell. Eda, fr State E to Indiana av. Edgar, fr about 188 Waubansia av N to W Clybourn pi, 2 b. Edward, fr Sophia N to Webster av, 1 b. Egan av (or 39th st) fr S Halsted E to the lake. Egania pi, fr N Robey to Hoyne. Eighteenth, fr the lake W to the river. Eighteenth, W, fr the river W to May. Eldridge ct, f r 483 State E to the lake. Eleventh, fr 407 Morgan W to May. Elgin, fr 310 Stewart av 1 b E to Purple. Ehas, fr Archer av 330 ft S E. Elizabeth, N, fr 404 W Randolph N to W Erie. Elizabeth, fr 404 W Randolph S to W Madi- son. Randolph or Madison st cars. Elk, fr Ridgeville id E to Bauwans. Elk Grove av, from 279 W North av to W Asylum pi, 6 b. Ellen, fr Milwaukee av S W and W to Wood. Ellis, fr Stewart av 1 b, or 597'A ft W. Ellis av, fr Douglas pi S E to the city limits. Cottage Grove av cars. Ellis ct, from Stanton W 1 b. Cottage Grove av cars to Egan av. Ellis pi, fr Clark W, near Douglas pi, 1 b, and W fr Stanton av, y t b. Elm, fr Sedgwick E to the lake. Elmira, fr Laurel to Halsted. Elston av, fr Milwaukee av N W to Sloan, N to W Blackhawk, and fr thence N W to city limits, 25 b. Ellsworth, fr 2 W Harrison S to Ewing, thence y t b. Clinton st cars. Emerald, fr Thirty-first S to city limits. Ar- cher av cars. Emery, fr Humboldt av 1 b, or 498^ ft W. Emily, fr 400 N Reuben W to Wood, 4 b. Emma, fr 514 Milwaukee av W to N Reuben, 2 b. English, f r Union W to 698 Center av. Crosses Halsted at 818. Erie, fr the river E to the lake. Erie, W, fr the river W to Western av. Esplanade, fr 1492 Halstf d to Wallace, 4 b. Lumberman's line of stages. Eugenie, fr Sedgwick E to N Wells, 2 b. Sedgwick st cars to 500. Evans, fr Union W to Western av. Halsted and Blue Island av cars. Evergreen av, fr 788 Milwaukee av S W to Leavitt, 3 b. Evergreen pi, fr Leavitt to Oakley. Ewing, fr Ellsworth to Blue Island av. Ewing pi, fr N Robey W, 2 b. F, fr Halsted to Laurel. Fabius, fr Centre N to Lincoln av. Fairfield av, fr Hirsche N to Bloomingdale av, 6 b. Kinzie S to Lake, 2 b. Fake, fr Lyman N W y s b, or 406.87 ft. Fall, fr W Lake S to Warren av, 3 b. Farrell, f. Hickory S E to Thirty-first, '3 b. Archer av cars. Fay, fr 89 W Erie N to Pratt, 2 b. Ferdinand, fr 156 Ashland av W to Oakley, 8b. Fifteenth, fr Clark E to 764 State. Fifth, fr 156 W Chicago av N to North Chi- cago river. Fifth av, fr the river S to Taylor. 1 b W of Court House. Fig, fr 550 Milwaukee av W, 1 b. Fillmore, fr Central Park av W to Sacra- mento av, 3 b. Finnell, fr 156 Archer av E to Wentworth av. First, from May to Rucker, fr Noble to N Wood, and fr N Hoyne to Oakley. Ran- dolph st cars. First, fr Station W to Western av 2 b. Fisk, fr 188 Evans S to Lumber 7 b. Fleetwood, frRedfield S E to W North av, thence S W to Black Hawk 5 b. Florimond, fr about 570 N Franklin E to N Wells 1 b. N Clark st cars to North av. Flournoy, fr Robey W to Sacramento av 11 b. Van Buren st cars to Southwestern av. Fontaine, fr Stewart av W 1 b, thence f r State E to Indiana av. Forquer, fr Beach W to 148 Blue Island av Fore-t av, fr Thirty -first S to city limits; continuation of Prairie av. Take Indiana av cars to Thirty-first, 1 b E. Forsyth, fr Cook to Mowry. Fort, fr Cologne S E to Hickory 1 b. Archer av cars to Fuller. Foster, fr W Harrison S to W Polk \% b. Van Buren st. cars S 2 b. Fourteenth, fr the Lake W to 695 Clark. Fourth, from 216 Desplaines W to city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Fourth av. fr 102 Jackson S to Fourteenth. 2 b E of 237 State. Fowler, fr Lull to Milwaukee av.3 b, Milwau- kee avcars. Fowler, fr N Robey W to Leavitt. Fox, fr Thirty-first S to Columbia 4 b. Archer av. cars to Lock Fox pi, fr 325 Elston av to R R crossing 1 b. Francisco, frW Harrison S to W Twelfth 5 b. 6 b W of Western av. Frank, fr 75 Waller W to 342 Blue Island av. Frankfort, fr N Robey W to Western av 4 b. Franklin, fr the river S to Harrison. Franklin, North, fr the river N to Division, and fr Sigel to North av V/ 2 b bet North av andMenomonee, andfrMenomonee to Kul- lerton av. Freeman, fr Long John W to city limits 8 b. Fremont, frBissell N to Belden av. Clybourn av cars to Sheffield av. Front, fr Halsted W to Elston av. Milwau- kee av cars to May. Fry, fr 196 Rucker to Noble, and fr Rose to Lincoln. Milwaukee av cars. Fuller, fr Archer av N W to the river 5 b. Archer av cars. CULVEK, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. } 118 & 120 Monroe Street, PUBLISHERS OF LEGAL BLANKS, i" Opposite Old Post Office. 82 street Guide to the City of Chicago. Fullerton av, frthe river E to the lake. Fullerton av, fr the river W to the city lim- its 17 b. Milwaukee av cars. Fulton, fr the river W to Central Park. Ran- dolph st cars. Furlong, fr Humboldt av to Whisky Point rd. Gage, fr Douglas pi S to Egan av 7 b. Cars to Halsted. Gano, fr 1447 Prairie av E to 346 South Park av. Indiana av cars to Thirtieth, thence 1 b E, % b N. Garden, fr alley to alley, E and W, in b 25, 404 ft long. Gardner, fr N Halsted E to Vine 1 b. Garibaldi, fr 8 Twenty-sixth S to Thirty-first. State st cars to Twenty-sixth, thence 3 b W. Genesee av, fr W Division N to city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Geneva, fr Saratoga to Grand. George, fr Sheffield av E to N Halsted 2 b. George, fr Dix W to 31 Elston av. Milwaukee av cars to No. 3ti7, thence 1 b N. George pi, fr W Kinzie Nib. Gilpin, fr Centre av W to Loomis 4 b. Girard, fr W North av N to W Asylum pi 7 b. Milwaukee av stages to 922, thence 1 b N. Gothc, fr 305 Sedgwick E to N State. Gold, fr W Harrison S to Gurley 1 b. Van Buren st cars to Peoria, thence 2 b S, 11)W. Good, fr Sholto W to 324 May 3 b. Randolph st cars to May. Goodwin, fr Homan av to Central Park av. Grab, fr the river N W to Lumber. Grace, fr 157 Division N to 23 Vedder. Cly- bourn av cars to Vedder. Grand, fr W Douglas pi to Bross av 4 b. Grand av, fr Western av N W to city limits. Randolph st cars to Western av, thence 4 b N. Grand Haven, fr 439 N State to the lake 2 b. Granger, fr 285 Sedgwick E to 423 N Wells. Grant, 611 N LaSalle E to 641 N Clark 1 b. Grant ct, fr Twenty-second st S to South al, about 306 ft. Grant pi, fr 875 Larrabee E to N Clark 2 b. N Clark st cars. Grape, fr Herndon and Nursery E to N Hal- sted. N Clark st cars. Graves pi, fr 500 Cottage Grove av to Thirty- third 1 1). Cottage Grove av cars. Greeley, fr Archer av N W 1 b. Archer av cars. Green, N fr 218 W Randolph N to Front. Green, S fr 218 W Randolph S to 861 W Har- rison. Greenwich, fr N Robey W to Leavitt 2 b. Grove, fr Sixteenth S W to 255 Archer av. Grove, N fr Orchard E to Larrabee 1 b. Cly- bourn aV cars. Grover, f r Milwaukee av N to George and X b bet to No. 326, thence 1 b N. Gurley, fr 49 Blue Island av W to 214 Centre av. Blue Island av cars. Haddock pi, running E and W bet. Lake and Water, and E of Franklin. Haines, fr the river N E to Crosby 6 b. Hall, fr Long John W to Trenton 2 b. Halsted, N fr 199 W Randolph N to the city limits. Milwaukee av cars. Halsted, S fr 200 W Randolph to city limits. Halsted st stages. Hamilton, fr 818 W Monroe S to Jackson. Madison st cars to Hoyne. Hamilton av, fr W Division N to Ellen 1 b. Hamlin av, fr W Kinzie N to W Fullerton av 18 b. 14 "b W of Western av. Hammond, fr Menomonee to Wisconsin. Hanover, fr 200 Archer av S to Twenty-ninth. Harbine, fr 637 Centre av W to Western av. Blue Island av cars. Harmon ct, fr 525 State st E to the lake. Harris, fr Douglas Park Boulevard, S to W Sixteenth 2 b. Harrison, fr the lake W to the river. Harrison, W fr the river W to city limits. Hart, fr 705 W Kinzie N to Hubbard 1 b. Hastings, fr 341 Blue Island av W to Wood. Hawthorn av, fr Larrabee N W to North av. Haynes, fr Archer av S E to Lyman 1 b. Archer av cars. Hein, fr 298 Sedgwick W to Clybourn av 2 b. Sedgwick st cars. Hein, fr w North av to Armitage av W of Western av. Henry, fr Margaret W to Wood. Henry pi. fr Cottage Grove av to Lake Shore av Henshaw av, fr Milwaukee av N to the city limits. Hermitage av, fr the junction of Southwest- ern av and W Jackson S to W Polk. Van Buren st cars. Herndon. fr Jones av N E to Nursery, thence N to Fullerton av. Hervey, fr N Wood W to Robey 4 b. Ran- dolph st cars. Hewes, fr W North av to Waubansia av 1 b. Heyden, fr W Harrison N to W Chicago av. Hickory, fr Cologne S W to Ashland av 9 b. Archer av cars to Mary, thence 1 b. . Hickory av, fr 40 North Branch N to Black Hawk. Clybourn av cars to Wood st. High, fr Webster av N to Fullerton av. Cly- bourn av cars. Hills, fr 208 Sedgwick to LaSalle 4 b. N Clark st cars. Hinman, fr Ashland av W to Lincoln 3 b. Blue Island av cars 1 b S. Hinsche, fr 192 Clybourn av N to 258 Black Hawk. Hinsdale, fr 240 N State E to the lake. N Clark st cars to Chestnut pi, thence 2 b E. Hinsdale, fr N LaSalle W to N Market. Hicsche, fr Leavitt W to Western av 2 b. Hobbie, fr Hawthorn av E to Sedgwick. Hoey, fr Archer av S W to Mary 1 b. Archer av cars. Holden, fr 40 W Twelfth to Mitchell 4 b, 5 b E of Clinton. Holden pi, N of Harrison and E of State. . Holstein av, fr 1170 Milwaukee av N to Stan- ton 16 b. Holt, fr 422 W Chicago av N to W North av. Milwaukee av cars to Division, thence 1 1) E. Homan, fr W Lake S to Steele. 14 b W of Western av. Homan av, fr W Kinzie N to W Chicago av 4 b. Homer, fr N Robey W to Holstein av. Honore, fr 708 W Madison S to W Harrison. Hooker, fr 409 N Halsted N to Cherry a v. Hoosier. fr Twenty-second S W to Robey 4b. Hope, fr 69 Blue Island av W to 602 Morgan. Houston, fr W Division N E to 692 Milwaukee av2b. Howard, fr Ashland av W to Western av. 1 b W of'Sixteenth. Howard ct, fr Kinzie to Central Park Boule- vard. Howe, fr 28 Willow N to 267 Centre. Hoyne, fr 233 Park av S to DeKalb. Hoyne, fr 233 Park av N to W North av 25 b. Hubbard, fr Jefferson W to Seymour. Mil- waukee av cars. Hubbard ct, fr.399 State E to the lake. Hubbs, fr Thirty-third S to Douglas place 1 b. Hudson, fr Milwaukee av N to Wellington. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. f 118 & 120 Monroe Street, Opposite Old Post Office. Street Guide to the City of Chicago. 83 Hull, fr Linden N to Menomonee 1 b. Humboldt av. fr W North av N to Armitage av 4 b. 10 b W of Western av. Hunt, fr Rucker to Elizabeth. Randolph st cars to Elizabeth. Hurlbut, fr 66 Clybourn av N to Fullerton av. Huron, fr Roberts E to the lake. Inglehart av. fr Steele to Twenty-second. Illinois, fr 57 Kingsbury E to the lake. Indiana, from the river E to the lake. Indiana, W, fr the river W to Western av. Milwaukee av cars. Indiana av, fr Fourteenth S to city limits. Has horse cars fr cor State and Lake. Ingraham, fr Elston av to Noble. Milwaukee av cars to Noble. Iowa, fr Wood W to Western av. Iron, fr Mulligan S E to Columbia. Irving pi, fr Jackson to Van Buren. Irwin, fr Arthur 1 b W to Canal. Jackson, fr the lake W to the river. Jackson, W fr the river to Central Park av. \iiti Buren st cars, 1 b N. James av, fr Laurel W to Pitney 6b. Jano, fr 454 Ashland av W to Newton, 5 b. Jefferson, fr92 W Randolph Nto the river. Jefferson, S fr 92 W Randolph S to 34 W Twenty-second. Jessie pi, fr W Kinzie N \n b. John, fr Evans S to W Twenty-second 5 b. John pi, fr 879 Halsted W 1 b. Johnson, fr 288 W Taylor S to W Sixteenth. Blue Island av cars to Sixteenth. Johnson av, fr Twenty-sixth S to Twenty- eighth. Cottage Grove av cars to Northern av. Johnson pi, N of Egan av, bet Vincennes av and Langley. Joliet, fr Archer av 1 b N W. Archer av cars. Jones, fr W Douglas pi N to Columbia. Jones av, fr Division N W to Southport av 12 b. Clybourn av cars Joseph, fr Archer av N W to Hickory 1 b. Archer av cars. Judd, fr Stewart av W to Jefferson. Judson, fr Eastman N W to Black Hawk 1 b. Julia, from Ashland av 2 b W. Julius, fr 103 Eleventh Sib. Blue Island av cars 2 b W. Kane, fr the Illinois and Michigan Canal N W to Robey 17 b. Kansas, fr Throop W to Ashland av. Blue Island av cars to Twelfth,- thence 3 b W, 1 bN. Kedzie, fr Blue Island av S W to Robey 7 b. Kedzie av, fr W Madison S to the city limits 10 b W of Western av. Keenon, fr Noble W to Holt 1 b and fr Ash- land av W 2 b. Keith, fr Second N to W Chicago av 1 b. Keely, fr Lyman to Thirty-first. Kendall, fr W Polk S W to W Taylor 3 b. Kimbell, fr Weage to Division. Kingsbury, fr Kinzie N W to Ontario, thence N W to 44 Chicago av. Kinzie, fr the river E to N Water. Runs parallel with the main branch of the river. Kinzie, fr the river to the city limits. Ran- oolph st cars 4 b N. Kissam fr Center av to Loomis. 3 b. Knerr, fr Sheffield E to Clybourn av 1 b. Kossuth, fr 1022 Halsted E to 348 Western av. State st cars to Twenty-fifth, thence 4 b W, lbS. Kramer, fr Jefferson W to Halsted. Lumber- man's line of stages. Kroger, E fr Racine rd 1 b, thence S E to Sheffield av 3 or 4 b. Labor, fr Vine E to Bremer 1 b. Lafayette pi, fr 300 N t lark E to N Dearborn 1 b. Laflin. fr 536 W Madison S to the river. Laimbeer, f r W Lake N to Kinzie 2 b. 8 b W of Western a v. Lake, fr Central av and R R Depots W to S brof river. Runs parallel with main br of Chicago river. Lake, fr the river W to the city limits. Ran- dolph st cars run on this st fr Union ParkW. Lake av, fr Douglas pi to the city limits. Cot- tage Grove av cars. Lake Shore av, fr Thirty-third N. Lancaster av, fr Benson to Laurel. Langley, fr 71 Thirty-seventh, or Ellis Park, S to city limits. Cottage Grove av cars. Larrabee, fr Chicago av N to Fullerton av. Clybourn av cars. LaSalle, fr the river S to Van Buren. Tunnel on this st to N Div. LaSalle, N, fr the river N to North av, thence to N Clark. LaSalle st Tunnel from Kan- dolph, near Court House, to Kinzie. Laughton, fr Robey W to Western av 5 b. Laurel, frW Fullerton av N to Diversy av 4 b. Lawrence, fr the river E to Southport av 1 b. Leavenworth, fr Bloomington rd S to Wau- bansia av. Leavitt, N fr 274 Park av N to W North av. Leavitt, fr Barrypoint rd S to W Harrison 1 b. Lee av, fr Wood st W. Lee pi, fr N Robey W to Hoyne. LeMoyne, fr N Robvy W to Leavitt 2 b. Lessing, fr 124 W Chicago av N to George 4 b. Levee, fr Ashland av to Fuller st bridge. Lewis, fr Jones avN E to Clybourn av, thence N to Belden av. Lexington, fr DeKalb W to Waverly 5 b. Liberty. W, fr 75 Stewart av W to 544 Halsted. Lumberman's line of stages. Lime, fr the river S to Rum 3 b. Archer av cars Lincoln, N, fr 141 Park av N to W Division. Lincoln,fr 142 Park av S to W Twenty-second. Lincoln pi, fr Sophia N to Webster av 1 b. Linden, f r W Fullerton av N to Diversy av 4 b. Linden, fr 464 Larrabee E to 498 Sedgwick. Lisle, fr Union W to 840 Halsted. Lock, fr Thiriy-fir8t N W to Hickory 4 b. Archer av cars. Lockport, fr Archer av N W to Boardman 2 b. Archer av cars to Ashland av. Logan, fr Hickory S E about 406 ft. Lonergnan, fr Wisconsin N to Lincoln av 1 b. Clark st cars to Wisconsin St. Long John, fr. Thirty -fir St. S to city limits 6 b. Archer av cars to Ashland av. Loomis, fr 490 W Madison S to Lumber. Lowe, fr Sedgwick E to 703 N Wells 1 b. Lowe av, fr Douglas pi S to city limits. Cot- tage Grove av cars. Lnbee, fr N Robey W to Western av 4 b. Luce, fr W Black Hawk N W to Fox pi. Luke, fr Union W to Centre av. Milwaukee av cars. Lull, fr Fowler W to N Wood. Lumber, fr Twelfth, near the river, S and S W with the river to Loomis. Lumberman's line of stages. Lundy's Lane, fr Freeman N to Hall 2 b. Lydia, fr 54 Desplaines W to 51 Halsted. Lyman, fr Main S W to Thirty-first 7 b. Archer av cars to Main, thence 1 b. Lynch pi, fr Iron S to Columbia. Lytle, fr 454 W Harrison S to W Twelfth. Macallister pi, fr Centre av to Loomis 4 b. Macedonia, fr W Division W to Ellen 1 b. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS. 118 & 120 Monroe Street, Opposite Old Post Office. Madison fr the lake W to the river. Madison, W, fr the river W to Central Park av. Cars fr State and Lake sts run on this st to Western av. Main, fr Thirty-first to the river. Mamie, fr Harrison to Twelfth. Mantene ct, fr Milwaukee av S W to W Division. Maple, fr 364 N LaSalle E to N State. Marble pi, fr Fifth av E to 182 State; alley bet Monroe and Adams. Marcy, fr 18 Sheffield av N W to Waubansia av 3 b. Clvbourn av cars to Willow. Margaret, fr 392 Mitchell S to Catherine 2 b. Mark, fr 695 Union W to 772 Halsted. Mark av, fr 122 Second N to W Chicago av. Market, fr Lake S to Tyler and 34 b beyond; 3 b W of Court House. Market, N, fr the river K to Division; 4 b W of N Clark. Market sq fr Thirty-first S E to Ashland av. Marshfield, fr 604 \V Jackson S to W Polk 5 b; also 34 b S to W Taylor. Marvin, fr Leavitt W to Oakley 1 b. Mark, fr Hoey N W to Hickory 2 b. Archer av cars. Mather, fr 34 Ellsworth W to 310 Halsted. Lumberman's line of stages. Matthew, fr Wood S to Southwestern av. Maxwell, fr the river W to 330 Blue. Island av. May, N, fr342 W Randolph N toW Chicago av. May, S, fr 342 W Randolph S to W Twenty- second. McAlpine, fr W Douglas pi N to Bross av 2 b. McArthur, fr Schiller N to North av 1 b. McCagg pi, fr 275 N Clark W to N LaSalle 1 b. McGlashen, fr Twenty-second S to 189 Archer av. McGrath, fr 107 Robey W to 208 Leavitt. McGregor, fr 346 Archer av E to 302 Went- worth av. McHenry, fr N branch Chicago river S E to Rawson, thence S to Blanche. Mcllroy, in Mcllroy's subdivision of the W Yt S W J£ sec 1, 39, 13. McMullen ct, fr Fisk W to May 1 b. . McReynolds, fr Ashland av 2 b W. Meaghan, fr Ashland av about 277 ft E. Meagher, fr Stewart av W to 624 Halsted. Mechanic, fr Eighteenth S about 330 ft to alley. Mendell, fr Canal pi S E to 141 W Clybourn pi 3 b. Menomonee, fr 509 Larrabee E to N Clark. Meridian, fr 59 Desplaines W to 56 Halsted. Michigan, fr Kingsbury E to N Water. Michigan av, fr the river S to city limits. Mill, fr Ashland av W to Jones. Millard av, fr Twenty-second to Steele. Miller, fr 346 W Harrison S to 357 W Taylor 3 b. Blue Island av cars to Taylor, thence lb W. Milwaukee av, fr N Canal N W to city limits. Cars run on this av to W. Division. Mitchell, fr the river W to Western av, thence lb. Mohawk, fr Clybourn av N to Centre. Monroe, fi the lake W to the river. Monroe, W, fr Canal W to Campbell av. Mad- ison st cars 1 b N. Montana, fr Racine rd E to Fabius 1 b. Montgomery, fr Long John E to Ashland av 2 b. Moore, fr Robey W to Western av 5 b. Mooreman, fr Houston N W to Fowler. Morgan, N, fr 281 W Randolph N to W Chi- cago av. Morgan. S, fr 281 W Randolph S to Lumber. Morton, fr Thirty-third S to Thirty-seventh 4 b. State st cars to Thirty-second. Morton av, fr W Kinzie N to W Division 7 b, Mosprat, fr Springer to Thirty-first. Mowry, fr W Twenty-second S to Steele. Mulligan, fr S branch of river W to % b be- yond Ashland av 3 b. Murray, fr 388 Archer av S to Twenty-sixth. Myrick av, fr 67 Twenty-ninth S to 70 Thirty- first. Cottage Grove av cars to Twenty- ninth, thence 1 b W. Napoleon pi, fr Wallace E to Wentworth av. (Now part of Tick iity -eighth.) Nebraska, fr Throop W to Ashland av. Van Buren st cars to Loomis. Nelson, fr Blucher E to Soult 1 b. Newberry, fr 270 W Taylor to W Sixteenth. Blue Island av cars to Taylor, thence 3 b E. Newton, fr Thomas N to 311 W Division. Nineteenth, fr the river to 912 State. Nixon, fr 575 W Polk S to W Taylor 1 b. Noble, fr 451 W Kinzie N to W North av. Milwaukee av cars. Noble av, fr Sheffield av E to Green Bay rd 3 b. North av, frthe river E to the lake. Clybourn av cars. North av, W, fr the river W to city limits. North Branch, fr Hawthorn av N W to Divi- sion and N to Black Hawk. North pi, fr Armitage rd N W about 422 ft. Norton, fr 154 Gurley S to W Taylor 2 b. Norwood av, fr Humboldt av to Kimbell. Mirsery, fr Lewis N W to Ward 4 b. Clybourn av cars to Willow. Nut, fr 319 W Sixteenth S to Evans 1 b. Oak, fr 162 Sedgwick E to the lake. Oak av, fr 100 Stanton av E to Vincennes av 1 b. Cottage Grove av cars. Oakley, fr 314 Park av S to Steele. Madison or Randolph st cars. Oakley, N, fr 314 Parkav N to W North av. Oakwood, fr 276 Rush E to the lake. 1 b. Oakwood av, fr846 Cottage Grove av N E to the lake 2 b. Cottage Grove av cars. O'Brien, fr 501 Jefferson W to 498 Halsted. Ogden av, fr W Twelfth S W to city limits. Oglesby. fr W Madison N to W Division 8 b. Ohio, fr Kingsbury E to the lake. Olive, fr W Taylor S to W Twelfth. Oneida, fr Halsted W to Laurel 2 b. O'Neil, fr 925 Halsted W 1 b. Onondaga, fr Halsted W to Laurel, 1 b. • Ontario, fr the river E to the lake. Orchard, fr 238 Clybourn av N E and N to North av, thence N to Fullerton av. Osborne, fr W Indiana N to Fourth 1 b. Osgood, fr Center IN' to Fullerton av 4 b. Oswego, fr W Kinzie Nib. Otis, fr 197 Division N to Vedder. Pacific av, fr 144 Jackson S to Taylor. 4 b W of Statv Page, fr W Kinzie N to W Indiana. Page, fr 651 W Lake S to W Monroe. Ran- dolph st cars. Palatine, fr Homan av to Central Park av. Park, N, fr Henshaw av to Western av 4 I). Park, S, fr Henshaw av to Western av, Park, W;fr N Park to S Park. Park av, fr Ashland av W to Falls and 1 b E of Central Park. 1 b S of W Lake. W of Union Park. Randolph st cars. Park ct, fr Milwaukee av to Park si. Park pi, fr 350 Michigan av E to the lake. Wabash av stages fr Lake and State to Twelfth and Wabash av. thence 1 b E 34 b N. Parmalee, fr Oakley W to Western av 1 b. Paulina.fr 46 Parkav S to W Twenty -second. Randolph st cars. CULVER. PAGE, HOYNE & CO. 118 & 120 Monroe Street. Publishers of Blanks & Books For Insurance Companies. Street Guide to the City of Chicago. 85 Paulina, N, f r 46 Park av N to W Division. Randolph st cars. Pearce, f r 237 Desplaines to Halsted. Pearl, fr W Twelfth S 1 b. Pearl, fr Sophia N to Webster av 1 b. Pearson, E, fr 2-20 N State E to the lake. Pearson, W, fr 241 N Wells W to N Market. Peek ct, fi-441 State E to the lake. Penn, fr 169 Division N to Vedder b. Peoria, S, f r 240 W Randolph S to W Harrison . Peoria, N, fr 240 W Randolph N to Milwaukee av. Randolph st cars. Perch, fr Fulton N to W Kinzie 1 b. Perch, fr Wilcox S to W Van Buren 2 b. Perry, fr 760 Clybourn av N to Fnllerton av. Peterson, fr N Robey W to Bradwell av 1 b. Phillips, fr Halsted W to N Carpenter. 5 b. Pier, fr 150 Lake av E to the lake 2 b. Cot- tage Grove av cars to Thirty-fifth. Pine,frN Water N to the lake 1 b Eof Rush. Pitney av, fr James av N W to the river 3 b. A roller av cars. Pleasant, fr 191 Division N to 68 Vedder. Plum, fr Loomis to Latlin 1 b. Poe, fr Sheffield av N W 2 b. Polk, fr 426 Stat • W to the river. Polk. W, fr the river W to Sacramento av. Van Buren st cars 4 b S. Post fr Ashland av S E to the river. Prairie av. fr Sixteenth st S to city limits. Stages run on this st above Twenty-second, starting fr cor Lake and State. Pratt, fr 202 Halsted W to Morgan. Blue Island av cars. Prentiss, fr 1650 State E to Indiana av 8 b. Price, fr Wood to Lincoln 2 b. Price pi, fr 201 Desplaines to 188 Halsted. Blue Island av cars. Purple, fr Nineteenth S to 109 Archer av. Putnam, fr W Erie N to W Chicago av 4 b. Milwaukee av cars. Quarry, fr the river S to Wrong 4 b. Archer ay cars. Queer pi, fr Buttorfield E to 1630 State 1 b. Quincy, fr 210 State W to the river. Quincy, W,fr 173 Clinton to Jefferson, and fr 167 Desplaines 1 b W. Quiiin, fr Archer av V4 b S E. Racine rd, fr 550 Clybourn avN to city limits Railroad av, fr Twelfth to Mitchell 3b Railroad pi, fr Harbine to Sixteenth. Randolph, fr the lake W to the river. Horse cars run fr State W to the city limits in the W Division. Randolph, fr the river W to Union Park. Has cars run fr State in S Division. Rawson, fr Fleetwood W to 418 Elston av. Milwaukee av cars to Elston, thence 1 b N. Ray, fr 1339 Prairie av E to S Park av. Prairie av stages fr cor Lake and State sts. Rebecca, fr 610 Morgan W to Wood. Blue Island av cars. Redfield, fr the river W to 480 Elston a\. Rees, fr 50 Division N E to Dayton, thence E to Clybourn av 8 b. Reuben, N, fr Park av N to Clybourn pi. Randolph and Milwaukee av cars. Rhine, fr Leavitt W to Western av 2 b. Rhodes av, f r Thirty-second S to 122 Douglas pi. Rice, fr Wood W to Lincoln 1 b. Rice pi, fr W Twenty second to Moore 1 b. Ridgely, fr 320 Halsted W to Morgan 3 b. Lumberman's line of stages. Ridgeville rd, fr 712 Milwaukee av N to Armi- tage av. Ridgely pi, fr State to Wabash av 1 b. State st cars to Thirty-first. River, fr 52 S Water N E to Rush st bridge, thence E to the lake (continuation of Wa- bash av. Roberts, fr No 1 Erie N to 14 Chicago av. Robey, fr 189 Park av S to Steele. Randolph st cars. Robey, N, fr 189 Park av N to city limits. Randolph st ears. Rockwell.fr 1030 W Madison S toW Sixteenth. Roe, fr Oilve XbW. Rose, fr 394 W Chicago av N to 115 Cornell. Rosebud, fr Western av N W. Ross, fr Chicago av to Cornell. Rountree, fr Lake N to W Kinzie 2 b. Ruble, fr 153 W Sixteenth S to 125 Canalport av, thence % b. Rucker, fr 350 W Kinzie N to 17 Augusta. Rum, fr Halsted W to Quarry 2 b. Archer av cars to Quarry. Rumsey, fr 499 W Indiana N to 223 W Divi- sion. Milwaukee av cars to Division, thence lbW. Rush, fr the river N to Cedar. (Bridge fr foot Michigan av.) Sacramento av, fr W Twelfth N to W Kinzie 10 b. Salt, fr Archer av N W to the river 1 b. Archer av cars. Sampson, fr Waller W to Western av. Samuel, fr 550 W Chicago av N to 239 W Divi- sion. Milwaukee av cars 3 b W. Sangamon, N. fr 260 W Randolph N to W Chicago av. Randolph st cars. Sangamon, S, fr 259 W Randolph S to W Harrison. Sanger, fr 346 Archer av S E to 508 Twenty- sixth. Saratoga, fr W Douglas pi N to Bross av 3 b. Schiller, fr 357 Sedgwick E to the lake. School, fr Canal W to Scammon school 2 b. Scot .t, fr 400 N State E to the lake 2 b. Sebor, fr Ellsworth W to 290 Halsted. Second, fr the river W to Halsted and fr Mil- waukee av W to city limits. Seeley, fr 804 W Madison S to McGrath. Schih, fr Hobbie N to 198 Division 2 b. Selden, fr Wood W to Lincoln 1 b. Seneca, Ir349 Illinois N to 390 Indiana 1 b, Sedgwick, fr Erie N to city limits. Horse cars start fr Clark st bridge. Seventeenth, fr 852 State W to Grove. Seward, fr 77 W Sixteenth S to Lumber 3 b. Seymour, fr W North av N to Armitageav 5 b. Seymour, fr 1010 W Lake N to W Chicago av. Sheffield av, fr Hawthorn av N to the city limits. Clybourn av cars. Sheldon, N, f r 468 W Randolph N to Depot pi. Randolph st cars. Sheridan, fr W N av N to W Fullertonav7b. Sheridan pi, fr Wentworth av W 2 b. Sherman, fr 174 Jackson S to Taylor, bet Fifth av and LaSalle. Shober, fr W Division N to W North av 4 b. Sholto, fr368 W Harrison S to Eleventh. Blue Island av cars to Taylor, thence 1 b W. Short, fr Crosby S W to Hawthorn av 1 b. Shurtleff av, fr 300 Twcntv-sixth S to Thirty fifth. 5 b Wot Stare. Sibley, fr W Harrison S to 512 W Taylor. Sigel,' fr 49 Hurlbut E to N Wells 3 b. Silver, fr 280 W Harrison S to Gurley 1 b. Sixteenth, fr the lake W to the river. Sixteenth, W,fr the riverW to the city limits. Sloan, fr Elston av to Noble. Smart, fr W Kinzie N to Hubbard, 1 b. Smith, fr Ashland av W to Wood. Smith av, fr Black Hawk N to North av 2 b. Snell, fr Second N to W chica o av 1 b. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. 118 & 120 Monroe Street. Bankers' and Office Outfits A Specialty. 86 Street Guide to the City of Chicago. 2 1). Cot- Snow, f r C & N W crossing N E to the river 2 b. Sophia, fr Fabius E to N Franklin 15 b. South Park av (formerly Kankakee av), fr 9 Twenty-second S to Egan av. Cottage Grove av cars. Southport av, fr Clybonrn pi N to Lincoln av 13 b. Southwestern av, fr 476 W Randolph S W to city limits. Spaulding, fr Harrison N to Barry Point pi. Spaulding av,f r W Jackson S to W Van Buren. Spring, fr 383 Wentworth av E to 1220 State. 2 b. Springer, fr Waterville E to Ullman Archer av cars to Broad, thence 3 b. Spruce, fr Loomis to Laflin 1 b. Stanton av, fr Douglas pi S to Egan av. tage Grove av cars. Starr, fr 487 Sedgwick E 1 b. State, fr 80 S Water S to city limits. 2 b E of Court House. Horse cars run its entire length fr Lake st, and connect with dummy for Stock Yards. State. N. fr the river N to Schiller. 2 b E of N Clark. Staunton . f r 395 Park av S to 1005 Madison 3 b. St Clair, fr 300 N Water N to 380 Superior. Steele, fr Robey W to the city limits 5 b. Stephenson, fr Lumber S to Mitchell 2 b. Stewart av, fr 62 W Twelfth S to Lumber 15 b. Clinton st cars 2 b W. Stewart av, fr the river S to the city limits. Archer av cars. St John's pi. fr 550 W Lake N to Depot pi, opposite Union Park. St Louis av, fr Douglas Park Boulevard S to Sixteenth 21 b. Stone, fr 580 Division N to Banks 3 b. Stowell. fr 530 Clark W i% b. String, fr W Sixteenth S to 80 Canalport av, thence H b. Summer, f r Twenty-sixth S to Twenty-eighth. Archer av cars to Sanger, thence 2 b. Summit, fr Archer av N W 1 b. Archer av cars to Ashland av. Sumner, fr 500 Twenty-sixth S to Twenty- eighth 1 b. Lumberman's line of stages. Sumner, fr Catherine S to W Sixteenth 1 b. Superior, fr Roberts E to the lake. Sutton, fr Stewart av W lb. Swift pi, or Twenty-Ninth, fr Stewart av E to Wentworth av. (See Twenty-ninth.) Talman av, fr Hirsch N to W North av 2 b. Taylor, fr 504 State to the river. Taylor, W, fr the river W to the city limits. Temple, fr 158 Second N to 321 W Chicago av 1 b. Third, fr Station W to Western av 1 b. Third av, fr Jackson S to Fourteenth 1 b. Thirteenth, fr 641 State E to the lake. Thirteenth, fr Waller W to Lincoln. Thirtieth, fr the lake W to Wentworth av. Thirty-first, fr the lake to Halsted. Thirty-second, fr Cottage Grove* av W to Clark. Thirty-third, fr the lake W to Halsted. Thirty-fourth, fr Butterfield E to Indiana av. Thirty-fifth, see Douglas pi. Thirty-seventh, or Waupanseh av. fr Halsted E to the lake. Thirty-eighth, fr Halsted E to State. Thirty-ninth, see Egan av. Thirty-ninth, fr Reuben to Paulina. Thomas, fr Wood W to Western av 7 b. Thomas av, f r Hollansbee W to W Fullerton av 1 b. Thompson, f r Leavitt W to Western av 2 b. Thorn, fr Larrabee E to Hurlbut 1 b. Thornton, fr W Twenty-second S E to Ashland av6b. Throop, fr 438 W Madison S to the river. Tinkham av, fr W Kinzie N to W Chicago av 4 b. Todd, fr the river S E to Grove 1 1». Archer av cars. Towne's ct.fr Orchard N to North av 2 b. Townsend, fr Erie N to 286 Division. Cly- bonrn av cars. Trenton, fr 111 & Mich Canal S to W Douglas pi 4 b. Troy, fr W Jackson N to Barrypoint rd. Trumbull av, fr Douglas Park Boulevard S to W Sixteenth 2 b. Trustee, fr W Kinzie Nib. Tucker, fr Douglas pi S to Egan av 6 h. Archer av cars to Halsted. Twelfth, fr the lake W to the river. Twelfth, W, fr the river to the city limits. Twentieth, fr the lake W to Grove. Twentieth, fr Ashland av W to Western av. Twenty-first, fr the lake W to Stewart av. Twenty-second, fr the lake W to the river. Twenty-second, fr the river W to city limits. Lumberman's line stages. Twenty-third, fr the lake W to Archer av. Twenty-fourth, fr the lake W to Butler. Twenty-fifth, fr the lake W to Sanger. Twenty-sixth, fr the lake W to Halsted. Twenty-seventh, fr 1246 State W to Wallace. Twenty-seventh, fr 227 South Park av E to the lake. Twenty-eighth, fr Wallace E to Stewart av, and fr State E to Michigan av. Twenty-ninth, f r the lake W to Wallace. (See Swift pi. Twomey, fr 288 Sedgwick W H b. Tyler, fr Market E to 300 Fifth av 2 b. Tyler, W, fr 259 Clinton W to California av. Van Buren st cars 1 b N. Ullman, fr Thirty-first S to city limits 7 b. Archer av cars to Deering, thence 3 b. Union, N, fr 156 W Randolph N to W Chicago av. Randolph st cars. Union, S, fr 156 W Randolph S to Lumber. Union pi, f r Union st N E to Twenty-second. Union Park pi, fr 524 W Lake N to Depot pi. University pi, fr Rhodes av E to Cottage Grove av. 1 b. Cottage Grove av cars. Upton, fr Milwaukee av S W and W to city limits 2 b. Valentine, fr W Lake N to W Kinzie 2 b. Valliquette, fr Thirty-seventh S to Thirty- eighth 1 b. Van Buren, fr the lake W to the river. Van Buren, W, fr the river W to California av. Has horse cars from State and Lake. Van Horn, f r Ashland av W to Western av 7 b. Vedder, fr 527 N Halsted R to Vine Vermont av, fr Thirty-first to Columbia. Vernon av, fr 155 Douglas pi S to 198 Thirty- seventh. Vincerines av, fr 620 Cottage Grove av to city limits. Vine, fr Division N to Rees 2 b, and fr North av to Willow 1 b. Wabash av, fr S Water S to city limits. Wade fr 97 Elston av W to Currier, thence N W to Crittenden. Wahl, fr Springer av to Thirty-first. Waupanseh av, see Thirty-seventh. Wallace, fr 288 Archer av S E to McGregor, thence S to city limits. Waller, f r 370 W Twelfth S to 353 Mitchell 5 b. Walnut, fr N Reuben W to Western av. Ran- dolph st cars 1 b S. CULVEE, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. WHOLESALE STATIONERS. 118 & 120 Monroe Street, Opposite Old Post Office. Street Guide to the City of Chicago. Walsch, fr 791 Halsted W to 664 Center av. Walsh, fr N Clark E to the lake 3 b. N Clark st cars beyond Lincoln Park. Ward, fr 600 Clybourn av N E to Nursery, thence N to Fullerton av 4 b. Ward ct, fr Lumber W to Jefferson. Warren av, fr 50 Ashland av W to Falls. Randolph st cars. Washington, f r the lake to the S branch river. Tunnel on this st to the W Div. Washington, W, fr the tunnel W to Central Park. Randolph st cars 1 b N, Madison st cars 1 b S. Washington av, fr the river W to N Leavitt. Randolph st cars 3 b S. (Called Carroll fr the river W to N Reuben.) Washington pi, fr 250 N Clark E to Dearborn. Washtenaw av, fr W Lake N to Armitage av 12 b. Water, N. fr the river E to the lake; Water, S. fr the lake S W to Lake st. Water, W, fr Madison N to Fourth. Waterville, fr Lancaster av S E to Fox 3 b. Archer av cars to Fox. Waubansia av.fr the river W to 1013 Milwau- kee av, and fr Western av W to Washt.enau av. Waver, fr Archer av W 1 b. Archer av cars. Waverly av, fr W Twelfth S to W Sixteenth 3 b. Wayman, fr Halsted to Jefferson. Weage av, fr Humboldt av to Kimbell. Webster av. fr the river E to the lake. Weed, fr Hooker N E to Hawthorn av, thence N E to N Halsted 6 b. Wellington, fr Racine rd E to N Clark, or Lake Shore rd 3 b. Wells, N, fr the river N to N Clark. Wendell, fr 160 Sedgwick E to N LaSalle. Wentworth av. fr Sixteenth S to city limits. Wesson, fr Chicago avN to Division. Chicago av cars. Western av, N, fr 352 Park av N to city limits. Western av. S, fr 352 Park av S to city limits. Weston.fr the Presbyterian Seminarygronnds E to Lincoln av 1 b. N Clark st cars. Wheaton, fr Humboldt av 1 b. Whipple, f r Barrypoint rd S 1 b. Whisky Point rd, fr Western av N W to Crawford av. White, E, fr 300 N Dearborn to the lake. White, W, fr 256 N LaSalle W to Townsend. Whitehouse pi, fr Stewart av E to Wentworth av. 4 b. (See Thirtieth st.) Whiting, fr 277 N Market E to N LaSalle, and fr N Dearborn E to the lake. Whitney, fr 290 N Dearborn E to the lake 3 b. Clark st cars to Lafayette place. Wieland, fr North av to Schiller. Wilcox, fr S Leavitt W to California av. Will, fr 423 Milwaukee av N to Augusta 1 b. Willard pi, fr 3H0 W Randolph S to 369 W Washington 1 b. William, fr 215 Morgan W to 142 Center av. Willow, fr Janes av N E to Clybourn av, thence E to 491 Larrabee. Wilmot av, fr N Robey W to Bradwell, thence N W to Armitage 5 b. Wilson, fr Stewart av W to Jefferson. Winchester av, fr 754 W Madison S to W Harrison. Winston, fr Douglas N to 111 and Mich Canal. Winter, fr Twenty-sixth S to Twenty-eighth 2 b. Wisconsin, fr Larrabee E to 899 N Clark 7 b. Wood, S, fr 92 Park av S to W Twenty-second. Wood, N, fr 92 Park av N to city limits. Ran- dolph st cars. Woodbine pi. fr Leavitt to Oakley. Wright, fr 117 Stewart av W to 570 Morgan, thence y> b. Wright, fr 62 Waubansia av S E to W North av2b. Wrong, fr Halsted X W to Main 8b. Yager, fr W Madison N to W Kinzie 4 b. Yeaton, fr Wood W to Lincoln 1 b. York, fr Laflin W to Wood 5 b. Yorktown, fr W Douglas pi N to Bross av3 b. BRELLE & HOGEN, 1 1 6 E. Madison St., Basement, $* ^ CLOTHING CLEANED, DYED AND REPAIRED. N.B. — Superior workmanship and entire satisfaction guaranteed. Cook County NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO, >[. W. 6ot. Wk^ington kr\d f)ekri)oi*n gt£. Designated Depository of U. S. Government. CJLPITJLL, - - $750,000 A General Banking Business Transacted. Draws Foreign Bills of Exchange. Draws Bills on San Francisco. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. B. F. ALLEN, President. A. WEST, Cashier. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) Bookbinders' Stock & Tools, dealers in ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street. The Sponger' 's Guide to the City of Chicago. 89 CLIFTON HOUSE, N. W. corner Wabash Avenue and Monroe Street. Jenkins & Holmes, Proprietors. — - -i ? ;t ' - £ "ORLDS EXPOSITION. "' T. . % CULVEK, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. 1 118 & 120 Monroe Street, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS. ) Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 91 C o o K a o a H HOW GUESTS OF THIS HOTEL SHOULD GO EAST 3 THROUGH TRAINS TO NEW YORK. 61 MILES2rH E SHORTEST ROUTE BETWEEN Chicago & New York IS VIA THE mm wawi i cmcAOo AND THROUGH TJHSTJS, QUICKEST ROUTE TO THE EAST, AND ONLY LINE RUNNING S ZD^ilit Express Trails WITH PULLMAN'S PALACE THROUGH CARS, TO Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, BAIjTI 3VE o n. DES, Washington City & New York. Boston Passengers Toy this Line are Transferred through New York Free of Charge. This Route is especially desirable for Business Men, as it gives them an oppor- tunity to visit Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, the Best Markets in the East. Ask for Tickets via PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & PENNSYLVANIA CEN- TRAL R. R., which can be obtained in all Regular Railroad Ticket Offices in the West, at the Company's Office, 65 CLARK STREET, and at Depot, corner Madison and Canal Streets, West Side, Chicago. F. R. MYERS, W. C. CLELAND, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agt., Asst. Gen'I Pass Agt., PITTSBURGH. CHICAGO. J. N. McCULLOUGH, Gen! Manager, PITTSBURGH. Illinois Central R. R. CHICAGO to ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS! Making DIRECT Connections at ST. LOUIS for KANSAS CITY, LEAVENWORTH, ST. JOSEPH, ATCHISON, LITTLE ROCK, DENNISON, DENVER, AND ALL POINTS SOUTHWEST. CHICAGO to Nil ORLEANS WITHOUT OHAJNGH: OF CARS. 100 MILES THE SHORTEST ROUTE To MEMPHIS, VICKSBURG, MOBILE, 9 AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. This is also the Direct Route to Farmer City, Clinton, Mt. Pulaski, Springfield, Decatur, Vincennes, Peoria, Pana, Evansville, Canton, Vandalia, Shawneetown, Keokuk, Terre Haute and Warsaw. 10 DUBUQUE AID STOUZ WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. -=®ft The only Direct Route to 31TY GALENA, DUIiUQUE, WATERLOO, CEDATt FALLS, CHARLES CITY, ACKLEY, FORT DODGE and SIOUX CITY. Elegant DRAWING-ROOM SLEEPING CARS on all NIGHT TRAINS. BAGGAGE CHECKED TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. fllTPVOW nrPTPrO AT PUTPAPO. ■ 121 Randolph St. (near Clark); Great Central Depot, llOJYJjl UirlUlJIJ 111 UnlUiluU . foot of Lake St.; Union Depot, foot of 22nd St. W. P. JOHNSON, Gen'l Pass. Ag't, Chicago. A. MITCHELL, Gen'l Sup't, Chicago. o > S) w w 3 3 i^'iliii i ■' '.Ml i MlM ill ■■IP' Hi" I ||:''jHi I ! CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. PRINTEES. 118 & 120 Monroe Street, Opposite Old Post Office. 96 The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. UNITED STATES MAILS. The single letter rate of postage is three cents throughout the U. S. for % oz. or under. An additional rate of three cents is required for each additional % ounce, or fraction thereof. The following are the -quarterly rates of postage, when paid quarterly or yearly in advance, on Newspapers and Periodicals, issued once a quarter, or more frequently, and sent to actual subscribers from a known office of publication. (One copy only.) Not exceeding 4 oz. or fractions thereof Exceeding 4 oz., up to 8 oz 8oz., " 12 oz 12 oz., " 16 oz PERIODICALS. Q'tly. Cts. Mt'ly Cts Semi Mtl'y Cts. 12 18 NEWSPAPERS. Wkly Cts. 5 10 15 20 Semi- Tri- Wkly Wkly Cts. 10 20 30 40 Cts. 15 45 60 aW^jDaily Cts. I Cts. 60 90 120 35 70 105 140 Transient Newspapers and Miscellaneous mailable matter to be prepaid by stamps. *Printed matter, circulars, etc., (except books,) one cent for every two (2) ounces or fraction thereof __ Books, two (2) cents for every two ounces or fraction thereof, lim- ited to four pounds _ __ Samples of merchandise, metals, ores and mineralogical specimens, 2 cts. for 2 oz. or fraction thereof, limited to 12 oz 2oz. 4 oz. 6oz. Cts. 1 Cts. 2 Cts. 3 2 4 6 2 4 6 12 oz. Cts. 6 12 12 MANUSCRIPT. Manuscript for publication in newspapers, magazines, or periodicals transmitted by mail, must be prepaid at letter rates of postage. .None but book manuscripts can pass at rotes prescribed for transient printed matter. The following classes of Letters are not Advertised: Drop Letters, unless a three-cent postage stamp is affixed. Letters bearing requests to be returned, or bearing the name and address of the writer. Box Letters. Letters directed and sent to hotels, and thence returned to the Post Office as unclaimed. Letters returned from the Dead Letter Office to- writers. Circulars, free packets containing printed documents, speeches, and other printed matter. Official Letters from any department of the government. Letters once taken from the Post Office by the proper parties, or delivered by the carriers, cannot be forwarded without again being prepaid. SUGGESTIONS TO THE PUBLIC. Post all letters, etc., as early as practicable, first tying circulars in bundles with the addresses all in one direction. Make the address legible and complete, giving name of Post Office, County and State, and number of house if in a street. Letters for places abroad should have the name of the country, as well as the county and town or city. Dropping a letter into the letter box, see that it falls well in and does not stick in the passage. Never send money or other article of value through the post, except by money order, or in a registered letter securely sealed. When complaint is made of letters lost, miscarried or delayed, state when, where and by whom posted, exact words of the address, etc., and in case of delayed letters, send the envelope. Sign full name and addres9 to all letters to insure their return in case required. Return to Post Office all letters addressed to hotels and other places where letters are received, as soon as it is evident that they are not to be called for. T HE CLINTOJV BRUSHES, COLLIER WHITE.- LEAD CO., St. Louis, Mo. john ltjcas <& soars, Philadelphia, Pa. PURE GOODS, BOTTOM PRICES. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS. ) Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 107 BRIGGS HOUSE, N. E. corner Randolph Street and Fifth Avenue. Rickcords & Huntoon, Proprietors. A. S. ESMAY & CO., \ manufacturers of 142 Lake Street. ) BEDDING, SPRINGS, Etc. JAMES H FOSTER & CO. DEALERS IN Ladies' and Gentlemen's FINE FURNISHING GOODS, Laces, Embroideries, Etc., 167 cf 169 State Street, J. H. FOSTER. UNDER PALMER HOUSE. G. H. LYNCH, JR. M. P. FORSTER. w o fe.3 S C/2 GO or CO OS a> DC O UJ M w H © < GO GO CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. j. 118 & 120 Monroe Street, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. ) Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 109 A. S. ESMAY & CO., \ dealers in 142 Lake Street. ) FEATHERS and BEDDING. €HI€A<10 CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. \ 118 & 120 Monroe Street, "WHOLESALE STATIONERS. ) Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. Ill WHITE STAR MAIL LINE STEAMERS. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES AND OFFICES. Allan Line — Allan & Co., 72 and 74 La Salle street. Anchor Line — Henderson Bros., Agents, corner Madison and La Salle streets. Cunard Line — Corner Clark and Randolph streets. German Mail Line — Wasmandorff & Heinemann, Agents, 165 Randolph street. G UION LINE— Henry Greenebaum & Co., Agents, Fifth are. Inman Line — Francis C. Brown, General Western Agent, S. W. corner Clark and Lake streets. National Line — Wm. Macalister, Agent, cor. Clark and Randolph sts. RED STAR LINE— J. H. Milne, Agent, cor. Madison and La Salle streets. State Line — J. E. Earle, Gen'l Western Agent, 60 Clark street. WHITE STAR MAIL LINE— Alfred Lagergren, Gen'l Western Agent, 97 S. Clark street. LAKE STEAMERS. GOODRICH LINE— A. E. Goodrich, President; office, foot of Michigan avenue. Grand Trunk Line — L. Speigel, Ageut, 2 N. Wells street. LAKE SUPERIOR PEOPLE'S LINE— Leopold & Austrian, 72 Market street. Menominee Barge Line Co. — Room 1, 242 S. Water street. Union Steamboat Co. — 162 S. Water street. Vermont Central Line, N. T. Co. — Foot of N. La Salle street. A. S. ESDI AY & CO., ) Manufacturers and Dealers in 142 Lake street. ) Bedding, Feathers, Springs, etc. W. W. KIMBALL, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Pianos and Organs, 205, 207 & 209 STATE STREET, (CORNER ADAMS) OZEnCA-G-O, ILL. HALLET, DAVIS & CO'S GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. QEBAW WMQN GOMPMY'S PMEOS* SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS. KIMBALL ORGANS. ZPI-A-3STOS TO IREZSTT. CULVEK, PAGE, H0Y1TE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, PUBLISHERS OF LEGAL BLANKS. f Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 113 < o *i w H H ►d O CO o a -4. #. ES3ZA. Y & CO. } Manufacturers and Dealers in 142 Lake street. I Bedding, Feathers, Springs, etc. Mrs. A. J. Hovey, Dress mi Cloak Ifakbi Irutol ?/wm***ait* m& CplMtt** €hi\m a ^pwialtg. IMPORTED FRENCH PATTERNS. ALSO, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF MOURNING GOODS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Wo. 174 CLARIS STREET, Third Store North of Monroe Street. CHICAGO. Point Applique, Thread Laces and Crapes Cleaned and Made to look equal to New. Mrs. A. J. Hovey, Knitting Machines, Treadle Powers, AND Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machines, 174 CLARZ STREET, Third Store North of Monroe St. CHICAGO. Needles, Hemmei's, Markers, Gauges, Silks, Threads, Ttvists, Oils, etc., constantly on hand. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. ) 118 & 120 Monroe Street, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS. Opposite Old Post Office. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 115 THE FOUNDLINGS' HOME NEW BUILDING. Wood Street, between Madison and Monroe. A. S. BSMAY & CO., \ dbalees in 142 Lake Street. 5 STEAM CURED FEATHERS. THE IMPROVED HOWE SCALE. EVERY SCALE HAS ITS BEARINGS PROTECTED. Improvements in every size which are not found in any other scale. SACH AND EYERY SCALE Guaranteed Satisfactory, and to prove SUPERIOR to any other make. CALL AND EXAMINE. A. M. GILBERT <& CO. 38 STATE STREET, - - OHIOAGO. GILBERT <& COM FAIT Y, 116 MAIN STREET, - - CHSrCI3STJST^^XI. GILBERT, WEEKS <& CO. 11 S. MAIN STREET, - - ST. LOUIS. THE IMPROVED HOWE Is Guaranteed by its Manufacturers to be more Accurate, Durable and Simple than any other. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & CO. } Bankers' and Office Outfits 118 & 120 Monroe Street. J A Specialty. The Stranger's Guide to the City of Chicago. 117 A. S. ESMAY & CO., 142 Lake Street. MANUFACTURERS OF MATTRESSES, Etc., Etc. D. E. Livermore, 143 State St., Chicago, Invites special attention to his stock of olstenr Eroods I Gittslai Estimates and Designs given for furnishing a house complete with Napkins and Table Linen, Lambrequins, Marseilles Quilts, Lace Curtains, Pier and Mantel Glasses, Curtains and Shades, Mattresses, Spring Beds, Pillow Slips, Sheets, Comfortables. Pillows, The Tremont House was furnished with the above articles by us. Churches, Steamboats and Sleeping Cars Upholstered Complete. All work guaranteed. D. E. LIVERMORE. jqBS J - McC fS42!s- s COLLECTION OF HIIll 174 & 176 STATE STREET. The Newest Patterns, selected from the Stocks of every first-class manufacturer in this country and in Europe. Experienced Workmen sent to all parts of the United States. Designs and Estimates furnished, and all work guaranteed. The Polychromic and other modern styles a Specialty. JOHN J. MeGRAOT* Importer and Manufacturer of PLAIN AND DECORATIVE HANGINGS IN PAPER, AND WINDOW SHADES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. RETAIL ROOMS, WHOLESALE ROOMS, 174 STATE ST. I 74 & I 76 STATE ST. CHICAGO.