A BIRDS-EYE VIEW OF FROM PHOTOGRAPH BY ROCKAFELI.OW. [Copyright, 18S5. Ge I HID ■■.T-mfK ■ !'■" •••i\mifyi>i' TrrFf,,,!,,,,!!,!!!.! „ . . ASTON, PENN'A, IN 1885 VIEWED FROM PHILLII'SEURG, X. J. vV. West, Eastox, Pa.] Rkv. UZAL W. CONDIT, a. M., Ph. D. •1 1 i • « m»K a%^ M^ -»-• THB HISTORY <®> OK: EASTON, PENN'A FROM The Earliest Times-The Present, -^m 1733 — 1885 1^1^^ BY Rev. UZAL AY. CONDIT, A. M. Ex-President of the State Board of Education OF New Hampshire. Tod noii/aat ^i(i7-ia TroXla ovx tariv ■Kepaa/in^. PUBLISHED, ILLUSTRATED AND PRINTED BY GEORGE W. WEST. W: Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 18S5, by WEST & CONDIT, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. — -TO TRAILL GREEN, M. D., LL. D. dean of the pardee scientific department of lafayette college, — the eminent physician and friend of education and of sound learning, adorned by that higher learning which will shine brightly in a higher sphere : a lineal descendant of one of the prominent actors in the early his- tory of easton, especially during the stormy scenes of the revolu- tion — to this eminent christian scholar and p 3t this work is most respecl ly and affection- ately dedicated by The Author. PUBLISHERS NOTE. THE topograpliy of Easton being so grand, natnre having done so mnch, we believe the time is now when this beauty should be in book form. Go to what point you may, your eyes behold a beautiful, a dazzling picture. There is not a town of its size that can compare with it in beauty of situation, and its beauty is known far and wide. The "Forks of the Delaware" was known a centnrv and a half ago, and who among us does not like the sound? To illustrate it as it is to-day, and what it was many years ago, is the aim of the publisher. For that purpose he has had a goodly number of photographic views taken, and secured the loan of several rare and valuable paintings. One of the best wood engravers in Philadelphia has been engaged to do the engraving, and beaut>- and accuracv will appear in each number of the book. This is the first attempt at Illustrated F;aston. This is our initial number, and our second will be no less inter- esting than the first ; indeed, as the work advances it increases in interest, and unfolds some of the grandest characters in the histor)- of Penns\lvania. THE PUBLISHER. AUTHOR'S Preface jHE AUTHOR'S object in preparing the followino; work was to preserve a record of the history of our Borough, and gather together many fafts that g^^^ were rapidly passing into the region of forgetfnhiess. There are a few old people whose lives connect the present with the past, whose recollections have been of benefit to the author, and as far as pracfticable, have been pre- served. The author had not the slightest conception of the magnitude of the task, nor of the real importance of Easton's early histor\- when he began to write. Many times surprise has been mingled with pleasure as the scat- tered elements of her historic life have been unfolded among the dust>- volumes so seldom read ; and if the citizens of Easton enjoy the reading as the author has enjoyed the writing, he will feel that his work will not have been in vain. It ma>- be proper to acknowledge the works which have been consulted in the prooress of this work ; and it would be ingratitude not to gratefully acknowledge the counsel and constant kindness of Elisha Allis, Esq. , in the progress of the work : his excellent library, without which the work could not have attained to even its present excellence has been at the author's disposal as if it were his own. The Colonial Records and Archives of Pennsylvania, Davis' History of Bucks County, and Rupp's History of Northampton County, History of the Lehigh Valley, History of the Moravians, Congressional Records (a part of which were found in the Astor Library), Anderson's Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Original Records of the Committee of Safet}-, various His- tories of the United States, Sparks' Life of Washington, old Files of Papers in the Easton Library, Files of Easton "Express," "Argus" and "Free Press," Harbaugh's Life of Rev. Schlatter, Dr. Egle's History of Pennsylvania and Historical Register of Pennsylvania Life of Major Van Campen, Coffin's Men of Lafayette, Owen's Historical Sketches of Lafayette, Copp's Prominent Citizens of Plaston, and China and the United vState.s. These and other works will be referred to. The plan of the book is to introduce each subject in the chronological order of its occurrence, and follow it to its conclusion, so that eacli topic will be complete in itself; the author hopes in this manner to avoid confusion. VIEW OF BUSHKILI, STREET BRIDGE, IN 1840, SHOWING REAR OK MT. JEFFERSON. FROM A DRAWING BY MRS. M ' CARTNEY. Introductory Chapter. EASTON IN HER WILDNESS OF NATURE. Mount Jefferson — Jlouut Lafayette — Mount Olympus — Lehigh Hills — Rivers — Combination of Mountains, Valleys and Rivers — Where Parsons Meant the Town to be Built — First House in Easton, by Whom Built, and Where — Michael Schlatter; Birth Place; Errand to America; Visit to Europe; Raises Monev for Churches and Schools in Pennsylvania ; His Presentation of a Bible ; His Death and Burial in Philadelphia. ^ ^.^ ' _ HEN the people of Easton contemplated erecting their first Conrt House, in 1753, a large number of petitioners in other parts of the county sent a r^ remonstrance to the Provincial Assembly against building the Court House in Easton. One of the reasons assigned for their opposition was that the hills were so high and steep as to endanger one's life to approach the vil- lage. But the ground of their objection is the source of Easton' s topo- graphical beauty. No stranger of taste ever visits Easton without being channed with the hills and valleys and shining rivers, ever changing in ^ grandeur as the observer changes position — like the varying glories of the kaleidoscope. The want of system in these mountains greatly adds to their beautv. When wandering around the College buildings on Mount Lafayette, the eyes catch the distant ranges of mountains, which greet the vision in whatever direction we turn. Yon- der, to the west, stretch the Kittatinny or Endless Mountains, just far enough removed to be covered with the bewitching haze of Summer, enveloped in the gentle tints of ethereal blue in the clear atmosphere of Winter ; while standing in front of the Presi- dent's mansion, just below us, where the Lehigh empties its waters into the Delaware, start the Lehigh Hills, stretching with a gentle curve toward the west, at whose base the river winds its way, and when reflecting the sunlight, or the rays of the full moon, looks like a silver ribbon skirting the landscape. And near the same spot starts a range of hills on the right bank of the Delaware, at whose base the limpid waters of this historic river wend their way toward the sea, and both river and hills, gentlv curving to the north, are lost behind other hills on the left bank. If we ascend Mount Olympus, the highest point in the Chestnut Range, just north of the College campus, we catch a glimpse of the river approaching from the north, ntnning through gaps in the mountains, quite as beautiful in their wildness as the far-famed Water Ciap, thirty miles away. From this Oh-mpian lieight expands a scene of beauty rarelv wit- nessed. A few years ago a gentleman passing through Easton had his attention arrested by the combination of mountain and river, and remarked: "He was familiar with the 8 THE HISTORY OF valley of the Rhine, but he had never witnessed an)'thing more beautiful than this." Men will go to Europe, climb the Alps to get a glimpse of scenery not more beautiful than that which greets the eye of the beholder from the summit of this American Olympus. But the mountains encircling the old site of Easton are they against which the remon- strants, in 1753, hurled their anathemas. The level surface around the Square was the extent to which William Parsons limited the future town. On the northwest stands Mount Jefferson, which received its name from the fa(?t of a great celebration that took place upon its summit in 1800, in honor of the election of Thomas Jefferson to the Presi- dency. An ox was roasted on its top, and the excavation is still visible. On the north is Mount Lafayette, so named in honor of the son of France, the friend of Washington and America. On the southwest is a height ascended from Fourth street, up Lehigh street, by a series of steps, to Fifth street, from which we continue to ascend itntil we reach a position south of the Court House. This is of equal altitude with the other two mountains, and has been called "Court House Hill." Before 1739, when David Martin built his ferry house at the foot of Ferry street, the whole scene was covered with a growth of bushes. These beautiful rivers rolled along with their gurgling music under the forests overhanging their banks. There was little to disturb the profound quiet, which reigned supreme, except the sighing of the winds, the rustling storm, the singing of birds, the loud-crashing thunder, or the war dance, or the loud war-whoop of the savages. On Mount Lafayette, on the heights where South Easton stands, or on the banks of the Lehigh, could be seen the smoke curling through the tree- tops from the fires of Indian camps ; or one might have caught a glimpse of a fleet of canoes descending the Delaware and Lehigh, filled with the dusky children of the forests. This was the garden of the Lenni Lenape, chosen for its beauty, * the convenience of its rivers, which afforded easy communication with the interior of the country, and as they came down either river they found a landing-place for their canoes on a long point extend- ing far out toward the right bank of the Lehigh. This point has long since been washed away, though the name still remains — "The Point." Not only was this locality chosen for its beauty and convenience, but for the abund- ance of game which roamed through these valleys and along these mountain sides. The historian of the Moravians tells us that the Indians would catch two thousand shad in a single day at Bethlehem, and at the junction of the rivers their efforts would be equally successful. This scene in its wildness was the capitol of the noble Delaware Tribe. There were no stately Gothic temples, nor lofty Corinthian columns, where these dusky lords of the forest would legislate for the nation's welfare ; but there were umbrageous frescoings arched on lofty columns, reared by the hands of the Great Spirit, beneath whose shade the Indian mother could lull her babe to sleep as she sung the rude war songs of her people, while the fierce warrior formed his plans of battle and sharpened his weapons for the deadly ■■■Egle's History of Pennsylvani.i. E AS TON, PEXN'A. 9 onset. But these scenes have long ago passed away. No matter how kindh- tlie red man was treated, nor how well the white man paid him for his land, the moment the white man began to bny the soil, the doom of the red man was sealed. We pick up here and there an arrow-head, open a mound filled with the bones of their dead, only to remind us that the powerful people which once owned these fertile lands, lofty mountains and majestic rivers have passed away, and the places which knew them know them no more forever. These beautiful forests were their temples, reared by hands divine. Under their shadows they found a peaceful home, a place for their council-fires, their quiet repose_, and amusements of savage life. Upon the banks of these beautiful rivers the young learned the art of war, the warrior painted for battle, and the aged quietly passed the evening of life and peacefully passed to the eternal hunting-grounds of their fathers. These people were as happv in these sylvan homes as the denizens of Fifth avenue, and quite as proud. Their wants were simple and easily met ; their ambition was limited and easily gratified. They were firm friends, but implacable foes ; they rarely forgot a kindness or forgave a wrong. This was the place assigned for the City of Easton. On this narrow peninsula, hemmed in by these mountains, by the Rushkill, Delaware and Lehigh, is the place which William Parsons assigned for the citv of the future. MICHAEL SCHLATTER. A NOTICE of the above-named gentleman is introduced thus early in the history because of his connection with a benevolent movement in Europe, which greatly aided in establishing the first church and school-house in Easton, in 1755, three years after the county of Northampton was established and five years after the town was surv'eyed. Rev. Mr. Schlatter was bom in St. Gall, in a lonely valley on the banks of the Stein- acli, in Switzerland, July 14, 1716. In his fourteenth year he was confinned and admitted to full communion in the Refonned Church. He was naturally of a roving spirit, which is not always a virtue, but came to be the element of his great usefulness in the New World. He had relatives in Holland who induced him to spend much time in that country, and while there he heard of the destitute condition of the Germans in Pennsylvania. He felt somewhat as Paul did, on the banks of the ^Egean Sea, after hearing the Macedonian cry. He longed to visit his brethren in Pennsylvania. He was licensed to preach in Holland, and by the Synods of North and South Holland was commissioned to preach the Gospel in the land of William Penn. He was sent as an organizer, and received his instructions from the Synods of Holland, i. He was to visit the different .settlements throughout which the Reformed sheep were scattered, to gather and organize them into churches where tliis was not done ; and where this was not ])ropcrIy done to induce them to select lo THE HISTORY OF the proper officers, have thein installed, and thus perfect their organizations. 2. To ascer- tain the amount that each congregation could give annually for the support of a minister sent among them. 3. To visit the ministers already in the field and enlist their s\'mpa- thies for the formation of a Synod. 4. He was to pay annual visits to the ministers and consistories, and learn the wants of the churches. When he arrived in this country, in 1746, he found 30,000 members of the Reformed Church scattered in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia. In visiting these peopje during the next four years, before returning on his mission to Europe, he travelled nearl)' ten thousand miles on horseback, and was at the same time pastor of a church in Philadelphia. He was looked upon as one of the most energetic workers in the church in the early historv of our countr\-. In thus passing through these scattered congregations, he had become well acquainted with the religious and educational wants of his people ; and he could see no hope of relief but in a mission to Europe. He had passed through a serious trouble in his church b\' the efforts of a young minister to crowd him otit of his pulpit. This difficult\- had been settled in favor of Mr. Schlatter by a committee of Quakers, and his church resoK'ed he should go to Europe and present the claims of the needv churches amid the forests of the New World. He wrote a powerful appeal to the churches of Holland, which aroused the sympathies of the people, and money was liberally given. It was translated into the German and sent into Germany with the same effect. On pages 262 and 263 of "Harbaugh's Life of Schlatter, " we learn that this appeal of Schlatter was translated into English by Rev. Mr. Thompson, preaching for an English congregation in Amsterdam, and a member of that Classis, and was widely circulated in England and Scotland, backed by a personal visit and appeal on the part of Mr. Thompson, urging its claims upon the benevolent in England. Such was the impression made on the British nation that the King, the royal family and the nobles were induced to lead off by contributions toward a school fund for the benefit of the Germans in America. Having laid this matter open in England, Mr. Thompson also carried the application for aid into Scotland, where himself was known, and represented the case before the General A.ssembly (Presbyterian), then sitting in Edinburgh. The result was the taking up a collection of twelve thousand pounds sterling ; and Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg tells us that in 1754 the sum had reached twenty thou.sand pounds sterling in Scotland alone. These were quite likely the happiest days in Mr. Schlatter's life, when he saw he had been instrumental in arousing the benevolent feelings of the people of Holland, Germany, Switzerland, England and .Scotland, and found a steady stream of contributions flowing to America for years after he had returned and until the churches were able to stand alone. This was the fund from the proceeds of which the log church and school house was in part built in Easton in 1755, in which a school was maintained — the first free school in Easton. Mr. Schlatter names forty-six congregations which he visited before he went to Europe, and among them was that at the " Forks of the Delaware" (Page 203, " Life of EASTOX, PENJV'A. ii Sclilatter,'") ; and having visited it and ascertained its needs, it is not likely he would neglect it aftenvards. From this we may conclude that help was given at the "Forks," as well as at other points. The records of distribution were imperfectly kept, and not well preser\-ed, so that the points receiving aid must to some extent be a matter of conjecture. Among the friends of Mr. Schlatter, none seemed to rejoice more heartily, in view of his success, than Muhlenberg, who spoke in the highest terms of praise of his energ}' and success. He was seven )ears older than Schlatter, and had been in America four years longer, and knew the destitutions quite as well as Schlatter, and they rejoiced together. Each rejoiced in the success of their mutual toil. It is a very difficult matter for us at this day to obtain an idea of the exacting labor of this devoted apostle to the Gennans. From the northern part of Penns3'lvania, through New Jersey, and Marjdand, and Vir- ginia, this faithful man pursued his toilsome way, through forests without roads, over rivers without bridges, carrying his meals in his saddle-bags, sleeping at times in the open air, carrying money and books for distribution, preaching, administering the communion, baptizing children, confirming adults, organizing churches, installing officers, visiting the sick and burying the dead, which will serv-e to give us something of an idea of his hard toil. He came to Pennsylvania in 1746, and his mind was soon turned to the organization of a Synod of a Reformed Church. Notice had been given for a meeting of ministers and elders at Mr. Schlatter's house, on Chestnut Hill. Thirty-one ministers and elders were present, and on the 29th of September, 1747, the first Synod of the Reformed Chtirch was formed in the New World. Mr. Schlatter was held in the highest esteem by the people, from the Governor down to the humblest toiler building homes for future civilization. As soon as Mr. Schlatter returned, schools were established, and opened to all Protestant denominations.* The piipils were to be instructed in English, Gennan, writing, book- keeping, singing of Psalms, and the "true principles of the holy Protestant religion, in the same manner as the fathers were instructed at the schools in those countries from which they came. They were to have schools for girls, and lady teachers to teach the use of the needle. All were to be taught the catechism of sound doctrine which is approved by their own ministers and parents. Catechisms used by Calvanists and Lutherans were to be printed in ' English and Dutch ' (German) and distribiited among the poor, together with other good books, at the expense of the society." Trustees were appointed to watch over the schools and report to the principal trustees. They were to have quarterly meetings, at which Schlatter was to be present. Over the whole system of schools thus established, Mr. Schlatter was to have super^-ision, establishing and visiting the schools. A paper was established for the use of the schools, in Philadelphia, published in the German language. Here we have a system of free schools in the early colonial history of Pennsylvania, with quarterly and annual meetings, sustaining a printing press, established by the energy and unselfishness of Rev Mr. Schlatter, over which he was appointed superintendent. It ^'Schlatter's Life, page 272. 12 THE HISTORY OF imist have been a source of pleasing reflection to the faithful, toiling servant of God, as he passed through the country, visiting the pupils in their log school houses, carefully preparing for the battles of life, and realize the part he had been permitted to take in the great work. He visited Easton before he went to Europe, as this was one of the forty-six congregations mentioned by him in his appeal. He presented a Bible to the Reformed Church at the " Forks of the Delaware," translated by Martin Luther, and this precious volume is still in the possession of the church, and carefully kept in the safe at the store of Mr. Anglemeyer. The following is an inscription, found in the front part of the Bible, translated by Dr. Detwiller : "Biblia Sacra, or Holy Bible, was presented by Michael Schlatter, V. D. M., and Inspector of the Liberties at Philadelphia, to the Reformed Easton Church and congregation, with the friendly request that the elders and deacons shall bear reasonable concern for their followers that this Bible is used for and during piib- lic service in the church. Soli : Gloria in Excelsis, Deo." The list of churches on page 203 of "Harbaugh's Life of Schlatter, " indicates that he visited Easton (the "Forks") before he went to Europe, in the early part of 1751 ; and the gift of this Bible indicates a visit subsequent to his return. He was doubtless led here by his duties as a minister and superintendent of the charity schools. He died in 1790, and was buried in Philadelphia, in what is now Franklin Square. In 1837 the city took pos- session of the burying ground. Some of the bodies were removed, more remained. Among those that remained was Mr. Schlatter's. The surface was some four or five feet lower than the surrounding ground. The tombstones were laid flat upon the graves, and the low surface was graded to a level. That beautiful square covers thousands of silent sleep- ers awaiting the resurrection of the just. Directly east of the sparkling jets, a few feet in from the circular gravel-walk, under the green sod, lie the Revs. Steiners, Winkhaus, Drs. Weyberg and Hendel, the aged. Directly north of this spot, about midway between it and Vine street, lies the Rev. Michael Schlatter, one of the greatest of American mis- sionaries ! EASTON, PENNA. Geological Description of the Locality of Easton— The First House at the Point — Survey of the Town — Penn's Letter— Old Names of Streets— Northampton County— Court ; First Session — First Hotel —Vernon — First Families — Employments— School Fund— Building a School House — Church— Subscribers. [he location thus chosen upon which to build the Town seems to have been a whirlpool caused by the mingling of the waters of the two rivers, as, in digging wells, driftwood has been found thirty feet below the surface. Rocks weighing tons, of the conglomerate formation, are also found six or eight feet below the surface. Of these rocks there is no formation nearer than twenty miles above the town, along the Delaware. The same causes that produced these changes are still at work along the shores of the river. This is a fine region for the geologist to examine. "The underlying rock is the limestone (secondary), yet within a short distance north of the town there is a hill of several miles in length of the primitive formation, while on either side of this hill the limestone rock is unmistakably presented. Geologists call it a freak of nature, and such an upheaving of primarj- rock as is here to be seen is rarely met with. For the formation of a cabinet of minerals, the vicinity of Easton affords one of the best opportunities in the State ; there is to be found the }ellow serpentine in great profusion ; topaz, berjl, chalcedony, and other precious stones have also been found. Many years after the town was settled, in the time of a freshet in the Bushkill, a part of its waters united with the Lehigh through a gully passing nearly north and south, halfway between the Delaware Bridge and the Court House" (Square).* This was called "Molasses Hollow." Upon this piece of land, at the foot of Ferr}- street, the first house in Easton was built by David Martin in 1739. When the County of Northampton was established in 1752, there was a population of over six thousand inhabitants in the covinty, and the inhabitants of New Jersey were crowd- ing towards the western part of the State, and a means of crossing the Delaware was demanded, and a ferry was established at ' ' The Point ;' ' and, for the convenience of this ferry, this first house had been built. It was a one-stor>- log house. Travelers were taken across either river in row boats, and if the traveler was pursuing his w^ay on horseback, the saddle would be placed in the boat and the horse would swim along by the side. This house plays a very important part in the history of Easton, and was a source of wealth to all who were so fortunate as to be its owner. It was the most valuable property in the town. The spot upon which it stood became one of the most prominent in the history' of the State. This humble structure was to be the scene of diplomatic struggles between the representatives of civilized and savage life. It was built eleven years before the town was surveyed, and during these early years David Martin was "monarch of all he siirveyed." The dusky children of the forest would flit past his quiet home, the deer would gambol about him, an occasional traveler would cross the river, stop and talk a few moments and * Lehigh Valley, page 50-51. u THE HISTORY OF pass on througli the forest. In this lonesome way this first denizen of Easton passed along the silent pathway of life, little dreaming of the stirring scenes destined to make his log house the centre of such an abiding interest. In 1750 Northampton County was a part of Bucks. Thomas Penn, in a letter from England, dated September 8, 1751, to Governor Hamilton, says : "Some time since I wrote to Dr. Graeme and Mr. Peters to lay out some ground in the forks of the Delaware for a town, which I suppose they have done, or begun to do. I desire it may be called Easton, from mv Lord Pomfret's house ; and whenever there is a new county, that shall be called Northampton." Thomas Penn had married a daughter of Lord Pomfret, whose name was Julianna Fermor. The names of Pomfret, Fermor, Julianna aud Hamilton were the names of streets crossing Northampton for an entire century, and these historic names were dis- carded, and the numerals. First, Second, Third and Fourth, take their place. It is to be regretted that these names, so intimately connected with the early histor>' of Easton, should thus have been lost. The survey which Thomas Penn alluded to in his letter from Eng- land, was begun in 1750 by Parsons and Scull. There is a list of the names of the work- men employed by the surveyors in the work of clearing the streets, cutting the timber, and all the other necessary work to be done. This paper, in the handwriting of William Par- sons, is in the possession of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, dated May 9, 1750 — the da\' on which the survey commenced. Some of the hands were employed nine days, and so on to one or two days, and received each eighteen pence per day, finding their own board. One of these workmen was Melchior Hay, the owner of a farm of three hundred acres of land, upon which South Easton now stands. This was the great-grandfather of our townsman, Mr. Hay, now a merchant near the Post-office. During the time occupied by the survey they made their home at the public-hoiTse of John Lefebre, about six miles up the Bushkill, or Lehicton, or Tatamy's Creek. This house was on the road from Easton to the Wind Crap, near where Messinger's stood twenty-five years ago. This was the nearest public-house to Easton, and was situated on the Indian path which led from "The Forks" to Tatamy's Gap, in the Blue Moun- tains. This path also passed the house of the Indian chief Tatamy, about one mile from Lefebre' s. Lefebre was one of the French refugees, or Huguenots, whose ancestors arrived with the early Dutch emigrants about 1620, in connection with the Depue's. He is said to have been a man of intelligence, kept a good house and provided liberally. There was game in the forest, and at that time of the year fish in the streams. So we may suppose that the suiAe>iug party lived well while the town of Easton was being surveyed. The bill was not \ery extravagant — only ^2, lis., gd., for ten days, and this, we are told, included "slings." There is no doubt the landlord felt highly honored in entertaining such guests. One had been, and the other was, Surveyor General of Pennsylvania. They had been accustomed to city life in Philadelphia. All the politeness of his race would be called into DAVID MARTIN S FERRV Hi EASTO S\ PENN ' A . 15 Taction, which would tend to make the temporary home pleasant. The survey of the town ^was finished May 19, 1750. Bv virtne of the following Act of Assembly, passed March 11, 1752, the Count}- of Northampton was erected: "Whereas, a great number of the inhabitants of the upper parts of the County of Bucks, by their petition, have hereby represented to the Governor and Assemblv of this Province the great hardships they lie under by being so remote from the seat of judicature and the public offices, that the necessar\- means for obtaining justice is attended with so much difficulty and expense that many forego their rights rather than attempt the recovers- of them under such circumstances ; while others, sensible of these difficulties, commit great villainies with impunity." Influenced by these reasons, the act was passed, and Northampton County was set apart. The same act provided that Thomas Craig, Hugh Wilson, John Jones, Thomas Armstrong and James Martin, or any three of them, were to purchase land at a convenient place on which to build a Court House and prison. At a council held in Philadelphia the 9th of June, 1752, Thomas Craig, Daniel Broadhead, Timothy Horsefield, Hugh Wilson, James Martin, John Vanatta, Aaron Depuy, William Craig and William Parsons, Esquires, were appointed Justices of the new County of Northampton. The first session of the Court, the above-named Justices presiding, was held June 16, 1752. On this i6th of June Lewis Gordon appeared before the Court, and stating that he was admitted an attorney to practice law in Philadelphia and Bucks, was, upon his prayer, admitted an attorney to j practice in the Courts of Northampton.* At this same day's session, William Craig and John Anderson applied for a license to keep a hotel, which was granted, and they erected their hotel on the south side of the Square, on a piece of land adjoining the jail lot. Nathaniel Vernon applied for license at the time, but was refused. He renewed his appli- cation in December, and a license was granted to him. He had purchased the ferr}' of tlit heirs of David ]\Iartin, and established his hotel in the log house built at the fern,-. TIk next tavern -svas that of Paul Miller, who came from Philadelphia. In 1754 he employee Jasper Scull to build a taveni-house for him at the southwest corner of Fourth and North ampton streets. This became a house somewhat noted from the prominent men who tool their lodgings there while in Easton. Among those was Governor Denny while attending tUe Indian treaty. In a letter, dated December 8, 1752, six months after the first session of the Court, William Parsons says that there were then eleven families living in town (probabh- abou forty men, women and children); and in the histories of Northampton Count}- and Lehigl Valley we have a list of these families and their callings : William Parsons, Clerk o Courts, &c. ; Lewis Gordon, lawyer ; Henry- Alshouse, carpenter ; Abraham Berlin, smith Nathaniel Vernon, ferryman ; William Craig and John Anderson, tavern-keepers ; Pan IMiller, tavern-keeper; Eniest Becker, baker; Anthony Es.ser. butcher; John Finley mason ; Myer Hart, shop-keeper. Abraham Berlin was a blacksmith and prepared the ironwork for the jail. His nauK appears prominently in the business transactions of the town, and was an active membe: of the Committee of Safet}-. Ernest Becker was a baker — a new-comer from German}-. He was the materna grandfather of Mr. George Troxell, to whom Mr. Becker told the circumstances of Ir' * Rupp's History of Northampton. i6 THE HISTORY OF arrival in Eastoii with his family : "When I came to Easton there were onh- three lions ) bnilt, in none of which was there room to accommodate myself and family ; therefoi ' I was obliged to unload my goods iipon the public square, and there, under a tree, strike up a tent and encamp until I had erected a small house, which did not require many days. The neicrhbors generously aided me in building my home." The new mansion stood in North Hamilton (Fourth) street, several perches from Northampton street. There is little doubt but what this first baker of Easton was as happy in this log structure as the present inhabitants in the costly homes of Third and Fourth streets. He said: "My intention was to follow my business as a baker. I labored under considerable difficulties ; the pro- curing flour rendered it necessary for me to go to Bethlehem, where a mill had been erected a few years before, and there being no road to that place yet opened, I took a bag and walked there on the Indian path, and returned with as much flour on my back as I could conveniently carry. My supply was frequently replenished in this way." If our bakers of the present day were compelled to carry their flour as far as this sturdy German carried his, we should not complain if their loaves were small. Mr. Anthony Esser was the first butcher of Easton. He had no wagon at that early day, because he could not rise one if he had, as there were no roads ; and so, we suppose, he delivered his meat to his customers in a basket from house to house. But when the crowds attended the Indian treaties, the baker and butcher had a harvest. A large stock was prepared, and there were lively times in the little town. In the early days of April, 1757, William Parsons was preparing to move into his new house on the comer of Fourth and Ferr\' streets, as it was then complete. He had some difficulty in getting meat for his friends at the moving, when there would be a large party in attendance. He could get no mutton, and, what was more, he could get no one to cook it. But the matter was finallv arranged, and he moved into the new home, and had high hopes of enjoying the comforts of life in his new mansion. John Finley was the first mason of our city, and laid up the walls of the prison in 1752. The stone wall enclosing the prison was built at a later day. Me\'er Hart was the first merchant of Easton. His stock was very small when he began business, as the number of his customers was limited. In 1763 his county tax was nineteen shillings, being more than was paid by any other man in Easton. At this time he owned three houses, several negroes, besides his stock in trade. In 1782 his stock was valued at $1200. What composed his stock is hard to tell ; quite likely dry goods and groceries. Meyer Hart had a son named Michael, who established himself in a store in town, on the south- east corner of the public square. *An anecdote is told about Michael, who had the mis- fortune of being a stammerer, and had received the name of the " stuttering Jew. " A country woman came into his store, and not knowing Michael, innocently inquired if he was the " stuttering Jew. " Instantly he became ver>' angry, and it was only because of her fleetness on foot that she escaped his wrath, and then only by concealing herself in a neighbor's store till the storm was passed and the descendant of Abraham had allowed his passion to subside. The funds arising from Mr. Schlatter's visit to Europe had begun to arrive in this country, and the people of Easton desired to enjoy the benefit of the fund thus established in aid both of a church and school house. The Peims had determined that Easton should * Hist. L. V. , pajje 64. E AS TON, PENX'A. 17 be the county seat. It would thus become a business centre ; it should be a religious and educational centre as well. And so, in 1755, the people moved in the matter. They needed a school house and church, but as they could not build both, they would build one which would answer the purpose of both. A Board of Trustees had been appointed in Pennsylvania, of which William Smith, president of the Pennsylvania University, was one, and to him they would appeal for aid. And after the building was finished, Mr. Schlatter, as missionary of the churches and superintendent of the schools, would aid in their support. The following article speaks for itself: " We, the subscribers, being truly sensible of the great advantages our posterity may reap from the excellent charitable scheme lately formed in England for the education of Protestant youth in Pennsylvania, and being extremely desirous to encourage and promote the same, as far as in our power lies, have engaged and agreed, and do hereby engage and agree to and with William Parsons, James Martin, Peter Trexler, Esq., John Lefebre, Lewis Gordon and Peter Kichline, deputy Tin; ITKST CHIRCH AND SCHOOL HOUSE. trustees, mentioned and appointed by the trustees general of the said charitable scheme, that each of us will pay the sum of money and do and perform the work, labor and service in building and erecting a .school house, which may occasionally be made use of as a church for any protestant minister, to our names hereunto respectively set down and affixed. Dated Easton, Pa., the 31st day of July, 1755. " William Smith, in behalf of the Proprietor and Trustees, ;^30 ; William Parsons, ^,'5 : Lewis Gordon, £2, ; Nicholas Scull, ^3 ; Nathaniel Vernon, £t, ; Peter Kichline, £2 ; Christian Rinker, ^i ; Jacob Bachman, _^i ; Jacob Miner, £1 ; Adam Yohe, £1 ; Lewis Knaus, los ; Lewis Klotz, los ; Henry Becker, js \ Geo. Michael Shurtz, 15.? ; John Levitz, 15J ; Anthony Esser, i^s ; George Reichart, 15.? ; John Wagle, £1 ; Geo. Ernest Becker, ^i ; John Rinker, los ; N. N., ys ; Daniel Gies, 5.? ; Jeremiah C. Rnssel, £1 ; Paul Miller, i£ ^s ; John Fricker, ^i 6s ; Meyer Hart, 20 lbs. nails ; Paul Reeser, 1000 shingles ; Jacob Minor, 12 days' work ; Stephen Horn, i week's work ; Henry Alshouse, 5 days' work ; John Finley, 6 days' work ; John Nicholas Reeder, 6 days' work ; Bartholomew Hoffman, 5 days' mason work ; Robert Miller, 4 days' work ; John Henry i8 THE HISTORY OF Bush, 5 days' carpenter work ; Jacob Krotz, 5 days' carpenter work ; James Fuller, 5 days' stone digging ; John Chapman, 3 days' carting stone ; Henry Rinker, 30 bushels of lime; Henry Bush and John Weidman, 30 wagons stone and digging; Thomas Harris, 50 sash lights." The value of the subscription in Easton, including money and work, was about $200. The house was built of logs, and was finished in 1755. There were three rooms — one large and two small. This was three years after the county was established, and five years after the town was laid out by William Parsons and Nicholas Scull. There were eleven families in 1752, which had increased to forty in 1755, when the jail had been completed, and the new church and school house erected. It will thus be seen that the educational interests of Easton began with the German population, through the influence of Rev. Mr. Schlatter, who had succeeded in influencing the English king and Court in the formation of a society, whose object was to educate the poor Germans of Pennsylvania. Half of the money contributed to build the school house came from that society. It was an important step in the progress of society when this humble building was finished ; it marks an era in the progress of the rising town, and was a source of real pride to the community, as it met the wants of the public at the time, as well as the more costly structures of the present day. Robert Traill taught school one year while preparing for admission to the bar, and there is no doubt he performed the duties of pedagogue in this first temple of science in Easton. Here we have a Scotchman from the Orkneys teaching English to the Germans from the Palatinate. But we suppose he did his work well. OLD LEHIGH CHAIN BRIDGE. BUILT i8n. WILLIAM PARSONS " William Parsons rocked Easton in her cradle, and watched over her infant footsteps with paternal solicitude." — Anon. William Parsons ; Birth ; Arrival in America ; Married in Philadelphia ; A Shoemaker by Trade ; Surveyor General ; Moved to Easton ; Prothonotary ; Recorder ; Justice of the Peace ; Member of the Provincial Assembly— Grace Parsons ; Her Mission to Philadelphia— Indian War ; Terror and Alarm- Parsons Builds His House ; Health Fails ; His Death ; Parsons' Family. 'ILLIAM PARSONS has been properly called the " God-father of Easton" by the historian of Bucks County. The historian of Northampton County calls him the "father of the infant town." By his kindness toward the early settlers of Easton, by his earnest toil, self-denying labor, fearlessness and manly courage, indomitable perseverance for the people of his care, in which he injured his health and shortened his days, he has nobly won the distinction thus given him by the pen of the thoughtful historian. The first writer above alluded to, after speaking of the character of this re- markable man, says, " And he sleeps in a neglected grave-yard." One can but think of the words on Pompey's tomb, " He who once deserved a temple, can scarce find a tomb." The people of Easton are not ungrateful. And, as the city shall grow in wealth and importance, — and as the noble Institution on Mount Lafayette shall become a star of the first magnitude in the educational world, the people of Easton will think more tenderly of William Parsons, and build him a monu- ment to commemorate his virtues, and inspire their children with the unselfish spirit of this remarkable man. William Parsons was born in England on the 6th of May, 1701. While a youth, he came to America, and settled in Philadelphia. Philadelphia was over forty years old when young Parsons took up his residence there and began life with all the ardor inspired by the busy scenes and rapid growth of the City of Brotherly Love. He was married in Philadelphia at twenty-one years of age, and worked for many years at his trade, being a shoemaker. There are very few employments in which there is so much time, and so many opportunities, for meditation and study, as that of a shoemaker. And we can easily imagine the care which young Parsons took to employ his spare hours in study. We can see his books lying upon his bench, day after day. We see him studying his grammar, writing his letters, and thus employing his time in preparing for positions of usefulness of which he had not dreamed. His evenings were carefully spent at home with his family. While Mrs. Parsons was busy with her family cares, her husband was busy witli his books. Having a fondness for mathematics, works on geometry, trigonometry and surveying were the books which occupied those leisure hours. While others may have read books for pleasure, he was studying for business. He was in a new world. The great State of 20 THE HIS TOR V OF Pennsylvania was to be surveyed. Some one must traverse her vast domain with chain, theodolite and compass. And thus he spent his days in earning bread for his family, and his hours of bodily rest in preparing for future usefulness. The energies of his intellect were too vigorous to be confined in a shoemaker's shop. He was ambitious for a wider field of labor. It is not strange if he had some idea of future fame. In his new home there was room for ambitious minds to expand, and grow strong, and reach after, and grasp the prizes which were in store for the earnest, industrious, persevering mind. No doubt the star of hope rose brightly, and shown clearly before him, while toiling by day and studying by night. He seems, practically, to have adopted the motto of an eminent man, " Diiin vivimus vivafuus.''^ How patiently he toiled, how carefully he studied, how successfully he mastered the science and art of surveying, appears from his complete success in grasping the object of his ambition. Nineteen years after his marriage, being forty-years of age, and in 1741 he received the appointment of surveyor general of Penn- sylvania. He laid aside his apron, bundled up his tools, gave his commission to Mrs. Parsons for safe keeping, took his surveyor's chain, theodolite and compass, and plunged into the woods, to lay out the boundaries of counties and towns in the grand common- wealth of Pennsylvania. He had patiently struggled and nobly won his proud position. He felt he had not toiled for naught. Those busy years of toil and study had born fruit. He had risen by his own industry, and had an honest right to be proud. He could look back to his home across the sea, he could think of himself as a strange youth in a strange land, with little to help him but honesty of purpose, industrious habits, and indomitable perseverance ; and these lifted him up from the shoemaker's bench to the proud position of surveyor general of the noble commonwealth, where the spirit for persecution for re- ligious opinion has never dared to raise its head — one of the brightest spots on earth. Mr. Parsons was not a man of a strong constitution, and found the position of surveyor very laborious, while it was an honorable one, and quite profitable. Yet he held the position but seven years, having been compelled to resign the office in 1748, on account of ill- health. He then removed to Lancaster, and remained there until the laying out of the town of Easton and the erection of the county of Northampton rendered his services in- dispensable to the Penns, who induced him to leave Lancaster and take up his residence in Easton, for the purpose of filling the offices of Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts of Northampton ; and also to act as the proprietaries' agent in taking care of their property interests in the county. How faithfully he performed his duties to his employers and to the people of the town, will appear as we proceed with his history. In 1752, we find our friend Parsons engaged in his new sphere of activity. His anxiety for the welfare of the people, in the present and future of the town, is manifest in the following extracts from a letter to Richard Peters, Secretary of the Proprietary Government : " Upon removing my family to this place, my thoughts have been more engaged in considering the circum- stances of this infant town than ever, as well with regard to its neighborhood, as the probability there is of being furnished with provisions from the inhabitants near about it ; and if there already is, or probably may in time be, a sufficient number of settlers to carry on a trade with the town, for without these, it is not likely it would be improved to any great height, as well with regard to the town itself; that is to say, its situation as to health, trade and pleasantness. The site of the town is pleasant and very agreeable ; the banks of all the waters bounding it are high and clear ; and if it was as large again as it E AS TON, PENN\l. 21 is — being now about one hundred acres — it might be said to be a very beautiful place for a town. It is true that it is surrounded on every side by very high hills, which make it appear under some disadvantages at a distance, and might give some occasion for sus- picion of its not being very healthy ; but during all the last summer, which was very dry, and the fall, which has been remarkably wet, I don't know that any one has been visited with the fever, or any other sickness, notwithstanding most of the people have been much exposed to the night air and wet weather, from which I make no difficulty to conclude the place is, and will continue, very healthy. And in regard to the trade up the river, that would likewise be very advantageous to the town, as well as to the country in general, even in the single article of lumber, as there is plenty of almost all kinds of timber above the mountains, where there are also many good conveniences for erecting saw mills, and several are built already, from whence the town might be supplied with boards, shingles, etc. The west branch will also be of advantage to the town, as it is navigable several miles for small craft, and Tatamy's creek being a good stream of water to erect mills upon, will also contribute towards the advancement of the town ; the Jersey side being at present more settled near the river, opposite the forks, than the Pennsylvania side ; and indeed the land is better watered and more convenient for settlement than it is on this side, for several miles about Easton. We have been supplied as much, or more, from that side as our own. But how Mr. John Cox's project of laying out a town upon his land, adjoining Mr. Martin's land, on the side of the river opposite to Easton, may affect this town, is hard to say and time only can obviate. To the northward and westward of the Dryland are the Moravian settlements, about eleven miles from the town. These settlements are not only of no advantage, but rather a disadvantage to the town, for, being an entire and separate interest by themselves, corresponding only with one another where they can avoid it, except where the advantage is evidently in their favor, it can't be expected the town can reap any benefit from them. And this leads me to wish for the good of Easton, if the Honorable, the proprietor, should incline to have the Dryland's improved, that it may not be disposed of to the Moravians. Not because they are Moravians, but because their interests interfere so much with the interests of the town. If the Drylands should be chiefly settled by them, the Master Brethren would have the sole direction and disposal of all that should be raised there, which would be more discouraging and worse to the town than if the lands were not inhabited at all. " Upon the whole, the town has been hitherto very well supplied with meat, beef, pork, mutton, butter, turnips, etc. But how it will be supplied with hay and pasturage, I can't clearly foresee ; I mean, if the town increase, as I am in great hopes it will. " If I might presume to speak my opinion, and I know you expect I should, if I speak at all, I could wish that a sufficient quantity of the Drylapds might be appropriated for out-lots, and that all the rest were to be settled and improved, and that by the Dutch people, although they were of the poorer sort of them. I don't mention the Dutch people from any peculiar regard I have for them, more than for other people, but becau.se they are generally more laborious, and conformable to their circumstances, than some others amongst us are. I need not say who they are, but it is an old observation, that poor gentle folks don't always prove the fittest to begin new places where labor is chiefly wanted. There are now eleven families in Easton, who all propose to stay during the winter, and when our pri.son is finished, which there is hopes that it soon will be, as it is 22 THE HISrOR V OF now about covered in, there is a great probability tliat that number will be increased before spring." It is very evident, from the above letter, that the Proprietaries well knew their agent before they chose him. There seems to be some desire to know just what was intended by " poor gentle folks," but the imagination only can aid us. The Proprietaries seem to have shared the uneasy feelings in regard to the growth of Phillipsburg. And Thomas Penn wrote to Richard Peters, May 7th, 1752 : "I think we should secure all the land one can on the Jersey side of the water." It was, no doubt, a source of annoyance to Mr. Parsons that Phillipsburg considerably outnumbered Easton in population. This entire letter expresses the deepest interest in the welfare of the town, the warm sympathies of this earnest friend of Easton. Mr. Parsons was desirous that the jail should be soon finished, not to incarcerate prisoners, but to be a place of refuge in case of invasion from the Indians, to whose solid enclosure mothers might flee with their babes and be safe, and where the daughters of Easton might be safe from savage violence. No man was happier than he when this old castle was finished. The next thing to which Mr. Parsons turned his attention was a school house, which should serve the double purpose for school and church. This, too, was breathed into life by his earnest soul. Four years before, there had been formed in England, and in some parts of Germany, a society whose purpose was to educate poor Germans in America. The king, George II, had subscribed largely to this fund. William Parsons applied to William Smith, president of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, for aid from this society. Mr. Smith subscribed thirty pounds, to this Mr. Parsons subscribed five pounds, others added small sums, until the sum of sixty- one pounds and one shilling was raised. " Mr. Parsons was strongly opposed to letting the people of the town subscribe at all ; for, as he said, they were all Dutch, and so stubborn were they, that if permitted to have any voice in the matter, they would, by their obsti- nacy, frustrate the whole enterprise. By this, however, he did not desire to shut out the children from the benefits of the school, but preferred they should receive the advantages gratuitously, rather than by receiving their subscriptions incur the risk of their inter- ference in the management." Money having been subscribed, the work was begun and finished in 1755. It was a log structure, and stood on the northeast corner of Sitgreaves street and Church alley. This was the first school house— the first church building erected in Easton. Mr. Parsons felt an honest pride in the completion of the building. Here the people could go to church on the Sabbath, and their children to school during the week. " Here the slow-going Lutherans and the more fiery Presbyterians" could worship God in harraonv and peace. All now seemed moving along very successfully. The future seemed to brighten. The people were happy with such evidence of prosperity around them. But suddenly the report came, like a clap of thunder from a cloudless sky, of the murder by the Indians of all the missionaries and inhabitants at Gnaden Hutten (now Weissport). All was consternation at Bethlehem and Easton. All feared the destruction of the town. Ail that could, fled for safety down the river. Mr. Parsons wrote to Gov- ernor Morris, informing him of the desperate state of afifairs at Easton. He had no arms, no ammunition, and but few males to defend the town. The letter implored aid in men, arms, and all necessaries of defense. But there were no mails to carry the letter, no money to pav a special messenger, and no man could be spared. Here Mr. Parsons was put to the sorest trial of his life. There was no one who could be spared but his daughter EASTOX. P£XX'.-i. 23 Grace. If her father desired it, she would take the letters to the Governor, a distance of sixty-five miles, a two daj-s journey, through unbroken forests, guided by Indian trails and bridle paths to Philadelphia. It may not be easy to tell the feelings of the father as his young daughter came from the house, somewhat pale from the apprehension and excite- ment, mounted her favorite steed, and receiving what might be the last kiss from the lips of her fond father, started upon her mission. There was, perhaps, some comfort in the fathers mind that his daughter was leaving the terror of an Indian massacre behind her, but he felt she might meet the scalping knife ahead. But the sacrafice was necessar>-, and the brave father, and the braver daughter, bore their mutual share of the dangers of those dark days in the histor\- of our now beautiful town. The walls of the jail would defend the women and children that remained. While others fled, Parsons stood at his post While his daughter was bravely pursuing her lonely way to Philadelphia, he was anxious to defend the inhabitants who were in constant fear of the dreaded foe. Grace Parsons HOUSE ERECTED BY WILLIAM PARSONS IS THE YEAR I757. NOW OWNED .\ND OCCl'PIED BY JACOB DACHRODT. started for Philadelphia the latter part of December, 1755. During the entire Winter and Spring the people of the town were in a state of anxiety. Parsons had been appointed Major of the militia, though he was not called to act. On page 58, of the Histor\- of Lehigh Valley, we find the following: "William Parsons, from the erection of the county till his death, December, 1757, held the offices of Prothonotan.-, Clerk of the Courts. Recorder, Clerk of the Commissions, and Justice of the Peace. In 1755 he was appointed Major of the Continental troops ; and, in 1754, he represented Northampton County :n the Provincial Assembly." Though the business of the Courts was small, compared with to-day, yet his duties must have been burdensome, indeed. In addition to all this, the harassing cares of the war added a still heavier burden. How anxiously he watched the progress of the prison walls which were to be an a.^ylum from the scalping knife of the treacherous Indian ! Not 24 THE /US TOR Y OF an element of danger seemed to escape his ever-watchfnl eyes, and he was constantly forming plans for the better protection of the people whose care he had volnntarily and manfully taken upon his shoulders. The following letter* to Secretary Peters, Philadelphia, tells its own story. It is dated December 6, 1756. " In obedience to his Honor's command, I do hereby humbly certify that I have supplied Fort Allen, Fort Norris, Fort Hamilton, and the Fort at Hyndshaws, with powder and lead, out of the magazine at Easton, as follows : " August 24, Fort at Hyndshaws, [55^ lbs. powder, 90 lbs. lead, 25 flints. October II, Fort Hamilton, 50 lbs. of powder, 100 lbs. of lead. October 17, Fort Norris, 20 lbs. of powder, 23 lbs. of lead. October 21, Fort Allen, 47 lbs. of powder, 103 lbs. of lead, and 150 flints. October 26, Fort Norris, 25 lbs. of powder, 11 lbs. of lead. Since which a further supply of powder and lead has been sent to Hyndshaws Fort. But as I have not the receipt in town, and therefore cannot certify the amount supplied, but believe all the forts are pretty well supplied at present. There is now in store at Easton about one barrel of powder, and a proportionable quantity of lead. And I am of opinion, that it will be necessary to furnish two barrels of powder, and a proportionable quantity of lead, for a magazine at Easton during the Winter season. And as I imagine the country people are not all of them sufficiently provided with powder and lead, I think it would not be amiss to add to the above magazine a quantity to be divided among them, in case the enemy should appear again on our frontiers this Winter. Flints are also much wanted. " I am, sir, your obedient and humble servant, WM. PARSONS." This bountiful supply of ammunition came in answer to the message carried to Phila- delphia by Miss Grace Parsons. The courageous girl succeeded in her mission, and brought relief to the terror-stricken town, and the heart of her anxious father. She had braved the danger of a long journey, along which silent pathway the deadly missile might have been hurled at her trembling heart by the lurking savage. She knew the danger, and dared to meet it. There is not an instance of more daring courage in the history of Easton, yet the duty was performed by a young maiden, at the request of her father, and by a sense of duty. This one deed has made her name honorable among the heroic characters of the past histor)- of our city. There is no evidence that she returned to console her father during his declining days or minister to his wants when dying. The mothers of Easton may well feel proud of this noble daughter of those dark days. Mr. Parsons had been for some time building a house on the corner of Fourth and Ferry streets, which, having been frnishdd, he would move into it in the month of April, and felt secure within its massive walls. It is still in a good state of perservation, and should be preserved as a monument of those dark days. But this good man was drawing toward the end of his eventful life. His health was failing, and in the Spring of 1757 he went on a journey in quest of health. But his work was done. He was a noble, faithful, honest, earnest man. He did his work well. He was a true friend of Easton when she needed a friend. His health was impaired, and his life shortened in toiling for her welfare. The successful growth of Easton was the object of his prayers, the happiness of her people the end for which he toiled. In this matter he was unselfish. It was a work Penna. Archives, Vol. III., page Si. i-sAsrox, PEXw-i. 25 of love and anxious care for a young and growing community, which was always ready to listen to his suggestions for the common good. He returned to Easton after a short time; his health was failing. He gazed upon these hills, and valleys, and beautiful rivers ; he saw the probability of peace with the Indians. He died December 22, 1757, in the fifty- seventh year of his age. No people^ ever lost a better friend than Easton lost when William Parsons died. He lies in the grave on Mount Jefferson. /// pace qiiiescat. THE FAMILY OF WILLIAM PARSONS. Any new matter concerning this remarkable man is of deep interest to every lover of Easton' s history. A letter received from Mr. Ethan A. Weaver, of Philadelphia, October 25, 1885, contains some new fa^ls which we gladly record; and the same letter has led to other investigations which have given us a more intimate knowledge of his family. Mr. Par- sons came to this country when quite a youth, for he was married at the age of twenty- one. As has already been stated, he worked at his trade in Philadelphia; how long he was thus employed it may be difficult to ascertain. He could not have been a man of leisure, or he would not have learned a trade, which was without doubt his source of living. His knowledge of mathematics was undoubtedly obtained in this country, for it was nearly twenty years after his marriage before he was commissioned Surveyor-General of Pennsyl- \ania. In the above-named letter we read: " He was a shoemaker, residing in Philadel- phia, where he also passed for a man having a profound knowledge of mathematics." He was a member of the Benjamin Franklin _/««/» Cliib^ from which developed the present American Philosophical Society. In a letter of Franklin, dated April 5, \-]\\[2i facsimile copy of which is before me), he writes: "The society, as far as relates to Philadelphia, is actiially founded, and has had several meetings, to mutual satisfaction;"' and among its members names Mr. William Parsons as geographer. Associated with him in this early membership, besides the great Franklin himself, were Mr. John Bartram as botanist, Mr. Thomas Godfrey as mathematician (Godfrey was inventor of the sextant), and others no less distinguished, confirming the belief that Par- sons was a man of profound knowledge. The letter of Franklin, to which reference has been made, was written three years after Parsons was commissioned Sur\-e)or-General, and twenty-two years after his marriage, and all these years he was bus\- storing up his knowl- edge, which was to fit him for companionship with Franklin, Bartram and Godfrey, lead- ing minds on the Continent. His kindness of heart, his generous nature, his associa- tion with the purest and noblest men of his time, attra(5ling the attention of him who played with the lightnings as children play with their toys, may well excite the pride of Easton that such an one "rocked her in her cradle and watched over her infant footsteps with paternal .solicitude." While a very thoughtful historian calls him " The Godfather of Easton," and another still calls him "The Father of the Infant Town," we can but wonder why the name of such a man is not found upon a public building in Easton! It is to be hoped that some generous and grateful heart will see to it that the name of this unselfish friend of Easton will be placed in letters of gold for her children to gaze at. From the same letter of Mr. Weaver we are informed that "the family was connected with the Moravian Church in Philadelphia and Bethlehem, and that one daughter had 26 THE HISTORY OF died while in the Sisters' House." The next day after he received the letter the author went to Bethlehem to consult the records of that church. He was very kindly and courteously received by Rev. Mr. Levering, pastor of the church. The pastor showed the author every attention, led the way into the room in the church building where the rec- ords were kept; he unlocked the massive doors of the safe, and laid the books on the table. The)' were neatly kept in Gennan until 1850, and from that time in English. The obituary roll was the first consulted. While looking for the name of a deceased daughter we found an account of the death of the mother. The death-roll is very handsomely kept. The death of each member of the church is recorded, and a brief obituary notice is ap- pended. "Mrs. Johanna Christianna (Parsons) was born in Germany, and came to Phila- delphia in her youth. She came in company with her uncle. The date of her arrival in Philadelphia is not given, but her marriage to William Parsons is dated 1722. She sur- vived her husband sixteen years — died in 1773, aged seventy-four. She lived a quiet and retired life, and the last six weeks did not leave her room. She died in the loving arms of the Moravian Church and in the full exercise of the Christian faith as developed by that remarkable people. The fruits of this marriage were six children, only two of which survived her." As no males are ever mentioned, it is proper to conclude only daughters were born. We failed to find the name of any daughter who had died. But in consult- ing a large catalogue of the names of the young sisters of that church, we found the name of Julianna Parsons in the catalogue of 1764. This daughter became the second wife of Timothy Horsefield, of Bethlehem. There are still three of these daughters to account for. Of all the children of Mr. Parsons, the deepest interest attaches to the name of Grace. This is the one who, history asserts, was sent to Philadelphia as an ambassadress to the Government, imploring aid to save Easton from destruction by the Indians. A vast amount of time has been spent to learn something of the subsequent history of this noble daughter of Easton. (This sent the author to Bethlehem to consult the records of the Moravian Church.) The histories of Northampton County and Lehigh Valley both assert this inci- dent. But on page 737, volume 6th, of the "Colonial Records," we have the despairing letter of Mr. Parsons to the Government, depi' so sternly complained, when the prisoners were allowed their lager beer, and were permitted to have a good time. Those dark recesses look like the catacombs along the banks of the Nile, where the silence of death reigns supreme. The property now belongs to Mr. John Knecht, of Shimersville. THE THIRD COUNTY PRISON. " Soon after the occupation of the new Court House, 1861, the Jail of 1851 was not deemed sufficient for the demands of the county. And, no doubt, its distance from the new Court House made it inconvenient to transfer prisoners from their cells to the scene of trial in Court, and this added to the reasons why a new Jail should be built. It was, quite likely, well understood that the Jail would soon follow the Court House ; and ground sufficient for the former was secured when the ground for the latter was purchased. The land was all purchased from Hon. D. D. Wagoner for one dollar. At the November session, in 1866, the Grand Inquest — of which Samuel Garis was foreman — represented to the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Northampton county, that they found the present Jail unsuitable and in bad condition; that the Sheriff" was obliged to confine vagrants in the lower part of the Jail, which was a great nuisance; that, they recommended the building of a new Jail, to accommodate the wants of the county, and to emplo)- the prisoners ; they regretted that the prisoners sentenced by the Court for the violation of the Sunday liquor law were only nominally confined ; and that, while close confinement could not be expecfted on account of narrow limits, they condemned the laxity with which the sentences were executed. At present, they represented, with almost full liberty, except openly walking the streets, the fulfilment of their sentence as a farce. The triumphal entry of some of the prisoners on the evening of their commitment, with music and banners, after a boisterous parade of our principal streets, was an open insult to the Court and community ; and we would ask the animadversions of the Court upon this lawless and disgraceful proceeding. We have also noticed the aforesaid prisoners being supplied with lager beer, and allowed its free use ; hold nightly carousals in the Jail, and thus pra<5lically rendered their sentence a mere nullity, turning their punishment into a triumph, and insulting the law which would inflitl it." " The a<5lion of the Grand Juries and of the Court having clothed the Commissioners, Messrs. Charles Kern, Simon Buss and Jesse Ruch, with necessary powers, they proceeded to the eredlion of a new prison upon the county's land adjoining the Court House. Edward Haviland was employed as architedl. His plans were at once submitted to the deputy inspector, and received his signature of approval March 11, 1868. The Commis- sioners then contratled with John P.igliu, of South Eastou, and John Lee, of Easton. as 30 THE HISTORY OF THE NEW CorXTV I'RISOX. EKKCTKI) l86!S-'7I. the firm of Biglin & Lee, for the constniclion of the prison, the contra(ft price being $139,000. The job was a heavy and extensive one, and, although it was pushed by the contradlors with reasonable diligence, it was not till 187 1 that the Jail was occupied. Although the contrail price was as has been stated above, the total cost of the prison has not fallen much — if any — short of $200,000. The size of the prison building is 180x60 feet, and the wall enclosure is 220x150 feet. The Warden's department is 50x85 feet in dimension, embracing, on the first floor, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, office, store-rooms and wash-rooms."* The building is a massive stone stru6lure, upon an elevated position, and has more the appearance of a castle of the middle ages than of a prison. The grounds are ample, and neatly kept, set with shade trees, and together with the grounds around the Court House, present a very handsome appearance, a rare and beautiful pic?lure. To look at the exterior there seems nothing to dread. To those who enter the prison, the interior seems quite as neat as the exterior. The cells and prisoners are kept clean and neat. The walls are hung with pictures, the beds are as neatly and tastefully arranged as tho.se of ordinary homes. The prisoners are employed in weaving carpets, and the time is passed as plea.santly as the most earnest humanitarian could desire. Religious services are quite regularh- held on Sunday by the ministers and members of our churches. Law seems to have laid aside its vengeance, while mercy and benevolence exert their influence to reform * Hist, of Northampton Co., pp. 161-162. EASTOA\ PENN'A. 31 the inmates while they serve out their sentence, and vindicate the principles of justice. If the prisons of past ages had been kept as ours of Easton is, the benevolence of Howard would not have been developed, nor his name have shone with such undimmed lustre. There has been but one public execution in the Jail since its eredlion — that of John Dillman, in x\pril, 1884, for the murder of his wife. He did not support her and .she went to the Poor House. He desired to get rid of his wife. His plans are deliberate!}' formed. He assumed the kindness of former da)s, and bought a new dress at Bethlehem for her. Sought and found her at the Poor House, gave her the dress, and spoke kindly to her ; told her he had work at Bethlehem, had furniture at Redington, and wished her to go and help him arrange the furniture. Before leaving the Poor House, he was seen- outside sharpening his pocket knife on the stones and his boots. In the cold winds of the closing days of March, at 7 o'clock in the morning, they started upon the journey. He seemed in good spirits, treated his wife well ; he covered the feelings of the murderer by the smiles of apparent kindness. Turning toward Freemansburg, pretending it was a nearer way, and turning into a lonely lane, near a Mr. Rohn's house, he threw her to the ground, took a rope, tied her hands, and told her he was going to kill her, took his knife, which he had sharpened at the Poor House, cut her throat and ran. The wind-pipe was severed. Mrs. Dillman lived nearly three weeks, and before her death testified in substance as above. Rev. T. O. Stem, pastor of St. Mark's Reformed Church, was the spiritual adviser of Dillman, and did everjthing he could to smooth the poor man's pathway to the gallows, to death, and to heaven. Another was sentenced to be executed during the same year, but he hung himself in the prison with carpet yam. He was an Italian who had slain a fellow workman, by plunging a hatchet into his temple while his victim was asleep. He was tried, convicted and sentenced to be executed. To avert the doom of a public execution, he committed suicide. Thousands of miles from the home of his childhood, there were no friends to claim his body or mourn his sad fate. Unable to understand the words of kindness spoken by those who greeted him through the iron grates, he waited with terror his terrible doom. The rope which he had twisted from carpet yarn, seems to have broken, biit had fastened itself so closely around his neck as to have choked him to death. He was found Iving dead in his cell. LOUIS GORDON. There is a special interest attached to the name and chara(5ler of Louis Gordon. He was for so long a time a citizen of Easton, so prominent in her history, so sincerely inter- ested in her welfare — performing his duties so acceptably in ever\- official position — that it would be doing violence to history not to give him his proper place. While we lament the weakness which clouded his closing da^s, he had virtues which shine brightly in con- trast. The bitter experiences which shook his political faith have long since passed away; the light of freedom dawned after he died, and while basking in its brilliant rays, and enjoying its blessings, charity may well draw a veil over his fault, and speak kindly of his 32 THE }I1 STORY OF faithfulness up to the hour of trial. He was for twenty-six years a friend of Easton, and his warm desire for her prosperity never left him. He was the pioneer of the legal profes- sion in Northampton county. He was a member of the Bucks county bar when North- ampton was established. He was at the time employed in the office of Richard Peters, of Philadelphia. Richard Peters was Secretary for the Penns, and Gordon would thus know the plans of the Proprietaries in regard to Easton. He learned it was to be the place for the county seat. The Courts would meet there, and there would be an opening for a law- yer. The first Court convened June i6th, 1752, and Louis Gordon was there, stated that he was an attorney of the bar in Bucks county, and prayed to be admitted to the bar of Northampton. His prayer was granted, and Louis Gordon became the first lawyer in Easton and for the new county. His faith must have helped him in looking into the future of the town, for the prospedl was not very cheering. Mr. Parsons tells us there were but eleven houses in Easton at that time, and the historian of Bucks county tells us the\' were all one-story log houses. And Mr. Parsons seems to have entertained fears as to whether these families would remain longer than Spring. Louis Gordon came to this country from Aberdeen, Scotland, and in 1750 was em- ployed in the office of Richard Peters, of Philadelphia. How long he was in this coun- tr>' before he was employed by Mr. Peters, this historian does not tell us. When he was married, or to whom, is not revealed. The son (James) of George Taylor married his daughter Elizabeth. Young Taylor was a lawyer, died young, leaving a widow and five children. The family moved to South Carolina, where their descendants still reside. Louis Gordon spent the remainder of his life in Easton. That he was a public-spirited man is evident from the fadl that his name was on the subscription for building a school house, in the Summer of 1755, for the village. We find he subscribed £-^. Mr. Parsons took the lead in this, as in all other matters of public interest, but Mr. Gordon gave his influence in favor of every good work suggested by his friend. This was recog- nized by the Proprietaries, as well as by the public, for when Mr. Parsons died, Louis Gor- don took his place in the affairs of the town as well as in the Courts. He became Pro- thonotary and Clerk of the Court, and took the business of the Proprietors on his shoul- ders. This fadl is illustrated in the serious difficulty which occurred after the French and Indian war. News came to the Government at Philadelphia that people from Cou- nedlicut were settling the lands west of the Delaware, and above the Minisinks, without authority from the Indians or white people. The Indians had become uneasy, and Teedyuscung had uttered a bitter complaint, de- manded redress, and, in case of failure, threatened to take up the hatchet. The Govern- ment determined to ascertain the truth of the report, and Richard Peters, the Secretary of the Proprietary Government, wrote to Louis Gordon about the difficulty, and wished him to take two Justices of the Peace and have them go with him to the alleged settlement and ascertain the exadl state of affairs. This was in 1760. Immediately the Chief Justice wrote to Louis Gordon: " You will receive my warrant to arrest and bring before me a number of persons who have unlawfulh' entered upon and taken possession of a large tra6l of land in your county, near Cushitunk, without any warrant or order from the Pro- prietors. I e.xpeCl, as soon as this gets into your hands, you will engage twenty or twenty- five resolute and discreet persons to aid and assist you, and proceed with all possible secrecy and dispatch to the habitation of the offenders, and use vour best endeavors to apprehend E ASTON, PEXN'A. 33 as many persons mentioned in the warrant as 30U can find, and bring them to me without loss of time, that the)' may be dealt with as the law directs." Mr. Gordon desired to go in the disguise of farmers in quest of lands, so that the obje(5l of their coming might be concealed till the\- had acquired all the information they needed, and then letting their true characiler be known, make their arrests. The plan of Gordon was adopted, and he took two Justices, one of whom was Aaron Depue, and also the Sher- iff of Northampton, and went to the settlement in quest of the intruders. Their report, on their return, is found in the ' ' Colonial Records, ' ' vol. 8, page 564. The people of Connecfticut contended that their charter embraced the lands upon which they had settled. The settlers claimed their rights also, from purchase from the Indians and authority from the Colonial Government of Connecflicnt. The intruders had built a saw-mill and grist-mill and many cabins, and were coming in the Spring in great numbers. It turned out to be a matter which a Sheriff's posse could not settle, but required a stronger arm. Parsons died in the midst of the war, and Gordon stepped upon the watch-tower in his place. He watches the dangers as they rise, and transmits the news to Philadelphia, and aids the people in warding off the blows. Easton found a true friend in Louis Gordon, and the Government a faithful servant. He had been a citizen of Easton for twenty-six years, and during that time his interest in the welfare of his home had never flagged. But at length a cloud arose, at first no larger than a man's hand, but it rapidly grew in size, and as it overshadowed the land, and in the midnight of the Revo- lution, he faltered in his patriotic course. This period of Louis Gordon's life has not been properly understood. On page 151 of the "History of Northampton County" we find the following: "In those dark times there were some instances of defecation to the patriot cause by men from whom better things were expe6led. Among the saddest of these was that of Louis Gordon. He had entered the struggle, apparently with the most ardent love of countr)', but when the clouds closed thickly over the prospedls of the patriots in 1777, he abandoned their cause and embraced that of the enemy. It was a fall like Lucifer. Steps were at once taken for his apprehension, but before the warrant could reach him, God, in his infinite pity, had snatched him from his earthly dishonor by a summons to a higher tribunal." And in a note he tells us: "He died at Easton, in 1777." This would all be very sad, if true, but if the writer had been more careful in his examination of history, he would not have left quite so dark a stain upon the life of this pioneer of the legal profes- sion in our borough and county. When General Washington fled across the Delaware, thousands of patriotic men stood shivering on the brink of the precipice from which Louis Gordon was reported to have taken his fatal leap. The original records of the Committee of Safety begin Decem- ber 2ist, 1774. The committee was elected by qualified voters, and the name of Louis Gordon stands first on the list. This committee represented the various townships in the county. But to expedite the work, a standing committee was selecfted from the general committee, which should meet weekly to perfonn the business for which they were called into being. Louis Gordon was chainnan of this standing committee. Scarcely a meeting occurs for two years at which Mr. Gordon was not present. Ever)- member of the com- mittee looked to him to advise and to lead in the important matters coming before them. There are no indications of anything wrong till the 2d of December, 1776, when we find the following minute in the proceedings of the standing committee: "It being represented 34 THE HISTORY OF to the committee, by Abraham Berlin and Jesse Jones, that Lonis Gordon, chairman of the committee, said to them he would not give his attendance here any more; therefore the committee do appoint Abraham Berlin chairman in his stead." Mr. Gordon had been Treasurer; Robert Trail was appointed to this place. At a meeting of the committee Januar\' i6th, 1777, "ordered that Louis Gordon, Esq., have notice to attend this commit- tee by next Thursday, to answer such matters as shall be objected against him by this committee." On January 23d, "Mr. Berlin acquainted the committee that he had given Mr. Gordon notice to attend this meeting according to the order of last meeting, and he received for answer that he would not attend, that the committee might call upon him; therefore ordered that notice be sent to Mr. Gordon to attend this committee immediately, otherwise send his reason in writing for not attending. Notice having been sent by Mr. Shoemaker, he returned for answer that his low and weak condition would not pennit him to attend." "Therefore, ordered it be postponed to the next meeting." But the name of Mr. Gordon does not appear again in the records of the committee. The last meeting whose proceedings are recorded, occurs August 14th, 1777. We must go to other sources to trace out the further history of this remarkable man. Now, turning to the "Colonial Records," vol. XI, page 73, we find the following in the proceedings of the Council of Safety in Philadelphia: "Resolved, that the committee of Northampton do immediately take the ferry at Easton, kept by Louis Gordon, under their direcftion, and cause it to be properly attended, and especially that all soldiers and expresses in the Continental service be forwarded over said ferry, be soleh- under the con- trol and dire- of freemen. This is simple justice to the memory of Louis Gordon. Historia confirmat, et justicia jussit. When, how or where Louis (jordon died, the writer and others have failed to ascertain. As far as can be learned, no gravestone marks the place of his burial. Alas! what is fame? A little over a hundred years have passed since he died, and the hour of his death, not even his grave, can be found. Sic transit gloria hominis. "And no man knoweth his grave unto this da}." -' -^f^ VIEW OF NORTH THIRD STREET BrSHKII.I. HRH)CE IN iS^O THE I.ITTI.E HOrSE IS STII.L ST.\NDINC.. THE DURHAM BOATS. When and by Whom Built, and Where, and How ; The Great Means of Commercial Intercourse Between Philadelphia and Upper Waters of the Delaware ; Saved Washington's Army ; Helped Fight the Battles of Trenton and Princeton ; Carried Whiskey and Flour to Philadelphia from Minisinks and from Easton — 'Squire Abie's Boats ; Helped Gather the Boats for Lee's Army ; Supplanted by Steam. HI*^ Durham Boats played so important a part in the early history of Easton, and in the Revolntionar\' War, that a history of Easton wonld be incomplete without an account of this craft. In the early histor>' of Northampton county .there were no roads by which produce could be transported to Philadelphia, the head of the market. The heavy forests at the head-waters of the Dela- ware and Lehigh shielded the heavy bodies of snow from vernal suns, so that, instead of a sudden thaw and a freshet, the snow wasted away slowly and the rivers were supplied with a goodly amount of water late in the sea- son, and for nearly all Summer the Delaware was navigable to the lands above the Water Gap, and the Lehigh to the Lehigh Gap. The only difficulty was to have properly constrttcted boats, and a large business could be done. The Durhams were in the country as early as 1723, and on the 12th of June of that year E. N. Durham was one of the viewers of a road from Green Swamp, Bristol township, to the Borough of Bristol. Durham Furnace, ten miles below Easton, was built about 1727, and needed some means by which the iron could be sent to Philadelphia. And, as "necessity is the mother of invention," so we have an account of the birthplace of these boats. "On the authority of Abraham Houpt, we learn the first Durham boat was built near Durham, on the bank of the Delaware, near the mouth of the cave, by one Robert Durham, the manager and engineer of the Furnace, and tliat the boat was made nearh- in the shape of an Indian canoe, and the works were possibly named after the builder of the boat. This was before 1750. As early as 1758 Durham boats were used to transport flour from John Vankampen's mill, at Minisink, to Philadelphia."* In conversation with the venerable Michael Butz, who was quite familiar with them in his early manhood, he said they were shaped like an Indian's canoe, and had a wide board extending the whole length of the boat on each side, on which men walked in pro- pelling the boat up from Philadelphia, using long poles for that purpose. These boats would carry 125 or 150 barrels of flour at a load, and float down with the tide, but it was hard work in poleing them back against the current. The Kichlines and Wagoners built mills on the Bushkill in 1763, 1780 and 1792, and found the Durham boats a ready means of transporting their flour to market. In 1783 old 'Squire Abel (Jacob Abel) kept a hotel, and was the first in Easton to own Durham boats and take part in the traffic. The point of shipment was at the dock just below and above the Delaware bridge. Robert Durham had a very small idea of the work he was doing when he built the first Durham boat. They became not only the means of commercial intercourse between * Hist. Bucks County, page 646. EASTOK PENN'A. 37 Philadelphia and the upper waters of the Delaware, but they saved Washington's army and thereby gained freedom for mankind. When Washington had fought the battle of Brooklyn, and other disasters soon followed, he saw there was no safety for his disheart- ened forces but in a rapid retreat through New Jersey, across the Delaware into Pennsyl- vania. Fabius saved his army and his country by retreating, and Washington had read his histor}-. It is in misfortunes, when the soul is overwhelmed, when dark clouds settle over one's pathway, that real manhood is developed. This was the critical moment of the Revo- lution. The English Generals thought the war was over, and Cornwallis was on the point of starting for Europe. * General Washington began the battle of Brooklyn with an army of twenty thousand; when he arrived at Trenton he had about three thousand. They were poorly clad and poorly fed. He had sent to Congress an account of his defeat and his intention to retreat across the Delaware, and an order to have the boats on the Delaware collected on the west side, so that he could cross without delay. About the same time Washington had sent Colonel Humpton to coiled all the boats along the Delaware and other craft. Jacob Abel (old 'Squire Abel) was called upon to help colledl the boats to convey the patriots across the river. This we have from Elisha Allis, TIIlv DURIIAJI BOAT. Esq., who received it from a member of the family. These strange vessels, built by the hands of Providence, stood ready when Washington came to the Delaware, and the army of freedom stepped into them and were soon across the pleasant waters, and they never seemed so pleasant as when Washington and his suffering army were safely landed on Sun- day morning, December 8th, on the Pennsylvania shore, and at eleven o'clock the same morning saw the British forces marching down on the opposite bank. The hostile armies now lay facing each other across the Delaware, and the cause of independence was safe. Lee had been ordered to join Washington's army, and General Ewing was ordered to send Durham boats to McKonkey's, and General Maxwell was ordered to seize all the boats not needed and put them under strong guard, and those he could not guard should be de- stro>-ed. The enemy waited for the river to freeze over and give them a passage across, but the river would not freeze. The English at length retired and left a body of troops at Trenton. The Legislature of New Jersey had crossed the Delaware with Washington, Congress had gone to Baltimore ; all was consternation and alarm. Here is where Wash- ington showed the grandeur of his nature. He had retreated through New Jersey with a powerful and triumphant army in hot pursuit; but, while others trembled, he was calm, unmoved by disaster. Whatever griefs he had were kept from the public. Ever\thing depended upon him. At what time he first conceived the plan of recrossing the Delaware *Jared Sparks, in his "Life of Washington," says : "When the news reached New York, Cornwallis, on the point of starting for Europe, was ordered to take command in the Jerseys." 38 THE HISTORY OF and attackinsT the Hessians is not known ; it was never divulged. But the plan rivr.? formed. Two thousand four hundred men were prepared to recross the Delaware. Bancroft savs Washington wrote the watchword for his army, which was " Vi' valuable history of Bucks county, and also the Colonial Records and Archives of Pennsylvania. "No e\ent in the early histor},' of the country gave so much dissatisfadliou to the Indians, or led to as severe criticism of the Penns, as the 'walking purchase.' " This famous treat}- was based upon a treaty said to have been made between the Proprietaries and the Indians in 1686, although such treaty has never been found, and many doubt whether any such treaty ever existed. Btit the whites claimed that there was a treaty which gave them a right to settle upon the lands in question, the Indians became uneasy, and demanded a settlement, by having proper boundaries. To arrange these boundaries, a council, or treaty, was called at Durham in 1734, which was continued at Pennsbury in May, 1735, and was conchided August 25, 1737, at Philadelphia. At these treaties, the limits fixed by the treat}- of 16S6 were confirmed, and "it was agreed that the botin- dary should be determined by walking a day and a half in a northwest direction from a point in the head line of the purchase of 1682." While these negotiations were in progress between the Proprietaries and the Indians, the former arranged for a preliminary walk to be performed by expert walkers, to ascertain how far a "day and a half walk" would extend into the country-. The author of Bucks County History remarks : "As the Penns caused this walk to be made without the knowledge of the Indians, our readers are able to judge of the morality of this act." In the work above alluded to, there is an admirable map of the walk. Three expert walkers had been obtained, Edward Marshall, James Yeates and Solomon Jennings. It was agreed that the Indians should send several of their young men to see fair play. Men on horseback were employed to accompany the walkers and carr}' the food for them. The trees had been "blazed" in the preliminary walk, so that there need be no time lost in hunting paths. "The place of starting was fixed at a large chestnut tree, where the road from Pennsville meets the Durham road, near the Wrightstown meeting-house." The day fixed was the 19th of September, when a geo- graphical line was to be established, which was destined to make quite as much noise as that of ^lason and Dixon. The appointed day came, the sun was just crossing the 46 THE HISTORY OF Equator, and would be up promptly at six o'clock. The famous walkers were at their post, their hands upon the old chestnut tree. Sheriff Smith was on hand, mounted ready for the start. The \oung Indians and many curious people were watching the scene. All were waiting for the first rays of the rising sun to dart their golden beams athwart the landscape. The stin rose in splendor, and this strange drama in histor\- had begun. "Bets were made on the speed of the walkers." " Yeates led the way with a light step," not far behind came Jennings and the two Indian walkers, and last, far behind, came Marshall, in a careless manner swinging a hatchet in his hand. He knew that he who starts slowest holds out longest, and he was the only one of the three who held out the day and a half. Jennings gave out before noon the first day, Yeates fell into a creek at the foot of the mountain on the morning of the second da>-, was blind when taken up and died in three days. At twelve o'clock, Mr. iVIarshall threw himself upon the ground exhausted and "grrasped a sapling which marked the limit of the walk." The walkers crossed the Lehigh at Jones' Island, a mile below Bethlehem, passed the Blue Mountain at Smith's gap in ^Moore township, Northampton county. It had been agreed that a line should be drawn to the Delaware. The Indians very naturally claimed that the line should reach the river at the nearest point, which would not have been very far from the point opposite Belvidere; while the proprietaries claimed the line should be drawn at right angles to the line of walk which struck the river near Lackawaxen, far above Port Jer\-is. A glance at the map will show the wide difference between the parties. The Indians were dissatisfied; they felt they had been "over-reached" in the treaty of 1737; they felt the conditions were "hard." And all of this is acknowledged by the writer who gives us so much pleasure to follow. But who made those conditions so hard ? Who performed this act of over-reaching? Who determined to exact the fulfilment of these conditions, and over-reaching to the letter ? The writer above alluded to generously tries to defend the whites, but his pen seemed to move heavily along the "ragged edge" of something more unpleasant than ' 'danger. ' ' The Indians smothered their wrath till Braddock fell, then they went on the war path. The smoke of burning buildings at Gnadenhutton, and through what is now Monroe county, the shrieks of innocent women and children and smoking scalps at the belt of Teedyuscung, made the whites willing to hold a parley with the red man, and hence the treaties at Easton. DAVID MARTIN'S TWO FERRIES. David ]\Iartin was thus the first to break in upon the solitudes and begin the work which was to make these hills and valle\s the scene of so much beauty and comfort. But if he had been seeking for a home only he would not have built upon a spot so unpromis- ing in appearance. He was, hoAvever, looking for a place of business. The people were unable to build bridges across large streams, and a ferr\- became a matter of great conven- ience, as well as a necessity. He had two ferries; one to accommodate those who wished to go to and from the Jerseys, and another across the Lehigh for those who wished to go toward Durham, Bristol or Philadelphia. \'ery few of the present generation visit this spot, who realize the scenes of excitement and importance that have transpired at this E ASTON, PENN'A. 47 locality. Not a vestage remains to reinind ns of the dead past. Here have been scenes of reveln- and mirth, here have been scenes of diplomatic struggles, in which kings and potentates have engaged, upon the results of which depended the success of the great war, then casting its dark shadows over the land. It is the dvity of the historian to reproduce these scenes, and record them for the benefit of future generations. "In 1739, David Martin obtained a grant and patent for ferr}ing at the forks of the Delaware, his privileges extending about thirteen miles along the New Jersey side of the river, from the upper end of Tinicum Island to Marble Mountain, a mile above the mouth of the Lehigh." He had the exclusive right to ferr\' over horses, cows, sheep, and mules, etc. , etc. ' ' Con- cerning the old Ferry and the route of travel leading to and from it, some light is thrown by the account which IVIr. John Green (who was ferr^-man in 1792) gives of his inter\-iew with an old man who crossed it that year after an absence of half a centurA\ This old man told Mr. Green that when he had last crossed the ferr^- (in 1742 or 1743, in David Martin's time) it was in a canoe, and that he swam his horse along side ; that the site of Easton at that time was covered with woods and thick underbrush. And from thence to Bethlehem, which had just begun to be settled, the only route was over an Indian path." From this time the ' ' old ferrj* house ' ' becomes a point of the deepest interest. Easton began her history- with bitter wars following close upon its birth. England had planted colonies from Maine to Georgia, along the coast, while the French had planted colonies from the mouth of the St. Lawrence, at the great lakes on the Illinois river, and the Mis- sissippi to New Orleans. England claimed the continent from ocean to ocean. France intended to divide the continent and take the largest share. The war that gave Easton so much trouble was this war between England and France for the mastery- of the conti- nent. The immediate cause which led to the opening strife was an effort to obtain control of the valley of the Ohio. An Ohio company had been formed in \'irginia, and George II had granted them five hundred thousand acres of land located between the Kanawha and Monongahela. The French were on the watch and had built forts on the land thus given to the Virginians. In 1754, George Washington was ordered by Virginia to take a small army and proceed at once and take possession of the territory. "On May 26, he reached Great ^Meadows. Here Washington learned the French were advancing to attack him. He prepared for battle, found their hiding place." The French were on the alert, flew to arms. ' ' Fire !' ' was the command of Washington, and ' 'the first volley of a great war went whizzing through the air." Braddock's defeat followed in July 9th, 1755. The Indians that were hesitating took sides with France, and the bloody struggle was fairly underway. "The fall of Braddock was the signal for the Delaware Indians, whose affections had been alienated from the English ever since they saw them in league with the hated Iroquois (six nations) for the iniquitous purpose of dispossessing them of their lands." Allured by the representations of French emissaries, in which the prospe6l of recovering their national independence and the homes of their fathers was flatteringly held out to them, "they bitterly denounced the fraud of 1737, perpetrated to confinn a deedless purchase, meaning the 'walking purchase.' Wherever the whites dwelt within this territor\-, they resolved to strike with savage vengeance. And that the blow might be effectually dealt, each warrior-chief was charged to scalp, kill and burn within the precincls of his birthright, until the English should sue for peace, and promise redress."'* The Moravian settlement *Histor\- of Moravian Church, page 192. 48 THE HISTORY OF in the valle\- of Mahoning, November 24th, was attacked, and the people murdered and scalped, as also Gnadenhutten (now Weisport) suffered the same fate. The news of this calamity fell like a thunderbolt on the infant settlement of Easton, and suddenly brought the noble heart and tender care of William Parsons into full play. He had hurried the completion of the jail that it might ser\'e as a castle into which the mothers might flee with their children. From this time till Mr. Parsons' health broke down, he manifested all the anxiety that a mother feels for her helpless babes. In this terrible crisis, something must be done to arrest the bloody work of the scalping knife and tomahawk. An effort was made to induce the Indians to meet at Easton, and treat for peace. But a special messeno-er must be sent to Wyoming and Diahoga. It was a dangerous work; who will cro? Years before, an Indian mother of the six nations had presented William Penn with one of her babes, as a token of her love for the great friend of the red man. History does not record an exhibition of stronger love for a dear friend than this mother exhibited for her benefactor. William Penn accepted the gift, carefully watched over his precious present. When the great founder of a great state had passed away, Governor Morris took the Indian under his care; and in August, 1755, conferred on him the title of New Castle, and in remembrance of the event addressed him in these words: "In token of our affec^lion for your parents, and in expec?lation of your being a ver\- useful man in these perilous times, I do, in a most solemn manner, adopt you by the name of New Castle, and order you hereafter to be called by that name. ' ' * Never was a Gartered Night prouder of his title than this dusky child of the forest, and never one wore it with more distinguished honor. The Governor gave his adopted son the message, and New Castle started for Wyoming and Diahoga (Tioga), met the savages, and like a skillful embassador, induced the fierce Delawares to lay aside the hatchet, come to Easton, and meet their white brethren at the Forks, kindle the council fires, and settle their differences in a proper way. This hazard- ous mission to Diahoga by New Castle was effecflual in bringing about a conference between the Governor and Teedyuscung, at Easton, in July following, and opened negotiations for a peace. This treaty met at Mr. Vernon's ta\-ern and ferr)- house at the point. New Castle not only returned, but brought Teed\uscung, the great war trumpet of the Dela- wares, with him. As the last mentioned character is to appear very frequently at Easton during the treaty gatherings at the ferr)-, a brief account of him may not be out of place. According to his own statement, he was born in New Jersey in 1700, east of Trenton, in which neighborhood his ancestors of the Lenape had been seated from time immemorial. Old Captain Harris, a noted Delaware, was his father.! Teedyuscung was a tall, raw- boned, imperious man. From his eloquence he was styled the War Trumpet of the Delawares. He held entire control over his people; with his scalping knife in his belt, a single war-whoop would call his braves to the field, and start them on the war-path. Coming under the influence of the whites, he had acquired decided love of strong drink. Major Parsons tells us he would drink three quarts of rum in a day and not be drunk. Soon after Bethlehem was .settled, he came under the influence of religious impressions, and desired to be received into the Christian church. The brethren had not confidence in him, and put him on probation ; at the end of the time he still expressed the same desire, and he was accepted, and was baptized by Bishop Cammerhoff, March 12, 1750. The tall child of the forest, at fifty >-ears of age, robed in snow\- whiteness, kneeled and received * History of Moravian Church, page 233. t History of Moravian Church, page 217. E ASTON, I'ENN'A. 49 the sacred rite in the presence of those Godly people. He rose from his knees a member of the church, but, like many others, not a Christian. The atmosphere was soon filled with the tales of Indian warfare, he snnffed the breeze, he forgot his vows on bended knees, went to Bethlehem, and by his eloquence persuaded quite a number to leave their friends and prepare for battle. Teedyuscung had seen the French at Niagara, and received rich presents in clothing, in which he was soon to appear at the Ferry Tavern in Easton. This was the head of one of the parties soon to assemble at \'emon's tavern. At the Point all was bustle and hurr}' and excitement with the hum of preparation. The meet- ing of the Council had been arranged for July 24th. A week before the Council, the town began to fill up with Indians from the West and North. The citizens became intensely alarmed. They tried to keep liquor away from them, for, if the\- could keep them sober, they might be free from danger; if they should get drunk, the worst consequences might ensue. The Lieutenant-Governor of Pennsylvania was present, and four commissioners, appointed by the Assembly, four members of the Governor's Council, besides a large number of distinguished gentlemen from Philadelphia, and Colonel Conrad Weiser, the Indian agent, with forty soldiers from Heidelberg, Berks county. They found only twenty- four Indians present. The Governor and State oflicers appeared in great style, guarded by soldiers front and rear, and with the music of fife and drum came to the tavern at the Point. Never before had the ferr)- been a scene of such excitement. Vernon, without doubt, felt the importance of the moment, for it zcas of vast importance. The question of peace was to be the theme of debate, and many hoped it would be settled, that the Indians would be at peace, and leave the people to recover from the efifecls of the recent murders. But the number of Indians was so small, the influence upon the different tribes would be limited, were reasons which influenced all parties to postpone the business till fall. The time for the second meeting was set for November 8, 1756, at which date the treaty powers again met at Vernon's tavern, at the ferry. The Indian attendance was large. The proprietaries and Teedyuscung had exerted themselves to bring representatives of all tribes concerned. Teedyuscung, king of the Delawares, was attended by sixteen of his nation, four Six Nation Indians, two Shawanese, and six Mohicans. Of the English, Governor Denny, William Logan and Richard Peters, of his council; Benjamin Franklin, Joseph Fox, W'illiam Masters and John Hughes, commissioners; Colonel Weiser, Major Parsons, Captain Weatherholt, Captain Vanellen and Captain Reynolds, oflRcers of the Provincial forces. These were the contra(?ting parties. * The sessions continued nine days. The military were well represented. The Governor and Council were escorted to and from their lodgings, by the military in such pomp as to inspire the Indians with awe at the power with which they were dealing. Teedyuscung, whose hands had been stained with the blood of tho.se kind hearted Christians who had so recently sung the songs of joy at his baptism, was there puffed up with pride as he appeared wearing a fine broad-cloth coat, a present from the French at Niagara, and a cocked hat purchased in Philadelphia, trimmed with gold lace; he was gazed at by the boys of Easton, and envied by his people. Many people from other coun- ties and Philadelphia, and from New Jersey, were there. Hundreds of people stand around the old Ferry-house Tavern, waiting the arrival of the Governor. At length the shrill sound of the fife and beating of the drum tell the approach of Governor Denny. He is * Colonial Records, Volume VII, page 313. 50 THE HISTORY OF guarded by soldiers, front, flank and rear, and the British flag waves its red cross over his head. The people at the Forks had never witnessed such a display. And never had such a throng gathered at the Point. The happiest among the company is Major Parsons. As he so proudly keeps step with the music, he feels now that peace will come to his beloved town, and partly relieve him of his harrassing care. He had lived for Easton, it will now be preserved, and he will not have lived in vain. It was three o'clock in the afternoon when the parties were to enter iipon the business which was uppermost in every heart. The parties entered the old tavern, took their seats, the soldiers were placed on guard. King Teedyuscung opened the proceedings. He "stood up as the champion of his people, fearlessly demanding restitution of their lands, or an equivalent for their irrepara- ble loss, and in addition the free exercise of the right to select, within the territory in dispute, a permanent home. The chieftain's imposing presence, his earnestness of appeal and his impassioned oratory, as he plead the cause of the long injured Lenape, evoked the admiration of his enemies themselves. He always spoke in the euphonious Delaware, employing this castilian of the new world to utter the simple and expressive figures and tropes of his native rhetoric, although he was convensant with the white man's speech."* During the nine days of the negotiations, the business had been condudled with the utmost courtesy and plainness of speech. No one can read the proceedings of this remark- able treaty t without feeling that Teedyuscung gave evidence of superior endowments, that compared well with the provincial authorities. He told his grievance plainly, and when the Governor desired to know the price he demanded, he would not set a price; inas- much as the owners of the land were not present, it must be left to a future meeting. As the sessions were drawing to a close, a gloom was cast over the whole scene by an announcement of the Governor, that Capt. Newcastle had just died of small-pox. Governor Denny and Teedyuscung spoke tenderly of the heroic chara(5ler of the dead embassador who had risked his life in carrying the message that resulted in the treaty of peace. The usual good wishes and mutual desire for each other's happiness was the prelude for part- ing, and the Point resumed its usual quiet. The English were quite willing to pay for the land, but must have another meeting the following summer. In 1757, another treaty was held at Easton to determine the ques- tion thus left open. The Council opened July 21, and closed August 7, 1757, making a period of eighteen days. The scene, as far as numbers were concerned, was far more imposing than the last Council. Of the English, the Governor, William Denny, James Hamilton, William Logan, Richard Peters, Lynford Lardner, Benjamin Chew, and John Mifflin, the Governor's Council; Isaac Norris, Speaker of the Assembly; Daniel Rober- deau, member of the Assembly; William Masters, John Hughes, Joseph Fox, Joseph Gallaway, Provincial Commissioners; a number of gentlemen from the city of Philadel- phia, and others from the Province; Thomas McKee, interpreter for the crown; Conrad Weiser, interpreter for the Province, and John Pumpshire, interpreter for Teedyuscung, and Charles Thompson his clerk. There were three hundred Indians present, represent- ing ten Indian nations; and later in the sittings of the treaty, Paxinosa, king of the Shawanese, with sixty followers, came. Is it any wonder that the women of Easton were fearful when so large a body of savages was in the town, with rum at their disposal ? Teedyuscung made three demands; the first was for a clerk in his own interest. This the * History of the Moravian Church, page 224. f Colonial Records, VII, page 213. E ASTON, PENN'A. 51 Governor very politely refused, but the Indian sent word to Gov. Denny, he might choose one of two things, either allow him a clerk, or abide by the result, as he would break up the Council and go home. The clerk was granted. Another demand was a place for a home for his people in Wyoming. He wished definite boundaries fixed, and have it made imlawful for his people to sell it, or white men to buy it. He desired the English to build houses for him, send religious teachers, and teachers for the children of his people. The third was pay for the Minisink lands. The last question was referred to the King of England. The business of the Council was finished. The Delaware king took two belts, tied them in a knot together; he took hold of one end, and the Governor the other, thus showing the bond of union which would hereafter bind them together. After the Gov- ernor, Teedyuscung and Paxinosa had addressed the multitude, a great dinner was prepared by Mr. Vernon. More than three hundred sat down to this dinner. What a wonderful scene for the little town! The white man at the same table with the Indians, who had so recently spread consternation and death, in scalping men, women and children in the Minisinks! The soldiers were drawn up in line before the old tavern, and fired three roimds — it was a "fire of joy." In the evening bonfires lighted the air, the Indians engaged in their wild war dances, making the air ring with the savage war whoop. "Take the lock off the rum cask, and let it run," said the Delaware king. In the free libations long before the bonfires ceased to burn, overcome by the fierj- draught, the Indian chiefs forgot the .sorrows of the past, the joys of the present, or the anticipa- tions of the future. It was a night of revelry and wild excitement. The quiet of morn- ing soon returned, the officials were off for Philadelphia, the Indians started to their hunting grounds, and the usual quiet reigned around the tavern, the ferry boats went on as usual. The mothers and daughters and boys of Easton talked over the matters in their little cabins; all danger was passed, and they could sleep without fear. There were questions left to be settled by a future council ; the price of the Minisink land demanded by Teedyuscung had been referred to the English king. They must meet and hear the answer from the king. Teedyuscung had made a very serious complaint against New Jersey, saying they had been treated verj- badly in regard to the lands in the northern part of New Jersey, and he wished the Governor of Pennsylvania to intercede with the Governor of New Jersey in his behalf, and this was matter for a future treaty. He had made a demand for a home in Wyoming, that was also to be answered. And so another council must meet to settle these questions and enlarge the number of Indian nations in leagiie against the French. The new council met on October 8th, 1758. The people had become accustomed to Indian treaties, feared them less and enjoyed them more. They began to have an eye to business. The gatherings brought money into town, and they began to enjoy them. Vernon was as bus}- as a bee in preparing for the august gathering. The hunters were out after game. Anthony Esser was gathering in his sheep and beeves. The good German ladies were cleaning house and arranging their beds for Philadelphia visitors. Each was ambitious to entertain the Governor. But as his excel- lency put up in Mr. Parsons' house, corner of Ferry and Fourth streets, last year, he would ver\' likely go to the same place this year. W^illiam Parsons had passed away. October 8th was near at hand; the Indians began to arrive. Teedyuscung comes, wearing his cocked hat and military coat, trimmed with gold lace. He who had seen him once would never need to inquire after his name. The day for the meeting brought a large concourse. 52 THE HISTORY OF The Governor of Pennsylvania and staff were there as before; the Governor of New Jersey and his staff were there. The hint that the New Jersey people had wronged the Delawares brought Governor Bernard to the front. A number of Magistrates and Freeholders of this and the neighboring provinces, and citizens of Philadelphia, were present. There were twelve Indian nations represented, about twenty Indian chiefs, and about three himdred in number of men, women and children. The conference continued from the 7th to the 25th of Oftober. The main obje6l of the Council was to hold their influence over these widely extended nations against the constant efforts of the French emissaries, who were ever busy in their efforts to turn the hatchets of the Indians against the Eng- lish, and thus aid them in the mighty task they had undertaken. There were other nations present at this Council with old grudges to settle up, and thus remove stumbling blocks out of the way of peace and friendship. The Governor of New Jersey inquired of Teedyuscung the nature of his demand. The northern part of New Jersey contained lands which he claimed. A line drawn from the Delaware to the falls of the north branch of the Raritan river and thence to Sand\' Hook was the southern boundary. Governor Bernard offered eight hundred dollars in Spanish coin. Teedyuscung demanded one thou- sand; it was granted, and the cause of complaint removed. There was much jealousy between the Iroquois and Teedyuscung, which bid fair at one time to be a serious hin- drance to peace, but it was all smoothed over. Every day's proceedings showed stronger signs that a basis of solid peace and friendship would be reached. The Indians said the chain was growing brighter. The Council drew to a close. A very costly array of presents was brought from Philadelphia for the Indians. The reader may form some idea of the nature of the presents, when he hears that one hundred and eighty-seven ruffled shirts were presented among the many fine things given to these children of the woods. Horses were granted the old chiefs to ride home upon, and wagons to carry their presents to their canoes in the Susquehanna (winding river). The end of the treaty had come. Thomas King, an Oneida Indian, had said many things for the Six, now Eight United Nations. This was the last address. And Thomas King, looking round the room, spied Mr. \'ernon, and said to him, now that the business is over, you may take off the lock from the rum cask and let it run, that our hearts may be made glad. * This Council was closed, the members had gone to their homes. Quiet again resumed her sway at the Point. Here is a historic spot made beautiful only by the hills which encircle it, and the embracing of these rivers as they go murmuring to the sea. But the events that tran- spired here constituted an important fadlor in the French and Indian war. This little deserted spot was one of the most important battle fields of that war, which decided the pos- session of a continent. It was not a battle with deadly weapons, but a battle of diplomacy. F'rom the beginning of the war the French made iintiring efforts to influence the Indians throughout the States of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, to turn their hatchet against the whites. To counteracfl this the Council fires were kindled at Easton, and kept brightly burning, till at the last Council there were twelve Indian nations represented, and nearly thirty Indian chiefs entered into an alliance, offensive and defensive. They engaged to attack any advancing foe and help defend their white brethren. This spot is worthy of tender remembrance by the people of Easton for the important part it has played in this dark hoiir of our colonial history. Quebec fell September 13, 1759, and virtually settled the * Colonial Records, Vol. VIII, page 223. ^<; oJ I ." S E ASTON, PENN'A. 53 confli' to the more sublime result now in the adl of consummation. The reunion of the two civilizations which, parting on the plains of Asia four thousand years ago, and traveling ever afterward in opposite direc^lions around the world, now meet again on the coasts and islands of the Pacific ocean. Certainly no mere human event of equal dignity and impor- tance has ever occurred upon the earth. It will be followed by the equalization of the condition of society and the restoration of the unity of the human family." The general principle adopted by Mr. Seward is the constant easterly movement of the Shemitish and the westerly movement of the Japhetic tribes, and the meeting on a continent divinely prepared for their reception. The writer in the Register only makes the Shemitish tribes precursors in the movement. The Lenni Lenape is the name of the Indians who inhabited Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. This name signifies Original People. They gave this as their name to the first imigrants. It is supposed that they at a very early period had wandered to this locality from the West. On their way East, at the Mississippi river, they came in contact with a tribe apparently descended from the same race, called Mengwes. The interests of two tribes being identical, they united, and formed what they called a "New Union." In crossing the river they were opposed by another tribe, also of the same race, large in size, powerful in strength, and great in numbers. These were called the Alligewi. Great war was carried on by these opposing tribes for a considerable period. Finally the Alligewi were beaten, and to escape extermination they fled south. The conquerors then divided the countr}' east of the Mississippi river, the Mengwes taking the country- to the north, which adjoins the great lakes, and the Lenni Lenape the country to the east, which adjoins the Atlantic ocean. The Lenni Lenape consisted of three tribes — the Unamies, or Turtle; the Wunalachtikos, or Turkey; and the Minsi, or Wolf By the Europeans these three tribes were called Delawares. The Turtles and Turkeys possessed the country along the ocean from the Hudson river on the northeast to the Potomac on the southwest, and the Wolfs occupied the country round about the Blue Mountains, and all the territor>- lying between the Delaware and Susquehanna rivers. Of these Delaware Indians Tatamy was for many years chief He was born in New Jersey, near the Delaware river, about fifteen miles below Phillipsburg. In his youth he moved to Pennsylvania, and by constant association with the English he had acquired a good knowledge of the English language. He thus became very useful to the English gov- ernors as an interpreter in the business between the Indians and whites. For this reason he had a gift of three hundred acres of land for his sen,nces.t His house was near where * William H. Seward. History Lehigh Valley, page 50. 56 THE HISTORY OF Stockertown now is, where he lived much as white people live, and carried on fanning. He had a white woman for a wife, and had two sons who went to school with the neigh- bors' children. By his persuasive powers, and his native eloquence, he controlled the warlike spirit of his people. He was very often in Easton, as his home was only a small distance awa}-. He was present at the Treaties at Easton as an interpreter for the provin- cial authorities. Coiint Zinzendorf visited him in 1742, at his home; he says Tatamy was a man of a mild disposition, who lived much as white people do. There is much interest attached to the character of Tatamy, inasmuch as he was a convert of the sainted Brainerd, who, in 1744, in December, built himself a hut at Sakhauwotung (L,ower Mt. Bethel). Here, on Sunday, July 21, 1745, he baptized Moses Fonda Tatamy, who had been adling interpreter for him since his arrival among the Forks Indians. * He was well known in Easton by his frequent visits, and in business transacftions. The Delawares had been con- quered bv the Six Nations, and reduced to the condition of women, that is, to absolute sub- mission. At the treaty in Philadelphia, in 1742, Teedyuscung, a rising chief, represented the Delawares, and boldly demanded the restitution of his lands wrongfully taken from his people by the Indian walk. Canassatego, a chief of the Six Nations, was there also. When Teedyuscung had made his demand, the spirited Canassatego rose and said to the Delaware chief: "Let this belt serve to chastise you, you ought to be taken by the hair of the head and shaken severely till you recover your senses, and become .sober. You don't know what ground you stand on, nor what you are doing. This land that you claim has gone through your guts long ago. We conquered you, we made women of you. You know you are women and can no more sell land than women. We charge you to remove instantly. We don't give you liberty to think about it, for you are women." This insulting speech stung Teedyuscimg to the quick, and when he realized that the provin- cial authorities were in league with the hated Iriquois, he resolved on vengeance. Brood- ing over his wrongs, his soul was set on fire; he spoke with the force and pathos of an orator. He rose to the position of chief of his people, and the kind-hearted Tatamy gave way to a superior mind. Teedyuscung adled the part of a savage demigogue, but he gained his point; he got his revenge. He was made king of the western Delawares in the spring of 1756, while his people were desolating the Minisinks (Monroe count\-) with scalping knife, hatchet and torch. The Six Nations acknowledged his independence, and sent him to Philadelphia to condudl their treaty in 1762. From this time forth Tatamy acfted a subordinate part. He adted as a messenger for Teedyuscung, and for the governor of Pennsylvania. As far as history shows, he never took up the hatchet after his baptism. Some writers have made the mistake of saying that Tatamy was shot near Bethlehem. But it was a son by the name of William, f He was shot by a boy fifteen years of age. The ball pa.ssed through both thighs. The poor Indian suffered a month, and was attended by Dr. Otto. Everything was done which kindness could suggest, but he died and was buried in Bethlehem; the funeral was attended by about two hundred Indians. There was great fear that this murder might disturb the peace that was progressing so favorably. Teedyuscung called the attention of the governor to the outrage on William Tatamy, and demanded that if the Indian died the murderer should die also. The gentle and eloquent father sat in the audience. The governor reminded the Indian king that the yoimg man was in confinement, and promised if the young Indian died the murderer should be tried * Moravian History, pa.ye 27. f Moravian Church, page 334. EASTOX, PEXWl. 57 bv the laws of our country, which required blood for blood, and the king might send a deputy to the trial. And then the governor turned to the afflidled chief and said: "You are the father of the young man who has been unfortunately wounded. It gives us great concern that anything of this kind should happen. We have employed the most skilful doctor that is among us to take care of him, and we pray that the Almighty would bless the medicine that is administered for his care. We, by this string of wampum, remove the grief from your heart, and desire no uneasiness may remain there."* The afflicted chief uttered not one word of complaint, but smothered his grief, and with Christian resig- nation passed along in the busy whirl of life. He was present at the treaty in Philadelphia in 1760, after which his name disappears from history. Teedyuscung was burnt in his own house in Wyoming in 1763. And no one can read this brief account without inquir- ing about the present state of these noble Delawares. Where are the brave, warlike Lenni Lenape? Driven back toward the setting sun. lu 1789, they were placed on a resers-a- tion in the state of Ohio. But what is a reservation to the Indians when white men want a home ? It could not be reser\'ed. The whites came swarming all around them, and thev must go. In 1818, they were located in Missouri. Their home was precarious, till in 1866, thev accepted lands in severalty in the Indian Territory. They then gave up their tribal relations, and settled down in civilized life. And now, it is said, they are at last useful and prosperous citizens of a united people, numbering, it is believed, one thou- sand. And there it is to be hoped, after retroceding for a hundred years from stream to stream, from mountain to mountain, toward the setting sun, they will be permitted to grow, if not a stronger, a more submissive and more honorable people, t And palsied be the arm that shall be raised to molest them in the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. Note. — On page 74. Vol. W, Penn'a Archives, we find a letter from Teedyuscung to Sir William Johnson, by which we learn that Mr. Johnson had written to Teedyuscung two years before, that the Delaware king had answered the letter, which answer had not been received by Mr. Johnson. The Indian king received another letter from Jlr. Johnson, dated March 19, 1762, which letter was answered by arranging for a meeting at Phila- delphia, in May, where all matters would finally be adjusted. On page 77 we have the answ^er of Mr. Johnson, saying, "his arrangements were such that he could not be at Philadelphia at that time, but would meet him and all concerned at Easton, June 15, 1762." On page 7S, a letter from Teedyuscung accepts Easton as the place of meeting, and only those concerned in the land would come. The author fails to find any statement of the num- ber present, or business done, except on page 85, same vol., we have the frank acknowled,ginent of Teedyuscung that he was entirely mistaken in his accusations against the Proprietaries, and the "charge of forgery was a mis- take ;" and he acknowledged the validity of the sale of land to "old William Penn" in 1686. As to the walk, he still claimed it was unfairly done, but it was an opinion about which they could differ and be friends. This is probably the only time when Sir William Johnson was present at Easton. He brought documents with him that satisfied the Delaware king that the purchase of 16S6 was an honorable and veritable one, for which they had been fairly and honorably paid by "old William Penn. " The controversy was ended. Two points remained to be settled at the great Council in Lancaster in .\ugust. 1762, viz., the delivery up of the prisoners to the white people, and the presentation of the money from the English king. This acknowledgment on the part of Teedy- uscung entirely removes the supposed cause of complaint against the Penns. William Penn had disposed of the Province to the Crown in 1712, for ^'12,000, and received /"looo on account. He was stricken with paralysis, reduced to the simplicity of a child, and died in 17 18 — nearly twenty years before the "walk." For twenty-five years he had ceased to do business, so that, whatever unfairness may be alleged in the "Indian walk," no v\Tong can be attributed to the Penns. ^ Moravian History, page 338. f Historical Register, page 299. 58 THE HISTOK V OF THE THIRD STREET GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH. Was built in the year 1776; Indian Treaty convened in 1777. The Hon. George Taylor was appointed to preside at this Treaty, and Thomas Paine to act as Secretarj'. It was used as a Hospital for the wounded Soldiers from the battle-fields of Brooklyn and Brandywine. Were visited by Washington while quartered here. Re-modeled and enlarged in 1S32. Re-modeled in 1SS6. The German Reformed Church. Edi<5l of Nantes — Persecution of the Germans in Fatherland — Flight to Pennsylvania — Congregation in Easton — Log Church — Building of the Third Street Church — First Repairs — Steeple Built — Last Changes — Line of Pastors — Memorial Windows ; by Whom Presented. X the year 1593, Henr\- IV, of France, issued the Edi6l of Nantes, which .L,^ave religious liberty to the Protestants. For this he was assassinated by Ravillac in 1610. Louis XIV revoked this Edidl and ordered all Protes- tants to return to the Catholic Church. The Palatinate, a German province that had been torn from Germany by France, contained a large population of German Refonned people. They left the country and all they had, except their liberty, hymn books, catechisms, and bibles. They came in large numbers to Pennsylvania. "In 1609 Penn sent word to James Logan the coming of the Palatines (Germans) and charges him to treat them with tenderness and care."* This kind reception by the Quakers made Penn- sylvania seem a Paradise to the German mind. And thus we find these persecuted people coming to Easton in the early days. In giving the history of the churches of Easton I shall classify them according to their denominational preferences. "Historians tell us that the beginning of the history of all tribes and nations is enshrouded in more or less mist and obscurity. Whether this is true as a general facft, I am not com- petent to affirm, but I can testify after much labor and research, that the beginning of the history of this reformed tribe of Israel in Easton is enveloped in mist and obscuritv so dense that it is utterly impossible to discover it." (Extract from Dr. Beck's sermon, July 4, 1876.) There will be no effort to make farther search for the beginning, but to record what is known, and bring the faCis into a convenient shape for the future generations to read at their family homes. The German Refonned people were not able to bring minis- ters with them, but did bring their catechisms, hymn books and bibles, and pious school teachers. We should expecfl that these people would endeavor to make early provision for a place of religious worship. And so a movement was made in 1755 to ere<5l a build- ing to be used as a school hoitse, and also to be used as a church for any Protestant minister. This was successful, and in 1755, a log building was ere(5led on the northeast comer of, what is now. Church and Sitgreaves streets, and was used for both church and school house. This is the first building ere6led in Easton for religious ptirposes. "And there is no doubt in my mind that in this log building erected in 1755, our German Re- formed forefathers worshipped after the faith and order of the Reformed Church. I have not been able to find, in all the records and histories which I have been able to consult, that a regular Reformed minister of the gospel was located in Easton before 1760; but I think the records and circumstances will warrant us to speak of an organized congrega- tion as existing between 1745-50. There is no record anywhere of the place and date of the organization of a congregation; but, nevertheless, we have found several records, a * Histon,' of Bucks County, page 59. 6o THE HISTORY OF few well authentic fa6ls, which point to this period as that during which the heretofore scattered members of the German Reformed Church of Easton and vicinity were organized into a church." (Dr. Deck.) Rev. Michael Schlatter, sent to this country by the Synods of Holland, for the purpose of looking after the religious interests of the Gennan Reformed people in Pennsylvania, in appealing to the Synod for help, he mentions the Forks of the Delaware as needing their sympathy. Dr. Beck was of the opinion that he visited Easton during the years between 1747-50, and presented the church with a Bible, to which Dr. Beck makes a very tender reference in his sermon of July 4, 1876. The first recorded baptism took place in 1760, September 28th. The child was a son of LudwigKnauss and Elizabeth, his wife. He received the name of Ludwig. His sponsors were Philip Gress and wife. The first regular pastor of this church was Rev. Dr. Casper Deitrich Weyberg, who took charge of the congregation in 1763, with the approval of the Synod. The con- gregation not having a place of worship, held services in the log church, and in the country in barns, or wherever he could find shelter for a congregation. The ministry of Dr. Wey- berg was but of six months duration. A vacancy continued till 1766, when Rev. Frederick L. Henop became pastor. The first mention of a consistory is made by this pastor, and the names given are Elders Ludwig Knauss and Philip Odenwelder. Deacons, John Gettert and Henry Schneider. Rev. Mr. Henop resigned his office in 1769, after a pastor- ate of three years and eight months. Rev. Pitlion was the next pastor, succeeding Mr. Henop in 1769, and was compelled to resign in 1771; and a vacancy continued imtil 1776. It was during this vacancy that the congregation began to take measures for the erection of a church. There had been a large stone, two-story house, built by the Moravians, on what is now South Third street. This had been bought by the St. John's Lutheran Church, and used as a parsonage in the upper story and a church in the lower story. Both of these congregations joined and built the church on North Third street, now known as the old German Reformed Church, completed in 1776, and dedicated to the service of the Triune God, November 17th, of that year. All other churches feel a deep interest in this grand old church, built by such self-denial in those early days. The land upon which it stands was a gift from John and Richard Penn to Peter Snyder, Nicolas Troxell, and Nicolas Kern, Trustees for the German Reformed congregation ; and Jacob Weygandt, William Roup and Conrad Bittenbender, Trustees for the Lutheran congregation. In 1777 Hons. George Taylor and George Walton, Commissioners, were appointed by Congress, to be present and preside at a treaty to be made with the Indians. And they reported to Congress, "After shaking hands, drinking niiii, while the organ played, we proceeded to business." In Vol. XI of Colonial Records, page 98, we find the following: Resolved, That Mr. Thomas Paine be appointed secretary to the Commissioners for the Indian Treaty to be held at Easton, on Monday next. This vote was pas.sed at a meeting of the Council of Safety in Philadelphia, January 21, 1777. It was twenty years since the exciting Treaties at the Point. Vernon had gone West. Large hotels had been built. The Third Street Church had just been built, and was the largest building in Easton. And the sacred edifice is opened to receive the Commissioners thus appointed by the government. The effort of the former Treaties was to prevent the French obtaining control of the Indians, and turning their scalping knives against the English. The effort of the Treaty at the German Reformed Church was to detach the Indians from the English government, and prevent the officers of the crown turning the hatchets of the Indians against the Colonies. E ASTON, PENN'A. 6i That the Treaty was not very successful is evident from the facft that Sullivan's expedition would have been sent among the savages the next year, but for the want of time to accom- plish the work before winter. And during the Revolution this building was frequently used as a hospital, the people willingly lending the sacred edifice for the comfort of wounded and dying soldiers. So that these floors have been consecrated with the blood of patriots, and these walls have echoed to the wails of dying heroes; and thus this old church has atled well her part in obtaining those liberties which we prize so dearly. Long may the old building stand as a glorious monument of "the times that tried men's .souls." After the dedication of the church. Rev. John William Ingold became pastor. In 1786, Rev. Dr. Lebrecht Frederick Herman became pastor of this church, with Plainfield, Drv- land, and Greenwich. He was esteemed as a man of culture and ability. In 1793, D^- Herman was succeeded by Rev. Dr. Jacob Christian Becker. He was a man of extraor- dinary power and eloquence. He remained but one year and a half, and was followed by Rev. Thomas Nicolas Pomp, the only son of Rev. Nicolas Pomp, who was one of four missionaries sent to this country by the Reformed Church of Holland. He took charge of the church in 1796, and remained active pastor for more than fifty vears, with entire acceptance to the people of his charge. At a congregational meeting held in 1832, Janu- ary 2d, Peter Shnyder, Philip Odenwelder, and Daniel Butz, were appointed a committee to whom was entrusted the whole matter of reconstructing the church. The main walls were not disturbed ; an addition was built on the north end of the church, and the steeple eredled, and the building assumed its present appearance. The expense of reconstru(5lion was about $25,000. The German language was used exclusively by the church till 1831, when the church employed an English a.ssistant to Father Pomp, and the English language became incorporated in the service in the ministry' of Rev. Dr. Bernard C. Wolf Father Pomp died April 22, 1852. When he withdrew from the active pastorate Rev. Bomberger became pastor in the Gennan language, and was followed in 1854 by Rev. Dr. John Beck. By the death of the older members of the church, and the prevalence of the English lan- guage in the community, the need of the German became less and less, and in the fall of 1871 it ceased to be used, and the Engli.sh has since been the language of the Reformed Church on North Third street. Rev. Dr. John Beck remained in charge of the church till April 19th, 1877. He had resigned his charge, but died before the time at which the resignation should take place. Dr. Beck was a man of quiet, studious habits. Although he held tenaciously to his opinions, he was not of an aggressive characfter, and he is mainly remembered for his scholarly sermons, and his pleasant, affable manners. After the death of Dr. Beck, Rev. Dr. T. C. Porter of Lafayette College, was chosen to fill the vacant pulpit, and was installed on the 29th of August, 1877. After seven years of faithful toil and successful work he lays aside the burdens of his office and again gives his entire atten- tion to his dvities in the college. In the closing sermon of Dr. Porter, he remarked that the first sermon he ever preached in the church was nearly twenty-three years ago. At the breaking out of the great civil war President Lincoln appointed September 26, 1861, a day of fasting and prayer. The Synod of the German Reformed Church was in session in this church at the time, and Dr. Porter was invited to preach the sermon, which he did to a crowded house. The topic was the repenting of Nineveh at the preaching of Jonas. He came to Easton, as professor in Lafayette College in 1866, and on the invitation of the Consistory, preached in the E^nglish language every alternate Sunday morning, in the 62 THE HISTORY OF ledture room for a period of three years — 1867-8-9, while Dr. Beck preached in the church in the German language. Dr. Porter is a fine scholar, and a faithful preacher. Rev. H. M. Kieffer succeeded Dr. Porter as pastor. He had been pastor of the Church of Ascension, of Norristown, and was called August nth, 1884, by a committee of East Pennsylvania Classis, consisting of Rev. Dr. Porter, Rev. T. O. Sterm and Rev. Dr. Heisler. The latter preached the installation sermon. He was installed October 30th, and preached his introdudlory sermon the following Sunday morning, November 2d. Text Phil. I, ii, "Grace be unto yon from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ." In the early part of the following year preparations were made for repairing the church building, which had stood without material change or improvement since 1832. The congregation felt a desire to make extensive repairs, and yet not destroy the ancient and venerable appearance of the oldest church in the borough. The people entered heartily into the work and appointed a committee to make whatever alterations, improvements and repairs they thought necessar\-. In carrying out their instru6lions the Committee secured the services of John M. Stewart, an Easton architect, to prepare plans for the re- modeling of the building. To this Committee too much credit cannot be given for their untiring attention and labors throughout the whole period of the reconstru(5lion of the building. To their wisdom and judgment must be attributed the superior comfort and beautiful appearance the church now presents. The architect in making his plans for the alterations endeavored to retain the principal features of the old colonial style of archi- tecture displayed in the old building, and conform as nearly as possible to it in all altera- tions and additions, and that fadl gives the church a peculiar and distin(?tive appearance, which is at once pleasing and attractive. An enclosed porch, approached with stone steps and tiled floor forms a lobby at the vestibule, which is now made a very commodious and imposing one. Two handsome stairways lead to the galleries, and three doors lead from the vestibule to the audience room, which has been enlarged by the addition of a pxilpit recess, which in its decoration forms one of the handsomest features of the church. The old pulpit has given place to a beautiful chancel railing, pulpit, desk, altar, baptismal fount and candelabrums. The chairs are of cherry, beautiful in design, and richly carved. The old pews enclosed with doors give place to well arranged and exceedingly comfortable pews of cherry. The galleries, which were usually almost inaccessible and useless, have been entirely re-arranged so that they are easily reached and more desirable for sittings. The old wooden columns supporting the galleries, which obstrucfted the view, have been removed and iron pillars, handsomely finished, substituted. The walls and ceilings have been frescoed in the most artistic manner ; the upper windows have been filled with stained glass, while those in the audience room, nine in number, are memorial windows, contrib- uted by the following persons, and are in the following order, beginning on Third street, going north : The first by Miss Mary Mixsell and her sister, Mrs. Major Wykoif, in the memory of their father and mother, Charles W. and Mar\' K. Mixsell ; the second by Mrs. Wm. H. Lawall and Miss Lillian Lawall, her daughter, in the memory of William H. Lawall ; the third by Mrs. Charles Santee, of Philadelphia, to the memory of her father and mother, Peter and Elizabeth Shnyder ; the fourth by Mrs. Anna M. Eyerman, to the memory of her father and mother, James and Mary Black ; the fifth by Mrs. Mary Saylor, of German town, Pa., in the memory of her father, the late Judge George Hess ; the sixth and seventh by private persons to the memory of the Rev. Thos. Pomp and the EAST ON, PENN'A. 63 Rev. Dr. Bernard Wolff, former pastors of the church ; the eighth by the Sunday Schools of the congregation to the memory of the Rev. John Beck, D. D., also a fonner pastor of the church, and the ninth by Mrs. John Hutchinson, to the memor>' of her mother, Eliz- abeth Nicholas, and her family. All are most beautiful specimens of the decorator's art, and add greatly to the appearance of the church. Gas fixtures, upholstering, carpets, etc., have been arranged in a superior manner. The whole cost of the improvements was nearly $12,000. Prior to the repairs the outer walls were of a pale yellow color. The steeple was painted white and had on it the dial of the town clock, which had been remov- ed to the Gennan Lutheran Church. The main entrance to the building was by a door on Third street, where the vestibule now is. There was also another door on Third street, occupying the position of the upper window, next Church street. It was not, stri(5lly speaking, a door, but served the purpose of both door and window. It has been converted into a window. The entrance on the east side was the same as it now is. Internally the changes are more marked. Passing into the church as it was before the repairs, as one enters the vestibule, he found two box stairways leading to the galleries— the ceiling low and somewhat cramped in appearance, by the projection of old " bellows gallery," used in former times for the organ, but since fallen into disuse except as a lumber room. Where the two large arches now are two doors of ordinary size opened into the central part of the vestibule. In the audience room there were six rows of pews, instead of four as at present, with three aisles separating them — the central aisle being where it now is, and the side aisles not being along the walls, but separated from them by a row or tier of short pews. The old pews were indeed all short, containing only three, or at most four sittings, and being generally considered very uncomfortable. They were low in the back, narrow in the seat, ver)' close together, and were furnished with doors. The pulpit was a massive stnic- ture of mahogany, and there was no recess, chancel, rail or front. The windows were of ordinary glass, and furnished with \'enetian blinds. The posts under the galleries were heavy wooden affairs which somewhat obstructed the view. These fadls have thus been presented as they may be of interest in the future. New spouting has been put up. It is of great interest to observe that the old spouting had done service since 1832, that is for a period of fifty-three years, and that Mr. Lewis Heller, when he was a young man made the old spouting, and had the singular fortune when he was an old man, to help make the new. * The committee having the matter in charge consisted of Rev. H. M. KIEFFER, Pastor. JACOB RADER, | WILLIAM KELLER, \ Elders. HENRY YOUNG, I WILLIAM THOMSON, THOS. RINEK, HORACE BACHMAN. The work of this Church in Easton has been the building of two churches of the same faith and order — the one on the comer of Tenth and Lehigh streets, and the other on College Hill. It was by the labors of Dr. Beck that St. Mark's Church was erecfled, he having been very o.6live in securing the necessary funds. *By Rev. H. M. Kieffer. 64 THE HISTORY OF ST. MARK'S CHURCH. This building is 46x72 feet, built of brick, with main audience room, and a base- ment for Sunday School and weekly le(?tures. It was erected in the years 1871-72, by the Third Street Reformed Church at a cost of $16,000, and conveyed to St. Mark's Reformed Congreo-ation in May, 1875, subjecft to a mortgage of $3500. The congregation was organized July 27th, 1872, and incorporated May 6th, 1873, with eleven members. From the time of the organization until the calling of a regular pastor — a period of nine months — the congregation was served by Rev. Dr. Porter. The first regular pastor. Rev. Geo. H. Johnston, formerly of Somerset, Pa., commenced his labors April 11, 1873, and continued until December ist, 1875, a period of two years and eight months. He then resigned to take charge of the Green Street Christ Reformed Church, Philadelphia. From this time until August ist, 1876, the congregation was without a pastor. At this time the present pas- tor. Rev. T. O. Stem, commenced his labors. His pastorate has now continued nine years, and during this time he has received two hundred and fifty-six members, and the number on the roll now is three hundred and twenty. The Sabbath-school numbers three hundred and fifty. The church is prosperous and harmonious, and the congregation is engaged in making arrangements for building a parsonage at a cost of $3000. This church was closed for repairs July 13, 1884, the walls handsomely frescoed and other necessary changes made. It was re-opened for divine service September 7th, and was re-dedicated on the last mentioned date with appropriate services. Rev. Dr. Samuel G. Wagner, of Allentown, preaching the sermon. Rev. Dr. Heisler addressed the Sabbath School in the afternoon. GRACE REFORMED CHURCH. Thi.s Church was organized September 9th, 1875. On that day persons belong- ing to the Reformed Church met at the house of John Gradwohl, in the Third Ward. The meeting was called to order by Rev. John Beck, D. D., and opened with prayer by the Rev. George H. Johnston, of St. Mark's Church. Dr. Beck stated the object of the meeting, which was to organize a church. This was effe6ted by the eledlion of the following persons as temporary officers : John Gradwohl, Quintus F. Messinger and Richard Hahn, Elders ; and William Adams, Thomas F. Burley and Theodore Schug, Deacons. They were immediately ordained and installed. At the same meeting arrange- ments were made to ere6l a chapel on the corner of New and Porter streets. A building committee consisting of John Gradwohl, Lorenzo Richlieu and Quintus F. Messinger was appointed. A neat, frame building, 30x45 was erecfted. The congregation then numbered about forty members. The chapel was dedicated to the worship of the Triune God, Feb- ruary- 27, 1876. On the 20th of March, 1876, Rev. Dr. Heisler received the unanimous call to become pastor of the church, and entered upon the pastoral duties June ist, follow- ing. The church now (1886) numbers over 100 members, and is free from debt. A Sun- day School of about one hundred and thirty pupils is in connection with the church. Much of the financial success of the enterprise is due to the generosity of members of the Third Street Reformed Church, and the efforts of Rev. T. C. Porter, D. D., all of whom deserve the lasting gratitude of the congregation. THE COURT HOUSES. The First Courts; Held at Hotels — Acflto Build a Court House — Its Location — Reasons for SeleAiug Easton — Stj'le of Architedlure ; When Built; Its Cost; When Torn Down — Description of the Square — The Pillorj- and Whipping Post — Pigs, Sheep and Cows ; The Milking of the Cows — The New Court House ; Reasons for a New One ; When and Where Built ; "The House that Houck Built. " HE ACT by which Northampton County was fonned was passed March 6th, 1752, and received the signature of Governor Hamilton on the nth day of the same month. One of the reasons assigned by the petitioners for a new county was that the people were so remote from the seat of jus- tice that it was difficult for them to obtain their rights, and rogues took advantage in doing mischief with impunity. So the next step was to establish courts. The first court was held on the i6th of June, 1752, and in the session book we find this record : " At a Court of Record of our Lord, the King, held at Easton, for the County of Northampton, the i6th day of June, in the twenty-sixth year of our Sovereign Lord, George the Second, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, &.C., Anno Domini 1752, before Thomas Craig, Timothy Horsefield, Hugh Wilson, James Martin and William Craig, justices of the Lord, the King, the peace in the said countv to keep, as also divers trespassers and felons, and other offences in said county committed, to hear and detennine, assigned. (By commissions dated the 7th of June, instant.)" This was the starting point for the courts of our county. The court thus organized was com- pelled to hold their sessions in hotels, because they had no court house in which to meet. The courts thus assembled at the hotels till 1766. An Act had been passed Februar\' 17, 1763, and may be found in Vol. V, page 247, of the votes of Assembly to build a Court House. During these years the question of the location of the temple of justice was a matter of serious debate. It was the intention of the Penns to have Easton the Shiretown and yet there was a great deal of opposition by those living remote from the proposed lo- cation. George Taylor had been appointed one of the trustees to attend to the building of the Court House, and had removed to Easton in 1764 to perform those duties. The ques- tion of location was now to be settled. A petition, very numerously signed, was presented to the Assembly May 15, 1765,* praying that the work might be arrested, the law repealed, and the building erected in a more central position. The petitioners gave the reason for their petition that the town of Easton was in the extreme southeast corner of the county, and it should be in a more central position ; and, also, that Easton was inac- cessible, there being no roads, and being surrounded by high hills, so high that people approached it only at the risk of life and limb. The Assembly received the petition, considered it respectfully, but the law previously enatted was re-affirmed and the building was eredled in Easton. From June i6th, 1752, to March 6th, 1766, the courts were held in the various hotels. The rents paid were from three to seven pounds, including wood and candles. The sessions would not last more than two or three days the first few years, *History of Northampton County, page 150. 66 THE HISTORY OF but as business increased, four days would be consumed. Great formality was used by the justices at these court gatherings. It was the custom to escort them from their homes or lodgings with constables in front and rear, while the heads of the justices were graced with three-cornered cocked hats. The common people gazed at them with amazement. The staves of the constables were beautifully painted, and a bill was paid the United Brethren for painting these emblems of official power, the amount being $25. The Court House was finished at a cost of $4,589.67, and was built after a model of Carpenter Hall, in Philadelphia. It was quite an imposing struc?ture for those days, and was a source of THI': III. I) ClilKT HorSE AS IT .APPEARED JUST BEFORE IT WAS TORN DOWN — I.S6I. WINTER VIEW. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH BY KNECHT. pride to the borough and county. It was built of limestone, and surmounted by a cupola, in which a bell was placed which had been cast at Bethlehem. South of the Court House, just in the entrance of Third street, stood the Pillory and Whipping-post, those ancient instruments of punishment. This mode of punishment was common in the days and ex- perience of the great apostle, "five times received I forty stripes, save one," and with Silas was he pilloried in Philipi. And here we see in a remote town, in a land of which Paul never heard, the same humiliating instruments stand close by the jail, nearly two thousand years after those dark days. For twenty-four years this beautiful spot was dis- figured by the relic of an ancient civilization, and during those long )'ears many had suf- fered the dread infliction of the lash. Among those who received nineteen stripes, well £ ASTON, PENN'A. 67 laid on the naked back, was one Mary Nickum, who had stolen linen to the vahie of twenty-six shillintjs and ten pence, and for this small snm she must have " her naked back exposed to the gaping crowd," who hear the strange sound as the lash performs its painful task. It would be very painful to see a man receive nineteen stripes well laid on his naked back, and the blood following the painful inflidlion, but it would be much more painful to see a woman pass through this ancient and humiliating experience. But as this mode of punishment is still in vogiie in Delaware, rogues are very glad that the State is so small that they can soon pass beyond its borders. A little further south, fronting Third Street, stood the jail, where many poor wretches have languished in .sorrow in ex- piating their crimes against society. Here then we see the machinery of jtistice, the court house, the pillory and whipping-post, and the jail. It may be pardonable to con- trast the Court House of those times with that of to-day. When the first Court House was finished there were sixty-three houses in Easton, of very humble dimensions. I take the following from the History of Lehigh Valley, that the people of to-day may not accuse me of exaggeration: "Each of the inhabitants owned at least one cow, while the tavern keepers, eight of them, had each two, viz: Jacob Abel, Jacob Hembt, Conrad Ihrie, Widow Nungessor, Jacob Opp, John Shock, Theophilus Shannon, Adam Yohe, Jr., and Frederick Wagener. There were 104 cows, 25 horses, about 200 sheep, and probably 200 hogs within the Borough of Easton in 1783. It was the custom to drive the cows out in the barrens, north and west of tlie town, for pasture. The pigs, in warm weather, were allowed to wallow in the pond near the Court House, and the sheep lay generally panting in the Court House shade, changing their location from west in the morning to east in the after- noon. George Troxell informed the writer that the stench was intolerable in the Court House from this cause, and added : ' I have often seen nearly two hundred sheep Iving around the court house. ' There was no borough council to interfere with the arrange- ments of the citizens, but everyone consulted his own convenience. The pig-pens were generally fronting the streets and built of slabs or rails, the small doors of which were usually opened ever)' morning, giving them permission to take an airing. The cows came home in the afternoon, walking down Ferry street in single file, accompanied by the music of their numerous bells, the house-wives standing ready with their milk-pails to milk them on the street. It used to be a lively time for the lasses to squat down in the street, drawing the milk from the cows as they spoke to each other of their household duties, or perhaps of their admirers. Many an agreeable hour was spent by the gallants of the town, who thus had a favorable opportunity of seeing their sweethearts and having a chat with them, and aiding them in keeping off the flies. The bake-ovens and wood piles graced the streets for many years." It would be a sight worth a little trouble to witness, some of the Easton belles of to-day with milk-pails in hand, meeting the cows returning from pasture on Third street, and the kid-gloved gallants, on the bicycles, from College Hill, wheeling in graceful curves around these centres of attracftion, whispering words of the wooing enchanter, or dismounting just a moment to whisk away the flies, which seem to make the cows so nervous. How the times have changed in a hundred }'ears. When the mind is busy thinking of the picture thus drawn of the old Court House, with hund- reds of living animals basking in the shade, and wallowing in the mud around it, with what emotions do we turn our eyes to the Court House of the present, and its surround- ings. It would be difficult to find a location more beautified bv nature, made much more 68 THE HISTORY OF so by art. The front of the height upon which it stands so neatly terraced, kept so clean and the grass so closely shorn, covered with a grove of maples — as beautiful as the groves of Academus — amid which the temple of justice stands, with its lofty spire and classic columns, helps us recall the pidlure we formed in early life, when reading of the "Acrop- olis of Athens." Houck had been censured for building on this hill-top, but the taste of the present and future will honor his judgment. Strangers, in summer time, never pa.ss this classic spot without stopping to admire the beautiful location, and many facile pens have told of the glories of this summit of Court House Hill. After the first Court House had stood almost a hundred years, the county became satisfied that the public interests demanded a new one. All the bitter feuds of those old times — when from 1752 to 1764, the question, " where shall we build the court house?" was discussed in the hotels, in the humble dwellings, by the roadside, in the field and store, by men, women and children — had pas.sed away. Gordon, Sitgreaves, Jones and Porter had made the walls of the old temple ring with their eloquence. Within those old walls the strongest minds in the State had struggled for mastery. Murderers had been tried, convi6led and led hence to be hung. Long-standing difficulties had been settled, and old feuds adjusted. But like all things human, the old building must pass away. There now comes a new controversy, quite as sharp as the old one, but its area was more circumscribed. Before, the area of dispute extended from the Delaware to the Valley of Wyoming, and from Bucks county on the south, to the New York line on the north. Now Easton alone was concerned, as the question was by common consent limited to Easton, and by them alone settled. "Where shall our new temple be erecfted ?" Shall we build on the old foundation, or shall we move farther to the west ? The excitement was intense. The lawyers did not wish the Court House to be taken away from the centre of business ; the citizens did not wish the Square any longer filled with a public building. And tnen the room was not sufficient. Others thought that the town must grow in the direction to the west, and had the idea that the Court House west, would in the future, be in tlie centre of population. The voice of the people decided against the public square as being too small, and objedlionable in other particulars, and so, "Westward the Star of Justice takes its course." There were those standing ready to see that the county need incur no expense in the purchase of lands on which to erecfl the public buildings. The Hon. David D. Wagener and James Thomp- son offered land as a gift to the county. Through the a6lion of the Court of Quarter Ses- sions, and of two successive Grand Juries of Northampton County, the Commissioners were invested with legal authority to proceed and purchase land for the erection of build- ings for County purposes. Adling on this authority, on the 23d of May, i860, they revoked all prior resolves touching the matter, and concluded to purchase land offered by Hon. David D. Wagener, for the consideration of one dollar, and to build a Court House upon the same. The Commissioners were Seager, Hotick and Hillegass. Hillegass is recorded as remaining neutral on the question of location. Houck was looked upon as the influ- ential man in determining the question. He evidently had a backbone, and steered liis own barge amid the storm. The question was settled. The situation fronts on Walnut street, facing the north. The Commissioners deserve the thanks of the citizens for choosing a site which for beauty cannot be excelled. The archite(5l employed was C. Graham, Esq., whose plan was submitted to the Commissioners and by them approved. On June the 15th the excavation for the foundation of the building was begun, and in a E AS TON, I'ENN'A. 69 THE NEW COURT HOUSE. ERECTED IN THE YEAR 1S61. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH BY ROCKFEI.I.OW. few days the work was placed in the hands of R. H. Horn, as Superintendent. On June 2ist Mr. Wagener transferred the land to the count>-. The work went on with haste, and on February ist, 1861, the Judges and Members of tlie Bar were invited to inspedl the interior of the building, though the building was not finished until the following autumn. On the 22d of October, S. Trumbore was direcled to take out certain gas fixtures and other movables from the old Court House, and transfer them to the new. The Court House was ready to be occupied in November, and on the iSth of that month the first term of 70 THE HISTORY OF Court was held within its walls. Twenty-four years have passed away since the new Court House was built, but the feeling has not all died away which was manifested against building in the place where it stands, though no one would wish to see it again in the public square. The following humorous poem was composed by Alexander E. Brown, Esq. It would seem that Mr. Houck was the most blameworth)-, and hence this bit of wit was hurled at him. THE HOUSE THAT HOUCK BUILT. This is the house that Houck built : These are the Clerks who wrote in the house that Houck built. These are the Lawyers who climbed up the hills To visit the Clerks with awful long bills, Who wrote in the house that Houck built. This is the Crier who, when it was time, Warned the Jury by bell to get ready to climb. For when Court was called 'twas all the same. The old, or the young, the halt or the lame. Must mount with the Lawyers, who chimb up the hills To visit the Clerks, with their awful long bills. Who wrote in the house that Houck built. This is the Judge who said he was sick For fear he should tell them to build it of brick, (For build as they would the Court must be mute, Nor dare for the people one word to dispute, I To hold the Crier, who when it was time Warned the Jury, by bell, to get ready to climb. For when Court was called it was all the same. The old, or the young, the halt or the lame, They must mount with the Law\ers who climb up the 'hills, &c. These are the wise men who showed their skill. By planting this nuisance on top of the hill. Regardless of safety, regardless of time Or the necks of people compelled to climb, F'or when Court was called, &c. This is the Court who said they w^ould try. To dispose of John Brown, ere of age he should die. Before the Jury sitting for life To try John Brown w-ho whipped his wife. Being called by the Crier out of the town. To try to get up if they never got down. For when Court was called they were forced to climb Regardless of comfort, regardless of time, In storm or shine, it was all the same. The old, or the young, the sick and the lame. Must mount with the lawyers who climbed up the hills, &c. These are the people who footed the bill. For planting this humbug on top of the hill. With steps so steep that he who must climb Must take heed of his neck in slippery time. When they'd climbed to the Court-room with trembling and fear. The devil a word can any one he.^R, F'or this great bungle is built on the plan To annoy the people as much as it can. To do the least good at the greatest expense. In defiance of decency, prudence and sense. For when Court was called they all must climb, To the top of the hill, regardless of time. They must mount up those steps from out of the town, .\nd those may get up who don't tumble down. For parties, jurors, witnesses, all Must climb up that steep at the Crier's call. They nmst scratch up the steps with grunt and groan. And a bitter curse on every stone. And mount with the Lawyers who climb up the hills. To visit the Clerks with their awful long bills. Who wrote in the house that Houck built. The venerable buildiiag at the Square was razed, the material removed, and the ground graded. The porch of the old building now graces the house of Mr. Fleming, two miles up the Delaware. The hands of improvement built the circular iron fence, set out the maples, erected the fountain in the centre, and made the Circle and Square of Easton a very attractive spot. The imagination must be put upon the strain when trying to realize the difference between the appearance of this spot now, and when the old Court House stood there in its glory. The land was given by Penn for a Cotirt House, and when the building was to be removed, application was made to the heirs to have the privilege of using the land for other purposes, which reqtiest was granted for a valuable consideration. ROBERT TRAILL. 'Tis education fomis the mind, — Just as the twig is bent the tree 's inclined. T IS a matter of surprise to see how many names in our history tell the story of Scotch ancestry. Scotland is not near as large as the State of Maine, yet it has sent forth a steady stream of emigrants from her 3,500,000 of people to our country which has done more than any other nationality to establish our educational, religious and political institutions. No settle- ment was complete without the church and school house. They are lovers of education and human freedom. Reared amid their northern hills, they are a tough and hardy race, and retain the national peculiarities to a marked degree in every clime in which they may make their home. The labors necessan,- to procure a livelihood amid their native hills imparts a vigor of body and mind which prepares them to tussle with the obstacles that lie in the pathway of life. They are happy in their toil, frugal in their habits, vigorous in thought and persistent in aClion. The pure Celtic stock occupies the Highlands, and are as remarkable for their hospitality as for their love of freedom, education and religion. The Scotch Bard has given us his idea of this feature of their charadler in the following "When death's dark stream I ferni- o'er, A time that surely shall come. In Heaven itself I'll ask no more. Than just a Highland welcome." Just north of the Highlands is a cluster of islands called the Orkneys. The parallel 59° passes through them. On the eastern coast of America this latitude would be too cold for human habitation; but these islands are regaled by the warm breath of the Gulf Stream, so modifying the climate as to make it a delightful residence for men. In the long days of Summer the sun is above the horizon more than twenty hours, and twilight lasts through the night. In Sanda, one of these islands, Robert Traill was born, April 29th, 1744, O. S. His father was the Rev. Thomas Traill, and his mother, Sabilla Grant, daughter of the Rev. Alexander Grant, of South Ronaldsay. Robert had good advantages in his early boyhood; though his father died when he was nine years old, leaving a widow with seven children, four daughters and three sons. The eldest daughter and the three sons were sent to Kirkwall, the capital of the county of Orkney, to be educated. The society of this town is regarded as quite as good as that of the most favored towns of Scotland. There was a good grammar school and suitable libraries for the use of the pupils. At fourteen years of age, Robert entered the mercantile business with George Pitcame, of Edinburgh. He returned to Kirkwall. But he was not satisfied with the narrow boundaries of a small island; when across the Atlantic, a virgin continent offered him a home. He desired to go where day and night were more equally divided. He had heard of Penn, and the noble commonwealth he had established. He had heard of its pleasant climate, its fertile soil, and free institutions; and at the age of nineteen he bade adieu to 72 THE HISTORY OF dear old Scotland, farewell to mother, sisters and brothers, whose faces he was never again to see, a final farewell to scenes of his childhood, and with the star of hope shining brightly before him, he set sail for Philadelphia, October, 1763. He kept a diary of his voyage which was found among his papers after his death. The vessel in which he sailed was commanded by John Thompson, of Londonderry. After a passage of ten weeks, he arrived at the City of Brotherly Love. He had a letter from his eldest sister to one Mr. Gilbert Barclay, who, in a few weeks, procured a place for him with Myer Hart, a Jewish merchant of Easton. He remained with Mr. Hart twenty months, by which experience he became well acquainted with business. He taught school a year. (He does not tell us where. Was it in the log school house corner of Church and Sitgreaves streets?) This seemed then, as now, the stepping stone to the legal profession. He entered the law office of Lewis Gordon, prothonotary, and was admitted to the bar in Northampton county in 1777, and became the third lawyer in Easton. He was now thirty-three years of age, and had passed through a good experience to aid him in the profession upon which he had entered. From the time of his arrival in America, through the years preceding his legal preparation, there had been more or less fri' of the Republic, that it has become a classic stream. Its histor)- would make one of the most interesting stories in American literature. The Lehigh valley is known far and wide as one of the most busy in the countr}-. The canal, railroads, and furnaces smoking from Easton to Mauch Chunk, make it a valley for tourists to visit. So over- shadowing are these two in history and in wealth, that the historian has quite overlooked the valley of the Bushkill, and yet this little, unpre- tending stream was the beginning of Easton's wealth. A glance at the map of North- ampton county will reveal to the eye a number of small brooks starting in the Blue Moun- tain, bounding Bushkill Township on the north, which flow together in the southern part of the township, and form what is called Bushkill creek. This creek, in former years was called Tatamy's creek, and Lehi6lon creek, but those Indian names were aban- doned, and it is now known by the name of the township in which it rises, and throuo-h which it runs. The distance from Easton to the mountain is about fourteen miles, but the main stream is very crooked, which increases its length and power as a mill stream. There is a good deal of business done in the valley at this date, but not so large as in "ye olden time," when the smoke of the distilleries greeted the vision in all directions, and the "sound of the grinding" was not low. Large teams were constantly seen carrv- iug heavy loads of grain to the mills, and bringing back the flour and whiskey to the Durham boats waiting at the river bank. There were ten or twelve cooper-shops, which were kept busy manufadluring barrels in which to transport whiskey to Philadelphia. Whiskey was plenty then; a bottle was standing in even,' store, and purchasers were free to drink when their bills were settled. The author spent a verj- pleasant evening with one of the prominent citizens of Easton, whose age and experience enabled him to call up the history of this busy little valley, and name the several mills along the stream. Sit- ting in his pleasant mansion, near Third street, he would naturally begin with that one nearest at hand, and so he named the one at the foot of Third street, near the Bushkill bridge. But before noticing this mill, we will speak of an island which lies in the Dela- ware, near the mouth of this creek. This little barren island was once one of the best fishing stations for shad along the river. (It is vahiable now only as a deposit of excel- lent sand washed down by the current of the river.) It is chiefly memorable from the scene of the execution of Getter many years ago, and is called Getter's island. P'rom tlie 8o THE HISTORY OF original deed, now lying before me, it is learned that this island was deeded to "Jacob Abel, ferryman, Peter Ealer, Esq., George William Ronp, gentleman, Jacob Arndt, Jr., Esq., and John Herster, all of the town of Easton," in 1787, by the Honorable John Penn, Jr., and John Penn, of Philadelphia, Esqrs. This island should be called Abel's island, as the original deed is still in possession of the family. The mill property at the bridge, and the first mentioned by my informant, was granted to John Brotzman and John Herster, in 1789, by John Penn, the younger, and John Penn, the elder. The deeds, showing the several transfers of the property, are fine specimens of penmanship, and are kept in the safe of the present owners of the mill, who very kindly permitted the author to examine them. Brotzman and Herster cut the road up the left bank of the Bushkill from the Third street bridge. This property was transferred to Jacob Mixsell in 1810, and retained by him for thirty-two years, and was transferred to Enoch Green, in 1842. The next owner was I. N. Carpenter, by whom it was sold to j\Iann & Allshouse, in 1868, the present owners. The old method of making flour is still used, and excellent work is done. The capacity of this mill is about fifty bar- rels per day. There is nine feet fall of water. On the opposite side of the creek was formerly Lehn's tannery, now owned by H. A. Sage, and is used as a furniture manufactory. At the foot of Fourth street was another tannery also, owned by Major William Baniet. The second mill is GrcEtzinger's, and was built by Peter Ihrie in 1829 or 1830. It was first used as a fulling mill, but this business being unprofitable it was changed to an oil mill, and after a fair trial, the trouble of obtaining flax seed was so great, it was changed into a grist mill. This pro- perty remained in the hands of Peter Ihrie till his death; it then passed into the hands of his son Benjamin, who sold it to the present owner. The old process of flour-making is continued. It has four run of stone, and five feet fall of water. Peter Ihrie was the .son of Conrad Ihrie, who was born in Germany in 1731. Peter, the father of Anthony Ihrie, was born in 1765, and was the father of twelve children, only one of whom survives, viz : Anthony, from whom the above information was obtained. Anthony has a family of five children, three sons and two daughters; so that the family name will remain in Easton. The third mill is now owned by the venerable Michael Butz, and it was the second one built on the stream, having been built in 1762, by Peter Kichline. This mill passed to Andrew, his son. Christian Butz bouglit the mill of Andrew Kichline, and lived in a *^^€^' Bl SHKILI — MEW OF THE OI D Bl T7 MILI Ri- \R ()^ MOL NT JEFi'ERSO^ E ASTON, PENN'A. 8i log house on the opposite side of the creek from the mill. At his death David Butz bought it from the estate of his father. In 1810, Christian Butz built the large brick house, which is a fine specimen of faithful workmanship, and has stood the test of seventy-six vears of wear and weather. In 1827, ^lichael bought the mill of his brother David, and still retains it, a period of fifty-nine years. The mill pursues the old method of mak- ing flour. There are three run of stone, twelve and a half feet fall of water, and can produce fifty barrels of flour per day. There is a large planing mill standing on the same property. IVIichael Butz's grandfather's name was Christian, the same as his father. ^Michael has four children, and six grand children; and though he has been married nearly sixty-four years, he and his wife are rarely absent from church ou the Sabbath. When he is fresh in the morning his mind is as clear as in former times, and he seems to enjoy life as well as those who are many years younger. While talking with him our minds are taken back to the log cabin days. The fourth mill was owned by Judge Daniel Wagner, now used as a plaster mill ; water- fall fifteen feet; turbine wheel is used. The old homestead is still standing close by the mill. It was once a fine mansion, but now .shows the marks of time's hard fingers. The following sketch of the Wagner family was kept by Mrs. Elizabeth B. Ricker, and published by request: "Mr. David Wagner was born in Silesia, Gennany, May 24, 1736. His mother, then a widow, with a colony from that place, emigrated to the United States in the year 1740, on account of religious persecution, and settled in Bucks county, in this state, with her two children, David and Christopher, aged respe6l- ively four and eight years. The' son David married Miss Susanna Umstead, and raised a family of four sons and three daughters. About 100 years ago he purchased a tract of land of 'the Penns, the heirs of William Penn,' situated on both sides of the Bush- kill, a short distance above Easton, and moved thereon." The author examined the records, and found the purchase took place June 6, 1785. The tracl consisted of sixty- five acres, for which he paid 260 £ 6 s. The deed was recorded May 24, 1786. This fixes the date quite clearly when David Wagner began his enterprise. "The Easton Cemetery grounds are now a portion of that tratt of land, where his remains lie in the plot of his son David, southwest of the chapel. His death occurred in the sixtieth year of his age. His mother and her son, Christopher, remained in Bucks county, near Germantown." David, the son of David Wagner, of Silesia, was five years old when his father moved to Easton to settle on his lands on the Bushkill, and he lived seventy-nine years on the old homestead, when he departed this life; and that beautiful home is still in the Wagner family. "David Wagner, of Gennany, had thirty-seven grown up grandchildren, five of whom are still living: Michael Butz, John Wagner, of Allentown, and his sister, Mar>- Dobins, Jacob B. Wagner, and his sister, Elizabeth B. Ricker, of Easton. The three daughters of David Wagner, of Silesia, were married respectively to Adam Dcshler, Jacob Mixsell, and Christian Butz. The names of the four sons are: John, who married a Miss Deshler; Daniel, who married a Miss Opp; David, who married a Miss Bidelman; and Adam, who died a single man. The great-grandchildren are too numerous to specify, they number over one hundred." Mr. Amos Davis, now over eighty years old, worked many years for the Wagners, during the time when Daniel Wagner and his two sons, Jacob and David D. Wagner, were in partnership in the milling business. There is no doubt but that many a pleasant hour was spent in talking over old times when business 82 THE HISTORY OF was not ver\' pressing. This old gentleman has a remarkable memory, and takes great pleasure in talking of "ye olden times." Judge Daniel's father had built a small house for temporary residence, and had brought two daughters to keep house for the millwrights while they built the mill. During the absence of papa they became very home-sick, and they persuaded the workmen to go home; and, early on Saturday morning, they started for "home, sweet, sweet home." One of the sweetest emotions of the soul is the love of home. And we cannot wonder that these young girls felt lonesome in the lonely spot. To hasten their flight to the dearest spot on earth, they took off their shoes and stockings and went with sturdy earnestness to the scenes of their childhood. They were overtaken by a gentleman driving a good team; they accepted an invitation to ride; they knew mother would welcome them, and they knew the kindness of their father — the only desire was to get home. We know nothing of the reception, but parents can easily imagine the hearty laugh which rang through the house when the daughters, tired with the long journey, appeared in the family circle. But a short time elapsed before the father and girls appeared again on the banks of the Bushkill. The mill was finished, the "dear old house" was built, and father and mother came, and with them came all the joys of home for the children. For many years this was the centre of business, happiness, and prosperity. About the year 1825, the fourth mill up the stream from the Delaware was owned by Judge Daniel Wagner. The fifth was owned by David D. Wagner. The next was an oil mill, now in ruins. The next was Judge Wagner's new mill. This is a paint mill, used for grinding mineral paint, and owned by Mr. J. Rodenbough. The author called at the mill and heard the busy hum of the machinery, but did not enter the building. Here is a water-fall of seven feet. The next is Lehicton mills. These mills were owned by Herster and Barnet, and are now owned by Joseph T. Williams. Herster and Barnet had a distillery, and the old building is yet standing on the right bank of the stream. This is a beautiful spot, and was one of the busy scenes of the past. The hill was so steep approaching the bridge from the south that chains were used to hold the heavy wagons from crowding on the horses. There is a good deal of business carried on at this point. Mr. Williams has three mills, a flour mill and two mills for grinding soapstone. The flouring mill is one of the best in the valley. The proprietor has expended about eight thousand dollars in new machinery with the latest improvements; and, to those who are fond of machinery, it will pay to visit the mill. The machinery consists of one break machine, ten sets of rollers, four run of stone; three are used for feed, one for the redu- Kemmerer. The next was Messinger's clover mill, now Messinger's flour mill. The next was Judge Wagner's upper mill, now owned by Mrs. Newlin, of Philadelphia, a granddaughter. The next was W^oodring's mill at Stockertown. The next was Friedensthall's. The next mill was built and owned by 84 THE HISTORY OF Jacob Hartzell. This array of mills and distilleries will give the present generation some idea of the extent of business that was done in this valley and brought into Easton from 1820 till canals and railroads came into adlivity. There were six distilleries which used one thousand bushels of grain daily, and produced four gallons of whiskey to the bushel. This would give four thousand gallons daily, twenty-eight thousand gallons per week, one million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand gallons annually. Mr. Davis said that whiskey sold for twenty-two to forty cents per gallon. He thought thirty cents would be a fair average. This would produce an annual income of four hundred and thirty-six thousand and eight hundred dollars. The rise and fall in the price of whiskey was caused by the difference in the amount of burning fluid used in summer and winter. The whiskey was mixed with turpentine, and used for illuminating purposes, until the coal oil wells were discovered. The refuse grain was used to feed hogs, and as one bushel would feed five hogs, it is an easy matter to estimate the number that might be raised in the valley. These busy mills, these smoking distilleries, that great drove of swine, that great com- pany of teams and teamsters, the busy Durham boats, the sixteen or eighteen hotels filled with farmers from the distant farms, the busy merchants buying up the grain and dealing out their goods to the returning farmers, that great procession of teams passing up North- ampton street, sixty in a single line * — all these will give us a pi(?lure of the business of Easton in those days. There are a few old men now walking in the lengthening shadows of life's evening, who look back to those, in their minds, halcyon days of Easton's life, with mingled feelings of sadness and pleasure. The same creek rushes along its rocky bed with its gurgling music, and auon tumbling over its artificial water-falls, reflecting the rays of the sun like burnished silver. The same old mills stand in their places, changed by the hand of improvement. The same rocky crags are standing on the water's banks, like quiet sentinels watching the progress of time, and guarding the interests of the lovely vale, so like their former selves that the spirits of the past age would easily recognize the scenes of their manly toil. But the Hersters, Mixsells, Ihries, Kichlines, Wagners, Arndts, Thompsons, have bowed to the resistless touch of death, and others listen to the busy whirl of the machinery and obtain their livelihood from the same roll- ing stream that served those who have gone before. To one passing up the valley at the present day it is pleasant to observe the life and atlivity and the enterprise of those who now manage the business. The author visited a few of the mills above Lehidlon. At Gerhart's mill they not only grind grain, but they manufadlure the "French burr mill stones." They have four run of stone, and use a new bolting chest; the old process of flour-making, and the old fashioned breast wheel is used. The roller process is to be introduced this spring. This mill grinds one hundred and twenty bushels a day. The next mill visited was Kepler's. The rollers are used, and five run of stone. This was formerly James Thompson's mill, to which a distillery was attached which used two hundred bushels of grain daily. The capacity of the mill is now sixty-five barrels. The next mill visited was that of Jacob Walter. This mill has the new process; five run of stone; capacity-, one hundred barrels per day, and has a water-fall of ten feet. It is the old Arndt mill, which Jacob Arndt purchased of Mr. Jones, in 1760, and was the first mill built on the stream. In this spot the old Ger- man patriot passed many happy days, and now quietly sleeps on the hill, near the church * Dr. (rreen said, to the writer, he had seen sixty teams in one procession passing np Northampton street. E ASTON, PENN'A. 85 called b}' his name. Not having time to call upon all the mills in passing up the stream, the author called at the flourishing establishment known as the Empire Agricultural Works at vStockertown. This industry was established by S. S. Messinger, in 1857. He began the enterprise with small buildings, and an investment of eight hundred dollars, employ- ing one moulder and one machinist. In 1861 the buildings were enlarged, increasing the facilities for manufacfturing; and threshing, mowing and reaping machines had been added, and capital increased to about four thou.sand dollars. In 1873, G. Frank Messinger was taken into the finn, which then employed thirty hands, with an investment of over forty thousand dollars. In 1883, a machine shop, 48x98, four stories high, and a moulding shop or foundry, 40x70 feet were ere6led. At the present time the firm is engaged in the manufa(5lure of mowers, reapers, twine-binders, horse powers, threshers and cleaners, and other fanning implements; employing seventy-five hands, and the capital invested nearly one hundred and forty thousand dollars. A flourishing village is springing up around them. The name of Messinger has long been known in and around Easton, and is of Switz origin. The great grandfather of S. S. Messinger was born in Switzerland in 17 19, and came to this country in 1744. The grandfather, Michael Messinger, was born in 1759, in Forks, now Palmer township, in the place called Jacob Walter's upper mill. George W. Mes- singer, the father of Samuel, was born in 1797, in Palmer township, in a localitv known by the name of Messinger since 1872. The writer has taken a good deal of pains to ascertain, as nearly as pradlicable, the difference in altitude between the mill-dams at Stockertown and the Delaware at Easton. The water-fall of all the mills visited was carefully noted, and one of the millers, well acquainted with the mills above, gave the amount of fall at each mill — the united fall of all the dams being 167 feet. Mr. Williams, who accompanied the writer to Stockertown, helped to form an idea of the lost power between the several dams and the dead water below them, and a conclusion was reached that it amounted in altitude to about fifty feet. This may be nearly correal, and added to the fall of the several dams would make two hundred and seventeen feet. The average water-fall is thirty-two and a third feet to the mile. Count Zinzendorf crossed this stream in 1742, and found the name to be Lehiclon. It was also called Tatamy's creek, Lefevre's creek, and more recently Lehi6ton, and Bushkill, or Bush river, as Kill properly means river. It will thus be seen that the names of Lehigh and Lehicfton have not the slightest relation to each other. It is a matter of interest to know the altitude of Easton above tide-water. It is found, by examining the survey of the Delaware canal, that the lockage is 162.05 feet, and this fixes the altitude of Easton, an average fall of two and seven tenths feet. The History of Luzerne County, page 169, says, "the Lehigh river rises in Luzerne and Wayne counties; flows one hundred miles southwest, and unites with the Delaware at Easton. Its headwaters are one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two feet above tide, and has an average fall of seventeen feet to the mile. ' ' The History of the Moravian Church, page 23, says: The original name of this river was ''' Lcchau-u'cki, abbreviated by the Germans in Lecha, and corrupted by the English into Lehigh." A few years ago Professor Coffin made a careful survey to ascertain the height of the hills around Easton above tide-water. He found the summit of Mount Olympus, the highest point north of the college campus, to be seven hundred and fifty-two feet. (Jne hundred and sixty-two feet taken from seven hundred and fifty-two feet, leaves the height of Mount Olvmpus to be five hundred and ninety feet above the surface of the 86 THE HISTORY OF Delaware. It seems difficult to close this chapter without referring to the beauty of the scenery of the Bushkill. If ever there was singular truthfulness in the expression, ' ' Distance lends enchantment to the scene, ' ' we seem to find it so in the scener\' along this busy little valley. Those born and reared amid these wild and fantastic beauties pass along the busy whirl of life without stopping to admire these mountain crags and rocky battlements reared by the Creator's hands. Here and there one of our citizens will pause and admire, as he stands on some eminence, the wild, irregular display of hills and valleys and mountains, and give expression to his emotions as his eyes run over the glories of the landscape. But the stranger of taste gazes and admires, and never forgets these beautiful exhibitions of the wisdom and power of the Divine Architecfl. It is the theory of geologists, that such gaps as that of the Delaware, and Lehidlon Pass on the Bushkill, are the effecfl of river erosions ; and the close observer will have his faith somewhat shaken in the theory if he will ramble up our little valley. But, leaving that question for geologists to settle, let us take a walk up the valley whose banks have so often been trodden by the feet of the old Indian chief who clung so faithfully to the warm-hearted Brainerd, and who buried his hatchet and put away his scalping knife when the waters of Christian baptism fell upon his dxisky brow. If the stranger should attempt to examine the scenery along the stream, he would be interested in the appearance of the abrupt sides of Mount Lafayette rising nearly two hundred feet, and the gentle slope of the opposite bank where the buildings of Easton crowd close to the shore. He would pass but a short distance, and find Mount Jefferson, on whose summit buildings have been erected, to be of equal altitude, and whose precipitous side, facing the stream on the opposite bank, is almost perpendicular. It is rare that such rugged, rocky heights are found on streams so small and so near large populations. This wild, rocky eminence is of solid limestone. Fol- lowing the stream we turn to the right, at an angle of 90°. The stream, dammed below, is as smooth as glass, from whose bank the land surface gradually rises to the beautiful City of the Dead, while on the right we again pass under another over-shadowing mountain whose sides give evidence of the mighty upheaving forces which have broken these limestone ledges into fantastic shapes. Here are Wagner's mills on our left, and the old family mansion, nearly a hundred years old. Joys and sorrows have swept over the family circle whose members sleep so quietly near by. And now the music of this beautiful water- fall strikes our ears, and it is none the less beautiful because it is artificial. The mountain is covered with trees and shrubbery clothed with the fresh, green tints of spring-time. The low rumbling of the mills, the dashing of the falling water, the joyous notes of the birds, the sighing of the winds through the forest trees, all help to make this a most charming spot for the lover of nature to hold communion with her in her simple and most lovely forms. We turn again at an equal angle to the left. Just across the stream is a beautiful forest; not a tree should ever be touched by the axe. Easton should see to it that it is preser\'ed for a public park. As Easton increases in population, and "lovely Lafayette" expands in her future growth, every rod of this valley will become classic ground. It will be very difficult to find a more beautiful drive-way than this can be made. At this point the Chestnut Hills crowd close to the road-way, sometimes in lofty lime- stone ledges, and anon retreating up the beautiful green slopes to the height of five hun- dred feet. At Lehi(fton pass, the range is abruptly severed, and a large mass of rock has been removed to make it more safe for sfeneral travel. The children take a good deal of E ASTON, PENN'A. 87 interest in visiting this pass. There are two caves here, called big devil's cave and little devil's cave; one on each side of the river. And there is an idea among the children that the two caves are iinited by a passage under the stream, bnt none of them have ever ven- tnred to explore its dark passage ways. Emerging from the Lehi6lon pass on our way up the stream, there is much of beauty in the varj'ing landscape. As we approach Mes- singer's manufadluring establishment, the abruptness of the hills disappears, and the valley spreads out in well cultivated fields, gradually rising on either side of the stream; beautiful farms, comfortable dwellings, and happ)- homes are scattered over the scene. Stockertown is near at hand, the old Forks Church not far away, and the bur\-ing ground of this church contains the remains of the father of the late eminent Dr. Gross. In this part of the valley Dr. Gross spent the days of his boyhood. He was one of the early teachers in Lafayette College. He made the autopsy of the body of Getter's wife, and was a witness in the trial of Getter. Dr. Gross was an honor to his profession, a finished scholar, a genial gentleman, who had obtained a world-wide reputation long before his quite recent death. A railroad is already graded to near Messinger's mills. The interest of commerce may demand it, but the lovers of nature would be sorry to see the beautiful valley marred by the presence of a railroad. Note. — Just as this number was about going to press the author found a copy of Heckewelder's Indian names. In it the names of the Delaware, Lehigh and Bushkill are found. Delaware river — "Lenapewihituk, Indian riiri; and Kithanne, the largest river in that part of the country." " Lehikton ; Leheighton ; Lehi(5lon ; Lawithanne — the proper name for the Bush Kill by Easton. The word signifies a stream between others." "Lehigh ; Lecha; neither of these words was the proper name for this river, which was only known to the Indians by the great crossing place on it. The Indians have three general words by which they distin- guish tliat which resembles a fork. They say Lechaucivki, or Leehainuekink, when they speak of the country we call the forks." It looks verv- much as if Zinzindorf 's derivation of the name Lehigh was the corre<5t one. "Eastontown — Lechauwitank, the tonni within the forks." THE FATE OF A FLIRT OF THE OLDEN TIME. " Whether the charmer sinner it, or saint it. If folly grow romantic, I must paint it." — POPE. The following incident, which occurred years ago, will throw a light upon the man- ners of olden times in the quiet village of Easton. The story was written many years since by Mrs. E. F. Ellet, for Godey's Lady's Book, and later was published in the History of the Lehigh Valley. Knowing that it will prove interesting reading, not only from the facl of its being a faithful narrative, but from its having emanated from the pen of so distinguished a writer, we insert it here entire. The house in which the victim of the tale lived, stood where Thomas T. Miller's hardware store now stands, and the pond of water centred where Shipman's stables are, so that the sturdy German women did not have far to lead the object of their rage. Their sole purpose was to punish, not to mur- der, their vidlim. Some eighty years ago, the now flourishing town of Easton, on the Delaware, was but a small settlement in one of the remote and comparatively wild portions of Pennsj-lvania. At the present day, the compactly built town fills the space between the mountains and the two rivers that here form a jundtion, while their banks are lined with busy manufaclories and the dwellings of men. The lofty hills that rise abruptly from the ])lain. 88 THE HISTORY OF or overhang the waters, are cultivated in spots; and the patches of woodland here and there seemed spared for the purpose of adorning the landscape, and affording secluded walks to the wanderers who love the beauty of nature. At the period to which our tale carries us back, the scenery of this beautiful region was not less enchanting, though far more wild and savage. A dense forest then covered the mountains to their rocky summits, and bordered the rivers for many miles; the valley, through which flows a sweet stream to mingle with the Delaware, was dark with the shadow of primeval woods, and the waters, untroubled by the different manufaftories for the uses of which their streams have since been diverted, swept in calm majesty along their time-worn channel, scarcely knowing the difference of seasons. Not far from the Delaware, a double row of low-roofed, quaint-looking stone houses formed the most populous part of the settlement. Other dwellings, scattered about in different direAions, were built in the same style, and evidently inhabited by the same sturdy and primitive Dutch population. Many of these houses are still standing, and give a charaifler to the appearance of the whole place. It has been often remarked how unchangingly, from one generation to another, the habits of the Dutch people are preserved by their descendants, giving a monotony to their life and manners, while their more mutable neighbors are yielding themselves, day by day, to the law of progress. This inveterate attachment to the old order of things, and aversion to innovations, peculiar to their nation, kept the ancient inhabitants of Easton in the same condition with their forefathers, notwithstanding the improvements introduced from European cities into other parts of the colon)-. Philadelphia, though at that time but a \'illage in com- parison to what it is now, was looked upon as a place of luxury and corruption dangerous to the morals of youth. Few of the families composing the settlement at Easton had ever been there, or had \-isited any other of the provincial cities. They sought no intercourse with the world's great Babel, content with the information that reached them regularly once a week with the newspapers brought by the post-boy, which were loaned to the neighbors in turn by the few who received them. Now and then, it is true, when the business of the day was over, a number of men might be seen seated in the large sitting-room of the old stone tavern, or on the veranda, wearing their low-crowned, broad-brimmed hats, smoking their pipes, and discussing events of which the rumor had reached them, when these were more stirring than common. But these discussions were always condndled quietly, and without the exhibition of any feeling of partisanship. They were terminated at a very early hour, all thought of political matters being usually dismissed with the last puff of their pipes, as the worthy mynheers took their way homewards. As little did the love of change prevail among the good /'r(?«5 of that day. They were of the class described by a distinguished chronicler, who "stayed at home, read the Bible, and wore frocks." They wore the same antiquated quilted caps and parti-colored homespun gowns, that were in fashion in the days of the renowned Wouter Van Twiller ; their pockets were always filled with work and the implements of industry, and their own gowns and their husbands' coats were exclusively of domestic manufafture. In cleanliness and thrifty house- wifery, they were excelled b\' none who had gone before, or who came after them. The well-scoured stoops and entries, fresh and immaculate ever)- morning, attested the neatness prevailing throughout the dwellings. The precise order that reigned within, in the departments of kitchen, parlor, and chamber, could not be dis- turbed by any out-of-door commotion. Cleanliness and contentment were the cares of the household. The tables were spread with the abundance of the good old time, and not small was the pride of those ministering dames in setting forth the viands prepared by their own industrious hands. It must not be supposed that all their care and frugality were inconsistent with the dear exercise of hospitality, or other social virtues usually praftised in every female community. If the \dsits paid from house to house were less frequent than in modern times, there was the same generous interest in the concerns of others, and the same desire in each to save her neighbor trouble by kindly taking the management of affairs upon herself, evinced by so many individuals of the present day. In short, the domestic police of Easton, at that remote period, was apparently as remarkable for vigilance and severity in hunting out offenders as it has proved to be in times of more modern civilization. The arrival of new residents from the city was an event of importance enough in itself to cause no small stir in that quiet communit}-. The rumor that a small house, piifluresquely situated at the edge of a wood some distance from the village, was being fitted up for the new comers, was soon spread abroad, and gave rise to many conjecflures and surmises. The new furniture that paraded in wagons before the astonished eves of the settlers, was different from any that had been seen before ; and, though it would have been thought simple enough, or even rude, at the present day, exhibited too much of metropolitan taste and luxury to meet their approval. Then a gardener was employed several days to set in order the surrounding plot of ground, and set out rose bushes, and ornamental plants ; the fence was painted gayly, and the inclosure secured hy a neat gate. A few days after, a light traveling wagon brought the tenants to the abode prepared for them. Within the memory of a generation, hardly any occurrence had taken place which excited so much curiosity. The doors and win- dows were crowded with gazers ; and the younger part of the population were hardly restrained by parental EASTOjV, PENN'A. 89 authority from rushing after the equipage. The female, who sat with a boy on the back seat, wore a thick veil ; but the pleasant face of a middle-aged man, who looked about him, and bowed courteously to the different groups, attra<5led much attention. The man who drove had a jolly English face, betokening a very communi- cative disposition ; nor was the promise broken to the hope ; for that ver^' evening the same personage was seated among a few grave-looking Dutchmen who lingered at the tavern, dealing out his information liberally to such as chose to question him. The new comer, it appeared, was a member of the Colonial Assembly, and had brought his family to rusticate for a season on the banks of the Delaware. This famiU- consisted of his English wife, and a son about seven years old. They had been accustomed, he said, to the society of the rich and gay, both in Philadelphia and in Europe, ha\-ing spent some time in Paris before their coming to this country. The information given by the loquacious driver, who seemed to think the village not a little honored in so distinguished an accession to its inhabitants, produced no favorable impression. The honest mynheers, how- ever, were little inclined to be hasty in their judgment. They preferred consulting their wives, who waited with no little patience for the Sabbath morning, expeAing them to have a full opportunity of criticizing their new iieighbors. They were doomed to disappointment ; none of the famih- was at the place of meeting, although the practice of church-going was one so time-honored, that a journey of ten miles on foot to attend religious service was thought nothing of, and few, even of the most worldly-minded, ventured on an omission. The non-appear- ance of the strangers was a dark omen. The next day, however, the dames of the settlement had an oppor- tunity of seeing Mrs. AV'inton — for so I shall call her, not choosing to give her real name — as she came out to purchase a few articles of kitchen furniture. Her style of dress was altogether different from theirs. Instead of the hair pomatumed back from the forehead, she wore it in natural ringlets ; instead of the short petticoats in vogue among the Dutch dames, a long and flowing skirt set off to advatitage a figure of remarkable grace. At the first glance, one could not but acknowledge her singular beauty. Her form was faultless in symmetry, and her features exquisitely regular ; the complexion being of a clear brown, set off by luxuriant black hair, and a pair of brilliant dark eyes. The expression of these was not devoid of a certain fascination, though it had something to excite distrust in the simple-minded fair ones who measured the claims of the stranger to admiration. They could not help thinking there was a want of innate modest}' in the bold, restless wanderings of those eyes, bright as they were, and in the perfecfl self-possession the English woman showed in her some- what haughty carriage. Her voice, too, though melodious, was not low in its tones, and her laugh was merry, and frequently heard. In short, she appeared, to the untutored judgment of the dames of the Nnllage, decidedly wanting in reser\-e, and the softness natural to joiith in woman. While they shook their heads, and were shy of conversation with her, it was not a little wonderful to notice the different effeA produced on their spouses. The honest Dutchmen surveyed the handsome stranger with undisguised admiration, evinced at first by a pro- longed stare, and on after occasions by such rough courtesy as they found opportunity of showing, with alacrity offering to her any little service that neighbors might render. The women, on the other hand, became more and more suspicious of her outlandish gear and her bewitching smiles, lavished with such profusion upon all who came near her. Her charms, in their eyes, were so many sins, which they were inclined to see her expiate, before they relented so far as to extend toward her the ci\'ilities of neighborhood. The more their husbands praised her, the more they stood aloof ; and, for weeks after the family had become settled, scarcely any com- munication of a friendly nature had taken place between her and any of the female population. Little, however, did the English woman appear to care for negleA on the part of those she e\-idently thought much inferior to herself She had plenty of company, such as suited her taste, and no lack of agreea- ble employment, notwithstanding her persistence in a habit which shocked still more the prejudices of her worthy neighbors — of leaving her household labor to a servant. She made acquaintance with all who relished her lively conversation, and took much pleasure in exciting, by her eccentric manners, the astonishment of her long-queued admirers. She was always affable, and not only invited those she liked to \-isit her without cere- mony, but called upon them for any extra ser\-ice she required. It was on one of the brightest days in October that Mrs. Winton was riding with her son along a path lead- ing through the forest up the Delaware. The road wound at the base of a mountain, bordering the river closely, and was flanked in some places by precipitous rocks, overgrown with shrubs, and shaded b\- overhanging trees. The wealth of foliage appeared to greater advantage, touched with the rich tints of autumn — ' ' With hues more gay Than when the flow'rets bloomed, the trees are drest ; How gorgeous are their draperies ! green and gold. Scarlet and crimson ! like the glittering vest Of Israel's priesthood, glorious to behold ! go THE HISTORY OF See yonder towering hill, with forests clad, How bright its mantle of a thousand dyes ! Edged with a silver band, the stream, that glad. But silent, winds around its base." It can hardly be known if the romantic beauty of the scene, which presented itself by glimpses through the foliage, the bright calm river, the wooded hills and slopes beyond, and the village lying in the lap of the savage forest, called forth as much admiration from those who gazed, as it has since from spirits attuned to a vivid sense of the loveliness of nature. The sudden flight of a bird from the bushes startled the horse, and, dashing quickly to one side, he stood on the sheer edge of the precipice overlooking the water. The next plunge might have been a fatal one, but that the bridle was instantly seized by the strong ami of a man who sprang from the concealment of the trees. Checking the frightened animal, he assisted the dame and her son to dismount, and then led the horse for them to less dangerous ground. In the friendly conversation that fol- lowed, the English woman put forth all her powers of pleasing ; for the man was known already to her for one of the most respeiflable of the settlers, though he had never yet sought her society. His little service was rewarded by a cordial invitation, which was soon followed by a visit, to her house. To make a long storj- short, not many weeks had passed before this neighbor was an almost daily \'isitor ; and, to the surprise and concern of the whole village, his example was in time followed by many others of those who might have been called the gentry of Easton. It became evident that the handsome stranger was a coquette of the most unscrupulous sort ; that she was passionately fond of the admiration of the other sex, and was determined to exaifl the tribute due her charms, even from the sons of the wilderness. She flirted desper- ately with one after another, contriving to impress each with the idea that he was the happy individual espe- cially favored by her smiles. Her manners and conversation showed less and less regard for the opinion of others, or the rules of propriety. The effetfl of such a course of condudl in a community so simple and old- fashioned in their customs, so utterly unused to any such broad defiance of censure, may be more easily ima- gined than described. How the men were flattered and intoxicated in their admiration for the beautiful siren, and their lessons in an art so new to them as gallantry ; how the women were amazed out of their propriety, can be conceived without the aid of philosophy. Things were bad enough as they were ; but when the time came for Mr. Winton to depart and take his place in the Assembly, the change was for the worse. His handsome wife was left, with only her son, in Easton for the winter. Her behavior was now more scandalous than ever, and soon a total avoidance of her by every other female in the place attested their indignation. The coquette evidently held them in great scorn, while she continued to receive, in a still more marked and offensive manner, the attentions of the husbands, whom, she boasted, she had taught they had hearts under their linsey-woolsey coats. Long walks and rides through the woods, attended always by some one who had owned the power of her beauty, set public opinion wholly at defiance ; and the company at her fireside, evening after evening, was well known to be not such as became a wife and mother to receive. Should this history of plain, unvarnished fatfl chance to meet the eye of any fair trifler, who has been tempted to invite or welcome such homage, let her pause and remember that the wrath of the injured wives of Easton was but such as nature must rouse in the bosom of the virtuous in all ages and countries ; and that tragedies as deep as that to which it led have grown from the like cause, and may still do so at any period of civilization. The winter months passed, and spring came to set loose the .streams, and fill the woods with tender bloom and verdure. But the anger of the justly irritated dames of Easton had gathered strength with time. Scarce one among the most conspicuous of the neighborhood but had particular reason to have their common enemy for the alienated affeAions and monopolized time of her husband, so faithful to his duties before this fatal enchantment. Complaints were made by one to another, and strange stories told, which, of course, lost noth- ing in their circulation from mouth to mouth. What wonder was it that the mysterious influence exercised by the strange woman should be attributed to witchcraft? What wonder that she should be judged to hold inter- course with e\-il spirits, and to receive from them the power by which she subdued men to her sway ? Late in the afternoon of a beautiful day in the early part of June, two or three of the matrons of the village stationed themselves near the woods by which stood the house of Mrs. Winton. Not far from this was a small pond, where the boys amused themselves in fishing, or bathed during the heats of summer. The spot once occupied by this little body of water is now the central portion of tlie town, and covered with neat buildings of brick and .stone. The women had come forth to watch; nor was their vigilance long unrewarded. They saw Mrs. Winton, E ASTON, PENN'A. 91 accompanied by one of her gallants, dressed with a care that showed his anxiety to please, walking slowly along the borders of the woods. The sun had set, and the gray shadows of twilight were creeping over the land- scape ; vet it was e\'idently not her intention to return home. As it grew darker, the two entered the woods, the female taking the arm of her companion, and presently both disappeared. "There he goes !" exclaimed one of the women who watched, with fierce anger in her looks, for it was her husband she had seen. "I knew it; I knew he spent even,- evening with her!" "Shall we follow them?" asked the other. "No ! no ! let us go home quick !" was the answer. Such a scene as the night witnessed was never before enadled in that quiet village. At a late hour there was a meeting of many of the matrons in the house of one of their number. The curtains were closely drawn ; the light was so dim that the faces of those who whispered together could scarcelyy be discerned. There was something fearful in the assemblage, at such an unwonted time, of those orderly housewives, so unaccustomed ever to leave their homes after dusk. The circumstance of their meeting alone betokened something uncom- mon in agitation. Still more did the silence, hushed and breathless at intervals, the eager, but suppressed whispering, the rapid gestures, the general air of determination mingled wnth caution. It struck midnight ; they made signs one to another, and the light was extinguished. It was perhaps an hour or more after, when the same band of women left the house, and took their way, in profound silence, along the road leading out of the village. By a roundabout course, skirting the small body of water above mentioned, they came to the border of the woods. Just then the waning moon rose above the forest tops, shedding a faint light over hill and stream. It could then be seen that the females all wore a kind of mask of black stuff. Their course was diredled towards the English woman's house, which they approached with stealthy and noiseless steps. A few moments of silence passed, after they had disappeared, and then a wild shriek was heard, and others fainter and fainter, like the voice of one in agony struggling to cry out, and stifled by powerful hands. The women rushed from the woods, dragging with them their helpless \'i(5lim, whom they had gagged, so that she could not even supplicate their mercy. Another cry was presently heard — the wail of a terrified child. The little boy, roused from sleep by the screams of his mother, ran towards her captors, and throwing himself on his knees, begged for her in piteous accents and with streaming tears. "Take him away!" cried several together; and one of their number, snatching up the child, ran off with him at her utmost speed, and did not return. The others proceeded quickly to their mission of vengeance. Dragging the helpless dame to the pond, they rushed into it, heedless of risk to themselves, till they stood in deep water. Then each, in turn, seizing her enemy by the shoulders, plunged her in, head and all, crying as she did .so, "This is for my husband!" "And this for mine!" "This for mine!" was echoed, with the plunges, in quick succession, till the work of retribution was accomplished, and the party hurried to shore. Startled by a noise as of some one approaching, the disguised avengers fled, leaving their \-i(flim on the bank, and lost no time in hastening homeward. The dawn of day disclosed a dreadful catastrophe : Dame Winton was found dead beside the water. There was evidence enough that she had perished, not by accident, but violence. Who could have done the deed ? The occurrence caused great commotion in Easton, as it was but natural it should ; but it was never dis- covered with certainty who were the perpetrators of the murder. Suspicion fell on several ; but they were prudent enough to keep silence, and nothing could be proved against them. Perhaps the more prominent among the men, who should have taken upon themselves the investigation of the affair, had their own reasons for passing it over rather slightly. It was beyond doubt, too, that actual nnirder had not been designed by the aclors in the tragedy ; but simply the punishment assigned to witchcraft by popular usage. So the matter was not long agitated, though it was for many years a subject of conversation among those who had no interest in hushing it up ; and the story served as a warning to give point to the lessons of careful mothers. It was for a long time believed that the ghost of the unfortunate English woman haunted the spot where she had died. Nor did the belief cease to prevail long after the pond was drained, and the woods felled, and the space built over. A stable belonging to a gentleman with whom I am acquainted stands near the place. I have heard him relate how one of his servants, who had never heard the story had rushed in one night, much alarmed, to say that he had seen a female figure, in old-fashioned cap and white gown, standing at the door of the stable. Another friend, who resides near, was told by his domestic that a strange woman had stood at the back gate, who had suddenly disappeared when asked who she was. Thus there seems ground enough to excuse the belief, even now prevalent among the common people in Easton, that the spirit still walks at night about that porton of the town. 92 THE HISTORY OF ARNDT FAMILY. Bv the inscription on the tombstone in the grave-yard at the Arndt Chnrch we learn that Jacob Arndt was born in Germany, March 12, 1725. The father of Jacob was Bern- hard Arndt. Tlie family moved to Pennsylvania, and settled in Bucks county, when Jacob was quite young. The inscription tells us that Jacob Arndt served his God and and king faithfully, and in and after the Revolution he served the republic. When he was twenty-six years old he commanded a company of volunteers, and marched with King Teedyuscung from Bethlehem to Fort Allen (Col. Rec, pages 267 and 723) in 1756-1757. He rose to the distinction of Major, and was the commander of the first company of vol- unteers raised in Easton, in the Pontiac war, in 1763. In 1760, Jacob Arndt purchased a mill property, the first in the valley of the Bushkill, of John Jones. The mill is now owned by Jacob Walter, but is still known by the name of Arndt's mill, near the old church which bears his name. The Committee of Safety was elected by qualified voters, and Jacob Arndt's name was third on the list. When the Standing Committee was appointed, which was to have the business principally in hand, Jacob Arndt's name was first from Forks township. The question was put, "shall we consider all who will not join in asso- ciation with us as enemies, and withdraw all business relations with them?" The answer was in the affirmative, and unanimous. Mr. Arndt stood firm in the darkest and most painful hours of that eventful struggle, which was to procure freedom for a continent. Few names shine more brightly in that glorious contest than that of Jacob Arndt. He deserves a much prouder monument than the humble one which marks his grave. Mr. Arndt, George Taylor, Peter Kichline, John Okely, and Lewis Gordon were ele<5led mem- bers of the convention to form a constitution for tlie state in 1774. In 1776 he was a member of the Executive Council of the state. He removed to Easton in 1796, from his mill. His son John wrote to Dr. Gross concerning the health of his father in 1803, saying: "Respecfling his health it is tolerable for one of his age, but time has and con- tinues to press heavily upon him. His eyesight is almost gone; his feet begin to get weak, and cannot, for a long time, bear the weight of his body; but his appetite is good, and to live happy and contented depends upon himself" He died in 1805. It is pleasant to stand by the grave of such an one; it seems like holy ground. His son John sleeps close by his side; a worthy son of a noble sire. He was born, June 5, 1748, and was twenty-eight years of age when the Declaration of Independence was adopted. He entered into the contest with the same zeal which characterized his father. When the news came to town that the Declaration of Independence was adopted, the little town was soon in great commotion. No one need doubt long on which side the sturdy Germans would stand. Captain Abraham Labar, with his company, paraded the streets, with drums beating and the shrill notes of the fife ringing among the hills; the new flag was thrown to the breeze, and the whole population of the town fell into line. "They met in the Court House, where the Declaration of Independence was read by Robert Levers." The town consisted, at this time, of about seventy houses, mostly of one-story log houses. Washington had driven the English Fleet out of Boston harbor, and he supposed New York would next be in danger. A company was immediately formed in Northampton count)-, numbering eighty-seven men, and John Arndt was the E ASTON, PENN'A. 93 Captain and Peter Kichline Second Lieutenant. The company waited some days for arms, but the Committee of Safety ordered them to march to the army of General Wash- ington, with or without arms, and arms were supplied at the front. The company obeyed, and was in the thickest of the fight. The company rallied at Elizabethtown next day, having only thirty-three men. Captain Arndt was severely wounded, and both he and Kichline were taken prisoners. After his release from confinement he returned to Easton, in September, 1780, and was appointed a commissary with David Deshler for supplying the sick and disabled troops with the necessaries of life — not only to supply the sick and wounded soldiers, but widows and orphans of fallen patriots, and this was done with an unselfish devotion. After Captain Arndt had returned, a story was started by a tory to the effect that he hid behind a barn on the battle-field, to shield himself from British bullets. The captain brought a complaint before the Committee of Safety. A warrant was put into the hands of a constable, with orders to arrest the man who started the slander, and bring him before the Committee forthwith. The culprit was soon in their dread presence. He was found guilty, and was very quickly disposed of He must make an acknowledgment, ask the captain's pardon, promise not to repeat the story, or go to jail till further orders. He paid his fine and costs, made due acknowledgment, and went home, reflecting upon the fa(5l that he was in the midst of a Revolution, and had stern men to deal with. John Arndt was active through the entire course of the war, frequently in correspondence with the president of the commonwealth, and handled large sums of money for the public. He came to the front in a time which "tried men's souls." Where there was danger and toil, John Arndt was found. His life, his fortune and sacred honor were laid upon the altar of liberty. He frequently advanced money out of his own pocket to help on the cause of freedom. "In 1777, he was appointed Register of Wills, Recorder of Deeds, and Clerk of the Orphans' Court," and was an efficient member of the Committee of Safety. In 1783, he was eledled a representative in the Council of the Censors, to propose amendments to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. "In 1783, Dickinson College, at Car- lisle, was incorporated, of which John Arndt was appointed one of the Trustees. He was chosen one of the Ele(5lors of President and Vice-President of the United States, and cheerfully gave his vote for the illustrious Washington; was a candidate for Congress, but defeated by a small majority." He died in 1814, without a stain xipon his chara(5ler as a soldier and citizen. It is a gre^t pleasure to the historian to place such names where they can be plainly read, and their virtues remembered by the thoughtful student for generations to come. These two men were Germans: the first born in Fatherland; and the second, though born in America, had his cradle encircled by all the influences of Crennan life. He was lulled to sleep by the sweet German lullaby, sung by his German mother. All the stories his parents told him were of German life. A protestant German king was on the throne of England. The English people had received the fleeing Palatines with open arms and generously gave them a home. There seemed many reasons why they should cling to the English throne for protection, and be slow to lay aside their allegiance to a friendly German king. But strange as it may seem, the hour when the songs of freedom were sung, and the tocsin of war was sounded, they began to use the bullet moulds, put their muskets in order, and prepare for battle. They had suffered under the weight of thrones, and by the rough hand of religious persecution; and perhaps the\' thought the time had 94 THE HISTORY OF come when they might dispense with those costly implements of human government. They may have felt somewhat as the poet did when he penned the following beautiful lines: "Land of the West! beneath the Heaven There's not a fairer, lovelier clime ; Nor one to which was ever given A destiny more high, sublime. From Allegheny's base to where Our Western Andes prop the sky — The home of Freedom's hearts is there. And o'er it Freedom's eagles fly." But whatever was the reason, the German soldiers came nobly to the rescue of human freedom. These men ' ' pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. ' ' Their lives and fortunes might perish, but lionor and liberty^ never. Squire Benjamin Arndt, so well known to many now living, was a son of John Arndt. He was under arms in 1812, but not in any battle. He was a man of decided opinions, and did not fear to follow them to their legitimate and logical conclusions. This was well illustrated while living in Forks township. Joseph Ritter was nominated for governer of Pennsylvania. Arndt was an old line Whig, and the only one in the township; but he walked to the polls and cast his solitary vote with as much firmness as if he had been in the majority. Those were times when party work was apt to be rewarded. "To the vidlors belong the spoils" was the battle cry for all parties, and Benjamin Anidt stood out in lines too clear to be overlooked. He went to Harrisburg and asked for the position of Clerk of the Orphans' Court, and his request was readily granted, and the duties were well per- formed. That he was a man of integrity is evident from the fa(5l that, though he was a decided Whig, he was eledled to office by Democrats. "He was the tenth Postmaster, and was appointed by President Taylor, May 9, 1849." He held the office till a change in the administration, when President Pierce appointed John J. Herster. Mr. Arndt per- formed the duties of Justice of the Peace for man}' years; his office was on Sotitli Third street. He exhibited much the same spirit that was so conspicuous in the lives of his father, grandfather and great-grandfather. They were all sturdy German people, but they were ardent patriots; loyal to liberty; faithful to the republic. They were honorable in their dealings with their fellow men. There are five children of Benjamin Arndt's living: two sons in Oregon, and two sons and a daughter in Pennsylvania. There are nineteen o-randchildren. Lutheran Churches in Easton. The Arrival of Muhlenberg; His Great Work — The Old Church on the Philadelphia Road — The Union of the Lutheran and German Reformed Congregations in Building the Church on North Third Street — Building of St. John's Church; Christ Church ; Zion's Evangelical Church ; St. Paul's Church ; Colored Lutheran Church ; St. Peter's Evangelical Church. HEY clung to the name of *Gennan Reformed and Lutheran without any knowledge of the religions principles or duties. And soon the Macedonian cr\-, "Come over and help us," was heard over Europe. Lands were to be cleared, cabins to be built, wealth to be created out of the wilderness. They felt they were sheep without a shepherd, and their cry was the cry of distress. They were in a wilderness, living in log cabins, in the sim- plest possible way. Their time was occupied in daily toil. If they had books, the young could not read them, and the parents had not time nor ability to teach them. They needed preachers who could both teach and preach. It was to be a work of self-denial and hard toil, in a wilderness. Their cries reached the ears and hearts of Christian Europe. Who will go to Pennsylvania? was the inquir\' of Gennany and Holland. It required as much self- denial as it does now to go to the banks of the Congo or the Ganges. The stream of imigration was increasing, and the feeling of distress and religious necessity growing wider and deeper, and the cry for help more painful. Who will go to Pennsylvania and feed those hungry' flocks? But long before the people began to look for messengers to go and supply this pressing need, God had been preparing two men of strong nerves, and courageous hearts; men willing to forsake the pleasures of European ci\ilization and take up their abode in the forests of the new world. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg was born in the city of Einbeck of Hanover, Sept. 6, 171 1. From his seventh to his twelfth year he was kept constantly at school, studying the German and Latin languages and receiving religious instruction, and at twelve years of age he was confirmed and admitted to the sacraments. At this time his father died and left so little property that he was compelled to leave school and labor to help his mother support the family. Had his father left an ample fortune the name of ^Muhlenberg would not have been heard outside of Hanover. This early toil gave him muscular development, and a willingness to toil for others when God should call. Until he was twenty-one years of age he was compelled to labor more or less to maintain the family. At this age he resumed his studies under the care of his pastor. He desired to obtain a university education, but he was poor, and the way seemed dark. But the hand of Providence opened the way most unexpectedly: a scholarship was given him in the University of Cotingen, which had just been established. *The great influx of German population into Pennsylvania has been noticed in a pre\-ious number in connection with the history- of the German Reformed Church. 96 THE HISTORY OF The warm desire of his heart was gratified. Up to this time he knew nothing of experi- mental religion. He formed unfavorable associates which retarded his progress; his aberration, howe\'er, was very brief. He broke loose from the surrounding dangers, and soon met with that remarkable change which brought him into warm sympathy with the experienced Christian and prepared him for the work which he afterward so successfully performed. In his zeal for the Master, he was soon found engaged in teaching the catechism to poor, negledled children. For this irregularity he was prosecuted by the government, but was sustained in his work. In July, 1731, while on a visit to Halle, Dr. Franke informed him that he had just received a request that he would send a missionary to the scattered Lutherans in Pennsylvania, and he proposed to Mr. Muhlenberg that he engage in the enterprise. He made it a matter of prayerful consideration, and after consultation with his most trusted friends, he concluded to accept the appointment. June 13, 1742, he set sail for the New World, and the new field of labor. He went by way of Charleston, and arrived in Philadelphia in November. Muhlenberg met a strange state of things among the Lutheran people. By the dearth of pastors, wolves in sheep's clothing came among the flock, proclaimed themselves Lutheran preachers, and ingratiated themselves into the favor of a confiding people. Sometimes a single remark will give an insight into the working of a man's soul quite as clearly as the associations of many days. In one of his reports to Halle, Muhlenberg reports the condition of the Lutheran people: "There is such a pitiable con- dition and ruin among our poor Lutheran people that it cannot be sufficiently wept for with tears of blood. 1 'arents have permitted their children to grow up without baptism, without instriuflion and knowledge, and go into heathenism. So I found it when I arrived in Phila- delphia." In regard to Muhlenberg, Dr. Schmucker used the following language: "Though more than sixty HENRY MEixHioK ML HLKNHhRG. years havc passcd since he closed his earthly career, his name is still fresh and fragrant in all our churches, and his general charadleristics, as well as the results of his labors, are so well known that I shall be in little danger of mistaking in respe(?t to them. Notwithstanding several German as well as Sweedish Lutheran ministers had been in this country long before Mr. Muhlenberg arrived here, yet so a' street, at a cost of $18,000. The Lutheran Church now stood alone, and was ready for work. Rev. Mr. Hecht was no ordinary man, as a brief sketch of his life will show. He was born in Bucks county, February 28, 1790, but losing his father in early infancy he was taken to Philadelphia. His early education was most injudicious, but it showed the precocious talent in the boy. At three years of age he could partly read, and a Bible 'to be all his own' was offered as a premium if he could read an\' cha])ter that could be loo THE HISTORY OF seledled at five. He won the prize, and thenceforth his edncation was carried on under hi- 3, 1868: '■'■Resolved, That, feeling the urgent necessity of another church, we will take steps to .sell a portion of the grave yard, and that the proceeds, after carefully removing and re-interring the dead thereon, be applied toward the purchase and the eredlion of a church for the German portion of the congregation." The adl of separation was not completed until December 19, 1871, when two hundred and .seventy-eight members were dismis.sed from vSt. John's io6 THE HISTORY OF Church to form the new organization. The grave yard was sold to the School Board for $20,408.50, which was paid over to Zion's Church. The next step was to obtain a place of worship. The Dutch Reformed Church, of Easton, was organized July 27, 1851, and proceeded to purchase land and eredl a church on Fifth street. While the church was being built Rev. J. H. Mason Knox, now President Knox, of Lafayette College, a grand- son of Dr. Mason, was called to the pastorate of the church in 1851. The church was completed at a cost of $16,000, a large part of which was obtained by the energy of the pastor. The difficulty of sustaining the organization was so great that the congregation concluded to sell the church, and the newly formed German congregation purchased it for $10,000 and named it Zion's Church. On the 24th of October the following were chosen the first officers of Zion's Church: John Reuf, Henry L. Mattes, Christian Ippicli, Josiah A. Siegfried, William Schlechter, Owen Seibert, Ferdinand Hartel, John Gomringer, Friederich Muller, Alfred Mnller, Alfred Mebus, Andrew Pickle and William F. Schlechter. On the ist of January,-, 1871, the first services were held in the new church. The congregation grew rapidly and in a short time the enlargement of the edifice became necessary. At the time this work was being done a cupola was added to the building, a new organ was procured and a bell pixrchased. These improvements having been completed, the church was re-dedicated at the Advent festival in 1872. The congregation now numbers over four hundred communicant members. The Sabbath School contains four hundred and fifty pupils and thirty teachers. The superintendents of the school were, successively, John Teichman, John Reuf, William F. Schlechter, Henry L. Mattes, Josiah A. Siegfried and Henry Snyder, who now fills the position. Mr. Pfatteicher has been pastor of the church twenty-six years. He was born in Wassingen, Baden, and spent his early youth in Switzerland, where he pursued his studies at a mission institute. In 1858, in response to a call from Dr. Schafer, of Philadelphia, for divinity students from Germany, he came to the United States. In i860, Mr. Pfatteicher was ordained at St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, immediately after which he came to Easton on an invitation from Dr. Sadtler, then pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, and shortly thereafter became assistant pastor of the same, preaching his first sennon in August, i860. This is the only church in Easton in which German is exclusively used. Those coming from Fatherland find a religious home where they can hear the gospel in their native toneue. ST. PETER'S CHURCH. [from rev. dunb.-\r'.s sermon.] This church was originally designated the Sixth Lutheran Church ; but it was after- wards ascertained that the colored church was designated the First Colored Lutheran Church, and the title of the church was changed in its charter to the Fifth Lutheran Church. "In looking for the first step which finally led to the organization of St. Peter's Fifth Lutheran congregation, we are carried back to the year 1870. The first prominent event which diredlly begins the history' of the church was the erecflion, during the year, of St. Paul's Mission Chapel, on Porter street, near High. This was a frame building. E ASTON, PENN'A. 24x40 feet, with a recess of seven feet in width in front and five feet in rear, and three feet six inches deep. The agreement for the work was signed on the one part by C. Edward Hecht, David B. Miller, Amandus Schug, and William Sweeny of St. Paul's Church, and on the other part by Simon Reasner and Charles Stem, the builders. The Chapel was finished and dedicated to divine service in the fall of 1870, Rev. F. W. Conrad preaching the sermon. Upon the completion of this chapel a Sunday School was at once established. Here the work was successfully carried on, encouraged by an occasional visit from Rev. Bar- clay, then pastor of St. Paul's Church. Preaching services were held as they were able to procure some one to break to them the bread of life. During the years 1870 to 1873 the population of College Hill i n - creased with great rapidity, and grew into a great and well regulated commun- ity. The idea was at once conceived to organize a congrega- t i o n on the hill. Acliion was at once taken by St. Paul's Church Council to carr\- the proposition into effect. In July, 1S74, a meeting of the people on the hill was called in the chapel, at which it was decided to or- ganize the new congregation. At the same meeting, the following ofiicers were elecfled: lilders, P. A. vShimer, Ephraim Bowers, Amandus Steinmetz, and James H. Buell; Deacons, Edwin Sandt, Isaac Snyder, and Noah Dietrich. These oflficers were installed the latter part of July by Rev. H. W. McKnight, pastor of St. Paul's Church. Amandus Steinmetz was made Treasurer, Edward Sandt, Secretary, and J. H. Buell, P. A. Shinier and Ephraim Bowers, Trustees. In the month of September the vacancies among the Deacons were filled by the elecftion of Van Selan Walter and Samuel Briuker. The next important step was the calling of a pastor. .Vfter due deliberation Rev. W. H. ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. loS THE HISTORY OF Dunbar was called by the congregation, and on Friday, August 28, he was notified of his election, which he accepted, and met his people the first time on Sunday, August 30, 1874. In 1875 it was discovered that the success of the enter|3rise demanded the ere6lion of a new cluirch edifice. In view of this, early in the Spring of 1875, at a meeting of the Council, it was resolved to build a new church. A building committee was appointed, consisting of A. Steinmetz, P. A. Shimer, and Ephraim Bowers, who were given full power to raise the money and carry on the work. William Werkheiser was appointed building treasurer. The work was at once entered upon with great earnestness and energy. The lot upon which the church was built cost $1500, and was a present to the congregation from Mr. John Eyernian, of St. Paul's Church. The new church was completed by the middle of January, 1876. The large and handsome Bible in the pulpit was a gift from Dr. Cattell, and the reading desk from Amandus Steinmetz. The church was dedicated January 16, 1876. The clergymen present to participate in the ser\'ices were Revs. Dr. Conrad, McKnight, Henr}', Fleck, Rizer and Deer. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Conrad. And now the work of building being completed, attention could be turned to spiritual work. But alas! There was a debt of $5000 for the building, which was increased to $7000 by obtaining an organ, and heaters, and other necessary furniture." The pastorate of Rev. Mr. Dunbar closed in May, 1880. In the summer of the same year Rev. H. B. Wile became pastor and under his pastorate the church became free from debt. It is a beautiful building, located in a delightful place, in a growing community, with bright prospers of future usefulness. There is a fine parsonage, built since Rev. Mr. Dunbar's ministry. It is adjoining the church and is similar in architectural style. Rev. J. B. Keller, the present pastor, succeeded Rev. Mr. Wile, March 8, 1S86. He was educated at Gettysburg, and ordained at Easton, in Christ's Church, during the pastorate of Dr. Greenwald. He came to Easton from Williams, Maryland, to accept the call to this pastorate. This church reports one hundred and fifty members, and a membership in the Sabbath School of one hundred and forty. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. [rev. a. W. WALTER.] On 0-, on Sunday afternoon, July 4, 1875. Rev. Schaeffer acfted as superintendent, and the school was then under the guidance of St. John's, Christ and Zion's Lutheran Churches. There were present at the first meeting ninety scholars, divided into nine classes of girls and five of boys, with fourteen teachers. E ASTON, PENN'A. ' 109 The first officers were: Mr. F. H. Lehr, Superintendent; Rev. William A. Schaeffer, Secretary and Treasurer; Miss Ella Gerspach, Organist. The school rapidly increased and a larger room was in great demand, when, in 1882, St. John's purchased the lot situated at the comer of Eleventh and Ferr}- streets, and erected thereupon the present beautiful building, 32x54 feet. In May, 1885, Rev. A. W. Walter, having moved to Easton, Pa., from Decatur, Illinois, on account of ill health, he was earnestly requested to supply this church, which he did, and by the advice and consent of the VestrA' of St. John's Church, services were held every Simday evening beginning with July of the same year. The demand for more services, and the growth warranting the same, a meeting was held at Rev. A. W. Walter's residence January 12, 1886, six persons being present, to take in consideration the advisability of an organization as a church, when it was resolved that a regular meeting be called at the church, Januar}' 18, 1886, to ascertain the condition etc., looking toward such an organization. The proposed meeting was held and an organization effedled to be known as "St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Easton, Pa." A committee was appointed to draft a constitution and present the same at the next meeting held January* 25th, when persons desiring to identify themselves as members of this organization could do so by signing the constitution; the same, recommended by the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church for congre- gations, was adopted, and its charter members numbered 107. February' i, 1886, the first officers were elected, viz. : Messrs. John Berkey, Sr. , Benjamin F. Ward, Theodore F. Hamman, Edward Walter, Milton D. Ritter, Hiram Edelman, William H. Jones, John J. Seip and Frank D. Bishop, who were installed February 5th, by Rev. J. M. Anspach. March i8th of the same year. Rev. A. W. Walter was elected the first pastor, and on the 28th of March was installed. Rev. D. H. Geissinger, of St. John's Church, delivered the sennon to an overcrowded house. The congregation refurnished the audience room entirely previous to the installation service, and Rev. W'illiam Ashmead Schaeffer, of Philadelphia, Pa., preached the re-opening services March 28, 1886, at 10.30 A. M. The first Communion services were held Easter morning, April 25, 1886. The present officers of the school are Rev. A. W. Walter, Superintendent; George I. Nungesser, Assistant Superintendent; John J. Seip, Secretary; Theodore F. Hamman, Treasurer; Miss Lizzie Weaker, Organist. The Sunday School numbers 340 officers, teachers and scholars. Rev. A. W. Walter was bom in Easton, Pa., June 5, 1859. He received his early training in the common schools of the place of his birth, and prepared for college in the High School. He pursued his Theological studies in the Lutheran Seminary- in Phila- delphia, and graduated in the class of 1881, and was ordained at Pottstown, Pa., June 13, of the same year. REDEMPTIONERS. A VERY large part of the early German immigrants came to Pennsylvania to enjoy religious freedom. But later they came hoping to better their condition and obtain homes and comforts which they were led to believe they could easily obtain in Pennsylvania. Ship owners and other interested parties largely advertised in glowing terms the advan- tages to be obtained by going to the new world. Thousands who were poor, not able to pay their passage, agreed to bind them.selves to labor for any man to whom the\- might be no THE HISTORY OF sold on their arrival in Pennsylvania, for the time agreed upon. Some for two, others for three or more years, would be pnt up at auction and sold to the highest bidder, just as slaves were sold. These were called Redemptioners, and were sold for about ten to fifteen pounds. Many of them, after serving out their time faithfully, became, by frugality and industry, to be among the most influential citizens in the State. The years that were peculiarly remarkable for the importation of Palatinate redemptioners were from 1728 to 1751, yet the practice of selling continued for many years, and was not abolished within the eighteenth century. There was a set of men who were called soul-drivers, who used to drive redemptioners through the country and dispose of them to the farmers. They generally purchased them in lots consisting of fifty or more, of captains of sliips to whom the redemptioners were indebted for their passage. The trade was very brisk for many years, but (as the country' increased in population) broke up about 1785, by the numbers that ran away from the drivers. A story is told of one of these soul-drivers having been tricked by one of his herd. This fellow, by a little management, contrived to be the last of the flock that remained unsold, and of course travelled about with his master. One night they lodged at a tavern, and in the morning the young fellow rose early and sold his master to the landlord, pocketed the money, and marched off. Before going, he used the precaution to tell the purchaser that, though tolerably clever in other respedls, he was rather saucy and a little given to lying. That he had even been presumptuous enough at times to endeavor to pass for master, and that he might possibly represent himself as such to him. EASTON SCHNRKV — A \\V,W ()K "POT ROCK" AND "THE EDDY. HON. GEORGE TAYLOR. England hath sunny dales, dearly they bloom; Scotia hath heather hills, sweet their perfume; Yet through the wilderness cheerful we stray. Native land, native land — home far away ! Pilgrims and wanderers, hither we come; Where the free dare to be — this is our home. — Lunt. III^RE is no group of names in modern history which attra(fts more special niterest than the names of those who signed the immortal roll which Lstablished the nationality of the United States. This simple aA has gained for them their immortality — they were brave men. The Declaration, m case of failure, would have been their death warrant. They believed in God; they believed in the jnstice of their cause; they would rather die for freedom than live slaves to a foreign power; and so with a bold, unflinching courage, they affixed their names to the document sacred to liberty. None but an eye of faith could see through the gloom which hung over the future, when John Hancock took his pen, wrote his name in letters in nearly a half inch space, and looking at them, exclaimed, "There, John Bull can read that without his glasses." Charles Carroll, while writing his name, being reminded that there were two Charles Carrolls in Maryland, and that the wrong one might pay the penalty of treason if they failed in the Revolution, added the words "of Carrollton," thus pointing out his home; and these two simple words will pass down the ages to the end of time affixed to the name of Charles Carroll. There are moments in the lives of men which sometimes fix their characfler for real greatness. This moment came in this turning point in human history-. George Taylor was one of this number of great men. He was born in Ireland, in 1 716. He was the son of a clergyman, who gave him an education which prepared him for the useful positions he occupied in after life. It was all his father could give him. He had no one to help him in the world, and nothing to depend upon but his industry and perseverance. His father had thought to have his son study medicine, which profession he began. He was quick, adlive and intelligent, but his turn of mind did not fit him for the kind of study which success required. He determined to seek his fortune in a verv' different way. His mind was turned to America as his future home. He heard of a vessel about to sail for Philadelphia, he deserted his medical studies, and, without a sixpence in his pocket, embarked as a redemptioner, for the new world. On his arrival in America, he bound himself for a term of years to a Mr. Savage, who paid the expenses incurred in crossing the Atlantic. This person had charge of the Durham furnace, on the Delaware river, about ten miles below Easton. Taylor came with Mr. Savage to Durham, and faithfully served out his time, and hence he was called a redemptioner. He was set to work as a coal heaver, that is, to fill the furnace with coal when in blast. He had not been accustomed to such rude work, as the blisters on his hands showed. The fa6l was mentioned to Mr. Savage, who took compassion on the lad, ascertained that his education THE HISTORY OF fitted him for a more important position, and Mr. Savage asked him if he conld not handle a pen better than he could a shovel. Taylor was glad of the change, was installed as clerk, and soon made himself an important member of the establishment. He retained this position several years; when Mr. Savage died, he married his widow, and became proprietor of the whole concern. By industry, prudence and economy, he amassed a considerable fortune, but for some reason he purchased land on the Lehigh, built a large house and made it his residence. Mr. Taylor had not been long an inhabitant of North- ampton before he was called into public life. In 1764 he became a member of the Provincial As.sembly, and was placed on the Committee of Aggrievances, one of the important positions in the body. He took an a6live part in the discussion of the great questions which then agitated the province, the alteration of the charter and the reforma- tion of the proprietary government, into which many serious abuses had crept. In 1765 the speaker of the Assembly received a communication from the Mas.sachusetts Legislature suggesting the meeting of a general Congress at New York in Autumn. At the meeting of the Assembly in September, the proposition was agreed to without a dissenting voice. The Speaker, Mr. Fox, and Messrs. Dickinson, Bryan and Morton, were eledled as delegates, and a committee was appointed to draw up instru6lions for their government when in session. Mr. Taylor was appointed on this committee; the instru<5lions were drawn up, presented to the House next day, and approved by the Assembly. In 0(5lober Mr. Taylor was again eledled to represent North- ampton County in the Provincial Assembly, and again became an a' 25th, and the surrender occurred on the 19th of 0(?lober, 1781. He had rejoiced to hear of Franklin's success at the court of vSt. Cloud, to know that Bonny France had linked her destinies with his country. No doubt the star of hope in ultimate success rose clearly over his dying bed in the old Parsons' mansion. Mr. Taylor had two children, a son and daughter. The son, James, married a daughter of Lewis Gordon, was a lawyer, and died at twenty-nine, leaving a widow and five children. The daughter did not marr.-. Some of his descendants live in South Carolina. In 1855, thirty-one years ago, the people of Easton gave expression to their gratitude, honored themselves in rendering honor to departed worth, and to keep in memory the virtues of George Taylor, by ere(5ling a beautiful and costly monument to his memory in their beautiful cemetery. No one can pass this monument without thinking of the )onthful Redemptioner working out his time to pay the expense of his passage across the sea. The passer-by will think of the successful proprietor of the Durham furnace; the faithful member of the Provincial Assembly; the member of the National Congress; the man who boldly signed the immortal document when others hesitated. They will think of the man who was appointed to reprove the Governor of Pennsylvania, and extend the thanks of the province to the King of England. They will pause to pass a reflecT;iou on the glory of our institutions under whose benign influence the poorest may rise to wealth, the humblest to the most exalted positions, the weakest to positions of power not I20 THE HISTORY OF inferior to that wielded by the Cccsars. Alexander E. Brown, Esq., delivered an excellent oration at the dedication of the monument, in which we find the following beautiful stanzas : "No night-shade spreads its death-like pall ! No gloomy cypress waves its head, But let the glorious sunbeams fall Where rest Columbia's honored dead. Columbia's eagle \'igils keep ! Columbia's banner o'er him wave ! Naught to disturb his peaceful sleep, For freemen guard his hallowed grave." THE DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE TAYLOR. The following genealogical table is the result of the careful and patient research of Mr. Ethan A. Weaver, of Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Lafayette College, a warm friend of Easton, and deeply interested in her history. It has been a matter of long corre- spondence, but his success has amply repaid his toil, and he receives our most hearty thanks. "It is a strange faciil that no biography of George Taylor heretofore published has contained anything concerning the descendaiits of this distinguished patriot. vSanderson, the earliest biographer of the signers, says "he has no legitimate living descendants," and M. S. Henr}', author of the History of the Lehigh Valley, passingly alludes to descendants living in South Carolina and a natural daughter living in Easton. As long ago as 1853, when Matthew Henry was collecting material for his work, he was in correspondence with a great grandson of Colonel Taylor, James Lewis Gordon Taylor, then living in Virginia, (and who had visited Easton) but nothing further than what is above alluded is published in Henry's book. The writer's antiquarian spirit led him some years ago to making diligent researches for Taylor's descendants with the success herein shown. "George Taylor'"' by his marriage had one son, James Taylor,'^' who was bred to the bar, to which he was admitted in 1765; he died very young (1772), but left five children by his marriage with Elizabeth Gordon, daughter of Lewis Gordon, Esq., the first attorney in Northampton County. The names of those children were George, '3' Ann,*''' (always called "Nancy" in the family), Mary, '5' Thomas'''' and James.'^' James Taylor'^' dying before his father, George Taylor,'"' the latter took his children and tenderly cared for them. (See George Taylor's will — will book i, p. 275.) All the children remained with their grandfather until his death, save Ann,'-'' who married Colonel Samuel Swann, of Powhatan, Virginia. At the death of Colonel George Taylor,"' his grandsons, George ''> and James,''' went to Virginia to live with their sister Ann'-" (Mrs. Swann). Thomas'"' was drowned in the Lehigh river; Mary'^' died young; George'^' never married. Ann'*' (Nancy) Swann left several sons; their descendants will be noticed hereafter, and James''' married his first cousin, Anna Maria Miranda, daughter of Alexander Gordon, who was the son of Lewis Gordon, Esq. , of Easton, and brother of Elizabeth Gordon, who married James Taylor,'"' son of George Taylor.'"' The mother of Anna Maria Miranda Gordon was Miss Mary Morris, of Philadelphia, niece of the famous Robert Morris. AS CENTRE SQUARE LO( [FROM A DRAWINC. MADE R ^ED FIFTY YEARS AGO. IRS. McCARTXEV IN 1.S35.] E ASTON, PENN'A. 121 "By this marriage of James Taylor*'' there were four children. George Alexander'*' (died in infancy), Mary (9) (who died young), Sophia Gordon,""' and James Lewis Gordon.*"' James Taylor*'' (grandson of George Taylor), was for many years a man of wealth, but late in life he had reverses which he bore with noble serenity. He lived in Richmond, Va. , and was universally honored. He and his wife are buried in the cemetery of St. John's Church, Richmond. James Lewis Gordon Taylor*"' married (1856) Hannah, daugh- ter of Colonel Wilson Jones of Hampton, Va. , but left no issue. Sophia Gordon <'°' married ^rs/, John Rutledge Smith, of South Carolina (grandson of Edward Rutledge, signer of the Declaration of Independence), and has issue. Jane Ladson Alston Pinckney Smith,*"' now Mrs. Gill Armistead Carey of Alabama, who had two daughters:*'' Isabella Gordon *'3) married Gordon Macdonald (issue Belle Gordon Macdonald,*'^') and *='' Mattie Lee*"*' (unmar- ried). Sophia Gordon*'"' married scxo/idRev. John Collins McCabe, D. D. of the Episcopal Church, and left issue, viz : Isabella Gordon,*'^' who died unmarried in 1857 ! ^^^ William Gordon, <'3> who in 1867 married Jane Pleasants Harrison Osborne (daughter of Edward Harrison Osborne, whose maternal grandfather was a brother of Benjamin Harrison, signer of the Declaration of Independence), and has issue, Edmund Osborne, ''•''William Gordon, *'5' Edward Rainsford Warner.*'**' "Concerning the descendants of "Nancy" Taylor (Ann Swann), the writer has been unable to procure a complete genealogy. She left several sons ; one of these, Thomas Thompson Swann, was born January 12, 1785, while his mother was visiting her grand- father's (Colonel George Taylor's *'') home, at Easton. Two other sons are reported, Samuel G. and George, the latter dying without i.ssue. Thomas Thomp.son Swann married Miss Sallie Woodson Macon, on July 24, 1806, and died in Cumberland county, Va., April 27, 1845. His oldest child, George Taylor Swann, was born in Powhatan county, Va., July 5, 1808 ; graduated at Hampden Sidney College in 1826. He married Miss Mary Lee Patton, daughter of James D. Patton, M. D., of Danville, Va. He was a lawyer by pro- fession, and went to Mississippi in 1836. In 1844 he was eledled to the legislature as a member of the Senate, over which body he was chosen to preside. He was twice eledled to the office of Auditor of Public Accounts ( 1847-1849). In the spring of 1854 he became, by choice of the Judges, Clerk of the High Court of Errors and Appeals. In the summer of 1865 he was appointed Judge of the Special Equity Court by Judge Sharkey, Parishional Governor of Mississippi. In 1867 he was made Clerk of the United States Circuit and Distri(ft Courts for the Southern Distri(5l of Mississippi. In October, 1877, he died, leav- ing seven children. Another son, Thomas Thompson Swann, Jr., was also Auditor of Mississippi, and still another, William Macon Swann, was Lieutenant in the United States Navy, lost on "United States Steamer Grampus" at sea, about March 20, 1843. "The eldest child of George Taylor Swann is Mrs. Archie McGehee, of Jackson, Miss., to whom the writer is indebted for information concerning this extension of the family, whose son Dr. Daniel Macon McGehee, graduate of the Jefferson Medical College, Phila- delphia, the writer of these genalogical records knew as a room-mate and companion in his early residence in the City of Brotherly Love. It was through him that I first and accidently learned of the descendants of this distinguised Eastonian ; and my best wishes for my cherished friend are that he will prove a worthy scion of a noble ancestor." Easton During The Revolution. The nation bleeds wher'er her steps she turns ; The groan still deepens, and the combat burns. — Iliad. THE COMMITTEE OF SAFETY. E COME now to tliat part of Easton's Histon- which relates to the patriotic struggles of our ancestors in throwing off the yoke of British oppression and establishing principles of political freedom based upon the broad fonndation of eqnal rights and self-government. The French and Indian war had closed and left a heavy debt upon the British Kingdom, and Parliament was determined the colonies shonld help pay it. The Stamp A- Kooken, Esqrs. Lewis Gordon was chosen Treasurer, and Robert Traill was chosen Clerk. The General Committee met January 9, 1775, and elected the following persons to represent them in the Provincial Convention to be held at Philadelphia, January- 23, 1775, viz: George Taylor, Lewis Gordon, Peter Kachlein, Jacob Arndt, and John Okely, Esqrs. The committee met May 6, 1775, at Easton, and considered a letter received from the committee of Phila- delphia, which made a deep impression on the members present. It is easy to surmise the tenor of the letter when we read the acftion of the meeting. A resolution was unani- mously adopted to form companies in every township in the county ; every man should supply himself with a good firelock, a pound of powder, four pounds of lead, a quantity of flints, and they were to choose their officers. A general meeting of the committee of the whole county was to be held on the 22d of the month, and the Clerk was ordered to send letters notifying the representatives of the various townships of the meeting. The Port Bill of Boston had been passed in the British Parliament, forbidding the landing of merchandise at the wharves of that city. Paul Revere had performed his famous midnight ride, the battle of Concord and Lexington had been fought, and that of Bunker Hill was approaching. The bells of Boston had tolled for the death of freedom, and old Northampton was arming for the fight. The excitement was at fever heat. At the meeting of the 22d, it was unanimously \oted to abide by the aclion of Con- gress ; to as.sociate together for mutual proteclion ; that no powder be expended, except E ASTON, PENN'A. 125 when absolutely necessary, and upon urgent occasions ; to encourage military drill in the manual of arms ; those who refused to associate for the common cause should be considered enemies, and business with them suspended. At the same meeting we have a list of those who subscribed to the general association in numbers, and their officers chosen, viz : Easton — Captain, Peter Kachlein ; Lieutenant, Abram Labar ; Ensign, Matthias Miller — 87 men. Forks — Captain, Jacob .\nidt ; Lieutenant, George Stocker — 126 men. Williams — Captain, Melchoir Hay ; Lieutenant, Philip Mixsell — 104 men. Bethlehem — Captain, Christian Newman ; Lieutenant, Ulrich Sleppy — 130 men. .■Mien — Captain, Xeigal Gray; Lieutenant. John Lickpot — 120 men. Upper Saucon — Captain, Henr\- Allise ; Lieutenant, George Kern — 105 men. Lower Saucon — Captain Huebner; Lieutenant, Jesse Jones — 142 men. Macungie — Captain, Peter Traxler ; Lieutenant, Henry Felker — 120 men L'pper Milford — Captain, Christian Fisher; Lieutenant, Philip Walter — 64 men. White Hall — Captain, Peter Burkhalter; Lieutenant, Philip Knappenberger — 100 men. Salisbury — Captain, Nicholas Fox ; Lieutenant, H. Hagenbuch — 100 men. Plainfield — Captain, Casper Doll ; Lieutenant, H. Engel — S8 men. Mount Bethel — Captain, John Nielson ; Lieutenant, S. Rea — 224 men. Moore — Captain, .\dam Bruckhauser; Lieutenant, Timothy Reed — 106 men. Lehigh — Captain, Yost Dreisbach ; Lieutenant, Enoch Beer — 70 men. Weisenburg — Captain, Michael Probst ; Lieutenant, P. BenninghofF — 32 men. Lynn — Captain, Matthias Propst; Lieutenant, John Stane — 70 men. Heidelberg — Captain Michael Ohl ; Lieutenant, Jacob Zeiger — 100 men. Lowhill — Captain Michael ; Lieutenant, Jacob Homer — 35 men. Towamensing — Captain, Nicholas Kern ; Lieutenant, Jacob Wagner — 50 men. Penn — Captain, Richard Dodson ; Lieutenant, John Siegley — 25 men. Chestnut Hill — Captain, .\braham Smith ; Lieutenant, Dewalt Kuntz — .S2 men. Hamilton — Captain, .\braham Miller ; Lieutenant, Michael Raup — 50 men. Lower Smithfield — Captain, Jacob Stroud ; Lieutenant, Samuel Drake — 127 men. Delaware — Captain, John Van Etten ; Lieutenant, Da\nd Van .^ken — 47 men. Upper Smithfield — Captain, John Van .Sickel ; Lieutenant, Nathaniel Washburne — 53 men. The author has made this record to show the relative strength of the townships ; the uatttre of the work which the Committee of Safety had to perform, and the patriotic leaders in those dark days. Here is a volunteer force of two thousand men preparing for duty at the front when called for under the direction of this committee. They had the authority of raising, equipping, and sending soldiers to the front. In July, 1775, the projedl of equipping a company of riflemen hav-ing been adopted, Craig, their captain, was authorized to purchase rifles, and present the bill to the treasurer of the committee. At the 0(flober meeting the military forces of the cotmty were divided into four battalions, each to be commanded by a colonel ; the Easton battalion to be com- manded by Colonel Peter Kachlein. At a meeting of the committee, July 9, 1776, five days after the Declaration of Independence, it was resolved to form a Flying Camp, and to give a bounty of three pounds to all able-bodied men who would join it. The following officers were recommended for the Flying Camp now to be raised. This camp was to be divided into four battalions. The officers of the first battalion were, Captain, John Arndt ; First Lieutenant, Joseph Martin ; Second Lieutenant, Peter Kach- lein, Jr. ; Ensign, Isaac Shimer. The second battalion were officered as follows : Captain, Henry Hagenbuch ; First Lieutenant, John Moritz ; Second Lieutenant, Godfrey Myer ; Ensign, Jacob Mummv. The officers of the third battalion were : Captain, Nicholas Horn ; 126 THE HISTORY OF First Lieutenant, Enoch Beer ; Second Lieutenant, Peter Buche ; Ensign, William Daniel. The officers of the fourth battalion were : Captain, Timothy Payne ; First Lieutenant, Peter Middaugh ; Second Lieutenant, Benjamin Ennis ; Ensign, Abner Everet. Lieutenant- Colonel, Peter Kachlein ; Major, Michael Probst ; Sergeant Major, John Spangenburg. Each battalion was to consist of the following numbers: First, 92; second, 120; third, 57 ; fourth, 49. The four battalions combined would number three hundred and eighteen men ; a small compac?t force, that could move in mass or in separate battalions at a moment's notice, as on the wings of the wind. The bounty paid to those joining the Flying Camp was to be met by a tax on the coimty of nine pence per pound, and single men to pay six- shillings. Captain John Arndt's Company of the Flying Camp was to be the rifle com- pany. Gunsmiths and locksmiths were not allowed to enlist, as they were needed at home. General Washington was appointed Commander-in-chief of the American army, June 15, 1775, and thus the man who had saved the wreck of Braddock's army was called to lead, preserve and found a nation. He took command of the army under a wide spreading elm at Cambridge, Massachusetts. The British held the city of Boston, and during the winter of 1 776, Washington pressed the siege. In the following spring he felt strong enough to commence operations. It was resolved to seize Dorchester Heights and drive General Howe out of Boston. For two days the attention of the British was drawn by a fire from the American batteries. On the night of the 4th of March the Heights were seized, and breast-works eredled. In the morning Howe saw he must storm the works or leave the city and harbor. He immediately ordered twenty-four hundred men to proceed and storm the position before night. But a storm arose, and the wind blew so severely that the vessels could not cross the ba>-. And during the day and night the works were so strengthened as to bid defiance to the British army, and Howe gave up the Capitol of New England. Washington supposed New York would be the next point of attack, and so hurried away from Boston to defend it. He had entered the city of Boston in triumph. The country was wild with delight, and Congress voted a gold medal to be struck in honor of this great victory over the enemy. But the bright sun of freedom was soon to be covered with dense clouds and a darkness, like that of Egypt, which could be felt. Howe soon landed on Long Island with a powerful army of veterans led by the best generals of Europe. Washington ordered his army to Brooklyn, and at once prepared for battle. Untried soldiers, fresh from their farms and workshops, led by officers not educated to arms, were to go into this fierce contest to fight for freedom. What these fearless men lacked in experience was supplemented by that omnipotent emotion, love of one's country and home. The Americans were beaten and forced to retreat, which they did in a masterly manner on the 29th of Augxist. The American loss in killed was upwards of one thousand men. This battle took place on the 27th of August, at what is now Greenwood Cemetery. Into this fierce contest John Arndt led his brave men. Only thirty- three of his company rallied the next day at Elizabeth. The first battalion had been increased in number to eighty-seven, was sent to the front by this committee, and was in the thickest of the fight. It was one of the fiercest battles of the war. Captain Arndt lost many of his men ; was severely wounded ; and Colonel Peter Kachlein was, with Captain Arndt, taken prisoner. We copy the following muster roll of the company from the Historv of the Lehigh Vallev : EAS TON, PENN' A . MUSTER ROLL Captain — John Arudt.f 1ST Lieut.— Joseph Martin.l 1 Dauiel Lewis,! 2 Benjamin Depue.f 3 Thomas Sybert, 4 John Wolf.t 5 Christian Roth.J: 6 James Hiudshaw.j 7 John Middagh.t 8 Alex. Sylliman.t 9 Jacob Difford.S 10 Jacob McFarran.t 11 Robert Lyle.f 12 John Ross, I 13 Richard Overfield,?. 14 Jacob Miller, t 15 Martin Derr.'S 16 Henry Siegel, 17 Christian Stout,! 18 Jacob Andrew, 19 Joseph Stout,?, 20 Jacob Weidknecht,? 21 Henry Onangst.f 22 George Fry,? 23 John Smith, 24 Jost Domblaser, 25 John Bush,j 26 Macheas Steininger,? 27 Jacob Wagner,! 28 Con'd Bittenbender.J 29 Henry Bush, Sr.,'i 2D Lieut.— Peter Kachlein.t 3D Lieut.— Isaac Shinier, j Drummer. John Amdt.J Sergeants. Corpor.\ls. Robert Scott.t Jacob Kichline,! Andrew Herster,? George Edelman, Philip Amdt,! Peter Richter,! Andrew Keifer. 5 Elijah Crawford. f Privates. 30 Paul Reaser,! 31 John Shurtz,t 32 Lawrence Erb,? 33 Isaac Berlin, t 34 Adam Yohe,! 35 Frederick Rieger,j 36 J. McCracken,f 37 James Farrel.f 38 Jacob Engler,{ 39 Geo. Ryman, 40 Conrad Smith, f 41 Geo. Essigh,f 42 Val'n Yent,f 43 Philip Reeser, 44 Lewis Collins,]: 45 Joseph Keller.J 46 Peter Byer, i* 47 Conrad Metz, 48 Peter Kern, J 49 Henry Fatzinger,-f 50 John Ke.ssler,f 51 Geo. Shibly, 52 M. Kress.f 53 M. Kailor.f 54 Wm. Warrand,! 55 F. Wilhelm,t 56 A. Frutchy,? 57 Henry Wolf, Jr., + 58 A. Everts, f Rallied next day at Elizabethtown. (33 men.) X Killed or taken prisoner at Fort Washington. ^ Killed or taken prisoner at Long Island. At a meeting July 17, 1776, Peter Kachlein was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel. At the same meeting an order was granted to Captain Hubner for two casks of gun powder for the use of troops passing through this county. The meeting of the committee July 26, 1776, gives a proper idea of the working of the organization. A father and two sons, some distance from Easton, were charged with being Tories ; and they were to be deprived of their fire anns to prevent their doing hann to the patriot cause. An officer was sent to get these arms of the family, but they refused to deliver them, and threat- ened to fire on any man who should dare to take them. An armed force went to their house, FiFER. Henry .\llshouse.}: 59 Peter Lehr.ii 60 M. Deal.t 6i Philip Bosh,? 62 Peter Frees,? 63 Henry Wolf, Sr.,t 64 Isaac Shoemaker,! 65 Dan'l Sailor, f 66 Fred'k Wagner, J 67 Sam'l Curry,f 68 Henry Fretz,| 69 Henry Bosh, Jr.,f 70 Henry Strauss,J 71 Isaac Koon,J: 72 Chr. Harpel,t: 73 Joseph Miner.f 74 Bemh'd Miller,^ 75 John Falstich, 76 Henry Weidknecht,}: 77 Ad. Weidknecht,t 78 J. Fraunfelter.J 79 John Yent,t 80 Geo. Eddinger,t 81 Ab. Peter,? 82 Adam Bortz,:|: S3 Jacob Kreider,:} 84 Christ'n Harpel,t 2d. 85 Jos'h Chass,! 86 John Harpel,? 87 James Symonton,f 128 THE HISTORY OF the whole three were brought to Easton and lodged in gaol, and kept there till they submitted and paid costs. At the meeting on the 29th of the same month another was imprisoned for speaking disrespedlfully of the committee, and kept there till he could take better care of his tongue. At the meeting of August 2, 1776, we find the following: "Upon the complaint of Lewis Gordon that Mr. had uttered opprobrious words against him and the cause. Resolved, that, upon due consideration, Mr. ask pardon of this committee in general, and of Lewis Gordon in particular, and pay his gaol fees ; otherwise to be remanded to gaol till next meeting." He made the apology, paid the costs, promised better things, and went home a wiser man. These minutes of the committee are kept in an elegant hand-writing, rarely a mistake in grammar or spelling ; showing that the school teacher was at home in the Orkney Islands. The royal courts were sus- pended ; the laws of King George were inoperative ; the Committee of Safety encircled the people with their strong arms ; their eyes, like those of Argus, looked in every diredlion for the first appearance of danger, and crushed the rising storm in the first rustling of the wind. Many a stubborn Tory slept in the old gaol at Easton until he would apologize, promise good behavior, give bonds of ;^ioo to ;i^4oo, sign his parole, and go quietly home. The committee had eyes and ears in every township in the county. Colonel Kachlein (Kichlein) and Captain Orndt (Arndt) were prepared to lead the Flying Camp where dangers were to be found. Hardly any feature of Easton's history should be a matter of greater pride than the record of this remarkable body of men. The fearful responsibilities voluntarily assumed, and so manfully, honorably and successfully discharged, have made their names immortal. Lewis Gordon, Robert Traill, Peter Kach- lein, Jacob Arndt, John Okely, Henry Kooken, Robert Levers, Jesse Jones, Jonas Hartzel, Abrani Berlin, Cornelius Weygant, Robert Matthias, Anthony Lattimore, Peter Beisel, Peter Kohler, Timothy Reed, Anthony Moore, Jacob Shoemaker, Jeremiah Traxler, and Nathaniel Britain, are names which frequently appear in the proceedings of this zealous and patriotic body of men. They condudled the afllairs of Old Northampton through the storm of the Revolution, and when their services were no longer needed they gladly laid their despotic powers at the feet of the people with liberty secure. The sun of liberty shone out brightly in the heavens ; the power of the crown had passed away, and the people were free. And those men might sing with a full heart — ' ' Laus Deo. ' ' No person had been wrongly injured, no man's property wrongly taken ; the women and children found protedlion under the broad shield of these noble men, the home was sacred, liberty was the boon for which they toiled and prayed ; while the temple of law and justice was closed, that of Janus stood wide open. England had never dealt very tenderly with rebels, and those men who formed this remarkable committee knew the power with which they were contending. No doubt there was a feeling of relief when they were permitted to lay aside their work. They have all passed away, but their names are gratefully remembered, and will ever be held in high esteem by all true patriots. The descendants of these men of the Revolution will read over their names with filial pride. When the Revolutionary struggle began the Colonial Assembly was the legislative authority for the colon\-. It was not desirable to destrov this bodv bv violence, and so it E ASTON, PENN'A. 129 was concluded to let it die by its members absenting themselves from the regular meet- ings. There were members who sympathized with the Revolution to accomplish this purpose, and so the Royal Legislative Assembly was allowed to die a quiet death. And yet there was an effort made to preserve its life, and this will explain the proceedings of the Committee of Safety, July 9, 1776. Upon the complaint of Peter Kachlein, Lieu- tenant Colonel of the first battalion of Associators in this county, representing that a certain John M , of the township of Easton, had falsely and maliciously calumniated and slandered him by circulating a report that he, the .said Peter Kachlein, was proffered view of northampton street, looking toward the olu court house, in 1845. [from a photograph taken by R. KNECHT.] the quantity of two thousand acres of land as a bribe or reward to use his best influence and interest to keep up and support the Assembly of this Province ; and the said Peter Kachlein further represented that the courts of law being now shut up, he could find no redress or remedy from thence ; he therefore prayed the committee to take the .same into consideration. Whereupon it was resolved that the parties and their evidence be heard immediately. And the said parties appearing in committee, the said Peter Kachlein pro- duced Cornelius Weygandt (one of the members of this committee), who solemnly declared that the said John M told him that the said Peter was to have two thousand acres of land as a bribe or reward for his supporting and upholding the As.sembly of Pennsyl- I30 THE HISTORY OF vania, or words to that effedl. The committee then adjourned for further consideration for the space of three hours, and being met again resumed the consideration of the afore- said complaint, and upon mature deliberation are of the opinion that the said John M shall sign a writing acknowledging his fault for circulating so injurious a report which had greatly hurt the charadler of the said Peter Kachlein through the whole county, but more especially as an associator and officer whereby the public service is likely to sustain some loss ; which paper being drawn up the said John refused to sign, and being repeatedly afterwards summoned to appear before the committee he constantly refused to pay any obedience thereto. Whereupon resolved, that this committee do hold up the said John M to this county, as a designing, dangerous, and refracflory person ; and the public are desired to beware of him accordingly. It was ordered that the above transa6lion be published in the English and German newspapers. At a meeting of the Standing Committee, December 19, 1776, Abraham Berlin, Anthony Lattimore, Jeremiah Trexler, Anthony Moore, Timothy Read, Jacob Shoemaker, and Robert Traill were present. Jacob Shoemaker delivered a letter from the Council of Safety of Philadelphia, with six hundred dollars to be paid toward supporting the sick and disabled soldiers in this town, to be paid into the hands of Abraham Berlin for that purpose. Mr. and Mr. appeared before the committee, and upon due examination, it appears that they are guilty of using language laid to their charge. Therefore ordered, that they be sent to the gaol of this county there to continue until they shall be discharged by this committee. At the same meeting of the committee. Captain John Arndt appeared and made complaint against three prominent men for slan- derous stories told about his condu6l at the battle of Brooklyn. It was ordered that summonses be issued and that said parties be delivered here with evidence by the 24th instant. They were tried and sent to the gaol. At a meeting, December 27, 1776, the three men expressed their sorrow for the wrong they had done Captain Arndt, and prayed to be set at liberty. Their prayer was granted. They were each put under bonds of from twenty to forty pounds as security for their good behavior, and liberated. At a subsequent meeting of the Standing Committee it was resolved that a magazine of powder, lead and arms be immediately collected and prepared in the town of Easton, under the care of Abraham Berlin, for the defense of the county against the incursions and depreda- tions of the Indian enemy ; and that the Standing Committee write to the Council of Safety of Philadelphia for such ammunition and arms. The Journal of the Committee gives little of the History of Easton, except as con- ne(?ted therewith. It was then a village of perhaps eighty houses, mostly log buildings. There were no bridges over the Delaware and Lehigh rivers ; the roads were few and poor. The streets of the town were not graded or paved. Its population did not exceed five hundred. The larger buildings were the German Reformed Church, the Court House, and the Moravian House on South Third street, just below Ferry. The use of the Church and Court Hou.se for the sick and wounded soldiers of the American army has already been referred to. Many had been wounded in the battles of Long Island and of Brandy wine, and afterwards brought to Easton to be cared for. Captain John Arndt, who had been wounded and taken prisoner on Long Island, returned home ; and after his recovery, he was appointed to provide for them. Money was sent from Phila- E ASTON, PENN'A. 131 delphia, and the town people provided from their own stores, food and clothing, in a liberal measnre. Northampton county then extended from Bucks to the New York line, to Berks and Northumberland on the w-est. Easton was the most important town in Pennsylvania, so near New York and Philadelphia as to be convenient of access, and yet safe from attack bv British or Indian forces. The Journal of the Committee, and references in the Colonial Records and Pennsylvania Archives, show that it was the centre of revolutionary affairs for all of northeastern Pennsylvania. The Journal of the Easton Committee of Safety commences thus: "Agreeable to notice for that purpose given, the Freeholders and Freemen of the County of North- ampton, qualified to vote for Representatives in the Legislature, a very respe<5table number of them, met at the Court House, in Easton, in the said county, on the 21st day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1774; when George Taylor, Peter Kachlein, and Henry Kooken, Esqrs., were nominated Judges of the Election for a Committee of Obser\-ation and Inspedlion, confor- mable to the Eleventh Article of the Association of the Continental Congress, and recom- mended bv the General Assembly of this Province. The late County Committee appearing and resigning their authority, received the public thanks of the county for their faithful services." The eledtion of a new General Committee was then held. See ante, page 124. It thus appears that in Northampton county there had been a committee appointed previous to December, 1774. The facfl is very significant of the patriotism of the people of this county. They led in the van. The Newark, N. J., Committee was formed nearly four months after. May 4, 1775; and that of Philadelphia, July 3, 1775. Of the latter Committee, Benjamin Franklin was the first President. Associated with him were Robert Morris, John Dickenson, Daniel Roberdeau, and others, who afterwards became prominent in the state and nation. This was the Central Committee, and the controlling power of the state for nearly two years. The formation of the Committee at Easton preceded the battles of Concord and Lexington by four, and that of Bunker Hill by six, months. After these battles, and when it became evident that the result must be vidlory and freedom, or defeat and slavery, these committees multiplied through all of the Colonies. Communications were kept up by special messengers, and thus these organizations were enabled to acl with great effect. Between the Philadelphia and Easton Committees, there was frequent correspondence. Large sums of money were sent to Jacob and John Arndt, Peter Kachlein, and Robert Traill. Easton was then the frontier town on the Delaware river, the centre of a large population, for that day, and the rallying place for the patriots of all of northeastern Pennsylvania. After the defeat of the American forces at the battle of Brandywine, September 11, 1777, Philadelphia was abandoned by them, and Easton was chosen as the place for depositing the public records and papers, and for colle6ling military stores. On September 14, 1777, it was resolved by the Supreme Executive Council (Col. Rec. 11, p. 864), "That Mr. Sowden and Mr. Hoge be appointed to have the money and the papers belonging to the Public Loan Office removed to Easton, in Northampton county ; and John Snyder and Henry Bartholomew were employed with a wagon to convey it to said place." "Ordered, That Colonel Nichola furnish a guard of two men to go with the said wagoners. These papers, etc., are contained in a case, a barrel, and an iron chest." The contents were noted, and it was resolved, "That the said chest, with its contents, 132 THE HISTORY OF be immediatelv sent to Easton, and committed to the care of Robert Levers, Esq., of said place." On the 17th of September, it was further, "Ordered, That the books in the Library belonging to the State, be sent immediately to Easton, in Northampton county, and committed to the care of Robert Levers, Esq., of said county, to whose care, a case and a barrel containing the books and papers of the Council of Safety, and the Board of War, have already been sent, with the loan ofl&ce money and papers." On April 23, 1778, it was, "Ordered, That the ammunition and valuable stores be removed from Pitts- town, (N. J.,) to Easton, in the County of Northampton ; that the wagon master of the County of Northampton funiish wagons to the State Navy Board for the removal of the stores from Pittstown, New Jersey, to Easton, in this State." In Irving' s "Life of Wash- ington," Vol. Ill, p. 306, a reference is made to "the public stores at Easton, Bethlehem, and Allentown." At a meeting of the Committee at Easton, June 22, 1776, Captain George Huebner contracted "to deliver to them 140 lbs. good gun powder for every cwt. of salt petre they shall deliver to him, gross weight, he to be allowed at the rate of ;^3 per cwt. for making and for the casks ; he, the said Huebner, delivering the powder at Easton and fetching the salt petre, gratis." On the same day, "Jacob Opp, Commissioner, is appointed to receive all the salt petre made in the county, who shall pay for the same at the rate of £2^ per cwt. , or 5 shillings per pound. ' ' At a meeting, August 5, 1776, the Township Committees were directed to bu}^ all the blankets from the stores and shops in their respective townships, and to ask ' ' the good people of their townships to spare from each family as many as they possibly can, for the use of the Militia and Flying Camp of this county now preparing to march to New Brunswick, for the defence of American liberty." On August 8, 1776, at the next meeting, Jesse Jones reported that he had brought up from Philadelphia ^1300, "for advance money for our Militia." At several meetings in the fall and winter of 1776-7, reference is made to "the sick soldiers, now quartered in this town," and the expenses of their support. At a meeting, Januar}- 9, 1777, it was, "Resolved, That the following persons of the Easton Company of Militia be detained from marching with the said company to the camp, viz : Robert Traill, Clerk and Treasurer to this Committee ; Henr\- Shouse, joiner, employed in making coffins for such of the soldiers as shall die in Easton ; Henry Shnyder and Nicholas Troxell, shoemakers; Abraham Berlin, Jr., gunsmith; Jacob Berlin, blacksmith ; and Peter Ealer, keeper of the gaol of this county." It thus appears, that the entire able-bodied male citizens of the town were in arms and ready to march in the service of their country ; as also, that a resolution of the Committee was required, to designate those who must remain at home. Notwithstanding the convict of arms, the people desired that social order should be preser\-ed. At a meeting, August 2, 1776, it was, "Resolved, That this Committee will take upon them to keep the peace and call offenders to justice, in the name of the State of Pennsylvania, until it shall be otherwise ordered by the convention, or any other superior authority of this state, for the preservation of men's lives, liberties, and reputa- tions," etc. On the same day, it was, "Resolved, That this Committee will take into consideration the complaint of Myer Hart against Bamet Levi." The Journal contains many complaints for injuries, usually redressed by the civil courts ; but the Committee did not assume jurisdiction over capital offences, such as were punishable with death. EASTOX, PENN'A. 133 While, "the Courts were shut up" in 1776 and 1777, there could be no convictions for crimes ; and there could be no better example of the capacity of the people for self-gov- ernment than that presented by the citizens of Northampton county in those years. The proceedings of the Committee were always orderly. A complaint was made, summons issued, and a hearing had at an appointed time, when the accused person was confronted with the witnesses against him. He was heard in his defence with his witnesses ; then, after a short deliberation, the judgment was pronounced and at once executed. Disobedience to the summons, or refusal to comply with the sentence, was punished by imprisonment in the "gaol." But the powers of this Committee soon ceased. They were no longer needed. The adl of the 6th of April, 1776, was the last acT: of the session of the General Assembly, which commenced September 30, 1775, and ended the 6th of April, 1776. It was the last exercise of Legislative authority under the Proprietary- Governments, to which succeeded the Legislative authority established bv the Consti- tution of Pennsylvania, of the 28th of September, 1776. Dallas Laws, \'ol. L P- 720. The last Court of Quarter Sessions for this county, under British authoritv, was held at Easton, on June 18, 1776, "in the .sixteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord, George the Third, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith," etc. But little was done at this term ; no Courts were held for one year. The next Court was held June 17, 1777, "for the County of Northampton, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," before John Arndt, Thomas Sillyman, Thomas Hartman, Jj gnjamin Depu i, Samuel Rea, William McNair, Lewis Steckel, Frederick Leinback, Peter Moyer, Matthias Probst, and Jacob Horner, Justices of the Peace. The entire proceedings of the session are contained on one page of the Court Record, upon which is this entr\' : "The Court being opened, the Sheriff, John Jennings, Esq., reported that no precepts or any other process had been delivered to him." The next Court of Quarter Sessions was held September 16, 1777, before Justices of the Peace as above named. Little was done except to appoint constables and to recommend to the President and the Executive Council, persons to keep public houses of entertainment; "Provided, they all had, or should take the test" oath. At December sessions, 1777, one indictment was found and the trial postponed to the next term, which was held March 17, 1778, before Justices as before stated. Courts were held in June, September, and December of this year, and regularly thereafter. In the Court of Common Pleas, the last term under English rule, was June, 1776. The next term was held under the Commonwealth, September 16, 1777. There had been some acftions and judginents entered in the meantime, which were confirmed by the Court. It was at this term, that on motion of Robert Levers, and upon the recommen- dation of Daniel Clymer, Esq., Robert Traill, Esq., was admitted as an Attorney of this Court. There were many suits brought to December Term, 1777, and thereafter Courts were regularly held. There were no Courts from June Tenn, 1776, to September Term, 1777. The attorneys whose names appear most frequently thereafter were Traill, Read, Currie, Clymer, Biddle and Robison. Though the county was then geographicallv large, yet there was little done in the Courts. One small docket of 361 pages contains all the actions from December, 1765, to December, 1781, a period of sixteen \-ears. At a Court held at Easton Max 16, 1779, William McCoy, Daniel Monaghan, and Patrick Drogan, were tried and couvic?ted of murder. They were sentenced to be hung, and that 134 THE HISTORY OF sentence being approved, the Snpreme Execntive Council fixed Saturday, June 12th, following, for its execution. Col. Rec, Vol. XII, p. 5. hi the same Vol., p. 535, we find that in October, 1780, Ralph Morden was convicted of high treason and sentenced to be hung. This sentence was ordered b}- the Council to be executed on Saturday, the 25th day of November, following. Easton has frequent mention in the Colonial Records and Pennsylvania Archives. Enough has been given to show, in some measure, her importance in those days. We come now to what was probably the most exciting military incident of Easton' s early history — Sullivan's Expedition against the Indians. Note. — The patriots of Northainptou, whose names appear upon the records of the Committee of Safety, were of different nationalities. Taylor, Gray, the Craigs, Homers, Browns, Kennedys, Hays, Wilsons, Millers, and many others, were from the north of Ireland. Jesse Jones was of Welch descent. Traill, Gordon, Nielsen, McFall, Gaston, and Hay, were of Scotch ancestry. The Arndt, Kachlein, Hess, Shnyder, Odenwelder, Mixsell, Horn, Ludwig, Lerch, Wagener, Schnable, Kreider, and other families, were of German origin. The De Pui, La Bar, La Wall, and De Long families, were of French-Huguenot descent. The Van Campens, Van Ettens, Van Aukens, and Van Sickles, were from Holland. The Everett, Barton, Read, Bush, Jayne, Mead, Washburn, and Walls families, were from England. Manuel Gonsales was of Spanish origin. So, there are nine names, representing the same number of nationalities, prominent in the early history of New York. Schuyler, was of Holland ; Herkimer, of German ; John Jay, of French ; Livingston, of Scotch ; Clinton, of Irish ; Morris, of Welsh ; Hoffman, of Swedish ; and Steuben, of Prussian, descent. Alexander Hamilton was born in the Island of Nevis, one of the English West India Islands. His father was a Scotch- man, and his mother, a French-Huguenot lady. The early settlement of New York, under Dutch auspices, affords an example of religious toleration, very remarkable for that era. Around New Amsterdam were many nationalities, of diverse creeds, who lived in peace. There were Hollanders, Swedes, Waldenses, French Huguenots, Scotch, English, Irish, and Germans. Later a colony of Germans from the Palatinate settled on the Mohawk, many of whom afterwards came to Berks county, Pennsylvania. Conrad Weiser, the celebrated Indian Interpreter, was of this stock. Thus was there a blending here of the best blood of the world, and the result was independence of thought and atflion, self-reliance, and at last, freedom throughout the land — the land of soul-liberty — our country. " It is the land that freemen till. That sober-suited Freedom chose ; The land where, girt with friends or foes, A man may speak the thing he will." SULLIVAN'S EXPEDITION Organized at Eastou — Arrival of Artillery and Soldiers from the National Army — Advance of Pioneer Corps- Sullivan's Road — March to Wyoming— Union of Forces with General Clinton — The Battle — Devastation of the Indian Country — Return to Easton — Depreciation of the Currency. ANY years had passed since the last of the Indian treaties had been lield at the ' ' Forks of the Delaware. ' ' Parsons, Gordon, and others, who had so well cared for the interests of the town had finished their earthly labors and were at rest. But their mantles had fallen on others who had bravely taken up their work, and to whom was given the great privilege of wit- nessing its triumphant success. Great Britain was in 1775, beyond ques- tion, the ruling power of Europe. France had been beaten in the seven years war, which closed in 1763, and had lost the greater part of her colonial possessions. In the interval of peace England had become rich and powerful. Her ships were on every sea, and the nations of the civi- lized world were but her tributaries. The united American colonies, without money, or public property, or a treasury, or national credit, had entered into war with this nation, and had met with varying success. Angered by the desperate courage and continued resistance of the colonists, the British sovereign resolved to call to his aid his Indian allies, the most faithful and powerful of whom were the Iroquois, or Six Nations, whose headquarters were south of Lake Ontario, in what is now New York State. It was their influence which brought against the colonies the combined Indian forces from the Mohawk to the great lakes of the northwest. Then was heard the fierce yell of the savage along the frontier settlements ; then the torch and the tomahawk performed their deadly work ; then were outrage and murder rife ; then was the irruption of Indians, led by Englishmen and Tories, into the valley of the Susquehanna, and the slaughter of Wyoming. The defeat and surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, in 06lober, 1777, had left the British without forces for a regular campaign in the year 1778, and it was determined to employ the Indians and Tories in carrying on a war of desolation on the frontier. The invasion of Wyoming was resolved upon, because her sons had early declared against British usurpations, and had freely volunteered in the revolutionary army. It was made; the fair valley was devastated, the houses burned, the crops destroyed, and her brave men slaughtered. A thrill of horror passed through the country at this outrage. General Washington took prompt aAion, and on Odlober 26th, following, addressed a communi- cation to Congress in reference to an "Expedition against Chemung," enclosing reports of Governor Clinton, and Generals Schuyler and Hand; on which it was, "Resolved, That Congress approve the reasons for not undertaking, for the present, an expedition against that place." Journals of Congress, Vol. Ill, p. 108. But the purpose was not abandoned. On February 25, 1779, Congress "Resolved, That the representation of the circumstances of the western frontiers, communicated by a committee of the General 136 THE HISTORY OF Assembly of Pennsylvania, and copies of the memorials and letters from the governors of Connedlicnt and New York, respecting the depredations on the said frontiers, be trans- mitted to the commander-in-chief, who is direcfled to take effecftnal measures for the pro- te(5lion of the inhabitants and chastisement of the savages." lb. lb., p. 212. Washington aAed promptly. He was a grand judge of men, and he ordered General John Sullivan to carry the war into the country of the Si.x Nations, "to cut off their set- tlements, destroy their crops, and infli6l upon them every other mischief, which time and circumstances would pennit. " The plan of the campaign was that one division should ascend the valley of the North Branch of the Susquehanna to its interse6lion with Tioga river, under General Sullivan ; and the other, from the north, under General Clinton, to descend the Susquehanna, from its source; and after forming a jundlion, to march along the Chemung river into the Indian country. General Sullivan made Easton his head- quarters in preparing for his campaign, doubtless after con- sultation with General Washington, who was so sensible of its great importance, and so extremely anxious for its success, that he wrote, on July 5, 1779, the following letter (Penn. Archives, Vol. VII, p. 535), urging the Executive Council to give all the aid in their power: "I must entreat, in the most pressing terms, that the Council will be pleased, without delay, to take effecilual measures to have the number of men origi- nally requested sent forward. The Council are fully sensible of the importance of success in the present expedition, and of the fatal mischief which would attend a defeat. W^e should perhaps lose an army, and our frontiers would be desolated and deluged in blood. A large reinforcement has been sent from Canada to join the savages. They are coUecSling their forces for a vigorous opposition, and if they are successful, their de- vastations will exceed anything that we have yet experienced. Their means will be increased, and their cruelty will be em- boldened by success and sharpened by revenge. It was not in my power to send a greater Continental force. I have stretched this string as hard as it will possibly bear, and relied on the further aid of the States more immediately con- cerned. I hope I shall not be eventually disappointed. I flatter myself, that the Council will think my anxiety on this occasion natural, and will excuse my importunity." As we have seen. Congress had authorized this expedition, February 25, 1779. This letter is dated Juh' 5, 1779. The summer was passing away, and the forces promised from Pennsylvania have not yet appeared. General Sullivan had written the Council upon this matter. In his letter dated, "Headquarters, Easton, May 31, 1779," he says: "I am informed by Mr. Blaine," the Commissary, "that the stores on the Susquehanna have no guards to secure them. I always supposed that the ranging companies from your State would pass by that loute and guard the stores to Wyoming. I must entreat of your Excellency to send them on to Easton, if they are ready ; if the whole are not prepared to march, I wish such as possibly can be spared, may be sent on. Should the whole fail to reach me in time, I must request the favor of your Council to call out a number of your militia from the neighborhood of Sunbury for the purpose. I have just returned from the A CONTINENTAL SOLDIER. E ASTON, PENN'A. 137 great Swamps ; I find the road in such forwardness, that I shall march the army for Wyoming, this week." Pennsylvania Archives, Vol. VII, p. 450. But the men were not furnished. General Sullivan then wrote to Congress, lb. lb., p. 568, as follows: "Headquarters, Wyoming, July 21, 1779. General Washington, in consequence of my letters, wrote the Executive Council of Pennsylvania, for the rangers and riflemen, and the President frequently wrote me that they would be ready in season. Not a man of them has joined us, nor are any about to do it. The reason assigned by them is, that the quartermaster gave such extravagant prices to boatmen, that they all enlisted in the boat ser\ice. But this must be a mistake, for we have not a hundred boatmen enlisted for the ami}-, and but forty-two pack horsemen, so that I must draft for boatmen and pack horse- men." Wagons, teams, and drivers were needed to transport the baggage. On p. 388 of same volume of Archives, we find the following letter : "Headquarters, E.\ston, May 11, 1779. To President Reed : I find that a law of your State will much impede the intended E.xpedition, unless your Excellency will procure an order from the Executive Council, impowering the Ouartennaster to impress in this county such wagons, horses, etc., as may be found neces- sary for forwarding the stores, etc., over to the Susquehanna. You will easily discover the necessity of this measure, and I doubt not, of your readiness to comply with this request. ' ' President Reed, in his reply, intimated that the word "impress" was too harsh for use in Pennsylvania. General Sullivan courteously acknowledged that he had used the wrong term, and attributed it to his ignorance of Pennsylvania law. This letter bears date, Easton, May 26, 1779. Penna. Archives, Vol. VII, p. 439. In it he thanks the Council for sending "three blank warrants for teams, wagons, etc.," to fill out at his pleasure, and thus obtain the means of transpwrtation. The warrants were for North- ampton, Bucks and Berks counties, though used only in the first two. Of one hundred wagons needed, he procured sixty from Northampton and forty from Bucks. Thus were his means of transportation provided. And now the town is roused from its quiet. All eyes were turned to the Jersey shore. The First New Jersey Regiment approaches through the village of Phillipsburg, and martial music echoes from the surrounding hills, while the troops were transported over the Delaware in boats. Colonel Procftor's Artillery thun- dered forth a welcome. On May 26th, the Third New Jerse}' Regiment crossed the river. A German Battalion, and Major Powell's command, had come in April. In May appeared a regiment from York County, Pennsylvania. Then came a regiment from New Hamp- shire, the neighbors of the heroes of Concord, Lexington and Bunker Hill. There was also a regiment commanded by Captain John Paul Schotts, a German officer, who served in the anny of Frederick the Great. Thus was Easton filled with soldiers. Their tents were pitched along the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, and up the Bushkill creek. The ofiicers occupied the hotels. The Court House in the Square was filled ; so was the old Durham boat store house of Chris- tian Butz. The heavy wagons of the farmers of Northampton and Bucks came slowly in. Never before had so large a number of troops congregated here. There was an anny of twenty-five hundred men, with teamsters for the transport wagons and drivers for the pa';k 138 THE HISrOKY OF horses. The hour for the march was at hand. The advance corps of pioneers had opened a road, and all was in commotion incident to the great campaign, the results of which were to influence for good or ill the destiny of- our country, and to draw the attention of the civilized world. There was then no road up the Bushkill creek beyond the mill, near the present county bridge, ne.xt the planing mill ; and Sullivan street, more generally known as "Lover's Lane," was then made by the pioneer corps of General Sullivan's army. It ran by the reservoir of the Easton Water Company, and thence westwardly diredlly over Chestnut Hill. On the morning of June i8, 1779, the troops were early in motion, and as they marched to the martial music of fife and drum, the soldiers were shouting the refrain — " Dou't you hear your General say. Strike your tents and march away." The line of march extended more than two miles. The army encamped the first night at Wind Gap, near Heller's; on June 19th at Lanier's, on the Pocono Mountain; on the 20th at Chouder's Camp ; 21st at Fatigue Camp ; 22d at Sullivan's Camp, at Great _ Meadows, seven miles from the Wyoming Valley, where it arrived on the 23d of June. The soldiers had now reached the beautiful vale which had so re- cently been the scene of rapine, outrage and murder ; of most savage cruelties infli6led by the Indians under the lead of Tories and British officers. But the day of vengeance was at hand. If aught had been needed to nerve the heart and strengthen the arm of every soldier in the ranks, the recital of the wrongs suffered by the inhabitants, the charred timbers of the houses burned, and the destrudlion wrought everywhere, would have suflSced. The brief accotints of the march handed down to us show that there was no flinching thereafter from the fight. Each man was filled with the desire of avenging the vidlims of that cruel onslaught. Such an army was invincible in such a cause. At last had deliverance come to the people of fair Wyoming ; and we can well believe that the brave men and noble women of the valley welcomed the anny with joy and exultation. The river was lined with the boats sent for the transportation of pro- visions, artillery, and the munitions of war. Before the march began, a soldier who had been tried and condemned at Easton, was executed. Twenty of a German regiment were condemned to death for desertion ; but intercession was made for them, a pardon granted, and they were restored to the ranks. Upon the evening of the 28th of July, Colonel Reed arrived with ninety wagons loaded with provisions ; and on July 31st, the whole army was on the march. Meanwhile had every movement been watched by the enemy, who resorted to every device to delay and harass the advancing anny. Brant, the celebrated Iroquois Chief, attacked its right flank. McDonald, with a combined force of British troops and Indians, led by Hiokoto, a veteran Seneca warrior, came down on his left. Messages came from right and left, beseeching aid ; but General Sullivan was not to be turned from the grand purpose of his \N INDIAN SCOrX. E ASTON, PENN'A. 139 campaign, and steadily pressed forward to Tioga Point, near the present site of Ehnira, New York, where he arrived on Augiist 11, 1779. As already stated, General James Clinton, of New York, had been ordered to co-ope- rate with General Snllivan in his expedition against the Iroquois. Crossiijg the Mohawk river he came to Lake Otsego, one of the sources of the river Susquehanna, down which he was to join Sullivan. Upon his arrival at the lake, he had built two hundred batteaux, for the transportation of his army. And here an unforeseen difficulty presented itself The water in the outlet was too low to admit the passage of his boats. He immediately damned the lake, created an artificial flood, and then suddenh- breaking the centre of his dam, produced such a current as sufficed to carry his boats rapidly to the place of junclion at Tioga Point, where he arrived on August 22d, midst the cheers of the army under Sullivan, and the roar of his artillery. The following account of the battle is taken from Miner's History : "On the north side of the Tioga river, where there was a bend forming almost a right angle, on a steep gravelly bank, the enemy had thrown up a breast work, nearly half a mile in length ; this was to be the scene of the final battle. Their works were masked by shrubs stuck in the ground as if still growing. The divisions of the army soon took position, and all was ready for the attack. General Sullivan promptly gave orders to Poor to scale the hills on the right, rouse the Indians from their lurking places at the point of the bayonet ; press on with spirit ; give them no time to shelter themselves behind the trees, and then to wheel, fall on their left flank and rear. Prodlor took good position and played vigorously with his artiller\\ Parr with his whole rifle corps was acftively engaged. Spalding and Franklin, with the Wyoming troops, were in the thickest of the fight. General Hand, led his infantry gallantly into the storm of battle. Generals Clinton and Maxwell, with their forces, were held in reserve, impatient at their restraint. Tlie enemy contested the ground with determined resolution until Poor had cleared the hills of the sharp shooters of the enemy, and was coming down like an avalanche on their left flank and rear, when their whole force broke and fled with precipitate haste. "The enemy did not attempt to rally, nor was further resistance offered to the advance of the combined armies. About thirty were killed in the battle, and a number wounded. But there was not a moment's delay. The dead were buried ; the wounded cared for ; and then the destruction of the enemy's countr}' was commenced. It was the last of August. Corn and beans were ripening in the fields ; these and all other vegetables were destroyed. An orchard of fifteen hundred peach trees, bending with ripening fruit, near an Indian town, between the Seneca and Cayuga lakes, was destroyed and the trees cut down. The combined armies, nearly four thousand strong, marched through, laying waste the whole country. Forty Indian towns were laid in ashes, the largest containing one hundred and twenty houses. Ever}- field of growing com was destroyed and ever)' cabin burned. The quantity of corn destroyed was estimated at 160,000 bushels." The work of devastation occupied the army for one month. The orders of General Washington, already referred to, had been obeyed to the ver)- letter ; and the combined armies returned from the field of viclory. The army of General Sullivan came down the north branch of the Susquehanna to Wilkes-Barre ; and from thence marched to Easton over the road made but a few months before. On their arrival the soldiers were "billeted" upon the town. An officer passed through the streets and marked upon each house the 140 THE HISTORY OF number the familv must entertain. Yet their stay was brief, and in a few days Easton resumed its peaceful habit. The expedition thus broug^ht to a successful close was one of the most remarkable in the war of the Revolution. No better evidence of its importance can be given than the adlion taken by Congress in relation thereto, on Thursday, 0(?tober 14, 1779. "A letter of the 9th from General Washington was read, enclosing a letter of the 28th of September from Major General Sullivan, at Chemung, giving an account of his successful expedition against the hostile Indians. Whereupon, on motion of Mr. Gerry, it was, Resolved, ACROSS THE DELAWARE — THE "WEIGH-LOCK" AND "MOUNT PARNASSUS" FIFTY YEARS AGO. [from a DRAWING BY MRS. M'CARTNEV IN 1835.] That the thanks of Congress be given to his Excellency, General Washington, for dire(5ling, and to Major General Sullivan and the brave officers and soldiers under his command for effecftually executing an important expedition against such of the Indian nations as, encouraged by the Councils and conducted by the officers of his Britannic Majesty, had perfidiously waged an unprovoked and cruel war against these United States, laid waste many of their defenceless towns, and with savage barbarity slaughtered the inhabitants thereof Resolved, That it will be proper to set apart the second Thursday in December, next, as a day of general thanksgiving in these United States, and that a committee of four be appointed to prepare a recommendation to the said States for this purpo.se. The EASTOA\ PENN'A. 141 members chosen : Mr. Root, Mr. Holton, Mr. Miihlenberj>^, and Mr. Morris." Journals of Congress, Vol. Ill, pp. },•]■] ^ 378. Against such contemporaneous testimon^■, the carping and disingenuous comments of Bancroft, in his Historj- of the United States, Vol. X, pp. 230, 231, 232, can have little weight. There is but little known of the history of Easton in the concluding years of the war. Business was prostrate, and the closest economy required. A further disheartening complication arose from the depreciation of the public money. The expenses of the war had been heavy, and the calls upon the people for clothing, food, and military stores, very many. Bills of credit to a very large amount had been authorized by Congress in the year 1779, in addition to previous issues. On February 3, 1779, an issue was resolved of $5,000,160; on February 19, following, a further issue of $5,000,16; on April i, fol- lowing, another issue of $5,000,160; on July 17, following, further issues of $15,000,280. See Vol. Ill, Annals of Congress, pp. 195, 207, 242, 324. Thus more than $30,000,000 were authorized within five months. There could be but one result ; specie disappeared from circulation. The entire paper currency issued amounted to $200,000,000. Confi- dence was lost. Taxation could not be resorted to, for the country was poor, without trade, agriculture, or commerce abroad. Hence great exertions were made to give value to the currency. ^Meetings were held throughout the State for this purpose. Among them was one held at Allen township, in this count)', at the house of John Siegfried, at which Colonel Henry Geiger presided, and Robert Traill was secretary. Addresses were made and resolutions passed, expressing a belief that this currency would be redeemed. But these exertions were fruitless ; the bills sank steadily in value, until in 1781, they became nearly worthless, as is shown by the following receipt of an Easton inn keeper for entertaining an agent of the State : "Easton, March 17, 1781. To nip of toddy 10 dollars. " cash ... S " cash 12 '■ I bowl of punch 30 " " I bowl of punch 30 " I grog 8 •• " washing 49 " I bowl of punch 30 " " I grog 8 •• " I bowl of punch 30 " 21 quarts of oats 62 " hay 90 " 12 meals \-ici:uals 260 " lodging 40 Total 667 Received the contents of the above. J.\COB OPP, Inn Keeper." See History of the Lehigh Valley, p. 109. The liquor bill was $146. This was probably then the leading hotel ; for the first pavement of which we now have any account was laid from the Public Square to "Opp's Tavern," at the corner of Northampton and Hamilton streets, now the Central Hotel. 142 THE HISTORY OF The depreciation of the currency became of such grave public concern that it was regulated by legislation. In Dallas' Laws, Vol. I, p. 882, it was enabled, "That the fol- lowing scale of depreciation shall be the rule to detennine the value of the several debts, contradls, and demands, in this aft mentioned compared with silver and gold:" One thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven. January, one and a half. J"b'. three. February, one and a half. August, three. March, two. vSeptember, three. April, two and a half. O(5lober, three. May, two and a half. November, three. June, two and a half. December, four. One thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight. January, four. July, four. February, five. August, five. March, five. September, five. April, six. 0(5lober, five. May, five. November, si.x. June, four. December, six. One thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine. January, eight. July, nineteen. February, ten. August, twenty. March, ten and a half. September, twenty-four. April, seventeen. Oiflober, thirty. May, twenty-four. November, thirty-eight and one-half. June, twenty. December, forty-one and one-half. One thousand seven hundred and eighty. January, forty and a half Jul.y. sixty-four and a half February, forty-seven and a half August, seventy. March, sixty-one and a half. September, seventy-two. April, sixty-one and a half. 0(ftober, seventy-three. May, fifty-nine. November, seventy-four. June, sixty-one and a half December, seventy-five. One thousand seven hundred and eighty-one. January, seventy-five. February, seventy-five. This a(fl was passed April 3, 1781. We have given this table that our readers may realize, in some measure, the condition of affairs, when the war of the Revolution was, pra6lically, ended by the surrender of Cornwallis, at Yorktown, Ocflober 19, 1781. The following list of the taxable inhabitants, with the valuation of their property, in 1780, will show who then resided here : Henry Alshouse, Sr., joiner .^435 Henry Alshouse, Jr., joiner 49 Philip .\clienbach, laborer 120 Jacob Able, inn keeper 260 keeper of the ferry 680 Henry Baniet, tanner 970 Abraham Berlin, Esq 325 Abraham Berlin, Jr., blacksmith 130 Jacob Berlin, blacksmith 260 Widow of Henrj- Bush, inn keeper 406 Widow of George Bush, inn keeper 69 Ernst Becker, baker 143 E ASTON, PENN'A. John Batt, skindresser ^^224 Chris. Bittenbender, skindresser 161 George " nailor ig^ Henry Brown, tailor 126 Nathaniel " " 280 John Brotzman, " oy John Bishop, " 4S Peter Batchman, joiner ... ■52 Henrj' Bush, carpenter 25 George Balmer, surveyor gj John Coleman, barber 48 John Deebler, miller 48 Peter Eahler, gaoler 107 Andrew Epkelmyer, laborer 6^ Arnold Eberhard, weaver 18^ George Erufreed, blacksmith 260 143 Henry p'ullert 390 Nicholas Funston, farmer -540 James " '• 48 Lewis Gordon, (Est.) 24^ Jacob Grotz, Sr. , farmer 143 " " Jr., carpenter 146 Abel Gibbons, skindresser 48 and the house he lives in 48 Myer Harts, storekeeper 2095 Michael " " lyoy and the house he lives in 464 Adam Hay, weaver 07 Christian Holland, nailor 1^0 Abraham Horn, joiner 48 and the house he lives in 48 Jacob Hernt, innkeeper 82 and the house he lives in 250 Conrad Houseman, butcher 48 and the house he lives in 48 Christopher Hartzell, joiner 151 R. L. Hooper, Jr., D. Q. M. G'l 1760 John Hatfield, cooper ^o Henry Hain, carpenter 25 Conrad Ihrie, Sr., innkeeper 351 Jr., treasurer 114 John Kary, carpenter 25 Peter Kachline, Sr., miller 2095 Andrew " igc Lewis Knouse, saddler 29: Abraham Labar, tailor 545 Michael Lehn, laborer 48 Widow Lyons, shopkeeper 78 Andrew Ledlie, physician 46S Burnard Levi, storekeeper • 260 John Mush, shoemaker 245 John Myer, farmer 148 John Murphy, watchmaker 161 Widow Nungesser, innkeeper 620 and the estate I,I2 John Nicholas, butcher 746 144 THE HISTORY OF Jacob Nunnemacher, cooper ^i86 Joseph Nathan, shopkeeper 291 Jacob Opp, innkeeper 829 Michael Opp, weaver 273 Christian Pfeiffer, shopkeeper 297 John Reese, tailor 245 Jacob " " 20 John Randal, shoemaker 20 Widow Reeger, " 82 Lewis " mason ........ no Adam Reeser, laborer 84 Conrad Rohn, " "4 Peter Reghter, cooper 48 Herman Snyder, " 349 Peter " tanner 760 John Simon, hatter 232 Cath. Spering, " 69 Lewis Shaub, joiner 69 Frederick Shouse, mason 326 Henry " joiner no John vSpangenberg, shopkeeper 298 John Shock, innkeeper 585 Theophihis Shannon, innkeeper 801 George Taylor, esqnere 82 and the house he lives in 285 Nicholas Traill, shoemaker 161 Robert " " 3/8 Adam Yohe, Sr., " 380 " Jr., " . . 25 Henry Young, locksmith 97 John " armorer , 232 Michael Yohe, shoemaker 232 David Wagoner, miller 1151 Frederick " innkeeper . 255 Robert Levers, prothonotary 82 SINGLE FREEMEN. Thomas Anderson, commissions 200 John Herster, laborer 160 .\dam CrafFt, tailor 170 Christian Shouse, joiner 170 John F'unston, laborer .' 170 Isaac Berlin, armorer 170 Robert Hannon, tailor 150 Morits Bishop, watchmaker 160 E ASTON, PENN'A. 145 HON. SAMUEL SITGREAVES. The famih- of Hon. Samuel Sitgreaves was of English origin, and settled at Lan- cashire, England, as early as 1626. In September, 1729, a descendant came to Philadelphia, where William Sitgreaves, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born, December 14th, in the same year. He married Miss Susanna Deshon, at Boston, Mass., in the year 1756. Their children were ten in number, four daughters and six sons. Of these, four- three sons and one daughter — died in infancy. Another son died at Germantown, near Philadelphia, and was buried there. Of the remaining sons, Samuel was bom in Phila- delphia, March 16, 1764. Mr. William Sitgreaves was a merchant of wealth and position in his day ; and gave to his son Samuel every advantage in acquiring an education. Philadelphia, even at that early day, was well supplied with schools, taught by graduates of the best of the English Universities. After completing his course of studies, Samuel entered his father's counting room, where he acquired a thorough mercantile education and a systematic method of condu(5ling business, which was observed throughout his eventful life. Philadelphia was at that time a centre of social and intelledlual culture. From Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, and the West Indies, came the children of planters and merchants, to her schools and her University. After 1765, the Medical Department of the University, established in that year, with four professorships, became the centre of medical teaching on this continent. Though too young for military service, yet it cannot be doubted that he eagerly \v'atched the progress of events throughout the war; and when in 1781, from the tower of the old State House, came the cry: "Twelve o'clock and Cornwallis is taken;" which first, when doubtingly repeated, quickly ran through the whole city, we can well believe he was one of that joyous throng of shouting freemen who assembled round that historic building. There can also be no question that he was a most careful observer of both state and national affairs, between the close of the Revolution and the adoption of the Federal Constitution, September 17, 1787. He had personal knowledge of the defedls of the Articles of Federation, and he was therefore peculiarly prepared to comprehend the nature and advantages of the new national government. His eager mind caught the underlying principles of free government, "of the people, by the people, for the people;" and he thus became, at a later day, when a member of Congress, a powerful aid to Washington and the elder Adams. After the completion of a thorough academical and mercantile education, Mr. Sitgreaves became a student at law with Hon. James Wilson, one of the most able men of his day, a Signer of the Declaration, a member of the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania in 1774, of the Continental Congress, and one of the first Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, appointed by President Washington. James A. Bayard, of Delaware, afterwards Congressman and Senator from that State, and one of the Commissioners for negotiating peace with Great Britain, after the war of 181 2, was a fellow student. Young Sitgreaves was admitted to the bar, at Philadelphia, September 3, 1783, being then in the twentieth year of his age, with a reputation for talent, learning and ability, already well established. Soon after, on November 27, 1783, he married I\Iiss Francenia 146 THE HISTORY OF Allibone, of that city. Three children were born of this marriage, the first two in Phila- delphia, and one in Easton, September 9, 1786. The name of Samnel Sitgreaves appears on the records of the conrts of this county as early as 1779. In 1786 he removed to Easton, where he became very prominent, both as an advocate and statesman. In 1790 he was elecfled a member of the Convention to form a Consti- tution for the State of Pennsylvania. In that body he took a most prominent part, advo- cating with great ability the most liberal features of that instrument, which is an embodiment of the fundamental principles of a free government. Among his colleagues \RI>KN STkKF.TS — iSjs in this Convention were Albert Gallatin, member of the fourth, fifth and sixth Congresses, and Secretary of the Treasury from 1802 to 1814; United States Senator in 1793-4; Thomas McKean, a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Governor of the State from 1799 to 1808; Simon Snyder, afterwards Governor from 1808 to 181 7; William Findlay, Governor from 1817 to 1820; Joseph Hiester, Governor from 1820 to 1823; James Wilson, of whom mention has been made, and others, then the ablest men of the State. Of such men was Samuel Sitgreaves the peer in every regard. His reputation so rapidly extended that he was elected a member of the fourth and fifth Congresses, 1795-6-7-8. Though he was but thirty years of age, he became, at once. E ASTON, PENN'A. 147 among the foremost in debate ; and early distinguished himself in the defence of President Washington, who had refused to send the documents relating to Jay's Treaty to the House of Representatives. A careful examination of the Congressional Reports shows that few members were heard more frequently in debate during his four years of Congres- sional life ; and as was to be expe(?ted, every effort bore the impress of a vigorous and cultivated intelle' remarkable for "passion, party zeal, eloquence, and argument." In this debate Mr. Sitgreaves took a most a(5live and a leading part. His speech was pronounced by cotemporaries to have been one of the most powerful of all those made in defence of Washington's course. The House yielded, possibly as much from expediency as from convitlion ; gave the necessary appropriations, and the treaty passed from the reach of Congressional action. But the ability, learning, and zeal of Mr. Sitgreaves had attracted the attention both of Washington and Adams. By Art. VI of Jay's Treaty, provision was made for the adjust- ment of debts claimed by English subjedls from citizens of the United States to the amount of $25,000,000. This was to be settled by a mixed Commission of five members — two from England, two from the United States ; they to choose a fifth Commissioner. The Commission was to meet in Philadelphia. The American Commissioners were Thomas Fitzsimmons and Samuel Sitgreaves ; the English, Thomas MacDonald and Henry Pye Rich. The fifth Commissioner was John Guillemard. The first meeting of this Commission was held in May, 1797. Pro- ceedings were suspended, July 19, 1799, and never resumed. The reason is explained in the following letter from Mr. Pickering, Secretary of State, to Rufus King, Minister at the Court of St. James, September 4, 1799: "A letter received from Mr. Fitzsimmons informs me that Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Pye Rich, English Commissioners, were going to embark for England in the Packet to sail from New York this week. I do not know that this step, if it could be prevented, should be objected to, because I see no probability that the business of the Board can be executed by the present members. There appears an incompatibility of temper, if I am rightly informed ; it would be difficult for any set of American Commissioners to adl harmoniously with Mr. MacDonald, unless they pos- sessed such weak and yielding dispositions, as to submit implicitly to his dogmas." The Commission began its session in May, 1797, just at the outset of President John Adams' administration; and suspended, July 19, 1799, a period of more than two years, during which time little progress had been made. Further negotiations were transferred from Philadelphia to London. Art. VII of the Treaty related to claims of American merchants for vessels captured and property destroyed in the war then waged between France and England ; and were to be settled by a mixed Commission in London, similar to that which met at Philadelphia. Neither Commission had finished its labors, when that at Philadelphia dissolved. President Adams had anticipated the transfer, and had resolved upon a vSpecial Commission to Great Britain. The interests of the United States had been advocated with as much firmness and zeal by Mr. Sitgreaves as those of England by Mr. MacDonald. Certainly his conduA met the warm approval of the Gov- ernment and the people; for his commission bore date, August 11, 1798, and he was confirmed by the Senate, December 20, 1798, soon after the meeting of Congress. As the English members of the Commission did not leave this country till September, 1799, Mr. Sitgreaves did not arrive in London until 1800, because the required preparation for his mission could not be made until the deliberations of the Board were suspended. Application was made by the author of this history to the Department of State at Wash- E AS TON, PENN'A. 149 ington for the instrucftions given to Mr. Sitgreaves on the eve of his departure ; but none were found, and it is believed that they were either verbal, or contained among his papers, when the}' were afterwards destroyed by a fire which happened at his home in Easton. But from the letters written by him to his family we learn that his mission related princi- pally to financial matters contained in Articles VI and VII of the Treaty. It is certain that the interests of the United States had been belittled and disregarded, as also that the smiles and blandishments of British diplomats had hitherto prevented that full acknowl- edgment and recognition of our rights, which was so es.sential to a speedy settlement upon a basis, mutually honorable and satisfactory to both nations. It was at this juncture that the new Commissioner arrived at his post. He was then in the prime of manhood, of fine presence, and fully prepared, both by mental accomplishments and education, aided by more than two years of careful examination of the matters in dispute, for the settlement of the points at issue. The appointment had been peculiarly judicious, and it is not sur- prising that an adjustment was speedily attained, which gave satisfaction to all concerned. All financial differences were finally adjusted in convention, Januars' 8, 1802. Meanwhile Thomas Jefferson had been elected President. Mr. Sitgreaves, upon his return to his native land, abandoned the realm of politics forever, and entered with zeal upon the duties of his profession, at Easton, to which he gave the remainder of his life. A most important event in the public life of Mr. Sitgreaves was the impeachment of William Blount, one of the Senators from the State of Tennessee. In 1797, Mr. Blount was impeached by the House of Representatives for having intrigued, when Governor of the Territory, to transfer New Orleans and the neighboring distridls to Great Britain, bv means of a joint expedition of English and Indians. He was expelled from the Senate, and the process was therefore, after a protracfted discussion, dropped in the hou.se. This impeachment took place in the spring and summer of 1797, at the beginning of President John Adams' administration. The United States were at peace with the world, but England and Spain were at war. The latter claimed dominion over the Floridas, and Louisiana, and the former coveted that possession. Suddenly, as by a fire in the night, the administration was startled by the fear of war with the Indians and with Europe. Senator Blount had written to a Mr. Carey, a Government Agent, among the Indians of the South. His letter disclosed the fa6l that he had already agents in Florida and Louis- iana, striving to detach the tribes there located from their allegiance to Spain, and to incite them to war against her colonies. Another agent had already been sent to Europe to further the project. By other letters it was disclosed that an English fleet would be sent in due time upon the coast to render the aid needed. It was also disclosed that Mr. Blount expected a large reward for his services. President Adams had early information of the plot, and at once sent a message, with the papers, to the Senate and House. Mr. Sitgreaves had just been re-ele6ted to the latter body, and at once took a leading part in advocating an impeachment of that Senator. He fully realized its importance as a precedent ; and at once moved that the Senator be impeached by the House of Representatives and the American people for high crimes and misdemeanors. Upon the adoption of this reso- lution, Mr. Sitgreaves then moved that a messenger be appointed to appear at the bar of the Senate and inform that body of the action of the House. Objeclion was made to the announcement of the action of the House until the articles of impeachment could be drawn, so that both might be presented at the same time. Mr. Sitgreaves then showed I50 THE HISTORY OF that he was following stri(5lly the precedent established in the impeachment of Warren Hastings ; and that immediately after the passage of the vote for impeachment, Mr. Burke was appointed the messenger to convey the resolution of the Commons to the House of Lords. The House was convinced, and Mr. Sitgreaves was appointed as messenger to convey its adlion to the Senate. He then, with the dignity and solemnity befitting the occasion, approached the bar of the Senate, and announced that "William Blount, Esq., a member of that body from Tennessee, had been impeached by the House of Represen- tatives and the whole American people, for high crimes and misdemeanors ; and that articles of impeachment would be presented and the same made good." He then returned to his seat in the House, and at once moved that a committee be appointed to prepare articles of impeachment, with power to sit during the recess and to send for persons and papers. The resolution was adopted and he was appointed chairman of the committee. This was at the close of a special session of Congre.ss. During the recess following, articles of impeachment were prepared, and presented when the next Congress assembled. Mr. Dallas, in behalf of the defence, then answered that as the accused was not an officer of the government, nor a member of the Senate, the Court had no jurisdidlion. Senator Bayard replied for the prosecution, and Mr. Dallas was again heard in defence. The prosecution was finally dismissed for want of jnrisdi6lion ; and the point settled, that a Senator of the United States, who has been expelled from his seat, is not, after such expulsion, subject to impeachment. See Wharton's State Trials, 264, 290, 317 ; note. It was also the privilege of Mr. Sitgreaves to clearly establish the law relating to treason against the United States, in the trials of John Fries, in.the years 1799 and 1800. The country was yet new, and the people were not well instructed in their duties to the government of their own making. Hence came "Shay's Rebellion" in Massachusetts; and later the "Whiskey Insurredlion " in Western Pennsylvania, which became so formida- ble that President Washington sent an army of fifteen thousand men to subdue it. The leaders were tried and convicfted, but afterwards pardoned. Yet there was still an idea that odious taxes should be resisted by force of arms. There was comparatively a small national revenue from taxes on importations. The needs of the government for its necessary expenses and for interest upon the public debt were great and pressing. Therefore a dire- the argument of Mr. Sitgreaves in Fries' case. He contended that there must be an actual levying of war, carried into some practical operation and effect, and throughout the prosecution, held the testimony to this, as the real issue. Mr. Dallas appealed to the sympathies of the jury and plead his client's penitence for his acts; but the reply of Mr. Sitgreaves was that this showed only that the prisoner was sensible of the wrong he had done. It is very plain from the proceedings of the trial which have been handed down to us that Mr. Sitgreaves deeply realized the gravity of the case. It was already the second insurrection in the one vState of Pennsylvania alone. The general government had been but lately inaugurated ; and by slow and painful steps was it rising to a place among the family of nations. But the power of self-protection, of subduing insurrection at home, was of the very first importance, and the argument of Mr. Sitgreaves shows how thoroughly he comprehended the tremendous responsibilities then cast upon him, and how well his duties were performed. Fries was found guilty, and sentenced to death by Judge Chase, who had presided at tlie trial ; but through the clemency of the National Executive he was finally pardoned. The labors of Mr. Sitgreaves may be better understood, when we add that at the time of this trial he held his appointment as a member of the commission, under Jay's Treaty, as before referred to. He returned to Easton in 1802, and thereafter was its most prominent citizen, first in every good work. In the Act of September 23, 1789, incorporating the Borough of Easton, he was named as " Town Clerk;" and it was drawn by him. He was also one of the orignal members of the Delaware Bridge Company, wrote the act of incorporation, and, for many years, was secretary and treasurer. Most of the stock certificates, the originals of which, with the transfers of the intermediate holders, are yet in existence, in the hands of the present owners, were signed by him. He was also one of the founders of the Easton Library, and of the Easton Bible Society. After his return to Easton, he gave his attention mainly to the practice of the law. He became a leader at the bar throughout Eastern Pennsylvania. He was then in the prime of his mental and phvsical powers, of splendid personal presence, of most dignified 152 THE HISTORY OF yet courteous manners. He made the most exadl preparatiou for the trial of the cases in which he was concerned, and most careful briefs, not only of the law, but of the fa^ residence, and the imagination need not be greatly strained to get a glimpse of many a boisterous and jolly time. The boats would be fastened along the banks of the Delaware and in the mouth of the Lehigh, while these "river marines" were making merr}- at the inns of Jacob Abel and John Nicholas. The house occupied by Mr. Hazzard was built subse- quently to the house adjoining and became a much more pretentious hotel. In those days there was no partition dividing the hall from the front room. The front door opened into the large room and large folding doors separated this room from the bar-room. In the northeast corner of this room, enclosed by a circular front, stood the bar. The floor was always ready for the "tripping of the light fantastic toe." Two or three times a week the merry dancers would come and remain till the rising of the morning star told them it was time to go home. An old lady now ninety years of age remarked to the author : "This was the place for frolics." The young farmers would come with their sweet-hearts and engage in "runnin- by Dr. F. L. Crane, dentist, and Samuel Moon, artist. In this building Charles Getter was arraigned on the charge of betraying Margaret Lawall, and here he was married by the Squire. In a few weeks afterwards he was again arraigned, but under the more serious charge of the murder of her whom he had so recently married. Mr. Theophilus Hackett told the author that he was in Squire We)'- VIEW OK THE ORIGINAL WHITE'S HOTEL, CENTRE SQUARE. [sketch by S. ASHFORD, LAFAYETTE COLLEGE.] gandt's office when Getter was brought in a prisoner. The one-story frame on the east of the stone building was an e.xacft counterpart of that one referred to as the barber shop. This building was used as an office by Dr. Miller, who exercised his medical skill, but made no charges. If his patients saw fit to pay him anything, they did, and that was right. He must have lived on faith, which might have been done in those days, but the experiment would be somewhat hazardous now. The three-story brick building on the northeast corner of the Square was the one built and used by Mr. White as already indi- cated. The east front room of this house, now occupied as a dental office by Dr. H. F. Seip, was the place of meeting of those who assembled and organized Lafayette College. John Nicholas, in 1799, bought of Henry Spering, Esq., the lot of ground on the northeast corner of Ferry and Second streets, and in 1806, erected the stone building now standing thereon for a hotel, and kept it as such until 1832, when he sold it to Dr. Stewart Kennedy. For more than a quarter of a century it was the re.sort of the voung people of i66 THE HISTORY OF that day, when gay festivities and the merry dance was the rnle. It is now the residence of George W. Stout, Esq. In 1817 Christian Hartzel kept a hotel on Front street, called the "Delaware House." This was a prominent resort for Durham boatmen and raftsmen. It was afterward kept by David Stem. There was an old hotel kept by Mr. Moore on the south side of North- ampton, a few doors from Front street. This was called the " Ferr>' Hotel." Mr. Moore kept the ferry and hotel at the same time. This house is now owned by Mr. Bornman. A few doors above this, on the corner of Green and Northampton, was a hotel in 181 7, kept by Daniel Swander, and it too, was a resort for boatmen and raftsmen. There is still a hotel at this place kept by Mr. Robert Gerver, and named The Gerver House. Christopher Engle kept a hotel on North Fourth street, at the sign of the White Horse. This was the headquarters for lumbermen from over the mountains and for fanners bringing their produce to market. At the same time it was a great place for dancing and frolics and fighting. This was especially true during the holidays, to see who was the best man. It was a common occurrence at the hotels, except White's. At the latter hotel, gentlemen from the cities, traveling on business or for pleasure, found repose. The "Green Tree" Hotel, now the Franklin, was kept in 1817 by Adam Heckman. When he died in 1818 it passed into the hands of William Shouse. In 1817 the Swan Hotel was kept by Thomas Sebring. At the same time a Mr. John Yohe kept the Central Hotel. After this Christian Butz took it down and rebuilt it. It was formerly two stories high and built of stone. The sign of this old hotel was an Indian Chief in full Indian costume, which was removed when the house was taken down and the new one built. The Central Hotel stand is one of the oldest in the borough. In the early days of hotel life, Adam Yohe kept a hotel on the southwest corner of Fourth and Northampton streets. "Daddy" Hempt kept a hotel in an old log house, situated on Sitgreaves street, near the corner of Northampton, used at one time by John Dawes as a chair factory, where he carried on the business on the corner fronting Northampton street. There are many people living who remember this old log house. We have thus given a sketch of the hotels of former days in Easton. In a historic point of view, the old log house at the Point will ever stand most prominent. Its history will be read with deep interest. In a social point. White's hotel will be recognized as standing first. This was a home for those who sought a temporary retreat where they might enjoy rest and a generous fare. The landlord was known, far and near, as a most genial, skilled and companionable host. He was a man of very keen wit and ready repartee. He could tell a humorous stor\- and crack a joke in such a way as to give life to the company without giving offense. For this peculiar power he was called "Chippy White." Few names were better known or more pleasantly remembered than his. His house was the home for gentlemen from the cities and all parts of the country, traveling for pleasure or on business. Those going to the Water Gap or Schooley's Mountain would always arrange to stop at White's Hotel. His business increased, and needing more room, he moved Dr. Miller's office, cut the stone building in the centre, tore down the eastern half, and built the house now occupied by Mr. James W. Long. The ample parlor of this house was the dining room of the hotel. Mr. White was very kind to the poor. He had tenants who were needy, and many times could not pay their rents, but they were not dis- tressed, the debt was not collected. He was sheriff of Northampton county from 1814 to E ASTON, PENN'A. 167 181 7. In proof of his proverbial generous nature it is said, that, while in the discharge of his duties as sheriff, an execution was placed in his hands, amounting to one hundred dollars, against a widow with a family of children. He entered the woman's house, made known his errand, and the mother and children were in tears. To sell the property was to turn the family out of doors. The debt was paid by the sheriff and the widow remained with the children. The other hotels were, most of them, centres of frolic and fun. Dancing was a great source of amusement. There would be frequent .scenes of fighting, not from malice always, but from a desire to see who was the "best man." The word "best" had reference, not to morals, but to muscular force. The man who could whip any other in the town was the best man. But manners and customs have greatly changed in the lapse of time. Easton then had, as it now has, as good hotels as could be found in the State. An incident, charadleristic of the times, is narrated in John Hill Martin's "Historical Sketch of Bethlehem, p. 37, of Just Johnson, landlord of the "Sun" Inn, over one hun- dred years since : "Johnson was a man of powerful frame, a host within himself Christian Gnibb, an iron master of Lancaster county, having heard of Johnson, and being himself notorious for his great strength, and also a celebrated boxer, visited the "Sun," on pur- pose to get up a fight with the giant Moravian Brother ; but it was not until he had been grossly insulted that Just lost his temper ; then suddenly seizing Grubb by his breeches and his coat collar, he threw him ov-er the iron railing of the tavern porch to the pavement below, saying, "God bless meiner soul, I drows you over de banisters." Grubb was quite a heavy man, and being ven,- good natured in the main, was satisfied with Johnson's dis- play of strength ; he told him who he was, and why he had visited Bethlehem, and so together the\- made merrv over the occurrence." THE ABEL FAMILY. 'Squire Jacob Abel came to this country from German \-, in the early da>-s of Easton, and was for many years one of its most prominent citizens. He was born in 1744, and was thirty-two years old when the Declaration of Independence was adopted. It had been twent)-six years since the Durham boats began the navigation of the Delaware, and he had been engaged in the business of boating a part of that time. Being familiar with the handling of that craft, a patriot, and in the vigor of manhood, he helped colledl the boats for the passage of General Washington's army over the Delaware in his retreat through New Jersey, after the battle of Brooklyn. The author learned from Mr. John Abel that his grandfather carried the mail to Philadelphia for a time on horse-back. The most diredl route from the Eastern States and from places on the upper Hudson to Phila- delphia was over the old mine road from Esopus to Van Campen's mills, above the Water Gap. While Adams was President, he came from Boston by this route, descending the Delaware in Durham boats. The news of the surrender of Burgoyne came over the same road, and Jacob Abel carried this news to Philadelphia, and heard the shouts of the patriots as they rang through the streets. He owned the Ferry in 1787, and was one of five who purchased Getter's Island during the same year, of the Penns. He became i68 THE HISTORY OF Justice of the Peace, and held the office many \-ears. He kept hotel at the "Point" at the same time. His name appears on the tax list of 1788 as one of the large property holders of the town. His office was in the stone house that stood where Magee's fruit store now stands. In this house he died in 1822, aged seventy-eight. His children were Jacob'^'; John*''. Jacob followed the business of transportation, as his father had done before him ; first with Durham boats on the Delaware river, and after- wards on the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Canals. In the later years of his life he was largely engaged in the transportation of coal and merchandise, both on his own account and as a partner in the firms of Drake, Wilson & Co., Abel, Berthoud & Co., and the Lehigh Transportation Company. He also, for a number of years, kept a hotel at the "Point," which was for a long period the centre of a large trade, both before and after the building of the canals. He was a very a(flive and energetic business man, and was known to all who traversed either river or canals, in New York, New Jersey, and Penn- sylvania. His children were William'^'; Jacob's'; George'*'; John S.'''; Samuel"^'; Ann's', wife of George W. Housel ; Elizabeth'"', wife of Rev. J. W. Wood, D. D. ; and Maria'"', wife of Joseph Stabp. William'^' is a resident of Easton, and has no children; George'"' is also a resident and has nine children. vSamuel'^' is dead. His widow, Mrs. Valeria Abel, and two chil- dren. Dr. Samuel V. Abel, and Nettie, wife of George W. Geiser, Esq., survive him. John Abel<3', the brother of Jacob '^', had a large family, of whom but one survives — John "-', who is a confe6lioner at No. 237 Northampton street, Easton. He has a large family: Louisa, wife of W. W. Cottingham, Esq., Superintendent of Schools; Charles J., confe6lioner, of Phillipsburg, N. J. ; Elizabeth, wife of W. E. Hammann, druggist, of Easton; Josephine, wife of Mr. G. T. Hammann, of Bethlehem; Emma M., John H., Isabella, Edward, and Mary. John was also engaged in boating with Durham boats until the opening of the canals, when he carried on boating between Easton and Philadelphia. He also, for some years, was engaged in the grocery business in Easton. On July 7, 1S25, he was appointed by Governor Shulze a Commissioner for improving the navigation of the river Delaware, under the A61 of March 26, 182 1. The first Com- missioners were Lewis S. Coryell and John Kirkbride, of Bucks county, and Jacob Shouse, of the County of Northampton ; but Mr. Shouse resigned and Mr. Abel was appointed in his place. He was engaged for more than three years in this important work. It was with him a labor of love, for he knew every rift and fall in it. The transportation of logs, lumber, grain, etc., down the Delaware from New York State, and the upper counties of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, was then an important business. In fa6l, the public roads were so few and so poor that they were not used unless such use was unavoidable. In this day and generation, it is hard to imagine the importance of the river communication of that day, before the constru^lion of canals ; and it is no small proof of the ability and efficiency of John Abel that he was chosen, with such men as Lewis S. Coryell and John Kirkbride, for this public service by Governor Andrew Shulze. HON. TIMOTHY PICKERING, Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. ROM the New American Cyclopaedia we learn that Timothy Pickering was born in Salem, Massachusetts, July 17, 1745. He graduated at Harvard when he was eighteen years of age, and at once became a clerk in the office of John Higgins, Register of Deeds for the County of Essex. Living so near Boston, he early became identified with the patriotic movements which immediately preceded the Revolutionary war. He was elecfted a member of the Committee of Safety, and was arrested at the instance of Governor Gage for calling a town meeting on public grievances, but was soon set at liberty. He wrote ' ' an essay on the Plan of Discipline for a Militia, ' ' which was ordered by the Legislature of Massachusetts to be used by the militia of the colony. In the autumn of 1776 the army of General Washington had become much reduced, and large reinforcements were called for. Pickering took command of a regiment raised in Essex and went to the front. In 1777 he was appointed adjutant general by General Washington, and was present at the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. He was in active service during the siege of Yorktown, and at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. The Revolutionary war having closed, the controversy in Wyoming was renewed between the New England settlers and the Proprietary Gov- ernment. Conne(5licut claimed that her charter included a large tra<5l of land in the Wyoming Valley which had been settled by people from that State. Pennsylvania claimed the same territory- as included in the purchase of William Penn, and secured by the charter from the English King. A long and bitter contest ensued. Each party felt their claim was valid, and were equally determined to maintain their title to one of the most beautiful valleys in America. The leader of the Conne6licut people was John Franklin, who was fearless, bold and daring ; and the idol of those whom he led. John Franklin had been arrested on a charge of high treason. The writ was issued by Chief Justice McKean. To arrest him was looked upon as a perilous undertaking. Timothy Pickering had been sent to Wyoming to a.ssist in the formation of a new county (Luzerne) and use his endeavors to calm the troubled waters, and settle all difficulties. It was at his instance that the writ was issued and the arrest made. John Franklin was a man of powerful muscles, and he knew how to use them. There was not a man in the valley who could take him a prisoner; and so it must be done by stratagem. At the close of vSeptember, after a political tour, he had returned to Wilkes- Barre, and was standing near the ferry, when a person whom he knew approached and said, "a friend at the red house wished to see him." Unconscious of danger he walked down, when suddenly he was seized behind and an attempt made to pinion his arms. By powerful efforts he shook himself loose ; was again seized, but by the most powerful exertions he kept his opponents Note. — As Mr. Pickering was for some time a resident of Easton. the author has felt it at once a duty and pri\-ilege to give a sketch of the life of this most remarkable man. He has consulted Bancroft's United States, The New American Encyclopedia, Miner's History of Wyoming, and the biography of Timothy Pickering, sent by Mr. K. A. Weaver, of the Engineering Department Pennsylvania Railroad, at Philadelphia. 170 THE HISTORY OF from their purpose, till a noose was thrown over his head and his arms confined ; the power of four men being requisite to bind him. To get him on horse-back was the next obje(5t. Colonel Franklin now cried out, "help! help! William Sloctim ! Where is William Slocum?" and drawing his pistol, for he went armed, discharged one of them without effe(fl, when a heavy blow struck him for a moment almost senseless, and covered his face with blood. The hour had been judiciously seledled, in the midst of seeding time. William Slocum, with nearly the entire male population, was in the distant fields sowing grain. But the spirit of the good Quaker mother was aroused. Her Yankee blood was up. A lovely and amiable woman she was, but for the moment she thought of nothing but the release of Franklin. Mrs. Slocum seized the gun, and rtmning to the door, "W'illiam," she cried. "Who will call William?" "Is there no 7nan here?" "W'ill nobody rescue him?" From the river bank Captain Erbe had taken his prisoner into the main street, near Colonel Pickerings ; but with tremendous power, in despite of his four captors, Franklin threw himself from his horse as often as placed on him, when Colonel Pickering was obliged to come from behind the curtain and decisively interpose. Accompanied by his servant, William A. George, he ran to the door armed with a loaded pistol, which he held to Franklin's breast, while George tied his legs under the horse, and bound him to one of his captors. Colonel Pickering tells the story of binding the prisoner: "The four gentlemen seized him, two of the horses were in my stable which were sent to them ; but soon my servant returned on one of them with a message from the gentlemen that the people were assembling in numbers, and requested me to come with what men were near me to prevent a rescue. I took loaded pistols in my hands and went with another servant to their aid. Just as I met them Franklin threw himself from his horse and renewed the struggle with them. His hair was disheveled and his face was bloody with the preceding efforts. I told the gentlemen they could never carry him off unless they tied his feet under his horse's belly. I sent for a cord. The gentlemen remounted him and my servant tied his feet. Then one taking his bridle, another following behind, and others riding, one on each side, they whipped up his horse, and were soon beyond the reach of friends." Thus subdued b\- si.x, he was hurried with painful speed to the jail of Philadelphia. Colonel Pickering had tried all the arts of the diplomatist, all the kindness of the Christian gentleman, and all the shrewdness of the politician to bring abovit a reconcilia- tion between opposing fa(!:l:ions. And when all had failed he called upon the strong arm of the State and hastened a crisis. Rut his turn came ne.xt. All Wyoming was in com- motion from Nescopeck to the State line on hearing of the violent abduttion of Franklin, and the part Pickering had taken therein. A violent civil war seemed at hand. General W'ayne appeared in the valle}-. Oliver W^olcott, of Connecticut, had drawn up a consti- tution for a new State. Pickering apprehending violence had fled to Philadelphia, hoping the storm of wrath would pass away. The winds of passion seemed to have subsided, and Pickering returned to his home in the valley. Yankee vengeance only waited opportunity, and that soon came. On the 26th of June, 1788, while he was asleep, at eleven o'clock at night, the door of his house was violently opened, and he was ordered to get up, dress, and follow them. "Get a warm coat, you will need it," said his captors. In a few minutes they left the house and took their march into the darkness. There were fifteen men who had him in charge, who, forming a hollow square, placed their prisoner in the E ASTON, PENN\4. 171 centre. "Now," said one of his captors, "write two or three lines to the Executive Council that the}- may release Franklin and we will release you." Instantly Pickering answered: "The Executive Council know their duty better than to release a traitor to procure the release of an innocent man." "Damn him," exclaimed a voice, "Why don't vou tomahawk him?" The only design seemed to be to force Pickering to intercede for the release of Franklin. In crossing the river, when the water was too shallow for the canoe to reach the bank, one of the company carried the prisoner to the shore on his back rather than allow him to wet his feet. At another timea fawn had been shot and a choice piece was cut and .roasted for him. So that there was much of kindness mingled with severity. After being some days in the woods, a chain was brought by one of the party ; it was about si.x feet long, and attached to one end was a band like a horse fetter. They said : "Colonel Franklin had been put in irons in the jail in Philadelphia and you must by put in irons also." They placed the fetter around one of his ankles, locked it and bent the key, so that it could not be used without an instrument to straighten it. The other end of the chain was fastened by a staple in a tree, and thus one of America's great statesmen was chained in the woods like a beast. At other times when halting for the night the chain would be wound around the leg of one of his captors so that he could not escape in the night without awaking his keeper. He was kept thus for nineteen days in the woods, sleeping at night in the open air or in deserted cabins. Rumors came that State troops were in pursuit of the captured statesman, and swearing vengeance on his captors. They had been heard by Pickering early in the morning while his keepers were sleeping. At length Gideon Dudley approached him and said: "Do you wish to be set at liberty" "Of course I do," was his answer. "Will you intercede for Franklin's pardon?" "No, I will not." "Will you intercede for our pardon?" Knowing them personally, and that they were adling under orders from others, he promised his influence, and he was finally set at liberty. The last day of his confinement his chain, which he had worn for nine days, was taken off; he slept with his guard that night free from the chain which had annoyed him so long. He was first awake in the morning, stirred up some coarse meal, kindled a fire, placed his cakes on hemlock bark and cooked them for his morning meal. As soon as it was light enough to see, he gathered their "green tea," which was winter-green and made a cup 0/ tea, his guard awaking in time to enjoy the meal which their prisoner had so kindly prepared. No doubt this last breakfast in the woods was among the most enjoyable of his life. How quickly and strangely this scene is changed ! He went from his chains in the woods of Wyoming to the Cabinet of Washing- ton. In August, 1791, he was appointed Postmaster-General. On January 2, 1795, he was transferred to the office of Secretary of War, and on December 12, to that of Secretary of State. He held this position during the remainder of Washington's administration, and for more than three years under President Adams, who removed him frou: office May 12, 1800. He never inquired into and never knew the reason of his removal. He was Sec- retary of State during the exciting times occasioned by the arrival of Genet as Minister from France, and the negotiations of Jay's Treaty with England. He safely guided the country through this most trying period in the history of the Republic. He had spent his salary as fast as he had received it, and was left without an income when suddenly dismissed by President Adams. During his ser\-ices in Wyoming, he had acquired possession of ten thousand acres of wild land near the fyreat Bend of the vSusquehanna, and fourteen 172 THE HISTORY OF thousand in the western part of the State. He regretted very much that he had not gone into the woods instead of going into the Cabinet, and during the eight years spent in office cleared up a farm and comfortable home for himself and family. He looked upon this eight years as a financial mistake, and determined to rectify it at once. Though fifty- five years of age, he would plunge into the wilds of Pennsylvania and hew out a home for his family where he could enjoy happiness in his declining years. There was nothing like it in our histor}'. He could proudly refer to Cincinnatus, but his farm was cleared ; he might quote the lines : " Cincinnatus at his plough, With more true glory shone, Than Ciesar, with his laureled brow, His palace and his throne." Yet his friends laughed at his projecfl:, ridiculed it, and plead with him to relinquish it. But to no purpose. He resolved to place his family in Easton where there were good schools, and take one of his sons and go to the forest. He lost no time in carrying his plans into execution. His friends offered him money sufficient for comfort, but "he would not take a gift while he could dig." He was offered a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court of Ma.ssachusetts, "but that would only help to starve him politely," and he refused it. All things having been made ready, Col. Pickering, at the end of June, 1800, started, in high spirits, on his bold and resolute enterprise. He and his son Henry were at Easton, July ist. The month of July was spent in providing for the comfort and support of his family here until his return in the winter. He colledled whatever was necessary for his use in the woods, and on the nth of August started with his son on his journey, a distance of a hundred miles, taking laborers acquainted with the business of making a clearing in the forest, a span of horses, a yoke of oxen, chains, axes, and other required articles. In 1794, the Academy and the stone school house, comer of Church and Sitgreaves streets, were built. Here were the opportunities which Mr. Pickering sought for his children. He felt it might be some time before he would be ready to take his family to his new home, and here in Easton were good advantages and a good home. He went at work in the woods with the utmost energy. His hands were blistered, his limbs were made lame and tired. But his strength was invigorated. His free and independent life and the forest air were a constant delight. Its mystic silence inspired his fancy and elevated his soul. His biographer thinks this the happiest period of his life. The work of the season having been accomplished, he returned to Easton, December 10, 1800. He spent a couple of weeks with his family and then set out ou a brief visit to his relatives and friends in the place of his birth. He was warmly welcomed by his friends in Salem, who determined to induce him to give up what they considered a wild proje6l. They had tried ridicule and argu- ment without effecft. They now changed their tactics. They spoke in high terms of his lands and of his tremendous energy in his efforts to make for himself a home. But he had incidentally said that if he could sell enough to realize a sufficient sum to buy a farm near his childhood home he would dispose of his Pennsylvania lands. His friends saw their opportunity. They ascertained his price, formed a company, and paid him $25,000, and Timothy Pickering's toil came to an end. How much the memories of childhood had to do in changing his course he has never told us. But it is quite likely that the sweet recollections of the home of his vouth helped to wean his affections from the "nn'stic EASTON, PENN'A. 173 silence of the forest which had so inspired his soul." The purchase of the land was a business transacftion, though his friends never received a dollar for the land they bought. Alexander Hamilton has just fallen in a duel with Aaron Burr ; his family was left poor, and the land bought of Pickering was freely given the widow and her children. Picker- ing came back to Easton, and spent a short time here. His friends bought a farm for him near Salem, Massachusetts, and the family left Easton in 1801. After the commencement of hostilities against Great Britain in 1812, he was a member of the State Board of War ; from 1813 to 1817 he was a member of the House of Representatives of the United States. He was one of the ablest men of his time and possessed the entire confidence of Pres- idents Washington and the elder Adams, as well as that of the people of his native State, and must ever be remembered as one of the most remarkable heroes in the history of the Republic. That he had a taste for humor is evident from the following incident. He wrote to his son from W^ashington in 1805, saying : "Hand the enclosed slip to your mother when opportunity offers. We have a Scotch clergyman here who is one of the Chaplains to Congress. He furnished one of my fellow lodgers with two verses written by Robert Burns, on hearing a report of the death of Thomas Paine, which are not published in Burns' works. I enclose them." The following was the enclosure : " All pale and ghastly Tommy Paiue Last night goed down to hell ; The de\'il shook him by the hand, Says Tom, I hope your well." " He led him to a furnace hot .^nd on him shut the door ; Oh, how the devils leap and laugh, To hear the rascal roar. ' ' iVIr. Pickering died at Salem, January 29, 1829. -^^^ ^'^^ John became an eminent scholar, philologist and Jurist. He was the author of a Greek and English lexicon, which he commenced in 1814, before any similar work had been undertaken, and, with the assist- ance of Dr. Daniel Oliver, finished and published in 1826. 174 THE HISTORY OF EASTON SCENKRV — "MOUNT IDA," ON THE LEHIGH. SHOWING THE L. & S. R. R. TO THE RIGHT, AND SNUFFTOWN TO THE LEFT. ROADS--THE FIRST STAGE LINE. ' N the twelve years of peace, which succeeded the cessation of the Indian troubles in 1764, the county and its inhabitants made good progress in ma- terial prosperity, and in such public improvements as naturally follow new settlements in the wilderness. At the time of the planting of the first set- tlements, the onl\- road reaching to them was the "King's Road" — as itwas called — reaching from Philadelphia to the Lehigh, at Jones' Island, about a mile below Bethlehem. This was really nothing more than an Indian trail — the "Minisink Path" — over which the Minsi warriors had, from time immemorial, passed to and fro, between the Blue Mountains and tide water. This was improved from time to time, until at last it became a good and solid road. Next was laid out, a public road from Goshenhoppen, in Montgomery county, to Jeremiah Tre.xler's tavern, which stood in what is now Upper ]\Iacungie township, Lehigh county; then the territory- of Bucks county, and embraced in Northampton, at the time of its ere(ftion. This laying out was made in 1732. Five years later — 1737 — a road was opened from Nazareth to the Depui settlement at the Minisink, and, in 1744, inhabitants petitioned that this road might be continued to the mouth of the Saucon, by the way of Bethlehem. They stated that they "labored under great incon- venience for want of a road to mill and to market (the latter being at Bethlehem, and the former at Saucon Creek); the paths being yearly altered, so that they could not travel with- out endangering their lives, and going far out of their way" and they ^sked "that they may have a road fit for wagons to pass from Saucon I\Iill to Bethlehem, and thence to Naz- areth, on account of a corn-mill that is at Bethlehem, without which road the people of Nazareth, and others, the inhabitants of the county, will be put to great inconvenience, and the same mill to them be rendered useless." Upon this petition the road was laid out as follows: "Beginning at Irish's stone-quarry, at a white oak, thence nortliwest forty degrees, north thirty-five perches" and so continuing through the various courses and distances "quite to Nazareth, twenty-eight hundred and forty perches." Also in 1744, there was laid out, a road from Walpack Ferry, on the Delaware, to Isaac Ysselstein's place on the Lehigh. This road was twenty-seven miles, and one hun- dred and eighteen rods in length. A road was asked for in the year 1745, to run from Bethlehem to the ferry at the "Point" where the Lehigh enters the Delaware, that is, to conne6l with the ferry to New Jersey. The petition was granted, but years passed before the road was built. The next year a road was opened from the German settlements in Macungie, north- easterly, to the Lehigh, opposite Bethlehem, and again, in 1747, a highway was petitioned for, to run from the Saucon, by way of Bethlehem, to Mahoning Creek, beyond the moun- tains, which in due time was granted and laid out. Thus it will be seen, that in the projecling, and laying out of roads, the town of Bethlehem was made an objeclive point; all the routes of travel radiating from thence as a common centre; Bethlehem being, at that time, more considerable in size than any other town in the countv. 176 THE HISTORY OF It imist be borne in mind, however, that in those days, in Northampton county, the granting of a road was an entirely distinct affair from the building thereof, and in ahnost ever}' case, years elapsed between these two operations, as, for instance, the road from the Macuugie German settlements, to the Lehigh, at Bethlehem, which was laid out in 1745, was no more than a bridal-path, for at least fifteen years, and it was considerably after 1760 before it became, in any sense, a wagon road. And again, in the case of the road which had been laid out from Alartin's FeriA-, at the mouth of the Lehigh, in 1745. John Chapman and John Watson, sur^-eyors, had been directed to lay out "a commodious road from the mouth of the West Branch of the Dela- ware — the landing place of a well-accustomed ferry over the Delaware River — over the aforementioned West Branch, into the great road leading from Saucon to the city of Phila- delphia," and yet, when Governor Hamilton, on the thirteenth of July, 1752, had occasion to pass over this road on his way to Easton, it was discovered that not only had it not been built, but that Messrs. Chapman and Watson, had not even so much as laid it out, as they had been directed to do seven years before. And it was not until years later than this, even, that it was completed for the passage of vehicles. So that, in the year 1763, there was not a really good road in the bounds of the county; but the best there was, was the "King's Road" from Philadelphia to Bethlehem — striking the Lehigh at Ysselstein's Island, and it was over this road that the travel between the Capital and all parts of Northampton county passed ; the Durham road, which struck the Lehigh at Easton, being, to all intents and purposes, impassable. It was over this road, too, that George Klein, of Bethlehem, made the first trip with his "stage-wagon," in September, 1763. After that, he ran regularly between that town and Philadelphia, making the round trip weekly — that is, he started on Monday mornings, from the Sun Tavern, in Bethlehem, and on his return, he set out from the inn, called the "King of Prussia," on Thursday morning of each week. This inn stood on Race street. It is not known whether or not this "stagewagon " line proved profitable to the proprietor, but certain it is that it continued its trips, through fair weather and foul, and was the pioneer of all the stage-lines which succeeded it in the county. The first regular stage route to Easton was established by Frederick Nicholas, in the year 1796. One trip a week was made, leaving Easton on Monday mornings. It was not until 1815 that trips were made daily. Packages of money and small parcels were carried by the drivers. We cannot better illustrate the mode of travel in those days than by tran- scribing from Martin's "Historical Sketch of Bethlehem" the following advertisement which appeared in the Philadelphia Advertiser oi .\'pr\\ 5, 1798 : "Philadelphia, Allextown, Bethlehem .\nd Wind Gap Stages. "The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they will start a line of stages, to set out at the Wind Gap at Mr. Jacob Hellers, on Saturday the 18th of April, 1798, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at Bethlehem same evening. Another stage will start from Bethlehem at five o'clock next morning, at which time an extra stage will start from Allen town from the house of Jacob Hagenbuch, and fall in with the line at Mr. Cooper's (Coopersburg) ; then proceeding to Mr. Samuel Sellers' (Sellersville), where another stage will set out immediately and arrive at Mr. Ely Chandlers' Franklin Head, Philadelphia, EASTOX, PENN'A. 177 same evening. Set out from E. Chandler's Franklin Head, Philadelphia, on Wednesday morning at five o'clock, and proceed the same route back, and arrive at Allen town and Bethlehem same evening. Another stage will leave J. Heller's at one o'clock said day, and likewise arrive at Bethlehem same evening ; set out from Bethlehem Thursday morn- ing, at five o'clock, and both stages take their respective routes, and arrive at Philadelphia the same evening, and at Mr. Heller's, at nine o'clock the same morning; set out from ]\Ir. Chandler's (Philadelphia) on Saturday morning at five o'clock and arrive at Allentownand Bethlehem the same evening ; and so twice a week from the Wind Gap to Philadelphia. "The fare for passengers from Mr. Heller's (Wind Gap) to Bethlehem, for each passenger, seventy cents ; from Bethlehem or Allentown to Philadelphia, three dollars ; way passenger, six cents a mile; 14 pounds of baggage allowed each passenger; 150 wt. , same as a passenger, and the same for returning. "Parcels taken in at the stage office at Mr. Chandler's, Philadelphia; at M. Severing' s, Bethlehem, and at Mr. Heller's, Wind Gap. The smallest parcels twelve cents; two cents, II,LUSTRATION OF AN OLD-TIME STAGE-COACH. per pound that exceed fourteen pounds, for which the subscribers will vouch for their de- livery at their respective places. "The subscribers from the liberal encouragement received from the public last season, and now by providing several sets of the best horses, and commodious stages, sober and careful drivers, they flatter themselves that the jDublic will continue to give them the pre- ference, as the line will run through from Bethlehem to Philadelphia, in one day. — George Weaver, Samuel Sellers, Philip Sellers, Enoch Roberts, Jacob Hellers." At that period there w-as more travel from Bethlehem to Philadelphia than from Easton ; the "stage wagon" of George Klein was the pioneer of stages in this sedlion. At a later day, the lines from Philadelphia to Easton and Wilkes-Barre, became the main route of travel for all Northeastern Pennsylvania. The line from Bethlehem to Philadel- phia continued in use, until the completion of the North Pennsylvania Railroad, in Januar}-, 1857. Easton became the centre of operations for many lines of stages. Some of our older readers will live again the life of by-gone days as they read these lines. The close contact into which the stage coach brings its passengers, the genial and hearty manners, the ready wit and unstudied humor of the travellers, made companions out of 178 THE HISTORY OF strangers before many miles had been traversed, and before the jonrney had ended, friend- ships, which ended only with life. About the years 1825 to 1830, there were, in all, ten stage routes leaving Easton in various diredlions. The Philadelphia route, fifty-six miles in length ; the Newark route, sixty-two miles in length ; the New Brunswick route, forty-five miles in length ; the Wilkes-Barre route, sixty-five miles in length ; the Mount Pleasant route, eighty-one miles in length ; the route to Berwick, sixty-five miles in length ; the Lancaster route, one hundred and six miles in length ; the route to Milford, sixty-six miles in length. The line to Newton was forty miles in length, and was the only one not using Troy coaches and four horses. The river route to Philadelphia was not a profitable one. The stage lines changed hands a number of times, and we give the names of some owners : Frederick Nicholas, John Adam Copp, James Ely, Robert Levers, Richard Stout, Josiah Horton, William and Samuel Shouse, William White, Hugh Major, Andrew Whitesell, Col. Reeside, Jacob Peters, David Connor and Reuben Gross. Between William Shouse and William White there existed great competition, and by way of illustration we copy the following from the "History of Northampton County:" "William White, one of the owners of the line, was proprietor of the Easton Hotel, or as it was better known "White's Hotel," located at the corner of North Third street and Centre Square * * * ^t the same time William vShouse * * * -^^as the proprietor of the "Green Tree," now the Franklin House * * * Mr. White, secure in owning the line of travel, refused in any way to accommodate a guest of the "Green Tree." If any one wished to stop there, they must get there with their baggage the best way they could ; and if any one stopping there wished to go to Philadelphia, they must go with their baggage to White's Hotel to take passage, for the stage would not call for them, at least not at the regular prices. This discrimination against his hotel was very annoying to Mr. Shouse, and being unable by persuasion or remonstrance to change the matter, and being of an energetic and deter- mined nature, he decided to make an attempt to meet the enemy on his own ground and fight him along the entire line." He at once carried out his project by allying himself with Col. Reeside, then one of the heaviest mail contractors in the country, who furnished the lower end of the routes, while Mr. Shouse took charge of the upper end. New coaches, new and fine horses were at once put on the road, and the fight commenced. The opposing parties were well matched, both being determined, persevering and excited. Such races as they had ! Such time as they made ! Up hill and down they went at break- neck speed, each driver doing his best to reach Easton first. I venture to say that our good old town had no such daily excitement before or since. This continued for some time, when Col. Reeside bought the stock of the old line and ended the conflict. Some of the stage drivers were : John Pittenger, Jacob Pittenger, Mahlon Vannor- man, Mahlon West and Frank Carney. Mr. Vannorman and Mr. Carney are still living ; the former served at the business twenty-four years, and is now hale and hearty at the good old age of 87. Mahlon West latterly was buying-agent for Jacob Peters, that is, particularly in horse flesh. The open lot on Lehigh Hill, just above the Lehigh Valley Freight Depot, was the pasture for Mr. Peters' horses, and for years from twenty to thirty head of horses were kept there. EASTON POST OFFICE. HK Post Office was established at Eastoii, Northampton County, Pa., March 2<)th, 1793. Prior to that date, it is probable that the residents conducfted their ver}- limited correspondence by sending their letters to Philadelphia or New York by the not very frequent travelers to those cities. On Feb- ruary 20th, 1792, the Congress of the United States passed an "Act to establish the post office and post roads within the United States," which, receiving the approving signature of George Washington, President of the United States, became a law. It established a post route from Wicasset, Maine, to Savannah, Georgia, passing through Portland, (Me.) Portsmouth, (N. H.) Boston, (Mass.) Hartford, (Conn.) New York, (N. Y.) Newark, Elizabethtown and Trenton, (N. J.) Philadelphia and Chester, (Pa.), and so on to Savannah, (Ga.). This was the post route of the United States, and from this were a few cross routes, among them one from "Philadelphia to Bethlehem," "Bethlehem to Easton and Sussex Court House," and one from " Sus.sex Court Hou.se to Elizabethtown," intersecting there the "post road." This was the first act passed, under the Constitution of the United States, establishing a postal system in this country. It went into effect, in accordance with its provisions, on June ist, 1792. In 1792, there was established a line of stages between Bethlehem and Philadelphia, and in 1796 between Easton and Philadelphia, or perhaps it were more proper to call it a stage line, as probably but one stage was required, a round trip being made only twice a week in summer, and once a week in winter. It may not be amiss to here note the rates of postage first established in the United States ; the weight seems to have been allowed as one quarter of an ounce avoirdupois to each letter ; the rates of postage varied with the distance, viz., under thirty miles, six cents; from thirty to sixty miles, eight cents; sixty to one hundred miles, ten cents ; one hundred to one hundred and fifty miles, twelve and one-half cents ; one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty miles, seventeen cents; two hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty miles, twenty cents; three hundred and fiftv to four hundred and fifty miles, twenty-two cents; over four hundred and fifty miles, twenty-five cents. Newspapers were carried at the rate of one cent for a distance not exceeding one hundred miles, and one and one-half cents if over one hundred miles. Each publisher of a newspaper could send every other publisher one copy of his paper free of postage. The passage of the Post Route Bill and the establishment of the line of stages seems to have had an influence on the residents of Easton, for in the following spring, to wit : "March 20th, 1793," we find from the records of the Post Office Department, that the Post Office at Easton was established. Since the establishment of the Easton Post Office, the Borough has had sixteen Postmasters, as follows, to wit : The first Postmaster was Henry Spering. He was a scrivener, and one of the most prominent citizens of the county at the clo.se of the last century; he filled all of the county offices — Prothonotary, Recorder, Register, and Clerk of the Sessions — and was general official of the town. It is most probable, though not absolutel}' certain, that during his i8o THE HISTORY OF term the Post office was located in the southwestern portion of the Public Square, in a frame building on the lot where the First National Bank is now erec?ted. He was appointed during the term of President Washington, March 20th, 1793, and held the office a little over four years. The second Postmaster was Hon. John Ross, who was appointed during the term of President John Adams, Oct. ist, 1797. He was one of the leading lawyers of that day, and afterwards became a member of Congress, a Judge of the District Court, and also of the Supreme Court of this State. He onh' held the office about nine months, and during his term the office was located in the northeastern corner of the Public Square in the same rooms now occupied by the Post Office. The third Postmaster was Thomas B. Dick, who was appointed July ist, 1798, during the term of President John Adams, and held the office nearly four years. He was a lawyer of prominence and an inveterate pra6lical joker, the legends of the bar yet telling of some of his pleasantries at the expense of his fellow practitioners. During his term the office was located, most probably, in the stone building at the southwest corner of Northampton and Fifth streets, recently torn down, to make way for the brick building of Mr. H. J. Boyer. The fourth Postmaster was Hon. George Wolf, who was appointed April ist, 1802, during the term of President Jefferson; he retained the office, however, only one year. He was a lawyer of great prominence, was clerk of the Orphans' Court, a member of the Legislature, a member of Congress for three terms, and Governor of the State twice, Comptroller of the Treasury imder President Van Buren, and Collector of the Port of Philadelphia. During his term the post-office was probably located at the northwest cor- ner of the Public Square and Pomfret (N. Third) street, in the building now the office and residence of Drs. Henr>' and John J. Detweiller. The fifth Postmaster was John Knauss, who was appointed April ist, 1803, during the term of President Jefferson, and held the office a little over ten years, during the remainder of Jefferson's term and part of Madison's. He was by business a harness maker and saddler, and kept the Post Office in an old stone building on the North side of North- ampton street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, on the lot immediately west of the Northampton County National Bank. The sixth Postmaster was Philip H. Mattes, who was appointed May 8th, 1813, during the tenn of President Madison, and held the office fifteen years, during the terms of Pres- idents Madison, Monroe and John Quincy Adams. He was a prominent citizen, a scrivener of note, and for many years Cashier of the Branch Bank of the State of Pennsyl- vania, and afterwards made Register of the County, and for many years Actuary of the Dime Savings Bank. During his term the Post Office was located in the building at the southeast corner of Centre Square and Northampton street, in the room now occupied by Samuel Drinkhouse's hat store, the rooms then being divided into two, the Post Office being the eastern one thereof, fronting on Northampton street. The seventh Postmaster was Abraham Horn, who was appointed ^larch 9th, 1829, during the term of President Jackson, and continued in office for ten years, during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, until his death. He was by business a carpenter and builder. In the war of 1812, he was captain of a company raised in this county, in which company, by the way, Capt. Horn had six brothers and a brother- in-law ; he was also a member of the Legislature ; he first had the office on the south side of E AS TON, PENN'A. i8i Northampton street above Fourth, a few doors below the Franklin House, then the "Green Tree Hotel," in the room occupied by E. B. IMack as a stove store ; about four years after he removed the office to the north side of the same street, almost directly opposite the former location, to the room now occupied by Daniel L,. Kntz as a saddlery findings store; and afterwards to the frame building on the same side of the street, a few doors above Bank street, where now is the dry goods house of Rader & Bro. ; where it was located at the time of his decease. The eighth Postmaster was Abraham Coryell, son-in-law of Capt. Horn, the late Postmaster, who was appointed May 2ist, 1839, during the term of President Van Buren, and who held the office a little over nine vears. Mr. Corvell was bv business a marble VIEW OF THE EASTON POST OFFICE — iSS". worker. During his tenn the office rose to the dignity of a Presidential office, i. e., an office where the Postmaster is appointed not by the Postmaster General, but by the Presi- dent, and confinned by the Senate. This change occurred Februar\- loth, 1840, and Mr. Coryell being then the incumbent, was recommissioned by President \'an Buren, February loth, 1840, served during the balance of his term, during the term of President Harrison, and in part of President Tyler's, who reappointed him June 12th, 1844, and he continued to hold the office during the balance of President Tyler's tenn, and the greater part of President Polk's. During his term as Postmaster the office was located in a frame build- ing in the southeast part of Centre Square, on the lot where the First National Bank now stands. The ninth Postmaster was John J. Herster, who was appointed by President Polk, i82 THE HISTORY OF June i2th, 1848, and heldhisoffice eleven months. During his tenn the office was located in the old stone building of Mrs. Peter Pomp, on the south side of Northampton street, below Fourth, on the lot where Abie's Opera House now stands, and about where P. A. Shimer's clothing store is situated. The tenth Postmaster was Benjamin F. Arndt, who was appointed by President Taylor, May 9th, 1849, and held the office during Taylor's and Filmore's administrations, until April, 1853. He was a soldier of the war of 181 2, and afterwards Clerk of the Orphans' Court of this county, and for many years a Justice of the Peace. During his term the office was located on the west side of South Third street, between Ferry and Pine, where now is Garren & Son's restaurant. The eleventh Postmaster was John J. Herster, who had been in office previously to Esq. Arndt, for a period of eleven months. He was appointed April 4th, 1853, by Presi- dent Pierce, and held the office until April 20th, 1857. He kept the office on the south side of Northampton street, between Sitgreaves street and Centre Square, in the room now occupied by W. H. Hazzard, as a paper hangings store. The twelfth Postmaster was Col. William H. Hutter, who was appointed April 20th, 1857, by President Buchanan, and held the office until March, 1861. He was for a long series of years proprietor and editor of the Eastoii Ai-giis^ and afterwards Cashier of the Northampton County National Bank, and President of the Board of Prison Inspectors. During his term the office was located in the stone building on the north side of North- ampton street between Fourth and Fifth streets, opposite the Franklin House, in the room now occupied by Hamilton & Co., as a shoe store. The thirteenth Postmaster was Dr. Charles C. Jennings, who was appointed by Presi- dent Lincoln, March 27, 1861, and held the office until March 20th, 1865. Hte was a prominent physician of large practice. During his term the office was located in the brick building at the northeast corner of South Third and Pine streets, in the room now occupied by Solon Phillippe as a sportsman's emporium. The fourteenth Postmaster was Capt. John J. Horn, a school teacher and land surveyor, who was a gallant soldier during the Rebellion, serving as Captain of Company E, 41st Regiment (Twelfth Pennsylvania Reserves). He was appointed by President Lincoln, March 20th, 1865, and held the office until his death, in the spring of 1869. He re- tained the office at the same place in which it was located during Dr. Jenning's incum- bency. Capt. Horn died while in office, and he and his uncle, Abraham Horn, are the only Postmasters who have died while occupj'ing the office. During the term of Capt. Horn, the Money Order Business was extended to Easton. The fifteenth Postmaster was James L. Mingle, a Telegrapher and Superintendent of Telepraph Constru(?tion, who was appointed by President Grant, April 20th, 1869, and held the office until November 1871. He kept the office at the same place as under the two preceding Postmasters. The sixteenth Postmaster, and present incumbent, is James K. Dawes, a lawver, and for a number of years publisher of the Free Press, who was appointed by President Grant, November i6th, 1871, and reappointed by the same President, December 15, 1875 ; again reappointed by President Hayes, January 8th, 1880 ; and again by President Arthur, Jan- uary 16, 1884, being the only Postmaster of the Borough who has ever served under five diiTerent Presidents — his service being under Presidents Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur E ASTON, PENN'A. 183 and Cleveland. Shortly after his appointment he removed the office to the Northeast cor- ner of Centre Sqnare, at the corner of Hay's Place, to the room now occnpied by it, and the identical room occupied by the post-office in 1797, ninety years ago. During Mr. Dawes' term it was made a General International Money Order office, empowered to issue Money Orders on all the leading Foreign Countries, and also, Odlober i, 1885, a Special Messenger or Immediate Delivery office. It was also during his term, December i, 1873 — thirteen years since — Easton was designated as a Free Delivery or Letter Carrier office, the Post Office at South Easton being discontinued, and the limits of the "Easton" office extended so as to include Easton, South Easton and Glendon. The extension of the Free Delivery System to Easton has, undoubtedly, been one of the most important events in the history of our Borough, and has proved an almost indis- pensable convenience to the citizens, and they have so generally availed themselves of its use as to win for Easton, the reputation, in the Post Office department, of "being" the "Boss Letter Carrier Office in the United States," out of the very large population of the three towns in its limits, there being only six parties — and not one of them in business — who use boxes in the Post Office, all the rest having their mail matter delivered by the carriers. The service is performed by seven carriers, who make thirt>-six deliveries and fortv-five collections of letters daily, the first at five o'clock in the morning and the last at half-past six in the evening. At convenient locations throughout the town, one hundred and three letter-boxes have been placed for the reception of mail matter ; among these boxes are four very ornamental ones, on iron posts, located in Centre Square, from which collections are made every hour, that fact being announced by gilt inscriptions on the box in seven different languages, viz: English, French, vSpanish, Italian, German, Russian and Chinese. These boxes were eretled as a Memorial of "The Centennial," having been used during the Great Exhibition in the Main Building, and being sent to Easton at the close of the Centennial, as a memorial thereof, through the kindness of Hon. George W. Fair- man, then Postmaster of Philadelphia. Of these boxes Easton is justly very proud, no other city save Philadelphia, being the fortunate possessor of like reminders of the Cen- tennial Anniversary of the Nation. As in perusing the present history of this county it has been found of interest to note the size and commercial standing of Easton at different periods of its early history, it is deemed proper to give here such notes as will show to those who may read this history fifty or a hundred years hence, what the amount of Postal business done at Easton, at present is, and who the residents are, conne6led therewith. During the Postal year ending November 30, 1886, there were delivered by the carriers, 879,136 letters, 191,251 Postal cards, 145,105 local letters and postal cards, and 567,150 newspapers, a total delivery of 1,769,641 pieces; and there were collecfled during the same time, 584,518 letters, 191,405 postal cards, and 36,249 newspapers, a total colledlion of 812,172 pieces; or a total of pieces delivered and colle)\\iii^, April 20, the firing of a cannon on Mount Jefferson, told, as by arrangement, of another assemblage of volunteers. Again the Square was crowded, and amid like scenes and ceremonies and presentations of flags, after prayer by Rev. Dr. John Gray and speeches by Silas C. Cook and Charles Wykoff", Esqs. , to martial music from Pomp's well- known band, and down the same street, thronged with multitudes of applauding citizens, marched one hun- dred and seventy sturdy men in two companies — the Easton National Guards, commanded by Captain Ferdinand W. Bell, and known later as Company H, and the Citizens Artillery, Captain Jacob Dachrodt, knowm later as Company B, both of the First Penn- sylvania Volunteers — to the same depot to take train to Harrisburg for arms and equipment. At this time another company, the Easton Jaegers, Captain Charles Glanz, was rapidly filling its ranks. They left upon the Monday morning follow- fkrdinani. \v. bell, ing, April 22, bearing a flag also presented by the Capt.Co. H.First p. V. Capt. Co. B,5ist p. v. ladies, and escorted by Pomp's Band and a multitude * "' otograp of citizens. They entered the Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers under command of Captain Richard A. Graeffe, as Company G, of which regiment their late captain, Charles Glanz, Captain Co. C, ist P. V. (From Brady's Wai ^Mhl .vU.NLi, Lt. Col. I29tll P. V. Photographs.) /^ 226 THE HISTORY OF became Major. The ready and full response of volunteers from Easton gave them position among the first troops formed into regimental organization. The first four companies were mustered into sei"vice April 20, 1861, eight days after fire was opened upon Fort Sum- ter. The Jaegers were mustered of date April 24, 1861. FIRST REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. The chairman of the famous Saturday night meeting, Judge Samuel Yohe, was made Colonel of the First Pennsylvania Regiment. Jacob R. Ludlow and William H. H. Mich- ler, physicians of Easton, became respectively its Surgeon and Assistant Surgeon. We regret that we have not the names of all who volunteered. Their numbers were largely in excess of the allowance of the mustering orders. Some, too, were excluded by age and physical disability. All were alike patriotic and should appear upon our printed lists. The best we can do is to give their names as they are found upon the muster-roll. Equally worthy of record are the names of the patriotic citizens who accompanied the volunteers to Harrisburg and provided their meals. The chairman of the financial com- mittee, Alexander Wilson, Esq., was acftive in discharge of duty and fully alive to the interests of the men. The regiment left Harrisburg on the night of its muster and proceeded to Cockeys- ville, via the Northern Central railway, where it was held under orders from Washington. Its regimental history will be again referred to. The names of the Easton Volunteers are taken from the muster-rolls as given in Bates' History of Pennsylvania Volunteers. COMPANY B. (Recruited at Easton. Mustered in April 20, 1861.) Captain — Jacob Dachrodt. First Lieutenant — Godfrey Mutchler. Second Lieutenant — Charles Eichman. First Sergeant — James F. Meyers. Second Sergeant — Jacob F. Rafferty. Third Sergeant —Andrew Burt. Fourth Sergeant — Samuel H. Barnes. First Corporal — Edward Cook. Second Corporal — Max Wik. Third Corporal — G. William Barron. Fourth Corporal — John H. Bruch. Musicians — Samuel Bruch, William H. Giniierd. PRIVATES. John A. Bixler, Solomon Bigley, John Benner, John W. Bittenbender, Jacob Bassett, Gideon A. Barnes, Edwin D. Bleckley, Lawrence Bitzer, P. M. Church, John A. Dachrodt, Paul Darmer, Jacob N. Dittler, Williatn D Davis, John Everetts, William Eichman, Richard Frounfelter, Leonard Frankenfield, Levi Frounfelter, James G. Fargo, Joseph A. Ginnerd, Abraham Gardner, Andrew I. Hay, John Q. Hay, Daniel E. Hiueline, Herman Hill, John Hetzell, Frederick W. Huble, George H. Hahn, William Hartzell, Charles Imick, W. H. Kromer, Lewis F. Kromer, Edgar Keinmerer, John S. Lerch, Joseph Levers, F. Lynn. James P. Moser, William H. Moritz, Peter S. Michler, Joseph S. Myers, John Purser, Andrew Rodgers, Franklin Rinker, Jacob Rinek, John W. Ricker, Charles P. Shetter, Maximilian Smith, Charles Schortz, Frederick Schweb, Samuel Schaffer, Amandes Schook, Jos. W. SaviU, J. Lewis Singer, Wm. Smith, Wm. Schmitzer, Edward O. Smith, Reuben Schlabach, Valentine Smith, Wm. F. Snyder, William Steer, William A. Templin, William T. Troxell, Wm. I. Ziegenfuss, E ASTON, PENN' A , 227 (Recruited ; Captain — William H. Armstrong. First Liciitoiiuit — Robert Ramsdeu. Second Lii'iiti-naiif — Charles H. Yard. First Sergeant — Lawreuce Bonstein. Second Sergeant — \Vm. H. Weaver. Third Sergeant — Samuel Stewart. George W. Arndt, Charles Arnold, Charles Raruet, John Broadback, Richard N. Bitters, Jonathan Bull, John P. Billings, Geo. Colbath, Daniel J. Care\', John Callahan, William Colbath, George E. Cyphers, John Cook, George A. Diehl, Samuel W. Drew, George H. Freyhart, Stephen Gross, John S. Green, Owen Garis, Edwin Gephart, David Heath, Alvin Hufford, COMPANY C. ' ston. Mustered in April 20, 1861.) Fourth Sergeant — Urbanus Weirbach. First Corporal — William B. Mettler. Second Corporal — Emanuel R. Shelling. Third Corporal — Edward Wortley. Fourth Corporal — Daniel Laubach. Musicians — Wm A. Heckman, Joseph Young PRIYATES. Henry Huber, James Ihrie, Martin Kichline, Martin V. B. Knauss, Thomas Kilkerry, William H. Kline, Charles H. Leshoer, John Lynd, Lawrence Moser, Isaac M. Myers, Henry Mover, Benjamin F. Mover, Philip L. Moser, F'rancis Mowry, John Murray, Bernard Merwarth, Henry Miller, Samuel Paxson, William Pharo, Jacob Rustay, Joseph Rougay, George W. Sigman, John G. Snyder, Wm. H. Stultz, Peter .Smith, Perry Simons, Chas. Schlegel, Richard Shelling, Augustus Shelling, Isaac Stiles, Daniel Troxell, James P. Tilton, James Yan Campen, Joseph Yogel, Owen J. Weida, John D. Weller, Augustus Weiss, Wm. Wyker, Josiah Weber, George W. Wagener, William Wolfram, John Wolfram. COMPANY D. (Recruited at Eastou. Mustered in .\pril 20, 1S61.) Captain — Charles A. Heckman. First Lieuleriant — James F. Thompson. Second Lieutenant — William H. Able. First Sergeant — Joseph (I)liver. Second Sergeant — Henry Arndt. Third Sergeant — William A. Bachman. PRIVATES Fourth Sergeant — Calvin Pardee. First Corporal — Edward S. Carroll. Second Corporal — Flavius G. Arrowsmith. Third Corporal — Augustus Stewart. Fourth Corporal — Benjamin J. Hillman. Musician — Ervvin Hartzell. Samuel Adams, Amandus Attel, Jabez Alsover, John Andrews, John W. Bowman, William Blane, Joseph Bowers, Thomas Boyd, James I. Brodie, Jeremiah Cooper, Isaac C. Clymer, George E. Diehl, Matthew Delaney, Samuel I. Emmons, Edward Finster, Alfred Finster, James Ferguson, James G. Gallaghan, Edward B. Gallaghan, John J. Gangwer, Samuel I. Heintzelman, Frank A. Hubbell, David W. Huber, Ale.xander W. Hoyt, Jacob A. Hawk, James E. Hulsizer, Christian Hammer, Silas Hulsizer, Wilson I. Hagernian, William C. Hixson, Luther Horn, Henry Innes, Joseph Ihrie, David E. Kichline, Adam H. Lane, John I. Levers, Chas. P. Levers, James B. Meldrum, Frederick C. Mattes, Charles Meyer, Patrick M'Donald, Lewis Morrell, George M. Oberly, William H. Pace, Robert R. Phillips, Abraham A. Raub, Robert Reese, Philip Richard, Thomas P. Ricketts, George Reese, William A. Smith, John P. B. Sloan, William H. Seip, Edward A. Shouse, George H. Shaffer, Albert N. Seip, Albert Steele, Thomas Snyder, James Simons, Theodore Troxell, David E. Troxell, Thomas Wagner, Abraham K. Young. 228 THE HISTORY OF COMPANY H. (Recruited at Easton. Mustered in April 21, 1861.) Caplain — Ferdinand VV. Bell. First Lieutenant — Jacob G. Barnet. Second Lieutenant — George L. Fried. First Sergeant — John V. Fried. Second Sergeant — James McGloin. Third Sergeant — Robert Burrell. Charles Arnold, John H. Buck, Samuel Buckley, Benjamin Beatty, Silas Beers, James Barnet, John S. Barnet, James P. Buck, George Buller, Edward Bender, James Bryson, George Burrell, John Bryson, John Bittner, Edward BuIIman, James Ballantine, John L. Clifton, Henry A. Daley, Benjamin Dew, John Dingier, Charles Elliott, Samuel Fraunfelder, PRIVATES. Jacob Freyberger, George Frey, Frank Ginkinger, Charles A. Gosner, John B. Haines, George Hutman, David Hutman, Joseph Harmony, James M. Hoyt, Charles W. Kinsey, Peter King, Charles A. Levan, Samuel Moore, John Moore, John W. Meeker, Alexander Moser, William S. Mellick, Joseph M'Laughlin, John S. Miller, Ervin Miller, Samuel Neigh, Fourth Sergeant — Augustus Heller. First Corporal — Robert Ballantine. Second Corporal — William Osterstock. Third Corporal — Daniel Phillippe. Fourth Corporal — William Diehl. George Nicholas, Daniel Nicholas, Henry Pittenger, Solon Phillippe, John Randolph, William L. Snyder. Richard Seip, Frank Snyder, Samuel Sandt, George Sunderland, Edw. Seals, Samuel Transue, William H. Unangst, Richard Williams, William Wilking, John C. West, Adam Ward, Thomas Weaver, Reuben Weiss, John B. Wilson, Charles Wykoff. COMPANY G. (Recruited at Easton Captain — Richard A. Graeffe. First Lieutenant — Charles Goepp. Second Lieutenant — F"rank A. Hetrich. First Sergeant — Francis Mildenberger. Second Sergeant — ^John Cooneyer. Third Sergeant — Martin Goth. PRIVATES John Adier, Jacob Beck, George Biermann, Adolphus Dennig, Jacob Ecker, George Elhard, Frederick Epple, Martin Epple, Charles Franklin, Daniel Friedewald, Bernhard Froehler, Henry E. Froelich, Anthony Gehr, Henry Genther, Otto Glanz, John Haemmerlein, Christian G. Hernia Joseph Hetzler, Charles Huber, John Hunter, John Hutmacher, Charles Kaiser, Mustered in April 24, 1861.) Fourth Sergeant — Joseph Hoefler. First Corporal — Francis Pfeffer. , Second Corporal — Francis Ries. Third Corporal — George Wahler. Fourth Corporal— Otto Hersh. Musicians — Joseph Flad, William ' Godfrey Kaiser, William Kaltenbach, Gustavus Kemmerer, Ignace Kiefer, Henry Klette, John Kern, Andrew Klump, Maurice Laetius, Joseph Long, Anthony Lieberman, Henry Lingeman, Augustus Loeffelmann, David Loeffler, Godfrey Lutz, Frederick Meyer, John Meyer, Peter Messinger, Charles Miller, Dr. George Miller, Anthony Mock, Pius Moll, George Palmer, Hermann Pfisterer, John Pfleger, Augustus Ries, Conrad Ries, Joseph Ries, Frederick Roesler, Aaron Rogers, Rudolph Rapp, Frederick Roth, Julius Schaler, George Schrog, Jacob Schwartz, John H. Stein, David F. Strauss, Henry Sturm, Andrew Snomann, George Swaddell, Clement Weber, Charles Weidknecht, Lewis Wendenburg. Jacob Wettlaeufer, John White. E ASTON, PENX'A . 229 C^^r RHODE ISLAND MARINE ARTILLERY AND FLAG RAISING BY THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The war fever in Easton was not a little increased by the arrival of a company of the Rhode Island IMariue Artillen,- on Saturday, April 20, 1861. They were quartered in the Fair Grounds by permission of its directors, and the one hundred and twenty-five men and ninety-seven horses, with six brass rifled twelve-pound cannon, all under command of Colonel Tomkins, as they marched up Northampton street, gave the already excited citi- zens new ideas of "the pomp and circumstance of glorious war." They had left in such haste that their blankets had not been duly made. This was done by the ladies of Easton during their brief stay, and a blanket made for each man from the material furnished by the company. This artillery company opened the interesting exercises of the Tuesday following, (April 23) on the part of the children of the Public Schools of Easton, by a salute from their field pieces on College Hill. All the schools, the board of direflors, the clergy of the borough, were assembled on the green before the High School building, while the street in its front was crowded with citizens. At the artillery salute four bright flags of stars and stripes were run up to the music of the "Star Spangled Banner" played by Pomp's Cornet Band. An appropriate prayer by Rev. Cornelius H. Edgar followed, and then the " Star Spangled Banner' ' was sung by the children. After a brief address by B. F. Stem, Esq., one of the teachers of the High School, " America" was sung by the children. The children, directors, clergy and citizens then proceeded to the West Ward school building where like ceremonies were observed and two flags raised. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Eckert and Rev. John Beck made appropriate remarks. Dr. Traill Green, President of the Board of Directors, and Edward F. Stewart, Esq., one of its members, also made pertinent speeches. The cere- monies were of the most orderly charader, and long will the day be remembered by the school children for its lessons of lo}-alt}- to the stars and stripes. The incidents of that memorable April in Easton cannot, we regret, be fully given. In the twenty-five years since numbered, many matters well worthy of note have passed from recolleclion. At times business was almost suspended. Individual volunteering continued at a rapid rate and many of our best volunteers gave credit to organizations not local. The following minutes from the borough press will show that the war feeling was strongly on the increase in the early part of the May following. VOLUNTEERING IN MAY, 1861. On Saturday, Ma>- 4, 1861, the Commissioners of the County of Northampton hon- ored the old Court House, in which so many patriotic meetings had been held, by placing above it the national flag. Captain Peter Baldy's company of volunteers sang patriotic songs as it unfolded to the breeze, and Matthew Hale Jones and Edward J. Fox, Esquires, made appropriate speeches to the large audience gathered in the Square. By the same authority a flag was placed upon the new Court House in the western part of the borough. WAR ALARM IX NEW JERSEY. On the same day, IMay 4, Captain Peter Bald\- marched his company, the sixth com- 230 THE HISTORY OF EASTON SCENERY — "DOWN THE DELAWARE," VIEWED FROM LEHIGH HILL. pany of volunteers raised in Easton, in response to a call of Major Charles Sitgreaves, Mayor of Phillipsbnrg. The Mayor stated that there were six persons in Feit's woods, near Phillipsburg, dressed like regulars of the United States Army, armed with guns, and supposed to be deserters. Captain Baldy with his command met the supposed desert- ers on the Delaware bridge, and escorted them to the armory of the National Guards. Brief inquiry soon revealed the fact, that so far from being deserters, they were Germans of two weeks' residence in the country, one of them an old soldier in Italy's war for lib- erty, and all trying to find their way to Washington to fight for the Union. Mr. Solomon Troutman, with others of our citizens, entertained them until Monday when they left for Harrisburg with Captain Baldy. EASTON VOLUNTEERS IN THE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES. The departure of the sixth company of Easton volunteers, on Monday, May 6, 1861, was made, although the weather was very unpleasant, in the presence of a large number of persons. It was the first company under the later call for three years men. It received a beautiful flag as a present from the citizens, while its captain, Peter Baldy, Esq., a for- mer District Attorney of the county, was presented with a sword, pistol and purse by mem- bers of the bar and others of the citizens. John J. Horn, one of its lieutenants, teacher of the Grammar School of West Ward, was presented with a beautiful revolver and an ele- E ASTON, PEN A' 'A. 231 gantly bound copy of the Bible, by the teachers of the Public Schools. Hon. Peter F. Eilenberger, a man open-handed and open-hearted in deeds of kindness to volunteers, pro- vided for them a fine dinner upon their arrival at Harrisburg. This company was mustered into service May 30, 1861, in the Twelfth Pennsylvania Reserves, (Forty-first of the line) as Company E ; its captain, Peter Bald}-, becoming Major of the regiment, and by promotion August 30, 1862, Lieutenant Colonel. Its mili- tarv historv will be again referred to.* COMPANY E, TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES. Captain — John J. Horn. " Francis Schelling. First Lieutenant — Edward Kelley. J. C. Fackenthall. Second Lieutenant — William Lind. First Sergeatit — James Johnston. " Henry Hess. " William Ruch. " Reuben L. Miller. " William F. Keller. " Theodore F. Hance. William R. Kidd. " John Herp. Aaron E. Beisel, Max Bertrand, John H. Boran, Daniel Brounell, Robert G. Barnes, Leopold Beck, William H. Bodley, Joseph Barros, Jacob M. Buchter, John Barry, Joseph Bird, James Cummiskey, Ramsey Case, Charles Custard, Hoffman Connor, James Devine, William Dice, Daniel Eli, Josiah Ettleman, Landers Everett, Casper Echelstien, William Frederick, Adam Fisher, Paul H. Fischel, Jervis Gould, David H. Graham, William F. Handwork, John Haggerty, John H. Hummell, Matthew Haase, William Handwork, William Hardin, PRIVATES. William Ivey, Warren H. Joline, Sydney Kuehner, Josiah Kirkendall, Jeremiah Klein, Edward Kimble, John W. Leffel, Jacob Leidy, Edward Leidy, Jacob Moyer, Barney Maloy, Jacob Muffley, John May, Thomas McCormick, Amandus Miller, George A. Miller, John Nunnemacher, Robert Nolf, Fort W. Nicholas, Savilian Otto, Michael O'Brien, Isaac Peifer, James Pilkenton, Jesse Roseberry. George Retzler, Lewis Roth, William Raub, Calvin Reed, Paul Roth, Thomas Ruth, Charles F. Rothweiler, William H. Santee, Corporal — David Campbell. " Samuel Tolan. " James H. Coffin. " Daniel H. Laubach. " C. F. Oestricker. " Aaron Bosler. " George Derhammer. " William J. Kuehner. '* George Ketchledge. J. H. Missinger. Musician — John H. Wolf. Thomas Duffin. Lewis Stein, Stephen Sholes, Patrick Shine, Robert W. Surrill, Lewis H. Sassaman, Lewis Schenk, Philip Seagler, Joseph Snyder, Peter S. Snyder, Christian F. Smith, Urias Stahr, William Schooley, John P. Troxell, Benjamin Tallman, Benjamin Troxell, George Troxell, William Traugh, Samuel Traugh, Charles R. Teelin, James Taylor, Joseph Trexler, John Williams, Robert White, John Worman, John B. Wilson, William H. Weaver, Robert Warner, John Wought, George Walls, Albert Wise, John Younkins. * Note. — These troops were called "Reser\-es" because they were recruited by Governor Curtin with wise forethought for a day of need, inevitable in his mind, and held in reserve, when there was no Federal call for men from the State. The Bull Run disaster showed his wisdom, and the nation applauded his act when those well-drilled troops marched to the defense of Washington immediately upon that defeat. No finer body of men, no troops that saw harder service, were in the great army of the Republic. 232 THE HISTORY OF FLAG RAISINGS. Flag raisings during May were frequent. Among the more prominent we note from the newspapers one at the United States Hotel, kept by Joseph Schortz, on North Third street, on Friday, May 17, 1861, at which speeches were made by B. F. Fackenthal, Esq., and Rev. Dr. D. V. McLean, and prayer offered by Rev. C. H. Edgar. Excellent music was furnished by the Jaeger Band and the Noll family. This flag was forty-two feet in length by twenty-eight feet in breadth, and it was taken as a good omen that it waved its ample folds southward amid the cheers of a large concourse of citizens. On the morning of the day following, the Hebrews of Easton, after a speech by Rev. C. H. Edgar, in which he drew historic parallels, and claimed that Jehovah had not then de- serted his chosen people and would not now desert his chosen nation, raised a beautiful flag on their Synagogue on South Sixth street. This was the first house of worship in Easton crowned with the stars and stripes. On the same day, with whizzing of rockets and roar of cannon, a large and beautiful flag was run to the top of a pole one hundred feet high at Reich's grocery store on the summit of the hill at Sixth and Northampton streets. Appropriate addresses were made to a large and attentive audience by O. H. Meyers, Esq., and others. Patriotic songs were sung by a band of young girls, and Pomp's Cornet Band played national airs. Inci- dents like these were now of almost daily occurrence and told the earnest and growing de- termination to suppress the rebellion. THE FAIR GROUND CHOSEN AS A STATE CAMP. The prompt and full response of volunteers from Easton had attra6led attention from all quarters of the State. This interest was increased by the visit on Tuesday afternoon. May 21, 1861, of Governor Andrew G. Curtin, the first-named of the famous War Gover- nors, and Major General George A. McCall, to the Fair Grounds on the west of the borough, with the view of selecting it, if suitable, as a site for one of the State camps. Its many advantages secured its selection, and before another week it was occupied by volun- teers. The Second regiment. Colonel Wm. B. Mann, Third, Colonel Horatio G. Sickels, and Fourth, Colonel R. S. March, of the Reserves, were here organized. Their daily drills drew large crowds of visitors, and many a man of the hard-fought Pennsjlvania Reser^'es in after service remembered the pleasures of this peaceful camp. By the sixth day of June, 1861, over twenty-five companies, about two thousand men, were in the camp, now known as Camp Washington, under the command of Col. W'illiam B. Mann of Philadelphia, This number was largely added to at a later date. AID TO VOLUNTEERS IN THE FIELD. Meanwhile the committee appointed at the great Court House meeting to look after the comfort of the volunteers had been unremitting in attention. Reports reached them from time to time of lack of suitable clothing and of much suffering in consequence by the men now in service. The men of the First Pennsylvania, in the exigency of the service, had been forwarded ununiformed, many of their oflficers without swords, the buck and ball cartridges for their smooth-bore muskets rattling in the trouser pockets of the men, and their cotton haversacks filled with bacon and hard tack. Their clothing soon gave out in their rough campaigning without tents. New uniforms were received at their camp near E ASTON, PENN'A. 233 Funkstown, Maryland. It was determined forthwith to relieve the need out of the funds already raised. On Monday, June 10, 1861, W. H. Thompson, Esq., purchased at Allen- town two hundred pairs of shoes, which were immediately forwarded to the camp, and on the same day Captain John E}erman purchased at Philadelphia six hundred yards of sati- net which was made into pantaloons. These supplies, with one hundred dollars in money, were promptly sent and proved of great benefit. .\ PATRIOTIC PRESIDENT OF A VIRGINIA COLLEGE. A flag raising at Lafayette College on the evening of Friday, June 14, 1861, had pecu- liar interest from the fatl of the presence of Rev. Dr. George Junkin, its first president, and lately the president of Washington College, Virginia. As the doctor pulled the hal- yard and the flag fluttered to the top of its one hundred feet pole and unfolded in all the beauty of the stars and stripes, he told how the students of Washington College had per- sisted in raising the rag of secession and how he had taken it down and burned it, and then when he found that the students were sustained by the rest of the Faculty, he had resigned the presidency and left Virginia. The students, with Pomp's Band, had escorted him from the town to the hill and were loud in their applause of his remarks and of those of their spokesmen, Mr. Davis and of Dr. Traill Green. The pole stood in front of the College building at the head of the steps, and its twenty by thirty feet flag was in full view of the town and a proud mark of an institution noted for its heavy contribution of volun- teers from its campus to the battlefield. PASSAGE OF TROOPS. Beside the different regiments now being organized and drilled at Camp Washington, Eastonians had their faith in the final suppression of the Rebellion confirmed by the thou- sands of well-equipped volunteers whirled by on the railroad trains on their way to the seat of war. On the 20th of June, Governor Sprague's noted regiment of over one thousand strong, with its full batter}- of eight-pounders, ambulances, baggage and powder wagons, on a train of eighty cars drawn by three locomotives, passed up the valley. They were followed on the succeeding Saturday by a New Hampshire regiment, twelve hundred strong, and a full regiment of Chasseurs from New York. FLAG PRESENTATIONS. On the evening of June 20, Thomas Coates, the direAor of Pomp's Cornet Band, whose widely known music had furnished inspiration to many a meeting in Easton, was honored by a flag-raising in front of his residence on South Fourth street. The band played its choicest music and the glee club sang its happiest songs, and excellent speeches assured the large crowd of citizens of the safety of the Union. Three regiments on the following Monday, June 24, were drawn up in front of the Institute building on the Fair Ground, and presented through Hon. H. D. Maxwell with an elegant flag. Col. W. B. Mann responded, and soldiers and citizens were enthusiastic in applause. A week later the Southwark Hose Company, one of the sturdiest of the old band of fire companies, for which Easton had long been famous, flung a large flag from the top of a pole considerably over one hundred feet high in front of its house on South Third street. Rev. John Grant, in happy humor, patriotism and eloquence, held the close at- tention of the large and enthusiastic crowd. 234 THE HISTORY OF easton's fourth of JULY, 1861. War's dread realities appear to have suppressed its mock counterfeits with whicli the Fourth of July had often been celebrated. It was a quiet, thoughtful Fourth, that of July, 1861. Its celebration by the borough antiquarian, Benjamin M. Youells, was, as became the man, original, and, as became the day, suggestive. In the window of his barber .shop, widely known also as a curiosity shop, appeared, what claimed to be, a secession flag, on which was pinned the following note : " Camp Yoke, June 27, 1861. "B. M. Youells, Esy. Dear Sir : I hereby present you with this emblem of treason, captured in Fred- erick City, Md., June 26, 1861, by Sergeant Joseph Oliver, of Company D, First Regiment Pennsylvania Vol- "°'^^«'^^- "C. A. Heckman, Captain Co. D, First Reg't." A relic doubtless of rebel occupation of the city, in the fair grounds of which the Eas- ton Volunteers were quartered on that first Fourth of July of the Rebellion. Still, the day was ushered in in accordance with the time-honored dire(?tion of John Adams, — the firing of cannon — by Napoleon Patier from Mt. Jefferson, the ringing of bells by patriotic church sextons, and later by flag raisings over several private residences, those of Herbert Thomas, Esq., Mrs. Seiple and others, and at 6 o'clock over the Third Street Reformed Church, at which, in presence of a large audience, prayer was offered by its pastor, Rev. John Beck, and an earnest, telling speech by Rev. Dr. D. V. McLean was followed by choice airs from Pomp's Cornet Band. THE M.\RCH OF THE RESERVES DOWN NORTHAMPTON STREET. When Col. March's regiment left Camp Washington on Tuesday, July 16, 1861, for Harrisburg, fully armed and equipped, their solid platoons reaching from curb to curb on Northampton street, firm tread and glistening bayonets, made the sight from the Square one of the most imposing of military spedlacles. These men had grown to be soldiers in our midst, and densely crowded sidewalks attested the deep interest of our citizens. Eas- ton, apart from her own large representation in the famous Reserves, with pride watched their progress from field to field of well-foitght fights, until it ended in final victory. Col. Sickle's regiment left on Monday, July 22, 1861, and Col. Mann's, the last regi- ment in the camp, on the Wednesday morning following. Like parades were had, and they left for adlive service through thronged sidewalks and cheered by thousands. The first great fight of Bull Run on Sunday, July 21, 1861, reported first as a vicftory and then as a defeat, had wrought the public feeling to the highest pitch of excitement. The now daily trains, freighted with troops and hurried with all the power of steam over our rail- roads, were greeted as they passed by from the full hearts of people who felt that the Re- bellion must be suppressed at any cost. When the full ranks of the last Reserve regiment left their camp and moved down Northampton street, a living stream of earnest men clad in their country's blue, our people massed on pavement and Square, drowned the music of the regimental bands in cheers for the cause and its heroes, all the more heartfelt and hearty on account of the reverses at Manassas. CAMPAIGN OF THE THREE MONTHS MEN. Easton was now awaiting anxiously the return of her first volunteers whose term of service had been prolonged by their volunteering to serve beyond the three months' time EASTOX, PEXX'A. 235 for which they had been called and mustered. Although in Patterson's campaign, blood- less through no fault of theirs, they had seen much exposure, hard service and heavy marching, since their arrival at Cockeysville on the night of their muster. They had been hurried into service without proper arms, uniforms or camp equipage. But with their old smooth-bores loaded with buck and ball, and haversacks filled with bacon and hard-tack, they were ready and anxious to march through Baltimore, had not undue defer- ence to the authorities of that city on the part of the powers at Washington ordered other- wise. "March through Baltimore !" said one of a committee of citizens of that city on his return from Cockeysville, "their old Colonel looks as if he would march through h — , if so ordered." The fortunes of the Sixth ^Massachusetts, a few days pre- vious, were not to be theirs, and under orders from Gen. Winfield S. Scott, the retro- grade movement on the Mon- day following, was made to Camp Scott, near the town of York. Here their equipment was completed, and here they remained, in constant drill for field service until May 14, when they were detailed to guard the Northern Central railroad from the Pennsylva- nia line to Druid Park, near Baltimore. Details were made from time to time while at that point for the arrest of pro- minent persons charged with aiding the rebellion and for seizure of arms secreted for its use. Camp equipage was supplied Ma^• 25th, when the regiment marched through Baltimore and occupied an unfin- ished asylum near Catonsville. The tents were at hand, when ordered thence to Franklin- town, on Mav 29th. It did picket duty on the roads leading West from Baltimore and intercepted many recruits for the Rebel army at Harper's Ferry. On June 3d it joined the troops gathering at Chambersburg and was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Divi- sion, of the armv of General Robert Patterson, whose Adjutant General was Fitz John Porter. Company and field drill occupied its time closely here, in which the companies and regiment were making rapid strides toward proficiency, and a few days later it left for camp near Funkstown, where, through a false alarm, it had the surprise of a hurried midnight march to Williamsport on the Potomac. EASTON SCENERV- ' WILLIAMS' DAM," ON THE BUSHKILL. It returned to Funkstown on the fol- 236 THE HISTORY OF lowing day, and then for the first time was properly uniformed. Before this the men had suffered for the want of adequate clothing, although its need had been greatly relieved by the partial supply sent by kind friends at Easton. The regiment was ordered on June 21 to Frederick, and arrived there the day follow- ing and reported to Governor Hicks. A pleasant stay of about two weeks was made in the fair ground here, improved by daily drills, varied by a joyous Fourth of July, and made memorable by the kind attention of citizens — particularly the Rev. Dr. George Diehl and family, former residents of Easton. On July 8, 1861, after a return march through Boonsboro, and a night encampment on Kennedy's farm, and after fording the Potomac at Williamsport, it advanced to Falling Waters and joined the balance of the division of General Patterson at Martinsburg, where the following order was received : " He.\dquarters, Department of Pennsylvania. ^'' To Col. SaiiiiicI Yoke, Commanding First Pciiiia. I'^oiitntecrs. "De.^r Sir : I am instructed by the Commanding General to say that your regiment lias been selected to garrison this important post, on account of the confidence reposed in the administrative qualities of the Commander and the heretofore good condudl of the reg- iment, which gives assurance of the safety of the depot, and that the inhabitants will be protected, and many now opposed to us made friends of, while the lukewarm will be strengthened in their feelings. " I am sir, very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, "F. J. Porter, A. A. G." Martinsburg was now a base of supplies and an important station. On July 14, Gen- eral Patterson moved his division towards Bunker Hill, and two days later the First Penn- sylvania rejoined it at Charlestown, whither it had convoyed a heavy ammunition train. It was here supplied with ten days' cooked rations on July 17, and put in light marching order, ready for a forward movement, which unfortunately was not ordered. During the days following, until July 21, when Bull Run was fought, already beyond the time for muster out, the volunteers were under arms, anxious for the advance which was to pre- vent the rebel General Johnston from reinforcing Beauregard at Manassas. But while Pat- terson was halting Johnston was marching, and on July 21, when the latter had joined the main rebel army and had turned defeat into victory, our volunteers, to their surjjrise, were ordered to move to Harper's Ferr}-. The regiment marched on the 23d to Sandy Hook, and on the same evening took train for Harrisburg, where the men were honorably dis- charged and mustered out of service. Bates' Histor\- of the Pennsylvania \'olunteers, from which we have freely drawn, closes the account of the regiment, as follows : "During the time that the regiment was in service it did not participate in any bat- tles ; but its timely arrival in the field accomplished much good by checking any rash movement on the part of rebels in arms along our borders. The duties it was called upon to perform were faithfully done, and its good conduct, under all circumstances, was ap- preciated and acknowledged by its superior officers." E AS TON, PENN'A. 237 RECEPTION OF THE THREE MONTHS VOLUNTEERS. Coinniittees had been appointed to arrange for the reception of the vohinteers upon their return, and the arrival of the train conveying them from Harrisburg was announced by signal guns fired upon Mount Jefferson on Tuesday, July 30, 1861. At one o'clock the citizens began to pour into the streets, and South Third street soon became a dense mass of human beings. Near two o'clock the procession headed by a large number of citizens, and Pomp's Cornet Band, came across the Lehigh Bridge and marched through some of the principal streets, amid the ringing of the bells of the chiirches, the Court House, and acclamations of the people. Colonel Yohe, Lieut. Colonel Good, Paymaster Thomas* and Major Glanz, mounted, preceded the companies, which marched in the following order : Co. B, First Penna. \'ol., Capt. Jacob Dachrodt. Co. C, First Penna. \'ol., Capt. William H. Armstrong. Co. D, First Penna. Vol., Capt. Chas. A. Heckman. Co. H, First Penna. Vol., Capt. Ferd. W. Bell. Co. F, Ninth Penna. Vol., Capt. Richard A. Graeffe. The newspapers of the day report that the men looked sunburnt, dusty and fatigued to such a degree that many could hardly be recognized. They were halted in the Square and welcomed home in a neat and appropriate speech by E. J. Fox, Esq., to which Col. Yohe replied in a few brief sentences, in which he said that Rebels could be conquered only by treating them as all other enemies are treated in war. He concluded by thanking the soldiers for their good conducft. Bountiful collations were spread at the Masonic Hall and the armories. The reception was not unmixed with sadness, for disease — more dreaded by soldiers than the dangers of the battle-field — had detained some. One young man, William Wil- king, had died at Harrisburg while the regiment was preparing to return. Almost the whole of this command saw more adlive service in later organizations. Within a few weeks the fatal fevers of the camp had taken away Benjamin F. Moyer, John Lerch, Henry W. Wilking, George W. Sigman, John W. Bowman, Alexander W. Hoyt, Edmund Shouse, Edwin Housel and Lieutenant James F. Thompson. None had arrived at middle age, most were barely in their majority, and one. Lieutenant Thompson, some monthsshort of his, a son of W. H. Thompson, Esq., was of exceptional promise, and in his brief service, led all to predict for hisability and soldierly qualities a brilliant career. RIOTOUS OUTBREAK. The war feeling had now become intense. The disastrous defeat at Bull Run height- ened, rather than depressed the patriotism of the volunteers, and they were restive under the covert rejoicing and ill-timed remarks of alleged sympathizers with secession. On Monday night, August 19, 1861, this excitement resulted in a riotous outbreak. A speech, received as partisan and inflammatory, and denunciatory of the war, delivered in the afternoon, was the immediate cause. The mob, in the form of a large procession, moved up South Third street about half-past nine o'clock, led by old soldiers, some of them intoxicated, and called upon prominent citizens in different parts of the town, whose *NoTE. — ^This officer bad been cbosen as Regimental Paymaster, but tbe office being abolished, he remained with the command, without pay, and rendered efficient service throughout the campaign. 238 THE HISTORY OF loyalty they suspe6led, to make patriotic speeches and exhibit the stars and stripes. The speeches were made and the flags produced, when the latter could be had, for most part in good humor. No violence was done save at a printing office on South Third street, which was torn out and its type and printing material thrown into the street, and at a later hour burned. An attack was made upon another printing office on Northampton street, but further damage, here and at private residences, was prevented by the interference of prom- inent patriotic citizens who lost no time in their efforts to control the mob. A large crowd moving to martial music was halted at the Square on the following evening by citizens who called upon Governor A. H. Reeder to speak to it. In a well- timed and well-received speech he exhorted all to return to their homes and commit no violence. With cheers for the Union the crowd slowly dispersed. This was the first and most violent outbreak in Easton during the war. It was depre- cated by all good citizens of all parties, who believed that the cause of liberty for which they were battling could not be furthered by lawless license, and that of all tyrannies that of the mob is the worst. At the same time all impartial persons, looking back upon the taunts flung at men making every sacrifice to maintain the integrity of the Republic, must now admit, that there was quite as much cause for this outbreak, as for those against the tories of the Revolution, which have been staple texts for Fourth of July speeches. RECRUITING IN EA.STON. But duty called volunteers to the field and recruiting for various commands was car- ried on briskly during the summer and fall of 1861. Captain Ferdinand W. Bell, long prominent in military circles in the borough, and a most accomplished officer, and Lieut. Charles H. Yard, both members of the First Penna. Vols., opened recruiting lists for three years or during the war, in the mouth of August. During the month of September arri- vals are reported of soldiers at Camp Washington to join a regiment of which Col. James Miller was to take command. Capt. Richard A. Graeffe, who had seen some years' service in the United States Regular Army prior to his three months" campaign, was also engaged in recruiting a company. Capt. F. W. Bell on Saturday, September 14, 1861, left for Harrisburg with forty vol- unteers. Twenty others had gone on the preceding Tuesday. This departure was made the more memorable by the music of a band recruited by the director of Pomp's Cornet Band and well-known composer, Thomas Coates, Esq., for the Forty-seventh Penna. \'olun- teers. It numbered twenty-one men — all but two or three of the favorite Pomp's Band — and as it led the column to the music of "Dixie," hundreds of our citizens kept step to the air, regretting the loss of the famous band to the borough, but cheering its patriotic mission. sevmour's b.^ttery. A battery of distinguished fame during the war was about this time recruited in Eas- ton by Capt. Truman Seymour, on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 1861. Many of these recruits had seen service in the three months' campaign, and the contrast, at this time, between the complete appointments of the regulars and the uncertain equipment of the volunteers may have helped enlistments. At all events Easton gave that worthy commander a worthy body of men. IMore than forty men left Easton under Captain Seymour's command. Their names were as follows : E ASTON, PENN'A. 239 BATTERY C, FIFTH UNITED STATES ARTIIXER\ (Men recruited at Eastoii.) Firsl Sergeants — ^James Simons, Frank Ginginger. Second Sergeants — E. N. R. Olil, William Lyons. Sergeant — Edward Cook. James I. Brodie. John Green. Daniel Wliitesell. John Andrew, William Howard, Arthur Grimes, Dennis McIIheny, James G. Fargo, Martin Johnson, David Troxell, Herman Snyder, James Duffy, Milton Charles, Samuel Emmons, J. Morrisse}', J. F. Burghner, C. H. Muller, H. Hirth, J. J. Carey, F. Frevberger, Bii,iiUr—.\. R. Muller. PRIVATES, Edward Burke, John H. Bixler, Jacob Freyberger, Samuel Vogel, Andrew Muckley, William Brader, J. J. Gangwere, John Serfass, William Balliet, John Fortner, John Steiner, W. Warner, Ed. Lines, S. Snyder, G. E. Diehl, E. Galligau, Ed. Balliet, Sergeant — George B. Green. " William Lynes. Corporal — Francis Mowery. " William Naylor. " William Houck. " John Schoen. Peter Stone, Charles Green, George Sigenthall, John Dachrodt, Samuel S. Lesher, David Ensley, Thomas K. Lesher, Simon Reed, William Davenport, Charles Kriche, Edward Luker. Captain Truman Seymour was a graduate of West Point, had served with honorable mention throughout the Mexican War, and was one of the heroic band with General An- derson at the bombardment of Fort Sumter. While in service in Mexico he had formed the acquaintance of Mr. E. N. R. Ohl, of Easton, through whom he learned, in 1861, that Easton would be a good recruiting station for a battery, which he had authority to raise, to serve in the war of the Rebellion. He opened a recruiting office in the south-east cor- ner of Centre Square and engaged E. N. R. Ohl as an assistant. The men were sworn into service by Samuel Moore, Esq., J. P., and upon arrival at Harrisburg, received their equipment. The battery numbered 138 men, and the armament consisted of six twelve- pound brass Napoleon guns. The winter of 1861 was spent in Harrisburg in constant drill, and it joined the Army of the Potomac in the latter part of March, 1862, one of the most efficient batteries in the service, as will be seen when we refer hereafter to its long roll of hard-fought battles. Every few days, say the borough papers of the time, officers were taking from ten to twenty men to Harrisburg. Capt. David Schortz and Lieutenant Albert N. Seip were busily engaged in recruiting a cavalry company during this mouth of September. On Mon- day, Oct. 14, they left with forty men for Camp Curtin and added to their number largely a few days later. Col. Miller's regiment, eight hundred strong, had left Camp Washington the week before. Thi^s regiment contained many three months men. It was known as the Eighty-first Penna. Vols., and took part in many hard-fought engagements, as will appear in our further reference to its long and honorable record. During the winter of 1861-2, while recruiting continued active in our borough, the ladies of Easton were busy in preparing many articles for the comfort of the sick and wounded soldiers. Clothing of all kinds was made up and sent to Washington for distribu- tion among the different hospitals. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, 1862, AND NOTES OF VOLUNTEERS. An unusually earnest celebration of Washington's birthday was had Feb. 22, 1862. At the Third Street Reformed Church in the forenoon there was a general meeting of the clergy and citizens. Prayers were offered by Revs. John Oray and B. Sadtler, and the im- 240 THE HlSrORY OF mortal Farewell Address was read by Hon. A. H. Reeder. Cannon firing; from Mt. Jeffer- son continned thronghout the day. In the evening many buildings, including the College, were brilliantly illuminated, and rockets whizzed and bonfires blazed in the streets which were filled with people. It attested the earnestness of the masses for the maintenance of the Union. The events of the war had now in some measure lost their novelty, but the spirit of this celebration, the adlive recruiting, the many organizations for the comfort of our volunteers, all proved the ready determination of our people for its serious work. OVATION TO CHARLE.S A. HECKMAN, COLONEL OF NINTH N. J. VOLUNTEERS. A large number of citizens on March 31, 1862, through their spokesman, E. J. Fox, Esq., extended a hearty welcome to Col. Charles A. Heckman, late Captain of the First Penna. Vols., and then of the Ninth N. J. Vols., at the American Hotel, and in the even- ing tendered him a banquet at the National Hotel. The Colonel's promotion was well earned, and his regiment performed gallant service. We note with pleasure the further promotion of this j^allant officer (although since his volunteering with the three months men he has been a resident of New Jersey) to Brigadier General and Major General by brevet, the just reward of distinguished military services, dating from the Mexican War, and closing with the well-fought battles of the Army of the Potomac. The annexed extradl is from the F irst Reunion pamphlet of the Ninth New Jersey Volunteers : " Chas A. Heckman was born at Has ton, Pennsylvania, December ^, 1822, and commenced his bril liant military career during the war with Mexico, in which a-^ I'irst Sergeant of Company II, First United States Voltigner^, he took part in most of the bat ties. Returning to his home at Phillipsburg, this state, his pi es ent place of residence, he acce])t ed a conductorship on the Cen tral Railroad, which position lie filled with great acceptabilit\ to the company until the rebellion broke out. when he raised a com- pany, which was assigned to the First Pennsylvania Regiment. At the end of the campaign, his command was mustered out, when, at the urgent solicitation of Governor Olden, he accepted the majority of the New Jersey Ninth. Foster, in his 'New Jer- .sey and the Rebellion,' says; ' Heckman at once became con- spicuous as a soldier of the high- est accom]3lishments. Perhaps, no general ever behaved with greater gallantry in acftion than he. He was, as truly as any man that ever lived, insensible to fear. During the whole period of his service, he was never once found in any other position than at the head of his columns.' Often was his apparel perforated by bullets. He escaped death so frequently that his men believed he bore a charmed life, and fol- lowed him more cheerfully to the very jaws of death. The men of the Ninth won for him a star in their six days' terrible fighting on the Goldsboro' ex- pedition, in December, 1862. In 1S64, General Heckman relieved Gen. Getty in the command of 20,000 troops defending the approaches to Norfolk. The general was captured at the desperate battle of Drury's Bluff, May 16, 1864, and confined in various prison- pens until late in the summer, when he was exchanged. He was heartily welcomed by General Butler, who gave him command of the second division of the Eighteenth army corps, with which he captured Fort Harri- son (two thousand Confederates and four pieces of artillery being the fruits of his brilliant viClory) for which he was complimented by General Grant. In the spring of 1865 he became commander of the Twenty-fifth corps, which he moulded into an effecftive command. In May, 1865, General Heckman resigned, having previously been commissioned a major-general by brevet. He possessed a magnificent voice, whose clarion-like notes were often heard above the roar of battle. Despite his apparent love of war, he had a passion for music, his flute being scarcely less dear to him than his sword." Charles .\. Hkckman, Captain Co. 1), ist P. V. Br. M.-ij. Gen. Vol. (From W.ir Phi.tograph.) E ASTON, PENN'A. 241 LIEUTENANTS REEDER AND W^'CKOFF WOUNDED. In April, 1862, Lieut. Howard J. Reeder, son of Hon. A. H. Reeder, and Lieut. Wal- ter W)'ckoff, son of Dr. Isaac C. Wyckoff, both of the U. S. Army, returned home upon furloughs, both being disabled by wounds, — the former at New Madrid and the latter at Pittsburg Landing. The elder brother of Lieut. Reeder, George M. Reeder, had joined the First Kansas Volunteers as private and was promoted to a captaincy. Their names, with that of a younger brother, Frank Reeder, also in service, will again appear in con- netlion with their respective commands. FUNERAL OF COL. JAMES MILLER, EIGHTY-FIR.ST PENNA. VOLS. The body of Col. James Miller, who fell while gallantly leading his regiment, the Eighty-first Penna. Vols., at the battle of Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862, was received in New York by a committee of Eastonians appointed for that purpose.* Easton lamented him dead as she had cheered him when in strong life he left her camp for the battlefield with his brave command. The military procession at his funeral, June 11, 1862, consisted of one cavalry and three infantry companies. It was much increased by the Odd Fellows, Order of United American Mechanics, stiidents of Lafayette College, many citizens on foot, and a large number of carriages filled with relatives and friends. After marching through several streets a halt was made at the Brainerd Church, where, after a sermon by Rev. W. C. Cattell, the remains were escorted to the cemetery for interment. During service with this regiment, H. Boyd McKeen, promoted from Major to Colonel, was wounded at Malvern Hill, at Fredericksburg, and at Chancellorsville, and was killed at Cold Harbor while heading the brigade in a desperate charge. He was a .son of Henry McKeen, Esq., and well known in Easton. Another son, long a resident of South Easton, William M. McKeen, First Lieutenant, Co. K, One Hundred and Eighteenth Penna. Vols., was severely wounded at Shepherdstown, Va., Sept. 20, 1864. * This regiment, as has been stated, was recruited at Camp Washington, and many men from the borough of South Easton, with some few from Easton were in its ranks, but not in a separate company organization. Its Colonel was born in Antrim, Ireland, in April 1S23, and emigrated to America in 1834, settling in what is now Carbon County, but then part of Northampton. At the outbreak of the Mexican War he was a jeweler in Mauch Chunk, and was made Captain of a company of volunteers raised in that place, and with it was mustered into the United States service as part of the Second Regiment Penna. Volunteers. He took distinguished part in the most prominent battles of that war, and while storming the heights of Chapultepec was severely wounded in the arm, notwithstanding which, with his arm in a sling, he marched at the head of his company in the triumphal entry of the army into the City of Mexico. He was in business in New York City when called to the command of the Eighty-first Penna. Volunteers, upon the recommendation of prominent citizens, of whom Edward J. Fox, Esq., was most adtive. It was a worthy appointment and the regiment was ably commanded and faithfully led until his death, which took place at the battle of Fair Oaks through his mistaking a rebel regiment in his front for Union troops. Clad in stolen blue, they had emerged by the flank from a wood in his front, and upon his hail "What regiment is that?" they faced to the front, and at short range, delivered a volley, by which he fell, shot through the heart, and many of his command were killed aud wounded. In the years of hard service following, until the surrender at Apponiatox, Col. Miller's name was a rallying cry in many a well-fought fight. In a public address Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard, while referring to the Penn.sylvania Volunteers under his command, paid a warm and deserved tribute to his service and gallantry. An obituary in a leading New York paper said "He was not only a true soldier and faithful officer, ever seeking the good of his men, phvsically and morally striving to make them a regiment to be trusted in the day of battle, but he was a faithful Christian, a true soldier of Jesus Christ, as energetic a hero under the banner of the Cross as he was under the banner of his country." After funeral obsequies in New York, in which the body lay in state in City Hall, and was escorted by the Twelfth Regiment National Guards, N. Y., to the ferry, it was delivered to the Easton committee. 242 THE HISTORY OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND PATRIOTIC WORK. Besides the substantial comfort provided for the volunteers by the Ladies' Aid Society from time to time, almost all of the public schools of the borough at the close of their term in June 1862, made up boxes filled with articles suitable for sick and wounded sol- diers. The children were, from the outbreak of the war, schooled in pra6lical lessons of patriotism. SEYMOUR'S BATTERY. An Interesting War Letter. The following note from Edward J. Fox, Esq., was published in the "Daily Express" of July 15, 1862. It accompanied the letter of Lieutenant Scott, which we also give : Editor Express : I received on Friday a letter from General Truman Seymour, who is, since the capture of General McCall, commanding the division of Pennsylvania Reser\-es, and who was in all the recent battles near Richmond, but escaped unharmed, as his many friends here will rejoice to learn. He sends me a letter from Lieut. Scott, who, since the wounding of Capt. Dehart, is in command of Battery C, Fifth Artiller}-, the Batterj- raised by General (then Captain) Seymour. Speaking of the men in the Battery from Easton and vicinity. General Seymour says : "That they could do well we all knew ; that none would have behaved more gallantly, may well now be asserted." He gives me permission to make Lieut. Scott's letter public, saying that it will gratify many of the Easton people to be assured that their friends bore a prominent and honorable part in these terrible encounters. E. J. F. C.4MP NEAR James River, June 7, 1862. GenER.^L : An answer to your inquiry respecting the Easton men of our battery during the recent engage- ment would be easv, were it not that to make a distinction in the case of any would be invidious if not unjust, where all did so well. To answer then for all — they did nobly, and I wish it was in my power to express in words the coolness and intrepidity they showed in deeds. Of course during the excitement of an adlion my eye could not have been upon all. I can therefore speak only of those under my immediate command, ad- ding such items concerning others as I have since obtained from my brother officers. Searfoss was the first victim chosen from among us. He was acfling as No. 6 to my right piece, and was in the act of cutting the fuse of a shell when struck by a round shot below the left knee. We were under a verv- hea\'j' fire from three batteries at the time, and it was some time before he could be carried from the field. He expired in a few hours after being taken to the hospital, and in him the battery lost a good soldier and a good man. This occurred during the first engagement, June 26, and was the sole casualty of that action. In the adlion of Gaines Mill on the following day the batterj- suffered severely. Sergeant Brodie, the chief of my left piece, paid the penalty of his almost rash bravery, by receiving a wound in his knee. He was struck almost as soon as we had come into batterj- and before the firing commenced. He reached Savage's Station, where he was no doubt taken prisoner a few days afterward. The courage he displayed deserves especial mention, as did also that of Sergeant Ginginger, who w-as shot through the body in the same acflion. On the retreat he came along side of me, and noticing that he swayed unsteadily in his saddle, I called to him, asking if he was hit and telling him to keep by my side. He made no reply, but urged on his horse and was soon lost in the crowd. He died, I think, on Sunday, at Savage's Station. I made an effort to see him but failed. He was remarkable for the energy and thoroughness with which he accomplished whatever he put his hand to, and in his death the battery met with a great loss. Corporal Hauck was chief of caisson, and when struck was attending to his duties in serving out ammuni- tion. He was shot in the breast and in the thigh and fell immediateh'. An effort was made to get him off the field, but it was unsuccessful. Sergeant Cook attempted to get him on his horse, but at that moment the horse was shot and the Corporal had to be abandoned. The horse carried the Sergeant off the field and they fell, pierced in six places The Sergeant himself escaped after doing his duty nobly to the last minute, unhurt, but carrj-ing off a memorial hole through his blouse. Corporal Hauck was a man of quiet, modest demeanor, who gave great promise as a soldier. Naylor was acting as No. I to Sergeant Cook's piece, and was killed at his post while fighting bravely. Y'ou will recollect him the more particularly from the service he rendered you w-hen the battery was under your command. The manner of his death verified your high estimate of his charaifler. Corporal Carey, gunner to Sergeant Cook's piece was struck in the shoulder while unfi.xing the prolonge E ASTON, PENN'A. 243 by a buck-shot. I am happy to say he is still with us, that his wound is doing well, and that he will soon re- turn to service. Of those immediately under my command I cannot speak too well. The two Balliets, Corporal Brader, Simons, Gangwere, Galligan, Shane, Mowry, Grimes — in facfl all stood up to their work more than like men. Simons and Gangwere you will recolledl as the lead drivers of my pieces. Though in a most exposed situation, and with no adlive duty to draw their attention from the scene around them, like men thoroughly in earnest, thev found for themselves something to do in reporting the effecSl of the different shots, not discernible by us, and when the smoke becaiue so packed in front of the guns as to cut off the view entirely, these men stood up in their stirrups aud cheered on the cannoniers till the last shot was fired. Corporal Brader acted as chief of piece after Sergeant Brodie was shot, and filled his place well. He was well sustained by Galligan, the No. i of the piece. Corporals Lines, Muller, Green, Reed, and privates Whitesell, the brothers Green and Andrews, have won from their commander the highest praises, and others of whom I have heard, but the multiplicity of whose names prevents any mention of them, have carried their share of the encomiums which public opinion seems to have given the battery. In fact, sir, I find it impossible to mention one without doing injustice by my silence to another. All did well — not one flinched or wavered, or made the first motion towards retreating till they were ordered to do so, and then they stuck by their pieces. That I have not mentioned other names is no rea- son that they are not deserving of mention. On the contrary' there is not one of whom his State and town can- not be proud. I cannot close without mentioning the refreshing coolness of Bugler Reeder Muller on that warm day. The youngest member of the batter\', he was not surpassed in courage by the eldest, and followed the Captain hither and thither with the same nonchalance with which he had often followed \-ou on the drill ground. In conclusion, let me congratulate you sir, upon the good effects of the discipline you enforced when in command of this batten,-. With education a good beginning makes a good ending. These men received their first start in their military life from you, and to you is due in a great measure the satisfactory results. In the hope, sir, that our deeds have been as satisfaftory to you as your commendation has been pleasing to ' ' Your obedient servant, E- G. ScoTT, Lieut. Commanding Battery C, Fifth Artillery, U. S. A. For convenience of reference we continue here briefly onr account of the ftill and faith- ful services of this body of Eastonians. After the fearful fighting on the Peninsula, the battery went with the Army of the Potomac on its northward march in pursuit of Lee, and took part in Second Bull Run, vSouth Mountain and Antietam, which latter fight it opened by a cannonade upon the rebel Washington Artillery on the night of September 16. In the defeats of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville it did its duty, and in the victory of Gettysburg, which gave the nation so glorious a Fourth of July for 1S63, it rendered prominent service, aud was highly com- plimented in general orders.* During the draft riots of 1863, in the City of New York, the battery was ordered there and stationed in City Hall Park, and remained on duty until quiet was restored. It was in the terrible battles of the Wilderness, and closed its fighting at Appomatox. It was subsequently ordered to Fortress Monroe, and performed guard duty over the prison in which Jefferson Davis was confined. At the expiration of its term of enlistment the men returned to Easton and received the congratulations of the citizens for patriotic duty faithfully performed. *NoTE. — Sergeant James Simons, in a report of the position of the place of death of the rebel General Ar- mistead upon the field of Gettysburg, in the Daily Free Press of April 22, 1887, states : "The fight went on, and a few minutes after when the wind shifted the smoke, I saw General Armistead lying right out from my giui and from Cushing's guns. I sent Samuel S. Lesher and John J. Gangwere, of Easton, and a man named Thomas Brannon from New York State, to bring the General in. * * * Our battery was located uext to Cushing's battery, right behind the stone wall. * * * When they carried General Armistead in the lines he thanked them, and said 'I did not expeft to receive such kind treatment from your hands.' Those are believed to be his last words. He was placed on a stretcher, carried down the hill back of our guns, and there died. Our com- mander. Captain Weir, gave me the order to send out men to bring in the General." 244 ^^^ HISTORY OF EASTONIANS WITH BATTERY C, FIFTH U. S. A., WHO FELL IN BATTLE. Sergeant Frank Ginginger, Sergeant Edward Brader, Corporal William Na3lor, Cor- poral Francis Mowery, Corporal William Houck, John Andrews, John Serfass, William Howard, Thomas Morrisey. Besides the killed there were about twenty-five wounded. "we ARE COMING, FATHER ABRAHAM, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND MORE." In July, 1862, five dififerent recruiting offices were opened in Easton. The heavy de- pletion of Union ranks consequent upon the severe fighting of the Peninsular campaign, demanded prompt supplies of men. The local prints were full of reports of Eastonians killed and wounded in service, but the call of the President for three hundred thousand nine months' men met with ready response. On Monday evening, July 11, 1862, the date of the Governor's proclamation. Masonic Hall (the old Court House had by this time been torn down) was crowded to its utmost capacity. Col. Samuel Yohe presided, assisted by the following Vice Presidents : Samuel Moore, James McKeen, James Dinkey, Derrick Hnlick, John Abel, Jr., Thomas T. Miller, Frederick Seitz, John Eyerman, Major Charles Glanz, Max Gress, Thomas Bishop, Thomas J. Hay, Major Thos. W. Lynn, Owen Reich, William Firmstone, James Kidd, Edward Quinn, George G. Zane, James Young. Secretaries — C. Edward Hecht, Wilson Hildebrand, Jacob Dachrodt, J. I. Kinsey, E. Rockwell. Hon. H. D. Maxwell offered the following resolutions, which were seconded by M. Hale Jones, Esq. , and unanimously adopted. The preamble sets forth the nature of the Rebellion, which, after fifteen mouths of desperate struggle was then calling into service the entire male population of the Confed- erate States, between the ages of eighteen and sixty years, capable of bearing arms, and that the President of the United States, ever mindful of the best interests of the Republic, had called for three hundred thousand more men for the field to reinforce the armies of the Republic ; that the existence of the great Republic, the prosperity and happiness of its people, the preservation of the precious free institutions handed down to us by Revolu- tionary sires, and the continuance of the best Government the world has ever seen, with all its rich benefits and blessings for us and our posterity, depended upon our success in this great contest. Resolved, That we, the citizens of Easton, South Easton and vicinity, again assembled to consult as to our duty to the Government and Nation in this matter, do hereby solemnly reaffirm the resolutions passed in mass meeting in this borough ou April 13, 1861, the day the news reached us of the attack upon Fort Sumter. Resolved, furl/ier, That we again, now, here tender to the Government our hearty earnest self-sacrificing co-operation and support, and reuewedly pledge ourselves, collectively and individually, to do all in our power to aid the Government in the overthrow of this wicked Rebellion. Resolved, That we feel and appreciate the magnitude of the undertaking and the greatness of the work now devolved upon the loyal people of these United States. We know that we are engaged in a fearful war with an almost savage enemy ; that blinded, infuriated and desperate, through the machinations of desperate dema- gogues, our foes will not succumb, will not cease their hostility or abandon their revolt, until conquered, over- thrown and subdued ; that they have gathered themselves up with relentless venom and bitter hate, and are de- termined to withhold no means, stop at no measures and hesitate at no aA, heathenish, barbarous or devilish, to attain their end. Resolved, That in full view and conscious of the great work before us, we accept the issue. We feel that we are fighting for good government, law, order, progress, truth, civilization, humanity and religion ; for all that is dear and cherished by civilized men ; while our foes are struggling for power, rule, darkness and 246 THE HISTORY OF oppression. We feel tliat the manhood of twenty-two millions of free people will never permit the glorions tem- ple of their liberties to be overthrown and cast down by a quarter of their number of rebel traitors, in arms to destroy it. Judge Maxwell accompanied the resolutions with a patriotic address, in which he invoked all to use every means God had given them to assist in putting down the rebel- lion. He said that those who were unable to go to the war themselves could give it their moral and financial help ; every one male and female could do something. Earnest and effective speeches were also made by Edgar F. Randolph, Esq. , O. H. Meyers, Esq., Capt. Wni. H. Armstrong, and Hon. Philip Johnson, and the following committees appointed to devise means for raising volunteers : Bitshkill Ward — H. D. Ma.xwell, Peter F. Eilenberger, Edward J. Fox, Edgar F. Randolph, McEvers Forman. Lehigh Ward — Charles Seitz, Daniel Black, David Garis, Henry vS. Troxell, William H. Lawall. ]]^cst ]Vard — Thomas Deshler, William Hamman, Jacob Rinek, Christian Take, Thomas Bishop. South EastoH — Emanuel R. Shilling, Egbert Rockwell, Thomas L. McKeen, George G. Zane, James Young. Patriotic excitement ran high. Recruiting lists, opened at the law office of W. H. Armstrong, Esq., on North Third street, were speedily filled with names of over four hundred men. These men, for the larger part, entered the 129th Regiment Pennsylva- nia Volunteers, of which Jacob G. Frick, late Lieutenant Colonel 96th Penna. Vols., of Schuylkill county, became Colonel, and William H. Armstrong, Esq., of the Northamp- ton county bar, late Captain Company C, ist Penna. Vols., Lieutenant Colonel. ACTION OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY TO AVOID THE DRAFT. Under the schedule of apportionment appended to the proclamation of the Governor three companies were expected from the county of Northampton. To fill up this quota a county meeting was called to be held at Nazareth on Saturday, July 26, 1862. It was largely attended, and a prominent part in its proceedings was taken by citizens of Easton. The handbill announcing the meeting stated that the boroughs and towns of the county had thus far contributed most of the men and means, and that additional bounty and inducements were imperativelv needed to procure these volunteers and thus obviate a draft. In pursuance of a(!;l;ion then had, a meeting was held at the Court Hotise in Easton on the Monday following (July 28), at which committees were appointed to induce citizens to take the bonds, aggregating thirty thousand dollars, of fifty dollars each, to be issued by the County Commissioners. The committeemen from Easton were : Biishkill /Fa/7/— Samuel Boileau, C. E. Hecht. West Ward—]o\\\\ Stotzer, Robert C. Pyle. Lehigh If'ard — David Garis, Henry S. Troxell. This was the origin of the 153d Regiment Penna. Volunteers, of which Charles Glanz became Colonel and Jacob Dachrodt, Lieutenant Colonel, John F. Frueauff, Major, and Howard J. Reeder, Adjutant. All of these officers were from Easton, as were also many of the company officers and privates. E ASTON, PENX'A. 247 DEPARTURE OF VOLUNTEERS FOR THE 129TH PEXNA. REGIMENT. Two companies of the volunteers raised at the office of Captain Wm. H. Armstrong left for Camp Curtin on the morning of Friday, August 8, 1862, under command respec- tivelv of Captain John Stonebach and Captain Herbert Thomas, and were followed upon the next day by the company of Captain David Eckar. The 129th Regiment P. V., of which they formed part, was organized and mustered into service August 15, 1862. MUSTER ROLLS OF EASTON COMPANIES, 129TH PENNA. VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY D. Captains — Herbert Thomas. " George L. Fried. Lieulenanis — William H. Weaver, " Joseph Oliver, " Charles P. .Arnold. Sergeants — Hiram Hankey, " Henry Huber, " Henry Gangvvere, " Jeremiah Bachman, " Solon C. Phillippe. Reuben Albert, Edward Alsfelt, Charles Barnet, Charles Broad, Richard Brinker, Burton Burrell, Joel Bauer, John H. Buckley, George Bidwell, Charles F. Chidsey, Uriah Clayton, Charles Correll, Samuel D. Crawford. William H. Cornell, .\rthur Davis, C. Dittler, John Dittler, Paul Danner, Albert Drinkhouse, Lewis H. Eckert, John Eveland, Theodore Eveland, James Fraunfelter, Jacob Haup, Wm. H. Hagenbuch. James W. Heller, Henrv Herger, PRIVATES. .\mos H inkle. Luther Horn, Martin L. Horn, Aaron D. Hope, Jr., Michael Herger, Erwin Hartzell, Robert Jamison, Frank Keller, Peter J. Keime, William H. Kinney, Henry Kline, William H. Kline, Richard Knauss, Aaron F. Knauss, John Levan, George Lewis, Benjamin A. Loder, George H. Ludwig, Thomas Malcolm, William Miller, Joseph H. Moyer, John Murray, Mathew McAlee, George Oberlj', J. F. Osterstock, Mahlon Raub, Francis B. Ruth, COMPANY F. Captain — David Eckar. First Lieutenant —'PK\\\\> Reese. Second Lieutenant — Josephus Lynn. First Sergeant — David Bless. Sergeants — William Hartzell, " Peter M. Miller, " Lewis Keis, " Elisha Dunbar, " O. H. .Armstrong. Corporals — Peter S. Stem. Corporals — Charles Able. " Reuben Lerch, " Charles M. Ludwig, " William N. Scott, " Adam A. Lehn, " Frederick C. Mattes, " Isaac Fine, Jr., Howard R. Hetrich. Musicians— Peter Campbell, " John P. Speer. John C. Richards, Joseph P. Rudy, John Schwab, John Shaffer, Jacob Shewell, Ernest Shnyder, John Shawda, Edwin Shnyder, James S. Sig?nan, Samuel Stern, Jr., Edwin Swift, George N. Spear, B. R. Swift, George W. Thatcher, ^.Albert T. Tilton,,,^-^ VV'illiam Tomer. Frank Tomer, Amos C. Uhler, William H.Unangst, Samuel Weaver, James Weaver, Peter S. Williams, Samuel S. Williams, George Wolf, Anthony Wagner, Edward Wilson. Corporals— WWliam .\tten. Otto Wohlgemuth, " Francis Wipler, " Jacob H. Kline, " John Greenaugh, " Lorenzo Reinial, " Stephen Brotzman, " Josiah Transue. Musician — .^Ipheus Frey. 248 THE HISTORY OF Peter Aten, Samuel Adams, John J. Allen, Derick Aten, Jeremiah Albert, David H. Bruce, Har. Bartholomew, Samuel Bidleman, James Bowman, John H. Butts, Jacob Bidleman, John Bangor, John Banhart, Enos Dunbar, William Eckar, Robert EUet, William H. Fuhr, William Prick, Charles Fox. William Frey, David Frankenfield, Edw. Fraunfelder, Joseph Geisinger, William Gosner, Andrew Hofl'man, Captain — John Stonebach. Lieutenants — Augustus F. Heller, " Henry Mellick. Sergeants — Alvin M. Meeker, " George E. Hutman, " Horace W. Snyder, " Tilghman Brong, " Herman Alsover, " Henry L. Arndt. Corporals — George Schooley, " George W. Wagner, PRIVATES. Robert B. Hill, Edmund Hibler, Henry Hunsberger, Jeremiah Hellick, Richard Hahn, Simon Knoble, John Kresler, Joseph Kocher. Thomas Kelly, Jacob E. Long, Theodore Labar, Aaron J. Lambert, William Lay, Aaron Miller, John Mover, Levi H. Mann, Alfred Myers, John M'Ginis, John W. M'Cracken, John Nolf, Peter Ott, Thomas Powe, Thomas Rewurk, Hiram Robert, COMPANY K. PRIVATES. James P. Buck, J. J. S. Bonstein, A. Buckman, James R. Bryson, James Bowman, Henry E. Burcaw, D. A, Beidleman, John Blass, Samuel D. Cortright, John DeHart, John Durand. James Derr, Elias Fritchman, George Fenicle, Charles Godley, John J. Horn, Wm. H. Harrison, Wm. H. Hartzell, William P. Horn, John P. Hay, Lewis Hartzell, George W. Heckman, William P. Innes, Joseph Kichline, Martin Kichline, David Kutz. Wm. H. Kutz, Andrew J. Knauss, Jacob Keinast, August Keiter, J. W. H. Knerr, Edward Y. Kitchen, Amandus Lerch, Charles Lanning, Owen J. Lerch, Samuel Moyer, Philip M. Metier, James Mapp, Justice McCarty, William H. Omrod, Napoleon Patier, Jacob Paulus, Martin Pohl. John K. Quigley, Robert Rolling, J. W. Rodenbough, William Roseberry, P. W. F. Randolph, Charles H. Rhoads, George W. Rice, R. J. Ramsden, Michael Rafferty, J. G. Reichard, Jacob Raub, Christian Rice, Christian H. Rice, Edwin H. Rice, James H. Stocker, John Seip, Thomas Sherer, William Snyder, Harrison Sciple, Enos Shoch, George Stocker, Joseph W. Savitz, William G. Sullivan, Jacob A. Stocker, Edward H. Transue, William Trumbaur, John J. Troch, Josiah Unangst, Joseph Wheeler, William Williams, Robert Wagner. William Wideman, John Woodback, John M. Wallace, Samuel Watson. Corporals — Herman H. Pohl. James P. Tilton, " F. E. F.Randolph, " Thomas Wagner, " August Heiney, William Minnich, Charles Diehl, George A. Simons, Musicians — John J. Bell, " Edward Roseberrv. J. F. Reichard, William Reichard, William F. Roseberry, Edward Ricker, Henry Steinmetz, George P. Steinmetz, George E. Sciple, William H. Smith, J. Stocker, Ed. Smith, Benjamin Smith, John P. B. Sloan, Samuel Stoneback, George A. Stern, William Sletor, Val. Vannorman, W. H. Vannorman, Joseph Woodring, M. L. Werkheiser, Thomas Weaver, John D. Willauer, Lewis Wilhelm. Charles Wolf, F. Willauer, John A. Young, Martin Young. EA S TON, PENN' A . 249 DRAFT ORDERED IX THE COUXTY. Detachments of recruits were now so frequently forwarded that their departure created but little excitement. The streets resounded with martial music, and volunteer- ing was continued by Captains John J. Horn, John E. Titus, John P. Ricker, and others. It had not, however, been sufficiently brisk in the county to avoid the draft, and Peter F. Eilenberger, Esq., was appointed Deputy Marshal for the county to make preparations for drafting. In his list of deputies appear the following names for the wards of Easton : Bushkill Ward — William Ricker, Isaac S. Eilenberger. Lehigh IVard—^. N. Drake. IVest Ward — John Bitters, Thomas W. Lynn. It was estimated that Easton had at that time furnished about seven hundred men, and would be exempted from a draft. W. H. Thompson, Esq., was appointed by the Governor as Commissioner, to conduct the draft in the county, and on Monday, Septem- ber 8, 1862, entered upon his duty of determining claims for exemption. With proper credits for volunteers the county was deficient eleven hundred, somewhat more than a full regiment. CALL FOR VOLUXTEERS FOR STATE DEFEXSE. Rebel invasion caused Governor Curtin to call for fifty thousand volunteers for the defense of the State. On Thursday evening, September 11, 1862, a telegram was received from the Governor requiring the volunteers as early as possible. At nine o'clock Judge Maxwell read the order to a large gathering of citizens in the Square, and on Saturday morning, September 13, two hundred and fifty able-bodied men left the borough for Har- risburg, under command of Captains Brackinridge Clemens, Thomas W. Lynn and George Finley. Enough men to fill the three companies to one hundred men each, followed on the succeeding Monday morning. Augustus Patier, a patriotic Frenchman, and an old resident of the borough, who had ser\'ed under the first Napoleon, with his tri-colored flag aloft, escorted the volunteers to the railroad depot. Upon their flanks hung mothers, wives, and children, with large crowds of citizens generally, all the more apprehensive, now that the foe was at their door ; and to meet him there were in the ranks many of the older business men and heads of families. These men formed part of the Fifth Regiment of what were called Militia or Emergency Men of 1862. Captain J. Brackinridge Clem- ens was made Lieutenant Colonel, Melchior H. Horn, Major, and Edward D. Lawall, Adjutant. The Fifth Regiment of Militia was organized September 11-13, 1862, and dis- charged September 24-27, 1862. The muster roll of the Easton companies, as they appear in Bates' Histor}-, P. V., are as follows : COMPANY A. Captain — William B. Semple. First Lieutenant — George H. Bender. Second Lieutenant — ^John O. Wagener. First Sergeant — Theodore Oliver. Sergeants — William Eichman, " John S. Barnet, " Henry B. Semple, " Jeremiah Murphy. Corporals — Valentine Weaver, Corporals — Edward H. Heckman, Rush H. Bixler. " Lewis C. Drake, " Howard Burke, " Thomas Rinek, " James M. Rothrock, " Charles J. Rader. Musician — Philip Bruch. 250 THE HISTORY OF Thomas Allen, Allen Albright^ Thomas M. Andrews, William Ackerman, James Barnet, Daniel Brown, William Brinker, Samuel Butz, William Butz, David Butz, George Barron, Jacob Burt, Thomas Bowers, John D. Bowers, Henry W. Barnet, William Brong, Floyd S. Bixler, Henry Brodt, Daniel Conklin, Henry M. Clay, Robert Coons, William Davis, George A. Drinkhouse, James Donovan, Edwin Ealer, Daniel Frankenfield, Lawrence Forman, PRIVATES. Henry S. Frey, Edward H. Green, Isaac Goldsmith, Theophilus P. Gould, Frank Green, Samuel Garis, George Hess, James Hoffman, Reuben Hellick, Calvin Horn, Edward Harmony, William Hutchison, Charles L. Hemingway, Samuel Howell, Reuben Hines, Stephen Hines, William H. Jones, Amos Kunsman, Edward Keller, Daniel L. Kutz, Francis King, Reuben Kolb, Owen Laubach, David Lerch, George D. Lehn, Alexander Moore, John Mock, Joseph Moser, Barnet Mansfield, John C. Mock, William Moon, Thomas McNess, John R. Nolf, Oscar Nightingale, James Pittenger. John W. Pullman, Robert Peacock, Samuel Rader, Henry A. Rothrock, Martin J. Riegel, Isaac S. Sharp, Joseph G. Semple, William A. Seitz, Augustus Stewart, William H. Thomas, James B. Wilson, Henry W. Wilking, John Weiland, Theodore Woodring, James E. Young, William Young, Richard Young. COMPANY F. Captain — George Finley. First Lieutenant — John J. Otto. Second Lieutenant — Daniel W. Snyder. First Sergeant — Joseph P. Cotton. Sergeants — Daniel Phillippe, John M. Seals, Richard N. Bitters, " Nelson P. Cornell. PRIVATES. Cyrus B. Alsover, Edward Arrowsmith, Samuel C. Brown, George Bachman, Jacob Bryson, George Benson, George Barron, Fred. Bornman, Joshua Bercaw, William Buck, Edward D. Bleckley, George J. Copp, Reuben W. Clewell, J. S. Conklin, Howard H. Douglass. Charles W. Dickson, Valentine Diley, Abraham Fowler, an, Bartlett C. Frost, William Fulmer, Max Gress, Lewis Gordon, Benjamin F. Hower, Lewis M. Hamman, Theodore F. Ham William E. Hamman, Alfred Hart, Charles A. Hilburn, Alvey Harris, David Kutzler. Peter Kelchner, Jesse Lewis, Frank Ludwig, Charles W. Meeker, John Moser, J. Traill Nungesser, Corporals — William Slavin, " John H. Heckman, " Alexander Reichard, " Wilson H. Hildebrandt, " John H. Yohe, " John Datesman, " James Ballentine, " George W. Reichard. E. F. Probst, Thomas F. Shipe, Jacob Sandt, Roseberry Seip, Charles Sigman. Andrew Smith, Frank Sigman, Robert Stabp, Frank Tellier, Jacob Vannorman, Wm. H. Werkheiser, Jacob W. Weaver, Henry S. Wagoner, James Ward, Henry Weidknecht, Nicodemus Wilson, Albert Voundt, Charles B. Zulick. COMPANY I. Captain — Thomas W. Lynn, First Lieutenant — William A. Conahay. Second Lieutenant — William- L. Davis. First Sergeant — Reuben Schlabach. Sergeants — William H. Ginnard, John W. Ricker, " Joseph A. Ginnard, " Joseph H. Clark. Corporals — Thomas J. Taylor. Corporals — George Davenport, " Isaac S. Eilenberger, " Jacob Kiefer, Jr., " Jonathan L. Fackenthall, " George P. Wagner, " William C. Harrison, " Howard Bowers, Musician — Charles D. Horn. E ASTON, PENN'A. 251 Thomas Aikens, R. H. Abernetliy, Samuel Abernethy, V. H. Durkhouse, Henry Beavers, Thomas Davis, Madison Eilenberger, Erastus Eilenberger, Alfred Godshalk, Charles Hyde, William H. Hartzell, PRIVATES. Samuel Innes, W. S. Johnston, Peter Klas, John Knauss, Frank Leidy, James W. Lynn, H. M. Mutchler, William Moore, James A. McGowan, Theodore McCloes, William S. McLean. COMPANY B. (South Easton.) Joseph McCabe, Frank Reeder, Howard J. Reeder, Wilson Skinner, John Simons, Jacob Tro.xell, T. M. Todd, George Willauer, Daniel Weinland, Jeremiah Yeisley. Captain — William Kellogg. First Lieutenant — Thomas L. M'Keen. Second Lieutenant— George E. Cyphers. First Sergeant — George Hubbard. Sergeants — Emanuel Kline, William Wolfram, " John Wolfram, " Henry C. Ashmore. Corporals — John H. Wilhelm, " Charles Huber, " John Billings, Peter Wilhelm, William H. Wilheln " Joseph Vogle. Musician — Emanuel Wilhelm. Samuel Allen, William C. Aten, Labourn W. Aldridge, Hiram Buss, James Briedy, Lewis Blose, Jacob Brinig, Francis Barr, Henry Brawley. Martin Brotzman, James Burns, George Brooks. Robert Boyd, William Cameron, Thomas Coyle, Samuel Chamberlain, John Carlin, John Chiston, Aaron B. Charleen, Samuel Davis, Samuel Dull, Peter Donnelly, Peter J. Dougherty. Andrew Elliott, John Frey, Luke Fo.x, PRIVATES. Henry Fryberger, James Fagan, Joseph Fisher, Henry Fronipter, Peter Garris, Richard Griffiths. David Gullion, William Galloway, John Guiley, August Goelitz, George Horning, John Hahn, Philip Hyle, William Heath, Thomas D. Hanlon. Gottlieb Heitzelman. Philip Hildebrand, Josiah Kohl, William Kolb, John F. Kline, John Miller, Patrick Mundy, John Marsteller, Joseph Marsteller, Stephen Mover, Sylvester Merwarth, John Maddox, Thomas M'Laughlin, ist, Thomas M'Laughlin, 2d. Richard M'Gee, John M'Makin, Robert M' Donald, Owen B. Roberts, John Rice, John C. Sheppard, John Stoker, William Shilling, Oscar L. Singer, Joseph Stiles, Aaron Transue, John Vogel, Peter Waltman, Franklin Waltman, Samuel Waltman, John Wilhelm, George VV'alter, John Weiss, Richard Wolfram, Josiah Weber, George P. Wright, William L. Zane. The emergency for which these men were called soon passed, but they were entitled to great credit for the promptness with which they volunteered, and their presence in large numbers on the southern border of the State, without doubt, as General McClellan in his letter to Governor Curtin, stated, exercised a great influence upon the enemy. I74TH REGIMENT DRAFTED NINE MONTHS MILITIA. In the 174th Regiment, nine months service, drafted militia from Pennsylvania, organ- ized in West Philadelphia during the latter part of October and early in November, 1862, a number of Eastouians served. Prominent among them were Frank Reeder, Adjutant of the regiment throughout its term of service, son of Hon. A. H. Reeder, and J. L. Fack- 252 THE HISTORY OF eiithall, Captain of Company A. We regret tliat we cannot obtain names of others scat- tered throngh the company lists. This regiment saw mnch a(5live service ; proceeding after its organization from Wasliington to Snffolk, \'a. , and thence on Jannary 6, 1863, to Newberne, N. C. It formed part of the force nnder General Foster to reinforce the army in front of Charleston, and reached Hilton Head, February 5, 1863. At Helena Island it remained in camp until February 27, when it proceeded to Beaufort and was engaged in the routine of camp and garrison duty until its transfer in June to Hilton Head. It was ordered north in July, its term of service being about to expire, and on August 7th was mustered out at Philadelphia. .d^?^^ »,^^ f/ Charles Glanz, Captain Co. G, gth P. V. Colonel 153d P. \'. (From War Photograph.) I \( 1 n I > \< HKonr, ( i|it 1111(0 B isl P \ Lieut. Col. 1530! P. V. (From Recent Photograph.) .MU.STER IN OF 153D l'EXN.\. VOLUNTEERS. The draft ordered by Governor Curtiu had been postponed to the fifteenth day of September, and again to the twenty-seventh. Meanwhile, Commissioner W. H. Thompson announced that he would proceed to fill the draft on Monday, September 22, 1862, unless by that date satisfied that each township had furnished its full quota. E.xtra bounties offered by the townships had aided greatly, and some of the volunteers, b\' October, returned from service in defense of the State, again enrolled themselves, and the 153d Regiment, recruited wholly in the county, and the first regiment rai.sed in the vState in lieu of draft, was mustered into service at Harrisburg, October 11, 1862. For some davs previous to their departure the men gathered from the county were quartered at the hotels of the borough, under direction of Commissioner Thompson. They assembled at their respective quarters, and under command of Colonel Charles Glanz formed in regi- mental column and marched to the Phillipsburg depot of the Lehigh Valley Railroad (the South Third street bridge across the Lehigh river having been swept away b)- a late E ASTON, PENN'A. 253 freshet) and there took the train for Harrisburg. Commissioner Thompson accompanied them, and delivered to the State one of the strongest and most efficient regiments in the service. Their departure occasioned great excitement. The streets were thronged with their country friends, and inhabitants of the borough. Immediate active service was expecled and farewell greetings were frequent and hearty. Company E of this regiment, whose roster is given below, was composed almost wholly of Eastonians ; many others from the borough were mustered into the other companies. COMPANY E. Captain — ^John P. Ricker. First Lieutenant — Christian H. Rehfuss. Second Lieutenants — Jeremiah Dietrich, " " Paul Bachschmid. First Sergeants — Theodore R. Combs, " " Andrew Burt, " " Adam Reisinger. Sergeants — William F. Snyder, Andrew J. Hay, John Bittner, Amandus D. Snvder. Corporals— ]a.c(Ai Christian, " Lewis Fraunfelder. " Vanselan Walter, " Nathaniel Michler, " Ab'm G. Snyder, " George W. Barnet, " Noah Dietrich, " Edwin Brinker. Jlfusicians — Samuel E. Lerch, *' Darius Thomas. Joseph Andrew, David Abel, Reuben Abel. Levi S. Brady, Edward Boadwee, Samuel Ball, Edward Bonden, Thos. T. C. Brady, Tobias Bauer, Adam Bonden, Sidney R. Bridinger, Joseph Cole, Charles H. Derr, Christian Dick, William Dachrodt, William Diehl, George Ellhardt, William Entlich, Simon Engel, Edwin Ealer, Pearson Flight, Reuben Faucht, Peter Glass, William Geiger, Peter Hart, Joseph Hetzler. PRIVATES. John Q. Hay, George Heffling, Edward Hayden, Charles Immich, Jacob Jacoby, John Johnson, Thomas Kichline, Mover Kohn, John Kisselbach, William Koch, Edward Lear, Peter Lear, Francis Leidy, Valentine Messinger Aaron Messinger, John Mertz, William Martin, John H. Moser, Henry Mutchler, William Miller, William Mover, John S. Neubrandt, Joseph Norton, Edward Osterstock, John J. Paxson, Emil Robst. Jacob Rasener, John A. Schug, John Stecher, Alexander Schug, August Stumpel. Samuel B. Smith, Frank Smith, John Saylor, William T. Sandt, Theodore Snyder, Theodore Schug, Messiah Transue, George W. Vanosten, Richard J. Walter, Charles C. Warner, Ab'm K. Woodring, Levi F. Walter, James E. Wilson, Augustus Wagner, Eph'm Werkheiser, Isaac Writtenberg, Peter Yeager, Jr., Charles A. Youch, John Young, John Zeller. DEPARTURE OF DRAFTED MEN. To fill up the quota for the county, two hundred and thirty -si.x drafted men left Eas- ton for Philadelphia, on Wednesday morning, October 29, 1862, and were there mustered into service. Their march down Third street, in charge of the Draft Commissioner, is noted by the papers, as peculiarly solemn. Many had left household and business, poorly able to afford their absence, and great sympathy was felt by the attendant crowds who watched their march and ferriage across the Lehigh river. 254 THE HISTORY OF EASTON LOYAL UNION LEAGUE. At a meeting held at the National Hotel on Satnrday evening, March 24, 1863, which from its numbers and enthusiasm, was reported as an unmistakable exhibition of the loyalty of our people to the government, and their determination to crush the rebellion, the Easton Loyal Union League was organized. Its alleged aim was to support the Union and the Constitution and to uphold the government in the prosecution of the war. The following named persons were chosen unanimously as permanent officers : President — Hon. Henry D. Maxwell. ]'ice Presidents — Lehigh Ward: Russell S. Chidsey, Frederick Seitz, Sr. Bushkill Ward: John Pollock, Peter F. Eilenberger. West Ward: Jacob Rinek, Andrew J. Hay. Secretaries — Lehigh Ward: Wilson H. Hildebrand. Bushkill Ward: J. F. Thompson. West Ward: W. C. Detweiler. Executive Committee — Lehigh Ward: Daniel Black, Henry A. Sage, William N. Drake. Bushkill Ward: Derrick Hulick, John Able, Jr., James L. Mingle. West Ward: Charles Gcepp, John Bitters, Samuel Oliver. Corresponding Secretary — Benjamin F. Stem. Treasurer — William H. Thompson. A constitution and by-laws, reported by Benjamin F. Stem, Esq., chairman of com- mittee for that purpose, was adopted and speeches were made by Judge Maxwell on taking the chair, and by Charles Goepp, Esq. PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF A HORSE AND EQUIPMENTS. The following is abridged from the lengthy report of the Daily Express of April 8, 1863: "The presentation of a horse and equipments to Lieutenant Colonel William H. Armstrong, 129th Penna. Vols., to replace one killed under him at the battle of Freder- icksburg, took place at Whitesell's Hotel, on Tuesday afternoon, April 7, 1863, in presence of a large concourse of citizens. The Colonel was escorted to the hotel by a committee headed by Coates' Cornet Band where the presentation speech was made by Hon. H. D. Maxwell. It complimented the Colonel upon fidelity to his men, and the interests of the service, at the expense of heavy personal sacrifice, and for gallantry upon the field, and assured him of the respecft and support of the citizens who gave this fine horse and equip- ments as a slight testimonial of their esteem. A feeling, impromptu response was made by the Colonel, and received with cheers for himself, his regiment, and other commands to whom he had referred in the following e.xtra6l from his speech : "The vigorous prosecution of the war alone will suppress the rebellion. It is a day of sacrifices, and our community, to its praise, has not been lacking in patriotic devotion. A stranger seeing the busy valley of the Lehigh, or the lively streets of our beautiful borough, would scarcely realize that the nation was engaged in a contest of so great mag- nitude. Here and there, desolate hearts and hearth-stones reveal it. The ranks of our representatives in the field are thinned through casualties incident to war, but hundreds yet in civil life stand ready to fill the gaps. Our large representation, already in service, has done us no discredit. The 51st Penna. Vols., vidlorious upon many fields, has a repu- tation for efficiency and heroism throughout the army. The caps found nearest that deadly wall at Fredericksburg bore the figures 129. In other organizations are we repre- E ASTON, PENN'A. 255 sented with equal credit. The brave and accomplished Captain, Ferdinand W. Bell, of the 51st, who fell at Fredericksburg, will long be remembered for his soldierly attain- ments and superior ability as a commander." "In the evening a complimentary serenade was tendered to the Colonel at his resi- dence on North Third street," continues the Express, " to which he briefly responded, and with nine hearty cheers for the army of the Union the vast crowd proceeded to the residence of Lewis A. Buckley, Esq., and serenaded Captain Herbert Thomas of the 129th Penna. Vols. Thus ended this glorious and well merited ovation to Lieutenant Colonel Armstrong, and through him to our gallant boys in the field." RECEPTION OF THE 129TH PENNA. VOLS. — SKETCH OF SERVICE. "This regiment" — to quote mainly from its regimental history, prepared for the Reunion of August 14, 1884, by Charles F. Chidsey, Esq., of Co. D, and from Bates' His- tory of the Pennsylvania Volunteers — "was organized at Camp Curtin on August 15, 1862. Its Colonel, Jacob G. Frick, of Pottsville, had served as a Lieutenant in the Mexican War and as Lieutenant Colonel of the 96th P. V. Captain William H. Armstrong, of Easton, late Captain of the ist P. W, a member of the Northampton County Bar, became its Lieutenant Colonel." The rosters of the companies from Easton have already been given. \'olunteers from the same place also appear upon some of the rolls of the other companies. "The day following its organization, August 16, after having been armed and equipped in great haste, it was hurried to the front and merged into the Fifth Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac, commanded by General Fitz John Porter. Here, by constant com- pany and regimental drill, in camp near Alexandria, Va. , under the acflive and intelligent guidance of Colonel rick, the regiment rapidly attained a marked degree of efficiency. Two companies, while here, rebuilt the Bull Run bridge, and for a while were stationed there as a guard. August 30th the 129th was for the first time under fire. It was at the second Bull Run fight as they were preparing a camp, after having safely delivered an am- munition train at Centreville. The shelling was so severe that on a double quick the camping ground was abandoned for one more secure from intrusion of rebel artillery prac- tice. September 3d, near Fairfax Seminary, the regiment was brigaded with the 91st, 134th and 126th Penna. Regiments, commanded by General E. B. Tyler. Its ne.xt camp was near Fort Richardson, where brigade and battalion drill was studiously pra<5liced. On the morning of September 15th the brigade started on its march toward the memorable field ofAntietam. By an exhausting march, which sorely tried the men, the 129th pushed forward for two days, crossing the Monocacy, and to the sound of heavy cannonading arrived early in the morning of the i8th on the battlefield. With thousands of others in line of battle the men awaited renewal of the fight. But during the night the enemy had retired, and the command went into camp, where foi six weeks the regiment remained engaged in drill and picket duty. During this time, in an expedition up the Shenandoah Valley, the 129th had a lively skirmish with the enemy near Kearneysville, Va. AT FREDERICKSBURG. "On Odlober 30th the movement towards Fredericksburg began, and the regiment, now in the First Brigade of General A. A. Humphreys' Third Division of General Butterfield's Fifth Corps, marched upon that bloody, but fruitless campaign. On December 13, just before twilight, the gallant 129th entered the fight under a ceaseless fire of musketry and 256 THE HISTORY OF artillery. Over the prostrate bodies of thousands of Union dead they pressed forward as a forlorn hope to capture the heights of Fredericksburg. In the gathering darkness they fought, as only true soldiers could, and made a charge which became famous in the many heroic endeavors of that dreadful day." The charge of Humphreys' Division is a feature of the battle mentioned in many histories of the war. It is graphically shown in a large double page pidlure in Harper' s Weekly of January 10, 1863. The New York World correspondent of the time wrote: "The column moved gallantly forward, reached the line of battle, passed fifty yards beyond, when a deadly fire from behind the stone wall caused it to recoil, and the Second Brigade (Allabach's) fell back to reform. In fifteen minutes the brigade had lost five hundred men. There was but one more chance. Tyler's Brigade had come up, and, notwithstanding the turmoil. General Humphreys had suc- ceeded in forming it in gallant style. The only hope now was with the bayonet. The men were ordered not to fire — to rely upon their trusty steel. General Humphreys took the command. General Hooker exhorted the men not to quail ; not to look back ; to dis- regard the men prostrate on the ground before them, to march over them. The officers were ordered to the front ; then the brigade, led in persou by Tyler and Humphreys moved forward with a glorious cheer. They came within eighty yards of the fatal wall, crossing line upon line of men lying flat upon the ground ; they moved over the living mass amid shouts from the prostrate men, ' Don't go there, its certain death ;' and rising they began to impede the progress of the column. Then the crisis came ; older troops than they had quailed before the murderous volleys now making great gaps through their ranks ; the head of the column was enveloped in a sheet of living flame ; the hideous shells were bursting all around and in their midst. The men began to load and fire ; the momentum of the charge was gone and they were forced to fall back. Humphreys had two horses shot under him and was terribly chagrined at his repulse, and this was the forlorn hope of the day. It demonstrated the impregnability of the enemy's position — demonstrated that tlic bravest troops itt the uwrld could not stem the torrent of fire which poured and plunged and converged into that fatal space." It is said in " Bates' History" that the caps found nearest the rebel wall at the slaughter of Fredericksburg were marked "129th P. V." Company D lost lyieutenant Joseph Oliver and seven privates as prisoners taken at the wall. The regiment lost in killed and wounded 142 men. Lieutenant Colonel Armstrong had his horse shot under him. Captains Lawrence and Taylor were mortally wounded, and Captains Wren, Thomas, Rehrer and Leib, and Lieutenants Luckenbach and Oliver received severe wounds. The General commanding in his report of the battle spoke in glowing terms of the 129th. The casualities at Fredericksburg among the Easton companies were : Company D — Captain Herbert Thomas wounded ; Second Lieutenant Joseph Oliver wounded and captured ; Sergeant Jeremiah Bachman wounded ; Sergeant Solon C. Phil- lippe wounded ; Corporals Reuben Lerch, Frederick C. Mattes, Isaac C. Fine, wounded ; Privates George Bidwell, Erwin Hartzell, Edward Wilson, killed ; Privates Reuben Albert, Edward Alsfelt, Burton Burrell, Paul Danner, George Oberly, Frank Tomer, wounded, and Charles Barnet, Matthew McAlee, John Shaffer, Amos C. Uhler, James Weaver, Samuel S. Williams, captured. Company F — Sergeant O. H. Armstrong killed ; Sergeant William Aten wounded ; E ASTON, PENN'A. 257 Corporal Josiah Transue killed ; Corporal Otto Wohlgemuth wounded ; Privates Jeremiah Albert, John H. Butts, William Frey, Thomas Kell)-, Edward Frounfelder killed, and Enos Dunbar, Robert Ellet, David Frankenfield, Joseph Geissinger, Andrew Hoffman, Henrv Hunsberger, John Kresler, John McGinnis, Christian H. Rice, Edward H. Tran- sue, Joseph Wheeler, John M. Wallace, wounded. Companv A'^Corporal George A. Simons wounded ; Privates William Sletor and Franklin Willauer, killed. THE DRE.SS COAT EPISODE. Towards the middle of January, 1863, an order was issued, through division head- quarters, requiring the men to draw dress coats. As they had just been provided with two blouses per man the dress coat did not seem to be needed. It would only be an incum- brance and a needless expense, and moreover their term of service would shortly expire. The officers sought to have their regiment relieved from the operations of the order ; but in this they were unsuccessful, and upon their refusal to obey the order the Colonel and Lieutenant Colouel were summarily tried and dismissed from the service. They were, however, soon after reinstated and restored to their commands, the general officer who had preferred charges against them testifv'ing to their fidelity and gallantry. Upon their return to the regiment a grand ovation was given to them by the officers and men of their command, in which many from other camps participated. It was all the more marked for being spontaneous, and strongly showed the gratitude of the volunteers for the stand taken by the officers in their behalf THE CHANCELLORSVILLE CAMPAIGN. On the retreat from Fredericksburg the knapsacks and baggage of the regiment fell into the hands of the enemy through failure of the Division General to permit the men to take them from the building in which he had ordered them stored previous to the fight, so that until December 23d the men were exposed to the cold rainy days of winter with- out shelter of any kind, not even having overcoats or blankets. Their sufferings in con- sequence, were intense. One man died from exposure and many were thrown into hos- pitals. From January' 20th to 24th the regiment was on the famous Burnside's mud march, and on picket and scouting duty until Hooker's campaign opened against Chan- cellorsville, in the rear of Fredericksburg. Space forbids a detailed account of the glorious part taken in this memorable affair by the 129th. It engaged the enemy in a hot contest on Sunday morning. May 3d, 1863, in the wood in front of the Union batteries. For two hours they fought, till, with ammunition exhausted and their right flank turned by an overwhelming force of the enemy, they were ordered to face by the rear rank and retire behind the batteries. The 129th had not left the wood before the rebels were upon them, and some spirited hand-to-hand encounters occurred. The colors were twice seized, but defended with great gallantry and borne safely off. Lieutenant Colonel Armstrong fell into the enemy's hands, but escaped in the confusion in the rebel ranks caused by the fire of our artillery. Major Anthony was shot through the lungs, but survived for many years, what was then thought to be a mortal wound. Captain Stonebach of Company K, was seized twice as a prisoner, but, using his fists, he knocked down his would-be captors and escaped. The loss was 258 THE HISTORY OF five killed, thirty-two wounded, and five missing. "The 129th," says General Tyler in his official report, "was on our left, and no man ever saw cooler work on field drill than was done by this regiment. Their firing was grand, by rank, by company and by wing, and in perfedl order. Casualties at Chancellorsville among the Easton companies : Compaiiv D — Privates Arthur Davis, William Tomer, wounded. Conipanv F — Private Theodore Labar, wounded. HOMEWARD BOUND — THE WELCOME. The regiment's return to camp at Falmouth, Va., on May 6th, was followed on the i2th by the order to report at Harrisburg, where, after a joyous homeward journey, the regiment was mustered out of the United States service on the i8th of May, 1863. Its term of service was for nine months, and the time had fully expired ; in fa6l the time of some of the volunteers had expired before the battle of Chancellorsville. The citizens of Easton, who had, among other organizations for relief of the soldiers, maintained what was called the " 129th Regiment Express Association," for the purpose of giving the regiment information from home and such assistance as was possible, had arranged for a general and flattering welcome upon their return. The following account of their reception is abridged somewhat from the report of the Easton Daily Express of Thursday evening, May 21, 1863 : "The 20th day of May, 1863, will ever be a day memorable in the annals of the History of Easton. It was signalized by the arrival of three companies of the 129th Regiment, P. V., commanded respectively by Captain George L. Fried, Captain John Stonebach, and Captain David Eckar, all under command of Lieutenant Colonel William H. Armstrong. "The citizens of Easton opened their arms and their hearts to welcome home that gallant band of patriots, who left home and kindred nine months since, with high hopes and enthusiastic aspirations, and amid the horrors of war have ever upheld the honor of the cause in which they were engaged, as well as the nation for which they were fighting. Since that time the men of the 129th have written for themselves and for their country a glorious page in the history of a patriotic and brave people, struggling to maintain their national xinity. Nine months have elapsed since those gallant companies marched down Third street, fully three hundred strong, eager to take part in the battles of their country, and many a brave hero who then formed part of the noble band, now sleeps on the shores of the RapjDahannock. " How sad, and at the same time chivalrous a tale is told by this reception. How many a thrill of joy it brings to the hearts of some, while pangs of anguish wring those of others. To those who have lost friends and relatives in the 129th in the chances of war, the cheers of welcome, yesterday, bursting from hundreds of voices were a striking and melancholy reminder of lost ones, upon whom they should never look as of yore. Those who recognized their brothers, sons, fathers, husbands and friends, thanked Heaven that they had been spared to them. "Those who knew the character of the citizens, who formed the soldiers of the regi- ment, expected much from them, and were not disappointed. All through their campaign we had good reports of their soldierly condutl, of their endurance of the toilsome march, E ASTON, PENN'A. 259 of their patience in the tedium of camp, of their faithfulness on the outposts, of their excellent discipline on all occasions, of their coolness for hours under terrific showers of shell and shot at the first battle of Fredericksburg, and finally of the heroic manner in which they won imperishable laurels at Chancellorsville under their gallant and beloved commander. General Joe Hooker. It was fitting that the welcome should be so imposing, and so cordial a demonstration. The programme adopted by the committees was carried out to the letter, and the demonstration was a perfe6l success, creditable to those whom it was intended to honor. ARRIVAL OF THE VOLUNTEERS. " The firing of five guns from Mount Jefferson on the previous evening, announced, according to arrangement, that the volunteers would leave Harrisburg for Easton on the next morning, and during the night and early forenoon, the entire town, from one end to the other, was decorated with flags, evergreens, etc. The morning opened beautifully, and a finer day could not have been selected. At the salute of three guns fired in the morning, many of the friends of the volunteers from the country came to join in the wel- come. At one o'clock in the afternoon another gun was fired to announce that the line of procession should be formed in the Square, and immediately thousands of persons began to wend their way toward the bridge and the Lehigh Valley Railroad depot, and South Third street soon presented a solid mass of men, women and children. The procession soon made its appearance at the bridge, and crossed over to the depot and awaited the appearance of the train. Soon the special train hove in sight, and then a deafening shout arose, added to by the simultaneous whistling of at least half a dozen locomotives which were standing on the track in the vicinity of the depot, that took down anything in the way of a salute we had ever heard. As the train stopped a general rush was made for the cars, and such a shaking of hands, kissing and embracing, as took place by the friends of the volunteers, some laughing, and others crying, our pen is inadequate to describe. "The line was immediately formed, and, headed by Coates' Cornet Band and Chief Marshal Colonel Samuel Yohe, proceeded across the crowded bridge, and entered Third street in the following order : Committee of Arrangements. Soldiers of 1812. Carriages containing wounded and sick soldiers. Orator of the day and invited guests. Guard of Honor commanded by Lieutenant Joseph Oliver. Lieutenant Colonel William H. Armstrong. Company D, commanded by Captain George L. Fried. Company F, commanded by Captain David Eckar. Company K, commanded by Captain John Stonebach. Citizens of Easton and South Easton. Three wagons neatly decorated with wreaths of spruce, and the horses handsomely caparisoned, containing the baggage of Companies D, K and F, brought up the rear of the procession. The teams belonged to Seitz & Brother, who had done much in getting up the demonstration. "The scene, upon the arrival of the volunteers at Third street, could better be imagined than described. The streets were a perfe^l jam, so much so, that it was with diflSculty 26o THE HISTORY OF that the procession could pass through. The cannon again belched forth, and the bells of the town added to the enthusiasm. The scene along the whole of Third street to the Square was most imposing. The waving of handkerchiefs from the crowds on the streets, and by the ladies from the windows of the houses along the route, and the loud huzzas of many hundred voices, were well calculated to cheer the hearts of the brave soldiers. The throng increased as the procession made its way along the designated route, which occu- pied one hour. Nearly every house, by flag, banner or evergreen, made a display. A notice of all the decorations would be impossible. A beautiful arch of evergreen was ere(?led on Second street, in front of the Public School buildings by the teachers of Bush- kill ward. It was of double formation, extending across the street, and between the two bows was the motto in large letters, 'WELCOME Home, Brave 129TH.' Each letter was about a foot in height and surrounded by a wreath of evergreen. Other mottos adorned other parts of the arch, and the whole presented a most beautiful sight. The companies of the 129th halted at the arch, and before passing under gave three hearty cheers. Many private residences, stores and public buildings were handsomely decorated, and patriotic mottos abounded on all sides. The national flag was hung across the streets in great pro- fusion and floated above the hotels. "The procession passed through the principal streets and halted in the Square, in the northeast corner of which a stage had been ere6led. The volunteers were drawn up in solid column before it, and the orator of the day, Edgar F. Randolph, was introduced by Hon. A. H. Reeder. In the course of his eloquent address are the following remarks : " 'For these v'irtues and services, heroes of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and other familiar fields, let me again greet you with a hearty welcome. The pen of the his- torian will indeed portray in living colors your deeds of daring and high emprise, but in this venerable borough you will find yoiir most faithful chroniclers ; for every citizen will have your names graven as with a diamond on the tablet of his heart. Anxiously have we watched your career since you left your homes. From press, and letter, and telegram, we have learned the story of your military life. We have read your record upon the field, and proud am I to declare that you have fully justified our highest estimate of your honor and courage. If you have not always won success, you have invariably deserved it. And while I desire not to be invidious where all have so nobly acquitted themselves as to elicit encomiums from highly intelligent witnesses of the field, I trust I will be per- mitted to remark, that the troops whose annals are illustrated by the leadership of a Frick and an Armstrong, and whose colors are defended by a Bower and a Miller, are to be envied in their good fortune. Invidious did I say. No, I will not so wound you. These men are dear to you — their fame is your fame, their honor your honor. " ' But in the joy of receiving the living, let us not forget the lamented dead. There are before me representatives, not only of the 129th regiment, but gallant representatives of other regiments of the Keystone State, familiar to you all. And there is abozr me, in that spirit land, whence no soldier will ever return to earth, and where no bugle call will ever reach his ear, many a noble soul who laid himself a sacrifice upon the altar of his country that sJie might live. " 'These streets now thronged with a concourse of joyful people, have witnessed far different scenes during the progress of this horrid rebellion. * * * gee the gloomy catafalque, deeply shrouded, while through its dim portals may be discerned our sacred EAST ON, PENN'A. 261 flag, embracing within its glorious folds the earthly remains of a BELL, a Miller, or a Buckley, or of some other noble spirit who has fought his last fight. Slowly and sadly wefollowhim to the cemetery. Ourworkisdone. God bless our heroes. * * * Again, soldiers of the nation, we oflTer you a hearty welcome.' "To this address an able reply was made by Lieutenant Colonel Armstrong of the 129th. It was brief, but impressive, and the loud cheers that followed it indicated the great esteem which the people have for this patriotic man. " Here the line was re-formed and marched to Masonic Hall, where a grand collation had been prepared by the citizens under the superintendence of the committee, and the ladies of the Union Aid Society. On reaching the hall the committee opened ranks, and led by the marshal, the brave boys entered the hall, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. "Tables that reached the entire length of the hall were loaded with every luxury, and conveniences were afforded for the entire con- course. Ladies were in attendance, especially those of the Union Aid Society. Governor Reeder presided. When the companies had surrounded the tables, and had uncovered, he arose and in elo- quent and touching remarks, on behalf of the committee of ladies, bid the soldiers welcome. His speech was full of patriotic feeling, and was listened to with deep interest. Governor Reeder then introduced S. L. Cooley, Esq., who read a beautiful and touching poem written for the occa- sion. It was received with applause, but in the eyes of some we saw starting tears for the mem- ory of those who had fallen. "The dinner was a splendid one, and was enjoyed to the utmost, and the ladies of the asso- ciation, and of the borough generally, deserve great credit for the manner in which the hall was decorated and the tables spread. The south end of the hall was decorated with the cards contain- ing the names of 'Frick,' 'Armstrong,' 'Anthony,' and 'Green,' of the field officers and adjutant, respedlively of the regiment. On the east side of tlie hall were the following inscriptions set in FREDERICKSBURG, 13th, 1862. D Pa. F CHANCELL0R8VILLE, May 3d, 1863. tasteful decorations : ' Nothing could have been more glorious than the charge of Humphreys' Division. — General Hooker. ' 'So long as God gives me strength, a cartridge, or a fixed bayonet, I'll do my duty. — Private of the i2gth.' 262 THE HISTORY OF 'Easton has cause to be very proud of her soldiers, and she is very proud of them.' ' We all stand by the army.' "Officers and men were greatly pleased with the reception. All our citizens took part in it, and the greetings from all, irrespedlive of party, showed that every citizen wel- comed them home. It was a general celebration. The festivities of the day closed by a display of fireworks and firing of rockets. Thus ended the 'Welcome Home' of the gal- lant i2Qth. Long may they live to enjoy the fruits of their well-earned honor, and re- count to their descendants the part they took in the great battles for the Union." We print an engraving of the badge designed by the committee for this reception, and worn generally on the occasion. Other appropriate badges were also worn. In the hearti- ness of the welcome, and completeness of the arrangements, and general char- acter of the reception, the day was a memorable one in the annals of Easton. ladies' aid societies. While the men of Easton were vol- unteering for the field the various Ladies' Aid Societies met regularly every week to prepare and forward such articles as were needed for the sick and the wounded. Some of these societies were organized in the different church congregations of the borough early in 1S61, and rendered most efficient service. The contributions of one that was con- neCled with one of the least of the churches, the Reformed Dutch, amounted at date of November, 1862, to upwards of fifteen hundred dollars in money and articles. The others were equally lib- eral, and the hardships of active cam- jiaigning were thus materially light- ened. It is to be regretted that the names of the ladies who provided this comfort for soldiers in the field, and picked lint for those who were wounded, while they exchanged notes of victories won or perils dreaded, in their pleasant social circles, cannot be fully obtained. Our older citi- zens readily recall Mrs. Andrew H. Reeder, President of the Easton Sanitary Aid Society, Mrs. Josiah P. Hetrich, President of the Easton Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. James Thomp- son, Mrs. Isaac C. Wykoff, Mrs. Traill Green, Mrs. John T. Knight, Mrs. Frederick W. Noble, Mrs. John Eyerman, Mrs. M. Hale Jones, Mrs. Henry Green, Mrs. Washington McCartney and many others. Where all were so worthy, to name any may seem invid- ious. Their good work relieved many a weary march and lonely picket hour, and has left a pleasant memory with the soldiers and a sacred example to the daughters of the republic. Mrs. Am> H. Reeuer, President of Easton Sanitary Society. E ASTON, PENX'A. 263 THE citizens' aid SOCIETIES. These organizations, dating from the first great war meeting, continued their work of relief to the volunteers, with untiring zeal. Notably was this the case after the great battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. The roar of the cannon had hardly died away before the committee of citizens sent from Easton to the Army of the Rappahannock, was there with boxes of eatables and bundles of clothing, aggregating in weight about two tons. These supplies were of great solace to the wounded and fev^er-stricken of the hos- pitals, and their bearers were amply repaid for the luxuries added to army rations, by sight of the perfecT: look of content with which the bronzed men enjoyed the whiff of their "sublime tobacco, glorious in a pipe," an army pipe at that, never dreaming of an "amber tip," or "naked beauty" of a cigar. These "ministering angels" in the spirit of true charity, were more zealous in rendering aid than in preserving rec- ords of their kindness. Beyond frequent notices of the departure of some one for the front, who would take with hini packages for the soldiers, we find no reference to their work. Old soldiers, however, will remember their visits, usually after some great army move- ment, and their Santa Claus appear- ance, laden with bundles of clothing and boxes of eatables, as they entered camp, and their protuberant pockets, as they left, stuffed with the army mail. Wm. Thatcher, R. C. Pyle, R. S. Bell, B. F. Riegel, C. Ed. Hecht, H. Ham- mann, S. Stonebach and Wm. H. Bix- ler were frequent visitors. REBEL INVASION OF 1863. Again Pennsylvania was threat- ened, and again the citizens of Easton with like ready response to the procla- mation of the Governor, issued on Monday, June 15th, 1883, for fifty thousand men, met in general mass meeting in front of the county house, in the southeast corner of Centre Square, on the evening of that day. Hon. A. H. Reeder spoke and Judge Maxwell read the proclamations of the President and Governor, and several telegrams, and, as at previous meetings, committees were appointed to obtain men for the six months' term of service, and thereby procure proportionate credit upon the impending draft. \'ol- unteering was spontaneous, and the company lists given below, show how fully all classes were represented. The volunteers were ready to leave in a few hours, and the greater portion became part of what was known as the Iron Regiment, 38th Penna. Militia. In Mrs. Josiah P. Hetrich, President of Ladies' Aid Society. 264 THE HISTORY OF its ranks were many who had seen service in other organizations and many prominent bnsiness men. They performed duty for which it would have been necessary to draw upon troops m the front but for their prompt enrohnent. Its staff and company rolls, so far as they relate to Easton volunteers, are copied from Bates' History P. V. Colonel— ^l€ic\io\x H. Horn. Lieiitetmnt Colonel — William H. Thompson. Major — Thomas L. McKeen. Adjutant — William Mutchler. COMPANY c. Ca//!?/;/— Joseph P. Cotton. First Lieutenant — Charles F. Chidsey. Second Lieutenant — Thomas M. Andrews. First Sergeant — Joshua R. Bercaw. Sergeants — William T. Rundio, " John H. Hecknian, " George G. Rambo, Jacob C. Mixsell, " Silas Hulshizer, pr. to Sgt. Maj., July 3, '63. Corporals — John A. Innes, John H. Yohe, " James W. Wood, " William J. Biery, " Nicodemus Wilson, " Jacob Sandt, " James A. Petrie, " Benjamin A. Loder. Musician — ^Joseph B. Campbell. Jacob August, Henry Bercaw, William Biery, James B. Bruner, George Bachman, Henry L. Bunstein, Franklin Bower, Tilghman Brish, Alfred B. Black, John W. Campbell, Erwin Eckert, James J. Edmonds, Jonathan F'ly, Jacob Gary, John B. Grier, Charles D. Horn, Andrew Hoffman. William Hoffman, Charles Hyde, PRIVATES. John W. Horn, William Houser, William Hopkins, William H. Honi, David Kelso, John KifHe, Jacob Kramer, Charles C. Keller, John W. Keeler, Simon H. Kester, Alfred Lynn, David K. Messinger, James E. Middaugh, Isaac S. Moser, George H. Minnick, John Morghen, Isaac Pixley, Jacob Person, David M. Plumley, COMPANY D. Captains— Wva. H. Thompson, pr. to Lt. Col., July 3, '63, " Jacob Ha)-. First Lieutenant — Isaac Fine, Jr. Second Lieutenant — Howard R. Hetrich. First Sergeant — William H. Weaver. Sergeants — Samuel D. Crawford, " Adam A. Lehn. " James S. Sigman, " William H. Unaugst. Corporats — Charles M. Ludwig. Charles R. Phillips, Isaac Riley, John Riley, William H. Stultz, James H. Stites, Thomas J. Shields, William F. Small, Thomas F. Shipe, Frank Schlabach, William H. Sigman, Francis Sigman, Samuel C. Seiple, Jacob S. Wilson, William Walton, Jacob Welser, Erwin C. Wickhoff, Jacob W. Weaver, Thomas Yelverton. Corporats — Ernst W. Snyder, " William Miller, " Lafayette .Sox, " Daniel Conklin, " Augustus S. Templin, " Jacob Burt, " Theodosius S. M'Leod. Musicians — Abraham Fowler, " James Mc'Gowan. E ASTON, PENN'A. 265 James F. R.Appleby, Jeremiah Anglenieyer, George H. Bender, John D. Bowers. Wilham Q. Brotzman, WiUiam D. Brown, Rush H. Bi.\Ier, William H. Butz, Edward D. Bleckley, William Brinker, Edward Butz. John Bush, Robert Cottingham, Jr., Charles T. Cole, Charles Deshler, James Deshler, Lewis C. Drake, George Drinkhouse, James Donnelly, Valentine Diley, James Frounfelder, COMPANY E. Captain — Edward Kelly. First Lieutenant — George G. Hutman. Second Lieutenant — ^James Tarrent, (Discharged.) " " Charles B. Zulick. First Sergeant — ^John Wilson. Sergeants — Patrick Shine. " Ephraim Steiner. " Robert Arnold. PRIVATES. Owen Garis, John A. Gerhurt. Stephen Hines, Alvin Harris, Andrew J. Hay, James Hacket, Isaac P. Hand, Charles Hemmingway, William Houck, Joseph L. Hance, C. Edward Ihling, Evan Knecht, Edward Keller, Thomas J. Kolb, Amos Kunsman, Francis King, Stephen Laubach, Charles W. Meeker, John Z. Moyer, Reuben Moyer, John Bittenbender, Anthony Brauer, Patrick Boyle, William H. Cornell, John Cummiskey, Alexander Colbathe, Edward Demsey, Timothy Dawes, Jacob Dean, John Donnovan, Frederick Fry, Allen Ginginger, Stephen Gross, Jacob Hartzell, PRIVATES. Hiram Hackman, Luther Horn, George W. Horn, John Herman, George Johnson, John King, Jacob Knobloch, Peter Kelchner, Franklin Ludwig, Edward Lewis, John May, Hugh E. Major, Daniel Medler, COMPANY F. Captains — Thomas L. McKeen, (pr. to Maj., July 3, '63. " Henry Huber. First Lieutenant — William H. Kline. Second Lieutenant — William N. Scott. First Sergeant — Samuel Laird. Sergeants — John Murray. " Daniel Laubach. " Samuel Cortright. " Alexander E. Robinson. Corporals — William H. Ormrod. John Menaul, Charles B. Notson, John F. Opdycke, Alfred P. Reid, Samuel Rader, Edward Snyder, Clement Stewart, Henry B. Semple, John M. Scales, Samuel Sigman, Henry N. Schultz, Emelius S. C. Schmidt, John Shaffer, Augustus L. Steuben, Joseph Vanorman, Henry W. Wilking, Thomas J. Weaver, Theodore F. Woodring, Henry C. Wagner, George Wolf. Sergeants — Joseph Snyder. Corporals — Joseph Savitz. " Jacob Arnold. William Shick. " William Osmun. Daniel Black. Musicia7is—\\\\\\a.m Major. John Schooley. Corporals- John Noe, John Pittenger, Richard Person, William Randolph, George Smith, Charles Smith, George Sweeney, Josiah Woolbach, William Wright, George Walsh, James Whitesell, William Wheeler, Charles H. Woerhrle. -.\lvin J. Hufford. John Wolfram. Herman \. Pohl. Henry W. Wilhelm Samuel Arndt. William Elliott. Franklin L. Terry. Emanuel Wilhelm. Thomas A. Martin. 266 THE HISTORY OF William C. Aten, Labourn Aldridge, John Billings, Lewis Bloss, Reuben Briesh, Thomas Boyce, Hiram Buss, Thomas Buss. Henry Bachman, Henry Basset, Israel Briggs, Samuel Cosner, William Cheston, John Clark. John Cheston, Samuel Chamberlain, Andrew Dietz, James Duncan, Joseph Dodd, James Dereemer. Samuel Dull, Andrew Elliott, Henry Freyberger, Henry Foster, Augustus Goelity, /a/H— William Otto. First Lieutenants — W'llliam Mutchler (pr William F. Schatz. Second Lieutenant — William H. Ginnard. First Sergeant — Charles Eichman. Sergeants — Levine F. Leibfried. " Reuben Schlabach. " Obadiah Huebner. " Joseph A. Ginnard. Stewart Altamus, George Brinker, Jacob Bower, George H. Beam, Howard Bowers, John Berkey, Daniel Butler. Joseph Brinker. Richard Beitel, Leonard Breidinger, William A. Conahay, Richard Clewell, George Davenport, Charles W. Dickson, William Denning, Charles Dittler, John Dewalt, Christian Dittler, Joseph Flad, Tilghman Fehr, William H. Fehr. Alfred Frey, PRIVATES. Joseph Good ear, Ale.\ander Gillian, William Galloway, George Hubbard, Thomas Hanlin, William Hampton, Job Henry, William Hyle, George Hartzell, Nicholas Hartcorn, Augustus G. Ibach, John Koch, Peter Kleckner. John Kemery, Josiah Kohl, George F. Kimball, Wilson Lesher, John Miller, Charles Menninger, Frederick Mayer, John M'Kelvey, Amos M'Niel, Thomas M'Laughlin, Andrew M'Laughlin, John Price, COMPANY G. , toAdj't.Julvi. '63.). PRIVATES. Franklin T. Grube, Albert H. Good, Jeremiah Hellick, Jacob Hensler, Christian Hartman, Reuben Hines, Lewis H. Hamman, Jacob Keiper, Jr., John L. Keiper, Henry Keiper, William F. Keller, Jonas F. Kindt, Jacob Kratzer, Henry Leidy, John Leidich, Elias B. Lynn, James Mutchler, Charles Medler, Traill T. Nungesser, George B. Nace, Joseph J. Ochs, Edmund A. Oerter, Josiah Poe, Martin Pohl, William Pendegrast, John B. Roberts, Joseph Rupell, Charles V. B. Rinker, John Rice, Charles Saylor, Joseph Siles, Adam Styers, Emanuel R Shilling, Oscar A. Singer, Harman F. Shuler, Thomas Shannon, Andrew Tsnir, Stephen Taggart, George Vanscoter, John Vogle, John Wilhelm, William Wolfram, David Weber, William Waltman, John Weiss, John R. Young, John Young. Corporals — John Hensler. George .Arm. " Rudolph Babp. " Jeremiah Dietrich. " George Hensler. William Steckle. " George W. Wagoner. William L. Ricker. Musician — William Barnes. John Percival, Jacob Plattenberger, John Rupp, Jonas Reeser, Robert Rollan, Samuel Reese, William Snyder, Edward Smith, Neander D. Siegfried, John H. Santee, Edwin Siegfrid, William H. Thomas, John Wolle, Clemens Weisenbach, Reuben Willour, Edwin Werner, William H. Werner, Joseph Weiner. Jonathan Xander, John P. Young. TheophilusJ. Zorn. EAST ON, PENN'A. 267 COMPANY H. Captain — Christian Kroehl. First Lietitenant — David Bless. Second Lieutenant — James M'GIoin. First Sergeant — John P. Hay. Sergeants — Samuel Bruch. " Edward Troxell. " Levinus Transue. " Jonathan J. Carey. Corporal — Lewis Eckert. Thomas Bauer, Charles \. Barron, Adam Bacher, Andrew J. Bonstein, Feli.x Bachman, Daniel S. Crawford, Samuel Dutt, Benjamin Delp, Cyrus Flory, Martin Faulstich, Jacob Goether, Sith Crawford, John Garis, Daniel Hertzog. William Helwick, John Hensler, George H. Hare, Captain — Augustus F. Heller. First Lieutenant — Daniel Phillippe. Second Lieutenant— T'\\^mz.-n Brong. First Sergeant — Henry L. Arndt. Sergeants — .\dam H. Lane. Samuel Stem. " Burton Burrell. " Solon Phillippe. Corporals — John H. Richards. William Brady, John \. Bell, Peter H. Barnes, Thomas Bishop, Nelson Bishop, George H. Barron, John H. Bruch, Henry C. Barnet, George H. Barnet, Francis Buck, Charles Barnet. W'illiam Bercaw, John Barnet, William H. Drake, Alpheus Frey, Edward Frey, Joseph Green, Corporals — Charles Knapp. " Daniel Hunt. " George W. Barron. " Frederick Tacke. " Patrick Kaegan. " Henry Froelich. " Nicholas Lingeman. Musicians — Franklin Leidy. " Jacob Bitzer. PRIVATES. David W. Huber, Michael Herther, Jacob L. Hay, Meising Kutzler, Joseph Kobb, Edward B. Leibensperger, William Leibensperger, Charles Miller, George Miller, John Miller. John Moutz, .\dam Ruff, Thomas Rothrock, Joseph Reese, John Straub, Edwin Sandt, Adam Schickley, Jacob Shickley, Frederick Steckley, Edward Smith, Charles Stump, Patrick Swany, Frederick Troxell, Richard Templin, Jesse Walter, Joseph Walter, Levi Wagner, John Woolbach, William E. Well, Solomon Walter, Charles Yonson, William Yutz. COMPANY K. PRIVATES. Robert E. Godshalk, William P. Gould, Peter Gorman, John Grotz, Henry Heller, Edward Heckman, William Heckman, Alfred Hart, Charles A. Hilburn, Wesley Howell, William H. Hartzell, Edward Jones, William Kressler, Peter Mulhatan, Alexander Reichard, Oscar Rohn, Thomas J. Roberts, Corporals — Valentine Vannorman. George E. Sciple. " Andrew J. Knauss. " William Richard. " Martin Kichline. " Peter Campbell. " Jacob Bryson. Musicians — Philip Bruch. " Edward Barnet. Leander Roberts, Edward Roseberry, Edward Ricker, James Raub, William Raub, Robert Roling, John H. Schwab, Roseberry Seip, John H. Seiple. John Sloan, William B. Titus, William Trin, Samuel Unangst, George Worman, Charles W. Weber, Robert Youells, Joseph Young. The regiment was mn.stered into service July 3, 1863, and di.scliarged August 7, 1863. 268 THE HISTORY OF TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT EMERGENCY TROOPS. Easton was also represented i Troops, mustered into service June Major, George L. Fried. Captain — Joseph Oliver. First Lieutenant —hXv'va Meeker. First Sergeant — Joseph S. Osterstock. Sergeants — Adam Ward. " William Ginkinger. " Edward Alsfelt. Joseph B. W. .\dams, William Andrews, James O. Baniet, Thomas Bulhnan, Samuel V. Boustein, Benjamin Bruuner, John F. Buttner, William H. Correll, Henry Coburn, Charles W. Cole, John J. Decker, Matthew Donahue, Joseph Hendricson, Bathauser Hefter. n the Twenty-seventh Regiment Penna. Emergency 19, 1863, and discharged July 30 and August i, 1863. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. Edward Harrison, Calvin Horn, Oliver Hogarth, Warren H. Joline, William Lehn, John M. Lewis, George Lox, Charles Lewis, John Miller, William Moore, William M'Fadden, William L. Nicholas, Port Nicholas, Sergeants — Thomas Malcolm. Corporals — Sidney L. Uhler. " Frederick Bornman. " William H. Wolverton. " Simon H. Frock. Musician — George F. Willauer. Henry C. Newman, William Otto, Robert Patterson, William Roseberry, Charles Sigman, Peter S Snyder, Samuel H. Slifer, Valentine Smith, James Todd, Arthur Tro.xsell, Jacob N. Thatcher, George Wolf, Walter L. Wycoff. These troops performed valuable service in strengthening the borders of the State, and assuring confidence not only to the armies in the immediate front of the enemy, but to all loyal citizens throughout the country. The Twenty-seventh Emergency, commanded by Col. Jacob G. Frick, late of the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Penna. Vols., guarded the line of the Susquehanna against the rebel advance. On June 28, at Wrightsville, he was attacked in force by the rebel General Early. His skirmishers were driven in and the rebel artillery posted in commanding positions, opened fire. Without artillery, he was at the mercy of the foe bent upon the capture of the Columbia bridge. Still he stubbornly held his ground, until outnumbered, outflanked and likely to be captured he ordered his small force, the Twenty- seventh Penna. Vols., to retire across the bridge. When its possession by the rebels became inevitable, the bridge, in accordance with previous instructions, was fired. In the skir- mish before the withdrawal of the regiment nine men were wounded. The Thirty-eighth Militia after service in the neighborhood of Greencastle, near the Maryland line, was ordered to Pottsville and other points in the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania, where they were employed in enforcing authority. ]\Iany of these men had been in service before. Their presence gave great moral sup- port to the Union army, and it has been well said, that had that army been defeated at Gettysburg, they would have taken the places of the fallen, and would have fought with a valor and desperation worthy of veterans. E ASTON, PENN'A. ^?>,B©OJ)® RECEPTION OF THE I53D REGIMENT PENNA. VOLUNTEERS. The committee, of which Hon. Philip Johnson was chairman, consisting of two or more from each borough and township, appointed at a county meeting called in June, 1863, met at Easton on the third day of July, and made ^^ preliminary arrangements, and adopted a pro- gramme of reception. As the regiment repre- sented all parts of the county the interest was proportionate, and old Northampton was thor- oughly aroused by the welcome to be given to the command so peculiarly her own. Its service had been watched by the people of the county with intense interest. The individual fortunes of its members had been closely followed in town and country, at firesides nestled in the spurs of South Mountain or at the base of the Blue Ridge, and in the fertile valleys between. As will be seen by the resume of its history, gathered mainly from Bates' History ofthePenna. Volunteers, its friends during its career had no lack of varied and exci- ting news. After muster-in the regiment under command ofthe regimental officers already named, proceeded to Washington on October 12, where, after a so- journ of a few days at the Capital, it was ordered to join the Eleventh Corps, then in the neigh- borhood of Gainesville, and was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division. On Sunday, No- vember 9, the brigade was ordered to Aldie, and remained there confronting the enemy until No- vember 18, when it moved to Chantilly. On De- cember 9th it was hurried forward by a most ex- hausting march to Stafford Court House, where it arrived December 16, the great Fredericksburg disaster of December 13 having meanwhile oc- curred. Here in picket and guard duty time passed until January 20, 1863, when it took part in the Mud March, and then settled into winter quar- ters near Potomac Creek bridge. Considerable sickness prevailed during the winter and some died, and others were permanently disabled. Northampton Welcomes Her Brave Sons. ^ We hail the heroes' safe return To home and friends again, And mourn with tears of sympathy The gallant patriots slain. FOBM or RECEPTION BADGE CHANCELLORSVILLE. The regiment was early astir on April 27, and on April 30 at 4 p. m. arrived on the Chancellorsville battle ground, and after a quiet night's rest, and some movement during 270 THE HISTORY OF Ma}- I to threatened points, it was stationed on the extreme right of the line of the army more as a close skirmish line than as a regular line of battle. While in this position, its men standing at ease, it was the first regiment to receive what proved to be the last mas- terly flank attack of Stonewall Jackson in massed columns. This was its first experience in battle, but it delivered a deadly volley, and then overpowered in front and upon both flanks, broke to the rear, and with the fragments of the brigade retired rapidly until it could reform on open ground to the west of Chancellorsville. Before the swooping charge of Jackson's heavy columns, formed as they were, they could not but be scattered as straws before a whirlwind. The regimental loss was heavy. Colonel Glanz was taken prisoner, and Lieutenant Colonel Dachrodt* wounded. Major FrueauflT, relieved at his request from staff duty, assumed command. In skirmish line the regiment was thrown out to meet the advancing enemy the next morning. Musketry and artillery firing continued throughout the day, but the brigade held its position until the night of May 5, when it withdrew with the army and returned to its camp at Potomac creek bridge. The regiment lost in the entire battle nineteen meu killed, three officers and fifty-three men wounded, and thirty- three prisoners. Of these Col. Glanz, captured, L,ieut. Col. Dachrodt, wounded. Major Frueauff, wounded ; Privates David Abel, Joseph Hetzler and Messiah Transue wounded ; Charles C. Warner, captured. All of Co. E were from Easton. GETTYSBURG. The march toward Pennsylvania commenced June 12, 1863, and on June 16, amid the great rejoicing of the men, Colonel Glanz rejoined the regiment, but was too much enfeebled bv the hardships of his imprisonment to resume command. On June 30 the corps had arrived at Emmittsburg, and on the following morning moved towards Gettysburg to the sound of the enemy's guns. The brigade passed through the town, at 1.30 p. M. Note. — Extract from a letter of Colonel Charles Glanz, headed Annapolis, May 27, 1863, and published in the Easton Free Press of June 4, 1863 : * * "At our retreat through the woods, which were covered with killed and wounded and swarming with the rebels advancing, I was surrounded, nearly at the edge of the woods, and near the new road which had been cut in the forenoon in case of retreat, and taken to a little farm- house in front of us and placed between the two chimneys under guard. * * j gat down worried and tired and thinking about my unpleasant position. The artillery was firing steadily and all at once the one chimney came crashing down and the heavy stones falling right and left and injuring my right ear and bruising my head. * * Shortly after I was taken with about fifty other captives eight miles to the rear. It was here I saw Gottlieb Heintzelman of South Easton, wounded by a shot through his breast. * * The rebel ladies, of whom there were six or seven at the house, addressed us prisoners in bitter terms, hoping this would be a good lesson for us, and that we would do better in the future and not come to Virginia again. The next morning we (now about three thousand) were marched at a quickstep about fifteen miles and then to Guin- ney's Station, and then taken to Richmond, at Libby Prison, on May 7, after receiving the most insulting lan- guage from women and boys and rowdy gents. ,\t Ashland they had posted about one hundred negro children to insult us, and the so-called ladies of this little aristocratic town were using the most abusive language toward us. We all considered.it beneath our dignity to notice such treatment." Colonel Charles Glanz was born at Walkenried, in the Dukedom of Brunswick, Germany, in 1823. He emi- grated to America in 1845 and after some staj' in Philadelphia and Pottsville, settled at Easton. In July, 1857, he was appointed Consul at Stettin, on the Baltic, but compelled by business growing at home resigned the posi- tion in 1859. His military record has been noted. Hedied in Easton July 25, 1880, and his remains were escorted to the cemetery by his old companions in arms, and his many personal friends who ever remember him as a genial whole-souled man. "Portraits of Col. Glanz and Lieut. Col. Dachrodt will be found on page 252 of this History. E ASTON, PENX'A. 271 halted at the Poor House to deposit knapsacks, and was then ordered to advance at double quick and dislodge the enemy from a piece of woods to the right. The advance was made in gallant stvle, but the enemy in heavy force was advancing on all sides, and as it was losing fearfully, with no hope of advantage, the brigade was ordered back, and with the corps, soon afterward retreated through the town to take a position on Cemetery Hill. During the second day of July the artillery fire was very severe, and toward evening the enemy in a heavy column charged upon the position held by the brigade. In spite of the artillery fire and showers of bullets from well-poised muskets, on they came, crossing the low stone wall and rushing among the guns. It was now a hand-to-hand conflict. Clubs and stones were freely used when muskets were not available. A foremost rebel threw himself over the muzzle of a cannon, calling out " I take command of this gun." " Dit sollsi sie habeft''' was the curt reply of the sturdy German gunner, as he fired the piece, and blew him to atoms. Later it aided in the capture of two hundred and ninety prisoners and nearly three hundred stand of arms. The loss in the entire battle was one oflScer, Lieut . W. H. Beaver, and ten men killed, eight oflficers and one hundred and eight men wounded, and one hundred and eighty-eight men missing ; an aggregate of three hundred and eight. The casualties among the members of Company E were Captain John P. Ricker, wounded, Sergeant William F. Snyder, captured. Corporals Jacob Christian and Lewis Fraunfelder, wounded. Van Selan Walter and Noah Dietrich, captured, and Privates Sidney B. Brei- dinger, William Miller, killed, Joseph Andrew, Levi S. Brady, Tobias Bauer, Jacob Jacoby, Joseph Norton, John Stecker, Samuel B. Smith, Levi F. Walter and Peter Yeager, Jr., wounded. Christian Dick, William Deahl, George Heffling, Edward Hayden, Valen- tine Messinger, John S. Newbrandt, Frank Smith and Richard J. Walter, captured. The regiment marched by Emmittsburg to Funkstown in pursuit of the flying rebels. On Julv 14 orders were received for its discharge and it moved by Frederick City and Bal- timore to Harrisburg, where, on July 24, it was mustered out of service. Its brigade commander. Colonel Von Gilsa said, when taking leave of it : " I am an old soldier, but never did I know soldiers, who with greater alacrity and more good will endeavored to fulfil their duties. In the battle of Chancellorsville you, like veterans, stood your ground against fearful odds, and although surrounded on three sides, you did not retreat until by me commanded to do so. In the three days' battle of Gettysburg your behavior put many an old soldier to the blush, and you are justly entitled to a great share of the glory which my brigade has won for itself, by repulsing the two dreaded Tiger Brigades of Jackson. In the name of your comrades of the First Brigade and myself, I now bid you farewell." MUSTER ROLL CO. E, (COMPOSED OF EASTONL^NS) 153D P. V. (From Bates' History, P. V.) r«/>An«— John P. Ricker. Corporals— ]&coh Christian, First Lieutt'>ia}it—C\ir\&\\an H. Relifuss. " Lewis Fraunfelder, 5ero«(//./c«/d'«rt«/— Jeremiah Dietrich. " Van Selan Walter, " Paul Bachschniid. " Nathaniel Michler, First Sergeants— TheoAore R. Combs, " Abraham G. Snyder, Andrew Burt, " George W. Snyder, .\dam Reisinger. " Noah Dietrich, Sergea>ils—\\\\\\a.m F. Snyder, " Edwin Brinker. .\ndrew J. Hay, Musicians — Samuel E. Lerch, " John Bittner, " Darius Thomas. " Amadeus D. Snvder. 272 THE HISTORY OF Joseph Andrew, David Abel, Reuben Abel, Levi S. Brady, Edward Boadwee, Samuel Ball. Edward Bonden, Thomas T. C. Brady. Tobias Bauer, Adam Bonden, Sidney R. Bridinger, Joseph Cole, Charles H. Derr, Christian Dick, William Dachrodt, William Dreahl, George Ellhart, William Entlich, Simon Engel, Edwin Ealer, Pearson Flight, Reuben Faucht, Peter Glass, William Geiger, Peter Hart, Joseph Hetzler, PRIVATES. John Q. Hay, George Heffling, Edward Hayden, Charles Immich, Jacob Jacoby, John Johnson, Thomas Kichliue, Moyer Kohu, John Kisselbach, William Koch, Edward Lear, Peter Lear, Francis Leidy, Valentine Messiuger, Aaron Messinger, John Mertz, William Martin, John H. Moser, Henry Mutchler, William Miller, William Moyer, John S. Newbrandt, Joseph Norton, Edward Osterstock, John J. Paxon, Emil Robst, Jacob Rasener, John A. Schug, John Stecher, Alexander Schug, August Stumpel, Samuel B. Smith, Frank Smith, John Saylor, William T. Sandt, Theodore Snyder, Theodore Schug, Messiah Transue, Geo. W. Vanosten, Richard J. Walter, Charles C. Warner, Abraham K. Woodriug, Levi F. Walter, James E. Wilson, Augustus Wagner, Ephraim Werkheiser, Isaac Writtenberg, Peter Yeager, Jr. Charles A. Vouch, John Young, John Zeller. WELCOME OF THE 153D REGIMENT. Saturday, July 25, 1862, was a day long to be remembered by the citizens of North- ampton County. On that day the friends of the 153d Regiment bade them " Welcome Home !" and gave them a reception worthy of their gallant deeds. We gather mainly from the History of Northampton County the following report of the reception : "On that day the people gathered together from their workshops, their stores and their farms to receive a gallant band of patriots, who, nine months before entered the service of their country to aid in crushing out the rebellion, and well did they act their part and nobly did they do their duty. Many a gallant member of that band who then left their homes, their firesides and their friends, with high hopes and expectations and looked for- ward to a safe return to that home and fireside 'now sleep that sleep that knows no waking' on the field of Chancellorsville, in Virginia, and on the bloody field of Gettys- burg, in his own native State, Pennsylvania. The thrill of jo)' the arrival of the regiment brought to some has been counter-balanced by the pangs of anguish it has brought to others, who have lost their friends and relatives — and they are many. At an early hour in the morning after it had been announced, on the previous ev'ening, that the regiment would arrive in Easton and handbills had been sent throughotit the county, the citizens of Easton began their preparations for making a grand display, and flags, banners, and ever- greens, were brought into requisition to add to the reception. At eight o'clock the town was decorated with flags from one end to the other, from the housetops and across the streets. The citizens began to fill the streets, and every avenne leading to Easton was EASTON, PENN'A. 273 thronged with carriages, teams, omnibuses, etc., loaded with people from the country. The hotels were filled, and the conveyances blocked up the streets so much that pas- sage was next to an impossibility. The residences and stores along Northampton street were beautifully decorated with festoons of evergreens and mottoes of ' Welcome Home, Heroes of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg,' 'Gallant 153d,' 'Welcome Home,' &c. On the top of the hill, on Northampton street, large flags and banners entwined with evergreens, stretched from the opposite housetops to the large pole, made an imposing dis- play, as also at the stores of Mr. William H. Kunsman and others. As the time of the arrival of the train approached, everybody made for South Third street, and by the time the cars came in sight the street was a struggling mass of humanity. The Provost Guard and the soldiers under command of Captain Titus, endeavored to keep the streets clear, but it was an impossibility. " Many of the country people, in their anxiety to see their friends, also crowded across the bridge, and from the depot to the square at least five thousand persons had assembled. At 10 o'clock the cannon on Mt. Jefferson announced their arrival, and then the scene became indescribable. Such a rush and such a scramble for the depot we never beheld. ' ' After the regiment had left the cars they marched to the South Easton road and formed into line, and headed by Colonel Glanz and several of the staff officers, they marched across the bridge, where they were received by the procession announced in the programme, and under the direction of the Chief Marshal, Thomas W. Lynn, and his assistant marshals, marched to the Square, around the Circle, and up Northampton street to the Fair building. " All along the route the streets, housetops, and windows were filled with people, and amid the waving of handkerchiefs and the loud huzzas their march was a perfe6l triumph, and calculated to cheer the hearts of the brave soldiers. Friends and relatives crowded in upon them, and to attempt to describe the affe(5lionate scenes along the route would be futile. The soldiers looked begrimed with war, fatigued and sunburnt, and presented a far different appearance to what they did when they left home. AT THE FAIR GROUND. " The procession entered and halted, the right extending toward the east gable of the building until the regiment and train of wounded passed in review and drew up in front of the speaker's stand, around which the vast crowd gathered. '' From this stand Hon. Philip Johnson delivered an address of welcome, from which we make the following extracts : " Officers and Men of the 153d Regiment : Ou behalf of your citizens of Northampton county I bid you a hearty welcome home. "Thrice welcome noble remnant of a brave and gallant band. " ' We hail the heroes' safe return, To home and friends again, And mourn with tears of sympathy. The gallant patriots slain.' " Little less than a year ago it was announced by the President of the United States that in order to fill up the ranks of the army it would be necessary for a draft to be made of a certain number of the able-bodied citizens of the several States. 274 THE HISTORY OF " Pennsylvania was assigned her quota, and so of the several counties. Northampton had already given many of her brave sons to the war, and it was evident that the enforce- ment of a draft, at that season of the year, for the quota required, would be attended with a good deal of distress and very general inconvenience to our people. "At this crisis you came forward and magnanimously volunteered your services at once to relieve your fellow citizens of the draft and take their places in the army to fight their battles, endure whatever such service might impose, and above all to contribute your services and sufferings, your health, and, if need be, your lives to the support of the Constitution, the Government, and the Flag of your Country. "How you have discharged these duties, your decimated ranks, your tattered and torn banners, and your long train of scarred and wounded companions, and the bloody fields of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg too well disclose. "How your services are appreciated by your friends at home, this immense throng, summoned by a few hours notice of your arrival, at this busy season of the year, bears ample testimony. "Officers and men, one and all, once more I bid you a hearty welcome home. " At the conclusion of his speech he was heartly cheered. "Colonel Glanz, in reply, stated that the officers and men of the regiment were very grateful for the honor their fellow citizens had done for them, and he was very sorry that his health was so poor, and he was so much exhausted that he could not respond at length. " Edward J. Fox, Esq., Chairman of the Committee on Collation, then addressed the regiment, briefly alluding to the gallant manner in which they had volunteered to extend their term of service until the last rebel invader should be expelled from the State, and announced that their fellow citizens had prepared a collation for them which he invited them to partake of "Under the dire6lion of Major Thomas W. Lynn, Chief Marshal, the regiment then marched into the fair building and were seated ; the wounded unable to walk were carried in and cared for. "The collation, which was got up by the citizens, assisted by some of their country friends, and arranged by a committee of ladies, was a splendid affair, and consisted of poultrv and various meats, bread, butter, cheese, etc., with warm coffee, ice water, and lager beer. "The building is one hundred and sixty feet long, and there were four tables set, extending the whole length of the building, with seats upon each side of the tables. As soon as they were seated, Henry Green, Esq., who had been appointed to preside at the latter, proceeded to address them, but after a few minutes he remarked that he knew they had had nothing to eat since the evening previous, and inasmuch as he could not be at all satisfactorily heard because of the immense crowd of people that were gathered around them and into the second story of the building, he must not trespass upon them. A beautiful poem was written for the occasion by S. L. Cooley, Esq. We regret that its length will not permit its publication here. " It was with great diflliculty that the crowd could be kept out of the building so as to enable the ladies and gentlemen who waited upon the men to attend to their duties. A guard had to be stationed at the doors, and, although some of the country friends com- plained a little, it was a military necessity they had to submit to. 276 THE HISTORY OF " After the regiment had finished their dinner, the returned vohinteers, under Captain Titus, and Provost Guard, Captain Maguire, and citizens generally, finished the feast. SWORD PRESENTATION TO COLONEL GLANZ. "The music of Coates' Cornet Band, upon the speaker's stand, then announced that something else was to be done, and soon the soldiers and citizens gathered around. " Here the splendid new sword, purchased by the regiment for Colonel Glanz, was formally presented to him, in behalf of the officers and men of the regiment, in a very neat and appropriate speech by Captain Howard J. Reeder, as follows : "Colonel : After sharing the perils and hardships of a soldiers' life for ten months we meet here this day for the purpose of saying farewell. We meet here as a regiment for the last time ; but, before we part, we desire to give this sword to our brave and noble commander, as a slight testimony of the high esteem and regard in which we hold him. The One Hundred and Fifty-third is now a thing that was. Its organization exists no longer ; but never will one member of that regiment forget its noble and gallant leader. Never/ I say, until the life-blood ceases to ebb and flow through the channels of his earthly frame. " Colonel — take this sword ; it comes from the living and the dead. In it, not only do the living speak their gratitude, but those who lie beneath the soil of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, raise their voices from the hollow of their tomb, and ask not to be for- gotten. Nobly have you done your duty ; faithfully have you obeyed your country's call, and well do we know when we give this sword that it will never be sheathed in a just, and never unsheathed in an unjust cause. " On receiving the sword. Colonel Glanz responded in a feeling manner, assuring his command of his high regard for them, his appreciation of their handsome present, and the memories that he would carry through life of their glorious service, and happy days of comradeship. That he felt it to be a high honor, that although foreign born, he had been selected to command them, and regarded that moment as the proudest of his life. The large crowds of people gathered at so short notice and at such a busy season, proved in what estimate this regiment was held by the people of this county." THE DRAFT IN EASTON. The exigencies of the military service requiring more men, a draft for the district was held at Eastou, on Monday, September 28, 1863. The envelopes were drawn from the wheel by Mr. Charles Bixler, a blind man, in the presence of a committee, composed of members of both political parties, and the names were announced by the Provost Marshal, Samuel Yohe, to the crowd assembled, who took the matter very good naturedly. The local papers of the day published long columns of the names of the drafted men, and of those who were exempt by disability and other causes. The nation was in the third year of the war. Its novelty had passed away, and proclamations for volunteers and calls for drafts in the fall and winter of 1863 were expetled as certainly as the needs of the service would demand them ; and in Easton, as in most other parts of the North, were looked upon as so much business of the nation, to be transatted in an orderly and impartial manner. The Provost Marshal, Samuel Yohe, Commissioner of Board, Henry C. Wolfe, and other officers, were accorded great credit for firmness and impartiality. Great good humor, we EAST ON, PENN'A. 277 are told, prevailed at the drawing, and whenever the name of a prominent individnal was announced, it was greeted with cheers and laughter. It was conducted on an elevated platform in front of the office of the Provost Marshal at the southeast corner of Fifth and Northampton streets, so that all who chose could witness it and see that it was fairly done. THANKSGIVING DINNER TO THE INVALID CORPS, NOVEMBER 26, 1863. On this day business of all kinds was suspended and appropriate religious services held in all the churches. News of a great vi6lory over the rebel General Bragg, and the capture of many prisoners and arms, had been received early in the day, and with the Gettysburg triumph fresh in memory, all felt thankful that the crisis of the war was over, and that the rebellion thenceforth would be stridlly defensive, and must dwindle to certain defeat. The many families, with representatives in the ranks, and the patriotic allusions of the ministers, rendered the services peculiarly impressive. Heavy contributions were taken for the benefit of the Union prisoners at Richmond. A sumptuous dinner was given by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church, assisted by ladies of other churches, to the invalid soldiers composing the Provost Guard stationed in Easton. It drew forth a hearty letter of thanks from the officers in com- mand, who stated that the Thanksgiving banquet at their barracks reminded them of their homes, and was an assurance that they were in the midst of friends. The kindly services of these ladies to the invalid soldiers were not limited to Thanksgiving day. They had been constant in their care of the sick and wounded of these soldiers of the Union, gathered from all commands, and unfit for attive field service. The street parades of these veterans were a marked feature of the time, and a constant reminder of the great army in the front, from which from time to time, they had been detached by reason of wounds and other disabilities. RETURN OF THE 51ST P. V. VETERANS TO RECRUIT. In February, 1864, this regiment was ordered to Harrisburg to fill its ranks, depleted in the numerous engagements and severe campaigning of its long and honorable service. Companies B and K, with part of Company H, recruited in Easton, on their return on Tuesday evening, February 9, 1864, received a most flattering welcome. The Easton men in Company H had been recruited by Captain George Finley, who, when the regi- ment was being organized had endeavored to raise a third company from the borough. Upon failure to secure the requisite number of men they were consolidated with others from Union county, into Company H, under command of Captain J. Merrill Linn, of Lewisburg. They were met at the depot by a large body of citizens, headed by Coates" Cornet Band, and escorted to Centre Square amid firing of cannon and ringing of church bells. Flags waved from the houses, and an immense throng crowded the streets to greet the returning heroes. After an appropriate welcome by Colonel W. E. Doster, a collation was given to them at the Phoenix Hall, whither they were condudled and where they were again welcomed by Samuel L. Cooley, Esq. The substantials were heartily discussed by the soldierly looking men, and they separated highly pleased with their reception. Again they were handsomely entertained at a banquet at Masonic Hall, on Friday, February 12, presided over by Hon. H. D. Maxwell. The Judge was heartily cheered 278 THE HISTORY OF during his speech on taking the chair, and tlie numerous toasts to the valor of the men were eloquently responded to by Hon. A. H. Reeder and others. The large attendance of citizens was loud in applause of the many incidents of their varied service since the departure of the volunteers, with the lamented Captain Ferdinand W. Bell, September 14, 1861. The muster rolls given are taken from Captain Parker's History of the regiment. COMPANY B. Ca/i/a/n— Ferdinand VV. Bell. " Daniel L. Nicholas. First Lieutenant — ^John H. Genther. Valentine Stocker. Second Lieutenant — Robert M. Burrell. " " John W. Meeker. First Sergeant — Samuel A. Apple. Sergeants — John W. Beam. " Alson Stocker. " Conrad Swazer. " Charles S. Knauss. " William J. Osterstock. " George W. Arndt. Corporals — John M. Wein. Josiah Ackernian, Edward Apple, Joseph Arnold, William All>erl, John F. Ackerman, Harrison Ackerman, William Andrews, Adam Buzzard, John W. Brunner, Abraham Babp, William H. Bachman, William L. Bowman, John Burns, George Boswell, Sebastian Bring, James Bisbing, William H. Brittain, John H. Buck, John Bowes, William H. Butz, Jackson Bullman, Philip Bond, Jonathan Brook, Charles Brown, James Bridges, William Colbath, Jeremiah Cheney, John L. Clifton, Philip Curlz, Israel Crocket, Allen J. Clifton, John Coff, George Crawford. Charles H. Chambers, Reuben Dutter, PRIVATES. Charles N. Gosner, John B. Godley, Lewis Group, Jacob Haas, William Haas, Edward Hill, Benjamin Hively, Edward Hardy, William Hufsmith, Theodore F. Hi.xon, Michael Henning, Charles Hiney, Jeremiah Haines, John A. Halsted, William Henning, John A. Innes, John Judge, Charles W. Kinsey, Reuben Kresge, John Kustetor, Chris. Knauss, Emanuel Kresge, Lewis Kross, John A. Lee, John Lee, Thomas Leary, Aaron Lottig, Samuel Mershon, Thomas Marsteller, Thomas P. Miller, Chris. B. Myers, Peter Myers, Philip M. MeUler, Henry Mi.xell, William Moore, Corporals — Philip .A. Barnet. George Johnson. " Milton Ackerman. " Enos Schock. " Samuel F. Knapp. " Henry Schooley. " Benjamin F. .Ackerman. " Matthew Delaney. " Thompson Ackerman. " Samuel Moore. " Edward Bullman. " George W. Moser. Musicians — John D. Knauss. " Aimer Neigh. Adam Ruft', Charles Reed, John Seibert, Charles Sharp, Peter Scott, Henry Scott, Henry Samuels. James Shull, Andrew Snyder, Edwin P. Snyder. William Stocker, Stephen Smith, Abraham Shook, John S. Samsell, Simon Searfoss, William Searfoss, Henry Steinhoff, John H. Schooley, James Snedeker, Jacob H. Sweeney, Charles Sheets, Thomas Sletor, William A. Smith, William Shick, John H. Seiple, Rudolph Steiner, William F. Strattford. John Stone, William Stewart, William L. Si^yder, Joseph Titus, William Tomer, Henry Thompson, .Aaron Thatcher, Thomas I'nangst. E ASTON, PENN'A. 279 William H. Diehl, John H. Diehl, George Dulot, Courtland Dutt, Uriah Dole, George Dean, William Draher, Lawrence H. Delly, John Eichlin. William D. Everett, Joel L. Everett, Reading Fluck, Henry Furich, Peter Frautz, Gabriel Fay, Henry Gregory, Jacob W. Gosner, Daniel H. Gerhart, Jacob Gamber, Captain — John E. Titus. William S. Mellick. First Lieutenant — Jacob Fryburger. " " Jacob Hawk. First Sergeant — Daniel W. Eichman. Sergeants — John C. Dittler. Theo. Moser. " Uriah F. Dean. " Franklin S. Mover. Amandus Atlee, George Buss, Henry A. Daily, Jacob Fortner, Henry Gangwere, Frank T. Grube, Daniel Herzog, PRIVATES— Continued. Thomas Moser, Thomas Miller, John Miller, Patrick McDonald, Titus McFall, Wilson McKeighan, T. J. Nicholas, Charles Newsbaum, John Nugent, John Obenholzer, James Pettit, George Paul, Henry Poff, William O. Rauch, John B. Reigle, Thomas P. Rickets, Charles Ricker, Benjamin J. Reily, Joshua Raub, COMPANY K. PRIVATES. George V. Holden, Edward H. Patterson, John Ritter, Philip Richards. Erwin Richards, Francis Reedy, Samuel G. Stidinger, Daniel W. Vannatta, Nicholas Woodring, Thomas Williamson, Gabriel Z. Wacht, Calvin L. Weaver, John Weidknecht, S. C. Weidknecht, Edward Weiss, Hiram Woodring, Henry Warner, George Walters, Samuel Warner, Cyrus Werkheiser, John Wilson, Isaac Wilson, Francis Young. Lewis H. Young, Stelio Zamaria. Corporals — Theo. Odenwelder. Francis Ludwig. " Francis Tro.xell. " Jacob F. Cole. John P. Huber. " John Sutton. " Jacob Tro.xell. " Daniel Troxell. Philip Richards. Frederick Schwep, Daniel Scheeks, Christian Scheeks, Lewis Singer, William H. Vogel, William Yates. As the names of the original members of the above companies disappeared from the rolls in the casualties of their long and severe campaigning their places were filled with new men, many of whom had been drafted. This will account for the long roll of Com- pany B. Scattered through the other company rolls of the regiment the names of Easton volunteers appear. Company E, Dietrich Beckmau and others not designated. REGIMENTAL RECORD. The 51st P. V. was organized at Harrisburg, late in September, 1861, under the supervision of Colonel John F. Hartranft, au officer who rose through his fine soldierly qualities and distinguished record to be a Major General of volunteers, and in civil life, subsequently, was twice elected Governor of the Commonwealth. The regiment left Camp Curtin, November 18, 1861, and until its embarkation with the Burnside Expedition on January 6, 1862, was quartered near Annapolis and en- gaged in constant drill under the eye of its a6live and skilful commander. In the 28o THE HISTORY OF engagement on Roanoke Island, the Newbern Expedition, and the movement near Eliza- beth City, Companies B and K were a(?tive and with the regiment took part in the second Bull Run battles, and on September 3, marched through Washington for the Antietam campaign. Its part in the South Mountain fight and the great battle of Antietam, on September 17, and its famous storming of the Bridge, are bright pages in the history of the war. The gallant charge at Fredericksburg, in which Captain Ferdinaud W. Bell fell at the head of his command, was its last fight with the Army of the Potomac, before its departure for Kentucky, on March 25, 1863. Captain Parker in his interesting history of the 51st P. V. says of this Fredericksburg battle, "The position assigned the regiment was direcflly in face of more than a mile of earthworks, behind which lay thousands of rebels, who kept up incessant volleys of mus- ketry, and their batteries, volleys of grape and canister, to say nothing of the rifle shells that passed through the ranks, and went screeching and whizzing through the air. It was here that Captain Ferdinand W. Bell, of Company B, was killed, whose loss was most seriously felt by all in the regiment, and particularly in his company. He was an ac- complished and unassuming gentleman, a good disciplinarian, a true patriot, and as fearless as he was gentle." The same book, in referring to the skirmish drill and bayonet exercise by regiment and company, praises Company B, and its Captain, as follows: "There did not exist a com- pany in the whole expedition (Roanoke) that could vie with Captain Bell's Company B, in the bayonet exercise. Every lunge, parry and carte, were performed with so much promptness and precision, that it looked more like automatic machine work than that of men moving by will. Other companies also did well, especially Company D, but none had the training that Company B had, nor did another drill-master exist in the regiment, as was Ferdinand W. Bell ; very explicit in his instructions, firm in his commands, cor- real in his orders and movements, and who could not be persuaded to believe a soldier had a right to make a mistake, and so heartily did his ' boys ' concur in his opinions that they made no mistakes.'' On December 14, 1862, the day after the death of Captain Bell, his place was filled by the promotion of Lieutenant Daniel L,. Nicholas,* who had served in the First U. S. Dragoons in the Mexican War, and who was an earnest and heroic soldier. Under his command the company did its full share in the great battles which won for the regiment the sobriquet of "The Fighting Fifty-first." Lieutenant John H. Genther was transferred to the Quartermaster's Department, with the rank of Captain. In the historic siege of Vicksburg, and campaigning about Knoxville, time passed tintil January 5, 1864, when it re-enlisted and returned home on a veteran furlough. Its subsequent career, as a Veteran regiment, was no less distinguished. Returning with recruited ranks, on May 5, 1864, it crossed the Rapidan to enter upon the stubborn and successful fighting under Grant, in the great movement by the left flank to Cold Harbor. On June 17, it was in front of Petersburg, and at once was engaged at close quarters, at one time for seventeen successive days and nights, in an unceasing fire of musketry, one- third of the men being constantly employed. It was part of the storming column at the * Captain Nicholas died November 3, 1887, and was buried on the Sunday following with the honors of war by his comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic. EASTO.\\ PENN'A. 281 Crater, inarched to the relief of the ill-fated Warren in August, was in the final attack of April 2, 1865, which resulted in the fall of Richmond, and closed the most brilliant of regimental careers, on July 27, when after four years of arduous duty, extending over the whole line from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, it was mustered out of service at Alexandria, \'irginia. CASUALTIES AMONG THE EASTON VOLUNTEERS. Company B. — Killed, Captain Ferdinand W. Bell ; Corporal Edward Bullman. Privates, killed, John F. Ackerman, Harrison Ackennan, Philip Bond, William Dreher, Wm. F. Stratford, Cyrus Werkheiser. Wounded, Corporal Charles W. Kinsey- Privates, wounded, Henry Furich, Gabriel Fay, Edward Hardy, George Paul. Captured, Corporal, Matthew Delany ; privates, William Albert, Jonathan Brook, George Crawford, Courtlandt Dutt, Lewis Group, Henry Meixsell. Company E. — ^Wounded, Sergeant George Diehl. Covipany H. — Wounded, Corporal H. J. Lingerman. Wounded, Private .\nthony Weisiiibach. CoDipany K. — Wounded, First Lieutenant, Jacob Fryberger. Killed, Sergeant Franklin S. Moyer; Cor- poral, Jacob Troxell. Wounded, Corporal, Theodore Odenwelder, John P. Huber. Privates, killed, Frederick Schwep, Daniel Scheeks Privates, wounded, Jacob Fortner, William T. Rundis, Alfred Schilling, John Wine- gardeu, William Yates. RECEPTION OF COMPANY E, I2TH PENNA. RESERVES, OR 4 1 ST P. V. The survivors of this gallant band were accorded a most hearty and enthusiastic reception by the citizens of Easton, on Tuesday evening, June 14, 1864. Coates' Cornet Band headed the procession from the depot, and the veterans, many of whom were suf- fering from wounds, were seated in carriages kindly furnislied by the Seitz Brothers. After marching through the principal streets, a halt was made in front of White's Hotel in the northeast corner of the Square, where they were welcomed in a very neat and appropriate speech by Colonel Baldy. After cheers for the veterans, the Governor, and the President, there was a general handshaking between the soldiers and the citizens. Reference has already been made in these pages to the origin and record of the Reserves. Under the recruiting of Captain John J. Horn, and Lieutenant afterwards by promotion. Captain Francis Schelling, who had seen service in the nth U. S. Infantry in the Mexican War, and Lieutenant Edward Kelly, volunteers were raised in Easton, who, on the organization of the regiment, 41st P. V., called 12th Pennsylvania Reserves, July 25, 1861, formed Company E, whose muster roll we have already given with the notice of their departure for Camp Curtin. After some days guard duty about the public buildings in Harrisburg the regiment was ordered to join the Third Brigade of the Reserves at Tenallytown, near Washington. This it did on August 20, 1861, and was engaged in camp drills until October 10, when it marched into Virginia, and on December 20 joined in the advance on Drainesville, where it was engaged with slight loss. On March 10, with the army, it moved towards Manassas, and on the retreat of the rebels, bivouacked, without shelter, and exposed to intense cold and rain and snow storms. After doing some detached guard service the regiment, on May 6, joined its division at Falmouth. The Peninsular campaign had now opened, and the Reserves were conveyed by transports to the White, on June 14, and after picket duty and marching, on the morn- ing of the 26th assisted in driving the rebels back by their steady fire at Ellerson's Mill, near Cold Harbor. Colonel Taggart of the 12th held his position until near daylight and then withdrew under orders. Two davs later, the men from constant alarms, having had 282 THE HISTORY OF little sleep or refreshment, the regiment moved to Gaiue's Mills, and nnder a heavy fire for three hours defended the guns and drove the rebels back. Next morning it moved, guarding long lines of the Reserve artillery, and at night was on picket duty near the James river. Next day saw it near Malvern Hill where it arrived at daybreak, after a hand to hand conflidl with the rebels, who poured upon its flanks in immense force. Here in reserve they saw the heavy shells thrown far inland from the gun boats, the suc- cessive rebel charges, and the deadly fire from the Reserve batteries. On the repulse of the rebels, the Reserves again on transports, joined the army of General Pope, and took part with great credit in the second Bull Run battle, and on September 17, under General McClellan on the field of Antietam. The Reserves were seledled to lead in the advance upon the rebel lines and were engaged in heavy skirmishing on the Bowling Green road. The loss to the regiment here was heavy. In February, 1863, the regiment, now much reduced, occupied the defences of Washington, and for six weeks performed provost duty in that city. It joined the main army moving on Gettysburg at Frederick, and reached that field at 10 a. m. on July 2, and was hurriedly moved to the vicinity of Little Round Top. After frequent change of position during the afternoon in support of troops it com- menced and completed during the night a stone wall conne6ling the summit of Round Top with that of Little Round Top. The enemy could be distindlly heard at the same time building a parallel wall near the foot of the hill. This was held during the next day, in full view of the charge of cavalry under General Kilpatrick on the left, and the rebel General Pickett's grand charge upon the left centre. On the morning of the 4th rebel bayonets gleamed above the stone wall, but the rebels themselves had departed, and the ruse was soon dete<5led and the muskets brought in. Pursuit commenced upon the 5th, and in the campaign following, the 12th was engaged at Bristow Station on 06lober 14, Rappahannock Station on November 19, and Mine Run on November 26. The winter passed in duty on the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, in close picket duty and with frequent skirmishes. In May, 1864, with recruited ranks it entered upon the Wilderness campaign, and was closely engaged in its heavy fights until May 30, 1864, when its time expired, and it was ordered to Harrisburg, where, on June II, 1864, it was mustered out after three years of faithful service. Lieutenant Colonel Peter Baldy, promoted from Major, August i, 1862, was dis- charged, by reason of absence through sickness, February 15, 1863. Captain John J. Horn, in delicate health at his entry into service, was disabled to such a degree by its hardships as to be compelled to resign, February 17, 1862. CASUALTIES AMONG THE EASTON VOLUNTEERS. Company E. — Wounded, Captain Francis Schelling, Lieutenant Edward Kelly ; Sergeants, William Ruch, James Johnston, William F. Keller, William R. Kidd. Corporals, killed, George Darhammer, George Ketch- ledge, J. H. Messinger, William J. Kuchner ; wounded, Daniel H. Laubach. Privates, killed, Robert G. Barnes, Thomas Duffin, Charles Custard, William Dice, Josiah Edelman, Landers Everett, David H. Graham, Matthew Haas, William Handwork, Edward Leidy, George A. Miller, Paul Roth, Thomas Ruth, George Walls ; wounded, James Devine, John May, Aaron E- Beisel, Leopold Beck 180TH REGIMENT PENNA. VOLUNTEERS — 19TH PENNA. CAVALRY. In an engagement at Franklin, Tenn., in December, 1864, Captain Frank Reeder of this regiment was wounded. He was on January 26, 1865, promoted to Lieutenant EASTON, PENN\4. 283 Colonel, and later by order of the War Department to Brev'ct Brigadier General. Its Major, Norman M. Finlay, discharged July 23, 1864, and First Lieutenant, Jonathan L. Fackenthall, who died at Memphis, on December 5, 1864, of disease contra6led in service, were also from Easton, as were others whose names are scattered through the muster rolls of the different companies. The regiment was recruited in the summer and fall of 1863, at Camp Stanton, in Philadelphia, and upon its organization in November was ordered to Washington, and was shortly after forwarded to the army in the west. It was engaged in a- of promoters of science and learning, and for learned foundations to have set times to honor their founder and cherish his grateful remembrance ; and Whereas, The celebration of such deeds of munificence is a powerful means of 3i8 THE HISTORY OF inciting yonth to imitate them, and of training them np to all those liberal acts and thonghts which are the frnits of the highest culture ; therefore be it Resolved, That to-morrow, the 21st day of October, being the first anniversary of the formal opening and dedication of Pardee Hall, the usual lecftures and recitations be suspended, and the day marked by appropriate exercises; and that hereafter the Wednes- day following the 21st day of Oc?tober in each year be recognized as the anniversary of the founding and gift of Pardee Hall, and that it be set apart forever by Lafayette College, its Faculty and students, under the name of Founder's Day, as a day of commemoration of the founder, Ario Pardee." The Pardee Scientific Department (well supplied with the best of apparatus, by which the facts and laws of Natural Science are illustrated) was early placed under the over- sight of Dr. Traill Green, as Dean. Traili, Green, M- D., LL. D., Was born iu Easton, Pa., May 25', 1S13 He is the son of Benjamin Green Dr. Traill Green's father was a son of Richard, whose father's nanu was Richard, who was a son of Wil- liam Green, who came from Eng- land iu the opening of the eighteenth century. William married to a Miss Joanna Reeder, a daughter of John Reader, who had just come from England, and with whom Mr. Green became acquainted on Long Island. He built the first brick house in Ewing, which is still standing, and bears the date 1717 on the west end of the house. The fifth generation of Greens still occupy the house. Elizabeth, the mother of Dr. Green, was a daughter of Robert Traill, who was a son of Rev. Thomas Traill and Sabilla Grant, who was a daughter of Rev. Alexander Grant of South Ron- aldsay of the Island of Sande.one of the Orkneys. Thus we see our venerable townsman is of good blood and strong stock. The Celtic stock of the Highlands is visible both in his phy- siognomy and in the vigor of his moral and religious character He graduated at the Minerva Seminary, the famous school under the care of Dr. Vanderveer. In this school he made such proficiency in the classics that his teacher offered to procure for him a professorship in college. But not wishing to be diverted from his orig- inal intention to study medicine, he went directly to the Pennsylvania University, graduated, and immediatelj- entered upon the duties of his profession in Easton. In 1S37 he became Professor of Chemistry in Lafayette. Traill Green, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry, Dean of Pardee Scientific Department. E ASTON, PEiVN'A. 319 In 1S41 he received the degree of A. M. from Rutgers College, aud the same year he was called to the chair of Natural Sciences in Marshall College, at Mercersburg, where he remained till he returned to Easton in 1847, and the following year resumed the Professorship of Chemistry, which he still holds. In 1866 he received the degree of LL. D , from Washington and Jefferson College. When Dr. Cattell became President of the College, at his own expense Dr. Green erected the Astronomical Observatory, north of Jenks Hall. It is built of blue liuie-stone, and cost f 15,000. It consists of a tower and two transit rooms, with lecture room attached. It is fitted up with a revolving dome and telescope, a transit instrument, and other apparatus for the observation of astronomical phenomena and for the thorough study of astronomy. The transit of Venus in 1882 was success- fully observed in it by Prof. Coffin, Dr. Traill Green and his son Dr. Edgar M. Green ; for Dr. Green is a thorough scientist, and has always kept abreast the advancing lines. He has been for forty years a member and Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Upon the completion of Pardee Hall, Dr. Green organized the Pardee Scientific Department, and is its Dean. He was the first President of the American Acad- emy of Medicine, and a member of other scientific bodies. In 1881 he pronounced the annual address before the alumni of the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. He wears his honors easily, and seems unconscious of his worth. The Doctor is now seventy-five years of age, and yet his heart is as buoyant as if the sun were shining at noon, instead of descending toward the western hills. The fires of intellect still burn brightly as was evident in his masterly defence of the former physicians of Easton, from the aspersions of Dr. Gross. It is well for the reputation of Easton physicians that Dr. Green wielded so trenchant a pen. The de- fense was the cause of many thanks from near and distant friends of the dead physicians. For more than fifty vears he has followed his profession, and is still active in his work. He always carries a sunbeam into the sick- room, and his pleasant and hopeful countenance, and cheerful words are often as potent as the medicine admin- istered. In his case we see the highest attainments in science beautifully blended with the humblest faith in the Gospel. In this age it is encouraging to see such a man walking so confidently on the bright mountains of science, and so humbly in the valley of Christian contentment. He has been for manj' years a ruling elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Easton, and a director in many local societies of trust. Throughout Pardee Hall the greatest care has been taken to provide for the needs of students in the pursuit of scientific investigation. A short distance southwest of this building stands Jenks' Chemical Hall. It is built of lime-stone, two-stories, with a Mansard roof, sixty-four feet front and seventy-five feet in depth, at a cost of $22,000. North of these beautiful buildings lies the main part of the campus. Here much interest is concentrated in the season of out-door sports, in the assemblage of crowds of spectators, who are gathered to witness the various athletic games, foot-ball, base-ball, lawn-tennis, and the like, for all of which there is abundant accommodation, with room enough and to spare. Beyond this rises a row of neat brick buildings — the homes of the students — desig- nated from the names of liberal donors to the college funds. In order, from West to East, their names are Blair Hall, Newkirk Hall, McKeen Hall, Martien Hall, Powel Hall, and East Hall. The halls are all plain buildings, except McKeen Hall, which has brown- stone quoins and window trimmings, with porch, ornamental cornice, and a balustrade around the entire roof. There are also buildings for the residences of professors, many of which have been built since the erecftion of Pardee Hall. The events in the history of twelve years of the life of Lafayette College are unparalleled in the history of any educational institution in America. In 1863, after the struggles of nearly forty years, the end seemed to have come. The question was freely and painfully discussed as to whether the doors of the college should be closed; but in 1875 she stood in the front rank among the colleges of America. Her students in 1863 were thirty-nine in number; in 1875 the num- ber was three hundred and nineteen, and the college plateau was dotted with most beauti- ful and costly buildings, and Pardee Hall had risen on the scene as if by magic. Beautiful carriage ways and winding foot-paths, and artistic terracing, tasteful shrubbery, ornamental 320 THE HISTORY OF I JlFA\PTTF (SOUTH; LOLLLCh trees, and beds of brilliant flowers, make the grounds around the college buildings a scene of beauty rarely excelled. The following graphic description is taken from Scribiicr' s Montlily for December, 1876: "Going north from fountain-green, down (Third street) we cross Bushkill Creek, and at the northern end of the bridge we are confronted by a hill which is almost a cliff that rises swift and steep to the plateau where is seated Lafayette College. Formerly the only method of reaching the summit, save by a long detour, was by clambering up a steep flight of plank steps springing on stilts of rude carpentry, from ledge to ledge, and trembling with the weight of the adventurous climber. The dizzy scaffolding of stairs which, in that day, led on and up to the college reminded the traveler of those crazy and .slippery timber ladders of the Leuken Bad, in .Switzerland, which lead up to the moun- tain town of Albiuen. The foot passenger can now, however, reach the heights of the Lafayette plateau by stone steps, massive and broad, supported by masonry and zigzag- ging along the practicable ledges of the pidluresque hill-side. Wending up, under shade of cedars, of nettle trees, of wild roses, and festoons of the Virginia creeper, the visitor will reach, two hundred feet above the river, a little bastion, supported by rusticated stone-work, on which stands a monumental granite soldier, commemorative of ' the dead in the war.' Thirty feet higher, by two more flights of stone steps, which were eredled by the gift of the class of 1880, the general level of the Lafayette plateau is reached, and from here an embowered straight walk leads directly to the cential entrance of the orig- EA STOJV, PENN'A . 321 inal college building. Before passing up the walk to the college the Eastonian will of a surety call your attention to the view southward, over the town, from the crown of the hill. You stand there, at the head of the last flight of steps, in the axis of the main street of Easton. Immediately before you, and below you, the granite sentinel is holding his steady guard. Thence, the hill you have climbed plunges down under its wilderness of leaves to the Third street bridge over the Bushkill. From the banks of the Bushkill the broad street far below you sweeps straight southward, hemmed by houses, and trees, and spires, it swings round the leafy circlet of the fountain green, and stretches away amid other and lower houses along a gentle descent till it terminates at the Lehigh ; beyond this rise the tall hills of South Easton. To the right, westerly, the town creeps up a THE CAMPUS ON CLASS-DAY gentle ascent, upon which break bolder and bolder heights — some peopled, some tilled, some unkempt and wild. To the left are other and more closely packed roofs, trending down to the Delaware, of which you see a broad, shining light and have a view of its bridges crossing to the shores of New Jersey, where smoke the furnaces of Phillipsburg. Altogether, it is a scene of busy adlivity, of quiet, far-away hill sides, of near tangled wildness, of river spaces, of deep valley-clefts, of trailing barges, of railways over rail- ways, and never-ending scurry of trains that can hardly be matched. It is no wonder the towns people are proud of the views ; it is no wonder that younglings of either sex come hither in pairs in the summer twilight to linger and look off on a scene of such varied beautv." 322 THE HISTORY OF Lafayette still retains the old classical course of study, believing in the virtue of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew too, requiring the usual four years' training, with little change or omission of the old standard authors, beyond the modifications that have everywhere been necessi- tated by the claims of literature and the natural sciences for a share of the time that was devoted in former generations solely to the trivium of Languages, Mathematics and Philosophy. But while Harvard and Princeton are warmly debating the question of introducing a scientific course, teaching the modern, in place of the dead languages, in- volving a knowledge of Civil Engineering, Mining, a thorough knowledge of Chemistry, Mineralogy, adapted to the dififerent aims and tastes of young men, Lafayette has, since 1866, been affording students the privilege of pursuing a course of study as above INC. ROOM indicated. So that Lafayette now occupies the position of a university in which the varied courses may be pursued with advantages not excelled by any colleges in the country. In addition to this, Lafayette was not only among the first, but the very first, to introduce the thorough philological study of our mother tongue. This was done under the personal diretlion of Prof. F. A. March, LL. D. , the well known author of a "Com- parative Grammar of the English Language." Originally intended for students familiar with Latin, Greek and French, it compared the Anglo-Saxon with Greek, Latin, Gothic, Old Saxon, and Old High German. General principles of phonology are first laid down ; and then parallel paradigms of the inflecflion forms in the.se languages are given, and the Anglo-Saxon explained under their guidance. The author in this way introduces the E ASTON, PENN'A. 323 student to the methods of the modern science of language in connection with the study of Anglo-Saxon, so that our mother tongue may share the powers of this new science. Thus in method and substance, as thorough and scientific study is given to a portion of the Anglo-Saxon as can be given to the Greek or Latin, with the ordinary college text- books. This is American in its origin, and the honor of introducing it into college studies belongs to Lafayette. In mining and engineering, Lafayette offers exceptional advantages. For instance : Does the professor talk of bridge construction, his illustrations (as perfedl as are to be found in America) are before his eyes. Does he talk of grades and curves, every fashion OBSERVATORY. and expedient are within an afternoon's walk. Does he talk of shafts and lodes, the near valley offers every variety of example. Is it a question of ores, and puddling and slag, the furnace fires are blazing on the horizon every night. Or does the ambitious student desire inspiration in the business world, standing on Mount Lafayette, he can witness the passing of a hundred trains daily on the six railroads centering on the banks of the Dela- ware and across those beautiful iron bridges that look like spiders' webs in the distance. Or, does he wish to hold communion with nature in her lovely forms, taking his stand on Mount Olympus, as far as the eye can reach, mountains and valleys, hills and dales, rivers and plains of two States present a scene upon which the imagination can gaze with wonder and delight. 324 THE HISTORY OF The administration of President Cattell extended from 1864 to 18S4, a period of twenty years. When he came to the presidency, the building now occupied by the treasurer and Dr. March, and the central portion of South College, with three professors' residences, were the only buildings on the campus. The President "labored with all the energy God had given him " for the good of the institution over whose prosperity he was to watch. Led and sustained by the hand of God, he was enabled to lift the institution out of the shadows into the clear light of life and usefulness. The six buildings on the north of the campus for students' homes, Jenks' Hall on the south, the Astronomical Observatory, the two wings of South College, and Pardee Hall in the centre, are the result of the busv toil of this administration. For some time toward the close of Dr. Cattell's labors, efforts had been made to build a gymnasium. The money had been raised by him and the building was in process of eredlion when Dr. Cattell retired. The building is 45 by 80 feet, is of brick, and is in the style of the gymnasium of the Van- derbilt University at Nashville. The side walls are twenty-one feet high, leaving a dis- tance of about thirty-four feet between the floor and the roof. There are galleries at each end of the interior of the building for the convenience of those who wish to witness the exercises, and many avail themselves of the privilege. The alumni dinners and most of the banquets are now held in this building. The students are under the careful training of Prof. Charles IMcIntire, M. D. , who takes a deep interest in the work. The basement is fitted up with bath-rooms, closets, lavatories, with every convenience which the principles EASTON, PENN'A. of hygiene could suggest. Towers set diagonally at each corner of the building make it as attraclive outside as it is useful inside. The building is beautifully situated on slighth^ elevated ground, just north of and between South College and Treasurer's building. The cost of the stru6lure is about fifteen thousand dollars. Professor Selden Jennings Coffin, Ph. D., was born at Ogdensburg, N. Y., August 3, 1838, and is the son of Professor James H. Coffin, LL. D., late professor in Lafayette College. He graduated with honor at Lafayette, in 1858, having been the English .sal utatorian. He taught for two years, and then pursued a full theo- logical course at Princeton, where he grad- uated in 1S64. He was licensed to preach the gospel April 20, 1864, and ordained by the Presbytery of Lehigh, January 6, 1874. From 1864 he was successively tutor, ad- juu<5l professor and Hollenback professor of mathematics and astronomy, until 1886, when by reason of a severe throat ail- ment he felt called upon to resign ; since which time he has served the college effi- ciently in the office of Registrar. Being quite familiar with the life-work of his father, he drew the charts and completed his posthumous work on the "Winds of the Globe." It was well for the scientific world that he had become so familiar with meteorological investigations that hecould take up the work where it was left, and prepare the report as he did and with such entire satisfatlion. On its publication, in 1S76, he received the degree of Ph. D. from Hanover College. He became Fellow of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Historical Societ)', and of the Moravian Historical Society ; presi- dent of his theological class, secretary of his college class, and has been for thirty years secretary of the Alumni Association in Lafayette College. In 1879 he pub- lished the "Men of Lafayette," pp. 358, 8 vo. In three campaigns of the war he was a<5lively engaged in the service of the U. S. Christian Commission, laboring in the field in the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers ; in 1S64, being specially appointed to establish "diet kitchens" in the command of General B. F. Butler. In 1S76 he was one of the commissioners appointed by the State to organize the educational exhibit of Pennsyl- vania for the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, in which his specific work was to arrange the exhibit from the colleges of Pennsylvania, and which he received complimentary mention. Selden J. Coffin, Professor and Registrar, Lafayette College. THE FUNDS OF THE COLLEGE. At the beginning of Dr. Cattell's administraton the capital stock of Lafayette was $66,671.41. At the close, a period of twenty years, it was $861,062.94. A large part of this invested capital is non-produClive : as the buildings and grounds, $446,435 ; apparatus. 326 THE HISTORY OF ^87,754; libraries and scientific collecftions, $40,266. The productive investments, dor- mitories and students homes, $67,726; houses for professors, $69,049. Amount of other investments at par value, $121,979. Total, $257,978. From these produDISON BALL.iRD, D. D., Professor of Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric. E ASTON, PENN'A. 339 President, was added that of Rhetoric. Dr. Ballard has also given Instruction, during these years, in Political Economy and the Constitution of the United States, and is Dean of the Senior Class. Some ten years since, Dr. Ballard began earnest efforts to assist in raising endowment funds for the College. In this he was from the first kindly encouraged by the Hon. John I. Blair, first by a verbal promise of 85,000, and later, October ist, 1880, by a conditional subscription of Sio.ooo, which, January 26th, 1881, Mr. Blair increased uncondi- tionally to the sum of $40,000, delivering the same to Dr. Ballard on the ist of March following. On the accession of Dr. Knox to the Presidency, at Dr. Ballard's request, Mr. Blair generously supplemented this by the additional gift of $16,000, for the purchase of the President's house. Toward the endowment of Dr. March's chair, in 18S1, and later. Dr. Ballard has succeeded in raising $5,960 — making in all $61,960. During the present year. Dr. Ballard has received an Honorary Degree as Member of the London Society of Science, Letters and Art. EX-PRESIDENTS OF L.^FAYETTE COLLEGE. John William Yeomans, D. D. In the spring of 1841 he accepted the Presidency of Lafayette College, remain- ing until the early part of the year 1845, when he became pastor of the Mahoning Church, at Danville, Pa. Daniel V. McLean, D. D. He was called to the Presidency of Lafayette College in 1850, and remained till 1857, when he again resumed the duties of pastor, ministering to a congregation in Plainfield, N. J., and later in Red Bank, N.J. Rev. George Wilson McPhail, D. D. In 1854 he was called to Easton as the first pastor of the Brainerd Church. In Oiftober, 1857, he was elefted President of Lafayette College, which place he occupied till 1863, when he resigned, and became connedled with Professor Saunder's Seminary, Philadelphia. Names of former members of the Faculty who were not Alumni of Lafayette College : Rev. Solon Albee, A. M., Tutor '52-'54 Rev. E. Thompson Baird,D.D.,Prof.ofChem. '45-46 Joseph Alden,« D. D., LL. D., Prof, of Moral Philosophy '53-'57 Arthur Latham Baker,»C. E., Prof, of C.T. E. Francis C. Blake, Tutor and Adjunct Prof, of Analytical Chemistry '77-'79 E. H. Barlow, A. M., Prof, of Rhetoric and Elocution ... '7o-'79 P. A. Brown, LL. D., Prof, of Geology . . . '37-'47 Rev. George Burrowes,'"' D. D., Prof, of Latin and Greek '50-'55 A. H. Canghey, A. M. Adjunct Prof, of Latin '75 A. B. Clemence, B. S. Asst. in Chemistry . . '8i-'82 Rev. William Cunningham, Prof, of Ancient Languages '37-'39 Thomas M. Drown, M. D., Prof, of Analytical Chemistry . ... '75 Wni. F. Durand, Ph. D., Asst. Prof, of C. E.'83-'8s Rev. J. R. Eckard, D. D., Prof of Rhetoric and History '58-'7' Robert Frazer, - A. M., Adjunct Prof. C. E . '72-'73 Samuel Galloway, A. M.,Prof.of Mathematics . '34-'35 Rev. J. P. Hecht, Prof, of Latin '4o-'45 C. H. Hitchcock, ■•■Ph. D., Prof, of Mineralogy '70 M. Hale Jones,"* Prof, of Jurisprudence . . . '75-'77 Rev. D.X. Junkin,»D.D.,Prof. Belles Lettres. '37- '42 James I. Kuhn,-- Prof, of Latin and Greek . . '32-'37 Rev. John Leaman,* A. M., M. D., Prof, of Natural History '58-'65 Rev. A. Linn, D. D., Tutor and Adjuna Prof.'54- '57 Rev. John Lloyd, Tutor '42 C. F. McCay,* LL. D., Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy '32-'33 Rev. Arthur Mitchell, D. D., Tutor '53-'54 JaniesC. Moffat, D.D.,Prof.ofGreekand Latin '41 Ed.S.Moffart,A.M.,M.E., Adj. Prof, of Mining '70 Samuel McCuUoh, Adjunct Prof, of Latin and Greek '39-'4o Robert W. Mahon, C. E., Ph. D., Adjuna Prof, of Chemistry and Metallurgy . . '82-'84 Rev. C.W. Nassaw, D. D., Prof. Prest.,'49-'50. '4i-'50 William Newbrough,-* E. M., Tutor .... '84-'86 Rev. Isaac G. Ogden, Tutor '52 Rev. H. S. Osbern,LL. D.,Prof.of Metallurgy. '66-'7o Frederick Prime, Jr., A. M. Prof, of Mining . '70-'8i Rev. Fred. A. Ranch, ■- Ph. D.,Prof. of German. '31 R. W. Raymond, Ph. D., Leaureron Geology '70 Rev. J. W. Richards, D. D., Prof, of German . '47-51 Rev. Alfred Ryors, D. D., Tutor, Adj. Prof. . '36-'37 Rev. Ale.xander Scott, A. M., Tutor 'S6-'S7 Rev. O.S. St. John, k. M., Prof, of Languages '46 Frederick Schmidt,* Prof, of German .... '35-'4o Theo. F. Tillinghast,* C. E.,Prof.of Civil Eng. '7o-'72 Joseph Torrey,«Jr.,A.B.,Tutor in Chemistry. '84-'85 H. F. Walling, C. E., Prof, of Civil Eng . . . '67-'7o W. F. Worthington,* U. S. Navy, Asst. Prof. .Applied Mechanics '79-'8i David P. Yeomans, M. D., Prof, of Cheraistry'4i-'45 - Indicates deceased. Names of former members of the Faculty who were Alumni of Lafayette College : Rev. Wm. Henry Green, D. D., LL. D., Tutor and Adjuna Prof, of Mathematics .... '4i-'44 David Moore, A. M., Adjuna Prof, of Latin and Greek '37-'39 Hon. Wm. S. Kirkpatrick, A. M., Dean of the Law Department '75-/7 Joseph Junkin, A. M '44-'46 David B. King, \. M., Tutor, Adjunct Prof. and Prof, of Latin '7i-'86 John G. Diefenderfer, C. E., Tutor and Adjuna Prof, of Modern Languages . . . '7,?-'83 Joseph Stevens, D. D '42-'42 Ninian Bannatyne, A. M '43'"43 Robert Newton, M. D '43-'44 ^ 340 THE HISTORY OF Joseph E. Nassan, D. D '46-'48 John Meigs, Ph. D '72-'75 James T. Doran, A. M '48-'48 Jefferson Snyder '72-'73 Isidore Loewenthal, A. M '48-'48 Francis VV. Edgar, A. M '73-'74 W. W. Cottingham, A. M '48-'49 Charles E. Burns, A. M '73-'74 \Vm. F. P. Noble, A. M '49-50 Nathaniel Taylor '73-'74 W. W. Cottingham, A. M 'S'-'SZ Wm. S. Sweeney, A. M '74-'76 Samuel R. Gayley, A. M '55-'55 W. H. Schuyler, Ph. D '74-'77 Edsall Ferrier, D. D '57-'58 J- R- Shimer,M. E '75-'77 Charles Corss, A. M '58-'6o E. S. Barrick, A. M '75-'77 Henry T. Lee, A. M '6o-'6i Allen P. Berlin, C. E '80 M. N. Appleget, A. M '63-'64 John W. Nute, C. E '82-'S4 Wm. Grove Meigs, A. M '65-'66 J. D. Updegrove, A. M '84 George T. Keller, A. M '66-'69 Elvvood A. Schultz, B. S '85-'88 Benj. C. Youngman, A. M '68-69 Robins Fleming, C. E '85-'88 John Boyd Grier, A. M '69-'72 Henry F. Marx, A. B '86-'87 Walter Q. Scott, D. D '69-'73 George D. Gable, A. B '87 David J. Waller, Jr., Ph. D '70-'/! Wallace McCamant, Ph. B '88 Ario P.iRDEE, philanthopist, friend of education, was born in Chatham, New York, November 19, 1810. Dr. Calvin Pardee, who was a surgeon in the Continental army during the Revolution, was his paternal grandfather. Israel Piatt, a captain in the same army, was his maternal grandfather. Mr. Pardee's ancestors on his father's side were French Huguenots, who came to this country in the early part of the seventeenth century. Mr. Pardee's engi- neering work began in 1S30, on the Delaware and Raritan Canal when he was twenty years old. He received a common school education, and having been diligent in study, prepared himself for teaching. He was for some time engaged in teaching, and, in 1834, was placed at the head of a surveying corps. In 184S he settled in Hazleton, Pennsylvania. Being located in the region of the great anthracite field he opened coal mines which proved very valuable. In 1848 he built a gravity railroad to Penn Haven, a distance of fourteen miles, as an outlet for the produtl of the mines. But in 1854 the Lehigh Valley Railroad was opened, which, with its improved facilities, caused the abandonment of the old road in i860. Subsequently he became interested in iron manufacture, and in 1888 was the owner of blast furnaces in various localities in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Virginia and Tennessee. At the beginning of. the civil war in 1S61 he fitted out a military company for the national service at his own expense, with which his oldest son, Ario Pardee, Jr., served and attained the brevet rank of brigadier-general on January 12, 1865. Mr. Pardee became interested in Lafayette College in 1864, and through the influence of Dr. Cattell, then president of the college, he gave $20,000 for the endowment of a professorship. At that time this amount was the largest sum ever given by one person to any educational institution in Pennsylvania. He soon increased his gift, until in 1S69, it amounted to jj2oo,- 000, and upon this basis was first established a new curriculum of scientific and technical studies. A new building being needed, Mr. Pardee for this purpose, made a further gift of $250,000, to which he afterward added $50,000 for its scientific equipment, thus making his donations the princely amount of $500,000. The building shown on another page was erected and called Pardee Hall in his honor. It was regarded when finished as the largest and most complete scientific college building in the United States. This building was formally dedicated in October, 1S73. It was burned in 1879, but was rebuilt with the same external appearance, and of the same size. Mr. Pardee is a director of several railroads, including the Lehigh Valley road. He is also an active officer in various charitable organizations. He is president of the State Board that has the oversight and control of the second geological survey of Pennsylvania. He was a presidential elecftor in 1876, and since 1S82 has been president of the trustees of Lafayette College. Mr. Pardee is always seen at the annual commencement of Lafayette, and excites the deepest interest by his presence. He is a man of deeds and not of words. He is a man of indefatigable toil, but makes no speeches. His name will ever shine among the benefactors of mankind. Hon. John I. Blair, was born near the banks of the Delaware river, on a farm near Belvidere, Warren county. New Jersey, August 22, 1802. He entered a store as clerk in the village of Hope (a Moravian town) at the age of eleven, and at eighteen years of age started in business as merchant at Gravel Hill, which place afterwards was named Blairstown, after Mr. Blair, and which has for the past seventy years been his home. While Mr. Blair has been engaged from time to time in various avocations, such as merchant, miller, cotton manu- facturer, banker, and connected with iron and coal companies, it is more particularly as an organizer and builder of railroads that Mr. Blair is noted. He entered the railway service October, 1S46, on the constru(5lion and financiering of the Owego & Ithaca Railroad, opened for business, December iS, 1849, During 1850-1851 he aided mainly to finan- cier and to build Leggett's Gap Railroad from Scranton to Great Bend, opened for business October, 1847. He raised the means to construct the Warren Railroad, and has been president from its organization, March, 1853, to the present time. He mainly aided and superintended the construction of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and a director from its commencement to the present time. This road opened for business May 16, 1856. He built with A RIO PARDEE E ASTON, PENN'A. 341 his own capital tlie Blairstown Railroad, a road eleven miles in length, connefting his home with the Delaware, Lacka- wanna & Western Railroad system at Delaware, between July 4, 1876 and July 4, 1877. He is direftor in the following railroad companies : Delaware, Lackawanna & Western ; New York, Lackawanna & Western ; Lackawanna & Bloomsburg; Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern ; Union Pacific; Sioux City & YanCton ; Sioux Falls & Dakota ; Chicago & Northwestern ; Chicago & Pacific ; Chicago, Iowa & Dakota ; New York, Susquehanna & Western ; St. Louis & Hannibal ; Bangor & Portland ; Kansas City & Southern ; Cayuga & Susquehanna ; Cedar Rapids & Mis- souri River ; Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul ; Green Bay & Stevens Point ; Warren ; Sioux & Pacific ; Iowa Falls & Sioux City ; Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska ; Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley ; Maple River ; Sussex ; Mount Hope ; and of the Iowa Railroad Land Company ; Missouri Valley Land & Town Lot Company ; Blair Bridge Company ; Sioux City & Iowa Falls Town Lot & Land Company ; and Fremont & Elkhorn Land & Town Lot Company. Mr. Blair is the only surviving corporate direftor of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, as he is also of many of the other railroads. He was one of the organizers of the Union Pacific Railroad, saving the road by con- structing the balance of the Cedar Rapids & Missouri River Railroad across the State of Iowa, thus securing a direft connection with Chicago ; without which connection the road would have proved a failure. He aided, with others, in persuading President Lincoln to locate the Union Pacific Railroad at Omaha. The success of the Union Pacific is greatly due to the labors and enterprise of Hon. Oakes Ames. With Mr. Blair Mr. Ames risked his fame and fortune to carry out this great enterprise, and the memorial erected to him on the highest point where the road crosses the Rocky Mountains will remain an enduring monument to his memory to the end of time. Mr. Blair delights to say that a more truly honest man than Oakes Ames never lived. Mr. Blair raised the means and constructed the Iowa Falls & Sioux City Railroad across Iowa to Sioux City ; also the Sioux City & Pacific Railroad ; also the Cedar Rapids & Missouri River Railroad ; the first road across the State of Iowa, often building fifty miles without seeing a house, and building 141 miles once in eight months, and raising a million dollars worth of rails for the Union Pacific when the road had little credit. He located and laid out on the vari- ous roads and in various states some eighty towns, many of which have since become cities ; the deeds of which con- tained the clause, by which the land was forfeited if spirituous liquors were sold on the premises, except for medicinal purposes. In 1886, when Mr. Blair was 84 years old, lie, in company with gentlemen from New York, went to Oregon, and searched diligently along the coast of that State for a good harbor, from which to extend a railroad to the interior of the State, and thus connect large mining interests with the sea-board. And from the coast he traveled more than a hundred miles into the interior to trace out a bed for the road. It is rare indeed that a man of his age can perform deeds of this kind. He told the author that he had no time to ride in the daytime. He would take the train at Belvi- dere at nine in the evening, and be in Buffalo in the morning. He would do what business he had in that city, and take the train at two o'clock p. m., and be in Chicago in the morning. He was a member of the National Republican Convention at Chicago, in 1888. He had just completed a railroad from Kansas City to his farm of 300 acres in Mis- souri, a distance of over sixty miles, paying every dollar of its cost from his own means. He had procured the coaches with which to equip the road, and had them transported to Missouri and from there he went to the meeting of the Convention ; at the close of the proceedings, again returned to his new railroad at Kansas City, finished up his business, crossed the country to Buffalo, and thence to Belvidere, where the writer saw him enter a car, and engage at once into business with the President of the Bangor Railroad, whom he met on the train by arrangement. It is not necessary to say that Mr. Blair is a thoroughly temperate man, and now at eighty-six, he reaps the benefits of plain, temperate manner of living. He early chose that plain, temperate way of life in which there is the least friction to the human organism, and found in it, in a practical sense, the germs of wisdom in whose right hand was length of days, and in her left hand riches and honor. He has made donations to Lafayette amounting to near seventy-five thousand dollars. THE WASHINGTON AND FRANKLIN LITERARY SOCIETIES. The Philomathean Literary Society was founded early (about 1830) in the history of the Pennsylvania Manual Labor Academy atGermantown. In 1831 some dissension arose among the members, the precise nature of which does not appear, and a few of them held a preliminary meeting, November 26th, 1831, the final result of which was the founding of the Franklin Literary vSociety. Afterwards (1832), the name of the former was changed from Philomathean to Washington Literary Society. These "Halls" have continued in friendly and stimulating emulation to the present time. The exercises of the weekly meetings are mainly the same as at first, viz., the reading of original essays and critiques, declamations, debates and original orations. They have occupied since 1834 the two halls on the third floor of South College, which they 342 THE HISTORY OF have elegantly furnished for their purpose, Washington the west and Franklin the east ; and their respedlive libraries the adjoining rooms. These halls, originally ample in size, have, in the recent growth of the College, become far too small for the comfortable accom- modation of the societies, and in 1880 they were transferred to the large and beautiful quarters in Pardee Hall, already described. THE BR.\INERD MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Brainerd Missionary Society was founded February, 1833, and named in honor of Rev. David Brainerd, the illustrious missionary who made the vicinity of Easton one of his stations. The society was organized with a view to promote a missionary spirit among the students, and its influence is seen in the moral and religious tone of the College as well as in the number of devoted men among the Alumni who have consecrated them- .selves to the work of foreign missions. Until the formation of the Christian Brotherhood, the daily prayer-meeting in Brainerd Hall was held under the auspices of this society, and also the system of Sabbath schools carried on by the students as superintendents and teachers, and now embracing not less than nine schools within a radius of foiir miles from the College. THE ALUMNI A.SSOCIATION. This Society, founded September, 1845, is composed of graduates of the College, and such of their classmates (who left College before graduation, and in good standing) as may have been elected. The obje(?ts of the association are to continue the relations of friendly and cordial intimacy which exist among students of the same institution, and to keep alive their interest in Alma Mater. Local sedlions are formed from time to time at remote points where a number of alumni are gathered. The annual meeting is held on Tuesday preceding commencement, when an oration is delivered, and the business of the society is transacted. THE CHRI.STIAN BROTHERHOOD. In late years, and particularly at the time of the great revivals in 1871 and 1873, large additions have been made to the number of professing Christians in the College, and there has been a felt need in this growing Christian community for a religious organization which should in some measure supply the place of a church as well as a Young Men's Christian Association. The Christian Brotherhood was organized in September, 1874, with this objedl in view. The following are the articles adopted at its organization : 1. The Christian Brotherhood of Lafayette College hereby established under the authority of the Board of Trustees, is composed of members of the College who are in good and regular standing in any Evangelical church, and who signify their willingness to join the organization by subscribing to the covenant 2. The Brotherhood has no authoritj' to administer the sacraments, or to exercise discipline over its mem- bers. Its design is,^;i/, to promote the higher Christian life among its members by a mutual watch and care, by praying with and for each other, and by living together in Christian love ; and secondly, to advance the kingdom of Christ in the hearts of others in every way that may be indicated by God's Providence. 3. The details of the management are left to the President of the Faculty, and to a Board of Counselors, consisting of three students from each class, who shall be elefted by the several classes the first Thursday- even- ing of each session after Divine service. The daily pra3-er-meeting in Brainerd Hall, together with the various Sunday-schools and religious meetings in the vicinity, which were formerly carried on by the Missionary Society, now come more direcflly under the auspices of the Brotherhood. E ASTON, PENN'A. 343 THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. The Natural History Society of Lafayette College was organized by Professor Porter, April 6, 1868. Its general aim is to encourage and advance the study of nature in the College ; its particular aim, to explore the vicinity (a district comprised in a circle with a radius of twenty miles, having Pardee Hall as its centre), to colle6l specimens for a mu- seum which shall present as full an exhibit as possible of the natural history of the districl, to make maps for illustration, and to gather Indian relics. Acquisitions from abroad are also received. The meetings are held on alternate Friday evenings during term time, at which papers are read, topics discussed, lecftures delivered, and donations for the library or collections received. Brief reports of these proceedings are published in The Lafayette. Its library al- ready contains a number of valuable scientific works, and its large and rapidly increasing collections are most valuable as a further means of instrucftion. The Society is constituted of active members eledled by ballot from the professors, students and residents in the neighborhood who have at any former time been connected with the College ; and correspondents, consisting of old members who have removed to a distance, and others chosen by an honorary vote. The Professor of Botany and Zoology is President of the Society ex-officio. THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. The Lafayette Chemical Society was organized by Professor T. M. Drown in Feb- ruary, 1875. Its membership comprises the instrudlors in the chemical department, and the students of the College interested in the study of chemistry. Its objecl is to supple- ment the regular work of College instru(ftion and study in this department, by encouraging and aiding students in independent original research. The professor in charge of the laboratories aids the advanced students in condu6ling their investigations, and regular weekly meetings are held, at which the results are presented to the Society in the form of papers, and the subjedls connected with them discussed by the members. Reports of these meetings are published in Tlie Lafayette. The funds of the Society are expended solely for the purchase of books and periodicals. A valuable library of books of reference is thus rapidly accumulating. THE SOCIETY OF PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING. This Society has recently been organized by Profs. Moore and Fox. Its obje<5l is the discussion of subjedls relating to these departments, but which cannot be fully discussed in the regular lectures and recitations of the classes. As soon as the enlargement of Jenks' Hall is completed, the Society will have a suitable hall for its meeting and extensive lab- oratories for original investigations in Physics, Applied Mechanics, etc. In addition to these Societies, there exists, among the students, a number of organi- zations ; some for physical exercise, as the athletic, base and foot-ball clubs, others for the cultivation of music, as the glee and quartette clubs, the College orchestra, and others of a mingled social and literary characfler, comprising the ten chapters of the Greek Letter Societies with affiliated branches in other colleges. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. 'N NO department of the municipal government of Easton was there more interest taken than in the Fire Department. All classes of citizens stood ready to make any needed sacrifice for the hour of trial and of danger. There are many of the older citizens who still look back with pride to those heroic days. The following history has been collated from old files of papers which have been kindly lent the author. A history might be written sufificiently extensive to fill a considerable volume, but only a com- prehensive abstract can be given. But it is pleasing to notice the gradual growth from the simplicity of early times to the elaborate completeness of the present day. And the same spirit of heroic enterprise and personal devotion to the public safety is visible now as when the "Rowmen" hastened to the burning building and arranged the lines to convey the water from the river to the scene of conflagration. THE HUM.^NE FIRE COMPANY NO. I. The Humane Fire Company was organized in Easton in 1797. The town at that time owned a hand engine, but had no company. The new organization applied to the Burgesses of the Borough, John Herster, Peter Ihrie and John Ross for the use of the engine. The house of Samuel Moore, near the Delaware bridge, had been burned, and the people thought it time to a(5l. It is pleasant to read the history of this com- pany and compare it with the present time. The first fire after the organization of the company was the dwelling of Mr. Batt on North Fourth street. After this conflagration they bought eighty feet of hose. This hose was carried in a square basket between the arms of the engine until it was consumed in the great fire of 1830-1. A most remark- able fact is that the company has not missed attending a single fire occurring in the Borough since its organization. The first officers of the company were : President, Abra- ham Horn, Sr. ; Secretary, Christian J. Hutter ; Treasurer, Jacob Weygandt. John Hers- ter was the Rowman, whose duty it was to form two rows of men from the river to the scene of the fire ; one row passed buckets filled with water to the engine, and the other passed the empty buckets to the river again, and when there were not men enough, women would take their place in the empty bucket line and do their part valiantly. On one occa- sion Miss Simmons, a daughter of John Simmons, stood in the Lehigh river and dipped water while the fire was raging and ice was frozen in the river at the time. Mrs. Sit- greaves, and Misses Erb, Cooper, Spering, Moore, Hays, Barnet, Young, and other ladies entered the line and aided in passing the buckets to and from the engine at a fire, Decem- ber 13, 1819. Another officer was a Guardman, whose duty it was to guard the goods taken from a burning building. In 1830-31 the company was remodeled under a new constitution, and the motto, "We Conquer to Save" adopted. The first engine house the company occupied stood between the Siegert residence and the Third Street Reformed E ASTON. PENN'A. 345 Calvin Horn. John Sciple. Geo. Mettler. Richard Knauss. Geo. Finley. OFFICERS OF THE HUMANE FIRE COMPANY IN 187O. Clinrcli ; and the next was on Church street, near the church. The company took possession of the house they last occupied in Centre Square, July 4, 1851, on which occasion an oration was delivered by Hon. A. E. Brown. Their apparatus consisted of a hydraulic engine, which had been used by the Northampton Fire Company, who pur- chased it in New York in 1832, a service hose carriage, built in Philadelphia, in 1846, and a parade carriage, which cost $2800, in 1849. ^^'^^ Humane received their first steam engine July 10, 1867, built at Philadelphia. This did not suit them and was discarded, and another was obtained from Clapp & Jones, Hudson, New York, March 13, 1870; this being too heavy for hand use, was exchanged by the firm for a much lighter and handsomer one, which the company retained until disbandment of the volunteer sys- tem, when it was sold to the city of Morristown, N. J. The officers of the company at the close of their service were : President, George Finley, who held this position for thirty-five consecutive years; Vice President, John R. Beers; Recording Secretary, J. J. Smith ; Financial Secretary, H. D. Osterstock ; Treasurer, William E. Hamman ; Trus- tees, E. H. Hamman, J. J. Smith and John J. Bishop. They did not disband when the Paid Fire Department came into being in 1879. They meet regularly once a year to revive the sweet memories of "Auld Lang Syne." The company will never disband, except at the stern call of death. 346 THE HISTORY OF The followiiij^ are the names of the officers and members of the Humane Fire Com- pany, No. I, at the time of the change from the Volunteer system to the Paid Department: Presidenl— George Finley. Trustees—]. J. Bishop. ]'ice President — John R. Beers. Recording Secretary — J. J. Smith. Financial Secretary— H . D. Osterstock. Treasurer — Wm. E. Hamman. Truslees—K. H. Hamman. J.J.Smith. Foreman — J. J. Smith. Assistant Foreman — George H. Freyberger. Engineer — John J. Bishop. Assistant Engineer — John R. Beers. First Stoker — J. D. Reaser. Second Stoker — R. P. Brotzman. GEORGE FINLEY Was born in Fasten, March 12th, 1S16. His father's name was Sam- uel Rush Finley, who was born in New Jersey. Prominent amongthe early settlers of Central New Jer- sey were the Finleys, who were of Irish descent. Among the prom- inent men who bore the name were Dr. Samuel Finley, Presi- dent of Princeton College, and Dr. Robert Finley, President of the University of Georgia. The for- mer came from Ireland in 1734, the latter was born in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1772. Mr. George Finley, of Easton, traces his an- cestry back to these early fami- lies. He learned the shoemaker's trade in his youth, but did not make it a profession. He was en- gaged as a barber for thirty years. For the last twenty years he has been engaged in supplying the public with the daily papers of New York and Philadelphia, and also the leading magazines of the day. He was elected President of the Humane Fire Company, Octo- ber 24, 1842, and served till April II, 1853. He was re-elected, Jan- uary 9, 1854, and still retains the office. He has thus been presi- dent of this company forty-five years, and served as Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, being the last to have that honor. Mr. Finley was married in 1840, during the unparalleled e.xcitement of the Harrison campaign. His wife is still living. He has had two chil- dren, both of whom are dead. Two grand-children survive. E. M. Alcott, C. A. Albright, J. R. Allabach, William Arndt, C. A. Bachman, J. W. Bush, E. A. Burke, J. T. Carney, H. C. Diehl, J. W. Garren, Valentine Gabert J. C. Hamman, P. H. Heck, T. W. Hildeb A. J. Knauss, I. S. Moser, Thomas Merter, E. S. Nungesser nd, Theodore Oliver. William J. Pohl, Robert Peacock, H. E. Purdy, G. W. Reichard, Charles Reaser. E. P.Shuler, \V. J. Semple, G. W. Snyder, Thomas Stoneback, E. A. Rinker, William H. Thomas, William H. Warner, Wm.H. Werkheiser, M. L. Werkheiser, Henry Weidknecht, S. C. Weidknecht. EASTO\\ PENN'A. 347 /-*sr THE PHCENIX FIRE COMPANY NO. 2. The Phoenix Fire Company was organized January 17, 1824, being the second fire company formed in our Borough. The old minutes of the company were swept away by a disastrous flood in 1841. The account from which we write was prepared from the recol- lections of the older members. The first officers of the company were : President, Alex- ander E. Brown ; Secretary, T. Ouiutus Hutter ; Foreman, Andrew H. Reeder. There were twenty-eight members of the company, exclusive of the officers. The first engine used by '• the company was built by Pat. Lyons, of Philadelphia, and George Luckenbach, of Easton, built the company's first hose carriage. On March 31, 1828, a committee, com- posed of A. E. Brown, T. R. Sitgreaves, A. H. Reeder, Chas. W. Mixsell and Sam- uel Shick, was appointed to draft a new constitution for the company. The same year a new engine was pur- chased, built by Joel Bates, of Philadelphia. In 1835, the company was reorgan- ized with Christian Butz, President, William iMellick, Foreman, John J. Otto, As- sistant Foreman. At this time the company consisted of forty members. March i, 1847, ^^^ ^'s*^ of officers was : President, John B. Odenwel- der ; Secretary, Sam' 1 Shouse ; Treasurer, C. F'. Siegert, and the company numbered over seventy members. The fire- men of that day tell with a good deal of interest the story of a fire that occurred on the evening of July 25, 1850. When the fire was first seen it appeared to be at Germantown, on Northampton street, and the firemen began to arrange their hose for that locality, and one of the companies aftually "attached their hose to a plug half-way down the hill," and ran to the further end of Northampton, and found the fire as far away as when they first started. They then thought the fire was on the Bushkill in the dire<5lion of Thompson's distillery. The noble fellows pressed on to the next supposed scene of disaster. But there was )io fire there. They began to think it might be a huge ignis falHits. But it still blazed in the darkness ahead. After a short consultation they con- PHcTiNi.K Engine Hoi'se. 348 THE HISTORY OF eluded it must l^e at Seip's, and away all started again ; arriving at vSeip's, tlicrc was no Jire^ except in the dim distance. The neighbors now told them it was only brush burn- ing on the blue mountains. All except the Phoenix returned. Amid all discouragements the boys pressed on to Nazareth and found the fire two miles beyond ; with redoubled zeal they pressed on, and arrived so as to render valuable assistance, which farmer Cramer hand- somely acknowledged. The fire occurred in a large barn filled with the results of har- vesting which had just closed. The distance was nine miles, and was run over, dragging their machine, in one hour and forty minutes. "A feat unparalleled in the history of any company within the bounds of any city or borough." They returned home in the morn- ing, tired, and somewhat wiser than when they started. They made up their minds to use horse power the next time a fire occurred in the country. They fixed a tongue to their engine and gave notice to people in the country, " that when they needed assistance at fires, to send a span of Jiorses, ready harnessed., and they would be on hand.^^ The com- pany occupied, for a number of years, a house which stood in the rear of the old County House. This became unfit for use, and a new brick building was eredled in 1858, on Ferry street, below Sitgreaves. It was built at the expense of the borough, and was handsomely frescoed and painted at the expense of the company. The dedication of this new house was the cause of a grand ball in Masonic Hall, 06lober 26, 1859, which was attended by all the notable people of the borough. In November, 1858, shortly after the completion of the house, the company purchased an alarm bell, it being the first one in Easton. The Phoenix Company was the first Easton company to purchase a steam fire engine, and after years of labor they succeeded in raising sufficient funds for that pur- pose. They sele6led a powerful engine of the Amoskeag make, and it arrived here in 1865, which was an occasion of grand rejoicing. A few years later they purchased a hose carriage, also of the Amoskeag pattern. Both machines were drawn by horses, and depended entirely upon them to draw their apparatus to fires. In order to pay the expenses of keeping the teams and driver they commenced the business of carting merchandise and sprinkling the streets, which paid all the expenses and left a balance in the treasury. They purchased the property at the corner of Sitgreaves street, adjoin- ing their engine house, and eredled in 1870, in the rear, a brick dwelling for the use of the driver. In 1876 they tore down the old frame which stood immediately in front of this dwelling, and eredled a handsome three-story brick building, making it a large and commodious residence. The Phoenix was an organization of which the citizens might well feel proud. Its members were faithful, adlive and vigilant, and where duty called most loudly, there they were always found, never shrinking in the hour of danger, nor faultering in the moment of trust. As citizens, none were more respecfled ; as fire- men, none were more honored. As the time approached for the incoming of the Paid Fire Department, the property of the company was sold (the city buying their engine), all bills were paid, and the balance remaining in the treasury, was distributed among the members in good standing, each receiving over $400. And the Phoenix became a thing of the past. The names of the presidents, secretaries, and treasurers of the company from its organization to the present time were : Presidents, Alexander E. Brown, Christian Butz, William B. Mellick, John B. Odenwelder, Charles Otto, P. M. Mellick, Charles H. Yard, George L. Fried, Benjamin M. Youells, and A. F. Heller. Secretaries, T. O. Hutter, E ASTON, PENN'A. 349 Abraham Bixler, Stewart Miller, A. C. Kessler, P. M. Mellick, and G. W. Wilhelm. Treasurers, T. R. Sitgreaves, William A. Bush, C. F. Siegert, C. W. Kinsey, Johu Reichard and C. B. Zulick. The ofBcers and members at time of disbandment were as follows : President— A. F. Heller. Vice President — Joseph S. Osterstock. Secretary— ]ohn Cummings. Treasurer— C. B. Zulick. Trustees— D. W. Snyder. " Robert Ballantine. " Benjamin Beatty. Foreman — Abram Bachman. Assistant Foreman — Joseph Zink. Engineer — John H. Reichard. Assistant Engineer — Robert Arnold. Fireman — Charles Arnold. Driver — Benjamin Beatty. Members — Benjamin M. Youells, Solan Mover. THE WASHINGTON FIRE COMPANY, NO. 3. The next reo-ularly organized company was the Washington Fire Company, No. 3, which was instituted January 25, 1840, and located in a building on Walnut, above Sixth street. From there they moved to a frame building on South Sixth street, between Ferry and Pine streets. The first officers were : President, W. L. Sebring ; Secretary, C. R. Lane ; Treasurer, John Await. Their first apparatus was the hand engine and hose which the Columbia, No. 2, solution. The Wash- service with this ap- 15, 1869, when they fire engine from the a cost of $4250, and the handsomest en- 1870 the company alarm bell from the pany, of Philadelphia. abandoned at its dis- ington members did paratus until Sept. purchased a steam Amoskeag Works, at which was considered gine in Easton. In also purchased an FairmountFireCom- They took passession of their brick house on Sixth street in 1862, which they occupied until their disbandment. Gift balls were very common during volunteer days, and the company had been very fortunate in an enterprise of this kind. They offered a number of prizes, the principal one of which was a house and lot, No. 1050 Washington street, and this was drawn by the company. This venture gave them a bank account of $7000. They took great pride in everything conne(5led with their house, and particularly with their reception room, which was fitted up regardless of expense. The furniture was elegant in design and finish, very costly, and was made by David Garis, of Easton. A life-size portrait of General Washington graced the walls. The members of the company still look with pleasure, mingled with sadness, at the happy hours spent in that pleasant and quiet retreat. They recall with pleasant emotions a banquet held in 1876. All the older members were present, and among them was a Mr. Dennis, who was eighty years old. He made the fleeting hours pass pleasantly alo-.ig by telling incidents of his early experience amid the dangers and excitements of fierce battles with the fiery storm, narrow escapes from falling timbers and bursting flames. Another very pleasant meeting is remembered when they received a delegation from the Fairmount Company of Philadelphia, who presented the company with the uniform and service horn of David N. Lyle, President of the Fair- 350 THE HISTORY OF mount, and the father of the Fire Department of Philadelphia. Various other articles were presented, among which was a neat frame enclosing the following lines : " When fire is cried aud danger nigh, God and the firemen is the people's cry ; When the fire is out aud all things righted, God is forgot and the firemen slighted." These relics are still in the possession of members of the company. The Washington had always been one of the best and most adlive fire companies in Easton, and from the central and elevated position of their house, were enabled to be among the first at almost every fire, no matter in what dire6lion or at what di.stance it might be. But the time for the change had come. The Volunteer Department, with its sweet memories and patriotic associations, was soon to be a thing to be remembered. The property of the company was sold. The city bought their engine, carriage and alarm bell, all of which the new department use, the bell being used at the Central Station. The debts were all paid, and the money remaining in the treasury was divided equally among the members in good and regular standing. Nelson Bishop was treasurer, who, at the final meeting, paid over to each member $160.89. Each of the members made presents to his fellow member. The business of the organization was done. The members rising, formed a circle, took each other by the hand, with the president standing in the centre ; the motion to adjourn sine die was sadly passed, and the brave Washington Fire Company was no more. In menwria duke. The following composed the company at time of disbandment : Prendent^]o\\n Dachrodt. T'rajr/,?^'— George Kutz. Mce Presidenf— Fred. Troxell. J^oreman—] ames Long. Secretary Henry A. Seibel. Assistant Foreman — Richard Tcnipliri. Treasurer—NeXson Bishop. Engineer— nf:\sor\ Bishop. Trustees— ]ohn Denninger. Assistanl—C\\a.T\es Warner. " Fred. Tro.xell. Fireman — Henry A. Seibel. Members— U. Theo. Lerch, Charles Schleicher, Conrad Boas, Peter Boas, Jacob Boas, Charles Fox, William Templin. THE SOUTHWARK HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. I. The Southwark Hook and Ladder Company No. i was instituted (as Southwark Hose Company No. 4) August 5, 1856. They were an independent company ; they rented the ground where Jacob Walter's feed store now stands on South Third street and erected their house among themselves — many of the members being carpenters by trade. They purchased the old carriage from the Southwark Company of Philadelphia and adopted their name. The first officers were : President, Thomas Dawes ; Secre- tary, William Osinun; Treasurer, William Barnet. On Sept. 12, 1869, they made application to Council to be changed to a truck company, which was granted, and Council purchased for them a hook and ladder truck, and built a new brick house on Lehigh street. The company had a very large membership of a6live men, mostly railroaders, and they did duty until April, 1876, when they disbanded, owing to the difficulty of seledling a chief engineer. The company reorganized again on June 13, 1876. It was always very active and efficient, and had the reputation of being one the best organizations in the department. E ASTON, PENN'A. 351 At the time of the change, from the old to the new department, the city government took possession of the truck, the company sold their effedls, settled their bills, and divided the balance in the treasury to the members in good standing, each of whom received $22.72. The officers and members at the close of their service were : President — Elisha Johnson. Vice President — Calvin Horn. Treasurer — William H. Troxell. Recording Secretary — Albert H. Gosner. Financial Secretary— Wovi^^xA Naylor. Foreman — Howard Barnes. First Assistant Foreman — Samuel Vannornian. Second " " John Bachman. Li6rarian~ChaT\es P. Diehl. Trustees — A. J. Bullman. " Herman Santee. " Charles Genther. .Mbert Green, George Grube. E. Johnson, William Kelly, Fred. Koch, Herman Santee, Honorary Member — John Mettler. MEMBERS. Arthur Tro.xell, Samuel Vannorman, John Leidy, W'illiani Laros, Edward Miller, J. H. Mebus, Thomas McCorniick, Savillian Otto, George Rice, Thomas Rice, William H. Troxell. THE KEYSTONE FIRE COMPANY NO. 5. The KeN'stone Library and Literary Association was organized June 2, 1856, and 011 June 2, 1857, they applied to Council to be recognized as a fire company, to take the house of the Union Hose Company, corner of Third and Bushkill streets, which had disbanded after a serv'ice of five years. The apparatus consisted of a carriage made by Charles Dud- ley, of this city, in 1852, and a hand engine. As soon as they were accepted by Council they had the old hand engine repaired and neatly painted, and gave a parade in honor of the event. The first offi- cers of the Keystone were : President, John A. Meeker ; \'ice President, W. C. Ackerman ; Secretary, D. W. Phil- lippe ; Treasurer, D. F. Davis ; Librarian, John Bixler ; Janitor, B. F. Seip ; Trustees, W. C. Ackerman, Henry C. Miller and A. J. Knauss ; Foreman of Hose, C. J. Able ; Assistant, John Crawford ; Engineer, H. C. Miller ; As- sistant, Chas. W. Meeker. They were among the most aclive of our firemen, and the first to adopt the uniform of the New York firemen, of red shirts and regulation hats. The war of the rebellion casting its dark shadows over the land, and calling for vol- unteers everywhere, the company, in April 1861, closed the building, and hung these words over the doors, "All Gone to War." For nearly two years their history is found in the war records of the Rebellion. July 29, 1861, the hose house was draped in mourning in memory of William H. Wilking, the first member of the company, and one of the first soldiers of the war. August 11, 1861, the engine house was again draped in mourning for A. W. Hays, secretary of the company. August 13, 1862, the members of the com- pany volunteered the second time, except three, and hurried to the front. When the boys returned, September 7, 1863, they petitioned Council to have their house repaired, which was granted. They refurnished it, and the Keystone felt at home again. In 1864 the company held a fair and festival to help raise funds for the Sanitary Commission, and 352 THE HISTORY OF sent more inonev for that purpose than an)' two companies in the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware, these three states being the ones that contributed to the Phila- delphia Fair. March 29, 1865, their house was again draped in mourning for thirty daj-s in honor of William H. Weaver, who early enlisted in the service of the war. In the same year the company petitioned Council for a new house, their petition was granted, and a house was built on Bushkill street. In March, 1867, they held a concert in Masonic Hall, the receipts of which enabled them to furnish their reception room very handsomely. In 1869 the company decided to raise funds for the purchase of a steam fire engine, and were successful in their efforts, purchasing an engine the following year from Cole Brothers' Works, at Pawtucket, R. I. The whole number of members had been 150. The num- ber of a^ be released by the master-key, of which there are two, one being held by the chief and the other by his assistant. This precaution is intended to prevent false alarms. (3nce, however, the department was imposed upon. It was during the Presidential campaign of 1884. A Dem- ocratic parade was passing through the streets of Easton, when suddenly an alarm of fire was sounded from Col- lege Hill. The firemen, as they came dashing down the street, almost ran into the procession, and even as it was, the people deserted the parade and followed the firemen. But there was no fire ; it was all a big joke. Some one, evidently not a friend to Cleveland, had slipped a key out of a cigar store on College Hill and given the alarm. The perpetrator of the joke was never discovered. The fine for a false alarm, maliciously sent, is $100. The life of the seven men continually at the Central Fire Station is not as monotonous as one might suppose. There is considerable work in conne6lion with the depart- ment that has to be done. The horses must be fed and cared for; the house and apparatus must be kept clean ; the batteries, wires and alarm boxes need careful attention ; and, in addi- tion to this, the sprinkling of the streets is part of the work of the department. The firemen, however, lead pleasant lives. The work is divided among them, and each does his share. They get up in the morning at 6 o'clock, when the horses are fed ; after breakfast the horses, harness and apparatus is cleaned. In the winter season, after all the chores are done, they amuse themselves in various ways. On the second floor there is a large room devoted to pastimes; in it is a billiard table, several tables for games, a library, and easy chairs. At 10 o'clock in the evening all retire, each in a cosy cot, arranged side by side, giving the room the appearance of a hospital. Before going to bed, each fire- man sets his rubber boots on the floor in front of his bed, and pushes his pantaloons down over the boot-tops, so that he can jump out of his bed into his boots and dress very readily. When an alarm of fire is given, it is sounded on a large gong, and the gas is turned up at once. Then follows a scampering scene. The men slide down to the first floor on the rails running along the stairway. To do this neatly requires considerable practice. An amateur would be apt to come down head first. By the time the men have come down stains, the horses are at their places, ready to be hitched up, the stable doors opened at the .same instant the rill has Sounded. 358 THE HISTORY OF Rushing to their Places. gong strikes ; the combustibles in the fire-box of the engine are set on fire at the same time by means of a gas jet always kept burning on the floor under the engine. It is a remarkable fa6l that the men may all be asleep, and in less than a minute after the gong is sounded they may be seen going out of the engine house with the horses on a dead nm and a roaring fire in the engine. At the Central Fire Station each day is divided into four watches of six hours each between the carriage drivers, tillerman and engineer. Some one is always on duty, just as a picket in the army. The watch has complete charge of the house. He counts the alarm as it strikes, when the chief is not present, and tells the men where to go ; he answers all telephone calls, receives all visitors, maintains all the rules and regulations of the house, sends out the patrol wagon when there is a call for it, notes down all supplies received or any work done by the department. A patrol wagon, used for ambulance and police ser- vice, is part of the equipment of the Central Fire Sta- tion. Its service is often called for, in removing people to their homes who have become ill or injured on the streets, or at any of the works about the city. The response to the telephone calls for the patrol wagon is made with as much alacrity as a fire call, and the hurrying of the wagon through the streets answering a call is a familiar sight. The wagon is equipped with a swinging stretcher, a box containing plasters, bandages, scissors, vascaline, liniment, hartshorn, camphor, etc. The horses used in the service are large, strong, fleet-footed, intelligent animals. It is considerable trouble to train a horse to leave his stall and run to his position under the swinging harness upon receipt of an alarm. Kindness and treating him to sugar and apples often aids in breaking a new horse to the busi- ness. At first a new horse is led quietly from his stall to the place he is expetled to run to when broken. The harness is adjusted on him and he is allowed to stand and become acquainted with the surroundings. This is repeated many times. Then he is led on the trot to his place under the harness, and the gong tapped as in an alarm. If he is an apt horse he will, as the firemen say "tumble to the racket" before many trials, and will not have to be led down to his place, but will go down on the run. Some horses have been trained in an hour. The big gray carriage horse, "Frank," of Engine No. i, was taught in about three or four trials. He has been in two different houses in the department, and his run changed to diflTerent stalls, but after a couple of trials he adapts himself to the new order of things. The attentiveness and alacrity of the drivers and the fleetness of the horses has done much towards the good record won by the department in quenching fires in their incipiency. If the drivers are not at their posts the department will be late in arrivins: at a fire. Harnessed in less than Six Seconds, E ASTON, PENN'A. 359 Tile Get-there Run. The fire service of Easton has been gradually improved since the organization of the present system in 1879, and at a cost felt but little by the taxpayers. The fire telegraph was introduced in 1880, with only six signal stations. There are now twenty-four signal stations. The quick hitching swinging harness was purchased in 1881 ; the Central Fire Station was built in 1882 ; the ele(ftric tower bell striker was introduced in 1882 ; the permanent tillernian was elected in 1883 ; the permanent chief in 1885 ; the steamerengineer in 1887 ; the rebuild- ing of No. I engine was done in 1887 ; the patrol wagon and extra horse were introduced in 1887 ; the portable handfire extinguishers in 1887, and the Hayes truck in 1888. More improvements are promised by the station- ing of an apparatus at the house at Twelfth and Spruce streets, in the Seventh Ward, the coming year. One of the interesting features at the Central Fire Station is the daily drill at 7.30 in the evening, when the gong is sounded and the men and horses rush to their places. The drill is witnessed every evening by visitors, at times large enough to be called a crowd. It is a custom among many to take friends visiting them to see this drill. No one ever goes away with- out speaking words of praise for the efficienc\' of the service. THE GREAT PARADE— SEPTEMBER 14, 1887. The people of Easton and the thousands of visitors who lined the streets witnessed the most imposing pageant ever seen in our city. At an early hour in the morning decora- tions were completed and everything was in readiness for the reception of visiting firemen and other guests. From every direcftion, in cars, carriages, wagons and on foot, people flocked into town, and by 10 o'clock the streets were literally packed with humanity, all waiting patiently for the start of the parade. The fire companies from a distance arrived on time, some of them marching to the Sixth street engine house, while others took their position in line at once after partaking of refreshments. The city never presented a more beautiful appearance, and the handsome decorations were a surprise to all, especially the visitors. Shortly after 10 o'clock the fire wardens of Morristown, the old Volunteer Fire Depart- ment of Easton, and the Easton city officials and Councilmen formed on Northampton street, right resting on Second. The first division formed on Main street, Phillipsburg, right resting on Union Square. The second division on North Front street, the right resting on Northampton streefc The third division on South Front and Ferry streets, the right resting at Front and Northampton streets. Some delay was caused by the non-arrival of one of the bands and a hook and ladder truck, and it was after 11 o'clock when the procession had fairly started. The following then was THE ORDER OF P.\R.\DE. Chief Marshall— Joseph S. Osterstock. Assistants — Adam Shiffer, J. Whit Wood, John Wendling and W. R. Francisco. 360 THE HISTORY OF Fire Wardens of Morristown, 48 inen. Cornet Band of the Marion Hose Company of Mauch Chunk. Old Humane Fire Company of Easton, 30 men. Old hand engine. City Officials, Select and Common Councils of Easton in carriages. FIRST DIVISION. Division Marshall — George W. Wilhelm. Assistants — Edward Kline and Thomas Carroll. Centennial Fire Company of Phillipsburg, 39 men, with Allentown Cornet Band of 14 pieces. This company had their engine and hose carriage. Jersey Hose Company of Phillipsburg, 26 men and carriage, and Sacred Hearts Cadet Flute and Drum Corps of 39 pieces under the leadership of Captain John Reilly. Reliance Fire Company of Phillips- burg, 30 men and carriage, and Easton Drum Corps of 8 pieces. SECOND DIVISION. Marshals — Isaac Smith and George H. Derr. Fire Police of Somerville, si.K men, under Chief Maxwell. Washington Engine Company No. 3 of Elizabeth, N. J., 53 men, with engine and Nichols' Band, numbering 25 pieces, and Fire Commissioners Drake and Terrell and Alderman Hamman. Washington Engine Company No. i of New Brunswick, N. J., 44 men, with engine. New Brunswick band of 20 pieces, and 25 guests of their city, includ- ing Aldermen Price, Atkinson, Kenny and Vandusen ; Postmaster Price, Recorder Housell, City Clerk Cook, and Freeholder Voorhees. Hook and Ladder Company of Bayonne, N. J., 45 men, with truck ; Van Housten Drum and Fife Corps, 20 pieces, and ex-Council- man Sleaman. Engine Company No. i, of Somerville, N. J., 40 men, with engine, 20 citizens and the Seventh N. Y. Drum Corps. Central Hook and Ladder Company of Somerville, N. J., 36 men, with truck. Lincoln Post Drum and Fife Corps, 20 men. Relief Hose Company, No. 2, of Raritan, N. J., 48 men, hose carriage, and Crescent Baud of same place, numbering 16 pieces and finel)' uniformed. Engine Company No. i and Hook and Ladder Company No. i, of Flemington, N. J., 60 men ; Board of Fire Commis- sioners of 8 men, and the Flemington Band of 22 pieces. Good Will Foundry Boys of Wilson's foundry, 18 men, with drum and old hand engine. Delegation Lambertville Fire Department. THIRD DIVISION. Marshall — Edward West. Aids — ^John H. Rowley, Edward Schurz. Burgess and Council of South Easton. Franklin Fire Company No. i, of South Easton, 48 men, hose carriage, steamer, and the old hand engine Pocohontas ; Bath Cornet Band, 20 men. A delegation of the Veteran Firemen's Association of New York City, 20 men. J. P. Teal, aged seventy-five years, the oldest man in the association, served 56 years as a fireman. Hud.son Fire ^Association No. I, of Bayonne, 70 men, steamer, and Quakertown band, 20 pieces. Reliance Fire Company of Bethlehem, 33 men, and hose carriage. Diligence Hose Company No. 2, of Bethlehem, 22 men and drum corps. Fairview Fire Company, Bethlehem, 24 men ; hose carriage decorated with ribbons made at the Bethlehem Silk Mill; Coopersburg Band, 21 pieces. Nisky Hill Hook and Ladder Company, 24 men and truck. Protection Hose Company of South Bethlehem, 83 men ; Bethlehem Cornet Band, 25 men ; hose carriage beautifully E ASTON, PENN'A. 361 decorated, upon which a boy and girl were seated, ringing bells. Phoenix Hose Company, Catasauqua, 53 men and hose carriage ; five carriages of citizens, with Pioneer Cornet Band, of Catasauqua, 24 pieces. Rescue Hose Company of Bangor, 28 men, one hose carriage, with Bangor Band, 12 pieces. Phoenix Fire Company No. 2, of Stroudsburg, 30 men, 25 citizens, consisting of Councilmen and other officers of Stroudsburg, with East Stroudsburg Cornet Band, 15 pieces. Good Will Fire Company, No. i, of Belvidere, 22 men. Hose carriage. Weir Cornet Band, of Belvidere, 25 pieces. Carriage contain- ing Mayor and Councilmen of Belvidere. Delegation of four from Allentown Fire Department, consisting of chief and three assistants. City Cornet Band of Easton, 20 pieces. Easton Fire Department — 38 men, 3 hose carriages, 2 steamers, i hook and ladder truck, I patrol wagon. Warwick Truck of Warwick, N. J. The procession moved over the following route : Up Northampton to Centre Square, thence to South Third street, down Third to L,ehigh, thence to Fourth street, up Fourth to Northampton, thence to Centre Square, thence to North Third street, up Third to Bushkill, thence to Fourth street, thence to Northampton, and out Northampton to Fourteenth and countermarch to Sixth street, where the apparatus of the visiting compa- nies were taken charge of by the committees and placed at the Central Fire Station. After depositing their apparatus at the Sixth street engine house, the parade came to a halt at 1.30 P. M. at the rink, where dinner was served the firemen and the citizens they brought with them. Twenty-five tables with a seating capacity for about 1,700 were put up and filled with meat, fruits, celery, bread, butter and other eatables. Between every two tables there was a keg of beer. As fast as the tables were filled the men began to eat, and by the time the last tables were occupied those who came in first had finished their meal and went out the back way to make room for the rest who kept pouring in the front entrance in a steady stream for over an hour. It is impossible at this time to estimate accurately the number who took dinner, but will probably not fall short of 3,000. As the guests passed out at the rear door they were served with cigars. All seemed to enjoy their dinner heartily. The animated scene, flecked with so many different colored uniforms, was delightful to one standing on the gallery, which was occupied mostly by ladies. Several bands took turns and drowned the clink and clank of knives and forks by music. At the close of the dinner order was restored and Mayor Chidsey delivered an address of welcome, speaking as follows : Visiting Firemen : We bid you welcome. The heart of Easton is yours to day. With each pulsation it beats a warm welcome. For we know that in such organizations as yours exist the noblest qualities to be found in man. Your purpose means self-sacrifice for others. Your motive, most praiseworthy as it is, impels to deeds that rival the bravest acts of history. Show me a true fireman and I will show you a true hero. . Amid flame and smoke, and often unrecognized by human eye, the fireman has many a time made himself a hero of the most exalted type. His aim is to destroy the destroyer, and to save both life and property from his ruthless grasp. To accomplish this he is alert, quick, daring, persistent. To accomplish it he turns away from business or pleasure, and whenever or wherever summoned, yields prompt and cheerful obedience. We honor him ! We thank him ! To him our people are ever ready to extend the hand of friendship, and to say, " We bid you welcome." 1886 — the last year of Easton as a borough — was made memorable to our citizens by Grand Army Day. The first year of Easton as a city is now made memorable by Firemen's Day. The one fittingly celebrated the past — for war is more than twenty years gone by. The other fittingly celebrates the present — for the foe you fight may attack at any moment. The fire fiend cannot be relegated to the past. He revels in surprises. He lies in ambush — wakeful, ready, fierce — through all time. As we appreciated the presence of the veteran soldiers on last year's gala-day, so we appreciate your kindly participation in this year's celebration. Both 362 THE HISTORY OF 1 111. (.ORNIiK OF Nt 1 llA.Ml' 1 M.\ September events will long be remembered b\- Eastoniaus, making two interesting epochs in their local history. It may sometimes be said, and truthfully, of the Mayor of even such a modest little city of ours, that — " He can and he can't. He will and he won't. He is damned if he does. And he is damned if he don't." But in the joyous festivities of to-day, let me assure you, we have no discordant elements. To my official adl of extending to you a formal welcome — a pleasant duty gladly undertaken — our people, without exception, will respond with one hearty and harmonious — Amen \ We are glad to see you. We thank you for coming ; and from the depths of the soul, we bid you welcome ! The visiting civil authorities were entertained at lunch by the Easton civil authorities, in Able Hall, in the afternoon. THE DECOR.\TIONS. The decorations were elaborate, exhibiting the best specimens of art and e.\quisite taste. Neither labor nor expense was spared to have Easton appear in her most beautiful attire. From the most humble dwelling, to the most stately mansions, all were gaily dressed. E ASTON, PENN'A. 363 From the Delaware bridge, on Northampton to Fourteenth street, stores, offices, and private dwellings and hotels were so beautifully trimmed as to elicit the admiration of all. All other streets of the city were so adorned as to give the expression of joyous welcome to our visiting firemen. Where all did so well, it would be unjust to speak of individuals ; and our space would not permit us to mention all who spared neither time, labor nor e.xpense to arrange the decoration fitting the occasion. There is one special feature of the decoration art which will be noticed. THE firemen'.s arch. The greatest success of the day in the way of decoration was the grand arch across Northampton street at Bank, the contribution to the occasion by the business men — including the three daily newspapers — between the Square and Fourth street. The almost entire unanimity with which the business men met their request for aid — all with but a few exceptions contributed — cheered the committee who had the matter in charge and the result was most gratifying. We have attended many celebrations, civil and military, in various cities, but never have we seen an arch more appropriate in design nor more faultless in erection. All our citizens owe a vote of thanks to the committee for their efforts to make the arch an honor to Easton. The arch spans the entire street from curb to curb. Two square piers, gray stone, ten feet square and eighteen feet high, on either side support a hook and ladder truck fifty feet long, the wheels resting on the piers, and the truck spanning the street. On each side of each pier in a niche for the purpose is a fire plug with a section of hose attached. The piers are appropriately decorated with banners, shields, etc. On the body of the truck, on both sides, is the legend in large letters, "Welcome — 1797 — Firemen," the date, 1797, being that of the organization of the first fire company in this place. The truck has four ladders, and underneath hang fire buckets marked " E. F. D.," axes, etc., the truck being fully and completely rigged. Over the centre of the truck is a United States shield, with a group of United States flags. The truck is supported with two eledlric gongs, one a vibrator and the other a tapper, which was sounded all day long. On the truck, on the seats of the driver and tillerman sat two firemen in the full uniform of the old Volunteer Fire Department. We might add though, as it is a firemen's parade, that the truck is painted the true fireman's color — red. The whole efifecl, with its per- fect elaboration of details was most satisfactory and gratifying and won on all sides strong expressions of praise. The arch was built by Simon P. Bachman, under the direction of Heller, the signist ; the electric bells being furnished by Knight, the electrician. So per- fect was the eSecft that the builder of the arch was negotiated with by a committee from Allentown with a view to its transfer to that city for its firemen's celebration the next week. INCIDENTS CONNECTED WITH THE PARADE. Chief Engineer Smith was presented with a purse by the business men of Easton, as a testimony of their appreciation of his valuable and faithful labors. The old Humane Company gave a ball at Masonic Hall, which was largely attended by the Easton people and visiting firemen. Barnet's orchestra furnished the music. In the afternoon the Fairview Hose Company of Bethlehem gave an exhibition drill at the Fair Grounds, and were awarded by the Directors of the Fair a silver trumpet. 364 THE HISTORY OF valued at $70. The drill consisted of military movements and was highly creditable to the company. When the firemen called at Abie's carpet store last evening to get the trumpet, where it was exhibited in a window, the Coopersburg Band, which accompanied them, gave Mr. Able a serenade. Among the visiting fire companies whose appearance occasioned special comment was the New Brunswick Company, who came here in excellent trim and brand new uniforms. During the dinner at the rink. Chief Engineer Willig, of the Hoboken Fire Depart- ment, presented to the Easton Fire Department a sloop rigged yacht about three feet long, which he made himself The yacht is an unique piece of mechanism and was on exhibition in Freeman's window. Two fire companies, with their bands, the Washington of Elizabeth and the Passaic of Paterson, remained over night as guests of the Easton Fire Department. At 9 o'clock the next morning Chief Smith and a delegation of his men escorted the visitors to the college grounds. President Kno.x, of Lafayette, met them at the entrance of Pardee Hall, where he made an address of welcome and complimented the Easton firemen for the efficient services they had twice rendered Pardee Hall. After a happy response by Alderman Pol- litt, of Paterson, Dr. Knox escorted the visitors through the buildings and grounds. The party, headed by their music, then returned to the Sixth street engine house, where refreshments were served. Later in the forenoon, in the presence of the visitors and numerous other strangers. Chief Smith gave an exhibition drill with his men and horses, The two companies attended the fair in the afternoon and left for home at 6 o'clock. The Hoboken company made an elegant turnout with their eighty-nine men and the Sixty-ninth Regiment Band of New York City. No feature of the parade was more interesting than the delegation of twenty men from the Veteran Firemen's Association of New York City, all of whom have grown old in the service. Central Hook and Ladder Company of Somerville, N. J., presented a fine appearance, and their marching was complimented all along the route. They were accompanied by Lincoln Post Fife and Drum Corps of Newark, N. J., one of best organizations in the State. There were in line eight drum corps, twenty-two bands, and not far from 2,300 men, as shown by the reports of the companies. Three companies and two delegations had no music. C. P. Diehl, the barber on South Third street, presented a silver-plated helmet to the Phoenix Fire Company of Stroudsburg, which was a merited compliment, as the men did fine marching, and with their brand new suits and black helmet hats covered with yellow chains and trappings, made an appearance second to none in the parade. The boys were accompanied by a number of prominent citizens, among them Judge Brodhead and ex-Sheriff March, Joseph Bowers and Robert Grnver. The Easton firemen were surprised by a visit from a party who came to present them on behalf of a number of unknown Easton ladies with a handsome silk banner. The presentation speech was made by Councilman Brunner. WELCOME TO THE NEW TRUCK. The new Hayes extension ladder truck, built for the Easton Fire Department by the La France Fire Engine Company of Elmira, New York, arrived here Thursday, July 19, E ASTON, PENN'A. 365 1888. The firemen showed their appreciation of so valuable an addition to their appa- ratus b)' turning out and giving the truck a royal welcome. At 7 o'clock in the evening the firemen, headed by the City Cornet Band of Easton, and the Junior Drum Corps of Phillipsburg, and followed by all the apparatus of the department, started from the Central Fire Station on their way to fetch the Hayes truck home. The procession moved down Northampton street to the Square, and thence down Third street to Washington street, where the truck was in waiting, it having been pre- viously unloaded at the Lehigh Valley depot and brought across the bridge. The truck was drawn by four gray horses and was decorated with bouquets of flowers. The engines and hose carriages were also adorned with flowers. After the parade had countermarched at Third and Washington streets, the truck was given the place of honor, and the line returned up the street to the Square. The side- walks were full of people who were all delighted with the fine display. In the Square a halt was made, when the firemen and apparatus, notably the truck, were inspected by the Fire Committee of Councils. A great, surging mass of people, had by this time gathered in the Square. At the instance of the Fire Committee Mayor Chidsey made a congratulatory speech to the firemen and the citizens. Among other good things, he told the firemen he was glad that they succeeded in getting their truck here without being annoyed by an injunc- tion. The audience appreciated the witty reference to the unpleasantness between the Third street people and the Lafayette Tra6lion Company, and applauded vociferously. From the Square the parade returned to the Central Fire Station, followed by many people, who lingered long examining the truck. Later in the evening a cold collation was served by the department to the mayor, city officials, councilmen, the band and drum corps, and invited guests, among whom were many firemen from South Easton and Phil- lipsburg. The feast was spread in the shed and yard in the rear of the engine house, all being pleasantly illuminated with Chinese lanterns. This was one of the happy events of the evening. The committee who got up the lunch comprised Firemen Elmer Stone- bach, John Yauch, James Caflin, Oliver Frauufelter, Joel Laros, Irwin Frey, James Calla- han and George Porter. THE HAVES TRUCK. The truck is quite a ponderous and attractive apparatus. The timber of which the ladders and frames are built comes from the Pacific coast and is known as "Oregon pine." The timber is light and strong, elastic as whalebone and contains no pitch. The iron work is heavy, and much of it is nickel plated. The wheels, which are very heavy, are painted in maroon, ornamented with gold. The body of the truck is painted in China white with gold striping and scroll work. The ladders are in natural wood, oiled and striped. The truck is supplied with an extension ladder, which when raised is at the highest point 65 feet from the ground. The first raise of the ladder, known as the aerial ladder, is 40 feet high ; it will sustain the weight of several men at the top when raised to a perpendicular. Among the other appliances belonging to the truck are eight other ladders, respectively 28, 26, 24, 20, 18, 16, 14 and 12 feet in length, pike poles, crotch poles, axes, crowbars, picks, patent door openers. New York hose hoist, fire extinguishers, leather buckets, lanterns, signal lamps, pitch forks, shovels, brooms, tool boxes and the like. The cost of the truck is $2,775. Its weight is 6000 pounds. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. ''ASTON was originally a part of Forks township. On September 23, 1789, an A61 of Assembly was passed eredling the Borough. The first secflion relates to its advantageous situation at the conflux of the Delaware and Lehigh rivers ; of the great improvements and increase in the number of buildings and inhabitants, and that the courts of the county are held in the town, as reasons for incorporation. Se6lion second ena6ls that the said town shall be eredled into a Bor- ough, to be called "The Borough of Easton" forever, with the following boundaries : Beginning at the black oak on the west bank of the river Delaware, being a corner of land of Andrew Kroup, running thence west five hundred and sixty-three perches to a post in the line of George Mes- singer's land; thence by the line of land late of Barnet Walter and others, south four hundred and fifty-three perches to a birch on the northwest bank of the Lehigh river; and thence down the same river by the several courses thereof; and thence up the river Delaware by the several courses thereof, crossing the mouth of the Bushkill creek to the place of beginning. Secflion third named the officers of the incorporation : Peter Kachlein, Henry Barnet, Jacob Weygand, William Raup, and John Protsman, to be Burgesses ; Peter Kachlein, to be Chief Burgess ; F'rederick Barthold, High Constable, and Samuel Sitgreaves, Town Clerk, to continue in office until the first Monday of May, 1790, and imtil others shall be elected in their place. Se6lion fourth enabled that the said Burgesses, freeholders, and inhabitants within the Borough aforesaid, and their successors forever thereafter, shall be one body corporate and politic, by the name of "The Burgesses and inhabitants of the Borough of Easton, in the County of Northampton," and by this name shall have a perpetual succession ; to buy and sell, sue and be sued, defend and be defended, in any of the courts of the Commonwealth. Section fifth prescribed the right of suffrage and manner of holding elections for officers. Se;7? tnn. appointed Messrs. Brnnner, Francisco and Riegel, who at once escorted D. W. Nevin to the chair, where the oath of office was administered by President pro toil. Hagenbuch. The newly elected president then assumed control of Council, and made a few remarks in which be alluded to the fact that he was the second voungest member of Council and that under the circumstan- ces he felt the responsibilities of the office to which he had been called, but he cher- ished the hope that the responsibility would be made lighter by the aid and co- operation of the members of Council. He said the first official acft he was called upon to perform was the administration of the oath of office to the members of Council. The members then subscribed their names to the oath and Council was declared duly organized and prepared to proceed to business. Mr. Wood offered a set of rules for the regulation and gov- ernment of the proceedings of Common Council. They were substantially those used in the Borough Council with such changes as the law governing cities made necessary. SELECT COUNCIL. Select Council met the same morning, April 4th, 1887, in the third story of the municipal building in Centre Square. On motion of Mr. John P. Ricker, I. A. Smith was chosen temporary chairman ; Mr. Smith took the chair. Mayor-elecT: Charles F. Chidse}- then came into the chamber with the Rev. Kieffer, of the Third street Reformed Church, whom he introduced to the members. Mr. Kieffer read the 144th Psalm and invoked the Divine blessing. Chairman Smith then stated that the nomination for Secretary /;7? /cw. was next in order. On motion, George Shiffer was ele THE SECOND WARD SCHOOL BUILDINGS, NORTH SECOND STREET. $17,000. This is one of tlie most substantial and convenient school-houses in the distridl. It was built by Mr. Charles Mclntire, architect and builder, under the direcflion and super- vision of a building committee, consisting of Dodlor Samuel Sandt, Edward F. Stewart and Aaron Seip. It is named McCartney. SIXTH WARD PRIMARY HALL. In i860 a Primary hall was built on the north end of the Seventh street school lot. This is a one-story, brick building, thirty-two feet front by seventy-two feet deep, contains three school-rooms, and was erected by Mr. Levi Bennet, contractor and builder, for the sum of $1,700. FIRST W.ARD BUILDING. In 1870 proceedings were instituted that had for their objedl the erection of a school- house in the First Ward. A lot 250x88 feet having been procured from the Lutheran congregation, at a cost of $20,250, the strudlure was forthwith commenced. The corner- stone was laid with imposing ceremonies, June 30, 187 1, on which occasion the Hon. J. P. Wickersham, Superintendent of Common Schools, officiated as master of ceremonies. The building was comi^leted and occupied in 1873. This school-house covers an area of E ASTON, PENN'A. 395 forty-eight hundred square feet, and in appearance presents a magnificence of strnclnre that ranks it among the finest school edifices in the State. It is built of brown stone, with trimmings of Ohio white stone ; is three stories in height, and covered with Mansard roof The first and second stories each contain four commodious school-rooms, with a comple- ment of recitation rooms. The third story consists of two general school-rooms and three recitation rooms. The main rooms are each of sufficient size to afford accommodation for THE TAYLOR BUILDING, MIITH I'DUKTH STREET. one hundred and thirty pupils. The several rooms are provided with slate surface for blackboard purposes, which, in the aggregate, cover an area of two thousand square feet. This building is heated by steam, has fire escapes, and is furnished with every conve- nience compatible with modern school improvements. It is beautifully located on South Fourth street, between Ferry and Spruce, and has elegant lawns north and south of it. The net cost of this building was $96,139.37. It is named Taylor. THIRD WARD BUILDIN'G. In 1872 the Board of Control purchased a lot in the Third Ward as a site for a school building. The erection of the building, however, was delayed until 1874, when the con- tradl for the same having been completed, the building was proceeded with, and finished in 1875. This school-house is a substantial brick edifice forty feet front by fifty-si.x feet deep; two stories in height, and modeled after a plan published in the "Pennsylvania School Architetlure." It contains one large school-room, with two recitation rooms on each floor, and is well adapted to the purposes of consolidated schools. The contract price of this building was $6,935, but, in consequence of sundry necessary additional expenses, its cost reached the sum of $8,650. 396 THE HISTORY OF SEVENTH WARD BUILDINGS. The citizens living in the extreme south-western limits of the borough, having repeatedly importuned the board to furnish their children with suitable and convenient school accommodations, and the Glendon Iron Company having generously proffered a lot at a nominal ground rent, as a site for a school-house, the board accepted the offered lot, and ere(5ted thereon in 1875, a neat frame school-house. This building is twenty-five feet front by forty feet deep, and one story in height. It contains one school room, with con- venient hat rooms, and is well furnished and properly ventilated. It cost $1,329. The next school-house erefted in this distric?t was commenced in 1876. This building is located in the Seventh Ward, at the corner of Twelfth and Ferry streets, on a lot pur- chased for the sum of $2,000. The building is a brick struciflure, eighty feet front by fifty feet deep, and two stories in height. The first story is divided into three school-rooms, two of which are designed for one teacher each, and the other, being a large room with a recitation room attached, is intended for two teachers. The second story having been arranged for the accommodation of two consolidated schools, is divided into two capacious rooms, with an accompanying recitation room for each. This building, in strudtnre, finish, and convenience of arrangement is complete, and refle6ls credit on the builders and the committee that supervised its erecftion. This school-house was eredled by a contract at a cost of $9,573, which, added to the expenses incurred by the improvement of the grounds, makes the entire cost $12,763.34. SCHOOL SUPERVISION. This district was probably the first in the State to inaugurate a system of school super- vision. The value and importance of this feature of school administration, were recog- nized by the school authorities of Easton, long before its incorporation into the general school system of the State. In Easton, the borough superintendency, as a distincft school office, was created and clothed with specific duties eleven years in advance of the estab- lishment of the county superintendency, and ante-dated even the existence of the State superintendency, as a separate and distinft office. The Rev. John P. Hecht, having been appointed superintendent of the Easton schools in February, 1843, was the first to perform the fundlions of the newly-created office. Mr. Hecht was a prominent clergyman of the town, and having undertaken, without compen- sation, to discharge the duties of school superintendent, devoted as much time to the interests of the schools as was compatible with his clerical engagements. In August, 1849, the Rev. Oliver S. St. John was elecSled borough superintendent at a fixed salary. Mr. St. John being otherwise disengaged, gave his attention exclusively to the duties of his office. In addition to the labor bestowed on the Easton schools, he devoted a limited portion of his time to the supervision of the South Easton schools. His administration was reformatory in chara6ler, and was signalized as a career of incessant and arduous labor. His success was visible in the hopeful condition of the schools, in the healthful acilivity of pupils and teachers, and in the growth of public interest in the Com- mon Schools. Mr. St. John's official connecflion with the schools of Easton continued until Atigust, 1853, when the present incumbent was elecSled. The general results of the present school system, as portrayed elsewhere, by Edward F. vStewart, Esq., are herewith given in part only. E AS TON, PENN'A. 397 Mr. Stewart, having a6lively served in the capacity of school diredlor for a period of twenty years, and having been identified with all enterprises of an improving and elevating tendency, in our school development, is capable of furnishing full and reliable informa- tion, touching the past and present history of our schools. Mr. Stewart says : " We note the following, as some of the fruits of the system : "/. The Effect on the Public Mi )id. — Public opinion has been revolutionized. Ani- mosity has, if not wholly destroyed, been allayed. The citizens feel proud of their educa- tional advantages. The public school is regarded as a powerful instrument in determining the future destiny of the borough. It no longer needs the law alone for its support. It is upheld by the arms of an intelligent community. It has the vigilant guardianship of an interested people. Hence the patronage is universal. Sele6l schools scarcely exist. The crowd of children, representative of every social grade, that throngs the public schools of this place, is indicative of the confidence manifested in the system. " -'. T/ie Effect Upon the Teachers. — The standard of teaching has been elevated. A drone can get no employment here. Appointments are made on the basis of qualification, and not on that of favoritism or poverty. Self-culture has been thus promoted. The system provides for the promotion of teachers, upon the condition of progress, as exhib- ited by increased efficiency. The interest thus awakened in the teacher has given life to the system. The zeal of the teacher has been infused into his pupils. The culture of the preceptor is shown in the advancement of his scholars. "j. The Effect Upon the Pupils. — The principle of progression is applied, as well to the advancement of the pupils, as in the promotion of teachers. The objetl is to elicit personal force. Individuality of charatler is carefully studied. The great aim is to train each pupil for the particular avocation in life to which he seems adapted." " The Public School system has been more fully developed since the establishment of the borough superinteudency. This is to be accounted for, because of the immediate intercourse between the superintendent and the teacher. The superintendent can visit the schools each day. He can see defecfls, and apply the necessary remedy ; can reprove the unfaithful teacher, and counsel unruly scholars. He can protedl the pupil from any injustice on the part of the teachers, and can advise parents as to the best methods of securing the progress of their children. In fine, he can closely watch the workings of the machinery, no matter how complicated, and keep it in regular motion, and accelerate that motion." FROM 1876 TO 1888. The above history of the Public Schools is from the pen of Superintendent Cotting- ham. The educational machinery during the last twelve years has moved along with its wonted smoothness. But there have been a few changes, and other important events, during these years which are of considerable importance. Prominent among the changes are those which affecft the High School, in its management and relation to the Grammar Schools. Until quite a recent date the High School course consisted of four years ; this has been changed to three. There was quite a class of pupils who did not wish to buy books for the High School course, and yet desired to continue their studies somewhat further than thev could in the Grammar School, and to accommodate this class, the studies 398 THE HISTORY OF THK FRANKLIN BUILDING, CORNER WALNUT AND NINTH STREETS. of the first year of the High School have been added to the Grammar Schools. Tlie studies are the same as before. There were those who felt fearful that the change would not give satisfa(5lion, but the result has not justified their fears. The High School is an institution which is held in high esteem by the people of Easton. The teachers occupy the front rank in the profession, and every department is taught in the highest style of the art. A change in the teachers is rarely made, and being thus permanent, they become familiar with the several departments, which is an element of success. The High School was organized in the early history of the Common Schools, and has been improved under the fostering care of the Superintendent until it stands unexcelled, if not unrivaled, in the State. Until recently there were two departments and two principals, but in 1882 the male and female departments were consolidated. The following is the personnel of the teachers : Senior and Middle Classes, B. F. Sandt, principal, teaching Greek and Latin. Senior Class, Miss Mary E. Mansfield, teaching Geometry, Botany, English Litera- ture, Civil Government, English Composition and Drawing. Middle and Junior Class, Miss Emma H. Hoagland, teaching Algebra, Natural Philos- ophy, Physiology, General History, Spelling, Writing, Drawing and English Composition. Middle and Junior Classes, Miss Susan R. Miller, teaching the same as above. Middle and Junior Classes, Jacob Mann, teaching the same. Middleand Junior Classes, Jos. Martin, teaching Algebra, Natural Philosophy and Latin. E ASTON, PENN'A. 399 SIXTH WARD BUILDING. In 1884 the Franklin school building was eredled. It is really the most convenient school house in the city. It is beautifully located at Walnut and Ninth streets, the grounds are ample, and the view from the building is very fine. In size it is 63 by 69 feet square, with an entrance on each side, and so constructed as not to need fire escapes. It will accommodate over four hundred pupils. The board has bought suitable land on Northampton street, near Ninth, on which to erect another building. teachers' institute. The Teachers' Institute has been a very important faa//irf/V poem, a parody on Woodworth's " Oaken Bucket," is still remembered by many people of Easton. Those who remember the the scenes he so graphically describes, still laugh as they recall the lines : THE OLD COURT HOUSE. How dear to my heart is Northampton's old Court House, And the scenes which fond memory brings up to my view, The Ash-heap, the Mudholes, and all the loose bo.xes, And the angles that loafers made odorous too. The circular railing, the iron-bound paling, And grove of horse chestnuts, so graceful and rare. Where fanciful Crinoline nightly was trailing Around the old Court House that stood in the Square. The eight-cornered Court House, the four-gabled Court House, The bill-plastered Court House that stood in the Square. O! there was the hydrant, and box that stood by it, Where topers oft staggered their "coppers " to cool. The door of the dark narrow entry was nigh it, That led to the bar, and the penitent's stool. The low ceiling court room, its cobwebs and paper In long graceful festoons, hung quietly there ; The Bar and the Bench, and the stove and its vapor, And back of the Jury bo.\, Mahlon's old chair. In the eight-cornered Court House, the four-gabled Court House, The bill-plastered Court House, that stood in the Square. Oh ! how shall I ever forget the old breastwork. Which blocked up two streets, from the travel and view, Its black-garnished gables, and time-honored belfry, And all its old windows, and its weathercock too. In vain you may tell me, of West Ward's fine temple, Or Green Lane's inducement to promenade there. My fancy reverts to the scenes of the "Circle," And the dear shabby Court House, that stood in the Square. The eight-cornered Court House, the four-gabled Court House, The bill-plastered Court House, that stood in the Square. No, no, the old Court House, I ne'er shall forget it For that costly jewel on top of the hill ; The county already has cause to regret it. And the taxpayers' pockets most certainly will. The Lawyers, and Judges, and Jury were puzzled To hear what a witness, or others would say. And those awful bad steps, leading down to the Major's, Some night, for a Coroner loudly will pray. The four-cornered Court House, the six-columned Court House, That cost eighty thousand round dollars "they say." HON. JAMES MADISON PORTER, LL. D. James M. Porter was born in Selma, one mile north of Norristown, Pa., January 6, 1793. His father was General Andrew Porter, an officer in the Army of Washington. James was the youngest son and received the rudiments of his education under the immediate care of his parents. He assisted his father in the land office of the State, as he held the office of Surveyor General. In 1818, the position of Deputy Attorney General of Northampton County was offered him. He accepted the position and removed to Easton. At the death of Samuel Sitgreaves, and election of George Wolf, he became the leader of the bar. In 1838, he was elected a member of the convention to reform the Constitution of Pennsylvania. He was a candidate for the presiding officer of the convention. The Whigs and Anti- masons had a majority of one, and Hon. John Sergeant was elefled by that vote. In 1843, he was appointed Secre- tary of War which position hefilled to the entire acceptance of all members of the army with whom he came in contart. 41^ THE HISTORY OF But wlit-n llie Senate nut, liis nomination was rejefted by a party vote, and he returned to Easton. In the fall of 1S41J, he was eU-cted a member of the Legislature. In 1.S53, he was elected President Judge of the Twenty-second Judicial District, composed of the counties of Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Carbon. He was a warm friend of Lafayette College, and was for twenty-four years a teacher without remuneration. He was for twenty-five years President of the Board of Trustees, and performed all the duties without pay. He was President of the Delaware Bridge Company, the Belvi- dere and Delaware Railroad, and Lehigh Valley Railroad. In 1S43, he received the degree of LL. D. from Marshall College, the only degree he ever received. HON. WASHINGTON McCARTNEY, LL. D., Was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvanian, on the 24th day of August, 1812. He was left an orphan when still in his childhood, and much of his future success in life depended upon his own feeble efforts. He attended the common schools until he was eighteen years of age. In 1S34 he graduated with high honors at Jefl'erson College, at Cannonsburg, Pa., and was appointed Professor of Mathematics in Lafayette College, at Easton, Pa., in 1835. Here he continued until 1836, when the faculty of his Alma Mater called him back, and he returned then to accept the Professorship of Mathematics and Modern Langua- ges, at Jefl'erson College. He remained there about one year, fulfilling the duties of that position with great satisfac- tion to faculty and students, when he again returned to home at Easton, and resumed the Professorship in Lafayette College. Here he remained until September, 1843, when he resigned, and applied himself to his professional duties, in which he was success- ful and popular. In September, 1844, he was again appointed to the same Professorship, in which he remained until 1846, when he again resigned. In 1849 he was appointed Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, which position he held for several years. Having applied himself diligently to the study of law, which lie had chosen as his profession, he was admitted to the Bar of North- ampton county, in January, 1S3S, and continued in the practice most of his life, with but few interruptions, caused by different calls to official duties. During the years 1S46, 1847 and 184S, he served as Deputy Attorney General of this county, for which his legal talent, his clear judgment, and moral integrity eminently fitted him. After his term of oflSce e.xpired, his power as a jurist, and his clear, honest judgment having become a matter of general comment, and the amended Constitution having become a law, under which the appointment of judges was left to the votes of the people, he was nominated and elected President Judge of the Third Judicial District in 1851. Prior to this period of his life, however, he had established a Law School, in which he prepared young men for the profession and practice of law, in which many of the legal minds which after- wards reflected credit on the Bar of our county, were formed and moulded for the work before them. In this enterprise he took great interest and pride, watching the development of the mental powers of his pupils with the same pleasure, as the enthusiastic gardener or naturalist experiences in watching the germing and unfolding of leaves and blossoms of a new and rare e.\otic. It became a success, accomplishing so much good, that in the year 1854, by special act of the legislature it was duly incorporated under the name of the " Union Law School." This school was kept in successful operation to the time of his death. In 1852 the honorary degree of LL. D. was most worthily conferred on him by Marshall College. In April, 1839, he was married to Mary E. Ma.xwell, daughter of the late William Maxwell, Esq., of New Jersey, with whose life, honest and patriotic, the local historian is familiar. Judge McCartney was one of the most influential agents in the establishment and support of our present excellent public schools. While Governor Wolf was the pioneer in the first movement for the introduction of free schools in our community, and will be remembered as long as our children reap the benefits of a free education, still those who so faithfully carried on and advanced the work, when the old Governor had retired from the stage of aftion, must be credited with the present results of so grand a projeft. The excellent High School, now accomplishing so much good for our young men and women, was perhaps created by him or his influence more than by any other. In April, 1850, an ACl of Assembly was passed authorizing the creation of a High School in Easton. Mr. McCartney, then an adfive member of the Board of School Direftors, lent all his energies to effeCt the passage of this aCl, and to him mainly was its succe.ss attributed. He was an nullior of rare ability. In 1SS4 be published a work upon "Differential Calculus," Washington McCartney, LL. D. E ASTON, PENN'A. 419 which was adopted as a text-book in many of our best colleges in the land, and met with almost universal favor among mathematical scholars. In 1S47 he published a " History of the Origin and Progress of the United States, " which was received by the learned, and endorsed by the press, as the best work upon the subject ever emanating from our press. As a lawyer he was equalled by few in his great knowledge of all professional lore ; cultured, refined, dignified, yet generous and unassuming, he was not only honored, but loved by all. In every good work, aiming at the good of the community or individuals, he was interested. Where a leader was needed in reformatory matters, he was engaged. Every moral or benevolent enterprise found in him a champion. Asa citizen he was kind, corteous, afiTable. Tender-hearted almost to a fault, want or suffering never appealed to him in vain. God-fearing and man-loving, he ever seemed to feel a deep consciousness of duty towards all. In July, 1856, he died ; died as he lived, calmly, peacefully, with the favor of his God, and the love of his fellow- men crowning his pale forehead with a halo of glory. The whole community mourned his loss, for he belonged to them all. The Judges of the Court, the members of the Bar, members of Council and School Board, teachers and scholars of the High School, faculty and students of Lafayette College, law students, members of beneficial societies, and a large concourse of people, men, women and children, followed all that was left of Judge McCartney, the friend of them all, to his last earthly home in the cemetery, where he sleeps to-day, still remembered by those that knew him then, as well as by those whom he benefited by his deeds, though never seen by themselves. HON. HENRY D. MAXWELL Was born in Flemington, N. J., December 5, 1812. He was prepared to enter college at fifteen years of age, but the death 01 his father compelled him to relinquish his cherished design, and bend his energies to aid in supporting his mother and a large family of children. He spent nearly two years in teaching in Pennsylvania, and then returned to Flemington, and commenced the study of law under Nathaniel Sa.\tun, Esq. He then went to SomerviUe, and con- tinued his studies with Thomas A. Hartwell, Esq., and completed his studies with his cousin, Hon. John P. B. Ma,\well, at Belvidere. He was admitted to the bar of Northampton, Pa., November 7, 1S34, and opened his office in Easton in 1835. He was admitted to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in December, 1836, and to the Supreme Court of the United States in 1841. Shortly after he opened his office in Easton, he associated himself in partnership with the Hon. James M. Porter, and continued in that connexion for several years. In 1848 he was appointed Deputy Attorney General for the county of Northampton, and again in 1849. In 1850, his health having been impaired by too close application, he was appointed by President Taylor Consul to Trieste in Austria, to which post he repaired, and con- tinued in the exercise of his duties for about one year, when he resigned and returned to his home and the pursuit of his profession. He continued in the discharge of these duties till in July, 1856. when he was appointed by Gov- ernor Pollock President Judge of the Third Judicial District of Pennsylvania to succeed his brother-in-law, the Hon- Washington McCartney, who had died. He was again appointed in December, 1856, and continued in the discharge of the duties of the important post till December i, 1857. Judge Maxwell left the bench with the kindliest feelings of all parties. He was among the purest, best and most learned of the Easton bar. Through his instrumentality a Young Men's Christian .Association was formed in Easton in December, 1856. He was Secretary of the Fire Insurance Company of Northampton county. Secretary and Direaor of the Easton Gas Company, and Direftor of the Easton Cemetery. He was for many years one of the Directors of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. He was also a mem- ber of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Vice President of the State Agricultural Society. He received the Honorary Degree of A. M. from Jefferson College in 1844. He died October 3, 1S74. THOMAS J. ROGERS Was a prominent man for many years in Easton. He was aftive in the militia and rose to the rank of general. He was proprietor and editor of a newspaper, and a prominent politician. He was a man of wide influence in this con- gressional distria. He served four terms in Congress. In 1831 he was appointed a naval officer in Philadelphia where he died. HON. PHILIP JOHNSON Was for twenty years a member of the bar in Easton. There are many who still remember his genial manners. He was born in Warren County, N. J., but later in life he removed to Mount Bethel, Pa. He was a student in Lafayette. After leaving college he went to Mississippi where he remained four or five years. He returned to this county, and in Easton pursued his legal studies under Washington McCartney, LL. D., and was admitted to the bar November 21, 1847. I" 1S48 he was eleded Clerk of Quarter Sessions. In 1S53 and 1S54 he was elected to the Legislature. In 1859 he was a member of the Board of Revenue Commissions of the State. In i860 he was eleCled a member of Congress, and was re-elecled in 1862 and 1S64. His third term would have expired March 4, 1867. Politically Mr. Johnson was a Democrat. Socially he was a genial, aflable gentleman. He was absent from his seat only a week when the House of Representatives was startled by the news of his death, which occurred in Washington, January 31, 1867. He was a popular man, and the news of his sudden death spread a gloom over Easton. There were solemn funeral services in the Hall of Representatives, his remains lying in front of the Speaker's desk. The sermon was preached by the Chaplain. His remains were placed in a vault to remain till brought to Easton. Having been a mason, the funeral services in Easton were conducted by that fraternity. He was buried in the Easton Cemetery. 420 THE HISTORY OF HON. WILLIAM MUTCHLER Was born December 21st, 1S31, at Chain Dam, on the banks of the Lehigh, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. His father was a farmer of the old school— frugal, industrious, conservative. The boys were trained to habits of industry, and when in 1S38, their mother was left a widow, the oldest two were able to help her carry on the farm. The subject of this sketch was but a child of seven years, yet at that early age he had to do his share of the labor. In the winter he went to school and in summer he worked on the farm and as a day laborer. He had made sufficiently good use of his time in the winter school to have as a young man a desire for knowledge, and he counted himself very fortunate to be able to attend the academy ot Dr. Vanderveer in Easton for two terms. Then he entered the law office of his brother, H. M. Mutchler, and studied law. From 1854 to iS6ohe was Deputy Sherififof the county, and in 1856 married a daughter of Sheriff Jacob Cope, of Nazareth. He took a very active part in politics as a young man and was a most earnest, consistent and uncompromising democrat, who soon became known as a tireless and able worker for the success of the party to which his allegiance had been given. By a majority he was elected Prothonotary in 1863 and served the county with such marked ability that he was renominated and elected for a second term to that important office. In 1867 he was appointed Assessor of Internal Revenue by President Johnson, and served until May 1869. In 1869-70 he was Chairman of the Democratic State Committee, and his conduct of that memorable campaign in this State won the ad- miration of politicians and gave him great prominence in the party Councils. He was eletted to the forty-fourth, forty- seventh, forty-eighth and fifty-first Congresses and his carefulness, clearness, wise conservatism and thorough knowl- edge of Congressional routine has made him conspicuous as one of the most useful among the working members. William Mutchler is a born political leader, thoroughly versed in State and national politics, conversant with the history of political movements and quick to grasp the points of the main issue of the hour. He is wise in counsel and in the diretlion of political work. His most prominent characteristic in public and private life is faithfulness. Stead- fast as a rock to his friends, to his party, and to his word, he is emphatically "a man to tie to." The frankness and sin- cerity of the man in all his dealings have made him hosts of friends in both political parties, and his great influence in his county and among his political associates is largely due to the fadl that he is everywhere recognized as a man to be trusted. In old Northampton he has never had any opposition for his party nomination to any office he has filled, and the fidelity with which he has discharged his public duties has vindicated the judgment of the people. His public and private life have been honorable to himself and has fairly won the respect and confidence of the community in which he resides. E A STO N, PE NN ' A . 421 MEMBERS OF THE BAR. The members of the Bar of Northampton County, residing in Easton, and in adii pradlice July 25, 1889, with date of admission to the Bar. Benjamin F. Fackenthall Nov. 21, 1846 Oliver H. Meyers Nov. 19, 1849 Edward J. Fo.\, Sr., BucksCo., Sept. 16, '45, . Aug. 15, 1853 William H. Armstrong, Nov. 23, 1853 \V. W. Schuyler, President Judge, . . . . April 23, 1854 Abraham S. Knecht, Jan. 26, 1855 Elisha AUis, Nov. 18, 1856 Calvin G. Beitel, Nov. 16, 1858 James W. Lynn Jan. 25, 1S62 William Beidelman, Nov. 25, 1863 Robert I. Jones April 24, 1865 William C. Edelman April 24, 1865 James K. Dawes, 06t. 5, 1865 William S. Kirkpatrick, Oa.5, 1865 Beates R. Swift . . .Jan. 17, 1866 John C. Merrill, Jan. 21, 1867 Howard J. Reeder, Judge Jan. 21, 1867 Henry W. Scott April 29, 1868 William Mutchler ... .June 23, 1869 Abraham B. Howell Feb. 2, 1870 George V. Wallace, Mays, 1S71 Francis H. Lehr Aug. 29, 1871 Robert E. James Nov. 20, 1872 C. Albert Sandt . . Aug. 31, 1875 Fennel C. Evans . Feb. 16, 1876 Quintus F. Ehler, ... Sept. 4, 1876 David W. Nevin, June 14, William C. Shipman Oct. 9, James W. Wilson, Ocl. 17, George W. Geiser, Feb. 22, Morris Kirkpatrick June 16, Matthew H Jones ... June 16, William Fackenthall ' ' ' . . . Aug. i5, Luther M. Fine, Oft. 20, Willis S. Hetrich March 15, Henry S. Cavanaugh, Aug. 23, Edward J. Fo.x, Jr., Dec. 13, George F. P. Young Dec. 21, Russel C. Stewart Jan. 3, James S. Downs, ... April 11, Henry J. Steel ' • May 16, Charles F. Walter May 2, Herbert ^L Hagerman Oa. 10, Aaron Goldsmith, Sept. 3, Frederick Green, 0&.. 8, George L. Xander Feb. 11, N. DuBoib Chase March 31, Orrin Serfass, July 16, Henry D. Maxwell, July 20, David M. Kuntz Aug. 14, Irwin S. Uhler Oct. 19, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. E NOW approach a different element of religions life from that described in the early stages of this work. One of the most remarkable men appears on the scene, a man more like Paul than any since his day. There was but one thought that moved his soul to a<5lion, and the whole world knows what it was. His devotion to what he felt to be duty leads us to accuse him of imprudence in unnecessary exposure of his health. His life was of but little account when he felt that duty called him. Every branch of the church honors his memory, and millions of true christians would gladly weep at his grave. He seems to have been sent into the world to let the light of pure religion shine in its simplicity and heavenly splendor, and teach the world a lesson not taught in the schools. Christians may dispute about do6lrines, but all true christians of every denomination approach the grave of Brainerd with uncovered heads and hearts touched with the tenderest emotions. He left Stockbridge, May 3, 1744, went through the wilderness to the Delaware, preached to the Indians, went through a wilderness to the Susquehanna, and returned to Massachu- setts and died Odlober 9, 1747. His ministry at the Forks continued about a year, and in this short period he made his name immortal. If we ask what Brainerd has done to give him such a place in history, looking over the field of his labor, some would readily answer — nothing ; but taking another view, the new spiritual impulse imparted to the church, and to individual experience, and to the spirit of christian missions, the pen of an angel cannot tell, it can only be told at the judgment. Did this remarkable man ever preach in Easton? has been a question in the mind of the writer since this work was begun. In the semi-centennial sermon of Dr. Sadtler (p. 26), he says : " Documentarv evidence shows that in 1745 and 1746 Brainerd resided chiefly at the Forks of the Dela- ware, and occasionally preached to the forsaken protestant Germans ;" and tradition says he preached on the hill where the old Academy now stands. There is one thing certain this self-denying apostle never waited for men to come to him, but at the risk of life he would go to them to preach the gospel. And the fa6l mentioned by Dr. Sadtler that the Germans were as sheep without shepherd would of itself lead Brainerd to Easton. The only house was at the point, Martin's ferry house. He preached on the other side of the Delaware, in truth, the whole region is hallowed by the recollecftions of this acknowl- edged messenger from heaven. His sun rose in glory and set at noon. His name will never be forgotten, but his memory grow brighter as years roll onward. " Brainerd built his cabin," and made his headquarters in what is now called Lower Mount Bethel town- ship, near the mouth of Martin's Creek. From this point, as a base of operations, he itinerated through the surrounding country, preaching sometimes to the scattered white settlers, but most frequently to the Indians. In 1794 the Union Academy was incor- porated mainly through the efforts of the English speaking part of the community. And E ASTON, PENN'A. 423 tliis building furnished a place where religious services might be held with some regu- larity. There is to be found in the records of the trustees of the academy, under date of July 21, 1798, the following minirtes : "Resolved, that permission be given the present English teacher in the academy to hold meetings for worship in said house at any time which shall not interfere with the schools ; he being responsible for the care of the house on such occasions." On Academy Hill the First Presbyterian Church was ushered into life, and became the mother of Presbyterianism in this region, and established the Eng- lish language for the future. The English speaking people met in the academy, entered into a convenant or agreement, and formed an organization to be called the " Easton Religious Society ;" "And do ordain and establish this Constitution for the good order and government of the same." This precious old document is still in possession of the Presbyterian Church. This Constitution consists of eight articles. The fourth article provides that Mr. Andrew Mein (the teacher in the academy) be requested to accept the appointment to officiate in the administration of the Divine funcftions until the twenty- fifth of March, 1799, with desire and permission to request and employ any person to his assistance that he may approve of. There were some very peculiar features in the condi- tions by which this teacher becomes acting pastor. The services were not to be too brief, nor too prohx, and the do6lrines were to be in the utmost purity. The records of this society were not kept, and we have no means of knowing the nature of its life for eleven years. The official records of the First Presbyterian Church begin with April, 181 1. The first entry is as follows : A number of the inhabitants of the Borough of Easton having convened in said Borough to take into consideration the most eligible mode of procuring a teacher of their children, and a preacher of the word of God in the English language, it was, after deliberation, thought most advisable to request the Presbytery of New Brunswick to grant them supplies for the ensuing summer, out of which supplies it was expedled one might be sele<5led for the purpose aforesaid. Dr. John Cooper and Mr. John Ewing were appointed a committee to present this request to the Presbytery of New Brunswick. They appeared before that body, April, 181 1. The petition was granted, and Mr. Stephen Boyer, a licentiate, was appointed to preach two years, as a stated sup- ply, to the English citizens in the Borough of Easton. After hearing Mr. Boyer preach, and his ministrations being acceptable, August 19, iSii, the people made out a call for his services at a salary of $400 a year. The call was subscribed by forty-seven persons. Mr. Boyer accepted the call. The Presbytery met in Easton, November 6, and ordained Mr. Boyer, November 7, 181 1, in the old German Church on Third street. He held his Sabbath service in the Court House, and taught a seledl class in the south room of the second story of the academy during the week. At a meeting of the congregation in the Court House, March 10, 1812, a proper organization was made by ele6ling John Green, Absalom Reeder, Benjamin Green, Benjamin Hinds, John Ewing, Samuel R. Finley, and Joseph Burke, Trustees; and on December 21, 1812, Thomas BuUman, Joseph Burke Samuel R. Finley, and Benjamin Green, were eledled Elders. As far back as 179S the trustees of the academy had given permission to the English teacher to hold services in the building. In 1798 a religious society was formed by the adoption of a constitution, and fourteen years later a pastor had been settled and the organization completed. This was the toiling of childhood, but it is very pleasant to look through the seventy-two years that have followed and mark the progress and the amount of work done. Mr. Boyer 424 THE HISl^ORY OF remained nearly three years and then removed to Columbia, Pa. Rev. David Bishop was the next pastor. The congregation felt they needed a house of worship and must depend upon them- selves. They built a church, and on August 22, 1819, it was dedicated to God. Thus the people struggled and patiently waited for forty-one years ; having been incorporated they now had a "local habitation and a name." In five years they found their church too small ; money was raised, the church was enlarged by an extension of twenty feet in the rear. And while these repairs were in progress the congregation was again welcomed to the old German Church on Third street. Colonel Thomas McKeen, in 1852, offered $4200 toward the ere r?^,\g?^. r DESIGN OF THE NEW LEHIGH V.^LLEV DEPOT. (From Architfcts' Drawiug. By S. Kind.) people shouted and sang to express their joy — Easton would be connected with the com- mercial capital of Pennsylvania — would be within three hours ride of Philadelphia. At half-past one the train arrived at the depot in Phillipsburg, where a procession was formed by the marshal and escorted over the bridge by the committee, consisting of H. D. Ma.Kwell, James M. Porter, J. N. Hutchinson, David Barnet and Samuel Wetherill. Andrew H. Reeder made the welcome address. There was never a happier throng on the banks of the Delaware. The Lehigh Valley Railroad was at first incorporated under the name of the Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill and Susquehannah Railroad Company by the A61 of Assembly April A'.^STON, PENN'A. 447 21, 1846. The subscription of stock was slow, and it was not until August, 1847, that a sufficient amount of stock was secured. At the elecftion of officers of the company James M. Porter was eledled president, Dudley S. Gregory, John S. Dorsey, John P. Jackson, Daniel Mclntyre, Edward Riddle, John N. Hutchinson, managers, and John N. Hutch- inson, secretary. On the 7th of January, 1853, the name of the company was changed to the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, and on the loth of that month James M. Porter was elected president. Asa Packer contracted to construdl the road, and on Nov. 27, 1852, began the deep rock cut at Easton. The road was completed and accepted by the company Sept. 24, 1855, and has become a very important one for business, connecting as it does, the coal region with New York and Philadelphia, and opening communication with the West. Ground is being broken near the southern entrance of the Lehigh bridge for the erection LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT. (Drawn by S. Kind.) of the finest modern depot in the whole Lehigh Valley. (See engraving.) Geo. W. Hayden, of Easton, contractor. The Lehigh and Susquehanna is the only line of steam railway whose tracks lie in the city limits. It extends from Easton to Green Ridge, two miles above Scranton. It enters Easton along the left bank of the Lehigh. The first charter of a portion of this road (Wilkesbarre to White Haven) was obtained as early as 1837, but a charter for the entire length was not obtained until 1863. The road was completed to a connexion with the New Jersey Central at Easton in 1865, and leased to that road March 31, 1871. In 1885 the old Fourth street depot was burned and a worn out passenger car was used as a ticket office and waiting room until 1889. The company has just completed a beautiful and commodious depot at the foot of South Fourth Street. (See engraving.) Geo. W. Hayden, of Easton, contractor. STREET ILLUMINATION. NTIL quite a recent date great or small cities knew nothing of lighted streets — darkness reigned supreme. Two or three hundred years ago the great cities of Europe were making efforts to obtain some relief from dark- ened streets, and in 1416 the householders in London were ordered to hang out lanterns in front of their houses on winter evenings This custom was in pracflice for three hundred years, but as no person was obliged to keep them lighted later than eleven o'clock, the remainder of the night was in total darkness. As these lamps were made of thin horn, very little light was afforded by them. Public lanterns were first thought of a little over two hundred years ago, and they were first introduced into Paris in 1667, and the introduction was hailed as a great event. The age of oil lamps came about the year 1762. It was not till 1807 that coal gas began to be used in lighting some of the cities of Europe, but the first attempt to use gas in the United States was at Baltimore in 1816, or 1821. It was introduced into Boston in 1822, and the following year it was used in New York. The early public lighting of Easton was obtained from fat, oil and candles ; whale oil, camphene and etherial oil followed each other in the efforts to dispel the darkness of the streets. EASTON GAS COMPANY. On March 4, 1850, by Aj. Removing of same, June 1889. (By Pach.) and destruction, and darkness was all around. Daylight only served to reveal that which made the heart sick, and brought sorrow and sadness to the beholder. The earnings that had been gathered slowly by years of hard toil and economy, were swept away in a few hours, and the man who felt that he had made some provision for the future was poor and penniless. No pen can describe the amount of misery produced during that fearful night. In the immediate vicinity of Easton, Messrs. Deshler, Day & Woodring, McKeen, Yohe, Rodenbough & Brothers, and others have lost heavily in lumber. Colonel Yohe, how- ever, sustained a heavy loss at his saw mill in the swamp, so that his whole loss may reach six thousand dollars. James McKeen suffered a loss in South Easton, and also in the 460 THE HISTORY OF swamp, so that his loss is very heavy, amounting perhaps to twenty or thirty thousand dollars. Day & Woodring had a large quantity of sawed lumber in their yard. What their loss will be has not been estimated. In short, the whole valley has been cleaned of sawed lumber and saw logs. Many of the poor boatmen passed through Easton, homeward bound, some barefooted, without coats, and in a very destitute condition, having lost their all in a few hours. About a hundred and fifty or two hundred tons of coal was swept away from Michler's coal yard, and what was left was literally covered with mud. Near the Lehigh bridge, in Easton, the water came through the streets, tore up the pavements and carried away the brick and ground to the depth of two or three feet. The brick wall at the end of the bridge was carried away. Of the bridge, the lower or floor timbers are VIEW UP THE LEHIGH RIVER AT EASTON. By S. Kind. (Showing new Leliigh Bridge. Suspeneiou Bridge and L. & S. Depot ) gone, with the flooring, and also some of the arch timbers, but most of these remain. Some of the posts and braces are broken, but most of these, with top plates and roof are still in position. The test upon that strudlure was very severe, but it remains in part, and has already been made safe for foot passengers. The houses along the river were all filled with mud and water. The fish market, near Mr. Sletor's hotel, was carried away, also Mr. Sletor's carpenter shop. A large stable was carried away from Snuff"town. Wolver- ton & Walter lost, perhaps, a thousand dollars in having grain spoiled. Drake & Hulick's loss will be, perhaps, ten thousand dollars, in boats, injury to goods, and various other ways. The number of dead bodies found up to this time is quite large, we suppose it cannot be much less than fifty, and doubtless many more will be found when the rubbish along the river shall be cleared away. In cases, whole families are gone. The heart sickens at the recital of this terrible catastrophe that has befallen the beautiful valley of the Lehigh." NAVIGATION OF THE DELAWARE, HERE was, at a time, a general belief that the upper waters of the Dela- 'I ware could be navigated b}' light draught steamers. The project was started by the building of the "Major William Barnet," in Philadelphia, in 1851. The steamer was to be at Easton on July 4th, but did not arrive. A large concourse of people from the country came to celebrate the event and see the pioneers of commerce on the Delaware. Many declared the people of Easton did not e.xpe6l the steamer, that it was merely a ruse to bring them in town and get their money, and some hard words were used. The steamer, however, arrived March 12, 1852. There was a jolly time at the "Forks;" visions of prosperity and wealth floated in the air. Judge Porter made a speech. Dr. Lilly, of Lambertville, answered it in eloquent terms. The day of prosperity was growing brighter. The company adjourned to the American Hotel, and Easton's hospitality was boundless, and writers of that day tell us the enthusiasm was wonderful and began to grow dangerous as the hours rolled on and the libations continued. The vessel made regular trips between Easton and Lambert- ville for a season, but at length was withdrawn and the enterprise abandoned. The river was too shallow and the danger too great. Later, a stern-wheel boat, "The Reindeer," attempted the enterprise, but she too soon left the field. "THE ALFRED THOMAS." During the summer of 1859 the public were given to understand that a small steamer, then being built at Easton, was to run on the Delaware, between Belvidere and Port Jervis, the distance between the two places being about sixty miles. For a large part of this distance there were no means of transporting produce on either side of the river. It was felt that such an undertaking would result in a great public benefit, and after mature consideration, Messrs. William R. Sharp, Alfred Thomas, and Richard Halcomb, were encouraged to proceed with the work. Mr. Thomas Bishop, boat-builder of Easton, was employed to constru6l it, and the engine was to be built by Mr. Wells, of South Easton. The steamer was to be fourteen feet wide, between eighty and ninety feet long, and of one hundred tons burden. Mr. William Parks, Judge Sharp, and William Thomas, made a thorough examination of the river, and thought all obstru6lions could be removed at a trifling expense, compared with the benefits to be conferred, by the completion of the undertaking. In the meantime the work on the steamer was progressing. There was a deep concern felt in the enterprise, which grew stronger from day to day. Its completion was watched with great interest by the many visitors at the place of building. On the i6th of January, i860, a short trial trip was made up the Lehigh, which did not prove satisfactory. Alterations were then made, which occupied some time, and on the 5th of March she was ready. She was named the "Alfred Thomas," after one of the proprietors. On the morning of March 6th, with the American flag flying from the upper deck, and with about one hundred persons on board, she steamed out of the boat yard, down the Lehigh to the out-let lock at Williamsport, through which she pas.sed after a little 46 THE HISTORY OF delay, and then out upon the bosom of the Delaware. At Keller's hotel, above the bridge, which she reached about noon, a stop was made, and many of the passengers got off. Between thirty and forty remained on the steamer with the intention of going to Belvidere, where many were waiting, with joyful anticipation of her arrival. The fol- lowing is a list of the names of those who remained on board : Benjamin M. Youells, George Abel, Samuel Yates, John Dehart, Eugene Troxell, Henry Metier, Arthur Kess- ler, David Troxell, George Shaeff, Valentine Schooley, Edward Mclntire, Samuel Shaeff, William Diehl, Richard Williams, Stewart Beatty, Joseph Weaver, Robert Burrell, Peter Bercaw, George Smith, John Clifton, of Easton ; Charles E. Buck, Charles Arnold, Judge William R. Sharp, William Sharp, Jr. , Mr. Carhart, Richard Halcomb, J. Depew Labar, 'f^^^ll -.^- s^rife^DiiMiir "ALFRED THOMAS" EXPLOSION. Reproduction of Chart. (By S. Kind. See same view, op. page) John Smith, Solomon Mclntire, Sheriff Sharp, Alfred Thomas, Frederick Michler, of Belvidere, and Joseph Losey, of Washington, N. J. The steamer was soon again on her way, but had to stop at the island to generate more steam to ascend the rapids. The engineer forced the pressure of steam to one hun- dred and twenty pounds to the square inch ; the boiler had been well made, but this pres- sure was too great, and it exploded with a detonation that shook the town and hills around, as if by an earthquake. The forepart of the vessel was blown into fragments, human bodies were hurled forty feet high into the air, others were torn in pieces, limbs were broken, and many shockingly bruised. The shrieks of the wounded and dying, and the half-suppressed wail of the assembled multitude was in sad contrast with joyous mirth heard but a few moments before. There were some strange incidents which even at present are of painful interest. One young man named Tro.xell, was blown up into the air forty feet, and received but an insignificant scratch. Mr. Carhart, of Belvidere, supposing his son was lost, became almost frantic, and fainted when he found him unhurt. BASTO.V, PENW-l. 463 Mr. Holcoiiib, of Belvidere, had the chain of liis watcli cut off close to the ring, and thrown upon the island, where it was found. Two young men assisting in a bateau, found a dead companion, and wept like children. George Smith was blown about sixty yards from the boat, and cut in a horrible manner. Stewart Beatty was thrown high into the air, toward the Jersey shore, fell into the water, and his body was not found till several weeks thereafter. A man on the stern of the boat, looking down the river, when he heard the explosion, remarked to a bystander, " they must be firing cannon in Easton in honor of the boat." Benjamin M. Youells had a leg broken in two places, and was other- wise injured, and after twenty-nine years, reminds the people of Easton of the "Alfred Thomas" by his limping gait. Judge William R. Sharp and Richard Holcomb, of Belvi- "S^^ ON THE DELAWARE AT BUSHKILL CREEK, 1S89. (Drawn by S. Kind.) dere, George Schaeff, fireman, and Samuel Schaeff, engineer, George Smith and Joseph Weaver, of Easton, were killed. Valentine Schooley, Samuel Yates, Henry Metier, and Arthur Kessler, of Easton, were mortally wounded. William Sharp, Jr., of Belvidere, and Stewart Beatty, of Easton, were missing. Those wounded were Benjamin M. Youells, Peter Bercaw, William Diehl, Robert Burrell, Edward Mclntire, Eugene Troxell, and Richard Williams. Peter Fisher, desirous of reaching his home in Belvidere, had just left the steamer before it exploded. An indescribable gloom fell upon the people of Easton. A meeting of the citizens was called, and all relief in their power was rendered the sufferers. This was the last of the "Alfred Thomas." THE BRIDGES. I ASTON' S first bridge was built across the Bushkill Creek, at Hamilton (now Fourth) street. The work was commenced in September, 1762, com- missioners Peter Kichline and John Moore being charged with its super- intendence. We may conclude that the frame-work was extremely heavy and ponderous, for fifteen and three quarter gallons of rum and one barrel of cider were required to assist in the "raising" of it. The cost of rum was four shillings and four-pence — about fifty-eight cents — per gallon, and that of the cider, fifteen shillings — about two dollars — probably including the cask. The bridge was of wood, and its total cost was ^262 i6s. gd. — or about $604.90. In the summer of 1792 this bridge was replaced by a three-arched bridge of stone, which served for travel up to the year 1873, when the present neat iron bridge was erecfted at a cost of $10,000. For many years the Hamilton street bridge had been the only means of passage across the Bushkill Creek, but had long been considered to be inadequate to the require- ments of travel ; and so a log bridge was built across the stream at Pomfret (now Third) street. This served for travel a few years, when in 1833, it was superseded by the present stone bridge, which was, doubtless, hastened by the establishment of Lafayette College, upon the opposite highlands — the corner-stone of the main edifice being laid on the Fourth of July, in that year. This bridge stands to-day apparently uninjured by its fifty-si.x years of service, and as strong and safe as when first completed. In 1881 broad walks and iron railings were placed on both sides, which not only makes it safe for pedestrians, but much improves it. It forms the principal thoroughfare of travel between the town and the college grounds on Mount Lafayette. The third point where the Bushkill was spanned by a bridge was at Front street, which gave another avenue of travel between the town and its northern suburb. This bridge is a solid, double-arched strudlure of stone, and was built in the summer of 1850. It remains uninjured by the hand of time, as perfect as when first completed. The first bridge across the Lehigh was commenced in 1797, and completed in 1798, by Abraham Horn, Esq., contra6lor. It stood at the foot of Third street, and was of wood, twenty-two feet wide, spanning the river by a single arch, two hundred and eighty feet in length. Either defedlive in plan, or workmanship, it fell in a few days after its con- strucflion. The loss fell on the contractor, but he had courage and good friends, and soon built another of three spans instead of one. This was supported by two stone piers in the river between the abutments. This bridge lasted till 181 1 ; when it was destroyed by high water, and replaced by a chain bridge in the same year. This bridge was sus- pended on four chains, hanging in two loops and two half loops, having two passways for teams and a foot-walk between, which was guarded by hand railings. This bridge remained for about twenty years, but having been pronounced unsafe, was removed and another put in its place, which during the flood of 1841 was carried away and another built E AS TON, PENN'A. 46= -^iS4«# upon the same piers and abutments. This was a covered bridge, like the present Delaware bridge, but was destroyed by the flood of 1862. The County Commissioners thereupon determined to build a substantial iron bridge. This had two carriage ways and two foot- walks. The street railway tracks were laid across it, counedling South Easton with Eastou. In 1888 it was pronounced unsafe and the Commissioners decided to build a new one. The new structure has just been completed. It was built by the "King Bridge Com- pany " of Cleveland, Ohio, and is one of the finest bridges in the State. It is sixty feet wide and nearly three hundred feet long, and cost $35,000. The bridge across the Delaware, connecting Easton with the New Jersey shore, was completed sufficiently for crossing, in 1806, though not entirely finished, and formally open, until the following year. It had been commenced in 1797, and was consequently ten years in process of eredlion, a time which seemed unnecessarily long, even to the people of that day, but which ap- ^ pears much more so to us. It is i ~ - -- ^ but just, however, to sa\-, that very much of the delay in build- ing the bridge, was due to lack of funds, and not to any short-coming of thearchitedl, Mr. Cyrus Palmer, of Newburyport, Mass. ; and that when completed, the structure was a very strong and substantial one, which in 1841, safely withstood the tremendous test of that great flood by which every bridge above Trenton, except this, was swept from the Delaware. And now, after an unmoved defiance of the frosts and floods of nearly ninety years, it stands there still, the same safe and convenient thoroughfare between the States, and apparently as firm and solid as ever. Its length between the abutments is about six hundred feet, embraced in three spans, divided and supported by two massive stone piers in the river. Its width is thirty-four feet. There are two foot-ways and a double carriage-way ; over which latter, the street railway track is laid, and the cars pass constantly over it, to and fro, between Easton and Phillipsbnrg — a kind of travel very remote from the contemplation of those who projected the bridge nearly a hundred years ago. The total cost of the bridge was $61,854.57, and the entire funds of the company then amounted to but $42,200, which was paid on its cost, but still left the company $19,654.57 in debt. The proceeds of the tolls paid this indebtedness in about six years. The bridge is now free to pedestrians ; the foot-toll having been stricken from the toll-list November ist, 1856. The western part of the city and South Easton are more than two miles apart by way of Third street bridge. People in these localities were for some time contempla- ting building a foot bridge across the Lehigh in the neighborhood of Tenth street. 'THE POINT' .■\ND THE DELAWARE BRIDGE ABOUT THE YEAR 1S30. 466 THE HISTORY OF The result of these deliberations was the formation of a stock company with a view to the eretlion of a suspension bridge. The company consisted of J. Peter Correll, Frank Reeder, J. Marshall Young, Thomas M. Lesher, John O. Wagener and David D. Wagener. A charter was obtained, the company was organized by the ele6lion of J. Peter Correll, President, and J. Marshall Young, Secretary and Treasurer. The capital stock was fixed at $30,000, par value of shares being $20. Plans and specifications were prepared by J. Marshall Young and submitted to Roebling Brothers, the architedls and engineers of the Brooklyn Bridge. A beautiful suspension bridge was in consequence construdled and duly opened August 30, 1886. The first who crossed the bridge, about the middle of August, were William Coyle, of South Easton, Frank Lesher, J. Marshall Young, and D. W. Nevin, of Easton. The bridge consists of two spans. The Easton span is five hundred and twenty feet in length, and the South Easton span four hundred and forty- eight feet six inches. It is ninety-three feet high, and was put up in one piece by Wil- liam F. Pascoe, and is the largest piece of complete iron work ever raised in the country. They were three days in raising it, and five miles of guy rope of one and a quarter inches was required. The view from the bridge is one of rare beauty, changing in grandeur at every step of our progress. We find, when crossing this lofty pathway while the winds are high, that there is music in the air. The railroad bridges crossing the Delaware and Lehigh rivers are among the finest specimens of engineering skill. The first bridge of the Lehigh Valley company was a two-story wooden stru(?ture, ere(5ted in 1856, and after a few years' use it was replaced by the present large and handsome iron one. The neat iron bridge of the Central Railroad Company was ere(5led in 1868, and runs parallel with that of the Lehigh Valley. At this time it is a single track bridge but is shortly to be a double track one. Abutments are being sunk for another iron bridge across the Delaware just north of the Central Company's, and intended to conne(?t the Lehigh & Susquehanna with the Belvidere branch of the Pennsylvania road. The bridge of the Lehigh & Susquehanna railroad crosses the Lehigh river from the Cut to the Fourth street depot, and is also a fine strucflure. The company are now making it a double track bridge, and otherwise improving it. All these strucftures appear interesting to strangers as they pass along our railroads, and they give Easton the title of "The City of Bridges." WATER SUPPLY. The Easton Water Company was incorporated by an A61 of Assembly, approved March 24, 1817. The first Board of Directors were George Wolf, President ; Nathaniel Michler, John Herster, John Green, James Hays, William Barnet, and Philip H. Mattes. The water was carried in wooden pipes from a spring on Chestnut Hill to a reservoir upon the high ground on North Sixth street, and thence distributed to hydrants in diflfer- ent parts of the town. This, however, was wholly inadequate to supply the demand, E ASTON, PENN'A. 467 and the inhabitants had still to rely upon their wells and pumps. Many of these wells were deep and the water foul. In consequence the company in 1840 ere(?ted new works on the Delaware river, above the mouth of the Bushkill, and with steam power forced the water into a reservoir on College Hill, and from thence distributed it through the town. This answered the purpose for a while, but as the borough grew it was found that while the water was sufficient the power was insufficient to supply the increased demand by growth of the borough beyond Sixth street, a new water company was incorporated by A61 of Assembly approved the 4th day of May, A. D. 1854, under the style and title of the West Ward Water Company, for the purpose of furnishing water to that portion of the borough lying west of Sixth street, and works were erecfled on the Lehigh, about a mile above the Third street bridge at Spring street. Their first President was Henry Keller. By a supplement to their charter, approved May 5, 1855, they were empowered to supply water in any part of the borough. Owing to financial difficulties another Acl of Assembly was passed the 20th day of March, i860, empowering the said company to mortgage their works, corporate fran- chises, rights and privileges, and providing that in case of a judicial sale under said mort- gage, all the estate, franchises, rights and privileges, shall pass to and vest in the pur- chasers at such sale, who were then to proceed and organize a company, and condu6l the works under the name of "The Lehigh Water Company." A sale was subsequently effected, and a company organized as contemplated by the acl. The first President was Charles Rodenbough ; Secretary, Henry Green. The works as already stated were located on the Lehigh, and the water was forced by a large engine and raised two hundred feet to a reservoir at Fifteenth and Northampton streets. The people for a long time felt that the Lehigh water was too impure for family use, and so loud were their complaints that the company in 1S81 made a change and erected new works on the Delaware. They have now two pumping stations and three pumps, one on the Lehigh and two on the Delaware. The one on the Lehigh is not in constant use, but held in reserve. The pump on the Lehigh has a capacity of 700,000 gallons in twenty-four hours, and those on the Delaware 2,000,000 gallons in the same length of time. The reservoir at Fifteenth and Northampton streets will be retained, at the same time a new one will shortly be built on Chestnut Hill at an elevation of 290 feet above the Delaware, which will supply the highest points in the city, and give it adequate force in case of fire. The company will also build a large settling basin at their pumping sta- tion on the Delaware, from which the water will be pumped clear of all impurities. In cases of freshets the pumping can cease, as the reservoir will hold a week's supply. The water for the fountain in Centre Square and for fire purposes is furnished free. The present officers of the company are — ^Joseph Rodenbough, President ; Jacob Rader, Secretary and Treasurer; Robert Rader, Superintendent. The office is in the northwest corner of Centre Square. EASTON OF TO-DAY HE CONCLUDING chapter of our history is at hand, but we find there are still several subjedls which we wish to dwell on briefly, and perhaps the most important of these is the formation of industrial associations, created for the purpose of advancing the business interests of our city. Re- cently there had been a lack of enterprise in Easton, its capital seeking investment elsewhere, which not only greatly retarded its growth in the building of dwellings, but industries of various kinds suffered that were needed to give employment to the young people inhabiting the western part of our city — the children of the mechanic and laboring man. Accord- ingly the first of these associations was formed in 1883, and succeeded in inducing Messrs. R. and H. Simon to establish a silk mill at Lehiclon Bridge, on the Bushkill creek, which gives employment to several hundred hands. This mill is engaged in throwing or twisting silk, a preparatory work necessary before it can be woven. This industry has been remarkably successful under the able management of the Simon Bros., and they have in contemplation the erecftion of a large addition to their already massive structure in the near future. After the association had accomplished this great obje6l it seemed to have spent its force and finally disbanded. In 1888 a more determined effort was made to introduce manufacftures of various kinds into the community. This resulted in the formation of the Easton Industrial Asso- ciation. The oflScers of the Association are — President, William Hackett ; Secretary and Treasurer, S. H. Hackett ; Directors, Harry G. Tombler, David W. Nevin, Henry A. Sage, Asher J. Odenwelder, J. Whit Wood, James W. Correll, William J. Daub, C. D. P. Hamilton, Jacob Raub, and Charles M. Hapgood. The Association began work at once. The Lawrence Organ Works needed an increase of capital in order to proceed in its business. The financial condition of its affairs was closely examined, a loan of $12,000 was nego- tiated, the plant placed upon a permanent basis, the buildings were enlarged and the business increased. First-class instruments are manufacftured here, for which there is a ready sale. This gives employment to twenty-five hands. The managing trustees, representing the subscribers, are William H. Hackett, William J. Daub, and William R. Francisco. The Easton Boot and Shoe Fadlory is a very important establishment, founded by this Industrial Association. It is situated on Butler and Sixteenth streets. The building is of brick, 127 by 38 feet, four stories high. There are fifty-five hands employed, turning out three hundred pairs per day. The most sanguine anticipations have been fully realized. The machines are driven by a fifty horse-power engine, thus giving power sufl!i- cient for twice the number of hands, and the prospe6ls seem to demand a large increase of workmen. The first floor is used for storing leather, and also for sole-leather cutting and the heel-making room. The second floor contains the offices, packing and shipping room, and treeing or dressing room. The third floor is used for bottoming and finishing purposes. On the fourth floor the upper leather is cut, and the stitching and crimping done. The views from the south windows of the fadlory are the most beautiful that the E AS TON, PENN'A. 469 eyes of the lovers of nature ever gazed upon, and no picftnres, executed by the old masters, can equal the grandeur of the scene. The interblending of mountains and rivers, hills and dales, the gentle curving of the Lehigh hills, pi<5lured upon the distant horizon, the whizzing of the railroad train, the slow moving canal boat, representing a period now passing away, in contrast with the steam power and ele6lric forces of the age following, present a picfture well worth a long walk to witness. Another industry is the Matteawan Felting Manufa6lory. The land has been pur- chased, the stock, $50,000, subscribed, and the work is in progress. It is situated in Odenweldertown, a suburb of the city, near the Lehigh. The foregoing enterprises is the work of these associations in this short period. Besides placing these establishments upon a sound financial basis a great deal of time was consumed in examining other industries that desired to locate here, but not accepted for causes best known to those who had the matter in hand. Caution is no doubt the proper course to pursue in matters of this kind, as the savings of the mechanic as well as the wealth of the capitalist is involved. These associations have been ably managed, and at this writing are making strenuous efforts to establish another industry which will place one more well-earned task to their credit. The Easton and Northern Railroad, which is now being constru<5led, will no doubt be of great importance to the material growth of Easton. This company consists of Easton men who have undertaken the responsibility of this important enterprise. The officers are- President, John T. Knight, of Easton ; Secretary and Treasurer, Fred. Green ; Diredlors, Henry A. Sage, Harry G. Tombler, General Frank Reeder, David D. Wagener, Jacob Walter, Samuel S. Mes- singer, Peter Brady, and James Smith. Messrs. Henry A. Sage, Harry G. Tombler, and Gen. Frank Reeder, are the Executive Committee to superintend the constru(?i;ion of the road. Chief Engineer, Peter Brady ; General Superintendent, James Smith. This road commences at or near \^" ''\§' ''? */ Sixth street, and ascends the Bushkill Valley, ■^^^mj^Ki^it^ " its terminal point to be at Ashland, Northamp- ton county, conne(?ling with the Bangor and Nazareth Railroad. The intention of the com- pany is to extend the road to Scranton in the no esident of Ihe Easton and South Easton Pas- distant future. HoW it will C0nne6l at Easton senger Railway Company, and Director of j ^^^ known and causes Considerable Comment. the Easton and Northern Railroad Co. .f^ The Home for Friendless Children was established in 1885, and opened April 6th. One of the most pleasing incidents in the history of Easton is the establishment of this charming retreat for the shelter of friendless and homeless children. The society first rented a house on Sullivan street ; this being insufficient, one was built on Washington 470 THE HISTORY OF street, near Fourteenth, on land donated by Mr. Theodore R. Sitgreaves. The building cost nearly nine thousand dollars, and was opened with sixteen children, March i, 1887. The ladies of Easton have entire control of the Home. This institution is supported by the gifts of willing and generous hearts. Children ushered into life without friends or the shelter of a home are taken by these noble ladies and tenderly cared for, guided and guarded through the helpless years of infancy and childhood, and prepared for the cares and toils of man and womanhood. It a pleasant experience to pass through the sleeping apartments kept so neatly, and notice the beautiful little beds made specially for children. "In as much as ye have done it unto the least of one of these, ye have done it unto me," steals sweetly into the soul as we pass through the apartments of this comfortable home of the little ones. There are no gifts more acceptable than those by which the home of tender childhood is maintained. Since the Home was established eighty-two children have passed through the hands of the Matron and Directors. These are the officers : Miss Kate Green, President. Mrs. William Firmstone. Mrs. Philip Pfatteicher, Vice Pres't. Mrs. E. F. Stewart. Mrs. H. D. Lachenour, Secretary. Mrs. Charles Stewart. Miss Ida Hay, Assistant Secretary. Mrs. Clement Stewart. Mrs. M. F. Titus, Treasurer. Mrs. Frank Michler. Mrs. J. S. Rodenbough. Mrs. William H. Armstrong. Mrs. B. H. Niece, Matron. The old buildings of Easton are slowly but surely giving way to the march of im- provement, and of the many interesting landmarks that Easton possessed a decade or two ago, only a few remain. It is only a matter of a very few years before the last one of these interesting relics, which connedl the history of the past with that of the present, will have passed away. The following are the most notable ones still standing : On the northeast corner of Ferry and Fourth streets stands an old stone house built by William Parsons in 1757, and is consequently 132 years old, being the oldest house in the city. It was at one time occupied by George Taylor, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. It is a historic residence indeed, and long may it stand to remind us of the stormy past. It is now owned by Col. Jacob Dachrodt. The next in age is the building now occupied by Schoch & Stecker, dry goods merchants, on the northeast corner of Centre Square, and was built by Henry Alshouse, who was Easton's first car- penter. On the west side of Second street, near Spring Garden, is a small stone house built by Hon. Samuel Sitgreaves, for a relative of his family. In Sitgreaves street, near Dr. Green's stable, is the first brick house built in Easton, and was eredled by the same gentleman for his colored man Cudjoe. On the south side of Spring Garden street, near Second, is a stone house in which John Penn, a son of William Penn, resided while hold- ing the office of sheriff in 1773-74. No. 142 South Third street is a very old stone build- ing, also the one located on the northeast corner of Second and Ferry, and the one on the northwest corner of Fifth and Northampton streets. The second jail is still standing, (and is now being used as a brush facflory) and the old cell from which Getter was led to execution may still be seen. E AS TON, PENN'A. 471 Among the many fine business and private edifices that adorn and beautify our city, some of which liave been ilhistrated in tliis work, the Able Opera House is one of the most conspicuous. It stands on the south side of Northampton street, between Third and Fourth streets. The front is 50 feet, and extends back to Pine street, a depth of 220 feet. The exhibition room is in the rear of the building, and is approached by a wide passage from the front entrance, with large and commodious store rooms on each side. This room is 50 by 120 feet, including the stage ; the ceiling is forty-seven feet high. The front hall in the second story, intended for balls and festivals, and known as Able Hall, is 50 by 80 feet ; the height of the ceiling is twenty-three feet. The hall in the third story is 50 by 80 feet, with ceiling of seven- teen feet high. The Parquet, Par- quet Circle, Dress Circle and Third Tier, will seat fifteen hundred peo- ple. The dressing rooms are in the basement. In 1872 Mr. Edward Able matured the projedl of build- ing this Opera House, which might be of great use to the public as a place of amusement and for public gatherings on special occasions. It was ere(fted at a cost of $120,000. It is now owned by a company, and is under the care and management of Mr. John Brunner. By common consent, it is still known as the Able Opera House, and we sincerely hope that as long as this mag- nificent temple of amusement shall stand, it shall retain the name of its liberal projector. EDWARD ABLE. We cannot close the History of Easton without a short resume. Its picfturesque location, with its grand and bold surrounding scenery, and its flowing waters, renders it at once attradlive to the eye, and impresses the soul with a spirit of romance, not usually felt when viewing an aggregation of house-tops alone. Its many spires suggest to the mind the principle that religious freedom reigns, and well it may, for here nearly all known denominations of religious worshippers are represented. The puff and the roar of the locomotive directs your attention to the railroad facilities — no less than sixty-four passenger trains arriving and leaving the city daily. The passenger for New York has his choice of three different routes over about seventy-five miles of rail, and will arrive there 472 THE HISTORY OF inside of three hours. He who wishes to go to Philadelphia has two routes, travels a distance of about sixtv-six miles and arrives there in less than three hours. A closer look, and we notice the webs of wires which, while they aid the business man and mechanic in rapid transit through the city by its eledlric motors, also illuminate the city at night, both in the houses and on the thoroughfares, making it almost as light as day, at the same time it recalls to mind the telegraph and telephone, only a small part of the network that circles the globe and renders couverse possible with the most distant nations. The numerous smoke stacks point out the various manufacftories of iron and brass for its varied uses, cordage for the rigging of ships that sail to distant lands, sawing and planing mills, marble and granite works, silk mills, organ fa(?tory, shoe factory, felt works, breweries, carriage, furniture, and many other industries. The eye also takes in the many rich mineral deposits, by glancing at the extensive lime and soap-stone quarries and iron ore mines. If also takes in the many educational buildings, foremost of which is Lafayette College, with its splendid Pardee Hall, most liberally endowed, and having a faculty equal to any other in the land and superior to most ; numerous large and commodious school houses with all the modern improvements for the education of the young, models of architedlure, and having a fine library, the accumulation of many years, being founded by an associa- tion in 1817 and deeded to the school department in 1864, showing the interest and pride taken in and the progress of education. Prominent also among all is the Court House and the gloomy walls of the county Penitentiary. The belfry on the building of the fire department suggest the improvements made in that branch of municipal progress ; the old hand fire engine with its volunteer firemen of but a few decades passed, is superseded by a paid department with steamers and electric alarms, and an abundant supply of water, making it almost impossible for the fiery element to make any headway. A view of the beautiful valley of the Lehigh, with its numerous serpentine tracks of railroads, and the canal runniug past the iron furnaces and cotton mills as far as Mauch Chunk, the centre of the coal mining industry, reminds you of the vast commercial enter- prises in coal, iron and cotton, famous throughout the whole land. A view of the modest Bushkill would hardly suggest the fa(5l that for its size few streams in this Commonwealth yield power for manufadluring purposes equal to it. Take another position and the eye rests upon the city of the dead — the Easton Cemetery — first opened in 1849, and now the resting place of over 16,000 who have gone never to return, reminding us that here end all worldly glory and ambition, here all are equal, the rich and the poor, the great and the small, the old and the young, all, all alike, turn to mother earth, and nothing to tell their different spheres in life but the stones ere6led to their mem- or\'. Few cemeteries in the country can equal this in grand and expensive monuments. We have now reviewed some of the most prominent features of our city, including scenery and commercial and manufa6luring facilities, the latter being the work of a pop- ulation of 11,924 in 1880, now 15,500 in 1889, composed of industrious, enterprising and sagacious business men, aided by those natural advantages which the founders of the city with their keen foresight at once comprehended. These advantages are not yet exhausted, in fa6l they are daily multiplying and are inexhaustible, the surrounding country is rich in soil and in mineral produdls, access to raw material for manufa6lurers is easy, and the capitalist who desires to invest his means in some enterprise need not "go West"; here is a large field, and an enterprising population to take him by the hand and give him E ASTON, PENN'A. 473 welcome. We say, come and see for yourself, for seeing is believing, and we are sure you will not regret your choice if you should sele6l our city for your permanent home and seat for commercial or manufacfturing operations. As a fitting finale to this part of our work we think it of interest and importance to put upon record as corre(5lly as possible the names of the principal business men and profes- sional people of Easton, who are thus adlively engaged at the close of the year 1889. In order to show future generations how our two principal business thoroughfares (North- ampton street from the Delaware bridge to Sixth, and Third street from the Lehigh to the Bushkill) were inhabited, we give them side by side — from door to door. Northampton Street, North Side,/rom Delaware Bridge to Second. Yeager, J, millinery Taniiewald, R, boots and shoes Parks, Mrs G, milliner Stinson, Mrs E S, millinery Hunt, E I, hardware Hoff, Mrs John, druggist Arndt, Mrs C A, shoes Buckman, W E, dentist, (up stairs) Major, L, novelty store Mansfield & Helms, wall papers Eckert, John, druggist Smith, J S, jeweler Goldsmith, Michael, notions Hellman Bros, notions Gulick, Peter, grocer Gould, Mrs S, fursrepair'd (upstairs) Northampton Street, North Side, from Second to Centre Square. Hammann, \Vm E, druggist Andrews & Nolf, dry goods Herst David, tailor, (up stairs) Young James McK, crockery Randolph, H, hatter Bunstein & Co, millinery Keller, \Vm H, pianos and organs Grawitz, Chris, art gallery Thatcher, I B, fancy goods Carpenter Allen, dry goods Goldsmith Bros, clothing Able, John, confectionery Geehr, F P, boots and shoes Clark, David, jeweler Kahn, E, art gallery Dunkel E, cigars and tobacco Maxwell, VVm, books and bindery Centre Square — North Side. Lee, Chas, laundry Mack, John, plumber, (basement) Easton Post Office Lehr V H, lawyer, I'up stairs) Phi Kappa Psi Club Hay, J & Sons, wholesale dry goods Seip, Amos, physician Easton Optical Co, (same building) Hackett & Chidsey, brokers " Long, James, residence Northampton Insurance Co Parks, Wm, barber, (basement) Stout, G W, lawyer, (same building) Chase & Mackey, lawyers, " Home Fiendly Society, " Chi Phi Club, Jones residence Detwiller, J J, physician Walters, W F, restaurant Steckel, Henry F, residence Hetrich, Mrs Josiah P, residence Easton Water Co Office Hetrich Willis, lawyer Northampton Street, North Side, from Third to Fourth. Adams, Samuel, fruit dealer Schoch & Stecker, dry goods Bush cSc Bull, ■ " Stout,JnoV, photographer, (upstairs) Meeker, C W, stoves, &c Bixler, Elwood, jeweler Moon & Co, boots and shoes Semple, Wm & Son, druggist Longaker, A B, lawyer, (up stairs) Uhler, I S, James, R E, " " Lynn, James, '* " Emmons, Thos, " " Americus Club, " Comus Club, " Rader & Bro, dry goods Kolb, Reuben, alderman, (upstairs) Martin, James, saddler Edelman, James A, fancy goods Hay Boot & Shoe Co Fox & Fulmer, jewelers Losey & Co, hardware Fraley, Jacob, leather Garis W E, furniture Central Hotel, A J Frankenfield, prop Bryson, Pennel, barber, (basement) Northampton Street, North Side , from Fourth to Fifth. Richards, Mrs E J, druggist Rosenblatt, M, peanut stand Daub Wm J, furniture Rosenbaum, Levi, millinery Hamilton & Co, boots and shoes Arner, Calvin, dry goods Fox, E J & Son, lawyers, (up stairs) Shipman, Wm C " Field Bros, physicians, " Penna. Telephone Office, " Ludwig, Henry, grocer Kinney John, eating house Riegel, M. J., bookseller Ackerman, T F, jeweler Bixler, Lewis E, toys Leidy G W, barber McCabe, Jas,photographer,(up stairs) Residence of Mrs. Clemens Lawall, C Son & Co, druggists Hoffman, W W, dentist, (up stairs) Francisco, W R, sewing machines Fritts, Misses, boarding Northampton County National Bank Fleischner & Poike, three cent store Lung, Sam, laundry Detweiler, O L, stenographer and type writer, (up stairs) Serfass, Orrin, lawyer, (up stairs) Rosenfelt, Lewis, tailor Gebhardt, C, plumber, (basement) Moser, Josiah, pianos and organs Sandt, C A, lawyer, (up stairs) Walter & Bishop, art goods Allis Elisha, lawyer, (up stairs) Merrill J C, lawyer, (up stairs) Singer Sewing Machine Co Miller S K & Son, hardware Northampton Street, North Side, from Fifth to Sixth. Felker, Chas, meat market Sweeny, Jacob, fish and oysters Hildebrandt, Paul, saloon Barnet, George, grocer Newman, Andrew, saloon Collmar, Chas U, physician Young, G H, alderman, (same build'g) Shrope, L S, insurance, " Fulmer, John, guns, &c Leidy, Thomas, cigars Mayer, B D & Co, dry goods Knecht &VVeisenbach,real estate agts Breininger, A, barber Koehler & Moyer, veterinary surg'ns Eichman, Chas, restaurant Rice, Geo W, Northampton Street, South Sidejrom Delaware Bridge to Second. Gaetano, Vilacchi, peanut stand Carey, John J, segars Laugel, Adam, boots and shoes Spitznagel, F, meat market Balliet, Ray, barber Keeley, Mrs J C U, coffee house Sherrer Bros, gent's furnishers Jacoby A, clothing Garnier, A B, general store Magee Bros, wholesale store Correll, Jacob, tailor Berry, Misses, boarding house Gerver House, Robt. Gerver, prop Curren, Thos, saloon Rice & Arnold, oysters Gilroy, H.shoe store Michler, E E, grocer Cummings, Chris, saloon Levy, J & Co, clothing Knapp, William, barber Otto, Mrs E, confectionery Goldburg, L, clothing Runyon. Thomas, liquors 474 Mebus, Henry, boots and shoes Bush, William, jeweler Noithanipton Street. South Side, from Second to Centre Square. Norton, H M, stoves and tinware Barberev, Chas, peanut stand Riegel & Tinsman, dry goods Heil, John, boots and shoes Seip, H F, dentist, (up stairs) Osterstock, Jos, stoves and tinware VVeller it Honey well,den'st (up stairs) Vogel, E D, stationer Correll. Peter M, boarding Pollock, John, brush manufacturer Knecht, A S, lawyer, residence Wilking, Jacob H, boots and shoes Garis, C W, furniture Becker's Peo|)lesTea Co, ( VV Carling) Black, Daniel, tinware D. Black and H Kinsey residence Hazzard, Wm H, paper hangings Fraunfelter, Frank, fruit dealer Seitz, C E, gent's furnishings Brown, VVm, book binder, lup stairs) Reese, Jacob, merchant tailor. Centre Square— South side. Heller, Maria, millinery Residence of Miss Heller Warne, M T, residence Deichman, A S, Seitz, Fred. Dinkey, Mrs R. " Kalish, William, clothing Hertz, John C, dentist, (up stairs) Jacobus, Peter N, physician U. S. Express Otfice Adams Express Office Green, G B, bowling alley, (base'nt) First National Bank Osterstock, John, hardware Garren, Jacob, oysters, (basement) Kirkpatrick,\V&M,lavv'ers:up stairs) EastonBesinessCollege(CLFree) " Hoftmeirer, S B, photographer, Stewart, W G & Son, wholesale notions Bissell, G M, barber Lee, Chas, laundry Kichline, Geo E, insurance Boyd, T S, billiard hall Police head'ters and council chamber Northampton Street, South side, from Third to Fourth. Conklin, D W & Co, grocers Meyer, Joseph, segars and tobacco West, Geo W, job printer, (up stairs) Orr, Matthew, dry goods Freeman, Nat, merchant tailor Flemming, Miss E., residence Apple, DrSS. Easton National Bank Hasbrouck&Kloffenstein,mer. tailors Goldsmith, Isaac, cigars and tobacco Goldsmith, Isaac, residence Laubach, Wm & Son, dry goods Walter, Chas, lawyer, (upstairs) Weaver, John A, druggist Armstrong Wm H, lawyer,(upstairs) R C Pyle, insurance, " Downs, James S, " Clio Social Club, Solomon, Jacob, clothing Miller, Horace,signpainter,(up stairs) Leidich Herbert, barber, (basement) Able Opera House Shinier, Peter& Son, merchant tailors THE HISTORY OF Walter, Win, restaurant, (basement) | Sage H A, liquor merchant Able, Edward, carpet dealer I King, Theo F, dentist, (up stairs) j Knecht, Frank, photographer, " Stern, Max & Bro, millinery Goldsmith, Simon, clothing j Davenport, G, hair dressing(up stairs) Heller, J B, physician, " '■ Wolfe, D S, cigar manuf, Northampton Street, South Side, Fourth to Fifth. Odenwelder, Asher, druggist Gardella, Victor, peanut stand Mack, F W, painter, (up stairs) Friedlich, Moses, gent's furnisher i Wolslayer, J O, boots and shoes ! Bixler, C W, jeweler Mack, E B, stoves and tinware Eschenbach,G W, umbrellas lup st'rs) Anglemeyer, Jeremiah, hardware Lindemann, J H, bookseller Edetman, W E, lawyer, (up stairs) i Franklin House, G B Ccse, prop ' Gardner Bros, clothing Pyatt, David, crockery VVoodring, Richard A, hatter I Kunsman, Wm H, dry goods Laugel, Adam, boots and shoes Detweiler, W C, dentist, (upstairs) , Lawall, Lyman H, dry goods I Washington Clothing Co [ Serfass, J J, physician, (up stairs) , Weaver, VV Stewart, hardware | FreytagBros,mer'nt tailors, ( up sta'rs) ^ Young, G F P, lawyer, Roll, M, cigar manufacturer, " Swan Hotel, S J Treat, prop Kemmerer, Benjamin F, grocer Knecht, A S, lawyer, (up stairs) Howell, A B, '■ Miller Jonas, segars i Woolworth & Getman, 5c & loc store Everhart, S, boots and shoes Garbarino, John, peanut stand Fackenthall, Howard, physician Northampton Street, South Side, from Fifth to Sixth. ShifTer, Boyer & Co, hatters Mayor's and City Treasurer's Office Steckel, Leopold, saddlery Fenicle Thomas, alderman Levy, Lyman, clothing Pickel, Andrew, merchant tailor Cottage Garden Hotel, S A Reichard Caramella, Luie, peanut stand Taylor, Zach, furniture Sei'bert, Geo, carpet, yarns, &c Spengler, Aaron, druggist Creveling, F, paper boxes, (up stairs) Siegfried Bros, bakers ! Mt Vernon Hotel, Edw Jacoby, prop South Third Street. IVest Side, from Lehigh Bridge to Lehigh. Heck, Geo & Philip, coal dealers First Ward Hotel, J A Reichard, prop Weisel, C, fruit stand Diehl, Chas P, barber Hawk, Henrv E, flour and feed Lovell Manufacturing Co Hughes, J, saloon Siegfried, Jos, Jr, segars and tobacco Wcapple & Co, boots and shoes Daub, Theo G, grocer South Third Street, U^est Side, from Lehigh to Ferry. Cavanaugh, James, physician Schwechten, H R, bakery Genther, John, butcher Sommer, George, saloon Paxton, J M, agent King & Rezzo, fruit store Stein, Mrs John, oysters Weidknecht, H & S, butchers Koch, Fred, saloon Stengelin, Mrs Anna, stoves Balentine, James, cigars Ziegenhorn, Henry, merchant tailor Behens, C, shoemaker Kepler Tilghman, tlour and feed Roesch Louis, boots and shoes Stier Philip F, residence Bachman, Chas, druggist Kilian, Mrs K, confectionery Schoch, Howard, jeweler Shellenberger, H H, grocer South Third Street, West side. Ferry to Centre Square. Crater, Jos & Sons, wholesale produce Snyder, Daniel VV, confectionery VanAllen, D D, paper hanger Garren, A L, restaurant Bowman, John, cigars and tobacco Fraunfelter, Frank, fruit stand Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. (F VV Bell) Rinek Bros, rope store Stewart, RussellC, lawyer, (up stairs) Fine, L M, Hagerman. H M " Shawde, E H, insurance. Brown, John, tailor, Cornell & Michler, grocers Drake's Sons, wholesale grocers Williamson & Co, brokers, (up stairs) Brown, John, slate operator, " Barnet, H C, Cavanaugh, H S, lawyer, " Steel, H J, Fackenthall, B F, Mutchler, William, " Scott, H W, Beidelman, William, " " Brunner, John, insurance, " Dailv, Thos, hatter Youells, T R S, barber, (basement) Grand Union Tea Co, (W J Burke) Menline, Moses, cigar manufacturer Finley, George, news agent Hohl,' Stewart, druggist Goldsmith, Isacc, Jr, clothing Ehler, Q F, lawver, (up stairs) Swift, B F, Kuntz, D M, " Able, Geo, Jr, int revenue" Dolan, Thos H, gen agt," South Third street, East side, Lehigh Bridge to Ferry. Hilliard & Dinkey, coal dealers American Hotel, Aaron Walter, prop Yelles Henry, harness Walter, Jacob, flour and feed Garis, Owen, cabinet maker Sciple, George E, toys Young, James, coal dealer Lee, Hop, laundry Ehly, Mrs D A, coftee house Arn'dt P F & Oliver, physicians Martin, John, book store Mebus, Fred L, druggist E ASTON, PENN'A. 475 Frey, Joseph T, restaurant Leiiiinger, Geo E, furniture 1 Totnbler, Henry G, wholesale grocer South Third Street, East Side, Ferry to Centre Square. Bercaw, Chas, liquors Moravian Church, second floor Society rooms, third floor White, W L, wholesale produce Terry,' Frank L, restaurant Heller, Aug, stove dealer Fasten Market Building Hapgood C M & Co, wholesale boots and shoes Evans, P C, lawyer, (up stairs) Nevin, D VV, Maxwell, H D, " " Johnson, Jacob, detective," Hetrich, C B, insurance, " Patterson, J D, coal mer, " Bissell Assembly Room, " Veile, Edward, crockery Bixler & Correll, wholesale notions Meyers, O H, lawyer, (up stairs) Geiser, Geo W, " Goldsmith, Aaron" " McKeen Thos L, Hulick, \Vm H, Betz, H M, jeweler, " Fehr & Butler, Masonic Lodge, third floor PhiUippe, Solon, gun store Dull. Frank, grocer Reeder, H & F, lawyers, (up stairs) Green, Fred, Thomas Iron Co office, (J T Knight) Brown, C A H.photogra'er, (up stairs) Memmert, Chas H, barber West. Union Tel. Office, (Jno Saylor) Diehl, J & \V, peanut stand North Third Street, west side, Centre Square to Spring Garden. Detwiller, J J, physician Tinimins, Mrs, residence Sliipman, I B " Kirkpatrick, Wm, " Hulick, Mrs Derick," Saylor, R W, physician Schick, Geo P, residence Fox, Eli M, Rinek, Thos, " Armstrong, W H, " Easton CofTee House Forman, Miss Mary, residence Boileau, Samuel, " Drake, Samuel, " Moon, W W Wood, J Whit, Frantz & Shafer, grocers Gray, Jeremiah, residence Aorik Third Street, 11 est Side. Spring Garde7i to Bushkill Bridge. United States Hotel, G Vincent, prop Lang, John, barber, (basement) D Do You, laundry Wertley, Jacob, candy store Parks & Pach, business college Drinkhouse, Samuel, residence Kirkpatrick, Morris, " I Drennan, Dr, '' \ Meyers, O H, " Keim, Mrs, " Eisberg, George W, barber Serfass, .\ L, druggist Hibler, William P, residence : James, R E, " I Hilliard, Clinton, " Dinkey, Amos, " j Semple, Mrs Ellen, " 1 Pach, Alex L, photographer A'orth ThirdStreet, East Side, Centre Square to Spring Garden Street. Jones, R I and M H, lawyer Wallace, G V, German Reformed Church McAllister, Anna M, physician Bunting, O C, dentist Hess, Mrs James, residence Lawall, Cyrus, " Porter, James M, civil engineer Porter, Mrs, residence Seitz, Chas, " Reeder, Frank, " Hunt, J S, physician Probst's residence Roseberry, J I, physician North ThirdStreet, East Side. Spring Garden to Bushkill Creek. Arlington House, Jacob Frone, prop Berlin, fancy store Michler, James, grocer Weston, Mrs K, boarding Drake, Miss K, residence Magee, Jos, " Huber " Wik, Max, shoemaker Arnold, John, grocer King, M H.meat market Van Norman, Mrs, residence Oslforss, C G, merchant tailor Dudley, Frank, oysters Bell, Ferdinand, residence Bird, Geo, Able, George, " Schoolev, David, " Colbert,' Chas S, Weaver, John, " EASTON BUSINESS PEOPLE-CLASSIFIED. ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Drisbrow M M, Odenweldertown EastonBusinessCoUege.CentreSquare Hecht Tillie, 304 Bushkill Lerch Charles H, 13 South Fourth Park & Crawford, 114 North Third ARCHITECT. Stewart John M, 502 Northampton ATTORNEYSAT-LAW. See Page 421. ART GOODS. Grawitz Christ, 223, Northampton Kahn Emanuel, 247 Northampton Walter & Bishop, 467 Northampton AUCTIONEERS. Bitters John, 660 Ferry Meyers Lawrence P, 115 South Third BAKERS. Deichman Chas, 52 North Seventh Duhart Fred, 63s Northampton Felver Wm S, 167 Northampton Fisher Lewis A, 49 South Fourth Kraunfelter Wm H F, 134 Cattell Kauffman William, 409 Cattell Lanche Christian, 35 South Eleventh Miller William R, 100 Washington RuppJohn, 22 North Seventh Schwarz Paul G, 6or Northampton Schwechten H R, 159 South Third Short George R, 1014 Ferry Siegfried W & Bro,54o Northampton BANKS. Easton National, North'n cor Bank First National, S W cor Centre Square Northampton Co Nat, 459 North'ton BARBERS. Bissell Gilbert M, 25 Centre Square Breininger Albert, 531 Northampton Bryson Fennel C, Central Hotel Bryson William R, 609 Walnut Burk Frank L, 1147 Ferry Davenport George. 764 Washington Davis Wm V, 617 Northampton Diehl Chas P, 221 South Third Eisberg George W, 13S North Third Flint H D, 541 Northampton Hay Frank L. 1145 Northampton Knapp Wm H. 14S Northampton Lang John, United States Hotel Leidich Geo VV, 427 Northampton Leidich Herbert, 336 Northampton Memmert Chas H, it South Third Parks Wm R, 57 Centre Square Peil Nicholas, 119 Cattell Pierce Harry R, 1034 Washington Reich Stanton W, 936 Ferry Snyder Joseph, 227 South Fourth Youells B M, 66 North Front Youells T R S, IS South Third Ziemer Conrad, 666 Northampton BASKET MAKER. Stump Christian, 1033 Pine BILLIARD HALLS. Boyd Thad S, S W cor Centre Square BLACKSMITHS. Allabach George N, 64 North West AUabach Samuel, 65 North Bank Gutmann Gabriel, 1352 Northampton Hill Fred, 327 Ferry Messinger Sam'l P, 131 North Fourth Mount, Abram, 20 South Bank Peters Jos, Washington, near Seventh Welch J B, Sitgreaves, near Lehigh BONE MILLS. Wilson Bros, 43-47 Delaware BOOK BINDERS. Brown William, 2 Centre Square Maxwell Wm, N E cor Centre Square BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. Finlev George, 9 South Third FrueaufTH T, 15 South Fourth Lindemann J H. 416 Northampton Martin John, 116 South Third Maxwell Wm, N Ecor Centre Square Riegel Martin J, 421 Northampton Vogel E D, 218 Northampton Young W'illiam J, 227 Cattell BOOTS & SHOES WHOLESALE. Hapgood C M & Co, 28 South Third Hay Boot and Shoe Co, 339 North'n BOOTS AND SHOES. Arndt C A, 125 Northampton 476 Geehr Frank P, 263 Northampton Gilroy Henrv, 136 Northampton Hay Bool and Shoe Co, 343 North 'n Heil John, 210 Northampton Laugel Adam, 442 Northampton Laugel Adam, Jr, 102 Northampton Mebus John H, 162 Northampton Miller Aug S, 26 North Eleventh Moon VV VV & Co, 321 & 447 North'ton Roesch Louis, 113 South Third Steele, Thomas, 22,5 Cattell Tannewald R, 105 Northampton Teichman Michael, 706 Northampton Wilking J H & Co, 226 Northampton Waeppel & Daub, 207 South Third Wolslayer J O, 404 Northampton BOTTLERS. Kuebler Willibald, foot of Lehigh Newman A, 42 South Front Seitz Bros, Bushkill cor Green BRACE MANUFACTURERS. i Knickerbocker Brace Co, 333 Church BRASS WORKS. Young VVm, Sitgreaves cor Church BREWERS (LAGER BEER). Kuebler Willibald, foot of Lehigh Seitz Bros, Bushkill cor Green Veile Xavier, on the Bushkill Creek BRICK MANUFACTURER. CoUinge Alfred, North Elder alley BROKERS. Hackett & Chidsey, Centre Square Shawdee E H & Co, 27 South Third Williamson & Co., Drake's building BROOM MANUFACTURERS. Buckman, Jacob, 1512 Washington Rohrback O S, 1070 Dock BRUSH MANUFACTURER. Pollock John, 222 Northampton BUTCHERS. Andrews Daniel, 1036 Ferry Dachrodt Daniel L, 609 Northampt'n Dachrodt John, Fourth cor Ferry Dennig Charles A, 677 Pearl Felker Charles, 501 Northampton Genther John, 153 South Third Herster Wm H & Son, 27 N Fourth Kase Philip H, 516 New King Milton H, 131 North Third Norton J B, 74 North Second Pentz Marion A., 647 Northampton Sandt & Werkheiser, 201 Cattell Sandt T J, 334 Spring Garden Seibert F, 669 Northampton Snyder Charles, 127 Cattell Snyder Charles E, 722 Ferry Snyder F, 633 Walnut Spitznagle F, 104 Northampton Weber & Patier, 1214 Northampton Weidnecht H cSc S C, 133 S Third Weller George M, 506 Ferry Youugken W & Co, 636 Northampt'n CARPENTERS. Bachman Simon P, 12S South Bank Cole Charles T., 252 Pine Folkenson Jacob, 1000 Northampton Griffin George W, 687 Pine Hayden George W, 40 North Bank Heileck Reuben, 509 Pine Horn, Steinmetz I'i Co, 121 N Sitg'ves Lerch Frank J & Bro, Pine cor West THE HISTORY OF Morgenstern Lewis, cor Pine and S Mulberry Raub Jacob, Seventh cor Washingt'n Ricker Bros., 529 Northampton Snyder John H., 115 Ferry Walter Edward, 1022 Ferry CARPET CLEANING. Keller C P & Co, Delaware, between Third and Fourth CARPET WEAVERS. Hageman John, 622 Northampton Kummer Frank C, 2 North Fifth Laube Francis, 1447 Ferry Seibert George P, 526 Northampton Wenner Jacob D, 126 Northampton CARPETS. Able Edward, 352 Northampton CARRIAGE BODY MAKER. Lee William H, 31 North Fifth CARRIAGE BUILDERS AND PAINTERS. Albright & Co, 26 North Fourth Beck Joseph, Fourth above Bushkill Haupt Bros, rear 327 Ferry Morley Wm, Fourth above Bushkill CHEMISTS. Baker & Adamson, Junken.near city line CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS- WARE. Pyatt, 430 Northampton Veile Edward S., 24 South Third Young J. McKeen, 211 Northampton CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Balentine James R. E., 123 S. Third Barron Samuel C, 23 South Fourth Baumeister Jacob, 415 Cattell Bowman John I, a South Third Carey John J., 100 Northampton Derr William H, 518 New Dunkel E K, 249 Northampton Eilenberger Howard, 213 South Fifth Fenicle Thomas, 506 Northampton Gardner E D, 607 Walnut Goldsmith Isaac, 324 Northampton Kelso James A., 1008 Northampton Kem merer Van Selan, 211 Cattell Leidich Thomas, 521 Northampton Menline Moses, 11 South Third Meyer Leo, 302 Northampton Miller Jonas, 470 Northampton Reichard Stephen, 634 Northampton Riegel Wm H, 659 Ferry Rinn Lizette, 314 Ferry Roll Wm F, 454 Northampton Rosenfelt Jacob S, 473 Northampton Schleicher Charles E., 639 North'n Schwartz F H, 515 Northampton Siebert George, North'n, cor Wood Siegfried Joseph, Jr, 209 South Third Sommer George A, 151 South Third Transue Samuel, 65i Northampton Weisel Cornelius, 227 South Third Wolfe Daniel S., S E cor Fourth and Northampton CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS. Cheesman Thos J, Franklin, c 14th Schan Andrew, 693 Pearl Youngkin Wm H, t,i North Seventh CIVIL ENGINEERS. Brady P, 17 South Third Cooper A J, Mt Vernon Hotel Young J Marshall, Knecht building CLERGYMEN. Anspach John M, 425 Ferry Blauvelt Geo M S, 817 North Second Cameron Jos P, 421 Clinton Terrace Carey J J, 70 North Front Carlisle Douglas, 225 Bushkill Condit U W, 941 Lehigh Ferrier E, 19 North Second Geissinger D H, 330 Ferry Hagan F F, The Arlington Hess Asher, 834 Ferry Hoffman L B, 42 South Second Hufford R W, 68 North Fourth Johnson John, 137 Spring Garden Kieffer H M, 31 North Third Kline J Hadley, 450 Ferry Knerr George, 502 Northampton Lee T J, 103 North Third Levan Charles W, 300 Cattell Lindsey Henry D, 122 North Second McGivern James, 132 South Fifth Stem T O, iioi Washington Stewart Edward H, 709 Ferry Trowbridge Charles R, 223 Porter CLOTHIERS. Gardner Bros, 420 Northampton Goldberg L & Co, 154 and 156 North Goldsmith Isaac, i and 3 South Third Goldsmith I M, 235 Northampton Goldsmith Simon, 358 Northampton Jacob Adolph, 116 Northampton Kalish William, 12 Centre Square Levy J & Co, 144 and 452 Northam'n Levy Herman, 510 Northampton Solomon Jacob, 336 Northampton Washington Clothing Co, 452 North'n COAL AND WOOD. Coyle William & Co, 318 Ferry Heck & Bro, 300 South Third Hilliard & Dinkey, 200 South Third Klusmever Henry, 144 Ferry Kresslv James F, foot South Fourth Manning Geo C & Son, Dock, west of Fourth Young James, 134 South Third COAL— WHOLESALE. Patterson J D, Market House Build'g CONFECTIONERS. Abel John, 237 Northampton Alcott Elwood M, 1032 Washington Bellis Charles, 631 Walnut Beless George, 145 South Third Bryan William M, 368 Washington Callaghan James H, 1201 Ferry DaParma Sarah L, 266 Northampton Graham Mrs Robert, 319 Cattell Holmes Annie, 121 Delaware Keiter John H, 157 South Fifth Kichline Edward, 652 Northampton Kilian Mrs K, 107 South Third Lamb Mrs E H, Odenweldertown Lewis Elizabeth, 623 Walnut Miller W R, looi Washington Moser Josiah, 461 Northampton Murphy B, 56 North Front Nolf Sophia, 644 Northampton Otto Mrs E, 152 Northampton Richter Mary A, 204 Cattell Snyder Daniel W, 43 South Third Sterner John, 56 South Twelfth Uhler Reuben, Suspension Bridge Wertley Jacob, no North Third EASTOX, PEXN'A. 477 CONTRACTORS. Lesher & Son, 1017 Ferry Smith Jas, College Hill COOPER. Gross Charles, Ph, 122 Church CORDAGE MANUFACTURERS, Riiiek's J, Sons, 25 South Third DENTISTS. Buckman \V E, 137 Northampton Bunting Oliver C, 37 North Third. Detweiler \V C, 440 Northampton Hertz John C, 11 Centre Square Hoffman Wm W, 43S Northampton King Theo F, 354 Northampton Seip Herbert F, 208 Northampton Weller & Honeywell, 212 North'n DETECTIVES. Johnson Jacob, 32 South Third Simons James, 117 Ferry DROVERS. Moses Samuel, 626 Northampton Moses Samuel, 703 Wood ave DRUGGISTS. Bachmann Chas L, log South Third Eckert J W, 145 Northampton Groom E W, 131 Cattell Hoff John P, 131 Northampton Hohl Stewart M, 5 South Third Hammann Wm E, 201 Northampton Huston James L, 901 Ferry Keiper Mrs. S H, 701 Northampton Laubach Stephen, Walnut cor Ferry Lawall C Son &Co, 437 Northampt'n Mebus Fred C, 114 South Third Odenwelder \ J, 400 Northampton Richards Mrs, 401 Northampton Reeser Tilghman H, 339 Cattell Semple H B & Son, 323 Northampton Serfass A Lincoln, 140 North Third Spengler Aaron, 530 Northampton Weaver John A, 332 Northampton DRY GOODS-RETAIL. Andrews & Nolf, 205 Northampton Arner Calvin, 413 Northampton Barnes Mary A , 638 Northampton Bricker Isaac, 219 South Third Bush & Bull, 305-307-309 Northampt'n Foster John O, 1057 Washington Carpenter Allen, 229 Northampton Kunsman W H, 436-438 Northamp'n Laubach Wm & Son, 326-32S North'n Lawall Lyman H, 446 Northampton Lear William, Ferry, cor Eleventh Mayer B D & C, 525 Northampton Nagle William H, 1155 Washington Orr Matthew, 306 Northampton Rader & Bro, 329 Northampton Riegel & Tinsman, 206 Northampton Schoch & Stecker, 301 Northampton Stern B, 629 Northampton DRY GOODS— WHOLESALE. Hay J & Sons, 2-46-8 Hay's Place Stewart W G & Son, 24 Centre Sq Bi.tler & Correll, iS and 20 S Third DYERS AND SCOURERS. King Wm H, 225 Ferry Rebmann Robert, Pine, cor Bank Schaefer Charles, Church, cor Bank ELECTRICIAN. Miller John H, 25 North Fourth EMERY MANUFACTURERS. Jackson Mills Emery Co, ft S Fourth ENGRAVERS. Coe George R, 13 South Fourth Raul Lewis, Pine, cor Bank EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams S E cor Third and Centre Sq United States, 13 Centre Square FANCY GOODS. Coryell F R, 326 Spring Garden Edelman James A, 337 Northampton Goldsmith R, 159 Northampton Thatcher Isaac B, 227 Northampton FISH AND OYSTERS. Green Alfred, Easton Market House Speer William, lo North Fourth VanNorman William, 21 S Fourth FLORISTS. Johnston William, 62 North Front Keller William F, 1131 Ferry FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. Dull George E, 243 Ferry Fenicle Thomas, 506 Northampton Hawk Henry E, 215 South Third Kepler Tilghman, 115 South Third Walter Jacob, 144 South Third Zuck Milton T, 41 North Fourth FLOURING MILLS. Groetzinger Chas, 425 Bushkill Lafayette, North Third, c Delaware Lehicton, N 13th and Bushkill creek FOUNDRIES. Wilson Jacob, 49 and 51 Delaware Young & Schlough, Ferry & Sitg'ves FRUITS— WHOLESALE. Fraunfelter Frank, South Third FURNITURE. Daub Wm J, 403 and 405 Northam'n Fulmer Wm, 14 and 16 South Fourth Garis Cornelius W, 228 Northampton Garis William E, 353 Northampton Leininger George E, 104 South Third Taylor Z, 524 Northampton FURRIER. Gould Mrs S, 169 Northampton GROCERS. Arp John, 47 North Fourth Barnet George, 507 Northampton Brown Michael J, Odenweldertown Bleckley E D, 201 Ferry Conklin & Co, 300 Northampton Cornell & Michler, 23 South Third Cressman Jeremiah, 51 North Fourth Daub Theo G, Third, cor Lehigh Dech Charles D, 724 Ferry Dull Frank, 12 South Third Fleming Christian K, 401 Bushkill Foster John O, 1057 Washington Franklin Christian, 601 Walnut Frantz & Shafer, 68 North Third Fraunfelder Lewis, 231 Cattell Gulick A C & Co, 169 Northampton Hay Philip, 1150 Northampton Hay T A I,. 637 Northampton Jones W B, cor North'n and Second Kemmerer B F, 468 Northampton Laubach Robert, 1021 Northampton Lear Peter, 1301 Northampton Lear William, Ferry, cor Eleventh Leibert John, 633 Northampton Ludwig Henry, 40 South Fifth McCauley James, 900 Ferry Martin Joseph H, 434 Cattell. Mershon George M, 1000 Ferry Meyer Abraham, 500 Ferry Meyer Joseph, 129 South Fourth Michael Joseph, Ninth, cor Walnut Michler Edgar E, 142 Northampton Michler James P, 117 North Third Morrow Charles, 346 Broad Moser Manaver C, 15th, c Washing'n Nagle W H, 1155 Washington Neary John T, 1065 Dock Nute George H, 44 Cattell Odenwelder H P B, 698 Northampton Reich Owen, Si.xth corner Walnut Reichard George W, 200 South Si.xth Rodenbach Thos, 1140 Ferry Shawde John J, 205 South Fourth Shellenberger H H, Third cor Ferry Siegfried J A, 603 Northampton Sigman Thomas C, 700 Northampton Socks Michael, 663 Northampton Snyder Wm F, Walnut cor Lehigh Sperling J G, I3utler op Fair Ground Thomas Mrs Mary E, Walnut c Wash Titus Bros, 532 Ferry Uhler Joseph H, 200 Cattell Walsh Wm L, loi Bushkill Werkheiser Wm, 517 New GROCERS— WHOLESALE. Drake's J Sons & Co, 17 Soulh Third Tombler H G, 100 South Third GUNSMITHS. Fulmer Jonathan, 519 Northampton. Phillippe S & Co, 16 South Third HARDWARE. Anglemeyer Jeremiah, 414 North'n Gamier A B, 118 Northampton Hunt Edward I, 115-1T9 Northampt'n Losey & Co, 347 Northampton Miller S K & Co, 475 Northampton Miller Thomas T, 30 North Fourth Osterstock John S & Co. 22 Centre Sq Weaver W Stewart, 456 Northampt'n HARNESS MAKERS. Martin James, TfT,!, Northampton Moore Jonathan, a North Fourth Steckel L, 504 Northampton Yelles Henry, 14S South Third HATS AND CAPS. Daily Thomas, 15 South Third S hiffer, Boyer & Co, 500 Northampt'n Woodring Richard A, 432 Northam'n HOTELS. American House, Third, cor Lehigh Arlington House, 3d, cor Spg Garden Barnet House, 55 North Fourth Central, Fourth, cor Northampton Clifton House, 1242 Northampton Court House, 6S3 Walnut Fairview House, 1030 Butler First Ward, Phila road, c Washing'n Forest House, Butler, near 17th Franklin House, 424 and 426 North'n Gerver House, 126 Northampton Keystone, 359 Bushkill Mansion, Cattell, cor Monroe Mt. Vernon, 542 Northampton Pa.xinosa Inn, Chestnut Hill Star, 649 Walnut Strauss, Mrs Moses H, 653 North'n Swan, 458 and 460 Northampton United States, ii» North Third Zeiner John, end Lehigh Bridge 478 THE HISTORY OF ICE DEALERS. Coyle Wm & Co, 31S Ferry Delaware Ice Co, 329 Ferry INSURANCE. Brunner John, 17 South Third Downs James S, 332 Northampton Duncan Joseph R, 464 Northampton Hackett & Chidsev, next to post office Hetrich Charles B, Market Building Kichline G F, S \V cor Centre Square Kolb Reuben, 329 Northampton Pvle Robert C, 326 Northampton Shawde E H & Co, 27 South Third Shimer Howard C, 453!s Northam"n Shrope L S, 515 Northampton INSURANCE COMPANIES. Prudential Ins Co, Lawall's Building Fire Insurance. S E cor Centre Sq Northampton Mutual Live Stock In- surance Co, 329 Northampton Franklin Livestock InsCo, 515 Nor'n JEWELERS. Ackerman T F, 423 Northampton Betz H M, Knecht's Building Bi.xler C Willis, 406 Northampton Bixler J E, 317 Northampton Bush William A, 166 Northampton Clark David, 245 Northampton Fox & Fulmer, 345 Northampton Heckman Edward, 13 South Fourth Schoch J Howard. 103 South Third Smith J Richmond, 149 Northampton JUNK DEALERS. Klein George, Seventh, cor Pine LAUNDRIES. Easton Steam, 125 North Sitgreaves LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Fraley Jacob, 351 Northampton LIME BURNERS AND DEALERS. Kocher Wm I, 700 Northampton Smith George, 22 South Fourth LIQUORS— WHOLESALE. Bercaw Charles, Third, cor Ferry Runyan Thomas A, 158 Northampt'n Sage H .A, 352 Northampton Wolfe & Co, 14 North Fourth LIVERY & BOARDING STABLES. .Able Josiah, 40 North Second Frankenfield .Amos J, rear U S Hotel Fields D S, Sitgreaves near Ferry Francisco & Co, foot N Sitgreaves Heck Geo, Washington, above 3d Hemingway Charles L, Church, c 5th Hill Fred, 325 Ferry Lehn George D, Pine, cor Bank Shipman George, North Bank LOCKSMITHS. Cochems Henry, 650 Northampton Preusser Richard F, 241 Ferry Schindler Edward, 107 North Fourth LUMBER DEALERS. Manning Geo C & Son, Dock, west of Fourth and P'g Schimmel George, 421 Church Stair John E, 22 Lehicton Steinmetz & Zearfoss, 31 South Front Zearfoss & HlUiard, Front & Bushk'l .MALSTER. Seitz C & F, 127 to 139 Ferry MARBLE YARDS. Carey George .A, iS South Fifth Easton Marble Co, 123 South Fourth Frey .Aaron, 351 Ferry Hartzel & Smith, 431 Bushkill Howell D J, 23 South Front Ippich Christian, 1220 Spruce MEATS— WHOLESALE. Easton Beet Co, Canal, near L V R R freight depot, S E MENS FURNISHING GOODS. Seitz C E, Northampton & Centre Sq Friedlich .Moses, 402 Northampton Sherer Bros, no Northampton MERCHANT TAILORS. Correll Jacob C, 126 Northampton Freeman Nathan, 310 Northampton Freytag Bros, 454 Northampton Goehler Philip, 20 South Fourth Goodman Jesse S, 44 Spring Garden Hasbrouck& Kloffenstein, cor North- ampton and Bank Herst David, 207 Northampton Mohr Herman, 1131 Lehigh Pickel .Andrew, 514 Northampton Reese Jacob H, S E cor Centre .Sq Rosenfelt Lewis, 459 Northampton Schwartz Jacob, Snufftown Shimer P .\ & Son, 342 Northampton Ziegenhorn Henry, 121 South Third MILLINERS. Bunstein & Co., 215 .Northampton Heller .Maria F, 4 Centre Square Hellman & Bro, 161 Northampton Parks Mrs G, 109 Northampton Rosenbaum L, 407 Northampton Stern Bros, 356 Northampton Stinson Mrs E S, in Northampton Wolf Sarah, 40S Northampton Yeager J, loi Northampton MUSIC INSTRUMENTS. Keller W H, 219 and 221 Northam'on Lindemann J H, 416 Northampton Moser Josiah, 461 Northampton MUSIC TE.\CHERS. Beth man Charles, 673 Northampton Coates Thomas, loS South Third Eschenbach Emma M, 1040 Butler Fritsche Otto, 36 South Front Kichline Laura, 333 High Lerch Jennie M, 521 Ferry Mattes Henry L, 38 South Fifth Michler Albert S, Northa'n bey. 17th Pierce Jennie E, 221 South 17th Roehner Henrv K. 6S7 Ferry Rohn Olin, 242 Bushkill Court Schneider .\nnie N C, 214 Bushkill Siegfried Joseph, 209 South Third Stier Walter C, iii South Third VanDoren Joseph M, 165 South Sixth Vannatta Luella, 217 South Fifth NOTARIES. Finley George, 9 South Third Noble John, 1035 Washington Brunner John, Drake Building OYSTERS. Dudley Frank, 141 NorthThird Garren Jacob W, 23 Centre Sq\iare Rice & Arnold, 1^6 Northampton Stein Christnia, 141 South Third OIL DEALERS. .■\cme Oil Co, Sitgreaves near Lehigh Hess Oil Co, Sitgreaves near Lehigh Kossnic Lubricating Oil Co, Bank cor Snvder Court Philips J G & Co, Lehigh and Third Rothenthausler Otto, 1055 Elm Steckel Frank E, 144 Pine Wendling John, 1004 Northampton ORGAN MANUF.\CTURERS. Lawrence Organ Works, 320 S Tenth Riegel M J, 421 Northampton PAINTERS. .Albert Conrad, 1006 Northampton Bond A W, 518 Pine Drew & Tinsman, 77 North West Hartley & Peifer, 12S South Bank Hav & Randolph, 40 North Bank Heiler & Co, Pine cor Bank Lair John, iiii Ferry .Mack F W. 400 Northampton .Miller Horace J, 336 Northampton Moritz & Stratton, 132 Bank MuUerC H. North Second Roberts Geo F, 25 North Fourth PAPER DEALERS-WHOLESALE Nevin Geo B, 320 Ferry PHOTOGRAPHERS. Brown C \ H, 14 South Third Hoffmeier S B, 23 Centre Square Knecht Frank, 354 Northampton McCabe James, 429 Northampton Pach Alex L, 220 North Third Stout's Gallery, 303 & 307Northam'n PHYSICIANS— See page 442. PLUMBERS. Gebhart C, 459 Northampton Haines Harry H, 13 South Fourth Kelly Wm C, 210 Northampton Mack John W, 67 Centre Square Peacock Robert, Pine, bet 3d & Bank Thumejohn F, Bank, cor Pine Trumbore Wm, 219 Church Vannorman J, cor Fourth and Church PRINTERS. Creveling Frank, 532 Northampton Easton Argus, North Bank Eschenbach Gustavus W, 8 N Fourth Express, 17 South Bank Free Press, 12 and 18 South Bank Sunday Call, 31S Ferry West Geo W, S. W cor Centre Square PRODUCE. Crater Joseph F & Sons, 47 S Third Magee Wm, Easton .Market House Melick Howard, 219 Ferry White William, Masonic Hall PROVISIONS -WHOLESALE. Rice George O, Delaware REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Edelman Wm C, 334 Northampton Knecht & Weisenbach, 529 North n Shrope L S, 515 Northampton RESTAURANTS. Eichman Charles, 537 Northampton Green Geo B, Third, cor Centre Sq Kelley Edward R, loS Northampton Rice George W, 543 Northampton Walter William H, 342 Northampton Walter W Frank, 50 Centre Square E AS TON, PENN'A. 479 SALOONS. Aiier Christian, 621 Northampton Black John D, 7T,}, South Fourth Curren Thomas. 34 Northampton Frey Joseph T, 1 10 South Third Garren Abraham L. 37 South Third Hughes John. 211 South Third Koch Fred. 127 South Third Kurth B. Bank cor Church Laubert Jacob, 229 South West Newman .Andrew, 509 Northampton Reichard Samuel A. 51S Northam'n Renz Conrad, 300 South Fourth Schleicher Peter. 665 Nonhampton Seidl Max. 22 North Fourth Sonimer George \, 151 South Third Tacke Mrs Fred, 631 Northampton Terry Frank L, 42 South Third Weaver Wm, 19 South Bank SCROLL SAWYERS. Garis Owen, 142 South Third SEWING MACHINE AGENTS. Francisco Wm R, 441 Northampton Schey W H. 469 Northampton Ward Benjamin F, 10 South Fourth SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Butz Samuel, 339 Northampton Standard Mfg Co, Bank, cor Church SILK MILLS. Simon R & H, N 13th at Bushkill SLATE ROOFERS. Linden J N, 100 North Fourth Roseberry James J, 627 Northampton STONE DEALERS. Adams James, 225 Church Kelley Patrick, Lehigh, cor S West Smith George, 22 South Fourth STOVES AND TINWARE. Black Daniel, 234 Northampton Heller Augustus F, 3S South Third Mack Elias B, 410 Northampton Meeker C W, 313 Northampton Miller Henry R, 623 Northampton Norton H. M, 200 Northampton Osterstock J S, 212 to 216 Northam'n Reaser Lewis, 323 Cattell Schooley Henry C, 11 26 Northampt'n Schultz John, 697 Northampton Stengelin Mrs -Anna. 125 South Third STOVE MANUFACTURER. Wilson Jacob, 49 and 51 Delaware TANNERS. Brinker S W & Co, Franklin, nr 14th Nenning Edward A, Bushkill TEA AND COFFEE DEALERS. Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, 27 S Third Becker's Peoples Tea Co, 230 Nort'n Grand Union Tea Co, 13 South Third TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Western Union Telegraph Company, S E cor Centre Square and Third TELEPHONE COMPANY. Pennsylvania, 415 Northampton TOB.ACCO— WHOLESALE. Dunkel E K, 249 Northampton Dunn .■\ R. 37 and 39 North Fourth Magee Bros. 124 Northampton TRUNKS, VALISES, Etc. Martin James, x-,^ Northampton UMBRELLA MENDERS. Eschenbach G W, 40."* Northam;)ton Riey Jacob, 614 Church UNDERTAKERS. .■\shton Fratik. Pine, cor Bank Johnson Wm H J. 676 Church Keller Willam, Bank, cor Pine Taylor Z, 524 Northampton VETERINARY SURGEONS, Blank C J, 318 Ferry Burwell Edgar, 31S Ferry Fulmer B .^, 46 South Second Koehler & Moyer, 533 Northampton WALL PAPERS. Hazzard John, Sr, 610 & 622 Walnut Hazzard Wm H, 23S S: 240 Northa'n Mansfield & Helms, 143 Northampton VanAllen D D, 41 South Third WHEELWRIGHTS. Barron Bros, 684 Northampton Roberts .A J, rearSitgreaves nr Lehigh Messinger S, foot of North Fourth WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Bi.xler Lewis E. 425 Northampton Sciple George, 138 South Third Note, — On page 373 mention is made that during the administration of Mayor Chidsey the heirs of Wil- liam Penn made a formal demand for the Circle in the Square of this city, and that C. B. Tavlor, Esq., of Phil- adelphia, who represented the heirs, had entered the Circle and taken formal possession of the land, and that the attorney was ejecled therefrom by the Mayor. Mention is also made that action would be brought in the United States District Court to recover the property. This trial took place in October, 1SS9. The plaintiff in the case was William Stuart, an heir-at-law of William Penn. It was claimed by the plaintiff that the land, 80 feet square, was given to the county and town for the purpose of erecting a Court House thereon, and that when it should be used for any other purpose, it should revert to the heirs of the donor. The propertv had ceased to be used for the intended purpose, and the heiis claimed the property. The defendants, on the other hand, contended that the grant to the county created a trust and not a condition, and that the Penns had thereby parted with their whole estate. A verdict was rendered in favor of the defendants. The plaintiff asked for a new trial, which was denied by the Court. The case was tried before Circuit Judge McKenna, and a jury ; Mr. C. Berkley Taylor represented the plaintiff, Mr. H- S Cavanaugh, County Solicitor, and .Mr. H. J. Steele, City Solicitor, represented the defendants. The case will be finalh' decided by the United States Supreme Court. The attornejs in preparing this case were compelled to examine the records at Harrisburg, and during their investigation they found what, to the citizens of Easton, is a novelty in their history. They found a sur- vey of the land upon which Easton stands, dating as far back as 1736, fourteen years prior to the surve\- of William Parsons. This survey extends along the right bank of the Delaware 300 rods " to ye point, " along the left bank of the Lehigh 494 rods, and from this point north 453 rods to the Bushkill, thence 563 rods to the point of starting, on the right bank of the Delaware. This survey encloses 1000 acres, owned bv Thomas Penn . On the back of the sheet upon which the survey was found is recorded the fact that Thomas Penn came in pos- session of this land by the successful draught of a ticket in a lottery. This was in 1735, two years before the famous " Indian walk." The title of Thomas Penn was not affected by that transa6 building of a school house . 16 church '6 subscribers 16 Easton of To-d.^y. manufactures, a new interest in 468 Industrial Association . . . 468 Boot and Slioe Company . . 46S Malteawan Felling Manufac- tory 469 Easton and Northern R. R . 469 company, members of the . 4''9 Sage, Henry A 469 honie for the friendless . . .469 old buildings 470 Able Opera House . . . ■ • 471 business men of to-day, a list ofthe 473 Easton Post Office. first to sixteenth postmaster 179 general international money order office 183 free delivery system .... 1S3 letterboxes 183 otBce, finance of the . . . 183 . Fire Department. Humane Fire Co. No. i . ■ 344 Weygandt, Jacob,Treasnrer . 344 officersof the Co. of 1870 . . 34s Finley. George, his biography 346 members ofthe company . .346 Phoenix Fire Co., No. 2 . . 347 a long race 347 officers' names 349 Washington Fire Co.. No. 3 . 349 officers 349 delegation from Phila . . . 349 officers, when disbanded . 350 Sonthwark Hook aud Ladder Company No. i 35° Keystone Fire Co., No 5 . . 351 " ail gone to war." -351 first officers 35' Lafavette Fire Co., No. 6 . .352 Liberty Fire Co., No. 7 ■ ■ • 353 paid fire department . . 354 Hav's truck 355 J j' Smith, Chief Engineer . 355 members' names . . 35^^ horse waiting for the alarm . 357 the alarm sounded, springs to his place 357 horses carefully trained . . 35S great parade 359 the se\ eral divisions .... 360 decorations 3'^2 firemen's arch 3''3 welcome to the new truck . 365 Index to Contents. Floods. damage along the Lehigh . 458 Law's bridge swept away . 458 the Lehigh a roaring torrent458 consternation on Thursday . 458 suffering of the boatmen . .458 buildings carried away . . .458 Lehigh Valley a desolation . 45S Gordon, Louis 3' Green Family. Green, William 156 Richard, John, Enoch, Ben- iamin. Trail, Henry . . .157 Hay Family 153 Hotels of Easton. first and second hotels ... 158 frolics and dancing .... 159 Washington Hotel . . . .160 Bull's Head 162 Golden Lamb ...... 163 " Bnlly Whack" . . • ■ 163 Arlington 164 White's Hotel 165 Green Tree 166 "Daddy" Hempt ... .166 best man 167 Indian Treaties. walking purchase 45 dissatisfaction of the Indians 45 names of the walkers ... 45 expert walkers obtained 45 Wrightstown meeting house 45 start at sunrise 4° the precursor of war . 46 New Castle, the brave mes- senger. • 48 on a mission of peac:^ ... 48 Teedyuscung brought to Eas- ton ... . . 48 treaties begin at the Point . 48 at Vernon's Tavern . . -49 Teedyuscung in French gar- ments . 49 second treaty 49 Paxinosa's address 51 third treaty 5' ruffled shirts for Indians . 52 another treaty 53 Introductory Chapter. Mount Jefferson ... 7 Mount Lafayette 7 Mount Olympus 7 Lehigh Hills 7 k \ers 7 Monntains.Vallies and Rivers 8 first house in Easton ... S where Parsons had intended the town to be built ... 9 Michael Schlatter : his birth place ; errand to .\merica ; visit to Europe ; raises mo- nej- forchurch and schools; his presentation of a Bible ; his death and burial in Philadelphia 9 Jails of Easton 27 KiCHLiNE Family 76 Lafayette College. when founded and where . . 302 Jones, Joel 302 McKeen, Thomas 302 a name given 303 trustees, list of 303 Junkin. Rev. George . 303 Manual Labor Academy . 303 Junkin brings his school to Easton . . • 305 where the College fiist met 305 first Commencement . . .' 306 manual labor, amount of . 306 curriculum . . 306 new location purchased . . 307 new buildings erected 308 building finished . . . ■. 308 President resigns 409 Yeomans, Dr 309 Nassau, Dr 309 McLean, Dr 309 McPhail. Rev. George W. 310 Cattell, Rev. Wm.C. . . 312 his first acquaintance with Pardee 312 Coffin, James H., LL. D. . .313 March, Prof. Francis A. 314 Coleman, Rev. Lvman . . 315 Green, Dr. Traill! . . 318 Coffin. Selden J. . .325 Cattell's, Dr., biography . .32S Professor at Lafayette . . 32S pastor in Harrisburg - . . .328 President of Lafayette . . 329 first gift from Pardee . . . 329 in Europe ... . . 329 receives D. D. and LL. D. . 330 Dr. Cattell and " his boys" 331 last baccalaureate . . J31 prosperity 331 Dr. Cattell resigns 332 I ir. Knox 334 Dr. Ballard, Prof. Fox, . . 335 Dr. Porter, Prof Youngman, ■ \ Prof Owen, Prof. Moore, 330 Dr Mclnlire, Prof Hardy, Prof Hart, Prof Hall, Prof Silliman, Prof. Bloomberg, Prof March, Jr., Samuel L. Fisler .... 337 members of the Faculty who were not alumni . . . 339 names of the members ofthe Faculty who were alumni 339 .'\rio Pardee 34° Blair, John 1 34° Washington and Franklin Literary Societies 341 Brainerd Missionary Society 342 Alumni Association . . 342 Christian Brotherhood . . 342 National History Society . 343 Chemical Socie'ty . . . -343 Society of Physics and Engi- neering 343 Lehn Family 77 Municipal Government Borough of Easton . . 3^6 Index to Contents. 499 first ofiicers 366 Wards 367 City charter 36S Common Council 368 Mayor Chidsey, first Mayor 369 Nevin, D. \V., first president of Select Council . . . .371 members' names 372 Easton's first officers under the city charter 373 redivision into wards . . 374 police fierce 375 MixsELL, Philip. where and when bom . . 190 in Wagner's mill 191 ladies' dresses 192 Pomp's corner 192 election day . 192 applebutter frolics 192 mason work of the Third street church 192 game of cards 193 Delaware bridge 193 Military History. Parson's armj' 196 alarms of 1755-1756 .... 196 Weiger, Conrad 196 Poutiac war 196 a company raised, the oldest in the history of Easton . 197 Muster Roll 197 Saylor's Lake 198 a remarkable courtship ... 198 Gilmore, Thomas 198 Rachel Young 199 Gilmore in love, and cut his foot 159 Paddy's excelsior 200 a wedding 200 Dr Appel 200 whiskey rebellion 200 Diehl, Jacob 201 war of 1812 201 Capitol burned 201 Court House bell rung . . . 202 military company- formed . 202 seven men by one name . . 202 nmster roll 202 remarkable speech, a . ... 202 Butz, Michael 20J Titus, Lawrence .... 203 go to Philadelphia to wel- come Lafayette .... 204 muster roll of the company . 205 Easton artillerists .... 206 muster roll ... . . 206 Camp Delaware on the south side of the Lehigh . . 207 Gen. Cadwallader .... 209 fire works 209 large gathering 209 military and boatmen's riot 210 navigation obstructed . .210 sad parade in Easton . . .210 line of boats two miles long .211 Packer, Asa, knocked into the river 211 Packer, Mr., was rescued by Joseph Savitz 211 companies march to the scene with loaded pieces . . . .211 character of the Easton com- panies 212 Reeder, Capt 212 Vohe, Capt 212 Ihrie Gen. Peter. . . 212 Taylor nionumentdedicatiou2 13 military display .... 213 Easton National Guards . . 214 muster roll 214 sham battle in Trenton . . .215 Citizens' Artillery ... 215 muster roll 215 burial of John F. Bachman .215 Pomp's Cornet Baud . . . 215 famous celebration 216 Easton Jaegers 217 muster roll 217 Glanz, Capt. Charles .... 217 funerals of soldiers of 1812 218 reminder of militia days . . 218 Jan. and Feb. parades, 1S61.219 Washington's birthday . . .219 Rebellion approaching . . .219 great union demonstration . 219 resolutions 219 sham battle 220 skirmish on Northampton st. 220 war inevitable 221 patriotic fires burning . . .221 first gun on Sumter . . . 221 Navig.\tion of the Delaware. Major William Bamet . . . 461 The Reindeer 461 Alfred Thomas 461 on the morning of March 6 461 list of those on board . . 462 explosion 462 list of killed and wounded. .463 Yoiiells, B. M 463 a relief meeting called 463 dream of navigation passed away 463 Newspapers and Printing. first newspaper by J. Wey- gandt 456 Parsons, William '9-24 Parsons, Miss Grace, off for Philadelphia 24 Pickering, Timothy. birth of 169 in the revolution 169 in Wyoming 169 in chains 171 in theCabinetof Washingt'n 171 in the Cabinet of Adams . . 171 in the \J. S Senate . . . .172 death 173 Pomp. Rev. Nicholas .... 186 Pomp. Rev. Thomas ... .186 Publisher's Note 4 Revolution. Easton during the Committee of Safety . . . .123 Whigs and Tories 123 committee, members of the 124 preparing for war, activity in 125 company raised 127 batde of Brooklyn 126 loss of the company in battle 127 coinmitlee, duties of the . . 128 committee, formation of. . 131 members, nationality of the 134 Rebellion, War of the War of the Rebellion . . . 222 meeting in the Court House 222 great war meeting on Sum- ter's bombardment . . . . 222 resolutions ....... 222-223 committee to secure names of volunteers 223 surrender of Fort Sumter,tre- mendous e.Kciteuient . . . 223 Old Court House packed . . 223 adjourned meeting .... 224 committee sent toHarrisburg 224 growing patriotism 224 departure of three months' men 224 Armstrong, William H. . . 225 Bell, Ferdinand W 225 FirstRegiment of Penna. Vol.226 muster rolls of Company B, C, D, H, G 227-228 arrival of the Rhode Island Marine Artillery 229 flag raising by the public schools . . . 229 Green, Dr. Traill 229 volunteering in May, 1S61 . 229 war alarm in New Jersey . . 229 Sitgreaves, Maj. Charles, of Phillipsburg .... . . 230 Easton Volunteers in the Pa. Reserves 230 Horn, John J 2-0 Baldy, Peter 230 company mustered into ser vice, 1S61 231 Company E , Twelfth Penna. Reserves 231 muster roll 231 flag raisings 232 flag on the Syuagogue. . . 232 flag on a pole a hundred feet high at Reich's grocery . .232 address by O. H. Meyers, Esq.232 fair ground chosen as a state camp 232 aid to volunteers in the field 232 patriotic president of a Vir- ginia College 253 passage of troops 233 flag presentation 233 Fourth of July, 1S61 .... 7.^;} march of the Reserves down Northampton street . . .231 campaign of three months men 234 "JLarch through Baltimore" 235 reception of the three months volunteers 237 speech by E- J. Fox, Esq . 237 riotous outbreak 237 illtimed remarks ... . 237 500 Index to Contents. recruiting in Easton .... 23S Se\-mour s Battery 23S muster roll 239 ovation to Chas. A.Heckman 240 address by Hon.A.H.Reeder 240 Heckman, where born . . . 240 Heckman in comniaud . . 240 Lieuts. Reeder and WyckofF wounded 241 funeral of Col James Miller 24 1 H. Bo)'d Mckeeu promoted to Colonel . . . 241 Wm. M. McKeeu wounded 241 Edward J. Fox most active 241 Howard, Gen. CO. . . .241 Public Schools ... . 242 Seymour's battery; an inter- esting letter . 242 draft riots in New York . . 243 Simons , Sergeant James . 243 Gen. Armistead's thanks . 243 who fell in battle . . . 244 "We are coming father .Ab- raham three hundred thou- sand more " ..... 244 resolutions . . ... 244 committee to raise volunteers246 action of Northampton Co to avoid the draft . . . 246 departure of volunteers for the 129th Regt 247 muster roll of Easton com- panies D, F, K. 247-248 draft ordered in county. . . 249 call for volunteers for state defence 249 mu>ter roll of Easton com- panies, A, F. 1 250 South E iston company B 251 1 74th Regiment drafted nine months militia 252 muster roll of Co. E, 153d Regt. P. V 253 departure of drafted men . . 253 Easton Loyal Union League 254 presentation of a horse . .254 vigorous prosecution of the war necessary . ... 254 reception of the 1 29th Regt. 255 sketch of service .... 255 at Fredericksburg . . 255 casualties at Fredericksburg amo.ig Easton men . . . 256 dress coat episode . . . 257 Chancellorsville campaign . 257 homeward bound 259 arrival of the volunteers . . 259 public reception 260 public addresses 260-261 Reeder, Mrs. Andrew H. . . 263 Ladies' Aid Societies . - 26 ; Citizens' .\id Societies . . 263 Hetrich, Mrs Josiah P. . . 263 Rebellion invasions .... 263 a new companv 264 Companies C D, E, F, G, H, K. 38th Militia . 264-265-266 Co D, 37th Regt Pa Militia 26S reception of the 153d Regt. 269 Chancellorsville 260 Gettysburg 270 letter of Col. Glanz .... 270 muster roll of Co. E. 153rd Regt., P. V 271 at the Fair Ground . . . 273 address of Philip Johnson . 274 sword presentation to Colo- nel Glanz 276 draft in Easton 276 dinner to the Invalid Corps 277 return of the 51st to recruit 277 muster rolls Cos. B and K.. 279 Bell, Capt , death of . . .280 casualties among the Easton "Volunteers 281 i8oth Regt. Pa. Vols. ... 282 Reeder, Capt. Frank . . . 2S3 muster roll of the regimental baud of the 47th Regt . . 284 muster roll of Cos A, E 2S5-2S6 casualties among the Easton Volunteers 287 muster roll of Co. H, 214th P. V 2S7 113th Pa Vol. Pa Cavalrv . 288 loSth Regt. Pa. Vols, nth Pa. Cavalryilliam 289 Seip, Capt. W ...... 2S9 59th Regt. P.V 2d Pa. Cav. 289 muster roll Co H 289 Easton colored volunteers . 290 Ludlow, Jacob R., M. D . .291 Rodenbough, Gen. T. F. . . 291 Kilpatrick's bugler . . . 292 Easton in the regular army . 293 Easton in the navy 293 Easton Grays 294 muster roll of the Easton Grays 296 Havden, Geo. \V., as drum- boy . . .296 SiTGREAVES, Hon. Samuel. parents and birth . , 145 education 145 admitted to the bar .... 145 removed to Easton . . . .146 member of the convention . 146 members of Congress . . . 147 Jay's Treaty . . ... 147 member of the commission in Philadelphia . 148 special commissioner to Gt. Britain .148 Blount's impeachment . . . 149 trial of John Fries ..... 150 his interest in public affairs 152 founder of Episcop'l Church 152 Stages. Philadelphia 175 Allentown, Wind Gap . . . 176 Bethlehem 176 changed 178 Street Ili,umin.\tion. Easton Gas Company . . 44S electric light 449 Rinek, Howard 45° Stout, John V 450 salaries of the Easton officers 451 Pennsylvania Electric Light Company . . 451 Edison Electric Illuminat- ing Company 452 electric plant, where located 452 Sullivan's E-xpedition. organized at Easton . . . .135 artillery and soldiers from the national army . . . . i.)5 Clinton, Gov 135 Easton his headquarters . 137 '■Lover's Lane" cut by Sulli- van's men .... . 13S Clinton and Sullivan join at Tioga 139 the battle and victory . . .139 Tatamy, the Delaware Chief. converted under Brainerd . 56 ever after faithful to the whites .... ... 56 Taylor, Hon. George. paying his passage across the Atlantic at Durham I'ur- nace 1 1 1 clerk in the furnace . . .112 member of the Assembly .112 Taylor in Congress . . . ii 5 Chief Justice M'Kean's let- ter . 116 signed the Declaration of Independence. Aug. 2d .115 proprietor of the Durham Furnace 115 his association with Jeffer son. Franklin, Hancock and Adams . . 119 descendants of Geo. Taylor T20 The Fate of a Flirt. nmrdered by somebody ... 87 Traill Robert 71 Vanderveer, Dr. John. his character as a teacher . 300 his charafter as a Christian . 303 his retirement 300 his death .300 Wagener Family. nationality '93 David, where from 193 Hon. David D 194 Union Guards 194 Lafayette, reception of . . .194 David D., in Congress . .194 Gen. Jackson 194 David D., Prest. of Easton Bank '95 Water Supply. company incorporated . . 466 reservoir on Chestnut Hill . 460 West Ward Water Company 467 Act of Assembly, March 6 . 467 Lehigh Water Company . . 467 water from the Delaware . . 467 amount of water supplied . .467 present officers of company . 467 South Easton Phillipsburg 4S0-48S 486-493 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Across the Delaware ^old view) 140 Badge — 129th Regiment . 261 — 153d Regiment 269 Bushkill Bridge— Fourth Street (old) 6 Bridge— Third Street (old) 35 View at mouth of 463 View at Butz's Mill 80 View at Wagner's Dam 83 View at Williams' Dam 235 Camp Delaware 208 Cemeter\- Arch 444 Centre Square, 1855 37S Centre Square (bird's eye view) 121 Centre Square, 1S30 12 Centre Square, Market Day 4^1 Circle and Fountain 387 Churches — Third Street Reformed 58 — St. Paul's Lutheran 10 ). — St. Peter's Lutheran 107 Court House — old 66 — new 69 County House — old .... 74 Continental Soldier 136 Durham Boat • • 37 Delaware — Down the 230 — 1^'pthe _. .245 Easton — Bird's Eye View Frontispiece — Bird's Eye View from College Hill . . . 430 — View in 1876 42b Easton National Bank 377 Explosion of •' .\Ifred Thomas" 462 Fire Department 344 Humane Fire Co Officers 345 Phcenix Engine House 3 17 Carriage 3+9 Truck and Engine 350-351 Central Fire Station 355 Smith, John J., portrait 356 .\larm, Waiting for, Sounded, &c 357-355-359 .\rch of Welcome 362 First Church and School House 17 Front and Bushkill Streets, 1S40 . . 191 Hay Residence 155 Hotels— Old "Bull's Head" — United States —White's Indian Scout Jails — First Jail ... —Third Jail Lafayette College — Old and New 308 & Approach to Campus JenksHall Observatory Pardee Hall Reading Room Lehigh Dam and River (old) Lehigh River — near Dam — View up (new bridge, 1S89) . . . . Lehigh Bridge — Chain, iSii —of 1S62 Lehigh Valley R. R. Depot ■ . . . Lehigh and Susquehanna R. R, Depot Martin's Ferry House Mount Ida . '. Mount Jefferson . . . . Post Office Parson's House . Pot Rock and Eddy • . . . Phillipsburg — Bird's Eye View Streets— Northampton, West (old) —Northampton, West, (i886) .... — Northampton, East, ' 18S9) —Third Street, South, ( 1889) -Third Street, North, (1887) Stage Coach Sitgreaves Mansion ■ Schools — Second Ward Buildings — Franklin Building — Taylor Building — Memorial Gateway South Easton — Bird s Eye View Taylor Monument "■The Point" — about 1830 — about 1830 —in 1886 162 164 16:; 138 23 30 320 301 321 324 323 317 322 40 210 460 18 459 446 447 14 174 221 181 23 no 487 129 432 454 44-) 275 177 146 394 398 395 408 481 n8 43 465 52 INDEX TO PORTRAITS. Able, Edward , 471 -Armstrong, William H 2^5 Ballard, Addison 338 Bell, Ferdinand W 225 Butz, Michael 202 Cattell, William C 328 Chidsey, Charles F 369 Coffin, James H 310 Coffin, Selden J 325 Coleman, Lyman 315 Condit, Uzai W i Cottingham, William W 400 Dachrodt, Jacob 252 Detwiller, Henry 439 Detwiller, John 442 Finley , George 345 Glanz', Charles 252 Green, Traill ... 318 Goldsmith, .Aaron 373 Hayden, George W 297 Heck, George 371 Heckman, Charles A 240 Hetrich, Mrs. Josiah P 263 Knox, James Mason 335 Ludlow, Jacob R 291 March, Francis A 311 McCartney, Washington 418 Muhlenberg, Henry M 96 Mutchler, William 420 Nevin, David W 370 Ohl, Ephraim N. R 293 Pardee, Ario 340 Police Force 375 Reeder, Andrew H 414 Reeder, Mrs Andrew H 262 Reeder, Frank 283 Rodenbough, Theophilus F 292 Sage, Henry A 469 Seip, -Albert N 289 Schlatter, Michael , 8 Taylor, George 112 Titus, Lawrence :o2 Vanderveer, John 299 Wagner, David 194 West, George W 5 Wolf. George 405 ) ^Q'^u yj Q^fi^' % 4i Sk m 4 ^i . ' ■ m ■«• »i: «s m *' n: •Jn^,'i*,'»E .««.:!•.• '^V%-^f; 4^ ^j: «k ti n m *i n*9^ \^ ■ ■ ■■ ' 4> m *t/M *i.*f *i *;'^<» V fr m '♦'? * »l ».i. ;V ■» *> l> If? * .**,*! »j^ #5 If? «? m '■% W «l ' :» %• 1J ■%? -4 ^ t «r *. « #%; ^ ^ ^ ^ .^ ■ ^J*^ '4^'>% ;«!5 ,*'# i!) ;#. ii ■ ^ -Jt 'i]^ 4 ^- # t^ -51 ;4,* # ; liT •« ?«l « vi ^s.t ^ ■ - ■ ^ -^ ^ 4 ^^*' ■# 4 i f ^ •« , •^ ^ If .« ^* .^» « 4J*^ 1... .. -^ - . r^ ■ ., t ■€ vf 4!|- ^ *t «v ;*•.•'% «^ tR #. € # - "• ^ ■ 4 '^^ **