Glass Book. /59- ANCESTRAL REGISTER OF THE General Society Daughters of the Revolution 1896. philadelphia The Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co. 1897 \W a Entered aocording to Act of Congress, in the year 1897, by General Sooiety, Daughters of the Revolution, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. GENERAL SOCIETY Daughters of the Revolution. Instituted August 20, 1891. Incorporated September 1, 1891. FOUNDER GENERAL, MRS. FLORA ADAMS DARLING. OFFICERS. President. Mrs. HENRY SANGER SNOW, of the Long Island Society. First Vice-President. Miss ADALINE W. STERLING, of the New Jersey Society. Second Vice-President. Miss SARAH E. HUNT, of the Massachusetts Society. Recording Secretary. Mrs. L. HOLBROOK, of the New York Society. Corresponding Secretary. Miss VIRGINIA S. STERLING, of the New York Society. Treasurer. Miss VIOLA D. WARING, of the New York Society. Registrar. Mrs. JOSEPH J. CASEY, of the New York Society. Historian. Mrs. MARIA HUNTINGTON ELWELL, of the Long Island Society. (5) Daughters of the Revolution. Librarian. Mrs. H. COURTNEY MANNING, of the New York Society. Registrar for N. E. Records in Massachusetts. Mrs. CHARLES F. WITHINGTON, of the Massachusetts Society. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 1896. Mrs. Nathaniel S. Keay, Pennsylvania Society. Mrs. Heywood C. Broun, New York Society. Mrs. Henry Beam, Long Island Society. Miss Gertrude Duryee, New Jersey Society. Mrs. William H. Whittingham, New York Society. Mrs. C. Chauncy Parsons, Long Island Society. Mrs. William A. Childs, New Jersey Society. Mrs. Andrew W. Bray, New Jersey Society. Mrs. William S. Mills, Long Island Society. Mrs. Charles Francis Roe, New York Society. Mrs. Francis I Furnald, Jr., New York Society. Mrs. George S. Knickerbocker, New York Society. Mrs. Alice Morse Earle, Long Island Society. Mrs. George H. Hodenpyl, New Jersey Society. (6) CONTENTS. PAGE. 5 7 9 23 36S 367 Addenda 4I g Officers of the General Society Preface Constitution .... Roll of Members In Memoriam .... Ancestors and Descendants - Preface. HE Ancestral Register of the General Society- Daughters of the Revolution contains the names and lineage of all members of the Society during the first four years of its existence, except the names of those who resigned during that period. By resolution of the Board of Managers this mem- bership list includes all those whose application papers were filed before January I, 1896, although these members were not actually received within the first four years. Great care has been taken to make the Register correct and to state exactly the officially recorded rank and services of the ancestors mentioned therein. After the book had gone to press the Society met with loss in the death of several members. The names of these members will be found in the necrological list following the Roll of Members. New York, September 1, 1896. CONSTITUTION. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Ulame. The name of this Society shall be DAUGHTERS OF THE REVOLUTION. ARTICLE II. ©biects. The objects of this Society shall be to perpetuate the patri- otic spirit of the men and women who achieved American Inde- pendence; to commemorate prominent events connected with the War of the Revolution; to collect, publish and preserve the rolls, records, and historic documents relating to that period; to encourage the study of the country's history; to promote senti- ments of friendship and common interest among the members of the Society, and to provide a home for and furnish assistance to such Daughters of the Revolution as may be impoverished, when it is in its power to do so. ARTICLE III. nilcmbersbip. Section I. — Qualifications. Any woman shall be eligible to membership in the Daughters of the Revolution who is above the age of 1 8 years, of good character, and a lineal descendant of an ancestor who (i) was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a member of the Continental Congress, or a member of the Congress, Legislature, or General Court of any of the Colonies or States; or (2) rendered civil, military or naval service under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or of the Continental Con- gress; or (in 12 (3) by service rendered during the War of the Revolution became liable to the penalty of treason against the govern- ment of Great Britain: provided that such ancestor always remained loyal to the cause of American Independence. S ec 2 . — Applications. Every application for admission to membership shall be made in writing, in duplicate, upon a form prescribed by the Board of Managers, and shall state the proofs of claims of the applicant required by the first section of this arti- cle. Applications must be presented, with the initiation fee, to the State Society (where such exists) in the State where the applicant resides; otherwise to the Secretary of the General Soci- ety. Applications must be seconded by at least two members of the General Society, if possible, or by two reputable citizens of said State where the applicant resides, and should be accompanied with a certificate from the State Archives or Federal Pension Bureau (where obtainable), showing proof of ancestor's service. Sec. 3. — Admission. Every applicant who shall have com- plied with the requirements of this article, and who shall have been duly approved by the State Society applied to, or, where none exists, by the Board of Managers, and a duplicate copy of her application papers, with notice of approval, filed with the Registrar of the General Society, shall, upon payment of the re- quired fee, and the issuance of her Certificate of Membership by the Board of Managers, under the seal of the General Society, become a member of the Society. Election to membership of the General Society shall constitute the person elected a member of the State Society, when such shall be organized, in the State of her residence. Sec. 4. — Resignations and Expulsions. A State Society or, where none exists, the Board of Managers may accept the resignation of any member not in arrears for dues or fees to the Society. A member may be expelled from this Society for conduct inconsistent with an honorable character, or disloyal or preju- dicial to the interests of the community in general and the Soci- ety in particular; provided formal charges shall have been pre- ferred against said member, in writing, and signed by not less than five members; and provided, also, that said member shall have received at least ten days' explicit notice of complaint pre- 13 f erred against her, and of the time and place of hearing of said complaint, and shall have been offered an opportunity to be heard in person on the subject of the charges; and provided, also, that the charges have been approved and sustained by a three-fourths vote of a body consisting of a Board of Managers of the General Society and the Board of the State Society of which said accused person is a member. ARTICLE IV. Dues anO Sfccs. Section I. — Initiation Fee. The initiation fee shall be two dollars, and shall be sent by the candidate with her application papers. Where the application is made through a State Society, one dollar of the initiation fee shall be forwarded by it, with the duplicate application paper, to the Secretary of the General Society. Sec. 2. — Annual Dues. The annual dues of the General Soci- ety shall be three dollars, provided that any member who shall have been elected during the last two months of the fiscal year of the General Society shall not be required to pay the annual dues for the current fiscal year. The fiscal year of the General Society shall begin on the first day of April and close on the thirty-first day of March in each calendar year. Members shall pay their annual dues to the State Society or State Chapter in which their names are enrolled, but in States where no State Society or State Chapter has been organized their dues shall be paid to the Treas- urer of the General Society. Each State Society shall have power to regulate its annual dues, but it shall pay on or before April first, from the annual dues, yearly to the Treasurer of the General Society one dollar for each member. Sec. 3. — Life Membership. A payment at one time of fifty dollars shall constitute a life membership, and shall thereafter exempt the person so paying from all annual dues. The fee shall be paid to the Treasurer of the State Society or, where none exists to the Treasurer of the General Society. Where paid to the State Society, the Treasurer thereof shall pay to the Treas- urer of the General Society the sum of twenty-five dollars. Upon receipt of the fee by the Treasurer of the General Society, a proper certificate of life membership shall be issued by the Board of Managers. 14 Sec. 4. — Arrears. Members who are in arrears to the Soci- ety for two years' dues may be dropped by the State Society or, where none exists, by the Board of Managers, if after written notice they shall fail to pay the same after thirty days. A mem- ber who has been so dropped may be reinstated upon application to the State Society or, where none exists, to the Board of Mana- gers, upon payment of all arrears and of the dues which would have accrued had she remained continuously a member. ARTICLE V. ©fftcers. Section 1. — Designation and Term. The Officers of this Soci- ety shall consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, a Historian, and a Librarian. They shall discharge the general duties herein enumerated, and such as may be prescribed by the By-Laws of the Board of Managers. They shall be chosen biennially from among the members of the Society in the manner prescribed by Article VIII hereof. The Officers of the Society at the date of adoption of this Constitution shall hold office until the annual meeting of the Society, in the year 1898. Sec. 2. — President. The President shall preside at all meet- ings of the Society and of the Board of Managers, and shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer, under general parliamentary rules. The President shall have power to call special meetings of the Board of Managers; she shall appoint all Committees not otherwise specially designated; and she shall make a report at the annual meeting upon the condition of the Society. Sec. 3. — Vice-Presidents. In case of the death, resignation, absence or inability to serve of the President, the duties of her office shall devolve upon the Vice-Presidents in the order of their seniority. Sec. 4. — Secretaries. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Society and the Board of Managers; shall register the names of members, keep a list of the 15 applications to the General Society for membership; shall have charge of the seal and of all documents pertaining to her office, and shall affix her signature and the seal of the Society to all cer- tificates of membership, as authorized by the Board of Managers. She shall make a report to the Society at its annual meeting. The Corresponding Secretary shall give notice of the time and place of all meetings; shall inform candidates elected by the Board of Managers of their admission, apprise Committees of their appointments, conduct the correspondence of the Society, and shall give a summary of her work at the annual meeting. Sec. 5. — Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society, and as often as these amount to one hundred dollars she shall deposit them in a bank desig- nated by the Board of Managers, to the credit of the General Society, Daughters of the Revolution; and such funds shall be drawn only on the check of the Treasurer, for purposes author- ized by the Board of Managers. She shall keep a full and true account of all receipts and payments, filing vouchers for all her disbursements, and she shall make an annual report in detail to the Society. Such accounts shall be audited by a committee of three, appointed by the President at the previous annual meeting. Sec. 6.— Registrar. The Registrar shall file and keep in a place designated by the Board of Managers the records of the proofs upon which memberships have been granted, together with all documents, rolls or other evidences of services in the War of the Revolution of which the Society may become possessed. She shall verify all applications, where no State Society exists, and shall append to all application papers a statement of verification over her signature. She shall report to the Board of Managers, at each regular meeting, a list of members admitted to the Society since the previous meeting, with the proofs upon which membership has been granted; and she shall make a detailed report to the Society at the annual meeting. Sec. 7. — Historian. The Historian shall keep a record of all historical and commemorative celebrations of the Society, and of all matters of historical importance to the Association. She shall edit for publication any historical documents, muster rolls, or letters of which the Society may become possessed and which it may decide to publish, and shall furnish to such periodicals as the Board of Managers may designate all matters of information 16 pertaining to the Society; and she shall make a report in detail at the annual meeting of the Society. S ec> 8, — Librarian. The Librarian shall have full charge of all books and relics belonging to the Society, and of all documents not otherwise provided for, and shall keep the same for the use of the Society. She shall make a report to the Society at its annual meeting. Sec. 9. — There may also be a Chaplain elected by the Gen- eral Society, who shall be a regularly ordained minister, a descendant of a Revolutionary ancestor, and who shall perform such duties as usually pertain to the office. ARTICLE VI. 36oaro of flfianagers. Section 1. — Organisation. The Officers of the Society, and fourteen members thereof, seven of whom shall be chosen by bal- lot at each annual meeting, beginning with the year 1897, shall constitute a Board of Managers. The fourteen Managers hold- ing office at the date of the adoption of this Constitution shall divide themselves by lot into two classes; the term of office of one shall expire in 1897, and that of the other in 1898. Sec. 2. — Powers and Duties. The Board of Managers shall have the general oversight and management of the property and affairs of the Society. Seven members shall constitute a quorum to transact business. The Board shall provide suitable accom- modations for the annual and special meetings of the Society. It shall fill all vacancies arising in offices of the General Society or in its own membership until the ensuing annual meeting of the Soci- ety for the election of such Officers or Managers. It may adopt By-Laws, not inconsistent with this Constitution, for the proper conduct of the Board. Upon proof of defects or irregularities in the admission papers of any member of the Society, the Board of Managers may, at any time, require such member to properly substantiate her claims to membership, and, in the event of her failure so to do, may terminate her membership and require the Secretary to strike her name from the Rolls. 17 ARTICLE VII. State Societies anD ILocal Chapters . Section I. — State Societies. A "State Society," subordinate to the General Society, may be organized in each State and Territory of the Union, in the District of Columbia, and in the Island of Long Island, State of New York. It may be instituted by the Board of Managers whenever there are at least twenty members of the Society residing within any one of the localities above described. The conditions of membership in a State Society and the provisions regulating dues and fees therein, shall be those pre- scribed in Articles III and IV of this Constitution, without altera- tion or amendment. Its membership shall consist of all members of the General Society and of Local Chapters, residing within the State, Terri- tory or locality in which it is organized. Within the provisions of this Constitution, State Societies shall be free to regulate and direct their own affairs. They shall elect Officers, who shall be a Regent, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, and such others as they may establish. They shall judge of the qualifications of their members or of those proposed for membership, subject, however, to the provis- ions of this Constitution. All applications for membership in the General Society by persons residing in a locality where a State Society has been organized shall be made through the State Soci- ety, whose Officers shall examine the applicant's papers, and upon her admission to membership shall certify a duplicate thereof to the Registrar of the General Society. No election of a new member shall be valid unless her eligibility shall be approved by the Registrar of the General Society. The Secretary of each State Society shall file a copy of its Constitution and By-Laws, when adopted, with the Board of Managers of the General Society. Each State Society shall, on or before April first, in each year, transmit to the Registrar of the General Society a complete roll of its membership. The Officers of a State Society shall report to the Board of Managers the organization of all Local Chapters within the State 18 for which it is organized. The State Societies may propose or recommend subjects for consideration of the General Society at its annual or special meetings. Sec. 2. — Local Chapters. Five or more members of the Gen- eral Society, residing within a given locality, may organize a Local Chapter, with the consent of the Regent of the State Soci- ety and the approval of the State Board, with such designation as they may select, and, upon transmitting a certificate of such or- ganization, with a copy of their Constitution and a list of their Officers, to the State Society in the State, District, or Locality where they are organized, or, where none exists, to the Board of Managers, and the approval therefor by the State Society or the Board, they shall be formally constituted as a Local Chapter. The Officers of Local Chapters shall consist of a Chapter-Regent, a Secretary, and such others as they may designate. Local Chap- ters may establish such conditions and restrictions for the admis- sion of members as they shall see fit, except that membership therein shall be limited to persons who are already members of the General Society, Daughters of the Revolution, and that the dues and fees payable by their members to the State or General Soci- ety, under Article IV hereof, shall not be diminished. Sec. 3. — Subordinate Constitutions. This Constitution, when adopted by the General Society, shall take effect forthwith and shall govern all State Societies and Local Chapters of the Daugh- ters of the Revolution heretofore organized. Such Societies and Chapters shall, as soon as practicable after the adoption of this Constitution, conform their Constitutions and Rules thereto and advise the Secretary of the General Society of such action. Until each State Society shall have filed a copy of its Consti- tution and By-Laws, in conformity herewith, and of any amend- ments thereto which may hereafter be made, with the Board of Managers of the General Society, and until the approval thereof by the Board of Managers, such State Society shall not be entitled to its delegate representation, hereinafter provided, in the annual or special meetings of the General Society. Sec. 4. — No Officer of the General Society, or State Regent, or Chapter Regent, is authorized to issue circulars in regard to the General Society or the organization of Chapters without approval of the Board of Managers. 19 ARTICLE VIII. /Iftectings an& Elections. Section I. — Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the General Society shall be held in the City of New York, or at such other place as shall have been designated by a majority vote at the preceding annual meeting. It shall convene on the 23d and 24th days of April, at an hour and place of which due notice shall have been given to the delegates by the Corresponding Secretary of the General Society. When either of these days shall fall upon a Sunday, the meeting shall take place upon the two secular days following such Sunday. At the annual meeting, each State Society shall be entitled to a representation consisting of the following delegates, viz.: Its Regent and Vice Regent, the Chapter-Regent of each Local Chapter, and one delegate for each Local Chapter containing twenty members or under; additional delegates to be elected in the proportion of one delegate to every twenty-five members. Such elected delegates, and an alternate for each delegate, shall be chosen annually from the membership of the State Socie- ties, and a certificate of their election as such delegates and alter- nates shall be duly transmitted by the Regent and Secretary of the State Society to the Secretary of the General Society at least ten days before the annual meeting. The Officers and Managers of the General Society, except where constituted delegates, as above prescribed, shall have a voice in the annual meeting, with- out being entitled to vote; but the President may vote in case of a tie. The meeting shall be the judge of the credentials of all delegates, and twenty-one delegates shall constitute a quorum. All members of the Society may be present at the annual meeting, but shall have neither voice nor vote. The session of the first day of the annual meeting shall be devoted to business of the Society, including the receiving of annual reports and the election of Officers and Managers. The session of the second day shall be social and literary in character. The meeting shall have power to adjourn its sessions from day to day for not exceeding thirty days. Election of Officers and Managers shall be by ballot of the delegates. The polls shall be open for three hours, or until every delegate has had sufficient opportunity to cast her vote. Dele- 20 gates unable to be personally present may, if their right to attend has been properly certified, as above prescribed, and if not repre- sented by an alternate, vote for Officers and Managers by proxy, properly signed and witnessed, to the Secretary of the General Society, or to any other delegate. The election of Officers shall be determined by a majority vote. Managers may be voted for upon one ballot, and the seven members receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. Sec. 2. — Special Meetings. A special meeting may be called at any time by the Board of Managers, and it must be called by the Presiding Officer upon the written request of fifty members of the General Society. The President must appoint such meetings to be held within sixty days after the date of such call. Such request, and also the call for the meeting, shall state specifically the nature of the business for which the meeting is convened, and no other business than that named in the call shall be trans- acted. Notice of a special meeting must be mailed thirty days before the date thereof by the Corresponding Secretary of the General Society to the Regent and Secretary of each State Soci- ety and to the Chapter Regent of each Local Chapter. The membership and quorum of special meetings shall be constituted in the same manner as that of the annual meeting. Sec. 3. — Order of Business. At all business meetings of the Society, the following general order of business shall prevail: Meeting called to order by the Presiding Officer. Roll call of delegates. Action upon minutes of previous meetings. Reports of Officers. Communications from the Board of Managers. Reports of Special Committees. Unfinished business. Elections. New business. 21 ARTICLE IX. XLhc Seal. The seal of the General Society, Daughters of the Revolu- tion, shall be as follows: Within a circle 2,\ inches in diameter, a beaded annulet, the title: "Daughters of the Revolution, 1 776-1891," and a rope ring, all surrounding a shield; paly of thirteen argent and gules, a chief azure. Crest: an eagle displayed, holding in the dexter claw an olive branch and in the sinister a bunch of thirteen arrows, all proper. Below the eagle and extending in curves to dexter and sinis- ter a scroll bearing the legend: "Daughters of the Revolution." Motto: Liberty, Home, and Country, 1776-1891. The seals of State Societies shall correspond in all respects to the seal of the General Society, except that, for the words "Gen- eral Society" shall be substituted the name of the State Society, and for the date "1891" the year of organization of the said State Societv. ARTICLE X. Gbe Unstgnta. The insignia of the Daughters of the Revolution shall be a badge of gold and blue enamel and shall consist in design of a 22 shield bearing the thirteen stars and stripes, above which is the ribbon bearing the title of the Society, "Daughters of the Revolu- tion;" crossing the lower part of the shield is the ribbon with the adopted motto: "Liberty, Home, and Country," with the dates "1776-1891." Surmounting all this is the eagle with outstretched wings and grasping the olive branch and arrows, all of gold. The extreme length is i\ inches, and the extreme breadth 1 inch. The reverse of the badge shall be plain, and inscribed upon it the name and number of the owner. The badge shall be suspended from a ribbon of buff, edged with dark blue, ribbed and watered, 1^ in- ches wide and i| inches in displayed length, and when worn by a member of a State Society may be suspended from a gold bar bearing the name of the State. The insignia shall be worn by members on the left breast, but members who are or have been Officers of the General Society may wear the insignia suspended from the ribbon around the neck. The custodian of the insignia shall be the Treasurer of the General Society, who shall issue them to members of the Society under the direction of the Board of Managers. The above-described insignia shall not be varied by any State Society or Chapter, nor shall these devise any additional insignia, and no member shall wear any other insignia of the Daughters of the Revolution than that described in this article, it being the aim of the Society to have one uniform badge, national and not local, recognizable as such throughout the extent of our common country. ARTICLE XI. amendment. This Constitution may be amended at the annual meeting of the Society by a three-fourths vote of the delegates, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment, signed by at least ten pro- ponents, shall have been delivered to the Corresponding Secre- tary of the General Society and mailed to each member of the Society at least thirty days before the meeting. ROLL OF MEMBERS. ERRATUM. Page 275. William Wordin, Jr., is the ascendant of Mrs. James A. Ross, No. 64, page 274. ROLL OF MEMBERS. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1892 Abbott, Abby F. Hamlin (Mrs. Lyman Abbott), 167 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Francis Faulkner, Massachusetts (1728 ) ; Colonel Middlesex Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February, 1776. 1895 Abbott, Ellen Jeanette (Miss), 1257 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Cochrane (1752-1837) ; Private, Cap- tain Josiah Crosby's Company, Colonel Sullivan's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, April-December, 1775 ; Private, Captain Daniel Wilkins's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, February, 1776-January, 1777 ; Private, Captain Scott's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment, February, 1777-1780 ; Private. Captain Monroe's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment, 1780, enlisted for three years. 1893 Abbott, Fanny Larcom (Miss), 344 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Abiel Abbott (1741-1809) ; Muster- master and Paymaster with rank of Captain, Colonel Nahum Bald- win's Regiment New Hampshire Militia raised to reinforce the Continental Army at New York, September 16, 1776-1777 ; 2d Major, 5th Regiment New Hampshire Militia, December 11, 1776; Major, Colonel Moses Nichols's Regiment raised to reinforce the Continental Army at Ticonderoga, June 29-July 8, 1777 ; 1st Major, 5th Regiment New Hampshire Militia, March 30, 1781 ; Member New Hampshire Provincial Congress, 1777, 1779-1780. (25) Date of J ocie v. ty Admission. Number. 1896 Abbott, Frankie Whipple (Mrs. Charles E. Abbott), 1614 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Hanson, New Hampshire (1759- 1830) ; Private, Captain David Place's Company, Colonel Read's Eeo-iment New Hampshire Militia, January-December, 1776 ; Private, Captain Amos Emerson's Company, Colonel Joseph Cilley's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, January, 1777-December, 1779 ; Private, same, January-December, 1780. 1893 Adams, Clara B. (Miss), 313 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Ephraim Adams, Massachusetts (1727- ) ; served on various committees in New Ipswich, Mass., from 1775-1781 ; Private, Captain Smith's Company at the Battle of White Plains, October 28, 1776. 1894 Adams, Ella L. Sterling (Mrs. George Emery Adams), 584 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Thaddeus Sterling, Connecticut (1749-1837); Private, Captain Caleb St. John's Company, Colonel Silliman's Reg- iment Connecticut Militia, 1776 ; March, 1777-December, 1777 ; February, 1778-January, 1779 ; March-December, 1779 ; Private, Captain Abraham Gregory's Company, Colonel Stephen St. John's Regiment Connecticut Militia, March-September, 1781; Quarter- master 3d Regiment Light Horse, Connecticut Militia, Major Daniel Starr. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Sterling, Connecticut ; Private, Captain Nehemiah Bradley's Company, Colonel David Waterbury's Regiment, Connecticut Militia, May 13-October 17, 1775 ; Private, Captain Nathan Gilbert's Company, Colonel John Meade's Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, October 5-30, 1777. 1891 Adams, Flora K. Jones (Mrs. Hardin B. Adams), 106 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Selkrigg, Connecticut (1756 ) ; Private in "Lexington Alarm" and at the Battle of Bunker Hill; Private, Captain Amos Beecher's Company, Colonel Fisher Gay's Regiment, 1777 ; Fifer and Drum Major, 1779 ; in service until 1781. 27 Date of - Society Admission. Number. 1891 Adams, Florence Labouisse (Miss), 39 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Andrew Adams, Massachusetts (1735- 1833) ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Company, 3d Suffolk County Massachu- setts Regiment. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Rowell, New Hampshire ; Private, Captain Henry Dearborn's Company, Stark's Brigade, 1775; Record of service from 1775-1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Lamb, Massachusetts; Lieutenant, Colonel Henry Jackson's Regiment, Massachusetts Continental Infantry, February 1, 1777-April 22, 1779. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Dustin, New Hampshire (1741 ); Private, Captain Joshua Haywood's Com- pany, Colonel Daniel Gilmore's Regiment, December, 1776-March, 1777 ; Private, Colonel Jonathan Chase's Regiment, commanded by Major Francis Smith, January 27-July 14, 1777. 1895 Adams, Helen A. (Miss), 1109 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Adams, Massachusetts (172-1 ); Minute-man from Medway, April 19, 1775; Private, in service at Boston, September 28, 1778-January 1, 1779. 1895 Adams, Ida Helen (Miss), 1310 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Hopestill Hall, Massachusetts (1742- 1803); 1st Lieutentant of a Company from Dorchester, "Lexing- ton Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Lemuel Robinson's Regiment, January 29, 1776; Captain, 2d Company, 3d Suffolk County Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel B. Gill, January 22, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Burnham, Maine (1737- 1782) ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Arundel Company, Captain Joshua Nason, 3d York County Maine Regiment, March 29, 1776 ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Abel Moulton's Company, Colonel Jonathan Tit- comb's Regiment, May 19-July 18, 1777; Captain, December 14, 1779; killed August 8, 1782, in an attack on an English brig of war in Cape Porpoise Harbor. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Fairfield, Maine (1759-1834) ; Private, Captain Hitchcock's Company from Arundel, Maine; Private, Captain Daniel Merrill's Company, Colonel Samuel Brewer's Regiment, February 17-March 17, 1777, marched to Bennington ; Private, Captain Hitchcock's Company, Colonel Sproat's Regiment, 1777-December 31, 1779; Private, same, January 1-February 1, 1780. 28 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Adams, Julia Henderson (Miss), 1241 New Jersey, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Eobert Adams, Jr., Virginia (1730-1804); Captain of Militia; assisted Colonel William Preston, Colonel James Callaway and Colonel Charles Lynch, in the suppres- sion of a conspiracy formed by the Tories of Campbell County, against the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1780. 1893 Adams, Sarah Root (Miss), 332 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Eliashib Adams, Connecticut (1727-1801) ; Member of Connecticut General Convention, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of John Leland, Massachusetts, (1744-1826); Captain, Colonel Doolittle's Regiment at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Azariah Root, Massachusetts (1728-1777) ; Member Berkshire County Committee of Safety, July 10, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Regiment Berkshire County Massachusetts Militia, April 4, 1777. 1894 Ainsworth, Lacie Bell, (Miss), 537 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathan Ainsworth, Connecticut (1740- 1776); Private, Captain John Green's Company, 11th Connecticut Militia, raised to reinforce Washington's Army at New York, 1776. 1894 Alden, Antoinette Spencer (Miss), 695 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Alden, Massachusetts (1761-1842) ; Patriot, one of the citizens of Needham, Massachusetts, who con- tributed money to raise reinforcements for the Continental Army. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Sweeting, Massachu- setts ; Private, Captain Abiel Clapp's Company, Colonel John Daggett's Regiment, " Lexington Alarm" ; Private, Captain Silas Cobb's Company, Colonel Timothy Walker's Regiment, May 2, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Josiah Smith's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regiment, August 1-September 19, 1776; Private, Cap- tain Trow's Company, Colonel John Hathaway's Regiment; Priv- ate, Captain Isaac Hodge's Company, Colonel George Williams's Regiment, September 25-October 31, 1777; Serjeant, Captain Jos- eph Cole's Company, Colonel John Jacobs's Regiment, June 24, 1778-January 1, 1779 ; service in Massachusetts Militia. [Also, 29 Date of Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Lewis Sweeting, Massachu- setts (1723-1804) ; Private, Captain Abiel Clapp's Company, Col- onel John Daggett's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "LexiDgton Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Member Massachusetts Assembly, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of George Langford, Massachusetts (1755- 1827) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Allen's Company, Colonel John Fellows's Eegiment Berkshire County Massachusetts Minute-men, May 1, 1775, eight months' service ; Private, Captain Simeon Clapp's Company, Colonel David Wells's Eegiment on expedition to Ticon- deroga, May 10-Ju!y 10, 1777 ; Private, Captain Jonathan Wades's Company, Colonel Ezra May's Eegiment, September 22-28, 1777, marched to Stillwater; Private, Captain Joseph Clapp's Company, Colonel Israel Chapin's 3d Eegiment, raised to reinforce the Conti- nental Army, October 16-November 21, 1779; Corporal, Captain Hezekiah Eussell's 2d Company, June 15-17, 1782, against the insur- gents, by order of Elisha Porter, Sheriff of Northampton. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Weeks, New York; Pri- vate, Van Veghten Eegiment New York Militia. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of David Eusco, Long Island ; Associator, Suffolk County, Long Island, May 8, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Mark Snow, Massachusetts (1731- ) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Private, Lieu- tenant John Doty's Company, Colonel Ebenezer Sproat's Eegiment, " Dartmouth Alarm," September, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Silas Wickes, New York (1758- 1838) ; Private, Captain Samuel Smith's Company, Colonel Fryer's Eegiment as a guard at Poughkeepsie, 1777; Private, Captain Samuel Smith's Company, Major Paulding's Eegiment at West Point, May, 1778; Private, Captain Smith's Company at Fishkill, September, 1779 ; Private, Colonel Graham's Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia, October, 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jason Whitney, Massachusetts (1729-1805) , Private, Captain Joseph Morse's Company, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775, marched from Natick. 1893 Alden, Julia Louise Babcock (Mrs. Harry M. Alden), 291 New York, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Betts, Connecticut ( 1842) ; Private, Captain Abijah Gilbert's Company, 2:1 Westchester County New York Eegiment, Colonel Thomas Thomas, 1776-1779. Also, great-granddaughter of John Babcock, Connecticut; Private, 10th Company, 8th Connecticut Continental Eegiment. [Also, on Date of ° J oci t ty Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Benajah Brown, New York; Private, 4th Eegiment Westchester County New York Militia, Colonel Thaddeus Crane ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Ebenezer Scofield's Company, 4th Westchester County Eegiment, Colonel Crane; Ser- geant, Captain Samuel Lewis's Company, Colonel Crane's Eegiment, January, 1781. 1893 Alden, Mart Langpord Taylor (Mrs. Charles L. Alden), 233 New York, Granddaughter of George Langford, Massachusetts (1755-1827) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Allen's Company, Colonel John Fellows's Eegiment Berkshire County Massachusetts Minute-men, May 1, 1775, eight months' service; Private, Captain Simeon Clapp's Com- pany, Colonel David Wells's Eegiment on expedition to Ticonderoga, May 10-July 10, 1777 ; Private, Captain Jonathan Wales's Company, Colonel Ezra May's Eegiment, September 22-28, 1777, marched to Stillwater; Private, Captain Joseph Clapp's Company, Colonel Israel Chapin's 3d Eegiment raised to reinforce the Continental Army, October 16, 1779-November 21, 1779 ; Corporal, Captain Hezekiah Eussell's 2d Company, June 15-17, 1782, against the insur- gents by order of Elisha Porter, Sheriff of Northampton. Also, great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Sweeting, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Abiel Clapp's Company, Colonel John Daggett's Eegiment, " Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Silas Cobb's Company, Colonel Timothy Walker's Eegiment, May 2, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Josiah Smith's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Eegiment, August 1-September 19, 1776 ; Private, Cap- tain Israel Trow's Company, Colonel John Hathaway's Eegiment Ehode Island Expedition; Private, Captain Isaac Hodges's Company, Colonel George Williams's Eegiment, September 25-October 31,1777; Sergeant, Captain Joseph Cole's Company, Colonel John Jacobs's Eegiment, June 24, 1778-January 1, 1779, service in Massachusetts Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Lewis Sweeting, Massachusetts (1723-1804) ; Private, Captain Abiel Clapp's Company, Colonel John Daggett's Eegiment, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775; Member Massachusetts Assembly, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Daniel Weeks, New York; Private, Van Veghten Eegiment New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Eusco, Long Island; As- sociator, Suffolk County, Long Island, May 8, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Silas Wickes, New York (1758-1838) ; Private, Captain Samuel Smith's Company, Colonel Fryer's Eegi- ment as a guard at Poughkeepsie, 1777 ; Private, Captain Samuel Smith's Company, Major Paulding's Eegiment at West Point, May, Q1 Date of Society. Admission. Number 1778 ; Private, Captain Smith's Company at Fishkill September, 1779 ; Private, Colonel Graham's Regiment, Dutchess County, New York Militia, October, 1780. 1893 Allen, Caroline P. Yorke, (Mrs. William F. Allen), 209 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Yorke, New Jersey (1742 ) • Quartermaster 2d Battalion Salem County New Jersey Militia, 1777. 1895 Allen, Susan Badlam Boyden (Mrs. Lewis E. Allen), 1337 Kansas, Great-granddaughter of Ezra Badlam, Massachusetts; Lieutenant, " Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Gridley's Regi- ment Massachusetts Artillery, June 25-Pecember, 1775 ; Captain, 26th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Massachusetts Regiment, July 7, 1777 ; transferred to 8th Massa- chusetts Regiment, January 1, 1781; retired August 1, 1782. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Boyden, Massachusetts (1712-1809) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Jeremiah Smith's Com- pany, Colonel John Smith's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lex- ington Alarm;" 2d Lieutenant, Captain Ephraim Chenery's Company, Colonel Joseph Read's Regiment, December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Aaron Guild's Company, Colonel Lemuel Rob- inson's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February 21, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Boyden, Massachusetts (1742- 1808); Private, Captain Seth Bullard's Company, Colonel John Smith's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, ''Lexington Alarm;" Ser- geant, Captain Mann's Company, Colonel Wheelock's Regiment of Militia, April 22, 1777. 1894 Allen, Mary L. Trumbull (Mrs. Henry iUlen), 516 New York, Granddaughter of Asaph Trumbull, Connecticut (1739-1821); 2d Lieutenant, Captain John Isham's Company, Colonel John Ches- ter's Regiment, Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut Troops. 1895 Allston, Nancy (Miss), 790 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Alexander Craig, Pennsylvania; Private, Major Byles's Company 3d Pennsylvania Regiment. 39 Date ef Society Admission. Number. 1896 Anderson, Anna E. French (widow of William Anderson), 1617 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer French, Massachusetts (1731- 1808); Private, "Lexington Alarm;" Sergeant, Captain Oliver Cummings's Company Massachusetts Militia, 1778. 1896 Anderson, Elizabeth Van Winkle (Mrs. Thomas McArthur Anderson), 1473 Washington, Great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Van Winkle, New Jersey (1733- 1778) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Nicausa Terhune's Company, Colonel Theunis Dey's Regiment, Bergen County New Jersey Militia, 1776. 1894 Anderson, Josephine Knight (Miss), 492 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Hoffman, New York (1727- 1808) ; Ensign, Captain Van Benschouten's Companj', Colonel Dirck Brinckerhoff's Begiment New York State Troops, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Brower (1730-1794) ; Private, Captain Brower's Company, Colonel Dirck Brinckerhofi's Regiment New York State Troops. 1891 Anderson Kate Barton (widow of Colonel Smith Anderson), 94 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jedediah Williamson, New York (1757- ) ; Private, Captain Smith's Company, Colonel A. Hawkes Hay's New York Regiment of Militia. 1895 Anderson, Katherine Longworth (Miss), 1419 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Richard Clough Anderson, Virginia (1750- 1826); Captain, 5th Regiment Virginia Line, Colonel William Peachy, January 26, 1776 ; wounded at Trenton ; Major 6th Regi- ment Virginia Line, Colonel Mordecai Buckner, February 10, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Regiment Virginia Line, Colonel Richard Parker, September 14, 1778 ; wounded at Savannah ; taken prisoner at Charleston, May 12, 1780 ; on parole until retired with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Regiment Virginia Line, February 12, 1782. Date of Admission. 1895 33 Anderson, Mary E. Miner (Mrs. Charles Hill Anderson), New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Riley, New Jersey (1758-1837); Private, Captain Allen's Company, New Jersey State Troops. Society Number. 1092 1895 Anderson, Mart Louise Blair (Mrs. William Alexander Anderson), Virginia, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Woodhull, Long Island (1722-1776); Member New York Provincial Convention, April 20 1775; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1775; President same, 1776; Colonel, Long Island Militia, 1775; Brigadier-General same, 1776 ; taken prisoner and wounded after capture at Jamaica Long Island, August 28, 1776 ; died of wounds, September 20, 1776 Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Lawrence, Long Island (1737-1812) ; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1775-1777 Brigade-Major, Queens County New York Militia, 1775 ; Lieuten ant, Captain Nathaniel Tomm's Company, Colonel William Mai colm's Regiment Additional Continental Infantry, January 10 1777-April 22, 1779 ; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel H. K. Yan Rens selaer's Regiment New York Levies, 1779; Captain, Lieutenant Colonel John Harper's Regiment New York Levies, May 11- November 30, 1780; Captain, Sappers and Miners, June 12,1781- November 25, 1782. 1027 1895 Anderson, Sallie (Miss), Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Richard Clough Anderson, Virginia (1750- 1826); Captain, 5th Regiment Virginia Line, Colonel William Peachy, January 26, 1776; wounded at Trenton; Major 6th Regi- ment Virginia Line, Colonel Mordecai Buckner, February 10, 1778; transferred to 1st Regiment Virginia Line, Colonel Richard Parker, September 14, 1778; wounded at Savannah; taken pris- oner at Charleston, May 12, 1780; on parole until retired with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d Regiment Virginia Line, February 12, 1782. 1420 1895 Appleton, Mary F. Schaumberg (Mrs. Rue! Ross Appleton), Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Ephraim Wheeler, Massachusetts (1734- 1809); Lieutenant, Captain Thomas Hubbard's Company of Artil- lery ; record of service from 1775-1780. 945 34 Date of 0lt Society Admission. Number. 1895 Ashbee, Sarah Elizabeth Olmsted (Mrs. William H. Ashbee), 1271 New York, Granddaughter of David Olmsted, Connecticut (1754-1824) ; Cor- poral, Captain Joseph Hait's Company, 7th Eegiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Charles Webb, August 7-J)ecember 23, 1775 ; Ser- geant, Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Battalion Connecticut State Troops, August 22, 1776- January 11, 1777; Captain, Colonel Bezaleel Beebe's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1780; Captain, Connecticut Provincial Eegi- ment, 1781. 1895 Ashley, Susan Eiley (Mrs. Eli M. Ashley), 1359 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Hosea Miller, New York (1736-1815) ; Minute-man of Fulham, New York, December 13, 1775. 1895 Atherton, Louisa S. Dyer (Mrs. Charles Willis Atherton), 926 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of David Cobb, Massachusetts (1748- 1830); Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1775: 2d Lieutenant, Colonel John Thomas's Eegiment Massachusetts Mil- itia, May-December, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 16th Eegiment Massachusetts Continental Infantry, Colonel Jackson, January 12, 1777-December 31, 1780; Lieutenant-Colonel, 9th Massachusetts Eegiment of Line, Colonel H. Jackson, January 1, 1781; Aid-de- camp to the Commander-in-chief, Januaiy 15, 1781-January, 1783 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Commandant 5th Eegiment Massachu- setts Line, January 7-June 12, 1783; Brevet Brigadier-Gent ral, September 30, 1783; Member Massachusetts State Society of the Cincinnati. 1894 Austin, Caroline F. Sayers (Mrs. Joseph Austin), 614 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Sayer, Ehode Island (1747-1781) ; 1st Lieutenant, Ehode Island State Eogiment of Artillery, Col- onel Elliot, August 19, 1776 ; Captain, December 12, 1776 ; Prisoner of War; died on board prison ship in New York Harbor, 1781. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 * Austin, Jane Goodwin (widow of Loring Henry Austin), 420 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Simeon Samson, Massachusetts (1736-1789) ; appointed Naval Captain by the Provincial Congress of Massachu- setts; Commander of the Brig "Independence," 1776; Commander of Ship " Mercury," 1777-1779 ; Captain of the War Ship » Mars," 1781. 1893 Averill, Mary J. (Miss), 217 New York, Granddaughter of Perry Averill; Private, 13th Regiment Connecti- cut State Militia. 1894 Avery, Mary Henrietta (Miss), 556 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Park, Rhode Island (1735- 1775) ; Captain of a Company of Minute-men from Stonington, Connecticut. "Lexington Alarm"; killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 1895 Bacall, Mabel Conant (Mrs. Charles H. Bacall), 1234 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Tilly Flint, Massachusetts (1759-1842) ; Cor- poral, Captain Ezekiel Knowlton's Company, Colonel Dyke's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, December, 1776-March 1, 1777. 1895 Bacon, Mary Proctor (Miss), 849 Massachueetts, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Wyman, Massachusetts (1761-1816); Private, Captain Heath's Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, June 9, 1780 ; Private, Massachusetts Militia raised for six months' service, October 25, 1780. 1894 Bailey, Annie Davis (Mrs. John Marshall Bailey). 731 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Davis, Massachusetts (1747-1S03); Private, Captain Benjamin Perkins's Company. Colonel Moses Little's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April, 1775 ; served eight months. * Deceased. Date of rft) Society Admission. Number. 1895 Bailey, Anna Maria (Miss), 1321 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Bailey, Massachusetts (1709-1810) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel John Thomas's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May, 1775 ; Colonel, July 1, 1775 ; Colonel 23d Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Massachusetts Eegiment, November 1, 1776 ; resigned October, 1780. 1895 Bailey, Catherine (Miss), 1323 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Bailey, Massachusetts (1739-1810); Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel John Thomas's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May, 1775; Colonel, July 1, 1775; Colonel 23d Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Massachusetts Regiment, November 1, 1776 ; resigned October, 1780. 1895 Bailey, Dora Cady (widow of Eobert Bailey), 949 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Zephaniah Piatt, Jr., New York (1735- 1807); Associator, Dutchess County, New York, 1775; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1775-1777 ; Member New York Council of Safety, 1777 ; Colonel Associated Exempts Dutchess County, New York, October 19, 1779 ; County Judge of Dutchess County, 1781. 1894 Bailey, Josephine A. Schott (Mrs. Frank Bailey), 491 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Hoffman (1720-1808); Ensign, Captain Van Benschouten's Company, Colonel Dirck Biinckerboff's Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Griffen, New York (1758-1831) ; Captain, October, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Dutchess County Militia, January, 1778; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Eoswell Hopkin's Eegiment New York Militia, November, 1779. 1891 Baird, Annie Grant (Mrs. William Torrey Baird), 79 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Henrj^ Bradford (1758-1815); Major, "Vir- ginia Light Horse." Also, great-granddaughter of Moses Grant, Massachusetts (1743- 1817) ; Member of Boston, Massachusetts, Committee of Inspection, Correspondence and Safety, March 10, 1777. q»7 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Bakek, Lucy McCook (Mrs. Chauncey Brooke Baker), 953 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Phiilipg, New Jersey (1744- 1801); 2d Lieutenant, 2d New Jersey Infantry, November 20, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, November 29, 1776; Captain, December 1, 1777; served to close of war; Member of Society of the Cin- cinnati. 1896 Ballou, Annie M. Clapp (Mrs. Frederic Kidder Ballou), 1543 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Clark, Massachusetts (1746-1827) ; Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Locke's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 3, 1775 ; served at Banker Hill. 1894 Bancroft, Mart C. Jarvis (Mrs. Frederic J. Bancroft), 710 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of James Hammond, New York (1727-1810) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st South Eegiment Westchester New York Militia, Colonel Joseph Drake; commissioned October, 1775 ; reap- pointed June, 1778 ; in active service to May 25, 1780. 1894 Bancroft, Mary McLean (Miss), 1023 Colorado, Great-great-granddaugbter of James Hammond, New York (1727- 1810); Lieutenant-Colonel 1st South Eegiment Westchester New York Militia, Colonel Joseph Drake; commissioned Oetober, 1775; reappointed June 1778; in active service to May 25, 1780. 1896 Bancroft, Susan Breed (Miss,) 1457 Massachusetts, Great-gi'eat-granddaughter of Samuel Flint, Massachusetts (1733- 1777); Captain, 8 th Eegiment Essex County Massachusetts Militia; killed at Stillwater at the head of his company, October 7, 1777. 1895 Bangs, Charlotte E. Woglom (Mrs. Bleecker Bangs), 1329 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of John Woglom, Staten Island, New York ; Private, Middlesex County New Jersey Militia during the war. [Also, 38 Date of Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Cole, Staten Island, New York (1737-1815) ; Private, 3d Eegiment New Jersey Conti- nental Line during the war. 1894 Banks, Jessie Ainsworth (Mrs. Louis Albert Banks), 536 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathan Ainsworth, Connecticut (1740- 1777); Private, Captain John Green's Company 11th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, raised to reinforce Washington's Army at New York, 1776. 1894 Banks, Virginia Harriet Warren (Miss), 623 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of William Murfree, North Carolina; Delegate to Provincial Congress at Hillsboro. August 21, 1775; Member of Provincial Congress at Halifax, North Carolina, November 12, 1776. 1894 Bansemer, Caroline Sherman (Miss,) 450 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of Conrad Sherman, Pennsylvania ; Cap- tain, 6th Battalion Berks County Pennsylvania Militia, Colonel Joseph Heister, August 10-September 9, 1780. 1895 Barber, Ehobe Morgan (Mrs. Fletcher Barber), 1035 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Morgan, Connecticut (1723-1777) ; Private, "Lexington Alarm," 1775; Corporal 10th Company, Cap- tain Abel Spicer, 6th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Par- sons, May 9-Decernber 18, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Gallup's Company, Colonel Parson's Eegiment reorganized for Continental service, April-December 31, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Benjamin Lee, (1753-1790) ; Private, Captain Samuel Mather's Company Connecticut Militia, July, 1776 ; Private, Captain Isaac Stone's Company, Colonel Jonathan Latimer's Eegiment, General Poor's Continental Brigade, 1777. 1892 Barclay, Esther Gregory (Mrs. Albert E. Barclay), 180 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Jabez Gregory, Connecticut (1741 ) ; Captain, 9th Connecticut State Militia, 1776-1777. 39 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Bardwell, Lucy Lucretia (Miss), 836 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Bardwell, Massachusetts (1714-1781); Captain, Company of Minute-men from Belchertown, Massachusetts, Colonel Warner's Regiment, August 20-27, 1775 : Captain, Colonel David Brewer's Regiment Continental Line, De- cember, 1775; Captain 3d Company, -1th Hampshire County Militia Regiment, Colonel Elisha Porter, January 9, 1778 ; resigned April 18, 1780 ; Also, great-granddaughter of Jonathan Woods, Massachusetts (1728 ) ; Private, Captain John Cutler's Company, Colonel Luke Drury's Regiment, August 27, 1781 ; discharged November 20, 1781 ; Private Captain Francis Stone's Company, Colonel James Converse's Regiment, "Bennington Alarm," August, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Edward Brooks, Massachusetts (1725-1776) ; Private, Captain Reuben Read's Company, Colonel Jonathan Warner's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" 2d Lieutenant, Captain James Converse's Company, Colonel Ebenezer Learned's Regiment, January 29, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Abner Tyler, Massachusetts (1738- 1819); 2d Lieutenant, Captain James Converse's Company, 4th Worcester County Massachusetts Regiment, April 9, 1778; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Cyrus Rich's Company, 4th Worcester County Massachusetts Regiment, May 31, 1776. 1894 Bardwell, Marian Elizabeth (Miss), 510 Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Bardwell, Massachusetts (1714-1781) ; Captain, Company of Minute-men from Belchertown, Massachusetts, Colonel Warner's Regiment, August 20-27, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel David Brewer's Regiment Continental Line, December, 1775 ; Captain 3d Company, 4th Hampshire County Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Elisha Porter, January 9, 1778; resigned April 18, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of Jonathan Woods, Massachusetts (1728 ) ; Private, Captain John Cutler's Company, Colonel Luke Drury's Regiment, August 27, 1781; discharged November 20, 1781 ; Private, Captain Francis Stone's Company, Colonel James Converse's Regiment, "Bennington Alarm," August, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Edward Brooks, Massachusetts (1725-1776) ; Private, Captain Reuben Read's Company, Colonel Jonathan Warner's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm ;" 2d Lieutenant, Captain James Converse's Company, Colonel Ebenezer Learned's Regiment, January 29, 1776. [Also, 40 o • Date of Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Abner Tyler, Massachusetts (1738- 1819); 2d Lieutenant, Captain James Converse's Company, 4th Worcester County Massachusetts Eegiment, April 9, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Cyrus Eich's Company. 4th Worcester County Massachusetts Regiment, May 31, 1776. 1894 Barlow, Cynthia Dunbar (Mrs. Samuel J. Barlow), 634 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Banks, Connecticut (1754-1818) ; Private, Sheldon's Dragoons, Connecticut Militia, 1781. 1894 Barlow, Mart Agnes (Miss), 635 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of Aaron Barlow (1750-1800); Private, 10th Company, Colonel Waterbury's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1775 ; Ensign, Captain Gray's Company, Connecticut Militia, October 5, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Banks, Connecticut (1754 -1818); Private, Sheldon's Dragoons, Connecticut Militia, 1781. 1894 Barnard, Lucy Gates (Mrs. Henry H. Barnard), 728 New York, Great-granddaughter of Asa Church, Massachusetts (1750-1809) ; Minute-man from Rutland, Massachusetts, 1775; Private, Captain Wheeler's Company, Colonel Nixon's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, March, 1777 ; enlisted for the war ; served also as Quarter- master. 1895 Barnes, Flora Carson (Mrs. John Orville Barnes), 1369 New York, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Edwards, New Jersey (1757-1845) ; Corporal, Captain Benjamin Weatherby's Company, Colonel Oliver Spencer's Regiment New Jersey Troops, May 14, 1777 ; discharged at Morristown, May, 1782 ; served at the Battle of Brandy wine. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Townsend, New Jersey; Private, Gloucester County New Jersey Militia during the war. 41 ,P a t 6 ? f Society .M mls ?i??: Number. 1894 Barnum, Mary Pierpont (Mrs. Theodore F. Barnum), 705 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Oliver Lyman, Massachusetts (1739 ); 1st Lieutenant, Berkshire County Massachusetts Militia, Colonel John Fellows, May-December, 1775 ; Captain, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Lynde Lord, Connecticut (1733- 1801) ; Commissary to furnish supplies for the Connecticut Troops; 6th Militia Brigade ; detached for service under Putnam on the Hudson, October, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Abner Holden, Massachusetts (1722-1805); Private, Colonel Nicholas Dike's Eegiment, "Lexing- ton Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Edward Jackson, Massachusetts (1739-1830) ; Private, Captain John Estabrook's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Elisha Jackson's Company, Major Bridge's Eegiment, " Bennington Alarm," August 12-22, 1777 ; Private, Major Bridge's Eegiment to reinforce the Northern Army, September 22, 1777. Also, great great-granddaughter of Samuel Merriam, Massachusetts (1723-1804) ; Private, Captain Manasseh Sawyer's Company, Col- onel Dike's Eegiment, Massachusetts Militia, December 14, 1776- March 1, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Cowey, Massachusetts (1725 -1801) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Sibley's Company, Massachusetts Militia, July 29-November 10, 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of David Comee, Massachusetts (1763 ); Private, Captain Manasseh Sawyer's Company, Colonel Nicholas Dike's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 14 1776-March 1, 1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Elisha Sheldon, Connecticut (1709-1779); Assistant Governor of Connecticut, May, 1775-June, 1776 ; Member Connecticut Assembly, 1777. Bartlett, Caroline Long (widow of Hon. Bailey Bartlett), New Jersey, Daughter of Moses Long, Massachusetts (1760-1848) ; Private, Cap- tain Carr's Company, 9th Massachusetts Eegiment, under General Lee ; served three years. 1893 Bartlett, Jean Grant (Mrs. Henry G. Bartlett), 301 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Buck, Massachusetts (1758-1852); Private, Massachusetts Militia and State Troops, 1775-1779. 4° Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Bartlett, Julia E. Pettibone (Mrs. David L. Bartlett), 1293 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Pettibone, Connecticut (1711 -1776); Colonel, 18th Connecticut Militia, General Wolcott's Bri- gade, in the campaign around New York ; died in service, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Jonathan Pettibone, Jr., Connecticut; Ensign, Captain Abel Pettibone's Company, Colonel Joseph Spencer's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, May-December, 1775; Lieutenant, 22d Continental Eegiment, Colonel Samuel Wyllys, 1776. 1895 Barrows, Emily Stockbridge (Mrs. John Wright Barrows), 1091 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of David Stockbridge, Connecticut (1749- 1832) ; Corporal, Captain John Thompson's Company, Colonel Leonard's Eegiment Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, marched to reinforce the Northern Army, May-July 8, 1777. 1893 Barton, Nancy E. White (Mrs. T. W. Barton), 343 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of James Glover, Pennsylvania (1754-1844) ; Corporal, Captain Casper Weitzel's Company, Colonel Samuel Miles's Eegiment Pennsylvania Troops, October, 1776 ; Corporal and Artificer, Colonel Brodhead's Eegiment Pennsylvania Troops, 1777-1781. 1895 Bates, Anna Washburn (widow of Joshua Bates), 1215 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Washburn, Massachusetts (1742- 1785); Minute-man from Bridgewater, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Captain by commission ; appointed by Massachusetts House of Eepresentatives 1st Major, 3d Eegiment State Militia, April, 1779 ; Captain 2d Company, 3d Plymouth County Massachusetts Eegiment, March 23, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel Gerrish's Eegiment of Guards, May 1-December 18, 1779. 1896 Bates, Ellen W. French (Mrs. Andrew Bates), 1615 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer French, Massachusetts (1731-1808) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm ;" Sergeant, Captain Oliver Cummings's Company, Massachusetts Militia, 1778. 43 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Bates, Mary H. Barker (widow of George H. Bates), 1422 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Phineas Freeman, Connecticut (1748-1797) ; Private, "Lexington Alarm," April 19,1775; Corporal, Connecti- cut Militia, May 6-October 11, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Morgan's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver Smith's Eegiment, September- November 17, 1776. 1893 Battelle, Frances (Miss), 355 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Battelle, Massachusetts (1754- 1814); Captain of a Company of Minute-men from Dedham, Massa- chusetts, April-December, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Mcintosh's Regiment, 1776 ; Major 1st Regiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel Mcintosh, 1780. 1895 Baxter, Edith M. Shed (Mrs. Joseph Nickerson Baxter), 957 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Shed, Massachusetts (1721-1812); Minute-man at Lexington and Bunker Hill, 1775. 1893 Beach, Bessie Baldwin (Miss), 304 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of John Harrington Beach, Connecticut (1756- 1834) ; Private, Captain Foote's Company, Colonel Andrew Ward's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1777. 1891 Beam, Mary Bames (Mrs. Henry Beam), 62 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Moses Hall, Massachusetts (1750 ) ; Ser- geant, Captain Isaac Hall's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Regiment from Medford, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775; 2d Sergeant, Captain Isaac Hall's Company, Massachusetts Militia, March, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Robert Eames, Massachusetts (1749 ) ; Private, Captain John Nixon's Company, Colonel Abijah Pierce's Regiment from Sudbury, " Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Private, Sergeant Joseph Goodenow's Company in service at Sud- bury, August 6-December 31, 1776; Private, same service, 44 Date of Society Admission . Number. April 16, 1779 ; Private, Major Nathaniel Heath's Company at Sudbury, June 1, 1779; Private in service at Boston, July 31, 1779-October 6, 1780; Corporal, November 1, 1779; Sergeant, August 1, 1780. 1893 Beattie, Mary E. Densmore (Mrs. Hans S. Beattie), 224 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Odell, British prisoner of war, 1776. Also, granddaughter of William Odell (1762-1856) ; Private, Captain Requa's Company, Colonel Hammond's Regiment Westchester County New York Militia, 1778 ; Private, Captain Boyd'8 Com- pany, Colonel Drake's Regiment New York State Troops, 1780; Sergeant same, 1781. 1895 Beck, Hilde Carrie (Miss), 1194 Long Island, Great-great-great-granddaughter of David Strong, Connecticut, (1744-1801) ; Sergeant, Captain David Downs's Company, Colonel Burrall's Connecticut State Regiment, January, 1776; taken pris- oner at the " Cedars," Canada, May 19, 1776 ; exchanged ; 1st Lieu- tenant, 5th Connecticut Regiment, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut Regiment ; Captain-Lieutenant, 1780 , Captain, May 2, 1780 ; retired, 1783. 1895 Beckwith, Marie McCauley (Mrs. Tifft Beckwith), 811 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of William McCalla, Pennsylvania, (1732- 1815); Captain, Plumstead Bucks County Associators, August 21, 1775; Captain 7th Company, 2d Battalion, Bucks County Pennsyl- vania Militia, May 6, 1777 ; resigned March 9, 1779 ; appointed Chief of Forage Department Bucks County, 1779 ; Commissioner of Purchases, 1780-81. Also, great-great granddaughter of William Holt, Virginia, Commis- sary for the American Army during the Revolution. 1892 Bee, Annie Faysson (Miss), 185 Texas, Granddaughter of Thomas Bee, South Carolina (1735-1810) ; Member South Carolina Provincial Congress, 1775; Lieutenant-Governor of South Carolina; Member of Congress, 1780-1782. 45 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Bee, Sophronia Louise Clapp (widow of Albert N. Bee), 1059 California, Granddaughter of Lemuel Clapp, Massachusetts (1735-1819); 1st Lieutenant, Captain Oliver Billings's Company, Colonel Lemuel Bobinson's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 19, 1775; Cap- tain, Colonel Benjamin Giles's Regiment, March 4-25, 1776; Cap- tain commanding Guards in and around Boston under Major-Gen- eral Heath, May 11, 1779. 1895 Beecher, Jessie Howe Bigelow (Mrs. William C. Beecher), 890 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Ivory Bigelow, Massachusetts (1741-1804) ; Private, Captain Daniel Barnes's Company of Minute-men from Marlborough, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Robert Barnes, Massachusetts (1738-1821) ; Private, Captain Daniel Barnes's Company of Minute- men from Marlborough, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775. 1895 Beers, Emma B. (Miss), 1162 Illinois, Great-granddaughter of William Scott, Connecticut (1756-1824) ; Private, 9th Company, Colonel Waterbury's Regiment Connecticut Militia, November, 1775 ; Private, 4th Company, 7th Connecticut Regiment, Colonel Charles Webb, July 16, 1776 ; Private, Captain Hait's Company, Connecticut Line, February 1, 1777 ; Private, Captain Nichol's Company, July 5, 1779. 1895 Beers, Mabel E. (Miss), 999 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Burnham, Massachusetts (1751- 1835) ; Private, Captain Abraham Dodge's Company from Lynn, December 1, 1775; Private, in "Alarm List," Captain David Low's Company, Colonel Cogswell's Regiment, April 30, 1778. 1894 Belknap, Adeline C. (Miss), 557 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Philip Kelch, New York (1753 ); Private, Captain Quick's Company, Colonel Van Schaick's Regiment New York Line ; after eighteen months' service taken prisoner at Fort Stanwix ; imprisoned at Montreal until the Declaration of Peace, 1783. 46 „ . Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Bell, Alice Lyon (Miss), 668 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Cogswell, Massachusetts (1746- 1810); Captain, Colonel G-errish's Massachusetts Eegiment, May 19-December, 1775; Captain 26th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; Major, 1st Massachusetts Eegiment, January 21, 1779 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 15th Massachusetts Eegiment, November 26, 1777 ; retired January 1, 1781. 1891 Bell, Charlotte Jones (widow of Charles A. Bell), 42 New York, Granddaughter of Samuel Bradford, New Hampshire; Sergeant, Captain Isaac Baldwin's Company, Colonel Stark's 1st Eegiment New Hampshire Line, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, 5th Continental In- fantry, January 1, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d Eegiment New Hamp- shire Line, November 8, 1776; retired September, 1778. 1891 Bell, Louisa Sadler (widow of Edwin Q. Bell), 89 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Peter Van Brugh Livingston, New York (1710 ); Delegate to First and Second Provincial Con- gresses of New York; President of First Provincial Congress; Treasurer of New York Provincial Congress, 1776-1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Lachlin Mcintosh, Georgia ( 1806) ; Colonel 1st Georgia Eegiment, January 1, 1776 ; Brigadier- General, Continental Army, September 10, 1776; taken prisoner at Charleston, May 17, 1780; exchanged December, 1780; served to the close of the war. 1893 Bellows, Anna Marshall (Mrs. Edwin Philip Bellows), 377 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Marshall, Connecticut (1726 ); Private, Captain Amos Wilson's Company 17th Connecticut Militia; served three years. 1893 Bennet, Elizabeth B. (Mrs. John B. Bennet), 108 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Andrew Pickens, South Carolina (1739 -1817) ; served as Captain, Major, and Colonel of South Carolina Militia; Brigadier-General, South Carolina State Troops, 1775 to close of war; wounded at Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781. Date of 47 Admission. Society Number. 1892 Bennett, Mary B. Suydam (Mrs. Adolphus Bennett), 189 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Bev. Martinus Schoonraaker (1737- 1794); a distinguished Whig patriot; Pastor of Beformed Church at Harlem, New York, and Gravesend, Long Island ; requested by resolution of Convention of the State of New York to officiate in his own church in Harlem, August 17, 1776, a day designated for fasting and prayer; during the British occupancy of Harlem both his house and church were burned, and he himself escaped arrest only by seeking protection within the American lines. 1895 Bennett, Louise Goleen (Miss), 1120 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Philip Ulnier, Maine ( 1817); Ensign, 25th Begiment of Foot, Colonel William Bond, April 2o| 1776; 1st Lieutenant, January 1, 1777; resigned February 14, 1778 ; Captain, Colonel McCobb's Begiment for Seacoast Defence' 1779. 1892 Bennett, Maria E. Bergen (Mrs. William B. Bennett), 195 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of John Brower, New York (1759 ) ; Priv- ate, Captain Lansing's Company, 6th Albany County New York Begiment, Colonel Schuyler. Also^ great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Brower ; Private, Cap- tain Brower's Company, Colonel Brinckerhoff's Begiment Dutchess County New York Militia. 1894 Bennett, Minerva Hakes (widow of Phineas L. Bennett), 678 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Stephen Matthews, Connecticut (1725-1821); 1st Lieutenant, Captain Phineas Porter's Company, 1st Connecticut Continental Begiment, Colonel David Wooster, May-December, 1775; Captain 4th Company, 2d Battalion, Connecticut State Troops, Colonel Heman Swift, July-November, 1776 ; in service at Ticonderoga. 1893 Bennett, Mary Prout (Mrs. Alden J. Bennett), 370 Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Weeks, New York (1734-1784); Private, Captain Hobby's Company, Colonel Thomas's Begiment Westchester County New York Militia, May 21-July 28, 1778. [Also, Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Zophar or Zophas Weeks, New York (1755-1847) ; Lieutenant, Colonel Morris Graham's Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia, General Clinton's Brigade, April 2-August 3, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Silas Wickes, New York (1758-1838); Private, Captain Samuel Smith's Company, Colonel Fryer's Regi- ment as a Guard at Poughkeepsie, 1777; Private, Captain Smith's Company, Major Paulding's Eegiment at West Point, May, 1778; Private, Captain Smith's Company at Fishkill, September, 1779 ; Private, Colonel Graham's Regiment Dutchess County New York Militia, October, 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Increase Carpenter, New York (1736-1807); 1st Lieutenant, Captain Ephraim Baylies's Company, Queens County New York Militia, March 27, 1776. Iggg Bennett, Nelly Dent Sharpe (Mrs. John B. Bennett), -mor Colorado, Great-granddaughter of George Dent, Maryland ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d Maryland Battalion of the " Flying Camp," June-December, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Harkness (1739-1822) ; Ensign, Captain John Mateer's Company, 3d Battalion, Cumberland County Pennsylvania Associators, Colonel William Chambers, July 31, 1777 ; Ensign, Captain John McGeer's Company, same BattalioD, May 14, 1778; served on Indian frontiers; served at Brandywine, Germantown, and Chestnut Hill. *Benson, Anna (Miss), 1891 AT v , 58 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Horn, New York ; Private, 5th Com- pany, 5th Regiment New York Line, Colonel Louis Dubois, 1780- 1781. Bent, Catherine Metcalp (Miss), 1895 Massachusetts, 1093 Great-great-granddaughter of Andrew Canadey, Jr., Massachusetts (1729-1788) ; Private, Captain Ebenezer Tucker's Company, "Lex- ington Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas White's Company, Major Edward Proctor's Detachment of Guards, service at Dorchester, December 10, 1777-March 1, 1778; Private, Captain James Cooper's Company raised to reinforce the Continental Army, July 15, 1780. [Also, * Deceased. 49 Date of Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Kennedy ; Private, Captain Bradley's Company, Colonel Robinson's Regiment, " Lex- ington Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Bradley's Com- pany, Colonel Grill's Regiment at Dorchester, March 1, 1776 ; Private, Captain Henry Vose's Company, April, 1776. 1895 Bergen, Adriana Magaw (Mrs. George T. Bergen), 893 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Robert Magaw, Pennsylvania ( 1790): Colonel 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, January 3, 1776; taken pris- oner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776; exchanged October 25, 1780. 1895 Berger, Gertrude Hill (widow of Charles D. Berger), 1031 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Johnson, Vermont (1742- 1819) ; Lieutenant-Colonel of New York Troops at Ticonderoga, 1777; Member of War Committee, 1777; taken prisoner March 1781 ; released June 24, 1782. 1895 Berry, Anna J. Clement Berry (Mrs. Jacob Warren Berry), 1508 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Caleb Abbott, Massachusetts (1751-1837) Private, Captain Benjamin Ames's Company, Colonel James Frye's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" eight months' service, May 17, 1775 ; Private, Continental Army, Colonel Henley's Regiment, February 16, 1778, enlisted for three years. 1891 Berry, Frances A. D. Mersereau (widow of Thomas J. Berry), 21 New York, Great-granddaugbter of Joshua Mersereau, New York (1728-1804); Member of Provincial Assembly which met at Kingston and Poughkeepsie during the war; Representative from Richmond County, New York, 1777-1786; Deputy Commissary-General of Prisoners for the Continent. Also, granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, Jr.. New York (1758- 1856) ; Quartermaster at Rutland, Massachusetts, 1777 ; Guide for Colonel Hazen's Regiment, 1780 ; Prisoner on the British Prison Ship "Scorpion," 1782. [Also, ^0 Date of Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Butts, Connecticut ; Pri- vate, Captain Bacon's Company, Colonel John Chester's Begiment, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops, 1776 ; Private, Captain Moses Branch's Company, Colonel Obediah Johnson's Begi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Harmanus Garrison, New York; Quartermaster, Bichmond County New York Militia, March 15, 1776. 1892 Berry, Margaret Benson (Mrs. John F. Berry), 155 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Bobert Benson, New York (1739 ) ; Sec- retary New York Provincial Congress, 1775-7 ; Commissary for Prisoners of War, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Aid-de-camp to Governor George Clinton, 1777-1783. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nicholas Couvenhoven, Long Island ; Deputy to New York Provincial Congress, 1775-76. 1894 Bevan, Helen (Miss), 451 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Charles C. Bevan, Maryland (1756-1829); Ensign, 6th Maryland Begiment, November 1, 1777 , Lieutenant, 6th Maryland Infantry, Colonel Otto Hale Williams, May 18, 1779. 1895 Bigelow, Eunice A. Howe (Mrs. Charles D. Bigelow), 889 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Ivory Bigelow, Massachusetts (1741- 1804); Private, Captain Daniel Barnes's Company of Minute-men from Marlborough, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Bobert Eames, Massachusetts (1738-1821) ; Private, Captain Daniel Barnes's Company of Minute- men from Marlborough, Massachusetts, " Lexington Alarm." 1895 Bigelow, Mary A. Van Duzee (Mrs. Isaac Storer Bigelow), 1022 Iowa, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Wickes, Massachusetts (1723-1787) ; Private, Captain Josiah White's Company, Colonel Job Cushing's Begiment Massachusetts Militia, September 5-October 19, 1777 ; Private, same, October 19-November 29, 1777. 51 'Date of Society Admission. Number. 1893 Billings, Sarah Morillo (widow of Silas X. Billings), 386 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Elias Blanchard (1756-1822); Private, Cap- tain James Stedman's Company, Windham Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Ensign, Continental Army; resigned Septem- ber 30, 1778. Also, granddaughter of William Bexford, Connecticut ( 1819) ; Private, Captain Seth Smith's Company, New Hartford Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm." 1893 Bingham, Elorence Wells (Mrs. James Bingham), 602 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Eichard Sweetser, Maine (1750 ): Private, Captain Samuel Noyes's Company, Colonel Edmund Phin- ney's Eegiment, May, 1775, eight months' service ; Sergeant, Captain Williams's Company, Colonel Edmund Phinney's Eegiment, January 1776, twelve months' service. 1896 Binney, Helen Maude (Miss), 1511 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Binney, Massachusetts (1749- 1783) ; Private, Captain Peter Cushing's Company, Colonel Solo- mon Lovell's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, March 15, 177H; Private, Captain Theophilus Wilder's Company, Major Thomas Lathrop's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, March 4-April 4, 1778. 1895 Bird, Gertrude Hubbard (Mrs. Joseph Edward Bird), 1051 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Caleb Hubbard, Massachusetts (1754-1850) Minute-man at Cambridge and Bunker Hill, 1775 ; served in Gen- eral Stark's Division until the surrender of Burgoyne. 1891 Birdsall, Lizzie Tirrell Hastings (Mrs. Ernest W. Birdsall), HI Long Island, Great-granddaughter of John Hastings, Massachusetts (1738 ); Member of Governor's Council of Massachusetts during the Eevo- lution. 52 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1893 Bissell, Mart C. (Miss), 235 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Adam Van Patten, New York ; Private, 2d Albany Eegiment New York Troops, Colonel Adam Wemple. 1894 Blake, Marion Stanley (Miss), 781 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Elisha Blake, Connecticut ( 1837) ; Private, Colonel Canfield's Connecticut Regiment stationed at West Point, 1781. 1895 Blodgett, Emma S. Garfield (Mrs. William Ashley Blodgett), 1183 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Walker, Massachusetts (1721- 1817); Private, Captain Henry Haskell's Company, Colonel James Prescott's Regiment, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Elisha Chamberlain, Massachusetts (7764-1840) ; Private, Captain Cowell's Company, Colonel Hawes's Massachusetts Regiment for service in Rhode Island, August 4-26, 1778. 1895 Blow, Jennie Goodell (Mrs. Albert A. Blow), 699 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Edward Goodell, Connecticut (1715- ); Corporal, 8th Company, Captain Ingalls, 11th Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1776. 1895 Boal, Malvina A. Buttles (Mrs. George J. Boal), 1266 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Joel Buttolph, Connecticut (1749-1786); Private, Captain Samuel Hays's Company, Connecticut Militia, August 22-September 26, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Buttolph, Connecticut (1724-1777) ; Captain, 18th Regiment Connecticut Militia, August 18-September 6, 1776. 1894 Bond, Isabella Bacon (Mrs. Charles B. Bond), 591 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Bacon, Massachusetts ( 1775) ; Private, Captain Black's Company, Colonel Brewer's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia; killed at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 53 Date of "" Society Admission. Number. 1894 Booker, Juliana T. Manning (Mrs. William D. Booker), 447 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Mynn Thruston, Virginia (1738-1812) ; Colonel, Virginia Additional Continental Infantry, January, 1777- April 22, 1779; wounded and lost an arm at Amboy, New Jersey, March 8, 1777 ; retired April 22, 1779. 1893 Boone, Emma F. N. (Miss), 241 New York, Great-granddaughter of James Boone, Lieutenant, Artillery Com- pany, 2d Eegiment .Rhode Island Troops. 1893 Borden, Fannie Quarles (Mrs. Guy Borden), 350 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of James Williams, Virginia; Captain, 15th Regiment Virginia State Troops. 1894 Bosson, Jennie Hood (Mrs. George C. Bosson), 530 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Flint, Massachusetts (1733-1777) ; Captain, 8th Eegiment Essex County Massachusetts Militia; killed at Stillwater at the head of his Company, October 7, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of John Hood, Sr., Massachusetts; Pri- vate, Captain Thomas Cummings's Company, Colonel Jacob Ger- rish's Eegiment detached to reinforce the Continental Army ; Ser- geant, Captain Benjamin Gould's Company, Colonel Wade's Essex County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia raised to reinforce the Continental Army, July 6-October 10, 1780. Also, granddaughter of John Hood, Jr., ( ); Private, Cap- tain John Baker's Company, Colonel Little's Eegiment Massachu- setts Militia, May 23, 1775; Private, Captain John Dodge's Com- pany, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Eegiment of Guards, November 12, 1777-April 3, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Stephen Needham, Massachusetts (1732 ) ; Private, Captain Joshua Shaw's Company, Colonel Elisha Porter's Eegiment Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, July 22-August 27, 1779. Also, granddaughter of Daniel Needham, Massachusetts (1760-1844); Private, Captain John Bodwell's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Eegiment of Guards, April 2-July 2, 1778 ; Sergeant, Captain Jere- miah Putnam's Company, Colonel Nathan Tyler's Eegiment Massa- K4 Date of J oci< ? ty Admission. Number. chusetts Militia for service at Ehode Island, July 8-December 1, 1779 ; Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Peabody's Company, Colonel Wade's Eegiment Essex County Massachusetts Militia, July 5- October 10, 1780. 1895 Bourne, Annie W. Holmes (Mrs. Jacob F. Bourne), 1252 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Oliver Holmes, New Hampshire (1740- 1806) ; Private, Captain Guild's Company, Colonel Heath's Eegi- ment Massachusetts Militia, May 3, 1775, eight months' service; Lieutenant, Captain Peter Clark's Company, Colonel Moore's Eegi- ment New Hampshire Volunteers, September 30, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of William Campbell, New Hampshire (1749-1840) ; Corporal, Captain Levi Spaulding's Company, Colonel James Eeed's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, April 23, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain John Carson's Company of Militia, July 7, 1777 ; Sergeant, Captain Peter Clark's Company, Colonel Moore's Eegi- ment New Hampshire Volunteers; Sergeant, Captain Lovejoy's Company of Militia raised for the defence of Portsmouth, Septem- ber 27, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of Timothy Morse, Massachusetts (1759- 1824) ; Fifer, Captain Aaron Guild's Company, Colonel Heath's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 14, 1775 ; Fifer, Captain Wil- liam Bullard's Company, Colonel William Mcintosh's Eegiment, March 4, 1776 ; Fifer, Captain Aaron Guild's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Eegiment, August-November, 1776 ; Fifer, same, November-December 3, 1776 ; Fifer, Captain Aaron Smith's Com- pany, Colonel Benjamin Gill's Eegiment, August-November 29, 1777; Private, Continental Army, July 24-Deeember 25, 1780. 1891 Bourne, Sarah Ogier (Mrs. William H. Bourne), 119 New York, Granddaughter of Lewis Ogier (1760-1849) ; Private, Captain Benja- min Lamont's Company, Colonel John Allen's Eegiment Massachu- setts Militia raised for the defence of Machias, Maine, October 10- December 13, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Abraham Ogier, Private, same com- pany, regiment, and service. 1894 Bowman, Emma Winne (Mrs. William E. Bowman), 663 Iowa, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Winne, New York; Adjutant, 15th Eegiment Albany County New York Militia, Colonel Peter Vrooman, October 20-December 1, 1779 ; Quartermaster, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Marinus Willett's Eegiment New York Levies, August 7-November 30, 1781. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Boynton, Caroline Harriman (Mrs. John Farnham Boynton), 1290 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Brinsley Peabody, Massachusetts (1731 ) ; Private, Captain Asa Prince's Company, Colonel Mansfield's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, October 6, 1775, eight months' service. 1894 Boynton, Hattie A. Gould (Mrs. Charles B. Boynton), 646 New Jersey. Great-granddaughter of Thomas French, Massachusetts (1752-1822); Captain, 7th Compan}^, 5th Hampshire County Massachusetts Regi- ment, May 3, 1776; Captain, Colonel David Wells's Regiment, Sep- tember 23, 1777 ; services in the Northern Department. 1891 Bradley, Anne M. Lewis (Mrs.), 33 Texas, Granddaughter of Andrew Lewis, Virginia (1720-1781) ; Brigadier- General, Continental Army, March 1, 1776 ; retired April 15, 1777. 1894 Bradley, Edith Burnett (Mrs. Lawrence Hull Bradley), 673 California, Great-granddaughter of Thaddeus Bradley (1756-1840) ; Private, in service at Ticonderoga under Ethan Allen, May 1775 ; Private, Cap- tain Josiah Wright's Company, Vermont Militia, May 1775 ; Private, Captain Stephen P. Bradley's Company, Connecticut Militia, Jan- uary, 1776 ; Private, Captain Parmelee's Company, Colonel Elmore's Regiment Connecticut Militia, twelve months' service. 1893 Bradshaw, Anna Louise Hammond (Mrs. F. L. Bradshaw), 331 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Thomas Hammond, Yermont (1762-1847); 5th Corporal of a Company stationed at West Point, 1778. 1893 Brant, Marie Pratt (Mrs Amos Augustus Brant), 246 New Jersey, Granddaughter of William Pratt, Rhode Island; Ensign, 2d Rhode Island Regiment, May 1, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 1st Rhode Island Reg- iment, August 25, 1781 ; served to close of war. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Brat, Phileta Crane (Mrs Andrew W. Bray), 762 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Dodd, New Jersey (1728-1804); Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Brayton, Harriet Hitchcock (Miss), 1225 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Tinkham, Massachusetts (1743-1836); Private, 1st Company, 4th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry, Col- onel Ebenezer Sproat, " Lexington Alarm ; " Private, same, Ehode Island Campaign, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Macy Williams, Massachusetts (1736-1786) ; Captain of Minute-men " Lexington Alarm ; " Cap- tain, Colonel Timothy Walker's Regiment, May-December, 1775. 1893 Brayton, Julia Washburn (Miss), 283 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of George Lawton, Ehode Island ; Private, Colonel John Cooke's Regiment Rhode Island Militia. Also, great-great-gi'anddaughter of Robert Lawton, Rhode Island ; Member General Assembly Rhode Island, 1781, 1782, 1783. 1893 Brayton, Mary (Miss), 282 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of George Lawton, Rhode Island; Private, Colonel John Cooke's Regiment Rhode Island Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Robert Lawton, Rhode Island; Member General Assembly Rhode Island, 1781, 1782, 1783. 1895 Bready, Marcia W. Brownell (Mrs. John Ely Bready), 815 Iowa, Great-great-great-granddaughter of George Brownell, Massachusetts (1715-1785) ; Sergeant, Captain Thomas Kempton's Company from Dartmouth, "Lexington Alarm ;" Sergeant, Captain Thomas Kemp- ton's Company, Colonel Danielson's Regiment, May 8-August 1, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Kempton's Company, Colonel Danielson's Regiment, October 6, 1775, eight months' service ; Private, Cap- tain William Hicks' Company, Colonel Pope's Regiment, December 15, 1777. 57 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Breed, Alice Hubbard (Miss), 1255 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Allen Breed, New Hampshire (1759- 1842) ; Private, Captain Ezra Towers' Company, New Hampshire Militia, April 20, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Joseph Parker's Com- pany, Colonel Enoch Hale's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, July, 1776. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Corning, Massa- chusetts (1738 ) ; Private, 1st Company of Foot from Beverly, Captain Larkin Thorndike, at Lexington, April 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Billy Porter's Company, Colonel Benjamin Tupper's Regi- ment, February 12, 1777-1780 ; Private, Captain Porter's Company, Colonel Eben Francis's Regiment; Private, Captain Porter's Com- pany, Colonel Tupper's Regiment, January 1-February 13, 1780. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Zaccheus Goldsmith, Massa- chusetts ; Private, Captain Henry Abbott's Company from Andover, " Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775. 1896 Breed, Mart Ellen (Miss), 1535 Massachusetts. Great-great-granddaughter of James Lay, Massachusetts; Lieuten- ant, Captain Andrew Woodberry's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Enoch Hallett's Regiment for service at Rhode Island, July 1- November 2, 1780. 1895 Bridgman, Gertrude M. Lane (Mrs. Wentzel A. Bridgman), 1388 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Henry Waring, Connecticut (1744- 1830) ; Private, Captain Samuel Keeler's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut Militia, July 16, 1776-November 16, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d Continental Artillery, January 1, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, September 26, 1779 ; resigned April 14, 1781. 1895 Brigham, Ella E. Grey (Mrs. Alasco De Lancey Brigham), 1330 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of William Perrine, New Jersey (1743 ) ; Private, Captain Peter Perrine's Company, 3d Regiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia, Colonel John Duyckinck ; also Private, New Jersey Line. Also, great-great granddaughter of John Ruff, New York (1730-1799) ; Captain, 1st Tryon County New York Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Clyde, June 15, 1779-January 1, 1783. [Also, Date of °° Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Matthias Mount, New Jersey ; Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Company, 3d Eegiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Brigham, Helen A. Bates (Mrs. Franklin D. Brigham), 1182 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Zealous Bates, Massachusetts (1754-1831) ; Private, Captain Cushing's Company, Colonel Grafton's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 18, 1775; Private, Captain Beale's Company at Dorchester, March 4, 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Beale's Company, Colonel Lovell's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, June 14, 1776. 1891 Briscoe, Mary J. Harris (Mrs. Andrew Briscoe), 149 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Harris, Pennsylvania (1740-1825) ; Private, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777 ; Captain to close of war. 1892 Briscoe, Mary (Miss), 303 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Harris, Pennsylvania (1740- 1825); Private, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777: Captain to close of war. 1894 Britton, Harriett L. Turner (Mrs. Alexander H. Britton), 752 New York, Great-granddaughter of Matthew Turner, Connecticut (1733-1824) ; Private, Captain George Markham's Company, Connecticut Militia, September 11, 1781 ; served at New London. 1893 Brockway, Alice Tolman (Mrs. L. G. Brockway), 336 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Tolman, Massachusetts (1753- 1835); Minute-man "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775. 1895 Brockway, Frances Whitney (Mrs. A. Norton Brockway), 1389 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Whitney, Massachusetts (1730- 1802) ; Private, Captain Joseph White's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Eegiment from Lancaster, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775. 59 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Brookman, Sarah Carlton (Mrs. John U. Brookman), 432 New York, Granddaughter of Eev. Daniel Merrill, Maine (1765-1833); served three years in the Eevolutionary Army. 1891 Brooks, Mart Ella Steele (Mrs. Benjamin Brooks), 116 California, Granddaughter of Ezra Benedict, Connecticut (1746 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Keeler's Company of Militia, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Colonel Eno's Regiment Connecticut State Troops, June, 1777. 1894 Broun, Henriette MxVrie Bros£ (Mrs. Heywood C. Broun), 531 New York, Great-granddaughter of Thaddeus Sterling, Connecticut (1749-1837) ; Private, Captain Caleb St. John's Company, Colonel Silliman's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1776; March-December, 1777; February, 1778-January, 1779 ; March-December, 1779 ; Private, Captain Abraham Gregory's Company, Colonel Stephen St. John's Regiment Connecticut Militia, March-September, 1781 ; Quarter- master, 3d Regiment Light Horse Connecticut Militia, Major Daniel Starr. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Sterling, Connecticut; Private, Captain Nehemiah Bradley's Company, Colonel David Waterbury's Regiment Connecticut Militia, May 13-October 17, 1775 ; Private, Captain Nathan Gilbert's Company, Colonel John Meade's Regiment Connecticut Militia, October 5-30, 1777. 1896 Brown, Abbie Farwell (Miss), 1579 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Ephraim Marston, New Hamp- shire (1727-1810) ; Private, Captain Henry Elkins' Company, Colonel Joshua Wingate's Regiment for defence of Piscataqua Harbor, November 5, 1775. 1893 Brown, Annie H. Giddings (Mrs. John N. Brown), 294 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Jabez Dennings, Captain, Norwich Connect- icut Militia, 1782. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Brown, Caroline L. Pease (Mrs. Frank A. Brown). 1219 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Loring, Massachusetts (1756-1810) ; Private, Captain Josiah Cushing's Company, Colonel Benjamin Lincoln's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Charles Cushing's Company, Massachusetts Militia, May, 1775-January, 1776 ; Private, Captain Peter Cushing's Company at Dorchester Heights, March, 1776. 1896 Brown, Caroline Monteith (Miss). 1544 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Newhall, Massachusetts (1743-1843); Private, Captain Samuel Brown's Company, Colonel Gerrish's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 2-July 3, 1778 ; Corporal, July 2-July 12, 1778 ; Private, Captain Huse's Company, Colonel Gerrish's Regiment, July 13-Decernber 14, 1778. 1895 Brown, Caroline Richardson (Mrs. Samuel Walley Brown), 1114 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Thomas, New York ( 1777) ; Deputy New York Provincial Congress, 1774 and 1775 ; Prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York ; died in prison May 1, 1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughtcr of James Ferris, New York (1734-1777); Chairman Westchester County Committee, 1774; Member Sub-committee appointed by Provincial Congress to inspect the election of militia officers, Westchester, New York, August 24, 1775 ; Prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York, 1776; released on parole June 14, 1777, and died a few days later. 1896 Brown, Ethel C. (Miss), . 1578 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Epbraim Marston, New Hamp- shire (1727-1810); Private, Captain Henry Elkins' Company, Colonel Joshua Wingate's Regiment for defence of Piscataqua Har- bor, November 5, 1775. 1891 Brown, Helen E. (Miss), 23 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Peter Bourdette, New Jersey (1735- 1826;) donated the land for Fort Lee and assisted in the building of the fortification. ™ 4. e 61 „ . Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Brown, Mary Hyde (Mrs. George Le Eoy Brown), 856 Arizona, Great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Leavenworth, Connecticut; Lieutenant, Connecticut Militia, during the Bevolutionary War. 1891 Brown, Mary Mitchell (Mrs. John Renry Brown), 97 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Avery, Connecticut (1732-1781) ; Lieutenant, 8th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Oliver Smith ; killed in action at Groton Heights, September 6, 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of Thomas Leeds, Connecticut ; Private, Captain James Eldridge's Company, Connecticut Line, 1777-1781. 1895 Brown, Mary W. Cushman (widow of William Felix Brown), 1133 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Mial Cushman, Massachusetts (1753-1817); Pri- vate, Captain Daniel Egery's Company, Colonel Lanielson's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, May 4-August 1, 1775. 1895 Brown, Pauline H. Moore (Mrs. Alexander D. Brown), 1411 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Moore, New Hampshire (1731-1809); Captain, Colonel Stark's Eegiment, April 24,1775; in service at Bunker Hill ; promoted to rank of Major, June 18, 1775. 1895 Browne, Jessie Browne (Mrs. Edwin M. Browne), 1396 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Ludlow, New Jersey (1728-1812); 1st Major, Eastern Battalion, Morris County New jersey Militia, January 13, 1776 ; Major, Colonel Ephraim Martin's Battalion, General Nathaniel Heard's Brigade, New Jersey Militia, June 14, 1776 ; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, Eastern Battalion, Morris County New Jersey Militia, May 23, 1777 ; resigned from disability November 13, 1777. 1891 Brower, Jennie Veeder (Mrs. A. G. Brower), 109 New York, Granddaughter of Garrit Symonse Yeeder, New York (1751 ) ; Captain, 2d Albany County New York Eegiment. 62 „ • Date of ,§ 0C1 ? ty Admission. IS umber. 1895 Bruce, Kate M. Gilbert (Mrs Orsamies B. Bruce), 1058 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of John Gilbert, Connecticut (1752-1829) ; Corporal, Captain Elijah Abel's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Bat- tallion, Connecticut State Troops, December 24, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of James Pease, Connecticut (1754-1844) , Minute-man from Enfield, " Lexington Alarm ; " Private, Captain Hezekiah Parsons's Company, 3d Battalion, Colonel Comfort, Wads- worth's Brigade, June 1, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Martin Chapin, Massachusetts (1738- 1783) ; Private, Captain Joseph Morgan's Company, Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, Colonel John Mosely to reinforce the Northern Army, October 1776. 1893 Brugler, Sara D. (Miss), 416 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Fayerweather Brothwell, Con- necticut (1758-1834) ; Private, Captain Joseph Halt's Company, 7th .Regiment Connecticut Continental Line, Colonel Charles Webb, July-November, 1775 ; Private, Captain Samuel Wakeman's Com- pany, Connecticut Militia, January- April, 1776 ; Private, Captain George Benjamin's Company, June-December, 1776; served on the Brigantine " Beaver," Captain William Havens, July-October, 1777 ; Private, Colonel White's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, July- August 1779 ; Sergeant, Captain Isaac Jarvis's Company, 1781 ; at siege of Boston, Long Island, and White Plains. 1895 Buchanan, Caroline Yan Walkenburgh (Mrs. Charles Jay Buchanan), 1039 New York, Great-granddaughter of Peter Van Alen, New York (1735-1805); 2d Lieutenant, 7th Regiment New York Militia, Kinderhook Dis- trict, Colonel Abraham Yan Alstyne, 1780 and 1781. 1895 Bullard, Rebecca Leeds Parker (Widow of Eleazer Bullard, Jr.), 1339 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Nathaniel Parker, Massachusetts (1760-1820) ; Private, Captain Thomas May's Company, Colonel Brook's Eegi- ment Massachusetts Militia, November 3, 1777-February 3, 1778 ; Private, Captain Lemuel May's Company, Colonel Macintosh's Regiment, March 23-April 5, 1778 ; served also as Guard at Cam- bridge. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Bullions, Letitia Anderson Caldwell (Mrs. Samuel S. Bullions), 452 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Anderson, Pennsylvania (1747- 1829) ; First Lieutenant, 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, January 1777 ; wounded at Brandywine, September 11, 1777 ; Aide-de-camp to General LaFayette, 1778 and 1779. 1894 Bullock, Caroline E. (Miss), 693 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of Solomon Wyman, Massachusetts (1744 ) ; Private, Captain Samuel Epes' Company, Colonel Picker- ing's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" 2d Sergeant, Captain Gideon Foster's Company, Colonel Mansfield's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 11-August 4, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Baker's Com- pany, Colonel Mansfield's Regiment, eight months' service. 1895 Bullock, Susan J. Rich (widow of Francis S. Bullock). 1043 Maryland, Granddaughter of Samuel Rich, Maine (1740 ); one of the Cap- tors of the British Schooner " Diligence" and her armed Cutter " Tatmagouche" at Machias, Maine, 1775. 1894 Burditt, Ellen Lord (Mrs. Charles A. Burditt), £24 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Wentworth Lord, Maine (1755-1845) ; Pri- vate, Captain Ebenezer Sullivan's Company, Colonel Patterson's Regiment, December 30, 1775 ; discharged at Princeton, New Jersey, January 1, 1777. 1892 *Burger, Maria A. (Mrs. Stephen D. Burger), 164 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Barrett, New York (1755 ); Private, Captain Hezekiah Gray's Company, February, 1776 ; Priv- ate, Captain Marcus Morseman's Company, Colonel Thomas's West- chester County New York Regiment, 1778 and 1779 ; served to close of war. * Deceased. 64 o . Date of Society Admission. Number. 1891 Burhans, Mary S. Talbot (Mrs. George W. Burhans), 102 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Schureman, New Jersey (1729- 1795); Member Committee of Correspondence, 1775; Member Pro- vincial Congress of New Jersey, May, 1775; Member Committee of Safety to exercise the powers of Congress during its recess, Au- gust 17-September 20, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of James Schureman, New Jersey (1756- 1824) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Taylor's Company, Colonel Taylor's Battalion of Minute-men, January 10, 1776 ; Captain Volunteer Militia Company at the battle of Long Island, August 26, 1776 ; Member of Congress, 1780. 1893 Burke, Elizabeth S. Cass (Mrs. Charles C. Burke), 407 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Cass, New Hampshire (1753-1830) ; Private at Bunker Hill, June, 1775; Ensign, 3d New Hampshire Begiment, Continental Line, Colonel Alexander Scammell, Novem- ber 8, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant same, August 4, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant same, May 1, 1778; transferred to 1st Begiment New Hampshire Line, January 1, 1781; Captain, December 8, 1782; in service to close of war. 1896 Burleigh, Grace Josephine (Miss), 1525 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of William Pike, New Hampshire (1748- 1804) ; Sergeant, Captain Nathaniel Ambrose's Company, Colonel Welsh's Begiment of Volunteers, September 30, 1777 ; in service at Saratoga. 1895 Burrill, Ellen Mudge (Miss), 1381 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathan Mudge, Massachusetts (1750- 1831) ; Private, Captain Simon Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Begiment Massachusetts Militia, April 2-July 3, 1778; Private, Captain Simon Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Begiment of Guards, July 2-12, 1778. 65 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Burtis, Mary E. Heald (Mrs. Arennah M. Burtis), 758 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Blaney, Massachusetts (1738 -1820); Captain, Colonel Gardner's Eegiment from Maiden, "Lex- ington Alarm ;" Captain, 1st Middlesex County Massachusetts Eegiment, Colonel Samuel Thatcher, June 13, 1776 ; Captain, Colo- nel Eleazer Brooks's Regiment of Guards at Cambridge, January 12-April 3, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Edwards, Massachusetts (1757 -1826) ; Private, Captain John Hayward's Company, Colonel Abijah Pierce's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Isaac Heald's Company, Colonel Eleazer Brooks's Regiment; Private, Captain Abishai Brown's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regiment of Militia, June 27-December 1, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Seth Washburn, Massachusetts (1723-1794); Captain, Colonel Ward's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, same, May 25, 1775; Cap- tain, same, October 8, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February 8, 1776 : 2d Major, 1st Worcester County Massachusetts Militia, February 6, 1778. 1895 Burton, Adeline Davenport (Mrs. Caspar V. W. Burton), 1008 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of David Osgood, Massachusetts (1734- 1812); Quartermaster, Colonel John Whitcomb's Regiment Massa- chusetts Militia, April 19, 1775 ; Quartermaster, Colonel Joseph Whitney's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, September 22, 1777 ; Captain 7th Company, 2d Worcester County Massachusetts Regi- ment, Colonel Whitney, April 12, 1780. 1892 Butler, Julia Henrietta (Miss), 183 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Eli Butler, Connecticut (1740 ) ; Captain, Colonel Elisha Sheldon's Regiment of Light Horse, 1775 and 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Mosher, Massachusetts (1745 ) ; 2d Lieutenant, Colonel Prescott's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May-December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 8th Massachusetts Regiment, January 1, 1777; retired December 15, 1778. Date of "" Society Admission. Number. 1895 *Butler, Lillian M. King (Mrs. John Jeffred Butler), 1327 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Murphy, New York (1751- 1818); Private, 1st Pennsylvania Regiment, Colonel Morgan, 1776; Private, Pennsylvania Militia Kegiment, Colonel William Butler; served also as Scout ; in service to close of war. 1895 Cady, Frances Kelset (Mrs. John Newton Cady), 995 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Jonas Kelsey, New York (1743-1817) ; Cap- tain of a Militia Company composed of the employees of his own tannery, 1777. 1893 Cameron, Catherine Lyon (Mrs. Alexander Cameron), 216 Toi-onto, Canada, Great-granddaughter of Walter Deane, Massachusetts; 2d Lieuten- ant, 13th Massachusetts Kegiment, June 1, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, October 20, 1777; Captain, 3d Massachusetts Infantry, 1781; trans- ferred to 10th Massachusetts Regiment, January 1, 1782 ; retired January, 1783. 1894 Camp, Estell McNeil (Mrs. Alfred P. Camp), 786 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Brownson, Connecticut (1758 ) ; Private, Captain Isaac Bostwick's Company, 10th Continental Regiment, 1775 and 1776. 1895 Campbell, Genevieve Hood (Mrs. Jeremiah Campbell), 1061 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Flint, Massachusetts (1733- 1777) ; Captain, 8th Regiment Essex County Massachusetts Militia ; killed at Stillwater at the head of his Company, October 7, 1777. 1895 Campbell, Margaret L. Dent (Mrs. Lafayette E. Campbell), 1434 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of George Dent, Maryland ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d Maryland Battalion of Flying Camp, June-December, 1776. * Deceased. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1S93 Canning, Josephine (Miss), 286 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Smith, Massachusetts (1746-1816) ; Private and Sergeant, Massachusetts Militia, September, 1775-Jan- uary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 8th Massachusetts Regiment, May 12, 1780, transferred to 4th Massachusetts Regiment, June 12, 1780; served to November 3, 1783. 1893 Canterbury, Elizabeth M. Murfree (Mrs.), 383 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Lewis, Virginia (1718-1790) ; Mem- ber House of Burgesses, supported the resolutions of Patrick Henry in the session of 1765 ; Member Virginia Convention, 1775 and 1776 ; Member of the State Convention that ratified the Fed- eral Constitution. 1895 Cardoze, Harriet J. Shear (widow of Bmile Cardoze), 896 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Dirck Wynkoop, Associator Ulster County, New York, 1775 ; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1775-1776 ; Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1777 ; Member New York Assembly, 1780-1781. 1895 Carpenter, Alice Beebe (Mrs. Frederic Banker Carpenter), 1382 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Steward Beebe (1753-1825) ; Private, Captain David Caldwell's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel, Timothy Robinson's Regiment Massachusetts Militia in garrison at Ticonderoga, Decem- ber 25, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Russell, Massachusetts (1721-1802) ; Private, Captain James Warriner's Company from Wil- braham, " Lexington Alarm ;" Sergeant, Captain Stebbin's Company, Colonel Sparhawk's Regiment, September 15-December 12, 1778. 1894 Carpenter, Helen B. Ferguson (Mrs. Ira Hanford Carpenter), 483 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonas Rice, Massachusetts (1756-1839) ; Corporal, Captain Josiah Boyden's Company, Colonel William Will- iams' Regiment on .an expedition to Bennington, 1777; Lieutenant, Captain James Blake's Company of Militia, from beginning of cam- paign of 1781 to June 30, same year. 68 Da to of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Carpenter, Harriet B. Hodges (Mrs. Philip M. Carpenter), 1024 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Daggett, Massachusetts (1724-1803); Colonel 4th Regiment Bristol County Massachusetts Militia, Feb- ruary 7, 1776; engaged in Sullivan's and Spencer's expeditions in Bhode Island. 1805 Carr, Eleanor Kearney (Mrs. Blias Carr), 1208 North Carolina, Granddaughter of William Alston, North Carolina; Member of Pro- vincial Congress from Bute County, North Carolina, April, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d North Carolina Regiment, Colonel Jethro Summer, May 7, 1776-October 4, 1777. 1895 Carr, Ella Wentworth (Mrs. Joseph S. Carr), 1264 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Merrill, Maine (1728-1822); 1st Lieutenant, Colonel James Scammon's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May-December, 1775. 1802 Carr, Maggie Blauvelt (Mrs. David C. Carr), 170 New York-, Great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Herring, New Jersey; Cap- tain, Bergen County New Jersey Militia, Colonel Theunis Day, November 23, 1778. 1 892 Carroll, Sallie Heath White (Mrs. Charles Arthur Carroll), 166 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of William Heath, Massachusetts (1737-1814); .Major-General, Massachusetts Militia at Lexington and Concord, 1775 ; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, June 22, 1775 ; Major- General, Continental Army, August 9, 1776; served to close of war. 1893 Carson, .Ieannie Rose (Mrs. David I. Carson), 346 Now York, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Stickney (1763 ); Private und Filer, Captain Oliver Titcomb's Company, Colonel Grerrish's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, February 10-April 21, 1778; Private, Captain George Webb's Company, Ma}- -July, 1780 ; Drummer, Captain John Robinson's Compan}", Colonel William Turner's Regi- ment, August-December, 1781. [Also, 69 Date of UCT Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-grand daughter of Benjamin Stickney; Lieutenant, Colonel Gerrisk's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm." 1894 Carter, Elizabeth (Miss), 654 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Condit, New Jersey (1755-183-4); Sur- geon, Colonel Van Cortlandt's Battalion, Heard's Brigade, New Jersey Militia ; Surgeon, Essex County New Jersey Militia ; in ser- vice at the Battle of Long Island. 1892 Carville, Cornelia E. Lawton (widow of Joseph M. Carville), 175 New York, Granddaughter of William Lawton, Massachusetts (1759 ); Sur- geon's Mate, 15th Massachusetts Regiment, April 21, 1780; trans- ferred to 5th Massachusetts Regiment, June 1, 1781, and served to close of war. 1891 Carville, Katherine J. Clinton (Miss), 26 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of James Clinton (1736-1812); Colonel 3d Regiment New York Line, June 30, 1775-January, 1776; Colonel 2d Regiment New York Line, March S-Au ocl ? ty Admission. Number. 1896 Child, Missouri Stockwell (widow of Dudley Richards Child), 1513 Massachusetts,! Great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Tileston, Massachusetts (1728-1809) ; Private, Captain Bbenezer Withington's Regiment, " Lexington Alarm ; " Private, Captain John Robinson's Company, Colonel Benjamin Gill's Regiment, March 1776 ; Private, Captain Stoddard's Company, Colonel Craft's Regiment Massachusetts Mi- litia, May 8-July 8, 1777 ; Corporal, Captain Robert Davis's Com- pany, Colonel Freeman's Regiment for service at Rhode Island, December, 1777 ; Private, Captain Seth Summer's Company, Colonel Gill's Regiment, service at Castle Island, March-April, 1778 ; Priv- ate, Captain Lemuel Clapp's Company stationed as Guards at Dor- chester Heights, May 1-August 12, 1779. 1894 Childs, Julia A. Selleck (Mrs. William A. Childs), 612 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Gregory, Connecticut (1752-1790) ; Captain, 3d Regiment Light Horse Connecticut Militia, 1776; Pri- vate, Captain Jabez Gregory's Company Coast Guard, 1777; Ser- geant, Captain Lockwood's Company Coast Guard, 1780; taken prisoner, 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of Thomas Betts, Connecticut (1753-1813) ; Sergeant, Captain Matthew Meade's Company, 5th Regiment Con- necticut Militia, Colonel Waterbury, May 12-October 24, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Jabez Gregory's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Meade's Regiment Connecticut Militia, August 12-September 16, 1776; Sergeant, Captain Jabez Gregory's Company, 9th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel David Wooster, October 24, 1776- January, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Miner, Connecticut; Pri- vate, Captain John Tyler's Company, Colonel Samuel H. Parson's Regiment Connecticut Militia, May 12-December 17, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of James Selleck, Connecticut (1742-1809) ; Private, Captain JaDez Gregory 's Company, Colon el Meade's Regiment Connecticut Militia, October-December, 1776; Private, 2d Regiment Continental Line, 1779, nine months' service ; Private, Matross Com- pany Militia Coast Guard, General Waterbury's Brigade, 1781. Chipman, Mary E. Monroe (widow of James Gray Chipman), 1896 Massachusetts, 1571 Great-granddaughter of Jonas Dennis, Massachusetts ( 1835) ; Private, Captain William Hooper's Company, Massachusetts Militia, January 11-February 29,1776; Matross, Captain Edward Fetty- place's Company, Massachusetts Militia for Seacoast defence, 7.R Date of ' u Society Admission. Number. March 1-June 1, 1776 ; Matross, same company, June-September, 1776; Seaman, Brigantine "Massachusetts," John Fisk, Com- mander, March 7-July 31 and July 31-August 31, 1777. 1894 Choate, Abby P. Cogswell (widow of George Francis Choate), 507 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of William Cogswell, Massachusetts (1730-1831) ; Private, Captain Cogswell's Company, 26th Continental Infantry, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon's Mate, January, 1778. 1894 Church, Isabella Kellogg (Mrs. Edward F. Church), 431 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Kellogg, Connecticut (1747-1835) ; Private, Captain Bulkeley's Company, Connecticut Militia, 1775 ; subsequently performed three tours of service of two months each in Connecticut Militia. 1894 Church, Gulielma Foster Nevins (Mrs. Stewart Church), 502 New York, Great-granddaughter of Moses Foster, Maryland ; Private, 7th Regi- ment Maryland Troops. 1895 Churchill, Ellen B. Barrett (Mrs. Gardner Asaph Churchill), 1229 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Jonas Barrett, Massachusetts (1737-1803) ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Stone's Company, Colonel William Prescott's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, 1775. Also, granddaughter of Paul Ware, Massachusetts (1762-1830) ; Pri- vate, Captain Thayer's Company, Massachusetts Militia; Private, Captain Luke Howell's Company, Colonel Tyler's Massachusetts Regiment, service in Rhode Island, July 20, 1779 ; Private, Captain Howell's Company, Colonel Tyler's Regiment, December, 1779 ; Private, Captain Amos Ellis's Company, 4th Suffolk County Massa- chusetts Regiment, Colonel Dean, March 3, 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of James Locke, Massachusetts (1729- 1808) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Henry Haskell's Company, Colonel Prescott's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, July 6-December 1, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of Thomas Brastow, Massachusetts (1740- 1799) ; Lieutenant, Captain Nathaniel Heath's Company, Massa- chusetts Militia, July 4-September 27, 1778 ; service under Colonels Jonathan Reed and Jacob Gerrish as Guard at Boston and Cam- bridge. 76 Date of ' u Society Admission. Number. 1895 Clapp, Amanda Eobinson Neally (Mrs. Charles A. Clapp), 1353 New York, Great-granddaughter of Noah Eobinson, New Hampshire (1757- 1827) ; Ensign, 8th Continental Infantry, September 6, 1776 ; Lieu- tenant, 2d New Hampshire Eegiment, November 8, 1776 ; wounded at Stillwater; 1st Lieutenant, December 22, 1777; Captain-Lieu- tenant, November 30, 1779 ; retired January 1, 1781. 1895 Clapp, Antoinette (Miss), 1233 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Elisha Briggs, Massachusetts (1761-1843); Sergeant, Captain Calvin Curtis's Company, Colonel John Jacobs's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, September 3-December 1, 1779; Sergeant, Captain Amos Turner's Company, same Eegiment, July 26-October 30, 1780. Also, great-gi'anddaughter of Sylvanus Clapp, Massachusetts (1742- 1811); Private, Captain Joseph Stetson's Company, Colonel An- thony Thomas's Eegiment, March 24-26, 1776 ; Private, Captain Thomas Collomer's Company, Colonel John Cushing's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Bhode Island Alarm," December 8, 1776. 1896 " Clapp, Laura Letitia (Miss), 1542 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Clark, Massachusetts (1746-1827); Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Locke's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 3, 1775. 1895 Clapp, Mary W. Cafprey (widow of Eugene H. Clapp), 1291 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Pullen, Massachusetts (1763-1810); Private, Massachusetts Troops raised to reinforce the Continental Army, July 9, 1780. 1891 'Clark, Anna Morgan Tanner (Mrs. S. D. Clark), 52 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of James Morgan, New Jersey (1734-1784) ; Ensign, 2d Eegiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia; pro- moted Captain same; Captain, Colonel Nathaniel Heard's Battalion, New Jersey State Troops. 77 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Clark, Clara Hay Swain (Mrs. William A. Clark, Jr.), 1062 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Martin Herrick, Massachusetts (1747-1820) ; Sergeant, Colonel Clover's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May- December, 1775 ; Surgeon's Mate, Continental Infantry, March- December, 1776 ; Surgeon, Brigantine " Tyrannicide," Captain John Allen Hallet, 1778-1782. 1896 Clark, Ellen Elizabeth (Miss), 1454 Massachusetts, - Granddaughter of Nathaniel Clark, Massachusetts (1766-1846) ; Fifer, Captain Nehemiah Emerson's Company, 10th Massachusetts Regi- ment, Colonel Tupper, March, 1781 ; served to close of war ; wounded at the Battle of White Plains. 1894 Clark, Mary Emerson Beaven (Mrs. John Everett Clark), 522 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Charles Beaven, Maryland (1756-1829) ; En- sign, 6th Maryland Regiment, November 1, 1777 ; Lieutenant, same, May 18, 1779* 1894 Clark, Mercy Foster (widow of James Clark), 721 New Jersey, Daughter of Joseph Foster, Connecticut ; Private, 3d Regiment Con- necticut Line, Colonel Samuel Wyllys, July 1-December 12, 1780. 1896 Clarke, Bymina (Miss), 1467 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Dale, Pennsylvania (1741- 1804); Captain 4th Company, 2d Battalion, Northumberland County Pennsylvania Associators, January 24, 1776 ; Member of Assembly, 1777. 1894 Clarke, Florence Abbie (Miss), 721 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Wooley, New Jersey (1752 ) ; Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Wooley, New Jersey ; Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia. 78 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Clarke, Jean King (Mrs. J. Mastella Clarke), 729 Mexico, Great-granddaughter of Daniel King, Massachusetts (1749-1815); Minute-man from Kingston, "Lexington Alarm"; Corporal, Cap- tain Daniel Spear's Company from Palmer. 1894 Clarke, Virginia Lee Banks (widow of Edward W. Clarke, M.D.), 611 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of William Murfree, North Carolina; Del- egate to Provincial Congress at Hillsboro, August 21, 1775 ; Member of Provincial Congress at Halifax, North Carolina. November 12, 1776. 1891 Class, Mary E. Kelley (Mrs. Franklin N. Ciass), 83 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Dennis Garrison, New York ; Private, Cap- tain Combs' Company, 2d Westchester County New York Eegiment, Colonel James Hammond ; Sergeant, same, 1780. 1895 Clearman, Oriana M. Eosseter (Mrs. L. Louis Clearman), 1350 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Baldwin, New Jersey (1761-1838) ; Fife major, Captain David Baldwin's Company, 1st New Jersey Eegiment, Colonel Matthias Ogden, 1776-December 21, 1778. 1895 Clements, Lydia Eamsdell (Mrs. T. W. Clements), 1108 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Donald McDonald ( 1817) ; Surgeon in both army and navy during the war. 1893 Cleminshaw, Mary J. Holbrook (Mrs. Charles Cleminshaw), 374 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Eobinson, Massachusetts (1753- 1838) ; Private, Captain Benjamin Farnum's Company, Colonel James Frye's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, Juiy 15, 1775. 1392 Clinton, Fanny M. Loudon (Mrs. Charles W. Clinton), 174 New York, Great-granddaughter of Eleazer Mather (1753 ) ; Sergeant, Cap- tain Samuel Mather's Company Connecticut Militia, 1776. [Also, Date of ^ Societv Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nathan Williams, Connecticut (1760-1848) ; Corporal, Connecticut Militia, April 1, 1777 ; served to 1783. 1895 Clough, Harriet Kelly (Mrs. Micajah Pratt Clough), 914 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Witham, Massachusetts, Seaman, Con- tinental Cruiser " Franklin," Captain James Mugford, May 17, 1776, which captured the British Ship " Hope," with a valuable cargo of ammunition. 1895 Clulow, Henrietta Hutchinson (Mrs. Sydney Turner Clulow), 760 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of William McCalla, Pennsylvania (1732- 1815); Captain, Plumstead Bucks County Associators, August 21, 1775 ; Captain 7th Company, 2d Battalion, Bucks County Penn- sylvania Militia, May 6, 1777 ; resigned March 9, 1779 ; appointed Chief of Forage Department Bucks County, 1779 ; Commissioner of Purchases, 1780-1781. 1895 Cobb, Ann Margaretta (Mrs. Sewall Chapman Cobb), 1185 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Benjamin Burton (1749-1835) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Samuel King's Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Regi- ment Continental Line, December 3, 1776-February 2, 1777 ; Captain, Colonel Henry Sherburne's Regiment, March 5, 1777; Major, Volunteer Company under Brigadier-General Wadsworth, April 20-November 20, 1781. 1895 Cobb, Isabella S. Perry (Mrs. Louis R. Cobb), 1345 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Perry, Massachusetts (1740-1831) ; Private, Natick Massachusetts Minute-men, Colonel Samuel Bul- lard, "Lexington Alarm." 1892 Coffin, Elizabeth Wadsworth (Mrs. Sturges Coffin), 193 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Reuben Wadsworth, Connecticut (1753 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Wadsworth's Company, Colonel Cook's Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, August 26-November 23, 1777. Date of "^ Society Admission. Number. 1895 Coffin, Sallie Eussell (Mrs. Charles Carlton Coffin), 924 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of John Farmer, Massachusetts (1737-1806) ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Edward Farmer's Company at Concord, 1775 ; served at the siege of Boston and in the "Ehode Island Alarms." Also, great-granddaughter of Henry Gerrish, New Hampshire (1742- 1806) ; Captain, Boscawen New Hampshire Militia, 1775 ; Lieuten- ant-Colonel, Colonel Stickney's Regiment at Bennington, August 16, 1777; was present at Burgoyne's surrender; Clerk at the sale of plunder taken from the British. 1895 Cogswell, Caroline Doane (Miss), 937 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of William Cogswell, Massachusetts (1760-1831) ; Private, Captain Cogswell's Company, 26th Continental Infantry, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon's Mate, January, 1778. 1895 Cogswell, Sarah Parker (Miss), 936 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of William Cogswell, Massachusetts (1760-1831); Private, Captain Cogswell's Company, 26th Continental Infantry, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon's Mate, January, 1778. 1896 Colby, Annah Edwards (Miss), 1719 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Bagley, Massachusetts (1717- 1780) ; Member Committee of Correspondence, 1777 ; Member Committee of Safety, 1778 ; Member Massachusetts Provincial Assembly, 1780. 1894 Colby, Nellie B. Whitney (Mrs. Edward B. Colby), 494 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Jobn Yicory, Rhode Island (1721- 1820) ; Private, Captain Carr's Company, Colonel Crary's Regi- ment Rhode Island Militia, 1778 ; Private, Captain Shearman's Company, Colonel Green's Regiment Rhode Island Militia. 1895 Cole, Adeline Philbrick (Mrs. Edwin B. Cole), 1202 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Blake Locke, New Hamp- Date of 81 Society Admission. Number. shire (1735-1822) ; Sergeant, Captain Winthrop Rowe's Company, Colonel Enoch Poor's Kegiment New Hampshire Militia, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Samuel Nay's Company, Continental Service, July 10, 1776. 1894 Cole, Augusta Walton (Miss), 501 California, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Philip Schuyler, New York (1733-1804); Major-General, Continental Army, June 19, 1775; resigned April 19, 1779 ; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1775-1781 ; Member New York Senate, 1780-1804. Also, great-granddaughter of Thomas French, Massachusetts (1752- 1822) ; Captain 7th Company, 5th Hampshire County Massachu- setts Kegiment, May 3, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel David Wells' Kegi- ment, September 23, 1777; service in the Northern Department. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Christopher Yates, New York (1737-1785); Member New York Provincial Congress, 1776; Member New York Committee of Safety; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Kegiment Albany County Militia, Colonel Abraham Wemple, June 20, 1778. 1894 Collins, Mary Pelton (Mrs. William Pelton Collins), 527 New York, Granddaughter of Gideon Pelton, 1st; Private, New York Slate Troops. 1893 Colwell, Amelia Morrison (Mrs. Thomas Colwell), 296 New York, Great-granddaughter of Asa Maxson, Rhode Island (1747-1839) ; Lieutenant, 3d Company Rhode Island Militia from Westerley, 1783. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Maxson, Deputy from Wes- terley to the Rhode Island Assembly, 1782-1783. 1894 Conant, Helen C. Peters Stevens (Mrs. Stillman S. Conant), 568 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Peters, Massachusetts (1744-1824) ; Sergeant, Captain Peter Poor's Company, Colonel John Frye's Reg- iment from Andover, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Condon, Ellen Lucy Foster (Mrs. John Condon), 1032 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Emery Pease, Connecticut (1727-1796) ; Date of Society Admission. Number. Captain " Lexington Alarm" Company from Somers, Connecticut, April, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Augustus Pease, Connecticut (1750- 1851) ; Private, Captain Hanchett's Company, 2d Connecticut Eegiment, May 8, 1775 ; service at Bunker Hill and in Arnold's Expedition to Quebec; service in General Waterbury's Connecticut State Brigade, 1781. 1895 Conklin, Emma Adelaide Eichardson (Mrs. Theodore E. Conklin), 1115 New York, Great-great-gi*eat-granddaughter of John Thomas, New York (- 1777) ; Deputy New York Provincial Congress, 1774 and 1775 ; Prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York; died in prison, May 1, 1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of James Ferris, New York (1734-1777); Chairman Westchester County Committee, 1774; Member Sub-committee appointed by Provincial Congress to inspect the election of militia officers, Westchester, New York, August 24, 1775 ; Prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York, 1776 ; released on parole, June 14, 1776, and died a few days later. 1896 Conway, Antoinette Johnson (Mrs. Charles H. Conway), 1584 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Jobn Glover, Massachusetts (1732- 1797) ; Colonel, Marblehead Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, Feb- ruary 26, 1775 ; Colonel 14th Continental Infantry, June 1, 1776 ; Brigadier-General, Continental Arm} 7 , February 21, 1777 ; retired July, 1782. 1894 Conrad, Laura E. Sanford (widow of Harry B. Conrad, M.D.), 488 New York, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Webb, Connecticut (1733 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Charles Smith's Company, 9th Connecticut Eegi- ment of Militia, 1776-1777 ; Ensign, Captain Eeuben Schofield's Company, Connecticut Militia, 1780-1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Sanford, New York; Asso- ciator Suffolk County, New York, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Lewis Sanford, New York ; Associator Suffolk County, New York, 1775. 1891 Conyingham, Bertha N. Eobinson (Mrs. John Nesbitt Conyingham), 69 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Moore, New Jersey (1735 Date of Society Admission. Number. ) ; Sergeant, Captain Hoppock's Company, 3d Regiment Hun- terdon County New Jersey Militia; served also in Hunt's Team Brigade. 1894 Cook, Diathea (Miss), 600 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Sr., Connecticut (1711- 1790); Captain, Wallingford Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm." Also, ,!i;reat-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Jr.. Connecticut (1739- 1810) ; Captain, 1st Connecticut Continental Regiment, Colonel David Wooster, May 1-December 1,1775; Major, 10th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel James Wadsv/orth, January 10, 1780; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, June, 1783. Also, great-granddaughter of Matthew Scott, Pennsylvania (1740- 1798); 1st Lieutenant, Captain William Peebles' Company, 2d Battalion, Pennsylvania Rifles, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 15, 1776 ; taken prisoner Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; ex- changed December 8, 1776; Captain, 13th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, Colonel Walter Stewart, October 24, 1776-Movember 12, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Thompson, Pennsylvania (1725-1781) ; Colonel Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, June 25, 1775 ; Colonel 1st Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776; Brigadier-Gen- eral, Continental Army, March 1, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776 ; exchanged October 25, 1780. 1894 Cook, Eleanor T. (Miss), 6 °1 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Sr., Connecticut (1711- 1790); Captain, Wallingford Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Jr., Connecticut (1739- 1810); Captain, 1st Connecticut Continental Regiment, Colonel David Wooster, May 1-December 1, 1775; Major, 10th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel James Wadsworth, January 10, 1780; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, June, 1783. Also, great-granddaughter of Matthew Scott, Pennsylvania (1740- 1798); 1st Lieutenant, Captain William Peebles' Company, 2d Battalion, Pennsylvania Rifles, Colonel Samuel Mdes, March 15, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; ex- changed December 8, 1776 ; Captain, 13tb Regiment Pennsylvania Line^ Colonel Walter Stewart, October 24, 1776-November 12, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Thompson, Pennsylvania (1725-1781) ; Colonel Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, June 25. 1775 ; R4- Date of Society Admission. Number. Colonel 1st Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Brigadier-Gen- eral, Continental Army, March 1, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Three .Rivers, June 8, 1776 ; exchanged October 25, 1780. 1895 Cook, Katherine (Miss), 979 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Sr., Connecticut (1711- 1790) ; Captain, Wallingford Connecticut Militia, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Jr., Connecticut (1739- 1810) ; Captain, 1st Connecticut Continental Eegiment, Colonel David Wooster, May 1-December 1, 1775 ; Major, 10th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel James Wadsworth, January 10, 1780 ; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, June, 1783. Also, great-granddaughter of Matthew Scott, Pennsylvania (1740- 1798) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain William Peebles' Company, 2d Battalion Pennsylvania Rifles, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 15, 1776; taken prisoner Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776; ex- changed December 8, 1775 ; Captain, 13tb Regiment Pennsylvania Line, Colonel Walter Stewart, October 24, 1776-November 12, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Thompson, Pennsylvania (1725-1781) ; Colonel Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, June 25, 1775 ; Colonel 1st Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Brigadier-Gen- eral, Continental Army, March 1, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776 ; exchanged October 25, 1780. 1893 Cooke, Edith E. (Miss), 212 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaugbter of William Cooke, Pennsylvania (1737- 1804) ; Colonel 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, October 2, 1776 ; resigned March 7, 1778 ; Member Northumberland County Penn- sylvania Committee of Safety ; Member Provincial Conference of 1776; Member Constitutional Convention, 1776. 1894 Cooke, Ella J. Hahn (Mrs. John W. Cooke), 556 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of William Cooke, Pennsylvania (1737-1804); Colonel 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, October 2, 1776 ; re- signed March 7, 1778 ; Member Northumberland County Pennsyl- vania Committee of Safety; Member Provincial Conference of 1776; Member Constitutional Convention, 1776. Date of 85 a . Admission. i£ 0C1 ? ty Number. 1895 Cookinham, Mary L. Sherman (Mrs. Henry J. Cookinham), 1417 New York, Great-granddaughter of Lawrence Schoolcraft, New York (1759- 1840) ; Private, New York Militia, 1776 ; in service at Fort Stanwix under Colonel Gansevoort, 1777 ; Adjutant, 15th New York Militia, Colonel Peter Vrooman ; reappointed February 20, 1778. 1895 Coolidge Ellen G. (Miss), 1143 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Coolidge, Massachusetts (1730- 1775) ; Minute-man from Watertown, Massachusetts ; killed at East Lexington, April 19, 1775. 1895 Coolidge, Harriette M. (Miss), 1142 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Coolidge, Massachusetts (1730- 1775) ; Minute-man from Watertown, Massachusetts ; killed at East Lexington, April 19, 1775. 1895 Cooper, Lola F. Camp (Mrs. Joseph G. Cooper), 803 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Asaph Whittlesey, Connecticut (1753-1778) ; Captain, 24th Militia Eegiment, Westmoreland ; mortally wounded at the battle of Wyoming, July 4, 1778. 1895 Cooper, Mart C. Blue (Mrs. Nicholas Cooper), 1439 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Johannes "Van Pelt, New Jersey ; Private, Captain Samuel Carhart's Company, 1st Eegiment Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. 1896 Copeland, Abbie Shelton (Mrs. Daniel T. Copeland), 1762 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Laban Stoddard, Massachusetts (1744-1826) ; Seaman on Brigantine " Independence," Captain Simeon Sampson, September 23, 1776-July 6, 1777. ■Dntft of "^ Society Admission. Number. 1896 Cory, Sally Morris Eoe (Mrs. Frank Cory), I 474 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Antony Morris, Pennsylvania ; Volun- teer; wounded while rendering service to Pennsylvania Troops at Chester, Pa., 1777. 1894 Cowee, Louise Denison (Mrs. James F. Cowee), 543 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Avery, Connecticut (1704-1780); Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Samuel Coit; resigned on account of age, October, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Dennison, New York (1730-1780) ; Sergeant, Captain Stephen Niles's Company, 4th Eegiment, 2d Eensselaerwyck Battalion, New York Militia, Colonel Kilian Van Eensselaer. 1S95 Cowles, Ella Hotchkiss (Mrs. Edmund Brainerd Cowles), 1156 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Bradley, Connecticut (1756-1823) ; Sergeant, 6th Connecticut Eegiment, January, 1778 ; Corporal, April, 1780; Sergeant, 4th Connecticut Eegiment, January 1, 1781. 1895 Coxpord, Eose Ella Brigham (Mrs. William Francis Coxford), 1331 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Perrine, New Jersey (1743 ) ; Private, Captain Peter Perrine's Company, 3d Eegi- ment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia ; Private, New Jersey Continental Line. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Johannes Euff, New York (1730-1799) ; Captain, 1st Tryon County Eegiment New York Mi- litia, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Clyde, June 15, 1779-January 1, 1783. Also, great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Matthias Mount, New Jersey; Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Compairy, 3d Eegiment Middlesex County New Jersej- Militia. 1895 Crafts, Emily Alice (Miss), 1062 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of William Heath, Massachusetts (1737- 1814) ; Major-General, Massachusetts Militia at Lexington and Con- 87 Date of ° Society Admission. Number. cord; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, June 22, 1775; Major- General, Continental Army, August 9, 1776; served to close of war. 1895 Craig, Marion Mead (Mies), 1265 New York, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Craig, New Jersey (1760-1812); Cor- poral, Lither's Company, Sheldon's Troop Light Dragoons Conti- nental Army ; Private, 1st Middlesex County New Jersey Regiment, 1st Battalion, 2d Establishment, Continental Army. 1895 Craighead, Katherine McCook (Mrs. Charles A. Craighead), 1392 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Phillips, New Jersey (1744- 1801) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d New Jersey Infantry, November 20, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, December 1, 1777; served till 1783; Member Society of the Cincinnati. Also, gre::t-great-granddaughter of William Churchill Houston, New Jersey (1740-1788); Captain, 2d Battalion Somerset County New Jersey Militia, Februaiy 28, 1776; resigned August 17, 1776; Member General Assembly of New Jersey, 1777 and 1778; Member Council of Safety, 1778; Member Continental Congress from Mid- dlesex County, New Jersey, 1779. 1891 Craighead, Lura Harris (Mrs. Erwin Craighead), 100 Alabama, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Colonel Richard Callaway, Vir- ginia (1730-1780); Signer of the Transylvania Declaration of Independence, May 23, 1775; Justice of the Peace, Kentucky County, Virginia, 1776 ; Member House of Burgesses from same county, April, 1777; one of the defenders ol Boonesborough in the Duquesne siege, 1778; killed by Indians in ambush, March, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of John Holder, Virginia ( 1800); Ensign, 2d Virginia Regiment, November 27, 1775 ; Lieutenant, February 1, 1776; Lieutenant, 5th Company, 2d Virginia Regi- ment, Colonel Alexander Spotswood, April, 1777; Captain of Com- pany stationed at Boonesborough, 1779; served in the Bowman Expedition against Chilicothe ; was in service in 1782. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jesse Williams (1750-1839); Cap- tain in Maryland and Virginia; record of service from 1776-1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Richard Kennon ; Member Pro- vincial Congress from Chatham County, North Carolina, August 20, 1775 ; re-elected 1779. [Ateo, Date of Society Admission. Number Also, great-great-granddaughter of Robert Martin (1738 ) ; Pri- vate from Prince Edward County, Yirginia. 1895 Crane, Julia Wingate Patterson (Mrs. Joseph H. Crane), 1403 Ohio, Granddaughter of Robert Patterson (1753-1827) ; Captain, Virginia State Militia, Colonel George Rogers Clarke, in the " Illinois Cam- paign," 1778 ; served in the Bowman Expedition against Old Chili- cothe, 1779; Captain in the Little Miami Expedition, 1780; served under Colonel Boone at the battle of Blue Licks, August 19, 1782 ; served under Colonel George Rogers Clarke in the second expedi- tion against the Miami Indians, September, 1782. 1893 Crater, Georgia Beers (Mrs.), 389 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Beers, Connecticut (1759-1848) ; Pri- vate, Captain Whiting's Company, 7th Regiment Continental Line, Colonel Webb, 1777 ; Corporal, 3d Regiment Continental Line, 1781 ; Sergeant, same, 1781. 1895 Crawford, Carra R. March (Mrs. John W. Crawford), 816 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of William Roby, Massachusetts (1742- 1776) ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d N"ew Hampshire Militia, May 23-Decem- ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, Bedel's Rangers, January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, Canada, May 19, 1776 ; died in service, 1776. 1895 Crawford, Ellen J. Turner (Mrs. John Jennings Crawford), 830 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Seth Turner, Massachusetts (1756 ) ; Pri- vate, Captain Seth Turner's Company Minute-men from Braintree. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Seth Turner, Sr. (1727-1806) ; Captain, Company of Minute-men from Braintree, Massachusetts. 1891 Crawford, Mary Cowan Caldwell (Mrs. John C. Crawford), 98 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Samuel McDowell, Virginia (1735 ) ; Member Virginia Convention, 1775-1776 ; Colonel Militia Regiment from Augusta County, Virginia; served with General Greene in North Carolina. 89 Date of w Society Admission. Number. 1894 Creery, Lillian (Miss), 757 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of William Creery, Delaware (1751-1827); En- sign, Captain Stedham's Company, Colonel Thomas Duff's Eegi- ment Delaware Militia, 1776 ; three tours of nineteen months ; Lieutenant, Delaware Militia, 1777 ; three tours, eighteen months ; Captain, 1781, served fourteen months. 1894 Critten, Ollie Stillwell (Mrs. De Frees Critten), 470 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Mrs. Betsy Boss, Pennsylvania ( 1836) ; Maker of the first American Flag which was adopted by Congress June 14, 1777 ; " In May, 1777, Congress made an order on the Treasury to pay Mrs. Betsy Eoss £14, 12s., 2d., for flags for the fleet in the Delaware Eiver, and a contract to make all Government flags." 1895 Crohurst, Lizzie Vernon (Mrs. William S. Crohurst), 1099 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Packard, Massachusetts (1751 ) ; Private, Captain Joseph Hayden's Company, Colonel Bailey's Eegiment from Bridgewater, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Hayden's Company, Colonel John Thomas's Eegiment, August 1, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Highill's Company, 38th Eegiment, Colonel Baldwin, September, 1775; Private, Captain Hayden's Company, Colonel Thomas's Eegiment, October 6, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Pierce's Company, Colonel Knox's Eegiment of Artillery, December 16, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha How- ard's Company, Colonel Edward Mitchell's Eegiment, March 4-10, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, 3d Ply- mouth County Massachusetts Eegiment, March 23, 1776 ; Lieuten- ant, Captain Keith's Company, Colonel Cotton's Eegiment Massa- chusetts Militia for service in Ehode Island, September 25-October 30, 1777. 1893 Crombie, Susan F. Taylor (Mrs. Daniel D. Crombie), 566 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Josiah Munro, Massachusetts (1745-1801); Ensign, 16th Connecticut Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st New Hampshire Eegiment, November 8, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, September 20, 1777 ; Eegimental Quartermaster, August 23, 1778 ; Captain-Lieutenant, March 24, 1780 ; Captain, July 5, 1780 ; served to close of war. Date of 9® Society Admission. Number. 1893 Crook, Annie Wolcott (Mrs. George Crook), 345 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Eliphaz Healey, Maine (1755-1833) ; Sergeant, Maine Militia. 1895 Cross, Anna M. Robinson (Mrs. S. W. Cross), 1038 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Christopher Robinson, Rhode Island (1756- 1841); 2d Lieutenant, Captain Adams's Company, Rhode Island Militia; Captain-Lieutenant, Captain Adams's Company, Rhode Island Militia, 1778. 1896 Cross, Ellen D. Newhall (Mrs. Henry A. Cross), 1456 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Marsh, Jr., Massachusetts (1740- 1322) ; Lieutenant, Captain Caleb Low's Company of Minute-men which marched from Danvers, Massachusetts, on the Alarm of April 19, 1775. 1894 Crowell, Lucy M. Rogers (Mrs. Charles A. Crowell), 508 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Rodgers, Virginia ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th Virginia Regiment, March 1778; Captain, Virginia State Troops; January 1778-Fobruary 1782. 1895 Cryer, Martha Phillips (Mrs. Matthew Henry Cryer), 892 Pennsylvania, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Garret Brodhead (1738-1804) ; Private, Sussex County New Jersey Militia, 1776 ; Sergeant, same, 1778-1783. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Francis Joseph Smith, France, (1748-1802) ; commissioned by Congress Brevet Ensign, Conti- nental Army, July 29, 1779, to be made use of in case of his being made a prisoner while serving as a volunteer in the American Army. Date of yj - Society Admission. Number. 1895 Cummin, Ellen P. Church (Mrs. Eobert Irvin Cummin), 1425 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of John Pearson, Pennsylvania (1740-1829) i 1st Lieutenant, 11th Eegiment Pennsylvania Line, November 13, 1776 ; promoted Captain, September 7, 1777 ; transferred to 9th Pennsylvania Line, July 1, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania Line, January 17, 1781 ; tranferred to 1st Pennsylvania Line, Jan- uary 1, 1783; served to close of war. 1893 Cctmmings, Lucy Wallace (Mrs. Samuel Caleb Cummings), 361 Massachusetts, Daughter of Eobert Thorndike, Massachusetts (1761-1843) ; Private, "Lexington Alarm" and Bunker Hill ; served throughout the war. 1893 Cundy, Elizabeth S. Woodbury (Mrs.), 330 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Elisha Woodbury, New Hampshire (1762-1850) ; Private, Colonel Stark's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, 1777; in service at the Battle of Bennington. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Elisha Woodbury, Sr., New Hamp- shire (1735-1816) ; Captain, General John Stark's Brigade at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; served also at the Battle of Trenton, Decem- ber 25, 1776. 1896 Currier, Olive Towle (Mrs. George William Currier), 149") Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Jabez Towle, New Hampshire (1747-1837) ; Private, 3d Company, Captain Elkin, 2d Eegiment New Hamp- shire Militia, May 27- October 1775 ; Private, Captain Dearborn's Company, Colonel Moulton's Eegiment of Volunteers in service at Saratoga, October-November, 1777. 1895 Curtis, Elizabeth Bancroft (Mrs. Frederick Colton Curtis), 1015 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Ezra Stevens, Connecticut (1724-1823) ; Lieutenant, 6th Company, Captain Benedict, 5th Connecticut Conti- nental Eegiment, Colonel Waterbury, May-November 31, 1775. Also, great-granddaugher of Benjamin Dewey, Massachusetts (1743- 1812) ; Sergeant, Captain John Shepard's Company from Westfield, Massachusetts, April 20-May 12, 1775. 92 „ ■ Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Curtis, Genevieve F. Young (Mrs. Nelson Curtis), 141-4 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Tolman, Massachusetts (1740- 1825) ; Lieutenant, Captain Hopestill Hall's Company from Dor- chester, April 19, 1775 ; Lieutenant, Captain John Robinson's Com- pany at Dorchester Heights, March 25, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain John Bradley's Company Massachusetts Militia, August 14-Novem- ber 30, 1777 ; Lieutenant, Captain Turner's Company Massachu- setts Militia, in service at Rhode Island, March 1-April 4, 1778. 1893 Curtis, Margaret J. Coit (Mrs.), 245 North Carolina, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Coit, Colonel appointed before the war; resigned June 13, 1776, in favor of "younger men;" Judge of County Court and Maritime Court of Connecticut during the Revolution. 1893 Curtis, Mary Morrison (widow of Aberdeen G. Curtis), 280 New York, Great-granddaughter of Asa Maxson, Rhode Island (1747-1839) ; Lieutenant 3d Company Rhode Island Militia from Westerley, 1783. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Maxson ; Deputy from Westerley to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1782-1783. 1896 Curwen, Bessie Holman (Miss), 1601 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Carlton, Massachusetts (1731- 1804) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st Massachusetts Regiment, July 1 9 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Sprout's Regiment Massachu-' setts Militia, January 1, 1777-April 1, 1779. 1895 Cushing, Gertrude Wells (Mrs. William Tileston Gushing), 343 New York, Great-granddaughter of Richard Sweetser, Maine (1750 ) ; Pri- vate, Captain Samuel Noyes' Company, Colonel Edmund Phin- ney's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May, 1775-January, 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Williams' Company, Colonel Edmund Phinney's Regiment, January, 1776-1777. qq Date of ut> Society Admission. Number. 1894 Cutter, Ellen D. Greeley (Mrs. Edward Jones Cutter), 725 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Matthew Thornton, New Hampshire (1714-1803) ; Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1775 to close of war; President New Hampshire Provincial Congress, 1775 ; Chairman New Hampshire Committee of Safety, 1775-80 ; Chief Justice New Hampshire Court of Common Pleas, 1775-80 ; Member Con- tinental Congress, 1776-1778 ; Signer Declaration of Independ- ence. 1895 Dain, Louisa Hait (Mrs. Henry P. Dain), 1440 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Whitney, Connecticut; Cap- tain 5th Company, 9th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant- Colonel Mead, General Wooster's Division, 1776 and 1777. 1895 Daland, Elizabeth Brookhouse Perkins (Mrs. John Daland), 1222 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Robert Brookhouse, Massachusetts (1757- 1779); Captain, Schooner "Lively," April 15, 1778; Captain, Pri- vateersman " Hornet," 1779. 1894 Dammann, Adele B. McCullough (Mrs. Joseph T. Dammann), 754 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin McCullough, New Jersey (1735-1789) ; Captain, Colonel Ephraim Martin's Battalion, General Heard's Brigade New Jersey Militia, June 14-December 1, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Regiment Sussex County New Jersey Militia, Colonel Jacob West, May 27, 1777. 1895 Damon, Rebecca R. Graham (Mrs. Albert Foster Damon), 1199 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Sink, Pennsylvania (1760-1828) ; Private, 10th Regiment Pennsylvania Line at Frederickstown, October 1, 1778. Date of °^ Society Admission. Number. 1894 Danforth, Abbie D. P. Mace (Mrs. William S. Danforth), 717 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Moulton, New Hampshire (1717- 1779); Private, Captain Elkins' Company, New Hampshire Militia ; Private, Captain Ezekiel Giles's Company, Colonel Pea- body's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, July, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Andrew Mace, New Hampshire (1709-1790); Private, Captain Ezra Stearns' Company, Colonel Drake's Regiment, General Whipple's Brigade New Hampshire Militia; Private, Captain Eastman's Company, New Hampshire Militia. 1895 Danforth, Caroline Atwood (Mrs. George F. Danforth), 946 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Atwood, New Hampshire (1735- 1816) ; Captain Company of Minute-men from Weare, New Hamp- shire, " Lexington Alarm ;" marched to Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1895 Daniels, Louise Nash (Mrs. William H. Daniels), 1006 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Noah Nash, Massachusetts (1734-1775) ; Private, Captain Samuel Stockbridge's Company, Colonel John Thomas's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 10-August 7, 1777. 1894 Daniels, Maria Wheeler (Mrs. George F. Daniels), 433 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Abijah Reed, Massachusetts ; Corporal, 6th Company, Captain William Walker, 3d New Hampshire Regiment, Colonel James Reid ; Sergeant, Captain William Barrow's Company, Colonel Isaac Wyman's Regiment New Hampshire Militia. 1891 Daniels, Minnie Bulkelet (Miss), 101 New York, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Moseley, Connecticut (1741 ); Lieutenant, Company of Minute-men, " Lexington Alarm ;" Captain, 3d Connecticut Regiment, May 1-December 7, 1775 ; Captain, Col- onel Ely's Regiment Connecticut State Troops, February, 1776- June, 1777. Date of °° Society Admission. Number. 1893 Daniels, Minnie Gay (Mrs. Frank Daniels), 404 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Solomon Gay, Massachusetts (1741 ); Minute-man, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Ed- ward B. Lavell's Company, Massachusetts Militia, March 4, 1776. 1891 Darling, Flora Adams (widow of General B. L. Darling), 1 New York, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Adams, Massachusetts (1735-1833) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Company, 3d Suffolk County Eegiment Massachu- setts Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Powell, New Hampshire ; Priv- ate, Captain Henry Dearborn's Company, General Stark's Brigade, 1775 ; record of service from 1775-1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Thomas Lamb, Massachusetts ; Lieuten- ant, Colonel Henry Jackson's Eegiment Massachusetts Continental Infantry, February 1, 1777 ; retired April 22, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Dustin, New Hamp- shire (1741 ) ; Private, Captain Joshua Haywood's Company, Colonel David Gilmore's Eegiment, December, 1776-March, 1777 ; Private, Colonel Jonathan Chase's Eegiment commanded by Major Francis Smith, June 27-July 14, 1777. 1895 Darrow, Mart Cogswell (Mrs. George Bowman Darrow), 973 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Cogswell, Massachusetts (1760-1831) ; Private, Captain Cogswell's Company, 26th Continental Infantry, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon's Mate, January, 1778. 1896 Davenport, Mart Pauline (Miss), 1585 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas "Wyman, Massachusetts (1761- 1816); Private, Captain Heath's Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 9, 1780 ; Private, Massachu- setts Militia raised for six months' service, October 25, 1780. 1891 Davidson, Catharine Schureman (Mrs. Eobert J. Davidson), 82 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Schureman, New Jersey (1729- 1795) ; Member Committee of Correspondence, 1775 ; Member Pro- Date of 9f> J 001 ?^ Admission. Number. vincial Congress of New Jersey, May, 1775 ; Member Committee of Safety to exercise the powers of Provincial Congress during its recess, August 17-September 20, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of James Schureman, New Jersey (1756- 1824) ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Taylor's Company, Colonel John Neilson's Battalion of Minute-men, January 10, 1776 ; Captain of a Volunteer Militia Company at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; Member of Congress, 1780. 1894 Davis, Abby G. Gage (Mrs. George Edmund Davis), 1488 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Gage, Massachusetts (1730-1797) ; Captain, Colonel Frye's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 1894 Davis, Anna Davis (Mrs. Asa D. Davis), 724 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Joseph Davis, Massachusetts (1747-1803) ; Private, Captain Benjamin Perkins's Company, Colonel Moses Little's Eegi- ment Massachusetts Militia, April, 1775 ; served three months. 1892 Davis, EmxMA Ethel (Miss), 198 Texas, Great-granddaughter of John C. Herrick ; Corporal, General Wash- ington's Body Guard for the month of July, 1782. 1891 Davis, Louise S. Sluyter (widow of James Davis), 17 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Schureman, New Jersey (1729- 1795) ; Member Committee of Correspondence, 1775 ; Member Pro- vincial Congress of New Jersey, May, 1775 ; Member Committee of Safety to exercise the powers of Provincial Congress during its recess, August 17-September 20, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of James Schureman, New Jersey (1756- 1824) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Taylor's Company, Colonel John Neilson's Battalion of Minute-men, January 10, 1776 ; Captain of a Yolunteer Militia Company at the Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; Member of Congress, 1780. 97 . P a t e ? f ' Society Admission. Number. 1895 Davis, Lucy Stearns (Miss), 1021 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Phineas Stearns, Massachusetts (1735-1798) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Barnard's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, "Watertown Company of Militia, 1776. 1S95 Davis, Marian D. Stanwood (Mrs. Joseph Edwin Davis), 1189 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Flint, Massachusetts (1733- 1777); Captain, 8th Eegiment Essex County Massachusetts Militia; killed at Stillwater at the head of his company, October 7, 1777. 1894 Davis, Mary Eowena (Miss), 607 Maine, Great-great-granddaughter of John Allan (1746-1805) ; appointed Colonel of Infantry and Superintendent of Indian Affairs in the Eastern Department, and Commandant of the Post at Machias, Maine, from 1776 to close of war. 1895 Davies, Louie Phillips (Mrs. Joseph P. Davies), 1391 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Phillips, New Jersey (1744-1801) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d New Jersey Infantry, November 20, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, November 29, 1776 ; Captain, December 1, 1777 ; served till 1783 ; Member Society of the Cincinnati. Also, great-granddaughter of William Churchill Houston, New Jersey (1740-1788) ; Captain, 2d Battalion, Somerset County New Jersey Militia, February 28, 1776 ; resigned August 17, 1776 ; Member General Assembly of New Jersey, 1777 and 1778 ; Member Council of Safety, 1778 ; Member Continental Congress from Middlesex County, New Jersey, 1779. 1893 Dawson, Anna E. Ely (widow of General Samuel K. Dawson), 211 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Abner Lord, Connecticut; Private, Connec- ticut Militia ; Captain, 4th Battalion, Connecticut State Troops, Col- onel John Ely. Q8 Date of ua Society Admission. Number. 1891 Dawson, Elizabeth A. Sayre (Mrs. Kodman B. Dawson), 128 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Ephraim L. Whitlock, New Jersey" (1755— 1825); Ensign, Captain Jonathan Forman's Company, 4th Regi- ment New Jersey Line, Lieutenant-Colonel David Brearly, Novem- ber 28, 1776 ; 2d-Lieutenant, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Regiment New Jersey Line, Colonel Matthias Ogden, July 1, 1778 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April 1783 ; Brevet Captain, Sep- tember 30, 1783 ; served to November, 1783. 1891 Dayton, Laura A. Newman (Mrs. Charles W. Dayton), 74 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Webb, Connecticut (1733- ) ; Sergeant, Captain Charles Smith's Company, 9th Connecticut Regiment of Militia, 1776-1777; Ensign, Captain Reuben Scofield's Company, Connecticut Militia, 1780-1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Sanford, New York; Asso- ciator Suffolk County, New York, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Lewis Sanford, New York ; Associator Suffolk County New York, 1775. 1891 Dayton, Maria A. Tomlinson (widow of Abram C. Dayton), 37 New York, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Adams, Connecticut ( 1797) ; Major, 17th Regiment Connecticut Militia, May 1777 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, October 1779 ; Colonel same Regiment, January 1780 ; Member Continental Congress, 1777-1782 ; Member Connecticut Council of Safety. Also, great granddaughter of John Canfield (1740 ) ; Adjutant, 2d Regiment Continental Dragoons, Colonel Elisha Sheldon, 1776; Brigade-Major in Brigadier-General Oliver "Wolcott's Detachment Connecticut Militia, at Saratoga, 1777. 1894 Dean, Harriet Martine (Miss), 687 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Dean, New York (1755-1817); Private, Captain Ambrose Horton's Company, 4th Regiment New York Line, Colonel James Holmes, May-October, 1775, served in the expedition to Canada; Private, Captain Gilbert Dean's and Cap- qq Date of UtJ Society Admission. Number. tain Gabriel Bequa's Companies, 1st Eegiment Westchester County- New York Militia, Colonel Joseph Drake, served at different periods during the years 1776-1780 ; one of the captors of Major John Andre. 1895 Denning, Mary Worthington (Mrs. Judson K. Denning), 813 Iowa, Great-great-granddaughter of Benadam Gallup, Connecticut (1716- 1800) ; Member Committee of Correspondence and Safety, 1774 ; Major, 2d Battalion Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut Militia, June 1776; served at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; was in the retreat from New York, September 15, 1776 ; Lieutenant- Col- onel, 3d Battalion, Connecticut State Troops, Colonel Boger Enos, December 2, 1776. 1895 De Nyse, Kate Lloyd (Mrs. Charles Bitchie De Nyse), 1125 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Duryee, Long Island (1743-1814) ; one of the Signers of the Call for New York Provincial Congress, April 26, 1775; Member New York Committee of One Hundred, May 1, 1775. 1891 Devine, Olive A. French (Mrs. Joseph P. Devine), 31 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Christopher "Webb, Connecticut ; Pri- vate, Captain John Douglas's Company, Connecticut Militia, July 17, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Eben Lothrop's Company, Colonel Jonathan Latimer's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Selkrigg, Connecticut (1756 ); Private in "Lexington Alarm" and at Bunker Hill, 1775 ; Private, Captain Amos Beecher's Company, Colonel Fisher Gay's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1777 ; Fifer and Drum major, 1778 ; served till 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of Stephen French (1760 ) ; Private, Virginia Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Henry, Virginia (1731 1805) ; Member Continental Congress, 1780-1781. Date of U Society Admission. Number. 1895 Dickenson, Hannah S. "Williams (Mrs. Marquis F. Dickenson), 958 Massachusetts, Daughter of Asa Williams, Connecticut (1758-1834) ; Minute-man from Preston, Connecticut, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, 1st Regi- ment Connecticut Line, July 15, 1780. 1895 Dickenson, Sophia Lovejoy (Mrs. Charles E. Dickenson), 871 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Francis Lovejoy, New Hampshire (1734- 1818) ; Private, 8th New Hampshire Continental Line, 1776. 1893 Diggles, Grace Louise (Miss), 360 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Prichard, New Hampshire (1759- 1835) ; Private, 1st New Hampshire Regiment, January 1, 1777- November 18, 1779. 1891 Disbrow, Hannah Laird (Mrs. R. L. Disbrow), 288 New Jersey. Great-granddaughter of Robert Laird, New Jersey ( 1811) ; Pri- vate, Lieutenant Barnes Smock's Troop of Light Dragoons, New Jersey Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Moses Mount, New Jersey ; Private Captain John Walton's Troop of Light Dragoons, Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. 1894 Dobson, Clara Bertha (Miss), 640 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Shattuck, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain John Nutting's Company, Colonel William Prescott's Reg- iment Massachusetts Militia, April 19, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of John Shattuck, Jr., Massachusetts (1744 -1807) ; Private, "Lexington Alarm." Date of 1U1 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Dodge, Susan C. Todd (Mrs. William P. Dodge), 1190 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Solomon Todd, New Hampshire (1740-1787); Private, Captain James Osgood's Company of Eangers, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Nesmith's Company, 1776 ; Private, Colonel Matthew Thornton's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, 1777 ; enlisted for three years. 1894 Dolbear, Alice Janette Hood (Mrs. Amos E. Dolbear), 571 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Bailey, Jr., Massachusetts ( 1775) ; Private, Captain Farbush's Company, Colonel Bridge's Eegi- ment Massachusetts Militia ; killed at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Stearns Needham, Massachusetts (1754- 1830) ; Private, Lieutenant Thomas Clark's Company, Colonel Green's Eegiment from Tewksbury, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private Captain Solomon Kidder's Company, Colonel Brook's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia at White Plains, October 28, 1776. 1893 Don, Harriet Morrison (Mrs. John Don), 281 New York, Great-granddaughter of Asa Maxson, Ehode Island (1747-1839) ; Lieu- tenant, 3d Company Ehode Island Militia from Westerley, 1783. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Maxson, Ehode Island ; Deputy from Westerley to the General Assembly of Ehode Island, 1782-1783. 1895 Doughty, Frances E. (Miss), 1307 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of William Edmonds, Connecticut (1755 ) ; Volunteer, " Danbury Alarm," April 27, 1777 ; wounded in service. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of John Chandler, Connecticut, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Silliman's Eegiment Connecticut Mil- itia, June-December, 1776 ; Colonel 8th Eegiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1777 ; resigned March 7, 1778 ; Superintendent of Eecruiting, Connecticut Line, 1780. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1892 Doughty, Hannah Mumford Starr (Mrs. Francis E. Doughty), 192 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Edmonds, Connecticut (1755 ) ; Yolunteer " Danbury Alarm," April 27, 1777 ; wounded in service. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Chandler, Connecticut; Lieutenant-Colonel Silliman's Regiment Connecticut Militia, June- December, 1776 ; Colonel 8th Regiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1777 ; resigned March 7, 1778 ; Superintendent of Recruiting, Connecticut Line, 1780. 1895 Douglas, Martha Treat (Miss), 1355 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Treat, Connecticut (1749-1795) ; Private, Captain Loomis's Company Connecticut Militia, Septem- ber 7-27, 1776 ; Private, Captain Bryant's Company, Connecticut Militia, October 5-27, 1777 ; Captain, Connecticut Militia, 1778 ; promoted Major, 1778; resigned 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Roger Wolcott, Connecticut (1737 ) ; Ensign, Captain Amasa Loomis's Company Connecticut Militia, " Lexington Alarm." 1894 Dow, Anna Letton (Mrs. Arthur Chase Dow), 511 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Hall, Vermont ( 1845) ; Private, Captain Joshua Hazen's Company, Colonel Wood's Regi- ment, October 1780; Private, same Company on frontier duty, October 27, 1780; Lieutenant, 1781. 1894 Dow, Mary Elita (Miss), 606 New York, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Dow, New Hampshire ; Private, State Militia, January, 1778-June, 1779. 1895 Downs, Annie M. Sawyer (Mrs. Samuel Morse Downs), 1127 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Giles, New Hampshire (1717 -1787) ; Private, Colonel Moses Nichols's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 1778 ; stationed at West Point, 1780 ; Private, Captain John Eastman's Company, Colonel Bartlett's Regiment, 1780-1781 ; Member Ticondero2;a Committee and Selectman. 103 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Drowne, Abbt F. Eollins (Mrs. Luther Washburn Drowne), 460 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Timothy Emerson, New Hampshire (1743- 1827) ; Captain, Colonel Bartlett's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia raised to reinforce the Continental Army in the defence of West Point, 1780. 1895 Drowne, Emily Catherine (Miss), 978 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Emerson, New Hampshire (1743-1827) ; Captain, Colonel Bartlett's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia raised to reinforce the Continental Army in the defence of West Point, 1780. 1894 Drummond, Martha E. Gregory (Mrs. William H. Drummond), 649 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Edward Cornine, New Jersey ( 1830) ; Private, 1st Battalion, 2d Establishment, New Jersey Troops ; Pri- vate, Captain Jonathan Forman's Company, 1st Eegiment New Jersey Continental Line. 1895 DuMont, H. Josephine (Miss), 1160 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Phillips DuMont, New York (1730- 1811) ; Sergeant, Captain Van Beuren's Company, Colonel Wyn- koop's Eegiment New York State Troops ; Chairman Committee of Safety, Kingston, New York, 1777. 1894 Dun, Hattie Franklin (Miss), 457 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Gustavus Scott, Maryland (1735-1801) ; Member Association of Freemen, 1775; Delegate Maryland Con- vention, 1775 ; Member Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Com- mittee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddanghter of Samuel Love, Maryland ; Deputy Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Charles Jones, Maryland ; Judge of Montgomerj^ County, Maryland, 1777 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. 104 Date of xv ^ Society Admission. Number. 1894 Dun, Katharine Thompson (Miss), "125 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Gustavus Scott, Maryland (1735-1801) J Member Association of Freemen, 1775 ; Delegate Maryland Con- vention, 1775 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Love, Maryland ; Deputy Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Charles Jones, Maryland ; Judge of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1777 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. 1894 Dun, Nancy Angus (Miss), 458 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Gustavus Scott, Maryland (1735-1801); Member Association of Freemen, 1775 ; Delegate Maryland Con- vention, 1775 ; Member Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Com- mittee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Love, Maryland ; Deputy Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Charles Jones, Maryland; Judge of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1777 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. 1895 Durgin, Harriet Thayer (Miss), 1087 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Luke Eager, Massachusetts (1748-1807) ; Private, Captain Cyprian Howe's Company. Colonel Jonathan Ward's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 19, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Thomas Brintnal's Company, Colonel Cyprian Howe's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, 1780, four months' service. 1895 Durgin, Mary Lyle (Miss), 1° 88 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Luke Eager, Massachusetts (1748-1807) ; Private, Captain Cyprian Howe's Company, Colonel Jonathan Ward's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 19, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Thomas Brintnal's Company, Colonel Cyprian Howe's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, 1780, four months' service. Date of 10^ «„„;„+„ Admissioa. JSSS&. 1896 Durgin, Medora Mooney (widow of Frank A. Durgin, M.D.), 1460 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Mooney, New Hampshire (1740 ) ; Private, Captain Alpheus Chesiey's Company, New Hampshire Militia, at Seavey's Island, November 5, 1775 ; 1st Lieu- tenant, Captain William Harper's Company, Colonel Isaac Wyman's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, July 18, 1776 ; Lieutenant of troops raised to recruit the New Hampshire Eegiments of the Con- tinental Army, July 10, 1780-December 31, 1780. 1891 Duryee, Caroline (Miss), 223 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Duryee, Long Island (1743-1814) ; one of the Signers of the Call for New York Provincial Congress, April 26, 1775 ; Member New York Committee of One Hundred, May 1, 1775. 1891 Duryee, Fanny (Miss), 221 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Duryee, Long Island (1743-1814) ; one of the Signers of the Call for New York Provincial Congress, April 26, 1775; Member of the New York Committee of One Hundred, May 1, 1775. 1891 Duryee, Gertrude (Miss), 222 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Duryee, Long Island (1743-1814) ; one of the Signers of the Call for New York Provincial Congress, April 26, 1775 ; Member New York Committee of One Hundred May 1, 1775. 1892 Eager, Sarah B. "Wilson (widow of Eobert Eager), 152 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Lewis, Virginia (1718 ); Member Virginia Convention from Augusta County, 1775-1776. 1895 Eames, Mary Greenleap Cole (Mrs. Daniel H. Eames), 1216 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Sylvanus Gates, Massachusetts (1746-1836) ; Matross, Colonel Eichard Gridley's Eegiment of Artillery, 1775 ; Date of 1"" Society SAdmisaion. Number. Private, Captain David Prouty's Company, Colonel Job Cushing's Regiment Worcester County Massachusetts Militia to reinforce the Northern Army, July 1777. 1894 Earle, Alice Morse (Mrs. Henry Earle), 737 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Reuben Morse, New Hampshire, (1742-1810) ; Ensign, Captain Salmon Stone's Company, Colonel Nichols Regi- ment, General Stark's Brigade, July-September, 1777 ; Selectman of Dublin, New Hampshire, July 17, 1782. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Mason, New Hamp- shire, (1717-1801) ; Fifer, Captain Salmon Stone's Company, Col- onel Nichol's Regiment, General Stark's Brigade, July 21-Septem- ber 25, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Richard Heard, Massachusetts, (1720-1792) ; Private, Captain Nicholas Cudworth's Company, Col- onel Abijah Pierce's Regiment, February 21, 1776 ; Private, Colonel Nixon's Regiment, September 30, 1776; afterwards Captain. Also, great-granddaughter of Daniel Clary, New Hampshire ( 1780) ; Private, Captain Josiah Brown's Company, Colonel Enoch Hale's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, May 8, 1777. 1894 * Easter, Margaret E. Miller (Mrs. James W. Easter), 446 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of George Schaffer, Pennsylvania (1730 ) ; 2d Lieutenant, Pennsylvania German Regiment, July 12, 1776 ; L.eutenant, Captain Schott's Company, Colonel Ottendorff's Bat- tallion, Pulaski Legion, February 4, 1777 ; Captain, 3d Cavalry, 1778 ; Major, 1779. 1895 Easton, Mary N. Bailey (widow of Edward F. Easton), 1322 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Bailey, Massachusetts (1730-1810); Lieutenant -Colonel, Colonel John Thomas's Regiment Massachu- setts Militia, April 1775 ; Colonel 23d Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776; Colonel 2d Massachusetts Line Regiment, November 1, 1776; retire.! October 1780. 1894 Easton, Mary Burnet (Mrs. Nelson S. Easton), 720 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of William Burnet, M.D., New Jersey (1730-1791); Chairman, Newark, New Jersey, Committee of Safety, 1775 ; Surgeon, 2d Regiment Essex County New Jersey Militia, * Deceased. , Date of 1U ' Society Admission. Number. Colonel Philip Van Cortlandt, February 17, 1776 ; Commissioner, Military Supplies East New Jersey, July, 1776; Physician and Surgeon-General, Continental Army, Eastern Department, April 11, 1777; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, October 6th, 1780 ; Member Continental Congress, 1780-1781 ; Surgeon, General Hospital, Con- tinental Army, March 5, 1781; served to close of war. 1895 Eaton, Jane Vashti (Miss), 1444 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Asa Church, Massachusetts (1750- 1809); Minute-man from Eutland, Massachusetts, 1775; Private, Captain Wheeler's Company, Colonel Nixon's Eegiment, March 5, 1777 ; Quartermaster, same. 1893 Eaton, Loriette Avery (Mrs. Eugene Edgar Eaton), 375 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Gould, Massachusetts (1724-1778) ; Private, Eeading Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Page's Company, Colonel Vose's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia; died in service, May 18, 1778. 1895 Eaton, Lucy Washburn (Mrs. George Eaton), 1214 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Washburn, Massachusetts (1742- 1785); Minute-man from Bridgewater, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain 2d Company, 3d Plymouth County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, 1776 ; 1st Major, 3d Eegiment State Militia, April, 1779 ; Captain, Colonel Gerrish's Eegiment of Guards, May 2-December 18, 1779. 1891 Eaton, Yashti Gates (Mrs. Bradley L. Eaton), 77 New York, Great-granddaughter of Asa Church, Massachusetts (1750-1809) ; Minute-man from Eutland, Massachusetts, 1775 ; Private, Captain Wheeler's Company, Colonel Nixon's Eegiment, March 5, 1777 ; Quartermaster, same. 108 Date of ■ LUO Society Admission. Number. 1895 Edes, Sophia Augusta May (Miss), 935 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John May, Massachusetts (1748-1812) ; Major, Suffolk County Massachusetts Militia Eegiment, Colonel Ebenezer Thayer, raised to reinforce the Continental Army, June 27-October 30, 1780; 1st Major, Boston Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, 1780. 1895 Edgar, Elizabeth Barnett (Miss), 1377 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Bogers, Pennsylvania (1746-1782) ; Ensign, Liberty Company of Hanover Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775 ; 3d Lieutenant, Captain James Bogers' Company, Colonel Timothy Green's Hanover Bifle Bat- talion of Lancaster County Associators, June 6, 1776 ; Corporal, Colonel Butler's Battalion, 4th Eegiment Pennsylvania Line, 1778- 1781. Also, great-great-grandddaughter of James Wallace, Pennsylvania ( 1778) ; Member Bucks County Pennsylvania Committee of Safety, December 15, 1774-July 29, 1776 ; Member Company of Associators of Warwick Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, August 21, 1775 ; Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Bucks County. Also, great-granddaughter of John Carr, Pennsylvania (1756-1812) ; Private, Captain John Jamison's Company, Warwick Township, Bucks County Associators, August 20, 1776. 1895 Edgar, Jane Allen (Miss), 1376 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Bogers, Pennsylvania (1746-1782); Ensign, Liberty Company of Hanover Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775 ; 3d Lieutenant, Captain James Bogers's Company, Colonel Timothy Green's Hanover Bifle Bat- talion of Lancaster County Associators, June 6, 1776; Corporal, Colonel Butler's Battalion, 4th Eegiment Pennsylvania Line, 1778- 1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Wallace, Pennsylvania 1778) ; Member Bucks County Pennsylvania Committee of Safety, December 15, 1774-July 29, 1776; Member Company of Associators of Warwick Townsbip, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, August 21, 1775; Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Bucks County. Also, great-granddaughter of John Carr, Pennsylvania (1756-1812) ; Private, Captain John Jamison's Company, Warwick Township, Bucks County Associators, August 20, 1776. 109 Date ol ^° Society Admission. Number. 1895 Edson, Margaret (Miss), 1326 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benanuel Pratt, Massachusetts (1756-1825) ; Private, Captain Simon Hunt's Company, Colonel Eleazer Brooks's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, November 5, 1777-February 3, 1778 ; Private, Captain Francis Brown's Company, Colonel Mcin- tosh's Eegiment, August 1-September 11, 1778; Private, Captain Simon Hunt's Companj' - , Colonel Eleazer Brooks' Eegiment, Feb- ruary 3-April 3, 1778 ; Sergeant, Captain Joshua Walker's Com- pany, Colonel Samuel Denny's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia detached to join Continental Army at Claverack, November 3- 23, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Whitney, Massachusetts (1736-1802) ; Private, Captain Joseph White's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Eegiment of Minute-men from Lancaster, Massa- chusetts, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Edson, Mary A. Young (Mrs. Ptolemy O'Meara Edson), 1325 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Whitney, Massachusetts (1736- 1802) ; Private, Captain Joseph White's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Eegiment of Minute-men from Lancaster, Massachu- setts, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Edson, Mary F. (Miss), 1405 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benanuel Pratt, Massachusetts (1756-1825) ; Private, Captain Simon Hunt's Company, Colonel Eleazer Brooks's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, November 5, 1776-February 3, 1778; Private, Captain Francis Brown's Company, Colonel Mcin- tosh's Bogiment, August 1-September 11,1778; Private, Captain Simon Hunt's Company, Colonel Eleazer Brooks's Eegiment, Feb- ruary 3-April 3, 1778 ; Sergeant, Captain Joshua Walker's Com- pany, Colonel Samuel Denny's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia detached to join Continental Army at Claverack, November 3-23, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Whitney, Massachusetts (1736-1802) ; Private, Captain Joseph White's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Eegiment of Minute-men from Lancaster, Massa- chusetts, "Lexington Alarm." Date of ^ Society Admission. Number. 1895 Edwards, Fannie Olivia (Miss), 1390 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of William Sommerville (1756-1826); Sergeant, 8th Pennsylvania Line Regiment, Colonel McCoy, August 8, 1776 ; Conductor of Artillery, Continental Line, with rank of Captain, under command of Chevalier de Cambray, October, 1778 ; was in service four years. 1896 Edwards, Sarah A. Porter (Mrs. Henry W. Edwards), 1547 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Jonathan Porter, Jr., Massachusetts (1763-1851) ; Private, Captain Simeon Brown's Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, Rhode Island service, 1778 ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Putnam's Company, Colonel Nathan Tyler's Regiment, September 1, 1779-January 1, 1780. 1895 Eicholtz, Ellen A. Inslee (Mrs. Leonard Ii. Eicholtz), 1240 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Inslee, New Jersey ; Private, Captain John Hunt's Company, Colonel Isaac Smith's Regiment Hunterdon County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Eicholtz, Nelsine Pepper Smith (Mrs.), 1427 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Inslee, New Jersey; Private, Captain John Hunt's Company, Colonel Isaac Smiths Regiment Hunterdon County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Eldridge, Harriet Richmond (Mrs. David Gorham Eldridge), 1081 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Cushing, Massachusetts (1722 ) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Plymouth County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February 10, 1776 ; Colonel same, April 1, 1776 ; resigned January 1, 1779. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Philip Taylor, Rhode Island, (1737-1819); Member General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1777-1778; Member Committee of Safety, 1776; Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1777. [Also, Date of HI o„„i„f„ Admissi °- NuTbl Also, great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Bailey, Ehode Island (1742- (1813) ; Deputy to Ehode Island Provincial Convention from Little Compton, 1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Hillyard, Ehode Island (1726-1816) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Ehode Island Eegiment, 1776 ; Field Officer of the County of Newport, Ehode Island, May, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of George Simmons, Ehode Island (1731-1809) ; Captain, Ehode Island Militia, 1775, October, 1776, and May, 1778 ; Member of War Committee of Little Compton, Ehode Island. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Manchester, Ehode Island (1731 ) ; Deputy to General Assembly of Ehode Island, May, 1777 ; Member Ehode Island Asembly, 1778 ; Member of various Committees to secure recruits and supplies. 1895 Bllery, Florence Lincoln (Miss), im New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Bellows, Massachusetts (1755- 1822) ; Private, Captain Timothy Bellows's Company from South- boro, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Josiah Fay's Company, Colonel Jonathan Ward's Eegiment, April 24, 1775 ; Private, Captain Allen's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Eegi- ment at Ticonderoga, November 27, 1776 ; eight months' service ; Private, Captain Haynes' Company, May 15, 1777 ; Private, Cap- tain Ephraim Lyons' Company for service at Ehode Island. 136 1892 Elwell, Maria Huntington (Mrs. John D. Elwell), Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Phelps, Cumberland County, New York; Delegate to Continental Congress, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of William Huntington, Connecticut (1734- ) ; Corporal, Captain John Durkee's Company, 3d Connecticut Eegiment, Colonel Israel Putnam, May 10-December 15, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Hinckley's Company, same Eegiment, April 1, 1777-March 1, 1780. 1895 Emerson, Mary B. Hitchcock (widow of Samuel F. Emerson), 239 Vermont, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Longfellow, Massachusetts (1743- 1796) ; Corporal, Captain Stephen Smith's Company, Lincoln County Massachusetts Militia, August 26, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, Date of WZ Society Admission. Number. 6th Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, July 11, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain Eeuben Dyer's Company Massachusetts Militia, June 1- August 1, 1777; Private, Captain John Berry's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, August 10, 1778 ; Private, Lieutenant John Scott's Company, 6th Eegiment Lincoln County Massachusetts Militia, August 31, 1779-February, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Hitchcock, Massachusetts (1744- 1819) ; Private, Captain Peter Ingersoll's Company, Colonel John Brewer's Eegiment Berkshire County Massachusetts Militia, July 1, 1777 ; Private, Captain Nahum Ware's Company, Colonel David Wells's Eegiment Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, Sep- tember 22, 1777 ; Private, Captain Hoare's Company, Colonel Burt's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 16, 1782. 1896 Emerson, Mary M. Parker (Mrs. George Emerson), 1452 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Philbrick, New Hampshire (1734- 1806) ; Captain 4th Company, 9th Eegiment New Hampshire Mil- itia, September 5, 1775-June 6, 1778; Member Committee of Safety, 1775-1778, and 1780. 1895 Emerson, Sarah E. Sanderson (Mrs. Henry A. Emerson), 1121 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Kendall, Massachusetts (1723- 1809) ; Private, Captain Simon Edgel's Company, Colonel Wyley's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia at Eoxbury, Januarj^ 14, 1776; on "Alarm List" at Dunstable, Massachusetts, June 25, 1778. 1893 Emery, Hannah Bancroft (Mrs. F. E. Emery), 362 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Jonathan Parker (1751-1822) ; Private, Massachu- setts Line. 1893 Ennever, Marietta Tucker (Mrs.), 341 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Halsey, New Jersey (1757-1820) ; Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia and Troop of Light Horse ; Paymaster, Essex County New Jersey Militia. Date of Ht> Society Admission. Number. 1894 Enos, Jennie L. Taylor (Mrs. Alanson Trask Enos), 619 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Lawrence Taylor, New Jersey (1744- ) ; 1st Lieutenant, Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Welles, Massachusetts (1730-1783) ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d Company, 5th Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia Eegiment, August 14, 1780. 1895 Eshbaugh, Catherine G. Otis (Mrs. Daniel O. Eshbaugh), 881 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Eaton, Massachusetts (1750-1842) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm" Company from Framingham, Massa- chusetts, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Thomas Drury's Company, Colo- nel John Nixon's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, 1775 ; eight months' service. 1895 Estabrook, Sarah Bigelow Fitch (Mrs. D. Francis Estabrook), 968 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Eev. Samuel MacClintock, New Hampshire (1732-1802); Chaplain, 2d New Hampshire Militia Eegiment, Colo- nel Clark, 1775 ; was present as Chaplain at Bunker Hill. 1893 Evans, Annie Louise (Miss), 376 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Eansom, Pennsylvania (1737- 1778); Captain, 24th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Zebu- Ion Butler, October, 1775 ; Captain, 2d Independent Company, Wyoming Yalley Pennsylvania Militia, August 26, 1776 ; resigned June, 1778; served as Volunteer Aid to Colonel Zebulon Butler, and was killed in the Massacre of Wyoming, July 3, 1778. Also, great-granddaugher of Nathaniel Goodspeed, New York (1720- 1795) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Jacob Wood's Company, 4th Eegi- ment New York Levies, Colonel Jonathan Hasbrouck, October 17, 1775. 1894 Evans, Florence Carlton (Mrs. Wilmot E. Evans), 464 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Fowler, Massachusetts (1750-1824) ; Minute-man, Captain Nathaniel Wade's Company from Ipswich, Massachusetts; served at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 114 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Evans, Lydia F. Waterman (widow of Irving A. Evans), 943 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Anthony Waterman, Massachusetts (1730- ) ; Ensign, Captain Galen Clapp's Regiment, Colonel Anthony- Thomas's Regiment from Scituate, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm ;" 1st Lieutenant, 12th Company, 2d Plymouth County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 8, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Colonel John Cushing's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia for service at Rhode Island, December 10, 1776. 1895 Evans, Margaret Patten Gray (Mrs. John G. Evans), 990 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Pardon Gray, Rhode Island (1737-1814) ; Major, 2d Regiment of Militia of Newport, Rhode Island, 1776 ; Justice of Inferior Court, 1780 ; Judge of Superior Court, 1781. 1895 Evans, Susan Gray Lowell (Mrs. Howard Evans), 991 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Pardon Gray, Rhode Island (1737- 1814) ; Major, 2d Regiment of Militia of Newport, Rhode Island, 1776 ; Justice of Inferior Court, 1780 ; Judge of Superior Court, 1781. 1891 Everett, Jennie Adams (Mrs. De Volney Everett), 12 New York, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Adams, Massachusetts (1735-1833) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Company, 3d Suffolk County Massachusetts Regiment. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Rowell, New Hampshire ; Pri- vate, Captain Henry Dearborn's Company, Stark's Brigade, 1775 ; record of service, 1775-1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Thomas Lamb, Massachusetts; Lieuten- ant, Colonel Henry Jackson's Regiment, Massachusetts Continental Infantry, February 1, 1777- April 22, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Dustin, New Hamp- shire (1741 ) ; Private, Captain Joshua Haywood's Company, Colonel David Gilmore's Regiment, December, 1776-March, 1777 ; Private, Colonel Jonathan Chase's Regiment, commanded by Major Francis Smith, June 27-July 14, 1777. 11 ^ Date of - LJ ' U Society Admission. Number. 1892 Ewing, Margaretta Heberton (Mrs. J. Price EwiDg). 182 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of John Craig, New Jersey (1733 ) ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Eegiment New Jersey Militia, Colonel Nathaniel Scudder. 1894 Fairchild, Agnes Doll (Miss), 479 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Sebastian Bauman, New York (1739- 1803) ; Captain, New York Artillery, March 30, 1776 ; Captain, 2d Regiment Continental Artillery, Colonel John Lamb, January 1, 1777; Major, same, September 12, 1778-June 17, 1783; Member Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York. 1894 Fairchild, Mary Cady (Miss), 480 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Sebastian Bauman, New York (1739- 1803) ; Captain, New York Artillery, March 30, 1776 ; Captain, 2d Regiment Continental Artillery, Colonel John Lamb, January 1 1777; Major, same, September 12, 1778-June 17, 1783; Member Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York. 1894 Fairchild, Mary C. Doll (Mrs. Eli W. Fairchild), 325 New York, Great-granddaughter of Sebastian Bauman, New York (1739-1803) ; Captain, New York Artillery, March 30, 1777; Captain, 2d Regi- ment Continental Army, Colonel John Lamb, January 1, 1777; Major, same, September 12, 1778-June 17, 1783; Member Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York. 1895 Farwell, Edith Carter (Miss), 1067 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Ephraim Marston, New Hampshire (1727-1810); Private, Captain Henry Elkins' Company, Colonel Joshua Wingate's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, at Piscataqua Harbor, November 5, 1775. Date of H" Society Admission. Number. 1895 Farwell, Grace Morse (Mrs. Walter Merrick Farwell), 1124 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Conant, Massachusetts (1750-1777) ; Signer of the "Association Test," 1776 ; Private, Captain Daniel Reynold's Company, Massachusetts Militia, July 20, 1777 ; wounded at Bennington, August 16, 1777 ; died in conse- quence of wounds, September 10, 1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Ezra Morse, Massachusetts (1741-1807) ; Sergeant, Captain Pratt's Company, Colonel Robin- son's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, '-Lexington Alarm;" 2d Lieutenant, Captain Nathaniel Morris's Company, 3d Suffolk County Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Benjamin Grill ; 1st Lieu- tenant, Captain Billing's Company, same Regiment, February, 1779. 1895 Fellows, Mary E. Chamberlain (widow of Daniel W. Fellows), 1242 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Increase Burch, New York ; Private, Captain Van der Bergh's Company, Colonel Peter Yates's Regiment New York Militia, 1779. Also, granddaughter of Amasa Chamberlin, Vermont (1750-1825) ; Private, Captain John Alger's Company, Vermont Militia, August 14, 1777. 1892 Fenwick, Marin B. (Miss), 186 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Lucky, North Carolina ; Pri- vate, North Carolina Militia throughout the war. 1895 Ferree, Annie Appleton (Mrs. Samuel P. Ferree), 1128 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Drown, New Hampshire (1749-1815) ; Signer " Declaration of Rights" of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1776 ; Private, Captain John Landon's Company, New Hampshire Militia, Rhode Island Expedition, 1778. 1894 Ferris, Laura Evelyn (Miss), 473 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whiting, M.D., Connecticut (1745-1816); Surgeon's Mate, 5th Connecticut Regiment, Colonel David Waterbury, May-December, 1775; prisoner in the British Prison Ship "Jersey." (Also, 117 Date of ' Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whiting, Connecti- cut (1720-1803) ; Captain, 5th Connecticut Continental Eegiment, Colonel David Waterbury ; Lieutenant-Colonel, same, May 1- JSTovember 18, 1775 ; Colonel, 1st Battalion, Connecticut State Troops, 1776-1777; Colonel, 4th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1776-1780. 1891 Fessenden, Laura Canfield S. Dayton (Mrs. Benjamin A. Fessenden), 91 Illinois, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Adams, Connecticut ( 1797); Major, 17th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, May, 1777; Lieutenant- Colonel, October, 1779; Colonel, same, January, 1780; Member Continental Congress, 1777-1782; Member Connecticut Council of Safety. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Canfield, Connecticut; Ad- jutant, 2d Eegiment Continental Dragoons, Colonel Blisha Sheldon, 1776 ; Brigade-Major, Brigadier-General, Oliver Wolcott's Detach- ment Connecticut Militia at Saratoga, 1777. 1895 Field, Alma Louise (Miss), 1004 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Field, Maine (1749-1815); Cor- poral, Captain Walthley's Company, Colonel Edmund Phinney's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 12, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain William Spinney's Company, 2d York County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, September 3, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Thomas Cutts's Company, Major Daniel Littlefield's Eegiment, Penobscot Expedition, July 10-September 10, 1779. 1895 Field, Hattie Delia (Miss), 1005 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Field, Maine (1749-1815) ; Cor- poral, Captain Walthley's Company, Colonel Edmund Phinney's Eegiment, May 12, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain William Spinney's Company, 2d York County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, Sep- tember 3, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Thomas Cutts's Company, Major Daniel Littlefield's Eegiment, Penobscot Expedition, July 10-September 10, 1779. Date of 1^° Society Admission. Number. 1892 Finch, Margaret Adelaide (Miss), 202 New York, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Brown, New York ; Corporal, Captain George Combs' Company, 1st Westchester County New York Militia. 1894 Fisher, Laura E. Joy (Mrs. J. E. Fisher), 644 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Nathaniel Joy, Massachusetts (1759-1830) ; Pri- vate, Captain Edward Cobb's [ Company, Massachusetts Militia, April 21, 1777; Private, Captain Joseph Cole's Company, Colonel Edward Mitchell's Eegiment, General Cushing's Brigade, December 9, 1776 ; Private, Captain Calvin Partridge's Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Samuel Pierce's Regiment, May 24, 1779; Private, Captain "William Backus's Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, March, 1781 ; Private, Captain Jacob Pool's Company, Colonel Jacobs' Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, August 4, 1780. 1895 Fisher, Lydia Matthews Bangs (Mrs. Charles H. Fisher), 1313 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Matthews, Massachusetts (1736-1796) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Hedge's Company, 1st Plymouth County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, September 18, 1776; Lieu- tenant, Captain Elisha Hedge's Company, Colonel Freeman's Eegiment, September, 1778. 1894 Fisk, Charlotte E. J. Smith (Mrs. James Manson Fiske), 650 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Phineas Chidester, New Jersey (1748- 1820) ; Private, Morris County New Jersey Militia. Also, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Japhet Byram, New Jersey (1721-1790) ; Private, Morris County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Fiske, Caroline Gould, (Mrs Joseph W. Fiske), 994 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Eansom, Pennsylvania (1737- 1778) . Captain, 4th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Zebulon 119 Date of ±XtJ Society Admission. Number. Butler, 1775 . Captain 2d Independent Company, Wyoming Yalley Pennsylvania Militia, August 27, 1776; resigned June 1778; served as Voluuteer Aid to Colonel Zebulon Butler, and was killed in the Massacre of Wyoming, July 3, 1778. 1895 Fitch, Elizabeth Cook (Miss), 866 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jabez Fitch, Connecticut (1752-1837) ; Corporal, Captain Joseph Hobby's Company, 9th Eegiment Con- necticut Militia, Colonel John Mead, November 11, 1776-January 11, 1777; Captain, Colonel Levi Wall's Eegiment Connecticut Mi- litia, 1780 ; Captain Independent Company Volunteers for Defence of Western Posts of Connecticut, 1781; Captain Independent Vol- unteers, Colonel Samuel Canfield's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, March 1, 1782-March 1, 1783. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whiting, Connecti- cut (1720-1803) ; Captain, 5th Connecticut Continental Eegiment, Colonel David Waterbury; Lieutenant-Colonel same, May 1- November 18, 1775 ; Colonel 1st Battalion, Connecticut State Troops, 1776-1777 ; Colonel 4th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1776-1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Simeon Parmelee, Connecticut, 1740-1820); Private, Captain Fowler's Company of Minute-men, " Lexington Alarm ; " Private, Captain Aaron Stevens's Company, Colonel Motts's Battalion raised to reinforce the Continental Army in the Northern Department, June-November, 1776. 1894 Fitch, Elizabeth A. Cross (Mrs. Ashbel P. Fitch), 750 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whiting, Connecticut (1720- 1803 ; Captain, 5th Connecticut Continental Eegiment, Colonel David Waterburj 7 , Lieutenant-Colonel same, May 1-November 18, 1775 ; Colonel 1st Battalion, Connecticut State Troops, 1776-1777 ; Colonel 4th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1776-1780. 1894 Fitch, Ethel Chauncey (Miss), 528 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of John Jones, Connecticut (1739-1817) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Battalion, General Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecti- cut State Troops, June 10, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washing- ton, November 16, 1776. [Also, 1 u 20 Date of J oc]( ? ty Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Fitch, Connecticut (1727- 1811); Sergeant, Captain Obadiah Johnson's Company, 3d Conecti- cut Continental Eegiment, Colonel Israel Putnam, May 11-Decem- ber 15, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Lobdell, Connecticut (1760- 1837) ; Private, Captain Knowles Sears' s Company, Connecticut Militia, 1781 ; Private, Captain Strong's Company, Colonel Heman Swift's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, October 1781 ; Private, Cap- tain Doolittle's Company, April 1782 ; Private, Captain Booth's Company, Connecticut Militia, October 1782. 1896 Fitz-Hugh, Agnes A. Sojierby (Mrs. John A. Fitz-Hugh), 1551 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Obadiah Colby, Massachusetts (1731- 1814) ; Member Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety of Amesbury, Massachusetts, 1776 ; Member Committee to procure the town of Amesbury's proportion of men for service in the Continental Army, January 26, 1778. 1895 Flanagan, Mary Eand (Miss), 1319 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Cutter, Massachusetts (1753-1810) ; Minute-man, Captain Locke's Company, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Locke's Company, 37th Eegiment Foot, May-October, 1775 ; Private, Colonel Benjamin Brooks's Eegiment of Guards at Cambridge, Mas- sachusetts, Januaiy 1778 ; Private, Colonel Benjamin Blaney's Eeg- iment of Guards, February-April, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Hill, Massachusetts (1734-1812) ; Private, Continental Army from Middlesex County, Massachusetts, July 27, 1779-April 27, 1780. 1894 Fletcher, Lillian Maud (Miss), 692 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Fletcher, Massachusetts (1749- 1825) ; Private, Colonel Prescott's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm." Date of 121 Admission. ^T 0cl u y Number. 1895 Fletcher, Mary L. Fairbanks (Mrs. James H. Fletcher), 1169 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of William Huntington, Connecticut (1737 -1816); Private, 3d Company, 3d Connecticut Continental Regi- ment, Colonel Israel Putnam, May 10-December 16, 1775 ; Corporal, Connecticut Militia, April 1, 1777-March, 1780. 1892 Flournoy, Martha Cook (Mrs. Osborne R. Flournoy), 132 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of John Cook ; Captain, Colonel William Washington's South Carolina Dragoons, 1778. 1894 Fonda, Hattie Van Epps (Mrs. Herbert H. Fonda), 477 New York, Great-granddaughter of Evart Van Epps, New York; Sergeant. Captain Fonda's Company, New York State Troops. 1894 Fonda, Laura Ferguson (Mrs. Nathan Cole Fonda), 484 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonas Rice, Massachusetts (1755-1839) ; Corporal, Captain Josiah Boyden's Company, Colonel William Williams' Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1777; Lieutenant, Captain James Blake's Company, Massachusetts Militia, January- June, 1781. 1891 *Fonte, Laura E. Bibb (Mrs. William H. Fonte), 138 Texas. Great-granddaughter of William Bibb, Virginia (1739 ): Member Virginia Convention from Prince Edward County, July and Decem- ber, 1776 ; Captain, Virginia State Troops at Yorktown, 1781. 1895 Forbes, Sarah Adams Magoun (Mrs. Henry D. Forbes), 1029 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Josiah Magoun, New Hampshire (1758-1840) ; Private, Captain Brown's Company, Colonel Long's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 1776; in service at Ticonderoga; mustered out on account of sickness, 1779. * Deceased. 122 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1891 Ford, Frances Sumner (Mrs. Ernest W. Ford), 126 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of James Ferris, New York (1734-1777) ; Chairman Westchester County Committee, 1774; Member Sub- Committee appointed by Provincial Congress to inspect the election of Militia Officers, Westchester, New York, August 24, 1775 ; pris- oner in the Old Sugar House, New York, 1776 ; released on parole, June 14, 1777, and died a few days later. 1894 Fosdick, Lizzie Erwin (Mrs. Leonard Fosdick), 660 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Van Winkle, New Jersey (1727- 1778) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Nicausa Terhune's Company, Colo- nel Theunis Dey's Eegiment Bergen County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Ford, Marietta A. Billings (Mrs. Daniel W. Ford), 1431 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Asa Douglass, New York (1715-1792) ; Captain, 17th Eegiment Albany County New York Militia, Colonel William B. Whiting, October 20, 1775 ; 1st Major, same Eegiment, 1775-June 16, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of John Billings, Connecticut; Private, Captain James Chapman's Company, 6th Connecticut Continental Eegiment, Colonel Samuel H. Parsons, May 5-December 10, 1775 ; Private, Connecticut Militia; killed in battle at Groton Heights, September 6, 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of Jonathan Brown. New York (1753- 1836) ; Private, Captain Elias Hasbrouck's Company, Colonel James Clinton's Eegiment New York Militia, July 27, 1775 ; Ensign, Cap- tain Joseph McCracken's Company, 1st Eegiment New York Line, Colonel Goose Van Schaick, November 22, 1776-April 29, 1778; Captain, 2d Eegiment New York Artillery. 1895 Foster, Edith Bigelow (Miss), 1302 Texas, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Shute, New Jersey (1720-1784); Assistant Commissary of Issues to Jersey Brigade, Continental Line ; Assistant Commissary-General of Issues ; Cap- tain and Paymaster, Continental Army ; Colonel 2d Battalion, 1st Establishment, New Jersey Troops. Date of x ^" Society Admission. Number. 1895 Foster, Emma Frances (Miss), 1104 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of David Foster, Massachusetts (1742-1824) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Abijah Bangs's Company, 2d Barnstable County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 26, 1776 ; Lieuten- ant, Captain Bangs's Company, Major Zenas Winslow's Regiment, marched on Alarm to Falmouth, 1778 ; Lieutenant, Captain Bangs's Company, guarding prisoners from ship " Somerset," November 7, 1778. 1895 Foster, Grace Greenleaf Eames (Mrs. John McGaw Foster), 1217 Maine, Great-great-granddaughter of Sylvanus Gates, Massachusetts (1748- 1836) ; Private, Colonel Richard Gridley's Regiment of Artillery, 1775 ; Private, Captain David Prouty's Company, Colonel Job Cushing's Regiment Worcester County Massachusetts Militia to reinforce the Northern Army, July, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Eames, Massachusetts (1740-1832) ; Captain, Rhode Island Militia. 1894 Foster, Grace Reed (Miss), 564 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Hyatt, New York (1730- 1819) ; Captain, 1st Regiment New York Line, Colonel Alexander McDougall, 1776. 1894 Foster, Harriet Wood (Miss), 539 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Matthew Loring, Massachusetts (1751 ); Member " Boston Tea Party ;" Drummer, Captain Freedom Cham- berlin's Company, Colonel Craft's Regiment, May 5, 1776 ; Bom- bardier, Captain Winthrop Gray's Company, Massachusetts Militia; Mariner, brigantine " Hazard," Commander Simon Samson, May 20, 1778. 1895 Foster, Marion Gray Thorp (Mrs. William E. Foster), 1028 Colorado, Great- great-granddaughter of Jabez Thorp, Connecticut (1729-1779) ; Sergeant, Captain Job Bartram's Company, Colonel Samuel Whi- ting's Regiment Connecticut Militia, October 5, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Judson Sturges, Connecticut (1748 -1782) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain David Date?* - li ^* Society Admission. Number- Dimon's Company, Colonel David Waterbury's Connecticut Regi- ment, May 11-December 14, 1775. 1894 Foster, Mary E. (Miss), 723 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of William Shute, New Jersey (1720- 1784) ; Assistant Commissary of Issues to Jersey Brigade, Conti- nental Line; Assistant Commissary-General of Issues; Captain and Paymaster, Continental Army ; Colonel, 2d Battalion, 1st Estab- lishment, New Jersey Troops. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Constant Peck, New Jersey (1736 -1776); 1st Lieutenant, 3d Battalion, 1st Establishment, New Jersey Continental Line. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Preston, New Jersey (1735- 1777); Colonel 1st Battalion, Cumberland County New Jersey Militia; died in camp, March, 1777. 1895 Foster, Mary Louise (Miss), 1409 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of David Foster, Massachusetts (1742-1824) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Abijah Bangs' Company, 2d Barnstable County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 26, 1776 ; Lieuten- ant, Captain Bangs' Companj^, Major Zenas Winslow's Regiment, marched on Alarm to Falmouth, 1778 ; Lieutenant, Captain Bangs' Company, guarding prisoners from ship "Somerset," November 7. 1778. 1894 Foster, Minnie Pritchard (Mrs. Tallmadge W. Foster), 436 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Wells, Connecticut; Private, Captain Mix's Company, Colonel Moseley's Regiment Connecticut Militia. 1894 Foster, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss), 540 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Matthew Loring, Massachusetts (1751 ) ; Member "Boston Tea Party;" Drummer, Captain Freedom Cham- berlin's Company, Colonel Craft's Regiment, May 5, 1776 ; Bom- bardier, Captain Winthrop Gray's Company, Massachusetts Militia; Mariner, brigantine "Hazard," Commander Simon Samson, May 20, 1778. Date of I 25 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Fowler, Sarah Putnam (Miss), 1204 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Page, Massachusetts (1753-1814) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm ;" 1st Lieutenant, Captain James Gray's Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 14-August 1, 1776; Captain, 11th Regiment Massa- chusetts Continental Line, January, 1777-March 18, 1780. 1893 Francis, Alice Evans (Mrs. Charles S. Francis), 403 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Azariah Lyman, Massachusetts (1747- 1833) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Wales' Company, Colonel Dick- enson's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, August 17, 1777. 1895 Francis, Sara Bliven (Mrs. Charles King Francis), 1235 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Bliven, Rhode Island (1744-1816 ) Member General Assembly of Rhode Island from Westerley, 1780 ; Private, Rhode Island Militia, 1782. 1893 Franklin, Elizabeth McCoy (Miss), 315 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Gustavus Scott, Maryland (1753- 1801) ; Member Association of Freemen, 1775 ; Delegate to Mary- land Convention, 1775 ; Member Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Love, Maryland ; Deputy to Maryland Convention, 1776; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Charles Jones, Maryland ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776; Judge of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1777, 1893 Franklin, Marian Scott (Miss), 316 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Gustavus Scott, Maryland (1753- 1801) ; Member Association of Freemen, 1775 ; Delegate to Mary- land Convention, 1775 ; Member Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. [Also, Date of u Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Love, Maryland ; Deputy to Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Charles Jones, Maryland ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776 ; Judge of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1777. 1892 Frazier, Anna M. Eedfield (Mrs. John W. Frazier), 204 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of William Eedfield, Connecticut ; Commissary of Clothing for Connecticut, July, 1777-November, 1780. 1893 Freeman, Elizabeth Ferris (Mrs. George H. Freeman), 366 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of David Akin, New York ; Private, Cap- tain Hecock's Company, Colonel Field's Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia ; service in sundry Alarms, 1777-1782. 1895 Freeman, Kate Benedict (Miss), 1284 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Edwards, Massachusetts (1716 -1785) ; Private, Captain Lemuel Pomeroy's Company from South- ampton, " Lexington Alarm ;" Corporal, Captain Abner Pomeroy's Company, Colonel John Fellows' Massachusetts Eegiment, August 1, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Lemuel Coleman, Massachusetts (1751- 1824) ; Private, Captain Elijah Clapp's Company, Colonel John Dickenson's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, August 17, 1777 ; Private, Captain Lemuel Pomeroy's Company, Colonel Ezra May's Eegiment, September 30, 1777 ; Corporal, Captain Joseph Cook's Company, Colonel Elisha Porter's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, July 20, 1779. 1895 Freeman, Mary Heber Yoe (Mrs. John Newman Freeman), 880 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Coe, New York (1731-1777); Private, Captain Ackerson's Company, Colonel Ann BZawkes Hay's Eegiment Orange County New York Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of John Daniel Coe, New York (1755- 1824) ; Private, Captain Johnson's Company, Orange County New York Militia, 2d Lieutenant, February 13, 1776. 127 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 French, Angeline A. Phillips (widow of Zenas H. French), 1071 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonas Allen, Jr., Massachusetts (1728-1822); 1st Lieutenant, Captain Abel Wilder's Company, Colonel Ephraim Doolittle's Massachusetts Regiment, June 12, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Phillips, Massachusetts (1726- 1810); Private, Captain Silas Gates' Company, Colonel Ward's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm." 1893 French, Annie Dial (Mrs. Junius B. French), 398 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Netherland, Virginia ( 1838) ; Major, Kentucky County Virginia Militia ; served at the Battle of Blue Licks, August 19, 1782. 1891 French, Anna M. Steers (Mrs. John W. French), 13 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, New York (1728- 1804 ; Member Provincial Assembly of New York; Representative from Richmond County, New York, 1777-1786; Deputy Com- missary-General of prisoners for the Continent. Also, great-granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, Jr. (1758-1856); Quartermaster at Rutland, Massachusetts, 1777 ; Guide for Colonel Hazen's Regiment, 1780; Prisoner on British Prison Ship "Scor- pion" 1782. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Butts, Connecticut ; Private, Captain Bacon's Company, Colonel John Chester's Regi- ment, General Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops ; Private, Captain Moses Branch's Company, Colonel Obadiah John- son's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1778. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Harmanus Garrison, New York ; Quartermaster, Richmond County New York Militia, March 15, 1776. 1891 French, Franklina Gray (Miss), 32 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Stephen French (1760 ) ; Private, Vir- ginia Militia. [Also, Date of 1 ^° Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Christopher Webb, Connecticut (1755 ); Private, Captain John Douglass's Company, Connec- ticut Militia, July 17, 1775; Sergeant, Captain E'oen Lathrop's Company, Colonel John Latimer's Regiment, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Selkrigg, Connecticut (1756 ); Private, "Lexington Alarm," and at Bunker Hill, 1775 ; Private, Captain Amos Beecher's Companj^, Colonel Fisher Gay's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1777 ; Filer and Drum major, 1779 ; served to 1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Henry, Virginia (1731- 1805) ; Member Continental Congress, 1780-1781. 1891 French, Sarah L. (Miss), 67 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Stephen French (1760 ) ; Private, Vir- ginia Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Christopher "Webb, Connecticut 1755 ) ; Private, Captain John Douglass's Company, Connec- ticut Militia, July 17,1775; Sergeant, Captain Eben Lathrop's Company, Colonel John Latimer's Regiment, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Selkrigg, Connecticut (1756 ); Private, "Lexington Alarm," and at Bunker Hill, 1775 ; Private, Captain Amos Beecher's Company, Colonel Fisher Gay's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1777 ; Fifer and Drum major, 1779; served to 1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Henry, Virginia (1731- 1805) ; MembcrContinental Congress, 1780-1781. 1891 French, Sarah L. Webb (widow of James H. French), 30 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Christopher Webb, Connecticut (1755 ) ; Private, Captain John Douglass's Company, Connecticut Militia, July 17, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Eben Lathrop's Company, Colonel John Latimer's Regiment, 1777. 1895 Frost, Adelaide Waldron (Mrs. Albert P. Frost), 1436 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Brayton, Rhode Island (1759- Date of x " a Society Admission. Number. 1814) ; Private, Captain Benedict Colvin's Compan} r , Ehode Island Militia, 1777 ; Private, Sullivan's Expedition. 1778. 1892 Frost, Josephine Houston (Mrs. Thomas C. Frost), 154 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Maverick, Massachusetts ; Prisoner in the British Prison Ship " Jersey," 1777 and 1778. 1896 Frothingham, Lois R. Wright (Mrs. Frederick Frothingham), 1549 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Wiswall, Massachusetts (1737-1808); Sergeant, Captain Chamberlin's Company, Colonel Bullard's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" 2d Lieutenant, 4th Com- pany, 5th Middlesex County Massachusetts Militia, September 30, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 4th Company, 5th Middlesex County Massa- chusetts Militia, July, 1780; Lieutenant, Captain Chamberlin's Company, Colonel Abner Perry's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, service in Rhode Island, July and August, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of John Claflin, Massachusetts (1747 ) ; Private, Captain John Holmes' Company, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Regiment of Minute men, "Lexington Alarm." 1893 Fuller, Bertha Day (Miss), 261 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Cutler, Connecticut (1748- 1827) ; Private, Continental Army, May 9-December 15, 1775; Pri- vate, April 5, 1777 ; Corporal, June 5, 1779 ; Sergeant, September 5, 1781. 1895 Fullerton, Fanny E. Frothingham (Mrs. Allan Fullerton), 913 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Budd, New York (1751-1815) ; Sur- geon, 1st Regiment New York Line, Colonel Goose Van Schaick, 1776-1783. 1894 Furnald, S. Ella Merrill (Mrs. Francis P. Furnald, Jr.), 44 ° New York, Great-granddaughter of William Blackler, Massachusetts (1737-1818) ; Captain, Colonel Glover's Massachusetts Regiment, May 19, 1775 ; was in service 1777. 130 Society Number. 1894 Ftjrman, Isabella Adams de Wint (Mrs. Gabriel Furman), 435 New Jersey, Granddaughter of William Stephen Smith, New York (1755-1816) ; Major and Aid-de-Camp to Major- General Sullivan, August 15, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Massachusetts Regiment Additional Conti- nental Infantry, Colonel William R. Lee, January 1, 1777 ; trans- ferred to Colonel Oliver Spencer's Regiment Continental Infantry, April 22, 1779; Adjutant and Inspector on Staff of General Lafa- yette, January 1-July, 1781 ; Aid-de-Camp to the Commander-in- Chief, July 6, 1781-December 23, 1783. Also, great-granddaughter of John Adams, Massachusetts (1735- 1826); Member Continental Congress, 1774-1778; Signer Declara- tion of Independence. 1896 Gage, Martha J. De Meritte (Mrs. Edwin V. Gage), 1622 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John De Meritte, 2d., New Hampshire (1728- 1826) ; 1st Major, 2d Regiment New Hampshire Militia, November 7, 1775. 1895 Gaines, Mary Chamberlin Fellows (Mrs. Albert B. Gaines), 1037 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Fellows, New York (1749-1820) ; Pri- vate, Captain Ephraim Woodworth's Company, 13th Regiment Saratoga County New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Increase Burch, New York ; Pri- vate, Captain Yan der Bergh's Company, Colonel Peter Yates' Regi- ment New York Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Amasa Chamberlin, Yermont (1750- 1825) ; Private, Captain John Alger's Company which assisted the people of Strafford, Vermont, in their retreat, August, 1777. 1896 Gale, Edna A. Rice (Mrs. George E. Gale), 1774 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Bates, Massachusetts (1738- 1816); Member Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety of Bellingham; Private, Massachusetts Militia, Rhode Island Expedition, September, 1777. 101 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Gale, Margaret Morris (Mrs. Jesse Stearns Gale), 648 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Lewis Morris, New York (1736-1798) ; Member New York Provincial Convention, 1775 ; Member Conti- nental Congress, 1775-1777 ; Signer Declaration of Independence ; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1776-1777 ; Brigadier- General, Westchester County Militia, June 7, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Jacob Morris, New York (1755-1844); Major, 5th Regiment New York Line, Colonel Lewis Dubois, December 14, 1776; Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Charles Lee, 1776; Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Nathaniel Greene, 1778. 1894 Gale, Marie Warren (Mrs. Edward Courtlandt Gale), 599 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Ezra Thompson, New York (1738- 1816); Private, Captain George Brinckerhoff's Company, 2d Regi- ment Dutchess County New York Militia, Colonel Dirck Brincker- hoff, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Thompson, Connecticut (1742-1777) ; Lieutenant, Connecticut Militia, killed in action at Ridgefield, Connecticut, April 27, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Eliakim Warren, Connecticut (1747-1825) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Bell's Company, 9th Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1776-1777. 1893 Gallison, Caro De Blois (Miss), 251 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Bailey Bartlett, Massachusetts (1750-1830); Representative to the General Court, 1781-1784 ; a noted patriot, gave money most liberally to furnish military supplies during the Revolution. Also, great-granddaughter of Moses Long, Massachusetts (1760- 1848); Private, Captain Carr's Company, 9th Massachusetts Regi- ment, under General Lee ; served three years. Also, great-great granddaughter of John White, Massachusetts (1724- 1800) ; Quartermaster, Colonel Nixon's Massachusetts Regiment, May-December 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 4th Con- tinental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; Quartermaster, 6th Massachusetts, January 1, 1777 ; Brigade-Quartermaster, July 30, 1777, and served subsequently in Quartermaster's Department. 1893 Gallison, Katherine Bartlett (Mrs. Louis De Blois Gallison), 250 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Bailey Bartlett, Massachusetts (1750-1848) ; Rep- 1Q9 LOL Society Number, resentative to the General Court, 1781-1784; a noted patriot, gave money most liberally to furnish military supplies during the Revo- lution. Also, granddaughter of Moses Long, Massachusetts (1760-1848); Private, Captain Carr's Company, 9th Massachusetts Regiment, under General Lee ; served three years. Also, great-granddaughter of John White, Massachusetts (1724-1800) ; Quartermaster, Colonel Nixon's Massachusetts Eegiment, May- December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant and Quartermaster 4th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; Quartermaster, 6th Mas- sachusetts, January 1, 1777; Brigade-Quartermaster, July 30, 1777, and served subsequently in Quartermaster's Department. 1895 Galusha, Elizabeth Osgood (Mrs. Henry Galusha), 1007 New York, Great-granddaughter of David Osgood, Massachusetts (1734-1812); Quartermaster, Colonel John Whitcomb's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, September 22, 1777; Captain, 7th Company, 2d Worcester County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel Whitney, April 12, 1780. 1892 Gardner, Elizabeth Pickford (widow of George H. Gardner), 269 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jotham Wright, New York; 1st Lieutenant, Lieutenant-Colonel Jeduthan Baldwin's Regiment of Artificers, November 12, 1779-March, 1781. 1893 Gates, Annie Howard (Miss), 391 Connecticut, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Elijah Holcomb, Conneeticut (1731 ); Private, Captain Roger Eno's Company, 2d Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Joseph Spencer, 1775 ; Private, Captain James Hudson's Company, Major John Skinner's Regiment Connecticut Light Horse, 1776 ; Private, Sheldon's Dragoons, 1781- 1783. 1894 *Gay, Laura (Miss), 593 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Ebonezer Gay, Connecticut (1725- 1787); Major, Connecticut Militia, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, May, 1780; resigned, 1783. * Deceased. A P a to?f ly3 Society Admisswn. Number. 1895 Gee, Pattie Williams (Miss), 1237 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Williams, North Caro- lina; Colonel of Minute-men ; appointed Field Officer of Martin County, North Carolina, September 9, 1775 ; Delegate to Conven- tion at Hillsboro, North Carolina, August 21, 1775; Delegate, Con- gress at Halifax, North Carolina, November 12. 1770 ; 1st Lieu- tenant-Adjutant, 1st I\orth Carolina Line Regiment, Colonel James Moore, September 1, 1775; Captain, Invalid Regiment, April 1, 1778-June, 1783. 1895 Geer, Julia Richmond (Mrs. Robert Geer), 1103 New York, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Welden, Massachusetts (1757-1838) ; Private, Captain Samuel Taylor's Company, Colonel Nicholas Dyke's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, September 17, 1770 ; Private, Cap- tain Benjamin Phillips' Company, Lieutenant Colonel, Timothy Robinson's Regiment, Hampshire County Massachusetts .Militia, December 13, 1770-April 1, 1777; Private, Captain Jennings' Corn- pan}^, Colonel David Wells' Regiment, service on expedition north- ward, September 23, 1777. 1893 Geran, Phebe Lott Spader (Mrs. Joseph P. Geran), :502 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Van der Veer, Long Island (1731 ); Captain of a Company of Minute- men from Flatbi Long Island, 1 7 7 < I . 1895 Gerrish, Caroline March (Mis.-), 850 New Jersey, Granddaughter of James March, Maine (1709-1823); Fifer, Captain Jedediah Goodwin's Company, Colonel Joseph Prime's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May 15, 1780; served eight months. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel March, Maine ( 1804) ; Lieutenant- Colonel, Colonel Edmund Phinney's Massachusetts Con- tinental Regiment, April 25-Dccember, 1775; lieutenant-Colonel, 18th Regiment Massachusetts Continental Infantry, Colonel Edmund Phinney, January 1-December 31, 1770. [Also, TKtoof Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Charles Gerrish, Maine (1718 ) ; 1st Major, 2d Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February 7, 1776; 1st Major of a regiment detached from York, Cumberland, and Lincoln Counties for defence of eastern part of Maine, March 27, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of John Jose, Maine; Private, Captain Simeon Brown's Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, July 1, 1778-January 1, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of John Scott, Maine ; Private, Captain David Bradish's Company, Colonel Edmund Phinney's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1775; Matross, Captain Abram Lowell's Company at Falmouth, September 1-December 31, 1776, 1894 Gerry, Annah St. Clair Jeness (widow of Elbridge Gerry), 706 New Hampshire, Great-granddaughter of Rev. Samuel McClintock, New Hampshire (1732-1802); Chaplain, 2d New Hampshire Regiment, Colonel Clark, July, 1775 ; Chaplain at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 1895 Giddings, Hannah Elizabeth (Miss), 1250 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Giddings, Massachusetts; Private Captain Robert Dodge's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, August 15-December 14, 1777 ; service in Northern Department, General Warner's Brigade. Also, granddaughter of Isaac Giddings, Jr., Massachusetts (1756- 1843) ; Private, Captain Nathaniel Wade's Company, Colonel John Parker's Regiment, April 19, 1775, twenty-one days' service; Private, Captain Wade's Company, Colonel Little's Regiment, May 10-August 1, 1775 ; Private, Captain David Laws' Company of Volunteers, September 22, 1777 ; service at Northward in guarding General Burgoyne's Troops; Private, Captain Addison Richard- son's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment Suffolk County Militia, October 18, 1779; Private, Captain Benjamin Gould's Com- pany, Colonel Wade's Essex County Militia Regiment, July 6, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of William Goldsmith, Massachusetts (1725-1812); Private, Captain Henry Abbot's Company of Minute- men from Andover, April 19, 1775. [Also, 1 -^ Date of XtJU Society Admission. Number. Also, granddaughter of Jeremiah Goldsmith, Massachusetts (1760- 1842) ; Private, Captain John Abbot's Company, Major Gage's Begiment Massachusetts Militia, September 30-Novemix-r 6, 1777. Also, great granddaughter of Joseph Convers, Massachusetts (1739- 1828); Sergeant, Captain John Moore's Company of Minute-men from Bedford, April 19, 1775 ; Sergeant, Colonel Baldwin's Massa- chusetts Begiment, May, 1775. 1895 Gilbert, Aimee E. Alsop (Mrs. William B. Gilbert), 821 New York, Great-great granddaughter of Chauncey Whittlesey, Connecticut (1746-1812); Purchasing Clothier for Connecticut in the early part of the war ; Quartermaster-General, Connecticut Militia, May, 1782. 1895 Gilbert, Frances Harriet (Miss), 810 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Fortunatus Prescott, Massachusetts (1761 ) ; Private at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Sergeant in General Stark's Bodyguard at Bennington, August 12, 1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Prescott, Massa- chusetts (1720-1776); Private, Massachusetts Militia; died in service at Dorchester, October 15, 1776. 1894 Gilbert, Lucetta Banks (Miss), 794 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Fortunatus Prescott, Massachusetts (1761 ) ; Private at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Sergeant in General Stark's Bodyguard at Bennington, August 12, 1777. Also, great-great-great- granddaughter of Ebenezer Prescott, Massa- chusetts (1720-1776); Private, Massachusetts Militia; died in service at Dorchester, October 15, 1776. 1895 Gilbert, Mary Ellen (Miss), 879 New York, Great-granddaughter of Fortunatus Prescott, Massachusetts (1761 ) ; Private at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Sergeant in General Stark's Bodyguard at Bennington, August 12, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Prescott, Massachusetts (1720-1776); Private, Massachusetts Militia; died in service at Dorchester, October 15, 1776. Date of 136 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Gile, Mary Margaret (Miss), 1166 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Gile, New Hampshire (1740- 1815); Private, Colonel Thomas Stickney's Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Gerrish, marched July 15, 1777, for the Relief of Ticonderoga ; served at Fort Edward, October, 1777. 1894 Gillies, Elizabeth Ferdon (Mrs. George M. Gillies), 434 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Rev. Joseph Strong, Connecticut (1756- 1803) ; Chaplain, 20th Connecticut Regiment, March to December, 1776. 1895 *Gilfillan, Catherine Ladd (Mrs. William Gilfillan), 845 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Hezekiah Thompson, Connecticut (1735- 1803) ; Member of Connecticut General Assembly, May to October, 1782, and 1784. 1895 Oilman, Caroline S. Wallace (Mrs. Henry G. Gilman), 1260 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Elijah Benton, Massachusetts (1759-1841) ; Private, Captain Stiles' Company, Colonel Sargent's Regiment Massachu- setts Militia, July 14-November 10, 1775. 1895 Oilman, Helen Phinnet (Mrs. J. W. C. Gilman), 838 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Edmund Phinney, Maine (1723-1815); Colonel 18th Regiment of Foot, Massachusetts Bay Forces, January, 1775: Colonel 31st Massachusetts Line Regiment, 1775; in service at Ticonderoga. 1776 ; retired, 1777 ; Member Provincial Congress, 1777. * Deceased. Date of 1" ' Society Admission. Number. 1895 Gilman, Helen Phinney (Miss), 839 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Edmund Phinney, Maine (1723- 1815); Colonel 18th Regiment of Foot, Massachusetts Bay Forces, January, 1775; Colonel 31st Massachusetts Line Eegiment, 1775; in service at Ticonderoga, 1776 ; retired 1777 ; Member Provincial Congress, 1777. 1895 Gilman, Mart Ra worth Ward (Mrs. Ephraim Coburn Gilman). 1025 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Olmstead, Connecticut ; Ensign, 7th Company, Captain Samuel Comstock, 9th Regiment Connecti- cut Militia, May-September 15, 1776. 1895 Gilmore, Ellen (Miss), 657 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Brown, Massachusetts (1745- 1821) ; Quartermaster, Colonel Barnard's Regiment of Minute- men, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Hugh Maxwell's Com- pany, Colonel William Prescott's Regiment at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775; Ensign and Quartermaster, Colonel Michael Jackson's Additional Continental Regiment, 1776 ; Captain, same, 1779 ; re- signed December 22, 1779. 1895 Gilmore, Ellen Brown (Mrs. William E. Gilmore). 1163 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Brown, Massachusetts (1745-1821) ; Quartermaster, Colonel Barnard's Regiment of Minute-men, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Hugh Maxwell's Company, Colonel William Prescott's Regiment at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Ensign and Quartermaster, Colonel Michael Jackson's Additional Conti- nental Regiment, 1776 ; Captain, same, 1779 ; resigned December 22, 1779. Date of 1"° Society Admission. Number. 1894 Gilmore, Margaret Scott Cook (Mrs. Frank Tiffen Gilniore), 659 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Jr., Connecticut (1737-1810) ; Captain, 1st Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel David Wooster, May 1-December 1, 1775 ; Major, 10th Connecticut Militia, Colonel James Wadsworth, January 10, 1780 ; promoted Lieutenant-Col- onel, June, 1783. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Sr. (1711-1790); Cap- tain, "Wallingford Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Matthew Scott, Pennsylvania (1740- 1798); 1st Lieutenant. Captain William Peeble's Company, 2d Bat- talion Pennsylvania Eifles, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 15, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; ex- changed December 8, 1776 ; Captain, 13th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, Colonel Walter Stewart, October 24, November 12, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of William Thompson, Pennsylvania (1725-1781) ; Colonel Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, June 25, 1775 ; Colonel 1st Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Brigadier-Gen- eral, Continental Army, March 1, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776 ; exchanged October 25, 1780. 1894 Glass, Mattie Parnell (Mrs. Frank P. Glass), 708 Alabama, Great-great-granddaughter of James Upshaw, Virginia; 2d Lieu- tenant, 2d Virginia Regiment, February 19, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant. August 13, 1776; Captain, Virginia State Regiment; Member Vir- ginia Society of the Cincinnati. 1895 Gleason, Annie White (Mrs. John B. Gleason), 1360 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Aaron Hobart, Massachusetts (1729 ) ; Manufacturer of cannon and cannon-balls for the Revolu- tionary Army. 1895 Gooch, Mary Amelia (Mrs.), 981 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Caleb Stetson, Massachusetts (1754 1827) ; Private, Captain Bradford's Company, Colonel Theopilus Cotton's Regiment, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain William Perkins' Company, Colonel John Crane's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, October, 1777 ; Corporal, Continental Army, enlisted from Plymp- ton, October 25, 1779, for the war. .?4 e ? f 1^9 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Gooderson, Mart M. Bennett (Mrs. Frederick W. Gooderson, Jr.), H19 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Philip Ulmer, Maine ( 1817); Ensign, 25th Eegiment of Foot, Colonel William Bond, April 20, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, January 1, 1777; resigned, February 14, 1778 ; Captain of Militia, Colonel McCobb's Eegiment for Seacoast Defence, 1779. 1895 Goodhue, Alice Burnham (Miss), 929 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Ross, Massachusetts (1758- 1854); Minute-man at Lexington and Bunker Hill, 1775; Private, Captain Thomas Barnes' Company, Colonel Nixon's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, January, 1776-1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of William Atwell, Massachu- setts (1720-1806) ; Private, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Eleazer Lindsey's Company, Colonel Samuel Gerrish's Regiment, May 20, 1775 ; Private, same, February 3-July 3, 1778. Also, great-sjreat-granddaughter of Zaehariah Atwell, Massachusetts (1755-1836) ; Private, Captain Rufus Mansfield's Company of Min- ute-men, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ezra Brown, Massachusetts (1750-1829) ; Private, Captain David Parker's Company from Lynn, "Lexington Alarm;" Drummer, May 4, 1775; Private, Massachusetts Militia, July 28-September 12, 1778 ; Corporal, Cap- tain Chamberlin's Company, Colonel Dean's Regiment Massachu- setts Militia, March 7, 1781. 1896 Goodhue, Jessie Towne (Mrs. Samuel V. Goodhue), 1600 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Gould, Massachusetts (1709- 1778); Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, May, 1775. 1896 Goodhue, Sarah (Miss), 1G92 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Ross, Massachusetts (1758- 1854); Minute-man at Lexington and Bunker Hill, 1775; Private, Captain Thomas Barnes' Company, Colonel Nixon's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, January, 1776-1777. [Also, Date of 140 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of William Atwell, Massachu- setts (1720-1806) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Eleazer Lindsey's Company, Colonel Samuel Gerrish's Eegiment, May 20, 1775 ; Private, same, February 3-July 3, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Zachariah Atwell, Massachusetts (1755-1836) ; Private, Captain Kufus Mansfield's Company of Min- ute-men, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ezra Brown, Massachusetts (1750-1829) ; Private, Captain David Parker's Company from Lynn, "Lexington Alarm;" Drummer, May 4, 1775; Private, Massachusetts Militia, July 28-September 12, 1778 ; Corporal, Cap- tain Chamberlin's Company, Colonel Dean's Eegiment Massachu- setts Militia, March 7, 1781. 1893 Gooding, Georgiana McKnight (Mrs. John Fay Gooding), 218 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Charles Geer, New Hampshire; Private, New Hampshire Militia, 1778 and 1779. 1895 Goodrich, Amy E. L. (Miss), 970 Massachusetts, Great-great-grcat-granddaughter of Michael Farley, Massachusetts (1719-1789) ; Quartermaster, Colonel Samuel Gerrish's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 19-December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 26th Massachusetts Continental Regiment, Colonel Laomi Baldwin, 1776; Brigadier-General, Essex County Militia, 1776; 3d Major-General Massachusetts Militia, 1777; 2d Major- General, same, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, 9th Regiment Massachusetts Line, Colonel James Wesson, January 1, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Young's House, New York, February 3, 1780; Member Massachusetts Bay Committee, 1775; Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1775-1780. 1895 Goodrich, Elizabeth Ransom (Mrs. Thomas Fanning Goodrich), 878 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Ransom, Pennsylvania (1737-1778) ; Captain, 24th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Zebulon Butler, October, 1775 ; Captain 2d Independent Company, Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania Militia, August 26, 1776 ; resigned June, 1778 ; acted as Volunteer Aid to Colonel Zebulon Butler, and was killed in the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778. 141 Date of " x Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of David Thurston, Massachusetts (1736- 1826) ; Signer with forty-nine other citizens of a Declaration pledging themselves to oppose with arms the hostile proceedings of England, dated at Marlborough, Massachusetts, July 9, 1776 ; on "Alarm" Eolls, April 19, 1775-November 15, 1775. 1895 Goodrich, Lucy Lord (Mrs. James J. Goodrich), 969 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Michael Farley, Massachusetts (1719- 1789); Quartermaster, Colonel Samuel Gerrish's Regiment Massa- chusetts Militia, May 19-December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 26th Massachusetts Continental Regiment, Colonel Laomi Baldwin, 1776; Brigadier-General, Essex County Militia, 1776; 3d Major-General, Massachusetts Militia, 1777; 2d Major- General, same, 1778; 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 9th Regi- ment Massachusetts Line, Colonel James Wesson, Januar} T 1, 1780; taken prisoner at Young's House, New York, February 3, 1780 ; Member Massachusetts Bay Committe, 1775; Member Massachu- setts Provincial Congress, 1775-1780. 1895 Goodwin, Helen Jane (Miss), 1281 New York, Great-granddaughter of Uriah Goodwin, Massachusetts (1735 ) > Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Phillips' Company, Lieutenant-Colo- nel Timothy Robinson's Regiment, December 23, 1776-April 1, 1777 ; Private, Captain Isaac Pope's Company of Militia raised to reinforce the Continental Army, July 21, 1780. 1895 Goodwin, Maria Alley (Miss), 1174 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Whitney, Massachusetts (1731-1806); Member "Boston Tea Party," December 13, 1773; Minute-man at Concord, April 19, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colo- nel Asa Whitcomb's Regiment Massachusetts Militia at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775; Colonel, Massachusetts Militia, January-April, 1776 ; Colonel " Colony" Regiment for Defence of town and harbor of Boston, April, 1776-January, 1777; Colonel, Massachusetts Militia, "Rhode Island Alarm," April, May, and June, 1777, and "Bennington Alarm," August, 1777; in service at Saratoga, Sep- tember and October, 1777 ; Member Provincial Legislature, 1779 ; Member Convention to form State Constitution of Massachusetts, 1780; Member first Massachusetts State Legislature, 1780; Brig- adier-General, July, 1781. 149 Date of "* / * A Society Admission. Number. 1895 Goodwin, Sarah Coffin Waite (Mrs. Scott Du Mont Goodwin), 1343 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of James Fay, Massachusetts ( 1782) ; Private, Captain Jonathan BardwelPs Company, Colonel David Brewer's Begiment Massachusetts Militia, May 4,1775; Private, Continental Army, Colonel Brooks' Begiment, May 15, 1777; Private, Captain Benjamin Warren's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel John Brooks' 7th Continental Begiment, July, 1781-February, 1782 ; died in service at West Point, March 26, 1782. 1893 Goodwyn, Isadore Cantrell (Mrs. Philo Hiram Goodwyn), 387 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Stephen Cantrell, Sr., North Carolina (1758 ); employed in the service of the Continental Commissioners of North Carolina. 1895 Gorham, Alice May (Miss), 887 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Zachariah Standisb, Massachusetts (1739 ); Private, Captain Thomas Loring's Company from Plympton, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Thomas Samson's Company, Colonel Thomas Lothrop's Begiment, General Joseph Cushing's Brigade, " Bhode Island Alarm," Decem- ber, 1776; Private, Captain Thomas Samson's Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton's Begiment, March 14-17, 1781. 1895 Gorham, Ida Smith (Miss), 886 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Zachariah Standisb, Massachusetts (1739 ) ; Private, Captain Thomas Loring's Company from FIvmpton, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Thomas Samson's Company, Colonel Thomas Lothrop's Begiment, General Joseph Cushing's Brigade, "Bhode Island Alarm," Decem- ber, 1776; Private, Captain Thomas Samson's Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton's Begiment, March 14-17, 1781. Date of 143 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Goss, Abigail Symonds (Mrs. Frank Martin Goss), 428 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Leavitt, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Isaac Sherman's Company, Colonel Laomi Baldwin's 16th Eegiment, May 17, 1775 ; served from May 17, 1775, to January 1777. 1895 Gould, Caroline Brooks (widow of John P. Gould), 993 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Bansom, Pennsylvania (1737-1778) ; Captain, 24th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Zebulon Butler, October, 1775 ; Captain 2d Independent Company, Wyoming Valley Pennsylvania Militia, August 26, 1776 ; resigned June, 1778 ; acted as Volunteer Aid to Colonel Zebulon Butler and was killed in the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778. 1894 Graham, Christina Lawrentz (Mrs. William Graham), 746 Maryland, Daughter of Wendel Lawrentz, Maryland (1757-1823); Private under Captains Philip Craybill and Christopher Myers,Colonel Housseger's Regiment Maryland Militia, served three years ; was in the Battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. 1895 Graham, Elizabeth A. (Miss), 1200 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Sink, Pennsylvania (1760-1828) ; Private, 10th Regiment Pennsylvania Line at Frederickstown, October 1, 1778. 1895 Graham, Ellen J. (Miss), 1201 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Sink, Pennsylvania (1760-1826) ; Private, 10th Regiment Pennsylvania Line at Frederickstown, October 1, 1778. 144 Date of x: " Society Admission. Number. 1893 Graham, Margaret Frances (Mrs. J. Lorimer Graham), 299 New York, Great-granddaughter of John J. Schreder, New York (1756-1823) ; Private, Captain Thomas De Witt's Company, 3d Regiment New York Line, Colonel Peter Gansevoort, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Regiment New York Line, Colonel Goose Van Schaick ; served to close of war. 1893 Grannis, Annie O. Appleton (Mrs. Charles K. Grannis), 347 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Edwards, Connecticut (1756-1838) ; Private, Colonel David Waterbury's Regiment Connecticut Militia, April-May, 1775. 1893 Grannis, Annie O. A. (Miss), 348 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Edwards, Connecticut (1756- 1838) ; Private, Colonel David Waterbury's Regiment Connecticut Militia, April-May, 1775. 1891 Grant, Ella Schenck (Mrs. George M. Grant), 110 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of William Torrey, Massachusetts (1760-1828) Member, Company of Minute-men of Lexington, April 10, 1775 Sergeant, Bailey's Massachusetts Regiment, May-December, 1775 Ensign, "Congress Own" Regiment, June, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 2d Regiment Canadian Continental, Colonel Moses Hazen, January 1, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, March, 1779 ; served to June, 1783. 1894 Grant, Mary Matteson (Mrs. James B. Grant), 685 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Edward Goodell, Connecticut (1715- ); Corporal, 8th Company, Captain Ingalls, 11th Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1776. Date of 145 . Admission. ■& O0le L t7 Number. 1894 Green, Elizabeth Hart Griswold (Mrs. Edward M. Green), 534 New York, Great-granddaughter of Philip Hart, New York (1724 ) ; Member Dutchess County, New York, Associators, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Simeon Griswold, Connecticut (1753 ); Private, Captain Pitkin's Company, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Edward Howard, New York (1724 ); Private, Captain Thomas Lee's Company, Colonel Zephaniah Piatt's Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Moulton, Connecticut (1734-1819); Lieutenant-Colonel, Stafford Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Lieutenant-Colonel, 22d Connecticut Regi- ment, Colonel Samuel Chapman; taken prisoner at New York, September 15, 1776 ; exchanged March 2, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Howard Moulton, Connecticut; Ser- geant, Captain Ozias Bissell's Company, Colonel Huntington's Regiment Connecticut Militia; made prisoner at the Battle of Long Island. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Rev. Ebenezer White, Con- necticut (1709-1779); Patriot, during Tryon's "Danbury Raid" his Church was burned and he suffered loss to the amount of £327. 1892 Green, Kate Eccles West (Mrs. John A. Green), 197 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Gilbert Thornton, New Jersey (1732-1802) ; Private, Eastern Battalion, Morris County New Jersey Militia ■ Private, , New Jersey State Troops; Private, New Jersey Conti- nental Line. 1895 Green, Marianna Speed (Mrs. Henry H. Green), 965 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Marsh, Jr., Massachusetts (1740- 1822) ; Lieutenant, Captain Caleb Low's Company from Danvers, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Green, Sarah Kettelhuyn Swartwout (widow of Walter J. Green), 1157 New York, Great-granddaughter of Cornelius Swartwout, New York (1751— 1833) ; Private, 6th Company, Captains Rutsen DeWitt and Abra- ham Cuddeback, 2d Ulster County New York Militia, Colonels James Clinton and James McClaughrey. [Also, 14fi Date of x^ 0Cie L ty Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of William Kettelhuyn, New York (1740- 1829) ; Private, 14th Albany County New York Militia, Captains C. Van der Burgh and Garret Teunis Bradt, Colonels Peter Yates and John Knickerbocker. 1895 Greene, Katherine Strong Jameson (Mrs. Edward Miller Greene), 971 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Cogswell, Massachusetts (1760- 1831); Private, Captain Cogswell's Company, 26th Continental Infantry, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon's Mate, January 19, 1781. 1894 Greene, Maria N. Skinner (Mrs. David M. Greene), 453 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Dunham, New York ( 1806) ; Landman on Continental Frigate "Trumbull," 1781; Warrant Officer in the American Navy during the Revolutionary War. 1895 Greenough, Nellie Baker Kelman (Mrs. Charles Edward Greenough), 1222 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Baker, Massachusetts (1743- 1808) ; Sergeant, Captain Thomas Kimball's Company, Colonel John Baker's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm ;" 1st Lieutenant, 6th Company, Captain John Dodge, 3d Essex County Massachusetts Regiment, 1776. 1896 Greenwood, Mary J. Thayer (Mrs. John A. Greenwood), 1576 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Hobart, Massachusetts (1747 ) ; Private, Captain John Vinton's Independent Company from Braintree, Massachusetts, May, 1775-January, 1776. 1895 Gregg, K. Frances Leighton (Miss), 1083 New Hampshire, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Leighton, Massachusetts (1740- 1802) ; Captain, Scammon's Massachusetts Regiment, May-Decem- ber, 1775. 4 P^ te . of Society Admission. Number. 1893 *Gregory, Charlotte J. Fowler (widow of Eobert Gregory), 2275 New York, Granddaughter of John Kniffen, New York (1754-1838) ; Private, 2d Lieutenant John Case's Company, Colonel John Hathorn's Orange County New York Militia. 1895 Grieg, Helen Eliza Low (Mrs. James Ashton Grieg), 1010 New York, Great-granddaughter of Josiah Bacon, Massachusetts (1719-1775) ; Private, Captain John Black's Company, Colonel Jonathan Brewer's Begiinent Massachusetts Militia: killed at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Also, granddaughter of Samuel Low, Massachusetts (1758-1839) Private, Captain Benjamin Nye's Company, Colonel N. Sparhawk's Begiment Massachusetts Militia, August 25, 1777. 1895 Griffin, Mary Eliza (Miss), 1116 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Charles Hoffman, New York (1727-1808) Ensign, Captain Yan Benschouten's Company, Colonel Dirck Brinck- erhoff's Begiment New York State Troops, 1775. Also, granddaughter of Jacob Griffin ( 1831) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Dutchess County New York Militia, October 1776. 1895 Griffith, Grace Bobertson (Mrs. William Herrick Griffith), 1014 New York, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Truax, New York (1755-1854) ; Private, Captain O.itrom's Company, Colonel Schuyler's Begiment New York State Troops. 1895 Griffith, Mary L. Knowlton (widow of Charles H. Griffith), 1366 New York. Great-granddaughter of Daniel Knowlton, Connecticut (1738-1825)' Ensign, Captain Beuben Marcy's Company, 6th Battalion, Wads- worth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops, Colonel John Chester, at Long Island, June, 1776 ; detached and assigned to " Knowlton's Bangers" at Harlem Heights ; rejoined his regiment ; 2d Lieutenant, October 10, 1776; rejoined "Knowlton's Bangers;" taken prisoner * Deceased. Date of 148 Society dmission. Number. at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain Joshua Bottom's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Levi Wells' Begi- ment Connecticut Militia, taken prisoner at Horsencck. December 9, 1780 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Benjamin Durkee's Company of Matrosses, Connecticut Militia, July 16, 1782-July 6, 1783; served at Fort Trumbull, Connecticut ; twenty three months a prisoner of war on Long Island and Prison Ship "Jersey." 1895 Griffith, Sophia Jane (Miss), 1309 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Obadiah Hills, Massachusetts (1751-1825) ; Minute-man, Captain William Bogers' Company, Colonel Samuel Gerrish's Begiment, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775 ; seven' days' service. 1894 Grimke, Louise F. Gawtrey (Mrs, Thomas Smith Grimke, Jr.), 778 New York, Great-granddaughter of Moses Foster, Maryland ; Private, 7th Begi- ment Maryland Troops. 1893 Griswold, Adeline W. (Mrs. C. W. Griswold), 312 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Jeduthan Wellington, Massachusetts (1750-1838) ; Private, Captain William Adams' Compan}^, Colonel Thatcher's Begiment Massachusetts Militia at Dorchester Heights, March 4-8, 1776. 1894 Griswold, Sarah Bandall (Mrs. John Wool Griswold), 694 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Sturtevant, Jr., Massachusetts (1755-1816); Private, Captain Earl Clap's Company, ;< Lexington Alarm ; " Private, Captain Earl Clap's Company, Colonel Theoph- ilus Cotton's Begiment, August 1, 1775, three days service ; Private, Captain Barnabas Doty's Company, Colonel Ebenezer Sprout's Beg- iment, September 1775, four days service ; Private, Captain Samuel Brigg's Company, Colonel Cotton's Begiment, on a Secret Expedi- tion to Bhode Island, September 29, 1777 ; Private, Captain Charles Church's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel White's Begiment, July 30- August 8, 1780. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Charles Sturtevant (1721- 1809); Private, "Lexington Alarm," Captain Nathaniel Ham- mond's Company from Bochester, Massachusetts. Date of 149 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Gront, Louise Adams (Miss), 669 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Silas Gront, Massachusetts (1755-1820) ; Pri- vate, Captain Benjamin Bullard's Company, Colonel Peirce's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, April 19, 1775 ; served twelve days ; Private, Captain Zebulon King's Company, Colonel John Brooks' 7th Massachusetts Regiment, July 6, 1780-January 6, 1781. 1891 Guion, Katherine Noyes (Mrs. Franklin W. Guion), 127 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of Matthias St. John, Connecticut; Corporal 9th Company, Lieutenant John Carter, Connecticut Militia, Octo- ber 25-December 25, 1776 ; Private, Captain Reuben Schofield's Company, Colonel John Mead's Regiment, 1778. 1895 Gumaer, Sarah Nichols (Mrs. Jacob D. Gumaer), 823 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Bidwell, Connecticut (1744 ) ; Ensign, 11th Company 23d Regiment or Train Band of the Col- ony of Connecticut, May, 1776; Captain, same Company and Regi- ment, May, 1783. 1896 Gutterson, Annie M. (Miss), 1485 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Gregg, New Hampshire (1741- 1815) ; Associator of Londonderry, New Hampshire, 1776. 1896 Gutterson, Eliza Chase (Miss), 1486 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Gregg, New Hampshire (1741- 1815) ; Associator of Londonderry, New Hampshire, 1776. 1896 Gutterson, Emily North (Miss), 1487 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Gregg, New Hampshire (1741- 1815) ; Associator of Londonderry, New Hampshire, 1776. Date of 1^0 Society Admission. Number. 1891 Hagaman, Florence F. Linsley (Mrs. Theodore Hagaman), 125 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of William Keeney, Connecticut (1757 ) ; Private, Connecticut Militia from the town of Derby. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Bradford Steele, Connecticut; Lieutenant, "Lexington Alarm;" 1st Lieutenant, Captain Jabez Thompson's Company, Colonel Wooster's 1st Connecticut Conti- nental Eegiment, 1775 ; Captain, Connecticut Militia, 1778 ; Captain, Connecticut Militia, "New Haven Alarm," 1779. 1895 Hagen, Sara Reed (Mrs. Joseph J. Hagen), 956 New York, Great-granddaughter of Levinus Lansing, New York; Signer of the Association in Lansingburgh, May 22, 1775 ; Private, Captain Christopher Lansing's Company, Colonel Stephen J. Schuyler's Regi- ment, February 17, 1777 ; Private, Captain George Sharpe's Com- pany, Colonel Henry Van Rensselaer's Regiment, 4th Rensselaer- wyck Battalion, 1777-1781. 1895 Hale, Elizabeth Deming (Miss), 1056 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Hale, Connecticut (1753-1823) ; Private, 7th Connecticut Regiment, Colonel Charles Webb, July 19-December 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Jonathan Hale's Company, from Glastenbury, January-March, 1776 ; Private, Captain Barnes' Company, Colonel Hooker's Regiment Connecticut Troops, General Erastus Wolcott's Brigade, April 22-May 20, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Gideon Deming, 3d, Connecticut (1750-1846) ; Private, Captain Sedgwick's Company, Colonel Ches- ter's Regiment, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut Militia, June- December, 1776. 1895 Hale, Mary Lee (Mrs. Matthew Hale), 885 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Jackson, Massachusetts (1743- 1810) ; Member Provincial Congress, 1775 ; Representative, 1777 ; Member of Congress, 1782. .Date of 151 Society Admission. Number. 1891 Haley, Catharine Haley (Mrs. Albert Haley), 112 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Hubbard Burrows, Connecticut (1739-1781) ; Captain, 8th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver Smith ; killed in action at Groton Heights, September 6, 1781. 1896 Hall, Aroline C. (Miss), 1594 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Gage, Massachusetts (1730-1797) ; Captain, Colonel James Prye's Regiment Massachusetts Militia; served at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 1895 Hall, Charlotte Gross (Miss), 846 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Fisher, Massachusetts ( 1809) ; Private, Captain Joseph Morse's Company, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Ebe nezer Battelle's Company, July 2-17, 1778 ; service in guarding Con- tinental Stores at Watertown ; Private, Lieutenant-Commandant Abiel Whitmarsh's Company, Colonel Thomas Carpenter's Regi- ment for service at Rhode Island on " Alarm," 1780. 1892 Hall, Elizabeth Weidman (Mrs. Lee Hall), 156 Texas, Great-granddaughter of John Weidman, Pennsylvania (1756-1830) ; Ensign, German Regiment, July 19, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, May 14, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Germantown, October 4, 1777 ; exchanged December 30, 1780 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; Member Pennsyl- vania Society of the Cincinnati. 1895 Hall, Mary Ellen Benedict (Mrs. John Taylor Hall), 1089 New York, Great-granddaughter of Joab Stafford, Massachusetts (1729-1801) ; Captain, New York Militia; wounded at Bennington, August 10, 1777. 1 ^ Date of Xl/ - J Society Admission. Number. 1895 Hall, Sarah Barns (Mrs. Hayward F. Hall), 1003 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Zealous Bates, Massachusetts!(1754-1831) ; Private, Captain Cushing's Company, Colonel Graten's Kegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 18, 1775 ; Private, Captain Beale's Company at Dorchester, March 4, 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Beale's Company, Colonel Lovell's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 14, 1776. 1896 Hallett, Katherine Felt (Mrs. Moses Hallett), 1699 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Corbin, Connecticut (1751-1838); Private, Captain Samuel Chandler's Company, 11th Regiment Con- necticut Militia, Colonel William Danielson, September, 1776- January, 1777, served around New York ; Private, CaptaiD Samuel Clark's Company, Colonel Simon's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, served one month, 1778, and three weeks, 1779. 1892 Halter, Sarah E. Weidman (Mrs. Richard E. Halter), 309 Texas, Great-granddaughter of John Weidman, Pennsylvania (1756-1830) ; Ensign, German Regiment, July 19, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, May 14, 1777; taken prisoner at Germantown, October 4, 1777; exchanged December 30, 1780 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; Member Pennsyl- vania Society of the Cincinnati. 1891 Hamilton, Ada Estelle Brown (Mrs. Henry D. Hamilton), 61 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of George Brown ; British prisoner of war on the Prison Ship "Jersey." 1893 * Hamilton, Alice Wiley (Mrs. Edward P. Hamilton), 252 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Wiley, New York (1755 ) ; Lieu- tenant, 1st Battalion New York Independents, January, 1776; Commissary of Purchases for New York Line, 1781, * Deceased. Date of 15o Society Admission. Number. 1894 Hampton, Mary B. Westcott (Miss), 638 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Westcott, New Jersey (1757-183-4) ; Captain, 1st Battalion, Cumberland County New Jersey Militia; re- signed May 5, 1779. 1895 Hand, Lydia Coit Learned (Mrs. Samuel Hand), K'34 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Bbenezer Learned, Connecticut (1723- 1779); Private, Captain Joseph Cady's Company, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Bela Peck, Connecticut (1758-1850) ; Captain, Matross Company of Norwich, Connecticut, which marched for the Defence of New London, 1781. 1895 Hanpord, Emma Whitlock (Mrs. George F. Hanford), 1273 New York, Great-granddaughter of David Olmsted, Connecticut (1754-1824) ; Corporal, Captain Joseph Hait's Company, 7th Connecticut Conti- nental Begiment, Colonel Charles Webb, August 7-December 23, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Battalion, Connecticut State Troops, August 22, 1776-January 11, 1777 ; Captain, Colonel Boger Enos' Begiment Connecticut Militia, June 3, 1778; served on the Hudson ; Captain, Colonel Bezaleel Bradley's Begiment Connecticut Militia, 1780 ; Captain, Connecticut Provisional Begiment, March, 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of Thaddeus Whitlock, Connecticut (1754- 1824) ; Private, Captain Joseph Hait's Company, 7th Connecticut Continental Begiment, July 22-Decembcr, 1775 ; Private, Captain Samuel Comstock's Company, Colonel Silliman's Begiment Connec- ticut Militia, August, 1776. Also, granddaughter of James Beynolds, Connecticut (1759-1833) ; Private, Captain Joseph Elliott's Company, Connecticut Militia, May 11, 1775 ; Lieutenant, Captain Thaddeus Lacy's Company, Colonel Swift's Battalion for service at Ticonderoga, November, 1777 ; Sergeant, Captain Clifts' Company, Connecticut Militia, 1777; discharged April 5, 1780. Date of 1°'* Society Admission. Number. 1894 Hanington, Clara Harrington (Mrs. Henry Hanington), 680 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Harrington, Massachusetts (1748 ) ; Private, Captain John Parker's Company, Battle of Lex- ington, April 19, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Smith, Massachusetts (1708-1781) ; Private, Captain John Parker's Company, Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. 1895 Hanna, Ione Theresa Munger (Mrs. John Eowland Hanna), 1212 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Elnathan Munger, Massachusetts ( 1777) ; Private, Captain Amos Walbridge's Company, Colonel David Brewer's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 12, 1775 service two months and twenty-four days ; Private, Captain Amos Walbridge's Company, Colonel Eufus Putnam's Eegiment, Novem- ber 4, 1775 ; Private, Captain Caleb Keep's Company, Colonel William Shepard's Eegiment, 1777 ; died in service October 5, 1777. 1893 Hannahs, Susan Jackson (Mrs. Charles Hannahs), 3 10 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Stephen Jackson, New Jersey (1744 ) ; Member Committee of Safety of Pequanock Township, New Jersey ; Captain, Morris County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Enoch Beach, New Jersey (1737- 1814) ; Private, Morris County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Harmer, Mary A. Miller (Mrs. John Hays Harmer), 1438 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Eobert Ayres, New Jersey (1730 ) ; Private, Captain Isaiah Pierson's Company, 2d Eegiment Essex County New Jersey Militia ; Private, New Jersey Continental Line. Also, great-granddaughter of David Conger, New Jersey (1760-1807); Private, Morris County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Zenas Conger, New Jersey ; Private, Morris County New Jersey Militia. Date of ^5 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Harnickell, Kate Ransom Wallis (Mrs Maximilian Harnickell), 481 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Ransom, Pennsylvania (1737-1778); Captain, 24th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Zebulon But- ler, October, 1775 ; Captain 2d Independent Company, Wyoming Valley Pennsylvania Militia, August 26, 1776 ; resigned June, 1778 ; acted as Volunteer Aid to Colonel Zebulon Butler, and was killed in the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778. 1891 Harris, Bessie A. (Miss), 54 New York, Great-granddaughter of Gilbert Harris, New York (1729 ); Private, Major Thomas Armstrong's Regiment New York Militia. 1893 Harris, Louise Wyman (Miss), 364 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Nevers, Jr., Massachusetts (1742- 1826) ; Private, Captain Walker's Company, 2d Regiment Foot, Colonel David Green, February 13, 1776 ; Private, Captain Foster's Company at Northward, 1777; Sworn Clerk of Precinct Company under Captain Walker. 1895 Harrison, Elizabeth A. Van Lennep (Mrs. Frederic M. Harrison), 1150 New Jersey, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Trumbull, Connecticut (1710-1785) ; Governor of Connecticut, 1770-1783. 1891 Harrison, Ethel G. Allen (Mrs. Duncan B. Harrison), 87 New York, Great-great-great-great-granddaughter of William Crolius, New York (1700 , ) ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th Company, Captain George Janeway, 2d Regiment New York City Militia, Colonel John Jay, September 15, 1775. Date of ■*■**« Society Admission. Number. 1894 Harrison, Julia Cleves (Miss), 583 Indiana, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Harrison, Virginia (1741- 1791) ; Member Virginia Convention ; Member Continental Con- gress, 1774-1778 ; Signer Declaration of Independence ; Chairman Continental Board of War; Governor of Virginia, 1782. Also, great-areat-granddaughter of John Cleves Symmes,New Jersey (1742-1814) ; Colonel, 3d Battalion, Sussex County New Jersey Militia ; resigned May 23, 1777, to accept the appointment of Jus- tice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey. 1895 *Hart, Sarah Jennet (Mrs. George W. Hart), 812 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Elias Buell, Vermont (1737-1824) ; Captain, "Lexington Alarm;" Major, Sage's Connecticut State Kegiment, June 20-December 25, 1776 ; served frequently in Con- necticut Militia. 1895 Hassam, Nelly A. (Mrs. John T. Hassam), 1131 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Josiah Smith, Massachusetts (1738-1803) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Freedom Chamberlin's Company from Pembroke, Massachusetts, March 5, 1775. 1895 Haskell, Cora Louise (Miss), Massachusetts, 1098 Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Packard, Massachusetts (1751 ) ; Private, Captain Joseph Hayden's Company, Colonel Bailey's Begiment from Bridgewater, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Cap- tain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel John Thomas's Begiment, August 1, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Mighill's Company, 38th Begiment, Colonel Baldwin, September, 1775 ; Private, Captain Hayden's Company, Colonel Thomas's Begiment, October 6, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Pierce's Company, Colonel Knox's Artil- lery Begiment, December 16, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, Colonel Edward Mitchell's Begiment, March 4-10, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, 3d Plymouth County Massachusetts Begiment, March 23, 1776 ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Keith's Company, Colonel Cotton's Begiment for service in Bhode Island, September 25-October 30, 1777. * Deceased. Date of 1°* Society Admission. Number. 1895 Haskell, Harriet Eeed (Miss), 1110 New York, Great-granddaughter of Simeon Haskell, Massachusetts (1758-1846) ; Private, Continental Army, Captain Keep's Company, Colonel Sheppard's Regiment, March 1, 1777-December 31, 1779 ; Corporal, Captain Webb's Company, Colonel Sheppard's Eegiment, January 1-March 1, 1780. 1895 Haskell, Maria Frances Eandolph (Mrs. Warren Haskell), 1097 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Jonathan Packard, Massachusetts (1751 ); Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel Bailey's Eegi- ment from Bridgewater, "Lexington Alarm, 1775; Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel John Thomas's Regiment, August 1, 1775; Private, Captain Thomas Mighill's Company, 38th Eegiment, Colonel Baldwin, September, 1775; Private, Captain Hayden's Company, Colonel Thomas's Eegiment, October 6, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Pierce's Company, Colonel Knox's Eegi- ment of Artillery, December 16, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, Colonel Edward Mitchell's Eegiment, March 4-10, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Com- pany, 3d Plymouth County Massachusetts Eegiment, March 23, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain Keith's Company, Colonel Cotton's Eeg- iment for service at Ehode Island, September 25-October 20, 1777 1894 Haskell, Sara H. (Mrs. Eobert Chandler Haskell), 544 New York, Great-granddaughter of Cornelius Lansing, New York (1752-1842) ; Captain, 6th New York Eegiment, Colonel Stephen J. Schuyler. 1894 Haskins, Annie L. Davis (Mrs. William L. Haskins), 454 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of David Olmsted, Connecticut (1748- 1813) ; Corporal, Captain Joseph Hait's Company, 7th Connecticut Continental Eegiment, Colonel Charles Webb, August 7-December 23, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Battalion, Connecticut State Troops, August 22, 1776-January 11, 1777; Captain, Colonel Eoger Eno's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, June 3, 1778; served on the Hudson ; Captain, Colonel Bezaleel Beebe's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1780; Cap- tain, Connecticut Provisional Eegiment, March, 1781. Date of 158 Society Admission. Number. 1896 Hastings, Emily W. Loring (Mrs. George W. Hastings), 1497 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Matthew Loring, Massachusetts (1751-1829) ; Drummer, Captain Freedom Chamberlin's Company, Colonel Craft's .Regiment Massachusetts Militia, March 5, 1776 ; Bombardier, Cap- tain Winthrop Gray's Company, Colonel Craft's Eegiment, June 29, 1776; Mariner, Brigantine "Hazard," Simeon Sampson, Com- mander; Drummer, September 30, 1777-May 20, 1778. 1894 Hatch, Jennie Bosson (Mrs. Frederick William Hatch), 595 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Warwick Palfrey, Massachusetts (1715-1797); Member of Massachusetts Assembly, 1776; Naval Officer of Salem, Massachusetts ; appointed Signer of Bills of Pub- lic Credit (Continental Money), June 28, 1776. 1894 Hathaway, W. Augusta (Miss), 628 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Studley, Massachusetts (1730 -1812); Member Committee of Correspondence and Safety, 1775- 1777; and 1779-1781 ; Private, Company stationed on Seacoast Service in Massachusetts, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Winslow's Company at Dorchester Heights, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, Colonel Dike's Eegiment, December, 1776-March, 1777. 1893 *Haviland, Elizabeth H. Jones (Mrs, Walter Haviland), 408 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Israel Jones, Connecticut (1753-1812); Sergeant, Captain John Watson's Company, Colonel Benjamin Hin- man's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1775 ; Ensign, 7th Eegiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, October 25, 1777; Captain, 18th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1778; resigned May 2, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of Phineas Merrill, Connecticut ( 1828) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, 8th Company, 7th Eegiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Charles Webb, 1775 ; Team- ster, 1778 ; Conductor of Teams for the Continental Army with the Eank of Captain, 1778-1779. * Deceased. Date of 159 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Haviland, Kate Leavens Hyde (Mrs. Frank Haviland), 489 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Bennett, Ehode Island (1745 ) ; Private, Captain William Cook's Company, Colonel Thomas Church's Eegiment Ehode Island Militia, May 2, 1775; served ten months. 1893 Hawes, Amanda L. Smith (Mrs. E. W. Hawes), 307 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of David Smith, Connecticut (1747-1814); Cap- tain, Elmore's Connecticut State Eegiment, April 18, 1776; Cap- tain, 8th Eegiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1777 ; Major, March 13, 1778; Brigade-Major and Brigade-Inspector, May 13, 1779-July 13, 1781 ; transferred to 5th Eegiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Eegiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1783; served to June 3, 1783; Member Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati. 1895 Hay, Helen Augusta (Miss), 1401 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Ann Hawkes Hay, New York ; Dep- uty, New York Provincial Congress, March, 1775, November, 1775, February, 1776; Colonel, Orange County New York Militia in service on different Alarms, April 4, 1776-August 9, 1780. 1892 Hays, Sibyl Euss (Miss), 177 Naples, Italy, Great-granddaughter of John Hayes, Virginia; Captain, 9th Eegi- ment Virginia Line, March 16, 1776 ; Major, 3d Eegiment Virginia Line; retired February 12, 1781. 1895 Hayward, Elizabeth C. Capen (Mrs. William E. Hay ward), 1318 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Timothy Gay, 2d, Massachusetts (1744- 1822) ; Sergeant, Captain Peter Talbot's Company of Minute-men from Stoughton, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Simon Leach's Company, Colonel Benjamin Gill's Eegiment at Dorchester Heights, March 4, 1776. Date of 160 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Haywood, Marion T. (Miss), 1299 North Carolina, Great-granddaughter of William Haywood, North Carolina ( 1779) ; Colonel, North Carolina Militia, 1779 ; Member Committee of Safety, 1775 ; Member State Congress at Halifax, N. C, April, 1776; Member North Carolina Assembly, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of Philemon Hawkins, North Carolina (1752-1833); Lieutenant-Colonel, North Carolina Militia, 1775; Member North Carolina Provincial Congress from Bute County, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Graham, New York ( 1832) ; Captain, 2d New York Eegiment, June 20, 1775 ; Captain, 1st New York Eegiment, with rank from February, 1776; Major, 2d Eegi- ment New York Line, Colonel Goose Van Schaick, March 26, 1779 ; served to November, 1783; Member Society of the Cincinnati. 1895 Hazlewood, Annie Abbot (Mrs. Clarence Hazlewood), 1063 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Abiel Abbot, Massachusetts (1741-1803); Mustermaster and Paymaster with rank of Captain, Colonel Nahum Baldwin's New Hampshire Eegiment, raised to reinforce the Con- tinental Army at New York, September 16, 1776-7 ; 2d Major, 5th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, December 11, 1776 ; 1st Major, same, March 30, 1781 ; Major, Colonel Moses Nichols' Eegiment New Hampshire Militia raised to reinforce the Continental Army at Ticonderoga, June 29-July 8, 1777; Member New Hampshire Provincial Congress, 1777, 1779-80. 1895 Hearn, Jennie Amelia Orcutt (Mrs. "William A. Hearn), 988 New York, Great-granddaughter of Eleazer Frary, Massachusetts (1752 ) ; Fifer, " Lexington Alarm ;" Sergeant, Captain Salmon "White's Company, Colonel Ezra May's Eegiment Massachusetts Bay Militia, September 20-October 14, 1777. 1895 Heath, Caroline P. Newiiall (Mrs. John Andrew Heath), 1263 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Asa Newhall, Massachusetts (1732-1814) ; Private at Concord, April 19, 1775. [Also, Date of 1"1 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Stephen Putnam, Massachusetts (1747- 1809) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Page's Company which marched from Danvers, Massachusetts, on Alarm of April 19, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Joshua Little, Massachusetts (1747- 1836); Private, Captain Moses Little's Company from Newberry, "Lexington Alarm." 1893 Heberton, Ellesa Miller (Mrs. Eobert Heberton), 274 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Claudius Martin (1740 ) ; Private, Cap- tain Scull's Company, 4th Eegiment Pennsylvania Line, 1777; served till 1781. 1895 Heqeman, Helen Larzelere (Mrs. M. Stewart Hegeman), 984 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Joost Stilwell, Long Island (1742- ) ; Captain, Company of Militia from Gravesend, Long Island, 1776. 1895 Heiskell, Kate Burt (Mrs. William P. Heiskell), 1270 West Virginia, Great-great-granddaughter of William Goforth, New York (1731- ) ; Captain, 1st Eegiment New York Line, Colonel Alexander McDougal, June 28, 1775 ; Major, 5th Eegiment New York Line, June 26, 1776 ; resigned July 6th, 1776. 1892 Helper, Minnie Slater (Mrs. William H. Heifer), 179 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Brewer, New York ; Private, Captain Gabriel Bequa's Company, 1st Eegiment Westchester County New York Militia, Colonel Joseph Drake, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Deliverance Brewer, New York ; Private, Captain George Combs' Company, 1st Eegiment West- chester County New York Militia, Colonel Joseph Drake, 1778. Date of XU ' J Society Admission. Number. 1895 Henderson, Abby M. (Miss), 817 Massachusetts, G-reat-granddaughter of Benjamin Henderson, Massachusetts (1761- 1836) ; Private, Captain Worley's Company, Colonel Sargent's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, July, 1775, six months' service; Private, Captain Wyley's Company, Colonel Sargent's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, January, 1776, one year's service ; Marine, Frigate "Boston," January, 1777, one year's service; during his last period of service the " Boston" captured the British Brig " Fox." 1896 Henderson, Lydia A. Porter (Mrs. Francis D. Henderson), 1548 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Jonathan Porter, Jr., Massachusetts (1763- 1851) ; Private, Captain Simeon Brown's Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1778; Private, Captain Jeremiah Putnam's Company, Colonel Nathan Tyler's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, September 1, 1779-January 1, 1780. 1894 Hendrie, Marion Carnes (Mrs. Edwin Beard Hendrie), 782 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of John Frost (1738-1810) ; Colonel 2d Regiment York County Massachusetts Militia, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Rev. John Carnes, Massachusetts (1723- 1802) ; Chaplain to Colonel Edward Phinney's Battalion Massachu- setts Bay Forces at Fort George, December 8, 1776 ; Member of Massachusetts Provincial Assembly. 1895 Heustis, Bertha D. Perez Lincoln (Mrs. James Walter Heustis), 1210 Iowa, Great-great-granddaughter of Ariel Bragg, Massachusetts; Private, Captain Cobb's Company, Colonel Read's Regiment, May 29, 1775, three months' service ; Private, Captain Cobb's Company, Septem- ber 26, 1775, eight months' service ; Private, 9th Division of Troops raised to reinforce the Continental Army, July 8, 1780. Date of J- 63 go Admission. Number. 1896 Heywood, Josephine Harter (Mrs. E. W. Heywood), 1802 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Green, Pennsylvania (1720-1802); Member Committee of Safety, Northumberland County, Pennsyl- vania; Judge of Election of Delegates to Continental Congress, June 18, 1776 ; Commissary of Supplies from Northumberland County. 1896 Hicks, Elizabeth W. Everett (Mrs. George H. Hicks), 1661 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Shadrach Winslow, M.D., Massachusetts (1750-1817) ; Surgeon's Mate, Brig " Hazard," Captain John F. Williams, 1779. 1895 Hicks, Emma Gibbons (Mrs. Horace Lyman Hicks), 1017 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Mather, Connecticut (1713- 1788) ; Private, Captain Samuel Mather's Company Connecticut Militia at Fort Trumbull, July, 1776. 1895 Higgins, Augusta Frederica Taylor (Mrs. Henry J. Higgins), 809 Colorado, Granddaughter of David Beecher; Private, Lieutenant-Colonel Sabin's Eegiment, "New Haven Alarm," July 5, 1779. 1894 Hill, Alice Hale (Mrs. Nathaniel P. Hill), 686 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Johnson, Vermont (1742-1819) Lieutenant-Colonel of New York Troops at Ticonderoga, 1777 Member of War Committee, 1777; taken prisoner March, 1781 released June 24, 1782 ; Member of Vermont Legislature. 1894 Hill, Anna Bryant (Miss), 445 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Westcott, New Jersey (1757-1834) ; Captain, 1st Battalion, Cumberland County New Jersey Militia; resigned May 3, 1779. Date of I" 4 Society Admission. Number. 1896 Hill, Caroline Lowder (Miss), 1657 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Hill, New Hampshire (1734-1811) ; Captain, Troops stationed at Pierce's Island, November 5, 1775 ; Ensign, Colonel John Langdon's Eegiment, September 29-October 31, 1777. 1895 Hill, Emily Frances Hubon (Mrs. Eobert Ellis Hill), 1231 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathan Clark, Vermont (1718-1792) ; Chairman Committee of Safety; Member General Assembly of Vermont, 1776-1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Elisha Clark, Vermont (1752-1838) ; Adjutant and Commissary of Colonel Herrick's Eegiment of Ean- gers, Vermont Militia. 1894 Hill, Harriet Westcott (Mrs. Thomas E. Hill), 444 Maryland, Granddaughter of Samuel Westcott, New Jersey (1757-1834) ; Cap- tain, 1st Battalion, Cumberland County New Jersey Militia ; resigned May 3, 1779. 1894 Hill, Isabel (Miss), 784 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Johnson, Vermont (1742- 1819); Lieutenant-Colonel of New York Troops at Ticonderoga, 1777 ; Member of War Committee, 1777 ; taken prisoner March, 1781; released June 24, 1782; Member Vermont Legislature. 1895 Hill, Maria Louisa Bennet (Mrs. Horace Greenwood Hill), 894 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Waples, Virginia (1755-1834) ; Lieutenant, 9th Eegiment Virginia Line, July 30, 1776 ; resigned May 22, 1778. Date of 1"° Society Admission. Number. 1895 Hilliard, Ellen Perkins (Mrs. Charles A. Hilliard), 1269 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Jeremiah Fogg, New Hampshire (1749-1808) ; Ad- jutant, 2d New Hampshire Regiment, May-December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, 8th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Paymaster, 2d New Hampshire Regiment, November 8, 1776-October 17, 1779 ; Captain, 2d New Hampshire Eegiment, October 2, 1777; transferred to 1st New Hampshire Regiment, March 1, 1782; served to June 17, 1783; Member So- ciety of the Cincinnati. 1895 Hinckley, Henrietta (Miss), 1249 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of David Kimball, Massachusetts (1743-1810) ; Private, Captain John Cushing's Company, Colonel Samuel John- son's Regiment, April 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Eaton's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Regiment, August 15-November 29, 1777 ; Private, Continental Army, enlisted from Boxford, Massa- chusetts ; service from July 10, 1780-January 10, 1781. 1895 Hinckley, Mary Abby Kimball (Mrs. Frederick Hinckley), 1248 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of David Kimball, Massachusetts (1743-1810); Pri- vate, Captain John Cushing's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Regiment, April 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Eaton's Company, Colonel Johnson's Regiment, August 15-November 29, 1777 ; Pri- vate, Continental Army, enlisted from Boxford, Massachusetts; service from July 10, 1780-January 10, 1781. 1893 Hodenpyl, Margaret C. Thompson (Mrs. George H. Hodenpyl), 263 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Alexander Ramsay Thompson, New York (1759-1809) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Regiment Continental Artillery, Colonel John Lamb, May 31, 1779 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, Colonel John Crane, June 17-November, 1783 ; returned in the Peace Establishment as Captain ; Member New York Society of the Cincinnati. Date of 166 Society Admission. Number. 1893 Hodges, Helen Stone (Mrs. George W. Hodges), 259 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Charles Pond ; Ensign, 9th Company, 7th Regiment Connecticut Line ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th Continental In- fantry, January-December, 1776 ; Captain, 6th Regiment Connecti- cut Line, 1777-1779 ; Member Connecticut Society of the Cincin- nati. 1895 Hodges, Mary Osgood (Miss), 1148 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Batchelder, Massachusetts (1724 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Caleb Dodge's Company of Horse which marched from Beverly on the Alarm of April 19, 1779. 1895 Hodgkins, Ann M. Bubier (Mrs. William E. Hodgkins), 912 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of John Bubier ( 1793) ; Corporal, Captain Thomas Grant's Company, Colonel John Glover's Massachusetts Regiment, May 19, 1775, eight months' service; Private, Colonel John Glover's Massachusetts Regiment, January 1, 1776, one year's service. 1894 Hodson, Clara Miles (Mrs. Thomas S. Hodson), 521 Maryland, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Smith, Maryland ( 1782) ; Private, Captain Dobson's Company, 6th Maryland Regi- ment, Fabruary 10, 1777 ; discharged April 26, 1777 ; Private, 7th Maryland Regiment, May, 1777; discharged August 16, 1780. 1895 Hopf, Virginia Blow (Mrs. Edwin W. Hoff), ggg Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Richard Blow, Virginia (1746-1833) ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th Virginia Line Regiment, March 11, 1776. 1895 Date of 167 Admission. Society -p^ JSIuruber. Hoffmann, Eliza A. King (widow of Charles Hoffman), 1285 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of James Wood Gould, Massachusetts (1761-1790) • Seaman, Privateer « Rhodes," commar.ded by Nehemiah Buflineton August 14, 1780. s ' 908 276 1895 Hoffman, Esther Boyer (Miss), Pennsylvania, Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Hoffman, Pennsylvania (1746-1831) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Albright Deibler's Company, 4th Battalion, Lancaster County Pennsylvania Militia, Colonel James Burd, 1776; Captain, same Company in the Expedition against the Indians, 1778-9. 1893 Holbrook, Laura P. Leach (Mrs.), New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Lemuel Leach, Massachusetts (1745-1825) • Sergeant and afterwards Ensign, Captain Ezekiel Knowiton's Com- pany, Colonel Nicholas Dyke's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia. 1895 Holbrook, Viola Vowers (Mrs. Levi Holbrook), 844 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of William Perrine, New Jersey (1743 — — ); Private, Captain Peter Perrine's Company, 3d Eegiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia, Colonel John Duyckmck- also Private, New Jersey Line. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Euff, New York (1730- 1799) ; Captain, 1st Tryon County New York Militia, Lieutenant- Colonel Samuel Clyde, June 15, 1779; Captain, 2nd Tryon County New York Militia, Colonel Jacob Elock ; served till 1783. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Matthias Mount (1706- 1791), New Jersey ; Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Company, 3d Regiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Duncan, New Jersey (1727- 1794) ; Private, Somerset County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Holden, Anna White (Mrs. Edgar B. Holden), 1016 New a York, Great-granddaughter of Stephen William Johnson, Connecticut (1749 Date of ^"° Society Admission. Number. -1834) ; Private, Captain Keeler's Company, Colonel Bradbury's .Regiment, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut Militia, July 4, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776 ; discharged January 11, 1777. 1896 Hollis, Nancy G. Brickett (Mrs. James A. Hollis), 1455 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Brickett, Massachusetts (1737-1818); Lieutenant-Colonel, Frye's Eegiment Massachusetts Line, May 20, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775; served subsequently as Brio-adier-General, Massachusetts Militia. 1893 Holmes, Martha C, M.D., 405 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Judd, Connecticut (1734 ) ; Private, Captain Nathaniel Edwards' Company, General Water- bury's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops. 1894 Holroyd, Julia C. (Mrs. George E. Holroyd), 542 New York, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Backus, Connecticut; Major Com- manding Battalion Connecticut Light Horse, August-November, 1776. 1895 ;Iomans, Sarah Louisa Houston (Mrs. Sheppard Homans), 1135 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Thomas Truxtun (1755-1822); Commander of Ship "Andrew Caldwell," in which he brought large quantities of powder to Philadelphia, 1775; Lieutenant, Privateer " Congress ;" Commander Ship " Independence," 1777 ; Commander Ship " Mars," twenty guns, 1777; Commander of "Commerce," "St. James," and other vessels with which he took many prizes. 1893 Honk, Augusta Holden (Mrs. David A. Honk), 278 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Holden, Massachusetts (1729- Date of 169 Admission. Society Number. 1820); Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Ephraim Doolittle's Eegiment Massachusetts Line, May-December, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 27th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776. 1894 Hood, Irene Elizabeth Jerome (Mrs. Thomas H. Hood), 679 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of John Jerome, Massachusetts (1755-1839); Private, Captain Aaron Rowley's Company, Major David Eosseter's Detachment of Massachusetts Militia raised for service at Ticon- deroga, 1777; Private, Captain David Pixley's Company, service in Northern Department, summer of 1777; Private, Captain Ezra Whittelsey's Company, 3d Eegiment Militia, Alarm of October 14 1780. 56 1891 Hooker, Lillie Josephine (Miss), Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Nodiah Hooker, Connecticut (1737-1823)' Captain, 2d Regiment Connecticut Line, May 1-December, 1775; Captain, Walcott's Connecticut State Eegiment, December' 1775- November, 1776; served subsequently as Colonel, Connecticut Militia. 1894 * Hooper, Florence Maxwell Upson (Mrs. William E. Hooper), 726 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Hugh Maxwell, Massachusetts (1733- 1799); Lieutenant, Company of Minute-men at Lexington, April 19 1775 ; Captain, Colonel William Prescott's Eegiment Massachusetts Line, May 10-December, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775; Captain, 7th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31,' 1776; Captain, 2d Massachusetts Line Eegiment, January 1, 1777; Major, 15th Eegiment Massachusetts Line, July 7, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, July 1, 1779 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th Massa- chusetts, August 1, 1782; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, June 12, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783; Member of the Society of the Cincinnati. 1894 Hopkins, Elizabeth G. Sheldon (Mrs. Stephen De Forest Hopkins), 525 New York, Great-granddaughter of Job Sheldon, Ehode Island (1758-1832); Sergeant, 1st Eegiment Ehode Island Line, Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremiah Olney. * Deceased. Date of 1™ Society Admission. Number. 1893 Hopkins,*Fanny^Sheldon (Mrs. Wolsey E. Hopkins), 314 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of William Borden, North Carolina (1731- 1799) ; Member of the Assembly which met at Halifax, November 12, 1776, to form the Constitution of North Carolina. 1895 Hopkins, Jennie Chandler AVhite (Mrs. Franklin W. Hopkins), 865 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Cbandler, Connecticut (1744 ); Private, Captain John Sedgwick's Company, Colonel Hinman's Eeg- iment, May, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Woodbridge's Com- pany, Colonel Elmore's Eegiment, April, 1776, one year's service. 1895 Hopkinson, Abbie C. (Miss), 1342 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Hopkinson, Massachusetts (1750- 1837) ; Private, Captain John Savary's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Eegiment which marched from Bradford, Massachusetts, to Cambridge, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Jonathan Ayer's Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Eegiment, July 7- October 10, 1780. 1895 Housewirth, Catherine A. Bremer (widow of T. E. Housewirtb, M.D.), 1301 New York, Great-granddaughter of Nicholas Bremer, New York ; Captain, 2d Eegiment, Eondout Precinct, Dutchess County Militia, Colonel Abraham Brinckerhoff, September 21, 1780. 1893 * Houston, E. A. M. Weyman (Mrs.), 334 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Maverick, Massachusetts; Prisoner in the British Prison Ship "Jersey," 1777 and 1778. * Deceased. Date of ' Society Admission. Number. 1896 Hovey, Louise C. Perry (Mrs. Charles Henry Hovey), 1541 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Abner Perry, Massachusetts (1728 ) ; 1st Major, 5th Middlesex County Massachusetts Militia, Colonel Samuel Bullard, appointed by Council, February 8, 1776 ; Colonel, same, under General Eleazer Brooks, May 1, 1779; Colonel, Rhode Island Expedition, July 27-August 7, 1780. 1893 Howard, Esther A. Nelson (Mrs. William H. Howard), 271 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Nelson, Jr., Virginia (1738- 1789); Signer of Declaration of Independence; Member Continen- tal Congress, 1775; Member State Constitutional Convention, 1776; Member of Congress, 1779 ; Governor of Virginia, 1781 ; Com- mander of Virginia Militia at the Siege of Yorktown. 1893 Howard, Julia H. Otis (Mrs. Neil E. Howard), 340 New Jersey. Great-great-granddaughter of George Doolittle, Connecticut (1759— 1825); Private, Captain Joseph Churchill's Company, Colonel Comfort Sage's Regiment, 2d Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, Con- necticut Militia, 1776 ; Private, Lieutenant David Smith's Company,. Colonel Thomas Belden's Regiment, Wolcott's Brigade, Connecticut Militia, 1777; Private, Captain David Humphrey's Company, 6th Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel R. J. Meigs; Corporal, same. October 1, 1780 ; Sergeant, Captain David Humphrey's Company. 4th Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Zebulon Butler, 1781-1783. 1893 Howe, Jessie Wade Briscoe (Mrs. Milton G. Howe), 354 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Harris, Pennsylvania (1740- 1825) ; Private, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777 ; Captain to close of war 1895 Howell, Emma White (Mrs. Emory Worth Howell), 1090 New York, Great-granddaughter of Stephen William Johnson, Connecticut (1749-1834) ; Private, Captain Keeler's Company, Colonel Brad- bury's Regiment, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut Militia, July 4, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776 ; discharged January 11, 1777. 172 Date of ■*■ * M Society Admission. Number. 1895 Howell, Sabilla Eandolph (Miss), 1368 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Howell, New Jersey ( 1797) ; Ensign, Captain Sayre's Company, Colonel Enos Seeley's Battalion Cumberland County New Jersey Militia. 1894 Howson, Virginia Swaringen Thacher (widow of Walter H. Howson), 789 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of John Thacher, Connecticut (1740-1805); Captain in command of Galley " Washington," 10 guns; severely wounded and captured in the action at Valcour's Island, Lake Champlain, October 11, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Henry Bedinger, Virginia (1753-1843) ; Sergeant, Captain Hugh Stevenson's Company of Virginia Bifle- men, October 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 11th Begiment Virginia Line, November 13, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, Novem- ber 16, 1776 ; prisoner until November 1, 1780 ; promoted 1st Lieu- tenant, September 23, 1777 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, September 1778; transferred to 3d Virginia, February 12, 1781 ; Captain, May 21, 1781, and served to close of war. Member of Society of the Cincinnati. 1894 Hoyt, Clara A. Trowbridge (Mrs. Thomas B. Hoyt), 422 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Banks, Connecticut (1754-1818) ; Private, Colonel Elisha Sheldon's Begiment Light Dragoons, Con- necticut Militia, June 15, 1781 ; served to close of war. 1895 Hubon, Anna Grant (Miss), 1232 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathan Clark, Vermont, (1718-1792); Chairman Committee of Safety; Member General Assembly of Vermont, 1776-1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Elisha Clark, Vermont (1752-1838) ; Adjutant and Commissary of Colonel Herrick's Begiment of Ban- gers, Vermont Militia. 1895 Hubon, Lydia Ann Clark (Mrs. Henry G. Hubon), 1230 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Clark, Vermont (1718-1792) ; Chair- Date of 173 Admission. Society Number. man Committee of Safety; Member General Assembly of Vermont 1776-1778. Also, granddaughter of Elisha Clark, Vermont, (1752-1838); Adjutant and Commissary of Colonel Herrick's Eegiment of Rangers, Ver- mont Militia. 1895 Hudson, Annie Foster Sears (Mrs. Elmer E. Hudson), 1408 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of David Foster, Massachusetts (1742- 1824); chosen by 3d Company of Harwich 1st Lieutenant, Captain Abijah Bangs' Company, 2d Barnstable County Regiment Massa- chusetts Militia, April 26, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain Bangs' Com- pany, Major Zenas Winslow's Regiment, marched on Alarm to Bedford and Falmouth, September, 1778; Lieutenant, Captain Abijah Bangs' Company guarding prisoners from ship "Somerset," November 7, 1778. 1895 Hughes, Louisa Addison (Miss), 1U3 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Chesebrough, Connecticut (1734-1804); Private, 3d Company, 6th Continental Regiment, Colonel Parsons, May 5, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, New York, November, 1776 ; Ensign, Captain Jeremiah Halsey's Company, Colonel Ely's 4th Battalion, Connecticut Troops, 1777. 1895 Hull, Mary B. Howell (Mrs. John William Hull), I399 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of James Pride, New York (1748-1821); Sergeant, Captain Amos Hutchins' Company, 5th Regiment New York Line, Colonel Lewis Du Bois, 1776, served three years. 1893 Hume, Annie (Miss), 049 Texas, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Harris, Pennsylvania (1740-1825) ; Private, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777 ; Captain to close of war. 1896 Hume, Jane W. Bartlett (Mrs. James Hume), 1643 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Currier, Massachusetts (1726-1806); Date of 1'4 Society Admission. Number. Captain, Colonel Isaac Merrill's .Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, Colonel James Frye's Essex County Massachusetts Eeg- iment, May 20, 1775. 1894 Humphreys, Susan M. Campbell (Mrs. Eichard C. Humphreys), 592 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Alexander Campbell, Maine (1731 ); Captain, August, 1775; appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the 6th Kegiment Lincoln Count tia, February, 1776. 1895 Hun, Caroline Gale (widow of Edward E. Hun), 1011 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Gale, Connecticut (1743-1799) ; Cap- tain, Company of Minute-men from Killingly, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, 6th Company, 6th Eegiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Samuel Parsons, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d Battalion Connecti- cut Troops in service at Ehode Island, 1776-1777; Captain, Con- necticut Militia, Colonel Worthington, " New Haven Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Gale, M.D., Connecticut (1714-1790); Private, " Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Aaron Stevens' Company, Colonel Mott's Battalion, Connecticut Militia, 1776 ; Captain, 7th Connecticut Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Ezra Thompson, New York (1738- 1816); Private, Captain George Brinckerhoff's Company, 2d Eegi- ment New York Militia, Colonel Dirck Brinckerhoff, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Levinus Lansing, New York ; Signer of the Association in Lansingburgh, May 22, 1775 ; Private, Captain Christopher Lansing's Company, Colonel Stephen J. Schuyler's Eegiment, February 17, 1777 ; Private, Captain George Sharpe's Company, Colonel Henry Van Eensselaer's Eegiment, 4th Eensselaerwyck Battalion, 1777-1781. 1895 Hunneman, Elizabeth Alibone (Miss), 1276 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Aaron "Wight, Massachusetts (1742- 1813) ; enlisted as doctor from Medway, Massachusetts, 1775. 1895 Hunneman, Frances Helen (Miss), 1066 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Aaron Wight, Massachusetts (1742- 1813, enlisted as doctor from Medway, Massachusetts, 1775. Date of 1'5 Society A Amission. Number. 1895 Hunneman, Ida (Miss), 1277 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Aaron Wight, Massachusetts (1742- 1813) ; enlisted as doctor from Medway, Massachusets, 1775, 1896 Hunneman, Mart Ethel (Miss), 1662 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Azariah Walker, Massachusetts (1722- 1798) ; Sergeant, Captain Daniel Eames' Company, Massachusetts Militia, Rhode Island Service, 1777. 1892 Hunsden, Rose Ogden (Mrs. Seth C. Hunsden), 159 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Francis Lewis, New York (1713- 1803); Member New York Provincial Convention, April 20, 1775; Member New York Committee of One Hundred, May 1, 1775; Member Continental Congress, 1775-1779 ; Signer, Declaration of Independence ; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1776-1777. 1895 Hunt, Helen Allen (Mrs. David H. Hunt), 1383 New York, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Reynolds, New York (1754-1843) ' Private, Captain Henry Slauson's Company, 3d Regiment West- chester County New York Militia, Colonel Samuel Drake, April, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Lawrence's Company, same Regiment, June 25, 1778; taken prisoner June 24, 1779; released October 24, 1781. 1895 Hunt, Sarah Elizabeth (Miss), 972 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Page, Massachusetts ( — — 1806); Captain, Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Hunt, Massachusetts (1721 ) ; Private, Captain Ford's Company, Colonel Robinson's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February 5-April 1, 1776. Also, granddaughter of Israel Hunt, Massachusetts (1758-1850); Private, Captain Charles Farbush's Company, Colonel Bridges' Date of * ' " J? oci ? ty dmission. Number. Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 27, 1775 ; Private, Captain John Ford's Company, Colonel Robinson's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February 5-April 1, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Moses Nowell, Massachusetts (1737- 1829) ; Member Committee of Safety and Correspondence of New- buryport, September 24, 1774; Captain, Minute-men, " Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Lunt's Company of Volunteers from Newburyport, May 9, 1775; Captain, June 29, 1776; Captain of Company from Newburyport for Rhode Island Service, April 30, 1777; Captain, Colonel Titcomb's Regiment for service in Rhode Island, May 4-July 4, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Fowler, Massachusetts (1748- 1813) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Page's Company, Colonel Tim- othy Pickering's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 19-29, 1775. 1896 Huntington, Harriet N. Seabrook (Mrs. J. R. Huntington), 1592 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Brown, Massachusetts (1757-1822) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Evans' Company, Colonel James Frye's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 17, 1775, eight months' service. 1895 Hunter, Margaret Williams (Mrs. Dexter Hunter), 916 New York, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Foote, New York (1746-1843); Gun- ner, 2d Regiment Continental Artillery, May 1, 1777 ; Corporal, same, 1780. 1894 Hutchings, Elizabeth Coit Lathrop (Mrs.), 620 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Christopher Leffingwell, Connecticut (1734-1810)-; Captain Company of Business Men of Norwich, Connecticut, on Alarm of Arnold's Attack, September, 1781. 1893 Hyatt, Calla L. (Miss), 390 New York, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Hyatt, New York (1750-1820); 2d Lieutenant, 4th Regiment New York Line, November 21, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 8th Company, Captain Jonathan Titus, 4th Regi- ment New York Line, Colonel A.B. Livingston, November 9,1777; Acting Adjutant, 1780; served to January 1, 1781. Date of 1'' Society Admission. Number. 1895 Hyatt,'; Harriet Eandolph (Miss), 931 Massachusetts 1 . Great-great-granddaughter ofKoderick Beebe, New York (1753-1832) ; Private, Captain Baldwin's Company, Colonel Elmore's Regiment, New York State Troops, served six months; also served in Captain Eoswell Beebe's Company, same regiment; Sergeant, Captain Marven's Company with troops under command of General Wash- ington, June 1776, served six months; served nine months under General Philip Schuyler, March 1777 ; at White Plains, 189-1 Ihlseng, Susanne M. Eeston (Mrs. Axel O. Ihlseng), 578 Missouri, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel (Tan) Sisco, New Jersey (1760- 1845) ; Private, Colonel Theunis Day's Eegiment Bergen County New Jersey Militia. 1891 Inness, Julia Goodrich Smith (Mrs. George Inness, Jr.), 73 New Jersey, Great-gi-anddaughter of Oliver Ellsworth, Connecticut (1746-1807) ; Member Connecticut Assembly, 1775 ; Member Continental Con- gress, 1778; Member Governor's Council, 1780. 1891 Ingraham, Frances Adelaide Leverich (Mrs. D. Phoenix Ingraham) New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Theodorus Polhemus, Long Island (1719 -1781); Deputy to choose members to Continental Congress from New York, April 10, 1775 ; Delegate to Convention, New York, May 22, 1775 ; Member Provincial Congress from Bushwick, L. I., 1775-1777; Judge in King's County, N. Y., 1777-1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Peter Vandervoort, Long Island ; signed the Declaration and took commission as Ensign in Captain Lambert Suydam's Troop of Horse, Kings' County Militia, 1775; Delegate to Convention at Poughkeepsie to adopt the Constitution of the United States, June 27, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Richard Berrien, Long Island ; Signer of the Whig Appeal to the Freeholders of Newton, April 3, 1775; exiled from his home during the Revolution. Also, great-granddaughter of Rev. Martinus Schoonmaker, New York (1737-1824); Patriot and Pastor of Dutch Reformed Church at Harlem, N. Y. and Gravesend, L. I.; requested by resolution of the Convention of the State of New York to officiate in his own Date of 1'° Society Admission . Number. church in Harlem, August 17, 1776, a day designated for fasting and prayer; during the British occupancy of Harlem both his house and church were burned and he himself escaped arrest by seeking protection within the American lines. 1894 Ingraham, Marguerite Leverich (Miss), 741 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Phoenix, New York (1745- 1812); One of the "Committee of One Hundred" organized for the protection of the State before the Provincial Congress was formed ; Captain, 2d Eegiment New York Militia, Colonel John Jay. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Theodorus Polhemus, Long Island (1719-1781); Deputy to choose members to Continental Con- gress from New York, April 10, 1775 ; Delegate to Convention, New York, May 22, 1775 ; Member Provincial Congress from Bushwick, L. I., 1775-1777; Judge in Kings' County, N.Y., 1777-1780. Also, great-great great-granddaughter of Peter Vandervoort, Long Island ; signed the Declaration and took commission as Ensign in Captain Suydam's Troop of Horse, Kings' County Militia, 1775 ; Delegate to Convention at Poughkccpsie to adopt the Constitution of the United States, June 27, 1778. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Richard Berrien, Long Island ; Signer of the Whig Appeal to the Freeholders of Newton, April 3, 1775 ; exiled from his home during the Revolution. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Rev. Martinus Schoonmaker, New York (1737-1824) ; Patriot and Pastor of Dutch Reformed Church at Harlem, N. Y. and Gravesend, L. I.; requested by reso- lution of the Convention of the State of New York to officiate in his own church in Harlem, August 17, 1776, a day designated for fasting and prayer; during the British occupancy of Harlem both his bouse and church were burned and he himself escaped arrest by seeking protection within the American lines. 1892 Ingraham, Gertrude J. Leverich (Mrs. Fred. Ingraham), 191 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Theodorus Polhemus, Long Island (1719 -1781) ; Deputy to choose members to Continental Congress from New York, April 10, 1775 ; Delegate to Convention, New York, May 22, 1775 ; Member Provincial Congress from Bushwick, L. I., 1775-1777 ; Judge, Kings' County, N. Y., 1777-1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Peter Vandervoort, Long Island ; signed the Declaration and took commission as Ensign in Captain Suydam's Troop of Horse, Kings' County Militia, 1775 ; Delegate to Date of ±l u Society Admission. Number. Convention at Poughkeepsie to adopt the Constitution of the United States, June 27, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Richard Berrien, Long Island ; Signer of the Whig Appeal to the Freeholders of Newton, April 3, 1775 ; exiled from his home during the Revolution. Also, great-granddaughter of Rev. Martinus Schoonmaker, New York (1737-1824); Patriot and Pastor of Dutch Reformed Church at Harlem, N. Y. and Gravesend, L. I.; requested by resolution of the Convention of the State of New York to officiate in his own church in Harlem, August 17, 1776, a day designated for fasting and prayer; during the British occupancy of Harlem both his house and church were burned and he himself escaped arrest by seeking protection within the American lines. 1895 Ireson, Frances Augusta (Miss), 909 Massachusetts. Granddaughter of John Ireson, Massachusetts (1758-1822) ; Private, Captain Farrington's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Greenwood's Company, Colonel Titcomb's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, November 11, 1777 ; Private, Captain Brown's Company, same regiment, February 3, 1778; Sergeant, Captain Richardson's Company, Colonel Wade's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, July 12, 1780. 1893 Irons, Katharine Rogers (Miss), 328 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Garret Irons, New Jersey (1759-1838) ; Pri- vate, Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Paul Potter, of Potter's Creek, New Jersey (1764-1853) ; Private, Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. 1893 Irons, Mary Anne (Miss), 342 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Garret Irons, New Jersey (1759-1838) ; Pri- vate, Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. 1894 Irving, Constance Steele (Mrs. Louis Morton Irving), 780 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of John Ross Key, Maryland ; 2d Lieu- 180 Society Number. tenant, Maryland Eifle Company, June 20, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Stephenson's Maryland Eifle Battalion, 1776. 1895 Jaquith, Lucy Walker (Mrs. Franklin Jaquith), 831 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Joshua Walker, Massachusetts (1723-1798) ; Cap- tain, 2d Middlesex County Massachusetts Militia, Colonel David Greene, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 James, Lucy M. James (Mrs. Henry B. James), 827 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Elliott, Massachusetts (1747-1843); Private, Captain Noah Hall's Company, February 1776, two months' service ; Private, Captain Joshua Benson's Company, March 1777, nine months' service; Private, Joshua White's Com- pany, Massachusetts Militia and Line, two months' service. 1891 James, Lulu Woodbury, (Miss), 93 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Amos James, Connecticut; Quarter- master, 4th Eegiment Light Horse, Connecticut Militia, Major Ebenezer Backus. 1893 Jameson, Margaret Cornelia McDowell (Mrs. Thomas H. Jameson), 32< Texas, Great-granddaughter of Eohert Irwin, North Carolina ( 1800); Signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence; Member 1st State Constitutional Convention at Halifax, N. C, November 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John McDowell ( 1795); Private, wounded at the Battle of Camden, S. C. 1895 Jeffrey, Anna Belinda Philbrick (Mrs. George Moulton Jeffery), 962 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Blake Locke, New Hamp- shire (1735-1822) ; Sergeant, Captain Winthrop Eowe's Company, Colonel Enoch Poor's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, 1775; Date of 1°1 Society Admission. Number. Sergeant, Captain] Samuel Nay's Company in Northern Army Continental Service, July 10, 1776. Also, Great-great-granddaughter of Ohediah Eastman, New Hamp- shire (1721 ); Private, Captain John Coffin's Company, Colonel Bartlett's Regiment, 1776 ; Private, Captain Young's Company, Colonel Timothy Bedell's Eegiment, 1777-1778 ; Corporal, Captain Jesse Page's Company, Colonel Jacob Gale's Regiment, New Hamp- shire Miiitia, August, 1778. 1894 Jenkins, Ruth Maud (Miss), 718 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Elijah Kidder, New Hampshire, ( 1810) ; Private, Captain Akins's Company, Colonel Moses Kellogg's Regiment of Volunteers, August 27, 1778, twenty-three days' ser- vice. 1895 Jennings, Octavia Soulard (Mrs. John D. Jennings), 1041 California, Granddaughter of Thomas Hunt, Massachusetts (1754-1808); Ser- geant, Captain Craft's Company of Minute-men at Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775 ; Ensign in a Massachusetts Regiment, May-December, 1775; Ensign and Adjutant 25th Continental In- fantry, January 1, 1776 ; Brigade-Major, October 20, 1776 ; Captain- Lieutenant, Jackson's Additional Continental Regiment, February 1, 1777; Captain, March 1, 1779; wounded at Stony Point, July 16, 1779 ; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, January 1, 1781 ; wounded at Yorktown, October 14, 1781; transferred to 3d Massa- chusetts, January 1, 1783; retained in Jackson's Continental Reg- iment, November, 1783, and served to June 20, 1784. 1893 Jennings, Mary Runyon (Miss), 284 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Abner Ball, New Jersey (1760-1847) Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Ball, New Jersey ; Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia. 1896 Jewett, Harriet Leonard (Miss), 1612 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Phineas Dodge, Massachusetts (1745- 1824); Private, Captain John Dodge's Company, Massachusetts Militia, December, 1776-April, 1777. 1 QO Date of xo * Society Admission. Number. 1895 Johnson, Elizabeth Van Der Veer (widow of Franklin Johnson), 853 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Cornelius Van Der Veer (1731- ); Cap- tain of a Company of Militia from Flatbush, L. I., 1776. 1895 Johnson, Florence Attwill (Mrs. Francis Johnson), 1136 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Palmer, New Hampshire (1724-1790); Private, Colonel Laomi Baldwin's Regiment at Sew- ell's Point, September 26, 1775; Private, Captain Moses Baldwin's Company of Volunteers which marched from Candia, N. H.. to join the Continental Army, September, 1779. 1893 Johnson, Katharine M. Dowd (Mrs. John B. Johnson), 266 New York, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Scranton, Connecticut (1754 ) ; Private, Captain Peter Vail's Company of Guards stationed in Guilford for the defence of the Seacoast, 1781. 1893 Johnston, Caroline E. Wilson (Mrs. Alfred E. Johnston), 329 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Rev. Judah Champion, Connecticut (1729-1810); Chaplain, Connecticut Troops during Burgoyne's Invasion. 1895 Johnstone, Clara E. Knox (Mrs. Alexander E. Johnstone), 1426 Colorado, Great-great-groat-granddaughter of William Knox, Massachusetts (1721-1780); Member Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, 1775; Captain 6th Company, Colonel John Moseley's 3d Hampshire County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 26, 1776; resigned January 19, 1779. 1895 Jones, Angelina S. Lockhart (Mrs. A E. Jones), 1236 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Lockhart, North Carolina; Major, 3d North Carolina Regiment, May, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th North Carolina Regiment, October 12, 1777 ; resigned October 19, 1777; Member North Carolina Provincial Congress, April 4, 1776. Date of Ik" Society Admission. Number. 1S96 Jones, Elizabeth M. Failing (widow of S. Truman Jones), 1445 Toronto, Canada, Great-granddaughter of John Kuff, New York (1730-1799) ; Captain, 1st Tryon County Regiment New York Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Clyde, June 15, 1779 ; Captain, 2d Tryon County Regiment New York Militia, Colonel Jacob Klock ; served till 1783. Also, great-granddaughter of William Perrine, New Jersey (1743 ) ; Private, Captain Peter Perrine's Company, 3d Regiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia, Colonel John Duyekinck ; also, Private, New Jersey Line. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Matthias Mount, New Jersey (1706 -1791); Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Company, 3d Regiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of John Duncan, New Jersey (1727-1794) ; Private, Somerset County New Jersey Militia. 1893 Jones, Rachel Trowbridge (Mrs. Timothy Jones), 384 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Banks, Connecticut (1754-1818) ; Private, Colonel Elisha Sheldon's Regiment Light Dragoons, Con- necticut Militia, June 15, 1781 ; served to close of war. 1896 Jordan, Martha Shackford Merserve (Mrs. J. P." Jordan), 1616 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Shackford, New Hampshire (1728-1819); Private, Captain John Langdon's Company of Volun- teers, September, 1777 ; Private, Colonel John Langdon's Regiment of Light Horse, Rhode Island service, August 6-27, 1778. 1895 Judkins, Alice Cary (Mrs. Everett Lincoln Judkins), 989 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Simeon Cary, Massachusetts (1719— 1802) ; appointed by the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Colonel of Plymouth and Barnstable County Regiments, January 23, 1776, to serve in Boston till April, 1776; Colonel, Plymouth County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, June 26, 1776. 1894 Judson, Anna Whipple Haskell (Mrs. David Allen Judson), 546 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Whipple, Vermont ; Private, Ver- mont Militia. 1 «_t Date of iQ1 Society Admission. Number. 1892 Kampmann, Lizzie Simpson (Mrs. Herman D. Kampmann), 151 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Colonel Eicbard Calloway, Virginia (1730-1780) ; Signer of the Transylvania Declaration of Indepen- dence, May 23, 1775 ; Justice of the Peace, Kentucky County, Vir- ginia, 1776 ; Member House of Burgesses from same county, April 1777 ; one of the defenders of Boonesborough in the Duquesne siege, 1778 ; killed by Indians in ambush, March, 1780. 1893 Keay, Louise Kent (Mrs. Nathaniel S. Keay), 227 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of William Thompson, Massachusetts (1747 ); Lieutenant, Captain Shaw's Company of Minute-men, "Lex- ington Alarm;" Captain, Massachusetts Militia, 1776; Commissary, 1776-1777. 1894 Keene, Julia Matilda (Miss), 689 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Abner Stone, Massachusetts (1751- 1827) ; Minute-man from Framingham, Massachusetts, in Captain Simon Edgoll's Company, " Lexington Alarm." 1894 Keene, Lillian B. (Miss), * 688 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Abner Stone (1751-1827) ; Minute-man from Framingham, Massachusetts, in Captain Simon Edgdell's Com- pany, "Lexington Alarm." 1893 Keene, Fannie Grey (Mrs. William G. S. Keene), 300 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Blackler, Massachusetts (1737-1818) ; Captain, Colonel Glover's Massachusetts Regiment, May 19, 1775 ; was in service 1777. 1896 Keith, Emma Barnard (Mrs. Ira B. Keith), 1446 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Barnard, Massachusetts (1758-1832) ; 1 or Date of ±0 ° Society Admission. Number. Private, Captain Joshua French's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Enoch Putnam's Kegiment, raised to reinforce the Continental Army, September 8-December 8, 1781. 1895 Kelley, Lucy Proctor (Miss), 915 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Witham, Massachusetts ; Seaman on board the Continental Cruiser " Franklin," Captain James Mugford, May 17, 1776, which captured the British Ship " Hope" with a valua- ble carsjo of ammunition. 1894 Kellogg, Laura M. (Miss) 645 New York, Great-granddaughter of Thomas French, Massachusetts (1752-1822) ; Captain 7th Company, 5th Hampshire County Massachusetts Kegi- ment, May 3, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel David Wells' Eegiment, Sep- tember 23, 1777. 1894 Kelly, Fanny Jane (Miss), 707 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Dennis Garrison, New York (1755 ) ; Private, Captain Combs' Company, Colonel James Hammond's Westchester County New York Eegiment. 1893 Kelsey, Ella Butts (Mrs. Frederick W. Kelsey), 229 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Kiff, New York ; Private, New York Militia. 1895 Kendall, Hannah Winchester (Miss), 2406 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Wyman, Massachusetts (1761-1816) ; Private, Captain Heath's Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 30-December 31, 1780. 1895 Kenney, Mary E. Emerson (widow of Jonathan A. Kenney), 1161 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Marsh, Jr., Massachusetts (1740- 1 Qf Date of Society Admission. Number. 1822) ; Lieutenant, Captain Caleb Low's Company from Danvers, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Bzekiel Marsh, Massachusetts (1711-1798) ; Private, Captain Low's Company from Danvers, •" Lexington Alarm." 1896 Kent, Harriet Marshall (Mrs. Samuel Henry Kent), 1458 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Marsh, Jr., Massachusetts (1740-1822); Lieutenant, Captain Caleb Low's Company from Danvers, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Marsh, Massachu- setts (1711-1798); Private, Captain Caleb Low's Company from Danvers, " Lexington Alarm." 1893 Kent, Mart Augusta (Miss), 228 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of William Thompson, Massachusetts (1747- 1816); Lieutenant, Captain Shaw's Company of Minute-men, " Lex- ington Alarm;" Captain, 1776 ; Commissar}^, 1776-1779. 1896 Kent, Maude (Miss), 1564 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Marsh, Jr., Massachusetts (1740-1822) ; Lieutenant, Captain Caleb Low's Company from Danvers, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Marsh, Massa- chusetts (1711-1798) ; Private, Captain Caleb Low's Company from Danvers, "Lexington Alarm." 1893 Kenton, Clara Louise (Miss), 290 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of Roger Wolcott, Connecticut (1737- 1799) ; Ensign, Company of Volunteers from East Windsor, Con- necticut, 1775. ICY Society Date of Number. Admission. 1893 Kernan, Kathleen Peebles (Mrs. John D. Kernan), 247 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Robert Peebles, Pennsylvania; 2d Lieutenant, 7th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, Colonel "William Irvine, March, 1779; 1st Lieutenant, April 15, 1779; Regimental Quartermaster, September 8, 1779; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, January 17, 1784; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, January, 1783; served to November 3, 1783 ; mustered out of service as Captain. Also, great-granddaughter of James Johnston, Pennsylvania (1758 ) ; Ensign, 5th Pennsylvania Regiment. 1893 Kerr, Mart Quarles (Mrs. Wallace Kerr), 213 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of James Williams, Virginia ; Captain, 15th Virginia Regiment. 1891 Ketchum, Angelica Schuyler Anderson (Mrs. Edgar Ketchum), 95 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Hornblower, New Jersey (1752-1809) ; Speaker of Lower House (Assembly), Provincial Con- gress, New Jersey, 1780; Member of Upper House (Council), 1781- 1784. 1896 Ketchum, Georgia C. Hardy (widow of the Rev. Silas Ketchum), 1510 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Stickney, Massachusetts (1733-1803) ; Lieutenant, Captain Jonas Brown's Company, Colonel David Green's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain Varnum's Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Regiment Mas- sachusetts Militia, for Rhode Island service. July 29-September 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Abraham Stickney, Jr., Massachusetts (1758-1821); Private, Captain Minot's Company, Colonel Dike's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, November, 1776; Fifer, Captain Stephen Russell's Company, Colonel Samuel JBullard's Regiment, August 15-November 30, 1777 ; Sergeant, Captain Mallon's Com- pany, Colonel Putnam's Regiment, 1777. Date of -*-"" Society Admission. Number. 1895 Key, Anna M. Thornton (Mrs. Philip Barton Key), 1333 North Carolina, Great-granddaughter of George Augustine Washington, Virginia ( 1793) ; 2d Lieutenant, Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment, September 1, 1777 ; resigned November 16, 1777 ; Cornet, Lee's Battalion of Light Dragoons, April 20, 1778 ; resigned December 31, 1778; Ensign, 2d Virginia, 1780; Aide-de-Camp to General Lafayette, 1781, and served to close of war. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Burwell Bassett, Virginia ; Dele- gate to Virginia Convention, March-December, 1775, and to Jan- uary, 1776. 1894 Keyes, Berenice Maxwell (Miss), 533 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of John Brooks, Massachusetts (1752- 1825) ; Captain, Company of Massachusetts Minute-men at Lexing- ton and Concord, April 19, 1775; Major, Colonel Ebenezer Bridge's Massachusetts Regiment, May 27-December, 1775; Major, 19th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 8th Massachusetts, November 1, 1776-November 11, 1778; Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant, 7th Massachusetts, November 11, 1778-June 12, 1783; Member Society of the Cincinnati. 1894 Keyes, Harriet Elizabeth Park (Mrs. Charles W. Keyes), 513 Maine, Great-granddaughter of Elisha Ifolman, Massachusetts (1739 served as Minute-man in Colonel Learned's Regiment Massachu- setts Militia in 1775 and 1776. 1894 Keyes, Lucy Brooks (Miss), 532 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of John Brooks, Massachusetts (1752- 1825) ; Captain, Company of Massachusetts Minute-men at Lexing- ton and Concord, April 19, 1775.; Major, Colonel Ebenezer Bridge's Massachusetts Regiment, May 27-December, 1775 ; Major, 19th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th Massachusetts, November 1, 1776-November 11, 1778; Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant, 7th Massachusetts, November 11, 1778-June 12, 1783; Member Society of the Cincinnati. " a ^?f 189 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Kimball, Eleanor Hill (Miss), 920 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Tenny, Massachusetts (1723- 1808) ; Lieutenant, Captain John Dodge's Company, 1776 ; Com- pany discharged in New York, April, 1777. 1895 Kimball, Grace Hasseltine (Miss), 921 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Tenny, Massachusetts (1723— 1808) ; Lieutenant, Captain John Dodge's Company, 1776 ; Com- pany discharged in JSTew York, April, 1777. 1891 Kimball, Lucy Drury (Mrs.), 574 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Eleazer Stickney, Massachusetts (1740-1824) ; 2d Lieutenant, Colonel Ebenezer Bridge's Massachusetts Begiment, May-December, 1775. 1895; King, Emma Cowdrey (Mrs. Charles Edward King), 329 Massachusetts, Great granddaughter of Nathaniel Cowdrey ( 1841); Private, Massachusetts Militia at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; served on the privateers "Hunter" and "Jack;" Corporal, Captain Francis' Company, Colonel Tupper's Begiment at "West Point, July 6- Decembcr 20, 1780. 1891 King, Esther Howard (Mrs. Horatio Collins King), 50 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of John Howard, Massachusetts (1755-1848) ; Corporal, Captain Glover's Company, Colonel John Glover's Mar- blehead Begiment, 1775; Drill-Sergeant, same, 1776; Sailmaker on armed Schooner "Hancock," 1776. [Also, Dateot "^ ^ociety Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Raymond, Connecticut (1753 -1849) ; Corporal, Coast Guard at Norwalk, Connecticut ; Sergeant, Captain Seymour's Company, 9th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1776; Ensign by appointment of General Court of Connecticut, November, 1776 ; Lieutenant by appointment of same, July 11, 1777. 1895 King, Harriet Matilda (Miss), 1286 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of James Wood Gould, Massachusetts (1761-1790) ; Seaman, Ship "Rhodes," twenty guns, Commander Neherniah Buf- fington, August 14, 1780. 1895 King, Lily Belle (Miss), 1378 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Eliphalet King, Connecticut (1743-1821) ; Ensign, 2d Connecticut, May 1-December 10, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 22d Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, Sep- tember 1776 ; discharged December, 1776. 1891 King, Sarah S. (Miss), 123 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Asa Danforth, Massachusetts (1746- 1818) ; 1st Lieutenant, Colonel Ebenezer Learned's Massachusetts Regiment, May-December, 1775 ; Captain, 3d Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776. 1895 Kingsley, Mary Emma Read (Mrs. J. Sterling Kingsle}'), 835 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Winship, Massachusetts, (1754- 1825) ; Private, Captain John Parker's Company, May 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Wood's Company, Colonel Gerrish's Regiment, 1775 ; En- sign 9th Massachusetts Regiment, January 1, 1777 ; resigned April 1778. 1894 Kingsley, Mary Yorke (Mrs. Maurice Kingsley), 618 New York, Great-granddaughter of Edward Yorke, Pennsylvania (1738-1781) ; 2d Lieutenant, Flagship "Montgomery," March 20, 1776 ; Captain of the " Camden," October 1st, 1776, Pennsylvania Naval Service. 1Q1 Date of J - ux Society Admission. Number. 1895 Kinsman, Bethiah D. (Miss), 1209 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Kinsman, Massachusetts (1752- 1843) ; Private, Captain Burnham's Company, which marched from Ipswich on alarm of April 19, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Gideon Parker's Company, Colonel Moses Ltttle's Begiment, August 1, 1775; eight months' service. 1895 Kissam, Harriet (Miss), 1370 New York, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Miller, New York (1712-1785) ; Surgeon, Colonel Joseph Drake's Begiment, New York Militia, February, 1776; Surgeon, Lieutenant-Colonel Benedict's Begiment of Associated Exempts, 1780 and 1781. 1895 Kittredge, Martha A. Stevens (Mrs. Jeremiah C. Kittredge) , 1312 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Kittredge, Massachusetts (1731-1806) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Brown's Company, Colonel David Green's Begiment of Massachusetts Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Knapp, Georgia Norris Knox (Mrs. Sanford K. Knapp), 862 New York, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Knox, Pennsylvania (1728-1844) ; appointed Justice of the Peace, Philadelphia County, June 6, 1777; commissioned by Council of Safety to collect clothing for the sol- diers, November 8, 1777 ; Private, Captain Jacob Peterman's Com- pany, December 11, 1778. 1894 Knickerbocker, Isabel Canning (Mrs. George S. Knickerbocker), 427 New York, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Smith, Massachusetts (1746-1816) ; Private and Sergeant, Massachusetts Militia, September, 1775-Jan- 1Q9 Date of XU£i Society Admission. Number. uary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 8th Massachusetts Regiment, May 12> 1780 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts Regiment, June 12, 1780 ; served to November 3, 1783. 1895 Knox, Charlotte D. (Miss), 863 New York, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Rice, Pennsylvania (1752 ) ; Pri- vate, Captain John Eyre's Company, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain John Ogbourn's Company of Artillery, August 10, 1780 ; Captain, schooner " Raccoon," twenty-five men, eight guns, 1781; Captain, 3d Artillery Company, Battalion of Militia of Philadelphia, May 1, 1783. 1893 Knox, Maria Tallmadge Farnsworth (Mrs. John Knox), 321 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Floyd, New York (1734-1821); Member Continental Congress, 1774-1783; Signer Declaration of Independence; Member New York Provincial Convention, April 20, 1775 ; Member New York Council of Safety, 1777 ; Colonel, 1st Regiment, Suffolk County New York Militia, 1775; Member New York Senate, 1777-1788. 1895 Knox, Mary Elizabeth (Miss), 1001 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Knox, Massachusetts (1721-1780) ; Member Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, 1775 ; Captain, 6th Company, Colonel John Moseley's 3d Hampshire County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 26, 1776 ; resigned January 19, 1779. 1894 Kountze, Lina Bell (Miss), 783 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of John Ensign, Connecticut ; Captain, Colonel Increase Moseley's Regiment Connecticut Militia, July 7, 1778. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonah Paxton, Massachu- setts (1746-1832) ; Private, Captain Stearns' Company, Colonel Doolittle's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, Api'il 26, 1775 ; Cor- poral, Captain Samuel Thompson's Company, Colonel Dean's Regi- ment, September 26-October 18, 1777. Date of 193 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Kountze, Mart Ensign (Mrs. Charles Brewer Kountz), 700 Colorado, Great- grand daughter of John Ensign, Connecticut; Captain, Colonel Increase Moseley's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, July 7, 1778. Also, great -great-granddaughter of Jonah Paxton, Massachusetts (1746-1832) ; Private, Captain Stearns' Company, Colonel Doo- little's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 26,1775; Corporal, Captain Samuel Thompson's Company, Colonel Dean's Regiment, September 26-October 18, 1777. 1896 La Croix, Alice Pervear (Miss), 1691 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Crawford, Massachusetts (1739-1821) ; Captain, Colonel Jonathan Warren's Regiment of Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, 8th Company 4th Worcester County Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel James Con- verse, May 31, 1775; service at Rhode Island, July 23-26, 1777 ; service at Bennington, August 20-23, 1777; service in Northern Department, September 28-October 12, 1777, Colonel Job Cush- ing's Regiment Massachusetts Militia. Also, great great-granddaughter of Alexander Crawford, 2d; Private, Captain William Henry's Company, Worcester County Massachu- setts Regiment; service at Castle and Governor's Island, October 3-November 10, 1779. Also, great -great-granddaughter of Ezekiel French, New Hampshire (1754-1826); Private, Captain James N orris's Company, Colonel Enoch Poor's 2d New Hampshire Regiment, May 30, 1775 ; Cor- poral, Captain Chandler's Company, Colonel Isaac Wyman's Regi- ment New Hampshire Militia. 1896 La Croix, Georgiana Hoyt (Mrs. William La Croix), 1598 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ezekiel French, New Hampshire (1754- 1826) ; Private, Captain James Norris's Company, Colonel Enoch Poor's 2d New Hampshire Regiment, May 30, 1775 ; Corporal, Cap- tain Chandler's Company, Colonel Isaac Wyman's Regiment New Hampshire Militia. 1895 Laddis, Mary Lowe (Mrs, Thomas P. Laddis), 1393 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Phillips, New Jersey (1744-1801); 2d Lieutenant, 2d New Jersey Infantry, November 20, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, November 29, 1776; Captain, December 1, 1777 ; served till 1783 ; Member Society of the Cincinnati. 194 Society Number. Also, great-granddaughter of William Churchill Houston, New Jersey (1740-1788) ; Captain 2d Battalion Somerset County New Jersey Militia, February 28, 1776 ; resigned August 17, 1776 ; Member General Assembly of New Jersey, 1777 and 1778 ; Member Council of Safety, 1778; Member Continental Congress from Middlesex County, New Jersey, 1779. Lakeman, Sarah B. (Miss), 1123 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Eiehard Sutton, Massachusetts (1736-1825) ; Private, Captain Daniel Eogers' Company from Ipswich, " Lexing- ton Alarm;" 2d Lieutenant, 5th Company, Captain Eben Lord, 3d Essex County Massachusetts Eegiment, Colonel Timothy Picker- ing, May 7, 1776. 1545 Lamphier, Marcia Allen (Miss), Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Newhall, Massachusetts (1743- 1843) ; Private, Captain Samuel Brown's Company, Colonel Ger- rish's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 2-July 3, 1778 ; Cor- poral, same, July 2-12, 1778 ; Private, Captain Huse's Company, Colonel Gerrish's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, July 13-Decem- ber 14, 1778. 1895 Lampton, Jeannette Fisher (Mrs. William Mortimer Lampton), 1146 Colorado, Great-s;reat-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Ludlow, New Jersey (1724-1812) ; 1st Major, Eastern Battalion Morris County New Jer- sey Militia, January 13, 1776; Major, Colonel Ephraim Martin's Battalion, General Nathaniel Heard's Brigade New Jersey Militia, took part in the Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; Lieuten- ant Colonel Eastern Battalion Morris County New Jersey Militia, May 23, 1777 ; resigned on account of disability, November 13, 1777. 1896 Lane, Katharine J. (Miss), 1517 Massachusetts, Great-gi'eat-granddaughter of Samuel Woodward, of Newton, Massa- chusetts; Volunteer at the Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Lane, Grace W. Farrington (widow of Judson Ellsworth Lane), 1152 New Hampshire, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Philbrick, New Hampshire (1734-1803) ; Captain 4th Company, 9th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, September 5, 1777-June 6, 1778; Member Committee of Safety, 1775-1778 and 1780. 1895 Lanius, Susanna Lauman (Miss), 801 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Christopher Lauman, Pennsylvania; 2d Lieutenant, 4th Company, 3d Battalion, Colonel David Jamison's Eegiment Pennsylvania Troops, April 5, 1778. 1895 Lansing, Catherine Gansevoort (Mrs. Abraham Lansing), 903 New York, Granddaughter of Peter Gansevoort, New York (1749-1812); Major, 2d New York Line, June 30, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, March 19, 1776 ; Colonel 3d Eegiment New York Line, November 21, 1776 ; Commander of Port Stanwix, October 4, 1777 ; Brigadier- General, New York Militia, March 26, 1781, to close of war. 1895 Larzelere, Elizabeth Schenck (Miss), 983 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Joost or George Stilwell, Long Island (1742 ); Captain of a Company of Militia from Gravesend, Long Island, 1776. 1891 Lasater, Patty Noble Bennett (Mrs. Edward Lasater), 14 < Texas, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Andrew Pickens, South Caro- lina (1739-1817) ; served as Captain, Major, and Colonel of South Carolina Militia, and as Brigadier-General of South Carolina State Troops, 1775 to olose of war; wounded at the Battle of Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781. 196 Society Number. 1894 Lattghton, Linda Adelaide (Miss), 716 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Elisha Hoit, Massachusetts ( 1827) ; Private, Captain Asa Lauren's Company, April 19, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Lauren's Compaq, Colonel Prescott's Regiment Massa- chusetts Militia, 1775; Private, Captain Job Shattuck's Company, March, 1776 ; Private, Continental Infantry, 1777. 1895 Lauriat, Harriet P. Page (Mrs. Charles E. Lauriat), 998 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Page, Massachusetts (1742-1819) ; Private, Lieutenant Moses Abbott's Company which marched from Bedford to Cambridge, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Massachu- setts Militia, May 15, 1775. 1895 Law, Eliza Frances (Miss), 987 New York, Great-jj-reat-granddaughter of Joseph Woodbury, Massachusetts (1741-1816); Private, Captain Abram Bacheldor's Company, Colo- nel Holman's Regiment, marched on alarm, December 6, 1776, to Providence, service forty-three days. 1895 Law, Lizzie Woodbury (Miss), 986 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Woodbury, Massachusetts (1741-1816) ; Private, Captain Abram Bacheldor's Company, Colo- nel Holman's Regiment, marched on alarm, December 6, 1776, to Providence, service forty-three days. 1895 Learned, Grace Hallam (Miss), 906 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Learned, Connecticut (1723- 1779); Private, Captain Joseph Cady's Company, "Lexington Alarm." 197 Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Learned, Mabel (Miss), 907 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Learned, Connecticut (1723- 1779); Private, Captain Joseph Cady's Company, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Learned, Katharine De Milt (Mrs. William Law Learned), 905 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John L. De Milt, New York (1731- 1803) ; Captain, 1st Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia, Colonel Jonathan Van Ness, October 17, 1775 ; Captain, 1st Eegi- ment Ulster County New York Militia, Colonel Abraham Has- brouck, January, 1776. 1893 Lee, Ann E. (Mrs.), 226 Texas, Great-granddaughter of John Sevier, North Carolina ( 1815) ; Captain, North Carolina Militia, 1776 ; Colonel, North Carolina Militia, 1777 to close of War. 1894 Lee, Fannie Hamlin (Miss), 777 Michigan, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan McCumber, Vermont (1750-1823); Private, Captain Samuel Bliss' Company, Colonel Timothy Walk- er's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April, 1775, eight months' ser- vice; Private, Captain Asa Barnes' Company, Colonel Sargent's Eegiment and Captain Holmes' Company, Colonel Knowlton's Eegiment, one year's service from January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington; released January, 1777. 1894 Lee, Fidelia McCumber (Mrs. Salmon H. Lee), 658 Michigan, Granddaughter of Jonathan McCumber, Vermont (1750-1823) ; Pri- vate, Captain Samuel Bliss' Company, Colonel Timotby Walker's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April, 1775, eight months' service; Private, Captain Asa Barnes' Company, Colonel Sargent's Eegi- ment and Captain Holmes' Company, Colonel Knowlton's Eegi- ment, one year's service from January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington ; released January, 1777. Date of ±0 ° Society Admission. Number. 1893 Lee, Sara Louise White (Mrs. William Lee), 311 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joel White (1705-1789) ; Member and Chairman, Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety of Connecticut ; Captain, Connecticut Militia. Also, granddaughter of Lemuel White (1762-1843) ; Private, Captain Eudd's Company, Colonel Chapman's Eegiment Connecticut Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Lemuel White who loaned £2000 to Connecticut for carrying on the War. 1892 Leigh, Julia C. Graves (Mrs. William Leigh), 153 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Alexander Mebane, North Carolina (1744 ) ; Delegate to the Provincial Congress of North Caro- lina. March, 1776. 1895 Leonard, Laura A. (Miss), 1336 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Philip Leonard, Massachusetts (- 1785) ; Captain, 1st Company, 3d Plymouth County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 6, 1776. 1893 l e Huray, Louise (Miss), ^° 9 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Bowly, Maryland (1745-1807) ; Mem- ber of Committee of Observation and Safety for Baltimore County, August, 1775; Ensign, Captain John Sturett'B Independent Com- pany of Militia ; Warden of the Port of Baltimore, December 13, 1782 ; also gave money most liberally for the cause of independence. 1894 Lewis, Carrie Shillaber (Mrs. Lloyd Glover Lewis), 642 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezcr Eichardson, Massachusetts (1748- 1832) ; Private, Captain Eichardson's Company, Colonel John Mansfield's Massachusetts Eegiment, May 18, 1775, served two months, eighteen days; Private, 1775, served eight months. 1QQ Date of xuo Society Admission. Number. 1895 Lewis, Helen Hall (Miss), 1407 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Percival Hall, Massachusetts (1741- 1825) ; Surgeon's Mate, Colonel Ebenezer Learned's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, June 24, 1776. 1895 Leyden, Margaret L. Garrigues (Mrs. Maurice Leyden), ]367 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Garrigues, New Jersey (1744-1826) ; Private, Captain Isaac Halsey's Regiment, Eastern Battalion, Morris County New Jersey Militia, August 19, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Acken, New Jersey ( 1782) ; Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Lindley, E. Marguerite (Miss), 1303 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Libbey, Maine (1758-1841); Private, Colonel McCobb's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1779-1783. 1894 Lindsay, Mary Theodora Jervis (Mrs. James Gibson Lindsay), 520 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Moses Long, Massachusetts (1760-1848) ; Private, Captain Carr's Company, 9th Massachusetts Regiment, under General Lee ; served three years. 1895 Littell, Julia S. (Miss), 1348 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Bonnel, New Jersey ( 1814) ; Private, Captain Abraham Lyons' Company, 4th New Jersey Regi- ment, 1777. 1895 Little, Laura Revere (Miss), 1074 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Paul Revere, Massachusetts (1734- 1818) ; made the famous ride from Charlestown to Lexington on the night of April 18, 1775; Major, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, April 10-May 9, 1776 ; Major, Colonel Thomas Craft's Regiment of Artillery, May 9-November 1,1776; Lieutenant-Colonel same Regiment, November 1, 1776-May 8, 1780. 000 Date of ~ vv J? 0Gi , ety Admission. Number. 1895 Little, Mary Bobbins (Mrs. James Lovell Little), 1073 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Paul Eevere, Massachusetts (1734-1818) ; made the famous ride from Cbarlestown to Lexington on the night of April 18, 1775; Major, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 10-May 9, 1776 ; Major, Colonel Thomas Craft's Eegiment of Artillery, May 9-November 1, 1776 ; Lieuten- ant-Colonel same Eegiment, November 1, 1776-May 8, 1780. 1895 Little, Milla Adelaide (Miss), 1117 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Latimer, Connecticut (1724 ) ; Lieutenant-Colonel Connecticut Militia, June 20, 1776; discharged December 11, 1776; Colonel of Militia, 1777. 1894 Littlefield, Mary B. Eussell (Mrs. Adoniram J. Littlefield), 461 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Folsom, New Hampshire (1755-1821) ; Private, Captain Aaron Kinsman's Company, Colonel John Stark's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, 1775. 1895 Littlefield, Minnie Putnam (Mrs. Seth J. Littlefield), §26 Massachusetts, Great great-granddaughter of Benjamin Putnam, Massachusetts (1718-1796); Sergeant, Captain Edmund Putnam's Company from Danvers, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Scott's Company, Colonel Henley's Additional Continental Eegiment, February 14, 1778 ; enlisted for three years. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Henry Putnam, Jr., Massachusetts (1737-1789) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Page's Company from Danvers, "Lexington Alarm;" Sergeant, Captain Addison Bichard- son's Company, Colonel John Mansfield's Eegiment, May 12-August 5, 1775. Date of 201 a„„ iat „ A * m " Numb'/r. 1893 Lloyd, Kate Anthon Eat (Mrs. Joseph Edgar Lloyd), 625 New York, Great-granddaughter of Marinus Willett, New York (1740-1830); Captain, 1st Kegiment New York Line, Colonel Alexander Mc- Dougall, June 28, 1775-May 9, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d Kegi- ment New York Line, Colonel Peter Gansevoort, November 21, 1776; received the thanks of Congress and presented with a sword for bravery at Fort Schuyler ; Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding 5th New York, July 1, 1780 ; Colonel, November, 1780, to rank from December, 1779 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; Colonel, commanding Tryon County New York Militia, April 10, 1782. 1893 Lochner, Margaret Pemberton (Mrs. J. Edward Lochner), 215 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Patrick Grant Pemberton; Private, Captain John Williams' Company Connecticut Militia stationed at Fort Griswold, July 11, 1779. 1894 Lockwood, Harriet Jones (Mrs. Edmund W. Lockwood), 733 Connecticut. Granddaughter of John Jones, Connecticut (1739-1817) ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Bradley's Battalion, Wads- worth's Brigade, commissioned June 10, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776. 1895 Logan, Annie Eaeburn Cobb (Mrs. William Taylor Logan), 1186 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Burton (1749-1835) ; 2d Lieuten- ant, Captain Samuel King's Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Continental Kegiment, December 3, i776 — February 2, 1777 ; Cap- tain, Colonel Henry Sherburne's Kegiment, March 5, 1777; Major, Yolunteer Company under Brigadier-General Wadsworth, April 20- November 20, 1781. 1895 Long, Bertha (Miss), 1239 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Archibald Fletcher (1748-1824) ; Ensign, 3d Company, 2d Battalion, Bedford County Pennsylvania Militia, Colonel Hugh Davidson, 1781. Date of 202 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Long, Rebecca Boardman (Miss), 587 New York, Granddaughter of Moses Long, Massachusetts (1760-1848) ; Private, Captain Carr's Company, 9th Massachusetts Regiment, under Gen- eral Lee ; served three years. 1895 Longfellow, Melva Frances (Miss), 1254 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Longfellow, Maine (1740- 1834) ; Private, New Hampshire Line from Waldo County, Maine. 1891 Looscan, Adele Briscoe (Mrs. Michael Looscan), 113 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Harris, Pennsylvania (1740- 1825) ; Private, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777 ; Captain to close of war. 1893 Lovelady, Lulu Hunter (Mrs. John Lovelady), 320 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Humphrey Hunter, North Carolina (1755- 1827) ; Private, Colonel Thomas Polk's Eegiment North Carolina Troops ; Lieutenant, Captain Green's Company, General Ruther- ford's Brigade ; Lieutenant of Cavalry under " Light Horse" Harry Lee ; wounded at the Battle of Eutaw Springs. 1895 Low, Anne E. Emerson (Mrs. Elliott Colburn Low), 1292 New York, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Emerson, New Hampshire (1741- 1824) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Stickney's Regiment New Ham- shire Militia, 1777; in service at the Battle of Bennington, August 16, 1777 ; Colonel, 1778 ; Member of Convention which formed the State Constitution of New Hampshire, 1782. 1896 Low, Eliza J. Stevens (Mrs. Daniel Low), 1546 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Pecker, Massachusetts; Private, Captain Greenleaf's Company, Colonel Tuppei^'s Regiment Mas- sachusetts Line, February 11, 1777-December 31, 1779; Sergeant same, January 1-February 11, 1780. Date of 203 Society Admission. « umber. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Pecker, Massachusetts ( 1778) ; Surgeon on Colonel Wheelock's Orderly Book to be ready for action at Ticonderoga; Surgeon, Colonel Ebenezer Francis' 11th Massachusetts Regiment, February 3, 1777 ; died in service September 22, 1778. 1895 Lovett, Annie Foster (Miss), 1287 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Lovett, Massachusetts (1739- 1819) ; Private, Captain Larkin Thomas' Company from Beverly, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain John Low's Company, Colonel Mansfield's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 30, 1775 ; Private, Captain John Low's Company, Colonel Hutchinson's Kegi- ment Massachusetts Militia, October 6, 1775, eight months' service. 1895 Lucket, Mart J. Tibbs (Mrs. James W. Lucky), ^04 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Charles Hoffman, New York (1727-1808) ; Ensign, Captain Van Benschouten's Company, Colonel Lirck Brinckerhoft's Eegiment, New York State Troops, 1775. 1891 Ludin, Marion Berford Allen (widow of George A. Ludin), 24 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Strembeck (1755-1841); Private, and subsequently musician, 4th Regiment, Continental Artillery, Colonel Thomas Proctor ; Ensign Captain Jehu Eyre's Company, Pennsylvania Militia; record of service from 1776-1781. Also, great-great-great-great-granddaughter of William Crolius, New York (1700 ) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain George Janeway's Com- pany, 2d Regiment New York City Militia, Colonel William Jay. 1894 Ludlum, Annie Kennedy (Mrs. George P. Ludlum), 493 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Eliphalet Spencer, Sr., Connecticut (1738-1820) ; Private, Captain Harman's Company, 1776 ; Private, Captain Griswold's Company, Wolcott's Brigade Connecticut Militia, March, 1777; Private, Colonel Cook's Regiment, August- September, 1777; Corporal, Captain Pomeroy's Company, Colonel Chapman's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1778. Also, Date of 20< * >? oci ? ty Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Eliphalet Spencer, Jr., Connecticut (1758-1813) ; Private, Captain Sheldon's Company of Militia, New Haven Alarm, July, 1779. Also, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Abner Prior, Sr., Connecti- cut (1758 ); Captain, Ward's Connecticut State Eegiment, May 14, 1776; Captain, 5th Connecticut, January 1, 1777; Major, 1st Connecticut, August 17, 1780; transferred to 4th Connecticut, January 1, 1781 ; resigned December 31, 1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Abner Prior, Jr., New York ( 1800); Surgeon's Mate, 4th New York, January 1, 1780; trans- ferred to 2d New York, January 1, 1781, and served to November 3, 1783. 1895 Lummus, Maria L. Fowler (Mrs. John Lummus), 1203 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Samuel Page, Massachusetts (1753-1814); Private, "Lexington Alarm;" 1st Lieutenant, Captain James Gray's Com- pany, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 14-August 1, 1776 ; Captain, 11th Eegiment Massachusetts Continental Line, January, 1777-March 18, 1780. 1895 Lunt, Nellie (Miss), 1347 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Yose, Massachusetts (1739-1816) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 24th Continental Infantry, Janu- ary 1-December 31, 1776; Colonel 1st Massachusetts, January 1, 1777 ; Brevet Brigadier-General, September 30, 1783 ; served to November, 1783. 1895 Lunt, Susan Augusta (Miss), 1346 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Vose, Massachusetts (1739- 1816) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 24th Continental Infantry, January 1- December 31,1776; Colonel 1st Massachusetts, January 1,1777; Brevet Brigadier-General, September 30, 1783 ; served to Novem- ber, 1783. 1895 Lutkins, Maude W. Loring (Mrs. Clifford L. Lutkins), 1394 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of John Leach, Massachusetts (1753 ) > Master, privateer-brigantine " General Wayne," June 17, 1780. Date of * vo Society Admission. Number. 1894 Lyles, Harriet Fay Allen (Mrs. James H. Lyles), 674 Long Island, Granddaughter of Major Heber Allen, Vermont (1743 ) ; First Town Clerk of Poultney, Vermont ; Member of the Court of Con- fiscation for the Shire of Rutland, 1778 ; appointed Member of the Commission of Sequestration by order of the Council of Safety, 1778. 1895 Lyon, Caroline Richmond (Mrs. Samuel Perry Lj^on), 1102 New York, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Weldon, Massachusetts (1757-1838) ; Private, Captain Samuel Taylor's Companj^, Colonel Nicholas Dyke's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, September 17,1776; Pri- vate, Captain Benjamin Phillips' Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Timothy Robinson's Regiment Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, December 13, 1776-April 1, 1777 ; Private, Captain Jen- ning's Company, Colonel David Well's Regiment, service on expe- dition northward, September 23, 1777. 1895 Lyon, Adna Maude Maynard Lucerna (Miss), 1424 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Lyon, Connecticut (1730-1778) ; Private, Captain Ephraim Manning's Company, 3d Connecticut Continental Regiment, Colonel Israel Putnam, May 11-December 15, 1775 ; at siege of Boston. 1895 Mace, Caroline Isabel Mann (Miss), 928 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Moulton, New Hampshire (1717-1779) ; Private, Captain El kins' Company, New Hampshire Militia; Pri- vate, Captain Ezekiel Giles' Company, Colonel Peabody's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, July, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Andrew Mace, New Hampshire; Private, Captain Ezra Stearns' Company, Colonel Drake's Regi- ment, General Whipple's Brigade; Private, Captain Eastman's Company, New Hampshire Militia. Date of 206 Society Admission. Number. 1896 MacAlman, Florence N. Spoppord (Mrs. John H. MacAlman), 1651 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Hezekiah Nichols, Massachusetts (1752- 1828); Corporal, Captain Matthias Hoyt's Company, "Lexington Alarm ; " nine days' service. 1896 MacEwan, Abby S. McKissick (Mrs. Walter MacEwan), 1295 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Seth Pomeroy, Massachusetts (1706- 1777) ; Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1774-1775 ; served as volunteer at Bunker Hill ; Colonel 2d Regiment Hamp- shire County Massachusetts Militia, February 6, 1776. 1896 MacEwan, Agnes Lander (Miss), 1296 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Seth Pomeroy (Massachusetts) (1706-1777) ; Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1774- 1775; served as volunteer at Bunker Hill; Colonel 2d Regiment Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, February 6, 1776. 1896 MacEwan, Jessie Ellis (Miss), 1297 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Seth Pomeroy, Massachusetts (1706-1777) ; Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1774- 1775 ; served as volunteer at Bunker Hill ; Colonel 2d Regiment, Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, February 6, 1776. 1893 Macparlane, Ada (Miss), 359 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Engle, Pennsylvania (1754-1810) ; Ensign, 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, Colonel William Cooke, October 16, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, January, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, Colonel Thomas Craig, July 1, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, December 20, 1778-January 1, 1781. Date of ^7 Society Admission. Number. 1896 McCloskey, Theresa Soulard (Mrs. Henry F. McCloskey), 1461 Illinois, Granddaughter of Thomas Hunt, Massachusetts (1754-1808) ; Ser- geant, Captain Craft's Company of Minute-men at Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775 ; Ensign, Massachusetts Eegiment of Mili- tia, Maj'-December, 1775 ; Ensign and Adjutant, 25th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Brigade-Major, October 20, 1776 ; Cap- tain-Lieutenant, Jackson's Additional Continental Regiment, Feb- ruary 1, 1777 ; Captain, March 1, 1779 ; wounded at Stony Point, July 16, 1779; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, January 1, 1783; retained in Jackson's Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to June 20, 1784. 1893 McCotjn, Frances Mather Bolles](Mi*s. George W. McCoun), 242 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Williams, Connecticut (1760-1848) ; Corporal, Connecticut Militia, April 1, 1777 ; served to 1783. Also, great-granddaughter of Eleazer Mather (1753 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Samuel Mather's Company, Connecticut Militia, 1776. 1894 McCowan, Emma B. Foster (Mrs. George W. McCowan), 722 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of William Shute, New Jersey (1720- 1784) ; Assistant Commissary General of Issues to Jersey Brigade Continental Line ; Captain and Paymaster Continental Army ; Colo- nel, 2d Battalion, 1st Establishment, New Jersey Troops. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Constant Peck, New Jersey (1736- 1776) ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d Battalion, 1st Establishment New Jersey Continental Line. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Preston, New Jersey (1735- 1777); Colonel, 1st Battalion Cumberland County New Jersey Militia ; died in camp March, 1777. 1892 McCoy, Rosalie Quitman Love (Mrs. Allen McCoy), 184 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Matthew McCulloch, South Carolina (1756- 1821) ; Private, South Carolina Militia. Date of *^° Society Admission. Number, 1894 McCuLLOTTGH, ISABELLE BOWLES (Miss), 755 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin McCullough, New Jersey (1735-1789) ; Captain, Colonel Ephraim Martin's Battalion, General Heard's Brigade New Jersey Militia, June 14-December 1, 1776, at Long Island; Captain, 1st Regiment Sussex County New Jersey Militia, Colonel Jacob West, May 27, 1777. 1895 McDougal, Anna Gilmore (Miss), 1050 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Gilmore, Pennsylvania (1757-1808) ; Private, Captain William Peeble's Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, Lord Stirling's Brigade, April, 1776; served to January 1, 1781. 1891 McGown, Mary E. Demarest (Mrs. Henry P. McGown, Jr.), 10 New York, Great-granddaughter of Peter Demarest, New Jersey (1756-1843) ; Private, Bergen County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Demarest ; Lieutenant, Captain Branch's Company Bergen County New Jersey Militia ; Captain, Bergen County Militia ; Captain, State Troops. 1894 McKell, Elinor Cook (Miss), 670 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Sr., Connecticut (1711- 1790) ; Captain, Wallingford Connecticut Militia, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Isaac Cook, Jr., Connecticut (1739- 1810); Captain, 1st Connecticut Continental Regiment, Colonel David Wooster, May 1-December 1, 1775 ; Major, 10th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel James Wadsworth, January 10, 1780; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, June, 1783. 1895 McKissick, Eliza McIntire (Mrs. Stewart McKissick), 1294 New York, Great-granddaughter of Seth Pomeroy, Massachusetts (1706-1777) ; Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1774-1775 ; served as volunteer at Bunker Hill ; Colonel 2d Regiment Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, February 6, 1776. 90Q Date of " wo Society Admission. Number. 1895 McKnight, Lucretia G. Nead (widow of William C. McKnight, Jr.), 1080 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of John Wunderlich, or Wonderly, Pennsylvania (1733-1818) ; Private, Captain Samuel Cochran's Company, 4th Bat- talion Lancaster County Pennsylvania Militia, Colonel Robert Elder, August 12, 1777 ; Private, Captain Samuel Cochran's Company, 10th Battalion Lancaster County Pennsylvania Militia, Colonel Robert Elder, April 16, 1781. 1894 McLeod, Mary Squires (Mrs. Charles A. McLeod), 598 New York, Great-granddaughter of Saxton Squires (1758-1825); Private, Cap- tain Durham's Company, Connecticut Militia, 1775 ; Private. Cap- tain Pond's Company, Connecticut Militia, May 22, 1777 ; Drum- Major, August 10, 1778 ; discharged May 2, 1780. 1895 McMahon, Mary D. Schenck (Mrs. J. Sprigg McMahon). 1442 Ohio. Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Pierce, Rhode Island (1749- 1821) ; Aide-de-Camp to General Horatio Gates in 1779. 1895 McMahon, Mary Sprigg (Mrs. John A. McMahon), 1404 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Michael Cresap, Maryland, 1742-1775) ; Cap- tain, 1st Company Maryland Rifles, June 21, 1775 ; died October 21, 1775. 1895 McMurray, Jeannie Newcomb Bucklin (Mrs. Clarence F. McMurray) 841 New York, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Newcomb, New York (175^-1832) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Lemuel Conklin's Company, 4th Regiment Dutchess County New York Militia, Colonel Tobias Stoutenbergh. Date of -I" Society Admission. .Number. 1894 McNeil, Ella Agnes Thompson (Mrs. John Lloyd McNeil), 672 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin McClure, Pennsylvania (1759 ) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain George Cranford's Company, Colonel James Dunlop's Battalion, Cumberland County Associators in service in and around Philadelphia in the Campaign of 1777. 1891 McWilliam, Mary Wheaton (widow of John S. Mc William), 76 New York, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Jackson, New York ( 1778) i killed at Cherry Valley Massacre, November 10, 1778. Also, great granddaughter of Joseph Wheaton, 2d Lieutenant, Cap- tain James Willett's Company Cape May New Jersey Militia; killed at Ticonderoga, July, 1777. 1894 Mackay, Anabel Belknap (Mrs. James O. Mackay), 682 Oklahoma, Great-great-granddaughter of Sanford Richardson, Connecticut ; Pri- vate, Captain Bzekiel Orcott's Company, Colonel Chapman's Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1778 ; Private, Colonel Philip Burr Brad- ley's Regiment Connecticut Line, 1780. 1891 *Mackie, Cornelia Clinton Genet (Mrs. Alexander L. A. Mackie), 117 New York, Great-granddaughther of George Clinton, New York (1739-1812); Member New York Provincial Convention, April 20, 1775 ; Member Continental Congress, 1775-1777; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1776-1777 ; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, March 25, 1777; elected Governor of New York, April 20, 1777; com- manded the forces in the actions at Forts Clinton and Montgomery October 6, 1777; Member Committee on Seal, New York, 1778; Major-General by brevet. 1895 Mackintosh, Maria Gansevoort Hoadly (Mrs. W. H. Mackintosh), 1069 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Melville, Massachusetts (1751-1832) ; Member of the Boston Tea Party ; Captain and Major, Colonel Thomas Craft's Regiment of Artillery ; served in the Rhode Island Campaigns of 1777 and 1779. [Also, * Deceased. Date of Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Peter Gansevoort, New York (1749- 1812); Major, 2d New York Line, June 30, 1775; Lieutenant-Colo- nel, March 19, 1776 ; Colonel, 3d Eegiment New York Line, Novem- ber 21, 1776 ; Commander of Fort Stanwix, October 4, 1777 ; Brig- adier-General New York Militia, March 26, 1781, to close of war. 1895 Magee, Harriet Martha (Miss), 1278 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Cochran (1752-1837) ; Private, Cap- tain Josiah Crosby's Company, Colonel Sullivan's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, April-December, 1775 ; Private, Captain Daniel Wilkins' Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, February, 1776-Jatmary, 1777; Private, Captain Scott's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment, 1777-1780; Private, Captain Monroe's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment, 1780; enlisted for three yeara. 1896 Manchester, Sarah A. Peckham (Mrs. Alfred Manchester), 1451 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Tennant, Rhode Island (1759-1839); Sergeant, Captain Christopher Dyer's Company, Colonel Topham's Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 1777, nine months' service ; Ser- geant, Captain Henry Dayton's Company, Colonel Barton's Regi- ment Rhode Island Militia, 1778-1779; Seaman on privateer schooner "General Mifflin;" British prisoner of war at Charleston, S. C, 1780. 1894 Manning, Alice Washburn Heald (Mrs. George L. Manning), 759 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Blaney, Massachusetts (1738- 1820); Captain, Colonel Gardner's Regiment from Maiden, "Lex- ington Alarm;" Captain, 1st Middlesex County Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Samuel Thatcher, June 13, 1776 ; Captain, Colo- nel Eleazer Brooks' Regiment of Guards at Cambridge, January 12- April 3, 1778. l^lso, Date of 212 x? oci t ty Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Bbenezer Edwards, Massachusetts (1757- 1826) ; Private, Captain John Hayward's Company, Colonel Abijah Pierce's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Isaac Heald's Company, Colonel Eleazer Brooks' Eegiment ; Private, Captain Abishai Brown's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Eegiment of Militia, June 27-December 1, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Seth Washburn, Massachusetts (1723-1794) ; Captain, Colonel Ward's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, " Lexington Alarm ;" Captain, same, May 25, 1775 ; Cap- tain, same, October 8, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, February 8, 1776 ; 2d Major, 1st Worcester County Massachusetts Militia, February 6, 1778. 832 1895 Manning, Clara M. Heath (widow of Henry Courtney Manning), New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Peter Bellenger, New York (1723 ) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Battalion Tryon County New York Militia ; served at the battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1776 ; appointed by Governor and Council of New York Colonel of the local militia of German Flats and Kingsland districts, June 25, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Nicholas Casler, New York (1763-1827) ; Private, Captain Cross's Compan} T , Colonel Willett's Eegiment New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Bartholomew Heath (1710-1789) ; Adjutant, 9th Eegiment 2d Claverack Battalion New York Militia, Colonel Peter Yan Ness, 1775; Adjutant, same regiment, 1778. 1894 Manning, Mary Darley (Miss), 449 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Jarvis, Massachusetts (1731- 1812) ; Captain, Jackson's Additional Continental Eegiment, Feb- ruary 1, 1777 ; resigned, October 27, 1778. 1895 Manson, Mary E. Langley (Mrs. Alfred S. Manson), 1443 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Tucker, Massachusetts (1756-1837) ; Private, Captain John Bradley's Company, Colonel Lemuel Eobin- son's Eegiment from Milton, Mass., " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Josiah Yose's Company Sea Coast Defence, April 13, 1776. 91 Q Date of " Society Admission. Number. 1895 March, Ellen Gates (Miss), 940 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Moses Warren, Massachusetts (1759-1833) ; Private, Captain Ebenezer Winship's Company, Colonel John Nixon's Eegiment, May 1, 1775, service three months and eight days ; Private, Captain Abraham Peirce's Company, Colonel Sam- uel Thatcher's Eegiment, March 4, 1776 ; discharged March 8, 1776 ; Private, Captain Abraham Peirce's Company, Colonel Eben- ezer Brooks' Regiment, January 12-February 3, 1778. 1891 Markle, Mary Robinson (Mrs. John Markle), 70 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Moore, New Jersey (1735 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Hoppock's Company, 3d Regiment Hunter- don County New Jersey Militia ; served also with Hunt's Team Bri- gade New Jersey Militia. 1895 Marland, Helen (Miss), 1256 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of James Cochran (1752-1837); Private, Captain Josiah Crosby's Company, Colonel Sullivan's Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, April-December, 1775 ; Private, Captain Daniel Wilkins' Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment New Hamp- shire Militia, February 1776-January, 1777 ; Private, Captain Scott's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment, February, 1777-1780; Private, Captain Monroe's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment, 1780 ; enlisted for three years. 1895 Marland, Salome Jane Abbott (Mrs. William Marland), 1165 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Cochran (1752-1837) ; Private, Cap- tain Josiah Crosby's Company, Colonel Sullivan's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, April-December, 1775; Private, Captain Daniel Wilkins' Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, February, 1776-January, 1777; Private, Captain Scott's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment, February, 1777-1780; Pri- vate, Captain Monroe's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment, 1780 ; enlisted for three years. Date of 214 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Marshall, Caroline Kumbough (widow of George Langford Marshall), 883 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Southerland, Virginia ( 1777) ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th Virginia Regiment, 1776. 1894 Martin, Edith May (Miss), 577 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Claudius Martin, Pennsylvania; Private, Captain Scull's Company, 4th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, 1777- 1781. 1895 Martin, Harriet B. Cogswell (Mrs. Francis C. Martin), 1334 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Cogswell, Massachusetts (1760- 1831); Private, Captain Cogswell's Company, 26th Continental Infantry, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon's Mate, January, 1778. 1894 Marvin, Susan Decker (Mrs. Samuel Marvin), 550 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John More, New York (1745-1840) ; Private, Captain Benjamin C. Dubois' Company, 11th Regiment New York Militia, Colonel Anthony Van Bergen. 1895 Mason, Virginia Kimball (Mrs. Kearney Mason), 1191 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Hunt, Massachusetts (1754- 1808) ; Sergeant, Captain Craft's Company of Minute-men at Lex- ington and Concord, April 19, 1775; Ensign, Massachusetts Regi- ment of Militia, May-December, 1775; Ensign and Adjutant, 25th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Brigade-Major, October 20, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, Jackson's Additional Continental Regi- ment, February 1, 1777; Captain, March 1, 1779 ; wounded at Stony Point, July 16, 1779 ; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, January 1, 1783; retained in Jackson's Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to June 20, 1784. 91 ^ Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Massie, Susan B. Thompson (widow of Henry Massie), 666 Ohio, Granddaughter of John Thompson, Virginia (1757-1833) ; Lieuten- ant, 7th Company, 7th Virginia Line Eegiment, March 18- October 29, 1776; Adjutant, Colonel William Henry's Eegiment Virginia Militia; taken prisoner June 7, 1781. Also, granddaughter of George Eobards or Eoberts, Virginia (1760- 1833); Sergeant, Captain Moses Hawkins' Company, 14th Eegi- ment Virginia Line, Colonel Charles Lewis, February, 1777 ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Edmond Curd's Company, Colonel Lucas' Eegi- ment Virginia Militia, 1780 ; Lieutenant, Captain Larkin's Com- pany, January, 1781 ; Captain-Lieutenant, May, 1781 ; appointed Captain, 1782. 608 1894 Mastkrson, Annie Thomas Chalmers (widow of Thomas W. Masterson), Texas, Great-granddaughter of Eobert "Williams, Virginia; Chairman, Com- mittee to raise money to defray the expenses of delegates to Gen- eral Congress, January, 1775 ; Member, Virginia Convention at Williamsburg, 1776. 1895 Mather, Clara Fifield (Mrs. Charles Duane Mather), 939 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of David Nelson, Massachusetts (1713 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Eobert Taft's Company, Colonel Silas Wheelock's Eegiment from Upton, "Lexington Alarm," ten days' service; Private, Captain Benjamin Adams' Company, Colonel Johnson's Eegiment, August 15-November 30, 1777; Private, Captain Benja- min Eead's Company, Colonel John Band's Eegiment, July 14- October 10, 1780, regiment raised to reinforce the Continental Army at West Point. 1895 Matthews, Catharine T. P. Van Cortlandt (Mrs. John E. Matthews^ 1356 New York, Great-granddaughter of Pierre Van Cortlandt, New York (1721- 1814) ; Colonel, 3d (North or Manor of Cortlandt) Eegiment, Octo- ber 19, 1775; Member 2d Provincial Congress, 1775; Member 3d Provincial Congress, 1777; President, Council of Safety, 1777; Lieutenant-Governor, State of New York, 1777-1795. 91 fr> Date of * ±v Society Admission. Number. 1891 Mattison, H. Virginia (Miss), 145 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Mattison, New Jersey ; Lieutenant, New Jersey Militia. 1891 Maverick, Mary Adams (Mrs.), 124 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Lewis, Virginia (1720-1781) ; Brig- adier-General, Continental Army, March 1, 1776 ; resigned April 15, 1777. 1892 Mathew, Katharine Burke (Miss), 569 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Hugh Maxwell, Massachusetts (1733- 1799) ; Lieutenant of a Company of Minute-men at Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775; Captain, Colonel Prescott's Massachusetts Regiment, May 10-December, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, June 17,1775; Captain, 7th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31,1776; Captain, 2d Massachusetts Line Regiment, January 1, 1777 ; Major, 15th Massachusetts, July 7, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, July 1, 1779 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th Massachu- setts, August 1, 1782 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, June 12, 1783 ; served to November 3, 1783 ; Member Society of the Cin- cinnati. 1895 Maynard, Martha Leontine (Miss), 1137 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Levin Powell, Virginia (1737- 1810) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Grayson's Additional Continental Regi- ment, January 11, 1777; resigned November 15, 1778. 1894 Maxwell, Emma Long (Mrs. John Mills Maxwell), 719 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Archibald Fletcher ( 1824) ; Ensign, 3d Company, 3d Battalion Bedford County Pennsylvania Militia, Colo- nel Hugh Davidson, 1781. 917 Date of **■* Society Admission. Number. 1894 Maxwell, Helen Perry (Mrs. Samuel Augustus Maxwell), 751 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whiting, Connecticut (1720- 1803) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th Eegiment Connecticut Eegiment, May 1-November 18, 1775 ; served subsequently as Colonel of Con- necticut Militia and State Troops. 1895 Maxwell, Mary Wilson (Miss), 1432 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Spencer, Connecticut (1714-1789) ; Colonel, " Lexington Alarm ;" Colonel, 2d Eegiment Connecticut Line, May 1, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, June 22, 1775 ; Major-General, August 9, 1776 ; resigned January 13, 1778. 1895 Mead, Eliza Dezendorf (Mrs. Frederick B. Mead), 1267 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Eemsen, Long Island (1730- 1807) ; Captain, Newtown District New York Militia, June 17, 1776. 1895 Mead, Sarah Cor win (Mrs. Charles Durkee Mead), 1418 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Jabez Bruen, New Jersey (1750-1814) ; Pri- vate, Morris County New Jersey Militia. 1892 Mears, Annie O. Whipple (Mrs. William S. Mears), 162 Washington, Great-great-granddaughter of James Johnson, Virginia; Captain, 6th Virginia Eegiment, February 16, 1776; Major, April 1, 1777; re- signed August 15, 1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Mrs. John Eutledge, South Carolina, who suffered great persecutions during the British occu- pancy of Charleston ; she was ordered from her country resi- dence into the city and kept under surveillance. Date of "*-° Society Admission. Number. 1895 Mecuen, Mary Edna (Miss), 1095 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Packard, Massachusetts (1751 ) ; Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel Bailey's Eegiment from Bridgewater, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel John Thomas' Eegi- ment, August 1, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Mighill's Company, 38th Regiment, Colonel Baldwin, September, 1775 ; Private, Captain Hayden's Company, Colonel Thomas' Regiment, October 6, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Pierce's Company, Colonel Knox's Artil- lery Regiment, December 16, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, Colonel Edward Mitchell's Regiment, March 4-10, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, 3d Plymouth County Massachusetts Regiment, March 23, 1776 ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Keith's Company, Colonel Cotton's Regiment for service in Rhode Island, September 25-October 30, 1777. 1895 Mecuen, Nellie Frances (Miss), 1096 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Packard, Massachusetts (1751 ); Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel Bailey's Regiment from Bridgewater, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel John Thomas' Regi- ment, August 1, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Mighill's Company, 38th Regiment, Colonel Baldwin, September, 1775 ; Private, Captain Hayden's Company, Colonel Thomas' Regiment, October 6, 1775; Private, Captain Thomas Pierce's Compaay, Colonel Knox's Artil- lery Regiment, December 16, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, Colonel Edward Mitchell's Regiment, March 4-10, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, 3d Plymouth County Massachusetts Regiment, March 23, 1776 ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Keith's Company, Colonel Cotton's Regiment for service in Rhode Island, September 25-October 30, 1777. 1895 Mecuen, Sarah Louisa (Miss), 1094 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Packard, Massachusetts (1751 ) ; Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel Bailey's Regiment from Bridgewater, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel John Thomas' Regi- ment, August 1, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Mighill's Company, 38th Regiment, Colonel Baldwin, Septembei-, 1775 ; Private, Captain Hayden's Company, Colonel Thomas' Regiment, October 6, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Pierce's Company, Colonel Knox's Artil- ^ 21 9 Date of *- ,At ' Society Admission. Number. lery Regiment, December 16, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, Colonel Edward Mitchell's Eegiment, March 4—10, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Elisha Howard's Company, 3d Plymouth County Massachusetts Regiment, March 23, 1776 ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Keith's Company, Colonel Cotton's Regiment for service in Rhode Island, September 25-October 30, 1777. 1894 Medbury, Mary Elizabeth Cass (Mrs. George W. D. Medbury), 548 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Theophilus Cass, New Hampshire (1755- 1845); Private, Captain Amos Merrill's Company, Colonel Cilley's Regiment New Hampshire Militia; enlisted for three years. 1894 Meredith, Mary E. Farns worth (widow of Joseph H. Meredith), 497 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Amos Farnsworth, Massachusetts (1754- 1847) ; Corporal, Colonel William Prescott's Massachusetts Regi- ment, May-December, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775; Ensign, Massachusetts Militia Regiment, 1776; 1st Lieuten- ant, Company of Matrosses Massachusetts Militia, 1778 to close of war. 1891 Merrick, Sarah Newcomb (Mrs. Morgan TV. Merrick), 107 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Simon Newcomb, Connecticut and Nova Scotia (1745—1776) ; while raising a company of volunteers in Amherst, Nova Scotia, 1776, was stricken with small-pox and died, December, 1776. 1894 Merrill, Elizabeth G. Blackler (Mrs. Samuel P. Merrill), 610 New York, Granddaughter of William Blackler, Massachusetts ( 1818); Captain, Colonel John Glover's Massachusetts Regiment, May 19, 1775 ; was in service, 1777. 1896 Merrill, Lucinda F. Symonds (widow of Lieutenant Henry A. Merrill), 1670 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Felt, Massachusetts (1724-1785) ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Samuel Flag's Company, Colonel William Shepard's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, August, 1778, and April 9, 1779. Date of —0 Society Admission. Number. 1896 Meservet, Sarah J. (Miss), 1479 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Mudge, Massachusetts (1756-1831) ; Private at Concord, April 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Simeon Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Eegiment of Guards Massachusetts Militia, April 2-July 3, 1778 ; Private, same, July 2- 12, 1778. 1894 Middleditch, Julia A. Lyman (Mrs. Livingston Middleditch), 468 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Abel Lyman, New Hampshire (1752-1823) ; 1st Lieutenant, New Hampshire Militia, July 5, 1776. 1894 Milby, Maggie Grant Tod (Mrs. Charles Henry Milby), 482 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Henry Fisher, Delaware ; Major, Coast Protection Service in Delaware Bay. 1895 Millard, Mary E. Ely (Mrs. George H. Millard), 13§j. New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Noah Phelps, Connecticut (1740-1809) served with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, May, 1775 ; Captain, Colo- nel Ward's Connecticut State Eegiment, May 14, 1776-May, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, May, 1778 ; Colonel, May 9, 1779. 1894 Miller, Grace Eleanor (Miss), 622 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of George Schaffer, Pennsylvania (1750 ) ; 2d Lieutenant, Pennsylvania German Eegiment, July 12, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain Schott's Company, Colonel Ottendorff's Battalion Pulaski Legion, February 4, 1777; Captain, 3d Cavalry, 1778 ; Major, 1779. 1894 Miller, Ann Elizabeth Brooks (Mrs. Lester B. Miller), 653 New York. Great-granddaughter of Stephen Moulton, Connecticut (1734-1819) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Stafford, Connecticut, Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Lieutenant-Colonel, 22d Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Samuel Chapman ; taken prisoner at New York, September 15, 1776 ; exchanged, March 2, 1777. Date of 221 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Miller, Gertrude Lansing (widow of Livingston K. Miller), 651 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of William Hun, New York (1734-1814) ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Company, 1st Eegiment (City of Albany) New York Troops, commissioned October 20, 1775. Also, granddaughter of Dirck Hun, New York (1760-1795) ; Assistant Commissary to the Hospital ; Issuing Commissary in General Sul- livan's Expedition, 1779. 1894 Miller, Katharine N. (Miss), 652 New Jersey. Great-great-granddaughter of William Hun, New York (1734-1814) ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Company, 1st Eegiment (City of Albany) New York Troops, commissioned October 20, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Dirck Hun, New York (1760-1795) ; Assistant Commissary to the Hospital ; Issuing Commissary in General Sullivan's Expedition, 1779. 1895 Milliken, Emily Ann Wilkins (Mrs. Charles A. Milliken), 1179 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Daniel Wilkins, New Hampshire ; Captain, Colonel Bedell's New Hampshire Eegiment, October, 1775; prisoner at " The Cedars," 1781. 1894 Mills, Ida A. Branch (Mrs. William S. Mills), 739 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Bartram, Connecticut (1745-1817); Private, Captain Hull's Company, Colonel Steam's Eegiment Con- necticut Militia, 1777. Also, granddaughter of William Branch, Connecticut (1760-1849) ; Private, Captain Hyde's Company, Connecticut Line, April 19, 1777-1781 ; Private, Captain Lemuel Clift's Company, Colonel John Durkee's Eegiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1781-1783. 1895 Miner, Henrietta Dd Bois (Miss), 951 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Eiley, New Jersey (1758-1837) ; Pri- vate, Captain Allen's Company New Jersey State Troops. Date of -22 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Mitchell, Clara Goodell (Mrs. John Clark Mitchell), 704 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Edward Goodell, Connecticut (1715 ) ; Corporal 8th Company, Captain Ingalls, 11th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1776. 1891 Mitchell, Marguerite Sayen (Miss), 27 Long Island, Great-great -great-granddaughter of Eev. Josiah Sherman (1734- 1789) ; Chaplain, 7th Eegiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Heman Swift, January 1-December 6, 1777. 1895 Moak, Kezia Holt (widow of Nathaniel C. Moak), 1012 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Clyde, New York (1732 ) ; Cap- tain and Adjutant, New York Militia, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 1st Tryon County New York Militia, 1778 ; was in active service at different times from January 15, 1779-1783. 1894 Montgomery, Caroline Chilton (Mrs. John C. Montgomery), 785 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Levin Powell, Yirginia (1737-1810); Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Grayson's Additional Continental Eegiment, Janu- ary 11, 1777; resigned November 15, 1778. 1896 Moody Emma Scates (Mrs. William K. Moody), 1597 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of John Jacob Cool, Maine ( 1844) ; Private, Captain Josiah Jenkins' Company, Colonel Samuel Brewer's Eegi- ment Massachusetts Militia, 1778. 1895 Moody, Mary Etta Elizabeth (Miss), 1086 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Amos Cogswell, New Hampshire ( 1826) ; 2d Lieutenant, Colonel Gerrish's Massachusetts Eegiment, May-December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; Captain 9th Massachusetts, January 1, 1777; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, January 1, 1781; trans- Date ef " Society Admission. Number. ferred to 3d Massachusetts, June 12, 1783 ; Brevet-Major, Septem- ber 30, 1783; served to November 3, 1783; 1st President New Hampshire Society of the Cincinnati. 1894' Mook, Ada B. Howe (Mrs. Eobert Mook), 631 New York, Greut-granddaughter of Ammi Cutter, Massachusetts (1733-1705) ; Tax Assessor of Cambridge, Mass., 1779-1781 ; Selectman, 1779- 1786 ; Private, Massachusetts Militia. 1892 Moore, Mart West (Mrs. Frederick W. Moore), 196 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Gilbert Thornton, New Jersey (1732-1802) ; Private, Eastern Battalion Morris County New Jersey Militia ; Pri- vate, New Jersey State Troops ; Private, New Jersey Continental Line. 1895 Moore, Myra Drake (Mrs. Stuart H. Moore), 1308 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Drake, Massachusetts ( 1827); Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel Bailey's Eegi- ment, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Josiah Hayden's Company, Colonel John Thomas' Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, various services during the war. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Zachariah Gurney, Massachusetts ( 1813) ; 1st Lieutenant, Company of Minute-men from Bridge- water, Massachusetts, " Lexington Alarm ; " Lieutenant, Colonel Thomas' Massachusetts Eegiment, May 19, 1775; Lieutenant, Cap- tain Henry Prentiss' Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall's 10th Massachusetts Eegiment, October 15, 1776. 1895 More, Caroline A. Bacon (Mrs. Enoch A. More, Jr.,) 1352 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Eobert Munroe, Massachusetts (1712-April 19, 1775) ; Ensign, Captain Parker's Company of Min- ute-men ; killed at Lexington, April 19. 1775. Date of ^24 Society Admission. Number. 1893 * Morgan, Prisctlla H. Smith (widow of George N. Morgan), 395 Connecticut, Daughter of Eliphalet Smith, Connecticut (1761-1836); Private, Captain Wood bridge's Company, Colonel Whiting's Regiment Con- necticut Militia, February 22, 1777 ; Corporal May 1, 1780 ; trans- ferred to Armand's Cavalry, July, 1782. 1895 Morris, Alice Parmelee (Mrs. Robert C. Morris), 1358 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Parmelee, Connecticut (1737- 1807) ; Private, Captain Dunning's Company, 13th Regiment Con- necticut Militia, August 12-September 30, 1776 ; Private, Captain Bristol's Company, at East Haven, "New Haven Alarm," July, 1779. 1891 Morris, Lucretia (Miss), 11 New York. Great-granddaughter of Richard Morris, New York (1730-1810) ; Chief Justice of New York, October 22, 1779 ; Member of the State Convention which ratified the Federal Constitution. 1892 Morrison, Amelia Collins (widow of James Morrison), 258 New York, Granddaughter of Asa Maxson, Rhode Island (1747-1839); Lieu- tenant 3d Company Rhode Island Militia from Westerley, 1783. Also, great-granddaughter of David Maxson ; Deputy from Wes- terley to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1782-1783. Also, great-granddaughter of Robert Collins, New Hampshire ( 1777) ; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Welsh's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, to reinforce the Continental Army at Saratoga, September 27-December 11, 1777. 1894 Morrison, Ida Lamont (Miss), 742 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of William Lamont; New York (1755-1849) ; Private, Captain Jonah Graves' Company, 9th Regiment New York Militia, 2d Claverack Battalion, Colonel Peter Van Ness, October 20, 1775 ; served to close of war. * Deceased. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Morse, Annie Conant (Miss), 1049 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Conant, New Hampshire (1750-1777); Signer of the "Association Test," 1776 ; Private, Captain .Daniel Keynolds' Company, July 20, 1777 ; wonnded at Bennington, August 16, 1777 ; died in consequence of wound, September 10, 1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Ezra Morse, Massachusetts (1741-1807) ; Sergeant, Captain Josiah Pratt's Company, Colonel Lemuel Eobinson's Eegiment, " Lexington Alarm ; " 2d Lieutenant, Captain Josiah Pratt's Company, Colonel Gill's Eegiment Mas- sachusetts Militia, March 4, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Billings' Company, 3d Suffolk County Massachusetts Militia, Colonel Ben- jamin Gill, February 16, 1779. 1895 Morse, Annie Conant (Mrs. Lemuel Foster Morse), 1048 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Conant, New Hampshire (1750- 1777); Signer of the "Association Test," 1776; Private, Captain Daniel Eeynolds' Company, July 20, 1777 ; wounded at Benning- ton, August 16, 1777; died in consequence of wound, September 10, 1777. 1895 Morton, Arabella Gamage (Mrs. Blias P. Morton), 1208 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Gamage, Massachusetts (1751-1832) ; Lieutenant, Colonel Thomas Craft's Eegiment of Artillery, May 11- August 11, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Winthrop Gray's Com- pany, Colonel Thomas Craft's Eegiment of Artillery, October 9, 1776. 1894 Morton, May Mandeville Eussell (Mrs. John H. Morton), 518 New Jersey. Great-granddaughter of Isaac Eussell, Massachusetts (1750 ) ; Lieutenant, 13th Massachusetts Eegiment, January 1, 1777 ; resigned March 15, 1778. [Also, Date of 226 Sooiety Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Eeuben De "Witt, New York (1745-1800); 2d Lieutenant, New York Militia; re-appointed Feb- ruary 21, 1778. 1894 Moseley, Helen Graham (Mips), 506 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Increase Moseley, Jr., Connecticut (1740-1811); Colonel, Connecticut Militia, October 1776-1779; stationed at Horseneck, July 12, 1779. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Increase Moseley, Sr., Con- necticut; Colonel, Connecticut Militia under Brigadier-General Erastus Wolcott, March and June, 1777; stationed at West Point, June, 1778. 1896 Mudge, Florence Howard (Miss), 1582 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Mudge, Massachusetts (1756-1831); Private at Concord, April 19, 1775 ; Private, Captain Simeon Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment of Guards, Massachusetts Militia, April 2-July 3, 1778; Private, same, July 2- 12, 1778. 1896 Mudge, Frances M. Perkins (Mrs. Samuel B. Mudge), 1581 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Mudge, Massachusetts (1756-1831) ; Private at Concord, April 19, 1775; Private, Captain Simeon Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment of Guards, Massachusetts Militia, April 2-July 3, 1778; Private, same, July 2- 12, 1778. 1896 Mudge, Kate Gertrude, M.D., 1583 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Mudge, Massachusetts (1756-1831) ; Private at Concord, April 49, 1775 ; Private, Captain Simeon Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment of Guards, Massachusetts Militia, April 2-July 3, 1778; Private, same, July 2- 12, 1778. 997 Date of -"■" • Society Admission. Number. 1895 Mullen, Frances Ellen Lepavour (Mrs. Charles H. Mullen), 1213 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Lefavour, 2d., Massachusetts (1747- 1834) ; Private, Captain Benjamin Gould's Company, Colonel Wade's Essex County Massachusetts Eegiment, raised to reinforce the Continental Army, July 6-October 15, 1780. 1895 Munson, Susan B. Hopkins (Mrs. Samuel Lyman Munson), 1085 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Gavit, Ehode Island (1742-1815) ; Cap- tain, Ehode Island Militia, 1775-1777 ; Major, 1st Eegiment Ehode Island Militia, 1779-1781. 1894 de Murguiondo, Isabel Carlton (Mrs. P. H. Murguiondo), 561 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Carlton, Massachusetts (1750- 1844) ; Private, Captain Foster's Company Essex County Massa- chusetts Militia, stationed at New York, 1776. 1896 Murphie, Clara A. Hubbard (Mrs. Hiram Parker Murphie), 1557 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Philip Hubbard, Maine (1720- 1792) ; Captain, Colonel James Scammon's Massachusetts Eegi- ment, May, 1775. 1895 Murphy, Martha (Miss), 884 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Murphy, Massachusetts (1744- 1808) ; Corporal, Captain Isaac Cotton's Company, Colonel David Brewer's Eegiment, May 14, 1775, eight months' service ; Private, Massachusetts Militia, May 20, 1781 ; enlisted for three years. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonas Coolidge, Massachu- setts (1744-1776) ; Private, Captain Samuel Barnard's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lex- ington Alarm;" Private, Captain Craft's Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Bond's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, October 7, 1775. 228 Society Number. 1895 Murphy, Virginia Hulburt (Miss), 1040 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Murphy, Massachusetts (1744- 1808) ; Corporal, Captain Isaac Cotton's Company, Colonel David Brewer's Regiment, May 14, 1775, eight months' service; Private, Massachusetts Militia, May 20, 1781, enlisted for three years. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonas Coolidge, Massachu- setts (1744-1776) ; Private, Captain Samuel Barnard's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lex- ington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Craft's Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Bond's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, October 7, 1775. 1896 Murray, Myra Lindley (Miss), 1599 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Myer, New York (1747-1817) Ensign, Captain Hendrick Turner's Company, Colonel A. Hawks Hay's Regiment New York Militia, January 30, 1776 ; in service od various Alarms to 1780. 1893 Nash, Mary L. Marsh (Mrs. J. G. Nash), 270 Texas. Great-granddaughter of David-Farbush, Massachusetts (1721 ) > Private, Captain Aaron Trumbull's Company, Colonel Artemus Ward's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, " Lexington Alarm ; " Member Committee of Safety. 1891 Neil, Annie Greenwood (Mrs.), 131 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Robert Powell, Virginia; 1st Lieutenant, 3d Regiment, Virginia Line, February 12, 1776 ; Captain, October 18, 1776 ; resigned, 1779. 1894 Nesmith, Charlotte (Miss), 603 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Cunningham, Massachusetts (1739- 1828) ; Sergeant, New Hampshire Militia, June 1777 ; Lieutenant, July, 1777 ; Captain, 1778 and 1780. [Also, A ? at .°9f 229 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Gilruore, New Hampshire (1734-1809) ; Member Committee of Inspection and Safety, 1775 ; Private, Captain George Eeid's Company, New Hampshire Militia at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Captain, December 2-March 17, 1776 ; One of the Signers of the Association Test. 1894 Nesmith, Sara Frances (Miss), 736 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Cunningham, New Hampshire (1739- 1828) ; Sergeant, New Hampshire Militia, June 1777 ; Lieuteuant, July, 1777 J Captain, 1778 and 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Gilmore, New Hampshire (1734-1809); Member Committee of Inspection and Safety, 1775 ; Private, Captain George Eeid's Company, New Hampshire Militia at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Captain, December 2-March 17, 1776 ; One of the Signers of the Association Test. 1896 Newell, Helen (Miss), 1464 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Phineas Walker, Connecticut (1758- 1829); Ensign, Lieutenant Stephen Tucker's Company, 11th Eegi- ment Connecticut Militia. 1895 Newell, Marion (Miss), 1335 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Dudley Colman, Massachusetts (1745-1797)° Adjutant, 12th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; Major, 13th Massachusetts Eegiment, January 1,1777; Lieuten- ant-Colonel, July 3, 1777; resigned, March 10, 1779^ 1896 Newhall, Cora Ingalls (Mrs. Stephen E. Newhall), 1593 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Munroe, Massachusetts (1735- 1808) ; Minute-man, " Lexington Alarm ; " wounded, April 19, 1775. 1895 Newhall, Ellen Augusta (Miss), 1175 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Putnam, Massachusetts Date of ^® Society Admission. Number. (1747-1809) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Page's Company from Danvers, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Asa Newhall, Massachusetts (1732-1814) ; Private at Concord, April 19, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Little, Massachu- setts (1719-1793) ; Kepresentative to the Massachusetts Legis- lature, May 28-September 18, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Little, Massachusetts (1747-1836); Private, Captain Moses Little's Company, "Lexing- ton Alarm." Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Newhall, Massa- chusetts; Minute-man, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Ezra Newhall's Company, Colonel Mansfield's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 6-August 1, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaugbter of Samuel Lane, New Hamp- shire (1718-1806) ; Member 4th Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, May 17, 1775. 1895 Newhall, Marion "W. Clarke (Mrs. James S. Newhall), 1340 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Lane, New Hampshire (1718- 1806) ; Member 4th Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, May 17, 1775. 1895 Newhall, Susan Putnam (Miss), 1176 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Putnam, Massachusetts (1747- 1809) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Page's Company from Danvers, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Asa Newhall, Massachusetts (1719 1793) ; Private at Concord, April 19, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Little, Massachu- setts (1719-1793) ; Representative to the Massachusetts Legis- lature, May 28-September 18, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Little, Massachusetts (1747-1836); Private, Captain Moses Little's Company, "Lexing- ton Alarm." Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Newhall, Massa- chusetts; Minute-man, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Ezra Newhall's Company, Colonel Mansfield's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 6-August 1, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Lane, New Hamp- shire (1718-1806) ; Member 4th Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, May 17, 1775. Date of 231 Society Admission. Number. 1891 Newton, Emily J. Mersereau (widow of John B. Newton), 20 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, New York (1728-1804) ; Member of Provincial Assembly which met at Kingston and Pough- keepsie during the war ; Representative from Eichmond County, New York, 1777-1786 ; Deputy Commissary-General of Prisoners for the Continent. Also, granddaughter of Josbua Mersereau, Jr., New York (1758- 1856) ; Quartermaster at Eutland, Mass., 1777 ; Guide for Colonel Hazen's Eegiment, 1780; Prisoner on the British Prison Ship, " Scorpion," 1782. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Butts, Connecticut; Pri- vate, Captain Bacon's Company, Colonel John Chester's Eegiment, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops, 1776 ; Private, Captain Moses Branch's Company, Colonel Obadiah Johnson's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Harmanus Garrison, New York ; Quartermaster, Eichmond County New York Militia, March 15, 1776. 1895 Nichols, Charlotte E. (Miss), 822 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Bidwell, Connecticut (1744 ) ; Ensign, 11th Company, 23d Eegiment or Train Band of the Colony of Connecticut, May, 1776; Captain, same Company and Eegiment, May, 1783. 1895 Nichols, Mart Brayton (Mrs. Charles L. Nichols), 1224 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Tinkham, Massachusetts (1743-1836) ; Private, 1st Company, 4th Eegiment Massachusetts Infantry, Col- onel Ebenezer Sproat, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, same, Ehode Island Campaign, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Macy Williams, Massachusetts (1736-1786); Captain of Company of Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, Colonel Timothy Walker's Eegiment, May- JJecember, 1775. 1895 Nichols, Charlotte P. Kimball (Mrs. John Howard Nichols), 919 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Tenny, Massachusetts (1723- Date of 232 Society Admission. Number. 1808); Lieutenant, Captain John Dodge's Company, {177 6 ; Com- pany discharged in New York, April, 1777. 627 1894 Niebuhr, Helen L. (Miss), New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Theodore Sedgwick (1746-1813) ; Lieu- tenant-Colonel, 1st Berkshire County Massachusetts Militia, August, 1775 ; Aide de Camp to General John Thomas in his expedition to Canada, 1776. 1895 Noble, Atala Blow (Mrs. Louis Spencer Noble), 1138 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Eichard Blow, Virginia (1746-1833); 1st Lieutenant, 4th Yirginia State Kegiment, March 11, 1776. 1893 Norman, Maria M. Mandigo (Mrs. A. F. Norman), 257 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Christie, New Jersey (1755- 1842); Private, Bergen County New Jersey Militia; also Private, New Jersey State Troops. 1891 Norton, Elizabeth (Miss), 48 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Eobert Kirkwood ( 1791); 1st Lieutenant, Delaware Eegiment, January 17, 1776 ; Captain, Decem- ber 1, 1776, and served to close of war. 1891 Norton, Ellen H. Whiteley (Mrs. Eussel C. Norton), 121 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Eobert Kirkwood ( 1791) ; 1st Lieuten- ant, Delaware Eegiment, January 17, 1776 ; Captain, December 1, 1776, and served to close of war. ^^ O • i. Admission. Society JN umber. Date of 1891 Norton, Katherine Whiteley (Mrs. Edward E. Norton), 104 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Eobert Kirkwood ( 1791) ; 1st Lieuten- ant, Delaware Eegiment, January 17, 1776 ; Captain, December 1, 1776, and served to close of war. 1894 Norton, Louise Josephine Benton (Mrs. William Norton), 613 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Enoch Whitcomb, Massachusetts ( 1841); Private, Captain Andrew Haskell's Company, Colonel T. Marshall's Eegiment for service at Hull ; Private, Captain Manasseh Sawyer's Company, Colonel Joaiah "Whitney's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia. 1895 Nye, Annie Augusta (Miss), 1315 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Nye, Massachusetts (1749-1835); Surgeon, Privateer "America," Captain John Somes, September 17, 1778. 1895 Oakley, Mary Imlay (Miss), 1357 New York, Great-granddaughter of Abraham Leggett, New York (1755-1842) ; Ensign, 5th Eegiment New York Line, Colonel Lewis Du Bois, November 21, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, October 6, 1777; Lieutenant, 1780; retired, January 1, 1781. 1895 Odell, Sara M. Wells (Mrs. C. Mortimer Odell), 904 New York, Great-granddaughter of Levi Wells, Connecticut (1734-1803) ; Captain, 2d Connecticut, May 1-December 10, 1775 ; Major, 22d Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, August, 1776 ; exchanged, January, 1777 ; served subsequently as Colonel, Connecticut Militia; taken prisoner at Horseneck, December 9, 1780. OQJ. Date of u Society Admission. Number. 1892 Olcott, Mary G. Clapp (Mrs. Emmet E. Olcott), 188 New York, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Clapp, Massachusetts (1744 ) ; Private, Captain Lemuel Clapp's Company, " Lexington Alarm ;" served at Dorchester Heights ; also served at different times from July 24, 1776-April 3, 1779. 1895 Oliver, Edith Adeline (Miss), 808 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Gideon Hotchkiss, Connecticut (1716-1807); appointed Captain, 1779, and served from Watertown, Connecticut. 1895 Oliver, Grace E. (Miss), 807 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Gideon Hotchkiss, Connecticut (1716-1807) ; appointed Captain, November, 1779, and served from Watertown, Connecticut. 1895 Oliver, Jessie F. (Miss), 806 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Gideon Hotchkiss, Connecticut (1716-1807) ; appointed Captain, November, 1779, and served from • Watertown, Connecticut. 1895 Oliver, Martha Erminie Dodge (Mrs. William H. Oliver), §05 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Gideon Hotchkiss, Connecticut (1716- 1807) appointed Captain, November, 1779, and served from Water- town, Connecticut. 1895 Olmsted, Mary (Miss), 1272 New York, Granddaughter of David Olmsted, Connecticut (1754-1824) ; Cor- poral, Captain Joseph Hait's Company, 7th Connecticut Continental Date of 235 c„„;^„ Admission. ^^ Eegiment, Colonel Charles Webb, August 7-December 23, 1775 Sergeant, Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Battalion Connecticut State Troops, August 27, 1776- January 11, 1777; Captain, Colonel Boger Bnos' Eegiment Connec- ticut Militia, June 3, 1778 ; Captain, Colonel Bezaleel Beebe's Eegi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1780 ; Captain, Connecticut Provisional Eegiment, March, 1781. 1895 O'Neal, Mary L. Perry (Mrs. Philip G. O'Neal), 1279 California, Great-granddaughter of Absalom Peters, Connecticut (1754-1840) Captain and Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Major-General Jacob Bailey, New Hampshire Militia. 1892 Orgain, Margaret Peyton, (Mrs. Edgar Orgain), 150 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Valentine Peyton, Virginia; 2d Lieu- tenant, 3d Virginia Eegiment, February 5, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant ; Captain, October 4, 1777 ; was in service May, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of William Bskridge, Virginia ( 1830) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Eegiment Virginia Line, June 15, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, December 9, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, May 12, 1780 ; exchanged November, 1780, and served to close of war. 1891 O'Bourke, Mary E. Rice (Mrs. Charles A. O'Eourke), 75 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Gavin McCoy, New Jersey; Captain, 1st Battalion, Somerset County New Jersey Militia. 1893 Orr, Caroline De Forest (Mrs. S. Alexander Orr), New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Gale, M.D., Connecticut (1743-1799); Captain, "Lexington Alarm," from Killingly; Captain, 6th Company, 6th Eegiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Samuel Par- sons, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d Battalion Connecticut Troops in service at Bhode Island, 1776-1777 ; Captain, Connecticut Mili- tia, Colonel "Worthington, ''New Haven Alarm." [Also, 289 236 Society , Da * e ? f Number. Admission. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Gale, M.D., Connecticut (1714-1790) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Adam Stevens' Company, Colonel Mott's Battalion, 1776 ; Captain, 7th Connecticut Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Ezra Thompson, New York (1738- 1816) ; Private, Captain George Brinckerhoff's Company, 2d Begi- ment Dutchess County New York Militia, Colonel Dirck Brincker- hoff, 1778. 1894 Osborne, Lucy Warner (Miss), 44 * New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Eobert Warner, Connecticut; Ensign, 2d Connecticut, May 1-Dectmber 10, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, 22d Conti- nental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, January 1, 1781 ; Major, May 29, 1782 ; retired Janu- ary 1, 1783. 1895 Osgood, Elizabeth W. Batchelder (Mrs. Charles S. Osgood), 1164 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Josiah Smith, Massachusetts (1738-1803); 2d Lieutenant, Captain Freedom Chamberlin's Company from Pem- broke, Mass., March 5, 1775. 1896 Osgood, Mary Woodman (Mrs. George W. Osgood), 1671 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Woodman, Massachusetts (1708-1791) ; Member Committee of Inspection and Safety, Kings- ton, N. H., 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Alpbeus Chelsey's Company, Colonel John Langdon's Begiment New Hampshire Militia, November 5, 1775 ; Lieutenant, March 6, 1776. 1893 Otis, Julia E. Hamilton (Mrs.), 303 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of George Doolittle (1759-1825) ; Private, Cap- tain Joseph Churchill's Company, Colonel Comfort Sage's Begi- ment, 3d Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut Militia, 1776 ; Private, Lieutenant, David Smith's Company, Colonel Thomas Belden's Begiment, Wolcott's Brigade Connecticut Militia, Date of 237 Society Admission. Number. 1777 ; Private, Captain David Humphrey's Company, 6th Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel E. J. Meigs ; Corporal same, October 1, 1780; Sergeant, same Company, 4th Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Zebulon Butler, 1781-1783. 1893 Owen, Hattie L. Courtney (Mrs. A. B. Owen), 371 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Ward, Pennsylvania; 2d Lieutenant, 8th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, April 2, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, January 1, 1783, and served to close of war; Member of the Society of the Cincinnati. 1893 Owens, Grace Howard (Mrs. W. D. Owens), 333 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Nelson, Jr., Virginia (1738- 1789) ; Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; Member Conti- nental Congress, 1775 ; Member State Constitutional Convention, 1776 ; Member of Congress, 1779 ; Governor of Virginia, 1781 ; Commander of the Virginia Militia at the Siege of Yorktown. 1895 Page, Emma Gertrude (Miss), 1033 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Page, Massachusetts (1742— 1819) ; Lieutenant, Captain Moses Abbott's Company which marched from Bedford to Cambridge, "Lexington Alarm;" Pri- vate, Massachusetts Militia, May 15, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Harrington, Massachusetts (1739-1818); Clerk, Captain Parker's Company of Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Robert Munroe, Massachu- setts (1712-1775) ; Ensign, Captain Parker's Company of Minute- men ; killed at Lexington, April 19, 1775. 1891 *Page, Anne Galbraith Cooper (Mrs. Charles Page), 25 New York,; Great-granddaughter of Andrew Galbraith (1755 ); Major, Flying Camp from Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 1776 ; prisoner of war in one of the British prison ships in Wallabout Bay, Long Island. * Deceased. Date of ^° Society Admission. Number. 1896 Page, Jean Hooper (Mrs. Lloyd Stanley Page), 1577 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Mitchell, Massachusetts (1723-1821) ; Colonel, 2d Cumberland County Regiment Massachu- setts Militia, March 29, 1776 ; served till November 27, 1780. 1895 Page, Louise Blow (Mrs. William Byrd Page), 859 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Richard Blow, Virginia (1746-1833) ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th Virginia Line Regiment, March 11, 1776. 1895 Paine, Ruth Felton Ward (Mrs. William Alfred Paine), 923 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of William Humphrey (1730-1786); Cap- tain, 3d Regiment New Hampshire Militia, Colonel Joshua Win- gate, raised for Canadian service, 1776 ; Adjutant, Colonel Samuel Ashley's Regiment New Hampshire Militia raised to relieve Ticon- deroga, June 29-July 11, 1777. 1894 Paine, Susan S. McClart (Mrs. John W. Paine), 496 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Andrew McClary, New Hampshire ( 1775) ; Major, 1st Regiment New Hampshire Militia, April 23, 1775; Major, 3d Regiment New Hampshire Militia, June 3, 1775; killed at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 1896 Parker, Alice Goldthwait (Mrs. Thomas E. Parker), 1664 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Goldthwait, Massachusetts ( 1808) ; Private, Captain Samuel Eppes' Company, Colonel Picker- ing's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Parker, Amelia Jane Andrews (Mrs. John Lord Parker), 1167 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Roby, New Hampshire (1761-1822) ; Date of "°° Society Admission. Number. Private, Captain Philip Putnam's Company, Colonel Nathan Bald- win's Regiment, 1776 ; Drummer, Captain Reynolds' Company, Colonel Peabody's Regiment, January 1-July 13, 1778 ; Private, Continental Service at Rhode Island, September 16-November, 1778; in service 1779 and 1781. 1895 Parker, Climena Philbrick (Miss), 1065 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Philbrick, New Hampshire (1734- 1805) ; Captain, 4th Company, 9th Regiment New Hampshire Militia, September 5-June 6, 1778; Member Committee of Safety, 1775-1778 and 1780. 1895 Parker, Edna Stone (Mrs. Galen A. Parker), 1320 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ambrose Stone, Massachusetts (1757-1850); Private, Captain Thomas Wellington's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, October 1-November 27, 1776. 1896 Parker, Florence Augusta (Miss) 1532 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Caleb Abbott, Massachusetts (1751-1837) ; Private, Captain Benjamin Ames' Company, Colonel James Frye's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" eight months' service, May 17, 1775 ; Private, Continental Army, Colonel Henley's Regiment, Feb- ruary 16, 1778, enlisted for three years. 1892 Parker, Frances H. Miller (widow of John C. Parker), 171 New York, Granddaughter of William Hulme, New Jersey; Private, New Jersey Militia. 1894 Parker, Lucinda Tirrell (Mrs. Chase Parker), 615 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Tirrell (1760-1850) ; Matross, Cap- tain Amos Lincoln's Company, Colonel Croft's Regiment of Ar- tillery, May 9, 1777, served three years. Date of -^U Society Admission. Number. 1895 Parker, Maria Elizabeth (Miss), HOI Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Perry, Massachusetts (1750-1836) ; Private, Captain Israel Trow's Company, Massachusetts Militia, Ehode Island Alarm, 1780. 1895 Parker, Martha W. Savart (widow of Eldred S. Parker), 1289 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Savory, Massachusetts (1736-1805) ; Captain, 2d Bradford Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Regi- ment, "Lexington Alarm ; " Captain, 2d Bradford Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Regiment for defence of Cape Ann, November 30-December 4, 1775 ; Captain, 8th Company, 4th Essex County Massachusetts Regiment, April 3, 1776. 1895 Parker, Mary E. Baker (Mrs. Augustus Parker), 1311 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Jeremiah Baker, Massachusetts (1762-1855) ; Pri- vate, Captain Daniel Draper's Company, Colonel Davis' Regiment from Dedham, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Abel Rich- ard's Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Regiment Massachusetts Militia March 23-April 6, 1778; Private, Captain Ebenezer Battelle's Company, service in guarding stores at Watertown, July 2-July 17, 1778. 1896 Parkhurst, Edith A. (Miss), 1669 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Hugh Parkhurst, Massachusetts ( 1776) ; Private, Captain John Rowe's Company, Colonel Ebenezer Bridge's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 29- August, 1775. 1895 Parkhurst, Eloise Alexander (Mrs. Edwin Parkhurst), 1371 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Ashley, New Hampshire (1721- 1792); Adjutant, Colonel Bellows' Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, in service at Ticonderoga, 1776 ; Colonel, New Hampshire Militia, 1777-1780. Date of " rtJ - ^ ocl f iy Admission. Number. 1895 Parrott, Mary Emily (Miss), 1220 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ezra Brown, Massachusetts (1753-1829); Private, Captain Parker's Company, " Lexington Alarm ; " Drum- mer, Captain Newhall's Company, Colonel Mansfield's Regiment, May-August, 1775 ; Private, Captain Amos Perry's Company, Col- onel Hawse's Regiment, July-September, 1778 ; Corporal, Captain Chamberlin's Company, Colonel Dean's Regiment, March 7-14, 1781 ; Quartermaster, commissioned by Governor Hancock. 1894 Parsons, Julia Warth Michal (Mrs. C. Chauncy Parsons), 709 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of George Warth, Virginia ; Private, Virginia Militia; served throughout the war. 1895 Parsons, Caroline E. Pierce (Mrs. Edwin A. Parsons), 1421 New York, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Chase, New Hampshire (1740-1822) ; Private, Captain Spalding's Company, Colonel Reid's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 1775 ; Private, Captain Emerson's Com- pany, Colonel Reid's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 1776. 324 1893 Paschal, Sadie Napier (Mrs. Frank Paschal), Texas, Great-granddaughter of Robert Irwin, North Carolina ( 1800) Signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence; Member 1st State Constitutional Convention at Halifax, N. C, November 12, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John McDowell ( 1795); Private; wounded at the Battle of Camden, S. C. 1894 Patrick, Jennie Thompson (Mrs. Joseph H. Patrick), 418 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Michael Hillegas, Pennsylvania (1729- 1804) ; Member and Treasurer, Pennsylvania Council of Safety ; Treasurer of the United States, 1775-1789. [Also, Date of 242 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of William Nichols, Pennsylvania (1754- 1804) ; Ensign, Captain David Grier's Company, 6th Pennsyl- vania Battalion, January 9, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain Buck's Company, June 24, 1776 ; Eegimental Quartermaster, Sixth Battalion, Pennsvlvania Line, August, 1776 ; resigned November 17, 1776. 1894 Patrick, Lottie M. (Miss), 419 Ohio, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Michael Hillegas, Pennsylvania (1729-1804) ; Member and Treasurer of Pennsylvania Council of Safety ; Treasurer of the United States, 1775-1789. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Nichols, Pennsylvania (1754-1804) ; Ensign, Captain David Grier's Company, 6th Penn- sylvania Battalion, January 9, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain Buck's Company, June 24, 1776 ; Eegimental Quartermaster, 6th Battalion, Pennsylvania Line, Augubt, 1776 ; resigned November 17, 1776. 1895 Patterson, Julia Shaw (Mrs. Frank J. Patterson), 1398 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of James Perrine, New Jersey (1745- 1826) ; Private, Captain James Morgan's Company, 2d Eegiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Koert Voorhees, New Jersey (1741-1800) ; Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Company, 3d Eegi- ment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. 1894 Patterson, Lucy Angus Dun (Mrs. Stephen J. Patterson), 456 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Gustavus Scott, Maryland (1735-1801) ; Member Association of Freemen, 1775; Delegate Maryland Con- vention, 1775 ; Member Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Com- mittee Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Love, Maryland; Deputy Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Charles Jones, Maryland ; Judge of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1777; Member Com- mittee Observation and Safety, 1776. Date of 243 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Payson, Anna Maria (Miss), 796 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Payson, Massachusetts (1732-1803); Private, Captain Lemuel Clapp's Company of Militia from Dor- chester, 1779-1780. Also, great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Thayer, Jr., Massachusetts (1756-1818) ; Private, Captain Eliphalet Sawen's Company, Colonel Joseph Palmer's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, March 4, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Thayer, Massachusetts; Private, Captain Eliphalet Sawen's Company, Colonel Benjamin Lincoln's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Peabodt, Annie E. Smith (Mrs. Charles J. Peabody), 1305 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Eichard Smith, Massachusetts ( 1788); Seaman, Brigantine "Massachusetts," February 22-July 31, 1777; Seaman, July 31-October 16, 1777; Seaman, Ship "Protector," December 20, 1780; taken prisoner, May 5, 1781; imprisoned till surrender of Cornwallis. 1896 Peabody, Helen Bloodgood (Mrs. Francis Peabody), 1459 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Senter, Ehode Island (1755-1799); Surgeon in the Expedition to Canada, November, 1775-March, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon, July 20, 1776-April, 1779 ; Surgeon-Gen- eral, Ehode Island Militia, 1780 and 1781 ; Member General Assem- bly of Ehode Island, 1780-1783. 1896 Pearl, Anna M. (Miss), 1595 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Gage, Massachusetts (1730- 1787) ; Captain, Colonel James Frye's Eegiment Massachusetts Line, May, 1775. 1895 Pearson, Nella Jane (Miss), 1132 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of David Greenleaf, Massachusetts (1753-1834) ; Private, Captain Manasseh Sawyer's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Massachusetts Eegiment, July 30-September 13, 1778; Private, Captain Ephraim Hartwell's Company stationed at Eut- 944. Date of ^re Society Admission. Number. land, October 20, 1779-April 23, 1780; Private, Captain Thomas Brintnell's Company, Colonel Cyprian Howe's Regiment, raised to reinforce the Continental Army in Rhode Island, July 26-Novem- ber 1, 1780; Private, 10th Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Ben- jamin Tupper, January 1, 1782-January 1, 1783. 1894 Peat, Lilla A. Phillips (Mrs. George Keats Peay), 630 Florida, Great-granddaughter of James Jones, Pennsylvania (1760-1850) ; Private, Captain William Willow's Company, Colonel Francis Loches' Regiment North Carolina Militia, September, 1778-March 10, 1779 ; Private, Captain Thomas Cowan's Company, Mecklen- burg County North Carolina Militia, 1780 ; Private, Captain Richard Simmons' Company, Colonel Smith's Regiment, 1781. 1896 Peavet, Angenette J. Upham (widow of Joseph L. Peavey), 1562 Colorado, Granddaughter of Jonathan Upham, Massachusetts (1759-1840) ' Private, Captain Sylvanus Smith's Company, 15th Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Timothy Bigelow, July 5-December 31, 1780. 1894 Peck, Mercy Plum Mann (Mrs. John Hudson Peck), 552 New York, Great-granddaughter of Giles Slocum, Pennsylvania (1759-1826) ; Private at the Battle of Wyoming, July 4, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Josiah Tallmadge, New York (1749 ) ; Private, 9th Albany County New York Regiment, 2d Clav- erack Battalion, Colonel Peter Van Ness. 1893 Pelton, Kate Flanders (Mrs. Edward R. Pelton), 240 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Richard Hall; Lieutenant, Captain Jacob Low's Company, Colonel Jeduthan Baldwin's Artillery Arti- ficer Regiment, 1776. 1895 Penfield, Annie Scott (Miss), 1030 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Hammond, Vermont (1762-1847); 181 _ A 245 Society . P a t e of Number. Admission. Corporal, Captain Abraham Pierce's Company, Colonel Ebenezer Brooks' Eegiment of Foot Guards, January 12, 1778-April 3, 1778 ; Corporal, Captain Joseph Fuller's Company, Colonel Thatcher's Eegiment, September 3, 1778; Corporal, Captain Frothingham's Company, 4th Division of Troops raised to re-inforce the Conti- nental Army, July 3-December 18, 1780. 1892 Perine, Mary B. (Miss), New York, Great-granddaughter of Jobn Thomas, Minor; Captain, Colonel Thomas Thomas' Eegiment West Chester County New York Militia, February 9, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Thomas, Jr., Member Provin- cial Congress, 1775 and 1776. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of John Thomas, Sr.; Member New York Provincial Assembly, 1775. 1895 Perkins, Elizabeth Peabody Kenney (Mrs. Horace S. Perkins), 1206 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Marsh, Jr., Massachusetts (1740-1822) ; Lieutenant, Captain Caleb Low's Company from Dan- vers, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm." 1896 Perkins, Emma O. Somerby (widow of Jared A. Perkins, D.D.S.), 1550 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Obadiah Colby, Massachusetts (1731- 1814) ; Member, Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, ^and Safety of Amesbury, Massachusetts, March 1776-March 1777; Committee to procure the town's proportion of men to complete the Continental Army, January 25, 1778. 1895 Perkins, Esther A. Eogers (Mrs. John Wright Perkins), Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Gould, Massachusetts (1710- 1775); Delegate to Provincial Congress from Topsfield, Essex County, Massachusetts, 1775. Also, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Boardman, Massachusetts (1752- 1803) ; Private, Captain Parker's Company, Colonel Little's Eegi- ment, Massachusetts Militia, October 8, 1775; Private, Captain Gideon Parker's Company, Colonel Moses Little's Eegiment, Au- gust 1, 1775. l Also > 1187 Date of ^*" Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Robert Perkins, Massachusetts (1728-1801); Private, Captain Stephen Perkins' Company, " Lex- ington Alarm ; " Captain, Company of Light-Horse, September 22, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Jacob [Peabody, Massachusetts (1739- 1806) ; Private, Captain Stephen Perkins' Company from Topsfield, April 19, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Jacob Towne, Massachusetts (1750- 1835) ; Private, Captain John Dodge's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment, November 25, 1777-February 3, 1778; Private same, February 3. 1778-April 3, 1778. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Towne, Massachu- setts (1721-1788) ; Private, Captain John Barker's Company, Col- onel Moses Little's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Cap- tain Benjamin Adams' Companv, Colonel Johnson's Regiment Mas- sachusetts Militia, August 27-November 30, 1777. 1892 Perkins, Frances Jerome (Mrs. Benjamin Perkins), 168 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Symonds, Massachusetts ; Colonel 2d Regiment Berkshire County Massachusetts Militia, 1776 ; Colonel same at the Battle of White Plains, October, 1776 ; Colo- nel same at the Battle of Bennington, August, 1777; served till 1781. 1895 Perkins, Jessie F. Powers (Mrs. Tilman N. Perkins), 1363 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Silas Walbridge, Vermont (1759-1840) ; Private, Captain John Warner's Company, Colonel Herrick's Regi- ment of Rangers, General Stark's Brigade; served at Benningion, 1777. 1895 Perrine, Martha (Miss), 1397 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of James Perrine, New Jersey (1745-1826) ; Private, Captain James Morgan's Company, 2d Regiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Koert Voorhees, New Jersey (1741- 1800) ; Private, Captain Samuel Stout's Company, 3d Regiment Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Matthias Johnson, New Jersey (1720-1794) ; Private, Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. Date of ^4 7 J? 00 *?** Admission. Number. 1895 Perry, Helen (Miss), 1054 Kansas, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whiting, Connecticut (1720-1803) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th Connecticut Kegiment, May 1-November 18, 1775 ; served subsequently as Colonel of Connecti- cut Militia and State Troops. 1895 Pettibone, Esther E. Loomis (Mrs. Hawley Pettibone), 1324 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Safford, Vermont (1737-1813) ; Major, Green Mountain Boys, July 27-December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, Warner's Additional Continental Regiment, July 5, 1776 ; retired January 1, 1781. 1891 Peyton, Yirqinia Eskridge (Mrs. James Tate Peyton), 114 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Valentine Peyton, Virginia ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d Regiment Virginia Line, February 5, 1776 ; Captain, October 4, 1777 ; was in service May, 1779. 1891 Peyton, Lucy Randolph (Miss), 115 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Valentine Peyton, Virginia ; 2d Lieu- tenant, 3d Regiment Virginia Line, February 5, 1776; Captain, October 4, 1777 ; was in service May, 1779. 1894 Phelps, Millie Augusta (Miss), 655 New York, Great-granddaughter of Homer Phelps, Connecticut (1757-1823); Private, 1775 ; re-enlisted, 1778 ; Sergeant-Major, Meigs' Light In- fantry, July, 1779 ; discharged April 12, 1780. 1894 Philbrick, Eliza (Miss), 379 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Philbrick, New Hampshire (1734- 1805); Captain 4th Company, 9th Regiment New Hampshire Militia, September 5, 1775-June 6, 1778; Member Committee of Safety, 1775-1778 and 1780. Date of ^*o x£ oci ? ty Admission. Number. 1893 Philbrick, Helen (Miss), 378 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Philbrick, New Hampshire (1734- 1805) ; Captain, 4th Company, 9th Regiment of New Hampshire Militia, September 5, 1775-June 6, 1778; Member Committee of Safety, 1775-1778 and 1780. 1895 Phillips, Harriet Malvina (Miss), 1412 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Adams, Ehode Island (1732-1799) ; Volunteer in the Expedition to Quebec, December, 1775; Captain, Elliott's Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, December 12, 1776-June, 1777. 1894 Phillips, Mary A. (Miss), 549 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Garret Brodhead, Pennsylvania (1738- 1804) ; Sergeant, Sussex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Francis Joseph Smith, France (1748- 1802) ; Ensign, commissioned by Congress July 29, 1779, to be made use of in case of his being made prisoner while serving as a volunteer in the American army. 1896 Phillips, Metta F. Hubbard (Mrs. J. Marshal Phillips), 1558 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Phillip Hubbard, Maine (1718- 1792); Captain, Colonel James Scammon's Massachusetts Regi- ment, May, 1775; Captain, 1776. 1895 Phisterer, Isabel Riley (Mrs. Frederick Phisterer), 1364 New York, Great-granddaughter of Caleb Tuttle, New Jersey (1758-1836) ; Pri- vate, Captain Giles Mead's Company, 1st Battalion, 2d Establish- ment, New Jersey Continental Line, June 5, 1778 ; Private, Eastern Battalion, Morris County New Jersey Militia ; Private, New Jersey State Troops. 1893 Pickford, Anna M. Tolman (Mrs. Charles J. Pickford), 335 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Tolman, Massachusetts (1753-1835) ; Minute-man, "Lexington Alarm," wounded in the battle of Lexing- ton, April 19, 1775. 81 tw„ n f 249 Society a£S&. 1891 Pierce, Anna Eedington (Mrs. James F. Pierce), Long Island, Granddaughter of Jacob Eedington, New York (1759 ) ; Private, Captain King's Company, 17th Albany New York Eegiment, Colo- nel Whitine;. 505 1894 Pierce, Caroline A. Moseley (Mrs. Francis A. Pierce), Massachusetts, G-reat-great-granddaughter of Increase Moseley, Jr., Connecticut (1740-1811); Colonel, Connecticut Militia, October, 1776-1779; stationed at Horseneck, July 12, 1779. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Increase Moseley, Sr., Con- necticut ; Colonel, Connecticut Militia under Brigadier-General Erastus Wolcott, March and June, 1777 ; stationed at West Point, June, 1778. 1895 Pierce, Helen Vedder (Miss), 1227 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Leland, Massachusetts (1744- 1826) ; Captain, Colonel Doolittle's Eegiment at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Johnson, Massachusetts (1713-1796); Member Committee of Inspection and Safety for Andover, Massachusetts, 1775 ; Lieutenant, Captain Benjamin Far- num's Company, Colonel James Frye's Massachusetts Eegiment, May-December, 1775 ; Colonel, 4th Eegiment Essex County Massa- chusetts Militia, February 8, 1776 and June 2, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Joshua Johnson, Massachusetts (1756- 1842) ; Private, Captain Thomas Poor's Company, Colonel James Frye's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 19, 1775; Private, Captain Samuel Johnson's Company, Colonel Titcomb's Eegiment, May 27, 1775. 1896 Pinqree, Harriet E. Dodge (Mrs. Thomas P. Pingree), 1534 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Eichard Dodge, Massachusetts (1754-1851) ; Captain, Colonel Samuel Gerrish's Massachusetts Eegiment, May 19-December, 1775 ; Captain, 26th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776. Date of 250 Society Admission. Number. 1896 Pingree, Mart A. Dodge (Mrs. William G. Pingree), 1533 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Eichard Dodge, Massachusetts (1754-1851) ; Captain, Colonel Samuel Gerrish's Massachusetts Regiment, May 19-December, 1775 ; Captain, 26th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776. 1894 Pinkham, Frankette Russell (Mrs. Henry Pinkham), 400 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Folsom, New Hampshire (1755-1821) ; Private, Captain Aaron Kinsman's Company, Colonel John Stark's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 1775. 1895 Piper, Jane North Roots (Mrs. Edwin P. Piper), 1072 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of B. Guernsey Roots, Vermont (1758-1842) ; Private, Captain Simeon Wright's Company, Colonel Gideon War- ren's Regiment, 'Alarm" at Neshobe, November 22, 1779 ; Private, same, for a scout to the Lake against Crown Point, March, 1780 ; Corporal, Captain Nathaniel Blanchard's Company, Colonel Eben Allen's Regiment Vermont Militia, October 12-November 12, 1780. 1895 Pitkin, Edith Winifred (Miss), 1197 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Solomon Southwick, Rhode Island (1731-1797); Member General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1776; Commissary-General of Issues for the State of Rhode Island, January 13, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Noah Thrall, Connecticut; Private, Captain Aaron Foote's Company, Colonel Nodiah Hooker's Regi- ment, General Erastus Wolcott's Brigade; in service at Peekskill, N. Y., 1777. 1895 Pitkin, Mary W. Southwick (Mrs. Wolcott Homer Pitkin), 1196 New York, Great-granddaughter of Solomon Southwick, Rhode Island (1731- 1797) ; Member General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1776 ; Commis- sary-General of Issues for the State of Rhode Island, January 13, 1778. Date of -51 Society Admission. Number. 1892 Pitt, Anna Sutton (Mrs. William E. Pitt), 157 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Garret Steddiford, Pennsylvania (1752 ) ; Ensign and Eegimental Quartermaster, 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, February 9, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776 ; exchanged December 10, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 4th Pennsylvania Eegiment, January, 1781 ; resigned May 23, 1781 ; Member Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. 1896 Platt, Harriet T. Axtell (widow of Lieutenant-Colonel Edward E. 1602 Piatt, TJ. S. A.), Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Henry Axtell, New Jersey (1738-1818) ; Major, Eastern Battalion Morris County New Jersey Militia; Major, Battalion New Jersey State Troops, November 27, 1776. 1894 Platt, Lillian D. Fellows (Mrs. Charles B. Platt), 767 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Fellows, New York (1749-1820) ; Pri- vate, Captain Ephraim Woodworth's Company, 13th Eegiment Saratoga County New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Increase Burch, New York; Pri- vate, Captain Van der Bergh's Company, Colonel Peter Yates' Eegi- ment New York Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Amasa Chamberlin, Vermont (1750- 1825) ; Private, Captain John Alger's Company, which assisted the people of Stratford, Vermont, in their retreat, August, 1777. 1894 Platt, Katharine Jones (Mrs. Joseph C. Platt), 576 New York, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Backus, Connecticut ; Major com- manding Battalion Connecticut Light Horse, August-November, 1776. 1895 Platt, Sara Fairchild (Miss), 1055 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of John Fellows, New York (1749-1823) ; Private, Captain Ephraim Woodworth's Company, 13th Eegiment Saratoga County New York Militia. [Also, 252 Date of Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Increase Burch, New York ; Private, Captain Van der Bergh's Company, Colonel Peter Yates' Eegiment New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Amasa Chamberlin, Vermont, (1750-1825) ; Private, Captain John Alger's Company, which assisted the people of Stratford, Vermont, in their retreat, August, 1777. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Gideon Chittenden, Con- necticut ; Private, 9th Company, 1st Eegiment Connecticut Militia, May-November, 1775; Private, 1st Company, Colonel Douglass' Eegiment, Wadsworth s Brigade, Connecticut Militia ; Corporal, Captain Camp's Company, Colonel Hooker's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1777 ; Corporal, 6th Eegiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1780; Sergeant, same, April, 1780. 1893 Polk, Daisy Cantrell (Mrs. Lucius Junius Polk), 388 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Stephen Cantrell, Sr., North Carolina (1758 ) ; employed in the service of the Continental Commissioners of North Carolina. 1895 Ponsland, Helen L. Pease (Mrs. Charles Fitz Ponsland), 1218 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Loring, Massachusetts (1756-1810) j Private, Captain Isaiah Cushing's Company, Colonel Benjamin Lin- coln's Eegiment, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Charles Cushing's Company, May, 1775-January, 1776 ; Private, Captain Peter Cushing's Company, under General Thomas, at Dorchester Heights, March 4, 1776. 1895 Ponsland, Syrena Augusta, (Miss), 1141 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Timothy Felton, Massachusetts (1742-1811) ; Private, Captain Samuel Bppes' Company, Colonel Pickering's Eegi- ment, from Danvers, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Pope, Alice Warren (Miss), 982 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Frederick Pope, Massachusetts (1733- 1812); Private, Captain Peter Talbot's Company, "Lexington Date of 253 Society Admission. Number. Alarm," 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent's Eegiment, 1775 ; Major, Battalion Sea-Coast Defence of Boston Harbor, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Peter Talbot, Massachusetts ( 1793) ; Captain of a Company of Minute-men from Stough- ton, "Lexington Alarm." 1894 Pope, Caroline Augusta (Miss), 466 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Frederick Pope, Massachusetts (1733-1812) ; Private, Captain Peter Talbot's Company, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent's Eegiment, 1775 ; Major, Battalion Sea-Coast Defence of Boston Harbor, 1777. 1895 Pope, Edith (Miss), 1070 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Frederick Pope, Massachusetts (1733- 1816) ; Private, Captain Peter Talbot's Company, " Lexington Alarm ;" Captain, Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent's Eegiment, 1775 ; Major, Battalion Sea-Coast Defence of Boston Harbor, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Peter Talbot, Massachusetts ( 1793) ; Captain of a Company of Minute-men from Stoughton, "Lexington Alarm." 1894 Pope, Emily Frances (Miss), 467 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Frederick Pope, Massachusetts (1733-1812) ; Private, Captain Peter Talbot's Company, " Lexington Alarm ;" Captain, Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent's Eegiment, 1775 ; Major, Battalion Sea-Coast Defence of Boston Harbor, 1777. 1896 Pope, Margaret Eoberts (Miss), 1676 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Frederick Pope, Massachusetts (1733- 1812); Private, Captain Peter Dudley's Company, "Lexington Alarm ;" Captain, Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent's Eegiment, 1775 ; Major, Battalion Sea Coast Defence of Boston Harbor, 1777. 1896 Porter, Carrie Childs (Mrs. Charles W. Porter), 1490 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Child, Massachusetts (1714 ) ; 2^4 Date of " urc Society Admission. Number. 2d Lieutenant, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Massachusetts Eegiment, May-December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, Jackson's Additional Conti- nental Eegiment, May 12, 1777 ; resigned, October 17, 1778. 1894 Porter, Ellen Mabelle (Miss), 617 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Nehemiah Porter, New Hampshire (1728 ); Private, Captain Philip Thomas's Company, Colonel James Eeid's Eegiment, New Hampshire Militia, April 30-October, 1775. 1895 Porter, Mart Emma Goldthwait (Mrs. Harding Dunbar Porter), 1173 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Goldthwait, Massachusetts (1752- 1842) ; Private, Captain Epps' Company of Militia, from Danvers, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Porter, Juliet (Miss), 1158 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Porter, Massachusetts (1740 ) ; Private, Captain John Cushing's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Eegiment of Militia, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Eeuben Gragg, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain John Cushing's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Eegi- ment of Militia, " Lexington Alarm." 1894 Potter, Jane Vanuxem (Mrs. William Potter), 768 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Elijah Clark, New Jersey (1732-1795) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Battalion Gloucester County, New Jersey, Militia; resigned November 6, 1777, to become a member of Pro- vincial Assembly ; Deputy to Provincial Congress, May, June, Au- gust, 1775 ; January 31-March 3, 1776 ; June 10 to August 21, 1776 ; also a member in 1777. 1891 Power, A. Eomana Easines (Mrs. T. E. D. Power), 71 New York, Great-granddaughter of James Ferris, New York (1734-1777) ; Chair- man Westchester County Committee, 1774 ; Member Sub-Commit- tee, appointed by Provisional Congress to inspect the election of <9cc Date of ^ uu Society Admission. Kumber. militia officers, Westchester, New York, August 24, 1775 ; prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York, 1776 ; released on parole, June 14, 1777, and died a few days later. 1892 Pratt, Frances Lee Stoughton (Mrs. Henry L. Pratt), 178 Long Island, Granddaughter of Samuel Stoughton, Massachusetts (1740 ); Lieutenant 5th Hampshire County Regiment, Massachusetts Mili- tia, May 3, 1776 ; served under General Gates, at Saratoga, Octo- ber 17, 1777. 1896 Pratt, Henrietta B. Spear (Mrs. B. Granville Pratt), 1554 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Seth Spear, Massachusetts (1741-1818) ; Private, Captain Seth Turner's Independent Company, Massachu- setts Militia, stationed at Braintree, January 1-May 22, 1776 ; Ser- geant, Captain Edmund Billings' Company, Colonel Jonathan Bass's Regiment, assembled to drive the British ships out of Boston Har- bor, June 13, 1776. 1895 Pray, Alice Easton (Mrs. Arthur Washington Pray), 1057 New York, Great-granddaughter of James Boyd, New York (1761-1838) ; Pri- vate, 3d Albany County, New York Militia Regiment, Colonel Philip Schuyler, 1779. 1896 Prescott, Annie Lincoln (Miss), 1447 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Prescott, New Hampshire (1723- 1785) ; Private, Captain Daniel Gordon's Company, New Hamp- shire Militia, September 20, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Prescott, New Hampshire ; Pri- vate, Captain James Norris's Company, Colonel Enoch Poor's New Hampshire Regiment, June 15, 1775. 1894 Price, Martha E. Byrd (widow of Thomas H. Price), 563 Alabama, Great-granddaughter of James Upshaw, Virginia; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Virginia Regiment, February 19, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, August 13, 1776 ; Captain, Yirginia State Regiment ; Member Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. Date of 256 Society Admission. Number. 1896 Prout, Carrie Pynchon (Mrs. Henry B. Prout), 1520 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Walter Pynchon, Massachusetts (1744- 1818); 2d Lieutenant, Colonel Timothy Danielson's Massachusetts Regiment, May-December, 1775. 1894 Prutn, Anna Parker (widow of John Van Schaick Lansing Pruyn), 743 New York, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Fenn, Connecticut (1705-1808) ; Captain, 10th Connecticut Militia, 1777; served in Danbury Raid April, 1777; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel Baldwin's Regiment, Con- necticut Militia, ordered to join ithe Continental Army, at Fishkill, October, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Woodbury Langdon, New Hampshire (1738-1805); Member of Continental Congress, 1779 and 1780; judge of Supreme Court, New Hampshire, 1782-1783. 1891 Pruyn, Huybertie Lansing (Miss), 745 New York, Great-granddaughter of Casparus Pruyn, New York (1734-1817) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain John N. Bleeker's Company, Colonel Jacob Lansing's Regiment, Albany County, New York Militia, October 20, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Christopher Lansing, New York (1743- ) ; Quartermaster, 3d Regiment, Albany County, New York Militia, Colonel Abraham Ten Broeck, 1775-1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Fenn, Connecticut (1705- 1808) ; Captain, 10th Regiment, Connecticut Militia, 1777 ; served in the Danbury Raid, April, 1777; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel Baldwin's Regiment, Connecticut Militia, ordered to join the Con- tinental Army, at Fishkill, October, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Woodbury Langdon, New Hamp- shire (1738-1805); Member Continental Congress, 1779-1780; Judge of Supreme Court, New Hampshire, 1782-1783. 1895 Pryer, Mary E. Harmer (Mrs. Charles Pryer), 1437 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Robert Ayres, New Jersey (1730 ) ; Private, Captain Josiah Pierson's Company, 2d Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Zenas Congers, New Jer- sey, Private, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Conger, New Jersey (1760- 1807) ; Private, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. Tw« n f ***' Society Admits!. Number - 1891 Puig, Emma K. Lincoln (Mrs. Emilio Puig), 60 New York, Great-granddaughter of Heinrich Staring, New York (1730-1808) ; Captain, 4th Battalion Tryon County New York Militia, Colonel Peter Bellinger, June 25, 1778 ; served at the battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777 ; served till 1783. 1891 Puig, Louise M. (Miss), 59 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Heinrich Staring, New York (1730- 1808) ; Captain, 4th Battalion Tryon County New York Militia, Colonel Peter Bellinger, June 25, 1778; served at the battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777 ; served till 1783. 1895 *Purdy, Louisa Wood (Mrs. Horace Purdy), 802 Connecticut, Granddaughter of Noah Barnum, Connecticut (1757-1832) ; Private, Captain Wells' Company, Connecticut Militia, enlisted May 7, 1777. for the War. 1895 Putnam, Augusta Newhall (Miss), Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Page, Massachusetts (1722- 1806); Captain, Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Lieutenant- Colonel, 8th Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Joel Viles, Massachusetts (1743 ) ; Corporal, Captain Parker's Company, " Lexington Alarm ;" served two months in 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Fowler, Massachusetts (1748-1813); Private, Captain Jeremiah Page's Company, Colonel Timothy Pickering's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 19-29, 1775. 1895 Putnam, Florence Maude Tucker (Mrs. Eben Putnam), 1180 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Ezra Tucker, New Hampshire (1728- 1807) ; 2d-Lieutenant, 13th Regiment New Hampshire Militia, Colonel Thomas Stickney, March 5, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Emerv's Company, Colonel Baldwin's Regiment, at the Battle ol White Plains, October 28, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Mooars, Massachusetts (1761-1842)^ Private, Captain Henry Abbott's Company, "Lexing- * Deceased. 820 9£Q Date of "°° Society Admission. Number. ton Alarm ; " Private, Captain John Abbott's Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Regiment, July 10-October 11, 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Welch, Maine (1751- 1844) ; Private, Captain Noble's Company, Colonel Patterson's Reg- iment Massachusetts Militia, June 2,1775; Private, Captain La- mont's Company, November 2, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Moors, Massachusetts (1755-1845) Private, Captain Henry Farwell's Company, Colonel William Prescott's Massachusetts Regiment, April 25-August 1, 1775 ; Private, Captain Haskell's Company, 7th Continental In- fantry, Colonel William Prescott, January 13, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Domenicus Libby, Maine (1751- 1822) ; Sergeant, Captain Richard Mayberry's Company, Colonel Francis' Regiment at Dorchester Heights, June 25, 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Lamont's Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, January 1, 1778-January 13, 1779. 1895 Putnam, Hannah Viles Newhall (Mrs. Eugene Andrew Putnam), 814 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joel Viles, Massachusetts (1743 ) ; Cor- poral, Captain Parker's Company, "Lexington Alarm ; " served two months in 1776. 1895 Putnam, Louise Lancaster (Miss), 819 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Page, Massachusetts (1722- 1806) ; Captain, Minute-men, " Lexington Alarm ;" Lieutenant- Colonel, 8th Regiment Massachusetts Militia, February, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Joel Viles, Massachusetts (1743 ); Corporal Captain Parker's Company, "Lexington Alarm;" served two months in 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Fowler, Massachusetts (1748-1813) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Page's Company, Colonel Timothy Pickering's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 19-29, 1775. 1893 Rae, Frances J. Hicks (widow of Walter Rae, M. D.), 295 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Hicks, Massachusetts (1725-1775) ; Pri- vate, Massachusetts Minute-men ; killed in action at Lexington, April 19, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whitney, Connecti- Date of 259 Amission. Jg&. cut (1711-1796) ; Private, Captain Dimon's Company, Colonel Bezaleel Beebe's Begiment Connecticut Militia, 1775 ; Private, Cap- tain Jabez Gregory's Company, Colonel John Mead's Begiment Connecticut Militia, August 12-September 11, 1776; Private, Cap- tain Ebenezer Hill's Company, Colonel Samuel Whiting's Begi- ment, October 4, 1776-January 21, 1777. 1894 Bagland, Elizabeth Coppield Grant (Mrs. George G. Bagland), 703 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Matthew Cary Whitaker, North Carolina (1762-1814); Private, General Nathaniel Greene's Army; wounded at the Battle of Guilford Court House, March 15, 1781. 1893 Bainet, Catherine Smith (Mrs.), 292 Michigan, Great-granddaughter of Thaddeus Crane, New York (1728-1803) Major, New York Militia ; wounded at Danbury, April 27, 1777 Lieutenant-Colonel, 4th Westchester County New York Begiment Member Continental Congress. 1894 Band, Florence Osgood (Miss), 526 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Jasper Band, Massachusetts (1760-1838) ; Private, Captain Ebenezer Ingolsbe's Company, Colonel Job Cush- ing's Begiment, Massachusetts Militia, September 12-November 29, 1777. 1895 Bandall, Sarah Thomas (Mrs. Nelson B. Bandall), 868 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Johnson, Connecticut (1742-1814) ; Private, Captain Bradley's Company, Colonel Brook's Massachu- setts Begiment, 1776 ; served to close of war. 1895 Bandolph, Harriet Porter (Mrs. George Engs Bandolph), 860 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of David Hilyard, Bhode Island ; Lieu- tenant-Colonel 2d Bhode Island Begiment, 1776; Field Officer of the County of Newport, B. I., May, 1777. Date of *®® Society Admission. Number. 1891 Easines, Amelia Ferris (widow of Antonio Basines), 9 New York, Granddaughter of James Ferris, New York (1734-1777); Chairman, Westchester County Committee, 1774 ; Member Sub-Committee appointed by Provincial Congress to inspect the election of militia officers, Westchester, New York, 1776 ; prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York, 1776; released on parole June 14, 1777, and died a few days later. 1891 Easines, A. Manuela (Miss), 16 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of James Ferris, New York (1734-1777) ; Chairman, Westchester County Committee, 1774 ; Member Sub- Committee appointed by Provincial Congress to inspect the election of militia officers, Westchester, New York, 1776 ; prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York, 1776 ; released on parole June 14, 1777, and died a few days later. 1894 Eathoon, Emily H. Magraw (Mrs. Samuel Forney Eathoon), 797 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of George Eoss, Pennsylvania (1730- 1779) ; Delegate to First Continental Congress, 1774 ; Signer Dec- laration of Independence ; Judge of the Court of Admiralty* Pennsylvania, 1779. 1895 Eay, Margaretta Willet (Miss), 1280 New York, Great-granddaughter of Marinus Willett, New York (1740-1830) ; Captain, 1st Eegiment New York Line, Colonel Alexander Mc- Dougall, June 28, 1773-May 9, 1776 ; served with General Mont- gomery in Canada; Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d Eegiment New York Line, Colonel Peter Gansevoort, November 21, 1776 ; received thanks of Congress, and presented with a sword, for bravery at Fort Schuyler; Lieutenant-Colonel commanding 5th New York Line, January 1, 1780 ; Lieutenant-Colonel commanding New York Levies, April 27, 1781-1783 ; Colonel commanding Tryon County New York Militia, April 10, 1782. 1894 Eaymond, Frances Adams (Miss), 675 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Philip Leonard, Massachusetts Date of 261 Admission. Socwty Number. ( "1785) ; Private, Captain William Tupper's Company, Colonel Sprout's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, " Rhode Island Alarm," December 8, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of George Leonard, Massachu- setts (1753-1832) ; Private, Captain Nathaniel Wood's Company, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain William Tupper's Com- pany, Colonel Ebenezer White's Regiment, May 6-9, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Adams, Massachusetts (1749-1818) ; Minute-man, served September, 1777, and January, 1778. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Bigelow, Massschu- setts (1730-1810) ; Lieutenant, Captain Israel Whitmore's Com- pany of Artillery, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Will Bigelow, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Samuel Lamson's Company, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Murdock, Massachusetts (1742-1817) ; Lieutenant, Captain William Tupper's Company, Col- onel Sprout's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, "Rhode Island Alarm," December 8, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain William Tupper's Com- pany, Colonel Ebenezer White's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, "Rhode Island Alarm," August 1, 1780. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Kehemiah Allen, Massachu- setts (1733 ) ; Captain, 3d Company, 4th Plymouth County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 9, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel Jeremiah Hall's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, December 8, 1776; Captain, Colonel Theophilus Cotton's Regiment, General Palmer's Brigade, December 11, 1777. 1894 Raymond, Margaret Chester (Miss), 590 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Philip Leonard, Massachusetts ( 1785) ; Private, Captain William Tupper's Company, Colonel Sprout's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, " Rhode Island Alarm," December 8, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of George Leonard, Massachu- setts (1753-1832); Private, Captain Nathaniel Wood's Company, Colonel Ebenezer White's Regiment, May 6-9 and September 6-9, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Adams, Massachusetts (1749-1818) ; Minute-man, served September, 1777, and January, 1778. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Bigelow, Massachu- setts (1730-1810) ; Lieutenant, Captain Israel Whitmore's Company of Artillery, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Will Bigelow, Massachusetts; Date of "§" Society Admission. Number. Private, Captain Samuel Lamson's Company, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Murdock, Massachusetts (1742-1817) ; Lieutenant, Captain William Tupper's Company, Col- onel Sprout's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Ehode Island Alarm," December 8, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain William Tupper's Com- pany, Colonel Ebenezer White's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, " Ehode Island Alarm," August 1, 1780. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Nehemiah Allen, Massachu- setts (1733 ) ; Captain, 3d Company, 4th Plymouth County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 9, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel Jeremiah Hall's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 8, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel Theophilus Cotton's Eegiment, General Palmer's Brigade, December 11, 1777. 1894 Eaymond, Sophia Beadle (Mrs. Edward Lane Eaymond), 775 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Beadle, Connecticut (1741-1810); Private, Captain Ebenezer Couch's Company, Colonel Waterbury's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1777. 1894 Eaymond Susan A. (Mrs. Henry Emmons Eaymond), Massachusetts, 589 Great-great-granddaughter of Philip Leonard, Massachusetts ( 1785) ; Private, Captain William Tupper's Company, Colonel Sprout's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, " Ehode Island Alarm," December 8, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of George Leonard, Massachusetts (1753-1832) ; Private, Captain Nathaniel Wood's Company, " Lex- ington Alarm ;" Private, Captain William Tupper's Company, Col- onel Ebenezer White's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 6-9 and September 6-9, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Adams, Massachusetts (1749- 1818); Minute-man, served September, 1777, and January, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Bigelow, Massachusetts (1730-1810); Lieutenant, Captain Israel Whitmore's Company of Artillery, " Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Will Bigelow, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Samuel Lamson's Company, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of John Murdock, Massachusetts (1742- 1817); Lieutenant, Captain William Tupper's Company, Colonel Sprout's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, " Ehode Island Alarm," December 8, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain William Tupper's Com- pany, Colonel Ebenezer White's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, "Ehode Island Alarm," August 1, 1780. Date of 263 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nehemiah Allen, Massachusetts (1733 ) ; Captain, 3d Company, 4th Plymouth County Begi- ment Massachusetts Militia, May 9, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel Jere- miah Hall's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 8, 1776 ; Captain, Colonel Theophilus Cotton's Eegiment, General Palmer's Brigade, December 11, 1777. 1891 Eead, Helen Barrow (Mrs. William Eead), 19 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of William Hickman ; Private, Surrey County North Carolina Militia. 1894 Eeed, Cornelia B. Clark (Mrs. Frederick Eeed), 690 New York, Great-granddaughter of Josiah Clark, Connecticut; Ensign, Captain Meigs' Company Connecticut Militia, August-December, 1780. 1895 Eeed, Julia Harris (Mrs. Henry Arthur Eeed), 1306 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Matthews, Connecticut (1725- 1821) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Phineas Porter's Company, 1st Con- necticut Continental Eegiment, Colonel David Wooster, May- December, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Heman Swift's Battalion Con- necticut State Troops, July-November, 1776 ; served atTiconderoga. 1895 Eeid, Helen Campbell McHarg (Mrs. Hugo Eeid), 959 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Micah Hamlin, 1st, Massachusetts (1741- 1797) ; Captain of a Company from Barnstable, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, Colonel Simon Gary's Eegiment, February 21, 1776 ; acting Major, Lieutenant-Colonel Enoch Hal- lett's Eegiment, August 24, 1780. 1891 Eemington, Helen E. Matteson (Mrs. Cyrus K. Eemington), 46 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Matteson (1762-1847) ; Private, Ver- mont and New York Militia. 1895 Eeynolds, Mary Wisner Myrick (Mrs. Frank Eeynolds), 1126 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Henry Wisner, Jr., New York (1742-1812) ; Captain Florida and Warwick Eegiment Orange County New York Militia, Colonel John Hathorn, September 22, 1775 ; Major, Febru- ary 28, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, February 19, 1778. Date of - 1 " 1 * Society Admission. Number. 1894 Eice, Elizabeth Garland (Mrs. David Hall Eice), 504 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Garland, New Hampshire (1735- 1802) ; Member Committee of Inspection and Safety, Rye, New Hampshire, May 16, 1775, and March, 1776 ; Member Committee to raise money and hire soldiers for the Continental Army. 1896 Eice, Emma Adams (widow of Edward H. Eice), 1596 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Adams (1724 ); Minute-man from Medway, April 19, 1775 ; Private, in service at Boston, September 28, 1778-January 1, 1779. 1894 Eice, Harriet Langdon Pruyn (Mrs. William G. Eice), 744 New York, Great-granddaughter of Casparus Pruyn, New York (1734-1817) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain John Bleecker's Company, 1st Eegiment Al- bany County New York Militia, Colonel Jacob Lansing, Jr., Octo- ber 20, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Christopher Lansing, New York (1743 ) ; Quartermaster, 3d Eegiment Albany County New York Militia, Colonel Abraham Ten Broeck, 1775-1778. Also, great-great granddaughter of Thomas Fenn, Connecticut (1705- 1808) ; Captain, 10th Connecticut Militia ; served in Danbury Eaid, April, 1777 ; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel Baldwin's Eegiment Con- necticut Militia, ordered to join the Continental Army at Fishkill, October, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Woodbury Langdon, New Hamp- shire (1738-1805) ; Member Continental Congress, 1779 and 1780; Judge of Supreme Court, New Hampshire, 1782-1783. 1380 1895 Eioh, Josephine Atwill (Mrs. George Henry Eich), Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Mudge, Massachusetts (1750-1831); Private, Captain Simon Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 2-July 3, 1778 ; Private, Captain Simon Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Eegi- ment of Guards, July 2-12, 1778. 1895 Rich, Maria Elizabeth (Miss), 834 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Townsend, Massachusetts (1738- Date? 1 ^ Society Admission. Number. 1775) ; Patriot, killed while attacking the British on] their retreat from Concord, April 19, 1775. 1894 Richards, Bertha (Miss), 442 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Adams, New York (1751- 1846) ; Private, Captain Henry B. Livingston's Company, 4th New York Regiment, 1775. 1894 Richardson, Mary Claiborne (Mrs. John Richardson), 621 Maryland, Granddaughter of Charles Harrison, Virginia ( 1796) ; Colonel, Virginia Regiment of Artillery, November 30, 1776 ; Colonel, 1st Continental Artillery, January 1, 1777, with rank from November 30, 1776 ; served to June, 1783. 1894 Richmond, Frances B. Palmer (Mrs. Henry I. Richmond), 565 Rhode Island, Granddaughter of Thomas Caldwell, Massachusetts (1751-1824) ; Private, Captain Burnham's Company from Ipswich, Massachu- setts, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Richmond, Olive (Miss), 976 Massachusetts, Great-great-great- granddaughter of John Cushing, Massachusetts (1722 ) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Plymouth County Regiment Massa- chusetts Militia, February 10, 1776 ; Colonel, same, April 1, 1776 ; resigned, January 1, 1779. 1895 Ridings, Clara B. Sloan (Mrs. William H. Ridings), 1259 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Lyon, Massachusetts (1758-1845) ; Private, Captain Elijah Vose's Company, Colonel William Heath's Massachusetts Regiment, May-December, 1775. 266 1893 Eisk, Margaret Henderson (Miss), 413 Date of " uu Society Admission. Number. New Jersey, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Peter Dickerson, New Jersey (1724-1780); Member Committee of Observation, Morris County, New Jersey, January 1, 1775; Delegate Provincial Congress, May 1, 1775 ; Captain, 3d Eegiment New Jersey Line, Colonel Elias Dayton, Marcb 5-November 10, 1776 ; Captain, same, November 29, 1776-October 26, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaugbter of Jacob Drake, New Jersey ; Colonel Western Eegiment New Jersey Militia ; resigned to become a Member of General Assembly of New Jersey. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Josepb Beavers, New Jersey 1816); Colonel, 2d Eegiment Hunterdon County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Eobbins, Henrietta Dumont (Mrs. Cbarles A. Eobbins), 1244 New Jersey, Great-granddaugbter of Peter Dumont, New Jersey ; Private, Captain Jacob Ten Eyck's Company, 1st Battalion Somerset County New Jersey Militia. Also, granddaughter of Peter Dumont, Jr., New Jersey ; Private, Captain Jacob Ten Eyck's Company, 1st Battalion Somerset County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaugbter of Abraham Swartwout, New York (1742-1799); Captain, 3d Eegiment New York Line, Colonel Peter Gansevoort, November 21, 1776; Captain, Colonel Zepbaniab Piatt's Eegiment Dutcbess County New York Associated Exempts, 1778. 1895 Egberts, Eunice Avery Williams (Mrs. Eicbard A. Eoberts), 899 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Park Avery, Jr., Connecticut (1741-1821); Lieutenant, Connecticut Militia ; wounded at the Battle of Groton Heights, September 6, 1781. 1895 Eobertson, Elizabeth Clute (Mrs. Matthew Henry Eobertson), 1013 New York, Granddaughter of Isaac Truax, New York (1755-1854); Private, Captain Ostrom's Company, Colonel Schuyler's Eegiment New York State Troops. 0^7 Date of ^ u ' ,§ ooi l ty Admission. Number. 1895 Eobinson, Alice M. Cushing (Mrs. George W. Robinson), 1046 Massachusetts, Great-great -granddaughter of David Cushing, Massachusetts (1727- 1800) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Solomon Lovell's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, chosen by the Legislature, February 2, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Regiment Suffolk County Massachusetts Militia, chosen by the Legislature, October 6, 1776. 1895 Robinson, Florence Laura (Miss), 1387 New York, Gretit-great-granddaughter of Jedediah Hibbard, New Hampshire; Private, Colonel Jonathan Chase's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, June 27-July 3,1777,; served at Ticonderoga; Sergeant- Major, same regiment, September 22-October 23, 1777; at Saratoga. 1895 Robinson, Mart Ella (Miss), 1386 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jedediah Hibbard, New Hampshire ; Private, Colonel Jonathan Chase's Regiment New Hampshire Militia, June 27-July 3, 1777 ; served at Ticonderoga ; Sergeant- Major, same regiment, September 22-October 23, 1777 ; at Saratoga. 1891 Robinson, Mary Campbell (Mrs. Leiper Moore Robinson), 45 Virginia, Great-granddaughter of Alexander Spotswood Moore, Virginia (1758 ) ; 2d Lieutenant, 14th Regiment Virginia Line, Colonel Charles Lewis, January 1777; let Lieutenant, October 4,1777; resigned January 10, 1778. 1891 Robinson, Mary Frances Cramer (Mrs. Joseph C. Robinson), 90 New York, Great-granddaughter of Luther Bingham, Connecticut ; Drummer and Fifer, Captain Branch's Company, Colonel Johnson's Regiment, January 8, 1778. 1895 Robotham, Adela Tucker (Mrs. George Robotham), 1198 New Jersey, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Bezaleel Bristol; Captain, Con- necticut Militia, 1776 and 1777 ; Captain in " East Haven Alarm," 1779. Date of w "8 Society Admission. Number. 1893 * Eoche, SaxvAH Augusta Bartlett (Mrs. George "W. Eoche), 317 Maryland, Granddaughter of Bailey Bartlett, Massachusetts, (1750-1830); Bep- resentative to the General Court, 1781-1784; a noted patriot, gave money most liberally to furnish military supplies during the Bevo- lution. 1895 Eockwood, Henrietta (Miss), 1064 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Abiel Abbot, Massachusetts (1741-1803) ; Muster-master and Paymaster with rank of Captain, Colonel Na- hum Baldwin's New Hampshire Eegiment, raised to reinforce the Continental Army at New York, September 16, 1776-1777; 2d Major, 5th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, December 11, 1776; 1st Major, same, March 30, 1781 ; Major, Colonel Moses Nichols' Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, raised to reinforce the Conti- nental Army at Ticonderoga, June 29-July 8, 1777 ; Major, 5th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, March 30, 1781 ; Member New Hampshire Provincial Congress, 1777, 1779-1780. 1895 Eockwood, Persis Abbot (Mrs. William Emerson Eockwood), 1047 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Abiel Abbot, Massachusetts (1741-1803) ; Muster-master and Pa3 T master with rank of Captain, Colonel Na- hum Baldwin's New Hampshire Eegiment, raised to reinforce the Continental Army at New York, September 16, 1776-1777; 2d Major, 5th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, December 11, 1776; 1st Major, same, March 30, 1781; Major, Colonel Moses Nichol's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, raised to reinforce the Conti- nental Army at Ticonderoga, June 29-July 8, 1777 ; Major, 5th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, March 30, 1781 ; Member New Hampshire Provincial Congress, 1777, 1779-1780. 1894 Eodman, Harriet E. Eobinson (Mrs. Isaac Peace Eodman), 792 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Christopher Eobinson, Jr., Ehode Island (1756-1841) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Adams' Company, Ehode Island Militia, June, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, February, 1778. * Deceased. Date of "^9 Society Admission. .Number. 1895 Eoe, Elizabeth M. Tan Bokelen (Mrs. Alfred Eoe), 1423 New York, Great-granddaughter of Antony Morris, Pennsylvania; Volunteer; wounded while rendering service to Pennsylvania troops at Chester, Pa., 1777. 1895 Eoe, Frances A. M. Mack (Mrs. Fayette W. Eoe), 963 District of Columbia, Great-granddaughter of John Colton, Massachusetts (1747-1804); Sergeant, Captain Andrew Colton's Company, "Lexington Alarm;" service fifteen days; Sergeant, Captain Daniel Caldwell's Company, Colonel Timothy Bobinson's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 25, 1776-April 2, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Burt's Company, 1st Hampshire County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 23, 1778; 2d Lieutenant, Captain John Carpenter's Company, March 11-June 11, 1779 ; Lieutenant, Captain John Car- penter's Company, June 11-September 30, 1779; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Browning's Company, Colonel Seth Murray's Hampshire County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, raised to rein- force the Continental Army, July 4-October 12, 1780 ; Lieutenant, 2d Company, Colonel Gideon Burt's Hampshire County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, on alarm service, June 12 and 16, 1782. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Colton, Jr., Massachu- setts (1722-1808); Drummer, Captain Isaac Colton's Company, Colonel David Brewer's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 12, 1775, eight months' service ; Drummer, Captain John Carpenter's Company of Guards at Springfield, June 1-September 1, 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Gilbert, Connecticut (1734-1818); Lieutenant, Captain Abijah Eowley's Company of Minute-men, 1775 ; Deputy to General Assembly at New Haven, 1775, 1776-1790. Also, great-granddaughter of John Mack, Connecticut (1759-1806); Private, Captain Skinner's Company, Colonel Throop's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, March 1-June 1, 1776 ; Private, same company, 1778 ; Private, Captain Terrill's Company, Connecticut Militia; Private, Captain Phelps' Company, Connecticut Militia. 1891 Roe, Katherine Bissell Bogert (Mrs. Charles Francis Eoe), 137 New York, Great-granddaughter of Zebulon Bissell, Connecticut (1750 ); Private, Captain Bezaleel Beebe's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Connecticut State Eegiment, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, New York, November 16, 1776. Date of - 1 '" Society Admission. Number. 1895 Eogers, Anna Catherine (Miss), 1372 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Eogers, Pennsylvania (1746-1782) ; Ensign, Liberty Company, Hanover Township Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Associators, 1775 ; 3d Lieutenant, Captain James Eogers' Company, Colonel Timothy Green's Hanover Township Eifle Battalion, June 6, 1776 ; served at the Battle of Long Island ; Corporal, 4th Battalion Pennsylvania Line, Colonel William Butler, 1778-1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Wallace, Pennsylvania ; Member Bucks County Committee of Safety, December 15, 1774- July 29, 1776 ; Justice Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery for Bucks County, 1776 and through the Eevolution ; Member Warwick Township Bucks County Company of Associators, August, 1775 ; Member of the Committee which met at Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia, June 18, 1776. Also, great granddaughter of John Carr, Pennsylvania (1756-1812) ; Private, Captain John Jamison's Company, Warwick Township Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Associators, August 20, 1776. 1895 Eogers, Caroline H. Bulkeley (Mrs. Samuel T. Eogers), 996 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of William Scott, Connecticut (1756-1824); Private, 9th Company, 5th Connecticut Eegiment, Colonel David Waterbury, November, 1775; Private, 4th Company, 7th Connecti- cut Eegiment, Colonel Charles Webb, July 16, 1776; Private, Captain Hait's Company, February 1, 1777; Private, Captain Nichols' Company, July 5, 1779. 1891 Eogers, Elizabeth Butler (Mrs. P. V". Eogers), 172 New York, Great-granddaughter of Eli Butler, Connecticut ( 1808) ; Captain, Colonel Elisha Sheldon's Eegiment Connecticut Light Horse, 1775 and 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Mosher, Massachusetts (1745 ); 2d Lieutenant, Colonel William Prescott's Massachusetts Eegiment, May-December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th Eegiment Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776; 1st Lieuten- ant, 8th Eegiment Massachusetts Line, January 1, 1777 ; retired, December 15, 1778. Date of 271 _ . L Admission. 5 0Cl< ? ty Number. 1895 Eogers, Fanny Edwards (Mrs. J. Warren Eogers), 238 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Seth Pomeroy, Massachusetts (1706- 1777) ; appointed Brigadier-General Continental Army, June, 1775 ; declined; served as volunteer at Bunker Hill; Colonel, 2d Regi- ment Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, February 6, 1776 ; Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1774, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Timothy Edwards, Massachusetts (1738 — — ) ; Member Berkshire County Massachusetts Committee of Safety ; Commissary of Supplies for Massachusetts. 1895 Eogers, Grace Elizabeth (Miss), 1374 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Rogers, Pennsylvania (1746-1782) ; Ensign, Liberty Company, Hanover Township Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Associators, 1775 ; 3d Lieutenant, Captain James Rogers' Company, Colonel Timothy Green's Hanover Township Rifle Battalion, June 6, 1776; served at the Battle of Long Island; Corporal, 4th Battalion Pennsylvania Line, Colonel William Butler, 1778-1781. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Wallace, Pennsylvania; Member Bucks County Committee of Safety, December 15, 1774- July 29, 1776 ; Justice Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery for Bucks County, 1776 and through the Revolution; Member Warwick Township Bucks County Company of Associators, August, 1775 ; Member of the Committee which met at Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia, June 18, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Carr, Pennsylvania (1756-1812); Private, Captain John Jamison's Company Warwick Township Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Associators, August 20, 1776. 1895 Rogers, Helen Fowler (Miss), 1375 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Rogers, Pennsylvania (1746-1782) ; Ensign, Liberty Company, Hanover Township Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Associators, 1775; 3d Lieutenant, Captain James Rogers' Company, Colonel Timothy Green's Hanover Township Rifle Battalion, June 6, 1776; served at the battle of Long Island; Corporal, 4th Battalion Pennsylvania Line, Colonel William Butler, 1776-1781. [Ato0> 979 Date of ' Society Admission. Number, Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Wallace, Pennsylvania, Member Bucks County Committee of Safety, December 15, 1774- July 29, 1776 ; Justice Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery for Bucks County, 1776 and through the devolution ; Member Warwick Township Bucks County Company of Associators, August, 1775 ; Member of the Committee which met at Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia, June 18, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Carr, Pennsylvania (1756-1812) ; Private, Captain John Jamison's Company Warwick Township Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Associators, August 20, 1776. 1893 Eogers, Marie Potter (Miss), 293 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Paul Potter, of Potter's Creek, New Jersey ; Pri- vate, Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. 1893 Eogers, Mary Turner Potter (Mrs.), 385 New Jersey, Daughter of Paul Potter, of Potter's Creek, New Jersey ; Private, Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. 1894 Eogers, Miriam N. Scott (Miss), 474 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of William Scott, Connecticut (1756-1824) 5 Private, 9th Company, 5th Connecticut Eegiment, Colonel David Waterbury, November, 1775 ; Private, 4th Company, 7th Connecti- cut Eegiment, Colonel Charles Webb, July 16, 1776 ; Private, Cap- tain Hait's Company, February 1, 1777 ; Private, Captain Nichols' Company, July 5, 1779. 1895 Eogers, Eebecca (Miss), 1251 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Abraham Dodge, Massachusetts (1740- 1786) ; Captain, Colonel Moses Little's Massachusetts Eegiment, May 18-December, 1775 ; Captain, 12th Continental Infantry, Janu- ary 1, 1776. 1893 Eogers, Sara Bulkeley (Miss), 382 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of William Scott, Connecticut (1756- Date of "78 Society Admission. Number. 1824) ; Private, 9th Company, 5th Connecticut Eegiment, Colonel David Waterbury, November, 1775 ; Private, 4th Company, 7th Connecticut Eegiment, Colonel Charles Webb, July 16, 1776; Pri- vate, Captain Haifa Company, February 1, 1777 ; Private, Captain Nichols' Company, July 5, 1779. 1895 Eogers, Sarah Benson (Mrs. William Allen Eogers), 1052 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Green, Pennsylvania (1733-1812) ; Member Committee of Observation, December, 1774; Captain, 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June- December, 1776. 1895 Eonimus, Helen Florence Starr (Mrs. James Dyer Eonimus), 1°76 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Starr, Massachusetts (1740-1830)' Member Boston Tea Party; Private, Captain Nathan Mitchell's Company, " Lexington Alarm," eight days' service. 1895 Eopes, Eliza Orme (Miss), 947 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of William Brown, Connecticut (1759-1804) ; Private, Captain Comstock's Company, 8th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, April 9, 1777 ; Corporal, May 8, 1779 ; Sergeant, August 3, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of Benjamin Eopes, Jr., Massachusetts (1747-1788); Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Ward, Jr.'s, Company Massachusetts Militia, January 22, 1776 ; promoted 2d Lieutenant, June 22, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain John Symonds' Company of Matrosses, Salem, Massachusetts, June 21, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant Sea Coast Company, Salem, Massachusetts Militia, December, 1777; Volunteer, Captain Samuel Flagg's Company Massachusetts Militia, expedition to Ehode Island, August, 1778. 1895 Eopes, Mary Pickman (Miss), 948 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of William Brown, Connecticut (1759-1804) ; Private, Captain Comstock's Company, 8th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, April 9, 1777 ; Corporal, May, 1779 ; Sergeant, August 3, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of Benjamin Eopes, Jr., Massachusetts (1747-1788); Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Ward, Jr.'s, Company Massachusetts Militia, January 22, 1776 ; promoted 2d Lieutenant, 274 Date of Society Admission. Number. June 22, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain John Symonds' Company of Matrosses, Salem, Massachusetts, June 21, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant Sea Coast Company, Salem, Massachusetts Militia, December, 1777 ; Volunteer, Captain Samuel Flagg's Company Massachusetts Militia, expedition to Ehode Island, August, 1778. 1895 Eose, Flora (Miss), 1075 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of James Madison, Virginia (1723 ) ; Member Orange County, Virginia, Committee of Safety, December, 1774 ; Chairman same, May, 1775. 1895 Eose, Harriette Howard (Miss), 1045 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of James Madison, Virginia (1723 ) ; Member Orange County, Virginia, Committee of Safety, December, 1774; Chairman same, May, 1775. 1895 Eosevear, Gertrude Seeled (Mrs. Edmund B. Eosevear), 1134 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Piatt Cooke, Connecticut (1729- 1816) ; Colonel, 16th Connecticut Eegiment, appointed before the war; Commander of the 16th Connecticut Militia under Brigadier- General Wolcott, 1776; Colonel in " Danbury Alarm," April, 1777; resigned 1778. 1891 Eoss, Elizabeth Wordin Naramore (Mrs. James A. Eoss), 64 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of William Wordin, Connecticut (1728- 1808) ; Lieutenant, Captain Sterling's Company, 4th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Dimon, October 5-25, 1777. 1896 Eoss, Helen Walton (Mrs. Joseph F. Eoss), 1591 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Brown, Massachusetts (1757- 1809) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Edwards' Company, Colonel James Frye's Massachusetts Eegiment, May 17, 1775 ; Private, Captain Moses Nowell's Company, Colonel Titcomb's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 4-July 4, 1777. Date of ^'° Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of William Wordin, Jr., Connecticut ; Pri- vate, 2d Kegiment Connecticut Artillery, 1780. 1894 Rowand, Lillian Peale (Mrs. Neville J. Eowand), 633 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of James Peale, Maryland (1749 ) ; Ensign, Smallwood's Maryland Regiment, January 14, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Maryland Regiment, December 10, 1777 ; Captain, March 1, 1778 ; resigned June, 1779. 1891 Rowe, Louise Frances Sluyter (widow of Henry Neilson Rowe), 7 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Schureman, New Jersey (1729-1795) ; Member Committee of Correspondence, 1775 ; Member Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May, 1775 ; Member Committee of Safety to exercise the powers of Provincial Congress during its recess, August 17-September 20, 1775. Also, granddaughter of James Schureman, New Jersey (1756-1824) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Taylor's Company, Colonel John Neilson's Battalion of Minute-men, January 10, 1776; Captain of a Volunteer Militia Company at the Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776 ; Member of Congress, 1780. 1S94 Ruddick, Grace Winne (Mrs. Julian Ruddick), 664 Iowa, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Winne, New York; Adjutant, 15th Regiment Albany County New York Militia, Colonel Peter Vroo- man, October 20-December 1, 1779; Quartermaster, Lieutenant- Colonel Marinus Willett's Regiment, New York Levies, August 7- November 30, 1781. 1894 Ruddick, Sophia Ada Means (Mrs. William H. Ruddick), 567 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Edward Rumney, Massachusetts (1745-1808) ; Captain-Lieutenant, Colonel Henry Knox's Regiment Continental Artillery, December 10, 1775-December 16, 1776. 1895 Rudkin, Ella Temple Osborn (Mrs. George W. Rudkin), 997 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Osborn, Massachusetts; 1st Lieuten- -•6 Society Number. ant, Captain A. Wheeler's Company, 3d Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel Jonathan Eeed, July 17, 1776. 18.95 Eussell, Agnes Amelia Lane (Mrs. Eichard Eussell), 950 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Yan Cleaf, New Jersey (1750 ) ; Private, Light Dragoons New Jersey Militia. 1896 Eussell, Flora Smith (widow of Barnabas H. Eussell), 1466 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Samuel Smith, New Hampshire (1768-1855) ; Pri- vate, New Hampshire Militia, 1775-1778 ; Member General Wash- ington's Life Guards, 1778. 1895 Eussell, Mary MacGavock (Mrs. Marcus Denison Eussell), 861 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Eskridge, Yirginia ( 1830) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Yirginia Eegiment, June 15, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant. December 9, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, May, 1780 ; exchanged November, 1780 ; served till close of war. 1894 Eussell, Yiola Henriette (Miss), 519 New York, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Eussell, Massachusetts (1750-1821) ; Lieutenant, 13th Massachusetts Eegiment, January 1, 1777; resigned March 15, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Eeuben De Witt, New York (1745-1800) ; 2d Lieutenant, New York Militia ; re-appointed Feb- ruary 21, 1778. 1895 Sapford, Bessie M. Eumbough (widow of George L. Safford), 882 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Southerland, Yirginia ( 1777) ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th Yirginia Eegiment, 1776 ; died February 4, 1777. 977 Date of - 1 « ' Society Admission. Number. 1894 Sampson, Maria F. (Miss), 701 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Studley Sampson, Massachusetts (1759-1835); Private, Captain Samuel Bradford's Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 8, 1775; Private, same, October 7, 1775 ; Private, Captain Joseph Wadsworth's Com- pany, Colonel Gamaliel Bradford's Eegiment, at Valley Forge, January 28, 1778, served eight months. Private, Captain Calvin Partridge's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Plymouth County Massachusetts Eegiment, July 30-September 13, 1779; Sailor, Brigantine "Dolphin," David Ingersoll, Commander, May 25, 1780. 1895 Sanborn, Agnes Eebecca (Miss), 1262 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Page, Massachusetts (1753- 1814) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm ;" 1st Lieutenant, Captain James Gray's Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 14-August 1, 1776; Captain, 11th Eegi- ment Massachusetts Continental Line, January, 1777-March 18, 1780. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Page, Massachu- setts (1722-1806); Captain, Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, February, 1776. 1895 Sanborn, Clara Page Black (Mrs. Aretas E. Sanborn), 1261 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Page, Massachusetts (1753-1814) ; Private, "Lexington Alarm ;" 1st Lieutenant, Captain James Gray's Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 14-August 1,1776; Captain, 11th Eegiment Massa- chusetts Continental Line, January, 1777-March 18, 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Page, Massachusetts (1722-1806); Captain, M.inute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Lieu- tenant-Colonel, 8th Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, February, 1776. 1895 Sanderson, Lydia Jane (Miss), 1122 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Kendall, Massachusetts (1723- Date of ^ • ° Society Admission. Number. 1809) ; Private, Captain Simon Edgel's Company, Colonel Wyley's Regiment Massachusetts Militia at Koxbury, January 14, 1776 ; on alarm list of Dunstable, Massachusetts, June 25, 1776. 1894 Sanford, Edith J. Culbertson Snively (Mrs. Henry Sanford), 787 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Robert Culbertson, Pennsylvania (1755-1801) ; Captain, 5th Battalion Pennsylvania Associators, September, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st Battalion Cumberland County Pennsylvania Militia, May 14, 1778; Major, 6th Battalion, May 10, 1780. 1894 Sanford, Emily (Miss), 485 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Webb, Connecticut (1733 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Charles Smith's Company, 9th Connecticut Regiment of Militia, 1776-1777 ; Ensign, Captain Reuben Scofield's Company, Connecticut Militia, 1780-1781. Also, great-granddaughter of David Sanford, New York ; Associator Suffolk County, New York, 1775. Also, granddaughter of Lewis Sanford, New York; Associator Suffolk County, New York, 1775. 1895 Savary, Alice Campbell Parker (Mrs. Edward Savary), 1100 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Perry, Massachusetts (1750-1836) ; Private, Captain Israel Trow's Company, Massachusetts Militia, "Rhode Island Alarm," 1780. 1894 Sawyer, Ethel Josephine (Miss), 667 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Locke, Massachusetts (1766-1842) ; served at the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. 1895 Sawyer, Mary Cummings (Miss), 1211 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of John Jacobs, Massachusetts (1735 ) ; chosen by Massachusetts House of Representatives and accepted by Council, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel John Robinson's Regiment of Militia, May 8, 1777; Colonel same, February 27, 1778 ; Colonel-Commandant of regiment raised to reinforce the Continental Army, July 9-November 3, 1780. 07Q Date of " to Society Admission. Number. 1892 Sayres, Mary E. Bicker (Mrs. Samuel W. Sayres), 169 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Walter Bicker, Pennsylvania (1723-1821) ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, January 8, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776 ; exchanged May 8, 1778 ; Captain, 4th Pennsylvania, May 15, 1778 ; retired January 17, 1781 ; Member Society of the Cincinnati. Also, great-granddaughter of William Edmonds, Connecticut (1755 ); Volunteer, "Danbury Alarm," April 27, 1777; wounded in service. 1895 Schaumberg, Sarah E.Wheeler (widow of George William Schaumberg) 944 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Ephraim Wheeler, Massachusetts (1734- 1809) ; Lieutenant, Captain Thomas Hubbard's Company of Artil- lery ; record of service from 1775-1780. 1892 Schenck, Elizabeth Ditmars (Mrs. Willard P. Schenck), 161 Long Island. Great-granddaughter of Cornelius Van Der Veer (1731 ) ; Cap- tain of a Company of Militia from Flatbush, Long Island, 1776. 1895 Schenck, Julia Davis (Mrs. Bobert C. Schenck), 1395 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Peirce, Ehode Island (1749-1821); Aid- de-Camp to Major-General Horatio Gates, 1779. 1892 Schenck, Sarah E. Lott (Mrs. Teunis S. Schenck), 187 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Joost or George Stilwell, Long Island (1742 ); Captain, Company of Militia from Gravesend, Long Island, 1776. 1894 Schofp, Hannah Kent (Mrs. Frederic Schoff ), 735 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of William Thompson, Massachusetts (1747- ); Lieutenant, Captain Shaw's Company of Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Captain, 1776; Commissary, 1776-1779. 9on Date of ~ lOV Society Admission. Number. 1894 Schott, Helen Josephine Turner (Mrs. Louis Schott), 455 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Charles Hoffman, New York (1727-1808) ; Ensign, Captain Van Benschouten's Company, Colonel Dirck Brinckerhoff's Eegiment New York State Troops, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Griffen, New York (1758- 1831); Captain, October, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Dutchess Count}' Militia, Januar}', 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Eos- well Hopkin's Eegiment New York Militia, November, 1779. 1895 Schreiber, Phoebe E. Heath (Mrs. William Adolph Schreiber), 1238 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Peter Bellinger, New York (1723- ) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Battalion Tryon County New York Militia ; served at the battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1776 ; appointed by Governor and Council of New York Colonel of the local militia of German Flats and Kingsland Districts, June 25, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Nicholas Casler, New York (1763- 1727) ; Private, Captain Gross's Company, Colonel Willett's Eegi- ment New York Militia. 1894 Schultz, Mary Clark (Mrs. Louis Hallock Schultz), 691 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Clark, Connecticut; Ensign, Captain Meigs' Company, Connecticut Militia; served from August to December, 1780. 1893 Schuyler, Katharine Livingston (Mrs. Montgomery Schuyler), 383 New York, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Burrill, Massachusetts (1752- 1839) ; Private, Captain Noah Nichols' Company, Independent Battalion of Artillery, Major Ebenezer Stevens, March 6, 1777- October 1, 1778 ; Private, Captain Phineas Bradley's Company Artillery Guards Connecticut Militia, April 3, 1780-January 1, 1781. 1894 Scott, Ella F. Bower (Mrs. Albert E. Scott), 732 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Belknap, New York (1734-1825); Associator, Orange County, New York, 1775 ; Captain, 2d Eegi- ment Ulster County New York Militia, Colonel James Clinton, October 25, 1775. Date of 281 Society Admission. Number. 1896 Scott, Lucy E. Eansom (Mrs. George L. Scott), *494 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Eichard Ransom, Connecticut (1740-1811) ; Lieutenant, 5th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel Experience Storrs, under Brigadier-General Saltonstall, campaign around New York, 1776. 1895 Scranton, Kate Laurens Ratner (Mrs. James S. Scranton), 1172 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Rayner, Massachusetts ; Private, Cap- tain Abijah Savage's Company, Colonel Henry Sherburne's Regi- ment Continental Line, May 13, 1777, enlisted for three years. 1891 Scudder, Sarah Weld (Mrs. Silas D. Scudder), 49 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Scudder, M.D., New Jersey (1733-1781); Member New Jersey Council of Safety, 1775-1776; Member New Jersey Legislature and Speaker of Assembly, Novem- ber 30, 1776 ; Member Continental Congress, 1777-1779 ; Colonel, 1st Regiment Monmouth County New Jersey Militia, November 28, 1776; killed in action near Shrewsbury, New Jersey, October 16, 1781. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Kenneth Anderson, New Jersey; Adjutant, 1st Regiment Monmouth County New Jersey Militia, May 1, 1777. 1892 Seabury, Fanny Glover Townsend (Mrs. Alfred L. Seabury), 163 Virginia, Great-great-granddaughter of John Glover, Massachusetts ( 1797) ; Colonel of Massachusetts Regiment, May 19-December, 1775 ; Colonel 14th Continental Infantry, June 1, 1776 ; Brigadier- General, Continental Army, February 21, 1777 ; retired July, 1782. 1895 Seabury, Sarah A. Bremner (Mrs. Frederick C. Seabury), 1351 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of George Thompson, New York (1719- 1782); Captain 1st Company, Goshen Regiment Orange County New York Militia, Colonel William Allison, April, 1776-February, 1778. [Also, Date of 282 gociet Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of John Bremner, New York (1737-1807) ; Private, Captain Samuel Shaw's Company, 6th Albany Eegiment New York Militia, Colonel Henry K. Van Eensselaer. 1895 Seamans, Anna M. Mogridge (Mrs. Frank F. Seamans), 1155 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Butler, Massachusetts (1734 ) ; Lieutenant, Company of Minute-men at Concord, April 19, 1775; Captain, Colonel Nixon's Massachusetts Eegiment, May-December, 1775 ; Captain, 4th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776. 1895 Seelye, Annie Ehees (Mrs. Isaac Hawley Seelye), 975 Wisconsin, Great-granddaughter of Evan Evans, Pennsylvania (1732-1794) ; Member of Legislature and Councillor from Chester County, Penn- sylvania; Delegate to the Convention at Carpenter's Hall, Phila- delphia, June, 1776 ; Colonel, Chester County Militia at Brandy wine, September 11, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Benjamin Loxley, Pennsylvania (1720- 1801) ; Organizer and Commander of the 1st Artillery Company of Patriots of Philadelphia; was in service at Mud Fort when the British vessel " Black Bird" was blown up; Member Philadelphia Committee of Safety, 1776 ; in service at Amboy, 1776. 1895 Selvage, Eliza A. Couch (Mrs. Henry C. Selvage), 1429 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Aaron Hull, Connecticut (1736-1820) ; Pri- vate, Captain John Couch's Company of Minute-men, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, 10th Company, Captain Zalmon Eead, 5th Eegi- ment Connecticut Militia, May-November 28, 1775; Private, Cap- tain Couch's Company, Bradley's Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut Militia, August 14-December 29, 1776. Also, granddaughter of Abraham Couch, Connecticut (1763-1841); Musician, Captain Mills' Company, Connecticut Militia, March 1, 1777 ; transferred to Captain Beebe's Company, September 1, 1778 ; served to March 1, 1780. 1895 Shankland, Marguerite (Miss), 1044 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Phineas Eldridge, Massachusetts (1755- Date of 283 Society Admission. Number, 1826) ; Captain, privateer brigantine " Fair American," 1781 ; Cap- tor of brigs "King George," "Nancy," "York," "Ann," and many- other British merchant vessels. 1895 Sharpe, Charlotte Eliza White (Mrs. Frank A. Sharpe), 1020 Connecticut, G-reat-great-granddaughter of Joel White, Connecticut (1705-1789) ; Member and Chairman Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety of Connecticut ; Captain, Connecticut Militia. 1895 Sharpe, Florida Tunstall (widow of Eedford Sharpe, M.D., U.S.A.), 1084 Texas, Great-granddaughter of William Pope, Virginia ; appointed Lieuten- ant-Colonel of Jefferson County Virginia Militia, 1779. 1895 Sharpe, Margaret P. Eichardson (Mrs. Alfred C. Sharpe), 1354 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Pettibone, Connecticut (1709-1776); Colonel 18th Connecticut Eegiment, Brigadier-Gen- eral Wolcott's Brigade, campaign around New York; died in service. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ozias Pettibone, Connecticut; Captain, Ward's Connecticut State Eegiment, May 14, 1776-May, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of William Plunket, Pennsylvania ( 1791); Colonel, 3d Battalion Northumberland County Pennsylvania Associators, March 3, 1776. 1895 Shaw, Eliza Webb (Mrs. Hoyt Shaw), 1060 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Hunt, Massachusetts (1754-1808) ; Sergeant, Captain Craft's Company of Minute-men at Lexington and Concord, April, 1775 ; Ensign in a Massachusetts Eegiment, May-Deeember, 1775 ; Ensign and Adjutant, 25th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Brigade-Major, October 20, 1776 ; Cap- tain-Lieutenant, Jackson's Additional Continental Eegiment, Feb- ruary 1, 1777; Captain, March 1, 1779; wounded at Stony Point, July 16, 1779 ; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, January 1, 1781 ; Date of ^°4 Society Admission. Number. wounded at Yorktown, October 14, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massa- chusetts, January 1, 1783 ; retained in Jackson's Continental Begi- ment, November, 1783, and served to June 20, 1784. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Blatchey Webb, Connecticut (1753-1807); 1st Lieutenant, 2d Connecticut Eegiment, May 1, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Major and Aide-de- Camp to General Putnam, July 22, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, June 21, 1776 ; wounded at Trenton, January 2, 1777 ; Colonel, one of the Sixteen Additional Continental Begiments, January 11, 1777; taken prisoner, Long Island Expedition, December 16, 1777 ; exchanged December, 1780; transferred to 3d Connecticut, January 1, 1781; Brevet Brigadier-General, September 30, 1783 ; served to November 13, 1783 ; one of the sixteen founders of the Society of the Cincinnati. 1894 Shedden, Mary Kate Alden (Mrs. Lucien L. Shedden), 437 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Alden, Massachusetts (1704-1783) ; Private, Captain Benjamin Heywood's Company, Colonel Calvin Smith's 6th Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June, 1781 ; Private several times in "short services." Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jason Whitney, Massachusetts (1729-1807); Private, Captain Joseph Morse's Company, Colonel Samuel Ballard's Eegiment, "Lexington Alarm." Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Ward, Massachusetts (1735 ) ; Private, Gardner and Sergeant's Eegiment, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Fuller's Company, Colonel Gardner's Eegiment, September 2, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Moses Stone, Massachusetts (1759- 1813) ; Private, Captain Nathan Fuller's Companj?-, Colonel Gard- ner's Eegiment, Bunker Hill and six months' service around Boston, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Deacon David Stone, Massachu- setts (1728-1802); Private, "Bast Company," "Lexington Alarm," under Captain Jeremiah Wiswell; Private, "East Company," under Captain Phineas Cook. 1896 Sheldon, Clara P. Morse (Mrs. Henry N. Sheldon), 1553 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Wright, Massachusetts (1746-1803) ; Private, Captain Fields' Company, Colonel Shepard's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, February 13, 1778 ; served three years. [Also, Date of - °" Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of James Lamb, Massachusetts (1752- 1834) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Carriel's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 17, 1776. 1896 Sheldon, May Louise Firth (Mrs. Chauncey C. Sheldon), 1465 Massachusetts, G-reat-great-granddaughter of Salem Town, Massachusetts (1746- 1825) ; Quartermaster, Captain Ebenezer Crafts' Company, Colonel Learned's Eegiment from Charlton, April 20-25, 1775 ; Lieutenant, Captain Nathaniel Healey's Company, Colonel Learned's Regiment, April 24, 1775 ; Quartermaster, "Worcester County Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Jonathan Holman, September 26-October 26, 1777; Brigade-Major, 5th Worcester County Massachusetts Regi- ment, Colonel Jacob Davis, July 29, 1780. 1895 Shepard, Harriet (Miss), 1243 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of David Shepard, Massachusetts (1744- 1819) ; Captain, Colonel Seth Pomeroy's Regiment of Minute-men, April 22-28, 1775 ; Surgeon, Colonel Timothy Danielson's Massa- chusetts Regiment, April 28, 1775; Surgeon, 3d Hampshire County Massachusetts Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Timothy Robinson, October 21, 1776. 1895 Sherman, Sarah L\, M.D., 1112 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Beriah Sherman, Massachusetts (1748-1832) ; Private, Captain Joseph Thompson's Company, Colonel Timothy Danielson's Regiment from Brinfield, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Thompson's Company, Colonel Daniel- son's Regiment, October 6, 1775, eight months' service. 1894 Sherry, Frances Maria Scott (Mrs. Arthur G. Sherry), 559 New York, Great-granddaughter of Phinehas Scott, Vermont ; Private, Captain Elijah Dewey's Company, Colonel Moses Robinson's Regiment of Bennington Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Elisha Bradford, Massachusetts (1753- 1809) ; Private, Captain Samuel Low's Company, Colonel Benjamin Date of ^86 Society Admission. Number. Symond's Regiment, October 13-21, 1780, Berkshire County Regi- ment, marched to the northward on the alarm by order of General Fellows. Also, great-granddaughter of Almond Harrison, Massachusetts ; Pri- vate, Captain Samuel Clark's Company, Colonel Benjamin Symond's Regiment, September 7-30, 1777, Berkshire County Regiment, marched to Paulett by order of Major-General Lincoln ; Private, Captain Israel Harris's Company, Colonel Benjamin Symond's Regi- ment, October 12-19, 1780, Berkshire County Regiment, marched to the northward on the alarm by order of General Fellows. Also, great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Harmon, Vermont ( 1816); Private, Captain Elijah Dewey's Company, Colonel Moses Robin- son's Regiment Bennington Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Kinsley, Vermont ; Private, Captain Elijah Dewey's Company, Vermont Militia, August 16, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Bacon, Massachusetts (1740- 1819) ; Private, Captain David Wheeler's Company, Colonel Asa Barnes' Regiment Massachusetts Militia, October 29, 1781. 1894 Sherwood, Emma Cornelia (Miss), 579 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Sherwood, 2d, Connecticut (1735-1819); Private, Captain Jonathan Dixon's Company, Con- necticut Militia, May, 1776; Private, Fairfield Coast Guard. Novem- ber 7, 1776 ; Clerk of Captain George Burr's Company, Colonel Samuel Whiting's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Bradley, Connecticut; Private, Colonel Lewis's Regiment in service in New York, 1776 ; Ensign, Captain Samuel Hait's Company, 5th Connecticut Line, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley, January 1, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, same regiment, January 13, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, same regiment, July 20, 1780 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Edward Bulkeley's Company, 3d Connecticut Line; 1st Lieutenant, Colonel Heman Swift's Regi- ment Connecticut Line; honorably discharged at West Point, November 3, 1783 ; Member Society of the Cincinnati. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Alvord, Connecticut (1750- 184-) ; Private, Captain Ebenezer Hill's Company, 4th Regiment Connecticut Militia. 1894 Sherwood, Estelle (Miss), 580 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Sherwood, 2d, Connecticut Date of -&* Society Admission. Number. (1735-1809) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Dixon's Company, Con- necticut Militia, May, 1776 ; Private, Fairfield Coast Guard, Novem- ber 7, 1776 ; Clerk of Captain George Burr's Company, Colonel Samuel Whiting's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Bradley, Connecticut ; Private, Colonel Lewis's Eegiment in service in New York, 1776 ; Ensign, Captain Samuel Hait's Company, 5th Connecticut Line, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley, Januaiy 1, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, same regiment, January 13, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, same regiment, July 20, 1780; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Edward Bulkeley's Company, 3d Connecticut Line; 1st Lieutenant, Colonel Heman Swift's Regi- ment Connecticut Line; honorably discharged at West Point, November 3, 1783 ; Member of the Society of the Cincinnati. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Alvord, Connecticut (1750- 184-) ; Private, Captain Ebenezer Hill's Company, 4th Regiment Connecticut Militia. 1894 Sherwood, Matilda Meeker Simpson (Mrs. Simeon Couch Sherwood), 517 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of Seth Meeker, Connecticut (1731-1798) ; Corporal, Captain Thomas Nash's Company, Colonel Samuel Whiting's Regiment Connecticut Militia; stationed at Fishkill, October, 1777. 1894 Sherwood, Margaret Helen (Miss), 581 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Sherwood, 2d, Connecticut 1735-1809) ; Private, Captain Jonathan Dixon's Company, Con- necticut Militia, May, 1776 ; Private, Fairfield Coast Guard, Novem- ber 7, 1776 ; Clerk of Captain George Burr's Company, Colonel Samuel Whiting's Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Daniel Bradley, Connecticut ; Private, Colonel Lewis's Regiment in service in New York in 1776 ; Ensign, Captain Samuel Hait's Company, 5th Connecticut Line, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley, January 1, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, same regiment, January 13, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, same regiment, July 20, 1780 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Edward Bulkeley's Company, 3d Connecticut Line; 1st Lieutenant, Colonel Heman Swift's Regi- ment Connecticut Line; honorably discharged at West Point, November 3, 1783; Member Society of the Cincinnati. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Alvord, Connecticut (1750- 184-) ; Private, Captain Ebenezer Hill's Company, 4th Regiment Connecticut Militia. 288 Society Number. 1896 Shoemaker, Eleanor (Miss), 1470 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Gottfried Schumacher, New York (1731-1782) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Muller's Company, 1st Claverack Battalion, 8th Albany County New York Militia, Colonel Eobert Van Eensselaer, May 4, 1775 ; Private, 4th Company, Cap- tain Jacob Philip, same regiment, April, 1780. 1895 Shoemaker, Grace L. (Miss), 1207 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Gottfried Schumacher, New York (1731-1782) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Muller's Company, 1st Claverack Battalion, 8th Regiment Albany County New York Militia, Colonel Robert Van Rensselaer, May 4, 1775 ; Private, 4th Company, Captain Jacob Philip, same regiment, April, 1780. ioqq 33S Shrady, Jennie Kempton (Mrs. Jacob Shrady), New York, Granddaughter of Lemuel Kempton ; Private, 2d Company, Bristol County Rhode Island Regiment. 1893 Shrady, Mary Kempton (Mrs. William Shrady), 339 New York, Granddaughter of Lemuel Kempton ; Private, 2d Company, Bristol County Rhode Island Regiment. 1^95 Sidell, Phebe A. Mumford (Mrs. Cornelius Van Allen Sidell), 1430 New York, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Mumford, Rhode Island (1735- 1812) ; Post Rider from Newport, Rhode Island, to Cambridge, Massachusetts, appointed by General Assembly of Rhode Island, August, 1775 ; same service and appointment, December, 1776. •"■891 Simon, Mary E. Sayre Geary (Mrs. Herman Simon), 129 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Ephraim L. Whitlock, New Jersey (1755- 1825) ; Ensign, Captain Jonathan Forman's Company, 4th Regiment New Jersey Line, Lieutenant-Colonel David Brearly, November 28, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Regiment Date of 289 Society Admission. Number. New Jersey Line, Colonel Matthias Ogden, July 1, 1778 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 j Brevet-Captain, September 30, 1783 ; served to November, 1783. 1891 Simpson, Ida Williams (Mrs. Charles Simpson), 145 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Mattison, New Jersey ; Lieutenant, New Jersey Militia. 1895 Sims, Hattie Louise (Miss), 877 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Nathan Stoddard, Connecticut (1742-1777) ; Captain, 8th Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel John Chandler, June 1, 1777 ; killed in defence of Fort Mifflin, Mud Island, Pennsyl- vania, November 15, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Joshua Judson, Connecticut (1732-1776) ; Lieutenant, Fifth Company Connecticut Continental Regiment, July 12-December 20, 1775. 1894 Sinclair, Mart F. (Miss), 495 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Sinclair, New Hampshire (1762 ) ; Private, 1st New Hampshire Regiment, Colonel Joseph Cilly, Jan- uary 21, 1777 ; discharged June 20, 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Richard Sinclair, New Hampshire (1730 ) ; Captain, Colonel John Waldron's Regiment, Sullivan's Brigade. 1778 ; Captain, Colonel Thomas Bartlett's Regiment, raised for the defence of West Point, 1780 ; Captain, 10th Regiment, Colonel Joseph Badger. 1895 Skinner, Caroline T. Norton (Mrs. James A. Skinner), 1349 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of James Frye Massachusetts ( 1776) j Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, May 19-December, 1775. Also, granddaughter of Thomas Farrinton, Jr., Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Shay's Company, Colonel Putnam's Regiment, March 2, 1777-December 31, 1779 ; Private, same regiment January 1-March 2, 1780. 1893 Slade, Hattie Anderson (Miss), 267 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Hardy, Massachusetts Date of 290 Society Admission. Number. (1753-1848) ; Private, Captain Jerry Gleason's Company, Colonel John Nixon's Massachusetts Kegiment ; served at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 1893 Slade, Emma M. E. Hardy (Mrs. William Gerry Slade), 231 New York, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Hardy, Massachusetts (1753-1848 ; Private, Captain Jerry Gleason's Company, Colonel John Nixon's Massachusetts Eegiment; served at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 1891 Sluyter, Joanna Kuypers (Miss), 18 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Schureman, New Jersey (1729- 1795) ; Member Committee of Correspondence, 1775 ; Member Pro- vincial Congress of New Jersey, May, 1775 ; Member Committee of Safety to exercise the powers of Congress during its recess, Au- gust 17-September 20, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of James Schureman, New Jersey (1756— 1824) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Taylor's Company, Colonel Taylor's Battalion of Minute-men, January 10, 1776 ; Captain Volunteer Militia Company at the battle of Long Island, August 26, 1776 ; Member of Congress, 1780. 1895 Smart, Alice Chenoweth (Mrs. C. Selden Smart), 992 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Wilmot ( 1782) ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d Maryland Eegiment, 1776 ; Captain, October, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Maryland, January 1, 1781 ; killed on John Island, South Carolina, by a British foraging party, November 4, 1782. 1893 Smith, Anna (Miss), 357 Michigan, Great-granddaughter of Thaddeus Crane, New York (1728-1803) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 4th Westchester County Eegiment; wounded at the battle of Eidgefield, Connecticut; Member Continental Con- gress; one of the Framers of the Constitution of the State of New York. Also, granddaughter of Abram Smith, New York ; 2d Lieutenant, Salem Westchester County Company of Militia, 1778 ; 1st Lieu- tenant, June 25, 1778. Date of * vx Society Admission. Number. 1893 Smith, Angenette G. Hobbs (Mrs.), 337 New Hampshire, Great-granddaughter of Moses Leavitt, New Hampshire (1743-1803) ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d Eegiment New Hampshire Line, May 23- December, 1775. 1891 Smith, Ella Williamson (Mrs. Eeuben E. Smith), 103 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jedediah Williamson, New York (1757 ) ; Private, Captain Smith's Company, Colonel A. Hawkes Hay's Eegi- ment, New York Militia. 1895 Smith, Anna S. Knox (Mrs. Frederick Le Eoy Smith), 1000 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Knox, Massachusetts (1721-1780) ; Member Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, 1775 ; Captain, 6th Company, Colonel John Moseley's 3d Hampshire County Eegiment, April 26, 1776 ; resigned January 19, 1779. 1895 Smith, Caroline McHarg (Mrs. Frederick Le Eoy Smith), 960 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Micah Hamlin, 1st, Massachusetts (1741- 1797); Captain, Company from Barnstable, Massachusetts, "Lex- ington Alarm ;" Captain, Colonel Simon Cary's Eegiment, February 21, 1776. 1893 Smith, Frances Grey (Miss), Michigan, Great-granddaughter of Thaddeus Crane, New York (1728-1803); Lieutenant-Colonel, 4th Westchester County New York Eegiment ; wounded at the battle of Eidgefield, Connecticut; Member Conti- nental Congress ; one of the Framers of the Constitution of the State of New York. Also, granddaughter of Abram Smith, New York; 2d Lieutenant, Salem, Westchester County, Company of Militia, 1778 ; 1st Lieu- tenant, June 25, 1778. 208 292 Society Number. 1895 Smith, Harriet A. Perry (Mrs. Charles Fitz Smith), 1344 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Perry, Massachusetts (1740- 1831) ; Private, Captain Joseph Morse's Company, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Eegiment, "Lexington Alarm." 1896 Smith, Helen M. (Miss), 1515 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Bancroft Parker Winchester, Massa- chusetts (1762-1842) ; Private, Captain John K. Smith's Company, Colonel Smith's Eegiment, January 6, 1777-December 31, 1779; Private, Captain Aaron Haynes' Company, Colonel Wigglesworth's Continental Eegiment, February 16, 1778 ; Sergeant, 1783. 1895 Smith, Isa Lee Hill (Mrs. Eeginald Heber Smith), Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of William Lowther, Virginia (1742 ) ; Major in the expedition sent by Governor Thomas Jefferson under Brigadier-General George Eoger Clarke against Detroit, June, 1781; served from June 21 to August 11; resigned on account of sickness and was honorably discharged. 1891 Smith, Sadie Adams (Mrs. Leroy Sunderland Smith), New York, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Adams, Massachusetts (1735-1833) ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Company, 3d Suffolk County Massachusetts Eegi- ment. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Eowell, New Hampshire; Pri- vate, Captain Henry Dearborn's Company, Stark's Brigade, 1775 ; Eecord of service from 1775-1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Thomas Lamb, Massachusetts ; Lieu- tenant, Colonel Henry Jackson's Eegiment, Massachusetts Conti- nental Infantry, February 1, 1777-April 22, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Dustin, New Hamp- shire (1741 ) ; Private, Captain Joshua Haywood's Company, Colonel Daniel Gilmore's Eegiment, December, 1776-March, 1777; Private, Colonel Jonathan Chase's Eegiment, commanded by Major Francis Smith, January 27-July 14, 1777. 933 Date of 293 _ . Admission. xT 0C1 ^ ty Number. 1894 Smythe, Clara May (Miss), 588 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Tench Tilghman, Pennsylvania (1744- 1786) ; Captain, Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; Colonel, Aid-de-Camp, and Military Secretary to General Washington, April 1, 1777-December 23, 1783 ; presented with a horse and sword by Act of Congress, October 29, 1781, in testimony of his merit and ability. 1895 Smythe, Kate L. T. S. Smith (Mrs. Edward Tilghman Smythe), 1268 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Everett, Long Island; 2d Lieutenant, King's County Long Island Militia, 1776. 1894 Snelling, Kate Alice Fowler (Mrs. C. Francis Snelling), 463 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Fowler, Massachusetts (1750-1824); Private, Captain Nathaniel Wade's Company of Minute-men from Ipswich, Massachusetts ; served at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 1891 Snow, Anna Le Comte Brooks (Mrs. Henry Sanger Snow), 118 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of John Gilbert, Connecticut (1731-1779) ; Private, " Lexington Alarm ;" served as Captain of Militia, 1779 ; killed in action at New Haven, July 5, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of David Brooks, Connecticut ; Private, Connecticut Militia from the town of Cheshire, April 22, 1782. 1894 Soule, Mary C. Batchelder (Mrs.), 643 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Amos Batchelder, Massachusetts (1727 -1809) ; Private, Captain Seth Newton's Company, Colonel Abijah Steam's Eegiment, April 1-July 2, 1778; Private, Captain Benjamin Peabody's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Eegiment, October 14, 1779; Private, enlisted June 28, 1780, Major Peter Harwood's Eegiment to reinforce the Continental Army. 1892 Southwick, Fannie Crawford (Miss), 201 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of John Ely, Connecticut (1737 ); Captain, 6th Connecticut Line Eegiment, May 1-December 18, ^94 Society $J&SL Number. Admission. 1775 ; Colonel, Connecticut Militia Begiment, 1777 ; taken prisoner on the Long Island Expedition, December 10, 1777; exchanged December 5, 1780. 895 Spalding, Elizabeth (Miss), 855 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Selden, Connecticut (1723-1776); Member Connecticut Assembly, 1776; Colonel, 4th Battalion Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut Militia, June 20, 1776 ; taken prisoner in the retreat from New York, September 15, 1776 ; died while a prisoner in New York, October 11, 1776. 894 Spalding, Lavinia D. Spencer (Mrs. John Franklin Spalding), 671 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Selden, Connecticut (1723- 1776) ; Member Connecticut Assembly, 1776 ; Colonel, 4th Battalion Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut Militia, June 20, 1776; taken prisoner in the retreat from New York, September 15, 1776 ; died while a prisoner in New York, October 11, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Stephen Goodwin, Connecticut (1734-1788); Captain, 4th Company, Colonel Fisher Gay's Begi- ment Connecticut Militia, June 20-December 25, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Kingsbury Sanford (1753-1834); Pri- vate, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain Edward Mott's Com- pany, 6th Connecticut Begiment, May, 1775-February, 1776 ; Pri- vate, Captain Jonathan Brewer's Company Connecticut Militia, 1776. 894 Spalding, Mary Atwater (Miss), 702 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Hezekiah Hutchins, New Hampshire (1728-1796) ; Captain, 3d New Hampshire Begiment, Colonel James Bead, May 23-December, 1775. 894 Spalding, Mary Frances Steele (Mrs. William M. Spalding), 698 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Frederick King, New Jersey (1716- 1796) ; Quartermaster, Eastern Battalion Morris County New Jer- sey Militia. Date of ^"^ Society Admission. Number. 1894 Sparhawk, Hetty Vanuxen (Miss), 596 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Elijah Clark, New Jersey (1730-1795); Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Battalion Gloucester County New Jersey Militia; resigned November 6, 1777; Member New Jersey Provin- cial Congress, May-October, 1775 ; Member same, January-March, 1776, June-August, 1776, and in 1777. 1894 Sparhawk, Olive Blrica Sproat (Mrs. Charles W. Sparhawk), 220 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of William Sproat, Pennsylvania (1757-1793) ; Ensign, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 4th Penn- sylvania Line, January 3, 1777 ; Eegimental Adjutant, June 30- December 17, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, April 17, 1779 ; Captain, May 11, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania Line, January 17, 1781, and served to close of war; Member Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Eev. James Sproat, Pennsylvania (1721-1793) ; Hospital Chaplain, Middle Department, February 10, 1778-1781. 1895 Spauldinq, Adeliza Fuller (widow of John L. Spaulding), 941 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Fuller, Massachusetts (1743-1802) ; Sergeant, Captain Aaron Smith's Company, Colonel William Heath's Eegiment, from Needham, "Lexington Alarm;" service eight days ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Aaron Smith's Company, 1st Suf- folk County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel William Mcintosh, May 10, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, same company, September 18, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain Ebenezer Battle's Company, Colonel William Mcintosh's Regiment, March 23-April 5, 1778. 1894 Spence, Marie Cornelia Tallmadge (Mrs. Thomas Wilson Spence), 677 Wisconsin, Great-great-granddaughter of William Floyd, Long Island (1734- 1821) ; Member Continental Congress, 1774-1783 ; Signer Declara- tion of Independence ; Member New York Provincial Convention, April 20, 1775 ; Colonel, 1st Regiment Suffolk County New York Militia, 1775 ; Member New York Council of Safety, 1777 ; Member New York Senate, 1777-1788. [Also, Date of 296 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Benjamin Tallmadge, Connecticut (1754- 1835) ; Adjutant, Colonel John Chester's Regiment, Connecticut State Troops, June 20, 1776 ; Brigade-Major to Brigadier-General James Wadsworth, Connecticut State Troops, October 11, 1776; Captain, 2d Regiment Continental Light Dragoons, Colonel Elisha Sheldon, December 14, 1776; Major, same, April 7, 1777; captured Fort George, Long Island, November 21, 1780 ; and received special notice of Congress, December 6, 1780 ; served at General Washing- ton's headquarters, March, 1781-November, 1783; Lieutenant- Colonel by brevet, September 30, 1783. 1895 Spence, Phebe L. Larzelere (Mrs. John Livingston Spence), 985 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Joost or George Stilwell, Long Island (1742 ) ; Captain, Company of Militia from Gravesend, Long Island, 1776. 1894 Spencer, Mary B. Cushing (Mrs. Charles Spencer), 570 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Joseph Cushing, Massachusetts (1732-1791); Dele- gate Provincial Congress at Salem, 1774; Delegate Provincial Con- gress at Cambridge, 1775 ; Delegate Provincial Congress at Water- town, May, 1775 ; Member Committee of Safety, 1776, 1779, 1780 ; Brigadier-General, Massachusetts Militia. Also, granddaughter of John Bailey, Massachusetts (1730-1810) ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, Colonel John Thomas' Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; Colonel, July 1, 1775 ; Colonel, 23d Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; Colonel, 2d Massachusetts Line, November 1, 1776 ; resigned, October 21, 1780. 1895 Spopford, Aphia T. (Miss), 1288 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Eliphalet Spofford, Massachusetts (1725- 1776) ; Captain, 5th Company, 7th Regiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel Daniel Spofford, June 20, 1776 ; died October 7, 1776. 1895 Spofford, Clara Todd (Mrs. Frank M. Spofford), H44 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Solomon Todd, New Hampshire (1740-1787) ; Private, Captain James Osgood's Company of Rangers, 1775 ; Ser- 9Q7 Date of " a ' J oci( ? ty Admission. Number. geant, Captain Nesmith's Company, 1776; Private, Continental Army, enlisted for three years in Colonel Matthew Thornton's Eegiment, 1777. 1895 Spopford, Ellen Boardman (Mrs. Charles Ains worth Spofford), 140 ^ New York, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Boardman, Connecticut (1722-1796) ; Lieutenant, Company of Minute-men from Preston, Conn., " Lex- ington Alarm," eight days' service ; Captain, 8th Regiment Con- necticut Militia, September 8-November 17, 1776 ; in service at New York. 1896 Sprague, Emeline M. Winship (Mrs. Charles H. Sprague), 1448 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of John Winship, Massachusetts (1754-1825) ; Private, Captain John Parker's Company, May, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Wood's Company, Colonel Gerrish's Eegiment, 1775 ; Ensign, 9th Massachusetts Eegiment, January 1, 1777 ; resigned April, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Winship, Massachusetts ; Pri- vate, Captain John Parker's Company, " Lexington Alarm." 1896 . Sprague, S. Agnes Loring (widow of George W. Sprague), 1498 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Matthew Loring, Massachusetts (1751 ) ; Member " Boston Tea Party ;" Drummer, Captain Freedom Cham- berlin's Company, Colonel Craft's Regiment, May 5, 1775 ; Bom- bardier, Captain Winthrop Gray's Company, Massachusetts Militia; Mariner, Brigantine " Hazard," Commander Simon Samson, May 20, 1778. 1894 Spratt, Mary Fuller Longfellow (Mrs. James Spratt), 616 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Longfellow, Maine (1740-1834) ; Pri- vate, New Hampshire Line from Waldo County, Maine. 1893 Spring, Annie Kate (Miss), 352 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of William Eskridge,Virginia ( 1830) ; Date of * vo Society Admission. Number, 2d Lieutenant, 2d Virginia Eegiment, June 15, 1777 ; 1st Lieuten- ant, December 9, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, May 12, 1780 ; exchanged November, 1780, and served to close of war. 1893 Spring, Mart Wall (Mrs. J. V. Spring), 351 Texas, Great-granddaughter of William Eskridge, Virginia ( 1830) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Virginia Eegiment, June 15, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, December 9, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, May 12, 1780; ex- changed November, 1780, and served to close of war. 1895 Standish, Louise Marston Farwell (Mrs. Myles Standish), 1068 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Ephraim Marston, New Hampshire (1727-1810) ; Private, Captain Henry Elkins' Company, Colonel Joshua Wingate's Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, Piscataqua Harbor, November 5, 1775. 1894 Stanley, Caroline Clinton Durfee (Mrs. Edward Otis Stanley), 469 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Durfee, Massachusetts (1721-1796) ; Representative to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1776 ; Member of Governor's Council under John Hancock and Samuel Adams ; Keeper of public stores for the use of the army ; contrib- uted large sums of money to the cause of American Independence. 1895 Stanton, Harriette Augusta (Miss), 854 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Wheeler, Massachusetts (1743- 1817); Member of the "Boston Tea Party;" Private, Captain Abraham Wheeler's Company, Colonel Lemuel Robinson's Regi- ment, " Lexington Alarm ;" Captain Company of Artificers, 1777- 1780. 1896 Stanwood, Helen A. Aborn (Mrs. Edwin Lincoln Stanwood), 1477 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Flint, Massachusetts (1733- 1777) ; Captain, 8th Regiment Essex County Massachusetts Militia ; killed at Stillwater at the head of his company, October 7, 1777. A ?atepf 2 " Society Admission. Number. 1894 Stearns, Ellen E. Abbot (Mrs. John G. Stearns), 747 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Henry Lovejoy, New Hampshire (1714-1793) ; Private, Captain William Walker's Company, Colonel James Eeid's Regiment, August 1, 1775 ; Private, Captain John Goss' Company, Colonel Nichols' Regiment, General John Stark's Brigade, July, 1777; Private, Captain Benjamin Mann's Company, Colonel Nichols' Regiment, "Rhode Island Expedition," August 28, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Joseph Abbot, New Hampshire (1741- 1832) ; Private, Captain William Barron's Company, Colonel Nichols' New Hampshire Militia, July 6-October 22, 1780. 1894 Stedman, Alice (Miss), 53g Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of William Ellery, Rhode Island (1727- 1820); Signer Declaration of Independence; Member of Continen- tal Congress from Rhode Island, 1776-1785. 1893 Stedman, Miriam White (Miss), 31g Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Robert H. Livingston, New York (1760- 1804) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Continental Artillery, Colonel John Lamb, June 20, 1781-June, 1783. 1893 Stedman, Susan Livingston Boyd (Mrs. Daniel B. Stedman), 9 q* Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Robert H. Livingston, New York (1760 ) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Continental Artillery, Colonel John Lamb, June 29, 1781-June, 1783. 1891 Steers, Anna A. Mersereau (Mrs. Edward Paulet Steers), New York, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, New York (1728-1804) ; Member of Provincial Assembly which met at Kingston and Poughkeepsie during the war; Representative from Richmond County, New York, 1777-1786 ; Deputy Commissary-General of Prisoners for the Continent. [Also, Date of ^" Society Admission. Number. Also, granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, Jr., New York (1758- 1856) ; Quartermaster at Eutland, Massachusetts, 1777 ; Guide for Colonel Hazen's Eegiment, 1780 ; Prisoner on the British Prison Ship « Scorpion," 1782. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Butts, Connecticut ; Pri- vate, Captain Bacon's Company, Colonel John Chester's Eegiment, Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut State Troops, 1776 ; Private, Captain Moses Branch's Company, Colonel Obediah Johnson's Eegi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Harmanus Garrison, New York ; Quartermaster, Eichmond County New York Militia, March 15, 1776. 1891 Steers, Lucretia Y. B. (Miss), 92 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of EoderickBeebe, New York (1753-1832) ; Private, Captain Baldwin's Company, Colonel Elmore's Eegiment, New York State Troops, served six months ; also served in Captain Eoswell Beebe's Company, same regiment ; Sergeant, Captain Marven's Company with troops under command of General Wash- ington, June, 1776, served six months; served nine months under General Philip Schuyler, March, 1777 ; at White Plains. 1891 Steers; Susan C. Mersereau (Mrs. Abraham Steers), New York, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, New York (1728-1804) ; Member of Provincial Assembly which met at Kingston and Pough- keepsie during the war; Eepresentative from Eichmond County, New York, 1777-1786 ; Deputy Commissary-General of Prisoners for the Continent. Also, granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, Jr., New York (1758- 1856); Quartermaster at Eutland, Massachusetts, 1777; Guide for Colonel Hazen's Eegiment, 1780 ; Prisoner on the British Prison Ship, " Scorpion," 1782. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Butts, Connecticut ; Pri- vate, Captain Bacon's Company, Colonel John Chester's Eegiment, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops, 1776 ; Private, Captain Moses Branch's Company, Colonel Obediah Johnson's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Harmanus Garrison, New York ; Quartermaster, Eichmond County New York Militia March 15, 1776. A 5 at - e ? f 301 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Steinbach, Harriet Sargent Johnson (Mrs. Edward Steinbach), 423 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Paul Dudley Sargent. Massachusetts (1745- 1828); Colonel, Massachusetts Militia, May-December, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill; Colonel, 16th Eegiment Massachusetts Continental Infantry, January 1-Deceraber 31, 1776 ; Colonel, 1st Eegiment Essex County Massachusetts Militia, September 26, 1778. 1895 Steinheimer, Lilt North Fisher (Mrs. Charles G. Steinheimer), 1205 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin North, New York (1749-1817) ; Ensign, Captain Abraham Remsen's Company, Long Island Militia; 2d Lieutenant, June 17, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 1776 ; served six months. 1894 Stephenson, Lucy Arnold (Miss), 523 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Wood, Connecticut (1763 ) ; Private, Captain John Durkee's Company, Colonel Grosvenor's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, January, 1781-January, 1783. 1894 Sterling, Adaline Wheelock (Miss), 515 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Thaddeus Sterling, Connecticut (1749-1837) ; Private, Captain Caleb St. John's Company, Colonel Silliman's Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1776 ; March, 1777-December, 1777 ; February, 1778-January, 1779 ; March-December, 1779 ; Private, Captain Abraham Gregory's Company, Colonel Stephen St. John's Regiment Connecticut Militia, March-September, 1781 ; Quarter- master, 3d Regiment Light Horse Connecticut Militia, Major Daniel Starr. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Sterling, Connecticut ; Private, Captain Nehemiah Bradley's Company, Colonel David Waterbury's Regiment Connecticut Militia, May 13-October 17, 1775 ; Private, Captain Nathan Gilbert's Company, Colonel John Meade's Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, October 5-30, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Dibell, Massachusetts (1739- 1826) ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th Taconic Mountains Company, Captain John King, 1st Berkshire County Regiment* Massachusetts Militia, Colonel John Ashley ; 1st Lieutenant, same, May 6, 1776 ; 1st Lieu- tenant, Captain Ephraim Fitch's Company, Colonel Benjamin Sy- monds' Regiment Massachusetts Militia, December 16, 1776; in service at Ticonderoga, February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Date of ^02 Society Admission. Number. John King's Company, Colonel Ashley's .Regiment, " Bennington Alarm," October 23, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of David Joyce, Connecticut; Private, Captain Charles Smith's Company, General David Waterbury's Brigade Connecticut Militia, April 10, 1781 ; Brigade joined Wash- ington at Phillipsburg, July, 1781. 1894 Sterling, Kate Latta Stevens, M.D., 554 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Thaddeus Sterling, Connecticut (1749-1837) ; Private, Captain Caleb St. John's Company, Colonel Silliman's Eegi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1776 ; March, 1777-December, 1777 ; February, 1778-January, 1779 ; March-December, 1779 ; Private, Captain Abraham Gregory's Company, Colonel Stephen St. John's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, March-September, 1781 ; Quarter- master, 3d Eegiment Light Horse Connecticut Militia, Major Daniel Starr. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Sterling, Connecticut; Private, Captain Nehemiah Bradley's Company, Colonel David Waterbury's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, May 13-October 17, 1775 ; Private, Captain Nathan Gilbert's Company, Colonel John Meade's Eegi- ment Connecticut Militia, October 5-30, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Dibell, Massachusetts (1739- 1826) ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th Taconic Mountains Company, Captain John King, 1st Berkshire County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel John Ashley ; 1st Lieutenant, same, May 6, 1776 ; 1st Lieu- tenant, Captain Epbraim Fitch's Company, Colonel Benjamin Sy- monds' Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 16, 1776; in service at Ticonderoga, February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain John King's Company, Colonel John Ashley's Eegiment, " Benning- ton Alarm," October 23, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of David Joyce, Connecticut ; Private, Captain Charles Smith's Company, General David Waterbury's Brigade Connecticut Militia, April 10, 1781 ; Brigade joined Wash- ington at Phillipsburg, July, 1781. 1894 Sterling, Virginia Swift (Miss), 553 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Thaddeus Sterling, Connecticut (1749-1837) ; Private, Captain Caleb St. John's Company, Colonel Silliman's Eegi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1776 ; March, 1777-December, 1777 ; February, 1778-January, 1779 ; March-December, 1779 ; Private, Captain Abraham Gregory's Company, Colonel Stephen St. John's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, March-September, 1781 ; Quarter- Date of 303 gooiety Admission. Number. master, 3d Begiment Light Horse Connecticut Militia, Major Daniel Starr. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Sterling, Connecticut ; Private, Captain Nehemiah Bradley's Company, Colonel David Waterbury's Regiment Connecticut Militia, May 13-October 17, 1775 ; Private, Captain Nathan Gilbert's Company, Colonel John Meade's Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, October 5-30, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Dibell, Massachusetts (1739- 1826) ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th Taconic Mountains Company, Captain John King, 1st Berkshire County Begiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel John Ashley ; 1st Lieutenant, same, May 6, 1776 ; 1st Lieu- tenant, Captain Ephraim Fitch's Company, Colonel Benjamin Sy- monds' Begiment Massachusetts Militia, December 16, 1776 ; in service at Ticonderoga, February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain John King's Company, Colonel John Ashley's Begiment " Benning- ton Alarm," October 23, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of David Joyce, Connecticut ; Private, Captain Charles Smith's Company, General David Waterbury's Brigade Connecticut Militia, April 10, 1781 ; Brigade joined Wash- ington at Phillipsburg, July, 1780. 1893 Stevens, Bettie Thornton (Mrs. John J. Stevens), 248 Texas, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Colonel Bichard Callaway, Vir- ginia (1730 ) ; Signer of the Transylvania Declaration of Inde- pendence, May 23, 1775 ; Justice of the Peace, Kentucky County, Virginia, 1776 ; Member Virginia House of Burgesses, 1777 ; re- elected, 1779 ; one of the defenders of Boonesborough in the Du- Quesne Siege, 1778 ; killed by the Indians in ambush, 1780. 1894 Stewart, Alice Gerry (Mrs. David Stewart), 740 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of Bev. Samuel McClintock, New Hamp- shire (1732-1802) ; Chaplain, 2d New Hampshire Begiment, Colo- nel, Clark, July, 1775 ; Chaplain at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 1895 Stewart, Annie O. Bixby (Mrs. Samuel Barrett Stewart), 1188 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Thomas Bixby, New Hampshire (1752-1827) ; Sergeant, Captain Joseph Moore's Company, Colonel Prescott's Begi- ment, at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Ensign, Colonel Hercules Mooney's Begiment, Bhode Island service, 1779. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1894 Stewart, Marie Louise Sterling (Mrs. Luman H. Stewart), 605 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Canfield, Connecticut (1740-1786) ; Adjutant, 2d Regiment, Continental Dragoons, Colonel Elisha Sheldon, 1776 ; Brigade-Major, Brigadier-General Oliver "Wolcott's Detachment, Connecticut Militia, at Saratoga, 1777. 1895 Stewart, Sylvie Mat Smith (Miss), 888 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Lemmon, New Jersey ; Private, Cap- tain Samuel Stout's Company, Middlesex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of William Coleman, New Jersey ; Private, Morris County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Stickney, Cornelia Augusta (Miss), 1247 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jedediah Stickney, Massachusetts (1739- 1815) ; Sergeant, Captain Jacob Gerrish's Company of Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Sergeant, Captain John Dodge's Company, Colonel Pickering's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, December 16, 1776-March 15, 1777; Sergeant, Captain Oliver Titcomb's Com- pany, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment of Guards, November 11, 1777, service two months and eleven days. 1895 Stickney, Lucy Waters (Miss), 1246 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jedediah Stickney, Massachusetts (1739- 1815); Sergeant, Captain Jacob Gerrish's Company of Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Sergeant, Captain John Dodge's Company, Colonel Pickering's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, December 16, 1776-March 15, 1777 ; Sergeant, Captain Oliver Titcomb's Com- pany, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment of Guards, November 11, 1777, service two months and eleven days. 1895 Stilwell, Lizzie Balch Saffen (Mrs. William Stilwell), 942 New York, Great-granddaughter of Noah Robinson, Massachusetts (1758-1788) ; Private at the battle of White Plains, October 28, 1776 ; Private, Captain Stephen Richardson's Company Massachusetts Militia for service in Rhode Island, April 21-May 15, 1777 ; Private, Captain Israel Trow's Company, Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May 15-July 6, 1777; Private, Captain Date of 305 Society Admission. Number. Caleb Bichardson's Company, Colonel Danforth Keyes's Eegiment, September 1, 1777, served four months; Private, Captain Moses Willmarth's Company, Colonel John Daggett's Eegiment, January 1, 1778, served two months ; Private, Captain Enoch Eobinson's Company, August 12, 1779 ; Private, Captain Joseph Cole's Com- pany, Colonel John Jacob's Eegiment, July 6, 1778-January 1, 1779. 1896 Stimpson, Isabelle B. Neal (widow of Henry Q. Stimpson), 1509 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Fuller Lakeman, Massachusetts (1754—1833) ; Private, Captain Nathaniel Wade's Company of Minute-men which marched from Ipswich to Cambridge, "Lexing- ton Alarm," twenty-one days' service. 1896 Stockwell, Virginia (Miss), 1512 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Timothy Tileston, Massachusetts (1728- 1819) ; Private, Captain Bbenezer Withington's Company of Min- ute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain John Eobinson's Company, Colonel Benjamin Gill's Eegiment, Mai-ch, 1777 ; Matross, Captain Jonathan Stoddard's Company, Colonel Thomas Craft's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 8-July 8, 1777; Corporal, Captain Eobert Davis's Company, Colonel Freeman's Eegiment, Massachusetts Militia at Ehode Island, December, 1777 ; Private, Captain Seth Summers's Company, Colonel Gill's Eegiment, March 1-April 4, 1778 ; Private, Captain Lemuel Clapp's Company, Major Heath's Detachment, May-August, 1779. 1894 Stone, Helen Franklin (Miss), 791 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Alexander Craig, Pennsylvania; Pri- vate, Major Byles's Company, 3d Pennsylvania Eegiment, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Israel Stone, Massachusetts (1749- 1808) ; Private, Captain Eustis's Company of Minute-men from Eutland, "Lexington Alarm ;" Private, Captain David Bent's Com- pany, Colonel Nathan Sparhawk's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, August 20, 1777 ; Corporal, Captain Samuel Hubbard's Company, Colonel Job Cushintr's Eegiment, Massachusetts Militia, September 5-November 29, 1777. 1894 Stone, Olivia Allston (Mrs. Benjamin F. Stone), 514 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Alexander Craig, Pennsylvania; Private, Major Byles's Company, 3d Pennsylvania Eegiment, 1777. Date of 306 Society Admission. Number. 1892 Stone, Sallie English (Mrs. Charles Francis Stone), 199 New York, Great-granddaughter of Moses Stone, Jr., Massachusetts (1749- 1803) ; Corporal, Captain Seth Barnard's Company Watertown Massachusetts Militia, " Lexington Alarm ;" Corporal, Captain Phineas Steam's Company Watertown Massachusetts Militia, March, 1776; Sergeant, Captain Edward Fuller's Company, Colonel Brooks' Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Thomas Wellington's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, October 1-November 27, 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Phineas Steam's Company, Colonel Samuel Thatcher's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, January 3-February 12, 1779. 1894 Stone, Sarah E. Lawton (Mrs. Amos Stone), 465 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Elisha Hoit, Massachusetts ( 1827) ; Private, Captain Asa Lauren's Company, April 19, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Lauren's Company, Colonel Prescott's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, 1775; Private, Captain Job Shattuck's Company, March, 1776 ; Private, Continental Infantry, 1777. 1893 Stout, Abbie M. (Miss), 397 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Moses Long, Massachusetts (1760-1848) ; Private, Captain Carr's Company, 9th Massachusetts Eegiment under General Lee; served three years. 1893 Stout, Lucy Long (Mrs. Alexander), ong New Jersey, Granddaughter of Moses Long, Massachusetts (1760-1848) ; Private, Captain Carr's Company, 9th Massachusetts Eegiment under Gen- eral Lee ; served three years. 1894 Strang, Frances A. (Miss), 69 7 New York, Great-granddaughter of James Hammond, New York (1727-1810); Lieutenant-Colonel 1st South Eegiment Westchester New York Militia, Colonel Joseph Drake ; commissioned October, 1775 ; re-ap- pointed June, 1778 ; in active service to May 25, 1780. 1895 Stratton, Edith Augusta (Miss), 1317 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Asa Stratton, Massachusetts (1758-1818); Q07 Date of ' Society Admission. Number. Private, Captain Samuel Merriman's Company, 6th Hampshire County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel Phinehas Wright, expedition in Northern Department, September 22-October 1, 1777 ; Private, Captain Jotham Houghton's Company, Colonel Nathan Sparhawk's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, November 3- 19, 1778. 1894 Strohmeyer, Epfie Dean Johnson (Mrs. Henry A. Strohmeyer), 730 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Dean, Connecticut (1762-1845) ; Private, Captain Yates' Company, Colonel Enos's Eegiment, June, 1778 ; Private, 7th Eegiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Heman Swift, June 24, 1780; Private, Captain Scofield's Company Con- necticut Militia, March 15, 1781 ; served to 1783. 1894 Strong, Persis F. Griffith (Mrs. Melville Strong), 661 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Humphreys, Connecticut (1735-1822); 2d Lieutenant, 2d Connecticut Eegiment, May 1- December 10, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776. 1894 Stubbs, Catherine Duer (Mrs. Eoland H. Stubbs), 696 New York, Great-granddaughter of Eobert McMurray ( 1814) ; Private, Cap- tain John Armstrong's Company, Major Thomas Armstrong's Eegi- ment, New York Militia. 1894 Stull, Evelyn L. (Miss), 788 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Adam Stoll, Pennsylvania; Private, 5th Company, German Eegiment, July 21, 1776 ; served until the regiment was mustered out of service. 1895 Sturdy, Fidelia Page Webber (Mrs. Albert W. Sturdy), 1410 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Page, Massachusetts (1742-1819) ; Private, Lieutenant Moses Abbott's Company which marched from Bedford to Cambridge, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Massachu- setts Militia, May 15, 1775. Date of 3"° Society Admission. Number. 1891 Sumner, Helen K. Richardson (widow of Adams C. Sumner), 135 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of James Ferris, New York (1734-1777) ; Chair- man Westchester County Committee, 1774; Member Sub-committee appointed by Provincial Congress to inspect the election of militia officers, Westchester, New York, August 24, 1775 ; prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York, 1776; released on parole, June 14, 1777, and died a few days later. 1895 Sumner, Annie E. Lindley (Mrs. Clark F. Sumner), 1079 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Libby, Maine (1758-1841) ; Private, Captain Philip Ulmer's Company, Colonel McCobb's Regiment, 1779, Sea Coast Defence. 1895 Sutlipp, Isabel Hurst (Mrs. John Henry Sutliff), 918 New York, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Nichol, Pennsylvania (1735-1830) ; Private, Pennsylvania Line, January 1, 1781. 1895 Suydam, Aletta Lott (widow of Evert Suydam), 1053 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Adrian Yan Brunt, Long Island (1735- 1785); Captain, Long Island Militia, Colonel Richard Van Brunt, 1776. 1892 Suydam, Emma Bedell (Miss), 206 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Rev. Martinus Schoonmaker, New York (1737-1824) ; Patriot and Pastor of Dutch Reformed Church at Harlem, N. Y., and Gravesend, L. I.; requested by resolution of the Convention of the State of New York to officiate in his own church in Harlem, August 17, 1776, a day designated for fasting and prayer ; during the British occupancy of Harlem both his house and church were burned, and he himself escaped arrest by seeking protection within the American lines. Also, great-granddaughter of Hendrick Suydam, Long Island ; Clerk, Troop of Horse, King's County, New York Militia, 1776. 1895 Swan, Laura Prentice Crane (Mrs. Robert Thaxter Swan), 837 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Hoar, New Hampshire (1717- •) ; Private, Captain Thomas Heald's Company from New Ips- wich, N. H., "Lexington Alarm." [Also, Date of ovi7 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Philip Holme, Massachusetts (1731- ) ; Filer, Captain Peter Talbot's Company, Colonel Lemuel Robinson's Regiment from Stoughton, Mass., "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Simeon Leach's Company, Colonel Benjamin Gill's Regiment, Dorchester Heights, March 4, 1776. 1895 S W an, Mary Althea Farwell (Mrs. Alden S. Swan), * 328 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Emerson, Massachusetts (1721- 1803) ; Private, Captain John Bachellor's Company, Colonel Eben- ezer Bridges's Regiment from Reading, "Lexington Alarm;" Quar- termaster, Captain John Bachellor's Company, Colonel Ebenezer Bridges's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, April 24, 1775, eight months' service; Sergeant, same, September 25, 1775; Quarter- master, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Regiment, General Warner's Bri- gade, August 14-November 30, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Joseph Farwell, Massachusetts (1759- 1834) ; Private, Captain Luke Wilder's Company, Colonel Samuel Denny's 2d Regiment, service at Claverack, N. Y., October 27- December 1, 1779. 1895 Swazet, Mary Philbrick (Mrs. Oscar F. Swazey), 818 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Philbrick, New Hampshire (1734- 1803) ; Captain 4th Company, 9th Regiment New Hampshire Mili- tia, September 5-June 6, 1778 ; Member Committee of Safety, 1775-1778 and 1780. 1896 Sweet, Emeroy L. Stevens (Mrs. Channing Sweet), 1580 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of John Baxter ( 1847) ; Private, Captain Asa Barnes's Company, Colonel Sargent's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, January, 1776; Private, Captain Jabez Hall's Company, Colonel Warner's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1776, served twelve months. 1896 Sweet, Joyeuse L. Fullerton (Mrs. William E. Sweet), 1468 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Humphrey Fullerton, Pennsylvania ( 1781) ; Ensign, Captain Philip Pancake's Company, Colonel Delaney's Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, August 2, 1777. tw« «r "™ Society A?^s?o f n. Number. 1894 Swift, Ella Filson (Mrs. Frederic J. Swift), 637 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Humphrey ( 1826) ; Captain, 6th Pennsylvania Eegiment, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania Eegiment, January 1, 1783 ; served to June 3, 1783. 1894 Swords, Phozbe Caroline (Miss), 79 5 New York, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Cotheal, New Jersey (1743-1812); Private, 4th Eegiment New Jersey Line, Lieutenant-Colonel David Ehea; wounded and taken prisoner at Woodbridge, New Jersey, April 19, 1777 ; British prisoner in New York for thirteen months ; honorably discharged May 1, 1778, on account of wounds. 1894 Symes, Sophie Foster (widow of George Gifford Symes), 779 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Elliott, Connecticut (1729-1785) ; Captain, Killingly Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Cap- tain, 3d Connecticut Continental Eegiment, Colonel Israel Putnam, May 1- August 11, 1775, at siege of Boston. 1895 Stmonds, Annie Stetson (Miss), 852 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Leavitt, New Hampshire ; Private, Colonel Gerrish's Massachusetts Eegiment, May 17, 1775 ; Private, Captain Isaac Sherman's Company, 26th Continental Infantry, Colonel Loammi Baldwin, January 1-December 31, 1776. 1896 Symonds, Lucy Lowe (Miss), 1663 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Caleb Low, Massachusetts (1739-1810) ; Captain, " Lexington Alarm ;" Captain, 3d Company, Colonel Her- rick's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 2, 1776 ; 1st Major, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, July 6- October 10, 1780. 1895 Taber, Harriet Wyman (Miss), 848 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Thomas Wyman, Massachusetts (1761-1816) ; Pri- vate, Captain Heath's Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 9, 1780 ; Private, Massachusetts Militia raised for six months' service, October 25, 1780. Date of Society Admission. Number. 1895 Taber, Sarah White (Miss), 847 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Thomas Wyman, Massachusetts (1761-1816) ; Pri- vate, Captain Heath's Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, June 9, 1780 ; Private, Massachusetts Militia raised for six months' service, October 25, 1780. 1896 Taplet, Annah G. Stacey (Mrs. John W. Tapley), 1552 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Francis Cox, Massachusetts ; 1st Lieu- tenant, Colonel John Mansfield's Massachusetts Regiment, May- December, 1775 j 1st Lieutenant, 27th Continental Infantry, Janu- ary 1, 1776. 1894 Tarr, Alice M. (Miss), 683 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jabez Tarr, Massachusetts (1759-1844); Pri- vate, Massachusetts Militia, 'served at Bunker Hill, Valley Forge, and Yorktown. 1895 Taylor, Bessie Porter (Miss), 954 Maryland, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Smith, Maryland ( 1782) ; Private, Captain Dobson's Company 6th Maryland Regi- ment, February 10, 1777 ; discharged April 26, 1779 ; Private, 7th Maryland Regiment, May, 1777 ; discharged August 16, 1780. 1893 Taylor, Charlotte Augusta (Miss), 414 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Roby, Massachusetts (1742-1776) ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d New Hampshire Militia, May 23-December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, Bedel's Rangers, January, 1776 ; taken pris- oner at the Cedars, Canada, May 19, 1776 ; died in service, 1776. 1895 Taylor, Fannie Taylor (Mrs. Alexander Taylor, Jr.), 1385 New York, Great-granddaughter of Timothy Taylor, Connecticut (1742 ) ; Sergeant, 5th Connecticut Regiment, May 9-December, 1775 ; Ensign, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Connecticut State Regiment, June 10, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, November 16, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d Connecticut Regiment, September 1, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut Regiment, January 1, 1781 ; retained in Swift's Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to November 3, 1783. [Also, Q10 Date of ^ oci , et y Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Fairbanks, Massachusetts; Ensign, 6th Massachusetts Eegiment, January 1, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten- ant, November 12, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, June 10, 1779 ; retired January 1, 1783. 1895 Taylor, Mable Howard (Mrs.), 322 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Nelson, Jr., Virginia (1738- 1789) ; Signer of Declaration of Independence ; Member Conti- nental Congress, 1775; Member State Constitutional Convention, 1776 ; Member of Congress, 1779 ; Governor of Virginia, 1781 ; Commander of Virginia Militia at the Siege of Yorktown. 1895 Taylor, Mary E. Fellows (Mrs. Oliver Taylor), 1338 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Gile, New Hampshire (1743-1827) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Bichard Dow's Company, Colonel Joshua Wingate's Eegiment for defence of Piscataqua Harbor, November, 1775 ; Lieutenant, Captain Jacob Webster's Company, New Hamp- shire Militia, December, 1775; Ensign, Captain David Quinby's Company for service in Canada, July, 1776; Captain, Independent Company for service with Northern Continental Army, October, 1777. 1894 Ten Broeck, Frances Austin (Mrs. Edward Francis Ten Broeck), 711 Missouri, Great-granddaughter of Bobert McMurray ( 1814) ; Private, Captain John Armstrong's Company, Major Thomas Armstrong's Besriment New York Militia. 1893 Terry, Jane Elizabeth (Miss), 412 Japan, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Terry, Connecticut (1730- 1792); Major, Enfield Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Lieutenant-Colonel, 19th Begiment Connecticut Militia, December, 1776 ; Colonel same, May, 1777 ; Member Connecticut Assembly, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Eldad Taylor, Massachusetts (1708-1777); Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress; Member Governor's Council ; Member Massachusetts Senate. 1894 Terry, Marion Jane (Miss), 558 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Terry, Connecticut (1730- 1792); Major, Enfield Connecticut Militia, "Lexington Alarm;" Date of 313 Society Admission. Number. Lieutenant-Colonel, 19th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1776 ; Colo- nel same, May, 1777; Member Connecticut Assembly, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Sartell Prentice, New Hampshire (1767-1849) ; Captain, 16th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, Colonel Benjamin Bellows, 1776 ; Member New Hampshire Provincial Congress, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Eldad Taylor, Massachusetts (1708-1777) ; Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress; Member Governor's Council; Member Massachusetts Senate. 1891 Thayer, Elizabeth Brooks Chatpield (Mrs. John Yan Buren Thayer), 57 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of "William C. Whitney, Connecticut (1762- ) ; Private, Connecticut Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of David Brooks, Connecticut ; Private, Connecticut Militia from the town of Cheshire, April 22, 1782-Jan- uary 1, 1783. 1894 Thayer, Gertrude Eice (Mrs. S. "Weston Thayer), 594 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Edmund Eice, Massachusetts (1755- 1841) ; Private, Captain Eussell's Company, Colonel Brewer's Eegi- ment from Sudbury, 1775 ; Private, Captain Nathaniel Cudworth's Company, at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; Private, Captain Caleb Brooks' Company, Colonel Nicholas Dike's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, July, 1776 ; Private, Captain Smith's Companj^ Massachu- setts Militia, Sullivan's Expedition, 1778 ; Sergeant, September 12, 1778. 1895 Thayer, Mary W. Stanley (Mrs. Eugene E. Thayer), 1026 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of James Holbrook, Massachusetts (1754-1843) ; Private and Corporal, Massachusetts Militia. 1893 Thomas, Ada Canning (Mrs. George C. Thomas), 285 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Smith, Massachusetts (1746-1816) ; Private and Sergeant, Massachusetts Militia, September, 1775-Jan- uary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 8th Massachusetts Eegiment, May 12, 1780 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts Eegiment, June 12, 1780 ; served to November 3, 1783. Date of "!'* Society Admission. Number. 1895 Thomas, Carrie Maud Green (Mrs. Frank Warner Thomas), 100 9 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Simeon Green, Massachusetts (1729- 1813) ; Private, Lieutenant Isaac Wood's Company from Pepperell, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Lawrence's Company, Colonel Prescott's Massachusetts Eegiment, April 25, 1775, three months' service; Private, Captain Thomas Hovey's Company, Colo- nel Nathan Tyler's Massachusetts Eegiment for service at Ehode Island, July 6, 1779, four months and twenty-five days' service; Private, same, December 1-25, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Barton, Massachusetts (1726 ) ; Private, Captain Joseph Noyes' Company, Massachu- setts Militia, July 11-December 31, 1775 ; Private, Captain May- berry's Company, Colonel Francis' Eegiment, Continental Service, enlisted for three years; Corporal, Captain Mayberry's Company, Colonel Tupper's Eegiment, January 1, 1777-December 31, 1779; died in service. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Hilton, Massachusetts (1738-1823); Corporal, Captain George Kimball's Company of Minute-men from Luneburg, Massachusetts, " Lexington Alarm ;" service, April 20-May 2, 1775. 1895 Thomas, Ellen Haines (Miss), 932 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of John Patrick, Maryland (1735-1805) ; commissioned Captain of a Company of Harford County Militia by the Council of Safety of Maryland, April 26, 1776. 1895 Thomas, Emma Fletcher (Mrs. Charles Spaulding Thomas), H84 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Gould (1737-1810) ; Private, Captain Henry Squire's Company, 2d Eegiment Essex County New Jersey Militia. 1894 Thomas, Frances Melville (Mrs. Henry B. Thomas), 417 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Melville, Massachusetts (1751-1832) ; Member of the "Boston Tea Party;" Captain and Major, Colonel Thomas Craft's Eegiment of Artillery ; served in the Ehode Island Campaigns of 1777 and 1779. \_Also, Date of 315 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Peter Gansevoort, New York (1749- 1812) ; Major, 2d New York Line, June 30, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colo- nel, March 19, 1776 ; Colonel, 3d .Regiment, New York Line, Novem- ber 21, 1776 ; Commander of Fort Stanwix, October 4, 1777 ; Brig- adier-General New York Militia, March 26, 1781, to close of war. 1895 Thomas, Harriet Frances Tucker (Mrs. Orton Thomas), 647 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Lewis Sweeting, Massachusetts (1723- 1804) ; Private, Captain Abiel Clapp's Company, Colonel John Daggett's Eegiment, " Lexington Alarm ;" Member Massachusetts Assembly, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of George Macomber, Massachusetts ; Corporal, Captain Soper's Company, Colonel Walker's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, October 6, 1775 ; Private, Captain Soper's Company, Colonel Timothy "Walker's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, August 1, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Wilbor's Company, Colonel George Williams's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 22-July 15, 1778 ; Sergeant, Captain Josiah King's Company, Colo- nel John Daggett's Eegiment, Massachusetts Militia, August 25, 1778 ; Sergeant, Captain Barney's Company, Colonel Carpenter's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 28, 1780. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Oliver Soper, Massachusetts (1743 ) ; Captain, Colonel Timothy Walker's Massachusetts Eegiment, May-December, 1775 ; Captain, 13th Continental In- fantry, January 1-December 31, 1776. 1895 Thomas, Linda Eogers (Mrs. John H. Thomas), 1373 Indiana, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Eogers, Pennsylvania (1746-1782) ; Ensign, Liberty Company, Hanover Township Pennsylvania Asso- ciators, 1775 ; 3d Lieutenant, Captain James Eogers' Company, Colonel Timothy Green's Eifle Battalion, Lancaster County Penn- sylvania Associators, June 6, 1776 ; served at the battle of Long Island. Also, great-great-granddaughter of James Wallace, Pennsylvania ( 1778) ; Member, Bucks County Pennsylvania Committee of Safety, December 15, 1774-July 29, 1776 ; Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery of Bucks County, 1776 ; Member Warwick Township Bucks County Associators, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Carr, Pennsylvania (1756-1812) ; Private, Captain John Jamison's Company, Warwick Township Bucks County Associators, August 20, 1776. Date of ^16 Society Admission. Number. 1893 Thompson, Harriette C. Crosby (Mrs. William A. Thompson), 298 New York, Great-granddaughter of Stephen J. Schuyler, New York (1732-1798) ; Colonel, 6th Eegiment Albany County New York Militia, October 20, 1775-March 26, 1781. 1893 * Thompson, Harriet Newell French (Mrs. William Thompson), 399 New York, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel French, New Hampshire (1757- 1799) ; Private, Captain James Morris' Company, Colonel Enoch Poor's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, June 15, 1775. 1894 Thompson, Maria Stearns Swan (Mrs. Abijah Thompson), 512 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Isaac Tucker, Massachusetts (1756 ) ; Private, Captain John Bradley's Company, Colonel Lemuel Robinson's Regi- ment which marched on " Lexington Alarm" from Milton, Massa- chusetts ; Private, Captain Josiah Vose's Company, Sea Coast Defence, April 13, 1776. 1895 Thompson, Mary Carpenter (Miss), 1275 New Jersey. Great-granddaughter of Alexander Ramsay Thompson, New York (1759-1809) ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d Regiment Continental Artillery, Colonel John Lamb, May 31, 1779 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, Colonel John Crane, June 17-November, 1783; returned in the Peace Establishment as Captain ; Member New York Society of the Cincinnati. 1894 Thompson, Mary S. Pumpelly (Mrs. Wordsworth Thompson), 774 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Avery, Connecticut (1704- 1780) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th Connecticut Militia, Colonel Samuel Coit ; resigned on account of age, October, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of David Pixley, Massachusetts ( 1807) ; 1st Lieutenant, Colonel John Paterson's Massachusetts Regiment, May-December, 1775. * Deceased. Date of &1 7 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Thompson, Mary Lena Saxton (Mrs. Daniel F. Thompson), 560 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Noah Chapin, Connecticut (1707- 1787) ; Ensign, 2d Connecticut Eegiment, May 1-December 17, 1775. 1894 Thompson, Olivia Lee (Mrs. Charles M. Thompson), 629 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Bezaleel Eudd, New York (1761-1846); Sergeant, New York Militia, 1775 ; Lieutenant, 1776-1777. 1891 Thomson, Caroline E. Bell (Mrs. Pierre Thomson), 43 New York, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Bradford, New Hampshire (1753 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Isaac Baldwin's Company, Colonel Stark's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d New Hampshire Line Eegiment, November 8, 1776 ; retired, September 8, 1778. 1891 Thornton, Mary Frances Desraimes (Mrs. George Thornton), 15 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Alexander Vail, New York (1765- 1848) ; Private, Orange County New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Gilbert Townsend Tail ; Private, Orange County New York Militia ; killed at Minnisink Massacre, July 22, 1779. 1895 Throop, Lucy Abbott (Miss), 922 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Abiel Abbott (1741-1809) ; Muster- master and Paymaster with rank of Captain, Colonel Nahum Bald- win's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia raised to re-inforce the Continental Army at New York, September 16, 1776-1777; 2d Major, 5th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, December 11, 1776; Major, Colonel Moses Nichols' Eegiment raised to re-inforce the Continental Army at Ticonderoga, June 29-July 8, 1777 ; 1st Major, 5th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, March 30, 1781 ; Member New Hampshire Provincial Congress, 1777, 1779-1780. Date of 318 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Throop, Mary J. C. Abbot (widow of Everett S. Throop), 930 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Taylor Gilman, New Hampshire (1753- 1828) ; appointed officer to register wounded soldiers entitled to pay; Paymaster and Member Committee on Claims; Member Com- mittee of Safety, 1780; Member Continental Congress, 1781; re-elected 1782; Treasurer of the State of New Hampshire, 1783. 1895 Tibbals, Marion Heath (Mrs. John A. Tibbals), 874 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Peter Bellinger, New York (1723- ) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Battalion Tryon County New York Militia ; served at the battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1776 ; appointed by Governor and Council of New York Colonel of the local militia of German Flats and Kingsland districts, June 25, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Nicholas Casler, New York (1763- 1827) ; Private, Captain Cross's Company, Colonel Willett's Eegi- ment New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Bartholomew Heath (1710-1789); Adjutant, 9th Eegiment 2d Claverack Battalion New York Militia, Colonel Peter Van Ness, 1775 ; Adjutant, same regiment, 1778. 1895 Tilden, Harriet Asenath Mann (Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth Tilden), 1177 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Levi Mann, Massachusetts (1757-1818); Pri- vate, Independent Company stationed at Hull, Massachusetts, March 1, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Amos Spofford, Massachusetts (1729 ) ; Ensign, Captain John Cushing's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Eegiment of Minute-men, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, Captain Joseph Eaton's Company, Colonel Samuel John- son's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, August 15-November 30, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of David Jacobs, Massachusetts (1729-1808); Selectman of Hanover, 1776-1778; Member Com- mittee of Correspondence and Safety, 1775-1781; Eepresentative, 1781. 1894 Tillman, Ellen A. Freeman (Mrs. Walter P. Tillman), 547 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Freeman, New Hampshire (1745- 1808); Lieutenant, Colonel Jonathan Chase's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, 1776. Date of 319 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Timpson, Ann E. Hathorn (Mrs. Cornelius F. Timpson), 715 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Hathorn, New York (1749-1825); Colonel, " Florida and Warwick" Eegiment Orange County New York Militia, February 28, 1776 ; Chairman of Goshen, New York, Committee of Safety, 1776. 1893 Tinkham, Harriette Holmes Taylor (Mrs. Charles F. Tinkham), 415 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of William Roby, Massachusetts (1742-1776) ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d New Hampshire Militia, May 23-December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, Bedel's Rangers, January, 1776; taken pris- oner at the Cedars, Canada, May 19, 1776 ; died in service, 1776. 1893 Titus, Emma Watson (Mrs. Oliver C. Titus), 349 New York, Great-granddaughter of Theodore Sedgwick (1746-1813) ; Lieuten- ant-Colonel 1st Berkshire County Massachusetts Militia, August, 1775 ; Aide-de-Camp to General John Thomas in his expedition to Canada, 1776. 1895 Titus, Lillie Blanche Huckins (Mrs. Nelson Y. Titus), 980 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Gore, Massachusetts ( 1814) ; Member of Committee of the Freeholders of Roxbury, Massachusetts, to engage men for military service and to hire money for their payment, November 25, 1776. 1895 Todd, Hattie E. (Miss), 1228 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Gould, Massachusetts (1749-1820) ; Private, Captain Joseph Gould's Company, Colonel John Baker's Regiment, which marched from Topsfield, Massachusetts, "Lexing- ton Alarm." Also, great-granddaughter of Solomon Todd, New Hampshire (1740- 1787) ; Private, Captain James Osgood's Company of Bangers, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Nesmith's Company, 1776 ; Private, Con- tinental Army, enlisted for three years in Colonel Matthew Thorn- ton's Regiment, 1777. Date of 320 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Todd, Mart Abbie (Miss), 1130 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Barnard, Massachusetts (1758-1832) ; Private, Captain Joshua French's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Enoch Putnam's Eegiment raised to reinforce the Continental Army, September 8-December 8, 1781. 1894 Toll, Katharine "Wolcott (Mrs. Charles Hansen Toll), 676 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Erastus Wolcott, Connecticut (1722- 1793) ; Colonel, Connecticut Militia, 1775-6 ; Brigadier-General, Connecticut Militia, December, 1776-January, 1781. 1894 Tomlinson, Anna Greene (Mrs. Everett T. Tomlinson), 712 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of William Gardner, Ehode Island (1755- 1840) ; Sergeant-Major, Captain Arnold's Company, Ehode Island Militia, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Colonel John Topham's Eegiment, same year. 1894 Tompkins, Frances Emma Hatfield (Mrs. Elias S. Tompkins), 551 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of John Anable, Connecticut (1744-1815) ; Pri- vate, Captain Holmes' Company, Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut Militia to reinforce Washington's Army at New York, 1776. 1892 Torret, Adeline Whittemore (Miss), 35 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of William Torrey, Massachusetts (1760-1831) ; Ensign, " Congress Own" Eegiment, June 1776 ; Lieutenant, 2d Eegiment Canadian Continental, Colonel Moses Hazen, October, 1780. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whittemore, Massa- chusetts (1696-1793) ; Captain, Company of Minute-men ; wounded at Concord, April 19, 1775. 1895 Tower, Adeline B. Bates (Mrs. Clement Bates Tower), 1258 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Zealous Bates, Massachusetts (1754-1831) ; .? a t°? f 321 Society Admission. Number. Private, Captain Cushing's Company, Colonel Graten's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 18, 1775 ; Private, Captain Beale's Company at Dorchester, March 4, 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Beale's Company, Colonel Lovell's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 14, 1776. 1895 Tower, Mary Eebecca Tower (Mrs. Levi Tower, Jr.), 1181 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Zealous Bates, Massachusetts (1754-1831) ; Private, Captain Cushing's Company, Colonel Graten's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December 18, 1775 ; Private, Captain Beale's Company at Dorchester, March 4, 1776 ; Sergeant, Captain Beale's Company, Colonel Lovell's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 14, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Levi Tower, Massachusetts (1756-1823) ; Drummer, Captain Cushing's Company, Colonel Graten's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 18, 1775 ; Private, Captain Obediah Beale's Company, Colonel Solomon Lovell's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, Deeember 18, 1776-March 17, 1777. 1895 Towle, Elizabeth Adelaide (Miss), 1178 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jabez Towle, New Hampshire (1747-1837) ; Private, Captain Elkins' Company, Colonel Poor's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, May 27, 1775 ; Private, same company, August 1, 1775, seven months' service; Volunteer, Captain Dearborn's Company, Colonel Jonathan Moulton's Eegiment of Militia, Sep- tember 30, 1777 ; joined the army under General Gates at Saratoga, October, 1777. 1891 Townsend, Emma Brown Miller (Mrs. James Hill Townsend), 99 New York, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Brown, New York (1758 ) ; Cor- poral, 1st South Eegiment Westchester County New York Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jonas Orsor, New York (1744- 1834) ; 2d Lieutenant, Upper Philipsburg Company, 1st South Eegiment Westchester County New York Militia, Colonel Drake, August 28, 1776 ; Captain, June 16, 1778. 1893 Tracy, Margaret Miller (Miss), 410 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Engle, Pennsylvania (1754-1810) ; Date of "22 Society Admission. Number. Ensign, 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, Colonel William Cooke, October 16, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, January, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Regiment Pennsylvania Line, Colonel Thomas Craig, July 1, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, December 20, 1778-January 1, 1781. 1892 Treat, Gail A (Miss), 194 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of James McClure, New Hampshire (1753 ) ; Adjutant, Colonel Pierce Long's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, September 25, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 2d Regiment Con- tinental Artillery, Colonel John Lamb, January 1, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Regiment Continental Artillery. Colonel Thomas Proctor; Captain, April 19, 1781-July 15, 1783. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Buck, Massachu- setts (1719-1795) ; Colonel 5th Regiment Lincoln County Massa- chusetts Militia, February 8, 1776 ; Commandant of Fort Pownall. 1894 Trimble, Anne Porter Trimble (widow of Cary Allen Trimble), 665 Ohio, Granddaughter of John Thompson, Virginia (1757-1833) ; Lieuten- ant, 7th Company, 7th Virginia Line Regiment, March 18-October 29, 1776 ; Adjutant, Colonel William Henry's Regiment Virginia Militia ; taken prisoner June 7, 1781. Also, granddaughter of George Robards or Roberts, Virginia (1760- 1833) ; Sergeant, Captain Moses Hawkins's Company, 14th Regi- ment Virginia Line, Colonel Charles Lewis, February, 1777 ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Edmond Curd's Company, Colonel Lucas's Regi- ment Virginia Militia, 1780 ; Lieutenant, Captain Larkin's Com- pany, January, 1781 ; Captain-Lieutenant, May, 1781 ; appointed Captain, 1782. 1893 Trimble, Lucy Raymond Weeks (Mrs. James Trimble), 262 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Weeks, Connecticut (1741-1803) ; Private, Captain Elisha Fox's Company, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775. 1894 Trimble, Mary Beatrice Amore (Miss), 475 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Phineas Johnson, Connecticut (1761-1848) ; Date of 323 gociety Admission. Number. Private, 6th Connecticut Line, Captain Charles Pond, May 25, 1777, served until January 1, 1781, when the regiment was merged into the 4th Continental Regiment; Corporal same, April 19, 1781 ; served to close of war. 1894 Trowbridge, Mary J. (Miss), 421 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Banks, Connecticut (1754-1818) ; Private, Colonel Elisha Sheldon's Regiment, Light Dragoons, Con- necticut Militia, June 15, 1781 ; served to close of war. 1891 Truax, Alice Hawlet (Mrs. Chauncey Schaflfer Truax), 5 New York, Great-granddaughter of Amos Hawley, Connecticut (1755 ) ; Private, Captain Bidwell's Company, Colonel Galey's Regiment, Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Sidney Berry, New Jersey; Quar- termaster, Major, and Colonel New Jersey Militia. 1894 Truax, Fidelia L. Stebbins (Mrs. John G. Truax), 626 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Leach, Connecticut ; Private, Cap- tain Hall's Company, Connecticut Militia, May 26, 1777-January 9, 1778 ; Private, Captain Whiting's Company Connecticut Militia, February 14, 1778-March 20, 1779. 1896 Trumbull, Mary Sisson (Mrs. Frank Trumbull), 1496 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Bingham, Vermont (1748- 1841) ; Private, Vermont Militia ; served at the battle of Benning- ton, August, 1777. 1895 Tucker, Eliza Hall (Mrs. Samuel Tucker), 1316 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Stephen Hall, Massachusetts (1745-1817) ; Ensign, Captain Isaac Hall's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardiner's Regiment from Medford, " Lexington Alarm ;" Lieutenant, Captain Caleb Brooks's Company, Colonel Samuel Thatcher's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, June 18, 1776. Date of ^24 Society Admission. Number. 1893 Tucker, Emma Yiola (Miss), 279 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Halsey, New Jersey (1757-1820) ; Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia and Troop of Light Horse, 1776 ; Paymaster, Essex County New Jersey Militia. 1892 Tunstall, Florida Pope Hall (Mrs.), 139 Texas, Great-granddaughter of William Pope, Virginia ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Jefferson County Virginia Militia, November, 1779. 1895 Turner, Mary A. Kimball (widow of Joseph P. Turner), 1129 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Thomas Kimball, Massachusetts (1730-1805) ; Captain, Colonel Baker's Eegiment from Wenham, "Lexington Alarm." 1894 Turrell, Frances W. Eobinson (Mrs. Herbert Turrell), 793 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Christopher Eobinson, Jr., Ehode Island (1756-1841) ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Adams' Company Ehode Island Militia, June 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, Captain Adams' Company, February, 1778. 1894 Tutwiler, Julia Strudwick (Miss), 586 Alabama, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Ashe, North Carolina (1725- 1813) ; Member of Provincial Congress ; Member, Committee of Safety, 1774 ; President, Committee of Safety, 1776 ; Member of State Congress, 1775 ; appointed by this body Paymaster of 1st Continental Eegiment ; appointed Judge of Supreme Court, 1777. 1894 Underhill, Lora Altine Woodbury (Mrs. Charles W. Underbill), 573 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Allen, Massachusetts (1758-1841) ; Private, Captain Hart's Company, Colonel Sargent's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, May 18, 1775; Private, Captain John Wiley's Company, Colonel Sargent's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, October 1, 1775. Date of 325 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Allen, Massachusetts (1721- ) ; Private, Captain John Baker's Company, Colonel Little's Massachusetts Eegiraent, May 8, 1775 ; Private, Captain John Eowe's Company Massachusetts Militia at Bunker Hill. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Tewksbury, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Joseph Whipple's Company stationed at Man- chester for seacoast defence, September 27, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Tewksbury, Massa- chusetts ; Private, Captain John Dodge's Company Massachusetts Militia, April 2-June 1, 1778 ; Private, Captain John Dodge's Com- pany, Colonel Gerrish's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, July 2-12, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Joseph Woodbury, Massachusetts (1741- 1816) ; Private, Captain Abram Batchelder's Company, Colonel Jonathan Holman's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, " Ehode Island Alarm," December, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Porter, Massachusetts (1717- 1802) ; appointed by Massachusetts Assembly Adjutant, 6th Middle- sex County Eegiment, April 22, 1776 ; Adjutant, Colonel Jonathan Eeed's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, July 11, 1776; Adjutant Colonel Samuel Bullard's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April 14- November 30, 1777 ; Adjutant, Colonel Jonathan Eeed's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, March 31-July 2, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Edward Small, Maine (1751-1825) ; Cor- poral, Captain Samuel Wentworth's Company, Colonel Willard's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, 1776. 1895 Underwood, Annie Pesinger (Mrs. John P. Underwood), 333 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Van Wart, New York (1762-1828) ; Volunteer Militia-man of New York ; one of the three captors of Major John Andre, the British spy, September 23, 1780; awarded a silver medal and annual pension by Congress, together with the thanks of that body for this patriotic service, November 3, 1780. 1894 Underwood, Cilena A. Saunders (widow of Charles G. Underwood), 738 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Solomon Blanchard, Maine (1763-1853); Private, Captain Theophilus Wilder's Company, Colonel Thayer's Massa- chusetts Eegiment, July-October, 1780 ; Private, Captain De Guis- card's Company of Artillery, September, 1781 ; Private, at Castle William, Boston Harbor, 1782. Date of ^26 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Vaill, Elizabeth Sedgwick (Miss), 713 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Vaill, Connecticut (1720) ; Member of " Eelief Committee to provide clothing for the soldiers and to provide for their families." 1895 Yaille, Harriet "Wolcott (Mrs. Frederick 0. Vaille), 955 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Erastus "Wolcott, Connecticut (1722- 1793); Colonel Connecticut Militia, 1775-1776; Brigadier-General Connecticut Militia, December, 1776-January, 1781. 1894 Vallette, Efpie J. Whittemore (Mrs. Edwin Yalette), 776 Florida, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Whittemore, Massachu- setts (1696-1793) ; Captain, Company of Minute-men ; wounded at Concord, April 19, 1775. 1893 Yance, Anna Lydia Eussell (Mrs. Frank L. Yance), 356 Wisconsin, Great-great-grandaughter of Thaddeus Crane, New York (1728-1803) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Westchester County Eegiment, New York ; wounded at the battle of Eidgefield, Connecticut; member Conti- nental Congress ; one of the framers of the Constitution of the State of New York. Also, granddaughter of Abram Smith, New York ; 2d Lieutenant, Salem, Westchester County Company of Militia, 1778; 1st Lieuten- ant, June 25, 1778. 1894 Van Anden, Susan May (Miss), 529 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Moses Gilbert ; Private, 1st Connecticut Eegiment, 1777 ; Sergeant, 1780 ; served to close of war. 1892 Van Brunt, Marie Louise (Miss), 205 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Nicholas Van Brunt, 1st Lieutenant Kings County New York Militia, August, 1776. 1895 Van Brunt, Mary L. Van Pelt (widow of Jeremiah Van Brunt), 900 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Eem Van Pelt, Long Island (1738-1829) ; British prisoner in the Provost Jail, New York, 1778. Date of ° - ' Society Admission. Number. 1894 Van Buskirk, Amelia L. Kellogg (Mrs. John M. Van Buskirk), 714 New York, Great-granddaughter of Hezekiah Parmelee, Connecticut (1737 ); Private, Captain James Arnold's Company, Colonel David Wooster's Begiment, Connecticut Militia. 1893 Van Cise, Laura Helen Marsh (Mrs. J. G-. Van Cise), 401 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Freeman Knowles, Maine (1745 ) ; Private, Captain Francis Shaw, Jr.'s Company of Militia, Septem- ber 11-December 31, 1775 ; Private, Captain John Hall's Company Sea Coast Defence, stationed at Machias, June 24, 1777 ; Private, same, August 14, 1777; Private, Captain Daniel Sullivan's Com- pany, 6th Lincoln County Begiment, Colonel Benjamin Foster, for the relief of Frenchman's Bay, August 27-November 14, 1780. 1895 Vanderbeek, Matilda Sands Willis (Mrs. Garry Vanderbeck), 869 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of John Sands, New York (1737-1811) Captain, Queens County Long Island Militia, October 12, 1775 Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Josiah Smith's Begiment, June 10, 1776 Colonel same, 1776 ; served to 1782 ; contributed £400 towards the expenses of the war. 1895 Van der Veer, Margaret Snow (Mrs. Albert Vander Veer), 1226 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jacob Diefendorf, New York (1740-1816) ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Company, Captain Henry Diefendorf, 1st Tryon County New York Militia, Colonel Nicholas Herkimer, 1776 ; Captain, same, June 25, 1778. 1895 Van Duzee, Hannah Keith Judson (widow of Alonzo J. Van Duzee), 824 Iowa, Granddaughter of David Judson, Connecticut (1755-1818) ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th Begiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1777) ; 1st Lieutenant, February 14, 1778; transferred to 4th Connecticut Line, January 1, 1781 ; Captain, November 29, 1781 ; transferred to Date of ^° Society Admission. Number. 1st Connecticut Line, January 1, 1783 ; served to June 3, 1783 ; was Brigade Quartermaster, December 17, 1778-June 20, 1781 ; member Connecticut Society of tbe Cincinnati. 1892 Van Etten, Elizabeth B. Schoonmaker (Mrs. Lawrence E. Yan Etten), 176 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius C. Schoonmaker, New York ( 1796) ; member New York Assembly, 1777-1789. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Peter Marinus Groen or Green ; Corporal, Captain Frederick Schoonmaker's Company, Colonel Levi Paulding's Begiment New York Militia, July, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Frederick Westbrook, New York (1749-1823) ; Ensign, Captain Petrus Schoonmaker's Company, 3d Begiment Ulster County New York Militia, Colonel Levi Paulding, May 3, 1776 ; later Lieutenant. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Yan "Wyck, New York ; Ensign, Captain Zebulon Southard's Company, 2d Begiment Dutch- ess County New York Minute-men, Colonel Dirck Brinckerhoff, October 17, 1775 ; Captain same, June 25, 1778. 1894 Yan Horn, Helen Singer Hyde (Mrs. Burt Yan Horn), 490 New York, Great granddaughter of Joseph Bennett, Bhode Island (1745 ) ; Private, Captain William Cook's Company, Colonel Thomas Church's Begiment Bhode Island Militia, May 2, 1775-March, 1776. 1891 Yan Iderstine, Adeline C. Pratt (Mrs. F. A. Yan Iderstine), 96 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Phineas Caldwell, Connecticut (1757-1857); Corporal, Captain Merrill's Company, 18th Begiment Connecticut Militia, 1776. 1893 Yan Nostrand, Bobina Howell (Mrs. Charles Yan Nostrand), 230 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Stephen Howell, New York ; Captain 2d Battalion, 2d Begiment, Suffolk County New York Militia, Colonel David Mulford, September 13, 1775. „P a t e ? f ^29 Sooiab , Admission. Number. 1895 y AN Pelt, Annie Cortelyou (Miss), 902 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Eem Yan Pelt, Long Island (1738- 1829) ; British Prisoner in the Provost Jail, New York, 1778. 1891 y AN p ELT) Maria E. Ditmars (Mrs. Townsend C. Yan Pelt), 134 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Yan Der Yeer, Long Island (1731 ); Captain of a Company of Militia from Flatbush, L. I., 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Adrian Yan Brunt, Long Island (1735-1785) ; Captain, Kings County Long Island Militia, Colonel, Eichard Yan Brunt, 1778. 1895 Yan Pelt, Susie Blondel (Miss), 901 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Eem Yan Pelt, Long Island (1738- 1829) ; British Prisoner in the Provost Jail, New York, 1778. 1893 Yan Eensselaer, Martha (Miss), 210 New York, Great-granddaughter of Henry K. Yan Eensselaer, New York ; Lieu- tenant-Colonel 6th Albany County Eegiment New York Militia, 1779 ; Member New York Assembly, 1778-1779. 1894 Yan Schoonhoven, Charlotte Lansing (Miss), 545 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jacobus Yan Schoonhoven, New York (1744- 1814) ; Colonel 12th Albany County Eegiment, October 20, 1775 ; Eeappointed, June 24th, 1778. 1894 Yanuxem, Florence (Miss), 77 1 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Elijah Clark, New Jersey (1732-1795) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Battalion Gloucester County New Jersey Militia; resigned November 6, 1777, to become a member of Pro- Date of 330 Society Admission. Number. vincial Assembly ; Deputy to Provincial Congress, May, June, August, 1775, January 31-March 2, 1776; June 10-August 21, 1776 ; also a member in 1777. 1894 Vanuxem, Hetty (Miss), 769 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Elijah Clark, New Jersey (1732-1795) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Battalion Gloucester County New Jersey Militia; resigned, November 6, 1777, to become a member of Provin- cial Assembly ; Deputy to Provincial Congress, May, June, August, 1775, January 31-March 2, 1776, June 10, 1776-August 21, 1776; also a member in 1777. 1894 Yanuxem, Julia K. (Miss), 772 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Elijah Clark, New Jersey (1732-1795) J Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Battalion Gloucester County New Jersey Militia ; resigned, November 6, 1777, to become a member of Provin- cial Assembly ; Deputy to Provincial Congress, May, June, August, 1775, January 31-March 2, 1776, June 10, 1776-August 21, 1776 ; also a member in 1777. 1894 Yanuxem, Mary (Miss), 770 Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Elijah Clark, New Jersey (1732-1795) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Battalion Gloucester County New Jersey Militia ; resigned November 6, 1777, to become a member of Provin- cial Assembly ; Deputy to Provincial Congress, May, June, August, 1775, January 31-March 2, 1776, June 10-August 21, 1776 ; also a member in 1777. 1895 Van Tine, Anna B. Van Houten (Mrs. George W. Van Tine), 1441 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of John A. Brinckerhoff, New York (1730- 1775) ; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Stephen Brinckerhoff's Company, 2d Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia, Colonel Direk Brinckerhoff, 1775; died in service October 17, 1775. Date of 331 Society Admission. Number. 1896 Van Yrankem, Eleanor Dorcas (Miss), 14 69 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Gottfried Schumacher, New York (1731- 1782) ; Private, Captain Jacob Phillips' Company, 8th Regiment Albany County New York Militia, Colonel Robert Van Eensselaer. 1895 Van Wtck, Fanny Gilfillan (Mrs. Albert Van Wyck), 891 Long Island, Great-great-granddaughter of Hezekiah Thompson, Connecticut (1735-1803) ; Member of Connecticut General Assembly, May- October, 1782 and 1784. 1893 Van Zandt, Elizabeth Pirrson (Mrs.), 319 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Creamer, New Jersey (1763-1828) ; Private, Captain John Holmes' Company, 1st Regiment New Jersey Line, 1779 ; served to close of war. 1893 Vermiltea, Irene Norman (Mrs. Allen G. N. Vermilyea), 402 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Christie, New Jersey (1755- 1842) ; Private, Bergen County New Jersey Militia ; also Private, New Jersey State Troops. 1895 Viles, Susan Atherton Hersey (Mrs. Clinton Viles), 1341 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Hearsey, Massachusetts (1734- 1810) ; Captain, 1st Hingham Company, 2d Suffolk County Massa- chusetts Regiment, Colonel Lowell, April 4, 1776. 1895 Vroom, Juliana Thompson Nicoll (Mrs. John Boj^d Vroom), 840 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Nicoll, New York (1741-1804) ; Colo- nel, Orange County Minute-men, January, 1776 ; Member Committee of Safety, 1777 ; Sheriff of Orange County, New York, September 24, 1777 ; Member Committee of Sequestration, January 10, 1778. Date of 332 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Wadhams, Emma L. Jones (Mrs. Frederick B. Wadhams), 927 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Phelps, Connecticut (1758-1812); En- sign, Connecticut Militia, May 1, 1780 ; Lieutenant, Troop of Horse Connecticut Militia, January 19, 1780. 1891 Waelder, Ada Bradley (Mrs.), 66 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Lewis, Virginia (1720-1781) ; Briga- dier-General, Continental Army, March 1, 1776 ; resigned April 15, 1777. 1895 Walker, Caroline Moses (Mrs. James M. Walker), U70 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Jonas Moses, Connecticut ; Private, 6th Con- necticut Line Begiment, March 10, 1777-March 3, 1780. 910 1895 Walker, Edith Frances (Miss), Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Caswell, New Hampshire (1758- 1846) ; Private, 2d New Hampshire Begiment, 1776, served three years. 1895 Walker, Maud Jane (Mis.-), 911 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Caswell, New Hampshire (1758- 1846); Private, New Hampshire Militia, 1776; Private, 2d New Hampshire Militia, 1776, served three years. 1891 * Walker, Sophia Pond (Mrs. John Walker), Pennsylvania, Great-great-granddaughter of Charles Pond, Connecticut (1754-1832) ; Ensign, Captain Peter Perritt's Company, 7th Connecticut Continen- tal Begiment, Colonel Charles Webb, July 6-December 21, 1775, at siege of Boston ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th Begiment Connecticut Con- tinental Infantry, Colonel Charles Webb, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; Captain, 6th Begiment Connecticut Line, Colonel William Douglass, January 1, 1777 ; resigned April 20, 1779. [Also, * Deceased. 28 Date of 333 Society Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John William Gillett, Connecti- cut; Private, Captain Samuel Peck's Company, Colonel Douglass' Eegiment at the Battle of White Plains, New York. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ephraim Strong, Connecticut (1754-1843); Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Hine's Company, 2d Battalion Connecticut State Troops, Colonel Thaddeus Cook, Janu- ary 20, 1777. Also, great great-granddaughter of Hercules Mooney ( 1787); Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Pierre Long's Eegiment New Hamp- shire Continental Infantry August 7, 1776; Colonel, New Hamp- shire Militia raised for the defence of Bhode Island, June 30, 1779- January 16, 1780 ; Member New Hampshire Provincial Congress, 1776. 1895 Wallace, Frances Ione Abbe (Mrs. William Addison Wallace), 895 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Seth Pomeroy, Massachusetts (1706- 1777); served as volunteer at Bunker Hill; Colonel, 2d Eegiment Hampshire County Massachusetts Militia, February 6, 1776 ; Mem- ber Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1774-1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Aaron Pease, Connecticut (1726- ); Drummer, "Lexington Alarm;" Private, 10th Company, Captain Hezekiah Parsons, 4th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Colo- nel Benjamin Woodrow, May 10-December 10, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Abbe, Connecticut (1717- 1794) ; Private, Captain John Simons' Company, Enfield Connec- ticut Militia, " Lexington Alarm." 1894 Wallis, Lizzie A. Eichards (Mrs. Walter W. Wallis), 727 Wisconsin, Great-granddaughter of Fortunatus Howe, Massachusetts (1760- 1829) ; Private, Captain Eobert Bradford's Company, Colonel Sproat's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, April, 1782-1783 ; trans- ferred to the American Eegiment and served until June, 1784. 1895 Wallis, Mary Elizabeth Heath (Mrs. George B. Wallis, Jr.), 934 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Peter Bellinger, New York (1723 ) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 4th Battalion Tryon County New York Militia ; served at the Battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1776 ; appointed by Governor and Council of New York Colonel of the local militia of German Flats and Kingsland districts, June 25, 1778. [Also, Date of ""^ Society Admission. Number. Also, great-granddaughter of Nicholas Casler, New York (1763-1827) ; Private, Captain Cross's Company, Colonel Willett's Regiment New- York Militia. Also, great great-granddaughter of Bartholomew Heath (1710-1789); Adjutant, 9th Regiment 2d Claveraek Battalion New York Militia, Colonel Peter Van Ness, 1775; Adjutant, same regiment, 1778. 1893 Walradt, Elizabeth Baldwin (Mrs. Arthur E. Walradt), 234 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Nathan Baldwin, Connecticut (1755-1803); Lieutenant, Connecticut Militia, in command of Fort at Milford, 1782 ; taken prisoner and confined on Board the British Prison Ship "Jersey." 1895 Walton, Elizabeth Bryant (Miss), 828 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Cowdrey (1759-1841) ; Private, Massachusetts Militia at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; served on the privateers "Hunter," and "Jack;" Corporal, Captain Francis' Company, Colonel Tupper's Regiment at West Point, July 6-Decem- ber 20, 1780. 1895 Ward, Emma J. Raworth^Mts. Jasper D. Ward), 870 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Olmstead, Connecticut; Ensign, 7th Company, Captain Samuel Comstock, 9th Regiment Connecticut Militia, May-September 15, 1776. 1891 Ward, Mart Snedeker (Mrs. Robert Ward), 130 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Isaac Snedeker, New York (1760-1841); Private, Captain Vail's Company, Colonel Morris Graham's Regiment New York Militia, 1779. 1894 Ward, Ida Gilbert (Mrs. Stephen Roswell Ward), 765 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Henry Champion, Connecticut (1723- 1797) ; Commissary Connecticut State Troops, April, 1775 ; Lieu- tenant, Captain Wells' Company, 2d Regiment Connecticut Line, Date of 335 Admission. Society _, Number. Colonel Joseph Spencer, May-December, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel Connecticut Militia, 1775; Colonel, same, October, 1775; Captain, 3d Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Samuel Wyllys, January 1 1777 j Commissary for Eastern Department Continental Army January, 1, ,8 ; Brigade-Major, 1st Connecticut Continental Brigade January 1 1,79; in command of 1st Battalion of the Light Kegi- ment at the attack on Stony Point, New York, July 16, 1779 ■ resigned May 1, 1780. ^ u ' 1Mi; ' 1894 Waring, Viola Dederick (Miss), 503 New York, Great-granddaughter of Henry Waring, Connecticut (1744-1830) • private Captain Samuel Keeler's Company, Colonel Philip Burr ^IfJ* Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut Militia, July 16, 1776-November 16, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 2d Continental Artillery January 1, 1777; Captain, September 26, 1779; resigned April 14, 1/81. ° ^f ' jf ea ^ randdau gb-ter of £>aniel Whitney, Connecticut (1754- 182b); Private, Captain David Waterbury's Companv, Colonel {J™ Waterbury's 5th Connecticut Eegiment, May 8-October 8, 1775; Private, Captain Samuel Keeler's Company, 5th Connecticut Regiment, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley, June 23, 1776-January 11, 1895 Warner, Caroline Augusta (Miss), 110 e New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Winslow, Massachusetts (1750- - — ) ; Private, Captain Isaac Gray's Company, Colonel Jonathan Brewers Regiment, May 20, 1775; Private, Captain Smith's Com- pany, Colonel Whitney's Regiment, October 31-December 1 1776 ■ Corporal, Captain Josiah Smith's Company, Colonel Marshall's Regiment, Continental Army, February 1, 1777; Sergeant same, January 1, 1778-December 1, 1779; Private, Captain Eliphalet Ihorps Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Brooks' Regiment Febru- ary 20, 1782. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of John Hathaway, Masssachu- setts; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Bristol County Regiment Massachu- setts Militia, Colonel Edward Pope, February 8, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel, Colonel John Daggett's Regiment for defense of Rhode Island, January 1, 1777; Colonel, Bristol County Regiment Massa- chusetts Militia, April 21-May 13, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel John Daggett's Regiment at Rhode Island, January 1-April 1, 1778 ; Colonel, 2d Bristol County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, June 9, 1<78; Colonel, same, Rhode Island Service, March 14- April 15- 1779 ; Colonel, same, August 1-8, 1780. » a t?» f 336 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Warner,|Mary, Augusta Winslow (widow of Charles Warner), 1105 NewgYork, Great-granddaughter of John Winslow, Massachusetts (1750 ) ; Private, Captain Isaac Gray's Company, Colonel Jonathan Brew- er's Eegiment, May 20, 1775 ; Private, Captain Smith's Company, Colonel Whitney's Eegiment, October 31-December 1, 1776; Cor- poral, Captain Josiah Smith's Company, Colonel Marshall's Eegi- ment, Continental Army, February 1, 1777; Sergeant same, Janu- ary 1, 1778-December 1, 1779 ; Private, Captain Eliphalet Thorp's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel J. Brooks' Eegiment, February 20, 1782. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Hathaway, Massachusetts; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Bristol County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel Edward Pope, February 8, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colo- nel, Colonel John Daggett's Eegiment for defence of Ehode Island, January 1, 1777; Colonel, Bristol County Eegiment, Massachusetts Militia, April 21-May 13, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel John Daggett's Eegiment, at Ehode Island, January 1-April 1, 1778; Colonel, 2d Bristol County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, June 9, 1778 ; Colonel same, Ehode Island Service, March 14-April 15, 1779 ; Colonel same, August 1-8, 1780. 1895 Warren, Annie L. Lyman (Mrs. Henry Pitt Warren), 1300 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Nason Cass, New Hampshire (1751- 1819) ; Private, Captain James Osgood's Company, Colonel Timo- thy Bedell's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, January, 1776; Corporal, Captain John Willoughby's Company, Colonel Chase's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, September 25-October 25, 1777. 1896 Warren, Eliza A. Sawyer (Mrs. Orin Warren), 1478 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Noah Wiswall, Massachusetts (1699- 1786) ; Volunteer at Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Ezra Sawyer, Massachusetts (1730- 1776) ; Private, Captain Samuel Sawyer's Company, Colonel John Whitcomb's Eegiment which marched from Lancaster, Mass., on Alarm of April 19, 1775. 1891 Warren, Ellen Adams Tomlinson (widow of Henry A. Warren), 38 New York, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Adams, Connecticut ( 1797) ; Major, 17th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, May, 1777 ; Lieutenant- Date of 337 AdmissioD. Society Number. Colonel, 1779; Colonel same Kegiment, January, 1780; Member Continental Congress, 1777-1782; Member Connecticut Council of Safety. Also, great-granddaughter of John Canfield, Connecticut; Adjutant, 2d Eegiment Continental Dragoons, Colonel Elisha Sheldon, 1776; Brigade-Major in Brigadier-General Oliver Wolcott's Detachment Connecticut Militia at Saratoga, 1777. 1895 Warren, Marion Houghton (Miss), 1168 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Timothy Walker, Massachusetts (1732- 1809) ; Captain, Colonel Greene's Eegiment which marched from Wilmington on alarm of April 19, 1775; Member Massachusetts Brovmcial Congress, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Harnden. Massachusetts (1763-1809); Captain, 7th Company, 2d Middlesex County Massa- chusetts Eegiment, Colonel Fox, September 18, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Ezra Sawyer, Massachusetts (1730-1776) ; Private, Captain Samuel Sawyer's Company, Colonel John Whitcomb's Eegiment, which marched from Lancaster, Mass., on alarm of April 19, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Noah Wiswall, Massachu- setts (1699-1786) ; Volunteer at Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775. ' * 1894 Washburn, Jane Ives (Mrs. John Henry Washburn), 424 New York, Granddaughter of Asa Bray, Connecticut (1738-1815) ; Captain, 13th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Isaac Lee, 1775; Captain, 2d Battalion Connecticut State Troops, Colonel Thaddeus Cook, No- vember, 1776; Captain, Colonel Nodiah Hooker's Eegiment Con- necticut Militia, March-May 5, 1777; served around^New York; Captain, Wolcott's Brigade Connecticut Militia, September, 1777, at Saratoga; Captain, Colonel Eoger Enos' Eegiment Connecticut State Troops, July 2, 1778; Captain, Connecticut Militia, "New Haven Alarm," July 5, 1779. Also, granddaughter of Stephen Ives, Connecticut ( 1786) ; Pri- vate, Eeverend Benjamin Trumbull's Company of Volunteers, North Haven, Connecticut, raised for the defense of New York, January 13, 1777 ; served at Eye, New York. 1893 Washington, Flora M. (Miss), 2 o 2 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Selkrigg, Connecticut (1756- ); Private, "Lexington Alarm" and at Bunker Hill; Private, Date of 338 Society Admission. Number. Captain Amos Beecher's Company, Colonel Fisher Gay's Regiment, 1777 ; Fifer and Drum-Major, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of Daniel Bedinger, Virginia; 1st Lieuten- ant, 11th Virginia .Regiment, November 14, 1776 ; transferred to 7th Virginia Regiment, September 14, 1778 ; prisoner, September, 1778, Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of John Thornton, Virginia; Captain, 3d Virginia Regiment, February 12, 1776; Major of Cray- son's Additional Continental Regiment, March 20, 1777 ; Lieuten- ant-Colonel, November 15, 1778 ; Colonel Commanding Regiment of Virginia Militia at Yorktown, 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of Thornton Washington, Virginia (1760- 1787) ; Ensign, Colonel Thruston's Continental Regiment. 1891 Washington, Olive Ann Jones (Mrs. Thornton A. Washington), 105 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Selkrigg, Connecticut (1756 ) 5 Private, " Lexington Alarm" and at Bunker Hill ; Private, Captain Amos Beecher's Company, Colonel Fisher Gay's Regiment, 1777 ; Fifer and Drum-Major, 1779. 1891 Washington, Sarah (Miss), 108 Texas, Great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Selkrigg, Connecticut (1756 ); Private, "Lexington Alarm" and Bunker Hill; Private, Captain Amos Beecher's Company, Colonel Fisher Gay's Regiment, 1777; Fifer and Drum-Major, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of Daniel Bedinger, Virginia; 1st Lieuten- ant, 11th Virginia Regiment, November 14, 1776 ; transferred to 7th Virginia Regiment, September 14, 1778 ; prisoner, September, 1778. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of John Thornton, Virginia; Captain, 3d Virginia Regiment, February 12, 1776 ; Major of Gray- son's Additional Continental Regiment, March 20, 1777 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, November 15, 1778 ; Colonel Commanding Regiment Virginia Militia at Yorktown, 1781. Also, great granddaughter of Thornton Washington, Virginia (1760- 1787) ; Ensign, Colonel Thruston's Continental Regiment. 1895 W atkins, Mary Gertrude Patterson (Mrs. Walter Watkins), 1118 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Christopher Stuart, Pennsylvania (1748-1799) ; Captain, 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Robert Magaw, January 5, 1776 ; Major, September 20, 1776 ; taken pris- Date of 339 Society Admission Number. oner at Fort Washington ; exchanged January, 1777 ; Major 5th Regiment Pennsylvania Line, Colonel Francis Johnston, June, 1777-April 17, 1780; Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d Eegiraent Pennsyl- vania Line, Colonel Thomas Craig, April 17, 1780-January 17, 1781 ; Member Society of the Cincinnati. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Pitkin, Jr. ; Private, Lieu- tenant-Colonel George Pitkin's Regiment Connecticut Militia for the relief of Boston, 1775. 1895 Watson, Julia A. Griffin (Mrs. Jesse Watson), 1077 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Charles Hoffman, New York (1727-1808) ; Ensign, Captain Van Benschoten's Company, Colonel Dirck Brinck- erhoff's Regiment New York State Troops, 1775. Also, granddaughter of Jacob Griffin ( 1831); Lieutenant-Colonel, Dutchess County New York Militia, October, 1776. 1891 Watdell, Harriet Brock way (Mrs. Alexander Way dell), 44 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Ichabod Norton, Connecticut (1736- 1825) ; Captain, Colonel Samuel Mott's Battalion Connecticut State Troops, June. 1776 ; served in Northern Department under General Gates, 1776-1777 ; Major, 15th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Nodiah Hooker, May, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of Rev. Thomas Brockway, Connecticut (1745-1807) ; Chaplain, 4th Battalion Wadsworth's Brigade Con- necticut Militia, Colonel Samuel Selden, Julv 15-November 14, 1776. 1894 Wead, Kate Haswell Whitcomb (Mrs. Leslie Clark Wead), 439 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jedediah Hyde, Connecticut (1738-1822) ; Captain, 22d Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776 ; Captain 4th Connecticut, January 1, 1777 ; resigned July 31, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Ramsdell, Massachusetts (1700-1787); Delegate, Plymouth County, 1774; Member Com- mittee of Safety, 1775-1776 ; Private, Captain Lemuel Curtis's Company, January 1777 ; also served in Captain Amos Turner's Company. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Aaron Keeler, Connecticut (1757- Date of 340 Society Admission. Number. 1816) ; Private, Captain Northrup's Company, Connecticut Militia, 1776 ; Corporal, Captain Samuel Comstock's Company, Connecticut Militia, August 16, 1777 ; Sergeant, 5th Connecticut Militia Regi- ment, February, 1777 ; Ensign, April 22, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Regiment Connecticut Line, January 1, 1783 ; retired, June, 1783. 1896 Weakley, Sarah Culbertson (Mrs. Herbert H. Weakley), 1471 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Robert Culbertson, Pennsylvania (1745- 1820) ; Captain 5th Battalion Cumberland County Pennsylvania Associators, Colonel Joseph Armstrong, September, 1776 ; Lieuten- ant-Colonel 1st Battalion, Cumberland County Associators, July 31, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Battalion Cumberland County Penn- sylvania Militia, May 14, 1778; Major, 6th Battalion, May 10, 1780. 1894 Weaver, Florence Etster (Miss), 498 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of George Eyster, Pennsylvania (1757-1836) ; Private, Captain Michael Singer's Company, Colonel Michael Swope's Regiment, 1st Battalion York County Pennsylvania Asso- ciators, July 1, 1776 ; captured at Fort Washington, New York, and was a survivor from the British Prison Ship "Jersey." Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Clark, New Jersey (1737-1809) ; Deputy to the Provincial Congress from Gloucester County, New Jersey, 1775-1776. 1895 Webb, Mart Elizabeth (Miss), 1019 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Coit, Connecticut (1708-1792) ; Colonel of a Connecticut Militia Regiment in 1775 and 1776 ; re- signed June 12, 1776, in favor of younger men; Judge of the Con- necticut Maritime Court during the Revolution. 1891 Webster, M. E. Chapman (Mrs. Stephen A. Webster), 63 New York, Granddaughter of Constant Chapman, Connecticut (1761 ) ; Ser- geant, 4th Connecticut Regiment, Colonel Zebulon Butler, 1781. Date of *>41 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Weekes, Annie Green (Mrs. Nicholas Weekes), 609 Texas. Great-great-granddaughter of Gilbert Thornton, New Jersey (1732- 1802) ; Private, Eastern Battalion Morris County New Jersey Militia ; Private, New Jersey State Troops ; Private, New Jersey Continental Line. 1895 Weeks, Mary Harmon (Mrs. Edwin E. Weeks), 952 Missouri, Great-great-granddaughter of Anderson Dana, Pennsj'lvania (- 1778) ; volunteer at Wyoming, killed in the battle July 3, 1778. 1896 Weeks, Carrie Foote Everett (Mrs. Perley Weeks), 1523 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Zebulon Ingersoll, Massachusetts (1757 ) ; Private, Captain Samuel Cass's Company, Colonel Wesson's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, August 23, 1777-Pebru- ary 17, 1780. 1894 Weiss, Jessie Belknap (Mrs. William H. Weiss), 681 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Sanford Eichardson, Connecticut; Pri- vate, Captain Ezekiel Orcott's Company, Colonel Chapman's Eegi- ment Connecticut Militia, 1778 ; Private, Colonel Philip Burr Brad- ley's Eegiment Connecticut Line, 1780. 1895 Welch, Kittie Badger (Mrs. Charles Welch), 938 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughtir of William Cogswell, Massachusetts (1760- 1831) ; Private, Captain Cogswell's Company 26th Continental Infantry, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon's Mate, January, 1778. 1894 Welcher, Fanny Falconer Avery (Mrs. Manfred P. Welcher), 562 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Park, Ehode Island (1735- 1775) ; Captain, Company of Minute-men from Stonington, Con- necticut, "Lexington Alarm;" killed at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Date of 342 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Wellman, Ellen L. Butler (Mrs. T. B. Wellman), 1400 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of James O. Gates, Massachusetts (1760-1835) ; Private, Captain Moses Ashley's Company, Colonel John Patter- son's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, December, 1775-December, 1776 ; Private, Colonel Joseph Yose's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, July, 1779-March, 1780. 1892 Wells, Edith M. (Miss), 160 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Brown, New York (1758 ) ; Cor- poral, Captain George Combs' Company, 1st Westchester County New York Militia, Colonel Joseph Drake. 1895 Wells, Fanny Fisher (Mrs. Allan T. Wells), 1145 Colorado, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Ludlow, New Jersey (1728-1812) ; 1st Major, Eastern Battalion, Morris County New Jersey Militia, January 13, 1776 ; Major, Colonel Ephraim Martin's Battalion, General Nathaniel' Heard's Brigade, New Jersey Militia, June 14, 1776 ; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Eastern Battalion, Morris County New Jersey Militia, May 23, 1777 ; resigned from disability, November 13, 1777. 1895 West, Anna Dumont Piper (Mrs. Charles Alfred West), 1154 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Benjamin Adams (1747-1791) ; commissioned Captain, March 10, 1777 ; served in several campaigns to close of war ; Eepresentative to General Court of Massachusetts, 1780. 1892 Westbrook, Sarah Maria (Miss), 268 New York, Great-granddaughter of Frederick Westbrook, New York (1749- 1823) ; Ensign, Captain Petrus Schoonmaker's Company, 3d Eegi- ment Ulster County New York Militia, Colonel Levi Paulding, May 3, 1776 ; later Lieutenant. Also, great-granddaughter of Tjerck Beekman, New York (1754- 1791); Ensign, 2d New York Eegiment, November 21, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, September 1, 1778; retired January 1, 1781; Member Society of the Cincinnati. Date of 343 Society Admission. Number 1894 Wetmore, Elizabeth Pierce (Mrs. Dwight H. Wetmore), 753 New York, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Chase, New Hampshire (1740-1822); Private, Captain Levi Spaulding's Company, Colonel Reed's Regi- ment New Hampshire Militia, 1775 ; Private, Captain Emerson's Company, New Hampshire Militia, 1776. 1895 Wheeler, Eleanor Blasland (widow of Major Horace M. Wheeler), 1193 Massachusetts, G-reat-granddaughter of Ebenezer Boutvell, Jr., Massachusetts (1735 ) ; Private, Captain Jesse Eames' Company which marched from Framingham on the alarm of April 19, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of John Hill, Massachusetts (1742-1793) ; Private, Captain Fuller's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia ; 2d Lieutenant, Captain Sylvanus Smith's Company, Colonel Timothy Bigelow's Regiment; 1st Lieu- tenant same. 1894 Wheeler, Mary Merry (Mrs. Lyman W. Wheeler), 461 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Samuel Merry, Maine; Private, Captain Archibald McAllister's Company, Colonel Samuel McCobb's Regiment Massa- chusetts Militia, expedition against Majabagaduce, July 11-Septem- ber 24, 1779. Also, great-granddaughter of Tobias Glidden, Maine ; Private, Cap- tain Joseph Jones' Company, Colonel William Jones' Regiment, September 10, 1777. 1894 Wheeler, Emily A. Mersereau (Mrs. William Egbert Wheeler), 473 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, New York (1728- 1804); Member Provincial Assembly of New York ; Representative from Richmond County, New York, 1777-1786 ; Deputy Com- missary-General of prisoners for the Continent. Also, great-granddaughter of Joshua Mersereau, Jr., (1758-1856); Quartermaster at Rutland, Massachusetts, 1777 ; Guide for Colonel Hazen's Regiment, 1780 ; Prisoner on British Prison Ship " Scor- pion" 1782. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Butts, Connecticut ; Private, Captain Bacon's Company, Colonel John Chester's Regi- Date of o44 Society Admission. Number. ment, General Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops; Private, Captain Moses Branch's Company, Colonel Obadiah John- son's Kegiment Connecticut Militia, 1778. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Harmanus Garrison, New York; Quartermaster, Eichmond County New York Militia, March 15, 1776. 1895 Whitaker, Fannie de Berniere (Mrs. Spier Whitaker), 756 North Carolina, Great-great-granddaughter of William Hooper, North Carolina (1742-1790); Member North Carolina Provincial Congress, 1774; Delegate to Continental Congress, 1775 ; Signer Declaration of Independence. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Archibald Maclaine, North Caro- lina ( 1791); Member Committee of Safety, 1774; Member Provincial Congress of North Carolina, 1775-1776; Member Con- vention at Hillsboro, North Carolina, 1778 ; Member House of Commons of North Carolina, 1783-1786. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Peter Mallett, North Carolina (1744-1805); Member Committee of Safety, July-October, 1775; Commissary, 5th Eegiment North Carolina Militia, April, 1776 ; Commissary, 6th Eegiment Continental Line, October, 1776; Mem- ber North Carolina Legislature, 1778. 1896 Whitcomb, Katharine Newell (Mrs. Lawrence Whitcomb), 1462 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Phineas Walker, Connecticut (1738- 1829); Sergeant, "Lexington Alarm;" Ensign, 6th Company, 11th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1776. 1894 Whitcomb, Mary Sheaper (Miss), 748 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Eamsdell, Massachusetts (1700- 1787); Delegate from Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 1774; Member Committee of Safety, 1775 ; Private, Captain Lemuel Curtis' Company, January 20, 1777 ; Private, Captain Amos Tur- ner's Company, Colonel John Cushing's Eegiment, 1776. 1896 Whipple, Frances A. Hoyt (Mrs. Ashley C. Whipple), 1463 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Stephen Smith, New Hampshire (1761- A ? a t°? f 345 Society Admission. Number. 1834); Private, Captain Benjamin Whittier's Company, Colonel Nichols' Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, July 6, 1780; in serv- ice at West Point. 1893 White, Anna E. Perry (Mrs.), 260 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jedediah Lathrop, Jr., Connecticut (1747 ) ; Private, Captain Huntington's Company, Selden's Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops. 1893 White, Ellen Louise Pulsifer (Mrs. Edward A. White), 363 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Andrew Gardener, Massachusetts (1755- 1778) ; Bombardier, Captain David Bradley's Company, 9th Massa- chusetts Train of Artillery; died in service. Also, great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Pulsifer, Massachusetts (1753 ) ; Private, Captain Charles Smith's Company, Essex County Massachusetts Sea Coast Defense, July 17, 1775 ; Private, same, November 1, 1775-January 1, 1776. 1896 White, Ellen M. Tucker (Mrs. Ealph H. White), • 1450 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Stephen Hall, Massachusetts (1745-1817) ; Ensign, Captain Isaac Hall's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Eegiment, "Lexington Alarm;" 1st Lieutenant, Captain Caleb Brooks' Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Eegiment Massa- chusetts Militia, June 18, 1776. 1895 White, Grace Hamilton (Miss), §51 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jedediah Lathrop, Jr., Connecticut (1747 ) ; Private, Captain Huntington's Company, Selden's Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut State Troops. 1895 White, Henrietta Hill (Mrs. Henry White), 977 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of James Hill, New Hampshire (1754-1811); Captain 14th Company, New Hampshire Militia, November 5, 1775 ; Ensign, Captain Landon's Independent Company at Sar- atoga, 1777. Date of ^46 Society Admission. Number. 1893 White, Mart E. (Miss), 373 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Joel White (1705-1789) ; Member and Chairman, Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety of Connecticut; Captain, Connecticut Militia. Also, granddaughter of Lemuel White (1762-1843) ; Private, Captain Eudd's Company, Colonel Chapman's Eegiment Connecticut Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Lemuel White, who loaned £2000 to Connecticut for carrying on the War. 1895 White, Eliza M. Chandler (Mrs. Stephen V. White), 864 Long Island, Granddaughter of Joseph Chandler, Connecticut; Private, Captain John Sedgwick's Company, Colonel Hinman's Eegiment Connecti- cut Militia, May, 1775 ; Private, Captain Thomas Woodbridge's Company, Colonel Elmore's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, April, 1776, one year's service. 1891 Whiteley, Hester (Miss), 122 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Eobert Kirkwood ( 1791) ; 1st Lieu- tenant, Delaware Eegiment, January 17, 1776; Captain, December 1, 1776, and served to close of war. 1894 Whitmore, Annie Goodell (Mrs. James Day Whitmore), 684 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Edward Goodell, Connecticut (1715 ); Corporal 8th Company, Captain Ingalls, 11th Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1776. 1896 Whitney, Alice G. Noah (Mrs. Charles E. Whitney), 1718 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Benjamin Pearce, Massachusetts ( 1808); Private, Captain Joel Smith's Company, Colonel John Glover's Massachusetts Eegiment, May 24, 1775-January 1776. 1894 Whitney, Augusta S. W. (Miss), 555 Paris, France, Great-great-granddaughter of William Nott, Connecticut (1744- 1791) Captain, Connecticut Naval Service; Captain, sloop "Guil- ford." Date of 347 Admission. Society 1893 Number. Whitney, Catherine Shipman (Mrs. Henry Norris Whitney), 2H Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Eeuben Wadsworth, Connecticut (1753 — ) ; Sergeant, Captain Wadsworth's Company, Colonel Cook's Begiment Connecticut Militia, August 26-November 23, 1777. 1893 *Whitney, Emma St. Clair Nichols (Mrs. William L. Whitney), 367 Pennsylvania, Granddaughter of William Nichols, Pennsylvania (1754-1804) • Ensign Captain David Crier's Company, 6th Pennsylvania Bat- li Tnnl™^? 9 ' 17 ^; Lieutenant, Captain Buck's Company, June ^, 1776; Eegimental Quartermaster, 6th Battalion, Pennsylvania -Line, August, 1776 ; resigned November 17 1776 ^f fi n^; gra u ddaUghter ° f Michael Hille gas, Pennsylvania (1729- 1804); Member and Treasurer of Pennsylvania Council of Safety; Ireasurer of the United States, 1775-1789. Also granddaughter of Francis Nichols, Pennsylvania (1737-1812) • 2d Lieutenant, Thompson's Pennsylvania Bifie Battalion, June 25 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, December 31, 1775; exchanged October 10, 1776; Captain, 9th Pennsylvania Begiment, December !^U b ' W1 J .? nk fr0m Januai T 1, 1776; Major, February 7 1777 ; resigned May 12, 1779. y ' 1894 Whittemore, Catherine S. Hunter (Mrs. George Whittemore), New York, Great-granddaughter of Elijah Hunter, New York (1749-1815) • 1st Lieutenant, 4th Begiment New York Line, June 28, 1775 ■ Captain January, 1776; retired December 7, 1776. 1895 Whittemore, Elizabeth Black Dyer (Mrs. George W. Whittemore), Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of David Cobb, Massachusetts (1748- 1830); Member Massachusetts Provincial Congress 1775- 2d Lieutenant Colonel John Thomas' Begiment Massachusetts Mil- itia, May-December, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, 16th BeHment Massachusetts Continental Infantry, Colonel Jackson, January 12 1777-December 31, 1780; Lieutenant-Colonel, 9th Massachusetts Begiment of Line, Colonel H. Jackson, January 1, 1781 ; Aid-de- ??£? A + the C ommander-in-chief, January 15, 1781-January, 178d; Lieutenant-Colonel, Commandant 5th Begiment Massachu- setts Line, January 7-June 12, 1783; Brevet Brigadier-General, September 30, 1783; Member Massachusetts State Society of the Cincinnati. * Deceased. 585 925 Date of 348 Society Admission. Number. 1891 Whittingham, Caroline A. Duryee (Mrs. William H. Whittingham), 78 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Woodward, New York; Pri- vate, Captain Gilmore's Company, Colonel Van Woert's Eegiment New York State Troops; prisoner of war and died on British prison ship "Jersey." 1895 Whitney, Fannie Arnot (Mrs. Warham Whitney), 1362 New York, Great-granddaughter of Jonathan Piatt, New York ( 1795) ; Captain, 4th Eegiment New York Line, Colonel James, June 28, 1775-January, 1776 ; Member New York Provincial Congress, 1776-1777; Member Convention to adopt Constitution of New York, 1777. 1891 Wilbor, Elsie M. (Miss), 53 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Josiah Patterson, Connecticut (1732 ) ; Captain Company of Minute-men, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of John Patterson, New Hampshire (1711-1806) ; Commissary for the purchase of powder from the colony of Connecticut for the defense of Piermont, New Hampshire. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of David Sutherland, New York (1722-1794) ; Colonel 6th Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia, October 17, 1775-March 20, 1778. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Eowland Gifford, New York; Ensign, Captain Eoger Sutherland's Company, 6th Eegiment Dutchess County New York Militia, June 25, 1778. 1894 Wight, Clara Elizabeth (Miss), 406 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Ebenezer Kingsbury, Connecticut (1716-1800) ; Member Connecticut Assembly, 1775-1781. 1895 * Wilcox, Ella Florence Eayner (Mrs. George W. Wilcox), 1002 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Eayner, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Abijah Savage's Company, Colonel Henry Sherburne's Eegiment Continental Line, May 13, 1777 ; enlisted for three years. * Deceased. Date of 349 . Admission. J ocie ,: y Number. 1891 Wiley, Sara King (Miss), 51 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of John Wiley, New York (1755 ) ; Lieu- tenant, 1st Battalion New York Independents, January, 1776; Commissary of Purchases for New York Line, 1781. 1894 Willard, Emma L. Harris (Mrs. Edward A. Willard), 575 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Nevers, Jr., Massachusetts (1742- 1826); Private, Captain Walker's Company, 2d Eegiment Foot, Colonel David Greer, February 13, 1776 ; Private, Captain Foster's Company at Northward, 1777 ; sworn clerk of precinct company under Captain Walker. 1895 Williams, Alice M. (Miss), 1153 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of George Williams, Massachusetts (1717- 1803) ; Colonel 3d Eegiment Bristol County Massachusetts Militia, February 7, 1776 ; resigned February 24, 1779. 1895 Williams, Anna L. Sedam (Mrs. Eobert D. Williams), 1282 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Uriah Goodwin, Massachusetts (1735- ) ; Sergeant, Captain Benjamin Phillips' Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Timothy Eobinson's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, De- cember 23, 1776-April 1, 1777; Private, Captain Isaac Pope's Company raised to reinforce the Continental Army, July 21- December 5, 1780. 1895 Williams, Caroline Sedam (Miss), 917 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Foote, New York (1746-1843) ; Gunner, 2d Eegiment Continental Artillery, May 1, 1777 ; Corporal same 1780. 1894 Williams, Annette (Miss), 7Q4 New Jersey, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Garrett Lydecker, New Jersey ; Captain, Bergen County New Jersey Militia. Date of 350 Society Admission. Number. 1894 Williams, Emma Elizabeth Warfield (Mrs. Samuel B. Williams), 541 New York, Great-granddaughter of Whitney Hill, Massachusetts (1748-1800) ; Corporal, Captain Bullers' Company, April, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Samuel King's Company, Colonel Whitney's Eegiment Massachu- setts Militia, April, 1775 ; Private, Captain Ezra Eames' Company, 1780. 1893 * Williams, Euretta Gardner (Mrs. Henry D. Williams), 368 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Jotham Wright, New York; Lieuten- ant in Lieutenant-Colonel Jeduthan Baldwin's Eegiment of Arti- ficers, November 12, 1779-March, 1781. 1894 Williams, Gertrude Edsall (Mrs. John B. Williams), 763 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Garret Lydecker, New Jersey; Cap- tain, Bergen County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Williams, Kittie Brufe (Miss), 1147 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of Whitney Hill, Massachusetts (1748- 1800) ; Corporal, Captain Bullers' Company, April, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Sam King's Company, Colonel Whitney's Eegiment Massa- chusetts Militia, April, 1775 ; Private, Captain Ezra Eames' Com- pany, 1780. 1895 Williams, Maria Elizabeth (Miss), 1245 New Jersey, Great-granddaughter of Samuel Condit, New Jersey; Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Munn, New Jersey; Private, Essex County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Williams, Mary Mitchell (Mrs. Eichard E. Williams), 974 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of David Mitchell, Connecticut (1748-1810) ; Private, Captain Ozias Bissell's Company, Colonel Huntington's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, January, 1776, served twelve months ; Private, Connecticut Militia, 1777, served eleven months. * Deceased. Date of 351 . Admission. xT 0C, t ty Number. 1894 Williamson, Elma Lillian (Miss), 800 New York, Great-great-granddaughter of John Myer, New York (1747-1817); Ensign, Captain Hendrick Turnure's Company, Colonel A. Hawkes Hays' Haverstraw Precinct Regiment ; regiment consolidated with Orange County Regiment, May 28, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Abraham Polhamus, New York (1755- 1831); Private, Clark's Town Company of Militia, Captain Hen- drick Turnure, Colonel A. Hawkes Hays' Regiment, afterwards consolidated with Orange County Regiment, May 28, 1778; in action at Clark's Town, 1779. 1893 Williamson, Jennie Louise (Miss), 393 Long Island, Great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Elias Buel, Connecticut (1737-1824) ; Captain, Coventry Connecticut Militia, " Lexington Alarm ;" Major, 3d Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade Connecticut State Troops, Colonel Comfort Sage, June 20-December 25, 1776 ; at White Plains; Major, 2d Battalion Connecticut State Troops, Colonel John Ely, June, 1777; served in Rhode Island; Major, Lieutenant-Colonel Levi Wells' Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1779- 1780; Member Connecticut Assembly, 1777-1778. A Iso, great-great-granddaughter of Ashahel Gay, Si\, Connecticut (1755-1843) ; served as drummer in various companies of Connecti- cut Militia from "Lexington Alarm" to close of war. 1894 Williamson, Sarah Du Bois (Mrs. George Williamson), 799 New York, Great-granddaughter of John Myer, New York (1747-1817) ; Ensigu, Captain Hendrick Turnure's Company, Colonel A. Hawkes Hays' Haverstraw Precinct Regiment; regiment consolidated with Orange County Regiment, May 28, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Abraham Polhamus, New York (1755- 1831) ; Private, Clark's Town Company of Militia, Captain Hen- drick Turnure, Colonel A. Hawkes Hays' Regiment, afterwards consolidated with Orange County Regiment, May 28, 1778; in action at Clark's Town, 1779. 1895 Wilmarth, Matilda E. Reynolds (Mrs. Henry Dan Wilmarth), 1151 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Enos Runnels or Reynolds, Massachusetts (1757- Date of 352 Society Admission. Number. 1845) ; Private, Colonel Stark's Eegiment, 1775 ; Private, Massa- chusetts Militia from Boxford, July, 1780-January 10, 1781. Also, great-granddaughter of Joseph Simmons, Massachusetts ( 1775); Private, Captain William Perley's Company, Colonel James Frye's Massachusetts Eegiment, May 17, 1775; killed at Bunker Hill. 1895 Wills, Helen De Berniere Hooper (widow of James Wills), 964 North Carolina, Great-granddaughter of William Hooper, North Carolina (1742-1790) ; Member North Carolina Provincial Congress, 1774; Delegate to Continental Congress at Philadelphia, 1775; Signer Declaration of Independence. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Archibald Maclaine, North Caro- lina ( 1791); Member Committee of Safety, 1774; Member Provincial Congress of North Carolina, 1775-1776 ; Member Con- vention at Hillsboro, North Carolina, 1778; Member of House of Commons of North Carolina, 1783-1786. 1894 Wilson, Anna Mary (Miss), 487 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Archibald Wilson, Pennsylvania (1747-1817) ; Private, Pennsylvania Militia. 1895 Wilson, Caroline Augusta (Miss), 966 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Thomas Wilson, New Hampshire (1757-1808); Private, Captain Hezekiah Hutchin's Company, New Hampshire Militia, 1775 ; Private, Captain Stephen Dearborn's Company, New Hampshire Militia, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 1782. 1893 Wilson, Julia (Miss), 265 Texas, Great-great-great-granddaughter of George Mason, of Gunston Hall, Virginia (1725-1792); Member, Committee of Safety; in 1776, drafted the Declaration of Rights and Constitution of Virginia, which were unanimously adopted ; Member of the Convention which adopted the Constitution of the United States. 1895 Wilson, Margaret Jane (Miss), 967 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Thomas Wilson, New Hampshire (1757-1803) ; »4e of 353 Society Admission. Number* Private, Hezekiah Hutchin's Company New Hampshire Militia, 1775 ; Private, Captain Stephen Dearborn's Company New Hamp- shire Militia, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 1782. 1894 * Wilson, Margaret Penrose (Miss), 486 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of Archibald Wilson, Pennsylvania (1747-1817) ; Private, Pennsylvania Militia. 1894 Wilson, Sarah A. Eogers (Mrs. Everett B. Wilson), 632 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John Eogers, Virginia; 2d Lieutenant 4th Virginia Eegiment, March 25, 1776 ; Captain of a Virginia State Eegiment, June 1, 1778-February, 1782. 1894 Winans, Clara Brown Forrest (Mrs. Henry D. Winans), 662 New York, Great-granddaughter of Daniel Brown, Connecticut (1747-1832) Private, 10th Connecticut Eegiment, May to December, 1775 Private, March, 1777 ; Quartermaster-Sergeant, December 15, 1777 discharged March 10, 1780. 1893 Winne, Caroline E. Frey (Mrs. Charles K. Winne), 358 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of John Frey, New York (1740-1833); Captain, 2d Eegiment New York Line, Colonel Goose Van Schaick, June 28, 1775; Brigade-Major, July 15, 1775-January, 1776; Brigade-Major; Tryon County New York Militia, Colonel Marinus Willett, August 6, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Oriskan}' ; exchanged October 28. 1778 ; Chairman Tryon County New York Committee of Safety, 1776-1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Eudolph Shoemaker, New York ; Captain, 4th Battalion Tryon County New York Militia, Colonel Hanyoost Herkimer, 1775. 1895 Winne, Helen Alice (Miss), 1195 New York, Great-great-great-granddaughter of Eobert Woodworth, New York * Deceased. Date of ^54 Society Admission. Number. (1737-1801); Captain, 4th Eegiment, Colonel Killian Van Kens- selaer, 2d Kensselaerwyck Battalion, New York State Troops, June 25, 1778. 1894 Winship, Eliza Ann Barlow (Mrs. George Winship), 636 Connecticut, Great-granddaughter of Aaron Barlow (1750-1800) ; Private, 10th Company, Colonel Waterbury's Eegiment Connecticut Militia, 1775; Ensign, Captain Gray's Company, October, 1777. 1896 Winship, Charlotte J. Edmonds (Mrs. William W. Winship), 1665 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of David Edmonds, Massachusetts (1741-1823) ; Bom- bardier, Captain Chadwick's Company, Colonel Gridley's Eegiment of Artillery, June 6, 1775 ; served eight months. 1896 Winship, Nellie Sprague (Miss), 1604 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of David Edmonds, Massachusetts (1741-1823) ; Bombardier, Captain Joseph Chadwick's Company, Colonel Eichard Gridley's Eegiment of Artillery, June 6, 1775; served eight months. Also, great-granddaughter of John Winship, Massachusetts (1754- 1825) ; Ensign, 9th Massachusetts Eegiment, January 1, 1777 ; re- signed April 3, 1778. 1896 Winslow, Lucy Hovey (Mrs. Louis M. Winslow), 1453 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Joseph Hovey, Massachusetts (1743-1785) ; Private, Massachusetts Militia from Boxford ; served at Eoxbury, Winter Hill, and New York. 1895 Wiswell, Genevieve (Miss), 1192 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Harrison, Virginia (1751-1836) ; Private, Captain George Eiddle's Company Vh-ginia Militia, July, 1780 ; Private, Captain Eeuben Moore's Company, Colonel Benja- min Harrison's Eegiment Virginia Militia, 1781 ; Private, Captain Eobert Craven's Company, same regiment, 1781. »*te? { 355 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Wiswall, Louise A. (Miss), 857 New York, Great-great-great-granddaugbter of Noah Wiswall, Massachusetts (1699-1786) ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Wiswall's Company from East Newton, Massachusetts, "Lexington Alarm." 1894 Wiswell, Maud Harrison (Miss), 639 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of Bzekiel Harrison, Virginia (1751-1836) ; Private, Captain George Eiddle's Company, Virginia Militia, July, 1780 ; Private, Captain Reuben Moore's Company, Colonel Benjamin Harrison's Regiment Virginia Militia, 1781 ; Private, Captain Robert Craven's Company, same regiment, 1781. 1896 Witherell, Edith Mary (Miss), 1730 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of John AVitherell, Massachusetts (1758-1854) ; Quartermaster, Captain Ebenezer Sullivan's Company of Militia from Berwick, Maine. 1894 Witherell, Ida Woodbury (widow of Julian Franklin Witherell), 572 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Isaac Allen, Massachusetts (1758-1841); Private, Captain Hart's Company, Colonel Sargent's Regiment, May 18, 1775; Private, Captain John Wiley's Companj', Colonel Sargent's Regiment, October 1, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Allen, Massachusetts (1721 ) ; Private, Captain John Baker's Company, May 8, 1775 ; Private, Captain John Row's Company, 27th Regiment, " Bunker Hill Service." Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Tewksbury, Massachusetts (1728-1775) ; Private, Captain Joseph Whipple's Company stationed at Manchester, Massachusetts, to defend the Sea Coast, September 27, 1775. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Tewksbury, Massa- chusetts; Private, Captain Dodge's Company, Colonel Jacob Ger- rish's Regiment, April 2-June 1, 1778; Private, same company and regiment, July 2-12, 1778; Private, same company and regiment, April 1-July, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Joseph Woodbury, Massachusetts (1741- 1816); Private, Captain Abram Batcheldor's Company, Colonel Jonathan Holman's Regiment, marched on alarm, December, 1776, to Providence, service forty-three days. [Also Date of 356 ^ ooi ? ty Admission. Number. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Porter, Massachusetts (1717- 1802); chosen by Legislature Adjutant, 6th Middlesex County Eegiment, April 22, 1776; Adjutant, Colonel Jonathan Eeed's Eegiment, July 11, 1776 ; Adjutant, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Eegi- ment, Warner's Brigade, April 14-November 30, 1777 ; Adjutant, Colonel Jonathan Eeed's Eegiment, March 31-July 2, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of Edward Small, Maine (1751-1825) ; Corporal, Captain John Wentworth's Company, Colonel Willard's Eegiment, 1776. 1894 Withington, Eliza Ashe Livingston (Mrs. Henry A. Withington), 535 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaugbter of Philip Livingston, New York (1716- 1778) ; Member of Continental Congress, 1774-1778 ; Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; President of the New York Provin- cial Convention, April 20, 1775; Member of the New York Com- mittee of One Hundred, May, 1775; Member of New York Provincial Congress, 1776-1777. 1896 Withington, Anna F. Laughton (Mrs. William C. Withington), 1524 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Elisha Hoit, Massachusetts ( 1827) ; Private, Captain Asa Lauren's Company, April 19, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Lauren's Company, Colonel Prescott's Eegiment Massa- chusetts Militia, 1775 ; Private, Captain Job Sbattuck's Company, March, 1776 ; Private, Continental Infantry, 1777. 1894 Withington, Georgiana Bowen (Mrs. Charles F. Withington), 500 Massachusetts, Great-great-great-granddaughter of John Cushing, Massachusetts (1722 ) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d Plymouth County Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, February 10, 1776 ; Colonel same, April 1, 1776 ; resigned January 1, 1779. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Philip Taylor, Ehode Island (1737- 1819) ; Member General Assembly of Ehode Island, 1777-1778 ; Member Committee of Safety, 1776 ; Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Bailey, Ehode Island (1742- 1813) Deputy to Ehode Island Provincial Convention from Little Compton, 1781. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Manchester, Ehode Island (1731 ) ; Deputy to General Assembly of Ehode Island May, 1777; Member Ehode Island Assembly, 1778; Member of various committees to secure recruits and supplies. Date of 357 Society Admission. Number. 1893 Withington, Susan Custis (Miss), 381 New Jersey, Granddaughter of Richard Waters, Maryland (1760-1829) ; 2d Lieu- tenant, 1st Maryland Line Regiment, April 1, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, May 27, 1778; Captain, April 7, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Maryland Regiment, January 1, 1781; retired, January 1, 1783; Colonel by brevet at close of war ; Member Maryland Society of the Cincinnati. 1895 Winters, Helen Clegg (Mrs. Valentine Winters), 1428 Ohio, Great-great-great-granddaughter of William Shreve, New Jersey; 1st Major, 1st Regiment Burlington County New Jersey Militia, Sep- tember 28, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, same, March 15, 1777 ; Colonel, April 18, 1778. 1895 Wood, Caroline B. Greer (Mrs. Thomas J. Wood), 1361 Ohio, Great-granddaughter of Eliphalet King, Connecticut (1743-1821); Ensign, 2d Regiment Connecticut Line, May 1-December 10, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 22d Continental Infantry, January 1, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, September, 1776; discharged December 31, 1776. 1895 Wood, Elizabeth Dearing (Mrs. Guilford S. Wood), 1433 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Henry Perrine, New Jersey (1730- 1818) ; Private, Monmouth County New Jersey Militia. 1895 Wood, Henrietta Dillard Anthony (Mrs. William R. Wood), 1159 North Carolina, Great-granddaughter of Whitnel Hill, North Carolina (1743-1797); Delegate to Provincial Assembly at Hillsborough, North Carolina, 1775 ; Member State Congress, 1776 ; Delegate to Continental Con- gress, 1778-81. 1891 Wood, Julia M. Hastings (Mrs. Abiel Wood), 55 Long Island, Great-granddaughter of John Hastings, Massachusetts (1738 ) ; Member of Governor's Council of Massachusetts during the Revo- lution. Date of 358 Society Admission. Number. 1895 Wood, Margaret Osborn Baker (Mrs. Henry Wood), 1078 Massachusetts, Granddaughter of Daniel Baker, New Jersey (1753-1814) ; Ensign, Essex County New Jersey Militia; Ensign, Captain John Scudder's Company, New Jersey State Troops. 1895 Wood, Victoria H. Clegg (Mrs. E. Morgan Wood), 1416 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of William Shreve, New Jersey; 1st Major, 1st Eegiment Burlington County New Jersey Militia, Sep- tember 28, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, same, March 15, 1777 ; Colonel, April 18, 1778. 1891 Woodhull, Lula Frost (Mrs. Josiah T. Woodhull), 146 Texas, Great-granddaughter of Beuben Price, Virginia; Private, Captain Meredith Price's Company Virginia Troops. 1894 Woodrow, Harriet Love (Miss), 761 Ohio, Great-great-granddaughter of Gustavus Scott, Maryland (1753- 1801); Member Association of Freemen, 1775; Delegate to Mary- land Convention, 1775 ; Member Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Samuel Love, Maryland ; Deputy to Maryland Convention, 1776 ; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776. Also, great-great-great-granddaughter of Charles Jones, Maryland; Member Committee of Observation and Safety, 1776 ; Judge of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1777. 1895 Woodbury, Helen N. Eobinson (Mrs. Louis A. Woodbury), 1253 Massachusetts, Great-great-granddaughter of Jonathan Eobinson, New Hampshire (1741-1800); Captain, Colonel William Whipple's Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, September 23-December, 1776. 1892 Woodruff, Effie Haywood (Mrs. Carle A. Woodruff), 207 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Haywood, North Carolina; Colonel, Date of 359 Sooiety Admission. Number. Edgecombe County North Carolina Militia; Member Council of Safety for Halifax District, 1775; Member State Congress, April 1776. Also, great-great-granddaughter of John Graham, New York ( 1832) ; Captain, 2d New York Line, June 30, 1775 ; Captain, 1st New York Line, November 21, 1776, to rank from February 16, 1776 ; Major, March 26, 1779, and served to November, 1783. Also, great-granddaughter of Philemon Hawkins, Jr., North Carolina (1752-1833) ; Lieutenant-Colonel, North Carolina Militia, 1775 ; Member North Cai'olina Provincial Congress, 1776. 1894 Woodruff, Catherine Ten Etck (Miss), 429 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Beavers, New Jersey (- 1816) ; Colonel 2d Eegiment Hunterdon County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Peter Dickerson, New Jersey ( 1780) ; Captain, 3d Eegiment New Jersey Line, Colonel Elias Dayton, Mareb-November, 1776; Captain, same regiment, November, 1776 ; retired September 27, 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Drake, New Jersey; Colonel Western Battalion, New Jersey Militia; resigned to become a Member of the General Assembly of New Jersey. 1894 Woodruff, Mary Green (Miss), 430 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Beavers, New Jersey ( 1816) ; Colonel, 2d Eegiment Hunterdon County New Jersey Militia. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Peter Dickerson, New Jersey ( 1780) ; Captain, 3d Eegiment New Jersey Line, Colonel Elias Dayton, March-November, 1776 ; Captain, same regiment, Novem- ber, 1776 ; retired September 27, 1780. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Jacob Drake, New Jersey ; Colonel, Western Battalion ; resigned to become a member of the General Assembly. 1895 Woodruff, Carrie Estelle Sharpe (Mrs. William N. Woodruff), 1042 Connecticut, Great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Sharpe 3d, Connecticut (1746- 1805) ; Private, 5th Eegiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley, 2d Brigade, 1777-1781. Date of 360 Sooiety Admission. Number. 1895 Woodward, Helen S. Bassett (Mrs. Benjamin D. Woodward), 1283 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of John Preston, Massachusetts (1745-1814) ; Corpora], Captain John Cowle's Company, Colonel Woodbridge's Begiment, "Lexington Alarm;" enlisted into the Continental Army from Captain Smith's Company 4th Hampshire County Massachu- setts Begiment, May 28, 1777 ; Private, Captain Alexander's Com- pany, 13th Massachusetts Begiment, Colonel Wigglesworth ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th Company, 4th Hampshire County Begiment Massa- chusetts Militia, June 29, 1780. Also, great-granddaughter of Bleazer Ayres, Massachusetts (1746- 1832), Private, Captain John Cowle's Company, "Lexington Alarm;" Corporal, Captain Phineas Smith's Company, Colonel Woodbridge's Begiment Massachusetts Militia, August 17-21, 1777. 1893 Woolfolk, Julia Preston (widow of John B. Woolfolk), 272 Mississippi, Granddaughter of John Preston, Connecticut (1755 ); Sergeant, Company of Minute-men from Ashford, Connecticut, "Lexington Alarm." 1895 Wright, Cora Hall (Mrs. Alfred G. Wright), 1365 New York, Great-granddaughter of Timothy Hall, Connecticut (1758-1844); Private, Captain Bacon's Company, Colonel John Chester's Begi- ment Connecticut Militia, June, 1776 ; Private, Captain Couch's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Begiment Connecticut Militia, July, 1776-January, 1777 ; Surgeon's Mate, 5th Massachu- setts Begiment, February 5, 1780. 1891 Wright, Elizabeth A. Post McGown (widow of James H. Wright), 36 New York, Great-granddaughter of Henry Post, New Jersey; Private, New Jersey Militia, also Continental Line. Also, granddaughter of Andrew M'Gown (1745-1820) ; guide. 1895 Wright, Emma Morgan (Mrs. Henry B. Wright), 1036 New York, Great-granddaughter of William Morgan, Connecticut (1723-1777) ; Date of 361 Society Admission. Number. Private, " Lexington Alarm," 1775 ; Corporal 10th Company, Cap- tain Abel Spicer, 6th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Par- sons, May 9-December 18, 1775; Corporal, Captain Gallup's Company, Colonel Parsons' Regiment reorganized for Continental service, April-December 31, 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of Benjamin Lee (1753-1790); Private, Captain Samuel Mather's Company, Connecticut Militia, July, 1776 ; Private, Captain Isaac Stone's Company, Colonel Jonathan Latimer's Regiment, General Poor's Continental Brigade, 1777. 1892 Wright, Julia Butler (Mrs. E. L. Wright), 173 New York, Great-granddaughter of Eli Butler, Connecticut (1740 ) ; Cap- tain, Colonel Elisha Sheldon's Regiment of Light Horse, 1775 and 1776. Also, great-granddaughter of John Mosher, Massachusetts (1745 ) ; 2d Lieutenant, Colonel Prescott's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, May-December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th Continental Infantry, January 1-December 31, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 8th Massachusetts Regiment, January 1, 1777 ; retired December 15, 1778. 1891 Wright, Mart R. Moore (widow of J. Hood Wright), 68 New York, Great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Moore, New Jersey (1735 ) ; Sergeant, Captain Hoppock's Company, 3d Regiment Hunterdon County New Jersey Militia ; served also with Hunt's Team Brigade New Jersey Militia. 1894 Wyckoff, E. Anna Corel (Mrs. Frank T. Wyckoff ), 582 Pennsylvania, Great-granddaughter of Bradstreet Spofford, New Hampshire (1731 ) ; Ensign, Captain Abiel Walker's Company, Colonel Benjamin Bellows' 16th New Hampshire Regiment of Militia. 1894 Wyeth, Eleanor Maynard (Miss), 448 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel Jarvis, Massachusetts (1731- 1812) ; Captain, Jackson's Additional Continental Regiment, Feb- ruary 1, 1777 ; resigned October 27, 1778. Date of 362 Society Admission. Number. 1893 Tardlet, Margaret Tufts Swan (Mrs. Charles B. Yardley), 411 New Jersey. Great-granddaughter of Samuel Swan, Massachusetts (1750-1825) ; Private, Captain William Adams' Company, Colonel Thatcher's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, March-October, 1776 ; Purchasing Agent for the Army, 1778-1783. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Lamson, Massachusetts (1728-1789); Private, Captain John Dodge's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Eegiment of Guards, Massachusetts, November 11, 1777-April 3, 1778 ; Corporal, same, July 18-December 16, 1778. Also, great-granddaughter of John Stanyon, New Hampshire ( 1777) ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th Eegiment New Hampshire Militia, Colonel Thomas Stickney, 1776; Member Committee of Safety of Chichester, New Hampshire, 1776 ; Ensign, Captain Nathan San- born's Company, Colonel John McClary's Eegiment New Hamp- shire Militia, September, 1777 ; died in service, November, 1777. Also, great-granddaughter of Samuel Tufts, Massachusetts (1752-1815) ; Private, Captain Isaac Hall's Company, from Medford, " Lexington Alarm ;" Private, same, at Dorchester Heights, March, 1776. 1895 Yeaton, Helen Frances Macker (Mrs. George Walter Yeaton), 1149 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Bassett, Massachusetts (1752- 1817); Private, Captain Isaac Thayer's Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Eegiment, July 31, 1776-January 1, 1777; Private, Cap- tain Peletiah Eddy's Company, Colonel Abiel Mitchell's Eegiment, Brigadier-General Godfrey's Brigade for service at Ehode Island, August 1, 1780. 1895 Yeaw, Lucy Shattuck (Mrs. Everett Yeaw), 897 New Jersey, Great-great-granddaughter of Joseph Shattuck, Massachusetts (1757- 1847) ; Private, Captain Farnum's Company, Colonel Francis' Eegiment; service from 1777-1780. 1894 Young, Annie C. Thurston (Mrs. Hugh Young), 459 New York, Granddaughter of David Thurston, Massachusetts (1736-1816) ; Pri- vate, Captain Eliphalet Spofford's Company, Colonel Samuel Ger- rish's Eegiment Massachusetts Militia, " Lexington Alarm." 1895 Young, Carrie Sims (Mrs. Francis Cressey Young), 875 Colorado, Great-granddaughter of Joshua Judson, Connecticut (1732-1776) ; Date of 363 Society Admission. Number. Lieutenant, 5th Company Connecticut Continental Regiment, July 12-December 20, 1775. Also, great-granddaughter of Nathan Stoddard, Connecticut (1742- 1777) ; Captain, 8th Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel John Chandler, June 1, 1777 ; killed in defense of Fort Mifflin, Mud Island, Pennsylvania, November 15, 1777. 1895 Young, Eleanor Frances (Miss), 876 Colorado, Great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Judson, Connecticut (1732- 1776 ; Lieutenant, 5th Company Connecticut Continental Regi- ment, July 12-December 20, 1775. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Nathan Stoddard, Connecticut (1742-1777) ; Captain, 8th Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel John Chandler, June 1, 1777 ; killed in defense of Fort Mifflin, Mud Island, Pennsylvania, November 15, 1777. Also, great-great-granddaughter of Isaac Swift, Connecticut (1753- 1802) ; Surgeon's Mate, 7th Connecticut Continental Regiment, Colonel Charles Webb, 1776; Surgeon, 7th Regiment Connecticut Line, Colonel Heman Swift, August 6, 1777 ; resigned May 1, 1778. 1894 Young, Elizabeth Forney (Miss), 472 Maryland, Great-great-granddaughter of David Shriver, Pennsylvania (1735- 1826) ; Member of Maryland Convention for Middle District of Frederick County, Maryland, held at Annapolis, August 14-No- vember 11, 1776. 1894 Young, Emelia Forney (Mrs. William Sholl Young), 471 Maryland, Great-granddaughter of David Shriver, Pennsylvania (1735-1826) ; Member of Maryland Convention for Middle District of Frederick County, Maryland, held at Annapolis, August 14-November 11, 1776. 1896 Young, Hannah Merrill Cooke (Mrs. Charles A. Young), 1449 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Tolman, Massachusetts (1740-1825) ; Lieutenant, Captain Hopestill Hall's Company from Dorchester, April 19, 1775 ; Lieutenant, Captain John Robinson's Company at A ?*teof 364 Society Admission. Number. Dorchester Heights, March 25, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain John Bradley's Company, Massachusetts Militia, August 14-November 30, 1777 ; Lieutenant, Captain Turner's Company Massachusetts Militia, in service at Ehode Island, March 1-April 4, 1778. 1895 Young, Susan Tappan Cooke (Mrs. William H. H. Young), 1415 Massachusetts, Great-granddaughter of Ezekiel Tolman, Massachusetts (1740-1825) ; Lieutenant, Captain Hopestill Hall's Company from Dorchester, April 19, 1775 ; Lieutenant, Captain John Eobinson's Company at Dorchester Heights, March 25, 1776 ; Lieutenant, Captain John Bradley's Company Massachusetts Militia, August 14-November 30, 1777 ; Lieutenant, Captain Turner's Company Massachusetts Militia, in service at Ehode Island, March 1-April 4, 1778. Hn flftemortam. JANE GOODWIN AUSTEN. ANNA BENSON. MARIE ANTOINETTE BARRETT BURGER. LILLIAN MAUD KING BUTLER. MARGARET ELIZABETH MILLER EASTER. LAURA ELIZABETH BIBB FONTE. LAURA GAY. CATHARINE LADD GILFILLAN. ELIZABETH FERDON GILLIES. CHARLOTTE JOSEPHINE FOWLER GREGORY. ALICE WILEY HAMILTON. SARAH JENNET HART. ELIZABETH HOLMES JONES HAVILAND. FLORENCE MAXWELL HOOPER. E. A. M. WEYMAN HOUSTON. CORNELIA CLINTON MACKIE. ELIZA McINTIRE McKISSICK. PRISCILLA HOYT MORGAN. ANNE GALBRAITH PAGE, VIRGINIA ESKRIDGE PEYTON. LOUISA WOOD PURDY. FRANCES E. PALMER RICHMOND. SARAH AUGUSTA BARTLETT ROCHE. HARRIETT NEW ALL THOMPSON. SOPHIA POND WALKER. M. E. CHAPMAN WEBSTER. EMMA ST. CLAIR WHITNEY. ELLA FLORENCE RAYNOR WILCOX. EURETTA GARDNER WILLIAMS. MARGARET PENROSE WILSON. ELIZABETH POST McGOWN WRIGHT. 365 Ancestors and Descendants. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Abbe, John (1717-1794) Wallace, Mrs. William A. Abbot, Abiel (1741-1809) Abbot, Miss Fannie Larcom Hazlewood, Mrs. Clarence Eockwood, Miss Henrietta Eockwood, Mrs. William Emerson Throop, Miss Lucy Abbott Abbott, Caleb (1751-1837) Berry, Mrs. Jacob Warren Parker, Miss Florence A. Abbott, Joseph (1741-1802) Stearns, Mrs. Jobn G. Acken, John ( 1782) Leyden, Mrs. Maurice Adams, Andre w-Conn-(- - 1797) Dayton, Mrs. Abram C. Fessenden, Mrs. Benjamin H. Warren, Mrs. Henry A. Adams, Andrew-Mass-(1735 ) Adams, Miss Florence Labouisse Darling, Mrs. Flora Adams Everett, Mi-s. De Yolney Smith, Mrs. Leroy Sunderland Adams, Benjamin (1747-1791) West, Mrs. Charles A. Adams, Ebenezer (1732-1799) Phillips, Miss Harriet M. Adams, Ebenezer (1751-1846) Eichards, Miss Bertha Adams, Eliashib Adams, Miss Sarah Eoot Adams, Ephraim (1727 ) Adams, Miss Clara B. Adams, John (1735-1826) Furman, Mrs. Gabriel Adams, John (1724 ) Adams, Miss Helen A Eice, Mi's. Edward H. Adams, Eobert, Jr. (1730-1804) Adams, Miss Julia Henderson Adams, Samuel (1749-1818) Eaymond, Miss Frances Adams Eaymond, Mrs. Henry Emmons Eaymond, Miss Margaret Chester Ainsworth, Nathan (1740-1777) Ainswortb, Miss Lacie Bell Banks, Mrs. Louis Albert Akin, David Freeman, Mrs. George H. Alden, John (1740-1783) Shedden, Mrs. Lucius L. Alden, Thomas Dodge, Mrs. Orrin A. Alden, William (1761-1842) Alden, Miss Antoinette Spencer Allan, John (1746-1805) Davis, Miss Mary Eowena 369 370 Allan, Samuel Davis, Miss Mary Rowena Allen, Heber (1743 ) French, Mrs. Zenas Haywood Allen, Isaac (1758-1841) Underbill, Mrs. Charles W. Witherill, Mrs. Julian Franklin Allen, Jacob (1721 ) Witherill, Mrs. Julian Franklin Allen, Jonas, Jr. (1728-1822) French, Mrs. Zenas Haywood Allen, Nehemiah (1733 ) Raymond, Miss Frances Adams Raymond, Mrs. Henry Emmons Raymond, Miss Margaret Chester Allston, William Carr, Mrs. Elias Alvord, John (1756-184-) Sherwood, Miss Emma C. Sherwood, Miss Estelle Sherwood, Miss Margaret H. Anabel, John (1744-1815) Tompkins, Mrs. Elias T. Anderson, Kenneth Scudder, Mrs. Silas D. Anderson,RichardClough(1750-1826) Anderson, Miss Katherine L. Anderson, Miss Sallie Anderson, William (1747-1829) Bullions, Mrs. Samuel S, Arsor, Jonas (1744-1834) Townsend, Mrs. James H. Ashe, Samuel (1725-1813) Tutwiler, Miss Julia S. Ashby, Samuel (1721-1792) Parkhurst, Mrs. Edwin Atwell, William (1720-1806) Goodhue, Miss Alice B. Goodhue, Miss Sarah Atwell, Zachariah (1755-1836) Goodhue, Miss Alice B. Goodhue, Miss Sarah Atwood, David Atwood, Miss Mary Frances Atwood, Jonathan (1735-1816) Dan forth, Mrs. George F. Averill, Perry Averill, Miss Mary J. Avery, Ebenezer (1704-1780) Thompson, Mrs. Wordsworth Avery, Ebenezer (1732-1781) Brown, Mrs. John Henry Cowee, Mrs. James F. Avery, Nathan Eaton, Mrs. Eugene Edgar Avery, Park, Jr. (1741^1821) Roberts, Mrs. Richard A. Axtell, Henry (1738-1818) Piatt, Mrs. Edward R. Ayres, Eleazer (1748-1832) Woodward, Mrs. Benjamin F. Ayres, Robert (1730 ) Harmer, Mrs. John H. Pryer, Mrs. Charles Babcock, John Alden, Mrs. Harry M. Bacon, Jacob (1740-1819) Sherry, Mrs. Arthur G. Bacon, Josiah (1719-1775) Bond, Mrs. Charles C. Grieg, Mrs. James A. Backus, Ebenezer Holroyd, Mrs. George E. Piatt, Mrs. Joseph Cooke Badlam, Ezra Allen, Mrs. Lewis E. 371 Bagley, Jonathan 1717-1780) Colby, Miss Annah E. Bailey, Isaac (1724-1813) Eldridge, Mrs. David E. Withington, Mrs. Charles F. Bailey, John (1730-1810) Bailey, Miss Anna Maria Bailey, Miss Catherine Easton, Mrs. Edward F. Bailey, Samuel, Jr. ( 1778) Dolbear, Mrs. Amos Baker, Cornelius (1743-1808) Greenough, Mrs. Charles E. Baker, Daniel (1753-1814) Wood, Mrs. Henry Baker, Jeremiah (1762-1855) Parker, Mrs. Augustus Baldwin, Benjamin (1761-1838) Clearman, Mrs. L. Louis Baldwin, Nathan (1755 ) Walradt, Mrs. Arthur E. Ball, Abner (1760-1847) Jennings, Miss Mary B. Ball, Thomas Jennings, Miss Mary B. Banks, Thomas (1754-1818) Barlow, Miss Mary A. Barlow, Mrs. Samuel S. Chase, Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt, Mrs. Thomas B. Jones, Mrs. Timothy Trowbridge, Miss Mary J. Bardwell, Jonathan (1724-1781) Bard well, Miss Lucy L. Bardwell, Miss Marian E. Barlow, Aaron (1750-1800) Barlow, Miss Mary Agnes Winship, Mrs. George •Deceased. Barnard, Daniel (1758-1832) Keith, Mrs. Ira B. Todd, Miss Mary A. Barney, Edward Piatt, Mrs. James De Lancey Barnum, Noah (1757-1832) * Purdy, Mrs. Horace Barrett, Jonas (1737-1803) Churchill, Mrs. Gardner Asaph Barrett, Samuel (1755 ) * Burger, Mrs. Stephen D. Barrett, Wait (1764-1830) Chapman, Mrs. Clarence O. Bartlett, Bailey (1750-1830) Gallison, Miss Caro De Blois Gallison, Mrs. Louis De Blois *Boche, Mrs. George W. Bartlett, John Casey, Mrs. Willett Fletcher Barton, Ebenezer (1726 ) Thomas, Mrs. Frank W. Bartram, Daniel (1745-1819) Mills, Mrs. William S. Bassett, Burwell Key, Mrs. Philip Barton Bassett, Jeremiah (1752-1819) Teaton, Mrs. George Walter Batchelder, Amos (1727-1809) Soule, Mrs. Mary C. Batchelder, John (1724 ) Hodges, Miss Mary Osgood Bates, Ezekiel (1738-1816) Gale, Mrs. George E. Bates, Zealous (1754-1831) Brigham, Mrs. Franklin D. Hall, Mrs. Hay ward P. Tower, Mrs. Clement C. Tower, Mrs. Levi 372 Battelle, Ebenezer (1754-1814) Battelle, Miss Frances Baumann, Sebastian (1739-1803) Fairchild, Miss Agnes Doll Fairchild, Mrs. Eli W. Fairchild, Miss Mary C. Baxter, John ( 1847) Sweet, Mrs. Channing Beach, Enoch (1737-1814) Hannahs, Mrs. Charles Beach, John Harrington (1756-1834) Beach, Miss Bessie Baldwin Beach, Nathaniel Butler, Mrs. Jeremiah Beadle, Benjamin (1741-1810) Raymond, Mrs. Edwin I. Beavers, Joseph ( 1816) Risk, Miss Margaret Henderson Woodruff, Miss Catherine Ten Eyck Woodruff, Miss Mary Green Bedinger, Daniel (1760-1816) Washington, Miss Flora M. Washington, Miss Sarah Bedinger, Henry (1753-1843) Howson, Mrs. Walter H. Bee, Thomas (1735-1810) Bee, Miss Annie Faysson Beebe, Roderick (1753-1832) Hyatt, Miss Harriett Randolph Steers, Miss Lucretia Viglini Beebe, Steward (1753-1825) Carpenter, Mrs, Frederic B. Beecher, David Higgins, Mrs. Henry I. Beekman, Tjerck (1754-1791) Westbrook, Miss Sarah M. Beers, John (1759-1848) Crater, Mrs. Georgia B. * Deceased. Belknap, John (1734-1825) Scott, Mrs. Albert E. Bell, Abner (1760-1847) Jennings, Miss Mary R. Bellinger, Peter (1723 ) Manning, Mrs. H. Courtney Schreiber, Mrs. William A. Tibbals, Mrs. John A. Wallis, Mrs. George B., Jr. Bellows, Timothy (1755-1822) Ellery, Miss Florence L. Benedict, Ezra (1746 ) Brooks, Mrs. Benjamin Bennett, Joseph (1745 ) Haviland, Mrs. Frank Van Horn, Mrs. Burt, Jr. Benson, Robert (1735 ) Berry, Mrs. John F. Benton, Elijah (1759-1841) Gilman, Mrs. Henry E. Berrien, Richard Ingraham, Mrs. Fred. Ingraham, Mrs. D. Phoenix Ingraham, Miss Marguerite L. Berry, Sydney Truax, Mrs. Chauncey Schaffer Betts, Nathan ( 1842) Alden, Mrs. Harry M. Betts, Thomas (1753-1813) Childs, Mrs. William A. Bevan, Charles (1756-1827) Bevan, Miss Helen Clark, Mrs. John Everett Bibb, William (1739 ) * Fonte, Mrs. William H. Bicker, Walter (1723 ) Sayres, Mrs. Samuel 373 Bidwell, Benjamin (1744 ) Gumaer, Mrs. Jacob D. Nichols, Miss Charlotte E. Biglow, Ivory (1741-1814) Beecher, Mrs. William C. Biglow, Mrs. Charles D. Biglow, Josiah (1730-1810) Baymond, Miss Frances Adams Raymond, Mrs. Henry Emmons Raymond, Miss Margaret Chester Biglow, Will (1749-1813) Raymond, Miss Frances Adams Raymond, Mrs. Henry Emmons Raymond, Miss Margaret Chester Billings, John Ford, Mrs. Daniel W. Bingham, Jeremiah (1748-1841) Trumbull, Mrs. Frank Bingham, Luther Robinson, Mrs. Joseph C. Binnet, Benjamin (1749-1783) Binney, Miss Helen Maude Bissell, Zebulon (1750 ) Bissell, Miss Margaret Roe, Mrs. Charles Francis Bixby, Thomas (1752-1827) Stewart, Mrs. Samuel B. Blackler, William (1737-1818) Furnald, Mrs. Francis P., Jr. Keene, Mrs. William G. S. Merrill, Mrs. Samuel P. Blake, Elisha ( 1837) Blake, Miss Marion Stanley Blanchard, Elias (1758-1822) Billings, Mrs. Silas X. Blanchard, Solomon (1768-1858) Underwood, Mrs. Charles G. Blaney, Benjamin (1738-1820) Burtis, Mrs. Arennah M. Manning, Mrs. George L. Bliven, Samuel (1744-1816) Francis, Mrs. Charles King Blow, Richard (1746-1833) Hoff, Mrs. Edwin Noble, Mrs. Louis S. Page, Mrs. William Byrd Boardman, Daniel (1752-1803) Perkins, Mrs. John Wright Boardman, Joseph (1722-1796) Spofford, Mrs. Charles Ainsworth Bonnel, Nathaniel ( 1814) Littell, Miss Julia S. Borden, William (1731-1779) Hopkins, Mrs. Wolsey R. Boone, James Boone, Miss Emma F. N. Bourdette, Peter (1735-1826) Brown, Miss Helen Boutwell, Ebenezer, Jr. (1735 ) Wheeler, Mrs. Hiram M. Bowly, Daniel Le Huray, Miss Louise Bowly, John (1730-1810) Spencer, Mrs. Charles Boyd, James (1761-1858) Pray, Mrs. Arthur H. Boyden, Ezekiel (1742-1808) Allen, Mrs. Lewis E. Boyden, John (1761-1809) Allen, Mrs. Lewis E. Bradford, Elisha (1750-1809) Sherry, Mrs. Arthur G. Bradford, Henry (1758-1815) Baird, Mrs. William Torrey Bradford, Samuel (1753 ) Bell, Mrs. Charles A. Thomson, Mrs. Pierre Bradley, Daniel (1756-1823) Cowles, Mrs. Edmund Brainerd 374 Bradley, Daniel Sherwood, Miss Emma C. Sherwood, Miss Margaret H. Sherwood, Miss Estelle Bradley, Thaddeus (1756-1840) Bradley, Mrs. Laurence H. Bragg, Ariel Heustis, Mrs. James Watts Branch, William (1760-1849) Mills, Mrs. William S. Brastow, Thomas (1740-1799) Churchill, Mrs. Gardner Asaph Bray, Asa Washburn, Mrs. John Henry Brayton, Thomas (1759-1814) Frost, Mrs. Albert P. Breed, Allen (1759-1842) Breed, Miss Alice Hubbard Bremer, Nicholas Housewirth, Mrs. Thomas Bremner, John (1737-1807) Seabury, Mrs. Frederick C. Brewer, Deliverance Heifer, Mrs. William H. Brewer, Jacob Heifer, Mrs. William H. Brice, Zenas Winchell, Mrs. Alvord E. Brickett, James (1737-1818) Hollis, Mrs. James A. Briggs, Elisha (1761-1843) Clapp, Miss Antoinette Brinckerhopp, John A. (1730-1775) Van Tine, Mrs. George W. Bristol, Bezaleel Bobotham, Mrs. George Brockway, Bev. Thomas (1745-1807) Waydell, Mrs. Alexander Brodhead, Garret (1738-1804) Cryer, Mrs. Matthew Phillips, Miss Mary A. Brookhouse, Bobert Daland, Mrs. John Kemble, Mrs. Arthur Brooks, David Snow, Mrs. Henry Sanger Thayer, Mrs. John Van Buren Brooks, Edward (1725-1776) Bardwell, Miss Lucy L. Mardwell, Miss Marion E. Brooks, John (1752-1825) Keyes, Miss Berenice Maxwell Keyes, Miss Lucy Brooks Brothwell, Joseph F. (1758-1834) Brugler, Miss Sara D. Brower, Cornelius (1730-1794) Anderson, Miss Josephine K. Bennett, Mrs. William B. Brower, John (1759 ) Bennett, Mrs. William B. Brown, Benajah Alden, Mrs. Harry M. Brown, Benjamin (1745-1824) Gilmore, Miss Ellen Gilmore, Mrs. William E. Brown, Benjamin (1757-1809) Huntington, Mrs. J. B. Boss, Mrs. Joseph F. Brown, Daniel (1747-1833) Winans, Mrs. Henry D. Brown, Ezra (1753-1829) Goodhue, Miss Alice B. Goodhue, Miss Sarah Parrott, Miss Mary Emily Brown, George Hamilton, Mrs. Henry D. 375 Brown, Isaac (1758 ) Finch, Miss Margaret A. Townsend, Mrs. James H. Wells, Miss Edith M. Brown, Jonathan (1735-1822) Colburn, Miss Abbie Webster Brown, Jonathan (1753-1836) Ford, Mrs. Daniel W. Brown, William (1759-1804) Ropes, Miss Eliza Orme Ropes, Miss Mary P. Brownell, George (1715-1785) Bready, Mrs. John Ely Brownson, Isaac (1758 ) Camp, Mrs. Alfred P. Bruen, Jabez (1750-1814) Mead, Mrs. Charles Durkee Bubier, John Hodgkins, Mrs. William E. Buck, Jonathan (1719-1795) Treat, Miss Gail A. Buck, Samuel (1758-1852) Bartlett, Mrs. Henry Budd, Daniel (1751-1815) Fullerton, Mrs. Allan Buell, Elias (1737-1824) Hart, Mrs. George W. Williamson, Miss Jennie L. Burch, Increase Fellows, Mrs. Daniel W. Gaines, Mrs. Albert B. Piatt, Miss Sara F. Piatt, Mrs. Charles B. Burnham, James (1737-1782) Adams, Miss Ida Helen Burnham, Joshua (1757-1835) Beers, Miss Mabel E. Burnet, Dr. William (1730-1791) Easton, Mrs. Nelson S. Burrell, Ebenezer Schuyler, Mrs. Montgomery Burrows, Hubbard (1739-1781) Haley, Mrs. Albert Burton, Benjamin (1749-1855) Cobb, Mrs. Sewall C. Logan, Mrs. William T. Butler, Eli ( 1808) Butler, Miss Julia H. Rogers, Mrs. P. V. Wright, Mrs. E. L. Butler, Joseph (1734 ) Seamans, Mrs. Frank F. Butler, William Wood, Mrs. Henry Butts, Josiah Berry, Mrs. Frances D. French, Mrs. John W. Newton, Mrs. Emma M. Steers, Mrs. Abraham Steers, Mrs. Edward P. Wheeler, Mrs. William E. Buttolph, Joel (1749-1786) Boal, Mrs. George J. Bottolph, Jonathan (1724-1777) Boal, Mrs. George J. Byram, Japhet (1721-1790) Fisk, Mrs. James Manson Caldwell, Phineas (1757-1857) Van Iderstine, Mrs. F. A. Caldwell, Thomas (1751-1824) Richmond, Mrs. Henry I. Callaway, Richard (1730 ) Casey, Miss Fanny H. C. Casey, Mrs. Joseph J. Craighead, Mrs. Erwin Kampmann, Mrs. Hermann Stevens, Mrs. John J. Campbell, Alexander (1731 ) Humphreys, Mrs. Richard C. 376 Campbell, William (1749-1840) Bourne, Mrs. Jacob F. Canada y, Andrew, Jr. (1729-1788) Bent, Miss Catherine Metcalf Canfield, John (1740 ) Dayton, Mrs. Abram C. Fessenden, Mrs. Benjamin H. Stewart, Mrs. Luman H. Warren, Mrs. Henry A. Cantrell, Stephen (1758 ) Goodwyn, Mrs. Philo H. Polk, Mrs. Lucius Junius Carlton, Samuel (1731-1804) Curwen, Miss Bessie H. Carlton, Samuel (1750-1844) De Marguiondo, Mrs. P. H. Carnes, Eev. John (1723-1802) Hendrie, Mrs. Edwin B. Carpenter, Increase (1736-1807) Bennett, Mrs. Alden J. Carr, John (1756-1812) Edgar, Miss Elizabeth B. Edgar, Miss Jane A. Kogers, Miss Anna C. Rogers, Miss Grace E. Eogers, Miss Helen F. Thomas, Mrs. John H. Cary, Simeon (1719 ) Judkins, Mrs. Everett S. Case, Asahel (1757-1840) Case, Miss Maria Adeline Casler, Nicholas (1763-1827) Manning, Mrs. H. Courtney Schreiber, Mrs. William A. Tibbals, Mrs. John A. Wallis, Mrs. George B., Jr. Cass, Jonathan (1753-1830) Burke, Mrs. Charles Clinton Cass, Nason (1751-1817) Warren, Mrs. Henry Pitt * Deceased. Cass, Theophilus (1755-1845) Medbury, Mrs. George W. D. Caswell, Joseph (1758-1846) Walker, Miss Edith F. Walker, Miss Maud J. Chamberlain, Elisha (1764-1840) Blodgett, Mrs. William A. Chamberlin, Amasa (1750-1825) Fellows, Mrs. Daniel W. Gaines, Mrs. Albert B. Piatt, Mrs. Charles B. Piatt, Miss Sara Fairchild Champion, Henry (1723-1797) Ward, Mrs. Stephen R. Champion, Eev. Judah (1729-1810) Johnston, Mrs. Alfred E. Chandler, John Doughty, Mrs. Francis E. Doughty, Miss Frances E. Chandler, Joseph (1744 ) Hopkins, Mrs. Franklin W. White, Mrs. Stephen W. Chapin, Martin (1738-1793) Bruce, Mrs. Orsamies B. Chapin, Noah (1707-1787) Thompson, Mrs. D. F. Chapman, Constant (1761 ) * Webster, Mrs. Stephen A. Chase, Joshua (1740-1822) Parsons, Mrs. Edwin A. Wetmore, Mrs. Dwight H. Chesebrough, Nathaniel (1734-1804) Hughes, Miss Laura A. Cheswell, Wentworth (1746-1807) Cheswell, Miss Sara W. Chidester, Phineas (1748-1820) Fisk, Mrs. James Manson Child, John (1714 ) Porter, Mrs. Charles W. 377 Chittenden, Gideon Piatt, Miss Sara Fairchild Christie, John (1755-1842) Norman, Mrs. A. F. Vermilyea, Mrs. Allen G. Church, Asa (1750-1809) Barnard, Mrs. Henry H. Eaton, Mrs. Bradley L. Eaton, Miss Jane Vashti Claplin, John (1747 ) Erothingham, Mrs. Frederick Clapp, Lemuel (1735-1819) Bee, Mrs. Albert N. Clapp, Nathaniel (1744 ) Olcott, Mrs. Emmet B. Clapp, Sylvanus (1742-1811) Clapp, Miss Antoinette Clark, Elijah (1730-1795) Potter, Mrs. William Sparhawk, Miss Hetty V. Vanuxem, Miss Florence Vanuxem, Miss Hetty Vanuxem, Miss Julia K. Vanuxem, Miss Mary Clark, Elisha (1752-1838) Hill, Mrs. Kobert E. Hubon, Miss Annie G. Hubon, Mrs. Henry G-. Clark, Jonathan (1746-1827) Ballou, Mrs. Frederick K. Clapp, Miss Laura L. Clark, Josiah Keed, Mrs. Frederick Schultz, Mrs. Louis Clark, Nathan (1718-1792) Hill, Mrs. Bobert E. Hubon, Miss Annie G. Hubon, Mrs. Henry G. Clark, Nathaniel (1766-1846) Clark, Miss Ella E. * Deceased. Clark, Thomas (1737-1809) Weaver, Miss Florence Eyster Clary, Daniel ( 1780) Earle, Mrs. Henry Clifford, Bowland Wilbor, Miss Elsie Clinton, George (1739 ) * Mackie, Mrs. Alexander L. A. Clinton, James (1736-1812) Carville, Miss Katherine J. C. Clyde, Samuel (1731-1790) Moak, Mrs. Nathaniel C. Cobb, David (1748-1830) Atherton, Mrs. Charles W. Whittemore, Mrs. George W. Cochran, James (1752-1837) Abbott, Miss Ellen J. Magee, Miss Harriet M. Marland, Miss Helen Marland, Mrs. William Coe, Daniel (1731-1777) Freeman, Mrs. John Newmark Coe, John Daniel (1755-1824) Freeman, Mrs. John Newmark Cogswell, Amos ( 1826) Moody, Miss Mary E. E. Cogswell, Thomas (1746-1810) Bell, Miss Alice L. Cogswell, William (1760-1831) Choate, Mrs. George F. Cogswell, Miss Caroline D. Cogswell, Miss Sarah P. Darrow, Mrs. George B. Greene, Mrs. Edward H. Martin, Mrs. Francis C. Welch, Mrs. Charles Coit, Samuel (1708-1792) Curtis, Mrs. M. J. Coil Webb, Miss Mary E. 378 Colby, Obadiah (1731-1814) Fitz-Hugh, Mrs. John A. Perkins, Mrs. Jared A. Cole, Abraham (1737-1815) Bangs, Mrs. Bleecker Coleman, Dudley (1745-1797) Newell, Miss Marion Coleman, Lemuel (1751-1824) Freeman, Miss Kate Benedict Coleman, William Stewart, Miss Sylvie M. Smith Collins, Eobert ( 1777) Morrison, Mrs. James Colton, Benjamin, Jr. (1722-1808) Koe, Mrs. Fayette M. Colton, John (1747-1808) Eoe, Mrs. Fayette W. Comee, David (1763 ) Barnum, Mrs. Theodore F. Conant, Joshua (1749-1777) Farwell, Mrs. Walter M. Morse, Miss Annie Conant Morse, Mrs. L. Foster Condit, John (1755-1834) Carter, Miss Elizabeth Condit, Samuel Williams, Miss Maria E. Conger, David (1760-1807) Harmer, Mrs. John Hays Pryer, Mrs. Charles Conger, Zenas Harmer, Mrs. John Hays Pryer, Mrs. Charles Convers, Joseph (1739-1828) Giddings, Miss Hannah E. Cook, Isaac, Sr. (1711-1790) Cook, Miss Diathea Cook, Miss Eleanor F. Cook, Miss Katherine Gilmore, Mrs. Frank T. McKell, Miss Elinor C. Cook, Isaac, Jr. (1739-1800) Cook, Miss Diathea Cook, Miss Eleanor F. Cook, Miss Katherine Gilmore, Mrs. Frank T. McKell, Miss Elinor C. Cook, John Flournoy, Mrs. Osborne E. Cooke, Joseph Platt (1727-1816) Eosevear, Mrs. Edmund B. Cooke, William (1737-1804) Cooke, Miss Edith C. Cooke, Mrs. John W. Cool, John Jacob ( 1841) Moody, Mrs. William E. Coolidge, Jonas (1744-1776) Chapman, Mrs. Henry O. Murphy, Miss Martha Murphy, Miss Virginia Coolidge, Joseph (1730-1775) Coolidge, Miss Ellen M. Coolidge, Miss Harriette M. Corbin, Joseph (1751-1838) Hallett, Mrs. Moses Cornine, Edward (- 1802) Drummond, Mrs. W. H. Corning, Benjamin (1738 ) Breed, Miss Alice H. Cotheal, Isaac (1743-1812) Swords, Miss Phoebe C. Couch, Abraham (1763-1841) Selvage, Mrs. Henry C. COUVENHOVEN, NICHOLAS Berry, Mrs. John F. Cowdrey, Nathaniel (1759-1841) King, Mrs. Charles Edward Walton, Miss Elizabeth B. 379 Cowey, James (1725-1801) Barnum, Mrs. Theodore F. Cox, Francis Tapley, Mrs. John W. Craig, Alexander Allston, Miss Nancy Stone, Mrs. Benjamin Stone, Miss Helen F. Craig, Daniel (1760-1812) Craig, Miss Marion M. Craig, John (1733 ) Ewing, Mrs. J. Price Crane, Thaddeus (1728-1803) Eainey, Mrs. C. S. Smith, Miss Anna Smith, Miss Frances Grey Vance, Mrs. Frank L. Crawford, Alexander, 2d La Croix, Miss Alice P. Crawford, John (1739-1821) La Croix, Miss Alice P. Creamer, William (1763-1828) Van Zandt, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Creery, William (1751-1837) Creery, Miss Lillian Cresap, Michael (1742-1775) McMahon, Mrs. John A. Crolius, William (1700-1776) Ludin, Mrs. George A. Harrison, Mrs. Duncan B. CULBERTSON, EGBERT (1754-1801) Sanford, Mrs. Henry Weakley, Mrs. Herbert H. Cunningham, Samuel (1739-1828) Nesmith, Miss Charlotte Nesmith, Miss Sara F. Currier, James (1726-1826) Hume, Mrs. James Cushing, David (1727-1800) Robinson, Mrs. George W. Cushing, John (1722 ) Eldridge, Mrs. David Richmond, Miss Olive Withington, Mrs. Charles F. Cushing, Joseph (1732-1791) Spencer, Mrs. Charles Cushman, Mial (1753-1817) Brown, Mrs. William Felix Cutler, Joseph (1748-1827) Fuller, Miss Bertha Day Cutter, Ammi (1733-1795) Mook, Mrs. Robert Cutter, Thomas (1753-1810) Flanagan, Miss Mary R. Daggett, John (1724-1803) Carpenter, Mrs. Philip M. Dale, Samuel (1741-1804) Clarke, Miss Bymina Dana, Anderson ( 1778) Weeks, Mrs. Edwin R. Danforth, Asa (1746-1818) King, Miss Sara S. Davis, Joseph (1747-1803) Bailey, Mrs. John M. Davis, Mrs. Asa D. Day, James Breed, Miss Mary Ellen Dean, John (1755-1817) Dean, Miss Harriet M. Dean, Samuel (1762-1843) Strohmeyer, Mrs. Henry A. Deane, Walter Cameron, Mrs. Alexander De Groot, Jacob (1749-1843) Moses, Mrs. James Demarest, David McGown, Mrs. Henry P., Jr. Demarest, Peter (1756-1843) McGown, Mrs. Henry P., Jr. 380 De Merritte, John, 2d (1728-1826) Gage, Mrs. Edwin V. De Milt, John L. (1731-1803) Learned, Mrs. William L. Deming, Gideon (1756-1846) Hale, Mias Elizabeth D. Dennings, Jabez Brown, Mrs. John N. Giddings, Mrs. John N". Dennis, Jonas ( 1835) Chipman, Mrs. James G. Dennison, Daniel (1730 ) Cowee, Mrs. James F. Dent, George Bennett, Mrs. J. B. Campbell, Mrs. Lafayette E. Dewey, Benjamin (1743-1812) Curtis, Mrs. Frederick C. De Witt, Beuben (1745-1800) Morton, Mrs. John H. Russell, Miss Viola H. Dibell, John (1739-1826) Adams, Mrs. George Emery Bi-oun, Mrs. Heywood C. Sterling, Miss Adaline W. Sterling, Dr. Kate L. S. Sterling, Miss Virginia S. Dickerson, Peter (1724-1780) Bisk, Miss Margaret Henderson Woodruff, Miss Catherine Ten Eyck Woodruff, Miss Mary Green Diefendouf, Jacob (1740-1816) Van Der Veer, Mrs. Albert Dodd, Isaac (1728-1804) Bray, Mrs. Andrew W. Dodge, Abraham (1740-1786) Rogers, Miss Rebecca Dodge, Richard (1754-1851) Pingree, Mrs. Thomas P. Pingree, Mrs. William G. Dodge, Phineas (1745-1824) Jewett, Miss Harriet Leonard Doolittle, George (1759-1825) Howard, Mrs. Neil R. Otis, Mrs. Julia E. H. Douglas, Asa (1715-1792) Ford, Mrs. Daniel W. Dow, Daniel Dow, Miss Mary Elita Drake, Ebenezer ( 1827) Moore, Mrs. Stuart H. Drake, Joseph Risk, Miss Margaret Henderson Woodruff, Miss Catherine Ten Eyck Woodruff, Mrs. Mary Green Drown, Samuel (1749-1815) Ferree, Mrs. Samuel P. Du Mont, John Philip (1730-1811) Dumont, Mies H. Josephine Dumont, Peter, Jr. Robbins, Mrs. Charles A. Dumont, Peter Robbins, Mrs. Charles A. Duncan, John (1727-1794) Holbrook, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. S. Truman Dunham, Samuel (- 1806) Greene, Mrs. David M. Durpee, Thomas (1721-1796) Stanley, Mrs. Edward O. Durkee, John (1763 ) Stephenson, Miss Lucy 381 Duryee, Abraham (1747-1812) De Nyse, Mrs. Charles E. Duryee, Miss Caroline Duryee, Miss Fannie Duryee, Miss Gertrude Dustin, Nathaniel (1741 ) Adams, Miss Florence L. Darling, Mrs. Flora Adams Everet, Mrs. De Volney Smith, Mrs. Leroy S. Eager, Luke (1748-1807) Durgin, Miss Harriet T. Durgin, Miss Mary L. Eames, Daniel (1740-1832) Foster, Mrs. John McGaw Eames, Egbert (1749 ) Beam, Mrs. Henry Eames, Egbert (1738-1821) Beecher, Mrs. William C. Biglow, Mrs. Charles D. Eastman, Obadiah (1721 ) Jeffery, Mrs. George M. Eaton, Ebenezer (1760-1842) Esh'oaugh, Mrs. Daniel O. Edmonds, David (1741-1823) Winship, Miss Nellie S. Winship, Mrs. William W. Edmonds, William (1755 ) Doughty, Miss Francis E. Doughty, Mrs. Francis E. Saj^res, Mrs. Samuel Edwards, Edenezer (1757-1826) Burtis, Mrs. Arennah M. Manning, Mrs. George L. Edwards, Joseph (1757-1845) Barnes, Mrs. John O. Edwards, Samuel (1716-1785) Freeman, Miss Kate Benedict Edwards, Samuel (1756-1838) Grannis, Miss Annie O. Grannis, Mrs. Charles K. Edwards, Timothy (1738 ) Eogers. Mrs. J. Warren Eldridge, Phineas (1755-1826) Shankland, Miss Margaret Ellery, William (1727-1820) Stedman, Miss Alice Elliot, John (1747-1843) James, Mrs. Heniy B. Elliot, Joseph (1729-1785) Cheesman, Mrs. Walter S. Symcs, Mrs. George Gilford Ellsworth, Oliver (1748-1S07) Inness, Mrs. George, Jr. Ely, John (1737-1800) Chapman, Mrs. Clarence C. Southwick, Miss Fanny C. Emerson, Joseph (1721-1803) Swan, Mrs. Alden S. Emerson, Nathaniel (1741-1824) Low, Mrs. Elliot C. Emerson, Timothy (1748-1827) Drowne, Miss Emily C. Drowne, Mrs. Luther W. Engle, Andrew (1754-1810) Macfarlane, Miss Ada Tracy, Miss Margaret M. Ensign, John Kountze, Mrs. Charles B. Kountze, Miss Lina Bell. Eskridge, William ( 1830) Orgain, Mrs. Edgar Eussell, Mrs. Marcus D. Spring, Miss Annie Kate Spring, Mrs. J. V. Evans, Evan (1732-1794) Seelye, Mrs. Isaac Hawley 382 Everett, Thomas Smytke, Mrs. Edward Tilghman Eyster, George Weaver, Miss Florence Eyster Fairbanks, Samuel Taylor, Mrs. Alexander, Jr. Fairfield, John (1759-1834) Adams, Miss Ida Helen Farbush, David (1721 ) Nash, Mrs. J. G. Farley, Michael (1720-1789) Goodrich, Miss Annie E. L. Goodrich, Mrs. James J. Farmer, John (1737-1806) Coffin, Mrs. Charles Carlton Farnsworth, Amos (1754-1847) Meredith, Mrs. Joseph H. Farrington, Thomas, Jr. Skinner, Mrs. James A. Farwell, Joseph (1759-1834) Swan, Mrs. Alden J. Faulkner, Francis (1728 ) Abbott, Mrs. Lyman Fay, James ( 1782) Goodwin, Mrs. Scott Du Mont Fellows, John (1749-1820) Gaines, Mrs. Albert B. Piatt, Mrs. Charles B. Piatt, Miss Sara Fairchild Felt, John (1724-1785) Merrill, Mrs. Henry A. Felton, Timothy (1742-1811) Ponsland, Miss Syrena Fenn, Thomas Pruyn, Miss Huybertie Pruyn, Mrs. John Van Schaick Eice, Mrs. William G. Ferris, James (1734-1777) Brown, Mi's. Samuel Walley Conklin, Mrs. Theodore E. Ford, Mrs. Ernest W. Power, Mrs. T. E. D. Easines, Miss A. Manuela Easines, Mrs. Amelia Ferris Sumner, Mrs. Adams C. Field, Joseph (1749-1815) Field, Miss Alma Louise Field, Miss Harriet D. Fisher, Henry Milby, Mrs. Charles Fisher, Jeremiah ( 1809) Hall, Miss Charlotte E. Fitch, Jabez, Sr. (1752-1837) Fitch, Miss Ethel Chauncey Fitch, Samuel (1727-1811) Fitch, Miss Ethel Chauncey Fletcher, Archibald (1748-1824) Long, Miss Bertha Maxwell, Mrs. John M. Fletcher, Josiaii (1749-1825) Fletcher, Miss Lillian Maud Flint. Tilly (1759-1842) Bacall, Mrs. Charles H. Flint, Samuel (1733-1777) Bancroft, Miss Susan B. Bosson, Mrs. George C. Campbell, Mrs. Jeremiah Davis, Mrs. Joseph E. Stanwood, Mrs. Edwin Lincoln Floyd, William (1734-1821) Knox, Mrs. John Spence, Mrs. Thomas W. Fogg, Jeremiah (1749-1808) Hilliard, Mrs. Charles A. Folsom, John (1755-1821) Littlefield, Mrs. Adoniram J. Pinkham, Mrs. Henry 383 Foote, Isaac (1748-1843) Hunter, Mrs. Dexter Williams, Miss Caroline S. Foster, David (1742-1824) Foster, Miss Emma F. Foster, Miss Mary L. Hudson, Mrs. Elmer E. Foster, Joseph Clarke, Mrs. Mercy Foster Foster, Moses Church, Mrs. Stewart Grimke, Mrs. Thomas S., Jr. Fowler, John (1750-1824) Evans, Mrs. Wilmot E. Snelling, Mrs. C. Francis Fowler, Samuel (1748-1813) Hunt, Miss Sarah E. Putnam, Miss Augusta N. Putnam, Miss Louise L. Frary, Eleazer (1752 ) Hearn, Mrs. William A. Freeman, Jonathan (1745-1808) Tillman, Mrs. Walter S. Freeman, Phineas (1748-1797) Bates, Mrs. George H. French, Ebenezer (1731-1808) Anderson, Mrs. William Bates, Mrs. Andrew French, Ezekiel (1754-1826) La Croix, Miss Alice P. La Croix, Mrs. William French, Nathaniel (1757-1799) * Thompson, Mrs. William French, Stephen (1760 ) Devine, Mrs. Joseph P. French, Miss Franklina G. French, Miss Sarah L. French, Thomas Boynton, Mrs. Charles B * Deceased. Cole, Miss Augusta W. Kellogg, Miss Laura M. Frey, John (1740-1833) Winne, Mrs. Charles K. Frost, John (1738-1810) Hendrie, Mrs. Edwin B. Frothingham, Thomas (1745-1827) Chapman, Mrs. Clarence C. Frye, James ( 1776) Skinner, Mrs. James A. Fuller, William (1743-1802) Spaulding, Mrs. John L. FULLERTON, HUMPHREY ( 1781) Sweet, Mrs. William Gage, Nathaniel (1730-1797) Davis, Mrs. George E. Hall, Miss Aroline C. Pearl, Miss Anna M. Galbraith, Andrew (1755 ) Page, Mrs. Charles Gale, Benjamin, M.D. (1715-1790) Hun, Mrs. Edward E. Orr, Mrs. S. Alexander Gale, Samuel, M.D. Hun, Mrs. Edward E. Orr, Mrs. S. Alexander Gallup, Benadam (1716-1800) Denning, Mrs. Judson K. Gamage, Samuel (1751-1832) Morton, Mrs. Elias P. Gansevoort, Peter (1749-1812) Lansing, Mrs. Abraham Mackintosh, Mrs. William H. Thomas, Mrs. Henry B. Gardener, Andrew (1755-1778) White, Mrs. Edward A. Gardner, William (1755-1840) Tomlinson, Mrs. Everett T. 384 Garland, Benjamin (1735-1802) Bice, Mrs. David Hall Garrigues, Jacob (1744-1826) Leyden, Mrs. Maurice Garrison, Dennis Class, Mrs. Franklin N. Kelly, Miss Fanny J. Garrison, Harmanus Berry, Mrs. Frances A. D. French, Mrs. John W. Newton, Mrs. Emma M. Steers, Mrs. Abraham Steers, Mrs. Edward P. Wheeler, Mrs. William E. Gates, James O. (1760-1835) Williams, Mrs. T. B. Gates, Sylvanus (1746-1836) Eames, Mrs. Daniel H. Foster, Mrs. John McGaw Gavit, John (1742-1815) Munson, Mrs. Samuel L. Gat, Asahel Williamson, Miss Jennie L. Gay, Ebenezer (1725-1787) * Gay, Miss Laura Gay, Solomon (1741 ) Daniels, Mrs. Frank Gay, Timothy, 2d (1744-1822) Hayward, Mrs. William E. Geer, Charles Gooding, Mrs. John F. Gerrish, Charles (1718 ) Gerrish, Miss Caroline March Gerrish, Henry (1742-1806) Coffin, Mrs. Charles Carlton. Giddings, Isaac Giddings, Miss Hannah E. Giddings, Isaac, Jr. (1756-1843) Giddings, Miss Hannah E. * Deceased. Gilbert, John (1752-1829) Bruce, Mrs. Orsamies B. Gilbert, John (1744-1779) Snow, Mrs. Henry Sanger Gilbert, Moses Van Anden, Miss Susan M. Gilbert, Samuel (1734-1818) Boe, Mrs. Fayette Gile, Ezekiel (1743-1827) Taylor, Mrs. Oliver Gile, Jonathan (1740-1815) Gile, Miss Mary M. GlFFORD, BOWLAND Wilbor, Miss Elsie M. Gillett, John William * Walker, Mrs. John Gilman, John Taylor (1753-1818) Throop, Mrs. Everett S. Gilmore, James (1734-1809) Nesmith, Miss Charlotte Nesmith, Miss Sara F. Gilmore, Thomas (1757-1808) McDougal, Miss Annie Giles, Benjamin (1717-1787) Downs, Mrs. Samuel Morse Glidden, Tobias Wheeler, Mrs. Lyman W. Glover, James (1754-1844) Barton, Mrs. T. W. Glover, John (1732-1797) Conway, Mrs. Charles H. Seabury, Mrs. Alfred L. Goforth, William (1731 ) Heiskell, Mrs. William P. Goldsmith, Jeremiah (1760-1742) Giddings, Miss Hannah E. Goldsmith, William (1725-1812) Giddings, Miss Hannah E. 385 Goldsmith, Zaccheus Breed, Miss Alice H. GOLDTHWAIT, NATHANIEL (1752-1842) Porter, Mrs. Harding Dunbar GOLDTHWAIT, WlLLIAM ( 1808) Parker, Mrs. Thomas E. Goodell, Edward (1715 ) Blow, Mrs. Albert A. Grant, Mrs. James B. Mitchell, Mrs. John C. Whitmore, Mrs. James D. Goodspeed, Nathaniel (1720-1795) Evans, Miss Annie Louise Goodwin, Stephen (1734-1788) Spalding, Mrs. John F. Goodwin, Uriah (1735 ) Goodwin, Miss Helen J. Williams, Mrs. Eobert D. Gore, Samuel ( 1814) Titus, Mrs. Nelson V. Gould, James Wood (1761-1790) Hoffman, Mrs. Charles. King, Miss Harriet M. Gould, John (1710-1778) Goodhue, Mrs. Samuel Y. Perkins, Mrs. John Wright Gould, John (1749-1820) Todd, Miss Hattie E. Gould, Joseph (1737-1810) Thomas, Mrs. Charles Spaulding Gould, William (1724-1778) Eaton, Mrs. Eugene E. Gragg, Eeuben Porter, Miss Juliet Graham, John (- 1832) Haywood, Miss Marion T. Woodruff, Mrs. Carle A. Grant, Moses (1743-1817) Baird, Mrs. William Torrey Gray, Pardon (1737-1814) Evans, Mrs. Howard Evans, Mrs. John G. Gregory, Abraham (1752-1790) Childs, Mrs. William A. Gregory, Jabez Barclay, Mrs. Albert E. Gregg, Benjamin (1741-1815) Gutterson, Miss Annie M. Gutterson, Miss Eliza C. Gutterson, Miss Emily N. Green, Joseph (1720-1802) Heywood, Mrs. E. W. Green or Groen, Peter Marinus Yan Etten, Mrs. Lawrence Green, Simeon (1729-1813) Thomas, Mrs. Frank Warner Green, Timothy (1733-1812) Rogers, Mrs. William Allen Greeleap, David (1753-1834) Pearson, Miss Nella J. Grifpen, Jacob (1738-1831) Bailey, Mrs. Frank Griffin, Miss Mary E. Schott, Mrs. Louis Watson, Mrs. Jesse Griswold, Stephen (1753 ■) Green, Mrs. Edward M. Gront, Silas (1755-1820) Gront, Miss Louise A. Gurney, Zachariah ( 1813) Moore, Mrs. Stewart H. Hale, William (1753-1823) Hale, Miss Elizabeth D. Hall, Hopestill Adams, Miss Ida Helen Hall, Jonathan (1767-1845) Dow, Mrs. Arthur Chase 386 -) Hall, Moses (1750 Beam, Mrs. Henry Hall, Percival (1741-1825) Lewis, Miss Helen Hall Hall, Eichard Pelton, Mrs. Edward E. Hall, Stephen (1745-1814) Tucker, Mrs. Samuel White, Mrs. Ealph A. Hall, Timothy (1755-1844) Wright, Mrs. Alfred G. Halsey, Isaac (1757-1820) Ennever, Mrs. M. T. Tucker, Miss Emma V. Halsey, Zephaniah (1760-1847) Catlin, Mrs. Frederick W. Hamlin, Micah, 1st (1741-1791) Eeid, Mrs. Hugo Smith, Mrs. Frederick Le Boy Hammond, James Bancroft, Mrs. Frederick J. Bancroft, Miss Mary McL. Strang, Miss Frances A. Hammond, Thomas (1762-1847) Bradshaw, Mrs. Anna L. Penfield, Miss Annie S. Hanson, Charles (1759-1830) Abbott, Mrs. Charles E. Hardy, Nathaniel (1753-1848) Slade, Miss Hattie G. Slade, Mrs. William Gerry Harkness, William (1739-1822) Bennett, Mrs. John B. Harmon, Ezekiel ( 1816) Sherry, Mrs. Arthur G. Harnden, Joshua (1763-1813) Warren, Miss Marion Houghton Harrington, Daniel (1739-1818) Page, Miss Emma G. Harrington, Thomas (1748 ) Hanington, Mrs. Henry Harris, Gilbert (1729 ) Harris, Miss Bessie A. Harris, Samuel (1740-1825) Briscoe, Mrs. Andrew Briscoe, Miss Mary Hume, Miss Annie Howe, Mrs. Milton G. Looscan, Mrs. Michael Harrison, Almond Sherry, Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison, Benjamin (1740-1791) Harrison, Miss Julia Cleves Harrison, Charles ( 1796) Eichardson, Mrs. John Harrison, Ezekiel (1751-1836) Wiswell, Miss Genieve Wiswell, Miss Maud H. Hart, Philip (1724 ) Green, Mrs. Edward M. Haskell, Simon (1758-1846) Haskell, Miss Harriet E. Hastings, John (1738 ) Birdsall, Mrs. Ernest W. Wood, Mrs. Abiel Hathaway, John Warner, Miss Caroline A. Warner, Mrs. Charles A. Hathorn, John (1749-1825) Timpson, Mrs. Cornelius F. Hawkins, Philemon, Jr. (1752-183S) Haywood, Miss Marion T. Woodruff, Mrs. Carle A. Hawley, Amos (1755 ) Truax, Mrs. Chauncey S. Hay, Ann Hawkes Hay, Miss Helen A. 387 Hates, John Hays, Miss Sibyl Russ Haywood, William ( 1779) Haywood, Miss Marion T. Woodruff, Mrs. Carle A. Hazletine, John Chenoweth, Mrs. Bernard P. Hazleton, Stephen (1759-1811) Chenoweth, Mrs. Bernard P. Healey, Eliphaz (1755-1833) Crook, Mrs. George Heard, Eiohard (1720-1792) Earle, Mrs. Henry Hearsey, Thomas (1734-1810) Viles, Mrs. Clinton Heath, Bartholomew (1737-1814) Manning, Mrs. H. Courtney Tibbals, Mrs. John A. Wallis, Mrs. George B., Jr. Heath, William (1737-1804) Carroll, Mrs. Charles A. Crafts, Miss Emily A. Henderson, Benjamin (1761-1836) Henderson, Miss Abbie M. Henry, James Devine, Mrs. Joseph P. French, Miss Franklina G. French, Miss Sarah L. Herrick, John W. Davis, Miss Emma E. Herrick, Martin (1747-1820) Clark, Mrs. William A., Jr. Herring, Abraham Carr, Mrs. David C. HlBBARD, JEDEDIAH Robinson, Miss Florence L. Robinson, Miss Mary E. Hickman, William Read, Mrs. William Hicks, John (1725-1775) Rae, Mrs. Walter Hill, Abraham (1734-1812) Flanagan, Miss Mary R. Hill, James (1734-1811) Hill, Miss Caroline L. White, Mrs. Henry Hill, John (1742-1793) Wheeler, Mrs. Horace Lyman Hill, Whitnel (1743-1797) Wood, Mrs. William R. Hill, Whitney (1748-1800) Williams, Miss Kitty B. Williams, Mrs. Samuel B. Hillegas, Michael Patrick, Mrs. Joseph H. Patrick, Miss Lottie M. Whitney, Mrs. William L. Hills, Obadiah (1751-1825) Griffith, Miss Sophia J. Hilton, Samuel (1738-1823) Thomas, Mrs. Frank Warner Hilyard, David (1726-1816) Eldridge, Mrs. David G. Randolph, Mrs. George Engs Hitchcock, Samuel (1744-1819) Emerson, Mrs. Samuel Hoar, Benjamin (1717 ) Swan, Mrs. Robert Thaxter Hobart, Aaron (1729 ) Gleason, Mrs. John B. Hobart, Joshua (1747 ) Greenwood, Mrs. John A. Hoffmann, Charles (1720-1808) Anderson, Miss Josephine K. Bailey, Mrs. Frank Griffin, Miss Mary E. Luckey, Mrs. James W. Schott, Mrs. Louis Watson, Mrs. Jesse 388 Hoffman, John (1746-1831) Hoffman, Miss Esther Boyer Hoit, Elisha ( 1827) Laughton, Miss Linda A. Stone, Mrs. Amos Withington, Mrs. William C. Holbrook, James (1754-1843) Thayer, Mrs. Eugene JR. Holcomb, Elijah (1731 ) Gates, Miss Annie Howard Holden, Abner (1722-1805) Barnum, Mrs. Theodore F. Holden, Benjamin (1729-1820) Honk, Mrs. David A. Holder, John Casey, Miss Fanny C. H. Casey, Mrs. Joseph J. Craighead, Mrs. Erwin Holman, Elisha (1739 ) Keyes, Mrs. Charles W. Holme, Philip (1731 ) Swan, Mrs. Kobert Thaxter Holmes, Oliver (1740-1806) Bourne, Mrs. Jacob F. Holt, William Beckwith, Mrs. Tifft Hood, John, Sr. Bosson, Mrs. George C. Hood, John, Jr. Bosson, Mrs. George C. Hooker, Nodiah (1737-1823) Hooker, Miss Lillie Josephine Hooper, William (1742-1790) Whitaker, Mrs. Speir Wills, Mrs. James Hopkinson, Daniel (1750 ) Hopkinson, Miss Abbie C. Horn, John * Benson, Miss Anna * Deceased. Hornblower, Josiah (1752-1809) Ketchum, Mrs. Edgar Hotchkiss, Gideon (1716-1807) Oliver, Miss Edith A. Oliver, Miss Grace E. Oliver, Miss Jessie F. Oliver, Mrs. William H. Houston, William Churchill Craighead, Mrs. Charles A. Davies, Mrs. Joseph P. Laddis, Mrs. Thomas P. Hovey, Joseph (1743-1785) Winslow, Mrs. Louis M. Howard, Edward (1724 ) Green, Mrs. Edward M. Howard, John (1755 ) King, Mrs. Horatio C. Howe, Fortunatus (1760-1829) Wallis, Mrs. Walter W. Howell, Charles ( 1797) Howell, Miss Sabilla E. Howell, Stephen Yan Nostrand, Mrs. Charles Hubbard, Caleb (1754-1850) Bird, Mrs. Joseph Edward Hubbard, Philip (1758-1836) Murphie, Mrs. Hiram C. Phillips, Mrs. J. Marshal Hull, Aaron (1736-1820) Selvage, Mrs. Henry C. Hulme, William Parker, Mrs. John C. Humphrey, Jacob ( 1826) Swift, Mrs. Frederic J. Humphrey, William (1730-1786) Paine, Mrs. William A. Humphreys, Nathaniel (1735-1822) Strong, Mrs. Melville 389 Hun, Dirck (1760-1795) Miller, Miss Katharine N. Miller, Mrs. Livingston K. Hun, William (1734-1814) Miller, Miss Katharine N. Miller, Mrs. Livingston K Hunt, Israel (1758-1850) Hunt, Miss Sarah E. Hunt, John (1721 ) Hunt, Miss Sarah E. Hunt, Thomas (1754-1808) Jennings, Mrs. John I). Mason, Mrs. Kearney McCloskey, Mrs. Henry F. Shaw, Mrs. Hoyt Hunter, Elijah (1749-1805) Whittemore, Mrs. George Hunter, Humphrey (1755-1827) Lovelady, Mrs. John Huntington, William (1737-1816) Elwell, Mrs. John D. Fletcher, Mrs. James H. Hutchins, Hezekiah (1762-]797) Spalding, Miss Mary A. Hyatt, Abram (1750-1820) Hyatt, Miss Calla L. Hyatt, Ezekiel ( 1819) Foster, Miss Grace Read Hyde, Jedediah (1738-1822) Wead, Mrs. Leslie Clark Ingersoll, Zebulon (1757 ) Weeks, Mrs. Perley Inslee, Joseph Eicholtz, Mrs. Leonard H. Eicholtz, Mrs. Nelsine P. Ireson, John (1758-1822) Ireson, Miss Frances A. Irons, Garret (1759-1838) Irons, Miss Katharine R. Irons, Miss Mary A. Ives, Stepehn ( 1786) Washburn, Mrs. John Henry Irvine, Christopher Kampmann, Mrs. Hermann D. Irwin, Robert ( 1800) Jameson, Mrs. Thomas H. Paschal, Mrs. Frank Jacobs, David (1729-1808) Tilden, Mrs. Elmer E. Jacobs, John (1735 ) Sawyer, Miss Mary Cummings Jackson, Edward (1739-1830) Barnum, Mrs. Theodore F. Jackson, Jonathan (1743-1810) Hale, Mrs. Matthew Jackson, Joseph ( 1778) McWilliam, Mrs. John S. Jackson, Stephen (1744 ) Hannahs, Mrs. Charles Jackson, Timothy Smith, Mrs. Frederick Bancroft James, Amos Chase, Mrs. Alexander James, Miss Lulu Woodbury Jarvis, Nathaniel (1731-1812) Manning, Miss Mary D. Wyeth, Miss Eleanor M. Jerome, John (1755-1839) Hood, Mrs. Thomas H. Jones, Charles Dun, Miss Hattie Franklin Dun, Miss Katherine T. Dun, Miss Nancy Angus Franklin, Miss Elizabeth McCoy Franklin, Miss Marian Scott Patterson, Mrs. Stephen J. Woodrow, Miss Harriet S. 390 Ccrvvs— Jones, Israel (1753-1812) Haviland, Mrs. Walter Jones, James (1760-1850) Phillips, Miss Lula Augusta Jones, John (1739-1817) Fitch, Miss Ethel C. Lockwood, Mrs. Edmund B. Jones, John (1760-1850) Peay, Mrs. George Keats Johnson, Jacob (1742-1816) Eandall, Mrs. Nelson B. Johnson, James Mears, Mrs. William S. Johnson, Joshua (1756-1842) Pierce, Miss Helen Vedder Johnson, Matthias (1720-1794) Perrine, Miss Martha Johnson, Phineas (1761-1848) Trimble, Miss M. Beatrice Amore Johnson, Samuel (1713-1796) Pierce, Miss Helen Vedder Johnson, Stephen William (1749- 1834) Holden, Mrs. Eugene B. Howell, Mrs. Emory W. Johnson, Thomas (1742-1819) Berger, Mrs. Charles D. Hill, Miss Isabel Hill, Mrs. Nathaniel P. Johnston, James (1758 ) Kernan, Mrs. John D. Jose, John Gerrisb, Miss Caroline March Joy, Nathaniel (1759-1830) Fisher, Mrs. J. E. Joyce, David Adams, Mrs. George Emery Broun, Mrs. Heywood C. Sterling, Miss Adaline Wheelock Sterling, Dr. Kate Latta Stevens Sterling, Miss Yirginia Swift Judd, Samuel (1734 ) Holmes, Dr. Martha C. Judson, David (1755-1818) Van Duzee, Mrs. Alonzo J. Judson, Joshua (1732 ) Sims, Miss Harriet L. Young, Miss Eleanor F. Young, Mrs. Francis C. Keeler, Aaron (1757-1816) Wead, Mrs. Leslie Clark Keeney, William (1757 ) Hagaman, Mrs. Theodore Kelch, Philip (1768-1835) Belknap, Miss Adeline C. Kellogg, Daniel (1747-1835) Church, Mrs. Edward F. Kelsey, Jonas (1743-1817) Cady, Mrs. John Newton Kempton, Lemuel Shrady, Mrs. Jacob Shrady, Mrs. William Kendall, John (1723-1809) Emerson, Mrs. Henry A. Sanderson, Miss Lydia J. Kennedy, Benjamin Bent, Miss Catherine M. Kennon, Eichard Casey, Miss Fannie C. H. Casey, Mrs. Joseph J. Craighead, Mrs. Erwin Kettelhuyn, William (1740-1829) Green, Mrs. Walter Jerome Key, John Eoss Irving, Mrs. Louis Morton Kidder, Elijah ( 1810) Jenkins, Miss Euth Maud 391 Kidder, William ( 1810) Jenkins, Miss Ruth Maud Kiff, Andrew Kelsey, Mrs. Frederick W. Kimball, David (1743-1810) Hinckley, Mrs. Frederick Hinckley, Miss Henrietta Kimball, Thomas (1730-1805) Turner, Mrs. Joseph P. King, Daniel (1749-1815) Clarke, Mrs. J. Mastella King, Eliphalet (1743-1821) King, Miss Lillie B. Wood, Mrs. Thomas J. King, Frederick (1716-1796) Spalding, Mrs. AVilliam M. Kingsbury, Ebenezer (1716-1800) Wight, Miss Clara E. Kinsley, John Sherry, Mrs. Arthur G. Kinsman, William (1752-1843) Kinsman, Miss Bethiah D. Kirkwood, Robert Norton, Mrs. Edward R. Norton, Miss Elizabeth Norton, Mrs. Russell C. Whitely, Miss Hester Kittredge, Thomas (1731-1806) Kittredge, Mrs. Jeremiah C. Knap, David (1738-1804) Parsons, Mrs. Ralph Wait Knippen, John Fowler (1754-1838) * Gregory, Mrs. Robert Knowles, Freeman (1745 ) Van Cise, Mrs. J. Gr. Knowlton, Daniel (1738-1825) Griffith, Mrs. Charles H. Knox, Andrew (1728 ) Knapp, Mrs. Sanford R. * Deceased. Knox, William (1721-1781) Knox, Miss Mary E. Johnston, Mrs. Alexander E. Smith, Mrs. Frederick Le Roy Laird, Robert ( 1811) Disbrow, Mrs. R. L. Lakeman, James Fuller (1754-1833) Stimpson, Mrs. Henry Q. Lamb, James (1752-1834) Sheldon, Mrs. Henry M. Lamb, Thomas Adams, Miss Florence L. Darling, Mrs. Flora Adams Everett, Mrs. De Yolney Smith, Mrs. Leroy S. Lamson, Joseph (1728 ) Yardley, Mrs. Charles B. Lamont, William (1755-1849) Morrison, Miss Ida L. Lane, Samuel (1718-1806) Newhall, Miss Ellen A. Newhall, Mrs. James S. Newhall, Miss Susan P. Langford, George (1755-1827) Alden, Miss Antoinette S. Alden, Mrs. Charles L. Langdon, Woodbury (1738-1805) Pruyn, Miss Huybertie L. Pruyn, Mrs. John Van Schaick Rice, Mrs. William G. Lansing, Christopher (1743 ) Pruyn, Miss Huybertie L. Rice, Mrs. William G. Lansing, Cornelius (1752-1842) Haskell, Mrs. Robert C. Lansing, Levinus (1749 ) Hagen, Mrs. Joseph J. Hun, Mrs. Edward R. Latimer, Jonathan (1724 ) Little, Miss Milla A. 392 Lathrop, Jedediah White, Mrs. Anna E. White, Miss Grace E. Laitman, Christopher Lanius, Miss Susanna Lauman Lawrence, Jonathan (1737-1812) Anderson. Mrs. William A. Lawrentz, Wendell (1757-1829) Graham, Mrs. William Lawton, George Brayton, Miss Julia W. Brayton, Miss Mary A. Lawton, Eobert Brayton, Miss Julia W. Brayton, Miss Mary A. Lawton, William (1759 ) Carville, Mrs. Joseph M. Leach, John (1753 ) Lutkins, Mrs. Clifford L. Leach, Lemuel (1745-1825) Holbrook, Mrs. Laura P. Leach, William Truax, Mrs. John G. Learned, Ebenezer (1723-1779) Hand, Mrs. Samuel Learned, Miss Grace H. Learned, Miss Mabel Leavenworth, Ebenezer Brown, Mrs. George Le Eoy Leavitt, Benjamin Goss, Mrs. Frank Martin Symonds, Miss Annie S. Leavitt, Moses (1743-1803) Smith, Mrs. Angenette G. H. Lee, Benjamin (1753-1790) Barber, Mrs. Fletcher Wright, Mrs. Henry E. Leeds, Thomas Brown, Mrs. John Henry Lefavotjr, John, 2d (1747-1834) Mullen, Mrs. Charles H. Leffingwell, Christopher (1734-1810) Hutchings, Mrs. Elizabeth C. L, Leggett, Abraham (1755-1842) Oakley, Miss Mary Imlay Leighton, Samuel (1740-1802) Gregg, Miss K. Frances Leland, John (1744-1826) Adams, Miss Sarah Eoot Pierce, Miss Helen Vedder Lemmon, John Stewart, Miss Sylvie M. Smith Leonard, George (1753-1832) Eaymond, Miss Frances Adams Eaymond, Mrs. Henry Emmons Eaymond, Miss Margaret Chester Leonard, Philip ( 1785) Eaymond, Miss Frances Adams Eaymond, Mrs. Henry Emmons Eaymond, Miss Margaret Chester Leonard, Philip (- 1785) Leonard, Miss Laura A. Lewis, Andrew (1720-1781) Bradley, Mrs. Anne M. Maverick, Mrs. Mary A. Waelder, Mrs. Ada Lewis, Francis (1713-1803) Hunsdon, Mrs. Seth C. Lewis, Thomas (1718-1790) Canterbury, Mrs. E. M. M. Eager, Mrs. Eobert Libby, Domenicus (1751-1822) Putnam, Mrs. Eben Libby, John (1758-1841) Lindley, Miss E. Marguerite Sumner, Mrs. Clark F. 393 Little, Joshua (1747-1836) Heath, Mrs. John A. Newhall, Miss Ellen A. Newhall, Miss Susan P. Little, Stephen (1719-1793) Newhall, Miss Ellen A. Newhall, Miss Susan P. Livermore, Elisha (1720-1795) "Webster, Miss Helen L. Livingston, Peter Van Brugh (1710- ) Bell, Mrs. Edwin Q. Livingston, Philip (1716-1778) Withington, Mrs. Henry, Jr. Livingston, Eobert H. (1760 ) Stedman, Mrs. Daniel B., Jr. Stedman, Miss Miriam Lobdell, Josiah (1760-1837) Fitch, Miss Ethel Chauncey Locke, Benjamin (1756-1842) Sawyer, Miss Ethel J. Locke, James (1727-1808) Churchill, Mrs. Gardner Asaph Locke, Timothy Blake (1735-1822) Cole, Mrs. Edward B. Jeffery, Mrs. George M. Lockhart, Samuel Jones, Mrs. A. E. Long, Moses (1760-1848) Bartlett, Mrs. Bailey Gallison, Miss Caro De Blois Gallison, Mrs. Louis De Blois Lindsay, Mrs. James G. Long, Miss Rebecca Stout, Mrs. Alexander Stout, Miss Abbie M; Longfellow, Nathan (1743-1796) Emerson, Mrs. Samuel F. Longfellow, Samuel (1740-1834) Longfellow, Miss Melva F. Spratt, Mrs. James Lord, Abner Dawson, Mrs. Samuel K. Lord, Ltnde (1733-1801) Barnum, Mrs. Theodore F. Lord, Wentworth (1755-1845) Burdett, Mrs. Charles A. Loring, Matthew (1751 ) Foster, Miss Harriet W. Foster, Miss Sarah E. Hastings, Mrs. George W. Sprague, Mrs. George W. Loring, Joshua (1756-1810) Brown, Mrs. Frank A. Ponsland, Mrs. Charles Fitz Love, Samuel Dun, Miss Katherine T. Dun, Miss Hattie Franklin Dun, Miss Nancy Angus Franklin, Miss Elizabeth McCoy Franklin, Miss Marian Scott Patterson, Mrs. Stephen J. Woodrow, Miss Harriet S. Lovett, Joseph (1739-1819) Lovett, Miss Annie F. Lovejoy, Francis (1734-1818) Dickenson, Mrs. Charles E. Lovejoy, Henry (1714-1743) Stearns, Mrs. John G. Low, Caleb (1739-1810) Symonds, Miss Lucy Low Low, Samuel (1758-1839) Grieg, Mrs. James Ashton Lowther, William (1742 ) Smith, Mrs. Reginald H. Loxley, Benjamin (1720-1801) Seelye, Mrs. Isaac Hawley 394 Lucky, Joseph Fenwick, Miss Marin B. Ludlow, Cornelius (1724-1812) Brown, Mrs. Edwin M. Lampton, Mrs. William M. Wells, Mrs. Allan T. Lydecker, Garret Williams, Miss Annette Williams, Mrs. John B. Lyman, Abel (1752-1823) Middleditch, Mrs. Livingston Lyman, Azariah (1747-1833) Francis, Mrs. Charles S. Lyman, Oliver (1739 ) Barnum, Mrs. Theodore F. Lyon, John (1730-1778) Lyon, Miss Adna M. M. L. Lyon, Thomas (1758-1845) Eidings, Mrs. William B. Mace, Andrew (1709-1790) Danforth, Mrs. William S. Mace, Miss Caroline I. M. Mack, John (1759-1806) Eoe, Mrs. Fayette W. Maclaine. Archibald ( 1791) Mills, Mrs. James Whitaker, Mrs. Spier Macomber, George Thomas, Mrs. Orton McCalla, William (1732-1815) Beckwitb, Mrs. Tifft Clulow, Mrs. Sydney T. McCay, Alexander Graham, Miss Helen G. McClary, Andrew ( 1775) Paine, Mrs. John W. McClintock, Rev. Samuel (1732-1804) Estabrook, Mrs. D. Frances Gerry, Mrs. El bridge Stewart, Mrs. David McClure, Benjamin (1759 ) McNeil, Mrs. John Lloyd McClure, James (1753 ) Treat, Miss Gail A. McCoy, Gavin O'Rourke, Mrs. Charles A. McCulloch, Matthew (1756-1821) McCoy, Mrs. Allen McCullough, Benjamin (1735-1789) Dammann, Mrs. Joseph T. McCullough, Miss Isabelle McCumber, Jonathan (1750-1823) Lee, Miss Fannie H. Lee, Mrs. Salmon H. McDonald, Donald (- - 1817) Clements, Mrs. T. W. McDowell, John ( 1795) Jameson, Mrs. Thomas H. Paschal, Mrs. Frank McDowell, Samuel (1735 ) Crawford, Mrs. John C. McGown, Andrew McGown, Miss Marianna Wright, Mrs. James H. McIntosh, Lachlin ( 1806) Bell, Mrs. Edwin Q. McMurray, Robert ( 1814) Stubbs, Mrs. Roland H. Ten Broeck, Mrs. Edward F. Madison, James Rose, Miss Flora Rose, Miss Harriette H. Magaw, Robert ( 1790) Bergen, Mrs. George T. Magoun, Josiah (1738-1840) Forbes, Mrs. Henry D. Mallett, Peter (1744-1805) Whitaker, Mrs. Spier 395 Manchester, Isaac (1731 ) Eldridge, Mrs. David Withington, Mrs. Charles F. Mann, Levi (1754-1818) Tilden, Mrs. Elmer E. Mansfield, Joseph (1728-1806) Chapman, Mrs. William O. March, James (1769-1822) Gerrish, Miss Caroline March March, Samuel ( 1804) Gerrish, Miss Caroline March Marsh, Ezekiel (1711-1798) Kent, Miss Maude Kenney, Mrs. Jonathan Kent, Mrs. Samuel H. Marsh, Ezekiel, Jr. (1740-1822) Cross, Mrs. Henry A. Green, Mrs. Henry H. Kent, Miss Maude Kenney, Mrs. J. A. Kent, Mrs. Samuel H. Perkins, Mrs. Horace S. Marshall, Thomas (1726 ) Bellows, Mrs. Edwin Philip Marston, Ephraim (1727-1810) Brown, Miss Abby Farwell Brown, Miss Ethel C. Farwell, Miss Edith M. Standish, Mrs. Myles Martin, Claudius (1740 ) Heberton, Mrs. Eobert Martin, Miss Edith May Martin, Eobert (1738 ) Casey, Miss Fanny C. H. Casey, Mrs. Joseph J. Craighead, Mrs. Erwin Mason, Benjamin (1717-1801) Earle, Mrs. Henry Mason, George (1725-1792) Wilson, Miss Julia Mather, Eleazer (1753 ) Clinton, Mrs. Charles W. McCoun, Mrs. George W. Mather, Joseph (1713-1788) Hicks, Mrs. Horace Lyman Matteson, Samuel Eemington, Mrs. Cyrus K. Matthews, Isaac (1736-1796) Fisher, Mrs. Charles H. Matthews, Stephen (1725-1821) Bennett, Mrs. Minerva H. Eeed, Mrs. Henry A. Mattison, Joseph Mattison, Miss H. Virginia Simpson, Mrs. Charles Maverick, Samuel Frost, Mrs. Thomas C. Houston, Mrs. E. A. M. Weyman Maxson, Asa (1747-1830) Colwell, Mrs. Thomas Curtis, Mrs. Aberdeen G. Don, Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs. James Maxson, David Curtis, Mrs. Aberdeen G. Colwell, Mrs. Thomas Don, Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs. James Maxwell, Hugh (1733-1799) Hooper, Mrs. William E. Mayhew, Miss Katherine B. May, John (1748-1812) Edes, Miss Sylvia A. M. Mebane, Alexander (1714 ) Leigh, Mrs. William Meeker, Seth (1731-1798) Sherwood, Mrs. Simeon C. Melville, Thomas (1751-1832) Mackintosh, Mrs. William H. Thomas, Mrs. Henry B. 396 Merriam, Samuel (1713-1804) Barnum, Mrs. Theodore F. Merrill, Daniel (1765-1833) Brookman, Mrs. John U. Merrill, Phineas ( 1826) Haviland, Mrs. Walter Merrill, Samuel (1728-1822) Carr, Mrs. Joseph S. Mersereau, Joshua (1728-1804) Berry, Mrs. Frances A. D. French, Mrs. John W. Newton, Mrs. Emma M. Steers, Mrs. Edward P. Steers, Mrs. Abraham Wheeler, Mrs. William E. Mersereau, Joshua, Jr. (1758-1856) Berry, Mrs. Frances A. D. French, Mrs. John W. Newton, Mrs. Emma M. Steers, Mrs. Abraham Steers, Mrs. Edward P. Wheeler, Mrs. William E. Merry, Samuel Wheeler, Mrs. Lyman Miller, Benjamin (1712-1781) Kissam, Miss Harriet Miller, Hosea (1736-1815) Ashley, Mrs. Eli M. Miner, William Childs, Mrs. William A. Mitchell, David (1748-1810) Williams, Mrs. Eichard R. Mitchell, Jonathan (1723-1821) Page, Mrs. Lloyd Stanley Mooars, Abraham (1761-1842) Putnam, Mrs. Eben Moonby, Benjamin (1740 ) Durgin, Mrs. Frank A. Mooney, Hercules ( 1787) Walker, Mrs. John Moore, Alexander (1758 ) Robinson, Mrs. Leiper Moore Moore, John (1731-1809) Brown, Mrs. Alexander D. Moore, Nathaniel (1745 ) Conyingham, Mrs. John Nesbitt Markle, Mrs. John Wright, Mrs. J. Hood Moors, Timothy (1755-1845) Putnam, Mrs. Eben More, John (1745-1840) Marvin, Mrs. Samuel Morgan, James (1734-1784) Clark, Mrs. S. D. Morgan, William (1723-1777) Barber, Mrs. Fletcher Wright, Mrs. Henry R. Morris, Antony Cory, Mrs. Frank Roe, Mrs. Alfred Morris, Jacob (1755-1844) Gale, Mrs. Jesse Stearns Morris, Lewis (1736-1798) Gale, Mrs. Jesse Stearns Morris, Richard (1730-1810) Morris, Miss Lucretia Morse, Ezra (1741-1807) Morse, Miss Annie Conant Farwell, Mrs. Walter M. Morse, Reuben (1742-1810) Earle, Mrs. Henry Morse, Timothy (1759-1824) Bourne, Mrs. Jacob F. Moseley, Ebenezer (1741 ) Daniels, Miss Minnie B. 397 Moseley, Increase, Sr. Moseley, Miss Helen G-. Pierce, Mrs. Francis A. Mo8elet, Increase, Jr. (1740-1811) Moseley, Miss Helen G. Pierce, Mrs. Francis A. Mosher, John (1745 ) Butler, Miss Julia H. Eogers, Mrs. P. V. Wright, Mrs. E. L. Moses, James Walker, Mrs. James W. Moulton, Howard Green, Mrs. Edward M. Moulton, John (1717-1779) Danfortb, Mrs. William S. Mace, Miss Caroline I. M. Moulton, Stephen (1734-1819) Green, Mrs. Edward M. Miller, Mrs. Lester B. Mount, Matthias Brigham, Mrs. A. De L. Coxford, Mrs. W. F. Holbrook, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. S. Truman Mount, Moses Disbrow, Mrs. E. L. Mudge, Nathan (1750-1831) Burrill, Miss Ellen M. Meservey, Miss Sarah J. Mudge, Miss Florence E. Mudge, Dr. Kate G. Mudge, Mrs. Samuel B. Rich, Mrs. George H. Mumford, Benjamin (1735-1812) Sidell, Mrs. Cornelius Van Allen Munger, Elnathan ( 1777) Hanna, Mrs. John A. Munn, Samuel Williams, Miss Maria E. * Deceased. Munro, Josiah (1745-1801) Crombie, Mrs. Daniel D. Munroe, Robert (1712-1775) More, Mrs. Enoch A., Jr. Page, Miss Emma G. Munroe, Timothy (1735-1808) Newhall, Mrs. Stephen E. Murdoch:, John (1742-1817) Raymond, Miss Frances Adams Raymond, Mrs. Henry Emmons Raymond, Miss Margaret Chester Murfree, William Banks, Miss Virginia H. W. Clarke, Mrs. Edward Wight Murphy, Timothy (1751-1818) * Butler, Mrs. John Jefferd Murphy, Daniel (1744-1808) Chapman, Mrs. Henry O. Murphy, Miss Martha Murphy, Miss Virginia Myer, John (1747-1817) Murray, Miss Myra Lindley Williamson, Miss Elma L. Williamson, Mrs. George Nash, Noah (1734-1775) Daniels, Mrs. William Henry Needham, Daniel (1760-1844) Bosson, Mrs. George C. Needham, Stearns (1754-1830) Dolbear, Mrs. Amos E. Needham, Stephen (1732 ) Bosson, Mrs. George C. Nelson, David (1713 ) Mather, Mrs. Charles Duane Nelson, Thomas, Jr. (1738-1789) Howard, Mrs. William H. Owens, Mrs. W. D. Taylor, Mrs. Mable 398 Netherland, Benjamin ( 1838) French, Mrs. James B. Nevers, Samuel, Jr. (1742-1846) Harris, Miss Louise W. Willard, Mrs. Edward A. Newcomb, Daniel (1756-1832) McMurray, Mrs. Clarence F. Newcomb, Simon (1745-1776) Merrick, Mrs. Morgan W. Newell, Stephen (1758-1848) Bobbins, Mrs. Elliot I). Newhall, Asa (1732-1814) Heath, Mrs. John A. Newhall, Miss Ellen A. Newhall, Mrs. John A. Newhall, Miss Susan P. Newhall, Jonathan Newhall, Miss Ellen A. Newhall, Miss Susan P. Newhall, Joseph (1743-1813) Brown, Miss Caroline M. Laraphier, Miss Marcia A. Nicoll, Isaac (1741-1804) Vroom, Mrs. John Boyd Nichol, Thomas (1735-1830) Sutliff, Mrs. John H. Nichols, Francis (1737-1812) Whitney, Mrs. William L. Nichols, Hezekiah (1752-1828) MacAlman, Mrs. John H. Nichols, William (1754-1804) Patrick, Mrs. Joseph T. Patrick, Miss Lottie M. Whitney, Mrs. William L. North, Benjamin (1749-1817) Steinheimer, Mrs. Charles G-. Norton, Ichabod (1736-1825) Waydell, Mrs. Alexander Nott, William (1744-1791) Whitney, Miss W. Augusta Nowell, Moses (1737-1829) Hunt, Miss Sarah E. -) Nye, Samuel (1749 Chadwell, Mrs. Christopher D. Nye, Miss Annie A. Odell, Jonathan Beattie, Mrs. Hans S. Odell, William (1762-1856) Beattie, Mrs. Hans S. Ogier, Abraham Bourne, Mrs. William H. Ogier, Lewis (1760-1849) Bourne, Mrs. William H. Olmsted, David (1754-1824) Ashbee, Mrs. William H. Chase, Mrs. George T. Hanford, Mrs. George F. Haskin, Mrs. William L. Olmsted, Miss Mary Olmstead, Samuel Gilman, Mrs. Ephraim C. Ward, Mrs. Jasper D. Osgood, David (1734-1812) Burton, Mrs. Casper V. W. Galusha, Mrs. Henry Osborn, Samuel Eudkin, Mrs. George W. Packard, Jonathan (1751 ) Crohurst, Mrs. William S. Haskell, Miss Cora L. Haskell, Mrs. Warren Mecuen, Miss Mary E. Mecuen, Miss Nellie F. Mecuen, Miss Sarah L. Page, Jeremiah (1722-1806) Hunt, Miss Sarah E. Putnam, Miss Augusta N. 399 Putnam, Miss Louise L. Sanborn, Miss Agnes R. Sanborn, Mrs. Aretas R. Page, Nathaniel (1742-1819) Lauriat, Mrs. Charles E. Page, Miss Emma G. Sturdy, Mrs. Albert W. Page, Samuel (1753-1814) Fowler, Miss Sarah P. Lummus, Mrs. John Sanborn, Miss Agnes R. Sanborn, Mrs. Aretas E. Palfrey, Warwick (1715-1797) Hatch, Mrs. Frederick William Palmer, Stephen (1724-1790) Johnson, Mrs. Francis Park, Benjamin (1735-1775) Avery, Miss Mary H. Welcher, Mrs. Manfred P. Parker, Jonathan (1751-1822) Emery, Mrs. F. E. Parker, Nathaniel (1760-1820) Bullard, Mrs. Eleazer, Jr. Parkhurst, Hugh ( 1776) Parkhurst, Miss Edith A. Parmelee, Hezekiah (1737 ) Yan Buskirk, Mrs. John M. Parmelee, Samuel (1737-1807) Morris, Mrs. Robert C. Parmelee, Simeon (1740-1820) Fitch, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Patrick, John (1735-1803) Thomas, Miss Ellen H. Patterson, John (1711-1806) Wilbor, Miss Elsie M. Patterson, Josiah (1732 ) Wilbor, Miss Elsie M. Patterson, Robert (1753-1827) Crane, Mrs. Joseph H. Payson, Samuel (1732-1803) Payson, Miss Anna Maria Paxton, Jonah (1746-1832) Kountze, Mrs. Charles B. Kountze, Miss Lina B. Peabody, Brinsley (1731 ) Boynton, Mrs. John Farnham Peabody, Jacob (1737-1806) Perkins, Mrs. John Henry Peale, James (1749 ) Rowand, Mrs. Neville J. Pearce, Benjamin ( 1808) Whitney, Mrs. Charles E. Pearson, John (1740-1829) Cummin, Mrs. Robert Irvin Pease, Aaron (1726 ) Wallace, Mrs. William A. Pease, Augustus (1759-1851) Condon, Mrs. John Pease, Emery (1747-1796) Condon, Mrs. John Pease, James (1754-1844) Bruce, Mrs. Orsamies B. Peck, Bela (1758-1850) Hand, Mrs. Samuel Peck, Constant (1736 ) Foster, Miss Mary E. McCowan, Mrs. G-eorge W. Pecker, James ( 1778) Low, Mrs. Daniel Pecker, William Low, Mrs. Daniel Peebles, Robert Kernan, Mrs. John D. Peirce, Isaac (1749-1821) Schenck, Mrs. Robert C. 400 Pelton, Gideon, 1st Collins, Mrs. William P. Pemberton, Patrick Grant Lochner, Mrs. J. Edward Perkins, Bobert (1728-1801) Perkins, Mrs. John Wright Perrine, Henry (1730-1818) Wood, Mrs. Guilford S. Perrine, James (1745-1826) Patterson, Mrs. Frank J. Perrine, Miss Martha Perrine, William (1743 ) Brighani, Mrs. A. De L. Coxford, Mrs. William F. Holbrook, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. S. Truman Perry, Abner (1728 ) Hovey, Mrs. Charles Henry Perry, Nathan (1738-1836) Parker, Miss Maria E. Savary, Mrs. Edward Perry, Samuel (1740-1831) Cobb, Mrs. Louis B. Smith, Mrs. Charles Fitz Peters, Absalom (1754-1840) O'Neill, Mrs. Philip G. Peters, Andrew (1744-1824) Conant, Mrs. Stillman S. Pettibone, Jonathan (1709-1776) Bartlett, Mrs. David L. Sharpe, Mrs. Alfred C. Pettibone, Jonathan, Jr. Bartlett, Mrs. David L. Sharpe, Mrs. Alfred C. Pettibone, Ozias Sharpe, Mrs. Alfred C. Peyton, Valentine Oi'gain, Mrs. Edgar Peyton, Mrs. James Tate Peyton, Miss Lucy K. Phelps, Charles Elwell, Mrs. John D. Phelps, Homer (1757-1823) Phelps, Miss Milla A. Phelps, John (1758-1812) Wadhams, Mrs. Frederick E. Phelps, Noah (1740-1809) Millard, Mrs. George Horace Philbrick, Samuel (1734-1805) Emerson, Mrs. George Lane, Mrs. Judson E. Parker, Miss Climena P. Philbrick, Miss Eliza Philbrick, Miss Helen Swazey, Mrs. Oscar F. Phillips, Jonathan (1744-1801) Baker, Mrs. Chauncey B. Craighead, Mrs. Charles A. Davis, Mrs. John P. Laddis, Mrs. Thomas P. Phillips, Samuel (1726-1810) French, Mrs. Zenas H. Phinney, Edmund (1723-1813) Gilman, Miss Helen Phinney Gilman, Mrs. J. W. C. Phoenix, Daniel (1745-1812) Ingraham, Miss Marguerite L. Pickens, Andrew Bennett, Mrs. John B. Lasater, Mrs. Edward Pierce, Isaac (1749-1821) McMahon, Mrs. J. Sprigg Schenck, Mrs. Bobert C. Pike, William (1748-1804) Burleigh, Miss Grace J. Pitkin, John, Jr. Watkins, Mrs. Walter Pixley, David ( 1804) Thompson, Mrs. Wordsworth 401 Platt, Jonathan ( 1795) Whitney, Mrs. War ham Platt, Zephaniah, Jr. (1735-1807) Bailey, Mrs. Eobert Plunkett, William ( 1791) Sharpe, Mrs. Alfred C. Polhamus, Abraham (1755-1831) Williamson, Miss Blma L. Williamson, Mrs. George Polhemus, Theodorus (1719-1781) Ingraham, Mrs. D. Phoenix Ingraham, Miss Marguerite Ingraham, Mrs. Fred. Pomerot, Seth (1706-1777) MacBwan, Miss Agnes L. MacEwan, Miss Jesse E. MaeEwan, Mrs. Walter McKissick, Mrs. Stewart Sogers, Mrs. J. Warren Wallace, Mrs. William A. Pond, Charles Hodges, Mrs. George * Walker, Mrs. John Pope, Frederick (1733-1812) Pope, Miss Alice W. Pope, Miss Caroline A. Pope, Miss Edith Pope, Miss Emily Pope, Miss Margaret E. Pope, William Sharpe, Mrs. Eedford Tunstall, Mrs. Florida Pope Porter, John (1717-1802) Underbill, Mrs. Charles W. Witherell, Mrs. Julian F. Porter, Jonathan, Jr (1763-1861) Edwards, Mrs. Henry W. Henderson, Mrs. Francis D. Porter, Nehemiah (1728 ) Porter, Miss Ellen M. * Deceased. Porter, Samuel (1740 ) Porter, Miss Juliet Post, Henry * Wright, Mrs. James H. Potter, Paul Eogers, Mrs. Mary Turner Eogers, Miss Marie Potter Powell, Levin (1737-1810) Maynard, Miss Martha L. Montgomery, Mrs. John C. Powell, Eobert Neil, Mrs. Annie Greenwood Pratt, Benanuel (1756-1825) Edson, Miss Margaret Edson, Miss Mary F. Pratt, William Brant, Mrs. Amos A. Prentice, Nathaniel Sartell (1767- 1849) Terry, Miss Marion Prescott, Fortunatus (1761 ) Gilbert, Miss Harriet F. Gilbert, Miss Lucetta B. Gilbert, Miss Mary E. Prescott, Ebenezer (1720-1776) Gilbert, Miss Harriet F. Gilbert, Miss Lucetta B. Gilbert, Miss Mary E. Prescott, John (1723-1785) Prescott, Miss Annie L. Prescott, Samuel Prescott, Miss Annie L. Preston, Isaac (1735-1777) Foster, Miss Mary E. McCowan, Mrs. George W. Preston, John (1745-1814) Woodward, Mrs. Benjamin D. Preston, John (1755 ) Woolfolk, Mrs. John E. 402 Price, Eeuben Woodhull, Mrs. Josiah F. Prichard, William (1759-1835) Diggles, Miss Grace L. Pride, James (1748-1821) Hull, Mrs. John William Prior, Abner, Sr. Ludlum, Mrs. George P. Prior, Abner, Jr. Ludlum, Mrs. George P. Pruyn, Casparus (1734-1817) Pruyn, Miss Huybertie L. Eice, Mrs. William G. Pullen, James (1763-1810) Clapp, Mrs. Eugene H. Pulsiper, Ebenezer (1753 ) White, Mrs. Edward A. Putnam, Benjamin (1718-1796) Littlefield, Mrs. Seth J. Putnam, Henry, Jr. Littlefield, Mrs. Seth J. Putnam, Jonah (1746-1796) Littlefield, Mrs. Seth C. Putnam, Stephen (1747-1809) Heath, Mrs. John A. Newhall, Miss Ellen A. Newhall, Miss Susan P. Pynchon, Walter (1744-1818) Prout, Mrs. Henry B. Eamsdell, Joseph (1700-1787) Whitcomb, Miss Mary S. Eand, Jasper (1760-1853) Eand, Miss Florence Osgood Eansom, Eichard (1740-1811) Scott, Mrs. George L. Eansom, Samuel (1750-1778) Evans, Miss Anna Louise Fiske, Mrs. Joseph W. * Deceased. Goodrich, Mrs. Thomas Fanning Gould, Mrs. John P. Harnickell, Mrs. Maximilian Eaymond, Nathaniel (1753-1849) King, Mrs. Horatio Collins Eayner, John Scranton, Mrs. James S. * Wilcox, Mrs. George W. Eedfield, William Frazier, Mrs. John W. Eedington, Jacob (1759 ) Pierce, Mrs. James F. Eeed, Abijah Daniels, Mrs. George F. Eemsen, Abraham (1730-1807) Mead, Mrs. Frederic B. Eevere, Paul (1735-1813) Little, Mrs. James Lowell Little, Miss Laura Eevere Eexpord, William ( 1819) Billings, Mrs. Silas X. • Eeynolds, Enos (1757-1843) Wilmarth, Mrs. Henry Dan Eeynolds, James (1759-1833) Chase, Mrs. George T. Hanford, Mrs. George F. Eeynolds, Nathaniel (1754-1843) Hunt, Mrs. David H. Eice, Edmund (1745-1841) Thayer, Mrs. S. Weston Eice, Jonas (1756-1839) Carpenter, Mrs. Ira Hanford Fonda, Mrs. Nathan Cole Eice, Thomas (1752 ■ ) Knox, Mrs. Charlotte D. Eich, Samuel (1740 ) Bullock, Mrs. Francis S. 403 Richardson, Ebenezer (1748-1832) Lewis, Mrs. Lloyd G. Richardson, Sanpord Mackay, Mrs. James O. Weiss, Mrs. William H. Riley, Daniel (1758-1837) Anderson, Mrs. Charles H. Miner, Miss Henrietta Du Bois Robards, George (1760-1833) Massie, Mrs. Henrv Trimble, Mrs. Cary Allen Robinson,Christopher, Jr. (1756-1841) Cross, Mrs. S. W. Rodman, Mrs. Isaac Peace Turrell, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Jonathan (1752-1838) Cleminshaw, Mrs. Charles Robinson, Jonathan (1744-1800) Woodbury, Mrs. L. A. Robinson, Noah (1757-1827) Clapp, Mrs. Charles A. Robinson, Noah (1758-1838) Stillwell, Mrs. William Robt, William (1740-1776) Crawford, Mrs. John W. Taylor, Miss Charlotte A. Tinkham, Miss Harriette B. Roby, Samuel (1761-1822) Parker, Mrs. John Lord Rogers, John Crowell, Mrs. Charles A. Wilson, Mrs. Everett B. Rogers, Andrew (1746-1782) Edgar, Miss Elizabeth B. Edgar, Miss Jane A. Rogers, Miss Anna K. Rogers, Miss Grace E. Rogers, Miss Helen F. Thomas, Mrs. John H. Root, Azariah (1728-1777) Adams, Miss Sarah Root Roots, B. Guernsey (1758-1842) Piper, Mrs. Edwin P. Ropes, Benjamin, Jr. (1747-1788) Ropes, Miss Eliza O. Ropes, Miss Mary P. Ross, Mrs. Betsy ( 1836) Critten, Mrs. De Frees Ross, Daniel (1758-1854) Goodhue, Miss Alice B. Goodhue, Miss Sarah Ross, George (1730-1779) Rathoon, Mrs. Samuel F. Rowell, Samuel Adams, Miss Florence L. Darling, Mrs. Flora Adams Everett, Mrs. De Volney Smith, Mrs. Leroy S. Rudd, Bezaleel (1761-1846) Thompson, Mrs. Charles M. Ruff, John (1730-1799) Brigham, Mrs. A. De L. Coxford, Mrs. W. F. Holbrook, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. S. Truman Rumney, Edward (1745-1808) Ruddick, Mrs. William H. Rusco, David Alden, Miss Antoinette Spencer Alden, Mrs. Charles L. Russell, Ezekiel (1721-1802) Carpenter, Mrs. Frederick B. Russell, Isaac (1750-1821) Morton, Mrs. John H. Russell, Miss Yiola H. Safford, Samuel (1737-1813) Pettibone, Mrs. Hawley 404 Samson, Simeon (1736-1789) * Austen, Mrs. Jane Goodwin Sampson, Studlet (1759-1835) Sampson, Miss Maria F. Sands, John (1737-1811) Yanderbeek. Mrs. Garry Sanford, David Conrad, Mrs. Harry B. Dayton, Mrs. Charles W. Sanford, Miss Emily Sanford, Kingsbury (1753-1834) Spalding, Mrs. John F. Sanford, Lewis Conrad, Mrs. Harry B. Dayton, Mrs. Charles W. Sanford, Miss Emily Sargent, Paul Dudley (1745-1828) Steinbach, Mrs, Edward Savory, John (1736-1805) Parker, Mrs. Eldrid S. Sawyer, Ezra (1730-1776) Warren, Miss Marion H. Warren, Mrs. Orin Sayer, Joshua (1747-1781) Austin, Mrs. Joseph Schaffer, George (1730 ) * Easter, Mrs. James W. Miller, Miss Grace E. Schoolcraft, Lawrence (1759-1840) Cookinham, Mrs. Henry J. SCHOONMAKER, CORNELIUS C. ( 1796) Yan Etten, Mrs. Lawrence Schoonmaker, Martinus (1737-1824) Bennett, Mrs. Adolphus Ingraham, Mrs. D. Phoenix Ingraham, Mrs. Fred Ingraham, Miss Marguerite L. Suydam, Miss Emma B. Schreder, John J. Graham, Mrs. J. Lorimer * Deceased Schumacher, Gottfried ( 1782) Shoemaker, Miss Eleanor Shoemaker, Miss Grace L. Yan Vrankem, Miss Eleanor D. Schureman, James (1756-1824) Burhans, Mrs. George W. Davidson, Mrs. Eobert J. Davis, Mrs. James Eowe, Mrs. Louise F. Sluyter, Miss Joanna K. Schureman, John (1729-1795) Burhans, Mrs. George W. Davidson, Mrs. Eobert J. Davis, Mrs. James Eowe, Mrs. Louise F. Sluyter, Miss Joanna K. Schuyler, Philip (1733-1804) Cole, Miss Augusta W. Schuyler, Stephen J. (1732-1798) Thompson, Mrs. William A. Scott, Gustavus Dun, Miss Katharine T. Dun, Miss Hattie Franklin Dun, Miss Nancy Angus Franklin, Miss Elizabeth McCoy Franklin, Miss Marian Scott Patterson, Miss Stephen J. Woodrow, Miss Harriet S. Scott, John Gerrish, Miss Caroline March Scott, Matthew (1746-1798) Cook, Miss Diathea Cook, Miss Eleanor T. Cook, Miss Katherine Gilmore, Mrs. Fi-ank T. McKell, Miss Eleanor C. Scott, Phinehas Sherry, Mrs. Arthur G. Scott, William (1756-1824) Beers, Miss Emma E. 405 Kogers, Miss Miriam N. S. Rogers, Mrs. Samuel T. Rogers, Miss Sara B. Scranton, Abraham (1754 ) Johnson, Mrs. John B. Scudder, Nathaniel (1733-1781) Scudder, Mrs. Silas D. Sedgwick, Theodore (1746-1813) Niebuhr, Miss Helen L. Titus, Mrs. Oliver C. Selden, Samuel (1725-1776) Spalding, Miss Elizabeth Spalding, Mrs. John F. Selkrigg, Jeremiah (1756 ) Adams, Mrs. Hardin B. Devine, Mrs. Joseph P. French, Mrs. Franklina G. French, Mrs. James H. French, Miss Sarah L. Washington, Miss Flora Washington, Miss Sarah Washington, Mrs. Thornton A. Selleck, James (1742-1809) Childs, Mrs. William A. Senter, Isaac (1755-1799) Peabody, Mrs. Francis Sevier, John ( 1815) Lee, Mrs. Anne E. Shackpord, Samuel (1758-1819) Jordan, Mrs. J. P. Sharpe, Thomas, 3d (1746-1805) Woodruff, Mrs. William N. Shattuck, John Dobson, Miss Clara Shattuck, John, Jr. (1744-1807) Dobson, Miss Clara Shattuck, Joseph (1757-1847) Yeaw, Mrs. Everett Shed, Joseph (1732-1812) Baxter, Mrs. Joseph N. Sheldon, Elisha, Sr. (1709-1779) Barnum, Mrs. Theodore F. Sheldon, Job (1758-1832) Hopkins, Mrs. Stephen De Forest Shepard, David (1744-1819) Shepard, Miss Harriet Shepard, Daniel Winchell, Mrs. Alvord E. Sherman, Beriah, Jr. (1748-1832) Sherman, Dr. Sarah E. Sherman, Conrad Bansemer, Miss Caroline Sherman, Rev. Josiah (1734-1789) Mitchell, Miss Marguerite S. Sherwood, Daniel, 2d (1735-1819) Sherwood, Miss Emma C. Sherwood, Miss Estelle Sherwood, Miss Margaret H. Shoemaker, Rudolph Winne, Mrs. Charles K. Shreve, William Winters, Mrs. Valentine Wood, Mrs. E. Morgan Shriver. David Young, Miss Elizabeth F. Young, Mrs. William S. Shute, William (1720-1784) Foster, Miss Edith B. Foster, Miss Mary E. McCowan, Mrs. G-eorge W. Simmons, George (1731-1809) Eldridge, Mrs. David G. Simmons, Joseph ( 1775) Wilmarth, Mrs. Henry Dan Sinclair, Richard (1730 ) Sinclair, Miss Mary F. Sinclair, Samuel (1762 ) Sinclair, Miss Mary F. 406 Sink, Abraham (1760-1828) Damon, Mrs. Albert F. Graham, Miss Elizabeth A. Graham, Miss Ellen J. Sisoo, Nathaniel (1760-1848) Ihlseng, Mrs. Axel O. Slocum, Giles (1759-1826) Peck, Mrs. John II . Small, Edward (1751-1825) Underbill, Mrs. Charles W. Witherell, Mrs. Julian F. Smith, Abram Smith, Miss Anna Smith, Mies Frances G. Vance, Mrs. Frank L. Smith, David (1747-1804) Hawes, Mrs. B. W. Smith, Ebenezer (1708-1781) Hanington, Mrs. Henry Smith, Ebenezer (1746-1816) Canning, Miss Josephine Knickerbocker, Mrs. George S. Thomas, Mrs. George C. Smith, Eliphalet (1725-1806) Morgan, Mrs. George N. Smith, Francis Joseph (1748-1802) Cryer, Mrs. Matthew H. Phillips, Miss Mary E. Smith, Josiah (1738-1830) Hassam, Mrs. John T. Osgood, Mrs. Charles S. Smith, Eichard ( 1788) Peabody, Mrs. Charles J. Smith, Samuel (1768-1855) Kussell, Mrs. Barnabas H. Smith, Stephen (1761-1834) Whipple, Mrs. Ashley C. Smith, William (1717-1782) Hodson, Mrs. Thomas S. Taylor, Miss Bessie P. Smith, William Stephen (1755-1816) Furman, Mrs. Gabriel Snedeker, Isaac (1760-1841) Ward, Mrs. Eobert Snow, Mark (1731 ) Alden, Miss Antoinette Spencer SOMMERVILLE, WlLLIAM (1756-1826) Edwards, Mies Fannie O. Soper, Oliver (1743 ) Thomas, Mrs. Orton Southerland, David (1722-1794) Wilbor, Miss Elsie M. Southerland, John ( 1777) Marshall, Mrs. George L. Safford, Mrs. George L. Southwick, Solomon (1731-1797) Pitkin, Miss Edith W. Pitkin, Mrs. Wolcott H. Spear, Seth (1741-1818) Pratt, Mrs. E. Granville Spencer, Eliphalet (1738-1820) Ludlum, Mrs. George P. Spencer, Eliphalet, Jr. (1758-1813) Ludlum, Mrs. George P. Spencer, Joseph (1714-1789) Maxwell, Miss May W. Spofford, Amos (1729 ) Tilden, Mrs. Elmer E. Spofford, Bradstreet Wyckoff, Mrs. Frank T. Spofford, Eliphalet (1725-1776) Spofford, Miss Aphia T. Sproat, Bev. James (1721-1793) Sparhawk, Mrs. Charles W. Sproat, William Sparhawk, Mrs. Charles E. 407 Squires, Saxton (1758-1825) McLeod, Mrs. Charles A. Squires, Miss Jennie S. Stafford, Joab (1729-1801) Hall, Mrs John Taylor Standish, Zachariah (1739 ) Gorham, Miss Alice M. Gorham, Miss Ida S. Stanyon, John ( 1777) Yardley, Mrs. Charles B. Starr, James (1740-1830) Eonimus, Mrs. James D. Staring, Heinrich (1730-1808) Puig, Mrs. Emilio E. Puig, Miss Louise M. Stearns, Jonathan (1750-1830) Webster, Miss Helen L. Stearns, Phineas (1735-1798) Davis, Miss Lucy Stearns Steddiford, Garret (1752 ) Pitt, Mrs. William E. Steele, Bradford Hagarnan, Mrs. Theodore Sterling, Samuel Adams, Mrs. George Emery Broun, Mrs. Heywood C. Sterling, Miss Adaline Wheeloek SterliDg, Dr. Kate Latta Stevens Sterling, Miss Virginia Swift Sterling, Thaddeus (1749-1837) Adams, Mrs. George Emery Broun, Mrs. Heywood C. Sterling, Miss Adaline Wheeloek Sterling, Dr. Kate Latta Stevens Sterling, Miss Virginia Swift Stetson, Caleb (1754-1827) Gooch, Miss Mary A. Stevens, Ezra (1724-1823) Curtis, Mrs. Frederick Colton Stickney, Abraham (1733-1803) Ketchum, Mrs. Silas Stickney, Abraham, Jr. (1758-1821) Ketchum, Mrs. Silas Stickney, Benjamin Carson, Mrs. David I. Stickney, Eleazer (1740-1824) Kimball, Mrs. Lucy D. Stickney, Jedediah (1739-1815) Stickney, Miss Cornelia A. Stickney, Miss Lucy W. Stickney, Thomas (1763 ) Carson, Mrs. David I. Stilwell, Joost or George (1742-1827) Hegeman, Mrs. M. Stewart Larzele, Miss Elizabeth S. Schenck, Mrs. Teunis S. Spence, Mrs. John L. Stockbridge, David (1749-1832) Barrows, Mrs. John W, Stoddard, Laban (1744-1826) Copeland, Mrs. Daniel T. Stoddard, Nathan (1742-1777) Sims, Miss Hattie L. Young, Miss Eleanor F. Young, Mrs. Francis C. Stoll, Adam Stull, Miss Evelyn Stone, Abner, Jr. (1751-1827) Keene, Miss Lillian B. Keene, Mis^ Julia M. Stone, Ambrose (1757-1850) Parker, Mrs. Galen A. Stone, David (1728-1802) Shedden, Mrs. Lucien L. Stone, Israel (1749-1808) Stone, Miss Helen F. Stone, Moses (1759-1813) Shedden, Mrs. Lucien L. 408 Stone, Moses, Jr. (1749-1803) Stone, Mrs. Charles Francis St. John, Matthias Guion, Mrs. Franklin W. Stoughton, Samuel (1740 ) Pratt, Mrs. Henry L. Stratton, Asa (1758-1818) Stratton, Miss Edith A. Strembeck, Jacob (1755-1841) Ludin, Mrs. George A. Strong, David (1744-1801) Beck, Miss Hiide C. Strong, Ephraim (1754-1843) Walker, Mrs. John Strong, Eev. Joseph (1756-1803) * Gillies, Mrs. George M. Stuart, Christopher (1748-1799) Watkins, Mrs. Walter Studley, Benjamin (1730-1812) Hathaway, Miss W. Augusta Sturges, Judson (1748-1782) Foster, Mrs. William E. Sturtevant, Charles, Sr. (1721-1809) Griswold, Mrs. John Wool Sturtevant, Charles, Jr. (1755-1816) Griswold, Mrs. John Wool Sutton, Richard (1736-1825) Lakeman, Miss Sarah E. SUYDAM, llENDRICK Suydam, Miss Emma B. Swan, Samuel (1750-1825) Yardley, Mrs. Charles B. Swartwout, Abraham (1742-1799) Bobbins, Mrs. Charles A. Swartwout, Cornelius (1751-1833) Green, Mrs. Walter Jerome Sweeting, Lewis (1724-1804) Alden, Miss Antoinette Spencer * Deceased. Alden, Mrs. Charles L. Thomas, Mrs. Orton Tucker, Miss Harriet F. Sweeting, Nathaniel Alden, Miss Antoinette Spencer Alden, Mrs. Charles L. Tucker, Miss Harriet F. Sweetser, Richard (1750 ) Bingham, Mrs. James Cushing, Mrs. William T. Swift, Isaac (1753-1802) Young, Miss Eleanor F. Symmes, John Cleves (1742-1814) Harrison, Miss Julia Cleves Symonds, Benjamin Perkins, Mrs. Benjamin Talbot, Peter ( 1793) Pope, Miss Alice W. Tallmadge, Benjamin (1754-1835) Spence, Mrs. Thomas W. Tallmadge, Josiah (1745 ) Peck, Mrs. John H. Tarr, Jabez (1759-1844) Tarr, Miss Alice M. Taylor, Eldad (1708-1777) Terry, Miss Jane E. Terry, Miss Marion Taylor, Lawrence (1744 ) Enos, Mrs. Alanson T. Taylor, Philip (1737-1819) Eldridge, Mis. David L. Withington, Mrs. Charles F. Taylor, Timothy (1742 ) Taylor, Mrs. Alexander, Jr. Tennant, James (1759-1839) Manchester, Mrs. Alfred Tenney, John (1723-1808) Kimball, Miss Eleanor H. Kimball, Miss Grace H. Nichols, Mrs. John H. 409 Terry, Nathaniel (1730-1792) Terry, Miss Jane E. Terry, Miss Marion Tewksbury, John (1728-1775) Underhill, Mrs Charles W. Witherell, Mrs. Julian F. Tewksbury, Thomas Underhill, Mrs. Charles W. Witherell, Mrs. Julian F. Thayer, James (1712-1790) Chapman, Mrs. William O. Thayer, Jeremiah Payson, Miss Anna M. Thayer, Jeremiah, Jr. (1756-1813) Payson, Miss Anna M. Thatcher, John (1740-1805) Howson, Mrs. Walter H. Thomas, John ( 1777) Brown, Mrs. Samuel Walley Conklin, Mrs. Theodore E. Rasines, Miss A. Manuela Rasines, Mrs. Amelia Ferris. Thomas, John, Sr. Perrine, Miss Mary E. Thomas, John, Jr. Perrine, Miss Mary E. Thomas, John, Minor Perrine, Miss Mary E. Thompson, Alexander R. (1759-1809) Hodenpyl, Mrs. George H. Thompson, Mrs. Mary C. Thompson, Ezra (1738-1816) Gale, Mrs. Edward C. Hun, Mrs. Edward E. Orr, Mrs. S. Alexander Thompson, George (1719-1782) Seabury, Mrs. Frederick C. Thompson, Hezekiah (1735-1803) * Gilfillan, Mrs. William Van Wyck, Mrs. Albert * Deceased. Thompson, John (1757-1833) Massie, Mrs. Henry Trimble, Mrs. Cary A. Thompson, William (1725-1781) Cook, Miss Diathea Cook, Miss Elinor Cook, Miss Katherine Gilmore, Mrs. Frank T. Thompson, William (1742-1777) Gale, Mrs. Edward C. Thompson, William (1748-1816) Keay, Mrs. Nathaniel S. Kent, Miss Mary A. Schoff, Mrs. Frederic Thorndike, Robert (1761-1843) Cummings, Mrs. Samuel C. Thornton, Gilbert (1732-1802) Green, Mrs. John A. Moore, Mrs. Frederick W. Weekes, Mrs. Nicholas Thornton, John Washington, Miss Flora M. Washington, Miss Sarah Thornton, Matthew (1714-1803; Cutler, Mrs. Edward J. Thorp, Jabez (1729-1799) Foster, Mrs. William E. Thorpe, Thomas (1756 ) Parsons, Mrs. George Thrall, Noah Pitkin, Miss Edith W. Thruston, Charles Mynn Booker, Mrs. William D. Manning, Mrs. Charles P. Thurston, David Goodrich, Mrs. Thomas F. Young, Mrs. Hugh Tileston, Timothy (1728-1809) Child, Mrs. Dudley R. Stockwell, Miss Virginia 410 Tilghman, Tench (1744-1786) Smythe, Miss Clara M. Tinkham, James (1743-1836) Brayton, Miss Harriet H. Nichols, Mrs. Charles L. Tirrell, Benjamin (1760-1850) Parker, Mrs. Chase Todd, Solomon (1740-1787) Dodge, Mrs. William P. Spofford, Mrs. F. M. Todd, Miss Hattie E. Tolman, Ezekiel (1740-1825) Curtis, Mrs. Nelson Young, Mrs. Charles A. Young, Mrs. William H. H. Tolman, John (1753-1835) Brockway, Mrs. L. G. Pickford, Mrs. Charles J. Torrey, William (1760-1828) Grant, Mrs. George M. Torrey, Miss Adeline Whittemore Tower, Levi (1756-1823) Tower, Mrs. Levi, Jr. Towle, Jabez (1747-1837) Currier, Mrs. George W. Towle, Miss Elizabeth S. Town, Salem (1746-1825) Sheldon, Mrs. Chauncey C. Townsend, Daniel (1738-1775) Eich, Miss Mary E. Townsend, John Barnes, Mrs. John O. Treat, Samuel (1749-1795) Douglas, Miss Martha Treat Truax, Isaac (1785-1854) Griffith, Mrs. William H. Eobertson, Mrs. Matthew H. Trumbull, Asaph (1738-1821) Allen, Mrs. Henry Trumbull, Jonathan (1710-1785) Harrison, Mrs. Frederic M. Truxtun, Thomas (1755-1822) Homans, Mrs. Sbepard Tucker, Ezra (1728-1807) Putnam, Mrs. Eben Tucker, Isaac (1756-1837) Manson, Mrs. Alfred S. Thompson, Mrs. Abijah Tufts, Samuel (1752-1815) Yardley, Mrs. Charles B. Turner, Matthew (1733-1824) Britton, Mrs. Alexander H. Turner, Seth (1727-1806) Crawford, Mrs. John J. Turner, Seth, Jr. (1756 ) Crawford, Mrs. John J. Tuttle, Caleb (1758-1836) Phisterer, Mrs. Frederick Tyler, Abner (1738-1819) Bardwell, Miss Lucy L. Bardwell, Miss Marion E. Ulmer, Philip ( 1817) Bennett, Miss Louise G. Gooderson, Mrs. Frederick W. Upham, Jonathan (1759-1840) Peavey, Mrs. Joseph L. Upshaw, James Glass, Mrs. Frank P. Price, Mrs. Thomas H. Vail, Joseph A. Thornton, Mrs. George Vail, Gilbert Thornton, Mrs. George Vaill, Joseph Vaill, Miss Elizabeth Sedgwick Van Alen, Peter (1735-1808) Buchanan, Mrs. Charles J. 411 Van Brunt, Adrian (1735-1785) Suydam, Mrs. Evart Van Pelt, Mrs. Townsend C. Van Brunt, Nicholas Van Brunt, Mrs. Marie Louise Van Cleaf, Joseph (1750 ) Russell, Mrs. Richard Van Cortlandt, Pierre (1721-1814) Matthews, Mrs. John Rutherford Vandbrvoort, Peter lngraham, Mrs. D. Phoenix Ingrahara, Miss Marguerite L. lngraham, Mrs. Fred Van der Veer, Cornelius (1731 ) Gerau, Mrs. Joseph P. Johnson, Mrs. Franklin Schenck, Mrs. William P. Van Pelt, Mrs. Townsend C. Van Epps, Evert Fonda, Mrs. Herbert H. Van Patten, Adam Bissell, Miss Mary Van Pelt, Johannes Cooper, Mrs. Nicholas Van Pelt, Rem (1738-1827) Van Brunt, Mrs. Jeremiah Van Pelt, Miss Annie C. Van Pelt, Miss Susie B. Van Rensselaer, Henry Van Rensselaer, Miss Martha Van Schoonhoven, Jacobus (1744- 1814) Van Schoonhoven, Miss Charlotte L. Van Wart, Isaac (1762-1820) Underwood, Mrs. John P. Van Winkle, Jacob (1727-1778) Anderson, Mrs. William Fosdick, Mrs. Leonard Van Wyok, Isaac Van Etten, Mrs. Lawrence Veeder, Garret Symonse (1751 ) Brower, Mrs. A. G. Vicory, John (1721-1820) Colby, Mrs. Edward B. Viles, Joel (1743 ) Putnam, Miss Augusta N. Putnam, Mrs. Eugene A. Putnam, Miss Louise L. Voorhees, Koert (1741-1800) Patterson, Mrs. Frank J. Perrine, Miss Martha Vose, Joseph (1739-1816) Lunt, Miss Nellie Lunt, Miss Susan A. Wadsworth, Reuben (1753 ) Coffin, Mrs. Sturges Whitney, Mrs. Henry Norris Walbridge, Silas (1759-1840) Perkins, Mrs. Tilman N. Walker, Azariah (1722-1798) Hunneman, Miss Mary Ethel Walker, Joshua (1723-1798) Jaquith, Mrs. Franklin Walker, Phineas (1738-1829) Newell, Miss Helen Whitcomb, Mrs. Lawrence Walker, Samuel (1721-1817) Blodgett, Mrs. William A. Walker, Timothy (1732-1809) Warren, Miss Marion H. Wallace, James ( 1778) Edgar, Miss Elizabeth B. Edgar, Miss Jane A. Rogers, Miss Anna C. Rogers, Miss Grace E. Rogers, Miss Helen F. Thomas, Mrs. John H. Waples, Samuel (1755-1834) Hill, Mrs. Horace G. Ward, John Owen, Miss Hattie L. 412 Ward, John (1735 ) Sheldon, Mrs. Lucien L. Ware, Paul (1762-1830) Churchill, Mrs. Gardner Asaph Waring, Henry (1744-1830) Bridgeman, Mrs. Wentzel A. Waring, Miss Viola Dederick Warner, Robert Osborne, Miss Lucy Warner Warren, Eliakim (1747-1827) Gale, Mrs. Edward C. Warren, Moses (1759-1833) March, Miss Ella Gates Warth, George Parsons, Mrs. C. Chauncey Washburn, Abraham (1742-1785) Bates, Mrs. Joshua Eaton, Mrs. George Washburn, Seth (1723-1794) Burtis, Mrs. Arrenah M. Manning, Mrs. George L. Washington, George Augustine (— 1793) Key, Mrs. Philip Barton Washington, Thornton Washington, Miss Flora M. Washington, Miss Sarah Waterman, Anhtony (1730 ) Evans, Mrs. Irving A. Waters, Richard (1760-1829) Withington, Miss Susan C. Webb, Benjamin (1733 ) Conrad, Mrs. Harry B. Dayton, Mrs. Charles W. Sanford, Miss Emily Webb, Christopher Devine, Mrs. Joseph P. French, Miss Franklina G. French, Mrs. James H. French, Miss Sarah L. Webb, Samuel Blatchey (1753-1807) Shaw, Mrs. Hoyt Weeks, Daniel Alden, Miss Antoinette S. Alden, Mrs. Charles L. Bennett, Mrs. Alden J. Weeks, Ebenezer (1741-1803) Trimble, Mrs. James Weeks, Zophar (1755-1847) Bennett, Mrs. Alden J. Weidman, John (1756-1830) Hall, Mrs. Lee Halter, Mrs. Richard E. Welch, William (1751-1844) Putnam, Mrs. Eben Welden, Joshua (1757-1838) Geer, Mrs. Robert Lyon, Mrs. Samuel P. Wells, Daniel Foster, Mrs. Tallmadge W. Wells, Levi (1734-1803) Odell, Mrs. C. Mortimer Welles, Ebenezer (1730-1783) Enos, Mrs. Alanson T. Wellington, Jeduthan (1750-1838) Griswold, Mrs. C. W. Westbrook, Frederick (1749-1823) Westbrook, Miss Sarah E. Van Etten, Mrs. Lawrence Westcott, Samuel (1757-1834) Hampton, Miss Mary B. W. Hill, Miss Anna B. Hill, Mrs. Thomas P. Wheaton, Joseph McWilliam, Mrs. John S. 413 Wheeler, Ephraim (1734-1809) Appleton, Mrs. Ruel Boss Schaumberg, Mrs. George W. Wheeler, Josiah (1743-1817) Stanton, Miss Harriet A. Whipple, Jonathan Judson, Mrs. David A. Whitaker, Matthew Cart (1754- 1825) Ragland, Mrs. George C. Whitcomb, Enoch ( 1841) Norton, Mrs. William White, Rev. Ebenezer (1709-1779) Green, Mrs. Edward M. White, Joel (1705-1789) Lee, Mrs. William Sharpe, Mrs. Frank N. White, Miss Mary E. White, John (1724-1800) Gallison, Miss Caro D. Gallison, Mrs. Louis D. White, Lemuel (1762-1789)j Lee, Mrs. William White, Miss Mary E. White, Lemuel, Sr; Lee, Mrs. William White, Miss Mary E. Whitecar, Joseph Chandler, Miss Effie D. Chandler, Miss Eleanor H. Whitlock, Ephraim L. (1755-1825) Dawson, Mrs. Rodman B. Simon, Mrs. Herman Whitlock, Thaddeus (1754-1829) Chase, Mrs. George T. Crawford, Mrs. John J. Hanford, Mrs. George P. Whiting, Samuel, M.D. Ferris, Miss Laura E. Whiting, Samuel (1720-1863) Ferris, Miss Laura E. Fitch, Mrs. Ashbel P. C. Fitch, Miss Elisabeth C. Maxwell, Mrs. Samuel A. Perry, Miss Helen Whiting, Samuel, M.D. (1745-1816) Ferris, Miss Laura E. Whitney, Daniel (1754-1826) Waring, Miss Viola D. Whitney, Jason Alden, Miss Antoinette S. Shedden, Mrs. Lucien L. Whitney, Jonathan (1736-1802) Brockway, Mrs. A. Norton Edson, Miss Margaret Edson, Miss Mary F. Edson, Mrs. P. O'M. Whitney, Jonathan (Conn.) Dain, Mrs. Henry P. Whitney, Josiah (1731-1806) Goodwin, Miss Maria A. Whitney, Samuel (1711-1796) Rae, Mrs. Walter Whitney, William C. (1762 ) Thayer, Mrs. John Van Buren Whittemore, Samuel (1696-1793) Torrey, Miss Adeline Whittemore Vallette, Mrs. Edwin Whittlesey, Asaph (1753-1778) Cooper, Mrs. Joseph G. Whittlesey, Chaunoey (1746-1812) Gilbert, Mrs. William E. Wickes, Jacob (1723-17S7) Bigelow, Mrs. Isaac Storer Wickes, Silas Alden, Miss Antoinette S. Alden, Mrs. Charles L. Bennett, Mrs. Alden J. 414 Wight, Aaeon (1742-181:}) Hunncman, .Miss Elizabeth A. Ilunneman, Miss Francos H. Hunnenian, Miss Ida Wiley, John * Hamilton, Mrs. Edward P. Wiley, Miss Sara King Wilkins, Daniel Milliken, Mrs. Charles A. Willett, Maeikus (1740-1830) Lloyd, Mrs. Joseph E. Ray, Miss Margaretta R. Williams. Asa (1758-1834) Dickenson, Mrs. Marquis F. Willi v\is, Geoege (1717-1802) Williams, Miss Alice M. Williams, James Borden, Mrs. Guy Korr, Mrs. Wallace Williams. Jesse Casey, Miss Fanny II. C. Casey, Mrs. Joseph J. Craighead, Mrs. Erwin Williams, Macy (1736-1786) Drayton, Miss Harriet II. Williams. Nathan (1760-1848) Clinton, Mrs. Charles W. McCoun, Mrs. George W. Williams, Robert Masterson, Mrs. Thomas W. Williams, William Gee, Miss Pattie Williams Williamson, Jedediah (1757 ) Anderson, Mrs. Smith Smith, Mrs. Reuben R. Wilmot, William ( 1782) Smart, Mrs. C. Selden Wilson, Archibald * Wilson, Miss Anna M. Wilson, Miss Margaret P. * Deceased. Wilson, Thomas (1757-1808) Wilson, Miss Caroline A. Wilson, Miss Margaret J. Winchester, Jacob Bancroft Parker (17(52-1847) Smith, Miss Helen M. Winne, Jacob Bowman, Miss William R. Ruddick, Mrs. Julian Winship, John (1754-1825) Kingsley, Mrs. J. Sterling Sprague, Mrs. Charles II. Winship, Samuel Sprague, Mrs. Charles II. Winslow, John (1750 ) Warner. Miss Caroline A. Warner, Mrs. Charles Winslow, Shadrach, M.J>. (1750-1817) Hicks, Mrs. George II. Wisner. Henry, Je. (1747-1812) Reynolds, Mrs. Frank Wiswall, .Jonathan (1737-1808) Frothingham, Mrs. Frederick Wiswall, Noah (1699-1786) Wiswall, Miss Louise A. Warren, Mrs. Orrin With am, John Clough, Mrs. Mieajah P. Kelly, Miss Lucy P. Witherell, John (1758-1 854) Wiiherell, Miss Edith M. Woglom, John Bangs, Mrs. Bleecker Wolcott, Erasti s (1722-1793) Toll, Mrs. Charles H. Vaille, Mrs. Frederick O. "Wolcott, Roger (1737-1797) Douglass, Miss Martha Treat Kenyon, Miss Clara L. 415 Wood, Benjamin (1763 ) Stephenson, Miss Lucy A. Woodbury, Blisha, Sit. (17:55-1816) Cundy, Mrs. Elizabeth S. W. Woodbury, Elisha, Jr. (1762-1850) Cundy, Mrs. Elizabeth S. W. Woodbury, Joseph (1741-1S16) Law, Miss Eliza Francis Law. Miss Lizzie Woodbury Underbill, Mrs. Charles W. Witherell, Mrs. Julian P. Woodhull, Nathaniel (1722-1766) Anderson, Mrs. William A. Woodman, Joshua (1708-1791) Osgood, Mrs. George W. Woods, Jonathan (1728 ) Bardwell, Miss Lucy L. Bard well, Miss Marion E. Woodward, Joseph Whittingham, Mrs. William II. Woodward, Samuel Lane, Miss Katherine J. Wood worth, Robert (1737-1SU1) Winne, Miss Helen A. Wooley, Abraham (1752 ) Clarke, Miss Florence A. Wooley, Jacob Clarke, Miss Florence A. * Deceased. Wordin, William, Sr. Koss, Mrs. James A. Wordin, William, Jr. Itoss, Miss James A. Wright, Joseph (1746-1803) Sheldon, Mrs. Henry N. Wright, Jotham Gardner, 31 rs. George H. * Williams, Mrs. Henry D. Wunderlich, John (1733-1818) MeK night, Mrs. William C, Jr. Wvman. Solomon (1741 ) Bullock, Miss Caroline E. Wyman, Thomas (1761-1816) Bacon, Mies Mary P. Davenport, Miss Mary P. Kendall, Miss Harriet W. Tuber, Miss Harriet W. Taber, Miss Sarah W. Wynkoop, Dirck (1732-1796) Cardoze, Mrs. Emile Yates, Christopher (1737-1785) Cole, Miss Augusta W. Yorke, Andrew (1742 ) Allen, Mrs. William F. Yorke, Edward (1738-1781) Kingsley, Mrs. Maurice ADDENDA. The names and services of the following were received too late to be inserted in regular order. They are, therefore, placed here and followed in each case by the names of the descendants: Broad, Timothy, Massachusetts; Private, Captain Eobert Smith's Company, Colonel William Heath's Regiment from Needham, " Lexing- ton Alarm." Brockway, Mrs. L. G. Pickford, Mrs. Charles J. Chandler, Eev. Samuel, Massachusetts; Chaplain, Colonel Plaisted's Regiment in the expedition against Crown Point, 1775. Brockway, Mrs. L. G. Pickford, Mrs. Charles J. Dibell, John, Massachusetts (1739-1826); 1st Lieutenant, 14th Taconic Mountains Company, Captain John King, 1st Berkshire County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel John Ashley ; 1st Lieutenant same, May 6, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, Captain Ephraim Fitch's Company, Colonel Benjamin Symonds' Regiment Massachusetts Militia, December 16, 1776; in service at Ticonderoga; 1st Lieutenant, Captain John King's Company, Colonel John Ashley's Regiment, "Bennington Alarm," October 23, 1780. Adams, Mrs. George Emery. Broun, Mrs. IIeywood C. Joyce, David, Connecticut; Private, Captain Charles Smith's Com- pany, General David Waterbury's Brigade Connecticut Militia, April 10, 1781; Brigade joined Washington at Phillipshurg, July, 1781. Adams, Mrs. George Emery. Broun, Mrs. Heywood C. Livermore, Jason, Massachusetts; Private, Captain Seth Wash- burn's Company, Colonel Ward's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm;" Bombardier, Captain Samuel Gridley's Company, Colonel Richard Gridley's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, Juno 12, 1775; Private, Captain John Howard's Company, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, March, 1777; Private, Captain Lorinjr Lincoln's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Flagg's Regiment, "Bennington Alarm," 1777. Brockway, Mrs. L. G. Pickford, Mrs. Charles J. 416 417 Mann, Daniel, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Sabin Mann's Com- pany, Colonel Greaton's Regiment from Walpole, Massachusetts, "Lex- ington Alarm." Brockwat, Mrs. L. G. Pickford, Mrs. Charles J. Mann, Theodore, Massachusetts ; Private, Captain Jeremiah Smith's Company, Colonel John Smith's Regiment from South Walpole, "Lex- ington Alarm;" Private, Captain John Boyd's Company of Foot October 5, 1775. Brockway, Mrs. L. G. Pickford, Mrs. Charles J. Osborn, John, New York (1749-1832) ; Sergeant, Captain Blauvelt's Company, Colonel Ann Hawkes Hay's Regiment Orange Countv New York Militia, April 4, 1778. 8 * Rand, Miss Florence Osgood. ■A