^-^ %*^-%< ^ ^^'\ ^.a" ym^'^ \/ ''^^'' ^- -^^ v< „/"-^. THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS ROOSEVELT EDITION VOLUME 23 THE CHRONICLES OF AMERICA SERIES ALLEN JOHNSON EDITOR GERHARD R. LOMER CHARLES W. JEFFERYS ASSISTANT EDITORS JUAN BAUTISTA DE ANZA, FOUNDER OF SAN FRANCISCO, 1776 By courtesy of John F. Biven THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS A CHRONICLE OF OLD FLORIDA AND THE SOUTHWEST BY HERBERT E. BOLTON LVXET NEW HAVEN: YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS TORONTO: GLASGOW, BROOK & CO. LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1921 ivioDograph Copyright, 1921, by Yale University Press M -2 1922 ^ AI56ifi21 ^ PREFACE This book is to tell of Spanish patMnders and pioneers in the regions between Florida and Cali- fornia, now belonging to the United States, over which Spain held sway for centuries. These were the northern outposts of New Spain, maintained chiefly to hold the country against foreign intrud- ers and against the inroads of savage tribes. They were far from the centers of Spanish colonial civilization, in the West Indies, Central America, Mexico, and Peru. The rule of Spain has passed; but her colonies have grown into independent nations. From Mex- ico to Chile, throughout half of America, the Spanish language and Spanish institutions are still dominant. Even in the old borderlands north of the Rio Grande, the imprint of Spain's sway is still deep and clear. The names of four States — Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and California — are viii PREFACE Spanish in form. Scores of rivers and mountains and hundreds of towns and cities in the United States still bear the names of saints dear to the Spanish pioneers. Southwestern Indians yet speak Spanish in preference to English. Scores of the towns have Spanish quarters, where the life of the old days still goes on and where the soft Castilian tongue is still spoken. Southwestern English has been enriched by Spanish contact, and hundreds of words of Spanish origin are in current use in speech and print everywhere along the border. Throughout these Hispanic regions now in An- glo-American hands, Spanish architecture is still conspicuous. Scattered all the way from Georgia to San Francisco are the ruins of Spanish missions. Others dating from the old regime are yet well pre- served and are in daily use as chapels. From bel- fries in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, still sound bells cast in Spain and bear- ing the royal arms. In many of the towns, and here and there in open country, old-time adobes are still to be seen. Moreover, the Spanish ele- ment has furnished the motif for a new type of PREFACE ix architecture in the Southwest that has become one of the most distinctive American possessions. In Cahfornia, Texas, and Arizona, the type is dominated by mission architecture. In New Mex- ico it is strongly modified by the native culture which found expression in pueblo building. There are still other marks of Spanish days on the southern border. We see them in social, religious, economic, and even in legal customs. California has her Portola festival, her rodeos, and her Mission Play. Everywhere in the Southwest there are quaint church customs brought from Spain or Mexico by the early pioneers. From the Spaniard the American cowboy inherited his trade, his horse, his outfit, his vocabulary, and his methods. Spain is stamped on the land surveys. From Sacramento to St. Augustine nearly every- body holds his land by a title going back to Mexico or Madrid. Most of the farms along the border are divisions of famous grants which are still known by their original Spanish names. In the realm of law, principles regarding mines, water rights on streams, and the property rights of women — to mention X PREFACE only a few — have been retained from the Spanish regime in the Southwest. Not least has been the Hispanic appeal to the imagination. The Spanish occupation has stamped the literature of the bor- derlands and has furnished theme and color for a myriad of writers, great and small. Nor is this His- panic cult — or culture — losing its hold. On the contrary, it is growing stronger. In short, the Southwest is as Spanish in color and historical background as New England is Puritan, as New York is Dutch, or as New Orleans is French. My original manuscript for this book was written on a much larger scale than the Editor desired. In the work of reduction and rewriting, to fit it for the Series, I have had the able assistance of Miss Constance Lindsay Skinner. H. E. B. University of California, October, 1920. CONTENTS The Explorers I. PONCE DE LEON. AYLLON. AND NARVAEZ Page 1 II. CABEZA DE VACA " 26 III. HERNANDO DE SOTO " 46 IV. CORONADO. CABRILLO. AND VIZCAINO " 79 The Colonies V. FLORIDA ^ * 120 VI. NEW MEXICO ' 165 VII. THE JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE ' 188 VIII. TEXAS ' 207 IX. LOUISIANA ' 232 X. CALIFORNIA " 258 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE * 297 INDEX * 305 2C1 ILLUSTRATIONS JUAN BAUTISTA DE ANZA, FOUNDER OF SAN FRANCISCO, 1776 By courtesy of John F. Biven. Frontispiece EXPLORATION AND SETTLEMENT OF NORTHERN NEW SPAIN, 1518-1776 Map by W. L. G. Joerg, American Geo- graphical Society. Facing page 16 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS CHAPTER I PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, AND NARVAEZ The sixteenth century dawned auspiciously for Spain. After eight hundred years of warfare with the infidel usurpers of the Peninsula, the last Mos- lem stronghold had fallen; and, through the union of Aragon and Castile, all Spain was united under one crown and lifted to the peak of power in Europe. To the world about her, Spain presented the very image of unity, wealth, and power, adamantine and supreme. But the image of serene absolutism is always a portent of calamity. There followed a period of brilliant achievement abroad, while the prosperity of the nation at home steadily declined. Taxation was exorbitant. Industry declined because of the lack of skilled workers, for the expulsion of the 2 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Moors had robbed Spain of artisans and pastoral laborers. The nobles and gentry were swordsmen, crusaders, and spoilers of the Egyptians — made such by centuries of war with the Moors — and they held all labor and trade in scorn. Each year, more of the gold which annually poured into the Emperor's lap must needs be poured out again for products which were no longer grown or manufactured within the realm. Gold was the monarch's need; gold was the dazzling lure which the warrior nobles of Spain followed. There were no longer Egyptians at home to spoil. To the New World must these warrior nobles now look for work for their swords and for wealth without menial toil or the indignities of commerce. Only on that far frontier could they hope to enjoy the per- sonal liberty and something of their old feudal pow- ers, now curtailed by absolutism at home. Irked by restrictions and surveillance as well as by inac- tion or poverty, these sons of the sword sought again on this soil the freedom which was once the Spaniard's birthright. Adventure, conquest, piety, wealth, were the ideals of those Spanish explorers, who, pushing northward from the West Indies and from the City of Mexico, first planted the Cross and the banner PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 3 of Spain in the swamps of Florida and in the arid plateaus of New Mexico. The conquistadors who threaded the unknown way through the American wilderness were armored knights upon armored horses; proud, stern, hardy, and courageous; men of punctilious honor, loyal to King and Mother Church, humble only before the symbols of their Faith; superstitious — believing in portents and omens no less than in the mysteries of the Church, for the magic of Moorish soothsayers and astrologers had colored the life of their ancestors for generations. Part pagan, however, the conquistador was no less a zealous warrior for Church and King. His face was as flint against all heretics. He went forth for the heathen's gold and the heathen's soul. If he succeeded, riches and honor were his. Hard- ship, peril, death, had no terrors for this soldier- knight. If he was pitiless towards others, so was he pitiless toward himself. He saw his mission enveloped with romantic glory. Such men were the conquistadors, who, after the capture of the Aztec capital in the summer of 1521, carried the Spanish banner northward. While Cortes was still wrestling with the Aztecs, Spanish expeditions were moving out from the West Indies — Espanola (Hay ti) , Cuba, Porto 4 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Rico, and Jamaica. These islands are well called the nursery of Spanish culture in the Western Hemisphere. By 1513 there were seventeen towns on Espanola alone, in which the life of Old Spain was reproduced in form, though reflecting the col- ors of savage environment. Mines were worked by enslaved natives; grain was sown and harvested; cotton and sugar-cane were cultivated. The slave trade in negroes and Indians flourished. Friars cared for the souls of the faithful. The harbor winds were winged with Spanish sails, homeward bound with rich cargoes, or set towards the coast of the mysterious continent which should one day disclose to the persistent mariner an open strait leading westward to Cathay. In the midst of the crudities of a frontier, hidalgo and oflScial of Es- panola lived joyously and with touches of Oriental magnificence. Gold! It lay in ghttering heaps upon their dicing-tables. It stung not only their imaginations but their palates — so we learn from the description of a banquet given by one of them, at which, to the music of players brought from Spain, the guests salted their savory meats with gold dust. Is it to be marveled at that men of such hardy diges- tions should have conquered a wilderness bravely and gayly.^ PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 5 Among these romantic exiles at Espafiola was Juan Ponce de Leon — John of the Lion's Paunch — who had come to the island with Columbus in 1493, as a member of the first permanent colony. In Ponce's veins flowed the bluest blood of Spain. His family could be traced back to the twelfth century. Rumors of gold drew Ponce to Porto Rico (1508) , which island he "pacified," after the very thorough Spanish manner, sharing the honors of valor with the famous dog, Bercerillo. This dog, according to the old historian, Herrera, "made wonderful hav- ock among these people, and knew which of them were in war and which in peace, like a man; for which reason the Indians were more afraid of ten Spaniards with the dog, than of one hundred with- out him, and therefore he had one share and a half of all that was taken allowed him, as was done to one that carried a crossbow, as well in gold as slaves and other things, which his master received. Very extraordinary things were reported of this dog."^ Ponce was made Governor of Porto Rico, but was almost immediately removed, as the appoint- ment had been made over the head of Don Diego Columbus, Governor of Espafiola. Thus dispos- sessed of office. Ponce sought fame, and wealth, and ^ Lowery, Spanish Settlements, p. 133. 6 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS perpetual youth, perhaps, in exploration. "It is true," writes Herrera, the royal chronicler, "that besides the principal aim of Juan Ponce de Leon in the expedition which he undertook, which was to discover new lands, . . . another was to seek the fountain of Bimini and a certain river of Florida. It was said and believed by the Indians of Cuba and Espanola that by bathing in the river or the fountain, old men became youths." What more was needed to fire the blood of an adventurer like Ponce, who already possessed influence and a for- tune.^ Nothing, as the event proved. By means of his friends he obtained a patent from King Charles (1512), later Emperor Charles V, authorizing him to seek and govern the island of Bimini, which rumor placed to the northwest. What Ponce hoped to accomplish in the enter- prise, and also the aims of his brother conquerors, can be gathered from his patent. If Ponce was an explorer and adventurer, he, like the others, hoped also to be a colonizer, a transplanter of Spanish people and of Spanish civilization. Whoever fails to understand this, fails to understand the patriotic aim of the Spanish pioneers in America. The Catholic monarchs were a thrifty pair, and they made the business of conquest pay for itself. The PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 7 successes of men like Columbus and Cortes played into their hands. Every expedition was regarded as a good gamble. The expenses of exploration therefore were charged to the adventurer, under promise of great rewards, in titles and profits from the enterprise, if any there might be. Under these circumstances the sovereigns lost little in any case, and they might win untold returns. And so with Ponce. By the terms of his grant he was empow- ered to equip a fleet, at his own expense, people Bimini with Spaniards, exploit its wealth, and, as adelantado, govern it in the name of the sovereign. In keeping with the method already in vogue in the West Indies, the natives were to be distributed among the discoverers and settlers, that they might be protected, christianized, civilized, and, sad to say, exploited. Though the intent of this last pro- vision in the royal patents of the day was benevo- lent, the practical result to the natives was usually disastrous. With a fleet of three vessels, on March 3, 1513, Ponce sailed from Porto Rico and anchored a month later on the coast of the northern mainland, near the mouth of the St. John's River. Here he landed, took formal possession of the "island,'* and named it La Florida, because of its verdant beauty 8 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS and because it was discovered in the Easter season. After sailing northward for a day, Ponce turned south again. Twice in landing on the coast he and his men were set upon by the natives. On Sunday, the 8th of May, he doubled Cape Canaveral, called by him the Cape of the Currents; and by the fif- teenth he was coasting along the Florida Keys. The strain of romance in these old explorers is well illustrated by the name which Ponce, seeker of the Fountain of Youth, gave to the Florida Keys. "The Martyrs," he called them, because the high rocks, at a distance, looked "like men who are suffering." Ponce sailed up the western shore of the penin- sula, perhaps as far north as Pensacola Bay, be- fore he again turned southward, still unaware that Florida was not an island. Anchored off the south- ern end of Florida, he allowed himself to fall into a snare set for him by natives. These natives told an interesting story. There was nearby, they said, a cacique named Carlos whose land fairly sprouted gold. While Ponce and his officers were drinking in the splendid tale, the Indians were massing canoes for an attack on the Spanish ships. Two battles followed before the painted warriors were driven off and the Spaniards sailed homeward PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 9 without either a sight of gold or a taste of the magic spring. But his voyage was not fruitless, for on the way back to Espanola Ponce made a val- uable find. He discovered the Bahama Channel, which later became the route for treasure ships re- turning to Spain from the West Indies. It was to protect this channel that Florida eventually had to be colonized. Ponce proceeded at once to Spain, where he "went about like a person of importance, because his qualities merited it." From the King he re- ceived another patent (1514) authorizing him to colonize not only "Bimini," which one of his ships was said to have discovered, but the "Island of Florida" as well. Just now, however, renewed com- plaints came in of terrible devastations wrought upon Spanish colonies by the Caribs of the Lesser Antilles. Ponce was put in command of a fleet to subdue these ferocious savages, and his plans for Florida were delayed seven years. Meanwhile other expeditions from the West In- dies found Florida to be part of the mainland. By 1519, indeed, the entire coast of the Gulf between Yucatan and Florida had been explored and charted, thus ending the Spanish hope of finding there a strait leading westward to India. Chief 10 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS among these explorers of the Gulf was the good pilot Pineda, agent of the governor of Jamaica. He mapped the coast of Amichel — as the Spaniards called the Texas coast — and was the one to dis- cover the mouth of that large river flowing into the Gulf which he named the Espiritu Santo, but which we know today as the Mississippi. This was twenty-two years before De Soto crossed the Fa- ther of Waters near Memphis. Amichel was a wondrous land, indeed, according to the reports dispatched to Spain by Pineda's master. It had gold in plenty and two distinct native races, giants and pygmies. At last Ponce returned to his task. On Febru- ary 10, 1521, at Porto Rico, he wrote to King Charles: "Among my services I discovered at my own cost and charge, the Island of Florida and others in its district . . . and now I return to that Island, if it please God's will, to settle it."^ According to Herrera, the rare old chronicler, it was emulation of the conqueror of Mexico that aroused Ponce to make this venture. For now "the name of Hernando Cortes was on everybody's lips and ^ Lowery, Spanish Settlements, p. 158, quoting Shea's transla* tion in Winsor, Narrative and Critical History of America, vol. ii, p. 234. PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ U his fame was great." In February, then, Ponce again set sail, with two ships, two hundred men, fifty horses, a number of other domestic animals, and farm implements to cultivate the soil. By the King's command, monks and priests accompanied him for missionary work among the natives. Ponce landed on the Florida coast, probably in the neighborhood of Charlotte Harbor, where, on his earlier voyage, the natives had regaled him with fables of the golden realm of Carlos, the cacique, and had attacked his ships. Since then slave-hunt- ing raids along their coast had filled these warlike, freedom-loving Florida natives with an intense ha- tred for Spanish invaders. Hardly had the colo- nists begun to build houses when the Indians set upon them with fury. The valiant Ponce, leading his men in a counter attack, received an Indian ar- row in his body. Some of his followers were killed. This disaster put an end to the enterprise. Ponce and his colonists departed and made port at Cuba, having lost a ship on the way. A few days later Ponce died from his wounds, leaving unsolved the mystery of the Fountain of Youth. Over his grave in Porto Rico, where his body was sent for burial, his epitaph was thus inscribed: 12 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Here rest the bones of a Lion, Mightier in deeds than in name. * So perished the discoverer and first foreign ruler of Florida, as many another standard-bearer of the white race on this soil was to perish, from the dart of the irreconcilable Indian. The conquest of the Aztecs, living in permanent towns, proved comparatively easy for Cortes, with his superior means of waging war; but the subjection of the northern tribes, who had no fixed abodes, who wan- dered over hundreds of miles in hunting and war, was another task. Europeans began the conquest of America by seizing the Indians and selling them into slavery. It is an oft-repeated boast that tyranny has never thrived on American soil, but it is sel- dom remembered that the first battles for freedom in this land were fought by the red natives. Meanwhile a new star arose to beckon explorers northward. A new region had been discovered far up the eastern coast by adventurers who were spy- ing about Florida while Ponce was absent at the Carib wars. Chief of these interlopers was Lucas »" Mole sub hac fortis Requiescunt ossa Leonis Qui Vicit factis Nomina magna suis." Lowery, Spanish Settlements, p. 160. PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 13 Vasquez de Ayllon, an oidor, or superior judge, of Espanola, who took into his service one Francisco Gordillo and sent him out to explore. Gordillo met in the Bahamas a slave hunter named Quexos, and the two joined company. Thus it happened that in June, 1521, about the time that Ponce was driven from Florida, these two adventurers landed in a region, called Chicora by the natives, which seems to have been near the Cape Fear River on the Carolina coast. After taking formal possession of the country, they coaxed one hundred and fifty of their red-skinned hosts on board and sailed away to sell them in Santo Domingo. This time a rude shock awaited the slave hunters. When they reached the capital they were ordered by Governor Diego Columbus to set the Indians free and return them to their native land. Don Diego deserves remembrance as a liberator. Among the captives, however, there was one whom the Spaniards detained. They baptized him Francisco Chicorana, and Ayllon took him as his personal servant. Francisco was a choice wag. Doubtless because he desired to be taken home, he employed his time and talents in regaling his cap- tors with romances of Chicora. He was taken by Ayllon to Spain, where two famous historians. 14 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Peter Martyr and Oviedo, got from him at first hand and preserved for us these earhest tales of Carolina. According to Francisco the natives of Chicora were white, with brown hair hanging to their heels. In the country there were pearls and other precious stones. There were domesticated deer, which lived in the houses of the natives and generously fur- nished them milk and cheese. The people were gov- erned by a giant king called Datha, whose enor- mous size was not natural but had been produced by softening and stretching his bones in childhood. He told, too, of a race of men with inflexible tails, *'like the tailed Englishmen of Kent," says a Spanish humorist. " This tail was not movable like those of quadrupeds, but formed one mass, as is the case with fish and crocodiles, and was as hard as bone. When these men wished to sit down, they had consequently to have a seat with an open bot- tom; and if there were none, they had to dig a hole more than a cubit deep to hold their tails and allow them to rest." If any one be disposed to doubt these stories let him ponder well what Peter Mar- tyr says : " Each may accept or reject my account as he chooses. Envy is a plague natural to the human race, always seeking to depreciate and to PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 15 search for weeds in another's garden. . . . This pest afflicts the foolish, or persons devoid of liter- ary culture, who live useless lives like cumberers of the earth." ^ Encouraged by these yarns, in 1523 Ayllon ob- tained from Charles V the desired patent to Chi- cora, the land of the Giant King. As in the case of Bimini, the project was a gamble, and, like Ponce, Ayllon put up the money. Chicora was not the sole objective. Ayllon was to continue his explorations north for eight hundred leagues, or until he found the strait leading westward to Asia, which, if found, must be explored. Of the lands discovered he was to be adelantado, or governor. He was to have for himself in full ownership an estate fifteen leagues square — a round million acres. He was to take with him, at the royal expense, friars to convert the Indians, and, in view of the sad results in the islands, Indians were not to be parceled out or forced to work. Experience was having its effect on the royal policy. Three years passed before Ayllon was ready to take possession of his domain, but in the interval further explorations along the coast were made by his pilot Quexos, who brought back glowing » De Orbe Novo (ed. by F. A. MacNutt), vol. ii, pp. 258-59. 16 THE SPANISH BORPERLANDS reports of gold, silver, and pearls. And at the same time Esteban Gomez, a pilot who had been with Magellan — and had deserted him — came out from Spain, looking for the northern strait, and sailed the American coast between Nova Scotia and Florida. Thus, by the year 1525, Spanish naviga- tors had explored the entire shore line from Cape Breton to Cape Horn. At length, in July, 1526, Ayllon sailed from Espanola with six vessels carrying five hundred men and women from the islands, some black slaves, eighty-nine horses, and other equipment for the colony. It was a force larger than that with which Cortes had invaded Mexico. There were also three Dominican friars; for, wrote the King, "Our principal intent in the discovery of new lands is that the inhabitants and natives thereof, who are without the light or knowledge of the faith, may be brought to understand the truths of our Holy Catholic Faith, that they may come to a knowledge thereof and be- come Christians and be saved, and this is the chief motive that you are to bear and hold in this affair."^ ^ Lowery, Spanish Settlements, p. 162. From Shea's transla- tion in The Catholic Church in Colonial Days, p. 105. PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 17 Ayllon anchored his ships at the mouth of a river, probably the Cape Fear, which, with romantic op- timism, he named the Jordan. In making port he lost one of his ships with its cargo, and this led to the construction on the spot of an open boat with one mast, to be propelled by both oars and sail. Here we have the first shipbuilding of record in the United States. From this place exploring parties went out by sea and others pushed a short way in- land. A misfortune now befell Ayllon. His inter- preter, the romancer, Francisco Chicorana, seized the opportunity so long waited for and deserted to his people. Ayllon was thus unable to talk to the Chicorans and convince them of his friendly intent. This region, however, about a dangerous harbor, looked uninviting, and no more was needed than the news of a pleasanter land, brought by returning explorers, to start Ayllon and his colonists south- ward. Down the coast they all went to the mouth of the Pedee River — the Gualdape, Ayllon called it — and there began the settlement of San Miguel de Gualdape. But the settlement came quickly to grief. The blasts of an exceptionally cold winter struck down many of the colonists. Provisions gave out. The settlers were too weakened by exposure and disease 18 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS to catch the fish which abounded in the river. Ayllon himself sank under the hardship and priva- tion; and, on St. Luke's Day, October 18, 1526, he died. Quarrels ensued among the survivors. Muti- neers under an ambitious ofiicer imprisoned the lieu- tenant who succeeded Ayllon in command; and, in turn, negro slaves rose and fired the house of the usurper. Indians, encouraged by the domestic im- broglio, made attacks and killed some of the Span- iards. It was now resolved to abandon the colony and return to Santo Domingo. About a hundred and fifty enfeebled and destitute men and women set sail in midwinter, towing after them the body of their dead commander in the one-masted craft they had built. As they made their slow way home- ward, seven men were frozen to death on board one of the ships. The icy winds and sea, which lashed the small vessels about and took the lives of these emaciated sailors, took also their toll of the dead. The boat bearing Ayllon's body was swept away; and, weighted full with water, it sank, says Oviedo the historian, in "the sepulchre of the ocean-sea where have been and shall be put other captains and governors." Florida and Chicora: these were still but names, but names now heightened in romance by the PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 19 tragic deaths of Ponce and Ayllon and by new- tales heard in the wilderness. The Northern Mystery was still unsolved, and it was not long before another attempt was made to settle Florida. The enterprise was undertaken this time by Panfilo de Narvaez, the same Narvaez who in 1520 had been sent to Vera Cruz to arrest dis- obedient Cortes, and had lost an eye and sufiPered captivity for his pains.' Narvaez was a native of Valladolid, of good blood and gentle breeding. He had taken part in the conquest of Cuba. He is de- scribed as a tall man of proud mien, with a fair com- plexion, a red beard, and — since the encounter with Cortes — one eagle eye. His manner was diplomatic and gracious and his voice resonant, *'as if it came from a cave." ^ He had acquired wealth in the New World (and a reputation for keeping his money) as well as sound fame as a soldier, for he was said to be "brave against Indians and probably would have been against any people, had ever occasion offered for fighting them."'' In June, 1527, Narvaez sailed from Spain with six hundred colonists and a number of Franciscan ^ See The Spanish Conquerors, in this Series. ' Lowery, Spanish Settlements, p. 174. Both quotations from Bernal Diaz, repeated by Lowery. 20 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS friars. Among his officers was Alvar Nunez Ca- beza de Vaca, of whom more anon. Narvaez's patent gave him the country from the Rio de las Palmas to the Cape of Florida, and thus made him heir to part of the land — as well as to the misfor- tunes — of Ponce de Leon. His misfortunes began in the West Indies. At Santo Domingo a fourth of his colonists deserted; and two ships which he had sent to Trinidad, with Cabeza de Vaca, were wrecked in a hurricane. The fears thus spread amongst his company forced him to remain at an- chor until the passing of winter. The spring of 1528 saw his expedition, its personnel now reduced to about four hundred, on the way. Strong winds from the south drove his ships to the Florida coast and on Good Friday he landed at Tampa Bay. There he found a village, from which the natives had fled at sight of his sails. And in one of the deserted houses he saw a faint glint of the hope which kindled the heart of every explorer — a small golden ornament dropped in the flight. Before this tenantless village Narvaez unfurled the royal standard and recited a proclamation pre- pared by learned jurists of Spain wherewith to ac- quaint the Indians of the King's lands with their new estate. But the natives ignored its benign PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 21 provisions and plain warnings. They returned next day and "made signs and menaces, and appeared to say we must go away from the country." Nar- vaez, however, having come as the servant of the Crown and to fill his own coffers, was in no mind to retreat. Somewhere in that wilderness there must be gold. What was that yellow-gleaming ornament he had found .^^ Indeed, there was a land to the north, named Appalachen, teeming with gold; so the natives said. He decided to send the fleet up the coast, to find a good harbor and there await him. He and his oflBcers with their wives, the friars, and the colonists, would press inland to seek Appalachen. In this decision Narvaez ignored the advice of Vaca, who said that they and their ships would never meet again, and the warnings of one of the women. This woman had foretold in Spain many of the circumstances of the voyage and now declared that horrible disaster would befall the in- land explorers ; for so had a Moorish soothsayer in Castile prognosticated. This sibyl and the other wives insisted on going with the ships. The voyage having begun, they immediately took to them- selves new husbands, knowing, by the Moor's prophecy, that never more should they salute their lawful spouses. 22 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Narvaez's company, now reft of its women, com- prised three hundred men, including five priests and forty officers and soldiers in armor, mounted upon armored horses. Led by the standard-bearer, this shining host plunged into the Florida wilds. Crossing the Withlacoochee and Suwanee Rivers, they passed from a fairly open country into dense forests. Their food gave out and they nourished themselves and their horses as best they could on the shoots of young palm. Men and horses were exhausted from hunger and fatigue and galled from the heavy armor, when at last on St. John's Day (June 24, 1528), they reached Appalachen, near the present Tallahassee in northern Florida. But golden Appalachen proved to be only a town of forty clay huts, occupied then by women and children; for the men were away on the warpath. The Spaniards took possession of the town and fed on maize for twenty -five days, obliged occasionally to do battle against the returning warriors. Ex- cursions into the surrounding country, attended by skirmishes, convinced Narvaez that there was no great and rich city there which might answer to the false description given him of Appalachen. "Thenceforth were great lakes, dense mountains, immense deserts and solitudes." So Narvaez and PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 23 his company turned south again and westward in the hope of finding their ships. After nine days' difficult march they came upon Ante, another de- serted Indian village, where again they found food. They reached the sea at last at Appalachee Bay. But there was no sign of the ships. The ships, in fact, had sailed away to Cuba. Yet the sea was their only hope; so they determined to slay their horses for food and to build a fleet of horsehide boats in which to escape to Panuco (Mexico) which was thought to be close by. Little did they dream that it was over a thousand miles away. There was only one carpenter in the company. They had, says Vaca, "no tools, nor iron, nor forge, nor tow, nor resin, nor rigging." But necessity is the mother of invention, and Robinson Crusoe could scarcely have done better himself. Bellows were contrived from wooden tubes and deerskin. Nails, saws, and axes were made of the iron from the stirrups, crossbows, and spurs. Palmettos were used in place of tow. From the pitch of the pines a Greek made resin for calking, and the boats were covered with horsehide. Ropes and rigging were made from palmetto fiber and horse- hair, sails from the shirts of the men, and oars from young savins. While the boats were building four 24 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS journeys were made to Aute for maize, and every third day a horse was killed for food. The skins of the horses' legs were removed entire, tanned, and used for water bottles. In the course of this work ten men were slain by Indians, and forty others died from disease and hunger. At last five boats were completed, each twenty-one cubits long. By the 22d of September the last horse was eaten, and on that day two hundred and forty-two men set sail in those ^ve frail craft of horsehide, not one among them knowing how to handle a boat. In memory of the diet of horseflesh they named the harbor where they embarked the Bay of Horses. Rowing along the coast, occasionally passing a village of fishermen — "a poor miserable lot," says Vaca — at the end of thirty days they were de- tained at an island by a storm. Next day they had a battle with some Indians near a large inlet, per- haps Pensacoia Bay. Three or four days farther west a Greek and a negro went ashore for food and fresh water and never returned.^ Farther along the coast they came to the mouth of a large river, no doubt the Mississippi. The combined strength of its current and of a storm which now arose was ' Eleven years later De Soto found the Greek's dagger in the possession of Indians near Mobile Bay. PONCE DE LEON, AYLLON, NARVAEZ 25 so great that the flotilla was driven far out to sea, and the boats became separated and were never again all together. It is known, however, from Vaca's narrative that they again drew in to the shore. Three of them, Vaca's boat and two oth- ers, were wrecked, on the 6th of November, on an island — Galveston Island, or one near it, by Vaca named Malhado, or Misfortune. Another boat, carrying the commissary and the friars, was wrecked on the mainland farther west. One of the five boats yet remained afloat, the commander's own. Narvaez bore on westward, hugging the coast. One day he descried on land some of the castaways of the fourth boat which had been wrecked, making their way painfully on foot. He landed some of his own crew to lighten his boat and proceeded by water, while the destitute band with the friars marched slowly along the shore. At evening he hove to, after ferrying the pedestrians across a bay that cut off their route, and landed the rest of his people. Dropping a stone for anchor, Narvaez then prepared to spend the night in his boat with his page, who was dangerously ill. But a wild wind came down with the dark and swept his frail craft out upon the deep. And Narvaez followed Ayllon to "sepulchre in the ocean-sea." CHAPTER II CABEZA DE VACA Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, now a castaway on "Malhado" Island, on the wild coast of Texas, was a noble of old lineage. He had relinquished high official position in Spain to join Narvaez in his adventure. Of the disaster and its remarkable sequel Vaca wrote a circumstantial account which enables us to get his story at first hand. On the island Vaca took command of his comrades in ad- versity. His first need was to learn if the country was inhabited. So he ordered Lope de Oviedo, who had "more strength and was stouter than any of the rest," to climb a tree to spy out the land. Ovi- edo discovered Indians and brought them to where the Spaniards lay shivering and exhausted on the beach, some of them too frail to crawl among the "2 rocks for shelter from the biting winds. The casta- ways must have looked forlorn, indeed; for Vaca, who had a nice literary touch, says that their CABEZA DE VACA 27 bodies had "become the perfect figures of death"; and that the Indians "at sight of what had befallen us, and our state of suffering and melancholy desti- tution . . . began to lament so earnestly that they might have been heard at a distance and continued so doing more than half an hour." Even in his weakness and misery, for Vaca was in a worse con- dition than many of his companions, his imagina- tion was caught by the strange scene those savages "wild and untaught" presented as they sat among the white men "howling like brutes over our misfortunes." Vaca besought the Indians to take the Spaniards to their dwellings. Thirty savages loaded themselves with driftwood and immediate- ly set off at a run for their camp some distance away. The other Indians, holding up the emaci- ated white men so that their feet barely touched the ground, followed in short swift marches, paus- ing occasionally to warm the Spaniards at great fires built by the thirty wood carriers at intervals along the trail. In the village they lodged their guests in huts where they had also built fires, fed them with roasted fish and roots, and sang and danced and wept about them until far into the night. In the morning they brought more cooked fish and in all ways showed much hospitality. 28 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS The very next day, much to his deHght, Vaca learned that other white men were on the same island. A messenger being sent out, soon Vaca was joined at the village by some of his former com- panions, Dorantes, Castillo, and their men, who had been wrecked on the island the day before Vaca landed there. Three of the castaways, numbering at this time about eighty, had been drowned in an ineffectual attempt to recover one of the horsehide boats. Terrible as the sea had been to them, they would have dared its storms once more in the des- perate hope of coming at last somewhere into a Spanish harbor. As December waned, bitter cold and heavy storms descended on this coast, stopped the fish supply, and prevented the Indians from digging for the edible roots which grew under water. Starva- tion and exposure thinned the ranks of the Span- iards. The survivors, to the horror of the Indians, ate the flesh of their own dead. When spring came, Vaca had with him but fifteen men. A new danger now assailed them. Disease at- tacked the Indians and destroyed half their num- ber. In their panic the natives accused the Span- iards of having brought the plague upon them by occult means; and they were only prevented from CABEZA DE VACA 29 slaying them by the chief who had taken Vaca in charge. If, argued this worthy, the white men could bring the disease upon the Indians, they could also surely have prevented their own people from dying. And "God our Lord willed that the others should heed this opinion and counsel, and be hindered in their design." So the Indians did not kill the Spaniards. But the notion that their mys- terious refugees possessed supernatural powers was too pleasant to be given up. Now let those powers be used to cure sick Indians and banish the plague. As Vaca puts it, with his occasional sly touch of hu- mor, "they wished to make us physicians, without examination or inquiring for diplomas." In vain he tried to laugh the savages out of their conviction. They replied that when stones and "other matters growing about the fields have virtue" then cer- tainly "extraordinary men" must be more highly endowed. And if those extraordinary men would not heal, neither should they eat. This was cogent reasoning. After hungering for several days Vaca took the first step towards the remarkable career he was to follow later on as a Medicine Man. He had observed the Indian witch-doctors blowing upon their patients and passing their hands over them, frequently with successful results. And, devoutly 30 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS religious as he was, he knew that in his homeland the "prayer of faith" uttered by humble petition- ers before the wayside shrines frequently wrought the recovery of the sick. Therefore, he seems to have reasoned, a blend of Indian and Christian faiths should be efficacious here. He says: Our method was to bless the sick, breathing upon them and recite a Pater-noster and an Ave Maria, praying with all earnestness to God our Lord that he would give health and influence them to make us some good return. In His clemency He willed that all those for whom we supplicated should tell the others that they were sound and in health, directly after we made the sign of the blessed cross over them. For this the In- dians treated us kindly; they deprived themselves of food that they might give to us, and presented us with skins and some trifles. Scarcity of food continued so that sometimes In- dians and white men went without eating for sev- eral days at a time. Presently an Indian guide, who had been bribed by a marten skin, departed westward along the mainland coast, taking with him all the Spaniards but three, Vaca, Oviedo, and Alaniz, who were too frail for travel. In the sum- mer Vaca went with the Indians to the mainland foraging for food. The life he led was "insupport- able," being practically that of a slave. One of his CABEZA DE VACA 31 duties was to dig out the edible roots from below the water and from among the cane. His fingers were so worn from this labor that "did a straw but touch them they would bleed"; and the sharp spikes of broken cane tore his naked flesh. For nearly six years Vaca lived a slave among these Indians. He had long intended to escape and to set off westward "in quest of Christians"; for, somewhere towards the sunset, lay Panuco, and, given bodily strength, a brave heart, and faith in God, a man might hope to reach it. But Vaca would not leave his two companions. Then Alaniz died; and Oviedo, however much "stouter" than the other Spaniards in the matter of climbing trees, was not of stout courage. He feared to be left behind and he would not go. Every winter Vaca returned to the island and entreated him to pluck up heart; and every spring Oviedo put him off, but promised that next year he would set out. Vaca did not let time pass unimproved. To get rid of root-digging and sore fingers, he decided to enter the domain of commerce. He could begin with good prospects because the Indians of the mainland had already heard flattering reports of his skill as a Medicine Man. And perhaps he ex- pected to fit himself for the journey down the coast 32 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS by acquiring a number of Indian dialects, by be- coming a connoisseur of Indian staples and trin- kets, and by learning from western tribes on their summer buffalo hunts in Texas some details of the country through which he must pass on his pro- jected journey to Panuco. Ordinary perils and hardships had lost their terrors for Vaca. Roving naked and barefooted like the tribesmen, his body had become inured to fatigues and to wind and weather; periods of famine had also prepared this erstwhile son of magnificence and luxury to cope with the barren wilderness when the day of escape he had waited for should come at last. He had learned to make the Indians' weapons and to use them in hunting, though, as he admits, he never developed the Indian's subtlety in trailing. He was so satisfactory as a servant, indeed, that his masters were content to have him do their trading for them ; and they let him come and go at will. Of his career as a merchant in Texas, Vaca gives a lengthy account, interesting because it is the first record of trade in this now great commercial land. I set to traflficking, and strove to make my employ- ment profitable in the ways I could best contrive, and by that means I got food and good treatment. The In- dians would beg me to go from one quarter to another CABEZA DE VACA 33 for things of which they have need; for in conse- quence of incessant hostihties, they cannot traverse the country, nor make many exchanges. With my merchandise and trade I went into the interior as far as I pleased, and travelled along the coast forty or fifty leagues. The principal wares were cones and other pieces of sea-snail, conchs used for cutting, and fruit like a bean of the highest value among them, which they use as a medicine and employ in their dances and festivities. . . . Such were what I carried into the interior; and in barter I got and brought back skins, ochre with which they rub and color the face, hard canes of which to make arrows, sinews, cement and flint for the heads, and tassels of the hair of deer that by dyeing they make red. This occupation suited me well; for the travel allowed me liberty to go where I wished, I was not obliged to work, and was not a slave. Evidently he made an enviable name for himself among the savages as a merchant of their primitive commerce for, wherever he went, he received fair treatment and generous hospitality "out of regard to my commodities" ; and those Indians with whom he had not traded, hearing of him, "sought and desired the acquaintance for my reputation." He traveled far afield in pursuit of his "leading object while journeying in this business," which was to find the best way to go forward. "The hardships that I underwent in this were long to tell, as well of peril and privation as of storms and cold," he 34 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS writes: "Oftentimes they overtook me alone and in the wilderness; but I came forth from them all by the great mercy of God our Lord." Three times Vaca saw "cattle" and tasted their meat. And he has contributed to historical narra- tive the first description of the American buffalo: I think they are about the size of those in Spain. They have small horns like the cows of Morocco; the hair is very long and flocky like the merinos. Some are tawny, others black. To my judgment the flesh is finer and fatter than that of this country [Spain]. Of the skins of those not full grown the Indians make blankets, and of the larger they make shoes [mocca- sins] and bucklers. They come as far as the sea- coast of Florida, from a northerly direction, ranging through a tract of more than four hundred leagues; and throughout the whole region over which they run, the people who inhabit near, descend and live upon them, distributing a vast many hides into the interior country. From these travels Vaca returned each year to the island to see how Oviedo fared and to urge him again to dare the wilderness with him. History gives us few instances of greater loyalty than Vaca's. It was not in him to deal with comrades as Narvaez had dealt with his followers after leav- ing the Bay of Horses, saying that "each should do CABEZA DE VACA 35 what lie thought best to save his own Hfe; that he so intended to act." At last Vaca overcame Ovi- edo's timidity and the two men set forth. Perhaps Vaca swam to the mainland with Oviedo on his back, or towed him over on a piece of driftwood; for he says, "I got him off, crossing him over the bay, and over four rivers in the coast, as he could not swim." The two men were naked, armed only with bows and arrows and conch-shell knives, and Vaca carried his trader's pack of shell trinkets. After crossing the fourth river they went to the sea at Matagorda Bay, where they met with a tribe whom Vaca calls the Quevenes. These Indians told him that they had seen men like himself in the custody of another tribe farther down the coast. Vaca knew that the men must be his old compan- ions, who had left the island four years previously; and he resolved at once to seek them and with them to escape. But this new peril in prospect, added to the rough manner of the Quevenes, was too much for the timid soul of Oviedo. And, deaf to all Vaca's imploring, he turned back toward the island — and out of history — leaving the man who had stood by him so faithfully to pursue his dangerous way alone. Who knows but that some giant Karankawa chief, of those who in the 36 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS nineteenth century pestered Austin's colonists in Texas, was a descendant of this Oviedo? The Quevenes intended to hold Vaca as a slave; but he slipped away and stole out along the river bank — the Colorado, it seems — where, as he had heard, the Indians who had white men with them were gathering pecans for their winter's food store. Here he found Dorantes and Castillo and a Chris- tianized Moor named Estevanico. These three were all that now remained of the twelve who had left the island; some had been lost in the wilds, others drowned in an attempted escape, and ^ve the Indians had killed "for their diversions." Says the devout Vaca: "We gave many thanks at see- ing ourselves together, and this was a day to us of the greatest pleasure we had enjoyed in life. ... Thus the Almighty had been pleased to preserve me . . . that I might lead them over the bays and rivers that obstructed our progress." Dorantes told Vaca the melancholy history of Narvaez's end. He had heard it from a captive in another tribe who was presumably the sole sur- vivor; and he had learned later that this survivor had been slain because a native woman had dreamed he was about to kill her son. Of those three hundred adventurers who had landed with CABEZA DE VACA 37 Narvaez on the west coast of Florida, some the sea had swallowed up, others had fallen prey to bitter weather, disease, cannibalism, Indian "diversion," and superstition; and now but three Spaniards and the Moor Estevanico were left alive, and these were naked, destitute, the slaves of a fierce and savage tribe. Vaca, on his appearance among the two tribes at the pecan gathering, had been seized as a slave by the cross-eyed master of Dorantes. This was a contingency he had been prepared to face. It was in the knowledge that the effort to es- cape might mean enslavement, or even death, that Oviedo had turned back — and Vaca gone on. Secretly the captives laid plans for their escape, which they would postpone, however, until the summer, when their masters would go westward to gather prickly pears. Then "people would arrive from parts farther on, bringing bows to barter and for exchange, with whom, after making our escape, we should be able to go on their return." Summer came. On the prickly pear plains, somewhere west of the Colorado, the captives had made all ready for escape when their plan was balked by an Indian quarrel. One of the factions departed at once, taking Castillo with them. So the Spaniards were again separated; and again 38 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Vaca postponed his j ourney for another year. Next summer the Indians would return to the prickly pear plains and, if Castillo were still alive, then he should find that his comrades had not abandoned him. That Vaca himself and the two with him might be done away with for Indian "diversion," or by the blasts and want of another winter, was also a probability. But Vaca seems to have brooded little over his own dangers. His actions prove his words that he ever had trust that God would lead him "out from that captivity, and thus I always spoke of it to my companions." Another year was passed in slavery, during which time Vaca led a pitifully hard life. Three times he ran away, so badly was he used, but each time he was pursued and taken back. In Septem- ber of the following year — it was now 1534 — a third time the Spaniards met on the prickly pear plains. Escaping at last they fled west to the Ava- vares, whom Vaca had met farther east when a trader. At this village there was a sick native in one of the tents, and his tribesmen demanded that Vaca cure him. He restored the patient to health and was rewarded with a supply of meat and fruit. As the Indians told him that the country to the westward was cold and predicted from certain CABEZA DE VACA 39 natural signs a severe winter, he counseled patience once more. For eight months the white men continued with the Avavares, and the fame of the new Medicine Man was on every tongue. His companions were also called to the sick bed, since they might be sup- posed to partake of his talents. But it seems that neither Castillo nor Dorantes relished the role of physician. Castillo, indeed, went about his new occupation with shaking knees. He much doubted the approval of high heaven and feared, moreover, that his sins would weigh against his healing efforts. Vaca's sturdy soul knew no misgivings. He did not believe that he was dowered with mystic powers; yet he saw the sick rise up after he had blown upon them in the native fashion and made the sign of the cross over them in Christian manner. This was, to him, proof positive that God willed the preser- vation of himself and his friends and blessed his efforts accordingly. When summer came (1535) the four Spaniards, turning southward, passed on to the Arbadaos. These Indians evidently lived in the great sand belt between the Nueces and the Rio Grande. They were kind, but food was scarce in their desert land, and while with them the Spaniards suffered 40 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS more than ever the pangs of hunger. * * In the course of a whole day we did not eat more than two handfuls of fruit, which was green and contained so much milky juice that our mouths were burnt by it." In their straits they were helped out by the purchase of two dogs, for which Vaca gave the skins which covered his nakedness. He made combs, bows and arrows, nets, and the mats which formed the walls of the savages' temporary dwell- ings, and traded these for whatever increase of food he could get and occasionally for skins. Sometimes he was set to scraping and softening hides, and he says that the days of his ** greatest prosperity" were those when he was given skins to dress, for "I would scrape them a very great deal and eat the scraps, which would sustain me for two or three days." Sometimes a piece of meat was thrown to the fugitives and they ate it raw; for, if they had put it to roast, the first native happening along would have snatched it and devoured it. Vaca re- marks slyly that "it appeared to us not well to expose it to this risk." Having consumed the dogs, the Spaniards con- tinued their journey southward, and soon crossed a river which appeared to them to be as wide as the Guadalquivir at Seville. It was the Rio Grande. CABEZA DE VACA 41 By this time the Miracle Man's fame had spread from tribe to tribe along his route. And his prog- ress now became a triumphal march, with flocks of feathered Indians — sometimes to the number of four thousand — following in his train. His red- skinned disciples greatly impeded his travel, for they all wished to touch him and his friends or some part of their clothing; and not a man of the thousands of them would eat a morsel of food until one of the Spaniards had blessed it. At the same time they hunted and dug for food along the march, killing hares, deer, opossums, gathering fruit, roots, and nuts. They never presumed to eat until they had fed their physician; nor to rest until they had erected houses for him and his three friends. Their women wove mats and blankets for the white men and made their moccasins. The natives from one village would go as far as the next; there they would proclaim to the astonished inhabitants Va- ca's wondrous works, and, at the same time, plun- der the village of everything worth taking. Vaca was grieved at this wholesale robbery but dared not attempt to check it. " In consolation," he says, "the plunderers told them that we were children of the sun and that we had power to heal the sick and to destroy; and other lies even greater than these. 42 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS which none know how to tell better than they when they find it convenient. They bade them conduct us with great respect, advised that they should be careful to offend us in nothing, give us all they might possess, and endeavor to take us where people were numerous; and that wheresoever they arrive with us, they should rob and pillage the peo- ple of what they have, since this was customary." The coast Indians had been hostile, but these were friendly, so the direct route to Panuco was abandoned. Turning westward now through Coa- huila, and then northward, Vaca recrossed the Rio Grande west of the Pecos, struck it again at the mouth of the Conchos, and followed it to the vicin- ity of El Paso. And over all these leagues of wilder- ness the hordes of Indians continued with him. In one town Vaca performed a surgical operation with a conch-shell knife, cutting a flint arrowhead from a man's shoulder. The patient recovered; and the arrowhead was carried like a saint's relic, through- out the land, that men might marvel. From the region of El Paso, Vaca and his friends pressed westward over the arid plains of Chihuahua and crossed the Sierra Madre Mountains after many days of hard going. "The Indians," says Vaca, "ever accompanied us until they delivered us to CABEZA DE VACA 4S others; and all held full faith in our coming from heaven. . . . Thus we . . . traversed all the country until coming out at the South Sea.'* At a town on the Rio Yaqui the Spaniards were presented with over six hundred "hearts of deer," and five arrows tipped with "emeralds" — prob- ably malachite. This Town of the Hearts, as Vaca named it, was in the region of Sahuaripa, Sonora. Descending the Yaqui River, which empties into the Gulf of California, Vaca came upon Spaniards on a slave-hunting foray on the frontier of New Galicia. The surprise occasioned by the apparition there of these four haggard, battered, bearded, skin-clothed, paint-bedaubed Europeans can be better imagined than described. Glad indeed were the poor wanderers to see once again men of their own race, and they "gave many thanks to God our Lord." But Vaca's feeling was not one of unmixed joy, for on every side he saw the devastation the Span- iards had wrought among the natives ; half the men and all the women and boys, he says, had been car- ried away as slaves. The six hundred natives who had accompanied Vaca down the Yaqui offered a rich and easy prize to these slave hunters; and Vaca's urgent protests resulted only in deceitful 44 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS promises. He says, "We set about to preserve the liberty of the Indians and thought we had se- cured it, but the contrary appeared; for the Chris- tians had arranged to go and spring upon those we had sent away in peace and confidence. They executed their plans as they had designed.*' Vaca and his comrades went on southward, through Culiacan to Compostela, then the princi- pal town of New Galicia. Here they were hospit- ably received by Nufio de Guzman, the Governor, who gave them beds, and some of his own ward- robe to screen their nakedness. But after eight years of Indian life the wanderers found that they could not wear clothes with comfort, "nor could we sleep anywhere else but on the ground." Vaca reached the City of Mexico on July 24, 1536; thence he went to Santo Domingo, and from there to Spain. In all places his story bore fruit. In Spain he was disappointed in his ambition for the governorship of Florida. One wonders why he should have wanted it! That office had already been taken by Hernando de Soto. Vaca was in- vited to accompany De Soto, but his experience with Narvaez had made him unwilling to take part in an expedition not commanded by himself. After three years of hopes and disappointments, Vaca CABEZA DE VACA 45 was made adelantado of Rio de la Plata, in South America. In this venture he expended all his means. In the South American wilds he made marches almost as heroic as his journey from Texas to Sonora. But his humane treatment of the na- tives won for him the hostility of his turbulent com- patriots. He was seized, on trumped-up charges, and sent in chains to Spain. There he lay in prison for six years. He was then condemned by the Council of the Indies, stripped of his honors and titles, and sentenced to exile in Africa. Meanwhile he had become the subject of a learned controversy among clerical pamphleteers as to the propriety of a layman's performing miracles. His end is not known, though he is said to have been living in Spain twenty years later. Of his companions only the black Estevanico played a conspicuous part in later history in America. We shall hear anon how Estevanico became a permanent figure in Indian tradition. CHAPTER III HERNANDO DE SOTO Hernando de Soto was about thirty-six years of age when he was appointed adelantado of Florida. He was "a gentleman by all four descents," and had recently been created by the Emperor a knight of the order of Santiago. He had already led a career of adventure not often equaled. He had served under Pedrarias in Nicaragua, and, by his marriage to Pedrarias's daughter. Dona Isabel, had become brother-in-law to Balboa, discoverer of the Pacific. Later, in following the fortunes of Pizarro in Peru, he had "distinguished himself over all the captains and principal personages present, not only at the seizure of Atabalipa [Atahualpa, the Inca], lord of Peru, and in carrying the City of Cuzco, but at all other places wheresoever he went and found resistance." Thus does the Gentleman of Elvas, comrade of Don Hernando and narrator of his ex- ploits, pen his biography in a line. A man of blood 46 HERNANDO DE SOTO 47 and iron, wherever he "found resistance" there Her- nando de Soto was roused to action. He brooked neither opposition from foes nor interference from friends; and, for him, no peril, no hardship, could surpass in bitterness the defeat of his will. His nature was to be read plainly in his swarthy, strongly lined face and burning black eyes, and in the proud carriage of his head ; so that, though he was hardly more than of medium stature, men re- marked him and gave him room. He had an agree- able smile at rare moments; he was renowned for courage, and his skill as a horseman was noted among those lovers of horses, the Spanish no- bles. He was able to set up a fine establishment and to lend money to the Emperor Charles V, from whom he was seeking high office. And so the Emperor made him Governor of Cuba and adelan- tado of Florida. Narvaez had pictured in Florida another Mexico. De Soto hoped to find there another Peru. The news of De Soto's expedition took his countrymen by storm. When Vaca, fresh from his wanderings, appeared at court and told his great tale, the enthusiasm increased. Rich nobles sold their estates, their houses, vineyards, and olive-fields, their plate and jewels, their towns of 48 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS vassals, to participate in the venture. There as- sembled in Seville so many "persons of noble ex- traction" that a large number of those who had sold all they had were forced to remain behind for want of shipping. De Soto mustered his volunteers for review at the port of Sanlucar. Here he scanned them carefully and picked out his men, who were then counted and enlisted. They num- bered six hundred. And, considering the small size of the ships of that day, they and their suppHes must have been tightly packed in the nine vessels that bore them from Spain. On Sunday morning of the day of St. Lazarus, April, 1538, Hernando de Soto in a "new ship fast of sail" led his fleet over the bar of Sanlucar, "with great festivity." From every vessel artillery roared at his command, and trumpets sounded. Favorable winds urged his vessels on; his adored Dona Isabel was beside him, adventure and fame were before him. On Pentecost Day the ships were moored in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. All the horsemen and footmen of the town surged down to the landing; and Don Hernando and Dona Isabel, followed by their train of six hundred, rode into the city, where they were "well lodged, attentively visited, and HERNANDO DE SOTO 49 served by all the citizens." From Santiago Don Hernando sent Dona Isabel and the ships to Ha- vana, his port of embarkment for Florida; while with one hundred and fifty horsemen he made a tour of the cities under his authority. Presently he heard that his ships bound for Havana had ex- perienced severe storms, which had swept them out of their course and separated them. But after forty days they had all come safely to Havana. Leaving his cavalcade tq, follow as it might, Don Hernando mounted and made all speed to Havana and Dona Isabel. On Sunday, May 18, 1539, De Soto said farewell to his wife and sailed from Havana for Florida, the land still reputed to be "the richest of any which until then had been discovered''; and on the thir- tieth he landed his men near an Indian town on Tampa Bay. Here the Spaniards immediately had a brush with the natives, who let drive at the ar- mored horsemen with their arrows. Two savages were killed; the others fled through wooded and boggy country where the horses could not follow. And, when the Spaniards lay in camp that night they could see flames come out against the black- ness, dwindling in the distance to specks like fire- flies, as the Indians passed their fiery warning 50 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS inland. Two days later they came upon a deserted town of eight huts. De Soto established head- quarters there and sent out several companies of horse and foot to explore. He ordered the woods felled "the distance of a crossbow shot" around the town. He set sentinels about the place and de- tailed horsemen to go the rounds. After having made all secure, he lodged himself in the chief's house. And there, in the dust flooring, under his torch's glare, he found a small scatter of pearls. They were ruined by the fire used in boring them for beads; but to him they were typical of the jewelled chain of fortune which should link him with greatness to his life's end and as long after as men's tongues should wag. So had Narvaez thought when he found the golden ornament. When the exploring parties returned they could relate that the Indians of Florida were no mean foes. One party brought back six men wounded — one so badly that he died. But they had captured four women. Another party brought in a man — a white man. This was Juan Ortiz, of noble lin- eage, follower of the fortunes of Narvaez, and for the last eleven years a slave among the savages. He had entered Florida with Narvaez, but instead of following his leader inland, had stuck to the ships HERNANDO DE SOTO 51 and had returned to Cuba. Then Narvaez's wife had sent him back to Florida in a pinnace to look for her husband, and there he had been taken captive. An Indian girl, he said — apparently a prototype of Pocahontas — had romantically saved his life, just as he was about to be roasted alive at the command of her father. In passing from tribe to tribe, sometimes in barter, sometimes as a fugi- tive, Ortiz had become conversant with several dia- lects and he could now play the role of interpreter. To De Soto's eager inquiries he answered that he had seen no gold nor jewels, but had heard of a rich country thirty leagues inland. This was enough. De Soto now dispatched his ships to Cuba for more supplies and ordered his company to make ready to march. This was the beginning of three years of restless wandering, in the course of which De Soto and his men traversed Florida, Georgia, Carolina, Ten- nessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas. Leaving at the camp a garrison of fifty footmen with thirty horses and food for two years, on Au- gust 1, 1539, De Soto set out. In his train were some five hundred and fifty lancers, crossbowmen, and arquebusiers, about two hundred horses, a number 52 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS of priests and Dominican friars — with the sacred vessels, vestments, and white meal for the Mass; a physician and his medicines; a ship's carpenter, calkers, and a cooper for the boat-building that might be necessary on inland waters — perhaps to construct a ship to bear Don Hernando to China by that fabled waterway Columbus had not found. And there were armorers and smiths, with their forges and tools, for mail shirts must be mended be- times, swords tempered, and the great bulk of iron chains and iron slave-collars kept in good repair. They were bound northwestward to the country of Cale. Indians had told them that beyond Gale, "towards the sunset," lay a land of perpetual sum- mer where there was so much gold that, when its people came down to war with the tribes of Cale, "they wore golden hats like casques." On towards that land of golden hats went the Spaniards; over low thicketed country full of bogs and swamps, where the horses, weighted by their own armor and their heavily accoutered riders, mired and floundered. They crossed several small rivers on logs, swimming the horses over by a haw- ser. This was not the country, "very rich in maize," which Indians had told them stretched along the way to Cale. Pinched by hunger, the HERNANDO DE SOTO 53 Spaniards ate young palm shoots and water cresses "without other thing." And, from the thickets about the bogs and marshes, invisible savages sent a rain of arrows upon them. "He came to Cale and found the town aban- doned," tersely writes the Gentleman of Elvas. Cale was a huddle of mud and palmetto huts some- where on the Suwanee River. But there was ripe maize in the Indian fields, enough to supply De Soto's men for three months; three men were killed during the husking. The Indians kept under cover, and no slaves could be taken; so the Spaniards were forced to grind their own corn for bread. Some of them ground it in the log mortars they found in the town and sifted the flour through their mail shirts. The majority, disdaining this menial toil, ate the grains "parched and sodden." No golden hats were found in Cale, so De Soto pushed on northwestward to Caliquen. Along his route he set a company of his horsemen and a pack of greyhounds sharply to work catching Indians. For an army in a strange land needed guides; and gentlemen unskilled in bread -making needed slaves. Like Cortes he made a practice of seizing the chief of each town on his march — after an exchange of compliments and fraternal testimonials. Then he 54 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS held him to insure the tribe's peaceful conduct; and forced him to supply food and men and women for the use of the army. De Soto's first pitched battle with the Indians resulted from an attempt made by the natives of Caliquen to rescue their chief. Ortiz, who knew their language, informed him of the plot. Four hundred natives stationed themselves outside the camp and sent two of their number to demand their chief's release. De Soto took the chief by the hand and led him out, accompanied by a dozen foot soldiers; and then, having thrown the Indians off guard by this strategy, he ordered the trumpet sounded. Shouting their battle cry of "Santiago" the Spaniards bore down upon the Indians, and, after a brief fierce fight, routed them and killed from thirty to forty, while the rest leaped into two nearby lakes to escape the horsemen's lances. The Spaniards surrounded one of the lakes ; and during the night some, more alert-eyed than others, ob- served the odd phenomenon of water-lilies slowly moving inshore over the moonlit surface of the water. The Indians had put the lilies on their heads and were swimming noiselessly and with barely a ripple towards land. The Spaniards rushed in, to their horses' breasts, and drove them HERNANDO DE SOTO 55 back. The next day all but a few were captured and divided among the Spaniards as slaves. The forges were in full blast that day for the riveting of chains and iron collars. But, though chained, the natives of Caliquen were not tamed. They rose against their captors, seized their weapons, and, whether lances or swords, handled them as if accustomed to use them all their lives; so says the Gentleman of Elvas, who took part in the melee. "One Indian, in the public yard of the town, with blade in hand, fought like a bull in the arena, until the halberdiers of the Governor, arriving, put an end to him." A further march of about thirty miles brought the Spaniards to a town of the Appalachees near Tallahassee, probably the same visited by Narvaez. There they found the October fields of grain, beans, and pumpkins ready to harvest, and decided to go into camp for the winter. From this point De Soto dispatched communications to his ships at Tampa and sent letters, with a present of twenty Indian women captives, to be carried to Dona Isabel in Cuba. The army remained in camp till March. Besides the men sent to the ships at Tampa Bay — who were to bring back the garrison left there — De Soto sent out two exploring parties. One 56 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS of these parties discovered Pensacola Bay. The other came suddenly upon a beautiful bay at no great distance from the camp. Its blue waves, with the amethystine streak characteristic of Southern waters, were vivid under the sun, which smote to ghstening scattered white objects like little heaps of pearl along its shore. This bay was the Bay of Horses, whence Narvaez and his men had set out in their horsehide boats. The glistening white heaps were the bleached bones and skulls of their slain mounts. Besought by his men "to leave the land of Flor- ida," lest they all perish like Narvaez, De Soto sternly replied that he would never turn back. In his heart he had already resolved to go on until he should find the golden country he sought; or, fail- ing in that search, to perish rather than return to bear the chagrin of seeing himself outdone by some other conquistador who, by greater perse- verance, might discover "another Mexico" in the great interior. So, on March 3, 1540, De Soto broke camp and took his way northeastward, across the present State of Georgia, through the country of the Creeks. Towards the end of April he reached a town called Cufitachiqui. It was on the Savannah River, HERNANDO DE SOTO 57 probably somewhere below Augusta; Indian tradi- tion locates it at the modern Silver Bluff. The ca- cica, or chief tainess, richly draped in furs and feath- ers, with loops of pearls depending from her neck, crossed the river in a canoe to greet Don Hernando, accompanied by her men of state and followed by a fleet of canoes laden with gifts for the visiting prince. After speeches of welcome, she took off a large string of pearls and threw it about De Soto's neck. Then she offered more canoes brought to convey him and his men to the other side. Seeing that the pearls rejoiced him, she told him that if he would open the burial mounds he would find many more and that, in some deserted towns nearby, "he might load all his horses with them." So from the graves at Cufitachiqui De Soto took three hundred and fifty pounds of pearls "and figures of babies and birds made of them." He found also a dirk and some rosaries that had once belonged to Ayllon's followers. At Cufitachiqui De Soto's men desij^ed to make a settlement. It was a favorable point to begin colonization. It lay but two d^ys' journey from the sea "to which could come all the ships from New Spain"; and it was "a good country, and one fit in which to raise suppHes." But De Soto was 58 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS looking for another treasure such as he had wrested from the Inca in Peru and he *' would not be con- tent with good lands nor pearls," saying that "should a richer country not be found, they could always return to that who would." He then asked the cacica if there were "any great lord farther on" and was blandly told of the rich province of Chiaha, subject to a chief of Coosa. To seek this new goal he resolved to go at once, and "being an inflexible man, and dry of word, who, although he liked to know what the others all thought and had to say, after he once said a thing he did not like to be op- posed, and as he ever acted as he thought best, all bent to his will . . . there were none who would say a thing to him after it became known that he had made up his mind." It was discovered pres- ently that this red-skinned Cleopatra now wished to slip away from her Antony, and without giv- ing him carriers for his supplies, "because of the outrages committed upon the inhabitants." So De Soto put her under guard and carried her away on foot with her female slaves. This treatment, as the Gentleman of Elvas remarks, "was not a proper return" for the hospitality and affectionate welcome he had received. Seven days' marching brought the Spaniards HERNANDO DE SOTO 59 into the country of the Cherokees; and five days later they reached Xualla, a Cherokee town above the junction of the Tuckaseegee and Oconna-Luf- tee rivers in Swain County, North Carohna. On the way the cacica of Cufitachiqui had escaped; and — more untimely loss — had carried into the thickets with her "a cane box, like a trunk," full of unbored pearls. "And the Governor, not to give offense, permitted it so, thinking that in Guaxulle he would beg them of her when he should give her leave to depart." Still pushing on towards that "richest province," De Soto crossed the Smoky Mountains and went into Tennessee. He tarried at Guaxule, where the chief's house stood on a great mound, surrounded by a terrace on which half a dozen men could walk abreast. Here he was fortunate enough to get three hundred "dogs" — perhaps opossums — as meat for his army. But this hilly country was unprofitable to man and beast. De Soto therefore turned south into Geor- gia, to see that *' greatest prince" of Coosa. There was no lack of food as he pressed on southward; for the natives willingly contributed mulberries, nuts, maize, and wild turkeys. De Soto's course took him down the Coosa River to Chiaha, a town of the Creeks. Coosa, 60 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS in Talladega County, Alabama, where men and beasts waxed fat on the abundance of the land, was reached on the 26th of July. Remembrance of Coosa lingered with these Spaniards and lured some of them back in after years. The chief of Coosa, arrayed in a wonderful shawl of marten skins — in mid-July, and in Alabama ! — and pre- ceded by men playing upon small flutes, came out to meet De Soto and invited him to settle in his country. But De Soto was not interested in furs, and he saw no gold in Coosa. So, after having seized a number of slaves and the chief himself, he went on, southward now, through Alabama. Near the Alabama River he was shown another gloomy memento of Spanish adventurers in that land. This was the dagger of Theodoro, the Greek, who had come ashore at the river's mouth to get fresh water for Narvaez's men some eleven years before. On the 15th of October, having crossed the Ala- bama, De Soto reached Ma villa, a large town near the present Choctaw Bluff. The name Ma villa is preserved in that of Mobile, city and river. At Mavilla was fought the fiercest combat of the en- tire march. The Indians soon set upon the Span- iards and drove them outside the walls of the town. They seized all the baggage, including provisions. HERNANDO DE SOTO 61 some arms, and the three hundred and fifty pounds of pearls, gathered in the slaves, struck off their chains and armed them. De Soto drew up his army and made a fierce assault upon the stockade, while, within one of the houses, some soldiers, a priest, and a friar, who had been trapped there, fought off the Indians at the door with swords and clubs. De Soto ordered the town fired; and, as the flames burst forth from the roofs and the natives at- tempted to flee, he broke through with his soldiery and took possession. Eighteen Spaniards and twelve horses were killed, and one hundred and fifty Spaniards and seventy horses were badly wounded with arrows. The Indians were slaught- ered almost to a man; for, as they attempted to flee, the Spanish horsemen drove them back into the burning t'^wn. There, "losing the hope of escape, they fought valiantly; and the Chris- tians getting among them with cutlasses, they found themselves met on all sides by their strokes, when many, dashing into the flaming houses, were smothered, and, heaped one upon another, burned to death. . . . The struggle lasted so long that many Christians, weary and very thirsty, went to drink at a pond nearby, tinged with the blood of the killed." In the fire were consumed all the 62 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS baggage and supplies, the pearls, and the vessels for the Mass. Now De Soto, himself severely wounded, — for always he led his men when he ordered an attack, — heard that at the coast, six days distant, ships from Cuba commanded by his lieutenant, Maldo- nado, rode at anchor waiting for news of him and bearing supplies for the army, as well as letters from Dona Isabel. But he ordered that this in- formation be kept from his men, who were already disillusioned about golden Florida and eager to leave it. The pearls which he had intended to send to Cuba "for show, that their fame might raise the desire of coming to Florida," had been destroyed; and as he feared the effect of sending word of him- self without "either gold or silver, or other thing of value," he determined to send no news of himself until he should have discovered a rich country. So the ships waited their appointed time, and then sailed home again, bearing to Cuba no word of its Governor, and to Dona Isabel only silence. At the time of his decision De Soto's force was lessened by one hundred and two men, who had been slain or lost on his long march ; the remainder were in tatters, or naked, under their rusty mail; HERNANDO DE SOTO 63 many of his horses, all his supplies and extra cloth- ing, and his slim booty were destroyed; and his men no longer shared what little hope may have re- mained to him of ever reaching that richest prov- ince *' beyond." But if his decision, made for his pride and his honor and against the love of his wife and his own chances of survival, cost him any- thing, no hint of that cost passed his stern lips. For twenty-eight days he rested at Mavilla to allow the wounded, who dressed their wounds with the fat of the slain Indians, to recover; then he took up the search again. On the 17th of November De Soto moved north- westward in quest of another Promised Land, a place called Pacaha. He crossed the Black Warrior and the Tombigbee rivers and a month later en- tered a Chickasaw town in the present State of Mississippi, where he went into winter quarters. Before spring he had his troubles with the proud and warlike Chickasaws. Some of the natives, caught in theft, were executed; and another, "his hands having first been cut off," was sent back to the chief as a visible warning. Four Spaniards, who pillaged some Indian houses, almost met with as hard a fate; for De Soto, stern with friend and foe ahke, ordered two of them put to death and the 64 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS other two deprived of their goods. Deaf to all pleas, he would have seen the sentence carried out but for the subtlety of Ortiz, the interpreter, who translated the complaints of the Indians into prayers for pardon. When, in March, De Soto was ready to depart, he made his usual demand for male carriers and for women. The Chickasaws considered this an in- sult to be wiped out in blood. They fell upon the Spaniards at dawn; and, *'by the time those in the town were aware, half the houses were in flames." The men, running in confusion from the fire, blinded by the smoke and the glare, not able to find their arms nor to saddle their horses, fell easy prey to the native archers. The horses snapped their halters and stampeded, or were burned to death in their stalls. It would have been a complete victory for the Indians — and the end of the expedition — if the natives had not believed that the thunder of hoofs meant that the cavalry was gathering to fall upon them. They fled, leaving only one dead on the field. He had been killed with a lance by De Soto, who was unhorsed in the act beca.use his saddle girth was loose. Eleven Spaniards and fifty horses perished. The army then quickly moved to another town and turned to at making saddles and HERNANDO DE SOTO 65 fences from ash, and grass mats, to protect their naked bodies from the cold. Towards the end of April, De Soto started on, northwestward, and, during the first week in May, 1541, not far from the Chickasaw Bluffs, he stood on the east bank of the Mississippi River. On the plains, a crossbow's shot from the steep timbered bank, the army pitched camp. De Soto set his men at once to felling trees and constructing vessels in which to cross the river; for on the west shore to the north, lay the "richest province" of Pacaha, whither he was bound. Presently the cacique of Aquixo, or Arkansas, came over to visit him, with his lesser chiefs and two hundred war- riors. The chiefs sat in the sterns of their canoes under skin awnings; and chiefs and warriors were "painted with ochre, wearing great bunches of white and other plumes of many colors." Some held "feathered shields in their hands, with which they sheltered the oarsmen on either side, the war- riors standing erect from bow to stern, holding bows and arrows .... These were fine-looking men, very large and well-formed; and what with the awnings, the plumes, and the shields, the pen- nons, and the number of people in the fieet, it ap- peared like a famous armada of galleys." The 66 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS canoes also bore gifts of furs, buffalo robes, dried fruits, and fish for the white chief. These the ca- cique sent ashore; but when De Soto and his men came down to the water's edge, making signs to him to land, he hastily ordered his oarsmen to re- treat, evidently in apprehension of the strange men in armor the like of which he had never seen before. De Soto, construing this as hostility, ordered the crossbowmen to fire. Half a dozen Indians fell; but the canoes continued to retire in good order, not an Indian " leaving the oar, even though the one next to him might have fallen." During the month consumed in barge-building, the Indians appeared in midstream several times but came no nearer. Early one June morning the barges were passing to and fro across the Mississippi; and by sunrise all the men and horses were on the west bank. The barges were then taken to pieces and the iron spikes were kept for making other vessels when needed. Marching north through Arkansas, from some captives now De Soto heard more of Chisca, beyond Pacaha, where there was much gold. He found the towns along his route deserted. The inhabitants had fled and hidden themselves; but the Span- iards felt their presence in the arrow flights which descended on them from the ravines and thick HERNANDO DE SOTO 67 timber, as they paused to find the best crossings over streams and marshes. After crossing Fifteen- Mile Bayou in St. Francis County, Arkansas, they marched all day until sunset over flooded ground. The water was sometimes as high as their waists. At night they reached Casqui, "where they found the Indians off their guard, never having heard of them." They seized all the buffalo robes and furs in the town and many of the men and women. The towns here were thickly set in a very fruitful coun- try; so that, while the footmen were despoiling one town, the horsemen could sweep down upon another. De Soto made friends with the chief of Casqui, who was on bad terms with the chief of Pacaha, and set up a cross in his town. After having "paci- fied" Pacaha, De Soto reconciled its chief to the chief of Casqui and entertained both worthies at dinner. Whereupon the chief of Casqui gave De Soto his daughter to wife; and the chief of Pa- caha, by an equally simple marriage ceremony, gave him two of his sisters, Macanoche and Mo- chila. Of the Pacaha ladies the discriminating Gen- tleman of Elvas says: "They were symmetrical, tall, and full; Macanoche bore a pleasant expres- sion; in her manners and features appeared the lady; the other was robust," 68 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Again it was the same old story. No gold was found at Pacaha; but, at Caluga "beyond," there was said to be some. So eighty men were sent out to look over Caluga and to discover the best road to Chisca, where there was gold in plenty and a copper foundry! We can only conjecture as to what the Indians were trying to tell De Soto when he visualized, from their signs, a copper foundry. When his party of explorers returned after a week's journey northward across Missouri, they could re- port no gold, but they had heard of the great buffalo-covered prairies beyond. In their wander- ings they had perhaps reached the Osage, or even the Kansas. These dispiriting reports determined Don Her- nando not to seek for Chisca and its fabled gold. After a rest of some weeks in Pacaha he moved westward across northern Arkansas to the abun- dant grain fields of Tanico, probably on the Neosho River in Oklahoma. Here he halted for a month to gamer supplies and fatten his horses. From Tanico he turned southeastward. He crossed the Arkansas in the vicinity of Fort Smith on the di- viding line between Oklahoma and Arkansas, and went into winter quarters about thirty miles east of the line at an Indian town named Autiamque on HERNANDO DE SOTO 69 the south bank of the Arkansas River. Here the Spaniards spent three months, during one of which snow fell almost continuously. The shackled In- dians built a high palisade about the camp, hauled wood for fires, and trapped rabbits for food. Juan Ortiz, the castaway of Narvaez's expedition, died at Autiamque; and, as he was the only man with a fair knowledge of Indian speech, his loss was a serious blow to De Soto's army. Spring came, and in March, 1542, De Soto broke camp and continued down the Arkansas. By this time, of the six hundred who had come with him from Spain "he had not over three hundred effi- cient men, nor more than forty horses. Some of the beasts were lame, and useful only in making out the show of a troop of cavalry; and, for the lack of iron, they had gone a year without shoes." De Soto re- solved now to go to the seacoast, which he imagined to be not far off. There he would build two vessels, one to be sent to New Spain and the other to Cuba, "calculating, out of his property there, to refit and again go back to advance, to discover and to con- quer farther on towards the west." It was three years since he had been heard of by Dona Isabel, nor did he know how she fared. In April he reached Guachoya, at the mouth of the Arkansas, 70 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS and, as usual, lodged his men in the town, from which most of the natives had fled at his approach. To ascertain how near the sea was, he sent several men down the Mississippi, but when they returned after more than a week's absence it was to tell him that only the river's tide, to bayous and swamps, stretched for miles upon miles below. Nor could the Indians they had captured down the river tell them of any other great water. No news of the sea — and men and horses dy- ing off; his little company ringed round with hostile tribes, whom he had treated without mercy in the days of his strength; and no succor anywhere; "of that reflection he pined." At the recognition, at last, of defeat the strong spirit of Don Hernando broke and his body weakened under the fever of torment that took hold of him. But still he had nerve. From his straw pallet he dispatched a messenger commanding the chief of Quigaltam across the river to send him carriers and provisions ; for he was the "Child of the Sun," and "whence he came all obeyed him, rendering their tribute." The chief returned answer that the Child of the Sun should be able to dry up the river between them. On that token, he would believe. "If you desire to see me come where I am . . . HERNANDO DE SOTO 71 neither for you nor for any man, will I set back one foot." Here, at last, by his words, was the "greatest prince" so long sought. De Soto was already low by the time his messenger returned; but, on hear- ing the chief's insolent answer, his haughty spirit blazed up once more and he grieved that there was not bodily force left in him to enable him to cross the river and abate that pride. As an object-lesson not alone to the lofty cacique but also to the In- dians of Guachoya, whose treachery he feared, he sent an expedition to lay waste and slaughter the town of Nilco some distance off. The Spaniards took the inhabitants so entirely by surprise that, when the captain ordered all males slain, not an In- dian was ready to draw his bow in defense. "The cries of the women and children were such as to deafen those who pursued them. About one hun- dred men were slain; many were allowed to get away badly wounded that they might strike terror into those who were absent. Some persons were so cruel and butcher-like that they killed all before them, young and old, not one having resisted little or much." If the Indians of Guachoya had indeed been planning an attack, the object lesson had the desired effect. 72 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS De Soto's hour had struck, and he lay dying in lonehness. His officers and men, gloomy over their own prospects and resentful against the com- mander who had led them to this pass, held aloof — "each one himself having need of sympathy, which was the cause why they neither gave him their companionship nor visited him." On the day be- fore his death he called for them. After giving thanks to God, he confessed his deep obligations to them all "for their great qualities, their love and loyalty to his person"; and he asked their prayers and their forgiveness of any wrongs that he might have dealt them. And, to prevent divisions, he re- quested them to elect his successor, saying "that this would greatly satisfy him, abate somewhat the pains he suffered, and moderate the anxiety of leaving them in a country, they knew not where." One officer responded in behalf of all, "consoling him with remarks on the shortness of the life of this world," and with many other high-sounding cold phrases; and requested the Governor him- self to select their new leader. De Soto chose Luis de Moscoso; and the others willingly swore to obey him. On the morrow, the 21st of May, having made his last will and his last confession, "departed this life HERNANDO DE SOTO 73 the magnanimous, the virtuous, the intrepid cap- tain, Don Hernando de Soto, Governor of Cuba and adelantado of Florida. He was advanced by fortune, in the way she is wont to lead others, that he might fall the greater depth." The death of the Child of the Sun was kept se- cret from the Indians, from fear of an uprising. His body was buried at night just within the walls of the town and the Indians were told that he had ascended to the Sun; but the natives observed that the earth near the wall had been disturbed and were seen talking among themselves. So, as se- cretly as it had been buried, De Soto's body was dug up. A safer grave must be found for it — a grave safer to the living. Packed with sand to weight it down, and the mass wrapped and closely bound in ** shawls," it was taken out in a canoe to midstream, and there under the blackness of the night — with no sound save a whispered order and one deep answering note from the waters — it sank into the river. What were these "shawls," fashioned into a winding-sheet for the man who had hungered for riches and died empty of them.^^ Were they the mantles of marten, deer, and beaver skins the Indians wore and which the Spaniards so little 74 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS esteemed? Everywhere about De Soto, on his past marches through that great fur-bearing country, lay the "richest province" he sought; and already, far to the north, the codfishers of France on the Newfoundland Banks were carrying home furs to trade in the markets of St. Malo and Rouen. There is the irony of tragedy in the picture of the intrepid gold-hunter's body consigned to the keeping of the Father of Waters shrouded in furs — which were to constitute the great wealth of this continent for more than two hundred years. On the broad flood of the Mississippi, flowing over De Soto's last rest- ing place, were to pass the canoes and the pirogues of the fur traders, laden with the packs of pel- try which should turn to gold in the French and English markets. The adelantado had fallen, but the wanderings of his followers were by no means over. "Some were glad of the death of Don Hernando de Soto, holding it certain that Luis de Moscoso, who was given to leading a gay life, preferred to see himself at ease in a land of Christians, rather than continue the toils of war, discovering and subduing, which the people had come to hate, finding the little rec- ompense that followed." After consultation with HERNANDO DE SOTO 75 his officers, Moscoso decided to try to reach Mexico by land. On the 5th of June the Spaniards moved westward, headed for Panuco. They crossed southern Arkansas and reached the Red River near Texarkana, but were prevented for a week by a flood from crossing the river. Their march duph- cated many past events, in battles with Indians, in slave-catching raids, and ambushes. At the Red River they changed their course to the south and entered the Caddo villages of eastern Texas; then, veering southwest again, they came to a large river, probably the middle Brazos. Here, as in Missouri and Oklahoma, they heard of the buffalo plains beyond, but did not reach them. October had come, winter was on the way, and the coun- try promised little succor through the cold and snow. So they turned back on their trail to one of the villages on the Mississippi near the mouth of the Arkansas, where De Soto had died. They now resolved to descend the Great River, which must somewhere empty into the sea. In order to do so they must build a fleet of brigantines, capable of weathering the winds and billows of the ocean. And now Moscoso performed a feat in ship- building, parallel to that of Narvaez at the Bay of Horses. At his orders timber was felled; a forge 76 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS was set up, and iron chains converted into spikes. A Portuguese who had learned to saw lumber while a captive in Morocco, and who had brought saws with him, cut the planks and taught other men to help him. A Genoese, the only man "who knew how to construct vessels," built the brigantines with the help of four or five Biscayan carpenters; and two calkers, one a Genoese, the other a Sardin- ian, closed up the cracks with "the oakum, got from a plant like hemp, called enequen." A cooper, who was so ill that he could barely get about, man- aged nevertheless to make for each of the seven ships two half-hogsheads to hold fresh water. Sails were made of woven hemp and skins; ropes and cables from mulberry bark; and anchors from stirrups. In June the brigantines were finished, and the high floods floated them off the building ground into the river; fortunately, for if they had been dragged down the bank "there would have been danger of tearing open the bottoms, thereby entirely wrecking them, the planks being thin, and the spikes made short for the lack of iron." Twenty-two horses were taken aboard; the others, being done for as mounts, were killed and their flesh was served. On July 3, 1543, the three hundred and twenty HERNANDO DE SOTO 77 Spaniards and one hundred Indian slaves set sail for their unknown port. The rest of the captives had been released. Savages along their course several times beset the vessels, and ten Spaniards were slain. Seventeen days after their departure from the mouth of the Arkansas they reached the sea. At first they sailed westward, following the shore line, then steered for the open but turned in again to the coast, thinking their frail vessel safer within hail of the shore. They experienced hunger and thirst, doubts and fears, and storms of the sea. Fierce head winds forced them, at one time, to spend fourteen days in a sheltered inlet on the Texas coast. On the day when again it blew fair for them, they "very devoutly formed a procession for the return of thanks," and as they moved along the beach they supplicated the Almighty to take them to a land in which they might better do Him service. On September 10, 1543, two months and seven days after launching their brigan tines, they entered the mouth of the Panuco River, which flows into the Gulf one hundred and fifty miles north of Vera Cruz. It waters the Tampico region, today made golden by its output of petroleum. But of oil Moscoso neither knew nor cared. Here Indians 78 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS "in the apparel of Spain" told them in their own tongue that there was a Christian town fifteen leagues inland; "they felt as though life had been newly given them; many, leaping on shore, kissed the ground; and, all on bended knees, with hands raised above them, and their eyes to heaven, re- mained untiring in giving thanks to God." Weather- beaten and toil-worn, they entered the town, each man clad in deerskins "dressed and dyed black" and carrying his pack on his back; and all went directly to the church to return thanks for their preservation and to take part "in the divine offices which for a long season had not been listened to by them." The three hundred and ten men were warmly received by their countrymen and treated to the best the country provided. In October, that Maldonado who had waited in vain at Pensacola Bay to deliver to Don Hernando Dona Isiibel's letters and had twice since sought for him along the Florida coast, arrived at Vera Cruz. And he bore back to Cuba the news of Don Hernando's fate. When Dona Isabel learned of her husband's death she withered under the blow and died within a few days. And there was no man now in the Spanish islands who desired to tempt heaven in the barren land of Florida. CHAPTER IV CORONADO, CABRILLO, AND VIZCAINO Meanwhile other Spanish explorers were trying to pierce the Northern Mystery by way of the Pacific slope. West as well as east, and somewhere in the north, must lie the waters of the Strait of Anian, that direct passage from the Atlantic to China, if indeed the northwestern territory did not actu- ally abut on Asia. So reasoned the Spanish dons. To the northwest, some said, was an island inhab- ited solely by giantesque Amazons. Inland were the Seven Cities, situated on a great height. Their doors were studded with turquoises, as if feathers from the wings of the blue sky had dropped and clung there. Within those jeweled cities were whole streets of goldsmiths, so great was the store of shining metal to be worked. Indians were ever great story-tellers, delighting to weave the tales most pleasant to their hearers. 79' 80 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS It was an Indian slave of Nuno de Guzman who regaled that credulous oflScial of New Spain with fanciful description of the Pueblo towns of New Mexico. The myth led Guzman north, to the ruthless conquest of Sinaloa and the found- ing of Culiacan, still the capital city of that Mexican state. Then, in 1535, came Antonio de Mendoza from Old Spain to be the first Viceroy of New Spain. Mendoza had soon set his heart on the acquisition of those Seven Cities. The arrival of Vaca and his companions in the City of Mexico, out of the mysterious north, in July, 1536, added fuel to Mendoza's desires. An expedition must be fitted out immediately, to be led by Vaca's companion Dorantes — since Vaca himself was resolved to go to Spain. This plan came to nothing for the time being, but Vaca left the Moor Estevanico to serve Mendoza. Three years passed before Mendoza could pre- pare another expedition. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was then (1539) made Governor of New Galicia and military head of the force designed to spread the power of Spain northward. To the Franciscan Fray Marcos de Niza was given the spir- itual leadership of the expedition. Fray Marcos CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 81 had already seen strenuous service, for he had been with Pizarro in the conquest of Peru. He had also written several works about the country. He had high acquirements in theology, cosmog- raphy, and navigation; and he was a hardy trav- eler, having tramped from Guatemala to Mexico. To Culiacan Fray Marcos and Coronado jour- neyed in company. Coronado there halted to es- tablish his authority over the outposts of New Galicia. Fray Marcos, with the Moor Estevanico, some Mexican Indians, and a few other natives who had come with Vaca's little band to Mexico, went on. Estevanico, having wandered through parts of the northern land with Vaca, was relied upon not alone to guide the friars but to insure the friendship of the Indians. At Vacapa, somewhere in Sonora, Fray Marcos paused and, "on Passion Sunday after dinner," sent Estevanico ahead to learn what he could. Should Estevanico hear tidings of but a fair country he was to send to the friar a small cross; for great tidings, a cross "two handfuls long"; and, should he discover a country richer than Mexico, he was to send a great cross. Imagine the pleasure- able agitation in the friar's breast, when, four days later, some of the Indians who had gone with 82 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS the Moor came in bearing a cross "as high as a man " and a message urging Fray Marcos to follow at once. Estevanico had found a new people, who had told him of "the greatest thing in the world." He was now at a town but thirty days' journey from the turquoise doors of the Seven Cities which, he had learned, were called Cibola; and beyond Cibola there were other rich provinces, each one of which was "a much greater matter than those seven cities." So, as ever in these tales, the splendor within reach was already dimmed by the splendor beyond ! To Cibola, ' therefore, the friar set out on the second day after Easter. He is supposed to have gone directly north up the Sonora valley, though it may have been the Yaqui valley. As he went, from time to time he planted crosses; for "it appeared to me suitable from here on to perform acts of possession." He heard from the Indians on his route more details of Cibola and of the cities beyond. And he was much surprised to learn that the natives of those * Cibola is believed to be a Spanish form of the word Shiwina, by which the Zuni called their tribal range. The Spaniards later called the buffalo Cibola. It is customary for writers to state that Guzman and Fray Marcos set out to find the Seven Cities of Cf' bola, but it was not till Estevanico sent back his report that the name Cibola was known to the Spaniards. CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 83 cities dressed in habits of gray wool like his own. These were perhaps the blanket garments made of narrow strips of rabbit fur and yucca fiber which are still woven by the Moqui Indians. Through the valley of the San Pedro in Arizona Fray Marcos continued northward; then, finding that the stream led him too far west, he veered to the northeast and reached the Gila, above its confluence with the San Pedro. Here he learned that Estevanico, with three hundred Indians, was crossing the plains to the northeast, where the Apaches now have their reservation. After a rest, on May 9, 1539, Fray Marcos continued his march to Cibola, which lay fifteen days beyond. His way now led upward, through rugged country, to a pass not identified, between the Sierra Mogoyon and Sierra Blanca ranges. Bad news met him on the Apache plains. An Indian of the Moor's escort, returning in flight, told him that Estevanico had been seized and made prisoner by the natives of Cibola. We know very little about the end of Estevanico, this African who was one of the earliest explorers of North America and had wandered over a greater part of its wilderness than any man before him or than any man for long after him. The Arab was one of a fearless race, loving freedom no doubt as 84 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS his tribesmen of the Moroccan deserts today love it; and only in the desert could he enjoy it. Lifted again out of the thrall of slavery, which had fast- ened on him after his great journey from Florida, and given command of some three hundred savages to discover the cities of argent traceries and tur- quoise doors, he had made his tour like an Orien- tal chieftain, or like a Moorish prince before the Conquest, with pomp and display and the revels of power. Gifts were brought him and tribute was exacted. His tall, dusky body soon flaunted robes dyed with the colors of the rainbow\ Tufts of brilliant feathers and strings of bells dangled from his arms and legs. He carried a magical gourd, decorated with bells and with one white and one scarlet feather; and sent it ahead of him to awe the natives in each town where he demanded en- trance. A score, perhaps, of Indians formed his personal retinue and bore on their shoulders the provisions, the turquoises, mantles, and feathered ornaments accumulated on the road. Flutes of reeds, shell fifes, and fish-skin drums played his march across the sunlit mesas. And an ever in- creasing harem of gayly bedecked young women swelled the parade of Estevanico, the black Berber chief, on his way to the city set in silver and blue. CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 85 Perhaps, as has been suggested, the belled and feathered gourd was "bad medicine" to the In- dians of Hawikuh; for, when Estevanico's messen- ger presented it with the announcement that their lord was come to make peace and to cure the sick, the Indians became enraged and ordered the in- terlopers out of their country on pain of death. Estevanico, disdaining fear, went on. Just out- side the walls of Cibola he was seized. The "sun was about a lance high " when the men of Hawikuh suddenly launched their arrows upon his followers. Some of those who, fleeing, looked back, thought they had seen Estevanico fall beneath that thick hail of darts. "It is to be believed that a long time ago, when roofs lay over the walls of Kya-ki-me, when smoke hung over the house-tops, and the ladder-rounds were still unbroken in Kya-ki-me, then the Black Mexicans came from their abodes in Everlasting Summerland. . . . Then and thus was killed by our ancients, right where the stone stands down by the arroyo of Kya-ki-me, one of the Black Mexicans, a large man, with chilli lips [lips swollen from chilli peppers]. . . . Then the rest ran away, chased by our grandfathers, and went back toward their country in the Land of Everlasting Summer." 86 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS So, in part, runs the Zuiii legend, today, con- cerning the coming and the death of Estevanico, the Black. ' Fray Marcos was not only depressed by the news of Estevanico's capture, but he was in danger. The Indians accompanying him, from various vil- lages along his route, had looked on him as a holy man, invulnerable, under the special pro- tection of the morning and evening star, whose sign he made with his fingers in prayer and erected in wood along his way ; for so did they construe the cross, their own symbol for the mystical glory heralding the dawn and the night. Now they were afraid. The friar, after prayer for guidance, opened his bales and, by means of gifts, entreaties, and threats, persuaded them to go on. Even information that surely pointed to Estevanico's death — brought by more Indians, wounded and bleeding — did not deter him. He would at least have a glimpse of that city, if he might not enter it. So from a plateau, looking north. Fray Marcos saw the pueblo of Hawikuh on a bare hill out- lined against the high timbered flank of the Zuni Mountains. Through the rarefied air, to which ' Lowery, Spanish Settlements, pp. 281-82, as transcribed by Frank Gushing, authority on Zuni lore and a Zuiii by adoption. CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 87 the monk's eyes were not accustomed, the pueblo appeared much nearer than it was and therefore much larger. He raised a mound of stones, sur- mounted by a Httle cross, "having no implements at hand to make it larger," and took possession of the city he could see — and of all cities beyond which he could not see — and named them the New Kingdom of San Francisco. Then he has- tened after his Indians, who had not waited for him, on the homeward trail. "I returned," he says, "with more fear than victuals." In spite of the changed demeanor of the tribe on his way back, he reached New Galicia in safety. In the City of Mexico the descriptions by Fray Marcos of the great city, as he believed he had seen it with his very eyes, caused a tumult. An- other Mexico had at last been found! The dis- covery was proudly proclaimed from every pulpit. It passed from mouth to mouth among the cavalier adventurers, dicing and dueling away their time and impatient for richer hazards and hotter work for their swords. Such a tale loses nothing by oft telling. It may be that the enthusiasm of his au- diences even confused the monk's memory some- what, as he told the story over and over, even to his barber; for he pictured those distant cities as a 88 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS paradise on earth, until nothing was now thought of by any man but how to reach Cibola and be rich forevermore. In a few weeks Mendoza had enlisted a company of three hundred to serve under Coronado. The majority were of the gentry. Coronado assembled his men at Compostela, near the Pacific coast in New Galicia, in February, 1540; and thither went the Viceroy the long journey from Mexico to send them off with appropriate pomp. It was the most brilliant review yet held in New Spain. Most of the cavaliers were astride of the best horses from the stock farms, and had equipped them with colored blankets trailing almost to the ground, besides leathern armor and silver-mounted harness. Their own mail was polished like woven silver, and the tips of their lances, held erect, flickered in the sun like sparks of fire. Their helmets were of iron or tough bullhide. In their train marched the foot soldiers armed with crossbow and arquebus, some, too, with swords and shield. The third division of the army was composed of several hundred Indian allies, their naked bodies splashed with black, ocher, and vermilion; and their faces, painted terribly for war, surmounted by the green and yellow and crimson plumage of parrots. At CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 89 royal expense the expedition was equipped with pack-mules, cannon, and a thousand horses. For food on the way and to stock the new country there were droves of cattle and sheep, goats, and swine. Leading all this splendor, and dulling it by his own brighter glory, rode Coronado in golden armor. If the gray robe of Fray Marcos showed but dingily amid this military brilliance, yet it drew the awed glances of the spectators no less than the golden scales of Coronado's coat. This shining army, after all, had still to see what the humble monk in the drab gown had already seen — the magical cities of Cibola. To cooperate with Coronado by water, the sea- man Alarcon was sent up the coast with three vessels. Alarcon sailed to the head of the Gulf of California and ascended the Colorado River eighty- five leagues, perhaps as far as Yuma. Coronado divided his land forces. Leaving the main body at Culiacan in charge of Arellano, who was later one of the unsuccessful adelantados of Florida, Coronado pushed on ahead with Fray Marcos and his brother monks, eighty horse, twenty -five foot soldiers, some Indians and negroes, and part of the artillery. A month later he passed through Vaca's Town of the Hearts; and, continuing 90 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS north over the divide into the San Pedro valley, he turned eastward and skirted the Santa Catalina mountains to a small Indian settlement in the vicinity of Fort Grant. Here he turned north- ward again, crossed the Gila, and, after fifteen days of hard march, reached the Zuni River. Some twenty miles farther on, Coronado and his men caught their first glimpse of Hawikuh. The dis- appointing sight was like a dash of icewater. Says Castaiieda, the historian of the expedition: "When they saw the first village, which was Cibola, such were the curses that some hurled at Friar Marcos that I pray God may protect him from them. It is a little, crowded village, looking as if it had been crumpled all up together." The ruins of Hawikuh, fifteen miles southwest of Zuni, today bear out the description of the disgusted Castaneda. This first of the Seven Cities, however, was not to be taken without a fight. The Zuni warriors hurled stones on the Spaniards. The golden-plated Coronado was felled and would have been killed but for the heroism of one of his officers who "bestrode him like a good knight, shielded him and dragged him to safety." But the Spaniards could not be resisted. They entered the village and found CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 91 food there, which was the thing they were most in need of. Coronado renamed this hill stronghold Granada — possibly in irony — and sojourned there until recovered from his wounds. A deputation of In- dians came to him to make peace, while the rest of the tribesmen removed to their war towns on Thunder Mountain. Once more fit for the saddle, Coronado set about the pacification of the prov- ince; then sent an expedition to Tusayan, the present Moqui towns in Arizona, and messengers to Mexico with reports to Mendoza. With them went Fray Marcos, "because he did not think it was safe for him to stay in Cibola, seeing that his report had turned out to be entirely false, because the Kingdoms he had told about had not been found, nor the populous cities, nor the wealth of gold, nor the precious stones which he had reported, nor the fine clothes, nor other things that had been proclaimed from the pulpits." Thus did Casta- neda, the historian, twenty years later bitterly enumerate the list of disappointments experienced by himself and others of Coronado's army in the province of the Seven Cities. While Coronado was at Hawikuh, or "Gran- ada," detachments of his army were penetrating 92 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS other sections of the new country. Arellano, with the main body left at Culiacan, was marching to Cibola. Melchior Diaz, one of Coronado's ablest scouts, was trying to make junction with Alarcon's ships. Diaz touched the Colorado River some distance above its mouth. He found letters left by Alarcon, and met the giant Yuma Indians — perhaps in the vicinity of the city of Yuma, where the Gila River empties into the Colorado. These Indians were then as now of unusual height and powerfully made, so that one man could lift a log which several Spaniards could not move. They went stark naked and in cold weather carried fire- brands to keep them warm. So Diaz called the Colorado Rio del Tizon, or Firebrand River. Here Diaz died from an accidental lance thrust, and his band returned to Sonora. Meanwhile a report from the Moqui country came to Coronado of a great river flowing far down between red mountain walls. This news inspired Coronado to send Lopez de Cardenas — the "good knight" who had saved his life — to have a look at it; and here is the description of Grand Canyon by Cardenas, the first white man to view the great gorge of the Colorado, as set down by Castaneda: CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 93 After they had gone twenty days' march they came to the banks of a river, which are so high that from the edge of one bank to the other appeared to be three or four leagues in the air. The country was elevated and full of low twisted pines, very cold, and lying open to- ward the north. . . . They spent three days on this bank looking for a passage down to the river, which looked from above as if the water were six feet across, although the Indians said it was half a league wide. It was impossible to descend, for after these three days Captain Melgosa and one Juan Galeras and another companion, who were the three lightest and most agile men, made an attempt to go down at the least difficult place, and went down until those who were above were unable to keep sight of them. They returned about four o'clock in the afternoon, not having succeeded in reaching the bottom on account of the great difficulties. . . . They said they had been down about a third of the way and that the river seemed very large from the place which they reached. . . . Those who stayed above had estimated that some huge rocks on the sides of the cliffs seemed to be about as tall as a man, but those who went down swore that when they reached these rocks they were bigger than the great tower of Seville.^ While Cardenas was looking at the Grand Can- yon, some Indians, led by one whom the Spaniards nicknamed Bigotes (Whiskers) , came to Zuiii from the east. They told of great towns, and brought ^ Winship, The Coronado Expedition, p. 489. The Giralda, or famous bell-tower of the Cathedral of Seville, is 275 feet high. 94 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS a picture of a buffalo drawn on a piece of hide. Vaca had told of "humpbacked cows," and here were people who lived on the very borders of the cow country. So Hernando de Alvarado was sent east with twenty men, instructed to return within eighty days, and Fray Juan de Padilla went with him. Some fifty miles east of Zuni Alvarado came on the famous pueblo of Acoma, or People of the White Rock, three hundred and fifty-seven feet in the air. Acoma was so lofty, says Casta- lieda "that it was a very good musket that could throw a ball as high." A broad stairway of about two hundred steps began the ascent, then one hundred narrower steps followed; and "at the top they had to go up about three times as high as a man by means of holes in the rock, in which they put the points of their feet, holding on at the same time by their hands. There was a wall of large and small stones at the top, which they could roll down without showing themselves, so that no army could possibly be strong enough to capture the village. On the top they had room to sow and store a large amount of corn, and cisterns to collect snow and water." The natives came down to the plain and at first offered battle, but presently consented to make peace. CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 95 Proceeding eastward, Alvarado went a week's journey beyond to the Tigua villages lying above Albuquerque on both sides of the Rio Grande. Pressing on, he visited the towns of Cicuye, or Pecos (in the valley of the upper Pecos River and at the foot of the Santa Fe mountains) and the Buffalo Plains to the east. The Pecos Indians received him warmly and escorted him into the town "with drums and pipes something like flutes" and gave him presents of cloth and turquoises. By the close of autumn Coronado's several detachments reassembled in the village of Tiguex near the site of Bernalillo, above Albuquerque. Here they listened to tales of a new El Dorado from an Indian whom Alvarado had picked up and had dubbed El Turco (the Turk) "because he looked like one." The new El Dorado was called Quivira. El Turco said that in Quivira, which was his own country and far to the east, there was a river two leagues wide, where fish as big as horses sported themselves. Great numbers of huge canoes, with twenty rowers on a side and with high carved golden prows thrusting up among their white sails, floated on its surface like water lilies on a pond. The chief of that country took his afternoon nap under a tall spreading tree decorated 96 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS with an infinitude of little golden bells on which gentle zephyrs played his lullaby. Even the com- mon folk there had their ordinary dishes made of "wrought plate"; and the pitchers and bowls were of soHd gold. El Turco could readily prove his tale if only he could recover his wonderful golden bracelets of which he had been robbed by the natives of Cicuye, the town of Chief Whiskers' countrymen where Alvarado had recently been entertained with such hospitality and good will. So Coronado sent Alvarado back to Cicuye to demand the bracelets. The natives of Cicuye bluntly said that El Turco was a liar; whereupon Alvarado put Whiskers and the head chief, a very old man, in chains. Enraged at this treachery, the Indians took up their arrows and drove the Spaniards out, denouncing them as men who had no respect for their word. "This began the want of confidence in the word of the Spaniards when- ever there was talk of peace from this time on," says Castaiieda. Coronado followed up the sei- zure of Whiskers and the old chief of Cicuye by a levy of three hundred manias, or pieces of cloth. The Tiguas, not having the mantas, were stripped of their garments. A Spanish oflScer forcibly pos- sessed himself of an Indian's handsome young wife. CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 97 The Indians rose. In the melee the Spaniards were victorious; and presently the natives, from the roofs, were making their symbol of peace — the cross sign of the evening and morning star. The Spaniards made the same sign by crossing their spears. The natives threw down their arms. Contrary to the peace pledge, some two hundred of them were seized and stakes were erected to burn them. Seeing the rest of their number "beginning to roast," a hundred captives made valiant, if futile, efforts to defend themselves. Only one or two escaped to warn their friends that Spaniards speaking peace must never again be trusted. Heavy snows and severe cold so hampered the army during the winter that not until early in spring was the surrounding country "pacified." A great many Indians had been slain, but many more had escaped to their mountain retreats. In vain had Coronado sent deputations seeking peace. The invariable answer was that the Spaniards were false men who had desecrated the star symbol, the sign of inviolable peace; the wind of the desert might hearken to their promises, but never the Indians. So when Coronado took up his march he left implacable enemies in his wake. 98 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS But the "great good news of the Turk gave no little joy," and the restless conqueror prepared to set out for Golden Quivira. Among the Indians news traveled fast, and it is easy to imagine the consternation felt by the tribes of the lower Mississippi Valley, in the spring of 1541, to hear of the approach of the two great invading expedi- tions from opposite directions, each of which w^as conquering every tribe and village on the way. De Soto had reached Tampa Bay in 1539, just about the time when Fray Marcos came in view of Cibola. Coronado had left Culiacan when De Soto was on the Savannah River; when Coronado reached the Rio Grande pueblos, De Soto was marching south through Alabama toward Mobile Bay. While Coronado was in winter quarters at Tiguex, on the Rio Grande, in New Mexico, De Soto was in camp at the Chickasaw town in Mississippi; and now Coronado entered the Texas plains shortly before De Soto crossed the Mississippi. On April 23, 1541, Coronado set out under the guidance of El Turco; and four days later crossed the Pecos in the vicinity of Puerto de Luna, New Mexico. He continued in an easterl}^ course across the great plains (where the Arab-like CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 99 Apaches roved and hailed him fearlessly from the doors of their painted skin tents) and into Texas. Here enormous herds of buffalo provided an abun- dance of meat. Castaneda speaks of seeing the skyline between the legs of bison grazing at a distance. "This country," he says, "is like a bowl, so that when a man sits down, the horizon surrounds him all around at the distance of a musket shot." The plains baffled the hunting parties. They wandered in circles about the heaps of "cows" they had killed until musket shots from the main camp gave them direction ; and some hunters were lost. It seemed as if the vast prairie itself designed the destruction of the strangers who had invaded its solitude, for it wiped out their trails as the sea obliterates the mark of the keel. Castaneda exclaims, wonderingly: "Who could believe that a thousand horses and five hundred of our cows, and more than five thousand rams and ewes, and more than fifteen hundred friendly In- dians and servants, in travelling over these plains, would leave no more trace where they had passed than if nothing had been there — nothing — so that it was necessary to make piles of bones and cow-dung now and then so that the rear-guard could follow the army. The grass never failed to 100 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS become erect after it had been trodden down, and, although it was short, it was as fresh and straight as before." June found the army among the Teyas Indians in western Texas. By this time so many of El Turco's tales had been disproved that he traveled in irons. Food and water became scarce. Most important of all, the Teyas guides told Corona- do that Quivira was north, not east. Coronado therefore ordered the main body, under Arellano, back to Tiguex, in New Mexico. He himself, with only thirty horsemen and six footmen, would push north, to follow the new directions. In vain his men besought him not to leave them leaderless. The melancholy induced, even in seasoned plains- men at times, by the broad monotonous stretches of prairie obsessed them. They feared that death would halt them somewhere on their lost march and toss their skeletons among the buffalo bones sprinkling that relentless land which had refused their impress as conquerors. They feared to see their general's gleaming casque disappear once and forever over the northern rim of the sky, leaving no more trace than the wing of a golden eagle pass- ing through the ether. But Coronado stubbornly held on his way — CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 101 "Still nursing the unconquerable hope, Still clutching the inviolable shade." The army separated near the upper waters of the Brazos. After some thirty days Coronado and his little band crossed the Arkansas into Kansas. They continued in a northeasterly direction and, about a week later, reached the first of the Quivira towns in the vicinity of Great Bend, Kansas, where, then and for centuries after, lived Wich- ita Indians. Here no sparkling sails floated like petals on the clear surface of an immeasurable stream. No lordly chief drowsed to the murmur of innumerable bells. The water pitchers on the shoulders of the women, stooping in the low en- trances of their grass-thatched huts, were not golden. "Neither gold nor silver nor any trace of either was found among these people." El Turco confessed that he had been detailed by the tribes- men of those whom Coronado had incinerated to lead the lying strangers out on the plains "and lose them." Wandering over the sun-baked prai- rie, food and water failing and their horses dy- ing, the Spaniards would become so weak that should any return, the Tiguas could "kill them without any trouble, and thus they could take re- venge for what had been done to them ... as 102 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS for gold he did not know where there was any of it." So Coronado had the Turk garroted, and set up a cross with the inscription, "Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, general of an expedition, reached this place." Then he turned back, empty-handed; for even explorers whom he had sent out northward, and who may have reached the Nebraska line, had found no sign of rich peoples nor of precious metals. Meanwhile Arellano had reached Tiguex safely. Arrived there some weeks later, Coronado sent out exploring parties, one of which visited Taos, that interesting town still lying between the Rio Hon- do and the Taos Mountains. Here the Spaniards found a high type of Indian civilization, large well- stocked granaries, and wooden bridges flung across the Taos River to connect the eighteen divisions of the town.^ Winter bore hard on Coronado's men, who were on scant rations and almost naked. The officers seized the most and the best of everything for themselves, and dangerous dissensions arose in ^ Taos today has about 425 Indian inhabitants; and it is also the home of a small but noted school of American painters, who are bringing the life and character of the Pueblo Indians and the color and atmosphere of the southwestern mesas prominently into American art. CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 103 the camp. Towards the end of winter Coronado, riding at the ring on a festival day, fell beneath the hoofs of his companion's horse and was danger- ously injured in the head. His illness and his fail- ures preyed on his mind; and he resolved to seek no farther for wealth, but to return to his wife in Mexico. In April, 1542, he and his disappointed band turned homeward. At that very time, far to the east, Hernando de Soto also was giving up the Golden Quest and turning his face towards Mexico, to die of a broken spirit a month later. Hungry and tattered, and harassed by Indians, Coronado and his army painfully made their way back towards New Galicia. The soldiers were in open revolt; they dropped out by the score and went on pillaging forays at their pleasure. With barely a hundred followers, Coronado presented himself before Mendoza, bringing with him noth- ing more precious than the gold-plated armor in which he had set out two years before. He had enriched neither himself nor his King, so his end is soon told: "he lost his reputation, and shortly thereafter the government of New Galicia." Two soldiers had been left in Kansas; their fate is not known. Fray Juan Padilla, Fray Juan de la Cruz, and a lay brother, Luis Descalona, 104 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS remained with six companions in New Mexico. The friars were resolved to bring about the con- version of these Indians, whose settled modes of living seemed to promise a good opportunity. La Cruz, an old man, was well treated at first by the chiefs at Tiguex but was killed eventually. Des- calona went east to the Pecos River and pre- sumably was slain. Fray Juan Padilla, with a Portuguese, two oblates, and some native guides went back to Quivira, that is, to Kansas. He won the love of the Indians of that region ; but, not content with this harvest, he set out for the towns of some of their foes. On the way he was mur- dered, either by natives of the towns he sought or by his own guides from Tiguex. The Portuguese and the two oblates witnessed his martyrdom from a neighboring hill; and in time they made their way across Oklahoma and Texas to Panuco, where they told the story. And, says a Spanish writer of the day, it was then recalled that "great prodigies" were seen at his death, "as it were the earth flooded, globes of fire, comets, and obscurations of the sun." Today we may doubt the pious historian's "great prodigies." But we look over that land, where many temple spires rise in security to CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 105 proclaim one Christ, however variously sought, and we are moved to honor the zeal and devotion of Fray Juan Padilla and his two brother monks — the first unarmed mission of the Church upon the soil of the United States. "Know that on the right hand of the Indies there is an island called California, very close to the side of the Terrestrial Paradise; and it was peopled by black women, without any man among them, for they lived in the fashion of Amazons. They were of strong and hardy bodies, of ardent courage and great force. Their island was the strongest in all the world, with its steep clifiPs and rocky shores. Their arms were all of gold, and so was the harness of the wild beasts which they tamed to ride; for in the whole island there was no metal but gold." So wrote Montalvo, the author of Esplandidn, a romance which, first published in 1510, rapidly became the "best seller" of its day, running through at least four editions. This book may have influenced the Emperor Charles V in banning fiction from the Indies, where the imagina- tions of both Spaniards and natives needed no artificial stimulation. At all events, both Span- iards and Indians were forbidden to peruse these 106 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS romances. Probably the Indians obeyed the wise decree. But evidently in the case of the Spaniards the mischief had already been done; and hence the name, California, applied long since to a region which has seen more romance and produced more gold than ever were conceived of in the imagination of the ancient Spanish author. The legend of the Amazons was curiously inter- woven with both the discovery and the naming of California. While Guzman and Coronado were moving north by land others were advancing by sea. Cortes, conqueror of Mexico, was urged north especially by rumors of a rich province in- habited only by women, like the island in Mon- talvo's tale. His nephew, Francisco Cortes, was sent from Cohma to follow the clue (1524). The Amazon province was not found, nor yet was belief in it shattered. Nine years later Jimenez, one of Cortes 's explorers, discovered the Peninsula of Lower California, thought it to be an island, and reported it to have pearls. A pearl bearing island, "down the coast toward India," fitted in with Cortes's notions of geography. So he personal- ly led a colony to the *' island," which he named Santa Cruz. The dismal failure of the colony was only a CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 107 temporary discouragement. Hoping to forestall Viceroy Mendoza, Cortes rushed an exploring ex- pedition north under Francisco de Ulloa (1539). Nearly a year before Alarcon, whom Mendoza sent to aid Coronado, Ulloa reached the head of the Gulf, rounded the peninsula, and returned with the news that it was not after all an island, but tierra firme. Now the name Santa Cruz gave way to "California," the change being a new application of the old belief in the Am- azon island, as recorded in Montalvo's novel. Perhaps Cortes, grim soldier, had a passion for light reading — even as today captains of indus- try refresh themselves with Sherlock Holmes — for the historian Herrera states that it was he who bestowed the name upon the peninsula which he tried in vain to colonize. Possibly the name was bestowed in derision, but just when, or how, or by whom, no one has established with certainty. Ulloa's voyage marks the close of Cortes's ef- forts to explore the northern Pacific, but the work was continued by Viceroy Mendoza. Through the death of Alvarado, the dashing conqueror of Guatemala, in the Mixton War (1541), Mendoza inherited a fleet which had been prepared for exploration in the Pacific, and with it he carried 108 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS out Alvarado's plans by dispatching two expedi- tions, one up the CaHfornia coast, the other across the Pacific. The expedition "in the West towards China or the Spice Islands" was led by Lopez de Villalobos. Sailing in November, 1542, he took possession of the Philippine Islands and thus attached them to Mexico. Villalobos died in the Moluccas; his enterprise went to pieces; but the voyage made a link between California and the Philippines. Mendoza's other sea expedition, which was to explore along the outer coast of the peninsula and northward in search of the Strait of Anian and new provinces, left Mexico on June 27, 1542, under command of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. At this date Hernando de Soto's body had been consigned to the Father of Waters and his defeated army led by Moscoso was marching west across Arkansas in search of Panuco, and Coronado with a hundred ragged followers was returning to Compostella after two fruitless years in New Mexico and the Buffalo Plains. Of Cabrillo little is known except that he was a Portuguese by birth and a skilled mariner; and he is supposed to have been in the service of Cortes during the conquest of Mexico. With two vessels CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 109 smaller than any coasting schooner of today, badly built and scantily outfitted — a crew chiefly com- posed of conscripts and natives, and the sturdy Levantine pilot, Bartolome Ferrelo, or Ferrer, Cabrillo departed on the trail of adventure. Ow- ing to calms and contrary winds and the frequent necessity to heave to and send ashore for fresh water, his progress was slow. By the 10th of August he had passed the most northerly point reached by Ulloa. Eleven days later he landed at the bay of San Quentin and took possession in the name of the King. Here a week was spent in taking in water and repairing sails and in receiving friendly visits from Indians who said that they had seen other Spaniards in the interior — probably some of Alarcon's or Coronado's band. The diar- ist of the expedition says that these Indians were smeared with a "white paste" in such a fashion that "they appeared like men in hose and slashed doublets." On the 28th of September, Cabrillo discovered "a port closed and very good, which they named San Miguel." This was the beautiful Bay of San Diego. On the purpled blue waters of this bay, safely sheltered by the long high stretch of Point Loma, their ships rode at anchor while a terrific storm raged without for three days. no THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS When the gale had subsided Cabrillo continued northward. He discovered the islands of Santa Catalina and San Clemente, and the pleasant Bay of Santa Monica, which he called the Bay of the Smokes, or Bay of the Fires, because of the low curling clouds of blue smoke rising from the Indian villages along its shores. On the 10th of October he went ashore at San Buenaventura, where he visited an Indian settlement which he called the Town of Canoes, in allusion to the ex- cellent craft which the natives possessed. Then, sailing west, he passed through the Santa Barbara Channel and on the eighteenth reached Point Conception, which he named Cabo de Galera be- cause it was shaped like a galley. Here northwest winds drove him into Cuyler's harbor on San Miguel Island. Two weeks later a southwester filled Cabrillo's sails and carried his vessels round the cape and along the high rocky coast, where the Santa Lucia Mountain comes down to the sea. Below Point Pinos the vessels were driven northward by a storm and became separated. Having missed the Bay of Monterey, Half Moon Bay, and the Golden Gate, Cabrillo turned back and discovered the harbor where Drake east anchor twenty-five years later. CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 111 and which is still known as Drake's Bay. Appar- ently Cabrillo now stood well out to sea, for again he missed the Golden Gate and Monterey Bay. He put into San Miguel Island for winter; and there "on the 3d of the month of January, 1543, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, captain of the said ships, departed from this life, as the result of a fall which he suffered on said island when they were there before, from which he broke an arm near the shoulder ... at the time of his death he emphati- cally charged them not to leave off exploring as much as possible all that coast." So, in a few words, we are told all we know of the character of Cabrillo, who had battered his way up the Califor- nia coast in the pain of an injury sufficient to bring him to death, and whose last words to his men were to press on. His bones lie under the white sands of San Miguel Island, undiscovered yet — save perhaps by some Portuguese or Levantine fisherman of a later time, driving the supports of his driftwood shack deep down through the shifting sand. The command now devolved upon the pilot Ferrelo. Though frequently halted and swept about by heavy storms and suffering from dimin- ished supplies, this fearless mariner, obeying his 112 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS master's behest, held on northward. He sailed to a point near the mouth of Rogue River, Oregon, when he turned back, through "travail" worse than any Cabrillo had experienced. On April 14, 1543, he reached the home port of Navidad. Interest in California was revived by develop- ments in the Far East. Though Villalobos had taken possession of the Philippines in the year of Ferrelo's voyage, the Spaniards had not occupied the islands. But in 1559 Philip II, tempted by the profits accruing to the Portuguese from their spice trade, ordered Velasco, the Mexican Viceroy, to equip an expedition for discovery among those islands and to search out a route for return voyages to Mexico — for the problem of the return voy- age had hitherto baffled mariners. In 1564, after many delays, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi set sail from Navidad and, in the following year, took possession of the Philippines. Legazpi sent one of his vessels, with his chief navigator. Fray An- dres de Urdaneta, to discover the return route to New Spain. Urdaneta, turning northward, entered the Japan current, which carried him to the coast of northern California whence he descended to Mexico. By a happy combination of chance and CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 113 science he had solved the problem of the return route. Thus a regular trade route was established from Manila to Mexico and thence to Spain. The Manila galleons sailed the course marked out by Urdaneta, across the Pacific to a point off Cape Mendocino and down the coast to Acapulco. It was a hard voyage and frequently the vessels reached the American coast much in need of re- pairs and with a loss of half the crew from scurvy. There was therefore need of a port on the northern coast. Also, Spanish interests in the Pacific were threatened by the possibility that English, French, or Dutch freebooters in the Atlantic might dis- cover the Strait of Anian and take control of the direct route to the Spice Islands even as Portugal had formerly monopolized the African route. In fact, Drake, who appeared on the California coast in 1579, having plundered Spanish harbors and a Manila galleon on his northward trip, was believed to have discovered the Strait and to have sailed homeward through it. Six years later, Cavendish looted and burned the Santa Ana, a, Manila gal- leon, off California. Dutch mariners rounded Cape Horn, whose name commemorates one of them, and pushed their operations into the western seas. And Spain's Armada had been destroyed by Drake, the 114 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS man who, it was feared, knew the whereabouts of the Strait of Anian. To meet the emergency, Cermefio, commander of one of the PhiHppine galleons, was sent on his return from Manila to seek a port on the Cali- fornia coast, but he was wrecked in Drake's Bay (1595). His cargo of beeswax and fine porcelain still lies at the bottom of the bay, awaiting a modern treasure seeker. At the same time Sebastian Vizcaino was com- missioned to colonize Lower California as a defen- sive outpost. Vizcaino was a prosperous merchant in the Manila trade. He had been aboard the Santa Ana when Cavendish attacked her. Because he did not belong to the aristocratic class from which Spain selected her conquerors, even Velasco was opposed to him and chose him chiefly for want of any one else suitable for the work. Vizcaino planted a colony at La Paz in 1597, but the Indians broke it up. He returned, defeated but not dis- heartened, and secured a new contract, after sev- eral years of delay, having at last won over the new Viceroy, the Count of Monterey, who was forced to admit that Vizcaino possessed more ability than he had expected to find in a mere merchant. When Vizcaino had finally made his CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 115 way through the maze of red tape to the command of three vessels and a company of soldiers, the Spanish monopoly in the Far East had received a shock; for the British East India Company, formed in 1600, had carried the trade war into the Orient, where — by reason of the recent union with Portugal — Spain had thought herself secure. Thus did the importance of the direct route to the East magnify from year to year. On May 5, 1602, Vizcaino sailed from Acapulco. He made detailed explorations along the outer coast and among the islands and was retarded frequently by high winds, so that it was November when he dropped anchor in San Miguel Bay, to which he gave its present name of San Diego. On the 16th of December occurred the capital event of the voyage, the discovery of Monterey Bay. At seven in the evening Vizcaino entered the harbor. On the next day he sent an officer ashore "to make a hut where Mass could be said and to see if there was water, and what the country was like. He found that there was fresh water and a great oak near the shore, where he made the hut and arbor to say Mass," writes Father Ascen- sion, who accompanied the expedition. Because of the shortage of men and supplies, Vizcaino 116 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS decided to send a ship back to Mexico from this port asking for more men and provisions. Vizcaino proceeded northwards, making careful examination of the coast, yet missing that treasure of waters lying behind the great pillars of Golden Gate, and came to anchor in Drake's Bay, from which he was driven almost immediately by off- shore winds. On January 12, 1603, he reached Cape Mendocino, which his orders cited, in very general terms, as the northern limit of his explo- rations. Off the Cape he encountered so furious a wind, "together with so much rain and fog, as to throw us into great doubt whether to go forward or to turn back, for it was as dark in the daytime as at night." A council was held to decide whether to continue or to return; and the condition of the crew seemed to make retreat imperative. For a week, however, storms from the south prevent- ed the return; and on the seventeenth, at night, Vizcaino's ship was struck "by two seas which made it pitch so much that it was thought the keel was standing on end, and that it was even sinking." The violent motion threw "both sick and well from their beds." Vizcaino was flung with such force upon some boxes that he "broke his ribs with the heavy blow." The diarist concludes that "the CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 117 currents and seas" were carrying them "rapidly to the Strait of Anian," for they were in forty-two degrees of latitude, when a light northwest wind enabled them to head southward and "brought us out of this trouble." Though the friendly Indians of Monterey sig- naled to them with smoke as they passed, they did not enter the harbor because the state of health aboard was so bad, "and the sick were clamoring, although there was neither assistance nor medicines, nor food to give them except rotten jerked beef, gruel, biscuits, and beans and chick-peas spoiled by weevils." Vizcaino and his crew arrived at Mazatlan in February, 1603, "in the greatest affliction and travail ever experienced by Spaniards ; for the sick were crying aloud, while those who were able to walk or to go on all fours were unable to manage the sails." Here Vizcaino himself, regardless of his feeble condition, set off inland on foot to bring relief from the nearest town to his companions. In a month they were able to set sail for Acapulco where they arrived on the 21st of March, and learned that most of the men on the ship which Vizcaino had sent back from Monterey for more men and supplies, had died on the way. Later, 118 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS on reaching the City of Mexico, they found the crew of the third ship, a frigate, which they had beHeved lost in the hurricane off Mendocino. It seems that the frigate had sailed one degree farther north, to a point named in the diary Cape Blanco; and her crew told of a large river which they had seen. By placing that "river" several degrees too far north, the mapmakers and historians of that day set going another myth which was to rival the Strait of Anian — the myth of the River of the West. And as the fable of the Strait was to lead to the discovery of Bering Strait, so the myth of the River of the West was to end with the later discovery of the Columbia. The Count of Monterey immediately planned to occupy the port bearing his name and naturally selected Vizcaino to lead the enterprise. But, during the inevitable delays between plan and action, a new viceroy succeeded Monterey, and the plan was abandoned for a project to found a port in the mid-Pacific. With this in view, in 1611 Vizcaino was sent out to explore some islands called suggestively Rica de Oro and Rica de Plata — Rich in Gold and Rich in Silver. Nothing came of this venture; and so Vizcaino, ruined in CORONADO, CABRILLO, VIZCAINO 119 health and fortune, fades out of the pages of historical narrative, though he is known to have lived for some years afterwards. And the history of Alta California remained obscure in the fog for a hundred and sixty years. CHAPTER V FLORIDA Explorers first, then colonizers. Now interest in Florida, already aroused by the journey of Vaca, was quickened to a lively heat when, late in 1543, Moscoso and the remnants of De Soto's band at last straggled into the City of Mexico. It would appear that hardships and failures could in no wise impair a Spaniard's ability for story- telling; for Moscoso and his tattered comrades were soon spinning for others the golden web of romance in which they themselves had been snared. Glowing pictures they gave of the north country, especially of Coosa (in Alabama), where they had been well fed and where one or two of their number had remained to dally with Creek damsels. The Viceroy Mendoza, ambitious to ex- tend his power into the Northern Mystery, at once offered to finance an expedition if Moscoso would undertake it. But while Moscoso's zeal for 120 FLORIDA 121 golden Florida might inspire his imagination to dazzling flights of fancy, it was inadequate to stir his feet one step again in that direction. So Mendoza's project came to nothing. It was noticed that the Mexicans valued highly some of the fur apparel brought back by Moscoso's men. And the next year, 1544, two Spanish gen- tlemen sought from the King the right to con- quer Florida, for the purpose of bringing deerskins and furs into Mexico, as well as in the hope of dis- covering pearls, mines, and whatever other marvels had embroidered Moscoso's romance. But the King refused their petition. In his refusal he was influ- enced in part by religious and humane motives. De- spite the presence of priests and friars, the various expeditions to the north thus far had taken no time from treasure hunting to convert natives or to estab- lish missions. The Church was now considering the question of sending out its own expedition to Florida, unhampered by slave-catching soldiers. Perhaps this idea of a conquest by the Cross, unaided — and unhampered — by the sword, was born in the mind of Fray Luis Cancer, a devout and learned Dominican. Fray Luis was living in the convent of Santo Domingo in the City of Mexico not long after Vaca and Moscoso arrived 122 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS with their wonder tales. The account of the hun- dreds of savages who had followed Vaca from village to village must have moved the good friar's heart with zeal and pity. And he can have been no less stirred by the tales told by Moscoso's men of the gallant butchery their swords had done — of the clanking chains that made music on the day's march, and the sharp whisper in the night of the flint, as it pressed against an iron collar. Fray Luis desired to see all heathen made free in God's favor. The oppressions his countrymen practiced upon the natives filled him with horror. As a missionary, first in Espanola and then in Porto Rico, he had seen the hopelessness of trying to spread religion in territories which were being swiftly depopulated by ruthless conquerors. He had therefore gone to Guatemala, to the monas- tery of Santiago whose head was the noble Las Casas. At that time one province of Guatemala was known as the "Land of War" because of the ferocity of its natives. Las Casas had influenced the Governor to forbid that territory to Spaniards for five years. Then he had sent Fray Luis, who had meanwhile learned the language of the natives, to the chief to request permission for the monks to come there. With his gentle words. Fray Luis FLORIDA 123 took also little gifts, trinkets, mirrors, and beads of bright colors such as would delight the savages. He made so good an impression on the chief that the permission he sought was readily given. And in a few years the Land of War became the Land of the True Peace — Vera Paz — where no Span- iards dwelt save a few Dominican friars and where at morning and evening Indian voices chanted the sacred songs to the accompaniment of the Indian flutes and drums which had formerly quickened to frenzy the warriors setting out to slaughter. And for this spiritual conquest Fray Luis had received the title of Alferez de la Fe, Standard Bearer of the Faith. But Fray Luis was not content to eat the fruit of his labors in Vera Paz. The Standard Bearer would push on to another frontier. He went to the City of Mexico (1546) because there he would find the latest reports of newly discovered countries. Here Fray Luis heard the stories which had been told there by Vaca and Moscoso and resolved to bear his standard to Florida. He found willing comrades in three monks of his own order, Gregorio de Beteta, Juan Garcia, and Diego de Tolosa. Fray Gregorio and Fray Juan had already made three or four unsuccessful 124 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS attempts to reach Florida by land from Mexico, under a total misapprehension as to distance and direction. His plans consummated under the or- ders of Las Casas, Fray Luis went to Spain to urge the great project with the King. His pe- tition was soon granted. When he returned to Mexico (1548) he had the royal authority to es- tablish a mission at some point in Florida where Spaniards had not yet spilled native blood. In 1549 Fray Luis and his three companions sailed from Vera Cruz in an unarmed vessel. At Havana he took on board a converted native girl named Magdalena, who was to act as interpreter and guide. Perhaps it was almost impossible for the pilot to distinguish one inlet irom another, with certainty, on that much indented coast line, where the low shore presents no variation to the eye for miles; for, instead of landing at a new point, the monks first touched Florida soil in the vicinity of Tampa Bay. And the natives about Tampa Bay were hostile with memories of De Soto. There were empty huts nearby and a back- ground of forest in which it seemed nothing stirred. Fray Diego went ashore and climbed a tree at some distance from the beach. Immediately a score of Indians emerged from the forest. Fray FLORIDA 125 Luis, despite the pilot's warnings, with Magdalena and an oblate named Fuentes, hurried after Diego, through water to their waists. "Our Lord knows what haste I made lest they should slay the monk before hearing what we were about," Fray Luis writes. He paused to fall on his knees and pray for grace and divine help, ere he climbed the bank. Then he took out of his sleeves some of the trinkets he had brought; because, he writes, "deeds are love, and gifts shatter rocks."' After these gifts, the natives were willing that the friars and Magda- lena should kneel among them reciting the litanies ; and, to Fray Luis's joy, they also knelt and ap- peared pleased with the prayers and the rosaries. They seemed so friendly, indeed, that Fray Luis permitted Fray Diego, Fuentes, and Magdalena to remain with them and to go on a day and a half's journey by land to a good harbor of which the Indians had told them. He and Fray Gregorio returned to the ship. It took the pilot eight days to find the new har- bor and eight more to enter it. It was on the feast of Corpus Christi that the ship dropped anchor. Fray Luis and Fray Juan landed and said Mass. To their apprehension they saw no signs of Fray * Lowery, Spanish Settlements, p. 420. 126 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Diego and Fuentes, nor of Indians. On the next day as they searched, an Indian came out of the woods carrying, in token of peace, a rod topped with white palm leaves; and he appeared to assure Fray Luis that Fray Diego and his companions were safe and would be brought to him. On the next day as Fray Luis, with Fray Juan and Fray Gregorio, rowed towards the shore the natives waded to meet them bringing fish and skins to trade for trinkets. One savage would take nothing but a little wooden cross which he kissed as he had seen the monks do — much to the delight of Fray Luis. If the pious monk's joy at this incident was dimmed a few moments later, when he waded inshore and discovered Magdalena naked among the tribeswomen, it kindled again at her assurance that Diego and Fuentes were safe in the cacique's house. How little truth was in her words Fray Luis learned when he returned to the ship. There he found a Spaniard, once a soldier of De Soto's army, who had been enslaved by the Indians of this tribe. This man informed him that the In- dians had already slain Fray Diego and the oblate Fuentes; he had held Diego's scalp in his hands. To pleas that he forsake his mission and sail away to safer shores. Fray Luis had but one answer. FLORIDA 127 Where his comrades in the faith, acting under his orders, had fallen, there would he remain. Though storms prevented him from landing for two days, he refused to accept the assertions of his shipmates — that the storms were sent by God to keep him from a death among savages. And, at last, through the lashing and roaring of sea and wind, he came again to shore. Armed natives painted for war could be seen grouped on the bank above the slope to the beach. "For the love of God wait a little; do not land," Fray Gregorio entreated. But Fray Luis had already leaped into the water. He turned back once, on reaching the beach, but it was to call to Gregorio or Juan to bring to him a small cross he had forgotten. When Gregorio cried, "Father, for mercy's sake, will not your reverence come for it, as there is no one here who will take it to you," Fray Luis went on towards the hill.^ At its foot he knelt in prayer for a few moments, then began the ascent. Midway the Indians closed about him, swinging their clubs. He cried out once, loudly, before their blows struck him down. Those in the boat heard his cry, and saw the savages clubbing and slashing at his body as they thrust it down the hill. Then a shower of ^ Lowery, Spanish Settlements, p. 425. 128 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS arrows falling upon their boat made them pull away in haste to the ship. The next day the vessel set sail and, three weeks later, anchored off Vera Cruz. Philip II had come to the throne the master of Europe. His father, Charles V, had been not only sovereign ruler of Spain, of the Netherlands, of Naples, of a part of central Italy, of Navarre, and Emperor of Germany by election, but he had hoped to become master of England also and to leave in his heir's hands a world all Spanish and all Catho- Ic. Philip II inherited his father's power and his father's dream. If his natural abilities were less, his obstinacy and his zeal were greater. He had seen the march of Spanish power not unattended by affronting incidents. In 1520 a monk named Luther had defied Philip's father, the Emperor, to his face. The Reformation was spreading. Hu- guenots were powerful in the domestic politics of France; and France was threatening Spain's American possessions. Her fishermen had passed yearly in increasing numbers between the Banks of Newfoundland and their home ports. And a mariner of several cross-sea voyages, one Jacques Cartier, had discovered the St. Lawrence River and FLORIDA 129 had set off again in 1540 to people "a country called Canada." But these voyages of discovery were not the worst of France's insults to Spain. French pi- rates had formed the habit of darting down on Spanish treasure ships and appropriating their contents. They had also sacked Spanish ports in the islands. Many of these pirates were Hu- guenots, "Lutheran heretics," as the Spaniards called them. Another danger also was beginning to appear on the horizon, though it was as yet but a speck. It hailed from England, whose mariner" were beginning to fare forth into all seas for tra^t and plunder. They were trending towards the opinion of King Francis of France, that God had not created the gold of the New World only for Castilians. A train of Spanish treasure displayed in London had set more than one stout seaman to head-scratching over the inequalities of this world and how best to readjust the balances. There was reason enough, then, for Philip's fear that large por- tions of the New World might readily be snatched from Spain by heretical seamen; and Philip was as fierce in the pursuit of his own power as in his zeal for his religion. The slow-moving treasure fleets from Mexico 130 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS and Havana sailed past Florida through the Ba- hama Channel, which Ponce de Leon had dis- covered, and on to the Azores and Spain. The channel was not only the favorite hunting place of pirates — so that the Spanish treasure ships no longer dared go singly but now combined for pro- tection; it was also the home of storms. The fury of its winds had already driven too many vessels laden with gold upon the Florida coast, where as yet there were no ports of succor. Cargoes had thus been wholly lost, and sailors and passengers murdered by the savages. To these dangers was added the fear that the French designed to plant a colony on the Florida coast near the channel, so that they might seize Spanish vessels in case of war, for not one could pass without their seeing it. So, on Philip's order, Viceroy Velasco bestirred himself to raise a colony, not only for Coosa but for some other point in Florida. The other point selected was Santa Elena, now Port Royal, South Carolina. When all was ready, the company com- prised no less than fifteen hundred persons. Of the twelve captains in the force, six had been with De Soto. In the party there were Coosa women who had followed the Spaniards to Mexico. They were now homeward bound. At the head FLORIDA 131 of the colony went Tristan de Luna y Arellano, the same Don Tristan who had been Corona- do's second in command in the Cibola enterprise eighteen years before. The departure of the ex- pedition was celebrated with great pomp. Velasco himself crossed the mountains to Vera Cruz to see it off. But this expedition was to be another record of disaster and failure. Arellano brought his fleet to anchor in Pensacola Bay; and thence dispatched three vessels for Santa Elena. Before his supplies were unloaded, a tremendous hurricane swept the Bay and destroyed most of his ships with great loss of life. So violent was the storm that it tossed one vessel, like a nutshell, upon the green shore. Some of the terror-struck soldiers saw the shrieking demons of Hell striding the low, racing, black clouds. The outguards of the storm at- tacked the three ships bound for the Carolina coast and drove them south, so that they returned to Mexico by way of Cuba. The survivors at Pensacola Bay were soon in straits for food. So Arellano, leaving a garrison on the coast, sent about a thousand of his colonists — men, women, and children — to Santa Cruz de Nanipacna, forty leagues inland on a large 132 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS river, probably in Monroe County, Alabama. But these colonists in the fruitful land were like the seventeen-year locusts; they ate everything from the Indians' stores of maize and beans to palm- shoots, acorns, and grass seeds — but produced nothing. And soon an exploring band of three hundred was sent on towards famed Coosa in search of more food. They reached it after a hundred days of weary marching over De Soto's old trail. Though the natives had small reason to love De Soto's countrymen, they treated the Spaniards well and fed them bountifully all sum- mer. Twelve men, sent back to Nanipacna with reports, reached that place at last, to find only a deserted camp and a letter saying that the famished colony had returned to Pensacola. When Arel- lano wished to go to Coosa to see for himself if it were suitable for a colony, his people mutinied. The malcontents sent a spurious order to the explorers at Coosa to return; and in November, 1560, after more than a year in the interior, the little band joined the main body at Pensacola. Two ships, which Arellano had sent home for aid, reached Mexico safely. The Viceroy immedi- ately sent provisions for the colonists and a new leader. Angel de Villafane, to replace Arellano and FLORIDA 133 to enjoy those high-sounding but, so far, empty titles bestowed upon the successive Governors of Florida. Villafaiie's orders were to move the colonists to Santa Elena. Pensacola was too far westward for Philip's chief purpose; the most important matter was to establish a colony on the Atlantic sea- board where it could keep a watchful eye on the French, should they venture too far south of Car- tier's river. Fray Gregorio de Beteta, who had been with Fray Luis Cancer of martyr fame, ac- companied Villafane in the hope that the natives of Carolina would prove less recalcitrant than those about Tampa Bay. Villafane provisioned the garrison at Pensacola and then set sail for Santa Elena. At Havana many of his followers deserted him; but, in May, with the residue, he reached the Carolina coast. He explored as far as Cape Hatteras, but found no site which he con- sidered suitable for colonization. So he abandoned the project and returned to Espanola in July, 1561. A ship was soon dispatched to remove the garrison left at Pensacola. The failure of the Spaniards thus far to effect a settlement on the coast of the Atlantic mainland of North America is readily explicable. In the is- lands, in Mexico, and South America, the Spaniards 134 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS flourished because of the precious metals and the dociHty of the natives. On the northern main- land they found no mines, and the Indians would not submit to enslavement. They traversed a rich game country and great tracts of fertile soil which, later, the English settler's rifle and plow were to make sustaining and secure to the English race. But the Spaniards, accustomed in America to living off the supplies and labor of submissive natives, were not allured by the prospect of taming tall Creek warriors, or of tilling the soil and hunt- ing game to maintain themselves in the wilderness. They had astounding enterprise and courage for any rainbow trail that promised a pot of gold at the end of it, but little for manual labor. When news of Villafane's failure reached Spain, Philip decided against any further attempts to colonize Florida for the time being. He was re- assured, as to France, because the French as yet had not made any firm foothold on American soil. There seemed little to alarm him in the steady increase of their fishing vessels, alongside those of Spain, in Newfoundland waters, or in the small trade in the furs the fishermen were bringing home yearly. He could not foresee that not the pot of gold but the beaver was to lead to the solution of FLORIDA 135 the Northern Mystery and to spread colonies from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Moreover, thought the King, where Spaniards had failed, French- men could not succeed. So, in September, 1561, Philip issued his declaration with regard to the northern coast. It is interesting to note that he was largely influenced to this decision by the advice of Pedro Menendez de Aviles, who was very shortly to change both his own mind and Philip's. But no doubt he relied more on the treaty signed in 1559 between himself and Henry II of France, under which France surrendered booty from Spanish ships and ports, said — perhaps somewhat extrava- gantly — to equal in value a third of the kingdom; and on his own marriage by proxy in the same year to the French princess Elizabeth, daughter of Catherine de' Medici. But Philip's policy of hands off Florida was des- tined to speedy reversal, to meet the exigency of a new intrusion into Spanish domains. A year had not passed when Jean Ribaut of Dieppe led a colony of French Huguenots to Port Royal, South Carolina, the very Santa Elena which Villafaiie, less than a year before, had tried to occupy for Spain. Ribaut's enterprise dismally failed, it is true, but two years later Coligny, Admiral of 136 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS France, a Huguenot, and the uncompromising foe of Spain, sent a second colony under Rene de Laudonniere. And a French settlement was founded, protected by Fort Caroline, on St. John's River, in the land of which Ponce de Leon had taken solemn possession for Spain. The enthusiastic reports made by these French pioneers are proof that not alone the Spanish fancy ran astray in the face of tales that were told in the American wilds. Ribaut heard of the Seven Cities of Cibola ; but Laudonniere went him one better, for one of his scouts, while exploring the country round about, actually saw and con- versed with men who had drunk at the Fountain of Youth, and had already comfortably passed their first quarter of a thousand years. But Laudonniere's artistic sense did not fit him to lead a colony made up chiefly of ex-soldiers — and including both Huguenots and Catholics, who had so recently been in armed strife on their home soil. Men who tilled the ground had been omitted from the roster; the artisans could not turn farmers on the instant; and the soldiers had no inclination to beat their swords into plowshares so long as Spanish treasure ships sailed the Bahama Chan- nel. Laudonniere offended the Indians nearby by FLORIDA 137 trying to make friends with their foes as well and forcing them to set free some captives, and so was presently in straits for food. Some of his men mutinied, seized two barques, and went out on a pirate raid. One of their vessels with thirty-three men aboard was captured by the Spaniards and the men hanged — in return for their seizure of a Spanish ship and the killing of a judge aboard of her. The other barque returned to Fort Caroline and Laudonniere had the ringleaders executed. Only ten days' supply of food was left, when one morning, like gulls rising against the sun, four strange sails fluttered over the horizon. Instead of Spaniards bent on war, the visitor, who sailed his fleet into the river's mouth, proved to be the English sea-dog, John Hawkins. Master Haw- kins had been marketing a cargo of Guinea Coast blacks in the islands where, by a suggestive dis- play of swords and arquebuses, he had forced the Spaniards to meet his prices and to give him a " testimoniall of his good behauior" while in their ports. Hawkins fed and wined the French settlers and offered to carry them away safely to French soil. But Laudonniere, not knowing whether France was at peace or war with England, was afraid to 138 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS trust the generous pirate. So far from resent- ing Laudonniere's suspicions, Hawkins, no doubt thinking that, in like circumstances, he would be equally cautious, agreed to sell a vessel at what- ever price the Frenchman should name. And he threw into the bargain provisions and fifty pairs of shoes, so that Laudonniere, in his memoir, descants much upon this "good and charitable man." Grave reports of Laudonniere's mismanagement reached Coligny and decided him to send Jean Ribaut again to take command. Ribaut, with his son Jacques and three hundred more colonists, chiefly soldiers, set sail on May 23, 1565. On the eve of departure Ribaut received a letter from Coligny, saying that a certain Don Pedro Menen- dez was leaving Spain for the coast of "New France" — such the French declared to be the name of the coast south of the St. Lawrence. Coligny sternly counseled Ribaut not to suffer Menendez to "encroach" upon him "no more than he would that you should encroach upon him." If the settlement at Port Royal had been a disquieting intrusion, Fort Caroline, under the very nose of Havana and on the path of the treas- ure fleets, was an imminent menace to New Spain. Its import was plainly stated in the reports to FLORIDA 139 Philip from Mexico. "The sum of all that can be said in the matter, is that they put the Indies in a crucible, for we are compelled to pass in front of their port, and with the greatest ease they can sally out with their armadas to seek us, and easi- ly return home when it suits them." In urging action before Coligny could send Ribaut to relieve the colonists, the same report continued: "seeing that they are Lutherans ... it is not needful to leave a man alive, but to inflict an exemplary punishment, that they may remember it forever."^ While French depredations had been protested by Philip's envoy to France, the matter had not been pushed to a rupture, because Philip desired to enlist the aid of Catherine. Catherine also was forced to temporize. She needed Philip's support to maintain her position of power in France be- tween Catholic Leaguer and Huguenot, but she dared not, for his friendship, go so far as to inter- fere with Coligny 's designs on Florida, lest even the French Catholics turn against her; for they too had caught the Admiral's vision of a France once more great, rich, and glorious. It suited her therefore to make answer that the French ships were bound for a country discovered by France and known as ^ Lowery, Florida, p. 105. 140 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS the Terre des Bretons and would in no way molest the territories of Spain! Ribaut reached Fort Caroline while Laudonniere and his men were still there. With the arrival of his ships, bringing three hundred more colonists, plans for evacuation were abandoned. To expel and castigate the French and to plant his own power solidly in Florida, Philip had at last picked a man who would not fail. Menendez was already a sea-soldier of note and had rendered signal and distinguished services to the Crown. He was a nobleman of the Asturias, where "the earth and sky bear men who are honest, not tricksters, truthful, not babblers, most faithful to the King, generous, friendly, light-hearted, and merry, daring, and warlike." During the recent wars, as a naval officer, he had fought the French; and later, off his home coasts and off the Canaries, he had defeated French pirate ships. Menendez's contract was a typical conquistador's agreement. His chance to serve the King was a certainty. His profits were a gamble. The title of adelantado of Florida granted him was made hereditary. His salary of two thousand ducats yearly was to be collected from rents and products FLORIDA 141 of the colony. He was given a grant of land twenty-five miles square, with the title of Marquis, and two fisheries — one of pearls — wherever he should select them. He was to have a few ships of his own to trade with some of the islands and was absolved from certain import and export duties, and for five years he was to retain whatever spoils he found aboard the pirate vessels he captured. Apart from a loan from Philip of fifteen thousand ducats, which he bound himself to repay, he was to bear all the expenses of the venture — about $1,800,000. His fleet was to contain, besides the San Pelayo of six hundred tons, six sloops of fifty tons each and four smaller vessels for use in the shallow waters of Florida. His colonists were to number five hundred, of which one hundred must be soldiers, one hundred sailors, and the rest ar- tisans, officials, and farmers; and two hundred of them must be married. He was to take four Jesuit priests and ten or twelve friars. He was to parcel out the land to settlers and to build two towns, each to contain one hundred citizens and to be protected by a fort. He was also to take about five hundred negro slaves, half of whom were to be women. Above all he was to see that none of his colonists were Jews or secret heretics. And he 142 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS was to drive out the French settlers "by what means you see fit." He must also make a detailed report on the Atlantic coast from the Florida Keys to Newfoundland. The previous success of Me- nendez as a chastiser of pirates may be indicated by his possession of nearly two million dollars to spend on this colony. When his entire company was raised, it comprised 2646 persons, "not mendicants and vagabonds . . . but of the best horsemen of Asturias, Galicia, and Vizcaya," "trustworthy persons, for the security of the enterprise." Menendez sailed from Cadiz on July 29, 1565. In the islands thirty of his men and three priests deserted; but neither this circumstance nor the non-arrival of half his ships, which were delayed by storms, prevented him from continuing at once for Florida. On the 28th of August he dropped anchor in a harbor about the mouth of a river and gave to it the name of the saint on whose festival he had discovered it — Saint Augustine (San Agustin) . Seven days later he went up the coast, looking for the French. In the afternoon he came upon four of Ribaut's ships lying outside the bar at St. John's River. Menendez, ignoring the French fire, which was aimed too high to do any damage, led his vessels in among the foe's. FLORIDA 143 "Gentlemen, from where does this fleet come?" he demanded, as we are told, "very courteously." "From France," came the answer from Ribaut's flagship. "What are you doing here.^" "Bringing infantry, artillery, and supplies for a fort which the King of France has in this country, and for others which he is going to make." "Are you Catholics or Lutherans .f^" "Lutherans, and our general is Jean Ribaut." In answer to like questions from the French ship, Menendez made reply: "I am the General; my name is Pedro Menendez de Aviles. This is the armada of the King of Spain, who has sent me to this coast and country to burn and hang the Lutheran French who should be found there, and in the morning I will board your ships; and if I find any Catholics they will be well treated."' In the pause which followed this exchange of courtesies — "a stillness such as I have never heard since I came to the world," says the Spanish chaplain — the French cut their cables and, pass- ing through the midst of the Spanish fleet, made off to sea. Menendez gave chase. But the French ^ This conversation is quoted by Lowery in Florida, pp. 156- 157. 144 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS ships were too swift for him. So at dawn he re- turned to the river's mouth. But, seeing the three other French vessels within the bar and soldiers massed on the bank, he withdrew and sailed back to St. Augustine. Here he began the fortification of a large Indian house, dug a trench about it, and bulwarked it with logs and earth. This converted Indian dwelling was the beginning of the settlement of St. Augustine. The work fin- ished and the last of the colonists and supplies land- ed, Menendez took formal possession. From a dis- tance the French ships watched the landing of the Spanish troops; then made off to St. John's River. On arrival at Fort Caroline Ribaut gathered his vessels together — except his son's, which had not returned — and, taking aboard four hundred soldiers, set out again, to attack St. Augustine. He left only two hundred and forty men at Fort Caroline; and many of them were ill. His plans were made against the advice of Laudonniere, left in command of the fort, w^ho urged the dan- ger of his situation should contrary winds drive Ribaut's ships out to sea and the Spaniards make an attack by land. These forebodings were pro- phetic. A terrible wind arose which blew for days. And Menendez, guided by Indians and a French FLORIDA 145 prisoner he had picked up in the islands, marched overland upon Fort Caroline. On the 20th of September just before daybreak Menendez reached the fort. Most of the men inside were asleep. The trumpeter on the bastion had barely sounded the alarm before the Spaniards were inside the walls. The French had no time to don clothes or armor. In their shirts or naked they seized their swords and rushed out into the gray light of the court. Within an hour one hundred and thirty-two French had been killed, and half a dozen men and fifty women and children captured. The remaining French, many of them wounded, escaped to the woods; among them was Laudonniere. It was not a fight but a massacre. Even the very sick were dragged out and slain. One woman who escaped had a dagger wound in her breast; though Menendez had given orders to spare the women and children, fearing "that our Lord would punish me, if I acted towards them with cruelty." Twenty-six French, including Laudonniere, were rescued by the ships of Jacques Ribaut and ulti- mately reached France. Some twenty more, too badly hurt to travel fast, were discovered by the men sent out by Menendez to beat the brush 146 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS thoroughly for fugitives and run through with swords. One lone man, a belated Cabeza de Vaca, made his way across the country from tribe to tribe and came out at Panuco. After a brief rest at the post, which he rechristened Fort San Mateo, Menendez marched swiftly back to St. Augustine. He learned presently that one hundred and forty men from two French ships wrecked by the storm were nearby. They had lost two hundred of their comrades, drowned, killed, or captured by savages; they themselves were destitute. Menendez made a quick march to the spot. When the castaways pleaded that their lives be spared until the arrival of a French ship to take them home, Menendez answered that he was "waging a war of fire and blood against all who came to settle these parts and plant in them their evil Lutheran sect. . . . For this reason I would not grant them a safe passage, but would sooner follow them by sea and land until I had taken their lives."' An offer of five thousand ducats for their lives met with the ambiguous reply that mercy would be shown for its own sake and not for price. So read the Spanish reports of this event. French reports state that Menendez, to induce the one ^ Ruidiaz, La Florida, vol. II, p. 89. FLORIDA 147 hundred and forty men to surrender themselves, their arms, and ammunition without a blow, gave his oath to spare their lives and to send them to France. However that may be, they surrendered. The chaplain discovered ten Catholics among them and these were set apart. The remaining one hun- dred and thirty were given food and drink and were then told that — as a precaution because of their numbers — they must consent to have their hands bound behind them on the march to St. Augustine. Menendez ordered a meal prepared for the prison- ers, gave his final instructions regarding them to the officers in charge, and went on ahead. A gunshot's distance off, beyond a hummock, he paused long enough to draw a line with his spear in the white sand of the flat. Then he went on. The heavy dusk from the sea was massing swiftly behind the Frenchmen, and the last faint flush of the afterglow was fading from the western sky, when they came up abreast of the spear- line in the sand. There the Spaniards fell upon them, slew, and decapitated them. The stain on the ground where this bloody scene was enacted is ineradicable, and after three and a half cen- turies the place is still known as Las Matanzas (The Massacre) . 148 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Shortly after Menendez had reached St. Augus- tine, Indians informed him that Jean Ribaut and two hundred men were at Matanzas, having been cut off there, as the other Frenchmen had been, by the inlet, as they were attempting to reach Fort Caroline by land. Menendez set out immediately. Once more were the same ceremonies repeated; and Ribaut and his two hundred men were induced to surrender. When, with their hands bound, they were halted at the spear-line, now more clearly indicated by the heap of corpses along it, they Vv'ere asked: "Are you Catholics or Lutherans, and are there any who wish to confess.^" Seven- teen Catholics were found and set aside. But Ribaut. the staunch Huguenot mariner of Dieppe, had been too long familiar with the menace of death to recant because a dagger was poised over his entrails. He answered for himself and the rest, saying that a score of years of life were a small matter, for "from earth we came and unto earth we return." Then he recited passages from Psalm cxxxii. One of Menendez's captains thrust his dagger into Ribaut's bowels, and Meras, the adelantadds brother-in-law, drove his pike through his breast; then they hacked off his head. "I put Jean Ribaut and all the rest of them to the FLORIDA , 149 knife," Menendez wrote to Philip, "judging it to be necessary to the service of the Lord Our God, and of Your Majesty. And I think it a very great fortune that this man be dead ... he could do more in one year than another in ten; for he was the most experienced sailor and corsair known, very skillful in this navigation of the Indies and of the Florida Coast." ^ Some there were, of course, among his oflScers at St. Augustine, and among the nobility in Spain, who condemned Menendez for his cruelty and for slaying the captives after having given his oath for their safety. But Barrientos, a contemporary historian, holds that he was "very merciful" to them for he could "legally have burnt them alive ... He killed them, I think, rather by divine inspiration." And Philip's comment, scribbled by his pen on the back of Menendez's dispatch, was: "As to those he has killed he has done well, and as to those he has saved, they shall be sent to the galleys."^ And he wrote to Menendez, "We hold that we have been well served." The name of Menendez is popularly associated in America almost solely with this inhuman epi- sode. But the expulsion of the French was only an * Lowery, Florida, p. 200. ' Lowery, Florida, p. 206. 150 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS incident in a work covering nearly ten years, dur- ing which time Menendez proved himself an able and constructive administrator, as well as a vigor- ous soldier, and laid the foundation of a Spanish colony on the northern mainland which endured. Menendez was a dreamer, as are all men of vision, and he pictured a great future for his Florida — which to him meant the whole of north- eastern America. He would fortify the Peninsula to prevent any foreigner from gaining control of the Bahama Channel, that highway of the precious treasure fleets ; he would ascend the Atlantic coast and occupy Santa Elena, where the French had intruded, and the Bay of Santa Maria (Chesapeake Bay), for, since one of its arms was perhaps the long-sought northern passage, the bay might prove to be the highway to the Moluccas, much en- dangered now by the activities of the French. The other extremity, on the Pacific, it was hoped, might be discovered by Legazpi, who shortly before had started on his way to conquer the Philip- pine Islands. This accomplished, then away with France and her Bacallaos (St. Lawrence) River, which, after all, Cartier and Roberval had found untenable. To approach Mexico, Menendez would occupy Appalachee Bay, and plant a colony at FLORIDA 151 Coosa, "at the foot of the mountains which come from the mines of Zacatecas and San Martin," where Francisco de Ibarra was at this very moment engaged in carving out the Kingdom of New Bis- cay. Finally, Menendez had great hopes of eco- nomic prosperity, for silkworms, vineyards, mines, pearls, sugar plantations, wheat and rice fields, herds of cattle, salines, ship timber, and pitch would make Florida not only self-supporting but richer "than New Spain or even Peru." Vast and unified in vision were these contempo- raneous projects of Philip and his men, embrac- ing the two oceans and reaching from Spain to the Philippine Islands. The tasks of Menendez in La Florida, Ibarra in New Biscay, and Legaspi in the Philippines were all but parts of one great whole, and Florida, said Menendez, with a twen- tieth-century contempt for distance and a Spanish disregard of time, "is but a suburb of Spain, for it does not take more than forty days' sailing to come here, and usually as many more to return." Within two years Menendez had established a line of posts between Tampa Bay and Santa Elena (Port Royal) and had made an attempt to colon- ize Virginia. But this work had not been done without setbacks. Disease and the adventurer's 152 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS dislike of manual labor — the same enemies that so nearly wrecked the English settlement at James- town several decades later — played their part in hampering the growth of the Florida settlements. When the colonies might perhaps have been in a degree self-supporting, it was still necessary to import all their supplies. Over a hundred colonists died at St. Augustine and San Mateo (Fort Caro- line); the attitude of others was fairly expressed in the statement of some deserters, that they had not come there to plow and plant but to find riches and, since no riches were to be found, they would no longer live in Florida "like beasts." From the principal settlements over three hundred men absconded; one hundred and thirty belonging to St. Augustine seized a supply ship and made off in it. But Menendez's forces were strengthened by over a thousand colonists from Spain. The foothold in Florida had been won. Meanwhile Menendez had turned to inland exploration. While at Santa Elena in 1566, he sent Juan Pardo with twenty -five men "to dis- cover and conquer the interior country from there to Mexico." Menendez aimed to join hands with the advance guard of pioneers in New Biscay. Going northward through Orista, FLORIDA 153 at forty leagues Pardo apparently struck the Cambahee River. Turning west he visited Cufi- tachiqui, where De Soto had dallied with the "queen" a quarter century before. A few days later he was at Juala, on a stream near the foot of the Alleghanies. The mountain being covered with snow, he could not proceed, so he built a stockade, called Fort San Juan, and left there a garrison under Sergeant Boyano. Going east to Guatare (Wateree) , he left there a priest and four soldiers, and returned by a direct route to Santa Elena. He had thus extended the work of De Soto by exploring a large part of South Carolina and adding considerably to the knowledge of North Carolina. Conversion of the natives was an essential part of Menendez's scheme to pacify and hold the coun- try. He had, as yet, no missionaries; so he de- tailed some of his soldiers to the work, and, in 1566, by much urging, he induced Philip to equip and send three Jesuits to Florida. The three were Father Martinez, Father Rogel, and Brother Villa- real. Their mission began in disaster. Father Martinez was killed by Indians and the other two withdrew temporarily to the West Indies. On their return, Menendez established Father Rogel with a 154 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS garrison of fifty soldiers at San Antonio, on Charlotte Bay, in the territory of the cacique Carlos, and Brother Villareal, also with a garrison, at Tegesta on the Miami River mouth at Biscayne Bay. Menendez had now established three permanent settlements on the Atlantic coast — St. Augustine and San Mateo in Florida and Santa Elena in South Carolina; and he had garrisoned forts at Guale in northern Georgia, at Tampa and Charlotte Bays on the west coast of the peninsula, and at Biscayne Bay and the St. Lucie River on the east coast. From these points Spaniards would now command the routes of the treasure fleets from the West Indies and from Vera Cruz. He had also pro- jected a settlement at Chesapeake Bay, which was not fated to endure. In May, 1567, after twenty months of continu- ous activity, Menendez went to Spain. There he was acclaimed as a hero. Philip made him Captain- General of the West, with command of a large fleet to secure the route to the West Indies, appointed him Governor of Cuba, and created him Knight Commander of the Holy Cross of Zarza, of the order of Santiago. It was said that Menendez was greatly disappointed that his reward consisted of so many sonorous words and of so little substance. FLORIDA 155 Menendez had reached his zenith. The story of his later successes is varied with disasters. In France, among all parties, the news of the massacre of Ribaut's colony had kindled fury against the Spaniards. Even to Catherine, in that hour of humiliation, the slaughtered men in Florida were not Huguenots but French. She rejected Philip's insinuating suggestions to make Coligny the scapegoat, avowed her own responsi- bility, and protested bitterly the effrontery and cruelty of Philip's agent in murdering her subjects. But her position in divided France was such that Philip had the whip hand, and he couched his answers in terms to make her feel it. She dared not go beyond high words, lest he publish her as an enemy of her own Church and, by some sudden stroke at her or her invalid son, hasten the end at which all his intrigues in her kingdom aimed, namely, the complete subservience of France to the Spanish Crown. Catherine could not avenge the wrong; but Dominique de Gourgues could. Gourgues was an ex-soldier and a citizen of good family; his parents were Catholics and he is not known to have been a Protestant. He had been captured in war by the Spaniards and had been forced 156 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS to serve as a galley slave. Now to his own grievance was added that of his nation; and he chose to avenge both. It is possible that he did not have the aid of the Queen and Coligny in raising his expedition — ostensibly to engage in the slave trade — but quite probable that he did. He timed his stroke to fall during the absence of Menendez in Spain. With one hundred and eighty men he went out in August, 1567, and spent the winter trading in the West Indies. Early next year he proceeded to Florida, landed quietly near St. John's River and made an alliance with Chief Saturiba, who was hostile to the Spaniards but an old friend of the French. Saturiba received him with demonstrations of joy, called his secondary chiefs to a war council, and presented Gourgues with a French lad whom his tribe had succored and concealed from the Spaniards since the time of Ribaut. His force augmented by Saturiba's warriors, Gourgues marched stealthily upon San Mateo. The Spaniards in the outpost blockhouses had just dined "and were still picking their teeth" when Gourgues's cry rang out: "Yonder are the thieves who have stolen this land from our King. Yonder are the murderers FLORIDA 157 who have massacred our French. On! On! Let us avenge our King! Let us show that we are Frenchmen!" The garrison in the first blockhouse, sixty in all, were killed or captured. The men in the second blockhouse met the same fate; and the French pushed on towards San Mateo fort itself, their fury having been increased by the sight of French cannon on the blockhouses — reminders of Fort Caroline. The Spaniards at San Mateo had received warning. A number had made off towards St. Augustine; the remaining garrison opened artillery fire upon the French. The trees screened the Indian allies; and the Spaniards, in making a sortie, were caught between the two forces. "As many as possible were taken ahve, by Captain Gourgues's order, to do to them what they had done to the French," says the report. The completion of Gourgues's revenge is thus related: *' They are swung from the branches of the same trees on which they had hung the French, and in place of the inscription which Pedro Menen- dez had put up containing these words in Spanish, / do this not as to Frenchmen hut as to Luther- ans, Captain Gourgues causes to be inscribed with a hot iron on a pine tablet: / do this not as to 158 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Spaniards nor as to Marranos [secret Jews] hut as to traitors, robbers, and murderers.''^ Gourgues now turned homeward. On the way he captured three Spanish treasure ships, threw their crews overboard, and took their contents of gold, pearls, merchandise, and arms. With a hideous vindictiveness on land and water had he repaid Spaniards for the massacre of his country- men on Florida soil and for his own degradation as a slave in their galleys on the sea. And he, too, like Menendez, stepping red-handed upon his native shores, was acclaimed as a hero. Troubles now came fast upon the Spaniards in Florida. Indians rose and massacred the soldiers at Tampa Bay. The garrison at San Antonio was compelled by hunger and the hostility of the na- tives to withdraw to St. Augustine. In rapid suc- cession, the interior posts established by Pardo and Boyano were destroyed by the Indians, or abandoned to save provisions. By 1570 Indian rancor and shortage of food had forced numbers of the colonists to leave the country. ^ Lowery, Florida, p. 333. There seems to be no proof that Menendez had hanged Frenchmen at Fort Caroline with this inscription over them; but the report that he had done so was believed in France. Spanish accounts do not mention it. FLORIDA 159 The missionaries succeeded little better than the soldiers; though Menendez had sent out four- teen more Jesuits from Spain, in 1568, under Father Juan Bautista de Segura. Father Rogel, driven from San Antonio and then from Santa Elena, returned to Havana. Father Sedeno and some five companions went to Guale (Georgia) where they labored for a year with some success. Brother Domingo translated the catechism into the native Guale tongue and Brother Baez compiled a grammar, the first written in the United States . Fa- ther Rogel went to Santa Elena, where he founded a mission at Orista, some five leagues from the set- tlement of San Felipe. He succeeded well for sever- al months, but finally the Indians became hostile and, when the commander levied a tribute of provi- sions to feed the hungry settlers, they rebelled, and Father Rogel was forced to withdraw to Havana (1570) . About the same time and for like reasons the missionaries abandoned Guale. Though he had failed on the peninsula and on the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina, Father Segura did not give up, but transferred his efforts to Chesapeake Bay, where, with six other Jesu- its, he founded a mission at Axacan, perhaps on the Rappahannock. But within a few months the 160 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS fickle Indians turned against them and slew Se- gura and his entire band (1571). On his return from Spain Menendez went to Chesapeake Bay and avenged the death of the missionaries by hanging eight Indians to the yardarms of his ship. The Jesuits, after the martyrdom of Segura, abandoned the field of Florida for Mexico. But, in 1573, nine Franciscans began work in this un- promising territory. Others came in 1577 and, in 1593, twelve more arrived under Father Juan de Silva. From their monastery at St. Augustine they set forth and founded missions along the northern coasts. Fray Pedro Chozas made wide explorations inland; and Father Pareja began his famous work on the Indian languages. By 1615 more than twenty mission stations were erected in the region today comprised in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. The story of these Franciscan mis- sions, though it is little known, is one of self-sacri- fice, religious zeal, and heroism, scarcely excelled by that of the Jesuits in Canada or the Franciscans in California. It is recorded in the mute but eloquent ruins scattered here and there along the Atlantic coast. In 1572 Menendez left America. He was first of all a seaman; and he was called home to assist FLORIDA 161 Philip in the preparation of the great Armada which the King was slowly getting ready. But Menendez did not live to command the Armada, for he died in 1574. His body was carried to the Church of St. Nicholas in Aviles and placed in a niche on the Gospel side of the altar. His tomb is marked with this inscription: "Here lies interred the very illustrious cavalier Pedro Men^ de Aviles, native of this town, Adelantado of the Provinces of Florida, Commander of the Holy Cross of La Carca of the Order of Santiago and C? Gen^^ of the Ocean Sea and of the Catholic Armada which the Lord Philip II. assembled against England in the year 1574, at Santander, where he died on the 17th of September of the said year being fifty -five years of age."' At the time when Menendez returned to Spain, Philip's intrigues in France reached their logical culmination — in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew and the end of Coligny. France, again in the ago- nies of civil strife, was no longer a menace. The new shadow on his horizon was England — England with her growing navy and her Protestant faith: and her Queen, who was as expert a politician as ^ Lowery, Florida, p. 384. 162 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS any man sent by Spain to her court, and more subtle then Philip himself. "This woman is pos- sessed by a hundred thousand devils," the Spanish envoy wrote to his King. During the years while England, after the upheavals of Mary's reign, was becoming stable and waxing strong, Elizabeth's dexterity kept Philip halting from any one of the deadly blows he might have struck at her. By her brilliant wit and her mendacity she kept him pondering when he should have been acting. She worked upon his religious zeal and his vanity by letting herself be surprised by his envoy with a crucifix in her hands, or blushing with a pretty confusion over Philip's portraits; and by these and other methods she kept him from bringing his in- trigues among her Catholic subjects to a head, lessened his support of Mary Stuart, and caused him to put off his designs for her own assassination. But this play could not go on forever. The pira- cies of the English sea-dogs, the honoring by Eliza- beth of Francis Drake on his return from loot- ing Spanish ships and "taking possession" of the North Pacific coast as New Albion, the attempts of Raleigh and White to plant colonies in Vir- ginia and Guiana, and later the sacking of Santo Domingo and Cartagena and the destruction of FLORIDA 163 St. Augustine by Drake, and, finally, the persecu- tion of the Jesuits in England, at last spurred Philip to combat. By the Pope, who had issued a Bull of Deposition against Elizabeth,, he had long been urged to conquer renegade England; and Mary Stuart had bequeathed to him her "rights" as sovereign of that kingdom. And Philip had seen that his distant colonies could not be defended unless he were sole King of the Ocean Sea. So the destiny of North America was decided on the North Sea, in July, 1588, in the defeat of the Spanish Armada by Sir Francis Drake. The mastery of the ocean passed from Spain to England. The waterways were open now for English colo- nists to seek those northern shores which Spain had failed to occupy. In time the sparse settle- ments in the Spanish province of Florida came to be hemmed in on the north by the English colo- nies in Georgia and South Carolina and Alabama, and stopped on the west by the French colony of Louisiana. Jamestown, 1607; Charleston, 1670; Savannah, 1733 : thus the English advanced relentlessly. And in 1763, following the Seven Years' War, in which Spain fought on the side of France, the Enghsh expelled Spain from Florida entirely. Spain's 164 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS recovery of her foothold there during the Ameri- can Revolution, and her struggle afterwards to hold back the oncoming tide of the now independent Anglo-Americans, profited her nothing in the end; for in 1819, two hundred and twelve years after Jamestown, all that remained to Spain of her old province of Florida passed to the United States. CHAPTER VI NEW MEXICO Old Castaneda, who wrote a belated chronicle of Coronado's expedition, gave Coronado a black eye and at the same time encouraged new flights of fancy. He made it appear that for some man of destiny the north held prizes. From the resem- blance of the Pueblo to the Aztec dwellings the region came to be called New Mexico. It was, after all, the "otro Mexico," which so many had sought. For nearly four decades after Coronado's day the Pueblo Indians were not revisited; but, during the interval the frontier of settlement in the central plateau of Mexico pushed northward, and the post of Santa Barbara was set up at the head of the Conchos River, which led to the Rio Grande. This opened a new highway to New Mexico. Coronado's roundabout trail by way of the Pacific slope, made dangerous by hostile Indians using poisoned arrows, was now no longer necessary. In 165 166 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS the course of slave-catching and prospecting raids down the Conchos, frontiersmen crossed the trail of Cabeza de Vaca and from the Indians heard new reports of the Pueblo country. Some one at Santa Barbara had a copy of Vaca's Narrative, and the marvelous tale of adventure was read again with keen attention. To the friars, newly heralded Cibola appeared a virgin field in which to save souls; to the soldiers and miners, a new world of adventure and treasure. New Mexico was again the scene of explora- tion. But, by the ordinance of 1573, military expeditions among the Indians were forbidden, and as a consequence any new enterprise must go in missionary guise. An expedition was or- ganized at Santa Barbara in 1581, led by Fray Agustin Rodriguez, with whom went Fray Fran- cisco Lopez, Fray Juan de Santa Maria, nine- teen Indian servants, and nine soldier-traders. The soldiers were led by Francisco Chamuscado, **the Singed." They were equipped with ninety horses, coats of mail for horse and rider, and six hundred cattle, besides sheep, goats, and hogs. For barter with the natives they carried merchan- dise. While the primary purpose of the stock was to provide food on the way, the friars were NEW MEXICO 167 prepared to remain in New Mexico if conditions were propitious. Leaving Santa Barbara on the 5th of June, the party descended the Conchos River to its mouth and proceeded up the Rio Grande. They were fol- lowed by a retinue of Indians who regarded them as children of the sun — so the chronicler thought. They passed through thePiros towns and continued to the Tiguas above Isleta, and on to the Tanos on Santa Fe River. Here Father Santa Maria set out alone to carry reports to Mexico, against the wishes of his companions, whose fears were justified, for he was killed three days later by Indians east of Isleta. The two friars and their party continued to Taos, near the Colorado line, and crossed to the Buffalo Plains, east of the Pecos River. Returning west- ward, they were obliged to fight a band of hostile natives in the Galisteo valley. Then they crossed the Rio Grande and visited the Indian towns of Acoma and Zuni. On the way some of the men, boylike, or with an historical sense, carved their names on El Morro Cliff, now called Inscription Rock, where they are still visible. At Zuni they found three Mexicans who had come with Coro- nado, and after forty years had nearly forgotten their native tongue. Back eastward came the 168 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS expedition. Rodriguez and Lopez decided to found a mission at Puaray, a Tigua town on the Rio Grande above iVlbuquerque, and there, with a few servants, the two friars made their abode. The soldiers returned to Santa Barbara. Chamuscado, the leader, became ill on the way and was carried on a litter of hides strung between two horses. Before reaching his destination he died. Three months later two servants from the mis- sion fled to Mexico and reported that Lopez had been killed by the Indians. A rescue expedition was hastened, for Fray Agustin might still be alive. But the expedition was too late. On reach- ing Ptfaray it was learned that Fray Agustin also had been slain. The soldier-traders of this rescue party were led by Antonio de Espejo, a merchant of Mexico, and Espejo had other business in New Mexico. From the Rio Grande he explored northwest to Jemez and went to Acoma and Zuni. Here he left Father Beltran, the Franciscan who accompanied him, and went on in search of a lake of gold he had heard of. Arrived at the Moqui towns, in Arizona, he obtained four thousand cotton blankets and saw the snake dance performed by the Hopi Indians, who still raise cotton and still pe orm the famous NEW MEXICO 169 dance, usually as a prayer for rain. Espejo now pushed westward and reached the region of Pres- cott, where he discovered rich veins, later to be known as mines of fabulous wealth. Then, re- tracing his steps to the Rio Grande, he returned by way of the Pecos River to Santa Barbara, whither Father Beltran had preceded him. Espe- jo' s report of the mines, of course, set the frontier on fire. The rumor that Drake, after raiding Spanish ships on the Pacific (1579), had found the Strait of Anian, and had sailed home through it, impelled the Spaniards to extend their power northward to the shores of that Strait. So Philip ordered the Viceroy of Mexico to make a contract with some one for the conquest and settlement of New Mexico. Several applicants came forward, including Espejo, who proposed at his own expense to colonize New Mexico with four hundred soldier-settlers and to build a port where the Strait of Anian entered the North Sea ! So great was the excitement in Mex- ico that some adventurers did not wait for oflScial sanction, but set out on their own authority, know- ing that nothing succeeds like success. No result came of these unauthorized ventures, and, what with red tape and jealousies and disputes, it was 170 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS some years before a contract was concluded with any one. The King had his Armada on his mind and, for the time, was pinning all his hopes upon that. But, in 1588, his Armada was beaten and almost wholly destroyed. His command of the sea was gone. And he turned again to his subjects in Mexico for help to make his power in the New World secure. At last, in 1595, just when Vizcaino was commissioned to colonize and hold California, the contract for the conquest and settlement of New Mexico was awarded to Juan de Ofiate of Zacatecas. The two expeditions, indeed, were regarded as parts of the same enterprise. Oiiate was the scion of a family distinguished for generations through service to the Crown in Spain and in Mexico; and he had married Isabel Tolosa Cortes Montezuma, a descendant of both Cortes and Montezuma II. He was granted extensive privileges in New Mexico, much like those con- ferred upon Menendez in Florida thirty years before. His colonists were promised the rank of hidalgo — for themselves and their heirs. The expedition was prepared in feudal style. Men of means were made captains. They did homage and swore fealty to Onate, sounded fife and drum, set up standards, and raised companies at their NEW MEXICO 171 own expense. Rich men staked their fortunes on the gamble. Zacatecas was made the central rendezvous for the colony, which was recruited from far and near. Jealousies and underminings interfered so much in the preliminary stages that it was 1598 before Onate left Santa Barbara, the last important out- post on the frontier. In his train went one hun- dred and thirty soldier-settlers, most of them taking their families, a band of Franciscans under Father Martinez, a large retinue of negro and Indian slaves, seven thousand head of stock, and eighty-three wagons and carts for transporting the women and children and the baggage. The baggage must have been ample indeed if all the officers were as well supplied as Captain Luis de Velasco with wardrobe and appurtenances suitable to a cavalier in the wilderness. Don Luis had one suit of "blue Italian velvet trimmed with wide gold passementerie, consisting of doublet, breeches, and green silk stockings with blue garters and points of gold lace," a suit of rose satin, one of straw-colored satin, another of purple Castilian cloth, another of chestnut colored cloth, a sixth and daintier one, of Chinese flowered silk. He had two doublets of Castilian dressed kid and one of royal lion skin 172 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS gold-trimmed; two linen shirts, fourteen pairs of Rouen linen breeches, forty pairs of boots, shoes, and gaiters, three hats, one black, trimmed around the crown with a silver cord and black, purple, and white feathers, another gray with yellow and purple feathers, the third of purple taffeta trimmed with blue, purple, and yellow feathers and a band of gold and silver passementerie. He took four saddles "of blue flowered Spanish cloth bound with Cordovan leather," three suits of armor, and three suits of horse armor, a silver-handled lance with gold and purple tassels, a sword and gilded dagger with belts stitched in purple and yellow silk, a broadsword, two shields, and — as a protection against weather and sneezes — a raincoat and six linen handkerchiefs. A bedstead and two mat- tresses with coverlet, sheets, pillows, and pillow- cases and a canvas mattress-bag bound with leather completed his outfit — not forgetting servants, thirty horses and mules, and a silken banner. Instead of continuing down the Conchos, Onate opened a new trail direct to the Rio Grande. Early in April (1598) he reached the Medanos, the great sand dunes south of El Paso. On the twenty-sixth he camped on the river just below El Paso. Here on the thirtieth he took formal NEW MEXICO 173 possession "of all the Kingdoms and provinces of New Mexico, on the Rio del Norte, in the name of our Lord King Philip." The day was given up to a celebration beginning with artillery salutes, Mass, and a sermon, and concluding with the presentation of a comedy written by Captain Far- fan. On the 4th of May Onate crossed the Rio Grande at El Paso. Then with sixty men he went ahead in person "to pacify the land." Two months later, at the present Santo Domingo, a pueblo west of Santa Fe, he received the sub- mission of the chiefs of seven provinces. Con- tinuing north a short distance, on July 11, 1598, he established headquarters at the pueblo of Caypa, then renamed and ever since known as San Juan. With the aid of fifteen hundred natives he began the construction of an irrigation ditch. His colo- nists came up with him early in August; and, on the 8th of September, they celebrated the completion of the first church erected in New Mexico. On the next day chiefs from all the explored territory assembled to do honor to their Spanish super-chief and to receive their rods of office as lieutenants of King Philip. A tone of solemnity was given the scene by holding the ceremony in the kiva, or sacred council chamber, of the pueblo. There, on 174 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS bended knee, the chiefs swore allegiance to God and the King of Spain, and sealed the oath by kissing the hands of Oiiate and Father Martinez. The ceremony over, Onate gave his mind to plans for exploration. He wished to explore the Buffalo Plains, discover the Strait of Anian, open a land route to the Pacific, and take a look at the country northeastward beyond Quivira. Sixty men went to the plains to procure meat and tallow and to capture buffalo to domesticate. After a few tilts the plan to tame the ugly beasts was given up, but more than two thousand pounds of tallow were obtained. Oiiate went to Moqui, and from there Marcos Farfan led a party to the gold-fields of Arizona which Espejo had discovered, and staked out claims. On their way to join Oiiate, Juan de Zaldivar and fourteen companions were slain at Acoma, by the rebellious People of the White Rock. To punish the offenders Oiiate sent out an expedition which captured Acoma after two days of terrific fighting on its stone stairs, laid the pueblo waste by fire, and exter- minated most of its inhabitants. Shortly after- ward Onate led eighty men down the Canadian River, crossed Oklahoma, and entered Quivira at Wichita, Kansas; but he was forced to retreat by NEW MEXICO 175 Indian hostility. Another golden dream had a prosaic awakening. Meanwhile disaster had befallen the colony, which by this time had moved its headquarters across the Rio Grande to San Gabriel, near Chama River. A dry season had made food scarce and, when Onate returned, he confiscated the supplies in the pueblos, leaving the Indians destitute. The friars, whose first thought was for their missions, were now in conflict with Onate. One of them wrote of him: "In all the expeditions he has butch- ered many Indians, human blood has been shed, and he has committed thefts, sackings, and other atrocities. I pray that God may grant him the grace to do penance for all his deeds." Hunger drove most of the settlers and all the friars but one back to Santa Barbara. Among those who withdrew, ruined in fortune, was Captain Luis de Velasco, the erstwhile Beau Brummel of the satin coats. Oiiate sent soldiers after his faint-hearted colonists to arrest and bring them back. Some of them returned, and Father Escobar came north as the new superior of the missionaries, bringing six new friars. Finally, in 1604, Onate carried out his intention of reaching the South Sea. It was his last throw of 176 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS the dice. By this time he and his friends were ruined in fortune, and his reputation was under a cloud as a result of charges made by his rivals and enemies. New Mexico was already a white ele- phant on the royal hands. Onate must make a hit somewhere, and Vizcaino had just focused atten- tion on California. Westward, therefore, Onate again turned. With thirty men he followed the footsteps of Espejo and Farfan and went on to the Colorado, down the Colorado to the Gulf of Cali- fornia; explored the shore of the Gulf, found no pearl fisheries, and returned to San Gabriel con- vinced that California was an island. On the way he had heard from an Indian wag of a land to the north where people slept under water and wore golden bracelets; of a race of unipeds; of giant Amazons on a silver island to the west; of a tribe with long ears trailing on the ground, and of an- other nation which lived on smells. And, as Father Escobar indited of these matters, since God had created greater wonders and "since they have been affirmed by so many and diflPerent tribes . . . they cannot lack foundation." New Mexico was an expense. It had not led to discovery of the Strait of Anian ; the distant mines ot Arizona could not be worked without Indian NEW MEXICO 177 labor, which could only be procured by keeping a large and costly military force in the country. The new Viceroy of Mexico reported on the province unfavorably to the King and urged that all ef- forts now be concentrated on California. The colo- nists were as disheartened as the Viceroy. They threatened to leave if ample supplies did not arrive within the year. At the same time, in August, 1607, Onate asked for his release, unless sufficient aid was to be sent to him. This may have been a bluff. If so, it was called. His request was granted and early in 1609 Pedro de Peralta arrived in San Gabriel as the new Governor with instruc- tions to find a better site and move the capital and colony thither. Thus Peralta founded the town of Santa Fe. Onate returned to Mexico, where the charges against him were pending for more than a decade. The rewards for his services were poverty, enemies, and disappointment. Nevertheless, he had founded a permanent outpost for Spain and a colony which after three centuries gives character to one of our commonwealths. Hopes of finding rich minerals in New Mexico having failed, the province remained chiefly a missionary field, with its principal secular settle- ment at Santa Fe. But as a missionary province 178 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS it flourished. According to Father Benavides, by 1630 there were fifty friars at work. Their twenty- five missions included ninety pueblos and sixty thousand converts. At each mission there were a school and workshops, where the neophytes were taught reading, writing, singing, instrumental music, and the manual arts. The account which Father Benavides gives of the Queres missions is typical of all. ** Passing forward another four leagues," he says, "the Queres nation commences with its first pueblo, that of San Felipe, and extends more than ten leagues in seven pueblos. There must be in them four thousand souls, all baptized. There are three monasteries with very costly and beautiful churches, aside from those which each pueblo has. These Indians are very dexterous in reading, writing, and playing on all kinds of instruments and are skilled in all the crafts, thanks to the great industry of the friars who converted them." For eighty years Spaniards and Indians dwelt at peace with each other. But while the Indians accepted the religion of the friars, they also pre- served their own — as they have preserved it to this day — and, under demands that they give it up, coupled with penances and punishments, they NEW MEXICO 179 became sullen. Then, too, they were driven to labor for their conquerors. The secret bitterness flamed up in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, led by Pope, a Tewa medicine man, who had suffered chains and flogging. At this time the Spanish population numbered nearly three thousand set- tlers, living chiefly in the upper Rio Grande valley between Isleta and Taos. Besides the towns of Santa Fe and Santa Cruz de la Canada, a settle- ment had also been formed on the river at El Paso, now the Mexican town of Juarez. In addition to the labor enforced on them, the Indians paid tribute yearly in cloth and maize for the benefit of the alien settlers. They were more than willing to listen to Pope when he talked of casting out the heavy-handed strangers. Pope — whipped out of San Juan for witchcraft — made his headquarters in Taos, whither he called the northern chiefs. The depth of his hatred for the Spaniards may be gauged by the fact that, having reason to suspect the fidelity of his son-in-law, Bua, governor of the San Juan pueblo, he slew him with his own hand. Isleta and the Piros pueblos to the south did not join in the conspiracy, but their lack was more than compensated by an alliance with the fierce Apaches. So masterly was Pope's generalship that the blow 180 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS fell simultaneously on all the settlements. Men, women, children, and friars — over four hundred all told — were slaughtered indiscriminately; the churches, houses, and property destroyed. About twenty-five hundred Spaniards escaped to the settlement at El Paso. For eighteen years the Indians held New Mexi- co. There was not a resident Spaniard north of the El Paso district. In 1692 Governor Diego de Vargas led an expedition for the reduction of the province. The reclamation and fortification of that territory, and the spread of Spanish rule beyond it, had again become vital. Vargas re- conquered New Mexico with comparatively little bloodshed; for most of the pueblos, taken by sur- prise, submitted without a blow. But when Var- gas returned in 1693 with a colony of eight hun- dred settlers, the northern towns made a stiff resistance. It was not until the end of 1694 that they were conquered. Taos, where the old con- spiracy had had its roots, was sacked and burned. The Indian warriors, taken prisoners in the battles, were executed; hundreds of women and children were made slaves. Once more in the following year did the Indians rise to repel the invader, but their strength was broken. A series of bloody NEW MEXICO 181 campaigns by Vargas and his successor, Cubero, crushed at last their heroic spirit. The recon- quest was complete, and Spanish rule was made secure exactly a century after it had first been established by Onate. For another century and a quarter New Mexico continued under Spain; then it became a part of independent Mexico. It was a typical Spanish outpost, isolated and sluggish, quite unlike the lively mining and political centers of New Spain farther south. At Santa Fe a long succession of military governors ruled over the province and engaged sometimes in unsavory quarrels with the missionary superiors. The Indian pueblos were missions under the spiritual control of the padres, and mimic munici- palities with their own officers under the political and economic control of alcaldes, appointed by the Governor. In the larger pueblos Spanish and in the smaller half-caste alcaldes were usually appointed. The alcaldes appointed agents and seldom visited their Indian charges. The offices were means, not alone of controlling, but more par- ticularly of exploiting the natives. Each pueblo was required to carry provisions to the alcalde's 182 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS home — a sheep a week, butter, beans, tortil- las, and other provisions. The natives also ren- dered personal service on the alcalde's hacienda or in his household. They planted, tilled, and harvested his crops, sometimes going long dis- tances and carrying their tools. When the wool or the cotton was gathered it was parceled out to the Indians to manufacture into fabrics — for the alcalde's benefit. Women were required for house- hold service, with resulting scandals. Indians often bought, at high prices, freedom for their women from this household service. The alcaldes and the Governor monopolized most of the trade with their pueblos. Weekly labor for the Gover- nor was so distributed that Indians from Rio Arriba went to Santa Fe to work between Resur- rection Day and All Saint's Day; those from Rio Abajo going during the rest of the year. Every week lave women were sent to grind corn and do other work at the Governor's palace, while a certain number of men worked on his haciendas. For a picture of New Mexico in 1744 we are indebted to Father Menchero, procurator of the missions. The province included not only the set- tlements of the upper Rio Grande but the El Paso district as well, on both sides of the river. NEW MEXICO 183 At that time there were seven hundred and sev- enty-one households, or about ten thousand per- sons, for famihes were surprisingly large. Two- thirds of these people lived in the four principal cities of Santa Fe, Santa Cruz, Albuquerque, and El Paso. Of these El Paso was the largest. The remainder lived on haciendas and ranchos — rural villages they were, ranging from five to forty-six families each. The Franciscans still ad- ministered twenty-five missions, each contain- ing from thirty to one hundred families. Nine- teen of these missions were in the upper district, between Isleta and Taos, Pecos and Zuiii. Six were strung along the Rio Grande below El Paso within a distance of twenty leagues. AU these were then on the right bank of the stream, but sub- sequent changes in the river bed have left some of them in Texas. Population increased slowly but steadily to the end of Spanish rule, when the province, not counting the El Paso district, had thirty thousand settlers. The Spaniards, so-called, were by no means all full-blood Castilians. In every frontier Spanish colony the soldiery was to a large extent made up of castes — mestizos, coyotes, and mulattoes — and New Mexico was no exception to the 184 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS rule. As time went on, the Indian admixture in- creased. The laws of the Indies provided that Spaniards and castes should not settle in the In- dian towns and missions, on the theory that the as- sociation was bad for the Indian. Nevertheless, before the end of the eighteenth century many Spaniards, and especially the castes, settled in the Indian pueblos, where they gained possession of the Indian lands, and by getting the Indians in their debt, kept them in practical peonage. Similarly, the castes often got control of the pueblo gov- ernment. The Indians were required by law to nominate their own *' governors," but in many cases the coyotes and mulattoes managed to secure the election. Of all the elements in the population none was more unhappy than the genizaros, or Janissaries. These were Indians of various tribes of the plains, ransomed or captured in childhood, employed as servants, and Christianized. They were employed especially as scouts and as auxiliaries in cam- paigns, hence their name. They were an extra- neous element in society, and they tended to seg- regate themselves from both Spaniards and Pueb- los. Frequently they ran away. For these out- casts the missionaries in 1740 founded a mission NEW MEXICO 185 settlement at Thome on the Rio Grande, just be- low Isleta; others were founded later at Belen and Sabinal. The river valleys of New Mexico were highly productive. Irrigation was commonly practiced. In the upper districts maize, wheat, cotton, garden truck, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, mules, and fowls were raised on a considerable scale. Sheep raising flourished especially in the north, and cattle abounded at Taos and Soledad. The In- dians manufactured fabrics of cotton, wool, buf- falo, deer, and rabbit hides. At Albuquerque woolen and cotton fabrics were woven by the Spaniards. At El Paso a fine acequia watered large fields of wheat and maize and vineyards which produced "fine wine in no way inferior to that of Spain." Some of the haciendas were large and productive. That of Captain Rubin de Celis, ten leagues below El Paso, had on it twenty Span- ish families. The Treval hacienda, at Laguna, customarily planted two hundred fanegas (400 bushels) of wheat and three hundred fanegas of maize, all by means of tributary Indian labor. At Taos annual fairs were held. Wild Indians brought captive children and buffalo and deer skins, to exchange for horses, mules, knives, 186 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS hatchets, and trinkets. The Moqui pueblos had a large commerce in cattle and fabrics with the surrounding tribes, particularly with the Yumas and Mojaves of the Colorado River. The Span- iards conducted Indian trade at long distances, making frequent or even annual expeditions to the Jumanos of central Texas, to the Pawnees and the Arapahoes beyond the Arkansas, and to the vari- ous tribes of the Utah Basin, as far as Lake Utah. The monopohstic system of Spain restricted external trade to narrow channels. The great commercial event of the year was the departure of the annual caravan of cattle, carts, and pack mules, bound for Chihuahua, whither exports were sent and whence manufactured articles were obtained. In the eighteenth century the French of Louisi- ana began to smuggle into New Mexico much needed merchandise. After Louisiana passed into the hands of Spain, communication was opened with St. Louis, and trade with the Plains Indians increased. Early in the nineteenth century Ameri- can traders and adventurers attempted to enter the country, but usually fell into Spanish prisons. In 1806 Zebulon Pike, the American explorer, was captured by Spaniards and taken to Santa Fe. To his American eye Santa Fe's one-story houses of NEW MEXICO 187 thick adobe walls looked from a distance "like a fleet of flat-boats which are seen in the spring and fall seasons descending the Ohio. . . . The public square is in the center of the town, on the north side of which is situated the palace or government house, with the quarters for the guards, etc. The other side of the square is occupied by the clergy and public oflScers. ... The streets are very nar- row, say, in general, twenty-five feet. The supposed population is 4500." When Mexico threw off the Spanish yoke in 1821, New Mexico became a province of Mexico, with a northern boundary at the forty-second parallel, including Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and most of Arizona. The exclusive policy of Spain was now relaxed, and American trappers and traders found free access. American pioneers like Kit Carson and Charles Bent adopted the country and married its daughters; and traders opened the great caravan trade from St. Louis to Santa Fe, thence to Chihuahua and to Los Angeles. When New Mexico passed into American hands the pop- ulation had reached sixty thousand — a figure about equal to the total French population in North America at the end of the French regime. CHAPTER VII THE JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE On the Pacific slope the frontiers of effective settle* ment marched northward by slow degrees into Arizona and Lower California. This advance was led throughout the seventeenth century by Span- ish Jesuits, contemporaries of the better known Black Robes in Canada. Laboring in a much more propitious field, they were able to achieve more permanent results than their less numerous and less fortunate French brothers in the Cana- dian wilderness. The Jesuits on the Pacific slope made important contributions to civilization. A large part of the population in this area today has sprung from ancestors, on one side or the other, who got their first touch of European cul- ture in the Jesuit missions and most of the towns and cities of today have grown up on the sites of early missions. Missions were an integral part of Spain's scheme 188 JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 189 of conquest. Experience on the frontiers of Mexi- co, repeated in Florida, proved that the methods of such conquerors and pacificators as Guzman and De Soto had worked ill on the whole. A mass of legislation and royal instructions issued in the seventeenth century indicates that the authorities desired to approximate to that ideal of conquest through love for which Fray Luis Cancer had, long ago, laid down his life on the sands of Florida. The Indians had a definite place in the Spanish scheme. Apart from the fact that Indian wars were costly, Spain wished to have the natives preserved and rendered docile and contented wards of the government. She needed their toil, because of the dearth of Spanish laborers. Furthermore she lacked white settlers. She planned, there- fore, to gather the Indians into permanent villages, to civilize them, and to use them as a bulwark against other European powers who might seek to plant colonies on her territory. Not to the con- quistador could she look for fulfillment of this design. For, though his contract bade him be tender, it offered him no means of enriching himself except through the fortuitous discovery of precious metals or pearls — or by plundering and exploit- ing the natives. Spain turned to the missionaries 190 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS because the Indians were "well disposed to receive the friars" — as Mendoza had written to the King in describing Guzman's devastations in Sinaloa — "while they flee from us as stags fly in the forest."^ In the early days of conquest in the West Indies and Mexico the control of the Indians had been largely in the hands of trustees, called encomen- deros. They were secular persons, for the most part, entrusted {encomendar means to entrust) with the conversion, protection, and civilization of the natives, in return for the right to exploit them. In theory the scheme was benevolent. But human nature is weak, and the tendency of the trustee was to give his attention chiefly to exploi- tation and to neglect his obligations. As a result the encomienda became a black spot in the Span- ish colonial system. Efforts were made to abolish the evil, and by slow degrees some progress was achieved. Then, too, as the frontiers expanded, the institution tended to die a natural death. Civilized Aztecs were worth the trouble of conquer- ing; wild Apaches and warlike Creeks hardly, for the cost of subduing them was disproportionate to the returns from their labor. On the new frontiers, therefore, the care and » Lowery, Spanish Settlements, vol. i, p. 400. JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 191 control of the Indians was given over largely to the missionaries, aided by soldiers. The missionaries were expected to convert, civilize, and control the Indians, without the old abuses of exploitation. So it was that in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries missions became almost universal on the frontiers. They operated simultaneously in the still unsubdued areas of northern Mexico, and in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Lower California. It was in 1591 that the Jesuits, having after vain labors abandoned the Atlantic coast, first entered Sinaloa to heal the wounds made by the conquer- ors, and to gather together, convert, and civilize the remains of the native population. As they went slowly northward, tribe by tribe, valley by valley, they founded missions beside the streams, attracted the natives to them by gifts and the display of religious pictures and images, bap- tized them, and gradually influenced them to col- lect in villages about the missions, to submit to the disciphne of the padre in charge, to cultivate the soil, and to learn a few simple arts and crafts. By the middle of the seventeenth century they had reached the upper Sonora valley. Meanwhile set- tlers had crept in behind the missionaries to engage 192 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS in mining, grazing, and agriculture. These little outposts on the Pacific coast mainland became a base for later developments in adjacent California. The man who led the way into Arizona and Lower California was one of the heroic figures of Ameri- can history — Eusebio Francisco Kino. This hardy Jesuit was born near Trent in 1645, of Italian par- entage, and was educated in Austria. He distin- guished himself as a student at Freiburg and Ingol- stadt and, in consequence, was offered a professor- ship in mathematics at the royal university of Ba- varia. He rejected the offer and vowed himself to the missionary service, as a follower of Saint Fran- cis Xavier, to whose intercession he attributed his recovery from a serious illness. He had hoped to go to the Far East, literally to follow in the foot- steps of his patron, but there came a call for missionaries in New Spain and hither he came instead. Arriving in 1681, he proceeded two years later, as rector of missions, with an expedition designed to colonize the peninsula of California. The natives, though among the lowest in intelli- gence and morality of any tribes in America, were unwarlike and tractable on the whole. But a prolonged drought on the mainland, the base for supplies, caused the abandonment of the enterprise. JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 193 Destiny reserved for Kino a more promising field. Missions had already been established over all of southern and eastern Sonora. But beyond, to the west and north, lay the virgin territory of Pimeria Alta, home of the upper Pimas, a region which comprised what is now northern Sonora and southern Arizona. At that day it was all included in the district of Sonora, to which it belonged until 1853, when the northern portion was cut off by the Gadsden Purchase. Father Kino arrived in Pimeria Alta in March, 1687, the very month when La Salle met his death in the wilds of central Texas, and began a term of service that was to last for twenty-four years. The frontier mission station when he arrived was at Cucurpe, in the valley of the river now called San Miguel. Cucurpe still exists, a quiet little Mexican pueblo, sleeping under the shadow of the mountains, and inhabited by descendants of Indians who were there in Kino's time. Some fifteen miles above Cucurpe, on the San Miguel River, Kino founded the mission of Neus- tra Senora de los Dolores — Our Lady of Sor- rows. The site chosen was one of peculiar fitness and beauty. Nearby the little San Miguel breaks through a narrow canyon, whose walls rise several 13 194 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS hundred feet in height. Above and below the gorge the river valley broadens out into rich vegas, or irrigable bottom lands, half a mile or more in width and several miles in length. On the east the valley is walled in by Sierra de Santa Teresa, on the west by the Sierra del Torreon. Closing the lower valley and hiding Cucurpe stands Cerro Prieto; and cutting off the observer's view to- ward the north rises the grand and rugged Sierra Azul. At the canyon where the river breaks through, the western mesa juts out and forms a cliff approachable only from the east. On this promontory, protected on three sides from attack, and affording a magnificent view, was placed the mission of Dolores. Here still stand its ruins, in full view of the valley above and below, of the mountain walls on the east and west, the north and south, and within the sound of the rushing cataract of the San Miguel as it courses through the gorge. This meager ruin on the cliff, consisting now of a mere fragment of an adobe wall and saddening piles of debris, is the most venerable of all the many mission remains in Arizona and northern Sonora, for Our Lady of Sorrows was mother of them all, and for nearly a quarter of a century was the home of the remarkable missionary who built them. JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 195 From his station at Dolores, Kino and his com- panions, Jesuits and soldiers, pushed the frontier of missionary work and exploration across Arizona to the Gila and Colorado rivers. Most faithful amongst his associates, and his companion on many a long journey over the deserts, was Lieutenant Juan Mange, who, like Kino, has left us excellent accounts of these pioneer days. Kino began his exploration into what is now Ari- zona in 1691. He was accompanied on his first journey by Father Salvatierra, who had come from the south as a visitor. They went north as far as Tumacacori, a Pima village on the Santa Cruz River, now the site of a venerable mission ruin. In the following year Kino reached San Xavier del Bac and entered the valley of the San Pedro, north of Douglas. At Bac he spoke to the natives the word of God, "and on a map of the world showed them the lands, the rivers, and the seas over which we fathers had come from afar to bring them the saving knowledge of the holy faith"; so giving them a lesson in geography, as well as a bit of Gos- pel truth. Two years later Kino descended the Santa Cruz River to the Casa Grande, the famous ruin on the Gila River, of which in his writings he gives us the first description. "The casa grande,'' 196 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS he observes, "is a four-story building, as large as a castle, and equal to the largest church in these lands of Sonora. It is said that the ancestors of Montezuma deserted and depopulated it, and, be- set by the neighboring Apaches, left for the East, or Casas Grandes, ' and that from there they turned toward the south and southwest, finally founding the great city of Mexico." Mange adds a note of description. He mentions the thick walls of "strong cement and clay ... so smooth on the inside that they resemble planed boards, and so polished that they shine like Puebla pottery." Despite his success amongst the Pimas, Father Kino had never lost interest in the Indians of Lower California, and in 1695 he and Salvatierra, still working in unison, went to Mexico to urge a new attempt to found missions there. Two years later the two had the distinction — always cherished by Kino — of being personally named by the King to head the work. But the settlers in Sonora clam- ored to have Kino remain in Pimeria Alta, where he was needed to help keep the Indians quiet, and Father Picolo went with Salvatierra instead. But on Kino's continued support the success of the work largely depended. ^ In Chihuahua. JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 197 The difficulty of sending supplies across the Gulf to Salvatierra's new missions quickened Kino's in- terest in northwestern exploration, and brought about a revolution in his geographical notions. He had come to America with the belief that California was a peninsula, but, under the influence of cur- rent teachings, he had accepted the theory that it was an island. During his journey to the Gila in 1699, however, the Indians had made him a pres- ent of some blue shells, such as he had seen on the western coast of California and nowhere else. He now reasoned that, as the Indians could not have crossed the Gulf, California must be, after all, a peninsula, and that it might be possible to find a land route over which to send provisions and stock to Salvatierra's struggling establishments. To test this theory was the principal object of Kino's later explorations. By 1702 he had explored the Colorado from the mouth of the Gila to the Gulf and had proved, to his own satisfaction at least, that Lower California was not an island but a peninsula. The map which he made of his ex- plorations, published in 1705, was not improved upon for more than a century. As Kino explored and questioned natives about blue shells and hidden trails over the arid deserts 198 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS and the stark peaks, he baptized and taught in little huts which the wondering Indians built to serve as chapels. Kino's diaries reveal not only a consuming zeal for his faith, but a deep love and paternal care for his red-skinned flock. He was not satisfied with itinerant preaching, which left the Indians to revert to their pagan ways between his visits ; but he gathered them into missions as the law required. By 1696 Kino had begun to prepare for resident missions in Arizona by founding stock ranches in the Santa Cruz and San Pedro valleys, and four years later had begun the building of San Xavier del Bac, near the present Tucson, which is in use to this day. On April 28, 1700, he wrote in his diary: " . . .we began the foundations of a very large and capacious church and house of San Xavier del Bac, all the many people working with much pleasure and zeal, some in digging for the foundations, others in hauling many and very good stones of tezontle, ^ from a little hill which was about a quarter of a league away. For the mortar for these foundations it was not necessary to haul water, because by means of the irrigation ditches we very easily conducted the water where we wished. And that house, with its great court and * A porous stone much used by Mexicans for building. JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 199 garden nearby, will be able to have throughout the year all the water it may need, running to any place or work-room one may please, and one of the greatest and best fields in all Nueva Biscaya."' The "many people" were three thousand Indians who had gathered to meet him and to beseech him to remain with them. Kino was willing, for he re- garded San Xavier as the strategic point in his plans for advance. He asked permission to move his headquarters thither, but he was needed else- where, and in his stead Father Gonzalvo was sent. In the same year Mission San Gabriel was built at Guebavi and Father San Martin was installed there. For the support of his missions and the In- dians who gathered about them Kino started large stock and grain farms; and once at least he sent as many as seven hundred head of cattle to his brethren on the Peninsula of California. As an explorer Kino ranks among the greatest of the Southwest. From Mission Dolores, during the twenty-four years of his ministry, he made over fifty journeys, which varied in length from a hun- dred to a thousand miles. He crossed repeatedly in various directions all the country between the Magdalena and the Gila rivers and between the ^ Bolton, Kino's Historical Memoir, vol. ii, pp. 235-36. 200 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS San Pedro and the Colorado. One of his trails lay over the waterless DeviFs Highway, where scores of adventurers have since lost their lives. Some- times his only companions were a few Indian ser- vants. But he usually traveled with plenty of horses and mules from his ranches, sometimes as many as a hundred and thirty head. His physical hardihood was great, and there are many stories of his hard riding. More than once, like a general. Kino mustered his Pima children and sent them out to war against the unsociable Apaches. And, when the Spanish authorities disputed the number of Apache scalps they were requested to pay for, it was Kino who galloped off to count the scalps and see to it that his children were not stinted of their bonus. For himself, he cherished hard- ship. He ate sparingly, drank no wine, and went meagerly clothed. Kino's last days were to him a time of stagna- tion and disappointment. The Spanish monarchy was at its lowest ebb, and funds for the support of the missions were not to be had unless they served some important political purpose. Texas, not Ari- zona, was the danger point now, and funds had to be used there. Kino died in 1711 at Magdalena, one of the missions which he had founded, across JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 201 the mountains from Dolores. He was not yet seventy. Father Velarde, a companion, has thus described his last moments: "He died as he had lived, with extreme humility and poverty. . . . His deathbed, as his bed had always been, con- sisted of two calfskins for a mattress, two blankets such as the Indians use for covers, and a pack- saddle for a pillow. . . . No one ever saw in him any vice whatsoever, for the discovery of lands and the conversion of souls had purified him. . . . He was merciful to others but cruel to himself." For two decades now the Arizona frontier slum- bered. Then, Apache depredations in Sonora, a military inspection, and a visit by the Bishop of Durango shook it to renewed life. A missionary revival followed. In 1732 a new band of Jesuits, mainly Germans — Keler, Sedelmayr, Steiger, Grashof er, Paver — took up the work which the great founder had laid down with his life. San Xavier and others of the abandoned missions were reoccupied. Interest in the border was enhanced by a mining "rush" in 1736. Immense nuggets of free silver were found at Arizonac, in the upper Al- tar valley, just over the present Sonora line. It is from this place that the State of Arizona gets its name. For a time the region fairly hummed with 202 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS life, but after five years the mines played out and there was another dozing spell. A Pima uprising in 1751 caused another awakening. To hold the dis- trict a presidio was built at Tubac in 1752. Here the military frontier halted for twenty-four years, and then it advanced to Tucson. Meanwhile Salvatierra and his companions — for others had joined him from time to time — were succeeding across the Gulf of California. Having slender royal aid, the missionaries had to depend at first on private alms. In a short time prominent individuals had contributed $47,000, which con- stituted the nucleus of the famous Pious Fund of California. Missionary beginnings were made at Loreto, halfway up the inner coast of the Penin- sula. Soon a palisaded fort and church were con- structed there, and within a year Salvatierra had four launches plying back and forth, to and from the mainland. Gradually the work extended to the surrounding country, new missions were founded in the neighborhood, and explorations were made across the Peninsula to the Pacific. Salvatierra was much interested in Kino's efforts to establish a land route between Arizona and Lower California, and joined him, in 1701, on one of his expeditions. JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 203 In a report written in February, 1702, Father Picolo, in fervid and poetic language tells of the landing of himself and Salvatierra and depicts their mission as it appeared to them in their spirit of ex- altation and sacrifice. They had taken, he wrote, ''as the guiding star of our voyage that star of the sea, the most devoted image of the Lady of Loreto, which led us without mishap to the desired port." And on landing they had set up the image "as de- cently as the country and our poverty would per- mit" and had placed the ** undertaking in her hands" that she, like a "beneficent sun," might banish the pagan night blinding the Indians with the shadows of death. Satan had not watched the coming of the padres unmoved at the prospect of losing "his ancient and peaceful possession" of heathen souls. As he blinded their understandings, they could not comprehend the words of the light which, with re- splendent rays, spoke the language of heaven for their welfare, while we, upon hearing a language which we had not known, could not in ours, which they had not heard, make known to them the high purpose, for them so advantageous, which had taken us to their lands. And although we had gone to their shores solely to seek the precious pearls of their souls, to nurture them with the heavenly dew of the Divine Word, and to give 204 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS them their luster in Christ, showing them the celestial shell Mary, who conceived for their good, with the gentle dew of heaven, the perfect pearl of first luster, Christ, they thought we came like others who at other times, sometimes not without injury to their people, had landed on their shores in search of the many and rich pearls which were produced in the countless fisher- ies of their coast. With this opinion quickened at the instigation of the Devil, . . . they attacked our little guard . . . with such fury and so thick a shower of arrows and stones that if the Lady had not constituted an army to resist it . . . our purpose would have been frustrated. With this glorious tri- umph their pride was humbled. . . . Some of them came to our camp .... Then through easy inter- course with them we devoted all our efforts to learning their language.^ Salvatierra followed the same plan which Kino and his associates employed in establishing their work. He sent a padre, or went himself, to visit a tribe, to make gifts and to talk of religion, until the Indians were won over and were willing to have a mission erected in their village. Each new mis- sion was placed within easy communication of one already established from which supplies could be drawn until the new mission was able to sup- port itself. Some fifteen missions were ultimately established in Salvatierra's domain by separate » Bolton, Kino' a Historical Memoir, vol. ii, pp. 47-49. JESUITS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE 205 endowment made through the charity and zeal of some rich Cathohc who sought by this means his own grace and the benefit of the heathen. Two were endowed with ten thousand pesos each by a "priest commissioner of the court of the Holy Of- fice of the Inquisition," another by certain mem- bers of a Jesuit college in Mexico; but the greater part of the Pious Fund was contributed by non- clericals. Patiently Salvatierra and his assistants went on their chosen task, erecting missions, gather- ing the Indians in pueblos under trustworthy na- tive alcaldes, teaching them agriculture, stock raising, saddlery, and shoemaking, improving on the native fashion of weaving, and — for the beau- tifying of the church services and for their own in- nocent entertainment — instructing them in music and singing. In the midst of his work Salvatierra was called to Mexico to serve as provincial of New Spain, but at the expiration of his term he returned and con- tinued his work till 1717. For twenty years the history of Lower California had been little more than his own biography. After Salvatierra's death more liberal aid was provided, and new missions were established both in the south and the north. Before their expulsion the Jesuits had founded 206 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS missions and opened trails throughout almost the entire length of the peninsula. The lives of such men as Kino and Salvatierra — and of some of their associates who met martyrdom at the hands of their flocks — are the undimming gold of one side of the shield. It was for what he professed to see on the reverse side of that shield that Carlos III, in 1767, banished the Jesuits from his dominions. For a year or two the Franciscans occupied the former Jesuit field; but, when a new advance north was made, the Peninsula was as- signed to the Dominicans and Alta California to the Franciscans. The work of the Jesuits in Lower California had opened the way for the colonization of Alta Cali- fornia. The preparations for settlement were made at Loreto and other mission towns, from which the land expeditions started; and the ships from Mex- ico were overhauled and stocked in seaports on the Peninsula. Thus the first stages of the northward journey of the founders of California were made through a province where peaceable natives and a chain of missions and mission farms reduced the hazards of the march. CHAPTER Vin TEXAS In the sixteenth century Spain, as we have seen, had thrust up into the North the two outposts of Florida and New Mexico. In time foreign intru- sion made it necessary to occupy the intervening region called Texas, which embraced a goodly slice of what is now Louisiana. While Spain was busy farther south, other nations were encroaching on her northern claims . By 1 670 England had planted strong centers of colonization all the way from Jamaica to New England, and had erected trading posts on Hudson Bay. French traders from Can- ada, meanwhile, had been pushing up the St. Law- rence to the Great Lakes and branching north and south through the wilderness. At the same time French and English buccaneers from the West Indies were marauding the Florida settle- ments and the coast towns of Mexico. English, French, and Spanish territorial claims and frontier 207 e08 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS settlements clashed. The lines of competition, im* perial and commercial, were drawing tighter with every passing year. On the Atlantic coast the Anglo-Spanish fron- tiers clashed with resounding echo from the very moment of the founding of Charleston (1670), just across from the Spanish outpost Santa Elena, on Port Royal Sound. If Plymouth Rock and Hudson Bay were too remote to have a direct influence on Spanish claims, nevertheless their indirect influence — through the acceleration they gave to French activities — was to be potent. France's opportu- nity, indeed, seemed golden. And it was in theWest. In Europe France was rapidly taking the position of supremacy which had been Spain's; and New France promised to become not only a valuable source of revenue through the fur trade — if the wide beaver lands "beyond" could be secured — but also the point of control over the Strait of An- ian for which French explorers as well as Spanish sought. The French had heard also of a great river flowing through the continent; they hoped to dis- cover that river and thus control the best trade route to China. When Joliet and Marquette de- scended the Mississippi to the Arkansas in 1673 and returned to publish their news in Quebec, some of TEXAS 209 their hearers at least beHeved that the river had been found. Chief of these was Robert CaveHer de la Salle, a recent arrival in Canada. La Salle hurried to France and laid before the King a plan to extend the fur trade to the Illinois country and explore the Mississippi, which rose in Asia, to its mouth. Four years later, having erected posts in Illinois, La Salle landed at the mouth of the Mississippi and claimed the territory along its course for France. The dis- covery that the river emptied into the Mexican Gulf put a new idea into La Salle's fertile brain. He made another journey to France and proposed to plant a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi, and thus to secure the river highway for France and establish a vantage point for the control of the Gulf and for descent upon the Spanish mines of northern Mexico. In the summer of 1684 he sailed from France with his colony; and toward the end of the year he landed on the Texas coast at Matagorda Bay. It was because of faulty maps, perhaps, that he had missed the mouth of the Mississippi. One of his four ships had been captured by Spaniards en route and another was wrecked on entering the bay. Beaujeu, the naval commander, who had quarreled with La Salle from the first, turned his 14 210 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS vessel about and returned to France, carrying away some of the soldiers and a large quantity of much needed supplies. Tonty, La Salle's lieutenant in the Illinois country, who was to meet him at the mouth of the Mississippi with men and provisions, found no trace of him there and, after vain waiting, returned to the Illinois post. Indian attacks and an epidemic worked havoc among the settlers, and La Salle moved his colony to a better site on the Garcitas River near the head of Lavaca Bay. ^ He set out from this point in search of the Mississippi, which he believed to be near, expecting to meet with Tonty. While he was exploring the eastern waters of Matagorda Bay, the last of his ships was wrecked. La Salle then started overla ^ d, northeastward. He reached the Nasoni towns north of the present Nacogdoches in northeastern Texas, some eighty miles from the Red River. Illness, and the desertion of some of his men, forced him to retrace his steps. He found his colony, a mere handful now, facing starva- tion. Though worn with hardships and fatigue. La Salle resolved on the effort to bring help from the ^ Not on the Lavaca River as stated by Parkman and Winsor. The author in 1914 determined that the site of the colony was five miles above the mouth of the Garcitas River on the ranch of Mr. Claude Keeran, in Victoria County, Texas. TEXAS 211 Elinois posts. This would seem a hopeless under- taking; for he had not found the Mississippi, by which he had previously descended from the Illinois country, and he had no idea of the distances he must travel across an unknown wilderness. He set out nevertheless with a few companions, includ- ing his brother, the Abbe Jean Cavelier, and his nephew Moranget. He crossed the Colorado near the present Columbus and, keeping on northward, forded the Brazos just above Navasota. Here he was treacherously slain by some of his men,^ who had already killed Moranget. The survivors of La Salle's party continued northeastward. Some deserted in the Indian towns. The others, including La Salle's brother, crossed the Red River near Texarkana and the intervening country to the mouth of the Arkansas, ascended to Tonty's post on the Illinois, and returned to Canada. They did not inform Tonty of La Salle's death, nor of the perilous condition of the little col- ony on the Gulf. Except for two or three men and some children, who were taken by the Indians — nine persons in all — the whole colony perished. ^ Historians have supposed that this dastardly act was com- mitted near the Trinity or the Neches, but evidence now avail- able makes it clear that the spot was between the Brazos and Navasota rivers and near the present city of Navasota. 212 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS When the mishaps attending La Salle's venture are reviewed — including a former attempt to poison him, the capture of one of his ships by the Span- iards, the desertion of Beaujeu, his assassination and the suppression of the news of it from the faith- ful Tonty who might have succored the colony — it is difficult not to suspect that his efforts were beset with subtle treachery from the beginning. If the news of La Salle's expedition caused a sen- sation in Spain, it roused the greatest alarm along the whole northern Spanish frontier in the New World, from Chihuahua to Cuba. The West In- dies were no longer solely Spanish. The progress of the century had brought English, French, and Dutch to the lesser islands neglected by Spain. English settlers now occupied the Bermudas and several other islands. English arms had taken Jamaica and, in the peace concluded in 1670, Spain had recognized England's right to it and to the others she had colonized. The French West India Company had founded colonies on Guadeloupe, Martinique, and in the Windward Islands. The Dutch had trading stations on St. Eustatius, To- bago, and Curagao; and English, French, and Dutch held posts in Guiana. Raids from these bases on Spanish ports and treasure fleets were all TEXAS 213 too frequent and too costly, even if no recent buc- caneer had rivaled the exploit of Piet Heyn of the Dutch West India Company who, in 1628, had chased the Vera Cruz fleet into Matanzas River, Cuba, and captured its cargo worth $15,000,000. That sons of a France growing swiftly in power had pushed south from Canada through the hinter- land and planted themselves on the Gulf where they could cooperate with the lively pirates of the French Indies was news to stir Mexico, Florida, and the Spanish West Indies to a ferment. The Spanish authorities hastily sent out expeditions east and west by sea and land to discover and de- molish La Salle's colony. Mariners from Vera Cruz returned to that harbor to report two wrecked French ships in Matagorda Bay and no sign of a colony. It was concluded that La Salle's ex- pedition had been destroyed and that the French menace was over, for the time being at least. The outposts in New Leon and Coahuila, just south of the Rio Grande, had been no less roused than the harbor towns of Havana and Vera Cruz. To the Spanish frontiersmen, dreaming even yet of a rich kingdom "beyond," the thought of a French colony expanding to bar their way was in- tolerable. Their spirit was embodied in the figure 214 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS of Alonso de Leon. A frontiersman by birth and training, famed for a score of daring exploits as a border fighter, Alonso de Leon was well fitted for the task to which the needs of the time summoned him. Under orders from Mexico, in 1686, Leon set off from Monterey on the first of his expeditions in search of La Salle's colony, following the south bank of Rio Grande to the Gulf of Mexico. Next year he reconnoitered the north bank. But not till his third expedition did he come in direct touch with the French peril. He was now governor of Coahuila, at Monclova. This time he encountered a tribe of Indians north of the Rio Grande who were being ruled with all a chief's pomp by a Frenchman called by the Spaniards Jarri. It ap- pears that Jarri was not one of La Salle's settlers, but an independent adventurer who had wan- dered thus early into southwestern Texas from the Illinois country or from Canada. He was prompt- ly stripped of his feathers, of course, and sent to Mexico to be questioned by the Viceroy. The oflicials were now thoroughly frightened. A new expedition was immediately sent out under Leon, who took with him Father Damian Mas- sanet, a Franciscan friar, the Frenchman Jarri, one hundred soldiers, and seven hundred mules and TEXAS 215 horses. Leon could at least promise the Indians a show of Spanish pomp and power. In March, 1689, Leon crossed the Rio Grande and, bearing eastward, crossed the Nueces, Frio, San Antonio, and Guadalupe rivers. Late in April he came upon the site of La Salle's settlement. There stood five huts about a small wooden fort built of ship plank- ing, with the date "1684" carved over the door. The ground was scattered with weapons, casks, broken furniture, and corpses. Among some In- dians a few leagues away Leon found two of the colonists, one of whom had had a hand in La Salle's murder. He learned also that Tonty had erected a fort on a river inland, the Arkansas, or perhaps the Illinois. On the Colorado River Leon and Mas- sanet had a conference with the chief of the Nabe- dache tribe, who had come from the Neches River to meet them. The chief promised to welcome missionaries at his village. Leon returned to make a report in which pie- ty and business sense are eloquently combined. "Certainly it is a pity," he admonished, "that people so rational, who plant crops and know that there is a God, should have no one to teach them the Gospel, especially when the province of Texas is so large and fertile and has so fine a climate," 216 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS A large and fertile country already menaced by the French did indeed call for missions. Leon was dispatched a fifth time with one hundred and ten soldiers to escort Massanet and his chosen helpers to the Nabedache towns of the Asinai (Texas) In- dians, near the Neches River in eastern Texas. On the way they paused long enough for Father Massanet to set fire to La Salle's fort. As the Spaniards were approaching their objective from the Southwest, Tonty on a second journey to seek La Salle — in Illinois he had heard sinister reports through the Indians — reached the Red River and sent an Indian courier to the Nabedache chief to request permission to make a settlement in his town. On being told of Leon's proximity Tonty retreated. The fleur-de-lis receded before the ban- ner of Castile. The Spanish flag was raised at the Nabedache village in May, 1690, before the eyes of the wondering natives, formal possession was taken and the mission of San Francisco was founded. The expedition now turned homeward, leaving three Franciscan friars and three soldiers to bold Spain's first outpost in Texas. Another expedition, after Alonso de Leon's death in 1691, set out from Monclova under Do- mingo Teran, a former governor of Sinaloa and TEXAS 217 Sonora, accompanied by Massanet to found more missions, on the Red River as well as the Neches. Teran returned without having accomplished any- thing, largely because of violent quarrels with Mas- sanet, who opposed the planting of presidios be- side the missions. Massanet remained with two friars and nine soldiers — the peppery padre pro- testing against the presence even of the nine. He soon learned that soldiers were sometimes needed. The Indians, roused by their leaders, turned against the missionaries and ordered them to de- part. There was no force to resist the command. On October 25, 1693, Massanet applied the torch to the first Spanish mission in Texas, even as he had earlier fired La Salle's French fort, and fled. Four soldiers deserted to the Indians. One of them, Jose Urrutia, after leading a career as a great In- dian chief, returned to civilization, and became commander at San Antonio, where his descendants still live and are prominent. The other five, with the three friars, after three months of weary and hungry marching, during forty days of which they were lost, at last entered Coahuila. For the time being Texas was now abandoned by both contestants. But the French traders were only looking for a better opportunity and a more 218 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS advantageous spot to continue the conflict, which, on their side, was directed against England as well as Spain. They had learned that Eng- lish fur traders from South Carolina had already penetrated to the Creeks and to other tribes east of the Mississippi and they feared that England would seize the mouth of the river. The Spaniards also were disturbed by the English. They had been driven, in 1686, out of Port Royal and north- ern Georgia. Now they were alarmed by English fur-trading expeditions into Alabama and by the discovery that the Indians of Mobile Bay had moved north to trade with the English of Carolina. Thus, while France prepared to carry out La Salle's plan to colonize the Gulf coast, Spain with jealous eye watched the movements of both Eng- land and France. It was a three-cornered struggle. In 1697 the King of France, Louis XIV, com- missioned Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville, fighting trader, hero of the fur raids on Hudson Bay, and the most dashing military figure in New France, to found, on the Mexican Gulf, a colony to be named Louisiana. To forestall the French an expedition was immediately dispatched from Vera Cruz to Pensacola Bay, where in November, 1698, the post of San Carlos was erected and garrisoned. The TEXAS 219 move was none too soon. In January (1699) Iberville's fleet stood off the harbor and demanded admittance. The commander of San Carlos re- fused courteously but firmly. Iberville rewarded him for his compliments with others from the same mint, withdrew, sailed westward, and built a fort at Biloxi. But there were to be no battles, at present, between Spaniards and French for Louisiana. The fate of that territory was settled in Europe. The Spanish King, Charles II, died. He left no son; and, forced by the danger that a dismembering war for the succession would follow on his death, he bequeathed the crown to his grandnephew, the Dulce of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV and French in blood, sympathies, and education. The new King, Philip V, barkened readily enough to his French grandfather's suggestion that, in order to protect Spain's Gulf possessions from England, France must be allowed to colonize Louisiana. The Spanish War Council objected, and Philip let the matter drop, but the French settlement was quietly moved from Biloxi to Mobile Bay, nearer to the Spanish border. When in 1702 the War Council heard of it and protested, they were rebuked by Philip. Thus Spain, dominated mo THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS by a Bourbon King, was forced to permit the occupation of Louisiana by France. Iberville's brother, the Sieur de Bienville, a brilliant and vigorous commander, was appointed in 1701 Governor of Louisiana. Bienville con- centrated his energies on alliances with the tribes east and west of the Mississippi to prevent them from trafficking with the English and to divert the southern fur trade to the French posts. Bienville was succeeded in 1713 by Cadillac, founder of Detroit, who served for three years, but Bienville continued to be the life of the colony. By 1716 the Mississippi, Mobile, and Red rivers had been explored by Bienville's men, sometimes led by himself. And French traders from Canada and the Illinois had explored the Missouri for several hundred miles and had built posts southward from the Illinois to the lower Ohio. In 1718 Bienville founded New Orleans. France's hold was thus fastened upon Louisiana, and Spain's colonies round the Gulf were split in two. During the sixteen years of Bienville's activity, disturbing rumors had reached the Spanish bor- der. To New Mexico came reports of French- men trading with the Pawnees and of French voy- ageurs on the rivers to the northeast. Though TEXAS 221 in various Spanish expeditions from Santa Fe against Comanches and Apaches no French were seen, yet the fear of their approach increased. Similar rumors were heard on the Rio Grande border. One not slow to take advantage of this general alarm was Father Hidalgo, a Franciscan who had been with Massanet at his mission in Texas. The intervening years had been spent by Hidalgo chiefly in founding and conducting mis- sions in Coahuila, a work which had led the way for the secular powers and thus pushed the frontier of mining and ranching to the south bank of the Rio Grande. With heart burning for the welfare of his former ungrateful charges, he had made many earnest appeals to be allowed to return to Texas, but the superiors of his Order would not sanction his plea. ' Hidalgo, with genuine politi- cal shrewdness, then resolved to turn the French menace to good account. If he could prove that Spain's territory of Texas was in imminent danger, he knew that missions would be founded without delay. So he wrote a letter in 1711 to the French ' A myth has found currency in recent years to the effect that, despite this opposition, Hidalgo returned to Texas, dwelt for a time among the Asinais and there wrote his appeal to the French priests. But his writings preserved in the College of Queretaro in Mexico and examined by the author disprove the story. 222 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS priests of Louisiana, begging them to "pacify the tribes hostile to the Asinai nation, who were nearer to their settlements, thereby to give the greatest honor and glory to God." Just why paci- fication of the Louisiana tribes bordering on the Texas Indians would honor Heaven more than missionary labors in other parts of Louisiana he did not make clear, but it is plain enough that the first result of the pacification would be the estab- lishment of French posts near or among the Asinai. This might or might not honor Heaven, but it would undoubtedly interest Spain. Father Hidalgo sent an Indian servant with the letter to the Asinai country, where it was con- fided to a Louisiana Indian who happened to be there. Getting no reply, a year later he sent out another letter, addressed to the Governor of Loui- siana. Neither missive appears to have reached its address; but in May, 1713, the first letter — after having been handed about among Indians for two years — came into Governor Cadillac's possession. It interested Cadillac very much, for he had re- cently been instructed by Antoine Crozat, to whom Louis XIV had granted a monopoly of all the Loui- siana commerce, to attempt to open trade with Mexico despite the rigorous Spanish commercial TEXAS 223 regulations. Cadillac had already tried by way of Vera Cruz and failed. Better luck might follow an attempt to open an overland route to the Rio Grande border, where Spanish smugglers could be trusted to do the rest, for the stupid commercial systems of European governments at the time made habitual smugglers of all frontier dwellers in America. At any rate Hidalgo's letter inspired the Governor to make the effort, just as Hidalgo had probably surmised it would. Cadillac chose his cleverest agent. He sent Louis Juchereau de St. Denis, explorer, fur trader, and commander at Biloxi, with instructions to visit Hidalgo, who, so Cadillac inferred from the letter, was among the Asinai, and to build a post on the Red River within easy access of their territory. St. Denis established the post of Natchitoches, put in the winter trading, and by spring was seeking Hi- dalgo in Texas. There he learned that the friar was on the Coahuila border, so on June 1, 1714, with three French companions and twenty -five Indians he set out on foot for the Rio Grande. Strangely enough, two of his companions were the Talon brothers, survivors of the ill-fated La Salle expedi- tion who had been ransomed from the Indians by Le6n and Teran. On the 18th of July St. Denis 224 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS reached Hidalgo's mission of San Juan, forty miles below Eagle Pass. Hidalgo had gone to Queretaro, but the other missionaries and Captain Ramon at the post received St. Denis hospitably, and Ramon wrote to Hidalgo that, in view of the French dan- ger, "it looks to me as though God would be pleased that your Reverence would succeed in your desires." This letter reveals Father Hidalgo's fi- nesse. While Ramon entertained St. Denis and dis- patched messengers to the authorities in Mexico City asking what he should do with him, St. Denis improved his time by winning the heart of Ramon's granddaughter, Manuela Sanchez, who later went with him to Natchitoches and there reigned lor years as the Grand Dame of the post, becoming godmother, as the baptismal records show, of most of the children of the place. A new French menace had arisen. The Viceroy of Mexico hastily decided to found new missions in Texas and to protect them this time by strong gar- risons. St. Denis, having by his marriage and his cleverness ingratiated himself with the Spaniards, was engaged at ^ve hundred dollars to guide the Texas expedition, which was commanded by Cap- tain Domingo Ramon, his wife's cousin. It looks more like a family affair than an international TEXAS 225 row. Meanwhile Hidalgo had given the Viceroy a satisfactory explanation of his random mis- sives and had received permission to go to Texas with the expedition. The colony crossed the Rio Grande in April, 1716. It consisted of sixty-five persons, including soldiers, nine friars, and six women, a thousand head of cattle, sheep, and goats, and the equipment for missions, farms, and garrison. At the head of the missionaries went two of Spain's most distinguished men in America, Father Espinosa, the well-known his- torian, and Father Margil, whose great services in the American wilds will probably result in his canonization by the Papal Court. The Asinais welcomed the Spaniards and helped them to erect four missions and a garrison near the Neches and Angelina rivers. Shortly afterward a mission was built at Los Adaes (now Robeline) Louisiana, with- in fifteen miles of St. Denis's post of Natchitoches. The success of the French traders with the powerful tribes, the coming of John Law's colonists to Louisiana, and the need of a halfway base, in- spired the Spanish authorities to send out another colony, to occupy a site at the beautiful San Pedro Springs, on the San Antonio River, which lay on the direct route between the Neches River and the IS 226 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS settlement at San Juan, near Eagle Pass. Early in 1718 the new colony, numbering some sixty whites, with friars and Indian neophytes, founded San An- tonio a few months before New Orleans was born. And Father Olivares began the San Antonio, or Alamo, Mission, which was later to become famous as the shrine of Texas liberty. Spain had at last occupied eastern Texas, but her hold was not long undisturbed. In the following year France and Spain went to war over Euro- pean questions, and the conflict was echoed in the American wilderness, all the way from Pensacola to Platte River. Pensacola was captured by the French, recaptured by the Spaniards, and taken again by Bienville. The French at Natchitoches descended upon Texas and the garrison retreated to San Antonio without striking a blow. A plan for conquering Coahuila and New Mexico was drawn up on paper in Louisiana, perhaps by St. Denis. Eight hundred Frenchmen and a large body of Indian allies were to march overland from Natchitoches, while a flotilla sailed along the Texas coast and ascended the Rio Grande. It was La Salle's old plan in a new guise. St. Denis was made "commander of the River of Canes" (the Colo- rado), and two expeditions were sent in 1720 and TEXAS 227 1721 to take possession of Matagorda Bay. Both of them failed. In New Mexico the Governor had heard, before the war broke out, that the French were settHng on Platte River and, on his recommendation, the Vice- roy ordered that alliances be made with the tribes to the northeast, a colony planted at El Cuarte- lejo in Colorado, and a presidio established on the North Platte — that is, at some point in the pres- ent Nebraska or Wyoming. In August, 1720, an expedition from New Mexico penetrated to the North Platte but, not finding any signs of a French colony, turned back. On the South Platte, in Colo- rado, it was almost totally annihilated by Indians armed with French weapons. Apparently tribes from as far north as Wisconsin took part in this fray, a fact which indicates the scope and power of the early French trader's influence. The end of the war in Europe caused the Viceroy to abandon his plans for colonizing to the north of New Mexico. The treaty of peace restored Pensacola to Spain. Meanwhile affairs had moved apace on the Texas border. The Marquis of Aguayo, then Governor of Coahuila, undertook the reconquest, mainly at his own expense. Before the end of 1720 he had raised eight companies of cavalry, comprising over 228 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS five hundred men and five thousand horses. It was the largest military expedition to enter the north- ern interior since the days of De Soto. Leaving Monclova in November, Aguayo strengthened San Antonio, and sent a garrison to occupy Matagorda Bay. Peace had now been declared, and at the Neches River Aguayo was met by St. Denis, who, swimming his horse across the stream for a parley, informed Aguayo that the war was over and agreed to permit an unrestricted occupation of the aban- doned posts. Proceeding east, Aguayo reestab- lished the six abandoned missions and the presidio of Dolores, and added a presidio at Los Adaes, fac- ing Natchitoches. The expedition had been a suc- cess, but the poor horses paid a terrible price for the bloodless victory. The return journey to San Antonio, through a storm of sleet, was so severe that of his five thousand beasts only fifty were left alive when he arrived in January, 1722. Aguayo had fixed the hold of Spain on Texas. It was he who clinched the nails driven by Leon, Mas- sanet, Hidalgo, and Ramon. There were now in Texas ten missions, four presidios, and four centers of settlement — Los Adaes, Nacogdoches, San An- tonio, and La Bahia (Matagorda Bay). A gover- nor was appointed and the capital of the province TEXAS 229 fixed at Los Adaes, now Robeline, Louisiana. Orig- inally the name Texas had applied only to the country east of the Trinity River, but now the western boundary was fixed at the Medina River. It was to be moved half a century later to the Nueces. After much petty quarreling with the French of Louisiana, the little Arroyo Hondo was made the eastern boundary, and thus for a century old Texas included a large strip of the present State of Louisiana. ^ For twenty years after the Aguayo expedition, the Frenchman St. Denis, or *'Big Legs," as the na- tives fondly called him, ruled the border tribes with paternal sway from his post at Natchitoches on the Red River. The relations of French and Spaniards on this border were generally amicable. Inter- marriages and a mutual love of gayety made friend- ship a pleasanter and more natural condition for the Latin neighbors than strife. Indeed, when in June, 1744, the long career of the redoubtable St. Denis came to a close, prominent among those as- sembled at Natchitoches to assist in the funeral honors were Governor Boneo and Father Vallejo, ^ In 1819, long after French rivalry had passed, the Sabine River was made the boundary. It is an error to suppose that it was originally the boundary between New France and New Spain. 230 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS from Los Adaes, across the international boundary line. And yet, when, a few days later, Boneo re- ported the event to his Viceroy in Mexico, he did so in terms which meant, "St. Denis is dead, thank God; now we can breathe more easily." Spain's hold upon Texas was secure against France, but many a battle was yet to be fought for the territory with the ferocious Apaches and Co- manches, and the incursions of French traders into the Spanish settlements continued to be a source of friction. The jealous trade policy of Spain only in- creased the eagerness of these traders to enter New Mexico, where the Pueblo Indians and the colo- nists alike were promising customers, if Span- ish officers could be bribed or outwitted. For a long time the way from Louisiana was blocked by Apaches and Comanches, who were at war with the Louisiana tribes, and the river highways were unsafe. Canadians, however, conspicuous among them being La Verendrye and his sons, descended from the north through the Mandan towns on the Missouri, reaching the borders of Colorado, and two brothers named Mallet succeeded in pierc- ing the Indian barrier, entered New Mexico, and returned safely to Louisiana. The town of Gra- cia Real below Albuquerque where they lodged TEXAS 231 was given the nickname of "Canada.'* Later on French traders in numbers invaded New Mexico, some of whom were seized and sent to Mexico or to Spain and thrown into prison. Spanish troops were sent to guard the approaches to Chihuahua below El Paso; fears were felt for even distant Califor- nia; and to keep the New Orleans traders from the Texas coast tribes, a presidio and a mission were established on the Louisiana border at the mouth of the Trinity River, near Galveston Bay. But the scene soon shifted. The Seven Years' War removed France from the American conti- nent, left Louisiana in the hands of Spain, and brought Spain and England face to face along the Mississippi. CHAPTER IX LOUISIANA The year 1759 was a fateful one in North America, for it recorded the fall of Qudbec, France's princi- pal stronghold in the Western Hemisphere, and the accession of Carlos III, the ablest king since Philip II, to the Spanish throne. The second of these events tended to offset the results of the first. The continued English successes and French disasters of 1760 alarmed Carlos, and in 1761 he renewed the Family Compact and entered the war as the ally of France. In response to the challenge, in August, 1762, an English force captured Havana. Two months later another took Manila. The treaty of peace which closed the Seven Years' War restored the Philippines and Cuba to Spain, but gave Flor- ida to England. By a secret treaty, signed before the conclusion of the war, France had transferred Louisiana to Spain to save it from England. During its brief term under British rule and free 232 LOUISIANA 233 trade Havana prospered as never before; and Car- los was not slow to profit by the hint. Carlos in- deed saw that to preserve his overseas domain and to restore Spain to her former eminence drastic re- forms were necessary. From the last days of Philip n, Spain's power in Europe had declined, though her colonies had expanded in extent and population. The policy of absolutism was bearing fruit; and the harvest was ruin. While vast expenditures of men and money were being made in the con- quest of new lands, the nation at home was be- ing mangled under the weight of abnormal taxa- tion. Industry could not survive and, therefore, a sturdy normal growth was impossible. The gal- leons brought gold, but it was spent in other than Spanish markets. The colonies produced far below their capacity because of the jealous restrictions imposed on them, and were further hampered by grafting ofiicials. These were some of the external evidences of a blight that went deeper. Spain had kept the minds of her people dark in a day when other nations, accepting the challenge of new forces, were working out the principles of constitutional government and of individual liberty. In clinging to a selfish and fictitious ideal and in forcibly mold- ing her people to it, she deprived them of the power 234 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS of initiative and of systematic labor — the power which is derived from hope and joy — and so rendered them incapable of intellectual supremacy in an age differentiated from its predecessors by greater freedom and spiritual enlightenment. To make amends for the stupidity of his prede- cessors, Carlos put forth brave efforts. He lowered taxation and instituted measures for the equaliza- tion of government. He revived and fostered Spanish industries and built up the navy. In less than a decade after Carlos's accession, Spain's colonial trade tripled and the revenue from the In- dies increased from five million to twelve million crowns. While he installed economic reforms at home and in the colonies, he reorganized the fron- tier defenses of New Spain, and under the press of danger from England and Russia he extended Spain's northern outposts into Louisiana and Cali- fornia. Not since the days of Cortes had Spain taken so long a forward step in expansion. If, with all his energy and foresight, Carlos failed to accomplish his larger aims, it was because he came too late. Spain's great opportunity had passed, and no stroke of magic could free her people from the lethargy into which they had fallen. Spain acquired French Louisiana by necessity. LOUISIANA 235 not by design. On October 9, 1762, Louis XV of- fered the region to Carlos, who at first rejected the gift. But he soon changed his mind, for the value of Louisiana as a buffer against England could not be overlooked. Carlos deferred actual occupation as long as possible; but when he saw England's outposts advanced to the Mississippi, her settlers pushing over the Alleghanies, and her "long hun- ters" actually crossing the Mississippi, he realized that it was time to act. The ceded territory embraced New Orleans and the western watershed of the Mississippi River. Its total population, exclusive of Indians, was es- timated at from eight to twelve thousand persons of whom over half were negro slaves. The princi- pal settlements lay along the Mississippi, the lower Red, and the lower Missouri. The bulk of the population lay between New Orleans and Pointe Coupee; other important settlements in the lower district were Balize, Attakapa, Opelousas, Avoyelle, and Natchitoches. Farther up were the Arkansas Post, St. Charles, and Ste. Genevieve. To the west, on the principal streams, there were slender trading stations such as the Cadodacho Post, on Red River, and Fort Cavagnolle, near where Kan- sas City now stands. Still farther in the interior, 236 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS beyond the pale of civilization, roamed renegade Frenchmen and half breeds, who, under the name of hunters, had become veritable outlaws. The principal occupations of the province were agricul- ture and the fur trade. For horses, mules, and cattle, dependence was placed on commerce with the Indians and Spaniards of the west. Most of the stock purchased from the Indians was stolen from the Spaniards, and most of the direct trade with Spaniards was contraband. The inhabitants of Louisiana at this day com- bined Spartan simplicity with a touch of courtly grandeur. An inventory made in 1769 of the bed- room furniture of Madame Villere, wife of^a leading citizen of New Orleans, is typical. It lists a cypress bedstead, with a mattress of corn husks, and one of feathers on top; a corn husk bolster; a cotton counterpane of home manufacture; six cypress chairs, with straw seats; seven candlesticks with green wax candles. The house, says Gayarre, "must have looked very much like one of those modest and unpainted little wooden structures which are, to this day [1851] to be seen in many parts of the banks of the river Mississippi, and in the Attakapas and Opelousas parishes. They are tenements of the small planters who own only a LOUISIANA 237 few slaves, and they retain the appellation of Mai- sons d'AcadiensJ' But inside these humble dwell- ings one sometimes encountered manners that sug- gested the ease and grace of the salons of Europe. News of the cession to Spain of the French pos- sessions caused consternation and protest among the settlers. From the Illinois country some of the inhabitants, in their desire to escape English rule, crossed the Mississippi and settled at St. Louis, where La Clede had recently established a trading post. Those of lower Louisiana were quite as anxious to escape Spanish rule. And they made known their wishes right noisily. An assembly at New Orleans made up of delegates from all the lower parishes drew up a memorial to Louis XV and sent it to France; but, in spite of the aid of the aged Bienville, the prayer was in vain. Still the colonists hoped on, for no Spanish official had arrived. Hopes were dashed when, on March 5, 1766, Juan Antonio de Ulloa arrived at New Orleans as first Spanish Governor. Ulloa, a man of nearly fifty, was already a well-known scientist and naval officer. As a youth of nineteen, then a naval lieu- tenant, he had been sent to Peru with a brilliant scientific expedition. In the course of his labors 238 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS there he was twice called to Lima to defend the province against the English under Admiral Anson. On the way to Europe around the Horn thirteen years later, his vessel, after capture by the English, escaped and sailed to Canada, where Ulloa was captured again. Taken to England, Ulloa was there made a member of the Royal Society of Lon- don. On his return to Spain he had published his now famous reports of the scientific expedition. Ulloa arrived at New Orleans in a storm which was prophetic of the trouble that lay before him. His instructions provided that as little change as possible should be made in the administration of the colony. It was to be kept distinct from the other Spanish colonies, independent of the Council of the Indies, and dependent directly on the King. He was accompanied by a full corps of officers for the new colony, but had only ninety soldiers, for Louis XV had promised Carlos that the French provincial soldiery, under Aubry, should remain in the province as long as they were needed. This was a fatal mistake. Carlos should have cleaned house and given Ulloa a fair chance, with men whom he could command. Ulloa was coldly received in New Orleans and was soon up to his ears in trouble with the turbulent LOUISIANA 239 and dissatisfied habitants. The fault was not one-sided. Ulloa was haughty and was bored by the simple people he had been sent to rule. He snubbed the Superior Council, a body which had thoroughly enjoyed a little authority. The French soldiers refused to enter the Spanish service. In vain both Ulloa and Aubry urged. Thereupon Ulloa gave up the idea of taking formal possession and ruled through Aubry, who continued to be nominal head of Louisiana. Ulloa commanded and Aubry executed. Ulloa held the purse, Aubry the sword. At the old posts the French flag continued to wave before the breeze. At the same time, Ulloa sent his ninety men to erect new posts, at Balize, at the Iberville River, opposite Natchez, and in Missouri. Over these new posts the Spanish flag was hoisted. It was an anomalous situation. Ulloa made a census of the province and an ex- tended tour of the settlements. At Natchitoches he spent some time, inquiring into communication with Texas and Mexico. Among numerous be- nevolent deeds Ulloa's succor of the needy Acadian exiles in Louisiana was not the least. But even this caused dissatisfaction. With their patriotism the French citizens mixed solicitude for pocketbook. When Ulloa arrived 240 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Louisiana was flooded with paper money which had depreciated to a fourth of its face value. Ulloa generously agreed to redeem it at three-fourths its face value, but nothing less than one hundred per cent would quiet complaint. Orders soon came from Spain which interfered with the ancient me- thods of French and English importers. The mer- chants appealed to the Council and the orders were suspended. Ulloa gave new offense by exiling him- self to live for seven months "in a miserable shed" at Balize. The discovery that the fifty-year-old scholar had been waiting there for his expected bride, the Peruvian Marchioness of Abrado, molli- fied no one, and, when they moved to New Orleans, the Governor's wife and her train of Peruvian girls shared the Governor's unpopularity. The intolerable situation came to a head in the autumn of 1768. For some time a conspiracy, headed by several Frenchmen, had been brewing. There is some ground for thinking that the leaders of the uprising had been inspired by the hope that, by getting control of the government, they could evade their debts and otherwise improve their for- tunes. Secret meetings were held at the house of an adventuress in the suburbs of New Orleans, while emissaries worked among the outlying settlements. LOUISIANA 241 On the 27th of October the guns at the gates of the city were spiked and the planters and settlers entered the city as an armed mob. A council called by the insurgents decreed that the Span- iards should leave within three days. Aubry re- mained faithful to Ulloa and placed him in safety on a frigate in the river. But the mob cut the cables, and Ulloa, the Marchioness, and her Pe- ruvian girls sailed to Havana. The interior posts held by the Spanish soldiery were now abandoned. "Thus was the revolution accomplished," says Gayarre. "A population, which hardly numbered eighteen hundred men able to carry arms, and which had in its bosom several thousands of black slaves, whom it was necessary to intimidate into subjection, had rebelled against the will of France, had flung the gauntlet at the Spanish monarchy, and was hoarding a powerful nation." From Havana Ulloa reported the rebellion to the Marquis of Grimaldi. This oflScial remonstrated with France for not having punished the insolent delegates to the French court. "The loss of great interests is looked upon in Spain with indifference but it is not so with regard to insults and contumel- ies," he said. A Council of State was held, wherein the question was raised as to whether Louisiana l6 242 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS should be retained or given back to France. But on this point there was no hesitation. Out of six opinions rendered, all but one were emphatically for retention. The general view was well stated by the Count of Aranda. "The more or less fertility and extent of Louisiana is not the principal ques- tion to be examined. But we ought to judge of the importance of that acquisition, from the fact that it extends over Mexican territories to the bank of the Mississippi, a well-known barrier and a distant one from the population of New Mexico, and that it furnishes us, through that river, with an indelible line of demarcation between our provinces and those of the English, which have been widened by their acquisition of our domain in Florida." This was the kernel of the matter. Just as when Carlos III had accepted the gift, Louisiana was needed as a barrier to the advancing English, who were already crossing the Alleghanies and had their outposts on the Mississippi River. But there was also the matter of Spain's pride, which could not be overlooked. The Duke of Alva gave an opinion that *' bears the stamp of the hereditary temper of that haughty and inflexible house." The King, he said, should send to Louis- iana a man with forces necessary to subject the LOUISIANA 243 people and stamp out disorders. The government should be so centralized as to leave the people no chance for a repetition of such audacity. "But finally, what to my judgment, appears to be of more importance than all the rest is, that it be seen throughout the world, and particularly in America, that the king knows how, and is able, to repress any attempt whatever, derogatory to the respect due to the royal majesty." Louisiana must be made an example to the rest of Spanish America ! The man chosen for this grim task was Alejan- dro O'Reilly. Like many of Spain's prominent men in the eighteenth century, he was an Irishman by birth. When a youth he had gone to Spain and served in the Hibernian Regiment. In the War of the Austrian Succession he had received a wound from which he limped the rest of his days. After serving in the armies of Austria and France he again served Spain in the wars with Portugal. Having risen to the rank of Brigadier General, he was employed to drill the Spanish army in Austrian tactics. In 1763, at the age of twenty-seven, with the rank of Major General, he was sent to Havana to reestablish the fortifications which the English had ruined. Returning to Spain he became Inspec- tor General of the King's Infantry and was made a 244 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS count. In 1765, by his presence of mind, he saved the Hfe of King Carlos during an insurrection. When the news came of Ulloa's ejection, O'Reilly had been ordered to Havana and Mexico to re- view the troops, but his mission was now changed. His new orders required him to equip an expedi- tion in Havana, go to Louisiana, take posses- sion, arrest and try the leaders of the uprising, expel all dangerous subjects, and reorganize the province. In case of resistance he was authorized to use force. "But as the king, whose character is well known, is always inclined to be mild and clem- ent, he has ordered O'Reilly to be informed that his will is that a lenient course be pursued in the colony, and that expulsion from it be the only pun- ishment inflicted on those who have deserved a more severe one." While the fate of Louisiana was being discussed in Spain, in New Orleans the people gradually de- serted their erstwhile noisy spokesmen and turned to Aubry for protection. The leaders awaited de- velopments in nervous suspense. On July 24, 1769, the place was thrown into commotion by word that O'Reilly had arrived at Balize with a formid- able force. One of the leaders of the rebellion stuck a white cockade in his hat, appeared in LOUISIANA 245 the public square, and urged the people to re- sist. But it was all in vain. The rebellion had faded out. Aubry urged submission. A messenger came from O'Reilly, and some of the leading con- spirators hastened down the river, tumbling over each other to be first to explain themselves and promise loyalty. O'Reilly's gentle demeanor allayed their fears. The Frenchmen were dined and went back "full of admiration for his talents, and with good hopes that their past faults shall be forgotten." On the 17th of August the Spanish fleet, full twenty-four sails, appeared before New Orleans. Next day O'Reilly limped ashore, followed by his entire force, twenty-six hundred in number, and took formal possession with impressive ceremony. The people were both overawed and edified by the spectacle. Five times the cry Viva el Rey! went up from the Spanish throats, and five times it was echoed by the French soldiery and the populace. All the bells pealed forth, and Aubry handed to O'Reilly the keys of the city. The fleur-de-lis came down and the banner of Spain floated to the breeze. O'Reilly then repaired to the cathedral, where the solemn ceremony was ended with a Te Deum. The day after the ceremony of taking possession. 246 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS O'Reilly gave a dinner, with great pomp, to Aubry, French and Spanish officials, and other important personages. Meanwhile he was taking testimony in secret. Of Aubry he requested and obtained a full report of all the seditious occurrences in the colony. Aubry 's eager compliance with this re- quest is one of the acts which has lessened his fame in the old French colony. With the evidence now in hand, O'Reilly's mind was made up. Under various pretexts twelve leaders were called to his house, arrested, their swords taken away, and their property seques- trated. While this scene was being enacted the house was surrounded with grenadiers. All twelve prisoners were lodged in separate places of confine- ment, some in vessels on the river, some in well guarded houses. One of the twelve, Villere, had formerly prepared to flee the province and had then changed his mind. Being imprisoned in a frigate, he died — some say of frenzy, others of a bullet fired by his jailers. To the twelve originally ar- rested Foucault and Brand were later added on the charge of printing the Memorial of the Planters, one of the seditious publications which had ap- peared. Foucault refused to answer to the Spanish authorities, and, at his own request, was sent back LOUISIANA 247 to France to be tried. On his arrival there he was thrown into the Bastile. Brand was released. The arrests and Villere's death caused renewed consternation, and numerous colonists planned to flee to the English in Florida. Everybody trem- bled for his safety. But O'Reilly reassured the populace by a proclamation declaring that only the leaders should be punished. The oath of alle- giance was administered to the inhabitants of New Orleans and vicinity. People living in the interior were given opportunities later for this ceremony. Every one who so desired was given the option of returning to France. Most of the inhabitants took the oath and remained. Now followed the trial of the arrested men, an event which left a profound impression in the col- ony. The prosecuting attorney, Don Felix del Rey, was a learned practitioner before the courts of Santo Domingo and Mexico, and later Viceroy of Mexico. The prisoners rested their defense on the ground that Spain had never taken possession of Louisiana, hence that Ulloa could not require their obedience. Del Rey concluded, in a lengthy argument, that the accused were guilty of rebellion. On the 24th of October the court rendered the ver- dict, and O'Reilly, as president, pronounced the 248 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS sentence. O'Reilly condemned Lafreniere, Noyan, Caresse, Marquis, and Joseph Milhet "to the or- dinary pain of the gallows." The memory of Vil- lere, who had died in prison, he condemned "to be held and reputed forever infamous." Petit was condemned to perpetual imprisonment, Doucet to ten years, Boisblanc, Jean Milhet, and Poupet to six years each. The property of each was confiscated, all those imprisoned were to be banished on release, and all seditious publications were to be burned by the hangman. The friends of the condemned appealed and pleaded in vain, for O'Reilly was firm. The exe- cution was set for the next day. But no hangman could be found. The official executioner of the col- ony was a negro, and it was conceded that a white man would be more suitable for the task under the circumstances. But in spite of rewards offered none could be found, and the firing squad was sub- stituted for the hangman. The execution took place in the public square at three in the afternoon, the 25th of October. Next day the seditious Me- morial of the Planters was publicly burned. Petit and his companions were taken to Havana and im- prisoned in Morro Castle. It is pleasant to record that soon afterward all were pardoned by Carlos. LOUISIANA 249 Aubry sailed for France, but never reached there, for he sank with his ship in the Garonne River — an act of retribution, some thought. The Spanish commander has ever since been known in Louisiana as "Bloody O'Reilly." Now for a third of a century Louisiana remained under Spanish rule. By 1770 the Spanish flag had been raised at all the interior posts, Ste. Genevieve, below St. Louis, being the last to haul down the fleur-de-lis. Having accomplished his coup d'etat, O'Reilly was conciliatory and appointed numerous old French officers to important positions. Span- ish law and administration were installed, though the French Black Code was retained. New Or- leans was given a cabildo, whose old building is still one of the attractions of the "French" quarter. Indeed more than one so-called French relic of the old city is Spanish. Having put things in order, O'Reilly left Luis de Unzaga in charge as Governor. He in turn was followed in 1776 by dashing young Bernardo de Galvez. Unzaga had winked at the English smugglers who monopolized the trade of the low- er Mississippi and who were pushing west among the tribes of the Gulf Coast. But Galvez began his administration by swooping down upon the 250 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS English smugglers, eleven of whose vessels he seized. Nevertheless they continued their trade, if less openly than before. They worked among the coast tribes, reached Texas overland, ascended the Arkansas and Missouri rivers, and worked among the tribes of Iowa and Minnesota. Trade in Paw- nee and Spanish horses extended even to Virginia; Governor Patrick Henry being among the pur- chasers of thoroughbred Spanish stock. In the attempt to keep the English out of Louis* iana, Spanish defense was concentrated on the line of the Mississippi. On the other hand, since Louis- iana belonged to Spain, the defenses and the mis- sions of the old Texas-Louisiana border were with- drawn. The few settlers who lived on the border in the Los Adaes district, some ^ve hundred in number, were evicted and taken to San Antonio (1773). The expulsion of these simple folk from their settlement, already over half a century old, was one of the pathetic incidents of the American border, and reminds one of the expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia a few years before. Some of the settlers, refusing to be evicted, fled to the woods or to the surrounding tribes. Some of them, after remaining at San Antonio a year, and living at a settlement on the Trinity River ^ve LOUISIANA 251 years, in 1779 took advantage of a flood and Co- manche raids, followed their doughty Creole leader, Gil Ybarbo, to Nacogdoches, and from there scat- tered eastward to their former homes. Today, round about Robeline in Louisiana, and San Au- gustine in Texas, their descendants still live the simple life of their ancestors. Louisiana was Spain's first experience in North America in a colony previously occupied by Eu- ropeans, and in it many departures were made from her traditional system. This was especially true of her Indian policy. Instead of relying for control upon the time honored mission and presidio, Spain utilized the French traders al- ready among the tribes. But, with Spain's char- acteristic paternalism, the service was reorganized and much improved. A regular corps of licensed traders was installed; vagabonds, outlaws, and un- licensed traders were driven from the tribes, pres- ents were distributed annually, and medals of merit were given to the friendly chiefs. In the Spanish days fur traders arose. Frenchmen for the most part, whose names are immortal in the West. At New Orleans there were Piseros and St. Maxent; at Natchitoches, Le Blanc, La Mathe, and Borme; at Nacogdoches, Gil Ybarbo; and at St. Louis, the 252 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Chouteaus, the Robidoux, Lisa, and Clamorgan. St. Louis, the Arkansas Post, and Natchitoches be- came centers for distributing presents and holding councils with tribes living on both sides of the Mississippi River. Of all the tribes none were more important than those of the Red River valley, in the present States of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. They had been friendly to the French and hostile to Spain, and it was necessary to win them to Span- ish allegiance. This important task was assigned to Athanase de Mezieres, an old French officer in the military service. In recognition of his ability as an Indian agent, O'Reilly had put him in charge of the district of Natchitoches. For ten years he labored loyally at his task. By elo- quence, presents, and bluff, he induced most of the hostile tribes to make treaties. He toured their villages as far as the upper Brazos River, and thence marched south three hundred miles to San Antonio over an unknown trail. Six years later he was called to Texas to prepare the new allies for a great campaign of extermination against the Apaches, hated foes of both the Spaniards and Eastern tribes. For several years after 1776 the vital question in LOUISIANA 253 Louisiana was the outcome of the American Revo- lution. After long hesitation, in April, 1779, Spain at last joined the revolting colonies. Her primary- aim was not popular liberty, but conquest at the expense of England, for she hoped to obtain Gibral- tar, Minorca, the Floridas, British Honduras, and perhaps the country between the Alleghanies and the Mississippi. With lightning speed Galvez, the youthful Governor of Louisiana, captured the Eng- lish posts on the lower Mississippi. Two years later Mobile and Pensacola were at his feet. Meanwhile an English expedition from Canada against St. Louis by way of Wisconsin had failed (1780) and in retaliation a force from St. Louis had run up the Spanish flag at St. Joseph, Michigan. Spain had frustrated the British attempt to gain control of the Mississippi, had enabled George Rogers Clark to hold his conquests in the Illinois, and had re- covered Florida. Her Anglo-American frontier now stretched all the way from St. Mary's River on the Atlantic coast to the head of the Mississippi. Spain's rule in Louisiana added to her already long and illustrious list of trailmakers. Communi- cation for defense and trade had to be opened be- tween Louisiana and the old outposts of New Spain and, at the same time, between San Antonio and 254 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Santa Fe, which had been cut off from each other by the intervening Apaches and Comanches. The principal agent in this work was Pedro Vial. Vial was sent in 1786 from San Antonio to find a direct route to Santa Fe. In spite of a fall from his horse, with one companion he made his way to Red River; thence westward through the Comanche country to Santa Fe. He had found the Comanches friendly, but his route was roundabout. Jose Mares found a more direct trail to San Antonio (1787) while Vial explored from Santa Fe, down the Red and Sabine rivers, to Natchitoches, returning thence to San Antonio and to Santa Fe by a still more direct route than that of Mares. On the journey he had traveled farther than from Chicago to San Francisco. This tireless pathfinder next explored from Santa Fe to St. Louis (1792) returning by a route approximating that of the later Santa Fe Trail. He had preceded Pike by fifteen years. He was not a great diarist, but he was a good frontiersman. What Mezieres and Vial had done in lower Lou- isiana, Clamorgan and his associates now did in upper Louisiana. Americans from the Ohio Valley and Scotch traders from Canada were invading the country in growing numbers. Making their way LOUISIANA Q55 by the Des Moines, the St. Peters, and the Assini- boine rivers, they traded and even built posts among the Omahas, Ariliaras, and Mandans. At the same time Russians and British were threaten- ing the Oregon coast. To ward off these dangers, in 1793 the "Company of Explorers of the Mis- souri" was chartered at St. Louis. A prize of $2000 was offered to the first person who should reach the Pacific by way of the Missouri. Now there was a spurt of energy, and by 1797 Trudeau, Lecuyer, Mackay, and Evans, in the service of Glamorgan's Company, had carried the Spanish flag above the Mandan villages in North Dakota. But the ambitious schemes of the Company were not realized. The Government failed to pay Gla- morgan the promised annual subsidy of $10,000 and rival traders opp>osed the Company's monopoly. The St. Louis trade, however, continued to de- velop, and Lewis and Clark in 1804 found traces of Spaniards far up Cheyenne River. American traders invaded upper Louisiana and the backwoodsmen pressed upon the lower Mis- sissippi frontier. To hold them back, Spain in- trigued and employed Indian agents, like Alex- ander McGillivray of West Florida. Spain denied to the backwoodsmen the right to navigate the Q56 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Mississippi, but they protested, intrigued, made reprisals, and appealed to the Government, till in 1795 their point was gained through diplo- macy. Still they kept pressing on across the Mis- sissippi. To check their advance, Spain imported Canary Islanders and invited British Loyalists to settle. Finally she tried counter-colonies formed of the Americans themselves. Thus in 1790 Col- onel George Morgan crossed over and founded New Madrid. Before the end of the century scores of other Americans, among them Moses Austin and Daniel Boone, had been given liberal Spanish grants in the vain hope that they would hold back their brethren. By the opening of the new century the population of Louisiana had reached fifty thou- sand, as against some ten thousand at the end of the French regime, and a large part of the increase was due to American immigration. Napoleon needed Louisiana for his own purposes, and in 1800 he took it. Three years later with as little ceremony he sold it to the United States. Spain now fell back again on her old Texas and New Mexico frontier, where the struggle with the Anglo-Americans was renewed. They pushed on across Louisiana into Texas. Horse drovers and traders, like Philip Nolan, operated in Texas from LOUISIANA 257 the time of the American Revolution. Early in the nineteenth century adventurers like Aaron Burr and James Wilkinson laid plans for filibustering raids. During the Mexican War of Independence Americans led expeditions into Texas to aid in the struggle for liberty, while others crowded over the borders and settled on the bottom lands along the Red and Sabine rivers. When Mexico won inde- pendence from Spain in 1821, Austin and a host of others obtained princely grants of rich Texas soil. Fifteen years later the American settlers revolted and set up a republic, which, after nine proud years of independence was annexed to the United States. War with Mexico followed, and in 1848 New Mex- ico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and Cali- fornia went the way of Texas. Five years after- wards, the Gadsden Purchase added to the United States another slice of the old Spanish domain. From Jamestown (1607) to the Gadsden Purchase (1853) is a continuous story of the pressure of Anglo-Americans upon Hispanic borderlands not effectively occupied. On the south the American tide stopped at the Rio Grande, finding there a bulwark of substantial settlement. 17 CHAPTER X CALIFORNIA The English had made the occupation of Louisi- ana imperative. Carlos lifted his eyes to the West, and there he saw another menace. Russian fur hunters had overrun Siberia to the Pacific by the beginning of the eighteenth century. Catherine of Russia, continuing the age-old quest for the Strait of Anian, in 1725 had sent Vitus Bering, the Dane, to seek a northern passage from the Pacific into the Atlantic. On his first voyage (1725-1730) he discovered Bering Strait, leading, not into the At- lantic, but into the Arctic Ocean, where Siberia and Alaska all but touch hands. By the close of the Seven Years' War Russian fur-trading posts had been established on Bering, Kadiak, and Unalaska Islands, and Russian vessels were cruising Pacific waters southward toward Oregon . Moreover , there was the perilous prospect of an English incursion overland from Canada or from the Ohio Valley. 258 CALIFORNIA 259 California had been in danger before, and little had been done. The Russian menace might have ended with correspondence had there not been on the frontier a man of action clothed with ample powers. This man was Jose de Galvez, the visitor- general who had carried out for Carlos reforms in New Spain. Galvez not only realized that a crisis had arrived but, true to form, he acted; and, while settling affairs in Lower California, he organized a defensive expedition to Alta California. The plan was typical of Spain's method of holding and as- similating new frontiers. Soldiers and missionaries were to go forth, side by side, and plant military colonies and missions at San Diego and Monterey, then the most celebrated harbors on the coast, for the Bay of San Francisco was still unknown. To carry out the work Galvez had good material ready at hand. The general command was entrusted to Don Caspar de Portolai, the newly appointed Governor of Lower California. Since the expulsion of the Jesuits, the work of converting and civilizing the natives there had devolved upon a band of Fran- ciscan friars, sons of the missionary college of San Fernando, at Mexico City. The president of these "Fernandinos" in Lower California, Fray Juni- pero Serra, was chosen to guide the banner of the 260 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS Faith into the new territory, and he would take with him five other friars chosen from his missions. The expedition, which was under way early in 1769, consisted of two passenger vessels and a supply ship and two overland parties. Owing to errors in latitude made by the earlier explorers, the vessels sailed too far north in their search for San Diego Bay. The San Antonio reached port after fifty -four days at sea. The San Carlos was one hundred and ten days on the way, and when she entered the harbor her crew were too ill from scurvy and lack of fresh water to lower the boats. A fortnight was spent chiefly in caring for the sick and burying the dead. The supply ship, the San JosS, was never heard of again after her departure from port in Lower California. The land expeditions were much more fortunate, though the way was difficult and long. Provisions for the journey, horses, mules, and cattle were as- sembled at Velicata, a post eighteen leagues beyond Santa Maria, the northernmost of the old missions. The first of the overland parties set out from Velicata on March 24, 1769. It was led by Captain Rivera, commander of the company of Loreto. He had twenty-five leather jacket soldiers (soldados de cuera), three muleteers, and some forty Indians CALIFORNIA 261 from the old missions, equipped with pick, shovel, ax, and crowbar, to open the roads through the mountains and across gullies. Along went Father Juan Crespi, principal historian of the expedition. Rivera's men were declared to be "the best horse- men in the world, and among those soldiers who best earn their bread from the august monarch whom they serve." The cuera, which gave them their name, was a leather jacket, like a coat with- out sleeves, reaching to the knees, and made of six or seven plies of white buckskin, proof against the Indians' arrows except at very close range. For additional armor they had shields and chaps. The shields, carried on the left arm, were made of two plies of bull's hide, and would turn either arrow or spear. The leather chaps or aprons, fastened to the pommel of the saddle, protected legs and thighs from brush and cactus spines. For the first eight days the trail was that fol- lowed by the Jesuit Father Linck, three years be- fore. Thereafter, a distance of three hundred miles, the route was now explored by white men for the first time. Frequently water had to be carried in barrels and skin bags (botas), for the Peninsula is dry. More than once the animals had to camp for the night without water. Sometimes there was no 262 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS fuel for a camp fire. Several nights were made terri- ble by the roaring of a lion. Much of the way was over rugged mountains. The wild Indians did no harm, but they were occasionally threatening. Frequently it rained, and the men spent uncomfort- able nights in water-soaked clothing. At last the dijQBcult journey came to an end. On the 13th of May, scouts from a height saw the masts of the two vessels anchored in San Diego Bay. Next day their joy was mixed with sadness; the welcome sa- lutes and the fond embraces were offset by the sad news of the horrible inroads made by scurvy into the ranks of the sea party. On the 15th of May, the day after Rivera and Crespi reached San Diego, Portola and Serra set out from Velicata. The season was better, the trail had been broken, and the journey was quicker than Rivera's. On the last day of June, after a march of six weeks, the wayfarers reached San Diego. Serra said Mass, the Te Deum was sung, and artillery roared salute from the new outpost of Church and State. The first band of Spanish pioneers on the soil of Alta California, when all were assembled, comprised one hundred and twen- ty-six souls; ninety-three of the original number had perished on the San Carlos or after landing; CALIFORNIA 263 of the Indians, some had deserted on the way, re- luctant to leave home. On Sunday, the 16th of July, Serra preached to a group of natives made happy by little trinkets from his stock, and dedi- cated the mission of San Diego de Alcala. Nearby the presidio of San Diego was founded. The port of Monterey was still to be protected. Portola therefore sent the San Antonio back to Mexico for men and supplies; then, leaving the San Carlos at anchor for want of a crew, he continued up the coast by land to complete his task, without the aid of the vessels. The march began on the 14th of July, two days before Serra formally founded his mission of San Diego. Ahead rode Portola, Fages, Costanso, the friars, six Catalan volunteers, and the Indian sappers. Next followed the pack train in four divisions, each of twenty- five loaded mules, with muleteers and a soldier guard. In the rear came Captain Rivera, the rest of the soldiers, and friendly Indians driving the herd of spare mules and horses. Portola and his band rode northward along the coast by a route practically that now followed by the railroads. Most of the way pasture and water were plentiful and the Indians numerous and friendly. At Los Angeles River a sharp earthquake 264 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS shock was felt. '* It lasted about half as long as an Ave Maria, and about ten minutes later it was re- peated, though not so violently." The coast was followed without great difficulty past San Luis Obispo to a point near the southern line of Mon- terey County. Here the way was blocked by rugged Santa Lucia Mountain, whose steep cliffs overhang the sea. A halt of several days was necessary for Rivera and the scouts to find a way through the mountains. The march was continued then to the north and northeast for about forty-five miles across Nacimiento and San Antonio rivers, and down Arroyo Seco to Salinas River, which was reached near Soledad. It was one of the hardest stretches of country encountered by the early ex- plorers of the West. Crespi wrote, "The moun- tains . . . are inaccessible not only for men but also for goats and deer." Arroyos flowing down the gorges had to be crossed innumerable times. From a high peak near San Antonio River nothing but mountains could be seen in any direction. "It was a sad spectacle for us, poor wayfarers, tired and worn out by the fatigues of the long journey." Some of the soldiers by now were disabled by scurvy. "All this tended to oppress our hearts; but, remembering the object to which these toils CALIFORNIA 265 were directed, and that it was for the greater glory of God through the conversion of souls, and for the service of the king, whose dominions were being en- larged by this expedition, all were animated to work cheerfully." Six days down Salinas River took the expedition to the shore of Monterey Bay. But Vizcaino had told of a "fine harbor." None was found, and Por- tola, mystified, concluded that some mistake had been made, and that the harbor must be farther north. He therefore continued up the coast. As the men pressed on through the spacious forests, they saw, rank upon rank, the sheer, ruddy trunks of giant timber, and they called this new tree the palo Colorado. This is the first historical mention of the famous California redwood. At Half Moon Bay they saw the Farallones, Point Reyes, and Drake's Bay; which last they recognized at once, for it was better known than any other point on the north coast. Plainly, they had passed Monterey and were a long distance out of their course. So they pitched camp at Point Pedro, to rest and to debate what should be done. And, their food being nearly exhausted, some hunters struck into the mountains northeast of the camp to look for game. The chase, or perhaps only the hope of it, led them ^Q6 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS upward until presently they came out on a clear height and beheld a great quiet harbor, almost land- locked, so near together stood the two titanic pillars of its one gate, open to the sunset ocean. These hunters were the first white men to catch a glimpse of San Francisco Bay. On the 4th of November, Portola's party de- scended to the bay and explored it to its head. Then, retracing their route along the coast, they again reached Point Pinos and Monterey Bay. They planted two crosses, one on Carmel River and the other on the bay shore, and continued on to San Diego. There affairs had gone badly. Fifty persons had died and the rest were homesick. During Portola's absence they had had a serious brush with the na- tives, who had pillaged their huts and stripped the invalids of their garments. Provisions were scarce, and there was even talk of abandoning the enter- prise. But Rivera was dispatched to Loreto for stock and supplies, and the pioneers held on as if they knew the full meaning of their fortitude. In the crisis Serra's faith was superb. "What I have desired least is provisions," he wrote. "Our needs are many, it is true; but if we have health, a tor- tilla, and some vegetables, what more do we want.^ CALIFORNIA 267 ... If I see that along with the food hope van- ishes I shall remain along with Father Juan Crespi and hold out to the last breath." But relief was at hand. To the eyes of the friars, who had kept an unceasing vigil of prayer for nine days, and to the discouraged Portola, the white sails of the San Antonio cleaving the clear blue twilight must have seemed as the wings of some heavenly visitant, more beautiful than ever ship before had spread to the beneficent wind. Alta California had been saved from the danger of abandonment. Another expedition to Monterey was successful and the presidio and mission of San Carlos were founded there (1770), near the spot where one hundred and sixty-eight years before Father Ascension had said Mass under a spreading oak tree. The Russian menace had been met. Spain's frontier had been advanced eight hundred miles. That the event was of more than local import was generally felt, and the news of it, hurried to Mexico by special courier and dispatch boat, was cele- brated at the capital. "His Excellency [the Vice- roy] wanted the whole population forthwith to share in the happiness which the information gave him, and therefore he ordered a general ringing ef 268 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS the bells of the cathedral and all the other churches^ in order that all might realize the importance of the Port of Monterey to the Crown of our monarch, and also to give thanks for the happy success of the expeditions; for by their means the dominion of our king had been extended over more than three hun- dred leagues of good land." More than this, the Viceroy ordered a solemn Mass of thanksgiving sung in the cathedral, and attended in person with his whole viceregal court. Two problems of major importance now engaged the authorities — the opening of a land route from Sonora and the occupation of San Francisco Bay. Thus far supplies had been sent chiefly by ship from San Bias to Loreto on the peninsula, thence northward by pack train over seven hundred and fifty miles of largely arid country to San Diego and five hundred and fifty miles farther to Monterey. California needed colonists, and the supply ships were too small to transport them in any number. The soldiers in California, left without their fami- lies, chose their companions from among the na- tive women and thus grievously hampered the work of the friars. Furthermore, a land route would reduce the cost of the new settlements to the CALIFORNIA 269 government by opening a way for the transport of stock and crops raised abundantly in Sonora. The man for the task was found in Juan Bautista de Anza, commander of Tubac, an Arizona fort, and a frontiersman by birth and training. Anza set out from his post at Tubac with a company of thirty-four men, including two friars, thirty-five mules laden with provisions, sixty-five cattle, and one hundred and forty horses — the horses being poor animals, as the best of the stock had just been run off by the Apaches. He turned southwest, crossed the divide, and descended the Altar River through the Pima missions to Caborca, the last Spanish settlement between Sonora and Father Serra's San Gabriel Mission, six hundred miles dis- tant. From Caborca his way led through the Pa- pago country to the Gila at the Colorado Junction, over the waterless Devil's Highway, where men and beasts suffered torture from thirst. At the junction he made friends with Palma, chief of the Yumas, and presented him with a bright sash and a necklace of coins struck with the King's image, which latter so delighted the naked giant that "he neither had eyes enough to look at it, nor words with which to express his gratitude." The Yumas assisted Anza in crossing the Colorado River and 270 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS guided him down its farther bank to Santa Olaya Lake, on the edge of the great sand dunes of the Colorado Desert. His guides from here forward were Father Fran- cisco Garces, who three years before had crossed the Colorado Desert, and Sebastian, an Indian who had fled east across the Sierras from Mission San Gabriel to Sonora. But the guides lost their way and for about a fortnight Anza wandered help- lessly among the dunes till at last he encountered mountains of sand which the jaded animals would not even attempt to pass. When he turned back towards Santa Olaya Lake his difficulties were not over; for the blowing sand had wiped out all trails. But at last he reached it and there went into camp for two weeks, to rest and restore the men and the pack animals. The camp was thronged daily with the Yumas and their allies. The friars, Fathers Diaz and Garces, endeavored to convert th^ sav- ages; and the soldiers, who had a fiddler among them, held nightly dances with the Indian girls, there on the rim of the desert, defying its menace with their jollity. Anza left a part of his equipment and some of his men with the Yumas and went on with the others, who had sworn to persevere with him to the end, CALIFORNIA 271 even if they should have to make the coast on foot. He went south westward, down the Colorado, seek- ing a way round the southern line of the desert. He found water and pasturage north of the Cocopa Mountains, from which point he veered generally northwestward to a pass in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This trail of the first white man to cross the Sierras is historic. Anza entered the great range by way of San Felipe Creek. "The canyon is formed by several very high, rocky mountains, or it would be better to say, by great heaps of rocks and stones of all sizes, which look as though they had been gathered and piled there, like the sweepings of the world." Continuing up Coyote Canyon, past starved Indians living in the cliflPs and caves "like rabbit warrens," three days after leaving the desert he emerged through a rocky pass into Cahuilla Valley.^ The desert now gave way to mountain verdure. "At this very place," says Anza, " there is a pass which I named Royal Pass of San Carlos. From it are seen some most beautiful valleys, very ^ Not Hemet Valley as is generally held. In August, 1920, the author and Mr. W. G. Paden, by a personal reconnaissance on the ground, demonstrated this error. The rocky pass, called San Carlos, today opens into the corral of Rancho de la Puerta, owned by Mr. Fred Clark. 272 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS green and flower strewn; snowy mountains with live oaks and other trees native to cold lands. The waters, too, are divided, some running on this side to the Gulf, and others to the Philippine Ocean." Anza crossed the plateau, a distance of some fifteen miles, and, little hindered by falling snow on the mountains, which turned to mist in the valley, de- scended Bautista Canyon and camped on San Jacinto River. A few days later, as the Southern California sunset blazed upon the peaks, Anza knocked at the gates of San Gabriel Mission, near the future Los Angeles. His march had covered some seven hundred miles. He went on to Mon- terey and returned from there to Tubac over the trail which he had opened, through the Royal Pass of San Carlos. The Golden Gate could now be protected. Hav- ing first been to Mexico City to confer with Viceroy Bucarely, on October 23, 1775, Anza led out from the rendezvous at Tubac the first colony destined for San Francisco. It comprised soldiers, friars, and thirty families — in all two hundred and forty persons. The type of Spanish colonist to be had is amply revealed in Anza's recommendations to the authorities. Their pay must be given them in ad- vance, because most of them were "submerged in CALIFORNIA 273 poverty," and it must be given to them in the form of clothing and outfit because, if paid in money, they would immediately gamble it all away. The list of essentials included — besides arms, horses, mules, cattle, and rations — shirts, underwear, jackets, breeches, hose, buckskin boots and but- toned shoes, capes, hats, and handkerchiefs for the men, also ribbons for their hats and their hair; for the women, chemises, petticoats, jackets, shoes, stockings, hats, rebozos and ribbons; and the items of children's needs also concluded with ribbons. Spurs, bridle and bit, saddle and saddle-cushion, and a leathern jacket (cuera) of seven thicknesses, were a few more of each man's requirements. And the dole of each family seems to have included all inventions known at the time from frying pans to blank books! Two hundred head of cattle were taken to stock California. In the party were three friars. Font, Garces, and Eixarch. Garces, who had accompanied Anza to San Gabriel on his first journey, and Eixarch, were to remain with the Yuma Indians at the mouth of the Gila. Font went as diarist and astronomer. The Gila was reached on the 28th of November without other grave mishap than the death of a woman in child- birth. Six days were spent at Yuma, the junction l8 274 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS of the Gila and the Colorado, because of illness among the women, and because of the necessity of installing Garces and Eixarch among their chosen flock. Anza ordered a cabin erected for the fri- ars and their servants and stocked it with provi- sions for four months. Chief Palma aided with all the weight of his great authority. Such was the beginning of white settlement at Yuma. On the 4th of December Anza resumed his jour- ney. Some of his horses had died from the cold, and there were eleven sick persons in the party. At Santa Olaya Lake he divided his expedition into three relays, to march on different days, in order to save the scant water holes in the desert country ahead. In his conferences with Palma, whom he had now rendered ecstatic by the gift of a Spanish military costume, Anza must have learned more about the way over the sand dunes ; for, leading the first detachment in person, he struck out straight ahead across the desert. In three days he reached the cool wells of Santa Rosa, and, two days later, camped at San Sebastian, near the pass into the mountains. Here he awaited the remainder of his party. When the other detachments came up, the colonists were ill from cold and thirst, and the two hundred cattle had been without water for four CALIFORNIA 275 days. The horses were badly worn. Just before leaving Tubac the Apaches had stolen fifteen hun- dred head, and most of the emigrants had come without change of mounts, in some cases with two or three children on a single horse. Hence- forth some went on foot. But human nature is buoyant. And the reunion at San Sebastian was celebrated with a noisy dance. A bold widow sang a naughty song; her paramour punished her; Anza reprimanded the man, and Father Font reproved Anza. Anza's cavalcade turned northwestward now and crossed the Sierras by way of the path he had discovered on his former journey. The snow-cov- ered mountains extended a chilly reception to the colonists, who came from semi-tropical Sonora and Sinaloa. The women wept, but Anza dried their tears. In the deep canyon on Christmas eve, a child was born, the third extra colonist to enter the ranks of the expedition since the departure from Tubac. On the way up the mountain slope over ninety head of cattle died from cold and exhaus- tion. Just at San Carlos Pass a severe earthquake shock was experienced by the weary band. The intrepid Anza — Tomiar, or Big Chief, the Cahuil- las called him — had intended to break trail from 276 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS the pass to Monterey without touching at San Ga- briel, but the condition of his party and the stock made this plan impracticable. Where Riverside now stands he crossed the Santa Ana River on the bridge built by himself two years before and led his colonists into the precincts of San Gabriel on Jan- uary 4, 1776. Two months later he had brought them to Monterey. Anza explored the shores of San Francisco Bay and selected sites for a presidio and a mission and then returned to Sonora. The march of over a thousand miles, which he had led, was one of the longest overland migrations of a colony in North American history before the settlement of Oregon. It is worthy of note that even while Don Juan Anza reconnoitered San Francisco Bay for a site whereon to erect the outward signs of absolute monarchy, the Liberty Bell at Philadelphia three thousand miles away proclaimed the signing of the Declaration of Independence; and that within seventy-five years San Francisco was to become the western gateway of the new American nation. The presidio of San Francisco was founded in September and the mission in October, 1776. Next year one of Anza's lieutenants founded San Jose, some miles to the south, close to the mission of CALIFORNIA 277 Santa Clara. Four years later a second body of colonists came over Portola's route and founded the pueblo of Los Angeles. The year 1782 saw the founding of Santa Barbara. Thus Spain had made good her hold on California at four strategic points, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Monterey, and San Francisco, having meanwhile pushed explora- tion by sea up the present Oregon and British Co- lumbia coasts with an eye always to Russian and English activities. Spain was much disturbed to find that England, who should have been fully occupied with the Revolutionary War in America and the defense of her frontiers from the English Channel to India against the combined power of France and Spain, had yet found time to send an explorer. Captain Cook, into North Pacific waters.^ Of names illustrious in the pioneer mission field of America none is more renowned than Junipero Serra. If, as in the case of Serra, we are disposed to think that the biographies of some of the pioneer padres, written by members of their own Order, may be too colored with hero worship to be strict- ly historical, let us remember at the same time that only men capable of arousing exalted affection ' See Adventurers of Oregon in this Series. 278 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS and admiration could tempt their memorialists in- to this extravagance. In his character, it is plain, Serra was gentle, loving, and selfless. Like Kino, he had distinguished himself in the Old World and had turned his back upon honors to enter the la- borious and perilous life of a missionary to savages. It was a life that promised little but hardship, dis- appointment, danger, to be cut short, perhaps, by a death of agony at the hands of those he sought to save. Whatever might be the worldly policies of governors and ecclesiastics pertaining to the re- sults of his labors, the true missionary himself was moved by two separate motives — a passion for his Faith and a yearning towards those whom he deemed eternally lost without it. His humanity as well as his zeal found exercise in a fatherly interest in the children of the wilderness and in efforts to teach them innocent games and pleasures in the place of some of their native amusements which were less moral. To learn their various languages — and Indian languages are among the most diffi- cult to master — to coax them into habits of indus- try, to make them love labor and strict virtue as well as the Catechism — required infinite patience and kindness no less than a heart staunch against all fear. CALIFORNIA 279 Such a blend of zeal and humanity was seen in Junipero Serra. Withal, he was an organizer and executive. All in all, indeed, Serra was the outstanding Spanish pioneer of California. Dur- ing the fifteen years of his labors there, he super- vised the founding of nine permanent missions of the twenty-one which the Franciscans built in the Golden State before secularization undid the work of their Order. ^ San Diego was the first, but the more famous was San Carlos at Carmel, where Serra lived until his death in 1784. The present San Carlos, which has been preserved and is still regularly used for services, was begun on the same site in 1793. The little congregation which gathers there now answers no longer to the descrip- tions left us by visitors of long ago — such as those of the Frenchman La Perouse, who saw the original building, the English discoverer, George Vancouver, and, later, the Boston seaman and writer, Rich- ard Henry Dana. Then, along the five-mile road ^San Diego, 1769; San Carlos, 1770; San Gabriel, 1771; San Antonio de Padua, 1771; San Luis Obispo, 1772; San Juan Capi- strano, 1776; San Francisco de Assisi, 1776; Santa Clara, 1777; San Buenaventura, 1782; Santa Barbara, 1786; La Purisima Concepcion, 1787; Santa Cruz, 1791; Soledad, 1791; San Juan Bautista, 1797; San Fernando, 1797; San Miguel, 1797; San Jose, 1797; San Luis Rey, 1798; Santa Inez, 1804; San Rafael. 1817; San Francisco Solano, 1823. 280 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS leading from Monterey, the capital, to Carmel, passed the magnificent Governor and his uniformed escort, caballeros in slashed and gilt-laced panta- loons and brilliant serapes, staid senoras shrouded in black lace mantillas yet keeping an eye on their daughters, whose glances, decorous but eager, roved over the rim of the cart as some hero with jingling spurs curvetted past, peasants under their huge sombreros, gray-gowned friars in sandals, Indian muleteers and vaqueros, and Indian laborers in their coarse dull cotton smocks. Scarlet, gold, and blue livened the black and white and tawny brown in the costuming of this frequent procession, which made its way along the shore of a sea sapphire and amethyst and spread with the hammered gold of the kelpfields, on through the green slopes, on among the giant columns of the Carmel pines, to San Carlos, on the hill above the river, with red- tiled roof and belfry and thick bluish stone walls. In Serra's day there was only a small adobe church beside the orchards of olives and fruit trees which he planted. Half a stone's throw from the church Serra dwelt in a cell furnished with a chair and a table, a bed of boards, and the blanket which cov- ered him when he slept. Nearby rose a high cross and, at dawn and often through the day and night. CALIFORNIA 281 he knelt at its foot in prayer. It was, says Father Palou, Serra's pupil, friend, and biographer, *'his companionship and all his delight." Under the shadow of the cross in his cell, attended by his dis- ciple Palou, Serra died. From near and far, the In- dians who venerated him came to strew his plain coffin with flowers. And they wept bitterly that their Padre, now silent in death, would never again greet them with his habitual tender admonition, *'amar a Dios^' — to love God. Aided by other devoted Franciscans, Serra had accomplished much according to the plan which he held to be essential to the welfare of the Indians. Along the fertile coast valleys from San Diego to San Francisco stretched a chain of missions, some seated so that the limits of one mission's lands touched upon the borders of the next. Grain fields, vineyards, olive groves, and orchards flourished, cared for by native labor under Indian overseers. Indian herdsmen tended the great flocks of sheep and the droves of cattle and horses. Each mission with its lands and its Indians formed a type of pa- triarchal state under the padre's rule backed by the soldiery. Under the new regime, which curbed every native instinct and changed the whole fash- ion of their lives the Indians decreased. But, while 282 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS it is easy to pick flaws in the mission system of deal- ing with the Indians, it is not so easy to point to any other system which has done better. The problem of civilizing a wild people has baffled others than the padres. In the policy of the Government regarding the missions and in the plans of the friars, the Indian was the central idea. Both looked to his conver- sion and civilization. The Government intend- ed, after a reasonable period, to take over the missions, turn them into pueblos under civil juris- diction, each church to become a curacy of the diocese, and to allot land to the Indians, who were to be no longer neophytes under patriarchal domi- nance, but citizens living independent lives under the rule of the state. The mission lands did not belong to the friars, whose vows of poverty pre- cluded their holding property. The usufruct was theirs to manage;, as stewards and administrators salaried by the Crown but having themselves no titles to the occupied territory. The friars were not in sympathy with the governmental desire pre- maturely to secularize the missions and thus to ex- pel the missionaries, or to confine the activities of those who might remain to purely spiritual af- fairs. It is conceivable that they did not wish to CALIFORNIA 283 resign their temporal powers; and it is certain that they did not beheve that the Indians would be benefited by the change. With all their energy, therefore, the friars resisted secularization. A decree passed by the Spanish Cortes in 1813, but not published in California until January, 1820, ordered the friars immediately to ** cease from the government and administration of the property" of the Indians; but a vigorous controversy halted its execution. After the revolt from Spain, the Mexican Government enacted laws of the same tenor, looking, as some say, to the emancipation of the Indians and to their participation in the life of the state as citizens, or, as others put it, to the con- fiscation of the mission lands. The immediate re- sult was confusion, waste, and destruction. The Indians did not comprehend the new measures, said to be designed for their progress. They accepted the views of the friars that a great evil was being com- mitted by the new republican Government. To oppose that Government some at least of the mis- sion Indians had been armed and drilled under the direction of their padres, whose sympathies were strongly royalist. Not understanding that the lands and herds which they had tended were now legally to become their own, and believing only 284 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS that they and their padres were to be robbed of them, they plunged into a furious destruction of live stock and other property. Helpless to cope with the situation, the new Government ordered a temporary restoration of the old system. But the trouble did not abate. Dishonest officials, eager only to possess themselves of the valuable lands destined for the Indians, added to the complexity of the problem. Settlers intruded into the mission valleys and took up holdings. Natives helped themselves to stock and ran off to distant rancher- ias. By 1843, five of the missions at least had been entirely deserted. In 1845 a proclamation pro- vided for the rental or sale of the missions. The abandoned buildings were to be sold at auction. The surplus property of others was to be sold and the buildings rented. This order had not been fully carried out when the flag of the United States was raised at Monterey on July 7, 1846. Under American regulations, the mission buildings with an adequate amount of land were restored to the Church. The surplus land reverted to the Govern- ment. So, in the end, the Indians possessed noth- ing. Retreating before the inrush of white settlers, they went back to their wild life, far less able to cope with its conditions after some fifty years of CALIFORNIA 285 civilization and strict religious discipline. A few of the friars remained till they died to care for the spiritual welfare of their scattered and diminished flocks. The majority departed for other mission fields or returned to their monasteries in Mexico and Europe. The missions, some of them intact, others in va- rious stages of decay, or of restoration through the activities of the Landmarks Club of California, remain as monuments, not alone to the friars who designed them, but also to the Indians who built them. The natives, instructed by their padres, made those adobe bricks and quarried those great stone blocks and piled them into the high walls several feet in thickness, into the tall pillars, the rounded arches, the belfry towers and the solid courtyards of buildings covering, in some instances, enormous sites. San Luis Rey, the largest of the missions, built of adobe, had a corridor of thirty-two broad arches opening upon its patio, which was about eighty yards square. Nearly three thousand Indians peopled the adjacent vil- lage, tilled the mission's lands and herded its stock; and, in the evenings, a native band of forty pieces played for the delectation of their tribesmen and their padres. The Indians built roads and bridges 286 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS under the tutelage of the friars, some of whom had been architects and engineers, prior to taking vows Indians baked the dusky red tiles for the roofs. They carved the altar pieces and pulpits, the door- posts and hntels; they made the moldings and em- ployed their primitive native art in the brilliantly colored frescoes which still adorn some of the inte- rior walls. They hewed and smoothed the great beams for the ceilings and grooved them into place; and they wrought the stone bowls for font and fountain and set them on their adobe pedestals. Patient teaching and faithful labor wrought for beauty and God. The architecture combined something of the Moresque, the Roman, and the Old Spanish, and was perhaps influenced by the Aztec, certainly was influenced by the needs and inspirations and the climatic conditions of a virgin country and by the materials at hand for building. The result was an original style, massively beautiful and harmonious with the landscape. Santa Barbara is a famous ex- ample. It never suffered ruin ; it is, in fact, the only mission in California which, from its earliest days, has never been untenanted by Franciscans. Some of the ruined missions suffered their first blows, not from secularization, but from the severe CALIFORNIA 287 seismic shocks of 1812 — el ano de los temblor es. Chief of these was the vast cruciform building of San Juan Capistrano, which succeeded the small mission built by Serra. Before its ruins, in point of beauty, even the unblemished pile of Santa Bar- bara must give way. The great cross, shattered now, with its church, monastery, convent, and workshops and its wings of corridors outlined, was erected of gray stone and was hardly less than a decade in building. On a mountain several leagues away the great timbers for the beams were hewn. The stone came from a quarry six miles distant. The huge blocks were transported by the mission Indians, numbering roughly a thousand, in crude bullock-carts; the smaller blocks men, women, and even children carried on their heads. Back and forth in the daylight hours, year after year, the In- dians of Capistrano trod the long way to bring the stone that should build an imperishable shrine. Imperishable, in one sense, it is; but its structure, completed in 1806, stood unmarred for only six years. One of the uninjured rooms of the convent was converted into a chapel. Services are held there and the parish priest lives at the mission. About San Juan Capistrano, even today, lingers the fragrance of the past. In the little seaside 288 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS village, Spanish, with Mexican accent, Basque, and Portuguese are more commonly heard than English. In fact, English is seldom heard. The sombrero frequently, and even an occasional dingy and frayed serape, may be seen in the groups of swarthy skinned men lounging and smoking in the sun. Not far from the railway — which connects San Diego with Los Angeles by a swifter route than the old trail of the padres — in the mouth of the valley, the majestic ruin stands. Gone is the high bell- tower, once visible, so it is said, from ten miles away. The roofs have crumbled in places, and the gray walls and the thick square columns of the arches are fissured from the temblor which de- stroyed the lofty church and crushed out the lives of several hundred worshipers. Grasses and weeds push their way through the broken floorings and riot with the blazing California poppy in the patios. Busy little birds, swift of wing and inces- sant in song, pop in and out of a village of nests in the deserted corridors. Lazy doves, bronze and blue and snow-white, float up from the street along the sparkling bay to sun and plume themselves on the ruined arches. And the lizard, though unat- tended by the lion, keeps the court. But the dark vulture, wheeling above San Juan, wings CALIFORNIA 289 slowly on; for the stillness here is too old to be of the dead. It is the placidity of beauty, which is immortal. In their pagan days the Indians of Capistrano honored the moon. Padre Boscana has preserved in his writings the refrain of the song sung at the feast and dance with which they greeted her: "As the moon dies and comes to life again, so we, hav- ing to die, shall live again." Night is still the feast of beauty at Capistrano. It is a feast kept now in silence — with the stately dance of a tribe of shad- ows moving through the arches to the slow rhythm of the rising moon. So does a vanished people "live again" in the supreme loveliness of their wrecked handiwork. Colonization in California proceeded steadily, if slowly. California was far away and equally good lands could be had in Mexico. Spaniards lacked some of the incentives which stirred Eng- lishmen to emigrate to the shores of the Atlantic. They attained to little greater degree of personal freedom and little larger share in their own govern- ment in a frontier presidio than in the City of Mex- ico or in Seville. Distance, of course, often made them independent for a time. But the heel of 290 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS absolutism was on their necks wherever they went, and those who came lacked incentives to energetic industry. The land was too fertile; too much was done for them. Colonists were paid a salary for a term of years, given lands, stock, tools, in fact every necessary but the normal stimulus to labor. In California, where the climate compelled no measures of protection and the soil produced abundantly without urging, the spirit of dolce far niente possessed the settlers. Even the later com- ing of well-to-do families, who boasted the purest blood of Spain, made little change in the life of happy, sunny ease. Sheep and cattle increased, roamed the green valleys and found their own sustenance, with little effort on the part of their owners. Olive trees, introduced by the padres, flourished; and grain yielded from fifty to a hun- dredfold from a single sowing. Why work.? Why be "progressive".'^ The implements used in cul- tivation were of the most primitive design. As late as '49 the Californians were ploughing, and happily, with an iron point attached to a crooked branch. The labor of field and range was done by Indians for a share of the produce. The lord of the hacienda was chiefly engaged in riding, in gam- bling, dancing, in visiting or receiving his friends, or CALIFORNIA 291 attending bull and cock fights. There was indeed little else for him to do. The Government did not solicit his cooperation. He might, and often did, stir up a little revolution. If he had a mind to trade, he must pay a tithe on all transactions; and there were no markets for his stock, so that fre- quently he must slaughter great numbers of sheep, cattle, and horses to reduce his herds. He was not always devout, but he obeyed perfunctorily the laws relative to religious observances and left the rest to the virtue and piety of his women. Intel- lectually, his life was perforce sterile; for California was isolated; books there were none, and education was not greatly encouraged. Reversing the pro- verbial admonition, he seldom did today what he could put off till tomorrow: mafiana was time enough for a task; now was for pleasure. And no pleasure was keener than bestriding a fine horse. His days were lived in the saddle; and his feats of horsemanship provoked the envy and admiration of early American and European travelers who have recorded them. To the end of Mexican days the Californians sustained the reputation brought by Rivera's men at the birth of the province — "the best horsemen in the world." Though changing fashions in the outside world 292 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS affected the dress of the upper class, the Cahfor- nians, generally, clung to their own style of garb. The caballero who rode forth to take part in one of the numerous fiestas at Monterey or San Jose was attired in a jacket trimmed with scarlet, a brightly colored silk sash, velvet pantaloons slashed below the knee and laced with gilt, embroidered shoes, a sombrero sporting a band of embroidery or ribbon under which his head was tightly bound with a black silk handkerchief. A serape was draped about his shoulders; his long hair was braided in a queue and tied with ribbons. Ribbons and jingling bits of metal on bridle-reins and stirrups added to the pride of his high-mettled horse. The sloe-eyed maid who challenged him to dance by breaking on his head a cascaron — an eggshell filled with gold and silver paper, or scented water — would be ar- rayed in white muslin smock and petticoat flounced with scarlet — her arms bare and her trim ankles visible — scarlet sash, shoes of velvet or of blue satin; and a gay rebozo or cotton scarf, in the man- agement of which she would display an infinite number of enticing and graceful gestures. When the day's sports were over, the thin sweet twanging of guitars would call caballero and senorita to the dance, until, by ones and twos and whispering, CALIFORNIA 293 laughing groups, the merrymakers flitted home Hke shadows across the plaza which lay white as pearl in the drenching light of the southern moon. The houses of the well-to-do in country or in town were built about a court. The rooms opened on a corridor which ran round the court, where usually brilliant flowers grew and a fountain sent up its rainbow sparkle. The poorer ranch houses were of the plainest design and ill-furnished. The people lived out of doors and gave little thought to the interior of their dwellings. They built their large rambling one-story houses of adobe with red tile roofs, sometimes coating the outside walls with whitewash and the inner with plaster. The poorer houses had no floors but the hard earth and no furniture except a chair or two with rawhide seats, a bed of the same material, and a wooden bench which was fixed along the wall. The hacienda was • overrun with Indian servants, frequently hired from the missions, who did whatever work the benign sun and soil had left for human hands to do. But if the Calif ornian was idle and, as the padres sometimes complained, not over-virtuous, he was kindly and hospitable to a fault. His house and all he possessed were free to friend and stranger for 294 THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS a day or a year. No guest could wear out a Cali- fornian's welcome. If the guest were a poor man, on the day of his departure he would find a little heap of silver coins in his room from which he was thus silently bidden to ease a need his host had too much delicacy to mention. Horses would be pro- vided for his journey to the next hacienda, where he would meet with the same treatment. It was the opinion of travelers of that time that the Californians were superior to other Spanish colonists in America, including the Mexicans. And the superiority was variously ascribed to the greater degree of independence, social at least if not politi- cal, which they had attained through their far re- moval from Mexico and their lack of intercourse with the other colonies; and to the fact that, after the first settlements were made, the great majority of new colonists were of good Castilian blood; and to the influence of California itself. However that may be, the life of the Californians presented phases not always seen in Spanish colonies. The beauties and graces of the Spanish character flow- ered there; and the harsher traits were modified. ' Perhaps the Californian bull fight may be cited as typical of this mellower spirit, for it lacked the sanguinary features which characterized the CALIFORNIA 295 national sport in Mexico and Spain. The quarry retired from the arena not much the worse for a chase which had served chiefly to exhibit the dexterity and horsemanship of the toreador. After the inrush of Americans, who, paradoxi- cally enough, stumbled upon the gold which Span- iards had vainly sought, this leisurely life inevi- tably passed away. California of our time com- memorates the day when a people possessed by the energy of labor came to the Golden Gate. But it still bears, indehbly stamped upon it, the imprint of Spain. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE No single work covers the entire field of this book. Numerous topics are well treated in Justin Winsor, Narrative and Critical History of America, volumes ii and III (1889), whose bibliographies are even better than its essays. Broad in scope and scientific in spirit are John Gilmary Shea's History of the Catholic Mis- sions Among the Indian Tribes of the United States, 1529-1864- (1855), and The Catholic Church in Colonial Days, 1521-1763 (1886). Original documents cover- ing a wide range of subjects for the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are contained in Pacheco and Cardenas {et al.), Coleccion de Documentos ineditos, Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista, y Colonizacion de las Posesiones Espaholes, 42 vols. (1864-1884), and Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos de Ultramar, segunda serie, 13 vols. (1885-1900). A number of works, though not general, deal with considerable portions of the field. For the Atlantic sea- board there is Peter J. Hamilton, The Colonization of the South (1904). In Spanish there is Don Gabriel de Cardenas Z. Canos (anagram for Don Andres Gonzalez Barcia), Ensayo Cronologico para la Historia General de la Florida (1723), which, though annalistic, is broader in scope than any subsequent treatment of Florida. It covers the Atlantic and Gulf areas from 1512 to 1722. 297 298 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The Southwest is best covered by the various vol- umes of Hubert Howe Bancroft's Works, The parts relating to the Spaniards, which were written mainly by Henry Oak, are an unsurpassed mine of information. A popular introduction to Spanish activities in the Southwest, vigorous and entertaining in style, is Charles F. Lummis, Spanish Pioneers (1893). The same region is covered with emphasis on coloniz- ing methods in Frank W. Blackmar, Spanish Institu- tions of the Southwest (1891). An excellent eighteenth century work in Spanish is Juan Domingo de Arri- civita, ChrSnica Serdfica y Apostolica del Colegio Pro- paganda Fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro (1792). It was written by an official chronicler who had been a missionary in Texas. A general documentary collec- tion is Herbert E. Bolton, Spanish Exploration in the Southwest, 164^-1706 (1916). Eably Exploration. Aside from these few general and regional works, most of the materials are special, and can be listed according to the chapters of this book. Early sixteenth century explorations are admirably treated in Woodbury Lowery, Spanish Settlements Within the Present Limits of the United States , 1513- 1661 (1901). Popular accounts of the exploration of Florida are Graham, Hernando de Soto (1903), Grace King, De Soto and his Men in the Land of Florida (1898), and, though old, Theodore Irving, The Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto (1835). The standard treatise on Coronado is George Parker Winship, The Coronado Expedition, 15Ji-0-1542 (Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1896). Contempo- rary narratives are contained in Hodge and Lewis, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 299 Spanish Explorers in the Southern United States {Orig- inal Narratives of Early American History, 1907); Ad. F. and Fanny Bandelier, The Journey of Cabeza de Vaca {Trail Makers Series, 1905); Pedro Castaneda and others, The Journey of Coronado {Trail Makers Series, 1904), edited by George Parker Winship. Ed- ward Gaylord Bourne, Narrative of the Career of Her- nando de Soto {Trail Makers Series, 1904) ; Buckingham Smith, Coleccion de Varios Documentos para la Historia de la Florida (1857). Garcilaso de la Vega, La Florida delYnca{W05). Early Florida. Menendez de Aviles is the theme of Woodbury Lowery's second volume, Spanish Settle- ments Within the Present Limits of the United States, 1562-157 Jf, (1905). A graphic and scholarly account of the expulsion of the French by Menendez is given by Francis Parkman in his Pioneers of France in the New World (1865). Documentary collections are E. Ruidiaz y Caravia, La Florida, su Conquista y ColonizaciSn por Pedro Menendez de Aviles (1893), and Genaro Garcia, Dos Antiguas Relaciones de la Florida (1902). New Mexico. Spanish New Mexico can be studied in Hubert Howe Bancroft, Arizona and Neio Mexico (1888), and Ralph Emerson Twitchell, Leading Facts of New Mexican History, vol . i ( 1 9 1 1 ) . Antiquated but useful is W. W. H. Davis, Spanish Conquest in New Mexico (1869). Mission antiquities are treated in L. Bradford Prince's beautifully illustrated Spanish Mis- sion Churches of New Mexico (1915) . The authority on the Pueblo Revolt is Charles W. Hackett, who has published several scholarly papers on the subject. 300 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE based on manuscript materials, in the Southwestern Historical Quarterly and Old Santa Fe. An excellent regional study is Anne E. Hughes, Beginning of Span- ish Settlement in the El Paso District (1914) . A contem- porary account of Oiiate's work by an eyewitness is Gaspar de Villagra, Historia de la Nueva Mexico (1610), which is written in verse. A rare picture of New Mex- ico in 1630 is Alonso de Benavides, Memorial^ trans- lated by Mrs. Edward E. Ayer and annotated by Fred- erick Webb Hodge and Charles F. Lummis (1916). Documents are contained in Ralph Emerson Twitchell, The Spanish Archives of New Mexico, 2 vols. (1914), and Herbert E. Bolton, Spanish Exploration in the Southwest, 1542-1706 (1916), where extensive recently discovered material is presented. PiMERiA Alta and Baja CALIFORNIA. The work of the Jesuits in Pimeria Alta and Baja California is treated in Hubert Howe Bancroft's North Mexican States, 2 vols. (1883-89), his Arizona and New Mexico (1888), Fr. Zephyrin Engelhardt, The Missions and Missionaries of California, vol. i (1908), and Theo- dore H. Hittell, History of California, vol. i (1885). An interesting popular book, of slight historical merit, however, is Arthur North, The Mother of California (1908). Excellent eighteenth century accounts are Jose Ortega, Apostolicos Afanes de la Compania de Jesus (1754); Miguel Venegas, Noticia de la Cali- fornia, 3 vols. (1757); and Francisco Xavier Alegre, Historia de la Compania de Jesus, 3 vols. (1841). The foundational source for Kino's work is his own Historical Memoir of Pimeria Alta (1919) edited by Herbert E. Bolton. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 301 Texas. The only general sketch of Spanish Texas is contained in Garrison's Texas, A Contest of Civiliza- tions (1903). More detailed, for the ground covered, are R. C. Clark, The Beginnings of Texas (1907), Wil- liam Edward Dunn, Spanish and French Rivalry in the Gulf Region of the United States, 1678-1702 (1917); and Herbert E. Bolton, Texas in the Middle Eigh- teenth Century (1915) . Of the four named only the last two are based on adequate materials. Documents and monographs by Austin, Bolton, Buckley, Clark, Cox, Dunn, Marshall, McCaleb, and others are in the Texas State Historical Association Quarterly and the Southwestern Historical Quarterly. The story of the French border is told by Francis Parkman in his La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West (1910), and his Half Century of Conflict (1892), and Pierre Heinrich, La Louisiane sous la Campaignie des Indes (1905). Contemporary narratives are Alonso de Leon, His- toria de Nuevo Leon (edited by Genaro Garcia, in Docu- mentos Ineditos, xxv, 1909), and Fr. Isidro Felix de Espiiiosa, Chronica Apostolica y Serdphica de Todos los Colegios de Propagande Fide (1746). Espinosa was long a missionary on the Rio Grande and in Eastern Texas. Documents are contained in Bolton's Spanish Exploration in the Southwest, and in Esteban L. Por- tillo, Apuntes para la Historia Antigua de Coahuila y Texas (1886). Alta California. Histories of Alta California are numerous. The best general repositories of facts are the works of Bancroft, Hittell, and Engelhardt. Ele- mentary sketches are Rockwell D. Hunt, California the Golden (1911) and H. K. Norton, The Story of 302 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE California (1913). The results of recent scholarship are presented in Irving B. Richman, California under Spain and Mexico (1911), for which the archive mate- rials were gathered mainly by Bolton; Charles Edward Chapman, The Founding of Spanish California (1916); and Herbert Ingram Priestley, JosS de Gdlvez (1916). Zoeth Eldredge, The Beginnings of San Francisco (1912), gives an excellent account of the Anza expedi- tions. Francisco Palou's Noticias de la Nueva California (1874), and his Junipero Serra (1787, English transla- tion, edited by G. W. James, 1913), are excellent con- temporary accounts. Documents are in Elliott Coues, On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer ^ 2 vols. (1900), and in various volumes of the Academy of Pacific Coast History Publications. Louisiana. The sketches of Louisiana under Spain have been thus far mainly written with attention fixed on New Orleans. Useful accounts are in Albert Phelps, Louisiana (1905), Charles Gayarre, History of Louisi- ana (1903), vol. Ill, Reuben Gold Thwaites, France in America (1905), pp. 281-295; F. A. Ogg, The Opening of the Mississippi (1904), pp. 294-459; Barbe-Marbois, History of Louisiana (English translation, 1830) ; W. R. Shepherd, The Cession of Louisiana to Spain {Political Science Quarterly^ xix), 439-458; Herbert E. Bolton, Athanase de Mezieres and the Louisiana Texas Frontier, 1768-1780, 2 vols. (1914), vol. i, Introduction. Peter J. Hamilton, The Colonization of the South (vol. iii of G. C. Lee's History of North America, 1904); Colonial Mobile (1910) by the same author; Louis Houck, His- tory of Missouri, 3 vols. (1908); Thomas M. Marshall, History of the Western Boundary of the Louisiana BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 303 Purchase, 1803-18^1 (1914). Documentary collections are Louis Houck, The Spanish RSgime in Missouri, 2 vols. (1909) ; James Alexander Robertson, Louisiana under the Rule of Spain, France, and the United States, 2 vols. (1911); and Bolton's Athanase de MSzieres, just cited. The Anglo-Spanish Border. The materials for the Anglo-Spanish border are still scattered and are to be found chiefly in the separate histories of the West In- dies, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and of the intercolonial wars. Especially useful are the works of Shea and Barcia, already cited, and Sir William Laird Clowes (and others) The Royal Navy, 7 vols. (1897-1903). INDEX Abrado, Marchioness, bride of , Ulloa, 240 Acoma, Alvarado reaches, 94; Castafieda's description of, 94; Espejo goes to, 168; Onate captures, 174 Aguayo, Marquis de, Texas expedition, 227 Alabama, De Soto in, 51, 59- 60 Alamo (San Antonio), mission started, 226 Alaniz, companion of Vaca, 30; death, 31 Alarcon cooperates with Coro- nado, 89, 107 Albuquerque, 183; textiles manufactured at, 185 Alva, Duke of, on Spanish subjection of Louisiana, 242-43 Alvarado, Hernando de, mem- ber of Coronado's expedi- tion, 94-95, 96 Alvarado, Pedro de, conqueror of Guatemala, death (1541), 107 Amazons, legend of California, 105, 106 Amichel, Spanish name for Texas coast, 10 Anian, Strait of, quest of fabled, 108, 117, 174, 208; Drake and, 113, 114, 169; leads to discovery of Bering Strait, 118, 258 Anza, Juan Bautista, Califor- nia expedition, 269-72; first to cross Sierras, 271; leads colony to San Francisco, 272-76 Apache Indians, Estevanico crosses present reservation of, 83; and Coronado, 99; part in Pueblo Revolt (1680), 179; Spanish policy regard- ing, 190; Kino and, 200; depredations in Sonora, 201; block trade with New Mex- ico, 230; Mezieres's cam- paign of extermination, 252; steal horses of Anza's colo- nists, 275 Appalachee Bay, Narvaez reaches, 23 Appalachen, Indian town in northern Florida, 21, 22 Aquixo (Arkansas) cacique visits De Soto, 65-66 Aranda, Count of, on Spanish acquisition of Louisiana, 242 Arbadaos Indians, Vaca among, 39-40 Arellano, Tristan de Luna y, with Coronado's expedition, 89, 92, 100, 102; Florida expedition, 131-32; replaced as leader by Villafaiie, 132 Arikara Indians, fur traders among, 255 Arizona, settlement, 188; mis- sions in, 191; Kino's mission- ary enterprise, 192, 193-96, 198-201; Jesuit missionary revival (1732), 201; silver discovered, 201-02; origin 305 306 INDEX Arizona — Continued of name, 201; added to United States, 257 Arkansas, De Soto traverses, 51, 65; Moscoso crosses, 75 Ascension, Father, accompan- ies Vizcaino's expedition, 115, 267 Asinai (Texas) Indians, Massa- net goes to, 216; welcome Spaniards, 225 Aubry, commands French army at New Orleans, 238, 239, 244; and Ulloa, 241; and O'Reilly, 245, 246; sails for France, 249; drowned, 249 Austin, Moses, Spanish grants to, 256, 257 Avavares Indians, Vaca among the, 'o8-S9 Aviles, Pedro Men^ndez de, see Menendez Axacan, mission founded at, 159 Ayllon, Lucas Vasquez de, expedition into Florida, 12- 13; obtains patent to Chi- cora, 15; settlement, 16-18; death (1526), 18 Aztecs, conquest by Cortes, 12; worth trouble of conquering, 190 Bacallaos River (St. Lawrence), 150; see also St. Lawrence River Baez, Brother, Jesuit, compiles first grammar in United States, 159 Bahama Channel, Ponce de Leon discovers, 9 Balboa, Vasco Nuiiez de, De Soto brother-in law to, 46 Barrientos, historian of Me- nendez, quoted, 149 Beaujeu, naval commander with La Salle, 209-10 Bel^n, mission settlement at, 185 Beltran, Father, Franciscan, accompanies Espejo, 168 Benavides, Father, account of Queres mission, 178 Bent, Charles, American pio- neer, 187 Bercerillo, dog belonging to j Ponce de Leon, 5 i Bering, Vitus, expedition, 258 ; Beteta, Gregorio de, Domini- can monk, accompanies Fray Luis Cancer, 123, 125, 126, 127; with Villafafle, 133 Bienville, J. B. le Moyne, Sieur de, brother of Iber- ville, Governor of Louisiana, 220; founds New Orleans, 220; captures Pensacola, 226; protests transfer of Louisiana to Spain, 237 Biloxi, French fort built at, 219 Biraini, Island of. Ponce de Leon seeks, 6 Biscayne Bay, Spanish fort on, 154 Boisblanc, leader jn Louisiana revolt, 248 Bolton, H. E., ed.. Kino's Historical Memoir, quoted, 198-99, 203-04 Boneo, Governor, and St. Denis, 229, 230 Boone, Daniel, 256 Borme, fur trader, 251 Boscana, Padre, preserves In- dian song, 289 Boyano, Sergeant, with Me- nendez, 153, 158 Brand, arrested after Louisi- ana revolt, 246; released, 247 British East India Company, 115 Bua, Governor of San Juan pueblo. Pope slays, 179 Bucarely, Viceroy, Anza and, 272 INDEX 307 Burr, Aaron, plans filibustering raid, 257 Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nunez, see Vaca Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez, com- mands sea expedition of Mendoza, 108-11; death (154S), 111 Cadillac, Governor of Louisi- ana, 220 Cale, De Soto at, 52, 53 California, Montalvo's legend of island of, 105; Cortes names, 107; Cabrillo's ex- pedition to, 108-12; Urda- neta reaches, 112-13; Drake on coast of, 113; Cermeflo seeks port on coast of, 114; Vizcaino's expedition, 114- 119; Viceroy urges eflForts be concentrated on, 177; Fran- ciscans in, 206; missions, 206, 279-87; added to United States, 257; settle- ment, 258 et seq.\ Portola's expedition, 259-68; Anza's expedition, 269-72; colony led by Anza to San Francisco, 272-76; other settlements, 277; Serra's work in, 277- 279, 281; Government policy regarding missions, 282-84; secularization of missions, 283-84; colonization, 289; primitive life in, 290-95; bibliography, 301-02 California, Gulf of, Ofiate explores, 176 California, Lower, discovered, 106; Vizcaino commissioned to colonize, 114; Jesuits in, 188, 191, 196, 197, 202-05, 206; Kino's missionary en- terprise, 192, 196; Salvatierra in, 196, 197, 202-05; Kino's theory of geography of, 197; Dominicans in, 206; bibliog- raphy, SCO Caliquen, De Soto at, 53, 54- 55 Canada settled by French, 129 Canaveral, Cape, Ponce de Leon at, 8 Cancer, Luis, Dominican friar, Florida expedition, 121-28, 189 Canoes, Town of, Cabrillo at, 110 Cape Fear River, Ayllon calls Jordan, 17 Cdrdenas, Lopez de, views Grand Canyon, 92, 93 Caresse, leader in Louisiana revolt, 248 Carlos, cacique in Florida, 8, 11 Carlos III of Spain, accession, 232; reforms, 233, 234 Carolina, De Soto in, 51; see also North Carolina, South Carolina Caroline, Fort, French settle- ment, 136, 137; menace to New Spain, 138; Ribaut at, 140, 144; Menendez mas- sacres French at, 145; re- christened Fort San Mateo, 146; French reprisal at, 157-58 Carson, Kit, 187 Cartagena, sacked by English, 162 Cartier, Jacques, discovers St. Lawrence River, 128, 150 Castafieda, historian of Coro- nado's expedition, 90, 165; describes Grand Canyon, 92-93; on Acoma, 94; de- scription of Texas country, 99-100 Castillo, Vaca and, 28. 36, 38, 39 Catherine de' Medici, Philip II marries daughter of, 135; Philip and, 139; and mas- sacre of Ribaut 's colony, 155 308 INDEX Catholics, with Laudonniere's colony, 136; in France, 139; see also names of orders Cavelier, Abbe Jean, brother of La Salle, 211 Cavendish, burns the Santa Ana, 113 Celis, Rubin de, hacienda of, 185 Cermeno, commander of Philippine galleon, 114 Chamuscado, Francisco, leads soldiers in New Mexico ex- pedition, 166; death, 168 Charles II of Spain, death, 219 Charles V and Ponce de Leon, 6, 10; Ayllon obtains patent from, 15; De Soto and, 47; bans fiction from Indies, 105; master of Europe, 128 Charleston founded (1670), 163, 208 Charlotte Bay, Spanish fort on, 154 Charlotte Harbor, Ponce de Leon lands near, 11 Cherokee Indians, De Soto among, 59 Chesapeake Bay, Menendez projects settlement on, 154; Father vSegura founds mis- sion, 159; see also Santa Maria, Bay of Chickasaw Indians, De Soto among, 63-64 Chicora, 18; Gordillo lands in, 13; mythical tales of, 14- 15; Ayllon obtains patent to, 15; colony taken to, 16-17 Chicorana, Francisco, Indian taken captive by Gordilla, 13; tells myths of Chicora, 14-15; deserts Ayllon, 17 Chouteaus, fur traders, 252 Chozas, Pedro, Franciscan, 160 Cibola, Estevanico learns of the Seven Cities, 82; Fray Marcos seeks, 82-83; origin of name, 82 (note); Estevan- ico seized at, 83, 85; Fray Marcos tells of, 87-88; Cor- onado seeks, 89, 90; Ribaut learns of, 136; further search for, 166; see also Seven Cities Glamorgan, fur trader, 252, 254 Clark, G. R., 253 Coahuila, French menace, 213; Leon Governor of, 214; French plan to conquer, 226 Coligny, Admiral of France, sends out colony under Lau- donniere, 135-36; and mas- sacre of colony, 155; and Gourgues' expedition, 156 Colorado added to United States, 257 Colorado River, Kino explores, 197 Columbia River, myth of River of the West leads to discovery of, 118 Columbus, Diego, Governor of Espanola, 5; sets Indians free, 13 Comanche Indians, block trade with New Mexico, 230; Vial in country of, 254 "Company of Explorers of the Missouri," 255 Cook, Captain James, 277 Coosa, De Soto at, 59-60; Arellano wishes to go to, 132; Menendez at, 150- 151 Coronado, Francisco Vasques de, heads expedition, 80; at Culiacan, 81; expedition, 88-103, 106, 108, 165; treach- ery towards Indians, 97 Cortes, Francisco, nephew of Hernando, 106 Cortes, Hernando, conquest of Aztecs, 3, 12; Ponce emu- lates, 10-11; and Narvaez, 19; and Amazon legend, 106, 107 INDEX 309 Costanso, companion of Por- tola, 263 Creek Indians, Spanish policy regarding, 190; English fur traders among, 218 Crespi, Father Juan, historian of Rivera's expedition, 261, 262; quoted, 264-65 Crozat, Antoine, has monopoly of Louisiana commerce, 222 Cuba, Spanish expedition from, 3-4; Ponce de Leon at, 11; De Soto made Governor of, 47 Cubero succeeds Vargas in New Mexico, 181 Cucurpe, mission station, 193 Cufitachiqui, De Soto at, 57; De Soto enslaves cacica of, 58, 59 Culiacan, founding, 80; Coro- nado at, 81 Dana, R. H., cited, 279 De Soto, Hernando, see Soto Del Rey, Felix, prosecuting attorney in Louisiana trial, 247 Descalona, Luis, lay brother in New Mexico, 103-04 Diaz, Father, with Anza, 270 Diaz, Melchior, scout with Coronado, 92 Diego, Fray, see Tolosa, Diego de Dolores, Mission, 199; see also Neustra Senora de los Dolores Domingo, Brother, Jesuit, translates catechism into Guale, 159 Dominicans, accompany Ayl- lon's expedition, 16; accom- pany De Soto, 52; in Vera Paz, 123; in Lower Califor- nia, 206 Dorantes, Vaca and, 28, 36; selected as leader of expedi- tion, 80 Doucet, leader in Louisiana revolt, 248 Drake, Sir Francis, menace to Spain, 113-14; takes posses- sion of New Albion, 162; defeats Spanish Armada, 113, 163; and Strait of Anian, 113, 114, 169 Drake's Bay, Cabrillo dis- covers, 110-11; Cermeno wrecked in, 114; Vizcaino in, 116 Dutch, trading stations in West Indies, 212 Eixarch, friar with California colony, 273; remains with Yuma Indians, 273, 274 El Morro Cliff, names carved on, 167 El Paso, Vaca at, 42; Spanish settlement, now Juarez, 179; largest city of New Mexico (1744), 183; acequia at, 185 El Turco, Indian with Coro- nado, 95-96, 98, 100, 101; killed, 102 Elizabeth, Queen of England, 161-62 England, rivalry with Spain, 129, 161-64, 218; coloniza- tion, 163, 207; threatens Oregon coast, 255; sends Cook to North Pacific, 277 Escobar, Father, joins Onate, 175 Espanola (Hayti), Spanish ex- pedition from, 3-4; Ayllon sails from, 16 Espejo, Antonio de, leads res- cue party, 168-69; Oiaate follows, 176 Espinosa, Father, with Texas colony, 225 Espiritu Santo, Spanish name for Mississippi River, 10 Estevanico, 45; with Narvaez's expedition, 36, 37; and Vaca, 310 INDEX Estevanico — Continued 36; serves Mendoza, 80; accompanies Coronado's ex- pedition, 81, 83; taken pris- oner, 83, 85; and Indians, 84-85; death, 85-86 Evans, explorer with Glamor- gan's Company, 255 Fages, with Portola's Cali- fornia expedition, 263 Farfan, Captain, 176; comedy- produced by Onate's men, 173 Ferrelo, Bartolom6, pilot with Cabrillo, 109, 111 Ferrer, Bartolome, see Ferrelo Florida, 18; Spanish explorers in, 3; Ponce de Le6n's first expedition, 7-9; explored and charted, 9; Ponce de Leon's second expedition, 11-12; Narvdez attempts to settle, 19-25, 47; De Soto's expedition, 47-56; coloni- zation, 120 et seq.'y missions in, 160, 191; ceded to United States, 164; England receives, 232; returned to Spain, 253; bibliography, 298-99 Florida Keys, Ponce names "The Martyrs," 8 Font, with Anza's colony, 273 Foucault, arrested by Spanish in Louisiana, 246-47 Fountain of Youth, Ponce de Leon seeks, 6, 8; Laudonni- ^re and, 136 France, threatens Spain's American possessions, 128- 129, 207, 213; pirates from, 129; gaining a foothold in America, 134-35; Philip's attitude toward, 134-35; settlement at Fort Caroline, 136-40; Men6ndez and French colony, 142-50, 155; Gourgues* expedition, 155- 158; supremacy in Europe, 208; La Salle's expedition, 209-12; colonization plan, 218; war with Spain, 226; cedes Louisiana to Spain, 232 Franciscans, in Florida, 160; with Oftate, 171; missions in New Mexico, 183; in Alta California, 206; in Lower California, 259; see also California, missions French in America, See France French West Indian Company, 212 Fuentes, oblate with Fray Luis Cancer, 125 Fur trade. King of Spain denies rights, 121; French and, 208, 209, 251; English and, 218; notable traders, 251-52; Russian, 258 Gadsden Purchase, 257 Galeras, Juan, with Coronado, 93 Galvez, Bernardo de. Governor of Louisiana, 249-50; cap- tures English posts, 253 Galvez, Jos6 de, organizes California expedition, 259 Garces, Father, Franciscan, Anza's guide, 270; accom- panies California colonists, 273; remains at Yuma, 273, 274 Garcia, Juan, Dominican monk with Fray Luis Cancer, 123 Gayarr^, Charles, quoted, 236- 237, 241 Georgia, De Soto in, 51, 56- 58, 59; Jesuit missionaries in, 159; missions in, 160, 191 Gomez, Esteban, Spanish navi- gator, 16 Gonzalvo, Father, sent to San Xavier. 199 INDEX 311 Gordillo, Francisco, Spanish explorer, 13 Gourgues, Dominique de, Florida expedition, 155-58 Grand Canyon, Castafieda's description of, 92-93 Grashofer, Jesuit missionary, 201 Gregorio, Fray, see Beteta Guale (Georgia), Spanish fort at, 154; missionaries at, 159 Guatemala, Fray Luis Cancer in, 122 Guzman, Nuiio de, official of New Spain, and Vaca, 44; expedition of conquest, 80, 106; treatment of Indians, 189, 190 Havana, French menace in, 213; captured by English, 232; prosperity under Eng- lish, 232-33 Hawikuh, of the Seven Cities, Estevanico at, 85; Fray Marcos discovers, 86-87; Coronado at, 90, 91; re- named Granada, 91 Hawkins, John, English pi- rate, 137-38 Hearts, Town of the, Vaca names, 43; Coronado at, 89 Henry, Patrick, purchases Spanish stock, 250 Herrera, quoted, 5, 6, 10-11; cited, 107 Heyn, Piet, buccaneer, 213 Hidalgo, Father, Franciscan, and Texas, 221, 228; letters to French, 221-23; St. Denis and, 223-24; accompanies expedition to Texas, 225 Hopi Indians, Espejo visits, 168 Horn, Cape, Dutch mariners round, 113 Horses, Bay of, Narvaez's expe- dition in, 24, 34 Huguenots, in France, 128, 139; pirates, 129; Ribaut's colony at Port Royal, 135; in Laudonniere's colony, 136 Ibarra, Francisco de, and Kingdom of New Biscay, 151 Iberville, Pierre le Moyne d*, founds Louisiana colony, 218; at San Carlos, 219; builds fort at Biloxi, 219 Indians, and Ponce de Leon, 8, 11; sold as slaves, 12; freed by Diego Columbus, 13; and Narvaez, 20-21; Vaca and, 26-27, 28-33, 35, 36, 37, 38-44; De Soto and, 49, 50, 53-55, 57-58, 60-61, 64, 65-66, 71, 73; as story- tellers, 79-80; and Este- vanico, 84-85; Coronado's treachery, 96-97; in Taos, 102; Cabrillo and, 109; Fray Luis Cancer and, 125, 126, 127; Villafaiie and, 134; Laudonniere and, 136-37; massacre at Tampa Bay, 158; Oflate and, 173-74, 174-75; government and life in New Mexico, 181-87; trade with, 185-86; place in Spanish scheme of conquest, 189-91; French traders' influence on, 227; efforts to win to Span- ish allegiance, 252; see also Missions, names of tribes Inscription Rock, 167 Isabel, Dona, daughter of Pedrarias, wife of De Soto, 46, 48, 49, 69; death, 78 Jamaica, Spanish expedition from, 4 Jamestown settled (1607), 163 Janissaries, 184 Jarri, French adventurer, 214 Jesuits, Men6ndez sends out. 312 INDEX Jesuits — Continued 159; abandon Florida, 160; persecution in England, 163; on Pacific slope, 188 et seq. Jimenez discovers Lower Cali- fornia, 106 Joliet, Louis, descends Mis- sissippi, 208 Juan, Fray, see Garcia Juarez, Spanish settlement, 179 Kansas, Coronado in, 101; soldiers left in, 103 Keler, Jesuit missionary, 201 Kino, Eusebio Francisco, Jes- uit missionary, 192 et seq., 206; explores Arizona, 195- 196; as trailmaker, 199-200; death (1711), 200 La Bahia (Matagorda Bay), 228; see also Matagorda Bay La Clede establishes trading post at St. Louis, 237 La Cruz, Juan de, Franciscan missionary in New Mexico, 103-04 Lafreniere, leader in Louisiana revolt, 248 La Mathe, fur trader, 251 La Paz, Vizcaino plants colony at (1597), 114 La Perouse, cited, 279 La Salle, Robert Cavelier de, attempt at colonization, 209-12; Leon searches for colony of, 214; colony as found by Leon, 215 Laudonniere, Rene de. Fort Caroline colony under, 136- 140; rescued from Menendez, 145 La Verendrye, Canadian trader, 230 Las Casas, head of monastery of Santiago, 122 Las Matanzas (The Massacre), scene of Menendez's brutal- ity, 147 Law, John, leads colonists to Louisiana, 225 Le Blanc, fur trader, 251 Lecuyer, explorer with Cla- morgan's Company, 255 Legazpi, Miguel Lopez de, takes possession of Philip- pine Islands (1565), 112, 150, 151 Leon, Alonso de, expeditions against French, 214-16, 228 Lewis and Clark expedition, 255 Linck, Father, Jesuit explorer, 261 Lisa, fur trader, 252 Lopez, Fray Francisco, with missionary expedition in New Mexico, 166 Los Adaes (Robeline), mission built, 225; settlement in Texas, 228; presidio added, 228; settlers expelled (1773), 250 Los Angeles founded, 277 Louis XIV of France com- missions Iberville to colon- ize, 218 Louisiana, 232 et seq.; De Soto traverses, 51; trade with New Mexico, 186; part of Texas, 207; plans for found- ing French colony, 218; Spain acquires, 234-35; settlements (1762), 235; trade with English, 249-50; Indian policy in, 251; popu- lation (1800), ^ 256; pur- chased by United States, 256; bibliography, 302-03 Lower V, Woodbury, Florida, quoted, 143, 149. 157-58; Spanish Settlements, quoted, 5, 10, 12, 16, 125, 190; cited, 127 j Luis, Fray, see Cancer ' Luna y Arellano, Tristan de, i see Arellano INDEX 313 Luther, Martin, defies Charles V, 128 Macanoche, sister of chief of Pacaha, 67 McGillivray, Alexander, In- dian agent, 255 Mackay, explorer with Gla- morgan's Company, 255 MacNutt, F. A., ed., De Orhe Novo, quoted, 14-15 Magdalena, interpreter for Fray Luis Cancer, 124 Maldonado, lieutenant of De Soto, 62, 78 "Malhado" Island (Galveston Island), Vaca castaway on, 25, 26 Mallet brothers, Canadian traders, 230 Mandan Indians, trading posts among, 255 Mange, Lieutenant Juan, with Kino's expeditions, 195 Manila, trade route to Spain from, 113; captured by Eng- lish, 232; see also Philippine Islands Marcos, Fray, see Niza Mares, Jose, finds direct trail from San Antonio to Santa Fe, 254 Margil, Father, heads mission- ary expedition to Texas, 225 Marquette, Jacques, Jesuit, descends Mississippi, 208 Marquis, leader in Louisiana revolt, 248 Martinez, Father, Franciscan leader with Oriate, 171 Martinez, Father, Jesuit, Florida mission, 153 Martyr, Peter, tales of Caro- lina, 14 "Martyrs, The," Ponce de Leon's name for Florida Keys, 8 Massanet, Damian, Franciscan friar with Leon's expedition, 214-17, 228 Matagorda Bay, La Salle lands on, 209; French expeditions to, 227 Mavilla (Mobile), De Soto at, 60; see also Mobile Melgosa, Captain, with Coro- nado's expedition, 93 Memorial of the Planters, 246, 248 Menchero, Father, description of New Mexico (1744), 182 Mendocino, Cape, Vizcaino reaches, 116 Mendoza, Antonio de, first Viceroy of New Spain, 80; and Coronado, 80, 88, 103, 107; Florida project, 120-21; quoted, 190 Menendez de Aviles, Pedro, advises Philip II, 135; French learn of expedition, 138; expedition against French in Florida, 140-49; further explorations and settlements, 150-55; honors conferred by King, 154; leaves America (1572), 160; death (1574), 161 Meras, with Menendez 's ex- pedition, 148 Mexican War, 257 Mexico, City of. Fray Luis Cancer goes to, 123 Mexico, missions in, 191; trade with French, 222-23 Mezieres, Athanase de, Indian agent, 252, 254 Milhet, Jean, leader in Louisi- ana revolt, 248 Milhet, Joseph, leader in Louisiana revolt, 248 Missions, work of Franciscans in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, 160; de- scription of Queres mission, 178; in New Mexico, 183: for Janissaries, 184-85; in 314 INDEX Missions — Continued Spanish scheme of conquest, 188-91; in Lower California, 203-06; Kino's work in Arizona, 192-202; for Texas, 215-17; Hidalgo's efforts for, 221-25; in California, 279- 287; secularization of, 282- 285; architecture, 286 Mississippi, De Soto in, 51, 63-64 Mississippi River, Peneda names Espiritu Santo, 10; De Soto reaches, 65; De Soto's burial, 73-74; Joliet and Marquette on, 208; navigation closed, 255-56 Mixton War, 107 Mobile, De Soto at, 60; G^lvez conquers, 253 Mobile Bay, French settlement moved to, 219 Mochila, sister of chief of Pa- caha, 67 Mojave Indians, trade, 186 Montalvo, Esplandidn, 107; quoted, 105 Monterev, Count of. Viceroy, 114 Monterey Bay, Vizcaino dis- covers, 115 Montezuma, Isabel Tolosa Cortes, wife of Oflate, 170 Moqui Indians, garments, 83; trade, 186 Moranget, nephew and com- panion of La Salle, 211 Morgan, Colonel George, founds New Madrid (1790), 256 Moscoso, Luis de, chosen suc- cessor to De Soto, 72; as leader, 74-78, 108; reaches City of Mexico, 120 Nacogdoches, settlement in Texas, 228 Napoleon and Louisiana, 256 Narvdez, P4nfilo de, fame as soldier, 19; leads colonists to Florida, 19-25; death, 25 Neustra Senora de los Dolores mission, 193-94 Nevada added to United States, 257 New Albion, Drake takes possession of, 162 New Biscay, Ibarra in, 151, 152 New Galicia, Vaca in, 43, 44; Coronado in, 81 New Leon, French menace in, 213 New Madrid founded, 256 New Mexico, Spanish explorers in, 3, 165 et seq.\ origin of name, 165; a burden to Spain 176, 177; as missionary field, 177-78; Indians con- quer, 179-80; Spanish re- conquer, 180-81; becomes province of Mexico (1821), 181, 187; government, 181; trade with, 185-86, 187; population, 187; missions in, 191; French plan conquest of, 226; colonizing expedi- tion from, 227; French trad- ers in, 231; added to United States, 257; bibliography, 299-300 New Orleans, founded, 220; ceded to Spain, 235; as- sembly sends memorial to France, 237 New Spain, communication with Louisiana opened, 253 Niza, Marcos de, Franciscan with Coronado's expedition, 80-83, 86-87, 89, 90, 91 Nolan, Philip, in Texas, 256 North Carolina, Pardo's ex- pedition, 153; see also Carolina North Dakota, Spanish flag carried to, 255 Noyan, leader in Louisiana revolt, 248 INDEX 315 Oklahoma, De Soto in, 51, 68 Olivares, Father, begins San Antonio mission, 226 Omaha Indians, trading posts among, 255 Onate, Juan de, expedition to New Mexico, 170-77 Ordinance of 1573, 166 Oregon, Russian menace in, 258 O'Reilly, Alejandro, sent by Spain to Louisiana, 243; life, 243-44; action in Louisiana, 244-49; "Bloody O'Reilly," 249 Orista mission founded, 159 Ortiz, Juan, with Narvdez, 50; found by De Soto, 50-51; interpreter for De Soto, 64; death, 69 Our Lady of Sorrows, mission founded by Kino, 194-95 Oviedo, historian, 14; quoted, 18 Oviedo, Lope de, castaway with Vaca, 26, 30, 31, 34- 35 Pacaha, De Soto seeks for, 63; De Soto at, 67 Paden, W. G., reconnaissance of Anza's route, 271 (note) Padilla, Fray Juan de, with Coronado's expedition, 94; remains in New Mexico, 103-04 Palma, Yuma chief, 269, 274 Palou, Father, and Serra, 281 Pardo, Juan, with Menendez's expedition, 152-53, 158 Pareja, Father, Franciscan, work on Indian languages, 160 Paver, Jesuit missionary, 201 Pecos Indians and Alvarado, 95 Pedrarias, De Soto marries daughter of, 46 Peneda, Gulf explorer, 10 Pensacola, Villafafle at, 133; conflict over, 226; restored to Spain, 227; Gdlvez cap- tures, 253 Peralta, Pedro de, succeeds Ofiate, 177 ^ Petit, leader in Louisiana re- volt, 248 Philip II of Spain, equips expedition to Far East, 112; personal characteristics, 128; and colonization of Florida, 134; declaration, 135; mar- riage, 135; and Menendez, 154, 155; intrigue in France, 161; and Queen Elizabeth, 162-63; and conquest of New Mexico, 169 Philip V of Spain, and French, 219 Philippine Islands, Villalobos takes possession of, 108, 112; Legazpi takes possession of, 112, 150, 151; restored to Spain, 232; see also Manila Picolo, Father, Jesuit with Salvatierra in Lower Cali- fornia, 196, 203; quoted, 203-04 Pike, Zebulon, captured by Spaniards, 186 Pima Indians, Kino among, 195, 196; uprising (1751), 202 Pimeria Alta, location, 193; Kino in, 193; bibliography, 300 Pious Fund of California, 202, 205 Pirates, 129 Piseros, fur trader, 251 Pizarro, De Soto with, 46 Point Conception, Cabrillo reaches, 110 Ponce de Leon, Juan, in Porto Rico, 5, 7; explorations in Florida, 5-12; goes to Spain, 9; letter to Charles V, 10; Sio INDEX Ponce de Leon — Continued death, 12-13; discovers Ba- hama Channel, 130 Pope, Tewa medicine man, in- cites Pueblo Revolt (1680), 179 Port Royal (S. C.) (Santa Elena), Spanish colony, 130; Ribaut's French colony, 135, 138; see also Santa Elena Porto Rico, Spanish expedition from, 3-4; Ponce de Leon in, 5, 7; grave of Ponce de Leon in, 11-12 Portola, Gaspar de. Governor of Lower California, 259; ex- pedition to Alta California, 259-67 Portugal, union with Spain, 115 Poupet, leader in Louisiana revolt, 248 Puaray, missionaries slain at, 168 Pueblo Indians, present day artists and, 102 (note); un- disturbed after Coronado, 165; missionary efforts among, 177-79; Revolt (1680), 179; traders and, 230 Puerto de Luna (New Mexico), Coronado at, 98 Quebec, fall of, 232 Queres missions, 178 Quevene Indians, Vaca meets, 35-36 Quexos, slave hunter with Gordillo, 13; pilot for Ayl- lon, 15 Quivira, Coronado seeks, 95, 98, 100; Coronado reaches, 101; Onate at, 174 Raleigh, Sir Walter, attempt at colonization, 162 Ramon, Captain Domingo, and St. Denis, 224; com- mands Texas expedition, 224. 228 Reformation, the, 128 Revolutionary War, 253 Ribaut, Jacques, son of Jean, 138; rescues French, 145 Ribaut, Jean, leads Huguenot colony to Port Royal, 135; replaces Laudonniere at Fort Caroline, 138, 140; and Menendez, 142-43, 144, 155; killed, 148 Rio Grande, Vaca reaches, 40 Rivera, Captain, commands California expedition, 260- 266 Roberval, French explorer, 150 Robidoux, fur traders, 252 Rodriguez, Fray Agustin, leads expedition to New Mexico, 266 Rogel, Father, Jesuit in Flor- ida, 153; founds mission at Orista, 159; returns to Ha- vana, 159 Ruidiaz, La Florida, quoted, 146 Russians, threaten Oregon coast, 255; Bering's expedi- tion, 258; establish trading posts, 258 Sabinal, mission settlement at, 185 Sabine River, boundary of Texas, 229 (note) St. Augustine, settlement, 144. 154; French plan attack of, 144; mortality among colo- nists, 152; San Antonio garri- son withdraws to, 158; de- struction by Drake, 162-63 St. Augustine River, Menen- dez discovers, 142 St. Denis, Louis Juchereau de, French explorer, 223; and Hidalgo, 223-24; marriage, 224; Texas expedition, 224- 225; plans for conquering INDEX 317 St. Denis — Continued Spanish lands, 226; "com- mander of the River of Canes," 226; meets Aguayo, 228 St. John's River (Florida), Ponce de Leon at, 7; French settlement, 136; Menendez at, 144; Gourgues lands near, 156 St. Joseph (Michigan), Spanish flag at, 253 St. Lawrence River, discovered, 128 St. Louis, settled, 237; English expedition against (1780), 253; Vial explores to, 254 St. Lucie River, Spanish fort on, 154 St. Maxent, fur trader, 251 Salvatierra, Father, Jesuit, 206; accompanies Kino, 195, 196; work in Lower Califor- nia, 196-97, 202-05; called to Mexico, 205 San Antonio (Florida), Father Rogel at, 154; garrison with- draws from, 158 San Antonio (Texas), mission founded, 226; Aguayo strengthens, 228; communi- cation opened with Santa Fe, 253-54 San Antonio (ship), 260, 263, 267 San Buenaventura, Cabrillo lands at, 110 San Carlos, post erected on Pensacola Bay (1698), 218; Iberville at, 219 San Carlos (California), mis- sion founded (1770), 267; Serra at 279 -San Carlos {ship), 260, 262, 263 San Clemente Island, Cabrillo discovers, 110 San Diego, Bay of, Cabrillo discovers, 109 San Diego, Vizcaino names, 115 San Diego de Alcala, mission, 263, 279 San Francisco, mission founded in Texas, 216 San Francisco (California), col- ony, 273; founded (1776), 276 San Francisco, New Kingdom of, 87 San Francisco Bay, discovered, 266; occupation of, 268 San Gabriel mission, 199 San Jose (California) founded, 276 San Jose (ship), 260 San Juan (New Mexico), Onate at, 173 San Juan, Fort, Boyano at, 153 San Juan Capistrano mission, 287-89 San Luis Rey mission, 285 San Martin, Father, at Mission San Gabriel, 199 San Mateo, Fort, Fort Caro- line, rechristened, 146; death of colonists at, 152; Me- nendez establishes perma- nent settlement at, 154; French reprisal at, 156-57 San Miguel Bay, Vizcaino gives name of San Diego, 115 San Miguel de Gualdape, settlement, 17 San Miguel Island, Cabrillo lands on, 110, 111 San Pelayo, Menendez's ship, 141 San Quentin, Cabrillo takes possession of, 109 San Xavier del Bac Kino builds mission, 198, 199 Sanchez, Manuela, St. Denis marries, 224 Sanlucar, De Soto sails from, 48 Santa Ana, Manila galleon burned by Cavendish, 113, 114 318 INDEX Santa Barbara (California), founded (1786), 279 (note); Franciscans at, 286 Santa Barbara (Mexico), post established, 165 Santa Catalina Island, Cabrillo discovers, 110 Santa Cruz, Cortes names Lower California, 106 Santa Cruz de la Caflada (New Mexico), 179, 183 Santa Cruz de Nanipacna (Alabama), Arellano sends colonists to, 131-32 Santa Elena (Port Royal), Arellano attempts coloni- zation, 130-32; Villafafie at- tempts settlement, 133; Menendez at, 150, 151, 154; see also Port Royal Santa F6, 183; founded, 177; Spanish settlement, 179; military governors at, 181; Pike's impression of, 186-87; communication with San Antonio opened, 253-54 Santa Fe Trail, Vial's route approximates, 254 Santa Maria, Bay of (Chesa- peake Bay), Menendez plans to fortify, 150; see also Chesapeake Bay Santa Maria, Fray Juan de, with expedition to New Mexico, 166; killed, 167 Santa Monica, Bay of, Cabrillo discovers, 110 Santo Domingo, Indian slaves taken to, 13; Ayllon returns to, 18; Vaca goes to, 44; sacking of, 162 Saturiba, Indian chief in Florida, 156 Savannah settled (1733), 163 Sebastian, Indian guide, 270 Sedelmayr, Jesuit missionary, 201 Sedefto, Father, Jesuit mission- ary in Georgia, 159 Segura, Juan Bautista de, Jesuit missionary, 159 Serra, Junipero, Franciscan friar, expedition to Cali- fornia, 259; appreciation of, 277-81 _ Seven Cities, stories influence Spanish explorers, 79; called Cibola, 82; see also Cibola Seven Years' War, 163, 231 Silva, Juan de, Franciscan in Florida, 160 Sinaloa, Guzmdn's conquest of, 80; Jesuits in, 191 Skinner, C. L., Adventurers of Oregon, cited, 277 (note) Slave trade, among the Spani- ards, 4; Indians seized, 12, 43 Soto, Hernando de, crosses Mississippi River, 10; finds Greek's dagger, 24 (note); Governor of Florida, 44; and Vaca, 44; expedition, 46 et seq., 98, 103, 153; death, 73; methods work ill, 189 South Carolina, explored by Pardo, 153; missionary effort in, 159; missions in, 160, 191; see also Carolina Spain, in 16th century, 1-2; explorers seek New World, 2-4; reasons for failure to settle Atlantic mainland, 133-34; defeat of Armada, 163; and France, 226; trade, 230; and Americans, 255- 256 Steiger, Jesuit missionary, 201 Talon brothers, accompany St. Denis, 223 Tampa Bay, Narvaez lands at, 20; De Soto at, 49; Domini- can monks reach, 124; Me- nendez establishes posts, 151, 154; Indian massacre at, 158 INDEX 319 Taos, Coronado sends explor- ing party to, 102; annual fair at, 185 Tegesta, Brother Villareal at, 154 Tennessee, De Soto in, 51, 59 Teran, Domingo, expedition to Texas, 216-17 Texas, De Soto's expedition in, 51, 75-77; missions in, 191; explorations in, 207 et seq.\ French descend upon, 226; settlements (1722), 228; boundary, 223; annexed to United States, 257; bibli- ography, 301 Teyas Indians, Coronado among, 100 Theodoro, Greek with Nar- vaez's expedition, 60 Thome, mission settlement at, 185 Tolosa, Diego de, Dominican monk, accompanies Fray Luis Cancer, 123 Tonty, La Salle's lieutenant, 210, 211, 215, 216 Treaties, Philip II's treaty with France (1559), 135 Trudeau, explorer with Gla- morgan's Company, 255 Turco, El, see El Turco Tusayan, Coronado sends ex- pedition to, 91 Ulloa, Francisco de, Cortes sends expedition under, 107 Ulloa, Juan Antonio de, first Spanish Governor of Louisi- ana, 237-41 United States, buys Louisiana, 256; later additions to, 257 Unzaga, Luis de. Governor of Louisiana, 249 Urdaneta, Andres de, Legazpi sends from Philippines, 112- 113^ Urrutia, Jose, deserts to In- dians, 217 Utah added to United States, 257 Vaca, Alvar Nufiez Cabeza de, with Narvaez, 20, 21, 25; quoted, 23, 24, 26-27, 30, 32-33, 34; castaway on "Malhado" Island, 25, 26 et seq.; as Medicine Man, 29- 30, 31, 39, 41-42; becomes a trader, 31-33; journey to Mexico, 35-44, 120; gues to Spain, 44, 80; later life, 45; Narrative, 166 Vallejo, Father, attends St. Denis's funeral, 229 Vancouver, George, cited, 279 Vargas, Diego de, expedition against New Mexico, 180 Velarde, Father, describes death of Kino, 201 Velasco, Captain Luis de, com- panion of Ofiate, 175; ward- robe of, 171-72 Velasco, Mexican Viceroy, equips expedition for Far East, 112; and Vizcaino, 114; sends out Florida colony, 130, 131 Vera Cruz, French menace, 213 Vial, Pedro, explorations, 254 Villafafie, Angel de, replaces Arellano as leader, 132-33, 134 Villalobos, Lopez de, expedi- tion to the Philippines, 108, 112 Villareal, Brother, Jesuit in Florida, 153 Viller6, leader in Louisiana revolt, 246 Villere, Madame, inventory of furniture of, 236 Virginia, Spanish attempt to colonize, 151 Vizcaino, Sebastian, colonizes Lower California, 114; ex- plorations in California, 115- 119, 170. 176, 265 320 INDEX West, River of the, legend of, 118 White, plants colony in Guiana, 162 White Rock, People of the, at Acoma, 174 Wichita Indians, Coronado reaches, 101 Wilkinson, James, plans fili- bustering raid, 257 Winship, G. P., The Coronado Expedition, quoted, 93 Ybarbo, Gil, fur trader, 251 Yucatan, exploration of, 9 Yuma Indians, Diaz meets, 92; trade, 186; Anza among, 270; members of California colony remain with, 273-74 Zaldivar, Juan de, slain at Acoma, 174 Zuni, Espejo goes to, 168 Zuni Indians, hostility to Spaniards, 90 AN OUTLINE OF THE PLAN OF THE CHRONICLES OF AMERICA The fifty titles of the Series fall into eight topical sequences or groups, each with a dominant theme of its own — I. li'he Morning of America time: 1492-1763 THE theme of the first sequence is the struggle of nations for the possession of the New World. The mariners of four European king- doms — Spain, Portugal, France, and England — are intent upon the discoveiy of a new route to Asia. They come upon the American continent which blocks the way. Spain plants colonies in the south, lured by gold. France, in pursuit of the fur trade, plants colonies in the north. Englishmen, in search of homes and of a wider freedom, occupy the Atlantic seaboard. These Englishmen come in time to need the land into which the French have penetrated by way of the St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes, and a mighty struggle between the two nations takes place in the wilderness, ending in the expulsion of the French. This sequence comprises ten volumes; 1. THE RED man's CONTINENT, by Ellsworth Hunt'tngton 2. THE SPANISH CONQUERORS, by Irvitjg Berdine Richman 3. ELIZABETHAN SEA-DOGS, by William Wood 4. CRUSADERS OF NEW FRANCE, by William Bennett Munro 5. PIONEERS OF THE OLD SOUTH, by Mary Johnston 6. THE FATHERS OF NEW ENGLAND, by Charles M. Andrews 7 DUTCH AND ENGLISH ON THE HUDSON, by Maud Wilder Goodwin 8. THE QUAKER COLONIES, by Sydney G. Fisher 9o COLONIAL FOLKWAYS, by Churks M. Andrews XO. THE CONQUEST OF NEW FRANCE, by Gcorge M. Wrong II. The Winning of Independence time: 1763-1815 The French peril has passed, and the great territory between the Alle- ghanies and the Mississippi is now open to the Englishmen on the seaboard, with no enemy to contest their right of way except the Indian. But the question arises whether these Englishmen in the New World shall submit to political dictation from the King and Parliament of England. To decide this question the War of the Revolution is fought; the Union is born: and the second war with England follows. Seven volumes: 11. THE EVE OF THE REVOLUTION, by Carl BeckcT 12. WASHINGTON AND HIS COMRADES IN ARMS, by GeOTge M. JVrong 13. THE FATHERS OF THE CONSTITUTION, by Mux Farratid 14. WASHINGTON AND HIS COLLEAGUES, by Henry 'Jones Ford 15. JEFFERSON AND HIS COLLEAGUES, by Alien Johnson 16. JOHN MARSHALL AND THE CONSTITUTION, by Edward S. Corwitl 17. THE FIGHT FOR A FREE SEA, by Ralph D. Paine III. The Vision of the West time: 1750-1890 The theme of the third sequence is the American frontier — the conquest of the continent from the Alleghanies to the Pacific Ocean. The story covers nearly a century and a half, from the first crossing of the Alleghanies by the backwoodsmen of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas (about 1750) to the heyday of the cowboy on the Great Plains in the latter part of the nineteenth century. This is the marvelous tale of the greatest migra- tions in history, told in nine volumes as follows: 18. PIONEERS OF THE OLD SOUTHWEST, by ConstancB Lindsay Skinner 19. THE OLD NORTHWEST, by Frederic Austin Ogg 20. THE REIGN OF ANDREW JACKSON, by Frederic Austin Ogg 21. THE PATHS OF INLAND COMMERCE, by ArchcT B. Hulbcrt 22. ADVENTURERS OF OREGON, by Constonce Lindsay Skinner 23. THE SPANISH BORDERLANDS, by Herbert E. Bolton 24. TEXAS AND THE MEXICAN WAR, by Nathaniel fV, Stephenson 25. THE FORTY-NINERS, by Stewart Edward White 26. THE PASSING OF THE FRONTIER, by EmtTSOn HoUgh IV. The Storm of Secession time: 1830-1876 The curtain rises on the gathering storm of secession. The theme of the fourth sequence is the preservation of the Union, which carries with it the extermination of slavery. Six volumes as follows: 27. THE COTTON KINGDOM, by William E. Dodd 28. THE ANTI-SLAVERY CRUSADE, by JcSSC Macy 29. ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND THE UNION, by Nathaniel W. Stephenson 30. THE DAY OF THE CONFEDERACY, by Nathaniel W Stephenson 31. CAPTAINS OF THE CIVIL WAR, by fVHUam Wood 32. THE SEQUEL OF APPOMATTOX, by Walter Lynwood Fleming V. The Intellectual Life Two volumes follow on the higher national life, telling of the nation's great teachers and interpreters: 22- THE AMERICAN SPIRIT IN EDUCATION, by Edwirt E. SloSSOn 34. THE AMERICAN SPIRIT IN LITERATURE, by BHsS Perry VI , The Epic of Commerce and Industry The sixth sequence is devoted to the romance of industry and business, and the dominant theme is the transformation caused by the inflow of immigrants and the development and utilization of mechanics on a great scale. The long age of muscular power has passed, and the era of mechanical power has brought with it a new kind of civilization. Eight volumes: 35. OUR FOREIGNERS, by Samuel P. Orth 2(>. THE OLD MERCHANT MARINE, by Ralph D. Patm 37. THE AGE OF INVENTION, by HolJand Thompson 38. THE RAILROAD BUILDERS, by Johtt Moody 39. THE AGE OF BIG BUSINESS, by Burton J. Hendrick 40. THE ARMIES OF LABOR, by Samuel p. Orth 41. THE MASTERS OF CAPITAL, by John Moody 42. THE NEW SOUTH, by Holland Thompson VI I . Tl( ^ -E^^ of World Power I The seventh sequence carr.^»es on the story of government and diplomacy and political expansion fror^" the Reconstruction (1876) to the present day, 'i in six volumes: .j. 43. THE BOSS AND THE jc^ACHiNE, by Samud P. Orth \ 44. THE CLEVELAND ERA^ . h Henry Jones Ford | 45. THE AGRARIAN CRUSA-^ DE, by Solon J. Buck 46. THE PATH OF EMPiRE/i^y Carl Russell Fish \ 47. THEODORE ROOSEVELT ^AND HIS TIMES, by Harold Howlund I 48. wooDROw WILSON AND^ THE WORLD WAR, by Charks ScymouT ! s VIII.' Our Neighbors \ Now to round out the story ol the continent, the Hispanic peoples on the south and the Canadians on c\he north are taken up where they were dropped further back in the Series, .and these peoples are foUowed down to the present day: 49. THE CANADIAN DOMINION, by Oscur P- Skelton 50. THE HISPANIC NATIONS OF THE NEV/ WORLD, ^jy William R. Shepherd The Chronicles oj America is thus a great synthesis, giving a new projec- tion and a new interpretation of American History. These narratives are works of real scholarship, for every one is written after an ep',H,iaustive examination of the sources. Many of them contain new factsy. ^o^e of them ^such as those by Howland, Seymour, and Hough — .^ ^^^ founded on inti- mate personal knowledge. But the originality of the S> ^^-^^ X\^, not chiefly in new facts, but rather in new ideas and new combin? ^.j^j^s of q\^ facts. The General Editor of the Series is Dr. Allen Johr ^^^^^ Chairman of the Department of History of Yale University, and the gj^^j^e work has been planned, prepared, and published under the <^o '^^\ ^f the Council's Committee on Publications of Yale University. ' isa YALE UNIVERSIX^^Y PRESS 143 ELM STREET, Vf'^^^ HAVEN 522 FIFTH AVBNU'"-^^ ^^^ YORK W 10 6 ' • ft C'^ ^ ^C\\\ Jif? //It _ ^L> < V* a. ^W-NWk^'^ <" "T* «3i •' ^ f .*^