Publications of the Florida State Historical Society Charter and By-Laws of the Florida State Historical Society Deland, Florida: The Florida State Historical Society 1922 ^ee. t< "ClltfWi V Publications of the Florida State Historical Society Deland, Florida: Printed for the Members of the Society 1922 K, Publications of the Florida State Historical Society Charter and By-Laws of the Florida State Historical Society Deland, Florida: The Florida State Historical Society 1922 Monograph IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, 0^ IN AND FOR VOLUSIA COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA ^ S NOTICE OF APPLICATION, AND PROPOSED CHARTER OF FLORIDA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY For record in office of the Clerk of Circuit, 11 o'clock A. M., on the twenty-ninth day of November, A. D. 1921, and recorded in Book No. 3, Corp., page 315. Record verified. Witness my hand and seal of said Court this twenty-ninth day of November, A. D. 1921. SAMUEL D. JORDAN, Clerk. O. CLIFFORD BOTTS, Deputy Clerk. (Signed) Filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Volusia County, Florida, October 28, 1921. SAMUEL D. JORDAN, Clerk. O. CLIFFORD BOTTS, Deputy Clerk. (Signed) ISAAC A. STEWART TOM B. STEWART STEWART & STEWART, Attorneys-at-Law Deland, Fla. For Petitioners. FORMAL PUBLICATION OF NOTICE Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that they did on the 28th day of October, A. D. 1921, file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Vokisia County, State of Florida, a pro- posed charter for a corporation not for profit, to be incorporated under the name of Florida State Historical Society: that the char- acter and object of said corporation shall be to further interest in the history of the State of Florida ; to form a library devoted to Florida history ; to acquire and preserve historical documents and memorabilia and collections of any sort referring to Florida ; to foster research in early records ; to publish results of such re- search ; to render accessible scarce historical material by fac-simile or reprint ; to discover, produce and preserve whatever relates to the topography, cartography and antiquities of Florida; and to engage in any other proper activity ; to be able and capable as a body corporate to have, hold and enjoy all chattels, lands and tenements not to exceed in value Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15.- 000.00) (exclusive of library and antiquities), and to acquire the same by gift, donation or purchase, and the power at all times to dispose of the same, in a manner authorized by law and subject only to the approval of the Circuit Judge of Volusia County, Florida, where the law so requires ; and the undersigned intend to apply to the Honorable James W. Perkins, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit, in and for Volusia County, Florida, for a charter incorporating them, their associates and successors as a body politic, under the corporate name aforesaid, in accordance with the said proposed charter now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Volusia County. State of Florida. Said application will be made to said Judge on the 29th day of November, A. D. 1921. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals : Lincoln Hulley C. B. Ros.v S. A. Wood G. Prentice Carson C. B. Reynolds G. P. WiNSHIP Jeannette Thurber Connor Duncan U. Fletcher Peter O. Knight Kirk Munroe John B. Stetson, Jr. May M. Jennings W. A. MacWilliams John J. Paul Cary a. Hardee A. A. Murphree Isaac A. Stewart PROOF OF PUBLICATION. VOLUSIA COUNTY. STATE OF FLORIDA, ' "^•^■ Personally Appeared Before Me, A. B. CROOK, to me well known, who, being duly sworn, says he is the foreman of the Deland Daily News, a newspaper published in Deland, Volusia County, Florida, and that the attached advertisement of Notice of Application for Charter, Lincoln Hulley, et al., was published in the regular issue of said paper on October 29, and November 5, 12, 19, 26, 1921, the same being 30 days and four consecutive issues of said paper, and that the legal fee for said publication is $ A. B. Crook, Foreman, The Deland Daily Nezvs. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of November, 1921. John F. Culp, Notary Public, State of Florida at Large. My commission expires November 8, 1925. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER Notice is hereby gi\en by the undersigned that they did, on the twenty-eighth day of October. A. D. 1921, file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Volusia County, State of Florida, a i)roposed charter for a corporation not for profit, to be incor- porated under the name of Florida State Historical Societv: that the character and object of said corporation shall be to further interest in the history of the State of Florida; to form a library devoted to Florida history ; to acquire and preserve historical docu- ments and memorabilia and collections of any sort referring to Florida ; to foster research in early records ; to publish results of such research ; to render accessible scaice historical material by fac-simile or reprint ; to discover, produce and preserve whatever relates to the topography, cartography and antiquities of Florida, and to engage in any other proper activity ; to be able and capable as a body corporate to have, hold and enjoy all chattels, lands and tenements not to exceed in value Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars (exclusive of library aad antiquities), and to acquire the same by gift, donation or purchase, and the power at all times to dispose of the same, in a manner authorized by law, and subject only to the approval of the Circuit Judge of Volusia County, Florida, where the law so requires; and the undersigned intend to apply to the Honorable James W. Perkins, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit, in and for Volusia County, IHorida, for a charter incorporating them, their associates and successors as a body politic, under the corporate name aforesaid, in accordance with the said proposed charter now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Volusia County, State of Florida. Said application will be made to said Judge on the twenty-ninth day of November, A. D. 1921. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals : Lincoln Hulley C. B. Rosa S. A. Wood G. Prentice Carson C. B. Reynolds G. P. WiNSHIP Jeannette Thurber Connok Duncan U. Fletcher Peter O. Knight Kirk Munroe John B. Stetson, Jr. May M. Jennings W. A. MacWilliams John J. Paul Cary a. Hardee A. A. Murphree Isaac A. Stewart PROPOSED CHARTER OF FLORIDA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Preamble. WHEREAS, to collect and preserve the evidence of its own history from the earliest date is both the duty and interest of every political society, whether its progress has been prosperous or disastrous ; and WHEREAS, the history of Florida, which was discovered by the Spaniards and first settled by them ; which the French coveted and tried to capture from Spain ; which the English tried to take from Spain by force of arms, but finally acquired by treaty, only to return it once more to Spain after a lapse of twenty years; which the new United States desired for strategic reasons and ac- quired by purchase and treaty, making of it first a territory and elevating it finally to full statehood ; which was the haunt of buc- caneers and privateers, and the scene of Indian massacres and wars, and of colonizing projects of many varieties; which per- formed its share in the Civil War, the Spanish War and the World War, presents as inspiring a field for historical research as the history of any other State in the Union ; a field which at the present time is almost untouched ; THEREFORE, impressed with these considerations and desirous of inspiring in the citizens of Florida a wholesome curiosity for the deeds of their predecessors who traveled, fought and died on our soil, sustained always by an ideal ; and believing that good will come from the study of those old ideals, we, whose names are subjoined, do hereby unite ourselves in a society, in order to be incorporated and become a corporation not for profit, under the laws of the State of Florida, and for the purpose of elucidating the natural, civil, literary and ecclesiastical history of Florida, and hereby propose and subscribe the following charter : Section I. The name of this Society shall be Florida State Historical Society^ and it shall be located at Deland, Volusia County, Florida. Section II. The general objects of the Society shall be to further interest in the history of the State; to form a library de- voted to Florida history ; to acquire and preserve historical docu- merits and memorabilia and collections of any sort referring to Florida ; to foster research in early records ; to publish results of such research ; to render accessible scarce historical material by fac-simile or reprint ; to discover, produce and preserve whatever relates to the topography, cartography and antiquities of Florida and to engage in any other proper activity ; to be able and capable as a body corporate to have, hold and enjoy all chattels, lands and tenements not to exceed in value Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00) Dollars (exclusive of library and antiquities), and to acquire the same by gift, donation or purchase, and the power at all times to dispose of the same, in a manner authorized by law, and subject only to the approval of the Circuit Judge of Volusia County, Florida, where the law so requires. The John B, Stetson University at Deland, Florida, shall be the custodian of the collections, which it shall care for and make accessible to members under suitable conditions, as shall be pro- vided for in the by-laws. Sectiox III. The term for which this corporation is to exist shall begin with the approval by the Circuit Court Judge of this charter, and shall continue perpetually. Section IV. The names and residences of the subscribers to this charter are as follows : J. J. Paul of Watertown, Florida Duncan U. Fletcher of Jacksonville, Florida S. A. Wood .of Deland, Florida G. Prentice Carson of Deland, Florida Lincoln Hulley of Deland, Florida Jeannette Thurber Connor of New York City John B. Stetson, Jr. of Philadelphia, Pa. May M. Jennings of Jacksonville, Florida C. B. Rosa of Deland, Florida C. B. Reynolds of New York City W. A. AlacWilliams of St. Augustine, Florida Cary A. Hardee of Live Oak, Florida Peter O. Knight of Tampa, Florida Kirk Munroe of Cocoanut Grove, Florida I. A. Stewart of Deland, Florida Geo. P. Winship of Cambridge, Mass. A. A. Murphree of Gainesville, Florida 10 Section V. This Society shall be composed of the following classes of membership: honorary members, life members, contrib- uting members, sustaining members and annual members. Honor- ary membership is limited to twenty members. Life members shall consist of those who make a contribution of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, and they shall become exempt from further dues. The contributing members shall consist of persons who shall contribute Fifty ($50.00) Dollars annually to the objects of the Society. The sustaining members shall consist of those mem- bers who agree to purchase from the Society all its publications as fast as issued, at approximately cost, not exceeding Fifty ($50.00) Dollars in any calendar year. This class shall be limited to two hundred and fifty. Annual members shall consist of those who subscribe Five ($5.00) Dollars annually to the purposes of the Society. Ten or more members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Society. The council shall have the power to elect honorary, life, contributing and sustaining members. All mem- bers shall have the right to vote. Section VI. The officers by whom the affairs of this Society are to be managed shall be a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, and a council of seventeen members ; the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer of the Society shall be ex- ofificio members of the said council. The president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer shall be elected annually, and the Society shall, at its first regular meeting, elect four members of the coun- cil for three years, four for two years, and four for one year, respectively, to hold office until their respective successors are elected ; and at each regular annual meeting thereafter, four mem- bers of the council shall be elected for three years, to succeed the retiring members of the council. The president of John B. Stet- son University shall be, and is hereby declared to be, ex-officio a member of this Society, and a member of the council of seventeen herein provided for. Seven members of the council shall constitute a quorum. It shall be the duty of the council to report donations made to the Society and to take suitable care of the books ; to superintend the correspondence of the Society ; to publish the business of the 11 Society ; and to attend to such duties in the business of the Society as may from time to time be committed to them by the Society. They shall have the power to make rules for their own govern- ment in the meetings. At the annual meeting of the Society they shall make a report of the acquisitions and transactions of the preceding year. The council may be specially convened at any time by the president or vice-president. Section VII. The names of the officers who are to manage all the afifairs of the Society until the first election under this char- ter are as follows : G. P. Carson President Jeannette Thurber Connor Vice-President C. B. Rosa Secretary S. A. Wood Treasurer, and J. J. Paul Duncan U. Fletcher Lincoln Hulley John B. Stetson, Jr. May M. Jennings C. B. Reynolds W. A. MacWilliams Cary a. Hardee Peter O. Knight Kirk Munroe I. A. Stewart Geo. p. Winship A. A. Murphree members of the council. Section VIII. The Society shall meet annually, to wit: on the first Monday of February, but the president, or in his absence, the vice-president, may call a special meeting on giving due notice thereof. The meetings shall be held in Deland, Florida, or at such other place in Florida as may be determined annually by the council. The election of officers of the council shall take place at this meeting and shall be decided by a majority of ballots. An annual discourse shall be delivered by some one designated by the council, who shall be appointed for that purpose by said council, 12 and a dissertation on the general objects of the Society may be delivered at any of its meetings. When the discourse is delivered, strangers may be admitted. The Society may from time to time appoint special committees for the purpose of investigating particu- lar subjects, v^ho shall report to the council, which latter may select certain parts thereof which they may deem expedient to lay before the Society. Section IX. The by-laws of the Society shall be adopted by the members thereof at the first regular meeting held after the approval of this charter, and any one or more of said by- laws may be altered or rescinded or new by-laws adopted, by a majority of the members of the Society present at such meeting, provided, however, that the question of making such alteration or recession, or adoption of such new by-laws, shall be proposed at a regular or special meeting of the Society held not less than two weeks prior to the time the same are voted on. Section X. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the Society may at any time subject itself, shall be Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars, but shall never exceed two-thirds of the value of the property of the Society. Signed : Lincoln Hulley C. B. Rosa S. A. Wood G. Prentice Carson C. B. Reynolds G. P. WiNSHIP Jeannette Thurber Connor Duncan U. Fletcher Peter O. Knight Kirk Munroe John B. Stetson, Jr. May M. Jennings W. A. MacWilliams John J. Paul Cary a. Hardee A. A. Murphree Isaac A. Stewart 13 STATE OF FLORIDA, ) f ss. COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, \ On this day personally appeared before me, TOM B. STEW- ART, a notary public of the State of Florida, one ISAAC A. STEWART, to me personally and well known to be one of the persons mentioned and described in the foregoing proposed char- ter; who acknowledged the signing of the same for the purposes therein expressed, and after being duly sworn, says that it is in- tended in good faith to carry out the purposes and objects set forth therein, Isaac A. Stewart. Sworn to and subscribed and acknowledged before me this 28th day of October, A. D. 192L Tom B. Stewart, A^otary Public, State of Florida. My commission expires March 11th, 1923. STATE OF FLORIDA, VOLUSIA COUNTY. ) I, Samuel D. Jordan, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Volusia County, Florida, do hereby certify that the above and fore-notice and proposed charter of the Florida State Histori- cal Society was filed in my office in the Court House in Deland, Florida, on the 28th of October, A. D. 1921, and has remained on file in office until this date, to wit: November 29th. 1921, as is required by law. Witness my hand and official seal at Deland, Florida, this 29th of November, A. D. 1921, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. Samuel D. Jordan, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Volusia County, State of Florida. 14 DECREE The above and foregoing notice of application for charter, and proposed charter of the Florida State Historical Society, and proof of publications of said notice of application for charter, hav- ing been presented and submitted to me, and it appearing that due and proper notice has been given of said application for charter as is required by law, and no objection having been presented or filed objecting to the granting of said proposed charter aforesaid, and upon examination thereof the Court finds that the same is in legal and proper form, and for an object authorized by law, Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that said proposed charter of the Florida State Historical Society, be and is hereby approved, and the said applicants be and they are hereby organized and created into a body corporate under the name of Florida State Historical Society, for the object and pur- poses therein set forth and specified, and under the foregoing proposed charter. Done, ordered, adjudged and decreed in Chambers, at De- land, Florida, this 29th of November A. D. 1921. (Sgd.) James W. Perkins, Judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit, in and for Volusia County^ Florida. 15 BY-LAWS. FLORIDA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I. Membership. L The Society shall consist of its present members and of such other persons, men and women, as shall be duly elected in the manner specified in the charter and by-laws. 2. Annual members shall consist of the present members of the Society paying annual dues, and of such other persons as shall be elected in the manner hereinafter specified, and pay into the treasury of the Society the prescribed annual dues : Provided, That members elected after the first day of September in any year, shall not be liable for the dues of that year. The dues of annual members shall be payable in advance on the first day of January in each year, but any such member by paying at one time the sum of One Hundred Dollars in lieu of annual dues may become a life member. If any person elected an annual member shall fail to pay the annual dues within six months after notification of election, such election shall become null and void. If any annual member shall allow the annual dues to become more than two years in arrears, his or her membership shall thereupon cease. In either of the said cases the name of such person may, upon pay- ment of the dues, be thereafter placed upon or restored to the roll by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the council present at any meeting thereof. 3. Every nomination for membership shall be made in writing by a member of the Society in good standing, stating the qualification of the candidate for membership. The name of the candidate, with that of the nominator, shall be entered in a book provided for that purpose. After investigation by the Committee of the Council upon Election of Members, the name of the candi- date shall be submitted to the council for action at any meeting thereof. In the case of a nomination for annual membership if two-thirds of the members of the council present at such meet- ing shall agree to the admission of the candidate, he or she shall be taken and deemed to be duly elected a member of the Society. In the case of a nomination for honorary, life, contributing or 17 sustaining membership, a unanimous vote of the members of the council present at a stated meeting subsequent to that at which the name shall have been submitted shall be necessary for election. 4. Any member of the Society may be suspended or ex- pelled by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the council present at any meeting thereof, for violation of the by-laws or any conduct prejudicial to the interests of the society and in violation of his or her duties as a member thereof : Provided, That not less than four weeks' notice shall have been given by the secretary of the council to such member of the offense or misconduct with which he or she is charged, and of the time and place where he or she may be heard in answer thereto. in the case of expulsion, or suspension for more than six months, the member shall have a right to appeal to the next stated meeting of the Society, which, after an opportunity to the member to be heard thereat, may thereupon revoke or modify the said expulsion or suspension by the vote of a majority of the members present. II. Meetings. 1. Two stated meetings of the Society shall be held in each year, to wit : on the third Wednesday in the months of October and February at eight o'clock in the evening. The meeting held in the month of February shall be known as the Annual Meeting, at which the election of officers, except as hereinafter provided, shall be held, and the reports for the previous calendar year of the treasurer and council shall be presented. 2. Special meetings may be called by the president, or, in his absence, by the vice-president, by giving at least fifteen days' notice thereof, either by circular through the post to the annual members or by advertisement in not less than one daily paper published in Jacksonville, and one other paper elsewhere in Florida. 3. Each member shall have the right to vote at elections and at meetings of the Society, either in person or by proxy, as he or .she may deem expedient, but no proxy shall be valid unless it shall have been executed not less than fifteen days before the occasion upon which it may be used. 18 4. The Order of Business at meetings shall be as follows, but may be suspended or changed by vote of the members present : (1) Reading of the minutes of the previous stated meeting and of all subsequent adjourned or special meetings. (2) Reading of addresses, lectures, or papers, historical, biographical, or literary, and discussion thereof. (3) Reports of or communications from officers, committees, or others. (4) Unfinished business. (5) New business. III. Officers and Council. 1. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Society. It shall be his duty, unless unavoidably prevented, to preside at the meetings of the Society, preserve order thereat, ap- point all committees when appointments are not otherwise pro- vided for by special resolution, and perform the usual duties ap- pertaining to his office. It shall be his duty to exercise and main- tain a general supervision over the affairs of the Society, and the conduct of its employees, and to see that its objects, as prescribed by the charter and by-laws, and its instructions and those of the council, are duly carried out. 2. The vice-president shall, in the absence or disability of the president, perform the duties and functions of that officer. 3. The secretary shall make all preliminary arrangements for and attend the meetings of the Society, and shall keep accurate minutes of the proceedings thereof, which he shall have neatly ti-anscribed into a book of record. The said book shall be kept in the hall of the Society and shall be at all times accessible to the council. He shall be the sole custodian of the seal of the Society, which shall be securely kept in the said hall, and he shall attach the same to such papers as the Society or the council may direct. The seal now in use shall continue to be the seal of the Society. He shall have charge of the correspondence of the Society, other than that appertaining to the other officers and to committees. When called upon at a meeting he shall read thereat such communi- cations as he may have received or sent. His correspondence and official papers shall be accessible to the council. 19 4. The treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the So- ciety, except those held by trustees for special purposes. He shall pay all such claims as shall be ordered or approved by the council and keep proper books of account, which shall be subject, at all times, to the inspection and direction of the council. All moneys payable to the Society shall be received only by persons specially appointed by the treasurer for the purpose. He shall, after the close of each calendar year, make an annual report to the council of the condition of the treasury, which report shall be laid before the Society at the annual meeting. 5. In the council shall be vested the general control and administration of the affairs, property, and business of the Society. One stated meeting of the council shall be held in each month, ex- cept in the months of July and August, and special meetings when- ever called by its president or secretary, or any three of its mem- bers. 6. The annual election for officers shall take place on the third Wednesday in the month of February in each year between the hours of seven and nine P. M. and shall be by ballot. All nominations for officers shall be made at the stated meeting preced- ing that at which the election is to be held, excepting that in case of a vacancy in any office other than that of councillor or nomina- tion for the purpose of filling such vacancy may be made and the election held at any meeting of the Society, provided that in the notices of such meeting information of any such proposed action shall have been given. Five tellers, of whom two shall be a quorum, to conduct the annual election for officers, shall be ap- pointed by the president of the Society at any time before the date of the annual meeting. If no election shall take place on the day appointed for the annual election the former officers shall continue in office until their successors shall be elected, which elec- tion may take place at any subsequent meeting of the Society called upon notice that such election is to be held. IV. Property. 1. All the property, real and personal, belonging to the So- ciety not held by special trustees, or trustees for special purposes, shall be under the charge, control and management of the council. 2. All respectable and well-behaved persons, whether mem- bers of the Society or not, shall be permitted to examine and use 20 the books, manuscripts, pamphlets, and collections belonging to the Society, under such necessary regulations in respect to safety and convenience as the council shall from time to time establish, and shall be allowed free admission on the occasion of the de- livery of discourses and addresses, but neither members of the Society nor other persons shall be allov^^ed to take any of the said books, manuscripts, pamphlets or collections from the custody of the Society, excepting by special authority of the council. 3. All donations and bequests of money to the Society, unless otherwise directed by the donors or testator, and all moneys re- ceived in lieu of annual dues as hereinbefore provided, shall be invested under the direction of the council, the income only to be applied to the support of the Society and the carrying out of the purposes for which it has been established. Such investments shall be called the Endowment Fund and shall not be converted into money except for reinvestment. 4. The investments of each of the several funds subject to the control of the Society shall be held in the name of the Society, but designated as belonging to the particular fund. All moneys held in trust as aforesaid shall be invested and reinvested under the direction of the council, and the income only applied to the carrying out of the purposes for which the funds respectively have been established. Such investments shall not be converted into money except for reinvestment, or for carrying into efifect the purposes for which any particular fund may have been constituted. The trustees of such funds may in their discretion authorize and empower the treasurer of the Society to collect and account for the income of such investments. 5. The trustees of all funds whose appointments are not specifically provided for in the creation thereof shall be three in number for each fund, and shall be elected by the council from among the members of the Society to serve for six years. Elec- tions of trustees shall take place at the stated meeting of the coun- cil held in the month of February in each even-numbered year. In the cases of funds now existing one trustee for each fund shall be elected at such time, and the trustees now in office shall 21 continue until the expiration of the terms for which they have been severally elected. In the cases of funds to be created in the future three trustees for each fund shall be elected at the time, or as soon as possible thereafter, to serve until the next stated meet- ing of the council held in the month of F'ebruary in an even-num- bered year, when three trustees for each fund shall be elected, one to serve two years, one to serve four years, and one to serve six years, and thereafter one trustee for each fund shall be elected at each of such meetings to serve six years. If no election shall take place on the day appointed, the former trustees shall continue until their successors shall be elected, which may be at any sub- sequent stated meeting of the council or any special meeting there- of called for the express purpose, upon notice that such election is intended to be held. Vacancies in the office of trustee may be filled for unexpired terms at like times and in like manner. 6. In all cases of funds created or other property settled in trust for the benefit of the Society, and the trustees holding the same have the sole power to fill vacancies in their number, when- ever such vacancies occur the council may nominate to the sur- viving or continuing trustees such members of the society as it may think most proper to fill such vacancies, with its recommenda- tion that they shall be chosen accordingly. V. New By-Laws. 1. Xo alteration shall bo made in the by-laws unless the proposed alteration shall have been presented in writing and read to the Society at a regular or special meeting thereof, held not less than two weeks prior to the time the same are voted on in the notices of which second special mention shall be made of the pro- posed action. The proposed alteration shall be posted in the meet- ing place of the Society for two weeks before final action, and no such alteration shall be adopted except upon the vote in its favor of two-thirds of the annual members of the Society in good stand- ing present at the meeting at which the vote shall be taken upon its final adoption. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 499 438 3 ;#