i [Tivi^ti^*:;-!*, IP I «C<;"ctc cic c ^ -^ dX c <3ic cc: ^^ ■«D«^'«^.«- <3rcburgh 7 00 Rouse's Point, 9.00; St. Johns, (via R. R.) 10.00; .Montreal, 11.00 P M NIGHT BOAT— (Going North)— Leaves Whitehall on arrival of trains from New York, Troy, Albany and Saratoga, 8.20 p. m.; supper on boivrd, and arrive at Ticonderoira, 10.15 p. m.; Burlington, 3.00 a. m.; i'ort Kent, 3.40; Plattsburgh, 5.00; Rouse's Point, 7.00; St. Johns, (via H. R ) 8.30; Mottreal, 10.00; Malone, 10.07; Potsdam, n.35 A. m.; Ogdcnsburg, 12.35 p. m. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Ego ; 3 " Off for Lake George," 6 Glen's Falls : The village, hotels, falls, caves, etc 9 On the Plank : Our party 16 Pond Lillies 20 The Half-way House 21 Williams Monument 25 Bloody Pond 26 Arrival at the Lake 29 Lake George : Discovery, name, some information, references, etc. 30 Lo ! the poor Indian 32 Caldwell, hotels, etc 37 Crosbyside 41 Old Fort William Henry •. . . 43 The Garrison 44 Fort 'George : An adventure 45 The Historian Rises to Explain 48 Topographical 50 Battle of Lake George 51 Vaudreuil's expedition 53 Capture of Fort William Henry 54 The massacre 55 Ringing the changes 56 Steamboats — past and present 57 Small boats 59 Fishermen, their terms, information, etc 60 Game laws 60 Excursions 61 Table of distances 62 Down the Lake : Tea Island 64 Diamond Island 66 68 Contents. Down the Lake — (Concluded) : Page, The Coolidge House 67 " Alpha, Delta, Phi " 68 Kattskill Bay, hotels, etc 69 Dome Island 70 Recluse Island 71 Bolton 73 The Mohican House 75 The Bolton House, others 'j'j Church of St. Sacrament 79 4|^ From Shore to Shore : Shelving Rock 80 Fourteen Mile Island 81 Personal 82 Hen and Chickens,Huckleberry and Refuge Islands, 83 Shelving Rock Falls 84 The Narrows 85 Through the Narrows 86 Black Mountain, "As You Were Island " Z6 The Harbor Islands ; Parker's Expedition Zj Epicurean 88 Captain Sam as a Sailor 90 The Deer's Leap 92 The Elephant 93 Hulett's Landing 94 The Bosom 95 Sabbath Day Point 96 Hague loi Anthony's Nose , 102 Rogers' Slide 103 Prisoners' Isle 104 " Good bye," 106 Appendix 107 The hotels, their situation, attractions, accommo- , dations, terms, etc 109 Steamboats and stages, their officers, fares, time tables, etc., for 1873 114 Probabilities 115 m=* !i> _:3^> 3% j>33:* > 3 o5>* :r>ii> ^ JO ^ :x> it. ^ =g>J> .^ .J» ^ lJL-*3 JtJ^ S*D-^^ :3>^ ->T>:3 3^ yj>:> ^^ ^^^ J>i> y^j ; :^ > xx> J3>3> »>>;> ' :^* 3 5r*o :>5> » ^> >X3g> Z>^ >> ■ i:3i>^33s> JD :> ::3>>^t:»> ^3j^> ►>> ; ^^^^ :> -^--to _ . ^^~zi^5j> 5^ 3>33 ^^ ^m >?^ :>3^ 5^ ^^ 333; 33r>,.-^