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Instead of going to musty records, and taking therefrom dry statistieal matter that can be appreciated by but few, our corps of writers have gone to the people, the men and women who have, by their enterprise and industry, brought the county to rank second to none among those comprising this great ami noble State, and from their lips have the story of their life Struggles. No more interesting or instinctive matter could be presented to an intelli- gent public. In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coining generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited ID advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an J^\3% influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who p$M$A have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have %¥JiF\& become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to succeed, and '^, records how that success has usually crowned their efforts. It tells also of many, very many, who, not seeking the applause of the world, have pursued "the even tenor of their way," content to have it said of them as Christ said of the woman performing a deed of mercy — "they have done what they could." It tells how that many in the pride and strength of young manhood left the plow and the anvil, the lawyer's office and the counting-room, left every trade and profession, and at their country's call went forth valiantly "to do or die," and how through their efforts the Union was restored and peace once more reigned in the land. In the life of every man and of every woman is a lesson that should not be lost upon, those who follow after. Coming generations will appreciate this volume and preserve it as a sacred treasure, from the fact that it contains so much that would never find its way into public records, and which would otherwise he inaccessible. Great care has been taken in the compilation of the work ami every opportunity possible given to those represented to insure correctness in what has been written, and the publishers (latter them- selves that they give to their readers a work with few errors of consequence. In addition to the biograph- ical sketches, portraits of a number of representative citizens are given. The faces of some, and biographical sketches of many, will lie missed in this volume. For this the publishers are not to blame. Not having a proper conception of the work, some refused to give the information necessary to compile a sketch, while others were indifferent. Occasionally some member of the family would oppose the enterprise, and on account of such opposition the support of the interested one would be withheld. In a few instances men could never be found, though repeated calls were made at their residence or place of business. October, 1881. Biographical Publishing Co. -?!>■ TRA/Ts ■■^^^■'■'■'"'■L •': i- ^^-sf^! 5 125* ^» 9 SAND • W ^A^^xsa^^ J j^y ","- BIOGRAPHIES ^ ''*x.. «>.«>*'' OF THE GOVERNORS of ILLINOIS, AND OF THE i 4 r '' P- •ji 7 "' 1 ^r ^ * j MM i ^% .^- | OF THE SKJ ^§r* Uf s>\ Q Df. r ^' 9 .+,* . FIRST PRESIDENT. .^-a. i=-9-^<-... "IN. **] i j 1 : i 1 : i 1 : >' : >< : v .;-,< ; ,<:.,< ; ,<.; .■ : ■,< .- ,' : ,' :■,:■:, •.■,•.'■•.',■.',•. v..y:-u:v-vvvvy: .'...vy'.v'...'t ^Feb. HE Father of our Country was born in Westmorland Co., \ a., 22, 1732. His parents were Augustine and Mary (Ball) Washington. The family to which he belonged has not been satisfactorily traced in England. His great-grand- father, John Washington, em- igrated to Virginia about 1657, and became a prosperous planter. He had two sons, Lawrence and John. The former married Mildred Warner and had three children, John, Augustine and Mildred. Augus- tine, the father of George, first married Jane Butler, who bore him four children, two of whom, Lawrence and Augustine, reached maturity. Of six children by his second marriage, George was the eldest, the others being Betty, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles and Mildred. Augustine Washington, the father of George, died in 1743, leaving a large landed property. To his eldest son, Lawrence, he bequeathed an estate on the Patomac, afterwards known as Mount Vernon, and to George he left the parental residence. George received only such education as the neighborhood schools afforded, save for a short time after he left school, when he received private instruction in mathematics. His spelling was rather defective Remarkable stories are told of his great physica: strength and development at an early age. He was an acknowledged leader among his companions, and was early noted for that nobleness of character, fair- ness and veracity which characterized his whole life. When George was 14 years old he had a desire to go to sea, and a midshipman's warrant was secured for him. but through the opposition of his mother the idea was abandoned. Two years later he was appointed surveyor to the immense estate of Lord Fairfax. In this business he spent three years in a rough frontier life, gaining experience which afterwards proved very essential to him. In 175 t, though only iy years of age, he was appointed adjutant with the rank of major in the Virginia militia, then being trained for active service against the French and Indians. Soon after this he sailed to the West Indies with his brother Lawrence, who went there to restore his health. They soon returned, and in the summer of 1752 Lawrence died, leaving a large fortune to an infant daughter who did not long survive him. On her demise the estate of Mount Vernon was given to George. Upon the arrival of Robert Dinwiddie, as Lieuten- ant-Governor of Virginia, in 1752, the militia was reorganized, and the province divided into four mili- tary districts, of which the northern was assignee to Washington as adjutant general. Shortly after this a very perilous mission was assigned him and ac- cepted, which others had refused. This was to pro- ceed to the French post near Lake Erie 111 North- western Pennsylvania. The distance to be traversed was between 500 and 600 miles. Winter was at hand, and the journey was to be made without militarv escort, through a territory occupied by Indians. The GEORGE WASHINGTON. trip was a perilous one, and several limes he came near losing his life, yet he returned in safety and furnished a full .\nd useful report of his expedition. A regiment of 300 men was raised in Virginia and put in com- mand of Col. Joshua fry, and Major Washington was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. Active war was then begun against the French and Indians, in which Washington took a most important part. In the memorable event of July 9, 1755, known as Brad- dock's defeat, Washington w:;s almost the only officer oi distinction who escaped from the calamities of the day with life and honor. The other aids of Biaddock acre disabled early in the action, and Washington alone was left in that capacity on the held. In a letter to his brother he says : "1 had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shut under me, yet I escaped unhurt, though death was levelin \ my companions on every side." An Indian sharpshooter said he was not born to be killed by a bullet, for lie had taken direct aim at him seventeen times, and failed to hit him. After having been live years in the military -erviee, and vainly sought promotion in the royal army, he look advantage of the fall of Fort Duquesne and the expulsion of the French from the valley of the Ohio, 10 resign his commission. Soon after he entered the Legislature, where, although nut a leader, he took an ,u live and important part. January 17, 1759, he married Mrs. Martha (Dandridge) Custis, the wealthy widow of |ohn Parke Custis. When the British Parliament had closed the port ■ I Boston, the cry went up throughout the provinces that "The cause of Boston is the cause of us all." It was then, at the suggestion of Virginia, that a Con- gress of all the colonies was called to meet at Phila- delphia, Sept. 5, [774, to secure their common liberties, peaceably if possible. To this Congress Col. Wash- ington was sent as a delegate. On May 10, 1775, the 1 longress re-assembled, when the hostile intentions of E 1 gland were plainly apparent. The battles of Con- cord and Lexington had been fought. Among the first acts of this Congress was the election of a com- mander-in-chief of the colonial forces. This high and insible office was conferred upon Washington, who was still .1 memberof the Congress. He accepted it on June ra, but upon the express condition that he receive no salary. I ie would keep an exact account of expenses and expect Congress 10 pay them and nothing more. It is not the object of this sketch to 'i i' ■ the military acts of Washington, to whom the fortunes and liberties of tin- people of this country were so long confided. The war was conducted by him under ever) possible disadvantage, and while his often met with reverses, yet he overcame everj ! Hid after seven years of heroic devotion i.itc hk-NS -kill he gained liberty for the greatest nation of earth. On Dec, 23, 1783, Washington, in a patting address of surpassing beauty, resigned his commission as commander-in-chief of the army to to the Continental Congress sitting at Annapolis. He ictired immediately to Mount Vernon and resumed his occupation as a fanner and planter, shunning all connection with public life. I 1 February, 1 7 S9, Washington was unanimously elected President. In his presidential career he was subject to the peculiar trials incidental to a i.ew government ; trials from lack of confidence on the part of other governments; trials from want of harmony between the different sections of our own country; trials from the impoverished condition ol the country, owing to the war and want of credit; trials from the beginnings of part) strife. He was no partisan. His clear judgment could discern the golden mean; and while perhaps this alone kept our government from sinking at the very outset, it left him exposed to attacks from both sides, which were often bitter and very annoying. At the expiration of his first term he was unani- mously re-elected. At the end of this term many were anxious that he be re-elected, but he absolutely refused a third nomination. On the fourth of March, 1797, at the expiraton of his second term as Presi- dent, he returned to his home, hoping to pass there his few remaining years free from the annoyances of public life. Later in the year, however, his repose seemed likely to be interrupted by war with France At the prospect of such a war he was again urged to take command of the armies. He chose his sul - ordinate officers and left to them the charge of mat- ters in the field, which he superintended from his home. In accepting the command he made the reservation that he was not to be in the field until it was necessary. In the midst of these preparations his life was suddenly cut off. December 12, he took a seveie cold from a ride in the rain, which, settling in Irs throat, produced inflammation, and terminated fatally on the night of the fourteenth. On the eigh- teenth his body was borne wi'h military honors to its final resting place, and interred in the family vault at Mount Vernon. Of the character of Washington it is impossible to speak but in terms of the highest respect and ad- miration. The more we see of the operations of our government, and the more deeply we feel the difficulty of uniting all opinions in a common interest, the more highly we must estimate the force of his tal- ent and character, which have been able to challenge the reverence of all parties, and principles, and na- tions, and to win a fame as extended as the limits of the globe, and which we cannot but believe will be as lasting as the existence of man. The person of Washington was unusally tan, erecf and well proportioned. His muscular strength was great. His features were of a beautiful symmetry. lie commanded respect without any appearance o< haughtiness, and ever serious withoi" l^inti dull. i dn J dam SECOND PRESIDENT. tfca .'fl'jE.- ^^*V Wfr— _^+&a3iiM\ ■ ^r Jfil ; ) g^^SiMl W,.,t. ? t. >t. -t.t. A:ls»fc&fe&&fe A.* A .t.-.t,.t..t.t.t .t.t.ti. U.UiM.f,.t..t i.t.». .+. .A.AAjU^'j^ I ( >HN ADAMS, the second ®, President and the first Vice- ' President of the United States, was born in Braintree (now Quincy ),Mass., and about ten miles from Boston, Oct. ig, 1735. His great-grandfather, Henry Adams, emigrated from England about 1640, with a family of eight p\U sons, and settled at Braintree. The parents of John were John and Susannah (Boylston) Adams. His father was a farmer of limited means, to which he added the bus- iness of shoemaking. He gave his eldest son, John, a classical educa- tion at Harvard College. John graduated in 1755, and at once took charge of the school in Worcester, Mass. This he found but a 'school of affliction," from which he endeavored to gain relief by devoting himself, in addition, to the study of law. For this purpose he placed himself under the tuition of the only lawyer in the town. He had thought seriously of the clerical profession but seems to have been turned from this by what he termed " the frightful engines of ecclesiastical coun- jils, of diabolical malice, and Calvanistic good nature,'' of the operations of which he had been a witness in his native town. He was well fitted for the legal profession, possessing a clear, sonorous voice, being ready and fluent of speech, and having quick percep- tive powers. He gradually gained practice, and in 1764 married Abigail Smith, a daughter of a minister, and a lady of superior intelligence. Shortly after his marriage, (17^5), the attempt of Parliamentary taxa- tion turned him from law to politics. He took initial steps toward holdir. B a town meeting, and the resolu- tions he offered on the subject became very populai throughout the Province, and were adopted word for word by over forty different towns. He moved to Bos ton in 1768, and became one of the most courageous and prominent advocatesof the popular cause, and A'as chosen a member of the General Court (the Leg- lislature) in 1770. Mr. Adams was chosen one of the first delegates from Massachusetts to the first Continental Congress, which met in 1774. Here he distinguished himselt by his capacity for business and for debate, and ad- vocated the movement for independence against til ■ majority of the members. In May, 1776, he moved and carried a resolution in Congress that the Colonies should assume the duties of self-government. He was a prominent member of the committee of ave appointed June n, to prepare a declaration of inde- pendence. This article was drawn by Jefferson, but on Adams devolved the task of battling it through Congress in a three days debate. On the day after the Declaration of Independence was passed, while his soul was yet warm with thj glow of excited feeling, he wrote a letter to his wife which, as we read it now, seems to have been dictated by the spirit of prophecy. "Yesterday," he says, "the greatest question was decided that ever was debated in America; and greater, perhaps, never was or wil be decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, ' that these United States are, and of right ought to be, free and inde- pendent states.' The day is passed. The fourth of July, 1776, will be a memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God. It ought to be solemnized with pomp, shows- 24 JOHX ADAMS. games, sports, guns, hells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of the continent to the other, from this tune forward for ever. You will think me transported with enthusiasm, hut I am not. i am well aware of the toil, and blood and treasure, that it will cost to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these States; yet, through all the gloom, 1 can seethe rays of light and glory. 1 can see that the end is worth more than all the means; and that posterity will triumph, although you and 1 may rue, which I hope we shall not." In November, 1777, Mr. Adams was appointed a delegate to France and to co-operate with Bemjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee, who were then in Paris, in the endeavor to obtain assistance in arms ^nd money from the French Government. This was a severe trial to his patriotism, as it separated him from his home, compelled him to cross the ocean in winter, and ex- posed him to great peril of capture by the British cruis- ers, who were seeking him. He left France June 17, 1779. In September of the same year he was again < nosen to go to Paris, and there hold himself in readi- ness to negotiate a treaty of peace and of commerce with Great Britian, as soon as the British Cabinet might be found willing to listen to such proposels. He sailed for France in November, from there he went to Holland, where he negotiated important loans and formed important commercial treaties. Finally a treaty of peace with England was signed Jan. 2i, 17S3. The re-action from the excitement, toil and anxiety through which Mr. Adams had passed threw him into a fever. After suffering from a con- tinued fever and becoming feeble and emaciated he wis advised to go to England to drink the waters of Bath. While in England, still drooping anddes pond- ing, he received dispati hes from his own government urging the necessity of his going to Amsterdam to negotiate another loan. It was winter, his health was delicate, yet he immediately set out, and through storm, on sra, on horseback and foot,hemade the trip. February 24., 1785 Congress appointed Mr. Adams envoy to the Court of St. lames. Here he met face to face the King of England, who had so long re- garded him as a traitor. As England did not condescend to appoint a minister to the United States, ami .is Mr. Adams fell that he was acconi plishing but little, he sought permission to return to nis own country, where he arrived in June, 1788. When Washington was first chosen President, John Vlains, rendered illustiious by his signal services at home and abroad, was chosen Vi< e President. Again it the second election of Washington as President, Adams was chosen Vice President. In 1796, Wash- ington retired from public life, and Mr. Adams was elei ted President,though not without much opposition. Serving in this office to ir \ ears, he was succeeded by Mr. Jefferson, hisopponent in politics. >Vhile Mr, Adams was Vice President the great French Revolution shook the continent of Europe, and it was upon this point which lie was at issue with the majority of his countrymen led by Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Adams felt no sympathy with the French people- in their struggle, for he had no confidence in their |K>wer of self-government, and he utterly abhored the class of atheist philosophers who lie claimed caused it. On the other hand Jefferson's sympathies were strongly enlisted in behalf of the French people. Hence or- iginated the alienation between these distinguished men, and two powerful parties were thus soon organ- ised, Adams at the head of the one whose sympathies were with England and Jefferson led the other in sympathy with France. The world has seldom seen a spectacle of more moral beauty and grandeur, than was presented by the old age of Mr. Adams. The violence of party feeling had died away, and he had begun to receive that just appreciation which, to most men, is not accorded till after death. No one could look upon his venerable form, and think of what he had done and suffered, and how he had given up all the prime and strength of his life to the public good, without the deepest emotion of gratitude and respect. It was his peculiar good fortune to witness the complete success of the institution which he had been so active in creating and supporting. In 1824, his cup of happiness was filled to the brim, by seeing his son elevated to the highest station in the gift of the people. The fourth of July, 1826, which completed the half century since the signing of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, arrived, and there were but three of the signers of that immortal instrument left upon the earth to hail its morning light. And, as it is well known, on that day two of these finished their earthly pilgrimage, a coincidence so remarkable as to seem miraculous. For a few days before Mr. Adams had been rapidly failing, and on the morning of the fourth he found himself too weak to rise from his bed. On being requested to name a toast for the customary celebration of the day, he exclaimed " In- dependence forever." When the day was ushered in, by the ringing of bells and the firing of cannons, he was asked by one of his attendants if he knew what day it was? He replied, "O yes; it is the glor- ious fourth of July — God bless it — God bless you all." In the course of the day he said, "It is a great and glorious day." The last words he uttered were, "Jefferson survives." But he had, at one o'clock, re- signed his spirit into the hands of his God. The personal appearance and manners of Mr. Adams were not particularly prepossessing. His face, as his portrait manifests.was intellectual ard expres- sive, but his figure was low and ungraceful, and hif, manners were frequently abrupt and uncourteous He had neither the lofty dignity of Washington, nor the engaging elegance and gracefulness which marked the manners and address of Tefferson. ^?77l- THIRD PRESIDENT. 27 HO.MAS JEFFERSON was bum April 2, 1743, at Shad- IpNvell, Albermarle county, Va. His parents were Peter and Jane (Randolph) Jefferson, the former a native of Wales, and the latter born in Lon- don. To them were burn six daughters and two sons, of whom Thomas was the elder. When 14 years of age his father died. He received a most liberal education, hav- ing been kept diligently at si I from the time he was five years ol age. In 1-60 he entered William end Mary College. Williamsburg was then the seat of the Colonial Court, and it was the obode of fashion a. id splendor. Young Jefferson, who was then \-j years old, lived somewhat expensively, keeping line horses, and much caressed by gay society, _\ et he •.vas earnestly devoted to his studies, and irreproacha- able in his morals. It is strange, however, under such influences, that he was not ruined. In the sec- ond year of his college course, moved by some un- explained inward impulse, he discarded his horses, society, and even his favorite violin, to which he had previously given much time. Heoften devoted fifteen hours a day to hard study, allowing himself for ex- ercise only a run in the evening twilight of a mile out ot the city and back again. He thus attained verj high intellectual culture, alike excellence in philoso- phy and the languages. The most difficult Latin and Greek authors he read with facility. A mure finished scholar has seldom gone forth from college halls : and there was not to be found, perhaps, in all Virginia, a more pureminded, upright, gentlemanly young man. Immediately tqion leaving college he began the study of law. For the short time he continued in the practice of his profession he rose rapidly and distin- guished himself by his energy and accuteness as a lawyer. But the times called for greater action. The policy of England had awakened the spirit of resistance of the American Colonies, and the enlarged views which Jefferson had ever entertained, sunn led him into active political life. In 1769 he was 1 I a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses In 1772 he married Mis. Martha Skelton, a very beauti- ful, wealthy and highly accomplished young widow Upon Mr. Jefferson's large estate at Shadwell, there was a majestic swell of land, called Monticello, which commanded a prospect of wonderful extent and beauty. This spot Mr. Jefferson selected for his new home; and here he reared a mansion of modest ye* elegant architecture, which, next to Mount Vernon became the most distinguished resort in our land. In 1775 he was sent to the C( lonial Congress where, though a silent member, his abilities as a writer and a reasoner soun become known, and he was placed upon a number of important committees, and was chairman of the one appointed fur the draw- ing up of a declaration of independence. This com- mittee consisted of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. Jefferson, as chairman, was appointed u> draw up the paper. Franklin and Adams suggested a leu verbal changes before it was submitted to Con- gress. On June 28, a few slight changes were made in it by Congress, and it was passed and signed July 4, 1776 What must have been the feelings of that 28 THOMAS JEFFERSON. man — what the emotions that swelled his breast — who was charged with the preparation of that Dec- laration, which, while it made known the wrongs of America, was also to publish her to the world; free, uoverign and independent. It is one of the most re- aurkable papers ever written ; and did no other effort i f the mind of its author exist, that alone would be sufficient to stamp his name with immortality. In 1779 Mr. Jefferson was elected successor to Patrick Henry, as Governor of Virginia. At one time the British officer, Tarleton, sent a secret expedition to Moniicello, to capture the Governor. Scarcely five minutes elapsed after the hurried escape of Mr. Jef- ferson and his family, ere his mansion was in posses- sion of the British troops. His wife's health, never very good, was much injured by this excitement, and in the summer of 1782 she died. Mr. Jefferson was elected to Congress in 1783. Two yeirs later he was appointed Minister Plenipo- tentiary to France. Returning to the United States in September, 1789, he became Secretary of State in Washington's cabinet. This position he resigned Jan. r, 1794. In 1797, he was chosen Vice Presi- dent, and four years later was elected President over Mr. Adams, with Aaron Burr as Vice President. In 1804 he was re-elected with wonderful unanimity, and George Clinton, Vice President. The early part of Mr. Jefferson's second adminstra- ion was disturbed by an event which threatened the 1 i.iquility and peace of the Union; this was the con- piracy of Aaron Burr. Defeated in the late election to the Vice Presidency, and led on by an unprincipled ambition, this extraordinary man formed the plan of a military expedition into the Spanish territories on our southwestern frontier, for the purpose of forming there a new republic. This has been generally supposed was a mere pretext ; and although it has not been generally known what his real plans were, there is no doubt that they were of a far more dangerous character. In 1809, at the expiration of the second term for which Mr. Jefferson had been elected, he determined to retire from political life. For a period of nearly )rty years, he had been continually before the pub- .ic, and all that time had been employed in offices of the greatest trust and responsibility. Having thus de- voted the best part of his life to the service of his country, he now felt desirous of that rest which his declining years required, and upon the organization of the new administration, in March, 1809, he bid fare- well forever to public life, and retired to Monticelio. Mr. Jefferson was profuse in his hospitality. Whole families came in their coaches with their hoises, — fathers and mothers, boys and girls, babies and nurses, — and remained three and even six months. Life at Monticelio, for years, resembled that at a fashionable watering-place. The fourth of July, 1826, being the fiftieth anniver- sary of the Declaration of American Independence, great preparations were made in every part of thu Union for its celebration, as the nation's jubilee, and the citizens of Washington, to add to the solemnity of the occasion, invited Mr. Jefferson, as the framer and one of the few surviving signers of the Declara- tion, to participate in their festivities. But an ill- ness, which had been of several weeks duration, and had been continually increasing, compelled him to decline the invitation. On the second of July, the disease under which he was laboring left him, but in such a reduced state that his medical attendants, entertained nc hope of his recovery. From this time he was perfectly- sensible that his last hour was at hand. On the next day, which was Monday, he asked of those around him, the day of the month, and on being told it was the third of July, he expressed the earnest wish tha he might be permitted to breathe tie airof the fiftieth anniversary. His prayer was heard — that day, whose dawn was hailed with such rapture through our land, burst upon his eyes, and then they were closed for- ever. And what a noble consummation of a noble life ! To die on that day, — the birthday of a nation,- - the day which his own name and his own act had rendered glorious; to die amidst the rejoicings and festivities of a whole nation, who looked up to him, as the author, under God, of their greatest blessings, was all that was wanting to fill up the record his life. Almost at the same hour of his death, the kin- dred spirit of the venerable Adams, as if to bear him company, left the scene of his earthly honors. Hand in hand they had stood forth, the champions of freedom; hand in hand, during the dark and desper- ate struggle of the Revolution, they had cheered and animated their desponding countrymen; for half a century they had labored together for the good of the country; and now hand in hand they depart. In their lives they had been united in the same great cause of liberty, and in their deaths they were not divided. In person Mr. Jefferson was tall and thin, rather above six feet in height, but well formed; his eyes were light, his hair originally red, in after life became white and silvery; his complexion was fair, his fore- head broad, and his whole countenance intelligent and thoughtful. He possessed great fortitude of mind as well as personal courage ; and :.:s command of tem- per was such that his oldest and most intimate friends never recollected to have seen him in a passion. His manners, though dignified, were simple and un- affected, and his hospitality was so unbounded that all found at his house a ready welcome. In conver- sation he was fluent, eloquent and enthusiastic; ami his language was remarkably pure and correct, lb- was a finished classical scholar, and in his writings is discernable the care with whii h he formed his style- upon ihe best model - of anHquity. 1 J (ZyO<-^ , ^ i*,a_M^.-( /?"S. FOURTH PRESIDENT. WW& npDisoi). #*!^5>-^ AMES MADISON, "Father of the Constitution, ' and fourth f President of the United States, was born March 16, 1757, and died at his home in Virginia, June 28, 1836. The name of James Madison is inseparably con- nected with most of the important events in that heroic period of our country during which the founda- tions of this great republic were laid. He was the last of the founders of the Constitution of the United States to be called to his eternal reward. The Madison family were among the early emigrants to the New World, landing upon the shores of the Chesa- peake but 15 years after the settle- ment of Jamestown. The father of James Madison was an opulent planter, residing upon a very tine es- tate called "Montpelier," ( trangeCo., Va. The mansion was situated in the midst of scenery highly pictur- esque and romantic, on the west side of South-west Mountain, at the toot of It was but 25 miles from the home of Jefferson at Monticello. The closest personal and political attachment existed between these illustrious men, from tlteir early vouth until death. The early education of Mr. Madison was conducted mostly at home under a private tutor. At the age ol iS he was sent to Princeton College, in New Jersey. Here he applied himself to study with the most im- Blue Ridge. prudent zeal; allowing himself, lor months, but three hours' sleep out of the 24. His health thus became so seriously impaired that he never recovered any vigor of constitution, lie graduated in 1771. with a feeble body, with a character of utmost purity, and with a mind highly disciplined and richly stored with learning which embellished and gave proficiency to his subsr quent career. Returning to Virginia, he commenced the study of law and a course of extensive and systematic reading. This educational course, the spirit of the times in which lie lived, and the society with which he asso- ciated, all combined to inspire him with a strong love of liberty, and to train him for his life-work ol a statesman. Being naturally of a religious turn of mind, and his frail health leading him to think that his life was not to be long, he diiected especial atten- tion to theological studies. Kndowed with a muni singularly free from passion and prejudice, and with almost unequalled powers of reasoning, he weighed all the arguments for and against revealed religion, until his faith became so established as never to be shaken. In the spring of 1776, when 26 years of age, he was elected a member of the Virginia Convention, to frame the constitution of the State. The next yea! (1777). he was .1 candidate for the General Assembly. He refused to treat the whisky-lovir.g voters, and consequent!) h>st his election; but those who had witnessed the talent, energy and public spirit of the modest young man, enlisted themselves in his behalf, and lie was appointed to the Kxecutlve Council. Both Patrick Henry and Thomas fefferson were Governorsol Virginia while Mr. Madison remained member of the Council ; and their appreciation of Ilia 32 JAMES MADISON. intellectual, social and moral worth, contributed not a little to his subsequent eminence. In the year 1780, he was elected a member of the Continental Congress. Here he met the most illustrious men in our land, and he was immediately assigned to one of the most conspicuous positions among them. For three years Mr. Madison continued in Con- gress, one of its most active and influential members. In the year 1784, his term having expired, he was elected a member of the Virginia Legislature. No man felt more deeply than Mr. Madison the utter inefficiency of the old confederacy, with no na- tional government, with no power to form treaties which would be binding, or to enforce law. There was not any State more prominent than Virginia in the declaration, that an efficient national government must be formed. In January, 1786, Mr. Madison carried a resolution through the General Assembly of Virginia, inviting the other States to appoint commis- sioners to meet in convention at Annapolis to discuss this subject. Five States only were represented. The convention, however, issued another call, drawn up by Mr. Madison, urging all the States to send their delegates to Philadelphia, in May, 1787, to draft a Constitution for the United States, to take the place of that Confederate League. The delegates met at the time appointed. Every State but Rhode Island ^vas represented. George Washington was chosen president of the convention; and the present Consti- tution of the United States was then and there formed. There was, perhaps, no mind and no pen more ac- live in framing this immortal document than the mind and the pen of James Madison. The Constitution, adopted by a vote 81 to 79, was to be presented to the several States for acceptance. But grave solicitude was felt. Should it be rejected we should be left but a conglomeration of independent States, with but Utile power at home and little respect abroad. Mr. Madison was selected by the conven- tion to draw up an address to the people of the United States, expounding the principles of the Constitution, and urging its adoption. There was great opposition to it at first, but it at length triumphed over all, and went into effect in 1789. Mr. Madison was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives in the first Congress, and soon became the avowed leader of the Republican party. While in New York attending 'Congress, he met Mrs Todd, a young willow of remarkable power of fascination, whom he married. She was in person and character queenly, and probably no lady has thus far occupied so prominent a position in the very peculiar society which has constituted our republican court as Mrs. M idison. Mr. Madison served as Secretary of State under Jefferson, and at the close of his administiation was chosen President. At this time the encroach- ments of England had brought us to the verge of war. British orders in council destioyed our commerce, and our flag was exposed to constant insult. Mr. Madison was a man of peace. Scholarly in his taste, retiring in his disposition, war had no charms for him. But the meekest spirit can be roused. It makes one's blood boil, even now, to think of an American ship brought to, upon the ocean, by the guns of an English cruiser. A young lieutenant steps on board and orders the crew to be paraded before him. With great nonchal- ance he selects any number whom he may please to designate as British subjects ; orders them down the ship's side into his boat; and places them on the gun- deck of his man-of-war, to fight, by compulsion, the battles of England. This right of search and im- pressment, no efforts of our Government could induce the British cabinet to relinquish. On the 18th of June, 1812, President Madison gave his approval to an act of Congress declaring war against Great Britain. Notwithstanding the bitter hostility of the Federal party to the war, the country in general approved; and Mr. Madison, on the 4th of March, ig 13, was re-elected by a large majority, and entered upon his second term of office. This is not the place to describe the various adventures of this war on the land and on the water. Our infan. navy then laid the foundations of its renown in grap- pling with the most formidable power which ever swept the seas. The contest commenced in earnest by the appearance of a British fleet, early in February, [813, in Chesapeake Bay, declaring nearly the whole coast of the United States under blockade. The Emperor of Russia offered his services as me ditalor. America accepted ; England refused. A Brit- ish force of five thousand men landed on the banks of the Patuxet River, near its entrance into Chesa- peake Bay, and marched rapidly, by way of Bladens- burg, upon Washington. The straggling little city of Washington was thrown into consternation. The cannon of the brief conflict at Bladensburg echoed through the streets of the metropolis. The whole population fled from the city. The President, leaving Mrs. Madison in the White House, with her carriage drawn up at the doer to await his speedy return, hurried to meet the officers in a council of war He met our troops utterly routed, and he could not go back without danger of being captured. But few hours elapsed ere the Presidential Mansion, the Capitol, and all the public buildings in Washington were in flames. The war closed after two years of fighting, and on Feb. 13, 1 8 1 5, the treaty of peace was signed atGhent. On the 4th of March, 1817, his second term of office expired, and he resigned the Presidential chair to his friend, James Monroe. He retired to his beau- tiful home at Montpelier, and there passed the re- mainder of his days. On June 28, 1836, then at the age of 85 years, he fell asleep in death. Mrs. Madi son died July 12, 1849. m 7 ^c-Z_ FIFTH PRESIDENT. 35 PIIJES ll)01)ItOE. AMES MONROE, the fifth ^residentof The United States, 'was born in Westmoreland Co., Va., April 28, 1758. His early life was passed at the place of nativity. His ancestors had for many years resided in the prov- ince in which he was born. When, at 17 years of age, in the process ^ of completing his education at William and Mary College, the Co- lonial Congress assembled at Phila- delphia to deliberate upon the un- just and manifold oppressions of (Ireat Britian, declared the separa- tion of the Colonies, and promul- gated the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Had he been born ten years before it is highly probable that he would have been one of the signers of that celebrated instrument. At this time he left school and enlisted among the patriots. He joined the army when everything looked hope- less and gloomy. The number ot deserters increased from day to day. The invading armies came pouring in ; and the tories not only favored the cause of the mother country, but disheartened the new recruits, who were sufficiently terrified at the prospect of con- tending with an enemy whom they had been taught to deem invincible. To such brave spirits as James Monroe, who went right onward, undismayed through difficulty and danger, the United States owe their political emancipation. The young cadet joined the ranks, and espoused the cause of his injured country, with a firm determination to live or die with her strife for liberty. Firmly yet sadly he shared in the mel- ancholy retreat from Harleam Heights and Whit Plains, and accompanied the dispirited army as it fit before its foes through New Jersey. In four montl after the Declaration of Independence, the patric had been beaten in seven battles. At the battle ol Trenton he led the vanguard, and, in the act of eharg ing upon the enemy he received a wound in the lef shoulder. As a reward for his bravery, Mr. Monroe was pro moted a captain of infantry; and, having recovered from his wound, he rejoined the army. He, howevei. receded from the line of promotion, by becoming a; officer in the staff of Lord Sterling. During the can paigns of 1777 and 1778, in the actions of Brand* wine, Germantown and Monmouth, he continuec aid-de-camp; but becoming desirous to regain 1 position in the army, he exerted himself to collec ' regiment for the Virginia line. This scheme fail, owing to the exhausted condition of the State. Upoi. this failure he entered the office of Mr. lefferson, at that peiiod Governor, and pursued, with considerable ardor, the study of common law. He did not, howevei. entirely lay aside the knapsack for the green bag; but on the invasions of the enemy, served as a volun teer, during the two years of his legal pursuits. In 1782, lie was elected from King George county, a member of the I eglislature of Virginia, and by that body he was elevated to a seat in the Executive Council. He was thus honored with the confidence ol his fellow ( itizens at 23 years of age ; and having at this early period displayed some of that ability and aptitude for legislation, which were afterwards employed with unremitting energy for the public good, 36 JAMES MONROE. he was in the succeeding year chosen a member of the Congress of the United States. IJeeplyas Mr. Monroe felt the imperfections of theold Confederacy, he was opposed to the new Constitution, thinking, with many others of 'he Republican party, '.hat it gave too much power to the Central Government, •tnd not enough to the individual States. Still he re- tained the esteem of his friends who were its warm supporters, and who, notwithstanding his opposition secured its adoption. In 1789, he became a member cf the United States Senate; which office he held for four years. Every month the line of distinction be- tween the two great parties which divided the nation, the Federal and the Republican, was growing more distinct. The two prominent ideas which now sep- arated them were, that the Republican party was in sympathy with France, and also in favor of such a strict construction of the Constitution as to give the ( entral Government as little power, and the State Governments as much power, as the Constitution would warrant. The Federalists sympathized with England, and were in favor of a liberal construction of the Con- stitution, which would give as much power to the Central Government as that document could possibly authorize. The leading Federalists and Republicans were alike noble men, consecrating all their energies to the good of the nation. Two more honest men or more pure patriots than John Adams the Federalist, and James Monroe the Republican, never breathed. In building up this majestic nation, which is destined to eclipse all Grecian and Assyrian greatness, the com- bination of their antagonism was needed to create the light equilibrium. And yet each in his day was de- nounced as almost a demon. Washington was then President. England had es- poused the cause of the Bourbons against the princi- ples of the French Revolution. All Europe was drawn into the conflict. We were feeble and far away. Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality be- tween these contending powers. France had helped us in the struggle for our liberties. All the despotisms nf Kurope were now combined to prevent the French from escaping from a tyranny a thousand-fold worse than that which we had endured Col. Monroe, more magnanimous than prudent, was anxious that, at whatever hazard, we should help our old allies in their extremity. It was the impulse of a generous and noble nature. He violently opposed the Pres- ident's proclamation as ungrateful and wanting in nanimity. Washington, who could appreciate such a character, developed his 1 aim, serene, almost divine greatness, by appointing that very James Monroe, who was de- nouncing the |>olicy of the Government, as the minister of that Government to the Republic of France. Mr. Monroe was welcomed by the National Convention 1 ranee with the most enthusiastic demonstrations. Shortly after his return to this countrv, Mr. Mon- roe was elected Governor of Virginia, and held the office for three yeats. He was again sent to France to co-operate with Chancellor Livingston in obtaining the vast territory then known as the Province of Louisiana, which France had but shortly before ob- tained from Spain. Tneir united efforts were suc- cessful. For the comparatively small sum of fifteen millions of dollars, the entire territory of Orleans and district of Louisiana were added to the United States. This was probably the largest transfer of real estate which was ever made in all the history of the world From Frame Mi. Monroe went to England to ob- tain from that country some recognition of our rights as neutrals, and to remonstrate against those odious impressments of our seamen. but Eng- land was unrelenting. He again returned to Eng- land on the same mission, but could receive no redress. He returned to his home and was again chosen Governor of Virginia. This he soon resigned to accept the position of Secretary of Stale under Madison. While in this office war with England was declared, the Secretary of War resigned, and during these trying times, the duties of the War Departmen! were also put upon him. He was truly the armor- bearer of President Madison, and the most efficient business man in his cabinet. Upon the return of peace he resigned the Department of War. but con- tinued in the office of Secretary of State until the ex- piration of Mr. Madison's adminstration. At the ele< tion held the previous autumn Mr. Monroe himself had been chosen President with but little opposition, and upon March 4, 1817, was inaugurated. Four year- later he was elected for a second term. Among the important measures of his Presidency were the cession of Florida to the United States; the Missouri Compromise, and the " Monroe doctrine.' This famous doctrine, since known as the " Monroe doctrine," was enunciated by him in [823. At that time the United States had recognized the independ- ence of the South American states, and did not wish to have European powers longer attempting to sub due portions of the American Continent. The doctrine is as follows: "That we should consider any attempt on the part of European powers to extend their sys- tem to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety." and "that we could no', view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing or controlling American governments or provinces in any other light than as a manifestation by European powers of an unfriendly disposition toward the United State--." This doctrine immediatelj affected the course of foreign governments, and has become the approved sentiment of the United States. At the end of his second term Mr Monroe reined to his home in Virginia, where he lived until 1830. when he went to New York to live with his son-in- law, In tli ii city he died, on the ith of July, 1S31 I $m^ M 3, 3, M nsr^j S.'XTIl PHESIDXNT. OHN QUINCY ADAMS, the sixth President of the United 'States, was born in the rural home of his honored father, Joint Adams, in Quincy, Mass., on the r ith cf July, 1767. His mother, a woman of exalted worth, watched over his childhood during the almost constant ab- sence of his father. When but eight years of age, he stood with his mother on an eminence, listen- ing to the booming of the great bat- tle on Bunker's Hill, and gazing on upon the smoke and flames billow- ing up from the conflagration of Charlestown. When but eleven years old he took a tearful adieu of his mother, to sail with his fatner for Europe, through a fleet ot hostile British cruisers. The bright, animated boy spent a year and a half in Paris, where his father was associated with Franklin and Lee as minister plenipotentiary. His intelligence attracted the notice of these distinguished men, and he received from them flattering marks of attention. Mr. John Adams had scarcely returned to this con .try, in 1779, ere he was again sent abroad. Again John Quincy accompanied his father. At Paris he applied himself with great diligence, for six months, to Jtudy; then accom pained his father to Holland, where he entered, first a school in Amsterdam, then the University at Leyden. About a year from this time, in 1781, when the manly boy was but fourteen yea" of age, he was selected by Mr. Dana, our min- ister to the Russian court, as his private secretary. In this school of incessant labor and of enobling rulture he spent fourteen months, and then returned to Holland through Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg and Bremen. This long journey he took alone, in the winter, when in his sixteenth year. Again he resumed MS studies, under a private tutor, at Hague. Thence, in the spring of 1782, he accompanied his father , Paris, traveling leisurely, and forming acquaintance with the most distinguished men on the Coivineiit examining architectural remains, galleries of painting- and all renowned works of art. At Paris he agaii became associated with the most illustrious men ol all lands in the contemplations of the loftiest temporal themes which can engross the human mind. Aft a short visit to England he returned to Pans, ano consecrated all his energies to study until May, 1785, when he returned to America. To a brilliant yoin j. man of eighteen, who had seen much of the world and who was familiar with the etiquette of courts, r residence with his father in London, under such cii cumstances, must have been extremely attractive but with judgment very rare in one of his age, he pre- ferred to return to America to complete his education in an American college. He wished then to stud) law, that with an honorable profession, he might b^ able to obtain an independent support. Upon leaving Harvard College, at the ageof twent; he studied law for three years. In June, 1794, be- ing then but twenty-seven years of age, he was ap- pointed by Washington, resident minister at the Netherlands. Sailing from Boston in July, he reached London in October, where he was immediately admit- ted to the deliberations of Messrs. Jay and 1'inckney assisting them in negotiating a commercial treaty witt Gieat Britian. After thus spending a fortnight i. London, he proceeded to the Hague. In July, 1797, he left the Hague to go to Portugal as minister plenipotentiary. On his way to Poitugal. upon arriving in London, he met with despatches directing him to the court of Berlin, but requesting him to remain in London until he should receive his instructions. While waiting he was married to a: American lady to whom lie had been previous!) en- gaged, — Miss Louisa Catherine Johnson, daughtei of Mr. Joshua fohnson, American consul In London; ;i lady endownd with that beauty and tho i icconv plishment which eminently fitted hei to move in t%e elevated sphere foi which she w^»^»*'iced 10 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. He reached Berlin with his wife in November, 1797 ; where he remained until July, 1799, when, having ful- filled all the purposes of his mission, he solicited his recall. Soon after his return, in 1802, he was chosen to I he Senate of Massachusetts, from Boston, and then was elected Senator of the United States for six years, from the 4th of March, 1804. His reputation, his ability and his experience, placed him immediately among the most prominent and influential members of that body. Especially did he sustain the Govern- ment in its measures of resistance to the encroach- ments of England, destroying our commerce and in- sulting our flag. There was no man in America more familiar with the arrogance of the British court upon these points, and no one more resolved to present a firm resistance. In 1809, Madison succeeded Jefferson in the Pres- idential chair, and he immediately nominated John Quincy Adams minister to St. Petersburg. Resign- ing his professorship in Harvard College, he embarked at Boston, in August, 1809. While in Russia, Mr. Adams was an intense stu- dent. He devoted his attention to the language and history of Russia; to the Chinese trade; to the European system of weights, measures, and coins; to the climate and astronomical observations ; while he Kept up a familiar acquaintance with the Greek and Latin classics. Ill all the universities of Europe, ,1 more accomplished scholar could scarcely be found. All through life the Bible constituted an important part of his studies. It was his rule to read five chapters every day. On the 4th of March, 1S17, Mr. Monroe took the Presidential chair, and immediately appointed Mr. VI mis Secretary of State. Taking leave of his num- erous friends in public and private life in Europe, he sailed in June, 1819, for the United States. On the 1 8th of August, he again crossed the threshold of his home in Quincy. During the eight years of Mi. Mon- roe's administration, Mr. Adams continued Secretary of State. Some time before Lhe close of Mr. Monroe's second term of office, new candidates began to be presented for the Presidency. The friends of Mr. Adams 1 nought forward his name. Tt was an exciting campaign. Party spirit was never more bitter. Two hundred and sixty electoral votes were cast. Andrew Jackson re- ceived ninety-nine; John Quincy Adams, eighty-four; William H. Crawford, forty-one; Henry Clay, thirty- seven. As there was no choice by the people, the question went to the House of Representatives. Mr. Clay gave the vote of Kentucky to Mr. Adams, and he was elected. The friends of all the disappointed candidates now •unbilled in a venomous and persistent assault upon Mr. Adams. There is nothing more disgraceful in *k e l>a*t history ofoureountn than the abuse whii li was poured in one uninterrupted stream, upon this high-minded, upright; patriotic man. There never was an administration more pure in principles, more con- scientiously devoted to the best interests of the coun- try, than that of John Quincy Adams; and never, per- haps, was there an administration more unscrupu- lously and outrageously assailed. Mr. Adams was, to a very remarkable degree, ab- stemious and temperate in his habits; always rising early, and taking much exercise. When at his home in Quincy, he has been known to walk, before breakfast, seven miles to Boston. In Washington, it was said that he was the first man up in the city, lighting his own fire and applying himself to work in his library often long before dawn. On the 4th of March, 1829, Mr. Adams retirtd from the Presidency, and was succeeded by Andrew Jackson. John C. Calhoun was elected Vice Presi- dent. The slavery question now began to assume portentous magnitude. Mr. Adams returned to Quincy and to his studies, which he pursued with un- abated zeal. But he was not long permitted to re- main in retirement. In November, 1830, he was elected representative to Congress. For seventeen years, until his death, he occupied the post as repre- sentative, towering above all his peers, ever ready to do brave battle' for freedom, and winning the title of "the old man eloquent." Upon taking his seat in the House, he announced that he should hold him- self bound to no party. Probably there never was a member more devoted to his duties. He was usnall) the first in his place in the morning, and the last to leave his seat in the evening. Not a measure could be brought forward and escape his scrutiny. The battle which Mr. Adams fought, almost singly, against the proslavery party in the Government, was sublime in its moral daring and heroism. For persisting in presenting petitions for the abolition of slavery, he was threatened with indictment by the grand jury, with expulsion from the House, with assassination but no threats could intimidate him, and his final triumph was complete. It has been said of President Adams, that when his body was bent and his hair silvered by the lapse of fourscore years, yielding to the simple faith of a little- child, he was accustomed to repeat every night, before he slept, the prayer which his mother taught him in his infant years. On the zistof February, 1848, he rose on the floor of Congress, with a paper in his hand, to address the speaker. Suddenly he fell, again stricken by paraly- sis, and was caught in the arms of those around him. For a time he was senseless, as he was conveyed to the sofa in the rotunda. With reviving conscious- ness, he opened his eyes, looked calmly around and said " This A the endof earth .-"then after a moment's pause he added, "/ fibtaining their exchange, and took her sick boys home. After a long illn:si Andrew recovered, and the death of his mother hth President of the United States, was born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1782. He died at the same place, July 24, [862. His body rests in the cemetery at Kinderhook. Above it is a plain granite shaft fifteen feet high, bearing a simple inscription about halt way up on one face. The lot is unfenced, unbordered or unbounded by shrub or flower. There is but little in the life of Martin Van Buren af romantic interest. He fought no battles, engaged in no wild adventures. Though his life was stormy in political and intellectual conflicts, and he gained many signal victories, his days passed uneventful in those incidents which give /.est to biography. His an- cestors, as his name indicates, were of 1 Hitch origin, and were among the earliest emigrants from Holland to the banks of the Hudson. His lather was a farmer, residing in the old town of Kinderhook. His mother, also of Dutch lineage, was a woman of superior intel- ligence and exemplary piety. .fe was decidedly a precocious boy, developing un- usual activity, vigor and strength of mind. At the age of fourteen, he had finished his academic studies in his native village, and commenced the study of law As he had not a collegiate education, seven years of study in a law-office were required of him before he could be admitted to the bar. Inspired with .c lofty ambition, and conscious of his powers, he par- sued his studies with indefatigable industry. After spending si\ yens in an office iii Ms native village, he went to the city of New York, and prosecuted his studies for the seventh year. In 1803, Mr. Van Buren, then twenty-one years ol age, commenced the practice of law in his native Mi- lage. The great conflict between the Federal aid Republican party was then at its height. Mr. Van Buren was from the beginning a politician. He li id, perhaps, imbibed that spirit while listening to the many discussions which had been carried on in his father's hotel. He was in cordial sympathy with Jefferson, and earnestly and eloquently espoused the cause of State Rights; though at that time the led- eral party held the supremacy both in his town and State. His success and increasing ruputation led him after six years of practice, to remove to Hudson, th. county seat of his county. Here he spent seven yeai constantly gaining strength by contending in the, courts with some of the ablest men who have adorned the bar of his State. Just before leaving Kinderhook for Hudson, Mi. Van Buren married a lady alike distinguished for beauty and accomplishments. After twelve short years she sank into the grave, the victim of consump- tion, leaving her husband and four sons to weep ovet her loss. For twenty-five years, Mr. Van Buren was an earnest, successful, assiduous lawyer. The record of those years is barren in items of public interest. In i8r 2, when thirty years of age, he was chosen to the State Senate, and gave his strenuous support to Mr. Madison's adminstration. In iS 15, he was ap- pointed Attorney-General, and the next year moved to Albany, the capital of the State. While he was acknowledged as one of the most p. ominent leaders of the Democratic party, he had 4? MARTIN VAN BUREN. the moral courage to avow that true democracy did not require that " universal suffrage" which admits the vile, the degraded, the ignorant, to the right of governing the State. In true consistency with his democratic principles, he contended that, while the path leading to the privilege of voting should be open to every man without distinction, no one should be invested with that sacred prerogative, unless he were in some degree qualified for it by intelligence, virtue and some property interests in the welfare of the State. In 182 i he was elected a member of the United States Senate; and in the same year, he took a seat in the convention to revise the constitution of his native State. His course in this convention secured the approval of men of all parties. No one could doubt the singleness of his endeavors to promote the interests of all classes in the community. In the Senate of the United States, he rose at once to a conspicuous position as an active and useful legislator. In 1827, John Quincy Adams being then in the Presidential chair, Mr. Van Buren was re-elected to die Senate. He had been from the beginning a de- rermined opposer of the Administration, adopting the 'State Rights " view in opposition to what was deemed the Federal proclivities of Mr. Adams. Soon after this, in 1828, he was chosen Governorof the State of New York, and accordingly resigned his seat in the Senate. Probably no one in the United States contributed so much towards ejecting John Q. Adams from the Presidential chair, and placing in it Andrew Jackson, as did Martin Van Buren. Whether entitled to the reputation or not, he certainly was re- garded througnout the United States as one of the most skillful, sagacious and cunning of politicians. It was siqqjosed that no one knew so well as he how :o touch the secret springs of action; how to pull all the wires to put his machinery in motion; and how to organize a political army which would, secretly and stealthily accomplish the most gigantic results. By these powers it is said that he outwitted Mr. Adams, Mi. (/lay, Mr. Webster, and secured results which tew thought then could be accomplished. When Andrew Jackson was elected President he appointed Mr. Van Buren Secretary of State. This |>osilion he resigned in 1831, and was immediately appointed Minister to England, where he went the same autumn. The Senate, however, when it met, refused to ratify the nomination, and he teturned home, apparently untroubled; was nominated Vice President in the place of Calhoun, at the re-election of President Jackson; and with smiles for all and frowns for none, he took his place at the head of thai Senate which had refused to confirm his nomination as ambassador. His rejection by the Senate roused all the zeal of President Jackson in behalf of his repudiated favor- ite; and this, probably more than any other cause secured his elevation to the chair of the Chief Execu tive. On the 20th of May, 1836, Mr. Van Buren re- ceived the Democratic nomination to succeed Gen. Jackson as President of the United States. He was elected by a handsome majority, to the delight of the retiring President. " Leaving New York out of the canvass," says Mr. Parton, "the election of Mr. Van Buren to the President '\as as much the act of Gen. Jackson as though the Constitution had conferred upon him the power to appoint a successor." His administration was filled with exciting events. The insurrection in Canada, which threatened to in- volve this country in war with England, the agitation of the slavery question, and finally the great commer- cial panic which spread over the country, all were trials to his wisdom. The financial distress was at- tributed to the management of the Democratic party, and brought the President into such disfavor that he failed of re-election. With the exception of being nominated for the Presidency by the "Free Soil" Democrats, in 1848, Mr. Van Buren lived quietly upon his estate until his death. He had ever been .1 prudent man, of frugal habits, and living within his income, had now fortunately a competence for his declining years. His unblemished character, his commanding abilities, his unquestioned patriotism, and the distinguished positions which he had occupied in the government of our country, se- cured to him not only the homage of his party, but the respect ot the whole community. It was on the 4th of March, 1841, that Mr. Van Buren retired from the presidency. From his fine estate at Lindenwald, he still exerted a powerful influence upon the politics of the country. From this time until his death, on the 24th of July, 1862, at the age of eighty ; ears, he resided at Lindenwald, a gentleman of leisure, of culture and of wealth; enjoying in a healthy old age, probably far more happiness than lie had before experienced amid the stormy scenes of his active life ' /fS.fcfr&VL^C* NINTH PRESIDENT. 5< WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. ■v I ILLIAM HENRY HARRI- K f , SON, the ninth President of the United States, was horn at Berkeley, Va., Feb. 9, 1773. His father, Benjamin Harri- son, was in comparatively op- ulent circumstances, and was one of the most distinguished men of his day. He was an intimate friend of George Washington, w as early elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was conspicuous among the patriots of Virginia in resisting the encroachments of the British crown. In the celebrated Congress of 1775, Benjamin Har- rison and John Hancock were both candidates for the office of speaker. Mr Harrison was subsequently chosen Governor of Virginia, and was twice re-elected. His son, j William Henry, of course enjoyed in childhood all the advantages which wealth and intellectual and cultivated society could give. Hav- ing received a thorough common-school education, he entered Hampden Sidney College, where he graduated with honor soor. r.fter the death of his father. He clien repaired to Philadelphia tostudy medicine under the instructions of Dr. Rush and the guardianship of i'obert Morris, both of whom were, with his father, signers of the Declaration of Independence. {Jpon the outbreak of the Indian troubles, and not- withstanding the »emonstrances of his friends, he abandoned his medical studies and entered the army, .laving obtained a commission of Ensign from Presi- a dent Washington. He was then but 19 years old. From that time he passed gradually upward in rank until he became aid to General Wayne, after whose death he resigned his commission. He was then ap- pointed Secretary of the North-western Territory. This Territory was then entitled to but one member in Congress and Capt. Harrison was chosen to fill that position. In the spring of 1800 the North-western Territory was divided by Congress into two portions. The eastern portion, comprising the region now embraced in the State of Ohio, was called " The Territory north-west of the Ohio." The western portion, which included what is now called Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, was called the "Indiana Territory." Wil liam Henry Harrison, then 27 years of age, was ap pointed by John Adams, Governor of the Indiana Territory, and immediately after, also Governor of Upper Louisiana. He was thus ruler over almost as extensive a realm as any sovereign upon the globe. He was Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and was in- vested with powers nearly dictatorial over the now rapidly increasing white population. The ability and fidelity with which he discharged these responsible duties may be inferred from the fact that he was four times appointed to this office — first by John Adams, twice by Thomas Jefferson and afterwards by Presi- dent Madison. When he began his adminstration there were but three white settlements in that almost boundless region, now crowded with cities and resounding with all the tumult of wealth and traffic. One of these settlements was on the Ohio, nearly opposite Louisville; one at Vincennes, on the Wabash, and the thiid a French settlement. The vast wilderness over which Gov. Harrises reigned was filled with many tribes of Indians Abo" 5 2 WILLI AM HENRY HARRISON. the year 1806, two extraordinary men, twin brothers, of the Shawnese tribe, rose among them. One of these was called Tecumseh, or "The Crouching 1'. uither;" the other, Ollivvacheca, or "The Prophet.'' Tecumseh was not only an Indian warrior, but a man of great sagacity, tar-reaching foresight and indomit- able perseverance in any enterprise in which he might engage. He was inspired with the highest enthusiasm, and had long regarded with dread and with hatred the encroachment of the whites upon the hunting- grounds of his fathers. His brother, the Prophet, was 2norator, who could sway the feelings of the untutored Indian as the gale tossed the tree -tops beneath which they dwelt. But the Prophet was not merely an orator: he was, i 1 the superstitious minds of the Indians, invested with the superhuman dignity of a medicine-man or a magician. With an enthusiasm unsurpassed by Peter the Hermit rousing Europe to the crusades, he went from tribe to tribe, assuming that he was specially sent by the Great Spirit Gov. Harrison made many attempts to conciliate the Indians, but at last the war came, and at Tippe- canoe the Indians were routed with great slaughter. 1 )( tober 28, 1812, his army began its march. When near the Prophet's town three Indians of rank made their appearance and inquired why Gov. Harri-011 was approaching them in so hostile an attitude. After a short conference, arrangements were made for a meet- ing the next day, to agree upon terms of peace. But Gov. Harrison was too well acquainted with the Indian character to be deceived by such protes- tations Selecting a favorable spot for his night's en- campment, he took every precaution against surprise His troops were posted in a hollow square, and slept upon their arms. The troops threw themselves upon the ground for rest; but every man had his accoutrements on, his loaded musket by his side, and his bayonet fixed. The wakeful Governor, between three and four o'clock in the morning, had risen, and was sitting in conversa- tion with his aids by the embers of a waning fire. It was a chill, cloudy morning with a drizzling rain. In the darkness, the Indians had crept as near as possi- ble, and j':st then, with a savage yell, rushed, witli all the desperation which superstition and passion most highly inflamed could give, upon the left flank of the little army. The savages had been amply provided witli guns and ammunition by the English. Their war-whoop was accompanied by a shower of bullets. The camp-fires were instantly extinguished, as the light aided the Indians in their aim. With hide- mis yells, the Indian bands rushed on, not doubting a speedy and an entire victory. But Gen. Harrison's troops stood as immovable as the rocks around them until day dawned : they then made a simultaneous charge with the bayonet, and swept every thing be- fore them, and completely routing the foe. Gov. Harrison now had all his energies tasked to the utmost. The British descending from the Can - adas, were of themselves a very formidable force ; but with their savage allies, rushing like wolves from the forest, searching out every remote farm-house, burn- ing, plu idering, scalping, torturing, the wide frontier was plunged into a state of consternation which even the most vivid imagination can but faintly conceive. The war-whoop was resounding everywhere in the forest. The horizon was illuminated with the conflagra- tion of the cabins of the settlers. Gen Hull had made the ignominious surrender of his forces at Detroit. Under these despairing circumstances, Gov. Harrison was appointed by President Madison commander-in- chief of the North-western army, with orders to retake D.'troit, and to protect the frontiers. It would be difficult to place a man in a situation demanding more energy, sagacity and courage; but General Harrison was found equal to the position, and nobly and triumphantly did he meet all the re sponsibilities. He won the love of his soldiers by always sharing with them their fatigue. His whole baggage, while pursuing the foe up the Thames, was carried in a valise; and his bedding consisted of a single blanket lashed over his saddle Thirty-five British officers, his prisoners of war, supped with him after the battle. The only fare he could give them was beef roasted before the fire, without bread or salt. In 1816, Gen. Harrison was chosen a member of the National House of Representatives, to represent the District of Ohio. In Congress he proved an active member; and whenever he spoke, it was with force of reason and power of eloquence, which arrested the attention of all the members. In 1S19, Harrison was elected to the Senate of Ohio; and in 1824, as one of the presidential electors of that State, he gave his vote for Henry Clay. "The same year he was chosen to the United States Senate. In 1836, the friends of Gen. Harrison brought him forward as a candidate for the Presidency against Van Buren, but he was defeated. At the close of Mr. Van Buren's term, he was re-nominated by his party, and Mr. Harrison was unanimously nominated by the Whigs, with John Tyler forthe Vice Presidency. The contest was very animated. Gen Jackson gave all his influence to prevent Harrison's election ; but his triumph was signal. The cabinet which he formed, with Daniel Webstei at its head as Secretary of State, was one of the most brilliant with which any President had ever been surrounded. Never were the prospects of an admin- istration more flattering, or the hopes of the country more sanguine. In the midst of these bright and joyous prospects, Gen. Harrison was seized by a pleurisy-fever and after a few days of violent sick- ness, died on the 4th of April; just one month after his inauguration as President of the United States. \y 2VTL TENTH PRESIDENT. IS OHN TYLER, the tenth ?ij. Presidentof the United States. He was horn in Charles-city Co., Va., March 29, 1790. He was the favored child of af- fluence and high social po- sition. At the early age of twelve, John entered William and Mary College and grad- uated with much honor when but seventeen years old. After graduating, he devoted him- self with great assiduity to the study of law, partly with his ')/ father and partly with Edmund Randolph, one of the most distin- guished lawyers of Virginia. At nineteen years of age, ne commenced the practice of law. His success was rapid and aston- ishing. It is said that three months had not elapsed ere there was scarcely a case on the dock- et of the court in which he was hot retained. When but twenty-one years of age, he was almost unanimously e'ected to a seat in the State 1 .egislature. He connected himself with the Demo- Tutic party, and warmly advocated the measures of le'ferson and Madison. For five successive years he was elected to the Legislature, receiving nearly the unanimous vote or his county. When but twenty-six years of age, he was elected a member of Congress. Here he acted earnestly and ably with the Democratic party, opposing a national bank, internal improvements by the General ^ovcti- rnent, a protective tariff, and advocating a strict con- struction of the Constitution, and the most careful vigilance over State rights. His labors in Congress were so arduous that before the close of his second term hi found it necessary to resign and retire to his estate in Charles-city Co., to recruit his health. He, however, soon after consented to take his seat in the State Legislature, where his influence was powerful in promoting public works of great utility. With a reputation thus canstantly increasing, he was chostn by a very large majority of votes, Governor of his native State. His administration was signally a suc- cessful one. His popularity secured his re-election. John Ra.idolph, a brilliant, erratic, half-crazed man, then represented Virginia in the Senate of the United States. A portion of the Democratic party was displeased with Mr. Randolph's wayward course, and brought forward John Tyler as his opponent, considering him the only man in Virginia of sufficient popularity to succeed against the renowned orator of Roanoke. Mr. Tyler was the victor. In accordance with his professions, upon taking his seat in the Senate, he joined the ranks of the opposi- tion. He opposed the tariff; he spoke against and voted against the bank as unconstitutional ; he stren- uously opposed all restrictions upon slavery, resist- ing all projects of internal improvements by the Gen- eral Government, and avowed his sympathy with Mr. Calhoun's view of nullification ; he declared that Gen. Jackson, by his opposition to the nullifiers, had abandoned the principles of the Democratic party. Such was Mr. Tyler's record in Congress, — a record in perfect accordance with the principles which he had always avowed. Returning to Virginia, he resumed the practice of his profession. There was a :pl:t in the Democratic 56 JOHN TYLER. /.ni\. His friends still regarded him as a true Jef- fersonian, gave him a dinner, and showered compli- ments upon him. He had now attained the age of forty-six. His ( areer had been very brilliant. In con- sequence of his devotion to public business, his pri- vate affairs had fallen into some disorder; and it was not without satisfaction that he resumed the practice of law, and devoted himself to the culture of his plan- tation. Soon after this he removed to Williamsburg, for the better education of his children ; and he again took his seat in the Legislature of Vitginia. By the Southern Whigs, he was sent to the national convention at Harrisburg to nominate a President in '839. The majority of votes were given to Gen. Har- rison, a genuine Whig, much to the disappointment ot the South, who wished for Henry Clay. To concili- ate the Southern Whigs and to secure their vote, the convention then nominated John Tyler for Vice Pres- ident. It was well known that he was not in sympa- thy with the Whig party in theNoith: but the Vice President has but very little power in the Govern- ment, his main and almost only duty being to pre- side-over the meetings of the Senate. Thus it hap- pened that a Whig President, and, in reality, a Democratic Vice President were chosen. In [841, Mr. Tyler was inaugurated Vice Presi- dent of the United' States. In one short month from that time, President Harrison died, and Mr. Tyler thus :und himself, to his own surprise and that ot the whole Nation, an occupant of the Presidential chair. This was a new test of the stability of our institutions, as it was the first time in the history of our country that such an event had occured. Mr. Tyler was at home in Williamsburg when he received the unexpected tidings of the death of President Harri- son. He hastened to Washington, and on the 6th of .*.; ril was inaugurated to the high and responsible office. He was placed in a position of exceeding delicacy and difficulty. All his longlife he had been opposed tc the main principles of the party which had brought him into power. He had ever been a con- sistent, hone t man, with an unblemished record. Gen. Harrison had selected a Whig cabinet. Should he retain them, and thus suiround himself with coun- sellors whose views were antagonistic to his own? or, on the other hand, should he turn against the party which had elei ted him and select a cabinet in har- mony with himself, and which would oppose all those views which the Whigsdeemed essential to the pub- lic welfare? 'This wis his fearful dilemma. He in- vited the cabinet which President Harrison had -elected to retain their seats. He reccomm.'nded a day of fasting and prayer, that (iod would guide and bless us. The Whigs carried through Congress a bill for the incorporation of a fiscal bank of the United States. 'The President, after ten days delay, returned it witll his veto. Me '-suggested, however, that he ivould approve of a bill drawn up upon such a plan as he proposed. Such a bill was accordingly prepared, and privately submitted to him. He gave it his approval. It was passed without alteration, and he sent it ba< k with his veto. Here commenced the open rupture. 1c is said that Mr. 'Tyler was provoked to this meas- ure by a published letter from the Hon. John M. ltotts, a distinguished Virginia Whig, who severely touched the pride of the President. 'The opposition now exultingly received the Presi- dent into their arms. 'The party which elected him denounced him bitterly. All the members of his cabinet, excepting Mr. Webster, resigned. 'The Whigs of Congress, both the Senate and the House, held a meeting and issued an address to the people ot the United States, proclaiming that all political alliance between the Whigs and President 'Tyler were at an end. Still the President attempted to conciliate. He appointed a new cabinet of distinguished Whigs and Conservatives, carefully leaving out all strong party men. Mr. Webster soon found it necessary to resign, forced out by the pressure of his Whig friends. Thus the four years of Mr. 'Tyler's unfortunate administra- tion passed sadly away. No one was satisfied. 'The land was filled with murmurs and vituperation. Whigs and Democrats alike assailed him. More and more, however, he brought himself into sympathy with his old friends, the Democrats, until at the close of his term, he gave his whole influence to the support of Mr. Polk, the Democratic candidate for his successor. On the 4th of March, 1845, he retired from the harassments of office, to the regret of neither party, and probably to his own unspeakable relief. His first wife, Miss Letitia Christian, died in Washington, in 1842; and in June, 1S44, President Tylei was again married, at New York, to Miss Julia Gardiner, a young lady of many personal and intellectual accomplishments. The remainder of his days Mr. Tyler passed mainly in retirement at his beautiful home, — Slierwood For- est, Charles-city Co., Va. A polished gentleman in his manners, richly furnished with information from books and experience in the world, and possessing brilliant powers of conversation, his family circle was the scene of unusual attractions. With sufficient means for the exercise of a generous hospitality, he might have enjoyed a serene old age with the few friends who gathered around him, were it not for the storms of civil war which his own principles and policy had helped to introduce. When the great Rebellion rose, which the State-. rights and nullifying doctrines of Mr. John C. Cal- houn had inaugurated, President Tyler renounced his allegiance to the United States, and joined the Confed- erates. He was chosen a member of their Congress; and while engaged in active measures to destroy, by force of arms, the Government over which he had once presided, he was taken sick and soon died. '■'•»■ ^c ELEVENTH PRESIDENT. 59 was born in Mecklenburg Co., N. C, Nov. 2, 1795. Mi-- par- ents were Samuel and Jane (Knox) Polk, the former a son of Col. Thomas Polk, who located at the above place, as one of the first pioneers, in 1735. In the year 1006, with his wile and children, and soon after fol- lowed by most of the members of the Polk famly, Samuel Polk emi- grated some two or three hundred miles farther west, to the rich valley of the Duck River. Here in the midst of the wilderness, in a region which was subsequently called Mau- ry Co., they reared their lou huls, and established their homes. In the hard toil of a new farm in the wil- derness, James K. Polk spent the early years of his childhood and youth. His father, adding the pur- suit of a surveyor to that of a farmer, gradually increased in wealth until lie became one of the leading men of the region. I lis mother was a superior woman, of strong commi 11 sense and earnest piety. Very early in life, James developed a taste for reading and expressed the strongest desire to obtain a liberal education. His mother's training had made him methodical in his habits, had taught him punct- uality and industry, and had inspired him with lofty principles of morality. His health was frail ; and his father, fearing that ho might not be able to endure ' sedentary life, got a situation for him behind the counter, hoping to fit him for commercial pursuits. This was to James a bitter disappointment. He had no taste for these duties, and his daily tasks were irksome in the extreme. He remained in this uncongenial occupation but a few weeks, when al his earnest solicitation his father removed him, and made arrangements for him to prosecute his studies. Soon after he sent him to Murfreesboro Academy. With ardor which could scarcely be surpassed, he pressed forward in his studies, and in less than twoandahalf years, in the autumn of 1 S 1 5, entered the sophomore class in the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. Here he was one of the most exemplary of scholars, punctual in every exercise, never allowing himself to be absent from a recitation or a religious service. He graduated in 1818, with the highest honors, bc« ing deemed the best scholar of his class, both in mathematics and the classics. He was then twenty- three years of age. Mr. Polk's health was at this time much impaired by the assiduity with which he had prosecuted his studies. After a short season of relaxation he went to Nashville, and entered the office of Felix Grundy, to study law. Here Mr. Poll renewed his acquaintance with Andrew Jackson, who resided on his plantation, the Hermitage, but .1 few miles from Nashville. They had probably ben slightly acquainted before. Mr. Polk's father was a Jeffersonian Republican and Jaincs K. Polk ever adhered to the same politi- cal faith. He was a popular public speaker, and was constantly called upon to address the meetings of his partj friends. His skill as .1 speaker was such thai lie was popularly called the Napoleon of the stump. He was a man of unblemished morals, genial ai d 6o /AMES K. POLK. :ourterus in his bearing, and with that sympathetic natu r e in the joy s and griefs of others which ever gave him troops of friends. In 1S23, Mr. Polk was elected to the Legislature of Tennessee. Here he gave his strong influence towards the election of his friend, Mr. Jackson, to the Presidency of the United States. In January, 1824, Mr. Polk married Miss Sarah Childress, of Rutherford Co., Tenn. His bride was altogether worthy of him, — a lady of beauty and cul- ture. In the fall of 1825, Mr. Polk was chosen a member of Congress. The satisfaction which he gave to his constituents may be inferred from the fact, that for fourteen successive years, until 1839, he was con- tinuec 1 in that office. He then voluntarily withdrew, only that he might accept the Gubernatorial chair of Tennessee. In Congress he was a laborious member, a frequent and a popular speaker. He was always in his seat, always courteous ; and whenever he spoke it was always to the point, and without any ambitious rhetorical display. During five sessions of Congress, Mr. Polk was Speaker of the House Strong passions were roused, and stormy scenes were witnessed ; but Mr. Polk per- formed his arduous duties to a very general satisfac- tion, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him was passed by the House as he withdrew on the 4th of March, 1839. In accordance with Southern usage, Mr. Polk, as a candidate for Governor, canvassed the State. He was elected by a large majority, and on the 1 4th of Octo- ber, 1839, took the oath of office at Nashville. In 1841, his term of office expired, and he was again the can- didate of the Democratic party, but was defeated. On the 4th of March, 1845, Mr. Polk was inaugur- ated President of the United States. The verdict of the country in favor of the annexation of Texas, exerted its influence upon Congress ; and the last act of the administration of President Tyler was to affix his sig- nature to a joint resolution of Congress, passed on the }d of March, approving of the annexation of Texas to the American Union. As Mexico still claimed Texas as one of her provinces, the Mexican minister, Almonte, immediately demanded his passports and left the country, declaring the act of the annexation to be an act hostile to Mexico. In his first message, President Polk urged that Texas should immediately, by act of Congress, be re- ceived into the Union on the same footing with the other States. In the meantime, Gen. Taylor was sent with an army into Texas to hold the country. He vas sent first to Nueces, which the Mexicans said was the western boundary of Texas. Then he was sent nearly two hundred miles further west, to the Rio Grande, where he erected batteries which commanded the Mexican city of Matamoras, which was situated 011 the western banks. The anticipated collision soon took place, and wa: was declared against Mexico by President Polk. The war was pushed forward by Mr. Polk's administration with great vigor. Gen. Taylor, whose army was first called one of "observation," then of "occupation,' then of "invasion, "was sent forward to Monterey. The feeble Mexicans, in every encounter, were hopelessly and awfully slaughtered. The day of judgement alone can reveal the misery which this war caused. It was by the ingenuity of Mr. Polk's administration that the war was brought on. 'To the victors belong the spoils." Mexico was prostrate before us. Her capital was in our hands. We now consented to peace upon the condition that Mexico should surrender to us, in addition to Texas, all of New Mexico, and all of Upper and Lower Cal- ifornia. This new demand embraced, exclusive of Texas, eight hundred thousand square miles. This was an extent of territory equal to nine States of the size of New York. Thus slavery was securing eighteen majestic States to be added to the Union. There were some Americans who thought it all right : there were others who thought it all wrong. In the prosecution of this war, we expended twentv thousand lives and more than a hundred million of dollars. Of this money fifteen millions were paid tu Mexico. On the 3d of March, 1849, Mr. Polk retired from office, having served one term. The next day was Sunday. On the 5th, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated as his successor. Mr. Polk rode to the Capitol in the same carriage with Gen. Taylor; and the same even- ing, with Mrs. Polk, he commenced his return to Tennessee. He was then but fifty-four years of age. He had ever been strictly temperate in all his habits, and his health was good With an ample fortune, a choice library, a cultivated mind, and domestic ties of the dearest nature, it seemed as though long years of tranquility and happiness were before him. But the cholera — that fearful scourge — was then sweeping tin the Valley of the Mississippi. This he contracted, and died on the 15th of June, 1849,111 the fifty-fourth year of his age, greatly mourned by his countrymen TWELFTH PRESIDENT. 63 W V V V SVY • ViV,i\ ;-Xi\\- V> V " v vy-vr ^^y:^. y.yy.y.y.y .y - ^x - y-A. u v-y-v- tr y, v.v m ^ » ACHARY TAYLOR, twelfth President of the United States, ^was born on the 24th of Nov., 1784, in Orange Co., Va. His « father, Colonel Taylor, was a Virginian of note, and a dis- tinguished patriot and soldier of the Revolution. When Zachary was an infant, his father with his wife and two children, emigrated to Rentucky, where he settled in the pathless wilderness, a few miles from Louisville. In this front- ier home, away from civilization and all its refinements, young Zachary could enjoy but few social and educational advan- tages. When six years of age he attended a common school, and was then regarded as a bright, active boy, rather remarkable for bluntness and decision of char- acter He was strong, fearless and self-reliant, and manifested a strong desire to enter the army to fight the Indians who were ravaging the frontiers. There is little to be recorded of the uneventful years of his childhood on his father's large but lonely plantation, In 180S, his father succeeded in obtaining for him the commission of lieutenant in the United States army ; and he joined the troops which were stationed at New Orleans under Gen. Wilkinson Soon after this he married Miss Margaret Smith, a young lady from one of the first families of Maryland. Immediately after the declaration of war with Eng- land, in r8r2, Capt. Taylor (for he had then been promoted to that rank) was put in command of Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, about fifty miles above Vincennes. This fort had been built in the wilder- ness by Gen. Harrison.on his march to Tippecanoe. It was one of the first points of attack by the Indians, '.ed by Tecumseh. Its garrison consisted of a broken company of infantry numbering fifty men, many of whom were sick. Early in the autumn of 1812, the Indians, stealthily, and in large numbers, moved upon the fort. Their approach was first indicated by the murder of two soldiers just outside of the stockade. Capt. Taylor made every possible preparation to meet the antici- pated assault. On the 4th of September, a band of forty painted and plumed savages came to the fort, waving a white flag, and informed Capt. Taylor that in the morning their chief would come to have a talk with him. It was evident that their object was merely to ascertain the state of things at the fort, and Capt. Taylor, well versed in the wiles of the savages, kept them at a distance. The sun went down ; the savages disappeared, the garrison slept upon their arms. One hour before midnight the war whoop burst from a thousand lips in the forest around, followed by the discharge of musketry, and the rush of the foe. Every man, sick and well, sprang to his post. Every man knew that defeat was not merely death, but in the case of cap- ture, death by the most agonizing and prolonged tor- ture. No pen can describe, no immagination can conceive the scenes which ensued. The savages suc- ceeded in setting (ire to one of the block-houses- Until six o'clock in the morning, this awful conflict continued. The savages then, baffled at every [»int, and gnashing their" teeth with rage, retired. Capt. Taylor, for this gallant defence, was promoted to the rank of major by brevet. Until the close of the war, Major Taylor was placed in such situations that he saw but little more of active service. He was sent far away into the depthsof the wilderness, to fort Crawford, on Fox River, which empties into Green Bay. Here there was but little to be done but to wear away the tedious hours as one best could. There were no books, no society, no in- 6 4 ZACHARY TAYLOR tellectuai stimulus. Thus with him the uneventful years rolled on Gradually he rose to the rank of colonel. In the Black Hawk war, which resulted in the capture of that renowned chieftain, Col Taylor took a subordinate but a brave and efficient part. For twenty-four years Col. Taylor was engaged in the defence of the frontiers, in scenes so remote, and in employments so obscure, that his name was unknown oeyond the limits of his own immediate acquaintance. In the year 1836, he was sent to Florida to compel the Seminole Indians to vacate that region and re- tire beyond the Mississippi, as their chiefs by treaty, iiac" promised they should do. The services rendered he e secured for Col. Taylor the high appreciation of the Government; and as a reward, he was elevated tt he rank of brigadier-general by brevet ; and soon ■after, in May, 1838, was appointed to the chief com- mand of the United States troops in Florida. After two years of such wearisome employment amidst the everglades of the peninsula, Gen. Taylor obtained, at his own request, a change of command, r.ud was stationed over the Department of the South- west. This field embraced Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Establishing his headquarters at Fort Jessup, in Louisiana, he removed his family to a plantation which he purchased, near Baton Rogue. Here he remained for five years, buried, as it were, r rom the world, but faithfully discharging every duty imposed upon him. In 1846, Gen. Taylor was sent to guard the land between the Nueces and Rio Grande, the latter river being the boundary of Texas, which was then claimed by the United States. Soon the war with Mexico was brought on, and at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Gen. Taylor won brilliant victories over the Mexicans. The rank of major-general by brevet was then conferred upon Gen. Taylor, and his name was received with enthusiasm almost everywhere in the Nation. Then came the battles of Monterey and Buena Vista in which he won signal victories over foices much larger than he commanded. His careless habits of dress and his unaffected simplicity, secured for Gen. Taylor among his troops, Has. sobriquet of "Old Rough and Ready.' The tidings of the brilliant victory of Buena Vista pread the wildest enthusiasm over the country. The name of Gen. Taylor was on every one's lips. The Whig party decided to take advantage of this wonder- ful popularity in bringing forward the unpolished, tin- ned, honest soldier as their candidate for the 1 residency. Gen. Taylor was astonished at the an- nouncement, and for a time would not listen to it; de- claring that he was not .it .ill qualified for such an office. So little interest had he taken in politics that, for forty years, he had not cast a vote. It was not without chagrin that several distinguished statesmen who had been long years in the public service found •l._ir claims set aside in behalf of one whose name had never been heard of, save in connection with Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista. It is said that Daniel Webster, in his haste re- marked, " It is a nomination not fit to be made." Gen. Taylor was not an eloquent speaker nor a fine writer His friends took possession of him, and pre- pared such few communications as it was needful should be presented to the public. The popularity of the successful warrior swept the land. He was tri- umphantly elected over two opposing candidates, — Gen. Cass and Ex-President Martin Van Buren. Though he selected an excellent cabinet, the good old man found himself in a very uncongenial position, and was, at times, sorely perplexed and harassed. His mental sufferings were very severe, and probably tended to hasten his death. The pro-slavery party was pushing its claims with tireless energy , expedi- tions were fitting out to capture Cuba; California was pleading for admission to the Union, while slavery stood at the door to bar her out. Gen. Taylor found the political conflicts in Washington to be far more trying to the nerves than battles with Mexicans or Indians In the midst of all these troubles, Gen. Taylor, after he had occupied the Presidential chair but little over a year, took cold, and after a brief sickness of but little over five days, died on the 9th of July, 1850. His last words were, " I am not afraid to die. I am ready. I have endeavored to do my duty." He died universally respected and beloved. An honest, un- pretending man, he had been steadily growing in the affections of the people ; and the Nation bitterly la- mented his death. Gen. Scott, who was thoioughly acquainted with Gen. Taylor, gave the following graphic and truthful description of his character: — " With a good store of common sense, Gen. Taylor's mind had not been en- larged and refreshed by reading, or much converse with the world. Rigidity of ideas was the conse- quence. The frontiers and small military posts had been his home. Hence he was quite ignorant for his rank, and quite bigoted in his ignorance. His sim- plicity was child-like, and with innumerable preju- dices, amusing and incorrigible, well suited to the tender age. Thus, if a man, however respectable, chanced to wear a coat of an unusual color, or his hat a little on one side of his head; or an officer to leave a corner of his handkerchief dangling from an out- side pocket, — in any such case, this critic held the offender to be a coxcomb (perhaps something worse), whom he would not, to use his oft repeated phrase, ' touch with a pair of tongs.' "Any allusion to literature beyond good old Oil- worth's spelling-book, on the part of one wearing a sword, was evidence, with the same judge, of utter unfitness for heavy marchings and combats. Inshor' few men have ever had a more comforja '•""„. suing contempt for learnii g of every kind. I J £'. 1 ^'MILLftRn FILLMflRE.^ it* -8-1- 31> KS ®*§s- «*-* ^. #1 ILLARD FILLMORE, thi.- , teenth President of the United ^States, was born at Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., N. Y ., on the 7th of January, 1800. His father was a farmer, and ow- ing to misfortune, in humble cir- cumstances. Of his mother, the daughter of Dr. Abiathar Millard, of Pittsfield, Mass., it has been said that she possessed an intellect of very high order, united with much personal loveliness, sweetness of dis- position, graceful manners and ex- quisite sensibilities. She died in 1 83 1 ; having lived to see her son a young man of distinguished prom- ise, chough she was not permitted to witness the high dignity which he finally attained. In consequence of the secluded houie and limited means of his father, Millard enjoyed but slender ad- vantages for education in his early years. The com- mon schools, which he occasionally attended were very imperfect institutions; and books were scarce and expensive. There was nothing then in his char- acter to indicate the brilliant career upon which he was about to enter. He was a plain farmer's boy; intelligent, good-looking, kind-hearted. The sacred influences of home had taught him to revere the Bible, and had laid the foundations of an upright character. When fourteen years of age, his father sent him some hundred miles from home, to the then wilds of Livingston County, to learn the trade of .1 clothier. Near the mill there was a small villiage, where some enterprising man had commenced the collection of a village library. This proved an inestimable blessing to young Fillmore His evenings were spent in read- ing. Soon every leisure moment was occupied v. ith books. His thirst for knowledge became insatiate and the selections which he made were continually more elevating and instructive. He read history, biography, oratory, and thus gradually there was en- kindled in his heart a desire to be something more than a mere worker with his hands; and lie was be- coming, almost unknown to himself, a well-informed, educated man. The young clothier had now attained the age of nineteen years, and was of fine personal appearance and cf gentlemanly demeanor. It so happened that there was a gentleman in the neighborhood cf ample pecuniary means and of benevolence, — Judge Walter Wood, — who was struck with t lie prepossessing ap- pearance of young Fillmore. He made his acquaint- ance, and was so much impressed with his ability and attainments that he advised him to abandon his trade and devote himself to the study of the law. The young man replied, that he had no means of his own, no friends to help him and that his previous educa- tion had been very imperfect. But Judge Wood had so much confidence in him that he kindly offered to take him into his own office, and to loan him such money as he needed. Most gratefully the generous offer was accepted. There is in many minds a strange delusion about 1 1 ollegiate education. A young nun 1- sup; used to be libera 11 \ educated if he ha- graduated at som ! col- lege. But man} a boy loiters through universit) lial'; «uid then enters a Ian office, who is b\ no means as i;6 MILLARD FILLMORE. well prepared to prosecute his legal studies as was Millard Fillmore when he graduated at the clothing- mill at the end of four years of manual labor, during which every leisure moment had been devoted to in- tense mental culture. In 1823, when twenty-three years of age, he was admitted to the Court of Common Pleas. He then went to the village of Aurora, and commenced the practice of law. In this secluded, peaceful region, his practice of course was limited, and there was no opportunity for a sudden rise in foitune or in fame. Here, in the year 1826, he married a lady of great moral worth, and one capable of adorning any station she might be called to fill, — Miss Abigail Powers. His elevation of character, his untiring industry, his legal acquirements, and his skill as an advocate, gradually attracted attention , and he was invited to enter into partnership under highly advantageous circumstances, with an elder member of the bar in Buffalo. Just before removing to Buffalo, in 1829, he took his seat in the House of Assembly, of the State of New York, as a representative from Erie County. Though he had never taken a very active part in politics, his vote and his sympathies were with the Whig party. The State was then Democratic, and he found himself in a helpless minority in the Legislature , still the testimony comes from all parties, that his courtesy, ability and integrity, won, to a very unusual degu e the respect of his associates. In the autumn of 1832, he was elected to a seat in Ihe United States Congress He entered that troubled irena in some of the most tumultuous hours of our national history. The great conflict respecting the national bank and the removal of the deposits, was then raging. . His term of two years closed ; and he returned to his profession, which he pursued with increasing rep- utation and success. After a lapse of two years he again became a candidate for Congress ; was re- elected, and took his seat in 1837. His past expe- rience as a representative gave him strength and confidence. The first term of service in Congress to any man can be but little more than an introduction. He was now prepared for active duty. All his ener- gies were brought to bear upon the public good. Every measure received his impress. Mr. Fillmore was now a man of wide repute, and his popularity filled the State, and in the year 1847, he was elected Comptroller of the State. Mr. Fillmore had attained the age of forty-seven years. His labors at the bar, in the Legislature, in Congress and as Comptroller, had given him very con- siderable fame. The Whigs were casting about to find suitable candidates for President and Vice-Presi- dent at the approaching election. Far away, on the waters of the Rio Grande, there was a rough old soldier, who had fought one or two successful battles with the Mexicans, which had caused his name to be proclaimed in tiumpet-tones all over the land. But it was necessary to associate with him on the same ticket some man of reputation as a statesman. Under the influence of these considerations, the namesof Zachary Taylor ard Millard Fillmore became the rallying-cry of the Whigs, as their candidates for President and Vice-Peesident. The Whig ticket was signally triumphant. On the 4th of March, 1849, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated President, and Millard Fillmore Vice-President, of the United States. On the 9th of July, 1850, President Taylor, but about one year and four months after his inaugura tion, was suddenly taken sick and died. By the Con- stitution, Vice-President Fillmore thus became Presi- dent. He appointed a very able cabinet, of which the illustrious Daniel Webster was Secretary of State. Mr. Fillmore had very serious difficulties to contend with, since the opposition had a majority in both Houses. He did everything in his power to conciliate the South; but the pro-slavery party in the South felt the inadequacy of all measuresof transient conciliation. The population of the free States was so rapidly in- creasing over that of the slave States that it was in- evitable that the power of the Government should soon pass into the hands of the free States. The famous compromise measures were adopted under Mr. Fillmore's admins t ration, and the Japan Expedition was sent out. On the 4th of March, 1853, Mr. Fill- more, having served one term, retired. In 1856, Mr. Fillmore was nominated for the Pres- idency by the " Know Nothing " party, but was beaten by Mr. Buchanan. After that Mr. Fillmore lived in retirement. During the terrible conflict of civil war, he was mostly silent. It was generally supposed that his sympathies were rather with those who were en- deavoring to overthrow our institutions. President Fillmore kept aloof from the conflict, without any cordial words of cheer to the one party or the other. He was thus forgotten by both. He lived to a ripe old age, and died in Buffalo. N. Y., March 8, 1874. FOURTEENTH PRESIDENT. 7i fcrfCiu^L. »— ^ta3feM 2skp ■>-■'! swqwpipy^H>vvyyTyiw n ' » ^FRANKLIN PIERCED RANKLIN PIERCE, the fourteenth President of the United States, was born in Hillsborough, N. H., Nov. 23, 1804. His father was a Revolutionary soldier, who, with his own strong arm, hewed out a home in the wilderness. He was a man of inflexible integrity; of strong, though uncultivated mind, and an uncompromis- ing Democrat. The mother of Franklin Pierce was all that a son could desire, — an intelligent, pru- dent, affectionate, Christian wom- an. Franklin was the sixth of eight children. Franklin was a very bright and handsome boy, gen- erous, warm-hearted and brave. He won alike the love of old and young. The boys on the play ground loved him. His teachers loved him. The neighbors looked upon him with pride and affection. He was by instinct a gentleman; always speaking kind words, doing kind deeds, with a peculiar unstudied tact which taught him what was agreeable. Without de- veloping any precocity of genius, or any unnatural devotion to books, he was a good scholar ; in body, in mind, in affections, a finely-developed boy. When sixteen years of age, in the year 1820, he entered Bowdoin College, at Brunswick, Me He was one of the most popular young men in the college. The purity cf his moral character, the unvarying courtesy of his demeanor, his rank as a scholar, and genial nature, rendered him a universal favorite. There was something very peculiarly winning in his address, and it was evidently not in the slightest de- gree studied : it was the simple outgushing of his own magnanimous and loving nature. Upon graduating, in the year 1824, Franklin Pierce commenced the study of law in the office of Judge Woodbury, one of the most distinguished lawyers of the State, and a man of great private worth. The eminent social qualities of the young lawyer, his father's prominence as a public man, and the brilliant political career into which Judge Woodbury was en- tering, all tended to entice Mr. Pierce into the faci- nating yet perilous path of political life. With all the ardor of his nature he espoused the cause of Gen. Jackson for the Presidency. He commenced the practice of law in Hillsborough, and was soon elected to represent the town in the State Legislature. Here he served for four yeais. The last two years he was chosen speaker of the house by a very large vote. In 1833, at the age of twenty-nine, he was elected a member of Congress. Without taking an active part in debates, he was faithful and laborious in duty and ever rising in the estimation of those with whom he was associatad. In 1837, being then but thirty-three years of age, he was elected to the Senate of the United States; taking his seat just as Mr. Van Buren commenced his administration. He was the youngest member in the Senate. In the year 1834, he married Miss Jane Means Appleton, a lady of rare beauty and accom- plishments, and one admirably fitted to adorn every station with wiiich her husband was honoied. Of the 72 (•RANKLIN PIERCE. three sons who were born to them, all now sleep with their parents in the grave. In the year 1838, Mr. Pierce, with growing fame and increasing business as a lawyer, took up his residence in Concord, the capital of New Hampshire. President Polk, upon his accession to office, appointed Mr. Pierce attorney-general of the United States; but the offer was declined, in consequence of numerous professional engagements at home, and the precariuos state of Mrs. Pierce's health. He also, about the same time declined the nomination for governor by the Democratic party. The war with Mexico called Mr. Pierce in the army. Receiving the appointment of brigadier-general, he embarked, with a portion of his troops, at Newport, R. I., on the 27th of May, 1847. He took an important part in this war, proving him- self a brave and true soldier. When Gen. Pierce reached his home in his native- State, he was received enthusiastically by the advo- cates of the Mexican war, and coldly by his oppo- nents. He resumed the practice of his profession, ver) frequently taking an active part in political ques- tions, giving his cordial support to the pro-slavery wing of the Democratic party. The compromise measures met cordially with his approval; and he strenuously advocated the enforcement of the infa- mous fugitive-slave law, which so shocked the religious sensibilities of the North. He thus became distin- guished as a " Northern man with Southern principles.'' The strong partisans of slavery in the South conse- quently regarded him as a man whom they could safely trust in office to carry out their plans. On the 1 2th of June, 1852, the Democratic conven- tion met in Baltimore to nominate a candidate for the Presidency.' For four days they continued in session, ■,id in thirty-five ballotings no one had obtained a two-thirds vote. Not a vote thus far had been thrown for Gen. Pierce. Then the Virginia delegation brought forward his name. There were fourteen more ballotings, during whi< li Gen. Pierce constantly gained strength, until, at the forty-ninth ballot, he received two hundred and eighty-two votes, ami all other candidates eleven. Gen. Winfield Scott was the Whig candidate. Gen. Tierce was chosen with great unanimity. Only four States— Vermont, Mas- sachusetts, Kentucky and Tennessee — cast their electoral votes against him Gen. Franklin Pierce was therefore iu.1uj4ur.1ted Tresident of the United States on the 4th of March, 1853. His administration proved one of the most stormy our country had ever experienced. The controversy be tween slavery and freedom was then approaching its culminating point. It became evident that there was an " irrepressible conflict" between them, and that this Nation could not long exist " half slave and half free." President Pierce, during the whole of his ad- ministration, did every thing he could to conciliate the South ; but it was all in vain. 'The conflict every year grew more violent, and threats of the dissolution of the Union were borne to the North on every South- ern breeze. Such was the condition of affairs when President Pierce approached the close of his four-years' term of office. 'The North had become thoroughly alien- ated from him. The anti-slavery sentiment, goaded by great outrages, had been rapidly increasing; all the intellectual ability and social worth of President Tierce were forgotten in deep reprehension of his ad- ministrative acts. 'The slaveholders of the South, also, unmindful of the fidelity with which he had advo- cated those measures of Government which they ap- proved, and perhaps, also, feeling that he had rendered himself so unpopular as no longer to be able acceptably to serve them, ungratefully dropped him, and nominated James Buchanan to succeed him. On the 4th of March, 1857, President Pierce le- tired to his home in Concord. Of three children, two had died, and his only surviving child had been kiiied before his eyes by a railroad accident ; and his wife, one of the most estimable and accomplished of 1. ulies, was rapidly sinking in consumption. 'The hour of dreadful gloom soon came, and he was left alone in the world, without wife or child. When the terrible Rebellion burst forth, which di- vided our country into two parties, and two only, Mr. Pierce remained steadfast in the principles which he- had always cherished, and gave his sympathies to that pro-slavery party with which he had tver been allied. He declined to do anything, either by voice or pen, to strengthen the hand of the National Gov- ernment. He continued to reside in Concord until the time of his death, which occurred in October, 1869. He was one of the most genial and social of men, an honored communicant of the Episcopal Church, and one of the kindest of neighbors. Gen erous to .1 fault, he contributed liberally tor the al- Icvi.ition of suffering and want, and many of his towns- people were often gladencd by his material lounty. Zi/S7?_4Lj & y 6 ^UC^6^Z^^/^ FIFTEENTH PRESIDENT. n -«*#;- -+— »»> '■ •..'.'•.■> •..■■■•.■v..'i ■•, 1 | 1 ' , ,v.-v,v, '. .: i' :■!' :v : .' :v .-.'.-.' .'.'.• ,•:,<:,•:,<: i',; , ' : ■' : i 1 ■: i 1 : i 1 : -i'..' i 1 ."■' : ■'•■• !'■.• ■' ■' i 1 ^' ■' ■'•'•'■■' •■'» '•■'■ '■■''•■'' •■'' '■ '■ '•■'■ '•■'■ •■'■ '■ '■•'■ '■ '•■'' '■ '» "• « < «, P. "S> -m*- AMES BUCHANAN, the fif- .teenth President of the United States, was born in a small frontier town, at the foot of the eastern ridge of the Allegha- nies, in Franklin Co., Penn.,on the 23d of April, 1791. The place wliere the humble cabin of his father stood was called Stony Batter. It was 3 wild and ro- mantic spot in a gorge of the moun- tains, with towering summits rising grandly all around. His father was a native of the north of Ireland ; a poor man, who had emigrated in 1783, with little property save his own strong arms. Five years afterwards he married Elizabeth Spear, the daughter of a respectable fanner, and, with his young bride, plunged into the wilder- ness, staked his claim, reared his log-hut, opened a clearing with Ins axe, ami settled down there to per- form his obscure part in the drama of life. In this se- cluded home, where James was born, he remained for eight years, enjoying but few social or intellectual advantages. When James was eight years of age, his father removed to the village of Mercersburg, where his son was placed at school, and commenced a course of study in English, Latin and Greek. His progress was rapid, and at the age of fourteen, he entered Dickinson College, at Carlisle. Here he de- veloped remarkable talent, and took his stand among the first scholars in the institution. His application to study was intense, and yet his native powers en- abled him to master the most abstruse subjects w facility. In the year 1809, he graduated with the highest honors of his class.. He was then eighteen years cl age; tall and graceful, vigorous in health, fond of athletic sport, an unerring shot, and enlivened with an exuberant flow of animal spirits. He immediately commenced the study of law in the city of Lancaster, and was admitted to the bar in 1812, when he was but twenty-one years of age. Very rapidly he rose in his profession, and at once took undisputed stand with the ablest lawyers of the State. When but twenty-six years of age, unaided by counsel, he suc- cessfully defended before the State Senate ore of the judges of the State, who was tried upon articles of impeachment. At the age of thirty it was generally admitted that he stood at the head of the bar; and there was no lawyer in the State who had a more lu- crative practice. In 1820, he reluctantly consented to run as a candidate for Congress. He was elected, and for ten years he remained a member of the Lower House. During the vacations of Congress, he occasionally tried some important case. In 1831, he retired altogether from the toils of his profession, having ac- quired an ample fortune. Gen. Jackson, upon his elevation to the Presidency, appointed Mr. Buchanan minister to Russia. The duties of his mission he performed with ability, which gave satisfaction to all parties. Upon his return, in 1833, he was elected to a seat in the United States Senate. He there met, as his associates, Webster. Clay, Wright and Calhoun. He advocated the meas- ures proposed by President Jackson, of m .ling repn- 7 6 JAMES BUCHANAN. sals against Fiance, to enforce the payment of our claims against that country; and defended the course of the President in his unprecedented and wholesale removal from office of those who were not the sup- porters of his administration. Upon this question he was brought into direct collision with Henry Clay. He also, with voice and vote, advocated expunging from the journal of the Senate the vote of censure against Gen. Jackson for removing the deposits. Earnestly he opposed the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and urged the prohibition of the circulation of anti-slavery documents by the United States mails. As to petitions on the subject of slavery, he advo- cated that they should be respectfully received; and that the reply should be returned, that Congress had no power to legislate upon the subject. " Congress," said he, " might as well undertake to interfere with slavery under a foreign government as in any of the States where it now exists." Upon Mr. Polk's accession to the Presidency, Mr. Buchanan became Secretary of State, and as such, took his share of the responsibility in the conduct of the Mexican War. Mr. Polk assumed that crossing the Nueces by the American troops into the disputed territory was not wrong, but for the Mexicans to cross the Rio Grande into that territory was a declaration of war. No candid man can read with pleasure the account of the course our Government pursued in that movement Mr. Buchanan identified himself thoroughly with the party devoted to the perpetuation and extension of slavery, and brought all the energies of his mind to bear against the Wilmot Proviso. He gave his cordial approval to the compromise measures of 1050, which included the fugitive-slave law. Mr. Pierce, upon his election to the Presidency, honored Mr. Buchanan with the mission to England. In the year 1856, a national Democratic conven- tion nominated Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency. The political conflict was one of the most severe in which our country has ever engaged. All the friends of slavery were on one side ; all the advocates of its re- striction and final abolition, on the other. Mr. Fre- mont, the candidate of the enemies of slavery, re- ceived 114 electoral votes. Mr. Buchanan received 174, and was elected. The popular vote stood 1,340,618, for Fremont, 1,224,750 for Buchanan. On March 4th. 1857, Mr. Buchanan was inaugurated. Mr. Buchanan was far advanced in life. Only four vears were wanting to fill up his threescore years and ten. His own friends, those with whom he had been allied in political principles and action for years, were sueking the destruction of the Government, that they might rear upon the ruins of our free institutions a nation whose corner-stone should be human slavery. In this emergency, Mr. Buchanan was hopelessly be- wildered He could not, with his long-avowed prin- ciples, consistently oppose the State-rights party in their assumptions. As President of the United States, bound by his oath faithfully to administer the laws he could not, without perjury of the grossest kind, unite with those endeavoring to overthrow the repub- lic. He therefore did nothing. The opponents of Mr. Buchanan's administration nominated Abraham Lincoln as their standard bearer in the next Presidential canvass. The pro-slaverv party declared, that if he were elected, and the con- trol of the Government were thus taken from their hands, they would secede from the Union, taking witli them, as they retired, the National Capitol at Washington, and the lion's share of the territory of the United States. Mr. Buchanan's sympathy with the pro-slavery party was such, that he had been willing to offer them far more than they had ventured to claim. All the South had professed to ask of the North was non- intervention upon the subject of slavery. Mr. Bu- chanan had been ready to offer them the active co- operation of the Government to defend and extend the institution. As the storm increased in violence, the slaveholder.; claiming the right to secede, and Mr. Buchanan avow- ing that Congress had no power to prevent it, one ol the most pitiable exhibitions of governmental im- becility was exhibited the world has ever seen. He- declared that Congress had no power to enforce its laws in any State which had withdrawn, or whkh was attempting to withdraw from the Union. Tl.i; was not the doctrine of Andrew Jackson, when, wil his hand upon his sword-hilt, he exclaimed. "The Union must and shall be preserved!" South Carolina seceded in December, i860; nearly three months before the inauguration of President Lincoln. Mr. Buchanan looked on in listless despair. The rebel flag was raised in Charleston : Fort Sumpter was besieged ; our forts, navy-yards and arsenals were seized ; our depots of military stores were plun- dered ; and our custom-houses and post-offices were appropriated by the rebels. The energy of the rebels, and the imbecility of our Executive, were alike marvelous. The Nation looked on in agony, waiting for the slow weeks to glide away, and close the administration, so terrible in its weak- ness At length the long-looked-for hour of deliver- ance came, when Abraham Lincoln was to receive the scepter. The administration of President Buchanan was certainly the most calamitous our country has ex- perienced. His best friends cannot recall it with pleasure. And still more deplorable it is for his fame, that in that dreadful conflict which rolled its billows of flame and blood over our whole land, no word came from his lips to indicate his wish that our country's banner should triumph over the flag of the rebellion H** died at his Wheatland retreat, June 1, i863. fy* ^-r G y / jfa&<^<'-&/ SIXTEENTH PRES/DENT. 79 y[ ABRAHAM > JfefNf^ ' j LINCOLN. >1 BRAHAM LINCOLN, the sixteenth President of the ||$United States, was born in Hardin Co., Ky., Feb. 12, 1809. About the year 1780, a man by the name of Abraham Lincoln left Virginia with his family and moved into the then wilds of Kentucky. Only two years after this emigration, still a young man, while working one day in a field, was stealthily approached by an Indian and shot dead. His widow was left in extreme poverty with five little children, three boys and two girls. Thomas, the youngest of the boys, was four years of age at his father's death. This Thomas was the father of Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States whose name must henceforth forever be enrolled with the must prominent in the annals of our world. Of course no record has been kept of the life ol one so lowly ns Thomas Lincoln. He was among 1 he poorest of the poor. His home was a wretched log-cabin; his food the coarsest and the meanest. Ed ication he had none; he could never either read or a rite. As soon as he was able to do anything for himself, he was compelled to leave the cabin of his starving mother, and push out into the world, a friend- ess wandering boy, seeking work. He hired him- self out, and thus spent the whole of his youth as a Piborer in the fields of others. When twenty-eight years of age he built a log- cabin of his own, and married Nancy Hanks, the daughter of another family of poor Kentucky emi- grants, who had also come from Virginia. Their second child was Abraham Lincoln, the subject of this sketch. The mother of Abraham was a noble woman, gentle, loving, pensive, created to adorn a palace, doomed to toil and pine, and die in a hovel. "All that I am, or hope to be," exclaims the grate- ful son " I owe to my angel-mother. When he was eight years of age, his father sold his cabin and small farm, and moved to Indiana Where two years later his mother died. Abraham soon became the scribe of the uneducated community around him. He could not have had a better school than this to teach him to put thoughts into words. He also became an eager reader. The books he could obtain were few ; but these he read and re-read until they were almost committed tc memory. As the years rolled on, the lot of this lowly family was the usual lot of humanity. There were joys ami griefs, weddings and funerals. Abraham's sistei Sarah, to whom he was tenderly attached, was mar- ried when a child of but fourteen years of age, anc soon died. The family was gradually scattered. Mr. Thomas Lincoln sold out his squatter's claim in 1830 and emigrated to Macon Co., 111. Abraham Lincoln was then twenty-one years of age. With vigorous hands he aided his father in rearin;. another log-cabin. Abraham worked diligently at this until he saw the family comfortably settled, and thei' small lot of enclosed prairie planted with corn, whe:i he announced to his father his intention to leave home, and to go out into the world and seek his for- tune. Little did he or his friends imagine how bril- liant that fortune was to be. He saw the value ol education and was intensely earnest to improve his mind to the utmost of his power. He saw the ruin which aident spirits were causing, and became strictly temperate; refusing to allow a drop of intoxi- cating liquor to pass his lips. And he had read in Cod's word, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;" and a profane expression he. was never heard to utter. Religion he revered. His morals were pure, and he was uncontaminated by a single vice. Young Abraham worked for a time as a hired laborei among the farmers. Then he went to Springfield where he was employed in building a large flat-boat In this he took a herd of swine, floated them down the Sangamon to the Illinois, and thence by the Mis sissippi to New Orleans. Whatever Abraham Lin- coln undertook, he performed so faithfully as to give great satisfaction to his employers. In this adven So ABRAHAM LINCOLS. ture his employers were so well pleased, that upon his return they placed a store and mill under his care. In 1832, at the outbreak of the Black Hawk war, he enlisted and was chosen captain of a company. He returned to Sangamon County, and although only 23 years of age, was a candidate for the Legislature, but was defeated. He soon after received from Andrew Jackson the appointment of Postmaster of New Salem, His only post-office was his hat. All the letters he received he carried there ready to deliver to those he chanced to meet. 1 le studied surveying, and soon made this his business. In 1834 he again became a candidate for the Legislature, and was elected Mr. Stuart, of Springfield, adviseil him to study law. He walked from New Salem, to Springfield, borrowed of Mr. Stuart a load of books, carried them back and began his legal studies. When the Legislature as- sembled he trudged on foot with his pack on his back one hundred miles to Vandalia, then the capital. In 1836 he was re-elected to the Legislature. Here it was he first met Stephen A. Douglas. In 1839 he re- moved to Springfield and began the practice of law. His success with the jury was so great that he was coon engaged in almost every noted case in the circuit. In 1854 the great discussion began between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Douglas, on the slavery question. In the organization of the Republican party in Illinois, in 1856, he took an active part, and at once became one of the leaders in that party. Mr. Lincoln's speechesin opposition to Senator Douglas in the con- test in 1858 for a seat in the Senate, form a most notable part of his history. The issue was on the slavery question, and he took the broad ground of .he Declaration of Independence, that all men are reated equal. Mr. Lincoln was defeated in this con- test, but won a far higher prize. The great Republican Convention met at Chicago on the r6th of June, i860. The delegates and strangers who crowded the city amounted to twenty- five thousand. An immense building called "The Wigwam," was reared to accommodate the Conven- tion. There were eleven candidates for whom votes were thrown. William H Seward, a man whose fame as a statesman had long filled the land, was the most prominent. It was generally supposed he would be the nominee. Abraham Lincoln, however, received the nomination on the third ballot. Little did he then dream of the weary years of toil and care, and the bloody death, to w'ai :h that nomination doomed him: 1 iid as little did he dream that he w.is to render services to his country, which would li\ upon him the eyes of the whole civilized world, ami which would give him a place in the affections nf his countrymen, second enly, if second, to that of Washington. Election day came and Mr. Lincoln received r8o electoral votes out of 203 cast, and was, therefore, titutionally elected President of the United States. The tirade of abuse that was poured upon this good and merciful man, especially by the slaveholders, was greater than upon any other man ever elected to this high position. In February, 1861, Mr. Lincoln started for Washington, stopping in all the large cities on his way making speeches. The whole journey wasfroughi with much danger. Many of the Southern States had already seceded, and several attempts at assassination were afterwards brought to light. A gang in Balti- more had arranged, upon his arrival to" get up a row," and in the confusion to make sure of his death with revolvers and hand-grenades. A detective unravelled the plot. A secret and special train was provided t( take him from Harrisburg, through Baltimore, at ar unexpected hour of the night. The train started at half-past ten ; and to prevent ai.y possible communi- cation on the part ot the Secessionists with their Can - federate gang in Baltimore, as soon as the train bao started the telegraph-wires were cut. Mr. Lincoln reached Washington in safety and was inaugurated, although great anxiety was felt by all loyal people In the selection of his cabinet Mr. Lincoln gave to Mr Seward the Department of State, and to other prominent opponents before the convention he gave important positions. During no other administration have the duties devolving upon the President been so manifold, and the responsibilities so great, as those which fell to the lot of President Lincoln. Knowing this, and feeling his own weakness and inability to meet, and in his own strength to cope with, the difficulties, he learned early to seek Divine wisdom and guidance in determining his plans, and Divine comfort in all his trial-, both personal and national. Contrary to his own estimate of himself, Mr. Lincoln was one of the most courageous of men. He went directly into the rebel capital just as the retreating foe was leaving, with no guard but a few sailors. From the time he had left Springfield, in r 86 r , however, plans had been made for his assassination, and he at last fell a victim tooneof them. April 14, [865, he, with Cen. Grant, was urgently invited to attend Fords' Theater. It was announced that they would Le present. Gen. Grant, however, left the city. President Lincoln, feel- ing, witti his characteristic kindliness of heart, that it would be a disappointment if he should fail them, very reluctantly consented to go. While listening to the play an actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth entered the box where the President and family were seated, and fired a bullet into his brains. He died the next morning at seven o'clock. Never before, in the history of the world was a nation plunged into such deep grief by the death of its ruler. Strong men met in the streets and wept in speechless anguish. It is not too much to say that a nation was in tears. His was a life which will fitly become a model. His name as the savior of his country will live with that of Washington's, its father; his cc'intiy- men being unable to decide which is the greater. ~?-1rd>(^t-^^~ ^z^Ltfty^ SEVENTEENTH PRESIDENT. *3 NDREW JOHNSON, seven- teentli President of the United i States. The early lite of Andrew Johnson contains but the record of poverty, destitu- tion and friendlessness. He 7 was born December 29, 180S, in Raleigh, N. C. His parents, belonging to the class of the "poor whites " of the South, were in such circumstances, that they could not c-.nf:r _.*er> the slight- est advantages of education upon their child. When Andrew was five years of age, his father accidentally lost nis life while herorically endeavoring to save a friend from drowning. TT ruii tea years of age, Andrew was a ragged boy abour the streets, supported by the labor of his mother, who obtained her living with her own hands. He then, having never attended a school one day, and being unable either to read or write, was ap- prenticed to a tailor in his native town. A gentleman was in the habit of going to the tailor's shop occasion- ally, and reading to the boys at work there. He often read from the speeches of distinguished British states- men. Andrew, who was endowed with a mind of more than ordinary native ability, became much interested in these speeches ; his ambition was roused, and he was inspired with a strong desire to learn to read. He accordingly applied himself to the alphabet, and with the assistance of some of his fellow-workmen, .earned his letters. He then called upon the gentle- man to borrow the book of speeches. The owner. pleased with his zeal, not only gave him the boost but assisted him in learning to combine the letters into words. Under such difficulties he pressed 3.- ward laboriously, spending usually ten or twelve hours at work in the shop, and then robbing himself of rest and recreatio.- to devote such time as he could to reading. He went to Tennessee in 1826, and located at Greenville, where he married a young lady who pos sessed some education. Under her instructions he learned to write and cipher. He became prominent in the village debating society, and a favorite with the students of Greenville College. In 1828, he or- ganized a working man's party, which elected him alderman, and in 1830 elected him mayor, which position he held three years. He now began to take a lively interest in political affairs ; identifying himself with the working-classes, to which he belonged. In 1835, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives of Tennes- see. He was then just twenty-seven years of age. He became a very active member of the legislature gave his adhesion to the Democratic party, and in 1840 "stumped the State," advocating Martin Van Buren's claims to the Presidency, in opposition to thos. of Gen. Harrison. In this campaign he acquired mucb readiness as a speaker, and extended and increased his reputation. In 1841, he was elected State Senator; in 1843, he was elected a member of Congress, and by successive elections, held that important post for ten years In 1853, he was elected Governor of Tennessee, and was re-elected in 1855. In all these responsible posi tions, he discharged his duties with distinguished abi. 84 ANDREW JOHNSON. ity, and proved himself the warm friend of the work- ing classes. In 1857, Mr. Johnson was elected United States Senator. Years before, in 1S45, he had warmly advocated the annexation of Texas, stating however, as his reason, that he thought this annexation would prob- ably prove " to be the gateway out of which the sable sons of Africa are to pass from bondage to treedom, and become merged in a population congenial to themselves." In 1850, he also supported the com- promise measures, the two essential features of which were, that the white people of the Territories should be permitted to decide for themselves whether they would enslave the colored people or not, and that the r ree States of the North should return to the ooiuh persons who attempted to escape from slavery. Mr. Johnson was never ashamed of his lowly origin: on the contrary, he often took pride in avowing that he owed his distinction to his own exertions. "Sir," said he on the floor of the Senate, " I do not forget that I am a mechanic ; neither do I forget that Adam was a tailor and sewed fig-leaves, and that our Sav- ior was the son of a carpenter." In the Charleston- Baltimore convention of iSi^j, ne ivas the choice of the Tennessee Democrats for the Presidency. In 1S61, when the purpose of the South- ern Democracy became apparent, he took a decided stand in favor of the Union, and held that " slavery must be held subordinate to the Union at whatever cost." He returned to Tennessee, and repeatedly imperiled his own life to protect the Unionists of Tennesee. Tennessee having seceded from the Union, President Lincoln, on March 4th, 1862, ap- pointed him. Military Governor of the State, and lie established the most stringent military rule. His numerous proclamations attracted wide attention. In 1864, he was elected Vice-President of the United States, and upon the death of Mr. Lincoln, April 15, 1865, became President. In a speech two days later he said, " The American people must be taught, if they do not already feel, that treason is a crime and must be punished ; that the Government will not always bear with its enemies ; that it is strong not only to protect, but to punish. * * The people must understand that it (treason) is the blackest of crimes, and will surely be punished." Yet his whole administration, the history of which is so well known, was in utter inconsistency with, and the most violent opposition to, the principles laid down in that speech. In his loose policy of reconstruction and general amnesty, he was opposed by Congress; and he char- acterized Congress as a new rebellion, and lawlessly defied it, in everything possible, to the utmost. In the beginning of 1868, on account of "high crimes and misdemeanors," the principal of which was the removal of Secretary Stanton, in violation of the Ten- ure of Office Act, articles of impeachment were pre- ferred against him, and the trial began March 23. It was very tedious, continuing for nearly three months. A test article of the impeachment was at length submitted to the court for its action. It was certain that as the court voted upon that article so would it vote upon all. Thirty-four voices pronounced the President guilty. As a two-thirds vote was neces- sary to his condemnation, he was pronounced ac- quitted, notwithstanding the great majority against him. The change of one vote from the not guilty side would have sustained the impeachment. The President, for the remainder of his terra, was but little regarded. He continued, though impotent 1 ;-, his conflict with Congress. His own party did not think it expedient to renominate him for the Presi- dency. The Nation rallied, with enthusiasm unpar- alleled since the days of Washington, around the name of Gen. Grant. Andrew Johnson was forgotten. The bullet of the assassin introduced him to the President's chair. Notwithstanding this, never was there presented to a man a better opportunity to im- mortalize his name, and to win the gratitude of a nation. He failed utterly. He retired to his home in Greenville, Tenn., taking no very active part in politics until 1875. On Jan 26, after an exciting struggle, he was chosen by the Legislature of Ten- nessee, United States Senator in the forty-fourth Con- gress, and took his seat in that body, at the special session convened by President Grant, on the 5th of March. On the 27th of July, 1875, the ex-President made a visit to his daughter's home, near Carter Station, Tenn. When he started on his journey, he was apparently in his usual vigorous health, but on reach- ing the residence of his child the following day, was stricken with paralysis, rendering him unconscious. He rallied occasionally, but finally passed away at 2 a.m., July 31, aged sixty-seven years. His fun- eral was attended at Geenville, on the 3d of August, with every demonstration of respect ■•■ 7~ <2 < .il, ran the gauntlet in entire safety. From Monterey he was sent, with the fourth infantry, 10 aid Gen. Scott, at the siege of Vera Cruz. In preparation for the march to the city of Mexico, he was appointed quartermaster of his regiment. At the battle of Molino del Rey, he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and was brevetted captain at Cha- pultepec. At the close of the Mexican War, Capt. Grant re- turned with his regiment to New York, and was again sent to one of the military posts on the frontier. The discovery of gold in California causing an immense tide of emigration to flow to the Pacific shores, Capt. Grant was sent with a battalion to Fort Dallas, in Oregon, for the protection of the interests of the im- migrants. Life was wearisome in those wilds. Capt. Grant resigned his commission and returned to the States; and having married, entered upon the cultiva- tion of a small farm near St. Louis, Mo. He had but little skill as a farmer. Finding his toil not re- munerative, he turned to mercantile life, entering into the leather business, with a younger brother, at Ga- lena, 111. This was in the year i860. As the tidings of the rebels firing on Fort Sumpter reached the ears of Capt. Grant in his counting-room, he said, — "Uncle Sam has educated me for the army: though I have served him through one war, I do not fee' that I have yet repaid the debt. I am still ready to discharge my obligations. I shall therefore buckle on my sword and see Uncle Sam through this war too." He went into the streets, raised a company of vol- unteers, and led them as their captain to Springfield, the capital of the State, where their services wen- offered to Gov. Yates. The Governor, impressed by the zeal and straightforward executive ability of Capt. Grant, gave him a desk in his office, to assist in the volunteer organization that was being formed in the State in behalf of the Government. On the 15 th of 88 UL YSShS S. GRA NT. June, 1861, Capt. Grant received a commission as Colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of Illinois Vol- unteers. His merits as a West Point graduate, who had served for 15 years in the regular army, were such that he was soon promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General and was placed in command at Cairo. The rebels raised their banner at Paducah, near the mouth of the Tennessee River. Scarcely had its folds ap- peared in the breeze ere Gen. Grant was there. The rebels fled. Their banner fell, and the star anil stripes were unfurled in its stead. He entered the service with great determination and immediately began active duty. This was the be- ginning, and until the surrender of Lee at Richmond he was ever pushing the enemy with great vigor and effectiveness. At Belmont, a few days later, he sur- prised and routed the rebels, then at Fort Henry won another victory. Then came the brilliant fight at Fort Donelson. The nation was electrified by the victory, and the brave leader of the boys in blue was immediately made a Major-General, and the military iistrict of Tennessee was assigned to him. Like all great captains, Gen. Grant knew well how to secure the results of victory. He immediately oushed on to the enemies' lines. Then came the terrible battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, and the siege of Vicksburg, where Gen. Pemberton made an unconditional surrender of the city with over thirty thousand men and one-hundred and seventy-two can- non. The fall of Vicksburg was by far the most severe blow which the rebels had thus far encountered, and opened up the Mississippi from Cairo to the Gulf. Gen. Grant was next ordered to co-operate with Gen. Banks in a movement upon Texas, and pro- ceeded to New Orleans, where he was thrown from his horse, and received severe injuries, from which he was laid up for months. He then rushed to the aid of Gens. Rosecrans and Thomas at Chattanooga, and by a wonderful series of strategic and technical meas- ures put the Union Army in fighting condition. Then followed tlie bloody battles at Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, in which the rebels were routed with great loss. This won for him un- bounded praise in the North. On the 4th of Febru- ary, 1864, Congress revived the grade of lieutenant- general, and the rank was conferred on Gen. Grant. He repaired to Washington to receive his credentials and enter upon lb' duties of his new office Gen. Grant decided as soon as he took charge ot the army to concentrate the widely-dispersed National troops for an attack upon Richmond, the nominal capital of the Rebellion, and endeavor there to de- stroy the rebel armies which would be promptly as- sembled from all quarters for its defence. The whole continent seemed to tremble under the tramp of these majestic armies, rushing to the decisive battle field. Steamers were crowded with troops. Railway trains were burdened with closely packed thousands. His plans were comprehensive and involved a series of campaigns, which were executed with remarkable en- ergy and ability, and were consummated at the sur- render of Lee, April 9, 1865. The war was ended. The Union was saved. The almost unanimous voice of the Nation declared Gen. Grant to be the most prominent instrument in its sal- vation. The eminent services he had thus rendered the country brought him conspicuously forward as the Republican candidate for the Presidential chair. At the Republican Convention held at Chicago. May 21, 1868, he was unanimously nominated for the Presidency, and at the autumn election received a majority of the popular vote, and 214 out of 294 electoral votes. The National Convention of the Republican party which met at Philadelphia on the 5th of June, 1872, placed Gen. Grant in nomination for a second term by a unanimous vote. The selection was emphati- cally indorsed by the people five months later, 292 electoral votes being cast for him. Soon after the close of his second term, Gen. Grant started upon his famous trip around the world. He visited almost every country of the civilized world, and was everywhere received with such ovations and demonstrations of respect and honor, private as well as public and official, as were never before bestowed upon any citizen of the United States. He was the most prominent candidate before the Republican National Convention in 1880 for a re- nomination for President. He went to New York and embarked in the brokerage business under the firm nameof Grant & Ward. The latter proved a villain, wrecked Grant's fortune, and for larceny was sent to the penitentiary. The General was attacked witli cancer in the throat, but suffered in his stoic-like manner, never complaining. He was re-instated as General of the Army and retired by Congress. The cancer soon finished its deadly work, and July 23, 1885, the nation went in mourning over the death of the illustrious General. s, • / u^. tf* 3 NINETEENTH PRESIDENT. 9> 'C B. HA I 1 -. 1 .' : ■'..••i | .."i'..'v.."i r i: i'...i'.; ■■..- ><:V: >< : 1 1 : ..:. •..■■ -..■■ -. '■ . '. -.'■ ;.y , ;.y.>y..y..y'..y..v'.-v :>■■' i ^ UTHERFORD B. HAYES, the nineteenth President of the United States, was born in Delaware, O., Oct. 4, 1822, al- most three months after the death of his father, Rutherford Hayes. His ancestry on both the paternal and maternal sides, was of the most honorable char- acter. It can be traced, it is said, as far back as 1280, when Hayes and Rutherford were two Scottish chief- tains, fighting side by side with Baliol, William Wallace and Robert Bruce. Both families belonged to the nobility, owned extensive estates, and had a large following. Misfor- tune ovfef caking the family, George Hayes left Scot- .and in 16S0, and settled in Windsor, Conn. His son George wa< born in Windsor, and remained there during his li.'e. Daniel Hayes, son of the latter, mar- ried Sarah Lee, and lived from the time of his mar- riage until his death in Simsbury, Conn. Ezekiel, son of Daniel, was born in 1724, and was a manufac- turer of scythes at Bradford, Conn. Rutherford Hayes, son of Ezekiel ai,d grandfather of President Hayes, was born in New Haven, in August, 1756. He was a farmer, blacksmith and tavern-keeper. He emigrated to Vermont at an unknown date, settling in Brattleboro, where he established a hotel. Here his son Ruth- erford Hayes the father of President Hayes, was born. He was married, in September, 1813, to Sophia Birchard, of Wilmington, Vt., whose ancestors emi- grated thither from Connecticut, they having been among the wealthiest and best famlies of Norwich. Her ancestry on the male side are traced back tc 1635, to John Birchard, one of the principal founders of Norwich. Both of her grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The father of President Hayes was an industrious frugal and opened-hearted man. He was of a me chanical turn, and could mend a plow, knit a stock- ing, or do almost anything else that he choose to undertake. He was a member of the Church, active in all the benevolent enterprises of the town, and con- ducted his business on Christian principles. After the close of the war of 181 2, for reasons inexplicable to his neighbors, he resolved to emigrate to Ohio. The journey from Vermont to Ohio in that day when there were no canals, steamers, not railways, was a very serious affair. A tour of inspection was first made, occupying four months. Mr. Hayes deter mined to move to Delaware, where the family arrived in 1817. He died July 22, 1822, a victim of malarial fever, less than three months before the birth of the son, of whom we now write. Mrs. Hayes, in her sore be- reavement, found the support she so much needed in her brother Sardis, who had been a member of the household from the day of its departure from Ver- mont, and in an orphan girl whom she had adopted some time before as an act of charity. Mrs. Hayes at this period was very weak, and the 9 2 RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. subject of this sketch was so feeble at birth that he was not expected to live beyond a month or two at most. As the months went by he grew weaker and weaker, so that the neighbors were in the habit of in- juring from time to time " if Mrs. Hayes' baby died .ast night. ' On one occasion a neighbor, who was on f imiliar terms with the family, after alluding to the hoy's big head, and the mother's assiduous care of lira, said in a bantering way, " That's right! Stick to him. You have got him along so far, and I shouldn't vonder if he would really come to something yet." " You need not laugh," said Mrs. Hayes. " You "ait and see. You can't tell but I shall make him President of the United States yet." The boy lived, in spite of the universal predictions of his speedy death; and when, in 1825, his older brother was drowned, he became, if possible, still dearer to his mother, The boy was seven years old before he went to school. His education, however, was not neglected. He probably learned as much from his mother and : ister as he would have done at school. His sports were almost wholly within doors, his playmates being his sister and her associates. These circumstances tended, no doubt, to foster that gentleness of dispo- sition, and that delicate consideration for the feelings 31 others, which are marked traits of his character. His uncle Sardis Birchard took the deepest interest In his education ; and as the boy's health had im- proved, and he was making good progress in his studies, he proposed to send him to college. His pre- paration commenced with a tutor at home; but he was afterwards sent for one year to a professor in the Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Conn. He en- tered Kenyon College in 1838, at the age of sixteen, and was graduated at the head of his class in 1842. Immediately after his graduation he began the study of law in the office of Thomas Sparrow, Esq., in Columbus. Finding his opportunities for study in Columbus somewhat limited, he determined to enter the Law School at Cambridge, Mass., where he re- mained two years. In r845, after graduating at the Law School, he was admitted to the bar at Marietta, Ohio, and shortly afterward went into practice as an attorney-at-law witli Ralph P. Buckland, of Fremont. Here he re- mained three years, acquiring but a limited practice, and apparently unambitious of distinction in his pro- Cession. 'n 1849 he moved to Cincinnati, where his ambi- tion found a new stimulus. For several years, how- ever, his progress was slow. Two events, occurring at this period, had a powerful influence upon his subse- quent '.ife. One of these was his marrage with Miss Lucy Ware Webb, daughter of Dr. James Webb, of Chilicothe; the other was his introduction to the Cin- cinnati Literary Club, a body embracing among its members such men as^hief Justice Salmon P. Chase, Gen. John Pope, Gov. Edward F. Noyes, and many others hardly less distinguished in after life. The marriage was a fortunate one in every respect, as everybody knows. Not one of all the wives of our Presidents was more universally admired, reverenced and beloved than was Mrs. Hayes, and no one did more than she to reflect honor upon American woman hood. The Literary Cluo brought Mr. Haye: :'nto constant association with young men of high char- acter and noble aims, and lured him to display the qualities so long hidden by his bashfulne.s and modesty. In 1856 he was nominated to the office of Judg.' o' the Court of Common Pleas; but he declined to ac- cept the nomination. Two years later, the office of city solicitor becoming vacant, the City Co':ncii elected him for the unexpired term. In 1 86 1, when the Rebellion broke out, he was at the zenith of his professional Yf_. His rank at the bar was among the the first. But the news of the attack on Fort Sumpter found him eager to take uo arms for the defense of his country. His military record was bright ard illustrious. In October, i86t, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and in August, 1862, promoted Colonel of the 79th Ohio regiment, but he refused to leave his old comrades and go among strangers. Subsequently, however, he was made Colonel of his old regiment. At the battle of South Mountain he received a wound, and while faint and bleeding displayed courage r.nd fortitude that won admiration from all. Col. Hayes was detached from his regiment, after his recovery, to act as Brigadier-General, and placed in command of the celebrated Kanawha division, and for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, he was promoted Brigadier-General. He was also brevetted Maj.ir-General, "for gallant and distinguished services during the campaigns of 1864. in West Virginia." In the course of his arduous services, four horses were shot from under him, and he was wounded four times In 1864, Gen. Hayes was elected to Congress, from the Second Ohio District, which had long been Dem- ocratic. He was not present during the campaign, and after his election was importuned to resign his commission in the army ; but he finally declared, " I shall never come to Washington until I can come by the way of Richmond." He was re-elected in 1866. In 1S67, Gen Hayes was elected Governor of Ohio, over Hon. Allen G. Thurman, a populai Democrat. In r869 was re-elected over George H. Pendleton. He was elected Governor for the third term in 1875. In 1876 he was the standard bearer of the Repub- lican Party in the Presidential contest, and after a hard long contest was chosen President, and was ir. augurated Monday, March 5, 1875. He served his full term, not, however, with satisfaction to his party, but his administration was an average or*.; TWENTIETH PRESIDENT. 0" m. ^SMf'-/m,^\y^s, r*s>t*«. *X* *vi*v ►g;g#'SiS*'^rS*s;s*5;:;j#S;g- JAMES A, iARFIELI). ""..1 ^1 esg » 3 t g»^t: 3!e o at: o at: » 3B: » ae: 3!£ » 3 ig»^e#g|g#i AMES A. GARFIELD, twen- tieth President of the United States, was born Nov. 19, 1831, in the woods of Orange, Cuyahoga Co., O His par- ents were Abram and Eliza (Ballou) Garfield, both of New England ancestry and from fami- lies well known in the early his- \ tory of that section of our coun- try, but had moved to the Western Reserve, in Ohio, early in its settle- ment. The house in which James A. was born was not unlike the houses of poor Ohio farmers of that day. It .as about 20x30 feet, built of logs, with the spaces be- .ween the logs filled with clay. His father was a ;iard working farmer, and he soon had his fields cleared, an orchard planted, and a log barn built. The household comprised the father and mother and ;heir four children — Mehelabel, Thomas, Mary and 'ames. In May, 1S23 the father, from a cold con- tacted in helping to put out a forest fire, died. At this time James was about eighteen months old, and Thomas about ten years old. No one, perhaps, can rell how much James was indebted to his biother's toil and self-sacrifice during the twenty years suc- ceeding his father's death, but undoubtedly very much. He now lives in Michigan, and the two sis- ters live in Solon, O., near their birthplace. The early educational advantages young Garfield enjoyed were very limited, yet he made the most of them. He labored at farm work for others, did car- penter work, chopped wood, or did anything that would bring in a few dollars to aid his widowed mother in he r struggles to keep the little family to- gether. Nor was Gen. Garfield ever ashamed of his origin, and he never forgot the friends of his strug- gling childhood, youth and manhood, neither did they ever forget him. When in the highest seatsof honor the humblest fiiend of his boyhood was as kindly greeted as ever. The poorest laborer was sure of the sympathy of one who had known all the bitterness of want and the sweetness of bread earned ly the sweat of the brow. He was ever the simple, ulain, modest gentleman. The highest ambition of young Garfield until h. was about sixteen years old was to be a captain of a vessel on Lake Eiie. He was anxious to go aboard a vessel, which his mother strongly opposed. She finally consented to his going to Cleveland, with the understanding, however, that he should try to obtair some other kind of employment. He walked all the way to Cleveland. This was his first visit to the city After making many applications for work, and trying to get aboard a lake vessel, and not meeting with success, he engaged as a driver for his cousin, Amos Letcher, on the Ohio & Pennsylvania Canal. He re- mained at this work but a short time when he wen home, and attended the seminary at Chester fo- about three years, when he entered Hiram and the Eclectic Institute, teaching a few terms of school in the meantime, and doing other work. This school was started by the Disciples of Christ in 1850, of which church he was then a member. He became janitor and bell-ringer in order to help pay his way He then became both teacher and pupil. He soon " exhausted Hiram " and needed more ; hence, in the fall of 1854, he entered Williams College, from which he graduated in 1856, taking one of the highest \v%. - ors of his class. He afterwards returned to Hiram College as its President. As above stated, he early united with the Christian or Diciples Church at Hiram, and was ever after a devoted, zealous mem- ber, often preaching in its pulpit and places where he happened to be. Dr. Noah Porter, President of Vale College, says cf him in reference to his religion : 9 b JAMES A. GAKFIELU. " President Garfield was more than a man of strong moral and religious convictions. His whole history, from boyhood to the last, shows that duty to man and to God, and devotion to Christ and life and faith and spiritual commission were controlling springs of his being, and to a more than usual degree. In .ny judgment there is no more interesting feature of ins character than his loyal allegiance to the body of Christians in which he was trained, and the fervent sympathy which he ever showed in their Christian communion. Not many of the few 'wise and mighty and noble who are called' shovv a similar loyalty to the less stately and cultured Christian communions in which they have been reared. Too often it is true that as they step upward in social and political sig- nificance they step upward from one degree to another in some of the many types of fashionable Christianity. President Garfield adhered to the :hurchof his mother, the church in which he was trained, and in which lie served as a pillar and an evangelist, and yet with the largest and most unsec- 'arian charity for all 'who loveour Lord in sincerity.'" Mr. Garfield was united in marriage with Mi^s Lucretia Rudolph, Nov. n, 1858, who proved herself worthy as the wife of one whom all the world loved and mourned. To them were born seven children, five of whom are still living, four boys and one girl. Mr. Garfield made his first political speeches in 1856, in Hiram and the neighboring villages, and three years later he began to speak at county mass-meet- ings, and became the favorite speaker wherever he was. During this year he was elected to the Ohio Senate. He also began to study law at Cleveland, and in r86r was admitted to the bar. The great Rebellion broke out in the early part of this year, and Mr. Garfield at once resolved to fight as he had talked, and enlisted to defend the old flag. He re- ceived his commission as Lieut. -Colonel of the Forty- second Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Aug. 14,1861. He was immediately put into active ser- vice, and before he had everseen a gun fired in action, was placed in command of four regiments of infantry .:nd eight companies of cavalry, charged with the work of driving out of His native State the officer 'Humphrey Marshall) reputed to be the ablest of those, not educated to war whom Kentucky had given to the Rebellion. This work was bravely and speed- ily accomplished, although against great odds. Pres- ident Lincoln, on his success commissioned him Brigadier-General, Jan. 10, 1862; and as "he had iieen the youngest man in the Ohio Senate two years before, so now he was the youngest General in the army." He was witli Gen. Buell's army at Shiloh, in its operations around Corinth and its march through Alabama. He was then detailed as a memberof the General Court-Martial for the trial of Gin. Fitz-John Porter. He was then ordered to report to Gen. Rose- crans, and was assigned to the "Chief of Staff." The military history of Gen. Garfield closed with his brilliant services at Chickamauga, where he won the stars 01 the Major-General. Without an effort on his part Ge« Garfield was elected to Congress in the fall of 1862 from the Nineteenth District of Ohio. This section of Ohio had been represented in Congress for sixty years mainly by two men — Elisha Whittlesey and Joshua R. Giddings. It was not without a struggle that he resigned his place in the army. At the time he en- tered Congress he was the youngest member in thai body. There he remained by successive re- elections until he was elected President in 1880. Of his labors in Congress Senator Hoar says : " Sinct the year 1864 you cannot think of a question which has been debated in Congress, or discussed before t, tribunel of the American people, in regard to whict you will not find, if you wish instruction, the argtu ment on one side stated, in almost every instance better than by anybody else, in some speech made in the House of Representatives or on the hustings by Mr. Garfield." Upon Jan. 14, 1880, Gen. Garfield was elected to the U. S. Senate, and on the eighth of June, of the same year, was nominated as the candidate of his party for President at the great Chicago Convention. He was elected in the following November, and on March 4, 1881, was inaugurated. Probably no ad- ministration ever opened its existence under brighter auspices than that of President Garfield, and every day it grew in favo; with the people, and by the first of July he had completed all the initiatory and pre- liminary work of his administration and was prepar- ing to leave the city to meet his friends at Williams College. While on his way and at the depot, in com- pany with Secretary Blaine, a man stepped behind him, drew a revolver, and fired directly at his back. The President tottered and fell, and as he did so the assassin fired a second shot, the bullet cutting the left coat sleeve of his victim, but inflicting no further injury. It has been very truthfully said that this was " the shot that was heard round the world " Never before in the history of the Nation had anything oc- curred which so nearly froze the blood of the people for the moment, as this awful deed. He was smit- ten on the brightest, gladdest day of all his life, and was at the summit of his power and hope. For eighty days, all during the hot months of July and August, he lingered and suffered. He, however, remained master of himself till the last, and by his magnificent bearing was teaching the country and the world the noblest of human lessons — how to live grandly in the very clutch of death. Great in life, he was surpass- ingly great in death. He passed serenely away Sept. 19, 1883, at Elberon, N. J., on the very bank of the ocean, where he had been taken shortly previous. The world wept at his death, as it never had done on the death of any other man who had ever lived upon it. The murderer was duly tried, found guilty and exe- cuted, in one year after he committed the fou: deed. TWENTY-FIRST PRESIDENT. 99 HESTER A. ARTHUR, ©)._ twenty-first PresKLm of the United States was born in Franklin Courty, Vermont, on —3* the fifthofOc'ober, 1830, andis ¥;^§W the oldest of a family of two mMduSf sons and five daughters. His -■■ i father was the Rev. Dr. William s«s I i S&fcjS Arthur, aBaptistd',rgyrnan, who ^J emigtated to tb.s country from 1^, the county Antrim, Ireland, in his 18th year, and died in 1875, in Newtonville, neai Albany, after a long and successful ministry. Young Arthur was educated at Union College, S< henectady, where he excelled in all his studies. Af- ter his graduation he taught school j in Vermont for two years, and at so the expiration of that time came to New York, with $500 in his pocket, and e.itered the office of ex-Judge E. D. Culver as student. After I being admitted to' "he bar he formed a partnership with his intimate friend and room-mate, Henry D. Gardiner, with the intention of practicing in the West, and for three months they roamed about in the Western States in search of an eligible site, but in the end returned to New York, where they hung out their shingle, and entered upon a success- ful career almost from the start. General Arthur soon afterward nwr ; <"d the daughter of Lieutenant Herndon, of the United States Navy, who was lost at sea. Congress voted a gold medal to his widow in recognition of the bravery he displayed on that occa- sion. Mrs. Arthur died shortly before Mr. Arthur's nomination to the Vice Presidency, leaving two children. Gen. Arthur obtained considerable legal celebrity in his first great case, the famous Lemmon suit, brought to recover possession of eight slaves who had been declared free by Judge Paine, of the Superior Court of New York City. It was in 1852 that Jon. athan Lemmon, of Virginia, went to New York with his slaves, intending to ship them to Texas, when they were discovered and freed. The Judge decided that they could not be held by the owner under the Fugitive Slave Law. A howl of rage went up from the South, and the Virginia Legislature authorized the Attorney General of that State to assist in an appeal. Wm. M. Evarts and Chester A. Arthur were employed to represent the People, and they won their case, which then went to the Supreme Court of the United States. Charles O'Conor here espoused the cause of the slave-holders, but he too was beaten by Messrs Evarts and Arthur, and a long step was taken toward the emancipation of the black race. Another great service was rendered by General Arthur in the same cause in 1856. Lizzie Jennings. a respectable colored woman, was put off a Fourth Avenue car with violence after she had paid her fare. General Arthur sued on her behalf, and secured c. verdict of $,oo damages. The next day the compa- ny issued an order to admit colored persons to ride en their cars, and the other car companies quickly /oo CHESTER A. ARTHUR. followed their example. Before that the Sixth Ave- nue Company ran a few special cars for colored per- sons and the other lines refused to let them ride at all. General Arthur was a delegate to the Convention at Saratoga that founded the Republican party. Previous to the war he was Judge-Advocate of the Second Brigade of the State of New York, and Gov- ernor Morgan, of that State, appointed him Engineer- in-Chief of his staff. In 1861, he was made Inspec- tor General, and soon afterward became Quartermas- ter-General. In each of these offices he rendered great service to the Government during the war. At the end of Governor Morgan's term he resumed the practice of the law, forming a partnership with Mr. Ransom, and then Mr. Phelps, the District Attorney of New York, was added to the firm. The legal prac- tice of this well-known firm was very large and lucra- tive, each of the gentlemen composing it were able lawyers, and possessed a splendid local reputation, if not indeed one of national extent. He always took a leading part in State and city politics. He was appointed Collector of the Port of New York by President Grant, Nov. 21 1872, to suc- ceed Thomas Murphy, and held the office until July, ■20, 1878, when he was succeeded by Collector Merritt. Mr. Arthur was nominated on the Presidential ticket, with Gen. James A. Garfield, at the famous National Republican Convention held at Chicago in June, 1880. This was perhaps the greatest political convention that ever assembled on the continent. It was composed of the 'wading politicians of the Re- publican party, all able men, and each stood firm and fought vigorously and with signal tenacity for their respective candidates that were before the conven- tion for the nomination. Finally Gen. Garfield re- ceived the nomination for President and Gen. Arthur for Vice-President. The campaign which followed was one of the most animated known in the history of our country. Gen. Hancock, the standard-bearer of the Democratic party, was a popular man, and his party made a valiant fight for his election. Finally the election came and the country's choice .vas Garfield and Arthur. They were inaugurated .vtarch 4, 1881, as President and Vice-President. \ few months only had passed ere the newly chosen President was the victim of the assassin's bullet. Then came terrible weeks of suffering, — those moment* of anxious suspense, when the hearts of all civilized na- tions were throbbing in unison, longing for the re covery of the noble, the good President. The remark- able patience that he manifested during those hours and weeks, and even months, of the most terrible suf- fering man has often been called upon to endure, was seemingly more than human. It was certainly God- like. During all this period of deepest anxiety Mr. Arthur's every move was watched, and be it said to his credit that his every action displayed only an earnest desire that the suffering Garfield might recover, to serve the remainder of the term he had so auspi- ciously begun. Not a selfish feeling was manifested in deed or look of this man, even though the most honored position in the world >vas at any moment likely to fall to him. At last God in his mercy relieved President Gar- field from further suffering, and the world, as never before in its history over the death of any other man, wept at his bier. Then it became the duty of the Vice President to assume the responsibilities of the high office, and he took the oath in New York, Sept. 20, 1 88 1. The position was an embarrassing one to him, made doubly so from the facts that all eyes were on him, anxious to know what he would do, what policy he would pursue, and who he would se- lect as advisers. The duties of the office had been greatly neglected during the President's long illness, and many important measures were to be immediately decided by him ; and still farther to embarrass him he did not fail to realize under what circumstances he became President, and knew the feelings of many on this point. Under these trying circumstances President Arthur took the reins of the Government in Hs own hands; and, as embarrassing as were the condition of affairs, he happily surprised the nation, acting so wisely that but few criticised his administration, He served the nation well and faithfully, until the close of his administration, March 4, 1885, and was a popular candidate before his party for a second term. His name was ably presented before the con- vention at Chicago, and was received with great favor, and doubtless but for the personal popularity of one of the opposing candidates, he would have been selected as the standard-bearer of his party for another campaign. He retired to private life car- rying with him the best wishes of the American peo- ple, whom he had served in a manner satisfactory to them and with credit to himself. $3*fca. -htrLgsT' CJ^C^C^CCt^Ly^V TWENTY-SECOND PRESIDENT. l °i ^^O^S);?^ s'" __. _ Me )V®mv WAcmlawL _'"■"■ ^^ TEPHEN GROVER CLEVE- ] .AN D, the twenty- second Pres- ident of the United States, was born in 1837, in the obscure town of Caldwell, Essex Co., N. J., and in a little two-and-a- half-story white house which is still standing, characteristically to mark the hu;nble birth-place of one of America's great men in striking con- trast with the Old World, where all men high in office must be high in origin and born in the cradle of wealth. When the subject of this sketch was three years of age, his father, who was a Presbyterian min- ister, with a large family and a small salary, moved, oy way ci the Hudson River and Erie Canal, to Fayetteville, in search of an increased income and a 'arger field of work. Fayetteville was then the most straggling of country villages, about five miles from Pompey Hill, where Governor Seymour was born. At the last mentioned place young Grover com- menced going to school in the "good, old fashioned way," and presumably distinguished himself after the manner of all village boys, in doing the things he ought not to do. Such is the distinguishing trait of all geniuses and independent thinkers. When he arrived at the age of 14 years, he had outgrown the capacity of the village school and expressed a most emphatic desire to be sent to an academy. To this his father decidedly objected. Academies in those days cost money; besides, his father wanted him to become self-supporting by the quickest possible means, and this at that time in Fayetteville seemed to be a position in a country store, where his father and the large family on his hands had considerable influence. Grover was to be paid $50 for his services the first year, and if he proved trustworthy he was to receive fioo the second year. Here the lad com- menced his career as salesman, and in two years he had earned so good a reputation for trustworthiness that his employers desired to retain him for an in definite length of time. Otherwise he did not ex- hibit as yet any particular " flashes of genius " or eccentricities of talent. He was simply a good boy. But instead of remaining with this firm in Fayette- ville, he went with the family in their removal to Clinton, where he had an opportunity of attending a high school. Here he industriously pursued his studies until the family removed with him to a point on Black River known as the " Holland Patent," a village of 500 or 600 people, 15 miles north of Utica, N. Y. At this place his father died, after preaching but three Sundays. This evert broke up the family, and Grover set out for New York City to accept, at a small salary, the position of " under-teacher " in an asylum for the blind. He taught faithfully for two years, and although he obtained a good reputation in this capacity, he concluded that teaching was not his IOJ S. GROVE R CLEVELAND. calling for life, and, reversing the traditional order, ne left the city to seek his fortune, instead of going to a city. He first thought of Cleveland, Ohio, as there was some charm in that name for him; but before proceeding to that place he went to Buffalo to isk the advice of his uncle, Lewis F. Allan, a noted stock-breeder of that place. The latter did not rpeak enthusiastically. "What is it you want to do, my boy?" he asked. "Well, sit, I want to study 'aw," was the reply. "Good gracious!" remarked he old gentleman ; " do you, indeed ? What ever put that into your head? How much money have you got?" 'Well, sir, to tell the truth, I haven't got an*.* After a long consultation, his uncle offered him a p'ace temporarily as assistant herd-keeper, at $50 a year, while he could "look around." One day soon ifterward he boldly walked into the office of Rogers, Bowen & Rogers, of Buffalo, and told L'hem what he wanted. A number of young men were already en- gaged in the office, but Graver's persistency won, and ne was finally permitted to come as an office boy and nave the use of the law library, for the nominal sum of $3 or $4 a week. Out of this he had to pay for his board and washing. The walk to and from his uncle's was a long and rugged one; and, although the first winter was a memorably severe one, his shoes were out of repair and his overcoat — he had none — yet he was nevertheless prompt and regular. On the first day of his service here, his senior em- ployer threw down a copy of Blackstone before him with a bang that made the dust fly, saying "That's where they all begin." A titter ran around the little circle of clerks and students, as they thought that was enough to scare young Graver out of his plans ; yut indue time he mastered that cumbersome volume. Then, as ever afterward, however, Mr. Cleveland exhibited a talent for executiveness rather than for chasing principles through all their metaphysical possibilities. " Let us quit talking and go and do t," was practically his motto. The first public office to which Mr. Cleveland was eiected was that of Sheriff of Erie Co., N. Y., in which Buffalo is situated; and in such capacity it fell Jo his duty to inflict capital piT/Ishment upon two criminals. In 1881 he was elected Mayor of the fTity of Buffalo, on the Democratic ticket, with es- pecial reference to the bringing about certain reforms in the administration of the municipal affairs of that city. In this office, as well as that of Sheriff, his performance of duty has generally been considered fair, with possibly a few exceptions which were fer- reted out and magnified during the last Presidential campaign. As a specimen of his plain language in a veto message, we quote from one vetoing an iniqui- tous street-cleaning contract: "This is a time foi plain speech, and my objection to your action shall be plainly stated. I regard it as the culmination of a mos bare-faced, impudent and shameless scheme to betray the interests of the peopls and to worsj than squander the people's money." The New York Sun afterward very highly commended Mr. Cleve- land's administration as Mayor of Buffalo, and there- upon recommended him for Governor of the Empire State. To the latter office he was elected in 1882, and his administration of the affairs of State was generally satisfactory. The mistakes he made, if any, were made very public throughout the nation after he was nominated for President of the United States. For this high office he was nominated July 11, 1SS4, by the National Democratic Convention st Chicago, when other competitors were Thomas F, Bayard, Roswell P. Flower, Thomas A. Hendricks, Benjamin F. Butler, Allen G. Thurman, etc.: and he was elected by the people, by a majority of about a thousand, over the brilliant and long-tried Repub- lican statesman, James G. Blaine. President Cleve- land resigned his office as Governor of New York in January, 1885, in order to prepare for his duties as the Chief Executive of the United States, in which capacity his term commenced at noon on the 4th ot March, 18S5. For his Cabinet officers he selected the following gentlemen: For Secretary of State, Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware ; Secretary of the Treasury, Daniel Manning, of New York ; Secretary of War, William C. Endicott, of Massachusetts; Secretary of the Navy, William C. Whitney, of New York; Secretary of the Interior, L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi; Postmaster-General, William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin ; Attorney-General, A. H. Garland, of Arkansas. The silver question precipitated a controversy be- tween those who were in favor of the continuance of silver coinage and those who were opposed, Mr. Cleveland answering for the latter, even before his inauguration. , C&a CZ^?~^7^t*^(?~-ZsC TWENTY-THIRD PRESIDENT. Juv ^oniantin (t iT.a^mon "Oto-tgWf&iHo* BENJAMIN HARRISON, the iwenty-third President, is the descendant of one of the historical families of this country. The head of the family was a Major General Harrison, one of Oliver Cromwell's trusted follow- ers and fighters. In the zenith of Crom- well's power it became the duty of this Harrison to participate in the trial of Charles I, and afterward to sign the death warrant of the king. He subse- quently paid for this with his life, being hung Oct. 13, 1GC0. His descendants came to America, and the next of the family that appears in history is Benja- min Harrison, of Virginia, great-grand- father of the subject of this sketch, and after whom he was named. Benjamin Harrison was a member of the Continental Congress during the years i774— 5-6, and was one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence. He wa.: three times elected Governor of Virginia. Gen William Heniy Harrison, the son of the distinguished patriot of the Revolution, after a suo. cessful career as a soldier during the War of 1812, and with -a clean record as Governor of the North- western Territory, was elected President of the United States in 1840. His career was cut short by death within one month .ifter his inauguration. President Harrison was born at North Bend, Hamilton Co., Ohio, Aug. r?0, 1833, His life upto the time of his graduation by the Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, was the uneventful one of a coun- try lad of a family of small means. His father was aide to give him a good education, and nothing more. He became engaged while at college to tho daughter of Dr. Scott, Principal of a female schoo at Oxford. After graduating he determined to en^ ter upon the study of the law. lie went to Cin cinnati and then read law for two years. At tht expiration of that time young Harrison receiv: d tt . only inheritance of his life; his aunt dying left Ilia a lot valued at $800. He regarded this legacy as t fortune, and decided to get married at once, tako this money and go to some Eastern town an . be- gin the practice of law. He sold his lot, and with the money in his pocket, he started out witii his young wife to fight for a place in the world. Ee 10S BENJAMIN HARRISON. iecided to go to Indianapolis, which was even at dial time a town of promise. He met with slight encouragement at first, making scarcely anything Uie first year. He worked diligently, applying him- self closely to his calling, built up an extensive practice and took a leading rank in the legal pro- fession. He is the father of two children. In 18GC Mr. Harrison was nominated for the position of Supreme Court Reporter, and then be- gan his experience as a stump speaker He can- vassed the State thoroughly, and was elected by a handsome majority. In 18G2 he raised the 17th Indiana Infantry, and was chosen its Colonel. His regiment was composed of the rawest of material, i)ut Col. Harrison employed all Ins time at first mastering military tactics and drilling his men, vhen he therefore came to move toward the East with Sherman his regiment was one of the best drilled and organized in the army. At Resaca he especially distinguished himself, and for his bravery "t Peachtree Creek he was made a Brigadier Gen- ral, Gen. Hooker speaking of him in the most •om pi i mentaiy terms. During the absence of Gen. Harrison in the field lie Supreme Court declared the office of the Su- preme Court Reporter vacant, and another person was elected to the position. Erorn the time of leav- i; g Indiana with his regiment until the fall of 18G4 ne had taken no leave of absence, but having been nominated that year for the same office, he got a thirty-day leave of absence, and during that time made a brilliant canvass of the State, and was elected for another terra. He then started to rejoin Shi r- 2.an,buton the way was stricken down with scarlet ever, and after a most trying siege made his way :o the front in time to participate in the closing Dcidents of the war. In 1 SGs Gen. Harrison declined re-election as pporter, and resumed the practice of law In 1876 e was a candidate for Governor. Although de- eated, the brilliant campaign he made won iorlrim i National reputation, and he was much sought, es- pecial.y in 'he East, to make speeches. [n 1880, as usual, he took an active part in tin campaign, : nd w\ elected to the United Slates Senate. Here ae served six years, and "'as known as one oi liio ablest men, besl lawyer and strongest debaters in that body. With the expiration of his Senatorial term he returned to the practice of his profession, becoming the head of one of the strongest firms in the State. The political campaign of 1888 was one of the most memorable in the history of our country. The convention which assembled in Chicago in June and named Mr. Harrison as the chief standard bearer of the Republican party, was great in every partic- ular, and on this account, and the attitude it as- sumed upon the vital questions of the day, chief among which was the tariff, awoke a deep interest in the campaign throughout the Nation. Shortly after the nomination delegations began to visit Mr. Harrison at Indianapolis, his home. This move- ment became popular, and from all sections of the country societies, clubs and delegations journeyed thither to pay their respects to the distinguished statesman. The popularity of these was greatly increased on account of the remarkable speeches made by Mr. Harrison. He spoke daily all through the summer and autumn to these visiting delega- tions, and so varied, masterly' and eloquent were his speeches that they at once placed him in the foremost rank of American orators and statesmen. On account of his eloquence as a speaker and his power as a debater, he was called upon at an un- commonly early age to take part in the liscussion of the great questions that then began I > agitate the country. He was an uncompromising ant: slavery man. and was matched against some of ' e most eminent. Democratic speakers of his State. No man who fell the touch of his blade de ired b lie pitted with him again. AVith all his eloquence as an orator lie never spoke for oratorical effect, but his words always wen! like bullets to the mark He is purely American ill his ideas and is a spier did type of the American statesman. Gifted witl ; quick perception, a logical mind and a ready tongue. he is one of the most, distinguished impromptu speakers in the Nation. .Many of these speeches sparlded with the rarest, of eloquence and contained arguments of greatest weight. Many of his terse statements havealreadi become aphorisms. Origi- nal in tllOUgb.1 precise i.' logic, terse in statement. yet withal faultless in elo uence, he is recognized as thesound statesman and briUian orator o- to- day "*^>)t» ^fe Jj ^^^s^ i:1 .'■■ '% m KB? s K GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. in HADRACH BOND, ihe first Governor of Illinois after its organization as a State, serving from 1818 to 1822, was born in Frederick County, Maryland, in the year 1773, and was raised a farmer on his father's plantation, receiving only a plain English education. He emigrated to this State in 1794, when it was a part of the "Northwest Territory," continuing in the vocation in which he had been brought up in his native State, in the " New Design," near Eagle Creek, in what is how Monroe County. He served several terms as a member of the General Assembly of Indiana Territory, after it was organized as such, and in 1812-14 he was a Delegate to the Twelfth and Thirteenth Congresses, taking his seat Dec. 3, 181 2, and serving until Oct. 3, 1814. These were the times, the reader will recollect, when this Gov- ernment had its last struggle with Great Britain. The year 181 2 is also noted in the history of this State as that in which the first Territorial Legislature was held. It convened at Kaskaskia, Nov. 25, and adjourned Dec. 26, following. While serving as Delegate to Congress, Mr. Bond was instrumental in procuring the right of pre-emp- tion on the public domain. On the expiration of his term at Washington he was appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Kaskaskia, then the capital of the Territory. In company with John G. Comyges, Thomas H. Harris, Charles Slade, Michael Jones, Warren Brown. Edward Humphries and Charles W Hunter, he became a proprietor of the site of the initial city of Cairo, which they hoped, from its favor- able location at the junction of the two great rivers near the center of the Great West, would rapidly develop into a metropolis. To aid the enter- prise, they obtained a special charter from the Legis- lature, incorporating both the City and the Bank of Cairo. In 1818 Mr. Bond was elected the first Governor of the State of Illinois, being inaugurated Oct. 6 that year, which was several weeks before Illinois was actually admitted. The facts are these: In January, 1818, the Territorial Legislature sent a peti- tion to Congress for the admission of Illinois as a State, Nathaniel Pope being then Delegate. The petition was granted, fixing the northern line of the State on the latitude of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan; but the bill was afterward so amend- ed as to extend this line to its present latitude. In July a convention was called at Kaskaskia to draft a constitution, which, however, was not submitted to the people. By its provisions, supreme judges, pros ecuting attorneys, county and circuit judges, record- ers and justices of the peace were all to be appointed by the Governor or elected by the Legislature. This constitution was accepted by Congress Dec. 30. At that time Illinois comprised but eleven counties, namely, Randolph, Madison, Gallatin, Johnson, Pope, Jackson, Crawford, Bond, Union, Washington and Franklin, the northern portion of the State be- ing mainly in Madison County. Thus it appears that Mr. Bond was honored by the naming of a SHADRACH BOND. county before he was elected Governor. The present county of Bond is of small limitations, about 60 to 80 miles south of Springfield. For Lieutenant Governor the people chose Pierre Menard, a prominent and worthy Frenchman, after whom a county in this State is named. In this election there were no opposition candidates, as the popularity of these men had made their promotion to the chief offices of the S^ate, even oefore the constitution was drafted, a foregone con- clusion. The principal points that excited the people in reference to political issues at this period were local or "internal improvements," as they were called, State banks, location of the capital, slavery and the personal characteristics of the proposed candidates. Mr. Bond represented the "Convention party," for introducing slavery into the State, supported by Elias Ke.it Kane, his Secretary of State, and John Mc- Lean, while Nathaniel Pope and John P. Cook led the anti-slavery element. The people, however, did not become very much excited over this issue until 1820, when the famous Missouri Compromise was adopted by Congress, limiting slavery to the south of the parallel of 36° 30' except in Missouri. While this measure settled the great slavery controversy, so far as the average public sentiment was tempor- arily concerned, until 1854, when it was repealed under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas, the issue as considered locally in this State was not decided until "824, after a most furious campaign. (See sketch of Gov. Coles.) The ticket of 1818 was a compromise one, Bond representing (moderately) the pro-slavery sentiment and Menard the anti-slavery. An awkward element in the State government under Gov. Bond's administration, was the imperfec- tion of the State constitution. The Convention wished to have Elijah C. Berry for the first Auditor of Public Accounts, but, as it was believed that the new Governor would not appoint him to the office, Uie Convention declared in a schedule that "an auditor of public accounts, an attorney general and such other officers of the State as may be necessary, may be appointed by the General Assembly." The Constitution, as it stood, vested a very large appoint- ing power in the Governor; but for the purpose of getting one man into office, a total change was made, and the power vested in the Legislature. Of this provision the Legislature took advantage, and de- clared that State's attorneys, canal commissioners, bank directors, etc., were all " officers of the State r and must therefore be appointed by itself independ- ently of the Governor. During Gov. Bond's administration a general law was passed for the incorporation of academies and towns, and one authorizing lotteries. The session of 1822 authorized the Governor to appoint commis- sioners, to act in conjunction with like commissioners appointed by the State of Indiana, to report on the practicability and expediency of improving the navi- gation of the Wabash River; also inland navigation generally. Many improvements were recommended, some of which have been feebly worked at even till the present day, those along the Wabash being of no value. Also, during Gov. Bond's term of office, the capital of the State was removed from Kaskaskia to Vandalia. In 1820 a law was passed by Congress authorizing this State to open a canal through the public lands. The State appointed commissioners to explore the route and prepare the necessary sur- veys and estimates, preparatory to its execution; but, being unable out of its own resources to defray the expenses of the undertaking, it was abandoned until some time after Congress made the grant of land for the purpose of its construction. On the whole, Gov. Bond's administration was fairly good, not being open to severe criticism from any party. In rS24, two years after the expiration of his term of office, he was brought out as a candi- date for Congress against the formidable John P. Cook, but received only 4,374 votes to 7,460 for the latter. Gov. Bond was no orator, but had made many fast friends by a judicious bsstowment of his gubernatorial patronage, and these worked zealously for him in the campaign. In 1827 ex-Gov. Bond was appointed by the Leg- islature, with Wm. P. McKee and Dr. Gershom Jayne, as Commissioners to locate a site for a peni- tentiary on the Mississippi at or near Alton. Mr. Bond was of a benevolent and convivial dis- position, a man of shrewd observation and clear ap- preciation of events. His person was erect, stand- ing six feet in height, and after middle life became portly, weighing 200 pounds. His features were strongly masculine, complexion dark, hair jet and eyes hazel ; was a favorite witli the ladies. He died April 1 1, 1S30, in peace and contentment. IdwusuJ CcsuZd? GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. est s ^h-M ^.^ 5 j&~9, A/^O^^I"^,), Utt-®-, V^ -5|fe-®9 ^ Ebwarb doles. &-T-i£ ^3K^ DWARD COLES, second Governor of Illinois, 1823- . 6, was born Dec. 15, 1786, in Albemarle Co., Va., on the old family estate called "Enniscorthy," on the Green Mountain. His fath- er, John Coles, was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War. Having been fit- ted for college by private tutors, he was sent to Hampden Sidney, where he remained until the autumn of 1805, when he was removed to William and Mary College, at Williamsburg, Va. This college he left in the summer of 1S07, a short time before the final and graduating examination. Among his classmates were Lieut. Gen. Scott, President John Tyler, Wm. S. Archer, United States Senator from Virginia, and Justice Baldwin, of the United States Supreme Court. The President of the latter college, Bishop Madison, was a cousin of President James Madison, and that cir- cumstance was the occasion of Mr. Coles becoming personally acquainted with the President and re- ceiving a position as his private secretary, 1809-15. The family of Coles was a prominent one in Vir- ginia, and their mansion was the seat of the old- fashioned Virginian hospitality. It was visited by such notables as Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, the Randolphs, Tazewell, Wirt, etc. At the age of 23, youii£ Coles founa himself heir to a plant- ation and a considerable number of slaves. Ever since his earlier college days his attention had been drawn to the question of slavery. He read every- thing on the subject that came in his way, and listened to lectures on the rights of man. The more he reflected upon the subject, the more impossible was it for him to reconcile the immortal declaration "that all men are born free and equal " with the practice of slave-holding. He resolved, therefore, to free his slaves the first opportunity, and even remove his residence to a free State. One reason which de- termined him to accept the appointment as private secretary to Mr. Madison was because he believed that through the acquaintances he could make at Washington he could better determine in what par*, of the non-slaveho!ding portion of the Union he woulc prefer to settle. The relations between Mr. Coles and President Madison, as well as Jefferson and other distinguished men, were of a very friendly character, arising from the similarity of their views on the question of slavery and their sympathy for each other in holding doc- trines so much at variance with the prevailing senti- ment in their own State. In 1857, he resigned his secretaryship and spent a portion of the following autumn in exploring the Northwest Territory, for the purpose of finding a lo- cation and purchasing lands on which to settle his negroes. He traveled with a horse and buggy, with an extra man and horse for emergencies, through many parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, determining finally to settle in Illinois. At this time, however, a misunderstanding arose between our Government and Russia, and Mr. Coles was selected to repair to St. Petersburg on a special mission, bear- ing important papers concerning the matter at issue The result was a conviction of the Emperor (Alex- n6 EDWARD COLES. ander) of the error committed by his minister at Washington, and the consequent withdrawal of the the latter from the post. On his return, Mr. Coles visited other parts of Europe, especially Paris, where he was introduced to Gen. Lafayette. In the spring of i8rg, he removed with all his negroes from Virginia to Edwardsville, 111., with the intention of giving them their liberty. He did not make known to them his intention until one beautiful morning in April, as they were descending the Ohio River. He lashed all the boats together and called all the negroes on deck and made them a short ad- dress, concluding his remarks by so expressing him- self that by a turn of a sentence he proclaimed in the shortest and fullest manner that they were no longer slaves, but free as he was and were at liberty to proceed with him or go ashore at their pleas- ure. A description of the effect upon the negroes is best desciibed in his own language: "The effect upon them was electrical. They stared at me and then at each other, as if doubting the ac- curacy or reality of what they heard. In breathless silence they stood before me, unable to utter a word, but with countenances beaming with expression which no words could convey, and which no language can describe. As they began to see the truth of what they had heard, and realize their situation, there came on a kind of hysterical, giggling laugh. After a pause of intense and unutterable emotion, bathed in tears, and with tremulous voices, they gave vent to their gratitude and implored the blessing of God on me." Before landing he gave them a general certificate of freedom, and afterward conformed more particu- larly with the law of this State requiring that each individual should have a certificate. This act of Mr. Coles, all the more noble and heroic considering_ the overwhelming pro-slavery influences surrounding him, has challenged the admiration of every philan- thropist of modern times. March 5, 1819, President Monroe appointed Mr. Coles Registrar of the Land Office at EdwardsviLe, at that time one of the principal land offices in the State. While acting in this capacity and gaining many friends by his politeness and general intelli- gence, the greatest struggle that ever occurred in Illinois on the slavery ques.ion culminated in the furious contest characterizing the campaigns and elections of 1822-4. In the summer of 1823, when a new Governor was to be elected to succeed Mr. Bond, the pro-slavery element divided into factions, putting forward for the executive office Joseph Phillips, Chief Justice of the State, Thomas C. Browne and Gen. Jumes P. Moore, of the State Mil- itia. The anti-slavery element united upon Mr. Coles, and, after one of the most bitter campaigns, succeeded in electing him as Governor. His plural- ity over Judge Phillips was only 59 in a total vote of over 8,000. The Lieutenant Governor was elected by the slavery men. Mr. Coles' inauguration speech was marked by calmness, deliberation and such a wise expression of appropriate suggestions as to elicit the sanction of all judicious politicians. But he compromised not with evil. In his message to the Legislature, the seat of Government being then at Vandalia, he strongly urged the abrogation of the modified form of slavery which then existed in this State, contrary to the Ordinance of 1787. His posi- tion on this subject seems the more remarkable, when it is considered that he was a minority Governor, the population of Illinois being at that lime almost ex- clusively from slave-holding States and by a large majority in favor of the perpetuation of that old relic of barbarism. The Legislature itself was, of course, a reflex of the popular sentiment, and a majority of them were led on by fiery men in denunciations of the conscientious Governor, and in curses loud and deep upon him and all his friends. Some of the public men, indeed, went so far as to head a sort of mob, or " shiveree " party, who visited the residence of the Governor and others at Vandalia and yelled and groaned and spat fire. The Constitution, not establishing or permitting slavery in this State, was thought therefore to be defective by the slavery politicians, and they desired a State Convention to be elected, to devise and sub- mit a new Constitution; and the dominant politics of the day was "Convention" and "anti-Conven- tion." Both parties issued addresses to the people, Gov. Coles himself being the author of the address published by the latter party. This address revealed the schemes of the conspirators in a masterly man- ner. It is difficult for us at this distant day to esti- mate the critical and extremely delicate situation in which the Governor was placed at that time. Our hero maintained himself honorably and with supreme dignity throughout his administration, and in his honor a county in this State is named. He was truly a great man, and those who lived in this Slate during his sojourn here, like those who live at the base of the mountain, were too near to see and recognize the greatness that overshadowed them. Mr. Coles was married Nov. 28, 1833, by Bishop De Lancey, to Miss Sally Logan Roberts, a daughter of Hugh Roberts, a descendant of Welsh ancestry, who cami to this country with Wra. Penn in 1682. After the expiration of his term of service, Gov. Coles continued his residence in Edwardsville, sup- erintending his farm in the vicinity. He was fond of agriculture, and was the founder of the first agri- cultural society in the State. On account of ill health, however, and having no family to tie him down, he spent much of his time in Eastern cities. About 1832 he changed his residence to Philadel- phia, where he died July 7, 1868, and is buried at Woodland, near that city. .-^■ : '^%* ' 6 e$-uy&-^Jl> GO VERNORS OF ILL/NO IS. %} Simian, Edwrnids^ [fig;- V'l i—^-i^f&c^-V)-^ S3 INI AN EDWARDS, Govei nor from 1827 to 1830, was a son of Benjamin Edwards, and 'Jy was born in Montgomery 5S/0 County, Maryland, in March, 1775. His domestic train- ing was well fitted to give his mind strength, firmness and honorable principles, and a good foundation was laid for the elevated character to which he afterwards attained. His parents were Bap- tists, and very strict in their moral principles. His education in early youth was in company with and partly under the tuition of Hon. Wm. Wirt, whom his father patronized and who was more than two years older. An intimacy was thus formed between them which was lasting for life. He was further educated at Dickinson College, at Car- lisle, Pa. He next commenced the study of law, but before completing his course he moved to Nelson County, Ky., to open a farm for his father and to purchase homes and locate lands for his brothers and sisters. Here he fell in the company of dissolute companions, and for several years led the life of a spendthrift. He was, however, elected to the Legis- lature of Kentucky as the Representative of Nelson bounty before he was 2 1 years of age, and was re- elected by an almost unanimous vote. In 1798 he was 'licensed to practice law, and the following year was admitted to the Courts of Tennes- see. About this time he left Nelson County for Russellville, in Logan County, broke away from his dissolute companions, commenced a reformation and devoted himself to severe and laborious study. He then began to rise rapidly in his profession, and soon became an eminent lawyer, and inside of four years he filled in succession the offices of Presiding Judge of the General Court, Circuit Judge, fourth Judge of the Court of Appeals and Chief Justice of the State, — all before he was 32 years of age! In addition, in 1802, he received a commission as Major of a battal- ion of Kentucky militia, and in 1804 was chosen a Presidential Elector, on the Jefferson and Clinton ticket. In 1S06 he was a candidate for Congress, but withdrew on being promoted to the Court of Appeals. Illinois was organized as a separate Territory in the spring of 1S09, when Mr. Edwards, then Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals in Kentucky, received from President Madison the appointment as Gover- nor of the new Territory, his commission bearing date April 24, 1S09. Edwards arrived at Kaskaskia in June, and on the 1 ith of that month took the oath of office. At the same time he was appointed Superin- tendent of the United States Saline, this Government interest then developing into considerable proportions in Southern Illinois. Although during the first three years of his administration he had the power to make new counties and appoint all the officers, yet he always allowed the people of each county, by an informal NINIAN EDWARDS. vote, to select their own officers, both civil and mili- tary. The noted John J. Crittenden, afterward United States Senator from Kentucky, was appointed by Gev. Edwards to the office of Attorney General of the Territory, which office was accepted for a short time only. The Indians in 1810 committing sundry depreda- tions in the Territory, crossing the Mississippi from the Territory of Louisiana, a long correspondence fol- lowed between the respective Governors concerning the remedies, which ended in a council with the sav- ages at Peoria in 1812, and a fresh interpretation of the treaties. Peoria was depopulated by these de- predations, and was not re-settled for many .years afterward. As Gov. Edwards' term of office expired by law in r8i2, he was re-appointed for another term of three years, and again in 1815 for a third term, serving until the organization of the State in the fall of 18 18 and the inauguration of Gov. Bond. At this time ex-Gov. Edwards was sent to the United States Senate, his colleague being Jesse B. Thomas. As Senator, Mr. Edwards took a conspicuous part, and acquitted himself honorably in all the measures that came up in that body, being well posted, an able de- bater and a conscientious statesman. He thought .eriously of resigning this situation in T821, but was persuaded by his old friend, Wm. Wirt, and others to continue in office, which he did to the end of the term. He was then appointed Minister to Mexico by President Monroe. About this time, it appears that Mr. Edwards saw suspicious signs in the conduct of Wm. H. Crawford, Secretary of the United States Treasury, and an ambitious candidate for the Presi- dency, and being implicated by the latter in some of his statements, he resigned his Mexican mission in order fully to investigate the charges. The result was the exculpation of Mr. Edwards. Pro-slavery regulations, often termed "Black Laws," cisgraced the statute books of both the Territory and he State of Illinois during the whole of his career in .his commonwealth, and Mr. Edwards always main- tained the doctrines of freedom, and was an important .-.ctor in the great struggle which ended in a victory f or his party in 1824. In 1826 7 the Winnebago and other Indians com- mitted Wire depredations in the northern part of the State, and the white settlers, who desired the lands and wished to exasperate the savages into an evacu- ation of the country, magnified the misdemeanors of the aborigines and thereby produced a hostility be- tween the races so great as to precipitate a little war, known in history as the "Winnebago War." A few chases and skirmishes were had, when Gen. Atkinson succeeded in capturing Red Bird, the Indian chief, and putting him to death, thus ending the contest, at least until the troubles commenced which ended in the " Black Hawk War " of 1832. In the interpre- tation of treaties and execution of their provisions Gov. Edwards had much vexatious work to do. The Indians kept themselves generally within the juris- diction of Michigan Territory, and its Governor, Lewis Cass, was at a point so remote that ready cor- respondence with him was difficult or impossible. Gov. Edwards' administration, however, in regard to the protection of the Illinois frontier, seems to have been very efficient and satisfactory. For a considerable portion of his time after his re- moval to Illinois, Gov. Edwards resided upon his farm near Kaskaskia, which he had well stocked with horses, cattle and sheep from Kentucky, also with fruit-trees, grape-vines and shrubbery. He estab- lished saw and grist-mills, and engaged extensively in mercantile business, having no less than eight or ten stores in this State and Missouri. Notwithstanding the arduous duties of his office, he nearly always pur- chased the goods himself with which to supply the stores. Although not a regular practitioner of medi- cine, he studied the healing art to a considerable ex- tent, and took great pleasure in prescribing for, and taking care of, the sick, generally without charge. He was also liberal to the poor, several widows and ministers of the gospel becoming indebted to him even for their homes. He married Miss Elvira Lane, of Maryland, in 1803, and they became the affectionate parents of several children, one of whom, especially, is well known to the people of the " Prairie State," namely, Ninian Wirt Edwards, once the Superintendent c< Public Instruction and still a resident of Springfield Gov. Edwards resided at and in the vicinity of Kas- kaskia from 1809 to 1818; in Edwardsville (named after him) from that time to 1824; and from the lat- ter date at Belleville, St. Clair County, until his death, July 20, 1833, of Asiatic cholera. Edwards County is also named in his honor, / GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. I2J #Kr:' <*-TTlO feo ■*— J-*« ' : OHN REYNOLDS, Governor 1831- 4, was born in Montgomery Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, Feb. 26, 178S. His father, Robert Reynolds and liis mother, nee Margaret Moore, were both natives of Ireland, from which country they emigrated to the United States in 1785, land- ing at Philadelphia. The senior Reynolds entertained an undying hostility to the British Govern- ment. When the subject of this sketch was about six months old, his parents emigrated with him to Tennessee, where many of their relatives had already located, at the base of the Copper Ridge Mountain, about 14 miles northeast of the present city of Kno.wille. There they were ex- posed to Indian depredations, and were much molest- ed by them. In 1794 they moved into the interior of the State. They were poor, and brought up their children to habits of manual industry. In 1800 the family removed to Kaskaskia, 111., with eight horses and two wagons, encountering many nardships on the way. Here young Reynolds passed the most of his childhood, while his character began to develop, the most prominent traits of which were ambition and energy. He also adopted the principle and practice of total abstinence from intoxicating liquors, In 1807 the family made another removal, this time to the " Goshen Settlement," at the foot of the Mississippi bluffs three or four miles southwest of Edwardsville. On arriving at his 20th year, Mr. Reynolds, seeing that he must look about for his own livelihood and not yet having determined what calling to pursue, concluded first to attend college, and he accordingly went to such an institution of learning, near Knox- ville, Tenn., where he had relatives. Imagine his diffidence, when, after passing the first 20 years of his life without ever having seen a carpet, a papered wall or a Windsor chair, and never having lived in a shingle-roofed house, he suddenly ushered himself into the society of the wealthy in the vicinity of Knoxville! He attended college nearly two years, going through the principal Latin authors ; but it seems that he, like the rest of the world in modern times, had but very little use for his Latin in after life. He always failed, indeed, to exhibit any good degree of literary discipline. He commenced the study of law in Knoxville, but a pulmonary trouble came on and compelled him to change his mode of life. Accordingly he returned home and re- cuperated, and in 1812 resumed his college and law studies at Knoxville. In the fall of 1812 he was admitted to the Bar at Kaskaskia. About this time he also learned the French language, which he practiced with pleasure in conversation with his family for many years. He regarded this language as being superior to all others for social intercourse. 12 4 JOHN REYNOLDS. From his services in the West, in the war of 1812, he obtained the sobriquet of the " Old Ranger." He was Orderly Sergeant, then Judge Advocate. Mr. Reynolds opened his first law office in the winter and spring of 1814, in the French village of Cahokia, then the capital of St. Clair County. In the fall of 18 1 8 he was elected an Associate Justice upon the Supreme Bench by the General Assembly. In 1825 he entered more earnestly than ever into the practice of law, and the very next year was elected a member of the Legislature, where he acted independently of all cliques and private inter- ests. In 1828 the Whigs and Democrats were for the first time distinctively organized as such in Illi- nois, and the usual party bitterness grew up and raged on all sides, while Mr. Reynolds preserved a iudicial calmness and moderation. The real animus if the campaign was " Jackson " and " anti-Jackson," 'he former party carrying the State. In August, 1830, Mr. Reynolds was elected Gov- ernor, amid great excitement. Installed in office, he did all within his power to advance the cause of edu- cation, internal improvements, the Illinois & Mich- igan Canal, the harbor at Chicago, settling the coun- try, etc.; also reccmmended the winding up of the State Bank, as its affairs had become dangerously complicated. In his national politics, he was a moderate supporter of General Jackson. But the most celebrated event of his gubernatorial admin- istration was the Black Hawk War, which occurred in 1832. He called out the militia and prosecuted the contest with commendable diligence, appearing in person on the battle-grounds during the most critical periods. He was recognized by the President as Major-General, and authorized by him to make treaties with the Indians. By the assistance of the ger.f.ral Government the war was terminated without much bloodshed, but after many serious fights. This war, as well as everything else, was materially re- tarded by the occurrence of Asiatic cholera in the West. This was its first appearance here, and was the next event in prominence during Gov. Reynolds' term. South Carolina nullification coming up at this time, t was heartily condemned by both President Jackson ,-.nd Gov. Reynolds, who took precisely the same grounds as the Unionists in the last war. On the termination of his gubernatorial term in .834, Gov. Reynolds was elected a Member of Con- gress, still considering himself a backwoodsman, as ■ e had scarcely been outside of the State since he became of age, and had spent nearly all his youthful lays in the wildest region of the frontier. His first •nove in Congress was to adopt a resolution that in •ill elections made by the House for officers the votes should be given viva voce, each member in his place naming aloud the person for whom he votes. This created considerable heated discussion, but was es- sentially adopted, and remained the controlling prin- ciple for many years. The ex Governor was scarcely absent from his seat a single day, during eight ses- sions of Congress, covering a period of seven years, and he never vacillated in a party vote; but he failed to get the Democratic party to foster his " National Road" scheme. He says, in "My Own Times" (a large autobiography he published), that it was only by rigid economy that he avoided insolvency while in Washington. During his sojourn in that city he was married, to a lady of the place. In 1837, while out of Congress, and in company with a few others, he built the first railroad in the Mississippi Valley, namely, one about six miles long, leading from his coal mine in the Mississippi bluff to the bank of the river opposite St. Louis. Having not the means to purchase a locomotive, they operated it by horse-power. The next spring, however, the com- pany sold out, at great sacrifice. In 1839 the ex-Governor was appointed one of the Canal Commissioners, and authorized to borrow money to prosecute the enterprise. Accord' ugly, he repaired to Philadelphia and succeeding in obtaining a million dollars, which, however, was only a fourth of what was wanted. The same year he and his wife made at our of Europe. This year, also, Mr. Reynolds had the rather awkward little responsibility of introducing to President Van Buren the noted Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, as a " Latter-Day Saint!" In 1846 Gov. Reynolds was elected a member of the Legislature from St. Clair County, more particu- larly for the purpose of obtaining a feasible charter for a macadamized road from Belleville to St. Louis, a distance of nearly 14 miles. This was immediately built, and was the first road of the kind in the State. He was again elected to the Legislature in 1 85 2, when he was chosen Speaker of the House. In i860, aged and infirm, he attended the National Democratic Convention at Charleston, S. C , as an anti-Douglas Delegate, where he received more attention from the Southern Delegates than any other member. He supported Breckenridge for the Presidency. After the October elections foreshadowed the success of Lincoln, he published an address urging the Demo- crats to rally to the support of Douglas. Immedi- ately preceding and during the late war, his corre- spondence evinced a clear sympathy for the Southern secession, and about the first of March, 1861, he urged upon the Buchanan officials the seizure of the treasure and arms in the custom-house and arsenal at St. Louis. Mr. Reynolds was a rather talkative man, and apt in all the Western phrases and catch- words that ever gained currency, besides many cun- ning and odd ones of his own manufacture. He was married twice, but had no children. He died in Belleville, in May, 1865, just after the cbse of the war, ■ u GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ' 2 7 .LIAM LEE D. EWING, Governor of Illinois Nov. 3 ^p to 17, 1834, was a native of Kentucky, and probably of Scotch ancestry. He bad fine education, was a gentle- man of polished manners and rned sentiment. In 1830 John Rey- nolds was elected Governor of the State, id Zadok Casey Lieutenant Governor, id for the principal events that followed, nd the characteristics of the times, see sketch of Gov. Reynolds. The first we in history concerning Mr. Ewing, in- jrms us that he was a Receiver of Public Moi.eys at Vandalia soon after the organization of this State, and that the public moneys in his hands vere deposited in various banks, as they are usually .*■. thi present day. In 1823 the State Bank was obbed, by which disaster Mr. Ewing lost a thousand- dollar deposit. The subject of this sketcli had a commission as '. olonel in the Black Hawk War, and in emergencies ne acted also as Major. In the summer of 1832, "hen 1 vras rumored among the whites that Black Hawk and his men had encamped somewhere on Rock River, Gen. Henry was sent on a tour of reconnoisance, and with orders to drive the Indians from the State. After some opposition from his subordinate officers, Henry resolved to proceed up Rock River in search of the enemy. On the 19th of July, early in the morning, five baggage wagons, camp equipage and all heavy and cumbersome arti- cles were piled up and left, so that the army might make speedy and forced marches. For some miles the travel was exceedingly bad, crossing swamps and the worst thickets; but the large, fresh trail gave life and animation to the Americans. Ge:i. Dodge and Col. Ewing were both acting as Majors, and composed the " spy corps " or vanguard of the army. It is supposed the army marched nearly 50 miles this day, and the Indian trail they followed became fresher, and was strewed with much property and trinkets of the red-skins that they had lost or thrown away to hasten their march. During the following night there was a terrific thunder-storm, and the soldiery, with all their appurtenances, were thor- oughly drenched. On approaching nearer the Indians the next day. Gen. Dodge and Major Ewing, each commanding a battalion of men, were placed in front to bring on the battle, but the savages were not overtaken this day Forced marches were continued until they reached. Wisconsin River, where a veritable battle ensued, resulting in the death of about 68 of Black Hawk's men. The next day they continued the chase, and as soon as he discovered the trail of the Indians leading toward the Mississippi, Maj. Ewing formed his battalion in order of battle and awaited the order of Gen. Henry. The latter soon appeared on the ground and ordered a charge, which directly resulted in chasing the red warriors across the great river. Maj. Ewing and his command proved particularly efficient in war, as it seems they were the chief actors in driving the main body of the Sacs and Foxes, in- 128 WILLIAM L. D. SWING. eluding Black Hawk himself, across the Mississippi, while Gen. Atkinson, commander-in-chief of the ex- pedition, with a body of the army, was hunting for them 5n another direction. In the above affair Maj. Ewing is often referred to as a ''General," which title he had derived from bin connection with the militia. It was in the latter part of the same year (1S32) that Lieutenant Governor Casey was elected to Con- gress and Gen. Ewing, who had been elected to the Genate, was chosen to preside over that body. At the August election of 1S34, Gov. Reynolds was also elected to Congress, more than a year ahead of the time at which he could actually take his seat, as was then the law. His predecessor, Chailes Slade, had just died of Asiatic cholera, soon after the elec- tion, and Gov. Reynolds was chosen to serve out his unexpired term. Accordingly he set out for Wash- ington in November of that year to take his seat in Congress, and Gen. Ewing, by virtue of his office as President of the Senate, became Governor of the State; of Illinois, his term covering only a period of 15 days, namely, from the 3d to the 17th days, in- clusive, of November. On the 17th the Legislature met, and Gov. Ewing transmitted to that body his message, giving a statement of the condition of the affairs of the Stale at that time, and urging a contin- uance of the policy adopted by his predecessor ; and on the same day Governor elect Joseph Duncan was sworn into office, thus relieving Mr. Ewing from the responsible situation. This is the only time that such a juncture has happened in the history of Illi- nois. On the 29th of December, 1835, Gen. Ewing was elected a U.-.ited States Senator to serve out the unexpired term of Elias Kent Kane, deceased. The latter gentleman was a very prominent figure in the early politics of Illinois, and a county in this State is named in his honor. The election of Gen. Ewing to the Senate was a protracted struggle. His competi- tors were James Semple, who afterwards held several important offices in this State,- and Richard M. Young, afterward a United States Senator and a Supreme Judge and a man of vast influence. On the first ballot Mr. Semple had 25 votes, Young 19 and Ewing 18. On the eighth ballot Young was diopped; the ninth and tenth stood a tie; but on the 1 2th E.ving received 40, to Semple 37, and was accordingly declared elected. In 1837 Mr. Ewing received some votes for a continuance of his term in Congress, when Mr. Young, just referred to, was elected. In 1842 Mr. Ewing was elected State Auditor on the ticket with Gov Ford. Gen. Ewing was a gentleman of culture, a lawyer by profession, and was much in public life. In person he was above medium height and of heavy build, with auburn hair, blue eyes, large-sized head and short face. He was genial, social, friendly and affable, with fair talent, though of no high degTee of originality. He died March 25, 1846. J&tt/i^ 5fa : GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ■3" im%tmx i ^ £S£ £^^^s j ^'i>6 r ^ r *'3! | ^^e|S^i^^®^JpSC***^ •* 4W ^3§v&'crar^$,j3r> OSEPH DUNCAN, Governor 1834-3, was born at Paris, Ky., Feb. 23, 1794. At the tender age of 19 years he en- listed in the war against Great Britain, and as a soldier he acquitted himself with credit. He was an Ensign under the daunt- less Croghan at Lower Sandusky, or Fort Stephenson. In Illinois lie first appeared in a public capa- city as Major-General of the Militia, a position which his military fame had procured him. Subsequently he became a State Senator from Jackson County, and is honorably mentioned for introducing the first bill providing for a free-school system. In 1826, when the redoubt- able John P, Cook, who had previously beaten such men as John McLean, Elias Kent Kane and ex- Gov. Bond, came up for the fourth time for Congress, Mr. Duncan was brought forward against him by his friends, greatly to the surprise of all the politicians. \s yet he was but little known in the State. He was an original Jackson man at that time, being attached to his political fortune in admiration of the glory of his military achievements. His chances of success against Cook were generally regarded as hopeless, but he entered upon the campaign undaunted. His speeches, though short and devoid of ornament, were full of good sense. He made a diligent canvass of the State, Mr. Cook being hindered by the condition of his health. The most that was expected of Mr. Duncan, under the circumstances, was that he would obtain a respectable vote, but without defeating Mr Cook. The result of the campaign, however, was .1 source of surprise and amazement to both friends and foes, as Mr. Duncan came out 641 votes ahead! He received 6,32 r votes, and Mr. Cook 5,680. Un- til this denouement, the violence of party feeling smoldering in the breasts of the people on account of the defeat of Jackson, was not duly appreciated. Aside from the great convention struggle of 1824, no other than mere local and personal considerations had ever before controlled an election in Illinois. From the above date Mr. Duncan retained his seat in Co.igress until his election as Governor in August, 1834. The first and bloodless year of the Black Hawk War he was appointed by Gov. Rey- nolds to the position of Brigadier-General of the volunteers, and he conducted his brigade to Rock Island. But he was absent from the State, in Wash- ington, during the gubernatorial campaign, and did not personally participate in it, but addressed circu- lars to his constituents. His election was, indeed, attributed to the circumstance of his absence, be- cause his estrangement from Jackson, formerly his political idol, and also from the Democracy, largely in ascendency in the State, was complete; but while his defection was well known to his Whig friends, and even to the leading Jackson men of this State, the latter were unable to carry conviction of that fact to the masses, as mail and newspaper facilities at that day were far inferior to those of the present time. Of course the Governor was much abused afterward by the fossilized Jackson men who re- garded party ties and affiliations as above all other issues that could arise; but he was doubtless I 3 2 JOSEPH DUNCAN. sincere in his opposition to the old hero, as the Litter ,;ad vetoed several important western measures which were dear to Mr. Duncan. In his inaugural message he threw off the mask and took a bold stand r gainst the course of the President. The measures •-.e recommended in his message, however, were so desirable that the Legislature, although by a large majority consisting of Jackson men, could not refrain from endorsing them. These measures related mainly to backs and internal improvements. It was while Mr. Duncan was Governor that the people of Illinois went whirling on with bank and in- ternal improvement schemes that well nigh bank- -upted the State. The hard times of 1837 came on, and the disasters that attended the inauguration of jiese plans and the operation of the banks were mu- tually charged upon the two political parties. Had any cr.e man autocratic power to introduce and carry on any one of these measures, he would proba- bly have succeeded to the satisfaction of the public ; tut as many jealous men had hold of the same plow handle, no success followed and each blamed the other for the failure. In this great vortex Gov. Duncan was carried along, suffering the like derogation of character with his fellow citizens. At the height of the excitement the Legislature "provided for" railroads from Galena to Cairo, Alton to Shawneetown, Alton to Mount Carmel, Alton to the eastern boundary of the State in the direction of Terre Haute, Quincy via Springfield to the Wabash, Bloomington to Pekin, and Peoria to Warsaw, — in all about 1,300 miles of road. It also provided for the improvement of the navigation of the Kaskaskia, Illinois, Great and Little Wabash and Rock Rivers ; also as a placebo, $200,000 in money were to be dis- ributed to the various counties wherein no improve- ments were ordered to be made as above. The estimate for the expenses for all these projects was placed at a little over $10,000,000, which was not more man half enough! That would now be equal to paddling upon the State a debt of $225,000,000 ! It was sufficient to bankrupt the State several times over, even counting all the possible benefits. One of the most exciting events that ever occurred in this fair State was the murder of Elijah P. Love- ioy in the fall of 1837, at Alton, during Mr. Duncan's lerm as Governor. Lovejoy was an " Abolitionist," editing the Observer at that place, and the pro- slavery slums there formed themselves into a mob, and after destroying successively three presses be- longing to Mr. Lovejoy, surrounded the warehouse where the fourth press was stored away, endeavoring to destroy it, and where Lovejoy and his friends were entierching themselves, and shot and killed the brave reformer! About this time, also, the question of removing the State capital again came up, as the 20 years' limit for its existence at Vandalia was drawing to a close. There was, of course, considerable excitement over the matter, the two main points competing for it be- ing Springfield and Peoria. The jealousy of the lat- ter place is not even yet, 45 years afterward, fully allayed. Gov. Duncan's term expired in 1838. In 1842 he was again proposed as a candidate for the Execu- tive chair, this time by the Whig party, against Adarr. W. Snyder, of St. Clair County, the nominee of the Democrats. Charles W. Hunter was a third candi- date for the same position. Mr. Snyder, however, died before the campaign had advanced very far, and his party substituted Thomas Ford, who was elected receiving 46,901 votes, to 38,584 for Duncan, and 909 for Hunter. The cause of Democratic success at this time is mainly attributed to the temporary support of the Mormons which they enjoyed, and the want of any knowledge, on the part of the masses, that Mr. Ford was opposed to any given policy en- tertained in the respective localities. Gov. Duncan was a man of rather limited educa- tion, but with naturally fine abilities he profited greatly by his various public services, and gathered a store of knowledge regarding public affairs which served him a ready purpose. He possessed a clear judgment, decision, confidence in himself and moral courage to carry out his convictions of right. In his deportment he was well adapted to gain the admira- tion of the people. His intercourse with them was both affable and dignified. His portrait at the Gov- ernor's mansion, from which the accompanying was made, represents him as having a swarthy complex- ion, high cheek bones, broad forehead, piercing black eyes and straight black hair. He was a liberal patron of the Illinois College at In ksonville, a member of its Board of Trustees, and died, after a short illness, Jan. r5, r844, a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, leaving a wife but no children. Two children, born to them, had died in infancy. -r/aAj^^ ? GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '35 ia^lii^. HOMAS CARLIN, the sixth Governor of the State of Illinois, serving from 1838 to 1842, was also a Ken- tuckian, being born near Frankfort, that State, July 18, 1789, of Irish paternity. The opportunities for an education being very meager in his native place, he, on approaching years of judgment and maturity, applied himself to those branches of learn- ing that seemed most important, and thus became a self-made man ; and his taste for reading and study remained with him through In 1803 his father removed 10 Missouri, then a part of " New Spain," where he died in 18 10. In 181 2 young Carlin came to Illinois and partici- pated in all the "ranging" service incident to the war of that period, proving himself a soldier of un- daunted bravery. In 1814 he married Rebecca Hunt, and lived for four years on the bank of the Mississippi River, opposite the mouth of the Mis- souri, where he followed farming, and then removed to Greene County. He located the town site of Car- rc'.ton, in that county, and in 1825 made a liberal donation of land for county building purposes. He was the first Sheriff of that county after its separate organization, and afterward was twice elected, as a Jackson Democrat, to the Illinois Senate. In the Black Hawk War he commanded a spy battalion, a post of considerable danger. In 1834 he was ap- pointed by President Jackson to the position of Receiver of Public Moneys, and to fulfill the office more conveniently he removed to the city of Quincy. While, in 1838, the unwieldy internal improvement system of the State was in full operation, with all its expensive machinery, amidst bank suspensions throughout the United States, a great stringency in the money market everywhere, and Illinois bonds forced to sale at a heavy discount, and the " hardest times " existing that the people of the Prairie State ever saw, the general election of State officers was approaching. Discreet men who had cherished the hope of a speedy subsidence of the public infatua- tion, met with disappointment. A Governor and Legislature were to be elected, and these were now looked forward to for a repeal of the ruinous State policy. But the grand scheme had not yet lost its dazzling influence upon the minds of the people. Time and experience had not yet fully demonstrated its utter absurdity. Hence the question of arresting its career of profligate expenditures did not become a leading one with the dominant party during the campaign, and most of the old members of the Leg- islature were returned at this election. Under these circumstances the Democrats, in State Convention assembled, nominated Mr. Carlin for She office of Governor, and S. H. Anderson for Lieuten- ant Governor, while the Whigs nominated Cyrus Ed- wards, brotherof Ninian Edwards, formerly Governor, and W. H. Davidson. Edwards came out strongly for a continuance of the State policy, while Garlic remained non-committal. This was the first time that the two main political parties in this State were unembarrassed by any third party in the field. The result of the election was: Carlin, 35,573 ; Ander- son, 30,335; Edwards, 29,629; and Davidson, 28,- 7LS- Upon the meeting of the subsequent Legislature (1839), the retiring Governor CDuncan) in his mes- I3 6 THOMAS CARUN. sage spoke in emphatic terms of the impolicy of the internal improvement system, presaging the evils threatened, and uiged that body to do their utmost to correct the great error ; yet, on the contrary, the Legislature not only decided to continue the policy but also added to its burden by voting more appro- priations and ordering more improvements. Although the money market was still stringent, a further loan of $4,000,000 was ordered for the Illinois & Mich- igan Canal alone. Cli'cago at that time began to loom up and promise to be an important city, even the great emporium of the West, as it has since in- deed came to be. Ex-Gov. Reynolds, an incompe- tent financier, was commissioned to effect the loan, and accordingly hastened to the East on this respons- ible errand, and negotiated the loans, at considera- ble sacrifice to the State. Besides this embarrassment to Carlin's administration, the Legislature also de- clared that he had no authority to appoint a Secretary of State until a vacancy existed, and A. P. Field, a Whig, who had already held the post by appointment through three administrations, was determined to keep the place a while longer, in spite of Gov. Car- lin's preferences. The course of the Legislature in this regard, however, was finally sustained by the Supreme Court, in a quo warranto case brought up before it by John A. McClernand, whom the Gov- ernor had nominated for the office. Thereupon that dignified body was denounced as a "Whig Court!'' endeavoring to establish the principle of life-tenure of office. A new law was adopted re-organizing the Judici- ary, and under it five additional Supreme Judges were elected by the Legislature, namely, Thomas Ford (afterward Governor), Sidney Breese, Walter B. Scates, Samuel H. Treat and Stephen A. Douglas — all Democrats. It was during Cov. Carlin's administration that the noisy campaign of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" oc- curred, resulting in a Whig victory. This, however, did net affect Illinois politics very seriously. Another prominent event in the West during Gov. Carlin's term of office was the excitement caused by the Mormons and their removal from Independence, Mo., to Nauvoo, 111., in 1840. At the same time they began to figure somewhat in State politics. On account of their believing — as they thought, accord- ing to the New Testament — that they should have "all things common," and that consequently "all the earth " and all that is upon it were the" Lord's " and therefore the property of his "saints," they were suspected, and correctly, too, of committing many of the deeds of larceny, robbery, etc., that were so rife throughout this country in those days. Hence a feeling of violence grew up between the Mormons and "anti-Mormons." In the State of Missouri the Mormons always supported the Dem- ocracy until they were driven out by the Democratic government, when they turned their support to the Whigs. They were becoming numerous, and in the Legislature of 1840-1, therefore, it became a matter of great interest with both parties to conciliate these people. Through the agency of one John C. Ben- nett, a scamp, the Mormons succeeded in rushing through the Legislature (both parties not daring to oppose) a charter for the city of Nauvoo which vir- tually erected a hierarchy co-ordinate with the Fed- eral Government itself. In the fall of 1841 the Governor of Missouri made a demand upon Gov. Carlin for the body of Joe Smith, the Mormon leader, as a fugitive from justice. Gov. Carlin issued th; writ, but for some reason it was returned unserved. It was again issued in 1S42, and Smith was arrested, but was either rescued by his followers or discharged by the municipal court on a writ of habeas corpus. In December, 1841, the Democratic Convention nominated Adam W. Snyder, of Belleville, for Gov- ernor. As he had been, as a member of the Legisla- ture, rather friendly to the Mormons, the latter naturally turned their support to the Democratic party. The next spring the Whigs nominated Ex- Gov. Duncan for the same office. In the meantime the Mormons began to grow more odious to the masses of the people, and the comparative prospects of the respective parties for success became very problematical. Mr. Snyder died in May, and Thomas Ford, a Supreme Judge, was substituted as a candidate, and was elected. At the close of his gubernatorial term, Mr. Carlin removed back to his old home at Carrollton, where he spent the remainder of his life, as before his ele- vation to office, in agricultural pursuits. In 1849 he served out the unexpired term of J. D. Fry in the Illinois House of Representatives, and died Feb. 4, 1852, at his residence at Carrollton, leaving a wife a id seven children. o, V*-*T>tS.>nfc.- "*- _ . ^.-S^ns^/ GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. H3 -yivM^I jjg»^g»gjg^^H>^;»^s<»as»a8g»s» £ <» gg » ^g $ Augustus C« French. P^UGUSTUS C. FRENCH, Governor of Illinois from 1846 to 1852, was born in the town of Hill, in the State of New Hampshire, Aug. 2, 1808. He was a descendant in the fourth generation ot Nathaniel French, who emigrated from England in 16S7 and settled in Saybury, Mass. In early life young French lost his father, but continued to receive in- struction from an exemplary and -wSS*w Christian mother until he was 19 years old, when she also died, confiding to his care and trust four younger broth- ers and one sister. He discharged his trust with parental devotion. His education in early life was such mainly as a common school afforded. For a brief period he attended Dartmouth College, but from pecuniary causes and the care of his brothers and sister, he did not graduate. He subsequently read law, and was admitted to the Bar in 1S31, and shortly afterward removed to Illinois, settling first at Albion, Edwards County, where he established him- self in the practice of law. The following year he removed to Paris, Edgar County. Here he attained eminence in his profession, and entered public life by representing that county in the Legislature. A strong attachment sprang up between him and Ste- phen A. Douglas. In 1839, Mr. French was appointed Receiver of the United States Land Office at Palestine, Craw- tord County, at which place he was a resident when elevated to the gubernatorial chair. In 1844 he was a Presidential Elector, and as such he voted for James K. Polk. The Democratic State Convention of 1846, meet- ing at Springfield Feb. 10, nominated Mr. French for Governor. Other Democratic candidates were Lyman Trumbull, John Calhoun (subsequently of Lecompton Constitution notoriety), Walter B. Scates. Richard M. Young and A. W. Cavarly, — an array of very able and prominent names. Trumbull was per- haps defeated in the Convention by the rumor that he was opposed to the Illinois and Michigan Canal, as he had been a year previously. For Lieutenant Governor J. B. Wells was chosen, while other candi- dates were Lewis Ross, Win, McMurtry, Newton Cloud, J. B. Hamilton and W. W. Thompson. The resolutions declared strongly against the resuscita- tion of the old State Banks. The Whigs, wiio were in a hopeless minority, held their convention June 8, at Peoria, and selected Thomas M. Kilpatrick, of Scott County, for Governor, and Gen. Nathaniel G. Wilcox, of Schuyler, for Lieutenant Governor. In the campaign the latter exposed Mr. French's record and connection with the passage of the in- ternal improvement system, urging it against his election; but in the meantime the war with Mexico broke out, regarding which the Whig record was un popular in this State. The war was the absorbing and dominating question of the period, sweeping every other political issue in its course. The elec- tion in August gave Mr. French 58,700 votes, and Kilpatrick only 36,775. Richard Eells, Abolitionist candidate for the same office, received 5,152 votf-s 144 AUGUSTUS C. FRENCH. By the new Constitution of 1848, a new election for State officers was ordered in November of that year, before Gov. French's term was half out, and he was re-elected for the term of four years. He was there- fore the incumbent for six consecutive years, the only Governor of this State who has ever served in that capacity so long at one time. As there was no organized opposition to his election, he received 67,- 453 votes, to 5,639 for Pierre Menard (son of the first Lieutenant Governor), 4,748 for Charles V. Dyer, 3,834 for W. L. D. Morrison, and 1,361 for James L. D. Morrison. But Wm. McMurtry, of Knox County, was elected Lieutenant Governor, in place of Joseph B. Wells, who was before elected and did not run again. Governor French was inaugurated into office dur- ing the progress of the Mexican War, which closed during the summer of 1847, although the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was not made until Feb. 2, 1848. The policy of Gov. French's party was com- mitted to that war, but in connection with that affair he was, of course, only an administrative officer. During his term of office, Feb. 19, 1847, the Legisla- ture, by special permission of Congress, declared that all Government lands sold to settlers should be im- mediately subject to State taxation; before this they were exempt for five years after sale. By this ar- rangement the revenue was materially increased. About the same time, the distribution of Government land warrants among the Mexican soldiers as bounty threw upon the market a great quantity of good lands, and this enhanced the settlement of the State. The same Legislature authorized, with the recom- mendation of the Governor, the sale of the Northern Cross Railroad (from Springfield to Meredosia, the fust in the State and now a section of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific) It sold for $100,000 in bonds, ■although it had cost the State not less than a million. The salt wells and canal lands in the Saline reserve in Gallatin County, granted by the general Govern- ment to the State, were also authorized by the Governor to be sold, to apply on the State debt. In 1850, for the first time since 1839, the accruing State revenue, exclusive of specific appropriations, was sufficient to meet the current demands upon the treasury. The aggregate taxable property of the State at this time was over $100,000,000, and the population 851,470. In 1849 the Legislature adopted the township or- ganization law, which, however, proved defective, and was properly amended in 1851. At its session in the latter year, the General Assembly also passed a law to exempt homesteads from sale on executions This beneficent measure had been repeatedly uiged upon that body by Gov. French. In 1850 some business men in St. Louis com- menced to build a dike opposite the lower part of their city on the Illinois side, to keep the Mississippi in its channel near St. Louis, instead of breaking away from them as it sometimes threatened to do. This they undertook without permission from the Legislature or Executive authority of this State ; and as many of the inhabitants there complained that the scheme would inundate and ruin much valuable land, there was a slight conflict of jurisdictions, re- sulting in favor of the St. Louis project; and since then a good site has existed there for a city (East St. Louis), and now a score of railroads center there. It was in September, 1850, that Congress granted to this State nearly 3,000,000 acres of land in aid of the completion of the Illinois Central Railroad, which constituted the most important epoch in the railroad — we might say internal improvement — his- tory of the State. The road was rushed on to com- pletion, which accelerated the settlement of the in- terior of the State by a good class of industrious citi- zens, and by the charter a good income to the State Treasury is paid in from the earnings of the road. In 1851 the Legislature passed a law authorizing free stock banks, which was the source of much leg- islative discussion for a number of years. But we have not space further to particularize concerning legislation. Gov. French's administra- tion was not marked by any feature to be criticised, while the country was settling up as never before. In stature, Gov. French was of medium height, squarely built, light complexioned, with ruddy face and pleasant countenance. In manners he was plain and agreeable By nature he was somewhat diffident, but he was often very outspoken in his con- victions of duty. In public speech he was not an orator, but was chaste, earnest and persuasive. In business he was accurate and methodical, and in his administration he kept up the credit of the State. He died in 1865, at his home in Lebanon, St. Clair Co., 111. GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '47 ^^ r, 3«shi»his™5 i-.OEL A. MATTESON, Governor 1853-6, was born Aug. 8, 1808, in Jefferson County, New York, to which place his father had re- moved from Vermont three years before. His father was a farmer in fair circumstances, but a com- mon English education was all that his only son received. Young Joel first tempted fortune as a small tradesman in Prescott, Canada, before he was of age. He returned from that place to his home, entered an academy, taught school, visited the prin- cipal Eastern cities, improved a farm his father had given him, made a tour in the South, worked there in building railroads, experienced a storm on the Gulf of Mexico, visited the gold diggings of Northern Georgia, and returned via Nashville to St. Louis and through Illinois to his father's home, when he mar- ried. In 1S33, having sold his farm, he removed, ivith his wife and o e child, to Illinois, and entered a claim on Govern ent land near the head of Au Sable River, in what is now Kendall County. At that time there were not more than two neighbors within a range of ten miles of his place, and only three or four houses between him and Chicago. He opened a large farm. His family was boarded 12 miles away while he erected a house on his claim, sleeping, during this time, under a rude pole shed. Here his life was once placed in imminent peril by a huge prairie rattlesnake sharing his bed. In 1835 he bought largely at the Government land sales. During the speculative real-estate mania which broke out in Chicago in 1836 and spread over the State, he sold his binds under the inflation of that period and removed to Joliet. In 1838 he became a heavy contractor on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Upon the completion of his job in 1S41, when hard times prevailed, business at a stand, contracts paid in State scrip; when all the public works except the canal were abandoned, the State offered for sale 700 tons of railroad iron, which was purchased by Mr. Mat- teson at a bargain. This he accepted, shipped and sold at Detroit, realizing a very handsome profit, enough to pay off all his canal debts and leave him a surplus of several thousand dollars. His enterprise next prompted him to start a woolen mill at Joliet, in which he prospered, and which, after successive enlargements, became an enormous establishment. In 1842 he was first elected a State Senator, but, by a bungling apportionment, John Pearson, a Senate- holding over, was found to be in the same distric, and decided to be entitled to represent it. Mat- teson's seat was declared vacant. Pearson, however with a nobleness difficult to appreciate in this day of r48 JOEL A. MATTESON. greed for office, unwilling to represent his district under the circumstances, immediately resigned his unexpired term of two years. A bill was passed in a few hours ordering a new election, and in ten days' time Mr. Matteson was returned re-elected and took his seat as Senator. From his well-known capacity as a business man, he was made Chairman of the Committee on Finance, a position he held during this half and two full succeeding Senatorial terms, discharging its important duties with ability and faith- fulness. Besides his extensive woolen-mill interest, when work was resumed on the canal under the new loan uf $j[, 600,000 he again became a heavy con- tractor, and also subsequently operated largely in building railroads. Thus he showed himself a most energetic and thorough business man. He was nominated for Governor by the Demo- cratic State Convention which met at Springfield April 20, 1852. Other candidates before the Con- vention were D. L. Gregg and F. C. Sherman, of Cook ; John Dement, of Lee ; Thomas L. Harris, of Menard; Lewis W. Ross, of Fulton ; and D. P. Bush, of Pike. Gustavus Koerner, of St. Clair, was nom- inated for Lieutenant Governor. For the same offices the Whigs nominated Edwin B. Webb and Dexter A. Knowlton. Mr. Matteson received 80,645 votes at the election, while Mr. Webb received 64,408. Mat- teson's forte was not on the stump; he had not cul- tivated the art of oily flattery, or the faculty of being all things to all men. His intellectual qualities took rather the direction of efficient executive ability. His turn consisted not so much in the adroit manage- ment of party, or the powerful advocacy of great gov- ernmental principles, as in those more solid and enduring operations which cause the physical devel- opment and advancement of a State, — of commerce and business enterprise, into which he labored with success to lead the people. As a politician he was just and liberal in his views, and both in official and piivate life he then stood untainted and free from blemish. As a man, in active benevolence, social I'irtues and all the amiable qualities of neighbor or citizen, he had few superiors. His messages present a perspicuous array of facts as to the condition of the State, and are often couched in forcible and elegant diction. The greatest excitement during his term of office was the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, by Con- gress, under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas in 1S54, when the bill was passed organizing the Terri- tory of Kansas and Nebraska. A large portion of the Whig party of the North, through their bitter op- position to the Democratic party, naturally drifted into the doctrine of anti-slavery, and thus led to what was temporarily called the "Anti-Nebraska" party, while the followers of Douglas were known as " Ne- braska or Douglas Democrats." It was during this embryo stage of the Republican party that Abraham Lincoln was brought forward as the "Anti-Nebraska " candidate for the United States Senatorship, while Gen. James Shields, the incumbent, was re-nom- inated by the Democrats. But after a few ballotings in the Legislature (1855), these men were dropped, and Lyman Trumbull, an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, was brought up by the former, and Mr. Matteson, then Governor, by the latter. On the nth ballot Mr. Trumbull obtained one majority, and was ac- cordingly declared elected. Before Gov. Matteson's term expired, the Republicans were fully organized as a national party, and in 1S56 put into the field a full national and State ticket, carrying the State, but not the nation. The Legislature of 1855 passed two very import- ant measures, — the present free-school system and a submission of the Maine liquor law to a vote of the people. The latter was defeated by a small majority of the popular vote. During the four years of Gov. Matteson's admin- istration the taxable wealth of the State was about trebled, from $137,818,079 to $349,951,272; the pub- lic debt was reduced from $r7, 398,985 to $12,843,- 144; taxation was at the same time reduced, and the State resumed paying interest on its debt in New York as fast as it fell due; railroads were increased in their mileage from something less than 400 to about 3,000 ; and the population of Chicago was nearly doubled, and its commerce more than quad- rupled. Before closing this account, we regret that we have to say that Mr. Matteson, in all other respects an upright man and a good Governor, was implicated in a false re-issue of redeemed canal serin, amount- ing to $224,182.66. By a suit in the Sangamon Cir- cuit Court the State recovered the principal and all the interest excepting $27,500. He died in the winter of 1872-3, at Chicago. ) . t ^uj2e_ GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 151 m Tt -,. Vi'i '. .'i •.. i i".. 1 i'V'r , ..'i ".'i •. 'J "'•, 'i".-'i'-, .'r'l. 'i :■'< ". K'.' : i' ; .' : v :<' .".' ' >' ."■' ■' >' ■">' •'''•' ''■•"'' •'- j ' •' vA L l 'fjifilliAffil IfC- jpiftftf li. if ILLIAM H. BISSELL, Gov- ernor 1857-60, was born 3 April 25, 181 1, in the |HT State of New York, near Painted Post, Yates County. Y^ His parents were obscure, honest, God-fearing people, who reared their children under the daily example of industry and frugality, accord- ing to the custom of that class of Eastern society. Mr. Bissell received a respecta- ble but not thorough academical education. By assiduous application he acquired a -3%>^V knowledge of medicine, and in his early manhood came West and located in Mon- roe County, this State, where he engaged in the practice of that profession. But he was not enam- ored of his calling: he was swayed by a broader ambition, to such an extent that the mysteries of the healing art and its arduous duties failed to yield him further any charms. In a few years he discovered his i hoice of a profession to be a mistake, and when lie approached the age of 30 he sought to begin anew. Dr. Bissell, no doubt unexpectedly to him- self, discovered a singular facility and charm of speech, the exercise of which acquired for him a ready local notoriety. It soon came to be under- stood that he desired to abandon his profession and take up that of the law. During terms of Court he would spend his time at the county seat among the members of the Bar, who extended to him a ready welcome. It was not strange, therefore, that he should drift into public life. In r84o he was elected as a Dem- ocrat to the Legislature from Monroe County, and was an efficient member of that body. On his re- turn home he qualified himself for admission to the Bar and speedily rose to the front rank as an advo- cate. His powers of oratory were captivating. With a . pure diction, charming and inimitable gestures, clearness of statement, and a remarkable vein of sly humor, his efforts before a jury told with irresistible effect. He was chosen by the Legislature Prosecut- ing Attorney for the Circuit in which he lived, and in that position he fully discharged his duty to the State, gained the esteem of the Bar, and seldom failed to convict the offender of the law. In stature he was somewhat tall and slender, and with a straight, military bearing, he presented a dis- tinguished appearance. His complexion was dark, his head well poised, though not large, his address pleasant and manner winning. He was exemplary in his habits, a devoted husband and kind parent. He was twice married, the first time to Miss James, '5 = WILLIAM H. BISSELL. of Monroe County, by whom he had two children, both daughters. She died soon after the year 1840, and Mr. B. married for his second wife a daughter of Elias K. Kane, previously a United States Senator from this State. She survived him but a short time, and died without issue. When the war with Mexico was declared in 1846, Mr. Bissell enlisted and was elected Colonel of his regiment, over Hon. Don Morrison, by an almost unanimous vote, — 807 to 6. Considering the limited opportunities he had had, he evinced a high order of military talent. On the bloody field of Buena Vista he acquitted himself with intrepid and distinguished ability, contributing with his regiment, the Second Illinois, in no small degree toward saving the waver- ing fortunes of our arms during that long and fiercely contested battle. After his return home, at the close of the war, he was elected to Congress, his opponents being the Hons. P. B. Fouke and Joseph Gillespie. He served two terms in Congress. He was an ardent politician. During the great contest of 1850 he voted in favor of the adjustment measures; but in 1854 he opposed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise act and therefore the Kansas-Nebraska bill of Douglas, and thus became identified with the nascent Republican party. During his first Congressional term, while the Southern members were following their old practice of intimidating the North by bullying language, and claiming most of the credit for victories in the Mexican War, and Jefferson Davis claiming for the Mississippi troops all the credit for success at Buena Vista, Mr. P.issell bravely defended the Northern troops; whereupon Davis'challenged Bissell to a duel, which was accepted. This matter was brought up against Bissell when he was candidate for Governor and during his term of office, as the Constitution of this State forbade any duelist from holding a State office. In 1856, when the Republican party first put forth a candidate, John C. Fremont, for President of the United States, the same party nominated Mr. Missel 1 for Governor of Illinois, and John Wood, of Quincy, for Lieutenant Governor, while the Democrats nomi- nated Hon. W. A. Richardson, of Adams County, for Governor, and Col. R. J. Hamilton, of Cook County, for Lieutenant Governor. The result of the election was a plurality of 4,729 votes over Richard- son. The American, or Know-Nothing, party had a ticket in the field. The Legislature was nearly bal- anced, but was politically opposed to the Governor. His message to the Legislature was short and rather ordinary, and was criticised for expressing the sup- posed obligations of the people to the incorporators of the Illinois Central Railroad Company and for re- opening the slavery question by allusions to the Kansas troubles. Late in the session an apportion- ment bill, based upon the State census of 1855, was passed, amid much partisan strife. The Governor at first signed the bill and then vetoed it. A furious debate followed, and the question whether the Gov- ernor had the authority to recall a signature was referred to the Courts, that of last resort deciding in favor of the Governor. Two years afterward another outrageous attempt was made for a re-apportionment and to gerrymander the State, but the Legislature failed to pass the bill over the veto of the Governor. It was during Gov. Bissell's administration that the notorious canal scrip fraud was brought to light, implicating ex-Gov. Matteson and other prominent State officials. The principal and interest, aggregat- ing $255,500, was all recovered by the State except- ing $27,500. (See sketch of Gov. Matteson.) In 1S59 an attempt was discovered to fraudu- lently refund the Macalister and Stebbins bonds and thus rob the State Treasury of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. The State Government was impli- cated in this affair, and to this day remains unex- plained or unatoned for. For the above, and other matters previously mentioned, Gov. Bissell has been severely criticised, and he has also been most shame- fully libelled and slandered. On account of exposure in the army, the remote cause of a nervous form of disease gained entrance into his system and eventually developed paraplegia, affecting his lower extremities, which, while it left his body in comparative health, deprived him of loco- motion except by the aid of crutches. While he was generally hopeful of ultimate recovery, this myste- rious disease pursued him, without once relaxing its stealthy hold, to the close of his life, March iS, i860, over nine months before the expiration of hi, gubernatorial term, at the early age of 48 years. He died in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, of which lie hart been a member since 1854. GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '55 -5- -*■ , JDHNWOOD, Governo,' 1 860-1, and '^i'/tXil M*' tne nrst settler of Quincy, 111., was born in the town of Sempro- nius (now Moravia), Cayuga Co., N. Y., Dec. 20, 179S. He was the second child and only son of Dr. Daniel Wood. His mother, nee Catherine Crause, was of German parentage, and died while he was an infant. Dr. Wood was a learned and skillful physician, of classical attain- ments and proficient in several modern languages, who, after serving throughout the Revolu- tionary War as a Surgeon, settled on the land granted him by the Government, and resided there a re- spected and leading influence in his section until his death, at the ripe age of 92 years. The subject of this sketch, impelled by the spirit of Western adventure then pervading everywhere, left his home, Nov. 2, 1818, and passed the succeed- ing winter in Cincinnati, Ohio. The following sum- mer he pushed on to Illinois, landing at Shawneetovvn, and spent the fall and following winter in Calhoun County. In 1820, in company with Willard Keyes, he settled in Pike County, about 30 miles southeast of Quincy, where for the next two years he pursued farming. In 1S21 he visited "the Bluffs" (as the present site of Quincy was called, then uninhabited) and, pleased with its prospects, soon after purchased a quarter-section of land near by, and in the follow- ing fall (1822) erected near the river a small cabin, e? 18 x 20 feet, the first building in Quincy, of which he then became the first and for some months the only occupant. About this time he visited his old friends in Piksn c;l\ard Tafc^s. Ta*«v«JM],^m«^woTO,a.Ts,m\soTmncmT»TX Richard yates, the "War ' Governor," 1 86 1-4, was born 1 Jan. 18, 18 1 8, on the banks of the Ohio River, at Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky. His father moved in 1831 to Illinois, and after stopping for a time in Springfield, settled at Island Grove, Sangamon County. Here, after attending school, Richard joined the family. Subsequently he entered Illinois College at Jacksonville, where, in 1837, he graduated with first honors. He chose for his pro- fession the law, the Hon. J. J. Har- din being his instructor. After ad- mission to the Bar he soon rose to distinction as an advocate. Gifted with a fluent and ready oratory, he soon appeared in the political hustings, and, being a passionate admirer of the great Whig leader of the West. Henry Clay, he joined his political fortunes to he party of his idol. In [840 he engaged with great ^rdor in the exciting "hard cider" campaign for rfarrison. Two years later he was elected to the Legislature from Morgan County, a Democratic stronghold. He served three or four terms in the Legislature, and such was the fascination of his ora- '->ry that by 1850 his large Congressional District, extending from Morgan and Sangamon Counties . orth to include LaSalle, unanimously tendered him tne Whig nomination for Congress. His Democratic opponent was Maj. Thomas L. Harris, a very pop- ular man who had won distinction at the battle of Cerro Gordo, in the Mexican War, and who had oeaten Hon. Stephen T. Logan for the same position, two years before, by a large majority. Yates wa.- elected. Two years later he was re-elected, over John Calhoun. It was during Yates second term in Congress that the great question of the repeal of the Missouri Com- promise was agitated, and the bars laid down for re- opening the dreaded anti-slavery question. He took strong grounds against the repeal, and thus became identified with the rising Republican party. Conse- quently he fell into the minority in his district, which was pro-slavery. Even then, in a third contest, he fell behind Major Harris only 200 votes, after the district had two years before given Pierce 2,000 majority for President. The Republican State Convention of i860 met at Decatur May 9, and nominated for the office of Gov- ernor Mr. Yates, in preference to Hon. Norman B. Judd, of Chicago, and Leonard Swett, of Blooming- ton, two of the ablest men of the State, who were also candidates before the Convention. Francis A. Hoffman, of DuPage County, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. This was the year when Mr. Lincoln was a candidate for President, a period re- membered as characterized by the great whirlpool which precipitated the bloody War of the Rebellion. The Douglas Democrats nominated J. C. Allen of Crawford County, for Governor, and Lewis W. Ro-s, of Fulton County, for Lieutenant Governor. The Breckenridge Democrats and the Bell-Everett party had also full tickets in the field. After a most fear- ful campaign, the result of the election gave Mr. Yates 172,196 votes, and Mr. Allen 159,253. Mr. Yates received over a thousand more votes than did Mr. Lincoln himself. Gov. Yates occupied the chair of State during the i6o RICHARD YATES. most critical period of our country's history. In the fate of the nation was involved that of each State. The life struggle of the former derived its sustenance from the loyalty of the latter; and Gov. Yates seemed to realize the situation, and proved himself both loyal and wise in upholding the Government. He had a deep hold upon the affections of the people, won by his moving eloquence and genial manners. Erect and symmetrical in person, of pre- possessing appearance, with a winning address and a magnetic power, few men possessed more of the ele- ments of popularity. His oratory was scholarly and captivating, his hearers hardly knowing why they were transported. He was social and convivial. In the latter respect he was ultimately carried too far. The very creditable military efforts of this State during the War of the Rebellion, in putting into the field the enormous number of about 200,000 soldiers, were ever promptly and ably seconded by his excel- lency ; and the was ambitious to deserve the title of "the soldier's friend." Immediately after the battle of Shiloh he repaired to the field of carnage to look after the wounded, and his appeals for aid were promptly responded to by the people. His procla- mations calling for volunteers were impassionate appeals, urging upon the people the duties and re- quirements of patriotism ; and his special message in 1863 to the Democratic Legislature of this State pleading for material aid for the sick and wounded soldiers of Illinois regiments, breathes a deep fervor of noble sentiment and feeling rarely equaled in beauty or felicity of expression. Generally his mes- sages 0:1 political and civil affairs were able and com- prehensive. During his administration, however, there were no civil events of an engrossing character, although two years of his time were replete with partisan quarrels of great bitterness. Military ar- rests, Knights of the Golden Circle, riot in Fulton County, attempted suppression of the Chicago Times and the usurping State Constitutional Convention of 1862, were the chief local topics that were exciting during the Governor's term. This Convention assem- bled Jan. 7, and at once took the high position that 'he law calling it was no longer binding, and that it ad supreme power; that it represented a virtual assemblage of the whole people of the State, and was sovereign in the exercise of all power necessary to effect a. peaceable revolution of the State Government and to the re-establishment of one for the "happiness, prosperity and freedom of the citizens," limited only by the Federal Constitution. Notwithstanding the law calling the Convention required its members to take an oath to support the Constitution of the State as well as that of the general Government, they utterly refused to take such oath. They also as- sumed legislative powers and passed several import- ant "laws!" Interfering with the (then) present executive duties, Gov. Yates was provoked to tell them plainly that " he did not acknowledge the right of the Convention to instruct him in the performance of his duty." In 1863 the Governor astonished the Democrats by " proroguing " their Legislature. This body, after a recess, met June 2, that year, and soon began to waste time upon various partisan resolutions ; and, while the two houses were disagreeing upon the question of adjourning sine die, the Governor, having the authority in such cases, surprised them all by adjourning them " to the Saturday next preceding the first Monday in January, 1865 ! " This led to great excitement and confusion, and to a reference of the Governor's act to the Supreme Court, who decided in his favor. Then it was the Court's turn to receive abuse for weeks and months afterward. During the autumn of 1864 a conspiracy was de- tected at Chicago which had for its object the liber- ation of the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, the burning of the city and the inauguration of rebellion in the North. Gen. Sweet, who had charge of the camp at the time, first had his suspicions of danger aroused by a number of enigmatically worded letters which passed through the Camp postoffice. A de- tective afterward discovered that the rebel Gen. Marmaduke was in the city, under an assumed name, and he, with other rebel officers — Grenfell, Morgan, Cantrell, Buckner Morris, and Charles Walsh — was arrested, most of whom were convicted by a court-martial at Cincinnati and sentenced to imprisonment, — Grenfell to be hung. The sentence of the latter was afterward commuted to imprison- ment for life, and all the others, after nine months' imprisonment, were pardoned. In March, 1873, Gov. Yates was appointed a Gov- ernment Director of the Union Pacific Railroad, in which office he continued until his decease, at St, Louis, Mo., on the 27th of November following. GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ,6 3 —5- jN« -:— Richard j. oglesby, Gov- jW ernor 1865-8, and re-elected in 1872 and 1884, was born July 25, 1824, in Oldham Co., Ky., — the State which might be considered the " mother of Illinois Governors." Bereft of his parents at the tender age of eight years, his early education was neglected. When 12 years of age, and after he had worked a year and a half at the carpenter's trade, he removed with an uncle, Willis Oglesby, into whose care he had been committed, to Decatur, this State, where he continued his ap- prenticeship as a mechanic, working six months for Hon. E. O. Smith. In 1S44 he commenced studying law at Spring- field, with Judge Silas Robbins, and read with him one year. He was admitted to the Bar in 1845, and commenced the practice of his chosen profession at Sullivan, the county seat of Moultrie County. The next year the war with Mexico was com- menced, and in June, 1S46, Mr. Oglesby volunteered, was elected First Lieutenant of Co. C, Fourth Illinois Regiment of Volunteers, and participated in the bat- tles of Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. On his return he sought to perfect his law studies by attending a course of lectures at Louisville, but on the breaking out of the California "gold fever " in 1849, he crossed the plains and mountains to the new Eldorado, driving a six-mule team, with a com- pany of eight men, Henry Prather being the leader. In 1852 lie returned home to Macon County, and was placed that year by the Whig party on the ticket of Presidential Electors. In 1856 he visited Europe, Asia and Africa, being absent 20 months. On his return home he resumed the practice of law, as a member of the firm of Gallagher, Wait & Oglesby. In 1S58 he was the Republican nominee for the Lower House of Congress, but was defeated by the Hon. James C. Robinson, Democrat. In i860 he was elected to the Illinois State Senate ; and on the evening the returns of this election were coming in, Mr. Oglesby had a fisticuff encounter with " Cerro Gordo Williams," in which he came out victorious, and which was regarded as " the first fight of the Rebellion." The following spring, when the war had commenced in earnest, his ardent nature quickly responded to the demands of patriotism and he enlisted. The extra session of the Legislature elected him Colonel of the Eighth Illinois Infantry, the second one in the State raised to suppress the great Rebellion. He was shortly entrusted with important com- mands. For a time he was stationed at Bird's Point and Cairo; in April he was promoted Brigadier Gen- eral ; at Fort Donelson his brigade was in the van, being stationed on the right of General Grant's army and the first brigade to be attacked. He lost 500 men before re-inforcements arrived. Many of these men were from Macon County. He was engaged in the battle of Corinth, and, in a brave charge at this place, was shot in the left lung with an ounce ball, and was carried from the field in expectation of im- 164 RICHARD J. OGLESBY. mediate death. That rebel ball he carries to this day. On his partial recovery he was promoted as Major General, for gillantry, his commission to rank from November, 1S62. In the spring of 1863 he was assigned to the command of the 16th Army Corps, but, owing to inability fro 11 the effects of his wound, he relinquished this command in July, that year. Gen. Grant, however, refused to accept his resignation, and he was detailed, in December follow- ing, to court-martial and try tire Surgeon General of the Army at Washington, where he remained until May, 1S64, when he returned home. The Republican, or U lion, State Convention of 1864 was held at Springfield, May 25, when Mr. Oglesby was nominated for the office of Governor, while other candidates before the Convention were Allen C. Fuller, of Boone, Jesse K. Dubois, of Sanga- mon, and John M. Palmer, of Macoupin. Wm. Bross, of Chicago, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. On the Democratic State ticket were Tames C. Robinson, of Clark, for Governor, and S. Corning Judd, of Fulton, for Lieutenant Governor. The general election gave Gen. Oglesby a majority of about 31,000 votes. The Republicans had also a majority in both tlu Legislature and in the repre- sentation m Congress. Gov. Oglesby was duly inaugurated Jan. 17, T865. The day before the first time set for his installation de uh visited his h > ne at Decatur, and toik from it his only son, an intelligent and sprightly lad of six years, a great favorite of the bereaved parents. This caused the inauguration to be postponed a week. The political events of the Legislative session of 1865 were the election of ex-Gov. Yates to the United States Senate, and the ratification of the 13th amendment to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery. This session also signalized itself by repealing the notorious " black laws," part of which, although a dead letter, had held their place upon the statute books since 1819. Also, laws re- quiring the registration of voters, and establishing a State Board of Equalization, were passed by this Leg- islature. But the same body evinced that it was cor- ruptly influenced by a mercenary lobby, as it adopted some bad legislation, over the Governor's veto, nota- bly an amendment to a charter for a Chicago horse railway, granted in 1859 for 25 years, and now sought to be extended 99 years. As this measure was promptly passed ov:r his veto by both branches of the Legislature, he deemed it useless further to attempt to check their headlong career. At this session no law of a general useful character or public interest was perfected, unless we count such the turning over of the canal to Chicago to be deepened. The session of 18C7 was still more productive of private and special acts. Many omnibus bills were proposed, and some passed. The contests over the .Dcation of the Industrial College, the C ipital, the Southern Penitentiary, and the canal enlargement and Illinois River improvement, dominated even- thing else. During the year 1872, it became evident that it the Republicans could re-elect Mr. Oglesby to the office of Governor, they could alsq elect him to the United States Senate, which they desired to do. Accordingly they re-nominated him for the Execu- tive chair, and placed upon the ticket with him for Lieutenant Governor, John L. Beveridge, of Cook County. On the other side the Democrats put into the field Gustavus Koerner for Governor and John C. Black for Lieutenant Governor. The election gave the Republican ticket majorities ranging from 35)334 to 56,174, — the Democratic defection being caused mainly by their hiving an old-time Whig and Abolitionist, Horace Greeley, on the national ticket for President. According to the general understand- ing had beforehand, as soon as the Legislature met it elected Gov. Oglesby to the United States Senate, whereupon Mr. Beveridge became Governor. Sena- tor Oglesby 's term expired March 4, 1879, having served his party faithfully and exhibited an order of statesmanship beyond criticism. During the campaign of 18S4 Mr. Oglesby was nominated for a "third term" as Executive of the State of Illinois, against Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago, nominated by the Democrats. Both gentlemen " stumped " the State, and while the peo- ple elected a Legislature which was a tie on a joint ballot, as between the two parties, they gave the jovial " Dick" Oglesby a majority of 15,01s for Gov- ernor, and he was inaugurated Jan. 30, 18S5. The Legislature did not fully organize until this 'date, on account of its equal division between the two main parties and the consequent desperate tactics of each party to checkmate the latter in the organization of the House. Gov. Oglesby is a fine-appearing, affable man, with regular, well defined features and rotund face. In stature he is a little above medium height, of a large frame and somewhat fleshy. His physical appear- ance is striking and prepossessing, while his straight- out, net to say bluff, manner and speech are well calculated favorably to impress the average masses. Ardent in feeling and si rongly committed to the pol- icies of his party, he intensifies Republicanism among Republicans, while at the same time hisjoviat and liberal manner prevents those of the opposite party from hating him. He is quite an effective stump orator. With vehe- ment, passionate and scornful tone and gestures, tremendous physical power, which in speaking he exercises to the utmost; with frequent descents to the grotesque; and with abundant homely compari- sons or frontier figures, expressed in the broadest vernacular and enforced with stentorian emphasis, he delights a promiscuous audience beyond measure. Gu£^u^ GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ioj John M. Palmer $B • — ->-J-4— OOWBP-Z&o- -*<— |:OHN Mc AULEY PALMER, Gov- £l?** ernor 1869-72, was born on Eagle Creek, Scott Co., Ky., Sept. 13, 1S17. During his in- fancy, his father, who had been a soldier in the war of 181 2, re- moved to Christian Co., Ky., where lands were cheap. Here the future Governor of the great Prairie State spent his childhood and received such meager school- ing as the new and sparsely set- tled country afforded. To this he added materially by diligent reading, for which he evinced an His father, an ardent Jackson man, was also noted for his anti-slavery sentiments, which he thoroughly impressed upon his children. In 1831 he emigrated to Illinois, settling in Madison County. Here the labor of improving a farm was pursued for about two years, when the death of Mr. Palmet's mother broke up the family. About this time Alton College was opened, on the "manual labor " system, and in the spring of 1834 young Palmer, with his elder brother, Elihu, entered this school and remained 18 months. Next, for over three years, he tried variously coopering, peddling and school-teaching. During the summer of 1838 he formed the ac- quaintance of Stephen A. Douglas, then making his eaily aptitude. first canvass for Congress. Young, eloquent and in political accord with Mr. Palmer, he won his confi- dence, fired his ambition and fixed his purpose. The following winter, while teaching near Canton, he be- gan to devote his spare time to a desultory reading of law, and in the spring entered a law office at Car- linville, making his home with his elder brother, Elihu. (The latter was a learned clergyman, of con- siderable orginality of thought and doctrine.) On the next meeting of the Supreme Court he was ad- mitted to the Bar, Douglas being one of his examiners. He was not immediately successful in his profession, and would have located elsewhere than Carlinville had he the requisite means. Thus his early poverty was a blessing in disguise, for to it he now attributes the success of his life. From 1S39 on, while he diligently pursued his profession, he participated more or less in local politics. In 1843 he became Probate Judge. Ir 1847 he was elected to the State Constitutional Con vention, where he took a leading part. In 1852 lit. was elected to the State Senate, and at the special session of February, 1854, true to the anti-slaverv sentiments bred in him, he took a firm stand in op position to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise and when the Nebraska question became a part] issue he refused to receive a re-nomination for tin Senatorship at the hands of the Democracy, issuing a circular to that effect. A few weeks afterward 1 68 JOHN MC AULEY PALMER. ho vever, hesitating to break with his party, he par- ticipated in a Congressional Convention which nomi- I . L. Harris against Richard Yates, and which unqualifiedly approved the principles of the Kansas- Nebraska act. But later in the campaign he made the plunge, ran for the Senate as an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, and was elected. The following winter he put in nomination for the ^United States Senate Mr. Trumbull, and was one of the five steadfast men who voted for him until all the Whigs came to their support and elected their man. In 1856 he was Chairman of the Republican State Convention at Bloomington. He ran for Congress in 1859, but was defeated. In i860 he was Republican Presidential Elector for the State at large. In 1861 he was appointed one of the five Delegates (all Re- publicans) sent by Illinois to the peace congress at Washington. When the civil conflict broke out, he offered his services to his country, and was elected Colonel of the 14th 111. Vol. Inf., and participated in the engagements at Island No. 10; at Farmington, where he skillfully extricated his command from a dangerous position ; at Stone River, where his division for several hours, Dec. 3r, 1862, held the advance and stood like a rock, and for his gallantry there he was made Major General; at Chickamauga, where his and Van Cleve's divisions for two hours maintained their position when they were cut off by overpowering numbers. Under Gen. Sherman, he was assigned to the 14th Army Corps and participated in the Atlanta campaign. At Peach-Tree Creek his prudence did much to avert disaster. In February, 1865, Gen. Palmer was as- signed to the military administration of Kentucky, which was a delicate post. That State was about half rebel and half Union, and those of the latter element were daily fretted by the loss of their slaves. 1 [e, who had been bred to the rules of common law, trembled at the contemplation of his extraordinary power over the persons and property of his fellow men, with which he was vested in his capacity as military Governor; and he exhibited great caution in the execution of the duties of his post. G 1. Palm jr was nominated for Governor of Illi- nois by the Republican State Convention which met at Peuii M iv 6, [868, a >1 Ins nomination would probably have been made by acclamation had he not persistently declared that he could not accept a can- didature for the office. The result of the ensuing election gave Mr. Palmer a majority of 44,707 over John R. Eden, the Democratic nominee. On the meeting of the Legislature in January, 1869, the first thing to arrest public attention was that portion of the Governor's message which took broad Slate's rights ground. This and some minor points, which were more in keeping with the Demo- cratic sentiment, constituted the entering wedge fjr the criticisms and reproofs he afterward received from the Republican party, and ultimately resulted in his entire aleniation from the latter element. The Legislature just referred to was noted for the intro- duction of numerous bills in the interest of private parties, which were embarrassing to the Governor. Among the public acts passed was that which limited railroad charges for passenger travel to a maximum of three cents per mile ; and it was passed over the Governor's veto. Also, they passed, over his veto, the " tax-grabbing law " to pay railroad subscriptions, the Chicago Lake Front bill, etc. The new State Constitution of 1870, far superior to the old, was a peaceful " revolution " which took place during Gov. Palmer's term of office. The suffering caused by the great Chicago Fire 0/ October, 1871, was greatly alleviated by the prompt responses of his excellency. Since the expiration of Gov. Palmers 's term, he has been somewhat prominent in Illinois politics, and has been talked of by many, especially in the Dem- ocratic party, as the best man in the State for a United States Senator. His business during life has been that of the law. Few excel him in an accurate appreciation of the depth and scope of its principles- The great number of his able veto messages abun- dantly testify not only this but also a rare capacity to point them out. He is a logical and cogent reasoner and an interesting, forcible and convincing speaker, though not fluent or ornate. Without brilliancy, his dealings are rather with facts and ideas than with appeals to passions and prejudices. He is a patriot and a statesman of very high order. Physically he is above the medium height, of robust frame, ruddy complexion and sanguine-nervous temperament. He lias a large cranial development, is vivacious, social in disposition, easy of approach, unostentatious in his habits of life, democratic in his habits and manners and is a true American in his fundamental principle! of statesmanship. /; GO VERNOXS OF ILLINOIS. 17' i7\ ', ■. •, •. ', * ', •. >, -.v. v. v. •, •..',".,', ■■. ', •. v. •::< : ■■ : ,' : ,< ; >' ; ,' : .' ; .' : .' .' .' .' ■' •' ■' ' •' .' >' .' - m | ®5Mi ft- "SU^" OHN LOWRiE BEVER- IDGE, Governor 1873-6, was born in the town of Green- wich, Washington Co., N. Y., July 6, 1824. His parents were George and Ann Bever- ) idge. His father's parents, An- drew and Isabel Beveridge, be- fore their marriage emigrated from Scotland just before the Revolutionary War, settling in Washington County. His father was the eldest of eight brothers, the youngest of whom was 60 years of age when the first one of the num- ber died. His mother's parents, James and Agnes Hoy, emigrated from Scotland at the close of the Revolutionary War, settling also in JQ Washington Co., N. Y., with their first-born, whose " native land "was the wild ocean. His parents and grandparents lived beyond the time allotted to man, their average age being over 80 years. They belonged to the "Asso- ciate Church," a seceding Presbyterian body of America from the old Scotch school ; and so rigid was the training of young Beveridge that he never heard a sermon from any other minister except that of his own denomination until he was in his 19th year. Later in life he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which relation he still holds. Mr. Beveridge received a good common-school ed- ucation, but his parents, who could obtain a livelihood only by rigid economy and industry, could not send him away to college. He was raised upon a farm, and was in his 18th year when the family removed to De Kalb County, this State, when that section was very sparsely settled. Chicago had less than 7,000 inhabitants. In this wild West he continued as a farm laborer, teaching school during the winter months to supply the means of an education. In the f dl of 1842 he attended one term at the academy at ( '.r.uwille, Putnam Co., 111., and subsequently several terms at the Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris, Ogle Co., 111., completing the academic course. At this time, the fall of 1845, his parents and brothers were anxious to have him go to college, even though he had not money sufficient; but, njt willing to bur- den the family, he packed his trunk and with only $40 in money started South to seek his fortune JOHN L. BEVERIDGE. ?.jcr, alone, without friends and influence, lie thus entered upon the battle of life. First, he taught school in Wilson, Overton and Jackson Cos., Tenn., in which experience he under- went considerable mental drill, both in book studies and in the ways of the world. He read law and was admitted to the Bar, in the South, but did not learn to love the institution of slavery, although he ad- mired many features of Southern character. In De- cember, 1847, he returned North, and Jan. 20, 1848, he married Miss Helen M. Judson, in the old Clark- Street M. E. church in Chicago, her father at that time being Pastor of the society there. In the spring of 1848 he returned with his wife to Tennessee, where his two children, Alia May and Philo Judson, were born. In the fall of 1S49, through the mismanagement of an associate, he lost what little he had accumu- lated and was left in debt. He soon managed to earn means to pay his debts, returned to De Kail) Co., 111., and entered upon the practice of his pro- fession at Sycamore, the county seat. On arrival from the South he had but one-quarter of a dollar in money, and scanty clothing and bedding for himself and family. He borrowed a little money, practiced law, worked in public offices, kept books for some of the business men of the town, and some railroad en- gineering, till the spring of 1854, when he removed to Evanston, 12 miles north of Chicago, a place then but recently laid out, under the supervision of the Northwestern University, a Methodist institution. Of the latter his father-in-law was then financial agent and business manager. Here Mr. Beveridge prospered, and the next year (1855) opened a law office in Chicago, where he found the battle some- what hard; but he persevered with encouragement and increasing success. Aug. 12, 1 861, his law partner, Gen. John F. Farnsworth, secured authority to raise a regiment of cavalry, and authorized Mr. Beveridge to raise a company for it. He succeeded in a few days in rais- ing the company, of course enlisting himself along with it. The regiment rendezvoused at St. Charles, 111., was mustered in Sept. [8, and on its organiza- tion Mr. B. was elected Second Major. It was at- tached, Oct. 11, to the Eighth Cavalry and to the Army of the Potomai . He served wit!; the regiment until November, 1S63, participating in some 40 bat- tles and skirmishes : was at Fair Oaks, the seven days fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville and Gettysburg. He commanded the regiment the greater part of the summer of 1863, and it was while lying in camp this year that he originated the policy of encouraging recruits as well as the fighting capac- ity of the soldiery, by the wholesale furlough system. It worked so well that many other officers adopted it. In the fall of this year he recruited another com- pany, against heavy odds, in January, 1864, was commissioned Colonel of the 17th 111. Cav., and skirmished around in Missouri, concluding with the reception of the surrender of Gen. Kirby Smith's army in Arkansas. In 1865 he commanded various sub-districts in the Southwest. He was mustered out Feb. 6, 1866, safe from the casualties of war and a stouter man than when he first enlisted. His men idolized him. He then returned to Chicago, to practice law, with no library and no clientage, and no political experi- ence except to help others into office. In the fall of 1S66 he was elected Sheriff of Cook County, serving one term; next, until November, 1870, he practiced law and closed up the unfinished business of his office. He was then elected State Senator; in No- vember, 187 1, he was elected Congressman at large; in November, 1872, he was elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor on the ticket with Gov. Oglesby; the latter be- ing elected to the U. S. Senate, Mr. Beveridge became Governor, Jan. 21, 1873. Thus, inside of a few weeks, he was Congressman at large, Lieutenant Governor and Governor. The principal events oc- curring during Gov. Beveridge's administration were: The completion of the revision of the statutes, begun in 1869; the partial success of the "farmers' move- ment;" " Haines' Legislature " and Illinois' exhibit at the Centennial. Since the close of his gubernatorial term ex-Gov. Beveridge has been a member of the firm of Bever- idge & Dewey, bankers and dealers in commercial paper at 7 1 Dearborn Street (McCormick Block), Chicago, and since November, 1881, he has also been Assistant United States Treasurer: office in the Government Building. His residence is still at Ev- anston. He has a brother and two sisters yet residing in De Kalb County — James H. Beveridge, Mrs. Jennet Henry and Mrs. Isabel French. GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '75 ^A^g^:w ->^ lv Sbelb y 31. Cullom. 5£ W HELBY M. CULLOM, Gover- nor 1S77— S3, is the sixth child of the late Richard N. Cullom, and was born Nov. 22, 1S29, in Wayne Co., Ky., where his fa- ther then resided, and whence both the Illinois and Tennessee branches of the family originated. In the following year the family emi- grated to the vicinity of Washington, Tazewell Co., 111., when that section was very sparsely settled. They lo- cated on Deer Creek, in a grove at the time occupied by a party of In- dians, attracted there by the superior hunting and fishing afforded in that vicinity. The following winter was known as the " hard winter," the snow being very deep and lasting and the weather severely cold; and the family had to subsist mainly on boiled corn or hominy, and some wild game, for several weeks. In the course of time Mr. R. N. Cullom became a prom- inent citizen and was several times elected to the Legislature, both before and after the removal of the capital from Vandalia to Springfield. He died about '873- Until about 19 years of age young Cullom grew up to agricultural pursuits, attending school as he had opportunity during the winter. Within this time, nowever, he spent several months teaching school. and in the following summer he "broke prairie "with an ox team for the neighbors. With the money ob- tained by these various ventures, he undertook a course of study at the Rock River Seminary, .1 Methodist institution at Mt. Morris, Ogle County; but the sudden change to the in-door life of a stu- dent told severely upon his health, and he was taken home, being considered in a hopeless condition. While at Mt. Morris he heard Hon. E. B. Washburne make his first speech. On recovering health, Mr. Cullom concluded to study law, under the instruction of Abraham Lincoln, at Springfield, who had by this time attained some notoriety as an able lawyer; but the latter, being ab- sent from his office most of the time, advised Mr. Cullom to enter the office of Stuart & Edwards. After about a year of study there, however, his health failed again, and he was obliged to return once more to out-door life. Accordingly he bought hogs for packing, for A. G. Tyng, in Peoria, and while he re- led his health he gained in purse, netting $400 in a few weeks. Having been admitted to the B.ir, he went to Springfield, where he was soon elected City Attorney, on the Anti- Nebraska ticket. In 1856 he ran on the Fillmore ticket as a Presi- dential Elector, and, although failing to be elected as such, he was at the same time elected a Representa- tive in the Legislature from Sangamon County, by a local coalition of the American and Republican par- ties. On the organization of the House, he received the vote of the Fillmore men for Speaker. Practicing 176 SHELB Y M. CULLOM. law until i860, he was again elected to the Legisla- ture, as a Republican, while the county went Demo- cratic on the Presidential ticket. In January follow- ing he was elected Speaker, probably the youngest man who had ever presided over an Illinois Legis- lature. After the session of 1861, he was a candidate for the State Constitutional Convention called for that year, but was defeated, and thus escaped the disgrace of being connected with that abortive party scheme to revolutionize the State Government. In 1862 he was a candidate for the State Senate, but was defeated. The same year, however, he was ap- pointed by President Lincoln on a Government Commission, in company with Gov. Boutwell of Massachusetts and Cnarles A. Dana, since of the New York Sun, to investigate the affairs of the Quartermaster's and Commissary Departments at Cairo. He devoted several months to this duty. In 1864 he entered upon a larger political field, being nominated a.s the Republican candidate for Congress from the Eighth (Springfield) District, in opposition to the incumbent, JohnT. Stuart, who had been elected in 1862 by about 1,500 majority over Leonard Swett, then of Bloomington, now of Chicago. The result was the election of Mr. Cullom in Novem- ber following by a majority of 1,785. In 1866 he was re-elected to Congress, over Dr. E. S. Fowler, by the magnificent majority of 4,103! In 1868 he was again a candidate, defeating the Hon. B. S. Edwards, another of his old preceptors, by 2,884 votes. During his first term in Congress he served on the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Expenditures in the Treasury Department; in his second term, on the Committees on Foreign Affairs and 0:1 Territories ; and in his third term he succeeded Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, to the Chairmanship of the latter. He intro- duced a bill in the House, to aid in the execution of law in Utah, which caused more consternation anion" the Mormons than any measure had previously, but which, though it passed the House, failed to pass the Senate. The Republican Convention which met May 25, 1876, nominated Mr. Cullom for Governor, while the other contestant was Gov. Beveridge. For Lieuten- ant-Governor they nominated Andrew Shuman, editor of the Chicago Journal. For the same offices the Democrats, combining with the Anti-Monopolists, placed in nomination Lewis Steward, a wealthy farmer and manufacturer, and A. A. Glenn. The result of the election was rather close, Mr. Cullom obtaining only 6,800 majority. He was inaugurated Jan. 8, 1877. Great depression prevailed in financial circles at this time, as a consequence of the heavy failures of 1873 and afterward, the effect of which had seemed to gather force from that time to the end of Gov. Cullom's first administration. This unspeculative period was not calculated to call forth any new issues, but the Governor's energies were at one time put to task to quell a spirit of insubordination that had been begun in Pittsburg, Pa., among the laboring classes, and transferred to Illinois at Chicago, East St. Louis and Braidwood, at which places laboring men for a short time refused to work or allow others to work. These disturbances were soon quelled and the wheels of industry again set in motion. In May, 1880, Gov. Cullom was re-nominated by the Republicans, against Lyman Trumbull, by the Democrats; and although the former party was some- what handicapped in the campaign by a zealous faction opposed to Grant for President and to Grant men for office generally, Mr. Cullom was re-elected by about 314,565, to 277,532 for the Democratic State ticket. The Greenback vote at the same time was about 27,000. Both Houses of the Legislature again became Republican, and no representative of the Greenback or Socialist parties were elected. Gov. Cullom was inaugurated Jan. 10, 1881. In his mes- sage he announced that the last dollar of the State debt had been provided for. March 4, 1883, the term of David Davis as United States Senator from Illinois expired, and Gov. Cul- lom was chosen to succeed him. This promoted Lieutenant-Governor John M. Hamilton to the Gov- ernorship. Senator Cullom's term in the United States Senate will expire March 4, 1889. As a practitioner oflaw Mr. C. has been a member of the firm of Cullom, Scholes & Mather, at Spring- field ; and he has also been President of the State National Bank. He has been married twice, — the first time Dec. 12, 1855, to Miss Hannah Fisher, by whom he had two daughters; and the second time May 5, 1863, to Julia Fisher. Mrs. C is a member of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, with which religious body Mr. C, is also in sympathy. GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. '70 *$* "^ I iCS* V, , vC •**■*-/(«* *S* -VIST'S* *v?\-*" , 3s* ^>i vC*SP"^ii ^*SPTj i«C ! S? 7; i^'ST'^v i<^ "S^sTsCSr -> isCfi* «<* t>i* 'fir -JliFT^P ^v i iC V^v tv~ *r =9*nf*«s OHN MARSHALL HAMIL- TON, Governor 1883-5, was born May 28, 1847, in a log house upon a farm about two miles from Richwood, Union County, Ohio. His father was Samuel Hamilton, the eldest son of Rev. Wm. Hamilton, who, to- gether with his brother, the Rev. % Samuel Hamilton, was among the early pioneer Methodist preachers in Ohio. The mother of the subject of this sketch was, before her marriage, Mrs. Nancy McMorris, who was born and raised in Fauquier or Lou- doun County, Va., and related to the two large families of Youngs and Marshalls, well known in that commonwealth; and from the latter family name was derived the middle name of Gov. Hamilton. In March, 1854, Mr. Hamilton's father sold out his little pioneer forest home in Union County, O., and, loading his few household effects and family (of six children) into two emigrant covered wagons, moved to Roberts Township. Marshall Co., 111., being 21 days on the route. Swamps, unbridged streams and innumerable hardships and privations met them on their way. Their new home had been previously selected by the father. Here, after many long years of toil, they succeeded in paying for the land and making a comforta'^p home. John was, of course, brought up to hard manual labor, with no schooling except three or four months in the year at a common country school. However, he evinced a capacity and taste for a high order of self-education, by studying or reading what books he could borrow, as the family had but very few in the house. Much of his study he prosecuted by the light of a log fire in the old-fashioned chimney place. The financial panic of 1857 caused the family to come near losing their home, to pay debts; but the father and two sons, William and John, "buckled to" and perse vered in hard labor and economy until they redeemed their place from the mortgage. When the tremendous excitement of the political campaign of i860 reached the neighborhood of Rob- erts Township, young Hamilton, who had been brought up in the doctrine of anti-slavery, took a zeal- ous part in favor of Lincoln's election. Making special efforts to procure a little money to buy a uniform, he joined a company of Lincoln Wide-Awakes at Mag- nolia, a village not far away. Directly after the ensuing election it became evident that trouble would ensue with the South, and this VVide-Awake company, like many others throughout the country, kept up its organization and transformed itself into a military company. During the ensuing summer they met often for drill and became proficient ; but when they offered themselves for the war, young Hamilton was rejected on account of his youth, he being then but 14 years of age. During the winter of 1863-4 he attended an academy at Henry, Marshall County i8e JOHN MARSHALL HAMILTON. and in the following May he again enlisted, for the fourth time, when he was placed in the 141st 111. Vol. Inf., a regiment then being raised at Elgin, 111., for the 100-day service. He took with him 13 other lads from his neighborhood, for enlistment in the service. This regiment operated in Southwestern Kentucky, for about five months, under Gen. Paine. The following winter, 1864-5, Mr. Hamilton taught school, and during the two college years 1865-7, he went through three years of the curriculum of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio. The third year he graduated, the fourth in a class of 46, in the classical department. In due time he received the degree of M. A. For a few months he was the Principal of Marshall " College " at Henry, an acad- emy under the auspices of the M. E. Church. By this time he had commenced the study of law, and after earning some money as a temporary Professor of Latin at the Illinois Wesleyan University a; Bloomington, he entered the law office of Weldon, Tipton & Benjamin, of that city. Each member of this firm has since been distinguished as a Judge. Admitted to the Bar in M ly, 1870, Mr. Hamilton was given an interest in the same firm, Tipton hav- ing been elected Judge. In October following he formed a partnership with J. H. Rowell, at that time Prosecuting Attorney. Their business was then small, but they increased it to very large proportions, practicing in all grades of courts, including even the U. S. Supreme Court, and this partnership continued unbroken until Feb. 6, 18S3, when Mr. Hamilton was sworn in as Executive of Illinois. On the 4th of March following Mr. Rowell took his seat in Con- gress. In July, 1871, Mr. Hamilton married Miss Helen M. Williams, the daughter of Prof. Wm. G. Williams, Professor of Greek in the Ohio Wesleyan University. Mi. and Mrs. H. have two daughters and one son. In 1876 Mr. Hamilton was nominated by the Re- publicans for the State Senate, over other and older competitors. He took an active part " on the stump " in the campaign, for the success of his party, and was sleeted by a majority of 1,640 over his Democratic- Greenback opponent. In the Senate he served on the Committees on Judiciary, Revenue, State Insti- tutions, Appropriations, Education, and on Miscel- lany ; and during the contest for the election of a V, S. Senator, the Republicans endeavoring to re- elect John A. Logan, he voted for the war chief on every ballot, even alone when all the other Republi- cans had gone over to the Hon. E. B. Lawrence and the Democrats and Independents elected Judg? David Davis. At this session, also, was passed the first Board of Health and Medical Practice act, of which Mr. Hamilton was a champion, again;'; : 1 much opposition that the bill was seveial times "laid on the table." Also, this session authorized the location and establishment of a southern peni tentiary, which was fixed at Chester. In the session of 1879 Mr. Hamilton was elected President pro tern. of the Senate, and was a zealous supporter of John A. Logan for the U. S. Senate, who wa3 this time elected without any trouble. In May, 1880, Mr. Hamilton was nominated on the Republican ticket for Lieutenant Governor, his principal competitors before the Convention being Hon. Wm. A. James, ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Judge Robert Bell, of Wabash County, Hon. T. T. Fountain, of Perry County, and Hon. M. M. Saddler, of Marion County. He engaged actively in the campaign, and his ticket was elected by a majority of 41,200. As Lieutenant Governor, he presided almost continuously over the Senate in the 33d General Assembly and during the early days of the 33d, until he succeeded to the Governorship. When the Legislature of 1883 elected Gov. Cullom to the United States Senate, Lieut. Gov. Hamilton succeeded him, under the Constitution, taking the oath of office Feb. 6, 1883. He bravely met all the annoyances and embarrassments incidental upon taking up another's administration. The principal events with which Gov. Hamilton was connected as the Chief Executive of the State were, the mine dis- aster at Braidwood, the riots in St. Clair and Madison Counties in May, 1883, the appropriations for the State militia, the adoption of the Harper high-license liquor law, the veto of a dangerous railroad bill, etc. The Governor was a Delegate at large to the National Republican Convention at Chicago in June, 1884, where his first choice for President was John A. Logan, and second choice Chester A. Arthur; but he afterward zealously worked for the election of Mr. Blaine, true to his party. Mr. Hamilton's term as Governor expired Jan. 30. 1885, when the great favorite "Dick" Oglesby was inaugurated. I -feV.' IJ -i^U^ GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 183 ?"• "<:. >"rO' : - '■■{ " ...J. ■..■:....'..■:...■. ...'■..'..' ......... ...:'......-.. .. ...... .'. .1 .*..+..+. .t.A.^rg&^SL^ ^^ 7 ^.V'..",v ..o*o.-@y\<^@-o«o.. -■V " >OSKPII WILSON FIFER. This .;; distinguished gentleman was (ffw elected Governor of Illinois |i November 6, 1888. He was \. popularly known during the ?,,;." campaign as "Private Joe." He had served with great devotion to his country during the Re- bellion, in the Thirty-third Illinois Infantry. A native of Virginia, he was born in 1840. His parents, John and Mary (Daniels) Fifer, were American born, though of German de- scent. His father was a brick and stone mason, and an old Henry Clay Whig in politics. John and Mary Fifer had nine children, of whom Joseph was the sixth, and naturally with SO large a family it was all the father could do to keep the wolf from the door; to say nothing of giving Ins children any- thing like good educational advantages. Young Joseph attended school some in Vir- ginia, but it was not a good school, and when his father removed to the West, in 1857. Joseph had not advanced much further than the "First Reader." Our subject was sixteen then and suffered a great misfortune in the loss of his mother. After the death of Mrs. Fifer. which occurred in Missouri, the family returned to Virginia, but remained only a short time, as during the same year Mr. Fifer came to Illinois. He settled in McLean County and started a brickyard. Here Joseph and his broth- ers were put to work. The elder Fifer soon bought a farm near Bloomington and began life as an agriculturalist. Here Joe worked and attended the neighboring school. He alternated farm-work, brick-laying, and going to the district school for the succeeding few years. It was all work and no play for Joe, yet it by no means made a dull boy of him. All the time he was thinking of the great world outside, of which he had caught a glimpse when coming from Virginia, yet he did not know just how he was going to get out into it. He could not feel that the woods around the new farm and the log cabin, in which the family lived, were to hold him. The opportunity to get out into the world was soon offered to young Joe. lie traveled a dozen miles barefoot, in company with his brother George, and enlisted in Company C, 33d Illinois Infantry; he being then twenty years old. In a few days 184 JOSEPH W. FIFER. the regiment was sent to Camp Butler, and then over fiito Missouri, and saw some vigorous service there. After a second time helping to chase Price out of Missouri, the 33d Regiment went down to Milliken's Bend, and for several weeks " Private Joe" worked on Grant's famous ditch. The regi- ment then joined the forces operating against Port Gibson and Vicksburg. Joe was on guard duty in the front ditches when the flag of surrender was run up on the 4th of July, and stuck the bayonet of his gun into the embankment and went into the city with the vanguard of Union soldiers. The next day, July 5, the 33d joined the force after Johnston, who had been threatening Grant's rear; and finally an assault was made on him at Jackson, Miss. In this charge "Private Joe" fell, ter- ribly wounded. He was loading his gun when a minie-ball struck him and passed entirely through his body. ; He, was regarded as mortally wounded. His brother, George, who had been made a Lieu- tenant, proved to be the means of saving his life. The Surgeon told him unless he had ice his brother Joe could not live. It was fifty miles to the nearest point where ice could be obtained, and the roads were rough. A comrade, a McLean county man, who had been wounded, offered to make the trip. An ambulance was secured and the brother soldier started on the journey. He returned with the ice, but the trip, owing to the roughness of the roads, was very hard on him. After a few months' care- ful nursing Mr. Filer was able to come home. The :53d came home on a furlough, and when the boys were ready to return to the tented field, young Fifer was ready to go with them; for he was determined to finish his term of three years. He was mustered out in October, 18G4, having been in the service three years and two months. •• Private Joe" came out of the army a tall, tanned, and awkward young man of twenty-four. About all he possessed was ambition to be some- body — and pluck. Though at an age when most men have finished their college course, the young soldier saw that if he was to be anybody he must have an education. Yet he had no means t«> ena- ble him to enter school as most young men do. He was determined to have an education, however, and that to him meant success. For the following four years he struggled with his books. He entered Wesleyan University Jan. 1, 1865. He was not a brilliant student, being neither at the head nor the foot of his class. He was in great earnest, how- ever, studied hard and came forth with a well- stored and disciplined mind. Immediately after being graduated he entered an office at Bloomington as a law student. He had already read law some, and as he continued to work hard, with the spur of poverty and promptings of ambition ever with him, he was ready to hang out his professional shingle in 1869. Being trust- worthy he soon gathered about him some influen- tial friends. In 1871 he was elected Corporation Counsel of Bloomington. In 1872 he was elected State's Attorney of McLean Count)'. This office he held for eight years, when he took his seat in the State Senate. Here he served for four years. His ability to perform abundance of hard work made him a most valued member of the Legisla- ture. Mr. Fifer was married in 1870 to Gertie, daugh- ter of 'William J. Lewis, of Bloomington. Mr. Fifer is six feet in height and is spare, weighing only 150 pounds. He has a swarthy complexion, keen black eyes, quick movement, and possesses a frank and sympathetic nature, and naturally makes friends wherever he goes. During the late Guber- natorial campaign his visits throughout the State proved a great power in his behalf. His happy faculty of winning the confidence and good wishes of those with whom he comes in personal contact is a source of great popularity, especially during a polit- ical battle. As a speaker he is fluent, his language is good, voice clear and agreeable, and manner forcible. His manifest earnestness in what he says as well as his tact as a public speaker, and his elo- quent and forceful language, makes him a most valuable campaign orator and a powerful pleader at the bar. At the Republican State Convention, held in May. 1 888, Mr. Fifer was chosen as its candi- date for Governor. He proved a popular nominee, and the name of "Private Joe" became familiar to everyone throughout the State. He waged a vigorous campaign, was elected by a good majority, and in due time assumed the duties of the Chief Executive of Illinois. - Dfi i e%^= ,AdZ& F ciit Xoultpm fSoun^iei ■ btlinoisc INTRODUGTO ;HE time has arrived when it becomes the duty of the people of this county to per- petuate the names of their pioneers, to furnish a record of their early settlement, and relate the story of their progress. The civilization of our day, the enlightenment of the age and the duty that men of the pres- ent time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and to their posterity, demand that a record of their lives and deeds should be made. In bio- graphical history is found a power * \/' V to instruct man by precedent, to enliven the mental faculties, and to waft down the river of time a safe vessel in which the names and actions of the people who contributed to raise this country from its primitive state may be preserved. Surely and rapidly the great and aged men, who in their prime entered tiie wilderness and claimed the virgin soil as their heritage, are passing to their graves. The number re- maining who can relate the incidents of the first days il settlement is becoming small indeed, so that an actual necessity exists for the collection and preser- vation of events without delay, before all the early settlers are cut down by the scythe of Time. To be forgotten has been the great dread of mankind from remotest ages. All will be forgotten soon enough, in spite of their best works and the most earnest efforts of their friends to perserve the memory of lives. The means employed to prevent oblivion their I and to perpetuate their memory has been in propor- tion to the amount of intelligence they possessed. Th ! pyramids of Egypt were built to perpetuate the names and deeds of their great rulers. The exhu- mations made by the archeologists of Egypt from buried Memphis indicate a desire of those people to perpetuate the memory of their achievements. The erection of the great obelisks were for the same purpose. Coming down to a later period, we find tht Greeks and Romans erecting mausoleums and monu- ments, and carving out statues to chronicle their great achievements and carry them down the ages. It is also evident that the Mound-builders, in piling up their great mounds of earth, had but this idea — to leave something to show that they had lived. All these works, though many of them costly in the ex- treme, give but a faint idea of the lives and charac- ters of those whose memory they were intended to perpetuate, and scarcely anything of the masses of the people that then lived. The great pyramids and some of the obelisks remain objects only of curiosity ; the mausoleums, monuments and statues are crum- bling into dust. It was left to modern ages to establish an intelli- gent, undecaying, immutable method of perpetuating a full history — immutable in that it is almost un- limited in extent and perpetual in its action; and this is through the art of printing. To the present generation, however, we are in- debted for the introduction of the admirable system of local biography. By this system every man, thougr he has not achieved what the world calls greatness, has the means to perpetuate his life, his history, through the coming ages. The scythe of Time cuts down all ; nothing of the physical man is left. The monument which h's chil- dren or friends may erect to his memory in the ceme- tery will crumble into dust and pass away; but his life, his achievements, the work lie has accomplished, which otherwise would be forgotten, is perpetuated by a record of this kind. To preserve the lineaments of our companions we eng'ave their portraits, for the same reason we col- lect the attainable facts of their history. Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only truth of them, to wait until they are dead, or until those who know them are gone: to do this we are ashamed only to publish to the world the history of those whose live* are unworthy of public record. PORTRAIT AND l'.K )( .RAl'IIK !AL RECORD. I HI -v^T^, -E=~~ OX. .IOI IN R. EDEN, who resides in Sullivan, was bora « > 1 1 the banks of the Licking River, eight miles from Owingsville, Bath County, Ky., February 1. 1820. His father, John Raul Eden, wasborain Baltimore, Md., in 1796, e^^jy^O iU "l Jeremiah Eden, the grandfa- ther was a native of England, who came when a young man to Amer- ica and settled in Maryland. From that State he removed to Kentucky about the year 1800, and became a fanner in Bath County. Then' he bought a tract of timber land, which he cleared and turned into a rich and productive farm, making it his home until death called him away. The father of our subject was reared and mar- ried in Hath County, and resided there until 1831, when with his wife and four children he removed to Indiana. The removal was made with teams, and the far-famed prairie schooners, in which were all their household goods. Traveling by slow stages and camping by the way. the I'amiU reached In- diana and settled in Rush County. Having en- tered a tract of Government land, they built a Cabin in the wilderness and commenced to ■•lear a farm. The maiden name of the mother of our Sub- ject was Catherine ('an. and she was horn in Ken- tucky in the year 1800, being a daughter of Joseph Can. In 1835 she was left a widow with six chil- dren to care for and she had a hard struggle to maintain them and keep them together. In 1Ho2 she removed from Indiana to Illinois, and spent her last years here with a son Joseph, dying in 1870. The subject of our sketch commenced when very young to assist upon the farm where his services were much needed, in his younger days there were no railroads, and Cincinnati was the nearest market and depot for supplies. The products of the farm formed the principal living of the family, and the mother made all the cloth which was used in the family, carding, spinning and weaving the raw material into the needed fabrics. The first school which Mr. Eden attended, was in a cabin built of round logs. The chimney was made of sticks and clay, and the fireplace occupied nearly one end of the building. The only window was produced by a log being taken out through nearly the entire length of the building, and it had no covering of glass, but in cold weather greased paper was used to cover the aperture to keep out the wind. The benches were made of puncheon with wooden pins for legs. Holes were bored in 1H2 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tlic logs under the window. and^pegs_supported a smooth puncheon which served as a writing desk for the older scholars. He was very studious, mak- ing the most of the opportunities afforded him and at the age of eighteen commenced teaching, receiv- ing the usual salary of *2H a month and his hoard. He taught during the fall and winter for seven years, occupying the remainder of the year in farm- ing, and using every fragment of time not other- wise absorbed, to study law. In 1K.V2 Mr. Eden came to Illinois, traveling by railroad to Terre Haute, Ind., and thence by stage to Shelliyville, and a few days later was admitted to the bar and commenced practice. He practiced there until the fall of 1853, when he came to Sulli- van and since that time has made this place the main field of his work except when absent upon official duty. A happy and congenial matrimonial alliance was made by our subject in 1856, when he chose as his wile Roxaima Meeker, a native of Bennington Township, Delaware (now Morrow) County. Ohio. This lady is a daughter of Ambrose and Hannah (Hart well) Meckel', and a sister of the lion. Jona- than Meeker. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Eden comprises five living children, namely: Emma, Ko>e. Walter. Belle and Blanche. Rose is now Mrs. J. Martin, of whom a sketch will be found else- where in this volume. Ex-Congressman Eden has always espoused the political views which bad their ablest advocate in the author of the Declaration of Independence, and he cast his first vote for Lewis Cass. Ever since he came here he has been a prominent man in his district, as his natural abilities and well cul- tured mind have given him a commanding in- fluence. In 1856 he was elected States Attorney for the Seventh Judicial District, which office he filled for tour years. He represented the Seventh District in the Thirty-eighth Congress, being elected thereto in 1862. This was followed by his re-elec- tion and service in the Forty-third. Forty-fourth. Fortv-lifth and Forty-ninth Congresses. During this Ion"' period the boundaries, and numbers of the Congressional Districts were changed, and he represented the following counties: Moultrie. Ma- con. Piatt, Champaign, Ford. Iroquois, Vermilion, Douglas, Coles, Edgar, Clark, Cumberland. Effing- ham, Shelby. Jasper. Crawford. Lawrence. Fayette. Montgomery and Macoupin. The most important committees of which this honorable gentleman was a member during the various sessions, were as follows: During the Thirty- eighth Congress the Committee on Accounts and Revolutionary Pensions; in the Forty-third the Committee on Claims and the Freedmen Affairs; in the Forty-fourth he was Chairman of the Com- mittee on War Complaints, and a member of the one appointed to investigate the Presidential elec- tion; during the next Congress he was again Chair- man of the same Committee, and during the Forty- ninth he belonged to the Committee on the Judi- ciary and Revision of Laws. In 1868 he was a Democratic candidate for Governor of Illinois. In every sphere of life, either professional or as a public servant, the Hon. John R. Eden has proved himself well-equipped and able to meet the serious emergencies which come before a man of affairs. As an attorney he has been successful in his prac- tice, and has built up an extensive clientage, and as a member of Congress he worked honestly and honorably for the prosperity of the entire country and the interests of his constituents. A portrait of the Hon. Mr. Eden accompanies this biographical notice. >EORGE WVLONGENBAUGH is one of the old settlers in Pickaway Township, being v ^^i the owner of a farm located on section 20. at Longenbaugh corners, lie early learned the trade of a blacksmith and on his settlement here estab- lished his smithy in the fall of L858. He owns a fine little home on forty acres of land. This he operates in connection with his business. He is a genial, whole-hearted fellow, necessarily well- known throughout the township, and justly popu- lar with his fellow-men. Our subject Mist came to the county in IK."),"), and for two years worked as a journeyman at Prai- rie Bird, and later he spent a little more than a PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 1 98 year with a partner in Moweaqua. lie sold < ml however, his share of the establishment, and came to Pickaway Township and has here ever since been engaged, having done all the work in his line. On his advent into this county our subject was n single man. He was horn in Pickaway County, Ohio, October 21. 1834, and is the son of Jacob and Catherine (Yantis) Longenbaugh, natives of Ohio, who there lived and spent their last days in Pickaway County, passing away at the age of sixty- eight years. Our subject's father, like himself, was a blacksmith and farmer. Mrs. Longenbaugh was a member of the German Reformed Church. ( )nr subject is the second son and third child of seven children, four of whom are yet living, he of whom we write being (he only one residing in Illi- nois, lie grew up at home, learning his trade at his father's smithy. About the time when he became of age he determined to start out in life for himself and came to this State, where he has ever since lived. Politically our subject is a Democrat, using his vote and influence for that party. He has since coming here, been Highway Commissioner and Justice of the Peace for a good many years, and is now Notary Public, having filled that office for several years. Our subject was married in Flat Branch Town- ship, March 11. 1858, to Miss Eliza Cockrain. She was born in Tennessee and came to Illinois when a young woman with her parents, Robert and Mary (Ray) Cockrain. On coining to the county they settled in Flat Branch Township, there procuring a farm, where a few years later the husband and father died while yet in middle life. His wife sur- vived him for several years, finally passing awaj on the old farm, being quite advanced in years. They were members of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Longenbaugh was one of eight children, three of whom are now deceased. She was educated in her native State in the county schools, and had al- most reached womanhood when her parents re- moved to Illinois. She and her husband are attend- ants upon the Baptist Church. Eight children have come to bless the home of the affectionate parents. Of these one died in in- fancy. The living children are: Mary C, Sophro- nia ,1. and Samuel, who are twins, Anthony B., Sarah E., William W. and Joseph E. The eldest daughter is the wife of Charles Pogue, who is a farmer in this township. Samuel is a blacksmith at Prairie Bird. His twin si>ter. Sophronia, is the wife of Rolierl Hunter, who is a real estate dealer and insurance agent in Decatur, this State. An- thony B. look lo wife Miss Julia Pogue. and is the proprietor of a farm in this township. Sarah E. is a teacher here, as have been the other daughters before their marriage. William W. and Joseph E. are still at home and assist their father on the farm. Our subject has given his children every educa- tional advantage that his means would allow. They are naturally bright and easily assimilate the progressive ideas of the day. ^ OSFPH II. VOILES is the Superintendent of the Shelby County Poor House, which is lo- cated on section 4. Rose Township. His father was Giles Y. Voiles, and he was born in Decatur County. Ind. He was united in mar- riage with Lucinda Merritt, a native of Kentucky, and settled in his native county where he spent his days, and passed away in l.H(>;3. His wife afterward came to Shelby County where shedied in January, 1885. They had a family of ten children of whom our subject was the eldest. Joseph Voiles was born in Decatur County, lnd., December 2K. lHJ.'i. His father was a shoemaker by trade, but Owned and operated a farm besides following his trade. Our subject grew toman- hood on his father's farm. Upon September 15, 1864. this young man who had barely reached his majority, took to wife Miss Maria J. Gentry, who was born in Franklin County. Ind., and who became the mother of ten children. Those who grew to maturity were as follows: Mary L.; Chloe, who died when about eighteen years old; Rosa E., who is the wife of Henry Sherwood; Franklin A.. < (scar M., William II. and Perley. Three who died young bore the names of Henry. Aha and Cathe- rine. Mrs. Maria Voiles died in Rose Township, February 12. l*M. i:m PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. When Mr. Voiles was first married he settled in Decatur County, hid.. and engaged in farming. which business he still carried on after coming from there to Shelby County in 1870. He was married a second time in Oconee, this county, December 27. 1887, to Miss Anna M. Gould, daughter of Stephen and Jerusha (Read) Gould. Mr. Gould died in Shelby County. February 7. IMS"). Of a family of seven children Mrs. Voiles is the eldest, and she was horn in Union County. Ind.. June 7. I*.">7. She is the mother of one child. Leland C. In September, 1881, Mr. Voiles was appointed Superintendent of the Shelby County Poor House, in which rapacity he has gained the good opinion of every one who understands the workings of the institution. The house is noted for its cleanliness throughout and for its good management. Much credit is due both Mr. and Mrs. Voiles f or their ex- cellent care of its inmates; ami in their gentle and kindly treatment of them they have truly evinced the genuine Christian character which is theirs. They are both connected with the Methodist Church and All-. Voiles has always taken an active part in religious work, being Class-Leader, Steward and Trustee. His political views have led him to affil- iate with tlie Democratic party, in whose policy he firmly believes. —5- ^€>*<< ifi>-^ ^HOMAS WOOD. To In' an honorable /mj§S^ and cllicient agriculturist in the State of v^S*' Illinois, where the soil responds so gener- ously to the hand of him who cultivates it. is to bi' almost ensured in having a comfortable home and happy and congenial surroundings. The in- telligent and praiseworthy people who settled in this Stale in its early days brought with them such conditions and such institutions as tended to gather about them the best class of emigrants, and the\ and their descendants have built up such so- cial conditions as have tended to the prosperity and happiness of all. We tind upon section 8, Oconee Township, Shelby County, a prosperous farmer and stock- raiser in the person of Thomas II. Wood, who was bom in Woodbum, Macoupin County, this State. September 11. 1862. He is a son of J. M. and Elizabeth M. ( Milliard) Wood, the former being born in Sangamon County, 111., in 1823, and the mother in the same State in l*2t>. The mother, who became a widow in May. 1887, after her removal to this county, still resides on her farm in Oconee Township. The Wood family is pleased to count itself as descended from the sturdy English stock which is representative of the people who de- manded from King John that noble instrument — the Magna Charta. Eight sons and four daughters were born to the parents of our subject, namely: Perminda. now Mrs. I.. Howell, of Dodge City. Kan.; Mary, who has been twice married, first to .lames Coffee and after her widowhood to J. C. Lemav. and now lives at Gillespie, Macoupin County: Jennie, the wife of J. S. March, of Oconee; John II.. who lives with his wife, Ella Brennan, in Woodburn, Macoupin County; William J., who has been an invalid for the last fifteen years, resides with his mother; Leonard I)., who i> farming iii Gaudy, Neb., and is married to Clarissa Holbrook; Luther and Abbie. who died in early childhood; Weston, who resides in Oconee Township with his wife. Sadie Doyle; Thomas, our subject; James M.. who married Gilla Combest and resides on a farm in Oconee Town- ship; Walter 1>.. who married Blanche Brown and lives upon the parental homestead. The subject of this brief life review came to Oconee Township with his parents when a young lad of Mime twelve years, anil here he grew to manhood and has made his home from that day to this. He obtained his education in the district schools of Illinois, which gave him an excellent preparation for his life work, and received thor- ough training upon the home farm in the practical work of agriculture. . February 28, lKK.'S. was the day of days in the life of this young man as it united him in marriage with tin' lady of his choice. Miss Clara 11. Speaker, daughter of David and Abbie Speaker, of ( Iconce. She was horn Novem- ber 27. 1861, in this township, of Rhode Island parentage. She lost her father when a little child and her mother took a second husband, whose name is Combest. She had three daughters by her PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 195 first marriage, Mrs. Wood being the second in age, and tin' others being Iitu- ated on section 8, where he makes his home. His farm is finely improved and he lives in compara- tive ease, reaping the rich reward of the efforts of his earlier years. ■:• •:• /p^EORGE W. RICHARDSON, of Shelbyville, ||[ ,— -, has for many years been closely identified ^^J^l with the agricultural interests of Shelby County, and is regarded as one of its most, honor- able and reliable citizens. He i> descended from good old Revolutionary and pioneer stock, and is a native of the State of Indiana, horn in Warren County August 13, 1836. His father, .lames Rich- ardson, was also an Indianian by birth, born in Parke County, of which hi* father, John Richard- son, was a very early settler. The grandfather of our subject was a native of North Carolina and the son of a Revolutionary soldier who lost his life in battle while lighting for the freedom of his country. John Richardson passed hi* boyhood in North Carolina, and was there married to Mary Salers. also a native of that State. In 1800 he left his old home with his fam- ily to establish a new one in the forest primeval of the Northwestern Territory. He penetrated to the wilds of what i> now Indiana, and was one of the firsl white men to settle in that territory, locating in what is now Parke County. When the land was surveyed and came into the market lie purchased a tract heavily timbered, from which by hard labor he cleared a farm. lie was a resident of Indiana until 1834, when he sold his property there and again became a pioneer, coming to this countj and buying Govemmeni land in what is now Windsor Township, lie improved a large farm, upon which he- lived some years, and he then once more changed his residence to still another state, going to Mis- souri, where In 1 remained a few \ ears ere he returned to this county, where his earthly pilgrimage was at length brought to a close December 31, 1865, lie having attained a ripe old age. His venerable wife Survived him until 1875, when she died in Big Spring Township. The father of our subject was reared in Indiana, and in due time took unto himself a wife, marry- ing in Warren County, that State. Delilah Small, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Knight and I.ydia Small. He bought a tract of land in that county and farmed it until 1839, when he. too. imbued with the same spirit that bad characterized his ancestry, became a pioneer, coming to this State with his wife and two children, making the entire journey by land, bringing his household goods, and camping by the wayside at night, lie settled in what is now Windsor Township, where he entered Government land, besides buying other land, which he has since improved into a line farm, which is >till his home. He and his family first lived in a log house that Mood on the land when he bought it. but some years later he replaced that humble abode by a more commodious frame struc- ture, and erected other suitable farm buildings. He is held in great respect by his fellow-citizens as one of tin' pioneers of the county who has ma- terially contributed to its growth. Death has de- prived him of the companionship of the wife of his early manhood. They reared two children — our subject and his brother John, the latter of whom occupies a part of his father's old home- stead. George W. Richardson was but three years old when his parents brought him to Illinois, and it may be said that he grew with the growth of the 196 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. county which has ever since been his home, as at that time it boo was in its infancy. The country round about their new home was almost in its primitive condition, and the land was mostly in the hands of the Government, which has since dis- posed of it at $1.25 an acre, or at a smaller price. Our subject attended the first schools opened in the county, that were taught in log houses. The M'.-its were made of slabs or logs split and one side hewed smooth, and wooden pins were inserted for legs, and there were no hacks to the scats. The schoolrooms were lighted by an aperture made by the removal of a log, greased paper serving in- stead of glass. A slab laid on pegs driven into holes that had been bored into a log in the side of the building was the primitive arrangement for a writing desk for the older pupils. When the fam- ily first came to the county deer, wild turkeys and other game in abundance roamed where are now finely cultivated farms and busy towns. St. Louis. one hundred and twenty miles away, was the near- est market to the settlers of this region, nine days being consumed in making the round trip. The people lived mostly on the products of their farms and the women spun and wove the cloth in which their children were clothed. Our subject remained an inmate of the parental home until he married and established one of his own. After attaining manhood he worked a part of his father's farm a few years and then bought a farm for himself in the same township. In the busy years thai followed he greatly increased its value by judicious cultivation ami by the many line improvements that he made, and under his thrifty care it hecanu e of the choicest farms in the township of Windsor. In 1888 he took up his residence at Shelby ville. though he- still owns anil superintends his farm. That 0U1' Subject has a happy home replete with comfort is partly due to the active co-operation of his estimable wife, from whom he has always re- ceived a cheerful assistance and helpful counsel. They were united in marriage in 1 *.">.">. Mrs. Rich- ardson was in her maiden days Mary E. Bland. She was born in Licking County, Ohio, and is a daughter of .loci and Harriet ( Dittenhauer) Bland. Her marriage with our subject has been blessed with children, of whom these three are living: Ebenezer A., Palmyra and Stephen. The latter is a prosperous farmer in Windsor Township. Eben- ezer, the eldest son. is one of the leading lawyers of the county. He received his early education in the district school and subsequently attended the Weslevan University at Blooming-ton. He studied law with Judge Ames and II. .1. Hamlin, was ad- mitted to the bar in 1883, and has since practiced his profession at Shelbyville. Mr. Richardson is a man of solid worth, possess- ing those traits that command respect in the busi- ness world and win esteem among his neighbors and associates. He and his wife are sincere Chris- tian people as is attested by their every day con- duct in all the relations of life that they sustain towards each other, towards their children and all about them. They and two of their children are members in high standing of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. In his political views our subject is a decided Democrat. He has held important public positions with credit to himself and to the benefit of the community. While a resident of Windsor Township he represented it as a member of the County Hoard of Supervisors, and he was also Jus- tice of thi' Peace while he lived there. He has likewise been an incumbent of that office since he came to Shelbyville. having been appointed to it in 1889, and he was re-elected to the same position in 1890. II.I.IAM .1. CLARK. To the city-bred man oi' woman who from childhood lias heard \V?"^ of the remarkable progress of the Central States and has been constantly reading of the won- derful improvements made by various pioneers whose names wander promiscuously through the alphabet from A to X Y Z, it seems almost incred- ible that as late as 1871 large tracts of prairie land were taken up. the land being :it that time in a perfectly wild and Uncultivated state. While the progress of our country and especially the im- provements in its agricultural districts are unques- tionable, the fact also remains that the Country is PORTRAIT AND BI(>< .RAl'IIK AI. RECORD. 19; one of such magnificent distances that here are vet opportunities for bright and energetic young men to experience pioneer life, although mil. per- haps, in tin' sense in which the settlers of the '30s and 'Ills experienced it. with its privations, make- shifts and entire absence of congenial society. Our subject located on his present farm on sec- tions 21, 28 and 29, of flat Branch Township, in 1871. It comprises one hundred and sixty acres. and at the time of his purchase was in a crude, un- developed, uncultivated state, its must luxurious product being that enemy of the farmers — field daisies, with a multitude of other prairie flowers. Before securing this farm he had improved one on section 21, having come to the township and county in 1854, with his father. The latter purchased and improved a new farm, upon which he died. Our subject was born in Warren County, Ohio, on the 29th of October, 1836. He is a son of William R. Clark, who was bora in Hamilton County. His early training was that of a farmer lad. and when he reached manhood, like a majority of young men, he took the most important step of his life, that of marriage, his wife's maiden name being Miss Nancy Berger. They were married about 1830. The lady is a native of Virginia although of German parentage and ancestry. She had come to Ohio with her father and mother when quite young and was reared in Warren County. The original of our sketch, with ten brothers and sisters, came by the overland route with his parents to Illinois in 1854. Their home during the journey hither was in the old-time prairie schooner, and it was after a long and tedious jour- ney that they landed here. They began making their home in the new State on section 21. where the father and mother both afterward died, the former passing away in September, 1X8!), at the age of eighty-seven years. He was a Democrat in politics and a hearty co-worker in all progressive causes. His wife died four years before her hus- band, at the age of seventy-nine years. Our subject is one of a pair of twins. He be- came of. age after coining to this township, and was here married to Ann E. Scott, his marriage taking place in December, lMfil. The lady was born in Knox County, I ml.. February l. 1835. She is a daughter of Charles and Sarah (Weidner) Scott, natives of Indiana and Virginia respectively. They met and married in Indiana, where they spent the whole of their married lives. Mr. Scott died in 1844, at the age of fifty-Six. Mrs. Scott survived her husband by a good many years, pass- ing away in 1*77. She was horn in 1796. Both she and her husband were members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Clark is one of a large family of eleven children. She was reared to womanhood in her county, and there enjoyed very good educational advantages, finishing her school course at Lebanon, Ind. She is the mother of hut one child. Charles S., who was graduated at the Valparaiso (Ind.) Normal School, and was later connected with the count\ offices, holding successively positions in the County Clerk's office, that of County Treas- urer and also with the Circuit Clerk. He is now engaged as the operator of a farm, in which he is very successful. Mr. Clark has for some years pa-t devoted him- self chiefly to the raising of horses, mainly road- sters, and has acquired quite a reputation through- out the county for breeding line animals. Mrs. Clark is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Clark and son are Democrats in poli- tics. ^HEODORE F. DOVE, who is practicing law at Shelbyville, Shelby Count v. has grained _y distinction in his profession in thecourtsof this county, where, at one time, he occupied a prom- inent position as an educator, and during his resi- dence here hi- name has ever been closely associated with the best efforts of the citizens of Central Illi- nois to promote its social and religious advance- ment, and its well-being generally. Among the pioneers of Ohio who were active in its early development was the Dove family, of whom Henry Dove, the grandfather of oursubject, was then the head. He was horn in Rockingham County, Va.. February 7. 1765, coming of one of the old Colonial families of that State, and there 198 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. he grew I" manhood and married, taking as bis wit'*- Mary Magdalina Altarfer, who was also born in the old Dominion, January 1. 177.">. the date of her birth. Grandfather Dove lived in his native State until 1804, and he then took his wife and the five children that had been bom to them across the border into Ohio, making the journey over the mountains and through the intervening rough country with pack horses, and there founded a new I le in the primeval forests of Fairfield County, of which he was one of the earliest settlers. lie had previously visited that locality in search of a suit- able location, journeying on horseback and carry- ing his silver for the purchase of land in his sad- dle bags, lie invested in a tract of heavily wooded laud in what is now Bloom Township, paying there- for at the rate of $2.50 an acre. There was a log cabin on the land, in which the father of our sub- ject was subsequently horn. His father replaced it after a few years by a more substantial hewn log house, 20x30 feet in dimensions, which is still standing ami is used as a dwelling. For many years there were no markets for produce nearer than Cin- cinnati, and consequently stock was very cheap, and horses, cattle and hogs were driven to Balti- more to he disposed of. The highest priced horses would bring bul $40 a1 Fairfield, large hogs sold there for $1, and steers were sold from $6 to $8 each. The people raised their own food, varying the fare occasionally by a haunch of venison or bear meat, or wild turkey, for all kinds of game then abounded. By years of faithful toil the grandfather cleared a farm, on which he passed his closing years serenely, dying a1 a good old agein 1856. His wife preceded him in death many years, dying in 1817. She was a notable housewife, was expert in spin- ning and weaving, and clad her children in gar- ments of homespun. The father of our subject grew to a stalwart manhood under the pioneer influence that he ob- tained in his native county in the days when he was young. The school that he attended was taught in a log house, rudely furnished with slabs for seats, which weri' without hacks, and there were no desks SUCh as arc in use at the present day. Holes were bored in Logs, into which wooden pins were inserted, and a wide plank placed upon them answered the purpose of a more elaborate writing desk for the large scholars. Mr. Dove resided with his parents until he attained his majority, and he then began his independent career as a farmer by renting the old family homestead. He afterward purchased the in- terest of the other heirs, and still retains the farm. although he ceased to occupy it in lxx.'i. when he came to Shelbyville, and is living here in retire- ment at a venerable age. lie has always been a de- voted adherent of the Democratic party since he cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. Jackson more than half a century ago. Religiously, he is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which he joined in 1 829. Mr. Dove was first married May 21. 1835 to Mary Small, who was born in York County. Pa.. March 18, 1814, ami was the eldest daughter of John and Elizabeth (Lou'cks) Small, who were also Pennsylvanians by birth. The mother of our sub- ject died September 1. 1X77. leaving behind her the record of a life spent in well-doing, and the blessed memory of a true womanhood. She was reared in the faith of theGerman Reformed Church, but after her marriage united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which her husband belonged. Of that marriage eighl sons and seven daughters were reared to maturity, of whom twelve are living. April 19, 1883 the father of Oursubject was married toa sister of his first wife. Tarry Hall Small, and in her he finds a devoted companion. Theodore F. Dove, of whom this sketch is prin- cipally written was born on a farm in Bloom Town- ship, ten miles northwest of Lancaster. Fairfield County. Ohio, April 22. 1846, said faun being also the birthplace of his father. Elijah Dove, who was born there July 27. 1X11. Theodore gained the preliminaries of his education in the local district schools, and afterward pursued a liberal course of study at the Fairfield Union Academy, from which he was graduated in 1869, his proficiency in math- ematics having won him the compliment of being selected to teach a class in that branch while a stu- dent in that institution. lie subsequently entered the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio, and in due time graduated from that with a high standing for scholarship, lie first turned to teach- ing after he left college, and was thus engaged in PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 199 his native State until 1874, when lie came to Shel- byville to accepl the position of Superintendent of the city schools. Our subject's work as an educator was, however, but a means to an end, as he purposed to adopt the legal profession, and in preparation therefor he de- voted his spare time to the study of law. At the close of the school year in 1875 he returned toOhio, and was admitted to the bar in Delaware County. He came back to Shelbyville and resumed the charge <>f the schools,which flourished under his care, and lie held his office until 18.76. In that year he again returned to the State of his nativity. and Cur three months practiced law at Columbus, lie next opened an office at Danville. 111., ami was in that city until April. 1*77. when he came to Shelby ville to enter into a partnership for law practice with W. .1. Henry, lie severed his connect ion with that gentleman in August, 1879, and since then has car- ried on his legal business alone, lie enjoys a good praclice.and has an enviable reputation as one of our most trustworthy lawyers, and his clients feel sat- isfied thai he will use his best efforts in their be- half, knowing also that he is well versed in all the technicalities of the common law. and understands thoroughly how to employ his knowledge to the best advantage so as to impress the jury. The marriage of Theodore Dove with Miss Alia \Y. Clark was consummated December 27.in77.and the home that they have established in this city is a cheerful, cozy abiding place, its pleasant hospital- ities being one of the social features of the commu- nity, where host and hostess have made many friendships during their residence here. Their two sons, Theodore C. and Frank Roy, complete their household. Mrs. Dove is. like her husband, a na- tive of Ohio, her birthplace at Mechaniesburg, and she is a daughter of Dr. John and Elnora (Will- iams) Clark. In local affairs, our subject has done good service as a member of the Shelbyville School Board, lie is unswerving in his allegiance to the Democratic party, as he believes its policy the best for the guidance of the nation. He i< prominent socially asa member of various organizations, the Masonic Lodge of Carroll. Ohio; Modem Woodmen of America: and of Iiii: Four Lodge, No. 136, Order of Tonti. He and his wife are members of tin Methodist Episcopal Church, their names being as- sociated with those who are most liberal in its sup- port, and who by the daily example of lives guided by Christian principles have contributed to raise the moral standard of their community. ■=- ' c-f->i e_ EANDEE A. STORM. Less than thirty years have passed over the head of our subject and yet he has made himself a place and recognized position in commercial life, which speaks well for the inherent qualities that he possesses. There is nothing petty about Mr. storm's methods of dealing, and we predict that the future will bring him opportunities which he will seize, and which will carry him on the highway to prosperity. Making his headquarters in Strasburg, Shelby County, he is constantly making excursions into whatever part of the State promises a fine return in the staples in which he deals — hay and grain, and thus he obtains not only a perfect acquaintance with his own line of business, but a broad intelli- gence of the general aspect and condition of the agricultural class in this State. Leander Storm is a son of Harrison .1. Storm. Hi- mother was in her maiden days. Harriet Kan- kin. They were both natives of Shelby County ami experienced the vicissitudes of pioneer life. For a further history of Mr. storm Sr. seesketch of .1. N. Storm in another part of this volume. Our subject was born in Ash Grove Township. Shelbj County, this state May 15, 1863, and astrologers would doubtless tell us that his personal and busi- ness success and the peace which the country at large is at present enjoying, arise from one and the same cause, the conjunction of certain astral bodies at that momentous period in the history of the war. The original of our sketch was reared to man- hood in Ash Grove and Big Spring Township. He received his education in the common schools. When eighteen years of age, he left home and went to California and was there employed in different ways, lie remained, however, in that 200 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. State only about ten months and then returned to Big Spring Township, where he stayed until the completion of his twentieth year. He then was united in marriage i<> .Miss AnnieCox, after which he settled in Big Spring Township, and was en- gaged in farming until the fall of 1888 when he came to Strasburg, where he has since been a res- ilient. Mr. Storm is now engaged in buying and ship- ping hay and has given his attention to this busi- ness since 1889. His marriage took place in Shelby Township. Two children have come to the young people, Raymond, who died in infancy, and a bright little one who is the joy and pride of her fond parents, and who bears the pretty child name, Flossie. In his political preference our subject is a Democrat. He is the owner of a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, that is very valuable land. He is an enterprising young business man who is sure to make his mark in the world. 1 — 7 KEDERICK DOEHRING. The owner of \\_Jff the farm located on section 3hio, he removed in quick succession to Kentucky. Indi- ana, remaining a while in St Louis. Mo., thence came to Madison County, this Mate, where he set- tled and began the serious business of life, remain- ing there twenty-six years, during which time he was engaged in the business of farming. In the spring of 1869 he came to Shelby County and set- tled in Richland Township, where he has ever since been a resident, and to which he has given the ef- forts and results of his mature and ripened years. Mr. Doehring has erected a good set of buildings upon his farm which comprises three hundred and twenty acres. He was married in Madison County, this State, about 1848, to Dora Broekmeier, who was born in Germany. By her he became the father of six children, three of whom are living. They are Frederick. Herman and Dora, all names that are as- sociated with some of the greatest productions in German literature. The daughter is now the wife of Lewis Miller. Mrs. Dora Doehring died January 1 1. 1889. She was a good and capable housewife, a tender help- mate and fond mother, ambitious for her children, and self-sacrificing to any degree that they might have every advantage. What better eulogy can we give the mother than that she made home pleasant? Mr. Doehring has always followed the calling of farming, in which he has been reasonably success- ful. In his political relations he is a Democrat, believing that that party works more for the inter- est and advantages of the people at large than any Other. Mr. Doehring has filled several public offices in the township gift. While in Madison County he held the office of Supervisor for one year, and dis- charged its duties satisfactorily to its constituents. He, with his family, is a member of the Lutheran Church. The farm upon which he at present lives bears evidence of careful attention, thoroughly well cultivated, its buildings are in excellent order and our subject's home residence is the epitome of comfort and neatness. He is a gorxl man and a good citizen. A. STEWARDS* >N. of the firm of Ilamm J iv Slewaiilson, of Strasburg. Shelby County. is an enterprising and able young business y*J man. The Mini of which he is junior member deals in hardware, agricultural implements and fur- niture, stoves and tinware. Although not vet PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 201 thirty years of age lie is the owner of some fine land in this county, aside from the position that he holds iii thf firm, and in which he is building up a reputation for business; tact and talent, and a keen foresight in financial matters that make him rank already with the best business men in the township. Mr. Stewardson comes from a good family who are noted among their acquaintances for their practical and common-sense views of the affairs of daily life. .Mr. Stewardson's father was Thomas Stewardson, who is now a resident of Shelhyville Township. His mother in her maiden days was Sarah C. Brady. They were the parents of thirteen children, and of these our subject was the fourth ill order of birth Of the second sel of children. He wasborn in Shel- hyville Township November 25, 1862. (For a fuller history of his parents see sketch of Thomas Stewardson in another part of this volume.) Our subject grew to manhood in his native county. He reeived a good common-school education in the schools of the vicinity, and he passed his early life in a divided attention to school duties and assis(_ ill ii" with the work of the farm until he was twentv- one years of age, remaining during that time under his father's roof. He then for a period of a year and a half engaged in farm labor for other farmers in the neighborhood. At the end of that time he came to Strasburg and was employed h\ .1. N. Storm as clerk in his store for a period of about six years. On leaving Mr. Storm's employ our subject was for six months engaged in farming and August 1, 1890, he formed a partnership with Martin llamm, to engage in the business of which they are now proprietors. He has ever since devoted himself to the interests of the linn, which can ies a tine stock of implements, and which isdoinga good business. He is besides the owner of forty acres of land in Richland Township, which is well cultivated and valuable land. The calling of agriculture, how- ever, is not the one to which onr subject feels him- self best adapted, preferring to deal more intimately with men. Our subject left the rank and tile of bachelors February 24, 1886, and was united in marriage to Elnora Davis, who was Lorn in this county. Their wedding was solemnized in Windsor. The young COuple have had three children, whose names are Ethel, Mamie and Myrtle. The second child. Mamie, is deceased. Politically he of whom we write affiliates with the Democratic party. He has been Justice of the Peace for about two years and is well qualified to fill any position in the gift of the township. When a man has made such a suc- cess u f life at Mr. Stewardson's age, the world has reason to expect of him unqualified success in the future. Having already shown his ability, he will he given prominent positions both in public and private affairs. j i i ' i'i ij -^-<-r»»T»- 1 olIX W. MIDDLESWORTH. Somebody has saiil that the most desirable thing in life is to he well horn, hut there is a differ- ent way of construing the expression among different classes ,,f people. The writer's idea of good birth is the endowment of a line physical constitution, crowned and sanctified by high men- tal and moral faculties, and having parents in whom shine "high erected thoughts, seated in hearts of courtesy." As Oliver Wendell Holmes says in his charming conversations over the tea- cups, the selection of parents should he attended to several years before one's coming into the world, and all sociological questions should he carefully balanced. In the case of our subject this last consideration happened naturally and without his interference, lie is a son of A. Middlesworth. of Shelby ville, an honorable, upright and worthy man. to whom his son is much indebted, both phys- ically and mentally. A sketch of the gentleman may be found in another part of this volume. Our subject was born in Shelby County. 111.. September 11. 1860, when the country was in the throes of secession and discussion was ripe over the decision of the Dred Scott affair. However, when he was old enough to understand these matters the strife was ended and the country was resuming its normal condition. Farmers who had left the plow- share to lake the rifle and sabre hail returned u, their homes and resumed the duties of agricultural 202 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. life. When John Middlesworth was eleven years old his father removed t<> Shelbyville in order to give his children better educational advantages. There our subject received his education and con- tinued living under his father'sroof until his mar- riage, which occurred October 10, ixs:5. His wife's maiden name was Alice Stewart; with her he ex- perienced but one year of domestic bliss as her de- cease took place July 10, 1884. Later our subject was united in marriage with Atloe Brooks, their nuptials being' celebrated Sep- tember 28, 1885. The present Mrs. Middlesworth is a pleasing and attractive lady. She is a daugh- ter of Josias W. and .Martha 1). (Selby) Brooks and one of seven children, there having been three sons and four daughters in her parents' family. Mrs. Middlesworth being the youngest daughter. She was born in Moweaqua, 111., January 28,' 1867= Her interest centers in her home and family, which includes three bright and attractive children. Their names are: Raymond 1!.. William W. and Glen S. lie has long followed the calling of farming and i- now the owner of four hundred and sixty-six acres of finely improved land. Many valuable im- provements have been made upon his farm. He of wl l we write has long taken an active part in political affairs and has be< nan office-holder in the town-hip in which he lias lived. He is an adherent of the Republican party. His townsmen have shown their confidence in his executive abil- ity and sound judgment by giving him one of the most important offices in the township gift, that of School Director. He and his wife are earnest Chris- tian people and members of the Presbyterian ( lunch. ANIEL KESLER, one of the prominent business men of Cowden, Shelby County, carries a full line of agricultural imple- ments and deals extensively in grain. He was born in Fairfield County. Ohio. February 20, 1845, his father, John, being a native of the 3ame county, and hi- ther, Marj (Lear) Kesler, being born in Lancaster, Pa. They were happily united in marriage in Fairfield County, Ohio, June 1. 1843, and became the proud parents of seven sons and two daughters, six of whom were horn in the county just named and the three youngesl came to them in Shelby County, this State. Among the children of John and Mary Kesler. our subject was the first-horn. Following him came Isaac who is engaged in the lumber business in Cowden; Samuel who carries on farming in Dry Point Township; Simon who is an invalid and re- sides with his brother, our subject; John who farm- in the township just named, as does also Charles, the next son in age; Laura, now the wife of Albert I.. Crumley, who resides in Cowden and whose husband is associated with her brother Daniel in the grain and implement business; William is a telegraph operator and station agent in Edna. Kan., and Alice died at the age of twenty-one after hav- ing married Albert 1.. Crumley who later became the husband of Laura. The father of this family, with Daniel and Isaac, was a soldier during the Civil War. He was a member Of the Fourteenth Illinois Infantry and died of typhoid fever at Louisville, Ky.. June IX. 1865. His wife is still living at Cowden. Daniel enlisted in Company O. One Hundred and Forty- third Illinois Infantry and served bravely for seven months. Most of his time was spent in the South- west, as he was assigned to duty in Arkansas. Isaac belonged to the same regiment as his father and served gallantly for nine months, being then discharged on account of peace being declared. Daniel Kesler chose as his partner to share life's joy- and sorrows, Miss Elizabeth Thompson, a daughter of John Thompson, of Ohio. She was bom in Pickaway County, that State, where she lost her parents by death previous to coming to Illinois. The marriage took place March 1 1. 1865, and proved lo be a true union and one which led up to a life Qf more than ordinary domestic happi- ness and prosperity. They are both earnest anil active members of the Free Methodist Church and they find in its communion and duties comfort in the trial- of life and broad opportunity for use- fulness. To Mr. and Mr-. Kesler have been bom eight children. -ix of whom are now living. Marv Nettie r \ £.& PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 205 is married to Lincoln Bechtel and resides on a farm in Dry Point Township; Elmer and Charles who are both unmarried and r re.-idc at Pullman. 111., near Chicago, are in the employ of the Pullman Palace Car Company. The next daughter. Annie, makes her home with her parents, and the younger ones. Harry and Bessie, are still at hone. Two lovely infants. John ami Lola Belle, were snatched from their parents' arms by death. lie of whom we write is well known throughout the length and breadth of Shelby County as an honorable business man. possessing the esteem and confidence of all with whom he is associated in business. He deals in grain, stock and agricultural implements and has at present the control of the stoek business at Cowden. Thisisa patriotic fam- ily who did not hesitate when the call came for volunteers to defend the old flag and the eternal principles of liberty in which they had been brought up. Political matters with them are based upon moral issues and a hatred of slavery and a love for their country became a controlling influ- ence. They cheerfully sacrificed the comforts of home and yielded with resignation to the loss of their father when the time came. During all Mr. Kcsler's earlier years In- was a Republican in his sentiments and vote, hut a few years ago became a Prohibitionist and has since voted with that party on legislative and national issue.-. J ON. EDWARD ROESSLER. [n this sketch we present to the attention of our reader- a short record of the life history of a man who i- well known in Shelby County, not only on account of his honorable war record, but also as the former representative of this district in the Legislature of the State of Illinois. We also invite the attention of the reader to his portrail on the opposite page. His father. Christian Roes- sler. was horn in Wurtemburg, Germany, and came to America in 1815, locating in Lancaster. Fair- field County. Ohio. He learned the trade of a wagon-maker in the Old Country and pursued that business at different place- in Europe. A skilled and competent workman, he earned an excellent reputation for thoroughness and efficiency. Upon i ling to Lancaster. Ohio, he engaged in business for himself, and his work was noted far and wide for its excellence and completeness. He continued thus employed in Lancaster until 1882, when he -old out and purchased a farm in Fairfield County, where he turned his attention to farming anil made it his home until 1S49. During the year just mentioned Christian Roo- ster sold his farm in Ohio and emigrated to Illi- nois, settling in what is now Rose Township. Shelbi County. There he continued to live until his demise, which occurred in September, 1861. His marriage in Lancaster united him with Eliz- abeth Miller, who was born in Hesse-Cassel, Ger- many, in the year 1799. She lived until duly. 1871, when she passed away in Rose Township. Loth Christian Roessler and his wife were earnest ill their religious life as members of the Lutheran Church. He ever took an active part in local affairs and was efficient in helping to build the old Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad when it passed through Shelby County, and was a stock- holder in that company. He had a family of four sons and two daughters — Reuben. Edward; Re- gina, who is the wife of 15. Christman; Andrew; Philip, and Elizabeth, who is the wife of Charles Pfeiffer. Lancaster. Fairfield County. Ohio, is the native town of our subject, who was born January 13, 1*2."). In that town his early years were passed. and he was about nine years old when his father removed to the farm, where the boy grew to man- hood, alternating hi- attendance at the district school with the healthful pursuits of farm life. He continued to remain at home until he had reached hi- majority and then enlisted, in lX-lti. with his brother Reuben, in the United State- Army for service in the Mexican War. Edward became a member of Company B. Fourth Ohio Infantry, and was in service all through the war. The most im- portant engagement in which he took part was the battle of Monterey. He was mustered out of the service at Cincinnati. Ohio, and returned to Lan- caster, the same State. 206 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. The young man had determined to come West, and in the spring of 1849 lie removed to Shelby County, 111., with hi* father's family. He bought about two hundred and forty acres and his father some five hundred acres, all of it in Rose Town- ship. During the season he set about improving his land and preparing to establish his home in the new country. During the latter part of the sum- mer he returned to the old home in Fairfield County, Ohio, and was there married August •'>. 1K4'.i. to Anna Stumpf, who was horn in Verden, Hanover, Germany, her birth occurring February 14, 1831. She was two years old when she came with her parents to ( )hio, her father being < S-earhart Stumpf, and her mother's maiden name being Cath- erina Luehrs. The mother died of cholera in Cin- cinnati. Ohio, in ISIS, and the father did not long tarry, but passed away after leaching Hose Town- ship in 18.V2. Mr. and Mrs. Roessler are the parents of twelve children, namely: Reuben, who died in infancy: David, who married Charlotte Wetzel; Solomon. who married Susie Kellogg, and is a military en- gineer in the Regular Army: Charles, a farmer, who married Emma Wetzel, now deceased: John, who took to wife Anna Harbour and is a professor in Valparaiso Normal School; Anna, now the wife of George Wendling; Amelia, who married Ed- ward Wagoner; Clara, who is Mrs. Adolph Reiss; Charlotte', the wife of William Zollinger; Minnie, who is engaged in the Hoopeston College, of Hoopeston, III., as a teacher of vocal and instru- mental music, in which she is very proficient; ( reorge and Henry. On the breaking oul of the Civil War Mr. R'oes- sler took an active part in forwarding enlistments, and himself raised an independent company, of which he was commissioned Captain. Hisc'ompany was assigned to the Fifty-fourth Illinois [nfantry, and he afterward raised twocompanies, which were asssgned to the same regiment. In consequence of his energy and zeal he filled the office of Colonel. although not regularly commissioned, and re- mained in that position until he resigned in No- vember. L862. In the fall of I870the subject of this sketch was elected to the Twenty-seventh General Assembly of the Slate of Illinois. He tilled this responsible position with ability and satisfaction to his con- stituents, and has continued to lake an interest in political matters, especially in local movements. lie was elected the first Supervisor of Rose Town- ship, after the organization of that township, and served in that capacity for about ten years, and for several years was Chairman of the Hoard. Both Mr. and Mis. Roessler are prominent mem- bers of the Lutheran Church and are active workers in its schemes of benevolence. They are liberal contributors to all church purposes and helped generously in the project of constructing a new- house of worship. Our subject's chief business in life has been the pursuit of agriculture and he is now the owner of two hundred and forty acres, upon which he has placed good improvements, in- cluding excellent anil commodious buildings. BIA CHTPPS. Located in the fertile val- ley of Jonathan Creek, is a farm of four hundred acres, located on section 15, of (2/ the township which take- its name from the water supply. Picturesque anil beautiful are the meadows, pasture, orchard and wood lot of the farm, and happy should lie the owner of so line a place. The fortunate man who is possessor of this land, is he whose name is at the head of this sketcll. lie settled in the county in the fall. November '2d. 18.58. and since that time, has here made his resi- dence, applying his time and attention to the up- building and cultivation not only of his own pos- sessions, but also to tin' improvement and the elevation in tone, of the whole Community. Abia Chipps was born in Harrison County, W. Va., June 8, 1852, and is a son of Asa W. and Mel- \ ina E. (Duvall) Chipps. natives respectively of Morgan and Harrison Counties, W. \ a. They were married in their native State, ill 1851. The fam- ily came to this county in 1858, and purchased eightj acres of raw land. This is now beautified and made valuable by a line walnut grove which was planted by our subject. The mother of the PORTRAIT AND I'.K )( IRAIMIK AI. RECORD. 20i family died April 1. 1863. she had six children, of whom four lived to be grown. They are Abia, Kate, Addie and Jefferson K. Kate is now the widow of John Landers; Addie is the wife of R. I). Curd, and resides in Dos Moines. Iowa: Jeffer- son E. operates a farm of Ids own. Our subject's father was a second time married, this union being with Mrs. Mary S. Adams nee Bar- ton, and in 1877, he removed with his family to Columbia, Mo., remaining there for fourteen years and then returned to this county. By her previous marriage, Mrs. Chipps, Sr., was the mother of one son. whose name was .lames Williams. Politically the father wa> a Democrat, and held local office. Our subject was reared on a farm and educated at the Academy of Mount Zion, III. A thoughtful young man, fond of study and of original research. he developed a liking for pedagogic work, and en- gaged for some time in teaching, in which he con- tinued even two years after his marriage, which was solemnized January 1. 1*77. his bride being Miss America K. Lilly, who was horn in this county. After marriage our subject purchased eighty acres of land, and this amount with its proceeds, he so carefully husbanded, that he is now the owner of four hundred acres of land. He is engaged in the business of stock raising, which he finds very profit- able, bringing much of his stock to the metropoli- tan markets. Our subject and his wife are the parents of seven children, whose names are as follows: Ilallie. Wil- lis; Clifford, who is deceased: Raymond, Karl. Alta and Paul. Politically our subject is a mem- ber of the Democratic part \ . lie has been Super- visor of the township for live terms, anil has held various minor local offices. Socially he is a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Odd fellows. — 5- —<&. 1>^f Pennsyl- vania and Ohio respectively. There were born to them six children, our subject being the second. The father died in staik County, Ohio, a1 the age of seventy-two years; he was an honorable man. whose memory is revered in the hearts of his children. The mother died at the residence of our subject in Tower Hill Township in 1885. The gentleman whose name introduces these paragraphs was born in Tuscarawas County. Ohio. September II. 1834 and was reared to manhood in his native place. He lived on a farm although his father followed the occupation of an engineer in a blast furnace. He attended the district schools, where he became practically well informed in ordi- nary branches of study. Upon attaining to the Opening years of a stalwart manhood Mr. Metsker in a few years earned enough to admit of his establishing a home, and accordingly he was mar- ried in Canton, Ohio, in November, 1858, to Catherine Heck, a native of Tuscarawas County, ( )hio. and born about 1836. The young couple settled in that county where they continued to reside until 1865. In that year they removed to Illinois, choosing as their home section 17, Tower Hill Township. Shelby County, ami here Mr. Metsker has since resided. Six chil- dren came to bios the home, a record of whom we give below: John \\ .. married Miss Nellie Dean and is a farmer in Colorado; Martha; Mary, is the wife of Charles W. Wolf, a farmer of Tower Hill Town-hip; Alice married .lames Bottsford; Km ma and Lewis are still at home. The wife and mother died at her I ic November \. 1871. Mr. Metsker was again married, choosing as his bride Miss Elizabeth Heck, the sister of his former wife, and they have three children — Fred. Augus- tus and Perry. Mr. Metsker has always been en- 208 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. gaged in agricultural pursuits and has embellished hi- farm with g 1 buildings. Politically he casts his ballot for the candidates of the United Labor party, the principles of which he believes will best subserve the welfare of the Government. He has held the important office of School Director and has in other ways been closely identified with the progress <>f the community. Mrs. Metsker is a faith- ful member of the Lutheran Church and enjoys the esteem of her large circle of acquaintances. \ *=*=* J ()1 IN P. GLASSCOCK. The agricultural community of Whitley Township, Moultrie County, is one of the prime elements in the industrial and financial success of the county. It is notable as being of ;i superior order, both in intelligence and enterprise and nowhere can be found more efficient farmers or finer-look- ing farms. Among these capable agriculturists we name with pleasure and pride the gentleman of whom we are now writing. Asa Glasscock, the father of our subject, was a uative of Virginia and his mother, Mary (Pen- quite) Glasscock was a Pennsylvanian by birth. The Old Dominion was the scene of their marriage and they shortly afterward emigrated to Kentucky settling in Fleming County in IKK! and living there for a number of years. Asa Glasscock finally died ill Mason County. Ky.. and his wife passed away in Warren County. Ohio. They had eleven children of whom our subject was the youngest. Fleming County. Ky.. is the native home of John P. Glasscock and April 22. 1825 was his natal day. In this county he passed his early years, B little later emigrating to Mason County and after- ward to Warren County. Ohio, where he grew to manhood. The varied experiences of his early years and the thorough drill which he received upon the farm added to his natural ability, pro- ducing a line and vigorous young manl d. well equipped to undergo the struggles of lite. In Warren County, Ohio, this young man met the lady whom he chose from all the world to be his life companion, ami he was married in 1845 to Catherine Crosson, by whom he had live children, namely: Man - C, Sarilda. Margaret E., Catherine S. and one who died in infancy. The lovely mother of thee children died while the family still resided in Ohio and somewhat later our sub- ject was married in Warren County to Elizabeth Mount, who also became the mother of five chil- dren — George (•.. Ruth A.. Martha A.. Fiances Anna and F. s. Mrs. Elizabeth Glasscock died in Whitley Township in 1887 upon the 12tb of Sep- tember. It was in 1869 that Mr. Glasscock determined to remove from Ohio to Moultrie County, 111., and here he settled upon section Hi. Whitley Town- ship, where he has ever since been a resilient. Upon his farm here he has placed excellent buildings and his home is not only attractively located but i- also a place where friendly and social gatherings are held and where neighbors ever feel that they are welcome. Mr. Glasscock has been Highway Commissioner, having filled that office with satis- faction and profit to his township. He has ever taken a fair degree of interest in local polities and is considered one of the sound Republicans of that section of the county. ^^te®3[HP^~ SAAC HORN. An honorable citizen and a thorough business man. a practical mechanic, and the representative of a worthy family is to lie found in Isaac Horn, who is now a farmer and stock-grower residing on section 29, Sullivan Town- ship. He was born in Washington County. Pa., .Iul\ 30, 1832. His parent- John and Mary M. (Gantz) Horn, as well as his paternal grandparents uerc Datives of Pennsylvania, while the great- grandparents on that side came from Germany. The subject of this sketch worked with his father upon the farm in Pennsylvania until he reached the age of nineteen years, when he worked at the Carpenter's trade until 1870, at which time he made his permanent home mi a farm in Moultrie County. III. It wa- in 1865 when he came to Illinois and mi account of failing health being obliged to stop PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 209 his mechanical work he decided to settle' upon a farm. For several years past he has done hut little more than to superintend his various interests in Moultrie County. The marriage of Mr. Horn, February 13, 1870, united him with Miss Barbara A. Hudson, a daugh- ter of J. J. Hudson, for whose family history, the reader will please see the sketch of Isaac Hudson upon another page. Of the Horn family there were twelve children horn, seven sons and five daughters, namely: Martin, who resides on a farm in Knox County, Ohio; George C, who lives on the old homestead in Washington County, Pa., which was entered from the Government by the great-grandfather of our subject; two girls who died in early childhood; Hugh X., who resides in Henry County. Iowa and is engaged in farming; our subject; Mary M.. the widow of W. M. 1>. Price, who resides in California; Hannah, who married first Eleven Alva, who died in 1868, and is now Mrs. Squire Woodruff: Jacob, who enlisted in a cavalry organization afterward known as the Ringold Cavalry, and having served three years died a few days after the expiration of Ids term of service, passing away in Clarysville Hospital. Md.; John, who died in Pennsylvania when sixteen years old; Sarah Maria, wife of George Coogle who resides in her native county and William M. who owns a portion of the old homestead in Penn- sylvania a tine tract of three hundred and four acres which was divided between George and William. Isaac Horn was the financier of the family and in his carh days undertook the difficult task of saving the old homestead from the relentless hand of a security debt which was contracted by the father. By dint of a tremendous effort and the sacrifice of years of his early manhood the prop- erty was saved and he afterward soid his interest, a- did the other heirs, to tin- two brothers. The parents passed awaj in Pennsylvania. To oursubjeel and his estimable wife six children came: the eldest, a son. died in early infancy; the second a girl died when nine months old; Leslie C, was horn August '■'<. 1*77: Doy O., February 3. ism': Karl A.. April 12. 1884; and Chester July 3. 1886. When Mr. Horn came to Illinois in l!sli."i he brought with him the results of his savings at the carpenter's bench anil his share from the sale of the old homestead, making in all about $7,000. This he invested in lands and improvements ill Sullivan Township. Mrs. Horn had inherited two hundred and seventeen acres and to this her hus- band has added at different times by purchase until they now own eight hundred and sixty-two acres of tine farming and timber lands. Fine improve- ments and good buildings are upon the place. One of their farms, a tract of three hundred and live acres, located near Sullivan, is usually rented out on shares. This gentleman has ever taken a thoroughly in- telligent interest in public affairs and his political convictions have led him to ally himself with the Republican party, but office he has never sought and has often declined, as he prefers home-life and the quiet pursuit of agriculture to the turmoil of the political arena. He has accumulated a line property, the income from which will afford him and his family a good living during their lives. •& Op 1 - <£» olIX R. MrCLliiK.a successful general groc- ery man. doing business on the east side of the public square at Sullivan. Moultrie County, has recently erected a tine, t wo-story brick building, 70x25^ feet with a basement, where he is carrying on an extensive business. lli> first store was opened in January. 1857, since which time hi' has been a successful merchant, with the ex- ception of fourteen years, during which time he engaged in farming in Sullivan Township. He has lived in this count\ since October, 1853, making his home either in Sullivan or vicinity, and ever showing himself an energet ic and public-spirited cit- izen. Mr. McClure is active in local politics, being warmly attached to the Democratic party, and was at one I hue an Alderman of the city. lie is deepl\ interested in schools and a promoter of the cause of education, tlewasborn in Franklin County. Ind.. August 8, 1835. His father. Lewi- I). McClure be- ing al-o a native of that county and a son of Will- 2 III PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. i ; i iii McClure, a Keiitiickia.il who came of Scotch- Irish descent, bill whose parents were born in Vir- ginia. They came to Kentucky in the time of Daniel Boone and became pioneers near Lexington. William McClure became a farmer and was mar- ried in Butler County, Ohio, to .Miss Phebe Fads. an aunt of the late Capt. Eads who built the great bridge at St. Louis, and also the builder of the Mississippi River jetties. Some years after marriage this couple, about the beginning of this century, removed to Franklin County,Ind., and there spent the remainder of their days, being past middle life at tin- time of their decease. They were consistent and earnest members of the old-school Baptist Church. Lewis I). McClure, the father of our sub- ject, was born and reared in Franklin County. hid., and learned tin 1 trade of a blacksmith which lie fol- lowed for a number of years, after which he under- took farming. He was married in Franklin County to Miss Elizabeth Rockefellar, a kinswoman of the great oil speculator. Her parents, John and Mary (Thorp) Rockefellar, were early settlers in Franklin County, coming there in 1 805 from Trenton, N. •!.. and there remaining through life. They were Methodists in their religious convictions. After the birth of three children Lewis I). Mc- Clure and wife left Indiana with a team and wagon and after a long and tedious journey landed in ( lark County. 111., where they settled upon the farm where they now reside. Ml". McClure having reached the age of seventy-eight years and his wife being now eighty-two. They have both been active workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church through- out life and they are enjoying a quiet and peaceful old age. John R. McClure i~ the eldest of six children, all lull one of whom are slill living. When eighteen years old he set out for himself, coming to Sullivan County, where lie began life as a poor boy with but little means, and has now accumulated a com- fortable but modest fortune. His marriage to Miss Sophronia Tichenor. a Dative of Sullivan County, Ind.. occurred in this county. She died in the prime <>f lift 1 , leaving two children —Edgar who is at home and :i-~ is-t - lii- lather; and William, who look to wife Laura Mat tcrson. and lives in Sullivan City, although he also assists his father a part of the time, but is :i printer by trade. Mr. McClure was the second time married in Sullivan. Miss Julia Calkins, who was horn in Licking County. Ohio, becoming his wife. Her father. Uranius Calkins, lived to the age of four-score years, and her mother is still living in Licking County, being now about three-score and ten. Mr. and Mrs. Calkins were efficient and consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. McClure. like her husband, is a member of the .Methodist Church, and is a true and good woman. She is bringing up her five children in the Christian faith and giving them the best advantages possible for an educational and domestic training. Their names are Charlie. Ida, Cora. Flora and Elmer. Mr. Mc dure is a charter member of the lodge of Odd Fellows, and also of the Masonic lodgeat Sullivan. <"- ~S) £+£ r=> [= EV. ELIJAH GOLLOGHER, The work of a minister in the Western States hasever entailed a great degree of severe labor and privation, and the brave men who have undertaken the work of the preacher among new settlements have had abundant opportunity to em- ulate apostolic self denial and zeal, and have many of them quite undermined their health by the severe efforts which they passed through. Such an one is our subject who now resides in Stewardson, Shelby- County, and who was born in Holland Township. March 21. 1841. Mr. Gollogher is the son of Wesley and Sarah ( Middlesworth ) Gollogher, who were natives of Fairfield County. Ohio. The paternal grandfather pf our subject, Thomas Gollogher, was horn in Ire- land and came to the United States while a young man. While living in Pennsylvania, he was united in mai riage to a lady of < lerman birth and soon re- moved to Fairfield County. ( >hio, where they reared a pioneer family of eight sons and two daughters. Wesley Gollogher was the seventh son iii that fam- ily, anil he like his father, became a farmer by oc- cupation and in 1K.'57 removed to Indiana. In 1839 the father of our subject came to Shelby ( ounty, III., and settled in Holland Township, pur- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 211 chasing :i small claim and entering some three hun- dred acres of land. Here he made his home until L878, when lie removed to Shelbyville, where he died January 28, 1880. He and his affectionate and faithful wife had been most harmoniously re- lated in their wedded life and their separation by death was brief, as her passage to the other world took place February 28, 1880, just one month after his. In their religious life they had been connected with the Methodist Church and were valuable and valued workers therein. The children of this worthy couple are Mrs. Mary J. Allen who resides in Wallace, Neb.; Sarah A. who is now Mrs. S. "'. Wilson ami resides near Shelbyville; Elijah, our subject; Louisa M., mar- ried the Rev. David Gay and makes her home in Decatur; Minerva, whose husband, X. 1'. Smith, is a physician in Paris, 111.; Thomas J. who resides in Shelby County, and Lucy M. who married II. B. Smith M. D. Of Shelbyville. Farm training and the life of a school boy in the common schools of Shelby County, tilled up the early years of our subject, but he did not take all of his education by any means in the school- house, for he has carried it on through life as he is an extensive reader and a man who delights in the pursuits of literature which is broadening and im- proving in its effects upon his mind. In 1866 he left the rami and for six years was in the grocery trade at Shelbyville, after which he returned to the farm for live years. Elijah Gollogher was but sixteen years old when he gave himself to Christ and became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Being a nominal member of the church did not satiisfy him as he be- came at once an active worker in both church and Sabbath-school, and for many years devoted him self to the work of a local preacher. It was in 1 S 7 « > when this earnest man became a member of tin' Illinois Conference, alter which he located as pastor at Oconee for two years, at Lov- ington for two years and one year at Stewardson. Not having had the advantages of ,-i thorough edu- cation in his bo\ hood, he endeavored to supplement this \\ hi It- carr\ ing on his pastoral work, and owing to over exertion his health failed. This obliged him to devote himself again tor four years to the culti- vation of his farm, after which he became pastor for one year at Bismarck, then for three years at Murdock, and one year at Lerna, but on account of throat trouble lie was obliged to leave the min- istry permanently and in the fall of 1890 he erected a beautiful residence at Stewardson where he hopes to make his home for life. He owns eighty acres of land in Prairie Township, upon which he is car- rying on fruit raising. The Rev. Mr.Gollogher was married May 22,1862, to Rebecca I-'.. Young, a daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Wertman) Young, who has proved a faith- ful and true-hearted companion. This lady was bom in Christian County. 111. The Democratic party commanded the respect and vote of our sub- ject in his early life but it was not long before he decided to ally himself with the Organization which placed Abraham Lincoln in the Presidental chair. His deep and serious interest in the cause of tem- perance leads him now to vote for prohibition and to work for its success in both the moral and political field. J -i«;—I-*j. ; IIOMAS PORTER was born in one of the /, \ early pioneer home> of Central Illinois, on ' a farm fifteen miles southwesl of Spring- field, April 14,1831, and consequently has wit- uessed much of the development of this part of the state fr a wilderness. And not only that, but he has aided in its growth by his work as a prac- tical tanner in Shelby County, where he now owns a valuable farm, finely located in Moweaqua Township. Our subject's father. Henry Porter, was bom in Maryland, and came fr there to Illinois in 1826. He was one of the first settlers oi Sangamon County, and fora few years resided on Lick Creek, where he busied himself in fanning the virgin soil. lie then became a pioneer of Christian Count \ . and with his limited means he bought forty acres of timber that was partly grown, and after he had built a log house to shelter his family, he com- menced to clear his laud. He remained a resident of that county man\ years, living to see it well 212 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. developed, and died there at the venerable age of ninety years. In early 111:111 li 1 he married Nancy Bowles, who was likewise a native of Maryland, and she died on the home farm in Sangamon County. Our subject was but three years old when his parents removed to Christian County, and he was brought up amid pioneer surroundings, as at that time the country was very sparsely inhabited, deer. wild turkeys and other kinds of game being very plentiful where there are now productive farms and busy towns. There were no railways, and the nearest dour mill was in Sangamon County, fifty- five miles distant. People lived off the products of their farms, their limited fare being occasionally varied by the addition of game, and corn meal was the principal breadstuff. When Mr. Porter was eight years old he went to live with .John Campbell on the hanks of Lick Creek, and remained with him three years. The Sturdy, independent little lad then cared for him- self after that, and used to earn his living by working out by the month or day. For some years he was employed in a saw-mill, and in due time he was enabled to marry and establish a home. After marriage he turned his attention to farming in Shelby County, on a farm owned by his father- in-law in Flat Branch Township. He farmed there sixteen years, and at the end of that time bought his present farm, which is classed among the finest in all Moweaqua Township. Its two hundred and eighty a< res are admirably tilled ami yield large harvests in repayment for the care expended upon them, while its improvements are of a good order. including three sets of commodious frame build- ings. In January, 1857, .Mr. Porter was married to Miss Julia Ann Stombaugh, and in her lie found all that a true wife can be to her husband. She was a lender mother to their children, of whom there are five living: Mary Catherine, wife of John T. Ilaslain; Eliza A., wife of George I">. Carrington; Sarah Isabelle, wife of Wesley Snell; Dudley, who married Mary Prescott; and Mat;., wifeof Eugene Harper. Mrs. Porter who was a daughter of Mai- tin and Catherine (Traughber) Stombaugh, was born in Tennessee July 27. 1828, and died in the home in this township that she had blessed so many years March 1."). 1891. She was a Christian in word and deed, and was a devoted member of the Protestant Methodist Church. In this summary of the life of our subject it is shown that he is a self-made man. who began to make his own way in the world at a much earlier age than is usual with boys, and with down-right hard labor, seconded by thrift and prudent man- agement, has become possessed of a comfortable property, so that he is well fortified against pov- erty, and can pas> his remaining years free from the necessity of incessant toil, lie is a thoroughly good citizen, a man of sterling honesty, and has led a consistent Christian life since he joined the Protestant Methodist Church in 1861 with his wife. In politics he is a Democrat, tried and true. So -J ^IIO.MAS LEGGITT. This successful farmer and old soldier who resides on ,-ec- <^J tion 7, Whitley Township. i> the son of Thomas X. Leggitt, who was born in Licking County, Ohio, and of Evaline E. Kliver, a native of the same place. There they were married and made their first home and thence removed in course of time to VigO County. Ind.. where they resided a year before coming to Edgar County. There they settled and remained permanently for eleven years, after which they returned to Indiana and purchased a farm in Vigo County where they lived for five years. Thomas X. Leggitt then sold out his Indiana farm and removed to Kansas, settling near Independence where he died in 1889. His bereaved widow survives him and is making her home with her children in Kansas City. Of the fourteen children of this worthy couple our subject was the third in order of age, being bom in Licking County, Ohio, August !•. 1*12. lie was still residing under the parental roof when the Civil War broke out and President Lincoln made his first call for troops, our young man promptly enlisted in the service of his country, the date of his enlistment being April 2(1. 1861. lie joined ( 'ompany < ;. Forty-third Indiana Regiment, PORTRAIT AND Bit KJRAIMIICAL RECORD. 2 1 5 mid served until August 29, 1862, when lie was mustered out of service. Bu1 this short period of warfare did not satisfy the young soldier and he recruited and was mus- tered in again in Company I!. Seventy-first Indi- ana Regiment, or Sixth Cavalry, serving' in that company until September, 1865, with the exception of three months during which lie was in Company E, of the same regiment, lie was wounded at Moore's Landing, Ark., the hall going through his left hand. All through this period of conflict he was the same brave, unflinching, intrepid soldier, worthy of trust and relianeeand full of enthusiasm for the old Hag and the Union. He never felt that he diil or could do too much Cor his native country and its institutions of liberty. When the war was over our young hero returned to his father's home in Edgar County. III., hut re- mained with him only a few months as he had now resolved to strike out for himself. In March. 1866 he came to Moultrie County and began work by the month, afterward going to the home of an uncle and remaining two years. In Moultrie County this young man found the lady who was to be his companion through life and was united with her in marriage April 20. 1871. She was a widow at the time of her marriage with him, her name being Mrs. Julia A. Whitfield, nee Reed. She was a native of Moultrie County, hav- ing been born here November 11. 1844. After marriage they settled in Whitley Township where he has since been a resident. The six children who have been granted to Mr. and Mrs. I.cggitt arc Thomas I.. Clara .1.. Mary E., Julia E., William A. and Olive A. William A. died when only nine months old but the other children have lived to be the joy and comfort of their affectionate ami judicious parents. Mr. I.cg- gitt has always been engaged in agricultural pur- suits and is a successful man in his work. One hundred and fifteen acres of rich soil constitutes his farm, upon which he has made excellent im- provements. Of his war record he may truly feel proud as it proved the stuff of which he was made and all who knew him in that relation arc proud to say that he did good service and his full duty by his country in her hour of need. At the time he was mustered out he had the rank of First Cor- poral. The buildings upon his farm arc lirst-class and his home is a delightful one. within the walls of which he and his amiable wife extend toward their friends a gracious hospitality. ,+ k.^ . ^, i, i , , > f i ' i i i i | i ELEAZAR A. PYATT, M. D. To attain dis- tinction in any one of the learned profes- j sions is the proud ambition of many a man who is struggling through the early portion of his career, but it, is looked forward to as the prize to be gained toward the end of the race, and when then gained it may well be accounted as having been worth a struggle. We occasionally, however, know of an instance when a man still young has attained to this high position, and his success is certainly worthy of applause and emulation. Such was the success of Dr. I'yatt, of Bethany, Moultrie County, during the early days of the Civil War, when he was placed in a position of responsibility and trust which established his reputation for all time. Dr. I'yatt. who located in this county in 1868, and is therefore the oldest physician in Bethany, was born in Yancey County. N. C. October it. 1832, and is a son of Joseph and Jane (Brooks) Pyatt, both of North Carolina, the latter being of Scotch descent. The grandfather of Joseph Pyatt was born in Coventry, England, of French parentage and came to the United States when only sixteen years of age. just before the breaking out of the Revolutionary War. lie immediately attached himself to the cause of political liberty and served all through that period of conflict and shared in the struggles and hardships of Washington's army. At the conclusion of the war he settled in l'.urke County. N. ('.. and engaged in farming, though he was a hatter by trade. The father of our subject was reared a farmer, and having married in his native state. North Car- olina, resided tin re during his entire life, and dying at the age of seventy-four years, lie and his wor- thy wife reared two sons and four daughters and our subject is the fourth in order of birth. He was 2 1 6 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the only one to choose a profession, as the others have all been abundantly satisfied with the pursuit of agriculture. Burusville Academy in his native county gave to him a thorough education and pre- pared li 1111 excellently forthe pursuit of his profes- sional studies which he began at a very early age. When only twenty-five years old the Doctor was prepared to commence practice and located al Poor Hill. Tenn. He subsequently entered Jefferson Medical College al Philadelphia, and took his di- ploma from that institution in 1861, soon after which he entered the Confederate army. He was mustered in as a private but as soon as hi> talents and his professional skill became known he was made Assistant Surgeon-General, having charge of the Eastern Department of the Tennessee during the formation of those forces, some twenty thou- sand men being mustered into service in that de- partment. After the duties of thai position was discharged Dr. Pyatl was appointed Regimental Surgeon of the Nineteenth Tennessee Infantry, where he remained until the close of the war. being especially active during the engagements at Shiloh and Stone River. After the war Dr. Pyatl went to Virginia and was married October 16, 1865, iii Washington County, that State, to Ann E. Mahaffey, daughter of Hugh Mahaffey. She was a native of the county in which her marriage took place, having been born there July 20, 1845. After marriage the young couple settled in Hancock County. Tenn.. whence in 1867 they came to Illinois and foreight months were located at Ml. Zion, from which point they removed to Bethany. Dr. and Mrs. Pyatt have had six children. One of whom died in infancy and aimt her. Mary ( Srace, married Warren A. Wilkinson and died April 23, 1891, leaving one son. Walter A., who is no« deceased. Those who are living of the Doctor's family are: Edward ('., a druggisl at Brownsville, Ore.; George A., who is now attend- ing Lincoln University; Lulu Pearl and Anna I >orothy. Dr. Pyatt is a Democrat in his political views, but is not extremely partisan, notwithstanding the fact that he was connected with the Confederate service, but he esteems it his duty to take enougll interest in local matters to cast his vote on election day. Iii regard to his large ami lucrative practice and the handsome property which he has accumu- lated, he may truly be styled a self-made man, for he had but $3.00 and a horse when he made his home ill Tennessee after leaving his native State, and he was obliged to pawn his horse for six months' board. This, however, was only the beginning, as he at once commanded an extensive practice and was never again in straightened circumstances. He has easily accumulated property, as he has both the professional and business qualities which lead to success, and henow has over nine hundred acres of finely improved fanning land, upon which he has placed over $9,000 worth of tiling. His land is all in Marrowbone Township, near Bethany, and i^ considered one of the best farms in the township. His residence is said to lie the finest iii Moultrie County and it is not only beautiful in the exterior and delightfully located, but it i- also furnished throughout with good taste and i> the scene of cor- dial hospitality and domestic happiness. He is connected with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which he has joined since coming to this county, as lie had formerly belonged to the Old School Presbyterian Church. A lithographic portrait of the Doctor accompan- ies this sketch. •IIOMAS II. GRAHAM, Circuit Clerk of Shelby County, is a native of this State and a representative of one of the early pioneer families of Illinois. He is a veteran of the late war. ami he is well known and honored as one of Shelby ville's most worthy citizens. lie was born in Coles County. April 20, 1839. His father, Mar- tillas Graham, was born at Ft. Harrison. Inch. November 25, 1811. lie was a son of Jonathan Graham, who was born in North Carolina, January 12. I7H.S. He was one of the pioneers of Indiana, where he located in territorial days on a tract of limber land in the viciniU of Ft. Harrison, and he cleared a farm from the wilderness. At the time of his settlement there Indians were more numerous than the whites, and were oftentimes PORTRAIT AM) 1JM )( ill A l'l I It Al, RECORD. 2i; troublesome, and during the War of 1812 lie ac- cepted tin- advice of Gen. Harrison to retire to the fort. lie left the most of his belongings in his cabin, ami that night after he had removed to the fort his Inline was ransacked by the Indians and the block house was tired. He continued to reside at the fort until 1831, when he sold his farm to Thomas Springer, father of the lion. William Springer, and removed to Illinois. He spent one year in Coles County, and then coming to Shelby County, bought a farm one mile above town on the river. There was a gristmill on the place operated by horse power, and he managed that, while hi> sons carried on his farm. A few years later he sold that property, and returning to Coles County, bought a home seven miles north of Mat- toon and later entered Governnent land in the same loeality. He lived there some years but after the death of his second wife lie spent the rest of hi- life with his children. The maiden name of his first wife, grandmother of our subject, was Annie Hill. She was horn November 20, L786, and .she died on the farm in Shelby County. The father of our subject was reared and edu- cated amid the primitive scenes of the pioneer days of hi- aative Mate. Later he accompanied his parent- to their new home in the wilderness in this state, and followed farming with his father in this county until the family returned to Coles ( ounty, when he entered a tract of land from the Government, his claim being located seven miles from Mattoon on the line of Moultrie County, lie built a frame house on the place, and at once began the hard work of reclaiming his land from its nat- ural wild condition. There were no railways, and as there wa- 110 market for grain he fed his to his stock, which he drove to St. Louis or Chicago to -ell. After living there tw.i year- he returned to this county, and became prominently identified with its manufactures, purchasing a carding-mill at Shelliy ville. which was operated by horse and ox power. He liuilt an addition to the mill, and at the time of hi- death, which occurred January •-'.">. 1851, he had just introduced machinery to start a fulling-mill. He was a man of much energj of character and enterprise, ami his removal while yet in life's prime was a serious loss to the interests of the county, where his name is Mill cherished as that of an honored pioneer who helped to lay the foundations of it- prosperity. The parent- of our subject were married August .">. 1835, and the maiden name of hi- mother was l'hananda William-. She was horn in Pulaski County. Ky.. December .">. 1813. Her father was the Rev. Baylis Williams, a native of Virginia, coming from one of the wealthy old families of that State. lie inherited slaves, hut as he was op- posed to the institution of slavery, he liberated them and removed to a free State. lie resided in Pulaski County, Ky.. of which he was a pioneer, until 1830, when he came to Illinois with his wife and seven children, journeying thither with teams. bringing along household goods, and driving his stock. For four weeks the family traveled, camp- ing and cooking by the wayside al night and on Sunday.-, and at length arrived in this county, and settled one mile south of Shelliyvillc. The grand- father boughl six hundred and forty acre- of land in that vicinity, three miles south of the town. and there his mortal career was brought to a close in 1831. Thus early the influence of this good man was lo.-t to his community. He was of a strong, versatile character, and besides being a practicing physician, was a preacher of much local fame in the Methodist Episcopal denomination, and often- times he preached to his fellow-pioneers in the log court house. His mortal remains were deposited in the Ridge Cemetery. The maiden name of his first wife, the maternal grandmother of our sub- ject, "a- Elizabeth Bowen. She died in Kentucky in 1X17. The venerable mother of our subject >till resides in Shelbyville. She retains in a re- markable degree her mental faculties, and is greatly respected for the genuine worth of her character. She has been a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1832. Her husband joined in his youthful days, and was an earnest Christian and supporter of the church until the day of his death. Ill his politic- he was an old-line Whig, and was opposed to slaverj . The subject of this biographical review laid the foundation of his education in the public schools of this State, and at the age of twelve years en- tered a printing office to learn to set type. His 218 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. employer soon suspended, and the ensuing two years the lad was engaged at various kinds of work, and attended school during the winter ses- sions. At the age of fourteen he again entered a printing office, and worked therein until ls.">7. He then accepted a position a- clerk in the Circuit Clerk's otliee at Shelbyville and acted in that ca- pacity until 1S."i!». when he started for the Terri- tory of Kansas, going by rail to St. Joseph, Mo., and thence by stage to Lawrence, which was then a village of about two thousand people. The ensuing year he was engaged there as manager of a sawmill, hut in the fall of I860 In- gave up that position to resume his old trade ina printing office, where he was employed until .Inly, 1861. In that month he started with others for the Rocky Moun- tains, making the journey across the plains with six yoke of oxen. At that time there were hut very few white settlers between St. Joseph and the Rockies, and buffaloes and other wild animals roamed in large herds across the sterile plains known as the "Great American Desert." Mr. Graham roughed it as a frontier-man in the mountains nearly a year, and then retraced his footsteps to Kansas, where in July. 1862, he en- listed in Company li. Twelfth Kansas Cavalry. He was soon detailed to serve in the Commissary De- partment, and rendered valuable aid in that im- po]i:iui branch of the service until after the close of the war. lie was honorably discharged with his regiment at Ft. Leavenworth in July. 1865, and returning to Lawrence, he continued his residence ill Kansas until 1868, when lie came back to his old home at Shelbyville. From that time until 1881 he was a clerk in different law offices, and in that year was appointed Deputy County Clerk. He retained that position until 1886, and was after that clerk in a law office until he was elected to li is present office as Circuit Clerk in 1888, for a term of four years. Ili> selection for tin- important position was a wise one in point of qualification and experience, and he i- performing the work connected with it with characteristic zeal and de- votion to his duty. Asa gentleman of unimpeachable integrity and high Standing in the county where so many years of his life have been passed, our subject is looked upon with consideration and genuine respect by all who know him. lie i> sound in his political views, which are in accordance with the tenets of the Democratic party, which has in him an earnest supporter. Socially, he is allied with the Black Hawk Lodge, No. 183, K. of P. He is a Director in the Laborers' Loan Association, and has helped to make it a success. EPHRAIM H. COOK, of Shelbyville. is one of the most popular, keen and wide-awake of the men whose liberal, progressive and far- sighted methods have been potent in the making of this county. He ha- in various ways borne a part in its upbuilding and in the extension of its indus- trial interests for more than thirty years, and to- day is widely known as one who ha- been influen- tial in the introduction and bleeding of tine horse- in this section of the state. In Washington County. Md., is the birthplace of our subject, two miles from Hagerstown, and he first Opened his eye,- to the familiar scenes of his boyhood October 2. 1834. His father. John Cook, was a native of Franklin County. Pa. He was married at Greencastle, his native state, to Miss Hannah Hoffman, who was born in Baltimore County. Md. and died in Funkstown, the same state, in 1848, leaving five children — Fohn, George, Ephraim II., Eliza and William. The lather was a blacksmith, and removing from Greencastle to Funkstown. lie followed his trade there Tor a time and then Opened a hotel. Ih' resided there until his death in I857,and his conimuiiit \ was thus de- prived of one of it> most substantial citizens who was greatly respected. lie of whom this brief life-record is written was educated in hi- native town, and at the age of seventeen the energetic, -elf-reliant youth began an apprenticeship at Hagerstown to learn the trade of a carpenter and joiner. lb' served two year-, ami having gained an accurate knowledge of hi- calling he worked at it on hi- own a < -count :it Greencastle, l'a. one season, and at Baltimore, Md.. for the same length of time. With characteristic foresight and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 2 1 9 business acumen In- judged that the inure newly settled regions of the great Prairie State offered a wider Held tn men in hi- line than the older por- tions of the country that had long been inhabited, and lie resolved to take advantage of such oppor- tunities as lie might seize here to build up his for- tunes, and in 1855 we find him located at Mt. Morris, in OgleCounty. He was actively employed at his trade there until 1859, and in that year took an important step in life in then making I hi- county his future residence, which has accrued to his ben- efit as well as to that of the community at large. He has ever since made Shelby ville his home. He earned on the business of contractor and builder for some years, was instrumental in introducing a style of architecture useful as well as ornamental, and sonic of the best buildings here, including the Methodist Episcopaland Presbyterian Churches are monuments to his skill, lie is a man of large en- terprise and by no means confined his attention wholly to his work as a contractor, but branched out in other directions, and at the same time was interested in a flouring mill at Windsor and in a saw-mill ten miles south of the city, also engaged in the lumber business and farming, and for a time was interested in the foundry. Soon after coming here Mr. Cook bought his farm, which is a valuable and well improved prop- erty, advantageously located three miles east of the city. It is admirably adapted to stock-raising purposes, and Mr. Cook devotes it principally to the business of breeding horses, and with such success that he is the owner of some of the finest thorough-breds, draft and trotting horses in the country. At the present time he has four stallions, one of them an imported English draft horse and one an imported Clydesdale, lie is the owner of the celebrated "Hazel X.." of the Hambletonian and Meinbrino stock, registered number 11,600. He is a handsome bay with black points, and is consid- ered one of the finest horse- in the State. ''Cuya- hoga Chief", another of his fine horses, is a handsome black, of the Blackhawk, Morgan and Membrino Chief strains. Mr. Cook was married in 1858 to Ellen Virginia Fouke, a native of Shepherd-town. \'a.. and a daughter of .lames and Angelina (livers) Fouke. They are ver\ pleasantly Situated in one of the well-appointed residences of Shelbyville, whose furnishings and surroundings arc luxurious, and the cordiality and good will exercised by it- gen- erous host and hostess and others of the household toward all who enter therein is something to be remembered with pleasure. .Mr. and Mrs. Cook have seven children, namely: Wilbur; Eva, wife of Charles E. Ilavdon; John II.. Nellie. Harry. Walter and Charles. Our subject has not stooped to query whether or no "life is worth living", but has made it so by sheer force of an active spirit and an indomitable will, guided by sound sense and high principles and seconded by a judgment in business matters that is unerringand bya masterly ability to accom- plish whatever he sets his hand to. He i- a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is liberal in his contributions for its support, and exercises true public spirit in all things that will in anyway en- hance the well-being of the community. He is a Republican in politics and is devoted to his party. ACOBGALSTER As his name would in- dicate, our subject i- of Ccrman descent. although bom in the United States. His , J' birthplace was Tuscarawas County. Ohio, and his natal day was April 1. 1843. He is now a resident on section 27. and also owns land on sec- tion- 22 and 28, Rural Township, having made a settlement in Shelby County in the fall of 1864. I lis parents were the Rev. Mathias and Ko-anna ( Ilaller) ( ralster, who were natives of < rermany, and coming to the United States, were married in Tus- carawas County. Ohio, and there resided until 1853, when they removed to Huntington County, hid., whence in I si! I. they came to Illinois and settled in Rural Township. Mathias Galster, the father of the original of our sketch was a minister of the Evangelical Church for some forty years. He was a zealous worker, and had a special tact and talent in organ- ization, having organized fourchurehes in Illinois, 220 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. located respectively at Pana, Taylorsville, Oconee and Rural Township; also several in Ohio and in Indiana. He was born November 2. lull, in the the Kingdom of Wurtemburg, Germany, and came !o America with his parents when eighteen years of age. He was converted at the age of twenty- two years, and felt that hi> mission in life was to preach the Gospel to the edification and sanctifica- tion of his hearers. The first services that he eon- ducted were held in private houses. In Ohio, he founded eight new churches, and at Huntington, Ind.. four churches. On coming into Rural Township, our subject's father purchased a half section of land, and here resided until his death, which occurred March 25, 1KH7. His wife had preceded him by several years, having died March 8, 1880. He of whom we write, is one of five children, all of whom are grown up. Their name- are Mathias, Jacob, our subject; Will- iam F.. Christina and Mary. Mathais fought as a soldier in the Forty-seventh Indiana, and died while in service; Christina is now Mrs. August Postkner; .Mary married William Stanger, and died in 1885. Our subject's maternal grandfather emi- grated at an early day from his native land and died ill Shelby County. Our subject came to Shelby County with his fam- ily, and May li. 1869, was united in marriage to Elizabeth K. Mautz, a daughter of George G. Mautz, for a history of whom see sketch of Philip A. Mautz in another part of this volume. After marriage our subject settled with his wife on the place where he now resides. Heowns and operates one hundred and forty-two acres of land, which is in first class condition, hearing excellent improve- ments. Mr. and Mis. Galster have had nine children, eight of whom are living. They are Rosene M.. George M., Barbara, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Jacob 1'. l-\. Anna ('. \V.. John William and Samuel !•',. C. The children are all vigorous and intelligent voting people, who promise to he the pride and comfort of their parents in their declining years. Politi- cal ly our subject is a Democrat. lie has held the office of Town Collector for five years, and the con- fidence that hi- townsmen have in hi- judgment and ability, i> e\ inced by the fact that he has been V elected to the position of School Director for sev- eral years. Mr. Galster was. some years ago, the victim of an accident which has made him a crip- ple for life. While riding he was thrown from his horse, and his foot being SO firmly lixed in the stir- rup.as to prevent his shaking it loose, he was dragged for some distance and broke his leg in two places. lie with his wife and family arc members of the Evangelical Church. I LI. I AM PATTERSON, a general farmer and stock-raiser living near the city of "ty^J Sullivan. Moultrie County, which place has grown from an unbroken prairie to its present populous condition since he came here in the spring of 1836, is one of the old timers of the county, and was a merchant for several years in Sullivan. He came here prior to the winter which is so famous in the annals of the county as being marked b\ the "sudden change"' in temperature, when ice froze several inches thick in fifteen minutes according to the traditions of the old inhabitants. Mr. Patterson took his farm when it was mostly unbroken prairie, and has achieved success, although at one time he lost a modest fortune, lie still owns an excellent farm of more than one hundred acres which i> well improved, hut most of his property is within the city limits. While he was engaged in the mercantile business he was unfortunate and met with heavy losses, hut has recovered from them. He was here before the county was changed from Shelby to Moultrie, and in the early days wild game was abundant, and he says that he has seen as many as forty deer together at one time. Mr. Patterson is a native of this State, being born in Union County. August 6, 1817. His father. Levi Patterson, was a native of Kentucky, and his grandfather, .lame- Patterson, wa- a Virginian by birth, and prominent ill the War of 1812, lighting with Jackson at the battle of New Orleans, and be- ing one of the regiment- that met. defeated anil -lew Gen. l'ackingham. He is now interred in the soil of Sullivan County, having spent his last years PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 221 in this region and dying in old age. His religious belief had led him to connect himself with the Baptist Church, and his political opinions allied 1 1 i in with the Democratic party. Levi Patterson was reared in Kentucky, and there married .lane Penrod, a Tennesseean hy birth and education, and the young couple soon emi- grated to Illinois, settling at an early day in Union County, where all their children were bora. In IK.'it; the whole household removed to what is now Moultrie County, traveling a distance of just two hundred miles, which trip, at that time traveling' with team and covered wagon, occupied one month. Levi Patterson entered a large tract of Govern- ment land which was at that time known as the ••Lost Land." the Government's first survey hav- ing been lost. Here he lived and died, passing away at tin' age of fifty-five years, an earnest mem- ber of the Christian Church in his religious belief. and a stanch Democrat in polities. lie was twice married and both wives brought to him children, and died in this county. Our subject is the second child by his father's firsl marriage, and lie has all the experience of a pioneer, and loves to tell the story of the log sehoolhouse with its stick chimney, puncheon floor and rough seats. After reaching his majority, he returned to Union County to claim his bride in the person of .Miss Margaret Carriker, a native of that county where her parents had settled at an early date, coming then' from North Carolina. They came of Dutch stock, and belonged to old and highly esteemed North Carolina families and, died in Union County full of years. For more than half a century Mr. Patterson and his, faithful and devoted wife have labored together and she is now in rather poor health, while Mr. Patterson is still robust and active. They were both members of the Christian Church, and helped to organize that body here, being among its char- ter members, and Mr. Patterson acting as Deacon for year-. lie had held some local offices of trust and responsibility, and has always adhered to the principles of the Democratic party, and at present the Fanners' Mutual I'.enelit Association claims his allegiance. A truly patriarchal family, is that of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, six children having passed to the other shore, and eight being still upon this side. They are as follows: Daniel, who took to wife Ellen Hoke, and now farms in Sullivan Township; William .1.. who is in the same line of work, and married Rebecca Lynder: Bushrod, who married Miss Kate Blackwell, who has died, and who now makes his home with his father while managing a farm in this township: George, who took to wife Mis~ Lyda ( ilabrook. and now lives on a farm in Whitley Township, this county; Belle, wiio lives at home; Maggie, who is the wife of Stephen Under- wood, and lives on a farm in this township; and Sarah, is the wife of Richard Palmer, and lives in Nelson Township: and Sue A., wife of John Ham. and lives in Washington State. _j-<& §>*«$ Qy- NTIIONY GILLESPIE. A country with- out a nation, a people without a nag. it is IS not surprising that so many, of the warm- QJ hearted, sunny tempered. Celtic race should rally under the stars and stripes, and ally them- selves to the American people as loyal and trut- hearted citizens of the land in which they are granted, not only freedom, but opportunity for ex- ercising their native keenness and of rising to the positions in both civil and political life for which they are so eminently fitted. Our subject, who is a native of the Emerald Isle, and was early at- tracted to the United States by the superior advan- tages that it offered to industry and energy, lie was born in County Mayo. Ireland, March 2.">. is;;;,. Our subject grew to manhood in his native county and emigrated to the United states. His landing in New York was made May 15, 1857, and there he remained until the following spring, when he came to this county and was engaged at farm labor by the month for a period of four or five years, lie then rented land in Rose Town- ship, which he was engaged in cultivating thor- oughly for some six years, after which he purchased a farm in Tower Hill Township, where he has since been a resident. The place of which he is the 222 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. happy possessor^ comprises two hundred and fortj acres of good land upon which our subject has placed valuable and numerous improvements, lie has erected good buildings on liis farm, and has a very comfortable and attractive residence. He of whom we write, was married in Shelby- ville, this State, April 7. 1861, to Miss Anna Feeny, who is a countrywoman of his own. having been born in County .Mayo. Ireland. Their life to- gether has been very happy, as each endeavors to suit the other. Three children have grown up around them. They are John, William and Mary Ann. In his political preferences oursubject allili- ates with the Democratic party, and under this party he has been awarded several township offices, having held the important position of Highway Commissioner and School Trustee. Religiously he with his wife and family are adherents of the Catholic Church, and are among the most devoted and loyal members of that religious body. Our subject has always tjeen engaged in farming and agricultural pursuits, and is well up in the progress and science of his calling. The father of our subject was Patrick Gillespie. His mother was Ann Clark Gillespie. They were botll natives of the county in which our subject was horn and there they departed this life. The\ were the parents of six children, and of these An- thony was the youngest. W Y.MAX A. GOULD, who is one of the firm I (©I of Gould Brothers, dealers in grain and also J 1 — ^v-, Vice-President of the Commercial state Bank of Windsor. Shelby County, is one of the representative men of the place, having lirst class business ability, and known as a practical, far-see- ing manager whose judgment of commercial affairs may lie depended upon. His linn is recognized throughout the county :i> one in whom implicit confidence may be placed, and it may be said of liim of whom we write, thai he has cultivated "high erected thoughts, seated in a heart of courtesy." Lyman < lould is a son of David < ion hi. who was born in Drummondsville, Canada West in 1802. His mother was Sarah (Symonds) Gould, a native of Windsor, Conn. David Could was a fanner by occupation. He had removed from his native place to Niagara County, N. Y., with his parents when about two years old, and there he spent his life, his decease taking place in the county in which he had lived for so many years, in 1880. The mother still survives (181(1) at the age of eighty-one. Nine children entered the home circle, and of these our subject was the fifth in order of birth. He was born in Cambria. Niagara County. N. Y.. August 30, 1X41. Reared on his father's farm, he remained under the home roof until the spring of l*7o. lie early enjoyed the advantages of a good com- mon-school education in the State that prides her- self on the thoroughness of her district school sys- tem, lie was thus fitted for practical commercial life, his native shrewdness and wit helping him out in emergencies. In the spring of 1870 he came to Decatur, this State, and was in the employ of the Wabash Railroad Company for about eight months. In the fall of that year, however, he came to Wind- sor, and was with his brother, of whom a sketch may be found in another part of this volume, and was engaged in buying grain for the linn of E. & I. Jennings. He was thus engaged for one yew, and in the following spring, 1872. in company with his brother, George F.Gould, he built the ele- vator at Windsor, and since that lime, they have been large dealers in the cereals. Ill 1883, they dissolved partnership, George F. disposing of his interest to another brother. F. D. Could, and since that lime the firm lias been known as Could Broth- ers. They enjoy the distinction of being the chief grain buyers in Windsor, and indeed, there are not many who deal so extensively in this article of commerce south of Chicago. lie of whom we write is the possessor of a line farm of one hundred and sixty acres, located in Richland Township. This he rents. He lias been Vice-President of the Commercial state Hank since the autumn of 1890. Mr. Gould's domestic life is :ill that could be desired. His wife is a Cleveland. Ohio. lady. They were there married October 15, 1873. The lady's name in her maiden days was Miss Clara A. Ford. They are the parents of four MRS. M. SCHNEIDER. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 227 children, whose names are as follows: Horatio Clark, Kate C. Mary A. and Lyman A.. Jr. Mr. Gould lias been a member of the City Council for several years and also School Director, in which position he has done efficient work. In Ins politi- cal preference he is a staunch Democrat. The Free Tariff plank in thai platform is such as appeals most directly to his business interests. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gould are deeply interested in religious work, our subject having been a member of the church since 1866. First a Congregationalist, since coming to this Slate he has been connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church. His wife ha- heen a member of the Congregational Church from girlhood. *^^1 LCHAEL SCHNEIDER, the honored foun- der of the city of Moweaqua, Shelby County, who i- now living in retirement in this beautiful locality, is one of theearly pioneers of Central Illinois, and his name is indis- BOlubly linked with its rise and growth. His pro- gressive public spirit and generous benefactions, bestowed with rare judgment and critical discern- ment as to the future needs of the community and the best way to promote it- highest interest, have heen instrumental in pushing forward various en- terprises that have been of greatbenefit to this sec- tion of the State. <)n the hank- of the beautiful river Rhine, in Germany, our subject was horn in September, 1813. Hi- father, who bore the same name a-him-elf, was born in the same Rhenish province, and was there reared on a farm, lie married Mary liauer. who was a native of that part of Germany, and died therein 1820. In 1 82 I . the father of Our subject resolved to emigrate to America, where he hoped to better his condition. He came to this country accompanied by five of his seven children,and lir-t settled at Bethlehem, Pa. In 1827 he removed to Ohio, and for a time resided near ( incinnati. He subsequently identified himself with the pioneers of Brown Count v. in the same State, and on the farm that he boughl (here pa— ed the remainder of hi- life. Michael Schneider, of whom these line-are writ- ten, was a lad of eleven years when li is father came to this country, and he anil a sister were at that time left in charge of an uncle, hut two years later the father sent for them, and they set -ail from Hamburg in May, 1826, landing at New York eighty days later. Our subjeel went to Ohio with his father, and for a time lived with him near (incin- nati. which was then only a good-sized village. He was a strong, self-reliant, manly hoy. and at once commenced to earn hi- own living, finding employment with Andrew llcredcs. with whom he remained some years, and in I8.'!;> hi' came with him to Illinois, making the journey hither over those great highways of pioneer travel, the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. He located with his em- ployer on Lick Creek, in Sangamon County, and there Mr. Heredes erected one of the first -team grist mill- ever operated in the State. In 18.'!,") Mr. Schneider borrowed $50 of Esq. Campbell, and entered forty acres of Government land in what is now Christian County, his purchase adjoining the present site of Moweaqua. He boughl the claim of Mrs. Denton, and live acres of it were cleared, and a log house Stood on the place. There were no railway- here for many years after he set- tled on his land in 1837, and he had to draw all his grain to St. Louis with OX-teams, where he sold it for thirty-seven and a half cents a bushel, and his hogs only brought him $1.25 to $1.50 a hun- dred pound-. Deer were plentiful, and with prairie chickens and wild turkey-, formed a welcome addi- tion to the fare of the pioneers. Mr. Schneider worked early and late in the up- building of hi- new home, being greatly assisted by the active co-opera lion of his wife, and he prospered exceedingly in his efforts to secure a competency. He invested his money judiciously, continually entering and buying other land near his original purchase until he had two thousand acres, all told. of land of surpassing fertility. This included the land upon which the thriving city of Moweaqua now stands. Attracted by the unrivalled beauty of the spot, and the natural advantages forthe-itc of a town, our subject determined to plat the land. 228 PORTRAIT AND BIOG1 . ilCAL RECORD. and afterward carried < >n( his plans, which have given in this county one of its brightest ornaments, one iif "the prettiest villages oftheState," toquote from an enthusiastic admirer, and here center many lovely homes and happy firesides in dwellings of .•< modern and attractive style of architecture. Its people are cultured, thrifty, prosperous and enter- prising; its church privileges and educational ad- vantages arc exceptional; its varied industries and business enterprises are ably conducted under sound financial methods. One attraction of the city, though it may be a negative one, is eminently worthy of mention, and that is the tact that there have been no saloons fur the sale of liquor here for years, which speak- well tor the temperance and so- briety of the citizens. In 1HH2 Mr. Schneider removed from Mowea- qua, and has since lived retired from active busi- ni"--. I le has ahvay- taken a deep interest in all that concerns this city, which owes its origin to him. and no man has done more to established il on a solid basis of enduring piosperity than lie. or has been more influential in raising its moral and relig- ious status. All scheme- to add to its beauty have met with his hearty approval, and his generous gift of land for a public park in Imk^ has greatly in- creased the attractiveness of the place. He encour- aged the building of the railway through here by a liberal donation of land and lots, and to Mr. Eastman he gave land on condition that lie would built a mill within the corporation limits of the city. The blessings of a happ^ married life have been vouchsafed to our subject, as by his marriage in October, 1833, with M iss Margarel Rant/, he secured a true and loving wife, and they have lived in peace and harmony lor nearly fifty-seven years. They have reared these seven children to honorable and useful lives. — Michael. Christopher, Margaret, William, Valentine, Adam and Caroline. Mrs. Schneider wa- iiornin Baden, Germany, March 21, 1811, and is a daughter of Christopher and Car- oline (Lichtenberger) Kant/., who were also natives of Baden. Her lather -pent his entire life there, while her mother came to America in the latter part of her life and died in Brown County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Schneider are people of earnest re- ligious convictions, who lead exemplary Christian lives. Their parent- were members of the Lutheran ( hurch, and they were reared in that faith, hut early in their married life they united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for more than half a ceiitiir\ have been consistent and devoted in their membership with that church, and have borne a prominent part in it- upbuilding in this section of the country. In their early life here when they lived in a log cabin, their humble abode was always opi n to preaehi r- of all denominations, and meet- ings were frequently held within its walls. They contributed liberally of their means towards the erection of the present house of worship of the Methodist-, and arc generous in their support of the Gospel. On another page of this volume the lithographic portraits of Mr. and .Mrs. Schneider are presented, and it is a pleasure to thus perpet- uate the lineaments of this worths couple. *ej- EXRY RICIIMAX. The enterprising little ) village of Fancher counts among it-s inhab- itants some first-class business men. and among them we are gratified to note the Postmaster and merchant whose name appears in connection with this sketch, and who i- one of the really enterprising men of Shelby County, His birth took place in Butler County, Ohio, October 21. 1843. His parents were Samuel and Susan (Hill) Richmond. The father was born in New Jersey, and went to Ohio when he wa- sixteen years old. going on foot all the way from his na- tive State to Butler County, Ohio. In that latter named county his mother wa- born, although -he was of Southern parentage, her parents being na- 1 1 \ es of Ball iiiiorc. Md. The parents of our subject had eight children gathered about their fireside and our subject was next to the youngest of this number. After the death of the mother the father again married and had two children b\ his second union. It was in 1858 thai Henry came to Illinois with his father, and located in Shelby County, where the latter died some five years ago. Farming Occupied the PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 229 young man for about seven years after attaining his majority, bul later he engaged in the meat busi- ness, owning and operating a meat market at Wind- sor for live 01" six years. About this time Mr. Ricbman moved on to a farm near Stewardson, in Prairie Township, and remained there about five years and in L887 lie made bis final removal to Fancher and entered the mercantile business with William Hilsabeck. This partnership continued for about one year when our subject withdrew from the connection and opened a store in an adjoining building. Mr. Hilsabeck operated his store for about a year after which his stock was sold out and he removed from the place, leaving Air. Richman in possession of the only store in that line of goods in the place. This enterprising merchant carried a full line of general merchandise, consisting of dry-goods, groce- ries, provisions, clothing, bootsand shoes, hats and caps, hardware, tinware, patent medicines, notions and millinery. He has a handsome storeroom and it is well stocked with a well selected line of goods and he is doing a very satisfactory business. When he began his capital did not exceed $400 and his stock is now worth at least $5,000. The firsl marriage of Mr. Richman was his union I with Miss Ella Fitzgerald, whodied two years after marriage. She had one child which died in infancy. His second wife was. before her marriage to him. a widow. Mrs. Lizzie White, whose maiden name was Hilsabeck. She was horn in this county, and has one daughter by her marriage with Mr. Richman, Gertie, now eleven years old. Mr. Richman is the Postmaster at Fancher and has held this position through most of the present administration. The military record of our subject is of interesl to every one who loves his country, as he was a soldier dining the Civil War, belonging to Com- pany II. Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry. This regi- ment was assigned to the Department of the South- wesl under Gen. Banks. He participated in all the labor- required of the Fifty-fourth, although his company escaped at the time the resl of the regi- lnent were taken prisoners at Ashley Station. Ark. The Republican party is the political organi- zation with which Mr. Richman affiliates and In 1 takes a lively interest in political affairs, being public spirited and enterprising, lie is a thorough business man. Inning the confidence and esteem of all with whom he is associated either in business or in social life. His efficient ami interesting com- panion is an earnest worker in the Methodist Epis- eopal Church. _=} -^) ^f^i E_ - R. PATTERSON, of the Arm of Meeker & U Patterson, altorneys-atdaw and real estate and insurance agents of Sullivan, was horn in Moultrie County. December 18, 1849. The family has been prominently connected with this county for many years. The grandfather of our subject, Levi Patterson, was horn in Shelby County, Tenn., of American parentage and was one of a large family which was well represented in the War of 1812. One of the brothers was wounded while fighting under Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. Levi Patterson was a young man when he removed to Illinois, locating in Union County, where he grew to manhood on a farm. He married Mrs. .lane Pernod, nee Beggs, a native of Tennes- see, who had lost her first husband in *his State. After his marriage Levi Patterson settled on a new farm in Union County which he cultivated and improved and which is yet known a> the old Patterson homestead. In 1836 he came with his family to Moultrie County, locating in Sullivan Township where he entered Government land and upon the farm which he there developed made his home until his death on the 1 0th of June, 1849. His first wife dieil soon alter they came to this county and he married a lady of Irish birth, Miss Anna Patterson. After his death she became tin' wife of a Mr. Simmons and was called to her final rest in 1875 at the age of fifty years. Levi Patter- son was a Methodist in early life hut later joined the Christian Church and was one of it> original founders in this county. Honest and upright, he had tin respect anil confidence of all who knew him and well deserves mention among the pioneers of this locality. Jonathan Patterson or "Donty" Patterson, as he was commonly known, was the father of our sub- 230 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD, ject. When a youth of fourteen years he accom- panied hi- parents to Moultrie County, and in Sullivan Township spenl hi- boy] <1 days. His scliool privileges were limited and he bore the usual experiences of pioneer life. Having attained to mature years he determined to make a home for himself and on horseback returned to Union County. 111., where he married l'earlina Carriker. With hi> bride lie returned, traveling a distance of two hundred miles on horseback and in true fron- tier style they began their domestic life but by c i Tgy, perseverance and good business ability he became one of the wealthiest men in the county. Public spirited and progressive, Mr. Patterson was a valued citizen and did much the best inter- ests of the community. He built one of the finest homes in the county, erected a large mill in Sulli- van, sunk a coal shaft at that place ami afterward became a director in a proposed railroad which. however,was never built, lie alsoaided in sinking an artesian well on the square and in those two enterprises losl $20,000. Any industry calculated to benefit the community received his support. He loved to aid in every good work of improve- ment and did wlial he could toward the promotion of every reform. The cause of temperance found in him a warm friend and his labors to suppress the saloons were untiring, lie canvassed Central Illinois, making speeches in favor of prohibition and cast his last vote for the Prohibition party. lie had previously voted with the Democracy. Some years he'ore his death he became an invalid but as far, as possible hecontinued his works for the hest interests of the community. For some years he wa- Deacon in the Christian Church anil died in that faith September 13, 1*78. As before stated Mr. Patter-on wedded Miss Carriker, who was born in I'nion County, [11., Jan- uary \~2. 1824, and there resided until her marriage. She still lives on a farm near Sullivan and i- will preserved for a lady of her years. She. t is a member of the Christian Church and has many warm friends in this locality. I). IJ. Patterson was educated in tin- public Schools and for some years engaged in farming. On the 1st of January, 1880, he began reading Blackstone in Judge Meeker's office, where he i- now a partner, and altera year was elected Police Magistrate, which office he yet tills. In the meantime he practiced law in a small way until November, 1890, when he was admitted to the bar. since which time he has devoted his en- lire energies to the profession. The firm was es- tablished in January, 1891, and ranks high at the county bar. Combined with the experience of the older member is the energy and activity of the younger one which insures their success. Mr. Patterson wedded Miss Ruth Leatherman, who was born in Lawrence County. Ind.. in 1843, and when seven years old was brought by her fa- ther. Peter Leatherman, to Douglas County. 111. Her mother had died in Indiana. After following farming for a number of years her father removed to Kansas in February. L878, and a year later was called to his ftnalrest. Mrs. Patterson became a suc- cessful teacher,having passed three years as a teacher in Sullivan Academy, and at one time numbered among Inn- pupils the gentleman to whom she has since given her hand iii marriage. Their children are: Oscar I.. .who was graduated from the Sullivan schools at the age of sixteen years; Harvey and Ernest at home, and Nathan I)., now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and their children are members of the Christian Church and the family are promi- nent in public and social affairs. c<§ A MPS s. WF.I.CH. M., D.. deceased. Sulli- van. .Moultrie County, is proud to name those in her foremost rank who have fallen in tin- conflict of life, but who have fallen honorably and whose past record makes them lie- low d and respected by those who knew them and whosi example is worthy of emulation by the ris- ing generation. Among such names we presenl Dr. -lames S. Welch who died at his home in Sulli- van. September I. 1884. He had lived in the county for a good main years and wa- formerly a residenl of Shelbyville, where for some time he wa- ill the merchant ile business. Sangamon County, this State, had been his home previous to his com- ing to Shelbyville. Dr. Welch was born in Sangamon County, 111., PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 23 I February '■>. 1840, and as he had lost his father when quite young he had been reared to manhood by his mother who has since died in Sangamon County, full of years and in the enjoyment of the respect and affection of all who knew her. Our subjeel was a student at Ann Arbor, Midi., and Later was graduated from the St. Louis Medical College. He practiced his profession for a short time only and t lu-n became a druggist, in which line of business he was very successful. Our subject wasprominent in political and social circle-, was active in pr ting the success of the Democratic party and was identified with the order of i »dd Fellows at Sullivan. This order took charge of the funeral ceremonies after his death and he was buried with the honors of the lodge. His in- telligence and affability brought him many friends and his business ability commanded the respect of all. Miss Anna Reeder became the wife of Dr. Welch in Sullivan. She is a native of Warren County. Ohio, and a daughter of George \V. and Jane (Thompson) Reeder, natives of Ohio who came of Eastern parentage, being descended respectivelj from families of Virginia and New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Reeder were married in Warren County, Ohio, and at once went to Wisconsin, becoming earh settlers near Monroe, Green County, in the day- when the Indians were much more numerous than whites. They traveled from Ohio by way of water, taking the river at Cincinnati, going down the ( )hio and up the Mississippi to ( i-alena, Ilk. and thence with teams to Green County. Wis., where they lived for nine years, transforming the raw prairie into a productive farm which lies two and one-half miles from the present city of Monroe. That city was at one time located upon their land hut during a county-seat war was removed an an- other site. On leaving Wisconsin they returned t<> Warren County, Ohio, and in the spring of 1865 they came to Illinois, settling in Coles County near Mattoon. where thc\ lived for two years and then came to Shelby County, six years later they re- moved to Normal. McLean County, and there Mr. Reeder, died in 1881, being then nearly seventy- two years of age. Mr. Reeder was a strong Republican in politics and a leader among men. and was a successful farmer all his life. His wife, who survives hill), is now seventy-two years of age ami make- her home with her daughter, Mrs. Welch. She is the mother of seventeen children, ten of whom are yet living. Four of her sons, Joseph 11.. Allen B., Caleb T. and .lame- ( .. were soldiers during the War of tin' Re- bellion. The eldest of these fell at the battle of Ft. Donelson by a shot from the enemy's anus. He was a member of the Eleventh Indiana Zouaves; the second -on mentioned died from typhoid fever upon a hospital boat after the battle of Franklin, in which he took part; he was a Sergeant in an Ohio regiment. The- last two named fought through the war and escaped unhurt, James being now a Kansas farmer, while Caleb F. is a general mer- chant at Stewardson, Shelby County. Prof. Rudolph Reeder, another son of this emi- nent family, is successfully filling the Chair of Training in the Normal School at Normal, Ilk. while another, Prof. George W. Reeder, has been Principal of various school- in Kansas and Colo- rado; their sister. Mrs. Welch, was carefully reared and well educated, completing her course in the Normal University at Normal. Ilk. and was for twelve years a teacher, serving both in Mattoon and Sullivan, having keen only sixteen years old when she began teaching. She is a Methodist in her re- ligious belief and her mother belongs to the Bap- tist Chinch. She i- an earnest temperance worker ami is active in promoting every movement which will lead to the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic drinks in her town and country. ur subject and hi- wife have had no children of their own but they have been the loving foster parents of several children. These are Laura Car- barn, who is now the wife of M. V. Cutler, a farmer in this township; Kate ( rOOdwin and Thomas ( i-ood- win. the latter of whom is deceased. Kate married llerm Mcthias and they live on a farm in Flat Branch Township. Our subject came to his present location from Madison County. 111., where he had arrived in 1845. spending about twelve mouths in that place doing what he could in the way of earning money for self support. His wages were but *7 or $8 per month at that time. Soon after marriage, however, he obtained the nucleus of his present farm, and since that time has been steadily ad- vancing in his financial position. Politically Mr. Luffers affiliates with the Democratic party. He has held the position of Commissioner of High- ways and satisfactorily discharged its duties. He and his wife are charming people, having attained the mellow age at which life is no longer a strife but a waiting period for the better thing that is to come after. They are both attendants upon the Baptist Church and are liberal supporters of the same. wttmyimt i > » l w >- p * ■ t i ' i ' i ' i AMKS BARTON. Shelby County has an excellent reputation throughout the State for good farms and excellent stock, and those who an' carrying on the industries connected with farming and stock-raising, have in almost every case achieved a creditable and satis- factory success. Among the independent farmers iii Dry Point Township, we find on section 15, the home of .lame- Barton, a native of the county, born June 7. 1853, in Okaw Township. David and Mary (Craig) Barton, the parents of our subject, were natives of Bedford, Ya.. the la- ther being bom in 18 18 and the mother in 1813. Tin' former passed away from life on the farm where our subject now resides in 1886, and the mother make- her I le with her -on .lames. Their family consists of four stalwart sons and three beau- tiful daughters. William, the eldest, married Mary .1. Dihel and resides on an adjoining farm; Rhoda has been twice married, as after the death of her PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 238 first husband, John T. Jones, she married ('. R. Barton, and resides in this township; Elizabeth died iii I860 at the age of nineteen years, and Charles passed away at the same age in 1867; David married for his first wife Mary A. Reynolds, who died in 1882, and his second marriage was with .Mary L. Flanders, and lie now resides in ihi- township; the next child in order of age is our subject, and the youngest is Mary E. who married Y. L. Dihel and died in this township in 1881. Our subject received his education in the com- mon schools of the country districts and in the graded schools at Shelbyville, He early undertook the profession of a teacher, which work he began in 1876 and continued for twelve years. In 1890 he gave 11)1 hi> place at the teacher's desk and de- voted himself entirely to agricultural pursuits. The happy union by marriage of James Barton and Mary V. Einks, occurred May 2. 1878. This lady is :i native of tin- township, of Southern parentage mid was here brought up to young womanhood. She was born October \'l. 1859, and is .'i daughter of C. L. and Alpha Einks, natives of Virginia, who became residents of Shelby County, thi> State, in the early days of the history of its settlement. Mrs. Barton is the second child in a family of six, her brothera and sisters being James II.. who died in this township in 1890; C. W. who married and resided on a farm here; J. M.. who married, but died in IH'.HI of typhoid fever; Silas \Y. who i,s married and living in the same township, and Annie, wife of II. I/. Austin who :dso resides iii Dry Point Township. Mr. Barton was elected Supervisor of Dry Point Township in 1888 and has twice succeeded himself in that honorable position, being now on his fourth year in that office, which he has filled to the satis- faction of his constituents. Eor two years he served as Township Tax Collector and is now serving his eleventh successive year in performing the duties of School Trustee of the township. His beautiful 'arm of one hundred and sixty acres i- in a fine state of cultivation and it> chief product is ha\. The household of our subject has been blessed lv\ the birth of two daughters and three sons: Liz- zie, bora March 9. 1879, John D., March 22,1882; Thaddeus W., February 15, 1884; Allie Ella, Feb- ruary Hi. 1886, and Chester Roswell, February 5, 1888. These affectionate and judicious parents have the great happiness of still keeping all their Little is aboul them and seeing them preserved in life and health. They are both earnest and con- scientious members of the Separate Baptist Church. The subject of this lite sketch has been a life- long Republican and is pleased to boast that he has never cast any other ballot than that which i.- en- dorsed by the Republican party. He i> well-known as one of the most public-spirited and enterprising citizens of the township and takes an active part not only in political affaire, but also in all move- ments which are intended to promote the social and financial prosperity of the community. His In-other William foughl in the Union army during the Civil War. Mr. Barton has been a member of the Masonic order but at present is not affiliated. Both he and his estimable wife are very active in church and Sunday-school work, taking great in- terest in the advancement of the cause of relig- ion through thai worthy ally of the church, the Sunday-school. One peculiar feature of the Bar- Ion family is that every male member of the family for two generations has married a woman whose fust 11:1111c was Mary, and even those who have twice married have observed this rule. ? T. HAIL. Among the most activeand use- ful citizens of Sullivan are a class of men i -> who now are able to employ their energies more directly in the line of public improvements than they could in the days when they were more heavily burdened with work. These are the retired farmer- who having gained wealth and insured their last days in comfort and competence, have withdrawn from active work and given themselves and their faithful companions the luxury of rest and ease in their declining days. Mr. l'.aii. whose name appears at the head of thi>' sketch left his farm in East Nelson Township in 1890. To that tract of land he had come in \X. r >2 23 I PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and there lie grew to manhood, married and began farming. He now owns three hundred and sixty acres of as fine land as is ti> be found in Moultrie County and it i> all under cultivation. He placed upon it a fine set of farm buildings and has made it his home from that day until he retired from service. Our subject was born in Pike County, Ohio, No- vember 19, 1842, bis father being Joseph Hail, a native of Virginia, and son of a Welshman who died in the Old Dominion. Joseph was still quite a young man when he came to Ohio and was mar- ried in Pike County to Miss Elizabeth Divens, a native of Pennsylvania of Dutch stock. She had come when a child with her parents to Ohio and there grew to womanhood. In 1852 the Bail fam- ily came to Illinois traveling by team and wagon and camping Out on the road. They were some four weeks on the way. and reaching East Nelson Township took up a farm there. It was on this farm they made their home and there Joseph Bail died iii November, 1864, having reached the age of seventy-one years. He was a Republican in his political views and Methodist Episcopal in his church connections. His bereaved widow who is now eighty-eight years old. is yet as efficient as many Ladies a1 sixty and makes her home with her son, our subject, she is a great reader, very intel- ligent and active and an earnest and conscientious Christian, being still counted as one of the pillars in the .Methodist Episcopal Church. E. T. Had is one of his mother's thirteen chil- dren who lived to be grown, and eight are yet living. All through hi- early and mature years he devoted himself untiringly and persistently to his labors as a former. lie was married to Miss Elizabeth Wiley, who was bora near Leroy, McLean County, III.. July 12, \h\x. She is r daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Breau) Wiley who were born of Pro- testanl stock in the North of Ireland. They were married in their native island anil came soon after- ward to the United States, settling in Vermilion County, 111., before coming to McLean County and afterward, in 1849, to Moultrie County. There they look and improved a new farm and there lived and died. Mr. Wiley passed away at the age of sevent\ years and his wife was taken from him when she was only forty years old. They were Protestants in their religion as are all of that sturdy class who come from the North of Ireland. The children who have come to Mr. and Mrs. Bail are Albert S.. who died when a little child; Anthony L., who is soon to be admitted to the liar and who was educated in the law school at Valpar- aiso, Ind. and at DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. lie is a hard student and is fitting himself liberally for success in his profession. The next is Florence, who is the wife of .1. I), (ioddard. a farmer in East Nelson Township, and Lulu L., who is at home. Both Mr. Bail and his son are earnest and ardent Republicans in their political views and it is their aim to stand by the party which stood by the administration during the Civil War. *- > II. LI AM McKITTRICK. The name at the head of this sketch is that of one who was ; ' a compatriot with the poet Moore, and even yet his heart rebounds at the words of the old song, -The harp that once thro' Tara's hall The soul of music shed Now hangs as mute on Tara's wall As if that soul were fled — So sleeps the pride of former days, So glory's thrill is o'er, And hearts, that once beat high for praise, Now feel that pulse no more." However successful a native of that unhappy land may be in his adopted country he cannot but be saddened at tin- thought that Ireland is no more what it was in the days of the Kings. Our subject is in the meridian of life and the best of his successes are before him. lie is of Irish parentage as well as birth, his father having been William McKittrick, who was a native of the Em- erald Isle, and his mother. Margaret (Quarrel) Mc- Kittrick, also of Ireland. They emigrated to the United states in 1858, and the father died after locating in Moultrie County, this State. The mot her passed away in this county. They were Hie parents of thirteen children of whom our sub- ject was one of t he \ oungest ; he was born in Ire- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 2:i." [and September 29, 1849, and w;is abuul nine years of age when, with liis parents, ke came to America. Thej :ii once located in Madison County, this State, where our subject lived for seven years and then they removed to Shelby County where lie Iims ever since been a resident. He has always been engaged in farming, and 1ms followed this pursuil with a reasonable degree of success. The marriage of the original of our sketch took place in this county. March 22. 1*77. The lady to whom he was united was in her maiden days Laura A. Patton, a daugher of .lames II. and Lydia (Friezner) Patton, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Ohio. The father's death occurred in this county and he left to his bereaved wife leu children, of whom Mrs. McKittrick was the third; .-he was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, April 15. 1853. < Mir subject and wife are the parents of six living children, whose names are as follows: Lydia A.. William ('...lames 1'.. Milo E., Margaret E. and and .Mark N. The deceased children were taken away in infancy. A short period of our subject's earl}' married life was spent in Cold Spring Township, after which they settled on section 2(1. of Tower Hill Township, where they owned two hundred acres of good, arable land. Mr. McKittrick is in his political tastes and favors a follower of the Republican party, lie has been a School Director for some time. Neither our subject nor his wife are united by membership to any church, being liberal in their religious belief, still they do their part toward the support of the Gospel and exert and wield a good influence in tin' community. fsy\ RS. MARTHA A. (WOOD) GOODWIN, a native of Shelby County, this State, born near the town of Woodburn, Macoupin County, comes of the old pioneer stock of Illinois, and is a daughter of David 1>. Wood, a prominent and well-known citizen of her native county. She is Ihe widow of Thomas Goodwin, a former prosperous farmer of l'enn Township, and she Mill occupies the old farm on sections ;! 1 and 32, where she helped her husband make a comfort- able home in which the mosl of their married life was passed. Mrs. Goodwin's father was born in Kentucky, of which State his father. .lames Wood, was also a native and a pioneer. The grandfather of our subject came from Kentucky to Illinois and was one of the first settlers near the present site of Bunker Hill, Macoupin County. At that time the Surrounding country contained but few white in- habitants, and deer, wild turkeys and other game were -till plentiful. There were no railways and for several years Alton and St. Louis were the nearest markets for the pioneers. Grandfather Wood improved a good farm upon which he resided until his demise. Mrs. Goodwin's father was young when his parents left his early Kentucky home to seek an- other in the untried wilderness of Illinois. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and the old farm south of Woodburn that his father developed from a state of nature is now in his possession and he still makes it his h e. He has arisen to an important place among the fanners and stock-raisers of Macoupin County and is known for the integ- rity of his character, his sound wisdom and his worth as a citizen. The maiden name of his first wife, mother of Mrs. Goodwin, was Barbara Davis. She died when her daughter was very young. His second wife was Mary Clanton. a native of South Carolina. Mrs. Goodwin was carefully trained in her girl- hood in all useful household duties, and among OtherthingS learned tocai'd and spin, and after her marriage she spun the wool to make her husband a suit of clothes. She continued an inmate of her father's household until she was wedded in 1865 to Thomas Goodwin, a most worthy young man of English birth and ancestry. Their union was one of mutual helpfulness and happiness, anil among its blessings were the eight children born to them — Jennie. Samuel. Maria. Hattie, John, Rose, George and Daisy. Jennie died when young, and Maria, who was married to William Wyatt and re- sided in Johnson City. Tenn., died August IK. 1891. The children occupy the old home with their mother. Mrs. Goodwin is a member of the Methodist Epis- 236 PORTRAIT AND BI< )( .KAPIIK AL RECORD. <-< i] >n I Church and in ;ill things is :i consistent ( christian. Thomas Goodwin was born at Vale Mills. Stoke- upon-Trent, England, May 1. 1835. His parents \\ ere Thomas ami .lane Goodwin, and they were also natives of England. They came to America in 1844 and located in Madison County, this stale. where the father spenl the remainder of his life. The mother passed her lasl years in Macoupin County whither she removed after the death of her husband. Mrs. Goodwin's husband wasa hoy of nine years when his parents brought him to America. He was reared and educated in Madison Comity and in early manhood adopted the calling of fanner as his life-work. Ill 1867 he came to l'enn Township and bought a tract of wild prairie land on sections 31 and 32, and threw his whole energies into the pioneer task of reclaiming it. He was exceedingly industrious, working early and late to accomplish his undertaking, and in due time his labors were rewarded and the change that he wrought made him one of the besl farms in the neighborhood. He placed his land underline cultivation, erected mat and orderly buildings, and planted fruit, shade and ornamental trees to make his home more attractive. Here he laid down his life ere yet it had passed its meridian, closing his eyes in the dreamless sleep of death February 21, 1884, leav- ing behind him the record of years well-spent and a tender memory el' a kind husband, a good father and a just and true ueighbor and friend. fe^AVID G. SANNER, V. S.. prominent and well- known as a wealthy farmer and stock-raiser, residing in Penn Township, Shelby County, has large landed interests in this. Macon and Moul- trie Counties, and has contributed extensively to the development of thegreal agricultural resources of this sect ion i if his native State as one of the most enlightened and advanced men of his class within its borders. He is much interested in raising line road horses, the Hambletonian strain being his favorite, and he also bears a high reputation as one of the most intelligent and skillful veterinary surgeons of the county. May 16, 1842, is the date of the birth of our sub- ject, in one of the pioneer homes of Madison ( ounty of which his father. Samuel Sanner, who was an early settler. The latter was a native of North- umberland County. Pa., and in early manhood mar- ried Barbara Paul, a native of Proton County. VV. Va. In 1833 he came to Illinois with his family and located in the wilds of Madison County, nine miles north of Edwardsville. During the many years that he lived there he applied himself busily to pioneer work, and in due time was well rewarded by becoming the possessor of a g lly amount of property. Inl866 he took up hi> abode in Penn Township and there his remaining days were passed in tranquillity and comfort until he closed his eyes in the dreamless sleep of death. He left behind him a good life-record and a memory that is cherished with reverence in the hearts of those who knew him. Our subject was the eighth child in a large fam- ily of children, twelve in number, and in his child- 1 d he had ample opportunity to acquire habits of industry and steady application that have been of use to him in his after life, as his father wisely de- termined that his hoys should be able to do all kinds of work on the farm, while at the same time he de- sired they should have an education. Our subject was well equipped in that respect, as in his youth excellent schools had already hceii established in Madison County, and he attended them whenever opportunity offered, and gained a sound knowledge of mathematics and other common branches. Winn the war broke out he was scarcely more than a boy, but he was eager to fightin defense of the old Bag. ( (wing to circumstances over which he had no con- trol, however, he was obliged to abandon the thought of enlisting until 1864, when In- left the parental home September 3. to enroll as a mem- ber of ( oinpany A., One Hundred and Forty-fourth [llinois Infantry, commanded by Capt. George W Carr the regiment being mustered in at Alton. He was disappointed that his regimenl was detained at Alton to do garrison duty instead of being sen) to tin' front, some of the men being sent to Missouri SO that he saw no active service in the field, lb- was PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 23'i soon detailed for service iii the regimental band and remained at Alton during the winter of 1864-65. ■v The war closed the following spring, and lie was honorably discharged July 1 1. 1865, and mustered on! at Springfield. Returning to his lather's farm after his exper- ience as a soldier Mr. Sanner brought his family from his native county to this countj in the spring of 18(!(i. lie continued to he an inmate of the par- ental household on section 21. Penn Township, until he established a home of his own, securing as an efficient helpmate to preside over it. Mis-. Mary K. Freeland. then a resident of Milan Township. Macon County, to whom he was married in April. 1870. Her father, David J. Freeland, was a native of North Carolina whence he came to Moultrie County lliir- State, when he was a boy of fifteen years. He was engaged in farm work in that and Coles County some years, and then took lip his residence in Milan Township, of which he is now one of the extensive land-holders. He married for his second wife Martha Sawyer, a native of Coles Count \. and Mrs. Sanner is their eldest child. When he married Mr. sanner commenced his in- dependent career as a farmer on a half section of land in Milan Township, and resided on that place for six years. At the expiration of that lime he came back to Penn Township to take charge of his father's farm on section 21. In 1*77 he took pos- session of his present homestead, a beautiful farm of three hundred anil twenty acres, finely located no section 2:i. Penn Township. He still retains his Macon Comity farm of half a section, renting that and part of his farm in Penn Township, and he has a thousand acres of land in all. including fifteen acres of timber in Moultrie County and town prop- erty in Bethany. He is extensively engaged in general farming, having his farm well stocked, and he pays particular attention to breeding line roadsters of Hambletonian blood. He has a thorough knowledge of the horse, having made a carefuj study of the animal for years, and is an acknow- ledged authority on all questions pertaining to it as but few men observe the g 1 points of a horse quicker, or delect its weak parts sooner than he. lie is also a successful veterinary surgeon of twenty-live years standing. A man of an active temperament, and indomi- table will and a large nature, our subject has won his way to a high place among our valued and use. fill citizens. His has been a 1 ill.- \ life. Imt not h\ the force of sheer hard work has he acquired his property, his labors having been directed by a clear. well-balanced intellect, by practical business methods and by excellent powers of discrimination and judgment. In all his dealings, he has borne him- self with unswerving adherence to the principles of truth and probity, and his reputation is unblem- ished. The Sanner family are noted for their devo- tion to the Republican party, and our subject is no exception, he being one of the strongest advocates of the Republican policy in this part of the State, and has been since in early manhood he cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1864. Socially, he is identified with William Penn Camp. M. W. A., and he is also a member of Prairie Lodge K. of H. He is a stock-holder in the Prairie Home Building and Loan Association, and all en- terprises to promote the growth of the eoiintx find in him cordial support. Mr. and Mrs. Sanner have been truly happ\ in their married life, and their home has been glad- dened by the birth of children, of whom they have had ten. namely. — Charles Wesley. Carrie Belle, Franklin Ellis (who died in infancy), Samuel Wal- ter, Cyrus David. Orville Arthur. Lawrence Lester, Robert Lincoln. Etta May and .Martha Barbara. C^ - ^-»-a >-;- — • ALCOLM 1). LANE. One of the patriotic sons of our country, who in her time of peril gladly sprang to her defense and spent almost the entire period of the Civil War in the army, we are proud to name as the brave soldier whose name heads this paragraph. He is now dev< tin" 1 imself to the peaceful pur- suits of farming U|...:: s sction 19, Ridge Township. Shelby County. lie .as born in Fairfield County. Ohio, October 26, 1832, and his parents were William and Maria (Griswold) Lane. His father was born in Ohio, and his paternal grandfather in Westniore- 238 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. land. Pa., while his mother was a native of Con- necticut, whose ancestors came originally to Mary- land, and built one of the first houses which was erected on the site which is now covered by the city of Baltimore. Four sons and two daughters, grew up together beneath the parental roof, and Malcolm was the eld- est Of the uumbcr; Marcus died in this State in 18K0; Naomi. Mrs. William Propeck, lives in Denison City, Tex.; Rachel, the wife <>f Jesse ( lolumber, lives in this county; Henry and .lames M. now reside in Marshall County. Kan.; and John died at the age of seventeen years. Our subject was married December 9, 1855, to Miss Melinda Updegraff, of Miami County, Kan., a lady who was born in Clarke County. Ohio. .Ian- nary .'5. \MX. and went to Kansas with her parents. Andrew and Margaret (Lowman) Updegraph, who were natives of Ohio, in \H.~>.~>, where she made the acquaintance of Mr. Lane. The young couple re- sided in that State for live years after marriage, and after the war made their home in Shelby County, this State. Malcolm I). Lane enlisted in Company I. Seven- teenth Ohio Infantry, in August, 1861, and was made a ( lorporal. lie served with (ien. Thomas in Kentucky, and participated in an engagement at Wild Cat, Ky.. Mill Spring, stone River. Chicka- mauga, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, and the At- lanta campaign, finally marching with Gen. Sher- man to the sea. His regiment then joined in the famous march back through the Carolina- to Wash- ington, D. C, and were present at thi' Grand Re- view in 1865. The gallant services of this young man were the cause of his being promoted, first to First Sergeant, then to Sergeant-Major, and finally to the rank of First Lieutenant of his company. He was mustered out of service at Louisville, Ky., July Hi. 1865, and returned to Shelby County, 111., where he taught school during the winters for some lift ecu years. Nine children have blessed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fane, namely : Samuel G., Emma A.. Milton A. and .1. Monroe (twin-). Minnie R., George A.. Katie M.. Ella M. and Walter M. The father of these children is wide-awake to all political move- ments and earnestly affiliates with the Republican paily. He was three time- elected Assessor of ins township, and has held the office of Justice of the Peace, also that of member of the School Foard as well as other minor ollices. The family are mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church, in which their re- ligious activities find abundant opportunity for exercise. — J- . — -*-7. when Mr. Allen sold that place, and coming to Shelby County, boughl a farm in Big Spring Township. He lived thereon some years, and then sold it, and removing to Strasburg, is passing his declining years in retirement, well-earned by a long and honorable life of industry, with his chil- dren. He was deprived of the companionship of his beloved wife by her death in 1879 at Strasburg. She was a native of Kentucky and hole the maiden name of Elizabeth Nickolls. Her father, John Nickolls, a native of North Carolina, was an early pioneer of Kentucky, where he spent the remain- der of his life. He was a teacher by profession. The maiden name of his wife was Elsie Wilson. The parents of our subject reared six children, of whom the following are the names: Thomas, Alexander. James F.. William. Alfred F. and Robert H. Alfred F. Allen inherited in a good degree those fine traits of character of the sturdy Revolution- ary and pioneer stock from which he is descended, some of our best citizens coming from such an ancestry. When he was ten years old his parent- brought him from the home of his birth to Shelby County, and from that time until his marriage he 2 1 PORTRAIT AM) liloORAPIIICAL RECORD. was of much assistance to his father in the im- provemenl of his farm, lie was a thoughtful, studious lad, and in the district schools, which he attended quite steadily during his youth, he laid the basis of a sound education whereby lie was well-equipped for the profession of a teacher, and he entered upon its duties at the age of twenty- two years, lie taught the greater part of the time the ensuing fourteen years, and then abandoned that calling to accept a position as clerk in a store at Strasburg. lie remained a resident of that vil- lage until 1886, and during that time was ap- pointed Postmaster at that place, he being the first in the county to receive an appointment at the hands <>f President Cleveland. He gave every satisfaction as an incumbent of that office, as he managed its affairs after a most business-like man- ner, and was always courteous in his intercourse with the people of the village, by whom he was well-known, and who appreciated his genial social qualities and the worth of his character. In lxst; .Mr. Allen removed to Shelbyville to assume tin- duties of County Clerk, to which posi- tion he had been recently elected. He has ever since retained the office, and it is <• -eded on all sides, without regard to party, that no man better qualified in every way could have been selected, as he brings a good understanding of the duties required of him. and a clear, well-trained intellect to hear upon his work, and his hooks will hear the inspection of the most critical. He is an ardent Democrat, and has been since he cast his first Pres- idential vote for Horace Greeley, always keeping himself well-informed in politics. While a resi- dent of Strasburg he was an important figure in its public and social life, and held several local Offices. He served as Justice of the Peace and Notary Public of thai village, was at one time Town Clerk, and also acted as Assessor and as School Treasurer. He is a member of Jackson Lodge, No. .vs. A. F. A' A. M.; of Jackson Chapter, No. 55, R. A. M.; of Black Hawk Lodge, No. l.s.s. K. 1'.. and of the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Allen was Bret married April 17. L873, to Mi^s Mary E. Davis, a native of Moultrie County, ami a daughter of Charles Davis, she died in 1879 after a few brief years of wedded happiness. leaving three children. Ida I. and Maggie and one since deceased. Mr. Allen was married in 1880 to his present estimable wife, formerly Miss Allie .1. Storm, a native of Ash Orove Township, this county, and a daughter of John ('. Storm. By this marriage two children have been horn. Flora and one deceased. -^^1 \\& i^ L=>ON. ANTHONY THORNTON, of Shelby- ) ville, Shelby County. ex-Judge of the Su- preme Court of Illinois, has distinguished himself on the bench and before the tri- bunals of this State in the course of a long prac- tice, extending over fifty-five years, and is to-day one of our foremost lawyers, whose learning, per- sonality and character have added lustre to the har of this county, and have been potent in rais- ing it to its present high position in the judiciary of this Commonwealth. Judge Thornton is of Southern birth and an- cestry, coming of Colonial and Revolutionary stock. He was horn on a Kentucky plantation, six miles from Paris. Bourbon County, November 9, 1814. His father, who hore the same name as himself, was horn in Caroline County, \ a., and was a son of Col. Anthony Thornton, who was also a native of the ( (Id Dominion, his father being a planter and a life-long resident of that state. Col. Thornton took an active part in the Revolu- tion as Colonel of a body of Virginia State Militia, and his commission, which was given him by Pat- rick Henry, is now in the possession of our subject. Animated by a spirit of adventure, and a desire to avail himself of the superior advantages possessed by the virgin soil of Kentucky, in 1808 the grand- father of our subject pushed forward to the frontier, taking with him his family and his slaves, the latter about a hundred in number, and journey- ing to the new home acros- the mountains with teams. His daughter kept a journal, giving the details of each day's journey, and the original manuscript is now in the Judge's possession. Fora time after their arrival in the wilds of Kentucky the family lived in Nicholas County, and then the . PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 241 Colonel bought a large trad of land in Bourbon and Harrison Counties, and in the dwelling thai he erected in the latter county his remaining \ ears were passed until his death. The father of our subject was reared and mar- ried in Virginia, and subsequently accompanied his parents and other members of the family in their exodus tu the f6res1 wilds of Kentucky. He purchased a trad of partly improved land on Cane Ridge, six miles from Paris, and gave his attention tu agriculture, carrying on lus farming operations with slave labor. His life was broughl to an un- timely end when scarcely past its prime, Ids death j occurring on his plantation in the year 1819. His wife survived him only six months, and then she ton closed her eyes in that dreamless sleep thai knows no waking, she was also a native of Vir- ginia, and her maiden name was .Mary Towles. Thus sadly bereft of a mother's and father's care when lie was but five years of age, our subject went to live with his paternal grandparents, who reared him tenderly, and he was given every ad- vantage to obtain a liberal education. He first attended the common schools, which were taught on the subscription plan, and at tin age of sixteen was sent to Gallatin, Tenn., tu pursue his studies at the High School of that town. From there lie went to Danville, anil for a time was a student at Centre College, lie next entered Oxford College, Oxford, Ohio, and so far was he advanced he was enrolled as a member of the junior class Of that institution, and was graduated with a high standing for scholarship in the September Class of '34. After leaving college our subject entered upon his preparation for the legal profession under the instruction of his uncle John R. Thornton, of Paris, Ky., and in 1836 he was examined before the court of appeals b\ Judge .lames Robertson and Judge Marshall, and was admitted to the bar. In the fall of the same year he started Westward with the intention of settling in Missouri, and while on his way came to this county to visit * ten. Thornton, traveling by the most expeditious route at that time, which was by the Ohio, Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to Meredosia, thence by stage through Springfield to ShelbyviUe. He found here but a small village of about two hundred people. living for the most part in log houses, while the Surrounding country was but little settled, and the land was nearly all owned by the Government. With characteristic acumen tin- .luduc soon per- ceived that here was a line field for legal talent, and he decided to tarry here, and enter upon his professional career amid iis pioneer scenes. Ac- cordingly he opened an office in the village, and as he became known and his ability was recognized, clients began to pour in upon him. and his busi- ness steadily grew with the growth of the county. justifying his anticipations of a good practice when he selected this location for a future home. In 1848 Judge Thornton entered the political arena as a member of the State Constitutional Convention that met that year to revise the Con- stitution of Illinois, and his legal equipment made his services valuable in the work of revision per- formed by the members of that convention. In 1850 he was elected to the state Legislature on the Whig ticket, and again he played an important part as a member of that most important of all committees during that session, the one that had charge of raHroad legislation, as then the princi- pal railroads of the State were organized and their routes defined. In l* discharge and engaged in the peaceful pursuits of teaching and farming, following these pursuits for a number of years. [laving reached the mature age of twenty-five years this young man decided to agree practically with the scriptural doctrine that it is "nol good for man to be alone." and chose for himself a wife in the person of Miss El- mira Carder, a native of this county, who was born here in August. 1H.">0. They were married Novem- ber II. 1869. Her parents, Joseph and Frances Carder, were early pioneers of Shelby County and Mi's. Roberts was the youngest in their family of live children, the others being .lames. Henry, fian- ces, and one sister who died in early life. Only two of this number now survive. Their mother dieil in 1M.">1 and the father remarried and had six children by the second union, four of whom are living. The happy home of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts has been blessed bythe birth of four children, three of whom still make their home under the parental ' (y/^i^a,^6 & J& AsyWL^ & jL tPLs^-ls-l' PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 217 roof. The oldest, Edwin A., was born June •'!(). 1871, and died July 1,1891; Annie B., bora in Jan- uary 1 1. 1873, is next in age and Joseph s.. born June .'?. 1875, is now attending school at Danville, Iiul.. at nu institution under the control of the state. Gracie R.,the pet and delighl of the family, was bora April 20, 1885. In 1*72 .Mr. Roberts engaged in buying grain and produce al Lakewood and has continued hand- ling grain and stock in connection with merchan- dising and farming up to the present date. lie and his wife own about six hundred acres of farm- ing land in the vicinity of Lakewood and also -oine property within the village, lie carries a general stock of dry goods, groceries, read\ made clothing, hoot> and shoes, provisions, etc. Ili> Store is tilled with a well-selected stock and he en- joys an excellent share of the trade of the town. This gentleman takes a great interest in religious work and especially in Sunday-school, being a member of the Separate Baptist Church for which he often preaches, being ever ready to supply vacancies and attend funeral services. His excel- lent wife is also an active worker in the same church. He i> very useful in the community and is fre- quently called upon to settle estates and act as guardian for minor children, in both of which capacities he has shown himself eminently worthy of the confidence which was reposed ill him. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace and is at the present time a Notary Public. His political views are expressed in the declarations of the Re- publican party, in the prosperity of which he takes great interest. "=) '-HHM f^DWAIM) SANNER. The student of — «j history finds abundant food for thought in __^ the life record of this gentleman who has materially added to the wealth and importance of Shelby County as one of the leading agricultural centers of the great Prairie state since he identified himself with its most stirring and enterprising farmers and stock-raisers a quarter of a century ago. lie lias extensive landed interests both in this and Macon County, and a beautiful home in l'enn Township, where he has ,-i model farm. He devotes this estate largely to stock-raising purposes, hav- ing here one of the best herds of llcrefords in this section, and several line Cleveland P>a\ horses among other valuable stock. A view of this line homestead appears on another page of this volume. Our. subject was horn April 29, 1839, in one of the pioneer homes of Madison County. His fa- ther. Samuel Sanner. was an early settler of that section of Illinois, who took an active part in its development during the thirty -three years that he resided there. He was a l'eiinsy Ivanian by birth, bora in Northumberland. He married Barbara Paul, a native of that pari of Virginia now in- cluded in West Virginia, and in 1833 came with her from Pennsylvania to this state. In lKtitl he removed with his family to this county, and here his life was closed in his home in l'enn Township in April. 1880, death coming lo him after a long and busy career. He left a record worthy of emu- lation and an untarnished name that is revered l>\ his descendants and by all who knew him. Edward Sanner grew to manhood under good home influences, and principles of industry and of doing well whatever he undertook were early in- stilled into his mind and undoubtedly have con- tributed much to his prosperity since he began his independent career as a farmer. As soon as he was old enough he attended the district school and continued a student there until he became of age, and as he made the best of his opportunities he obtained a sound, practical education. His father intended to send him to college at Lebanon, hut his services were needed at home, and the idea of a course at college had to he abandoned. lie was living quietly in his father's I e in Madison County when the great Civil War between the North his duties merits the highest praise. His school privileges were necessarily limited hut he would gather hickory hark to make a torch light and during the long winter evenings would rend such hooks as lie could get hold of until at length he had acquired a good practical knowledge. The only school which he attended was a log Cabin furnished with puncheon floor and slab seats, but SO well did he prepare himself that for ten years he was a successful teacher in Rush County, Ind. During that time Mr. Eden met and married Miss Matilda M. Russell, who was horn two miles from Rushville. Ind.. in 1 t w ^ } i i i i i < i /5K IIAKI.KS H. McCOY. Centuries ago, the I _ work of an architect only began when the Vi/ idea, the plans and specifications for his work were impressed upon his mind, and confided to parchment. After that In 1 himself, with a myriad of workmen went into the forests, hewed down the trees that his judgmenttold him were best adapted for the work in hand, and set about putting them in such shape with his chisel and saw. as could he used in his building. To-day. in architect- ure, as in every thing else, there are a hundred, yes. more. Specialties, to which as many men bring the concentrated power of their intelligence, abil- ity and skill. Of these Specialists, no one takes a more important part than he who furnishes the well-seasoned timbers that go to make up the skel- eton of a frame work, the odoi'OUS, pine\ -hell, and the beautifully grained, marveloush shaded woods for the interior finish. The trade of a [umber dealer is one in which, if one have any artistic instinct, there is large opportunity for the fullest enjoyment of color, tone and form. Our subject, who has just reached that age when success begins to he grateful was horn in Mifflin County. Pa., February in. 1851. His father was the late Samuel II. McCoy, a farmer by occupation and a native of liucks County, Pa. where he was horn December 1. 1818. Our subject's mother whose maiden name was Rachael .1. Anderson, was horn in Mifflin County. Pa. in .Inly. 1882. After their marriage, they settled in the bride's native county, where together they pursued the course of life for many years, and where the father died June h. L890. They became the parents of five children, our subject being the second in order of birth. His birthplace was in Mifflin County. Pa. and his natal day was duly 10. 1851. Charles II. McCoy was reared to maul I on his father's farm, and remained under the parental roof until about 1873. After that time and until 1 XT*;, he was employed in different occupations in his native Stale, anil at that date, he came to Piatt County. 111., where for a period of two years he was employed during the summer months at fann- ing and during the winter season lie was engaged in teaching in Moultrie County. At this time he formed a partnership with .1. C. Met old and launched into the grain and lumber business in Heinent. This partnership continued until 1881, at which time the firm dissolved and for about seven months afterward our subject was employed as hook- keeper for a coal company in New Mexico. His experience in that territory was new and interest- ing, hut he was not so attracted that his inclina- tions did not urge him to return to the Prairie state. Coming hither again he engaged in his former occupation, or rather, in the lumber trade. at Atwood. remaining there,however, hut for a short time, selling out his business and in the spring of 1883 coming to Lovington, where he resumed the business in which he was formerly engaged hut thereafter being sole proprietor, although for the first two years, that is from 1883 to Ikh.">. he was in partnership with his brother. S. E. McCoy. The original of this sketch enjoys the reputation 252 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of being a straightforward business man honor- able in all his dealings, and il speaks well for hi* credit thai he enjoys to the fullest extent, the con- fidence and esteem of his fellow-townsmen. His marriage look place in Bement this State, December 25, 1879. Mrs. McCoy's maiden name was Susan L. Tabor. Her parents were Edwin and Nancy A. (Boyle) Tallin-, she is a native of Kentucky, being born in the metropolis of that state February 25, lH.Vi. Their union has been blessed by the advent of three children whose names are respectivel}' Ed- win T.. Fred II. and Florence L. They are amiable and lovable young people endowed with bright minds and quick perceptive faculties. Our subject affiliates with the Republican party, and although he is greatly interested, as all good men must be. in local government, he is not in anysensea seeker after office. Hchas, however, been elected to some local posts, and has filled theimportant position of School Director with great appreciation of the re- sponsibilities of that office. ()X. SAMUEL \V. WRIGHT, Jr., repre- 1 scuts the Thirty-third Senatorial District -,/ in the General Assembly. From a local (£) standpoint he is an enterprising citizen and a liberal supporter of all worthy enterprises. Per- sonally he of whom we write is modest and retiring, but a thorough business man and a gentleman. He lives on a farm, which he oversees, but as the greater part of his time is given to outside busi- ness the term of "gentleman tanner" might with propriety be applied to Mr. Wright. He is the owner, however, of a good farm in Sullivan Town ship, which, owing to his splendid management, is a model of neatness, order and attractiveness. Like the majority of farmers who do business on a large Scale in the State, he deals extensively in live- stock anil is a general trailer. The original of our sketch is the only son of James M. and Mildred (Dazey) Wright, and was born in this county June 30, 1850. The family removed, however, to Shelby County in the fall of 1850, and there the lad passed his boyhood days. He was seventeen years old when the family came to Sullivan, and the young man finished his edu- cation at Bastian College, then a noted institution of learning, but now defunct. Like the present leader of the Republican parly, the Hon. .lames G. Blaine, he began his career asa teacher. and doubt- less, in forming debating societies for his students, he early learned parliamentary rules and regula- tions that were of value to him later in his career in public life. In 1870 Samuel Wright was married, his bride being Miss Angie Powell, who was born in Moul- trie County. March I. 1850. Their nuptials were celebrated ill Sullivan, where for a time the young couple made their residence. Mrs. Wright is a daughter of John and Sarah (Harbough) Powell. In 1879 they settled in Moultrie County, where they at present reside. Here our subject is en- gaged while at home, in stock-raising, being able to boast of some of tin' finest breeds in the animals that he owns. Politically, the originator of our sketch is an important factor in the local forces of the Democratic party. An intelligent, educated man. and a good speaker, he has done much for his party in the State. He has for three terms held the local office of Township Supervisor, and has also been Chairman of the Board, and has been instrumental in effecting many changes that have benefited the county. In the fall of 1890 he of whom we write was elected to the Stale Senate, and was one of the one hundred and one who supported the Hon. John M. Palmer so ably for the United States Senate. His standing in the Legislature speaks for itself in the fact that lie was a member of some of the mosl important committees, serving on ten in all. among which were those on appropriations, banks and banking, corporations, etc. lie received the highly complimentary vote of three thousand four hundred majority oxer his Republican oppo- nents and several hundred over all other candi- dates, which speaks in most glowing terms of his popularity in the county. Mr. Wright's domestic and home life i> exceed- ingly happy. His wife is a charming woman, who. while her chid' interests are centered ill her home and family, presides with great dignity and ele- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ■2»3 nance over the domestic realm. She is a delight- ful hostess, making rich or poor, greal or small, feel al home and easy in her gracious presence. she is the mother of eight children, whose names are as follows: Carrie E.. Addie <>.. Walter P., .lames A.. Minnie May. Edward E., Homer \V and Samuel Palmer. ( )nr sulijeet is Past Grand Master of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and also a member of the Knights of Pythias. In their religious re- lations both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are connected in membership with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Our sulijeet is a man whose biographical sketch it is a pleasure to consider. Cultivated, educated and manly, with no inclination to boast of natural advantages or acquirements, he is one who naturally takes his place at the head of affairs anil is recognized universally as one of nature's noblemen. ■ ■■■t-f-t&r >-» EORGE W. GPJSSO. The hospitable and I genial owner of the finely-improved farm \_A located on section 12. of Tower Hill Town- ship, is a man whose ancestry and birth tell in his general status, for he is intelligent, well informed, a lover of hooks and of beautiful things, altogether a manly man and a gentleman. His father was Christian Grisso, a native of Virginia, and his mother Elizabeth (Detrick) Grisso. Both parents were of German ancestry. Our subject's father still survives, but his mother passed away about 1858. They were the parents of a family of eight children, and of these our subject was the fourth in order of birth, having been horn in Clark County. Ohio. August 30, 1838. The original of this sketch attained to manhood in his native county and State, and December 13. 1864, when he felt that he could take upon him the responsibilities and duties of wedded life, he was married to Miss Catherine Mellblger, a daughter of Malchor and Matilda (Bowman) Mellinger, who were residents of Dayton, Ohio, at the time of their death, where they had lived for many \ ears. They were the parents of ten children, of whom Mrs. Grisso was the second in order of birth. She was born in Richland County, Ohio, February 5, 1840. After the marriage of our subject, he. with his young wife, settled in Clark County, Ohio, and there lived five years, from which place they came to this county and settled in Tower Hill Township, where they have ever since been residents. Their domestic life has been very happy. Kindly ami forbearing, each is appreciative of the intentions and acts of the other. Little ones have come about them, and those who survive have grown to he good and intelligent women, who have taken re- sponsible and honorable positions in society. They arc a credit to their parents, and speak well for the years of tender guardianship and care which have been bestowed upon them. The names of the five children are as follows: Carrie M.. who died in in- fancy; Clarence A., who was also taken away while a babe; Emma .1.; Cora M.. who is the wife of Charles Malone; and Ivella I. Mr. Grisso has been appointed to service in several local offices, having been Highway Com- missioner and School Director: and the compli- ment that has been paid his judgment and ability has been returned by faithful and efficient serv- ice, lie has ever taken an active part in local po- litical affairs, striving to have the local govern- ment in the hands of sucb men as will conscien- tiously discharge their duties irrespective of party power. He fraternizes with the Prohibition ele- ment, thus showing his progressive tendencies. 1 1 is wifeisa member Of the Methodist Episcopal Church and he himself has ever been a generous contribu- tor to the support of the Gospel. He of whom we write has found his vocation to he that of a producer and cultivator of the rich cereal treasures of the earth, and in this, although a comparatively young man, he has already been favored with a reasonable degree of success. He is the owner of one hundred and twenty acres of good land, upon which he has expended much money and labor in line improvements. His resi- dence is a cozy and comfortable home, which finds a place for the besl influence wrought by hooks and music and cheerful, animated conversation on 25 1 PORTRAIT AM) IUOGRAPHICAL RECORD. current topics of tin day. Hedevotes the greater part <>f his attention to the cultivation of small fruit, in which he has been particularly successful, :iikI his farm in the warm days of June, duly and August, when the bushes are laden with their fra- grant and juicy burdens, is an enticing and de- lightful place to visit. Socially he belongs to the ( iiiler of United Workmen. During the War of the Rebellion Mr. Grisso en- listed in the army, becoming a volunteer in Au- gust, ls<> - 2. in Company A., Ninety-fourth Ohio Regiment. He served about eleven months, at the expiration of which time he was discharged on account of physical disability, lie was taken prisoner near Frankfort, Ky., and experienced something of the prison life, although he was par- oled soon after his capture. LONZO HENDRICKS. Shelby County abounds in a line class of farmers who have given to this section of the Prairie State an excellent reputation and have been of help in building it> commercial and agricultural interests. To such the county owes a debt which is not easily paid and they will leave to their pos- terity a heritage which will lie their besl possession. Our subject, who is such a citizen and who resides on section 29, Okaw Township, where his farm is there tributary to the city of Shelbyville, is the son of Samuel and Mary I-'.. ( Sconce ) Hendricks, natives of North Carolina and Kentucky respectively. Samuel Hendricks came to Illinois when a young man and was married in Shelby County, and gave his entire attention to farming, until a few years previous to his death, when, feeling that he had done his share in the work of subduing the soil and adding to the world's riches through its culti- vation, he retired from active life and made his home ill Shelbyville, where he died in May. 1888, at the age of sixty-two years. Ili> good wife passed from earth in 1881. lie was horn March 25, 1H2(>. and carh became a pioneer of Illinois. coming with his parent- to Shelby County in 1831, and thus -pent the greater part of his life in this state. Hi- character was such as to give him the warm regard as well as esteem of his neighbors. He was an honored member of the Christian Church from October 5, 1841, and was a constant and true friend of the Union through all the trying scenes of the Civil War. The political conviction- of this pioneer made him an ardent Republican yet he could not be called a politician in the usual sense of tin- word, as his intelligence and extensive reading had made him a man of breadth and he was cordially willing that every man should hold to his own opinions. never cherishing any hostility toward those who differed from him. His honorable attention to the affairs which concerned himself and his willing- ness to allow his neighbors the same privilege added greatly to his popularity. His funeral, which was one of the largest ever known in the county, at- tested to the high respect in which this honest and hard-working man was held. Mr. Samuel Hendricks had in his wife a worthy and efficient helpmate, one who made it her aim in life to do good to all with whom she came in con- tact, and to make her home the happiest place on earth. She was born in Nicholas County. Ky., September 6, 1826, and came with her parents to Shelby County when quite young. Her father died at the age of seveiilv-ti ve and her mother survived until the venerable age of seventy-eight. Their daughter was an earnest member of the Christian Church and a steadfast worker therein, her death, which occurred in 1881, was felt as a meat blow not onl\ to her home friends but also in the community. The subject of this -ketch was born February 2 1. 1859, and received in the common schools of Illi- nois the education which litted him tor life's work. Upon his father's farm he was thoroughly drilled in the practice and theory of farming and under- took that work as his business for life, lie was married in is.su to Luella Hardy, daughter of Thomas and Eliza Hardy. Like himself she is a native of Shelby County, and is now the mother of one brighl and promising child, to whom they have given the name of Earl. Mr. Hendricks has resided where he now lives since his marriage and now has in his possession one hundred acres of line •A PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 2,-> 7 soil upon which lie has placed substantial and per- manent improvements. His political views have led liim to affiliate with the Republican party and in it- prosperity lie feels a keen interest. =^t:^> ollN P. BRABHAM. Living the life of a retired funnel' in the pretty village of Lov- ington, Moultrie County, where be uasa neat and attractive home, our subjecl bas reached thai period of life al which lie may be pardoned if lie exults in bis good birth and parentage. In truth be was well horn and a native of the suite thai boasts so many men who bave attained greal fame as states- men .-inil orators. Almost contemporary with Jef- ferson, Lee. Harrison and many others of the men who have enriched the historical pages of their State by valianl word and deed. John 1". Brabham, e.n l\ grew up with ,-i keen appreciation of oratory and statesmanship, for did he not in his earliest infancy breathe in the very atmosphere that created orators? Our subject's father was John Brabham, who was horn in Loudoun County. \'a. His mother was Mary Elizabeth Power,alsoof Virginia. After their marriage they settled in Loudoun County and remained there for a long time. In 1835 they determined to strike out in a new direction and removed to Morgan County. Ohio, where thev lived for some two oil hrec \ ears. They next re- moved to Washington County. Ohio, where the decease of both occurred. It is not reniarkahle that they did not accumulate much wealth for they had fourteen little mouths to feed. However, as time passed the little ones grew to manhood and wo- manhood, becoming independent and a source of material help and comfort to the parents. It is a somewhat remarkable fact, that of this large family :ill reached maturity and had families of their own. The lir-t break in the home circle un- caused by the death of the youngesl child, a daugh- ter, who left two children. Our subject was the fourth child in order of birth, tirst opening his eves in Loudoun County, ■ Va., his natal day being on the 1 1th of April. 1818. With his father and family he went to Ohio when seventeen years of age and continued under the home roof until his marriage, which event took place December 28, 1840, in Washington County, Ohio, his bride being Miss Doshe K. Webster, a daughter of John and Mary (Hurries) Webster, the former of whom died in Hardin Countv. Ohio. After the death of her hushand. who was accidentally killed by the discharge of a rifle, Mrs. Webster returned to Washington County and there remained until her death. She had ei^ht children of whom Mrs. Brabham was the third. Her birth took place in Morgan County. ( )hio. July 24. 1824. After the marriage of the original of our sketch and his wife the young couple settled in Washing- ton Countv. Ohio, and there continued to live un- til 1867, when he sold out "his farm and came to this State and county, settling in Lowe Township on section 17. On that place they continued to live until May. 1889, when he rented his farm and removed to Lovington, of which he has since been a resident. When a young man our subject learned the cooper'.- trade which he carried on in connec- tion with farming while he lived in Ohio, but since coming to the Prairie State he has devoted his whole attention to agricultural affairs. Mr. Brabham is the owner of two hundred and forty acres, all of which is well improved. The soil, which is of the best quality, has for years been well tilled and the buildings upon the place are substantial and good. Mr. and Mrs. Brabham are the parents of five children: Dianlha C. was lir-t married to John Rigg, in Ohio, in 1864, and of that union three children were born — Vesta. Nor- ton M. and Arthur E. For a number of years she made her home with her parents until in June. 1XH4. when she again married, becoming the wife Of James Jones, and two children have come to bless this union. Walter and Wilda (twins), the latter dying at the age of two years. Her two sons by her first marriage still reside with their grand- parents and brighten the home- and lives of the worthy couple. (If the remaining children of Mr. and Mr-. Brabham the following is recorded: Walter II. died when sixteen years of age, just as the golden gate of manhood was opening before him and the pro-peels within its portal seemed SO fair; Francis 258 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. M. married Miss Rebecca Deeter; Leonidas died when a lad of eleven years; David G. married Miss Uattie Dougherty. In political affairs Mr. Brabham has taken a fairly active interesl and is a Republican by preference, lie has held the office of Justice of the Peace for a long time and lias also been School Truster and School Director. Both he and his wife are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church and have been so connected since DS42. Nearlya half-cent- ury of church experience and social relationship is theirs, and they have followed the changes which have taken place in the customs of their church with interest and attention. Our subject has filled various offices in the church, and lias been local preacher for years, also Superintendent of the Sun- day-school, Deacon and Class- Leader. His wife has been a constant and faithful companion in all his good words and works, and is a woman of beautiful Christian character, whose amiability of disposition, gentleness and kindly spirit, have ever been an example of good to those around her. Mr. Brabham was a lay delegate to the Methodist Episcopal Conference held in Bloomington in Sep- tember, 1891, and always strives in whatever posi- tion placed to advance the cause of religion so dear to his heart. A lithographic portrait of Mr. Brabham accom- panies this sketch'. =*£> ()1IN MOLL. The young gentleman whose history it is our pleasure to here chronicle. i> :i successful fanner and stock-raiser opera- ting a place on section 20, of Pickaway Township. The tract comprises two hundred and forty acres of good land, which is so well managed :i~ lo he the admiral ion of all who have the oppor- tunity of seeing it. Although a young man to have tin' care of SO large a place he has controlled it for the past two years, having been engaged as m far r in flat Branch Township for tin' live years previous to his coming here. Our subjeel was bora on the farm which he now <2J occupies, his natal day being February 27. L862, and he is the fourth child in the parental family. His parents were Daniel and Caroline (Wolf) Moll, natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio, respectively, both of German ancestry. They were married in Ohioandat once came to Illinois, settling in Ridge Township about 1854. Later they came to Picka- way Township and purchased a small farm, a part of which is now covered by the old homestead. This was the nucleus of the handsome property that Mr. Moll subsequently acquired. The farm comprised nine hundred and forty acres, mosl of which is now highly improved. The dwelling is a large two-story brick house, of imposing style and well located, commanding a magnificent view of the surrounding country. Six farm dwellings which make g 1 homes for the tenants and workmen about the place have been built on the land. The place has been brought to its present high tone chiefly by the efforts of Mr. Moll Sr.. who is now retired from a life of ac- tive engagement in agriculture to a beautiful home in Moweaqua, where he and his wife live in quiet retirement at the ages Of three score years. They are active and well-known factors in Moweaipia where they hold a prominent social position. Their church relations are connected with those of the United Brethren Church, of which Mr. Moll is a member. They have live living children. The original of our sketch was reared on the farm which he now occupies, lie received the ad- vantages of a good public school education and is well fitted for practical business life. He was married in this township May 1. 1884, to Miss Ida Hell Tolly, who. like himself, is ,-i native of this township, where she was liorn September 8, 1 S< < > 7 . Here she was reared and educated. She is the daughter of Cornelius and Elizabeth (Goodwin) Tolly, who die now living at Moweaqua and are re- tired farmers. They arc old settlers in the county and have been successful in a financial way. Mrs. Moll was well and carefully reared. She i> a bright woman, having an unusual conversational talent, an attractive personality and charming manners. She i~ the proud mother of two children, in whose care and education she is deeply absorbed. Mr. and Mrs. Moll arc members of the old-school PORTRAIT AND BI< RAPHICAL RECORD. 259 Baptisl ( li inch of Flat Brand) Township. Our subjeel is a Republican in his politics as is his fa- ther. He i> a member of the order of the Farmers' .Mutual Benefil Association. ONATHAN PATTERSON, familiarly known throughout this part of the State as ••Dud';" Patterson, belongs to a family of Scotch origin, the grandfather of our subject hav- ing been a native of the Highlands of Scotland, where he received thorough trainingand education and when a young man came with Gen. Lafayette t<> the United Mates, where he served as a soldier through the latter part of the Revolutionary War. He afterward settled in Tennessee and there mar- ried his Hrst wife, who died while in the prime of life in Marshall County. After her death Mr. Pal terson removed to Muhlenberg County, Ky., and there me1 and married his second wife and came to Illinois in 1828. His son, David, father of our subjeot, came to Illinois the same year, traveling overland with an ox-team and a horse, the horse being hitched in front of theoxen. They brought their household goods with them ami after stopping for a shorl time in Edgar County, continued their travels in the same way to .Moultrie County, which they reached in .March. 1833. After visiting in Shelby County they finally settled near Sullivan. this county, and here David Patterson, the father of our subject, began life as a pioneer in the wilds Of the new country, lie helped to lay out the present ciiv of Sullivan and spent his lasl years here, dying in October, 1867. His wife survived him for two years and passed away at an advanced age. By her marriage to David Patterson she had four sons and three daughters, four of whom are still living. David Patterson, the father of our subject, was horn in Tennessee in 1806 and he was yet a young man when lie came to Illinoi>. and here he married Polly Harbaugh, whose parents, Jjfcob and Nancy (Hill) Harbaugh, were of Pennsylvania Dutch stock and came from West Pittsburg, Pa., traveling down the Ohio River on a (latboat, making the first set- tlement in Muhlenberg County. Ky. After the marriage of their daughter, Polly, with David Pat- terson, the family came to Illinois and settled in what is now Moultrie Country in the year 1833, and here Mr. and Mrs. Harbaugh spent their last years and died of old age. They were well-known and highly respected among the pioneers of this part of the State. After David Patterson and his wife settled in this county they took a farm and improved it ami spent the remainder of their days here. Mr. Patter- son died while on a \ isit in Mar-hall County, Tenn.. in October, I866,.bu1 his remains were brought home and lie in the cemetery at Sullivan. His wife died in August, 1869. They were members of the Christian Church and personal friends of Dr. Alexander Campbell. Mr. Patterson was a prominent man in the Democratic ranks and for many years served as Justice of the Peace and School Commissioner for a long while, lie was County Judge foi twelve years ami helped to Or- ganize the county and to get the hill through the Legislature, and also assisted in locating the county seat. ••Dock" Patterson was the lirsl horn of his parents, his natal da\ being October 1. 1827, and his native place being in Muhlenberg County, Ky. lie was thus not quite a year old when his parents came to Edgar County, this Slate, and was yet a child when they continued their migration to this county. He received a log schoolhouse education and grew to manhood, taking up the occupation of a farmer and stock-raiser. For forty years back In/ has been the favorite auctioneer at salesof stock all over the county, ami indeed throughout this portion of the State. In 1883 he cs to Sullivan and bought a livery stable which he i- now man- aging on North Main Street. Our subject was married in this county to Miss Julia A. Souther, who was horn in Kentucky, Octo- ber 10, 1829. She came north with her parent- in the fall of 1833 and received her training and education in this county. She is a woman of un- usual ability, a faithful wife and affectionate mother. Of their seven children four are deceased, namel\ : John. Marv. William A. and Charles II.. while those 260 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. who remain in this life are, Sarah, the wife of Mack D. Philhower, a conductor mi the Sante Fe Rail- road, residing in IVkin. 111., and Nancy and Katie who arc at lniinc with their parents. The positions of I )c| mi \ Sheriff and Constable have for nine years been tilled by Mr. Patterson and lie has also been Township Collector. His political views ally liiin with the Dunocracy and he is a member of the Blue Lodge of Masons, at Sullivan. Both lie and his lovely wife are identified with the Christian Church in which he has served as Deacon. * ~— <«p^)LLSW(>KTII FOSTER was born in Pickn- ll-s', way Township. Shelby County. December * ■? 2.'!. is<;;'i. his birthplace being the farm thai lie is now so successfully managing, and he has taken his place among the manly, independent, wide-awake young farmers and stock-raisers who within recent years have stepped forward to help carry on the great agricultural interests of this county so well developed by their pioneer sires. ()ur subject i- a son of John Foster, an old ami well-known citizen of this county, now living in honorable retirement at Shelbyville. He in turn w .- 1 - the son of another John Foster, both being na- tives of Yorkshire. England. In 1843 the grand- father of our subject left his early English home to seek another in this country, bringing with him his wile and six children. The family set s:iil from Liver] 1 on the good ship Glasgow, and after a voyage of six weeks and four days, landed at Xew York, and proceeded directly to Ohio, journeying !i\ 1 he Hudson River to Albany, thence by Erie (anal to Buffalo, from thereon the lake to Cleve- land, Ohio, and then by canal to Madison County, in the same State. In 1849 the elder John Foster brought his fam- ily to Shelbj County, and was one of the lirst set- tlers on the prairie of Todd's Point Township, hut few pioneers having preceded him to that locality, and they had selected homes in the timber. The country was niostFj in its primitive condition, with deer and other kinds of wild game plentiful. Mr. Foster entered a tract of Government land, and building at once, devoted his time afterward to Stock-raising and general farming until his life was rounded out by death at a ripe age. His wife also died on the home farm in Todd's Point Township. In her maiden days she bore the name of Ellen Atkinson. She whs a native of Yorkshire. Eng- land, and a daughter of Thomas Atkinson. She reared six children, named as follows: Joseph, Mary. John, Alice. Thomas and James. The father of our subject was a lad of thirteen years when he came to America with his parents. brothers and sisters, and still has a vivid remem- brance of his boyhood's home and of the pioneer life that the family was obliged to lead after com- ing to this country in the newly settled regions where they located in Ohio and this Slate, lie was bred to the life of a farmer, ami resided under the parental roof until his marriage, lie then engaged in farming in Todd's Point Township a few years. His next venture was to buy one hundred and twenty acres of prairie in Pickaway Township. He busied himself in the years that followed in the im- provement of his place, erecting a substantial set of frame buildings, putting the land under admirable tillage, and greatly adding to the attractiveness and value of the farm by planting fruit and shade trees. In 1889 Mr. Foster yielded the management Of his farm to the competent hands of his son Ells- worth, and retired from active labor to a plea-ant home at Shelbyville, which he then purchased. John Foster took Rachel DODSOB as his wife in 1848, and for more than forty years they have shared life's jo\ s ami sorrow > together. Mrs. Fos- ter was born in Westmorelandshire, England, and is a daughter of John ami .lane (Clark) Dobson. who were also natives of that shire, and came to America about L836. They settled among the pio- neers of Stark County. Ohio, and there spent their remaining days. Both Mr. and Mrs. Foster are sincere members of the Presbyterian Church, and are people of high principle anil character. They arc the parents of six children, namely: Ann Ame- lia..!. Williams. Wesley T., -I. Ellsworth, Norman II. and -l»-ii ii ie. Ellsworth Foster grew to man's estate in the home of his birth, and was educated in the local public schools. lie was an active, sturdy, self-re- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 261 limit tittle lad, and even when very young was of much assistance on the farm, and early acquired a thorough familiarity with agricultural pursuits, lie lived with his parents until his marriage, and then they removed to town and he took charge of the farm. He is managing it judiciously and with "(Mid results, and has already acquired a good repu- tation for hi- skill and practicality in carrying on farming after the most approved modern methods, tie is straightforward and candid in his dealings, stands well financially, and his pleasanl social qual- ities make him popular with his associates. He i- :in active member of William Penn (amp. M. W. A. He holds sound and sensible views in regard to politic-, ami is a true Republican. To tin' lady who presides so pleasantly and gra- ciously over his home, and co-operates with him in extending its hospitalities to friends of strangers who may happen beneath its roof, our subject was married in 1889. One child, whom they have Darned Faith, completes their household. Mrs. Fos- ter was formerly Edith Noon, is a native of Wau- kesha County. Wis., anil a daughter of .lames and Hannah (Fear) N l.an extended -ketch of whom appears elsewhere. Mr-. Foster is a lady of culture, and in her the Unitarian Church has a valuable member, who is active in its every good work. . *=*s« ^ ART. 1IKXRY L. HART, who won mili- I lary honors during the Civil War as an V^_/ olliccr of an Illinois regiment, is a promi- nent citizen of Shclhy ville. Shelby County, where he has for some time conducted business as a fut niture dealer, and he ha- also been a conspicuous figure in the municipal government. He was born in Fairfield County. Ohio. October 20, 1837, a -on of I'.arnhart Hart, who was horn in Pennsylvania in February, 18 I-'. The grandparents of our subject removed from Pennsylvania to the Buckeye state during tin' tirst quarter of this century, and were among the early pioneers of Fairfield County, where thc\ both ilicil soon after they located in its primeval wilds. Their son Barnharl was very small when he was Ihu- orphaned, and he early had to work for a livelihood. At the age of fourteen he was bound as an apprentice to Mr. Beck, a blacksmith, Of Lancaster, and served with him seven years to learn the trade, receiving hi- hoard and clothes in repayment for his assistance. At the expiration of that time he did journey work forawhile, and then opened a smithy in the village of Jeff erson, and carried on business in his line in that place until 1851. In that year he bought a farm in Violet Township, and has since devoted his time to fann- ing, being one of the prosperous, well-to-do farm- ers of his neighborhood. In early manhood he took unto himself a wife, whose name prior to their marriage was Mary Wooster, ami she was born in Germany in 1812. The following are the names of the eight children that this worthy couple reared to maturity: Francis C. Henry I... Anna M.. Charles, John, Elizabeth. Susan A. and Irvin M. John, who was a member of Company K. One Hundred and Fourteenth Ohio Infantry, died op- posite YTcksburg while bravely fighting for his country. In the county of llis nativity he of whom these lines are written grew to man's estate, and in its Schools he gained a good practical education. lie remained with his parents until his twenty-second year, affording his father valuable help on his farm, and he then came to this county, lie was em- ployed in farming here until 1861, and then the restless spirit of adventure and the prospects of gain sent him to the gold fields iii the Rocky Mountains. In company with others, he started in the month of March on the long and tedious journey aero-- the plains, going with a team to St. Louis, and there embarking team and all on a river Steamer hound for Atchison. Kan., whence the\ proceeded across the prairies to their destination. At that time buffaloes were plenty on tin 1 plain-. and Indians, who were sometimes hostile, had full Sway. Denver, which was then in its infancy, had a population of hut three or four hundred people. Our subject engaged in mining until fall, then returned to this county with the proceeds of his labors. In the month of December he volunteered for service in the Union Army, having determined 262 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. to join his patriotic fellow-countrymen at the fronl to help defend the stars and stripes. His name was enrolled as a member of Company II. Fifty- fourth Illinois Infantry, and he went South with his regiment. In all its campaigns, marches and battles, he was an active participant, and on all occasions displayed true valor, coolness in danger, and promptness in action that mark the genuine soldier, which traits finally won for him deserved promotion from the ranks to the position of First Lieutenant, his commission being received in 1864. From that time he had command of his company. although he was not appointed its Captain until February, 1865. His men fought well under the inspiration of Ids leadership, and did their part bravely in every battle in which they met the enemy, continuing in the service until after the close of the war. when they and their gallant Cap- lain were honorably discharged. Alter leaving the army ('apt. Hart returned to Shelbyville, and for some years was engaged here in the grocery business untilfailing health obliged him to wind up his affairs and take a much needed rest. After selling out. he spent one year in the South and in his native State, and he then came hack to Shelbyville. lie was employed as a clerk until Isi.s."). and then established himself in his present business, in which he has been eminently successful. He has a large and well-appointed store, stocked with a full line of furniture and house furnishing goods, our subject making it a point to cany every article used in the fitting up of a modern home demanded by the needs and tastes of his many customers. In 1866 Capt. Hart was united in marriage to Miss Isabella Fishbaugh, a Dative of Ohio, and a daughter of Mordecai and Isabella Fishbaugh. Their wedded life has lieen one of mutual felicity, and has broughl them four sons — Francis C, Lewis 1L. William li. ami Walter E. The Captain is a man of sound business princi- ples, i- prompt in his dealings and methodical in i he management of his affaire. His fellow-citizens, recognizing these facts, and knowing their value in a civic official, at < ne time called him to the head of the municipal government, and for four years he served with distinction as Mayor of Shelbyville. He is a tine Democrat in his politics, and in his religious faith a firm Presbyterian, both he and his wife being active members of the church of that denomination in this city. OHN N. STORM belongs to an energetic, enterprising family of whom the young men early started Out in life for themselves. Our subject is a general merchant in the village of Strasburg, and being thoroughly ac- quainted in the surrounding country, he lias the advantage in both buying and selling, lie of whom we write is a son of Hiram .1. Storm, who was born in Ash Grove Township, Shelby County, this State. His mother was Harriet Rankin, who was horn in Liu' Spring Township. Our subject's parents after mawiage settled in Ash Grove Township. The mother died while her hoys were young, passing away in 1868. The father is still living and is employed as a farmer in Big Spring Township. They were the parents of seven children and of these our subject is the fourth in order of birth. He was horn in Ash (.rove Township. Shelby County, this State. January 13, 1*">*. and was reared chiefly in Big Spring Township, remaining with his father until he was eighteen years old. when he came to Strasburg and was engaged in wagon making and repairing, and was thus occu- pied for about two years. He then went into the saloon business but continued in this only a short time and then engaged in the general mercantile business. The original of our sketch carries a good and well-aSSOrted stock of merchandise and enjoys a gOOd trade. He has Idled several local offices. He has been both village and township Constable. Justice Of the Peace, Village Trustee and School Treasurer, lie is a member of the Masonic frater- nity. Mr. Storm's marriage look place in Richland Township. His wife's maiden name was Anna B. Martin, she was a daughter of Jacob Martin, who died in Richland Township. She was horn in Indiana. The\ are the parents of five children, three of whom only are living. Their names are Merton R., Or- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 263 ville and Ivy. Two died when very young. Mr. st < >iin affiliates with the Democratic parly. Our subject i^ a man who has a great deal of executive ability, and whose business dealings are On an extensive plane. He is engaged quite exten- sively in addition to his local business, in shipping eggs and poultry to the New York markets. ^ ARTIN L. LOWE. Among the success- ful business men of Sullivan. Moultrie County, we are pleased to mention the name which appeal's at the head of this paragraph — the name of a prosperous dealer in horses and the head of a liverystable and who also deals in all kinds of farming implements and vehi- cles, lie keeps a tine line of turnouts and horses at his place, which is well equipped and where he has been conducting business since October, 1889. Near the city of Sullivan lie also has a g 1 farm. owning about four hundred and fifty-two acres in tins township and in East Nelson Township, and also has one hundred and sixty acres in Douglas County. His large property is stocked with about one hundred head of line cattle and some fifty head of horses and he has among them some line animals of good grades. Mr. Lowe hears the reputation of being an ex- cellent business man and a "thoroughly good fel- low." and he is well and favorably known to the people of Sullivan in and near which city he has lived for twelve years. His native home was in Harrison County, \V. Va., where he was horn in L858. lie is the son of John B. Lowe, a native of Virginia who was a farmer by occupation and died ill Harrison Count) in 1876 at the age of seventy- live years. lie was the son of Old Dominion par- ents and our subject was yet quite young at the time of his father's decease. His mother, whose maiden name was Susan Robinson, died sonic years before, she was during most of her life a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and came of excellent Virginian stock. Although bereaved of his parents in his youth. Martin Lowe was given an excellent education. lie was one of a numerous family, live of whom are yet living, lie was early thrown upon his own resources and became indepi ndenl and so more quickly fitted for supporting himself and a family*, lie was married in Harrison County, W. Va., to Miss Elizabeth K. Higginbotham, who was horn in that county and came of an old established family. George Higginbotham, her father, is now living at an advanced age in Clarksburg, \V. Va., and was bereaved of his wife, whose maiden name was Lydia Griffin, in 1*7'.). Mrs. Lowe, the wife of our subject, was one of a family of live children who received the best ad- vantages in an educational line and she shows marks of the culture which was he-towed upon her in her youth, for she is a woman of unusual ability and intelligence, is ,-i true wife and a faith- ful mother and is bringing up her three lovely children — Omar. Georgie and Lulu — in the fear and admonition of the Lord. She is an earnest and conscientious member of the .Methodist Church and a valued worker in even good effort. The political doctrines which receive the endorsement of Mr. Lowe are those which arc found in the declarations of the Democratic party. "r~3 ^« &- OlIN N.LENOX. Horn of parents who are conspicuous Cor the superior mental power that they possessed and which gave them, \~J wherever they resided. a prominent position iii the community, our subject was early trained in a direction of which comparatively few men have more than the suggestion of the true status of the position. Had he lived a little earlier or a little later doubtless our subject's father would have been a confrere with Patrick Henry or with Abraham Lincoln. A Virginian, as was tin' first named, he possessed all the tire and ardor of the Southern orators, and was an effective speaker on political occasions. As it was. Mr. Lenox. Sr.. was repre- sentative of the besl thought and policy in his part of the country and was advanced to main prominent positions which were unsought by him. John Lenox, the father of our subject, was horn 2(11 PORTRAIT AND P.KHiRAPHICAL RECORD. in Virginia and early learned the fiery speeches of the Revolutionary heroes. His wife was in her maiden days :i Miss Nancy Mellinger. At an early day they settled in Shelby County, Ohio, and there they died. Although the old gentleman was a farmer by occupation he was ever involved in pub- lic affairs. His ability in legislative matters was such as t<> inevitably bring him to the front. He was County Judge of Shelby County. Ohio, and served in the state Legislature for one term. The home life was such as to make the children thought- ful and to develop in them a liking for public affairs as well as a knowledge of Parliamentary rules. The family comprised eight children and of these our subject was fourth in order of birth, lie was born in Shelby County, Ohio, December 25, IK2.">. and was reared to an agricultural life. John Lenox, Sr., was married December 2*. 1848, to Raphael Jane Arbuckle, in their native county in Ohio. She was a daughter Of Robert and Leatha ( 1 Iain) Arbuckle. both of whom were natives of .Maryland, where they grew up and were married and welcomed their little daughter Leatha. who was hut two years of age when they removed to Ohio and settled in Shelby County, where they died. Mrs. Lenox, our subject's wife, was born near Hagerstown, Md.. January 2d. 1829. Al- ter their marriage they settled in Shelby County. Ohio, where Mr. Lenox was engaged in farming and stock-raising. In March, 1854, the original of our sketch re- moved from his home in Ohio to Shelby County, t his State, and in the following December settled upon the farm on section 1(1. where he now lives. They havea beautiful home pleasantly located ami SUlTOUnded with tine shade trees, ami in the fruit season one may regale oneself with the choicest varieties of the fruits common to this latitude. The home has always been the center and the meet- ing place for the most cultivated people of the vicinity, who are sure of finding in the genial host, an enthusiastic and pleasing talker and a kindly sympathetic listener. Mr. anil Mrs. Lenox are the parents of four children whose names are, Zeru L. A.; Wallace \V.; Leatha C. ami John M. The eldest daughter is the wife of William II. Shaw, who is ex-Sheriff of Shelby County. Wallace W. is a farmer and stock- dealer in Richmond Township, ami a progressive and thoroughly business young man. Leatha C. is the wife of John M. Sargeant. John N. is a res- ident in St. Louis. Mo. He of whom we write has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits and in stock dealing which hi' has found to he very profitable. He is the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of finely improved land upon which he has made many valuable improvements. In politics our subject is a Republican, using his influence in favor of the party which is dear to him by principle and by association with the mem- ories of his younger days. Mr. Lenox has ever been a generous contributor to tin' up-building of churches and the support of the ( iospel. and ill- deed, every progressive measure has received his encouragement and aid. \()AII SYFERT. This gentleman is at the r head of a large family of which he may ii well be proud, as the younger members show every mark of growing up into as useful members of society as the parents and older child- ren proved themselves. The father of this gentle- man, ( ieorge Syfert, was born in Pennsylvania, and passed awaj from earth in Fairfield County, Ohio. lie had the useful trade of a shoemaker hut de- voted himself mostly to agriculture. His worthy wife, who bore flic maiden name of Mary Oberly, was a native of Pennsylvania, who also died in Fairfield County, Ohio. This place was also the native county of our subject, who was born November 1."!. 1823, being one of a family of ten children. After being reared to man I d young Syfert re- sided for a number of years in his native home anil then removed to Allen County, the same State and lived there for thirteen years, before coming to Shelby County. 111. Here he made his home in Ridge Township, in January. 1867 and has been a permanent resident. Ili^ marriage had taken place in Ohio, August 2. 1849, his bride being Catherine Fiicsner, who was born iii Fairfield County, Sept- ^^jjym^^- & PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 267 ember 1 2, 1 83 1 . This day was the beginning of a long life of domestic happinessand prosperity, and this union brought to the 1 nippy couple fifteen children ; John \V. married Emma Askins; Franklin I'. took to wife Anna Shumaker; Eliza A. is the wife of Edward McDonald; William B. married Elizabeth Yantis; Andrew J. was married to Emma Stivison, Sarah A. is the wife of William Fritz of whom our reader will find a sketeh in this hook; Lodema E. is the wife of John Turner; Catherine R. became the wile of New toll Lllpton; LillieB. is unmarried , l.nii ('. married George Padgett and the remaining children are [da R.. Edward M. and Oliver S. Two little ones. ( teorge II. and Emma J. died in infancy. Agricultural pursuits have absorbed the lime and attention of Mr. Syfert, and in them lie has achieved success, lie has erected good buildings upon his farm and is the owner of one hundred and fifty-six acres. He has served educational in- terests as a member of the School Board and is an earnest and conscientious member of the society known as the Church of God. In political matters, lie is nntrammeled by parties, and casts his vote for men and measures which are upheld by his own judgment. \ p-LIAMA \ / older met if the / older men and physicians in Lovington, W Dr. Smith belongs to a family that have experienced pioneer life in its many interesting, as well as trying aspects. His father was Nicholas ( '. Smith, who was horn in Baltimore, Mil., in 1 7KC From there he went to Westmoreland County, Pa., at an early age, and while there he learned the car- penter's trade and on the breaking out of the Patriot's War in 1812, he enlisted in the regulai army for five years, and after the battle of Lake Erie he was transferred to the Western frontier. lie was one of the first of fifty white men who ever set foot in Rock Island and assisted in erect- ing the Block House in that place and afterward erected another at Prairie du Chien. Wis. After his time of enlistment had expired he returned and settled in Davis County, Ind., where he was mar- ried late in the year 1823, to Miss Margaret Boos. who was hum near Wheeling, W. Va., and was of Swiss and German ancestry. After the marriage of our subject's parents they lived in Davis Coiint\. until the winter of 1830—31, when they removed to Parke County, Ind.. and there continued to reside until the win- ter of 1836—37. They then removed to Mont- gomery County. Ind.. at which place the father of the family died in the winter of 1849. Our Subject's mother died in Tippecanoe County. Ind., about 1862. They were the parents of four sons and five daughters, our subject being the eldest of the family. He was horn in Davis County, Ind.. September 21. 1825. I'p to the age of twenty. Dr. Smith made his home under the parental roof. At that age he went to Tippecanoe County. Ind.. and August Iti. lK-lii. he enlisted in Company K. in tin 1 regiment of Mounted Rifles and served through the Mexican War. At the end of the war he returned to Tip- pecanoe County and entered the employ of a gentleman by the name of Black who was engaged in the tanning business. Thus occupied he eon- tinned there until the spring of 1849, when, July .'!. he was married in Clinton County. Ind.. to Miss Sarah A. stinson. who was horn in Ohio, September Id. 1839. They settled in Tippecanoe County and there they continued to live until the sprint;- of I860, when the Doctor came to Sidney. Champaign County, this State. Long having had a taste for medicine, hut never having had an opportunity to gratify his inclina- tion in that direction, in the winter of 1849, he embraced a chance which offered itself to begin reading medicine under Dr. Moses Baker, and con- tinued with him until 1857. At that time he at- tended a course of lectures at the Rush Medical College in Chicago, remaining in that city during the winter of 1857—58. In the spring of 1858 he entered upon the practice of his profession at Odells Corners, in Tippecanoe County. Ind., re- maining there until the spring of I860, when he went to Sidney. Here he remained for one year hut in the spring of 1861, removed to Newman, Douglas County, this State, and practiced there until 1N7S>. with the exception of one year ( lHJ.'i) 268 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. which lie passed :it Kansas station, this state. In 1878, he removed to Ellis. Ellis County. Kan., and there made his home for two years, bu1 Indiana re-asserting her old claim over his affection and loyalty, he returned and settled in Parke County. He remained in that county until L885 when he came to Lovington, making his advent here in April of the last named year. Being one of the older practitioners, he here enjoys a confidence and regard that many of the younger men could hardly expect to have attained so soon, however able and worthy they may he. [)r. Smith is the father of six living children whose names are respectively -lames ('.. Aliee. Moses I!.. Anna G., Emma E. ami Eva. The eldest son is a railroad man being engaged as a conductor on a railroad in Kansas. Aliee is the wife of B. <1. Kills; Moses 15. is also a railroad conductor; Emma I-], is the wife of Walter List on of Decatur, this State, while Anna <■. and Eva still complete the family circle and give a tone of freshness and youth to the social circle that would otherwise be marked by the sedateness of advanced years. One child was taken away from them in girlhood. Julia C. was hut fifteen years of age when she (lied and her decease was a great blow to her parents and friends for she was at the loveliest period of budding womanhood, and promised to be a woman of whom her parents might well be proud. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church and has been so connected lor many years. Tin 1 Doctor is liberalin his religious belief, lie has for many year- been a Mason, having been so made in l.aruramie Lodge, Tippecanoe County, Ind.. in 1849. lie was conspicuously engaged in the Mexican War. during which he took part in all the engagements under Gen. Scotl from the land- ing of Vera Cruz to the capture of the City of Mexico, at which his company was the firsl to enter the gates of the city after its capture on the morning of September 14, 1*17. After having performed heroic service his reuiment was dis- charged by special Act of Congress A.ugus1 28, ISIS. While in Ellis County. Kan.. Dr. Smith met with serious reverses on account of failure of crops, lie had invested much of his money in a tract of land, hut having sustained such heavy losses in other directions he was compelled to dispose of his land at a great sacrifice. In spite of the fact that he had at this time passed his youth, he set about retrieving his losses and with an indomitable will and energy succeeded in a great degree in so doing. lie is now in the possession of a good practice in Lovington and is much loved among the people of that place. In connection with this sketch a lithographic portrait of Dr. Smith is presented to our readers. A fifclLLLAJM II. AUGH3NBAUGH, prominent \rJ// bi business, political and church circles, as Y^n// a public-spirited and enterprising man. who does his full share in forwarding every move- ment to enhance the best interest of his town and county, we may well count the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this paragraph. lb' is now a dealer in drugs, wall paper, toilet articles, etc., in Oconee, Shelby County, and was horn March .1. 1SI2, in Baltimore. Md. John and Catherine (Fisher) Aughinbaugh, the parents of our subject, were natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Baltimore, and reared a tine fam- ily of three sons and four daughters: Amelia was the wife of John Caldwell, and died in Litchfield, 111.; Annie is the widow of William McEwcn. ami also resides in Litchfield; our subject is the third in age, and his next brother, Levi, resides at Bush- nell, 111., where he is engaged in business as a com- mercial traveler; Catherine, who is tin' wife of John Cress, went to the far distant West, and is making her home at Portland, Ore.; John, who is married, resides at St. Louis. Mo., where he is engaged as a compositor in the office of the Republican; sus.-m. wife of William Davis, makes her home at Litch- field. lie of whom we write was educated at llillshoro. 111., having come to that city with his parents in the year 1855, from Iluntsville. Ala., to which they had previously removed from Baltimore. After the family had been living in this State for about eight years, the mother died in 1863 in Macoupin PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 269 •m= County, bul the father who survived and married joined the Oconee Lodge, No. 392, where heserved again, is living with our subject at Oconee. for twelve years a< Master, and represented the Our subject served for two years during the Civil same in the Grand Lodge of this State for eight War in the Quartermaster's Department, beinf as- consecutive year-. Afterward he served in this signed to duly with the armies of the Tennessee same capacity for two years, and is the present a*nd the Cumberland respectively, being in the Post Representativ* for 1891. Mr. and Mrs. Aughin- Department in both these connections. After the baugh are worthy members of the Methodist Epis- elose of the war he returned to Hillsboro, and en- copal Church, where they are active in every good gaged in mercantile business, continued in that line work. This public-spirited and enterprising man successfully until L 867, when he sold out ami re- is wide awake to the merits of the political situa- moved to ( leonee. this county. Here heagain took tion, and affiliates with the De cratic party. up the mercantile business anil continued in it for about six years. William II. Aughinbaugh and Miss Sallie R Wil- mot were united iii the sacred bonds of matrimony, in September, 1870. This lady was born in Chris- W% ATIIAMKL BRANTON McCLUER. A tian County, 111., and her wedded life began with J, man win > is widely known in Shelby County a prospect of great happiness, hut it was cut short 1 Z_ as being a large and successful fanner and by her decline in health, and she died of consump- stockman who has done much toward introducing lion in 1873, leaving two little children to mourn an improved grade of stock into this Slate and to the a mother's love and care. In January, 1 S 7 7 . our West generally, is he whose name is at the head of Sllbjecl was married to his second wife. Miss Mollie this sketch. lie is a progressive and public-spirited 1. Wilinot. a sister of the first Mrs. Aughinbaugh. man whose tendencies are all towards an elevating and a native of the same place, where she was born influence, both in business relations and in his in January, I860. Two children were born of the domestic life. Mr. McCluer resides on his tine second marriage. The little one- who were left by farm on section 8, of Rural Township. His home Mrs. Sallie Aughinbaugh. Maud and ( hiy have both is one of the most pleasant places in the county and died. The children of the second wife are Arthur he has spared nothing that money could procure. J., bom June 1. 1879, arid Bertha J., November 29, to make it an ideal place of residence, lie also lHK.'i. owns land in section .">. His residence iirthe county Our subjeel disposed of his mercantile interests dates from 1865. some years ago, and about that time was elected The original of our sketch was born in Darke Mayor of Oconee, to the duties of which office lie County. Ohio. December 2!). 1829, and is a son of turned his attention, adding to it a business in col- Nathaniel and Elizabeth ( Wilt ) Met luer both na- lections, insurance and real estate, also loaning fives of Virginia and each of whom, with their money and buying paper. After nine years in this respective families, removed to Ohio at an early line of work, he turned his attention to the drug day. Samuel McCluer, the grandfather of our business in which he has continued for eleven years. subject settled in Darke County in 1812, and was Hi- first official position was in the capacity of one of the first settlers there. The maternal grand- Clerk of Oconee. He was then elected Mayor. parents of our subject, sett led in the same county serving in that office for eight years. In 1884 he about 1814. They made their home in the midst was elect cil to the oil ice of Supervisor of this town- of the forest, clearing out as time and opportunity ship, a position of trust and responsibility, in which permitted, a spate around the log cabin which con- hc has served in all some three years. stituted their home. Our subject belongs to the Masonic order, hav- Brought up-as young people together, the par- ing been made a Mason in Mt. Moriafa Lodge. No. cuts of our subject early recognized an affinity and ."). at Hillsboro. 111., from which being demiUcd. he determined to make the journey of life together. 270 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Their marriage took place in Darke County, where they resided the remainder of their lives, upon the farm where they settled at an early day. The fa- ther lived to number four-score years. The mother passed away at the age of sixty-six years. They were the parents of six children whose names are as follows: Melinda. Samuel. George, John, Catherine and our subject. Melinda was twiee married and died in her native State; Samuel re- sides in Darke County, Ohio, where his brother George died; John lives iii Huntington County. hid.; Catherine married and died in Southern Illi- nois, lie of whom we write is the youngest of the family, lie was reared on the farm and re- ceived his education in the district school. In 1864, he enlisted in Company Ii. of One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Infantry, whose men enlisted for one hundred days, hut who served for five month-. While they were not participants in any of the decisive battles, they look part in a number of skirmishes. In 1865, Mr. McCluer was united in marriage to Melinda Almonrode. She was born in Preble County, Ohio. September 20, 1K42. and was a daughter of John ami Mary (Swane) Almonrode. Shortly after their marriage our subject anil his bride came to this State and purchased two hun- dred acres, which was the nucleus of his present farm. At the lime he settled here, his place was but little improved, but he look up the calling of farming with such vim, energy and intelligent management, thai he is now the owner of nearly one thousand acres of land which is highly pro- ductive and which is dotted over with stock of the finest grade, lie has been very successful in his agricultural career. Mrs. McCluer is an intelligent and capable woman. She presides over the beautiful home which her husband has made with an ease and dignity that only native refinement and courtesy can give. Although she is endowed with more lie rdinary ability, she has gladly given herself Up to love's sweet -ervitude, her great pleasure being in insuring the domestic comfort of her hus- band and tin- rearing and educating of her chil- dren. She has sought to combine cultivation of mind and body, realizing that one with weak physical constitution and endowed with tine men- tal faculities has not the same chance in this world, whose motto seems to be the survival of the fittest, as one who is equally endowed with both a strong physical and intellectual capacity. Two of the little ones were taken from their parents at a tender age. Four of the children are still living, and lilled with vitality and brimming with the in- tensity for which American children are conspicu- ous, they are an interesting quartette. Their names are Elmer, John, Charles and Rose F. The beauti- ful home within which the McCluer family live is surrounded by a large lawn which is kept of velvet smoothness by being frequently gone over with a lawn-mower. His home is handsomely furnished and the genial host and hostess hospitably entertain the many people who are attracted hither socially or by business. OIIN s. EVEY. It is not necessary for the traveler to understand the details of farm life in order to determine the status of the ' owner of any particular tract of land. It is c:im to forma conclusion from the general appear- ance of the property, the improvements that have been made upon it and the order or disorder that reigns supreme. No one looking at the farm of Mr. Evey on section 21, Tower Hill Township, would have the least doubt that its owner under- stands his business and is able to obtain g 1 re- sults from tilling the soil. The farm consists of one hundred and eighty fertile acres, in whose pastures good stock is found, in the sheds modern machinery, and in the Storehouses farm product' of excellent quality. About the dwelling are the manifestations of the refining hand of woman. Mr. Evey is a native of Maryland, born in Hagerstown, October 15, Ik:s:{. His father, whose given name was Henry, and his mother, whose maiden name was Rebecca Livers, were also born in Maryland. The parents removed to Shelby County, 111., about 1836, and located near Slielby- ville, where -he died. After her decease the father came to Tower Hill Township and settled on PORTRAIT AND BloO RAPI11CAL RECORD. 271 section 21, where he died in lxii.V He was a good citizen, an upright man and a devoted husband and father. His family comprised three children, our subject being the eldest. When he was three years old our subject was broughl by his parents to this county, where he grew to manhood on his father's farm. He was early initialed into the mysteries of farming and when he became a man he naturally chose agricul- ture as his life vocation. December 2~>. 1856 lie was married in Tower Hill Township to Miss Caro- line M. Jones, a native of Tennessee. This estim- able lady was brought by her parents to Indiana. whence, after her father's death, she came to Shelby County with a family named Listen. The congen- ial union of Mr. and Mrs. Evey has been blessed by the birth of six living children, viz: William E., David EL, Captolia, Hattie, Charles F. and John M. William E. is a farmer in Kansas; David 11. is a successful dentist at Monmouth. 111.; Captolia follows the profession of teaching. A man of striking common sense, keen foresight and marked capability, Mr. Evey has been selected by his fellow-citizens as one well qualified to till public offices of importance. He formerly took an active pari in politics and in his political affilia- tions is independent, voting for the man whom be considers liest fitted to serve the interests of the people, lie has been Highway Commissioner sev- eral years, in which position he has accomplished much for the good of the community. Socially, he isa memberof the Ancient Order of United Work- men and the Farmer's Mutual Benefit Association. -^*iE El*^- a well-known J stock-raiser and farmer residing on section 31, Windsor Township, Shelby Count \ . was born just a quarter of a mile south of his present residence, January 19, 1830. His father, Hugh Walden.wa- anativeof North Carolina, and his mother, whose maiden name was Mary Mont- gomery, was horn in Kentucky. The\ both came to this State before marriage, and were united near shau nee tow n. and became residents of Illinois Ter- ritory in those early days prior to its admission as a state, ft was in \x->~ that this young couple came to Shelby County, and settled in Richland Township, and there they Spent the remainder of their days, the father being called hence in L869, and the mother surviving him for ten years. Every one of the five sons and five daughters of this worthy couple lived to attain maturity, marry and establish families of their own. hut eighl of the ten have now passed away, seven of them dyingof that dire disease, consumption. The only surviv- ing brother of our subjecl is Leonard V., the young- est of the family. He lives on the old homestead, which is now a portion of his brother's large farm. Our subject has been twice married, his first wife being Maria Davis, to whom lie was united March 17, 1853. Seven children were horn of this mar- riage, of whom three are now living — Mary M.. Nancy Ivy and Harlan, all of whom have grown to maturity and are living with their father. Their mother passed away March (>. 1874. Mr. Walden was married a second time. April 13, 1875, and was united at that time with Theoda D. lla/.en. who was horn in Bridgeton. Me.. April 11. 1842. She is a daughter of John and Esther (Libbey) Hazen. Her father died in his native stale April 1 1. 1.S77. and the mother still resides in Bridgeton. Only one of her three sons and three daughters have passed away, and Mrs. Walden is her eldest. By this mar- riage Mr. and Mrs. Walden have had three children, all of whom are deceased, two dying in infancy. Al'hie Ilazen. who was horn October 2. 1*77. died March 12. 1890; she was a bright, beautiful girl of thirteen summers, whose place can never he tilled to her sorrowing parent-, and who was sincerely mourned by many admiring friends and playmates. ( Jo to thy rest fail- child. (io to thy dreamless bed While yet -■> gentle, undefiled, With blessings on thy head. Ere sin hath seared thy breast. Or sorrow waked thy tear. Ri>e to thy throne of changeless rest In yon celestial sphere. If any man may hi' called a pioneer of She|h\ County. Mr. Walden is pre-eminently one. as it has been his home for sixty-one years. Six hundred splendid acres constitute his farm in Windsor ami 272 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Richland Townships, and upon them he has excel- lent buildings and fine improvements, the whole estate being in fact an ideal country home. Mr. Walden has always been a Democrat in his politi- cal views, and he says he expects to die a Democrat. He is a Universalis! in his religious belief , although he holds no church connection. His excellent wife joined the Cambridge Baptist Church in Massachu- setts, when she was only seventeen years of age, and she has ever maintained her membership with that organization. The township of Windsor has honored both itself and our subject by giving him at various times every office within its gift. He slaved seven years as Supervisor, ten years as High- way Commissioner, one term as Assessor, and School Director and Trustee for nine and ten years each. — 4- SB ■ "71 RTHUR G. LEE. The name at the head (?'[ I of this sketch is that of a man who enjoys / ' to the utmost, the confidence of the people QJ in the community in which he lives. This is shown by the fad thai from among the best financial men in the place, he has been elected to the responsible position of President of the Com- mercial State Bank Of Windsor. Shelby County. Our subject was born in Oshawa, Ontario, July 7. 1 *(>.">. He was reared on a farm until about four- teen years of age, and in the calm pursuits of agri- culture the mental fibre of his mind developed. Unrestrained by line-spun theories, he saw life as it was and this practical view and keen insight into affairs has ever characterized his business dealings and has carried him on to ihe success which he so eminently merits. Arthur Lee received the foundation of his edu- cation in Ihe common Schools of his native place after which he attended the High School from which he was graduated, lie then began life for himself and was employed for a period of two years with steel Brothers a- Company, merchants in Toronto, Canada, as clerk. In I886,he camelo the states, and resided in Chicago untiljuly, 1889. He was employed as manager and had charge of the seed department for II. Sibley & Co. In duly. IKx:t he came to Windsor and organized the Com- mercial Bank, and November 14, of the same year it was re-organized as a Commercial State Bank, under the State law. On its first organization, he was Cashier of the hank and since its re-organiza- tion under the State law, he has been its President. Our subject's brother, Sidney .1. Lee. holds the position of Cashier in the bank. The institution transacts a good banking business, and is one that was greatly needed in the community, now afford- ing an opportunity for commercial exchange with much less trouble and expense than before its or- ganization. The parents of our subject are George and Lucy (Curry) Lee. They were born in Canada. The father died a victim of typhoid fever, October '.». 1882, in Ontario, lie was a farmer by occupation but had retired from the active pursuits of his calling at the time of his decease. They had three children, of whom our subject was the eldest. Mr. Lee was married in Windsor June '.'. 1890 to Miss Minnie Shaffer, who is a native of this county and they have a very pleasant home located on the principal residence street in Windsor. His charm- ing young wife attracts the best social element of the place. They have one child, an infant son. Our subject, though yet less than thirty years of age, has \\(in the entire con lidence of the commun- ity by his devotion to his business, and his broad- laid and carefully-executed plans. Ileisa natural financier and has a peculiar faculty for seeing where investments can be made with the greatest prospects of large returns. In his political views, Mr. Lee favors the Democratic party. In his re- ligious views he is a Liberal. Socially, he of whom we write is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and has been a member of the Odd Fellows since about 1886. He is one of the leading members and occupies a prominent position. It is not out of place to say something of Ihe ancestors of our subject at this point. The life of a good man who leaves an exemplary example i> always worth reading. The paternal grandfather of our subject was George Lee. lie was drowned in tin' Straits of Belle Isle, being caughl there in a field of ice. He was not addicted to the use nf any PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 273 form of intoxicants or tobacco and was a Metho- dist minister. Our subject's maternal grandfather was James Curry, who was also a Methodist clerg3 r - man. lie died at the age of eighty-five years. -*" yjfclLLIAM N. Wool), a prominent farmer and stock-raiser residing on section 17. \W\V/ Sullivan Township, Moultrie County, is a native of Hardin County. Ky.. where he was horn February 25, 1847. His parents. X. II. and Fliza- hetli (Lyon) Wood, were native.- of Kentucky. They came to Illinois in 1852, bringing this son with them and located at ( 'harlest own, Coles County, where they staid for two years, removing thenceto Tuscola. Douglas County, where they remained until they passed from earth, the mother in Janu- ary, 1855, and the father in January, 1865. The family is of English origin, although the grand- parents of our subject were natives of Vermont, and became pioneers of Kentucky. Of their fam- ily our subject is the youngest of two sons'and four daughters. The household in which Mr. Wood was reared, consisted of the following children: Martha R.. who became the wife of W. L. Parker, a jeweler of Kansas City, Mo.; Mary died at the age of twenty- three, in March. lHd.'i. in Tuscola; .lames Strattoii married Susanna Thompson, of Douglas County, and now resides in Carlisle. Ark.; Sarah. lane is un- married and resides at Lovington; William X.. and Elizabeth K.. wife of J. M. Durbrow, is living' in Champaign County. Ileof whom we write attended the public schools near his home, and also took instruction at Lee's Academy in Stockton. 111. He taught school for two years before engaging in farming in Douglas County, and was married March 14. 187. r >. to Miss Margaret ('.. daughter of Peter and Mary Evans, who was horn in Licking County, Ohio, October 25, 1854. Mrs. Wood is the youngest in a family of eight children, whose parents came to Illinois in 1856, and located in Moultrie County, where they both died, the father October 2i). 1873, and the mother October 21, 1876. Of this family only two are living: Mrs. Wood, and Annie who became the wife of Felix Weaver, ami re-ides at Adrian, Mo., her husband being engaged in the stock and com- mission business at Kansas City. The Kvans fam- ily are of Weish and German ancestry. The farm when' Mr. Wood now resides became the family home in the fall of 1-875. Onehundred acres of this land came to his wife by inheritance, and to it he has added by purchase until he ha- a tine tract of two hundred and thirty-five acre-. upon which may he seen a tasteful and attractive home and capacious and commodious farm build- ings. Of their six children live are now living. their eldest daughter, Mary, who was born Septem- ber 1. 1876, being taken awaj March 1. 1*7*. Those who are living, are: Elizabeth, born October 1l\ 1*77; Norman II.. June 11. L879; Charles. May5, 1881; Homer Howard. October 13, l**:i; Adeline, November II. 1886. These children are all being thoroughly educated, but remain under the parental roof during their school days. Mr. Wood take- an interest in public affairs, and i- a Democrat in politics, while his worthy wifeespouses the principles of the Republican party. He has held various offices in his township, and is a mem- ber of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. — i t- -., !>^7 at the age of sixty years, being followed two years later by his wife. She was a native of Pennsylvania, Polly Harbaugh by name, and her parents belonged to thai class known as Pennsylvania Dutch. They removed to Kentucky and later to what is now Moultrie County, becoming pioneers and living here to a green old age. David Patterson and his wife were members of the Christian Church, and they were always suc- cessful in life. Mr. Patterson was a Democrat in his political views and at an early day under the old law he had been Associate Comity Judge and also held other local offices. Our subject is the fifth in a family of seven children, four of whom arc yet living, are married, and reside in tins county. The first marriage of our subject united him with Naomi Henry, who died leaving him one child. Mary, who followed her to the spirit hind within seven days. This young wife was a native of Shelby County and made her home in Illinois through life. The second marriage of Mr. Patterson took place in Moultrie County and gave to him as a companion Mis- Matilda Souther who was horn in this county and who also died while young, leaving one child. Carrie, who grew to he an at- tractive ami beautiful young woman and married Klias YV huff. She. like her mother, died during her early wedded life, passing away in the -uminei of 1890, leaving one daughter — Ethel byname. The present Mrs. Patterson was known in hei maidenhood as Miss Susie Ireland. She is a native of Kentucky and came when a young woman to Illinois where she niel and married Mr. Patter-on. she is the mother of four children, namely: Wesley, who took to wife Miss Klornev Wagoner, and lives upon a farm in Sullivan Township with his wife and two children — M on tie and ( )r:i; the three other children are still beneath the parental roof and hear the names of Gertie I!.. Levi l>. and Louie G. Mrs. Patterson is a member of the Christian Church of Sullivan and is an active and earnest promoter of all Christian work. Mr. Patterson has been three terms the Supervisor of Sullivan Township and has held other local offices, lie takes a genuine inter- est in political movements, being a decided Demo- crat in his convictions and an earnest worker for the prosperity of Ins county. RANCISCO RUFFNER. Th L>'ent leni.'in whose name heads this sketch, is the owner 11, of a good farm located on section .'S.'i. Mo- weaqua Township. Shelby County, and a view of which is shown elsewhere in this volume. He came hither in 1 S 7 7 . and has since been a resident in this place, giving the township the hem-lit of the im- provements that he has made, and of his own genial presence with that of his amiable family. Mr. Ruff- uer was born in Licking County, Ohio, October I. 1839. lie was only thirteen years of age when he went with his parents to Allen County. Ind.. where he remained for fourteen years. Later he came to this State and located in St. (lair County, where he was the proprietor of a farm for a period of live years. From there he removed to Clinton County and live years later came to this county, where he has since lived. Our subject has always been engaged in agricul- tural work, his father before him having been a farmer. His father was Benjamin liuffner, s native of Ohio, and a son of Benjamin and Ann (Coff- man) Ruffher, both natives of Virginia. After marriage they removed to Ohio and settled in Fair- field County, which was at that time in a state of wild unbroken beauty, with virgin forests in which were found game of every description belonging to the latitude. As can he imagined, the country was then sparsely settled, and the educational ad- vantages were not what t hey now are. It . was there PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 277 thai their son Benjamin, Jr., was born, the father of our subject. There also our subject's grandfa- ther spent his Ias1 years, passing awa\ from 1 1 1 i - life while yet in middle age. IIi> wife survived him for some years and settled in Champaign County, where she died at the good old age of -r\ cni \ -~r\ in years. Benjamin Ruffner, father of our subject, was one of fourteen children, of whom two arc yel living, lit' was educated a farmer, and one can imagine the social breaks in the monotony of pioneer farm life such as corn husking, barbecues, spelling school and singing matches. From among the maidens of the county in which he lived he chose his wife, who was before marriage a .Miss Mary Lamb, a na- tive of Ohio, whose parents were from Virginia like those of our subject. Her lathe]- was William Lamb, and her mother Catherine (Cupp) Lamb. They lived and died in Fairfield County, where they were well known as among the earliest and most respected pioneer settlers. They died full of years and honor. They, like our subject's grand- parents, were members of the old school Baptist Church. Mr. Lamb served as a soldier in the War of 1812. There were ten children in this family, all of whom arc living except our subject's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb each lived to be over eighty years old. After their marriage, our subject's parents settled in Fairfield County, Ohio, where they remained until after the birth of their first child. They then removed to Licking County, there devoting them- selves to clearing up and improving a farm upon which they built a large brick house and laid out many valuable improvements. Later they removed their family, in February 1853, to Indiana, settling in Allen County, but afterward they returned to Ohio living for one year in .Miami County. A spirit of unrest seemed to possess the family of Ruffners, for after the many changes they had made in residence, they returned to St. Clair County, this State, and a short time after located in Clinton County, where the father died at the age of sixty-six years. His wife passed away at the home of her sons in this township and county. eighl years later, in 1874. She was a! the time of her demise about seventy years of age. she and her husband were devoted members of the Baptist ( hurch. The original of i his sketch is the sect md in order of birth of eighl children, six of whom are yet liv- ing, all having entered the marital relation with the exception of one. Our subject reached his ma- jority in Allen County, lud.. and when he made his advent into Illinois, he was still a single man. His first marriage took place in Kentucky, where he was united to Mis- Anna K. Coffman. She died in the prime of her life, after the birth of her first child, which also yielded its little life with thai of its mother. She was only thirty-four years of age at the time of her death. Mr. Ruffner again married, inviting to he mis- tress of his home Miss Mary .1. Ramsey. Their marriage was celebrated September 27. 1888, in Lancaster County, Fa., of which place the lady was a native, being there born August 30, 1842. She i> of Scotch and Dutch ancestry. Her mother, whose maiden name was Lucy Gochnau, is yet liv- ing in her native town. The father. Samuel Ram- sey, died in Pennsylvania while in the meridian of life, lie also was a farmer. Mis. Ruffner is a no- ble woman, having the best of qualities. She is kind, hospitable and sympathetic, and interested in all that interests her husband, to whom -he is a great help. ±mm^z£i ~ 55 "". m ' ACOB F. KULL. Among the prominent agriculturists of Prairie Township. Shelby ( 'ountyywho have helped to give this county its present proud position in the State is the gentleman whose name appeals at the opening of this paragraph. His home is located upon section 3. is tpiite near to the village of Strasburg, and his settlement in the county dates from September ii. 1854, when he first purchased forty acres of land on Robinson Creek in Ridge Township. Here In tilled the soil for two season- and then removed to the region where he now lives, and purchased one hundred and ten acres of his present properly on which at that time tin- principal improvements were a log cabin and the broken soil of a \cr\ few 278 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. acres. He now owns about two hundred and thirty acres of land upon which are splendid improve- ments, and he has platted some additions t<> Stras- burg which he 1ms sold oft from Ins farm. A view of his pleasant homestead may be found elsewhere in this volume. Hocking County, Ohio, was the native place of Mr. Kull, who was born January 31, 1836, being a son of Christopher F. and Johanna (Weidner) Kull. natives of Wurtemburg, Germany. In their native lend they had grown to manhood and womanhood. were united in marriage and one child was born to them before leaving their Fatherland. In 1830 thej came to the United State- and made their first short stop at Baltimore, Md., then went on to Ohio, settling on tin- prairie in Fairfield County. When the family arrived in tin- Buckeye State the father had $50 which In 1 thought would he sufficient to keep them in frugal comfort until he could earn more. 1 nit the ague was then prevalent throughout that region, and the family being sick for some time the 150 were spent for quinine. This dis- gusted Christopher Kull with prairie life and re- moving to Hocking County he settled among the hills and woods. His father, Jacob F. Kull, with his wife made his home there, also four sisters and a brother, Jacob F.. Jr., who died in Hocking Country. The father of our subject was fond of hunting and found plenty of game in that hilly region. As his health improved there he was well pleased with I locking County and made it his permanent home and reared a family of fourteen children, twelve of whom grew to maturity. They were: Magdalena. who married John Kircher and died in Shelby County; Christian who died in this county; Charles; our subject; Mary, wife of ( ;. I'ieffcr; Caroline, wife of John Ruff; Minnie, now Mrs. .1. F. Baur; Amelia, wife of Christ Kinney; Emanuel, Adam; Matilda, wife of .1. F. Mautz,and Julius. The parent- of this large family came to Shelby * ounty in 1865 and settled at Strausburg, where they remained until called hence by death. Jacob 1'. Kull was reared among the wood- and hill- of Hocking County and there grew up to a sturdy and intelligent manhood. In 1858 he decided to lake to himself a wife and was married April 1.'!. to Elizabeth Niller, who was horn in Fairfield County, Ohio, February 18, 1839. She became the the mother of eight children and died in this county June 11. 1*77. The children who survive her are named as follows: Ferdinand .1.. Johanna A., wife of John Piefer; C. 1 i-a.wife of C. Mar- tin Rieger; Caroline Rosetta, wife of Charles Nipp; Matilda F. W.; William and Tobias. The second marriage of our subject took place February •'!. 1878, he being then united with Cath- I'inc M. Clump who was horn in Fairfield County. Ohio, August I."). 1857. Of their six children four are now living — Joseph 15.. John D.. Caroline \\ . and Anna S.J. The religious belief of this family is in accord with the doctrines of the Lutheran Church with which they are connected, and the political views of Mr. Kull have led him l<> ally himself with the Democratic party. KYVIs BAUMGARTEN. The German- Amer- ican citizen who has done so large a share A of leveling forests, breaking the -oil and subduing wild prairies to a state of cultivation are among the most valuable and sturdy citizens of our country. They have proved themselves one of the essential elements in the building up of our country and to them we give the honor due to a class of men of integrity, industry and thrift. Our subject whose birth was across seas, resides within the limits of the village of Stewardson and his residence in Shelby County dates from 1868. lie was born in Germany, December 15,1827, being a son of Frederick ami Elizabeth Haumgarten.the fam- ily came to this country in I847,when this son was not yet of age and they settled in Sullivan County. Ohio, where the parents died, tin' mother at the age of seventy-six years and the father after he had reached the venerable age of eighty-five. Of the eight children of this worthy couple. Louise, the eldest, died in Germany, when aboul twenty years old. Following her came Lewis, our subject; Edward who resides in Shelby County. Ohio; Rosa, now Mrs. Henry Roegner who makes PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 2 ','. i her home in Miami County, Ohio; Thessa who mar- ried Conrad Uppermann and died in Pickaway, Ohio; Caroline afterward married Conrad Upper- man n; Johanna became the wife of Frederick I Ium- mel :iinl resides in Decatur, Ala. and Frederick resides in Shelby County, Ohio. lie of whom we write came to the United States with his father's family, and in L856, lie was uni- ted in marriage with Cony Brehm who was horn December 23, 1838 in Baden, Germany, her parents being John A. and Margaret Brehm who brought their family to the United Slates in 1846 ami sel- tled in Shelby County. Ohio. There the father died at the age of seventy-two year- ami there the mother is still living, having reached the age of seventy-nine years during the month of July, in; II. The children (if .Mr. and Mrs. Brehm ali grew In niatiirin and were as follows: Frederick who died in Shelby County, Ohio; Catherine became the wife of Fred Maderiisides and lives in Hall County, N'eli.; Cony, the wife of our subject; Margaret, married Lewis Neth and lives in Pick- away, Ohio; Barbara is the wife of Andrew Madern- sides and lives in this county: Elizabeth married Antonia Augast and died in Shelby County. Ohio; Mary married Charles Buarnd, and died in Toledo. Ohio; and Rachel is the wife of Martin Hiegel and makes her home in Saline County. Neb. After marriage our subject resided for some years in Ohio and purchased eighty acres of timber land which he proceeded to clear and had about one- half of it tree from trees when he sold out and came to Illinois, where he purchased two hundred and sixty acre- of land in Prairie Township, this county, very little of which was improved. There he made his residence and upon it erected excel- lent buildings and put it in first-class condition. In June 1881 he removed to Stewardson and set- tled where he now resides, having forty acres of line land there, besides his Original farm. His Stew- ardson land is very finely improved and in a hand- some condition. In the mutations which have been the fate of political parties of late years, it has been the lot of many men to lie tossed about from one party to another so much, perhaps, that they have been fickle in their political belief and attachment hut on account of the changes which have really taken place in the standards of political parlies. In this way, our subject who was once a devoted adherent of the Republican parly is now as warmly attached to the Democratic. In religious belief the family are earnest andjconsistenl members of the Luth- eran Church. Of the ten children who Messed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Baumgarten three onlj have passed away. The living are: Rachel (Mrs. John Bauer), John, Frances (Mr-. Andrew Bauer). Fred, Edith, Edward and Lewis. ,«; WILLIAM C. MILLER, ex-County Treasurer \/jJ/' °^ Shelby County, occupies a conspicuous \yy place among its native-born sons who have done somuch within the last general ion toadvancc it to its present high standing as a rich and pros- perous community. lie is one of the principal farmers and stock-dealers in this section and con- ducts an extensive and profitable business in his line in Flat Branch Township, where he has a large farm that is complete in its appointments and i- a \ aluable property. Our subject is a son of Christopher Philip Miller, an old and well-known resident of this county, still living on the homestead farm that he devel- oped from the wilderness on Robinson (reek. Ridge Township, where William was horn in his pioneer home Feliruan Hi. 1842. The father is of ( ierman birth and origin, horn twelve miles from IIes.-c-( assel. October in. 1803, a son of John Chris- topher and Hannah Francisco (Strallmann ) Miller, who were al.-o natives of the same locality as him- self. In 1804 the grandparents of our subject left their old home in Germany to emigrate to the United Slate- of America, voyaging across the waters in a sail vessel and landing al Philadelphia. The family settled in Chester County, Pa., and went from there in 1817 to Ohio with a pair of horses and a wagon. They were among the first to settle in Fairfield County, that State, where the grandfather, who was a shoemaker, used to ply his trade, going from house to house as was the custom in those days, lie died in that county in 1825. 280 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. hi- wife having preceded him in death the year before. They reared nine children. Christopher P. Miller was one year old the day he landed with his parents in Philadelphia. He remained with them in Pennsylvania and Ohio until his mother's demise, though he was bul a boy when he began to earn his own living. He lived in Hickory Township, Fairfield County, Ohio, until 1839, and thru with his wife anil the four children thai had been born to them there, he came in Illinois, the journey being performed with a pair of horses and a wagon. lie spent his first winter in this State in Shelby ville and in the >i>riiiLr' of 1840 selected a suitable location on the banks of Robinson (reek and became one of the first settlers of Ridge Township, where he hasever since made his home on the place that he then purchased. During the half century and more that it has been in his possession he has wrought a greal change, improving it into a line farm. When he settled on it the prairies were but sparsely settled and deer and other kinds of game were abundant. There were no railways here and for some years St. Louis, one hundred and ten miles away, was the nearest market and depot for supplies. The father of our subjed was first married Sep- tember 24, 1829, to Miss Amanda Carpenter, she was horn near Lancaster, Ohio, and died in that state November 28, 1834, leaving two children, of whom F/.ra. a resident of Assumption, is the only survivor. The maiden name of Mr. Miller's second wife, mother of subject, was Catherine Spear. she was born in Dauphin County, Pa., and died on the home farm in Ridge Township, February 28, 1869. There are six children living of that mar- riage, namely: Amanda, wile of Sam Yantis; Henry M.; William C; Mary, wife of Alvin P. Weakly: Eliza, wife of G. W. Townsend, and Henri etta, wife of William II. Bickner. .lame- ('..tin oldest child, died at the age of lifty-eiaht years. He of whom this biographical sketch is written was carefully reared under good home influences in his native town-hip. The firSl school that he attended was held ilia typical pioneer log School house that stood ill the Woodson the hank of Rob- inson (reek. The building was heated by a large fireplace which occupied almost the entire end of the school room, and the furniture consisted of slab benches and a writing desk of the same male- rial supported on pin- of wood that were driven into the wall. September 3, l*(;:i. our subject was the victim of a serious accident whereby he losl his right arm just above the elbow. This loss Changed the tenor of his life to a great extent as it determined him to secure a higher education than he had already acquired, and the same fall before his arm was healed he enrolled his name as a pupil in the seminary at Shelby ville. lie studied in that institution diligently for a year and in January, 1865, entered the profession of a teacher. taking ehargeof a school in Flat Branch Township. As -non as that term closed he was called to teach a school in Ridge Township near his old home, and after that he taught a two month's school at As- sumption. He then immediately returned to Ridge Township to teach there again, and his services were in such constant demand. -o successful wa.s he in imparting knowledge, showing himself to pos- sess in a full degree the best requisites of an edu- cator, that his time was almost wholly given to his vocation with scarce an intermission for an entire year. He was afterward engaged in teaching in Ridge, Flat Branch and Tower Hill Townships for several winter-. In the summer he devoted his time to raising hedge plants and was thus employed for eight seasons with good financial returns. For sonic years prior to his marriage Mr. Miller became a resident of Flat Branch Township ami here he bought his first land, and after he was mar- ried he located on a farm on section :i.'!. At the close of his second term as County Treasurer, in the fall of 1877, he located on his present farm which is situated on section 2 I, Flat 1! ranch Town- Ship. He has six hundred and fifty-live acres of choice farming land which he is cultivating assidu- ously besides carrying on a lucrative business in trading in stock. He is a man of large enterprise, keen foresight, possessing a good understanding of the besl ways of conducting his business so as to make the most money out of it. and has a taste for speculation in which he is invariably successful, combining boldness and caution in due proportion ill III- opera! iolis. The same trails that have made our subject one PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 281 of our solid business men have also given him weighl and influence in the public and political life of the county and gained him distinction as an < > 1 1 h •< ■ holder. He lias always affiliated with the Democrats and has generally supported thai party in State and national issues, although he lias sympathized with the National Greenback party where questions of finance and currency are con- cerned and shared its prejudices in regard to mo- nopolies. When tin' farmer's movement was at its strongest in this county he was one of the most active leaders, and in the summer of 1873 was honored l>\ Domination to the office of County Treasurer a1 aconvention held at Shelbyville com- posed of the supporters of the Farmer's movement. There was no opposition candidate and -Mr. Miller was. of course, eleeted. and after looking after the finances of the county two years to the perfect sat- isfaction of all concerned, irrespective of party, he was again a candidate on the people's ticket. Though opposed l>\ the nominee of the Demo- cratic party, so popular was he, he polled sixty-six more votes than hi- opponent, and that. too. in a county that is usually overwhelmingly Democrat ie. Mr. Miller was Mist married July 13, 1871, to Miss Mary Chadwick, a daughter of William Chadwick, and a native of Flat Branch Township. She died June 10, 1878, after a brief hut happy wedded life in which three children had been 1 » nil. of whom these two survive, Ada May and Charles Cyrus. The youngest, Bertie Sylvan, died after its mother's death at the age of nine months. Our sulijcct was married a second time February 2, 1881, to Mrs. Nancy (Armstrong) Goodwin, daughter of John Armstrong and widow of Joseph Goodwin. She was a consistent member of the Christian Church and is in every way worthy of the respect of the community that she shares with her husband. Mrs. Miller was horn in her father's pioneer log cabin in what i- now Penn Township. July 18, 1835. Her father was born in Warren County. Ky.. April 1. 1803, his father. Aaron Arm- strong, a native of South Carolina, being a pioneer of that section of the country. He resided there until 1809, when he came to Illinois which was in that year organized as a territory by an act of Congress, lie located in Madison County, being one of its early settlers, and lived there during the War of 1812, having to live in a fort a pari of the time. He improved a farm in that county and made it his home until death closed hi- earthly pilgrimage. Mrs. Miller's father married in Madison County. Jennie Roach, a native of Kentucky, and in 1826 he. too. became a pioneer, coming to Shelby County to build upa new home in the wilderness that then prevailed here. He made claim to a tract of Gov- ernment land including the southwest quarter of section 6, of township 1 1, range 3, east of the third principal meridian, now known as Penn Township. He occupied a log cabin on his land and for a lime his nearest neighbor was ten miles distant. Deer, wild turkeys, wolves and other wild animals were plentiful in this then uncivilized region which the hand of man had done but little to reclaim. Mr. Armstrong entered and bought other land besides his homestead and resided on the farm that he im- proved until after the death of his wife in 1875. lie spent the last eighl years of his life with his daughter, Mrs. Miller, dying at a venerable age August 10, 1883. Mrs. Miller developed into a vigorous woman- hood in her parental home and was taughl all use- ful household duties, including the art of carding, spinning and weaving cloth. She was first mar- ried in 1 v that marriage Mrs. Miller has one child. Flo Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. Miller's child- ren are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They are being carefully educated and all are stu- dents at the State Normal School, at Normal. III., at the present time ® IfelLLIAM II. RAGAN,altl gh among the \/\/l- youngev members of the bar, has an excel- Wy/ lent reputation as a criminal lawyer. He was born in Fairfield County. Ohio, Septembei 30, 1830, the son of James W. and Ellen (Springer) Ragan. His paternal ancestor- were of Irish ex- 282 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. traction his great-grandfather being born on the Emerald Isle. The maternal ancestors were of German and Swedish 1>1<>o<1 but came to this coun- try in the early Colonial daysand one of his great- grandfathers served as a soldier all through the Revolutionary War. Fairfield County, was the native home of his parents and there they were married and reared their family, but removed to Illinois in 1867, and located first in (lark Comity. next in Effingham County, whence they came to Shelby County. The mother, who still survives, is a widow, her husband having died in 1886 at the age of sixty \ ears. James W. Ragan, the worthy father of our sub- ject, was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil War, being a member of Company C, One Hundred and Fourteenth Ohio Infantry. After the battle of Haines Rluff he was detailed as nurse On a hospital boat which bore the name of the ■■City of .Memphis" and went up the Mississippi River to Paducah, Ivy., at which place he was in- jured bv a fall, while unloading the dead bodies of tin- brave hoys who had fallen in conflict. In con- sequence of this accident he was placed in the hospital at St. Louis, from which he was in due time discharged, but he never entirely recovered from the injury, and his sufferings from it hastened his death. There were eighl children in the family of the parents of our subject, namely: Laura A., now Mrs. John J. Gallagher; William II. our subject: silas A., Eber A.. George W., .lames F. and Joseph A. (who was drowned at the age of five years, in a small creek near their home in Fayette County . ( (hio) and Addison A. The early life of William Ragan was passed upon the home farm and at the age of fourteen he hired out as a farm hand at $5 a month, and served in this capacity until he reached the aye of eighteen years, lie then saw the need of an education and so for a Dumber of year- we find him attending school and teaching and he finally became a teacher in the High Scl I at Mielbyville. lie Studied law- ill the office of Hamlin & Holloway and in lsxl was admitted to the bar. After practicing for one \i.ii hi' entered the Fnion College at Chicago, which college is the law department of the North- western University at Evanston. since taking his diploma in 1886 he has given his entire attention to his profession at Shelbyville. Ih- has a general practice but yives particular attention to criminal practice. The domestic life of Mr. Ragan is a very happy one. as he was married July 1. 1*77. to Mary C. Gallagher, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Gallagher, who was born in Shelby County, where her par- ents are among the pioneers. They have had three children gather about their fireside, the eldest. Jennie, dying in infancy, but Fl/.a M. and Maude A., remain to be the joy ami comfort of their par- ents, lie is deeply interested in political move- ments and espoused the cause of the Republican party until 1888 at which time he supported the Democratic ticket, stumping the state and making brilliant and effective speeches in sixty different places. He has never sought office and prefers to give his attention to private practice, lie is iden- tified with the Masonic fraternity and has been an earnest and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since he was fourteen years of age. _S < B^=~= LFRED REED. The sons of the pioneers have indeed reason to feel proud of their honorable ancestry. The early settlers in Illinois were a class of men and women who came to the New West not alone for personal aggrandizement but mainly for the benefit of their posterity. They cheerfully endured hardships and wrought gladly with their hands that they mighl provide a future for those who are dependent upon them. Our subject was born in Shelby villi- Town- ship. Shelb) County. August 8, 1 S."i :». ulnae he now resides, his parents being Moses and Ruth (Fortner) Reed. The father was born in Tennessee, March :?. 1807, and there married a lady who was born in North Carolina. March 12. 1808, a daugh- ter of Mica jah Fortner. This young wedded couple came to Illinois and settled in Shelby County about the year 1825, when there were no houses between them and Yan- dalia and only two or three houses anywhere in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 283 their vicinity, [ndians still abounded in Shelby County, deer and other game were plentj and wolves came about the dooryard. Moses Reed entered land and settled on section 23, whei - e he also purchased other land and dealt in real-estate more or less, having generally six hundred acres of land in possession at a time, lie made his permanent home where lie tirst settled and remained there until his death in November, 1884, at theageof seventy-seven years. His widow died August 13, 1890, at the very advanced age of eighty-three years. Their ten children are I.u- cinda, now Mrs. Jackson; Edward; Elizabeth, de- ceased; Eliza, now .Mrs. Henry Hilton; Artimesia, now Mrs. Manning: Moses; Alfred, our subject; Elisha and Marion, deceased; and one who died in childhood. Having grown to manhood in Shelby ville Town- ship, and undertaken as his wink for life agricul- tural pursuits, our subject decided to establish a. home for himself and in 1862 he married Rebecca, daughter of Jacob Kensil. who became the mother of live children and died in 187:5. Two only of her children are now living, namely: Sarah, now Mrs. Bazel Haywood and Mary .1.. the wife of Lewis Manning. In 1*77 Mr. Reed married Al/.ira Hoard, daughter of Andrew .1. and Mary . I. (High- land) Hoard. This lady was born in Union County. Ohio, October 1 I. 1856, and came witli her parents to Illinois in 1868. They sett led in Shelby County, and here this young girl grew up into a lovely young womanh 1 and received a training' in the useful arts of housewifery, in which she became expert. Her beloved mother is still living and her worthy father died .Inly I. 1886, at the age of sixty-four years. One child only of the second marriage is now living, a daughter Zula; a little one died at the age of eighteen months some years ago. About three hundred acres of land now form the home farm of this successful and thorough-going farmer. lie prefers to devote himself largely to Stock-raising of which he makes a specialty, and in which he is very prosperous. His political views have led him to ally himself with the Democratic party, and he tirinly believes that the principles endorsed by "Old Hickory" are the reliable around for political action uow-a-days. The high esteem in which he is held by his neighbors has often led them to urge his acceptance of various local offices, but the only position which he has ever felt willing to accept was that of a member of the School Board in which he has been very Useful and has aided materially in forwarding the educational in- terests of his township. Socially he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. -»■—»*■*)-> '» ' i ' <*. and was about three years of age when he was brought by his parents to this country, lie grew to manhood in Tower Hill Township and received -2.x I PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. a good education in its graded schools. Later he becamea studenl in the Central Normal College of Danville, Ind., where lie fitted himself for the pro- fession of a teacher. Since 1*77, when Prof. McCormick taught his first school, he has been engaged in his chosen pro- fession and has become well-known as a splendid disciplinarian and one thoroughly able to impart knowledge to others. He was married in l'ana. 111.. September 13, 1883, to .Miss Minnie R., daugli ter nf Samuel Milliken. This estimable lady was born in Shelly County. III.. June 4, 1860 and is a lady of recognized worth of character and kindly disposition. She and the Professor are both con- sistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has been a Trustee, lie has also served as Superintendent of the Sunday-school, and takes an active part in religious and benevolent work. In politics he is a Democrat and has served the township as Clerk and Assessor. lie owns two hundred acres adjacent to the village of Tower Hill, a portion of which lies within the corpora- tion. ~^*!^|g'S H !■:: 'UANKLIN D.GOULD. Our subject is one of the linn known as Gould Bros., dealers in grain, who have a wide reputation for honor and integrity, and enjoy the confidence of the community in which they are living by virtue of their fair and upi'iglll dealing. He of whom we are writing was born in Cambria, Niagara County. N. V.. April 22. 1847. He was reared on his father's farm and was engaged in farming in his native county until 1883, when he disposed of his farm and came to this State, settling in Windsor, and soon after launched into the grain business in partnership with his brother. Lyman A. Gould. for two nionlns after coming to this Slate Mr. Gould was employed by K. ,v 1. Jennings at Mattoon, 111., in buying grain. He went to De- catur, at which place he remained four months. being there employed by the Wabash Railroad Company. He was married in Cambria. X. V., February 2*. I x 7 2 . to Miss Agnes C.Colt, who was a native of the same county and State as himself Mrs. Gould is a refined and womanly woman and makes a pleasant home for her husband and chil- dren, of which she has had four. They are: Elmer W., Clara M.. Florence and Grace A. It was a great blow to the parents when their eldest child and only son. and was taken from them in Febru- ary, 1890. lie was at the full bud and promise of manhood, being seventeen years of age at the time of his death. lie was a victim of that dread dis- ease — La Grippe, which made vacant so many places in families throughout the country, suffer- ing severely before his decease. The second daugh- ter, Florence, died when a small child, being only four years of age. Although not an office-seeker in any sense. Mr. Gould, like most of the fresh, vigorous young men in our country, cannot lint be interested in politi- cal life. lie has allied himself with the Democratic party. Loth our'subject and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he having been so connected since 1866, and his wife's church re- lations dating from childhood. Mr. Gould is a modest and unpretentious man. whose first con- sideration is attention to his business. He is, how- ever, a favorite in both commercial and social circles, and is highly esteemed as one of the repre- sentative men of the town. /p^EORGE A. SMITH.. M. D. A successful and '11 _— , enterprising member of the medical profes- V_JJ(i sion, residing in Henton, in Ridge Town- ship, is a son of the late John l>. Smith, who was born in Butler County, Ohio. His mother, who bore the maiden name of Sarah Munson. was born in New Jersey. The father was a farmer by occu- pation and after his marriage with Miss Munson made his home in Franklin County, Ind.. whence he came in 1860 and settled in Ridge Township. Shelby County, when' he completed his mortal career August 13,1890. I le left his faithful wife to mourn his loss. Our subject is one of seven children of the par- ■ ital home and is the third in order of age. He mm \ \ THOS.STEWARDSON PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 287 was bora in Franklin County, hid.. October 30, [855, and was reared to manhood upon Lisfather's farm in Shelby County. His earlier education was taken in the common schools and ;il Shelbyville. lie entered the st. Louis Medical College al St. I. on is. Mo., in 1876, and graduated in the Class of '79, receiving his diploma :it that lime. He began his professional work :it Henton and lias now buill up mii exeelleni and broad practice. His marriage, which occurred April 29, 1891, united liim with .Mis.-. Ida M. Stanley, daughter of Leroy and Eliza- beth ( Ward) Stanley. Dr. Smith has taken an active part in all local movements and is an energetic and progressive citizen. His political views have led him to affiliate with the Democratic party, in the progress of which he feels a keen interest, lie is a member of the Masonic fraternity and is also identified with the Modern Woodmen of America. Hisexcellenl judg- ment and genial nature commend him to his fel- low -citizens. IloMAS RTEWARDSON, one of the early pioneers of Shelby County and a man who has made his record for industry, hard work, perseverance and integrity, has a pleasant home on section 24, Shelbyville Township, where his residence dates from the fall of IS P.I. He was horn in I he North of England, March IS. ISIS, and is the son of William and Mary (Nicholson) Sti'wardson. The mother died when the subject of this sketch was lmt a small boy, leaving seven children, of whom Thomas was the eldest. Those who followed him were: Robert, who died in Shelby County; Samuel, went to the West Indies and there died; Isabella, married Mr. Brewster and died in Shelbyville; William: John, who resides in Texas, and Mary, who died in Indiana in IS 11. The father of our subject came to the United states, and settling in Illinois, lived in Shelby County until his death. He took up the land for this son two years previous to our subject's coming here. 'Thomas Stewardson was reared a farmer, and when a young man of some twenty-three years came to the I'niteil States, settling in Ohio in the year IS Hi. and there married three years later the lad\ whom he had chosen from all the world to he his companion through life. She was Elizabeth Parnell, a native of England and a daughter of John and Agnes Parnell. After marriage they re- sided in Ohio for some nine years with the excep- tion of one season, wirch they spent in Northern Indiana. Elizabeth Ste vardson became the mother of six children, hut was called from them by death in 1856, leaving them to mourn a mother's loss. They are all now grown to manhood and are occu- pying positions of responsibility and honoring their parents by lives of usefulness and worth. 'They are as follows: John, who resides in Sac County. Iowa; 'Thomas, who lives in the State of < Washington; James, Robert and William P.. who live in Shelby County; and Samuel, who makes his home in South Dakota. In December, is.">ti. our subject "was married to Sarah Brady, a daughter of 'Thomas and Martha (Vaughn) Brady, and a native of Shelby County, where she was born October 2d. 1889. Her par- ents were of Southern birth and came to Illinois in the pioneer days, taking up and improving land here. 'Their death occurred in Shelby County. and they left six children. as follows: William, de- ceased; Jane, the wife of Perry Heed, who resides ill Butler County. Kan; Samuel, deceased; Sarah, Mrs. Stewardson; Narcissa A., who married Hiram Brown and died in Shelby County; and .lames, who is also deceased. 'The first possession of Mr. Stewardson in Illinois was forty acres, and he now owns two hundred and sixty, all excellent and well improved land. bearing upon it good fences, excellent barns and a substantial home. He followed sheep-raising for a number of years very successfully and has the qualities which lead to success in that department of work, as he is prudent and attentive to the needs of his stock, lie now pursues general farm- ing. Mrs. Stewardson is a member of the Hard Shell Baptist Church and has brought up her seven children in the faith of the Christian religion. They are named: Martha Jane, wife of John Richardson; Edward; Douglas; Henry: Mary, now Mrs. Ben- 2X8 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. jam in Field: Eliza, the wife of Mathew Bain- brig; and Albert. The political views of our sub- ject have brought him into sympathy with the Democratic party, fur whose success he i- desirous, luii lie is not at all an office-seeker, although he has tilled successfully the position of School Director. Elsewhere in this volume the reader will lind a lithographic portrait of Mr. Stewardson. I>*««^=-^ --^ f OHN \V. BEERY, a prominent and success- ful farmer residing on section 5, Ridge Township. Shelby County, and a man who is ever active in political and church circles, is the son of Josiah Beery, a native of Rockingham County. Va., where his mother. Ann Jacobs was also burn. They had thirteen children, and our subject was among the older members of the fam- ily, being born September '.*. 1N44. in Rockingham County, where he was reared upon a farm. At the time of the breaking out of the war, this young man was conscripted when only sixteen years old. into the rebel army. lie served in the ranks but a few days, and then was detailed to work in a shoe shop, where he served between three and four years. When Gen. Hunter made his famous raid up the Shenandoah Valley, all the de- tailed men were called out and given guns. The enemy was routed and our subject took leave of his brethren in arms against the Union without the consent of his commanding officer, and coming to (•'airfield County, obtained employment at farm labor. Here Mr. Beery remained until his marriage Sep- tember 2. 1869, to Mis.-- Rebecca Swartz,a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Beery) Swartz, both of whom were natives of Fail lie hi County, Ohio. The mother died in that county, and the father in Picka- way Township, Shelby County, 111., where he had settled in December. 1870. The wife of onr sub- ject was one of the younger members in a large family of twelve children, and was bom in Fair- field County. .Inly 22. 1*47. The young married couple continued to reside in Fairfield County until the fall of 1 872, when they removed to Shelby Countt and made their home in Pickaway Township for ten years, after which they removed lo Ridge Township, and set- tled on section ."). where Mr. Beery owns a farm of eighty acres upon which he has placed good im- provements. The children who have come to bless the home of our subject are: Thomas C, Mary A.. Laura C. Elmer ('.. Docie F... Lulu E., John < ). and Onie 15. Elmer, John and Onie have passed to the better world. The father of these children is an intelli- gent and public-spirited man, who has always taken an active part in public affairs, and i> an ardent and progressive Republican. lie has been School Director for five years, and in this capacity has done much to forward the educational interests of the Township. In the spring of 1890 he was elected Highway Commissioner, which office he has filled to the satisfaction of his constituents and the bene- fit of the roads, lie has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits, and has made them a success. The Evangelical Association is the religions body with which he and his good wife are connected, and in its work they are ever ready to take part. and to dog 1. He has been in this connection Class-Leader, Trustee. Sunday-scl 1 Superinten- dent and exhoiter. Mr. Beery is a member of the Modern Woodmen, and is also identified with the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. AMUEL W. MORTHLAND. Himself a lover of a line horse, onr subjeel under- stands the needs of the traveling public so thoroughly as to keep all grades and styles of animals to suit each whim and taste. For the young man who lovCS a level slreleh of country and a good gait, he has in his stables roadsters thai can keep up with any in the county. For the old physician who cannot get along without his forty winks as he goes from one place lo another, he has the staid and reliable animals thai will land him at his destination safely, without so much a- a pull at tin' line-, and to the nervous lady who i- afraid PORTRAIT AND P»K .)( HiAl'IIK AL RECORD. 289 ofa good,fas1 gait, and ye1 wants to travel behind m horse with some style, he gives a beautiful little mare with glossy mane and tail, and tender eyes thai promise of themselves the utmosl sedateness united with elegant dignity, for Mr. Morthland is a livery man and caters to the traveling public of Lovington, Moultrie County. The parents of our subject were Joseph T. and Alice (MeCardle) Morthland. The former was a uativeof Pennsylvania and the latter emigrated in her young womanhood to the United States from Ireland. They were married in New York City and came from there to Decatur, III., in the year is.5;t. Two weeks after his arrival in the last-named city Joseph Morthland died. His wife followed him a good many years later, passing away from this life in Moultrie County, August 17. 1889. They were the parents of five children, and of these our sub- ject was the eldest. He was horn ill New York City, January I I. 1850, and was nine years of age when he came with his parents to Decatur, this Male. Mr. .Morthland early knew what it was to take care of himself for in his young days he worked out for his board and clothing, spending four or five years in this way in Macon County, his mother having removed to Moultrie County and married again a man by the name of Levi Misenhelter. ( tur subject went to live with his mother and made his home under her roof until his marriage which took place in Lovington, December 18. 1872. His bride was Rebecca McCravy,who was born in Ten- nessee. After marriage the young couple resided in Lovington for several months and then removed to I. owe Township, where our subject was engaged in farming for a period of about four years. At the expiration of this time lie returned to Loving- ton and purchased a livery business in July, 1878, and has since continued giving his attention to this business. Mr. Morthland is a genial, whole- souled fellow who is a hail fellow well met with all the hot spirits of the town, lie is deservedly pop- ular with all classes of people and enjoys the con- fidence and respect of the community. Our subject and his wife have had their domestic life enriched by the advent of one daughter therein. Her name is Ida M. and -he i> the pride of her parents whose ambition it i> that every talent thai she possesses should !»■ cultivated in the highest degree and that she should lie an accomplished and intelligent woman. Mr. Morthland has served on tin' Village Hoard for several years and lias filled the office of Township Clerk most acceptably. Socially, he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and both an Odd Fellow and a Knight of Pythias. In connection with his livery business lie also makes a specialty of Normans and roadsters, being engaged in breeding horses. IK' also sells many buggies and vehicles of all descriptions. He- sides his business in the village he has a general Oversight of his farm in the township which com- prises one hundred and twenty acres and which brings him in a handsome revenue. | AMES AVERY Wool). A pleasant gentle- man whom Moultrie County may well be proud to claim as a son and native, is he whose name is at the head of this sketch. Horn here March .'! 1 . 1848, his parents were Joseph M. and Parletha (Patterson) Wood. Our subject's paternal grandfather, Avery Wood, came to this county before 18Hh and entered a large tract of land upon which he made some improvements be- fore his death, which occurred in Sullivan Township. where his body lies interred. The father of our Subject was the only boy in the family to attain the age of maturity, lie was a fanner and died in Sullivan Township in the fall of 18;">2. having be- fore his death acquired a handsome property. Our subject's mother, married a second time, a gentle- man by the name of Montgomery, and by this union three children were born which were reared with him of whom we write. The parental family consisted of three children whose names arc as follows: Sarah .1.: .lames A.. our subject, and John VV. Air. W i's only sis- ter married William Hodge; she died in Sullivan Township, without issue. James A. was married in 1869 to Mary A. Hoke, a daughter of Samuel and Amanda Hoke. She was a native of the same 290 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. county and State as lier husband being here born April 18, 1849. Her death occurred June 6, 1890, and her loss is deeply fell mil only by her imme- diate family but by many who have been the recip- ients of her kindly sympathy and aid in times of trouble. She lived in Sullivan Township all her life. Mr. Wood is a progressive farmer and although he is comparatively a young man, has acquired a good farm which comprises one hundred and sixty acres of as fertile and well-located land as there is in the county. Upon this he has put valuable im- provements, and has here a pleasant home. He devotes himself chiefly to general farming, but has some tine stock. The original of our sketch is not content to accumulate alone earthly riches, hut realizes that for himself and family there are treasures of learningand wis- dom to he had for the getting. His home boasts many books by standard authors and the latest cur- rent literature finds its way to his reading table. lie is a thoughtful reader, forming his ideas from his own deductions, rejecting ready-made opinions upon any line of thought, whether it lie political or otherwise. Five children comprise the family of our subject, whose names are: Zolla Newton, Estella May, Sarah .lane. Samuel A. and l.ora Edith. Politically, Mr. W I's sympathies and interests center with the Democratic party and this receives the weighl of his vote and influence. Religiously he is a member of the United Brethren Church, and seeks to live in his daily life, the lessons taught by the life of the I >i vine .Man. RANK M. LOVING. Among the promin- fis cut citizens of Dora Township who has lived in this section for more than a quar- ter of a century, we arc pleased to mention the name which appears at the head of this paragraph. Mr. Loving is a farmer who settled in Moultrie County in the fall of L867, and whose pleasant home is to lie found on section 22, Dora Township. He is a native Illinoisan, having Keen born in Mc- Lean County. April 11. 1855, a son of Jasper D. and Maria J. (Messer) Loving, natives of Indiana and Illinois, respectively. Taylor Loving, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of North Carolina who came to this State and located in McLean County about the year 1835, locating near Normal, but later remov- ing to Gl'idley Township, where he became the owner of some five hundred acres of land upon which he passed his remaining years, dying at the age of about fifty. He left a family of four sons and one daughter, John, Philip. .lames. Jasper and Nancy, which latter became the wife of George Cox. Jasper Loving was only about eighteen months old when the family settled in McLean County and he was educated in Bloomington and chose husbandry as his pursuit in life. He was married in McLean County to Maria, a daughter of John Messer. an early yioneer of the county. After marriage the newly wedded pair settled in ( iridlev Township on land which Taylor Loving had entered from the Government. He remained with his parents and assisted them while his brothers went to California during the gold excitement, and after the death of the father Jasper fell heir to a portion of the land and purchased the interest of some of the heirs, and thus became tin' owner of a tine farm. Jasper Loving, in 1867, sold his farm in McLean County and coming to Moultrie County, purchased from the Illinois Central Railroad Company two hundred and forty acres of unbroken prairie to which lie somewhat later added by purchase one hundred and twenty acres more, all of which lie improved. In 1882, on account of his wife's feeble health, he sold a portion of his land and went to Montgomery County, Kan., where he purchased two small farms, but the change of residence did not bring as much improA ement to Mrs. Loving's health as had lieen hoped, and she left him for the spirit world in 1884. One year later he returned to Illinois and died June 7. 1888, in Dora Township. He was an earnest Republican in his political views and at different times held various local offices. The Christian Church was the religious body in the communion of which he found comfort and strength. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 291 lie and his good wife had seven children, four of whom lived to years of maturity, namely: Frank M.. Mary < '.. wife of John 0. McMullen, Jota T. and Lewis V. The latter was born June L8, L867, and resides with our subject. Frank M. Loving came with his father's family to Moultrie County in L867, and six years later chose for himself a bride in the person of Eliza, daughter of John and Nancy McMullen. She was horn in Ohio. June 22. 1855, and became the mother of two children, John J. and Sylva E. The old I iestead forms the residence of our subject, and he i- the owner of eighty acres of finely im- proved land. His political views incline him to endorse the action of the Republican party, yet In' is independent to a considerable extent ami never allows himself to be trammeled by parly lies, in the membership of the Christian Churcli he and hi- excellent wife find themselves in a religious home which is in accordance with their faith and sympathies. HS? OHN M. (ISAAC, li is contrary to the principles of true political economy to en- courage celibacy and discourage marriage, and the historian regrets the necessity of occasionally chronicling the fact that, a man of noble life, integrity and honor, has been content to live a life of single blessedness and has not made for himself a true home by placing at his side :i companion who would double his joys and halve hi- sorrows. Yet when a single life has been con- ducted so nobly and unselfishly as has that of our subject, the writer willingly touches lightly upon this dereliction from duty and is willing to paint in light color- the life of this worthy man. Our subject was horn in Perry County, Ohio, in 1825, being the son of Andrew Cusaac, a native of Pennsylvania, and .lane Shaw, who was horn in the same state. Hi- parents settled in Perry County, Ohio, in 1813 and there made their home through life. Of their eight children two died in infancy. William died in Perry County, Ohio, and .lane, who married Mr. Ensminger, resides with our subject. Caroline married Jacob Dial and her death occurred in June, 1890. Two children, James and Celia survive her. Mary married Cor- nelius Axline and died in Muskingum County. Ohio, leaving two children. William and .Matilda. Lucinda is the wife of Uohert Yost and Sarah M., an unmarried sister, reside- with our subject. Mr. Cusaac has ever been a kind and affectionate brother to his sisters and their comfort and support in times of trial. Mr. Cusaac first located on section 29, Shelhy- ville Township, when he came to this county, and he here purchased nearly eight hundred acres of land. In this he was joined by his brother, A. J. About the year 1864 he purchased the farm upon which he now resides and upon which he has erec- ted a pleasant home, excellent barns and other suh- stantial and handsome improvements, so that it is now counted a- the best improved farm in Shelhy- \ tile Township, and comprises some four hundred acres of laud. His political views bring him into affiliation with the party which is proud to claim the names of Jefferson and Jack-on. hut he i- not a politician nor wire puller and ha- steadfastly de- clined to accept office, lie is a supporter of the Presbyterian Church to which hi- sisters belong and i- warmly interested in the cause of Christian- ity, although not a church member. Hi- industry, economy and thrift have placed him upon a sub- stantial footing and given him the respect of his fellow-citizens, lie settled in this county in 1866, and hi- pleasant home is located just outside the city limits of Shelbyville. AN1EL SMITH, who resides on section in. Ridge Township, Shelby County, is a cit- izen of superior ability and intelligence. His father. Nathan Smith, and his grand- father, Daniel, Sr.. were horn in Maryland. The father of our subjeel was a fanner by occupation and married, while living in Nicholas County, Ky., Alary Killam, who was horn in Nicholas County, December 2, 1799. After marriage this young couple settled in Nicholas County and remained 292 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. there until death in t In- early prime of life, August 15, ls.'io. lli> bereaved widow, who was the mother of live sons and one daughter, removed the following year to Shelly County, 111., and passed away January 30, 1880. The subject of this writing was the second in this family, being bora September 21, 1821, in Nicholas County, Ivy., where he spent the early years of his life. The father died before the buy had completed his ninth year and when he was ten years old be came with bis mother and the family to Shelby County, and lived for some nine <>r ten years in Rose Township. Since that time he has made bis home in Ridge Township. He received thorough training in the practical work of farming in bis boyhood and undertook that as bis life work. Daniel Smith and Sarah A.Wagoner were united in the -acred bonds of matrimony in Rose Town- ship, August 3, 1843. The bride is a daughter of Jacob and 1 )rady ( Sargent ) Wagoner, both of whom were Virginians by birth and first settled in Ken- tucky, afterward in Indiana and then pursued their pioneer life in Illinois, settling in Hose Township in l*:i.S. The mother died in IS Id and tin' father passed away in Ridge Township, in 1857. They were the parents of eight children, five miu> and three daughters, and Mrs. Smith, who was born in Washington County. Ind.. July 1. 1823, was the sixth in order of age. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have passed their married life in Ridge Township and here their family of live children have been born. George W. is a resi- dent of Shelbyville; Mary, who became the wife of Samuel Brownback, who died in Rural Township in 1*72. leaving one child, George, who has been reared liv bis grandparents; Russell is a farmer in Rural Township; and John .1. carries on a farm in Ridge Township. The remaining child is Olivia. Three little ones died in infancy. Mr. Smith has been Highway Commissioner and School Director for a number of years. His political convictions have led him to ally himself with the Democratic party and he cast his first vote for .lames K. Polk. Hi- wife is an earnest and active member of the ( 'hristian Church. Mr. Smith bought bis iand from the Government and has a line estate of four hun- dred anil Sixty-Seven acre- upon which he ha- erected a delightful home, commodious bams and other excellent outbuildings. These are situated upon the home farm which covers some one hun- dred and fifty acres. This intelligent gentleman and genial neighbor has made his mark in the community where he lives and is worthy of the generous estimate which is every where accorded him. RODNEY ADKINS. There is probably no place in the wide world where a man can so readily wrest from the soil a handsome com- petency and put himself m a financial con- dition to retire from active labor, as within the bounds of the rich Prairie State. Throughout its Confines, north and south, east and west, we ma\ find thousands id' farmers who have, by hard toil and enterprise, secured a degree of wealth which allows them to rest during their later year.-, and among these we are pleased to mctiiion the still active and enterprising gentleman whose name we have given above. Rodney Adkins, who resides on section ii. Lov- ingtOD Township. Moultrie County, dates his resi- dence in this county from 1865, and in Illinois from 1H.V2. He was born in Ross County. Ohio. August 21. 1825, being a son of Staunton and Anna (Timmons) Adkins. natives of Maryland. This excellent couple have removed from their na- tive State to Ross County previous to their mar- riage. Mr. Adkins at the date of that event being thirty years old, and his young bride but fifteen. Subsequent to their marriage they removed to Pick- away County, in the same State, and there settled on a farm. Mrs. Anna Adkins became the mother of thirteen children, and died at the age of forty, but her husband survived and reached the very ex- treme age of ninety-one years. The subject of this sketch was the fourth in this large family of the parental household, and re- ceived his early training upon a farm and through the active exercise and healthful manner of life in- cident to agriculture, he gained a sturdy and health- ful young manhood. He was married in Pickawaj County. Ohio. March IS. 18(7. his bride being I.o- PORTRAIT AND BIO IRAPHICAL RECORD. 293 vena Eskridge, daughter of George and Sabrina (Bryder) Eskridge, early pioneers of Pickaway County and natives of the little State of Delaware. Their daughter, Lovena, was bora in Pickaway ('.unity in May. L824. The removal of <>nr subject to Illinois was made in 1852 with three teams. This was a long, weari- some journey, bul was taken leisurely, the party camping out at night and picnicing along the road. The principal expense which had to be incurred was the payment of toll at the toll-gates. Upon reaching the Prairie state. Mi. Adkins located in ( lumberland County, and became tin' owner of two hundred and forty-six acres of land within two miles of Toledo, the county-seat. Fortius he paid at the rate of *'.< per acre and upon it he proceeded to make g 1 improvements, and had it in excel- lent condition before the exigencies of the Civil War called him from his home and fireside. Mr. Adkins enlisted in the service of his count r\ in August, 1861, and was mustered into service in Company A. Fifth Illinois Cavalry, which regi- ment was ordered to the Southwest, and saw service in Arkansas. lie was taken prisoner near Helena, that state, in October, 1862, and while under guard of six men, a captain of a company of guerillas, who also laid claim to beinga Methodist Episcopal preacher, rode up. and wit hoiit leave or license shot him in the arm. This hall, which he still carries, so disabled him as to cause him to he honorably discharged in February, 1863. ( inr subject returned to Cumberland County, and in the fall .of 1864 sold his landatllOan acre and proceeded to prospect in various partsof the state. spending one season farming in Ford County be- fore coming to Moultrie County. Here he pur- chased eighty acres of his present farm, which was then but little improved but was considered of more than ordinary value, and even then com nianded $30 per acre. 1 le now owns over one thou- sand acres of land, seven hundred and fifty of which are in one body. lie has erected a pleasant home, excellent hams and other good outbuildings. Most of his prosperity may he attributed to his thorough, systematic and intelligent stock-farming, together with his dealings in live stock. To Mr. and Mrs. Adkins have been horn three children, and they have been so favored as to re- tain these children in life until now they are ma- ture, and are taking their places in the world, be- ing fitted to shine as members of society and to he truly an honor to their worthy parents. They are by name — William S.. Mary E., (wife of Henry Layman), and l.uranna. who resides at home. For four years past Mr. Adkins has rented his farm and now lives a retired life. He is a stanch Republican in his political belief, anil deems it the duty of every patriot to exercise the right of suffrage with which he is endowed by the laws of his land. He takes an intelligent interest in political move- ments, hut ha- never held office, as he has preferred to devote his energies to his private business. >yt^fcipi h i. hi / i ' i < i ' i ' ORENZO l>. EVANS. Our subject is one ) of the thousands of brave and loyal men who came forward in the time of their country's trial anil threw their lives in the balance with the chances of war that the Iiiion might be preserved and the brotherhood which is now be- coming an accomplished fact between North and South, re-established, lie is at present a general farmer owning one hundred and fifty-three acres on section 1. Flat Branch Township. lie is the happy possessor of some of the best land in the township and can view his acquisition with pride, as it is the result of his own industry and energy. Mr. Evans was hom in Montgomery County, at Mt. Sterling, Ky., December II. 1825. He comes of Maryland stock. His father, John Evans, who was a Dative of Wales, when young, came to the United states and lived near Baltimore with his parents for sonic years. The family, however, removed to Montgomery County. Ky., and there William Evans remained for some time, lie re- turned to Baltimore, Md.. where he died and was buried by the side of his " ife w ho had there passed away before the removal of his family to Ken- tucky. William Evans lived to he an old man. He served through the War of 1812 and was a brave soldier. His sons inherited from him his valor, for all of them later served through the late 29 I PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Rebellion, and one who had been Provost Marshal of Mt. Sterling, was later killed In an enemy, who in a cowardly manner, shot him in the back, while entering a store. Much enmity grew out of this and the family feud even endangered the dif- ferent families in the vicinity, nor did our subject escape these dangers, for he had many a hair- breadth escape from the enemy. After the coming of John Evans to Montgomery County. Ivy., he received training in a fanner's life, and lived and died in his adopted State, being quite an old man at the time of his decease, lie had there taken unto himself a wife whose maiden name was Miss Ann Beecraft, who was born near Baltimore. Md.. her parents being Benjamin and Elizabeth Beecraft. They came from Wales to this country and after living for some time in Mary- land, they settled in Kentucky. Their deaths, however, took place in Indiana. The daughter, Mrs. John Evans, after her marriage passed her life in Montgomery County. Ky., and there died. Our subject and a sister are all who are now living of this family. He inherited the fibre of his sturdy Welsh ancestors and grew up full of the energy and determination known to hut few men of his day. When the call was made for volunteers to fight for liberty and freedom. Mr. Evans enlisted in the Thirteenth Regimenl of Illinois Infantry. He served under lien. Sherman and was in the engage- meni against Gen. Johnson at Charlotte, N. ('.. and saw active service until the close of the war. when he received an honorable discharge for Ins services in 1865. lie served as a private Iml had been a true and brave man and for his loyalty and valor no better record could lie referred to than his ( oloncl, Mr. Lawrence, of Madison. ( apt. Jones, ;>f the same place and Lieut. Lewis, of Munsev. Iml. Our subjeel has ever been a close student of human nature, it having been one of his greatest pleasures to study character as found in his travels throughout the country. This knowledge of hu- man nature has given him a greal advantage in his dealings with men. lie is a man who has exper- ienced much that is known to develop the sternest characteristics Of one's nature. His early experi- ence in Kentucky when involved in the feud that threatened himself and family, taught him vigi- lance and caution, while it developed daring and recklessness. When Mr. Evans was a young man the hot blood of the Southerner of Kentucky was even more pronounced than now. and a man took his life in his hands* when by a word, he acquired the hostility of an acquaintance. Mr. Evans was married in is is while in Ken- tucky, to Margarel Reibland who was horn and reared in that State. She is the mother of eigllt children, four of whom are now dead, having passed away in early years. Those who have a monument in the hearts of their parents, are Anna. Margaret, Mary E. and Wallace. The living chil- dren are Sarah J., Jennie, John W. and Lorenzo 1). Sarah is the wife of William Simpson, who is proprietor of a farm in this township. Jennie is the wife of Jerome La Don and lives on a farm in Moweaqua Township. John W. took to wife Eliza- beth Gordon, and now lives in Donovan. 111. Lorenzo I), is a farmer in this township. V E*E r~ A WHENCE WARREN. No family in Shelby k County has been more closely identified with the development of its vast resources than the gentleman whose name introduces these paragraphs. He is the proprietor of a beautiful and well-appointed farm, picturesquely situated on section 9, Tower Hill Township. The estate, which comprises one hundred and sixty acres, slopes toward the south and with its attractive residence, substantia] farm buildings and cultivated Melds forms a picture not easily forgotten. It is our pleasure to present on another page a view of this line place. Step by step Mr. Warren worked his way until his worldly affairs were placed on a sub- stantial basis, and to-day he is numbered among the well-to-do men of the county. While advancing his financial interests he has not neglected the better things in life, hut has discharged in an able manner the duties of citizenship, and helped to ele- vate the intellectual and moral status of the section in which he has made his home. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 297 For the history of the parents of Mr. Warren the reader is referred to the sketch of J. It. Warren mi another page of this volume. Lawrence Waft'en, who was the fifth in a family of six children, was was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, A 1 : 1 \ l l. 1829, In his native place he passed his childhood and youth uneventfully, attending the district schools during the winter season and aiding in farm work during summer. He lias made agriculture his call- ing in life, although he has followed carpentering lu some extent. When reach to establish a home of bis own. .Mr. Warren was married. August 24, 1854, to Miss Mary Ann. daughter of John and Catherine (Rein- hammer) Stout, natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Stout were married in the Keystone Stale. whence they removed to Pickaway County, Ohio, and there the father died. The mother survived him a few years and passed away in Sandusky County, Ohio. They had six children, the eldest dying in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Warren, who was the third, was born in Walnut Township, Pickaway County, Ohio, January 1. 1832, and was reared to womanhood under the parental roof, acquiring a good education and a knowledge of housewifely arts. immediately after their marriage Mr. Warren brought his wife to Illinois, making the journey in an emigrant wagon and locating in Christian County. After a sojourn there of two years, he came to this county and purchased the farm in Tower Hill, which is still his home. Of his union ten children were horn whose record is as follows: James M., who died at the age Of twenty years; Emanuel F., who i> a professor in the Western College at Toledo, Iowa; John, a farmer; Nelson, who married Miss Anna 1>. Rosenberry and is a farmer: Lewis EL and George W., farmers; Mary L, who died when nineteen years old: Nora .1.; ()tis W.. and Edward N. Every measure calculated to contribute to the progress of the community finds a firm friend in Mr. Warren, who is well known as a public-spirited citizen. In politics he is a Prohibitionist. Hewas the fust Township Clerk in Tower Hill, has served as Highway Commissioner and held various school offices. Etelieiouslv he is a member of the Metho- dist Church, while his wife belongs to the United Brethren Church. Of a genial and hospitable naturc.it is not Strange that his position a ng the citizens of this section is an influential one. ami that he numbers his friends among the worth- iest wherever he ir. known. ESTER C. ,EMING. Every traveler /^) who pas>c> along the highway is led toad- is mire the farm buildings of Mr. Fleming On section 2!). East Nelson Township. These are still new enough to have retained their pristine freshness and the impression made by their attractive appearance is re-inforced by a thorough examina- tion of their convenient and commodious arrange- ment. This farmer appreciates fully [he true economy of being saved from the wear and tear which are incident to a poor borne, illy-arranged barns, leaky sheds and tumble-down fences, and he has provided generously for both his family and his stock. Isaac Fleming, who was the father of Lester, was horn in Cumberland County. Md., in 1H1K. and married Miss Kiltie A. Hilton, who was horn in the same county in 1817. Their early married life was spent in Knox County, Ohio, and 1 1 1 • ■ \ came thence to Moultrie County. III., in 1864, set- tling in East Nelson Township which has continued to lie the family home with the exception of three years spent in Whitley Township. The father passed from this life in 1888 on the -.'7th of Octo- ber, but the mother still survives. Of their family our subject was the seventh in order of age and wa- born in Knox County. Ohio, June 2*. IMS. Lester C. Fleming came with his parents to lib liois and resided under the parental roof until his marriage, which took place in 1874 in Moultrie ( ount\ . his bride being Miss Mary 11. Mathers, who bore to him one child, .lames 1. Mrs. Mar\ II. Fleming did not long remain to enjoy her home, but died in September. 1*77 in Last Nelson Town- ship. The second wife of our subject bore the maiden name of Anna 1!. Mallorj and she also be- came the mother of one child. Ilaltic A., ami died 298 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. December 18, 1886. Some time subsequent to this sad event Mr. Fleming was married in Charleston, 111., to Rosa Maxedon, who now presides over his pleasant borne. For six years Mr. Fleming was engaged in op- erating a sawmill lnit aside from that and also during most of that time he gave his attention to farming which lias been his chief business through life, as he thoroughly cultivates his eighty acres of land. In the spring of 1890 lie became the Super- visor of Eas1 Nelson Township and so well did he serve his constituents and transact the business of his county that he received his re-election to the same office in the spring of 1891. As School I)i- rector he has worked conscientiously to advance the schools of East Nelson Township and they are year, by year rising to a higher plane. The plat- form of the Democratic party receives his hearty endorsement and in general intelligence he keeps abreast with the march of events and the world's history. Elsewhere in this volume appeal's a view of the home where Mr. Fleming and his family are com- fortably domiciled. — S5 1 ;>*-<§ @*- ~ ARON J. LEWIS. Asa fine type of the citizens who have contributed to the pros- perity of Moultrie County, the gentleman whose name introduces these paragraphs deserves especial mention. His splendid farm com- prises one hundred and two acreson sections 6 and 7. Lowe Township, and is embellished with every necessary and convenient structure, good stock being kepi and improved machinery used. The residence, a view of which appeal's on another page, is a home-like structure, in which good cheer fin- mind and body is always to he found. During an honorable career as a sagacious agriculturist Mr. Lewis has displayed those solid t raits of char- acter thai are needful lo the attainment of fortune in any calling, and in his dealings with all he has ever shown himself to lie a man of probity. The immediate progenitors Of our subjecl are .lames T. and Paulina (Hostetler) Lewis. The father, now deceased, was born in Kentucky, but when quite young removed with his parents to Orange County. Ind.. where he grew to a vigorous manli 1 amid primeval scenes. When ready to establish a home of his own he was married to Paulina llotstetler. a native of Indiana, where after their union they settled in Orange County. This continued to he the home of the father until he closed his eyes to the scenes of earth September 22, 1852. The mother still survives at the ad- vanced age of eighty-one years, and makes her home in Indiana. She is a noble-hearted woman. whose children may "rise and call her blessed." She carefully reared her children, of whom there were eight, to till positions of usefulness and re- sponsibility, and in working for their welfare her hands never wearied. The subject of this notice is now in the prime of life, having been horn March 23, 1839, in Orange County, Ind. He was reared on a farm and early acquired a practical knowledge of agri- culture, and havinga natural aptitude for this avo- cation, he chose it for his life calling when the time came for him to start out in life for himself. At the age of twenty-four years he was married. March 2:5, 1863, in Lawrence County. Ind.. to Miss Martha . I. Coward, the daughter of William and Eliza (Martin) Coward. Mr. Coward is sup- posed to have been a native of Tennessee, while the mother was horn in Washington County. Ind. They settled in Lawrence County. Ind.. where the faithful mother died in 1*.*>4. Twenty years later the father came to Moultrie County. III., of which he has since been a resident. Mrs. Lewis, who was the fourth among seven children, was horn in Law- rence County, Ind.. November 7. 1844, and by careful training at home she became well pre- pared for the responsibilities of her married life. Immediately after the marriage of our suh- ject he brOUghl his young bride to Moultrie County on a visit, and both were so well pleased with the appearance of tin' country thai they con- cluded to make it their home. Accordingly, in the Spring of 1864, they came hither to locate perma- nently, and this has since been the scene of their active labors. Having from youth Keen engaged in agricultural pursuits. Mr. Lewis is a practical PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 299 agriculturist, and the air of thrift about his home- stead indicates to every beholder that he is a man of enterprise and good management, lie settled on his present place in December, 1875, and here lie and his estimable wife have reared to maturity their seven children, whom they named as fol- lows: Benjamin F., Anna F... .Mary I-'... William ('.. II. ('.. Gertie M. and Jessie L. Mr. Lewis lias never been an office-seeker, bul uniformly casts his ballot for the candidates of the Demo- cratic party, whose principles he believes to be right. 5r%||().M.\s M. WII.MF.i;. Many prosperous farmers and stock-raisers arc to be found p within the bounds of Oconee Township, Shelby County, and perhaps no one of them is more notable for general intelligence and worth both in his person and his family than he whose name appears at the head of this paragraph, lie was born in Warren County, N. J., August 25, 1835. His parents were William A. and Catherine (Morrell) WilnicT. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, born in Philadelphia in 1805 and the mother was born the same year in Essex County, S.J. Five children came to cheer this home, of whom our subject is the eldest. The brothers and sisters of our Sllbjecl are as follows: William R., born in 1838, enlisted as a private in Company B, Seventy-third Illinois In- fantry, lie was promoted In he Hospital Steward of his regimenl and afterward Adjutant of the regiment and was killed in battle at Kranklin, No- vember 30, 1864; Francis M„ born in I840,enlisted in Company C. Fifth Illinois ( avalry. lie partic- ipated in many maneuvers and engagements Imt died at home in 1864, of sickness while on :i fur- lough. lie had been promoted to the office of First Sergeant of his company; Theodocia R.,born May 25, 1841, was also one of the victims of the war. Her affianced was the Captain of a company in the Fifth Illinois ( avalry and died in service. Miss Wiliner, never very strong, took to her bed upon hearing the new- of his death and never re- covered from the shock but died in September, 1865; Lambert, horn November 9, 1844, married Miss Maggie McConnell in Shelby County in 1K(>7. and engaged in farming, lie had a bronchial or lung trouble and removed to Colorado in 1881, hoping for relief Imt died at Ft. Morgan in that State in 1887. The removal of our subject from New Jersey to Illinois, occurred in March. 1857, and he was then a young man under the parental roof, which was located on the farm where he now resides. His father was an itinerant minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Thomas Wilmer was married in September, 1865, to Miss l.ydia A. Reed who was born in Mercer County. X. .1.. .luuc .'!. 1847. Her parents came from New Jersey to this county in 1857 and located in Oconee Township where they died, both in one year — 1883. In their fam- ily there were eleven children, namely: John, Abram, Winchester I!.. Achsa. l.ydia A.. Alice Willard, Charles. George, Mary and Emily. To Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer live children have been born: Catherine M.. who first saw the light March 'J. 1867, ha- been a teacher in the public school- of Shelby County, for several years; Anna E., born March I. 1869, is also following tin- same profes- sion; Francis, horn December 17. 1871, is also qualified as a teacher, having passed a successful examination: Clara C. horn August Hi. 1874, and Classena, horn February li. 1880, an' at home. Mr. Wilmer has always followed the business Of fanning, although he was educated for the profes- sion of a surveyor. He is a Republican in polities and takes an interest in public affairs, making an effort to keep himself informed on the current events of the day. He is a thorough and sytematic reader. Mr. Wilmer is a member of the Methodisl Episcopal Church, although his preference is for the Congregational body. Both the paternal and maternal grandfather of our subject were soldiers in tin- Revolutionary War. The maternal grand- father, Thomas Morrell, held the rank of Major in the Fourth Regiment of New Jersey Conti- nentals and was wounded at the battle of Long Island and left on the field for dead. Clin- ton 15. Fisk in the New York Independent states that Ceil. Washington detailed four soldiers to 300 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. carry Maj. Morrell to his father's house at Eliza- beth. X. .1. On recovery lie rejoined the army and remained with ii until alter the battle of Brandy- wine when hi> wound broke out afresh and he was compelled t<> leave the service. He spent twenty years of his later life as a Methodist minister, lie was bom in New York City in 1747 ami died in Elizabeth, N. J., in 1838. ILL1AM II. SMELL. The gentleman of whom we write, although deceased, still lives in the esteem and affection of his family, friends and neighbors, having, although modest and retiring in his temperament, always held an unimpeachable reputation for integrity and honor, and being one whose adherence to principle gave an elevating influence to those with whom he came in contact. He passed away from this life bidding his friends a last goodnight, that he might enter into God's upper light, from his home on section 19, Fiat Branch Township, Shelby County, (•ctolier 7. 1890. lie was oni' of the pioneers of State, having located here in 1840, at which time lie settled on a tract of new. unbroken land. In 1842, he located on section in. of Flat Branch Township, where he improved one hundred and sixty acres of land, converting it from its virgin wildness. until it became a garden spot. luxuriant with waving grain and dotted with mild-eyed kine. Here he spent the most active part of his life, lie was horn in Warren County. Ohio, Octo- ber in. 1816, where he remained until he became of age. A full history of his family maybefound under the biographical sketch of Fred 1'. Snell. Our subjecl was Bret married in his native county to Thisby -I. Briggs, who was bora and reared in New Jersey. She was of New England parentage and came to ( )hio when a young woman, sin- was engaged in the work of teaching before her marriage with Mr. Snell. With her husband she came to Illinois in inn> and bravely assisted him not only by her prudence and economy, but also in a material way. ill getting a start in life. She died here while yet in the prime of lite. leaving six little children to her husband to mourn her decease, three of whom have since died. The living children are Sally. Fred M. and .Mary I). Sally became the wife of .Joseph McGrath, and now resides on a farm in Flat Branch Township. Fred M. took to wife Mary Certin, and now lives near Day. Kan., where he is engaged in farming. Mary D. is the wife of Charles Mazy. They also are farmers in Flat Branch Township. Our subject was a second time married, his nup- tials taking place in Flat Branch Township, and the lady who consented to lie the sharer of his joys and sorrows, was Mi.-s Louisa .1. Washham. She was horn in the Fast, having come West while a young woman, and died in middle life on the old home place. She left a family of four children who are. Daniel I!., Pugh F.. Cornelia A. and Edward M. The eldest son took to wife .lane Wolf and lived on a farm in Kansas. The second >on was united in marriage to Lois E. Worley and resides in Ridge Township, on a farm. Cornelia A. is the wife of Samuel Ilavertield. and lives at Assumption, this State; her husband belongs to the army of noble men and women educators. Edward was muted in marriage to Lulu Proctor, and lives in Assumption. Our subject was a third time married. The cer- emony took place in Buell Township. Shelby County, the lady being Mrs. A. Catherine Black. //" sn iers. she was a native of Washington County. Md.. where she was born August I. 1832. She is a daughter of Adam and Nancy (Dimes) Summers, natives of Tennessee and Maryland. Her parents were married in Washington County, Md.. and there lived until middle age. They were old residents of the county when they died. They were of German slock, and Lutherans in religious pref- erence. Mrs. A. Catherine Snell was only a small child when her parents died. She had hut one sister. Mrs. Delano, now Mrs. Fcktou. of Washington County. Md. Mrs. Snell was reared by an uncle, Jacob Ilimcsand was eighteen years of age when she came with him to Illinois. Her firsl marriage took place in Shelby County, her husband being Josiah I.. Black who was a native of Pennsylvania and came West when in middle life, passing from PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 301 this life at Prairie Bird, this county. He left one child. Andrew D.,who tooktowife Minnie Spregg. They make their home with Mrs. Snellat Moweacfua. By her marriage with our subject, Mrs. Snell is the mother of eighl children, six of these are deceased, those having passed away being Lillie 15.. Thomas, Myrtie M., Russell P., Ora 0.,and Emma, who died eighteen months after her marriage. The living chil- dren are Alice I), who is the wife of Hiram I.. Goatley. Their home is in Moweaqua; William lives with his mother at the old homestead. Mr. Snell was an active member of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church in which he had been a Steward for some time. His deceased wives and his widow were one with him in his religious pref- erence. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Snell has made her home in Moweaqua. She is an amiable and womanly woman and although ad- vanced in years, retains perfectly, all her faculties. Mr. Snell was a charter member of the order of Masons in Moweaqua. HARLES M. LANK. lie who views the panorama of humanity with a broad and far-seeing vision finds much to interest him in the prospective greatness of young men. lie loves to note the characteristics, habits and ambitions which point in this direction and to prophesy in regard to those who give promise of prominence. The future is of course hidden from human eyes, yet a shrewd reader can feel free to foretell much. Among those residents of Sullivan. Moultrie County, whose future is thus of interesl is the young man whose name appears at the head of this paragraph. Mr. Lane is doing a general law business in Sullivan, having been admitted to the liar in 1888. Upon November "22 of that year, he was examined at Springfield by the Appellate Court in session there and received his license from the Supreme Court during the January following. He had formerly been a student in the law office of R. Peadro, whose biography is to lie seen elsewhere in this volume. He has been all his life a resident of this county, as he was born in Sullivan Township. October 2. lKfi.">, and received the training of a farmer's hoy and a common-school education. Our subject is the son of Archie and Esther (Lewis) Lane, both natives of Illinois, having been horn and reared in Coles County, hut coming to Moultrie County where they afterward met and were married. They made a line farm here and the mother was taken away in the prime of life. dying June 2. 1871. She was a member of the old school Baptist Church and was universal!) esteemed for her beautiful Christian character, her braid charity and genuine friendliness, she left six children and two had preceded her to theother world. Theii names were Margarel and Elizabeth and a son William passed away immediately after his mother's departure. The live children of Archie and Esther Lane who are yet living, are Louisa E., the wife of ( '. 1'. Martin, a fanner in Whitley Township, this county; .lames I... who married Mary E. .Martin and is farming in Last Nelson Township: Lueinda .1.. who is the wife of W. II. Steven and lives upon a farm in Palmyra. Mo.; our subject, and Archie A., who took to wife Martha Miller ami is farm- ing in Whitley Township. The father of these children contracted a second matrimonial alliance, choosing as his wife Miss Nancy E. Mehan. She was horn in Illinois anil reared in Shelby and Moultrie Counties. Since this marriage Mr. Archie Lane has been farming in Moultrie County and now lives in Whille\ Township. Loth he and his wife are active mem- bers of the old school Baptist Church and Mr. Lane is a thorough-going old-fashioned Democrat who has held various local otiices and served as Justice of the Peace for years in Sullivan and East Nelson Townships. Our subject is a bright and promising y/oung man. well known as possessed of good habits and excellent character. His aspirations are for the besl and highest ideals and his ho 'able intention and thorough integrity mark him as one who will ever have the confidence of his fellow-men. His political views have led him to affiliate with the Republican party and he i- progressive in his ideas 302 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in regard to public matters. He is still living in a state of single blessedness and his best friends predict that when he does take the step which will double his joys and halve his sorrows he will make an alliance that will he a credit to his judgment and his heart. EZEKIAH WAGGONER. The gentleman Y whose name is at the head of this sketch is the owner of a fine farm located on section 23, of W'hil ley Township, Moultrie ( 'ounty. lie is a native of this county, being horn here June 5, 1838, and a son of George and Bethaney (Ilanev) Waggoner, who came to this State in April. 1*2*. and settled on Whitley Creek in whal is now known as Whitley Township. The parents of our subject were natives of North Carolina, in which State they were married and whence they came to Illinois. At the time of their coining hither there was quite an exodus from their native town, several other families accompanying them and all came through in two one-horse wagons. George Waggoner entered land in Whitley Township, and started out in life without a dol- lar. In the early days of their settlement here in order to get some Hour or meal ground, he was obliged to journey to Vandalia with hi.- wheat or corn and patronize a mill run by horse power. The nearest market was St. I.ouis. and at that time the butter, eggs and other produce of the farm hail to he taken thither by wagon and sold in exchange for the necessary commodities of farm life. These were the inconvenience- of pioneer Settlement, bul in many respects life was not hard, for game was plentiful, and the ground easily tilled and aston- ishingly fertile and productive. Indians, it is true, wiie numerous, bul were also friendly. Although Mr. Waggoner was all hi- life an industrious, hard-working man. he remained a poor man. lie lived to the age of four-score years and died June 12. 1875. Our subject's mother had died some years previously al the age of fifty-one years. The old people reared :i lamilv of twelve chil- dren, their name- being as follow-: Ah in. Robert and Cecilia are deceased; Sarah. William. Isaac C, Elizabeth, Isaiah. Ilezekiah. Nareissa, Hannah ami Ira. Elizabeth married John B. Dougherty, she died in this county in November, 1889; Isaiah is a Baptist clergyman in Nebraska; Hannah i- the widow of Thomas S. Dougherty. Our subject's parents were members of the old-school Baptist Church. lie of whom we write was reared on a farm and received such early educational advan- tages as could he attained at the school which the district afforded in those early days. lie of whom we write was married in March 22. 1863, to Cornelia Bullock, a daughter of Stephen and Lavina (Hoyck) Bullock. She was horn in Delaware County. N. Y.. September 22. l!S4<; and came to this State with her parents in 1857, her family settling in Whitley Town-hip on a farm. Mrs. Waggoner's parents died in lKT'.h her father having attained the age of three-score years and ten. while- the mother was seventy-one year- of age at the time of her death. The lady is one of seven children who were horn to her parents and all first -aw the light of day in the State of New York. One girl died in childhood in the Empire Slate and six came to thi.- State with their parents. John died in this county: George resides in Lowe Township, as doe- also Reuben; Elislia lives in Greenwood County, Kan.; Cornelia is Mrs. Waggo- ner, wife of our subject; Milton resides in Lowe Township. After marriage the original of our sketcL settled On the farm where he now reside-. There was originally bul forty acres in the tract which he purchased and this was entirely unimproved land, lie is now the owner of two hundred and fort \ acres of land, all of which is under most excellent cultivation. Mr. Waggoner has followed mixed husbandry and has been reasonably successful. He and his wife have made fl plea-ant home that is the rendezvous for the besl class of people in the neighborhood. They are the parents of eight chil- dren, -even of whom have lived to he grown. Their name- arc Milton. Narei-sa !•'.: Quincy, who i- the wile of l.O. Armentroiit; Newton. Ruth, Cornelia and Richard. They are all bright, ener- geticand progressive. Those who have grown to be men and women lake hold of the duties which lie PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 303 nearest them and fulfill them to the best of their ability, which in itself, secures success. Mrs. Waggoner is a member of the Predestinarian Bap- tist Church. Politically lie is m member 01 the Republican party, being a firm believer and adher- ent of every tenet and plank <>l' its platform. e_ n ..j..j..j. i ^i'gB 1 ,.j..i..j..j. ,— i ^, AMUEL YANTIS is a farmer located on section 30, of Pickaway Township, lie pays particular attention to the breeding of Polled Angus cattle and is the owner of a fine farm comprising one hundred and sixty acres, all of which is under a high state of cultiva- tion. He has redeemed this land from crude un- broken prairie and has made it prolific t<> an aston- ishing degree. He has occupied the farm since 1858, having thereon a line residence that is not only comfortable and conveniently arranged, but is attractive and elegant. There are also barns that are tilled to bursting with the products of tin place. Mr. Yantis' farm hears an orchard in which are two hundred and fifty trees which are good fruit- hearers. The place is well watered and stocked. Our subject has lived in this township and county since hi- hoy hood, lie was horn in Pickaway County. Ohio. April 20, 1834, and is the eldest son of Dan- iel and Elizabeth (Longenbough) Yantis, natives of Ohio, being there reared and married. In 1853 they came as a family to Illinois, traveling thither by the overland route and livinga camp life on the way. They finally located in what is now Picka- way Township, this county, and here they began. They were in reduced circumstances hut soon se- cured some new land and began the work of mak- ing new homes. The tracts which they secured proved to he the best land in the county and they have ever since made this location their home. The father of the large family of which our sub- ject is the eldest, is still living and enjoying the afternoon of life, serene in the knowledge that he has earned his rest by early toil. Here it was that our subject grew up. lovingly cared for by his pa- rents but eari\ learning the rigors of pioneer life. He remained under the home roof until he became of age. and ha- since been working on his own ac- count. He procured one hundred v and sixty acres of tine land upon which he still lives. .Mr. YantlS is one of the substantial men of the township, and a genial, good-natured fellow who is loved and respected by all who know him. Mr. Yantis' marriage occurred in this township and county, November 5, lsi.">7. His wife's maiden name was Miss Amanda E. Miller. She was horn in Fairfield County. Ohio, in 1836, being the daughter of C. P. Miller, of whom see the biograph- ical sketch of W. C. Miller. When only four years of age Mrs. Yantis came with her parents to Illinois and settled on Robinson Creek, this county, where she was reared and educated. She is the eldest of the family ami is an intelligent and capable woman, being one of the energetic, ambitious representatives of her sex in this township where she has become well known anil much liked. Our subject and his wife are the parents of ten children, three of whom are now deceased: Cathe- rine was the wife of S. 1!. Cole; she died leaving one child, now also deceased. William and Henri- etta died early in life. The living children are: George, Mary A.. Lydia .1.. Ellen, Harvey and Da vid. Of these the first mentioned took to wife Emma Frietz, and is engaged in fanning in this county: Mary A. is the wife of George M. Longen bough, a farmer in Colorado owning an extensive ranch; Lydia -I. i- the wife of Stephen Cole, a far mer in this township; Ellen married Harry Hunter who also owns a farm in this township: the two youngest sons arc still under the home roof. §#+£#- ANTJ2L WEIDNER. Twenty odd years of residence in such a county as Moultrie gives a man an opportunity to. -how what is in him in the way of industry, enter- and integrity. He must by that time have gained for himself a reliable reputation for either good or ill. and have established himself among his neighbors. Our subject has thus lived in Dora Township, where he resides on section 20, and he .'ill I PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RL< ORD. lias proved himself a thoroughly i;< >« >< I neighbor, a successful agriculturist and a man of standing among his fellow-citizens. Mr. Weidner purchased eighty acres of land, which he found bul slightly improved and en- tirely unbroken, when he first came into the county, and he has added to it by purchase until he now possesses two hundred and ninety-three acres, upon which he has placed substantial improve- ments. He was born in Mocking County, Ohio, December 10, 1843, his honored parents being Frederick and Catherine Weidner. natives of Ger- many, and his paternal grandfather being George Weidner, who came many years ago to the LTnited States and settled in Fairfield County. Ohio, where he remained until death called him hence. He had reared a family of four sons and two daugh- ters, namely: Frederick. John. < lodfred. Solomon, l'helie. Christina and Barbara. Frederick Weidner. the father of our subject, was married while residing in Ohio, and made his first home as a man of family in Hocking County. where he pursued farming, clearing up land in the woods and remaining there until hi> death, being snatched away in the prime of life at the age of forty-seven years. His bereaved widow survived him for many years and reached the age of four- score and two years. She and her worthy husband were the parents of eleven children, seven of whom are still living, namely: George and John reside in Hocking County, Ohio; Solomon is living in Fairfield County, the same state; Daniel, our subject; Phebe, who married William Fletcher and died in Dora Township; Catherine married David Ashbauch and resides in Van Wert County, Ohio, and Barbara, who is the wife of William Walker and lives in Hocking County. Ohio. The ordinary life and training of a farmer's boy Was given to Daniel Weidner in hi> youth and he grew up to a robust and active young manhood, and set about establishing himself both in his life work and in his life home. ll was in I1SII7 when he was united in marriage to a lady who has been to him a congenial and helpful companion. Her maiden home \\:in Mary A. lieei \ and -he was horn in Hocking County. Ohio, December L3, 1846, being the daughter.of Abraham Beery, she h.-i> been the mother of eleven children and has had the sorrow of laying five of her little ones in their graves. The six who survive are: Nannie, wife of Augustus Reeder; Frank, Lilly, Hettie, John and Rimer. The political views of our subject were formerly in accordance with the doctrines of the Demo- cratic party, hut he is now- independent of party ties. Both he and his excellent wife are earnest and active members of the church of the United Brethren, and in its communion and services they find a broad Held for influence and work. Their standing among their neighbors gives them an iu- fiuence which is always exerted for good, and the success of Mr. Weidner in the cultivation and development of his farm his farm has earned for him the good opinion of all who know him. ■ I >■ »h t * r i i j i i i i ^ i m f ACOB G. II o I. DK R M AN is the junior member of the firm of Scott & Holderman, proprietors of the Bethany Roller Mill>. which are noted throughout the State for both quantity and quality' of the farinaceous pro- duct which they prepare for use. Our subject was was located at Bethany where he engaged in busi- ness in September. 1887, and has since been a member of the above mentioned firm, which i> broadly known a> one upon whose word and judg- ment the greatest reliance may be reposed. Their dealings have always been conducted on such a basis as to win the confidence <>f all with whom t hey arc connected. lie of whom we write was born in Montgomery County. Ohio, January 6, 1850, and is a ><>n of Joseph and Amanda (Wampler) Holderman, na- tives of Ohio and Maryland, respectively. He is the third in order of birth in a family of four children. Ili> early life was passed on a farm in his native county, ll was not his privilege to en- joy an extended education, though he was fond Of books and made excellent use of his time at School. At the age of twenty year.- he went to the city of Indianapolis where he learned the milling business with the Gibson Milling Company, lie re- J. L. JENKINS. PORTRAIT AND BIO< JRAPIIICAL RF.CORD. 307 mained in the employ of this company for four years, after which he went to Cincinnati and was in the employ of Root & Co., for one year. Thus fully drilled and equipped with a knowl- edge i>t' the business which he had chosen as that to which he should devote himself , our subject came to Deeatur, III., where he was in the employ of I). S. Shellebarger >V' Co., millers. After that he came to Bethany, Moultrie County, and became associated with A. B. Scott as partner in a milling business of their own. I lis career was begun by a thorough and complete overhauling of the entire mill, and in this work Mr. Holderman showed him- self to be master of the mechanical workings of the business. When his work was finished the place was in first-class shape and besides being engaged as manufacturers they cany on a merchant and exchange business. The firm also deals largely in grain. Our subject was married in 187'J to Miss Maggie Campbell, at the time of their marriage a resident of Indianapolis but a native of Scotland, and a daughter of Andrew Campbell. With her Mr. Holderman enjoyed but four years of marital felic- ity, her decease taking place in 1883. She left one little daughter whose name is Marjery. Five years later Mr. Holderman was again married, taking as his companion a sister of his first wife, whose given name is Mai. Their marriage was celebrated No- vember 11, 1888. Mrs. Holderman is an intelli- gent and bright woman whose wholesome presence animates and invigorates those who are brought into communication with her. In his political life he of whom we write is a Democrat. Socially, he is a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and also of the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Holderman is liberal in his religious belief; his wife, however, is B member of the Presbyterian Church, in which she is an energetic and ardent worker, both for the Support of the local organization and spreading of the ( iospel teachings. The father of our subject. Joseph Holderman. pursued farming as a business until the breaking out of the Civil War. when he entered the service with a regiment from Indianapolis and served four years as trainmaster. After the war he was en- gaged as a contractor and builder at Indianapolis, during which he led a busy life. He is spending his declining years at Troy, Ohio. Our subject's mother died at Bunker Hill, Ind.. in 18,">7. Of the parental family John M. was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil War, and was thus engaged for three years, in which time he did honorable and effective service. After leaving the army he became a railroad man, being yardinaster at Lorain, Ohio,where he died when about forty years of age; George H. is Superintendent of the lire alarm and telegraph at Indianapolis, Ind.. and Orlando is a farmer at Bunker Hill. Ind. The paternal grandparents of our subject came from Pennsylvania at an early day and settled on the site now occupied by the National Soldiers' Home at Dayton, Ohio, the grandfather pursued the calling of farming and was also a butcher and cattle dealer. Jacob G. Holderman, our subject, has been very successful thus far in his career and, being a comparatively young man, he has a right to expect a greater degree of success to crown his plans and efforts for the future. y T/ACKSON L. JENKINS. On the opposite page is presented a portrait of this gentle- man, who is a prominent farmer of Rural Township, residing on section 14. and his residence in Shelby County dates from April, 1856. He was born in Delaware County. Ohio, June 30, 1825. His parents were Jonathan W. and Rebecca (Rosecranz) Jenkins. Datives of Pennsylvania. His father, Jonathan Jenkins, went to Ohio in 1810. lie there married, and in 1835 removed with his wife to Ogle County, and settled upon a farm, be- ing one of the early pioneers in that part of the State. Rebecca Jenkins was the mother of ten children, eight of whom lived to be grown, and of these our subject is the eldest. The father of our subject married a second time Mrs. Mulkins becoming his wife. He still resides at Oregon, this State, and has attained a good old age, his natal day having been January 27. 1802. 308 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. < hir subject was bul a boy when the family removed to Ogle County, and at thai date there were at least ten Indians to every white man. Here our subject grew to manhood, and had a personal ac- quaintance with every man in Ogle County, He carried the first mail that was sent between Dixon and Oregon, and the first mail bag thai he ever saw was one that lie got at Dixon. He later ex- tended his mail route from Oregon to Buffalo Grove. At that time the mail wascarried onhorse- back. lie also carried the first mad pouches that were conveyed by wagons between Oregon and Rockford. lie was thusemployed about four years. Our subject's father resided in town, hut as he owned a farm near the village, young Jenkins tilled the soil. In 1836 his father built the lirst cabin in Oregon, having passed the winter of 1835-36 at Dixon. In 1856 our subject eame to Shelby County, having previously purchased eighty acres of land, for which he paid *1. This he improved-and Sold, and since then his residence has been in Rural Township. The lumber for the first house which he built in Ogle County, our subject hauled from ( Ihicago, a distance of one hundred miles, hut when the dwelling was erected, its magnificence outshone anything in the county. lie now owns two hun- dred and sixty acres of land in Rural Township. Mr. Jenkins has been twice married, duly 7, L850, he was united to Harriet L. Van Loon, who was a native of Delaware County. Ohio. She re- moved with her parents. Mathiasand Elizabeth Van 1 n to Ogle County, at an early age. She died in Shelby County in 1861, being only thirty-four years old at the time of her death, she left four children — Rebecca, John, "William and George R, The eldest daughter is now the wife of Y . .1. Sevier and reside- in Missouri. John and George make their homes in Rural Township, while William re- sides in Ridge Township. In ist;:') our subject married .Mrs. Sarah A. Trav- el's arc Downs. She was a daughter of Daniel and Mary E. Downs, and married Alex Travers in 1856. lie died in 1862, leaving four children, all of whom passed away under twelve years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins have had eight children, -even of whom are living. They are Alice, who is the wife of Arthur Engle; Prank; Emma, who married William Mose; Chester. Effa, Edith and Lloyd. Our subjeel ami his wife are members in good standing of the ( ihristian Church. Although in his political inclination Mr. Jenkins was formerly a Democrat, id' late he has transferred his allegiance to the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. He is a man who is greatly interested in all progressive movements, the subjeel of education being one which is nearest and most important to him. for in it he realizes the influence that is strongest for good in our country. He has held the position of School Director for thirty years, and has been a Road Commissioner for fifteen years. Of a kindly and genial temperament, Mr. Jen- kins is beloved by all his fellow-townsmen, and having seen so many changes through which the country has passed since the days when he carried the mail over the prairie on horseback, he is a fer- tile source of information to those who are inter- ested in the history and advancement of their State. ' <>1IN R. BEAN. Among the representative men of Jonathan Creek Township. Moultrie County, who are prominent in business, farming, social and church circles, we are pleased to mention the name which appears at the head of this paragraph. Although still a young man Mr. Bean has proved himself in every sense of the popular word a "hustler". He is aggressii e in his methods of conducting business and has in him enough "go-ahead-ativeness" to stock two or three ordinary farms. His beautiful farm, finely equipped with fences and all buildings necessary for the successful prosecution of work', gives abun- dant testimony to his thoroughness and success. .lame- Bean, the father of our subject, was born in Monroe County, hid., and the mother Llizabetli (Collins) Bean, who was a native of Tennessee, died ill Moultrie County, in September. 1880. They first settled in Monroe County. Ind. and resided there until I860, when they came to Moultrie County, and made a permanent settlement in Sul- livan Town-hip. They had seven children of whom PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 309 Dur subject was next to the youngest in age and he was born in .Monroe County, Ind.. Sept. 24, 1854. He was consequently about mx years old when his parents left Indiana and moved to Illinois and it was in .Moultrie County that, lie grew to the vig- orous and active manhood which we here recog- nize. James Bean removed to Kansas in 1887, and tor two years resided in Clay County. Men who have had in their youth every educa- tional advantage, whose parents have been alile to sfLve to them a college and university training can hardly appreciate the feelings of a man who has had to struggle single-handed to attain his intelli- gent knowledge of letters and of the world which ■very ambitious man craves. To those who have thus educated'themselves great credit is due and the accomplish men 1 of their laudable desire should ■eceive its just meed of praise. The educational idvantages offered to John R. Bean were, extremely limited and lie may well he called a self-made man. Tins young man resided under the parental roof ip to the age of fifteen years, when he began life 'or himself by working for two years in a sawmill md afterward being employed at farm labor. Farm- ing has been his chief business in life and to do it ie has devoted unceasing effort. He was married n Moultrie County March 6, 1 H7 7, his wife being Miss Nancy Drew, who was born in this county January .">. 1851. This respected couple have been •ailed upon to lay one child in the grave — Frankie '.'. who died in infancy. The three bright and tromising children who are still with their parents ire Ida A.. Walter C. and Edna M. Every enterprise which concerns the industrial uid social progress of .Moultrie County finds an ■tlicicnt and active promoter in Mr. Bean, and he s one of the live incorporators of the Moultrie .ounty Board of Agriculture. lie is a stockholder n this institution and for seven years he has he- Onged on its Board of Directors. He has also held he office of School Treasurer, and with his noble wife i- an active member of the Christian Church. lie possesses a beautiful farm of one hundred and twenty-eight acres, upon which he has erected excel- lent farm buildings and where he has made other substantial improvements. Every movement which lias for its object the welfare of the farming com- munity is of importance in his eye- and he i> prom- inently identified with the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. In politics he is a Republican and he has been Chairman of the Jonathan Creek Town- ship Republican Committee for six years. €MM t£y-* ICHAEL E. SNYDER is a farmer and stock- raiser of Moweaqua Township, who iscon- tributing his quota to the preservation of " its prosperity as a rich agricultural centre. He was born April I. 1889 in a pioneer home in Brown County. Ohio. Jacob Snyder was the name of his father, and he was born in one of the Rhine Provinces in Germany. His father, who bore the same name as our subject, was born in the same locality as his son, and resided there until 1824. In that year he came to the United States with five of his seven children, and he lived in Pennsylvania until 1827. when he became a pioneer of Ohio. He resided for a time at Cincinnati, but lie finally bought a farm in Brown County, where he made his home until his mortal career was ended by death. The father of our subject was reared in the land of his birth, and was there married to Elizabeth Shilp, who was a native of the same locality as her husband. In 1821 Mr. Snyder came to this coun- try, bringing with him his wife and two children that had been born to them in their old home. For a time he was a resident of Pittsburg, but he sub- sequently removed to Cincinnati, which was then only a small place, and he bought farm land now in the heart of the city. A few years later he re- moved to Brown County and bought four hundred acres of fine land. Located two and one-half miles from Carlvle. and three miles from Arnheiin. There his years were busily and profitably passed until death released him from life. He anil his good wife repose peacefully side by side in the pleasant Lutheran churchyard at Arnheiin. They reared twelve children to lives of industry and to right living. The early life of their son Michael, who forms the subject of this brief sketch, was passed in his native county, and liis education was conducted in 310 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. its public schools. In 1865 he left Ohio to take up his residence in Illinois, where lie shrewdly con- ceived that a young man of sufficient enterprise and capability could do well in agricultural pur- suits. His brother Daniel came with him, and to- gether they bought a farm in McLean County, near the town of El Paso. In 1875 he disposed of his share in that place at a good price, and coming to Moweaqua Township, purchased eighty acres of land on section 32, which has since been his home, lie has bought other land, and now has one hun- dred and forty-eight acres, that is admirably tilled, and yields abundant harvests in repayment for his hard toil. On May 18, 1875 was the date of the marriage of our subject to Miss Maggie Nottbook, a native of Moweaqua Township, and a daughter of Will- iam and Wilhelmina Nottbook, of whom a bio- graphy appears elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have been blessed with the following four children — Annetta, Willie N., Elizabeth and Minnie. Our subject and his wife are found among the most respected members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and their place in the community is among the people that are held in the highest con- sideration for kindly and upright lives. Our sub- ject was formerly a Democrat, but he is now a stanch Prohibitionist in word and deed. MERSON RHODES, a respected and worthy citizen of Cushman and one of the promin- ent business men of that village, being en- gaged in merchandise and the transfer of grain, was born in what is now Moultrie County, 111., June 2'.». 1837. lie is a son of .John and Rachel (Ccn tony) Rhodes, the former being a native of North Carolina, born in 1808, and the latter being bom in Kentucky, in 1811, It was in 182!» when this couple were married in Indiana, and three years later they came to Shelby County, 111., in Feb- ruary. 1832. and became pioneers here. Roth died in Moultrie County after the division of counties was effected, the mother dying in 1879 and the father in 1887. This departed couple were the parents of nine sons and one daughter, and live of these still survive. The children are, namely: Margaret, now Mrs. Souther, resides in Texas; Levi, died in 1862 from the effect of measles while in the army, leav- ing a widow; William was twice married and lives at Anna, 111.; our subject; one who died in early infancy; Francis Marion died in 1862 while quite young; Loren and John who also died in early childhood; Hilery is married and lives on a farm in this county and Alfred, who is married and liv- ing in Bethany, 111. The gentleman of whom we write was united in the bonds of marriage upon New Year's Day. I857j with Miss Matilda Roney, who was born in this county in 1835. Her parents, Joseph and Eliza- beth (Henderson) Roney. were very early settlers of Illinois and both of them natives of Kentucky. Soon after marriage Mr. Rhodes went South taking a tour for his health, and decided to make his home in Texas for seven years. It was in 1866 when he returned to his native county and three years later he returned to Texas, where he remained until 1883. While a resident of the Lone Star State he was a stock-dealer most of the time, and during a portion of his residence there he was on the Buffalo Range. In the fall of 1873 he built a mill, Caddo Johnson, Texas, investing several thou- sand dollars in this enterprise, which resulted in very serious embarrassment two years later by reason of its destruction by tire, lie was a frontiers- man for many years and had frequent encounters with hostile Indians. Upon December 28. 1879, lie had the misfortune to lose his companion by death. In the fall of 1883. Mr. Rhodes returned to his native county and married Maria Selby, who was born in this county in 1842, and whose parents were pioneers in the early days and still reside here. Her paternal grandfather. Joshua Selby, came to this county in 1830, and her parents, Nich- olas and Sarah (Goodman) Selby, were natives of Indiana. Immediately after his second marriage Mr. Rhodes returned to Texas and brought his family to Moultrie County, where he has since re- sided. The nine children by the first marriage are all living, namely: Theodore. Serilda J.. Barton. .Mar- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. .-ill garet, John, William, Minnie, Charles and .lames. Five of them are residents of this county and four live in Johnson, Tex. To thesecond marriage one child was born, October 12. 1hk.">, Gracie Gertrude by name. After his return to Illinois Mr. Rhodes was a farmer and operated a sawmill for about three years, lie then engaged in buyinggrain and afterward combined that business with merchandis- ing, lie carries a full stock of general merchan- dise, groceries, provisions, farm machinery, hard- ware, etc. Mrs. Rhodes has been the Postmistress at Cushman for about a year, and her husband was honored with the Deputyship. This lady is a worthy and consistent member of the Christian Church. Mr. Rhodes is a Democrat in politics and takes an active interest in political affairs, serving a> School Director. 4^ «^> 1SAAC RICIIK Siding on sect trie County, \ SAAC RICHEY, a fanner and stock-raiser re- •tion 13, Sullivan Township, Moul- was born in Bedford County, l'a.. May 7. 1845. lli> parents were Abraham and Eliz- abeth (Bollman) Richey, ami were natives of the Keystone Mate. The father died in this county in 1881, and the mother, who still survives, resides in Jonathan Creek Township, this county, she is now in her eighty-third year and has been the honored mother of nine children, five sons and four daughters. Of the latter only one remains on earth, but the sons are all living. Our subject came to Illinois with his parents in 1866, and settled in Jonathan Creek Township as his father had purchased a farm there, on which the mother now lives. Mr. Richey has been twice married, his first wife being Ruth Homan, a na- tive of Kentucky. They were married in that Slate in 1879, and the young wife was called from earth about a year later. Our subject was a second time married, taking as his wife Mi>s Anna A.. daughter of David Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Richey is a native of Kentucky, and was born in .January. 1859. Her parents still reside in the latter State. To this happy union four children were born, of whom one. Oliver .1.. is deceased. The remain- ing sons are: Clarence 1).. Jessie Karl and Clyde L. The business of farming has been the vocation to which Mr. Richey has devoted himself with en- ergy and enthusiasm throughout life, lie owns a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres, with good improvements and in a high state of cultiva- tion. A beautiful park surrounds his home and gives to it a charm which few houses can boast. The refinement and culture which is implied by thus beautifying one's abode is a delightful acquis- ition to any neighborhood. Mr. Richey is liberally inclined both in politics and religion. He has always voted for Republican candidates for President, but in State and local matters he uses his own judgment in selecting the best man for the place and is governed in this by purely business principles. He never made any profession of religion, yet gives liberally of his means to the support of the Gospel and other re- ligious and benevolent enterprises. He at one time belonged to the Patrons of Husbandry, but is not now connected with that body. The estimate in which he is held by his fellow-citizens is shown by the fact of his being twice elected to the office of Township Collector of Taxes, and his having been called upon to serve as Supervisor of Roads. ydLLIAM .1. EDDY, a leading physician of Shelbyville. Shelby County, his native city. \JHJ/ was born October 13, 1857. His father, the late William Eddy, a former well-known citizen of this county, was a native of the county of Cork, Ireland. His father was born in the same county as himself, and was derived from Scotch ancestry. He was a shoemaker by trade and spent his entire life in Ireland. The father of our subject early acquired the shoemaker's trade of his father, and followed it in his native land until his emigration to this country in 1847. He landed at New Orleans, and coming directly to Illinois, located at Galena, and was ac- tively engaged in the manufacture of shoes in that 3 1 2 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. city for several years. In 1856 lie came toShelby- ville and worked :it liis trade here until l*7ii. when he removed to liis farm near Lakewood, and was prosperously engaged in agricultural pursuits from that time until death closed his busy career in August, 1890, and deprived the county of a most worthy citizen, who had contributed his quota to its advancement. He was a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and as a man of upright character was in every way deserving of the re- specl accorded to him. He was twice married. The maiden name of his first wife, mother of our subject, was Mary .1. Roberts. She was a woman of many excellent qualities, and was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her birthplace was in Cornwall, England, and she was a daughter of John s. Roberts, who was a native of the same shire as himself, lie came to America with liis family in 1840, and first settled in Pennsylvania. after a residence there of a lew years became one of the pioneers of Grant County, Wis. In 1856 he came from there to this county, and identified himself with its farmers, buying a farm in Dry Point Township, on which he made his home until his death. The mother of our subject departed this life in 1865. The father married a second time, and by each marriage had four children. Dr. Eddy was given every advantage to secure a liberal education, laying a solid foundation in the city Schools of Shelbyville. Three years' at- tendance at the Normal School, one year at Valpa- raiso, Ind. and two years at tin- State Normal at Caibondale, 111. still further advanced him in his studies. During that time he taught two terms of school, and employed his leisure hours in studying medicine. He further prepared himself for the profession that he proposed to adopt for his life- work by becoming a student in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Chicago, from which he was graduated with a high standing in 1885. He at once opened an office in his native city, where he is well-known and popular, and soon won favor in his professional capacity, as he showed in his practice that he possessed in a full degree the requisites of a true physician — a sound knowledge of medicine, skill in diagnosing a case and in ap- plying remedies, and true tad and courtesy in his intercourse with his patients. He is a member of the Shelby County Medical Society, and also of the Illinois State Medical Society, the American Association and of the Central Illinois District Medical Society. Religiously, he and his wife arc members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Doctor was happily married in September, 1888, to Miss Carrie Chafee. a native of Ypsilanli. Mich., and a daughter of Dr. Noah F. Chafee. a well-known physician of this city, with whom our subject is associated in practice. We are pleased to incorporate in this sketch a brief account of the life of Dr. Chafee. He was born in Vermont, Feb- ruary 6. 1833, a son of Daniel and Miranda ( Haven) Chafee. who were also natives of the Green Moun- tain State. His father was a farmer, and died in his native State in 1839, leaving a widow and three sons. The mother removed with her children to Wayne County. N. V.. and three years later took up her residence in Monroe County. Mich., where she married again. Dr. Chafee grew to manhood in Michigan, and in 1862 came to Illinois. He stopped during the summer at Shelby ville, where, in the fall of 1862, he enlisted as assistant Surgeon in the Fourteenth Illinois Infantry, he having previously graduated from the Medical Department of the Michigan University in the spring of 1862, and he therefore went to the front well prepared for his duties, and there gained a valuable experience amid the trying scenes on Southern battlefields and in army hospi- tals during the two years that he remained in the service. In 1863 he was with (Jen. Sherman. In 1864 he was in Georgia, and at Atlanta was taken prisoner while in the performance' of his duties in earing for the wounded and dying, and was held in Libby Prison three weeks. After that he was returned to Springfield, 111., anil as nearly all the men in his regiment were still prisoners, he waa discharged. After the war Dr. Chafee returned to Michigan, and practiced medicine in Lenawee County until 1884, when he came again to Shelbyville. and for some years has been associated iii his profession with his son-in-law, Dr. Eddy. In April. 1864, while on a furlough, he was mar- ried to Miss Josephine Mc.Math. a daughter of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHK A I. KF.CORD. 3 1 3 ■ Samuel and Caroline McMatli, and a aative of Michigan. They have had five children, three of whom died in childhood, and the others are Carrie, wife of Dr. Eddy, and Laura, who lives with her parents. Dr. Chafee is a sound Republican, and always take* interest enough in public affairs to vote, but doc- not give much time to politics. Religiously, he is of the Methodist Episcopal faith. He is a thorough temperance man. and is in all respects a person of high character and standing as a physi- cian and a citizen. His record as a Surgeon in an Illinois regiment during the war is commemorated by his connection with the Grand Army of the Re- public. B. TITUS. We arc pleased to present to our readers a biographical sketch of one of the prosperous citizens, thoroughly educated ((*£/ gentlemen and old settlers of Sullivan, Moultrie County, lie is one of the best known characters in this pari of the county, and after hav- ing been an active and successful attorney, is now leading a retired life and looking after hi> real- estate interests in the place, lie has been a resi- dent of the place since 1856, and one of its attor- neys since 1862. The well known attorney, Hon. John R. Eden, and . fudge Meeker, have been his partners. Some of the most valuable buildings in Sullivan have been put up by Mr. Titus, notably the Opera House Block, which he owns, and he has in the COUntj sonic twelve hundred acres of land, most of it being in Sullivan Township, and all of it being finely improved. He i> one of the large property Owners Of the county, and the improvements upon his land have been mostly placed there by himself, lie was County Clerk from 1865 to L869, and while Supervisor of Sullivan Township, was Chairman of the Board. He has always been a live Democrat, and is frequently a delegate to state conventions. Our subject was born in Brookville, Franklin County. Ind.. and received his education in Miami College, being graduated in the Class of '58, and receiving the two degrees of Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts. While in that institution, one of his instructors was Prof. David Swing, who i> now so notable as a preacher in Chicago. After leav- ing .Miami he entered the Law School at Cincinnati, and was graduated at the Cincinnati Law College in the Class of '60. lie then spent two years in a law office in Cincinnati before coining to this place and also spent some time in teaching. He i> a notable linguist, being the master of five differ- ent languages, and stands high among scholarly men. Mr. Titus has two children — a son. William R., who is a practical fanner in Sullivan Township, and a daughter Minnie, who is still at home with her tat hei- attending school and studying music, in which latter branch she is quite skillful. As a publiG-spirited man. a broad thinker and a pro- gressive citizen, Mr. Titus is a prominent figure in Sullivan. AMUEL WILSON. Many of the best char- acteristics in every branch of social and Vv^Ur , '" lll ""' ,t 'i a l life, are the outcome of the brawn and sinew of what is frequently called the middle class of society; in reality, the best class, for in it is usually found a common sense and practical view of affair- that is often wanting in both the highest and lowest classes. Our subject, although having filled a humble posi- tion in the ranks for some time, is one who by per- severance, energj and native ability has acquired much that many a richer man. and one who is pleased to think himself of a better class, is want- ing in. He is the owner of a neat little farm in Rural Township, having been a residenl of Shelby County since 1 875. Mr. Wilson was born in Delaware County, Inch. February :>*. 1848. He is a son of William and Lydia (Antrim) Wilson, natives of Pickawaj County. Ohio. They were married however, in Indiana, and resided in that State the remainder of their lives. The father died in 1863 at the aire 31 1 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of forty-live. They were the parents of nine children, eight of whom lived to I"' grown. They were: Sarah, Robert, Samuel, Emma. Alva, Lizzie, Martha and Florence. Of these Roberl and Alva arc deceased. After the ileal h of out subject 's fat Iter, his mother married a second husband, but there were no chil- dren by this union. She is still living in Dela- ware C ty. lml.. and is tin- object of the filial affection and care of her children. Our subject's advent into this State was made in 1875. lie worked by the year on a farm until 1877. when lie was united in marriage to Mary Ann Beckett, a daughter of William Beckett. She was born in I tica, N. Y. Our subject and his wife have two children, Anna and Lenora, who are the pride and hope of their fond parents. Politically he of whom we write feels that his interests are best furthered by a union with his class, and he is a member of the Fanners' Mutual Benefit Association, although formerly he was a Republican. In his religious connection he is united with the Church of God, as i^ his wife. He operates eighty acres of land. ^+£ (S- — > , ARNABAS W. FULTON, a well-known and influential citizen of Moultrie Count v. hears 'Jj | a prominent part in various local affairs. He has an established reputation as a good farmer, and an upright man. and were it for no other reason save liis valiant services as a soldier in the late war he would deserve representation in this volume. In agricultural affairs he has been very especially successful and is now the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of as line land as is to he found in the county. This goodly tract is located mi section 5, Lowe Township, and is well developed and is supplied with a full line of farm buildings. The parents of our subject were among the earli- est settlers of Moultrie County, coming here in 1882 shortly after their marriage in Kentucky. Both were natives of Kentucky and bore the names of John B. and Amy (Hagden) Fulton. Upon their arrival in this county they located in Jonathan (reek Township, where they improved a tract of wild land and passed their remaining years. During the first years of their residence here they endured all the hardships of pioneer life, but by unflagging perseverance and indomitable energy they con- quered adversity and in their declining years were surrounded by the comforts for which they had labored so arduously in earlier life. All who love their country and are interested in its develop- ment, will hold in reverence the names of John B. Fulton and his good wife. The sixth in a family of eight children, our sub- ject was born in Jonathan Creek Township, this county, April 19, 1810. His earliest recollections are of the scenes of frontier life and he has not only been an interested witness of the growth of this section, but has contributed his quota to its progress. He deserves especial mention not only as a pioneer but also as a brave defender of the Union. He was in his early manhood when the war broke out and all the enthusiasm and patriot- ism of his nature were fired in behalf of the Gov- ernment. Accordingly he enlisted in August, I862j in Company C, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry, and served until the close of the war. When the Government had no further need of his services he returned to Jonathan Creek Town- ship and resumed farming, to which he has ever since devoted his attention. He was married in that township in November. 1868, to Elizabeth Maston, a native of Coles County, III., and their union washiest by the birth of two children — William, who died when one and one-half years old. and Barnabas, who is still under the parental roof. The wife and mother passed from earth at her home in Jonathan Creek Township. October 28. 1873. The COZy home of Mr. Fulton is presided over by a lady of intelligence and refinement . whose maiden name was Sarah Maston and who was horn in Jonathan Creek Township, September I'-'. 1854. Her parents were .lames and Mary (Campbell) Maston, the former of whom died in this township. The marriage of our subject and his estimable wife was solemnized March 23. 1874. and the congenial union has been blest by the birth of one child— 'I RESIDENCE OF ANDREW 5ENTEL, SEC . 9. , LOWE TP„ MOU LTR1 E CO., I LL RESIDENCE OF C. W. CROUDS ON , 5 EC. 2., EAST NELSON TP., MOULTRI E CO., ILL RESIDENCE OF B . W. F U LTON , SEC. 5., LOWE TR , MOULTRI E CO. ,1 LL. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 317 a sod — [saac W. Mr. Fulton continued to reside in Jonathan Creek Township until 1875, when he came to Lowe Township and settled on section .">, of which he has since been a resident. Politically Mr. Fulton is a Democrat, believing that the prin- ciples nf that party are besl calculated to advance the interest of the nation. Socially he and his wife are highly esteemed for their hospitality and many noble attributes of heart and mind. The attention of the reader is invited to a view of the commodious residence and other prominent buildings on the farm of Mr. Fulton. ^€>*<§^ NDREW SENTEL. The soil of this county being very fertile and the mar- ' ket facilities excellent, a great number of £/ agriculturalists secure a competence by the cultivation of a moderate acreage. One of these successful farmers in Moultrie County is he whose name introduces these paragraphs, lie owns and operates eighty acres in Lowe Township on section 9, and by close attention to his business, wise man- agement and industry, he makes of his farm a more remunerative piece of property than do some who have many more acres. In all his enterprises he receives the cheerful co-operation of his amiable wife, to whom his success is largely to he attribu- ted. The natal day of Andrew Sentel was .March 7. 1886, and lie was born in Ross County. Ohio. He is the son of the late John Sentel. a native of Penn- sylvania, and Catherine (Reedy) Sentel. who was born in Ross County. In the fall of 1845 the parents removed from Ross County, Ohio, to Coles County. III., whence live years later they came to Moultrie County and settled in Sullivan Township. Their family comprised eight children, our subject being nexl to the oldest. He passed his younger years in Ross County where he gained tlic rudiments of his education. Later he attended school in Coles County, although his educational advantages were limited to the district schools of those days. Mr. Sentel was first married January 3, 1 K.">H. to Miss Mary Montgomery, a native of Ross County, Ohio, who died July 22, 1881, in Lowe Township. The present congenial companion of Mr. Sentel, who has been his devoted helpmate, was born in England January I, 1848, and was known in maidenhood as Anna Dalton. She was lirst mar- ried to Joseph YVinskill and by that union became the mother of one child — lohn I). Mr. Sentel and his estimable wife were united in the holy bonds of wedlock in Sullivan. 111., September 19, 1882, and their union has been blest by the birth of one child, a son. Elmer A. When Mr. Sentel began life for himself he set- tled in Sullivan Township, this county, where he lived several years. Next we find him operating a farm in Douglas County, but after sojourning there four years, he returned to Moultrie Comity, and settled in Lowe Township on section 9, which has since been his home. In his political affilia- tions he is a Republican and has served the people in various official capacities, although he prefers domestic quiet to the turmoil incident to a public life. He is greatly interested in the cause of edu- cation and everything pertaining thereto, and has served acceptably as School Director. Public spirited and enterprising, it is not strange that his position among his fellow-citizens is an enviable one and that he is regarded as one of the most prominent agriculturists of the community. The attention of the reader is invited to a view on another page of the attractive residence and rural surroundings on the farm of Mr. Sentel. "> /^HARLES W. CROUDSON. A traveler (l[ n through the farming lands of Moultrie ^^Jy County will lie pleased to observe the large number of well-improved farms and the numerous evidences of prosperity. In Fast Nelson Town- ship an estate of eighty acres, which is admirably adapted for both fanning and stock-raising, is owned and operated by the young gentleman above named. A visitor here will see everything that is necessary in the way of farm buildings. 318 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. machinery and all the modern appliances of agri- culture. During his residence here Mr. Croudson has effected many improvements upon the farm and by a proper rotation of crops lias brought the soil lu a higl) degree of fertility, so that it is fit- tingly classed among the best famis of the town- ship. A view of this place appears on another page. Douglas County, III., was the native place of Mr. Croudson and liis eyes first opened to the light July 28, 1862. He was tin- only son in the family circle and has two sisters, Sarah M., now the wife of .1. W. Bailey, and Lida .1.. who is still at borne. The parents. William ami Lucinda (Lawrence) Croudson, were natives of England and Ohio, re- spectively, ami passed the greater part of their lives in Douglas County, this State, where they luith died. They were people of steady habits and high principles, doingas they would lie done by in the various relations they sustained toward others, and the record "1 their lives is unblemished and worthy of emulation. The education of our subject was gleaned from the schools in the vicinity of the parental home, and his youth was passed in mingled work and play, his study developing the powers of his mind, while his recreation and boyhood sports developed a stalwart physique. Having been reared to farin- ing pursuits, when the time came for him to chose a calling in life he naturally selected agriculture and in his chosen avocation lie has been mure than ordinarily successful. Although still quite young he is very comfortably situated and the future un- doubtedly contains many honors fur him. He takes an active pari in political affairs and is a Democrat in his views, believing the principles of that party are best calculated for the national wel- fare lie is greatly interested in educational affairs and has held the office of School Director, during which time he materially advanced the cause of education in the community. A \v\\ important event in the life of onr subject was his marriage February 11. L886, in Moultrie County, III., to Miss Margaret, the daughter of William and Sarah Wiley. Mrs. Croudson was bora in this county, where she has passed her en- tire life and where her parents still reside. She has a cultivated mind, a sympathizing heart and adds thereto the housewifely knowledge which is necessary for all who make their homes attractive and comfortable. Into Mr. and Mrs. Croudson one child has been born, a daughter, Osa, whose birth occurred March 22, 1890. As a farmer .Mr. Croudson is enterprising and industrious, well in- formed regarding things connected with his work and ranks high among his fellow-citizens. EREMIAH HINTERLY. Among the most valuable factors in the settlement and up- building of Illinois has been that portion of its population which is descended from natives of the German's Fatherland. Their fru- gal, industrious, thrifty manner of life and their steady devotion to agriculture have aided greatly in developing that portion of the Prairie State where they made their homes, and have given a reliable character to the neighborhoods in which they live. Mr. llinterlv resides on section 24, Ridge Town- ship, Shelby County, and his settlement in this county dates from 1858. His native home was in Fairfield County. Ohio, where he was born Decem- ber 9, 1836, being the son of Jacob and Rachel llinterlv. Jacob llinterlv. Sr., the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Germany and became one of the earliest pioneers of Fairfield County in the days when that part of the country was a wil- derness inhabited only by savages and wild beasts. Our subject had the severe misfortune of losing his mother by death when he was but a babe, and he was her only child. His father subsequently married Rachel Fairchild, and by this union two sons wore born — Nathaniel and William Henry, both of whom still make their home m Fairfield County, Ohio, where they are respected and useful citizens. The younger of these two was a soldier in the Civil War, and being a member of an Ohio regiment was under Sherman's command, and was with him in the famous '-march to the sea." The lirsl affliction of Jeremiah llinterlv was followed seven veais later bv the death of his PORTRAIT AND P.IOGRAPIIICAI. RECORD. :! 1 !> father, and he thus became at a tender age a double orphan. The sorrowful child was taken cai'e of by an uncle, with whom lie passed the remainder of bis early years, remaining in his native county until he attained his majority. While with bis uncle he received training upon the farm and also spent two years as an apprentice to the trade ol a blacksmith. It was in the fall of 1857 that he made his first visit to Illinois, but he did not tarry long upon that occasion as he returned to Ohio for the winter, but the following spring brought him again to Shelby County, where lie rented land and prepared to establish a home. He chose a bride from the daughters of Ridge Township. Shelby County, and upon Christmas Day. I860, he was united in the happy bonds of matrimony with Sarah M. Killam. a daughter of Isaac and Nancy Killam. who was born April 2:i, 1*1 I. Her father was a Kcntuckian by birth, and having been reared as a farmer, pursued that line of industry and was married in that State to Nancy Lee, a lad\ of Maryland. After marriage our subject settled where he now resides, his wife receiving one hundred acres of land from her father. To this he has added one hundred and liffv acres more, and has placed upon it all good and substantial improvements. Il i- now one of the finest farms in Ridge Township. being thoroughly cultivated and giving an excel- lent yield. To Mr. and Mrs. Ilinterly have been born three children — William II.; Nancy ().. who died at the age of ten years; and Cora Ann. The son and daughter who are left to them are making a line record and are proving both an honor and comfort to their worthy parents. The religious Connection of the family is with the Christian Church, in which they are highly useful and valu- able members, being active in every good word and work, and willing to aid in every movement, both religious and social, which looks to the ad- vancement of the community. In political matters Mr. Ilinterly is. and always has been to a good degree independent, as parlies have changed and new isMies have arisen he has felt at liberty to take his stand according to his convictions and according to what he considered the needs of the COUntrj and the policy of wisdom and good judgment. He was reared in the polit- ical belief of the Democratic party, to which hi' adhered until the formation of the National Green- back party, the doctrines of which he judged to bi' llii' best for the financial success of our country. His interests being identified with those of the agricultural community, he has now allied him- self with the Fanners' .Mutual Benefit Association, and works in accordance with that society for the upbuilding and prosperity of the farmers. Jacob Ilinterly. Sr.. the grandfather of our sub- ject, was married before he came to the United States, and. as we have said, settled in Ohio in the very early days. He reared two sons and two daughters — John. Jacob, Mary. Mis. Telweiller; and Elizabeth, Mrs. George Parkenson. ,*^» QUIRE WOODRUFF, a retired farmer liv- ^^# ing in a pleasant home on Jefferson Street, xd-^3) '°" n ' s ,:in " '" Sullivan Township some three years ago and for fourteen months made his home in Decatur before coming to Sullivan. Moultrie County. lie purchased land in Sullivan Township when he first came to this county in lcS.">4 and was remarkably successful in genera] farming ami stock-raising, so that he now owns four hundred and sixt\ -seven acres of as fine land as there is in the county, three hundred and thirty-seven acres of which is under the plow and subdrained with tiling. One bundled and sixty acres of this land was obtained by his father. Moses, from the Government in 1887 and has never been deeded outside of the family. -Mr. Woodruff has had unusual success in breeding the besf grades of sheep, swine, cattle and horses. He was born near the county seat of Fountain County. I ml.. .Inly 29, 1827, his father, being a native of New Jersey ami a son of Samuel A. Woodruff of the same Slate, but descended from old New England stock. The grandfather of our subject learned the trade of a tailor in New Jersey, and married Miss .loan 320 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Potter and after the birth of their children they emigrated with their family to Ohio, settling at Shakers' village and joining that peculiar sect, and lived there until her death. Somewhat later her husband came to Indiana and died in the home of his son Aaron Woodruff in Fountain County, being then past seventy-four years of age. He ad- hered to the Shaker faith till his death, although his sons Moses and Aaron, when young men broke away from this faith and came to Indiana, there beginning life as farmers. This was just after the marriage of .Moses Woodruff with Miss Margaret l'etro. a native of Pennsylvania who came to Ohio when ten years of age. They were married in Monroe County. Ohio, after which they came to Indiana and made a settlement in the woods in Fountain County. They were without means and did genuine pioneer work in that new region, and there Moses and his wife lived and died. Moses passed away in 1M.'5K when less than forty-two old. and his faithful wife survived him more than twenty years and died November 11, 1860, at the age of about sixty-eight years. Moses Woodruff was an lniversalist in his religious belief and his wife died in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Squire Woodruff is the first born of Ids parents and lie and his brother Martin, a farmer near Sullivan, are now all that remain of the family, as their >ister Mary A. died in infancy. The Bret marriage of our subject took place in Fountain County, Ind., he being then united with Miss Ascnath Marvin of that county, who died in Moultrie County. III., January 5, IH;>1, at the early age of twenty-six years. The second wife of Mr. W buff to whom he was united in this county bore the maiden name of Mary lleffel- Bnger. She was born in Pennsylvania and came when quite young lirsl to Indiana and later to Ill- inois, and when thirty-one years old passed away from this life March II, 1869. The third marriage of Mr. Woodruff united him with Mary A. Yake- ley. His fourth wife was formerly .Miss Eliza- beth Kepler. She died September 12, 1882. Our Subjecl was again married to Hannah Horn who was horn in Washington County, Pa., and came lo Illinois after herfirsl marriage. Mr. Woodruff had children by four of his wives and nine of them are living, namely: Ethan A.. Mary E., Elias P., Martin A., Ascnath, Cora B., Helen, Margaret A. and Edith D. The last three are unmarried and make their home with their father. fc*++*L <« IjfolLLIAM VOGEL. The substantial farmers \pj// of Shelby County are a class to whom all W^l right minded citizens feel that they owe a debt for their share in effecting the prosperity which makes this county so popular as a place of residence and business. Were their work sub- tracted from the records of the county, little would remain to show its value Such an one is our sub- ject, who resides on section 12, Prairie Township, and who has been a citizen of this county from the spring of 18(>2. being one of the first to settle on the prairie. He had purchased eighty acres of prai- rie land and forty acres of timber land, the pre- vious year, and made his home upon them in the spring, since which time he has devoted himself unceasingly and indefatigably to the work of forc- ing the rich soil to give forth its wealth. William Yogle was born in the Kingdom of Prussia, Germany, July 22, 1831, and is a son of Charles Yogel. Two brothers and two sisters of our subject are in the United States, namely: Fred, who resides in Holland Township; Herman, whose home is in Wisconsin; Augusta; and Minnie, the wife of August Wilke. ( >ur subject is the first one of the family to come to the United States, as he crossed the ocean in 1857, and first made his set- tlement in Cook County, this State, where he worked as a farm hand until he decided to come farther South and devote himself to the culture of the soil in Shelby County. Three hundred and sixty acres of rich and arable soil now constitutes the farm which he has transformed from a wild prairie to a well cultivated estate, and upon which he has placed beautiful buildings. The marriage in 1862 of William Vogel and Elizabeth LutZ, united a couple who were destined to have a happy and harmonious life together. The lady, like her husband, was born in Germany, but PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 32] had been in this country for a number of veins. To them have been born four children, namely: August W., Harmon C. F., Albert II. and Ida. These children are becoming what their parents would have them be, honorable and worthy citi- zens of the Prairie State, which has become to them a dearly Loved home. American politics have proved a subject of in- terest to Mr. Vogel, and he has informed himself intelligently in regard to them, although he does not feel bound to govern his vote by the dictates of any party organization. In regard to local mat- ters he casts his ballot for the man and the meas- ures which seem to his judgment conducive to the peace and prosperity of the commonwealth, but uiion national issues he usually votes the Repub- lican ticket. Both he and his efficient and excel- lent wife are earnest and active members of the Lutheran Church, in which they were brought up. Stock farming has largely engaged the attention of our subject, and he has been successful in its prose- cution, as any one must be in Illinois, if he under- stands this branch of agriculture, and devotes him- self to it with assiduity. The worthy lives of Mr. anil Mrs. Vogel and their family area standing re- proach to all who complain of hard times and pov- erty which they have incurred by their own lack of principle and a disregard of the industrious ap- plication of their time and strength. V ♦=♦=» r X ylLIJAM S. SHIREY. Our subject belongs to that class of people that have formed W^ the brawn and sinew of the social and busi- ness life in America. A farmer himself, residing on a beautiful tract of land on section .'Mi, of Lov- ington Township, Moultrie County, his father was a mechanic and manufacturer, and such were his resources, the quickness of perception of his keen mind and shrewd look, that had he been placed on a desert island he could have built up a small vil- lage for himself, with all the accessories necessary to civilized and refined life. Our subject's father was tin' Late Samuel Shirey, who was born in Frank- lin County. Pa.. April 26, 1806. His mother. Miss Barbara Ann Shade in her maiden days, was bora in Pennsylvania, April 24, 1 808. Samuel Shirey was a wagonmaker by trade and this business he followed throughout his early life, afterward being engaged in farming. The first part of their married life was passed in Greencastle, Pa. Thence they removed to Maryland, and then returned to Pennsylvania, where they continued to live until the spring of 1861, when they deter- mined, for the sake of their growing sons, to re- move to a State where there was a broader tield and better chances for young men. They came to Moultrie County and settled in Lovington Town- ship, wliere the father died June 20. 1870. The mother survived for some years, her decease taking place April 2, 1889. They had a family of ten children of whom our subject was the ninth in order of birth. William Shirey was born in Greencastle, Cum- berland County, Pa., January 26, 184(5. He came to the Prairie State with his parents in the spring of 1861, and continued under his parental roof until he became of age and was ready to take upon himself the responsibilities of a home. He was married in Macon County, April 5, 1866, to Miss Mary C. Coc, a daughter of John and Rachael (Kay lor) Coe. The father passed away in Macon County, this State. The mother died in Loving- ton Township at the residence of her son William. Mrs. Mary C. Shirey was born in Ross County, Ohio. After the wedding the young couple settled first in Macon County, where they continued to live until the spring of 1869, when Mr. Shirey came to Moultrie County and settled in Lovington Township, where he has since been a resident. It is not every man who has concentration of purpose and patience enough to be a farmer. While there are always any number of details about a farm to be worked out. the principal work of planting and waiting for the outcome, is one of weary patience that is frequently tried to the uttermost by the thousand and one drawbacks that are inevitable to agriculture — drouth. Hood, rust, grasshoppers, early or late frosts, are only a begin- ning of the trials that one might mention, that a farmer must endure patiently and uncomplainingly. 322 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and for which no one is to blame. He of whom we write has placed excellent Improvements on his farm and is the owner of three hundred and twenty acres of good land, well located, watered and drained. The latest improvements in agricultural implements are in use upon the place, and every acre is made to produce to the uttermost. He is engaged in general farming. Their home is an ideal one in point of comfort and attractiveness from a domestic point of view; not hung with the richest tapestries, boasting no paintings by great masters, it is yet the abiding-place of content, and a pleasant assurance that each member of the family is the recipient of the affection and loving confidence of the others. Mr. and Mis. Shirey are the parent- of four living children, whose names arc John Alpha. Willis 11.. Myrtle M. and Gracie Alice. Other little ones have come to the parents as buds of promise, but drooped and withered in their infancy and were gathered up by the Divine hand, and now shed the sweetness of their spirits in a higher world. Mis. Shirey is an amiable and womanly woman, a discreet and wise mother, who studies the inter- ests of her children, not from an envious or vainly ambitious standpoint, but seeking to help them to lie men and women whose principles of right and honor shall be so high and perfect and whose in- tellects shall he so developed, that they will he honorable additions to whatever phase of life they may lie placed. lie of whom we write has held many of the township offices, in local political life. lie has been elected Highway Commissioner, in the smaller places an important Office, that is not always so conscientiously attended to as it should he. hut Mr. Shirey 's constituents have no reason to com- plain of him in this respect, for he fully realizes that the public highways are the veins and arteries through which llow the wealth of the nation. He has also held the position of Treasurer of Loving- ton Township, and that even more important post, that of School Director. This is, indeed, an almost sacred Office, for the selection of • teachers and the government of school affairs is one which -In >ii 111 he given the most minute attention and wisest judgment. In his political relation- he is a member of the Republican party and the tenets anil doctrines of that body are to him vital, by both association and inherited opinion. Mrs. Shirey is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. while her husband is liberal in his religious belief. Socially he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and also fraternizes with both Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. The indomitable spirit that our subject inherits from his father is apparent in all his dealings. While living in Maryland. Samuel Shirey met with a severe loss by the burning of his wagon shop, and also his blacksmith shop, which was connected with the first-named. In this catastrophe he lost nearly all he had. hut was undismayed and man- fully set about retrieving his position. $+${ ~S OlIN SIMS, is a general farmer on section 27, of Flat Branch Township, Shelby County, and here owns one hundred and sixty acres of well-improved land, and forty acres on section 26, which is covered with small timber. His home was originally procured as a homestead claim. It was almost all unbroken in 1855, and Mr. Sims has since made it a good farm, placing many valuable improvements upon it. His Success in an agricultural direction has been at- tained mostly through general farming and stock- raising. He came to this county from Macoupin County, where he had settled in lK.'i,S. being one of the earliest to locate there. On his advent into Macoupin County, he pro- cured a farm, upon which he placed some improve- ments, he later came in 1>C).">. to this county, lie was bom in Madison County, this Slate, live miles east of Edwardsville, January 19, 1820. His par- ents were natives of Kentucky. His father, Austin Sims was however, horn in North Carolina, hut removed at a very carh age to Kentucky, with his parents, and was there reared. He is of South- ern parentage, although his ancestry is for the most part Scotch. The father of Aust in Sims. Sr.. who was horn and reared in North Carolina, from u liich state he served through the Revolutionary War, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 323 In- having fought at the battle of Cowpens. lie later went to Kentucky, and then proceeded to Southern Illinois; afterward to Morgan County, where both lie and his wife died, he at the age of eighty-three years, and she eighty-one years old. Mr. Sims and wife were, early in life, members of the old school Baptist Church. Austin Siins, Jr., was reared to manhood in Ken- tucky, and there married his wife. The lady's maiden name was Jennie Nivens. She was born and brought up in Kentucky, being a member of an old and highly esteemed family in that State. After the birth of two children Austin Sims, Jr., and wife removed in 1818. to this state locating on some Government land in Madison County. In 182*. Mr. Sims went with his family to Morgan County, and entered some land here, being one of tin- first pioneers of that county. There he and his wife spent the active years of their life, and there Mrs. Sims died and was buried. Later her husband came to Christian County, this State, and died there at the age of eighty-six years, his wife was not so old by twenty years at the time of her decease. They were leading members of the Chris- tian Church and were among the first adherents of that reform in Kentucky, becoming interested in it at first through the preaching of Dr. Alexander Campbell, who was a personal friend. They fol- lowed his teaching of the New Testament with great care and zeal. Our subject was one of a family of six children, of which he and his sister, now Mrs. Polly Wilco, of Blue Mound, Macon County, are the only sur- viving members. He was reared to manhood in Morgan County, and there married Catherine Weller. The lady was born in Kentu -kv in IK IK, ami was young when her parents came to Morgan County, where she was reared until her marriage. She died at her home in this township. October 26, 1881. She was a worthy woman and a kind and tender mother, highly looked up to. not only by the members of her family, but all those who knew her. She was a devoted member of the Christian Church. Our subject was one of ten children born to his mother; four of these died, namely. Joel, Robert, Alexander and Samuel. The living children are Lorinda. George W.. John 1'.. William .1.. ami Henry. Lorinda is the widow of Samuel Tulley. and resides in this county; George W. look to wife Emma Tulley and they reside in Union, Ore.; John F. occupies the father's farm, his wife being Lucy Ransford; William .1. married Juliana Tulley. and resides on a farm in this township; Henry re- mains at home witli his parents anil runs a part of the farm. Mr. Sims is a member in good standing of the Christian Church, lb- i> a sound Democral in polities. -*- : : : -js&— *- ON. CHARLES VORIS. The town of Windsor. Shelby County, is conspicuous for the number of young men that take a leail- t^) 1 ing part in commercial life. It is compar- atively a young town and fresh, vigorous young blood sustains its interests, ami the moderation of middle age receives the reverence that is due it. Our subject is one of the men of more advanced years, who holds the impoi tan t position of Post- master in the town of Windsor, lb- was bora in Summit County, Ohio, March 21, 1838, where his early life was spent on a farm. When about eigh- teen years of age, he left home to take a position in life for himself. At this period, the most san- guine time of youth, all things seemed possible to him, and the golden possibilities seemed just be- yond his reach, lying waiting for him to stretch out his hand in their direction. Air. Yoris' first venture was iii Galesburg, Knox County, this state, but there he only spent about six months, and then worked fora while on a farm. Minnesota was next in the way of his perigrina- tions, and then- he lived about -i\ months, when he returned to Galesburg, residing there a shorl time. He next went to Taj lor County. Iowa, and there was engaged in opening up a farm. To this he devoted three years, and in February. I860, he came to Windsor and engaged in the grain and lumber business, and in connection with this, in 1862-, he opened a dry-g Is store, lie continued 324 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in the lumber business about two years; while en- gaged in this line, carrying a very good stuck, his mercantile business was conducted under the best auspices. He continued in the grain trade for fourteen years, and during that time lie also was engaged in the banking business with J. D. Bruce, with whom he was also in company in his other lines of commercial life. The firm was known as Bruce, Yoris & Co. They dissolved partnership in 1873 and since that time Mr. Voris has been engaged in the real-estate business and in farming. He has always been an active agent in the affairs of town and county. lie of whom we write was elected to the General Assembly in 1866, re-elected in 1868, and in 1870, received the honor of election to the Senate from the Seventh District, and in 1872 was again re- turned from the Thirty-first District. During this term he was Chairman of the special committee on stock-yards, and acted on other important commit- tees. During his services as Senator, lie did effici- ent work in gaining advantages for his district. He served on the Railroad and Penitentiary Com- mittees, and on Corporations. He was also a member of the committee on the rules that should govern the Senate. Mr. Voris has served in various local offices, and t'ni some time has been a member of the City Board, His appointment as Postmaster was con tinned in July, 1889. It is hardly necessary to say that lie has taken an active interest in politicial affairs as he had been so identified with the Government of the State. He is an ardent advocate of the prin- ciples of the Republican party. He has been solic- ited by the Central Republican Committee to assist in the present campaign in Ohio. He of whom we write obtained the charter for the Bloomington and Ohio River Railroad, now known as the Wabash, running from Bement to Effingham, and of this road he was the first Presi dent, For ten years he was engaged in the mill- ing business in Windsor, and dining that length of time, the reputation that he had previously built up as a business man of sterling integrity and unquestioned honor, was confirmed. His products were always of the bet character, and his dealings with all parties was characterized by an upright- ness and sense of honor that could only redound to his favor. Mr. Voris' marriage took place in Shelby County, his nuptials being celebrated November (i. 1860. His bride was Miss Mary Jane Templetoii. who was a native of the county in which she was married. Only two children were born of this union: Annette and Julia, the latter deceased. Our subject, on his mother's side, hasa complete family record comprising over eleven thousand names from the landing of the "Mayflower" to 1874 ; and over seven thousand names on his father's side, from 1638 to 1883. # ^N^ jj^k.IMROD TAYLOR. One of the well-known jjj farmers residing on section 1 1, Lowe Tow n- l\,g£) ship, Moultrie County, is a son of .lames and Sarah Taylor. The father is still living, but the mother passed away some time since in Douglas County, this State. They had a family of eleven children, of whom our subject was the eldest, and he was born in Tippecanoe County, fnd., May 2, L842. Our subject was eight years old when bis parents came to Illinois and settled in Douglas County, where this son was reared to manhood and received his education and training upon the farm and in the district school. He remained under the pa- rental roof until he reached the period of man- hood and was married in Moultrie County. March 1, 1861. his bride being Mary J. Nelson, a native of Virginia. After living upon his father's farm for a tew years he removed with his wife to Texas, but not being satisfied with life in that region, he remained there only about eighteen months. Returning to Illinois. Mr. Taylor settled on the tract of land where he now resides — a line farm. well improved and comprising some eighty acres. Six children have been granted to this worthy couple, three of whom died in infancy and the three who survive are .lames V.. Noiah and Har- vey. The principles of the Democratic pai"tj' em- body the political views of Mr. Taylor, and he is interested in the progressof that party, although j) JOSEPH WALKER- PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 327 nut .-in active politician. The office of School Di- rector has been well tilled h\ him, and while an incumbent of that position he did much to for- ward the educational interests of the township. Both he and lii> good wife :wv earnest .-111(1 active members of the New Light Church, and he ever takes a prominent part iii religious movements. OSEPH WALKER. Although our subject makes his residence in the town of Wind- snr. Shelby County,and thus enjoys the ad- vantages of town life, he is actively engaged in farming. Mr. Walker is an omniverous reader, anil being a thoughtful man who judges and weighs for himself, he has the advantage of some of his fellow-men. whose views of general matters and current topics are only those of some one else. Original to a refreshing degree, our subject is very pronounced in all his views. He is a progressive man although not readily attracted by every new- idea that for the moment is paramount, being prac- tical in all his affairs. The original of our sketch was born in Fayette County, Ohio, March in. 1814, and thus it is seen that he had lived a long and eventful life. The early part of his life was Spent in the woods during which time he was engaged in clearing, and in his native county. and he repeated the same experience in Payette County. Ind.. where he went when about nine years of age. In 1837 In- came West and spent two months engaged in trading, visiting different parts of what was then considered the far West. At the end of that time he returned to Payette County. Ind.. and launched into the busi- ness of buying and selling cattle and hogs, finding lii^ market in Cincinnati. They were not shipped as now, by rail, hut our subject was obliged to drive them over the public highway. September 20, 1847, .Mr. Walker was united in marriage in Payette County, Ind.. with Miss Sarah W. Dorsey, and with her he began the journey of life, with a realization of the responsibilities that he had taken upon him. By this marriage he be- came the father of two children, whose names arc respectively Sophronia and Amos W. The daugh- ter became the wife of James I la rise I. of Ash Grove Township. Amos W. i- a teacher and has attained a wide reputation as an educator of advanced and progressive methods and theories. .Mrs. Sarah W. Walker died in Payette County. Ind.. about three years after their marriage and after his bereavement Mr. Walker returned to Illi- nois and settled permanently in Shelby County, in 1859. Prior to this he had lived here in 1842, but his stay had been comparatively short. In com- pany with another man he had purchased twenty- thousand acres of land in Kansas. In 1866 he Settled in Windsor Township and was from that tinicuntil 11S84 when he removed to the village Of Windsor,engaged in farming. He owns about six hundred acres of kind in the county and consider- ing his various possessions, must he accounted a wealthy man. Although Mr. Walker is a farmer and has been such for many years, he has never bound himself down to the drudgery of agricultural life, trading in live-stock having been his chief occupation. Politically he is in sympathy with the promoters of the Greenback party. He is highly esteemed in the community of which he is a citizen and hK opinions arc regarded with a ureal deal of respect. His portrait is presented in connection with thi- brief biographical review. 14=- ox - CHARLES I.. HOANK. who is now liv- ing a retired life in Sullivan, Moultrie County, has made his home in this locality since 1854, and in the years which have come and gone has occupied a prominent place in public affairs. 1 Ic has been prominently con ncct eel with both the business and official interests of the county and is widely known throughout this part of the State. The story l his life is as follows: Charles I.. Roane was born in Loudoun County, Va.. October :i. 1820, and i^ the son of James and the grandson of William Roane. The latter, a native of the old Dominion, belonged to the F. F. Y.'s; he spent Ins entire life in Virginia and 328 PORTRAIT ASD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. died when well advanced in years. The father of our subject was born and reared in Virginia and became a contractor and builder of turnpike roads. In Loudoun County he was joined in wedlock with Mrs. Mary Bartlett. daughter of Col. Timothy Tay- lor. The Colonel was born in Bucks County. Pa., and came of one of the old and highly respected families of the Keystone state. Mr. Taylor removed to Loudoun County, Va., and after some years, on the breaking out of the War of IH12 he enlisted and became Colonel of the Fifty-sixth Regiment of Virginia Volunteers. His two sons were also in that service, one serving a-. Colonel, the other as Adjutant and the old Colonel commanded a regiment engaged in protecting the city of Washington against the British forces. Fa- ther and sons escaped uninjured and Col. Timothy Taylor spent his last days in Virginia. The daugh- ter Mary grew to womanhood in her native county and when she had attained to years of maturity gave her hand in marriage to Mr. Bartlett who died, leaving two children. She afterward became the wife of James Roane and unto them were born four children, of whom our subject and his sister. Mrs. Clark of Virginia, are now living. The latter is a widow of Leonard Clark, a Union soldier of the late war who laid down his life on the altar of his country, .lames Roane and his wife continued their residence in Loudoun County, Va., for some years, the husband there dying in 1832, when past middle life. His widow spent her la-t days in Harrison County. W. Va., where she lived to a ripe old age. An intelligent and cultured lady, she had many friends and was highly respected by all who knew her. The subject of this sketch is the eldest of the parental family. After his father's death he was tenderly cared for and reared by his mother until able to care for himself. He is truly a self-made man and deserves no little credit for the success which has crowned his efforts. As before stated he came to Moultrie County, 111., in 1854, and soon afterward, his fellow-townsmen having recog- nized his worth and ability, was appointed Deputy County Clerk. A shorl time elapsed and he was elected to the position of County Clerk, which he filled acceptably four years, then in January, 1862, embarked in the general merchandise business.estah- lishinga store at the southeast corner of the square in Sullivan where he carried on operations for twenty-three years. Mr. Roane possesses good business ability, is energetic and enterprising and soon won a liberal patronage which constantly increased until his large trade netted him a good income and he became one of the substantial citi- zens of the community. His success was truly de- served for he tried to please his customers and honesty and fairness characterized all his dealings. In the meantime Mi'. Roane was nominated, in 1883, on the Republican ticket for the Legislature and when the election returns were received it was found that he had been elected by a good majority Lo represent the district which includes Moultrie. Shelby and Effingham Counties. He was appointed on several important committees, including those of Banking and Drainage, and was one of the members sent to visit and report on the stale charitable institutions. His course as a member of the House won credit for himself and his constitu- ents and he formed many pleasant acquaintances among the prominent men of the Stale. As before stated Mr. Roane continued in the mercantile busi- ness for twenty-two years, at the expiration of which time he sold out. Later he built and oper- ated a tile factory for a few years, but it was sub- sequently destroyed by tire. He has now retired from business life but is still interested in Decatur and Sullivan property. In the city where he yet makes his home. Mr. Roane was united in marriage with Miss Lucy Gar- land, a native of Bedford County ,Va., and a daugh- ter of Nicholas A. and Mary (Mitchell) Garland. The family came to Sullivan at an early da\ and Mr. Garland built the first mill at that place, oper- ating it for more some years. Subsequently heand his wife removed to Springfield, III., where he en- gaged in merchandising. He was also Deputy Sheriff of the county for some time and with his wife spent his last days in the capital city. Mrs. Roane is one of quite a large family. She has been a true wife and her union has been blessed with five children, four of whom are yet living, namely: Lucy, wife of W. A. Cash, a commercial traveler residing in Decatur; Fannie, wife of John K. Mini- PORTRAIT AND P.K HiRAPIHCAE RECORD. 329 seywho is employed as book-keeper for the linn of St m Hi ni tV: Bird, wholesale grocers of Cairo; Charles, wIki wedded Eva Woodruff and is now engaged in the lumber business in Campbell, Franklin County. Neb., and Austin at home. One daughter, Mary, is now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Roane are members of the Presby- terian Church and are people of worth who rank high in social circles and are widely and favorably known throughout the community. * M byUn ' WW service ■■IELIAM V. CARR, who has been appointed facie Sam to take charge of the postal v.ce at Stewardson, Ills., was horn in what is now Dry Point Township. Shelby County. October '.>. 18-14. He is a son of Elias and Nancy (Siler) Carr, natives of North Carolina and Tennessee respectively. The father of our subject was horn in I HIM. 1 1 is father having died in Ten- nessee, his mother, with a family of four chil- dren, three of whom were girls, came to Illinois in lHKi. The family first lived one year on Sand Creek, Shelby County, they then settled in Dry Point, and were thus the tirst settlers in that part Of the country, and in fact, as early as any who located in the country. Here the father of our subject grew to man- hood pursuing farming for a living. He passed his remaining years in Dry Point Township and died in the year 1848. He was a prominent member of the Methodist Church, being a Class- Leader at the time of his death. The mother of our subject came with her parents to the State of Illinois and the family settled in Cumberland, where her lather. Benjamin Siler. passed his remaining years. While a young woman she mar- ried Mr. Carr. whose death she did not long sur- vive, following him in a few months, her decease taking place in 1849. The original of our sketch is one of nine ehil- ren. live of whom are still living, all being resi- dents of Shelby County. .Martha is the wife of the Rev. Mr. Middle-worth. Mary married George Huffer. Jefferson W.; John and our subject. William V. was only four years of age when he was left an orphan and hi- young life was spenl with various persons. His sister, Mrs. Huffer, was a foster mother to him for six years which he spent in her household. Educational advantages in those early days were limited and our subject was enabled to attain only the common blanches. When there was school, held in a log house, after he had attained the age of nine years, he was obliged to walk three miles in order to reach it. While a mere lad he was obliged to work his own way. doing whatever he found to do in order to get a living. In these days when children are so tenderly cared for and enjoy the comforts, even among the poorer class. that were considered the most refined luxuries at the time our subject was a boy. it makes one sad to think how little youth he had. The three brothers in our subject's family, all en- listed and each served faithfully during the Civil War. William V. Carr enlisted in 1863 as a pri- vate of Company A., Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry. He served until the close of the war, being muster- ed (jut November Hi. 1865. He was a participant in the battles that occurred at the siege of Vicks- burg, was with the Red River expedition, and was at the capture of Little Rock. Ark. While near that place, in August, 18(34. lie was taken prisoner at Batesville, where he remained until January. 1865. He then joined his command at Hickory Station. Ark., where he remained until he was mustered out at Ft. Scott. After the war our subject resumed farming in Prairie Township and continued this occupation until 1888, when he removed to Stewardson. and in April, 1889, was apppointed Postmaster. In 18(57. the original of our sketch was united in marriage to Miss Deborah Blue, a daughter of Erasmus Blue. She was born in Fairfield County, Ohio. By this wife our subject is the father of one daughter, Drotha, who i- bright, intelligent and winsome. Politically Mi'. Carr is a Repub- lican in party preference, using his influence and vote in its favor and having all confidence in its platform. He is a member of the ( .rand Army of the Republic, and finds much pleasure in recount- ing with an old comrade, common experiences 330 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. incident to the war. He still owns his farm of sixty acres upon which is a good tenant, he also has a handsome property in Stewardson. John Can*, a brother of our subject was hum in Shelby County in 1K42. He enlisted in 1861, in the Thirty-fifth Illinois Infantry, in which he served until 1866, having re-enlisted in the regu- lar army. During his military experience lie was never either wounded or taken prisoner. After the war he returned to Shelby County and has since been engaged in fanning in Ridge Township, where he owns two hundred acres of land in a line State of cultivation. He invited Caroline Downs tn he his life partner, sharing with him its pleas- ure.- and burdens. They are the parent,- of eight children. vss^. AMIEL 1). WEST is a prominent and well- ^j£ known citizen of Moweaqua, Shelby County- WJl) who has held important civic positions in the city government. For many year- he was among the leading mechanics of the county, and conducted a good business as a blacksmith here until he retired October, 1890 in favor of his son Frank. Our subject was horn at Sempronius, Cayuga County, X. Y.. August 12, 1821. His par- ents were Thomas and Hhoda (I)unhar) NY est. and they were natives of Oneida County, that State. Mr. West was reared in Wayne County, N. Y.. whither his parents removed in 1827. As soon as he was large and strong enough to handle the tool- In began to work with his father in his smithy, and thus early acquired a good knowledge of the blacksmith trade. At the age of twenty-one he rented his father's shop at South Butler, Wayne County, and carried on his calling there some year-. In the spring of 1854 he came to this county, as with characteristic shrewdness and fore- sight In- Saw that .-killed mechanics would he in demand in a new ami growing country, lie came hither by rail to Chicago, and from there h\ the same means of transport to Springfield and Dec- atur, and from the latter place with a team to Moweaqua, which he had selected as a suitable loca- tion to begin his new life, tie bought a small shop in the village and at once went to work at his trade, which he increased from year to year, until he was conducting a flourishing and paying husi- ness as blacksmith at the time ol his retirement. Our subject was married in May. 1X44 to Miss Emma Baggerly, a native of Ontario County, N. Y., and a daughter of Peter and .lane Baggerly. For forty-six years they walked together through the sunshine and shallow that lay across their pathway, and then Death parted them, removing the faith- ful wife from the home that her presence had glad- ened SO long. She and our subject were blessed with two children. Frank B. and Jennie. The former married Mollie Weakly, and they have four children — Mabel, Bertha, Delia and Samuel. Jennie married Joseph B. Longevan, and they have two children living. Claud and Dwight. Mr. West was a Republican from the time the party was organized until 1888, and since then he has been a Democrat and a Prohibitionist. His fellow-citizens, appreciating hi.- worth as a man of exemplary habits, unswerving honesty and truth- fulness in every wind and act. and his capability, have often called him to responsible positions. He has served as a member of the City Council, and as President of the Board, and also as a member of the School Hoard. At one time he was elected Police Magistrate. He was also Justice of the Peace three terms, and has been Notary Public for upward twenty years. — ; S~ ^^=®. ~^iff, n>^n his marriage, lie rented land which he operated for four years and at the expiration of thai time, came to Shelby County and settled in Richland Township, where he has since been a resident. Here he is the owner of three hundred acres of finely improved land. Upon this tract he has erected a good and substan- tial set of buildings. His home is comfortable and pleasant and his barns adequate for the large crops which arc annually his farm products. Mr. Dieph'olz was married in Madison County. 111. to Miss Caroline Wirth. who like himself, was a native of Germany, hut who had emigrated to America at an early age. Our subject and his wile arc the parents of four children, whose names are Fred .1.. Henry. ( aroline and Hermann. IK- of whom we write is an honorable and upright man who i> highly regarded by his neighbors and fellow-towns- men, lie has been elected to till several important offices in the township government and has been Assessor of Richland Township for three years, also Highway Commissioner for one term and has done efficient service as School Director. In politics, the original of our sketch is a Democrat. Religi- ously he and his wife are communicants of the Lutheran Church of their township, and have ever been generous supporters and faithful adherents of that religious body. ENRY C. FISHER, an Influential fanner re- Y J siding in I. owe Town-hip. Moultrie County. \4y was horn in l.oami Township, Sangamon County, 111., January 31, 1846. He is the son of John B. and Nancy I). (Webb) Fisher, na- tives of Kentucky, who were married in Harrison County, that state. At an earl} day they re ved to Illinois and settled in Sangamon County, where they reared a large family of children, eleven of whom lived to attain to maturity. A' the break- ing out of the Civil War the father enlisted in an Illinois regimenl and served until the Government had no further need of his services. Being hon- orably discharged he returned to his home and re- sumed operations on his farm, where his death occurred after a long and useful life. Henry C, of this sketch, was reared to maturity on a farm and received a practical education in the common schools. Until he was married hespenl his time under the paternal roof, with the excep- tion of four years -pent in different places. A very important event in his life and the source of great happiness to him. was his marriage March 14, 1M77, in Douglas County. III., to Miss Mary Alice Reeder. This estimable lady was horn in that place duly HI. 1>C)7, and is the daughter of John and Mary (Harter) Reeder. also natives of Doug- las County. Mr. and Mis. Reeder were natives of Ohio, and reared a family of eleven children. Mrs. Fisher being the eighth. The first home of our subject after his marriage was in l.oami Township. Sangamon County, whence after a residence of one year he removed to Chris- tian County. III., and sojourned there for one year. Next we find him in l'iatt County for two years and then in Douglas County for six years and finally in the spring of 1887 he settled in Lowe Township, this county, and he has been so well satisfied with his purchase here that he has decided to make it his permanent home. He owns eighty acres on section 17. and is also the owner of one- half section of land in Iowa. His farm buildings are first-class, while modern machinery and im- provements are all to he found here. Five children have come to bless the congenial union of Mr. and .Mrs. Fisher, named as follows: John F... Minnie M.. Lulu. May Olive, and Willie. As a School Director Mr. Fisher has aided in bring- ing about the presenl efficiency of the neighboring schools and in his present position of Clerk of the School Board he is spoken well of for his capabilit\ in that position, lie i- identified with the Repub- lican party and never fails to east his vote and ex- 332 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ert his influence for the principles in which he believes. As a neighbor he is cordial and friendly, in domestic life affectionate, and in his business relations to be relied upon, lie is therefore re- garded with respect and lias many warm personal friends, lie and his amiable wife an- active mem- bers of the Christian Church. ON. JONATHAN MEEKER. The little city of Sullivan, in Moultrie ( 'ounty, counts among its citizens a number <>f men of un- usual intellectual grasp and acumen, whose experience in life has been such as to bring them prominently before their fellow-men and prove the sturdy and stanch material of which they arc made. Among such whose professional ability as well as personal qualities commend them to our readers, we are pleased to mention the gentleman whose name appeal's at the opening of this paragraph, lie is a lawyer of more than ordinary ability and a man of massive frame and commanding presence. Our subject was horn in Bennington Township in that part of Delaware County which is now in- cluded in Morrow County. Ohio. .Inly 2."), 1831. Mis father. Ambrose Meeker, was born in Orange. N. J., and Grandfather Meeker was a farmer and spent his last years in New Jersey. His wife's maiden name was Miss Tompkins. The father of our subject was hut two years old when his parents died and he was cared for by his maternal uncle, and at the aye of fifteen was made an apprentice to learn the trade of a blacksmith at Newark. N. .1. After completing his apprentice- ship he started for the then far West, walking over the Alleghany Mountains to Ohio and settled in in that State at Newark. Licking (ounty. Here he opened a shop and followed his trade for a time before removing to Delaware (ounty. where he bought a farm and for one year attended to cul- tivating it. He then relumed to Newark and re- sumed business as a blacksmith, remaining there until 1832, when he carried on the same business at Etna after which he became a pioneer at Mays- ville, Union ( 'ounty. The young man bought a tract of timber land and erected a shop, carrying on blacksmithing and farming together until 1847, when he went to Hancock County. 111., making the removal by teams. There were five families in the colony and they prospected first in Nauvoo. then in Clark County. and in February. 1H4H. they came to Sullivan, which was then a small hamlet in a sparsely settled country with no railroad facilities. The land about here was then owned by the Government and Mr. Meeker purchased some property in the village besides forty acres of partly improved land and two hundred and forty acres of wild prairie land. Customers came to his shop from as far away as Douglas and Piatt Counties, and his business pros- pered, making him content to remain here for the remainder of his days. His death occurred in 1881, when he was eighty-two years old. Hannah Ilartwell Meeker, the mother of our subject, was a native of Plymouth. Mass.. her parents being descended from the first settlers of Plymouth. She had two children, our subject and his sister Koxanna. the wife of the Hon. John R. Eden. Her death took place in February. 1*48. The pioneer school of Ohio afforded all the advantages which these children received in their early days, and the log schoolhouse, the puncheon seats, the wide fire- places and the unglazed windows were familiar to their childhood. Jonathan Meeker began work 11)1011 the farm while still ipiite young, and after coming to Illi- nois worked with his father in the blacksmith shop and attended the academy in Sullivan, and in 1858, at the age of twenty-six, having devoted himself to the study of law. was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Sullivan, which has been the scene of his labors from that day to this. Be- sides his professional duties he has been somewhat interested in farming, and has made this his recrea- tion from intellectual effort. The young lawyer soon began to think of estab- lishing himself in domestic life and in November, I860, he married Nancy Barker, a native of Hush (ounty. Ind.. and a daughter of Robert and Mary Barker. Five children came to bless this union, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 388 oamely: Gertrude, Estella, Clara Belle, Raymond and Grace. To these children their parents are giving the very best advantages for a liberal edu- cation. Clara Belle and Raymond arc graduates of Butler University, in Indiana. The public career of the Hon. Jonathan Meeker began as early as 1852, when he "as elected as one Of the village Trustees, in which office he served for several terms. Soon after this he was elected .lust ice of the Peace and he has represented the township as a member of the County Board of Supervisors. He was elected as Representative to the Illinois State Legislature in 1870, and placed upon the bench of the County Judge in the year of 1877, which honorable office he held for nine years. At the beginning of the present year he formed a professional partnership with D. R. Pat- terson. Esq., which liids fair to be a business alli- ance which will benefit both parties and increase their efficiency. This honorable gentleman will no doubl continue to augment his already fine repu- tation as a member of the liar and as a public- spirited citizen for many years yet to come. - OC 3 i#lgll-^f:ill#i€ m ~o2: OIIN W. Wool). The acquisitive faculty is one which some men possess in a high de- gree, and in which others are almost totally deficient. We frequently associate charac- teristics which arc not admirable with one who is thus endowed. This, however, is neither just nor correct, for this faculty is as distinctly a gift of the Creator as is a mechanical, musical or poetical gen- ius in people whom we cannot laud too highly for the results of their work. The name that heads this sketch is that of a man who possesses the ac- quisitive faculty in a large degree,and at the same time, he is generous and open-hearted to a fault. lie is a prosperous, well-to-do farmer, owning' four hundred ami fifty acres of fine land upon which are the best improvements, a pleasing and attrac- tively built house, good barns and granaries, sheds and outbuildings for the shelter and protection of his stock. Our subjed was born in Moultrie County. 111.. February 28, 1850. His parents were Joseph M. and Purletha (Patterson) Wood. Datives of Ken- tucky aird Illinois, respectively. For a further his- tory sec sketch of .1. A. Wood in another part of this volume. lie of whom we write was reared on a farm, and received the educational advantages common to hoys of his age and position in life. (In reaching uianh 1 he was attracted by the charms and virtues of Miss Mary .1. Kirkwood. and November 2, 1871, their nuptials were celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, w ho were .lames and Ann .1. Kirkwood. Mrs. W 1 was horn in Ross County, Ohio, December 31, 1852. The married life of Mr. and Mrs. Wood was blessed by the birth of seven children, two of whom were taken into the fold by the Good Shepherd, while yet in the purity of infancy. Five of their children reached years of maturity: Minnie S.. died February 22. 1891, at the age of seventeen years. The living children are: M. Kosella. Joseph W.; .lames A. and Freeda E. Our subject in his relig- ious belief is non-sectarian, which does not. how- ever, indicate that he is either infidel or atheist, as he believes fully in the goodness and niercj of :i Divine Creator and Father. In political affairs he is an ideal follower of Tolstoi, making no active opposition to any political party or measures, and in consequence favoring no party. He does not vote because it is contrary to his religious belief to do so. leaving all political matters to solve them- selves 1>\ natural evolution, that is guided and governed l>\ ( rod. <«\ » I I.I.I A M WEAKLY. Among the best farms \ / .in sect ion :'. 1. Kidge Tow nship, Shelbj vV County, will lie noticed by every stranger or passer-by the finely cultivated acres ami good, neat buildings of the excellent farmer whose name appears at the head of this paragraph. His father, Benedict Weakly, was born in Maryland. March 24, 17*7. and his mother. Margatha Mathews, a na- tive of the same State, was liorn May 1. I T '. > 7 . They were married December 22, 1816, and made their $34 PORTRAIT AND 15IO( IRAPIIK AL RECORD. tirst home in their native State, removing after- ward t" Fairfield County, Ohio, and in the summer of 1843 emigrated to Illinois and settled^in Ridge Township, Shelby County, where they spenl the remainder of their days; the father was called hence November 1 I. 1858, and the mother followed 1 1 i 1 1 1 i" the grave April 1 5, 1 878. This worthy and venerated couple hud ten chil- dren: Robert, Rebecca, Nancy, John, 1 [enry, James, Margaret, Mary, William, and George. Robert is a farmer in Kansas; Rebecca was the wife of David Ewing and died in Ridge Township, September 16, 1843; Nancy married Richard Keirn and died in Assumption, 111.; John died in South Dakota, July 25, 1888; llenrj is a clergyman and farmer resid- ing in Ross Township; James died in Kansas, in Harper County in July, 1889; Margaret was the wife of Samuel Smith and passed away in Tower Hill Township, September 21, 1885; Mary died in infancy; William is a farmer in Ridge Township; and < leorge died in infancy. William Wcakh was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, Augusl 5, 1835, and was about eight years old "hen he came to Shelby Count) with his par- ents and here in Ridge Township, where he grew to manhood he lias made his home from that day to this. He has always followed agricultural pur- suits and is the owner of two hundred and eighty acres of land which are highly cultivated and in a splendid productive condition. In his political views he is strongly inclined to believe in the doc- trines which arc promulgated iii the platform of the Republican party . t OKI. T. WALKER. The name at the head Of this sketch is that Of one of the linn of Walker A ( 0., who are dealer- in grain and owners of the Moweaqua elevator, which has the capacity for storing sis thousand bush- els. They have besides cril>s for sixty thous- and bushels of corn and fifty thousand bushels of oats. Mr. Walker has had the management of the elevator for the pasl three years. Under the present management the firm l>uv and -ell from two to four thousand bushels annually. They deal chiefly in corn, and their business ill this direction is the largest of any in the county. Our subject brings to it a judgment and executive ability that could not fail of success. Prior to coming to this place. Mr. Walker engaged in business at Lawrence, Kan., dealing largely in grain and live-stock, lie came to this county in June. 1888. Our subject was horn in Madison County, [11., October 13, 1835. He was only three years of age when his parents, Edwin and Rebecca (Chance) Walker, removed to Lebanon, St. Clair County, where he was reared and educated. There he was married to Miss Eliza Alexander, she was born and reared in our subject's adopted county, and her parents I )avid and Mary (Thomas) Alexan- der were early settlers there. Her father, Mr. Alex- ander, went there from Pennsylvania when quite young. His wife was a native of the county and a sister of Col. John Thomas, whois yet a resident of Belleville, having attained an honorable old age. After marriage, our subject and his wife lived in St. Lawrence County on a farm for a period of three years, and then moved to Macon County. settling in liiue Mound Township, at a very early day on an unbroken farm which was a part of the railroad lands of that State, liv unceasing efforts the\ improved it and made a fine place on which they lived for some years. Later they purchased a farm near the present village of Walker (so named in honor of our subject). This place they also improved bul -old on going to Kansas, in Aug- ust, 1*7;!. While in Kansas he spentsome months of each year in the mining districts of Breckenridge, Colo. On leaving Kansas he came to t li i> place where he has since been a resident. Since Mr. Walker'- advent in Moweaqua he has been President of the Village Hoard for one year and is ex-Mayor also Of the town. While in Kansas he was Probate Judge in Anderson County for one term, less a year, at which time he re- signed to uo to Lawrence County, Kan. While in Macon County, he was for four year- Supervisor of Macon Township. His first vote after reaching his majority was casl for President Lincoln and since that time he has been an active and ardent Republican. ar~/ (JTQ^ C^f^V ^ ^ PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 33 < .Mr. Walker mel witli a bereavement in the loss of his first wife who died in Maeon ( 'ounty, in June 1863, being at the time only twenty-seven yesfrs of age. She lefl three children, I^awson L. Bertha and Mary E. Lawson is now engaged in business with his father, and the same traits thai have made Lis father successful are apparenl in theson. Bertha is the wife of Henry Nougle and living in Blue Moundville, Macon County. Mary E. is the wile ofWesley Langley. They reside in Lawrence, Kan. Mr. Walker was a second time married. The lady whom lie prevailed upon to become the mistress of his home was Mrs. Amelia A. Patton, nee Mason, a nativeof Lowell. Washington County, Ohio. She (•.■une West when a young lady, as a teacher lint was soon married to William Patton in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Walker are religiously inclined. Mr. Walker being a member of the Methodist Church young man. hi- ability and devotion to hi- calling have been recognized ami he ha- charge of a good practice in the place which he has chosen for his home. When engaged in making mud pies and distill- ing queer concoctions when a boy, Dr. Kisser showed -mall promise of being the wide-awake and able young physician that he now i.-. lie was born in Troy, Madison County, this State, January 1,1863. His father. Henry A. Risser, was by birth and par- entage a German, bill emigrated with his uncle to America when about seven years of age, his par- ents having both died in < .eriuaiiy prior to his com- ing to America. On reaching manhood he was married in Chillicothe, Ohio, to Miss Cecelia Zan- ders, who was born in the Buckeye State. After marriage they began their life together in St. Louis, Mo., where they remained about one year and then and his wife, a Baptist. They are both uni however, in their sympathy for everything that relate- to the well being of their fellow-men. They are one. also, in their love for home and home en- joyments. Mr. Walker's mother is still living, making her home with her -on Elijah in Mason County; -he was born in March 1812. Her husband's natal ted settled in Troy. Madison County, this State, of which they have since been residents. The father was engaged there as a merchant. Our subject was brought up in the village of Troy where be remained until he had attained to manhood. He received his education in the Troy schools where he studied until sixteen years of age, after which time he was engaged for three years in year was 1819. He lived until 1849. Our subject teaching school, hut during vacation- and in the IS one of four children: John'W., Klijah. Edwin interim- of his work he was pursuing his medical and .loci T. c=1 ~S £+£ l>3_ Tli frf=j?REI)ERICK W. RISSER, M. I>. Ing art i- one that has many disciple heal- ;, but studies to which he had determined to devote him- self. In the fall of 1882 Mr. Risser entered the St. Louis Medical College and pursued his course for a period of four years, during which he did excel- lent work. In 1886 hi' was graduated from the college and received his diploma. Looking about for a good place in which to locate, our subject was charmed with the village of Strasburg and its surrounding country ami dc- coinparatively few capable followers. Each Spring season sees hundreds of young men turned out from our medical colleges with the degree of termined to here build himself up a profession, and M. I). A few of these are at once so fortunate as in this place he has been ever since the commence- to -lep into a good practice. Others spend a short ment of his career as a professional man. lie en- time in seeking for a location, and not being able joys an extensive practice and ranks among tin- to wait for the happy chance that shall give them best physicians of Shelby County. Broad minded an exerci-e of their healing ability, t urn to some and progressive, he does not recognize anj pain or other profession or business. Still others patiently suffering that it is not within the realm- of science, woo fortune in theirchoseil calling until that tickle at least, to alleviate. lady smiles upon their efforts. Our subject has been lie of whom we write was married in Strasburg, one of the fortunate ones, for although vet a very October 10, 1888, to Miss Mary Doehriim.a daugh- :;.",* PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. fcer of Ernst F. and Mary (Wirth) Doehring, who are residents of Prairie Township. Mrs. Risser was born in Madison County, this State, September lx, 1865. Dr. and Mrs. Risser are the proud parents of one child who bears the sweet Southern name of Nita. She was born August 5, 1889. Our subject and his wife are both members of the Lutheran Church. The\ are popular young people in Stras- burg, taking readily the social position to which their culture and natural advantages cut it le them. A lithographic portrait of Dr. Risser is presented on another page of this volume. hbt bILLIAM ELDER, now a retired banker, '/ living in Sullivan, was engaged in busi- ness here from 1870 until lXHo, during which time his bank was known as the Farmer's and Merchants' Hank, hut it was operated by our Subject as a private hank, and is now run in the same way by Mr. William Steele. William Elder came to this county in the fall of 1834, and has since made his home in what is now Moultrie County, with the exception of four years when he resided in Dallas County. Iowa. After coming here he took an interest in agriculture and im- proved three or four farms, taking them as raw Government land in their prairie state and trans- forming them into finely cultivated estates. Our subject came to this county from Morgan County, where he had lived with his parents lor a short time only. lie was horn in Jefferson County, Tenn., May 17. 1824, his father being of Tennessee birth and coming of Southern stock. The .Judge in his early days was a farmer, and while pursuing that calling was united in marriage with Miss Didana French, a native of North Caro- lina, who had he]' early education in Tennessee. After marriage .lames Elder and his wife lived for some years in Jefferson County. Tenn.. and in the spring of 1833 they set out for Illinois, coming according to the fashion of that day. with teams and wagons overland, cooking their meals by the roadside and camping out at night. They made their first settlement at what is tin' present site of Waverlv. Morgan County, where they remained for some eighteen months, after which they jour- neyed on to this section, where they secured and improved a new farm in Hast Nelson Township. Moultrie County. After a short time .lames Elder established a store in that part of the county and was one of the first merchants in this county and his trade extended throughout almost every town- ship, few of the pioneer families of the county failing to he included in his list of customers. In the fall of 1845 he sold out his store and coming to Sullivan, Intilt an hotel on the present site of the Eden House and also put up a store on an op- posite corner. His executive abilities were now severely taxed, as while carrying on the store and hotel he was also cultivating a farm. He finally closed out his business interests in the town and for a while devoted himself exclusively to agricul- ture. The first bank which Sullivan ever saw was the Elder Bank which was established by Judge James Elder in 1868, and which is perpetuated in the present existing bank. Heoperated this until 1870 when, upon January (!. he passed away, being then well along in years, as he was horn in December. 1803. He had served the county for a number of years as County Judge and has represented this district in the State Legislature for some years. He was a prominent man in the county for years, and highly respected in the Republican party, to which he attached himself after abandoning the old Whig- party of his early days. His excellent wifesur- vived him for several years, dying in 1882, having reached the limit of three-score years and ten. Throughout all her long .'mil godly life she has been a member, and a consistent one. of the Bap- tist Church of which her husband had also been a member during his earlier years, although later in life he identified hinself with the Methodist Epis- COpal ( 'hiirch. lie of whom we write is the eldest surviving member of the children of his parents. < >ne sister of his. Mrs. Dr. Lewis, lives in Texas; another sis- ter. Mary, is the wife of \Y. P. Corhin. a furniture dealer in Sullivan. The lady to whom Mr. Elder was united in marriage bore the name of Louisa Ewing and she was horn in White Count v. 111., PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 333 May 11, 1828. Her father, Judge R B.Ewing was reared in Kentucky although a Tennesssean by birth, and came to White County. III., where early in the '20s he married Miss Elizabeth Culberson, after which he removed to Logan County and afterward to Moultrie County. He was for years Judge of both Moultrie and Logan Counties ami for many years held the office of . Justice of the l'eaee. lie was a leading man in that vicinity during the early days. He had been a merchant and farmer for years and came to Sullivan in its pioneer days, in fact before the organization of the county. Judije Ewing was a Representative in the Legis- lature of Illinois and served his constituent* well. lie was from early nianh 1 prominent in the Re- publican ranks and also a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, filling the office of ( llass-Leader for many years and preaching as a local minister on this circuit and in the county for many years. Many funerals in all parts of this county have demanded his services, and he was a leading man in everyway, lie wasborn in 1801, and died June ss, 1ST."), being full of years and honors. His widow >till survives, and now in her eighty-fourth year makes her home with her daughter, Mr-. Bristow. The wife of our subject is one of the five surviv- ing members of her parents' family. Three of her brothers were soldiers in the War of the Rebel- lion and all lived to see the old Hag triumphant and to return to their homes, two of them having since died. Mrs. Elder is a bright and very intel- ligent lady and is prominent in Sullivan church and social circles. Mr. Elder has tilled most of Un- church offices and is now Trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church, lie is a Republican in his political views and a stanch advocate of the prin- ciples and policy of the party which placed -old Abe" in the Presidential chair. He has met with some financial reverses but has never allowed a misfortune to place him where he could not hold up his head as an honest business man who is de- termined to deal with his fellow-citizens on the basis of integrity. The two children of our subject were Belinda Estella. a bright ami beautiful daughter who died at the age of sixteen years, and .lames \V.. who i- at present the Mayor of Sullivan and a stock-buyer in business, lie is a highly respected and promi- nent citizen of this city and i- united in marriage with a lovely and intelligent companion who bore the maiden name of .lulietta Newcome, and whose early home was in Mattoon, 111. Nine children have been born to them, two of whom. Louisa and James, have passed on to tin- care of tin- Good Shepherd above. Those who are living are: Will- iam ( ).. Arthur. Degratia, Belinda, Loanna, Lavina and Richard. V t^T REDERICK SCHUETZ, a prosperous farmer — to residing on section 29, Lowe Township, 1 made his first settlement in Moultrie County in March, 1877. He was born in Prussia, Germany, January 19,1840, being the son of Frederick Schuetz who lived and died in his native land. This SOD Frederick is the only one of the family who has ever come to the United stall'.-. He left his native land in 1864 and - i landed in New York Har- bor where he at once took car- for the Great West, com in»' on without stopping to Bloomington, III. lie was now utterly alone and among stangers, as there was nota man. woman or child in the 1 nil i 1 1 State- who was known to him. but he found that although in an alien land he was not outside the bound- of human kindness and friendliness, audit was not long before he felt at home even among strangers. He first served as a farmhand but finally decided to be more independent and having learned the method- of agriculture employed in this country, rented land and began to work it. The land which Mr. Schuetz first rented and which he took charge of in 1866 was located in McLean County, and he continued in that county for some seven years, after which he went to Piatt County and rented laud there and afterward re- moved from there to Moultrie County. He wa- now- prepared to purchase property and bought the land which he now own-, which wa- at that time but very little improved, being nearly all raw 340 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. land. He now lias most of this under the plow and in a richly productive condition and has placed upon his farm a pleasant, commodious resi- dence. The marriage of our subject took place Febru- ary 26, 1*(!7. that united him with Mary Railing, who was born in Prussia, Germany, March '.K 1844. and came to the United States alone, being the only one of her family in this country. To this worthy couple Lave been horn ten children, namely: Minnie, horn October 2. 1867; Otto February 11. L869; Emma, November 22, 1870; Mary, October lit. 1X72; Fred, June 30, 1*7 1 : Sophia. August 6, 1876; Lizzie. July 27. 1879; Willie. December 6, L881; Edward. May 27. 1885, and Lydia, Decem- ber .">. 1**7. Mr. Schuctz has a handsome farm of one hun- dred and sixty acres, which is now in fine condi- tion and very productive. It is in fact an ideal ] i 1 i ii< lis. farm and well worthy the notice of the passerby. This worthy family are prominently identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which thc\ are ever ready to assist in every good work and casl their influence upon the right side. The declarations of the Republican party embody the political belief of our subject and he casts his vote with the candidates of that party. \m ■&.\ !i*=^ « felLLIAM r. McGUTRE belongs to one of \ / those Tennessee families who emigrated to V V Illinois many years ago and found upon the prairie the air of liberty and the institutions which (hey desired for their children. The year 1850 is the date of his ti 1st coming to Moultrie County, and he has been in the business of mer- chandising most of the time since 1853. ( >ur subject wa^. born in Jefferson County. Tenn., September 17. 1829, and is the son of Thomas and Rachel (Ashmore) McGuire, Tennesseeans by birth, of whom more is told at length in the biography of their son. Joseph II. McGuire, upon another page of this l k. Iii 1840 the family removed to Illinois anil made their first home in Colo ( ounly. where they resided until they came to this section. The early life of William McGuire was spent upon a farm and he assi>ted his father until he started out for himself. He thus gained a thorough knowl- edge of farm work and a sound and hearty con- stitution as well as invaluable habits of industry and application. Margaret Ashmore. a daughter of Alfred Ash- more, became the wife of our subject in 1856. she was horn in this county and had been brought up here and by the judicious training and education which had been given her she was well titled to till the position which she occupied. The ordinary trials of a young wife and housekeeper, were sup- plemented within four years after her marriage by the cares and anxieties which befell the wives of soldiers, fur in 1861 her husband enlisted in the service of his country, being mustered into service with Company F. Forty-ninth Illinois Infantry. The regiment with which our subject was con- nected was commanded by Col. William Morrison, and Mr. McGuire served under him, until 1863, when he received an honorable discharge on ac- count of a wound received in the battle of Ft. Donelson. This wound had very serious effect upon his constitution as the injury resulted in partially paralyzing his left side. After recruiting from tin- injury Mr. McGuire engaged in the business of merchandising at Bethany and has since that time continued in this line of work. A truly patriarchal family of twelve have clus- tered around the fireside of our subject, and nine of this number arc living, whose names arc as fol- lows: James I., an implement dealer in Bethany; Thomas a druggist of Bethany; William who is in the store with his father: Clarence, Claude, Mary I-',., wife of Thomas Lytic of Decatur: Rachel A.. Cora and Nannie. The members of the family Seem to inherit the ability and characteristics of their parents and although still young the sons and daughters are adding to the family reputation by their good judgment, business qualities and attrac- tive traits of character. The Republican party in its declarations em- bodies the political principles which our subject considers a -ale guide for State and nation. Mr has been a member of the Board of Supervisors for some fifteen years and Justice of the Peace for the PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 3 1 1 same length of time and still holds this latter office. For more than forty years be has been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and for a number of years, lias served as Elder therein. He is identified with the Knights Tem- plar and also with the Grand Army of the Re- public, in which latter organization be has been Commander of the Washington Alexander Posl No. 17ii. Aside from his business in Bethany he was for one year carrying on mercantile business in Dalton City. — *<§^ JAMES GAVIN, an early settler of Mowea- qua Township, Shelby County, and one of the substantial, well-to-do farmers of this / county, was horn in County Monaghan, Ire- land. November 1. 1*17. to Michael and Anna (Higgins) Gavin. His parents were also natives of that county, and his mother spenl her entire life there. The father and fiveof thechildren came to America, and the former passed his last years in the home of our subject. He of whom we write was reared to agricultural pursuits, and carried on his occupation on his na- tive soil until 1852, when he came to the United States, sailing from Liverpool and landing at New Orleans alter a voyage of nine weeks. He came from there to Naples, in tin- Slate, by the way of the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, and from there went to Exeter, Scott County. His means were very limited at that time, and he sought employ- ment on a farm to earn his living, lie worked by the month for a year, and then farmed as a renter the following live years. lie was industrious and frugal, anil at the end of that time had money enough saved so that he could purchase land of his own. and he became the possessor of ninety acres on section 28, Moweaqua Township, and ha- re- sided here continuously since. He has provided his homestead with a line set of frame buildings, and has added to his farm by further purchase so that it now comprises three hundred and sixty acres of choice land, that is well improved. He- sides this he owns four acres of land in the village of Moweaqua. and fourteen acres of land adjoining the village, which constitutes a valuable property. In 1868 Mr. Gavin look unto himself a wife in the person of Mrs. Ellen (Roche) Ilarty. who looks well after his comfort, and has materially aided him in the acquirement of his possessions. She was lii nil in Limerick. Ireland, in 1833. Her par- ents, David and Ellen Roche, came to this country ill 1852, resided in the State of New York until 1858, and then came to Illinois. They lived in Decatur for a time, and then bought a farm in Ma- con County, where they dwelt some years. Dis- posing of that place, they removed to Moweaqua. where they passed their remaining years. Mrs. Gavin was first married to John Ilarty. a native of County Armaugh, Ireland, lie died in 1866. Mr. and Mrs. Gavin have two children. Maria and .lames. The family are members of the Catholic Church, and are much esteemed in the community. Mr. Gavin is a true Democrat in politics. Heisan intelligent man. who is well read and posted on all general subjects, and in the man- agement of his affairs has shown himself to lie pos- sessed of sound discrimination, foresight, and an excellent knowledge of his calling. ^p*v TJRTLS W. BROWN. The center ..f a great (ll n " r;, ' n producing country, the commercial ^^&y populace abounds in middlemen who deal exclusively in the chief products of the State. Our subject, Mr. Brown, is one of these operators, being' a large grain dealer, buying from the farm- ers and finding a market in the eastern metropoli- tan cities. lie has displayed such quickness of perception, knowledge of the resources of the country and influences upon the trade, that he has gained the confidence of both factions or classes of people with whom he deals. The farmers know- that in selling to him. they get a reasonable price, and eastern buyers and elevator owners arc aware that the grains they get of him arc the best that the country produces, and are willing to make concessions in his favor. Like most of the inhabitants of the Central and 342 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RKCORD. Western States even yet, our subject is of Eastern paientage, and also of birth. 1 1 is father was Job Brown, a native of New Jersey. His mother was Phoebe Williams, who was probably born in New York. They firsl settled in New Jersey where they continued to reside for five years, lie was a carpenter by trade and was constantly so employed in his early home. They removed from New Jersey to Ohio, and settled in Butler County, where they remained about two years, and then settled in Johnson County, hid., in the village of Edinburg. There they lived for nine years and then came to Illinois early in lsstio and settled in Clay County, where they remained until their dei -ease. Our subject is one of eighl children, the family comprising live sons and three daughters. Of these, he of whom we write was the eldest, having been born in New Jersey, August IK, 1 JS42. He made his home with his parents until he was about twenty years old, coming with them to this State early in the '60s, and with the exception of the time spent in the war. he has ever since here made his home, early engaging in business for himself and acquiring business ways and knowledge. When that terrible period in our country's history began, at the tiring of the first gun of Ft. Sumter, .Mr. Brown responded to the call for volunteers and enlisted in the army in 1862, joining Company C, of the Ninety-eighth Illinois Regiment. He served until tin' close of the war. seeing much hard fighting and a great ileal of both good and bad on both >ide>. He took part in the battles of Chickainauga, Mission Ridge, and was through the siege of Atlanta. Ga., at the battle of Selnia. Ala., at Montgomery and .Macon. Ga. lb- was so fortunate as throughout his service to have escaped >iekne^s and bore the hard- ships of army life with fortitude and an admirable spirit that made the best of all discomforts that could not lie remedied. He received his discharge a1 Springfield, this State, after which he returned to ; (lay County, 111.. .'iid engaged in farming, remaining there frore 1869 until the fall of 1872, when hi- came to Moultrie County. Upon M'ttlini_ r in this county, the gentleman of whom we write engaged in farming and stoek raising, his residence and place of business being in Dora Township. lie was thus occupied for nearly seven years, when he removed to Lovington Township, and has here resided for two years. during which time he was engaged in farming. The next change was made to the village of Lovington, and here he has been engaged in active commercial business. He has sold agri- cultural implements and dealt largely in stock, the grain business, however, occupying the greater portion of his time and attention. Curtis W. Brown left the bachelor ranks when in Clay County. 111., and February 3, 1866, was united in marriage to Miss Minerva Price, who was a native of the same county in which their marriage was solemnized. Mrs. Brown is an admirable lady and has been a true helpmate and companion to her husband. The rearing of her family has not left her a great (leal of time for social pleasures, for she has had the care as well as maternal duties, of ten children. Their names are as follows: l-.lnia. Mollie. Guy, James. Iuis, Charles, Albert. Emma, Ida and William. Most of the children arc sturdy and original young people. with a strong vital energy, and having ideas of their own regarding their individual and personal rights. Politically, our subject ca>t> his vote with the Republican parly, having great faith in the leaders and executives that in the wisdom of the party have been placed at the head of the nation. That his fellow-townsmen have reposed the greatest confidence m his judgment and intelligence and ability as a manager, is evidenced by the fact that he has been appointed to many local offices in the gift of the township. While in Clay County, for two years he hehl tin' office of Collector, and also served as Sel 1 Director and Highway Commis- sioner. Since coming to Lovington Township he has filled most acceptably the chair of Supervisor for a space of one year, and has also been a member of the Village Board. In his social rela- tions he i> a member of the Masonic fraternity ami also belongs to the Lovington l'ost of the Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Brown is a public spirited and generous man and has always shown himself ready in any time of emergency' PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 343 either for the country :it large, or the locality in which he resides, to become an active and respon- sible party in the upholding <>f the principles <>1' righl and justice. AMUEL F. GAMM1LL. There is no broader field for a man to become familiar with the phases of human nature, than in the business of a merchant, nor can one gain a more intimate knowledge of family life, unless it be in the legal profession, and a broad- sonled man who is in sympathy with his fellow- creatures has in this calling an unparalleled oppor- tunity for doing good. Especially is this true of one engaged in general merchandise, for one will make many sacrifices of pride and self-respect if one family is in need of the necessities Of lite, and happy is the man whose position enables him to respond to his generous impulses and relieve these necessities. The gentleman of whom it is our pleasure and privilege to here give a short biographical sketch is a general merchant in the village of (Jays being the oldest merchant here wlio has been thus en- gaged. He was born in Whitley Township, this State, June 2(1, 1841, and is a son of Andrew and .lane (Whittes) Gammill, both natives of North Carolina, who with their respective families, moved to Tennessee. Our subject was but two years old at the time of his emigration to that State, having been carried thither on horseback from North Carolina to Tennessee, in which county the young people married, and after which in 1832, thc\ emi- grated to this state, settling in Whitley Township, being among the firsl settlers on Whitley (reek. There they entered some land and pursued their calling of farming. They continued to reside here, with the exception of the years |S|7 and 1848, when the;) lived in Coles County, one year of which time they made their home in the house built and formerly occupied by Thomas Lincoln, father of Abraham Lincoln. The father of our subject died in 1867, at the !ige of sixty-seven years. The mother passed away in 1876 at the age of seventy-four \ ears. For years they had been consistent and conscien- tious members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Flcven children clustered about their fireside and board. One of these dieel in child- hood and ten lived to be grown. They are by name Adaline, Caroline Lucinda, William .lames, .lames Newton. Madeline. Louisa. Samuel F. ami Nancy I., and F.lein W. Adaline married Joseph Hendricks, and died at Ottumwa, Iowa. Caroline married John Shoemaker, of Coles County; Lu- cinda was united to J. H. Whetstone, of l'omona, Kan. William resides in Woodford, Cal. .lames was a member of Company E. of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, and died of smallpox, while in service. .lames Newton is a resident of Hickman. Neb. Madeline is the wife of John T. Alexander, of Ottawa, Kan. Louisa has been three times wid- owed, her first husband was George Curry, the second was James Kennel', and the third Joseph Havden. She now resides at l'omona. Kan. Flem W. is the wife of Thomas Kimball of Whitley Township. Our subject was reared upon a farm. His school days were limited but being an ambitious boy and fond of reading, he made up by outside work, many of the deficiencies of his school life. During the early part of the war. soon after the firing of the first gun, our subject enlisted. Sep- tember 7, 1861, and was mustered into service with Company II. of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry. He was mustered out November 1. 1865, having re- enlisted in 1864. Hi' entered as a private, but was advanced to the post of First Lieutenant. having tilled all the ranks below, except those of Orderly Sergeant and Second Lieutenant. That lone- period of bloodshed was one in which our subject lived a life-time of adventure and experi- ence, most of which was of a bloody and terrible character. He was a participant in the following engagements: that of Madron. Mo.. Corinth, and was in the lead of Grant's army to Coffeyville, Miss., on the Grierson raid from LaGrange, Tenn., April 16. 186:!. and landed at Baton Rouge, La.. May 2. 1862. During this march they covered eiuht hundred and fifty-three miles and the raid is :;i I PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. memorable in the memory of him of whom we write as being the hardest trip taken during the war. lie was also present at the siege of Ft. Hudson, a participant in the battle of Collierville, Tenn., Campbellville, Tenn., and was with ( ten. Smitli in Mississippi, starting with his army in February of 1864. The battle of Nashville, Tenn., September 15 and 1(1. 1864, has left a deep and lasting impression on the memory of our subject. He also took part in several minor engagements. On returning home, Mr. Gammill resinned farm- ing and in 1869 came to (Jays and established his present business house. IIi> marriage took place in l*7:i when lie was united to Margaret C. Wilson. a daughter of John and Charity Wilson. She was bom in Ash Grove Township,Shelby County. Four children have been the outcome of this marriage. Their names arc Mack. Tola J., Stella May. and one who died in infancy. Mr. Gammill affiliates with the Republican party and in recognition of his loyalty as well a> his fitness as a man of intel- ligence and firm standing in the community, he was appointed Postmaster at (lays, which position he held for twelve years, in his religious prefer- ence, he with his wile, is a member of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. He i> one of the thin- ning ranks of the (.rand Army of the Republic, being a veteran who thoroughly enjoys, when at reunions, a recital of tin' striking experiences that he or other comrades had while in the war. Not slow to recognize bravery in friend or foe. many a piquant and spicy story is at his tongue's end. \ I »II.I.IAM KAMI'/.. One of the substan- i I tial farmers of the township anil a man y V who. having had experience in two coun- tries in his chosen calling, and having profited by the example and results in original experiments among the Germans in an agricultural way, Mr. Kanitz has been enabled to make a success of buc- COlic life, that while it has not been void of pleas- ure' and beauty, has been an advantage to him pecuniarily. He is now a resident r to the Revolutionary War and made settlement in Maryland. As far as our subject knows, his grand- father did not. however, take part in the war. but after the death of his wife, he went to Ohio with his sons, where he remained until his death. His wife was a native of Maryland, who lived and died there at an advanced age. It was about 1815whenJohn Yantis, our subject's grandfather, came with his grown sons to Picka- way County, and there he lived for a time in the unbroken wilderness. After a time he went with his son William to Franklin County. Ohio. at which place he died when past ninety years of age. His death, however, was caused by an accident while he was assisting his son in rolling logs. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church and politically he wasa Democrat. Henry Yantis. the father of our subject, was probably the eldest of his father's children, of whom there were seven. four sons and three daughters. He attained his growth and manhood in Frederick County, Ohio. and was married to Miss Catherine Yantis, an own cousin, whose father had emigrated from Germany. The parental family comprised five children, namely: Lydia, Solomon. Elizabeth and Catherine, besides the subject of this notice, the latter being the only one now living. Our subject's family settled in Pickaway County. Ohio, when he was but a lad and they there began life as pioneers in the woods. Henry Yantis and :U8 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his two suns cleared three farms in thai county and there our subject's father died when at the age of eighty-seven years and nine months. His wife had preceded him to a better world some time at the age of seventy- live years. They were mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church and were good, true, unaffected pioneer people. Our subject he- came of age in Pickaway County and there in 1833 married Elizabeth Longenbach^ a sister of [saac Longenbach, a history of whom may be found un- der the biographical sketch in another part of this volume. Mrs. Yantis was reared in Pickaway County. The young couple took up the burdens and joys of life together and after the birth of all their children but one, they left Ohio, coming with teams by way of the overland route and living a camp life on the way. They made the journey one of pleasure in- stead of discomfort and enjoyed the trip probably more thoroughly than do we of to-day, who are hurried from one end of the country to another in the space of a few hours. They reached theirdestina- tion without accident, and at once settled on the tract which Mr. Yantis had secured previous to bringing his family hither, havingmade a journey on horseback and reconnoitered the country well in order to select a good location. They began life in their new lionu an entirely unbroken farm, and although then- were many privations and in- con veniences in living so far from neighbors, they made the conditions as pleasant as possible and the children grew up knowing that they held resources within themselves irrespective of others. After securing their home, our subject, and his wife took pleasure in bringing about them com- forts and even luxuries of life. They put upgood buildings <>n their place ami as they were the rep- resentative people of their township and leading citizens thereof, they were naturally the center of social life. Mrs. Yantis passed to the other world February Hi, 1890, alter having lived with her husband in a close and tender companionship for fifty-seven years, she was born December 2, 1809. She was a noble w an being of the liber of which heroines are made, and her character was beautified by a lovely temperament and genial, kindly man- ners. She was a good wife and mother and a kind. thoughtful neighbor. She was the mother of fifteen children, six of whom, however, died. They were Mary, David. Mary. Sarah, Lydia and Jacob. The living are: Samuel, George, Henry, Solomon, Elenore, Isaac, Daniel. Barbara and John W. George \V. i> a farmer in this township, ami made mistress of his heart and home. Miss Lucinda Tolly, who died, and he later married Mrs. Mollie smith. Henry is a merchant in Vantisville. this township, and married Barbara Longenbach. A biographical sketch of Solomon may be found in another part of this volume. Elenore is the wife of Nathan Kil- lam, and now resides in Elk County. Kan., on a farm. Isaac took to wilt- Emma Pogue, and lives in Moultrie County. Daniel is the proprietor of a livery stable at King City, Mo. He took to wife Mary A. Klar. Barbara is the wife of .lames Mur- cer and they live on a farm in Texas County, Mo. John, who i> a resident of Shelby ville, first married Lucy .lames, who died, and afterward took to wife her sister Cordelia- Mr. and Mrs. Yantis have for years been mem- bers of the Reformed Presbyterian Church and are highly regarded among the people, lie has been the Assessor of the township for three years and has had other local offices. He is an adherent of the Democratic party both by tradition anil con- viction, for. as will be seen above, his father and grandfather before him were followers of thai party. Our subject cast his first Presidential vote for lien, .lacksi in. EN.IAMIN F. M« MKNNAMY. M. D. The life of a country physician is one of many trials and hardships and yet of real satis faction in consideration of the fact that the one who lills this place is of value to a large community of families. To him lhe\ appeal in times Of distress and sorrow. lb' is the first one to whom they turn for sympathy when a new life begins and an old one passes away and his is the kind hand which administers relief during days and weeks of Suffering and languor. One who worthily appreciates his opportunities for in- PORTRAIT AND UK >< ! RAI'HICAL RECORD. 349 Buence in this capacity can do perhaps more to establish a proper standard of living in a country community than any other man. not even except- ing the spiritual adviser. Such an opportunitj has been appreciated and improved by the worthy gentleman whose name appeal's at the head of this paragraph, and whose pleasant home is at Bethany, Moultrie County. Dr. McMennamy came to Bethany in 1876, and is a native of Macon County, this State where he was born October 21, 1847, being a son of John II. and Nancy (Hill) McMennamy. John McMen- namy, the grandfather of our subject, located in Macon County at a very early date, settling on a farm there, and when the county was organized he was made its first sheriff. He subsequently re- moved to Texas where he died in Grayson County. The father of our subjeel was born in Tenn- essee and came with the family to Illinois, and there married a Miss Clark, after which ho remov- ed to Texas where his wife died. Subsequent to this he returned to Macon County, this State, and 28th of May to Anna E. Smith, daughter of S. King Smith of Ml. /ion. This lady was horn in Princeton, Ky., September 7. 1852, and to her have been given four children, the two who are living being Francis Earl and Clifford Dale. He- sides the practice of medicine the Doctor carried on a drug business in Bethany from 1K77 to 1886. The declaration and platform of the Democratic party express the political views of Dr. McMen- namy. but although he has held some local offices he takes only a modicum of interest in political movements, especially upon the local Stage. He, however, believes it to be the duty of every loyal citizen to cast his vote upon every occasion when a question comes up for decision or a name i> presented for office, as only by doing so can the rights of citizenship be maintained. An excellent and extensive practice has been built up by this worthy physician and as it is found- ed upon his devotion to his profession and to the humane interests of his calling, and has been car- ried on with unflagging interest and enthusiasm. married Nancy Hill who became the mother of our coupled with true research and scientific study, it is a practice which will continue to improve in both quality and extent for many years. Both he and his lovely and capable companion are mem- bers and active workers in the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church and their pleasant home is the scene of many social reunions among tin- hot circles of Bethany. The Doctor is also identified with tin- Ionic Lodge, No. 312 A. K. A- A. M. Ib- is also a member of the Central District Medical Society and the Illinois State Medical Society. Subject and two other children, none hut Ben- jamin, however, having survived. Their mother died in Macon County in 1849, and in 1X7H the father again removed to Texas and there died the the following year. The early life of our .subject was passed upon the farm and he received his education ai a semin- ary which was then located at Mt. Zion, and so well did he avail himself of his opportunities for instruction that he was soon fitted for the profes- sion of a teacher, which he pursued for a number Of years. In 1869, after he had reached his maj- ority, he took up tin 1 study of medicine with Dr. N. G. Blalock. then a well-known practitioner of Mt. /.ion. hut now making his home in Walla Walla. Wash., and in 1N72 graduated from the Chicago Medical College. The first place at which the young doctor hung out his professional shingle was at Mt. /ion. lint after he had attained a little more experience he decided to come to Bethany, as he believed that he would here find a better field for the fulfilment of his ambition. The same year in which our subject took his degree he was united in marriage upon the "S) ^H^ .= F LEXANDER WARD. Whether it is that Shelby County is especially notable for the longevity Of its inhabitants or not. the >J writer is not certain. It is a fact, how- ever, that almost all of the gentlemen whose history it has been our pleasure to write, have passed the meridian of life and tin majority of them are pioneer settlers who can look back upon the growth of the county from the earliest occupancy, when deer, and wild turkeys were much more fre- 350 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. quently seen than the face of a neighbor. Our subject is one of the many whose experience in- cludes the changes through which his vicinity and county have passed. Now residing on section I. Ridge Township, he was born April 21. 1 833, in ( )k:nv Township, and isa son of John and Cather- ine ( Loin) Ward. The grandfather of our subject, James Ward, resided in Kentucky, and thence three of his sons. namely, William L., John and James, came to Shelby County. Of these. William L. first came, his advent being in 1K2K. He located in what is now known as Todd's Point, where lie entered a tract of land upon which he resided until about 1 Mf>(>. when he removed to Pickaway Township, residing there until his death, which occurred in July, 1*72. James Ward came to the comity in 1845 and resided in Okaw Township. Later he removed to Dry Point where he died about the year 18li(i. John Ward was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, hut when very young his parents removed to Kentucky, where he grew to manhood. He first came to Illinois in 1830, stopping for a time in Shelby County and then went back to Kentucky, but in 1K.">2 he again returned to Shelby County, and in August, that year, was united in marriage to Catherine Lohr, who was reared in the same neighborhood with her husband in Kentucky. At the time of her marriage her home was in Morgan County. 111., where her family were early settlers. After marriage the young couple located in < tkaw Township where they entered laud and experienced all the ups and downs of pioneer life. He was. however, successful and became the owner of over two thousand acre- of land, a large proportion of which he himself entered. He followed stock-rais- ing principally, being especially interested in the breeding Of cattle and mules. He died in March. 1880, being over seventy years of age. His wife died iii L870. He was always interested in politics, both national and local. At lirst belonging to the old-line WTiig party, he afterward became a Repub- lican. IK- was a member of the Christian Church, being a generous supporter of the same. He was a broad-minded, public-spirited man. interested in all public enterprises that promised to be to the advantage of the people. He was well and favor- ably known throughout Shelby County as a man of unstained honor and integrity. John and Catherine Ward were the parents of eleven children, one of whom died in infancy, one in childhood and one daughter was accidentally killed when ten years of auc Eighl of the chil- dren lived to lie grown; of these our subject is the eldest; .lame- W. lives in Decatur. 111.: Lucinda i- the wife of .lames Sudduth and resides in Spring- field, .Mo.; John W. died in Okaw Township; Charles resides in Shelby ville; George W. died in the latter place; Elizabeth is the wife of George A. Roberts and lives in Shelby ville. and Benjamin F. makes his home in Lincoln. Neb. Our subject grew to manhood in his native town- ship and he distinctly remembers pioneer days when deer and other game were plentiful. He at- tended such school.-, as were provided and in Sep- tember. 1859, was married to Cordelia Van Ilise. a daughter of James II. and Sarah Van Ilise. She was born in Fairfield County. Ohio. December 2. 1838. The first home of the young couple was upon the place where he now resides. It then, however, comprised only ten acres of ground, hemmed in by a rail fence, their lirst dwelling be ing a Log cabin which was primitive, indeed. Four years after marriage the log cabin gave way to his present residence, and since that time he has madi many chanties in his home and placed many sub- stantial improvements upon his place. Mr. War* is now the owner of six hundred acres of land. three hundred and seventy-three acres being lo- cated in Shelby County, and the balance in Moul- trie County, on which he has g 1 buildings. Five children are the fruit of the union of our subject and his estimable wife. They arc. Abraham L.. Catherine. Edward 8., George A. ami Ulysses G. Mr. Ward is a stanch Republican in politics and always votes at general elections for the man he believe- best litted for tin otlicc. He himself has never been ambitious to lie an office-holder. Socially he is a member of the Association of United Workmen. Our subject is especially in- terested ami engaged in the stock business, buying, breeding, Shipping, etc.. stock to the metropolitan markets. His history in itself is an apt illustration PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 351 of what a 111:111 may accomplish in the fertile lands of the Middle States, by hi* own efforts, alone and unaided, but with ambition, industry and per- severance. Hah f* HARLES W. DICK. Among the prominent - agriculturists of Lowe Township. Moultrie County, who had their birth across the seas but who have brought to their adopted country the valuable characteristics which belong to the men of their native land is the resident on section 8, whose name appeal's at the head of this sketch. His parents. Charles and Fredericks (Ilinnak) Dick, were liom in Germany and spent their days in their native land. Our subject was the only child by this marriage and was born in Zeitz, Germany, December 18. \x->:,. After receiving the ordinary education provided for the German youth, our subject upon reaching manhood learned the trade of a weaver and be- ■ came a journeyman, working at his trade in various parts of the country. He emigrated from Germany to America in 1854. landing in Sew York in September of that year. Traveling Wes1 lie came to Columbus, Ohio, where he found em- ployment in Pickaway County, Ohio, busying him- self at farm labor at the wages of x ' s per month. working for such wages two years. The marriage of our subject look place in Pick- away County, Ohio, June l his parents. When his father and mother crossed the broad Atlantic to make a home in America, he accompanied them and with them located firsl in Sangamon County, and later in .Moultrie County. His youth was passed in much the usual manner of farmers' hoys at thai early day. and the education which lie gleaned from the ordinary text books of the times, while not extensive, was very thorough. Through subsequent reading he has become well informed on all subjects of importance, and'being a pleasant conversationalist, is very popular. The presiding genius in the home of Mr. Land- grebe is the lady who became his wife October 1, 1863, and who was known in maidenhood as Sarah Ann Harbur. She is the daughter of Levi and Mary (Sawyer) Harbur, who died in Sangamon County. 111. Mrs. Landgrebe was born in Sanga- mon County. February 16, 1845, and received not only a good common-school education, but also that careful home instruction which fitted her for the duties of wifehood and motherhood, and have given her a prominent place in the society of this locality. (If the eleven children horn to them, six are living, viz: Mary C, horn August f>. 186;"). and is the wife of John Schable; Jacob I... horn Decem- ber 17. 1866, who married Ruth Shonkwilea; I.ana E., bom April 3, 1871; Joseph W., September 6, 1873; Benjamin F., December 29, 1x77; and Daisy I).. February 16, 1882. Mr. Landgrebe dates his arrival in this county from the year 18(i7. when he settled on section 10. I. owe Township. He has embellished his farm with all modern improvements and buildings, and has placed the entire tract under good cultivation, lie lias taken an active part in local affairs, votes (he Democratic ticket, and has held the otticesof High- way Commissioner and School Director a number of years, and is now School Trustee to the satisfac- tion of all concerned. A devout Christian, his membership is in the Missionary Baptist Church, where he is a Deacon. He holds a prominent place among the people of (his section, and is generally respected for his honorable dealings and good char- acter. Our subject is one of the first settlers in this township, and when he lirst came here the land on the southeast corner of section HI. was at that lime a large lake of water, and he says he could travel from his place to lieinent across the prairie. !>*3, being a son of Robert and Mahala (Hawk) Taylor, both natives of Ohio. who settled in Wayne County in 18.">3 and are still residents there where the father is carrying on a farm. The subject of this sketch is the third in a fam- ily of seven living children, there being nine in the number originally, lie was reared upon the farm and educated in the district schools, and in March. 187."). he went to Macon County and pur- sued farming until 1880, when he began work in a lumber yard. In the fall of 18811 he came to Dal- ton City and took charge of the lumber business for s. D. M e, becoming in 18,s;i .•, partner in the 354 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. business, and two veins later assuming the pro- prietorship and establishing also :i trade in agricul- tural implements. Mr.Tayloi was married in January, 1 88 1 ,*to Anna Bottemfleld, daughter of John and Maria Bottem- field, of Macon County, III. Hit nativity was in Ohio, January 30, 1857. Sin- has two lovely and interesting children, Edna Verne and Lynn. A number of local offices have been filled by Mr. Taylor to the satisfaction and profit of the com- munity, lie is a Republican in his political ties and an earnest advocate of the principles announced in the platform of that party. The Methodist Episcopal Church forms the religious home in whose communion and labors Mr. Taylor chooses to place himself. i ^ i ) ' i I ; m « - I * 1 * p i it * T< lisoX SWEET, a genera] farmer and stock- I raiser of I'enn Township. Shelby County is V_/ ranked among the most thrifty and enter- prising men of his class in this section of the county, lie was horn in Russell, Geauga County. Ohio, February 19, 1841. lie comes of one of the pioneer families of that State, where his father. Daniel Sweet, was also bom, his birthplace being in Ashtabula County. He, in turn, was a son of Louis Sweet, who was born and reared, and mar- ried in the good old New England State of Conn- ecticut. In the prime and vigor of manhood he had emigrated from that section of the country to to Ohio and was one of the early settlers of thai Slate, lie resided for a time in Ashtabula County and then cast in his lot with the pioneers of Gea- uga County, locating in Russell Township, where he cleared a farm from the forest, upon which he lived until death terminated his earthly career. He served with credit in the War of 1812, and was a pensioner the last years of his life. The maiden name of his wife, grandmother of our subject, was l!cise\ Woodbury. The father of our subject wasbutan infant when his parents look up their abode in the wilds of Geauga County, where he was reared to a sturdy maul d under pioneer influences. In his youth the country surrounding his early home was still mostly in its primitive condition and bears, wild turkeys and other kinds of game roamed through the forests which have since given way to rich farms and busy towns and cities. For many years there were no railways and the pioneers had to market their produce ami obtain their supplies at Cleveland. Mr. Sweet early learned the trade of a carpenter and was prosperously engaged at that for several years. He still resides at Russell and is well known in that part of the country where the most of his life has been s-pent. The name of his wife was Plulcna Millard, and she was born in the town of Kirtland. Lake County, Ohio. Her father. Brazil Millard, is thought to have been born in Vermont, and was a pioneer farmer of Ohio. lie spent his last years with his son in Michigan. The mother of our subject died in August. 1890, leav- ing behind her a record of a lib' well-spent. But two of her eleven children are now living, our sub- ject and his brother Edwin, the latter residing on the old homestead at Russell. Ohio. Orson Sweet, of whom this biography is written, was reared to agricultural pursuits in his native county and made the best of his opportunities to obtain an education at the public schools. When thirteen years old, the manly, resolute young lad began to earn his own living by working on a farm by the month, receiving at first hut £N a month. This was a hard training for a boy hut lie obtained a good insight into the best methods of carrying on farming while he worked out. which he con- tinued doing until his marriage. lie then bought forty-two acres of land in Chester Township, in his native county. There was a small frame house and barn on the place, and about thirty acres of the land were under cultivation. In 1869 our subject sold his Ohio farm as he had decided that the Prairie State afforded a wide- awake young farmer superior opportunities for carrying on agriculture, and coming to this county lie bought the farm where he now resides on sec- tion 33, Penn Township, and a view of which is shown elsewhere in this volume, lie had devoted his whole energies lo the betterment of his farm and to the business of stock-raising, and already occupies an important place among the principal PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 357 stock men of this vicinity. lit- makes a specialty of raising thoroughbred Short-horn cattle, Per- cheron and Harabletonian horses and Chesjer-white liogs. The marriage of our subject with Miss Ervilla Pelton took place in I860. .Mrs. Sweet is also a native of Russell, Ohio and is a daughter of G. S. and Lydia (Bailey) Pelton. To her and our sub- ject has been horn one daughter, lona. She mar- ried Jacob L. Fryar, of Maysville. Mo., and is the mother of these six children — Herbert Orson, Art- hur Lee. Mark Herman. Ada Blanche. Nellie Grace and Walter. Mr. and .Mrs. Sweet are members in high standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church and regarded as among our best people socially. He is a member of the Farmers' Alliance but in politics he is unswerving in his allegiance the Re- publican party. ^HOMAS II. CHOWDER, Perhaps there is JmS^v no family in Marrowbone Township whose V — J various members are more prominent in social, political, agricultural and religious circles than that represented by the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this writing. Such a circle is broadly and thoroughly influential in upbuilding the material interests as well as the social and moral characteristics of a neighbor! d. A more complete history of the parents of our subject will be found in the sketch of David M. Crowder, which appears upon another page of this Record. In a family of ten children our subject is the fourth in order of age, and was horn in Jennings County, Ind.. March 31, 1835. lie was about three years old when his parents came to what is now Moultrie County. III., and his life to manhood was spent upon his father's farm in what is now known as Marrowbone Township, lie resided at home until his marriage, which event took place in Sullivan. October 11. 1855. The lady who became Mrs. Thomas II. Crowder, bore the maiden name of Mary McCord and is a daughter of John and Elizabeth McCord. who died in Marrowbone Township. She was horn in Jennings County, Ind.. December l*. 1834. Her two children are John U. (who married firsl Miss Dora Hampton and subsequent to her death was united with Miss Katie Mott) and a daughter. Mary K.. who is the wife of F. I). Henneigh. Mrs. Mary Crowder hail hut a short experience of married life, as she died at her home in Marrow- bone Township, March l."i. I860, leaving a wide circle of friends to mourn her loss. The second marriage of Mr. Crowder took place in Marrowbone Township, June 20, I860, his bride being Miss Louvins Bosley, who was horn in Shelby County, this State. February 1. 1837. Seven children have crowned this union — Sarah I!.. who died when young; William F... who married Miss Nellie Jordan; Mattie M.. the wife of W. II. Logan; Andrew who died in childhood; Armilda 1!.. Viola G. and Thomas II., Jr. Farming and stock-raising in Marrowbone Township have fully employed the energies and enterprise of our subject and he has employed the wise plans and shown the absorbing attention in business which have brought success. Upon his farm he has erected an excellent set of buildings suitable for carrying on the work and sheltering his stock, and he is the owner of between four hundred and five hundred acres of excellent land" I lis well known reputation as a judicious and intelligent gentleman has led his fellow-citizens to twice elect him to the office <>f Supervisor of Marrowbone Township, lie is considered a leader in the Republican ranks and takes an active part in local politics. For v than twenty years he lias been an Elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in which his wife is also a member ami where they are esteemed as conscientious and devoted helpers in every good work. The introduction of Short-horn cattle in this section of the country may just 1 \ he credited to this enterprising gentleman, and he is in the possession Of the Only full set of American Herd Hooks in Shelby and Moultrie Counties, lie also makes a specialty of South Down stock as well as Carriage, coach ami draft horses. lie takes a great interest in every phase of the subject pertaining 358 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. to tine stock and is thoroughly informed in regard to this matter, being considered the fountain head of information on thesnbject. The beautiful buildings upon his farm and his delight- ful residence, a view of which appears on another page, speak forth their own praise of the system- atic, conscientious and cultured gentleman whose estate they crown. ffiOHN R. SHELTON, a farmer residing on section 2. I. owe Township, was born in -^ I Chatham Township. Sangamon County. 111., vj^jjil 1 April 28, 1833. His father, the late William Shelton. was a native of Virginia, while his mother, whose maiden name was Prudence Neal, was born in Kentucky. They came to Illinois early in life, and after their marriage in Sangamon County, set- tled in Chatham Township, where after a long and honorable life, the father died about 1878, at the age of seventy-two years. The mother survives al an advanced age and makes her home inSangamoil ( ounty. The seven children born to this worthy couple were named as follows: William, John R.. Amar- ine, Daniel M., Zarilda, .lames and George. The second son, John R., the subject of this biographi- cal notice, was reared to manhood in Sangamon County, his youth being passed in much the usual manner of farmer-' hoys of that period. He gleaned the rudiments of his education from the primitive text hooks still in use in the district schools, and this knowledge has been enlarged and broadened through subsequent study, until he is dow thor- oughly informed on all events of local and general importance, and an agreeable conversational with whom many a pleasant hour may he passed. When ready to establish a home of hi- own. our Subject left the parental roof, and with his bride, began life on a farm in Loami Township, lie has ever received the cheerful co-operation of his wife, with whom he was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock in Loami Township, Sangamon County. November 30, 1854. Mis. Shelton bore the maiden name of Eliza J, Kinney, and was the daughtei of the late Henry and Margaret (Dorronce) Kin- ney, natives respectively of Madison and Oneida Counties, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Kinney passed the first years of their happy wedded life in Loami Township, whence after a sojourn of many years, they removed to Chatham village and there the mother died in September. 1883. The father afterward made his home in Springfield and also with our subject until his death in Springfield, April 2, 1889. His family comprised five children, namely: Daniel. Clarissa. Caroline. Eliza J., and Rebecca M. The birthplace of Mrs. shelton was Loami Town- ship, Sangamon County, and her natal day October !». 1 JS34. Under the careful training of her parents she grew to a noble womanh 1, well fitted to take charge of a home of her own. Her first home after marriage was in Loami Township, but later she and her husband settled in Chatham Township. This was not their permanent home, however. In Sep- tember. 1874, they came to .Moultrie ( 'ounty. where they purchased a farm on section 2, Lowe Town- ship, and here they still remain. The farm com- prises one hundred and nine acres, and he has a neat set of buildings, including a commodious, conveniently-arranged residence, where comfort reigns supreme and hospitality abounds. Seven children have been born of the happy wedded life of Mr. and Mrs. Shelton; William and Lewis are deceased, the former dying at the age of one year and the latter when seven years old; William (2d) died in Lowe Township in 1876 when Seventeen years old: Richard is a farmer in Color- ado; Luella is the wife of Frank Kagey; Charles and Caroline M. are still at home. M is. Shelton is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, to which she has belonged since 1865. Her maternal great-grandfather was a .surgeon in the Revolu- tionary War and lost his life at Ft. DuQuesne. On her father's side Mrs. shelton is of English ex- traction, and On the maternal side of Irish descent. When the preservation Of the Union was threat- ened Mr. Shelton was deeply devoted to her wel- fare and enlisted in her behalf in August, 1X112. in Company B, One Hundred and Thirtieth Illinois Infantry, serving three years until the close of the war, During this time he was on constant duty PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 359 and the hardships and exposures so undermined his strength that he lias since never regained his former health. He participated in the following important engagements: Magnolia Hill. Champion Hills. Jackson, Miss.. Vicksburg, Ft. Blakesly and Spanish Fort, besides numerous skirmishes of minor importance though not less dangerous, lie was with the One Hundred and Thirtieth Illinois from the time of his enlistment until May (!, lH(i;i. when he was detached and joined the Mercan tile Battery of Chicago. After remaining with this battery one year he rejoined the regiment with which he had originally enlisted. This was consolidated with the Seventy-seventh Illinois Infantry, of which it was an integral part until peace was declared. As might he expected Mr. Shclton is a promi- nent member of Harker Post. No. IK!*. O. A. R. In politics he is a firm Republican, but has never been an office-seeker^ preferring domestic pleasure- to the turmoil of public life. He is a line type of our self-made men. as he entered upon his career as a farmer with but little means and only by the exercise of ambition and industry coupled with practical economy and excellent business judg- ment, has he worked his way up to a position of importance among tin' most substantial citizens of Lowe Township. 1 ACOB II. 1)1 MOM). Although an Amer- ican by birth, education and association, of which fact he is proud, our subject is of Fiench parentage and ancestry, and all his business dealings have been carried on with a dash and vivacity for which his ancestors have always been noted. Now. at the zenith of his career, lit- is a farmer and stock-dealer residing in Loving- ton. Moultrie County, but his interests have been so large and varied for the past twenty-live years. and his exploits in commercial fields have brought such sudden and rich returns that one hesitates to set him down as a farmer. His name is one that is most frequently met with in the environs of Paris. Our subject's father was William Dumond, who was of French parentage. His mother was Martha House!, who was born in Steuben County, N. V. There they were married and settled on a farm, whence they came to Edgar County, this State, in 1840, where thej lived until their decease. The father passed away September 24, 1850. The mother's decease occurred in June, 1884. He was a farmer by occupation and brought up his sons to a thorough knowledge of agricultural work. They had six children, three sons and three daugh- ters, and of these our subject was the eldest. lie was born in Steuben County. X. Y., March L8, 1835, and came to this Slate with his parents in June. 1840. Here he grew to manhood, being reared on his father's farm, and although educa- tional advantages were not of the best, he man- aged to acquire a good and practical education. He lived at home with his mother until he be- came of age. early shouldering the responsibilities and cares of the family as his father had died when the son was but Fifteen years of age. After leaving home, our subject was engaged in a saw and grist mill in Oakland, Coles County, for a period of four years, whence he went to Vermilion County, this State. His attention was attracted thither by the fact that a severe wind- storm or cyclone passing through a heavy belt of timber in Vermilion County laid low many thou- sands of the monarchy of the forest that had only to be drawn toa convenient place to be sawed into timber. Borrowing the rnonej with which to carry out his plans, he erected a sawmill in a cen tral location and began the work of transform- ing the logs into merchantable shape. Although lie got the very small amount of sixty-five cents per hundred for his work, he paid tin- amount loaned him and had remaining quite a handsome interest. He continued there about two years, when he traded his interest in the machinery for one hundred and twenty acres of land near Oak- land, Cole County, and upon this he settled, en- gaging in farming. There he remained for thre< years, at the end of which time he trailed his farm for one hundred and sixtj acres in Moultrie County without seeing it. lie-ides tin- he received *:il)(l in cash, and this Mr. Dumond considered one of the best trades he ha- evel made. The land 360 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. was located in Lowe Township, to which place our subject removed and continued to live until the spring of 1886, when lie retired from active farm- ing and came to Lovington, where he has since resided. He is now the owner of eight hundred and five aero, seven hundred and sixty of which are in one body. When quite a young man Mr. Dumond took upon himself the responsibilities of married life, taking as his wife Elizabeth Kerns. Their nuptials were celebrated in Oakland, Coles County, this State. November 1!». 1859. Mrs. Dumond was a native probably of Pennsylvania, although Ohio may have been her birthplace, as her parents lived there when she was very young. This marriage was blessed by the advent of three children, whose names are: Ilattie A., the wife of Thomas Ran- dolph, of White County, this state; Henry P. is a farmer in I. owe Township; and Kulista died in infancy. Mrs. Elizabeth Dumond 's death occurred in Lowe Township June Hi. 1869. she was an admirable woman, her chief interest being centered in her home and family. Our subject's second marriage was to Mrs. Eliza- beth Hunsinger, the widow of Simon Hunsinger, who was horn in White County, 111. By her first marriage she was the mother of two children — Mary and Willie, deceased. By her union with Mr. Dumond she became the mother of one child — Arabella. Mrs. Dumond was a member of the Baptist Church and a most estimable woman. She died July I.".. I**.-). The paternal grandparents of our subject were William V. and Eliza Dumond, both natives of France. The maternal grandparents were Jacob and Sarah Housel, natives of New York State. Jacob Housel was one of the settlers in Edgar County and locaters of the old state road which runs from Springfield to tin' State line, and join- ing with the road going on to Indianapolis. lie located many of the early settlers of Edgar County, this State. To Mr. Housel i> due the credit of being one of the promoters Of the old Terrc Haute and Alton Railroad, now known as the "Big Four," running at the present lime from Indianapolis to st. Louis, ami in his efforts and zeal for the success of this road he so involved himself financially that he lost all his property, but during the years that have since elapsed he recovered to a great extent his financial standing. The original of our sketch is a man whose nat- ural abilities and pleasing presence have pushed him to the front in local public life. He has tilled the office of Supervisor of Lowe Township upwards of seven years, and for several years was Chairman of the Town Board. Mr. Dumond has taken an active part in political affairs, being a devoted and enthusiastic adherent of the Democratic party. Socially he is a member of the Masonic fraternity and has held many of the chairs in that society. ,*pv APT. JOHN ANDREW FREELAND. To (| „ be descended from an honorable ancestry ' and to trace one's lineage from men and women of past generations wdio lived noble lives and served their country and their God is a just subject for pride and self -congratulation. And such a record is his whose name appears at the head of this paragraph. Capt. Freeland, who resides upon section IT. Marrowbone Township, Moultrie County, is the son of the late John J. Freeland. who was born in Orange County. N. ('.. upon New Year's day. 1798. John I' Iceland, the father of John J., was born in the same county in 1762, and his lather. James (the great-grandfather of our subject) firsl saw the light within twenty miles of Londonderry. Ireland, in 1730. The father of this ancestor, whose name is unknown, is said to be one of the Huguenot refu- gees who lied from Pickardy. France, and settled near Londonderry, Ireland. The persecutions of those days sent out from their native homes hun- dreds of valuable citizens whose worth was not ap- preciated by the Government under which they lived, but those lives in foreign lands proved the seed-corn from which sprang religious and politi cal liberty. James Freeland, the great -gra ml fa I her of our sub- ject, came about tin- year 17"2."> from Ireland and settled on the Schuylkill River, in Gennantown, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 361 which was afterward the >ite of a notable conflict and is mow probably the nmM elegant suburb of Philadelphia, After the Revolutionary War he removed to North Carolina where his son, James, made a matrimonial allianee with Sally, daughter of Gov. Dinwiddie, who was Governor of Virginia under the British Crown. The great-grandfather of our subject took a very active part in all impor- tant movements and was one of the prominent men of that day. His last days were spent in Ala- mance County. X. C where he died at the age of eighty-five. John Freeland, the grandfather of our subject, was born, as before stated, in L762, and was Deputy Sheriff at an early age under his father, and like him was an active and prominent man. He passed the last years of his honorable career upon his plantation in Orange County. X. ('.. where he. like his father, reached the advanced age of eighty-five years. He was an independent soldier in the Revo- lutionary War and carried on "bushwhacking" against the British. John .1. Freeland. the father of our subject, resided in North Carolina and w.-r- the proprietor of a plantation and numerous slaves and was also engaged in the mercantile business. The Govei - - nor of the State appointed him Judge of the County Court, besides which he held other impor- tant positions. He was prominently identified with the Masonic order and for many years was Master of the lodge and attained the Thirty-second degree of Masonry. In his religious life he car- ried out the principles of his Huguenot ancestry. The new West attracted the attention of John • 1. Freeland and he emigrated hither and settle, I at Freeland's Point which was named for his brother James. It was in 1856 that he came to this State with his wife and the younger members of the family and here lie engaged in farming and passed the remainder of his days, dying in July, 1 : Francis M.. died in infancy; (apt. William .1. of whom we will speak more at length; Mary, is the wife of Rev. Clark Loudoun of Pierre. S. Dak.; Thomas J., of Dalton City, whose biographical sketch will he found elsewhere in this volume; Sarah .1.. who resides in Moultrie County; ('apt. John Andrew and Emma T., who is the wife of James A. Honey, a grain-dealer of Decatur. 111. Capt. William J. Freeland. the brother of our subject, was an officer in the Confederate army where he played an important part, as he com- manded the provost guards of Whitney's division of the army, and at the request of Gen. Whiting, the right wing of the Union Army at the first battle of Bull Run was attacked by him and cap- tured the battery known as Old Betsey. He was mortally wounded and captured at Fair Oaks and dying at Fortress Monroe, was buried there with .Masonic honors. Before the breaking out of the war he was filling the position of General Superin- tendent of the North Carolina Central Railroad. John Andrew, who was next to the youngest in this large family, was horn in Orange County. X. C, October 31, 1839, and his early life was spent there until he came to Moultrie County. 111., with his father in 1856. lie was living at home when the war broke out and at once enlisted under the Union flag, May 1. lstl I. being one of the first volunteers in Moultrie County. He became a member of Company F. Twenty-first Illinois Regi- nient which was afterward known as Grant's Regi- ment and to whom was given the honor in 1891 of unveiling the magnificent equestrian statue of that hero which has been erected in Lincoln Park. Chicago. The young man was mustered into the United states service at Springfield, III.. June 28, L861, receiving the commission of Second Lieuten- ant. He served in that capacity until November 20th of the same year when lie was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant and received further promotion February 17. 1863, when he was given 362 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the commission of Captain. This position he hold until July 5, 1864, when he was honorably dis- charged and mustered out of service at Chatta- ga, Tenn. Our young hero was in the battle of Fredericks- town. Mo., which was the first Union victory dur- ing the Civil War and remembers being an eye witness to the death of the rebel (Jen. Lowe, who was instantlv killed in that engagement. For sev- eral weeks he was engaged with others in driving the rebel General, Jeff Thompson, known as the "Swamp Fox." across the White River into Arkan- sas, lie took part in the siege of Corinth and saw the smoke of battle at Perryville, Knob Gap, Stone River, Liberty Gap and Chickamauga. Forseven- teen days and nights he was under lire on John- ston's retreat from Kingston to Marietta. Ga. After being mustered out of the service (apt. Freeland returned to the peaceful engagement of agriculture, devoting himself assiduously to farm- ing and dealing in slock. Previous to the breaking out of the war he had been married in .Moultrie County, his wedding day being February .">. 1861, and his bride Mi>> Elvira Roney, a native of this county, who bore to him two children — Alice, who died when about five years old and William, who was snatched from the arms of his parents when a babe of live months. The mother of these children passed to the other world April : :i(i. 1866. Our subjeel was again married in Moultrie Count}*, July 1. 1867, to Mis> Lyda .1. Langton, who was horn in Lewiston, Pa., August 13, IK!,"). They have had eighl children: William ('..John H., Joseph I... Ella I'... May. Maude, Harry L. and Homer. May died when she was fourteen months old. The family resided in Marrowbone Township until 1*7 I. "hen they removed to Sullivan and here the Captain undertook the study of law, being with Eden & Clark for two years and beingadmit- ted to the bar in Kansas in 1*77. In the spring of thai year he removed to Kinsley, Edwards County, Kan., and pracl iced law there for two years, during which time he was elect ed Count v Judge for one term and in 1879 returned to Illinois and again made his home in Marrowbone Township, since which time he has paid his almost undivided atten- tion to fanning and raising line horses and cattle. Upon his fine farm of two hundred and sixty acres Capt. Freeland has made valuable improv- ments and within his hospitable home he and his lovely and intelligent companion are ever ready to extend gracious welcome to every friend who seeks their door. One who visits this household can but feel that he is the guest of a true gentle- man and a genuine gentlewoman and those who know the public-spirited course which the Captain always pursues in regard to affairs of public import, are assured that he is a disinterested citizen of his county. He is prominently identified with the Washington Alexander Post. No. 17(1. G. A. R. and has repeatedly been Commander of the post and has been President of the Regimental Associ- ation of Grant's old regiment. He is a Royal Arch Mason and in politics is a Republican and formerly took an active part in political affairs. » ILK1NSON PROS. The union of the fam- / ily interests in business enterprises has V;'V long been made prominent both in the old country and in America. Many prominent firms have for generations borne the family name and it has been the pride of those thus connected to main- tain these business relations and to build up an honorable record as a commercial family. So strong has been this feeling in some aotable instances as lo compel any who joined the linn as members to Legally adopt the family name. This union of the family affection and business interests is well illus-. tsratcd in the record of the well-known firm whose name appears at the head of this paragraph. The Wilkinson Bros., dealers in lumber, tile and coal at Bethany, Moultrie County. established busi- ness under the present linn and style in 1KK2. The members of the firm are four brothers, namely: Jasper N.. John .1.. Warren A.. William W., all of them native- of Vinton County. Ohio, and sons of Jacob and Mary ( Morrison ) Wilkinson. The par- ents were also natives of Ymton County, wore there married and reared their family, remov- ing to Illinois iii the fall of 1K(>4. and passing the winter at Millmino. The following vear thev lo- I'OIM'IJAIT AM) liloGKAPIIK XL RE< ORD. 363 cated at :i small town (now defunct) which bore the name of Dawtown, and the father of the fam- ily worked in a sawmill there :i> his liusiuess in Ohio had been in the line of operating sawmills and gristmills. The family removed in 1868 to a farm near Ar- genta, Macon County, 111., and there they rented land and afterward purchased a farm of three hun- dred acres, tilling ami improving it and placing upon it fine stock. There the parents still reside and the father who lias made a SUCCCSS Of stock- raising, i> now engaged in breeding red-polled cattle. These faithful parents who have succeeded in bringing up to maturity SO tine a family are people of true Christian character and prominent members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Twelve children blessed this frugal pioneer home and nine of the number are still Living, namely: Jasper N., Warren A., John .1., William W., Mary E., George E., Charles E., Arthur L. and Luella .1. Mary is now the wife of Walter l>. Williams; Jas- per N. was born in 1851 and early distinguished himself in local circles by his studious disposition, lifting himself for teaching at the early age of fif- teen. In 1874 he was graduated from tin' State Normal University at Normal. 111., and In' is now a Professor in the State Normal School at Emporia, Kan. He has formed a congenial marriage with Miss Nellie Reynolds, of Buda, 111. Warren A. was horn December II. ls>.">7. and was reared upon a farm until L881, when he came to Bethany and engaged in the manufacture of tile, being associated with his brothers; he built a tile factory, which they still own and operate, and thus was inaugurated the successful business which bears their name. His marriage with Grace, daugh- ter of Dr. Iv A. Piatt, brought him three beautiful children, all of whom are now deceased: his wile also passed to the other world in 1891. Warren A. resides at Bethany and gives his whole attention to the business of the firm. John A. was horn Sep- tember 23, 1859, and. like his eldest brother, is a graduate of the State Normal University at Normal, 111., being a member of the Class of '85; he also i;ives his attention to teaching, being the Principal of the grammar school at Springfield, 111.. and Lav- ing held the prineipalship of the LovingtOn schools from 1885 to 1889. William W. was born Septem- ber 1. 1861, and when he had completed his ele- mentary education he devoted himself to the study of book-keeping and commercial law at Lincoln, 111., and later attended Bryant A- Stratton's Busi- ness College at Chicago. After completing his studies he became a useful member of the firm of Wilkinson Bros, in 1882. lb 1 and his brother War- ren are the active members of the linn ami theeffl- cicnt and capable managers, making their home at Bethany. This honorable and intelligent family have shown themselves capable both in the intellectual and business world and the parents of these sons have abundant reason to rejoice, not only in their success in life in their respective fields and in the respect which is meted out to them by all who know them, but also in their admirable Christian characters and in their efficiency in church work as they are all workers in the Cumberland Presbyter- ian Church, with which most of them are person- ally identified. 4€f =^> r^-»IIOMAS K. MAYES. The wonderful suc- ( r~\ cess which has crowned the efforts of thous- V_y ands of fanners who came to Illinois in poverty, is worthy the annals of the historian. The wealth in the soil of the Prairie State like the gold hidden in the dross, responded magically to the alchemy of the earnest effort, enterprise and industry of the pioneer farmer, and astonished the world by it^ splendid results. The farming com- munity of Dore Township. Moultrie County, gives many instances of this success in agriculture and one of its fanners who resides within the limits of Dalton City, is the gentleman whose name appeal's at the head of this sketch. Our subject owns fifty five acres of land within this corporation, besides two hundred and forty outside. He settled in Moultrie County in the spring of 1865, ami lias since been a resident of Doie Township. He was horn in Mifflin County, Pa., April 7. 1*37, being a son of Matthew T. and Martha (Ewing) Mayes, the father of our subject :k;i PORTRAIT AND LKKiRAPIIICAL RECORD. being :i tanner by trade. The paternal grandpa- rentscame from Maryland, and the parents of our subject lived and died in Pennsylvania, and dur- ing their later years resided on a farm, where the father dieil August .'i 1 . 1845, being then only forty- two years i>ld. while the mother survived until the spring dI lKtl'.i. and passed away at the age uf sixty-seven. The four children of Matthew and .Martha Mayes are as follows: .lames, who is a resident of Lewiston, Pa.: Eliza, who married Mr.G.W. Soult, and resides on the old home in Mifflin County, Pa.; William E., who resides in Strawn, Kan., and our subject, who is the third in order of age. His carly life was passed upon the farm, and after tak- ing a public school education he received instruc- tion in the academy, and in 1 7 . took a business course at Pittsburg, Pa., after which he clerked in different business houses. The marriage of our subject took place Decem- ber 2ii. 1861, an*d he was then united with Isabel Laugton, who was born ! in Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of Joseph I. and Catherine Laugton. They continued to reside in Pennsylvania until IK().->. when they came lo Illinois and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of slightly improved land, and proceeded to carry on the business of stock-raising. In 1874, Mr. Mayes removed to Dalton City, as he had been some time prior to this movement appointed station agent, and he was also carrying on the lumber business, lie con- tinued as Station ami express agenl for two years, after which he was for three veai> not employed in the former capacity, but in 1878, he took the posi- tion again and still continues in it. Al the same time he has carried on his farm successfully, but in May, IK7.~>. he disposed of his lumber business. Mr. and Mrs. Mayes have had seven children, one daughter, Harriet ( ).. having died in her thirteenth war. The others are as follows: Martha ('.. wife of Lowell A. Smith, of Macon County; Anna M.. who now has charge of the railroad station at Dalton City; Eliza I-'... wife of .lames Freeland, "I Macon County; Joseph I.. Matthew '1'.. and .lames \V.. who arc at home. In 1875, Mr. Maxes erected upon one of the prominent sites of the town a tine -tore building, and established a drug business which he conducted for some three years'. lie has held a number of local ofiices and is a de- voted adherent to the principles and policy of the Democratic party. He is identified with both the Knights of Honor and the Masonic fraternity. Mrs. Mayes is a woman of devoted Christian char- acter and a leading member in the Presbyterian Church. Her pleasant, home is the center of a true social life and her gracious hospitality affords a hearty welcome to every gUCSt. ♦=*=» J ICHAEL ERHARDT. Among the Ger- l man-American citizens who have con- /// l» tributed so largely to the development of Moultrie County and have been so prom- inently connected with its progress, conspicuous mention belongs to Mr. Krhardt who owns and operates a tine farm on section Id. Lowe Township. A worthy representative of the class of fanners upon whom the prosperity of the world depends, he is pursuing his chosen avocation with energy and skill. In every movement that is likely to advance the material or moral welfare of the citi- zens, he is ever ready to bear what part he can. and he and his estimable wife are ever lo be relied on when there is need of neighborly service or friendly advice. Mr. Krhardt is the son of the late ( ieorge Kr- hardt. a native of Germany, who was married in his native land to Barbara Krhardt. who was of the same name but no relative. In 1854 the parents emigrated to America and directly after landing came to St. Louis. Mo., whence, after a residence of one year, they removed to Sangamon County. 111. Several years afterward they came to Doug- las County, where the father died in 1K72. The mother survived him many years and passed from earth in Moultrie County in 1886. Our subject, who was the youngest among live children, was born in Germany, November 28, 1850. He was only about four years old when he was brought by his parents to this country, of which he has ever since been a resident. i ■■■\ ' | c ^Tij PORTRAIT AM) I'.K MiRAPIIK Al. RECORD. 367 After passing the early years of his lite in San- gamon County. 111., and gaining the rudiments of an education in its district schools. Mr. Erhardt accompanied his parents to Douglas County. There he was married June II. 1874, to .Miss Catherine E. Hoover, daughter of Benjamin and Nancy Hoover. Mr. Hoover resides in Arthur, 111. He and his wife were the parents of nine children, Mrs. Erhardt being the third, and she was horn in Pennsylvania December 20, 1851. After their marriage our subjectand his wife located in Doug- las County where they lived until 1881. Upon coming to Moultrie County in 1881 Mr. Erhardt located on section 10, Lowe Township. where he now owns one hundred and twenty acres of good land. Having followed farming pursuits from his youth he has acquired a thorough prac- tical knowledge of all its departments and has be- come known as one of the most enterprising and successful farmers of the vicinity. He is a firm believer in the principles of the Democratic "party and supports its ca ididates with his ballot and in- fluence. He has held the offices of Highway Com- missioner and School Director and has done efficient service for the public in both capacities. lie and his wife are hoth active members of the Christian Church, in which he has held the Office of Elder. They are the parents of four children. Benjamin, George, Freddie and Alfred. George and Alfred are deceased. The surviving children are receiv- ing excellent educations and hid fair to hold re- sponsible positions in life. v APT. JOHN .1. SIMMONS, who resides on section is. of Tower Hill Township. Shelby County, was horn in Troy, N. V.. May 7. lsi |. When he was very young his father removed to Covington, K\ .. and lived there a hoi it t wo years. From there he removed to Switzerland County. Ind.. where he remained forsevcn years, then he remo\ ed again to Cincinnati, and with bis family occupied the first house in Cincinnati, Ohio, which was built of logs. From the time our subject was a lad of fourteen years of age until his parents' death, he made himself their protector and provider, supply- ing them with all the comforts of life that it was possible for him to give them. After he was four- teen years of aye he was employed in steam boat- ing on various rivers and was thus engaged for fifty years. In August, 1874, the gentleman whose philan- thropic life it is our pleasure here to chronicle. and whose portrait is also presented to his many friends, came to Shelly County and settled in Tower Hill, where he has since been a resident. He is the owner and proprietor of two hundred and seventy acres of land, upon which he has erected a very good series of buildings. His residence, to which he has given the very suggestive name "Happy Home" is located at only a short distance from the meeting of two roads and as the traveler approaches he sees the name of the place in large letters on the house; of course it attracts much at- tention. It is. in fact and deed, a happy home. Capt. and Mrs. Simmons, at the present writing, ( May, 1891) have been married about fifty-seven years, and during all this time not an unpleasant word has passed between them. Everything within and without denotes happiness and comfort. Capt. Simmons, who is at an advanced aye. is at the pres- ent time in feeble health, and is the object of the solicitude and kindest attention of each and every member of his family. His marriage took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 8, 1835, and the cere- mony was solemnized by the father of Benjamin Harrison, present President of the United States. Mrs. Simmons was Miss Elizabeth Gunning,and was born near Cincinnati. January II. 1817. Ten children were born to this worthy couple and in- stead of being cares and sources of trial to their parents, as is unhappily loo frequently the case, they have been welcome, and grown up both lov- ing and beloved among themselves ami bearing a tender regard for the authors of their being. In name they are as follows: Alonzo. Caroline, Al- bert. John J., Temperance .1.. Moses K. and Charles. The deceased children died in infancy. Alonzo was married to Mary Newbold. Caroline was the wife of Monroe Taylor. Albert was united to Lu- cindia Frailkill. John J. married Anna Custer. Temperance J. is the wife of Marshall Hipes. Moses .-"tr.H PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. E. married Elizabeth Elliott. Charles was united in Ella Fluckey. ('apt. Simmons has ever been a supporter of the Gospel and he and his wife are members of the Christian Church. Socially he lias been united with the Masonic fraternity, for main years, and i- also an Odd Fellow. His Masonic connection extends over fifty years, and his alliance with the < >dd Eel- lows for the same length of time. It isa commen- tary upon the effect of the use of stimulants that ('apt. Simmons, who has attained an aye a good many years transcending that which is usually al- lotted tii man. has never used tobacco in any form, and although, having been a river captain for many years and associated with men who have the repu- tation for indulging in stimulants to an alarming extent, he scarcely knows the taste of intoxicants. Capt. Simmons is the proud possessor of a line orchard covering thirty acres. Fur this he was offered $100 an acre, by I >. .lames, who is a prom- inent nurseryman in Christian County. The fruits that are the outcome of this orchard are as luscious as any that come from the Golden state. The father of our subject was John W. Simmons, who was a native of New York City. He died in 1859 while on a visit to Wisconsin. Our subject's mother was Dolly (Ginison) Simmons, who was born in Boston. Mass., and died in Kokomo, Ind. The parents of Mrs. Simmons were Robert and Temper- ance ( (ox )( •mining. They were horn in Knoxville. Teiin.. and died in Indiana. The position of chief engineer as well as that of Captain was held i>\ Mr. Simmons who is the pos- sessor of fifty sets of Government licenses. He served through the war, taking part in the marine conflicts on different gunboats, s etimes changing from as many as five different boats in a single day, although he had not enlisted in regular marine ser- vice. His daughter, Mrs. Caroline Taylor, at whose instance this sketch is written is the mother of two children. John s. and Frank S. The venerable old gentleman, whose picture would serve as a happj representation of the be- loved follower of the Master, i- revered by all. All his fads and fancies are quaint and benevolenl and show a generous spirit. lie has provided a good comfortable r n in an outbuilding, which he pre- pared especially for tramps or homeless people. knowing all to he ( tod's people, and believing it to he incumbent on all who are prospered, to care for the hclples>. the homeless, and the unfortunate. He is a dear old gentleman, and makes one better and gentler to come in contact with him. t— >J-»J-i~H ■«■ ' 1 ' ROBERT McCLUNG, Among the old resi- dents of Moultrie County and numbered among her brave boys who were sent forth to defend the Hag of our Union we are pleased to name the progressive and intelligent farmer, whose prosperity we here record. Mr.Mc- Clung resides on section 30, Lowe Township, and his residence in the county dates from 1859, dur- ing which year there were hut seven voters in the township and of that seven our subject is the only one now remaining within its hounds. This gentleman was born in Union Comity. Ohio, July 12. 1836, his respected parents being Thomas and Elizabeth (Danderson) McClung. who had their birth in the Old Dominion and the Buck- eye State respectively and who met and married in Perry County, Ohio. The first wedded home of this couple was established in Logan County, that State, where they were earh settlers before moving to Union ( omity. ■■Westward the star of Empire takes its course." and following this beacon the family undertook a removal with team and wagon from Ohio to Iowa. Arriving there in 1844 they prospected for a while. hut being dissatisfied with the Hawkeye state they turned hack as far as Vigo County. Ind.. where they remained for some time and where the mother died in 1846. She had hcen the mother of eleven children of whom seven grew to years of maturity. The father eventually returned to Ohio where he remained for several years, hut his liual end came in Vigo County, Ind.. while he was making a visit. The early Orphanage of our subject by the death of his mother when he was ten years old led to his making his home with an uncle and both at his father'- and at hi- relative's he was thoroughly trained in farm duties and prepared for a practical PORTRAIT AND I!I( K i RAPIIK AL RECORD. 369 life, but in various ways his schooling was inter- fered with and liis hunk education was Limited. His first coming West was in 1n.~>2 and his first settlement was at Monticello, 111., where he made the acquaintance of the Piatt family with whom he made his home and served as a farm hand. In 1859 lu- left this family (for whom the flourishing coimU of Piatt was named) and came to Moultrie County where he rented a farm, but his patriotic impulse did not permit him to remain here follow- ing the pursuits of peace, lie enlisted in 1862 and was mustered into service in Company A. One Hundred Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry under command of Capt. Van Fleet. This company served through three years of fatiguing marches, severe engagements, numerous skirmishes and gained for themselves an enviable renown. After the war our subject returned to Moultrie County and purchasing eighty acres of rich but unbroken prairie soil started in to make his for- tune. In his effort he has been unusually success- ful and now owns four hundred and eighty acres of as line land as can be found in Moultrie County and upon it he has placed an excellent farm resi- dence, good barns and all the appurtenances which belong to a first-class farm. Stock farming has been the department of agriculture which he has pursued and which has proved profitable to him. The happy wedding day of our subject was July 7. 1872, and his bride, Cordelia Gaul, who was horn December 15, 1837, is a daughter of Jacob Gaul who came to Moultrie County in 1865 and settled upon section t, Jonathan Creek Township. The father of Mrs. McClung is a native of the city of Philadelphia where he was horn June 9, 1H11. being the son of John T. and Dorothea Gaul, natives of Germany, who came to America in an early life and were married in Pennsylvania. They made their home in Philadelphia the re- mainder of their lives. The mother completed her three-score and ten years and the father lived to the advanced age of eighty-six. John T. Gaul was twice married, his lirst union bringing him eight children and his second giving him four children — Simon, Adam. Jacob and Sarah. The son Jacob learned the trade of a basket-maker which he followed in his native citv before remov- ing West. He removed to Cincinnati. Ohio, in 1K.">2. and subsequently resided in Chicago for sonic eighteen months, after which he followed farming for a short time in Clermont County, Ohio. In 1865 he came to Moultrie County where he had previously purchased land and where he now owns a handsome farm. The mother of Mrs. McClung bore the maiden name of Rebecca Clarke and was a native of New Jersey. Her marriage to Mr. Gaul took place in Philadelphia in L835 and her death occurred in Moultrie County. III. She was the mother of five children, namely. Susannah, who married Samuel Smith and died in Cincinnati. Ohio; Cordelia, the wife of Robert McClung; Edmund; Rebecca, who who married William Merritt and Jacob who died in Moultrie County. The mother of these child- ren was an earnest and active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. McClung' has three children with her in this life and one who has passed before to the spirit land. The living are Isaac. Rebecca and Myrtle A. The political views of Mr. McClung have led him to affiliate with the party whose most notable exponent was the author of the Dec- laration of Independence. ^ OTTLKIli F. SILVER. Although born in a land far distant from this. Mr. Silver is a stanch defender of the interests of his adopted home and there is within the hounds of Moultrie County no more patriotic citizen than he. From early childhood he has had his own way to make in the world and he has done well, for he has risen from poverty to a position of importance among his fellow-men. Nor has he been successful in accumulating a competency only, hut in the best sense of the word he has been successful in gaining the respect of his associates, in justly win- ning a name for uprightness and honor, and in being numbered with the representative citizens of tin- county. Wurtemberg. Germany, was the native place of :(7ii PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. our subject and February 10, 182k. the date of his birth. His immediate progenitors were John G. and Christina Silver, natives of the Fatherland, who came to America in 1832, seeking a home in this new country. They settled in Morgan County, Ohio, where the mother died in 1836. The father survived many years and passed from the busy scenes of earth in 1874, in Hocking County, Ohio. They had four sons and four daughters, who at- tained tn maturity, and our subject was among the younger members of the family. Mr. Silver remembers few of the incidents of the voyage across the broad Atlantic, for he was only four years old when hi:- parents emigrated to America, lie passed his youth in Morgan and Hocking Counties. Ohio, assisting his father upon the home farm in the summer while during a few months of the year he attended the common schools of the district. He was united in marriage October 2i>. 1851, in Hocking County, with Eliza- beth Moutz, daughter of Gottleib and Catherine (Fritz) .Moutz. both of Germany. Coming to America in 1832 they settled in Pennsylvania and after about two years spent there, they removed to Muskingum County, Ohio, "where she died in the city of Zanesville. He passed from earth in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. < >1" their large family of children. Mrs. Silver is one of the younger members and she was horn in Wurtemberg, Germany, November 16, 1829. Hocking County was the first home of Mr. Sil- ver after his marriage, and thence after several years spent there, he removed to Morgan County. Two years afterward he returned to 1 [ocking< omit v and sojourned thereuntil 1873, engaged in farm- ing operations and becoming known throughout the community as a thrifty agriculturalist and an honorable citizen. He came to Moultrie County in 1*7.'! and settling on section 8, Lowe Township, proceeded at once to improve and cultivate the tract of land which lie purchased there. lie owns three hundred and twenty acres of line land, which yields him yearly a tribute of golden grain. Farm- ing has been almost his lite pursuit, although for aboul ten years in Ohio he was a carpi liter. Five children came to bleSS the holm of Mr. and Mrs. Silver and their record i- a- follow-: Mary, the wife of David Van Curen; John F.. who died when young; Elizabeth, who became the wife of S. F. Grant; John G., and William, who married .Miss Nettie Buxton. In his political affiliations Mr. Silver is a Republican, and has served the peo- ple efficiently as Highway Commissioner three years. He and his estimable wife are members in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he ha- been Superintendent of the Sunday school. They are genial, hospitable people, whose influence upon the community is apparent for good, and whose interest in the welfare of human- ity is great. mm--&EE&&^ It IIAFl. II. WARREN. Public-spirited citizens who are broad enough to take an interest in the affairs of the community in which they live and sufficiently shrewd and far-sighted to force opportunities for its im- provement, are the richest heritage of any commu- nity, and Moultrie County is not poor in such. Among her sons who have thus shown the nobility of their natures and their ability to forward the welfare of the county, we are pleased to mention Michael II. Warren, a retired fanner and Notary Public residing at Arthur. Our subject has been a resident of the county since May 19, 1859, and is by birth a Virginian, being born in Harrison County, that state. August 9,1820. His parents, Abijah and Sarah (Shields) Warren, being natives of the old Dominion, re- mained there until about 1840, when they re- moved to Athens County. Ohio, and made their home- at Nclsonville. About a year after their migration. Abijah Warren passed from earth and in 1844 the family returned to Virginia. In 1853 the mother came to [llinois and sett led in Jonathan Creek Township. Moultrie County, upon a raw prairie farm. There she made licr home and cared for her children until 1865, when her death oc- curred. There were nine in the family, all of whom grew to mature years and all became resi- dents of Illinois. Michael Warren was reared to farm work, but PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHK AL RECORD. 371 after he attained his majority he Learned the trade of saddlery and harness-making and pursued 1 1 » i — calling until he came to Illinois in 1859, when he purchased land in Jonathan Crock Township and carried on a farm for some years. In the mean- while he had purchased more land — .some eighty acres — upon which the west half of Arthur is now located. He early foresaw the uecessity fora g 1 system of transportation to bring Moultrie County within reach of the great markets of the world and was Liberal in his gifts to secure the Location through Arthur of a railroad, giving S e twenty aero to tin- railroad to secure this end. lie purchased one hundred and sixty acres on Section •-'.">. I. owe Township, but has made his residence in the vil- lage of Arthur since 1873. lie opened the first mail bag which was thrown off at this station, ashe was then acting a> Deputy Postmaster. The re- ceipts of the office were then * 1 2 per annum. During the Cleveland Administration he had the posit ion of Postmaster. Mr. Warren was married in L848, in Barbour County. W. Ya.. to Eleanor A., daughter of Daniel Bartlett. This lady is a native of Virginia and is the mother of thirteen children, all of whom reached the years of maturity. They are a- fol- lows: Sarah .1.. wife of A. II. Dolin; Winlield s.. who resides in Nebraska; Sarah Elizabeth, who married ('. W. Fleming; Millard F.. a druggisl at Arthur; Americus F., a carpenter; Mary Margaret, the wife of S. II. Dcliart; Caroline Virginia, the wife of Daniel Evans, of Nebraska; .John I). .a har- ness-maker at Arthur; .Martha; Rosa A., who was the wife of 1). M. Huckelberry, and has died. Leav- ing one child; Lilly, the wife of William Preble, a barber at Arthur: Eva Lee and Mamie. Our subject has, since coming to Illinois, affil- iated with the Democratic party, though while in Virginia he counted himself a Whig, though not a voter because unmarried, for in Virginia an un- married man could not vote. lie has lure held some positions of trusl and responsibility, having been County surveyor for seven years and Justice of the Peace for twelve years. Millard F. Warren, one of the so"hs of Michael II. Warren, who i.~ now a prominent citizen of Arthur, was horn in Harrison County, Va.,Augus1 29. ltf.-j.'i. and came with the family to Illinois in L859, and thus grew to manhood in Moultrie County, lie was educated in the common scoools and assisted his father in tilling the soil. In 1X73 he came to Arthur and for five years conducted a photograph gallery, after which he established a restaurant business,'and in .Inly. 1889, engaged in the dmi: trade. This gentleman was twice married, the first time in 1873, to Alice, daughter of John and Permelia Gerkin. This lady, who was a native of Moultrie County, was both amiable and accomplished and well tilted to make a happy home, lint her married life was not of long duration, as -he died in L882, Leaving one daughter, Nellie. In L884Mr. Warren was married a second time, then uniting his life with that of Ella Luce, daughter of William Luce. She was horn in Areola. 111., and has two children, William M. and Katie May. Like his father, this young man is a Democrat in his political prefer- ences and lias filled the offices of Assessor and Township Clerk, lie is a man of warm social qual- ities and is identified with the Arthur Lodge, No. 712. 1. 0.0. F. T^* -^e^§>- jr.um»i-. vv. onLTAEi i , who resides on sec- tion 2."). in Lovington Township, Moultrie County, is a son of the late Samuel and Barbara Ann (Shede) Shirey, of whom a fuller his- tory may he found under the sketch of our sub- ject's brother, William S. Shirey. in another part of this volume, and of a family of ten children the original of this sketch was the fifth in order of birth, thus, in his childh I days, he had plenty of playmates and childish sympathizers with the youthful peccadillos in which he found himself. He was horn in Clear Spring, [nd., August 7. 1839, and now has attained that period of manhood when speculation and experience go hand in hand and thus wedded, bring the hot results to their possessor. His removal to Illinois was made when hi.- fath- er came hither and with him he Lived until 1862, when he himself set up a household, placing over 372 PORTKAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his home as mistress. Miss Mary .T. Bear. They were married in BloomingtOll, this State, in June. 1862. The lady is a daughter of Samuel Bear- who died in Macon County, this State. The moth- er is also deceased. -Mrs. Mary J. Shirey was born in Cumberland County, Pa., April 17. 1844. She bore her husband eight children, whose names are Georgia A.. Almeda, Samuel B., Leonora M.. Charles, Homer, Gertrude, and Frankie. The eldest daughter is the wife of Orange Behan. Almeda married Oliver ( ). Dawson. Leonora M. is the wife of .1. II. White. Frankie died when one and a half years old. Mrs. Mary .1. shirey departed this life March 28, 1891. She was a true Christian and a conscienti- ous. God-fearing woman, a member of the Luther- an Church and an interested, ardent worker. After marriage our subject settled first in Macon County, this State where he lived until 1K74. when he re- moved to Moultrie County and settled in Loving- lon Township, finding this climate and country pleasant and adapted to his methods of agricultur- al employment, lie has always been engaged in farming and upon the place where he at present reside.-- there are many and valuable improvements there made by his own hands, lie has a delightful home that, while neat and attractive exteriorly. interiorly presents the comforts and refinements thai are so necessary to the enjoyment of life Hooks abound, and the current literature of Ihe day is found upon his shelves and tallies. The domes- tic management is apparently without a flaw and the inner man is provided with the most tooth- some delicacies. lie here owns one hundred and forty-four ami one-half acres. A Democrat is his political preference, our sub- ject is first of all an adherent of Hie principles of honor and right. Party is little to him. irrespec- tive of the purposes and plans that it matures and executes for the benefit of the masses of the people. lie has held several important offices in the gift of the township, having been Highway Commissioner for a number of years, lb 1 i> also School Trustee, and in this direction his desire is to be thoroughly abreast with the times in educational matters and to procure for the young people of this district such advantages that they will never have occas- sion to look back with regret upon tin' days spent in school. Socially he of whom we write is a member of the Masonic fraternity, becoming thus connected about twelve years. On the breaking out of the war. he enlisted in the Union Army, in August, 1862, and was mustered into Company B. of the One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois Regi- ment, with which he served for a period of six months, at the expiration of which time, he was discharged on account of disability. Mr. Shirey is a man who is not satistied with mediocrity in any way. He is not ambitious to possess great tracts of land, but does care that that of which he is own- er, should be cultivated to the fullest possible ex- tent. rpr^\um\s J. FREELAND, a dealer in grain, located in Dalton City, Moultrie County, came here in 1871, and was the first man to engage in business in the place. lie shipped the first grain and the first cattle from that station, and has since continued in this line of business here, thus constituting himself the pioneer and the old- est business man in Dalton. He was born in < >r- ange County, N. C, June 29, 1838, his honored parents being John .band Mary B. (Craig) Free- land, both of whom were natives of North Caro- lina, .lames Freeland. an uncle of our subject, came to Illinois in 1835 and settled in what lias since been known as Freeland "s Point. To that place he was followed in 1856 h\ the parents of our subject, and there they undertook the business of fanning, and made it their permanent home until death called them to another and better world, which call came to the father in July, 1*77. All lint one of the eleven children of John J. and Mary B. Freeland grew to reach their major- ity, and are named as follows: Charles J., who is a member Of the medical profession, and resides at Rogers, Ark.; Elizabeth C, married Dr. s. ]>. Schoollield and makes her home at Macomb. Miss.; Catherine J. resides in Moultrie County; Caro- lina married J. P. Knight, and died in Moul- PORTRAIT AND BIO* i'APHICAL RECORD. 373 trie County; William J. was Major in the Sixth North Carolina Infantry, and was mortally wounded at Fair Oaks, dying at Fortress Monroe; Mary A., who married the Rev. Clark Louden, a Presbyterian clergyman of Pierre, S. Dak.; Thomas J., our subject; Sarah J., who resides in Moultrie County; John A.,, who was Captain in the Twenty- first Illinois Infantry, and now resides in Moultrie County; Emma T., wife of .1. A. Roney, of De- catur. The father of our subject was m Whig in his political views, and while living in North Carolina was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Or- ange County, and Mayor of the town of llillsboro, where he engaged in tin' mercantile business, and was a slaveholder. He was an Elder in the Pres- byterian Church, which in those days and in that latitude was not considered inconsistent with hold- ing in bondage his fellow-creatures. After com- ing to Illinois he became a Republican, and ever stood by the political doctrines of that party. Our subject had very good school advantages in his native State, and came with the family to Illi- nois in 1856. In 1862 he raised a company of volunteers to fight for the old Bag, but being taken sick, was unable to accompany this company to the seat of war. Later he enlisted as a recruit, and was assigned to Company C. Fifty-ninth Illinois Infantry, under the command of Gen. Henderson. He served until November, 1865, and was present and took part in the battles of Franklin and Nash- ville, hut most of the time was detailed in the field hospital department. After the war this young man engaged in farm- ing and trading in Moultrie County until heestab- tished his present business, .•mil was associated with Mr. .1. A. Roney as partner for some ten years, after which he undertook business alone, lie has been successful in his efforts, and is accumulating a handsome property, as he now owns ninety acres of land, besides some excellent property in Dalton and Decatur. He was married in L875 to Cora S. Dickey, daughter of .1. \V. and Nancy Dickey This huh was born in Marshall. 111., where she re- ceived her early education and training, and she has become the mother of one child. John 1\ Like the father, our subject has become devotedly at- tached to the Republican party, and although he usually gives all his lime to private business, he took time during the early days of Dalton to serve the village as the first President of the Vill- age Hoard. He is identified with the KnightsTem- plar, and is a prominent and useful member of the Presbyterian Church. HR+i^ &- &~ LFRED K. SCOTT. Moultrie County owes much to her thorough, plucky, push- Ifi ing, persevering business men who are an important element in the alchemy which through various processes, turns the wealth of the soil into the gold of commerce. The philos- opher's stone of the ancient traditions is nothing to compare with them. Without their interven- tion which brings intocontact the producer and the consume]', the farmer would be overloaded with the products of the soil and the consumers might starve for lack of sustenance. Such a man is lie whose name appeal's at the head of this present writing. Mr. Scott is not Only the proprietor of the Ex- change Lank, but also is a miller and a dealer in grain, and he has been a resident of Bethany since 1853. In addition to his other lines of business he was engaged for quite a period (beginning in 1868) in general merchandising. Ten years later lie sold out this interest in order to devote himself more thoroughly to the grain trade, but. in 1884, he again purchased the store and carried it on until 1886. It was in 1887 when he established the Exchange Bank and he had built the roller mills in 1881. This latter industry he has carried on successfully and has now entirely remodeled the establishment. He owned and operated the mill along until 1887 when he associated with himself. as a partner in the business. Mr. .1. G. Iloldeinian. lb' of whom we write was born in Macon County. 111.. June 27, 1845. His worthy and hon- ored parent-. Joseph and Kthealind (Ashmore) Scott, were natives of Tennessee, who were mar- ried after coming to Illinois, as each had come to 374 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Moultrie County in early life. The paternal grandfather of our subject, James Scott, brought his family to the Prairie State, about the year 1830, settling at Mt. Zion in .Macon County, where he undertook farming, which he pursued until he was called to the better land. In 1853 the newly married parents of our sub- ject located on a farm at Bethany, where the mo- ther is still living, having become a widow in 1856. Her four children all grew to years of maturity, namely: .lames, who was a soldier in the Fifth Cavalry and subsequently re-enlisted and died in 1865; Elizabeth .1.. who married .lames McQuire and dieil in 1883 and Alfred R., our subject who i- now the only surviving child of his mother's little thick. The farm, the district school and the Mt. Zion Academy formed the scenes of the early training and discipline of our subject. lie left school in 1867 and the following year engaged in business at Bethany, having previously carried on for one year the buying and selling of live stock. His happy married life began in 1868, he being then united with Mary J. Smith, daughter of Samuel King Smith. This lady was horn in Kentucky in 1850 and is the happy mother of eighl children who hear the names of [da, Hugh, Ftha. Troy, Samuel Joseph. Augusta I!.. Smith Wilson, and Marie. This successful business man and hanker had hut a small capital upon which to base the begin- nings of his present expanded business. His abil- ities, especially in the line of finance, have brought him to the front and he has accumulated a hand- some property and is now building a fine residence which will he the pride of Bethany. Besides his enterprises at Bethany, he has also carried on from 1886 to the present year a general store at Cerro Gordo, which is not only a credit to that town. hut also a source of income to the proprietor. Both Mr. and Mrs. Scott are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and in its com- munion they are active workers. The K 1 1 i u 1 1 1 - Templar also claim this gentleman as one of their prominent members. His political views are in accordance with the platform of the Republican party and it is his earnest desire that none other than a Republican shall ever till the Presidential chair. As Supervisor of Marrowbone Township he was during his incumbency of that office the prominent promoter of every movement for the welfare of its citizens and the prosperity of the community. UGUST OTTA. A line representative of the foreign element that has been so po- tent in developing the varied resources of this counts'. Mr. Otta has won an import- ant place among its mosl intelligent farmers and stock-raisers, lie has extensive agricultural inter- ests iii Moweaqua and Penn Townships, his home be- ing in the former place. He was born in Brunswick, Germany. February 13, 1844, to Henry and Eliza- beth Otta, who were likewise natives of Brunswick. The father of our subject spent his entire life in his native land, dying there in 1848, Leaving a widow and six children. Henry, the eldest son, still reside- in Brunswick; William was a soldier in the Fourth Kansas Cavalry during the war be- tween the North and South, and gave Up his life for his adopted country: Fred died in Illinois; Minnie anil Lena are the names of the two daugh- ters of the familj . ( >ur subject was the \ oungest child of his parents, lie was hut four years old when his father died. and his mother cared for him until he became self- supporting, she lived for several years after COmingtO the United States with her children, and died at the home of a daughter in Madison ( ount v. in 1876. August attended school steadily until he was fourteen and obtained an excellent educa- tion 111 the schools of his native land. He was afterward employed on a farm by the year until 1861, when became to thiscountry with Ins mother and other members of the family. Setting sail from Bremer Haven on the vessel "North America" in September, and landing in New York after a voy- age of seven week- and two days. After his arrival in this country Mr. Otta came directly to Illinois and staid foj a lime in .Madison PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. :'.7 7 County, where he «as employed on a Farm al $50 a year. In 1863 be went to Macoupin County, and was engaged there as a farm laborer by the month until l.-*(!7. when became to ShelbyTTounty and entered upon his career as an independent rainier. He first bought eighty acres of land Oil section 24, of Moweaqua Township, on which stood a small log house. Hesoon erected a more commo- dious log house which the family occupied some years, and then erected the substantial and conven- iently arranged frame house in which they now live. A view of this residence may lie found on another page. In his farming operations he has met with more than ordinary success and has added to his original purchase from time to time until he has live hundred and eighty-five acres of well- improved land, lying in Moweaquaand Penn Town- ships. In the acquirement of his property Mr. Otta has received valuable assistance from his wife, to whom he was wedded in the fall of 1866. Mrs. Otta. who was formerly -Miss Augusta Durfrer. was liorn in Poland, and came to America with her parents when she was a child of four years. To her and our subject have been bom ten children — Henry. William. Annie. Lizzie. Caroline. Emma, Minnie. Clara. l!es>ie and llattie. Mr. Otta has a clear intellect, cool judgment and sound sense, and these traits, no less than a g 1 capacity for work and ready business tact, have gained him the honorable place that he occupies to-day among his fellow-farmers and makes him a good example of our self-made men. lie is well- informed, has a good general knowledge of politics. and in that regard holds himself independent of all parties, preferring to use his own judgment in voting for men and measures. Religiously he was reared in the Lutheran Church, and still holds to that faith. -M-++ •{••M-fr" f.V( 1IEL I). MULLEN. It being the purpose Of the biographical writer to record for the benefit of posterity the names and deeds of those worthy of remembrance, be would fail in his purpose were he to omit from this volume s e account, however brief , Of Mr. Mullen, who now represents Lowe Township on the Moultrie ( ounl\ Board of Supervisors. He has been the recipient of this honor, as well as others, from his fellow- citizens, who have recognized his sagacity and ability, and bave often called upon him to assist in the management of public affairs. The family of which Mr. Mullen is an honored member included six children, as follows — Harriet. Yachel 1).. Isabella, Harry. Mary and Edwin. The parents were Erancis ( . and Nancy (Dean) Mullen, natives respectively of Delaware and Indiana. They were married in Vigo County, Ind., where they first settled and whence they removed to Illi- nois in 1850. They settled in what is now Doug- las County, of which they have since been resi- dents. The father follows the avocation of a farmer, and is honorable and conscientious in his dealings with those about him. considerate and kindly in social and domestic life, and with his good wife enjoys the esteem of the community where they reside. Our subject, flic eldesl son in the family, was born September 28, 1845, upon an island in the Wabash River, in Vigo County. Ind. In the home of his birth he spent tin- first live years of his life, and was then broughl by his parents to Illinois. He grew to a stalwart manhood in Douglas County, where he attended fhe common schools of the district and learned l>\ experience many lessons even more valuable than those conned on the rude benches of the temple of learning, lie began his career a poor bow but put his shoulder to the wheel with so much energy that his presen.1 prop- erty is the result. For twenty years Mr. Mullen has received the active and devoted assistance of a faithful wife, who has shared his joys and sorrows, his hopes and disappointments, and who with him can now reap the harvest of the efforts of former years. This es- timable lady bore the maiden name of Catherine Crist, and was born in Muhlenberg ( ounty, Ky., February 22. 1848. The ceremony which united her in marriage with Mr. Mullen was performed in Don-las County. 111.. March 2. 1871, and after that important event the young couple settled in Lowe Township on section I. of which they have 378 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. since been residents. Their family comprises five children — Myra 1'... Alfred II.. Effie X.. .May and Winona. In his chosen life work, fanning, Mr. Mullen lias been greatly prospered, and one hundred and twenty acres now pay tribute t<> his care and culli- vation. In political affairs he takes a lively inter- est and is a prominent member of the Democrat party, lie has held the office of School Director, a position for which he was well qualified by edu- cation, deep interest in the cause and energy of character. Me was elected Supervisor of I. owe Township in the spring of 1889, and in that re- sponsible position is doing much to advance the interests of hi-, community. In his religious views he is liberal. He is one of the most enterprising and public spirited of men. and without neglecting his personal affairs finds time to do much to ad- vance the common welfare. ^=m>^ ever exerted to promote all move- ments Looking to the upbuilding of the township. The honored parents of our subject are spoken of more at length in a sketch of .Mr. 1). M. Crowder, which appears elsewhere in this volume. The reverend gentleman of whom we write is the seventh in order of age in a family of ten and was born in Marrowbone Township, Moultrie County, bul then Shelby County, March I. 1842. Here he received hi> earh training hoth upon tin' farm and in the district school, and afterward at- tended Mt. /.ion Academy, being for two years under the valuable tutorship of Dr. A. .1. Mc- Glumphy. His father's farm remained his home until tin' occurrence of a most important event in the life of the yowng man — his marriage, which took place in Taylorville, this State, August 13, 1862. He had taught in the meantime two win- ters and one summer in Marrowbone Township and then enlisted in the service of his country .Inly ."> 1 . 1862. joining Company A, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry, in which he served until August 1. 1K05. The wedded pair, so soon called to part by the the exigencies of war. hade each other farewell and the young private marched away under his coun- try's flag. He was soon promoted to a Sergeantey and was detailed as private secretary and confi- dential messenger to (Jen. Nathan Kimball in command of Second Division. Sixteenth Army Corps. He took part in the siege of Vicksburg and at the battle of Satarcia June 6, 1862, he suf- fered from sunstroke, lie also took part in the Arkansas expedition, the capture of Little Rock and the battles of Clarendon and Saline. In all of this experience he proved himself a valiant sol- dier, a loyal and devoted friend of the Union and an officer upon whom reliance might safely he placed. '•When the cruel war was over" the soldier re- turned to his wife and home in Marrowbone Township and resumed farming and stock-raising, in which he was engaged exclusively until 187.'?, when he took upon himself the vows of a Chris- tian minister. He first settled inCasner. Macon County, and later at Elwin, in the same county. Alter one year there he spent a year at Locust Grove, Shelly County, and a year at Pleasant Grove, Logan County, after which he returned to Casner for a year and was at Shiloh, DeWitl County, for three years. He was then located in Springfield, 111., for two years, and for two years at Oakland, Macon County, of which chinch he is the present pastor. During ten years of this pe- riod of his ministry he continued to reside upon his farm, which is a line tract of live hundred aere>. upon which he has erected a beautiful home and excellent farm buildings. The maiden name of Mrs. Crowder was Maggie A. Wear, and she is a daughter of .1. M. and Je- mima Wear, now deceased. She was horn in Fay- ette County. 111., October 11. 1845, and was given by her parents the best available opportunities for PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 379 an education. As a wife and mother she is faith- ful and judicious, as a neighbor is warmly appre- ciated and as a minister's wife is a true helper in the work of the Lord, she has seven children, namely: Ora J., the wife of Thomas Stables; Effic K.. now Mrs. T. X. Hunt; Hoherl M.. who married Miss Lilla K. Wellman; Delia and Earl. One child died in infancy and a little daughter, Katie J., etorship, and the farm of which he is owner, loeatcd on section 25, of Lovington Township shows evidence thai he has pul into practice his theories upon this subject. The original of our sketch is the son of David Jones who was a native of Cumberland County. Ky. His mother was Elizabeth Fiscus, also a native of that county. They removed at an was taken from her loving parents when she had early day to Morgan County, [nd., and there lived reached the am- of seven years. The Rev. Mr. Crowder has been a successful min- ister of the United Brethren Church, and under his preaching, which has been of an evangelistic nature, he has reason to believe that as many as fifteen hundred soids have found the way of life. He is a member of Post No. 176, G. A. R., and has been Chaplain of his post and a delegate to the State Encampment. In this connection he conceived the idea of organizing all the posts in the county, and as the result of his movement Moultrie County is thus organized. He is not only a devout Christian hut a broad- seeing and earnest man of public spirit, who is ever ready to sacrifice his persona] ambition for the welfare of the community. V y ^ACOB JONES. Although the competition in the agricultural business is vastly more yearly- year, new and improved methods and the aid which science has extended to the farmer, with the carrying facilities offered by railroads which are stretching out in every direc- tion in an intricate net work that covers even needy agricultural region, make the production so much greater, and the choice of markets so much easier that the yirgin freshness of the prairie soil an early advantage is more than counter balanced. There is not so much drudgery in the life of a farmer now as formerly. He can live and enjov it having time to perceive about him the beauties of nature, and to enter into sympathy with every branch of his calling. Our subject is one who appreciates the new method of agricultural propri- for forty years. Their decease took place at their homestead. Our subject was the second in order of birth in the parental family, which comprised eight children. He was horn October 2. 1837. in Morgan County, [nd. and was reared in his native place, remaining under the home roof until he came to Illinois in 18(12. Upon his advent into this State, he of whom we write at once came to Moultrie County and settled in Lovington Township, where he has since been a resident. The next most important event in his career, was his marriage, which took place in the village of Lovington, .Inly 26, 1863. His bride was Miss Mary E. (lore, a daughter of Allen (lore, for whose historj see biographical sketch ill another part of this volume. Mrs. Jones was born in Lovington Township, May 1. lxil. and until her marriage lived at home, learning the accom- plishments that were then fashionable for young ladies. Bui two children have come to gladden the home and be the prop and comfort of their parents' declining years. They arc by name Stanton A. and Lucy E. The original of our sketch has always devoted himself to the calling of a farmer and before he came to this State, while as a young man he had been well trained in the processes and methods b\ which agricultural life could be made financially successful, and since then by the introduction of improved machinery, he ha- learned how it can also be made pleasant and not so arduous as formerly. He is the owner here of eighty acres of land which is under good improvement. It is well located and fenced, and has a good class of buildings. The home is built for comfort rather than for show, and serves its purpose well. He has good barns and a line grade of stock. Politi- cally he is an adherent of the Republican partj 380 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and the lines of argumenl in governmental affairs arc such as appeal to trim as being the most reason- able and those that will conduce to the general growth of every department of life in the United States. He has held several local positions in the Township, having been School Director, whirl) position has been most satisfactorily filled. Mr, and Mrs. Jones are both members of the Christian Church, and are a warm hearted, generous people, ready to assisl in any measure that promises to benefit cither needy individuals or the general mass of humanity. Mr. Jones enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, March 1. 1865, in Company H, of the Eighteenth Illinois Regiment. He lii>t entered the army as a private and was soon promoted to the position of Corporal. He was engaged in service for one year and was mustered out at Pine Bluff, Ark., after which he returned to his old home in Moultrie County, where he has ever since been a resident. lie is a member of Post No. 354 of G. A. R. in Lovington. A quiet and unpretentious man. our subject is one whose example and precepts cannot but have their weight in any community, and il is needless to say thai they have been felt for good here in Lovington Township. He and his family are among the most highly respected residents in the Township. I ...mv . v . SHEPARD. A native of the ) Green Mountain Mate, our subject early imbibed the spirit of Yankee shrewdness ) which distinguishes the "down Easters," modified and blended by the influence thai his fa- ther as a professional man broughl into the family. His mother was a typical New England woman, with a large degree of ability, and deeply versed in all branches of the culinary art. one who governed her household with a firm hand, and ai the same time was gentle and mild. His father was Dr. Kos- well S hepard , a native of Barry, Vt, and his mother was Lydia (Sprague) Shepard, who was horn in Brimfield, that stale. The father practiced his pro- Cessioii in Vermont, Massachusetts and New York. and from the last named State removed to Pick- away County. Ohio, where he lived until his de- cease, which occurred in Palestine, that county. The widow of Dr. Roswell Shepard, came to Moultrie County and spent her last days with our subject, who had previous to this, settled here. lie was the third child in order of birth in a family of five children, three of whom are living': Neman died when two years old. and Ilamhlin died after reaching maturity; he was killed in Shrevesport.'La. Henry C. was horn in Montpelier, Vt., May 1 1, 1826, he was thirteen years of age when his father went to Pickaway County, Ohio. There he grew to man- hood, continuing to live under his father's roof until lsll. when he determined to strike out in a new direction for himself, and to see what the world contained for a young man with strength, energy and ambition. He engaged in various kinds of business, and for a time was employed by A. Mc- Crea in the dry-goods business, during which time he farmed two hundred and fifty acres of land. This was in 1854, the dryest year known up to the present time. After his advent into this county, our subject wa- engaged for a period of three years in farming and dealing in stock, at the expiration of which time he returned to l'ickway County, and there re- mained until 1879. He was engaged in trading, and during the war. was occupied as sutler in the army for two or three years. After that he went to Franklin County. Ohio, and was there' married. December 11, 1862, to Miss Jennie Armstrong, who was horn in Columbus, Ohio, she was a daughter of William Armstrong. This gentleman died at the age of ninety-three years. By this marriage he of whom we write became the father of two chil- dren: Harry D.. a resilient of Columbus, Ohio; and William A., who lives on his father's farm in Lov- ington Township. Mrs. Jennie shepard died Au- gust '!'>. 1867, deeply mourned by husband and sons. In I S7i* Mr. Shepard returned to Moultrie County and settled on section 2. Lovington Township, where he has since been a resident, since his re- turn he has been engaged ill general farming, and ha.- made a specialty of the breeding of line horses. having some thoroughbreds upon his place that PORTRAIT AND BIO 1RAPHICAL RECORD. 38J have been registered. He also is the owner of some fine Short-horn cattle, and breeds the same. He is the proprietor of two hundred and forty acres of land which boasts the best of improvements. His buildings are first class, and the appointments of his place show him to be a thorough farmer and general manager. Politically Mr. Shepard has always fraternized with the Democratic party, and although personal worth is more to him than party favor, he recog- nizes the fact that divided allegiance does not tend to the strengthening of government, lie has Idled the office of Highway Commissioner most accept- ably. After his marriage, the original of our sketch purchased a large farm in Pickaway County, Ohio, which he carried on in connection with stock breed- ing :ind dealing. Although a portion of his time spent in Ohio was passed in Columbus, which was the city of his residence, he carried on general farming for the greater portion of his lime. In 1K7."> he undertook the management of a larger tract of land, comprising about one thousand acres, at the same time operating his own farm. He also had charge of ten miles of turnpike, and settled three estates which entailed no small amount of work and time. In L855, when our subject first came to Moultrie County, he rode on horseback from Pickaway County, Ohio, to Lovington, and although the journey must have been tedious and tiresome, no such idea of the resources and nature of the land can be gained now-a-days in our whirls by night and day over hundreds of miles, as in the equestrian journey, enjoyed at that time, by our subject. A man of many resources. Mr. Shepard has been able to meet and disarm every unfavor- able barrier to his progress in life, lie is a success- ful farmer and an intelligent man. possessing personally, great advantages. A line conversa- tionalist, his experience with men and his dealings in various fields, have given him a knowledge of human nature that enables him to en joy it in all it- phases. No rascal so smooth or finished hut who. to him. has some redeeming trait. No man SO good, hut that he has his frailties that are to he condoned. Although he has been so largely engaged in busi- ness, with so much to occupy his time anil atten- tion in the various periods of his career his pass- word to success has ever been thoroughness and an adherence to the principles of rectitude and honor. His >ons arc men grown, who have taken upon themselves the responsibilities of life, and have es- tablished homes of their own. Harry I>. married Miss Nora Shirey. and is the head of a pleasant home; William A., who married Miss Marietta Marks, is a farmer in Lovington Township, and young as he is. has already acquired a reasonable degree of success. m AMES II. VADAK1N. M. I).. Ph. O.. is a practicing physician at llelhanv. well-known in this part of the State as for ten years lie has been here an extensive merchant. He was horn in Sullivan. 111.. March 30, lSlil and is a son of Henry F. and Aseneth (Clemmons) Vada- kin. The former was a native of the Green Moun- tain State where the Yadakin family has lived for several generations, the paternal grandfather of our subject being there a miller at an early day. Philip Yadakin. grandfather of him of whom we write, came to this State in an early day and set- tled in East Neslon Township. Moultrie County, where he wa- about the first settler. He it was. who platted and laid out the town, which was in- tended originally to become the County Seat of Moultrie County, he having settled previous to the formation of the county. 'There he passed his re- maining years and his remains lie interred in East Nelson Township. The father of our subject was but a boy when the family came to what was then the far West. but young as he was, he performed the duties of driver, from Vermont to [llinois, hisbeastsof bur- den being a yoke of oxen. He was studious and fond of books, and was his own teacher to a great degree. He entered the public schools as a teacher and saving the money that he earned in this way. he was enabled before a great while to engage ill business at Sullivan, about the time that place be- came the county -eat. His firsl effort in a business 382 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. way was made in general merchandise, and later he engaged in the drug trade, although the last busi- ness with which he occupied himself was thai of a grocer. Some years before his death he retired from active business life, being enabled to live comfortably on the interesl of whal he had accu- mulated, having been successful in business. His deatli occurred in 1888. The mother of our subject was born in Shelby County, she beinga second cousin of Samuel Clem- mons, better known under his nom de plume of Mark Twain. She died in 187:3. Both parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and were deeply interested in the spread of the Gospel work. Politically the father was a Demo- crat and during the latter part of his life held the post of Coroner of this county. They were the parents of five sous and two daughters. Three of the sons, however, died in infancy, and only four children are now living! 1891), namely: Dora. Mrs. Kilner, of Sullivan; Aggie is the wife of W. B. Townsend and resides in Shelhyville; .lames II. our subject, andEdwai'd Lincoln who is the editor of the Forest City Times at Forest City, Ark. The original of our sketch received his early edu- cation in the public schools of Sullivan and is a graduate of the Rockford High School and also of Becker's Business College at Rockford, 111., after which he entered the School of Pharmacy at Car- bondale, this State, from which he was graduated in 1882. Thus fitted for active life, in the same year In- established a drug business at Bethany. having previously clerked in a drug store at Sullivan. To this business he added a general stock of g Is and carried on a large and succcss- t'ul trade. During these years he also engaged iii the manufacture of patent medicines, among them being "Casterole," "Vadakm's [nstanl Re- lief," -sticky Fly Paper," and some fifty other things, and being a thorough business man and a liberal advertiser at that time, his remedies soon became known. Throughout his liusincss career, he had been constantly engaged in reading medicine and in 1890 entered the Kentucky School of .Medicine. That same year he graduated in microscopy, sur- gery and chemistry. In 1891 he graduated in the full medical course, receiving the degree of M. D. with highest honors. A diploma for bacteriology was also conferred upon him. During his college course he acted as assistant demonstrator in sur- gery, microscopy and pathology, assisting Dr. Matthews in treating diseases of the rectum. On leaving the college he was the recipient of tine testimonials from his preceptors. In 1891, our subject sold his general business at Bethany and gave his entire attention to his pro- fession. In 1883 Dr. Vadakin was united in mar- riage to Nora M. daughter of W. L. T. Meacham.a. merchant at Waverly, HI., and successor to the Doctor in his business at Bethany. Mrs. Vadakin was born in Waxerly this State. May 1. L864. She has presented her husband with three children: Diamond is the only one living, and is a sunny tempered child of seven years; the two youngest whose names were Ruby and Pearl, died in child- hood. The latter was but five years of age •when her death occurred at Louisville. Ivy., June Li. 1891. The little thing was bright and had a re- markable voice for one so young. Politically the original of our sketch is a Demo- crat although he gives but small attention to poli- tics, except to perform his duties as a citizen. Both he and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Socially he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and also of the Modern Woodmen of America, being Camp Physician of said fraternity. He is also local sur- geon for the Peoria. Decatur >V Fvansville Rail- road. AMUEL S. ANDERSON. A beautiful farm ^s£ on section 19, Lovington Township, is the J) home of Mr. Anderson and his interesting family. His estate consists of one hun- dred and twenty acres all under cult ivat ion. sup- plied with a complete set of farm buildings and fittingly adorned with trees and shrubs. The per- fect tillage of the broad fields, the good arrange- ment of the buildings and the appearance of home comfort which is manifest, make the farm one of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 383 the most attractive seen by a passing traveler. Mr. Anderson gives his attention to genera] farming in which he is more than ordinarily successful. Mr. Anderson was born in Licking County, Ohio, .March LO, 1834, and is the son of William and Elizabeth (McKibben) Anderson, natives of Wash- ington County, l'a. The parents Srs1 settled in Washington County removing thence to Licking County, Ohio, where the father died in 1840. The mother survived many years, coming West to Moul- trie County and dying in the village of Lovington August •'!. 1885. They had a family of ten chil- dren, of whom our subject was the seventh in or- der of birth. He was reared to manhood in his native place, receiving the advantages of a good com in i in -school education and assisting his widowed mother in the maintenance of the family. In September, 1856, Mr. Anderson removed from the Buckeye State to Illinois, locating in Moultrie County and entering upon farming operations. He had been reared upon a farm and having a natural aptitude for agriculture, naturally chose it for his life work. He has been successful in his chosen avocation and has received in ever j enter- prise the cheerful co-operation of his wife, with whom he was united in marriage in Lovington Township, June :*. 1859. Mrs. Anderson bore the maiden name of Phelie Bushfield and is adaughter of the late George and Mary (McKeever) Bushfield. She was born in Perry County. Ohio, in January. 1841, and accompanied her parents to this county. Her refinement and culture win for her warm friends wherever she is known, while her hospital- ity and kindliness of heart are well known. Whitley Township was the first home of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson after their marriage and there they remained two years, improving their farm and be- coming known as good neighbors and estimable citizens. Their next home was in Lovington Township where they havesince resided, and where. .•!■* above stated, he has become the owner of one hundred and twenty acres of fine land. His estate with its commodious residence and substantial out- buildings shows what may be accomplished by unceasing perseverance and good business manage- ment. He may, in the truest sense of the word, be called a self-made man. for when he started out u for himself he had no capital save good health and untiring energy. Now his finely improved farm stands as a lasting monument of his efforts. Politically Mr. Anderson isa Democrat although in voting for local elections he is independent and always easts his ballot for the candidate whom he thinks will best represent the people. Mr-. An- derson is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and lie is a believer in ami supporter of the doctrines of Christianity. He pos- sesses in a full degree those sterling traits of char- acter which mark a good man and a worthy citizen. who is always true to himself and to others, and conscientiously discharges every duty that devoh es upon him. ffiOHN T. LOVING. We are pleased to men- tion among the prominent families of Dora Township, Moultrie County, the Loving family, which has been, in its various mem- bers, identified with the interests of this county for many years. A brother of our subject appears in another biographical sketch in the pages of this Record and the one of whom we now write, who is the Supervisor of the township, residing on .sec- tion 22, dates his residence in the counts from the year 1867. He is a son of Jasper D. and Maria .1. (Messer) Loving and was bom in McLean County, April 1!». 1863, being upon the same day when his grandfather. Taylor Loving, expired. Fuller de- tails of the history of the family reaching back to previous generations will be found in the bio- graphy <>f Frank M. Loving. Our subject was but four years old when the family came to Moultrie County, and here he received his education in the district schools and grew up to undertake the arduous but pleasant pursuit of a farmer. I. aura F. Harper was the maiden name of the lady who united her fortunes with his in marriage. December 29, 1881. She is a daughter of David and Mary Ann (McMullen) Harper and was bom in Ross County, Ohio, December 1*. 18(11. She made the acquaintance of our subject while on a visit to Moultrie County. 384 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and they were married after her return to Madi- son County, Ohio. They have had one son, Clyde, who was taken from their anus by death at the age of twenty-two months. Mr. Loving owns eighty acres of land, the same being a portion of the old homestead. In the spring of IMS 1 he removed to Montgomery County, Kan., where he remained until 1889, when he returned to Illinois, although he still retains his ownership in the eighty acres of land which he acquired while there. lie has made all the improvements which have been placed upon his home farm, and his residence is a pleasant one and delightfully situated.. In political matters he is independent of party ties and is now serving his second term as Supervisor. Loth he and his good wife are prominent members of the Christian Church in which they are counted a* faithful helpers. *^^l[ m> KSl [ KNHY ('. WOOD. It has been said that *' merit is the only distinction, and none will deny that those who have been industrious, (^) frugal and honest, are deserving of recog- nition by their fellow-men. These qualities have characterized Mr. Wood in his dealings with man- kind, his labor for personal advancement and his connection with social affairs, lie has for many years been numbered among the influential farmers of Moultrie County, having a goodly tract of land on section III. I. owe Township. He raises on his two hundred acres crops of various grains, equal in quality and quantity to any in the neighbor- hood, and has also erected good liarns and com- modious OUt-buildingS for the storage of grain and shelter of stock. Mr. Wood is tin' son of Eli and Nancy (Moon) Wood, natives of North Carolina and Virginia re- spectively. Very early in life they came to Indi- ana, whence they removed to Illinois in 1 S 1 7. locating in what is now Douglas County. They there remained until called hence ley death. The father was an energetic and upright man. univer- sally esteemed and respected. The parental family included five daughters and two sons, our subject being the sixth in order of birth. Knox County. Ind.. was his birthplace and his natal day Novem- ber 9, 1845. When he was one and a half years old he was brought to Illinois by his parents and giew to a vigorous manhood amid the pioneer scenes of Douglas County. When our subject was about fifteen years old he was bereaved by the death of his father, after which he made his home with an uncle, Martin Wood, for two years. He then worked out as a farm laborer for three years and gained a practical knowledge of the best way of carrying on a farm, lie was less than twenty when he enlisted, April. 1865, in Company F, Eighteenth Illinois Infantry, and served until the close of the war. When peace was declared he returned to Illinois and once more resumed the pursuits of civil life. He first located in Piatt County and for one year worked out by the month, after which he engaged in agri- culture on his own account in Moultrie County. of which he has since been a resident. On October I'll. L866. in Piatt County. 111.. Henry C. Wood and Miss Ann Shultz were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. This lady, who was a native of Kentucky, died in Lowe Township, August 26, IHH.'). Their four children were named as follows: Ida M., now- the wife of George II. Erhardt, Eva, Lucy 1!. and Robert W. Mr. Wood was again married, choosing as his wife Miss Mar- tha A. Thurman. who was bom in Pulaski County. Ivy.. August to, 1845. The marriage was solem- nized in Somerset, Ky.. November 111. 1889, and has proved a congenial union. Mrs. Wood is a lady whose intelligence is universally recognized and whose hospitality and geniality are well known. A man of unblemished reputation and sound understanding. Mr. Wood occupies a place in the community among the very best citizens. He is a member of the New Light Church, to which his first wife also belonged. His present wife is a member of the Baptist Church. In his political affiliations he is a Democrat and has served as School Director two terms. He has always fol- lowed agricultural pursuits and in his chosen avo- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 387 cation has accumulated the means which enable him al tlic present time to surround himself and family with the comforts justly the reward of those who work industriously and studiously. !*+$ • L J=T OSEPH CHESSHIRE. The noiseless and inaudible fool of time has so stealthily passed over the sixty-six years thai our sub- ject numbers since his natal day, that he is only aware of its passage by seeing grown up about him sons and daughters who have reached manhood and womanhood, and who have families of their own. At sixty-six a man is in the prime of his vigor, and to hear the little grandchildren pertly telling of things thai have come within their young knowledge thai arc new to the man seems an encroachment upon his rights and perquisites. It is not the years that makes us old. ft is the little ones that crowd us. Our subject resides on section 20, in Rural Township, Shelby County, his residence in the county dating from the spring of 1866. He was born in Hampshire County, W. Va., September 6, 1 825, and is a son of Obadiah and Sarah (Switcher) Chesshire, who were natives of Hampshire County, \V. Va., the mother being of German descent. The parents lived and died in their native State, having pursued the calling of agriculture from their earli- est efforts at making a living for themselves. The mother died aboul 1857, the father following her about 1867. Our subject is one of fifteen children, of whom twelve lived to reach years of maturity. Two of these, our subject and une sister, Margaret, came t<> I Hi in lis and made themselves homes. Joseph ( 'hes- shiie was reared mi the home farm where lie re- mained until his marriage, which took place I le- eember 1. 1850. His bride was Miss Ruth Lupton who was born in Hampshire County, W. Va., April 16, 1831. In the fall of 1855 Mr. Chesshire with his family came to Illinois, lirst stopping in Sanga- mon ( 'ounty. The winter (it 1855-56 was very severe and Mr. ( hesshire resolved that he would nut stav long in Ihis State, lull when spring Came and under the fervid sun the spring flowers starred the prairie with a thousand colors, the aspect of the country was entirely changed and he concluded that in so fertile a land he could endure an occasional draw- back in the way of a severe winter. They settled in Sangamon (.'ounty and there remained aboul lour years, then went to Christian County where they staid six years. At the end of this time they came to Shelby County where they purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land from the Illinois Central Railroad Company. The land was then raw prairie, but as the years have passed and tin- efforts of his labors appeared in fertile fields and orchards of fine fruit trees, it has liecoine a tirst- class farm, upon which there is a comfortable dwell- ing that is provided with all the appliances for making life as pleasant as possible. Our subject and his amiable wife are the parents Of eight children, of whom six lived to lie grown. They are Frances, .lane. Rachael, Lucinda. Sarah A. and Michael \Y. Frances is the wife of Samson Shivers; .lane was twice married and now resides in Nebraska; Rachael is the wife of William Heimes; Lucinda was married to John McDonald and resides in Rural Township. Politically, our subject favors the Independent parly, although he was originally a Democrat. He has filled several local offices, having been Road Commissioner and also School Director. He is associated with the licst men in the township in working for the ele- vation and improvement of everything thai can give lone to the locality. In connection with his biographical sketch the attention of the reader is invited to a lithographic portrait of Mr. Chesshire, presented elsewhere in this volume. ,* , b-, w , W - l. f i ' i ' i ' * i YRON CHEEVER. One of the besl char- acteristics of a true gentleman is gentleness and kindness to the beings that are depen- dent upon him for care and protection. Especially is this true when dumb brutes arc the Objects of the care. He of whom we write is a 388 PORTRAIT AND BI GRAPHICAL RECORD. lover of horses with all which that beautiful word implies as to tenderness and protective care of the objects of hi.s affections. While he breeds upon his fine farm of two hundred acres located on section 27. of Lovington Township, Moultrie Comity, some very fine horses, he is not satisfied with this alone, but so cultivates the host traits in the horses under his care that they are almost human in their understanding of the sympathy of the higher ani- mal. Our subject is a son of Nathan Cheever. a ph \ sician who was born in Delaware County, Ohio. April 13, 1818. Our subject's mother was Mai y Ann Hubbard in her maiden days and she was a native of Pickaway County, Ohio, where she was born April III, 1828. They were married in the last named county and State, September 22. 1842. and settled in Franklin County of the same State, where they resided over three years, from there removing to Waterloo. Fayette County, Ohio. where they made their home for eleven years, dur- ing which time the father was engaged in the practice of his profession. From that place they removed to Jefferson County, Iowa, where Nathan Cheever entered eight hundred acres of land and purchased eighty- acres of improved land, upon which they settled. During the time that they ic mained in Jefferson County, he was engaged in the practice of his profession in which he continued until 1857, when the family removed to this county, and settled in Lovington, where the old gentleman continued to practice until 1875, then he retired from active professional life. He con- tinued to reside in Lovington until his death. which occurred November 23, 1884. The maternal grandparents of him of whom we write were Jacob and Hester Ann Asher. both of whom were natives of Ohio, the former passing away in Pickaway County. Ohio, and the laltei dying in this county and State. The parent- of Byron Cheever saw grow up about them six chil- dren and of this family our subject was the only son. lb- was born in Fayette County. Ohio. September 22. 1818. and was almost nine years old when his parents came to Lovington where lie grew to manhood. The young man was educated in tin' common schools of the district in which he lived. Like most boys, he was brimming with mischief, but managed to acquire the branches that were most valuable to him in a business life and his mind continued to develop until he became a well edu- cated and cultured gentleman. The original of our sketch continued 1o make his home with his father until he was twenty-two years of age. At this time he was married, his wedding being celebrated October 20, 1*70, and his bride being Miss Eliza V. Nichols, a daughter of James H. and Hester (Wingate) Nichols, the former probably being a native of Maryland, and the latter of Delaware. Mrs. Cheever's parents were married in Delaware and made their lirst home in Maryland, the father being engaged in the occupation of carpentry. They came to this county and State in 1 8(12. and settled in Lovington. where lie followed his trade and resided until the time of his deceased. The mother passed away from this life January 27. 1863. The father died May 14. 1869. They had live children and of these Mrs. Cheever was the youngest. She was born in Caro- line County. Md.. March Hi, 1850. After marriage our subject and wife settled in Lovington and for the first year thereafter he was engaged in farming, and then engaged in the mer- cantile business for a period of seven years, after which time he devoted himself to the grain luisi- ness, in which he dealt extensively, buying and shipping to the Metropolitan markets. He also was the proprietor of the hotel known as the Cen- tral House, continuing in the charge of this for two years. He then removed to his farm just north of Lovington. to the cultivation and improvement of which he has since devoted himself. His farm is devoted mostly to breeding purpose.- and sonic of the finest horses that are raised in the county, may be seen here. Mr. and Mrs. Cheever are the parents of six chil- dren whose names are as follows: Will I... Her- bert F.. Frank I'... Lillie E., Henry O. and Adah F.. all of whom are bright and interesting young peo- ple, promising to be the comfort and solace of their parents' declining years. Mr. Cheever has always taken an active interest in political affairs the Republican party being the object of his faith and devotion and receiving from him his influence PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RF.CORD. 389 and vote. He has occupied a number of the local offices, having tilled the oilier of Justice of the Peace since the spring of 1890, and having also satisfactorily discharged the duties of many other township otliees. Socially our subject is a member of the Masonic fraternity and also belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America. He is. besides, a member of the Knights of Pythias. He of whom we write is al the present time just appiQaching the best and most mature portion of his life and the tine business qualifications that he possesses in- sure for him the privilege of enjoying all the com- forts that good financial position insure. AMES ELLARS. Illinois gave freely of her wealth and of her men to the defense of the Union when the call came from President Lincoln for troops to suppress the War of the Rebellion. All over her broad prairies you may now find men living in quiet retirement up- on whose breasts may be seen the modest decora- tion of the Grand Army of the Republic, or who. perhaps unbadged, still keep in their hearts the memory of their days and nights upon the battle- field and upon the march. Such will ever find cordial recognition and a hearty approval from every patriotic man or woman, and among them we are pleased to mention the prosperous farmer aiid stock-dealer residing at Arthur. Moultrie County, whose name we have placed al the head of this paragraph. Mr. Hilars settled in Lowe Township in the spring of 1868, and at that time purchased two hundred and forty acres of land on section 2 1 where there were but feu improvements. Madi- son County Ohio, had been his birthplace, October is. 1 842, and the excellent couple who gave him his birth and training were Benjamin and Priscilla ( Harrison ) Hilars. The family came to Illinois in 1852, settling upon a tract of unbroken prairie in what was then known as Coles County, but which is now included in Douglas County. At that date settlers were few in that section, but deer were abundant and could be seen grazing upon the prairie as plenti- fully as the cattle of to-day. There the father of our subject improved three hundred and twenty acres of rich prairie soil and remained for two years. In 1854 he decided to prospect about a little more before settling- for a permanent home, and started for Iowa, traveling overland with his team. The first night of his journey he stopped at Monticello, Ilk. and as he was taking a loaded gun from a wagon it was accidentally discharged and the shot penetrated his lungs. This accident crippled him so that he gave up his journey and finding that he was unable to do farm work he sold his land and undertook the management of a small country store, lie then purchased a store in Bourbon, which he carried on for a number of years until his health was sufficiently recovered for him again to undertake agricultural pursuits. lie resided in Missouri from 1H70 to 1881, after which he returned to Illinois and died in Douglas County in 1ISK2. at the age of sixty-seven years. His faithful wife, who was the mother of ten chil- dren, had been taken from his side by death sonic years previous to his demise. He of whom we write was eight years old when the family settled in Illinois and the Prairie Stale has been his home from that day to this. In 1861 he entered the service of his country, enlisting in Company V. Second Illinois Cavalry, and did brave service for two years and six months. When his term of service expired in the Second Cavalry he re-enlisted, and was then commissioned as Sec- ond Lieutenant in the fourth United States Cav- alry, with which he fought until December. 1864, when he resigned and went home. He returned t « > Douglas County, and since the war has devoted himself to farming and dealing in live stock, carry- ing on this double avocation with such siinr" that he now owns eight hundred and eighty acres of excellent land, and is looked upon as one of our prosperous farmers. Since January. 1M7.">. he has made his residence in the village of Arthur. A happy wedded life began for our subject in January, 1867, when he was married to Harriet 1*. Keeder. a daughter of John A. and Mary Reeder. This ladv was born in Ohio. 1843, and there re- 390 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ceived an excellenl education as well as practical training in home duties, both of which have fitted her t<> he what she now is. nol onlj a leader in social circles, bu1 a capable and notable housewife, a faithful wife and :i judicious mother. One son only has blest this marriage, namely: Orla 1... who has established a home for himself, having taken as liis bride Miss May Crumbar. Tin' declarations of the Republican party embody very fully the po- litical belief of Mr. Ellars, and he consistently casts his vote for the candidates of that party, lb' is nut in any sense a politician or a wire-puller, but believes it to lie the duty Of every citizen to speak his mind through the ballot in regard to all mat- ters of public interest. NDREW WILSON SCOTT, the leading merchant of Bethany, Moultrie County, > has been in the business in this place since 1876. lie was horn in .Alt. Zion, Macon County, 111., September 25, 1848, and is a son of Jehu and Mary (Wilson) Scott, natives of Tennes- see, and the paternal grandfather bore the name of James Scott. More will lie learned of this excel- lent and prominent family by consulting the bio- graphy of A. R. Scott. Among the vers early settlers of Mt. Zion were the parents of our subject, who came from Tennes- see to Illinois, and located one mile south of Mt. Zion, where they proceeded to cultivate the laud, and passed their remaining years. They became the owner- of some eighl hundred acres of land. and placed upon them substantial and handsome improvements. They were both earnest members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and are now both deceased. Two children onlj of their number grew to man's estate, of whom our sub- ject is the older, and his brother, Alexandei B., is a farmer at Mt. Zion anil a partner of Andrew in business, the firm name being A. W. Scott A- l'.lo. Thorough and systematic training upon the farm, and drill in the common school of Mt. Zion. was supplemented in th ur subjed h\ a course of study which he took in the university at Lincoln. 111. After leaving school he came to Bethany and engaged as a clerk in the -tore of A. R. Scott, and ill a few yeai S became a partner ill the business under the firm Style of A. 1!. A- A. W. Scott. Some three years later he became sole pro- prietor of the business, and afterward associated with him as a partner Mr. .1. L. McCoy, the firm then being Scotl A McCoy, but in March. 1891, this was succeeded by the linn of A. \\ . Scott A' Bro. Ever since its inception this store has been the largesl and the leading business place of Beth- any, and it has had its own effect upon the mer- cantile life of the place. .Mr. Scott was in 1874 united in marriage with Sarah .1. Mott, daughter of Joseph Mott.of Prince- ton, Ky., which was the place of her nativity. One son, Walter, blessed this union. He was a very promising boy. and at the time of his death he had charge of the hooks of the firm, and was at the same time carry inn on his studies. He would have graduated from the schools at Bethany with the (lass of '92, but he was snatched from this happy home by death. April 15, 1891, at the age of four- teen pears. II.I.1AM M. RICHARDS, who ,,wn- the / line farm located on section 32, of Rich- vV kind Township, is a son of 1'. V. Richards, a native of Pennsylvania. His mother was Eliza- beth (Mechling) Richards and was horn in Perrj County, (thio. After marriage the parents settled in Ohio hut removed to Missouri, and in 1861, just previous to the breaking out of the Civil War. they came to Shelby County, this State, where the mother died in Prairie Township and the father passed away ill Richland Township. They were the parent- of thirteen children and of these our subjed i- the second in order of birth. William M. Richards was horn in Perry County, Ohio, October 27. 1840. When he was hut two years of age hi- parent- removed to Allen County. Ohio, and there the\ settled upon a farm. Here he passed the greater part of In- boyhood life. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 391 remaining with his father until lie was aboul twenty-five years of age. During this time he w;is engaged in agricultural labors on the home farm :unl in tlu j intervals of thai work was occu- pied by the application to school studies.and being apt al his books, he acquired a good practical knowledge of the branches thai are mosl essential to a business man. lie of whom we write was married in Prairie Township, July 1. 1865. His wife's maiden name was Miss Man .1. Renner. She had, however, been previously married and at the time of her marriage with our subject, was Mrs. McMillen. she was born in Prairie Township, November 6, 1843. After marriage they made their home in Prairie Township for two years and then purchased the farm whereon they now reside in Richland Town- ship. His farm al the presenl time comprises four hundred and sixty acres and upon ii he has made good improvements. He is a prosperous farmer who is justly successful in his chosen career and calling. The latest improvements in machinery and farm implements are employed in the cultiva- tion of the place. His stock is of the besl class and his buildings are good and substantial. His dwelling is located on a slighl eminence thai com- mands a i harming view of the surrounding coun- try. It is surrounded by Bne shade and fruit tiers. The interior arrangemenl is made with a sole view to the com fori and convenience of the occupants. Mr. Richards and Ids wife became the parents of eighl children, whose names are as follows: .\an<\ M., Samuel ( .'.. Elizabeth F.. John P., Simon A.. Mary ('.. Franklin W. and Ann B. The eldest daughter is now the wife of Rev. John B. Webb and is a ureal assistance to her husband in his work. Samuel ( . married Miss Elizabeth Duncan and has a pleasant home of his own. Elizabeth K. died when sixteen years of age, when life spread before her so promising a prospect. Mrs. Mary J. Richards died in Richland Town- ship December 27, 1890. Since girlhood she had been a member of the Baptist Church, and was an ardent worker in the spread of the Gospel. Mr. Richards is also a member of the Baptist Church. Our suhjeet has always been engaged in farming and agricultural pursuits, and although he has reached the meridian of life is not so set in his Opinions that he cannot progress with the times. since the formation of tin.' Prohibition party he has allied himself with it. believing in the purity of its principle and purpose. For many years he has held tl Ilice of Deacon in the Baptist Church. -^Mlili H II* ILLIAM CALVIN HOLTON, a retired / farmer residing at Arthur, became a resi- Vy dent of Moultrie County, in 1871, at which date hi' settled on section 2. Lowe Township. He was born in Claiborne County, Tenn., February 2o. 1835, his honored parents being James W. and Martha (Goines) Holton, both of whom had their birth in Tennessee. In 1 8 1 7 the family removed from that State to Pulaski County, Kv., where the mother was called from them h\ death some thirty years ago. The bereaved father remained there with his family for many years, lint in 1888 came to Illinois and died in Moultrie County, not long after his removal to this State. lie had a truly patriarchal family of nine daughters a ml three sons, William being the eldest of the sons. Our subject was twelve years old when the fam- ily settled in Kentucky and he there grew to a \ ig- orous young manhood, receiving a practical drill upon the farm which has ever been of benefit to him both physically and in a business way. Amanda .1. Tl iuinaii.ii lovely young Kentucky lady. became his bride January II, 1855, she was horn in December 25, 1835, and is the daughter of Mar- shall Thurman, who was well known in thai region. Young Mr. Holton came to the Prairie State ten years after his marriage and renting land in Doug- las County continued there until 1871; when he removed to Moultrie County and settled upon a beautiful tract of unimpn ved land, to which he gaA e his undivided i and which he brought from its wild cond its presenl productive and highly cultured state. He is now the owner of two eleganl farms, comprising some two hund- red and thirty acres in all and upon each of them 392 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. be has placed excellent improvements. In the spring of 1889 lie removed to the village of Arthur although he still con tinned to carry i>n the farm until lS'Jl when he placed it in the hands of a ten- ant, lie is now enjoying the pleasahthome which he built for himself in Arthur and without the care of a farm is receiving the benefits of his for- mer labors and enterprise. The live children who have blest this home are John l\.. Lucy (wife of George Ketzel), William, llattie (Mrs. A. Kinney), and Cordelia. The principles of the Republican party very clearly define the political views of Mr. llollon and his earnest efforts and advocacy are given to securing the success of this party. _ i=i. ~l— I £+£ B_ B" ()1IN GOETZ. .Many a man who is now a prosperous and successful farmer in Illinois began life as did the subject of our sketch, without means in a material sense and with no endowments except those of his own personal- ity. John (ioetz was possessed in boyhood of sturd) health, a determination to succeed and in- domitable energy, pluck and pel-severance. With these he lias achieved a success which is an honor to himself and worthy the consideration of the biographer. Our subject was born in Germany on Christmas day, 1830, and lie had his training and -education in his native land and there spent his youth and early manhood until he was twenty-three years old. He had heard much of America as a land of freedom and a country where a broader opportunity awaited a yonng man of enterprise and he resolved to come io this land, and left home and friends in thespring of 1854, landing in New York City and coming directly' West. He had learned shoemaking in his native land and in Chic-aye he spenl between three and four years working at this trade. lie finally decided that he preferred country to City life and finding an opening for the employment of his abilities at his trade in Sullivan, Moultrie County, he removed here in the spring of 1858 and was thus employed for about fourteen years. Agri- cultural pursuits now presented themselves to him as a broader and more promising field of operations, and he purchased a farm on section :?4, Marrow- hone Township, and removing his family here began its oulivation. Here he has found content and prosperity and now owns five hundred and sixty- seven acres, all in Moultrie County. It was not until after Mr. Goetz came to Sulli- van that he entered into a matrimonial alliance! He was here united with Elizabeth Cratz, who was born in Moultrie County. 111., and who brought to her husband three children. Two died in infancy and the one who is living is Mary, now the wife of Amnion Davis. After the death of Mrs. Eliza- beth Goetz her husband was united in marriage in Marrowbone Township to Mrs. Isabella Daisy, who bore her husband one child. An don, who died in Marrowbone Township. Mr. Goetz's third wife bore the maiden name of Angie Westfali and her one child was named Perry E.; she also passed from earth in early womanhood and Mr. Goetz then mar- ried Eliza Bushart. Excellent buildings and all the appurtenances necessary for the successful prosecution of farm work have been placed upon Mr. Goetz's farm. He is a member of the Christian Church, and in his political views is in sympathy with no party but is governed in his vote by his own judg- ment and casts his ballot for the best man for the place. He is public spirited and ever active in the promotion of any movement which looks to the upbuilding of the community either socially or industrially. ^W^ ORENZO II. TURNER. The majority of men who have attained high position either in public affair.-, commercial life, or litera- ature, have spent the early part of life in the en- joyment of bucolic peace and quiet. The mind i* like a field, which having been allowed to lie fal- low for a linn- produces the richest harvests. Our subject, Lorenzo Turner, who was brought up on a farm ha- become one of the most influential men in the state of Illinois, and in mental calibre he PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 393 ranks well with the representatives of any state. The years passed upon his father's farm were full of development to the lad whose eager mind ab- sorhed each fact, and in the crucible of 1 1 is- reason- ing powers*he lias distilled the pure waters of truth. Early acquiring the habil of studying human na- ture, he has found it to be of greal use to him tliroughoul his career. Men to him arc as open books, to be read at pleasure. Horn of Southern parents, our subject inherits the suavitj and gallantry for which the Virginians arc noted, and also their eloquence in speech. His father, .lames Turner, was horn in Bucking- ham County. Ya.. in 1799. His mother was Elsie (Pendleton) Turner, also a native of Buckingham County, and horn aboul 1795. There they were reared and there they married, settling in their native county, but about four years after their marriage they emigrated to Wilson County. Tenn. This was about 1823, and in lx:i() they came to Effingham County, where they died on the place which they had entered from the Government. Our subject was horn while his parents were residents of Wilson County. Tenn., his natal day being May 11. 1826. He was only four and a half years old when his parents removed to what is now Effingham County; there on his father's farm he matured, his young mentality growing broader and stronger as he looked out upon the vast prai- rie-. There was plenty of work, however, for the young man to do. for the days of his boyhood were the pioneer days in this State. He. with others who have since become famous in the history of the State, were ripening for the events that lay before them. He continued to live with his father until 1845. After having entered a farm from the Government, which they improved quite extens- ively, they both died, the mother in the fall of 1858 while earth was golden with the yellow of autumn, and the granaries were tilled to repletion with golden grain, The father followed heragood many years later, his decease taking place Feb- ruary 3, 1888. Our Subject has always followed the pursuit of agriculture, paying special attention to the raising of tine stock. In 1S4."> he was married to Miss ( lynthia Field, their marriage being solemnized Sep- tember 23 of that year. The lady was a daughter of Abraham and Grace ( Rainey) Field. The former was a native of Kentucky where he was horn De- cember 27. I7!».'i. The latter was horn in South Carolina. July 31, 1 7!>7. Their marriage took place in Gibson County. Ind., March M. 1815. They set- tled in the same place where they were married until the mother's death which occurred March 30, 186:5. The father followed her April 12, lX7n. Mrs. Turner's parents were farmers by occupation. They had ten children, and our subject's wife was one of the eldest members of her father's family. She was horn in Gibson County. Ind., December 2.">. 1825, and there she lived until her marriage. After marriage our subject and his bride settled in Effingham County, 111., and in April. 1864, came to Shelby County. Locating in Richland Township, where he has since resided. He has now retired, however, from active farming, having disposed of all his property with the exception of two hundred and fifty acres upon which he lives. Mr. Turner has made many improvements upon his farm and in all his business undertakings and enterprises has been exceedingly successful. He and his wife are spending the afternoon of their lives in quiet en- joyment of the home comforts that his early efforts have provided. They are the parents of six chil- dren, all of whom have reached manhood and womanhood and are the heads of families. It is a commentary upon their parents' government that they arc all honored and respected members of society. James B. married Fmeline Renner and resides in Shclhy villc: Nancy. 1. is the wife of John M. Storm; Lewis W. married Florence Carmain; Charles A. R. was united to Sarah Jackson; Sarah F. is the wife of Seymour Orove: Arthur is the husband of Annie L. Field. Mr. Turner was formerly allied with the Demo- cratic party and did active service for his party in his part of the State. More recently, however, he has allied himself with the Prohibitionists, bcliev- ing that to he one of the most important issues of the near future. He has held the office of Jus- lie.' of the Peace for seventeen years and has also been Township Trustee for several years. In their religious relations our subject and his wife have been members of the Missionary Baptist Church 394 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. since 1854, and he of whom we write has been Dea- con of this church for upwards of thirty-five years. Their children also are all professors of religion. Mr. Turner has been a member of the Masonic fra- ternity since 1863. He is also a member of the Fanner's Mutual Benefll Association and by his wide experience and broad intelligence, is able to make many suggestions to that body that are of great value. The original of our sketch ha.- a very good and comfortable residence, well located and surrounded by line trees, li is perfectly adapted to the declining years of a man with a philosophic t urn of mind. m oIIX R. WARREN. A prominent position among the agriculturists of Shelby County is held by this gentleman, who resides mi section 2*. Tower Hill Township, lie is now passing his declining years quietly in the en- joyment Of the comforts aec umulated through long years of toil. A native of Ohio, lie was bora in Pickaway County, February 17. 1820. His parents. Silas and Sarah (Riley) Warren, were nat- ives of Delaware, the former horn April 9, 17*7. and the latter January 31, 1791. Both came to Ohio in youth, and after their marriage, which was solemnized in Pickawaj County, they located in thai place and made it their home until |S."i7. In the above-mentioned year the parents of our subject came to Illinois, settling in Shelby County and purchasings farm on section 29, Tower Hill Township. The family was soon called upon to mourn the lo.-s of the devoted husband and father. who died November 17. 1*.~>7. The widowed mo- ther survived until January 29, 1867. This worthy couple held an enviable place in the regard of their neighbors, and although they left to their children little of this world's g Is the} bequeath- ed to them what is far heller — the priceless herit- age of a good name. The} had a family of six children, of whom live now survive. I pon the home farm in Pickawaj County, Ohio, our subject passed his youth and al an earlj age be- came familiar with agricull ural pursuits. His edu- cational advantages were limited to the district school-, but by subsequent reading he has become well informed upon all topics of general interest. Upon arriving at years of maturity he engaged in farming on his own account and has made this hi- life work. A very important event in his Life was his marriage in Pickaway County, Ohio, September 21, 1843, when Miss Minerva A. Anderson became hi- wife. Her parents, Thomas and Delilah (Scot- horn) Anderson, were natives respectively of Ind- iana ami Virginia. The father died in Fairfield County, Ohio. November 21, 1836, and the mother afterward came wesl to Shelby County. 111., where she died at the residence of our subject October 22, I860. Mi's. Warren, who was the second among sis children, was bom in Fairfield County. Ohio, Feb- ruary 9, 1*22. and was reared to maturity under the parental roof. After their marriage our sub- ject and his wife located in Pickaway County, Ohio, where they continued to live until the fall of 1849. At that time they came to t hi- Slate and made their home in Tower Hill Township. Shelby County. There the wife died April 7. 1880. she was a religious woman, and had been connected with the church for many \ cars, and was a member of the United Brethren Church at the time of her death. (In February 2;!. 1882, our subject wa- again married, choosing as his wife Mrs. Elizabeth -I. Iluni. the widow of Samuel Duiii. who died in Fairfield County. Ohio. Mrs. Warren, who is a sister of the first wife of our subject, was born in Fairfield ( 'ounty . t )hio, Novembr 21. 1 825, and by tier first marriage became the mother of six chil- dren, viz: Israel. Thomas. Fllie A.. Samuel. William and Homer. The ceremony which transformed her into .Mrs. Warren was solemnized in Christian County, 111., ami the union lias proved of mutual happiness. The various members of the family are honored in society and arc noted for hospitality and kindness of heart. The farm upon which Mr. Warren located after coming to Shelby County was entered from the Government and comprises eighty acre- of line land. Mr. Warren ha- always been engaged ill agricultural pur-nits, and has converted his orig- '^sl '^^ , *//, ^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 397 inal purchase into one of the best farms in the county. He lias retired from the more active duties associated with farm lift', and in the midst of Ids happy family circle, finds resl from the cares of earlier years. A member of the Demo- cratic party, he lias always taken an active pari in political affairs and has served the people in sev- eral local offices. For fifteen years he was Justice of the Peace and he has filled the office of Supervisor of Tower Hill Township for several terms, lie takes greal interest in educational affairs and has served the community acceptably in school offices. Religiously, he belongs to the United Brethren Church of which he has been a consistent member since 1844. V LARK II. CARR, M. I)., a physician and surgeon of Cowden, was bora in Kenawha County, W. Ya.. August 25, 1834. His par- ents, John K. and Margaret (Wyant) Carr, were natives of the Fast, the father being born in Green- brier County. Ya.. in 1812, and the mother in Lawrenceburg, Ind., in 1818. The father has been living since ]s.">2 in DeWitt County, this State. The mot her died September l . 1891. Nine of their large family of sis sons and seven daughters are still living, of whom our subject was the eldest. The brothers and sisters of our subject are Yio- letta. wife of -lames Darby, a farmer in .Minnesota; John, who lirst married Mary Lloyd and afterward was united with Ellen Swan, with whose assistance he is now earn ing on farming in Sumner County, Kan.; Julia Ann. who was the wife of Stephen Webster, and died in DeWitt County, 111., in 1872; Isaac L.. a fanner near Humboldt. Iowa, who mar- ried Mary Day; Mary, who married William Mew- art and died in Minnesota in 1871; Jane, the wife of Philip Shellenberger, a farmer who lives in Piatt County, this State; Sarah K.. who lirst married William Stewart, a cousin of her sister Mary's husband and afterward became the wife of George Hitchen, of Gibson City. 111.; Michael M.. who married Sophronia Bar r and lives in Piatt County : Leonard s.. who married Elizabeth MeMann, ami resides in DeWitt County, anil two children who died in early infancy. The subject of this sketch accompanied his par- ents from West Virginia to Indiana, thence to Mis- souri and in 1852 located with them in DeWitt County, 111., where the father now resides. He re- ceived his education in the public scl Is of this State and was about twenty-five years old when he began to read medicine. In 1866 lie commenced the practice of his profession in Christian County, Km in \S7'A came to Cowden. where lie remained for two years and then went back to his old place in Christian County. In the spring of 1880 he returned to Cowden where he has since remained. Dr. Carr has been twice married. His first wife was Mary C. < treen, who was horn in Preble County. Ohio, in 1836, and married the Doctor in Indiana in 1856. One child was horn of this marriage, Millard Fillmore, whose natal day was August 18, 1857. On October 31, of the same year. Mrs. Carr passed from earth, and her son was tenderly reared by his paternal grandparents. The second marriage of our subject took place October 13, 1859, when he was united with Cath- erine Johnson. She was horn December 17. 1833 in Ross County, Ohio. The six children horn of this marriage are all living Mary ('.. born Sep- tember 1. I860, is now Mrs. .lames E. Orendoff, and lives in Hall County, Nek; Laura !•"... born Janu- ary 22, 1st;;!, married Alfred E. Gross, and lives in Davis County, Neb.; Samuel ('.. born December I. issiit. i> engaged in the study of medicine; Mar- garet E., horn July 2. 1867, married William G. Banning and resides on a farm in Dry Point Town- ship. Shelby County; Ida 1-'.. horn February 22. 1868, and Catherine J., born April 10, 1871, are al home with their parents. Dr. Carr has established a line reputation a- a practitioner and enjoys a large and lucrative prac- tice in Cowden and vicinity. He i- regarded in the community as the leading physician, lie at- tended lectures at the Missouri Medical College a1 St. Louis. Mo., at which popular institution he made a creditable record. He has always been a close student and ha- labored hard to gain the standing which he now holds in his profession. Realizing that old age is creeping on, the Doctor 398 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. lias inspired his son Samuel with the desire to le- eeive the mantle of his sire when he shall drop it, and thus to perpetuate the family name in the pro- fession. The Doctor is a worthy member of Joppa Lodge, No. 706, F. & A. M., at Cowden. and a stanch Republican in polities having always voted that ticket, and being regarded as the local leader in his party. In connection with this biographical notice the reader will find a lithographic portrait of Dr. Carr. ^^©). m>^m Cgv^ r>y^ \ 1 1. 1. 1 AM I.. DONNEL, one of the most I prominent and intelligent gentlemen re- v'V siding in Shelby Comity, who is thor- oughly public-spirited and capable of being a leader of thought and action in his township, re- sides on section 21. Ridge Township. His father was John M. Donnel. a native of Tennessee, as was also his mother, Elizabeth Jerregan. After mar- riage this couple settled in Rutherford County. ty.Tenn., and thence emigrated to Montgomery County, III., about the year 1827. They after- ward made their home in Vandalia, this State, where the life of Mrs. Donnel terminated near that place. Her husband who survived her, died in Williamson County, this Stale. He of whom we write was the eldest in a family of twelve children, and was born in Rutherford County. Tenn., January 22. 1820; he came to Illi- nois with his father who was in limited circum- stances and in order to assist his parents he worked out when he was a boy doing farm labor. During the winter of 1839-40 he moved the goods and press of the editoi of the State Register with whom he had pleasant relations, as the older man appreciated the bright qualities of the boy. In March, 1840, he came to Shelby County, III., and engaged in farming upon his own account in Ridge Township. In June. 1846, he settled on section 21 of the latter township where he has since been a resident. Mr. William Donnel was married January (I. 1812. to Miss Mary Ann Roys, a daughter of Dan- iel ami Hannah (Hoys) Hoys, both natives of Ken- tucky. Daniel Roys passed away from life in Ridge Township, but his widow still survives him and is now at the advanced age of eighty-seven year- and makes hei home with our subject. Mrs. Donnel was born in Hush County. Ind., April 18, 1825. Mr. and Mrs. Donnel have had eleven bright and interesting children, three of whom died in infancy. The surviving children are: Elizabeth J., the wife of John II. McDonald; Mary Ann. who married J. J. Dimes; Sarah II., the wife of Charles Small; William L. Jr., who took to wife Miss Nettie Busby; George W.. a clergyman of the Missionary Baptist Church in Oregon, whose wife bore the maiden name of Elizabeth Neal; James W.. who married Sarah Killam; Charles H. and Dora E. are at home. Our subject has held the office of School Trustee for seventeen years and during that time has been very efficient in forwarding the educational inter- ests of the township. He has also taken an active part in political affairs, casting his first Presiden- tial vote for James K. Polk and being a worker in the Democratic rank-. In his religious connection he was formerly identified with the United Baptist Church but is now a member of the Christian Church. He has always been engaged in farming and stock raising and has elected upon his farm a first-class set of buildings and has two hundred acres in tine shape, lie is a man keenly alive to the necessity for progress in the affairs of the neighborhood both social and industrial, and is truly appreciative of all good things whether in- tellectual or material. - i »■■ i > > ■ ' ■ ^^i *. , <»*— i*. r HANK TRAINER, the editor and publisher of the Echo at Bethany, became a resilient. 1 of Moultrie County in 1887, and on April l I of that year issued the first copy of the Echo, which is now a seven-column folio, and is published as an independent local newspaper, devoted to the interests of Bethany and its vicinity. This gentle- man was born in Meigs County, Ohio, September 28, 18(12. his parents being Samuel and Amanda (West) Trainer, natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 399 respectively. They were married in Ohio and set- tled in Meigs County, mi a farm, where the mother died January 27. 1876, at the age of fifty-three years, and where the father still resides, en jo\ ing a green old age, as he is now seventy-seven years old. having been horn in .lime, 1814. The ten children of this worthy couple were equally divided between sons and daughters, and Our subject was next to the youngest in age. lie was reared upon the farm and educated in the com- mon schools. In 1KK1 he came to Illinois and taught school in Macon County, and in 1885 he entered a printing office in Macon City and there learned "the art preservative of all arts," after which he again engaged in teaching. It was in 1887 when he Located at Bethany and estab- lished the paper which he has since owned and edited. Mr. Trainer had married in 1885, before coming to Bethany, Miss llala Bricker, daughter of Aaron and Louisa Bricker. She was horn in Fayette County. III., and is now the mother of two beauti- ful children. Arthur and Aha Dean. The Cumber- land Presbyterian Church is the religious body with which the young couple are identified, and their influence is ever cast in the direction of morality and Christianity. Although Mr. Trainer has not been a resident of the town long, he is a young man who is universally liked and well spoken of by the older members of the commu- nity, and he bids fair to make his mark in tin 1 fu- ture history of Moultrie County. m OSEPH ROLLER is a typical farmer whose practical knowledge of agriculture and bus- iness-like methods in managing his affairs have placed him among the foremost men of his class in l'cnn Township, where he owns a large and well conducted farm that is considered one of the finest in the county. Mr. Roller was born near Little York. York County. Pa., September ■">. L830. His father, whose given name was John, is also supposed to have been a native of the same county where he passed his early life, and where he was married. lie was a distiller by trade in his young days, but remov- ing to Centre County. Pa., in 1840, he bought a farm on Buffalo Run and devoted his remaining years to agricultural pursuits, dying there in 1874 at the ripe age of seventy-one years. His wife, the mother of our subject, preceded him in death many years, her demise occurring on the old farm in 1852. He of whom we write was reared to the life of a farmer, receiving a careful training in all that per- tains to agriculture, so that h\ the time he attained manhood he was well versed in -the calling that was to be his life work, lie continued to live with his father until he was thirty-one years of age. affording him valuable aid in the management of his farm. He then rented land in Centre County a few years. Wisely thinking that on the fertile soil of the Prairie Mate he could make more head- way in his calling, he left his native commonwealth in 1865 to avail himself of the superior advantages offered to skillful and wide-awake farmers in Shelby County. He made a judicious selection of two hundred and forty acre- of wild prairie land in l'enn Township which is now included in his pleasant farm. The price of it was $9 an acre and he went into debt for the greater part of the purchase money. At the time of his settlement here this part of the county was but little developed and Mr. Roller had to do a great deal of pioneer work in bring- ing his farm to its present tine and highly improved condition. His labors have been well rewarded. however, as his homestead i- a valuable piece of property, supplied with ample and well arranged buildings, and its carefully tilled fields and rich pastures yield a good income. He has also bought other land at different tune- and now his farm comprises four hundred and forty acre.-. Mr. Roller is well liked in this community as he is a just and fair man, kindly of heart and honest of purpose, and has shown himself in ever) respect to be a worthy addition to the citizenship of this place since h«- took up his residence here more than a quarter of a century ago. His wife also shares with him the regard in which he is held and both 100 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. are among the most worthy members of the Pres- byterian Church. In politics he sides with the I democrats. Mr. Roller has been three times married. His tirst wife, to whom he was united in 1853, was Matilda Ross, whowasa native of Centre County, Pa., and a daughter of William and -Mary Ross. She died in 1873 leaving these six children; John W., Laura .!.. Sally J., Joseph R.. Ida and Robert II. Laura married Charles Lutz; Sally is the wife of M.W. Marshall; and Ida is the wife of Tom Gedes. Our subject's second marriage, which took place in 1876, was with Isabella Hunter, a native of Centre County, fa., and a daughter of Robert Hunter. She departed this lite May L8, 1885. In iss? Mr. Roller wa> wedded to Miss Annie Dak 1 , his presenl wile, a native of Pennsylvania, born in Centre County, and a daughter of Felix and Lucy Dale. " a-"- mWW&&WMm, .'- "A AKTIN V. PIERCE. The gentleman who is our subject is the owner and resides on 1 a fine farm located on section 1. Rural Township, where he devotes himself to the calling of agriculture, being very successful in this direction, as he has bent his energies and intelli- gence to the subject formally years. His residence inSlicll>\ Countj dates from the spring of 1869. He i> a native of Sullivan County, lnd.. where he was born Mareli 16, 1838. His parents were Jesse and Keziah 1 1 [arris) Pierce. The original of our sketch was but a small boy when his mother died and when only thirteen years Of age the father died. The mother left thirteen children and the father was married a sec- ond time, by thai marriage bee ling the parent of two children. After the death of his father Mar- tin resided with bis uncle until he grew 1 an- I I and assisted in tilling the soil. Doubly or- phaned, the youth's early years lacked all thai makes the remembrance of childhood pleasanl to one. We cannot bul sympathize with the lad whose sorrow was only stunned bj the hard toil which lie w as compelled to accomplish. In 1860 oui subject was united in marriage to Emily Ernest, a daughter of Jacob and Susan Er- nest. She was born in Sullivan County, lnd., and is one of a family of four, having three brothers. After marriage our s.ubjecl became the owner and operator of a small farm in Sullivan County. where he remained until 1869 and linn came to this stale, renting land for one season and then purchasing the place whereon he at presenl resides. Vt that time it was Imt very little improved, the only attempt at redeeming it from native wildness was a log hut.' In 1876 Mr. Pierce removed to Shelbyville on account of poor health and two years later, much improved in this respect, he re- turned to his farm and resumed his bucolic employ- ment. I le is the owner of eighty acres of land. which is in a good state of cultivation. Our subject and his wife have been the parents of five children, three girls and one boy dying in infancy; only one son, Charles, is living. A nephew, however, whose name is Homer Ernest, is a member of his family and enjoys the affection and privileges of a son. Formerly our subject affiliated with the Democratic party. Imt of late he has transferred hi- allegiance to the Prohibition party, convinced that the evil of intemperance i- one that mo.-i seriously threatens the well-being of our country. He of whom we write has filled the the position of Township Commissioner to the en- tire satisfaction of those who elected him. In his church relations Mr. Pierce is a member of the Baptist denomination. He has been Deacon and Treasurer in the church of which he i> a member tcra number of years, simple and unaffected at all times, our subject enjoys tin confidence and trust of the men in his township in all stations of life. \ AVID M. CROWDER. To he the son of J worthy parent.- is a mat ter both for hon- orable pride and devout thankfulness, and he who can make this boast doe- well to carrv Mill further the honorable standing of the family by making good his claim to he worthy of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. III! such parents. The father of our subject, the late Roberl Crowder, was bora in Buncombe County, N. C, July 17. 1807, and his mother, who bore the maiden name of Barbara Prater, was born in Greene County, Tenn., April 15, 1807. The lirst two years of their married life was spent in Easl Tennessee, upon a farm, after which they moved to [ndiana and settling in Jennings Countj re- mained thereabout two years and then emigrated to Missouri, where tliej settled near Boonville, and lived there for one year. Robert Crowder brought his family to Illinois in January, 1838, and settled in what is now Marrow- bone Township, Moultrie County, where thej con- tinued to live until called hence by death. Our subject is the eldesl of their ten children and his birth occurred in Eastern Tennessee, November 18, 1828, sn that he was tlms aboul nine years old when he came with liis father to what is now Moultrie County, where he grew to manhood and has made his home from that day to this. Under the parental roof this young man made hi- home until that important event took place which was celebrated in Marrowbone Township. August 30, 1848, when he was united in marriage with Susan E. Mitchell, daughter of George and .lane W. Mitchell, who were of Southern birth but became early settlers in Moultrie County, 111. Mrs. Susan E. Crowder was horn in Tennessee, July 9, 1831. The family homeot' thi- wedded eonple has been ever since their wedding daj uponsecfion 15, Marrowbone Township, with the exception of one year which they spent in Bethany. Farming has been Mr. Crowder's pursuit through life and in it he has been successful, which success maj b< attrib- uted to two reasons. In the first place he has been thoroughly intelligent, energetic and enterprising, and in the second place he has hadariehlv produet- ivefarm such as is to he found onlj in the Prairie state. Hi- tract of two hundred and fifteen acres has been excellently improved and upon it will be found all the conveniences and appurtenances which belong to a first-class farm. Mr. and Mrs. Crowder rejoice in the possession of seven children, namelj': Sarah J., who is the wife of William II. Iloskins; Margaret A., who married F. T. Scheer; Mary A., now Mrs. Joel A. Yeakel; Barbara E., whowas the wife of \V. I-'. Lo- gan, and died April.'!. 1890; Dora S., married J. E. Scl r; and two sons who died in infancy. The principle.- of the Republican party command the respect and allegiance of our subject and although he is not an office-seeker he is earnestly devoted to the prosperity of his party and works tor its supremacy. Both he and his excellent wife arc earnest ami devoted members of the Cumberland Presbyterian ( 'hurch. A biography of David M. Crowder would he in- complete did it not include a fuller resume than we have already given of the life of the parents whose honorable record is his dearest possession. It wa- in the fall of 1828 that Robert Crowder removed to Indiana. and after first settling in Ripley County. Ind.. removed as we have said, to Jennings ( onnty. where he settled in New Marion. In the fall of 1836 he removed, as has been stated, to Missouri, and there remained until January. 1838, when he came to Moultrie County. III. His wife, whose maiden name was Barbara Prater, brought him ten children, namely: David M.. William A.. Sarah .1.. Thomas II.. .Mary S.. Robert S.. James II.. Andrew W., John A. and Marshall M. Robert enlisted in Company E, Twenty-first Regiment of Illinois In- fantry, taking rank a- Firsl Sergeant, and was killed in the battle of ( hickamanpi. in September, 1863; Andrew W. was a member of Company 11. Forty-first Illinois Infantry, and was killed during the siege of Vicksburg, in June. 1863, when about sixteen years old. The brave and noble record ol these loyal son- of a loyal lather awaken a sympa- thetic response in every patriotic heart." and the mcnioi y of these brave boys is cherished by their brothers and sisters and handed down to theil posterity for they believe that "Brave hearts are more than coronet-. And simple faith than Norman Mood". The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was the body with which Roberl and Barbara Crowder were connected, and in it- service and communion thc\ found both comfort and opportunity for Christian work. Their genuine Christian charity and uprightness mark them a- worthy both of trust and emulation, and their influence will not die 1(12 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. out for many generations to come. Robert Crow- der passed from earth September 22. 1*77. and his bereaved widow survived him until January 25, 1890, when she ton made her transit to a better world. The handsome property which Robert Crowder left to his children is but a small portion of the precious heritage which they have received from him and their venerated mother. ollN B. HUGHES, a well-known and highly respected druggist of Oconee, Shelby County, a man of broad experience and ex- cellent attainments, who has added to the material prosperity of his village by his energy and enterprise. He is a public-spirited citizen, who is ever wide awake to help forward every movemenl which tends to the prosperity of the place. His parents were Thomas W. and Catherine (Burke) Hughes, both nativesof Ireland, the father being born in County Carlo in 1801, and the mother in Loughrea, County Galway, in 1848. The father emigrated to America in 1M.'?K, and the mother in 1851, and here they met and united their fortunes in marriage. The father of our subject located in Pennsyl- vania and made his home there for sonic three years, hut the Western feverhad not been assuaged by his removal across the ocean, and lie decided to come to the Mississippi Valley. St. Louis was his destination, and he remained there until 1852, but in that year removed to Pana, 111., where he resided until his death in 1**7. The mother still resides in the latter place. Mr. Hughes was educated in the public SCl Is of Pana, where he received excellent drill and ad- vantages, and he took his professional training at the Chicago College of Pharmacy, from which in- stitution he graduated in lXK.'i. For eleven years he worked in a drug store in Pana, during which time he attended the college and received his di- ploma. After graduation he went West and made n tour of ( alifornia. Arizona, Old and New Mexico. Indian Territory, Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. His trip covered a period of three vears. During a portion of this time he was occupied in mining and upon a ranch, and worked in a drug store for awhile in Denver. Col. Returning home lie soon after went into business on his own account at Oconee, where we now tind him. Ilecarriesa full line of staple drugs, wall paper, glass, paints and oils, toilet articles, jewelry, clocks, watches, cigars, scl 1 supplies, etc.. and has an excellent trade in these various lines. On May 28, 1889 was the happy wedding day of our subject with Miss Ida M. Morris,a daughter of William Morris of this place. This lady. Mrs. Hughes, was the only child of her parents being horn in Oconee, April 15, 1867. One child. Mari- etta, died in early infancy. Mr. Hughes is a Re- publican in his political views, and has always advocated principles of the party which placed Abraham Lincoln in the Presidential chair and sup- ported his hand during the trying years of the Civil War. He has served for two years as Town- ship Clerk of Pana. and is a member of Oconee Camp, No. 1312 M. W. of A., of which lie was a charter member, and where he has held the office of Worthy Advisor. He is a member, as were his parents before him, of the Roman Catholic Church. and his good wife is identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church. The parents of our subject had live sons and three daughters, five of whom now survive, namely: William L.. who is the eldest and resides in Pana, 111., carrying on the drug business; Mary K.. the wife of Thomas Scott, a barber in Pana; Martin P.. who is married and is carrying on the coal busi- ness in Pana; Thomas P., who is engaged in the hotel business in Decatur: and the deceased mem- bers of the family are Ella, Edward and Anna, all of whom died while the family were living in Pana. OSIAll BERRY, is the senior member of the firm of Berry A' Clark, the best known deal- ers in lumber, house trimmings and general builders' Supplies, in Moweaipia. Shelby County. The linn was established under its pres- ent title in September. 1HKS). having succeeded @i PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in.", Gregory Bros., who established the business some years before. A sketch will In- found in another pari ni' this Record, of the history of our sub- ject's partner, Mr. Clark. The linn have llread} attained a foothold in the community anil vicinity, thai speaks well fur their business principles in dealing. Mr. Berry was formerly engaged as a farmer in Mowequa Township, having been fur many years very successful in his calling. He came here in 187;! and purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land, which he still owns. He expended a large amount of capital in putting this farm under perfect cultivation, and it is so pleasant and at- tractive a place that we almost wonder at .Mr. Ber- ry's relinquishing it. lie came to Shelby County in 1868, spending his firsl five years here on a farm in lVnn Township. Mr. Berry was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, November I, 1839. lie was there reared and re- ceived the ordinary common-school education, and there remained until he had reached his majority. At the breaking out of the War (if the Rebellion, like all true men. his patriotism was fired, and he ready to do or die fur his country, lie enlisted in Company B, of the Seventeenth Ohio Regiment, in the month of August. L861, Col. .1. M. Connell and C'apt. .1. W. Stinchcomb, the latter being fol- lowed by Capt. Weakly, now of Shelbyville, 111. commanding officers. After the organization of the regiment, the} advanced to the field of dis- turbance and were assigned to the Fourteenth Army Corps of the Cumberland Army under Gen. Thomas. The regiment was brought into contact with the enemy at Wildcat. Ky.. and again met them at Mills Spring. Corinth, l'crrvville. Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, and were with Sherman in his celebrated inarch from At- lanta to the sea. Our subject was veteranized by re-enlistment in December, 1863, and he continued in service until the close of the war. when he was honorably discharged at Louisville, Ivy., and mus- tered out at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, having served nearly four years, lie was always on duty and saw a great deal of active service and hard fighting. He had the good fortune to escape wounds and capture, never having seen the inside of a hospital. Mr. Berry served as Sergeant of his company for some time. On his return home to Ohio he of whom we write was engaged as a farmer until he came to II- nois in 1868, since which time he has been one of the leading men of the township where he has re- sided, being much looked up to because of his en- ergy and progressive ideas. Our subject was married in his native county to Miss Lucretia A. Ruffner, whose birthplace and early home was in Fairfield County. Ohio. She was tenderly reared, and had many advantages in an educational way, denied many of her sex. She is the mother of two children, Ruffner A. Berry, who is a clerk with Motlit iv Co., ice dealers in Decatur; and Nellie, who lives at home. Mr. and Mrs. Berry are the leaders of the best class of social life in Moweaqua. Their pleasant home is the meeting place for the culture, intelli- gence and refinement of the town. Mrs. Berry is a lovely woman, who presides over her home with the dignity and grace that come only from a natur- ally delicate and finely balanced nature. Politi- cally Mr. Berry is a Republican, taking much interest in local politics. He is a member of the .1. Y. Clemings Post, G. A. R. He is also a mem- ber of No. 1013 Chapter, K. of II.. of Moweaqua, being Dictator in the latter lodge. He has filled all the offices of the Grand Army Post to which he belongs but that of Commander. ARSHALL M. CROWDER. Many families are notable only for some one distinguished member, whose reputation is far superior to that of his brothers and kinsmen, who must ever be content to shine in reflected glory, but in the family which is represented by the gen- tleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch, it is hard to select one member who is pre- eminent above the others, as the reputation of every one as energetic, enterprising men and pub- lic-spirited citizens is acknowledged by all in this section of the country. Our subject is the yougest in a family of ten lo! PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. children all of whom are worthy representatives of :in excellent family. The parents, who had the honor to bring into the world and rear such val- uable citizens, arc spoken of nunc at length in the biographical sketch of David M. Crowder. He of whom we write was born in Marrowbone Township. .March 12, 1851, and was reared to manhood on his father's farm, receiving his education lirst in the district schools and afterward attending .Mount /.ion Academy for two terms. After this he taught school lor six months in Moultrie County but with thai exception remained under the parental roof until his marriage. That interesting evenl took place in Sullivan Township. May 22, 1870, the bride being Miss l.ydia s. Shockey, who was born in Zanesville, Ind. she received careful training and an excellent ed- ucation and was thus admirably lilted for her fu- ture work as wile and mother. Three children called her mother. \ 17..: Olive 1!. ( the wife of Ches- ley W. Kennedy). Walter R. and Florence I.. Mrs. I.vdia Crowder died in Marrowbone Township, November 6, 1886, and her memory is revered by all who knew her :h a true-hearted woman and a faithful and devoted Christian. The second marriage of Marshall Crowder took place in Dalton City, 111.. August 17, 1887, he being then united with Miss Mollie E. Black,a native of .Mount /.ion Township, Macon County, III. she was there horn May 2V<. 1*07. and reared to womanhood receiving the best educational advan- tages which her parents could command. She, as well as her husband, are members of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, where they are highly esteemed lor their true Christian character ami their intelligent promotion of all movements for the In! termenl of the community. Oui' subject has always been engaged in farming pursuits, although for one year he was employed as 'lerk in a store in Bethany. For many years In- was a member of the Glee Club of that village and musical matters always command his sympathetic approval and encouragement. The platform of the Republican party expresses his views in regard to political policj anil principle- and he is an :i I < Ion I worker for the prosperity of thai party. Two hun- dred acres are comprised within the limits of Mr. Crowder's farm and upon this tract he ha- erected excellent and commodious farm buildings and a home which is an ornament to the township. I RS. CATHERINE EBERHARDT. Nothing is more grateful to the feelings of the bi- 1 Ographer than to find a demand made upon his pen for a sketch of an ideal woman — one whosesound judgment and true heart have carried her unswervingly through the devious paths of life and whose beautiful Christian char- acter has shown out through the darkness of life's trials and temptations and has ever proved a bea- con to warn the unwary and to comfort those in sorrow. Such a life we lind our duty to record in Speaking of the lady whose name appears at the head of this paragraph. Our subject was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, January 31, 1832. Her father. George Geiger, was horn there in 17!I7 her mother. Katherina ( llild ) Geiger, having her nativity in 1805. They mar- ried and settled in Germany and then' they spent their entire lives. They became the parents of four children of whom Mrs. Eberhardl was the eldest and she remained at home until she reached her twentii ih vear and received as thorough an educa- tion as her parents were able to command for her. They brOUghl her up in the faith and practice of the Christian religion and soughl for her those blesl posessions of a cultured heart and mind. This young woman when only twenty year.- old left her home and friends in the Old Country and emigrated to America. This departure was trying indeed to one of so warm a nature, and the home- sickness with which she was afflicted lasted for many sad and weary months. She never saw In r parents again, as it was not practicable for her to return to them and they did not feel brave enough to leave their native land and cross the ocean. While living in Philadelphia, Catherine Geiger wa- employed a- a domestic forsomewhat less than I wo years, after which she came West and while in St. Louis. Mo., mil and married Jacob Kherhardl . H. C. GALLAGHER C 1 FRANCES GALLAGHER PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 40!) her wedding day being March 1. 1854. This young man was a native of Switzerland, where lie was born in 1*2."> and after his marriage with our siib- jeet he removed to Sangamon County, 111. and there made his home. After four years' residence there they removed to Marion County. III., and resided then' for nine years and in the spring of 1867 came to Moultrie County and settled in Lowe Township where Mr. Eberhardt died June 15, 1870. Eight children have blest this union, namely: John, Bertha, Jacob, Anna, George, (who died at the age of nineteen) Emma, Charlie, who died when sixteen years old. and Lucinda. the last one dying in early childhood, Mrs. Eberhardl has continued to live in Lowe Township, and she owns twohun- dred acres of line land upon which she has placed good improvements, she is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, an earnest and active Christian and a lady of such genial nature as to win every heart. i ENRY C. GALLAGHER, The < ring into J a county in its early days of any family of enterprise, energy and industry, proves in time a great help in the progress of the community. Such a family is that of the Galla- ghers, of Shelby County, ami the gentleman whose name appeal's at the head of this sketch i> one of that large family, and with his brothers may well occupy a conspicuous place in this lii,. ORD. The family history is given more at length in the biography of his In-other Abram, to which our readers are referred for further minutia. The line estate of this farmer and stock-raiser i> to been seen upon section 27. Holland Township, and its owner was born in this township within three-fourths of a mile of his present residence. August 1. 1843. He is the third in order of age of the large family of ten children born to Jacob and Sarah (Middlesworth) Gallagher, who came to Illinois in L 838 and settled near Shelby ville. where lhc\ remained for two years and then came to Holland Township. Oursubject has been a residenl of the latter town- ship all his life. His infancy was spent on the farm and he received training there and in the district schools which prepared him for taking up life's duties witli energy and discretion. The curriculum of study in those pioneer schools was not broad hut it was thorough, and the drill was an excellent preparation for the stern realities of life. As soon as he was old enough to undertake duties for him- self he began farming independently and has al- ways followed that business. The farm of six hundred and twenty acres of good land bears upon it excellent improvements, and has what is rare in some parts of Illinois, a beautiful grove. Mr. Gallagher has devoted him- self largely to the rearing of stock, making hogs a specialty, although he raises a good many horses. The marriage of our subject in 1*71 brought to his home a bride in the person of Miss Frances, daughter of William and Elizabeth Westenhaver. This lady was born in Pickaway County. Ohio. February 6, 1843. Her parents came to Illinois in 1858 and located in Holland Township, this county. where they died. Three of their four children are now living. Our subject and his wife have been so happy as to have in their household four children, and still happier in retaining them all in health. They are by name: Jacob E., Addie E., William T. and Alva L., all unmarried and at home with their parents. The estimate in which Mr. Gallagher is held by his fellow-citizens and their respect for bis efficiency is abundantly shown by their placing him re- peatedly in offices of trust. He has been Assessor. Collector. Township Clerk and School Director, and just now is School Trustee. He also served five years as Clerk. The Democratic party in its declaration brings forward the political doctrines which Mr. Gallagher has ever esteemed as best adapted to the prosperity Of the country. He is an active promoter of the movements of this party and takes part in all pub- lie affairs. All of his family with the exception of his youngest child are already members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in which they take a deep interest and for whose prosperity they cheer- fully labor. He was a member of the Shelbvvi.le 410 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Lodge N<>. 117,1.0. (>. 1*'.. but living ;it such a distance from thai village prevented regular attend- danceand lie eventually withdrew. A lithographic portrait of Mr. Gallagher appears on another page. 1 now the pike leading from Canton to Potsdam, and after erecting a log house on the land purchased returned to Vermont for the remainder of the family. The great-grandfather rounded out a long and useful life in his new-found home, ami his mortal remains now repose in the Ames Cemetery not far from the scene of his pioneer labors. The grandfather of our subject was just entering upon a vigorous manhood when the family re- moved to St. Lawrence County, and he at once set actively to work to evolve a farm from the wilderness. For many years after his location there were no railways, and Montreal. Canada, was the most convenient market and depot for sup- plies. Deer, bears and wolves were plentiful in the woods near the settlements, and sometimes committed havoc with the farmers' stock and gardens. The people were principally home-livers, subsisting on the products of their farms, their fare being varied occasionally by game; and the wives, mothers and daughters of the pioneers carded, spun and wove flax and wool, and the cloth thus made was fashioned by their hands into garments for their families. Grandfather Ames made farming his life work and cleared a good farm, on which he lengthened out a long and useful life. The father of our subject was reared to agri- cultural pursuits in the home of his birth. In due time he married Miss Jane Armin. a native of England and a daughter of Michael and .lane (Jobbin) Armin. After marriage Mr. Ames pur- chased a farm near the old home, and was actively engaged in farming thereon until 1864, when lie enlisted ill the One Hundred and Sixth New- York Infantry, and going at once to the front with his regiment, joined Sheridan's command in the Shenandoah Valley. He fought bravely in the first battle there, at Cedar Creek, and was se- verely wounded. After recovering from the effects of his wounds he joined his regiment again, and was present with the command at Appomattox at the time of Lee's surrender. He and his com- rades were then .sent in pursuit of Johnson's army, and after the surrender of the latter Gen- eral they proceeded to Washington, took part in the (.land Review and were honorably discharged. Having proved his loyalty and devotion to his PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Ill country by sacrificing his interests to help fighl the battles thai saved the Union, Mr. Ames re- turned to his old lmmc and resumed his occupa- tion as a fanner. He conducted his farming in- terests until L881, when he retired from active business ti> Potsdam, where he still continues to enjoy the handsome competence that is the fruit of his well-directed labors. He and his good wife have four sons living and an adopted daughter, as follows: Truman E., Milon E„ Ceylon W., Jud- son T. and Gertrude. Milon E., Ceylon W. and Judson T. are all locomotive engineers. Judge Ames laid the foundation of a liberal education in the district schools of his native town, afterward studied at Hermon Academy, and then pursued a course of Study at the State Normal and Training School at Potsdam. lie thus had a good ground work for his legal studies, which he began in the law office of Moulton, Chaffee & Headon in the interim of teaching, he having come to Illinois in L871, and for two years baughl in Moultrie County.and subsequently in this county. To further prepare himself for his chosen calling he entered the Law Depart- ment of the Michigan state University at Ann Arbor, from which he was graduated with honor in the Class of '77. He opened an office at Wind- sor, and was established there one year, lie next went to Rockford, hut after remaining in that city one year, he returned to Windsor, and in 1880 came from there to Shelbyville. He arose steadily and rapidly in his profession until lie was honored by being elected to his present im- portant Office of County .Indue in 1886. This position he has attained solely through his per- sonal merits and fitness for the place. This is the second term in which he has presided over the deliberations of the County Court, dispensing jus- tice with an even hand, ami his findings, which are seldom, if ever, over-ruled by the higher courts, evince his possession of a clear, compre- hensive mind and masterly judicial qualities. In 1874 Judge Ames and Miss Dora Hilsabeck were united in marriage a1 Windsor. Mrs. Ames was horn at Windsor in 1856, and is the youngesl daughter of James A. and Sarah ( Hoys) Hilsabeck, natives respectively of Georgia and Illinois. The Judge and his amiable wife are among our lead- ing society people, ami their charming home pos- sesses many attractions to their hosts of friends. Their household is completed by the presence of their only son and child. Edward Peer, who was born January 7. 1H7K. Judge Ames is giving Shelbyville the benefit of his learning and executive talent by serving a> President of the Board of Education and using his influence to make the schools of the city as good as the best in any part of the State. lie is a Democrat in politics and in his social relations is a member of Jackson Lodge, No. 53, A. F. & A. M.; Godfrey de Bouillon Commandery, No. II. at Mattoon, 111.; also of Black Hawk Lodge. No. 83, K. of P.; and of the Uniformed Rank No. In. C APT. RANKIN P. McPHEETERS. It is a grateful task to the biographer to tell the story of the brave lightings and marches of the hoys in blue who went forth to the call of the President to raise again in triumph the stars and Stripes which had been assailed by traitors. No crisis in our country's history since the Revolu- tionary period had so stirred the hearts of the peo- ple and so entered into the home life of every family as the events which are classed under the head of the Civil War. aad for at least two genera- tions the history of that period will hear a peculiar and personal value in the eyes of all who love their country. Capt. McPheeterS, whose record we shall lie happy to give further on in this sketch, is the son of the late Addison MePheetcrs. of whose histOl'J our readers will learn more in a biographical sketch of A. W. MePheetcrs. of Sullivan, which appears in this volume. The mother of our Subject, whose maiden name was Julia Poague,bore four children, two of them being twins — our subject and A. W. McPheeters, of Sullivan. These sons were horn in whal is now Scott County. Ilk. July 1. 1832, and there passed the early years of their life up to the ilge i if nine when the father removed with his family 412 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. t<> Fayette County, Ky.. and there our subject grew t<> manhood and received thorough systematic training as a fanner's boy. When he left Fayette ('(unity in the fall of 1852 he came to Moultrie Comity and for three years pursued his education in Sullivan and Charleston. 111. The education which this young man had now attained he decided to at once put to practical ser- vice in instructing others, and securing a position at the teacher's desk lie taughl for two years in Moultrie County before entering upon what has been his life work — fanning. He settled upon a farm and devoted himself to that work continu- ously from that day to this, excepting the time which he spent in the army. Mr. McPhceters enlisted in .Inly. 1862, in Com- pany C, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry, serving for three years, which term ended about the close of the war. It was as a private that he enlisted, hut in March, 1863, he received the commission of a First Lieutenant in his com- pany and the following July was promoted to the Captaincy of Company C, which oftieial position he held until the close of the war. He took part in the siege of Vieksburg and in the battles of Hum- boldt, Tenn.. and Clarendon, Ark. In July, 18(54, (apt. McPhceters with his company was detailed and assigned to the Eleventh ( )hio Battery for two months, and shortly after he was given command of that battery, lie took part in the capture of ; Pine Bluff anil Saline River, Ark. Having passed through his entire term of service unharmed and with an honorable record the poung Captain gladly hailed the return home.and no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the "royal welc e" which every loyal Northern heart desired to grant when ••Johnny came marching home." Sullivan now be- came his home again and he soon after engaged in farming in Fast Nelson Township, where he has since resided and where he owns three hundred acres, upon which he has placed desirable improve- ments. ('apt. McPhceters was married in June, 1859, in Attica, hid., to Ann M. Campbell, a native of that place. They have a family of four living children and buried their eldest. Julia, when a little child. Those who are living are: Jessie ('. the wife of Melville P. Council, a druggist of Attica, hid.; Susan V.. Mary L. and Charles F. The parents of these children are active and earnest members of the Presbyterian Church and they have brought up their offspring in the faith and practice of the Christian religion. The office of Trustee of the church has long been tilled by this gentleman. Our subject has taken quite an active part in political matters and has a strong faith that the Republican party embodies the true principles of political economy. lie is prominently identified with the Grand Army of the Republic at Sullivan, and in the Odd Fellows Lodge has filled every office of trust and has been the Deputy and repre- sentative of his lodge in the Grand Lodge. The pleasant home which he has provided for his fam- ily is delightfully situated and within its walls this public-spirited gentleman and his excellent and capable companion have created an atmosphere of true home life and harmony which lias had a de- cided effect not only in the formation of the char- acter of their children lull also upon the social life of the neighborhood. — J- ^§>-*« OL HIRAM M. SCARBOROUGH. Shelby ., County sent many of its noble and patriotic citizens to the front during the late Civil War and among those who won military honors in "those times that tried men's souls" isour subject, who as a commissioned officer of the Fifty-fourth Illinois Regiment, was conspicuous while in the service for his readiness of resource, his coolness, for his promptness in carrying Out tin' orders of his superiors, and for other merits that showed him to lie a true soldier. I lis services have been equally as valuable within the last quarter of a century or more since peace was declared, in that he has taken a high place among the foremost of the men of this county who have pushed forward the mercantile interests of this section of the State and have materially added to its wealth. He has a large and elegant dry-goods establishment at Shelby ville, where he entered upon his prosperous career as a merchant twenty-five rears ago. PORTRAIT AND Bl: M'HICAL RECORD. 1 1 ."- Col. Scarborough was bom in Hunterdon County, N. J., September 4, 1834. He is a sun of Isaac Scarborough, who was a native of Bucks County, Pa.. The paternal grandfather <>f <>ur subject was a skillful mechanic and Cor many years carried on business a.-' a blacksmith in Bucks County, his en- tire life being passed in Pennsylvania, so far as aught is known to the contrary. He was a stal- wart Democrat, prominent in his party, and held the office of Sheriff of Bucks County. He reared seven sons and six of them Learned of him the trade of a blacksmith. The father of our subject, followed in his father's footsteps as regards a trade and when a young man established himself as a blacksmith in Hunter- don County. N. J. lie died there in 184. r >, ere yet he had passed life's meridian. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Eliza Case, sold her home after his death and moved across the State line into Bucks County and spent her last years in Pennsylvania with her daughters. These are the names of the six children that she reared: Mathias H., Hiram M.. Man E., Hannah A.. Sadie E. and Jennie. .Mathias and Jennie are dead. The subject of this biographical notice was eleven years old when he was deprived of a father's care and at the age of twelve the sturdy, self-reliant little lad became self-supporting. He was employed on a farm until he was seventeen years old and he then began to learn the trade of a carpenter, which he followed in his native county some years- In L856, in the prime and vigor of the opening years of his manhood, he came westward to this county and cast his lot with those who were active in its upbuilding. He located at Shelbyville and as he was a good carpenter hi' found plenty of ■work at his calling, which he pursued until I860, when he abandoned that to accept a position as a clerk, in which capacity he was employed until he dropped his work to shoulder his rifle, that he might help to fight his country's battle-. lie enlisted in the fall of 1861 in Company II. Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry and received the compliment of being mustered in as Second Lieu- tenant of his company. In the Long and weary years of sacrifice, hardship and privation that fol- lowed he served the Government with fidelity and did not abandon his post until our flag floated once more over an undivided country. He was with his regiment in all its marches and campaigns, with the exception of about six months, when he was at home working hard to secure recruits. He veter- anized in 1863 anil was honorably discharged in November. 1865. From time to time he received deserved promotion, until he became one of the leading officers of his regiment. In the fall of 1862 he was made First Lieutenant and as such commanded his company in various engagements with the enemy. His next promotion to the rank of Captain soon followed, then to that of Major, and early in 1865 he was commissioned Lieutenant- Colonel and left the army with a high reputation as a gallant and efficient leader, whether in the heat of battle, on the march or in camp. Col. Scarborough returned to Shelbyville after receiving his discharge papers and in January, 1866, began business here as a merchant, and ever since has conducted one of the leading stores of the city for the sale of dry goods and furnishing goods, carpets, etc. It is neat and handsome in its ap- pointments, the stock, of which there is a large and well-selected assortment, is neatly and tastefully arranged, so as to add to the attractiveness of the establishment, and the whole is ably managed. In 1871 our subject was married to Miss Isabella A. Middlesworth, a native of this county and a daughter of Abram Middlesworth. who is repre- sented elsewhere in this volume. They have one SOD Living, Charles M. The Colonel and his wife understand well the art of making their dwelling a true home, as all feel who cross the threshold and enjoy the comforts and luxuries of its tasteful fur- nishings, and receive every attention from their kind and considerate host, and hostess. Col. Scarborough is a frank, manly and straight- forward man. whose business methods are such as to commend him to the confidence of the public, and Shelbyville holds him as one of her be.-t citi- zens. His life has been guided by Christian prin- ciple- and for many years he has been a consistent church member, Hr>t joining the Baptist Church in early manhood, while a resident of his native State. But after he came here to dwell it seemed good to him to unite himself with the Presbyterian Ill PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Church, in 1861, and he and his wife are to-day among its most effective working members. So- cially he is a member of Jackson Lodge, No. 53, A. F. & A. M.. and also of Cyrus Hall Post, G. A. R., his connection with that organization cdmmemor- ating the days and nights that he and his comrades passed together on the battlefields of the South. He was born and reared by Democratic parents, hut since 1863 he has been a stalwart Republican. — L i® 3* <-^> EORGE W. SHRIDE has been a resident of Shelby County for more than thirty years, { and during that time has won an import- ant place among the most substantial fanners and stock-raisers of Pickaway Township, where he has a farm that compares with the best in this part of the State. He is a son of one of the pioneer fami- lies of Ohio, and was horn in that State February 25, 1 825, his birthplace being about twelve miles northwest of Lancaster. Fairfield County. His father's name was Jacob Shride. and lie was a na- tive of Bucks County. Pa. He went from there to Ohio when he was a young man, and married in that State. Hannah Bowman. He bought a tract of partly improved land in Fairfield County, and the remainder of his life was devoted to farming in that locality until death rounded out his life in 1861. His wife had died there many years before, passing away in 1840. Our subject began when very young to acquire a practical knowledge of farming, and afforded his father much assistance during his youth. He at- tended school as he could, acquiring a fail- educa- tion, and continued to live with his father until lie attained his majority. He then worked on a farm by the month until his marriage, when he rented land in his native COUnt) a few years. In 1854 he went to Logan County, in the same State, and was a resident thereof until he came to Shelby in |S."i7. When he tirst located here he fanned as a renter, but in isiii he bought two hundred and foils acres of land, which is included in his pro- cut farm on the west half of section 22. Piekawaj Township. He has placed it under a high state of tillage, has erected commodious buildings, and has made his farm a valuable piece of property, upon which he carries on a good business in general fanning and stock-raising. In 1849 Mr. shride married Miss Julia A. Stump, and for thirty-five years they were bound together by the sacred tie of a true wedded life. Then death crossed the threshold of their home and re- moved the faithful wife and devoted mother from her family in September, 1884. Of the thirteen children born of that marriage, these ten have been reared to maturity: John \V.. William II.. Lyman M., Daniel F., Sarah M., Jacob C. Milo D., Fletcher. Abraham Lincoln and Harvey E. Mr. shride is a member of the Reformed Church. as was also his wife. He was a Democrat pre\ LOUS to the war. but at that time became an ardent Republican, and has ever since remained true to the parly. His whole career marks him as a man of sound understanding, of far-seeing sagacity and of industrious habits, so combined with those use- ful qualities of thrift, prudence and steadiness of purpose, that his prosperity is easily accounted for. His unswerving honesty and integrity. !idelit\ to whatever he conceives to be his duty, and his un- failing kindness to all with whom he comes in con- tract have won him the regard of his neighbors and friends. ^Ml .'E»J31 ii*^ ! 1'IIKAIM ADAMSOX. a highly respected farmer residing in Moweaqua Township. Shelby County, was born in Centre County. Pa., January 22. 1839. .lames Adamson was his father's name, and he was a native of the same county, born in 181 I. lie was a son of one Will- iam Adamson. who was a native of Spain. In early life he came lo this country and settled in Penn- sylvania, where he spent his remaining years in Centre County, lie was a soldier in the War of 1812. He married a Scotch lady. .lames Adamson was reared to man's estate in his Pennsylvania birthplace. He went to Mifflin County, 111., his native state, when he was a young man. and was there married lo Nancy Fly. a native PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 415 of Franklin County. Pa., born in 1814, and a daughter of John Ely, who was also a Pennsylva- nian by birth. The father of our subject purchased a tract of land in Centre County after liis marriage, and lived thereupon several years. In 1839 he re- moved to Huntingdon County, in the same State, and was a resident there for many years. His next move was to Ohio in 1861, and he located in Guernsey County, where lie lived until after the death of his wife in 1867. He then made his home with his children, and died in Centre County. Pa., in August, 1882. The following are the names of his children: David, Elizabeth, Ephraim, Mary .lane. Isaac. Rebecca, Emma, John, Priscilla, Jem- ima and Nannie. lie of whom this sketch is principally written early acquired a knowledge of agriculture on his lather's farm, lie accompanied his parents to their new home in Ohio in 1861, and lived in Guernsey County until 1863. In that year he gave up his personal aims and ambitions to do his duty to bis country as a patriotic citizen by helping to sup- press the greal rebellion that was then waging in the South, enlisting December II in an indepen- dent company. He was sent with his comrades to Washington, I >. ('.. to do garrison work, and in 1864 served as bodj guard to President Lincoln. lie was in Washington at the time of the assassina- tion of the Chief Magistrate of the Nation, and was also at the Capital during the (.rami Review, in which he took part. He was discharged from the army with his company September 11. 1865, and returned to Ohio, having gained a good mili- tary record for faithfulness and efficiency in what- soever he was called upon to do while he was a soldier. After he left the army Mr. Adamson drove a huckster's wagon in Cambridge from that time until 1868, when he left the I'.uckeye Slate to take up his residence in Illinois. He settled in Mowea- ipta Township, and two years later devoted some of his money to the purchase of forty acres of land, lie subsequently boughl mote realty until he had one hundred and twenty acres of land, and he dwelt thereon twenty years. At the expiration of that time he disposed of that place and rented the adjoining- farm, where he now resides. He also has [arming interests in Nebraska, owning a good farm in Nuckolls County, that State. In 1867 Mr. Adamson took unto himself a wife, marrying Miss Josephine Scoot, a native of Guern- sey County, Ohio. They have eight children liv- ing: James, David. George, Oscar, Mary. Nannie, Edwin and Ida. As a veteran of tin 1 late war our subject is an honored member of .1. V. Clemins Post. No. :5t;.'?, G. A. R. He and his wife are among the most worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, anil among their neighbors they are held in high estimation for their many excellent qualities of head and heart. I «S« •■*■• *% •■'■* ! ENRY MARTZ, one of our worthy German- f j. American citizens who does credit alike to *,S the land of his birth and the land of his ■(G)' adoption, resides on section 28.Ridge Town- ship. Shelby County, where he carries on a lirst- class farm. lie was born in the old country April .'!. 1834, and up to the time when he was thirteen years old he worked upon the farm. He then served an apprenticeship for three years to the trade of a miller ami was sixteen years old when hi' came to America. The youth landed in New York City and made his way to Lancaster. Ohio, where he was engaged at farm labor for eight years, after which he was married March 1 I. 1858 to Miss Margaret Singer, a native of Bavaria, Germany, where she was born August 29, 18:i8. He remained in Fairfield County for two years after his marriage and in 1860 re- moved to Shelby County, 111., renting land in Pick- away Township for about thirteen years. In 1873 he decided to purchase a farm and bought one hundred and sixty acre> on section 28. where he settled and where he has since been a resident. This tine farm has now been increased to two hundred and sixty acres. Upon it have been erected good buildings and excellent improvements of other kinds. Nine children have made this happy home resound with the gleeful pursuits of childhood, their names being Henry, John, Anna m; PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. M., William T.. Caroline C. George E., Rosanna M.. Chailes ('<.. and Lewis .1. Anna M., is the wife of Samuel Campbell; Henry married Louisa Raab; John died when fourteen years old. The father of these young people has been Highwaj Commis- sioner for some three years and his political views lead him to affiliate with the Democratic party. Botb he and his excellent wife are members in good and regular standing of the Lutheran Church. Their good home, pleasantly located, forms an agreeable center of social life and the farm shows every mark of the hand of a prudent and consci- entious farmer. _F3 S+^ ~S OllN YV. FALK Mils multifarious offices of usefulness at Ilerborn. Shelby County,-being its merchant, Postmaster, express agent, freight agent and carrying on a fine busi- ness in the manufacture of tile. His business abi- lity and thorough going, progressive character, are giving a push to this young town, which will tell upon its future. Mi'. F'alk was horn in Germany, September 7. 1856, his parents being John and Anna (Franke) falk. The family came to the United states in 1858 when our subject was scarcely two years old. Their first home was in Chicago, hut they did not tarry there many years, as they thought best to devote themselves to agricultural pursuits. Ac- cordingly they sought out some of the rich lint unbroken prairie soil where they might make their home and by industry gain the wealth which was hidden under its surface. The lather was not a man of means and felt that in order to secure for bis children the hot advantages of this new world he must place them where they might rise more readily than in a great cit \ . Shelby County was chosen as the home of the family and here the father purchased forty acres of land. He was hampered in his work by poor health, bul Still by earn est endeavor and illdustrj . coupled with economy he became the owner of two hundred and forty acres of land and placed upon it excellent improvements. His death occurred in 1877 when he was fifty years old. He was an earnest and devout member of the Lutheran Church in which his wife was in sympathy with him. The worthy widow still survives and is making her home in Shelby County on the old homestead. Five of the children of .John and Anna Falk grew to man's and woman's estate. These were Joseph; Dora, wife of William Rozene; Elizabeth, wife of John Scheef; Caroline, the wife of Henry Zalman and our subject who was the fourth in order of birth in the family. lie was hut five years old when the family removed to Shelby County, ami therefore feels that almost his entire life has been identified with the growth and progress of the community in which he lives. He received the usual thorough drill and instruction given to a farmer's boy and was educated in the district school. Although his school advantages were ex- tremely limited he availed himself thoroughly of all opportunities which were placed within his reach and has acquired a good business education by independent study and endeavor. At the age of twenty-one years, John Falk en- gaged in merchandise at Stewardson, an enterprise which he conducted for one year, after which time he decided to go upon a farm and establish a home of his own. lie was married in 1878 to Anna Giesler, daughter of Adam and Mary Giesler who was born in Elkhart County, Ind., November Hi. 1862. After following agriculture, for some eleven years, he established a mercantile business at Ilerborn in 1889, and soon afterward became a partner in the tiie factory, and later took up deal- ing in grain. The tile business at Ilerborn was established about ten years ago by Hunt and (Jail amore. The present firm does business under the title of the Ilerborn Tile Manufacturing Company and is composed of the following gentlemen : Jos- eph Falk. .John W. Falk. and A. T. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Falk own together some one hundred and forty acres of excellent land. Our sub- ject is identified with the Republican party and works for its prosperity, although he devotes Only a limited portion of his time and interest to poli- tical matters. He has been placed in the office of School Trustee in which he is efficient and active. RESIDENCE OF JOHN R E B ER , S EC. 31. , PRAI Rl E TP, SHELBY CO., ILL. f ^ * j !ff^ ■ f I r IS T* 'r r P IP I I 8 IS 5fC. 36. PRAIRIE TP " FARM PROPERTY," RESIDENCE & STORE CF J.W. FALK, HERBORN STATION ,5H ELBY COILI RESIDENCE OF SAMUEL BOWMAN , SEC. 21., RIDGE TR, SH ELBY CO., ILL. PORTRAIT AND Bit (GRAPHICAL RECORD. I 19 and is actively forwarding the educational inter- ests of the township. Hi 1 feels these to lie among the most vital and necessary matters which should engage the attention and zeal of every worthy and broad-minded citizen. The attention Of the leader is invited tO a view- on another page of the residence and store of Mr. Falk. _oo 02 tiT% AMUEL BOWMAN, the son of an eminent ^^4 Mennonite minister and a man of great V^U!) usefulness and ability, resides on section 21, Ridge Township, Shelby County, where his good farm and excellent buildings testify to his skill and thoroughness as a. fanner. His father. the Rev. Jacob Bowman, was horn in Franklin County, Pa., and his mother. Mollie Lehman was a native of the same comity. There they were married and made their home in Franklin County, Ohio, where they lived for many years and where this venerable and highly honored clergyman de- parted from earth. May IS. 1884. His faithful companion survives him and has reached a very advanced age. The subject of this sketch is one of the younger members of his father's family, his birth taking place in Franklin County. Ohio. May I. L846. His boyhood days were spent there and his school- ing received in the common schools of the Buckeye Stall'. Besides preaching, his father carried on a farm and tin 1 hoy grew up to a sturdy manhood with the excellent drill which is given to a farmer's boy. In his native county, the young man found a wife in the person of Miss Susan Motts, a daughter of Daniel and Harriet (Warner) Motts. both horn in Berks County. Pa. The day which united these two useful and happy lives was September 7. 1871. The first home of Mr. and Mrs. Motts was in Franklin County. Fa., hut they had removed to Franklin, Ohio, previous to their daughter's mar- riage. Mr. Motts' death occurred November 7. 1876, and his wife followed him to the other world, September 2<>, 1879, This highly honored couple had a family of ten children, of whom Mrs. Bowman was the ninth in age. Her native home was Franklin County. Pa., where she was born July •>•>. L849. Her domestic qualities have fitted her admirably for her work as a wife and mother, and she has been a true helpmate to her husband since the day of their marriage. The early wedded life of Mr. and Mrs. Bowman was spent in Franklin County, Ohio, where they remained for four years, but in January, 1 s 7 < ; they came to Shelby County. III., and made their home on section 21, Ridge Township, where they have built up a prosperous and delightful home. Agri- culture has been Mr. Bowman's life work and he is the owner of two hundred acres of excellent and productive soil. Upon tin 1 homestead he has a substantial sel of buildings, including a commo- dious residence, a view of which is shown on another page. Four children have blessed the home of Mr. Bowman, namely: Benjamin F.. Ida M.. John C and Howard A. To these children have been offered good educational advantages and they are making progress in preparing for the responsible duties of life. The political viewsof Mr. Bowman are in accordance witli the declaration of the Re- publican party, in the progress of which he takes a keen interest. Both he and his excellent wife have taken an active part in religious work, and are members of the Evangelical Association, where he has filled the office of Steward and Trustee. He is thus carrying oirl in a little different line. the g 1 Christian work in which his father was active for thirty-four years. r (MIX REBER, whose handsome brick resi- dence built after modern architectural de- sign attracts the eye of every visitor to Prairie Township, Shelby County, was born in Fairfield County, Ohio. January 2. 1838. His parents. T. Y. and Rachel (Allen) Relier wen' natives of the same county, the father being born in 1807 and now living in Wyandot County. 420 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. that State, and the mother, who was born in 1809, having died in the county just named in October, L890. Of the family of T. V. and Rachel Reber, there were eight children, and our subject was t lie second in age. Like thousands of young men from Ohio he came to Illinois, arriving here October 5, 1867 and locating on the farm where he now resides. lie has since that time efficiently carried on the business of farming and stock-raising. This State was visited by his father about the year 1850, and he then entered the land from the Government, which afterward came to this son by inheritance. Mr. Reber has a splendid farm of four hundredand eighty acres, and upon this he lias recently erected a new home, a view of which appears on another page. March 23, 1891, was the happy wedding day of John Reber and Mrs. Clara Thompson. Mrs. Rebel' is a native of Shelby Counts and a daughter of the Rev. Mr. Stamper, of Herrick, this county. She was first married to 'William Thompson, of Shelby County, who died in 1890. Mr. Rebel- always voted the Republican party until 1890, when he broke away from party lines and became independent in his political view and vote. lie makes a principle of casting his ballot for the man and the measures which in his judgment will best Subserve the good of the community and the pros- perity of the commonwealth, lie is not a pro- fessor of religion but cheerfully gives of his means to the support of the Gospel, lie is looked upon by his neighbors as one of the valuable and solid members of the social and industrial community of Prairie Township. OIIN POGUE has been identified with the agricultural interests of this county for more than a quarter of a century and these busy years have been fraught with much prosperity for him and lie now has a large and well-equipped farm, pleasantly located in Pickaway Township. He is :i -on of one of the early pio- P neer families of Indiana and was born in that State, in the Township of Fairbanks, Sullivan County, March 17,1820. His father. .lames Pogue, was born in 1796 amid the pioneer scenes of Mer- cer County. Ky. lie was a son of William Pogue, who was a native of Ireland. He came to this country in Colonial times and served faithfully in the Continental Army throughout the Revolution- ary War. He subsequently went to the North- west Territory and later became a pioneer of Ken- tucky, where his life was brought to a close at a g 1 old age. The maiden name of his wife was .lane Marshall. .lames Pogue was but nine years old when the family went to Ohio anil when he was eighteen years old he made his way acrOSS the border to the Territory of Indiana. For two years he resided in Knox County and then sought the forests of Sulli- van County to build up a home. He was the first to settle in what is now Fairbanks Township, where he bought a tract of heavily limbered land from the Government. He built a log cabin which he afterward replaced by a more commo- dious hewed log house, which was then the birth- place of his son, of whom we write. For many years there were no railways and Terre Haute was the nearest town towhich the settlers could go to market their produce and obtain household sup- plies. The people had to live mostly on what they could raise on their farms, the abundance of wild tia me. such as deer, turkeys, etc.. adding greatly to their fare. The wives and daughters of the pioneers spun and wove all the cloth used by their families, homespun garments being Hie rule. The father of our subject, by dint of hard and pcrsi-tcnt labor, cleared a line farm from tin' wil- derness, and there his days were passed in peace ami plenty until the end came and he was removed from the scenes of his toil by the hand of death in 1854. His wife survived him until 1862, when she too passed away. Her maiden name was Emmet Thomas and she was born in Kentucky. William and -lane Thomas being her parents. Our subject was one of eight children and he grew to a vigorous and self-reliant manhood in his native county. The school that he attended PORTRAIT AND RIP IiAPIIICAL RECORD. 421 when he «ms :i boy was taught in a log house. Small logs were split to make seats for the scholars, one side of the logs being hewn smooth, and wooden pins being inserted for legs, the seats being without backs or desks. The school was conducted on the subscription plan and the teacher sometimes boarded around among the families in the district. As soon as he was large enough our subject was required to assist in the farm work and he was thus engaged until he was twenty-two years old. His father then gave him eigllty acres oJ timber land and he at once entered upon the hard pioneer task of redeeming it from a state of nature. At that time standing trees were of little value and he used to roll large lo^> together and burn the pile. He cleared five or six acres, built on the place and at the time of marriage settled there. In 1865 our subject sold his property in Indiana and coming to Shelby County, bought two hun- dred and forty acres of wild prairie in Pickaway Township. For one hundred and sixty acres lie paid at the rate of $12 an acre and for eight} acres he paid $8 an acre. He then purchased an additional one hundred and sixty acres at $12-£ an acre and another eighty acre tract at tf.'id an acre. He now owns five hundred and forty acres, sixty of which is timber land. IK' has erected a good set of frame buildings and has added to the beaut] of the place by planting fruit, shade and ornamental trees in abundance. December 31, 1841, Mi". Pogue and Miss Nancy Terry united their fortunes for better or worse and their hearty co-operation in the upbuilding of their home has secured them the handsome com- petency that they enjoy. Mrs. Pogue was born in Vigo County. Ind.. and is a daughter of William N. and Catherine (McClure) Perry, who were early pioneers of her native State. Among the blessings that a wedded life of half a century has vouch- safed our subject and his estimable wife are the ten children born to them, named as follows: .lames M.. Angelina, Erneline, Cornelia, Charles M., Louisa. William Marvin. Li a. Julia A. and Hiram M. Mr. and Mrs. Pogue are valued members of the Christian Church, who carry their religion into their every-day lives. and are kind and considerate toward all, these pleasant traits of character win- ning them respect and regard on every hand. Mr. Pogue has clear and sensible views concerning pol- itics and is independent of any party, voting for whom he thinks best suited to assist in the man- agement of public affairs. , i ,i. k . , * ■ f i ' I i w. . Towel- Hill is the seat of some thriving business establishments, prominent among S 1 which is the store of Mr. Cannon, dealer in lumber, furniture hardware and agricultural im- plements. His life affords a striking example of what may be accomplished by a determined and tireless spirit, even with nothing as capital save vigor of body and activity of mind. A self-made man in a wide sense. Mr. Cannon has gained wealth, lint while doing so he has remembered that there are others in the world as well as himself, and has treated those with whom he has had deal- ings in the most straiirh forward and honest man- ner, carrying out the Golden Rule in all his dealings. A native of Alabama. Mr. Cannon was born September.'!. 1844, and a1 the age of seven years accompanied his parents to Arkansas, where he remained twelve years. There he received a com- mon-school education, which hi' has since broad- ened by careful reading on all important subjects. In 1864 he came to Illinois, and Locating in Mont- gomery County, passed the ensuing six years there. During four years of this time he was engaged in the lumber business for his father in the town of Butler, and he was also in partnership with his father and brother in the dry-g Is business at Ir- ving for one and a half years. Thus early in life he acquired a thorough knowledge of business af- fair-, and gained that judgment anil decision which characterize his transactions no". In 1872 Mr. Ca >n came to Tower Hill and embarked in his present business, which he is still successfully prosecuting. He has an extensive and lucrative business and occupies a prominent place 422 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. among the business men of Shelby County. He controls three hundred and twenty acres of land, but makes his home in a cozy residence in the vill- age, l'eaee, comfort and happiness have come to him from his marriage, which was celebrated in Butler, 111., October 12. 1868. The bride on that important occasion was Miss Julia A. Stewart, a native of Montgomery County, 111. The union has been blessed by the birth of nine living chil- dren, as follows: Ella, Lillie, Alice, Arthur, Wal- ter. Lizzie, Elmer E., Flora and Myrtle. One child died in infancy. In politics Mr. Cannon is a stanch Democrat, and has represented the people in the Town Coun- cil for twelve years. He has also served the town- ship as Clerk and School Director. He and his wife are members of the ."Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has filled some of the offices. Mr. Cannon, during an honorable career as a saga- cious, enterprising business man, has displayed those solid traits of character that are needful to the attainment of good fortune in any calling, and in his dealings with all either in a business or social way he has ever shown himself to be a man of honor and truthfulness, and with his g 1 wife he enjoys the full trust of the entire community. A. DAVIS. The gentleman whose name is * at the head of this sketch is a general fanner and a breeder of horses. The tract [^) of land of which he is proprietor comprises one hundred and sixty acres, and is located on sec- tion :>:i. Pickaway Township. Shelby County. .Mr. Davis secured this land directly from the Govern- ment in August, L852, and since then has devoted himself to improving it. Our subject came to this COUnty when yet a small hoy. He is a native of Kentucky, being there born June 9, L826, and is the son of Joshua and Leah (Stitl) Davis, natives of Maryland and Kentucky, respectively, but of Scotch-Irish ancestry. After marriage our subject's parents began life in Nicholas County. Ky.,and there five of the chil- dren were bom. About 1K:5:5. the family removed to this State, coming by way of the Ohio, Missis- sippi and Illinois Rivers, up to Naples, and thence over into Morgan County. There Mr. Davis Sr., rented land for some time and was engaged in farming. Later they came to this county settling here in a very early day. and purchasing some new and unbroken land of the Government. The par- ents ended their lives in Ridge Township, the father, January 1. 1868, and the mother February 18, 1857. They were then aged respectively eighty and fifty years, and had been members, for a ureal many years, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject is the third in order of eight chil- dren, of whom there were three sons and five daughters. Four of these children are yet living. The youngest son was killed at the battle of Chicka- mauga during the War of the Rebellion. His name, John II. Davis, and the memory of his bravery and loyalty will ever be cherished by family, comrades and friends. He of whom we write was reared un- der the home roof in this county, where he became of age. lie has been a close and appreciative ob- server of all the changes that have taken place in the history of the state from the '30s to the present time. The original of our sketch has been fairly successful in a business and financial way since starting out in life for himself. Mr. Davis was married in this township and county, early in life to Miss Elizabeth Robinson. Their marriage was celebrated in March. 1858. The lady was born in Bourbon County, Ky., and came to Shelby County, this State, in February. 1857. She died at her home here in June. 1867. She was the mother of live sons, namely lames. Henry Alex., John H., George IS. Me., and William o. Feeling the need of companionship after the death of his wife, our subject was again married, the lady con- senting to preside over his home and be a mother to his children, was Miss Mary Rice. They were married in 1869. She is a native of this State although her parents were Iventuckians, where they lived for some time. They passed away from life at their daughter's home in this township, June, 1871. She was in middle life at the time of her decease and lefl one child. Rosa !'>.. having losl a PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 123 son, Frank, previous to the birth of the child men- tioned. Our subjecl was again married, this time to Mrs. Elizabeth Yunkins. She was born and reared in the State of Alabama, and was married to a Southerner who died in the Southern army. By her present marriage she is the mother of twochil- ilnii. namely: (era l'>. and SamuelT. She had one son by her Brsi marriage, Thomas Jefferson. —J- ^I>-*\ was educated in the common schools and on the farm and grew to n vigorous and active young manhood. In Noble County, Ohio, he found the lady whom he chose as the one above all others to lie his helpmate through life and they were united in marriage, October II. 1849. Her maiden name was Margarel Wilson, and she was a daughter of Reuben and Sarah (Voho) Wilson. Her mother died in Noble County, and her lather somewhat later in Washington ( tounty. The life of Mrs. Margarel Henry began in Guer- nsey County, Ohio, April 1. l*2,s, and here she received her early education before going to Noble County. The earliest wedded home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry was in Noble County and there they continued to reside for some seventeen years, re- moving in 1866 to Shelby County, where they established themselves on section 9, Ridge Town- ship, which has since then been their permanent home. Upon (his land Mr. Henry has erected an excellent set of farm buildings, and he now pos- sesses some three hundred and eighty-two acres. To Mr. and Mrs. Henry have been granted ten children to cheer and enliven their home. They are; Lewis C, who married Mary Hart; Reuben W., who died when twenty-five years old in Ridge Township; John B., who has taken to wife Nellie Bextle; Rebecca A., the wife of Thomas T. Henry: Sarah E. became the wife of John N. Thomas; Fmina J. married William Carder; Abraham, whose wife bore the maiden name of Minnie Burk; William S.; Jacob S. whose wife was Mary Burk; Margaret C. The work of farming has very thor- oughly engaged the attention of Mr. Henry, al- though he has given some time to public affairs, having served for some time as School Director. He formerly took an active interest in political matters, being a believer in the principles of the Republican party, but he is now a Prohibitionist and active in the temperance cause, and a member of the Farmers" Mutual Benefit Association. In religious matters he is interested in the society known as the Church of (bid, where he and his wife are members and in which he has served as an Elder. His excellent buildings and neat farm, speak well for the thorough hand and the keen eye of the farmer who supervises the work. AMF.S II. DOWNS, a prosperous fanner re- siding on section IS. Kidge Township, Shel- by County, is a son of Flections Downs, who was bom in Virginia, October 13, 1803, and afterward removed to Maryland thence to Ohio from there, to I llinois. where 1 he grandfather. Daniel, died at the home of Elections in Ridge PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RFX'ORD. 12.-) Township. The mother of our subject was in her maidenhood known us Mary Aim Stiffler, and was born in Washington County, Md., October 20. 1800, and after becoming the wife of Klectious Downs fesided lor a short time in Hagerstown, that State, and then removed to Delaware County. Ohio. This couple remained in the Buckeye state until is I. - ), when they emigrated to Shelby County. Iil.. and settled in Ridge Township, which they made their home until called away 1>\ death he on August IS. 1873 and she died July 29, 1881. The subject of this sketch was the seventh in a family of eight children, and was horn in Delaware County. Ohio, Ma\ I. 1837, being thus aboul eight 'years old when he came with his parents to Shelby County, since which time Ridge Township has been his home, lie had thorough training in the duties of a farmer-boy and has always followed agricult- ural pursuits and Stock-raising. The schools of this county, which he attended wereasg 1 as any country schools of that day. and were carried on mostly by Subscription. The hoy was industrious and attentive to school duty and made a good start in this direction which has ever served him in good stead through life. .lames Downs was married in Ridge Township, March 22. 1860, to Miss -lane Oiler, a daughter of William and Eliza .1. (.Johnson) Oiler. Her father was horn in Virginia, May .">. 1818, and her mother, in Chambersburg, Pa., and is living in Shelby ville, 111.; her birth occurred September 12. 1821 and they came to Shelby County, about 1840, settling in Ridge Township, which they made their per- manent home, and where Mr. Oiler died. July 31. 1874. Mrs. Jane Downs was born in Ridge Township, February 15, 1845 and here her married life has been spent. Mr. Downs now- owns nearly one thousand acres and has erected a valuable brick house which has delightful surroundings and he has placed other excellent buildings upon his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Down- are the parents of four chil- dren; Jennie, the wife of Dr. A. P. Hockey, of As- sumption. 111., who is the mother of one child Stella, born May is. 1886; William P., who died in infancy: Dora A.. now the wife of John J. Smith. of Ridge Township and Ora I!. Mr. Downs has filled the office of Highway Commissioner for about six years and in politics inclines to the doctrines set forth by the Democratic party, yet is independ- ent in regard to his vote, aiming to cast it always for the best good of the community and to help in placing in office the best man for the place. Be- sides the valuable property owned by Mr. Downs in Shelby County, he is interested in a coal mini' at Assumption and has twenty tine building lots at Decatur. III. He has a good residence and excel- lent surroundings in every way and his wealth is the result of his energy, enterprise and integrity. ^H^ ARTIX IIAMM. It is not to he wondered at that so many Ohio men have come to 1 Illinois and have here engaged in business, for the conditions of life in the two States are somewhat similar, wit h the advantages in point of business opportunities in favor of the Prairie State. Our subject is a native of Ohio, having been horn near Good Hope September 11. 1859. As his name would indicate, he belongs to that race of people of whom we have a great many worthy representatives in this country. He is of German parentage and ancestry, his father, Jacob Hamm, having been a native of Germany, as was also his mother, Agnes (Miller) Hamm. They emi- grated to this country in L848. When about eight years of age our subject re- moved to Shelby County, this State with his par- ents, who settled in Richland Township, where they died. There he of whom we write grew to manhood, being reared on a farm. He received a common-school education that titted him for Un- practical business of life, but remained on the farm till IS7.S. when lie became a clerk for Wilson Brothers, in their business house at Strasburg. There he remained for about four years and then launched into business for bin »?lf. becoming pro- prietor of a mercantile house, lie carried a good stock of merchandise and prospered in his new- venture and at the end of eighteen months he took a partner, the other member of the linn being J.N. Storm. They continued together for a period of 126 PORTRAIT AM) RH (GRAPHICAL RECORD. about four years, when they dissolved partnership, and Mr. Ilamm built the store which he at present occupies, lie carries an extensive and well-se- lected stuck of clothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes, with gentlemen's furnishing goods. In L890, in company with Henry Stewai'dson, the original of our sketch built the hardware stoic in Strasburg and in connection with it they keep a good line of farm implements-, furniture, stoves and tinware. They here carry on an extensive business. In 1886 Mr. Ilannn built a very large hay barn, which he operated for three years. This he finally trailed for a farm, of which he owns one hundred and thirty-four acres. Mr. Ilamm's mar- ried life began in Shelby County, 111., where he was married to Miss Mattie Shelton, a daughter of .loci Shelton. of Strasburgh. She was horn in Shelby County, this State, and is a woman of marked personal charms and the center of the best social life in the community. Our subject and his wife arc the parents of two children, whose names are Wordy K. and Agnes. Our subject has served in various public offices, having been Treasurer of the Village Board for several years. He is now the Treasurer of the Loan Association. As do all loyal American citizens, he of whom we write takes an active interest in political affairs and is a member of the Democratic party, throwing his influence in favor of that party at every oppor- tunity. '§*#HII^"^t!il OIIX F. MARTIN, who is a resident of Strasburg Township, is a native of Fountain County. Ind.. having been born in Davis Township, September '■>. IS12. where he re- mained until lie had reached t lie years of manhood, and indeed it was not until he was in his twenty- second year that he left the home roof to go out and battle for himself. At that time hi' removed to Shelby County and settled on a farm in Rich- land Township. There he remained but a short time and then returned to Indiana in time to enlist with his youthful comrades in the War of the Re- bellion, lie joined Company I), of the ( hie Hun- dred and Fiftieth Indiana Regiment, and served until the close of the war. when he returned to Shelby County, this State, and has ever since made his home in Richland Township on a farm, until 1S.S2. when he came to Strasburg. Since coming to Strasburg Mr. Martin has been engaged in the grain and Hour trade and has built up a flourishing business. Our subject is a man who is interested in any measure that benefits hu- manity. Naturally he takes a great interest in local as well as national politics. A Democrat in his political policy and theories, he has been ap- pointed by his party to till a number of local offices. lie has been Collector for two years, and has filled the office of Assessor for the same length of time. The original of our sketch was married in Rich- land Township, Shelby County, this State, soon after his return from the war, in December. 1866. His wife was Mrs. l'liilenia Whitlatch, who was born in Shelby Township. The lady has made a pleasant home for her husband and the children who have taken their place at the family board. Their names are Lizzie, Rosetta, John Franklin. Emma, Ella, Delia. Eva and Charlie. Mr. Martin is a member of the Masonic fraternity. For four years he has held the office of Village Trustee of Strasburg. Personal comfort, conven- ience or gain are secondary considerations to our subject in the face of the demands that are made upon his time by the needs of the community. An upright and trustworthy man personally, as a citi- zen he combines the rare qualities of ability, judg- ment, generosity and self-forgetfulness. He has done much to assist the growth of the village, and he with his amiable wife and family of children make one of the plcasantest homes in the place. The father of the subject i if this sketch wasGeorgC B.Martin, who was a farmer, and a native of Ohio. His mother was a Miss Elizabeth l'iersoii. who was born in New York. After the marriage of ( ieorge Martin they settled in Da vis Township. Fountain County. Ind.. where they passed the remainder of their lives. They had thirteen children, nine sons and four daughters, and of these our subject was the eldest. At the present time (May. 1891,) only three of this large family are living. .Mrs. Martin. Our subject's wife, was the daughter of l'eter and I IS : % I vll PORTRAIT AND BIOORAPIIICAL RECORD. 129 Eda Smith. They were old settlers at :in early day in Shelbj County, and died in Holland Township. Her first husband was Samuel Whitlatch, who died in Richland Township. By her first marris%e she was the mother of onechild, Samantha,who is now i he wife of Marion Johnson. Mr. Mini Mrs. Martin are members of the Baptist Church, in which body they are both active workers. Oursubject isknown throughout the county as being a large grain- buyer, and his reputation as a business man is with- out a flaw. r EONARD PARKINSON, a prominent farm- er, stock-raiser and dealer in real estate, esiding on section 30, Oconee Township, Shelby County, was born on Staten island, N. V.. January 21, 1831. His parents were Leonard and Maria (Fountain) Parkinson, both being natives of Staten Island, and descended from English and German ancestry respectively. Two sons and two daughters were the children of this marriage, as follows: Mary E., the widow of William Burns, is at present in Europe where she Iims been spending seven years educating her daughter; the next, is oursubject; William A., who is unmarried is en- gaged in the insurance business in the East, and makes his home upon Staten Island; Hannah S. is the wife of John Benjamin, a broker of New York City. The mother died five years ago in her eighty- third year, having been a widow since 1 s ."« 2 . The subject of this sketch was educated in the schools of New York City. Mud grew to manhood ms m resident of Staten Island. In 1848-49 during the prevalenceof the"gold fever." he went to Cali- fornia and remained there for five years, being en- gaged in trading with the Sandwich Islands, and in the brokerage business, in both of which he was successful in a financial way. In 1853 he returned to Staten island, and in 1861 came to Illinois Mini located on the farm in Oconee Township, where he now resides. He owns two hundred Mild sixty-two Mere.- of excellent farming land, adjoining the town of < ii ee. A line residence tastily furnished, pro- ductive orchard and other advantages render this farm a very desirable one. When Mr. Parkinson first came to Illinois he came to transact business in real estate for other parties, and seeing the coun- try under very favorable circumstances he became impressed with its beauty and fertility, and in- vested for himself, which action he has never seen cause to regret. The marriage of our subject in 1K(>3 united him with Miss Ann L. Elmo, who was horn at Zanes- ville. Ohio. January 4. lull. She came to Taylor- ville, 111., with her parents, and was married a1 Oconee. Of this union three children were horn: William A., who was horn January 8, 1864, is en- gaged in merchandising at Sullivan, this State, and is married to Miss Jessie Shinkle of Ohio; Cora, who was horn August II. 1866, is now the wife of II. Skinner, of Oconee; Ida, who began life May 30, 1869, died when a lovely child of two years and seven months. Mr. Parkinson is a stanch Repub- lican in politics, Mini takes an interest in every- thing calculated to enhanee the prosperity of the State Mild nation. His family are not members of any religious denomination, although their prefer- ences are toward the Episcopal Church. An hon- est, industrious and frugal gentleman, it is not strange that he has accumulated a goodly portion of this world's goods, and is able to give to his family the advantages of comfort and affluence. On another page of this volume will he found a lithographic portrait of Mr. Parkinson. ) Wi T ' I'll / '■l- jeei emigrated to this country about 1850, Mini ISO PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. made his home in St. Louis. Mo., where he spent the remainder of his days. Jacob Heinz hail been preceded to the New World by his son John P., the father of our subject, lie came here in 1X-I2 when still a single man. and found his wife in St. Louis, Mo. He was married in lMtl and made his home in that city, pursuing his trade which was that of a shoemaker, lie came to Shelby County. III., in is.",;', and settled in Rose Township, where he engaged in fanning, which pursuit he followed until his death, which occurred July f,, IKS.'i. The mother of our subject was Dorothy Douth, who was also a native of Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, being horn there May 22. 1*27. Ilei- death occurred in Rose Township, Sep- tember 22. 1881. The eleven children of John P. and Dorothy Heinz are as follows: John, who died in infancy: John P.. the .subject of this writing; Jacob, a farmer in Rose Township; Catherina, the wife of Philip Boening of Chicago; William, who died in childhood; J. Lewis, a farmer in Holland Town- ship, this county: Maria, who is now Mrs. Jacob Stilgebauer; Louisa, the wife of Jacob Dagen, of Rose Township; AnnaM.. now Mrs. Gabriel Fadrer, of Rose Township; Frederick W.. and Caroline M., the wife of Frederick Roessler. The subject of this sketch was born in St. Louis. Mo.. April 9, 1848, and was thus live year- old when his parents removed to Shelby County, and most of his life has been spent here at the home in Rose Township. His early training was taken upon his father's farm and in the common schools and when twenty-two years old he engaged in farming on his own account, renting land forthe first year. He then purchased forty acres on section ,",. and has added to this by purchase until he now owns one hundred and three acres. Farming has been his chief business, although in 1884 he -pent six months in Kansas City, where he was engaged in other employment. Upon this farm he has placed substantial improvements and comfortable build- ings. Most of his farm was in timber laud ami he had this to clear. The marriage of John 1'. Heinz took place in Rose Township, February 3, L876, his bride being Miss Carolina Friesner. the daughter of Andrew J. and Sarah K. (Bowman) Friesner. who arc now residents of Kansas City. This lady was horn in Fairfield County, Ohio, January 19, 1858, and i- now the mother of three children: Louis P.. J. Otto and Caroline V. The election of Mr. Heinz to the Office of Township Supervisor, took place in the spring of 1890, and he was re-elected to the same office in the spring of 1891. He has been their Highway Commissioner for seven years and has performed the duties of that office with ability and satisfaction to his constituents. For one year he held the office of Assessor and he has been School I tircctor for -ix years. The religious home of Mi', and Mrs. Heinz is with the Lutheran Church, of which they are active members. Political affairs deeply interest this gen- tleman and as a member of the Democratic party he take- an active part in its movements and plans, lie earnestly believes that the declarations of that body embody the principles of true govern- ment and will work out the best success for this country. He is a man of keen intelligence and has a good degree of information on matters of public interest, and his reputation as a thorough-going fanner as well as an upright business man gives him a good standing in the community. AMUEL DUNCAN. The gentleman of S^? whom we are about to give a short bio- V graphical sketch in outline, resides on sec- tion 22. of Richland Township. Shelby County. He is a native of this State, and of Amer- ican parentage, although his ancestors were prob- ably Scotch. His father was James Duncan, who "a- horn in Delaware County. Pa. His mother, who was before her marriage a Miss .Mary Mc- Keever, lived to see her son take an honorable po- sition in lite. They died in Richland Township. Six children were permitted to grow up around tlicm. Of these there were four sons and two daughters, our subjeel being the fifth child in order of birth. Samuel Duncan was born Richland Township. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 431 May 8, 1842. He was reared to manhood on his father's farm and in his native township, always having lived here with the exception of one year during which time he was in the army. 1 1 < - en- listed September 18, 1864, in Company 1!. of the Twelfth Illinois Infantry, and served until July, 1865. Although the severest fighting was over at the time (if his enlistment, he took part in several small engagements, he received Ins discharge at Washington, I). C. Mr. Duncan has always been engaged in agricul- tural pursuits, making a specialty, however, of stock-raising. For fifteen years he was engaged in buying and shipping stock to the city markets. His farm hears the impress of having line manage- ment, as every pari is well cultivated, lie owns one hundred and sixty acres, which is equally di- vided in the raising of general produce and the grazing of eattle. The original of our sketch entered the matri- monial relation in Richland Township, October 9, 1864, his bride being Miss Harriet ('. Balch, who was born in Coles County, 111. Well mated and having tastes and sympathies in common, thej have made a happy home. During the years that they have lived together three children have come to them; Mary E., Ida A., and Retta O. Mary E. is the wife of Samuel Richards. The parents of .Mrs. Duncan were Jonathan J. P. and Elizabeth (Nicholson) Balch, the former was probably born in Indiana, and the latter was a native of Tennes- see They came to Shelby County and settled on Sand (reek, lint remained here only a short time. returning to Coles County, where the mother died. At the date of this writing (May. L891) the father still survives. Mrs. Duncan is one of twelve chil- dren horn to her parents, she being the third in order of birth, she was born in Coles County. 111.. November 1 1. 1*44. Our SUbjed has taken an active part ill local pol- itic-, being an ardent Republican. He has held several offices in the gifl of the township in which he lives, having been Deputy Sheriff and Consta- ble, and he i,~ now School Director. His wife i> a member of the Presbyterian Church and our sub- ject himself is a Liberal supporter of the Gospel. Mr. Duncan \v:is the firsl man who introduced and commenced the breeding of registered Hereford cattle, and is to-day the only breeder in the county. He has sold and shipped out of his herd ill fifteen different Slates. His herd at the present writing numbers one hundred and forty head. m>^^. when he became a pioneer of Cape Girardeau County. He bought a tract of timber land and carried on farming in connection with the manufacture of wagons, and helped build up those industries in that county, of which he continued a useful citizen until death closed Ins career in 1862. His wife survived him until 1865, when she too passed away. They reared a family of live children, of whom these are the names: Mary A.. Sarah L., George \\\. John C. and Silas M. The latter who forms the subject of this brief biography lived amid the scenes of his birth during his boyhood and youth, and was educated in the local public Schools. lie worked with his father four or five years, and continued an inmate of the parental household until lie attained his majority, when he engaged in the mercantile business in 432 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Bollinger County for a year. His next venture was as:i farmer in Montgomery County for a period of one year. He then resumed the mercantile business, but a year later went hack to farming, at which he was engaged five years in Bond County. At the end of that time he went to Macon County, in this State and bought an improved farm, which lie operated successfully eleven years. He then established himself in the hardware business at Mania. 111., and conducted it until 18*4. when he sold his store there and bought his present estab- lishment, lie carriesa full lineof hardware, stoves, cutlery, glass, china, paints and furniture, and commands a large trade, as he understands weil what his customers demand, uses tact in his deal- ings, and all are sure of fair treatment at his hands. Mr. Adams is further closely identified with the business interests of his adopted city as President of the Moweaqua Building and Loan Association, which is an important factor in the growth of this municipality, and its affairs are in a flourishing condition with him at the head. He is known in political circles as a sound Republican, and a linn advocate of the principles of his party. Mr. Adams was happily married in 1861 to Miss Susan A., daughter of Thomas and Nancy (Sims) MeLain, and a native of Bond County. 111. Four children complete their home circle — Ella. Emma, Albert and Alma. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church, and are of high social posi- tion. ^4\ EC .□ AMES (}. REIGHLEY is a representative fanner and stock-raiser of Moweaqua Town- ship, Shelby County, who i- prominent in the public, political and social life of this part of the county. He was born in the town of Winchester, Adam.- County. Ohio, December 1."). ls.")0. and i- the eldesl s f William and Rachel ( Bailey) Reighley, of whom see -ketch on another page of this volume. He was three years old when hi- parent- came to establish a new home in Illin- ois. He was given superior advantages for an ed- ucation, of which he laid the foundation in the graded schools of Paxton in Ford County, lie subsequently attended the Illinois Industrial Col- Lege at Champaign, and also pursued a liberal course of study at Westfleld University. Thus well equipped by a sound mental training for life'- duties, our subject after leaving the latter institution taught one term of school, and then entered the employ of the Chicago. Danville and Vincennes Railway Company as civil engineer, anil later engaged with the Chicago and l'aducah Rail- way Company in the same capacity, lie also had experience as a civil engineer in the West, going to Colorado in 1875 in the service of the Kansas Pacific. In January. L876, in common with many others he was attracted to the Black Hill- by the discovery of gold in that region, and made the journey hither from Denver, a distance of four hundred miles, with teams. At that time Dead- wood was a hamlet of a few log houses, and hostile Indians infested the locality. Our subject and some others started out with the intention of locat- ing a mining camp, but their wagons were burned and their ponies and provisions were stolen by the Indians. Thus frustrated in his attempts to search for gold Mr. Reighley concluded to return to civiliza- tion, and made his way on foot to Cheyenne. He then resumed work with the Kansas Pacific for. 'i few months, then entered the employ of a ranchman as foreman, and in the fall of l*7(i, took a train load of cattle to Chicago. From there he visited the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, thence went to New York, where he embarked on a steamer for Galveston. His intention i- going to Texas was to -tart a ranch in that State, but after his arrival there he was thrown from his hor-e and so severely injured that he was forced to abandon his design. A- -non as he was able he re- turned to Chicago and for a few months was fore, man in the packing house of Hutchinson and Kent. In 1878, our subject, who had already had experi- ence in handling cattle, came to Moweaqua and was actively engaged in stock-raising the ensuing year. At the expiration of that time he invested in eighty acres of land finely located one mile east of the village mentioned. There being no build- ings on the place, he rented a dwelling until lHKb', PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 433 when he erected his present neat and conveniently arranged residence. He 1ms added to the original size of his farm by further purchase; and it now contains one hundred and sixty-five acres of well- improved prairie land. In December, L878, Mr. Reigbley was happily married t<> Mis> Elizabeth Ann Knowles, a native of Erie County, Ohio. Their pleasant home circle is completed by the one child horn to them. John Henry. Our subject is influential in the councils of the Republican party in this section as one of its most thoughtful and intelligent supporters in his com- munity, and he has served as delegate to various political conventions. Hehasalways taken a deep interest in all that pertains to the welfare of his township, especially in the education of its youth, and he is a member of the District School Board. lie has served two terms as Highway Commissioner, and has twice assessed the township. In his social relations, he is identified with Shelby Lodge, No. 27 1. I. (). (). 1'.; and Moweaqua Lodge. No. HUM. K. of II. '•S-S-fr-5-F ANTEL N. HARWOOD, of ShelbyviUe, is J one of the most extensive and enterpris- tj/ tng dealers in hay in thiscounty. He was horn in the town of Winfield, Herkimer County. X. Y. His father. Nathan Harwood, was horn in Massachusetts, and was the SOU of an Eng- lishman who came to this country and first settled in that State. He afterward became a resident of New York ami was a pioneer of Herkimer County. Inlying a tract of timber in Winfield. lie cleared his land and developed it into a g 1 farm, which remained his home until his demise. Nathan Harwood was hut a hoy when he went to New York with his parents and he was reared to the life of a farmer in their pioneer home. He was married in early manhood to Abigail J. Hurt, by whom he had one child. Amhers -I. His first wifi' died and he then married again and contin- ued to reside in Winfield until death closed his career, in 1* 1(1. while he was yet in the prime of life. His second wife survived him many years and finally died at a ripe age in the home of our subject in Rosamund. Christian County. she reared these children: Mary. Daniel N.. Anna. Charles Y. and Lucy M. Our subject was a lad of fourteen years when he had the misfortune to lose his father, and from that time he was obliged to care for himself. Be- ing thus early thrown on his own resources, he he- came manly and self-reliant and worked well at whatever his hand found to do. In the summer season he worked on a farm and the rest of the year devoted himself to obtaining an education, so that at the age of eighteen he was well qualified to teach, lie engaged in that profession a portion of each year and attended West Win field Academy the remainder of the time for three years. Reliev- ing that the West, as this part of the country was then called, possessed superior advantages for young men of brain and energy, in 1856 he came to Ill- inois and located in Knox County. His services were in demand as a teacher and when not thus engaged he employed his time on a farm. A year later he removed to Christian County and bought a farm in Rosamund Township, on which lie was a resident until 18(34. During that time, in addition to farming, he bought and shipped hay quite ex- tensively. In the year mentioned our subject came to Shel- byviUe to engage in the grain business, also continuing to buy and ship hay. He carried on both branches of business some years, hut of late has dealt exclusively in hay. He has all the facil- ities lor carrying on his business to the best advan- tage, including large storage accommodations. He lias a warehouse in this city with a capacity of three hundred tons and barracks that hold seven hundred tons. He also buys at Windsor. Mattoon. and Cowden, and at the latter place has a ware- house covered with iron, in which can he stored two hundred and fifty tons of hay. and he has be- side barracks there that hold four hundred and fifty tons. At Mattoon he has the largest and fin- est barn in the State, with a capacity of eight hun- dred tons. Mr. Harwood was happily married in 1!-C>7 to Miss Ursula E. Moore, who was born in Anson. I.; I PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Mi-., in 1836, and theirs is one of the pleasantesl homes in all Shelbyville. They have three chil- dren: Eber M., who married Mary ('. Waldon; Florence L. and Clara. Mr. Harwood possesses a clear, well-balanced, well-trained mind, large foresight and superior bus- iness qualities, which characteristics have placed him among our leading citizens. In his politicshe has always been a true Republican since he cast his first Presidential vote for John C. Fremont. 1 It- is a popular member of various social organizations, as follows: Jackson Lodge, No. 53, A. F. & A. M.; .Jackson Chapter, No. 55, R. A. M.; Ok.nw Lodge, No. 117. 1. (). (). F.; Big Four Lodge. No. CSC. Or- der of Tonti; and he is also a member of the Royal Temple of Templars, K. of H. and Ancient Order of FniU-d Workmen. ^f^§ *"/T DAM D. BOWMAN, one of the well-known (?■ I residents of section I. Rose Town-hip. / ■ Shelby County, is a man who has a fine qJ record as a soldier in the Civil War, and an excellent reputation as a farmer. His father was Daniel Bowman, who was bora in Pittsburg, I'm., and his mother. Sarah Kueh. had her nativity in Westmoreland County the same State. There they were married and from her home emigrated to Terry County, Ohio, where they entered land and made their home until early in the '60s when they came to Shelby County. 111., and settled in Rose Township. Here they spent, the remainder of their days, the father dying in the fall of 1868 and the mother surviving him two years only. Of a large family of live sons ami five daugh- ters, our subject was the youngest son and eighth child, lie was horn in Perry County, Ohio, De- cember 26, 1834, and there lie grew to manhood ami resided until lie becameof age. He resided in Perry County, until February, 1861, when he came to Illinois and made his home in the coun- ties of ( 'oles and I touglas. Mr. Bowman enlisted A.ugus1 19, 1862 in Com- pany K, Seventy-ninth Illinois Regiment. He was mustered into the United state- service at Areola and served throughout the period of war and was mustered out at Nashville. Tenn. He took part in the battles of Stone River. ( 'hickaniauga, Kenesav Mountain, Atlanta, and in other prominent engage- ments. At Stone River he was so unfortunate as to be taken prisoner of war but was held only twenty-eight days, after which he was paroled and was soon exchanged and permitted to rejoin his regiment. After the close of the war he returned to Illinois and lias since been a resident of Shelby County. The marriage of our subject took place in Rose Township. .Inly 17. 1872, his bride being Miss Mary C. Palmer, daughter of John and Rachel (Morri- son) Palmer. The lady was born in Bucyrus, Ash- land County. Ohio. May 12. 1851, and she has become the mother of two children — Oscar 0. and Frank P.; the latter died iii infancy. .Mr. Bow- man has always followed agricultural pursuits except during the time which he spent in the brave defense of his country, lie owns eighty acres of excellent land, upon which he has made good im- provements. His political views have led him to affiliate with the Republican party and hisreligious convictions have made him a member of the Lutheran Church in which he is an active worker. Mrs. Bowman died in 1 s 7 (J . L. OSBORN. One of the best improved ( .•y I farms in Flat Branch Township, section / ' 18, Shelby County, is that upon which the gentleman whose name is at the head of this sketch resides having retired from the active management of agricultural business. Mr. OsbOlTl lias one hundred and eighty acres in the farm on which he resides, all of which is well improved land; he also owns forty acres near the homestead. He purchased this land and settled on it in March. 1865, it then being all unbroken prairie. Since then he has made it a comfortable home place and has been successful in his under- takings as a general farmer. He came to his present location from Macoupin County, where In- had lived near Gillespie for some years. He form- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 135 erly lived in Jersey and Greene Counties, having improved some property in both places. Our subject came to this stale when a boy, with his parents. They early settled in Sangamon County, and the young man went with them to Greene County, where he grew to manhood and was married. He was horn in Athens County. Ohio. August 1."), 1.H22. and is the son of Moses and the grandson of Josiah < (shorn, the latter being a native of Long Island, and of Welsh parents and ancestors. He was one of eleven sons. all horn on Long Island. He served as a soldier through the Revolutionary War and followed the calling of a farmer. He lived to he an old man, his deatli probably occurring in Connecticut. His son Moses Osborn and our subject's father, was one of a large family and was born in Connecticut, where he grew up and learned the trade of a smith, lie later became an itinerant preacher, and was thus engaged during part of the War of 1812. and although he was not an active participant in that struggle- lie saw many of its results, lie was married in New York to .Miss Judith Francis, a native of the Island of Guernsey, who came of French parentage. She was fifteen years of age when her father and mother moved to America and settled in New York, where they lived for some years, and later came to Ohio, there passing away after attaining a good old age. Their de- cease occurred in Athens County. After marriage Muse- Oshorn and wife settled in Athens County. < >hio. in an early day and there began pioneer life. They lived there for some pears, making many improvements upon the farm that they had secured. After the birth of live- children, all of whom were sons, in 1826 they left Ohio to come tn this State. The\ came by way of the overland route with teams, living a camp life while on the mad. After a number of days of tedious journeying, they reached and located near Springfield. They, however, stayed here but a Comparatively short time when they proceeded to Greene County, where they secured a farm to which they benl their energies to improve. There both Moses Osborn and wife spent the remainder of their lives, and there died, being at the lime of their decease, about eighty-three years old. They were among the first and most influential old settlers in that county, and were prominent mem- bers of the .Methodist Episcopal Church at a time when church membership meant mure than it does now. .Much of Mi-. ( Ishorn's life had been spent in active church work. The original of our sketch is one of the young- est nf five sons and one daughter. He remained with his parents until he became of age. He was married in Greene County. February 25, 1850, to Miss Sarah E. Pruitt, who was horn in Greene County, this State. March 11. 1835. She is a daughter of James R. and Mahala (Ambrose) Pruitt, natives of Illinois and Virginia, respec- tively. Mr. Pruitt was one of the very first white children horn in the southern part of the State. James R. Pruitt was the sun of William Pruitt, who was in this State in tin- very early part of the present century, or before that time, and was en- gaged in the struggle with the Indians, prior to the War nf 1812. He carried a bullet to his grave received in a battle with the Indians. Mrs. Mahala Pruitt's father was also an early settler in Illinois and was engaged in the War of 1812, having been crippled in battle. His name was William Ambrose. James R. Pruitt and wife were married in Illi- nois and lived in Madison County for some time, later removing to Greene County, where they secured and improved a new farm. They were very early pioneer settlers and were obliged to begin life in a must primitive way. The bridal Costumes fur both bride and groom were of home- spun, and they had only wooden dishes to begin housekeeping with and a wooden bed. built of boards in a corner of the room in which they lived. They drove ox-teams to church, but made as much sunshine as possible out of the circum- stances with which they were compelled to con- form. They spent their last days in Greene Countj and there died, Mr. Pruitt at sixty-two years of age, and his wife at eighty-three. Mrs. Pruitt was a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Osborn and her brother William, are all of the family at present living. The lady was reared tu womanhood in her native county. She is the mother of eight children, two of whom are de- ceased. Amanda and Oscar F. The living children 86 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. are .lames A., Richard F., Mary B., Janet A.. Lewis W. and Luther A. The eldest living son is the husband of Alice Cotar and lives in tliis township on a farm. Richard took to wife Lou Minnie Cotar, now deceased. He lives in Christian County, and has married a second time, his present wife having been a Miss Mary Winters. Mary B. is the wife of I. F. Ilavertield. and lives in Vermil- lion County. 111. Janet A. is the wife of Wil- liam Manly, a fanner in this township. Lewis W. is a farmer in Christian County, lie married Maggie English. Luther is also a fanner in Chris- tian County and took to wife Fanny Zeitz. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn are members of the Evangelical Association. Our subject is an Independent in politics, not wedded to party, but voting for the man whom he believes to he best qualified to till the position. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn are both intelligent and educated people. They have reared a family of miiis and daughters who have proved to lie of exceptional mental caliber and with high ideas of principle. V •:- -: AMUEL RENNER. How blessed and sweet is the rest that follows the labor of a long I day spent in adjusting the work and man- agement of one's duties, no matter in what calling. Even so is the rest in the evening of life thai s man feels and enjoys after a careerof which each day was a repetition of its predecessor ill hard manual labor, and the worry of daily existence. This rest is now enjoyed by the gentleman who is the subject of this little biographical Sketch in out- line. An energetic, stirring man whose whole am- bition and energies was to keep in the van of his affairs, and abreast with the time in advancement of all kinds, he has well earned the pleasant re- tirement from active duties that he now enjoys. Our subject, who is now a retired farmer, is a Mm of Tobias Rentier, who was probably a native of Maryland. His mother was Cynthia Smith, who was born in New Jersey. Thej came t<> Shelby County, this State, from Belmont County. Ohio, in 1 H37. although after marriage they first settled in Pennsylvania, removing from there to Guernsey County. Ohio, whence they went to Belmont County. At their advent into this State and coun- try, they settled in Richland Township, where they lived for some years. The father died about 1840. The mother survived her husband for several years, at last passing away in Richland Township. They were the parents of a large family of children, of whom our subject was the second in order of birth. He was probably born in Green County. Pa., his nataTday being November 12. 1815. Samuel Renner made his advent into Shelby County with his parents in the fall of 18.37. They at once settled upon a farm, and the lad was brought up to that calling. and has always followed it. He was married in Richland Township. November < s . 1838, to Miss Martha Balch, a daughter of Amos and Martha (Leach) Balch. The former was a na- tive of Tennessee. The mother died when Mrs. Renner was quite young. The family went from Kentucky to Indiana, where the mother's death took place. After that sad event Mr. Balch came to Shelby County, this State, in 1836, settling in Richland Township, where he lived for about bun years, at the expiration of which time he removed to Bond County, and there died. Mrs. Renner is one of a family of eleven children, there having been seven sons and four daughters, and of these the lady who became the wife of our subject, was the youngest. She was bora in Indiana. Septem- ber 30, 1821. After the union of our subject and wife, they Settled in Richland Township, on a farm located on section 27, where they lived upwards of fifty years, until March. 1889, when they removed tn strasburg. where they are now making their home. Their town residence is a cozy place, where they can enjoy the aflern i of life with ilssoft mellow sunset in serenity and peace. Some of their chil- dren live near at hand, and in them and the lives of their families they live again their own youth- ful experience. Mr. ami Mrs. Renner are the par- ents of twelve children. Those livingare Martha. John, Joseph, Emeline, James and Elizabeth. Mar- tha is the wife of Joseph Rouse, and is distinguished PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 139 for her matronly bearing, b.eing a gentle and lov- ing wife and helpmate; Emeline married James Turner; Elizabeth is the wifeof Berry Barker. The eldest son. Stephen was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion, and died a victim of typhoid lexer, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., after having served for three months. The other deceased children passed away when young. In his political preference Mr. Renner is a Re- publican having been in his youth, a follower of the old line Whig party. Religiously he and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which body they have done good ser- vice. Our subject and his wife have passed a lone- life in usefulness and devotion, not only to their own personal desires and aims, hut for the elevation and helpof their fellow-men. Theyhave more than passed the Scripturally allotted portion of life and approach the time when wearied with the cares of existence, each will be glad to say: •■( lood uight; now cometh gentle sleep. ■•And dreams that fall like gentle rain: "Good uight! oh holy, blessed and deep ••The rest that follows pain. ■•How should we reach God's upper Light ••If life's lone- day had no good-night." *eh ffi^ISBURY .1. SLOAN. To have well tilled J the position of a good citizen in any '^3^ town, is a record of which a man in either high or low life may feel proud. It is a worths ambition to place before the young of any community that they should make their aim in this direction and should become enterprising, earnest, public-spirited members of society, always upholding the laws and regulations of the com- monwealth and promoting the good of the people among whom they live by every means in their power. A worthy life does this in any event, but it is also worth an effort and an aim. Such a member of the business and social circles of Oconee do we find iii the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this paragraph, and whose portrait IS shown on the opposite page. Mr. Sloan was born in Knox County. Ohio. April 7, 1829. His parents were Samuel and Katie (Taylor) Sloan, who wen' natives of Ohio. His grandfather was a soldier in the Reyolutionarj War and died at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, when ninety- eight years old. (If the parental family Disburj was the fust horn. Two of his brothers died in infancy and William was killed by lightning while herding cattle on the prairie near Nokomis. 111. Harriet married Jacob Straub and resided in Mont- gomery County where she died April .">. 1891; .Martha became the wife of John Fritz and resided near Odin, 111., until her death about twenty years ago, and Mary was the wife of Arthur Brown and died some fifteen years ago at. Nokomis. It was in the spring of 1856 that our subject located in Shelby County, and here he has ever since made his home. He engaged in farming, merchandising and stock-raising in which branches he has continued without interruption for forty- four years. He recently turned over his mer- chandising interests here to his son, though he still owns and operates a large stoic at Arthur. 111., where he has ? 1 ■i.llllll invested. The store is car- ried on under the linn name of Sloan & .loins, the junior partner being an adopted son of our subject. In 1K7H Mr. Sloan took a trip to Cali- fornia to recuperate his health, and the following year he went to Wyoming where he embarked ill the cattle business. In this he continued engaged in Wyoming and Oregon for lour years, then re- turned to ( (COnee and resumed his old business, in which he has since been engaged. The marriage of Mr. Sloan at Vandalia. III., in the spline' of 1K.">2 gave him a wife in the person of Miss Susan Casebeer. Eight children were born to this union and the two eldest (twins) died in infancy: Bosha is married and is carrying on the mercantile business in Oconee; Otis is in the same line of work at Herrick, 111., and is also married; Alonzo was killed in a railroad disaster and was at the time of his death a merchant; Capitola married B. W. Kerr of Oconee and died in this place sev- eral years ago; Docia is engaged in teaching and makes her home with her father. Tin' firsl mar- riage was uncongenial and Mr. Sloan procured a di\ orce from his « ife, lid PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Tha second marriage of our subject was with .Mi.-. Ella Morrison, a daughter of L. L. Gale of Oconee, who was born in Michigan in 1855 and who lias had no children. Public affairs deeply interest this gentleman and he has strong faith in the future of the Democratic party with which he is allied. He is regarded as a pre-eminently good and useful citizen of this town and county. He is a worthy member of the Oconee Lodge, No. 392 F. & A. M. of which he was a charter member, al- though he became a Mason at Pana, 111. For many years lie has been the Lodge Treasurer and still holds that honorable and responsible position. Although he gives liberally to the support of the Gospel, to the Sunday-school and to all public en- terprises he is not identified with any church. LNKV BRIDGMAN. Our subject comes of a German family whose characteristics have been modified in some directions and made ')) more intense in Others, by a residence iii the Southern Mates. His grandparents were na- tives of Virginia, although of German ancestry. His grandfather Bridgman, whose given name our subject does not know, died when in middle life. After his death, his wife removed to Tennessee with her family of children and later to Illinois, where she died at about eighty rears of age in Morgan County. She had a family of seven or eighl children, of which Martin Bridgman, the fa- ther of our subject, was one of the younger, his birth state being Virginia. Our subject's father was quite young when his father died and at an early day, with his mother, went from Virginia to ( Granger County. Tenn., and there he grew to manhood. OCCUpving himself as a tanner. He was there married to a Tennessee lady whose maiden name was Anna Dyer. She was burn and reared in the place where her marriage occurred and was one of an old and highly respected fain ily. After the birth of all the children but (inc. Martin Bridgman, wife and family, came to Morgan County, this state, in ix.'il and afterwards secured a farm devoting themselves to improving it. Our subject's parents are both yet living. His father was eighty-One years old February 18, 1891. Ili.s mother will be seventy-eight years old Novem- ber III. 1891. On that day the old people will have lived together for sixty-two years; a remin- der that in some cases, at least, marriage is not a failure. Our subject is one of ten children, one of whom died in infancy. Of the remaining children there are five sons and four daughters yet living. All of these have married and have families of their own. Henry Bridgman was born in Granger County. Tenn.. September 111. IK.'!7. He was four- teen years of age when his parents removed to Morgan County, this State. They came over the prairies with teams and it wasafter a long journey, varied by many adventures, that they found a home near Jacksonville. Here they located and there our subject, became of age. In March 8, 1866 he of whom we write united himself in marriage to Lavina Angel, she was born in Morgan County, near Arenzville, October 21. 1845, and is a daughter of John and Susan (Smith) Angel, natives of Indiana and Tennessee. When young people, thej came with their parents from their respective states to Morgan County, 111. This was in the early part of the '30s. There John Angel was reared having been only four years of age when his father and mother, George and Elizabeth (Turnam) Angel settled here, se- curing a tract of land upon which they lived and died, being well known pioneer settlers. After marriage, John Angel and his wife began life on an almost new farm, which they improved and made their home for many \ ears. The\ have now ret ire. 1 from the active proprietorship of the farm and live iii Jacksonville. They are advanced in life, being respectively sixty-eight and sixty-four years of age. The\ are prominent members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Mr. Angel is a man of lirm financial Standing. lie is the owner of more than six hundred acres of land in this township, and of large property in Morgan County and in Jackson- ville. Mrs. Bridgman is the eldest of fourteen children. three of whom died while quite young. Eleven PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Ill Mill living, and of these eight are married. After the marriage of our subjecl and his estimable wife, they adopted agriculture ns their calling. They own and improved the greater purl of three farms. In the spring of L880, they sold their places and came to Shelby County, purchasing the farm of two hundred and forty acres on section 13, Flat Branch Township, which they al presenl oc- cupy. Here they have ever since lived. The whole of this large farm bears the besl of improvements and on it is a line brick. two-Story residence, that is a picture of comfort and tasteful arrangement. There arc also other buildings upon the place in i he besl condition. .Mr. Bridgman has. besides, forty acres of timber land, in section II. of this township. The original of our sketch and his capable and amiable wife, have welcomed eight children l<> their home and hearts. One of these Henry ('., is de- ceased. The living children are John M., R. Guthrie, Ada !'».. Charles W., William 1!.. L. Edgar, and Nellie L. John took to wife Addie Pontics and resides on a farm in Pickaway Township. The uc\i son resides al home. The other children are all still inmates of the home nest. They are bright and intelligent young men and women, and arc a credil to their parents. He of whom we write, and his wife arc members of the United Brethren Church at Locusl Grove,in this county. Mr. Bridgman is a rabid Republican, having fought for the principles that that party Strive to maintain. In August, 1862, he laid aside his private interests and affairs and enlisted in the War of tin' Rebellion, joining Company One Hun- dred and Fifteen of the Indiana ( a valrv. Col. John II. Moore and (apt. Newman being in command. The regiment was with the army of the Cumber- land and fought in the battles of Pesaea. Chieka- mauga and Franklin. In the second named battle, Mr. Bridgman was shot by an enemy in the right wrisl and was then placed in the field hospital at Nashville, after which he came home for a furlough, but later returned to the field of battle and served with his regiment about one year longer. During his war experience he did good service ami was finally discharged at Springfield, III., after serving two years and ten months. He first enlisted as a private, and was then a Corporal. lie had the good fortune to escape being captured. Mis war experience is an interesting topic as told by Mr. Bridgman, and a comparison of notes with an old comrade is only less than an engagement itself. I fr i | > ■ | ^ p \w ' ■ f 1 ' I I I ' I ' 1I.I.IAM II. JACKSON is a well-to-do and widely known fanner and stock-breeder, ^V/ living on section 35, Of Pickaway Town- ship, where he owns a line farm of four hundred acre-, almosl all of which is in a high state of cul- tivation and having extensive ami costlj improve- ments. The buildings are of a high order, being well built and commodious. The residence iscoin- fortable and commodious, and all of the improve- ments have been made by our subject himself, the farm being for the most pari virgin prairie which had never been cut by a plow. Mr. Jackson purchased his presenl place of resi- dence in L 863 and ha- since lived here. Ih' first came to the county in 184 I but after a stay of two year.- he enlisted in the Mexican War, joining thi' Third Illinois Volunteer Regiment, Company B,of which Captain Freeman and Col. Foreman were in command. They were at once sent to the front and were engaged in the battle of Carmago, and in other skirmishes. After serving for one year our subjecl returned to Illinois and in 1847 located his land warrant which had been granted by the Government for services rendered. The warrant, covered one hundred and sixty' acres of land which he located in Ridge Township. lie is still the owner of this tract and it was there that he lived until 1863, when he came to this town-hip. The original of our sketch is noted throughout the township for his thrift and industry and as a Successful breeder of stock. Hi- home is a model in point of neatness and improvements in agricul- tural implements and conveniences. It resembles some of the finest breeding farms of the Blue Grass region of Kentucky, lie is the owner of two hun- dred and eighty acres in Ridge Township, which is all improved. He of whom we write came to this State in 1840, 112 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. He lived in Fayette County till 1844. He was horn in Steubenville, Ohio, February 1(5. 1833. and is the son of Thomas and the grandson of John Jackson, who were both natives of Pennsylvania and came of Irish ancestry. His grandfather was a farmer in Pennsylvania where he lived and died. being at the time of his decease very old. lie had married a Pennsylvania lady who also died there. Our subject's father. Thomas Jackson, spent his early life under his father's roof, there learning the duties and secrets of farm life. He was mar- ried to W. Elizabeth Manley. She was also a native of Pennsylvania. After the birth of part of their children Thomas Jackson and his wife re- moved to Ohio, and some years later came by way of the overland route to this state, making his first settlement in Fayette County. There he and his wife located upon and improved a new farm where they spent the remainder of their days. They were both quite advanced in years at the time of their respective deaths, the father being fifty-three years of age and the mother seventy. Mrs. .lack- son was a Methodist in her religious preference. Her husband was politically an old Jacksonian Democrat, with all that that term implies, of chiv- alry and independence. ( Mn subject is one of ten sons and two daughters. (if these only four of the sons and one daughter arc now living, all of these being married and having families of their own. Our subject was only a boy when his parents came to this State, and here he attained his majority. His first wife was a Miss Margaret Waters, she was born in Cham- paign County, this State, and there reared, she died alter about three years of marital life, being then in the meridian of her womanhood, she left t wo children. One, John T.. is now deceased, and one. William, is in the West, being there married to a Western lady. Mr. Jackson was a second time married iii this county to Miss Man A. Burk. She was born in Pennsylvania, and was young when, with her par- ent-. Robert and Esther Burk, she came to Shelby ( Olinty. The family settled at a very early day on Robinson Creek and there the father and mother lived lor some time. They later moved to Rural Township, this county, where they purchased land ami there spent the remainder of their lives, being old people at the time of their decease. They were well and honorably known among the old settlers of the county. Both parents were members of the Presbj terian Church. Mrs. Margaret .1. Jackson was one of a large family, only a few of whom are yet living. Mrs. Jackson is one of the prominent matrons of the township, being a Leader in social life. She is a true wife and mother. Nine children have ( ie to brighten and gladden our subject's home and fireside. All of these are livingand are as follows: Robert. Samuel. M. Jane. Louisa. Esther, Mary A.. Elizabeth, Andrew anil Charles. Robert is a farmer in Bethany Township, this county, and is the de- voted husband of the lady whose maiden name was Sally .Mar-hall. Samuel took to wife Miss K. DeVaughn. They live on a farm in Ridge Township. Jane is the wife of George Hall, a farmer in this township. Louisa is the wife of Samuel DeVaughn, and lives in Rural Township. Esther married Morris Robinson, and lives in Windsor Township. Mary A. is the wife of James lladden and lives in Todd's Point Township. Elizabeth was united to Wilber Workman, a farmer in Okaw Township. Anderson and Charles are at home. Mrs. Jackson is a member of the Presbyterian Church, while our subject is a member of the Christian Church. He of whom we write is a Democrat in politics and has held several local offices in the gift of his party. | ARION BERRY, a resident of section II, Rose Township. Shelby County, is a son of 1 Elijah Berry who was born in Fairfield County, Ohio. His mother, Elmira Culp, was born and died in that county. The father still survives and is carrying on Ins farm there. They had four children who lived to years of ma- turity, and of these onr subject is the only son. He of whom we write was born in Fairfield County Ohio, May. 7, 1849. lie was reared upon his father',- farm, and after coming of age he re- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 143 mained with his father until the ensuing fall, when he \\ : i - married October 20, 1870 to Miss Missouri Zollinger who was bom in Fairfield County Ohio, May 2.'!, 1853. She was a daughter of Jacob and Margaret (Shaffer) Zollinger, both of whom died in Perry County, Ohio. When Mr. Berry married he settled in Fairfield County, Ohio and for two years engaged in farming. After this lie came in Illinois anil lived in Macoupin County for five years, and then returned to Ohio and resided in Perry County till the spring of 1884, when he came to Shelby County 111., and settled in Rose Township, where he owns two hundred acres on sections 10 ami 11. He has always been en- gaged in agricultural pursuits ami has been suc- cessful in carrying them on. Mr. ami Mrs. Berry are the parents of eightchil- ilren. namely Yinnie E., Lousianna. Ernest A.. William E., Daisy B., Susie, Walter ami Mildred. The residents of Rose Township Lave united in making Mi'. Berry School Director, hut otherwise he has chosen to remain free from official duties. His political sympathies are with the Republican party ami he is liberal in his religious views. His pleasant home is the scene of frequent social gath- erings at which the hospitality of .Mr. ami Mrs. Berry is exercised for the happinessof theirguests. s- &, :>*~- [LLIAM NOTBROOK, deceased, was pioneers of Moweaqua Town- 'ounty, ami his name is hon- ored as one of its upbuilders, who faithfully per- formed his share in the cultivation of it* fertile soil, ami helped to make this a beautiful ami well- improved fanning country, lie was of foreign birth, born in the village of Beilfield, Province of Westphalia. Prussia, Ma\ in. L824. He was left an orphan at a very early age. He attended school quite steadily in his youth, ami then be- gan life as a shephard. When he gained his majority. Mr. NotbrOOk entered the Prussian army, in accordance with the laws of the Land, ami after serving three year.-, was honorably discharged. He then came to America, as he thought that the prospects were bet- ter for advancement in this country than in the Fatherland, lie set sail from l!i cmci haven in April, and after a six weeks' voyage landed at New York. He secured a good situation as a clerk in a wholesale commission produce house, and was thus employed in the great metropolis until 1855. In that year he came to Illinois with his wife, and with his limited means, he having only such money as he had frugally saved from his earnings, he bought forty acres of land in Moweaqua Township. There was a log cabin on the place, and in that humble dwelling he and his wife be- gan life in their new home. Ten years later he sold that land at an advanced price, it having in- creased in value under his skillful labors, and he then bought the eighty acres in the same township, which is now occupied by his family. lie removed the log cabin to his new purchase, ami it remained the abode of the family ten years longer, when he replaced it by the residence in which his family arc living, It is a commodious frame structure, of modern style, is nicely furnished, and is a most pleasant home. Here he dwelt in peace and con- tentment, working busily through seed time and harvest year after year, bringing his farm to a line condition, both as to tillage and the substantial improvements that he placed upon it. until death Stayed his hand April. 8, 1881, ami he rested from his labors in that dreamless sleep thai knows no waking. He was an earnest ami consistent Chris- tian, and for many years a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, which he joined sunn after coming to America, as did his wife also. While a resident of New York City. Mr. Not- brook entered into marriage with Miss Wilhelmina Wagemann, a daughter of one of his father's old neighbors in the old count ry. the ceremony that made them one being performed in 1853. Mrs. Notbrook was born in the same place as her hus- band, and grew up with him. She came to Amer- ica in the same vessel that he did. Her parents were Wilhelm andCharlotte Wagamann, who were also natives of the Prussian village that was her birthplace. Two of her brothers came to this country. William is now a resident of Moultrie Ml PORTRAIT AXD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. County. Henry, who is deceased, spent his last years at Moweaqua, where he located alter his ar- rival in America. .Mrs. Notbrook is a very esti- mable woman, possessing those qualities of head and heart that command respect and regard, and she i> an exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, she has two children living, Maggie the elder, is the wife of Michael E. Snyder: Wilhelmina lives with her mother, and is her staj and com fort. AVID DRAKE is a worthy member of the lj fanning community of Pickaway Town- ship, Shelby County. He was horn in Fairbanks Township, Sullivan County. End., .March 22. 1836. He is a son of Benjamin Drake, who was a native of Ohio, of which his father. .lames Drake, was for some years a resident, settling there iii pioneer times, prior to his removal to Indiana in 1817. lie was one of the firsl set- tlers in Fairbanks Township, where he bought a tract of Government land, on which lie at Brst built a log house for the shelter of his family. At that time, and for some years after, the county was sparselj settled, and deer, wild turkeys and other game were very plentiful. The grandfather of our subject continued to reside in that region on the farm that he had developed from the wilder- ness until his death. The father of our subject was but eight years old when the family sought to build a new home in the primeval forests Of Indiana, where he was reared to pursuits of industry. He early learned the trade of a tanner, and then bought a yard, which he operated for a time. He finally sold it and engaged in farming for awhile. He then I ghl another lanyard, and carried on a tannery iii connection with farming some years. Ih- lived to ,-i ripe age, dying on the home farm iii Sullivan County, Ind., in 1880. lie had married in early manhood. Sally GrOSS, who was horn either in North or South Carolina, and died at the home of her son in Sullivan County in 1 **.*>. She was the mother of ten children, all sons. Our subject received his education in his native county, where he grew to a stalwart manh 1. The first school that he attended was taugbl in the primitive log schoolhouse of pioneer days. It had a clay and stick chimney, being heated by a huge open fireplace, and in the aperture made by a loo- being taken out of the side of the house a row of window tdass admitted the light The benches were made of slabs, without backs, and the furniture of the school room was entirely of home manufacture. Mr. Drake resided with his parents until he was twenty-two years old. when his father gave him a tract of timber land in Fairbanks Township. He built a log house, and in that humble abode he and his bride commenced their housekeeping, and lived in happiness for some time. He improved the land and made it his dwelling place until 1869, when he sold it at a good price in order to identify himself with the farmers of Shelby County, as he had a high opinion of the fertility of the soil of this region and the many other advantages it pos- sesses, and rightly judged that he could do well at his calling in a section so favored, lie purchased eighty acres of his present farm, which is pleas- antly located on section 1 I. Pickaway Township, and he has since added to his realty, and now has one hundred and twenty acres of choice farming land, finely cultivated and amply supplied with good iniproYinents. including a substantia] set of farm buildings. April 1."). 1888, Our Subject took an important step in his life whereby he secured the companion- ship and assistance of a devoted wife in the per- son of Miss Ke/.iah Anderson. Their union has been blessed with children of whom these seven .■lie living: Alexander. Mary Frances, Cameron. Charles. Sarah .1.. Commodore and .lames V. Alexander married Viola l'olly. ami has one child named John; Mary Frances married George Will- iamson, and has three children — Ellsworth, Ro- -anue and Etta; Sarah married John ,\l. Hill, and has two children — Martha and I.vdia. Mr. Drake is sound in his political views which lind expression in the tenets of the Democratic PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 145 party. Botb he and his good wife are members in high standing of the Baptist Church, and their community finds in them true friends and kind neighbors, who are ever ready to extend a helping hand In those who are in trouble and want. ■8"fr*M , t; ' ■i~H , *F M OIIX E. JENNINGS, State's Attorney and City Attorney of Sullivan, Moultrie County, and a member of the law firm of Jennings it Huff, is a native of Moultrie County. where he was horn March 9, 1864. lie belongs to one of the prominent families of the county. His father. Benjamin S. Jennings, is a native of Ohio, and his grandfather and great-grandfather also hoic the name of Benjamin Jennings. The latter came of English parentage and it is not unlikely that he was horn in England. His hoyl I days, however, were spent in Massachusetts, and he died in Pennsylvania. During the Revolutionary War he served in tin' Colonial Army. The grandfather of our subject, a native of the Keystone State, emigrated to Ohio, ami in 1853, came with the father of our subject to Illinois, making a settle- ment in Marrowbone Township. Moultrie County. lie died in 1867, at the home of his son in Loving- ton Township. On first coming to Illinois. Benja- min Jennings, father of John E., was employed as an engineer in a grist and sawmill, lie had learned the business in Ohio and was a practical machinist. After some years he removed to Lov- ington, where he operated a mill for a time and then located on a farm in the township of that name, some ten miles northwest of Sullivan. Af- terward removing to the city, he became one of the partners in the Sullivan Woolen Mills, with which he was connected until ISS7. when the fac- tory was abandoned and the machinery shipped to Canada, while the building is now being used as an elevator, since that time Benjamin Jennings has lived a retired life. He continues his residence in Sullivan where he is a very prominent citizen. He has been connected with the public interests in many ways and has acceptably lilled a number of positions of trust. He was a member of the first cil\ council in 1»7.">. was re-elected in 1875, again in 1877 and in 1879. On the expiration of thai last term he was elected Mayor of the city and had previously filled an unexpired term for one year. The Democratic party finds in him a stanch advocate, and his labors in its behalf have aided greatly in its success. With the best interests of the eounty he has been identified and his works are well deserving of mention in the county's history. Benjamin Jennings was united in marriage with Miss Eleanor Caddington, a lady of Scotch-Irish descent. She died at her home in Sullivan in 1877, in the faith of the Baptist Church of which she had long been a member. In the family were eleven children, seven of whom are yet liv- ing — Addie R., at home; A/.a. who wedded Emily McCraig and is living in Sullivan; W. Henry, who married Dolly Harris, of Sullivan, and is an elec- trician employed by the Kester Electrical Com- pany of Tcrre Haute. lad.; Lucy M., at home; Samuel, who is married and is connected with the abstract office in Fresno. Cal.: John E., of this sketch; and Hillorv. who is foreman of the Canton Register, of Canton. 111. He married Minnie Tich- enor. The sons arc all Democrats and the family is one well worthy of mention in this Record. The subject of this sketch acquired his educa- tion in the public schools and was graduated from the Sullivan High School. Wishing to engage in the practice of law he entered the office of Meeker & Smyzer, under whose direction he pursued his studies for two years, when he was admitted to the bar at the Appellate Court at Springfield, January 21, 1 887, Judges Wall, Conger and Pleasant officiat- ing. He was licensed by the Supreme Court. .Indue Scott presiding, and was one of a class of sixteen, self-made young men. who. though none had ever attended law school, fitted themselves for legal practice by their own efforts and won a place among legal practitioner-. Mr. Jennings had at- tained his majority only a short time previous to his admission to the bar. Soon after he was rec- ommended by the court ami received the appoint- ment of Assistant State Attorney of his county, a position which he tilled until his election as State's Attorney. He was admitted to the United States in; PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. District Court in Jan nary. 1890, and the following March, the linn of Jennings & Iluft' was formed. They do a general law business, making a specialty of criminal law and although little more than a year has passed since the organization of the firm these young lawyers, men of ability and enterprise have won for themselves a prominent place at the liar. Mr. Jennings is also Notary Public. In politics he is a Democrat and a stanch advocate of the party principles. In his youth he learned the trade uf a manufacturer of woolen goods, acquaint- ing himself with every branch of the business and could now. if necessary, (ill any position in a woolen factory, hut unless something unforeseen happens, he will continue his efforts at the bar. where he is meeting with such excellent success, Mr. Jennings joined Company C, of the Eighth Regiment Illinois National Guards as a private, but was soon promoted to Sergeant, was afterward elected Second and then First Lieutenant, and in 1886, was elected Captain of the Company, a po- sition which he tilled for two years. He was thus Serving when called to duty during the time of the great St. Louis strike in 1886. lie has met with his regiment at every annual encampment at Camp Lincoln in Springfield, Col. Relley M. Smith, of Greenup, 111., being Commander of the regiment. The following have served as Captain of the company : Alvin 1'. Green, George Chap- man, Samuel Jennings. John 1']. Jennings, and Adolph T. Jenkins. Mr. Jennings is one of the prominent and enter- prising young business men of Sullivan, who. un- aided by capita] or influential friends, is working his way upward to an honorable and enviable posi- tion. He has not yet married hut makes his home with his father and two sisters. i=i ■ ~s r^+^l n=i • OIIN A. FKAliMAN. The Southern Stales added their full quota to the early settle- ment of Illinois, thousands Of families eini- grat ing from Virginia, Kentucky. Tennessee and the ( arolinas to the southern and south cent- ral portions of the Prairie State. They brought with them an element of sociability and friendli- ness which is universally accorded as a leading char- acteristic of the Southern people. Among such families is the one of which our subject is a repres- entative and his residence on section 21, Okaw Township, Shelby County, dates from the time of his birth, March 25, 1 his coming to Illinois, where he purchased land in Okaw Township. This wife lived only a few years, after the family re- moval to the Prairie State, and he was called upon to mark his new home by her grave. Nancy Roberts, the mother of our subject and the daughter of Alexander and Mary Roberts, who were early pioneers of this State, became the wife of Henry Fearman in 1836. She was a true help- mate to him in his arduous labors as a farmer and they became tin' happy possessors of an excellent farm, upon which they passed their later days in comfort and prosperity. Her birth occurred in 1812 and she passed from life in 1858, her husband sur- viving her some twelve years, dying January 27. 1K70. at the age of sixty-two years. They reared three children. John A., our subject; .lames II. and Elizabeth E., who married George S. Terry. and died in Okaw Township. Their mother was a devout and useful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The gentleman of whom we write received such education as could lie obtained in the common schools of his day ami had a thorough and syste- matic training in farm duties. lie thus grew up fitted to meet the duties of life and to make his mark among the men of Shelby County. It was in 1H(!1 that he founded a home for himself and one other by a union in marriage with Elizabeth Terry, daughter of Reuben Terry. Like himself she is a native of this county, being born in Okaw Township, August I. 1844. No children have blessed this home. After marriage Mr. Fearman rented land and t died it for some time, but somewhat later removed aM^titic PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. i r.i t<> Shelbyville, where he carried on a mercantile business and in 1867 purchased a part of the farm which is now his. His Brat acquisition was sixtj acres of land which was mostly covered witn tim- ber and brush, and to this he added, as prosperity allowed, more and more land, and now lias two hundred and ten acres, upon which he has placed comfortable and substantia] improvements. The Democratic parly is the political organiza- tion with which our subject finds himself in har- mony, and he is a hearty and earnest worker for its prosperity, and has held various local offices. lie is Considerably opposed to secret societies and is an intelligent leader in public affairs. The Christian Church is the religious body with which his good wife is associated and in it she is a valua- ble and valued worker. The paternal grandmother of John A. Fearman was a Virginian by birth and bore the maiden name of McClelland. Her SQn, Henry Fearman. the father of our subject, was three times married. The lady with whom he was united after the death of Mrs. Nancy (Roberts) Fearman being .Mrs. .lane Doddy nee Ward, and by this union there were horn two children — Margie A. and Dora, who re- side at Lee's Summit, Mo. * LFRED JAMISON. The citizens of Shelby County, who came here during the early ' history of this section and established themselves in what were then little vill- ages and hamlets, have been active factors in the development and progress of the county. Mr. Jamison having been a resident of Oconee for more than twenty-live years, has made his mark upon the social and business interests of the place, and as an influential citizen we are pleased to pre- sent his portrait and biography to our readers. Mr. Jamison, who is a dealer in hay. coal, lum- ber and live stock at Oconee, was horn in Mon- mouth County. N. .).. February 17. 1814. lli- father. Joseph, a son of Jacob ami Rebecca Jami- son, was horn October 2. 1781 in the same county. His mother was also a Dative there, and was horn February 1 1. 17*7. both she and her husband bora near the historic battlefield of Monmouth. The children who gathered about this worthy couple were five >on> and six daughters, a- follows: Ja- cob J.", born May 2*. 1803; Abram B., November is. 1804; Rebecca, November 30, 1806; Hannah. September 27. 1808; Joseph. December 7. 1810; Isaac, April 2.".. 1812; Lydia Ann, April 1. 1*14; Mary. November 15, 1*1.".; Sarah, March 2:'.. 1818; Elizabeth, February 23, 1*21: and the subject of our sketch, who was the youngest of the family. Of this large household, only Isaac, Mary, Sarah. Elizabeth and Alfred remain in this earthly life. Mr. Jamison received his education in the public schools of New Jersey, and when about sixteen years of age, he left the parental roof and went into the world for himself, first going to New York City, where he obtained a situation in a dry-goods store as a clerk. He continued in that position about five years, and then having accumulated a little money, returned to his native State and went into business, in which he had a one-fourth interest, establishing a general store at Cedar Creek. Here he continued for about two years, and then in 1*411. having a serious attack of the "gold fever." he went to California by the way of the Strait of Magellan, and remained in the "Sunset State" for some lime. Occupying four years in the whole trip. Having been reasonably successful in his western venture, the young man returned to New York City, and engaged in the pork-packing business, which he carried on for fifteen year-, hut in the Spring of 1865 he closed out his concern there and came to Shelby County, locating at Oconee, where he has ever since resided. Ilis marriage to Miss Gertrude Ellen Hegeman took place in New York City, April o, !*.">:'>. This lady was horn April 13, 1837, upon Long Island, X. Y. On arriving in Illinois, Mr. Jamison invested his means in real estate and milling, and had the misfortune to lose two mills by tire, hut has con- tinued in the real-estate business ever since coming West, in which he has been vvy successful. < in locating here he purchased fifteen hundred acres of timber land, which he cleared up and worked the timber into lumber, lie has been active in 450 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. business all his lifetime, and .-till continues with unabated power to actively control his own affah-s, although he is nearing the limits of three-score years and ten. To Mr. and Mrs. Jamison have been born the following children: Alonzo, born June 10, 1854; Alfred M., July 1,1855; Emma I.aur. .May 28, 1858; Sarah Elizabeth, February 5, I860; Brackett Badger, January Ik. 1862; Harry Alonzo, January 9, 1»(U; Hattie II.. March 22, 1865; Francis Rich- mond, October 12. 1867: Robert Regeman, March ;i. 1869; Grace Gertrude, .Inn,' 2, 1871; Joseph stokes. September .">. l*7.'i; and Archibald Shelton, February 21. 1879. The six oldest are natives of New York City, and the younger members of the family were born in < leonee. The gentleman, whose life history we are here briefly sketching has been a life-long Democrat, and has always a lively interest in national. State and local politics. He is well read and broad in his viewsand keeps himself thoroughly informed in regard to public affairs, lie is a member of Oconee Lodge, F. & A. M., and carries insurance in the Masonic Benevolent Society of Chicago, lie was first made a Mason by Naval Lodge, No. 69, in the State of New York, in 1855, and was demitted from that to Oconee Lodge in 1*7:5. Religiously the family may he considered a- ex- tremely libera] and strongly opposed to contention over the orthodox creed. The value of their lives and their work in this community can hardly he estimated, as thej have ever been active in pro- moting the best interests of the neighborhood, and have been liberal in their means in forwarding all movements looking to the material and social pro- gress of ( teonee. II.I.IAM [I. SPARLING, M. D.,Moweaqua, / is a fine representative of the best phvsi- VA/ " " cians ot this section, whose learning abil ity and eminent success in their practice have contributed to raise the standard of their noble profession in Central llinois. Our subjecl wasborn in County Clare, Ireland, January 15, 1K4S>. His father, Joseph Sparling, was also a native of that Irish county, and was of German descent, his an- cestors having left Germanyon account of religious persecution and taken up their abode on the Em- erald Isle during the reign of Queen Anne. The father of our subject was reared and married in his native county, where his whole life was passed, his death occurring in 1850. lie was en- gaged in the mercantile business up to that time, and by his removal while yel in life's prime the interests of his community suffered a serious loss. His wife. Hannah Reynard in her maiden days, was born in the same county as himself and was also of German lineage. She survived her husband many years and in 1851 came with her seven children to America. She lirst settled at London. Canada, whence she subsequently removed to Hamilton. In 1859 she crossed the border, and from that time to her death in 1M77 was a resident of the United States, making her home in Detroit, Mich. The following is recorded of her children: Walter. Jos- eph and Charles are in the dry-goods business in Detroit; John is a minister in the Methodist Epis- copal Church, a member of the Detroit Conference; Anna married .lames Keiller. of Detroit; Bella mar- ried William F. Deike. of Chicago; William H. is the subject of this biography. Dr. Sparling was hut two years old when he came to America with his mother, brothers andsis- tei'S, and therefore has no recollection id' his native island. He was given line educational advantages in the public schools of Canada and in the higher institutions of learning in this country. His lirst experience of school life was in tin' city schools of London and Hamilton. After the family removed to Detroil he became a student at the High School of that city, and was graduated from there in the Class of "(17. lie then .-pent a year of hard study in the Northwestern University al Evanston, 111. At the expiration Of that time he began to prepare himself lor the medical profession, for which he had a decided taste, under the instruction of Prof. N. VV. Webster-, of the Detroit Medical College. He was graduated from the institution in the (lass of '72. Having completed his medical education, the Doctor decided to enter upon his chosen call- PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 151 ing at Cerro Gordo, l'iatt County, ilii> State, and he was located there from 1*72 to 1876, when he came to Moweaqua and the people of this city and the surrounding country have since had the bene- fit of his knowledge and skill. During his fifteen years' residence here he has devoted himself very closely lu his profession, and to-day has a reputa- tion second to that of uone other of his vocation in this part of the State. To the lady who presides so graciously over his home and looks carefully after his comfort and happiness, our subject was wedded in 1875. They have two children living, .lames I., and Mabel. Mrs. Sparling was formerly Miss Minnie Eva Lyons, and is a daughter of James and Annie Lyons. Her native place is Simcoe, Canada. The 1 loctor is a member of the Illinois State Med- ical Society, and of the Central Illinois Medical Society, also of the American Medical Association. lie is connected with the temperance order of Royal Templars. His parents were devoted mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal ( hurch. reared him in that faith, and lie and his wife now belong to the church of that denomination in this city. In the course of his practice he has formed many strong and lasting friendships among the people to whose ailments he has administered and he is the well-beloved physician in many a household where his presence has brought healing, or has soothed the last hours of the dying. -£eh -_....;., H^> AMES W. SCOTT. a veteran of the late war. in which he fought bravely in defense of the stars and stripes, has since done as good service as a thrifty, intelligent farmer in aiding the development of the agricultural re- sources Of this country, and is now living in honor- able retirement at Shelby ville, Shelby County. He was born March 11. 1826, in one of the early pioneer homes of Licking County, Ohio, his birth- place being eleven miles northeast of the town of Newark. His father. Peter 1'. Scott, a native of New Jersey, was one of the early settlers of llli- inois. locating not far from Peoria, and he was widely known throughout that region as a pioneer blacksmith and farmer of that section of the Slate. The paternal grandfather of subject, whose given name was Joseph, was horn, according to the best informational hand, in County Tyrone. Ireland, and was of Scotch antecedents, tin coming to America, he settled in New Jersey, and there reared a family, two of the sons serving in the War of 1812. lie was an iron worker, and his last days were spent near Newark. N. .1. His wife, a native of Germany, whose maiden name was Mary Himyon, also spent her last years near Newark. Peter P. Scott was reared in the state of his nativity, ami in his youth became a practical blacksmith, learning his trade at Newark, and fol- lowing it there until about 1820. In that year he went to Ohio, going thither with teams, anil located in Licking County He carried on his calling there until L828, when he made another move. startiiiL: for the wilds of Illinois with his wife aid four children, making the journey with two pairs of oxen to a wagon, in which were conveyed all their earthly belongings, including Mr. Scott's anvil, that he had taken with him from New Jersey, and which is now in the possession of the son of the subject, who bears the name of his grandsire, and is a resident of Marshall. Oklahoma. .Mr. Scott located one mile west of Washington and ten miles from Peoria, which was then known as Ft. Clark. Indians had full -win in the northern part of the State at that time, there were lull very few settle- ment of whites, and Chicago was but a hamlet. The father of the subject traded one pair of oxen and the wagon for a squatter's claim, and entered the land at tin' genera] land office at Springfield. Six acres of the land cleared and fenced, and a log house, stable and smoke house, constituted the improvements on the place Mr. Scott carried on his trade as a blacksmith for some years, and people came for many miles to get work done. He was a very skillful mechanic, and be- sides making all his horse-shoes and nails by hand. was of an inventive turn of mind, ami the firsl steel scouring plow ever used was from a patent made by him. In his last years he devoted him- self to the management of his farm until he passed away in April. 1870 at a ripe age, in the home 152 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. that lie had luiill thereon. His wife, a native of New York City, whose maiden name was Catherine Murphy, wenl to Galesburg after his death, and there resided until her death, when full of years in .May. 1884. she was the mother of eleven children. The subject of this biography, although bul live years of age when his parents brought him t<> Illinois, clearly remembers the incidents of that momentous journey of the pioneer life that ensued in the wild, sparsely settled region now known as Tazewell County. Indians still lived there and deer, wild turkeys and other game were abundant. Our subject's education was obtained in the primi- tive pioneer sel Is of the early day- of the settle- ment of Illinois. The first one that he attended was taught in his father's house. The seats, which had no backs and no desks in front, were made of stabs or puncheons, and were supported bywooden pins. A log was taken out of the length Of the building and a row of glass inserted in its place to admit the light. In 1*:52. the year of the Black Hawk war. the inhabitants were constantly on the alert for fear of being surprised and massacred by the Indians, and it took hut very little to create a scare, our subject relates a rather amusing episode of tliis time. A man living near the school house w.i- out hunting squirrels. He shot one near the building and the hall, glancing, went through the i;lass and hit a girl on the side of the head, making an agly scalp wound. The scholars, supposing the Indians to he upon them, were very much fright- ened. The teacher, a young man from the East, Started with the wounded girl to assist her home, hut he soon fainted ami his pupil had to make her way home alone. The frightened scholars circu- lated the report that Indians tired into the school- house, and the neighbors, all armed, gathered together there, and excitement ran high until it was found out who did the shooting. Mr. Scott lived with his parents until he grew to manhood, in the meantime assisting in the farm work, and he then col enced to learn the trade of a cooper, which he followed in Tazewell County until 1850. In the spring of thai year he started with others for the gold Held- of California, leav- ing Pekin on the Nth of April, and making an overland journey across the plains and mountain-. At that time, there were hut very few white Set- tlers between the Missouri River and California. except the Mormons at Salt Lake. Indians reified supreme on the plains, ami innumerable buffaloes were encountered on the way. The little party arrived at Weaverville, .Inly '11. and our subject devoted his time to mining until tin 1 spring of 1851. lie then gathered together his u.ains and returned home, traveling by way of the Isthmus of Panama to New York, from that city by rail to Dunkirk, thence by the Lakes to Chicago, and from there by the canal and the Illinois River to Peoria. The following year Mr. Scott bought a team with the intention of returning to California, hut realizing that gold was to he obtained by tilling the rich soil of this state as well as by .yetting it more directly from the mines of the Pacific Slope, he changed his mind and came instead to Shelby County to try farming here. He bought a tract of hind in what is now Okaw Township, a few acres of which were improved and a log cabin stood On the place. He lived there until 1861, when he settled on a tract of land in Todd's Point Town- ship, which he had bought from the Government. In August 1862, our subject threw aside his work to take part in the "real war that was then being waged between the North and South, in- scribing his name on the roll of Company G, One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. In 1HG.S he received injuries which incapacitated him for active duties, and he was ordered to the hospital by the surgeon, but this did not please him. and he induced the colonel to countermand the order and he remained with his regiment until June, 1863. After that he was a short tune in Franklin. Tenn., whence he was ordered to Nashville, where was transferred to the invalid corps. When the Veteran Reserve Corps was organized, he was transferred to Company G, Fifth Regiment, and was transferred at Camp MertOn, Minneapolis. On the night before the election at Chicago, he was one of the live hundred soldiers sent to thai city to guard the rebel prisoners confined there who had made their plans to escape. He was kept on duty forty-eight hours without relief, and re- turning to Indianapolis ten days later, was soon PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 153 after taken sick. He bad to go to the hospital for treatment, and was discharged from that institu- tion in February, 1865, and from the army, thus closing an honorable career as a soldier. wherein he had borne the hardships and privations incident to such a life with fortitude and true courage that lie might serve his country in the time of her greatest peril. In commemoration of those trying years, he is now connected with the Cyrus Hall Post. No. 138, t ill under his management, although he has re- tired to the city. But few of the present citizens of this county have lived in this part of the state as long as our subject, who has spent much of his life here as boy and man for sixty years or more. He is a son of one of the earliest pioneer families of Shelbyville, John and Enfield (Mason) Tackett. and his father for several years kept a hotel in the village in the early years of its history. For further parental his- tory, see the sketch of John A. Tackett on another page of this volume. William Tackett was horn in Bourbon County. Ky., June 11. 1826, the second son of his parents. He was hut three years old when they brought him to Illinois in 1829. Shelbyville, where the family set up their new home, was hut a hamlet, with a few log habitations, and gave but little intimation that it would become the beautiful city of to-day. Our subject grew up here under pioneer influences, and watched with interest the growth of the city from day to day. and has witnessed almost the en- lire development of the surrounding country from a wilderness to a well settled and wealthy county, and he can take pleasure in the thought that he has had a hand in In i n li in u about this wonderful trans- formation. His education was conducted in the pioneer schools of the city, which were taught in a log house, that had rude furniture of the most primitive sort, the seats being made of slabs, with- out backs, and with wooden pins for support. That was in the days before the introduction of the free school system, and each family had to pay for the support of the schools according to the number of scholar- sent. Mr. Tackett advanced his education by attendance at llillsboio Academy, and at the age of twenty-one he began to study medicine. Our subject was smitten by tin' gold fever after the discovery of the precious metal in California, and he was one of the famous "49ers" to go to that State in search of it. lie started with others in the month of March, and made the journey across the plains and mountains with mule teams. The little company of gold seekers saw no white settlers between the Missouri River and the Golden state, except the Mormons at Salt Lake. They en- countered deer, antelopes, buffaloes and other wild animals in great numbers in crossing what was then known as the "Great American Desert," and In- dians held undisputed sway throughout that deso- late region. The train arrived at Sacramento one hundred and ten days after Starting from Illinois, and our subject found that city in the pioneer Stages of its existence, and among its rude habita- tion- there were hut two frame houses. Mr. Tackett devoted himself to mining awhile. 154 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Mud then handled stock at a large profll the re- mainder nf his stay in California. In February, 1852, he sel mil mi his return home, well satisfied with his experience nf life mi the frontier, lie t r:i vr led by tin' way of the Isthmus to New ( )rleans, thence by tin- Mississippi to St. Louis, from there by stage through Vandalia to Shelbyville, and mi ilir 20th ul' March he fmiuil himself once again among the familiar scenes nf his boyhood. After his return he practiced medicine fur n time, and then turned his attention to the grocery business, which In' conducted :i few years, but lie finally look up the congenial pursuit of farming, and resided mi his farm from 1859 to 1866, when hf again came ti> the city to live, anil lias ever since made his home here, lie continues In superintend his farm, however, and has it under a fine condition as to tillage and improvement, it being one of the best in those regards in the locality. Mr. Tapketl is a man nf much experience, possesses good men- tal endowments, is public spirited, and is in no ways backward in lending his assistance to all pro- jects that will in any way enhance the prosperity nf the city and county, with whose interests he has been identified for so many years. The pleasant wedded life nf Mr. Tacketl with Miss Mary .1. Durkee was entered upon in 1853. It has been blessed to them by the birth nf children, nf whom they have five, as follows: Edward,agen- ei'al merchant at Raymond; Mattie. wife nf Will- iam R. Glen, of Philadelphia; Archie . I., a resident of Raymond; Fannie, the widow nf Andrew Welch, nf Shelbyville; and .May. the wife nf ('. M. Aid- rich, nf Peoria. Mi-. Tackett was born in Tippecanoe County, [nd., and is a daughter of David F. and Freelove ( Kink (Durkee. Her fat her was bom in Vermont, and was a smi of Dr. .Inh n Durkee, who was a practicing pli\ sician and a pioneer nf Tippecanoe ( mint v. set- tling near l.a Fayette, and engaging in his profession until his death. Mrs. Tackett's father was bul a boy when his parents settled in Indiana, and he grew to a stalwart manhood amid its pioneer scenes, and in due time wa> there married, lie lived in thai Stale until 1848, when he came In this county and casl in his destiny with the pio- neers who had preceded him. lie houghl a tract nf wild land in what is now Pickaway Township, developed a good farm, and resided on it a num- ber of veal's. He then came to the city to spend his remaining years. His wife died at the home nf a daughter at Wilmington, Will County, III. They reared these six children — George, Celia, John, Ed- ward, .lames and Mary -I. ■>»■>'- --'-v.W- t n i i t i l | i ACOB BRUNNER, a thorpugh-going and honorable German-American citizen and practical and successful farmer, resides on section 22. Ridge Township, Shelby County. His father, George Brunner, was a native nf Baden. Germany, and his mother. Christine Klcm. was also born in the German's Fatherland. They emigrated to America during the summer of 1886, and made their first home in West Virginia, settling in Mar- shall County. They remained here industriously pursuing the vocation of farming for some nine years, but removed to Belmont County. Ohio, about the year 1845. They were not. however. thoroughly satisfied here and returning across the river to West Virginia, made their home in Ohio County, but finally returned to Hocking County, Ohio, where the father died about, the year 1855. Our subject is the eldest in a family of ten chil- dren born to his worthy parents, being born in Baden, Germany, October 20, 1832 and was some six years old when he came to make his home in the New World. He remained under the parental roof until his marriage, although he worked oul in j quite an extent at farm labor. The lady whom lie i took for his bride is a sister of Mrs. John W. Beery, and our reader will find further particulars in re- gard to her ancestry in the biographical sketch nf Mr. Beery, elsewhere to be found in this volume. This lady's name was Miss Elizabeth Swart/., and she became Mrs. Brunner. in March. 1858 at her native home in Fairfield County. Ohio, where she was born, -Inly 22. IK.'i.'i. Here they first made their home and returned to ii again after living for awhile in Allen County, that State. Iii August, 1886, Mr. Brunner brought his family to Slielb\ County, and settled on section 22. Ridge PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 455 Township, where lie now owns eighty-eighl and one- half acres of excellent and arable land, and where he has made a genuine success of farming, being a man who is thoroughly devoted In his family and his work and who deserves and receives the esteem of all who know him. His integrity is unques- tioned and his character bears inspection by the most critical and faultfinding. Ten interesting chil- dren have come to brighten this home, namely: John M.. Rebecca ('.. Barbara !•:.. Ida !■:.. Lottie. Christine A.. Mary E., Lucy W., William S.. and Minnie ('.. all of whom are living excepl Rebecca, who died when aboul four years old. 1'ollN R. CRAIG, Justice of the Peace of Shelbyville, is well and favorably known throughout Shelby County, of which he VV^g/ has been a resident these many years. A native of Campbell County. Ky.. he was born in one of its pioneer homes December 11, 1817. His father, .lames Craig, was a l'ennsylvanian by birth and a son of Robert Craig, a native of Scotland, who came to America when a young man and lo- cated in Pennsylvania, where he carried on farming. lie was married in that State, and subsequently re- moved to the wilds of Kentucky, going thither on the Ohio River. For a time he Lived in Campbell County, and then became an early settler of 1! ie County, where he bought a tract of timber, which he cleared and developed into a farm, his home- stead being located near the village of Burlington, and there he spent his declining years. The father of our subject was reared in his early Kentucky home, and in thai State sought and found a wife in the person of Mary Barrickman, who was also a native of that part of the country, and was a daughter of Jacob Barrickman-, a pio- neer of that region. Mr. Craig resided in Camp- bell County until 1818 or 1819, and then he too became a pioneer of a new State, removing to In- diana, and settling in the primeval wilds of Fay- ette County on a tract of heavily timbered land six miles south of the countj seat. His first work was to build a log house to shelter his family, and he (lien entered upon tin' hard task before him of clearing his land and preparing it for cultivation. At thai time timber was of but little value, the principal object of the pioneers being to get it out of the way. and large logs were rolled together and burned, which to-day would command a good price in the lumber markets. The country round aboul was but thinly inhabited, there were no rail- ways, and Cincinnati was the nearest market where the settlers could sell their produce and obtain needed supplies, though it was I lien hut a small city. Our subject's father lived in Indiana until 1839, when he came to Illinois, bringing with him his wife and seven children, the removal being made with teams, six horses being attached to a wagon, in which the household goods were conveyed, and the fainih camped at noon and nightfall to rest and cook their meals. Mr. Craig secured a suitable location in what is now Ridge Township, where he entered Government land, also buying some that led been previously entered by another man, and he and his family proceeded to occupy the set of log buildings thai stood on the place. In that home he dwelt until death cut short his busy car- eer in 1842, thus depriving the county of a useful and respected pioneer, who was doing his share in developing it- agriculture. His wife, who sur- vived him a number of years, also died on the home farm. The subject of this biography was very young when his parents w cut to Indiana to live, and then' under the invigorating influences of pioneer life he grew to a strong, self-reliant manhood. In 1K41 he came to Shelby County and cast in his lot with the settlers of this region that had preceded him. They were few in numbers, and the eounln was still such as the Indians had left it. the land being mostly owned by the Government, and since sold at $1.25 an acre, or less. Our subject made his home on his parent-' farm remaining with his mother until his marriage, after which event he continued to occupy a pari of the old homestead until IS 17. In that year he went to [owa,goiug thither with a team, and became an earh settler of Davis County, Locating in Bloom- 156 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. field, where lie bought a residence, and was engaged as a clerk for several years. In 1848 he returned to Shelby County and devoted himself to farming until he was elected to the position of Deputy Sheriff in 1870, when he removed to Shelbyville to assume the duties of his office, of which he was an incumbent six years. He was then elected to his present office of Justice of the Peace. During the several years that he has held this important posi- tion he has shown himself to be well qualified for it. and has given satisfaction to all concerned, as he is wise, shrewd and fair-minded. In his social relations he is a member in high standing of Okaw Lodge, No. 117. [.O.O. V. Mr. Craig was first married in 1 842 to Miss Eliza- beth Boulton, a native of Indiana. Their wedded life was brought to a close in L84 I by the death of the young wife. She left two children, James and Mary J. The second marriage of our subject, which took place in Iowa in 1850, was with Miss Sarah Hill, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Jesse Mill. This lady passed from earth August 13, 1891. Six children blessed their union. name- ly: Mary, Allie. John. Kate and Addie twins, and l.illie. ^€>*^S^ r ^ i I1IKI.DS II. SANNER. Among the most ^ active and progressive of the skillful tann- ers and stock-raisers who are conducting the ureal agricultural interests of this county is Shields H. Sanner, a residenl of Penn Township, and it gives us pleasure to represent him in this volume, dedicated to the citizens of this section of Illinois. A son of one of the eaily settlers of Madison County, our subject *vas horn in that region October 16, 1*17. His father, whose given name was Samuel, was born in Northumber- land County, Pa. lie learned the hade of saddle and harness maker in early life and pursued it in his native stale some ~i\ years before he took that important step in his life whereby he became a pioneer of Illinois in 1833. He was for many vears after that closely identified with the interests of Madison County and was of much assistance in its upbuilding, at the same time acquiring a hand- some competence. He came with his family to this county in L866 and his remaining years were spent in Venn Township, his death occurring there at a venerable age in 1880. His wife, the mother of our subject, was Barbara Paul in her maiden days and she was a native of Preston County. \Y. Va., which at the time of her birth formed a part of Virginia. lie of whom we write was the tenth in order of birth of the twelve children that blessed the union of his parents, lie laid the foundation of his education in the school in Madison County nearest his early home, which he only attended in winter after he was large enough to assist his father in the farm work. After gaining a good knowledge of the common branches he entered Blackburn University at Carlinville and remained there a short time. lie was nineteen years old when his parents came to this county from his native county anil began making a new home in Penn Town- ship, which then formed a part of Pickaway Town- ship and was mostly in a wild condition, with hut few habitations within its borders. < >ur subject and his brothers have been prominent factors in bringing about the great change that makes this a well-improved township, with many valuable farms and pleasant homes, where they found a wilderness. Mr. Sanner lived with his parents until he mar- ried and he then located on section 21. Penn Township, and carried on farming for himself on that place the ensuing three years. His next move was to Bethany, Moultrie County, where he and his brother-in-law established a store for the sale of hardware and agricultural implements. He remained in business at that point with Mr. Frazier until -la nuary. 1878, a period of three years, and then resumed farming, locating at that time on his pres- ent farm on section '22. Penn Township. He has placed upon it many substantial improvements and thus greatly added to its value since it came into his pOSsissiOIl, making il one of the choice, well-ordered farms of this locality, and from its rich, well-tilled harvest fields he gleans a good yearly income. Our subject was first married January 1. L872,to M isv Lucretia I!.. daughter of A. B.Frazier, then a resi- denl of Penn Township. A happy wedded life of B. T. WEBB PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 159 six years was vouchsafed to them and then deatb removed the wife, May 29, I « 7 ■*"> . Four children were born of that union, namely: Paul Simpson, Frances Estelle, Margaret Grace and Louis Ross, the latter of whom died in infancy. February 1 I, 1879, Mr. Sanner was united in marriage to his present estimable wife. Mrs. Sanner. whose maiden name was Cornelia .1. Green,is a native of Licking County. Ohio, and a daughter of Joseph Green. Her father was horn in New Jersey and went from there to Pennsylvania. When he was twenty-one years of age lie settled ill Ohio and was there mar- ried to Electy Clutter. Mrs. Sanner's mother, who was a native of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Green died in Ohio and Mr. Green in Pickaway Township, this county, whither he hail removed in L867, his death occurring in December, l«7(i. By this mar- riage Mr. Sanner had one daughter, l.ina II. Inheriting from a sterling ancestry principles of justice, truth and right-living, our subject's life- record is that of a true gentleman, who is faithful in all the relations that he sustains toward others. Religiously he is of the Melhodisl faith and i- a member of the church of that denomination, lie is an earnest thinker on all the questions that con- front the citizens of this great Republic, and in his political views is one of the most ardent champions of the Republican parly in all IVnn Township, which is one of the few Strongholds of the party in Shelby County. *^^l \mmmm ^ :• \ ERRY T. WEBB, we are pieaseci to pre- sent to the consideration of our readers, the We are pleased to ■ portrait and biographical sketch of the effi- S — eient School Director and Road Commis- sioner of Richland Township, Shelby County. An old settler in the county and a substantial farmer, he has gained the well merited approval of his neighbors as a worthy Christian gentleman and a citizen whose good judgment and practical g"ood sense made him useful in the community. He resides on section l.'i. Richland Township, ami has been in Shelby County since 1840. John and Elizabeth (Young) Webb, the honored and beloved parents of our subject, were horn in Tennessee, the former near Nashville in 17'.»L'. at a time previous to the organization of Nashville as a town, lie was born in a block house in which the family were shielding themselves from the Indians. lie and bis worthy wife were united in marriage in Tennessee, and came to Illinois in 1840, settling upon what is now known as section 13, Richland Township, in the days before such organization was effected. Here they passed their remaining years, being thoroughly interested in reducing the wilderness to a farm of thrift, comfort ami pro- ductiveness. The father died in tile seventy-eighth year of his age, and the mother when she was about sixty years old. The parents of our subjeel reared nine children, of whom one daughter died at the age of twelve years, and eighl reached man's and woman's es- tate. Louisa married Madison Crockett and died in Shelby County: George died in Mississippi; .Mary married Thomas Blythe, and after his death became the wife of Jesse Barker, and now resides in Shelby County; Nancy is the wife of Alfred Blythe; Lucretia became Mrs. II. Morgan and died in .Missouri. Our subject is the next in aye; Will- iam died in Dickinson County, Iowa; and Susan Ann became the wife of William Brady, and died in this county. The birthplace of Berry T. Webb was in Tennes- see, his natal day being April 8, 1825. It was in February. 1840, that he came to Illinois, where lie iiad two sisters already living, and the remainder of the family emigrated to this State during the fall of the same year. The Mexican War Called our subject from the pursuits of peace tothc activ- ities of the march and battlefield, and in June, 1846, he entered the L'nited States service as a soldier serving through the Mexican War. and re- turning home in March. 1847. As part of his reward for service he received a land warrant and with this he entered one hundred and sixty acres of land where he now n sides. In October, 1848, the returned soldier began his domestic life by his marriage to Maria Ann Curry, who was horn in Tennessee, March 15, 1826. Since marriage, the family home has been upon the same farm, to which Mr. Webb hasadded t60 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. by purchase from time to time, until he now owns four hundred and twenty acres of as fine land :is is to be found within the limits of Shelby County. To Mr. and Mrs. Webb three children have been granted, all of whom are residents of this county, namely: John W., Louisa E., and Martha E., who i- now the wife of Lafayette Stirwalt. Democratic simplicity, in the belief and practice of which Mr. Webb was brought up, and which he earnestly be- lieves to be the true doctrine upon which to base the life of the country, still commands his adher- ence and his vote. He has been a member of the Separate Baptist Chinch since the spring of L848, at which time an organization waseffected near his home, and his life both in his church connection anil in business circle- has from that day to this adorned the doctrine in which he believes. The influence of his family in the community is one which is conducive of good to all who come within the circle of its radiance. __j.5..j..j.*; IVORY J. MARTIN. The power of the press is a trite hut a forcible subject, for it is one of those themes which is constantly re-inforcing itself by provinganew everyday its reality. Throw out of account the influence which is exerted by the newspapers of Illinois the destinies of the Prairie state would he largely affected by such elim- ination. The sketches which we have been called upon to give of the newspapers and editors of Moultrie County present matters which are of in- terest to everyone. The Sullivan Progress has been from the first a success and it now occupies first rank with the best papers in this part of the State and has a well- equipped office for job w 01 k a ud all kinds of print- ing. It was originally issued in 1857 under the caption of the Express, hut was soon changed in title to the name which il now bears. Mr. Martin has been its editor and manager since 1885 and added to those duties its proprietorship in l xs?. Il i- now a seven-column six-page paper with a good circulation and i- issued weekly. Mr. Martin. who came to Sullivan, Moultrie County, in 1883, on account of having been appointed Deputy County Clerk by Mr. Charles shuman. took charge of this paper after the expiration of his term of office, and has now taken Mr. Shuman as his part- ma- in the management of the business. This was his first newspaper work hut he proved himself no amateur in the business. Mr. Martin was horn in Whitley Township, Moultrie County. November 7, 1859, and was there reared upon his father's farm and received his education at Lee's Academy at l.oxa. Coles County. For seven years he taught in Coles and Moultrie Counties, having taken his position at the teacher's desk before reaching the age of sev- i enteen, obtaining his academic course during the same years that he devotecr*to teaching, lie came of a family that has resided in the county for many years, as they settled here in the '30s. The father. John N. Martin, was horn in Coles County, this State, and was only five years old when the family removed to what is now Moultrie County. IK' is still carrying on the farm in Whitley Township and is the son of John Martin, a native of Ken- tucky, a grandson of .lames Martin, a Virginian, and a great-grandson of John Martin who mi- grated to Kentucky about the year 1777. during the Revolutionary War. The family was there in the days of Daniel Boone and had to make their home in a fort for self protection. The first John's son .lames was very v Igwhen the family came to Kentucky and he grew up near the Kentucky River anil there married, and reared his family. At a very early day he came with his household to Coles County. 111., anil later made his home near Bruce, Moultrie County, where he died in 1865, at the very venerable age of nine- ty-one years, having buried his wife some twenty vears before. For generations the family religion was of the old-school Baptist denomination and their politics of the Democratic order. John Mai tin. the second grandfather of Our sub- ject, was a young man when his parents came to Illinois and he here reached his majority and mar- ried a Miss Ncalv. Her father was known far and wide a- an Indian fighter on the frontier and was an original character in the early pioneer days. In his later l"ears John Martin removed to Whitley PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. III! Township, Moultrie County :ini'l K.. who is studying law under the Hon. John R. Eden, of Sullivan, and Nancy K.. who is yet al home with her parents. Our subject was married in Sullivan in 1886 to Miss Rose Eden, daughter of the Hon. John R. Eden, of whom nunc can be learned in the sketch of\that gentleman which appears in this volume. The subject of our sketch lias ever taken an ac- tive part in local polities since before the became of age, but he is no office'seeker. His paper is Democratic as are also his own political views. He is a man who is capable of a vast amount of hard work and he is exceedingly skillful in the man- agement of his business. His wife was reared in Sullivan and is a graduate of the Georgetown Convent in the District of Columbia. She is an earnest member Of the Christian Church and is the mother of three children — Olive, Eden and Nealy. AMES S. TRAVIS came to this county in the vigor of early manhood more than thirty years ago, and shortly afterward bought an unattractive piece of wild prairie land in Penn Township. He bent his whole energies to the pioneer task of improving it. and to-day has a well-developed farm, finely cultivated, amply supplied with substantial buildings, and compar- ing in every point with the best in the neighbor- hood. Franklin Township, Huntingdon County, Pa., is the birthplace of our suhject. and August 2*. 1834, the date of his birth. He conies of one of the old Colonial families of the Keystone Stale, and is a son of .lames Travis. Esq., who was a native of the same county as himself. His father was also St native of Pennsylvania, while the great-grand- father of our subject was born in Wales, lie came to this country before the Revolution, and settled among the pioneers of Pennsylvania. The grand- father of our subject was an early settler of Hun- tingdon County, where he bought a tract of land in the primeval forests and cleared a farm from the surrounding wilderness, which he made his home until his mortal career was closed in death. He married Elizabeth Grey, who was likewise a Pennsylvanian by birth, and she also died on the old farm in her native State. Both were members of the Presbyterian Church, and the old grand- father was a Whig ill politics. The father of our subject was an only child, and on the old homestead that he inherited his whole life was passed, and then death found him Febru- ary 7. 1851. He married Nancy Thompson, a na- tive of Pennsylvania, and a daughter of George and Isabella (Gardner) Thompson. She survived him many years, dying al last at a venerable age on the old farm in 1*72. Both were faithful mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church, and the father was a stanch supporter of the Whig party. lie was a prominent man in his community, and for several years served as Justice of the Peace. James Travis, of this biographical review, was one of seven children, and he was reared under wholesome home influences in his native place, and was educated in the local schools. In his nineteenth year he became an apprentice to .1. W. Jones, a carpenter, of Tyrone City. Blair County, Pa., and he was with him three years. During that time he acquired a thorough knowledge of carpentering, and at the end of thai timedid jour- ney work three year-. Then, in 1859, he came to Shelby County from his native Slate, and in I860 invested in a tract of unimproved prairie in Penn Township, lie has transformed ii from a wilder- ness I" a highly cultivated farm, which is an attractive home, with its neat buildings and with the fruit, shade and ornamental trees planted by his own hand that adorn the place. .Mr. Travis has been aided in tin making of his home by a wife who is a true helpmate in every sense of the word. Their married life began in 1(12 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. L858, and in the years that followed children were born to them, of whom they Lave six living, as follows' Adda, wife of Isaac Osborne; Nancy E., wife of Hiram Ilannnel; Emma L.; Clyde E., Lyda and Carrie E. Their sun William II. is dead. The family is highly thought of in the community, and Mr. Travis and four of the children are mem- bers Of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Travis is a native of the same Pennsylvania township as her husband. Her maiden name was Catherine E. (rain, and she is a daughter of Henry and Eliza train. ^P^ "7| XDERSON HUNTER. Men of wealth and public-spirit have abundant oppor- i 1 tunities for advancing the social and in- dustrial as well as material prosperity of the section of country where they make their home. To do this requires a broad vision and a willing- ness to think of the general good as well asof their own individual progress, yet it does not require self-sacrifice in I he long rim. as the prosperity of the community in general enhances the welfare of each man in particular, and the man of means who takes a wise interest in his neighborhood will thereby advance his own prosperity. Such a man we find in Anderson Hunter, who resides on section X, Ridge Township. Shelby County. John Hunter the father of our subject was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, and his wife Elizabeth Turner was a native of the same state. They came from that county to this state and made their home in Shelby County, about the year 1n.">k. Their lirsl settlement was in the country in RidgeTown- ghip, but they lived there only a .-holt time and then removed to Shelbyville, where they com- pleted their earthly pilgrimage. They were the honored and venerated parents of a goodly family of seven sons and three daughters. The fifth child in this family was Anderson who was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, March 6, 1834. In that section he was given his education in the common schools and a thorough training in farm duties and there he grew lo manhood and resided until he was about twenty-three year- old. when he came to Shelby County. He returned, however to his native home to bring back as his wife the girl he "had left behind him." Miss Sarah A. Allen, daughter of George and Nancy (Carlisle) Allen, became the wife of Anderson Hunter. January 27, 1857. Her parents were natives of the Buckeye State where the father died and the mother after- ward removed to this State settling in Ridge Township, Shelby County, where she now resides. Mrs. Sarah Hunter was born in Fairfield County. Ohio, August 13, 1837, and there she made her home throughout her childhood and maidenhood. After her marriage with our subject, she became the mother of a numerous progeny, twelve in num- ber, four of whom died in childhood and infancy. Those who remained to cheer the heart of their mother by their affection and lo become worthy members of society are: George who married Ida Weakly; Robert who took to wife Sophronia Longenbough; Harold was united in marriage with Ellen Yantis; Ida. is now Mrs. William Yantis: Preston married Mattie Eversole; Delmer, Lorin and Eva. The beloved and revered mother of this household, passed away from life in Ridge Town- ship April 21. 1887. She was a woman of beauti- ful Christian character and a devout and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. The second marriage of Mr. Hunter took place in Hillsboro, 111., uniting him with Miss Lucia Jones, a capable and efficient home-maker and a woman of great loveliness of character. Mr. Hunter while living in Ohio, carried on for nine years the busi- ness of carriage-making, but on account of ill health he was obliged to relinquish his trade and has found in farming an avocation more suited to the maintenance of health. He has a magnificent far f twelve hundred and eleven broad acres, located in the townships of Ridge and Pickaway and upon them lie has creeled an attractive home. good barns and a good set of outhouses. The community in which Mr. Hunter appreciates highly his excellent qualities, good judgment and earnest desire for its prosperity ami has instructed iii him the duties of School Directorand Highway Commissioner, lie is a Prohibitionist in his polit- ical views and an active and earnest worker in PORTRAIT AM) l',I( )( iRAPIIICAL RECORD. 163 every way for the causes of religion and morality. Ik- has been for fifteen years an Elder in the Pres- byterian Church, in which he is a great worker and where his wife joins liim in efforts for the up- building of Christianity. In their beautiful home they extend a hospitality to their friends which is both generous and gracious, thus making it one of the most delightful social centers of Ridge Town ship. \ fclLLIAM REIGHLEY. This venerable and highly-esteemed citizen of Moweaqua owns and occupies a large and valuable farm, finely located, a part of it in the village and the remainder near by. Our subject was born ten miles east of Lewistown, Mifflin County. Pa., No- vember -2-2. 1810. His father. Matthew Reighley, was horn on the Irish coast, at a point where it approaches nearest Scotland, and he was of Scotch blood. During some period of his life he emi- grated to this country and was engaged at his occupation as a farmer in Mifflin County, when his death occurred iu October, 1814. He married after coming to the United States, Susan Close, a native of Pennsylvania and a daughter of Adam Close, becoming' his wife. She survived her hus- band many years and finally died in Adams County. Ohio, in 18.">2. She was the mother of eight children. lie of whom this sketch is written was in his fourth year when his father died and he was reared by his mother on the old farm that was his birth- place, and he remained with her until he was twenty-one. lie then rented land in his native county and farmed it until October, 1839, when he removed to Ohio, going there by canal and rail to Johnstown, thence by canal In the Ohio River, on which he proceeded to Wheeling, where he took a Stage for Adams County. Ohio, lie bought a tract of improved land and gave his at- tention to its cultivation as long as he remained a resident of the Buckeye State, which was until 1852. Ill that year he came to Illinois, making the re- moval with a pair of horses and a carriage, lie located at Chena Orovc. McLean County, where he bought a section of [and, having entered it from the Government on a previous visit, said land in- cluding the present site of the village of Belle Flower. Mr. Reighley lived in McLean County five years and then, renting his land, took up his residence in Ford County, buying property near Paxton. Three years later he removed to Drummond's ( irove, near Gibson City, and remained there until 187-1. when he came to Shelby County and invested in four hundred and forty-five acres of land, lo- cated as previously mentioned, in and adjoining the village of Moweaqua, where he has ever since made his home. He has here a line piece of prop- erty, substantially improved, and its possession places him among our most solid citizens. Fifty-one years ago. March 21, 18 11). our subject celebrated his wedding with Miss Rachel Bailey, who has been to him a loving and faithful wife during all these long years that they have shared life's joys and sorrows. Children have come to them, of whom these three have been spared to comfort their declining years: James Quincy, Will- iam Selkirk and John Wilson. Their only daugh- ter, Susan Mary, was born July 12. 1844, grew to womanhood, married Wallace P. Zook, and died in 1875. Mr. ami Mrs. Reighley are sincere Christians, holding membership in the United Brethren Church, and have all endeavored to be true to their relig- ious obligations, including their duties as parents, neighbors and friends. Mrs. Reighley was born amid the pioneer Scenes of Adams County, Ohio, July 18. 1820. Her fa- ther. Eben Bailey, was a native of Kentucky and was a son of one Joel Bailey, who was born and reared in England. He came to this country when a young man and was married on his arrival here to .Miss Rachel Perkins, who was born in Ireland and was of English ancestry, They removed from Maryland to Virginia and thence to Kentucky, in the early years of its settlement. Mr. Bailey was opposed to slavery, so he crossed the Ohio River into the Northwestern Territory and settled on the present site of Cincinnati, where he bought a tract of timber land that is now included within the 16 i PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. city limits. Later lie disposed of thai and removed to Adams County, of which he became a promi- nent pioneer. IK bought a large tract of forest- covered land, platted the village of Winchester and built the first house there. It was made of hewn logs and in it lie opened the first store in the town- ship. At that time his dwelling was < me mile from there. He was a resident of that place until his death and hi- enterprise helped to advance its growth. His wife also died there. Mrs. Reighley's father was reared on his father's farm in Ohio and always gave his attention to farm ing. In l.s.Vi he became a resident of Fountain • 'ounty. Ind.. where he bought a farm, upon which he dwelt until his demise in 1859, at a ripe'age. lie was married in 1818 to Rhoda Prather Odell, a native of Kentucky and a daughter of Thomas and Grace (Austin) Odell. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey reareda fam- ily of nine children. Mrs. Reighley's mother was an expert in the art of weaving and spinning and she taught her daughter those useful accomplish- ments and in her early married life Mrs. Reighley manufactured all the cloth used by her family with her o\\ n deft hands. 4^> 4&> <& » II.l.l AM VVHITWORTH, who. a- a saga- \ / ciOUS, skillful farmer, has helped to make V V Shelby County a rich, well-developed agri- cultural center, has at the same time acquired a valuable property, and not only owns a fine farm within the corporate limits of the city of Mowea- qua, lull has here a handsome, w ell-appointed resi- dence, in which he is living in retirement from active business, lie is a native of Perry County, Ind.. born Max 25, 1838, a -on of Abraham Whit- worth, who was born in Virginia in 1807. The father of the latter, also named Abraham, was like- wise a native of Virginia, and was the son of an Englishman, who came to this country and settled in the Old Dominion in Colonial times, spending the remainder of his life there. The grandfather ol our subject went from In- native state to Tennessee with his family in 1811, and after a two years' sojourn in the wilderness in that stale, he proceeded Northward into Brecken- ridge County, Ky., where hi' in time cleared a farm from the timber, and there closed his earthly pil- grimage. He married Nancy Board, who was horn in Virginia and died in Kentucky. The father of our subject was scarcely more than a babe when his parents took up their abode in Kentucky, and he crew to a vigorous manhood under the influences of the rough pioneer life of those days. When he became a young man he too became a pioneer, selecting the more newly settled Stale of Indiana as the scene of his operation-, and he there took unto himself a wife. Miss Martha Gregory uniting her life with his. She was also a native of Virginia, and was a daughter of Peter and Mary (Dobson) Gregory, natives of Virginia, the latter a daughter of William ( >. Dobson, al-o a Virginian. After marriage, Mr. Whitworth, who had formerly been a pilot on a Qatboat that plied on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, commencing life at boating when quite young, turned his atten- tion to farming. In 1801 he came to Illinois, and settled on a tract of land that he bought in Mo- weaqua Town-hip. located four miles east of tin' \ illage, where he resided until his life was rounded out in death in July, 1 864. His wife survived him until the following year, and then she too passed away, dj'ing in the mouth of December. She was the mother of eight children that were reared to mat urily. The early life of our subject was passed amid the scenes of his birth. He came to Shelby County ill 1858, and he began his career here by working out by the day or month. Prudently saving his earn- ings, in 1864 he invested in eighty acres of good farming land four and one-half miles northwest of the village of Moweaqua, and later added to it forty acres more. He resided on that place several years, devoting his energies to its improvement, and when he left it in 1886 to take up his abode in the City he hail placed it under a high state of cultiva- tion, and had made of il a well-ordered farm. lie came lo Moweaqua in the year mentioned, bought property, and in 1890 creeled his present commo- dious residence, which is buill after plans drawn by himself and wife, i- very conveniently arranged and is an ornament to thecitv. He also has a line PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL IiKCORD. [65 farm advantageously Located within the limits of this municipality, which contains sixty-four acres of well-tilled hind, and is amply supplied with buildings and eveiything needful for its successful cultivation. Mr. Whitworth has been twice married. In lKiil he was wedded to Mis> Sarah Lamb, a native of Hi eh la nd County, 111. Their brief but happy union was closed bj ber death in 1864. she left two children, Clara and Alice. Clara married William Landrain, and has two children. Alice married .lames Chance, anil has four children. The present estimable wife of Our subject, to whom he was uni- ted in marriage in L866, was formerly Miss Isabella Doyle, she is a native of Macoupin County, this stale, and a daughter of E. M. Doyle, who is rep- resented in this work. Mr. Whitworth, as we have seen, has become one of the prosperous citizens of this county through the exercise of good mental anil physical endow- ments, lie i- a gentleman of sound principles and blameless life, who is justly held in high consider- ation by his neighbors and associates, and in him the Baptist Church has a conscientious, right-living member, his wife also belonging to that church, and identifying herself with its besl efforts to ele- vate the moral status of the community. A- a loyal and true-hearted cil izen should, our subject in- terests himself in politics, anil is a stanch adherent of the Republican party. X \ ./ N jILI.IAM J. HUFF, M.D., of Prairie Home, i- a graduate of the Medical Department of the Michigan state University, at Ann Arbor, one of the leading institutions of learning in the country, and in t he practice of his profession he has acquired a tine reputation as a skillful and successful physician. He was born in Perry County, [nd., July 10, L846, and comes of the old pioneer stock of that Slate. William Huff, the father of our subject, was born in Spencer County. End., and was a son of Aquilla Huff, who was born near Harrodsburg, Ky.. his parents, who were Virginians, being among the early settlers of that region. The grandfather of our subject was reared in the wilds of Kentucky, anil subsequently became an early pioneer of Indiana when it was a territory. locating in spencer County, where he took up a trad Of Government land, which he converted into a good farm, on which hespenl his remaining days. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary RawlingS, and who was likewise a native of Kentucky, also passed her last years on that Spencer County farm. where she had helped her husband to build up a home. Dr. Huff's father was born in Spencer County, [nd., where he now lives. He was bred to the life of a farmer, ami always followed agricultural pur- suits until his retirement from active business. Ib- is still living on his farm one mile from Troy. Perry County, [nd., where he enjoys the g 1 will ami roped of I he community where so man \ years of his life have been passed. In early manhood he found a true helpmate and wife in the person of Margaret Davis, who was born in Kentucky, but Was reared in Indiana in one of its pioneer homes. They reared three children — loseph G., William .1. and Henderson M. Joseph G. wasa member of the Tenth Indiana Cavalry during the war. and give up his life for his country while in the service. Our subject early displayed an ambition to obtain a good education. and after passing his boy- hood in study in the public schools of Perry and Spencer Counties, and gaining a thorough knowl- edge of the common branches, at the age of seven- teen he began leaching, and thereby earned the wherewithal to pursue his Studies in the State I'lii- versity at 111 oington. In 1868 the young stu- deiit was complimented by election to the office of County Surveyor of spencer County. and he served satisfactorily four years, lie began the study of medicine with Dr. G. P. Adge, of Newton ville, and later placed himself under the instruction of E. M. Anderson, of New Boston. In 1878 he entered the Medical Department of the state University at Ann Arbor, and wa> graduated from there in the Class of '80. Thus well-equipped for his chosen calling he entered upon its practical duties at SL Meinrad. Spencer County, where he remained a 166 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. year. He then came to Illinois, and for a, year and a half practiced al Macon. His next location was :it Dalton, from which place he came to Prairie Home a year later, andeversince Ins been in prac- tice here, and is recognized as one of our best physicians. The Doctor's marriage with Miss Emma K. Avery, a native of Perry County, Ind.. was cele- brated August 15, 1*82. They have two children living, James Karl and Catherine .Maud. The Doctor and his amiable wife are among the most valued members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and they are among our most agreeable society people. ♦^ME WA ? 1M^ "71 NDREW .1. FOLTZ. Each life has its v . -/ I romance, its comedy and tragedy, but /// J. 1 most of us hide these more viv id colors of Qy our lives under a veil of reserve, and peering through it the casual observer can find Only hints and vague outlines of what is beneath. Could every man be his own historian and deal with himself honestly and frankly, biographies would be more interesting. That, however, is not always possible nor would it he in all cases advis- able, therefore we must lay down the facts as we know them and read between the lines as our sympathies and knowledge of human nature shall dictate. The subject of our sketch is a resident upon the farm that is located on section 12. in Rural Town- ship. Since 1849, he lias been a resident in Shelby County, and during thai time has been engaged in the work of planting and reaping, a noble work, in that, without the products which the farmer gives us. we COUld not support life. Mr. FoltZ was born in Union County, I'a. March 2. 1845. He is a son of Joseph and Mary Foltz also natives of Penn- sylvania. The family emigrated to Shelby County this state, in 1849 and tirst Mailed in the southern part of this county, entering some Govemmeni land, bui they soon removed to Rose Township, settling on Robinson (reek. In \s:>~i they again made a change, going to Knox County, .Mo. and here they resided until 1K(>2. when they returned l" Shelby County and passed their remaining years in Rose Township. The father died December I. In7!t. being at the time about sixty-eight years of age. The mother is still living and resides with a daughter in Knox County. Mo. Our subject is one of nine children born to his parents. Of these, eight lived to lie grown. Their names are Arden W. Lilah. .loseph 1 1.. Sarah. John, our subject. Andrew J. Thomas J. and Jerome. The eldest son lives in the southwestern part of Missouri, as does also his sister Lilah, who is the wife of Lorenzo Jarvis. Joseph II. resides in .Minneapolis. Minn. Sarah is the wife of Samuel Jarvis, and lives in Northwestern Kansas. John makes his home in Southwestern Kansas and Thomas .1. is a farmer in Western Kansas. Jerome died in Knox County, Mo. Our subject was reared a farmer and in his perigrinations with his family through the different States, he learned much of the methods employed in different por- tions of the country in agriculture, and also of the nature and requirements of the soil. When Andrew Foltz reached his teens, he was employed by the month in work as a farm hand. In 1KI17 lie was united in marriage to a lady who bore the historic name of Reed, belonging to a family of old and high Standing in Kentucky, and previously in Virginia. Emily Reed is the daugh- ter of William Reed anil was born in Kentucky. (let. .'!. islli. Mr. and Mrs. Foltz are the par- ents of the following children, most of whom have reached years of maturity. The eldest is a daugh- ter whose name is Minerva. She is the wife of Frank Beckett. The other children in name and in order of birth are as follows; Andrew ( 'amp- bell. William B., Laura; Genetta died in infancy; Albert II. and Effle. ( )u his marriage our subject felt the importance of making a home of his own and he secured a farm in Tower I lill Township which he has culti- vatcd assiduously. Some ten years ago, the gentle- man purchased his present farm which comprises one hundred and sixty acres. It is tine land well located and watered, and bears good improvements. Politically our subject affiliates with the Democratic party although he is rather inclined to be inde- .:/. ! : j ' - - e .'■ & i ' - *- x Z ■ H . C. CARPE NTER. SARAH CARPENTER. PORTRAIT AND 15 K )( Hi A1MIK A L RECORD. 171 pendent in hi* vote, giving hi* influence not al- ways to the man of party if he thinks some other man i> better fitted to till the office in question. For some time, he has filled the position of School Director. He is a member in good standing, of the Church of God, and the Golden Rule, to do unto others as yon would that they should do unto you. is the precept that guides him in his relations, both business and social, with his fellow- men. The father of Mrs. Foltz died June 15, 1891,-al the venerable age of ninety-one years. 4 &^= ENRY C. CARPENTER, who is highly es- \ teemed and respected throughout the com- *,S munity where he lives, is an intelligent and progressive citizen who gives much thought to the questions Of the day. lie makes his home on section 18, Ridge Township. Shelby County. His father was Israel Carpenter. wilO was horn in Lancaster, Pa., and his mother, Susan Hess, was probably hom in Pennsylvania of German parent- age, as was also the father. The father died when about fifty-two years old. the mother at the age of ninety-one years. The parents of our subject came to Shelby County. 111., from Delaware County, Ohio, about IH.'iT. and settled in Shelby ville. where they resided for a few months. Later they removed to a point north of Shelbyville near the fair grounds and then made their home in ( (kaw Township, where the father passed from earth. His widow died at the residence of our subject in Ridge Township some years later. They had eleven children, of whom our subject is the fifth in order of age. Henry C. Carpenter was horn in Delaware County. Ohio, October 1. 1825, and hence was about twelve years old when he came to Shclbv County. 111., with his parents. Here he grew to manhood and sjx nt most of his early life with the exception of four years which he passed in Sanga- mon County. He was reared upon the farm and has made agricultural pursuits his chief business in life. The marriage of Mr. Carpenter iii Ridge Town- ship, September 30, 1852, brought him as a wife Miss Sarah Downs, daughter of Electiousand .Mary Ann (Stiffler) Downs. For particulars iii regard to the history of this prominent family the reader is referred to the life sketch Of J. II. Downs which appears on another page of this volume. Mrs. Car- penter was the fourth in a family of eight children, and first saw the light December 28, 1831, in Washington County. Md. she came to Shelby County, III., with her parents in 1845, and here grew to a beautiful and vigorous young woman- hood in Ridge Tow nship. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter arc the parents of nine children namely: George \\ '.. who married Mary E. McDonald and died at the age of twenty-two; Elections who look to wife Clara Worthman; Willie who passed away in infancy; James \\ .. who married Sarah M. Jones; Sarah Ann the wife of ( ). J. Engle; John Alonzo who look to wife Ida Brunei" Ira AV.; Mary Ellen, who died in infancy, and Nora J. ( )ur subject filled efficiently and sat- isfactorily the office of Supervisor of Ridge Town- ship for two terms, and has also been Road Over- seer and School Director. He formerly took an active part in political affairs but is independent in his party affiliations. He is liberal in his religious views and interested in all progressive ideas. IIi> splendid tract of the hundred and seventeen acres, most of which is located in Ridge Township bears every sign of the hand of a thorough, systematic and industrious farm manager. The attention of the reader is invited to the lithographic portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, which arc- presented elsewhere in this volume. •^•f-^-v NDREW J. STEIDLEV.a well-known resi- dent of Moweacpia. Shelby County, is of Southern birth and ancestry, and is also a representative of one of the pioneer fami- lies of Illinois, lie was born in Frederick County. Va.. December 23, 1829, and is a son of Solomon Steidley. who was born in Frederick County. Mil.. August 21. L789. I lis father was about fifteen 472 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. years old when his parents removed to Frederick County, Va., where he was reared to agricultural pursuits, and there lie was married October 25, 1811, to Rachel Barr, who was born in New Jer- sey, November 28, 17'.».'S. Her father, James Barr, was a Revolutionary soldier, and was with Wash- ington at '.'alley Forge. The parents of our subjeel Iefl their Virginia home in October, 1834, to seek a new one in the wilds of Macoupin County, this State, the journey being made with teams, a pari of the household g Is being taken to furnish their pioneer aliude. At length, after traveling Ave weeks, they came i<> what is now Barr Township, which at thai time was literally in the wilderness, where deer, bears, and other wild animals roamed at will. and the sur- rounding country had bu1 few white inhabitants. The nearest post-office tor some time was fifteen miles distant from their dwelling. Postage stamps were not then in use. and it cost twenty-live cents for each letter. The father of our subject bought forty acres of land a mile south of the present site of Barr 's Store. There was a log cabin on Hie place, and the land was fenced and partly im- proved. Alton was the nearest market, where the people purchased their sugar,salt and coffee, which were the principal supplies boughl at the stores, as the settlers were mostly home-livers, subsisting on what they could produce on their farms, and on game. The women carded, spun and wove flax .and wool for all the cloth used for garments or other purposes. Mr. Steidley was prospered ill his new home, as he was a man of untiring diligence, and he boughl other land until he owned four hundred and eighty acres at the time of his de- mise. all lying in Barr Township. His life wascut off by his death November 18, 1848, while yet in the midst of hi- usefulness, and his county was de- prived of the servile- of one of its most indus- trious and worthy pioneers. His wife survived him until Augusl 11. I860, when she breathed her la-t in the old home. She reared these seven chil- dren: .lame- B., Betsy A., Frederick, John S., Mar- garel II.. Mary < '. and Andrew .1. Our subjeel was in his lifth year when hi- par- ents brought him to Illinois. He attended the pioneer -choo]- of Barr Township, which were taught on the subscription plan, in primitive log houses, that were rudely furnished with seats made by splitting small logs, hewing one side smooth, and using wooden pins for legs, the seat- being without desk- or hacks. Mr. Steidley commenced . to assist in the farm work as soon as large enough, and lived with his mother until his marriage, af- fording her great assistance in managing the farm, lie taught one term of school before his marriage, later taught two terms in Barr Township, and then gave his attention to the mercantile business at Greenfield two years. He next went to farming near Fayette, Greene County, and was thus em- ployed there a year and a half. After that Macon County was his destination, and he sojourned there the summer of 1K.">7. Returning to Fayette. he remained there two years, and then went back to his old home. Barr Township, and the succeeding two years farmed there, except in the winter sea- son, when he resumed his old vocation of teacher. In the fall of 1862, we find him once more in Fay- ette, where he had charge of a school two terms. In the spring of 1864 he came to Moweaqua to accept a position as clerk for II. F. Day. and was with him for four years. Smith & Keiser. deal- ers in lumber and agricultural implements, were his next employers in that capacity, and he staid with them two years. Since then he has been en- gaged in various branches of business. In 1885 Mr. Steidley took a new departure, and entered upon the printers' trade in the office of his son in Maroa. He then commenced at the foun- dation of the editor's profession by learning to set type. He remained in the office at Maroa until 1,X!S,X, when he came hack to Moweaipia. and for fourteen months was a clerk in a drug store. At the expiration of that time he commenced setting type in the office of the Call-Mail with his son. and has continued thus engaged ever since. lie is a man of versatile genius. of much culture, possess- ing an interesting fund of general knowledge, and wherever known is respected. Politically he is a sound Democrat. His social relations are with the Ma-onic fraternity. Our subjeel was married in lx.">2 to Miss Nancy K. Jayne, who was a native of Greene County. III.. born .lulv :i 1 . 1836. She was a most estimable PORTRAIT AND UK >< HIAI'IIK AL RECORD. 173 lady, and her death, February 26, 1881, was a sad bereavement to her family and many friends, she Irt't four children — Edgar C, Thomas J., Emily R. and Wilmer A. Mrs. Steidley was a daughter of Thomas and Emily (Renshaw) Jayne, aatives re- spectively df Kentucky and Tennessee, and early settlers of Greene County, 111. Her father was a prominent attorney, and at one time was in partnership with Senator John M. Palmer, al Car- linville. 111. TT BRAM GALLAGHER. The township of Holland, being practically unbroken by large towns and villages. gives line oppor- tunities for the cultivation of extensive farms and among them we are pleased to make mention of the property belonging to the gentle- man whose name we have just mentioned. He is notable as being the Supervisor of the township and at the same time is one of the most prominent and extensive farmers of Shelby County. Our subject was born in Fairfield Comity. Ohio. April 7. 1839, being a son of Jacob and Sarah (Middlesworth) Gallagher. The grandfather of our subject on his father's side was born in the green Isle of Erin. and when he emigrated to this country made his home in Pennsylvania and later removed to Ohio. The father of our subjed was born in Ohio and came to Shelby County in 1839, making his home first in Shelby ville Township and afterward in Holland Township, where he passed the remainder of his days. The parents of our subject hail ten children, all of whom attained their majority and are named as follows: Abram; William, who died in Shelby County: Henry, who resides in Holland Township; Elizabeth, who married first Adam Deel and after- ward Murray Locke and died in Holland Town- ship; Eliza, who became Mrs. John Burke and resides in Holland Township; Charlotte, who mar- ried W. 15. Lantz and lives in the same township: Mary C who became Mis. William Ragan, of Shelly ville; Martha, who married Silas Ragan and died in Holland Township: Douglas, who also resides in that township; Newton, who lives in i In- same vicinity. Abram Gallagher received his earl} training in the district schools and upon the farm and grew to a vigorous and useful young manhood. On May '.». 1865, he was united in marriage with Sarah Ewing, a daughter of Thomas Ewing and a native of Fairfield County. Ohio, where -In- was bereaved of her parents and was thus an orphan when she made her way to the State of Illinois. After mar- riage this young couple made their home where they now reside, possessing at that time some two hundred acres of land which they have now in- creased I'V purchase to four hundred acres. Here Mr. Gallagher is engaged quite largely in stock- raisinu, in which line he is successful. Two children came to Mess the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher. They are still living and bear the names of Minnie and Clement. The early political training of Mr. Gallagher led him to affiliate with the Democratic party, but he is now independent in his views and casts his vote where he believes that it. will do the mosl good for the community. His freedom from party ties does not. however, deprive him of the political support of his neighbors and he is now serving his second term a- Supervisor of Holland Township, and for- merly held the offices of Town-hip Clerk, Road Commissioner. School Director and school Trustee. In religious matters he i> a believer in the doctrines which are set forth in the I nitarian Church, ^fF s- -\ HARLES E. WOODWARD, proprietor of the C. E. Woodward Roller Flour Mill, is a well-known and honored citizen of Shelby- ville, Shelby County, with whose manufacturing interests he has been connected several years, and he has also been prominent in its public and social life. He was born June 12, 1815, on a farm eight miles from Bordentown, Monmouth ( ounty, N. J. His father, whose name was Nimrod Woodward, was a native of the same State, and was a son of IScii- jamin Woodward, who is also supposed to have been bom in New Jersey, and to have been a dc- 171 PORTRAIT AND RIOGR A.PIIICAL RECORD. »f scendanl of one of tin- early English families thai Commonwealth. He was a merchant and a miller at Imlaystown, Monmouth County, and his lasl years were spent there. The fatlier of our subject was a farmer by Occu- pation, and he had a choice farm located on (ream Ridge, Monmouth County, and there he tranquilly passed a long and useful life, dying in I870,atthe venerable age of eighty-two years. The maiden name of his wife was Catherine Emley, and she was a native of Burlington County, N. .1. She died in the home of her son, Clarkson, at Hightstown, N. .1. She was the mother of nine children, — Ferdinand, Charles E., Clarkson. Elizabeth, Mary A.. Reading and Emily (twins). Benjamin and Nimrod. The parents were pious and respected members of the Society of Friends, and reared their children in the same faith. He of whom we write laid the foundation of a solid education in the public schools of his native county, and subsequently attended the Quaker Academy in Philadelphia, where he pursued an excellent course of study, whereby he was fitted for the profession of teaching, and at the age of twenty lie entered upon its duties in his native State. New Jersey. In 1837 he accepted a position as teacher at College Hill, near Cincinnati. Ohio, which he resigned a year later to become assi>hini teacher at Cary's Academy, and two of President Harrison's cousins were ai g his pupils. He taught in that school a year, and at Vinccnnes, [nd., a like length of time, and in the winter of 1840-41 he came to Shelby County, making the journey with an ox-team, bringing with him his wife and household goods. He located eight miles from the village of Shelbyville on a tract of land which he had purchased, a few acres of which were broken, taking up his abode in the log cabin that stood on the place. In the spring he entered upon the pioneer task of developing his farm, hut he did not wholly abandon his profession, as the two succeeding winters he taught in Shelbyville in a log building that had been used as a residene, there being at that time no schoolhouse in the vil- lage- After his two terms' experience as a pioneer teacher in thisconntv. .Mr. Woodward devoted his time exclusively to the improvement of his farm until 1848, when he came to Shelby ville. and suc- ceeded John Tachett as proprietor of the only- hotel of which the village then boasted. The fol- lowing year he bought a building, converted it into a hotel, which he managed one year. He then disposed of his farm and established himself in the dry-goods business at which he was engaged until he sold out at a good profit in 1859. In 1861 Mr. Woodward wasappointed Postmaster b\ President Lincoln and had charge of the post- oflice at Shelbyville until August 1862, when Gov. Yates appointed him Quartermaster of the Seventy-ninth Illinois Regiment. He served in that capacity very efficiently until the close of the war and was mustered out with his regiment June 12. 1865. Returning home he resumed his duties as Postmaster which office he retained until relieved by President Johnson. After that he was employed as bookkeeper in a dry-goods house until 1868 when he accepted a similar position in the Hour mill of C. C. Scovil. That gentleman dyinga year later, our subject was appointed executor of his estate, and with J. P. Davis and J. W. Ward bought the mill now known as the C. E. Woodward Roller Mill of which he has been sole proprietor since 1862. He carries on an extensive business, manu- facturing an unexcelled brand of Hour. The mill occupies twO commodious brick buildings, each three stories in height, with a basement, and furn- ished entirely with first-class modern machinery, thi' capacity of the mill being one hundred and twenty-five barrels of Hour a day and two hundred barrels of corn-meal. That our subject has been successful in life is no doubt partly due to the fact that he possesses one of man 's choicest blessings, a good wife, whom he secured in the person of Elizabeth Armstrong, a native of Knox < iounty, [nd., to whom he was uni- ted in marriage in 1838. Thus for more than half a century they have shared the joys and sorrows common to mortals, and children have been born to them of whom they have six living, as follows. — Charles S., Belle, Nimrod. Emily, Letton and ( larcnce 1.. During these many years that our subject has been .•i resident of Shelbyville his citizenship has been PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. I?:. invaluable to the community, as through his posi- tion as one of its enterprising business men lie has aided in promoting its growth and prosperity, his public spirit and liberality have helped to forward all schemes to the advancement of itsbesl interests, and he has rendered g 1 service in the important civic positions that lie has held. He has been Pres- ident of the Citv Council, and for twelve years lie was President of the Board of Education, and to his zeal and interest in educational matters while occupying that office Shelbyville is greatly in- debted to-day for the efficiency of its schools. Mr. Woodward is prominent in the social life of the city as a member of the following organizations: .lack-on Lodge, No. .■>•'!. A. I'. & A. M.; Jackson Chapter. No. 55, R, A. M.; and of Cyrus Hall Tost. No. 138, G. A. l!..of which he is Past Commander. As a true citizen should, he has always taken an interest in politics, and in early life was a Whig, hut since the formation of the Republican party, he has been one of its stanchest supporters both in times of war and in times of peace. < » ILLIAM W lKKY. The name noted is that \ / of the owner and proprietor of one the vV |i| U . farm- located on section 25, of Tower Hill Township. During the seventy-nine year- thai he has lived great changes have taken place in the calling to which he has always devoted him- self. Greece COuld boast of her temples and stat- ues. Rome of her law- and law-makers, but it re- mains for America to beat the world at Yankee inventions that area labor saving of incalculable degree to the agriculturist. Whereas in his boy- hood days our subject planted ami hoed the corn by hand, and cradled ami gathered the grain in tin' same manner, now the owner of a thousand acres can sit on the carriage -cat of his hinder. arrayed in a white polished shirt and patent leather hoot- and a line suit of clothes made to order, and can accomplish as much in a day a- was formerly accomplished in a month. All his life Mr. W'ircy has been engaged in the energetic and industrious pursuit ot hiscalling, hut he has now retired from active Labor and is enjoy- ing the fruits of hi- early efforts. He is of Penn- sylvania parentage and is proud of the fact that he is thoroughly American. Our subject's father was John W'ircy. who wa- probably horn in Pennsyl- vania, as was his mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Spidle. After marriage thej fn>t settled in franklin County. Pa., and afterward removed In Westmoreland County, in the same State, there the father died. Left with the can' of a family, the mother determined to seels easier conditions under which to make a living, and removed from the hilly country where she had lived in Pennsyl- vania, to the more fertile region in Richland ( ounty, Ohio. Later, however, she with her chil- dren came to Shelby County, this state, and in 1839 located on Robinson Creek, in Rose Town- ship. There the family lived and labored together for si\ years at the end of which lime they removed to Tower Hill 'Township, ami there the mother died, after a life spent in self-sacrifice and loving devotion to her family. Her decease took place on section 34, and she was interred with all respect and honor in God's acre of the township. Our subject's parents wen- not exactly in the fashion for pioneer days, for instead of having a family the number of whose children was counted in the teens, OnT) four little ones came to he the mother's comfort and stay in her time of tribulation and bereavement. 'Their name- are Catherine. Polly. William and John. Of these our subject was the third in order of birth, being the eldest son. He was horn in Franklin County. Pa., September \'l. 1812, during that troubled period when it was de- cisively settled whoshould have supremacy in this country. IK' was reared in thevillage until he was fifteen years of age after which time he went to live with a man by the name of John Kinneard. of his native place, and he remained with him until of age when In- went to Ohio, and from 1833 to 1839 inclusive, he made his home in Richland (ounty. of that State. At the latter named date he came to Shelby County, in this stale, and with his mother and family resided on Robinson Creek. Rose Township, untilaboul 1845, when he came to 'Tower Hill Township, of which place he has ever since been a residen t. iti; PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Mr. Wircy. :>> has before been said, has always been engaged in the calling of agriculture. For- merly lie was the owner of two hundred acres of as fine land as there is in Tower Hill Township, and the greater portion of his life was spent in improv- ing this tract and making of il n farm that is a model in its way. This he sold when well advanced in years and n- w lives retired from the active duties of life. Our suhject ha- filled several local offices in the gift of the township, and has heen Assessor of Tower Hill Township for one year. In his political preferences he is a Democrat. o VIM'S WKAKLY. A young and prog- ressive man who has already attained a flat- J tering degree of success and whose friends predict for him a brilliant future, is he whose name is written at the head of this sketch. He is a far- mer and stock-raiser, operating two hundred and forty acres, located on section 17, Pickaway Town- ship. At this place he settled in December, 1887. Not yet having reached his third decade, he has al- ready accumulated a handsome property that many an older man has striven and labored iii vain for year.- to acquire. lie is one of the most thrifty men of the township where he has lived since his fourth year. He was horn in Ridge Township, this county. April 19, 1866. Since his fourth year our suhject has lived in Pickaway Township, where he acquired a g I COinmon-SChOol education that fitted him for the practical business of life, and since becoming of age he ha- heen engaged in farming on his father-in- law's land. lie is the -on of Aha P. and Mary A. (Miller) Weakly, natives of Ohio and III- iuoi- respectively. Our subject's father came with hi- parents. Samuel aid Maria (Fetters) Weakly. to tin- state and county at an early day. They became pioneers in Ridge Township, this county, ami there .Samuel Weakly became the owner of a large tract of new land, which he improved, lie lived to Own. Sis hundred acres of land, nearly all of which was well improved, and when he died in 1890, at the age of seventv-five, he was in more than comfortable financial circumstances. He was twice married. His first wife died in the prime of life. .January 10, 1862. He was an active member of the United Brethren Church and Mr. Weakly helped to organize the church in this county and at various times held most of the church offices, lie was School Superintendent for years, a puhlic-spirited man and a liberal giver. Formerly he was a Republican in his political views, hut in his last years became an adherent of the Greenback party, and finally of the Prohibi- tionists. His last wife, whose maiden name was Rachael A. Schafer, and who had formerly been mar- ried to a Mr. Petty, yet survives him. She is now fifty years of age. She bore Mr. Weakly one child, who i- now deceased. The father of our subject. Alva P. Weakly was the second of four sons and six daughters. All are now married and have families with the exception of one. Alva P. Weakly became of age in Ridge Town- ship, and there married his wife, whose maiden name was Mary A. Miller, a native of that town- ship and a daughter of ('. P. Miller, an old settler there. For a further history of C. P. Miller's life refer to sketch of W. C. Miller, found in another part of this volume. After marriage the young couple began life as farmers in Ridge Township and there two children were horn to them. They then moved into Pickaway Township and now have a fine and well-improved farm of three hun- dred and sixty-live acres, which has heen their home since lKTi). This fine place is the tangible result of years of industry, prudence and thrift. In their church relations they are prominent mem- bers of the United Brethren Church, of which Mr. Weakly is a Trustee. For years hi' was Superin ten den 1 of the Sunday-school and Class-Leader. Politically he is a Republican and has held various local offices under his party. lie is now Justice of the Peace. Our subject is the eldest of the family born to hi- parents, seven children in all. of whom there are five sons and two daughters. lie of whom we write was married in this township May I. IHK7, to MiSS Clara A. Moll. She was horn here on the old Moll homestead, January 8, 1867, and was here reared and educated at "Westlield Seminary. She PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. is the daughter of Daniel Moll, of whom a sketch may be found in another part of this volume. Mrs. Weakly is an accomplished and attractive lady, she and her husband are very popular among the young married people and their home is a delightful meeting-place for the gaiety and so- cial life of the community. Their marriage has been blessed by the birth of adaughter,on the Kith of April. 1888. She is a bright girl and is the de- light of her parents. The young husband ami wife me members of the Locust Grove United Brethren Church and there do efficient work. Mr. Weakly is a Republican in his political preference. Ne#3=€- \J \Ai >II.I.IAM 11. FAGEN, the gentleman whose name is at tin- head of this sketch, is the vV editor and proprietor of the Stewardson Clipper, and is a man of recognized intellectual and literary ability, besides having a keen busi- ness instinct and tact, that have done much to build up a reputation for his organ in the town. Mr. Fagen is versatile in his turn of mind, having been engaged successfully in several different kinds of business. He is of Irish ancestry and is noted among his confreres for the wit and geniality com- mon to the Irish race. The original of this sketch was born in Shelby County, near the count \ seat, April 21. 1861. He is a son of Michael and Margaret (Sherlock) I'm gen. both natives of Ireland, who came to the United States in early life, meeting and marrying in Shelby County. He of whom we write was born on a farm but was reared in Shelbyville, where he received his education. When about seventeen he entered the office of the shelbyville Democrat, tilling the humble position of office boy, or what is commonly known in the printing fra- ternity, as ••printers' devil." He remained in this otliee for six years during which time he was ad- vanced to the position of foreman of the otliee. He then engaged in a restaurant and grocery busi- ness at Shelbyville. Later he went to Cowden where he clerked in a store. In 1**7. he came to Stewardson and founded the (Upper, a five col- umn quarto sheet, published weekly, and devoted to the interests, both social and commercial, of Stewardson and vicinity. The paper is neutral in politics. Our subject's mother died at Shelbyville, Oc- tober 2, L888. The father still resides at Shelby- ville. The family was composed of five children, who are Mary, John, Andrew, and Michael, besides our subject. Mary is now the wife of David Burkhart. They are all residents of Shelby County. Mr. Fagen has eschewed the estate of a benedict. never having married., therefore his biographical sketch is not so lengthy as IS that of many of our subjects whose careers :i re eh ron iclcd ill this ReCOHD, because their history is largely that of thedomestic life. Doubtless he of whom we write has had his romance, few. if any there arc. who have lived past years of maturity, who have not. The original of our sketch is a Roman Catholic in his religious be- lief and training, being a devout niemberand gen- erous supporter of the same. For one year he held the position a- Marshal of the village of Steward- son. :i nd discharged the duties of the position to the satisfaction of all concerned. ■■*•■;:■■&■■«■•— *- • •UN I!. MARTIN, proprietor of the Fast Nelson Tile Works, which are located On section 21. was bom in Sussex County, England, August 26, 1854. When only eleven year- old he left his native home and came to America, reaching New York in 1866, and at once coming on to the Prairie State, locating tem- porarily in Griggsville, Pike (ounty. and then en- tering a brickyard at Pana, this State, lie had had some experience in this line of work before leav- ing England, and has continued in it since coming to this country. In the Spring of 1872, Mr. Martin came to Moul- trie County and with his father establishing his brick works, began the manufacture of tile late in the spring of 1876, and since that season has given his attention chicih to that department of the bus- iness, lie has also engaged in agricultural pur- 178 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. -nils, as he operates about three hundred acres of land besides giving the necessary attention to his tilf works. Ilr manufactures large quantities of tile ami finds his market mar home in Moultrie and Coles Counties. He has a thorough under- standing of the necessities of his work and keeps everything in the first-class condition, being a thorough business man and one who allows noth- ing to go bj default. The marriage of oxir subject, which took place in Hast Nelson Township, December 11, 1878, united him with .Miss Maggie J. Stewart, who was born near Philadelphia, November 5, 1!->(>o. To her have been granted live children who are as fol- lows: George 1'.. Sarah <■.. Ilattie C, Fanny E. and .Matilda M. All have been spared to their pa- rent-- with the exception of Fanny, who died at the tender age of three years ami eight months. The father of our subject, the late John S. Mar- tin, was horn in Mavfield. Sussex. England, and his mother. Fanny .1. Yidlcr. was a native of the same shire. They came to America in 1866, and it was the father who established the brick and tile works which are now operated by the subject of our sketch. His death, which occurred in October, 1880, was very distressing in its circumstances, as ii was caused li\ his being caught in the cogwheels of a tile machine, lie had but two children lolin R. and Samuel and the latter is now deceased. It IIAFI. SNYDER, .It:., a resident of Moweaqua, though not now actively en- gaged in agricultural pursuits, is identi- fied with the great farming interests of this county as the proprietor of a well improved farm, located in I'lat Branch Township, from the rental of which he derives a com fortalile income. Ih' is a native-bora citi/.en of this State, the oldest s if .Michael and Margaret (Kant/.) Schneider, who were among tin early pioneers of Sangamon County, ami there in their primitive pioneer home he first -aw the light of day October 23, 1884. \\ hen lie was two year- old. hi- parent- removed to ' liri-lian ( ounU. anil settled near the line be- tween the county and this close to the present site of the village of Moweaqua, which, like the sur- rounding country at that lime, was still wild land owned by the Government. He attended the first schools ever taught in this section, which was con- ducted in a log hou-e. and provided with furniture of the most primitive sort, fashioned by hand, the seats being made by splitting logs, hewing one side smooth, and inserting wooden pins for lei;-, there being no desks or hacks to the seats. A log was taken out the entire length of the building, and glass was inserted in the aperture thus made to admit the light. Holes were bored in the log underneath the window, pins were inserted, and a hoard laid on them served as a desk for the larger scholars to write upon. In those early days of the settlement of the county, dec]-, wolve- and wild turkeys were plentiful, and game often fur- nished an agreeable addition to the scanty fare of the pioneers. Mr. Snyder was reared to habits of industry, and commenced vvvy early to help on the farm, thus acquiring a thorough knowledge of agriculture that wa- of ureal use to him when he entered upon hi- independent career as a farmer, lie lived with his parent- until he married and established a home of his own on a farm that belonged to his father that was situated six miles east of Taylorville. Seven years later he removed from there to As- sumption, where he was assistant in a lumber yard for I wo years. At the end of that time he came to Moweaqua, lived a while in the city, and then settled on his farm in Flat Branch Township. In the years that ensued, he busied himself in its im- provement, and had brought it to a good condi- tion when he rented it in IHHl. and retired to Moweaqua. The farm is still in his possession, and contain- two hundred and eighty acres of fertile land, the greater portion of which is well improved and is well supplied with necessary buildings and machinery . Mr. Snyder was first married in 1857 to Miss Frances Malone, a native of Indiana, and a daugh- ter of William Malone. She departed this life in 1867, after a happy wedded life of ten years, leav- ing one child. Albert Mr. Snyder was again married in 1871, taking as his wife Miss Ellen W. F. LOGAN PORTRAIT AM) BIOCRAPIIK AL RECORD. I. si Annette Deflfenbacher, a native of Decatur, III.. mimI a daughter of Seibold and Mary .1. Deflfen- bacher. Her pleasant union with our subject has brought them these four daughters: — Margaret, Mm .1.. Lucy !•'.. and Evelina. Politically, Mr. Snyder is a Republican, lie has always taken an interest in educational matters- and has been active in securing to the youth of Ins township good advantages as to schooling while serving as School Director and Trustee, and he has always shown himself willing to advance the wel- fare of the community in whatsoever direction he could. ^8f A/ »ILLIAM F. LOGAN, one of the promin- ent business men of Marrowbone Town- y ■* ship. Moultrie County, lias extensive con- nections in Sullivan. Dalton City. Etna, Greenup, Mount Zion. Coles and Ileivey City, in all of which he deals in farm machinery andalso.at sonic points. buys and sells grain. 1 le has been a resident of the county since flJ76 and is a native of the adjoining county of Shelby where he first saw the light .lime 2 1. 1. s.V.i. William R. and Susan (Martin) Logan, the par- ents of our subject were born in Kentucky, and Benjamin F. Logan, the grandfather, was one of the Mist settlers in Shelby County, where he was a Justice of the l'eaee from the time the county was organized until he became t >hl toofHciate. He was a descendant of the same stock from which Gen. John A. Logan sprang, and the family is justly proud of the patriotic record of that distin- guished kinsman. William R. Logan was married in Shelby County and lived there through the remainder of his life, working at his trade as a carpenter. His excellent wife also remained there until her death. Two only of their family of live grew to manhood. namely, our subject and John A., who is now a clerk in a wholesale house in Sedalia, Mo. The death of the parents occurred while thej were -till in the prime of life, and William was Only about three years old when he was left a phan. An uncle, G. W. Logan, cared lor the child until In' reached the age of twelve years when he determined to --paddle his own canoe" and work his way up stream no matter what obstacles were in his way. (■oing with his uncle F. A. Logan to Sedalia, Mo.. he worked on a farm for three years, after which he returned to Windsor, and served a- a farm hand through the summer, attending school in the winter, and completing his education in a -elect school at Bethany. After this he taught school for two years and then began work on a farm which he hail rented. It was in August, 1**7. that Mr. Logan first en- gaged in tin- implement business at Bethany and finding the outlook favorable he gradually in- creased his stock until it has reached its presenl magnitude. I. ike many another successful man he began business with very little money, being Obliged to Use hollowed capital, but he is. in the common parlance of the day a "hustler", always busy and attending strictly to business to the management of which he seems to he peculiarly well adapted. lie is never neglectful of the in- terests of a customer nor willing to he idle if there is an opportunity for effort. The subject of this sketch has been twice united iii the bonds of marriage. In 1881 he took to wile 1!. Eva Ciowder, a daughter of David M. Crowdei - . She was horn in .Moultrie CoiinH in 1861 and after a brief married life she passed from earth in April. 1890, leaving her husband and three beauti- ful children — Bessie, Daisy, and David — to mourn her loss. The second marriage of our subject took place January 1. 1891 ami he was then united with Lennie Meyer, a native of Moultrie County and a daughter of Henry Meyer. Mr. Logan is a Republican in his political views, hut not in an\ sense a politician, yet he is always sufficiently interested in political movements and thoroughly conscientious in regard to casting his hallot according to what he believes to he the right. In religious matters he has been for a long while connected with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church where he and his wife an' active in the various work- of the church. lie e.'ives employ- ment to a force Of from fifteen to twenty men at Bethany, as he ha- a multifarious business com- 482 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. prising no1 only his implement warehouse, but also a harness simp and carriage salesroom. Besides this he is engaged in drilling wells and erecting wind mills. lit' has several men also at his other points of business. A portrait of Mr. Logan accompanies this sketch. -mi F.V.JASPER LEWIS DOUTHIT. Here we have another of those "high-minded men" who constitute the veal strength of a State. A native prophet, sure to have had his share of the usual buffetings, a zealous missionary in the home held, one early inured to poverty and toil, who has never faltered in the onward, upward course, never flinched from his task of battling for the right, without his name no list of the worthies of Southern Illinois would lie complete. As a '■Unitarian Oberlin," his story has been briefly told in a small pamphlet published in Boston, from whose pages mainly have been gathered the fol- lowing facts: Jasper L., son of Andrew E. and .Mary Ann (Jordan) Douthit, was horn in Shelby County, about four miles east of Shelbyville, October 10, 1834. His great-grandfather, Evan Douthit. a "Hard-shell" Baptist minister, of Welsh-Scotch an- cestry, emigrated with hisfamily from North Caro- lina to Tennessee, and thence, about 1830, to this county, where he was a pioneer settler and preacher. Tw ■ three years later, accompanied by a num- ber of his descendants, like the patriarch of old. he again journeyed in search of a new home, find- ing at length a permanent abiding place in that pari of Mexico which is now Texas. There con- tinuing his pulpit Labors even when so old and feeble thai he musl needs be supported by a man Standing on each side of him as he spoke, he lived to be more than eighty years old. His wife long surviving him attained the remarkable age of one hundred and fifteen years. Andrew E., grandson of the above named, and son of John I), and Elizabeth ( Ellis) Douthit. both members of the •■Hard-shell" Baptisl Church, was born in Tennessee. lie came with his father and grandfather to Shelby County. III. Tin' Douthits entered Government land and also bought a trait of Francis Jordan, an early pioneer of Shelby County. Members of the Douthit and .Jordan families in Texas took part in the war which se- cured the independence of that State. The mother of our subject was a daughter of Francis Jordan. She was born at a fort in Frank- lin County built for protection against the Indians. Early left motherless, busied with housework, and living in the backwoods where educational advan- tages were of the slightest, she nevertheless taught herself to read and write. A woman frail of body, but of strong conviction, being accustomed to think for herself, she did not hesitate to denounce the evils of slavery and intemperance at a time when the popular opinion of the neighborhood was decidedly on the other side of these great questions. Her religious views, as they were grad- ually developed, growing with her growth, and as silently, were of the liberal Christian type, and were such as enabled her with cheerful courage and a beautiful devotion to duty, to perform the labors and endure the trials of a life of constant loil and care. With the exception of a short stay in Texas, his father and grandfather having been induced to join their kindred in that State iii 1843, remaining however through one cotton harvest, the youth of our subject was passed in active labors on the home farm in this county, with but scant oppor- tunity for schooling or even for home study. The family Bible was his firsl reading book. Other well conned volumes were Robinson ( 'rusoe. Life of David Crockett, Weem's Life of Marion, and t rl'imshaw'S History of the I ' ni ted State-. I le early set hisheart on becoming a minister of the gospel. Such was his thirst Cor learning, and the inability or unwillingness of his father to indulge him in this direction, that lie left home and let himself to work as a day laborer with the shovel on the Illi- nois Central Railway to earn money to defray his expenses a1 a boarding-school. Two joyful years were now spent by him at Shelby Seminary, where he paid his way partly by teaching, partly by building (ires, sweeping and other work. Uniting with tin' Methodist Church, though without en- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 483 dorsing all the articles of faith. he was offered a Christian ministry June 22, 1862, Revs. Robed license to preach. This he declined. Next en- rolled as a student at Wabash College, Crawfords- ville. hid., he continued living on frugal fare and doing janitor's work until he fell sick and was forced to u<> home. A brief business experience in a book and drug store, culminating in a failure with the financial flurry of ixf>7. marriage in the meantime with Miss Emily Lovell, of East Abington, Mass.. and a period of school teaching for both, were what the next few years brought t<> his life. In l,s.">K came a new departure. Mr. Douthit felt that he must go forth to seek a wider field of action; he was led to seek a position in the Boston office of Fowler it Wells, famous phrenologists and publishers, lie was soon employed as a lecturer on phrenology and hygiene. Traveling in this capacity in Massachusetts, he met many Abolition- ists but failed to make the acquaintance of any Unitarians. The anti-slavery sermons and ad- dresses of .lames Freeman Clark and Theodore Parker were read 1>\ him with exceeding interest. The following year found our subject again in Illinois living with his family on a farm in Shelby County. His lirst vote for President had been cast in 1856 for .fames Buchanan. In the winter of lXfil he became associate editor of the Shelby Freeman, the first paper in this pari of tin' state to stand for •• Free soil, free labor and free speech." Accepting the appointment of Governmenl en- rolling officer, at a time when Knights of the Golden Circle and others were bent on forcible re- sistance to the draft, his life was often in no little danger. Several shots were one night fired through the open doors of his home. None the less did he discharge his patriotic duties without flinching. The voice within still prompted our subject to preach the Gospel on the lines of the larger hope. To his wife came the happy thought that his words might be acceptable in Unitarian pulpits. At the suggestion of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Robert Collyer was appealed to for advice. UN response was a cordial invitation to come to the Unitarian Conference soon to be held at Detroit. Thither he went and was there ordained to the Collyer. Dr. George W. Hosmer, Charles G. Ames and others taking part in the services. In scl 1- hoiises, dwelling-houses and groves of Shelby and adjoining counties, people came together to "hear Jasper preach." Feeling the need of better equip- ment for his work, he was enabled through the kindness of friends living at a distance, who had heard of his zealous and effective itineracy, to take a three year's course at the Meadville Theological School (Unitarian), where he was graduated in June, 1867. Since that date, with the exception of a brief term of preaching at Piinceton, III., his ministry has been confined to the towns and vil- lage- of his native prairies, mostly within the familiar haunts of his boyhood. At the " Log Church" east of Shclbyville, he preached to a con- gregation of woodchoppers and their families, re- ceiving for his Brsl year's work a big jug of mo- lasses, given by a poor foreigner. The nexl year the contribution- amounted to about $10. Mr-. Douthit taught a subscription school to eke out a support for the family. The Sunday-school ses- sions were sometimes disturbed h\ people angered at the speaker on account of hi- advocacy of tem- perance. The first Christmas tree in Shelby County was sel up in the •• Log Church." And there it i- said. was sung, probably for the lirst time in this county, the hymn, ■' Nearer my God to Thee." Mr. Douthit was instrumental in organizing a church at Salem, now Oak Grove, where a bouse of worship was built for the joint Use of the ( aillp- bellites and the liberal Christians, Elder John Ellis, of the former sect, being an efficient helper: Unity Church at Matoon, and a Christian Union Church near Mode. ( )ui missionary began regular preaching at Shelbyville, in the old court-house, February 15, 1874. A Sunday— ehool \\n- n started, books for a library being received from Dr. James Freeman Clarke'- church in Boston. In May thirteen people signed a statement pro- fessing "faith in Jesus Chri-t a- the -on of (bid and the Savior of men." and acknowledged the Bible as the divinely authorized rule of faith and practice. In November a church of twenty-one members was fully organized, lion. George Par- tridge, of St. Louis, offered thegifl of $500 toward 184 PORTRAIT AND BI GRAPHICAL RECORD. building a house of worship. This encouraged the people to contribute liberally <>f their humble means to the same end. Orthodox ministers united with the literal in the services at th*- laying of the cornerstone, November 21, 1875. As the result of ;i protracted scries of evening meetings held in February and March. 1876, by Mr. Douthit, with the help of the good Elder Ellis, the church roll was increased to nearly one hundred members. The 8th of May saw the new house completed and dedicated, Dr. Clarke, of Boston, preached the ded- ication sermon .in the morning and Dr. Eliot, of St. Louis, preached in the evening, when Mr. Douthit was installed as pastor. The building was made to accommodate about four hundred persons, and the church and Sunday-school has since wit- nessed to a healthy growth and unabated interest in its Christian faith and life. In October, 1870, Robert Collyer wrote to the Christian Register, '- 1 can hardly tell how much a 1 Mr. Douthit has done in that region. It is simply wonderful. He has wrought witli such a manful and Christian valor as to win his way. \\ here any olher man. one thinks, must have failed. It is worth my while." he adds, " to say that his best helper and inspircr. after God, is his wife." Elder John Ellis, writing in 1 876, reports •• Brother Douthit as having exceeded beyond his expecta- tions," and adds: --lie is a Channing Unitarian and sails under that banner, and yet is what I would call a real, out-and-out old-fashioned, Orthodox. Evangelical, Congregational, progressive, liberal ( hristian." A sketch of Mr. Douthit in the memorial volume of Shelby Seminary, by Hon. George I.'. Wendling, contains these words of high appreciation: "I will testify everywhere that his whole life-work and example in this county has been an evangel of peace, temperance and puritj ." In 1880 Mr. Douthit began the publication of a paper. Our "Best Words, a brave exponent of (hris- tian truth and practical righteousness, which grew to lie a welcome visitor in many homes. The pros- pectus for the new series began in March. INK*, is an admiral ile declaration of lofty principles, worthy to lie ipioted in full, did space permit. In its c - mendable endeavor •• to translate the dialect of a scholaristic, thought-burdened Unitarian ism into the every-day language of the common people." Our Best Words stood without a rival in the West or in the East. Having dropped its denomina- tional character the paper is now continued as a weekly. " independent in all things and neutral in nothing that concerns human welfare." It earn- estly advocates the principles of prohibition to the liquor traffic and favors the work of the Woman's Chrsitian Temperance Union and the Fanners' Mutual Benefit Association. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Doufhit are Helen Maud, married to Joseph Garis; George L.. Robert Collyer and Winifred. Robert C. following the footsteps of his father, is now ( 1 s:M ). a student at Meadville Theological School. * ' OlIX 1!. II. LICK, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser, making his home on section .">:!. Oconee Township. Shelby County, was born in Seneca County. X. V.. in 1834. He is the son of John and Maria (Young) Ulick, both of whom were bom in Pennsylvania. In their family were five sons and two daughters, the two youngest passed away at an early age. William Henry Illick. the eldest son of John and Maria, is married and living in < >swego, Ind.. where he is carrying on a farm ; Franklin M. is married and living at Kosemond. 111., upon a farm: Samuel A. died at Taylorvilie. this State, in 1882; Kilward V. enlisted in a Cavalry Regiment in Indiana, and being in the campaign at Pittsburg Landing, was taken sick and died during a visit home at the age of twenty-six years: Susan M.. the wife of Thomas Fritchman, a farmer, resides near Wellington, in Sumner County. Kan.; I.vdia A. was twice married, her present husband being Robert Hatty, residing at Stonington, 111. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in New York and removed with his parents to Indi- ana in 1K.")7. After burying his parents in that State, he came to (hristian County. III., and was married at Taylorvilie, to Miss Elizabeth Melton. daughter of John and Caroline Melton, who were PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 185 natives of North Carolina, and came to Illinois prior t<> their marriage. Mis. llliek was born in Madison County, this State, in 184 i. and had live brothers and four sister-, namely: .lames C., Henry 'I'.. (twins) Andrew .1.. Martin V.. Amaziah. Martha A.. Mary I... Sarah A. and Hannah M.(twins.) All lint Mrs. [Hick and Hannah M. have passed to the other world. Andrew .1. enlisted in Company II. Thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry and died in the hospital at Springfield, Mo.; Hannah M. mar- ried Franklin llliek. the brother of our subject, and resides on a farm near Rosemond. He of whom we write came to his present farm six years ago. He and his good wife have had no children of their own. lint they have reared a son of Mrs. Illiek's sister, a hoy whom they took at the age of three months, and he is now a line and in- telligent lad of sixteen years, who stands in the same relation to his fosterparents that a real son would occupy. Mr. llliek is a Demoerat in his po- litical views. He has a pleasant home and is com- fortably situated. The father of Mi's, llliek died in Madison County, 111., in 1852, and her mother who is now eighty-two years of age resides with her daughter. Her parents were members of the Baptist Church. \ AVID LOW, a man who has the esteem and confidence of his friends and neighbors, and who is a public-Spirited citizen resides on section 23. Oconee Township, Shelbj County, where he carries on farming and stock- raising, lie was born in Guilford County, Tenn., April 26, 1831, his parents being George and Sarah Low. natives of that state. Their marriage and the birth of all their children took place in North Carolina, lull they removed to Illinois in 1849 and there spent the remainder of their days. David Low had nine brothers of whom Amslcy. Gideon and Simeon were soldiers in the Union Army, during the Civil War. Joel R.. John R., and Daniel 1!.. are all living, the former in Iowa and the others in this State. David was a resident of North Carolina during the war and was con- scripted into the Confederate army. He passed his examination, and was accepted hut while waiting for assignment to his regiment, he and about live hundred others lied from the camp at night, and breaking through the lines escaped to their home. He worked upon his farm for about a month and when he saw thai the authorities were on the alert and apprehending the conscripl he "took to the hushes" as he says and remained in concealment from October to Christmas. During thai time he lay on the ground and endured greater hardships and dangers than he would have encountered in the Confederate service, Imt he was thoroughly Union in his sentiments, and preferred to endure all this for the cause of the Union rather than to lift his hand against the old flag. About Christmas time Mr. Lowengaged to work in the saltpetre works near Greensboro, N. C. This enterprise failed and he went home and spent one night, hut the second nighl •■hunters" were in pur- Suit of him and he took to the woodsagain. While concealed in the house of a neighbor he was sur- rounded and captured by a detachment of the Raleigh guard. He was sent to Raleigh and seven days later to Kingston, N. C, where he remained from April 2 to May I. By this time he thought he knew enough Of military affairs and persuaded thirteen of his comrades to join with him in taking ••French leave." These refugees took to the woods once more. and were so closely pursued h\ soldiers on horse- back as to be obliged to take refuge in a swamp. They sat in mud and water nearly to their necks from 2 p. m., until dark and the pursuers passed within ten feet of them. Two of the party were recaptured and the others escaped to their respect- ive homes. Mr. Low had to remain in hiding until the close of the war. lie spent one winter in a Cave, going occasionally to the home of sonic Union family to gel f Land then returning to his dreary abode. He spent his time in the cave in making combs, baskets and trinkets, selling them to Union people for f 1 and clothing, lie would sell a line comh of his manufacture for ten cent- in silver or $10 in Confederate script. He was re- captured hut made his escape at great peril. His sufferings and privations were incomparably greater 186 PORTRAIT AND UIo( .KAPIIK AL RECORD. than those of many enlisted men, being in (•(instant peril from armed and open enemies as well as from secrel foes. It is not strange that lie would feel that his escape from bodily injury was miracu- lous. He was unable to gel through the line with his family and would not go and leave them, lie hist all his property, amounting to a number of thousand dollars in stock and money. The lady whose union with our subject brought to her such great trials, during this period of hard- ship and suffering, became his wife, September 13, 1857, in Guilford County. N. C, which was her native county as she was born there February 2d. 1836. Her name before marriage was Rosannah Pike, and her parents were natives of the same state with herself. To Mr. and Mis. Low eight children were born, namely: Sara R., born September 2:). 1K.">2. who married Daul Neice in Oconee Township, and after giving birth to one child died October 28, Dshh; George William, bom September 20, I860, married Sallie Marifield and resides on a farm near Kose- mond. III.: Turley II.. horn May 2(1. 1863, is un- married and lives at home; Joel I)., horn January 10. 1866, is married and resides in l'ana. III.: Melinda S.. horn October 29, 1867, is married and resides in Oconee Township; .Melissa horn May 25, L871, after the removal of the family to the North, and Mary E., horn August 17. 1 874, are at home with their parents, as is also .lolin II. A., horn Sep- tember II. I S77. It was about eighteen years ago when Mr. Low removed tot hiistian County, 111., and nine years since he purchased the farm on which he now lives. lie has a timbered farm of one hundred and eighty- live acre-, about one-half of which is under im- provement. I'pon this there is about fourteen acres i chard and considerable attention i> paid to the raising of -mall fruit, lie hasa y I house .-Mid a comfortable home. Mr. Low has been instrumental in securing the organization of a school district for the acco ni- dation of the children in this comparatively new country, and a pleasant school-house i> situated on a Corner of hi- farm. He has always voted 1 he Republican ticket. He is not a member of any church though heartily in accord with all Chris- tian endeavors. His wife and children are mem- bers of the Baptist Church. He raises sorghum and manufactures molasses each year, and makes maple sugar and syrup in its season, devoting considerable time and money to the improvement and operation of this business:. He has a centrifu- gal machine for separating and drying sorghum sugar which he hopes to make a success. He is a good citizen who endeavors to do right as he sees the right, and will not be coerced into doing wrong by any human power. This characteristic was evinced by his attitude toward the confederate power. ISAAC N. PORTER. No man so truly loves his country as he who has suffered and fought _J for it, and those citizens of Illinois who gave to our Nation in her time of trial their hearty sup- port and their best efforts 11)1011 the battle held, have gained not only a heartier sympathy with the institutions represented by our national haulier. hut also a record for themselves of which any pa- triot may well feel proud. Among those men of Shelby County, who have thus an honorable war record, we are pleased to named the subject of this sketch, who follows the double avocation of a farmer and carpenter, in Oconee Township. He was born in Harrison County, Ohio, March 27. 1840, his parents being William and Susan (Cribhs) Porter, natives of Ohio. In their household there were six sons and rive daughters, and Isaac is the firstborn son. Teresa, now Mrs. Row. of Oconee Township, being the eldest. Following them came Isabella, now the wife of John Martin, of Indian Territory; Dan- iel, who resides in Missouri; Albert, who lives at Sioux City, la.: William, living in Montgomery County. III.: George, a resident of Iowa; Priscilla. the wife of Mr. Drain, of Oconee Township; and Abbie and Maggie, who reside at home. The subject of t his sketch enlisted in Company A, Ninety-Seventh Illinois Infantry, and was as- signed to duty in the Anns of the Mississippi. After six months' service he was transferred to the PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 1*7 United Stale- gunboal "Chilachthe," and did duty on the lower Mississippi and the Yazoo Rivers. At Ft. Tamberton, while on the Yazoo Pass expedi- tion, this young hero was wounded, Mareh LO 1863, and was sent to the hospital at Helena. Ark., being afterward transferred to the general hospital at St. Louis. Being somewhat crippled by this hard service and wound, he was plaeed in Com- pany K, Eleventh Veteran Reserve Corps and served out his unexpired term, being discharged at Boston., .Mass., July 7. 186fi, whence he returned to his parental home in Oconee Township. It was not until 1877. that Mr. Porter decided to establish a home of his own, and he chose as a partner of that home .Miss Annie Pressgrove, who was born in Oconee Township in 1859, her parents being William and Eliza Pressgrove. The parents had ten children, only four of whom are now liv- ing. The wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. Porter was February 22. To them was horn three chil- dren, Hugh II.. horn in 1 S7',> : Anna Laura, a babe now three months old, and tine child who died when five months old. Mrs. Porter is a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a faithful and devoted wife and mother, capable in all housewifely arts and active in promoting the best interests of the community. Mr. Porter is a member of the Coplin Post No. 2(>8, (i. A. R. at Oconee, and his political views have led him to affiliate with the Republican party. His handsome farm of one hundred and sixty acres is situated on section 7, Oconee Township, and is in a highly cultivated state and richly productive. ! 1 . 1LLIAM F.ARMSTRONG is actively car- rying on agriculture on the farm where he resides with his father, a respected resi- dent of Penn Township, Shelby County, this home- stead being the birthplace of our subject lie is a representative of some of the earliest pioneer fam- ilies of this state, his paternal grandfather, John Armstrong, having been one of the original pioneers of this county, and is distinguished in its history as the first settler of Penn Township; while the maternal grandparents of our subject, .lames and Nancy Oerdicn. were early pioneers of Rose Town- ship.' Aaron Armstrong, the great-grandfather of Wil- liam V., was a native of North Carolina, and was a son of a Revolutionary soldier who lost his life ill battle. Aaron removed from the State of his nativity to Warren County. Ky.. where he resided hut a short time, however, prior to his removal in 1809 to the Territory of Illinois. lie was one of the first settlers of Madison County locating there in the year that the act was passed establishing Illinois as a territory. There were but few white men living in the whole length and breadth of this now populous and great common- wealth, and as the Indians held full sway and were oftentimes hostile, the whites had to band together and live in forts. The great-grandfather of our subject secured a tract of land live miles south of Edwardsville, built upon it, improved a good farm, which remained his home until his death in 183:}. The maiden name of his wife was Mary Landers. She was born in South Carolina and died in Mad- ison County in 1830. John Armstrong was born in Warren County, Ky., in 1803. lie was butachild when his parents came to Illinois, and he was reared amid its wild pioneer scenes and in due time he married a daugh- ter of one of the early settlers, .lane Roach, who was born in Kentucky in 18(12. and died in Illinois in 1 s 7 7 . Lithe fall of 182."> the grandfather of our subject came with others to Shelby County to seek a suitable location on its fertile soil. He selected a claim to a tract of Government land on section li. township 1:5. range -'i. now included in Penn Township, and at once commenced the erec- tion of a log cabin, which was the first building ever erected in the northern part of Shelby County, and he was the first man to locate in Penn Town- ship, his nearest neighbor for a time being ten miles away. Before completing his cabin he returned to Madison County for his wife and child, and in the fall of the year brought them back in an oxwagon to the scene of their new home iii primeval wild-. where wild animals such as deer, wolves, panther- and wild turkeys roamed at will where there were but few evidence- of the approaching civilization. 188 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. St. Louis, many miles distant, was the nearest town to which the pioneers could convey their produce to exchange for needed supplies. Notwithstand- ing tUr many difficulties that he encountered he developed an excellent farm, which h'e occupied until death deprived him of the companionship of his wife and he then passed his remaining days with his children, dying in 1886 at a ripe old aye. The father of our suhject, Beverly Armstrong, was born October '!'■'<. 1827, in Clinton County while his mother was there on a visit. IK- was reared in this county where his parents had estab- lished their home, and was educated in its schools, attending the first ever taught in this section of the country. It was held in a log 1 m 1 1 < 1 i 1 1 iz' located in Plat Branch Township. The benches, which were without hacks or desks, were made of slabs thai were supported by wooden pins. and the build- ing was heated by means of a large open fireplace. In his youthful days the people lived principally off the products of the farm, and were clad in homespun made by the busy hand- of tin' women. Mr. Armstrong lived with his parents until he was twenty years of age and then entered a had of Government land in what is now Moweaqus Township. lie had married in that year Miss Emeline Virden, a native of this county, and in the log cabin that he built on his claim he and his bride began housekeeping. In 1858 he sold that place and bought the one that he now owns and occupies, that is finely located on section .'! I . I'enii Tow n si dp. constituting a choice and well-cultivated farm amply supplied with all necessary buildings and good modern machinery, lie has been pros- perous in the pursuit of his calling, anil ill the many years that he has been residing in I his county he has always shown himself to lie a useful citizen who has won an honorable place among the solid men of his Community, and has done his share ill developing the agriculture of this section of the I so Stat.-. The subjeel of this biographical review is the only son of his parents and in their home, which ha- always been hi-, he was reared to a stalwart manh I. lie received a sound practical training as a farmer and is now managing his father's farm with signal -iiccc-s. thu- relieving him in a greal measure of the cares and labors that heset him in hi- early life. He is a shrewd, careful man in his dealings and at the same time displays push and enterprise in carrying on his affairs, so that his in- terests brings him a goodly income in repayment of his outlay of labor and expense. The greatest sorrow that Mr. Armstrong litis ex- perienced in life was the death of his wife in 1886. Her maiden name was Emma O. < Jerry, and she was a native of Indiana. They were wedded November 13, 1878. By her death our subject lost a devoted wife and these four children were left motherless: Tressie. Charles, Birdie and Essa. 8£ a*^ ARKS 11. ELLIOTT. Our .subject is a | representative of a good Southern family. tufr on the paternal side owing many of the traits of his character to the warm blood and generous hearts of the state which Uiasts of having given more Presidents than any other, to the Executive Department of our Government. Mr. Elliott is the owner of a g 1 farm located on section 7. Tower Hill Township, whereon he set- tled in 1855. Our suhject was horn in Anderson County. Ky.. November 23, 1K2.~>. He is a son of John and Melville (Berry) Elliott, natives respec- tively of Virginia and Kentucky, in which latter State they were married and where they began the serious consideration of life together on a farm. Our subject's father died in 1846. His mother sub- sequently came to Illinois and passed her declining years with her son. passing away from this life at 'he advanced age of seventy-eight years. The original of our sketch was one of eleven children and the youngest of these was twelve years of age before there was a death in the family. Our subject was the sixth in the family in order of birth, having five older and five younger brothers and sisters. During boyhood his school advantages were limited, hut since reaching manhood he has applied himself diligently to study, and is a vora- cious reader of good literature. While yet a youth, he learned the trade of car- pentry in Indiana, to which State he had removed J> :x^*' %%i JACOB KIRCHER. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. I'.U settling in Davis County, where he remained for Some time. He later went to .Marion County, lie was united in marriage with Mary J. Brown, on the 23d of July, 1848. The lady was a daugh- ter of Lewis L. and Mary (Johnson) Brown. She was horn in Marion County, [nd., January 12. 1832. Soon after marriage, our subject with his wife, came to Shelby County and settled on the farm where he now resides. At that date lie pur- chased two hundred and thirty acres of Govern- ment land, which was then new and unbroken. Upon it he has made valuable improvements, hav- ing erected a commodious and comfortable dwell- ing, with barns and outhouses necessary for the protection ami accommodation of his stock. When Mi'. Elliott settled upon the prairie, there was d ie else living any place near, and he has thus seen the development of the whole State. Fana was unknown at that date, and the Illinois Central Railroad was not yet completed. Our sub- ject has given his undivided attention to farming and mixed husbandry. He is now the owner of three hundred and thirty acres of land which, with the exception of twenty acres of tine prairie land, is under thorough cultivation, and well improved in every way. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott have been the parents of six children, whose names are: Elizabeth I... John Irvin, Emma, Walter and Fannie. One child died in infancy. Elizabeth is the wife of Moses E.Sim- mons, of Fana; John Ervin is a resident in Nevada, Mo.; Emma and Walter remain at home, and are the comforts of their parents' middle life; Fannie is the wife of Thomas Finefrock. and resides in Fana. this State. X Y ACOB KIRCHER. :i wealthy resident ofShel- byville, was for many years actively en- gaged in farming, but he now lives in re- tirement, though he still owns one of the choice farms for which Shelby County is justly noted, lie is a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, October 20, 1827, being the date of his birth. lli- father, whose name was bonis Frederick Kircher. was also horn in that place, a- was his father he- fore him. Tin- latter came to this country in 1834, and spent his remaining years in Maryland. The father of our subject learned the trade of a shoemaker in his youth, and with tin- exception of the time that he was a -oldier in the German army, he followed his calling in his native Wur- temburg until 1829, when, ambitious to better his condition, he emigrated to this country with his wife and four children. lb' landed at Baltimore with empty pocket-, and what was worse, in very poor health. He was fortunate enough to obtain the assistance of friends, by whose help he went to Hagerstown, where he found employment in a liv- ery stable. He worked faithfully, frugally saved his money, and his wife also worked hard, and after a time with their united earnings they had enough to buy a horse and wagon, with which they started for Ohio, taking with them all their earthly possessions. They walked the greater part of the way, camping and cooking by the roadside whenever they were weary, and when they arrived at Lancaster, Ohio, they decided to proceed no further. Mr. Kircher looked aboul for a suitable location, and finally selected forty acre- of land belonging to the Government situated" in Hocking County, ten miles from Logan, the county seal. He did not have money enough by fifty cents to pay for his claim, hut he obtained it by mending a pair of hoots, and then walked to the land office to enter his land. His homestead was heavily timbered and he had to cut away large forest trees to make room for a cabin, which he built of loirs. covering the roof with hoards rived by hand and held in place by weight poles, the floor being made of puncheons and the chimney of earth and sticks. The father was a man of remarkable industry and not only labored in the day time, working hard to clear his land, in which he was assisted by his wife and children, but he employed his time in the evening making -hoes, and thus earned the money to support his family. The older children soon went out to work, receiving their board and their clothe- for their services, while our subject was left at home to a — i-t his parents. He and 492 PORTRAIT AKD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his mother cut the lirst crop of wheat, she using a :t sickle and he a butcher knife. The family pros- pered and the father was enabled to buy eighty- five acres of land adjoining, and in time improved a valuable farm, upon which he lived until his death at the ripe age of seventy-nine years. His wife survived him some few years and then died at the home of her daughter in Richland Township, this county, at the venerable age of eighty acres. This worthy couple were the parents Of six sons and one daughter, named as follows: Louis, John, Godfrey, Jacob, Mathias, Philip and Hannah. John and Mathias reside in Richland. Louis, Philip, Godfrey and Hannah are deceased. Jacob Kircher was only two years old when the family came to America, so that he has hut little or no recollection of other than his adopted home, .lust as soon as he was large enough, and that was when he was very young, he began to assist in clearing the land and tilling the soil of his father's homestead. He remained an inmate of the parental household until his marriage and soon after that all-important event, in company with his brother- in-law, he bought one hundred acres of land near by, On which was a set of log buildings. He and his brother-in-law farmed together on that place until 1855, when he sold his share of it. having decided to settle in the fertile farming regions of Illinois. Accompanied by his wife and two chil- dren, he journeyed across the country from Ohio to this State with a pair of horses and a wagon, and on his arrival in this county he invested all the money he had in forty acres of land in Ridge Town- ship. This purchase included a primitive log cabin, which had an earth and slick chimney, a puncheon Hour, and t wo doors, hut had no windows. Our subject and his family, and his brother and fam- il\ spent the winter of L855 56 in that rude struc- ture, doing all their cooking by the fireplace, corn- meal being their chief diet. Mr. Kircher had been reared to habits of indus- try and economy, was possessed of good judgment, and moreover had been fortunate in the selection of a wife who afforded him material assistance in his labors, and his wealth steadily increased. He bought other land at different times and the old farm upon which he settled so many years ago, and which is still in his possession, now contains three hundred acres of well-improved land, amply sup- pled with good buildings and everything necessary to cany on agriculture successfully, and besides this he owns valuable city property, lie continued to live on his farm until 1891, when he removed to Shelhyville. where he has since made his home in retirement from active business. A life of hon- esty and uprightness has won him the esteem of all who know him, and he is regarded as one of our most trustworthy citizens. He and his wife and all of their children are members of the Luth- eran Church, and have done much to help their pastor and fellow-members to make it a power for the advancement of religion in the community. Mr. and Mis. Kircher were united in marriage in 1852. .Mrs. Kircher. whose maiden name was Rosanna Phipher, is a native of Ohio, born April 2."). 1832, and a daughter of John and Magdaline Pipher, who were natives of Wurtemburg. and pioneers of the Buckeye State. Our subject and his wife have been blessed by the birth of the fol- lowing children: Lena, wife of William Roof: Hannah, wdio married John Kimmel and died at the age of twenty-four years; Matilda, wife of John Kniller; Theodore: William; Mollie. wife of Theodore Warner; and Philip. The reader's attention is invited to the litho- graphic portrait of Mr. Kircher presented on another page. ~^+«~= SCAR F. ROGERS, a farmer and stock- raiser residing on section 20, Oconee Town- ship, Shelby County, was born in Hamilton Square, Mercer County, N. J., March (!. 1826. The same county was the birthplace of his father. Jacob Rogers, and his mother, whose maiden name was Sarah Wall, was born in that State and grew from early childhood in Mercer County. There were live brothers and six sisters, of whom Oscar was the eldest. Following him came Ferdinand, who resides at Hamilton Square, X. J., and is en- gaged in the manufacture of rubber goods; Fze- kiel and Humphrey (twins), both living in Mon- PORTRAIT AM) IslnOKAl'IIICAF RECORD. 193 mouth, N.J.; Amanda, now Mrs. < lordon, residing in Mercer County; Anna E., the widow of Charles Cole, residing in Windsor; Jacob, living in Mercer County; George, was n member of the Firsl Louisiana Cavalry in the Confederate army, and died during the Civil War; Phoebe, was twice married, her present husband being Mr. Johnson, of Pemberton, N. J. Edith, wife of John Tyndall, residing at Windsor, X. J.; and Mary, who is unmarried and resides in New York City. Oscar F. Rogers and Mary J. Allen were united in the In d \ bonds of matrimony December 27. 1S4!>. She was horn in Mercer County, Decem- ber 14, 1S;J2, and of her family there were three — Harris, .Mrs. Rogers and Margaret. Her brother and sister make their homes at Prince- ville and Asbury Park, X. J. Mr. Rogers came to Oconee Township in the spring of 1 h ."» 7 . and buy- ing one hundred and twenty aero of land, en- gaged in farming, which has been his principal occupation through life, although he has also found opportunities lor considerable dealings in real estate in connection witli his farming for the last seventeen years. 'lo Mr. and .Mrs. Rogers seven children were horn, three of whom are now living. Their eldest. Elvina, who was born in Xew Jersey, married Mr. Wesley T. Elliott and resides at Oconee, 111., with her husband and nine children: Adelaide was born in New Jersey and died in that State when about two years old. as did also Harris. Allen married Addie Hamlin and resides on a farm in Oconee Township, where he was horn, with his wife and one child. Mary passed away when she was a lovely girl of thirteen summers, and Frank died in childhood; licit is unmarried and lives at home. The parents of this family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at ( leonee. The Civil War called our subject to the defense of his country and enlisted in Company II. Fifty- third Illinois Infantry, and was assigned to duty in the Seventeenth Army Corps, serving under ( ien. Sherman. This was one of those sad cases of brother being arrayed against brother, as our subject was in the Fnion Army and his brother George in the Confederate service. He passed through many hardships and dangers, hut lived to return to his rejoicing household. Me has con- nected himself prominently with the Grand Army of the Republic and belongs to Coplin Post, No. 168, at Oconee. He takes an active part in political af- fairs and thoroughly endorses the party which made so noble a record as the stanch supporter of the administration during the Civil War. His neighbors, who appreciate his many excellent qualities and believe heartily in his integrity and good judgment, have placed him in the offices of School Trustee and Tax Collector, lie has two hundred acres of finely improved land within sight of the village of Oconee, and upon it be is content to pass the remainder of his days, sur- rounded liv his affectionate children. ^IMM FWTOX J.GALLAGHER,a prosperous and f wealthy fanner and stock-raiser, residing on .section 2! k. Holland Township. Shelby County, was born in this township. September 29, IK");-). He is a son of Jacob and Sarah (Middles- worth) Gallagher who were horn in Fairfield County, Ohio. For particulars in regard to the ancestry of this gentleman our reader is referred to the biographical sketch of Abram Gallagher, his brother, which will be found elsewhere in this vol- ume. The subject of this sketch is the eighth in a fam- ily of ten children, and his home has always been in Holland Township, where be lives on the old original homestead which was entered by his father from the Government about forty-five years ago. His education was given him in the public schools of this county, and he received thorough and -\>- lamatic training upon his father's farm, gaining health and Strength for life's duties. He owns four hundred acres of excellent farming land upon which are good improvements and a fine large brick house which is an ornament to. the township. Our subject was united in marriage April :>, 1881 with Miss M. Lettie Allen, who was born in Hol- land Township. Shelby County. August 20, 1860. mi PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. She i- a daughter of Jedediah and Mary (Hege) Allen. This worthy couple were born in Ohio and came :b pioneers to this county, and their daughter, Lcttie is the third in a good family of eight. To Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher four bright and healthy children have been born, all of whom are living. They are by name Floyd, Ray, < >ssa Fleta and Fred. The religious Indict' of the family is that of the Methodist Episcopal Church with which both Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher were long connected, and where >hc i> still prominently identified. Her husband is not now a member of the church although a be- liever in Christianity and he gives liberally of his means for the support of the Gospel. His early political convictions were in accordance with the doctrines of the Democratic party and he voted with that organization for many years. bu1 he has recently been more interested in the farmers' move- ments and now votes with tin- Farmers Mutual Benefit Association. Mr. II. Gallagher is very pleasantly and comfortably situated, having suffi- cicnt of this world's goods to provide abundantly for himself and family without being burdened by cares. His value in the community is appreci- ated by his neighbors who consider him one of the solid and efficient members of the social and indus- trial community which makes its home in the town- ship of Holland. OIIX A. TACKETT. Among the citizens of this county who are most active in promo- ting its interests are many who were born within its borders, grew with its growth, and since attaining manhood have been potent in increasing it- wealth and importance as an agricul- tural, commercial and manufacturing center, so that to-day it ranks as one of the first counties in Central Illinois in those respects. John A. Tackett, capitalist, is a representative of the class alluded to. lie ha- been a life-long, resident of Shelbyville. where his birth occurred September 28, 1832. and for man} yearshe basb en prominently associated with the best interests of city and county, using his wealth freely to advance various enterprises that have contributed to their development. He is largely interested in farming and also does a general brok- erage business, and all that he undertakes he brings to a successful issue. • He is a son of John Tacketl. one of the first set- tlers Of Shelby villi-, who was one of the leading pioneers of this part of the country until death de- prived his co-workers of his aid in the upbuilding of this section in 1850. He was a native of Prince William County. Ya.. where he grew to man's es- tate anil married Enfield Mason, a native of Fau- quier County. Ya.. who died at Shelby ville in 1837. Three of their live children were reared: Charles, who died at Shelbvville: William .1.. a well-known resident of Shelbvville; and John A. of whom this sketch is -written. After marriage the father of our subject sought the forest wilds of Kentucky but did not make a permanent home there, as he was at- tracted to Illinois in 1829, foreseeing that men of his calibre could expend their energies to a good advantage in a country of .such splendid but un- tried resources. He journeyed hither with teams. bringing his household goods and being- accom- panied by his wife and the two children that then composed their family. He was among the first to settle on the present site of Shelbvville. where he found but little in the group of small log houses to indicate that the little hamlet was the nucleus of a flourishing and busy town such as is known by those of a later generation. Mr. Tackett built a hewed log house, which he opened as an inn for the benefit of travelers pass- ing through the town or coming in search of suit- able locations, or for other business and it became widely known by the traveling public as "Tackett's Hotel", and its comforts were duly appreciated. Then- were no railroads here for years after he opened hi- hotel and all travel was by stage. He added to his building-, greatly improved his prop- erty and continued to keep hotel until his death. He had an extensive acquaintance, was popular and well liked, always friendly and obliging in his relations with all with whom he came in contact, and lie was greatly missed in the community. Our subject having been born in the early days of the settlement of this county, has been a witness PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORL. 495 of almost its entire growth, and it may well be his pride that he has contributed to its rise and prog- ress since he arrived at the years of discretioa. He lias a clear and comprehensive knowledge of agri- culture and he is superintending his extensive farming interests with marked ability, while at the same time he is conducting a lucrative business as a broker, and from both sources derives a large in- come, lie is one of the wealthy men of his native county and his fellow-citizens always lind him rcaily to co-operate with them in whatever will benefit the public. 1 1 is name stands high in finan- cial circles, as his integrity in money matters is unimpeachable ami he manages his business after sound methods. His personal character is such as to gain him warm esteem among his neighbors and many acquaintances. Socially his relations arc with Okaw Lodge, No. 117. 1. < >. ( >. F. .Mr. Tackett was happily married in 1880 to .Miss Flora (ash. who presides gracefully over their attractive home and cordially unites with him in entertaining with pleasant hospitality any of their friends that may happen to enter its doors They hav ie daughter whom tiny have named lima Enfield. Mis. Tackett is a native of Westfield, (lark County. 111., and is a daughter of Henry II. Cash, one of the well-known citizens of that town. Her father was horn in Amherst County, \"a.. and was a son of Reuben Cash, who was a life-long resident of the Old Dominion. .Mrs. Tackett's father went from his native State to Kentucky when he was twenty-six years old. and from there came to Clark County, this State, four years later, lie settled in Westfield. and in time became one of it- leading merchants. He carried on business a number of years, but now lives retired in that town, lie married Rebecca Evinger, a native of Kentucky, and they have reared five children, — Watson G., Flora X.. Hose M.. George A. and Henry E. Mrs. Tackett's grandfather Evinger was horn, reared and married in Kentucky, he being a son of one of the early pioneer families of that State. He in turn became a pioneer, coming to Illinois and casting in his lot with the early settler.- of Clark County. He became one of its most prominent citizens, and to him belongs the honor of having platted and named the town of Westfield. lie erected a set of mills, including grist and Carding mills there, but after a few year- they were burned and from that time he lived retired from active business until his death at the venerable age of ninety-one year-. The maiden name of his wife was Margaret Seabolt. She was a native of Vir- ginia, and went from there to Kentucky with her parents. She came to thisState with her husband, and died at Westfield, at the ripe age of eighty- four years. KNRY F. DAY. Mayor of Moweaqua, ami l its leading merchant, has long been pre- eminent in the commercial, public, political and social life of Shelby County, and has been an important agent in raising it to its present pOSil ion as one of the foremost counties of ( entral Illinois, lie is of English birth and ancestry, born March 7. 1835, in Birmingham, his father, John Day. being a prominent business man of that city. His grandfather was a manufacturer of line guns, and was a life-long resident of Birmingham. The father of our subject died in his native city in 1849, and his mother died in 1851. Her maiden name wa- Rebecca Crane, and she spent her whole life in Birmingham. The following are the live children that she reared: Rebecca, Betsy, John, Henry and Thomas. John died in Birmingham, and the other- followed our subject to this coun- try. Rebecca married .lame- II. Fl-um.and settled at Moweaqua; Betsy married Thomas Hudson, and also located at Mow eaipia ; Thomas, who first set- tled in Boston, and later at Moweaqua, served in the late war in the Fourteenth Illinois Infantry, .■ind now resides at Memphis, where he is engaged in the mercantile business. Our subjecl was fourteen years old when his father died, lie wa- at that time an independent, -ell-reliant lad. with a full -hare of the pertinacity and pluck common to the English stock, and he soon -el forth in the world to see life for himself. lie -ei hi- face toward the United Stale- of Amer- ica, and embarking December 5, 1849: on the w- 196 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. sel "Parliament," he was soon cut on tin* ocean, sailing toward Boston, where hi' Landed tin 21th day <>f the following January, lie had been well educated in the schools of his native city, ami im- mediately after his arrival in Boston he secured a position as clerk in a bookstore, and subsequently became one of the book-keepers of Nash. Callen- der & Co. In 1854 he look up his residence in New York, where he engaged for a time in the in- surance business. In the latter part of 1K.V> he went back to his old home in England, and after spending several months amid the scenes of his boyhood, he returned to the United States m the spriug of 1h,"i7. lie was undecided where to locate and what to do. when good fortune led him to ask the advice of his friend, Tom Ponting, to whom he went in Chicago. That gentleman told him that he thought that the then newly founded village of Moweaqua presented many advantages to an energetic, wide- awake young man, who desired to establish himself in business. A hint is sufficient to the wise, and our subject was not long in acting on his friend's suggestion, lie arrived here in May, 1857, and the following February found him fairly started in a lucrative mercantile business, which he has conducted ever since, with remarkable financial success. Me began in a small way, gradually in- creased his stock, and has built up a large tiade, thai is liv no means confined within the limits of the city, hut extends far teyond, much patronage coming to him from the surrounding country, lie now has two Stores at Moweaipia. one for the sale of clothing and gentlemen's furnishing goods, hoys' wear. etc.. and the other for the sale of gro- ceries, dry goods, hardware, agricultural imple- china, glassware, etc. Both establishments are fitted up in good style, are well managed, and are stocked with first-class ^ Is and a large assort- ment in every line, at reasonable prices. The marriage of our subject with .Miss Louisa M. March, of Jacksonville, III., was celebrated June :;. 1862. Mrs. Day Is a daughter of Edward and Harriet (Stevenson) March. She understands well how to proide over her home, and has helped her husband and children to make theirs the scene of true hospitality and a pleasant abidiug-glace, re- plete with every desirable luxury and comfort. These are the names of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Day: William I... llenn M., Claire, Harriet M.. Mary Crane. Edna I... Aileen and Bessie Elea- nor. William, a resident of Concordia, Kan., mar- ried Grace Hinman, and they have two children — Eloise and Vance. Not only has Mr. Day home an important part in extending the business interests of Moweaipia. hut he is a conspicuous figure in its public life as the present Mayor of the city, to which position he was called in 1891 by his appreciative fellow- citizens, who recognize his talent for affairs, and know that wjth him al the head of the local gov- ernment all enterprises inaugurated for the henclit of the community will receive every needed en- couragement, and that all matters of civic import coming under his jurisdiction will he given care- ful attention. Our subject is a leader among the Democrats of this section, and has represented them at numerous county, district and .state con- ventions. Mr. Day is prominently known in social circles for his connection with the Independent Order of Odd Eellows a- one of its foremost mem- bers in Shelby County, lie belongs to Shelby Lodge, No. 271. and to Moweaipia Lodge, No. 1013, K. of II. lie has represented the Shelby Lodge at the Grand Lodge several years, was for for ten years Assistant Secretary, and has been Grand Reporter of the state Lodge of K. of II. since IXK<;. 4€h m> ON ATI! AN D. BRUCE. The family to which our subject belongs boasts a name that is famous in Scottish history. A lineal descendant of the Scottish Kings, the branch of the family to which our subject belongs emi- grated to America early in the eighteenth century and became possessors of large tracts of land in Virginia. Their relations there were with the people whose names are so intimately and prom- inently connected with the Colonial period of American history; the Reeds, Birds, Pen die tons, Lees and Unices were co-woi'kers iii Colonial PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 197 time*. Like the majority of Virginia families the scions of their family spread out like the root- lets of a tree through the Southern and Central States, that to which our family belongs settling in Tennessee. Benjamin W. Brace, the father of our subject, was horn in Bedford County. Tenn., December 2.">. 181)0. Our subject's mother was in her maiden days Miss Elizabeth Tull, another good old name whicli Sgures in Colonial history. She was born in Bedford County. Tenn.. November, 2.">. 1805. They removed to Shelby County, soon, if not im- mediately after they were married, settling here in 1828, in Windsor Township on Sand Creek, and were among the earliest pioneers in that portion of the country. Air. Bruce, Si'., was a farmer by occupation. The social bond at that early day was kept linn by their church relations. Both he and his wife were communicants of the Christian Curchand were ardent workers in the same. Their last days were spent in Windsor Township, the fa- ther passing away in the spring of 1861. His wife survived him by a member of years, her decease occuring January 20, 1875. One almost wonders that among the manifold duties incident to pioneer life which included not only baking ami brewing and making of garments for the members of the family, hut also the card- ing and spinning and making into cloth, of wool and cotton, that our subject's mother had time to rear nine children anil give to each of them the training which, as a conscientious and Christian woman, she felt she owed them. This, however, she did and of the brood of little ones that leathered in the old-fashioned kitchen about the fireplace, our Subject was the fourth child in order of birth, lie was horn m "Windsor Township, this county, April 11. is:!:!. lie of whom we write was reared on the home farm in Windsor Township and remained with his father, assisting with the care and cultivation of the farm until he was married, whicli auspicious event took place August 19, 1K.V2. He was united to Miss Elenor B. Herod, who was a native of this county. She has borne him eight children. Their names are. Clinton D., Samantha A., George F., Addie M.. Estclla B.. Maude H.. Charles 0. and Clarence C. Samantha A. is now the wife id' George Garvin; Addie is the wife of .lames Moherly ; Est el la. B. died when little more than an infant: Maude II. is the wife of John W. Mohcrly. Mrs. Klenor Bruce died in Windsor Township. January 8, 1ST."). The first home of our subject after his marriage was located on Sand (reck: there they remained for one year and then removed to Windsor, of which he was the first inhabitant, there building the first house. His settlement in Wind- sor was made in 1856. lie was also proprietor of the first hotel in the village. It was known as the Windsor Hotel, and this he conducted for about three years, after which he was engaged in the mercantile business with John H. Whitstone. They continued in partnership for about three years at the expiration of whicli time Mr. Bruce sold out his interest and with the proceeds pur- chased a farm in Moultrie County, which, however he soon disposed of. During his residence in Windsor, our subjecf "a* engaged in farming, uniting with this flu- stock and grain business, in which he was a huge dealer for several years. He afterward operated a large grain store in company with Charles \ oris. Later including H. E. Smyscr and Levi Wilkinson in the partnership they con- tinued to carry on the grain and mercantile luisi- ness until about 1S72. They also opened a hank, in which they did a good business in connection with their store. Since leaving the partnership above referred to he of whom we write has engaged exclusively in farming ami dealing in stock. He is the owner of ahoiit four hundred acres of good land located on section 36, just outside the city of Windsor. Upon this farm he has a charming residence which he has erected on the point nearest the village. Hi- farm boasts of the hest of improvements and is m conspicuous feature in the agricultural district of the vicinity. Mr. Bruce has been an important factor in the building up of the town of Windsor, and the inhabitants owe him much for many con- veniences that make them so closely allied to larger cities. Our subject was ■■> second time married in Wind- er to Miss Man A. McAinant. Their nuptials were celebrated Maj 9, L s 7(!. The lady was born I '.IS PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in Ohio. She has presented her husband with two children — Robert B. and Elenore E. The latter died when t e 1 1 and a half years old. In hi.* polit- ical preferences Mr. Bruce is a Democrat, in that following the traditions of lu> family. He has taken an active part in religious affairs, having been a member of the Christian Church since 1857 and has filled th<' office of Deacon for about twenty- live year.-. The body with which he is united owes much to his generosity anil excutiye ability. AJVIUEL S. PETERS. A native of the %^? Prairie State and prominent in agricultural, political and church circles in Sullivan Township, Moultrie County, is the standi and worthy citizen whose name appeal's at the head of this article. lie was born in Clark County, this Male. November 1 1. 1834 and is a son of Andrew and Susan (Mitchell) Peters. The father was born and grew to manhood in theGreen Mountain state and afterward removed with his parent- to Ohio, where they located on a farm, which is now a portion of the city of Cincinnati, and there they died. The father of our subject was married in Ohio, his wife being a native of Wardford County, Ivy. They emigrated from the Buckeye state to Illinois at a very early da) in the history of this State. This wife was called hence by death and Mr. Peters married again, the second wife being the mother of our subject. Two children were horn to her, the second son, Oliver, being four years younger than Samuel, lie married Love Clarke, ana now resides in Iroquois County, this Stall'. ( )n the paternal side the family is of English ancestn and was established in Vermont at an early date in the colonization of New England. The early life of OUT subject wa- spent on his father's farm in (lark County, and he was only twenty years of age when he was united in mar- riage with Miss Mary Saveree whose father. John, was a Frenchman and her mother, Eliza, a native of Ohio. .Mrs. Peters is the second child in her father's family, of whom five arc now living, namely; Jeremiah, now a widower, who resides in his native county; Cynthia A., who married James Madley and died on the homestead in Clark County; Elizabeth, who became the wife of John I.. Collier and resides in Clark County; John M.. who married .Mary Bell and lives in Yincennes. Ind.. having served through the war as a soldier; Cynthia .1.. .John W. and William, died in early life, the latter in the army at the age of sixteen years, lie was a member of an Illinois regiment. The father of Mrs. Peters died when she was ten years old and her mother married Fred II illicit, who served as a soldier during the war in tin Illi- nois regiment. Three children were born of this marriage, namely: Angeline, 'now Mrs. Nitzman and Henderson and Henry. The last named is now deceased. The mother passed away in Clark County, in 1883. The five children who were born to Mr. and Mrs. Peters are as follows: Susie, who is now the widow of Nelson Fred and resides with her par- ents; Elizabeth, who died in infancy; John An- drew, who married Ellen Wheeler and is farming in Missouri: William, who i> unmarried and lives at home with his parents and Mihlra. who married Mr. G. M. Stivers, a druggist at Bement, III. The subject of this sketch has made agriculture his life work, coming to Moultrie County in 1859 and renting land for several years until he was able to purchase, in 1S72, the farm on which he now resides. He has ever taken an active interest in political affairs and espouses the principles of Democracy, lie hasserved with great efficiency in the offices of Highway Commissioner and Justice of the Peace lor nine years besides various school offices, lie still holds the position of Justice < if the Peace and his administration of justice is in- deed conducive to the peace of the community, as by his wise and judicious counsel, he saves many of his neighbors from expensive and aggravating lawsuits. The Methodist Episcopal Church is the religious body with which Mr. and Mrs. Peters lirst became united, as they joined that in 1861 but as there has been no organization of that kind in the neighborhood where they reside, they withdrew from it »ix years ago and joined the Presbyterian PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. :.iil Church, where they now worship and where they have proved themselves a power for good in all church work. This gentleman owns a splendid tract of two hundred and seventy acres and hi> son. William, has eighty acres adjoining. He is making preparations to build a residence the com- ing year, after which he will no doubt find great comfort in this new home in his declining years. lie is identified with the order of Masons, being a member of Sullivan Lodge No. 764and ofSullivan Chapter No. 128, as well as being identified with the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. V. ESSE A. BOWMAN,D. 1). S.,of Shelbyville, though a young man has already won a high reputation for his complete knowledge of dental surgery and stands at the head of his profession in Shelby County, lie is a native of Illinois, born near Rockport, in Pike County. De- cember 27. 18(1:?. His father. Joseph McEwen, was a well-known farmer of that county and for some years previous to his death, in 1868, resided near Rockport. His wife, whose maiden name was Nancy Moxley. survived him until 1870, her death occur- ring at Shelbyville. Six of their children were reared to maturity — William P., John, Mary, Jacob, Jesse and Thoma.-. After the death of his mother our subject was adopted by Dr. Joseph and Susan Bowman, of Shelbyville, and was carefully reared by them as if he were their own. lie was given line edueational advantages, and was graduated from the High Scl 1 in the Class of 'SI with a good record for scholarship. He then adopted fora while t he voca- tion of teacher in order to secure money to prepare himself for the dental profession. He taught his first term in Ridge Township, and when In' had sufficient money t<> defray his expenses at college in lss.'S he entiicd the Indiana Dental College at Indianapolis, from which he was graduated in the Class of 'si. with a thorough equipment for his chosen calling. After leaving college he formed a partnership with bis father and was with him until Dr. Bowman's death in 1888, since which time he has been alone. He bas pleasant rooms for the ex- ercise of his profession and is well supplied with all the modern appliances that have placed the practice of dentistry to-day among the arts or sciences. His skill, combined with his courtesej and geniality render- him popular with everybody and bas gained him a large patronage. The marriage of Dr. Bowman with Miss Anna Rice was solemnized in lssc. They have a charm- ing home and their household is completed by the presence of the three children horn unto them — Fred Homer. Carl Randolph and George A. The Doctor is well-known in social circles for his musical talent as he has a line voice that has been carefully cultivated and he is one of the leading spirits of the famous Shelbyville Palmer Glee Club. This is ( iposed of five members and is admitted to lie the finesl glee club in the Stale. It was a prominent feature in Gen. Palmer's cam- paigns in 1888 and 1891, being greeted with en- thusiasm by the music-loving populace wherever it sang and it was called to Chicago during the mayoralty campaign there in the spring of 1891, and received many plaudits from the people and encomiums from the press. Our subject and his wife are among the leading members of the Luth- eran Church. lie has been Superinteneent of the Sunday-school. Secretary of the congregation and for eight years has acted a- chorister. Accompanying this biographical notice is a lith- ographic portrait of Dr. Bowman. i t'BPS •!"!"!"»* — s. APT. GEORGE WRIGHT. Conspicuous among those of foreign birth who periled /' their lives and fortunes to help save the Union during the Civil War Capt. George Wright is not the least worthy of mention. Since the close of the Rebellion he has shown the value of his citizenship in a a far differenl held a- a farmer of this county who for several years has interested himself in the introduction of fine horses into this part of the State, having a well-equipped stock farm in Pickawai Town-hip. where he and his son 502 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. are quite extensively engaged in breeding horses, and have several valuable thoroughbreds of the besl strains, besides some imported stock of the purest blood. Capt. Wrighl was born in Hutton, Yorkshire, England, October US. 1825. His father, Robert Wright, was a native of the same shire, as was the grandfather of oursubject who spent his whole life among the Yorkshire wolds. The father of our sub- ject was reared to agricultural pursuits and al- ways carried on his occupation in his native shire. He married Eleanor Bradley, who also passed her entire life in Yorkshire. She was the mother of six children, only two of whom came to this coun- try, our subject and his sister Frances. The latter married Robert Dobson, and lives in Shelbyville. At the early age of seven years the Captain com- menced to earn his own living, as his parents were in poor circumstances, and he worked out by the year in different English shires until 1847, when he obtained employment in the chemical works at South Shields, where hi' remained two years. Am- bitious to see something of the world and to make more of life than was possible in the land of hi-. birth, in the pride and vigor of early manhood, he set sail from Liverpool in tile month of May in the vessel "De Witt Clinton." bound for these shores, anil landed at New York after a three weeks' voyage. lie went directly to Massillon, Ohio, where he obtained work as a farm hand, and he resided there until 1858. In that year he made a new departure, and coming to this county, be- gan his independent eareer as a farmer by purchas- ing two hundred and forty acres of wild prairie, paying $9 an acre for one hundred and sixty aero of it. and $12.50 for the remaining eighty acres, lie was a single man a I that time. hut he had the help and encourageinenl of his sister, with whom he resided until 1861. In thai year the war broke out, and our subject responded quickly to the call for troops first given, with all the loyalty to tin> Government under which he had come to build up a new home, and with all the patriotism of a native-born citizen. So rapidly did volunteers come forward in this county thai the quota was filled before our subjeel wi- mustered in. and he had to wait until the 25th of May before his name was enrolled as a member of Company B, Fourteenth Illinois Infantry, under Col. John M. Palmer. July 25, 1861, hi- regi- ment crossed from Quincy to Missouri, and was stationed in that State until tin' ensuing winter. being at different times quartered at Etolla, Macon City. Sturgeon, Jefferson City, Lipton, Springfield, Sedalia and Otterville, oi wherever their services were most needed, being at the latter place the greater part of the season of 1861 and till the 1st of February. 1862. When Gen. Lyon fought his famous battle a1 Wilson's Creelc, and when Mulli- gan was engaged at Lexington, our subject and his comrades were sent to re-enforce them but ar- rived too late both time- to be of much use. While at Jefferson City our subject received his promo- tion to be Second Lieutenant of his company Sep- tember 28, 1861. When 1 1 i — regimenl left its winter quarters it wa- despatched across the Mississippi River to Ft. Donelson, and much to the disappointment of the brave men it arrived too late for the battle. They were, however, in good season for the en- gagement at Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, April 6, 1862, and did some desperate fighting in that dreadful battle, as is shown by the fact that two hundred out of their live hundred were left on the field at the end of the encounter. On that oc- casion, while faithfully performing hi- duty, and cheering his men on to the conflict, Capt. Wrighl received a bullet wound in the left arm. October 2">. 1*72. marked another important event in the brave officer's military career, and it wa- on that dale that he received hi- commission as First Lieutenant, to dateSeptember 13, 1862,and reading "Promoted for meritorious service a1 l'itts- burg Landing." When the attack was made on ( orinth.lhe Fourteenth Illinois distinguished itself for conspicuous gallantry in the fore-front of the battle. Its next move wa-toCrand Junction and La Grange, and June 17. 1862, found it at Holly Springs, Miss. The following October it was in the heat of battle at Metamora, sometimes called the battle of Hatchie. Our subjeel and his com- rade- -pent the winter of 1862-63 at Lafayette. Tenn.. and the following spring and summer were in active service in the famous siege of Vicksburg, PORTRAIT .VXD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 503 Here again our subject was honored by promotion hackney, bred in Effingham, Yorkshire, England, to the position of Captain, receiving his commis- imported to this country in 1890. Messrs. Wright sion, which was dated May 8, lK(i:i. J una 30, also have three imported English shire mares: "Lady 1863. After Vicksburg had fallen he led his men Cannock," No. 2350, bred in Leicestershire; "Queen in the battle of Jackson, Miss., and afterward Sarah," No. 2.'>.">2. bred in Lincolnshire; "Queen camped at Natchez. He was subsequently detailed Henrietta, No. 2-">.">l. bred in Lincolnshire. These with his company to escort Adj.-Gen. Thomas horses constitute one of the best selected and most in New Orleans. He rejoined his regiment near valuable studs in this part of the country, and in Vicksburg, and in the opening month of l*til he their purchase the Captain laid the foundation of and a number of his fellow-veterans returned l<> a business that is increasing each year, and he has Illinois, where lie obtained furloughs for his men already become known as a horseman of superior at Springfield. For a month after that he was on judgment, of marked capability and far-reaching detached duty recruiting troops in this county. In enterprise, who seems to know the good points of the spring he returned to his regiment, which was a horse intuitively, and is never deceived in the then stationed at Memphis, but he shortly returned worth of an animal. In his son, a young man of to Illinois with Col. Hall, the commander of his much force of character, he has an able coadjutor. regiment to assist him in obtaining recruits. December 2!>. ISCI. (apt. Wright contracted Having replenished the regiment to the required a marriage with Miss Jennie Turner that has added number, they returned to the seat of war. arriving greatly to his well-being. Its happiness lias been at Cairo. May 13, 1864, and were soon at the front. enchanced by the five children horn unto them. The term of enlistment of the Fourteenth Illi- namely, John Sherman, Florence Agnes, Frances nois expired while at Huntsville, Ala., and soon Helena. Annie .lane and Alice Maud. Mrs. Wright returned to Springfield, III., where (apt. Wright is also of English birth and antecedents, born in was mustered out of the service, having served Lancastershire, and a daughter of John Turner. She long and faithfully and he returned to thiseounty came to America in 1862. with his honors thick upon him. Before the war our subject was a Democrat, aim The Captain took up the work that he had laid was a devoted follower of the famous Stephen A. down to do battle for his adopted country, and Douglas. The war seems to have changed his po- was engaged in tanning in Todd's Point Town- litical views decidedly, as since he left the army ship for a time, his own land being leased. In he has been a Stl'Ong Republican, and the parly INTO he took up his residence once more on his has no more ardent advocate in this section than farm in Pickawaj Township, and has since OCCU- he. pied a leading place among the most intelligent and progressive farmers of this section, lie has always dearly loved a line horse which he rightly considers one of the noblest of animals, and a few y— » RVIX HOMRIGIIOUS, a jeweler of Shelby- years ago he turned his attention to raising horses fef ville, Shelby County, bears a high reputa- in company with his son. and they have met with I ■> tion through the county as a business man. signal success in their enterprise. They now have and is widely known in social circles for his iiiiis- live costly, valuable stallions, four of them im- ical talent and for his connection with the famous ported, as follows: "Thornton Echo"' was foaled Shelby ville Palmer ( ilee Club as its leader, lie is in La Fylde, Lancastershire, England; "Royal Oak" a native of Amanda Township. Fairfield County. was bred in Cambridgeshire. "Hampton" was Ohio, the date of his birth being March 2*. 1836. bred in Lincolnshire, "Arthur" is a tine road- His father, John Homrighous, a prominent citizen ster, half HambletOnian and half Cleveland Bay; and business man of that place, was born in thai and one of the handsomest and most prom- county, in the township of Bl n. October II. ising of the stallions is "Castleraugh," an English 1811, being as< tone of the early pioneers of i ■ ■ ' p » I ' TO|||W i l l i i i i .-,111 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. that part of Ohio, John Homrighous. The latter was born in Deadenshaus, Germany, November 21, 1 7 .s 1 . His boyhood was passed in the Fatherland. but before he attained his majority he resolved to try life in America. Accordingly he embarked on the good ship •• Speculation," and some weeks later landed at Baltimore, lie returned t<> Germany a year or two later to revisit the scenes of his youth, hut he came hack to this country in 1805, and was a resident of Baltimore until L810, when he vent- ured forth into the wilds of < )hio, and became a pioneer of Lancaster, lie was finely educated, and his fellow-pioneers were glad to have him teach their children, so he taught for some time in and about Lancaster, and was one of the very first teachers of Fairfield County. lie was a preacher in the German Reformed Church, and ad- ministered spiritual food to the people very accept- ably. He was withal a man of thrift and industry and the quarter of a section of land that he pur- chased in Bloom Township under Ids skilful hand became a fine farm, though it was heavily wooded when it came into his possession. lie made it his home until he was called up higher to the realms of the hlest. The maiden name of his wife was Alspaugh. She was of German antecedents, hut was horn in America. In the county of his nativity, the father of sub- ject grew up under pioneer influences. He learned the trade of a cabinetmaker, and in 1 h 2 : > estab- lished himself at that in connection with undertak- ing at Royalton, and has been in business there ever since, he being one of the substantial moneyed men of the town. He also owns a farm in Amanda Township, jusl outside the corporate limits of Royalton. lie married in earlymauhood Miss Magdalina Wagner, and they have traveled life's road together many years. She was horn in Amanda Township, December 11. 1811, coming of one of the early pioneer families of Ohio. She is the mother of these live children. — lolm \V.. Frvin. .Mary A.. Lewis and Henry. Ervin Homrighous was educated in the schools of Royalton. and at the age of twelve years he began to learn the trade of a jeweler, and when fifteen years old commenced to learn the trade of ,-i cabinetmaker of his father, He worked with him until he was twenty-two years of age, and then came to Illinois, and for seven years was act- ively engaged in farming in Holland Township. In 1865 lie came to Shelby ville. but he did not at once establish himself in any particular business. He continued to give his attention to agriculture and superintended the management of his line farm of five hundred acres in Holland Township. continually making improvements that enhanced its value. In 1881 he embarked in the jewelry business, taking advantage of a fine opening at Shelbyville for a first-class jewelry store, and has continued in it ever since. He has cine of the finest establishments of the kind in Central Illinois. handsomely appointed, and stocked with an ele- gant assortment of jewelry and precious stones of every description to suit all tastes and require- ments of even the most fastidious, as our subject is a connoisseur in his line, and makes his select- ions with nice discrimination and an artistic eye. .Mr. Homrighous was first married in 1858 to Miss Mary Allen, who was. like himself, a native of Amanda Township, -Ohio, ami was a daughter of Howard and Sarah (Leist) Allen. Mrs. Hom- righous died in 1870 and her household was thus deprived of the tender ministrations of a good wife and devoted mother. Four children were tilt fruit of that marriage, namely, — John, Milo, Met- ta and Frank. In April. 1871. our subject was united in marriage with Miss Esther Penwell, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of David and Samantha (Carver) Penwell. Mr. and Mrs. Hom- righoushave a charming home, and their many friends are always sure of a cordial welcome and pleasant entertainment at the hands of a host ami hostess of such well-known social qualities as they possess. Two children have blessed their mar- riage, Charles and Bob. Mr. Homrighous is not only a practical, wide- awake business man. but he has another side to his nature in that he has inherited from a music-loving race a decided talent for that noble art. and is one of the foremost singers of this county. He re- ceived a careful and thorough training in voice cult ui e in his youth, and ever since he was eighteen years of age he has given vocal lessons, and for some years he has been chorister at the Methodist PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 505 Episcopal Church, lint he has gained his chief distinction as leader of the celebrated Shelbyville Palmer Glee Club, which is widely known for the marked musical ability of its members, and stands without a peer in the United States as a campaign glee club. The four gentlemen who have united with our subject to make the club famous arc K. T. llite. Dr. .1. A. Bowman, Edward Silvers and G. R, Graybill. During the political campaign of 1888 the club accompanied (Jen. Palmer when he stumped the state for tin' Governorship, and was received with acclamation on every hand by the people who assembled to hear the General's political oratory, and who listened with rapt atten- tion to the songs rendered by the club, and testified to their appreciation by generous applause. When the exciting mayoralty contest was being carried on in Chicago in the spring of 1891, the Glee Club was honored by being called to that city to sing at ' the political gatherings of the Democrats, and if the candidate endorsed by Senator Palmer could have been sung into office, he would un- doubtedly have been reelected. As it was. the music-loving populace of the World's Fair City attended the meetings in crowds to hear the sing- ing of thi' dull, and it was highly commended by the press. In politics. Mr. Homrighous is a Democrat. Socially, he is a member Of .Jackson Lodge, No. 53, A. F. &. A. M. Religiously, both he and bis wife are among the leading members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. AI.YIN FRANTZ. The original of this sketch i> now enjoying the well earned rest from the hard labor and responsibility to which he has for years been subjected. He is now living in retirement from farm work in Lovington and here gives himself up to the enjoyment of things in life, which, although he has appreciated hitherto, he has been obliged to deprive himself of because of lack of time and mental freshness to thoroughly enjoy. The life of a farmer, especially one who has the charge of a good deal of stock, is one in which every hour of the day has it> duties; from the earliest dawn when the kine and calves, the horses and pigs ami other domestic animals are each calling in their own peculiar language for breakfast and care, until the night, when it is im- portant that each dumb brute should be safely housed and protected, there is something to look after, something to plan and much to execute. A farm is a small dominion and the fanner i> the petty monarch of all he surveys, and it will yield him well and prolifically in proportion as he >tu ii> needs and requirements. Our subject is of Irish- American parentage. His father, John Frantz, was born in Somerset County, Pa., and his mother, whose maiden name was Rachael McMahon, was a native of Ireland. After marriage they settled in Somerset County. Pa., where they remained a short time and thence re- moved to Perry County. Ohio, where they resided a good many years, and early in the '60s came to Moultrie County, here living until death claimed them for its own. Both passed away at the resi- dence of our subject in Lovington. They had nine children and of these our subject was the fourth in order of birth. He was born in Perry Count}', Ohio. January 23, 18:50. and there he grew to manhood, remaining under the parental roof until 1851, when he came to Moultrie County and soon after engaged in fanning in Dora Township, where he continued to live until March. 1885. At the date above named Mr. Frantz rented his farm and came to the village of Lovington where he has since been a resident. His chief occupation has been farming and he has devoted himself to this calling with a gratifying degree of success. He is now the owner of two hundred acres of land in Dora Township which is well improved and bears evidence of thorough and intelligent culti- vation on the part of it> owner. He of whom we write was married in Lovington Township. March 19, 1854. His bride was Catherine F. Pen i well, a daughter of John I), and Isabella (I'odman) Peni- well. The former was born in Delaware and the latter was a native of Ireland. After marriage the\ settled in Pickawaj County, Ohio, where the wife and mother died. Mi'. Peniwdl then came to 50(5 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Moultrie County, this State, in 1851, and settled in Lovingtoxi Township and later removed to Dora Township, where he resided until his death. Nine children grew up about their parents and of these Mrs. Frantz was the fourth in order of borth. She was born in Ohio, June 7, 1825. Mrs. Frantz is an intelligent and amiable woman who has ever been the loving helpmate and sympathetic companion in all that interests her husband. She i> the mother of four children whose names are respectively: Isabella, Rachael E., and Mary Wand one other child, the eldest, who died in infancy. Of these, Isabella is the wife of Reuben Landers. She died in LovingtOn Township, October. [HUH. Rachael E. died when only two years of age. Mary V. is the wife of T. 1). Wilt, The gentleman of whom we write has taken an active interest in political affairs for many years past, being a follower and adherent of the Repub- lican party. lie has held several offices in the gift ot the township in which he lives, having been Collector, School Director, and Highway Commis- sioner, all of which posts he has held to the satis- faction of his constituents. Mi'. Frantz is a gentleman whose high business capabilities render him lit for any position that might be required of him for the good of the township and the advan- tage of the people. He is a thoughtful, intelligent man. an honorable gentleman anil a scholar. E_ -«+>- &~ ^^EORGE BAKER is successfully pursuing agriculture on the fertile soil of l'enn Township, where he has a farm that in point of productiveness, cultivation and improve- ment ranks with the best in its vicinity. June III. 18,") 1 is the date of the birth of our subject in Har- rison County, Ind. Conrad Baker, his father, a well-known resident of that county, is a native of Germany. His parents spent their entire lives in that country and lie and his brother Theobald were the only members of the family that ever came to America. The latter settled in Floyd ( ounty. hid. Conrad Baker learned the trade of a shoemaker in his youth and when a young man left his native laud to try his fortune in the United States of America. After his arrival he made his way to Indiana and settled in Harrison County. For a time he made shoes in Bradford and then engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued to carry on with good profit for some years. lie now lives retired in the same village in the enjoyment of a competence ample for all his wants. IK- was married after coining to this country to Sarah Ingram, a native of Harrison County. He was bereaved of her companionship by her death in 1879. Her father, who was a pioneer of Harrison (ounty. served in the War of 1812 and fought bravely in the famous Battle of Tippecanoe. Two children were born to the parents of our subject, Lewis, the other son. being now a resident of Bradford, his native town. After t lit- death of their mother their father married again and has nine children by his second union. Our subject passed his boyhood in the home of his birth and was educated in the local public schools. He was active, capable and self-reliant as a lad and began to make himself useful when quite young. At the age of nineteen he left the paren- tal abode to start in life for himself and for one vear worked on a farm by the month in his native county, lie then left Indiana and for a year and a half lived in LaBelle County. Kan., where he was employed as a farm hand. Shrewdly foresee- ing that on the alluvial soil of this county he would have better opportunities to become inde- pendent in the exercise of his chosen Calling, for he had decided to try farming for himself, he came to this section of the State and in 187:5 rented land. lie was thrifty, industrious and economical and in 1888 he had money enough and to spare to invest in a good farm and he bought the one that he now occupies, lie is the fortunate proprietor of a quarter section of prairie in l'enn Township, which is undci admirable tillage and is Supplied with all the uccessan buildings, besides being well equipped with modern machinery. During these years of toil Mr. Baker has by no means been without the assistance of a capable wife, to whose cheerful co-operation he is much indebted for the comforts of a cozv home. This PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. .-,07 helpmate he secured in the person of Laura A. Martin, to whom he was united in marriage in 1K73. Two children have been born to them. whom they have named Cora E. and Clarence. Mr. Baker is an intelligent member of the Farmer's .Mutual Benefit Association and in politics he holds himself independent, supporting at the polls which- ever pari v he deems best. —8- ^§MM Qy-^ NDREW FOSTER. Our subjed is of Irish parentage and from both sides of the fam- ily inherits the wit and humor as well as the quick and nervous vital force of the Irish people. His father was John Foster and his mother was Eleanor (Morrow) Foster, both from Ireland, and having emigrated to this coun- try at an early day. removing to Moultrie County, this State, where they settled in Lovington Town- ship. The father of the family expired on his farm in the township. The mother passed away later, while in the town. They had eleven chil- dren, Of whom mil subjeel was the tenth in order of birth. Ross County. Ohio, was the place where Andrew Foster was horn September 24, 1816. lie was about four years old when his parents removed to Pickaway County. Ohio, and there he grew to manhood and there continued to live until 1844, when he came to Moultrie County with his wife and one child and settled in Lovington Township. His marriage took place in Ross County, Ohio, .March 2. L 842, and he was united to Lucinda Coch- ran, who was a native of the county in which she was married. She bore him four children, whose names areas follows: John A., who married Adclia Bicknell and died in Lovington, this state; the other children are Elizabeth I-..: Sarah J.; Milton C; Elizabeth E. is the wife of Henry II. Dawson; Sarah .1. was married to .lames Gregory; while Mil- ton C. was united to Mis- K. Bicknell. Mrs. Lu- cinda Foster died in Lovington October l. 1854. The original of our sketch was again married in Sullivan, this State, October 28, 1858, to Sarah .1. Lewis, nee Hubbard. She was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, September 21, 1831. six children were the result of this marriage. Their names are as follows: George E., Aha E., Charles G., I 'rah S. and Frank II; George E. married Amanda Binkley; Alva E. was united to Miss Li/./.ie Oailey; Charles G. was united to Miss Allie Souther; Frank II. married Miss Olive BoggS; tin' other son. Eddie, died when only eighl months old. He of whom we write lived on his farm in this county until about 1M;V2 or 1853, when he came to Lovington, where he has since been a resident. He is the owner of live hundred and twoacres of good, arable land, upon which he has laid out many im- provements. In politics he is an adherent of the Democratic party, its breadth of platform, free trade theories, suiting his ideas of a Republican form of government. His wife, who is personally a most affable lady, with an unusual conversational ability, has ever been her husband's encourager and helper in his work. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and all good words and works find a sure lodging in her sympathetic and motherly nature. Our subject's father, John Foster, died in Au- gust, 1852, at the age of eighty-eight years. His wife. Mrs. Eleanor Foster, died in August. 1852,a1 the same age her husband had attained when his decease took place. They were kindly and gentle old people, who had fulfilled their mission in life conscientiously and well. They bequeathed to their children principles of honor and rectitude that have followed them through life and have been of great advantage to them in a business way. EXRV BERNHARD. At the name miller, one's mind instantly and involuntarily sees picture after picture of the changes that have been wrought in the methods of pro- ducing the farinaceous product of which the stafl of life is made. One first sees two veiled women sitting on either side of -tone disks and grinding the handful of corn or wheat into powder; later, it was accomplished on a larger scab', and beasts 508 PORTRAIT AM) P.K iGRAPIIICAL RECORD. of burden turned the stones, and in the boyhood days of the early pioneers in this State, they saw quaint little mills whose wheels were turned by a thin stream of water that, east from the wheel. made merry bubbles and diamonds of light. This has all given way to the new process and now-a- . 1835, and is a son of Henry and Margaret (Ziegler) Bernhard, both natives of Baden, Germany, the former having been there born September I. 1802. The mother passed awa^ in her native country in 1837. Some years after oursuliject came to America his father also emi- grated to this country in 1879, and thereafter made his home with hi* SOU until his death which look place in Shumway. this Slate. January .'!, 1889. lie of whom we write received his early education in the schools of hi- native village and early received training of a practical nature, which is indispensable to German teaching, lie early learned the trade of milling, in his native home. In 1 M .") :i . when there was such an exodus from the European countries to the United States, our subject came hither with the intention of making his fortune, confident that so strong a pair of hands, guided by so willing and intelligent an understanding, would not be out of place in this great land where there are so many opportunities for one who is quick and intelligent. For nine months after first coming to this country he was engaged in milling in New Jersey. At the expir- ation of that time, he came to St. Clair County. 111., where he remained until 18(54, when he re- moved to Banner Township, Effingham County. On settling in St. Clair County our subject felt the need of a home and companion, and solicited the hand of Catherine Sinn in marriage. His suit was successful and their nuptials were celebrated ( tctober 27, 18.")S. The lady was born in Germany at her husband's birthplace, her natal day being December 2. IK3N. She was the daughter of Michael and Rosetta Sinn. Four children were the result of that union. Two of these. Lizzie and Louisa are still living. As before stated his wife died in lKX.'J. and after the many years that they had lived together, life seemed to him for awhile intolerably desolate. Always a public-spirited man. Mr. Bernhard has ever been quick to see advantages that would redound to the benefit of the public, and to exert himself in making these realities. In L872hetOOk an active part in securing the establishment of a post-office. The station was then called Tolerance, anil our subject was appointed Postmaster in which capacity he served until 1879, when the name was changed to Shumway. In L878"he erected the Tolerance Flouring Mills in the town of Shumway. Effingham County, at a cost of >=1 1,000. Prior to entering the milling business he of whom we write was engaged in merchandise for a period of eight years in which business he was very successful. The fact that he is truly the architect of his own fortunes must be very encour- aging to main young men who. like himself, have but small capital with which to operate, and whose wits and ability arc their best stock in trade. Mr. Bernhard has become a wealth v and influential r fr.S^udU PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 511 man and this he has accomplished by his own un- aided efforts. He has held a number of local offices in his township, having been Supervisor, Clerk and School Director. Politically, he is a Democrat. Religiously, he is :i Freethinker. < ^;<^m® r m\ OIIX E. BRADLEY. Amongthemany who are gaining a maintenance as farmers in Lovington Township, is the gentleman whose name introduces these paragraphs and whose portrait is presented on the opposite page. lie is the owner and operator of a line farm of eighty acres on section 12. By honest industry, good judgment and unwavering perseverance, he has won prosperity, and what is far better, a repu- tation a* a man of honor and uprightness. The spirit lie has shown in worldly affairs, affords a Les- son toothers who begin life without capital, while the influence of his consistent life is fell far and near. Mr. Bradley is an honored representative of a patriotic and industrious family. His grandfather, John Bradley, served seven years as a brave sol- dier in the Revolutionary War. while his father. John Bradley, was one of the founders of the old free Soil party. The latter, a native of Chester County, l'a.. married Elizabeth Evans, a native of the same place a> himself, and there they dwelt for some years after their marriage. Later they re- moved to Trumbull County, Ohio, "here the faith- ful wife and mother died December I. 1838. Af- ter her decease the father came as far West as Illinois, where, in Lovington Township, Moultrie County, he closed his eyes to the scenes of earth February 21, 1872. Of the six children in the family circle our sub- ject was the fifth, and he was horn in Chester County, l'a.. December is. 1829. lie was a child of four years when his parents came to Trumbull County, Ohio, "here he grew to manhood, in the meantime acquiring as thorough an education as was afforded by the schools of the vicinity. lie re- mained on a farm in Trumbull County until tin spring of 1850. when he came to Moultrie County, 111., and settled in Lovington Township, of which he has since been a resident. Mr. Bradley wasfirsl married, December b s . L856, to Mary S., daughter of Oren Dunscomb, who died in Trumbull County. Ohio. Mrs. Bradley was born in Trumbull County, and bore her husband one child, a son. Charlie II.. who married Miss Mary E. Weatherly and now lives in Sullivan. The wife and mother passed from earth August 18, 1866. Mr. Bradley was again married, in Pickawaj' County. Ohio. January lib 1871, choosing as his wife Miss Martha A. Hayes. This estimable lady, the daugh- ter of Jesse and Betsey (Hurst) Hayes, was born in Pickaway County. September 27. L836, and under the careful instruction of her parents and teachers. grew to a refined womanhood. Her happy mar- riage with Mr. Bradley has been blest by the birth of three children — John R. Mary E. and Alfred C. Since the organization of the Republican party. Mr. Bradley has been prominent in its ranks, and has served the people in various official capacities. lie is greatly interested in educational matters. and for twenty-five years has served efficiently as School Director. He has also been Highway Commissioner and held the minor offices of the township. But we would be doing great injustice to Mr. Bradley's career, were we to omit especial mention of his army record. On August 1. 1862, he enlisted in Company A. One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illi- nois Infantry, as a musician, lie served in the ranks until he was promoted to be Corporal and later Sergeant. The entire term of his service was three years, and during that time he participated in many engagements, among the most important be- ing the siege of Vicksburg and the battles of Little Hock, and Clarendon. Ark. After an honorable service he was mustered out at Pine Bluff, Ark., and returned home to resume the pursuits of peace. While serving his country. Mr. Bradley received a se. ere sunstroke which has been a source of great affliction Iq him up to the present time. As might i, u rally lie expected he belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic, being a prominent member of Lovington Post. No. 354. Socially he is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity. In religious work he takes an active part, having been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since is;,:;, and 512 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his wife also holds membership in the same church. As one of the valiant soldiers to whom we owe the preservation of the Union, and as a capable farmer we are pleased to represent him in this volume. PAY1I) MAUTZ. Most of the new linos of thought instituted in this counti-3' arc not original with Americans, but are the out- come of the conditions under which our alien ele- ments have lived. It is true that not all of these new ideas are desirable, as for instance, the anar. chistic class, which was introduced from Germany but has been re-en forced by representatives from every oppressed nation. However, even the anar- chists may effect a change in the relation of the different classes of commercial and social life. Evolution in science and art is most prominently demonstrated by the Germans of whom-our sub- ject is one. He resides on section :i2. of Rural Township, having thereon a fine and well cultivated farm that shows the intelligent care that he has brought to bear upon the place. Our subject was horn in Wurtemburg, Germany, January *. 1845, and is a son of George and Rosi- na Maria Mautz, for whose further history see sketch of John F. Mautz in another part of this RECORD. In 1852, when every nation seemed to lie in a volcanic state, and there was a restlessness that pervaded every class of society, the family of which our subject was one, decided to emigrate to the United States. After landing they proceeded at once to Fail-field County. Ohio, where they re- mained for two years, and then came to this Male setl ling in Shelby County. The early life of the original of our sketch was spent upon a farm, where he drew in the spirit of freedom with every breath of air that he inspired lie early familiarized himself with the work of a fanner and his training in this direction was car- ried on by his father in the thrifty and speculative German fashion, making intelligent observation Second the effort- of hard and constant manual labor. The intervals of farm duties were filled by attendance at the district schools, after which he attended the Okaw Academy, al Shelbyville. He then finished his training at the University of Chicago, and was thus fitted to begin the practical lessons of life. He began his career by teaching school for two years in his home district. He then went to Chicago, where he served as clerk in the Chicago Savings Bank, for a period of live years, after which he returned to Shelby County, and has since then resided in Rural Township. November 15, 1876, our subject took upon him- self the duties and the responsibilities of the mari- tal relation, his bride being Louisa F. Weber, a daughter of Jacob Weber. The lady was horn in Wurtemburg, Germany. March 31, 1852. The\ at once .set up their lares and penates and the future seemed bright before them. For several years his wife was spared that he might know how sweet a thing a home is. December 12. 1885, she passed to the mysterious unknown, leaving one son. Ed- mund .1. to lie the comfort of the liereaved father. Mr. Mautz makes his home on the place origin- ally owned by his father. It comprises one hundred and seventy-six and two-thirds acres of land, one hundred and sixty acres of which are fine prairie, and well improved. He of whom we write, frater- nizes with adherents of the Democratic party. Al- though a man who is litted to fill any position in the gift of the county, he has no desire for public office or emoluments. He is a member of the Swedenborg Church. William Mautz. who is a member of our subject's family, was born October 2:i. 1841. He received his training in the common schools of Germany and the United States. He is interested in the land of which OUT subject is accredited owner. v_- '^^fil^'-^S^ '■■• .-...> ^ osEl'II LEI IN. Organization is the watch- word of all modern movements, and it is constantly on the increase. For many years trades have attiliated and worked for the interest of each other and for the support of their rights. But the two extremes of labor, the agricul- tural class anil the professional class have not joined hand- iii organizations looking to the up- I'OKTKAIT AM) lilo< JRAl'IIICAl. RECORD. 513 building of their mutual interests. Thai day is passing by and we find in both these classes a de- sire to follow the popular trend. Farmers are nun associating themselves under different organiza- tions, and perhaps there is none of these which is stronger than the Farmers Mutual Benefil Associa- tion, with winch Mr. Lehn is identified. This gentleman is a farmer and stock-raiser on section [8, Oconee Township, Shelby County, and was born in Roseheim, France, September i~>. 1884. The parents of our subject were .Joseph and Teresa (Echert) Lehn. The father died in his na- tive country when this son was M little child of only three years of age. The mother married again, taking :is her second husband Martin Eck, with whom she was united in marriage in 1840. Joseph came to America with his mother, step-fa- ther, brothel's and sisters in 1852. Of his father's children there were two sons and one daughter, namely: Louis, who is married and resides in Bond County, where lie owns a niacin lieent farm of nearly two thousand acres and is very extensively engaged in raising horses and cattle: Mary, who i- the widow of Anthony Fisher, (who died aboul ten years ago in this township) and who owns a farm of two hundred acres on section is. Oconee Township, and our subject. Joseph Lehn bouglvt his fine farm of three hun- dred and eighty acres as long ago as 1886. One hundred acres of this is in Montgomery County, this State, and the remainder in ( leoiiec Tow 1 1 - 1 1 i j >. In his earh youth he was trained to farm work, and he chose it as his life work and has been re- markably successful in its prosecut ion. lie has recently erected a handsomeand commodious home on section IS. and has finished and furnished it. with greal taste as well as comfort. The marriage of our subject in 1868 brought to his home a bride in the person of Miss Katherinc Lakers, who was born in Holland ill 1845 and came to America with her parents while still quite young. To Mr. and Mrs. Lehn six beautiful chil- dren have been horn, and they have the joy of seeing them all still in life and health ami under the parental roof. They are named as follows — Frank, Maggie, Teresa, Louis. Katherinc and Mary. All except the eldest arc in attendance upon the public schools and are benefiting by the instruction received*. Theypromise well to repay ahundanth all the care and affection which has been lavished upon them. Mr. Lehn was for a number of years after com- ing to America engaged in various avocations. For three years he worked in brickyards, and afterward started in on his own account in brick making, and also took an interest in buying and selling stock". With his general farming he deals a good deal in cattle and hoe's, raising them anil occasionally buying and feeding for sale. Mr. Lehn has always taken an active interest in political affairs and voted the Republican ticket steadily from 1856 until Grant's second election. at which time he voted the Democratic ticket. lie is quite liberal in his political views and says he "votes for the man." All the members of his family belong to the Roman Catholic Church, and attend services at l'ana. He is an honest and in- dustrious citizen having the confidenceand esteem of all who know him. =*=•{• y OIIN M. MATTOX. The work of such men as he whose name heads this sketch isa stim- ulus and tonic to any one who desires per- fection or to emulate perfect ion in any branch whatever. His farm, located on section 1:5. of Sullivan Township. Moultrie County, is a model of neatness, productiveness and scientific cultivation. Its owner here settled in 1865, and since that time he has devoted his attention and his personal efforts to bringing it up to its pres- ent hijrh standing agriculturally. Although he is the owner of but eighty-four and a half acres, this he has tilled to such a good purpose that it yields as much as does twice that much to many a fanner who fails to brine the in- telligent oversight to bear upon his possessions. He of whom we write was horn in Clermont County. Ohio. October 19, 1839. His parents. Jason and Maria (Meeker) Mattox. were natives of Kentucky and New Jersey respectively. The 514 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. mother was born in 1807, and was about four years old when her family removed to Ohio and settled on the Miami River near the present site of the city of Cincinnati. They were very early settlers there, and the growth of the city was made under their observation. Our subject's father was probably born in Kentucky although it may have been that his birthplace was in Cler- mont County, Ohio; at least he was very young when his family settled in the Buckeye State. Our subject's parents were married and lived on a farm, where the father's decease took place, in Clermont County, Ohio, lie left eight children —William P., Miles A., A. J., Levi I... Mary J., Elizabeth, John N. and Thomas G. Miles A. died in Vigo County, hid; he had never been married. A. J. resides in Coffey County. Ivan.: Levi L. lives in his native county in Ohio; Alary J. is the wife of Abram Dunnham and lives in Missouri; Eliza- beth married Thomas Powell and lives in Nash- ville. Tenn.; Thomas G. died in tins county, leav- ing a willow and two children. The original of our sketch was reared on the home farm, and like the majority of Ohio hoys, he received very good common school advantages, and being bright and assimilative, with a large amount of vital foice, both mentally and physic- ally, he was early equipped for the practical duties of life. December 1. 1859, he was united in mar- riage with Rebecca Beck, a daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Beck, she was a native of the same State and county as her husband. At the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion Mr. Maitox enlisted and was mustered into service in Company A, Fifth Ohio Cavalry, serving in that Capacity for over three years. lie was with the regiment all the time, and usually drove the ambu- lance wagon. His war experience is chiefly noted for his faithfulness and constant readiness for duty. After the war he returned to < )hio. and the following spring came to this state and county, where for several yeais he was engaged in culti- vating land which he rented, lie has a comfortable and well-built house upon his place and an orch- ard that he may well be proud of. lie devote.- much of his time to the cultivation of small fruits, and in the fruit season his place is a small Kden that would tempt any Eve to eat, whether the fruit was forbidden or not. Mr. and Mrs. Mattox are the parents of seven children. One daughter died in infancy. Those living are: Miles A., Benjamin II. . Elizabeth M., Flora E., John R., Estella M. and Edith I). Eliza- beth is the wife of Oscar Mizenheimer; Flora E. died in infancy. Like so many of his fellow- husbandmen, our subject is a Democrat, that party receiving the weight of his vote and influence. He is a member of the School Board of his dis- trict. Religiously he and his family, are mem- bers of the Christian Church and are kind-hearted, Christian people. ¥-=7?REDERICK P. SXELL. During the many / —IS) years that he has been a resident of Shelby County Mr. Snell has been a useful factor in promoting its agricultural development. He is now living in retirement in a pleasant home at Moweaqua in the enjoyment of an ample compe- tence that is the result of his early labors. He was born in Hamilton County. Ohio. August P.). 1825, a son of one of the early pioneer families of that part of the country. His father. Daniel Snell. was born in Maryland in \1HH. and was a son of William Henry Snell, who was a native of Ger- many. The grandfather of our subject came to America in Colonial times, and. as was the custom with poor emigrants of that day. he was sold after he lauded on these shores to pay his passage. He was a cooper and followed that trade in Maryland until 17'.».">. when he went to Kentucky with Ins family, making the trip down the Ohio River in Batboats which had to In' guarded to keep the Indians away. lb' lived in Kentucky a few years and then removed to Warren County. Ohio, of which he was one of the early settlers. He bought a tract of timber land in Hamilton Township and in the years that followed devoted a portion of his time to clearing his land and the remainder to his trade, residing there until death rounded out his life. The maiden name of his wife was Christina Miller and she was PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 5 1 5 also a native of Germany. She came to this country with her parents, Philip Jacob and Chris- tina Miller, and she died on her husband's farm in Ohio. The father of our subjeel learned the trade of a cooper and after marriage purchased a home in Hamilton County and lived there amid primitive pioneer scenes until 1828. In that year he sold his property in that county, and returning to the old homestead in Warren County, he bought the in- terests of the other heirs and dwelt there the re- mainder of his life. His wife also died on that farm. Her maiden name was Sarah Peshenpaugh. She was born in Pennsylvania and was a daughter of Frederick and Pamelia (Vainer) Peshenpaugh, botb natives of Pennsylvania and of German ancestry. Our subject was hut three years old when his parents returned to the old home in Warren County, and there as soon as old enough he was sent to the pioneer schools. That was in the day of subscrip- tion schools before the free school system was established ami each family paid according to the number of scholars sent. Frederick assisted on the farm and remained an inmate of the parental household until he married and established a home of his own. He resided in Warren County until 1855, and then came to this State and county, at- tracted thither bj the many tine advantages offered to young and energetic farmers to pursue their vo- cation successfully on this soil of surpassing fer- tility, lie purchased eighty acres of unimproved land in what is now Flat Branch Township, boughl a loir cabin which he moved to the place, and that humble abode was his lirst home in Illinois. The ensuing years of persistent and well-directed toil brought him prosperity and from time to time he was enabled to buy other land and once had three hundred and eighty-live acres, of which three hun- dred and forty acres ure still in his possession, and constitute a valuable and well-improved property. In 1SK2 Mr. Snell rented his farm and moved to Decatur where he purchased properly. He lived there three years and then traded for realty in the city of Moweaqua where he has since resided. In 1853 Mr. Snell took unto himself a wife in the person of Mis> Eliza Clark and to her devotion to his interests he is much indebted for the pros- perity that he enjoys. She was born in Warren ( lounty, ( )hio. and i> a daughter of William R. and Nancy (lark. Her marriage with our subjeel has been blessed with children, of whom they have six living: Mark. Frank, Charles. William, .lames F. and Cora. Mr. and Mrs. Snell joined the Presby- terian Church while residents of Flat Branch Township and have since remained true to that faith, the sincerity of their religion being evidenced by their daily conduct in all the relations of life that they hold towards others, and as neighbors ami friends thej are highly thought of in their community. In his political views Mr. Snell is a firm believer in the doctrines of the Democratic party and advocates them through good and evil report. ■ ^ ^ ^| ^ ^ i »)'iH ' AHCl'S ][. MILLER, a member of the \l\ Counts Hoard of Supervisors, representing I Moweaqua Town-hip. Shelby County, is conducting a profitable business as a har- ness manufacturer in the city of Moweaqua. lie is a native of Northampton County. Pa., and was born amid its pleasant scenery August 2'.). 1856. His father. William Miller, was also a Pennsylvania!!, his birth-place in Bucks County. He was reared and married in his native State, Marietta Boyer, also of Pennsylvania, becoming his wife. He was a harness-maker, and carried on his trade at Weavers- ville for some years. In 1862 he came to Illinois, and buying a farm near Blue Mound, Macon County, gave his attention to farming. He re- sided there seven years, ami then removed to Christian County, where he bought land, and en- gaged in agricultural pursuits until 1887. In that year lie came to Moweaqua. and has ever since made his home here, lie and his wife have reared six children. Our subject was a lad of twelve years "hen he came to this Male with his lather and mother. lb- had previously attended school in Pennsylvania, and after coming to Illinois he became a student in the public schools of Macon County. He was :, I 6 PORTRAIT AND BLjCEAPHICAL RECORD. reared to agricultural pursuits, and followed farm- ing until 1881, when lie established himself in the harness business at Taylorville. lit- carried it on there until 1885, when he came to Moweaqua, and has since been engaged in the manufacture and sale of harness in ibis city. He has gained a solid reputation for making a superior and durable har- ness of the best modern styles, and he has worked up a large trade. Not only lias Mr. Miller secured an assured place in the business circles of Moweaqua during the few years in which he has been a resident of the city as the head of an important industry, but he has gained entrance into public life in prominent civic positions. He was a member of the City Council in 1889, and in 1890 was elected Super- visor to represent Moweaqua on the County Board of Supervisors, and still retains that otliee. show ing in his careful performance of the duties connected with it that he is a lit man to be entrusted with important civic affairs. Politically, the Democratic party has no truer or more faithful supporter than he. Our subject was married to Miss Anna Marshall in March. 1881, and they have established a home wherein comfort and coziness abound and hospit- ality reigns. Two children, Jessie and Willie com- plete their pleasant household. Mrs. Miller is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and interests herself earnestly in all good works for the benefit of the community. AJNIEL P. SWALLOW, a wealthy, retired farmer, residing at Shelbyville, Shclhv ~*i/T County, has materially assisted in advanc- ing the prosperity and high standing of this county as a great agricultural centre, and lie still possesses valuable and extensive farming in- terests in this part of the State. A native of Hamilton County. Ohio, Mr. Swallow was born March I. 1838, in the pioneer home of Jacob and Ke tu rah (Crane) swallow. His father was bora in New Jersey, and when he was young his parents removed from there to Hamilton County. Ohio, and were among its early settlers, the grandfather of our subject, who was a farmer, dying there at a ripe age. The father of our subject learned the trade of wagonmaker and followed it for some years in Hamilton County before he turned his attention to fanning. In 1851, with his wife and three children, lie came to Illinois to seek a new home. journeying hither with teams. He -settled in what is now Hose Township, which he had previously visited, and had purchased at the time eight hun- dred acres of land at $5 an acre, only a small part of the land being improved, two log houses and an unfinished frame house constituting the only build- ings on the place. He resided on his land until his death, which occurred in 1 Still and was caused by injuries received by the falling of the grand stand at the fair ground, hedyinga few days after. His wife, who was a native of Virginia, also died on the home farm, and both lie sleeping their last sleep side by side in the little private cemetery near by. lie of whom this sketch is principally written was a lad of thirteen years when lit.' came with his parents to Illinois, and he still has a vivid recollec- tion of the primitive scenes of those day-, for the country was still in the hands of the pioneers and much of its original wildness remained. Deer, wild turkeys and other game were plentiful and often furnished food for the settlers. Then- were no railways here and the people had to go to St. Louis, as the nearest market and depot for supplies, (tin subjeel was of greal assistance to his father in the management of his farm and after the hitler's deal 1 1 he still continued to reside on the old home- Stead until 1881, when he came to Shelbyville and bought his present residence. He -nil owns the farm in Rose Township, which is advantageously located four miles from Shelbyville. and since it came into his possession he has been constantly adding to its value by the many fine improvements that he has placed upon it. The marriage of Mr. Swallow with Miss .leannia Lumph, a native of ( )kaw Township, was solemn- ized April II. 1861. Mrs. Swallow's father. Jacob Lumph, was born, reared and educated in ( iermaii v . PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. When about eighteen years of age he came to America and for a time lived in Ohio. From there he came to Illinois in the early settlement of Shelby County, and located among the pioneers of Oka w Township. He resided there a few years and then boughl timber land one mile north of the courl house at $5 an acre. He cleared his land, devel- oped it into a good farm, and made it his home until death called him hence in 1860. His wife survived him many years, finally dying in Shelby- ville, in March, 1881, and her mortal remains were deposited by his in the Austin Cemetery, one and one-fourth miles north of Shelby villc. Her maiden name was Charlotte Frybarger. She came to this country with her parents at the age of ten years, from her native Germany, and was married here at the age of sixteen. Mr. and Mrs. Swallow have three children : Mol- lic who married William Whitecraft, and livesal Springfield; William and Roy. Our subject and his amiable wife are among our best people so- cially and religiously, and in them the First .Meth- odist Episcopal Church of Shelbyville, has two of it- most exemplary members, who are influential in promoting its growth materially and spiritually. Mr. Swallow has sound views in regard to politics, and is a true Republican. ~s $+$ rr=i Q~ * EORGE s. DAVIS. It gives us pleasure to represent in this volume the native-born sons of this county who are now helping in. various ways to carry forward its interests. Among these figures tlie subject of this brief life record, who is a successful farmer residing in Pickaway Township, Shelliy County. lie was horn in Ridge Township March 8, 1853, and is the son of James Davis, who was one of a family of pioneer settlers of Illinois. His father was a native of Nicholas County. Ky., of which his father. Joshua Davis a native of Maryland, was an early pioneer. He re- sided in the wilds of Nicholas County until L833, and then with his wife and live children emigrated to the still more recently settled State of Illinois. The journey to their ni'u home was made In the way of the Ohio. Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to Naples, and thence to Morgan Count), where the grandfather of our subject rented land for a time. He subsequently removed to this county, which at that time was sparsely settled, and deer, wolves and wild turkeys were found in abundance. There win- no railways, and the farmers used to take their grain to St. Louis as the principal market. going thither with ox -teams, and also driving their hogs and cattle thereto sell. Grandfather Davis cleared a good farm from the tract of Unimproved land which he bought after he came to the county. and in the comfortable home that he built up thereon his eyes closed in death January I. 1868, at the ripe age of eighty years. The maiden name of his wife was Leah Still. She died in 1857 at the age of fifty years. Loth were faithful Chris- tian members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and carefully reared their childred in the same faith. The father of our subject was young when his parent- brought him to Illinois, ami here he grew to manhood and married, taking as his wife Mar- garet Leach, she wasborn in Ohio, a daughter of Amos and Susan (Mover) Leach. She reared eight children, six of whom are living. After marriage the parents of our subject resided in Ridge Town- ship a few years, and then bis father bought a trad of wild land in Pickaway Township, to which he removed his family. He labored hard to im- prove a farm, which under hi- management became one of the most desirable in the vicinity. and there in the midst of his usefulness he was taken from his family ami friends h\ the hand of death. He left behind him a good record of a life well spent. In the district school our subject received a prac- tical education, and on hi- father's farm was well drilled in agricultural pursuits, lie remained an inmate of the parental home until he was twenty- four years old. giving his father needed assistance in tilling the soil, and he then married and began farming for himself on rented land in OkawTown- ship. Four years later he bought the farm on which he now resides in l'ickawa\ Town-hip. He ha- it- eight) acres of rich prairie land under ad- mirable cultivation, and has provided it with neat and substantia] buildings, all of the improvements ;> 1 8 PORTRAIT AND 15K.K HJAPIIK A I. RECORD. indicating that lie is a thrifty, careful manager, and lias a clear understanding of the best methods of conducting his work. In the making of a home Mr. Davis lias had the cheerful assistance of a helpful wife, to whom he was married May 13, 1*77. Mrs. Davis bore the maiden name of Emma Day. She is a native of this county, and a daughter of England and Mary (Foot) Day. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have four chil- dren, whom they Lave named Dora. Fred. Millie and Fail. Our subject and his wife are sociable, hospitable people, who have many friends in the community, and in them the Methodist Episcopal Church has i wo active working members. Mr. Davis is a decided Republican in bis political views. »>-^-. L856, to Miss Arvilla Brown, their nuptials being celebrated in Morrow County, Ohio. By her he became the father of three children, whose namesare: Sarah E., ha A., and Winlield S. The first named i- the wife of Charles Summers. Ira married Mel in da Eagg. Mrs. Arvilla Eluekey, died in their home in Morrow County, in April 1862. Two years later, be again took upon himself the duties and obliga- tions of marital life and was united to Edith A. Bennett She also was a native of Morrow County, Ohio. Six children cluster about the home board. Their names are Isaac \.. Lewis I;.. George B., William I-:.. .lames A. and Bertha A. The removal from Ohio to Shelby County, this "state, wasmadein April 1868, and at that time they settled in Tower Hill Township, of which place our subject has ever since been a resident, lie has al ways been engaged in agricultural pursuits and is the owner of three hundred and seventeen acres of fine land. Mr. Fluckey has erected a very attrac- tive residence on his place. It is tastefully built and conveniently arranged. This place is graci- ously presided over by his wife, who has been his aid and helpmate in gaining the position which he at present enjoys. He of whom we write is held high in the esteem of the people in the coinmimity where he resides. A thoughtful and earnest man he is genial and whole-souled. Several local offices in the gift of the township have been thrust upon him and his service as a School Director has been appreciated by the fact that he desires to keep abreast with the times in educational matters, seeking to make the standard of the schools in his district, irreproachable. In politics he is an adher- ent of the Republican party, the views as taken by that party of commercial affairs and general gov- ernment being such as harmonize best with our sub- ject's theories. Religiously both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which they are ardent workers and generous sup- porters. O^ HOMAS SMITH, of Mowcacpia. shelly 7 z§\ County, worthily represents the farmers of this county who have aided in its agricul- tural development in years past, and arc now Us- ing in honorable retirement in the enjoyment of well-earned competencies. Our subjeel is a native of Salem Township. Warren County, Ohio, bom January •">. 1833. Peter Smith, his father, is thought to have been a native of thai State. He was a son of Caleb Smith, who was a Virginian by birth and w as an early pioneer of ( Mlio. The father of our subject was a cooper 1 1\ trade. and carried on that calling in addition to farming. PORTRAIT AND ISKK : RA1'II'( AC RECORD. 519 lie died in Warren County while yet in life's prime. His wife wasElizabeth Varner,a daughter Of Jacob Vainer. He of whom we write was bu1 ten years old when his father died, and. though he was so young, as he was the eldest son. he had to help his mother supportthe family, she married again seven years later, and he then went to work on a farm by the month, remaining thus employed in his native state until 1853. Then, in the prime and vigorof a stalwart young manhood, he came to Illinois to seek fortune's favors on this productive soil, and by dint of hard pioneer labor has accumulated a comfortable property. In coming hither he traveled by what was then the most expeditious route, pro- ceeding by rail to Terre Haute. Ind.. thence by Stage to his destination in this county, arriving in Flat Branch Township after a journey of three days and two nights. The first four years that he lived here he made his home with William Snell, ami subsequently rented a farm one year. Afterthat he traded land in Flat Branch Township for a trait of wild land on section .'id. l'enn Township, and for a time lived ina log cabin that he bought and removed to the place, lie then erected a frame house, and during thi' time thai he resided there made many other improvements. In 1870 he exchanged that farm for eighty acres of wild land in Flat Branch Town- ship, the land being fenced, a half of it broken, and an Orchard was set out. 1 nit there were no buildings. Mr. Smith lived on that farm until 1890, devel- oping it into an attractive and valuable piece of property, and he then removed to Moweaqua. where he has since lived retired, lie i^ now build- ings neat and substantial residence on the south Side of the Park, where he and his family propose lo lit up a COZy and comfortable home. Mr. smith wa- married in 1858 to Miss Ruth F. Clark, and by her ready helpfulness and sagecoun- sel he has been greatly aided in what he has ac- complished. They have three children — Frank 1... Fdward and Nora. Mis. Smith is a native of Ohio, a daughter of one of its pioneer families. Her father. William B. (lark, was also a native of the Buckeye State, born in Warren County, February 26,1803. His father, who was also named Will- iam, was horn in Virginia, and died a short time after the birth of his son. who was named in his honor. Ilis wife. Rachel Ross, was horn in Ken- tucky, and was a daughter of Jonathan Koss. who was a native of Maryland, was a soldier in tin' Revolutionary War. and afterward emigrated to Kentucky, of which he was a pioneer settler. He assisted in building the blockhouse on the Ohio River at Newport, opposite Cincinnati, lie was in the latter city when it was a small hamlet of but four houses. He afterward settled ill the wilds of Warren County, thirty miles east of Cincinnati, where he died in 1841, at the remarkably advanced age of one hundred and four years. William R. Clark was reared in Warren County on the hanks of the Miami River, four miles from Lebanon, the county scat. Ill the days of his hoy- hood hut little attention was paid to education, and he did not often attend school. As soon as he was old enough he was obliged to work, and his grandfather, with whom he lived, being crippled, lie was given full charge of the farm at an early age. December '-'!». 1824 he secured a helpmate in the person of Miss Nancy Burger, to whom he was then married. She was horn in Virginia Septem- ber 15, 1806. He was employed several years in teaming between the Miami River and Cincinnati. He afterward went to farming for himself on rented i land. The Miami Valley was surpassingly rich and productive, and land being held very high there. Mr. Clark decided to come to Illinois, where he could secure land of his own at a reasonable price. He journeyed thither with teams, bringing with him hi.s family, and camping and cooking h\ the wayside whenever necessary, lie came to Flat Branch Township iii 1854, first settled on the prairie north of the timber, and in the fall of the same year located on the homestead of eighty acres where his son now lives, which he had entered al the rate of $2.50 an acre. lie built the first house on the prairie in Flat Branch Township, between tin' timber and the railway. It was not customary then to locate on the open prairies, and he had no idea that they would become SO well settled as at present. He and his good wife lived to. a ripe age, and reared a family of nine children, a- follows: .-.I'll PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Rebecca, Rachel, Mary Ann. Matilda Eliza, James, William. John, Jasper and Emory. Mr. Clark was always a sturdy Democrat in politics, and from the time that he cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson in 1824 he supported every Democratic Presidential candidate until his death. *^*iBi! not necessarily the ease. It is true that the constitutions of the men of the present day have been weakened by the severe .strains upon their parents, who were the pioneers of the country, hut this has. to a degree, has been offset by the present rational mental and physical training to which our young men are subjected. There is a- much, if not more, vitality in the representatives of agriculturalists now than ever before, and because some of our young men have inherited their homes instead of pre-empting them from the Government, is no proof that they have not as much go-ahead-ativeness andabilityas their fathers. One of the young and successful farmers and Stock-raisers who lives on a line farm of two hun- dred acres, is he whose name is at the head of this sketch. Our subject settled here in the spring of 1890. The- laud was owned for some years prior to tliis by his father, Anderson Hunter, an old set- tler and large landowner, having twelve hundred acres of highly improved land in the county, be- sides a valuable timber lot. The original of our sketch was horn in Ridge Township, Shelby County, August 21. 1869. lie is one of a large family and was carefully reared. and well educated, lie lived with his father until his marriage. when he made a home upon the present location, lie has always been an industrious, ener- getic young man. never sparing himself when there was hard work that required a cool headandquick I" rception, His marriage took place in Ridge Town- ship, February 2.">. L891. The young- lady whom he made his wife was a Miss Mattie Eversole. She was bom in Ohio, April 13, 1870, being only a small child when her parents removed to this State, settling in Ridge Township, this county. She was there reared and carefully educated, and our subject may well be proud of his handsome, refined and intelligent wife. She is the daughter of Jacob and Catherine Eversole, who are prominently engaged in church work in Ridge Township. There they have lived for a good many years. Mr. and Mis. Hunter are already prosperous young people and the future promises much for their ambition and energy. Mrs. Hunter is a member of the Evangelical Association. Politic- ally, Mr. Hunter shows the tendency of the new blood by voting with the reform party. Socially he is a sustainer and member of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. ■I 1.1.1 AM POTTER. The name at the head of this sketch is that of a successful farmer * V whose residence in this state extends over more than forty years, during which time he has seen as great changes in commercial life and the manner of living in all classes of society, as when we were children, we read in Arabian Nights, were accomplished by Aladdin's lamp. In his boyhood days, electricity was a divine agent to be handled gingerly by the Scientist. Today it is the servant that drags our ears, lights our houses, supplies our heat, washes our clothes, and does a thousand and one other things, that, had they been so accom- plished a half century ago. would have been con- sidered the work of the Angel of Darkness. Our subject who was born in Preble County. Ohio, November 20. 1825. lie is a son of Samuel and Mary (Leathers) Potter, natives of Virginia and Ohio, respectively. Our subject's residence in Shelby County dates from 1850. His home is located on section 9, of Rural Township. The father of our subject was born in Virginia and when a small boy he removed to Ohio with hi- parent-, that was in the year 1808 and they PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAfrilCAL RECORD. 52] then settled in Preble County At thai time set- tlers were very few. and they experienced all the hai'dships <>f pioneer life. They cleared a farm in the forests, and gradually put upon it many improvements. The grandparents of our subject there died, and his father was there married, he also, clearing a farm in the timber region upon which he resided until his death. William Potter is one of eight children who were born to his parent'-. Six only, however, lived io he grown, William, our subject being the eldest. lie was reared on the home farm and attended such school as the country afforded, lie resided there until L85T), when he came to Illinois and purchased one hundred and forty-seven acres of land which was then in a raw state, being unturned prairie. This he improved and sold and then pur- chased his present farm, which was at that time also new and uncultivated. He owns two hundred and ten acres of land, all of which is under culti- vation. I lis 1 1 lace boasts a good class of buildings, his residence being such as to add to the comfort and content of domestic life. Mr. Potter has been twice married. In IMS he was united lo Sarah Kimmel. who was horn in Preble County. Ohio. She was a daughter of Jacob Kimmel, hut died in Shelby County s i after coming to this state, leaving to her husband one son. Emanuel, who lives in Rural Township. In 1859, our subject married Mrs. Sarah Lanham, nee Barrett. She was a daughter of Marcus 1.. Barrett and was born in West Virginia. By her marriage with Mr. Lanham. she became the mother of one child. Augustus F. who resides in Rural Township. six little ones have gathered about the table and Idled the house with their men y prattle. These are growing up and promise to he men and women of whom their parents will he proud. Their names are Marcus L., Elsie, May, Adalia, Emma and Elmer. Politically our subject is a Republican. In their church relations they are connected with the Presbyterian denomination, of which body Mr. Potter is a Deacon of the church that he attends. It is not out of place here to give a short sketch of our subject's parents and grandparents, additional to the mere mention made above. Jasper Totter, his grandfather, was one of a large family anil was left an orphan at an early age. They were bound over to different families and in this way became scattered. Jasper was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and wit- nessed the surrender of Cornwallis and the troops at Yorktown. He attained seventy-two years of age. and died in Preble County. Ohio. His native State was Maryland. Twice married, by his first marriage he was the father of thirteen children, all of whom grew to manhood and womanhood and reared families of their own. By his second marriage, three children were born. Our subject's parents had nil hildien.of whom seven lived to be grown: William. Minerva, Bar- bara. Elizabeth. Emanuel. Jane and Zion. Mi- nerva is now Mrs. Simpson. Barbara was the wife of Dr. Robert Toby, and is now deceased. Eliza- beth, is the wife of Thaddeus Sibbitt. Jane, who is also deceased, was the wife of Thomas Bunch. Zion married Peter Kimmell. V t\ AVID M. YOST, a well-known citizen resid- 1 tng on section 21, Ridge Township. Shelby County, is a -on of George Yost, who was born in Cumberland County. Pa., and Catherine Harbaugh, a native of York County. Pa. The lady survives her husband, who died ill Nauvoo. III. They have a family of six children, of whom our subject was the fourth, being born in Cumberland County. Pa.. December 8, 1840, and being orphaned by tin' death of his father when about six years old. After the death of his father the mother removed to Franklin County. Ohio, wherethe boy passed his youth and early manhood with the exception of three years spent in the army, remaining there un- til he came to Shelby County. 111. David M. Yost enlisted in August, 1862, in Com- pany P. One Hundred ami Thirteenth Ohio In- fantry and served for about three years. He was married in Franklin County, Ohio, September 9 1866, to Miss Mary Motts, who was born in Penn- sylvania December 17. 1842, Her parent- were 522 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. natives of Pennsylvania. The father. Daniel, and the mother, Harriet (Warner) Motts, are both de- ceased. About four years after marriage lie came and made his home in Ridge Township, Shelby County, upon rented land. Here he lived for five years and then bought eightj acres, which he after- ward disposed of, purchasing one hundred and sixty acres, on section 21, where he has since been a resident. Eleven interesting children clustered about the hearthstone of Mr. and Mrs. Yost. Their first-horn- Ollie, died when only three years old and the sur- vivors are named: Harriet L., Charlotta M., Charles s.. Rhoda 1.. Mary A.. E. Amanda. David <>.. John W., Chauncy M. and Eunice M. Agricultural pursuits have absorbed the attention and strength of our subject to a great degree, .-till he has found sometime for serving his neighborhood and for three years he has been Highway Commissioner and School Director. He has taken an active part in local political movements and is considered a leader in the Republican ranks. He i- deeply in- terested in every movement looking toward theso- cial and industrial advance of the agricultural community and is identified with the Farmers' Mu- tual Benefit Association, lie is Secretary of the Reformed Church, with which both he and his worthy wife are identified. ROBERT M. PEADRO, attomey-at-law, has successfully engaged in the practice of his profession in Sullivan since 1882, and has \£") won for himself a prominent place at the Moultrie County bar. Although a native of Camp- bell County. Ky., he has been a resident of Illinois since his boyhood, his parents having located in Moultrie County at an early day. His father. I>. <;. Peadro, made a settlement in Whitley Township, where he engaged in fainting until his death, which occurred in April. 1KS7. .-it the age of about sixty- five years. He was one of the prominent citizens of the community ami his ability well enabled him to be a leader of the people. lie W8S well edu- cated, was one of the best authorities on history in Illinois and owned a very line library, containing the works of the best authors, with whom he was very familiar. In politics he was a Democrat and in religious belief was a Baptist. His wife, whose maiden name was Catherine Stillwell, still survives him and makes her home on the old farm. She has been a life-long member of the Baptist Church and is beloved by all who know her. In the family were the following children: ( ). I... a farmer of Whitley Township, this county: E. ('.. a breeder of fine blooded stock in Whitley Township; and John .1.. who is now studying law with our subject. With one exception all of these gentlemen have taught in the public schools of this county. Robert Peadro, whose name heads this sketch, was one of the successful educators of the county for several years and has ever been a friend to the interests of the school. At about the time he at- tained hi- majority he began the study of law with the prominent attorney. Horace S. Clarke, id' Mat- toon, and after two years was admitted to the bar in l«7."p. After a short time spent in Mattoon, he went to Texas and engaged in the practice of his profession at Round Rock, Williamson County, for five years. He was prospering in that locality, hav- ing an excellent practice, but as he did not wish to rear his family in that State, he returned to Illinois and established an office in Sullivan. In Moultrie County Mr. Peadro was united in marriage with Miss Lucretia B. Harbaugh, daugh- ter of David Harbaugh, who i- mentioned in the sketch of Frank M. Harbaugh, on another page of this work, she was reared near Sullivan and edu- cated in the city school-, after which she became a teacher, following that profession for some years. A lad\ of culture and refinement, she moves in the highest social circles and has many friend,- among the best citizen- of thi- community. In the house- hold are two children. Fail and liernice. In his political affiliations Mr. Peadro is a stanch Democrat and is now occupying the position of City Treasurer, the duties of which office he dis- charges faithfully and well. He possesses business ability of a high order and the I'oivmo.-t place which In- has won at the liar is well merited by his talent-. He ha- a wide icput at ion a- a councilor .■uid is rapid h acquiring a verj extensive practice, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 523 which yields him a good income. He has one of the Gnesl and largest law Libraries in the city and lew men are better read in any profession than is Mr. Peadro in that which he has chosen for his life work. •>*— frloUt; I I I I I i \ t \ i i < ■ i • /p^EORGK \V. MONROE. Any agricultural I community which is favored by the resi- V A deuce within it of men of culture and edu- tion, having broad views and a wide outlook on life, is to be heartily congratulated. Sullivan Township, Moultrie County, is thus favored in the fact that Mr. .Monroe, who was for so long a time active in the educational held. Is now one of its enterprising and energetic farmers, making his home on section 34. This gentleman was horn in the township where he now lives, March Ki, 1855. 1 1 is parents were Henry J. and Sarah (Timmons) Monroe, the father being a native of Indiana, and the mother Of ROSS County. Ohio. They were among the pioneers of Shelby County in the earh days be- fore the separation of tin' two counties, and died in Moultrie County, the father in LS65, and the mother in 1889. This revered and beloved parent was the mother of eight sons and two daughters, and our subject was the sixth in order of age. All are still living, and now reside in Sullivan Township, with the exception of one sister, Mrs. Wright, who lives in Shelbyville. This happy family, who have the good fortune to be still united in this life, are named as follows: Christopher. William II.. Thomas. Isaac, Mary E., George W., M. T., John A.. Julia A. and E. G. All are married except Julia A., and are all de- voted to agriculture with the exception of John A., who i> a clerk. That so honorable and enter- prising a family should thus, almost without ex- ception, devote their lives to (he development of the agricultural interests of Sullivan Township, is n itself a guarantee that that section of our beautiful Prairie State will ever stand on a par with any portion of Illinois. SToung George attended the public schools and the graded school at Sullivan, completing his education at the Northern Indiana Normal School. lie was thus fitted for the profession of teaching at the age of twenty-two, and after presiding for six years over various country schools in Shelby and Moultrie Counties, he was elected Principal of the school at Neoga, Cumberland County, where he had three assistants. lie remained there three successive years and was then sought by the citizens of Mt. Pulaski to take charge as principal of their graded school, which was of high order and a much larger scl 1. having nine subordinate teachers. During the three years while he was principal of the Mt. Pulaski schools, he contracted a matri- monial alliance, choosing as his wife Miss Mary It. White, a native of Neoga Township. Cumberland County. 111., where she was horn October 18, 1867. Their happy wedding day was November 2ii, lL m partnership with Thomas Freeman and S. S. Roberts, which connec- tion continued for a year, when Mr. Freeman withdrew. Mr. Ilinton remained with Mr. Roberts until his death when Mr. Freeman again bought an interest in the connection which he afterwards sold out to I). .1. Sloan, the firm thus becoming Hinton A- Sloan. This partnership existed for some thir- teen years and was prosperous, hut after that time Mr. Ilinton withdrew from mercantile life and the property was divided. After eight years which he devoted to the hand- ling of real estate, grain, etc., this enterprising business man again embarked in mercantile life, and has continued in that business to the present time in company with Mr. 15. F. Roberts, a son of Mr. llinton's first partner. Miss Mary F. WhitingtOn was the maiden name of the lady who became the first wife of John Ilin- ton. She was born in 1840, in Oconee Township, and to this union four sons and three daughters were born, of whom Addie. wife of Dr. R. YV. Johnston, of Assumption 111., is the eldest. The oldest son. S. A. 1). is married and is engaged in an abstracl office at Clay Center. Neb., where he is do- ing well. Hattie is the wife of K. G. Hall and resides at Orson, Col. George W. is married and was for some time a merchant but is now retired from active business and living at Assumption. III. William L. resides in Freeport, this State, where he is engaged in a carriage factory. Sadie and Johnnie are still under the parental roof and enjoying the advantages of education which Mr. Ilinton has afforded to all his children. The subject of our sketch is a large lauded proprietor owning about eight hundred acres in Oconee Township, mostly adjoining the village of Oconee. He has been thoroughly identified with the interests of his town and county and has satis- factorily and efficiently tilled a number of respon- sible olliccs. He has served educational interests as School Trustee of t his township, has been Super- visor for eighteen years. Magistrate for four Mar- aud Justice of the Peace for eight years. His thorough understanding of business principles and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. .">>:> the most fundamental points ol the law, together with his disposition to maintain the peace of the community has resulted in liis so advising and ad- justing cases as to prevent hundreds of his rellow- citizens from rushing into irritating and expensive law suits. Mr. Hinton became a member of Jackson Lodge No. 52 A. F. & A. M.. at Shelbyville, in 1854, but is now non-affiliated. He takes an active inter- est in political affairs and has always been regarded as a leader in (he ranks of Democracy of which lie has been a life long member, lie is nut a professor of religion, although his preferences are in tin direction of the Regular Baptist Church. This gentleman has been a speculator all his life and his experience has been up and down with a general tendency upward. He has winked for twenty-five cents a day in Oconee Township, and was at one time as we have stated deeply in debt, Imt came out of that trial as a man of honor should come. His first wife passed from earth August 21. 1881, and his marriage with .Miss Mary E. Morgan took place in .Match. is,s7. 'I'd this union, one child, Agnes Pauline, was born, who is now the pet and darling of the household, and the joy of her father in his advancing years. "S3 [=" AMES W. VERMILLION is a worthy repre- sentative of a family, who. in different times of emergency, have come forward to their country's assistance, and have bravelj and loyally cast their lives in the balance with the chances of war. He is a native of old Virginia, the State which has produced so many men who have adorned the chairs of State that have ever been in our Congressional halls. Mr. Vermil- lion, who now reside- mi section "-'7. Rural Town- ship. Shelby County, was born in Bedfoi'd County, Va., September l. 1810. Our subject was a sun of Robert and Nancy Vermillion. His maternal grandfather was Mat- thew McClaftin, who was a soldier in the Revolu- tionary War. The parents of our subject removed "rom Virginia to Kentucky, and settled on a farm in what is now Russell County. The father there died, and the mother subsequently came to Illinois, where she passed away in Shelby County. He of whom we write is one of seven children, there being four sons anil three daughters in the fam- ily, our subject being the third in order of birth. lie was reared on a farm, and early learned Un- meaning of pioneer life. In Russell County, Ivy.. Mr. Vermillion was mar- ried to .lane Fletcher, a native of Kentucky. His residence in this State and county dates from 1840, his advent hither being made with an ox- h am and wagon. His family at that time com- prised liimself. wife and four children. Their worldly possessions were very few. and they had no eiul.i;:" 'ssinenf of filthy lucre. He rented a piece of i ..id, and worked hard in order to gel a little money to start with. About LSI) he pur- chased fnrty acres of timber land at *."> per acre, and subsequently he purchased eighty acres of Government land at $1.25 per acre. This proved to be a fortunate investment, and he subsequently added more land to his tract at * 1 1 per acre. lie is now the owner of two hundred and twenty acres of tine land. Our subject's first residence in this State, which he could call his own, was a log cabin built in the midst nf his timber tract, but it served the pur- pose, and he and his brave little wife were as loyal tn each other as though they lived in a palace. As their circumstances permitted, they built a frame house, and on outgrowing this, Mr. Vermillion erected a brick residence, which at the time it was built was one of the finesl places in Shelby County. In 1863 the gentleman of whom we write made a trip to British Columbia by the overland route, and returned therefrom the following year. Mr. Vermillion was in early life afflicted with rheuma- tism, which became chronic, and he is now obliged to use a crutch. Mrs. Vermillion died about 1850, leaving nine children, whose names arc as follows: Eliza- beth, Birch, Fanny. Xanc\ . Mary. Sarah. Ra- chael, Martha and Isabella. Elizabeth married .lames Harper, and died in Shelby County; Birch resides in St. Louis; Fanny married and died in this State: Nancy married Levi P. Tolly, of Mo- 526 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. weaqua; Mary married James Lawton, and lives in Minnesota; Sarah was the wife of John Albright, and passed away from this life in Nebraska; Ra- chael became the wife <>!' John Foltz, of Minne- sota; Martha married Joseph Cameron, of Minneapolis; and Isabella married Henson Wheeler, and died in this State. Mr. Vermillion married a second time, his bride being Mrs. Jane ('. Miller, nee Mason, who was born in Kentucky, where she married Adam Miller. He died in Kentucky, leaving his wife four children two of whom, George A. and Mary L., are dead. The eldest and youngest sons are David O. and Granville L. By this second marriage our subject is the father of three children, who are James \\\. Eliza E. and Angie Nomie. Eliza is the wife of Edward Garrison, and Angie is the wife of W. E. I Iardwick. Politically our subject is a Democrat. and takes as much passive interest at four-score years as he did when, years ago, he voted for Jackson. He is a member of the Christian Church. AMES FOSTER, a member of the County Hoard of Supervisors representing Todd's Point Township, is one of the leading farm- ers of this locality, and the well-appointed farm that he owns and occupies was developed by his father, John Foster, a pioneer settler of this part of Shelby County, from a tract of wild land thai he purchased from the Government when he first came to this state many years ago. Our subject is a native of Yorkshire, England. born October 21, 1838. His father was bora in the Same shire, where his parents spent their entire lives. John Foster was reared and married in the land of his birth, taking as his wife Ellen Atkin- son, also a Dative Of Yorkshire, and a daughter of Thomas Atkinson. In L843 Mr. Foster emigrated to this country with his wife and six children set- ting sail from Liverpool on the good ship "Glas- gow," and landing al New York after a voyage of six weeks and four days. He proceeded directly to Ohio by the way of tin' Hudson River and the Erie Canal to Buffalo, thence by Lake Erie to Cleveland, and from there into the interior of Ohio by canal to Massillon. He found employ- ment on a farm and resided there until 1 S4i>. Then, having heard favorable accounts of the fer- tility of the soil and other advantages possessed by this county, he made his way hither, bringing with him his family, and cast in his lot with the pio- neers of Todds' Point Township. At that time the prairies of Illinois were but sparsely settled, as the early settlers had considered the limber lands much more desirable in every way. not realizing the wonderful richness of the prairie soil. Accord- ingly much of the open land was still in the hands of the Government and Mr. Foster entered a tract. He erected one of the first frame houses ever built on the prairies of Todd's Point Township and otherwise improved his place into one of the most desirable farms in the locality, making it his home until his eyes were closed in death. His wife also died on the home farm. They reared a family of six children, named as follows: Joseph, Mary. John. Alice. Thomas and James. James Foster was a boy Of four years when he crossed the Atlantic Ocean with his parents, and he has a distinct recollection of the incidents of that ever memorable voyage and of the pioneer life that followed in Ohio and this State, lie has been an intelligent witness of the growth of this county, and has been no unimportant factor in helping to make it a great agricultural center. In his boyhood he attended the pioneer schools, as- sisted his father on the farm and continued to live with his parents until he made a home of his own at the time of his marriage, when he settled on a part of his father's land. He has since purchased the original homestead, and has greatly increased it.- value by the many line improvements that he has placed upon it. including a commodious and well-ordered set of frame buildings. He has one hundred and eighty acres of land under a high state of tillage, and derives a solid income from the cultivation of his fertile fields. In 1866 Mr. Foster married Miss Martha J. Len- over, and their pleasant wedded li f e has been blessed to them by the birth of three children — Cora Belle, Henry and James. Cora married S. PORTRAIT AMi BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 529 Wheeler, since deceased, and she lives with her parents. Mrs. Foster is a native of this county, Shelby Township Ler birthplace. Her father, John Lenover, was born in Pennsylvania, went from there to (thin, thence to Indiana, and finally came to Illinois, and was a pioneer of this county, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a skillful blacksmith and followed his trade here a iber of years. His wife died in 1849. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Boys and she was a sister of Alexander Boys. (For her parental his- tory see sketch of William Boys.) Mis. Foster i- a member of the .Methodist Episcopal (lunch, and as such is true t<> her religious obligations, as well as in all things pertaining to her duties as wife. mother and friend. Mr. Foster is a man of a pleasant, kindly nature, and he has withal in a full measure those practical traits of character that make him a useful citizen, Capable Of filling places of trust and honor. His fellow-citizens, recognizing this, have repeatedly called him to the responsible position of Super- visor, and he has now been a member of the County Board for some years, being first elected in I887,again in 1889, and re-elected in 1890 and 1891. Hi' is a member of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association, and in his politics he i- an unswerving Republican. <>1IN C. BROWN. A traveler throughout Shelby County would be forcibly impressed by sonic features of the estate owned and occupied by the subject of this biographical -ketch. In approaching it his eyes would be at- tracted by the appearance ot order and thorough cultivation seen on every hand, as well ashy the extent of the acreage and the efforts that have heen made to add to its original beauty. Perhaps the most conspicuous object to the stranger would he the residence, a view of which is presented on another page of tins volume. It is a commodious dwelling with the appearance of great comfort and homelikeness. In connection with this notice we are pleased to present to our readers a portrait of Mr. Brown, who is well known as an enterpris- ing agriculturist and a reliable citizen. The tine tract of land which Mr. Brow n operates is on sections 21. 22, 27 and 28, Ridge Township, and is not only in an excellent slate of cultivation lint is adorned with a splendid set of buildings. Before relating the principal events in the life of Mr. Brown it may he well to mention briefly the main facts in the history of those from whom he i- descended. Hi- father was a native of Wurtem- burg, Germany, where he was born in 1805, and given the name of Christian 1-'. lie married Kliza- beth Schearer, a native of Bavaria, who was horn in 1M4. After marriage they made their home in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, where they resided until 1864. At that time they removed to Clay County. Ind., where the father of our subject died in lKTli. The mother still survives. Their family comprised nine children, John being the second in order of age. The natal day of our subject was April 10, 1*37. and his birth occurred in Tuscarawas County. Ohio. There he grew to manhood and learned the trade of a blacksmith, taking his appenticeship at New Philadelphia, Ohio. After serving for fifteen months he engaged as a journeyman, following his trade near his native county until the fall of 1864, when he removed to Clay County. Ind.. and undertook the same work there. In February, I865,"he removed to Wilton Junction, Iowa, and there carried on his trade until .June, 1865, when he returned to Clay County. Ind. [n the spring of 1866 he removed to Shelby County and pur- sued his trade at what is now llenlon. in Ridge Township. Here he worked until November, 1875, at which time he undertook agricultural pursuits. in which he is still engaged. lie has erected a handsome set of buildings and ha- cleared a valu- able farm of one hundred and eighty acres. He i- known as one of the best wheat raiser- in Shelbj County, having raised as much as -ixtv-foui bushels per acre, lie also has heen instrumental in introducing into the community the best varie- ties of wheat produced III the Initeil Stales. John C. Brown and Georgiana Vosl were mar- ried in Shelby County March 20. L869. Tin- lady 530 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. is u daughter of George and Catherine (Harbaugh) Yost. Her father died in Nauvoo, 111. Mrs. Brown was born in Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, May 2<>, 1845, and is the mother of live children: Ed- win ().; Serepta, the wife of W. E. Coffman; Eliza- beth, John ('., Jr., and Grover C. It is unnecessary to name the polities of Mr. Brown to one who knows the name of his youngest son. lie is a man who is active in all public matters, especially in political movements, and has tilled a number of offlees of responsibility. lie was elected Supervisor of Ridge Township in the spring of 1890 Cora term of two years. For ten years he has filled the office of Township Clerk and for twelve years has been School Director, serving as Clerk of the hoard during all that time, lie is prominently identified with the Farmers" .Mutual Benefit Association and has been Secretary for three terms of Pleas- ant Valley Lodge, No. 1735. lie has done ef- ficient service as Road Overseer for two terms. In all of these positions Air. Brown has reflected credit upon himself and been active in promoting the welfare of the community. >, ART. EDWARD B. CUTLER, who was a valiant officer in the Union Arm}' during <-S the late war. has since attained a Leading place among the most progressive and enlightened farmers and stock-raisers of this county and the land that he purchased in IVnn Township when he came here nearly twenty years ago has lieen developed by him into one of the choicest farms in this part of the State in point of cultivation and improvement. Captain Cutler was born in the town of .lav. Essex County. N. V.. July II. 1822. His father. Thomas Cutler, was also a native of that county, of which his father, John Cutler, was an early settler. The latter was lioru in New England and «.-i- a descendant of early English ancestry thai hail settled in that part of the county in Col- onial times. After his removal to Essex County, N. .1.. he bought a tract of t imlierlaiid in .lay anil at once commenced to clear it and prepare it for cultivation. He was drowned while attempting to cross the An Sable River in 1830. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The father of our subject grew to man's estate in his native county and was there married to .lane Steele, a native of Moore's Hill, X. II. In \H2H the parents of our subject removed to the wilds of St. Lawrence County, X. Y., and settled in the town of Willney, two miles south of Hoovel- ton, where the father boughl timbered land, upon which he erected a log house for a dwelling. At that time that county was hut thinly inhabited and hears were frequently seen by the settlers, while deer and other game was plentiful and helped to vary the meager fare of the people, who had to live on their farm products. The women clothed their children in homespun that was the result of their own handiwork. Mi-. Cutler cleared quite a tract of his land and resided on it until the fall of 1839, when he became the pioneer of another State. Accompanied by his family he started with a team for Watertown. whence he went by boat to Rochester, from there by canal to Buffalo, thence on Lake Erie to Cleve- land, from there to Portsmouth, Ohio, where he embarked on a steamer on the Ohio River and was conveyed to his linal destination at Lawrenceburg. lie farmed there two years and then proceeded on a flat-boat down the Ohio to Louisville and from there to Troy. Ind., where he bought a tract of heavily wooded land eight miles from the ( )hio River. The surrounding country Was still in a wild con- dition, as there were not then many settlements there, and deer, wild turkeys and other kinds of game roamed at will where are now smiling farms and evidences of thrift and plenty on every hand. The father built a home, hut his life was not Spared long after he took possession of it. as his career was cut short by his untimely death in 1842. His wife also died on that farm in Perry County. She Was the mother of these five chil- dren: .lames M., Catherine. Abigail, Thomas and Edward. Edward and Abigail arc the only sur- vivors of the family. Edward Cutler was seventeen years old when his parents removed to Indiana. He assisted his father in clearing his land until the hitter's death PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 53 1 and then he and liis brother Thomas continued the improvements begun by their father and thej fanned in partnership until Edward's m'arriage, .■mil then his brother went into the mercantile bus- iness, while our subjeel engaged in agriculture and boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, be- ginning in the latter business in 1842. He would build a Bat-boat, load il with farm produce or coal, take it to New Orleans and then sell boal and cargo and return home by steamer. He thus made eighty-four trips to the Crescent City. The breaking ou1 of the Rebellion found our subject busy in the management of his interests and as soon as he could arrange his affairs he vol- unteered tn help light his country's battles, enlist- ing October 20, L861, in Company E, Forty-ninth Indiana Infantry. He was mustered in as Captain of his company al (amp Joe Holt November 21, and in the trying years that followed he showed himself to be possessed of good soldierly metal and his military record is one of which he and his may well he proud. He took part in the battle at Cumberland Gap ami when he and his brave men started with others in pursuit of (Jen. Bragg's forces their knapsacks were empty as they had run out of provisions, and they had to forage for a living. They used their bayonets to punch holes in their canteens that they might use them as graters to reduce the dry corn to meal and in var- ious other ways did they show their fertility of resource in any emergency. From Kentucky the Captain accompanied his regiment to West Vir- ginia, where it was stationed three months and then was dispatched on transports down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to .Memphis. From there the Forty-ninth Indiana was sent to Vicksburg to help carry on the siege of thai city and it also took an active part in the battles of Gibson, Thompson's Hill. Big Black River, Chickasaw Bayou and Arkansas Post. At Vicksburg our subjeel led a successful charge on the works on the 22i\ of May. After that he Weill to Grand Gulf with his command and did some hard fighting at Thompson's Hill, which re- sulted in the enemy being driven hack, lie next assisted in the reduction of Jackson, Miss., and went from there to Vicksburg, afterward facing the relielsin two hotly contested battles at Edward's Station and Champion Hill. We next hear of his services at the battle of Big Black River and after the surrender of Vicksburg he accompanied his regiment to New Orleans, going thence to Matagorda Bay. Tex., and returning to New Orleans, he then went on the Red River Expedi- tion and did some hard fighting at Shrevesport. After that the Captain and his men fought the rebels at Kane Creek, whence they returned to Shrevesport. where they laid a dam to let the gunboats pass the falls. From there ('apt. Cutler marched with his command to Morganza Bend and thence to Lexington, Ivy. He was appointed to provost duty in that city and was thus engaged until his resignation from the army July i, 1863. After his honorable career as an officer in the Union service Capt. Culler returned to his old home from the seat of war, bearing with him a high reputation for coolness anil courage in the heat of battle and for fidelity in the performance of his duty, lie quietly resumed farming on the old homestead in Indiana and dwelt there until he took up his residence in this county in 1X72. He then bought the farm in Penn Township, which he still occupies and which at the time of purchase was merely a tract of wild prairie, lie has trans- formed it into one of the most valuable farms in the township, ranking with the best in the county, as regards its many line improvements, its high state of tillage and its productiveness. He has erected upon it a line set of buildings, commodious and roomy and neat in their appointments. In the management of his farm the Captain has shown himself to be an expert farmer, of progres- sive views, with a good understanding of the best modern methods of carrying on agriculture, and on every hand are evidences of his successful pro- secution of that calling, which Horace Greely denominated "the noblest of professions." Capt. Cutler's marriage with Miss Mary Hyde was solemnized in I860. She was a native of Perry County, lnd.. and a daughter of William and Nancy Hyde. As daughter, wife, mother and friend she filled in a perfect measure those sacred relationships, and in her the Baptist Church had an exemplary Christian member. Her death in Feb- :>:v> PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ruary, 1891, was a sad bereavement not only to those of her own household, but to Others to whom she had endeared herself. Our subject has four children to solace his declining years. They are Grant, Florence, Heber and Verton. The Captain is an intelligent thinker and ob- server, is fond of reading, having an excellent literary taste, and keeps himself well informed on all topics of general and public interest, lie has decided opinions of his own; especially is this true in regard to politics, and we find him firmly aiiayed on the side of the Republican party, vot- ing as he fought for what he considers to In- the best interests of the country. Religiously he is of the Methodist Episcopal faith; socially he is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of John Clement Post, No. 363, G. A. R. The worth of his loyal citizenship is appreciated by his fellow- townsmen, who have entrusted responsible offices to his care, and at one time he represented Penn Township as a member of the County Hoard of Supervisors. ^> passing away his residence in Richland Town- ship.when over seventy-one years of age. The name at the head of this sketch is that of one of a family of seven children, he being the fifth, his birthplace was in Westmoreland Countj . England, and his natal day was February 2(1. L828. lie came to America with his father in 1*42. ami in .June 1845, he located in Shelby County, lie spent most of his young manhood with his father until his marriage, which occurred in Shelbyville Township, November 26, 1851. His bride was a Miss Nancy M. Douthit. a native of Tennessee, who was there born November 2;"), 1829. She was only about one year old when her parents came to Shelby County. Mr. and Mrs. Stewardson are the parents of seven living children whose names are: Mary. Sarah. Jane. Elizabeth (deceased), William N., John I).. Anna M. and Ella. Mary is the wife of And- rew C. Ensminger. Sarah Isabelle is the wife of Thomas M. Robinson. Elizabeth died when aboul twenty-three years of age. The parents of Mrs. Stewardson were John and Margaret (Elliott) Douthit. They died in Shelbyville Township. For a few months after the marriage of our sub- ject, the young couple lived in Shelbyville Town- ELLIAM STEWARDSON, Sk. The owner ship and then settled on the farm where he has 4«h of one of the best farms in Richland Township, located on section 19, is he whose name is at the head of this sketch. lie belongs to a good old English family, and inherits from them a stubborn obstinacy that will not acknowledge defeat but will build on the ruins of disappointment and loss the foundation of new hopes and new fortunes. Our subject's father was William Stewardson who was born in Westmore- land County. England. His mother was Mary (Nicholson) Stewardson, who was a native of the Same country as her husband. The good lady died in her native land aboul 1838, her husband afterward married and came to America aliout 1X12. settling in Stark County, Ohio, where he lived for two years and from there removed to Indiana, locating in Pulaski County. Altera stay of one year there he removed to Shelby County, this state, settling in Shelby ville Township. There ever since lived. He has always been engaged in the agricultural business, and has line improve- ments upon his place. He was formerly the owner of a large tract of several thousand acres. lie laid out the town of Stewardson about 1876 and it was named in his honor. During bis days of larger prosperity he made a gift of twenty acres to the town, as the nucleus of the site upon which it is now located. Although Mr. Stewardson has been fairly active in politics and is an ardent supporter of his party which is that of Democracy, he has never been an Office-seeker. Home has ever been parairiountly dear to him. as is evident in the line condition in which every particular in which this place is kept. The house, which is comfortable and commodious, is pleasantly located so that it commands a charm- ing prospect of the Surrounding country. Nestled among line trees, it is shaded in summer, and pro- hi- spent his last days with his son, our subject, teeted from the blasts of winter. At onetime he PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 533 of whom we write was the owner of thousands of head of sheep and was a very wealthy man. Re- verses, however, have come to him as to many, but he does not l< ise courage nor hi.-, hope in the future. The house of William Stewardson is known as Belle View owing to its beautiful sur- roundings. UDGE JOSEPH BAKER Many of the rep- resentative men of Moultrie County make their home in Sullivan and among them there is probably no one who is more thor- oughly known or has a more general acquaintance through the county than the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch. He is one of the pioneers of this region' and for many years was a general farmer, stock-breeder and a buyer and seller of Live stock. During the war he served the county as Associate Judge and has always been prominent in public affairs. He owns more than seven hundred acres lying within the limits of the city and his handsome home is located in the Northeastern part of the corporation. His farm of four hundred and seven acres adjoins the city and it is all either under the plow or in use as pasture land, being well stocked with the best grades of animals and being considered one of the hot farms in the county. His other line farm of two hundred and ninety-one and one-half acre-, in another part of Sullivan Township i> entirely in pasture, and is well watered by the Okaw River. Mr. Baker has lived near the city of Sullivan since 1848 and began work here as a laborer for Dr. William Kellar in order to pay a bill which he owed the doctor for professional services, lie was then a poor man and has gained his bandsome property by his own efforts and enterprise. He was bom ( (ctober 29, 1828, at the old Bland Home- stead, on Sand Creek. Shelby County. His father. John A. Baker, a native of North Carolina, was a son of Joseph Baker who came to Kentucky while his son John A. was still a boy and settled in Allen Coun- ty near Paducah and after some years (about 1826) the family removed to Shelbj ( ountv. 111., coming overland with teams and camping out along the way, being accompanied by the families of Mr. Wigger and Mr. Ledbetter. The first location of this party was on Sand Creek, and the Baker family finally settled upon the Bland Homestead and began life as pioneers, and there where they first settled near Windsor, the wife of Joseph Baker died after she had spent a long and useful life. Her husband survived for a few years and died at the age of seventy-six. He had served in the Black Hawk War and enjoyed recounting his experience on the Held of battle. They were members of the Christian Church and friend? of Dr. Campbell ami Mr. Stone. Joseph Baker was a Democrat in his political views and at an early date he was made Justice of the Peace in Shelby County. John A. Baker, the father of our subject, was reared in Kentucky and there married Elizabeth Dillon who was born in the South and came of Irish stock. To them were born two children — Francis II. and Sarah F.. who had their nativity in the Southern part of Illinois, before John and his wife came to Shelby County, and after coming here other children were added to their number. John Baker began a> a i r man and turned the virgin prairie into a productive farm. He and his faithful wife were members of the Christian Church and. universally beloved for their Christian faith and devotion. They died in old age, at Four Mile Grove. Of their eleven children seven are still living. Our subject had not yet reached his majority when he came to this county, and here he was Brst married to Mary .1. Brown who was born in Ken- tucky but reared here. She died while they were sojourning in Texas, leaving two children. John II. whose biography appears on another page of the Rkcokd and William A. now deceased. Mr. Baker married for his second wife Mrs: Nancy Kearney nee Duncan, a native of Indiana and the widow of Dr. Kearney by whom she had three sons — William A., Thomas II. and Amos T. By Mr. Baker she had two daughters — Sarah F. and Eliza- beth A., the former being now Mrs. A. F. I). Scott of Fresno. Cal., and the latter. Mrs. David F. Dix, living in the same place. Mrs. Nancy Baker, the 53 I PORTRAIT AND BIOOKAPIIH'AL RECORD. mother of these children died in Moultrie County in isi>l. being then in the prime of life. Thethird marriage of Judge Baker united him with Miss Mary ( '. .Miller who was born in Ohio and came to Illinois with her parents, Henry and Harriet Miller, who ure both now deceased. They had given to their daughter a superior education and her nat- ural abilities supplememented by the excellent training which she received have fitted her to shine in the social circles of Sullivan and have given her a broad influence with all who know her. She is the mother of four children, namely: Lucy May. a teacher in the public schools: Delia, a mil- liner: Rosa, a teacher and Zion P., all of whom arc at home with their parents. r r^\ OBERT N. STEWARDS! >N. However coin- Vs\ posite our nation may be, the fact that we I \ are an English speaking people, will ever \£) remind us that England is our mother country and that aside from the consanguinity that naturally binds us to England and English people, we as a nation, owe more than perhaps we arc willing to confess, to English laws and gov- ernment for the form of our own Government, free and independent as it is. The sterling qualities invariably found in the agricultural classes of Eng- lish people, meet a ready recognition in this country. Our subject is b\ parentage English, although lie is a native of this country. His father was tin' late Robert Stewardson. who was horn in Westmoreland County, England, and his mother was Mi>s Elizabeth I.. Douthit. The parents of Elizabeth Douthit Stewardson, were John and Margaret (Elliott) Douthit. who died in Shelby- ville Township. They were the parents of two sons and Ave daughters, and of these Mrs. Eliza- beth L. Stewardson was the sixth child in order of birth, and was born m Tennessee, July 20, 1825. she was married to Robert Stewardson in Shelby- ville Town-hip. December 5, 1848. Robert Stewardson, Sr., died in Richland Town- ship, this county, September 11. 1858. He was the father of three children, namely: William, Robert N. and Mary E. Two children died in infancy. The old gentleman took an active part in local affairs, lie served as Deputy Sheriff of Shelby County for two years. In his religious connec- tions he was a member of the Church of England. Our subject, Robert N. is the second son born to parents. He first saw the light of day in Richland Township, Shelby Counts. July 26, 1855. Young Robert was reared to manhood on his father's farm in Richland Township, and there lie early learned the work incident to a farmer's life. He was educated in the common schools of the district, and there his native quickness and per- ception enabled him to gain a good and practical knowledge of books and an insight into the sciences, that has been of great service to him in his career. He has always followed the calling of farming, although in July. 1885, he erected build- ings for tile work. These he lias built upon his farm and here lie manufactures quite extensively ill connection with his farm. lie also owns and operates a sawmill. The original of our sketch has in his farm, one hundred and fifteen acres of land and upon this tract, which is delightfully located, valuable im- provements have been placed, lie was married in Richland Township, April 8, 1 S 7 ."> . his bride being Miss Susan J. Hawk, and by her he has had t w o children whose names are respectively, Walter ( '. and Myrtie. Myrtle died when two years old. Mrs. Susan J. Stewardson bade a last anil long farewell to her husband ill Richland Township, Aprils. L882. The sense of pain iii thus being left by one to whom he was united by the nearest and dearest t ie.> was i n tin i to and keen. Alter some years he married a daughter of Fred and Man Kircher. She was born in Shelby County, January 3, 1858. One child, a daughter, whose name is Kay, is the fruit of this marriage. Politic- ally our subject has joined hi> influence with the progressive young party whose mosl intimate mis- sion is the purifying of society. He is a member of the Prohibition party. Mrs. Stewardson is united with the Lutheran Church, in which she is a good PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 535 and efficient worker. Our subject is an energetic anil progressive business man to whose activity and ambition the people of Richland Township owe much. i+++-}v "•5-5-5-H .^IIAlil.ES Kl'I-IN. Shelby County is one I of the most productive sections of the Prai- /^^/ rie State, a State world-renowned for its rich soil and quick response to the efforts of the agriculturist. The old saying has been quoted often in regard to it that if you will -tickle it with a hoe it will laugh with a harvest." Those who came to this region from the stony and stumpy fields of the mountainous regions of the East, con- gratulated themselves upon finding how much greater reward thc\ secured for their toil than they did in the regions where SO much preparatory effort had to be made in clearing the land from obstruc- tions. When it became known that the state of Illinois wa> so prolific and >o easily cultivated. thousands flocked hen' who have since had abund- ant reason to rejoice at their choice of a new home. It soon became a favorite with emigrants from foreign land- and many thousands came here from the German 's Fatherland. Among such the trav- eler linds in Oconee Township the gentleman whose name appear- at the bead of this paragraph. ( Mir subject was horn in Wurtemberg, Germany, July 28, 1850. His mother. Christina Kiihn. died in Germany, but his father, .Michael Kuhn. came to this country and after his emigration took to him- self another wife. His death occurred in Pana, 111. Charles came to America in 1854, with his elder lirothers and sisters, the family consisting of five sons and one daughter. Of these Matt was the eld- est and resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he is en- gaged as a private watchman in a manufacturing establishment and has also a tine war record as a member of the Twenty-ninth Ohio Infantry during the war. Jacob enlisted in the Fifteenth Missouri Infantry, and being captured by the Confederate forces, passed through the unspeakable horrors of captivity and died in Andersonville prison. The only sister. Rasa, married Joseph B.Hubbard and lives in Cincinnati. Ohio. The next three in age are: John, who resides at Pana. 111.; our subject, and Robert, who was killed by a sad accident at the coal shaft at Pana. leaving a widow with three children. There was one half-sister. Minnie, who married Mr. Fred Seipel and died in Pana. The congenial life companion of our subject was born in France in 1848 and came with her parents to America in childhood. She bore the maiden name of Dora Struphart, but was a widow when she married .Mr. Kuhn in 1879. The six children who bless this happy home are: Emma, eleven years old: Michael, aged ten; Henry, nine; Dora, seven: Joseph, four; and Louie, a lovely babe of one year. Mr. Kuhn located on the farm where he now re- sides in 1879, bul alter some time removed to Montgomery County, where he remained for four years, but did not find this new home satisfactory and returned to the farm on which he had first started, purchasing the land which he had previ- ously rented, lie has one hundred and twenty acres of prairie land adjoining the timber and has a nice orchard, plenty of water and a farm that is in every way desirable. He i> a member of the Oconee (amp. No. 1312, M. W. of A., and is iden- tified with the Farmers' Protective Association and the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. The Re- publican party is the political organization with which he linds himself heartily in sympathy and he has voted with it ever since he had the privilege of the ballot, lie is a member of the German Luth- eran Church, and his wife i> connected with the Roman Catholic Church, lie is a public-spirited and enterprising man, always helpful in forward- ing progressive movements, and liberal in his atti- tude toward church and benevolent enterprises. .^ >> |J I > T > - AMF.s A. DUNCAN. Whether our subject can trace a lineal descent from Duncan. King of Scotland, whom Ilolinshcd has chronicled and Shakespeare has made fam- ous in the wonderful tragedy; Macbeth, the writer knows not, but it is a good name, and one which 536 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. lie who bears it, may be proud of. Doubtless of (Scotch descent, our subject's father was born in Delaware County, l'a.. in 1788. His mother who in her maidenhood was Mary E. McKeever, was a native of Virginia. After marriage, they lir.-i settled in Belmont County, Ohio, and then eauie to Shelby County, this stale, locating in Richland Township in 1838, where both parents passed away. The mother died April 30, 1 H(52. The father survived her two years, his decease tak- ing place April 10, 1864. Mrs. Duncan, our subject's mother, was of Irish ancestry. • lames Duncan. Sr. was the father of six children which included four sous and two daughters. Our subject was the eldest of this little brood and was horn in Belmont County, Ohio. August 27. 1834. The original of this sketch was hut four years old when his parents removed to Shelby County, and here he grew to manhood in Richland Township, where he has always made his home, so that he has a pretty accurate idea of what pioneer life is. al- though the country was not such a wilderness in hi> boyhood as it was on the coining hither of some of the older settlers. When he became old enough to enjoy society, the district in which he lived was well settled, and boasted some of the best people in the State. In 1859 .Mr. Duncan was married in Ash Grove Township to Miss Nancy .1. Kvans. who was a nat- ive "I' Shelby County. She was the mother of three children whose names are John. Robert and Caledonia. John married Miss Lillie Wilhite and made a home of his own. Caledonia is the wife of ( liarles Rllbel. Mrs. Nancy .1. Duncan died ill Richland Township. August 25, 1M<>7. Two years later. January 27. 1869, he was married to Mrs. Hannah Stevens, she was the widow of Lowrey Sle\ en- ami a daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Jones. and was burn in Butler County, Ohio, August 21. 1836. By this marriage, oursubject is the father iif line child whn-c name is, lamest). The original of our sketch lias always followed the pursuil of agriculture, lie settled mi the farm where he uuu lives in the spring of 1857. Dur- ing the last yeai'S Of the war, he responded to the call for volunteers and enlisted in September 1864, in ( pany B, of the Twelfth Illinois Regiment, and served for somewhat over three months. lie of whom we write takes a fairly active part in political matters. He is a follower of the Reform party, his political theories being all that the name <>f his party implies. The esteem and confidence reposed in him by his fellow citizens is evidenced by the fact that he has been elected to many im- portant local offices. He has been Highway Com- missioner and School Director for a number of years and each of these positions has been filled In satisfaction of his constituents, lie shows his loy- alitv to his calling by allying himself to the Farm- ers' Mutual Benefit Association, lie with his wife, has ever taken an active part in religious affairs. Tiny are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in which they are ardent workers. lie has been Steward of hi> church for several years and alsu has held the position of Trustee. Mr. Duncan is the owner of an excellent farm comprising two hundred and eighty acres of land. upon which have been placed the best of improve- ments. The latest and most improved farm imple- ments are in use upon his farm, to further his efforts in making the place a model of agricultural neatness and productiveness, and this he hasfahU accomplished, the place being worthy of attention to all who lake a pleasure in advanced ideas regard- ing agriculture which is conducted in a scientific way. There are good buildings upon the place, his residence being a home in every sense of the word, architecturally attractive and practically comfortable. His barns and outhouses are neat and of good size. ()IIN R. HENDRICKS. The well-known and prominent family, of which our subject is the representative, is sketched at length upon various pages of this volume, but we have more to say in regard to them and especially in regard to this branch. Our subject resides on section 21. Ridge Township. Shelby County, and he has belonged in the county since 1831. He was born near Indianapolis. Ind.. December 2.'i. 1 K2*. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 537 and is a son of George and Nancy (Brown) 1 1 «-i i - dricks, being the third child in a family of five wti\ teachers and pupils of this decade. Such earnestness gave to the minds of the young an impression of the value of an education and the effort necessary to attain it which proved a desir- able stimulant. The marriage of .Mr. Hendricks with Isabelle Johnson took place in L851, and opened up a life of mutual happiness and harmony, yet it was short in duration. This lady, who was born in Kentucky, was a daughter of John Johnson and came with her parents to this county, and died in 1862 leaving four children, one of whom died in early childhood ; the next. Olivia, married John Killam. and died leaving two children; George died in Shelby County and William resides in Okaw Township. In 1868, Mr. Hendricks was a second time united in marriage, tiiis time with Elizabeth Royce, a daughter of John and Nancy (Miller) Royce. who was born in Kentucky. Her parents were among the early pioneers of Shelby County and were rep- resentative farmers, whose memory is cherished by all who knew them, liy this union one child was horn who has passed to the other world. The pursuit of agriculture has ever been the fav- orite calling of our subject, lie has felt that in the life of a farmer there was a large compensation for whatever deprivations are incident to the seclusion of country existence. To lie out of the reach of tlie hustle and activities of the world and many of the opportunities for culture and education are to liim abundantly made up by the peaceful repose and freedom from temptation which he is able to afford his family, lie now owns two hundred and sixty acres of as tine land as is to be found in Ridge and Okaw Townships, and upon which he has placed substantial improvements, and where he has paid particular attention to raising cattle and mules. Both he and his good wife are earnest and active members of the Christian Church. The political views with which Mr. Hendricks finds himself in sympathy are those which are ex- pressed in the declarations and platform of the Democratic party and he longs to have the good old days of Democratic simplicity return again. He believes that the principles which were an- nounced by Jefferson and which were in vogue under the Jackson ian Administration are the ones which are best fitted for securing the prosperity of our country. — J- !M£-<; (Qy- . MEDEE DOM AS. A native of Fiance, our subject now resides on section 4. of Rural Township. Shelby County. His residence in the county dates from 1861. He was born in Burgundy, France. .March 24. 1815. He has one brother and one sister, each of whom has been to the United States to pay their brother a visit. Doubtless thev find the Americans too busy to attract them here permanently forsiirely the country itself is not more "triste" than theirown laughing France. The stoiy of our subject is one of effort, perseverance and ambition. Restricted in early advantages he was determined to receive an education, and attended such schools as tin' portion of the country in which he lived afforded, frequently walking from four to six miles in order to recite the lesson- that he had prepared to a master. Hut success attended his efforts, and he finally became cashier in a bank in France. In 1837, Mr. Domas set sail for the United States and after fifty-seven days -pent on the ocean and gulf, he landed at New Orleans, glad to find there many countrymen who could speak his native tongue. When he reached the United States he had nothing but a ten-cent piece and was compelled to sleep two nights among bales of cotton. Then- he was 538 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. engaged in clerking in a stent- which position he continued to occupy for a year; but as the city air did not agree with him, he removed tothecountry and taught school; that is, he gave instruction in French, for two year-,. He was then engaged in Carey's Academy, near Cincinnati, where lie taught French. Among his students were two grand- sons of William Henry Harrison. While thus en- gaged, our subject was pursuing the stinh of the Eiiglisb language, and during his two years stay here, he acquired a fluent use of his adopted tongue. Mr. Domas then returned to Louisiana, and was engaged in teaching both the French and English languages, for a few years. He then dropped the business of a pedagogue, and engaged in commer- cial life, dealing in general merchandise. He was also a speculative dealer in real estate, etc. In 1861 he came to Illinois, and purchased his present farm, or rather, bough.1 it on contract. The land was but little improved and had no buildings. He now has fair improvements ami is the owner of two hundred sixteen acres of land. He followed general Stock raisin" for some years, but now gives his attention wholly to the raising of sheep. Our subject was married in 1848 in Assumption Parish, Louisiana, to Virginia Ilaydel. The lad\ was a native of the State in which .she was married. as wen' also her parents. The Ilaydel family being one of the oldest and wealthiest families of that Male. Before the late war .Airs. Domas' grand- mother was reputed to lie worth more than a million dollars. Init like so many other Southerners, the fall of the Confederacy was the death Mow to her financial position. Our subject and his amiable wife have been the parents of eleven children, only live of whom are still surviving. Four of their children were victims of that dread disease, diphtheria, and were taken away in one month,the living children are. Em- ily, Damas, Alda, Dumas l>. and Dclmas. Emily is the wife of Ernest Cancini. Dainas resides in New Mexico, where he is a pr< neut man. Alda is the wife of Eugene Durand. Politically our Subject is a Democrat. While in Louisiana he was Postmaster and held the positions of Nbtarj and Justice of the Peace for over twenty years. .Mr. D as was reared a Catholic and -till adheres to that faith. While in Louisiana he was very successful in business, but when the Civil War broke out. he lost a sum amounting to $50,00.0. He ha- now. however, toa ureal degree, retrieved these losses and to-day is in a good financial position. T^IIOMAS N. ROBISON is the proprietor of a drug house which was established March 14, 1*77. and since that lime he has carried nil a very successful business. He was born in Shelby County, November 30, 1846, and is a -mi of Edwin A. and Elizabeth (Dixon) Robison, who settled on Sand (reek near Windsor, in 1832, at which date there were only four families in the vicinity. The parent- of our subject were natives of North Carolina and in early life removed to Tennessee, where they married and soon after started for Illinois to seek a home in the then wild West. David Robison, grandfather of our subject, ac- companied his son hither and entered some Gov- ernment land in Shelby County, on which he re- sided until his death occurred. The father of our subject settled on a farm and there passed his life. becoming the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of well-improved land. He died in 1**1 at the advanced age of -evenly-live years. Our sub- ject's mother passed to the unknown land in 1870, at the age of sixty years, she was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They were the parents of ni lie children, all of whom lived to be grown. Their names are David, Ellen, William A.. Samuel, James, Sarah, Thomas X.. Harriet, and Fred- onia. David died in Shelb\ County, unmarried. Ellen married .1. C. Stephenson and resides in Da- kota. William A. resides in Shelby County. Samuel ua- a member of Company K, One Hundred Twenty- six Illinois Infantry; he died at Memphis, Tenn., while in service. James resides in Clark County. Kan. Sarah, who is now .Mrs. Carter, lives in Bay City. Mich. Harriet is the wife of Mi . I lart-cl and lives in Shelby County. Fredonia married Jeff Bandy and resides in Edgar County, 111. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 539 Our subject was reared on the homestead and received liis early education in the district schools in the vicinity, finishing .-it the state Normal Uni- versity at Normal. After graduation lie taught school for five years in Shelbj County, and in 1S77 established his present business, having be- come well-known during that time as an efficient compounder of medicines. His marriage took place October 17. 1883. His wife's maiden name was Bella Stewai'dson, a daughter of William Stewardson. she was bora in Shelby County, March 7. 1855. Mr.Robison and his amiable and lovely wife have one daughter whose name isLora, who is at once the pride anil care of her fond par- ents. Mr.Robison affiliates with the Democratic element of the township, favoring the broad plat- form of that party and its free-trade principles: lie has held several local offices under his party, having been both Township Collector and Town- ship Clerk. He is one of the organizers of the Stewardson Homestead Loan Association, which was organized in 1883. Since l*i"C> he has been the Secretary of this Association and discharges his duties satisfactorily to all interested therein, lie. with his family, is a member of the .Methodist Episcopal Church. •^ H m AMES C. NOON, a resident of Pickaway Township, has won an honorable place among the intelligent agriculturists of this county during the quarter of a century or more that lie has been identified with them. He has filled offices of trust, and in various ways has shown himself to be a desirable citizen. lie was bora in Derbyshire, England, June 8, I840,a -mi of Jeremiah Noon, who was horn in the same place as himself. So also was the father of the lat- ter. George Noon, so far as known, and there it is thought spent his entire life as a farmer. The father of our subject was tin- only member of his father's family that ever came to America, lie passed his early life in his native shire, and was there married to Amy Burroughs, a native of that part of England, and a daughter ol Joseph Bur- roughs. She died in this county iii 1883, al a venerable age. She was the mother of seven chil- dren that grew to maturity. At the age of eigh- teen years Mr. Noon entered the English arui\ as a member of the Second Regiment of Life Guards, and was one of the famous body guards of Queen Victoria at the time of her coronation. Ileserved seven years, and was then honorably discharged, and in 1844 came with his family to the United states. They set sail from Liverpool on the ves- sel •■ Rockaway," and twenty-five days later landed at New York. They went direct to Wisconsin, and were among the pioneer settlers of Waukesha ( ounty. After his arrival m that county the father of our subjeel bought eighty acres of land known as oak-openings, and he and his wife and children began life in their new home in a loghouse, which he afterwards replaced with a mole commodious frame residence. He was busily engaged in his farming interests when the Rebellion broke out. Some of the old spirit that had made him a g I soldier in her Majesty's service when he lived in old England awoke within him. and the patriotic love that he liore his adopted country caused him to enlist in 1862 in defense of the Union, and he became a member of the Twenty-eighth Wisconsin Infantry. His experience in the English army gave value to his services, and he was mustered in as first Lieutenant of Company F. and in 1863 won deserved promotion to the captaincy of his com- pany, which hecommanded until his death August 20, of the same year, while at home on a furlough, and thus passed away a hero win. gave up hi- life for the Government under which he had i le to live nearly two decades before. lie of whom this brief life-record is written was but a boy of four years when hi- parents brought him to the United States, so he has lint little re- collection of any other home. He commenced when very young to assist hi- father on the farm. and whenever opportunity offered attended -el !. The first one that he went to was taught in a log hou-e. the furniture being of the most primitive kind, the benches being made of split logs. Me remained with his parent- until 1861, when he paid hi- first visit to Shell e, County. He worked on a 540 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. farm here nin ; year, and then returning to Wis- consin, took charge of the home farm, which was under his management until I860. In that year he came back to Shelby County, having been favorably impressed with the opportunities it afforded in the richness of its soil, genial climate, etc., to young men of energy and capability to conduct farming profitably, and here he has given his time to agricultural pursuits ever since. In 1862 it was Mr. Noon'sg 1 fortune to secure a true helpmate by his marriage with Miss Hannah Fear, a native of Somersetshire, England, and a daughter of William and Hannah (Fowler) Fear. who were also of English birth, and were pioneers of Waukesha County, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Noon have six children living, namely: Edith. Ethel, Hulda, Lotta. Amy and Ruth. Jeremiah, their second child and only son. died when four year.- old. A man whose habits and character arc above reproach, who lias an evenly balanced mind and is well posted on current topics. Mr. Noon 's fellow- citizens have shown their appreciation of these traits by calling him to responsible public position-, and thus at one time he represented Pickaway Township on theCounty Board of Supervisor.-, and guarded its interests intelligently while an in- cumbent of that important office. 4^ IIIMSTIAX FREDERICK RINCKER, A quarter of a century of honest, industrious. s upright living in any community is woi' thy of record from the -tan d point of the biographer who takes a broad view of his theme. It is also some- what remarkable in Illinois to find a record of this kind a- it i> SO young a Stale in comparison with the older part of our country, a- to have compar- itively few of such experiences. The effect upon a community of a residence of this length i- potent for g 1 or evil and has a cumulative lour. This force in the case of our subjed ha- been for g I. Mr. Rincker is a prosperous farmer residing on section 22, Prairie Township, and he has been in the county since 1865. He was born in Chicago, 111.. November is. 1854, being a son of the Rev. Henry W. and Anna M. (Gans) Rincker, both of whom were natives of Germany, the father being born in Nassau, and the mother in Byron. They came to the United States about 1*4(5 and were mat tied in Cook County, this State and about the year 1859 the\ removed to Terre Haute, Ind.. whence they came to Illinois again and settled upon section 2.'i. Prairie Township, where the fa- ther purchased some six hundred acres of land which was at that time entirely unbroken - Henry W. Rincker was twice married, the lir-t time in Germany, and by this union there were two children born who grew to maturity, namely: Amelia, who married Fred Fathauer and died in Cook County, and Theopholis died in February, 1891. The parents of our subject had eight chil- dren, four of whom grew to lie men and women. They were, our subject; Odelia. who married John Hemmann; Martin and Theodolinda, now the wife of Theodore Kircher. The father of this household died in November, I 889, and the mother i- still sur- viving. The father of our subject was a bell-maker by trade and followed this Calling both in the old country and in Chicago. He also carried it on af- ter coming to Shelby County. He was an expert in this line art. and was called to st. Louis, Mo., to make over bells, a work which required great care and to which he brought an unfailing enthusiasm, a practical knowledge of the trade and a quick ear to detect false tone- in the musical quality of the instrument. He made the bell at Strasburgh and the church hell at Sigel, both of which are -till musically speaking the praise of their maker. He also cast the famous bell which was upon the Chi- cago court-house al the time of the lire, and he will long be remembered as its maker. He loved his tiade devotedly and always regretted that none of his children joined him in its pursuit. Hi- hell foundry in this county was located at Sigel. The harmony of the life of this good man was akin to that between two bells pitched upon har- monious tone- as In carried on two line- of thought and work, one being in the making of musical bells and the other in developing the harmony of Christ- ian life among the people with whom he lived. PORTRAIT AND BIO 1RAPHICAL RECORD. 541 He was a minister in the Lutheran Church and preached at Terre Haute and also established the first congregation in Prairie Township. Tlif subject of this sketch was reared upon the farm and attended the districl school. He has been twice married, his first -union being in 1*77 with Miss Louise Luker who died in 1*7*. leaving one child who had been named Henry in honor of his grandfather. In 1*81 Mr. Rincker was married to Ida Dietrich who was born in Illinois August 6, 1864. She became the mother of five children, namely: Matilda. Martin. Frederick, Ida and Paul. Mr. Rincker owns nearly four hundred acres of land upon which he has erected line buildings and has made many improvements, as when he became its owner it was nearly all virgin prairie. The po- litical preferences of our subject are for the Dem- ocratic party, and his intelligence and thorough understanding of educational matters have placed him upon the School Board. The Lutheran Church in which he was brought up leeches his warm en- dorsement and support ami he is one of its most earnest and active members. OOs^JS-r' ■ : - ZSO~ J [(C% AMlKL p - LILLY. It is a grateful task to %i# tin' biographer to record the life of a man \Vbf-JP wnose efforts have not been entirely cen- tered upon self, lint who has willingly and gladly devoted much of hi- energies and time to the g 1 1 if the ci immunity and to the upbuilding of the institutions of religion and morality. which consti- tute the true basis for the healthful life of the community. Such a career has been that of Mr. Lilly who has made his temporal prosperity second- ary in importance to the happiness of his family and the responsibilities which his church and Sun- day-school work have devolved upon him. This gentleman's parents were Josephand Mary .). (Wright) Lilly, both of whom were Kentuck- ians by birth, the former being horn in Harri- son County in 1812, and the latter being a native of Oldham County, born in lsifi. Upon coming to Illinois they settled where our subject now lives iii Last Nelson Township. Moultrie County, ami there lived until the death of the father in 1857. Subsequent to this event the mother was united in marriage with John Rose and now make- her home in Sullivan. There were but two children in the family, of whom our subject was the eldest and his sister. Nancy J., died at the ago of twelve years. Samuel 1". Lilly was born on the old homestead in East Nelson Township. December 3, 1835, and as his father lived until after this son had reached his majority he received the full benefit of that par- ent's instruction and training. Thorough drill was given him in the duties of a fanner lad and he was educated in the common schools. He inherited tl Id homestead which he still continues to make his residence and he would feel indeed lost to call any other place his home. New Year's Day of 1*110 was an epoch in the life of the young man who had chosen for himself a wife and who was now united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the residence Of the bride in Whitley Township, with Miss Nancy V. A.Hen- dricks, who was horn in the latter place, Jan- uary 28, l*lo. This young wife had heen well educated and carefully trained in domestic duties and brought to her new home qualities which made her valuable not only as a wife and mother but also a- a neighbor and a member of society. Four children came to Mess this household, viz: Joseph E.; Sally II. who was the wife of Henry Christy and who died February 23, 1**7. in Last Nelson Township; Europe I., and Yica .1.. who is the wife of John T. Edwards. This happy home was rudely broken in upon by death May 20, 1*71. when the wife and mother wa- called from her cares and responsibilities and her husband and children were left to mourn their loss. She was a member of the Christian Church where the sound- ness of her Christian faith and the beauty Of her character made her not only esteemed hut beloved. The second marriage of Mr. Lilly took place in Sullivan, December 3, 1*72. IK' was then united with Mis- Addie Mallory who was horn in VigO County, Ind., September HI. 1*17. she became the happy mother of five beautiful children. Her eldest and youngest both died while young. The name- of her offspring are Leona I>.. Ida M., .Ie-se 1'.. Bertha M. and John R. While these children 542 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. were still young they were deprived by death of a mother's love and tenderness and now a double duty fell upon the father of this little flock. To bring up his children in the nurture and admoni- tion of the Kurd, and to give them as far as lay within hi- power the attention and training which motherless children so sorely need has been his aim and endeavor. Mr. Lilly has been a member of the Christian Church since about the year 1856 and for twenty- live years he Ailed the office of Deacon and has now become an Elder in the church. His keenest and broadest interest in church work centers about the Sunday-school in which he lias been active for a long term of years. He is one of the prominent men of Moultrie County, and his public-spirited course receives the warm endorsement of his neigh- bors. He has always been a law-abiding citizen and has never had a lawsuit in his life, having made it his aim to live at peace with his fellow-men. The Office of Supervisor of East Nelson Town- ship has been placed in the hands of .Mr. Lillvand he has also held scl 1 offices. He atone time took an active part in political affairsand was formerly a Republican but now feels that all other politieial issues since sink into nothingness compared with the necessity of freeing our land from the bondage of the saloon and the distiller, and he has allied himself with the Prohibition party. He has always been engaged in fanning pursuits and in stock- raising, and upon his line estate of four hundred and thirty acres hi' has erected a suitable and com- modious scl of buildings and his home is most de- lightfully situated. Mi-. Lilly has been correspond- ent of the two county papers for a number of years. V_ J \ 1^ ENIJY A. PRATT. In the American way r 1 of carrying on farming, there is not a great ileal of room for sentiment. The practical (^y man i- he who succeeds. Our subjecl is ai the same time one of the most practical and suc- cessful fanners in Moweaqua Township, where lie own- eighty acre- located on section \Y>. lie i- the proprietor, also, of thirty acres in the adjoin- ing township. He purchased his present farm in 1870, and has since that time added greatly both to the comforts and appearance of the place by new buildings, fences, and the neat and methodi- cal way in which every department of his farm work is conducted. Our subject came hither from Morgan County, where he lived for four years. He was for about Ave years a resident of Macon County. His ad- vent into the State was made when twenty-one years old. coining hither from Vermont, where he was bom in Addison County. March 22, 1838. He comes of good New England stock. His grand- father was Abraham Pratt, a native of Vermont. The father of our subject was also a farmer, lie was first married to Mary Pratt, a Vermont lady, who died after the birth of her first child. This child was a daughter who was given the name Mary, and who is now deceased. In his -econd marriage, Abel Pratt wedded Miss Sarah Wing, in Rochester. \'t. She was a native of the Green Mountain Slate, and came also of New England stock. Her parents were descend- ants of a family in excellent standing and were long-lived people, her father passing away at the age of ninety year-, and her mother being over eighty years of age at the time of her death. They were members also of the Congregational Church. Our subject's father. Abel Pratt, died when lifly- seven years of age. in Addison County. Vt. His widow is yet living, and is now eighty-four years of age. She and her husband were co-workers in the Congregational Church. Oui subject is one of eldest of live sons and two daughter-. He and a brother, .lames Pratt, are all who are now living of the family. The early training of him of whom we write was all with reference to the life of a farmer. When about of age lie came to Illinois, -oon -titling in Morgan County, where he met and married Miss Angelina Foster. She was born in Morgan County. October 6, 1840, and is a daugh- ter of Ol'SOn anil Eliza (Sherwood) poster, who were natives of New York Slate, and who came West to better their fortunes in a new country at an early day. locating here in the late '.'hi-. They lirst settled in Morgan County, there improv- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 543 ing a small farm, upon which thej lived until the time of their death. Mi's. Pratt, the wife of < «nr subject, is one of a large family, having received her education in her native county, she is a kind neighbor and a gen- tle, Loving mother, wisely conducting the rearing of her children. Of these, four are deceased, two having passed a\\a\ in childhood, and two having attained womanhood. The Living children are Al- bert, Laura. Charles, Eva, Harry, Edson and Will- iam. Of these, Albert was married to CIo. Dean and is a farmer near Pana, where he is carrying on a farm on hi- own account; Laura at present re- sides in Colorado, a1 Wagon Wheel Gap; Charles is a farmer near Pana. The younger children have not vet left the home nest. They are well educated and intelligent, being respected members of the communities wherein thev live. Mr. and Mrs. Piatt are attendants of the Baptist Church. Mr. Pratt is a Republican of the strongest kind, ac- cepting the tenets of his party in an unqualified sense. II. MICHAEL, a wealthy and public- spirited farmer residing on section 2H. Sulli- van Township, Moultrie County, was horn RgjJ in Pickaway County. Ohio, February 2(1, L849. His father, Hamilton Michael, was horn in Ohio in 1813, and his mother. .Martha Bragg, was horn in Savannah County, Ya.. in L814. They had both removed to Ohio before their marriage, which occurred there in Ross County in 1833. After sixteen years' residence in that section thej removed to Pickaway County, which they made their home until 1868, when thev removed to Moultrie County. [11. Nine children were horn to Hamilton and Martha Michael namely: Anna E. horn in L834 now Mrs. David liver, resides in Hall County, Neb.; Mary C. born in 1836, married Mr. .1. .1. Swank in Ohio and died in this county: Andrew L. married Cynthia A. Frantz and resides at Broken Bow, Neb.; Sarah who was born in 1840, dieel un- married in her young womanh 1; John F. has been married twice and resides in Indiana: Isaiah (lied at the age of four years; George W.. married Marv Nagles, and resides in Decatur, III.; our sub- ject: Martha .lane, horn in L852 died when four- teen years old. The father of thesechildi en passed away after his removal to Illinois in the year 1879, but his venerable and honored widow Mill remains and resides with her son. our subject, by whom she i- most tenderly cherished. .1. II. .Michael came to Illinois with his parents when he was a lad of sixteen years and his educa- tion which had begun in the public schools of Ohio was continued in this state. He was married February 7. 1875, to .Miss Laura A. Hudson, daugh- ter of .1. -I. Hudson. For further particulars in re- gard to the history of this interesting and prominent family, the leader is referred to the sketch of Isaac Hudson to be found upon another page. This lovely lady. Mrs. Michael, died of consumption, March 30, 1891, Leaving no children to mourn her loss. The line farm of two hundred and fifty-five acres, which is partly prairie and partly timber land, has received from the hand of Mr. Michael excellent im- provements, and he has taken a great deal of pains with it. The crowning beauty of this farm is a delightful park and carp pond which he has spared no expense in Stting up for the pleasure of his own family anil that of the general public. Oak Park as it is called, contains comfortable seats, swings, hammocks and other pleasant accommodations tor those who would enjov outdoor life. The pond is plentifully tilled with excellent fish and has boats for the accommodation of visitors. It is a beauti- ful place and a genera] pleasure resort for the peo- ple for miles around. The trees are mostly of hardwood varieties ami are of suitable size to afford excellent shade. The park is live miles northwest of Sullivan, the same distance southwest of Lovington and northeastof Bethany. a location which makes it very convenient of access. The farm is on sections 20 and 21. Mr. .Michael is now edvinu his entile attention to the breeding of Englishshire horses. His line animal "Nail Stone Honest Hoy" is an imported horse of ureal beauty and a universal favorite among horsemen and represents a little fortune in 544 PORTRAIT AND BIOORA1 HICAL RECORD. himself, having cost $2,000. This gentleman is a Democrat in politics but is not aggressive, and was a member of tin- Town Council of thecity of Lov- ington for six years. lie has declined other offices and even failed to qualify after being elected. His departed wife was a worthy and devoted member uf the Christian Church and her loss was deeply deplored by those who had been with her in Chris- tian communion. ■ ■y>iw 1 « q faH T < -r< VILLI AM CARNES. Prominent in church and political circles and well known as a successful and retired farmer of repute, both as to character and capabilities, is the gentle- man whose name appears at the head of this sketch and whose three-score years and ten, worthily lived, have given him the respect of all who know him. lie resides on section 35, Shelbyville Township, Shelby County, and is counted among the old pio- neers, as Ins residence in the county dates from 1850. William Caraes was horn in Fairfield County. Ohio, February 9, 1821, his father, Robert, being a uative of Ireland, and his mother, Nancy Stewart. having been horn in the United States. The father was but three years old when he came to this coun- try from old Erin and his early home was in Guern- sey and Fairfield Counties, Ohio, lie died in the latter county at Lhe age of sixty-eight years, hav- ing been a thorough and respected farmer, and his wife also passed awaj at the-old home at the age of sixty-six. These worthy parents had nine chil- dren, all of whom grew to maturity. Their record is as follows: Jane, who was twice married and died at Shelbyville at the age of seventy-one; Thomas and .Mary, who both died in Shelby County; Eliza, who died in California: John and Arthur, who died in Fairfield County; William, our sub- ject; Robert, who died in Shelby County; and James, who was a member of Company II. Seventh Illinois Cavalry and was killed in Alabama. Having been reared on the farm, young (allies chose agriculture as his life work and on Septem- ber 12, 1850, he look to himself a partner in life's joys and sorrows in the person of .Mary C. [ngman, daughter of Henry and Henrietta (Rigby) [ngman. This lady was born in Fairfield County, Ohio. October 13, 1827. and her parents were Virginians who became early pioneers in Ohio and remained there until their death, the father at the age of seventy-two years and the mother when sixty-live. These venerable parents reared eleven children to years of maturity, namely: William, Elizabeth, Amelia. Otho and Ann. who all died in Ohio; and Sophia. Lancelot and Maria, who died in Indiana; Edmund, who died in Missouri: and Mary C, who became Mrs. Carnes, and is the only survivor. Less than a month after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Carnes set out with a team to emigrate from Ohio to Illinois, accomplishing the journey in six- teen! days. An elder brother of our subject. Thomas by name, accompanied them with his fam- ily. Our subject had been in Illinois hi the win- ter of 1849-50 and purchased some hogs, which he drove to St. Louis and disposed of. and in the spring of 1850 he purchased in connection with a younger brother, .lames, a tract of one hundred and fifty acres and entered one hundred and sixty more. About thirty acres only had been cleared and a log house had been built, and here the young couple started to make their fortunes and remained there till 1856, when they removed to their present home. Air. Carnes has given his attention principally to farming and in time acquired possession of two hundred and forty acres, which he has now divided among his children, who are by name: Josephine, who married B. F. Fraker; Nancy, who married .1. L. Thomas; Maria E., who became Mrs. William Crockett and died in Shelby County; Henrietta, now Mrs. Lewis ('. Thomas; Mary C, wife of A. 1). Amlin; John W.; .lames M.. who is a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Missouri: and one whodied in infancy. A grand-daughter makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Carnes and is their main stay and comfort in their old age. For nearly half a century both of these honored and beloved old people have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and for thirty years Mr. Carnes has been Steward and Class-Leader, lb- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 547 \s an earnest advocate of the enactmenl of prohib- itory measures against the sale of intoxicating liquors and his influence is always given on the Mile of Christianity and morality. ~S ^H^ r=> c=" ^p*HOMA8 FLEMING. The portrait on the if~\ opposite page represents a gentleman who Vi_y tigures among the citizens oi Shelby ( .ounty as one of its must wide-awake, versatile and sa- gacious business men. He is at the head of various important enterprises centering in Todd's Point Township, his place of residence, where he has a large store for the sale of general merchandise, a factory for the manufacture of tile, and an exten- sive farm, all of which are under his supervision, and are ably managed. Todd's Point Township is the birthplace of our subject, and August ■">. 1858, the date of his birth. His parents. Isaac and Anna .lane (King) Fleming, were among its earliesl settlers. They were natives of Westi vlandshhe. England. The paternal grandfather of our subject was an extensive farmer and stockraiser of that shire, where he spent his entire life. The father of our subject grew up amid the pleasant surroundings of his English home, and received a good education in the local school-. In 1889 he started oul to seek his fortune and making his way to the island of Santa Cruz, was employed there on a sugar plantation until 1850, when he again started ou1 into the world, and coming to this county, located in Todd',-. Point Township, he having previously sent money to buy land at this place. At that time this section of the country was sparsely settled, the best land being owned by the Government, and since sold at $1.25 an acre. Mr. Fleming built on his land, and de- voted his energies to general farming and stock- raising until 1861, when he returned to England to spend his remaining days amid the scenes of his youth, and in due time was gathered to his fa- thers. I lis widow . the mother of our subject, Still resides there. Three children were horn of her marriage — lames, a resident of Missouri: Mary who lives with her mother, and Thomas. The subject of this life-record was hut a child of three years when his parents returned to England, and he was reared in the home of his ancestors, and was educated in English schools, lie did not. however, in all these years forget the land of his birth, and in 1887 he came back to begin life anew in his native township, and has since been closely connected with its leading interests, lie estab- lished himself in the mercantile business, and has here a commodious, two-story brick building for store purposes, in which he carries a large and Varied Stock Of general merchandise suited to the wants of his customers. Besides conducting a good trade as a merchant, he opened a tile factory near his store in 1KHX. which has been in successful operation since, turning out a superior article that commands a ready sale among the farmers and all who are interested in drainage. Mr. Fleming also superintends the cultivation of his large farm, of four hundred and forty acres of excellent tillage land, lying in Todd's Point Township. Although his interests are so diversified he manages each with surpassing skill, employing systematic and busi- ness-like methods, attending carefully to details. and in all that he does making every stroke count. Mr. Fleming was married in 1886 to Miss Mar- garet Charlton, a native of Newcastle. England. They have a very pleasant home, replete with every comfort, and Mrs. Fleming's sister. Mis> Alice Charlton, is a welcome inmate of their house- hold. v_ ♦SE*=+ r AMES T. TURNER. We are pleased to record among other prominent and pros- perous fanners of Shelby County, a brief GSJ sketch of tin' gentleman whose name ap- pears at the head of this paragraph, whose pleasant home anil attractive farm are an ornament to sec- tion 7. Oconee Township, lie was bom in Robin- son County. Tenn.. August 28, 1840. His parents, Charles and Susan (Price) Turner, natives of Vir- ginia, early became residents of North Carolina, and finally settled in Tennessee, where the\ were married and long made their home. All of their 548 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. family of nine children were born in Tennessee or across the line in Kentucky. The family of Charles Turner and Susan, his wife, are as follows: John II.. who married and engaged in tanning in Pay- ette County, 111.: Nancy E., who married Thomas Thomas Hill and died in 1854, in Montgomery County. III.; Susan ( '.. who became Mrs. R. li. Evans, and died in 1869; Av\ J. was twice mar- ried. Her tii- — t husband being George W. Ishmael, who enlisted in the Seventy-third Illinois Infantry and died of small-pox at Memphis. Her-second husband, James Slater, is a merchant in Oconee. The sketch of his life will be found elsewhere in this volume. Warren enlisted in Company G, Fifth Illinois Cavalry in 1863. He married Anna Ro- land. WilliamK. and James T. were also members of the same company; they having enlisted in the year of 1861, the former married Emma Lamar. They were quartered at Camp Butler, Springfield, from September, 1861, until February, 1862. This regiment was known as an independent cavalry organization and was not assigned to any depart- ment but took part in almost every campaign. The regiment did patrol duly along- the Missis- sippi River, guarding trains, chasing and fighting guerrillas and bushwhackers and also doing garri- son duty. It participated in thesiegeand capture of Vicksburg and accompanied the victorious army in pursuit of the rebel Gen. Johnston. Soon after this our subject was discharged on account of disabilities as lie contracted the measles and not having proper care and being exposed to the inclemency of the weather, the disease settled in his eyes, so that he finally lost one and the other is much injured. The other two brothers passed through the war without serums detriment. The Fifth Cavalry went to Memphis and finally to Texas under command of Gen. Custer. Charles S. Turner enlisted in the spring of 1864 in the One Hundred and Forty- third Illinois Infantry, and served one hundred days. After returning home he learned the carpenter's trade and re- mained at home with his parents until their death. the father pa— ed away February I, 1885, at the age of eightj one years and the mother dying January 12, 1888, being seventy-eighl years old. I harles then felt relieved from further responsi- bility and starting in life for himself, went to St. Louis, where he carries on the carpenter trade. Amanda W. married F. P. Vest. Her home is in St. Louis and she has one daughter. After James T. Turner returned from the war he engaged in farming. His marriage with Miss Kate McLaury took place September 9, lsiiij. This lady was one of a family of four son- anil three daugh- ters, children of John F. and Margaret M. (Hum- phrey) McLaury, and was born in Mercer County. Pa., August 24, is!.'). Mr. McLaury was a native of Pennsylvania and bis wife of the Empire State. .Mrs. Turner's brothers and sisters are Thomas F. Jr.. Calvin 15.. James A.. William A.. Margarel and Alice, all of whom are living except James A., and all the survivors are married. Thomas I-'.. William A., and Alice (Mrs. Wylie), are residents of the Lone Star Stale, while Calvin 1>. resides in Mis- souri and Margaret (Mrs. Wilie). in Tennessee. Mrs. Turner's family removed to Illinois in the fall of 1845, and located in Montgomery County. They removed to Texas before the death of the mother and when last heard from the father was in Arkansas. The Turner family removed from Tennessee to Payette County, III., in 1848, and soon after removed to Montgomery County and finally made their home in Oconee Township, Shelby County, where the parents died as ha- been previously stated. Our subject was educated in the public schools of Illinois and has been a farmer all his life time. For six or seven years he was engaged in the hay business, buying, bailing and shipping hay. to Eastern and Southern cities. To Mr. and Mrs. Turner have been born tive children, all of wl i are living, namely: Lena E., born June 8, 1867, married George W. Hinton a merchant at Assumption. 111. Charles Franklin, who was bora .May 11. 1869, now resides with his wife. Flora March, on his father's farm in Oconee Township. Gladys was born June 19, 1875, and is still attending school and qualifying herself for tin profession of a teacher. James V... born April :!(). 1878, and Maggie 1'... December 17. 1881, are attending SCl 1 and studying music as well as well as making themselves generally useful in the home and upon the farm. Mr. Turner hasalways PORTRAIT AM) BIOCRAPHICAL RECORD. 519 been a stanch Republican and ever take- an inter- est in political and public affairs. Mrs. Turner, her sim Frank and daughter Gladys are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Frank, < rladys and .lames are members of the [ndependenl Order of Good Templars. Mr. Turner is a worthy member of Coplin Post, No. 268, <•. A. li. of Oco- nee and is the present Junior Vice Commander. Besides giving attention to general farming he raises a good grade of stock. «pjf XDRKAV L. (IiAKi. Beginning life as (fig/i-ll a pioneer in the stale of Indiana, our /// Hi subject removed to this state at an early QJ day. where the country was as undeveloped as his native place was at the time of his birth, lie settled in Shelliy County, in June, 1839, and lias since made this State his home. As before said Mr. Craig is a native of the state of Indiana, hav- ing been bom in Fayette County, January 6, 1 .s 2 7 . He is a .-on of .lames and Mary ( Barrickman ) ( 'raig. both natives of Pennsylvania. They met, however, and married in Kentucky, whence they removed to Indiana, being among the earliesl settler- of thai State. ( )n first coming into this State our subject's parents settled on Robinson (reek. Ridge Town- ship, Shelhy County, where James Craig purchased four hundred acres.of laud, and entered si\ hun- dred acres of Government land. For the former he paid $8 per acre but was permitted to enjoy llis new home only a -hurt lime, lor in 1 .s I I he died. Hi- wife survived him by a number of years, finally passing away in L 864, at the age of seventy- six years. • lames and Mary Craig were tin- parents of eleven children, eight of whom lived to reach years of maturity. Their names are as follow-: • lane .lame-. Robert, Jacob 1-'.. John R., Mary, William and Andrew. Of these theeldesl daughter died in 1864; James makes his home in 1! e County. Iowa; Robert died in shelliy County: Jacob 1'. rc.-ide-in Boone County, [owa;John li. lives in Sheibvville; Marx married Madison llu-hx and died in Christian, leaving oiu- -on to her bereaved husband; Williamdied in shelliy County, in 1864. Andrew 1,.. oursubject, i- Hie youngest member "I the family. lie was reared on the farm and received an early training in the way in which to conduct a farmer'- work. lie attended sucll school- as the COUntj afforded at that time. The first school that he attended was a log cabin with a great fireplace al one end that SCOrched the chil- dren'- faces while their backs were freezing. The -cat- were of slabs with pei:- -ct iii the ends for legs. There were no desks and the hooks were a promiscuous and heterogenous inixt lire. He resided w ith his mother until her death. In 1870 Mr. Craig was united in marriage with Sarah Fakner, a daughter of Thomas and Jane (Rodman) Fakner. The lady was horn in Ohio, March 12. 1K2!>. hut came to Illinois when very young. She is the eighth of a family of nine chil- dren. Our subject settled on section 14, of Rural Township, in 1885, and here he is the owner of two hundred and twenty acres of good, arable land that has been well improved. It ha- a tine residence well located, commodious and comfortable, and the appliances for carrying on it- owner's calling in a thorough and scientific manner are many and per- fect. Polititically he of whom we write inclines toward Democracy, finding the breadth of plat- form claimed by that party to accord with his views of equity and freedom, lie ha- held several offices in the township, having been Collector, Assessor, and Supervisor. His attention ha- teen mainly directed to the raising of stock, of which he ha- a great deal that will compare well with any in the country. (.. STKWART ha- ever been a living exponent of what energy, judgmenl and _ j amliilion can accomplish ill the agricul- (jg// tural line in the l'rairie State where t he con- dition- are -o favorable to the farmer as to take a\\a\ from their work half the drudgery that it elsewhere find-. Mr. Stewart now lives in Mowea- qua, having retired from agricultural pursuits in 550 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the fall of 1889, and is now living- on a fine prop- erly in this place. Mr. Stewart's farm, whereon lie spent a number of years, is located on section 25, Moweaqua Township, Shelby Comity. He came to it iii 1866, beginning life with but little else than grit and perseverance, which served him far better than do large pecuniary resources many other men. Although our subject lias retired from the act- ive business of farming lie still owns his home- stead of two hundred and eighty acres. There is no better land in the county, and Mr. Stewart has laid out large sums in improvements that have greatly added to its value. There is upon the place a good dwelling made cozy and beautiful by the care, interest and taste of womanly Viands. The large fortune which he has accumulated has been amassed by hard work and his capable wife has been no small factor in his success. The domestic realm over which she has held sway has been gov- erned in such a way as to not only spare our sub- ject's means, hut to add to his resources. Gain has not beet) her only object in life, however, for she has been a lender mother and a good and kind neighbor ever ready to lend a helpful hand in time of need. Mr. Stewart's birthplace is what is now Blair County, Pa., near Alton. He was born September 27, 1840, and is the son of Alexander Stewart, a native of Pennsylvania, where our subject was reared, lie is of Scotch-Irish ancestry. His pater- nal grandfather was Alexander Stewart, like his father a native of Pennsylvania, where he ended his days. When in middle life he was married in Blair County to Mary Gray, whose parents were natives of Ireland who had settled in Pennsyl- vania. .Mary Stewart lived and died in Pennsyl- vania, being about seventy years of age when her dei case occurred, having survived her husband by a good many years. Our subject's grandparents were members of the Presbyterian Church. Our subject's father was only nine years of age when his father died, lie was reared by his mother in his native county, and there remained until he had attained manhood. lie died in the city of Alton in L889, having attained the age of nearly eighty-one years, and was much mourned by friends and acquaintances. He married Miss Ka- ziah Green, of Blair County, Pa., where she was born and reared, and where her death occurred in is.").'!, being then forty-eight years of age. She was of good family, her parents being old settlers in her native place. Both she and her husband were members of the Methodist Church. The original of our sketch grew up in his native county, and in the fall of 1861, on the first call for three-year volunteers, he enlisted in the army, joining Company F, Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania Infantry, of which Capt. A. Wayne and Col. Powers were in command. The regiment proceeded South and assumed duty in the Tenth Army Corps. Much of the time they were engaged in hard fighting, and our subject was engaged at the battles at Ft. Pu- laski. James Island, Ft. Wagner and Morris Island. He was afterward with his regiment at Drury's Bluff and Cold Harbor, and passed through many engagements. Mr. Stewart wag fortunate enough to escape death and wounds and capture, and was never in the hospital. He was on duty in every engagement that his regiment partook in with the exception of one. Our subject enlisted in the service as a musician, but was mustered in as a private, and served in both capacities. He is justly proud of his military record, which is with- out a stain. But, although he had the opportunity, he never sought promotion. After his return from the war, our subject per- suaded Miss Lizzie Freidley to share the duties of life with him. They were married in Moweaqua in the fall of 1868. The lady was born, reared and died in this city, her demise taking place in the summer of 1877. She was then only twenty-seven years of age, aud a bright and beautiful woman. She left to her husband three children, all of whom are now deceased. One died in infancy. John A. and Jessie M. did not reach the age of ma- turity. Mr. Stewart was a second time married to Miss Frena M. Brooks. She was born in Flat Branch Township and was quite young when her parents came to Moweaqua. Here she received her educa- tion and attained womanhood. Her father. Josiah Brooks, has been for many years deceased. He was one of the earlv settlers in this county. His PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ool wife is yet living and makes her home in Mowaequa. She is now in the afternoon of life and is peace- fully enjoying the sunset. By his present mar- riage Mr. Stewart and wife have had four chil- dren, one of whom isdeeeased. The living children are: James F., Malcolm W. and Charles L., who are yet at home. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, and are generous supporters of the same. Mr. Stewart has held the local oilier of Highway Commissioner and he is at present Com- mander of .1. V. Clemings Post, No. .'ill:?, O. A. P., of which he is a charter member. He is also a member of Lodge No. 1013, K. of II., and of Shelby Lodge. No. 274, I. O. O. F. ffiL ARVEY LOWAPY. The gentleman whose Jl) name is at the head of this sketch, is the owner of asmall farm which, however, is a model in point of neatness, productiveness and improvements. It is located on section 20, of Richland Township, Shelby County, and its advan- tages as to situation are apparent. Mr. Lowary is a native of the Buckeye State which has sent out so many ingenious and wide-awake sons to aid the progress of development in the newer and more western States. He was born in Fairfield County, Ohio. June 25, 1831. There he was reared to man- hood and there he continued to live until 1860. lie had early learned the carpenter's trade which he followed until he came to Shelby County, this State and even after ideating here he pursued his calling to some extent in connection with farming. The advent of the original of our sketch, into Shelby County, this State was made in I860, lie first lived in Shelby ville Township, where he con- tinued for four years and then removed to Rich- land Township of which place he has ever since been a resident. Before leaving Ohio, he was mar- ried in Fairfield County, to a lady whose maiden name was Emeline Collins. She was a native of the county and State in which her marriage oc- curred. Out of a family of seven children which have been born to our subject and wife, Only Ave are living. Their names are Nelson, Daniel. James, Byron and Joseph. Two of their children died in infancy. Our subject, who is an adherenl of the Democratic party, brought up under it> tenets and having a firm faith in its platform, has filled sev- eral positions in the gift of his constituents. For six years, he filled the office of Highway Commis- sioner and was School Director for several years. 1 1 is farm bears evidence of mam and valuable im- provements and although it comprises only eighty- three acres, is conspicuous for the perfection of its management and its proportionally Large produc- tiveness. It will not be out of place to speak of the family of which our subjecf was one. His father was Jeremiah Lowary. His mother Catherine (Siple) Lowary. They were fanners by occupation, hav- ing passed their lives in tilling the soil. The fa- ther died in Sandusky, Ohio. The mother who Survived her husband. came to Shelby County and spent her last days, passing away in Holland Town- ship, August 6, 1871. The subjeel of thi> sketch was the only child of his parents. ffiOIIX F. LINVILLE. This respected gentle- man and thorough-going farmer who resides on section is, Whitley Township, Moultrie County, is a son of John Linville and Eliz- abeth (Donnelsen) Linville. both of whom were natives of Kentucky, where thej grewto maturity, married and settled in Hath County. Ky.. coming from there to Indiana, where they settled near Greensburg. After living there several years they removed to Fayette County, same State, and there remained until called hence by death. These worthy and venerated parents had ten children of whom our subject was the fourth in Order of age, being born in Decatur County. Ind.. April 7. 1824. He was aboul ten years old when his father removed to Fayette County, Ind.. where he grew to manhood and continued to reside until I he was about twenty-six years old, In his boy- .">."> 2 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. hood he received thorough and systematic drill and instruction 1 •< >l 1 1 in the theory and practice of fanning and agriculture has been his sole business in life. John F. Linville continued to live in Indiana until the fall of 1849, when he came to Clark County, 111., and purchased a farm, upon which he continued to live until December, 1864, at which time he removed to .Mi ml trie County and settled upon the section where he has ever since resided. The most important event in his life as a young man was his marriage, August '■'>. 1848, in Fayette County. Ind.. to .lane McDowell, who was born in Bates County, Ohio, January 17. 1829. .Mr. and Mrs. Linville, had two children viz. : Wil- liam I), who married Margaret E. Kennedy and was a farmer in Whitlev Township, luit died Feb- ruary Ml. 1891; Rebecca E. who is the wife of Henry Wright, of Whitley Township. The death of the only son was a severe blow to the parents a- well as to the young wife. Our subject now owns one hundred ami twenty acre- upon which he has placed many excellent improvements and where he exercises a kind anil neighborly hospitality to all who enter his door, lli- political views have led him to affiliate with the Democratic party and he believes that the principles of that party are the ones which are destined to promote the prosperity of the state. In his religious views he is liberal and he is an active promoter of every movement toward the moral upbuilding of the community. =IM^<§ (Qv~ WILLIAM HARDY. One of the pioneer settler.- in Central Illinois who has lived to see the country change from an aspect of «ild. uncultivated beauty to thai of one of the mo-i productive agricultural regions of the Union, resides on a line farm on section 36, of Ridge Town- ship, Shelby County. Mr. I In ill \ was bom in Fair- field County, Ohio, Januarj I. 1820, and is a son of Thomas and Nellie (Dutton) Hardy, natives of Maryland and Delaware, Facta had emigrated to Fairfield County, Ohio, in early life when the country was new and laborers few. There they met and married. In 1836 our subject's parents removed to Illi- nois, locating in Tazewell County, where they rented land which they operated for two years. They then came to Shelby County, in the spring of 1839 and settled in Ridge Township mi section 25, where the father entered eighty acres of land. He also pre-empted eight} acres of timber land in ( >kaw Township, where he resided for the remainder of his life. Our subject's mother died in 1855, a victim of the cholera, which was at that time epidemic. Her husband followed her in 1M5!S. They reared a family of nine children, two of whom died in in- fancy: .lesse S. died in Shelby County; he married Priscilla Ward and left a wife and three children. one of whom i> now living in Kansas. Polly mar- ried John Ilowlct and resides at Charleston. 111.; Sarah is the wife of .lames Boys, and resides in Ridge Township, as does also Thomas. George W. makes his home in I lutchinson. Kan. Abigail lir-t married Jacob Leech and on becoming a widow she again married John Cook and at present resides in Iowa. Elizabeth is the wife of George W. Boys, and lives in Ridge Township. Henry II. resides in Medicine Lodge, Kan. The original of our sketch is a fanner Lorn and bred. He remained under the parental roof until he reached manhood when he was married to Amanda II. Davis, a daughter of Joshua Davis. She was a native of Shelby County, where she was horn in June, 1836. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy are the parents Of six children, whose names are Leah. Mary, Thomas, William. Maud and Florence. Be- fore hi> marriage our subjeel had purchased the land upon which he afterward sett led and has since resided on it. He is now the owner of two hun- dred and five acre- of finely cultivated land, upon which a choice variety of grains, fruits and vege- tables are raised. The place hears good buildings and man) of the improvements both in science and agriculture arc applied to make the farmer's life less one of drudgery than formerly. In earlj life Mr. Hardy learned the trade of a carpenter, which business he pursued for some lime, never, however. uiviiiL; up his agricultural work PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 553 entirely. Politically our subject is m follower of the Republican party, and he has been for a long time School Director >>f hi- district. Mrs. Hardy is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Churcn and both she and her husband are looked upon as being representative people in the township. Affable, kind hearted and hospitable, they are examples and types of thebesl agricultural class in the State. BRAM MIDDLESWORTH, President of the First National Bank, Shelbyville, / * shelly County, is n representative of the men of energy, ability and enterprise who have had the making of Nliell>\ County. Not only is he prominent as the head of its leading financial institutions, hut his name is indissolubly associated with the rise and progress of its agriculture as one of its most extensive farmers and stockmen for many years. He still retains his farming interests, and has one of the largest and best managed farms in this section of the state. Our subject was born, November 10, 1*21. on a farm ten miles southwest of Lancaster. Fairfield County, Ohio. His father was Abraham Middles- worth, a pioneer of this county, who was horn in New Jersey, and was a son of .lohn and Martha Middlesworth. The former died May 14. 1815, aged seventy years, and the latter departed this life October 5, 1824, at the age of seventy-four year.-, and both were buried near Beavertown, Pa. Ner. an uncle of our subject, became a prominent citizen in the public life of the Commonwealth, and for eighteen years was a member of tin- State Legislature of Pennsylvania and served as Speaker of the House. He was born December 12. 1 7 s : 5 and died January '2. 1865. The grandfather, according to the best information at hand, was a native of England, who on coming to America at some time during the last century located first in New Jersey. Later he removed to Pennsyl- vania, and settled in that part of Union now in- cluded in Snyder County, where lie engaged in farming until death closed hi.- mortal career. The father of our subject resided with his par- ent- until he attained his majority . when he started westward to seek his fortunes, taking with him all hi- worldly possessions, which comprised his cloth- ing and rifle, lie walked to Fairfield County, Ohio, and locating there in the earlj day- of its settlement, established himself at the trade of a cooper. He applied himself closelj to his calling, and in due time, with close economy, had enough money to purchase a tract Of timber land south- west of Lancaster. During the early years of his married life he lived in the log cabin which lie- came the birthplace of his son of whom we write, lie was a man of more than ordinaiy enterprise, and was withal a successful speculator, buying wild land or partly developed farms, taking up his residence thereon, and after making improvements Selling at an advanced price. He continued to live in Fairfield County until 1840, when he ambitiously sought "greener fields and pastures new" in this county, bringing with him his family on that ever memorable journey, he and his wife traveling in a carriage and Abram with a five horse team, riding one and driving the others with a single line. Abraham Middlesworth had previously visited Illinois before coming here to settle permanently, and he had bought a large tract of land in this county, including the farm then owned by Benj- amin Waldron. Sr. Two hewed log houses and twenty acres of cleared land constituted the im- provements, the twenty acres referred to being known at that time as "Waldron's Big Field". Mr. Middlesworth continued to he a residenl of the county, devoting himself to the improvement of his realty until hi- death deprived this part of the stale of a valuable citizen, who while he lived was actively identified with its agriculture. The maiden name of his wife, the mother of our Subject, was Barbara Leathers, she was a native of Pennsyl- vania or Maryland, ami of German antecedents. She died at the I - of her daughter, Mrs. Sally Galligher. These are the name- of the -even chil- dren of the parent- of our subject; Mary. Sally, .lohn. Abram, William, Ner and Isabella. Abram Middlesworth was nineteen years of age when the famih removed to this county, which was then bul -pai-eh settled, and the greater part 554 PORTRAIT AND BI A.b AP1IIC AL RECORD. of the land was owned by the Government. Deer and other wild game were quite plentiful, and often furnished an agreeable addition to the fare of the settlers, who were mostly home-livers, sub- sisting as far -as possible on what they raised on their farms. There were no railways for some years after the family settled here, and St. Louis was the principal market and depot for supplies. Our subject embraced every opportunity to obtain an education in the schools of his early home in Ohio, which were taught in log school-house-. which he attended a few months each winter, devot- ing the remainder of the year to working on his father's farm. After coming to this county he and liis brother managed their father's farm in 1841, and sold then 1 whole crop of wheat at the rate of thirty-seven and a half cents a bushel. For a time they went to Springfield to get their grain ground. Mr. Middles worth's father gave him a tract of land, which was located in Tower Hill Township, and after his marriage he settled on it, and actively entered upon the pioneer task of reclaiming it from the wilderness. After the Mexican War he purchased land warrants of the soldiers to whom ihe\ had been given by the Government, and he entered land in Ridge Township, at a cost of eighty cents an acre. In addition to farming he engaged extensively in buying hogs and cattle, shipping the former to St. Louis and the latter to the New York markets. I le continued to live on his farm until IK71. when he took up his residence in Shel- byville. lie did not abandon his extensive agri- cultural operation-, however, hut superintended the cultivation of his farm and his large stock business as heretofore, lie had acquired a hand- some property by his operations, and twenty-five hundred acre- of choice land are numbered among his possessions. in 1K77 he was elected President of the First National Lank of Shelbyville, 111.. which position he -till holds, and it is through his ellicient and able administration of its finances that it has risen to be one of the safest as well as one of the most important monetan institutions in t lie county. Forty-four years ag< i the 28th of January, l.siT. Mr. Middlesworth took an important step in life that has contributed greatly to hi- happiness and well-being, as on that date he u.-i- united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth .1. T. Goodwin. Mrs. Middlesworth is a native of this counts' and a daughter of James and Sarah (Donnel) Goodwin, pioneers of this part of the State. Mr. and Mrs. Middlesworth have three sons and two daughters living, namely; Sarah 15.. widow of John W. Ward, her residence being on a farm live miles northeast of Shelbyville; Isabella, wife of Hiram Scarborough; James; John and William S. In early life our subject was a A\'hi. Elders Kelle\ and Coffee officiating at hi- ordination. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 555 Recently he has spent some time in the field of mission work and is an earnest laborer in this direction. Aside from his church work, he of whom we write is a successful general farmer located on the pleasant tract of land in Pickaway Township, and having a well improved farm of two hundred and eight acres, besides forty acres in Rural Township, and eighty acres in Flat Branch Township. lie has lived on his present farm for seven years, having moved hither from Rural Township. lie came to Illinois from Indiana in 1856. The original of our sketch was born in Vigo County, six miles south of Tcrre Haute. March 17. 1 s:»7. He was but a youth when his father moved across the line to Sullivan County, where he was lea red and educated. lie COmeS of good stock. His father was Abraham Smock, a native of Kentucky, and a son of Henry Smock, who was a native of Germany. After our subject's grand- father was grown, he was married in his native land to a German lady and soon after marriage he and his wife emigrated to the United States in the days when sailing vessels were used for transport atiou. They settled in Kentucky, near Lexington, in the early part of the present century. The children were most of them horn in Kentucky. Henry Smock and wife with their family re- moved to Indiana making their home in Sullivan County. This change was made in the early part of the '80s. There the two secured a tract of land in the wilds of the State. The farm which they pre-empted was new and of course had no improvements. They were known in their da\ as large farmers, owning several hundred acres. Here the parents lived and died, being regarded by neighbors and acquaintances, as good people and successful pioneers. As before said, the country was wholly undeveloped and there was an abund- ance of wild game. They first beheld the land just after the Indians began to seek broader hunt- ing fields and before their deaths they beheld it a beautiful agricultural region, with wide spreading fields of waxing grain and dotted with buildings that arc the picture of comfort and serene content. The grandparents died when old people. Henry Smock at the age of seventy, his wife being seventy-six at tin' time of her decease. They were both members of the New- Light Church. Ten children encircled their hearthstone and made merry the days, and light the work about the old homestead. Abraham, the father of our subject, was one of the eldest of these. He grew from hoy- hood into manhood in Sullivan County, and was all his life a farmer. While a young man he was married in Vigo County. Ind.. to Miss Mary Weeks. The lady was horn in Kentucky and was a daughter of . I. Lewi- and Susan E. (Hampton) Weeks, both natives of Virginia and come of Scotch-Irish stock. They were married in Virg- inia, and later went to Kentucky when' they lived near Louisville. After a time they removed to Vigo County, Ind.. where they were very caii\ settlers. There Lewis Weeks died in the old home which he had improved. At the time of his de- cease, he was about sixty-five years old. His wife. who survived him many years, later came to her son. Alfred Weeks', home, in Vermilion County, 111., where she died in June, 1890. She was horn in 1790, and at the time of her death was within six months of being a centenarian. Her mother before her had died at the au r e of ninety-four years. Lewis Week- and wife were all their lives members of the Baptist Church, as were all the generations before them for year-. After a few years of married life. Abraham Smock with his family located on a farm in Sulli- van County, where they both finished their lives, the former passing away in is Ml. He was then in the prime of life, having been born in 1817. His wife lived for a good many years and died at the old home-tead in Sullivan County, in December. lXT.i. She was born in 1816. During the latter part of her life she was a member of the Christian Church, but for many years she and her husband were members of the New Light Church. Our subject was carefully reared by his mother and Step-father. lie received a practical education ill the district schools, but feels that his greatest ad- vantage was gained by the light of the hickory tire, while bending over his books in the chimney cor- ner. Naturally of an ardent, thoughtful nature, he was a lover of book- and read carefully and thoughtfully. 556 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. When he of whom we write came to this State, he was yet a single man but could not long resist the charms of the maidens in the Prairie state and «as married to Miss Delilah Casey in the township near where he now lives; she is a second daughter of Judge John Casey who was for many years a prominent man in the county, of whom a fuller history may lie found tinder the biographical sketch of Joseph Smock. .Mrs. Smock was born mi her father's homestead in this county and township June 29, 1838. Here she has spent her entire life and is known in the vicinity as a model mother, a kind, helpful and generous neighbor and a noble woman. As a pioneer of the State she lias a large circle of acquaintances and stands high in their estimation and affection. She. like her luis- liand. is a Baptist in her religious belief. Mi-. Smock casts his vote and influence in favor of the Prohibition party. Our subject and his estimable wife are the parents of five children, two of whom are deceased. One passed away in in- fancy. The other was named William A. The living children are: Albert B.; Lydia A. and John C. Albert B. took to wife .Minnie F. Smith, and now resides on a farm in this township. Lydia A., who is the light and life of the home, is a bright and intelligent young lady. John C. helps his brother run the farm. Mr. Smock's family is one notable for its intelligence and culture and the influence therefrom, is of the best. AMUEL ANDERSON, a dealer in slock, who resides on section 9, Oconee Town- ))} ship. Shelby County, was born in Simpson County. Ky.. May 1. 1856. He is a son of Peyton anil Anna (Logan) Anderson. His lather, who is the proprietor of the Anderson House at Oconee. \\a^ born in Allen County. Ky., September 17. 1*22. His parents were Samuel and Ann (Clarke) Anderson, the father being born in Virginia, and going to Kentucky when a young man. The mother, who was lioi n in Nashville, Tenn.. married Samuel Anderson in Allen County. Ky.. which remained the permanent home until the death of this couple. Peyton was the fourth in a family of six children, the others being Sallie Ann. who married .lames Jones, of Allen County. Ky.; Robert, who resides in Fayette County, 111 ; Rachel, who married and resides in Kentucky on the old homestead; Mary, the wife of Harrison Dobbs. who lives in Kentucky. Peyton Anderson was reared to farm life and resided in Kentucky until he reached the age of eleven. During the Civil War he occupied neu- tral ground and did not take part on either side, although his sympathies were with the Union cause. lie was married in Allen County. Ky., January I. 1844, to Miss Anna 11. Logan, daughter of Roberl and Rebecca Logan,.who removed from North Carolina to Kentucky previous to their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Logan had ten children. namely: 10. W., Minerva. Eliza. Joshua. Lavina. Ann 11.. Robert, Zachariah, Amelia K. and Amanda M. Eliza, Mis. Garrison, died in Kansas; Amelia. Mrs. Harris, died in Kentucky; and Joshua died in Perry ( ounl\ . this State. To Mr. and Mis. Anderson two sons and three daughters have been born, namely: Mary, the wife of James Allen, who resides in Montgomery County, 111.; Samuel, our subject, who is unmar- ried and engaged in stock-raising in Shelby County; Robert I... who is buying and shipping horses in Montgomery County: Amelia. Mrs. Ed. Smith: and Sarah. Mrs. John Williamson. The father of our subject is a stanch Republican. whose Union sentiments are a credit to any man. more to a man like himself, who was born and edu- cated in the South. He takes an active interest in political affairs, and is liberal in religious mat- ters, though a (inn believer in the Christian relig- gion. Samuel Anderson grew to manhood in his native Slate, receiving his education in the schools of that region, and engaged in farming ami stock-raising with his father until his removal in 1889, when he located in Oconee Township. Shelby County, this Stale, and worked on a farm for some ten years. He then engaged in buying, feeding and selling Stock, handling cattle and hoys principally. He PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 55 5 i- associated in business with Mr. E. Bass,and buys and ships stock from Oconee. He votes with the Republican party, and believes thai in it- principles are to be found the true guide to progress in this country. He is industrious, honesl and intelligent, and has tin- confidence of all with whom he is asso- ciated. ~s ^+£ &=_ s \. >ILLIAM F. TILL, oiu- of the oldest resi- dents, and one of those mosl worthv of \A/ vV honor in Windsor Township, Shelby County, resides on section 20, and was born in Bedford County, Tenn., January 9, L819. His parents were Daniel :m one of the most substantia] business men of the town, having rep- resented the business there ill the alio\ ■eiiaiued l>n h since 1876, and as the town was founded in 1875, he is one of it- pioneers. Mr. ( ire— was born Bavaria, Germany, February 5, 1836. His father lived and died in Germany. His mother came to the United States about 1874, and passed from this life to the better world, while making her home in Prairie Township. Our subject's mother had one brother, after whom our subject i- named, lie also. was a settler in the State and died in Shelby County, leaving a wife and three children. She also had a sister who was unmarried, and died at St. Louis. Mo. At the age of fifteen years, our .subject was ap- prenticed to learn the trade of a cabinet maker. He served his apprenticeship for three years and then went to woi,k at his trade near the place of his birth where he remained until 1!-C>7. when he left the Fatherland, taking a vessel at Bremen and after a voyage of fifty-two days, he landed in Bal- timore and at once went to Chicago, the journey at that time between the two cities, occupying eight days. For a time after coming hither he was en- gaged as a cooper in a brewery near Chicago; there being no opportunity to work at his trade he gave his time in this way in order to pay his board. In January, \H')H. Mr. Gress came to Shelbyville, having previously been promised work at that place. He remained there for about two weeks, but as his funds grew scarce, and work seemed re- mote, he went to Sullivan where he found an op- portunity to employ himself at his trade. In the spring of 1st;:; he went to Chicago, where he was engaged as a cabinet maker, lb- staid there for some months and in August, 1864, he went to Nashville, Tenn.. and worked as a carpenter in Govemmenl employ. In February. 1865, he re- turned to Sullivan, but only remained a few months, when he again went to Chicago, and in July. 1865, he married Mrs. Josephine Weisbrick, nee Altaian. Her lirst husband was a soldier in the Civil War and was killed. In 1868, our subject removed to Shelby County, and settled on a farm in Prairie Township, occupying himself with tilling the soil, until he removed to Stewardson. ()ui subjeel and his wife, who have always been prndent, energetic people, are now the owners of four good building lots in the place where they reside. One child has been given them to grace their home and be the comforl of their declining years, a daughter whose name is Mary. The fam- ily are in their religious views devout Catholics. and are generous supporters of thai body. Polit- ically Mr. Gress is a Democrat. He has held sev- eral local offices. Formerly Mr. Gress was associated with Joseph PORTRAIT AND l;io< RAPffil AL RECORD. 56] Steidle, under the linn name of Steidle & Gress. They were owners and proprietors of a packing house at Stewardson, which was built by t lie gen- tleman of whom we are writing. ~•*-<© ACOB F. PFEIFFER. Among the enter- prising young farmers of Rose Township, Shelby County, none perhaps deserve high- er praise than this gentleman whose ances- try is to be traced aci'OSS the seas. His father, the late John Pfeiffer was born in Fairfield County. t)hio. April 2. is:',;,, ami was the sod of John Phil- lip Pfeiffer who was horn in (iermany and emi- grated to Fairfield County. Ohio. He came to this county aboul the year 1*77 and settled in Rose Township. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Anna M. Finka. her parents being John C. and Louisa Finka. Datives of Germany. It was about the year l.Sl.'i when thc\ left the old country and came to America, where they settled in Fairfield County, Ohio, and spent the remainder of their days. Mrs. Pfeiffer is the youngesl of their four children, and she was horn in Germany August 13, is;;;;. After their marriage in Fairfield County, Ohio, the parents of our subject settled there lor some before coming to Shelby County, 111., where they made their home in Ridge Township, in March. 1864. For four years they resided there and then settled on section .">. Rose Township, where Mr. Pfeiffer died December 4. 1K7!». Their seven chil- dren are: John C, Louisa M.. now the wife of Les- lie B. Barrett; Minnie C, the wife of Isaac Bales; Benjamin J., Jacob 1'.. Edward \V. and Emma M. At the time of his death the father of these children owned a fine tract of one hundred and forty acres upon which he had erected good, suita- ble buildings. Since his demise his widow has car- ried on the farm most efficiently and successfully, lb- was prominent during his life in educational affairs and held some school offices. lie wasan ac- tive worker in the Lutheran Church to which he and his good wife had hotli been long united. The subject of this sketch was horn in Ridge Township. November II. 1864, and was reared to man] d in Rose Township, where he was edu- cated in the common schools. Here his marriage occurred November "27. 1888, Miss Minnie L.Frin- ger becoming his bride. The parents of this lady, Jacob and Mary (Stoner) Fringer are residents of Rose Township, and Mrs. Pfeiffer is the fifth in their family of seven children. She was horn in Preston County, Va., May Hi. 1871. One child. Lula May. has conn 1 to bless this home. Mr. Peif- fer is a prominent and active member of the Luth- eran Church and is a young man who gives prom- ise of achieving true success in life. Ilis good management as a farmer is abundantly attested by the excellent condition of his farm and the neat appearanc' of his buildings. Mrs. Pfeiffer has c\ inced capabilities which will, no doubt, aid her husband greatly in carrying on his life work and bring to her the enduring reputation which evcr\ woman should seek as a true neighbor, a faithful wife and a judicious mother. EV. HENRY WEAKLY, a man of ability and usefulness who pursues the double avoca- V tion of tiller of the soil and spiritual la- borer in the vineyard of the Lord, has his pleasant home on section 2, -Rose Township, Shelby County. His father was Benedict Weakly and his mother Martha Mathews, both born in Maryland. thence they migrated to Fairfield County. Ohio, and from there removed to Shelby County. III. Their marriage took place December 21. 1815, and they were successful and laborious fanners. It was in 1843 when they came to Shelby County. 111., and they settled in Ridge Township which became their final earthly home. Our subject was one of the oldest members of his father's family, his native place being in Fair- field County. Ohio, where he was born September 7, ll">2t>. lie passed his early days in Ohio where he attended tin' common schools and after coming to Illinois he devoted himself to farm work, assist- 562 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ing his father upon the farm until he was twenty- live years old, when lie was united in marriage with Miss Amanda Wagoner, a native of Indiana. The young wedded couple made their lirst home in Ridge Township and there set up their house- hold and industriously devoted themselves to farm labors. This was their farm home until they removed to Rose Township. .Mr. Weakly first united with the Evangelical Brethren Church in Ridge Town- ship, which church afterward became a part of the Southern Methodist, lie has officiated in the pul- pit since 1866. lie was ordained as a Deacon in 1X77 and four years later received the ordination of Elder. A large tract of land located in Shelby County is the property owned and managed by our sub- ject, lie lias it in an excellent state of cultivation and has erected upon it. comfortable and neat farm buildings. This worthy couple are practically doers of good in the world, for as they have no children of their own they have acted as father and mother to four little orphans and have brought them up to attain lives and character of usefulness in the world. This truly good, industrious and benev- olent life strongly re-inforces the pulpit utterances of Mr. Weakly, and his eloquent exhortation to a Christian life are not without their effect upon the people to whom he administers. At a meeting which he conducted nine miles east of Nokomis, thirty-seven professed conversion to the Saviour. Aside from his domestic life and pulpit work. Mr. Weakly has been useful in the community as High- way Commissioner in Ridge Township. — % - -^ m>^\vare. and ranks among the most enterprising business men of the village. Prior to embarking in business as a merchant he operated a farm, upon which be located in 1871. Not only has he been influential in business circles, but in all matters of public moment he is interested. He has served efficiently as City Councilman and in other ways aided in the prosperity of the place. Politically he is a stanch Republican and never fails to deposit a ballot in the interest of that party. Mr. Spitler is descended from German forefathers. His great-grandfather crossed the broad Atlantic from Germany prior to the Revolutionary War and settled in Virginia, where he and his wife both died. Among their large family was a son named Jacob, who was reared to fanning pursuits and grew to manhood in his native State. There lie was married to a Virginia lady and there several children were born to them, including the father of our subject, whose given name was Henry. The latter was a youth of fourteen years when, in 1809, he accompanied his parents to Fairfield County. Ohio. At that time Ohio was a wilderness and the Spit- ler family began life there as pioneers, improving the farm from the heavy timber lands and endur- ing all the hardships which fell to those brave men who opened a pathway for modern civilization. Jacob Spitler and his wife became prominent in the sparsely settled community and were active mem- bers of the Baptist Church. They died in Fairfield County at a good old age. After Henry Spitler had reached manhood he married Miss Mary S. Seitz, a native of Virginia and of German descent. She was only eleven years old when her parents re- moved to Fairfield County. Ohio, and there she grew to womanhood. After their marriage Henry Spitler and his wife Settled on a farm in Fairfield County, where they both died at the age of seventy-four years, the mother surviving the father three years. They also belonged to the Baptist Church and the father Voted the Democratic ticket. Our subject, who was a twin, was one of a family of sixteen children, eight of whom are yet living, all married and with families of their own. In his native county OUT subject grew to a vigorous manhood, receiving an academic education at the Fairfield Union Acad- emy and after waid following the profession of a teacher for several years. He taught one term after coming to Illinois. k. a M n '"" * '" i «i>3 &| ' portrait and biographical record. 5 C>.") Mr. Spitler owes much of the comfort with which ho is surrounded to the untiring efforts of his wife, with whom he was united in marriage in Fairfield County, Ohio, in 1854. She was known in maid- enhood as Margaret I). Friend, and was horn in Fairfield County in L826. Her .parents, Jonas and Mary A. (Daily) Friend, were natives of Maryland and were married in Pennsylvania and settled at an caH\ dayin Fairfield County, Ohio. Therethe^ im- proved and cultivated a farm until their death, full of vcar-- and honor. They were good religious peo- ple and consisicni members of the Baptist Church. They had a family of eight children, sis of whom survive, all past middle age and with families. .Mrs. Spitler was carefully reared at home and is a woman whose nobility of character and kindness of heart win for her friends wherever she is known. The otherwise happy union of our subject and his good wife has heen saddened by the death of their only son. .Jefferson 1).. who died at the aye of thirty-two years. His death occurred in California, whither he had gone for his health. 1 Ie left a wife, whose maiden name was M. K. Harvey, and who i- now living in Sullivan, engaged in the millinen business. The surviving child, Mary .1.. is -till un- der the parental roof and is an intelligent and re- fined young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Spitler are prominent in social circles and although not com- municants of any church, are held in high esteem for their recognized worth of character. »*»fc»J - mM, f I ' , I I I I i yn.l.IAM THUNEMANN is a dealer in and manufacturer of harness and saddlery in Sullivan. Moultrie County, and is lo- cated on the north side of the public square where he has heen in business for maii\ years, having opened his establishment here in 1861. He first began in a small way and has since built up a large business and a good trade, having been located in three different places in the city since coming here, lie has an enviable reputation as a skilled work- man and turns out some very line pieces of work. Our subject came to Sullivan from Chicago in 1858, but worked on a farm until 1861. lie had come to Chicago from Philadelphia, where he had heen for two years, as he lirst located then- on coming to this country from Germany in 1856. Hi- native home was in one of the Rhenish Prov- inces, and he was horn September 8, 1820, Upon the hanks of the beautiful and picturesque river Rhine. His parents William and Anna M. (Putz) Thunemann were of pure German stock, the former being born in Saxony and the latter upon the river Rhine. They were married and began life near near her native home during the period of the Napoleonic wars. The father worked in the Government service, superintending a large har- ness shop which furnished equipments for the Russian Army, and he was thus engaged through- out the war. Later in life he started in business on his own account and died near his native home in 1852, being then sixty-two years old. His wife passed away six years later at the aye of seventy- nine. She was a devoted member of the Woman Catholic Church but her husband brought up the children in his own faith, that of the Evangelical ( hureli. Our subject is the youngest of the parental household, of whom but two are now living, his brother Jacob being a harness-maker in the Rhen- ish Province of Odenkiecken, and being now sev- enty-four years old, a well preserved and active business man. One of his sons. Paul, a line young business man. is with his uncle in business. Mr. Thunemann learned his trade when about fourteen Veais of aye and has continued in its exercise ever since. lie was married in his native province to Anna M. (■ilbert. who was born February, 22. 1828, of good German stock, her father being a weaver of fine cloth and a farmer. Both he and his faithful wife, who like himself, spent her entire days in her native land, found in the Evangelical ( 'hureh a religious home. Mrs. Thunemann was reared in her native prov- ince and after her marriage she became the mother of two children before emigrating to this country. The little family left Antwerp on a sailing vessel which bore the name of "Matilda." and after five weeks upon the ocean they landed in New York City and traveled from there to Philadelphia. Somewhat later they came West, Stopping tirst at 56. our subject and Ins wife returned to their Fatherland and visited the old Lome. They had the pleasure of seeing the Emperor Will- iam and in October of the same year they returned to their home in Sullivan. They are the parents of four children, namely: Johanna, the wife of Edward J. Gilham, who is traveling for a St. Louis House iii Southern Illinois; .Mary, the wife of Charles Barnhart, the manager of the new Litch- field House at Litchfield; Margaret, who is a teacher in the public schools of Spokane Fails. Wash., and Emma, who is at home and a teacher of music. The members of the family belong to the Presbyterian Church and are active in the ex- ercise of their religious duties. Mr. Thunemann is an intelligent student of our American institu- tions and a Republican in politics. He has been for thirteen years one of tin- City Aldermen. In connection with this biographical notice a portrait of Mr. Thunemann is presented to our readers. —j>-5*-;-5' mails' •>"5"5-'frF rACIIARIAH B. WHITFIELD. As the city of Sullivan is the center of a rich, highly cultivated and prosperous county, it is not surprising that within its bounds may be found a large number of retired fanners who have gained sufficient wealth by the labors of their early years to give themselves the luxury of rest and ease in their declining days. These retired farmers are not so old and decrepit ::s to have lost their interest in matters outside their homes, but are active and useful citizens, employing their energies more fully in tho line of public improve- ments than they were able to do in the days when tbey were more heavily burdened. Among such citizens of Sullivan we lind the prosperous man whose name appeal's at the head of this present writing. His line farm in Whitley Township consists of two hundred and eighty- eight acres, which has upon it a complete set of farm buildings, and the acres are well improved and finely stocked. He came to Whitley Town- ship in 1858 with his parents, having been born January 15. 1847. in Shelby County. His father, Willis Whitfield, was a native of Tennessee, whose parents were of Scotch-Irish descent. He became a farmer in his native State, and was there first married to Alemenlra Khoads, a Tennessee lady. This worth}' pioneer couple soon came to Shelby County. HI.- settling near Shelbyville when there was but one house in that place, and taking up Government land. This was about the year 1832. and one year later Mrs. Whitfield died of the Asiatic cholera, in 1833, being then in the prime of life. Her three children, Etneline, Louisa and Silas have all now passed to the other world, although they lived to mature years and estab- lished families of their own. The Rev. Willis Whitfield was a second time married in Shelby County to Miss Martha Pugh, who was born in Kentucky and came when a child with her parents to Shelby County. Mr. Pugh was killed when in middle life by a bolt of light- ning when planting corn. In 1858 W 7 illis Whit- Meld and wife came to Whitley Township and there took a farm, and making good improvements upon it, remained in this home through life. The father passed away in 1869, having reached the age of sixty-four years. The mother tarried five years longer, and then died at the age of sixty-four. They were active members of the Separate Baptist Church, and for many years Mr. Whitfield tilled the pulpit in that church. He was a prominent church worker in both this and Shelby Counties. His political views were Democratic, and he was an earnest worker for that cause. Our subject has one sister living — Elizabeth, the wife of M. L. Wagoner, of Whitley Township. He remained with his parents until their death, his mother passing awa\ under his roof. He received a fairly good education in his youth, and is a genial man. and possesses the esteem of his neigh- bors on account of his intelligence and integrity. lie has been a leader in the local politics of Whit- Icy Township, ami has been placed by turn in all of the offices of the township, having been super- visor for live years. He is a favorite not only in the Democratic party, but in all political circles. PORTRAIT AND UK m . R A l'l 1 1( A I. RECORD. 567 The marriage of our subject in Whitley Town ship to Miss Hannah D. M. Baker gave him a com- panion who has proved of inestimable value in his battle with life. She was horn in Whitley Town- ship, and is the daughter of William K. Baker, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser here, whose wife bore the maiden name of Lueinda Carter. Mrs. Whitfield was one of a numerous family, and her- self lias become the mother of six children, viz.: William K.. Zachariah 15., Martha L., Willis 11.. Lydia F. and ('. Fred. GEORGE W. VORIS is the name of the pioneer business man of Stewardson who operates upon so broad a plane as to have made his place of residence more known in com- mercial circles than an}- other man in the com- munity. He is the leading citizen of the place, and his home is the center of the social life of the community, his talented and charming wife pre- sides over the domestic realm with a pleasing hospitality and great grace and dignity. While our subject's commercial obligations arc so large as to consume much of his time and attention. home with its charming mistress and bright family of children holds the first place in his heart. The original of our sketch devotes himself to dealing in grain, hay and farm machinery. In February of 1874 he built his office for the pur- chase of grain. This was the first building the present town boasted. The railroad had been completed a short time previous to the location of our subject. At that time he was a member of the firm of Gould & Yoris, and continued in this busi- ness relation until 188'.'. when Mr. Gould withdrew and the firm became G. W. Voris & Co. When he of whom we write first began business in stewardson. it was for the purchase of grain. Our subject was station agent for the railroad at that time, in which capacity he continued for about three years. At the end of that time he gave his whole attention to h's private business, and in con- nection with the grain business dealt in live stock. He next added agricultural implements, and later, in 1881, began dealing in hay. He now owns a hay barn that is over one hundred feet square. (tin- subject was born in Hath. Summit County, Ohio, November 11. 18,50, and is the son of Peter and Julia (Coe) Yoris, natives of Reading, Pa., and Connecticut. The family removed, in 1857, to Illinois, and settled in Mattoon, where the father engaged in gardening. While a resident of Ohio our subject's father held a prominent posi- tion in the county, being a surveyor, and for a term was Associate Judge with Hon. Benjamin Wade. He was an honorable, upright man in business dealings, but not a successful financier. He passed away from this life in 1881. his wife having preceded him by a number of years. They were the parents of thirteen children, of whom on ■ subject was the youngest. Mr. Yoris' mother having died when he was but a small boy, at the age of seven years he went to Taylor Count}', Iowa, and lived with a sister, after which he spent three years in Nodaway County, Mo. He then returned to Illinois and worked as a farm hand in Knox County, his advent into the State being in I860. Up to this time he had enjoyed but few educational advantages, but as he came in contact with the world he felt the need of an education, and being studiously inclined by nature, he made up the deficiency in his early edu- cation as much as possible by outside study and reading. After returning lo Illinois he went to Fulton, N. Y., where for two years he attended Falley Seminary. At the end of the second year he was obliged to give up his school because of ill health. On his return to Illinois he entered a store at Windsor as a clerk, in which capacity lie served until coming to Stewardson. In 1875 Mr. Yoris was married to Margaret M. Ptluger, a daughter of William and Sophia M. Ptluger. The lady was horn near Elgin, III., in June, 1855. Their married life has been very hap] . and six children have come to gladden their hearts and home. One of these was taken away in infancy. The five who are still living are Mabel, Ralph, Frank, Maud and Helen. Politically, Mr. Yoris affiliates with the Repub- lican party, using his vote and influence for the 5G8 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. advantage of that party. In local matters, how- ever, he does not adhere to party lines, believing that the best man and he who is best fitted for the position involved is the one who should he awarded local favors. He has served as President df the Village Board, and has also been a Justice of the Pence for some time. Our subject has made his combat with the world single-handed, but this fact has not, as is very frequently the case, hardened his heart to the need* and weaknesses of others. Many there are not only in his own town, but wherever he has chanced to be, who will ever have reasou to be grateful for his generosity, 53 m- pathy and good will. G. W. Voris A- Co. do business at the following- named places: Lerna, Trilla, Kingman, Fancher, Derrick, Herborn and Stewardson. At these sta- tions the firm buy grain or hay, or both. Our sub- ject also owns about eleven hundred acres of land, partly under a high degree of cultivation. The success which the original of our sketch has attained cannot but be encouraging to the young men of limited means and education, but whose ambition knows no bounds. He has demonstrated that by persistent effort and determination a man can make of himself what he will. »+£P~ OHN W. COWLE, who is part proprietor of the Moweaqua Mill, Shelby County, is a cap- able and enterprising business man, and is / contributing his meed toward ssustaining and extending the material prosperity of this, his na- tive State. He was burn in Macoupin County. September 6, 1843, and is a sun of Daniel Cowle, who was for many years before his death identified with the agricultural interests of Illinois, the latter part of his life carrying on his farming operations in this count} . Daniel Cowle was born on the Isle of Man, where liis father, whose given name was Charles, had inherited a large farm, which was his home throughout his life. He reared three suns and one daughter, Daniel being the only member of the family that ever came to this country. He was reared and educated in the home of bis birth, re- ceiving a thorough drilling in all things that per- tain to farming, and at the age of twenty-five he went out into the world to see what life held for him elsewhere. He made his way to the United States, and for awhile lived in the State of New York, and was also a resident of New Jersey fur some years. We next hear of him in Connecticut. whence he went to Virginia, and from that State he came to Illinois in 1841, coming by the way of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. He located among the pioneers of Macoupin County, and for a time lived near Bunker Hill. He then went to Madison County and bought land ten miles north of Ed- watdsville. and devoted himself sedulously to tann- ing in that locality for several years. In 1865 he came to Shelby County, and settled in that part of Pickaway now included in Penn Township, where he bought a tract of wild prairie, which in time he developed into a productive farm, and there death claimed him in 1878, and his township was de- prived of a most worthy citizen. He was a sincere Christian, and led a life of unswerving integrity. He was reared in the Episcopal Church, but later in life he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and ever remained true to that faith. Mr. Cowle was married in New Haven, Conn., in 1835, to Miss Rosanna Fanning, who survives him, and still occupies the old home in Penn Township. She is a good woman, and a faithful member of the Christian Church. She was burn in Patterson County, X. J., to John and Catherine Fanning, who dying when she was young, left her an orphan, and she was cared for by her older sisters until her marriage. She has reared nine children, of whom these six have been spared to comfort her old age: Charles: Harriet, the wife of < Jeorge Goodwin: John W.; George; Louisa J., the widow of Lewis Cooper, and Fanny, the wife of James Vangundy. Our subject passed his boyhood in Madison County, and received his education in the public schools, lie came to this county with his parents. continued to make his home with them, and after his father's death he superintended the farm until L881. In that year he went to Nebraska and spent a few months in that State. Returning to this county, he resumed tanning on the old homestead, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 569 and was thus employed until 1890. when lie bought an interest in the Moweaqua Mill, and has since devoted himself to its management. This mill is well equipped with first-class machinery and under our subject's supervision a flue grade of flour is manufactured, that finds a ready market and com- mands a good price. Mr. Cowle and Miss Mary K. Hanna united their lives and fortunes hi 1879 in a marriage that has been a union of mutual felicity, and their pleasant home circle is completed by the Ave children horn to them, named as follows: Willie, George. Maud. Florence and Fred. Mrs. Cowle wtis born in County Derry, Ireland, and is a daughter of David and Isabella (Thompson) Hanna, also natives of thai county. They were industrious, virtuous, upright people, and faithful members of the Presbyterian Church. In 1851 they left their old home, and crossing the water to this country, settled in Phila- delphia, where they died a few years later, the mother in November. 1859, and the father in Jan- uary, 18(30, leaving two children. Mrs. Cowle and her brother William, the latter of whom is now dead. Mr. and Mrs. Cowle are members in high stand- ing of the Presbyterian Church. Their social po- sition is among our best people, and Mr. Cowle is known in business circles as an honorable, straight- forward, square-dealing man. 1 OSEPH M. BALES. -The true ruler and conqueror he. the true king of his race, who nerveth his arm for life's combat, and looks the strong world in the face." We have many men who live simple and un- pretentious lives, who are made of the same fiber as that of which heroes and conquerors are. It is not the action that dignifies the man. but the man should dignify the action. He of whom we write. who well knows what, pioneer life is. having had experience in more than one place, although he has not commanded armies nor wielded a pen to touch the hearts of men: — like Muses of old, who struck the rock that the water might gush forth, he put his hand to the plow, thai the earth might yield a richness of harvest that should provide nourishment for prince or peasant. Joseph M. Bales is the owner of and resident on the fine farm located on section 18, of Okaw Township. Shelby County. He has resided in Illinois since 1854, ami in Shelby County since the spring of 1877. He was born in Fast Tennessee, February 20. 1829. and is a son of Daniel and Mary (Trobough) Bales, both natives of Tennes- see. At an early day Mr. Bales' parents came to Illinois and settled in Macon County, later mov- ing to Coles County, and three years later the parents came to live with our subject at his pres- ent home. There his mother died March 3, 1888. His father is still living. Mr. Bales was one of eight children, there being five sons and three daughters, whose names are re- spectively ,James,Joseph M. our subject, William M., Cephas A., John. Catherine. Margaret and Jane. The eldest son was killed in a railroad wreck at Bunker Hill while engaged in shipping cattle to St. Louis. William M. is a resident in Missouri, being there engaged as a speculator. Cephas lives in Colorado, John is in Kansas, Catherine, now Mrs. Smith, re- sides in Iowa, Margaret is now .Airs. Kingsolver, and Jane is Mrs. Stumbaugh. Our subject was reared and educated in Ten- nessee, where he was married to Margaret Bible. She, also, was a native of Tennessee, being of Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry. After the birth of their first child, they started to Illinois with a two horse wagon, and arriving in the State settled near Macon, Macon County, where they purchased eighty acres of land in the raw state, paying for it *1 ! per acre. Upon the place Mr. Bales erected a shanty, and here they set up their household gods and goods. They remained upon this land for eighteen years and then sold it for £50 per atve. They then purchased one hundred and sixty acres in Penn Township. The land was improved and they paid $35 per acre, soon selling it for 138 per acre. He then settle'! upon the place where he now resides, owning at the present time two hun- dred and sixty-seven acres of fine land upon which there is no incumbrance. He also owns 570 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. property in Shelbyville, which has advanced greatly in value since his purchase and promises still better to be a good investment. Thus can be seen what energy, industry and economy can ac- complish for a man. Mr. Bales commenced with hardly more than a pair of strong hands and a willingness to work, one Claybank horse with black mane and tail being his stock in trade, but during the years that have passed, in hard labor it is true, he has amassed more than a comfortable competency. Our subject and his estimable lady are the parents of six children whose names are James, Daniel. Cephas, Mary .lane, who is the wife of .lames Wilson; Ellen, who is the wife of Charles Davis, and Fannie, who is still at home. Mr. Bales formerly cast his vole and influence with the Democratic party, but of late he has given his allegiance occasionally to the Farmers' Alliance and favors any measures that benefit the class to which he belongs. In his religious preferences, he. with his family, is Presbyterian. Socially he is a member of the Masonic fraternity. LEXANDEK H. McTAGGART, a farmer and stock-raiser who resides on section 10, Oconee Township. Shelby County, was born in Washington County, Ohio, January 15, 1811. His parents, Neil and Cath- erine (Loynacham) McTaggart, were born in Scotland, the former in L811. They both came to America in their youth, and settled with their parents in Washington County. Ohio, where they were married in 1836. Six sons and two daughters were born to them, of whom David was the eldest. This son died his Jnative State at the age of eighteen, and all of the children were born in Ohio. The second child was our subject, and after him came Neil, who married in Canada, ami now resides in Colorado, where he fills the office of Postmaster. Daniel A. married Miss Ilarson, and is engaged in farming in Marion County, Iowa. Belle married James Amsbury, a farmer in Warren County, Iowa. Hugh E. married in Iowa, and located in Kansas, where he is engaged as a passenger conductor on the Santa Fe Railroad. He has been with this road for nine years, and makes his home at New- ton, Kan. Mary J. married William Stumph, and resided in Knoxville, Iowa, during her married life, dying there in July, 1887. Douglas D. mar- ried in Colorado, and is now carrying on farming in Nebraska. The subject of this sketch became a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War, enlisting in Company K, Thirty-ninth Ohio Infantry, June 20, 1861. At the expiration of his term of service in 1863, he re-enlisted for the remainder of the war. and was finally discharged in June, 1865. He was assigned to duty in St. Louis, and served in Northern Missouri until February, 1862, when he was ordered to New Madrid under Gen. Pope. He participated in the engagements at New Madrid and Island No. 10, and was afterward sent to Helena. Ark . after which he returned to reinforce Gen. Grant at Pittsburgh Lauding. He was in the siege of Corinth, and remained in that vicinity for several months. He took part in the battles of Iuka, Miss., and Corinth, remaining at tiie latter place through the winter of 1862-63. Dur- ing the summer of 1863 he did garrison duty at Memphis, and the following winter was spent at Prospect, Tenn . where he was guarding the rail- road, scouting, and watching the rebel Gen. Forrest. While here the Thirty-ninth Regiment re-enlisted as veterans. Mr. McTaggart was promoted to the position of Orderly-Sergeant of his company at the time of re- enlistment. In the spiing of 1864 his regiment joined Gen. Sherman's army at Chattanooga, and participated in the Atlanta campaign, taking part in the battles of Snake Creek Gap, Resaca, King- gold, Big Shanty. Kcnesaw Mountain and Huff's Mills. In the latter battle Col. E. F. Noyes, of the Thirty-ninth, who was afterwards the Governor of Ohio, lost a leg. Sergeant McTaggart received a severe wound in his left shoulder July 22, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. This has permanently disabled him. lie was in the hospital for some time at Marietta, Ga., and afterwards spent two months at home on a furlough. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 571 lie rejoined his regiment at Atlanta, and marched with Sherman to the sea. Here our subject re eeived the commission of a Second Lieutenant, and was transferred to Company I!, of the same regiment. He was placed on detached duty, hav- ing charge of the forages of the First, Division. .Seventeenth Army Corps, and he superintended the gathering of supplies during the march north- ward through the Carolinas, which finally ter- minated at the city of Washington. While on this duty Lieut. McTaggart was again honored with promotion, being commissioned First Lieu- tenant, and assigned 1<> the command ol Company I), in his regiment. He was mustered out of service at Goldsboro, N. C. March 29, 1865. He then inarched from Raleigh, N. (.'.. to Washington, 1). C, a most fatiguing and exhausting march in the heat of that tropical region. He participated in the Grand Review at Washington, and was sent to Louisville, Ky., for his final discharge. Lieut. McTaggart returned to Ohio, although his parents had removed to Iowa the previous year, but there was an attraction in Washington Count} for the young man. and he was wedded .Inly IS. 1865, to Miss Margaret Brown, daughter of .lames and Elizabeth Brown. She was one of three sons and three daughters, and was born in Washington County November 10. 1840. Those of her father's family who are still living are Betsey, tin' widow of John Irwin; John C, who married, and resides on a farm in Oconee Township, and Robert, of whom more may be learned by the perusal of the sketch of John C. Brown. One sister. Nancy, married in Ohio, but died soon afterward. Four children were born to Mi', and .Mrs. Mc- Taggart, one of who i died in infancy. Edwin, born August 18, 1870, lives at home. William F., born August 3, 1872, and Arthur C. January 17. 1874. Mr. McTaggart takes an active interest in political affairs, and votes with the Republican parts. In 1888 the Seventeenth Congressional District of Illinois honored itself and this gentle- man by making him its Presidential elector. Nexl to his army record. Mr. McTaggart recognizes this as the highest distinction of his life. our subject has never united with any church organization, although he gives liberally of his means to the support of the Gospel and to Sunday- schools. He owns a farm of one hundred and forty acres of land, with fine buildings and im- provements. It is situated within sight of school and church, and is in every way a desirable loca- tion. LMFR M. COLLINS, A. M., M. D. A bright mind coupled with a desire to do ' good in the world, has wonderful oppor- tunities for accomplishing a great work for God and humanity. To bend one's energies to the betterment physically and spiritually of his fellow-men and to devote one's talents in this di- rection is an aim worthy of the brightest intellect. The work which has been done by Dr. Collins, pas- tor of the Christian Church at Shelby vi lie. is of great value to the world. His brilliant convincing lectures on temperance, his exhaustive treatise en- titled "Prohibition versus Personal Liberty," his critical examination of the subject of Bible Tem- perance ami his valuable work entitled the '"Great Living Issue." have had and will continue to have a vital effect upon the temperance movement while his new Interest Calculator is of real merit and ex- tremely helpful to financiers. This gentleman, who was born in Buchanan. Mich., May 18, 184 1, located in Shelbwille in 1888, His parents, Nathaniel and Caroline C. (Cone) Collins, natives of New York, reared a family of seven children. Two sons grew to manhood, our subject and Frank N.. who was for ninny years a druggist, first in Chicago. 111., and afterward in Detroit. Mich. He was living in De- troit at the nine of his death, which occurred Jan- uary 29, 18*7. The two daughters of this family were Mary A., now the wife of James M. Crane, general agent of the Pacific Insurance Company, having headquarters at Cleveland, Ohio; and Emma A., unmarried. The parents of this family were married at Plymouth, Ind., and settled at Buchanan, Mich., where the father followed general merchandising for several years, subse- quently engaging in the hardware trade, being .72 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. also for several years a Justice of the Peace and esteemed a fair lawyer. lie was an earnest mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church and for fourteen years was Superintendent of the Sunday- school. Nathaniel Collins was a stanch Republican in his political opinions and a party leader, his advice being sought on all occasions and his judgment being highly esteemed. He began as a poor man, but was successful in business and amassed quite a fortune. The finest business block in Buchanan. Mich., was built by him and he was president of a large manufacturing establishment, besides being prominent in all public enterprises and in every matters pertaining to the welfare of the city. He was a good public speaker, and on occasions when the pastor of the church was absent, the pulpit was well tilled by Mr. Collins. He was born February 26, 1815, and died October 31, 1875. His widow who survives him, resides in Cleveland, Ohio. She was born October 26, 1822, and is a sister of the late Hon. Gustavus Cone, of Wisconsin. The boyhood of^our subject did not last long as his active mind did not allow him to be satisfied with childish pursuits. His earnest Christian parents stimulated his desire to do good work and upon January 23, 1859, when a boy of less than fifteen years, he preached his Brst sermon at Troy, Mich.. being then a student. After this he gave his atten- tion largely to preaching and was known far and wide as the boy preacher of Michigan. Twenty- live years from that day he again preached in Troy and six people were present who had heard his first sermon. While preaching he continued his education at Hillsdale College. Just before graduation the young preacher left college to accept a call to the pulpit at South Bend, hid. His ministry since that time has carried him to various places, among which are Auburn, N. Y., Corry, Pa., Buchanan. Mich.. Laporte, Ind., Cov- ington, Ky., Carthage, Ohio. < ; rand Rapids, Mich., Marion, Iowa, and Cameron, Mo. While in the East he attended a course of medical lectures at Buffalo, N. Y.. and completed his course at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, still preaching while he attended these studies. While at Cincinnati he graduated from both the Eclectic Medical Institute and Hie Medical College of Ohio. In 1877 while living in Grand Rapids, he had the misfortune to lose his hearing, in consequence of which he entered the editorial field at Davenport, Iowa, taking charge of a paper advocating the cause of Prohi- bition and at the same time lecturing on this theme. This paper, the Northwestern News, had sought him on account of the fame of his editorials in the /.< ver which was then published at Grand Rap- ids and now at Chicago. He partially recovered ii is hearing and resumed the active ministry, and ten years later came to Shelbvville, where he has charge of the leading church in the place. While at Cameron, Mo., Dr. Collins held meet- ings in Shaw's Opera House and built a baptistry on the stage where he baptized a number of peo- ple. This remarkable measure attracted the at ten tion of the press throughout the country. Dr. Collins is a writer of no small calibre, and the books of which he is author are widely circulated. He is very methodical and keeps a full record of his work. His Calculator which was published in 1882 is widely used by banks throughout the country, and exhibits his mathematical mind by his numerous new methods of calculation. The marriage of Dr. Collins and Miss Joanna, daughter of Russell P. and Almira Hibbard, took place May 31, 18(54. This lady was born in South Butler. Wayne County, N. Y.. and is now the mother of one child, Leslie N. The Doctor is a strong temperance man and a Republican in poli- tics. In 1880 the College of Hillsdale. Mich., honored both itself and our subject by conferring upon him the degree of Master of Arts. ' ► >- hW * i I > 1 1 , i > i ' \ ' ■llOMAS J. SATTERTHWAITE, a note- worthy farmer and stock-raiser residing on section 8. Oconee Township, Shelby County, was born in Brown County. Ind. . February I, 1851. His parents were Richard and Ursula (Brock) Satterthwaite, who were born in Hamilton Coun- ty, Ohio, the father in 1820 and the mother in 1822. In their native county they grew up side by side and were there married in 1840. The PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 573 father died in Brown County, [nd. about thirty- eight years ago. He anil his good wife were the parents of four sons and one daughter, namely: Oddy who enlisted in the Eighty-second Indiana Regiment and died in the Andersonvillc prison: John who married and lives in the village of Oco- nee; Wilmie, now Mrs. Bailey. living in Montgomery County, 111.; Daniel who was married and lives in Oconee Township, where lie is engaged in farm- ing and our subject, who was the youngest, and as we have said had his nativity in Indiana while his brothers and sister were all of Ohio birth. After her widowhood the mother of our subject married Joseph Rice in Indiana, in L853, and now resides near the village of Oconee where her husband carries on his double avocation of fanner anil Bap- tist preacher. Six children were born to this marriage. Thomas Satterthwaite came to Monl gomery County with his parents in 1868, and after his marriage he located on the farm where he now resides. His splendid tract of eighty acres of land is situated near the timber and has upon it not only a good bouse and barn but an exellent orchard. Mr. Satterthwaite was married to Miss Lucy b'. Hob- son September 3, 1878. She was born November •JO. 18.V") and is a daughter of John ami Mary Hob- son of Oconee Township. For further particulars in regard to the history of this prominent and in- teresting family the reader is kindly referred to a -ketch of Mr. Hobson upon another page of this Record. Our subject takes an interest in public affairs generally, and is worthy of commendations on account of both his public spirit and private en- terprise. He has been a School Director in his district and (allied out faithfully and well the du- ties of that office. As a member of the Farmers Mutual Benefit Association, he is active in pro- moting the inteiests of the farming community for which he is willing to pledge his besl efforts. He was formerly allied with the Democratic party but his interest in the cause of temperance which lie considers the main ally of good citizenship, ha- led him to vote tor the last four years the Prohi- bition ticket. With his lovely and capable wife he is connected with the Hopewell Baptist Church where they are efficient laborers in the Master's vineyard. They have had the happiness of rearing four children, and the sorrow of laying two in tee grave. They are named as follows; Lithuamy. horn February 23, 1880; Charley C. August is, 1882; John Benny, July 20, 1884; Florence, November 28, L 8 86 and Willie January _Ti. 1888. The last two passed away in childhood. Since their death the youngest, Gracie May has come to cheer the home. She was born April 13. 1890. 1 oIIN SWARTZ. Love has here dictated a few facts thai are most salient, in the life of him who was at one time the comfort and support, as well as the dear object of loving affection, to the companion with wl i he lived for many years, and who. when he was taken away, was left bereaved. Although simple in his relations both in the family and in his business life. Mr. Swartz w.is a manly man and a gentleman in all his dealings. His death occurred at his home in Pickaway Township, September 28, 1883. He had lived here since 1871, and during his residence had secured a farm of eighty-two acres on section thirty-one, which he had improved and put in the best cultivation before his death. Mr. Swartz was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, January 1- 1837. His parents were also natives of Ohio, who came West, settled and died in this county. Our subject lived in his native county until he arrived at manhood, and there early learned the duties incident to farmers' life, as the calling of his father was also that of an agricul- turist. When the war broke out. he of whom we write enlisted in Company F. of the Forty-sixth Ohio Regiment. II was made up at Columbus, Ohio, and our subject's enlistment was made Feb- ruary ti. 1861. The regiment to which he be- longed was assigned to Gen. Sherman's com- mand, and under that veteran military genius saw full and active service. Tic history of Gen. Sherman'; career ts so familiar to our readers that we do not neud to recount the desperate battles fought and won. nor the chances of war run by our subject, whos< fate was the same as that of his 574 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD commander. The original of our sketch served his full three years, and after being honorably dis- charged and receiving particular commendation for bravery, he re-enlisted as a veteran in his old regi- ment and served six months longer, receiving his final discharge July 8, 1865. He was engaged during his military career in twenty-one hard- fought battles, and many more skirmishes. He served for some time as Sergeant of his company. After the war he received a medal from the State of Ohio, which honor was conferred for noble veteran service. He was never wounded nor taken prisoner, but was poisoned by drinking im- pure water ; this was in the last days of his service, but he never really recovered from the sickness brought on. After Mr. Swartz's return from the army lie joined his wife and three children, having been married previous to his entering into service in Fairfield County, Ohio, his nuptials taking place February 18, 1856. His wife's maiden name was Rachael Friesncr. She was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, February 20, 1838. Ld* fS^~ .0*— ^4 IRON CURTIS. The name at the head of this sketch is that of a contractoi and builder, uniting with this the business of agriculture, being a general farmer resid- ing on section 33, of Moweaqua Township, §h< Iby County, where he owns one hundred and twenty acres of well-improved land. Our subject has devoted the greater part of ln- lite to the business of a mechanic, in which he has had a very successful career, lie came to Mowea- qua in 1852, remaining here one year, lie then absented himself three years, returning in 1855, and has since made the township his home. From the fact that he has been here so long and being well known as a man of much business ability who is never satisfied with doing anything but the best work, he is very well and favorably known in the county. When the slavery question culminated in the ter- rible war between the North and South, and a call was made for volunteers, Mr. Curtis was one of the first to respond. He enli-ted in October, 1861, in Company K, of the Forty-first O hio In- fantry. Col. Hughes being in command. Our sub- ject's regiment was under the general command of Gen. Culbert, and fought at Ft. Donelson, shiloh. Vicksburg, Nashville and Atlanta, and serving for three years. Our subject was never afraid of mili- tary duty. lie was an active and hard lighter and was engaged in many skirmishes besides the well- known battles mentioned above, lie was so fortu- nate as to escape without a wound, nor was he ever captured. Entering the war as a private his brav- ery was recognized, and he was offered a first lieu- tenant's commission, hut honors of that kind were not so much to him as the knowledge that lie was doing the best that he could for his country and his flag, as a brave private, and he declined the honor. He received an honorable discharge at Chattanooga, Tcnn.. in ( tctohcr, 1 86 I. ami he is very proud of his war record, and though unassuming and modest, tells with enthusiasm, of various en- gagements in which he has taken part. Mr. Curtis was born in Medina County, Ohio, February 20, 1837. He is a son of Enoch and Mary M. (Serdan) Curtis, natives of Vermont, coming of good New England stock. After the marriage of our subject's parents they came to Ohio, where they lived for a few years and then early in the '40s, while the country was as prim- itive as it could be, anil while some of the greatest characters in American history were maturing and becoming strong to meet the emergencies that were to confront them. At that time there were nocars and but two alternatives: either to come by water via the lakes, or overland, with their own teams, which latter way the}' chose. Their first location was in McLean County, and they made them a home in or near Bloomington, Ills. There Enoch Curtis died in 1853 at the age of thirty-five years. He hail learned the trade of a mechanic, although he was reared a farmer, but a pioneer settler neces- sarily must be able to turn his skill in several di- rections. 1 1 is wife died in 1888, in Moweaqua, 111., at the age of seventy-two yen's. Both she and her husband were prominent members of the Christian Church. 1! >th our subject's father and his grandfather, Pond Curtis, belonged to the old Whig party. Our subject's grandfather and his wife were early settlers in this State, in McLean County, but they spent the last, years in Lake County, where they died at an advanced age. Only two members of the family of Curtis still survive, our subject, and a sister I'ermelia Kirk- man, now of Moweaqua. From the age of twelve the original of this sketch has encountered the dif- ficulties of life alone and unaided, being at the same time, the support of his mother. He learned the trade of a house-builder in Moweaqua. and when he had arrived at years of maturity, be united him- self in marriage to Miss Sarah Daughtry. She 578 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. was born in East Tennessee in 184C and came to Illinois while young, with her parents, Brant and Lydia Daughtry. The family located in this county and township about the time of the break- ing out of the war, in which Mr. Daughtry en- listed and served as a soldier. He did not survive long after the war, his death having been caused by sickness contracted in the army. He passed away while in the hospital at Mound City, 111. His wife, resides in Moweaqua, and is now seventy- five years of age. She is a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church and is a good and conse- crated old lady. She never married again. Mrs. Curtis was reared and educated for the most part in this county. .She is the mother of three chil- dren, who are all yet under their father's roof. They are Fred and .lames, who conduct the farm, and a daughter Bertha, all bright and intelligent children. Mrs. Curtis is a member in good stand- ing of the Presbyterian Church, and by her in- fluence she exercises a very beneficient influence in the community. Politically her husband is an adherent of the Republican party, upholding its platform anil favoring its constituents. ^♦♦♦•S-r i ^.t't-frh «ggy IIARLES COWLE, the fortunate proprietor of one of the finest and best-managed farms in all Penn Township, is a veteran of the late war, who nobly devoted the opening years of his manhood to the service of his country and helped t<> preserve the Union. He was born in the beautiful New England city of New Haven, Conn., July 27, 1837. His father, Daniel Cowle, was a native of the Isle of Man, a son of Charles Cowle. who was also born on that island, upon which he spent his entire life engaged in agricultural pur- suits on an estate that he had inherited. He reared three sons and one daughter. The father of our subject was the only member of the family that ever came to America, his emi- gration to this country occurring when he was about twenty-live years old. He resided at first in New York, and also in New Jersey for a time, whence he went to New Haven. Conn., and later to Virginia, from which State he ultimately came to Illinois in 1841 by the way of the Ohio and Mis- sissippi Rivers. He located in the southern part of Macoupin County, and was one of the pioneers of that section of the State. From there he removed to Madison County a few years later, and buying a farm lived there until 1865. In that year he came to this county and bought a tract of wild prairie in what is now Penn Township. He built upon his land, and in due time improved a good farm, which was his home until his death in 1878, when the township lost a useful citizen, who was greatly respected. During his residence at New Haven, be married Miss Kosanna Fanning, in whom he found a helpful wife and a devoted com- panion. She is still living on the old homestead. She is a native of Patterson, N. J., and a daughter of John and Catherine Fanning. Of her nine children six have been spared to bless her declining years. Our subject, who was reared to agricultural pursuits, followed farming in Madison County until 1861. July 16, that year, he threw aside his work to volunteer for the defense of the old flag, and his name was enrolled as a member of Company I, Ninth Illinois Infantry. He went to the front nithhis regiment, and took part in the battles of Ft. Donelson, Shiloh, Jackson (Miss.), joined Sher- man's command at Goldsborough, N. G, and went on the Atlanta campaign, doing his share of fight- ing in the important battles enroute to Atlanta, and in the engagements with the enemy around that city. He was honorably discharged at Atlanta on the expiration of his term of enlist- ment. Returning to Illinois, he re-enlisted the same fall, notwithstanding his past experience of the hardships of a soldier's life, as, with true patriotism, he was determined to see the contest I nt ween the North and South to its bitter end, if possible. He joined his regiment in North Caro- lina, and marched with the victorious army by the way of Richmond to Washington, where he *ook part in the Grand Review, and was honorably dis- charged for a second time from the service in July, 1865. The Ninth Illinois Infantry to which Mr. Cowle belonged were in one hundred and ten engagements PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 579 commanded respectively by Col. E. A. Paine, Col. A. Mersey and Col. J. J. Philips. At Corinth, in 1863, the regiment was mounted and remained as such until the expiration of the term of service, and took part in numberless skirmishes and battles. In the fall of the year that he left the army, Mr. Cowle came to Shelby County, and in 1868 bought the farm in Penn Township that he now owns and occupies. This is a valuable farm, and its finely tilled and highly productive fields yield him a neat income. Here he lives happy in a state of single blessedness, sometimes keeping bachelor's hall, at other times boarding, as his fancy dictates. He is much liked in his community, as lie is invariably pleasant, neighborly and obliging, and he is trusted to the fullest extent by all who know him, ns he is always fair and honest in his dealings. Politically, he affiliated with the Republican party many years, but at present he is independent. OI1N E. GARMAN has devoted himself to fanning the past few years, and the appear- ance of his fine, well improved prairie farm on section 20. Penn Township. Shelby County, gives evidence that be has a clear under- standing of the most practical methods of con- ducting agriculture to a successful issue. He is a Pennsylvanian by birth, born in the town of Jack- sonville, Center County, March l>.">. 1853. His father, George Garman was also a native of Penn- sylvania, and he in turn was a son of John Gar- man, who was born near Hanover. Germany. He came to this country after he had attained man- hood, and was quite an early settler of Jefferson County, Pa. He was a distiller by trade, and fol- lowed that occupation in connection with farming, spending his last years in the State of his adop- tion. George Garman served a seven years' appren- ticeship to learn the trade of a wheelwright, car- penter and millwright. In 1856 became to Illinois and located in Stephenson County. Renting land near Freeport. he was engaged in farming there until death closed his busy career in December, 1863. The maiden name of his wife was .Mary S. Neil. She was born in Centre County, Pa., a daughter of John and Elizabeth Neil, natives of Scotland. She now resides with her son, James I., in Pickaway Township. She was left a widow with four children to care for, and she nobly shouldered her burden. She resided in Stephenson County until 186"), and then coming to this county, bought forty acres of wild prairie land in what is now Pickaway Township. She at once erected a small frame house, and by hard toil and much self-sacrifice kept her family together, with the assistance of her sons, who improved the land, and she still owns the home that is the fruit of her unwearied labors. The following is recorded of her four c'lildren: Isabelle married John Black and lives in Milan Township, Macon County; John E. is our subject ; James lives in Pickaway Town- ship; William died in 1878. He of whom we write was three years old when the family came to Illinois, therefore the most of his associations are connected with his life in this State. Like other farmers' boys, as soon as he was large enough to be of any use he was set to work on the farm, and was a great help to his mother after his father's death, remaining with her until his marriage. At the age of seventeen years he began to learn the trade of a carpenter, and at the age of nineteen engaged as a builder on his own account. He continued in that line until December, 1884, when he turned his attention to the calling to which he had been reared, and at that time bought the farm in Penn Township, upon which he has ever since resided. He is car- rying on his farming operations advantageously and profitably, and has increased the value of his farm since it came into his possession by judicious cultivation, and by many substantial improvements. Mr. Garman has been twice married. In De- cember, 1884, he was wedded to Miss Winnie T. Tolly, a native of Pickaway Township, and a daughter of Samuel and .lane (Sims) Tolly. She died in August, 1886, leaving one child, Emma May. Our subject's second marriage took place in April, 1889, and Miss Sarah Frances Foster became his wife. She is a native of Todd's Point Township, and a daughter of Joseph and Mary 580 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Foster. Sbe is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and her name is associated with the good work carried on by her pastor and fellow- members. Her union to our subject has been blessed to them by the birth of two children. Mary Alice, and Grace Edna. Mr. Garman is a manly, straightforward man. of sound principle and good habits, and in him the citizenship of this township has a valuable acquisi- tion. His politics are of the Republican order. and he stands firmly by his party whatever betides. ^^ "=] S~ (MIX S. FRY, who is now one of the success- ful farmers of Penn Township, was a volun- teer in the Union ranks during the late war, and his military record is that of a brave, patriotic soldier, who cheerfully endured hardships. the perils of battle, and even death, lo serve his country in her time of greatest need. His native place is the town of Bremen, Fairfield Comity. Ohio, and the date of hi- birth November 11, 1845. He comes of one of the old pioneer families of that section, and his father, Henry Fry, was born on the same farm as himself. The grandfather of our subject, John "Fry, was an early settler of that region. He was born, reared and married in Vir- ginia, taking for his wife Mary Leib, also a Vir- ginian. He removed from his native State to Ohio in the early years of its settlement, and was a pioneer farmer of Fairfield County, lie bought a tract of Government laud midway between Bre- men and Rushville, on Little Rush Creek, and cleared a farm, upon which he pleasantly passed tiie remainder of his life. His wife died at, the home of her daughter in Seneca County. In tiie county in which he was born the father of our subject was reared amid pioneer scenes. He attended a German school at Rushville. and at other times assisted his father on his farm until he was sixteen years old. At that age he began to learn the trade of a cabinet-maker and was employed a1 it until his marriage, hut after that time he de- voted himself to farming the remainder of his life. which closed with his death at a ripe age. January 1. 1875. The wife who shared with him for many years the joys and sorrows common to mortals, sur- vives him, and now makes her home with a son near Millersport, Ohio. In her maiden days she bore the name of Jemima Scott, Shaw and she was born two miles south of West Rushville, Fairfield County. Ohio. Our subject was one of seven children and was carefully reared in the home of his birth. He was but a boy when the great Civil War broke out, yet the following year he offered his services to his country and on the 16th of July his name was enrolled as a member of Company D, One Hundred Twenty-Ninth Ohio Infantry. The most impor- tant battles in which he took part during that term of enlistment were those fought at Wild Cat. Ky. and at Cumberland Cap. In 1 8G3 he vet- eranized in Company B, Seventeenth Ohio Infan- try, and joined his regiment at Ringgold, Ga. He accompanied it on the famous Sherman campaign at Atlanta, and did some good lighting in the en- gagements with the enemy on the way to that city. At Resaca our subject received injuries in the right knee, hut he continued with his regiment until Atlanta was reached. Aftei the fall of that City he joined the provost guard and went with that command to I he sea, and from there, by the way of the Carolinas and Richmond, to Washington, where he took part in the Grand Review. After that event he returned with his regiment to Vir- ginia and served until his honorable discharge. July 16, 1865, just three years to a day after he entered the army. After his long and bitter experiences of the hardships and excitements of a soldier's life, Mr. Fry relumed to \\\- old home in Ohio, and quietly resumed the peaceful vocation that he had aban- doned to take up arms in the defense of the stars and stripes. In 1S7I he went to Missouri and was a resident of ivtii- County, ihat State, for one year. He then came Eastward as far as Illinois and bought the farm that he now owns in l'enn Township, since he took possession of it twenty years ago lie has demonstrated the fact that he has a char understanding of farming in its various branches, as his farm is well ordered and compares a^iA^ . PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ,,s;: favorably in all respects with all the others in iis vicinity. Mr. Fry, has had the good fortune to secure the helping hands of an efficient wife, to whom he was united in marriage June 17, 1869. Her maiden name was Kmeline Ruffner, and she is also a native of Fairfield County. Ohio, a daughter of Jonas and Susanna Ruffner. These are the names of the seven children of our subject and his wife: Frank K., Dolly V., Thcron R.. Kva S.. Belle and Dell ( twins) and Carrie. In this brief life-record of our subject his value as a loyal citizen has been shown by his course during the war, and is well known by the people among whom he has lived for many years since that time. He is exemplary in his habits, upright in his conduct, and in him the Presbyterian Church finds one of its most consistent members. His life as a soldier is held in remembrance by his connec- tion with the Grand Army of the Republic at Bethany. Politically he is a stanch advocate of the Republican party. \ '-7-' HUMAN P. MAUTZ. The senior member //T\ of the linn of Mautz & Diddea. proprietors V — y of a general store at Stewardson, Shelby County. Mr. Mautz has a wide acquaintance in the adjoining agricultural districts, as well as in the town itself, and he and his partner are known :i- upnght, honorable dealers, and men of sterling worth and integrity. The business was established by York & Mautz in 1879. Mr. York sold out his interest to the^piesent partner, Mr. Diddea. in 1MX1. and since they have been in partnership to- gether, the linn has been successful in its I m-i i n -~~ dealings to a gratifying degree. Our subject was born in Wurteinherg. Germany, December 21. 1849, and is a son of George and Rosina (Shantz) Mautz. of whom a fuller history may be found under the biography of .1. p. Mautz. in another part of this volume. Thomas P.. of this sketch, was but a small boy. when the family emigrated to America, and proceeding to Zanes- ville and Lancaster, Ohio, remained there a short linn-, removing in 1854 to Shelby County. III. He a-sisted on the farm and early learned the duties incident to such work. He was educated in the district schools of the vicinity, and continued his residence at home until he was twenty years of age, when he learned the milling business, working at Pana and Rosemond. Later Mr. Mautz. removed to Bainbridge, Ind., ami thence came to Oconee, 111., and after sojourn- ing in the latter place until 1874 came to Steward- son, which town was ju-t then organized. Here Mr. Mautz for three years operated a flouring mill and afterward formed a partnership with II. II. 'link under the Jinn name of York & Mautz. Mr. Mautz established a genera! mercantile business in Shumway, 111., in 1878, but one year later removed the business to Stewardson, in which In- has con- tinued until the present time, being now senior member of the firm. They OCCUpy their own stoic building and carry a large general stock of mer- chandise. On May 20, 1879, Mr. Mautz and Miss Bertha Kails were united in marriage. Mrs. Mautz is a daughter of John Karls, of Rural Township, this county, and was born in Lockville, Ohio. Decem- ber 13, 1858. They are the parents of four chil- dren — Nora. Lillie, Lottie, and Frankie, all of whom are intelligent and amiable. Politically Our subject affiliates with the Democratic party, its breadth of platform and tree trade principles favor- ing his notions of the government that should rule the Republic. lie is the founder of the Stewardson Homestead Loan Association, an organization to help the laboring man get a home of his own and furnish him with a safe and profitable investment for his small savings. This association is a large factor for good in the prosperity of the community and had contributed materially to the well-being of the citizens. lie has been the incumbent of several local offices in the gifl of the lowu. having been Supervisor of Prairie Township for seven consecutive terms. During this tunc hi' wast hair- man of the Board of Supervisors for three terms < He a No held the office of President of the Village Board, and has tilled other local offices. In his re- ligious views Mr. Mautz is a Swedenborgian. lie 584 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is at present, as lie lias been for several terms, Master of Sigel Lodge, No. 541, I-'. & A. M. at Stewardson. His portrait is presented in connection with this brief biographical review. ! > ■ p fc p i t \ w * > fc f i ' r^—^* "^ ■■ ' ARRY M. RAWLINGS. Among the ag- j riculturists <>f Shelby County who arc so capably carrying on their affairs, both as fanners anil citizens, as to be deserving of representation in a biographical work, may be mentioned Mr. Rawlings, an esteemed citizen of Ridge Township. Hishome of onehundred twenty acres is on section 9, and being well managed, is the source of a better income than some of much greater extent. It affords a good maintenance and enables Mr. Rawlings to make some provision for the future, and as a home, it is comfortable and pleasant. The owner is industrious and prudent. and care is taken to make the best possible use of the acreage that he cultivates and to supply it with modern inprovements, such as befit the home of a cultured and intelligent family. John Rawlings, father of our subject, was born in Cecil County. Md., in 1817 and upon reaching man's estate was married to Martha E. Mi-Master, a native of Maryland. After their marriage the worthy couple located in Guernsey County. Ohio, in 1856. After a sojourn in that county of nine years, they came to Shelby County. ML in L865, and Located on section II. Ridge Township, where their son. our subject, now resides. After improving this farm and making it their home for a period of sixteen years, they removed to Pickaway Township, where the father died September 30, 1887. The mother still survives Their family comprised eight children, five sons and three daughters, our subject being the second in order of birth. The birthplace of our subject was Cecil County, Md.. and his natal day August 10, 1855. He was a mere babe "hen hi~ parents took him to Ohio, where be remained untilhe was ten years old, in the meantime gaining the rudiments of his education in the district schools. In 1865 he accompanied his parents to this county, where he has since resided. He has from childhood Keen engaged in agricultural pursuits and his thorough knowledge of agriculture in all its departments has titled him for an honorable and successful career. He was married in Ridge Township, February 24. 1 885, to Miss Katie Weakly, daughter of the late Samuel Weakly. For further information in regard to her parents the leader is referred to the sketch of Fdson B. Weakly. Mrs. Rawlings was horn in Ridge Township, September (I. 1861, and is universally esteemed for her noble qualities. In politics Mr. Rawlings gives his support to the Democratic party: religiously he and his estimable wife are consistent members of the Presby- terian Church. His farm is embellished by all buildings necessary for the shelter of stock and Storage of grain, as well as a comfortable residence, and such arrangements are made for sowing and reaping as show that the owner possesses progressive ideas and a worthy ambition. He is a judicious and successful agriculturist and deserved!} commands the confidence of the business community. mmm&&mmm. OI1X II. MILLER. M. I). To attain emin- ence in any of the learned professions and especially in the humane one of medicine, is worth the efforts of a life time and when this achievement is gained by a comparatively young man. it is certainly worthy of note by the biographer. The popularity already gained by the gentleman whose name appears al the head of this paragraph, the only physician and surgeon in Oconee, justifies tin 1 prediction that he will soon stand tit the head of his profession in this state. Our subjeel was born in Fayette County, 111.. April Mi. l,s."}."i and is the son of the Rev. Jacob and Mary .1. (Stapp) .Miller who were pioneers of that county, the father having been born there. The mother was a native of Kentucky but very early in life came to Fayette County. There were four sons and one daughter in the family of the Rev. Jacob Miller, of whom Dr. PORTRAIT AM) UIOGRAPinCAL RECORD. 585 Josepli 1-'. Miller is the eldest and is located .'it Palmer, 111., where he is engaged in the practice of medicine. The healing art is a favorite calling in this family and a half In-other of our subject, Dr. A. I >. Miller, is also practicing his profession at Palmer. The only remaining half brother, Louis A. Miller, will enter the. College of l'liyscians and Surgeons at Chicago this year, thereby making complete a continuous line of medicos in this fam- ily. Two brothers and one sister are deceased. Dr. J. II. Miller received his general education in the excellent public scl Is of Illinois and at the High School at Shelby ville, and at Eureka ( ollege, Eureka, 111. His professional study and train- ing were secured privately under competent and painstaking tutors, and these were supplemented by attendance at the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis. At this popular institution he attended two courses of lectures, graduating March I. Ikko. with honor to himself and credit to the profession. Like most men who achieve commendable heights in art, literature of science, his success i- mainly due to his own exertions. An indomitable will combined with energy, industry and good health was his stock in trade, and every draft upon this kind of bank -tock brings a liberal response. Immediately after his graduation the young Doctor located in the practice of his chosen profession :it Oconee, where he still remains, enjoying the con- fidence and esteem of all with whom he is assoc- iated either professionally or socially. A genial, whole-souled, and companionable gentleman, it is not strange that he should he a favorite among his fellow-men. hut it is remarkable that so young a man should have built up a practice which more experienced physicians might justly enjoy with pride. Another evidence of the Doctor's pro- fessional popularity is the fact that he is the only physician in the town of Oconee or within a radius of several miles around, although several talented men have attempted to get a foothold here in their profession. On the Hith of January, \KH:\. Dr. Miller was united in marriage with Miss Laura Theile of Ramsey, 111., the ceremony being performed at the residence of the bride's parents. Mrs. Miller is a daughter of Henry and Eliza Theile. who were among tin- firsl settlers of Ramsey . and her father, a millwright by profession, owned and operated a mill ill that place. The Doctor is a member of Oconee (amp No. 1312, M. W. of A. and enjoys the distinction of having been chosen to the office of Deputy Head Counsel <>f the Seventeenth Congressional District of Illinois. The duties of this office are a general supervision over the affairs of the order within his territory and the organ- ization of new camps, his territory comprising the counties of Shelby, Macoupin. Montgomery. Moul- trie. Effingham and Payette. Of professional associations Dr. Miller is a mem- ber of the District Medical Society of Central Illi- nois in which he is Secretary; also of the Illinois Mate Medical Society in which body he is the Secretary Of the Section on Etiology, Preventive and state Medicine. He is also a member of tic American Medical Association and in all these organizations he ranks high among his brethren in the profession. In May 189] he was elected to the position of Assistant to the chair on Practice of Medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago for the winter term, and in addition was made a member of the spring faculty to till the above named chair. -+#§#n#+ He» •-*« EORGEW. VAUGIIAN. Prominent among the public men of Sullivan, and eminent a> a church and Sunday-school worker is the gentleman whose name heads this paragraph. He is no office seeker but an earnest worker in the rank and file of the Democratic party and has at the earnest request of his fellow-citizens, Idled the offices of Supervisor and Deputy County Treasurer. His work in the line of Sunday-schools, has brought him before the best people of the counl\ . as he lias been President of the county organization ■. d Ml- a- delegate in most of the State Sunday-school conventions. He i> now the President of the County Sunday-school Association. Mr. Vaughan is a retired farmer and stock-raiser, residing in a comfortable home on Jackson street. lie removed to the city from hi- large farm ill 586 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Sullivan Township in October, 1886, leaving an estate which he bad materially decreased in extenl by gifts in his children. The well-improved tract which lie still retains comprises two hundred acres, most of which he ha> brought from its native con- dition t<> a well drained and highly cultivated state. He has been a successful farmer in this county where he has lived since 1842 and now enjoys the benefits of his labors. Our subject was bom in Shelby County in 1833 his parents having settled in Shelbyville in 182?. His father, .lames W. Vaughan was a soldier in the Black Hawk War and served as a private under (Jen. Atkinson, and helped to bury the dead after Maj. Stillman's defeat near Dixon's Ferry. After peace was concluded and the Indians were sent beyond the Father of Waters, Mr. Vaughan came back to Shelby County, and there devoted himself to hi-- trade. He was a mechanic and gunsmith and at the same lime operated a farm. In 1842 he removed from Shelby County, where he had been a pioneer-, to Whitley Township, .Moultrie County, and later came to Sullivan but in January, 1864 removed to Coles County where he eon tinned active in his trade and upon the farm until his death which occurred June 21. 1890, when he was past eighty-four years old. lie was horn in Vir- ginia December 8, 1805, and was tin- son of Woody Vaughan who died when .lames was only eighl years old. The family is of English stock with some German admixture and came to this coun- try prior to the Revolutionary War. The mother of James W. Vaughan was a Miss Farrer, who was of German descent and who came with her family to Illinois in 1829 and died in Shelby ' ounty at a very advanced age, passing away a> did her husband in the enjoymenl of a beau- tiful Christian faith. James W. Vaughan was eight years old when his mother moved to Tennessee and in 1829, after Iris marriage to Jemima McNealya native of Tennes- see he came to Illinois. This noble and lovely Christ- ian wife died in .Moultrie County. -it the age of fifty-four years, she had been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church most of her life. The second matrimonial union of Mr. Vaughan waswithMrs. Melinda A. Ellis, net Phillips, who is yet living and now at the age of seventy-three years makes her home in Cole- (ounty. She is a member of the Free Will Baptist Church, in which her husband, .lames W. Vaughan was for almost fifty year.- a minister. He was an earnest and hard working servant in the vineyard of the Lord. ami tilled many pulpits in this State, lie was univer- sally recognized as nil earnest pioneer minister and lode from point to point on horseback to meet appointment and to minister to the spiritual want- of the people in the days when neighbors were twenty miles apart. Of the children of this pioneer preacher one. Samuel is a Baptist minister at Decatur. 111.; three. William, John and George, were soldiers in the Union army. John being Lieutenant of his com- pany, and being killed ill the battle of Shiloh during the great charge of the Union forces. He and William belonged in Company 1>, Forty-first Illinois Infantry. William served for three years and escaped unhurt anil is now living near Bethany. Our subject enlisted in Company C, One Hun- dred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry, under ( apt. A. X. Smizer of Sullivan and Col. Richmond of Mattoon. This regiment took part in the siege of Vicksburg, holding the key to the eit\ in the rear, keeping the rebels from entering through the V.i/.oo Valley. Later they went to Arkansas doing service at Duvall's Bluff and Little Rock. Our sub- ject was commissioned Second Lieutenant at the lime the company was organized, but owing to sickness was forced to resign and received his honorable discharge before the expiration of his term of service. The first marriage of Mr. Vaughan united him with MissBeulah Rhodes, who was born and reared in Shelby County and died in December. 1880. sin- was the mother of two children now living: Ar- thur L. a fanner, who has married Nancy Hughes; and Ida tin- wife of Arthur Hampton , of Demurest. Ga. A daughter now deceased, Oli via, was the wife of S. I'. Corley, a Dakota fanner. Our subject was again married at St. Joseph, Mo. to Miss Nancy C. Henry, who was born in Macon County. III.. May 13, 1851. Her parent-, were .lohn and Sybil (Tl-uit) Henry. She resided in St. Joseph al the time of her marriage, she is the mother of three PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 587 children one son Jay, having passed away. j«eslie 1 1. i> afflicted with loss of hearing and is ;i studenl in the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Jacksonville and Donna M. the baby of the household is the delighl of her parents, both of whom are active members of society and useful in their church relations being connected with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. II.LIAM J. SNYDER. The gentleman / whose biography it is our pleasure to here give, at least in outline, is noted for the interest that he takes in the moral and religious good of the community; although he lias been and is a successful tanner, he is a dccplv religious man and devotes mine time to the progress of mental. moral and spiritual life than to financial gain for himself. He is now one of the county Sunday - school workers, having been Superintendent for years, and once President <>f the County Board. lie is at present one of the executives, anil is also a standing delegate to the Mate conventions that meet in the interesl of this work. [n the business of general farming. Mr. Snyder devotes himself mainly to stock-raising, having one of the besl stock farms in Flat Branch Township, being located on section 8, where he owns four hundred and twenty acres. All of this is underthe plow. His buildings are all tirst class in construc- tion, and the place is well stocked. Ever) improve- ment is the work of hi- own hands, lie purchased the farm in 1866, locating « »n it the following vear. It was then a wild brush patch, but with undaunted energj he set about clearing it. planted tine shade and fruit trees, tilled the fields and divided the meadows into paddocks wherein are now found horses, cattle, sheep and swine of high grade and breeding. Naturally Mr. Snyder is a progressive farmer and is never satisfied with well enough. Prior t" the coming of our subject to tins State he was a resident of Christian County, where he was born in Prairie Township, Ma\ 28, \*\'J. There lie was reared and educated. going through the common schools and finishing at the High School at Mt. /.ion. in Macon County. At the breaking out of the war. before he "as quite twenty years of age, he enlisted in Company II. One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois Infantry. Col. N. \V. Tucker (now deceased) and (apt. .1. L. I >oi>-on. now at Salisbury, Mo., in command. They joined Gen. Sherman's Army of the Ten- nessee, and were with them in the battle of Oxford. Tenn. Our subject saw much service during his experience in the war and was honorably dis- charged in 1862, He later, however, re-enlisted in the Thirteenth New York Heavy Artillery. Com- pany I., and did marine service on the United State- steamer "Parks." Col. Howard commanding. This steamer was particularly and conspicuously engaged in capturing rebel torpedoes and in pre- venting the rebels from destroying the Union pro- visions at Petersburg. It also captured many local fleets and both commissioned and non-com- missioned officers. It also captured the James River pirate, ('apt. Ilines. While this little marine band saw comparatively little hard fight- inir. tlie\ did a ureal deal of active and valuable service and won for themselves many laurels. ( )ur subject received his final discharge at Newbem, N. ( • in 1865. He was never wounded or taken prisoner, bnl suffered from experiences known to the kind of army life he had served, being swamped in the surf at Port Fisher, with many of his regiment. \fter the war. Mr. Snyder returned to his home in this State and devoted his time to his business as a farmer, lie has been remarkably successful Mild of hi- abundant -tore, he i- generous and open handed. He is a son of Michael Snyder, of whom a further sketch may be found in another part of this volume. He was married in Brown County, Ohio, to Miss Eliza A. Grinner, who was :i native of that State and county. She was there reared and educated, where her parents lived .'11111 died. Mrs. Snyder is an intelligent and capable woman and make- a charming home for her hus- band and children, who -how the influence of re- lined and cultured home training. Our subject and hi- wife are the parent- of six children, tin;. 588 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. are: Lula M., who is engaged as a teacher in the public schools of the township therein she lives. She ■»;(> educated at the VVesleyan College at Bloomington, this State; Ernest F., May Bell ('.. William R., Lida Pearl and Grace (■.. who are all :it home and make the family life merry with their brightness and intelligent converse. Our subject and his wife arc popular young people. Mr. Snyder is a member of the Evangel- ical Association, while his wife is a member of the Lutheran Church. He is associated in all hi- work with the liest men in the township and county. Politically he casts hi- vote and influence with the Prohibition party. w^S !>*. IK.'i'.l. She passed a\\a\ from this life in 1873, leaving her husband and five children to mourn her. The children's names areas follows: Elizabeth, Julia. Caroline. Andrew and Mary. Elizabeth i- the wife of Charles Friese: Julia presides over the domestic realm of the house- hold of Ferdinand Kull: Caroline is the wife of t reorge Kircher. In 1ST I Mr. Bauer persuaded Mrs. Williclmina I-'rede ici- Kull. In lake up the reins of domestic government in bis household, she was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, and by her lirst marriage was the mother of live children. Mr. Bauer and bis present wife are the parents of five children. only two of whom are living: they are Tobias and PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 589 Martha. The family are members in good standing of the Lutheran Church. In his political prefer- ence, he (if whom we write is a stanch Democrat. He has been :i member of the Board of Supervisors of his township for three terms, and has also held the positions of School Director and Trustee. Our subject owns a beautiful home at Stewardson, and nine acres of land. His residence is commodious anil comfoitable and contains all the late improve- ments in interior arrangement thai are so necessary to modern living. Pecuniarily he is well fixed, and stands high in the esteem of his fellow-towns- men because of his practical business views and his honorable and upright dealings. OSEPH J. SMOCK, resides on section 2,of Rural Township, Shelby County, his resi- dence in the county, dating from 1862. He is a native of Sullivan County, Ind., where he was born, February 20, 1844. .Joseph Smock is a son of Abram and Mary E. (Weeks) Smock, of whom a fuller history may be found under the sketch of the Kev. Harnett Smock, in another part of this volume. Our subject's early- life was nol dissimilar to that of the majority of lads wliu are raised on a farm. He early became acquainted with the mysteries of milking, feeding the stock, ploughing, hoeing com, and kindred work that the farmer liny i- ap1 to attempt to escape mile-.- he has a vigilaal eye placed over him. It is much pleasanter in a hot, .lime day. to go a-fishing than to cultivate corn. The educational advantages enjoyed by our sub- ject, were limited, although he attained a good foundation for a practical education in the districl schools in the vicinity in which he lived. In 1862 he came to Shelby Comity. Ilk. and for one vear was engaged in work a- a farm hand. He then rented land and tilled the same in order to get means to purchase. In 1866, January 25, he was united in marriage to Susanna Casey, a daughter of Judge John and Nancy (Denton) Casey, she was born in Shelby County, this State, December 17. 1846, Her father was a native of Kentucky, anil when bul a child of fourteen years of age, was brought by his parents Levi and Chloe Casey, to Illinois. The family settled in Ridge Township in the year is:!.",, and at that time en- tered a large tract of Government land, upon which they made many improvements. Levi and Chloe Casey died at quite advanced ages. They were parent- of eight children. Their son. John Casey. Mrs. Smock's father. «:i> born February HI. 1813, in Warren County. Ky. The family removed to Illinois in 1816, and re- sided in Bond County until 1885. John Casej was married February 20, 1834 to Mahala Jackson, who died in duly. 1835, leaving one child as a reminder of his gentle and affectionate wife. Oc- tober lit. 1KS7. Mr. Casej again married, his bride being Nancy Denton. Their union was blessed by the birth of eleven children. Of these four daugh- ters and one son survive him. In the early days Judge John Casej was a man of considerable prominence. He tilled the position of Justice of the Peace from 1845 to I860, and during this period he solemnized man\ marriages. In 1846, he became a volunteer, enlisting in the Mexican War, entering the army in Company Ik Third Reg- iment. Captain Foreman in command. lie served to the end of the war and was regarded as a brave soldier and a loyal citizen of the Republic of the Tinted State-. He made a record for being the fleetest runner and the best rifleman in the regiment. Before Mr. ( asej left home for service, he pur- chased a pair of shoes of General 'Thornton and these he wore during the whole time in which he was in service and on hi- return, the General pre- sented him with a new pair in exchange for the old ones, which he kept as a souvenir and which are properly labeled as a treasured relic of that stormy period. .Indue Casey was one of the As- sociate Judges under the old system. He was a member of the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, and served as a Supervisor for several terms. Ill 1874, he removed to Shelbyville, which he made his home until his death. He was that extremely rare thing in law. an honest judge, and prided himself that his word wa- as g 1 at any time, as his bond. In his religious preference, he was a .-.'.Ill PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Baptist. Personally lie was an Immense man, weighing from [three f hundred to three hundred and fifty pounds. After marriage our subject, Mr. Smock, resided in Ridge Township for two years, there operating land which he rented. They then returned to Flat Branch Township, also renting their land for one year. Thence thej went to Pickaway Town- ship, where they rented land for three years. From there they came to Rural Township, making a stay of six vears. Then they returned to Pickaway Township, where they remained for ten years, since which time they have lived in Rural Town- ship, where he purchased a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, all of which is g 1 and well improved land. Mr. and Mrs. Smock have had their lives enrich- ed by the advent into their family of five children. Two of these were lent them lint for a short time. The three living arc Aha I!.. Chloe Ellen anil Eliza A. Politically our subjeel is a follower of the Democratic party, casting his vote and influ- ence with it. .Mrs. Smock is a member of the I'nited lla]itisl Church. She is an intelligent, as well a- amiable and cultured woman. -.$..5..}. .5. ^5B' , ^"^4"J C ^ \MKs HOGARTH, a prosperous farmer and stock-raiser of Penn Township, was born in Yorkshire England. .Inly 5, 1839. UN father, who bore the same name as himself. was a native of the same country, his birthplace being Westmoreland, and he in turn was the son of another .lames Hogarth, who was a farmer, na- tive of Lancaster-hire, and a life-long residenl of England. The father of Olirsubjecl was reared on a farm and followed agricultural pursuits in York- shire, where he spent his last years, lie married Elizabeth Birtle, whose whole life was passed in Yorkshire, she was the mother of two children, our subjeel and Isabella, her daughter spending her entire life iii England. Our Subject was lefl an orphan when onh leu years old. As soon as large enough he began work on the farm and earlv sained a practical in- sight into the besl methods of carrying on farming. While attending school he learned a great ileal about the United States of America, a subject which hail a great interest for him. and in pursu- ance of a determination to try life in this great and growing country, he embarked at Liverpool in 1860, on the steamer "Washington City." and aftera voyage of eleven days landed at CastleGar- den. New York, lie came directly to Shelby County, arriving here with about $15 in his pocket, which scant capita] was supplemented by a courageous heart, a cool head and steady hand, and willingness to do whatsoever he found to do with the capacity of doing it well. lie began life here by working on a farm by the month, continu- ing that employment until his marriage, when he located on the farm in Penn Township, that he has since occupied. At that time the place was but very little improved, but since it came into his hands he has wrought a wonderous change by persistent and well directed labor. The land is now under a high state of cultivation, the neat and. substantia] buildings comparing with an\ in the township, and fruit, shade and ornamental trees, planted by his own hand, add greatly to the attractiveness of the place. The reader will he pleased to notice a view of this homestead on an- other page. In 1867, .Mr. Hogarth took unto himself a wife in the person of Mrs. Margaret (Shinnnan ) P.irketl. a native of Cumberland, England. Mrs. Hogarth's lather. Philip Shinnnan. was reared on the Isle of Man. and thence he removed to Cumberland, where lie lived for many years. In [857 he caine to America with Mrs. Hogarth. lie visited a short time in Cleveland, Ohio, and then went to Clinton in the same Slate, to see a daughter, and died in her home ten weeks after landing in this country. Mi- wife died in England in 1851. She was the mother of -i\ children, of whom these three came to the I'nited States — Mr-. Hogarth, her sister Mary and brother Thoma-. The wife of our subject grew to womanhood in her native shire, and was lir.-t married thereto John Birkett. He was a native of that part of England, and resided there until 1857. In that year, August 7. he set -ail from Liverpool on the PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 593 vessel "American Union," accompanied byljjswife and her father, and Landed in New York after a voyage of six weeks and live days. Lie and his wife lived in Ohio from 1 is ."> 7 to I860, then they came to Todd's Point Township, this county, which .-it that time was but sparsely settled and Little im- proved, with plenty of land for sale at $5 or Less an acre. Mr. Birkett's means were limited, and lie began Life in his new home on rented land. In the spring of L864 he boughl a tract of railway land in l'enn Township, and at once commenced to improve a farm. But he was not destined to finish his work, as death cut short his career in the fall of that year, and his township lost a useful citizen. .Mr. and Mrs. Hogarth are people of most esti- mable character, worthy in every way of the good will and respect of their neighbors, which is ac- corded to them in full measure. They are both members of the Presbyterian Church. In national politics Mr. Hogarth votes the Republican ticket, hut in local affairs he is independent, giving his support to the best man regardless of party. f *=-i-3= N DAM II. FULTON. Forty years seems, in considering the history of the develop- ment of some countries, a mere speck of time, but in this Western World, since railroads have been reaching out their grasping fingers in every direction and carrying along their line an infusion of vigorous life, it i- not aston- ishing that as much should have been done in >o short a lime, as has taken ages to evolve in the Old World. It is a truism that weare the heirs of all the ages, and that fact should make US modest instead of boastful. Our subject first saw the Light of day a little over forty years ago upon the place where lie at this time resides, his natal da\ being June 10, L851. These forty years of life spent in Rural Township have not been without avail, for his early efforts have been crowned with success, and he is now a Largeand prominent farmer of Slielby County, residing on section 13, of Rural Town- ship. He is a son of Adam and Elizabeth (Hill) Fulton, natives of County Antrim, Ireland. They were married in their native land, and in 1849 came to the United States. Adam Fulton, our subject's father, entered land from the Government in Rural and Ridge Townships, hut he died in the winter of 1851 or L852. The original of our sketch being tin- only child and an infant of hut six months old at the lime of his father's death, he was not of much assistance to his mother for some time after her bereave- ment. She lived until March. 1890, when she died at the age of seventy-seven years. The father of our subject was the only member of his family to Leave the native land for the United states, but on his mother's side he has an uncle Living in Shelbyville, whose name is George B.Hill. Our subject was reared on a farm and early learned the duties of a fanner's lad. His education was attained at the common scl Is, and there he was fitted for the practical relations of life. lie continues to reside on the homestead ami has not yet made up his mind to surrender his bachelor freedom ami enter the hencdictine ranks. Mr. Fulton is the owner of a section of land and also thirty acres in Ridge Township. Upon these lie lias erected good buildings, and the houses and bams On each are attract ive and commodious structures. He devotes himself principally to the raising of grain and has found this generally to he a most Lucrative business. Tin- father of our subject was forty-seven years of age the time of his death. lie came to the United States xinie year- prior to 1849. and was a merchant at Cincin- nati, and also kept a country -lore in the village of 1 lenton. Shelby County, lie returned to Ire- land, during which \i>it home he was married, and in L849 broughl hi* bride to the United States. They were good, substantial citizens and as- sociated with the best element wherever thej Lived. In their religious preference they were attendants upon and members of the Presbyterian Church. Like his parents, our subject is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically he affiliates with the Republican party and has held several of the minor local offices in the gift of his party. He is one 594 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of the substantial business men of the county, and besides the land lie owns here, he is also the owner two hundred acres in Flat Branch Township, one hundred and sixty of which was entered by his father and is known as "Bald Knob." As do all these places. this boastsof a g 1 class of improve- ments. Oil another page of this volume the reader will find a view of Mr. Fulton's homestead. &+£ ^_ s - AMTJEL M. BHOADS. One of the mosl delightful homes in Jonathan Creek Town- ship, Moultrie County, is (lie one occupied by the family of Mr. Rhoads. It is located on section 35, and is not only handsome in its ex- terior but delightfully located and fitted up, and furnished with numerous evidences of taste and re- finement. The beauty of the home is not. how- ever, entirely due to it^ material adornments, for it [s permeated with a lovely spirit of cordiality and harmony, which gives to every visitor an impression of cordial good-fellowship and true home life. The owner of this pleasant home is the son of William and Rebecca (Bradford) Rhoads, both na- tives of Tennessee. The father resides at this present writing iii Arkansas, where he was a (rw years ago bereaved by the death of his wife. Only two children blessed this worthy couple, namely: our subject ami his sister Catherine. Christmas Day. 1850. was a date of great importance in the life of this family, as upon thai day vv.-is born to William ami Rebecca Rhoads their only son. Sam- uel M. Arkansas was his native home and the scene of his boyhood days, and after taking his training there U] his father's farm, and iii such schools as tin 1 neighborhood afforded, he came to Moultrie County, 111., and worked out by the mouth at farm labor, with the exception of eight months, when he worked in McLean Countv. Ihis state, lie has always been engaged in agricul- tural pursuits and has made of them a notable success. The (lav of days to this young man was August 1, 1869, when he was united in marriage in East Nelson Township, with Miss l'ermelia Wiley, who was born in 1851. she is a daughter of the late Thomas Wiley, who died at his home in East Nel- son Township. The young couple settled upon section 35, Jonathan (reek Township, and there they have ever since made their home, and upon this beautiful farm Mr. Rhoads has erected the pleasant house which serves as the family residence, tie has made other substantial improvements and most of his two hundred and eighty acres is in an improved condition. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads are the parents of six chil- dren — Knior Y.. Flora, Thomas. Edith, Edna and Black. This gentleman has. in his office as School Director, done much to advance the educational interests of the community, and is helping to build up a healthy public sentiment in this respect. His convictions have led him to ally himself with the Democratic party, and he believes that the princi- ples endorsed by the author of the Declaration of Independence are good enough for Americans now-a-days. He gives his attention to general farm- ing and stock-raising, in which he finds both en- joyment and SUCCeSS. Y olIN D. DAUGHERTY. It would be diffi- cult to find among the farming community of Moultrie County a man who wields greater influence or has greater personal popularity than the gentleman whose name intro- duces this sketch. Hi^ life has been spent in the peaceful pursuance of his calling of a fanner and in a share of the local public affairs. His home- stead upon section I I. Fast Nelson Township, ranks : lie' the best in the community, while the entire amount of land owned and operated by Mr. Daugh- erty in this township comprises three hundred and twenty-eighl acres. lie is also interested in land in Whitley Township and is in various ways closely identified with (he development of this section. Virginia claims Mr. Daugherty as one of her children, and in Shenandoah County he was born PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 595 January 10, L823. Amid scenes which have since been made memorable in the history of our country, he grew to a stalwart manhood, aiding in the farm work at home and attending the village scl I in the intervals of harvesting. At the age of thirty he left the Old Dominion and proceeding Westward as far as Illinois, settled in Coles County, where lie remained one year. Tin 1 year 1854 found him in Moultrie County establishing himself as a farmer in East Nelson Township. He soon became prom- inent in local affairs and was well known as a man of honor and integrity. Mr. Daugherty has made Moultrie County bis borne since his first arrival bere,with the exception of a few years spenl in Coles Countj during the late war. for many years he had the companion- ship of a most estimable woman, who was true to the interests of husband and children, and a g 1 neighbor and friend. She bore the maiden name of Elizabeth Waggoner and was born in .Moultrie County. Her union with our subject, which was solemnized in Whitley Township, this county, was blessed by the birth of three children, George R., who died in infancy, Anna K. and an infant who died unnamed. The wife and mother passed from earth in No- vember, 1889, at her home in Kast Nelson Town- ship, she was a member of the Baptist Church and conscientious in all the relations of life, ever working for the good of others and living in her life the principles of the "Golden Rule." Their daughter, Miss Anna. i- now a refined and intelli- gent young lady, upon whom, in his declining years, the father leans for support and advice. she is judicious in the management of household affairs and possesses good judgment. A good bus- iness woman, practical and thorough in her work, she is also intellectual, and in social circles i- ail ever welcome guest. Believing that the principles of the Democratic party are first adapted for the promotion of the common good, Mr. Daugherty uniformly casts his ballot for the candidates pledged to its support. lie has held the minor Offices of the township and served as Highway Commissioner for six years, doing much to advance t he interests of the com- munity in this way and serving with credit to himself and his constituents. Religiously he is a member of the Baptist Church and is respected for the Strength of his character and the industry he has shown in worldly affairs. His labors have gained for him a competency sufficient to insure him against wanl and enable him to gratify all reasi mable desires. i i i in ) * i 1 1 i i ? i ' i ' i ' i ","' v X. STEWARD. The gentleman who is the subject Of this sketch is engaged in the manufacture of tile and brick in Rural Township. Shelby County, but his resi- dence i- in Shelbyville, and few, if any men. have been for many years, more industrious than he, 01' more successful. His residence date- from 1858, at which time he left his native State. Ohio, and removed to Illinois, lie was horn Sep- tember 26, 1833, ami is a son of John and Sarah (Lacount) Steward, natives of Maryland. Thev came to Shelby County in I860, and both passed away in Rural Township at the advanced age of seventy-five years. lie of whom we have the pleasure of writing this sketch, was one of a family of six children born to his parents. Their names are as follows: .lames. Sarah. John, Prances, Mary and Russell 1!. .lames ami Russell 11. both reside in Sumner County. Kan.: Sarah, who is now Mi's. Smith reside- in Iowa: France-, who married a Mr. Finney, dice] at Assumption, 111.: Mary, who is Mrs. Finney, re- sides in Washington. The educational advantages enjoyed l>v our subject, were limited, being only such as could he absorbed at a country school during the summer months, that period "hen the mind as well a- the body', i- relaxed and so little capable of vigorous action. However, he had perseverance enough to work for an additional three month-' term at \\ esterville ( 'ollege, Ohio. Thereafter he gave his attention to farming and became the owner of two hundred and forty acres of land. While dealing ill live slock, he met with heavy Losses, and in fact, was so deeply involved, that some ofhiscred- itors offered to accept fifty cents on the dollar in 596 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. settlement. Bui while he felt thai he had youth and energy, he was too much uf a man to accepl this concession, and sturdily promising to pay all in full, if they would hut give him more time, he started anew, laboring almost nighl and day. lie, however, discharged all his debts and his credit was restored, and the confidence that this manly course aroused in his creditors and townsmen was of great value to him. Our subject is now the owner of eighty acres of land in Rural Township, on which, in 1881, he erected a tile and and brick factory. and now turns out a half million brick annually, and of such g 1 quality that it is steadily gaining ground in commerce. Mr. Steward married in 1855, to .Miss Sophia 1). Agler. The children whose names fol- low, were the fruit of this union: Marcellus A. died in childhood; Josephine died in 1S,->S; Alice married John Middlesworth, and has sine,, died; flora is the wile of Henry Thomas, and resides in Assumption, 111.: Harlow W.; Alma, who dieil in childhood ; Wallace and Effa. Politically Mr. Stew- ard is a follower of the Democratic party. He isa member of the Presbyterian Church, and socially belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. ILLIAM II. AKINS. who is a well-known practitioner before the Circuit and Dis- ' ' tricl Court, and also before the Supreme Court of Illinois, is enjoying a lucrative practice in Cowden, Shelby County, and surrounding towns. He is a native of this county and was born ill ISIS. IIi> parent-. Samuel and Susan (Moore) Akins. were uatives of Ohio and North Carolina respectively. Both are now deceased, the father having departed this life in 1879, at the age of sixty-two years, and the mother having died in Is*.",, after having reached her fifty-eighth \ ear. The father had been soldier ill the Civil War. He enlisted as a private ill Company II. Fori J - lirst Illinois Infantry, and at the close of his term of service re-enlisted and remained in the army until the close of the war as a veteran volunteer, He was promoted to the position of First Lieu- tenant, but was not mustered in as such, owing to it.- depleted ranks, as there were not men enough to entitle the company to a full quota of com- missioned officers. He participated in all the en- gagements, marches and manoeuvres in which his regimenl was engaged during all his long term of service. Of the family of our subject's parents three sons and two daughters are living: John, a farmer, married .Mary Belt and resides in Cowden; Rachel I... the wife of William Beck, a farmer, resides in Fayette County, this State; Mary A. is unmarried and is the housekeeper for her brother, our sub- ject; Henry C. married .lane Belt and resides in Cowden. being engaged in farming. William Akins, like his father, was a soldier in the Civil War. He enlisted in January, 1864, and served until the close of the war in Company M. Third Illinois Cavalry, lie participated in the battles of Tupelo, Guntown, Nashville and sub- sequent engagements growing out of that cam- paign. During the summer of I860 the regiment operated in a campaign against the Indians in Da- kota and in the Red River Valley, starting from Ft. Snelling. Devil's Lake, and Ft. Bethel, on the Mis- sissippi River, and made a march of several hundred miles. They endured many privations and dangers incident lo their removal troni civilization and close proximity to hostile bands of Indians. This regiment was mustered out of service at Ft. Snell- ing, Minn., in ( (ctobcr, 1865. Farming and teaching engaged Mr. Akins for awhile after his return home, and during that lime he commenced the study of law and became a student in the law department of the State Uni- versity of Iowa in I ssi. being graduated from that popular institution in 1 882,with honor to him- self and credit lo his Alma Mater. Pursuant upon hi- graduation Mr. Akin- resumed teaching for two years, also superintending his farm. In L885 he opened hi- present office in Cowden. In con- nection with his business as an attorney and coun- seior-al-law he deals cousidcrabh in real estate, buying and selling, and does a general law and land business. Mr. Akin.- is a worthy member of Samuel Akin- Post, No. 566, G. A. R., which was PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. :»:i, named in honor of his deceased father. Mr. AJrins also handles a number of standard insurance com- panies besides personally carrying on his farm of about ninety acres, which is situated two miles from (owden. This tract is mostly in hay and has a line yield. His political views have allied him with the Republican party, to which he is an intelligent adherent. y^* DOAR ALLEN. He of whom we write is a member of a family who just previous to the war settled in this state. His father was a large landowner and a man who was highly respected in the community. Our subject resides on section 2(>, of Ridge Township. Shelby County. where he owns one hundred and twenty-five acres of land in a good state of cultivation. IIi> parents were George and Nancy (Carlisle) Allen, natives respectively of Maryland and Ohio, having met and married in the latter State. Our subject was born April 1*. L854, and is now in the meridian of life. In 1863, our subject's parents came to Shelby County, and purchased two hundred and twenty acres of land which was al that time but little im- proved. They paid for this $18 per acre. The father however, returned to Ohio, and there in the winter of L863, February 21. he died, leaving a family of eighl children to mourn his decease. They are Sarah A.. William II.. Annetta,Angeline,Thomas, Theodore, Edgar and Alice. Sarah married And- erson Hunter. Annetta became the wife of Milton Hunter and died in Shelby County. Angeline was married to George N. Arnold, and Alice became the wife of M. E. Moore. In ihc spring of 1864, the mother with her family of children returned to thi- State and settled on the land purchased by the husband and father, she is still living having at- tained more than the three-score years and ten usu- ally allotted to mankind. Our subject remained on the farm until he arrived at manhood. He was thereengaged in the usual duties of a farmer lad. which duties were re- lieved by the enjoyments and amusements common to country life, lie received his education in the district schools in this vicinity, and is thus prepared for the practical hand-to-hand combat with daily life. In February, 1885, Mr. Allen was united in mar- riage to a lady whose maiden name was Miss Allie Brandt, a daughter of Adam and Elizabeth (Rugh) Brandt, who still reside in Fairfield County, Ohio. Four children graced and beautified this union, tint f whom art' living. Bessie, Maude and The- odore are bright, intelligent children, who promise to more than fulfill their fond parents' expectations and hope for them. Politically, our subject affili- iates witn the Democratic party and under his party he has for some time held the position of Tax Collector. Socially he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. — i y- . •— o =§>*«= FORCE W. YANTIS. One Of the men who has made many sacrifices for personal inter- V — A ests that have redounded to the benefit and advantage of the place that he has made his home, is he whose name heads this sketch. Although he has accumulated neither the land no rthe pecuni- ary advantages that many of his neighbors and fellow-townsmen have gained, no one has accom- plished more for the township than has our subject. Recognizing that educational advantages offer in- ducements for settlement to the he-t class of people he has striven to build up a reputation in this dir- ection for the town, and he is a progressive man in every way. Mr. Yantis is a general farmer residing on section 32, of Pickaway Township, where he owns eighty acres of well improved land. Our subject located on his present farm in 1864. It was at the time partially improved and since then he ha- expended much money and unceasing effort in bringing it up to a high state of cultiva- tion. He has lived in this township since 1855, and in the county since 1853. He was horn in Pickaway County. Ohio. April 20, 1836, ami i- the second son of Daniel Yantis. of whom a biograph- ical -ketch may he found in another part of this volume. 598 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Theoriginal of oursketch was only a young man when his parents came to this state, and he here attained his majority, where his marriage took place. His wife'- maiden name was Miss Lucinda Tolley, who was born August 2, 1843, in Flat Bri Ii Township. She was reared and educated in this county and here died at their home May 4, 1882. She was a daughter of .lames Tolley one Of the oldest settlers in this part of the county. Mrs. Yantis was a co-worker with her husband in everything that pertained to the interest and ad- vancement of the community. She was a kindly neighbor, and an intelligent and cultured woman, she was a member of the old-school Baptist Church, and an ardent worker in that body. Five children came to enliven the home life of our subject and his estimable wife. One of these, a daughter whose name was Rose B. is deceased. The living child ren are Minnie E. John W., James T. and George V". Minnie is the wife of William Seibert, and lives in Assumption, where her husband isengaged in the grocery business. John \V r . took to wife Rachael Bice and he now lives on a farm in this county and township. .lames was married to Nora B. Killam and resides in Elk Counts. Kan. on a farm. George lives with his father and is of great assistance in conducting the business of the farm. Our subject is a Democrat in his political belief. lie has no aspirations to high position, and enjoys the consciousness that while the pleasure of his life is iii his home, his heart is disposed to work unsel- fishly lor the good of others. JEFFERSON W. CARR. The name that heads this sketch is that of a gentleman who resides on his farm on section 19, of ( ^1/ Prairie Township, lie was born in Holland Township, Sh el by County, March 17. 1839. lie is a son of Elias and Nancy Carr, a history of whom max be found in that of YV. (t. Carr. Oursubject's carl\ training was such as would lit him for agri- cultural life, having been born and reared on a [arm, and naturally being thoroughly' well ac- quainted with such duties. Air. Carr now owns two hundred and sixty acres of land which it is now hard to believe, was not so many years ago in a crude, uncultivated state. When a lad of but nine years, the parents of our subject were taken away and he thereafter made his home with an uncle, and with other guardians. The thought of the lad without a mother's tender care and a father's counsel, involuntarily arouses our sympathies. In 1861, when the heavens were Overcast with tin- clouds of war. our subject en- listed in Company II. of the Forty-first Illinois In- fantry, lie was mustered in at Decatur. III., ami firsl met tire at l-'t. Donelson. After that time he took part in the most desperate and celebrated battles of the late war. He saw men mowed down before the tire of the cannon like swaths of wheal, at Shiloh. Corinth, and that battle whose name is a synonym for the greatest military tragedy, the battle of Vicksburg. After Vicksburg, the regi- nienl in which our subject was re-enlisted and be- came one with the consolidated Fifty-third Illinois Infantry. Thus they served until the close of the war. engaged in many skirmishes and being par- ticipants in much hard fighting. Mr. Carr was mustered out at Paducah, Ky. lie was a private. being proud of the fact that he fought, not for fame, or position, but because of loyalty to his country. He went with the regiment under Sher- man in his celebrated march from Atlanta to the sea, thence proceeded to Washington and partici- pated in the Grand Review. Our subject had the rare good fortune for one who took part in so many serious engagements, never to have re- ive ived a wound, to be taken prisoner, or sen I to the hospital. After the war. he of whom we write purchased a farm in Prairie Township, where he settled and it is his present home. In 1867, lie was married to. Matilda Williams a daughter of John Williams, who .-ell led as a pioneer in Shelby County, at an earl,') day. There, Mrs. Carr was born April 1*. 1849. All. and Mrs. Carr have the g 1 fortune to be the parents of -i\ intelligent and mauls' son-. Their name- are Sherman. Walter. Krven, John, Alahlon and Roy V. The farm of which Air. Carr is proprietor, as PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 599 has been before said, was :it the time of his settle- ment here, new prairie land. Ii is now in a per- fect state of cultivation, and the well tilled Melds yield bountiful crops. Several good buildings have been erected on the place. They have :i home thai is comfortable and commodious, n<>i too good for the use and benefit of the suns thai are growing up around their parents, bul being of such a character as to cultivate refined, yel strong ideas of life Politically, our subject is a Republican. His religious preferences arc in the direction of the Methodist Episcopal Church in which body he has been a ( llass-Leader for a number of years. Social I \ lie is a member of John Huffer Post, No. 633 G. A. Ii. B' • JET 8 y ' ■ ' I \li( IS F. PLEAK. A man who is noted as being a thrifty and well-to-do farmer residing on section 11. of Flat Branch Township where he owns one hundred and sixty acres of highly improved land, is he whose name is at the head of this sketch, lb- is evidently a man who thinks more of home than of the mere accumulation of money, for his family are sur- rounded by all the comforts and even elegancies that the modern style of living declare so neces- sary. His residence is a tine, brick house, com- manding a charming view of the surrounding country. Exteriorly, it is attractive ami tasteful in style of architecture, and the interior arrange- ment is made with a view to comfort. Besides his tine home place. Mr. l'leak owns ninety-six acres on section 12, and sixty-two acres on section 1 in the same township, and forty acres on section •'!. lie is regarded by those who know him best as being one of the mOSl practical and successful farmers of the township, having made line improvements since his coming here, which was February 1. 1*77. Our subject came hither from Middle Tennessee, where he had lived for some years, lie wasbornnear Mt. Sterling, Mont- gomery County. Ky., April 2*. lH.'jK. His par- ents are Joseph B. and Sarah J. (Riblin) l'leak. both natives of Kentucky, who came of German stock and ancestry. The family were early set- tlers in Kentucky. Our subject's grandfather was John l'leak. a native of Virginia, and a soldier in the Revolutionary War. belonging to a Virginia regiment, lie. however, died in Kentucky, after marriage with a lady of that State whose maiden name was Nancy Wade. She was of Irish descent and like her husband, died in Kentucky at an advanced age. The family were all members, both active and prominent, of the Christian Church and were anions' the early associates of that reform, they being personal friends and workers with Dr. Alexander Campbell, and the Rev. Barton W. stone. Joseph I), l'leak and wife, after marriage, resided in Kentucky until 1870, when they came to Decatur County. Ind.. where the father of the family died in 1876, having attained seventy-six years of age. His wife died in 1889, at the age of eighty-four. They were both prominent members for many years of the Christian Church, in fact. being so from Dr. Campbell's day. Our subject is oiu- of a large family, six of whom are still living. Mr. l'leak was well reared in his native county, where lie became of age. lie completed his education, which was begun at home, at Hartsville, hid., in the university of that place. He was married October :i. L869 in Tennessee to Mrs. Francis II. Briggs, nee Beard. The lady was a native of Tennessee, where she was reared and married to her lirsl husband," who was W. Briggs. Mr: BriggS was treacherously shot by a Southern guerrilla chief, known as Dave Miller. Mr. Briggs being then a Federal scout, lie was only twenty-five years of age at the time of his death, and was known as a lirave. daring man. He left one chilil to his widow. William N.. who now lives in this township on a farm, having taken to wife. ( ienevra Tannyhill. After Mr. Pleak's marriage, he lived in Tennes- see for seven years and then removed to the place where they now reside, being a leading member of their community. Mr. l'leak is a refined and ac- complished gentleman, and his wife is a lady with whom it is a pleasure and privilege to meet. They have eight children, three of whom are deceased, one in infancy and Lillie A. and Wallace E. who (Kill PORTRAIT AND lil ,' UCAL RECORD. died in childhood. The living children are Stoder M.. Arthur E., Marcus F. Jr., Mary C. and John J., all of whom arc Mill at home, making the house merry with their bright jests and happy ways. Mr. l'leak and his wife are prominent members of the Christian Church, of which the gentleman has been an Elder for years. Politically he is a Re- publican, using his influence for the advantage of that party. ffiOHN L. GREGORY. The farmers and stock- raisers of Penn Township have no better representative than our subject, who stands V_>/ high among the keen, progressive, business- like men who are so ably conducting the extensive agricultural interests of this part of Shelbj County. He has adopted the best modern methods in carrying on bis fanning operations, and his farm is conceded to be one of the best managed estates in the township. It is also the seat of one of the st attractive and comfortable home.- of this locality, of a recent and appropriate style of architecture, and replete in its interior appointments. Mr. Gregory was born in Perry County, In d., opposite Cloverport, Ky., January 26, 1845. His father, Edward Gregory, was born in HenryCounty, Ky., September 26, 1817. lie is a son of Peter Gregory, who was born either in Culpeper or Botetourt Counties, Va. He in turn was a son of John Gregory, who was horn in Virginia, and was of early English ancestry. He was a farmer, and so far as known spenl his last days in Virginia. The grandfather of subject passed his early life in his native state, but after marriage he removed to the wilds of Kentucky, taking with him his wife and the two children that had hecn horn to them in their old home, and making the removal with a pair of horses and a wagon, lie settled in Henry County, and was engaged in farming there until 1825, when he removed t" Breckenridge County. In 1833 he left Kentucky to become a pioneer of Indiana, his wife and nine children accompanying him on the journey, which was performed with a team. He crossed the Ohio River on a ferry boat at Cloverport, and settled in Perry County, where he rented land and dwelt during the remaining days ol' his earthly pilgrimage. His wife also died in Perry County. In her maiden days her name was Mary Dobson, and she was horn in Virginia, a daughter of William and Edith (Calvert) Dobson. Edward Gregory was sixteen years old when his parents removed to Indiana, and there he grew to manhood on a farm. He was married in 1843 to .Miss Elizabeth Winchel, a native of Perry County. and a daughter of Smith and Annie (Malory) Winchel. He bought a tract of improved land in that county, and lived there, actively engaged in farming, until 1865. In the fall of that year he came to Shelby County, and bought a quarter of a section of land, a half of it in Penn and the remainder in Pickaway Township. He erected a dwelling and other suitable buildings in Penn Township, and at once commenced to prepare his land foi' cultivation, lie has been prosperous since he came here to seek a habitation, and has DOUghl other land at different times, and now has a valuable farm of two hundred acres. Here he is spending his declining years in comfort, anil in the enjoyment of a competence ample for all of his wants. The good wife who joined her fortunes with his when iioth were young, and walked by his side, staying hi- hands and strengthening him in his work, for nearly forty years, has gone from him. her death taking place April 7. 1880. Together they reared seven children, namely. .lames E., John 1... Laura. T. Jefferson, Wallace. Franklin and Richard. John I.. Gregory grew to manhood in his native county, and obtained his education in its public schools. In June, 1865, he came to Shelby County, and spent t he summer in Penn Township and at Moweaqua. In the fall he joined his parents and resided with them until 1870, and then, at the time of his marriage, he boughl eighty acre- of wild prairie land on section 5, Penn Township, and later he purchased a like amount of land near by. lie placed nearly t he cut ire tract under cultivation. erected good buildings, and lived there until 1887, when lie SOld and boughl the farm that he now occupies on section 6, of the same township. It i- well improved, the -nil i- excet dingly fertile, and a never failing supplj of water add- greatly to the PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. <;o.- value of the place. In 1889 Mr. Gregory erected a fine frame bouse, building it substantially, and in :i modern style of architecture. In the upbuilding of liis home Mr. Gregory has had the benefii of the good taste and assistance of his amiable wife, to whom lit- was married March 3, 1870. Mrs. Gregory was formerly Miss Mary R. Thomas. She is a native of Fairbanks Township, Sullivan County, End., and a daughter of < alvin and Jane (Hunt) Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory have six children living, Edwin M., Mary Lilian. .Minnie Florence, Arthur Hastings, Alta Beatrice and Tracy. Their son Clinton L. died at the age of nine years. Since his removal to this county more than a quarter of a century ago our subject has shown himself to be an acquisition to it.- citizenship not onl\ as a very intelligent, skillful fanner, but as one who i- desirous to promote the general welfare of his community, and at all times uives cordial support to all schemes advanced for the benefit of the public. He has always taken a deep interest in educational affairs, and has served several years as Scl 1 Director. He has also been Highway Com- missioner, and this is his third term as Assessor of the township. His political views are in accord with the principles promulgated by the Republican party. Religiously, he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and they lead exemplan Christian lives. --^C-?- M ECGENE BLAND is a fine representative of the native-born sons of Shelby County, and also of the cit izen -soldiers that she sent to the front during the great Civil War to defend tin' -tar.- and -tripes. The farm that he owns and occupies on section 23, Todd's Point Township. was the scene of his birth November 2, 1841. He is now one of the most extensive tanner- in this section of Illinois, and a leading -lock dealer, a business that he ha- carried on with more than ordinary success for several years. The father of our subject, Capt. Henry Bland, wa- a well-known pioneer of this county ami a wealthy citizen, who materially aided in its up- building. He was born in one of the early pion- eer home- of Muskingum County, <>hio. and when only a hoy of a few years heassi rted hi- indepen- dence, and left the shelter Of the parental roof to make his own way in the world. He was very ambitious and enterprising, full of push and energy, and in a feu years lie had risen to the command of a steamer plying on the .Mississippi River. When St. Louis was hut a small village, he bought a trait of land there, which he afterward exchanged for a boat load of honey, that he sold in New Orleans. Lor a time he was Overseer on a plantation in Mississippi, hut the Southern climate disagreed with In- family and he concluded to locate in the North, and SO came to this Slate ami county. He was one of the early settlers of Todd's Point Township, where he bought a tract of land on section "J-'i. He devoted himself to it- improve- ment, and made it his home until death closed hi- hii-y career, and deprived the county of one of its most valued citizen-. He had met with more than ordinary success from the financial point of view, ami in the course of years had become a large real- estate holder, owning extensive tract- of land in Shelby and Moultrie Counties. In early maul d he had married Elizabeth Dittenhauer, a native of Ohio. She survived him until 1875, when -he too passed awaj . dying on the old homestead. Our Subject "a- reared ill the home of hi- birth, receiving a careful training in all that goes to make a good citizen ami a capable business man. and with the exception of the- time that he devoted to his country's service iii the army, he was with his parents until their death. lie can remember when this section of the country was -till in the hands of the pioneer-, and presented a far different ap- pearand' from what it doc- to-day "here many cultivated farms and thriving town- have taken the place ot a sparsely settled, and hut little devel- oped wilderness. In hi- boy! 1. deer, wild turkeys and other kinds of game were plentiful; there were no railways here, and the farmers had to go to St. I.oui- for the principal market. Our sub- ject's education was conducted in the pioneer schools of other days, and the building in which he gained his knowledge of the -'11110' 1;-." was a log house, heated by a li replace, a ml furnished with i;m; PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. benches made of s] >lit logs, one side hewn smooth, and there were no desks or backs to 1 1 1 1- seats. The breaking out of the war found our subject :it work on his father's farm, but a1 the first call for troops he abandoned agricultural pursuits to offer his services to his country, thongh be Iiad not then attained his majority. He enlisted with the Fourteenth Illinois Infantry for three months and in IM()2 he re-enlisted as a member of the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry. He served a few months, and was then discharged on account of disability. Notwithstanding all that lie had suffered on Southern battlefields and on the long and trying marches, his loyal spirit was undaunted, and as soon as he was able to en- dure the hardships of a soldier's life once more, he had Ins name placed on the roll of the Seventh Illinois Calvary, with which he remained until after the war was closed, lie saw service in the state- of Kentucky. Tennessee, Mississippi, Ala- bama and Virginia, and in many a hard struggle with the enemy showed that he possessed all the requisites of a good soldier, and his military re- cord docs credit to the citizenship of his native Illinois, lie was honorably discharged with his regiment at Nashville after peace was declared. After his return from the seat of war .Mr. Bland resumed farming, and also gave hi- attention to buying and shipping stock, in which line he has built up a large business, and is to-day one of the most extensive dealers in this part of the State. lie now owns and occupies the old homestead, and this, with other land that lie lias bought at differ- ent times, makes him the possessor of upwards of eight hundred acres of valuable real-estate. Mr. Bland was married in 1KC7 to Miss Nancy lv Wright, a native of Todd's Point Township, and a daughter Of William anil Martha Wright, well- known pioneers of this county. Mrs. Bland is a member of the Christian Church, she possesses in a high degree those line womanly traits of char- acter that mark her as a true wile and devoted mother, who is willing to sacrifice self-interests to procure the peace and well-being of her house- hold. Her marriage with our subject was brought then these eight children: Mattie, Ella, Ada, Wil- liam, Belle, Arthur. Eugene and Ray. Our Subject's Success in life was assured at the outset, not only from the fact that lie came from a well-to-do family and did not have so many dis- advantages to content against in his chosen career as many who have set their faces in the same direction, but he had line natural endowments to aid him in achieving whatsoever he desired. Asa gentleman of character, business acumen, and pub- lic-spirit that is manifested in his readiness to do all in his power to help forward any and all feasi- ble plans for the good of the community at large, his name stands high in his country. In his political belief, he is a Republican sound and true. The reader will he pleased to notice in this con- nection, the Lithographic portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Bland. OIIX T. KILLAM resides on section 38, of Rural Township. Shelby County, where lie is proprietor of a line farm. lie was horn in Ridge Township. May In. 1847 and is a son of John and Mary M. T. (Bowen) K i Ihiiii and a grandson of Peter Killam. His mother's death oc- curred February 12, 1*77. He was at the tender age of one year when his parents removed to sec- tion :!:!. Rural Township, where his father had pur- chased a tract of land and had also entered sonic Government land, and thus became the owner of sis bund red acres ne body. He also owned land in other parts of the county, and some valu- able property in l'ana. being one of the founders of -aid town. Our subject is the youngest of a family of five children, lie early learned the business of farm- ing and stock-raising, having resided at home un- til he attained his majority. He attended the dis- trict school and completed his education at the old Seminary at Shelby ville. February 12. L878, he was united in marriage to Oma J. Oiler, a daughter of David and Caroline (Conrad) Oiler, natives of Ohio, « ho removed to Wisconsin and then came to Illinois i- L855, settling in Shelby County. Mr. PORTRAIT AND P,lO( iRAPHK AL RECORD. 6i)7 Oiler died in 1862 or 1863. His wife is stilMiving, making her home at Pana. Mr. and .Mrs. Killam have no children of their own bu1 have been the loving foster parents of several children; one daughter, now deceased, having lived with our subject and his estima- ble wife and enjoyed every advantage thai she would have received had she been their own child. Austin E. McDaniel resided with Mr. Killain until he was twenty-seven years old, hav- ing been taken at nine vears of age. On his mar- riage to .Miss .Minnie Kerr, he made a home for himself, hut only live months later, was killed by lightning. Jessie May Ferguson was one of our subject's family until she was united in marriage to Paul C. Smith. .March '.I. L891. Leslie Ray Ramsey is now the pel of the household, being a small boy, his attention being chiefly devoted to his studies and in getting as much fun out of his childhood life as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Killain are members of the Christ- iau Church. Politically our subject favors the purity of principle promulgated by the Prohibition party. He was formerly a Democrat, bul now shows his total abstinence principles in union with the above named party. He was Chairman of the Central Committee of the Prohibition party for several years. For seven years he served as Super- visor of the township, being Chairman of tin' Board for six- years, lie has also held the office of Collector for one year, lie i> the owner of three hundred and thirty acres of well-improved land. bul raises and deals largely in live-stock. So much of a man's character is accounted for by his antecedents that we feel that a short sketch of Peter Killam. the grandfather of our subject, will he in place here. He was horn in Maryland, hut when a young man removed to Kentucky, and there married. He came to Illinois in 1831 and settled in Ridge Township, where lie died at tin age of sixty. His wife. also, passed away from their home in Ridge Township. Peter Killam had five sons and four daughters, all of whom came with their parents to Illinois, with the exception of a son named Samuel, who died at the age of twenty. Those, who made settlement with their father in this State, are Isaac. Thomas. William. John, Mary. Elizabeth, Sarah and Naomi. William was a soldier in the Mexican War. anil dying while on the voyage home was Iniried ill the Gulf of Mexico. Mary became the wife of Nathan Smith. Elizabeth married I.eton Smith. Sarah married Harrison Bailey. Naomi married John Todd, in whose honor Todd's Point Township received its name. > II. 1. 1AM WALKER. The ideal life of an \\\ „ /// American agriculturist is perhaps not so \Vf'Y often attained as poets and romances Qlighl lead one to expect, hilt when one >ce- a man not past the prime of life, comfortably settled with his wife and children upon a fertile farm which responds with generous crops to the thorough and systematic culture bestowed upon it. whose home is attractive and surrounded with beautiful grounds one can hut envy a citizen SO situated, especially if to this material comfort we may add that in reputation he stands high among his fellow- men as worthy of their confidence. Such a life is that of William Walker, a fanner and stock- grower, who resides on section 6, Oconee Town- ship, and was horn in Boston, Mass.. August IK, I Kill. His parents were Edward and Rachel (Simonds) Walker, natives of the Bay State, where the father was horn in 1824 and the mother in 1820, Middlesex being her native county. He came to Illinois with his parents, when he was twelve years old and made his home at Alton. After awhile he returned to Massachusetts and re- mained for one year and then came to Pana. Chris- I ian ( oiinl \ . In that town Mr. Walker was married iii Febru- ary, 1871, to Miss Mary C. McConnell, daughter of Asa and Elvii'a (Newport) McConnell. natives of Ohio, where their daughter was also horn in 1844. The young couple located on a faun in Oconee Township, which Mr. Walker had procured the previous year, and where he has since resided. Their happy union has been blessed by the birth of four children, of whom Edward, now nineteen years old is the eldest. The vounger ones are (HIS PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Carrie ('.. aged sixteen; Asa. aged thirteen; and Ray a frolicsome boy ^m ™>-_ -5— !3y~ JOHN SWENG-EL, the leading representative man of Ash ( Irove Township, Shelby ( 'ounty, resides on section 36, in a pleasant home where he is remarkably successful ill agri- cultural pursuits, llis father was the late George Swengel, who had his birth in Pickaway County, Ohio, and his mother was Sarah Hamilton who was born in Ireland. Their firsl home after marriage was near Seymour, hid., and upon first Leaving there they came to Cumberland County. 111., in 1865, and there made their home un I i I t he deal h of his honored father, which occurred in January, 1888. llis widow is still surviving and is active and bright for a lady of her age. These respected parents had five children — Frank, John, Reuben, Kenned} and Edward. < >ur subject was the second m order of age, hi^ birth taking place near Seymour. End., December '.>. L856. He came to Illinois with his parents when about nine years old, and upon his father's farm he was reared to maul 1. being given a thorough train- ing in all that is pertaining to agriculture and learned in the true way, by doing, how to cultivate a farm and care for stock. Ili> early education was such as could be procured in the district schools in Indiana and Cumberland County after coming here and he received great benefit from their thor- ough drill, although he would have been glad to take advantage of a college curriculum, for which his natural abilities befitted him. This young man resided in his father's home until that ureal event in his life which took place at the residence of the bride's father in Cum- berland County. Ill, October 30, 1878, when Flora I).. daughter of Col. T. A. and Ann Apperson, be- came his bride. Mrs. Flora Swengel's father died at his home March HI, 1879. This daughter was born at the family home. January 1*. 1859, anil after her marriage with Mr. Swengel they estab- lished themselves on section .">li. Ash Grove Town- ship where the young man purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty-live acres, which he has since carried on. lie has always followed farming and stock-raising and has made a success in both departments of the work, as his prudence and fore- sight have enabled him to govern his spirit of en- terprise ill such a manner as to secure the best re- sults from his labors, which have been unceasing. lie has a thorough knowledge of the characteristics ami needs of the various grades of slock which he handles and takes a comprehensive View of the soil. climate and productions of the Prairie state, lie is thus enabled each year to plan his work so as to obtain the best results for his labor. Mr. Swengel's common-school education was supplemented by attendance upon the academy at YVe-tlield. 111., which so advanced him as lo lit him to teach for two terms in Ash Grove Township. To him and his lovely and capable companion have been granted three children— Imogene, Oscar and ( teorge. < >ur subject was elected Supervisor in the spring of 1889, sine.' which time he has continued to serve on the Hoard, as his excellent judgment, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 609 li i> broad views of men and matters, and his devo- tion to the besl interests of the community have made him a model Supervisor. The political convictions of our subjccl have always led him to work with and for the success of iln' Democratic party, in which he takes a lively interesl and has also taken an active pari in relig- ious affairs and Sunday-school work, and is exceed- inglj helpful in all movements that tend to the elevation <>f the community. Both he and his wife are of value in their church connection, being members of the church of the United Brethren. The breeding of fine grades of animals is a spec- ialty with Mr. Swengel and lie is remarkably suc- cessful in raising Hereford cattle, Poland-China- hogs, Shropshire sheep, bronze turkeys, and Ply- mouth Rock fowls, and in their welfare he take'- a lively interesl and provides for their comforl mosl generously. The record of such a home as Mr. Swengel's and of such a life as his must be influ- ential for generations, not only upon those who come in immediate contact with him bul also upon the whole communit v. J+'fr-M" • H***+ 5 V / » II. 1. 1AM E. STEDMAN, M. 1).. one of the successful physicians and surgeons of Sul- livan. Moultrie County, locating hen- in August, l85o, hail formerlj practiced in the little town of Horace, Edgar County, this State, where he began bis profession in 1880. lie isa uativeof Ohio, being born in Pike County, October 19, 1849, and isa son of Enoch Stedman, a uative of Che- nango County. N. Y.. being of English parentage. Enoch was yet a small boy when his father, who was a seafaring man and captain of a vessel, was lost at sea. When Knoch had reached his majority and while still unmarried he came to what was then known as the Western Reserve in Medina County, Ohio, and there married Elizabeth McConkey who had been born and reared in that county. Samuel McConkey. the father of Mrs. Enoch Stedman, was a native of the North of [relandand came while yet a young man to this country and in Ohio married a Scotch lady, After marriage Mr. and Mrs. McConkey lived on a farm in Medina County through all the remainder of their lives. surviving until they reached extreme old age. They were highly esteemed for their honorable Christian lives and were members of the Presby- terian ( Ihurch. After Knoch Stedman and wife were married they began life in Medina County. Ohio. Mr. Sted- man being a cabinetmaker by trade, but somewhat later they removed to farm in Pike County and there remained for many years. lie has now reached the age of eiglnty-three years and has re- tired from active life, making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Cordelia Daley, of Waverly, Ohio, The Methodist Church was the religious body in which Mr. Stedman was for many years an active worker and he is still a member of its communion. He is a stanch Jacksonian Democrat in politics. He was bereaved by the death of his wife in 1887, as she died full of years in Pike County. The thirteen children of this excellent couple were a source of great comfort and pride to their parents, and eight of them are yet living, all of these having established homes of their own. The common schools furnished the educational advan- tages which were conferred upon our subject and for eighl war- he was a teacher in Ohio and Illi- nois, lie is by taste and habit scholarly and keeps up with the trend of the times upon every point of public interest, lie was graduated in the Class of '80 from the Kentucky School of Medicine at Louisville, where he had been for three or four years. He had also studied under different precep- tors in Waverly, Ohio, and Coles County. 111., at the former place being favored with the instruct ion of Wells .1. W. Jones, M. I)., and al the latter place having as his teacher Dr. .1. R. Hawthorn, Like many another poor boy he had to make his way upward by dint of push, pluck and perseverance and found it necessary to teach school in order to secure the means of acquiring a medical education. but his efforts have been crowned with success and hi has reached the goal which his early ambition pointed out. The happ\ wedding day of our subject, which united him with Miss Ella Jenkins, of Edgar County, this state, came upon January 12. 1878. 610 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD This lady was born, feared and educated in Ohio and came to Edgar County with her parents, Mar- tin and Amanda (Sillcott) Jenkins, who live in Sullivan, having retired from active work as farm- er.-. They arc active and useful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and Mr. Jenkins es- pouses the cause of the Republican party. .Mrs. Stedman is a bright, earnest, capable woman, who i- prominent as a leader in social circles and faith- ful and efflcienl as a home-maker and a wife. Both she and her husband arc useful in their church relations and belong to the Methodist Church. The Doctor affiliates with the Democratic party and is a member of the Subordinate Lodge of Moultrie, No. 158, I. <>.<>. V. lie is also a Knight of Pythias, belonging to Moultrie Lodge No. 222. El (.KM'. F. DES LARZES. Our subject is a native of that country which boasts the most beautiful scenery on the globe, whose mountains tower skyward and are girdled by the overhanging, m i>t \ clouds, and a country the aspirations of whose people areas high as its moun- tains. One of the earliest European nations to cast aside every vestige of tryanny and to declare itself a Repxiblic, the sons that Switzerland -ends out from her borders are worth} representatives of the mother country. The} stand high in science and high in the ethics of nations. Our subject, who resides on section 6, of Rural Township where he settled in 1865, c es from the land of European freedom to that of America, lie was born inSwit- zerland August 15, 1822, and is a son of Benjamin and Mary Des Larzes. lie of whom we write «a- a half orphan in early el i ill II I, his mother having been taken away and leaving to her bereaved husband five children whose names are as follows: Benjamin, our subject, frank, Margarel and Morris. Benjamin now re- sides in Colorado, frank make- his home in Fari- bault, Minn. Morris lives in .Meeker* < hi ii t \ . M inn. The father of our subject while still in his native land, married a second lime and in 1849 came to the United Mate-. Two children were the fruit of this marriage, Kate, who became the wife of Charles Geneva and resides in Oregon, and Lewis, who died in Assumption, this .Mate: he was unmarried. Upon coming to the United .Mates the family set- tled first in Dodge County, Wis., on a farm, but in 1863 they removed to Kankakee. 111., whence in 1865 they came to Shelby County and settled in Rural Township, where the father purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land. Here his wife died, and in 1885 lie went to Faribault, Minn., to reside with a daughter. The gentleman of whom we write came with his family to this county and in 1858; while residing in Wisconsin, he was married at Kankakee. 111., to Louisa Morend. She was born in Switzerland and came to the United States with her parents. Lewis and Mai - } .Morend. Mr. I )es l.ar/.es continued hi- residence in Wisconsin until 1863, and then re- moved to Kankakee Count}', this State, and in 1865 he again removed to Shelby County and pur- chased his present home, lie is the owner of one hundred and twenty acres of land in a high state of cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Des Larzes are the parents of three children whose names are Lewis E., Allele and llortcnse. The} arc bright and attrac- tive children. Politically our subject Is an advo- cate of and voter with the Republican party, its platform being consonant with his idea- of the equit} and policy that should rule so great a nation. In his religious views he is a follower of the Roman Catholic Church. V Cd nll\ VVHITAKER, a retired farmer living in Sullivan, Moultrie County, to which he removed in February, 1891, came here from Douglas County, III., where lie had lived since 1856. lie had there improved S farm of some eighty acres which lie afterward sold and purchased and improved a larger tract which com- prises some two hundred acre-. Hi- farm is sup- plied with good farm buildings and a pleasant residence, and he has been more than ordinarily prosperous in his pursuit of agriculture, PORTRAIT AND RIO GRAPHICAL RECORD. (511 Mr. Whitaker is :i native of Indiana, being born in Vigo County. March 12, L833. His father, William WTiitaker, was a Kentuckian by birth and there grew up, and while yet a single man removed tn Vigo County) Ind., where he married Elizabeth Taylor, a Kentucky lady who had come to Indiana several years before her marriage. They made their home upon :i farm and he died in Vigo County while still in the prime of life, when his years numbered less than half :i century. His wife survived him for many years and died in extreme old age at the home of her son John when he was residing in Douglas County. Both she and her good husband were earnesl and consistent mem- bers of the Baptist Church and throughout life were devoted to their religious duties and faith. Our subjecl is the third of the four children born to his parents and only one besides himself now survives, namely: a sister, Mrs. Recnah Weddell, widow of Thomas Weddell, who was formerly a resident of Coles. III. John Whitaker grew up a fanner and has been very successful in his life work having made all that he has by his own unaided efforts. His lirst marriage took place in Douglas County, being then united with Hannah DaviSj a native of Vigo County, Ind.. who had come with her parents to Douglas County when a child. Their faniil\ home continued there until after her death which occurred at the age Of forty-one years. she wa- deeply mourned by her husband and the live children who survive her. who are as follows: Theodosia, the wife of John Hastings, a farmer in Douglas County; William, a student in the Chicago Law College; .Mary K., the wile of Jacob Kiddle who resides in Cincinnati, Green County, Ind.. here he is a merchant; Cora B., who is at present with her sister, Mre. Riddle, in Indiana. and Charles who is at home. Our subjecl was a second time married in Sulli- van to Mre. Harriet Dyson nee Elder, who was bom in Springfield, 111., and there grew to womanl 1 and was lirst married in that city to Mr. Levi Dy- son, now deceased. Both Mr. and Mrs. Whitaket are earnest and consistent members of the Baptist Church and in its communion and labors they share, being willing to lend a hand toward ever; movement for the upbuilding of religion and morality. The Democratic party in its declarations and platform gives expression to the political be- lief of our Subject, who is earnest and active in his advocacy of the party which is proud to claim as its must distinguished exponent the author of the Declaration of Independence. « ii^ . lint such was the case. William Pugh 's marriage took place in Shelby County, this state December is. 1873, at which time he was united to Mis- Mary 1-'. Smith, a daughter of Samuel and Margarel ( Weakly) Smith. The former was a native of Kentucky, and the latter of Ohio. Thc\ were among the very early settler- iii this county. Immediately after mar- riage, the young couple -et up their household goods in Tower Hill ["ownship, and there he has 612 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ever since resided. His wife's mother Margaret Smith' died here about 1855. The second wife of Samuel Smith was Sarah A. McCullough. Mrs. Pugh is one of three children that were the fruit of the first marriage, she wms horn in Tower Hill Township, February '.». \s:>-2. I'pon the marriage of our subject he settled in Tower Hill Township, where he owns two hundred acres, his farm here boasting fine improvements. Our subject and his wife are the parents of two children, Charles J. and Robert W. Mr. and Mrs. Pugb are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in which body lie of whom we write has been Steward for several years. They are kindly, warm hearted people, with broad philanthropic ideas, and aets that are ever characterized by gen- erosity and purity of purpose. They took a little girl into their family with the intention of adopt- ing her and rearing her as one of their own chil- dren. She hole the name of Mary Pearl Dove; she was but three months of age when taken to the hearts and home of her kindly foster par- ents, and there she made herself a place in their affections that was left very desolate when at the age of three years and eighl months, she was taken into the arms of the Good Shepherd and placed in his fold. 4^ s r ^i- KUMAX GREEN. In the full Hush and f 1 vigor Of manhood thi- gentleman came from his early Ohio home to this county and allied himself with its farmers by pur- chasing s farm in Penn Town-hip. He soon ac- quired an excellent reputation as an industrious. sensible, methodical agriculturist, and was con- ducting his farming operations with a good degree Of -iii-ccss. when death removed him from his sphere of usefulness in April, 1885, thus depriving his fellow-citizens of a valuable co-worker. Mr. Green "as bom in Geauga County, Ohio, .March I 8, 1858. His father. Alonzo Green, was a farmer and is now a resident of Gr.md Junction, Iowa. The maiden name of the mother of our Subject was Elizfl PattOll, She died when her son Of whom we write was an infant, anil lie was reared by his aunt. .Mrs. I.adow. in his native county. He was carefully trained under good home in- lluence- anil gained a sound education in the pub- lic schools of Ohio. His early life was spent on a farm, and he began when quite young to acquire a practical experience of farming that was of ser- vice to him when he began his career as an inde- pendent farmer. He lived with his aunt until his marriage and then boughl a farm in Geauga County. He was actively engaged in its manage- ment until 1883, when he sold it at a good price in order to take up his residence in this county, as he wisely considered that on this fertile soil that had not Keen worn by generations of cultivation the prospects for rapid advancement in his chosen calling were of a most encouraging character. ( )n coming here our subject bought the farm in Penn Township now occupied by his widow, lie devoted his energies to its further improvement, hut scarcely more than a year had elapsed after his settlement here when death stayed his hand, and his life-record was broughl to a close when but thirty-two years of age. It may he that it has been taken up in a fairer land, where he has "entered upon broader fields of action and duty, where nobler struggles shall tax the strength and more precious crowns award the victor, where the hopes and dreams of earth shall he turned to sight, and the broken circles of life he rounded to the perfect orb." The marriage of .Mr. Green to Miss Amarett l'elton was solemnized October I. L874,and in her helpfulness, loving counsel, and devotion to his interests, he found how much a faithful wife has to do with a man's success in life. Mr.-. Green is a native of the same county in Ohio where her husband was horn, she i- a daughter of Storrs GllStavilS Pelton, who was born in one of the pioneer homes of Trumbull County. Ohio. His father. Klias l'elloii.a native of New England, was one of the early settlers of that section or Ohio, and cleared a farm from the primeval forest- on which he lived until he passed from life to death. Mrs. Green's father learned the trade of a carpen- ter in his youth and became a good mechanic in that line He resided in his native county until a PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 615 short time after his marriage, when he went to Geauga County, and buying a farm in Russell Township, devoted himself to farming during Lhe remainder of his active life. lie is now living in retirement in the same township with a daughter. He was bereft of the companionship of his beloved wife in 1860, her death occurring during their res- idence on the farm. Her maiden name was Lydia Bailey. She was a native of Trumbull County, a daughter of [do Bailey, and the mother of nine children. Mrs. Green was but six years old when her mother died and after that she lived with an older sister until she married our subject. After his death she cheerfully took up the burden that her husband laid down, and has nobly fulfilled her duty. Iii her management of her farming interests she has displayed exceptional ability, and shows what a woman can do when east on her own re- sources. She has a line farm with well-tilled fields, ami amply provided with neat and well-kept build- ings, everything about the place wearing an air of thrift, good order and solid comfort, thai betoken extra care and denote a substantial home. A \ iew of this plaee may he found on another page. .Mr-. Green i- prized by her neighbors and the com- munity at large, not only as a woman of exceed- ing capability and business acumen, but for her pleasant social qualities. She is a useful member of the .Methodist Episcopal Church, and is m veri- table Christian. She has two daughters, Gertrude K. and .Maud A., whom she is carefully training to a true womanhood and who bid fair to follow in the footstep- of their mother. ■> EORGE W. BALLARD. When the country / was convulsed with the war spirit and com- mercial as well as domestic life was shaken to its very center by the chances that hung upon numbers of the respective armies and the compar- ative military genius of the leaders, so that for- eign nations looked on the Struggle with the urea test interest and closest attention, he of whom we write sought peace and solitude in the newness of the Prairie State, hoping to do his part for the Union by Supplying the forces with the products of his labor. Now located on section .">. of Jonathan ( reek Township. Moultrie County, he of whom we write settled in this countj in I860. He is a Vir- ginian by birth and education, being born in Fau- ipiier County. \'a.. September Hi. 1834. His par- ents were Jonathan and Mary Ann (Dawson) Ballard. Our subject's father was by occupation a mill- wright and was engaged in the exercise of his call- ing in his native State. Virginia, where his decease took place ; ;it which time our subject was but a child. The mother lived for some years longer, but she too died in Virginia. Thirteen children were left to feel the bereavement of a double or- phanage, of whom our subject was the seventh in order of birth, lie was reared on the home farm and resided in Virginia until 1860, when he came to Illinois and rented land in .Moultrie County. Three years later he purchased forty acres of prai- rie land on section I. of Jonathan Creek Township, and he has since been a resident here. That his ef- forts have not been in vain during these years that have elapsed since his settlement in this state, is proven b\ the fact that he is now the owner of three hundred and seventy-four acres of land, and besides the acquisition of this handsome property has spent large sums iii the erection of a good class of buildings upon his place. The year prior to Mr. Ballard's coming to this state, was made memorable to him by his marriage in Virginia to Phoebe Martin, a daughter of Isaac and Florinda (Wood) .Martin. The lady was born in Harrison County. Va., April 19, 1838. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard have had thirteen children, although eleven are at the present time all who are surviv- ing. Thc\ are John, Edward, Montville, Dora. Florence. Lucy, Martha. I larlow. Ira. Ida and Blanche. Dora is the wife of Moses Dickson; Florence is the wife of William Kinney: Lucy married William Matthews; and Martha was united to Edward En- terline. 'This large and interesting family has grown to manhood and wonianh 1 and have taken responsible positions in social and commercial life. The -on- .-ire sturdy, independent youug 616 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. men, filled with a vitality and energy that are bound to bring them to the fore in their business re- lations. Politically he of whom we write is a Dem- ocrat, admiring the doctrines and platform of thai party and the leaders thereof, and linding in it more admirable principles than in any other po- litical body. He has been Road Commissioner for twelve years and in this position lias accomplished much for the township, making the thoroughfares not only passable, but keeping them in such good condition as redounds greatly to the credit not only of our subject personally, but to the county I hat elects him. U<, "S3 one of fifteen children that grew to manhood and womanhood. Of these nine are yet living, mosl of them residing in this state. He of whom we write remained with his father until twenty-seven years of age. lie reached his majority in this town- ship, and was married in Pickaway County, i)hii>. to Miss Mary Runkle. she was born in Pickaway ( ounty, September 2(». 1842 and conies of a good Pennsylvania Dutch family. Her parents died in Pickaway County, the father at the age of eighty- seven. Mr. and Mrs. Runkle, as were the Yantis family, were members of the German Reformed Church. Since marriage, the original of our sketch and his wife have lived upon the farm which they at present occupy, and have here raised a family of ten children. One of these died in infancy. The living children who arc still at home are: Mary K.. Daniel. Henry. Cora M.. Noah, Grace, Alma P.. .lames M.. I larlev and Roy. Our subject is a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Yantis holds to the Reformed Church. Mr. Vantis is now serving his second term as Superin- tendent of the township. Politically he is inde pendent. Socially he is a member of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. -^—ct ' OHN SCHEEF, who is one of the most sub- stantia] farmers in Prairie Township, Shelbj County, dates his residence in the county, from December, 1S77. His thorough-going German characteristic.- of thrift, industry and steadfastness have been a help not only to himself, Imt also to the community where he has lived and labored for so many years, and these trait- are worthy of the study and emulation of the young, who are apt to be led astra\ by the Hash and bril- liancj of less worthy but more show \ qualities. For this reason we are pleased to present a record of such a life as we have here before us. .lohn Scheef was horn in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, February 13, 1853, and i- a son of Henry and Dora Scheef, who brought up to man's and w an 's estate eight children, five of whom came to the United States, while three remained in their native land. The following is the record of the offspring of this worthy couple: Anna, who married Henry Frohani and resides in Chicago; Amelia and Hannah, who remained in Germany; Fred and William who reside in Chicago; John, our subject; Dora, who is still in the Fatherland and Christian, who died in Chicago, leaving one child. It was in 1884 when the parents of this family came to America and they have both now passed away, the mother being called home while ( hicago was the family residence, ami the father died in this county. Our subject wasa lad of sixteen when he came to this country and his first home was in Chicago, where hi- In-other Fred was living. He there worked as a laborer, following various lines of business until he came to Shelby County which was not until after the great Chicago lire, through the tragic experiences of which he passed. After that tremendous disaster the young man thought best to gel out into the country, where there would be a better opportunity for him to do well for himself, and leaving the city he came to this county ami for five years worked upon a tract of eighty acre- which he rented. Thrift and economy supplemented the untiring energy and zeal with which he worked, and being now able to purchase the laud upon which he had been living, he decided to give the rest of his life to agricultural pursuits. He now ow n- one hundred and twenty .nil- of land and upon it he has erected good suh- stantial farm buildings. The union in marriage of two true heart- and two honest hands is an event which deserves not onl\ i gratulation, but the most serious consid- eration of the biographer, for it is the great event in the lives of those who are thus united, telling upon their future more practically and efficiently than it is possible for au\ other event to do. This important union which joined our subject to Elizabeth Falk, took place December 5, 1875, the bride being the daughter of .lohn and Anna I Frank) Falk of whom mote is told at length m 618 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the sketch of their son, Mr. John W. Falk, of Herborn. Mrs. Scheef was born in Germany, December 11. L853. She is the happy mother of six children, namely: Anna, born October 10, 1876; Maggie, January 2'J, l*7i>; John, January 24, 1881; Lena, March 21. 1883; Henry. Septem- ber 27. 1887, and August, October 18, 1889. The religious views of this family are in accord- ance with the doctrines and practices of the Lutheran Church with which they are connected and in it they are esteemed highly, as faithful helpers in the vineyard of the Lord. The politi- cal preferences of Mr. Scheef have led him to affiliate with the Democratic party, and he believes that in its declarations is found the true wisdom of political economy. While residing in Chicago, Mr. Scheef was for one year a partner in a grocery business, but he did not continue long in this line of work as his training and his preferences inclined him to a farmer's life. ^€>* he came to Moultrie County and settled in Lowe Town- ship where he resided until 1891, the date of his removal to Atwood. The home of Mr. Richey is presided over by a lady of refinement and intelligence, who ha.- aided her husband by her cheerful co-operation in all his enterprises. She hore the maiden name of Elizabeth Moon and was horn in Mon< Dgahela County, Pa., December 12. 1830. Her parent-. John and Catherine Moon died in Piatt County. 111. At the time of her marriage to our subject she was the widow of Cornelius Williams, who died in White County, Ind., leaving to her care two children — William and Jasper. The ceremony which made her the wife of Mr. Richey was solem- nized in Moultrie County, 111.. December 12. 1867, and ha- brought mutual happiness. Mr. and Mrs. liiche\ are active and consistent members of tie' Missionary Baptist Church. In his political affiliations Mr. Richey i- a lie- publican and has been active in local affairs, lie is especially interested in the cause of education and has served as School Director and Trustee. Prior to his removal from his farm he had placed it under excellent improvements, both in respect to buildings and cultivation of the soil. The es- tate comprises two hundred acres of improved land PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 619 and is numbered among the best farms in the township. Its beauty is enchanced bj the numer- ous shade and fruit trees, whose foliage throws a pleasant shallow on the grassy lawn and whose ripened fruit Mushes as though kissed by the sum- mer sun. Mr. Richey is a reading, thinking man. public spirited and well informed, and owns one of the finest libraries in the community. He and his wife are deservedly held in high estimation by their neighbors; their warm hearts, kind manners, and many generous deeds have gained them the affection of the entire community. J.J..J..J..;. 5 ■'•!-•!— 5.-:- f'OHX RAWLINGS. It seems one of the com- pensations for the many hardships we suffer in this world that when the dark river has been Crossed, the friends left on this side forgel to a great extent the mistakes that have been made, and have only kindly, gracious things to >a\ of one. Tins is as it should he. for human nature is at heart much better than we are often willing to give ii credil for. Let us strew pansies tor sweel thoughts over the mounds whose tidiness leaves a void in many a saddened heart. Our subject, who passed away from this life into the unknown but imagined brightness of the after world al his home, which is located on section • i I . Pickaway Township, in 1888, was taken away while yet there was a golden yellow in the fall season, he- fore the hlasts of winter were chilling the homes and making life seem more desolate. At the time of his decease he had all but reached the three-score and ten generally allotted to man, being sixty -nine years and some month- old. He was born in Mary- land December 1*. 1819. Although he was an American by birth and parentage, he was of Irish ancestry. Our subject's father had died when his son was hut two years old. lie was the youngest of two sons and two daughters horn to his parents. Carefully reared by his mother, he continued to live with her in his native State until he became of age, during which time he aided in the work of earning a livelihood. There he became of age and was soon after married to Miss Martha K. McMas- ter. Their marriage was celebrated May 1."). 1851. The lady was a native of Maryland and horn May 16, 1831). She was of American parents, although of Scotch-Irish ancestry. After marriage our subject and his wife went to Ohio and there they lived for some years in Guern- sey County, where a part of their children were horn. In ISC") the family came to Shelby County, 111., and our subject, who. by his industrious, thrifty ways, had accumulated for that time acorn. fortable amount, was enabled to purchase a farm of two hundred and eighty acres in Ridge Township, at which place he lived for some years. In 1882 Mr. Rawlings came to Pieka way Township and pur- chased one hundred and sixty acres on section 21. where he was living at the time of his death. Our Subject was a man with careful, industrious and prudent business faculties, in whom the acquis- itive faculty was predominant. lie was ver\ SUC- cessful in every undertaking and at the time of his death was the owner of six hundred and ninety- two acres of line land in this count v. Mostofthis in fact all hut eighty-five acres, which is timber land, was well improved. Thrifty and far-sighted, the investments that he made on first coming to the county were proved to he judicious and profitable, nor was he alone in his efforts, for his wife was such a woman as is described in Proverbs. He of whom we write had been reared in the Quaker belief and throughout life rather held to that belief, hut here, where there were so few of his sect, he united in worship of the Almighty with the members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a regular attendant. Mr. Rawlings was a Democrat in his political inclinations, although in accordance with his early religious training he ht'l political strife to those who hail taste for such an exciting, unsatifying career. Our subject's widow, who yet survives him. is an amiable and charming woman, who holds a prominent position in social life, by virtue of her high intellectual attainments and her suavity and gentleness of manner. She is now the owner of part of the homestead, including the line brick residence in which she lives. At sixty years of age her vigor is unabated and the keenness of perception shows no diminution, she 620 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. has a large circle of friends in this county, among whom she is regarded with tender and loving affec- tion. She and her children arc members of the Presbyterian ( 'luuvli. Eight children have come to this beautiful home and have enjoyed the advantages of loving par- ental care. Two of these are deceased: Emma T.. who died at the age of twenty-one years, and Mary T. passed away at four years of age. The living children are: Cecil. I., who is an owner and oper- ator of a farm in this township; he took to wife Amelia Robinson; Harry M., took to wife Cath- erine Weekly and resides on a farm of which they are the owners, in Ridge Township: William C. farms his own land in this township: his wife's maiden name was Ida Yencer; Robert E. owns and occupies one hundred and twenty acres of home- stead and makes Ids home with his mother; Ed- ward M. took to wife Ettie Reed, of this township; they live upon the old home place in Ridge Town- Ship; Lizzie R. is at home and is the comfort and help of her mother. PRANK M. HARBAUGH. The career of this young gentleman is one which may he reflected upon with profit, lie began pad- dling bis own canoe at an early stage of his exist- ence, and after pulling up stream for a season finally found himself in smooth waters, and bis course has since been one of uniform prosperity. lie is now numbered among the influential lawyers of Sullivan. Moultrie County, where he located in 1883, and after experiencing the aps and downs incidental to the commencement of :i professional life, he is on solid footing, with every indication of a prosperous ami even brilliant future in the law. Mr. Harbaugb bas known no other home than .Moultrie County, and he was horn on his father's farm, one mile soutli of Sullivan. September I. 1859. As is the usual experience of everyone reared upon a farm, he had few idle moments, even in his boyhood, being employed in aiding bis father in the work of sowing and reaping, while he alternated this toilsome labor with attend- ance in the village school, lie decided when quite young to enter upon a professional 'life, and there- 1 . .ii- devoted himself assiduously to gaining knowl- edge, lie entered the law department of the State Eniversity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and after taking a thorough course in that institution, he was graduated with the Class of '80. Soon after- ward he was admitted to the bar at the Appelate Court, in Mt. Vernon, 111. lie began practiceof his profession in Windsor, whence he removed to Lovington, sojourning in both places about three years, and coming to his present location in 1883. The father of our subject. David Ilarbaugh. and his grandfather. Jacob, were both natives of Penn- sylvania, and of Dutch descent, belonging to that substantial class of people who brought the Key- stone State to its present state of development. Jacob Ilarbaugh grew to manh 1 upon a farm and in his early prime married a lady by the name of Sinclair. About 1831 they emigrated to Illi- nois, making the tedious journey overland, as was conn in those days, and settling in what is now Sullivan Township. Moultrie County, before the town of Sullivan was laid out. The father pur- chased Government land, which he improved from the wilderness. Neighbors were very few. the country being sparsely settled, and improvements were only being begun. Amid these primeval scenes Jacob Ilarbaugh passed his declining yeai'S and there he died at a ripe old age. The father of our subject has always been inter- ested in farming pursuits, and now at the age of sixtj'-seven years, is hale and hearty, and makes bis home in the city of Sullivan. He was married in this county to Miss Elizabeth Smith, a native of this county, who i-- living and ha> attained to the age of three-score and live years. Her parents were early settlers of this county and are now de- ceased. The mother of our subject is a consistent member Of the Baptist Church and adorns her pro- fession of faith by a noble and godly life. It may truly be said of her that her children "rise and call her blessed." There were three children in the family circle. of who Leander, the eldest, died young. Thesurviv- ing member of the family, besides our subject, is PORTRAIT AND ];!<)< JUAI'IIICAL RECORD. 621 Lucretia, wit'.' of Roberl M. Peadro, attorney -at- law in Sullivan. Our subject is an enterprising, ambitious young gentleman, who will, undoubtedly . make his way to fortune and fame. In his politi- cal views he is a stalwart Democrat, devoted to the success of that party in both national and local affairs, and ever anxious to casl his ballol for the candidates nominated by his chosen party. He served as City Attorney with credit to himself and in the satisfaction of his constituents. He hasalso been Central Committeeman of the county, and is in various ways connected with the public affairs of tliis section. •:• •:• ■*• < folLMER A. ST F.I \ / prietor of the < W puplished in M i^ILMER A. STEIDLEY, the editor and pro- CaU-Mdif. a weekly paper, Moweaqua, Shelby County, is a bright and ambitious young man. who has already had considerable experience in journalism, and gives t<> the public one of the best family papers issued in Central Illinois. He was born in Barr Township, Macoupin County. Augusl 10, 1861. He received a practical education in the public schools, and when a hoy worked on the farm. At the age of seventeen he left school to enter the office of the Moweaqua Register)', the Brsl paper published in this city. He soon acquired the art preservative in that establishment, and remained there until the fall of 1880, when he went to .Mon- tezuma, hid., and was employed in the office of the Era the ensuing three months. From there he went to Maroa, and was employed in setting type in the office of the Maroa News until L881. In that year Mi'. Steidley entered upon his career as a journalist, coming t<> Moweaqua in the month of January, and started a paper called the Mail. In 1884 he sold that publication, and returning to Maroa. bought tin' News, the paper on which he had formerly set type. He conducted the News until July 1. 1888, and then sold it on g 1 terms. and for nearly a year thereafter he lived at Colo- rado Springs, Col., where he was engagedasa clerk in a furniture store. In May, 1889, he returned to Moweaqua, and resumed his vocation as editor. purchasing the Call, and in July of the same year buying the Mail, and consolidating the two under the name of the Call Mail. Thus united he has infused new life into their columns, and has made the union paper a strong, breezy, entertaining family newspaper, full of information on subjects in which the public is most interested, with it> matter well arranged, and its editorials showing a progressive spirit, and giving good points in re- gard to political and Other topics with which the people should he familiar. November I. 1881 is the date of the marriage of our subject with MissS. E. Huff. Mrs. Steidley was horn in 1 )e Witt County. 111., in February. 1862, anil is a daughter of James and Nancy (Dine) Hull. Three children are living of this union, — .lames .1.. Wilmer A. and Ida Clare. Their fourth child. named Marguerite, died in .Inly. 1889, aged ten months. Mr. Steidley is popular and well-known in social circles as a member of the following organizations: Shelby Lodge, No. 271. 1. O. < ). F.. I Home Lodge, No. 152 of the order of Tonti, he being President of the latter lodge. In his political affil- iations, he is a Democrat. Religiously, both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. g ET lWp' '1: 1 » i 1 m i*y^ ? I ' I ' I ' I ■ ■RANK .1. STILLWELL, one of the efficient and progressive farmers of Rose Township, Shelby County, is a -on of John \V. and Sarah (Templeton) Stillwell. The former was horn near Newport. Ky.. and then came with his family to Shelby County in 1866, making their home in Shelby ville and operating a sawmill in Rose Township, which they carried on for several years. The wife passed away in Shelby ville in 1876 and the bereaved husband is now living a retired life. They had two children. Robert T.aud Frank .1. Our subject was born near Newport. Ky,, AugUSi I. 1859, and came to Shelby County, thi- State with his parent-. He received his education 622 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in the cfommon schools and made good use of his advantages, gaming much from this thorough, though somewhal narrow, curriculum. His mar- riage at Shelbyville, April 5, 1883, united him with Miss Anna Wortman, who was bom in Dry Point Township. When they married they settled in Rose Township, where Mr. Stillwell is engaged in farming, iri\ inu' his attention to the cultivation of two hundred and seventy acres of excellent land, and also raising considerable good stock. Mr. and Mrs. Stillwell are the parents of two children, Mary A. and .1. Frank. The office of School Director has been efficiently filled by Mr. Stillwell. lie is a Democrat in his political views, lie is prominently identified with the Order of Modern Woodmen of America, and with his wife is an active member of the 1 In j >l ist Church. 'I'he parents of Mrs. Stillwell are William and Margaret (Hickman) Wortman. Mr. Wortman was born in Shelby Township, Shelby County, October 22. 1831. His father, Isaac Wortman. was a native of Christian County, Ky., being born there August 26, I860, ami being the -on of Michael Wortman, a Virginian by birth and one of the first settlers of Christian County, Ky. Michael Wortman secured a tract of timber land in that comity and cleared a farm and spent his last years there. 'I'he maiden name of hi> wife was Elizabeth Wallace and she was also a Virgin- ian, she came to Shelby County after the death of her husband. The grandfather of Mrs. Stillwell was reared in Kentucky and resided there until 1828, when he came to Illinois accompanied by his wife, his mother and his brother with his wife. They brought all their household l:i"»1- along with them in their wagons and camped and cooked by the way. They arrived in Shelby County in December, 1828, and resided in what i> now known :i~ Windsor Township tor one year and then re- moved to Shelby Town-hip and entered a tract of Government land one mile east of the city. A few lo«r houses were all thai Shelbyville then boasted. Isaac Wortman erected :i log llOUSC on !n- land and c enccd ;il . Joseph Hickman, the father of Mrs. W. F. Wort- man. was a Virginian by birth, and the son of William Hickman, who removed from that State to Shelby County, Ky., where lie continued his vocation of a farmer, lie died in that county. The maiden name of his wife was Elizabeth Tal- bot, who was a native of Virginia and died in Shelby ( ounty. Ky. Joseph Hickman, the grandfather of Mrs. still- well. married in Kentucky and came from that State to Rlinois in 1830, thus becoming one of the early settlers of shelbyville. He was one of the first teachers in the county and was a man of more than ordinary education. He resided there for a number of year- and then boughl a farm in Shelby Township, upon which he made his home until his death. His wife (the grandmother Of Mrs. Still- well. i bore the maiden name of Ziporah Frankford. she was born in Illinois, being a daughter of Fl/a and Margaret (Adams) Frankford. and died at the I ie of a son in Shelby Township about the year 1868. Seven children were born to Mr. anil Mrs. PORTRAIT AM) l'.l political views. Mr. Stillwell's personal qualities arc sucli as to have \v(jn for him the respect and admiration of his fellow-citizens and he has the hearty good will of all. His home is comfortable and pleasant and his fauiih share with him the good opinion of their neighbors. <)IIN V. MAUTZ. The' gentleman whose biographical sketch we take pleasure in here writing, resides on section 31, <>t' Rural Township, .Shelby Comity, and also owns land in section 32. lie belongs to the nationality which is beginning to tinge American life so largely with its sterling qualities, and to show in a better physical development which has resulted from the commingling of the American and Teutonic na- tions. Our subject was horn in Wurtemberg, Ger- many, April ■'!. 1840. lie i- a son of George and Rosina (Shantz) Mautz, the former born in Wur- temberg, in 1802, and the latter. February I 8, 1HIIH. Our subject's father was a farmer by calling and he of whom we write early learned the best meth- ods of making the ground produce the hot in fruits ami vegetables, cereals and stock. After the marriage of the parents of our subject, the\ de- voted themselves to the rearingof their large fam- ily, which numbered eleven children. They were brought up under the best conditions, having re- ceived that hot of inheritances from their parents, robust constitutions, blood that flowed through their veins in swift purity, and intelligences that were undimmed by vicious associations or habits. The brothel's and sisters of our subject are in name as follows: Gottleib, Rosina. Christian, George, Barbara. Lewis, John !•".. who i> our subject, Will- iam. Jacob II.. David and Thomas. Gottleib died in Shelby County in 1879; Rosina married Chris- tian Eberspacher; she died in November, L866, and left four children to her bereaved husband; Christian was for man\ years a prominent man in Rural Township; he was for sixteen war- Justice of the Peace, and now resides in PrescOtt, Nevada County. Ark.: George died in Shelby County in 1863; Barbara married John I laberlein. anil died in L865, leaving one daughter; Lewis was killed by a bull in Cowley County. Kan.: William re- sides on the homestead; Jacob II. and David live iu Rural Township; Thomas resides in Shelby ( oiinty. All of the family of children of which our sub- ject was one were born in Germauy. Our subject was but eleven years when, in \x.'>2. tin- family emigrated to the United States, landing in New York harbor April I. The journey across the three thousand mile-, of water required only nineteen days. The family at once went to Zanesville, Ohio, and soon after settled in Fairfield County, Ohio. In 1*.">1 the\ came to Shelby County, this State, t i i— t settling in Rose Township, where the} rented land which the\ operated for some year-. They then purchased section '■'•'J. in Rural Town- ship, and later purchased one-half of section 31. Success followed their agricultural efforts, and as the young people matured they were encouraged to start out in life for themselves. Tin' father died February ■">. I s 7 'J . The mother followed him .January 15, 1891. The\ were kindly. Christian people, and their simple, honest lives infused -a spirit of kindliness and generosity into all with whom they came in contact. The\ were member- of the Swedenborgian Church. ( tur subject, -I. F. Mautz. came with his family to Shelby County, and in 1861, he enlisted in the War Of the Rebellion to fight for the flag, which had already become dear to him as a symbol of freedom, which he could not enjoy so fully in his native land, lb' was mustered into service, and joined Company II. of the Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry, and remained with his company for four year, re-enlisting at the end of his firsi term. During his military career he was neither wounded nor taken prisoner, nor was he confined to the hospi- tal. He was :i participant in many battles, and the side of military life, which, to one who has never seen battle, but onl\ read and dreamed of 62 J PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the glorious display thai is an accessory, haa a seriousness to him, which was an outcome of bitter personal experience. He was in the battles of Jackson, Tenn., at the siege of Vicksburg and at Little Rock, Ark. In I Slit eighl companies of the regiment to which our subject belonged, were taken prisoners, only Companies II and F escap- ing. Our subject was mustered out of service in October, 1865, and he returned to Shelby County November 19, 1867, he was married to Matilda Ivnll. who «as born in Fairfield County, Ohio, in 184 7. After marriage Mr. Mautz settled with his wife upon the land whereon he now resides, at that time raw prairie. Now it is one of the finest places in the county, comprising one hundred and .sixty acres of beautifully cultivated land, and upon it are line buildings that are in the best of order. The original of din- sketch and his wife have four children, whose names are as follows: William, Albert, Julius and George. Mr. Mautz casts his vote and influence with the Democratic party, under which he has held several positions. He has been Supervisor for three terms, and. in- deed, has held all the local offices. Both our subjeel and his wife are members of the Evangeli- cal Church. s. CREECH. Sullivan counts anion- ii- active business men. uol only those in the mercantile line and nun who cater to the physical needs of the citizens, lint those who have also built up lines of business which pro- vide for the higher nature. Art and music are having their full share of attention in this flourish- ing city and it i- well supplied with marts Of lica ill v and luxury. The successful photographer and jeweler whose name appears at the head of thi- writing, i^ finding such success in his business thai he ha- Keen en- couraged to build for himself a place of business and dwelling, both of which are i iplete in all departments. His tine stock oJ jewelrj is on the ground floor and the sec d storj contains his well arranged and commodious photograph gallery. lie has acquired his knowledge in both branches of his art by determined application and persever- ance and for four years has carried on both lines of endeavor, independently of others. This young man applies himself closely to busi- ness and is a practical workman in both arts. To no one but himself can credit be given for his Success, as his natural talents in the mechanical line have been fully exercised and developed bj his efforts t,i gain the front rank in his line of work, lb- is a natural mechanic- and learned the trade in that line which he followed for a few years in his earlier life. Our SUbjecl lias been a resident of this county since 1*71 and is a native of Indiana, where he was born in Owen County May 31, 1854. lie is the son of Tennessee parents, his father. Christopher ('. Creech, being a man who had come when young with his parents to Owen County, and had there grown to manhood and carried on the double avocation of farmei and mechanic. He married Miss Amanda ('. Evans, who had come to Owen County with her parents at an early clay. After marriage this wedded couple remained near the home of their parents until the spring of 1871. when they came to this Slate and made their first settlement in Coles County, and in the fall of the same year removed to Moultrie County. Here the father lived and followed his trade till death called him hence, his demise occurring at Oak, Neb., in March, 1891, when he had reached the age of fifty- five years. His widow is now residing in Bethany and at the age of fifty-seven years is a useful mem- ber of society and active in the good work of the Methodist Episcopal ( hui'Ch,aS was alSO her husband. Mr. Creech is the eldest in a family of seven sons and one daughter, all bu1 two of whom are living, and all married but two. Our subjeel is the only one of the family now residing in Sullivan, lie was married first at Bethany, Moultrie County, to Miss Martha Robertson, who was born and reared in Moultrie ( Hunt \ and after becoming the mother of one son. .lames ( .. died at her home in Sullivan in L884. This promising son survived his mother but died recently when nearly fifteen years old. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. (52;") his demise bringing greal grief, not only to his father, bul to .-ill who knew him. A. s. Creech was :i second time married, being united in this county to Miss Flora tfoggett, who was born, reared and educated in this county, and is highly respected among all her acquaintances for her intelligence, her affability and her capabil- ities as a housewife. No children have come to brighten her home and sin- turns her activities in the direction of church work, being a membei of the Christian Church and a helper in every g I work. The declarations of the Democratic party embody the political ideas of Mr. Creech, but he is ii" politician as he prefers to devote his energies tn business and dues nut care to be one of those who manage public affairs. 3*+£l [=" » I I.I.I AM I'.. K 1 1. 1. A.M. over half a cen- / tury has Keen spent by our subject ill up- 'V ward growth. lie was born ill tin 1 early part iif the nineteenth century, when advantages tin culture and education were not tlinist upon a young man. but had to lie sought by those who bad an inclination therefor. William Killam was born in Ridge Township, Shelbj County, March 7. 1838. lie was a son of John and Mary M. T. (Bowen) Killam. and a grandson of Peter Killam. lie now resides on section 28, Hi' Rural Township, Shelby County, and has been successful in makings pleas- aul linine and amassing a competency . When our subject was a lad he attended the country schools, which were very different from the schools of to-day. Technical training was at that time no part of the school curriculum. Each ho\ learning from his father the duties to he done ill agricultural life. Neither was tin re any atten- tion paid to modern languages, although Lindsley Murray was conned from first to last pages, so thai every pupil could at leasl parse an English sen- sence correctly, which is more than many can do at the present day. The tew who had the proud acquisition of a knowledge of Latin, made it theirs lor life, and where a Latin student of to-day can- not remember from one day to another, a single sentence of his translation, the old time Latin students can recite page alter page of Caesar's Com- ntaries and of Virgil. Our subjecl laid a thor- ough foundation for the education that he after- ward acquired by much drill in the three R's, and in English grammar, al the district school-, lie completed his education at the old seniinarv al Shelbyville, which at the time was considered a \er\ tine institution of learning. While here, George li. Wendling was his classmate and asso- ciate. After finishing at Shelbyville, our subjecl was engaged as a teacher for two terms. tin October 31, 1861, Mr. Killam was united iii marriage to l.e\ ie\ Tolly, daughter of Roberl and Jemima (Denton) 'roily. She was horn in Flat Branch Township. Shelby County, this state. Feb- ruary Hi. I' s; '« s . She was an admirable woman and made a pleasant home for her husband and the six children which she left on her death, to her husband's care. Her decease took place in [889. Ilea' children's name- are as follows: Mary l>.. Morris F.. John II.. Clara A.. William E.,and Mabel O. During her life Mrs. Killam was a consistent and conscientious member of the Baptist Church. Previous to his marriage lie of whom we write had liuilt a house on the land where lie made his home. The young couple al once settled here, spending the happiest day- of their marital life in the making of a home iii ils truest sense, thai is. not lour square wall- that should lie merely an abiding place, hut the sanctuary of love, sympathy and encouragement. Our subjecl now own- two hundred acres of laud that is under a good state of improvement, lie has always followed mixed husbandry, finding that to he in the end more profitable than attention to specialties. Our sub- ject i- a member of the Baptist Church, as was his wife. While the political inclinations of Mr. Kil- lam are Inward I )c moc racy, like ino-t men w ho have breadth of thoughl he is rather independent, lean- ing however toward Prohibition, lie has held several local offices in the township, having been Assessor, Supervisor, School Assessor, and Town Clerk. He is a charter member of the Rural Town- ship Farmers' Mutual In-iirancc Company, and since it- organization has always held an office. This company insures farm property in six town- 62G PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ships, namely: Tower Hill, Rural, Flat Branch, Pickaway, Ridge and Todd's Point. Mr. Killam has taken great interesl in the edu- cation of his children. Two of these Mary R.,and Morris E., have attended the State Normal Univer- sity at Normal, 111., when- they finished the course with high honor to themselves. Mary taught school for several years, and .Morris E. was like- wise engaged tor three terms. Clara E. has de- voted herself to becoming proficient in the art of music, having attended the Jacksonville Musical Institute, and being a line pianist. The young people are intelligent and accomplished and their father is justified in the pride which he takes in their progress. EREMIAH 1). DONOVAN, M. I). After years spenl in attendance upon invalids whose physical weakness is as diversified in nature as their degrees of mental capacity, and whose ills are the result of ignorance, careless- ness or heredity, all of which are equally inexcusa- ble in the light of a higher understanding, it must lie refreshing to turn from the imperfections of human nature to the unstuntcd and perfect growth of nature, pure and simple. This relief does our Subject experience after there has been a strain upon his sympathies as well as his professional skill, and he feels grateful as he turns from the village street.- into his own sweet and modest abode, surrounded by a pleasant velvety green lawn and flowers whose brightness of color ami varied perfection of form are an inspiration to his higher nature. Our subjecl is a Kentuckian by parentage and birth and inherits the Southern warmth of nature. ami a certain loyally that is found among Ken- tuckians more than among people of other States. Mis father, James Donovan, was born in Mercer County, Ky., as was his ther, Elizabeth Carey. The aged couple are still spared and reside in their native State and couut\ . w here the father has been engaged in farming all his life. Our subject is one of two children horn to his parents. His advent into the world was made in Mercer County. Ky.. December 7. 1836. lie was reared to manhood on his father's place, enjoying such educational and social advantages as that favored portion of Ken- tucky offered. For five years after reaching his majority he was engaged in teaching in his native county, although in I860 he began the study of medicine, and in 1868 he graduated at the Uni- versity at Louisville. Ky. Dr. Donovan commenced the practice of his profession at Johnsonville, Anderson County. Ky.. and continued there for two years, when he deter- mined to remove to his native village, Covnish- \ ille. in Mercer County, where he enjoyed a "'ood and paying practice. During these years he was attaining a reputation in the healing art such as only actual experience can give, lie remained in his native town from 1 sr»:i until 1881, when he re- moved to Antioch in Washington County. Ky.. and there Stayed for two years, then he made the radical change from his native State to Illinois, settling in Lovington, luit at that time only re- mained here about eight months, removing to La Place, in Piatt County, where he was engaged in the practice of his profession for about the same Length of time. He then returned to Moultrie County, locating in Lake City where he enjoyed a good practice for three years, until August, ISMS. he returned to Lovington. Personally, our subjecl has a strong physical and mesmeric power that is greatly in his favor in the sick room. A bright -mile and a cheery good morning goes a- far with his patients a- a bottle o. medicine with many others who have less dynamic foi'ci-. He here en jo\ s a good practice and has been appointed to the State Hoard of medical examinations for pension-, lie is called into con- sultation with the best physicians in the county and his judgment ami knowledge of disease is ac- curate, lie eschews line spun theories and bases the majority of Ids deductions upon common sense reasoning. The original of our sketch was tirst married in Johnsonville, Anderson County, Ky. His bride was Miss Amanda Driskell, a native of the same county with himself. That union wa- blessed by PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 627 tlic advent of one child. a son, whose name is James, and who is now a successful farmer in Mer- cer County, Ky. Mrs. Amanda Donovan died in her native State and county. Dr. Donovan was again married in Mercer County, Ky., to .Miss Narcissus Driskell, a sister of his first wife. By this marriage they became the parents of eleven children, whose names are respectively, Elizabeth, John, Josiah, Jefferson, Ileishel. I. ma. PastOB, William, Samuel, Roscoe and Lloyd. Two lit' these children died in infancy. The others have grown up and promise to take re- sponsible and honorable positions in society. Polit- ically the Doctor is a Republican, and although he has not remained in any one place long enough to thoroughly identify himself with its local political life, he is of course interested in local government. Socially he is a member of the Masonic fraternity . and in his relations with his patients or society at farge, his manner is characterized by a courtesy and affability such as is seldom found outside of the Southern States ■HoMAs BANKS, of the firm of N. F. Keim & Co., general merchants at Findlay, has ^y long been variously identified with the in- terests of Shelby County, and is connected both with its mercantile and agricultural affairs. Vaughn Township, York County, Province of Ontario. Canada, is the place of his birth. His father, who bore the same name as himself, was a native of Yorkshire. England. He learned the trade of a stonemason and that of an oatmeal miller. On coming to America lie settled in Vaughn Township, Canada, and devoting himself to his trade as a miller, he ground the first oatmeal that was ever exported from Canada to England. He continued his residence in York County many years, and then, after spending a few months in the United States, returned to Canada, and passed his last years in Elgin County. The maiden name of his third wife, mother of our subject, was Janette Jeffrey. She was horn in Scotland, and died at Richmond Hill. York ( ounty,< anada. The subject of this sketch was reared in his Canadian birthplace, and in his youth served a three years' apprenticship to Thomas Harris, a well- known carpenter and builder. After acquiring a thorough knowledge of his trade in all its branches, he went to Elgin County and did journey work there until 1859. In that year he crossed the bor- der and came to the •■Stale-." and for some twelve months was engaged as a carpenter in Indiana. In lKt;il he started on his return to his old home, and on his way came to Illinois to collect a small bill due him by a person living in Todd's Point Town- ship, this county. This proved to be the turning point in his life, for he became favorably impressed with the country and resolved to settle here per- manently, perhaps influenced to this decision by the matrimonial alliance that he contracted soon after with the daughter of one of the pioneerfam- ilies of the county. He found work at his trade as a carpenter and builder, and was thus employed until 1863, when he rented a tract of land and gave his attention to farming, lie was successful in his operations and soon purchased eighty acres of land on section M. in that part of Okaw Town-hip now included in Todd's Point Town- ship, to which he subsequently added eighty acres adjoining, and he also bought fifteen acres of tim- ber land on section 35. IK' has his farm well im- proved, under admirable tillage, and provided with two sets of conveniently arranged frame buildings. In 1889 .Mr. Banks formed a partnership with his son-in-law, N. F. Keim. to engage in the mercan- tile business at Findlay. They have a well- appointed store, cany a line assortment of general stock, and have already built up a thriv- ing trade. Mr. Banks was first married in 1861 to Mrs. ( as- sandra (Waller) Beck, daughter of Eli and Mary (Stanaford) Waller, and widow of Nathaniel Beck. She was a native of this count\. She departed this life in June. 1883. Four children were horn of her marriage with our subject, all of whom are living: Priscilla, who married Navier Wernett. and has two children Joseph and Henry: Klla married Warner 11. Mauzey, and has two children — Eva and Adda; Cynthia married N. F. Keim. and ha- one child — Irus; Effle May. the youngest 628 PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. daughter, is al honie with her parents. .Mr. Ranks salt. Venison could be had much nearer home as was married a second time in 1890 to Mrs.Tabitha deer, bears, turkeys and other game abounded and Robertson. She i> a member of the Christian came within easy shot of the house. Church, and shares with her husband the respect The mother of our subject became a widow in and esteem of the entire community. Mr. Ranks 1846, her husband then passing away at the age of is well known in thi> part of the county, and is fifty-two years, and she survived him until Septem- looked up to as a man of solid worth, whose deal- ber, 1865. < M' this large family of eleven children ings are always fair and above hoard, and whose two died in infancy. One was killed by Calling mini is as ffi »>d a> a I" mil. _-^ ;>*<: ,\ the way of prairie schooners. and a native of Smith County. Tenn.. where she and camping out l>\ the way. Al the end of this firsl saw the light, April 1. l.s;!.s. Her father was primitive journe\ they settled in Okaw Township, a native of North Carolina and her mother a Tenn.- in the fall of 1828 and entering land they erected esseean and they came to Illinois in 1841, settling a house of hewed logs. This substantial, although successively in Wayne County, Jefferson County, rudely-buill house has been occupied from that and Clay County, in which latter place the parents ,1:,\ in this, but i- now removed from the .-pot died. and where their daughter was residing al the where it "as firsl built. The land which he pur- date of her marriage with Mr. smith. chased was located jusl in the edge of the timber After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Smith made their :i inl lie proceeded to improve ii and place it in a firsl home on the farm which they still occupy and condition for cultivation. he gave his whole attention to tilling the soil. He The following year, the father of our subjecl re- has devoted much attention to stock-raising and moved to the place which is now the family home his farm is thought to be especially well adapted to and became the happy possess fs e three linn- stock-raising. The eighl children of Mr. and Mrs. , Ired acres ol rich and fertile soil and proceeded to smith are: Wilbum, John II.. Allen, William T.. place upon it good improvements, so thai it was Perlina, Dexter, Mary L. and Klza ('. Perlina is soon in as prosperous a condition as an\ farm in the wife of William Ilendriek and makes her home those early days. There were few conveniences in not far from her parents. Mr. smith's political those days and fewer opportunities for culture and views are independent although he was a Rcpub- education. Mr. smith had to go to St. Louis to Mean during war but for the last twenty years he market, to Springfield lo mill, and to Saline for hasdesiredto feel free from part) ties, lie has PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 629 held numerous local offices and has served as Sup- ervisor. His wife is a member of the Separate Baptist Church in which she finds a broad field foi influence and labor and in whose communion she i- highlj prized. Mr. Smith has always been of h speculative turn and has made numerous business deals many of which have proveda profit to him. AMES L. B. TURNER. Farm life on the Illinois Prairie! To the writer the very thought is a poem, and the mind instantly \^J clothes it in the words thai Longfellow ha- nsed in so exquisitelj describing the prairies in the beautiful poem, "Evangeline." If it is a life Of toil, thai of the farmer, it is also one of beauty, for even the black loam overturned by the plow has a fragrance of its own in the earlj spring-time thai fills the heart with gladness, and makes the laborer conscious of an exaltation and a nearness to Divinity, that one gets in no other occupation. I le of whom we write belonged to the class of agriculturists, who inspire with each breath, a sense of freedom and elevation. He was a fanner born and bred. His father was 1 1 1 1 1 — engaged before him. •lames Turner, Sr., our subject's father, was horn in Buckingham County, Va.. in 1790, and his mother, Elsie ( Pendleton) Turner, was a native of Buckingham County, Va., ami was horn about ITii.'i. After marriage they settled in the county in which their wedding took place, and after var- ious changes of location. thc\ came to Illinois and settled in Effingham County, in 1830. .lames and Elsie Turner were the parents of eleven children of whom our subject was the third in order of birth, lie was horn in Wilson County, Tenn.. October 21. 1824. He was six years of age when his parents emigrated to this Male, and his youth and early manhood was spent in Effing- ham County, lie made his home under the pa- ternal roof until twenty-three years of age when he was married in Shelby County. 111.. October 21. is 17. to Hannah E. l'oe. Mrs. Turner's father was •lames F. l'oe. who was horn in Franklin County. Tenn.. about 1802. Her mother's maiden name «:h Hannah Parks. She was horn also, in Frank- lin County. Tenn.. about 1807. After marriage they settled in their native county, where the wife died November 23, 1829. .Mrs. Hannah F. Turner was the only child, being born the same day that her mother died. tier father came to Shelby County and settled in Richland Township in the spring of 1830, and continued to he a resident of the county until his death, which took place on his own farm in Ash Grove Township. October 1*. After his wife's death, Mr. l'oe was for a second time married, his wedding being celebrated in Tennessee, in 1830. His third wife was Mrs. Re- becca I Miller) Elliott, by whom lie liccame the fa- ther of four children, whose names are respectively . Franklin. Amanda M.. ( teorge and Ann. and an in- fant killed l>\ being tlu'own from a wagon. Mrs. Rebecca l'oe. was, after the death of her second husband, united to Charles Loomis. Her death took place in Tazewell County, III. After the marriage of our subject he settled with his bride on a portion of the farm that was formerly owned by her father. It was located in Richland Town- ship, between Richland and Ash Grove Townships. They there resided from February, 1848, until Api i I. 1 89 I . when they remo\ ed to Windsi ir, where hi' died Augusl 31, 1891. He was the owner of between six anil seven hundred acres of finely im- proved land. Four children have been horn to Mr. Turner and his wife. They are James I... William W., George R., Zinnette M. The last named is the wife of (.. F. Schlack. His second son. William W. died in 1875 at the age of twenty-four years. The original of our -ketch has held many of the most important Offices in the township. He has licen Supervisor of Rich- land, and also Assessor and Collector. Hi' was in- dependent in politics. Since 1882, oursubject and hi- wife have been connected prominently with the Universalis! Church. He of whom we write was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and had been thus connected since early in the '60s. .lame- I., married Grace A. Smith; William W. married Laura 1'.. Smith; George R. took to wife Mary Ann ( urry. .lame- I.. B. turner held an enviable position in 630 PORTRAIT AM) lilt X iKAl'IIICAL RECORD. the respect and confidence thai lie had among the people with whom lie has been connected in busi- ness or in a social way. He was a Christian and a gentleman in every sense of the word, and al- though having reached quite an advanced age, he was progressive ami interested in every measure that promised to he for the welfare of the commun- ity 'if which hi' was a part. OHN PUC4H. llr .if whom it isoui pleasant privilege to write in outline a short biogra- phical sketch, enjoys the distinction of being the oldest living settler in Shelby Comity, and although having attained more than four-sci >re years in age, he is still :i hale and hearty old gen- tleman. Although pioneer life was fraught with many drawbacks and hardships, the lapse of time during which these uncomfortable features have been entirely done awav with, has east a pleasing »lov\ over the whole, and the pleasures and adven- tures that were tinctured with a spice of danger .■Mid an occasional hit of romance, are far better re memiii red than the privations of Ordinary routine existence. When our subject made his advent into the State, the prairie was still a playground for the wild animals; when the larder needed replenishing, all he hail to do was to shoulder his gun, and. go- ing out into the woods, game was at hand. Wild deer and turkeys «ere as common as the domestic fowl in the barnyard to-day : . His father was Thomas Pugh, who was probably horn in North Carolina. Hi- mother was Beulah (Hall) Pugh, who was probably a native "t the same State as her husbanu. They were married, however in Christian ( ouutv. Ky.. where lln\ settled and lived until 182(1, when they removed to l his Mate, located in ( old Spring Township. Shelby ( ounty, and there the\ lived until about 1832, when thej removed to a point aliout one mile north of Shelby ville. There they lived until their decease, which took place iv-|,cctivel\ . 1848 and I 8 I ■>. Our subject i- one of four children, there being three sons and one daughter, Their names arc respectively, John. Robert, William and Nancy. John, the eldest of the family, and the gentleman of whom we are writing, was horn in Christian County. Ivy., September 20, 1809, and consequently was eleven years of age when his father removed to Shelby County. He was reared on a farm in this county, and lived with his father until his marriage took place, which auspicious event was celebrated at the residence of Rufus luinan. who also lived about one mile north of Shelby ville. The lady to whom he was united was a .Miss Eliza- beth Inman. who was probably horn in Fayette County, thi- Stale. February '20. 1815. After marriage the young couple settled about one mile south of Shelby ville. and there they lived for several years. They removed however to :i place aliout three miles north of Shelby ville. but made that their home for a period of only three years, at the expiration of which time he sold out and removed to Texas, but made a stay of only about six months in that State, when he returned to Illinois and settled in Dry Point Township. They resided there about twenty years when again they sold and came to Tower Hill Township, of which place they have ever since been residents. Mrs. Elizabeth Pugh was taken away from her husband and family and joined "the innumerable throng." November II. 1868. She was the mother of six children. Ave daughters and one son. They arc by name Man Ann. Nancy C., Martha, Eliza .1.. Sarah F.. and William .1. Mary Ann was the wife of Henry Corlev. and was a true and faithful helpmate until her decease which look place Janu- ary 2H. 1891. Nancy C. is the wife of I'. M. Killam. Martha wa- the wife of Neison .Neil, and died October 10. 1864. Fli/.a .1. is the wife of Thomas 11. Ilayden. and Sarah F. presides over the domes- tic affairs of the family of Joseph Wakefield, An extended -ketch of the only son may be found ill another part of this volume. Their mother. Mr-. Elizabeth Pugh, was a member of the .Methodist Episcopal Church. The original of our sketch was a second lime married. October 5, 1870, his bride being Mrs. Nancv Mi/.e. a daughter of Andrew and .lane (N'owland) Henderson, and widow of Isaac Mize. She was born in this county February l!». 1839, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 68 1 / *%t *%* «$* By this union. Mr. Pugh has been tin- fatraer of four children, the two eldest, however, died in in- fancy. The surviving children are John S. and Beulafa I.. Our subject formerly affiliated with the Democratic party, but after the Rebellion broke out, he transferred his allegiance to the Republican party, of which, ever since, lie has been a faithful ami devoted adherent, In his church relations he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and for years lias been a generous supporter of Gospel work, lie has always followed agricultural pursuits and is the owner of two hundred and forty acres of tine arable land upon whicb are excellent improvements, lie of whom we write is the objecl of the regard and veneration of the whole township. lie i- an interesting conversationalist, ami to one who is interested in pioneer history, he is a fertile ami re- liable source of information. ' AMES \Y. CAREY, a prominent resident on section 25, Big Spring Township. Shelby Count}', was horn in Clinton County. Ohio, February 15, L862. Elias Carey, his hon- ored father, was a native of Virginia, where he was born April 23, 1814, being a son of John Carey. In early life Elias Carey learned the trades of the silversmith ami blacksmith, and in \M7 he decided to make a home of his own and chose as the woman in all the world best pleasing to his eyes, .lane Moon, who was born in Martinsville, Ohio, Nov- ember 26, 1819. After marriage the parents of our subject made their home in Martinsville, and in 1851 removed to I.a Grange County, Ind., where they lived upon a farm, and afterward resided for some time in Cincinnati, Ohio, and later in Martinsville, Ohio, whence in IK(>7 the\ emigrated to Illinois and settled in Big Spring Township. Here 1 1 n ■ \ purchased land which was hut partially improved, that is it had upon it a log cabin and a few acres Of the land was broken. At the date of his death, which occurred in 1875, Elias Carey owned some one thousand acres of land, had built a tine brick residence and made other valuable and sub- stantial improvements. Thus had the poor trades- man through his own enterprise, and by the wealth hidden in the soil of (he Prairie state, become a rich landed proprietor. He was a man of Sterling Christian character, ami belonged to the Society of Friends. In the beautiful homestead which was built by him his bereaved and venerable widow now resides. The ten children of this excellent couple were. Mary F... who married Richard Jones and resides in Zenia. Ohio: Sarah M.. who married David Hazely and died in Richmond, Ind.; Hannah M., who became the wife of Jesse Mendenhall and died in Shelby County; Martha !•'... who married Jesse A.Gibson, and John II.. both of whom reside in Neoga, 111.: Rachel, who is now Mrs. Francis M. Ilackett and resides in Jamestown. Ohio: Anna. who is now Mrs. William C. Bain and makes her home in Marion. Ind.: Isaac M.. who resides in Shelby County; Irene, the wife of Alfred Lindlcy. who also live- in Shelby < Ounty, and .lames Wal- ter, the subject of this sketch. lie of whom we write was united in marriage in April. 1885, with Mis- Elizabeth A. Hubbert, who was hom in Cumberland (ounty. Ohio. To this happy couple have been horn three children — Ethel 1.. Edith . I., and Pearl I. Mr. Carey in connection with his mother, own- and carries on the home- stead which contain- one hundred and sixty acres of rich and arable land, all in a high state of cul- tivation. i , i t i w >- r i- f i ' i ' i ' i ' REDERICK IIAIM'MAX is a general farmer . on section 22, of Flat Branch Township. 1 Shelby (ounty. where he onus one hun- dred and twenty acres, which he purchased in the wild state in 1865, and upon which he has since made a comfortable home. The place is well- stocked and watered and the buildings are all good and substantial. He located in this county on coming from Ogle County, where he had lived .a good main rears, from 1856 to 1865. There he 632 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. received his naturalization papers, being, as his name would indicate, of German origin and birth. He of whom we write was engaged in Ogle County as :i fanner, where he had been quite sue. cessful. Previous to going there he had spent one year in Pennsylvania. Mr. Hartman was born in Pleidelheim, Wurtemberg, Germany, .May 11. 1832. His family in the old country are of good Stock. His father. Frederick Hartman, Sr., lived and died in his native province, having reached seventy-two years of age. He had married Magdeline Kline, a Wurtemberg lady, who was a true helpmate and companion to her hushand. H^v death occurred in 1842. She was then m middle life She and her husband were members of tin- Lutheran Church. Our subject is the eldest of seven children, of whom there were four sons and three daughters. Of the sons, all came to this country and all are farmers here, hut one. who is a shoemaker in Chi- cago. Our subject had become of age before leav- ing his native land, and in 1855, in the month of April, he took passage from Havre de Grasse, on a sailing vessel, and in May he landed in New York City, coming thence to Dawson County. Pa., where he spent his lirst year, and then proceeded In Illi. nois. November 29, 1858, Mi-. Hartman was united in marriage at Mi. Morris, Ogle County, to Miss Margarel K. Mitchell, she was born in Fairfieid County. Ohio, November l I. 1838, and i- a daugh- ter of Jacob and Sarah (McGlinsey) Mitchell, na- tives of Maryland and Virginia, respectively. Both, however, are of Irish parentage and descent on the paternal side, while on the maternal side the lad\ i- of Scotch descent. Mrs. Ilartman's parents were married in Ohio, ami later moved to Illinois, settling in Ogle Count \ in I HI."), where they located and improved a farm and there spent their last days, passing away at a good old age. They had settled at a vers early day in Ml. Morris Township, and had procured unbroken land in the mosl western pari of Wes1 Grove Town- ship. For a number of years thej were almost the onlj settlers in that part of the county. They both passed away in 1886, and were deeply mourned bv many friends in their adopted home. They were Methodists in their religious preference, and were consistent members and generous supporters of thai sect in their township. The father of Jacob Mitchell was Samuel Mit- chell, who had come to Ogle County. 111., in the early days of L838, and was one of the earliest settlers there, where he died at the age of seventy- nine years. Mrs. Hartman was one of a large fam- ily, of which live are now living. She was ten years of age when her patents came to Ogle County. She afterward lived there until her marriage. She is a true-hearted, kind friend, and affectionate wife and tender mother. Both she and Mr. Hartman are active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The original of our sketch and his wife are the parents of eight children. One of these died in childhood. This was Sarah M.. who was twelve years of age. The living children are: Jacob E.. William II.. Henrietta M.. George E.. John \\\. Elizabeth and Franklin A. Of these. William was united in marriage to Miss Ada M. Beckett, and is a fanner in this township. Henrietta is the wife of Elmer Pierce. They also live on a farm in this township. George E. and other younger members of the family, all reside at home. They are bright, intelligent young men and women, and promise to make a recognized position for them- selves ill life. ■#€!■ ARON SANDS. Pennsylvania. like all of the' Eastern and Southern States, contrib- uted a large share toward the settlement of Illinois, both in the early clays and during more recent years. The natives of that State have a well-earned reputation for thrift, in- dustry and steadfastness of characterand they were made welcome to join the hoards of emigrants who Hocked to the Prairie Stale from their native homes. Among such we find our subject, who resides on section 6, Okaw Township. Shelby County, where he rents two-hundred and ninety-four acres of land. Mr. Sands has resided in Shelby Countj since 1864, having conn' VVesl lirst to Ohio from his PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHK A!. RECORD. 683 Dative home in Berks County, Pa., where*he was bora May 8, L833. lie is a son of William and Catherine Sands, who removed to Fairfield County) Ohio, in 1835, where they made their home until |H(;.">. when they came to Illinois, where the father died in Shelby County, in 1870. The mother is still living and is enjoying a green old age. In this family of William and Catherine Sands there were nine children, and all bu1 the eldesl daughter, Mary, are still living and form a happy and united band of brothers and sisters. After Mary came Eliza, Aaron, Daniel, William. Frank- lin, Edward, Peter and John. Previous to our subject's emigration to Illinois he was married in Ohio, in I860, to Julyann Foor, who was born April ■">. 1840, and was the daughter of I I < ■ 1 1 1\ and ( Caroline Foor. To Mr. and Mrs. Sands have been born eight children, all of whom have lived to become worthy and reputable citizens and who are now the com- fort and support Of their parents. They areas fol- lows: Eliza, deceased; James M., Lsabelle, Calvin, Otto, Margaret K.. Oscar, Minnie and Edward. The political views which have been entertained by Mr. Sands during most of his life have led him to atliliate with the party which is proud to claim the names of Jefferson and Jackson, but of late years lie has felt that it was better to be un tram- meled by party ties and has cast his vole independ- ent of the dictates of parly leaders. His good wife is an earnest and useful member of the German Reformed Church, in which her labors are highly appreciated. This worthy couple receive whal they so richly deserve, the kind regard and esteem of their neighbors and of all who know them. !•'.( >li< ! E Kl 1-T. a prom incut and noteworthy citizen of Rose Township. Shelby County. A i- a son of John M. Ruff, who was liorn ill Germany in 1813, and Barbara (Weitner) Ruff, whose birth occurred in the same land in 1817. She was about fourteen years old and lie had at- tained some eighteen years when they came to America. They were married and made their first home in I locking County. Ohio, and emigrated to Illinois ill January, 1884. They made their home ill Prairie Town-hip. where they still reside. George was the fourth in their family of twelve children and he resided in his native county, Hocking County, Ohio, till he reached his major- ity. His natal da\ was March 17. 1843, and he received his education in the common scl I-. When our subject was t wen ty-one years old he came to Illinois and worked Cor four years in the counties of I )e Witt and Logan and then came into Shelby County and employed himself upon farms and at carpentry until his marriage. This interesting event occurred in Shelby County, March 21, 1869. His bride was Miss Sophia Stumpf, daughter of Gearhart Stumpf. For fur- ther details in regard to the history of this capable and amiable lady, our readers are referred to the biography of .Mr. Edward Roessler, as Mrs. Rutland Mr-. Roessler are sisters. Mr. Stumpf died in Shelby County in 1853, having been bereaved of his wife in Fairfield County. Ohio, some four years earlier. Mrs. Ruff was the youngest child in her lather'- family ami was born in Fairfield County, ( >hio. June I. 1847. After the marriage of Mi. and Mrs. Ruff they de- cided to go further we-: and located in Anderson County. Kan., where Mr. Ruff worked at his trade. that of carpentry, for five years and then followed the same business for two years in Shelbj County, lb' now decided to engage in farming and for eight year- rented land in Rose Town-hip. at the cud of which time he purchased the farm of eighty acre-, on section :!. where lie ha- erected a good -el Of buildings. lie divide- hi- lime between farm- ing and carpentry and i- thorough and successful in both lines of work. This gentleman and his estimable wife are the parent- ot seven interesting and promising chil- dren. They were SO unfortunate as to lose their eldest. Florence A., a bright and beautiful child of two and one-half year-. Those w ho survive are as follow-: Anna M.. Cora I., Clarence A.. Charlotta s.. t teorge W. and 1 larmon I.. The estimation in which .Mr. Ruff is held by his fellow-citizens ha- been e\ inced bv their confidence 634 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in placing him upon the School Board. He is deeply interested in educational matters and makes an efficient and active Director. He is well read in political matters and active in promoting the inter- ests of the Democratic party, to which he belongs. In the Lutheran Church, where Mr. and Mrs. Ruff are active members, he has filled the offices of Dea- con and Truster. _^1 ^f^\ "=) JOSEPH S. ROBERTS. Among the men who are ambitious, not only for their own suc- cess hut also for the prosperity and prog- ress of the community in which they live, we are proud to mention the name which appears at the head of this paragraph, a man who was born in Moultrie County, and has made it his home through- out his life and who feels that its welfare is identi- cal with that of himself and his family. Thomas A. Roberts, the father of our subject was a Marvlandcr. lioin May 1. 1822, and. his mother was Lovicy G. Hendricks, who was born in Ken- tucky. August 13, L833. This excellent couple were united in Moultrie County and made their home in East Nelson Township, where they lived in domestic happiness and prosperity until I860, when they removed to Whitley Township, where the faithful wife passed from earth April 29, 1868. The bereaved husband died in shelly County. November 11. 1883. They had three children, of whom their son Joseph is the eldest. lie of whom we write was born June 22, L854, in East Nelson Township. He resided in Moultrie County throughout all his youth and manhood and was educated in the common schools of Whit- lev. His happy marriage took place October 30, 1879, in Whitley Township, at the residence of W. II. Garrett, Cynthia I!.. the daughter of this gentleman being the bride. for farther details in regard to this prominent family, into which our subject married our readers will please consult the sketch of W.H.Garrett on another page of this Record. At the time of her marriage Airs. Roberts was a [OVelv VOUHg woman of ni e . a- she was horn in Whitley Township. August .">. L860. She cheer- fully and efficiently undertook the responsibilities of a home and became the happy mother of eight children, namely: Carrie L., Europe II.. Mabel, John 1-'.. Hoy. Pearl, Clarence and Edith. All are living except John and Roy who are passed to the better world. After marriage this wedded pair set up their household gods in Whitley Township. Locating "ii section I. There they now own a beautiful estate of two hundred and nineteen acres, and upon this tract Mr. Roberts has successfully carried on his-ag- cultural pursuits, devoting himself to general farm- ing. He is an influential man in his community and an earnest worker for the prosperity and supremacy of the Republican party. Both he and his wife are conscientious members of the Christian Church and in its communion and service they find spiritual strength and an abundant opportu- nity for labor. Both of them desire to see Whitley Township rank first in every desirable point among the townships of Moultrie County and are earnest promoters of every movement which tends toils progress, socially and industrially. ' ACOB E. EBY. Illinois in its early settle- ment gathered within its bounds represent- atives from every State in the Mast anil South, and to its rich and fertile prairies there have [locked, even unto the present time, rep- resentatives of the older civilization in various parts of the country. Many l'ennsylvanians by birth are among its sound and sensible residents and have brought from the old Keystone State those principles and habits of thrift which mark that Commonwealth. Our subject who is a native of that Slate and who makes his home on section 31, Okaw Township, dates his residence in Shelby County from 1882. Mr. Kby was born in Lebanon County. Pa., March L0, 1852, and was thus a man of mature years when he removed to the West. Hishonored parents were Jacob and Eliza (Shank) Kby. and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 635 thc\ gave in him >n g 1 a common -school educa- tion as tu tit him to take a position at the teacher's desk, which he filled for eighl terms. Thej also gave him the best of home training and a thorough drill in the work of the farm. The marriage of Jacob Eby with Miss Kate Sclt- zer was solemnized at Washington, I), ('..in April, 1*77. This happy occasion was the beginning of a married life of true congeniality and harmony, and the foundation of one of those families which are the strength and glory of America, in that their quiet and useful home lives form the basis for the success of our Republican institutions. Mrs. Eby is the daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Martin) Selt- zer, and like her husband, was bora in Lebanon County, l J a., but at the date of her marriage was residing in Maryland. As we have said, it was the year 1882 when our subject first came to Illinois, and being favorably impressed with the value of the land and the envi- ronments of this section, he purchased the farm upon which he now resides and made his home upon it. in the spring of 1883. Since that time he has devoted himself indefatigably to the cultiva- tion and improvement Of the seventy-six and one- half acres which he owns. Mr. and .Mrs. Eby have had the pleasure of wel- coming to their home three interesting and lovelj children, but one of them they were called upon to lay in the grave in early infancy. The two who are living are named Sarah and John 1).. and t lie traits Of character which they have already shown give a fair promise of their future usefulness which will, as it should, prove an honor to their parents. The Democratic party for many years held the allegiance of Mr. Eby, hut for some time past he has been independent in his political views and feels that by being free from the trammels of party he can more effectually serve his State and country. This independence does not at all interfere with his popularity anionic his neighbors anil he is at present the efficient Supervisor of Okaw Township. He is an earnest believer in the Christian religion, having been reared in the faith of the Reformed Church. The interests of the agricultural t inut- ility appeal very strongly to this gentleman and it is his aim to assist both himself and others in pro- moting the commercial and industrial prosperity of this class. Willi this cud in view he has identified himself with the farmers' Mutual Benefit Associa- tion, in which he believes there is help forthediffl- CUltieS which have StOOd in the way of the progress of agriculturists. EMUEL PARKER. Among the farmers of Shelby County who have materially added to its prosperity by developing its rich agricultural resources, and at the same time have accumulated a handsome private property, Mr. Lemuel Parker is well worthy of mention in this volume. For many years he has carried on farm- ing in Moweaqua Township, and as the result of his persistent and well-directed labors has a farm that is equal in improvements and cultivation to the best in its vicinity. September 6, 1*27. is the date of the birth of our subject in Cayuga County. N. Y. Mathias Parker was the name of his father, and he was a native of Canada. He in turn was a son of one Lemuel Parker, who was a pioneer of the town of Xiles. and was thereafter engaged at his occupation as a farmer in Cayuga County until death closed his mortal career. The maiden name of his wife was Tacy Nilcs. and she too died on the ('arm in Niles Township. His son. Mathias. though born in Canada was reared on the family homestead, and he followed farming in New York Slate until his demise in 1830, while yet in life's prime. His widow, whose maiden name was Susanna Arm- strong, is still living, making her home with her son. our subject, and retain- to a remarkable de- gree her mind and memory and physical faculties", although she has reached the ninety-first milestone that marks a long life, having been born April 28, L 800, in Genoa, Cayuga County, N. Y. she was married a second time in 1833 to Owen Dewitl. who came to [Uinois with his family in 1853. He lived in Like County for a time, and linn came to this county to spend his remaining days, dying here in 1866. His maternal grandfather of our subject. Andrew 636 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Armstrong, was one of the lirst settlers of Cayuga County, \. Y. He boughl a trad of timber land in the township <>f ' !enoa, and established a liome in the primeval forest, building a log cabin for shelter. Much of the great Empire State was then in a wild, sparsely settled condition, and there were no railways or canals for years to facilitati communication with the outside world. There were no mill> near where Mr. Armstrong settled. .•iinl he anil his fellow-pioneers hail to reduce their grain in iron mortars. They lived off the products of their land and from wild game, which was abundant. The grandfather of cur subject cleared a farm, and dwell thereon until death deprived him of the companionship of his wife in 1818. lie then sold his place, and the few years that re- mained tn luni boarded until he was called t < > his long home in 1K22. His wife bore the maiden name of Polly Bowker. She was born on the banks of the Susquehanna River, and was a daugh- ter of Sila^ and Esther (Ibiblis) Bowker. Her father and three of her brothers served in the Revolution. She was carefully trained in all that went to make a good housewife ill the olden days, and was an adept in carding, spinning and weav- ing, she imparted those arts to her daughter, the mother of our subject, who for many years after her marriage made all the cloth in use in her family, coloring thai which she made into garmi nts with the simple vegetable dyes formerly used, and she -pun her own thread. After his father's death, the subject of this bio- graphical notice weul to live with his grandpar- ents, lull they died when he was in his eighth year. and from thai lime his home was with strangers until he established one of his own. and he hail to earn his living, getting his board and clothes in re- payment for his work as a chore-bo,) and farm hand for a farmer, with whom he lived for several years. When he was seventeen years old he began to receive wages, earning the sum of *7 a month. lie continued to work out by the month in his native State until 1849. In that year he took aii importanl step in life wherebj hi- worldly prospects were much advanced, a- he then came to Illinois to tr\ farming on the fertile -oil of the Prairie State, and in due lime became an independ- ent farmer. In coming hither he journeyed by Erie (anal lo Buffalo, from there by the lakes to Chi- cago, and then on the canal and Illinois River lo Pike County, where he tarried a few years, finding employment as a farm laborer. In 1856 he came io Shelby County, and invested his hard-earned monej in one hundred and twenty acres of prairie land, a mile and a half from the village of Mowea- qua. He ha- -iuce bought other land, and at one time had three hundred and forty acres, of which he -lill retains two hundred and sixty acres, all of ii being finely improved. A measure of Mr. Parker's good fortune is at- tributable to the devoted assistance of his good wife, who has ever been to him a cheerful helper. has given him wise counsel when needed, and has contributed to his comfort and well-being, as well as lo his financial prosperity by her careful guid- ance of household matters. Her maiden name was Cena A. Parker, she was a native of the same county as her husband, and they were wedded in 1855. They have three children — Willis 1-'... Charles M. and Lydia A. Mrs. Parker is aconsist- ent Christian and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Parker is a sensible man. with sound view- on all subjects in which he is interested, especially in regard to politics, and we find him to be a stead- fast Republican. As a farmer he stand- high in the community, and he bears an unsullied reputa- tion as a man and a citizen. 4€f -; — i — 7 RED A. PAU CHERT, a retired merchant of shclliy villc. Shelby ( kmnty, is connected with the agricultural interests of this COlinty as the proprietor of two line farms. lie ha- held prominent public posit ions, and whether :i- :i civic officer, a business man. or as a private citizen, he has always manifested a deep interest in all that concerns I he welfare of the city ami county. and has materially aided in their advancement He was born near Daadcn. in the Rhenish Province of Eriedenwald, Prussia. His father and paternal grandfather, both of whom bore the given name of PORTRAIT AND Bi(>< iRAl'IUt AJ RECORD. i;:;; Engelbert, were also natives of the same town a^ himself, the tatter spending bis entire life there, he having been a farmer and the keeper of a public house. The father of our subjed learned the trade of a haker when he was young, and carried on that business and conducted a grocery store in connec- tion with it in his native town for many years. 1 le now lives ret i red at the venerable age of eighty - six years. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Catherine Held, and who was born at Daailen. died iii January, 1887, at an advanced age. They reared a family of seven children, of whom the followingare the names: Fred A., (aniline. Henry, Gustaf, Louis, Robert and Julia. Fred A.. Gustaf, Louis and Robert are the only members of the family that ever came to this country. Gustaf reared a family and spent his last, years in Shelby - ville. Louis, who never married, died at st. Louis. Robert, a resident of Shelbyville, has a family. ( )nr subject had the advantages of a good edu- cation in the excellent schools of his native land, which he attended steadily until he was fourteen years old. At that age he began to work at the trade of a baker with his father, and also assisted in the labors of his father's farm, lie was of an ambitious, stirring temperament, and desirous to make the liest of life lie decided to emigrate to this country, the goal of so many of his compa- triots, where he hoped to better his fortunes. In the spring of 1852 he started out on his ever memorable journey, setting sail from Antwerp, and after lifty-lwo days on the ocean, landing in New York. lie proceeded directly to Sehenectadj ( omit v. in the same State, and was there employed by an American-born citizen to work on a farm. He found himself a stranger among a people with whose habits and customs he was unacquainted, and he could not understand their speech, as lie knew not a word of the English language. He was an apt scholar, however, and during the two months that he worked there, he learned rapidly, and soon caught the meaning Of what was said I" him. and in time mastered English. From that part of the country Mr. l'aiicherl made his way to St. Louis, going by rail to Buffalo, thence by lake to Detroit, from then 1 by rail to Chicago, where he embarked on the Illinois and Michigan (anal for LaSalle. from which town he went by tlie Illinois t Mississippi Rivers to SI. Louis, which was I hen hut a small city. There he found employment at various kinds of work the ensuing two years, and then was engaged in the Office of the Terre Haute Railway Company three years. After that he established himself in the grocery business, which he carried on there until 1861. In that Near he took up his resilience ill Shelbyville, and for two years was variously em- ployed. At the expiration of that time he ac- cepted a position as clerk in a Store, at which he was engaged three years. His next move was to open a store at Moultoll which is now included within the city limits, and he carried on business there upwards of twenty years. He then traded for a farm. which is still in his possession, and since has lived retired from active business. Besides that farm, which is situated in Rose Township, he has another in Dry Point Township, and has Hue property adjoining the city of Shelbyville, upon which he makes his home, the grounds about his residence comprising ten acres of land, well laid out. and adding to the attractiveness of the local- ity. Mr. Paucherl was lirst married in March. 1857, to Miss Elizabeth Schneider, a native of Hesse- Cassel, Germany, who came to this country with a brother at the age of eighteen years. She died in January, 1874, leaving five children: Robert, Fred, Gust, Julia ami Annie. Mr. Pauchert's marriage w ith his present wife, formerly Miss Rosena Maurer. took place in November, 1 s 7 1 . Mrs. Pauchert was horn in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, September 12. Is is. and is a daughter of Jacob and Barbara (Mayers) .Maurer. natives of Wurtemberg. Her marriage with our subjeel has brought them seven children, whom they have named Kate. Rosa. John, Amelia, Carrie, Albert and Harry. A man of Mr. Pauchert's mental calibre, sound common-sense, and clear judgment in regard to business is necessarily influential in the regulation of public affairs, and we lind that he has held var- ious important offices. He has served six years as a member of the ( its ( louncil, two terms as Just ice of the Peace. and has I wice represented Rose Town- 638 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ship on the County Hoard of Supervisors. In pol- ities he steadily upholds the Republican parly. Re- ligiously he is one of the leading members of the Lutheran Church, to which his wife and children also belong. ■>w>*t-»-» ' r *• r * ■ ^«T*- T OIIX FRF. K.MAN, capitalist, residing in Moweaqua Township, is one of Shelby County's best known and most prominent citizens, who has long been concerned in its financial interests, has been a potent agent in its material advancement, has had a hand in the management of its public affairs, and is closely identified with its social and political life, lie is a descendant of fine old New England and Revol- utionary stock, and his ancestors were among the early settlers of Massachusetts, his native State, Edmund Freeman, of English birth, being the first of the family to come to America, the " Abigail," bringing him hither on her second trip across the Atlantic in L635. lie first located at SaugUS, Mass., but subsequently went to the town of Sand- wich. Barnstable County, where he secured a large tract of hind, including Sagamore Hill, the greater portion of the land being still owned by his de- scendants. Our subject was born on Purchase Street, Boston, Mass;, January II. 1831. Ilis father, Benjamin Freeman, was born in that city December 31. 1803, and was a son of Watson Freeman, who was also a native of Boston. The grandfather of our subject was fourteen years old when the Revolu- tionary War broke out. Patriotic blood ran in his veins, and notwithstanding his youth, two years later he enlisted April 7. 1777. in the Fourth Con- tinental Regiment, lie was present at Burgoyne's defeat in 1778, and was afterward honorably dis- charged from the army. But the youthful patriot was still anxious to help secure the freedom of his country, and he soon entered tin- naval service as a privateer. In I7XL' lie was wounded in a battle at sea. and with ship and crew was captured by the British, lie was taken to the hospital at Ports- mouth, England, and later discharged from there. He returned to his native country, and in 1800 engaged in the mercantile business with another gentleman under the firm name of Freeman & Baty.and subsequently with Mr. dishing, as Free- man A- Cushing. They were heavy importers of china, crockery ware, etc., and the grandfather of our subject continued in the business a number of years until his retirement with a handsome compe- tency, lie died at Sandwich April 10, 1813. The maiden name of his second wife, grandmother of our subject, was Experience Freeman, and she was abo a native of Boston. Benjamin Freeman was reared and educated in the city of his birth. lie commenced life on Ilis own account as a sailor, but he did not long pur- Sue that vocation, as he preferred following in the footsteps of his father as a merchant. lie con- tinued in business in Boston until 1839, when lie came to Illinois and invested in several thousand acres of land, destined some day. as he shrewdly foresaw, to be very valuable. In 1S4I he removed his family to this State. the journey being performed bysteamer from Fall River to New Fork, thence by canal and rail through Philadelphia to Pittsburg, from there by the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to St. Louis, and thence overland to their destination in Hillsboro, Montgomery County. Mr. Freeman did not live to enjoy his new home very long, as in .Inly of the same year his life was brought to an untimely end by his death while yet in his prime, and the county was deprived of the services of one of its most able pioneers, who. if he had lived, would undoubtedly have done much to develop its resources and promote its growth. His wife bore the maiden name of Sallie Shaw Shurtleff. She was likewise a native of Boston, .Mass., a descendant of some of the old families Of that city, and a daughter of Dr. Benjamin and Sallie (Shaw) Shurtleff. She was married a second time to llenr\ R. Child, who died in 1848. she returned to Boston in 1849, and died in that city in 1876. she had ten children by her first mar- riage, and one by the second. John Freeman was ten years old when he came to Illinois with his parents. lie was given good educational advantages, and was a student al Shurtleff College in Alton when the discoven of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 63!) gold in California created such profound excite- im'iit iii all parts of the world, and in 1849 he threw aside his books and bade farewell to college 1 it't- to join the seekers after the precious metal on the Pacific coast. He, with others, made the entire journey across the plains and mountains with ox- tcams, :i long and weary way over whal was then known as " Greal American Desert," and after they left the Missouri River they saw no while settlements, except that of the Mormons, until they arrived in California, while buffalo, deer, antelopes and other wild animals were encounter i'il in large numbers. Arriving at VVeaverville, September IT. after many months' travel, our sub- ject al once took a job ai scoring logs receiving * 1 I a day, and in that way lie earned money to buy provisions to lake to the mountains, where cornmeal and bacon, the chief articles of food, were n dollar a pound each. He engaged in mining in Maraposa County until December, 1851, and then started for the Ka.-i with his gains, and traveling by the way of the Isthmus and Havana, joined his family at Boston. His health bad suf- fered from the privations and hardships thai he had had to endure in the rough frontier life of the two preceding years, and he did uol immediately engage in an\ active business, but traveled while recuperating, and during the time of the Crimean War visited Crimea. He was away from home about nine months, and then returned to Boston, where he remained until 1857. Iii that year lie came back to Shelby County, intending to dispose of hi- landed interests here, but he liked the country SO well that he decided to improve hi- real estate, and built, and has ever since had a home here, though making his residence' here only a portion of the time. For three years he lived at Shelby- ville, and in 1879 went to Decatur, where he be- came interested in the mercantile and hotel busi- ness, and for a time managed the new •• Deming." lie -till retain- hi- interest in the mercantile hu-i- ii i — there, and i- connected with a hotel else- where. Mr. Freeman was married in 1859 to Miss Ellen A., daughter of A. F. and Louisa t WTieadon i Wil- son, and a native of Jacksonville, III. Their home is attract i ve in it- appointments and surroundings, and its pleasing comforts as presided over bj the gracious, considerate hostess and the kindly, court- eous host arc held in grateful remembrance by those who have enjoyed them, whether as a "stranger within the gates," or as friends, of whom our subject and his amiable wife have many. Four children have been horn to them, two of whom are now living; Alice !■".. wife of Oscar F. Spaulding, and John 1!. Not only has Mr. Freeman helped to advance the financial standing of this count} by his judic- ious investments and by his business qualifications, but he has been of invaluable service as a civic official. He has represented Moweaqua Township on the Count} lioard of Supervisors several terms, and while holding that important office always looked closely after the interests of the public, and his intelligent and generous advocacy of various enterprises for the benefit of the community at large has often contributed to their success. Ib- is an ardent Republican in his political views, and his parly ha- in him an earnest champion of its policy. In his social relation- lie is connected with the Masonic fraternity and also with the Independent Order of odd Fellows. He has been a member of the former since 1859, when he join- ed the Dewitt Clinton Lodge al Sandwich. .Mas-. lie identified himself with the Odd fellow- hy joining the Winnissimete Lodge at Chelsea, Mass.. and he is a member of the Shelby ville Lodge. K. of II. -^Mlt' □ J1LLIAM W. JAMES. One of the stanch, Substantial men. both in character and so- cial standing, is he whose name is at the head of this -ketch. He resides on section 3, of Ridge Township. His residence in the county dales from the fall of 1831, at which time he was brought to the Mate l>\ hi- parent-. lie was horn in Nich- ols County, Ivy., December 22, 1829, and was a -on of Alexander C. and Mary Ann (Robinson) James, natives respectively of Marx land and Delaware. The\ met and married, however, in Kentucky. and in 1831, when our subject was hut two year- of age i;in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the family came to Illinois, their journey hither being made in u >vagon, and with a eamp outfit. Of course our subject can remember nothing of of the journey, but it take- bul small imagination to picture the delights and adventures of an over- land journey through the beautiful States of Ken- tucky, Ohio and Indiana, into Illinois. After coming hither, our subjed 's parents settled at once in Ridge Township, where they rented a small place for a space of three years. In 1835, they entered a tract of land on section ■">. and also purchased a claim which was but very little im- proved, but which boasted a log cabin and fences about seventeen acres being fenced. For this t In- \ paid 140. In those days it was necessary to drive hogs to St. Louis in order to find market for them. This was one hundred miles distant from their home. The wheat, also, had to be hauled thither and then sold for twenty-five cents a bushel. Wecannol but wonder how the pioneers managed to support their families with the neces- sities of life, and lay aside as nearly all of them did, money enough to invest in land, when their products broughl so little return. Our subject's family were obliged to go to Springfield in order to have their corn and wheal ground into Sour, and other commodities were equally difficult to tret. But Mr. James was industrious and economi- cal and in time became the owner of four hundred acres of good land. He erected good buildings upon his place and improved it well. In 1870, he (lied at the age Of seventy year-. N'ei-on James. a brother of our subject, came to this count} in 1836, but later went to Missouri. Our subject's father was a Democrat in his political preferences. His wife is still living and resides with the origi- nal of our sketch, she was born March 30, 1805. For many years she has been a member of the Bap- tist Church. There was hut one child in i he family of Alex- ander James, that being our subject. He still re- sides on the homestead, ami lias been a witness of the changes which Shelby County has undergone foi 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 \ years. 1 1 is «:n I \ education was obtained under difficulties, having to go lour miles in order to attend school, which was held in a log Cabin. There were no window- in the building, and an ingenious device was resorted to supply the defi- ciency. A lot;- was left out in the side of the build- ing and the -pace was covered with greased paper, which admitted an opaque light that would send the school reformer- of to-day to an insane asylum. A split sapling with pet;- put in the end. furnished the scat- for the pupils, and the building was heated by a huge lireplacc that scorched the little faces, while their hack,- were freezing. His school life began when he was eight years of age at which lime he could read and spell word- of one syllable. He attended the first school taught in the town- ship, the teacher being .lames Khoad-. The Original of our sketch is as old a settler as any in the town-hip. although two others. William and Daniel Smith, came here the same fall in which his part ills located. At that time the larder was easily supplied with various kinds of game, there being plenty of deer, wild turkeys, hears, and also wild cat- and panthers. against which the earlv set- tlers were obliged to be on their guard. The In- dians had been driven farther West and the coun- try was a good place for a p ' man. because of the abundance of game, and the early crops were ex- traordinarily good. There was but little sickness excepting ague, which the earlj settlers accepted as one of the Conditions of their pioneer exist- ence. Mr. .lames was married January 'I'l. 1852, to Cordelia Small, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Small, she was horn in Fairfield County, Ohio, and during her life was a tender, loving wife and true mother. She died August, 1862, leaving five children to mourn with their father, her loss. The children arc John A.. Mary K.. Tarcy .1.. William I), ami Cordelia. Mary is now the wife of ('. W. Steward; Tarcy was united to John W*. Vantis.and died in 1881, leaving two children; William I). died at the age of twenty-three years; Cordelia be- came the' w i fe of John W . , l a lit is. Iii 1864, our subjeel married for a second time taking to wife Leah Killam, a daughter of Isaac Killam. she was a native of Shelby County. Two children arc the fruit of this union. They are Isaac L. and Laura, who is the wile of Julius ( hrist- uian. Mr. James is the owner of live hundred and foit\ acres of well improved land. He has made PORTRAIT ANIi lilOGRAPIIH \l. RECORD. fi41 stock-raising :i specialty and has bred some bf the puresl blooded stock in the county, lie now rents the greater part of his land, retaining only enough to keep 1 1 i 1 11 pleasantly employed. Politically. Mr. James favors the Democratic party. He has never been ambitious to accept office, feeling thai his private affairs would not admit of a divided attention. Mrs. James, who is an estimable lady, is a member of the Christian Church. Her hus- band is not connected with any church, although he i- a believer in Christianity, and a liberal sup- porter of the churches in his vicinity. Mfe honored father. William Garrett, was born in Montgomery County, Ky„ about the year 1798. and is the son of .lames Garrett who was probably bora in Virginia, and was proud to claim his ancestry from the rugged lands of the Highlands and bagpipes. James Garrett died in Montgomery Country Ky„ having lived to the remarkable age of one hundred years and six month-. Polly Kcid was the maiden name of the mother of our subject, and she was horn in Montgomery County. Ky., in 1801. llei lather. Joseph Reid, the son of William Reid, died in that county, as <- -nil in his political preference and lias served in several capacities in public office under his party showing the confidence and estimation of his ability thai his fellow-townsmen have in him. He has served as School Trustee for nine years and two years asSupervisor of the township. Mr. and Mrs. Brownback arc. in their religious views. members of the Christian Church. They are kindly, intelligent people, in whom their fellow-townsmen repose tin- greatest confidence ami affection. \ DDISOIS W. M« PHEETERS, the efficient ami popular Postmaster of Sullivan, ami one of the leading citizens of thai place, where he has resided for eight years, is numbered among the early settlers (if Moultrie County, of 1852. lie lias the honor of being a native-bora citizen of Illinois, hi- birth having oc- curred in Morgan County,on the 1-t of July, I : His parent-. Addison and Julia (Pogue) McPhee- ters. were native- of Kentucky, and after their marriage emigrated to Morgan County, III., in 1833. Twelve years they spent in that county, and then returned to Fayette County, Ky.. but in 1852 we again find them in Illinois, and the fol- lowing year the father purchased a g 1 farm in tin?- locality, mi which he made his I e until hi> death, which occurred in 1879, al the age of eighty- five 3 T ears. lie was a Whig and Republican in politics, and "as a member of the Presbyterian Church. His wife, who was bora aboul 1801, died during the winter of 1844, in Fayette County, Ky. she was a Presbyterian in religious belief, and like her husband was highly esteemed. The family numbered four children, but two are now deceased. The twin brothers, Addison and Ran- kin, are yet living. The latter is married and en- gages in farming in Nelson Township. Our subjeel returned with his parents to Ken- tucky, but was living in Moultrie County, 111., when he attained to mature years. A- before inti- mated, his residence here covers a period ol almost forty years. After arriving at man'- estate he led t<> the marriage altar Miss Margaret Lynn, a native of Jefferson County, Ky., born in 1848, and a daughter of .lame- and Belinda (Welch) Lynn. who were natives of Kentucky, having lived in Jefferson County, thai State. until 1855, when with their family thc\ came to Illinoi-. where both Mr. and Mrs. Lynn died when pasl sixty years of age. The\ lived the life of farming people, and iii re- ligious belief were Presbyterians, while in political faith .Mr. Lynn was a stanch Republican. In the family are three children, yet living — Mi's. Mr- Pheeters; George W., who is married and resides in Eureka Spring, Ark., where he is engaged in the real-estate business; and Martha, wife of John Williams, of Decatur, III. Among the firsl to enlisl in Moultrie County after tin- breaking out of the late war was our sul>- ject, who re-| ded to the call for troops and be- came a member of the Twenty-first Illinois Infantry. The regimen 1 was then commanded by Col. IT. S. Grant, and the company by Capt. John Love. Joining the Army of the Cumberland, the troops fought at Frederick-town. Mo.. Perry ville. Ky., ( hampion Hill, and in the battle of Stone River, under (.en. McCook. Then came the Atlanta campaign, and the Twenty-first Regiment remained with Sherman until after tie battle at that city, when it was -cut back to fight Hood at Nashville. \i'tcr veteranizing and being assigned to the Fourth Army Corps, the troop- were -cut to 'Texas by way of New Orleans, camping for two weeks on the- battle ground, near the Crescent City. At San Antonio. Tex., the regiment wa- mustered out December 16, 1865, and on the 18th of January of the new year arrived at Camp Cutler, where the brave hoy- in blue were honorably discharged. Mr. McPheeters had enlisted as private, but during the firsl year of hi- service was mad. Sergeant, and held that office until his discharge. He was never wounded or captured, hut was a 1 way- found at hi- post, faithfully discharged every duty. < >n his return from the war, Mr. McPheeters again went to his farm in Nelson Town-hip. and i\i-\ oted his energies to it.- cultivation and improve- ment until 1880, when he was stricken with paral- ysis and lost tin use of hi- lower limbs, Shorth 644 PORTRAIT AM) BI< )( .RAP1IK AL RECORD. afterward he came to Sullivan, where he has since acres, living on it fur six or seven years. Two made his home and i> mm Ailing the position of years previous to his purchase of this last-named Postmaster with credit to himself and to the satis- tract he leased Mini ran the poor farm of the faction of all concerned. He and his family hold county. He came here from Pennsylvania, where a high position in social circles, and are widely lie had settled soon after his arrival in this eoun- known throughoul lids community. In politics try from Germany. Mr. McPheeters is a stalwart Republican and an He of whom we write is of German ancestry. earnest worker in the interests of the party. He Hi- parents were .Michael and Barbara (Crofft) holds membership with Hie Presbyterian Church, Schinzler, both uatives of Bavaria, where ihe\ and hi- wife belongs to the Methodist Church. lived and died aged respectively seven ty-t wo and Their familv numbers six interesting children — seventy years. Religiously their inclinations and Nettie I... George R.. Leroy, Addison P.. Frank membership were with the Catholic Church. Our and Julia I'. Miss Nettie, who is a graduate of the subject and a la-other. Lawrence, were the 011I3 Sullivan High Scl 1. is now assisting her father members of the family that came to this country in the office. G and both are now farmers in this county. Mr. Schinzler left Germany in March. 1856, taking a sailing vessel from Havre de Grace. They ^^3~->-- landed in New York City and came thence to llar- risburg, Pa., where they lived two and a half years. They then came to Illinois, where our sub- '.<)!>< iK SCHINZIjER. Our subject is one ject took the next important step in his life in of the many representatives of the Teutonic marrying Miss Mary K. Sprinkle. Their marriage race in this country who have broughl into was celebrated in March, 1864. she was horn in our American commercial and agricultural life a Richland County. Ohio. May It!. 1843, and is a new impetus of penetrating foresight that has daughter of Eli and Elizabeth (Jennings) Sprinkle, accumulated for it- possessors vast fortunes and natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and married in honorable positions. The German dement is hon- the latter state, where they were engaged in farm- oraliU represented in every branch of American ing. In 1849 they went to Indiana and spenl four life. In its government, its literary, social and years in Adams County. They then came to commercial and social relations, it has held the Shelby County, and here Mr. and Mrs. Sprinkle most responsible positions. A- his name would passed the remainder of their lives, dying at the indicate, our subjeel is a native of Bavaria, Ger- ages respectively of sixty-five and sixty-eighl many, where he was horn October "^7, 1826. lie years. They were members of the United Brethren i- now the owner of a tine farm located in Plat Church. Branch Township. Mr-. Schinzler, wife of our subject, "as onlj ten Mr. Schinzler is the proprietor of three hundred years of age when her parents came to this state and twenty acres of land, upon which he resides and -he ha- since lived in the couiitv wherein and which he devote- to general farming. This thev then settled. She is the mother of twelve tract bears all modern agricultural improvements children, three of whom are deceased. The de. and upon it i- a pleasant and attractive residence ceased children are: Eliza, aged live years, John. besides other farm buildings. He also has twenty aged six years. Mary I., who was the wife of I). K. acre- on another Section. Hi- purchase wa- made MiddlctOU, now also deceased. The living chil- in the tall of 1 si;:) anil he ha- -i nee changed the drcn are: Elizabeth, Joseph. George I... Grant, face of his land from a flower-spangled prairie to Anna. .lane. William. Pearl, Marion and Roy. acres vellow in the warm July -uu with waving Elizabeth is the wife of Harvey Tritt. They live grains. He came to this town-hip from Rose on a farm in Christian County, thisState. Joseph Township, where he owned and improved eighty i- a bachelor and the proprietor of a good farm in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 645 this township. George L. Grant remains affhome and lie is his father's assistant in running the farm. The other children Lave nunc of them yet left the parental runt'. Mr. and Mrs. Schinzler attend the Presbyterian Church and are helpers and co-labor- ers in any good cause that promises to develop ami benefil 1 1 1 « ■ neighbi irhood. AMES l'»( >YS. The name at the head of our sketch is that of a highly respected and honored man who has watched the growth of this State for many years, having set- tled here mi section 26, of Ridge Township, Shelbj : County, in 1836. He was born in Dm-bin County, [nd., June 26, 1*27, and is a son of Alexander and Virginia (Bradley) Boys, natives respectively of Ohio and Virginia. The\ began life together as pioneers in Ohio, thence removed to Indiana. casting their lot with other pioneers in the Hoosier stati . and in 1833 they removed to Illinois, locat- ing in Vermillion County. After three years spent by our subject's parents in improving a farm in Vermilion ( ounty, they came to Shelby County and entered some land in Okaw Township, again casting their lot with pio- neer settlers. The father passed his remaining years in Shelby ( ounty and died in January, 1881, his wife having passed away two days pre- vious to hi> own demise. The old people were in- terred at the same time and in one grave, and thus they were together in death. as they had been for so many years in life. Our subject's father was the owner of three hundred and twenty acre- of land, much of which he cultivated, and which. a1 the time of his death, was well improved. Both he and his wife were for mam years ardent mem- bers of the Methodist Church. The original Of our sketch i> one of thirteen children, ten of whom lived to maturity; of these, our subject is the eldest. The others are: Mary. John W.. Sarah. George \\ '.. Lyda, Elizabeth, Will- iam, Bonaparte and Charlie. Of these, Mar\ be- came the wife of Henry .1. Bowen and resides in Shelbyville; John W. died in okaw Township, a victim of the cholera epidemic of 1855; Sarah married .lames Hillsbach and resides in Stewardson; George W. lives in Ridge Township. Lyda mar- ried Henry Hougtbough. Elizabeth became the wife of E. Hager. After becoming a widow she married Thomas Blackstone. Willliam died of typhoid fever when a young man. Bonaparte, like his brother John, and in the same year, was a victim of cholera, as was also his younger brother Charlie. Mr. Boys was reared on his father's farm and early learned the duties incident to a farmer's life. He received the educational advantages to lie had in the districl Schools, having attended the first school taught in Okaw Township. The teacher was Peter Parker, a man who was highly respected by all as much for his manliness as for his supe- riority in an intellectual way. When a young man the monotony of farm life was broken for our subjeel by trips made to markets and mill. For the former he went to St. Louis and Alton and carried his com to Springfield to he ground. October 15, 1849, Mr. Boys was united in mar- riage with Sarah Hardy, a daughter of Thomas Hardy, of whom a sketch may lie found under that of William Hardy, in another part of this volume. she was horn in Fairfield County, Ohio, and Octo- ber 7. Is27. was her natal day. After marriage Mr. Hoys purchased land which is now within the limits of Shelbyville. Two year- later he settled where he now resides, having purchased there eighty acres, and adding to it forty acres of tim- ber land, lie i- now (lie owner of over eighl hun- dred acres of land, five hundred acre.- of which is in one hoily and included ill the farm whereon he resides. All of Mr. Boys' land he has accumu- lated by his own effort-. At the time of his mar- riage he hail only a horse and a cow with which to set up housekeeping. His wife was the proud owner of a bed, and with $10 they commenced the serious business of life together. Doubtless thej were as happy, however, when with youth and vigor they start I'd out together with love and con- fidence in each other'- ability, as when years after, they could count their dollars by the thousands. inn subject ha- now retired from active agricul- tural pursuits, renting his land and living the de- lilii PORTRAIT AM) Bit )( 1RA1 IIK'AL RECORD. lightful life of a retired country "gentleman. He years after that important event in their lives thej and his wife are the parents of nine children, three removed to Lawrence County, [nd., where they of whom died young. One, Alexander, died No- settled on a farm. There they died, the father :it vember 25, 1834, »1 the age of thirty years, leaving the age-of fifty-five and the mother when sixty- si widow and four children. The five children seven years old. They welcomed the coming of still living are: John W., Mary J., James M., Thomas eight children to their home and fireside, six of II. and Charles F. Mary J. is tin wife of Robert whom lived to be grown. Weekly. The names of the children of whom our subject The breadth of platform of the Democratic party is one, are respectively: Sophia, David S., John A., is that which :ipj >«-:i l> most directly to Mr. Boys' James 1!.. Susan E. and Newton J. The survivors political intelligence, and with it he has <:i>t his of these have reached man's and woman's estate influence and vote for many years. He has held and have taken honorable positions in society. the office of Road Commissioner and School l)i- Sophia married Anderson Boadinghamer and rector, and although frequently having been urged resides in Lawrence, [nd., on a pari of the old to accept office, he fell that loyalty to his party homestead. David S. died in February. 1858, at did not necessitate thi relinquishing of his private Indianapolis, [nd. SusanE. is the wtfe of Thomas business for the duties of public office. He has. Ray and resides in Lawrence County, in her native however, ever been held in high esteem by his State. Newton .1. lives on the old homestead. fellow-townsmen. His ability in a business wa\ The subject of our sketch was reared on the lias been seconded bv a native good sense and home farm and received his education in the corn- practical view of affairs thai rarely allows of a mon schools of his district. He was a careful and mistake in judgment or action on his part. Mr. conscientious student and became well posted in and Mrs. Boys are members of the Methodist Epis- all the common branches of learning. In 1858 lie copal Church South, and our subjeel was one of the taught the school in his home district and soon largest contributors toward the erection of a church afterward came to this State and was engaged in near his home. Although having reached the age teaching in thi- county in East Nelson Township, when many people lose their sympathy with youth While there he formed the acquaintance of Ann and joyousness, and life seems but a threadbare E. Armentrout and in March. I860, she became his garment to be worn but a short time, our subject wife. She was a daughter of Philip Armentrout and his amiable wife have mellowed until the and was born in Whitley Township. Augusl I. kindly geniality of their natures lends a charm 1842. After marriage Mr. Kern rented a tract of thai is fascinating to each day of the serenity of land which he operated for four years and in 1865 their lives. he purchased the land upon which heat present resides, which was at the time entirely new. never having been cut by the plow, lie is now the owner of two hundred and iift\ acres of land upon which lie has placed fine improvements, hav- ing a good residence and commodious barns and OlIN A. KERN, a prosperous farmer of out-buildings. Moultrie County, resides on section 21, Mr. Kern has been twice married. UN lii>t wife Whitlej Township. His residence in this died March I. 1884, having been the mother of COUnty dale- from 1858, at which lime his eiglll children, six of whom survived her. They advent here was made from Indiana. lie was arc all progressive men and women who have ap- liorn in Lawrence County, Ind.. November II. predated the advantages of education and in this 1836, and his parents were Edward and l'olh Ann respect have made all efforts to obtain every acl- (Rice)Kern, natives of Gallatin County, Ky. In vantage. Ollie J. is Principal of a school at Cherry that couni\ ihe\ were married and aboul two Valley, this State; JamesR.isa farmer and resides PORTRAIT AM) 1!|()( . U.\ I'l 1 1( A.L RECORD. 64: in [ndiana; Minnie M.. who is a teacher l>v pro- fession, is al present in Germany, where she has gone to complete her education in Hanover, desir- ing in give her attention to the teaching of the German language, linn ice P., who is also a teacher, lives al home, as do her brothers John !•". and Charles. On October 11, 1886, our subjed was again mar- ried, this union being with Miss Laura Pedro, a daughter <>f Bayless Pedro, a resident of Shelbj County. By her Mr. Kern is the father of two children, only one of whom, however, is living, a son, whose name is Vernon II. Politically our subjecl i- .-i Republican, having joined forces with that party on its formation and beuig loyal to ii in every respect, lie 1 1 .- 1 - been a member of the School Board, in which capacity he lias done >H i- cienl work, being a broad, liberal-minded and pro- gressive man in all liis ideas, and especially con- cerning education, lb- is a member of the Chris- tian Church, while his wife belongs to the Baptist Church. So~^- OBERT A. PATTON, Postmaster al Prairie Ionic, is a prominent citizen of this village, * \ who is closely associated with the leading nterests of this section of the count} as a general merchant and as the proprietor of a choice farm, lie is a native of Mifflin County, l'a. born November 12, 1842, the son of a prosperous far- mer of that State, James Patton. His father was horn iii Cecil County, Md., while his father, who bore the same name as himself, was horn in Count} Deny. Ireland, being a descendant of one of the old Scotch families that had settled in that region main years ago. lie came to this country and first located in Maryland, whence lie removed after awhile to Pennsylvania where he died in 1840. The father of our subject learned ill*- trade of a brick and stone mason in his youth, and engaged in that in connection with farming. In 1843 he bought the farm where his widow now resides in Mifflin County, lie died in August, 1891, aged seventy-five years. 1 1 i- good wife is living in a co/.y I e surrounded with all the desirable com- forts of life. Thc\ reared a family of seven chil- dren to lives Of usefulness. 'The maiden name of the mother was Eiiza l.owrie. and she is a native of Mifflin County, l'a.. a daughter of William and Polly l.owrie. Robert Patton passed his boyhood in his native county and was given excellent advantages lo oli- lain a sound education. He gained his first know- ledge of hooks at home and in the local district school, and later in life became a student at the Kishacoquillas Seminary, where he pursued a thorough course of study which gave him a good equipment as a teacher, lie entered the ranks of that profession in 1861, and the ensuing twelve years devoted the greater pari of his time lo thai vocation, and when not thus employed being en- gaged at the trade of a bricklayer. In 1870 our subject made a new departure, leav- ing his native Male to settle in Illinois, and giving his attention lo farming in Mai Branch Township, where he bought forty acres of land. He did not wholly abandon his profession, however, hut was a pari of the time employed in teaching as well as in cultivating the soil. In 1873 he went lo Mow- eaqua, where he carried on the drug business until 1887, when he came to Prairie Home where lie has since conducted ageneral store. His establishment is fitted up in good style and is amply stocked with a lame supply of all soils of merchandise thai are in demand in such a village, including dry- g 1>. boots, shoes, crockery, glassware and gro- ceries, and the Customers have as vai'ied a selection as can he found in thestoresof many larger towns. Besides his mercantile interests Mr. Patton ha- a well-managed farm, advantageously located a quar- ter of a mile from his -lore, ami upon il he and his family have one of the pleasanlc-t homes in this vieiuil \ . Mr. Patton was Bret married November 12. 1867, Miss Sadie .1. siinc becoming his wife, she was horn in Mifflin County, l'a.. ami was a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth st inc. Their wedded life was brought loan end by the death of Mis. l'a it on in March. 1882. She left live children, May, Cora, Robert s.. Lulu and Edith. The second marriage of our subject which took place in November, 1882, 648 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. was with .Mrs. Minnie (Nims) Parker, a native of Lake County and a daughter of Charles Nims. Three children have been born of this marriage, Willie R., Grover Cleveland and Dada. Mr. Pattern is a man whose education, character and business equipment have made him a decided acquisition to the citizenship of this county, and he stands well in its financial and social circles. In him Hie Democratic party of this section has «me of its most sensible followers. In 1XK7 he was appointed Postmaster at Prairie Home and no Postoffice in the county is better managed than the one under his charge. Religiously Mr. Patton is of the Presbyterian faith, and both he and his wife are consistent members of the church of that denomination in this village. _=] ^-H^ @ "SI (MIX SHARROCK. The life of Mr. Shar- rock has been a busy one and his personal efforts for advancement were begun at an early age. His experience has been a some- what checkered one. as continued success falls to the lot of very few. Init lie has on the whole Keen successful, and is now tin' owner of a good prop- erty in Shelby County. Some years since he re- tired from the more arduous duties of life, and is now living in quiet and comfort in the village of Tower Hill. He has the confidence of the com- munity as a man of sterling integrity, and all his acquaintances recognize the public spirit which he considers the duly of every loyal citizen. K vera id Sharrock, father of our subject, was horn in New York City, and married Amy Stevens, a native of Maryland. Ai a very early day he emi- grated from Richland County. Ohio, to what i> now Christian County, 111., and altera sojourn in this state of fifteen years, removed to Dallas County, Texas. There the faithful wife and de- voted mother died in 1848. After that -ad event the father went to Oregon, where he died in 1859. They had a family of thirteen children, our subject being the third. His birthplace was Marion County, Ohio, and his natal da\ December 12, 1819. His early youth was passed in the Buckeye State. whence he accompanied his parents to Illinois in L832. Our subject grew to manhood upon his father's farm in Christian County, and prior to his mar- riage he entered eighty acres of Government land in Christian County. On March 30, 1843, he was united in marriage with Miss Catherine, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Hanson) May. natives re- spectively of Pennsylvania and Indiana. The May family emigrated from Kentucky to Shelby County, [11., about 1831, and the following year .Mrs. May pa-sed from earth. Mr. May survived until 184SI. Mrs. sharrock was among the younger members of the family, which comprised ten children. She was horn in Floyd County, Ky., February 1<>. 1M->: J . and was at an early age deprived of a mother's care. She grew to a nolile womanhood, fitted to aid her husband in all his labors. Immediately after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Sharrock settled in Christian County upon the farm which he had pre-empted. After sojourning there three years they removed to Shelbj County, locating in Tower Hill Township, of which they have since been residents. Upon his arrival here Mr. Sharrock entered upon active labor upon a farm, which he made his home until 1865. At that time lie retired from farming pursuits, and going to the village of Tower Hill, engaged in mercantile business until 1884. Having by his unceasing labor and good management acquired a comforta- ble competency for his declining years, he sold out his interests and now in the declining years of his life is resting from the arduous toil of his younger years. Mr. and Mrs. Sharrock art- the parents of eleven children, namely: Amos .1.. Francis M.. John F... Julia A.. Marquis L.. Amanda. I.eniotia. James II.. I.ovina. Abraham I... and Charlie. .Of these the following are deceased: John I-'... Julia A.. Leniotia. .lame- II.. and Charlie. Mr. Sharrock has held the office of Highway Commissioner for sixteen years, and also served as School Director and Trustee. At one time he received the nomination of County Clerk on the Greenback ticket, but declined to run. Politically he is an active Republican and formerly took an active part in political affairs. Hi' ami his estimable wife are active members of PORTRAIT AND BlniMJAlMIK Al. RECORD. 649 the Fkc Methodist ( hurch, where he lias fined 1 1 1 « - offices of Steward and Class-Leader. They have been identified with the church and church work for nearly fifty years and he has served as Sunday - school Superintendent. While operating as a farmer Mr. Sharrock en- gaged \i]\ largely in stock-raising, lie now owns eighty acres besides village property. In 1849 lie crossed the plains to California, driving an ox- team the entire distance — over three thousand miles from his home in Tower Hill Township. He was absent fifteen months and returned via the isthmus. During the Civil War lie served eleven months with efficiency in Company II. Ninth Illi- nois Infantry, and took part in the battles of Ft. Donelson. Pittsburg Landing, evacuation of ( or- intU and luka. He was discharged for disability. His sons, Amos and Francis, served three and two years respectively in Company 'i.. One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. i ' i ' i i i *M i i i . | i - r - « m t. M rll.LIAM Ii. BIVINS, a representative of one of the earliest pioneer families of VV Shelby County, was for manj years identi- fied with its leading interests as an agriculturist and as a merchant. He is now living in honor- able retirement from active business in one of the inan\ attractive homes of Shelbyville, where lie deservedly enjoys the confidence and esteem accorded to a life spent in well-doing. He was horn in Rutherford County, Tenn., March Id, 1826. His father. Leonard Bivins, was a native of North Carolina, and was :i son of Fielder Bivins, who is supposed to have spent his entire life in thai state. The father of our subject passed his earh life in the State of Ids nativity,and was there married. taking Nancy Murdough as his wife, she was born in the north of Ireland June 15, 1795, and was of Scotch ancestry, shortly after marriage the parents of our subject removed to Tennessee, of which they thus became pioneers, and there the father followed his trade as a carpenter in Ruther- ford County. In 1829 he made another ve, and came to Illinois with a four-horse team, accom- panied by his wife and four children. bringing household goods, and camping bj the way-side at noon and night fall. He located on the presenl site of Shelbyville, which was""then bu1 a small hamlet with only a few pioneer dwellings, and the only communication with the outside world was by stage. The mail was received once each week, and Joseph Oliver who was the Postmaster for some time, used to carry the letters in the crown of his hat. The surrounding country was \^f) sparsely settled and deer, wild turkeys, wolves, and other wild animals still remained in their old haunts. Mr. I!i\ ins bought two or three lot- on the east side of the street north of the Courl House and liuilt a comfortable home. He carried on a good business in the village and in the surrounding country as a contractor ami builder until his premature death in 1849 deprived the county of a good citizen and a pioneer who had been very useful in promoting its growth. His widow sur- vived him many years and linallv died at a vener- able age in December 1*72. Our subject maj lie -aid to have grown up with this county where the inn-l of his life has been passed, a- he was only three years old when he was brought here by his parents, and this section was then also in it- infancy. His education was ob- tained in the pioneer school- of Shelbyville. The first that he attended was taught in a log school house with furniture of home manufacture, the scats being made h\ splitting logs and hewing one side smooth, inserting wooden pin- for legs, and lhe\ were without backs. At the aye of fifteen William, who was an active enterprising lad. be- gan to carry the mail. Starting forth on his jour- neys early Mondaj morning he wouldgo to Deca- tur and thence to Bloomington, arriving there Tues- day night, starting on his return home Wednesday morning. Arriving at Shelbyville Thursday night earh the next moming he would start ill another direction for Vandalia returning thence Saturday night, the-e journeys being made on horseback. lb- was thus employed nearh two years, and then learning the trade of a carpenter under his father's instructions, In- carried on business with him li.lll PORTRATT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. until his marriage in 1848. The discovery of gold in California led him to seek that El Dorado with a partyof friends, starting on that hm home until 1872, and at the same lime working at his trade as a builder. In the year mentioned he rented his farm, and coming to Shelbyville, engaged in the grocery business in company with C. J. Kurtz, con- tinuing in that line until 1880. lie then had to give up active business on account of failing health, and has since lived retired in his pleasant home in the west part of the city, in the enjoy- ment of an income ample for all his wants. Mr. Bivins has been twice married. His first wife to whom he was wedded in 1848, was Sarah !■'. Warren, a native of Windsor Township and a daughter of the lion. Peter and Elizabeth Warren earlj pioneer- of that place. Mrs. Bivins departed i hi- life March 7. I. siln. leaving behind her a worthy record as a wife anil mother. There arc three children living of that marriage: Josephine, who married \V. I.'. Austin and has four chil- dren; franklin 1'.. a physician who is represented in this volume; and Ella, who married the Rev. \\ . lJ. Howard, a minister of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Sarah Alice the second daughter of our subjeel by Ins firsl marriage married ('. .1. Kurtz, and died in August 1890, leaving three sons. William ( . a son of our subject by his RrsI wife, died at the age of fourteen \ ears, Mr. Bivins was married a second time January 29, 1MG9, to Martha .1. Brokaw, in whom he has found a good wife. Mrs. Bivins i.- a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, horn near Glendale and she is a daughter of Henry and Cordelia Brokaw. Her union with our subject has been blessed to them by the birth of two children. Charles H. and Harry L. .Mr. Bivins is a man of exemplary habits and of a sincere character who i> zealous in promoting the religious and moral interests of the community where he is held in high estimation by all who arc familiar with his daily life and conduct. For many years he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church which he served long and faith- fully as Class-leader and Steward. In 1886 he Served his connection with that denomination in order to join the Free Methodist Church which was organized here largely through his instrument- ality, he contributing liberally towards the erection of it> house of worship. In his political senti- ment- Mr. Bivins was a Democrat until 1884, hut since that time hi' has been identified with the Prohibitionists. He has borne an honorable pari in the management of public affairs and has served as Assessor and ( Collector. -O EVJ SKASS. The publishers of this volume would fail in their purpose of recording the lives of those who have been useful and are worthy of note, were they to omit men- tion of the successful career of Mr. Seas-. lie is the owner of one of the best farms in Moultrie County, and was lor several year- engaged in the agricultural implement business in Arthur, repre- senting the I'itts Agricultural Company, of Buf- falo, N. V. lie al-o engaged in the grain busi- ness, and built a large elevator in Arthur. He handled all kinds of implements and farming oia- chineiy. and during the \ cars he was thus engaged only added to the reputation which he had already wiin -that of an honorable man. trustworthy in all business relation-. The father of our subject, Jacob Seass. was a PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 651 native of PennS3 r lvania, bul lias passed the greater pari of his life in Moultrie County. Here he was married in October, L843, to Miss Jane Patterson, a native of Illinois, and an estimable woman, who still survives. They had a family of five children, who lived t • > maturity, our subject being the eldest. He was born in Moultrie County, [11., October 20, 1846, and was reared to manhood upon his father's farm. His earliest recollections are <>f the s< enes of pioneer life, and he has been a witness of the rapid growth of Illinois. During his youth schools were few and far between, edu- cational advantages proportionately limited, and he had few opportunities to gain an education. He gleaned the rudiments of knowledge from the old text-books then in VOgue, and at an eail\ age acquired a love for learning which has induced him to read the best of literature, and keep posted upon all current events, until be has now that best Of educations — the one gained in the scl 1 of which experience is the teacher. With the exception of four years passed in Ar- thur, our subjed has spent his entire life within the limits of Jonathan Creek Township, lie now owns five hundred and thirty-six acres on sections 13, 1 1. 15 and 22. and is numbered among the most successful agriculturists of the county. He was married August 20, 1867, in Jonathan ('reek Township, to Miss Elizabeth A. Powell. This es- timable lady, who is the daughter of Nelson E. and Elvira (Henry) Powell, was born in Shelby County, this State. Ma\ 28, 1851. Mi's. Sea- is a lady of culture and refinement, which is manifested in her home and shown by the circle of friends she has gathered around her. people of the highest worth and intelligence. The family of Mr. and Mi's. Seass comprises six children, namely: Aurora L.. Elvira .1.. Llewellyn D., Bertha E., Nellie C. and Waverly W . The parent- have given tin' children the best possible educational advantages, and have endeavored in everj way to lit them for the duties of life await- ing them. Mr. Seass has served as supervisor of Jonathan Creek Township for two terms, and as Township Treasurer one term, discharging the duties of both positions in a manner creditable alike to himself and his constituents. He was ap- pointed Census Enumerator in 1800. In the fall of that year he was a candidate for the legislature on the Independent ticket, and polled a large vote, running ahead of his t icket. Upright ami honorable in all his dealings, the course in lite followed by Mr. Seass has been such a- to secure the confidence and warm friendship of all with whom lie is brought in contact. His deal- ings arc always marked with the strictest integrity and fairness, and he has gained a competency through his arduous and systematic exertions, lie is ;in honored citizen of this community, and it is with pleasure that we present this brief sketch of his life to our readers. SAAC HUDSON, of the law tirni of Spitler & Hudson, and Master in Chancery, was horn in Moultrie County. [11., January 8, 1867, and is the son of .1. .1. and Susan (Souther) Hudson. Tin' parents, who were natives respectively of Virginia and Kentucky were quite young when they came to Illinois and -ettled in what is now Moultrie County. Jeremiah Souther, our subject's maternal grandfather, secured some Government land in Moultrie County, and after making extensive iin- pio\ ementsand becoming the owner of about eight hundred acres, died in March. 1889, at the age of eighty-seven years, lie was a man of great inllu- ence in his community, and his death, which oc- curred in Shelby County, was widely mourned, lie was twice married and hi- second wife, who still Survives, make- her home on the farm in Shelbj ( omit \ . The father of our subject was horn in April. 1810, ami accompanied Mr. Souther to Illinois in the early 'SOs. He immediately set to work to gain a livelihood and so successful was he in hi- efforts that at the time of his death, January •">. 1875, he was the owner of alioul one thousand acre- of splendid land. His property wa- in Sullivan Town- Ship, Moultrie County, where he spent his active life. Politically he was a Democrat, and religiously a member of the Christian Church. He was ever a liberal contributor to charitable purposes and no 652 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. man worthy of his confidence was ever unkindly turned away when lie sought a favor at the bands of J. J. I [udson. The wife of J.J. Hudson was the daughter of his benefactor with whom he had come to Illinois and afterward resided. This must estimable woman passed from the busy scenes of earth May 15, 1874, at the age of forty-six years, having been horn in 1828. In her earlj girlhood she had united with th<- Christian Church and in that faith she died. For some years before her demise she had been an an invalid and passed away, the victim of con- sumption. A good and noble woman, and a true helpmate, she was mourned not only by those nearest to her. but by the neighbors and friends who still hold her memory dear. She was the mother of eleven children, six of whom died young. Laura died March •'!(>. 1891, the wife of J.H.Michael; Barbara is the wife of Isaac Horn, a well-to-do farmer and stock-raiser of this county; Jerry chose as his wife Addie Wheeler and is a suc- cessful farmer and stork-raiser of Lovington Town- ship: Sarah became the wife of Samuel Elder, a prominent farmer of Sullivan Township. Tinier careful influences at home our subject was reared and the g 1 common-school education which he obtained from the home schools was sup- plemented by a thorough course in the Christian College at Eureka, this state, an institution of prominence and influence. In 1888 he began the study of law with his present partner and after a thorough course of reading he was admitted to practice at the liar of Illinois. I le was appointed Master in Chancery in December, 1888, and lill> the office to the general satisfaction, lie owns a line property divided into three good farms and aggregating three hundred and twenty acres, lie also has invested some in eitj property in Sullivan and possessing g I judgment, will undoubtedly attain prominence in political and public affairs in the state. Hi- politieal conviction- are Strongly with the Republican party, and he is ever inter- ested in matters of public interest and is wide- awake to the progress of the town. .Mr. Hudson was married September '.». 189J to Miss Kate Evans of Sullivan who i.- also proud to claim Moultrie < ountj as her birthplace. Mrs. Hudson is the daughter of Benjamin Kvans, de- ceased, and possesses the nobility of mind and geniality of disposition which wins her friends wherever -he may be. The citizens of the com- munity, who are proud of the acquaintance of her- self and Mr. Hudson, wish them every happiness in the union upon which they have recently en- tered. EORGE SCHOCH. It is with pleasure that _- we incorporate in this RECORD a brief ac- count of the life of this respected citizen of Tower Hill Township, Shelby County, lie has borne a worthy part in the agricultural work of the county, and in that of social and benevolent circles, and to every position he has brought the energy and earnestness which arc his chief char- acteristics. As a farmer, he uses excellent judg- ment in the preparation of the -oil for crops, ill the character of the produce raised, and reaps a cor- responding harvest. Buildings suited to the vari- ous need- of the family and farm economy have been erected and everywhere the indications arc' of peace and plenty. The estate is pleasantly located on section 1 and comprises one hundred and twenty acres. .Mr. Schoch is one of our German-American citi- zen-, who have aided so materially in the develop- ment ol our country. lie was horn in Wurteni- berg, Germany, October 9, L840, and mew to manhood in his native laud. In the excellent pub- lic schools of the Fatherland he gleaned a good education and at the same time assisted his fathei in the farm work, for which he had a natural apti- tude. His parent- were Leonard and Magdelena (Knodler) Schoch, who passed their entire lives in Germany. George Schoch, the subjeel of this bio- graphical notice, remained in Germany until he was about twentj'-f our years old, and in September, 1st;.'), took passage for America. Landing in New York Mr. Schoch proceeded di- rectly to Shelbyville, this county, where for about three years he worked out on a farm, lie then PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 653 rented land for aboul three years, and by careful hoarding of his hard earned money he was enabled in 1871 to purchase a tracl of forty acres in Tower Hill Township. He afterward added to the acreage as suited his convenience and now owns one hun- dred and twenty acres, nearly all of which is in cultivation, lie erected a commodious residence On his farm, and in various ways embellished his property. Possessing good judgment and untir- ing energy he naturally ranks among the foremost farmers of the community. When prepared to establish domestic ties ,i|' his own. Mr. Schoch was married in Tower Hill Town- ship, to .Mary YVeidle. who was horn in Ohio April s. 1852. Unto them were horn six children, namely : Charlie F.. Lizzie 1!.. Rickey K.. Minnie A.. Will- iam G. and Emma C. Mrs. Schoch is the daughter of Frederickand Rickey (Reossler) Weidle, natives of Wurtemberg, Germany, who came to America in is.')2 and settled in Preble County, Ohio. In L857 they came to Illinois, settling in Rural Town- ship. Shelby County, where Mr. Weidle died in 1859. Our subject and his wife are both faithful members of the Lutheran ( luirch. and are noted for their benevolent and kindlj dispositions. Politi- cally, Mr. Schoch is a Democrat, but has never soughl office, preferring domestic quiet to the tur- moil attached to a publie career. ^§>* one of the most thorough-going farmers and intelligent and representative citizens of his section of the county. His parents are spoken of moreal length in the history of his brother, Edward Roesslcr. six children gathered about the parental fireside and among these our subject was the youngest son and next to the youngest child, lie wa- horn in Eairfield County, Ohio, near Lancaster, July 7. 1837. Here he spent his lioyhood day- and came with hi- father to shelly County in 1849, growing to maturity in Hose Township. He remained at home until he was married, and then settled upon the old home farm where he ha- -incc resided. Ili> bride was Sarah P.. Barringer, who was bora in Montgomery County, 111., in 1837. Their wedding took place in Rose Township, in October, I860. This wife bore him two children. Stephen A. and M.i i \ s.. the daughter dying when fifteen years old, and the mother being called away in ( (ctober, 1864. The second larriage of our subject took place in Rose Township. Eebruarj 22, 1870, his wife being Mary E. Gcarhart, who was born in Pennsylvania. She became themotherof four children: Theodore .1.. Arthur IT. Nellie M. and Kmma P. Mr-. Man PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. fi :.;, E. Roessler died in September, 1*7*. His third wife was Florence M. Gearhart, who died in June, 1880. The 1 : i < 1 \ who now presides so graciously over the household of Mr. Roessler, bore tin- maiden name of Mary M. Kull and was born in Shelby County. Five children have crowned this union, namely : Ralph I'... Luther M., Charles A.. Ira I', and Will- iam ( ). Agricultural pursuits have always claimed the attention of Mr. Roessler and he i> now the owner of two hundred acres of rich and fertile soil which bears upon it excellent improvements, and com- fortable and commodious buildings. IIi> neighbors have placed him in several offices of responsibility and trust. He has been Collector for four terms, Assessor for one term and School Director for several years. He has taken quite an active part in political affairs, is in sympathy with the Labor I'nion movement and a member of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. His religious training and associations have led him to unite himself with the Lutheran Church in which his wifeisalso an active mem her. He has contributed liberally both to the support and building of the church, and is a man of broad intelligence and one of the efficient promoters of all movements designed to forward the best interests of the community. His g 1 wife bears a high reputation for housewifely skill anil management and her hospitality and geniality make her a decided favorite in the -( K-i.-i I circles of Rose Township. \( OB \. JONES, who is the head of the linn of Jones ami son>. merchants in Wind- sor, Hhelbj County, this State, was born in ' Muskingum County, Ohio, March -_'7. 1828. He was reared on a farm where he remained until seventeen years of age, at which time he left home and started out t ake a fortunj for himself. When he was but three years of age his father re- moved to Clermont County. Ohio, and there they lived until our subject left the home roof. With the sanguineness of youth he felt that the world lay be- fore him to conquer as he would, and he wa- eager to tr\ his strength with it> difficulties and hard- ships. On leaving home, he went to Cincinnati, Ohio. and learned to make counter scales, lie served a short apprenticeship to this business and then worked at it for about two years, and for SOme time after he was engaged in daguerreotyping. and in 1854, came to Stark County, this state, and at once launched into farming on hi- own account. This he continued for ten years being successful in his chosen calling. In the latter part of 1863, how- ever, he removed to Moultrie County, this State, and purchased a farm which he was engaged in im- proving for a period of less than one year. He then removed to Windsor and wa- employed as clerk in a store. From that time he launched into mercantile business for himself, and since then he has been in partnership with different persons. In 1881 he founded his present partnership, by admit- ting hi- -on. Wilbur II. into tin' business, and in 1890, his son Jacob wa- added to the firm. Thc\ carr\ on an extensive business both in the town ami in the neighboring agricultural region. Mr. . I ones was married in Clermont County, Ohio. to Mary Myser, who wa- also a native of the county in which -he was married. Their marriage was celebrated June I. 1857, and Mr-. Jones died October I. 1887. They were the patents of five children whose names areas follow-: Wilbur II.. Susan P>.. Willie. Jacob and Frank. The young men arc all ambitious and energetic, and their en- trance into their father'- business ha- been to the advantage both of themselves and the linn. Our subjed is a Democrat in hi- political prefer- ence. Religiously he isamemberof theMethodist I'.pi-copal Church, and has filled the office of Trus- tee for some time Mr. Jones i- the owner of con- siderable property in various part- of the county. lie own- one hundred and seventy-two acre- of land in Windsor Township, and valuable property in the village of Windsor. Our subject's father was John C. .lone-, who was born in Jefferson County, Ohio. His mother's maiden name wa- Isa- bella Williams, a native of Washington ( oimlv. Fa., and was bora near Brownsville. She died in Stark County, 111., when about sixtv-three vears of 656 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. age. Her husband passed away in Windsor, 111., at theadvanced age of eighty-five years. They were tlic parents of twelve children, seven sons and live daughters. Of these our subjecl was the second in order of birth. The young men who have been taken into part- nership with their father, have made homes Cor themselves. Wilbur II. lias placed over his domes- tic life. .Miss Mollie Moberly. They were married October lit. 1881, and have a pleasant home in the village. Jacob married .Miss Caddie Russel, and makes a model husband. Our subject is a thor- ough business man. and his credit has never been impaired by carelessness or misjudgment. He has a good store with a carefully and well selected stock of goods. Their residence is a comfortable and commodious place, not too good for the en- joyment of everything in and around it, by the members of the family. IIILIP A. MAUTZ. One of the German- American citizens in Tower Hill Town- ship who emigrated to America that, under the star-spangled banner, he might reap the benefits to lie derived from an unlimited free- dom, is the gentleman who resides on the farm which he has made conspicuous for its nicety of cultivation, on section II. of Tower Hill Township. On coming to the United States, he proceeded at once to Shelby County, this State, where he arriv- ed October 13, 1856. Philip Mautz is a son of George G. and Mar- garet C. (Anger) Mautz. Our subject was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, September 27, 1850. In 1856, the family emigrated to the United stales and soon settled in Shelby County. They remov- ed, however, to Ridge Township, where the father died June 8, 1856, at the age of forty years. The mother is still living ami resides with our subject, having attained the threescore years and ten allot- ted in script ure. she is i he mother of eight child- ren born, with the exception of one child, in llic Fatherland, of the eight children above men- tioned, only three lived in years of maturity. Thej are Elizabeth ('.. Barbara M. and our subject. Eliz- abeth is the wife of Jacob Galster, of Rural Town- ship. Barbara married Jacob Doll, and resides in Tower Hill; our subject is the only living son. I lis education was acquired for the most part in the United States, having here attended the dis- trict schools. With his mother he removed to the place where they now live in September. 1866, at which time his mother purchased ninety-four acres of new prairie land, which our subject has impro- ved and of which he has made a most desirable home. He also owns one hundred and sixty acres of land in Dallas County. Mo. February 11. 1878, he of whom we write, invited to be mistress of his home Mary S. C. Luepke. She was a daughter of Charles and Dora Luepke. She was born in Prussia and came to the United States with her parents when but seven years old. Mr. and Mrs. Mautz are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Our subject gives special atten- tion to the breeding of tine Clydesdale horses, and i> the owner of the well known stallion, " Colonel Mill-." No. 1057, also "Heirloom" No. 8691, regis- tered in Vol. 13, of the Clydesdale Stud Hook of Great Britain and Ireland. No. (11121 of the Amer- ican Clydesdale stud Book. 'ep ' • ^ • "•• ^^^ •••^m^-^=^ir El'REN TERRY. Prominent in agricult- ural and church circles is the family repre- sented by our subject, who resides on sec- *'^ tioii 22. Okaw Township. Shelby County, lie was born in Bourbon County. K\ .. December 10, l s:>2. being a son of Reuben and Elizabeth (Dazey) Terry, who in 1833 when this son was in his early infamy came to Illinois and settled in ( tkaw Township. Reuben Terry. Si\. made his first home in Illinois for a short time with his father-in-law Lemuel Dazey and somewhat later made a settlement on the section which is now the family home, and where he resided until his death which occurred April 2. 1881. He was bereaved of his beloved ami faith- ful companion September 5, 1851. She had been the mother of eleven children, two of whom died PORTRAIT AM) BI0GRAPI1ICA] RECORD. dot in infancy and nine grew to the age of maturity. They were a- follows: Mary, now Mrs. Allen Francisco, of Oka vt Township; John, who died in Mississippi while traveling for hi- health; Sarah, whip married Alfred Doddy and died in Okaw Township; Vincent, deceased; Reuben, our subject; Lemuel, deceased; Elizabeth, the wife of John A. Fearman; William, who died ai the aye of sixteen years and George, wlni lives in Shelbyville. Their mother was an earnest member of the Christian Church and gave t<> all her children a thorough training in the doctrines and duties of religion. Our subject, who is the oldest of the living mem- bers of his father's family, was reared upon the farm and attended the pioneer schools which weir held in the old log cabins, ventilated by large lire places and furnished with rough hewn scats and benches. In August, 1854, he was married to Martha E. Shanks, daughter of John K. and Mild- red (Johnson) Shanks. This lady was horn in Okaw Township, May 25, I*:i7. and was of South- ern parentage, her father being a native of Del- aware and her mother of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Shanks were married in Kentucky in 1831, and came to Illinois aboul 1835. [nearly life he had been a shoemaker, but after coming to okaw Township, he pursued farming as his life work. lie was called from earth, July 20. 1855, Imt his bereaved widow survived until the fall of 1K77. Of their six children. Mary Ann married Jacob Jackson and died near Jefferson City. Mo.. wlile removing to Kansas. Elizabeth -I. married Smith li. Chapman and resides in Okaw Town- ship. Martha E. is the wife of Mr. Terry. John 1'. reside- in Okaw Township; Lucy ( '. married I). I). Anders ami has lieeii for many years a wid- ow of the Civil War. residenl in Shelbyville; Da- vid II.. who was a member of the Seventh Ill- inois (avaln was killed near Nashville, December 15, 1864. After marriage Mr. Terry purchased forty acres of line land from his lather, upon which he began the independent life of a farmer which he has pur- sued to the present day. He now own- one hun- dred and forty acres, on which he has erected good buildings. He and his worthy wife have reared a family of five children : Mary E.. wife of Lawson Hendricks; John W., George R., Ella A., wife of William Price; Sue -I.. wile of .1. li. Warthman. During the war Mr. Terr j was a I nion man and in I860 he cast his ballot for Stephen A. Douglas. lie is now independent in hi- political views and ha- served as Super* isor, Justice of the Peace and Road Commissioner. Witn hi- excellent wife he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. > , b , i > > » >- >> ■■ IIAK1.KS sill MAN. Sullivan, Moultrie County, is happj in having among it- list of citizens a numberof nun who aredeeply interested in educational affairs, and sufficiently capable of being intelligent guides of it- public school-. Among such we count Mr. Shuman, a practical and successful fanner living in Sullivan, and managing a farm upon sections 7 and 18, Easl Nelson Township. 1 le t here has a splendid prop- erty of four hundred and forty-two acres, which is well stocked, and most of it handsomely improved. lie is a thrifty and practical farmer ami stock- raiser and handle- line breeds of stock. Besides his agricultural pursuits he has been for some live years associated with the Sullivan Pro- gress a- he removed to Sullivan from East Nelson Township several years ago. lb' was elected in 1HK2 by the Democracy of the county to the office of County Clerk, which position he Idled with much satisfaction for eight years, his second term closing in 1890. for a number of years he was a member of the Board of Supervisors while living in East Nelson, and has been in the county since 1861. lie was educated for a teacher at Lebanon, 111., where he was graduated at McKeiidrec ( ollege in the Class of '72. and afterward taught in St. (lair County for some four winters, lie had be< n a -indent in the cit\ schools of Shelbyville before entering college, lie began to teach in the public schools in 1x72. and then engaged in farming tor a number of years. Mr. Shuman was horn in Phil- adelphia, Pa,, February 21. 1843, hi.- father, Charles (.. Shuman, having come to thclTnted states from Germany when a young man, and having learned there the trade of a shoemaker. In that city he fi58 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. married his wife, Mary Eberhart, who was also a native of Germany, and who bad come to this country when young. After the birth of two chil- dren this worthy couple removed to Louisville, Ivy., and there the father started a shop and con- ducted a prosperous business until 1847. when lie removed with his wife and family to Edgar County, 111., and there buill \i]i a trade at Dudley. In that village Charles G. Shuman passed away in 1877. having reached the limits of three-score years and ten. lie was a Lutheran in religion and a Demo- crat in polities. In his religious principles his wife sympathized most cordially, and she is still con- nected with the Lutheran Church, and'is living in Edgar County, at a ripe old age. Five sons and two daughters of this family are now living and are self-sustaining.' He of whom we write was married in East Nelson Township, to Miss Mary McPheeters, who was born in Fayette County, Ky., January 25, L848. she is adaughter of Maj. Addison McPheeters. for whose fuller his- tory our reader is referred to the biography id' Mr. A. W. McPheeters. Mrs. Shuman was quite young when her parents came to Illinois, and here she re- ceived he]- education and made her home until marriage. She is now tin mother of four children, all of whom are still under the parental roof except one son. who has passed to the better world. Those who are at home are Bertha, Bliss and Irving. Mrs. Shuman is an earnest and active member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, where the entire family attend service. Mr. Shuman is prominently identified with the Blue Lodge of Masons. No. 764 of Sullivan, and i.- at present the Treasurer of the Lodge. He is a great lover of education and one of the most useful members of the School Board. /p^EORGE A. DURKEE. The original of our 11 <^*7 s ^ c '''''' ' s •'' worthy representative of an old \^5) and well-known family of the New Eng- land state.-. From them lie lias inherited a strong mentality, which ha.- been intelligently directed and he i> now recognized as being one of the intellectual. Iho.mi1 thinking men of this section. His superior mental caliber is recognized by his townsmen, and he has been appointed to some positions of honor and trust. Several limes he has been sent as a Republican delegate to the State Conventions and is the proud possessor of a souvenir of one of these mission-, in the shape of a gavel made out of a rail which Abraham Lincoln hewed out with his own hands. This he received as Chairman of the County Central Committee. George A. Durkee is a grandson of Dr. John Durkee. a native of Vermont, who came of Ameri- can parentage, although very likely of French ex- traction. He studied to become a physician and followed his profession for many years, although he was at the same time proprietor id' a large farm which he continued to manage until the end of his life. He married his wife in Vermont. Tin' lady's maiden name was Corinna Winters. She was horn and reared in the (Ween Mountain State, and after the birth of their first son. David, who was the father of our subject. Dr. Durkee anil wife removed to the Genesee Valley, New York, when that section was new. After ten or twelve years, the family continued Westward and settled in Indiana, in the same year in which the Stale was admitted to the Union, L816. They settled in \ igo County, near Terre Haute. The country was quite wild at the time. They had proceeded thither down the Ohio and up the Wabash Livers, in an old style keel Imai. The State was just beginning to he settled when they came. They procured a trad of Governmenl land upon which they began to make a home. It was there that David F. was married to l-'rcclove Frink. about 1820. The lady was born and reared in New York, and was a young woman when she came West with -ome of her neighbors. After the marriage of David F. and his young wife, they began life as farmers near Terre Haute, and there our suhjeet was born April 1. I*"2.'>. In the spring of L825, David I-'., wife and children moved to Tippecanoe County. Ind.. and there secured a tract of Governmenl land, upon which they made many improvements, and they secured a comfortable home. Dr. John Durkee and wife had also gone to that country, and there they PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 659 died, the Doctor aged sixty-three. His wife sur- vived him f or some years and passed away at four- score years. They were members and adherents of the Presbyterian Church and were well knownand highly respected pioneers of Indiana. In L 848, David F. Durkee, wife and children, emigrated to this State, making the journey by the overland route and bringing their worldly posses- sions with them by trams. They made a settlc- ment mi good land in Pickaway Township, Shelby County, and here they made a home and some progress toward improving the farm. They later retired \<> Shelbyville, and there David F. died December 28, 1871, being then seventy years <>l age. His wife died at the home of her daughter in Wells County, this State in 1881. she was born in 1798, and was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Durkee was an old line Whig in politics and an active local politician, though nut an office seeker. Oursubjeet is the eldest of a family of eight children, three of whom are yet living. A brother .lames is a banker in Eureka, Kan., and a sister, who i> now Mrs. William Tackit, of whom a bio- graphical sketch may In- found in another pail of this volume. He of whom we write became of age in Tippecanoe County, lie remained with his father until his marriage, working in his mill and factory. He married Miss Salome Ellis, their nuptials being celebrated March 5, 1846. The lad\ was horn in Ohio, near Dayton. August 7. 1826. she was quite young when her parents. James 1'. and Elizabeth (Swyhart) Ellis made a settlement in Tippecanoe County, lad. There her (her died in middle life. Later Mr. Ellis removed to Illinois, and died at the age of eighty years, in Iroquois County. He and his wife were pioneers iii Indiana. Mr. Fllis was broughl up under the Quaker persuasion, but in later years neglected to follow the customs of that church. Mrs. Durkee was one of a large family, being chiefly reared in Tippecanoe County. For many years >he has been a true and loving wife to her husband, ever study- ing his interests, and presiding over his home with grace and dignity. She has been his intelligent helpmate in securing and improving the three hundred and forty acres, which theii fini farm comprises. Our subject secured his first one hun- dred and sixty acres of land from the Govern- ment. He has improved the whole of what he now owns. Mrs. Durkee has presented her husband with six children, two of whom were taken away while babes. The living children arc Walter !'>.. Fannie. James Edward, besides one daughter who died in IsM. Walter took to wife Bell Kelley, and is a farmer in Holland Township. Fannie is the wife of Allien White and lives in Shelbyville. .lames Edward lives On a farm in this township and made Jennie French, his wife. The daughter who died was the wife of S. A. Martin, and passed away in her thirty-first year. Mr. and Mrs. Durkee are kind and hospitable people and have a host of friends in this county. Mr. Durkee is one of the leading Republicans of the country, hut not an office seeker. He is an ex-President of the Agri- cultural Society of the county, having occupied this position for a great main years. He has been Vice President and Director from the second year of its organization. DWARD LEWIS SHEPHERD is a resident of Sullivan, Moultrie County, being for many years a merchant and saloonist on Main Street. He came here firsl in 1861, and be- gan lirst a- a restaurant keeper, merging this estab- lishment finally into a general store until 1871. when he opemd a bar on the west side of the square where he has been engaged for several years. lie has been a very careful man in hi- business. He allows no game of chance to uo on within the walls of his house, and no loafing or carousing and keeps strictly within the hounds of the law. Mr. Shepherd was horn in Scott County. Ivy., August II. 1832. His father. William Shepherd. was a native of Virginia, ami the grandfather n Frenchman, who died in the old Dominion. In that State Wiiliam shepherd grew to mauh land took part a- a private soldier in the War of 1812. Ute, seeing much hard fighting in that conflict, he 660 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. came to Woodford County, Ky., and was there | with other outbuildings thai bespeak the care and united in marriage with Evaline Ball, a native of attention bestowed by the owner. Virginia, who came to Kentucky before her mar- Our subject began his successful financial career riage. William Shepherd and his wife lived in in 1874, since which time he has accomplished all Kentucky until their children had all grown to ma- that so evidently marks him to be a man with turity, and in 1 s."i I they came as a family to Sulli- practical ideas of agriculture, lie has not only im- \ an. and here the father died March 15, 1871, ha v- proved his place and erected the buildings thereon, ing reached the age of seventy-six years. His wife lint has also freed it from debt and Stocked it with survived liim, but passed away April "_".». hs7.">. flue grades of horses, sheep, swine and cattle. Vet They were members of the Christian Church, and young, his energy and ambition destine him to he in politics Mr. William Shepherd was formerly a i a rich man and a prominent figure in his commu- Whig, and later a Democrat. nily. Our subject was the third child and second son The original of our sketch lias spent his entire in a family of five children. The two daughters , life in this county, with the exception of four years arc deceased, viz: Ann. formerly the wife of S. 1'. during which he was in the Golden State, and on Alexander; and Belle who passed away in infancy ; the shores of the Pacific Ocean, lie was not. how- .lohn I!, took to wife Sarah Ilaydon, and now lives ever, engaged there as amine]-, although he was an in Texarkana. Ark.; and M. T.. a banker who re- eager searcher for the precious metal bearing the sides in Lovington, this county. His wife bore the Government stamp, and this he acquired by hon- inaidcn name <»f Jenny Mullikin. Our subject was est labor, being variously engaged, but spending married in Franklin County, Ky., to .Mis- Ann M. the greater part of his time in teaming, which com- Ilawkins. who was born in Kentucky in |S4'_'. on nianded at that ti the best prices. lie went June 30, and died in Sullivan, December 16, ISH'.t. West in the fall of 1869, and returned four years her death being caused li\ a cancer. She was a later; his journey out was made l>\ the overland woman of kindly impulses and had a host of friends route, and while the privations and discomfort of among the good women o£ Sullivan, and was an traveling in that way, were many, it offered unsur- earnest member of the Baptisl Church, she was j passed opportunity of seeing the country and ob- thc mother of one child. Laura I!.. who died in serving its various features. early childhood, in 1864. Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd Mr. Iloush was born May 25, l849,on the farm have been foster parents to two children. Maggie. which he now owns, and near where his own who is now married to Walter Craig and lives in house now -lands. As he grew up be earh Sullivan, and Etta, the wife of George B. Holding. learned the necessity of hard labor, and realized the who is a jeweler in Versailles, Morgan County. Mo. truth in the expression, the "survival of the lit- test" and thus determined to show himself as strong as any in the struggle lor a livelihood. As soon as he developed into manhood he began to better his condition. lie i- the second son of John and M. Ilolsll. living on a beautiful farm of Elizabeth I Armstrong) Housh, the former having me hundred si\ acres on section l. Flat died near Hastings, Neb., in l***. at the age of Branch Township, Shelby County, is one of seventy-four years, lie was a native of Virginia, the thrifty and prominent general farm- and came to Illinois while young, being then ashl- ers and breeders of stock of this township. The g-le man. lie first located in Shelby County', and properly of which he i- the happy possessor, was was one of the early seltlers in Flat Branch Tow n- accumulated by his own efforts and industry . lie ship, helping with the general improvements al the ha- great I- beautified the place by keeping il in same time, making a good farm and home for him- pcrfect order and erecting thereon an attractive self, and was fairly successful in his career. Hi- home and a line ami modemly constructed ham. wife was a native of this State, having been horn |>-o --::^=-> PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 661 111 .Madison County, although reared from child- hood in Shelbj County, near Pickaway Township. she is yet living and owns a neat little farm of her own on section 1. Flat Branch Township, and at the age of sixty-seven, her faculties are undimned, and she is as bright and energetic as ever. She is now recognized as the oldest settler of Pickaway Township now living. She has a large circle of friends who are the comfort and pleasure she prom- ises her declining years. For many years she has been a prominent member of the Old School Bap- tist Church. Our subject was married in 1K7I to Miss Rebecca Lord, who was horn in Macon County. 111., in lKaT. There she was reared to womanhood. She was a daughter of Andrew and Mary Lord, hoth still liv- ing and prominent fanners id' Macon County. Of the seven children horn to Mr. and Mrs. Housh, one. the first horn, died young. The little one had been christened Nora N. The living children are: Lottie N., Gid., Nellie. Earl. Luella and Jessie. All of the children live at home, and are at the same time the joy and care of their devoted parents. i,"5"S* ■8"S , fc (« A. LINYII.L. In these days of evolution in every branch of industry it seems that every man who has an\ originality is in himself a centrifugal force, attracting to himself new ideas and methods that go to make the system of his small work and interests complete. While we know more of the world at large than ever before, in our specialties we are all specialists and egotists. Mr. I -in \ ill. who devotes himself to the work of preparing flour for the use and con- sumption of mankind, is a specialist in his branch and bends every energy and power to bringing to his work all improvements and advantages that can give him the best results, lie is the proprietor of the New Era Roller Process Mill.-, in Windsor, this State, and under his able management the mills turn out an immense quantity of the farinaceous product. He of whom we write was horn in Fayette ( ounty. Ind. March 1 7. 1837. He was reared on a farm until he attained his nineteenth year; at that time In- made his first journey out into the world and went into the eastern part of Kansas where he look iipsoineland claims and dealt in stock to some extent. The young man remained in the then perfectly new -tale t'or two Years, during which he had man\ exciting and strange adventures. However, at the end of that time he came to Moultrie County, this State, and purchased a farm in Whitley Township, where he Settled and remained for six or seven months, being there engaged in fanning. He eanu fr this farm to Windsor and engaged in the drug business with Dr. C.H. Brunk, the linn name under which they conducted their business, being Brunk A- Linvill. They continued this partnership for a period of about ten or twelve year-, and then our subjeel sold out his interest and contined his attention to the operating of his farm and dealing in slock. He bought the flouring mill of which he is proprietor in May. 1890. It ha- a capacity for turning out fifty barrels of Hour daily. The Original of our sketch while in Moultrie County, took upon himself the duties and obli- gations of marital life. In October 30, I860, he wa- married to Miss Mary .1. Reed, who was horn in Shelby (ounty. 111. Three bright children have come to gladden their home and brighten, by their intelligence and beautiful merriment, the daily lives of our subject and hi- amiable wife. Their name- are Elizabeth .1.. John F. and Mary B. Mr-. Linvill is a charming, matronly little woman ami LS devoted to her children, although one of the favorites iii Windsor society, her home is the first and most important object in her estimation. Our SUbjeel owns three hundred and fort\--i\ acres of land which is located partially in Shelby (ounty a id partially in Moultrie County. This i- weli cultivated and highlj productive and yields a handsome income to its owner. Mr. Linvill i- a member of the Democratic party, lie "as elected under his party as first Collector of Whitlej Town- ship, which was also the first Town-hip Collector iii that county. Both our subjeel and his wife an members and attendants of the Christian Church of which Mr. Linvill i- Deacon. The parents of him of whom we write were John and Elizabeth ( Donelson i l.in\ ill. The former was 662 PORTRAIT AM: BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. probably a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Virginia. They were, however, both reared in Kentucky, near Lexington, » here they were married and first settled. From there they removed to Fayette County, hid., whore they spent the re- mainder of their lives. Our subject's father was at one time a Methodist preacher but about 1*1:5 he espoused the doctrines of the Christian Church, and died in thai faith. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom our subject was the tenth. Mr. Linvill is a public spirited man. whose generous impulses are governed by a linn and steady intelligence. He and hi- wife aie associated with the best people <>f the place. -^-f^ -~-E3 THOMAS T. TOWN LEY. Men of strict in- tegrity, whose lives are governed by pru- dence and principle, are the real backbone of any community. The reliance which theii fel- low-men are able to place upon them strengthens every commercial transaction and reinforce.- that confidence in human nature which is the prime es- santial in all dealings between man and man. This necessary help in the upbuilding of a community is given by such men as Mr. Town ley, an old set- tler of Easl Nelson Township, whose active life has brought li i in into relation- with many of the men in Moultrie County, and whose public-spirited course ha- e\ er commended him to those who have hail dealings with him. Our subject i- of English parentage, hi- father, William, having l>een horn in Manchester and his mother. Sarah (Acton) Town ley, being also a native of England. They were married August ■">. 1815. The\ were both l)om iii Manchester. This worthy and intelligent family came to America aboul the yeat 1*27. although the father had come to this f 'ii 11 1 1\ one year previous, lie was a machinist ami found employment in the manufacture of cot- ton thread at Manayunk, and located hi- famih in that city - • eight mile- from the city of Philadelphia. He remained there for aboul eight year-, alter which he luck charge of a machine -hop on Brandy » iue ( nek lor about a year and later of another shop on the Schuylkill River. His work while in the vicinity of Philadel- phia was in the line of making machinery for these different factories. He had Imilt a factory in Eng- land, on German Street, Manchester, for a man named Duck. About the year 1837, one year after the close of the Black Hawk War. the father of our subject Came to Illinois and secured one hundred and sixty' acres of line land in Shelby County and in the fall of that year he brought his family on from the East and settled down upon his land and devoted himself entirely to agricultural pursuits. After- ward he added to it by purchase till he had six hundred acres. Both he and hi- g 1 wife finally passed away in Shelby County, she died April 12, 1853, and he May 28, I860. They had six living children, of whom Thomas '1'. was the eldest. Manchester, England, Thomas Street, was the native home of Thomas Townley. and July 23i l*ln his return home, and when he recovered his health he located his warrant on the land which he HOW owns and has ever since made it his home his grant being admitted during President Polk's administration. Our subject was born on Robinson (reek. Ridge Township, this county. June 13, 1*27. His father was Bryant Corley, a native of Virginia, and <>f Scotch-Irish parentage and ancestry. He was only two years old when hi- parents. Jonathan ('.and Delilah (Smith) Corley came to Kentucky, and eighteen year- of age when his parents and family proceeded to Illinois and made settlement on Robinson Creek. There they began life in the early '20s and were the firsl pioneers of the county and'for many \ ears were in a sparsely settled country. At the time of their advent here, the Indians were their most frequent visitors and wild game was to he procured in abundance. Jonathan ( '. and his wife after some years improved a farm in Cold Spring Township, this county, and there died. Mr. Corley being a victim to paralysis ami passing away at the age of seventy-eight, October .">. 1861. lie had been a very strong and rugged man. and was noted for his wonderful strength and enduring capacity. His wife was, a1 the time of her death in 1*4*. three-score and ten years of age. They belonged to the Methodist Church, when the primitive followers of Weslej believed it wrong to weai a ribbon or flower, or to beautify in anj way, the exterior person. Bryant Corley was one of quite a large family, the children being thirteen in number. All lived lo In- married and have families, but al the present lime only six of the family survive, and they arc all (piite advanced in years. liyrant Corley, soon after reaching manhood, married Elizabeth Lee, a native of Kentucky, and a daughter of John and Sarah (Hill) Lee, both natives of this country, but of German ancestry. The lady's family came to Illinois in 1*1*. and settled on Robinson Creek. Shelby County, a short time later, and like the Robinsons and Corleys. were among the earliest -clllcr- ill the county . and there John Lee and his wife spent the remainder of their lives, with the exception of the la-l fe» months, which they passed in Texas, "here they died. Mr. Lee had served for three months in the War of 1*12. After the marriage of our subject's parent- the\ purchased a raw prairie farm and there lived for some time. Later they secured another farm, and improved it afterward moving to Rose Township. where they settled in a comfortable home, and there died. The father passed away Januarj 13, 1*71. lie was horn December 8, 1805. His wife died some years later at the home of her son, our i;<;i PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. subject, her decease occurring March 3, 1K81. She and her husband were four years identified with the Methodist Church. Our subject was the first born of ten children. six sons and four daughters. Four of the children are yet living, two sons and two daughters, and all are married. Our subject acquired his educa- tion in the primitive log school house, hut is an intelligent and well informed man. lie was mar- ried in Ridge Township, this county, in 1847. to Miss ChloeCasey. She was born and reared on the farm in Ridge Township, where she celebrated her marriage and was the youngest daughter, of Levi Casey, a well-known pioneer and frontiersman of this county, where he lived and died. Mrs. Corley was well reared by good parents. She is the sister of .fudge John Casey, a prominent man in his county and State in the early days. Mrs. Corley was an earnest Christian and a kind neighbor and loving wife. She died at her home in this town- ship April 19, 1862. she was a member of the United Brethren Church. She bore her husband two children, namely: Levi 15. and Bryant. The former took as wife Catherine Mattox. They live on the farm owned by our subject and operate the same. Bryant took as wife Nancy Brinker. They also live on the home farm. The old house is full of the merry voices of children who make the rooms re-echo with their gay laughter and merry play. Levi has four children who are Addie, the wife of Rich R. Bryant, who resides in (old Spring Town- ship, this county. Chloe, Mary .1. and Emma M. Bryant's children arc Mary F., Naomi, Lydia E., Nelson 0.,Ettir M. and Edith N. After the death of hi- first wife, our Subject was a sec 1 time married to Mis- Rebecca R. Whitten. Their marriage was solemnized January 15, 1863. The lady was born in Kentucky. October 23, isl's, and is a daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Rector) Whitten, natives of South Carolina and Virginia, respectively, although married in Tennessee, and after a short residence in Kentuckj emigrating to Illinois in 1846, where they settled in Montgom- ery County, and here lived, passing away at the ages of ninety-four and eighty-two, respectively. They were farmers and members of the Baptist Church, Mrs. Corlev was twenty years old when her parents came to Illinois, and she lived in Montgomery County until her marriage* Loth she and her husband are active members of the Baptist Church in which body Mr. Corley has been ordained a preacher and in which capacity he has served for twenty-four years, his ordination taking place in the month when he was forty years old. The Klders officiating were Revs. Willis Whitfield. Francis and Randolph, George W. Carter and John Turner. He has been in active service in the church ever since, until within four years. During that time he has done much travel- ling through the State and has been a faithful and devoted worker. OIIX W. HOMRIGHOUS. The original of this sketch is a farmer residing On section 30, of Prairie Township. He settled in (c/ Shelby County in the fall of 1860, and is now numbered among the large and prominent agriculturists of Shelbj' County, lie was born in Fairfield County. June 15, 1834, and is a son of John and Magdeleine (Wagner) llomrighous, for whose further biography sec sketch of Ervin llomrighous. Our subject was educated ill the common schools of the district in which he lived. When a boy he worked with his father, who was a cabinet maker, and thus learned the use of tools. and t'i handle them with delicate nicety. At the age of seventeen he worked on the farm owned by his father, residing at home meantime. December 31, 1857, our subject was married to Mary Ann Reber, a daughter of Thomas Reber and Rachael (Allen) Reber, for whose further history see sketch of John Reber. Mrs. Homrighous waa born in Fairfield County, Ohio, February 7. 1836, In I860, our subjeel and family removed to Shelby County, and in the spring of 1861 settled on the farm where he now resides, ha villi: purchased three hundred and twentj acres of land which at the time bore but little improvement, lie has since pursued farming and has become the owner of nine hundred and >ixty acres of land, eighty acres Of which he has given his -on. PORTRAIT AND P.lOOR.milCAL RECORD. 665 Our subject and his wife are the parents of eight children. They are Charles, Rachel, Reber, Jennie, Carrie, Hattie, Lucj and Clay. Of these the eldesl daughter is the wife of Doris Miller. Jennie is the wife of Robert ( ecil. ( lur subject formerlj was an advocate of Demo- cratic policy and principles, but he has now trans- ferred his allegiance to the independent party, He has been the incumbent of several offices in the township, having been Supervisor, Road Commis- sioner and Township Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Homrighous are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, of which our subject has been Class- Leader for a long time, lie of whom we write is a member of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Associa- tion. His pecuniary success lias been attained largely by dealing in stock and also m raising the same, lie is a breeder of Norman horses, finding a ready market tor the same in the metropolitan cities. He also has a large number of Short-horn cattle of the finest breeding. The family residence is a brick house, commodkms and comfortable, and bearing evidence of taste and culture in its exter- nal appearance and inner arrangement. Mrs. Homrighous is a lady of unusual attainments, and is the personification of amiability and kind- heartedness. Many valuable improvements have been made on the place. -fcah "r^i* AMES H.JONES. It has often been ob served that while our foreign-born residents do not always readily accommodate them- selves to the genius of our country, that their descendants in the immediately following generation possess peculiar qualities of intellect and executive ability, which bring them into prominenl places in our American civilization. It seems that the vigor acquired during many generations of quiet, settled lite in the Old World, stimulated by the unprecedented activity of the American atmos- phere and institutions, produced most valuable re- sults. The subject of our sketch, who resides in Lowe Township. Moultrie County, has this peculiar advantage, a- his father. William .lone.-, was a native of Wales, while he was horn and reared in this country . The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Martha Keyes and was a native of Virginia, al- though she was living in Highland County, Ohio, when she met and married William Jones. The\ spent together more than a golden half-cent urv in wedded life, most of this time being passed in Fair- field County, whence they removed in their later years to Attica. Seneca County. Ohio. Eleven children blessed this happy union, five sons and sis daughters, and our subject was tin- youngest son and ninth child, being born in Madison Town-hip. Fairfield County. Ohio, December 5, 1836. • lames II. Jones spent his early years much after the fashion of that day with farmer boys and re- ceived the best education which the advantages of the neighborhood afforded. His father owned and managed a -mall farm, although he wasalsoa Pres- byterian minister. Hi- son grew to manhood in Fairfield County and remained there until the fall of 1856, when he decided tO seek the 1'rairie State and came to Coles County, where he resided about :i year and then returned to his old home in Ohio. One \ear later he returned to Coles Countj and was living there when the war broke out. and with Lin a- with thousands of young men. this import- ant epoch in our country's history changed the whole current of his life. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to this young man. who had thoroughly enjoyed the blessings of freedom ami who had lieen trained in h patriotic love tor his country's Bag and honor, that he should spring to defend that flag when re- bellious hands had trailed it in the dust, and in August, 1862, he enlisted in ( ompany A. Eighty- eighth Illinois Infantry, and served until June '.'. 1865. when he was mustered out of the service. His record in the army is one of participation in numerous conflicts and weary marches and he -aw the- ke.it hattie at Perryville, Kj r ., Stone River, ( bickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain. Peach Tree Creek and at Atlanta, besides others of less note. His arnvj experience i- a part of his life of which he ha- just reason to he proud and hi' cherishes the memory of 666 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. those days with ardor and enthusiasm. Heisprom- inently identified with Post No. 194, G. A. II.. al Arthur. When "the piping times of peace" returned this young man came again to Coles County and re- sided there for some two years, but in the spring of 1K68 removed to Moultrie County and made his home on section .">. Lowe Township, where he has since been so useful and prominent a citizen. He had learned the carpenter's trade in Ohio when a young man and followed it in connection with farming for some time after coming to Moultrie County. Of late years he has given np his trade and devoted his attention entirely to fanning, hav- ing the management of his farm, a tract of eighty acres. Previous to the war Mr. Jones had been married to Miss Mary Ann Miller, who was born near Colum- bus, Ohio. January 27. 1842. Their wedding oc- curred in Moultrie County. May 9, 1859, and to them were granted eight children. Their lir-t- liorn, who bore the name of the martyred Presi- dent, Lincoln, died in infancy and the following remained to them: Charles W., John N., Lucy ('.• James K.. Sherman, Frank and Ida M. The mother of these sons and daughters died in Lowe Town- ship, February 7. 1880. The present Mrs. Jones, who is an earnest and active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a woman of sterling character and high intel- ligence, became the wife of our subjecl in Moultrie County, June 15, 1884, being at the time of her marriage to this gentleman the widow of Mr. John Rigg. Her maiden name was Diantha Brabham, being a daughter of John 1". Brabham, whose bio- graphical sketch will lie found elsewhere in this I>'i i ord. By hei firsl marriage she became the mother of four children : Vesta J., Norton M.. Ar- thur and one who died in infancy, she was born in Washington County, Ohio, March 13, 1842, and has made her home through life in Ohio and Illi- nois. The high intelligence and genuine Interest which Mr. Jones takes in matters of public importance hav< secured to him the confidence ami esteem of the residents of this township and he has occupied the position of Supervisor of Lowe Township, firsl by appointment and afterward by election, for more than two terms. He has also served two terms as Township Assessor, and his twelve years of service as Highway Commissioner and School Director have been year.- of progress in the direction of education and convenience to tin' traveling public. He is well read on political themes and take- his stand with the Republican party, being active in its support and having great faith in its possibilities. t i ' i ' \*-< \ < c ECIL J. RAWLINGS is a general farmer and the owner of a fine tract of land com- prising one hundred acre- on section 27. of Pickaway Township. Shelby County. His place is highly improved and every aid that science has brought to bear upon agriculture, ha- been made to favor the impi'ovement of his property, lie has erected a good class of buildings upon his place, the most important and central being his residence, which is attractive from without and comfortable and convenient within. Prior to hi- becoming proprietor of this farm he was engaged in fanning in this county, in which work he has been devoted since hi- majority. Our subject came to Pickaway Township with his parents in 1865. His advent here was made from Maryland, where he was born in Cecil County March II, 1853. His father was John Pawling-, a native of Maryland, who came of Scotch-Irish an- cestry, and a cousin on the maternal side, to George B. McClellan. his mother having been an aunt to the honorable gentleman. John Rawlings lo.-t his father when very young and was reared h\ his mother until he became of age. About that time he learned the wagon-maker'- trade, but as the work did not agree with him physically he left it to become clerk in a -tore, in which position lie continued for a time, after which he went to Guernsey ( ounty, Ohio. lie there lived until 1865 when he removed with his family to this State. purchasing a large farm in Ridge Township upon which he made some improvements. Later, in 1883. he came to Pickaway Township and ured i PORTRAIT AND 1M< (GRAPHICAL RIX'ORD. 667 hundred and sixty acres on section 34, and has Lovington. Just previous to coming to this State, the original of our sketch was married in Oldham County. Ky.. July 2*. 1833, to one of the Kentucky women who are so uotahle for beauty and housewifely skill. The lady's name was Ann E. Hardin. Her parents were Jonathan and Lucy (Wilhoite) Hat-den. Their deeease oecured in her native county and State and at an advanced age. Mrs. (lore's natal day was October 20, 1813. A little brood of children soon gathered around the family hearth and board. The\ were seven in number and were by name. I.uey A., John II.. William S., Mary E., James W., ZacharyT. and Susan E. The eldest daughter became the wife of Stanton Adkins. while the eldest son is engaged in farming in Missouri. William s. wasa soldier in the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Regiment and died at Tine Bluff, October 20, 1864, while in the discharge of his duty: Mary E. married Jacob Jones; .lame- W. is a farmer in Moultrie County; Zaeharv T. resides in Lovington, and for a further history of his lite see sketch ill another part of this volume; Susan K. became the wife of si>^el Boggs and died in Bement, 111.; her death was the result of burns. While sweeping, her dress caught fire and. running across the street before help could lie brought, she was so severely burned that she died from theeffects, February, 1*72. Mrs. Ann E. (lore, our subject '.- wife died March *. 1H77. she was an admirable Christian character, performing her duties about the domestic realm so conscientiously and sweetly, never impatienl or fretful, that her example in itself did much tOCOU- vince a careless person of the beauty of Christian life. A tender, loving wife, a devoted mother and a good neighbor, her car was ever ready and her hear! sympathetic to the troubles or interests of others. She wasa devoted member of the Christian Church and had been so since fifteen years of age. During the war. Mr. (lore was President of the I'liioii League in .Moultrie County, and he is proud of the fact that since the organization of the Re- publican party, he has been one of its most loyal and stanch supporters. In hi- church relation, he has been a member and communicant of the Christian Church since he was twenty-three year- old. Personally, in his younger days our subject was a man of ureal physical strength, and of well proportioned, though Herculean mold. When but fourteen years of age he gathered twenty-two barrels of apples in a single day. jumping from the Outreaching branches of one tree to those of an- other; the trunks of the trees were forty feet apart. When sixteen years old. he was able to stand in a half bu-hel basket anil shoulder three bu-hel- of wheat, and when thirteen years old he made a full hand in the harvest Held for eleven days. In these day-, few men outside of t rained athlete-, could perform such feats. Mr. Clore's experience has not been devoid of adventure and incident. although he has devoted his life to tin' peaceful pursuit of bucolic labor. The romance and tragedy, however, that is nearest and dearest to him. is not the subject for general reading, nor for prying' eyes to look into. Every man ha- hi- secret- that go down into the grave with him. and that are only read in the bright white light of the other world. : i Is- and doubtless Dr. Sanders found the discipline to be of value and in teach- ing his pupils to be diligent in study and obedi- ent, the lesson was impressed upon his own mind that self-control is of all qualities the most desira- ble to a professional man. In the fall of 1886, the Original of our sketch entered the Chicago Medical College, pursuing his course there with great credit to himself. His life also in the great metropolis, was an education to the young man in itself, and he found many op- portunities of widening his intellectual horizon outside of lectures and clinics. He graduated in L889 with much honor to himself and the piece of parchment that he at that time received, bearing the signature of some of the finest physicians in the West, who attested that his course had been pursued with credit to himself, is a precious testi- monial to him of hours spent in preparing for the profession which was his choice. At once after graduating he began practice at Windsor, where he is so fortunate as already to have gained a line patronage, lie stand- as one of the liest physicians in the city. We feel that too much credit cannot he ac- corded to the man or woman who has had the grit and stamina not only to he unabashed by the diffi- culties of a chosen course, but also to work then way, sweeping aside any obstacle that may inter- vene between them and their purpose. It redounds greatly to the credit Of our subject, that at every spare moment anil during vacations, he was work- ing in order to gain a permanent foothold as a stu- dent, and this he accomplished by getting a posi- tion with the Chicago Ilan-om Cab Company. To him belongs the credit and honor of having organ- ized the Chicago .Medical Nurse Bureau, which is composed of senior students of the Chicago Medi- cal College. This also was of great help to him in a financial wa\ . Our subject was married near Paris, Edgar County, this State. March I 1. 1886, to Mi- Ida M. /ink. who is a native of Edgar County, III. One little hoy has come to brighten his parents' path- way, and is the pet and pride of both father and mother. Our subject's father was Robert E. San- der-, and his mother was Elizabeth (Bridges) Sanders. The latter passed away in 1865 in Paw- nee Town-hip. Sangamon County. The father still survives ami is a resident of Pawnee Township. Doubtless Dr. Sanders' success in Windsor, as a professional man. is owing, to a large extent, to the personal favor in which he is with the people, lie is an energetic, ambitious man, an d the progress of his profession will never leave him in the rear. He has a pleasant home, which is presided over l>\ hi- estimable wife. LINER P. KENDALL, who is connected with the farming interests of Todd 's Point Town- ship, is a veteran of the late war, in which. as a loyal and efficient soldier, he won a record of which he may well he proud. Tippecanoe County. Ind.. is the place of his birth, and November 2. 1834, the .late thereof His. father, Joseph Kendall, was horn in Massachusetts, and went from there to Kentucky. I Ie lived in the « ihl- of that State for some time, and then removed to Darke County, Ohio,whence he went in 1825 to Tippecanoe* lounty, Ind.. and was one of the first settlers of Tippecanoe Township. He bought a tract of Government land in thai locality on the east hank of the Tippecanoe River, and in the log house that he built by the side of that stream his son. of whom we now write, was horn. He split clapboards for the roof and puncheon for the tloor. and made it. in fact, a typ- ical pioneer dwelling. For some time the country roundabout was hut sparsely settled, and deer roamed at will through the forest- and acrOSS the 670 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. clearings that the pioneers had made. There were no railways, and for years Michigan City and Chi- cago were the nearest markets for grain. The father cleared a part of his land. Imt his work of improvement was closed by his death in 1838. The maiden name of his second wife, mother of Din subject, was Nancy Xunn, and she was a na- tive of South Carolina. She married a second time, becoming the wife of Martin Hermann, and he died in 1886 in Tippecanoe County, at a ven- erable age. Oliver Kendall attended the pioneer schools of Tippeconoe County, which were taught on thesub- scription plan, each family paying according to the number of scholars sent. The school-house was a primitive concern. Imili of logs, furnished with slab benches that were without backs or desks and were supported by wooden pins; ami the school room was lighted by taking out a section of a log and placing greased paper over the hole thus made. Our subject resided with his mother until he was fifteen years old. and then began the strug- gle for an independent existence with no other capital than strong muscles, a stout heart, and will- ing hands. At lirst he worked out by the month for $6 a month. He lived in Tippecanoe County until the fall oi I860, when he came to Illinois and rented a farm in .Macon County, tour miles south of Decatur, The war broke out and found him busy man- aging his farming interests, which he abandoned in the fall of that year to defense of the Union. Hi became a member of the Seventh Illinois ( 'avalry and alter a long term of service on many a hard- fought Southern battlefield, veteranized in March. 1864, and remained with his regiment until he and his comrade- were honorably discharged in November, 1865. lie look pari in the battles of Farmington,Iuka,and ( !orinth,Miss.;in those Eought ai Soiucrvillc. ( otfeeville. plain Store, ( tolliersville, Byhalia and Moscow; encountered Forrest's forces al Memphis. Tenn.. in May. 1864, and with his brave comrades assisted in driving him fr the State. Ili^ regimen 1 also did g 1 worh in an en- gagement with the enemy al Hart's Cross Road, Tenn.. and December 13 and 11. 1864, bravely fough.1 Hood's forces between Franklin and Colum- bus, ami gallantly captured the works on Brent- wood's Hill. The Seventh Illinois Cavalry joined in pursuit of Hood's fleeing army, and drove the Confederates across the Tenneesse River. The regiment remained in Tennessee during the win- ter, and then went to Mississippi and did garrison duty in that State and Alabama until its final dis- charge several months after the Rebellion was brought to a close, when its -services were no longer needed by the Government. Our subject was com- missioned by order of Gen. Rosencrans in 1864 as Second Lieutenant of Company I. Seventh Illi- nois Cavalry. After leaving the army our subject returned Northward and resumed farming in Macon County. He resided there until lKH'.l when he rented the farm which he now occupies in Todd's Point Township. He is carrying on his agricultural op- erations skilfully, derives a good income in repay- ment for hi> industry, and has already attained an honorable place among our most practical farmers. He is greatly esteemed by his neighbors, and i- known in social circles as a member of the Masonic fraternity, which joined in 1872; and for his con- nection with I. ( '. l'ugh Post, No. 181, O. A. R. Mr. Kendall was lirsl married in 1855 to Miss Savilla Shaw, a native of Tippecanoe County, Ind., and a daughter of Alfred and Emillia Shaw, she died July 21. 1861. Her father was born in Pick- away County, Ohio, and alter marriage removed to Tippecanoe ( ountv. Ind. I le cleared a farm from the wilderness in Tippecanoe Town-hip. and there death found him March. 1864. The maiden name of his wife was Emilia Marquess. Shewasbornin Vir- ginia, and was a daughter of Smith and Eve (Stingley) Marquess. Smith Marquess was oni of the earliest -ettlel's of Tippecanoe Township, where he cleared a farm, which remained his home until death ended his life. The mother of Mr. Kendall's 1 1 1-1 wile now resides on her farm in Iroquois County. III. The second marriage of our subject was with Mrs. Jan e Ward, and it was solemnized December 31, 1865. Mr-. Kendall was born in Pickaway County. Ohio, .lanuan I". 1836. Her father. Thomas Morris, was also a native of the Buckeye State, and in early manhood was there married to PORTRAIT AND !;!< >< . R A I'll K A 1. RECORD. 67 Miss Nancy Be vington, a native of Virginia, who His decease occurred July 9. 1890, his wife pass- went to Ohio with her parents when she was four- ing away in I*?'.) or 1880. The father was born teen years old. Mr. Morris remained :i residenl of September 30, 1808. He was a Missionary Baptist Pickaway County until 1839, and then with his in his church following and the mother was united wife and eight children, he started with a team on with the Methodist Episcopal denomination. The\ an overland journey to Illinois. After his arrival have fourteen children, of whom our subject is the in this State he Located in Macon County, being second in order of birth and the oldest one now one of its pioneers. He entered :i tracl of Gov- living. eminent laud three miles south of Decatur, and George VV. Winn was reared on the home farm resided on it for some years, giving his attention in Ohio, and iu 1«.">1 he was united in marriage to to its improvement. lie then sold, and removing -Miss Malinda A. Bowden. she was born iu Salem to Decatur invested quite largely in city property Township. Muskingum County, Ohio, .Inly is. .•mil was a resident of that place until his death. 1K37. and is :i daughter of Daniel and Helen His wife died while they were living on the home (Adams) liowdeu. natives of New Jerseyaud Ohio Farm in .Macon County. respectively. Our subject came to Illinois in the Mrs. Kendall was firsl married to Larkin Ward. fall of 1857 and firsi settled in Edgar County, :i native of Macon County, and a son of William whence in 1862 lie came to Moultrie County and and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Ward, lie died in 1864. purchased eighty acres of land which was little Mrs. Kendall has three children living by that mar- improved at the time. He is now the owner of riage, — Henry. Marion and Martha. Her eldest- three hundred and twenty acres of land, whereon born. Bettie, is dead. By her union with our suli- he lives and besides owns the farm where lie was jeet Mrs. Kendall is the mother of four children. — born in Ohio. This last-mentioned property com- Charlie. George, Albert and Nettie. prises three hundred and eighty acre- of valuable land. . - wa jiv _sy^_ ■a't g^ Our subject and his wife have been the parents ^ (^k ^v^, ^S(c Ti^-' will slinjeci ;uill ins Hiir na\c mccu uic ['.ucio- ^^ of eight children, six of whom have been spared them to be their comfort and sustenance in their GEORGE W. WINN is a resident on aline declining years. They are, Charidota E., Cordelia farm located on section :>K. Lowe Town- M., George W., Clara B., Henrietta M., Sherman L. ship, and settled in the county of Shelby and llaltic li. Cordelia is the wife of Eli Smith December'.). 1862. Our subject was horn Feb. 2, and resides in Hal! County. Neb.: Clara died al 1833, in Muskingum County, Ohio and is a son of the age of sixteen years: Henrietta is the wife of James and Louisa (Shaw) Winn, natives of the Lewis Smith of Moultrie County. state that is notable for its Presidents and stale- Politically. Mr. Winn fraternizes with the Demo- men and pretty girls. Our subject's parents with cratic party and his devotion_to the interests of his their respective families moved fr old Virginia party has been rewarded by appointment to vari- to Ohio when they were children and were among oils local positions. lie ha- been ( olleclor for t w o tin' first settlers of Muskingum County. The years and was elected Justice of the Peace but Winn family settled in Prairie Township and the resigned the office. In his religious belief he is an Shaw family in Adams Township. In their resp- attendant upon and member of the Methodist ective locations the parents of our subject were Kpiscopai Church. He has been a ( lass- Leader in reared and meeting, married, soon after settling thai denomination for many years. Iii early life upon a farm in Salem Township, where they pass- he was engaged as a teacher and continued so eni- ed their lives and were reasonably successful as ployed for three term- while yet iii Ohio and farmers. taught for three terms after coining to Illinois. Our subject's father became the owner of two Mr. Winn was made a Mason in 1854. hundred acres of land in Ohio before his death. .lames and Louisa Winn, the parents of our sub- IwL' POETRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ject, have fourteen children, of whom the follow- ing grew to manhood and womanhood: George \\ .. our subject, i- the eldest, then follows John \\ .. Dolphin, Martha ( '.. Rosanna, Emeline, Hiram S., Henrietta C. and Franklin P. Dolphin died at Camp Denison, Ohio, soon after enlisting in the ( ivil War; Emeline is the wife of Peter C.Sawyer and resides in Muskingum County, Ohio; Hiram served as a soldier in the Civil War and exper- ienced the horrors of Confederate prison life for fourteen months. Franklin resides in Adams- ville, Ohio, where lie is a merchant. —..J. .{..J. .5. 5 l HS. ROSINA KULL, who resides on section I, Rose Township, isoncof the representa- 1 tive women of Shelby County, and was born in Germany June 20. l«:3:3. Her maiden name was Rosina Walker and her marriage with the late Christian Knll took place in Fairfield County, Ohio. He was born in Lancaster, Ohio, January 13, lK-'i"-'. Their first settlement asa mar- ried couple was made in Hocking County, that state, and there they continued to make their home until 186 1. During the year just mentioned this young cou- ple removed to Shelby County. 111., and settled upon a farm where the widow now resides. Here Mr. K 1 1 1 1 was actively engaged in farming which he carries on successfully until his death which transpired October *. inm. Both he and liis wife early became identified with the Lutheran Church. in which they were devoted and hearty workers. .Mrs. Kull is the mother of seven children: Mag- dalen a who i> the wife of William Wendling; Helen who married Henry Fossler and died in .Nebraska. September 25, 1890; Alary; John, who married Miss Mar\ Bowman; Jacob F., who oper- ates the farm and was married in Rose Township, February L2, 1890, to Miss Julia Pauscherl who is the mother of one child — Rosa May; Mattie who is the wife of Augustus Pauschert and Drucilla. The quiet and unostentatious lives of this worthy mother and her excellent children arc of interest to all who understand that the best prosperity of the community, is derived from the homes within its borders which are not notable for public affairs, hut in which Is carried on au industrious and hon- orable cxistance tending to the preservation of society and the prosperity of the commonwealth. s^ IIRISTIAN II. ALTAG,the well-known and I efficient Commissioner of Highways of Prai- Vw/ ric Township. Shelby County, whose pleas- ant home is on section 9, dates his residence in the county from 1K(>7 when he removed here from Madison County, this State, where he was born November 19, 1854. The honored parents of our subject are Henry and Eliza (Sponeman) A I tag. who were born across the seas in Germany. Before their marriage, and indeed in early life, they came to the United States and both settling in Madison County there learned to know each other and were united in marriage. They resided in said county until 1867. when they came to Shelby County and making their home in Prairie Township felt that they had found a perm- anent place of abode. The father of our subject was twice married. three children being born by the first marriage, namely: Henry; Hannah, the wife of Charles Doch- nev. and Sophia, wife of Henry Buesking. By his marriage with Eliza Sponeman. Henry Altag has had four children, of whom Christian is the eldest. and following him came Eliza, the wife of Charles Ostemeier; Harmon and Fred who died at the age of twenty-two years. Thorough and systematic training upon the farm and the intellectual drill which may be received in tin' common schools were, in the case of Christian Altag, supplemented by attendance upon the old Shclhvvillc Academy, which proved so profitable as to lit him for teaching, which he pursued for one season only as he preferred to devote himself entirely to farming. April "ill. Is7 able to supply his family with every comfort. In a family of six children our subject was the second, and lie was horn. February 1. 1831, near Greenville, Pond County. 111. There he was reared to manl d and remained until lie was ahoul twenty-two vears old. In the meantime he ac- quired an excellent education, of which he made' use in teaching in Bond, Montg cry. Madison and Shelby Counties, this State. Later he attended school in Platteville. Wis., and also taught school for two terms in that State. He followed the pro- fession of a teacher thirty years consecutively, with the exception of the three years in which he served in the army. Mr, Weeks came to Shelby County in I860, and on August 1. 1862, he enlisted in Company P. One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. He was appointed Mist Sergeant and served until the close of the war. He took part in many important engagements, among them being the battles of Chickamauga, Dalton, Tunnel Hill. Resaca, and other smaller engagements, and altogether he was in action for sixty-seven days. During the fierce conflict at Chickamauga he was commanded by Gen. Stceilinan to carry the color-, which he did during the remainder of that day. proving himself a brave and valiant soldier. Of the five who wire in his mess, he alone escaped fatal injuries. At the close of the war Mr. Weeks returned to Shelbyville and was soon engaged in hi- profes- sion, occupying the position of Principal of the public schools in Windsor. III., for two vears. lie 674 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. continued teaching until December, 1881, when he was appointed Postmaster :it Tower Hill, fillhis;- the position satisfactorily until lie was deposed under the administration ofGrover Cleveland. In April, 1885, he was elected Justice of the Peace, was re- elected in April, 1889, and is now holding thai office. In April. 1889, be was re-appointed Post- master of Tower Hill ami assumed the duties of the position in the following June, lie has held other offices in the township, and holds a promin- ent rank among the Republicans of the county. In L884 he was a candidate for the office of County Surveyor on the Republican ticket, 1 ml was de- feated by his Democratic opponent. However, be ran ahead of his tieket in every township, with one exception, in the county. Nor i- he forgetful of things divine, for be has been a consistent mem- ber of the Method isl Church for many years, also acting as Sunday-school Superintendent for a long time. At the head of the household affairs in the pleasant home of Mr. Week- [s a refined and cult- ured lady, who prior to October 18, 1866, was known as Sevilla J. Sill. She was horn in Monroe County, Ohio, September 1, 1845, and the ceremony which united her for life with .Mr. Week- was per- formed in Hennepin, 111. Nine children came to hiess the home, viz: Kstella. the assistant Postmist- ress at Tower Hill; George D., Bertel, who died in infancy; John W.. Nellie II.. who died when two years old: Warren, Chase. Boyd and Lois A. The family are honored members of society and are de- servedly popular in the community. Jp* 4^> ' OHN II. MIKI.ToN. M. I). The professional reputation of l>r. Shelton is an enviable one. and his -kill and knowledge are held at 1 heir proper valuation. For many years a stu- dent, he has not been content with the wisdom which won him his diploma, hut has read and in- vestigated from time to time and increased his store of technical knowledge and ability to diag- nose and treat diseases. lie is known far and near, respected and loved, and numbered among the most worthy citizens of Shelby County, who are active in promoting its prosperity and elevating the status of its citizens. The birthplace of Dr. Shelton was Owen County. Ky.. and his natal day February 11. 1835. His parents were Austin and Emily (Callender) Shel- ton, natives of Virginia, who i - emoved to Kentucky at a very early das'. They located in Owen County. where after attaining to a good old age, they passed from earth. Our subject remained at home during his youth, receiving a limited education in the district schools and acquiring a thorough and practical knowledge of agricultural pursuits. Upon arriving at man's estate he began to operate as a farmer, and continued chiefly thus engaged until 1873. We next liud him engaged in the drug business in Owenton, Ky.. for eight years. During that time he read medicine, for which he had a natural aptitude, and after selling out his interest in the drug business, he attended medical lectures in the hospital at Louisville, Ky.. during the winter of l*7*-7!t. In 1879, Dr. Shelton emigrated to Illinois, and coming to Shelby County, practiced medicine with Dr. O. W. Fringer untii the fall of 1881. Ilethen entered the Medical College at Keokuk. la., where he was graduated in February, 1882. After receiv- ing the diploma for which he hail toiled so ardu- ously, the Doctor returned to Tower Hill and has since resided here, wiih the exception of eight months in Hen ton. this county. He enjoys an ex- tensive and lucrative practice, aad as a citizen is public-spirited and interested in everything calcu- lated to elevate the Status of the community. The Doctor has an amiable and active helpmate in his wife, with whom he was united in marriage Ma\ 26, 1856, in Cincinnati. Ohio. The bride hole the maiden name of Marietta ( iarnett. and was horn and reared in Owen County, Ky. Her parents, Jamison and Lucinda Garnett, were na- tives of Kentucky: the father now lives in Ken- tucky, and the mother is deceased. Dr. Shelton and hi- estimable wife have become the parents of -ix children, only t wo of whom survive: Bettie G., and Nannie ('.. both of whom are at home. Dr. shelton has served the people in various capacities, and has been a member of the Township Board of PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RF.CORD. 675 Trustees, and also served as School Trustee?; He and his family are highly esteemed and arc among the prominent members or society in Tower Hill. t I I.I.I AM FANCHER The family of which our subject is a representative isa long es- tablished American family, descended from German stock. The father of this gentleman bought aboul one thousand acres of land in Hol- land Township, Shelby County. The father was born in Vermont and was a residenl of New York Mate thence he removed to Pennsylvania, thence to, Ohio, and finally located in Shelby County, 111., on a portion of which our subject now lives, hav- ing a farm of "Hi- hundred and eighty-one acres adjoining the town of Fancher, besides considera- ble land in the town. He is now a retired farmer, making his home in the village which was named for him by the railroad authorities in consideration of his liberality in donating land and money to aid in the construction of the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas ( ity Railroad. He of "hum we write this brief sketch, Brsl saw the light of life in Delaware County, Ohio, July 25, 1835. His parents Samuel and Polly (Dickson) Fancher, were natives of Luzerne County, Pa., and the luads of a truly patriarchal family. Only five nt their twelve children are now living, namely: John, Morris, William. Henrj and Juliana. .Munis lives in Kansas, Juliana in Zanesville, Ohio, and the others are residents of Illinois; Henry in this county, and John in Effingham County; Juliana has been twice married, her firsl husband being Jeremiah Rogers and hei present name being Mr-. Sine. Our subject came in Illinois with his parents when he Was 8 mere boy and uivu In manhood in Shelby County, having his training and education Upon the farm in the district schools. Here he found hi- wife, a native Of the same county, ami here he expects to spend the balance of his days in the pursuit of farming, which is with him a dearlj loved calling. Hi- wife's maiden name "a- Susan- nah Piper. Her parents were natives of Ohio and her grandparents were Pennsylvanians ami of German descent. Before marrying Mr. Fancher she was a widow, her first husband being Mr. shannon W. < rallagher. The little railroad station of Fancher which was established upon Mr. Fancher's farm ha- gathered about it a pleasant little village having two stores, a hotel and the usual -Imp-. It in i- the mid-t of a very line farming district and has an excellent community hack of it. Mr. Fancher has heen a life-long Republican in his political views and take- a lively interest in politics. He is not a member of any church hut gives liberally of his mean- to the support of churches, Sunday-scl Is and other objects of benevolence. Mrs. Fancher has three children by her former marriage: Nettie. Gertie and Nellie Gallagher. ^m>^. 1*>>(I. at which time Mr. Cox was injured, phur Springs Township, and there secured a tract Their servant was killed and also a daughter-in-law, of Government land. The neighboring village of and all moveable property was swept away. Jackson was not at that time thought of and there Our subject and his wife are the parents of four wen' very few people in the county, and for a few children. They are Mary. William A.. Ruf us and years they experienced the hardships incident to Corydon. They are all well educated, highly rc- pionccr life speeted men and women. William was for some ( )n the farm which our subject's grandparents time a teacher. Our subject stands high in the procured on first c ing here they spent there- estimation of his townspeople and has been elected mainder of their lives. The grandfather's decease to various local offices. He isa Democrat in politics, occurred in 1863. His wife survived him by a number of years, her death occurring about IK.sti. She was born ill 1799 and was well known as one of the prominent pioneer women of thai county. l'or inan\ years prior to her death she was afflicted with blindness. In religion they were adherents of the Kaplist Church, and politics the Senior Mr. I.utt roll was a I )emocrat. The eldest of a large family, John Luttrell, the immediate progenitor of him of whom we write, was reared to manhood in Morgan Count v, grow - ANIEL M. PATTERSON. A popular young artist and writer of the present day has said that one never sees the pic- turesque until she has been roughly han- dled by man and has outlived the hard usage; that the picturesque quality comes only after the ax and the saw have let the sunlight into the ing up to the calling of a farmer. He was married dense tangle of the forest, and scattered the fall- in ,\li>- Tabithft Cross, a native of Kentucky, a ing timber, or Ihe water-wheel has divided the daughter of William and Lotta (Compton) Cross. rush of the brook. This is so in any condition of natives of Kentucky. After marriage they emi- nature, for in the constructive period there is al- grated t<> Illinois and settled in the Eastern part ways a crudeness that strikes the artistic sensibil- of Morgan ( ounty as pioneers. [ties unpleasantly. Hut in farming we do not Our subject's parents began life as farmers and care so much for the picturesque "tangle of vines the father pursued his calling until the time of hi> and darkness of forest." lie who most diligently death, which look place in 1X17. lie was then ill combats the encroachment of weeds, briars and straightened circumstances anil left a widow with stones, and smooths, enriches and makes produc- i < on children whose names were, Caroline, our sub- tive and fruitful the fields and orchards and gar- ject, William R. and .losiah. Our subject's mother den patch is the one whom we si admire in his some lime after the death of John l.uttrcil. was agricultural calling. Such an one is our subject, again married to the Rev. Peter Garfetl and the\ who is the owner of three hundred acres of finely later removed to DeWitl County, where Mrs. Gar- cultivated and fertile laud located on section 13, rett died June Hi. 1869. She was horn in 1816. Mr. Garretl united with hi- work a- a religious if Sullivan Township. Mr. Patterson knows no other State in actual ex- PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 677 perience than that in 'which he now resides He was born in Moultrie Comity. November 9, 1839, and is a son of William and Margarel (Carriker) Patterson, natives of Union County, this State. ( For a fuller sketch of William Patterson refer to another portion of this volume.) The father of our subject had two brothers and two sisters, also two half-brothers and one half-sister. His marriage took place in Southern Illinois, and his advent was made into this county when settlers were few and the land very little cultivated, coming hither about L836. Upon the farm above mentioned he of whom we write found the Alpha of life, and there he was reared, receiving what educational advantages when a hoy that the district scl Is afforded. Life was not, however, barren to the young man. In- deed, the writer questions if it is ever SO to youth in its sanguine, fresh young years — for there were recreations then as now — hay rides, nutting par- ties, barbecues, husking' bees and apple parties, and with work ami play, the young man was de- veloping in every direction to the perfection of manhood, and taught five terms of school. In 1864 he was united in marriage with Ellen .1. Hoke, a daughter of Frederick Hoke, she was horn in Moultrie County. Soon after marriage the young couple settled where they now reside, his father having given him forty acres of timber land, and here he started to make a home about the year 1870. It was a new experience for the j'oung man. as for several years previous to this he had been engaged in clerking in a store in the town of Sullivan. He. however, bent his energies to the work in hand, and has been successful to a Battering degree, lie is now the owner of three hundred acres of land in an excellent condition and bearing good improvements. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are the parents of four children. The eldest daughter, Orpha, is the wile of Oscar Rose. The three other children are Nora. Ezra and l.ura. All the political interests of the gentleman of whom we write are centered in the Democratic party, every plank of its platform hav- ing to him a good and logical reason for being. He has been an Assessor of the township. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church, of which they are genei'OUS and liberal supporters. Mr. Patterson has such qualities of character and mind as insure him success in whatever line of thought or action his judgment should direct him to become a participator in. Just and generous, broad-minded and liberal, all his aims and ambi- tions are for the upbuilding of the best tone, so- cially nientalh and morally of the locality in which he lives. E*=* OSEPH II. McGUIRE. Many families who reside in Illinois came to this section origi- nally from Kentucky and Tennessee, and those who came from the eastern or moun- tainous portion of the latter state belonged to a class of people, who. like other mountaineers, were lovers of liberty. They removed their families from their native and beloved State in order that they might take them out from under the blight- ing influence of the institution of human slavery, and in doing so they brought to their posterity not only a moral and spiritual blessing, but also in locating them in Illinois advanced their material interests. Mr. McGuire, the Postmaster in Beth- any, Moultrie County, belongs to such a family. Our subject was born in Jefferson, East Tennes- see, June 8. 1836, his worthy parents being Thomas and Rachel (Ashmore) McGuire, both of whom were natives of Tennessee. The family removed to Illinois in the fall of 1843, and made their first stop in (dies County, where the father was called from them by death, during the fall of thai year. In 1853 the family removed to Moultrie County, and somewhat later on Mrs. McGuire married a second time, taking as her husband Mr. William Knight Thomas and Rachel McGuire were blessed bj the birth of eight children, their offspring being equally divided between sons ami daughters, ami only one of those children being taken from them during childhood. Their family is as follows; James. who died in this County; William P., residing in Bethany; Elizabeth, wife of John Baukston, of 678 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ^^mia ® ^igui^^. Washington; Mary, who married D. A. Vaughn, for Christian work. Mr. McGuire is prominently ilic(l in tl»i — county; Joseph II.. our subject; connected with the Grand Army of the Republic, Michael, who died in childhood; Sarah, who is and us an old soldier he has a deep interest ill its now Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, of this county, and methods of procedure and loves to meet his old Maggie, who is the wife of John Han. comrades in it> enthusiastic gatherings. Tin' hardy life of a farmer's hoy proved a good preparation for the hardships of a soldier's exist- ence: and in IS(i| our subject, following the training of his early life and with the love of lib- erty in his heart, enlisted under the Union flag to sp^>ITUS T. SPRINGER, since loeating in help subdue the war of the rebellion. lie was Ao. .Moultrie County, the gentleman of whom mustered into service in Company E, Twenty-first v_y we write has been very successful in a busi- lllinois Volunteers, and served for four years. nessway. His friends characterize him as a manly six months and two days. lie first saw active man and a gentleman, one with keen business in- service at Fredericktown, Md., and took part in the stinct. who. although still young, lias had wide ex- siegc of Corinth, and in the battles of Perryville, perience, having been engaged in business forhim- l\\ .. Murfrcolioro. Teiin.. .loneshoro. ( ia.. Franklin. self at eighteen veal's of age. He is the senior Ten n., Nashville. Tenn., and numerous skirmishes member of the firm of Skinner A- Stocks, hardware in the Atlanta campaign. During all this long merchants at Lake City, who also deal in farm and arduous service he escaped both wounds and implements. imprisonment During the first part of hi.- ser- Mr. Springer became a resident of Moultrie vice he was Corporal, bu1 in 1864 was made Ser- County in 1876 and for the past eight years has -caul. been engaged as a merchant at Lake City. He has When the "piping times of. peace" had come hecn in his present business for only one year, but our young hero, having hecn mustered out of ser- already it promises to he a pecuniary success. Our vice, returned to Moultrie County and resumed subject was born in the town of Jackson, III, Jan- farming. In 1869 he removed to Bethany and nary I. 1852, and is the son of Lawson and Mar- engaged in the grocery trade, in which he con- garet (Hinson) Springer, natives of New York and ttnued for three years, lie was then elected Jus- Ohio respectively. The father of our subjed was t ice of the Peace, ami attended to the duties of a farmer. He died in .lackson County. Ohio, in that office for some sixteen years, during the latter [857 and left eight children, there being three sons part of which he engaged in the furniture imsi- ami five daughters. Two daughters, Jenny and which he sold oul in 1889, to accept the office of Lydia, died in early womanhood, and six members Postmaster. He is a loyal and stanch Republican of the family grew to years of maturity and be- in his political views and has ever adhered to that came heads of families of their own. Sarah mar- party, ried Ambrose Davis and is a resident of Ross Mr. Met. aire was married May 1.".. 1866, to Mrs. County, Ohio: Louisa married Joseph Ziegler. also Mary Crowder, nee Creltz, who was born in Ger- of Ross County, Ohio; Drusilla became the wife of many and came to the United States when a little Samuel Mulvana ami lives at Burlington, Iowa; girl of ten years, she ha- become the mother of Pleasanl is a resident of Jackson County. Ohio. m\ children, namely: Ella, liachel: Addie. who and Wheeler of Moultrie County. di<-d in the spring of 1890; Anna. Laura and The original of our sketch is the youngest of Dora. They have also an adopted son who hears his family. Reared on the home farm he received the name of Finis Ewing. The Cumberland Pres- n g 1 i non-school education. In 1H7h he hyterian Church is the religious body with which went to Richmondale, Ohio, and engaged in a gen- Mr. and Mr-. McGuire are connected, and in its eral mercantile business, continuing there until communion the.) find an abundanl opportunity 1876, at which time he came to Moultrie Country PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RFX'ORD. 679 and purchased a farm. For a time after coding here he engaged in the general merchandise busi- ness. Endowed with unusual financial and execu- tive ability Mr. Springer lias been successful in his business efforts, lie was only twenty years of age when he came to this county and at the present time, besides the business above mentioned, lie is the owner of a drug store at Lake City. lie also leals in grain, coal and groceries, and at Williams- burg carries on a general mercantile business, lie owns all the business hou>es in which he has stoek and other property comprising dwellings and store buildings. .Mr. Springer was married in 1870 when but eighteen years of age to .Miss Nancy Sinclair, a daughter of T. 1). Sinclair. She is a native of Jackson County, Ohio, and was born January 17, 1851. Our subject and his wife have had six chil- dren. The oldest, Walter J., died in early boy- hood. Five are living a1 the present time. Law- son is in charge of a store at Williamsburg; the others are Lydia. William. Charles and Jessie. He is a man who may always lie depended upon in a politieal i-sue. being loyal to his county and sec- tion, lie is a Justice of the Peace and a Notary, also a member of the School Board. Mr. Springer socially belongs to the Knights Templar. • > , ■>• - r+ r> »r < — < i \f ss ^ ORACH L. MARTIN is prominent in the | literary, social and political life of his com- munity as editor and proprietor of the (G) Shelbyville Union, one of the best con- ducted and leading newspapers of this part of tin" state, which is distinguished as being the only daily journal, and the only organ of the lie-publi- can party published in Shelby County. Mr. Mar- tin is descended from the vigorous pioneer slock of Ohio, the State of his birth, he having been bom in the village of Jersey, Licking County, July 11. 1836. Mark 1). Martin, the father of our subject, was born in New Jersey, near the City of Newark, and was a SOD Of Lewis Martin, who was also a native of that State. The latter W8S among the e.-irl\ settlers of Licking County, Ohio, removing to that part of the country when Columbus was a Small village, and at that time wa- the nearest milling point for the settlers lor many miles around. lie secured a tract of limber land and developed it into a line farm, which was his place of residence until death terminated bis earthly career. His wife al.-o died on the home farm in Licking Coun- ty. Her maiden name was Catherine Osborne, and her parents were natives of Holland. The father of our subject was one of a family of seven sons and two daughters. He was young when his parents moved to Ohio. He worked ill hi- youth, in his father's smithy, and learned from him the trade of a blacksmith, which he followed for some \ ears in Licking County after he attained his manhood. Finally he abandoned that calling on account of failing health and turned his attention to farming, lie also dealt extensively in stock, and before the introduction of railways he drove hi- -lock to the Eastern market- of New York and Baltimore, lie continued to make his home in Licking Countj until 1858, when he came to Shelby County, and for two years was a resident of Shelbyville. At the expiration of that time he bought a farm in Hose Township, and for -(.me years devoted himself to its management. Return- ing to Shelbyville he kept a hotel here some years and then retired to Terre Haute. Indiana, where he i- no« passing away hi- declining years in a pleasant home, in the enjoyment of the respect due his honorable and well-spent life. Mr. Mar- tin has been twice married. His lirst wife, the mother of our subject, was Julia Ann Ward, a native of New Jersey, and a daughter of Josiab Ward. She died in March. IMC. Mr. Martin married for second wife Martha I., da-ton. a native of Dela- ware County, Ohio. There were five children born of the lirst marriage, all sons, and of the second marriage, six daughters and two sons were born. The subject of this biographical review received a substantial education in the excellent public Schools of hi- native county where wa- reaied to manhood. He resided with his parents until 1855, and then came to Shelbyville to accept a position as clerk in hi- uncle's dint;' -tore, making the trip 680 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in thirteen days with a horse and buggy. He clerked nearly two years, studying medicine dur- ing thai time, and he then attended a course of lectures at the Starling Medical College at Colum- bus, Ohio. After thai he made a thorough study of the water cure process at Granville, Licking County, Ohio, and then returning to Nhelhyville. lie began to practice as a physician with his uncle. Three months later he decided toabandon thatpro- fession and he again became a clerk. 1 icing thus employed in a dry-goods store the ensuing two years. At the expiration of that time lie formed a partnership with S. II. and I'. IJ. Webster, and carried on a general store the following twelve years, the latter pari of the time dealing in agri- cultural implements, and also buying and selling sti >ck. In 1«72. our subject gave up mercantile pur- suits to give his attention to journalism, buying an interest in the Shelbyville Union with his brothers, Park T. and Elgin II.. and the same year established a paper at Effingham, known as the Effingham Republican. In 1K7:S he bought the interest of his brothers in the 1'nioii. of which he has since been sole proprietor, and in January, 1**7. he commenced the publication of a daily which he still issues in connection with the weekly. Mr. Martin has devoted his hest energies to his paper, and under his judicious and able management, it has taken its place among those journals that ha ve the most influence in molding public opinion, and in advancing the highesl in- terests of city and county. The high estimation in which it is held is denoted bj its extensive cir- culation as a sound, well-conducted family news- paper, replete with valuable information concern- ing current topic-, and the affairs of this and other countries, se1 forth in an attractive and interesting manner. Although ii i- the mouthpiece of the Republicans Of Shelby County, and in no uncer- tain tones voices the policy of the party, and vigorously upholds all measures emanating from it, it is by no means unjustlj aggressive towards political opponents, who are always accorded fair and courteous treatmenl in its columns. Mr. Martin ha- an attractive home, and to the lady who presides over it. and assists him in dis- pensing its pleasant hospitalities, he was united in marriage duly 4. 1H;j9. Mrs. Martin in her maiden days bore the name of Mary Armilla Jagger. She is a native of Summit County, < )hio, and a daugh- ter of ElmuS and Hannah M. ( Noah) dagger. Our subject and his wife have two children living. Etta M. and Lucy E. Etta married John E. Downs and has one child. Ferna Estelle. Mr. Martin has been a Republican since the for- mation of the party, and through hi- position as editor has exercised a wise influence in the politi- cal councils of his fellow-citizens in this section. lie has always manifested a deep interest in what- ever concerned the welfare of the city and county. and exerted himself to help forward all scheme- that will in any way benefit them. lie has been partly instrumental in building up the Laborers' Loan Association, of which he is a Director and Secretary, and his name is associated with various other enterprises that have been organized for the public good. .j..;..;.* <§gPw ****,- OLLAND S. GRIFFITH, was born in De- Witt County, 111., January 3,1867. His father was horn in Pickaway County. Ohio, was reared there, and married, from thence he came to Illinois in an early day, remaining for a time in Macon County, after which he removed to DeWitt County, lie took up a tract of Govern- ment land, living on the same for two years be- fore entering it. This land was located eight miles northeast of Clinton. He was a very enterprising man of good judgment and consequently was very successful. He also entered land in DeWitt County, besides going quite extensively into real estate in Kansas, owning one thousand acre- in Chase County. Mr. Griffith was also engaged in stock- raising there. In 1880, accompanied by his f am My. he -tailed West with a team for Kansas and traveled quite extensively, there living one year on hi- land in Chase Couuty. Afterward, in 1**2. he returned to his home in DeWitt. residing there until hi- death, which took place November Mi 1890. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHK AL RECORD. 68J Mr. Griffith was married a second time chapsing as his wife Miss Sarah Reed, of Steuben County, Ohio, and who became the mother of our subject. She has five children living: Byard, Dell, Hol- land, Nellie and Melvin, Our subjeel was reared in agricultural pursuits .'11111 was educated in the public schools of DeWitt County, and resided with his parents whom In- assisted on the farm, until he was twenty-three years of age when he settled on the farm where he now resides on section 21, Todd's Point It is a well-cultivated farm of one hundred and sixty broad and fertile acres. ~s; c- >cs_ OIIX A. STEWART. The genial Supervisor of I'i'iiii Township, and who owns two hun- dred acres of fine land located on section 36, is he whose name is found above. He was horn in Center County, Pa., in Shore (reek Valley, November 3, 1848. He is a son of John G. Stewart, who was born in the same state, and the father of John G., the grandfather of our sub- ject, was born in Scotland, and came to America at an earh day. and with his parents located in Penn- sylvania, settling in Huntington. He was there engaged in the mercantile business and passed the remainder of his life in that place. Our subject's father learned a trade hut did not follow it long, turning his attention to farming. He removed from Pennsylvania to Illinois in 1867, and resided in Moweaqua until 1884, then wenf to Missouri and settled in DeKalb County, and there made hi- home until his death, which occured in 1888. The mother of our subjeel was in her girlhood Miss Mary Ann Elder: She was horn in Penn- sylvania and was a daughter of Abram Elder. She still survives, making her home in DeKalb County. Mo. She is the mother of nine children. Our Subjeel was reared anil educated in his native State, and coming to Illinois when quite young, with his parents, again located on the farm and there remained until his marriage, after which he came to Penn Township and bought eighty acres of land on section "27. Our subjeel did no1 occupy the farm that was his lirst purchase, hut rented other land and worked it until 1887, when he boughl the place he now occupies thai is located on section 36. It is well improved and bears striking evidence of the energy and industry Mr. Stewart has brought to bear on his work. Ii has a good class of buildings willi a plea-ant and comfortable residence and the mosl advanced idea- as regards agriculture arc 1 m- ployed in his care and cultivation of the place. In January, 1876, our subjeel quit the bachelor ranks and merged his life with that of Miss Mary E.Thompson. She was born in Pennsylvania and is a daughter oft Gardner and Eliza ( Baird ) Thomp- son. Five children have been vouchsafed to the care and guidance of our subject and his estimable wifi'. They an- by name Maude A.. FrankG., Har- vey, Edith, and Alary Belle. Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art are members of the Presbyterian Church and are consistent and noble Christians. lie of whom we write is a Republican in politics. He was eh-, ted a member of the Hoard of County Super- visors in tlic spring of 1891. Socially he belongs to the Prairie 1 1 : Knights "f I lonor. idge, No. 3574, of the ^ f OIIN A. Ci;< IWDER lives on section I 5, Marrowbone Township, Moultrie County. and is a son of Roberl and Barbara (Prathci 1 ( louder. He \\;i- horn in Mar- rowbone Township. November II. 1847. He re- C< ived hi- early training on the home farm and in the common school-, anil in May. 1864, when in his seventeenth year, and weighing one hundred and nine pound-, he enlisted in the late war and was mustered oul with Company [, One Hundred ami Forty-third Illinois Infantry, October, 1864. on account of expiration of time, he having en- listed i"i' three months. In January, I860, he re- enlisted in Company A. and served until Septem- ber. In the spring of 1867 he was united in the liolj bonds of wedlock to Miss Emily E. Kennedy, a daughter of James ( . Kennedy, who was l>om in this county. lie then settled on a farm on sec- 682 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tion 14, where he resided for five years. He then purchased a portion of his present farm ami settled on the same. His wife died November 15, L888, Leaving nine children — Artie L., Oscar W., Leora A.. John R. C, Emily Edith. Athol S.. Ida M.. James G. and Cora M. August 8, 1889, Mr. Crowder was married a second time to Viola A. Roberts, daughter of Thomas A. and Louisa (l. Roberts, of Whitley Township. They have had one child, who is deceased. Mr. Cruwder owns two hundred and seventy- seven acres of land, on which lie lias very fine im- provements. His politics arc with the Republicans. lie lias held many local offices, in which he not only did credit to himself but his party. Reli- giously he is a consistent member of the Cumber- Land Presbyterian Church, and socially is a member of the Odd Fellows' society and the Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Crowder is interested in stock-raising and is a dealer in live stock, lie is now giving a good deal of attention to horse- flesh, and has a number of imported horse- on his farm. r@h OUIS J. KIRCHER is a prominent dealer in dry goods, clothing and groceries, also hardware, stoves and farming imple- ments, in Strasburg, Shelby County. He keeps a large and well-assorted stock of goods thai is suit- able for the country trade of which he has almosl a monopoly. Our subject is a -on of Matthew and Catherine (String) Kircher. They were residents of Richland Township, and the parents of nine children, of whom he of whom we write is the eldest, lie was horn in Hocking County, Ohio, April •_>:;. L856. Our subject passed his boyhood days in his na- tive place, enjoying such educational advantages as were to lie obtained ill I lie district Schools Of the vicinity. When fourteen years old he came with ,his father to Shelby County, and remained under the parental roof until reaching his majority, when he engaged in farming on his account in Richland Township, continuing on his firsl tract for two or three year.-. In 1 883 Mr. Kircher came to Stras- burg and engaged in the hardware business. He has since added a g 1 stock of merchandise and has a line store and enjoys a large and lucrative patronage. Our subject was married to Miss Clara Ruff. She was a daughter of John Ruff. Of three children born of this union only one is living at the pres- ent time. To him has been given the name of Edward G. Our subject has been honored by elec- tion to various township offices. He was Collector for two years, and has for some time been a mem- ber of the Village Board. lie with his wife is a member of the Lutheran Church. In politics our subject is an ardent Democrat, believing in the sovereign right of the individual. I"" - * DGAR ALLEN, who is numbered among the influential agriculturists of Shelby County, owns and operates a fine farm on section 2(1. Ridge Township. lie is a native of Ohio, born in Fairfield County. April is. 1854. His parents. George and Nancy (Carlisle) Allen, were natives of Maryland and Ohio respectively. and were married in the Buckeye State, where they owned a farm. In 1863 the father came to Illinois, and in Shelby County lie purchased two hundred and twenty acres of land but little improved, pay- ing for it 118 per acre lie returned to Ohio, where he died in the winter of 1863—64, Leaving eight children to mourn his untimely death. The following is the record of the brothers and sisters Of our subject: Sarah A., who became the wile of Anderson Hunter; William II.; Anetta. who married Milton Hunter and died in Shelby County; Angel ine, who was united in marriage with George N. Arnold, and also passed away in Shelby County; Thomas. Theodore, Edgar, and Alice, the wile of M. E. Moore. In the spring of L864, the widowed mother, accompanied by her children, came to Illinois and located on the land which had been purchased by lier late husband. she still survives at the age of seventy-five years, PORTRAIT AND BIO 1RAPHICAL RECORD. 683 and her declining years have been made happy by the love of her children and the affection of her Large circle of friends. .Mr. Allen passed a comparatively uneventful youth marked by no incidents Of note, lie aided his mother as much as possible in his childhood and alternated study at the neighboring district School with work n the home farm, where he re- ceived a practical training in agricultural affairs. When ready to establish a home of his own he was united in marriage, in February, 1884, with Mis- Allie Brandt, the daughter of Adam Brandt, who still resides in Fairfield County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Allen mourn the loss of one child, and have three surviving members of their family — Bessie. Maud and Theodore. Politically Mr. Allen is a stanch supporter of Democratic principles and has served in various minor offices, among them that of Tax Collector. Socially he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. His industry has been rewarded with success, ami he is now the owner of one hundred and twenty- live acres of fertile land, embellished with good improvements and bearing a first-class se1 of farm building's. — }- =^I>* decease took place in Sullivan, this State, in 1872. Louisa Bell, is the wife of W. W. Eden, County Clerk of Moultrie County. The family arc now residents of Fresno, Cal. John B. the eld- est son married Miss Sarah L. Hayden, of Shelby County, this State, and was at one time one of the business men of Sullivan, and is now a resident of Texarkana, Texas. Edwin L. married Miss Ann M. Hawkins, of Franklin County, Ky . and makes his home at Sullivan, this State. Manlieus T. the subject of this sketch, is tin youngest of the family, ami he was born in Frank- lin County, Ky., February 28, 1«:C>. IIi> early educational advantages were limited and what knowledge of I k» he possesses, has been attained by his own efforts outside of the school-room, as he spent but a short time in the district School of hi- native Slate. He is a man who possesses more than an ordinary amount of observation and in- dustry, and added to these qualities is a retentive memory. When young Shepherd was in his nineteenth year he left home to go out into the world. His 684 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. first employment began in 1854 and 1855, when lie was engaged as guard a1 the Kentucky peniten- tiary al Frankfort At thai date there were but two hundred men imprisoned there. During :i great pari of Uie time, in which he was there occu- pied, he locked one oi the main rows of cells in which slept Calvin Fairbanks, and one Doyle, who were under long sentences for assisting slaves to leave their masters. Every evening the name of each prisoner was called and he was personally ac- quainted with every man in the institution. Our subject was next engaged as clerk in the Mansion House in Frankfort. Ky.. where he re- mained for some time, and by his industry and close attention to business lie gained the esteem and good will of his employers, and those with whom he came in contact, lie remembers well John ( '. Crittenden, John C. Breckinridge, Charles S. Morehead, and John M. Harlan, present United states Judge. He afterward went to the Capital Hotel iii the same city and remained there until 1857, when he went to Versailles, in Woodford County. He was well acquainted with Hon. Thomas F. .Marshall, and also Buford. who killed Judge Elliot two years ago, (1889) at Frankfort, Ky., for deciding a greal suit against him. Mr. Shepherd continued as a hotel clerk until the spring of 1858, when he came to this State, stop- ping in Sullivan, this county, where he engaged with his brother, John 1!.. in the grocery and res- taurant business. He had about $200 and this he invested in the business which was necessarily commenced on a small scale bul gradually 2. but died in I'tiea after their removal there. September 5, 1859; Mary Ann. now the wife of Samuel Wilson, was born in Lftica, X. Y.. April 26, 1H.")7; Fanny C, was born near Springfield, June lit. 1859, and is now the wife of William II. Thomas; Frank Grant was bom at Springfield, January 2!>. 1 M ( 1 1? : Abraham Lincoln was born near Springfield, March I. L865 and died May 5, 1888; Ada Matilda was bom in Shelby County, Septem- ber ."). INII7. and is now the wife of Willirm I lartmann. Mr. Beckett has always been very patriotic having been a strong [Jnionman during thestormy times of war. He is also an ardent advocate of temperance but never paid much attention to poli- tics in fact seldom voting. While our subject is a strong supportej of the cause of Christ, he is at present not a member of any church. Hi- carh training was in the Methodist Church and he slid adheres to that faith. His family arc members of the Church of God whose house of worship is located on land denoted bj him. He also paid two-thirds of the expenses necessary to building a church. Mr. Beckett is a man who is well-known and highly respected in the community in which he resides. lie i- the architect of his own fortune having but a few dollars in his pocket when he emigrated to America, but by industry and good management he ha- succeeded in accumulating a ci imuetence. V *==4 / *=-i OHN DIXON, Sr. The owner of the fine far. ii located on section 1. of Lovington Township. Moultrie County, is of Southern parentage, his father being Jacob Dixon, who was born in North Carolina, and his mother Ann Murrv (.Miller) Dixon, was bom in Virginia, the State that is so noted for pretty girls, statesmen and good cooking. Soon after marriage they settled in Ross County, Ohio, where our subject's father died; the mother survived and came to Moultrie County, when- -he finally passed away at the resi- dence of our subject. They were the parents of ten children, of whom oursubject was the third in order of birth. The original of our sketch was born in Ross County, Ohio, August 11. 1819. There he grew to manhood and was employed as were most of the young farmers of his age and day. Hi- boyhood \ear- were marked by his application to school duties and learning the routine of farm work. On reaching manhood he was married to I.ydia Kay. Their nuptials were solemnized November 11, 1844. The lady was born in Ohio, November 15, 1*22. They were the parents of nine children whose name- are a- follow-. — lacob, Mahala. Mary. Hach- ael I.. Charity. Moses, I.ydia E., John K. and Nancy 1\. Of these Mahala and Charity are deceased. Mrs. Lydia Dixon died in Lovington Township, July is. L874. John Dixon was married the second time in Ross ( .iimn.i ihio. April 8, ls77.to.Mr-. Margaret (Hen- son) Springer. Her parents were Henry and Sarah i;s.; PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD (Mum) Henson; they died in Ohio. By her first marriage she beame the wife of Alanson Springer, who died in Jackson County. Ohio. By that union she became the mother of eight children, whose names are respectively — Louisa. Sarah. Drusilla, Pleasant. Wheelen. Titus. Hester .1. and Lydia. Mrs. Margaret Dixon was born in Ross County, Ohio. March ■>! . 1817. Our subject in his young manhood worked in a saw and grist mill, and in a felling and cording mill, which he followed until he was thirty years old. beginning this work at the early age of twelve years. Since that lime, that is. at the age of thirty. he has followed farming and finds the peacful seren- ity of this life to he more suited to his tempera- ment than the business in which he was engaged in his youth. He is the owner of three hundred and fourteen acres of good farm land upon which he had placed good Improvements having expended large sums of money in the erection of buildings, conveyance of water, drainage, fencing, etc. lie also owns eighty acres in Buffalo County. Neb. Our subject is a follower of the Democratic party believing thoroughly in the superiority of principle and executive power as exerted by that form of government. He has rilled the office of Highway Commissioner most successfully in the township. Mrs. Dixon has been a member of the Method is 1 Episcopal Church since fifteen years of age. Her husband is liberal in his religious belief. I lis first wife was a member of the Christian Church from the time she was sixteen years of age until her death. Mr. Dixon's advent into this Slate and county was made in March 1868, and the fol- lowing February he settled on the farm where he now lives. lie lias somewhat dropped the active proprietorship of the place, and lives a semi-retired life, leaving the management of the place to one of his sons. All of Mr. Dixon's children who are Surviving, have homo and families ,,f their own. and are honored and respected members of the com- munities in which they live. Jacob Dixon mar- ried ( liilda 1'red, who died May. 1891. Mahala died when only about twenty-three years of age, at a time when life is so full of promise. Marv is the wife of Sylvester Arganbright. Rachael mar- ried 1-'. (I. Davis. Charity died when a younglady twenty-two years old. Moses was united to Miss Dora Ballard. Lydia E. is the wife of Harmon Hoffman. John R. is still in the bachelor ranks. Nancy E. is the wife of J.S.Fred; Louisa is the wife of Joseph Sigler; Sarah married Ambrose Davis. Drusilla was united to Samuel Mulvany. Pleasant married Caroline Leach. Wheelen made mistress of the domestic affairs of his household. Elizabeth steward. Titus married Nancy Sinclair. Hester J. and Lydia are deceased. ~^«ii H.' H \&^ ^=^)EORGE FERRE, the leading business man of ||[ (— ; Dal ton City. Moultrie County, located in %J|( this town in April, 1872, which date is identical with the founding of Dalton City. He is the proprietor of two flourishing stores in one of which he carries a general stock and in the other hardware. He was bom in Perry, Pike County, 111.. January fi. 1845, being the son of Lucian and Ann (Avars) Ferre, the former a native of Canada and the latter of England. The paternal grandfather of our subject. Daniel Ferre. was a native of Springfield, Mass., bul passed the last years of his life in Canada and thus the father of our subject had his nativity in that do- minion. There Lucian Ferre grew to manhood and was married. lie had taken the trade of a black- smith and concluded that in the newer regions of Illinois would he the lies! place to carry on his trade. I Ie therefore migrated here, becoming an early settler in Pike County, locating at Perry, where he engaged in the manufacture of plows. In that early day Illinois possessed but one short line of railway, that from Naples to Jacksonville, therefore he was compelled to journey in primitive fashion to the new home, coming in a w&gon ex- cept when crossing the lake. In September, 1 k ."» < > . he determined to give up the plow business and devote himself to agricul- tural pursuits, removing to Macon County, and settling on a farm in the vicinity of the city of Macon. There he lived until death called him hence in 1875, his age being sixty-four years. His faithful and beloved wife had preceded him to PORTRAIT AND BIoORAPIllCAl. RECORD. 681 the spirit world, three months previous to his de- mise," having passed away at the age of sixty-five They had a family of five children, namely: Lou- isa, who married II. II. Brengelman of Perry, Pike County, III.: William H. whodied in January,1875. leaving a family of two children: George, our sub- ject; Sarah, who married -I. II. Gibson of Macon. III.; Emily A. who resides at Perry. The father of this family was a man of ability and succeeded in accumulating a handsome property, and the later yea.rs.of himself and wife were prosperous and comfortable ones. They were held in high esteem by the people with whom they made their home and were active in church work, he beinga Deacon in the Baptist Church of Moweaqua. The boyhood of our subject was passed in Perry and later on the farm in Macon County, where he received thorough instruction and practice in the duties of farm life and took his schooling in the district schools. This education was further sup- plemented by a course of study at Shurtleff Col- lege, Upper Alton. III. He pursued farming until some twenty-five years of age and then came to Dalton City and entered upon the business of buy- ing and selling grain, and in the fall of 1872 purchased an interest in a general store, and as a member .of the linn of Webb 61 Ferre, carried on business for five years-, after which he became the sole proprietor and in 1SH7 added a hardware More 10 the ii-t of his enterprises. His success has been marked and he is rapidly accumulating a handsome property. He now owns seven acres of land near Dalton. one hundred and sixty in Shelby County. 111., one hundred ami sixty in Macon County. III., and one hundred and sixty in Kansas. A happy and congenial marriage was contracted November 17. 1875, between George Ferre and Eleanor Dalton, daughter of James Dalton. This lady was horn in the North of England and as her mother died when she was quite a small child she was placed under the care of her uncle, Thomas Dalton. in whose honor Dalton City is named and was t)QUght li\ him to the Tinted States, and reared and educated under his fostering care. The following children have Keen horn to Mr. and Mrs. Ferre. Daisy 1... Mabel and Guy. They are being carefullj and judiciously reared ami educated and aie being conscientiously instructed by their parents in the Christian faith. For nine years Mr. Ferre was Postmaster at Dalton. In politics he i- a stanch and sturdj Republican ami i- also identi- fied with the Knights of I Iouoi . •*, • "• • ftgi LDER WILLIAM A. BATES. The divine command "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," has for more than eighteen hundred years been ac- cepted by a few who felt that they would accept the humble position of teacher to the people, for their dear Lord's sake. Every religion has its fanatics, but the purpose of none is so pure and unalloyed as that of the preacher to the simple agricultural classes of America. They are one with the people and no false notions of superiority can give them prestige over their Hock. They can preach the life of the Divine man in all its simplicity, because they themselves, in a degree, live the same life. Our subject resides on section 13, of Ridge Township, Shelby County, lie was born in Grant County, Ind., his natal day being December 4, 1851. He is a son of David and Elizabeth ( Brad- shaw) Bates, both natives of Indiana. Both pater- nal and maternal grandparents were pioneer set- tlers of his native State. '1 he parents of our sub- ject died in Indiana, and of a family of eight children, only three attained their majority. They are. Rebecca, John Wislev and our subject. Re- becca married C. F. Lay, and resides in Miami County, Kan. John died in 1890 in Miami County, Kan. Our subject was only live years of age when his father passed away from this life. and one year later he lost his mother, and only those who have been orphans can appreciate the bereavement of the lad. Our subject had a guar- dian appointed with whom he lived for a time, after a previous residence with his relatives on the home farm. He attended the district schools and derived all the advantages to be had there. At the age of seventeen the original of our sketch came to Shelby County and purchased G88 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. eighty acres of land. In 1874. he was married to Arm in ta Bare, a daughter of Michael and Marga- ret I Dillinger) Hare. The lady was born in West- moreland County. Pa.. August 11, 1847. In 1848 the family removed to Ohio and in 1872 came to Shelby County, where she and our subject met and married. After marriage, he of whom we write, with his wife, went to Kansas, where they resided for a time in Miami, and then went across the line into Missouri. While West, he purchased forty acres of land and operated land which he rented. In October, 1882, the family returned to Shelby County and our subject has since rented the land which he now occupies, operating two hundred and forty acres. Politically. Mr. Bates is a Pro- hibitionist, not only living, but teaching and preaching a total abstinence from all stimulants. Five little ones have come as buds of promise to cheer the home of our subject and wife. Of these, four are now living. They are Maggie. Cora, Bertha and John. Mr. Bates has been an earnest Christian and has officiated as minister over several congregations. He preached one year at Antioch, two years at Wilber Creek, two years at Union, and two years at Zion, at which place he is now preaching. He united with the Church of Christ when twenty one years of age, and had no special preparation for the pulpit, gleaning his theologi- cal training as best he could from books anil con- versations with learned, good men. During the time of his ministry with the churches above men- tioned, he at the same time pursued bis calling as a fanner, although he has given a portion of his time to his ministerial duties. He is a member of the church of Antioch, and occasionally preaches at that place. ^ffAMES SLATER. Pioneer life in the Prairie State was not. perhaps, so full of hardships as in some of the more densely wooded sec- tions of our country, but those who came to this Slate in the early days can recount many tales of deprivation which sound strangely to the ears of the younger generation. In the days when the subject of this sketch first lived in Illinois, there was no Justice of the Peace nearer than Shelbyville, and for four years after his coming here no property was assessed for taxation. Mr. Slater was born near the city of Indian- opolis. Ind.. May 2. 1824. His parents were Wil- liam and Jane (Wilson) Slater, the father being a native of Yorkshire, England, and the mother being born in Kentucky. They were married in Indiana and resided there until 1832, when they came to Lawrence County, 111., and afterward to Mont- gomery County where the}' settled in 1844. The subject of this biographical sketch came to Shelby County in the year 1848 and for four years previous had lived just across the line and within sight of the village of Oconee. Farming was his occupation and he did much pioneer work in Montgomery and Shelby Counties. His first mar- riage which took place in Montgomery County. 111., prior to his coming to Shelby County, united him with a young lady of great loveliness of character, Miss Ann Morrell. Her married life was brief but full of cares and responsibilities, as was that of all early pioneer women. She died in 1853 after having become the mother of five children, one of whom died in early childhood; Jennie died in 1889. The two who survive are Horatio and Sidney, both of whom are energetic young farmers of character and enterprise, the eldest living in Fayette County and the younger in Oconee Township. In 1863 our subject assumed a second matri- monial alliance with Avy J. (Turner) Ishmael. Seven children were born of this marriage, five of whom were gathered to the arms of the Heavenly Shepherd in early childhood, and the two who are living are Otis, who resides at home and Alta, now Mrs. Ed. Morgan who lives on a farm in this township. Mr. Slater retired from the farm about nine years ago, and engaged in the business of mer- chandising. He owned and operated a store in Oconee, and there carried a full line of groceries, provisions, queensware, tinware, notions, etc., and enjoyed a lucrative trade. He always took an ac- tive interest ; n political affairs and worked with the Democratic party, believing that the principles PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. G89 announced by the author of the Declaration of In- dependence are good enough for the guidance of the country in these modern days. He was Jus- tice of the Peace for eighteen years, in Mont- gomery County. He was elected Supervisor from his township when he lived in Audubon. Mont- gomery County, and had served as School Direc- tor, having always taken a deep and abiding interest in the public school system. During his forty- seven years' residence in this vicinity he witnessed the development of this county from a wilderness to its present state of high cultivation. The Oconee Lodge No. 392 A. F. & A. M.. is the social body with which Mr. Slater was formerly connected, but at the time of bis death he was non- affiliated He held no church membership but was interested in the progress of churches and schools and all institutions looking to the progress of Oco- nee. He was distinctively a pioneer of this region and a man who had the confidence and respect of all with whom he is acquainted. Mr. Slater died August 28. 1891, aged sixtj'-seven years eight months and six days. B*+£ k=> GEORGE W. BOYS. A member of a family highly respected and honored in the com- munity in which he resides our subject is one of the pioneers in the central part of the State. He was there growing to manhood while Lincoln was maturing and preparing for the career which has made his name immortal. Mr. lioys resides on section 26. of Ridge Township, Shelby County. He is a son of Alexander and Virginia Boys, of whom notice may be found under the sketch of James Boys, in another part of this volume. Our subject's father was horn in the beginning of the present century and when the War of 1812 occurred, he was old enough to re- member something regarding it. He of whom >ve write first saw the light of day in Vermilion County, this State, January 2:5. 1834. When only two years of age his family re- moved from that county and located in Shelby County. Here he grew to manhood and assisted in the improvement of the farm, making his home under the paternal roof until he attained his ma- jority. When twenty one years of age, lie attended school for one winter, and the next year he was married to. Elizabeth (lardy, daughter of Thomas and Nellie Hardy. Their marriage was celebrated February 26, L856. The lady was born in Fairfield County. Ohio. For the further history of her family see sketch of William Hardy in another part of this Record. After marriage, Mr. Boys rented a tract of laad which he operated for two years. He then pur- chased eighty acres in Todd's Point Township, there lesiding for several years, engaged in plow- ing, planting and reaping, and the general im- provement of his place. They then removed to Ridge Township, and purchased a larger tract comprising one hundred and sixty acres, which was the nucleus of his present farm, which was at the time of purchase but a little improved. lb' is now the possessor of three hundred acres of finely cultivated and highly productive land, upon which he has expended large amounts in improve- ments. Although Mr. Boys follows general agri- culture as his calling, he particularly favors the branch of stock raising and has many fine animals that are noted throughout the county for the pur- ity of their breeding. For some years he devoted himself to wheat raising. Mr. Boys and his amiable and charming wife have been the parents of eight children, six of whom are living. They are ( > 1 lie Luella. Emma, Sarah, Cora and Hope. Of these, Emma is the wife of Lawson Killam. Sarah is the wife of Cy- rus Killam. Politically, our subject favors the Democratic party and although he is much inter- ested in local politics, desiring that the best man should receive the favors to be awarded, lie has never been prevailed upon to accept office. Re- ligiously. Mr. Boys is a believer in Christianity, but has never connected himself with any church, finding good in all. [lis daughter Ollie. however, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which she is an efficient worker. Our subject has felt that in being entrusted with the care of children, an almost sacred obligation is upon him to enrich their intelligence to the greatest possible t;:io PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. c\i nt, and he has never spared any means to give his children the best educational advantages. Two daughters, after finishing at the home school, at- tended the Wesleyan College, at Bloomington, and two others finished at St. Mary's, near Terre H'Mile. Ind. Their course in the Shelbyville schools prior to their college life, was thorough and practical. His children are cultivated and re- filled women, who are adornments and desirable additions to the social and intellectual life of the community in which they live. Miss Cora is a teacher of music, in which art she is proficient, having a wide local reputation for the beauty and sympathy of her piano forte performances. ]~\ AN1EL MOLL, of Moweaqua, one of the }) formost stock dealers in this county, and an extensive land owner, is one of our substan- tial citizens who in the successful management of this business has added to the wealth of this sect- ion and has helped to establish its prosperity on a solid foundation. He was born in Bucks County Pa. , which was also the native County of his fath- er, who bore the same name as himself. His grand- father was likewise a Pennsylvanian by birth and was of German antecedents. He spent his last years at his occupation as a farmer in Bucks County 'I'lic father of our subject was reared on a farm and always followed agricultural pursuits, spend- ing his entire life in the county of his nativity. lit married Margaret ilincs, a native of that county, and a life-long resident of that section of Pennsyl- vania. She was the mother of fifteen children that grew to maturity. Daniel Moll, of this biographical sketch, passed his life on his father's farm, and when he was eigh- teen (•ally years of age liis fatliel gave llilll his time. He started out even with the world, his only capital being a clear brain, strong muscle, a courageous heart . and right principles, but these were worth more to him than money, and by their aid he lias been more than ordinarily successful in acquiring wealth, lie made his way to Ohio after he left the sheltering roof of his old home, and entered upon his career by working upon a farm by the month. He was so employed in the Buckeye State until 1853, when, thinking that he could do better in this State, he came to Shelby County with a team, and at first farmed as a renter. As soon as his means would admit,, he bought forty acres of land in Pickaway Township, a half of which was under cultivation, and a log cabin adorned the place. Busy years followed his location there, but prosperity smiled upon his efforts, and he of- ten judiciously invested his money in land, and at the present time has nine hundred fifty eight acres of valuable real estate, divided into live finely im- proved farms. Mr. Moll continued his residence on his home- stead until Ma} r , 181(0, when he came to Mowea- qua and purchased the pleasant place where he now lives. He has for many years been actively engaged in buying and shipping live-stock, com- mencing in a moderate way, and gradually build- ing up a large business, which he still continues, he being one of the shippers in the county, all his stock going to Chicago. He is one of our solid business men, keen foresight and unerring judg- ment, united with honorable and generous dealings, marking all his transactions. He stands high in financial circles, and public- spirit is one of his characteristics, he being always willing to use his means and influence to advance all enterprises that will in any way benefit city or country. He has always given of his time to help in the management of civic affairs, and has done good service as Highway Commissioner and as a member of the District School Board. As to his politics, he is a firm and unswerving adherence to the Republican party. Both he and his good wife are people of earnest religious character and are faithful members of the United Brethren in Christ Church. Mr. Moll has been exceedingly happy in his do- mestic relations, as by his marriage in November, 1853, with Miss Coraline Wolfe, he secured a wife who has ever been watchful of his interests, and has cheerfully co-operated with him in the upbuilding of their home. They have five children, namely: Mary E., who is the wife of Jesse O. PORTRAIT AND BIOGP.APHK AL RFCORD. 691 Weakly, of Ridge Township; John, who married Miss Nelly Tolly, and lives in Pickaway Town- ship; Clara A. , the wife of Cyrus Weakly, of Pick- away Township; and William Henry, who lives at home with his parents. Mrs. Moll is a native of Fairfield County, Ohio, and a daughter of Andrew and Susan (Stearns) Wolf. Her father, who is thought to have been a native of Pennsylvania, was a pioneer of Ilawkin Township. Fairfield County, where he car- ied on his trade as a miller, and died at a ripe age in 1840. His wife, who was a Pennsylvanian by birth, spent her last years with a daughter in Carro County, Ind. fifACOB STUMP. The most imperishable monuments erected to commemorate the vir- tues of our deceased friends are not built of perishable marble, but are found in the mem- ories and affections of friends and fellow-men. Our subject, Jacob Stump, who passed away from this life to seek the light of upper day, April 8, 1876, was one whose monument though unpreten- tious, is as enduring as the memory of man, for his thoughts and acts and words were such as to make the world better and wiser and to bring hu- manity into nearer relation with the great Infinite. He was a genial, whole-souled man who was the confidant and friend of every person who needed a sympathetic ear in which to pour their joys or grievances. Our subject was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, October 20, 1820. He comes of Pennsylvania Dutch parentage, who were early settlers in Fair- field County, Ohio. His father and mother lived and died where our subject was born. The)' were both old people at the time of their decease, and had seen much experience in pioneer life. They were members of the German Reformed Church. Our subject grew to manhood and attained hi* majority in his native county. There he was edu- cated and having an aptitude for study, he began his career as a teacher and was thus engaged until he was twenty-nine years old. In 1849, Mr. Stump was united in marriage in Pickaway County, Ohio, to Mis,^ Sarah Brinker, a native also of that place, being there burn March 13, 1827. She was the daughter of George and Mary (Shafer), natives of the State of Pennsyl- vania, and of Dutch ancestry with a mixture of Irish. After marriage in Pickaway County, George Brinker and wife began life as very poor people. They made a home far back in the depths of the woods of Pickaway County, (lino, where they began their domestic life in the most primitive style. They were surrounded by wild game of all kinds, and before their little log" cabin was built their cooking was done in the lea of two logs, which they rolled together in lieu of a fireplace. They were industrious and ingenious young people, and as their children increased and grew in stature and strength, they made a comfortable little home, where the parents lived and labored together for many years, surrounded by a family of children that were blessed with robust constitutions, and bright, clear, vigorous minds; and although they did not afford a great deal of style, they had plenty to live on and a comfortable abode. Here the parents lived until the time of their decease. being old people when taken away. For years their social life was closely connected with their church relations, being ardent members of the Methodist denomination. Mr. Blinker's home. humble as it was, was always large enough to en lertain the traveling preacher, and they did not regard it as anything but a privilege to transform their house into a temporary sanctuary. The thought seems titling that in the little house snuggled down among the great trees in God's own temple, that the handful of settlers should meet to hear the Gospel expounded. Mrs. Stump, the wife of our subject, was early acquainted with pioneer life, and was lilted to be the wife f a man who was determined to make a place for himself in the world. After the birth of three of their children, one of whom died, Mr. and Mrs. Stump set out, in 1854, for what was then considered the wild West. They took the over- land route, coming hither with teams, thus bring- ing their household goods and two small children. The journey was a difficult one. for the mother had a baby who was less than a year old. and who 692 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHIC A I. RECORD. was taken sick on the way, compelling tliem to make a slop of a week. Mothers of to-day, who are frantic if a physician cannot respond to their call within ten minutes to attend upon their chil- dren who are slightly indisposed, can realize the anxiety of the mother whose situation rendered it so difficult to alleviate the suffering of her little one. After reaching this State, they settled in Pickaway Township, on a farm in section 19, which was then only slightly improved. It com- prised one hundred and sixty acres, and here they began life anew, and here they have lived and labored together until the father and husband was taken away. He lived, however, to enjoy the result of his early labor. Mrs. Stump still owns eighty acres, and here she makes her abiding place. It is a well improved farm, and does not suffer from lack of care. The lady has been a hard worker, and for many years did the work that our grandmothers discarded, that of spinning her own yarn and thread, and then weaving it into cloth and carpets. After living to sec her children grown up about her, and taking honorable positions in life, she is still hale and active for one of her years. One of her greatest pleasures and comforts has been in church wink, both she and her husband having been for many years members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Stump was a great Sunday-school worker. Politically, he affiliated with the Demo- eratic party, and occupied several local offices, having been Justice of the Peace for a number of years. Mrs. Stump is the mother of twelve children, four of whom are now deceased. Their names are respe lively: Mary. George, Henry, and an un- named infant. The living children are: Catherine, Salome, Wayne. Elizabeth, Charles. John, Ida B. and Carrie. Catherine is the wife of John Porter, and resides on a farm in Todd's Point Township. Salome is the wife of Prank Sloan, who owns a farm in this township. Wayne, who took to wife Sarah Davis, is a farmer in this township. Eliza- beth, who married S. 15. Cole, lives on and operates the home place. Charles took to wife Lucretia Hoy. and lives on a farm in Pickaway Township. John resides with his brother-in-law, John Porter, at this place. Ida B. is the wife of B. A. Rich- hart, of whom a biographical sketch may be found in another part of this volume. The youngest daughter, Carrie, is the comfort and support of her mother's declining years; she is a well edu- cated and refined woman, holding a desirable posi- tion in the public schools of the county. ON. ALFRED C. CAMPBELL, a distin guished veteran officer of two wars, was formerly one of the leading farmers of this county, and, as the proprietor of a large and finely improved farm, is still indentified with its agricultural affairs although practically living in retirement in his pleasant home at Moweaqua. He is a soii of one of the early pioneer families of Central Illinois, is noted in its history as the third child born of white parents in Sangamon County and is thought to be the oldest white man living who is a native of that county. Our subject was born July '12. 1819, and comes of good Revolutionary stock and Scotch ancestry. The first of the Campbell family to come to this country from his native heaths in Scotland was the great-grandfather of subject, who came here in Colonial times and settled in South Carolina. His son Jeremiah was the next in line. He was born in Scotland and emigrated to South Carolina, and went from there to Tennessee in the early years of its settlement, before it became a State and when the Cherokee Indians held full sway there. He located at Hampton, Carter County and spent the remainder of his life there. lie did valiant service in the Revolutionary War as a soldier under the gallant Gen. Francis Marion. His wife was a Miss Marr. The father of subject, John Campbell, was born Nov. ■> I. 179(1, in Carter County. Tenn. He was of a thoughtful and studious turn of mind, and made the best of his opportunities to obtain an educa- tion. In 1817 he came to Illinois, which was then a territory, and first located in Madison County. He was there married to Levina Parkinson, and in 1819 be started with a team for the unsettled PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 693 wilderness of Sangamon County. He was one of the first to locate there, and though the land was not then in market he made a claim on Lick Creek, and after building a log cabin for the shel- ter of his family, he entered actively upon pioneer work that lay before him.of evolving a farm from the wild country in which he had settled. He was of an energetic disposition, very capable, and by hard and unremitting labor acquired and improved a large tract of land, and became one of the most substantial men of his township. A man of his cal- ibre was naturally called to positions of trust iu the administration of public affairs, and among other offices he held that of Justice of the Peace many years. Possessed of considerable learning himself. he had a just value of a good education, and did all he could to advance the educational interests of his township by building a hewed log house on his own land for school purposes, the school being taught on the subscription plan. Politically he was a stanch Democrat. He died in 1874, thus closing a long and well-spent life, and leaving be- hind him the legacy of an untarnished name that is held in reverence by all who knew him. When Mr. Campbell became a pioneer of San- gamon County, there were but few white settlers in Illinois, the Indians still retaining their old hunting grounds to a great extent. Kaskaskia was the capital of the State. Springfield had not been founded, and St. Louis, which was but a village at that time was the nearest market for the settlers to sell their products and obtain supplies. The people were home-livers, having to subsist on what they could raise and on the game such as deer, wild turkeys, etc.. which were abundant. The wives and daughters of the pioneers hail to card, spin and weave the wool and tlax raised by the men, to make cloth for wearing material and other purposes. The father of subject lived to see a great change wrought, not only in the face of the country, but in the mode of living and the customs of the peo pie. The maternal grandfather of subject was Will- iam Parkinson a native of Tennessee. His father. Peter Parkinson, was born in England, came to America in Colonial times, and spent his last yeais in Carter County. Tenn. William Parkinson was reared in Tennessee, and came from there to this State in territorial days, lie was a pioneer of Mad- ison County, whence he went after a few years to Lafayette County, Wis., of which he was one of the first settlers, and there he died in the course of time. His wife was a Miss Russell. The mother of subject was a worthy type of the pioneer women of Illinois who did so much to help their fathers, husbands and sons in reclaiming this State from the wilderness. She carefully reared a family of six children to the habits of industry and right living, of whom our subject is the eldest. Tin- names of the others are William, Jeremiah, Joseph W.. Peter C, and Caroline. Born in the early years of the settlement of this State, our subject grew up amid pioneer surround- ings. and was educated iu the primitive schools of the olden times, which were taught in log houses that were furnished with rude slab benches, and greased paper pasted over the opening made by the removal of a log from the side of the building served instead of glass to light the interior. He was studious, and under such able masters as Daniel McCaskill, John Calhoun, who afterwards became famous in the Kansas border troubles, and Rowan Morris, he obtained a good practical educa- tion, including a good kuowledge of mathematics and surveying. Thus well equipped mentally, he utilized his education by teaching several terms after he attained manhood. He selected farming as Ins principal life-work, however, and was en- gaged at that in Sangamon County until he came to this county in 1851, when he chose a desirable location on section 4. township 13 (now Flat Branch Township), range ■>. lie developed a fine farm of four hundred and ten acres and also gave his attention to the mercantile business, opening a store on his homestead, which he conducted there until the village of Moweaqua was founded in 1856. He then removed his business thither, and carried it on here until 1859. Returning then to his farm, he made it his place of residence the en- suing five years, though much of that time was spent in fighting for his country on Southern battle- fields. Since the war he has lived practically re- tired at Moweaqua, though superintending his farming interests, as he still retains four hundred 694 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. acres of fine farm land in Moweaqua anil Flat Branch Townships. As before mentioned, Capt. Campbell has dis- played his loyalty to the Government and his patriotism by service "in two wars. After war was declared with Mexico he enlisted June 10, 1846, in Company D, Fourth Illinois Infantry, commanded by Col. E. D. Baker. He was elected Lieutenant of his regiment, and went with it from Alton to Jeffer- son Barracks, St. Louis, whence, after a few weeks' drilling in army tactics, it was dispatched to Mexico by way of New Orleans. Ascending the Rio Grande River to Camargo, from that point the regiment inarched back to Metamoras, and from there to Victoria, where ou/ subject and his com- mand were placed under Gen. Scott, and bore active part in the bombardment of Vera Cruz and the battle of Cerro Gordo. At Tampico, the cap- tain dying, our subject was left in command of the company, and acted in that capacity until the ex- piration of the term of enlistment, and returning then to Illinois, arrived about a year from the lime of leaving the State. Capt. Campbell's experience in the war with Mexico made his services valuable in the great Civil War that followed in the United States several years late]-, when he volunteered in Octo- ber. 1801, and went to the front as Captain of ( ompany E, Thirty-second Illinois Infantry, com- manded by Col. John A. Logan. For three years lie was with the A liny of the Tennessee, and during the latter pail of the war his regiment was a pari of the Seventeenth corps. The Captain saw much hard campaigning and fight- ing in Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina, lie faced the enemy in th" battles of Ft. Donel- xin and Shiloh, was active in the sieges of Corinth and Coldwaier, and fought in the engagement around Vicksburg, Jackson and Kenesaw Moun tain, and was with Sherman on his famous "March from Atlanta to the Sea," taking pari, in the various battles and skirmishes mi the way. lie was mustered out of the service in February, 1865, a war worn veteran, whose record as a soldier whs bright and reflected credit on the military of his native state. Capt. Campbell cast his first Presidential vote for Martin Van Buren in 1840, and for more than half a century has beeifa Democrat of the deepest dye. His party honored him by electing him to the legislature in 1880 to represent the Thirty- third. Senatorial District, including the counties of Shelby, Effingham and Cumberland. A flattering majority of his fellow-citizens' votes sent him to the General Assembly, and he fulfilled his duties while there with characteristic fidelity and public spirit. He was at one time Justice of the Peace, being an incumbent of that office two terms. In his social relations he is connected with the Ma- sonic fraternity, and is now the oldest charter member of Moweaqua Lodge, No. 180. May 3, 1838. Capt, Campbell was married to Polly, daughter of Peyton Foster, and a native of Kentucky. Their happy wedded life of nearly twenty years' duration was brought to an end by the death of the faithful wife January 9, 1858. She was the mother of these six children: John P., a resident of Spokane Falls, Wash.; Elizira E.. wife of James W. Clark, of Moweaqua; Sarah C wife of Edward Segar, of Decatur; Leonard W., a resident of Dallas. Tex.; Alfred C, now de- ceased, who married and left five children; and George W., deceased. Our subject was again married June 17, 1859, to his present estimable wife, formerly Miss Jennie Hurt, a native of Mont- gomery County, Ohio, and in her he has a true companion and devoted helpmate. FY. ALBERT K. BECKETT. There is perhaps no more public spirited man nor one more wide-awake to matters of general v£) interest in the township of Oconee. Shelby County, than the gentleman whose name initiates this sketch, who is carrying on the work of a far- mer and stock-raiser, along with arduous pastoral labors. He was born in McMinn County. Tenn., October 27, 1824. His father, Josiah Beckett, was a Virginian, and his mother. Barbara Souders, a Marylander. They have three sons and six PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 695 daughters of whom our subject is the youngest. They are: Annie. Thomas. Sabin.a. Elizabeth, Elza. Mary, Nancy, Susannah, and Albert R.. our subject. Only four are now living. Eliza resides in Clinton County. Ky., as docs also Susannah and Nancy in Missouri. The parents of our subject removed from Ten- nessee to Kentucky while he was still young and there he attended school at Danville. He studied law for some time but decided not to enter prac- tice. After eight years spent in Danville, he was married in Clinton County. Ky.. in 1845, to Miss Louisa Shelley, who was born in that State in 1825, of Virginia parents who had removed to Kentucky in a very early day. Albert R. Beckett remained in Kentucky until 1862 when he was obliged to flee to save his life. He had been robbed of everything he had by the so called Confederacy. He was frequently shot at and on one occasion he and his two sons were attacked while at work in the field. They heroi- cally defended themselves, being well armed, but were finally obliged to retreat, leaving every- thing. They gathered the little family into a wagon and set out with an ox-team for the North, lie had but seventy-live cents in money when he left the South. The ground traveled over by the party lay between the two opposing armies, hence no obstructions were presented to their llight. The family reached Charleston. Coles County, 111., and remained there for about four years. Mr. Beckett bought forty acres of land which he finally sold and started to go to Ft. Smith. Ark., but while on the way he was atttacked by guer- rillas and wounded. He at once decided to return to Illinois and now made bis permanent home in Oconee Township, where be still resides. To Mr. and Mrs. Beckett were born eleven chil- dren nine of whom are now living: Elza who married Maria Titus, is a farmer and resides in Oconee Town- ship; Albert R. married and resides in Missouri on a farm; John witli his wife lives in this township; G. A. C. is married and lives near his parents; William C. lives with his wife in this township; Samuel is married and lives with his parents; Bar- bara .lane is married and lives in Oconee Town- ship; Eliza Ellen is unmarried and is taking care of ber afflicted mother. Arcadia died in child- hood. In addition to these children there were born a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, whom the father named Abe and Lincoln, giving the gill also the more feminine appelation of Clarinda. Abe died in infancy. His sister. Miss Clarinda Lincoln Beckett, married E. F. Barker, an attor- ney al Danville. Ind.. who is also a noted orator espousing the Prohibition cause. About thirty-three years ago Mr. Beckett ex- perienced religion and soon after felt it his duty to preach the Gospel. He studied theological works and finally began to pleach for the Baptist Church in Clinton County. Ky., and afterward in Coles County, 111. He subsequently became im- bued with the idea that our porti if punish- nient and tribulation was quite complete in this life and he espoused the belief of the Lniversalist and was ordained bv I he Lniversalist Convention of the State of Illinois sonic eleven years ago. Mrs. Beckett has been a helpless invalid for the last eleven years. She believes that it is largely due to the nervous shook which she experienced durii g her husband's hazardous experiences in the late war. Mr. Beckett Owns two hundred and forty acres of valuable land which he has in tine condition as he superintends ii all personally. He takes an interest in public affairs generally, and is enterprising and public spirited. He is a Prohi- bitionist in sentiment and espouses the cause "i the Laboring men of the country, demanding that lhc\ have representation in Congress and else- where. ■IIO.MAS SINGER Ii -rem- odd that while our Teutonic neighbors arc generally con- ceded to be rather phlegmatic and slow. and notoriously a home-loving people, that at the same time they should be among the widest trav- eled people and have accomplished more in ad- vancement in the general sciences, than any other nationality. Our subject. Thomas Singer, who resides on his farm located on section ved to Shelby County, 111. He Of whom we write, lived :il home until he was eighteen years old. and then removed to Fair- field County. Ohio, and worked upon a farm until he came to Shelby County, in the fall of 1860. He then rented the land which he now OWUS in Ridge Township, and brought on li i> wife to whom he had been united in Fairfield County, Ohio, in February. 1858. Her maiden name was Barbara Sander, and she was born in Wayne County, Ohio, in September, 1841. After live years of renting, the young man purchased two hundred and twenty acres and he has now as fine an improved farm as is to be found in the township, upon which he has erected a good house and other excellent farm buildings. His farm has been increased from time to time by pur- chase until it now comprises six hundred and sixty acres. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz lost two sons, William and Simon, in infancy. Those who survive are: John B., who married Emma Eversole; Lizzie, the wife of Clinton Eversole; James; Ella, who married Charles Beery; Edward, Samuel, and Charles B. The parents are members of the Evangelical Asso- ciation in which Mr. Fritz has tilled the offices of Steward, Trustee and Class-Leader. His political views incline him to believe that in the principles of the Democratic party are to be found the best governmental ideas. He has officiated as Highway Commissioner and as School Director and in both capacities has served faithfully and efficiently. I — ! DSON B. WEAKLY. An honorable posi- tion among the men to whom Shelby County is indebted for its present high state of its material development is held by Mr. Weakly, who resides on section 3, Ridge Town- ship. The present condition of his farm attests to his ability as a financier and his judgment regard ing agricultural affairs. As a citizen he is worthy of the respect and confidence that he has inspired by his honorable career, Not only is he a man of note in his own community, but he ranks among the most influential residents of the county. His success as a farmer has been unusual ami he is also well know n as a business man of ability and integ- rity. Samuel Weakly, father of our subject, is well known among the citizens of this county, whither lie came in 18;>2. He was horn in Maryland. Sep. teuiliei 8, 1814, and removed to Ohio in 1824. PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 699 In Fairfield County, that State, lie was married February 12, 1839. to Miss Maria Fetters, who was born in Ohio in 1820. This worthy couple so- journed in the Buckeye State for many years after their marriage, and after their removal to Illinois, located in Ridge Township, this county, where they passed the remainder of their days. The mother passed away January 10, 1 862. To her and husband ten children had been born, as follows: Emanuel J., Alva P., Naomi, Mary J., Eliza, An- nie M., Jesse ()., Edson B., Ida and Katie. The father contracted a second matrimonial al- liance, choosing as his wife Rachel A. Petty, and of this union one child was born, Minnie B., who died May 6, 1889. The widow now survives, making her home in Assumption. The father died in Ridge Township October 21. 1890. He had been a member of the Uuited Brethren Church since 1841, and was highly esteemed for his many excellent traits of character, ever seeking to do unto others as he would lie done by. "Uncle Sam" as he was familiarly called, experienced many of the hardships of pioneer life, but by dint of perseverance and good judgment, became well- to-do, and at. the time of his decease, left a good estate for his widow and children. Ridge Township, this county, was the native place of Edson B. Weakly, of this sketch, and April 25. 1857. the date of his birth. His life has been characterized by no unusual events, but has passed quietly and uneventfully. In his youth he received the advantages of the district school-, and as he is a systematic reader, keeps posted upon all topics of general interest. Early in life lie commenced to aid his father on the farm, and nat- urally when the time came for him to choose a calling, he became a farmer, and has always fol- lowed agricultural pursuits. He now owns forty acres of good land, embellished with good build- ings and well improved. On March 26, 1S82, Mr. Weakly and Miss Mar- tlia J. Moll were united in marriage in Pickaway Township, this county. The bride was the daugh- ter of Daniel and Caroline (Wolf) Moll, who .ire natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio respectivley. the father being born January 2. 1831. and the mother June 12, 1829, and are now living retired in Moweaqua. Mr. and Mrs. Moll had a family of six children, viz: Lydia C, Mary 1... Martha J.. John W., Clara A. and William H. Mrs. Weakly was born in Pickaway Township, October 12, 1859, and to her and Mr. Weakly have been born two children. Homer II. and Daniel R. Politi- cally, Mr. Weakly is a Republican, and religiously he and his estimable wife are members in good standing of the I'nited Brethren Church. _=] ~S £+£#* AMUEL MILLER is an intelligent and en- terprising member of the farming eom- l 1 inunity of Moweaqua Township. He was born in Somerset, Perry County. Ohio. December 12, 1833. His father, George Miller. was a native of Pennsylvania. He removed to Ohio in pioneer times, and his last years were passed in Somerset, where he carried on his trade as a stonemason. He served with credit as a sol- dier during the Mexican war. He married Susan, daughter of Frederick Leathers, and a native of Fairfield County, Ohio, of which her father was an early pioneer. She came to Illinois in 1854, and her last years were passed in a home southeast of Shelby ville. When our subject was seven years old he went to live with Peter Kesler, a farmer of Fairfield County. Ohio. He remained with him two years, and then went to Preble County, and was with Reuben Pottenger two years, lie then returned to his old home to live with his mother, who had married a secoud time, becoming the wife of Samuel Potter, lie remained an inmate of his step-father's household until he was eighteen years old. At that age he went to Dayton, in his native Slate, to serve an apprenticeship of three years to learn the trade of a carriage smith. At the expira- tion of that time he did journey-work at Troy. Ohio, and later at Indianapolis and Lafayette. Ind.. at st. Louis, Mo., and at Bloomingtun, III. In 1859 he sifted for the Pacific coast, going by the way of the Isthmus, and for two months he worked at his trade at San Francisco. From there he went to Portland, ( Ire., and was employed in 700 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the same way in that city the ensuing three months. We next hear of him at Cloverdale, in the same State, where he opened a shop and carried on business as a carriage manufacturer three years. Mis place of residence after that for some time was at Eugene City, where he engaged in manu- facturing carriages until 1864. In the year last mentioned Mr. Miller returned eastward as far as this State, and was a resident of Mattoon one year. He then went back to Port- land, resumed business as a carriage manufacturer, and while there took a Government contract to build army wagons. lie remained in that city until 1868, and then conducted business at his trade in Albany, Ore. In 1870 he left that place and once more came to Illinois. He bought a farm in Long Grove Township, this county, and gave his attention to agriculture. Two years later he rented his farm, and going back to Oregon bought property at Albany, and resumed the man- ufacture of carriages and wagons, continuing in that line until 1872. He then sold out his business and returned to his Illinois farm, which hedisposed of at a good price in 1881, and his next venture was to engage in the sale of groceries and agricul- tural implements at Moweaqua, carrying on a thriving business the following four years. He then sold at a good advantage, and bought the place where he now resides, and is devoting him- self assiduously to its improvement. Mr. Miller was married first in Cloverdale, Ore., in 1 864, to Miss Mary Agnes Southwell, a native of Morgan County, 111. Their wedded life was but brief, as the young wife died in 1865. The second marriage of our subject, which took place in 1867, was to Miss Mary Hand, a native of Ken- tucky. She died at Albany, Ore., in 1 s 7 , leaving three children, Agnes M„ Arabella ( wife of Everett Russell), and Eflje Blanche. The marriage of Mr. Miller to his present wife, formerly Sarah J. Def- enbacker, was solemnized in 1877, and has brought them two children, Cora Edna and Samuel. Mis. Miller is a native of Decatur, 111, and a daughter of Dr. Def en backer, who was a German by birtn, and was one of the pioneer physicians of Decatur. A certain energy and force of character, versa- tility and shrewd business tact have marked the mis of our subject ever since he began the battle of life ou ids own account, and have helped to place him among the substantial citizens of the county. He and his wife occupy a good position socially, and in them the Methodist Episcopal Church has two good working members. Air. Miller's political sentiments are expressed by the platform of the Republican party. c \ / ALTER K. HOOVER, M. D. This gentle- man and physician, who is a resident of V V Lovington, Moultrie County, is the son of the late David Hoover, who was born in Belmont County, Ohio, in 1824. His mother was Sarah Calhoun, also a native of Belmont County Ohio. She was born in 1820. They first settled in Belmont County and afterward in Guernsey County and thence went to Macon County, this State, in 1861. He was a farmer by occupation. He died in Macon County. III., in .Inly. 1890, and his wife preceded him some years to the better laud. They were the parents of three children, two sons and one daughter, of whom our subject was the second child. Dr. Hoover was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, dune 2, 1855. He was only nine months old when his parents came to Macon County, 111., where he grew to manhood and where he lived until 1888. He received his education in the common schools and in the W esleyan University at Bloomington, 111., at which time he took up the study of medi- cine, but on account of ill health was obliged to relinquish his studies for awhile, but afterwards re- sumed them entering Rush Medical College, Chi- cago, in 1880, where he graduated in 1888. Soon afterward he settled in Lovington, where he has been ever since engaged in the practice of his pro- fession. He enjoys an excellent practice and has the confidence of the community. He remained on the farm until he was age. then and for about eight years engaged in trading and studying. He worked his way through and is a self-reliant man. He was married at Maroa, 111., October 28, 1889, PORTRAIT AND I'.K )( ;RAPII'( Al. RECORD. Till to Miss Ellie S. Bean, who was born in Mor- gan County, 111.. .Inly 8, 1S65. Her father was .Joseph Bean, and her mother was Klien Pratt. The}' are residents of Macon County, III. He is a farmer by occupation. Dr. Hoover has buried one child who died in infancy. He has been an active member of the Methodist Church since 1873. Ib- is a member of the Masonic fraternitj and of the Knights of Pythias, of which he is a leading member. — » i- -^=SS M>-^-hio University in Athens. He also took a course in Granger & Armstrong's Commercial College at Col- umbus. Ohio, from which he graduated in 1858. He commenced teaching after locating in Illinois, following that profession in connection with farm- ing, for several years. For t wenty-two years he has devoted his attention to farming exclusively. He was married June 30, 1867 to Miss Cynthia A. Syfert, who was born in this county, December 17, 18411. Her parents weie George and Mary A. (Neivling) Syfert. They were natives of Ohio, where they were married. They removed from Ohio to Holland Township and were among its pioneers. Eleven children were born to them, six of whom are now living, Mrs. Graybill being the fourth in order of birth. Mr. Graybill has always taken an interest in po- litical matters and has been a life long Democrat. He has held many offices in his township, having served four years as Supervisor; he was on the Building Committee of the Court House, having served one year on this committee, after his term as Supervisor expired ht refusing to re-elected. He has been Collector of taxes, Township Clerk, As- sessor, and served six years in succession as High- way Commissioner. Mr. Graybill gives liberally of his means to the support of religious enterprises, although he is not a professor of religion. Eleven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Graybill, all of whom are living. Edward Clement is the eldest and is attending school at Normal, III.; Sam- uel J. is qualified to teach but prefers farming, and is now engaged in that laudable avocation; Clara May has been teaching two years in Shelby County; Mara Ida, is teaching in Fayette County, 111,; Charles Walter, Thomas Perry, Victor Milton, Lewis Button, Florence Edna, Anna Pearl and Nel- lie Fern. These latter seven reside at home with their parents. ^ AMES W. RHODES, a prominent farmer of Shelby Count}-, residing on section 9, Tower Hill Township, owns and operates one of the finest estates in the community. By a proper rotation of crops the land has been brought to a high state of cultivation, and the large harvests bear evidence of the thrift of the manager. Good buildings have been erected, the principal one being the residence, a commodious structure with an air of refinement within its walls, which proves the presence of a cultured lady. The father of our subject. Oreen Rhodes, was a native of Tennessee, who came at an early day to 702 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Shelby County, III., and was here united in mar- riage with Margaret Wakefield, a native of this county. At Hist the young couple resided in the vicinity of Shelbyville, whence they removed to Tennessee, and made it their home one year. How- ever, they concluded that prospects in Illinois were more flattering- than in Tennessee, and accord- ingly they returned hither and settled south of Williamsburg, where the father closed his eyes to the scenes of earth. His wife died in l'ana, this State. Our subject was the only son among five chil- dren, and was born in Shelby County, 111., August 21, 1 840. He passed his childhood 14)011 a farm, and »vhen about ten years old accompanied his mother to Dallas Count}', Mo., where he remained perhaps seven years. At the expiration of that time the family returned to Shelby County, where he has since made his home, being identified with the growth of the county and a witness of its de- velopment. His chief business in life has been farming, in which lie has met with more than ordinary success, as he possesses those qualities of energy and industry which are essential to any calling in life. The first wife of Mr. Rhodes was born in Shelby County, III., September 4, 1815, and bore the maiden name of Martha E. l'ugli. After their marriage, which was celebrated in Missouri, they settled on the farm where Mr. Rhodes now resides in Tower Hill Township. The wife and mother died March !>, 1885. She had become the mother of seven children, viz.: Merritt E., who married a Mi^s Wiese; Margaret, and a son. both of whom died in infancy; Frank \\\; Fllie L., who passed from earth December 30, 1889, at the age of sev- enteen; John J. and Ida B. Mrs. Rhodes was a consistent member of the Episcopal Church. Having considerable interest in the cause of education, Mr. Rhodes has served efficiently as School Director for several years. He has alfo taken an active part in political affairs and is a Prohibitionist. Any measure caluculated to assist the community linds in him a strong supporter, and he IS recognized as one of the pillars in the .Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he has been Trustee. By careful economy and good judgment be has been enabled to increase his real-estate hold- ings until he is now owner of four hundred and forty-five acres of splendid land. On March 14, 1889, Mr. Rhodes was united in marriage in Shelby ville, III., with MissOllie Brown wlio was born in Hancock County, Ohio, August IS. ] SCO. Mrs. Rhodes is the daughter of Dr. Ahaaham and Helen (Buckingham) Brown, the former dying in Tower Hill Township and the lat- ter still surviving. Eight children came to Dr. and Mrs. Brown, of whom Mrs. Rhodes was next to the youngest. She is an estimable lady and en- joys the high regard of all who know her. GEORGE W. BARGER. A cursory glance at the biographical sketch of our subject will show that he is one who, buffeted by the adverse winds of circumstances and being, has over- come them all, guiding his life barge safely through the deep waves and sandy shallows, and anchoring it safely in a placid harbor. For what is life be- side this? Do not heroes of battle, of invention, literature, the sciences and arts, all work in order thai they may enjoy peacefully? So has our sub- ject, and though comparatively a young man he has already attained a position in the township in which he lives that promises not only security and conifer' for the present, but advancement for the future. lie of vhom we write is the Superintendent in charge of tin' Moultrie County PoorFarm.au hum- ble position, it is true, but one in which there are Opportunities for showing the natural kindness and tenderness and sympathy that the Master has com- manded in caring for liis "little ones". He is now serving his fourth year in this position, and has filled it to the entire satisfaction of the eommu- nity at large. The properly is located on section 4, of Sullivan Township, and comprises one hundred sixty acres 1 if land. The county also owns forty acres of timber land. Upon the farm is a good, two- sloiy, brick structure, which serves as a home for some twelve to twenty inmates, men, women and children who perhaps were born to better things; PORTRAIT AM) l!l( )( ; liAl'l IK A L RECORD. 703 who have made their fight hy which some one else will be benefited, and now, incapacitated for car- ing for themselves, the county takes care of i I s children, gianting them a resting place and plenty of substantial nourishment. The original of our sketch was born in Perry Coun- ty, December 3, 1850, and is a son of George and Lydia(Davison) Barger. Our subject was but a boy when his parents died, leaving as the issue of that marriage, two children, himself and Lydia M. now Mrs. Huff, of Evansville, Ind. Both parents had been previously married, the father having had ten children by his former marriage, and the mother, three children, the latter bearing the name of Salmon, lie of whom we write was reared in the family of a half brother, Charles Barger, in Perry County, III., and was early taught the duties of a farmer. On October 10, 1«7(>, Mr. Barger was united in marriage to Elizabeth J. Marshall, a daughter of William and Mary Marshall, who was born in Perry County, Ind. April 25, 1853. She was only an in- fant when left motherless, being the youngest of a family of twelve children. She lived at home until her marriage. In 1872, the original of our sketch came to this Slate passing one winter in Shelby County, thence vent to Cowley [County, Kan., where he pur- chased eighty acres of land near Arkansas City, remaining there two years, during which time he experienced all the hardships caused by the grass- hopper plague. In 1873. all the crops were des- troyed in the space of a few hours, by the scourge which Moses brought into Egypt, and which has found its repetition so many times in Western American agricultural history. Mr. Barger retur- ned to Shelby County in 187*4 and renting land in l'enn Township, for five years engaged in farming, l.i 1879 became to Moultrie County and has since resided near Sullivan. In 1887, he was appointed Superintendent of the Poor Farm and took possess- ion of the place in March, IKKK. Under his able management, Jthe Poor Farm is about self support- ing. Our subject and his wife are the parents of five children, who are Bertie, Chester K, .lames A, Artemas Victor and Lela. Politically he of whom we write is an adherent of the Republican party by his vote and influence doing all he can to prop- agate and strengthen Republican doctrines. In his religious predelietion he is a Baptist, while so- cially he belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is the owner of eighty acres of land, located in this county. • f Ed- ward Green, now of Leominster. Mass. Our subject is the first born of the two children granted t< > his mother, his brother Arthur, being foreman in a large tape factory in Worcester, Mass.. and having taken to wife Miss Lenora Law rence. William G. Covey was weli and carefully educated in his native State and Massachusetts, being granted an academic education, thus pre par iflg him for the profession of a teacher, which he followed for live years in the Last. He was mar- ried after coming West in Cole County, 111., to Miss Emma R. Martin, who was born in that countj August 20, 1852. She became a teacher before her marriage and bears a high reputation as a cul- tured and intelligent woman, she is the daughter of John and Martha (Cassadj i Martin, native- ol Kentucky who came to Illinois with their respec- tive parents when quite young and were married in Edgar County where they were early settlers. They afterward did pioneer work in Lafayette Township. Coles County. In that home all of their children were born and there the father died in January, 1875, having completed his threescore and ten years. He was a pillar in the old-school Baptist Church and a man who was honest from principle and the love of right. His widow, who still survives, is a member of the same church and resides at the old homestead in Coles County. Mrs. Covey, the wife of our subject, had an excellent training and education and was ably lil- ted for the responsible position of wife and mother. Of the six children who have crowned the union of this couple, two have passed to the other world — Lillian B. and Lettie Lee — both of whom passed away while young. Those who still remain under the parental roof are Iva S., Walter S.. Jessie B. and Hazel O. Mr. Covey while in Coles County was for some time in the office of Township Clerk. He is a sound Republican in politics and is a mem- ber of the Modern Woodmen of America and is also an ( h]t] Fellow. ■ >- » » >'>> m >> i ' i ' - AMKS THOMAS. While it is not to be denied that a man is not only the architect of his own fortune, but also the mohler V_y and former of his own character, it is never- theless true that nationality is a mighty factor in the inherent traits and qualities which a man must cultivate or modify. The warm, impulsive races of the South need to tone and strengthen their natural traits by strong principles to which they should unflinchingly adhere. And while the nations of the North are conspicuous for the sturdy integrity of its peoples, their natural sobriety of temperament should be warmed and lighted by the geniality and affability borrowed from the Southern natures. 706 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Our subject is decended from a nation noted for strength of character and intellectual depth. The 'i homas family are of Scotch and Welsh ancestry. The grandfather of our subject. Joseph Thomas Sr.. was born in Scotland. He came to this country after his marriage to a lady whom it seems was of Welsh parentage. Their first settlement in this eon u try was made in the State of Kentucky and ! here Joseph Thomas, the father of our subject, was born. He was about fourteen 'years of age when the family left Kentucky, and crossing the Ohio River located in Knox County, Ind., and here the senior Joseph Thomas and wife spent- their last years, being old people at the time of their death. It was in Knox County. Ind., that Joseph Thomas, Jr., grew to manhood, reaching his ma- jority in his adopted state. He there married his wife. The lady's maiden name was Mary Cham- bers. She also was a descendant of a Welsh family who, after the birth of part of their children, set- tled in Knox County, Jnd. After marriage Joseph Thomas and wife removed to Sullivan County when it was new and unbroken. There they pre- empted a tract of Government land upon which they lived and placed valuable improvements. After a number of years the wife and mother died having attained quite advanced years. Her death took place in Sullivan County. Our subject's father. Joseph Thomas, then came to Illinois and spent his last years in Shelby County. He was ninety years of age when his death occurred. Both he and his wife were attendants on the Bap- tist Church, of which Mrs. Thomas was a member for long years before her death. They were pio- neers well known for their kindliness and hospital- ity. They located in Sullivan County, Ind . in the wilds and were surrounded by Indians. Game could he gotten in abundance. The original of our sketch is the youngesl of fourteen children, there being seven sons and seven daughters. Two of these died while quite young. The Other twelve children [grew to manhood and womanhood, all marrying and rearing families, with the exception of two sisters. All of the brothers and sisters are now deceased excepting our subject and two other brothers, Calvin and Alexander. The former is a farmer in this township. The latter a farmer in Jasper County, Mo. Our subject was born in Sullivan County. Ind.. August 24. 1834. Here he became of age and later removed to this State and was married in Pickaway Township, this count}'. His wife's maiden name was Malvina Casey. She is a native of Pickaway Township where she was born August 23. 1840. She is a daughter of John and Nancy (Denton) Case)', natives of Kentucky, where Mr. Casey was born in 1813. They were yet young when Mr. and Mrs. Casey came with their parents to this State settling Pickaway Township, Shelby County, when the place was new and unbroken. They purchased a tract of Government land and deyoted themselves ! to improving a farm, but after some years left this place and went to Shelbyville. There the parents of Mrs. Thomas died, aged respectively seventy- two and sixty-eight years. Mr. Casey was a Dem- ocrat in politics. For one year he was a member of the State Legislature, sent from Shelby Connty, and was then elected County Judge, which place he filled for several years. He was also a member of the Board of Supervisors for several terms and Justice of the Peace for many years. He served through the Mexican War as Orderly Sergeant of his company, and saw some hot fire from both sides. He was known in the county as an active worker in the political cause, whether local or national. He had by a former marriage to the one we have mentioned, one child, Jemima. The mother was Mahala Jackson, who died at her child's birth. This daughter is still living. Mrs. Thomas is the eldest but one of a family of twelve children. Only four, however, are still living. Our subject's wife was reared to woman- hood in Pickaway Township, this county. She is an intelligent woman who has been the star of en- couragement to her husband in all his undertak- ings. She and her husband are prominent mem- bers of the Baptist Church, of which body Mr. Thomas has been a Deacon for a number of years past. Politically our subject is a Democrat, as was his father who was a soldier in the War of 1812, and who fought with Gen. Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe. He of whom we write and his amiable lady, are the parents of eight children, four of whom are PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 7(17 deceased, namely, Halie, and three others who died in infancy. The living' children are William R., Mary J., Nancy J. and Clara A. William is his father's able assistant in running the farm and is a promising young man who is highly respected throughout the vicinity. All of the children are intelligent and well educated. Since marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have lived on their beautiful farm located on section 24, of Flat Branch Town- ship. Here he owns three hundred and twenty acres which is all under cultivation with the ex- ception of ten acres. The place boasts the finest improvements, and a good class of buildings, and the owners are proud of the fact that they have earned all that they possess by their own industry and foresight. ^€|-=- ,•_ pvOAH HOSTETLER. One of the lesidents 7 and most prominent men of Lovington 1 Z. who has made himself felt in the commer- cial life of the town is he whose name is at the head of this sketch. Although an American by birth and education, he is ot German ancestry and has always brought to bear in his business dealings the good common sense and thorough business principles for which that nation of people is noted. His father was Christian Hosteller and his mother Elizabeth (Hard man) Hosteller, 'lhe former was a victim of the cholera and died in 1831. Our subject's mother passed away from this world to a bitter land, in Orange County, Ind. 1 hey were the parents of four sons and live daughters and of these our subject was the eighth child in the order of birth. He was born in Orange County. Ind.. February 9, 1826. The original of our sketch grew to manhood on the home farm and in the latter part of 187)2 he came to Moultrie County and settled near the vil- lage of Lovington, where he purchased a farm and thereafter engaged in agricultural pursuits until about 1872 when lie removed to the village of Lovington, and embarked in the grain business, afterward adding the lumber business to his in- terests and later, enlarging his business so that it included grain, lumber and hardware, and was thus engaged for several years. He has not. how- ever, been actively engaged in business for the past few years, confining his attention to the care of his estate and a general oversight of the bank- ing business which is now operated by his son, Leonard G. Hosteller and S. P. Drake. The firm is run under the name of Drake. Hostetler & Son. They carry on a general banking business and do a large and flourishing business. Our subject was married in Orange County, Ind., 1849, to Miss Elizabeth Harman, who is a native of the same county in which she was mar- ried, her birth occuring May 12, 1829. Mr. and Mrs. Hostetler are the parents of four children. 'lhe eldest of these is a daughter. Margaret, who is the wife of Samuel S. Boggs. Calvin E„ mar- ried Miss Ella Bowers, and has set up a home for himself, being engaged in farming in Moultrie County, this Mate. Leonard G. is engaged in the banking business in Lovington. The youngest son, William, died when about seven years of age. The gentleman of whom we write has filled the office of School Director and has been a member of the Village Board. In his political preference lie is a Republican, being one with that party in his opinions as regards tariff, currency and other planks of the party platform. Our subject and his estimable and amiable wife arc members of the Christian Church and are generous supporters and anient and interested workers in the upholding of Gospel truths. Mr. Hosteller is the fortunate possessorof nearly one thousand acres of land, most of which is located in Lovington Township. lie is also the owner of valuable property in the village of Lov- ington. When actively engaged in farming, he made a specialty of stock-raising and the founda- tion of his fortune was laid in this way. He. of whom we write, and his wife are numbered among the representative people of Lovington Township, and although financially they stand among the besl people in the county, money is not all in all to them, for they number among their friends more people whose intelligence and culture is pre eminent, than any other class. Mr. Hostetler is a broad minded and intelligent man to whom the 708 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. current topics of the day, both general and local, flie very interesting and in which lie is always well posted. A good conversationalist, knowing what to say. and being above petty gossip, he is at the same time a sympathetic, attentive and interested listener to any one who may have something that is worth listening to. *^*^5* / i OHN CLARK. A well built and attractive house is a monument erected to the honor of the builder, speaking more truthfully than can words, of the dominant traits of his character. If he is thorough, it will be indi- cated by the firmness of foundation and the qual- ity of lumber that he uses. If he be of an analyz- ing turn of mind, it will show in the detail, and it he haw taste and culture, it will bespeak itself from the ridge pole to the cellar and from the front entrance to the rear. Our subject is evi- dently one who pleases his patrons in every detail in building, for he is one of the must successful dealois in lumber and house furnishing supplies in Moweaqua, having, previous to engaging 1 in this business, made a reputation for himself as a builder. Our subject is one of the firm of Berry ,v- Clark, dealers in all kinds of lumber. Mr. Clark has been a member of the firm since it was started. September, 1889. lie came to the county in 1854, and with his lather, settled in Flat Branch Town- ship. He lias since lived in this county, with the exception of six years, extending from 1875 to 1881, at which time he was a resident of .Mont- gomery County, Kan., where he was engaged as a cattle dealer. While yet a lad. our subject learned the trade of carpenter which he has followed for many years. He has erected many of the best buildings both in the township and village of Moweaqua, and in Flat Branch Township. He has been a contractor and builder, and all the besl buildings m Moweaqua he has been more or less connected with during construction. Our subject was born in Warren County. Ohio, April 14, 1842. His father, was W. R. Clark, a native of Ohio, and his grandfather was William Clark, also a native of Ohio, and one of the first settlers on the site of what is now the city of Cin- cinnati, at that time nothing more than a wilder- ness. William Clark had married while in Ohio, a Miss Rachael Ross. He and his wife lived in Warren County at an early clay, and there died, an old man. He was of a Welsh family noted for their longevity. All his life was engaged in agri- cultural pursuits. His wife survived him and was a second time married, her husband being Mr. Decker, who left her a widow. She then came to Illinois, and died in Mercer County, this State, at the age of eighty-six years. She was of German ancestry. W. R. Clark was the only son of his parents. He grew up in his native county and when Cin- cinnati became a village of some importance, and a commercial center for the region about, for a period of eighteen years he drove a six-horse team oyer the new country from Lebanon, Clarksburg, Milford and Foster Crossing, carrying Hour, pork, whiskey and other freight, and bringing back sup- plies for the general stores in the country towns. In 1854, with his family he moved West, making the journey overland, his household goods as well as his family being conveyed hither 03" means of teams. They enjoyed camp life during this emi gratioii and after a long trip they settled on a tract of Government land in Flat Branch Town- ship, Shelby County, and the tract which lie at that time located upon was never transferred until his death, he having passed away from this life 011 the farm which he bad preempted. September I!). 1889. He was born February 14, 1802. and had become a we'll known man in this part of the country, lie was quiel and unassuming in his personal bearing, but had had an experience that few men, even at that time, had enjoyed. He lived in see the country change from primeval wilderness to One of the richest commercial and agricultural districts in the country. His wife had preceded him. having died April ',1, 1881. PORTRAIT AM) BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. rim Her birth occurred December 19, 1806, Dear Pitts- burg, Pa. Her maiden name was Nancy Berger. She and her husband enjoyed fifty-two years of married life. Our subject is the youngest but one of nine children, now living. Two of Ins mother's chil- dren had died at an early a & e. He grew up in his native county, enjoying the limited advantages as to education and social life that were to be had at that time. When the first three years' call was made for volunteers to go to the front to quell the rebellion, our subject responded. He enlisted August 14, 1861, in the Seventh Kansas Cavalry, Company F. The Colonel in command being C. R. Jennison, and F. M. Maloney serving as Cap- tain. The regiment in which he served was known as the noted Jayhawkers, and they served in the Sixteenth Army Corps, being engaged in Mis- souri, Kansas, Kentucky. Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. Our subject was a participant in the battles of Corinth, Iuka or Tupelo, Oxford, Water Valley and Coffeyville. The regiment was under the genera; command of Gen. Grant and was the first to penetrate into Oxford, Miss., being in the advance of the main army from Holly Springs to Coffeeville. The original of our sketch during his military experience, was fortunately never seriously in- jured, but was once knocked off his horse by a spent ball. He was never captured, nor spent a day in a hospital. During all his service he re ported every day for duty. He saw much bard fighting during the three years he spent in the army. He veteranized at Corinth. Miss., and be- came recruiting officer of the regiment. He was honorably discharged at St. Louis. Mo., after three years and seven months of service, in 1864. He had received the honor of being advanced to the position of First Lieutenant of his regiment, and was on special duty as Court Marshal at St. Louis. Mo., for some time. He was also of- fered the Provost Marshalship in Northern Mis- souri, but refused to serve. After our subject's discharge from military life, he returned to Shelby County, this State, ami took upon himself the obligations of married life, his wife having been a Miss Charlotte A. Goodwin, who was of English ancestry and birth, having come to the United States when but thirteen years of age. her only kinsman in this country being Dr. Richard Dawson (i 1 win. of St. Louis. Mrs. Clark died in St. Louis on May lit. 1871. she was in the prime of life at the time of her taking away. Mr. Clark again married, the second partner of his joys and sorrows being Mrs. Nancy II. Jones, a native of Illinois. She died one year after her marriage, while yet in her young womanhood. The little daughter that she left to be a comfort to her husband, followed her mother when but four years old. By a former marriage, Mrs. Clark was the mother of two children, Eliza .1. Brickey, who lives with her step-father, and Charles W. Brickey, who took to wife Stella Henry, now a resident in Moweaqua Township. The lady is a daughter of Ex-Representative Thomas Henry, of Windsor, III. Mr. Clark's lirst wife was a member of the Baptist Church. His second wife was a member of the Christian Church. She was the daughter of Levi Jones, now deceased, a prominent minister at an early day in Montgomery County, Kan. Our subject is an adherent of the Republican party. He is much interested in local as well as national affairs and has been closely identified with all the local offices from Supervisor down. He is a Past Commander of J. V. Cleming Post, No. 363, of the G. A. R. in Moweaqua. I AYLKSS A. RICHHART. The Richhart family have for years been prominent in this country. The oldest progenitor known to our subject was his grandfather, Henry Richhart, who was born and reared in Penn- sylvania, coming of Pennsylvania Dutch stock anil parentage, lie was a farmer by occupation, in Pennsylvania. He moved to Ohio and there died ai the age of sixty-eighl years. While a young man he married Susanna Lawyer, who was also of Dutch ancestry; she. like her husband, passed her Hie in her native State, and there passed away at 71(1 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the age of about forty years. The aged couple were sturdy, stanch, true-hearted representatives <>f the Quaker State. To them were born fourteen chil- dren, three of whom are yet living, namely: Henry, Mrs. Barbara Johnson and Catherine Brainer. Henry is :i farmer and dairyman at Nickerson, Kan. Mrs. Brainer is now living in Morgan County, this State. The father of our subject \\ :i> William Richhart and was one of the large family above mentioned, lie was born December 13, 1816, in Ross County, Ohio. There he was reared and early learned the science of farming. When he reached manhood he was married in Pickaway County, Ohio, to Miss Kienorc Nichols, a native of the county wherein her marriage was celebrated. The lady was a daughter of Bayless Nichols, and was born Decem- ber 31, 17*1. in Virginia, and died in Ohio, May .">. 1842. Her father was twice married, his first wife being Melinda Rutledge. she died leaving live offspring. The second wife of Bayless Nich- ols, was Sarah Griffith. After their marriage they spent the remainder of their lives in Ohio, being old settlers there. Their parents came respectively from England and Virginia, the father of Bayless Nichols being a native of the British Isles. He came to America when a young man and was early married to Elizabeth Glover, their nuptials being celebrated, strange to say, during the strife of the Revolution, and although the groom was not lone' from the mother country, he did not-demur that his bride's wedding outfll was home-pun and the work of her own hands, as on principle, she would not |ia\ an\ duty on foreign goods. They were married in Virginia, where their fifteen children were bom. They moved to Ohio where they spent the remainder of their lives. They were Methodists in religious belief, and Whigs in political following. After marriage, William Richhart, the father of our subject, began life with his bride in Ross County, Ohio, and some years after the birth of their first child, came to Illinois during the Itts. journey- ing hither with their household goods overland, by means of teams. They settled in a new part of Morgan County, near Arcadia, where they entered a farm which in later years was improved to a high degree. It was al this place thai our subjeel opened his eyes to the light of this mundane sphere, his natal day being September 21. 1850. He was the second child and the first horn to his parents in Illinois. There were five sons and four daughters in all. Only three of the sons are now living. They are our subject, John and William. The latter is a fanner in this county, and John is a fanner at Strawn. Coffey County. Kan. Both have fnken to themselves wives who are good and noble women. The father died in Morgan County on his farm. March IS. ls.">t;. He was a good man and had a large circle of friends where he lived. who mourned his loss. Politically In' was an old- line Whig, and in his religious views, a Methodist. He was a quiet, unpretentious man. hut genial and kindly in his disposition. His wife, who survived him. married Lewis Dean. One child was the out- come of this union. Mrs. Dean, who is now sixty- live years of age is yet active and ambitious. She lives in Moweaqua, and Lsan active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of that place. The original of our sketch was reared to man- hood in Morgan County and when about twenty years of age moved to Logan County. III., and after two years spent there, he removed to Macon County in 1872 and six years thereafter came to this county. He was first married in Logan County, to Mis- Maggie B. Stein, who was a native of Penn- sylvania, and who. when very young, came with her parents to Illinois, settling first in Flat Branch Township, Shelby County, and after some years, the parents. Samuel and Elizabeth (Macklin) Stein, moved to Moweaqua and then' died at an advanced age. Mrs. Richhart, the wife of our subject, died in flat Branch Township, on the farm on which she was reared, October 8, 1883, being then only twenty-seven years of age. She was the mother of five children, one of whom died in infancy. Those living are Bertha A.. Nellie I-;.. Russell E. and Mabel. Mr. Richhart was a second time married in Pick- away Township, to Mi-s Ida I!. Stump. Their mar- riage was celebrated April 5, 1885. The lady is a native of Pickaway Township, where she was horn January 31, 1864. she was broughl up in the county in which she was married audi- a daughter of .la col i ami Sarah Stump, who are natives of Ohio, PORTRAIT AND blOGRAPHK \I. RECORD. being married in Pickaway County, < >1 1 i< >. and In- ter coming to Illinois, where they settled in Pick- away Township. There thej purchased and im- proved a trad of land and there Mr. Stump died in the spring of 1876, while yel in the prime of life. Mrs. Stump is yet living on the old homestead, having attained sixty-three years of age. She, as was her husband, is a very active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. .Mrs. Richhart is the mother of two children whose names are Rollill 1'. and Bessie A. Mr. and Mis. Richharl are members of the United Brethern Church. The gentleman has been honored li\ several positions in the township gift, having been Road Commissioner, Supervisor and Assessor, besides holding minor offices, lie is a prominent Republican in his locality. There is a saying that "He who shoots at a midday sun. though he may not hit. shoots higher than he who aims at a bush," and this has ever been the mode of procedure of our subject, lie can truly say that he is a -ell- made man. ever having worked to reach the mark which he had set high for himself, lie hasthusfar overcome every difficulty thai he has encountered in his career ami ha- already won a Battering de- gree of Success. lie owns a beautiful home which is on three hundred and forty acres, located on section. I . of Flat Branch Township. Here he has a line residence recently limit on the site of one that he lost by tire. spsfflAMUEL I'H.KT. Among the names held N«^ in honor in Shelby County, that which introduces these paragraphs has for many years had a place. lie who hears it Ci ! hither in 1871 and has been a potent factor in the well-being of the eiti/.eus. bearing a worthy part in the battle of life as a private individual, and acting with ability in prominent positions to which he has been called. He is one of the number before whom discouragements flee, and who surmount ob- stacles that lie in their way without letting the world into the secret of their existence. He has therefore gained a competency where many would have failed, and has pushed to ,-i successful con- clusion affairs that in other hands would have re- sulted tar different 1 V. Many years ago William Fugel and Sarah Kun- kle were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, anil began their wedded life in Pennsylvania, of which Mate thej were lioth natives. They resided for many years in Cumberland County, where both died at a goodlj old age. Of their nine children the subject of this sketch was the fourth in order of birth, and he was born in Cumberland County, September 12. 1844. He passed hi- youth in the usual manner of farmer lads of that period, al- ternating attendance in the district school- with farm work. Until he was twenty-one years old he lived in the Keystone State, whence he removed in I860 to Pana III., and engaged in different occu- pations. In August. 1871, Mr. Fuget arrived in Shelby County, and locating in Tower Hill, began work- ing in a flour mill. For a time he rented the mill and afterward bought a one-third interest in it. This interest he sold and became the head miller of tin Auchoi Mills in Tower Hill, owned by John Runkle A- Son. Tin's responsible position Mr. Fuget is stiil Ailing to the satisfaction of all con- cerned. Hi.- pleaseant home is presided over by a lady of culture, with whom he was united in mar- riage in Pana 111., in January, 1871. she bore the maiden name of Mi-- Shaffer and wa- a nativeof Pennsylvania. Her parents, John and Christina ( I >a vi-) Shaffer, were natives of Pennsylvania. The father is living with our subject andthe mother is de- ceased. Mr. Fuget and hi- estimable wife have a family of three children — Minnie M.. Lora E. and 1 .race E. Minnie M. is the wife of M. 1 1. Fen ton, of Towei 1 Hill, and I.ora E. is the wife of George E. Allen, of Arkansas. Mr. Fuget has been called upon to nil various official positions and has honored every position which he has filled, by proving capable, faithful, and eminently trustworthy. lie i- at present serv- ing ns Supervisor of Tower Hill Township, has been Town-lnp Collector, and has held several school offices in the village, lb- also served as Presidenl of the village and Trustee for several terms. Politically he i- an ardent supporter of 712 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD the principles of the Democratic party, and tiakes a lively interest in everything that affects the pros- perity of tlieiit\ or county. Socially lie belongs to the I. O. (). F.. the K. of P.. and the Modem Woodmen of America. With his wife, he has won a secure place in the affections of his associates and is highly esteemed for fine social qualities and noble character. \ fp^A KELTON BIRJ05IT,Sr., stands among the ^^£ influential citizens of Shelby Comity, and Q lv^-Jr to n ' in :m ^ men "' ms badomitable will, wide experience, unsurpassed business acu- men and far-reaching public spirit, it is indebted for its high standing among its sister counties in this great Commonwealth of Illinois. Our subject is a leading farmer and stockman of this section. his extensive agricultural interests centering in Todd's Point Township, wherehe has an attrrative home and eleven hundred acres of land, all lying in a body, in a high state of cultivation, its soil of marvelous fertility and its valuable and well- appointed improvements rendering it a model farm. Mr. Birkett was born August 13, 1820, near Kis- wick, Cumberland County, in The Vale of St. John's Parish of Crosthwait. England, on a farm which was also the birthplace of his grandfather, Daniel Birkett, who spent his entire life, as did his father before him, upon that estate, which hi' owned, be- sides owning two other farms. His son John, the father of our subject, also passed his whole life on that pleasant English farm, while his brothers, Clement and John, and his sister Rebecca came to America. The former settled in Missouri where he lived the remainder of his days: John was a farmer and died in Shelby County; Rebecca died in Moultrie County, this State. The father of our subject was a farmer ami Stock-raiser and lived to the good old age of seventy seven years, his death occurring in November, I *?:'>. Ili~ wife whose maiden name was Mary Skelton, died June '■'<■ 1847, «hen she was forty-seven years of age, She was the mother of ten children, seven sons and three daughters, and five of them are yet living. He of whom we write was the fourth child born to his parents, and he passed his early days in the home of his birth, where he received a careful training in all that goes to make a good man and a useful citizen, lie was given the advantage of an education in the local schools, and when not in school was acquiring practical experience in agri- culture on his father's farm that was of use to him in after years in the prosecution of his chosen call- ing on American soil. Christmas Day. \W.K was a memorable day for him. as he then left behind him his old home with its many pleasant associa- tions and went out to the island of St. Croix, where he had two uncles. Clement and John Skel- ton. who owned estates there, to see what life held for him in the Wot Indies, and there he was en- gaged as a planter on a sugar plantation for eight years and three months. Failing health warned him that he must seek another climate, and he decided Upon the United Slates of America. lie embarked on a vessel bound for New York, arrived safely. and two weeks later boarded a steamer for Phila- delphia, on his way to this State. From the Quaker City lie went by rail to Chambersburg, and then by stage to Pittsburg, Pa., from there by the same conveyance to Massillon, Ohio, whence he went by canal to Cleveland, from that city by Lake Erie to Toledo, and thence by way of Lovington to Terre Haute, hid., whence hi' came to this county, travel- ing by canal and stage to Shelbyvillc. The date of the arrival of our subject in this county was August .SI. 1XIM. and though not one of its earliest settlers he may be denominated one of it- pioneers as hehasdoneas much as any other man to develop its great agricultural resources, and has been a potent factor in the advaneemen t of its interests in various directions, generously using a part of tin- wealth that he has acquired within its borders to further all worthy enterprises topromote its growth and benefit the public. In the busy years that followed his settlement here, he has not been I niicli occupied in attending to lii- private affah'S to be able to do liis duty as a citizen, and he has devoted some of his valuable time to aid in the management of civic interests, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORL. 713 bringing to hi* official duties in the various respon- sible positions thai he has filled the same aptitude for business, promptness, and unerring judgment and untiring zeal thai have characterized him throughout his career. His personal standing is of the highest, and whether in public or in private life he lias always borne himself as an honorable, upright gentleman, all worthy of the implicit confidence winch his conduct has inspired in his fellow-cit izcus. Among other important offices to which they have called him is that of Supervisor, and he has represented Todd's Point Township on the County Board of Supervisors ten years, lie was a member of that honorable body when the present court house was in process Of erection at the county scat, and as one of the building committee he carefully super- intended every detail of work, and used his in- fluence to have it built in a style of architecture combining Strength, utility ami beauty, and at a reasonable cost. Politically. .Mr. Birkett has been identified with the three leading parties that have held sway since he came to this country. At first he advocated the old-line Whig policy and sub- sequently became a Republican, hut in 1876 he joined the Democrats, as he considered that the Republican party had outlived its usefulness ami had begun to abuse its great power, so that a change was necessary in the interests of a pure government. Mr. Birkett's financial standing is the result en- tirely of his own efforts, as he started out in the world empty handed, with the exception of £25 of English money was which given him by his father, and which he returned to him the follow- ing year, lie had a better capital, however, with which to build his fortunes in his tine physique, clear brain, and the solid traits of character that have made him successful in life. After his arrival in this county he worked on a farm in Todd's Point Township, and the following year entered :i section of land in the same township on sections 17. 18 and 20, and in the ensuing March he entered upon its improvement, breaking the wild prairie ami fencing one hundred and sixty acres of it. lie began to stock is farm by the purchase of one hundred head of cattle and seven hundred sheep. and thus entered upon his prosperous career of Stock and sheep raising .and wool liusiness. lb- has made his home upon that section of land that he has developed from the wilderness into one of the Choicest farms of the county. U] which he has placed every needed improvement, including roomy barns for his stock, a commodious dwelling, etc. He has purchased more land since his firsl investment, and now has eleven hundred acres .-ill in one tract. lie at one time had thirty two hundred 'acres of land in this State and in Kansas, two thousand of which he gave to his sons. Mr. Birkett has been eminently happy in his domestic relations, and shows to the best advant- age in his home, not only as a husband and father. but in the character of the most courteous and genial of hosts, dispensing a generous hospitality to friend or stranger who may happen beneath his sheltering roof, cordially assisted by his estimable wife, who is always thoughtful and considerate for the comfort of all about her. Our subject was first married February 13, 1850, to Mis- Mary Bland, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Henry Bland. She was a resident of this county at the time of her marriage, and had gathered many friend- about her. who were attracted by her line womanly character and greal worth, and at her death February 9, 1865, sorrowed with her family in their great bereavement. By that marriage there were seven children, of whom the following is recorded: Henry, a resident of Springfield, married Grace Adams, and they have one child: John, who was a resident of Kansas at the time of his death in hi- t \venly--econd year, by drowning while in bathing in the river: Skelton a farmer, residing in Greenwood County. Kan., married Grace Gleason; Harriet died at the age of two years: George is a farmer of Greenwood County. Kan. Mary married George Becker. :i merchant of Wichita. Kan.; Elizabeth is the wife of Dr. A. P. Williams, of Hot Springs. Ark. January 17. 1867 our subject was married to Bliss Elizabeth, daughter of John Lenover, an old resident of Shelby County, and in her he has a devoted wife. Two children have blessed their union, of whom hut one is living, Arthur. Mr. 714 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Birkett was reared m the t hiireh of England, and has remained true to the faith of his fathers. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is identified with its every good work. charitable or religious. The former Mrs. Birkett wa> also a member of that church. tt my k |> | I . I ) i T*« 1 ' ON. W.G.COCHRAN, Speaker of the House I during the Thirty-ninth session of the Genera] Assembly, is well known not only in Sullivan lint throughout Southern Illi- nois as a leading attorney and an influential eiti- zen. He has resided in Moultrie County since lie was four years old, although Ids residence in Sulli- van permanently dates only from April L891. He was formerly located in Lovington and vicinity, where lie won laurels in liis profession and a^ a politician. His advent as a student of the law be- gan under Judge .Miner in 1*77. and May 23, 1879 he was admitted to practice at the bar. Since that date he has been progressing constantly and is regarded as one of the stanchesl Republicans in the county. In Im.ss Mi-. Cochran was nominated by the Re- publican party for Representative ami was success- fully run on the minority ticket. After his election to the State Legislature he felt the embarrassment of being com pel led to enter the Legislative halls with- out knowing the state Executive or any of the State officers, or even a member of either branch of the Legislature. But he was possessed of a gen- ial disposition and frank, open manners which soon won him the confidence of all with whom he came in contact and the rcspsect of every member of the law-making body of the State. When it became necessary to elect a Speaker of the House an old soldier was looked for, and among thai class Mi-. Cochran was entered in the race with Judge Cooly, the well-known "heavy weight" (it Knox County. On the third ballol Mr. Cochran won the race. It is well known that he tilled this place of trust with great success and to the satisfaction of the members of both parties. While a Republican he looked closelv to the interests of his constituents and made many friends who rejoiced in his elec- tion to the Speakership. On his return home he was nominated by his party for Senator anil polled more votes than his party ticket, which is much in the minority. While in the Legislature he served as a member of the Judicial Committee and was Chairman of the Municipal Committee. Not without a struggle, however, did Mr. Coch- ran attain to success in this life. He was reared in this county, having no advantages for a school- ing and working on the home farm. At the age of seventeen the war broke out. and at this youth- ful age he sought an opportunity to enter in the defense of his country early in 1861, hut was re- fused admission by the Captain of the company where he made application. About one year later he .succeeded in securing a place in the ranks as a private of Company A, One Hundred and Twenty- sixth Illinois Infantry. The regiment was com- posed of young men who possessed the lighting qualities of veterans. Their presence was soon felt in the Smith and they did service at the siege of Vicksburg. The) also participated in the bat- tles of Clarendon. Little Rock, and went on an expedition to Red River to meet Gen. Banks. They afterward continued their march through Arkansas and as they went along diil good service in frightening the enemy out of the country and suppressing the sharpshooters. Young Cochran stood his army life nobly and endured many hardships, hut he was always pre- pared for duty and did his part without flinching. lie was promoted to lie Sergeant, and at the expir- ation of three years was mustered out at Pine Bluff, Ark., and honorably discharged from the service at Springfield, 111., in August, 1865. Al- though he had seen a great deal of hard lighting he had fortunately escaped uninjured and had never seen the inside of a prison or hospital. He had just attained to his majority before his term of cnli>l incut expired, and to i I hist rale the progress he has since made it ma\ he said that when he en- tered the service his enlistment papers hear only his mark, as he could not write at that time. i'or several years after the close of the war Mr. Cochran was engaged in farming pursuits near Lovinjfton, hut his heart was meanwhile with his PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL liF.C ORD. 71.-, books and lie later followed his uatural bent, the study <>f law. lie has a brilliant, daring eloquence which with his sparkling wit make- him an attract- ive speaker. At the beginning of an address he i> ( 1 and calm, bul gradually warms to the subject. In politics he is intensely Republican, bul his per- sonal friendships and influence extend to all parties, lie is a member of the Masonic order and has been honored with some of their highesl offices, having membership with Blue Lodge. No. 288, and Chap- ter No. 171, at Lovington. He has served several terms as Master and has also been chosen High Priest. He is a Knight Templar in the Command- ery at Sullivan. In church and Sunday-school he is an active worker, having been a faithful Chris- tian since the late war. His membership is in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and since 1868 he lias preached when called upon to do so. and has been heard expounding the Scriptures in almost every place of meeting in the county. In Loving- ton he was a member of the Sunday-school for twenty-seven years and was Superintendent for fifteen years of the time. ./"5 The birth of the Hon. Mr. Cochran/occurred near Frankford, Ohio, the oldest town y\i the State. Located in Ross County, November (S) 1844. He came of comparatively poor but highly respectable parentage, his ancestors being people of steady habits and moral character. His father, Andrew ( i» -In an. was a native of Pennsylvania and a -mi of another Andrew Cochran, horn in the same State. It appears that the family had lived in the Key- Stone State foi many years and came of a mixed stock, strongly adhering to'the Pennsj lvania Dutch ancestry. The elder Andrew Cochran grew to man- hood upona farm and was married to Miss Mar- garet Hewitt, whose love he had won by his heroism The Hewitt family was once trying to cross a swollen river and all seemed destined to he drowned in the rapidly (lowing stream, bul young< ochran showed his natural bravery and rushed to the rescue. By heroic effort he saved the life of two Of the daugh- ters, the remaining members of the family having already been borne down the rushing river. A marriage to one of the daughters soon followed and proved a happy union. The brave young Cochran ami hi- wife began life i i' iii this world's m is imt labored together for some years in their first home. Desiring to better their condition they resolved to go to the wilds of what was then the new country of Ohio. At an early day they settled in ROSS Countj and there opened up a new home in the woods where they died at a ripe old age. They were Christians and reared an honorable family. The son Andrew was "iil\ a small boy when his parents -tailed out in Uoss County and there he grew to a stalwart manhood, lb- married into a good family, his wife. Jane Foster, being one of a pair of twins. The other twin is now .Mrs. Isabell Gregory, and survives at the age of eighty five years, being quite active and hearty. After their six children had been bom to Andrew Cochran, Jr., and his good wife, thej decided to follow the example of their ancestors and locate in a new country. In 1849 they gathered together their worldly goods, and with wagons and teams started for Illinois, camping by the way and the father and sons sleeping at night under the eanopj of the heavens. Aftei a somewhat long and tedi- ous journey they landed at their destination and pitched their tents not far from Lovington, where the father secured a small farm. There the father and mother lived and labored until their death. The good wife and mother passed away in Novem- ber, 1881, and had reached a g I old age. having been born in 1806. The father who was DOIT) in 1808 survived until January .">. 1889, and passed from earth on the same day that his son was to start for the. state capital to accept his office of trust as the representative of the people of Shelby County. He had been a life-long Democrat and cast hi- only Republican vote when he gave his suffrage to his son W. G., who had grown up a Re- publican in his political faith. Andrew Cochran was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church but in the absence of that church here, joined the Methodist Church. Of the six children our subject was next to the youngest. Two of the daughters are now deceased. The survivors are Isabell, wife of William C. fos- ter, of Decatur; Charles, a farmer on the old (och- ran homestead; Andrew \\\. a farmer in this county; and our subject. The wife of our subject 716 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. bore the maiden name of Charlota Keyes and was born in Ohio, her parents being Virginians. The father, .lames Keyes, was a farmer anil died in Loveland, at a good old age. Mrs. Cochran was reared and educated principally in Sullivan County and has made a good wife to her worthy husband. to whom she lias home six children. Prudence is deceased. The survivors are — Oscar, a successful teacher in this county; Grace M.. a graduate of Lovington High School; Archie 1>.. Arthur G., and Laura ('.. all of whom are under the parental roof and are bright, intelligent children. ^§>^<^ )«^2>110MAS BINKLEY. Amid the fertile farm lands of Lovington Township is a tract of eighty acres belonging to the gentleman abovenamed and devoted by him to general farming. It is pleasantly located on section 21. and is embellished with every necessary structure. To say thai the owner is one of the most prominent farmers in the community gives hut a slight idea of the respect he commands, for he is looked upon as one of the most intelligent citizens to whatever class they may belong. A good neighbor and a reliable business man. he also merits the gratitude of all who are pleased with the advance of civil- ization in this section. Mr.Binkley comes of substantial forefathers. His father. Daniel liinkley. was a native of Perry County, ( )hio. and was a chair maker by trade. The mother, whose maiden name was Catherine Zartman. was also a native of Perry County. The worthy couple passed their entire wedded life in Ohio w here the father died in lMIIX; five years later the mother came to Moultrie County, and died in Lovington Township in 1880. Our subject was the only -on in the family, and he had one sister, \mclia A., who became the wife ofB. M. Clark and died in Lovington Township in 1881. The birthplace of our subject is Perry County, Ohio, and his natal day August 25, 1838. His youth was pa-sed uneventfully in conning his lessons at i In- district school and gaining practical knowledge of the way to conduct a farm. He began the battle of life for himself at an early age and when he was able to establish a home of his own he was married in his native county. September 20, 1868, to Miss Matilda, daughter of John and Charlotte (Jonas) Fisher, natives of Perry County. Ohio. Mr. Fisher followed the occupation of a farmer and died in Perry County, where also his wife passed away. A large family of children had been born to them, ten in number, and Mrs. Binkley was the second in order of birth, having been horn in Perry County, Ohio, September 10, 1839. After his marriage our subject located in Perry County, Ohio, where he engaged in farming. They made their home in the Buckeye State until 1873, when they removed to Moultrie County. 111.; after- ward they removed to Piatt County, whence after a residence of six years, they returned to Moultrie County and located in Lovington Township. Fnto him and his estimable wife thirteen children have been born, ten of whom are living, as follow-: Amanda (.. the wife of George F. Foster; Amelia A., who married Charles Redman: Acta ('.. the the wife of Irving Houseworth; William F... Char- lotte. Oscar. Liberta, Daniel 1!.. Walker O. and Lambert. The three deceased died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. liinkley are consistent members of the German Reformed and Lutheran Churches and are active in every benevolent enterprise. He has served the people in several offices, among them that of School Director. He has always fol- lowed agriculture and his successful and honorable career is worthv of emulation. ILLIAM A. WEBB is the popular druggist at Dalton City, Moultrie County, and in iA/ " V the compounding of medicines and reme- dies, is considered very expert. He is a dealer in grain, buying from the country around, which is rich in its cereals, and finding a ready market with the large grain buyers of Chicago. Our subject has been engaged in business at the same stand since IST-'i. at which date he became associated with ( leorge Ferro, under the firm name of Webb & Ferro, dealing at tirst in the general mercantile business, PORTRAIT AND Bit K iUAl'IIK AL RECORD. r 17 and also in the grain business. He has remained constant to his post of business ever since, and is now one of the oldesl business men in the place, and the leading grain merchants iu the town. Mr. Webb is :i native of Kentucky, being born in Boyle County, May 27. 1841. He is :i son of William II. and .lane (Moore) Webb, natives of Virginia and Kentucky respectively, but married in the latter State. In 1837 they emigrated to Parke County, hid., and lived on a farm tor a short time. Thence they removed to Greencastle. In lS.j!l they removed to Decatur, 111., and there became proprietors of the Oglesby House, now known as the St. Nicholas. In 1862 they removed to Mason, having traded the hotel property for :i farm. Our subject's father subsequently retired from the active business of agricultural life, and made his home in the village of Mason; he there died in 1874. His wife had expired some years previous while residing in Decatur. Our subject is one of a family of eight children, all of whom lived to he grown. Byname they are as follows: Lucy. Margaret, Theodocia, Richard, .lane II.. Lewis F.. William A. and Edward S. Margaret married Joseph Ferguson, and is now a resident of Wichita. Kan.; Theodocia became the wife of William II. Baird, of Mason. III.: Lewis re- sides al Mason. The father of our subject was a Whig in his political preference, and during life was the incumbent of several local offices, lie served as Justice of the Peace for several years. In his religious preference he isa member of the Metli- Odisl Episcopal Church, in which he was a (lass- Leader, and throughout life a liberal supporter of the Gospel work. William Webb passed his early life in his father's hotel and on reaching his majority he entered the grain trade at Mason and contined to be thus em- ployed until he came to Dalton City, at which place he became one of the first merchants. lie sold (int his interest in the store to Mr. Ferro and gave his entire attention to his grain trade, lie was also for four years station agenl at Dalton. lie aiso dealt in live stock, and in 1891 established his drug business. Mr. Webb was married id 1*7 1 to Mi- Retta I'.. Jeffries, of Philadelphia, Pa. The lady is a daugh- ter of Thomas -I. Jeffries, a machinist and a manu- facturer of car springs in the above named city. Mr. and Mrs. Webb arc the parents of • child. Politically our subject is a Republican, having been brought up to that party and plat form, and having imbibed the theories as held b\ the Republicans by inheritance and youthful association as by cool judgment. Our subject ha- at different times held various local offices. Socially he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In the line of hi- business he also deals quite largely in agricultural implements and machinery. _=] £+£ 1=3 ON. FRANK SPITLER. This well-known T member of the legal profession has made his home in Sullivan, Moultrie County. since March 1885, and is devoting himself to his practice in partnership with Isaac Hudson. This firm, which was established in August, 1888, has gained prominence throughout Moultrie and the adjoining counties and conduct its business successfully. Mr. Spitler has been associated with other lawyers since he became a member Of the bar. being formerly in partnership with ex-Judge II. M. Miner, now in the West, and prior to that with A. C. Monser. now of California. Mr. Spitler was born in Marion ( ounty, III.. January 2s. 1853 ami is the son of .Indue T. A. and Gilly K. (Kelley) Spitler. The father was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, and the mother in South Carolina, and they both arrived in Illinois in 1840. The following year lhc\ were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, in Marion County, where they followed the business of farming in Alma Township. Then the father is yet living at the advanced age of seventy years; he has always been an active worker and is still hale and hearty for one of his age. He was a stanch old-line Democrat and served his party faithfully and well on many occasions, during his younger year-. For some years he was supervisor of the township, discharging the duties of the office to the satisfaction of his constituents. lie was also for a time Associate Judge of the county, and is now held in excellent repute on ac- «_ Tl.s PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. count of his fine character, general intelligence and useful life. He is a consistent member of the Bap- tisi Church, as was also his wife. ( tn December 31, 1888, the mother of our sub- ject passed from the busy scene- of earth, and the New Year, which brought to all of earth's children their joys and sorrows, brought to her a realization of the "Great Beyond", she was nt the time of her demise sixty-six Vitus old and had become the mother of fifteen children, eightof whom survived her. A good woman, her life was devoted to her husband and children, and it was her great object to prepare her suns and daughters for responsible positions in life. Her eldest son Henry. was a sold- ier in the Civil War, serving as a Sergeant in the line Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Infantry, and belonging to Company K. lie died in the hospi- tal in Kentucky. Our subject grew to manhood upon his father's farm, engaged in various pursuits which belong to the life of a farmer, lie received a good common- school education, which he supplemented by a thorough course of study at a Baptist College. lie utilized his knowledge as a teacher, following that profession for several years and earning the money to educate himself. He taught School at lientull. III., for three years and wa- afterward Principal of the schools at Odin, 111., for two years. When he commenced to read law. he was a student under Judge Williams Of Benton, 111., and later read with . Indue Pollock, Of Ml. Vernon, .leffcrsiui County. In 1884 he was admitted In practice at the bar, and has since devoted his undivided attention to his profession. In 1888 [he was nominated by the 1 >einocratic parly, of which he is a stanch suppoi lei", to the State Legislature, and represented the Thirty- third District in the Thirty-sixth Session. He was a member of various important committees, among them that of state Institution-, lie served his constituency faithfully and advanced the interests of his ci minum it \ tu the I ie>t of his ability. Mr. Spitler wa- married, March 20, 1888, in Sul- livan, tu Mi— Ma\ McCaig, a native of Ohio, whence she i upanied her parent- tu Illinois and was reared tu wuiuanh 1 in Sullivan. She i- a mother of one child. Clarke. Iii hi- religious views .Mr. Spitler i- a Baptist and adhere- tu every cause calculated to advance the interests of the city so- cially, morally and educationally. He gives liber- ally of his earnings to the church and all public- spirited enterprise-. When it was decided to build a Baptisl Church in Sullivan. Mr. Spitler came to the front anil was an active worker in securing means and helping materially the completing of the -tincture, which is a credit to the people and the city. As a lawyer, he pleads his cases with force and shows his ability as a student; his daily applications, research and practice have given him a wide reputation as a successful counsel and re- liable advocate, which with his personal qualities have attracted to him a large circle of friends and patrons. 4«- «j&> m EDEDIAH II. SILVER was horn in Ilopkin- ton. X. II.. November 3, L823. His father. Jeremiah Silver, was a native of the same state and our subject's paternal grandsire, John Silver. was horn in Massachusetts and removed thence to New Hampshire where he engaged in farming and in 1837 moved to Michigan and settled in Cass County, becomings pioneer farmer. lie made his home during the latter portion of his life with his son-in-law . The father of our subject was reared and married in New Hampshire. He there learned the trade Of mason and followed it in Hopkinton until 1827. and then with his wife and live children and his father-in-law, mother-in-law and two brothers with their families removed to Michigan. They came West with teams as far as Buffalo and then putting all on a steamer, they went tu Toledo, Ohio, and there purchased a small place. They did not re- main at that place, liuwever. hut on the crest of the Westward wave of immigration went to Cass CoiinH Mich., which was then very sparsely set- tled. Indians were still frequent visitors and there were plenty of deer and wild t urkcys. Our subject bought a tract of land and devoted a ureal part of his time to the improvement of his farm. He re- sided there until after the death of his wife and spent hi- la-t day- with his children in Cass County, his decease occurring in 1876. IS * *''***■ **& frt >.■» i #* ^ iW '■■ JfjoL&e. &- an^oj2y^J^o Ley f^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 721 The maiden name of our subject's mother was before him, picturing, no1 onlj his own life inn Sally Hastings, she was born in llopkdbton. N. the events that are making history. Located com- mand died in 1849. Five of her children were fortably on liis farm on section 2f mathematics, and other common branches. When the war broke out he was scarcely more than a boy, bul he was eaget tn fight in defense of the old Bag. Owing tu cir- cumstance.- over which he had no control, however, he was obliged to abandon the thought of enlist- ing until the fall of 1864, when he left the par- ental home, September :'>. to enroll his name as a member of Company A. One Hundred and Forty- fourth Illinois Infantry, under command of (apt. George W. Carr, the regiment being mustered in at Alton, lie was disappointed thai his regiment was detained al Alton to do garrison duty instead of being sent to the front, some of the men being sent to Missouri, so that he saw no active service in the field. lie was SOOn detailed for service in the regiment band, and remained al Alton during the winter of 1864—65. The war closed the follow- ing spring, and he was honorably discharged July It, 1865, and mustered out at Springfield. Returning to his father's faim after hi- exper- ience of life as a soldier. Mr. Naiincr came with the family from his native county to this county in the spring of 1866. lie continue 1 to he an inmate of the parental household mi section "_'l. Penn Township, until he established a home of his own. Securing a- an efficienl helpmate lo preside over it. Miss Mary E. Freeland, then a resident of Milan Town-hip. .Macon ( utility, to whom he was wed- ded in April. 1870. Her father, David J. Freeland, was a native of North Carolina, whence he came to .Moultrie County, this Mate, when lie was a lioy of fifteen year-. lie wa- engaged in farm work in that ami Coles County some years, and then took up his residence in Milan Township, of which he i- nOW one of the mOSl extensive landholder-. lie married for his second wife Martha Sawyer, a nat- ive of ( ole- County, and Mr-. Sanncr is their eld- est child. When he married Mr. Sanner commenced his independent career a- a farmer on a half section of land in Milan Township, and resided on that place lor -ix year-. At the expiration of that time he came hack to Penn Township to take charge of In- lather's farm on section 21. In 1*77 he took possession of his present homestead, a beautiful farm of three hundred and twenty acre-, finely located on section 2;!. Penn Town-hip. He stil- retains his Macon County farm of half a Section' renting that and a part of his farm in Penn Town- ship, and he has a thousand acre- of land in all, including fifteen acres of timber in Moultrie County and town properly in Bethany, lie is extensively engaged in general farming, having his farm well stocked, and he pay- particular atten- tion to breeding fine roadsters of Hambletonian blood. He has a thorough knowledge of the horse, having made a careful study of the animal for vear-. and is an acknowledged authority on all questions pertaining to it. a- but few men observe the good point- of a horse quicker, or delect it- weak parts sooner than he. lie is also a successful veterinary surgeon of twenty-live years standing. A man of an active temperament, an indomitable will and a large nature, our subject ha- won his wav toa high place among our mosi valued and useful citizens. Hi- has been a im-v life, but not by the force of sheer hard work has he acquired his property, his labors having been directed bj a clear, well-balanced intellect, by practical business met hod-, and by excellent powersof discrimination and judgment. In all his dealings he has borne himself with unswerving adherence to the princi- r-24 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. pies of truth and probity, and his reputation is unblemished. The Sanner family is noted fo. their devotion to the Republican parly and our subjed i> nu exception, he being one of the strongest ad- vocates of the Republican policy in this part of the State, and has been since in early manhood he east his lirst Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1864. Socially he is identified with William l'enn tamp. M. VV. A., and he is also a member of Prairie Lodged K. of II. lie is a stockholder in the Prairie Home Building and Loan Association, and all en- terprises t<> promote the growth of the county find in him cordial support. .Mr. and Mrs. Sanner have been truly Inppj in their married life and their home has been glad- dened by the birth of children, of whom they had ten. namely: Charles Wesley, Carrie Belle, Frank- lin Ellis ("ho died in infancy), Samuel Walter, Cyrus David, Orville Arthur. Lawrence Lester, Robert Lincoln. Etta May and .Martha Barbara. ^•j-j.*'^ ETEU s. BOGUS, M. I). Belonging to a family that i- noted for the patriarchal years to winch its members attain, our subjed has proved to he no exception to the rule, for lie lias already passed the mile-post of fourscore year-. and is vet hale and vigorous. His life, which ha- been equally divided between attention to his profession, which was thai of dentistry. and during hi- later years, to farming, has always been so bal- anced as in leave a development and maturity of mind and l >< >< 1 \ unimpeded or unobstructed by ulterior considerations. He is now a residenl of a good farm located on section 25, in Lovington Township, Moultrie County, and so genial and kindly disposed i- lie toward all human beings, as In have gained the love as well a- respect of those with whom he ha- dealings, and lhc\ hope for him many year- still of health and happiness. Peter Boggs' father was Alexander BoggS, who died a victim of the cholera in Germantown, Ind. Hi- mother was Magdelaine Schaffer, who died in Milton, Ind., at the age of one hundred and six years, lacking a few days. The father was of Eng- lish descent, and the mother of German ancestry. After setting up housekeeping, they were the cen- ter of quite a brood of children. Nine little ones grew up under their kind and protecting care, and of these the Doctor was one of the oldest members. lie was horn in Lancaster County, Pa,, October 2, 1809, and he spent the early part of his life in Mi. ploy, being engaged in the acquisition of knowledge and the fitting of himself for collegiate woi'k. When about sixteen years of age be went to Philadelphia for the purpose of studying den- tistry, lie wa- -o fortunate as to lie able to gain Hi. Samuel s. Fitch as a preceptor, and of him he learned the profession to which we should all he 50 grateful for relieving us of pain, but one which is regarded with fear and trembling by the majority of people. On finishing his course of dental stud\ under Dr. Fitch, who pronounced him competent and an expert practitioner he returned to hi.- na- tive State where he lived until 1833 and then re- moved I" Ohio, where he practiced dentistry in all of the larger towns of the State. Thence he went to Indiana, in the winter of 1842—43, and was there also an itinerant practitioner of dentistry, pursuing his calling in all the large towns in the Stale. In 1855 Dr. Boggs came to Illinois and settled on section 25, of Lovington Township, lie con- tinued the practice of hi- profession for several years and indeed has always been ready and willing to alleviate a pain by the use of his forceps. He LS the owner of one hundred and twenty acres of land in lliis place, which he has cultivated up to 1891, when he gave over the active proprietorship of hi- farm to a tenant, and i- now determined thai the remainder of his lite -hall he devoted to the less arduous work of watching the way- and mean- of others as they conduct the necessary work of tin' farm. Our subjed was first married in Baltimore to a lad\ whose maiden name was Alice II. Pennell. a beautiful woman who enriched and sweetened his domestic life, and who offered an encouraging word for every discouragement he met in business trans- actions. Her ancestors came to this country with William l'enn. She hore him three children whose names arc respectively Mary A.. Joseph 1'.. ami PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 72.") Lizzie S. Mary :uit 1 1 deceased. Mrs. Boggs died in Lovington Township in the summer of 1858, and three years after Mr. Boggs was again married in Decatur, 111., in August 1861, to Miss Louisa Gehret, who was born in (enter County, Pa., Augusl 20, 1832. By her he became the father of three children, whose names are Wal- ter I... Carrie F., and Edith A. In his political preferences our subject is and always has been a Democrat, feeling thai the prin- ciples of the old party which were framed ami formed by some of the best and wisest men that the nation has ever produced, cannot have so greatly changed as to have degenerated to any great degree. Dr. Boggs i^ a strictly temperate man ami has never smoked or used tobacco in any form. ^IMM! IQ^- \ AVID C. ( HAM'.. Age tails upon some men like a gracious benediction at the end of the lesson of life. Willi whitened hair and measured tread, the venerable aspect of age is an open book in which even the youngest and most thoughtless can read the story of life, whether the experience has been one of ad- venture, and colored and broidered o'er with romance and tragedy, or whether adopting a fixed principle as a guiding star, the aged man has ever steered his course by its guidance. Our subjecl has just passed his three-score years and ten. ami any one who looks upon his rugged hut serene face can see therein that his has been an experience guided by the principles of rectitude and honor; that no matter how frail the superstructure may now he. that the base and foundation is of adamantine firmness; for character never grows old. David ('. Chase is a native of Indiana. His parents, however, both came from the Empire State. His father was William .1. Chase, and his mother Eunice (Chamberlain.) Chase. They mar- ried in Indiana, and settled immediately after their union in Washington County, where they lived and made the journey of life together until death claimed them for its own. Our subject's father was a shoemaker by trade, although he was engaged to some extent in farininu. but his prefer- ence was for the exercise of the trade that he had learned in youth. Both parents were victims of the cholera, and both passed away in the month of August, lM.'!:i. They had six children and of these our Subject was the eldest. The original of our sketch was born in Wash- ington County. Ind.. May 25, 1821. Left an orphan at the age of twelve, he was Obliged to Struggle as best he could for a maintenance. He went to Lawrence County. Ind.. and there grew to manhood, learning in the menu time the black- smiths' trade, which he followed until l.s.">2. and the imagination pictures the smithy at the meet- ing of the roads, where farmers brought their horses, and over the injured tiro of an ancient vehicle, discussed crops and politics and every subject within the ken of the rural mind, "from Homer down to Thackeray, and Swedenborg on hell." The fact remains, however, stripped of fancy, that our subject succeeded in his work, re- ceiving such returns for his labor as to justify him in taking unto himself a companion and wife, which he did June 2(i. 1845, in Orange County. Ind. IIi> bride was Miss Hannah Hostetler. a daughter of Christian and Elizabeth (Hardman) Hostetler. They had nine children. Mrs. Chase was the seventh in order of birth; she was born in Or- ange County, Ind., December 1,1823. In 1852 Mr. Chase anil his wife came to Illinois, and settled in Colo County, there living until January. 1853, when they came to Lovington Township, this country, since which time he has here been a resi- dent. He lived on his farm which he had pur- chased upon first coming here, until the fall of 1S8/). when with his family he removed to the village of Lovington. He now rents his farm, which comprises one hundred acres of good land, and it brings him in a very good income. Three children have grown up about our subject and his wife. Elizabeth E. is the wife of Thomas Spilker; Francis M. married Miss Margaret Morthhvnd; and David C. took to wife Mis> Mary Haley. Three children died in infancy. since coming to this state. Mr. Chase has fob 726 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. lowed agricultural pursuits, and has been reason- ably successful iu liis chosen calling. In politics he has ever taken an active interest, and is an ar- dent adherent of the Democratic party, having very positive views in regard to the efficiency of the governmental principles and rule of that power. Mrs. Chase, who is a kindly and intelli- gent old lady, has been a member of the Christian Church since girlhood. Her husband is a Dniver- salist in his belief. Mrs. Chase is a sister of Noah Hostetier, of Lovington, Of whom a more ex- tended history can he found in another part of this volume. 4«- OLLAND S. GRIFFITH. The owner of a fine farm in Todd's Point Township. Shelby County, 111. The gentleman whose name is at the head of this sketch was horn in DeWitt County, this State, January :i. 1867. He is a son of Baard Griffith, one of the noble pio- neers of the State, of whose lalior and struggles with early difficulties the present generation is in the enjoyment of the advantages that are the nat- ural resull thereof. Our subject's father was a native of Pickaway ( ounty, Ohio, and was there reared and educated; there also lie met and married his wife and soon afterward removed to Illinois. Theirfirst home in this State was in .Macon County and thence they moved to DeWitt County and located a tract of Government land residing upon it for two years. It was advantageously located being only eight miles northeast of Clinton; here our subject was horn. Mr. Griffith Sr. was a very enterprising man and possessed of excellent judgment, and en- tirely suited to cope successfully with the difficul- ties of pioneer life. He entered and purchased other land iu the county and became quite exten- sively interested in real estate in Kansas, where he became the owner of one hundred acres in Chase Count} and also became interested in the stuck business there. In 1880 our subject's father accompanied by his family, started overland for Kansas and in that manner traveled quite extensively through that State making a residence of one year upon his land there. In 18K2 the family returned to their home in DeWitt County and there remained until the death of the father, his decease occurring No- vember 16, 1890. The widow and the mother of our subject was. before her marriage, a Miss Sarah Reed; she was a native of Ohio and still makes her home in DeWitt (ounty. She is the mother of five children who are still living. They are Pyard. Dell. Holland, our subject, Nellie and Melvin. Holiand Griffith was reared on the home farm and early learned the duties incident to farm life. He attended school in the neighboring district and assisted with the farm lalior in the intervals, lie made hi- home with his parents until twenty-three years of age and then settled on the farm where he now resides. It is a beautiful tract on section HI. Todd's Point Township, and comprises one hundred and sixty-four acres of good and arable land. Here he devotes himself to general agricul- ture and his efforts thus far have been crowned with a pleasing degree of success. &&&4S!M&-e= Adams, John 23 Adams, John Q 39 Adams, s. M 431 Adamson, E .414 Adkins. Rodnej 292 Akins, William 11 596 All. -ii, A F 239 Allen, Edgar 597 Altag.C. 11 S72 Ames, Truman E .11" All' I * ■ I ^ ■ in, S:i iiin.-l 556 Anderson, S. S 382 < Armstrong, W. F 187 Arthur, (.'hosier A 99 lughinbaugh, W. H 288 B Bail, E. T 233 Baker, George 50(i Baker, Hon. Joseph .... Bales Joseph M :.":i Ballard. George NV 615 Banks, Thomas 627 i: .ii . er, ii. w 702 Hanoi i, James 232 Bates, William A 687 Bauer, J- F 588 Baumgarten, Lewis 278 Bean, J. K :ms Beckett, K.-v. A. H 694 Beckett, William 684 Beery, John W 288 Bernhard, H 507 Berry, Josiali 402 Berry, Marion 442 Beveridge, John L 171 Binkley, Thomas 7U; Birkett, S., Sr 712 Bissell, William H 151 Bivins, W. K B19 Bland. Eugene "05 Boggs, P. S„ M. D 724 Bond, Sbadrach Ill Bowman, A. H i.;i Bowman, J. A 501 Bowman, Samuel 4 hi Boys.G. W 689 Boj s, ■!■■ s 645 Brabham, John P 257 Bradley, J. E 511 Brehmer, W. J . .t;:n: Bridgman, Henry 440 Brown. I .'. W :(41 Brown. John (' ;,-_".i Brown, J. w W 576 Brownback, s. H 642 Bruce, J. D 196 Briinmier. Jacob 154 Buchanan, James 57 Busharl . John :r,i c ' ampbell, Hon. A. C 692 ( 'annon, K. E 121 Carry, James W 631 Carlin, Thomas 135 Carnes, William 544 Carpenter, H. c 171 I arr.C II , M. D 397 Carr, J. w Carr, W. V 32:) Chase, Dai idC 725 Cheever, Byron 387 Chesshire, Joseph 387 Chipps, Abia 20" Clark. John 708 Clark. W. J 196 I 'levoland. s. Grover 103 Clore, Allen if,- I 'orliran. Hon. W, G 711 Colt s, Edward 115 Collins. A. 1\.,M. Ii :.71 Cook.E. H 218 1 lorlej , Rev. X 663 Covey, w. r; 704 1 'o\\ I.-, < lharlea 578 Cowle, John W 568 Creech, A. S . . ."21 Craig.A. L .".in Craig, John 1: 155 Croudson, c. W 317 1 Irowder, n M 100 Crow del', John A .681 Crowder, Rev. J: s II ...:',7s 1 Irowder, M. M 1113 Crowder, Thomas H 157 Crawl, Henry 238 Cllllom, Shelle, M 17.-> Curtis, Miron .177 Cusaac, J. M 291 Cutler, ('apt. E. B 530 D Daugherty, John I) 594 I 'a\ is, George S 517 Da\ is. II. A 122 Daj . II. F 195 Des Larzes, E. F "in Dick, Charles W 351 Diddea, Peter 711:1 Diepholz. Henry :::;n Dixon, John, Sr G85 Doehring, F Honias, A 537 Donnel, William I. ;:is ll van. J. Ii.. M. II "2" Douthit Re\ . J. I.. 182 Dove, T. 1' 1:17 Downs, James 11 421 Drake, David lit Dumond, Jacob II 359 I In 1 lean. .lames A 535 Duncan, Joseph 131 Duncan, S Durkee, G. A 658 Eberhardt, Mrs. c nil Eby, J. E 634 Eddy, W.J :;li Eden, J. E 244) Eden. Hon. .I,,!,,, R ,,,] Edwards, N'inian 119 Elder, William 3 . ;s Kllars, James ggg Elliott, II. H |g g Erhardt, Mi 1,11.1 .„• ( Evans, L. D •.>:);; Evey, J.S ,_>7u Ewing, William L.D 127 William H 177 Falk.J. W 41,1 Faneher, William "75 Fearman, John A 446 leri.- Q 'ge 686 Fifer, Joseph w is.: Fillmore, Millard 1,7 I ishl 1 . II. C ;.;i Fleming, L. C ... . .297 Fleming, Thomas ,",17 Fluckey, George w ;,is Foltz, A. J |66 Ford , Thomas 129 Foster, A 503 1 'oster, J.- s ,..,; 1 oster, Ellsworth 201 Frantz. "Calvin 505 I re. land. J. A :72 Freeland, Capt. John a 360 Freeland.T. .1 372 Freeman, John 638 French, Augustus C ..113 Fritz. John .1 698 Fry. J. S ,-,sii Fugel . Samuel 711 Fulton. A. H 593 Fulton. B. W ....311 Gallagher, A 473 Gallagher, 11. c 409 Gallagher, N. .1 (93 INDEX. Galster, Jacob 2 19 Gammill, S. F :U3 Garfield, James A 95 Garman, John K "'7!' Garrett. W. H. 641 Gavin, James 341 Gillespie, Anthony 221 Glasscock, J. P 208 (ioetz, John 392 Gollogher. Rev. E 210 i. lwin,Mrs.M.A 235 Gould, F. D 281 Gould, L. A 222 Graham. Thomas H . . .210 Grant, Ulysses s 87 Graybill.J. P 701 Green, Herman til 2 Gregory, J. L 600 Qress, F.X Still Griffith, H.S 72(1 Grisso.G. W 253 H Hamilton, John M 1711 Hamm, Martin . .425 Harbaugh, F. M 620 Hardy, William 552 Harper, Samuel 559 Harrison, Benjamin 107 Harrison, William Henry — 51 Hart, Capt. Henry L ... 261 Hart man, F 631 Harw I, I). X 433 Hayes, Rutherford B 91 Heinz, J. r 429 Hendricks, Alon/o 254 Hendricks, John 248 Hendricks, J, R 530 Henrj , W . .1 424 Hill. William 423 Ilinterly, J 318 111 nl' hi, John 524 llo-al I Q, James 590 Holderman, J. (i :ttj4 Hoi w. C ...391 Homrighous, E 5u:i Homrighous, J. W 604 Hoover, W. K.. M. l> Tckj Horn, Isaac 208 Hosteller, Noah 707 llonsh, .1. M 660 Hudson, Isaae 65] Hull, W.J.. M. It Ho Hughes, John I! 402 Hunter, A .462 Hunter, Preston 520 Jackson, Andrew 4:1 Jackson, W. H 441 Jamison, A 4 III James, W. W 639 Jefferson-, Thomas 27 Jenkins, J. L 307 Jennings, John E 145 Johnson. Andrew 83 Jones, Jacob 379 Jones, James H oil", Jones, J. X 655 K Kaniiz. William :m Kellar, A. L., M.B 053 Kendall, O. L ikji Kern, J. A mo Kesler, Daniel 202 Ktllatn, John T 000 Killam, W. E 625 Kircher, Jacob [9] Kircher. L. J >;<■! Kuhn.C 535 Hull, J. F 277 Knli, Mrs. R 872 Laudgrebe, Martin 352 Lane, CM . ...3111 Lane, M. D 237 I , LrthurG 272 Leggitt, Th as 1 212 Lehn, Joseph ....512 Lenox, John N 263 Lewis, A.J 298 Lilly. S. P .-,(1 Lincoln, Abraham 79 Linvill, J. A 001 Linville, John F 551 Logan, W. F 181 Longeiibaeh, Isaae 721 Longenbaugh, G. W 192 Loving, I'. M 290 L01 ing, J.T 388 Low, David 185 Lowary, H 551 Lowe, M.L 203 I. idlers, John 231 Luttrell, Lot 075 Illicit John B |s| M Madison, James :;l Marl in, Horace 1 079 Martin, I. J 460 Martin, John F 426 Mar J R 177 Mart/., Henry 415 Matteson. Joel A 147 Mattox.J. M 513 Mautz, Daviil 512 Ma lit/.. John F. . .623 Matttz, Philip A 656 Slant/., T. P 583 Mayes, T.E 303 McClung, Robert 368 Met 'hire, .1. R 200 McCluer, X. B 269 McCormick, w. E 283 McCoy.C.H 251 McGuire, J. H 677 Meiiuire, W. P 310 MeKittrick, William 234 McMennamy.B. F.,M. D ...318 McPheeters, A. W 648 McPheeters, Capt. I; P ill McTaggart , A. H 570 Meeker, Hon. J 332 Metsker, W. M 2117 Michael. J. H 543 M 11 Idles worth. A 553 Middlesworth, John W 201 Miller, J. H.. M.D 584 Miller. M. H 515 Miller, Samuel 699 Miller, W, C 270 Moll, Daniel 000 Moll, John 258 M >>■. G. W 523 Mom , James 35 Moithland.K. W 288 Mullen, V. I> 377 .\ 1, J. C 589 Xotl.ronk, William 443 o 1 Iglesby, Richard J 163 1 11. Emanuel oi'7 1 Isborn, A. I in Otta, A 371 Palmer, John M . 107 Parker, Lemuel 635 Parkinson, L 129 Pal iii son. \ 273 Patterson, 0. 11 676 Palleis,,i,. Ii. H 229 Patterson, Jonathan 259 Patterson, William 220 Patton, R. A oi7 Pauchert, F. A 636 Peadro, R. M 522 Peters, S. S ms Pfeiffer, Jacob F 501 Pierce, Franklin 7: Pierce, M. V 41111 Bleak, M. F 599 Pogue, John 120 Polk, James K ;,n Porter, 1 . N 180 Porter, Thomas 211 Potter, William 5211 Pratt, H. A 542 Pugh, John ..630 Pugh, W.J ,;|| Pyatt, K. A.. M. I) 215 R Ragan, William H 281 Rawlings, C. J 000 Rawlings, H. 51 >i Rawlings, John 010 Keber, Joint 1111 Reed, Alfred Reighley. James t t l 432 Reighley. William 463 Keiiner. Samuel I;;c. Reynolds, John 12:; Rhoads, s. M 594 Rhodes, Emerson 3111 Rhodes,.!. W Tin Richards, William M 390 Richardson, (1. W pi;, Rieliey, A. J 618 Rtchey, Isaae :\\ I Riehhart.B. A 709 Rich 1 nan. Henry 228 Rincker, C. F Me Risser. F. W.. M. 11 337 Roane, Hon. Charles I. 327 Roberts, ('. B 212 Roberts, J. S .id Robison. Thomas X 53s Etoessler, Hon. Edward 20.". Roessler, Philip 654 Rogers, tl. F 492 Roller, Joseph 399 Hull, George 633 KntTner, Francisco 271 Sanders. James W., M. 1). . .068 Sands, Aaron 032 Banner, D.G 722 Banner, E. B 217 Sanner.S. 11 156 Satterthwaite, T. J 572 Scarborough, Col. 11.51 112 Sel I. John BIT INDIA'. Schinzler, George 644 Schneider, Michael 227 Schoch, George 052 Schuetz, F 339 Sconce, Mrs. P. H Ii74 Scott, A. R 373 Scott, A. W 390 Scott, J. W (51 Seass, Levi -2117 Smock, Rev. B 55 ( Smock,. 1. J 589 Snell.F.l' 5M Snell, W. H 300 Snyder.M.E 309 Snyder, M., Jr 17s Snyder, '.v. J 5*; Sparling, William H..M. D..450 Spears, Henry . . 616 Spitler, Hon. Frank.. 717 Spitler, L. 51 5G2 Springer,'!'. T .. 678 Stedman, W. E., M. D. 609 Steidley.A. .1 471 Steidley, W. A 621 Steward, J. N 596 Stewardson, H \ 200 Stowardson, i; N 534 Stewardson, Thomas 2*7 Stewardson, William Sr 532 SI, -wart,.!. \ I "I Stewart, J. G 549 Stilhvell. F.J 621 St . inn. John N .262 Storm, L. A 199 Stump, Jacob 691 Swallow, D. P 516 Swart/, John 573 Sweet . I Irson 351 Swengel, John 608 Syfert.Noah 264 TacJ ''it. J. A (94 Tackett, William J 153 Taylor, Nimrod 321 Taylor, w. H 353 Taylor, Zacharj 63 Terry, Reuben 656 Thornton, Hon. Antihony. '-'I" Thomas, .lames 7iO Thunemann, William 565 Titus.J. B 313 Townley.T.T "62 Trainer. Frank 399 Travis,.!, S IG1 Till 1, William F 557 Turner, J. L. IS 629 Turner, James T 547 Turner, L. H 192 Tyler, John 55 Vuihikin, J.H..M. It 181 Van Buren. Martin IT Vaugban , G . W 585 Vermillion, J. W , i25 Vogel, William . 320 Voiles.J. H 193 \ mi is. Hon. < 'harles 323 Voris, George w 567 w Waggoner H 302 Walden, H. X 271 Walker, Joel T 331 Walker, Joseph 327 Walker, William 607 Ward, Alexander 349 Warren. John K I'M Warren. L 204 Warren. M. 11 ..370 Washington, George 19 Weakly, Cyrus,.., 176 Weakly, K. B Weakly, Rev. Henry 561 Weakly, William 333 Webb, B.T I i9 Webb, Vt,A 716 Weeks, John Weidner, Daniel " Welch, James s., M. 1* 230 West, 8. 1) Wnitaker, John 610 White, J. II 157 u hitfleld, Z.B 56(1 Whitworth, William (64 w ilklnson, Bros 162 Winner, T. M 299 Wilson, Samuel.... 313 Winn.G. W 671 Wirey, William 47a W I.ll.c ;-i Wi lod, John 155 « I. J. A 2S9 Wood, J. w 338 Wood, Thomas 194 W , W. X 273 u Tiff, Squire 319 Woodward, C.E 473 Wright, Capt Q 'ge 501 Wright, Hon. s. \v.. Jr 252 \\ > man, Albert 558 Y.uii is, Daniel 3(7 Yantis, George W 59-7 \ a iii is. Samuel '.' I Yant is. Solomon 616 Yates, Richard 159 1msi.1i. M 521 Bowman, Samuel 417 Brown, John C 275 I 'rondson, U. W SIS Crowder, Thomas H 355 Falk. J. W 417 Fleming, I.. C 295 Kull, J. F.. Fulton. A. II 591 Lewis, A.J Fulton, B. W 315 Mayes, T. K. Green, Mrs. a. M MS Otta, A Hogarth, James 59] Reber John 275 295 61 ; ,.375 117 RufTner.F 27". Sanner, E. B 37."> Sentel, Andrew 315 Sweet. 1 ii'smii Warren, I. 295 IXDKX. Ol 5 MMTTB — 5~h!«^3»£HH~J- Adams, John 22 ' Adams, John Q :18 ; Arthur, Chester A 98 Beveridge, John L 1 70 Bissell, William H ISO ' Bland, Eugene (103 " Bland, Mrs. E 002 Bond, Shadrach 110 Brabham, J. P 256 Bradley, J. E 310 Buchanan, James 74 Carlin, Thomas 134 I ( 'arpenter, H . C 170 ' Carpenter, Airs. II. C 470 I'arr, Dr. C. H 396 ( Ihesshire, Joseph :t80 Cleveland, S. G rover 102 Coles, Edward Ill Cullom, Shelby M 174 Duncan, Joseph 130 Eden, Hon. John K 100 Edwards, Ninian . . 118 Ewing, William D. L 126 Fleming, Thomas MO Fifer, Joseph W 182 Fillmore, Millard CO Ford, Thomas .138 French, Augustus C 142 Gallagher, H. C 40fi . Gallagher, Mrs. H. C 107 Garfield, J. A 94 Grant, U. S 80 Hamilton, John M 178 Harrison, Benjamin 100 Harrison, \V. H 50 Hayes, R. B no Jackson, Andrew 42 Jamison, Alfred 448 Jefferson , Thomas ... 20 • Jenkins, J. L 300 i Johnson, Andrew 82 ' Kircher, J 190 ' Lincoln, Abraham 78 1 Logan, W. F 480 Longeubach, Isaac 720 Madison, James 30 Matteson, Joel A 110 ' Mautz, T. P 582 ' Monroe, James 34 Oglesby, Richard J 102 • Palmer, John M, 166 Parkinson, L 428 Pierce, Franklin 7o Polk. J. K 58 Pyatt, Dr. E. A 211 : Reynolds, John 122 Risser, Dr. F, W 330 Roessler, Hon. Edward 204 Sanner, E. B 244 ' Sanner, Mrs. E. B 24.", Schneider, Michael 225 Schneider, Mrs. M 224 "Simmons, Capt. John J 300 ^Sloan, I). J 138 ' Smith, Dr. William A 266 ' Stewardson, Thomas 286 Taylor, Zachary 62 Thunemann, William 504 1 Tyler, John 54 ■ Van Buren, Martin 40 "Walker, Joseph 320 ' Washington, George 18 1 Webb, B. T 4;>s Wood , John 151 ' "l aid is, Daniel 310 1 Yates, Richard 158 ** &o. % 3? j5> 0' <* % \l|l° /^ vv <^ % •1 °^ * » « ° A? 3>* 4 0, ,0 -7-, • I 1 * ***** ■cv s.* .<4!v ** r°' °^ *x° iO-7-, ,,-iq. 'of *** -.,,• cv o. ' «0 -/■ •. « -.V ^>- A* ^ '. 4- * & ***** / ^ ■y ° •» o <- - > -* uSSSSSh. JSTINE CI & %F»- ;20B4 CV ^ ■ -