.^' ^o. -m^^ X ' V >f5SJI^". .<[J ^*.l\ vr H/i' REV. SPENCER HOUGHTON CONE. Born 1785, Died 1855. SOME ACXJOUNT ^ It CONE FAMILY IN AMERICA, PRINCIPALLY OF THE DESCENDANTS OP DANIEL CONE, WHO SETTLED IN H ADD AM, CONNECTICUT, IN 1662. COMPILED BY WILLIAM WHITNEY CONE, BRANDSVILLE, MISSOURI. The man who takes no pride in his ancestors is not likely to have his descendants take any pride in him.'''' PRINTED BY CRANE & COMPANY, TOPEKA, KANSAS. 1903. o o 1\ b^ 58 9 8-S P. ' • Author. 'Person). 2o - " • t) V INTEODUCTION. This is not a complete history of the Cones in America ; nor is it a complete history of any one branch of the family. iN'oah did not carry into the Ark a little box containing the pedigree of the Cone tribe, but, if he had done so, and all his descendants to this time had made a combined and earnest effort to collect and preseiTC the records of the family, it would not then have been complete. Yery seldom do all the members of a family agree as to dates, names, places, and incidents ; town and church records often differ with themselves and with family records, and headstone inscriptions cannot be depended npon in all cases. The compiler has striven most earnestly to have every record verified, and, although there are undoubtedly mistakes in this book, it is hoped that no serious errors .or omissions will be noticed. Entire accuracy has never yet been attained in a family history. Although no systematic effort has been made to connect the Ameri- can Cone line with those of otlier lands, yet a diligent search was made to find the birthplace of Daniel Cone, but without success. "No avail- able "passenger list" of date previous to 1670 contains the name, and no record, published or unpublished, within my knowledge, gives this information. There are many by the name in this country whose ancestors were originally either Coan, Coen, Cohn, Cohen, Coon, Kone, Koen, to Cone. !N"o records of these are published in this book. There is, however, one branch of the Cone family whose members spell the Koehn, McCune or McCone, wdio, for various reasons, have changed (3) Introduction. Maine r\)mi. The records of tliis family will be found in their proper order. Very little credit is due the compiler for anjtliin2; of value to he found in this work. Nearly every name, record, date or incident herein mentioned has heen furnished him by others, and no apology is deemed necessary for the amount of s]:)acc devoted to acknowledging his indebtedness to individual members of the family for records and other information which they have so cheerfully furnished. AVliile a large proj^ortion of those to whom letters of inquiry were sent have furnished the records required, wlienever possible, yet more than nine hundred letters to members of the family remain unan- swered, and the records of those lines will be found incomplete and •unsatisfactory. A very difHcult ])art of my work has been the separation of the facts relating to Daniel (-one from the fictions, traditions, conjectures^ opinions, surmises and guesses which were offered as facts, and which were based upon imperfect knowledge of the subject. I^To authenti- cated mention of Daniel (Jone has l)een found of date ])revious to 1G5T, either in this countrv or elsewhere. ^f J/ "^ CONE Q\.K^ OHAEACTEEISTICS. The Cones, as a race, are generally free-liearteJ and generous, quick to make friends and seldom have enemies. They have a lively, active turn of mind, Avith a pleasant, cheerful, and even mirthful disposition. There is a universal belief among the tribe that " a cent's worth of mirth and jollity is better than a dollar's worth of dignity," and, while they have sufficient dignnty for all purposes, yet it has never been known to hurt anv of them. They are inclined to look on the bright side of life, and a long face is seldom found in the family. They are adventurous and enterprising, and have always been found among the pioneers of any new country. It is recorded that the " wise men came from the East." The Cones followed this early example, but they did not return, and therein was their wisdom. There is a pretty broad streak of originality and force of character running through nearly every line ; and the high-tempered Cones are not in the minority. A strong religious feeling seems to prevail throughout the tribe, backed up by an overwhelming moral and tem- perance sentiment. They do not fly high, nor very low ; and, while none of the tribe have ever been sent to Congress, neither are any of them, to my knowledge, in a ]ienitentiary. In general, we may say that they will average fairly well with the rest of humanity. (9) ABBEEYIATIO^S. The followino- abbreviations are nsed in this book: bapt., baptized. grad., graduated. b., honi. m., married. ch., church, child, or children. res., residence, resides, or resided. Cong., Congregational. Rev., Revolution. dan., daughter. mini., unmarried. d., died. The star indicates names cairied forward. (10) DANIEL CO]^E AI^D HI8 DESCENDANTS. DANIEL CONE was possibly the first of the name in America His birthplace has not been found, nor has the exact date of his birth been ascertained. The records on these points are lacking, and con- jectures are worse than useless. The first mention of Daniel Cone of which I have any knowledge, is in a letter from John Winthrop, Governor of the Connecticut Colony, to Peter Stuyvesant, Governor of New Netherlands, dated March 2, 1657, and probably written from New London, Conn., this being the place of residence of the Governor at that time. It was published in the Massachusetts Histor- ical Collections, by the Massachusetts Historical Society, in Vol. VIII, .5th series, and is as follows : Honored Sir: — Complaint being made to me by Daniell Cone that one James Parker (for wlioni he stands bound with John Cockrill for fifteen pounds due to Richard Fellows of Hartford) is with the said John Cockrill escaped to New Netherlands, and understanding it they are there at present, upon this said complaint I thought it necessary to request this favor in his behalf that you would please, upon examination of the case, to cause the said James & John to be returned to New Haven by Joseph Alsop, or Mr. Lamberton, except they doe pay the said debt or put in good security for ye same, the said debt being now called for to be paid by the said Daniell Cone. If there shall be the like occassion I shall not be wating to attend the furtherance of equall justice in any case wherein any of yours may be required for. Your affectionate friend and servant, John Winthrop. It is to be hoped that this, one of the first requisitions issued from one GoveiTior to another, was duly honored, and that these fugitives from justice were found and returned to Connecticut. No record of place of residence of Daniel Cone at this time has been found. The next we hear of him is in the spring of 1662, when he appears as one of twenty-eight persons who received from the Con- necticut Colony a grant of land situated on both sides of the Con- necticut river, about thirty miles above its mouth. This land had been in the possession of the Wang-unk tribe of Indians from time (11) 12 The (^one Family in America. immemorial. In speaking of the action of the colony, T)y. Fields, in liis History of Middlesex Connty, Conn., published in 1810, says: "■ On these lands individuals contemplated making a settlement in 1660, and the General Court (or Legislature), apprised of their de- signs, appointed a committee in October of that year to purchase them of the Indians. But, jn'ovented from some unknown cause, the com- mittee did not accomplish the object of their appointment until May, 1662, when they obtained from these Indians a deed of all the lands, six miles east and west, and from JNIiddletown to Chester. The con- sideration was thirty (red) coats, which may have been worth one hundred dollars." The members of this committee were Matthew Allyn and Samuel Willys. Here we find that the Connecticut Colony secured from these ]ioor, uneducated Indians more than one hundred thousand acres of land, more ])roductive than it is at the present time, for less than one-tenth of a cent per acre, — a piece of sharp practice which was no credit to those engaged in it. The Colony granted this land to the twenty-eight settlers, and a few years afterwards the General Court confirmed the title. The town was called Haddam, after Tladdam, England. Daniel Cone received his allotment of four acres on the town site, on the west side of the river, with land in the "^meadow" and timbered land adjoining, in 1662, and removed thereon the same season. Previous to this he had married ^Mahitable Spencer, fourth daughter of Jared and Alice Spencer, then of Hart- ford, Connecticut. Jared Spencer settled at ISTewtown (now Cam- bridge), Mass., in 1634; removed to Lynn, Mass., in 1637, to Hart- ford, Conn., in 1660 or before, and to lEaddam, Conn., in 1662, be- ing one of the founders of that new t-nvn. Mahitable was born in 1642, at Lynn, and died in Haddam, 1691. Daniel Cone married in 1692, Rebecca, widow of Richard Walkley, of Haddam. Xo rec- ord of her death has been found. He resided in Lladdam until 16S0, when he removed to the east side of the river, to near " JMachi- ]\roodus." About the year 1695 he returned to Haddam, where he died, October 24, 1706, " aged 80 years." He was Commissioner for his town in 1669, and held other minor offices. A few months before he died he deeded his lands on the west side of the river at Haddam to his youngest son, Caleb. The following is a copy of this deed : To all Ch)istian people to whom these presents shall come, I. Daniel Cone, of Haddam, send greeting, in our Lord God Everlasting: Know ye, tliat I, Daniel Cone, of Haddam, Countv of Hartford, Colony Descendants of Daniel Gone. 13 of Connecticut, in New England, for and in the consideration of love and good-will and affection which I bear and have to and for my well-beloved and dutiful son, Caleb Cone, have given and granted, by these presents do freely, clearly and absolutely give and grant to the said Caleb Cone, his heirs, executors, &c., my dwelling-house, with two allotments joining thereto, with all the fruit trees and buildings I have upon, with all the appurtenances and privileges as I hold unto, which lots contain 5 acres; and a lot that Avas John Blackford's in the home field lying between the lot of Mr. Nicholas Noyes and the lot of Thomas Brooks, which lot is eight rods wide and length from the Great River to the country road, and my lower division or lot at lower end of meadow, which contains in measure three acres and a half, with one acre I bought of Samuel Spencer, which acre is adjoining to the above three acres and a half; to have and to hold all the said buildings, f-ruit trees, lands and tene- ments, with all the privileges, unto the said Caleb Cone, his heirs, execu- tors, &c., from henceforth as his and their own proper estate forever, absolutely without any entailment or enlargement or encumbrance what- soever. And the said Daniel Cone has absolutely, freely and of his own accord set and put in further testimony as witness. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, the 7th day of October, in the 2nd year of the Reign of our Sovereign I'l iiic.-^ Anne. Queen of England, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hiuuhed and six. Daniel Coxe. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Brooks, Joseph Arnold. This day acknowledged before me, Daniel Brainard, Justice of the Peace, this'llth day of April, 1707. Children. 2. RuTir, b. Jan. 7. 10G2; place of birth unknown. 3. Hannah, b. April G, 1G64, in Haddam, Conn. 4.* Daniel, b. Jan. 21, 1GG6, m. Mary Gates; d. June 2.5, 1725. 5.* Jared, b. Jan. 7, 1CG8, m. Elizabeth ; d. April 11, 1718. G. Rebecca, b. Feb. 6, 1670. 7.* Ebenezeb, baptized Mar. 25, 1G73, m. . 8.* Nathaniel, bapt. June 4, 1675, m. Sarah Hungerford; d. about 1730. 9.* Stephen, bajit. Mar. 26, 1678, m. Mary Hungerford; d. Dec. 1. 1756. 10.* Caleb, bapt. Mar. 19, 1682, m. 1 Elizabeth — ;-.. 2 Elizabeth Cunning- ham; d. Sept. 25, 1743. [4] DANIEL CONE, son of Daniel Cone [1] 'and Malntable Spencer, b. in Haddam, Conn., Jan. 21, 106G, m. in East Haddam, Marj Gates, dan. of Geo. Gates and Sarah Olmstead, Feb. 14, 1693. She was b. in Haddam Mar. 10, 1674, and d. in East Haddam, May 12, 1742. He was Justice of the Peace, and held other local offices. Was one of the " Constituent " members of the Cono-. Ch. at East Haddam in 1700 ; was elected Deacon in 1704, and held the office for twenty years. His wife joined the clinrch in 1707, and was a con- sistent member nntil her death. Daniel became quite wealthy, as is evident from the division of his property in 1726. He is called "Deacon Daniel," in both probate and land records. He d. in East Haddam Jnne 15, 1725. 14 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 11.* Daniel, b. Deo. 26. 1694, m. Mary Barnes; d. May 27, 1776. 12. Sarah, b. June 27, 1697, m. Daniel Gates, who d. June 24, 1759. 13." Maiiitacle, b. June 7, 1699, m. Weeks Williams; d. Dec. 16, 1742. 14.-' Mauy. b. Jan. 6, 1701. ni. Matthew Fuller; d. Nov. 1-5. 1739. 15.* Dorothy, b. April 29, 1704, m. Thomas Gates. 16.* Abigail, b. June 27, 1706, m. EInathan Rowley; d. Dec. 8, 1735. 17.* George, bapt. July 16, 1709. ni. Mahitable Emmons; d. Aug. 8, 1793. 18. Deborah, bapt. Mar. 4, 1711; "died young." 19.* Joseph, b. Mar. 20, 1711, m. Mary Smith; d. Feb. 1. 1804. 20.* Jared, b. Jan. 12, 1715, m. 1 Ruth Smith, 2 Ruth Newell; d. Oct. 10, 1781. [11] DA^^IEL COXE, son of Daniel Cone [4] and Mary Gates, b. in East Iladdani Dec. 26, 1694, m. Mary Barnes Dec. 26, 1718. He removed to the parish of Millington in the same town in 1732, becoming one of its earliest settlers. Was Lientenant in the Militia, Justice of the Peace, and held the office of Deacon in the Cong. C'h. for 30 years. She was b. in East Haddam, in 1697, and d. there Sept. 24, 1763. He m. 2 Abigail Griswold, and they had two daughters, but I have no information regarding them. Daniel d. May 27, 1776. His sons Jonah and William were appointed ad- ministrators of his estate in his will, which was admitted to probate July 4, 1776, "•Independence Day." Ch. 21. Jeremiah, b. Jan. 15. 1720; died young, probably. 22.* Jonah, b. Mar. 7. 1721. m. Elizabeth Gates; d. July 24, 1800. 23.* William, b. Mar. 14. 1723. m. Elizabeth Bailey: d. April 22. 1703. 24. Eunice, b. May 24. 1727: d. Nov. 21, 1741. 25.* Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1729, m. John Borden. 26. Lois, b. Aug. 9, 1731; died young. 27.* Daniel, b. Jan. 21. 1733, m. Dorothy Spencer; d. Nov. 11, 1788. 28. Oliver, b. May 28, 1736; d. in Sharon, Conn., Dec. 17, 1755. 29. Statira, b. Jan. 13. 1740; d. Mar. 30. 1749. [13] MAHITABLE COXE, dan. Daniel and Mary Gates, b. June 7, 1699, m. Weeks Williams Dec. 25, 1718; d. East Had- dam Dec. 16, 1742. Ch. 30. Mahitable, b. May 21, 1729: d. -Jan. 2, 1737. 31. Deborah, b. Mar. 13. 1731. 32. Sarah, b. June 10, 1734. 33. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 11, 1736. 34. Zachariah, b. April 29, 1738. 35. Lois, b. Jan. 2. 1741. [14] MARY COJs^E, dan. of Daniel Cone and Mary Gates, b. Jan. 6, 1701, ra. Matthew Fuller June 16, 1723; d. Is\w.' 15, 1739. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 15 Ch. 36. Matthew or Mathias, b. Jan. 15, 1724. 37. Elisha, b. Mar. 4, 1727. 38. NOADIAH, b. Sept. 23, 1729. 39. Daniel, b. Feb. 5, 1731. 40. Ezra, b. Feb. 17, 1736; d. July 1. 1736. 41. Mary, b. Oct. 29, 1739; d. Feb. 2, 1740. [15] DOROTHY COIs^E, clau. of Daniel Cone [-i] and Mary Gates, b. Apr. 29, 1704, m. Thomas Gates, her cousin, Aug. 1723. He was b. Oct. 3, 1693. Ch. 42. Thomas, b. Dec. 17, 1724;- Rev. soldier, Connecticut Continentals. 43. Esther, b. July 27, 1727, m. Daniel Brainard. 44. Timothy, b. April 22, 1730; Rev. soldier, Connecticut Continentals. 45. Dorothy, b. Jan. 17, 1733; died yovmg. 46. Zachariah, b. June 3, 1735; Rev. soldier, Connecticut Continentals. 47. Caleb, b. Mar. 2, 1738; Rev. soldier, Connecticut "Minute Men." 48. Okadiah, b. Dec. 18, 1740. 49. Dorothy, b. Feb. 3, 1744. [16] ABIGAIL CONE, dau. Daniel Cone [4] and Mary Gates, b. June 27, 1706, m. Elnathan Rowley Dec. 26, 1723. She d. Dec. 8, 1735. Ch. 50. Abigail, b. May 7, 1725; d. Oct. 17. 1727. 51. Jesse, b. May 8, 1728. 52. Abigail, b. Oct. 2, 1730. 53. Israel, b. Feb. 20, 1733. 54. Thankful, b. Dec. 3, 1735; d. Dec. 9, 1735. [17] GEORGE CONE, son of Daniel Cone [4] and Maiy Gaies, baptized East Haddam, July 16, 1709; b. probably 1708; m. Mahitable Emmons Jan. 31, 1733. She was b. 1709, and d. July 6, 1796, aged 87 years. He was a farmer, and d. East Haddam Aug. 8, 1793, aged 84 years. Both were active members of the Cong. Ch. for over 55 years. Ch. 55.* Sylvanus, b. Aug. 16, 1735, m. 1 Sarah Ackley, 2 Charity Kellogg; d. Jan. 20, 1822. 56.* George, b. June 3, 1738, m. 1 Elizabeth Brainard. 2 Demaris Saxton; d. Jan. 3, 1801. 57. Eleazur, b. July 2, 1740. (Revolutionary soldier.) 58.* Zachariah, b. Feb. 11, 1743, ni. Jemima Hall; d. Mar. 19, 1814. 59. Mahitable, b. May 12, 1745, m. John Gilbert April 26, 1768. 60. Sybil, b. May 25, 1755, m. Amasa Spencer, of Stockbridge, Mass., Jan. 17, 1789. [19] JOSEPH CONE, son of Daniel Cone [4] and Mary Gates, b. Mar. 20, 1711, in East Haddam, Conn., baptized Mar. 30, 16 The Gone Family in America. 171 J:, 111. Mary Sinitli, ^ov. 1, 17'34. She Avas clan, of ]\lattliew Smith and Sarah Mack; b. East Haddani 1713, and d. same place Mar. 4, 1802, aged 89 jears. He died on the same farm where he was bom, Feb. 1, 1804, a,ged 93 years. Thej were both members of the Congreg'ational Chnrch in Millington parish for over 65 years. Ch. GL* JoSEni, b. Nov. 2. 1735, m. Martha Spencer; d. 1779. (i2. Mary, b. ]\rar. 27. 173S. m. Daniel Emmons Apr. 21. 1701. C,:>,. ]?EN.JAjn.\. b. Se])t. 20. 1739; d. Oc-t. 16, 175S. (U.--' ]\[artix, 1). ]\ray 1."), 1742, m. Eebecca Spencer June 15, 1764. 65. Martha, b. A])ril 10. 1744. m. Stephen Clark June 5, 1769. 66. -^ Solomon, b. Sej)!. 2, 1745, ni. Mary Spencer; d. Mar. 27, 1805. 67.* AsiiuEL, 1). Auo-. 2. 1747, ni. Eunice Cook; d. April 14, 1802. 6S.-'' Jeremiah, b. Feb. 17, 1750. m. 1 Mary Brockway, 2 Ruth Spencer; d. ls-0. 69. Elizabeth, b. Ai)ril 22. 1751. jtrobably m. Samuel Adams May 22. 1777. 70. Theodora, b. April 12. 175S. [20] JAEED CONE, son of Daniel Cone [4] and :Mary Gates, b. East lladdam Jan. 12, 1715, m. Rnth Smith, dan. of Matthew Smith and Sarah Mack, Dec. 1738. She was 1). East Haddam Mar. 29, 1720, and d. same place Oct. 13, 1748. lie m. 2 Rnth :N'ewell Jnne 7, 1752. She was b. 1723, and d. ]\[ar. 7, 1806, aged 83 years. lie joined chnrch in Millington Oct. 9, 1757, and d. Oct. 10,'l781. His will is dated Apr. 12, 1780. Ch. 71. Matthew, b. Oct. 5. 1730; d. Dec. 15, 1739. 72."- Matthew, b. Oct. 14. 1740, ni. 1 ]Mary P.arnes. 2 Lydia Gates. 3 Abigail Shepard. 73.'' Nehemiah, b. Sept. 14. 1742. m. Jedidiah Andrews; d. Sept. 4. 1S19. 74. Ruth, b. July 28, 1745, m. Ashbel 01msteat. 9, 1784. m. Temperance Atwood; d. about 1840. 124.* Epaphroditus, bapt. Aug. 14. 1785. m. Martha Cone [134]; d. Sept. 6, 1835. 125. Patty, bapt. Mar. 19. 1788. 126.* Warren Spencer, b. July 17. 1790, m. Amanda Y. Dewey; d. Sept. 14, 1847." 127. Electa, bapt. July 7, 1793; d. Oct. 18, 1809, in Greenbush, N. Y. 128. AsiiBEL, b. Feb. 21, 1796; d. 1850. [67] ASHBEL (T)XE, son of Joseph Cone [19] and Mary Smith, b. East Haddam, Conn., Aug. 2, 1749, m. Eunice Cook in 1778. She was b. East Haddam April 2, 1754, and d. in West Stockbridge, Mass., Dec. 8, 1844, aged 90 years. They removed to Berkshire county, Mass., about 1800. He d. in Richmond, in that county, April 14, 1802. Ch. 129.* AsHBEL, b. Jan. 8, 1780, m. Polly Pearson; d. April 4, 1851. 130. Virtue, b. Dec. 1. 1785; d. unm. May 4, 1868. aged 83 years. 20 The Cone Fa mill/ in America. 131/'- Eunice, b. Dec. 10. 178G. m. Erastus Rowley; d. Dec. 28, 1S71. 132.'=- TnoMAS, b. :\r:ir. 20. 1788, m. Deborah Yates; d. June 7, 186.J. 133."- Asa, b. Mar. 2. 1703. ni. 1 Artemisia Crittenden. 2 Laura ^^■est ; d. Dee. 17, 1863. 134.* Martha, b. Mar. 8, 170.1. m. Epai.liroditus Cone [124]; d. :Mar. 30, 1871. 135." Benjamin, b. June 2. 1707, ni. Charlotte ; d. May 5. 18(;0. [68] JEREMIAH COXE, son of Joseph Cone [10] and Mary Smitli, b. East Iladdam, Conn., Eeb. 17, 1750, m. Mary Brock- way, dan. of Elisha Broekwav and Ilepzibah Elv, Ang\ 10, 1773. She was b. 1754, and d. Sept. 23, 1775. He m. 2 Rnth Spencer, dan. of Peter Spencer and Rnth Emmons, in East Iladdam Jnly 25, 1776. She was b. May 16, 1757, and (L a])()nt ISIO. He was a prosperous and wealthy merchant residini>" in Xew Hartford, C^)nn., bnt lost his property throni>h depreciation of '' r\)ntinental scrip," and d. 1820. Ch. 130. Maky, 1). Sei)t. 1. 1775. d. Sept. 21. 1775. 137." Polly, b. April 1, 1777, m. William Steele: d. Sept. 21. 1801. 138." Joseph, b. Nov. 26. 1770. m. Elizabeth Conlee: d. Jan. 20. 1801. 139. AsHBEL, went to Georgia. Xo further record. 140. Jerusiia, m. George Cook. 141.* Jeremiah, b. 1790, m. Elizabeth Garner; d. Nov. 15, 1802. 142. •"- Seneca, b. 1792. m. Wells; d. Mar. 25, 1828. [72] MATTHEW COXE, son of Jared Cone [20] and Rnth Smith, b. East Iladdam, Conn., Oct. 14, 1740, m. Mary Barnes, dan. of Samuel Barnes and Lncy Cone, June 24, 1760. She was b. East Iladdam April 3, 1742, and d. same place April 27, 1768. He m. Sept. 3, 1770, 2 Lydia Gates, who d. 1776. He m. 3 Abigail Shepard Jan. 17, 1780. They removed from East Iladdam to Hampden, Mass., bnt no record of his death conld be fonnd. Ch. 143.* Zenas, b. Nov. 18. 1703. ni. Dorotliy Crocker: d. July 3. 1818. 144.* Matthew, b. Oct. 7. 1707. m. Lydia Willey: d. Oct. 12. 1830. 145.* Ephraim, b. Auo-. 25. 1771. m. Lucy Hart; d. Oct. 10, 1810. 146.* Newell, b. Aug. 28. 1773. m. :\Iiriam Bliss: d. Sept. 3, 1843. 147.* IciiABOD, b. Dec. 4. 1774. m. Dorcas Cook; d. Feb. 5. 1832. 148."- Jared, b. April 0. 1781. m. 1 Hannah Beebe. 2 Elizabeth Shofl : d. Oct. 13, 1850. 140.* OziAS, b. Ap. 1. 1784. m. Lovina Carpenter: d. Nov. 3. 1819. 150. LrcY, b. Dec. 25. 1785, m. David Firman Nov. 28. 1805. [73] NEHEMIAH COXE, son of Jared Cone [20] and Rnth Smith, b. East Iladdam, Conn., Sept. 14, 1742, m. Jedidiah Andrews Jan. 17, 1764. She was b. 1744, and d. at East Iladdam Descendants of Daniel Cone. 21 July 28, 1839, aged 95 years. He was a fanner, and d. in the par- ish 'of Millington, Conn., Sept. 4, 1819. Ch. 151. Statira. b. INIay 1. 1772. m. Dudley Gates; d. previous to 1819. 152. Polly, b. July 10. 1774; d. imni. May 21, 1858, aged 84. 153. Sarah, b. Oct. 8, 1777. m. Samuel Harvey. 154. ■•- Newell, b. Sept. 2. 1779, m. Anna Silliman; d. April 19, 1856. 155. ■•• Jaked, b. Dec. 21. 1781. ni. Damaris Cone; d. Feb. 27, 1847. 156. Betsey, b. Jan. 4, 1784; d. unm. Aug. 1, 1860. 157. Lucy, b. July 9. 1785; d. unm. Oct. 15, 1862. [77] DAIS^IEL CONE, son of Jared Cone [20] and Ruth Newell, b. East Haddani, Conn., Feb. 2, 1755, m. Keziah Chapman, dau. of Jonathan, Ang. 3, 1775, She was b. in Vernon, Conn., Sept. 27, 1755, and d. there Dec. 12, 1832. She bore eight chil- dren, the average age of their lives being 67 years. He was a mem- ber of the Congregational Chnrch, and was a very consistent, devout man. He d. in Vernon, Nov. 24, 1839, aged 84 years. Ch. 158. Rhoda, b. Aug. 4, 1776, m. Amos Ackley; d. April 6, 1842. 159. '^ Asa, b. April IP, 1778, m. Lucinda Lay; d. March 18, 1832. 160. Mary, b. Jan. 17, 1780, m. David Warner: d. Jan. 7, 1851. 161. Eltii Newell, b. April 25, 1782; d. unm. March 18, 1816. 162.* Lydia, b. Av^. 26, 1784, m. Abner Lay; d. April 15, 1862. 163. Esther, b. Oct. 15, 1786; d. unm. Jan. 5, 1852. 164.* AcHSAH, b. July 17, 1789, m. John Abbott; d. Aug. 9, 1882. 1G5. Calista, h. Nov. 26, 1792; d. unm. Jan. 5, 1867. [81] STATIRA CONE, dau. of Jonah Cone [22] and Eliza- beth Gates, b. East Haddam, Conn., July 9, 1749, m. Uriel Holmes in East Haddam July 17, 1764. He was b. 1748, and d. Nov. 7, 1809. He was a prominent citizen of Hartland, Conn., Deacon in the church, Justice of the Peace, Colonel of Militia, Representa- tive in the Legislature. She d. Dec. 6, 1812. Ch.' 166. Uriel, was District Judge, Representative in State Legislature, and lield other responsible positions. [82] ELIZABETH CONE, dau. of Jonah Cone [22] and Elizabeth Gates, b. East Haddam July 3, 1751, m. Capt. Levi Palmer July 21, 1767. They resided at Bashan, Conn. Ch. 167. Dorothy, b. Dec. 21. 1768. 168. Levi, b. Dec. 28, 1770. 169. Aaron, b. Feb. 6, 1773. m. Azubah Brainard May 1, 1796. 170. William, b. Aug. 12, 1775. 171. Isaac, b. Sept. 17, 1777. 172. Elizabeth, b. April 8, 1779. 22 The Cone Family in America. 173. George, b. !May 22, 1781, m. Roxanna Brainard. 174. Esther, b. Oct. 26. 1783. 175. Polly, b. Dec. 3, 1785. 17(i. Julia, b. Feb. 5, 1788. 177. Oliver, b. Feb. 10, 1791. 178." Anna, b. Mar. 22, 17!)3. m. Daniel Shailor Chapman; d. in Hartford, 1880. 179. Horace, b. Feb. 24, 1797. [S3] JOIsTAH COIsTE, son of Jonah Cone [22] and Elizabeth Gates, b. East Haddani April 16, 1753, m. Alice Wilson Comstock July 4, 1792. She was b. 1765, and d. April 30, 1793. He served in the Eevolntionary War, enlisting April, 1775, under Capt. Joseph Spencer, in '' Lexing-ton Alarm," and served 18 days. Reenlisted in same company May 8, 1775, and was discharged Dec. 17, same year. Was drafted Aug. 24, 1777 ; promoted to Corporal in Capt. Amos Jones's company of Connecticut Militia ; was in both battles of Saratoga, and v/as discharged Oct. 9 of same year. D. in Milling- ton, Conn., Oct. 14, 1826.^^ Ch. 180. Alice Wilson, b. East Haddam April 28, 1793. [84] AiST^TA CO^TE, dan. of Jonah Cone [22] and Elizabeth Gates, b. East Haddam May 29, 1755, m. as second wife Robert Usher, son of Hezekiah Usher and Abigail Cleveland, Jan. 25, 1779. He was b. Jan. 3, 1743. He became a noted physician, and served his country in War of Revolution as Surgeon in Col. James Wads- worth's regiment. He d. Mar. 27, 1820, at Winchester, Conn. She d. ]\ray 20, 1849, aged 93 years. Ch. 181. James, b. Feb. 27. 1780; d. Aug. 12, 1780. 182. James, b. July 18, 1781; d. unni. 1817. 183.* PvEVIlo. b. July 19. 1783, m. Mandana Robbins ; d. Dec. 7, 1868. 184. Anna. b. Oct. 25, 1784; d. Sept. 21, 1801. 185. Statira, b. July 22, 1786. m. Stephen Palmer; no cli.; d. June 8. 1848. 186.* Abigail, b. May 30, 1788, m. Jonathan Cone: d. Aug. 30. 1873. 187. DiODATE. b. April 6, 1790; d. unm. March 24, 1871. 188. SOPHRONIA, b. Jan. 29, 1792, m. Abigail Lord; d. Dec. 8, 1873. 189. Harriet, b. Dec. 16. 1793; d. unm. 1868. 190. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 19. 1796; d. unm. Feb. 16, 1838, 191. JosiAii, b. Aug. 24, 1802, m. Ruth Frisbie; d. 1895. [85] OLIVER CONE, son of Jonah Cone [22] and Eliza- beth Gates, b. East Haddam, June 26, 1757. Enlisted under Capt. Abraham Tyler at the ''Lexington Alarm," in April, 1775, and served 19 days. Reenlisted in May, 1776, in Capt. Eliphalet Holmes's company of Minute Men from East LTaddam. He was Descendants of Daniel Cone. 23 called *' Oliver, Jr.," on the rolls, to designate him from Oliver, son of David, who served in same company. I have no further record of him than that he d. in Millington, Conn., Sept. 26, 1782. [87] DAI^IEL C0:NE, son of Jonah Cone [22] and Eliza- beth Gates, b. East Iladdam, Conn., Aug. 28, 1763, m. Mercy Otis, dau. of John Otis and Louise Pomeroy, Sept. 15, 1784. She was b. Sept. 17, 1764, and d. 1813. He graduated at Yale 1784, and d. at East Haddam Sept. 27, 1786. Ch. 192.* N"AXCY, b. June 21, 1785, m. Oliver Pease; d. Dec. 1878. 193. Delina. b. Jan. 30, 1787; d. Somers, Conn.. Aug. 29, 1803. [90] WILLIAM CONE, son of William Cone [23] and Elizabeth Bailey, b. East Iladdam March 14, 1753, m. Azubah Olmstead, dau. of Ichabod Olmstead and Dorothy Bates, April 23, 1775. She was b. East Iladdam :N"ov. 9, 1758, and d. in Hartford, Conn., Jan. 14, 1835. He d. East Haddam June 18, 1827, and was buried at Millington, Conn. Ch. 194. Elizabeth, b. July 2, 1778. 195. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 30, 1780; J. num. East Haddam. 1856. 196.* Azubah Louisa, b. Jan. 14, 1788, m. Xathan L. Foster; d. Dec. 0. 1859. 197. Dorothy, b. Oct. 15. 1790. m. Michael Chauncey Dec. 20. 1815; no ch. She d. Hartford, July 12, 1867. [99] ELEAZUE QO^^, son of Sylvanus Cone [55] and Sarah Ackley, b. Dec. 28, 1765, in East Haddam, m. Eebecca Beck- with, dau. of Barzilla Beckwith of Lyme, Conn., a Revolutionary soldier, Nov. 15, 1787. She was b. Lyme, Conn., Dec. 22, 1767, and d. West Granville, N. Y., April 18,' 1848, aged 80 years. They settled at West Granville, Washington county, X. Y., in 1790. He d. there Nov. 22, 1831. Ch. 198.* Sarah, b. June 19. 1791. m. Sardis Otis; d. Xov. 10, 1874. 199.* Sylvanus, b. Jan. 22, 1793, m. Clarissa Sill; d. March 10. 1876. 200. Epaphroditus, b. Aug. 18. 1795; d. Nov. 11, 1800. 201. Charity, b. Aug. 21. 1797, m. Silas Mason. 202. Mary, b. Sept. 4. 1800: d. March 5. 1807. 203. Olive, b. June 5, 1805, ni. 1 Hannibal Spring. 2 Hail. 204.* George B., b. Jan. 7. 1807. m. 1 Ann E. Burrington, 2 Rebecca Stearns; d. Feb. 7, 1882. 205. Mary Sill, b. July 31, 1808, m. Charles Backus. [100] OLIVE CONE, dau. of Sylvanus Cone [55] and Sarah Ackley, b. East Haddam, Conn., April 16, 1768, m. Elijah White Oct. 30, 1794. She d. May 1, 1804. He was a merchant, 24 The Gone Family in America. :iii(l ivsidc.l at Phitlsliui- X. V., the hitter part of his life, dying llicre Ot. iM, IS;)!). 200. (iKouciK, 1.. May :.. 1 Tnr. : d. uiuii. Juno IS. 1S:57. 207. Oi.iVK. 1). Fcl>. (i. 1707: .1. Mar. "iS. ISO",. ■20S.'- 1\\i;mi;i.i\. I.. Maicli 20. 1700, in. Sackridcr: d. Feb. 20, 185G. 200. MiNKKVA. 1). .Marcli 22. ISOl: d. iiinii. June 10. 1832. 210. Dki.ia. Ii. .\|>ril 2.-), ISO:!; d. Maicli 0. ISO."). |1()S| DAMARIS COXE. dan. ..f G("(.roe (\.iie [r>()] and Daiiiaris Sa.xh.ii, I). Kast Iladdani. ('(inn., Jnlv 11, 1781, ni. in East Iladdaiii -lai'cd Coiic |ir):)|, s(in of Xcheniiah Cone and Jcdidiali Andrews. Oct. l-'l, ISOii. She (», 1S41. Ch, 211. I'liii.K.xA. h. Dec. 21. 1S07. 111. (Jillctt. 212.-' XoisMAX. 1.. Sept. 3. ISIO. in. Sarali C. Alkins; d. Au<;-. S. 1897. 213.^^- Fi!AX(]s. 1). Apiil 12. 1S12. ni. Lama II. Clark; d. July 17. 1854. 214. Ei.iZA. 1). .Manli 10. 1S14, in. 1 Xatliaii Lomnis. 2 G. E. Anderson; no eh.; d. Kcl). IS. IS!):;. 21.-). ■ Maiuntiia. 1.. Xdv. 10. ISI!). 111. Linns W. Atkins; d. Nov. 15. 1870. 21(i. Damkl. 1). :\lay S. 182:5; d. nnin. OL 29, 1840. L10;>| GEOliGE CX)XE, son of Georo-e Cone [50] and Daniaris Saxton, h. East lladdani. Conn., OcL 1?>, 1784-, m. Sally Ilathhnrn dnne 1^7, 1812. She Avas b. East IFaddam 1702, and d. Ihere Sept. 4, 1 S 1 S. lie .]. in Kast Mrid-ewater, Pa., ATay 21, 1821. Ch. 217.' (!i:()U(;e LuAiXAitn 1). Mav l:?. ISLi. in. Hannah Anderson; d. Jan. 17, 1852.' 218." llKi.ox rvATiiiuiiN. 1). Ano-. G. ISIO. m. I'.etsev V. Barrett; d. Alay 18, 1803. 210.^^ William Ai(;rsTes, 1). Dee. 10. 1817. ni. Cyntliia ]\laek: d. Sept. 1900. [Ill I llOIiATlO C^ONE, son .1' Zaehariah (\>ne [58] and Jeniina Hall, h. East lladdani, (Vmn., Sept. 22, 1777, m. Polly Selden, dan. of Thomas Selden and Jernsha Clark, Se])t. 25, 1803. She was h. Middle Iladdam, (\mn., Jnly 0, 1783, and d. East llad- dani Tan. 18, 1808, a^'ed 84 years. They were active and efficient members of tlie 1st Con"'. Ch. in Milling-ton for many years. Tie d. in East Iladdam Vioc. 31, 1845. Average ao-e of cli'. 77 vears. Ch. 220.* Vv.x.Yx; TlAi.L. b. Feb. 22. 1805. in. IMary A. Brace; d. ^Mareh 1. 1882. 221.* llENKiCTTA. b. May 30. 1807, in. Robt. U. Wickham ; d. Jan. 29, 1892. 222.* TlKZKKiAii S.. b. Oct. 30, 1809. ni. Catherine B. Watson; d. Mar. 4 1858. 223. ILmjiukt F., b. Nov. 0, 1812; d. unin. Oct. 18, 1896, aged 84. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 25 224. Janette B.. h. Nov. !). 181(i. iii. Klu'inver K. IJose: no oli.; d. Jan. 28, 1901. 225.* Zachariaii, b. Aug. 18, 1818, m. Eliza L. Parsons; d. Jan. 2. 1S99. 226." Daniel Cl.\rk, b. Sept. 9, 1821, ni. Statiia F. Silliman; d. Dec-. 10, 1902. [113] SYLVESTER CONE, son of Zachariaii Cone [58] and Jeniina Hall, b. East Haddani, Conn., Apr. 4, 1780, ni. Susan- nah Wright Jan. 2, 1803. She was b. 1785, and d. East Iladdam Sept. 18, 1873, aged 88 years. He was a soldier in War of 1812, serving at ]^ew London, Conn., nnder C/apt. William Palmer. He was a farmer, and alvavs resided at East Haddam, where he d. Jan. 21, 1854. Ch. 227. Eliza, b. 1804; d. unni. Sept. 29. 182.3. 228. Jedidiaii, b. 1806; d. iinm. Sept. 6, 1825. 229. SuSAKXAii, b. 1808. m. David Pike; d. July 5, 1847. Four tli.; d. young. 230. Sylve,stp:r, b. 1811; d. Se])t. 3. 1814. 231." Tryphena, b. Nov. 13, 1813, m. Jonathan B. Harvey; d. April 20, 1886. 232.* Mary A., b. Dec. 19, 1815, m. Nelson C. Puchmond; d. Jan. 12, 1880. 233. George, b. 1818; d. unni. Aug. 14, 1851. 234.* Eobert S., b. Sept. 16. 1820. ui. Elizabeth Chaimian. Reside Moodus, Conn. 235. James G., b. 1825; d. Feb. 1, 1820. 236. Eliza, b. April 1, 1827; d. April 22, 1827. [115] COXANT COXE, son of Joseph Cone [01] and Mar- tha Spencer, b. East Haddam July 0, 1760, m. Alice Houghton, second dau. of Joab Houghton May, 1780. She d. June 3, 1824, aged G2 years. He was a gallant soldier during Revolutionary War, enlisting Feb, 10, 1777, for three years in Capt. Eliphalet Holmes's company, in regiment commanded by Col. Jedidiah LIuntington, of Connecticut Line. Took the field at Peekskill, '^. Y., spring of 1777. Remained in camp until ordered to Gen. Wasliingfon's army in Pennsylvania in Sept. 1777. Was in battle of Germantown. Wintered at Valley Forge 1777-8. Was in battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778, and served in 1779 in repelling forces in Gen. Tryon's '■'Invasion,'' and was discharged Feb. 10, 1780. He removed to Princeton, X. J., soon after nnirriage, and all his ch. were born there. He d. insane in 1709. Ch. 237. Amelia, b. 1782; d. unni. 1856. 238.'=- Spexcer H.. b. April 30. 1785. m. Sally W. Morrell ; d. Aug. 28. 1855. 239. Eliza, b. 1787, m. James Lesley; d. April 24, 1823. 240.* Catherine, b. 1790, m. John Nerval; d. March 20, 1821. 241.* Joseph, b. 1793. m. Mary Cave; d. Jan. 4. 1830. 242. Martha, b. 1795; d. unm. Dec. 2, 1840. 26 The Cone Family in America. [117] TIMOTHY CO^^E, son of Joseph Cone [61] and Martha Spencer, b. East Haddam May 20, 1777, m. Sarah Howard Bailcv, dan. of Seth Bailev of Wood connty, Va., Xov. 29, 180(5. She was b. Mar. 9, 1790, in Easton, Mass., her father bein,^- a soldier in Eevolntionary War nnder Col. James Williams. Mr. Cone re- moved to Wood connty, Va., in 1802, and to jNIarietta, O., soon after he was married, beiiiii- a very early settler of that place. She d, Jan. 1870, aged 80 years. He'd, in Marietta, O., Feb. 5, 1864, aged 87 years. Ch. 243." Deborah P., b. Feb. 20. 1808. m. Sihis Sloennib : d. April 15. 1863. 244."- :\lARTnA 8.. b. Dec. 20. 1810. in. John B. Blankinton; d. Feb. 6. 189G. 24.J. :\Iai;y, 1). ]\lareh 17. 1813. Slie was a writer of marked ability. Was the author of a number of books, viz.: '" Life of Rufus Putnam,"' " Two Years in California," etc. She greatly aided me in the preparation of the records of this branch of the family. She d. unm. at Marietta. 0.. Jan. 24, 1898. 240.'^- George, b. June 9. 1815, m. Hattie A. Sublette; d. Nov. 11, 1883. 247.* Charles, b. Oct. 23, 1817, m. Almira Jones; d. Sept. 13, 1895. 248. Sarah, b. May 9, 1820; d. unm. 1871. 249.-' Joseph S., b. Aug. 20, 1822. m. Anna R. Reppart; d. Sept. 12, 1894. 250. Timothy, b. Nov. 9, 1825; d. unm. 1888. 251.-^ Alice S., b. Nov. 17, 1827, m. Edmund Brush. Res. Zanesville, 0. 252.* Ellen, b. March 14, 1830, m. Hiram A. Peck; d. March 15, 1862. [lis] BENJAMIK CO^^E, son of Martin Cone [64] and Eebecca Spencer, b. East Haddam, 1766, m. Anna Brainard, dan. of Amasa Brainard and Jedidiah Osborne, 1792. She was b. Jnne 29, 1772, and d. Ang. 17, 1818. He was a tanner, and resided at Derl)y, Conn., Avhere he d. 1802. Ch. 2.53. Martik, b. 1793, m. Clarissa , who d. Nov. 14, 1828. 254. Rebecca, b. 1795, m. Isaac Ackley. 255. ■"" Amasa B., b. 1799. m. Hannah G. Dimmick ; d. 1855. [123] SOLOMON CONE, son of Solomon Cone [66] and Mary Spencer, b. East Haddam abont 1780, m. Temperance Atwood, who was b. East Haddam Jnly 23, 1785. He was a fanner, and settled at Grreenbush, opposite Albanv, X. Y., in 1808, where he d. about 1840. Ch. 250. Solomon, b. , 1813, married and had 4 ch.; d. 1800. 257." Henry R., b. Feb. 14, 1818, m. Mary E. Davis; d. Nov. 17, 1887. [124] EPAPHPtODITUS CONE, son of Solomon Cone [^(SQ'] and Mary Spencer, bapt. East Haddam Ang. 14, 178.5, m. his consin, Martha Cone [134], dan. of Ashbel Cone and Eunice Cook, Descendants of Daniel Cone. 27 in 1820. She Avas b. East Haddain March 8, 1795, and d. West Stoekbridge, Mass., :\rarch 30, 1871. He d. in Eichmond, Mass Sept. 6, 1835. Ch. 258.* Martha, b. June 1, 182.5, m. Nelson H. Stevens; d. March 15. 1897. [120] AVARREX SPEXCER CONE, son of Solomon Cone [66] and Mary Spencer, b. East Haddam Jnly 17, 1790, m. Amanda A . Dewey at North Manlins, K A"., Feb. 28, 1815. She was b. Alav 23, 1796, and d. Nov. 2, 1835. He d. Sept. 14, 1847. Resided at North Manlins, N. Y. Ch. 2.59. Emma, b. Feb. 14, 181G; d. March 18, 1816. 260.^^- Emily E., b. Feb. 25, 1817. m. .John T. Gillette; d. .Tnly 10, 1890. 261. C'HArxcEY D., b. Feb. 25. 1819. 262. David L., b. Oct. 9, 1821; d. Mar. 5. 1844. 26.3. Mary, b. July 22. 1824, m. Ira Westcott; d. Jan. 29, 1874. 264. AxxA, b. Sept. .30, 1826, m. Rev. Adam Crysler; d. Dec. 31, 1857. 26.5. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 7, 1831; d. -July 11, 1834. [129] ASHBEL CONE, son of Ashbel Cone [67] and En- nice Cook, b. East Haddam Jan. 8, 1780, m. Polly Pearson Nov. 6, 1811. She was b. April 5, 1784, and d. Dec' 12, 1864, aged 80 years. They were married at Stockbridge, Mass., and always resided there. He d. April 14, 1851. Ch. 266.* William, b. Sept. 15. 1812. m. .Jane A. Dryer; d. Dec. 21, 1889. 267.* Mary, b. March 22, 1814, m. Nelson H. Stevens; d. Feb. 8, 1841. 268.* Henry P.. b. Dec. 9, 1817, m. Sarah Dixon; d. Nov. 1, 1871. 269.* Nathan S.. b. Nov. 22, 1819, ni. 1 Mary L. Jones, 2 Mary G. Bidwell; d. Mar. 28, 1878. 270. Franklin B., b. Sept. 21, 1824. m. Elizabeth Cone; no ch.; d. Feb. 8, 1871. [131] EUNICE CONE, dan. of Ashbel Cone [67] and Eu- nice Cook, b. East Haddam, Conn., Dec. 19, 1786, m. Erastus Row- ley July 23, 1806. She d. Sept. 28, 1871. There were five ch.— Edward, Milton, Erastus, Eunice, and Kate. The latter m. Lathrop, and was living in Pittsfield, Mass., in 1900. [132] THOMAS CONE, son of Ashbel Cone [67] and Eunice Cook, b. East Haddam, Conn., March 20, 1788, m. Deborah Gates. He became very w^ealthy, at one time owning a large part of Richmond, Mass. He was prominent in all good works, was for many years a Deacon in the First Cong. Ch. at that place. He d. in Manchester, Vt., June 7, 1865. 28 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 271. ■■ SAxri-Er, ().. 1). ^rarcli 21, 182.i. m. T,ucy nnnison. r^es. Hartford, Conn. 272. Ki.iZAHKTii, 1). 1S27. m. Franklin Cone: no cli. : d. Feb. 4. 1881. 27;i." TiiKonoitK i;.. 1). Oct. 2S, 182!). m. Henrietta Sliook. lies. West Stock- Inid-e. :\[ass. [1:5:5] ASA COXE, son of Aslihcl ('oiio [07] and Eunice Cdc.k. 1). East lladdaiii, (Vnin., ^Mandi l\ l7l>:>, m. Artemisia Crit- tenden, dan. of Levi ( ^rittenden, of liielnnond, Alass. She was b. Dee. L^s, 17!»(), aii, 1S41, and d. in Ridnncnd Dee. 17, ISO:]. Ch. 274.-^^- Aloxzo, 1). IMareli .-.. 1S2.-). ni. Elizal.etli P. Xi<-li..ls; •!. April 8. 1891. 275.- Albert, b. Maieli lU, 1827, ni. Eliza :\[. Avery, lies. Chicago, 111. [i:35] BENJAMIIsT CONE, son of Ashbel Cone [07] and Euniee Cook, b. East Iladdani, Conn., Tune 2, 1707, ni. Charlotte , who was b. 179^, and d. July 21, 1S(;5. He d. M-^y 5, ISGG. Ch. 270. CiiAULOTTK, b. 1824: d. Jnly 18. 184:1. 277. Mary Axx, b. 1828; d. .Tune 4, 183!). [137] POLTA' COXE, dan. of Jeremiah Cone [08] and liUtli Spencer, 1). Hui'lin^ton, Conn., A})ril 1, 1777, m. William Steele, of East Hartford, (\)nn. They removed to Farmington, 111., in 1834, where lie d. is:5,s. She d. there Sept. 21, 1801^ aged 84 years. They liad five cli., viz.: Gaylord, Connell, Erederiek, Polly, and William. [138] JOSEPH COXE, son of Jeremiah C\3ne [08] and Kuth Spencer, b. East Haddam. Conii., Xov. 20, 177!), m. Elizabeth Coulee 1808. She was h. Harwinton, C(mn., Feb. 28, 1788, and d. in Farmington, Til., Jan. IT), 1854. J\o removed from Harwinton to Farmington in 1S34, being the earliest settler there, and the founder (d tlic town. He was a prosperous and wealthy merchant and farmei-. Was a Life Dii'eetor (d' the American Home Mission- ary Society, and an active mend)er of his church for over fifty years. He d. in Farnungton Jan. 20, 1801, aii'ed 82 vears. Ch. 278."- llKxitY, 1). Ajiril 1!\ 18(i0. ni. 1 Sophia D. TToadley. 2 Mary Eggleston ; d. :Vlay 24. 1!)00. 270. .TosKPji. b. Feb. 2.-), 1812. m. :\rary A. Miles; no eh.; d. Aug. 1807. 280."- Spk>-ckr. b. Se])t 12. ISI."). ni. Julia A. Sloan; d. Feb. 12. 1000. 281.* David f".. 1). .Tune 1."). 181S. m. Harriet Cutler; d. .Tune 2(i, 1870. 282.=^ Ckoriii: ^^•.. b. .Tuly 10. 1821, ni. 1 Cordelia A. Smith. 2 Harriet A. Fdrge: d. Nov. 2:?. 1801. 28:3.^^ Ciiaum;s. b. Oct. 21. 1824, ni. Julia A. R. Alartin; d. 1807. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 29 [141] JEKEMIAH COXE, son of Jeremiah Cone [6S] and Ruth Spencer, b. East Haddam 1790, ni. Elizabeth Garner, dan. of George Garner, in Eome, Ga., January, 1828. He went South in 1815, settled in Franklin county, Georgia, and engaged in mercan- tile business. Was a member of the Missionary Baptist denomina- tion, and d. at Rome, Ga., Xov. 1.5, 1802. She d. in Whitfield county, Ga., in 1873. Ch. 2S4. PiiiLEXA. b. Dec. 1828. m. Zadiariah :\Iitchdl : d. 1881. 285. Samuel H., b. March, 1831, m. Mary Whitehead; d. :Marcli 17. 1860. 286.* George W., b. Jan. 27, 1834. m. Hannah P. P,ro(k. Pes. Johnson's Ci'ossing. Ala. 287.* Derrell, b. July 21, 1837, ni. Sarali J. :\[orro\v: d. Oct. 14. 1900. [142] SENECA COis^E, son of Jeremiah C.-nc [OS] and Ruth Spencer, b. Middletown, Conn., 1792, m. Wells, of Xew Hartford, about 1821. Removed same year to Barkhamsted, Litch- field county, Conn. In 1822 he became a member of the Masonic order of that place. In 1824 he traveled from Connecticut to Georgia with a two-horse wagon-load of Yankee notions, a veritable '' Yankee tin-peddler." He met with unusually good success, and the same season established himself in mercantile business at Clin- ton, in above State, and d. tliere :\rarcli 25, 1828. Ch. 288. James, b. Feb. 24, 1825, married, and had two oh. who lived in Oliio in 1880. [143] ZEXAS COXE, son of Matthew Cone [72] and Mary Barnes, b. East Haddam K'ov. 18, 1763, m. March 2, 1787, Dorothy (Dolly) Crocker, who was b. 1765, and d. in Hampden, Mass., Oct. 4, 1819. He d. by suicide, in Hampden, Mass., July 3, 1818. Ch. 289.* Mary, b. Nov. 27. 1787. ni. David Stebbins ; d. Aug. 2. 1859. 290.* Persis, b. April 17. 1791. ni. Lorin B. Collins; d. March 10. 1815. 291. Orrix, b. May 0. 1794, ni. Hannah Rindge; no ch.; d. May 9. 1857. [144] MATTHEW C^OXE, son of Matthew Cone [72] and Mary Barnes, b. East Haddam Oct. 7, 1767, m. Lydia Willey, dau. of Judah Willey and Deborah Harvey, in Wilbraham, Mass., May 31, 1795. She was b. 1772 and d. Wilbraham Aug. 2, 1833. He d. same place Oct. 12, 1839. Ch. 292.* Matthew H.. b. Mar. 15, 1790, m. Naomi Collins: d. Oct. 7. 1878. [145] EPHRAIM C^OXE, son of ]\[atthew Cone [72] and Lydia Gates, b. in East Haddam Aug. 25. 1771, m. Lucy Hart in 1798. She was b. 1782 and d. in Attica, K Y., Aug. 10, 1855. He 30 The Cone Family in America. settled nhoiit. IS 10 in Livingston county, X. Y., being among the earliest settlers of western Xew York, and d. there Oct. 16, 1816. CIi. 203. '■ Ai.OiXzo, 1). Od,. 21). 179!), in. Emily Piitchett; d. Jan. 4, 1853. 294."' Epiiraim. h. Jtuio 1. 1805, m. Pvachel P. Jenkins; d. April 26, 1868. 295.* Orvim.k. 1). .laii. 27. ISOO. ni. 1 Parmelia Whipple, 2 Mrs. Kimball; (1. Sept. 2. 1800. |ll(i| XKWKLL CONE, s.)n of .Matthew Cone [72] and Lvdia (iates, h. Kasi Ihuldani Ang. 2S, 1773, m. March 5, 1792, ^iariani J51iss, who d. in Will.raliam, .Mass., Oct. 1, lSi9, aged 82 years, lie d. saiiie })laee Sept. 3, ISlo. They may have had chil- dren, l)nt- 1 am unable to find them. [117 1 iOIIABOD COXE, son of Matthew Cone [72] and l.vdia Gates, b. East Iladdam Dec. 1, 1771, m. Dorcas Cook, who d. ]\rar. 22, 18r.:5. He d. at Hampden, Mass., Feb. 5, 1832. 'Eo chil- dren. ITad an ado]^ted son named Carson. \\\\a lived at Adams, Jefferson eonnty, X. Y., and had eight children. [148] -TARED COXE, son of IMattliew Cone [72] and Abi- gail Sheppard, b. East Haddam, Conn., April 6, 1781, m. Hannah Eeebe, of Wilbraham, Mass., dan. of Stewart Beebe, Oct. 4, 1804. Slie was 1>. Dee. 20, 1781, and d. Otsego, O., Oct. 22, 1822. He m. 2 Elizabeth Shoft Dec. 4, 1823. She was b. Jnly 5, 1794, and d. J\ray 5, 1851. He was a mechanic and ship carpenter. They re- moved from Wilbraham, Mass., to Ohio in 1816. He snffered the hardships incident to a new settlement in the West, bnt through industry and perseverance became one of the most influential and wealtliy farniei-s of ]\[uskingnm eonnty. While in ^rassachnsetts he was a prominent officer in the militia of that State. He d. in Otsego. O.', Oct. 13, 18.56. Ch. 296.* ,T.\REi), b. Aug-. 23, 1805. m. Eliza Ann Ross; d. June 3. 1885. 297.* Lucy, b. Dec. 6, 1807, m. Alpheus Eichardson; d. Nov. 18, 1870. 208. Edmund, b. Pel). 2. 1810. m. Martba Seward; no ch.; d. Feb. 22, 1884. 209.* Bekbe S.. 1). June 2."). 1812, m. Lucinda Davison; d. Aug. 4, 1885. 300.* ]\1ai{(!Aiu:t. 1). -Inly 15. 1815, m. James Sniylie; d. Jan. 29, 1877. 301. •"■ Oppoi.rs, b. Doc. 12. 1817, ni. 1 Joanna Stephens, 2 Hannah Partridge, 3 Jennie Chapman; d. Oct. 1901. 302.* IIui.D.\n, b. Aug. 30, 1820, m. Samuel Cowden; d. Jan. 20, 1861. 303.* P.\uTON, b. Aug. 23, 1824. m. Julia Walker; d. Dec. 20, 1887. 304.* Hawley, b. Jan. 11, 1820, m. 1 Jane Davison, 2 Lois Ross; d. June 14 1894. 305.* IlAXNAii, ],. ]\Iay 3, 1829. m. James Little. Res. Dresden. O. 306. Piin.M', b. Feb. 11. 1833. m. ]\Iinerva Olds; no cli. Res. Vineland, N. J. 307. N„.^VEix, b. PcIj. 27. 1836; d. Sept. 11, 1838. Descendants of Daniel Gone. 31 [149] OZIAS COI^E, son of Matthew Cone [72] and Abi- gail Sheppard, b. Greenwich, Mass., April 1, 1784, m. Lovina Car- penter, of Wilbraham, about 1805. She was b. Wilbraham 1783, and d. in Greenwich Jnly 15, 1834. He d. same place ]^ov. 3, 1819. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, and became very proficient in the work. Ch. 308.* Gordon C. b. Sept. IG. 1807. m. 1 Louisa M. Anderson. 2 ]\Iariam W. Griswold; d. Oct. 2, 1882. 309.* John C, b. Dec. 21, 1809, m. Julia D. Gray; d. 1876. 310.* Hannah B., b. May 15. 1811, m. Cyrus Powers; d. Feb. 11. 1897. 311.* Harrison, b. 1813. m. Liicretia Ellsworth; d. about 1878. 312.* Newell, b. April 20. 1815, m. 1 Mary Winslow, 2 Mary Breekenridge, 3 Sarah A. -Johnson; d. Oct. 18, 1891. 313. Walter S.. b. 1817, nni. Family know no more. 314. OziAS, b. 1819, unm.; d. in Rome, Ga., 1840. [154] JEWELL CONE, son of JN^ehemiah Cone [73] and Jedidiah Andrews, b. East Haddam, Conn., Sept. 2, 1779, m. Anna, dau. of Thomas Silliman, Oct. 14, 1802. She was b. East Haddam Jan. 12, 1780, and d, in Chester, Conn., June 9, 1860. He d. same place April 19, 185G. He was a man of great ability, and active in all good work. Was a prominent member of the Cong. Ch. both at East Haddam and at Chester, where he resided during the latter part of his life. Was a farmer by occupation. Ch. 315.* Albert S., b. Jan 30. 1804, m. Eliza C. Rhodes; d. April 10, 1873. 316.* William E.. b. Sept. 24, 1805, m. 1 Rhoda Beckwith, 2 Mrs. Eliza- beth Ransom; d. Feb. 20, 1886. 317. Addison, b. Oct. 14, 1807, m. Mrs. Phebe Bentlev; no ch.; d. Jan. 20. 1884. 318. Aristarchus, b. Feb. 22, 1815, m. Harriet Oaks; no ch. Res. Letts, Iowa. 319. Julius, b. April 9, 1817, unm.; d. Chester ,Tuly 27, 1841. 320. Daniel X., b. April 22, 1821; d. July 6. 1822. [155] JAEED CONE. (See Damaris Cone [108].) [159] ASA CONE, son of Daniel Cone [77] and Keziah Chapman, b. East Haddam, Conn., April 19, 1778, m. Lucinda Lay, dau. of John Lay and Anna Sill, in 1804. She was b. Lyme, Conn., May 4, 1777, and d. South Otselic, Chenango county, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1855. He removed to Amherst, Mass., in 1825, and d. there March 18, 1832. By occupation a shoemaker. Was a member of the Cong. Ch. at East Haddam, Vernon, and at Amherst. Was highly respected for his honesty and u])right conduct. —3 32 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 321.* Damkl X.. b. V>Q(-- in. 1S05. in. 1 DianUia Sadd. 2 Emily Sadd; d. :\Iay 24. 1870. ;522. Emily, b. 1807, iiiiin., dicssniaker ; d. Aiiiliorst, Mass. 323. Louisa, b. 1809. uiini.. school teacher; d. Amherst, Mass. 324.* RiciiAui) S.. b. :March 12, 1811. m. Mary Ann Fay; d. March 3. 1885. 325. Cai.i.sta. 1). A])ril 25, LSl'.t; d. Vornon, Conn.. July 11, 1820. i ARISTARCHUS CONE, Letts, Iowa. (P. 31,) [162] LYDIA CONE, dan. of Daniel Cone [77] and Koziali Chapman, b. East Haddam, Conn., Anii'. 20, 17^4, ni. Abnor Lay Jan. 27, 1804. He was b. Lvme, (\)nn., eliine 24, 1774, and d. same place Dee. 2S, 1S12. She d. April 15, 1802. Ch. 32G.* Sophia Maria, b. :Marcli 20. ISOO. m. Jolm Cliamition; d. Feb. 7. 1875. 327. Adeline, b. Sept. 7. 1807; d. unm. Marcli 1!). 1885. 328. CiiAtTNCEY, b. Feb. 10, 1810, m. Catlicrinc .\[anc-ei-; d. :Mar. (5. 1870. [104] ACHSAII COXE, dan. ..f Daniel (\.ne [77] and Keziah Chapman, b. East Haddam, Conn., .Inly 17, 1789, m. Jolm Abbott March 13, 1813. He was 1). dnly 0, 1784, and d. in Eock- ville. Conn., May 13, IS,")!). He was a fanner. She d. Rockville, after a sickness of one weed-:, Anii'. *•>, ISS:^, aoed 03 years. Her mind was clear and slroiiu' np to a few hours before death. She was Descendants of Daniel Cone. 33 buried at Vernon, C\)nn., an immense coneonrse followino- lier re- mains to the grave. Ch. 329. .John Edwin, b. .Tan. 11, ISU. in. Cliailotto Bolles. Ros. Roekville in 1000. 330. Caroline N.. b. An-;-. 20. ISIO. unm.; d. April IG, 1839. 331. William C, b. Feb. 11, 1S20; d. May 3, 1820. 332. Adeline, b. April 16, 1824, unm.; d. Feb. 26, 1845. [178] ANXA PALMER, dan. of Levi Palmer and Elizabeth Cone [82], b. Bashan, Middlesex county, Conn., ]\[arch 22, 1793, m. Daniel Shailor Chapman. She d. in Hartford in 1880, aged 87 years. Lie d. same place 1877. He was a shoe manufacturer. There were a number of children, bnt I have record of only one. Ch. 333.* Anna Eliza, b. March 11, 1822, m. Alpheus S. Hyde. Res. Windsor Locks, Conn., 1896. [188] REVILO C^ONE USHER, son of Robert Usher and Anna Cone [SL], b. July 19, 1783, m, Mandana Robbins, dau. of Robert Ltobbins and Jcrnsha Estabrooke, April L, 1827. She was b. Westchester, Conn., March 3, 1796, and d. Colchester, Conn., May 5, 1883, aged 87 years. He was a farmer at Colchester, and d. there Dec. 7, 1868, aged 85 years. Ch. 334. Catherine M., b. Dec. 26, 1827, num. Res. Westchester, Conn. 33.5. Robert B., b. Sept. 28, 1831, unm. Res. Westchester, Conn. 336. Abby M., b. June 7, 1833, m. Robert S. Bigelow. Res. Westchester. Conn. 337. Amatvs R., b. Oct. 3. 1834; d. Aug. 21, 1838. 338. James C, b. Sept. 2. 1837, unm. Res. Westchester, Conn. [186] ABIGAIL C. USHER. (See Jonathan Cone.) [192] NANCY CONE, dau. of Daniel Cone [87] and Mercy Otis, b. East Haddam, Conn., June 21, 1785, m. Oliver Pease, of Somers, Conn., son of Robert Pease and Ann Sexton, Aug. 14, 1803. He was b. Somers July 16, 1783, and d. there 1864. She d. same place Dec. 20, 1878, aged 93 years. Ch. 339.* Daniel C, b. Feb. 25, 1806. m. Matilda Collins; d. Aug. 1. 1891. 340.* Robert, b. March 28, 1808. m. 1 Amarslia Arnold. 2 :\Irs. Eliza B. Terry; d. -Jan. 21. 1888. 341. ■"• Otis Oliver, b. Jan. 0. 1810, m. 1 Mary Pinney. 2 Elizabeth Hill: d. June 30, 1893. 342.* Nancy, b. Sept. 23, 1819, m. George Baker. Res. Amherst. :\Iass. 343.* Amos, b. April 10. 1828. m. Marietta Moore. Res. Somers, Conn. 34 The Cone Family in America. [90] [19G] AZII13AII LOUISA COXE, (l;m. of William Cone and Azubali Olinstcad, 1). East lladdam, Conn., Jan. 14, 1788, ni. Katlian Lanosford FosttT, son of Eev. Joel Foster of East Sud- bury, Mass., ]\ray -"O, IS 10. He was b. Dec. 8, 1787, and d. in Phila- delphia, Pa., Xov. !», ISOI. lie Avas a lineal descendant of Miles Standish. lie rcinovcd from East Iladdam to Philadelphia in 1840. Was an attoi-ncv at law and eminent in his profession, and was a writer and anihor of more than local re]mtati(m. She d. Philadel- phia Dec. 0, 1850. MRS. AZUBAH (CONE) FOSTER. 1788-1859. Ch. 344. Joel W. L., b. May 28, 1813, iinin.; d. Genoa, Italy, 1848. 345." Elisabeth L., b. Jan. 7, 1815, m. Eleazur W. Mathor; d. Feb. .5, 1882. 340. ^YILLIAM C, b. May 7, 1817: d. Oct. 14, 1817. 347." :\lAi!iE A., b. Nov. 29, 1818, ni. John Holmes; d. Aug. 30, 1873. 348.^^- Joii.x \V., b. Feb. 19, 1821, m. 1 Elizabeth Calioone, 2 Nancy Cutler; d. IMarch 20, 1803. 349."- Edgaii T., b. April 7, 1823, m. 1 Anna Lippincott, 2 Mrs. Mary A. Johnson; d. March 17, 1899. 3.50."- :Mai{y S.. b. July 27, 1825, m. George H. Chadwick; d. May 5, 1901. 351.* Catheiu.ne L. T., b. Feb. 8. 1828, m. William King. Res. Philadel- phia, Pa. 352. •■' PvEgixam) II., b. Sept. 1ft. 1831. ni. Joanna Uilkes; d. 1804. 3.-)3." Hem!I L., b. Sept. 17. 1833. iii. Angelica ('. Wenzell; d. Aug. 12, 1901. [198] SAPvAII COXE, dan. of Eleazur Cone [99] and Rebecca Beckwith, b. West Granville, Washington county, :N^. Y., Descendants of Daniel Cone. 35 June 19, 1791, m. there Sardis Otis, son of Joseph and Lncj Otis, Xov. 14, 1813. He was b. Fort Ann, ^T. Y., July 16, 1789, and d. there Dec. 17, 1871, aged 82 years. lie was a farmer. She d. at Fort Ann, X. Y., Xov. 10, 1874, aged 83 years. Ch. 354. Mary H.. 1). Jan. 1. 181.",. m. .Tolni T. Mason. Ros. Glens Falls, N. y. .3.5.5. Emh.y G.. I). Jan. U. ISIS; d. \\\». 2. 183G. 35G.* Rebekah, b. June 3. 1S20. )n. ^latliias Wliitnev. Res. West Granville, N. Y. 3.57. Sarah C., b. Jan. 14. 1823. ni. 1 Isaac Hawks. 2 James H. Gibbs. 3.58. Lydia H., b. Aug. 5, 1825. ni. Fayette Mason; d. May G, 1853. 359. Chaxty C, b. Dec. 10, 1828, m. 1 Jerome Winegar, 2 Franklin Wyman. West Granville, X. Y. 3G0. Jared, b. Aug. 13, 1831, m. Sarah Dcland. Res. West Granville. 3G1. MoERVA, b. April 23, 1834. m. Henry Osborne. Res. Gaylord, Mich. [199] SYLYAXUS COXE, son of Eleazur Cone [99] and Rebecca Beckwith, b. West Granville, K Y., Jan. 22, 1793, m. Clarissa Sterling Sill, dan. of William Sill and Jemina Sterling, of Lyme, Conn., Doc. 2, 1817. She was b. Lyme March 31, 1801, and d. IMarch 4, 1884. He removed to Lyme in 1815 ; to Lee, Mass., 1820; and to Fort Ann, K Y., in 1822. He was a clothier by occu- pation. D. at Fort Ann ^Nfarch 10, 1870, aged S3 years. Ch. 3G2."- Henry Clay. b. Feb. 1. 1819, m. Elizabeth Kincaid; d. Oct. 3, 1901. 363.* Charles S., b. Jan. 15, 1821, m. Lucy A. Parsons. Res. St. Louis, Mo. 364. Julia Anx, b. Dec. 15. 1822. unm.; d. at (iouverneur, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1902. 3G5."- Delia, b. Oct. 20. 1824. m. 1 David Chaml)orlain. 2 0. E. Van Buren; d. Oct. 13, 1901. 3GG.* Frances C. b. Sept. 10. 1820. m. William INIalcolm. Res. Syracuse, X. Y. 307." Caroline W., b. June 30. 1828. m. .James M. Backus. Res. Gouver- neur, N. Y. 308. Mary Sill, b. Sept. 5, 1834; d. July 28, 183G. [204] GEOIiGE BECKWITH COXE, son of Eleazur Cone [99] and Tiebecca Beckwith, b. Granville, Washington coimtj^, X. Y., Jan. 7, 1807, m. Ann Eliza Burrington Dec. 31, 1844. She was b. Oct. 17, 1823, and d. Feb. 15, 18*54. He m. 2 Rebecca Stearnes April 5, 1855, who was b. Dec. 26, 1815. He was a farmer, and d. West Granville, X. Y., Feb. Y, 1882. Ch. SGO.'^ Martha W.. b. -Jan. 12, 184G. m. M. 0. Cliapin: d. Dec. 2, 1893. 370.-"- Harlan P., b. Nov. 9, 1850. m. Sarah E. Vaughn; d. Sept. 15. 1891. [208] PAEMELIA WHITE, dan. of Elijah White and Olive Cone [100], b. East Iladdam, Conn., March 29, 1799, m. 36 The Cone Family in America. ■ — — Saekridcr Sept. S, 1810. lie was b. iTUi' ; was a iiicreliaiit, and removed t'roiu (Iraiivillc, X. Y., to l*lattsl)ni'ii', X. Y., in 1825, and d. there Sept. i>, lS2(i. She d. Feb. -'('., is.-.d. Ch. 371. Mary W.. h. Oct. 17. 1820: d. iiniii. Aug. 12. 1842. 372. CoRDELi.v :\I.. b. .Time 0, 1822, in. Pease, of Detroit. Mich. 373. Elijah W., 1.. Aug. 7, 1825. Druygist. lies, in Cleveland. 0. [212] XOPaiAX COXE, son of Jared [155] and Damaris Cone [108], b. East. IIa(hhun, CVjnn., Sept. 3, 1810, ni. Sarah Chirk Atkins in ]\Iid(iletown, Conn., April 8, 18o5. Thej removed the same season to Flint, Genesee conntv, ]\Iieh. She ^vas b. East Haddain dan. 10, 1815, and d. in Flint, :\rieh., Sept. 21, 1850. He m. 2 ^rarpiret Eobinson March 10, 1851, who was 1). Feb. 10, 1828. .Mr. Cone i-esided over sixty years ni)on the same farm that he first settled, and d. there An-, indiistrions, honest and thrifty, and Avas greatly monrned at liis death by the coiuinnnity amonu' whom he had resided for so many years. Ch. 374." :\lAKn-:TTA. Ii. :Manli 27. 1S37. ui. Dennis r,.nv : d. Fel). 21. 1901. 37.1. OuvEU .T.. 1). .Tune 4, 1840. Soldier: d. Port Poyal Dee. 2.5. 18G1. .^7r>. llAiiVEY L., 1). Fel>. 21. 184.5. Farmer: unni. Pves. Flint, Mich. 377.'' (.'KOKGE II.. 1). Aug. 27. I8.1O, ni. Eliza P. Kerr. Pves. Olathe, Colo. 378. Ida M.. 1). July 17. lS.-)2. ni. .Tnhn Loop: d. Feb. 27. 1800. 370.* Peda K.. b. .Tuly IC. IS-IO. ni. .T. P.. Sleazur. Pes. Evart. :\Iich. 380." Eliza A., b. Sept. 12, 18()0. \\\. Ceorge \Y. Wliitney. Pes. Los Angeles, Cal. 381. Charles X.. b. .Tuly 10. 18(in. mnn. Pes. Flint. Mich. 382." Frank B.. b. Feli. 27, 1870. ni. Nellie Wager. Pes. Flint, Mich. 383. AIertie: d. in infancy. [21;]] FPtAXCIS COXE, son of Tared [155] and Damaris Cone [108], b. East IIa(hlam, Conn., April 12, 1812, m. Lanra IT. Clark, of ]\riddletown. Conn., A|n-il 12, 18:35. She was b. ]\Iiddlctown .Marcli 11, 1S12, and d. in Sears, Ifieh., Sept. 2, 1809, a-ed sT years. IIo was n farmer. ]). July IT, 1851. Ch. .384. :M.\rtiia a., b. .Tune 14, 1S3(;, ni. :\l. F. Paldwin : d. Sejjt. 2. 1SG9. 385. PuTH IL. b. March IB, 1838, unni.: d. Feb. IS, 1871. 38G.* Mary E.. b. Oct. 10, 1841, ni. 1 Leonard Linzell, 2 Charles P. Cleaver. Pes. Sears. I\Iich. [215] ^rAKTXTirA C^OXE, dan. of Jared [155] and Da- maris (\.ne [lOS], b. East Iladdam, ( *onn., Xov. 19, 1819, m. Linns W. Atkins Oct. 29, 1840. He was b. ]\[i(ldleto\vn Jnly 8. Descendcmts of Daniel Cone. 37 1817, and d. there Aiiii'. i^T), IIMM), ai^ed 8:5 years. Farmer. She d. Xov. 15, 1879, and he ni. 2 Salina lleniiniiton. Ch. 387. Jaa-e, b. Xov. 6, 1842. m. leluibod Roberts; d. -Jan. 24, 188G. 388." Charles G.. b. Sept. 1. 184(). m. :\Iary S. ]5aisden. Res. Meriden, Conn. 389.* Julius, b. Jan. 2. 184S. m. llattie Hough. Res. Middletown, Conn. 390.* Victor, b. Jan. i:{. 18.il. m. 1 Salina A. Miller, 2 Mrs. Julia Coles; d. Sept. 1, 1890. [217] GEORGE BRAlXAIiD CO]S^E, son of George Cone [100] and Sarah Rathbun, b. Coventry, Conn., May 13, 1813, m. Hannah Anderson Eeb. 1843. She d. 1848, He was a graduate of Wesleyan University, at Middletown, Conn., in 1837. Erom that time until 1843 he was teacher of languages at Troy Conference Academy, in Vermont. The next two years was principal of the Conference Seminary, at East Greenwich, R. I. Erom 1845 to 1848 he was president of Macon College, Macon, Ga. D. at Gains- ville, Ala., Jan. 17, 1852. Three children, all dying young. [218] IlELOX RAT II PAW (;().\E, son of George Cone [100] and Sarah Rathbun, b. East Haddam, C\:)nn., Aug. 0, 181G, m. Betsey Prentice Barrett, dan. of Jeremiah Barrett and Sarah Prentice,' l^ov. 16, 184(1. Slie was b. Xew Orleans, La., June 28, 1825, and d. in Brooklyn, X. Y., Jan. 10, 1880. He was a whole- sale fruit merchant in Brooklyn for over fifty years. Was an active and efficient member of the T'niversalist Ch., holding the office of Trustee for many years. He d. in Brooklyn ]\ray 18, ]803. Ch. 391. ClEOROE R.. b. Oft. 12. 1847; d. Xov. 12, 1847. 392. Louisa, b. May 21. 1849; d. -Tan. 2. I8.1O. 393. Frances A., b. Oct. 30. 18.">0. unm. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 394. Helen A., b. June 1.1. 18.>2. unui. : d. April 7. 1874. 39.3.* INlARY E.. b. :\ray 1. 18.')4, ni. Henry C. Parker. Res. Brooklyn, N. y. 396.* Thomas R.. b. Sejit. 11. 18.)7. m. EUa Herman. Res. Plainfield. N. .J. 397. Emma C. b. Xov. 19. 18.")9, unni. Res. Brooklyn. X. Y. 398. ■"■ Henrietta, b. Oct. 9. 1S()2. m. Cliarles 11. Arnold. Res. Brooklyn. X. Y. [210] WILLIA^l ArCiFSTUS COXE, son of George Cone [100] and Sarah Rath1)un, b. East Haddam, Conn., Dee. 10, 1817, m. Cynthia Mack, dau. of Stephen Mack and Lucinda Ackley, Jan. 14, 1842. She was b. East Haddam Aug. 15, 1817. He became an early pioneer in Wisconsin, settling in Berlin, Green Lake county, in 1844. Was member of the Wisconsin Legislature in 1851. Was Countv School Superintendent for a number of years. A pioneer preacher of the M. E. Church in central Wisconsin, and a member 38 The Cone Family in America. of Ihiit (lcii..iiiiii:iti.iii Inr over HfK vcars. lies, tlio latter part of liis life at Diiiikcrl.ui, la., and d. there Sept. 10, 1900, aged S3 years. Cli. 399.* AicisTis. 1). Oct. I!>. lS4r). 111. Sarah Mitchell. Tics. Dunkcvton, la. 400. Levi P.. 1). Fch. 7. 1S4S. Kos. Waterloo, la. 401.* Ajikma ^'., h. Dec. -JO. 1S.")(). HI. Oscar (J. Feiiner. Ees. Grand Junc- tion. .\el). 402. Georgia W.. h. Dec. l^.'i. 1S3;!. l!es. Waterloo, la. 403.* Cynthia, b. .\|.ril 1. lS.-)(i. ni. Thomas Walters, lies. Perkins, Ok. [220| PKI.I^X; HALL CONE, son <.f llorati.. (\.iic [111] and Pollv Sclden, h. Kast lladdani. Conn.. Fol). L>l>, 1S05, m., in Hartford', Mary .\. IJraco Koli. 25, 1829. She was 1.. Fel). 23, 1805, and d. in Oxlurd, Iliitlci- cdunty, ()., ]\Iay S, ISHT, ai^ed 92 years, llcr mind and niciuory wci'c stronii' nntil a few days Ixdore her death. TIkw rcnidvcd to X(\v Haven in IS.'IO, ;,iid lo'o.xford, O., 1852, whciv lie d. .Maivii 17. 1SSl>. t'h. 404." Ania.iNK F.. h. Oct. S. is;i(). ni. 1 Edwin Y. I'.rowne. 2 .Tames A. Bevis, :i .lames Smith, lies. Liheity. lii." Joiix EciBEHT. 1). Dee. 20. 18:57. in. Lneena C. rvoed. TJes. Honesdale, Pa. 4:U.-'- EuzA Com;. 1.. Sept. 4. 1830. ni. Charles Kose ; d. Dec. 14. 1897. 4:5.1. EvEi.YX Cook. I>. .Tuly 20, lS4.i. Res. Xew York. 43fi." George Cone. b. Nov. 10. 1847. m. Ada L. Uovey ; d. Jan. 28, 1894. 437. Wadswortii C b. .Tuly 19. 18,")0: d. April 1."), 1893. [2:54] EOEEET SYLYESTER COXE, son of Sylvester Cone [113] and Snsaiinah Wrioht, ]), East Haddam Sept. 16, 1820. m. Elizabeth Chapman, dan. of Eol)('rt W. Chapman and Elizabetli Lay, of Westbrook, Conn., Xov. 4, 1S40. She was b. East Haddam. Ajiril 22, ls2r). and they res. at ]\loodns, (Nnm. He is a farmer and to]i;icco dealer. Ch. 438. WoLcoTT CiiAPMAX, 1). Sept. 22, 1850; d. unm. May 14, 1883. 439.* Almhia, b. Sept. 29, 1854, m. Dr. A. N. Sweet; d. May 1, 1887. |2:!S] SPEXCEE HOUGHTOX COXE, son of Conant Cone I 11.'. I and Alice Honii-hton, li. Princeton, X. J., April 30, 1785, m. Sally Wallace Morrill, \lan. .d* Eobert :\rorril1 and Mary Price, of Philadel])liia, ^iav 13, ISt;!. She was b. Philadelphia 1795, and d. in Xew York Anu'. 15, 1S54. He entered Princeton College at the aiie of twelve. After _ui-adnation he taniiht Latin and Greek for a number of years at the E(n'deiitown, X. -L, Academy. Erom 1806 to T8l;> he was an actor on the staiic. Tn 1813 he became pnblisher (d' the Ealtimore American. Lhe next vear he disposed of that pa])er and, in connection with ^Ir. Tohn Xorval, ]mrchased the Baltimore U7//r/. While conductiiiu' this jiajier he enlisted and was given the position . Cottcni. Res. rortsmoutli. 0. [244] :A[AirrnA SPEXCER COXE, dan. ..f Timothy Cone [117] and Sarah II. Bailey, b. Marietta, 0., Dee. 20, 1810, m. Jason Babcoek Blankinton, in Marietta, Sept. 29, 1830. lie was b. Attle- boro, Mass., Aug". 29, 1798. Graduate of Brown University, 1826. Was a professor in different institutions of learnino- in Tennessee. C^ame North when the war commenced, and d. in Marietta Oct. 17, 1871. She d. Los Ano-eles, Oal., Eeb. 0, 1890, ao-ed 80 years. ^ 458. Sarah E.. b. July 12. 1837: d. Gallatin. Tenn., Aug. 13, 1840. 450. Wii.LiAH. 1). Oet. 10. 1842: d. Nov. 1, 1843. 400. ^^•II.I,IAJI C, b. Oct. 15. 1843: d. IVIurfreesboro. Tenn.. Dee. 22. 1847. 401. :\Iary a., b. Mareli, 1847, unm. Res. Los Angeles. Cal.. 1800. 402. :\rARTHA E.. b. June 14. 1850, unm. Res. Los Angeles. Cal.. 1890. 403. Joseph C, b. Sept. 2, 1853, unm. Res. Los Angeles, Cal., 1890. [240 1 GEORGE ( H)NE, son of Timothy Cone [117 | and Sarah 11. P>ailey, b. Marietta, O., June 9, 1815,' m. Hattie A. Sub- lette Au.ii'. 3, 1843. She was b. in Missouri March 10, 1825, and d. ^li\y 29, 1840. He m. 2 Margaret M. Sublette, who d. April 3, 1848. Ho ni. 3 Miss C. (\ Lvons, and d. at Red Bluff, Cal., Ts^ov. 11, 1883. Ch. 404.* Sarah, b. Sept. 20. 1844. m. Emmett Payne: d. May 17. 18G8. 405. Si'ENCER. [247] CHARLES (^OA'E, s..n of Tinrnthv Cone [117], b. in :\rarietta, ()., Oct. 23, 18 17, m. Almira Jones Eeb. 15, 1846. She was b. 1827. and d. Sept. 23, ls:>7. Ho m. 2 ]\frs. Charlotte Holdern, dan. ot Cbarlos and Mary Little, l\ray 15, 1800, Received the groator part nf hjs sch(..,lii|o. ii, tho cmmnon schools, but attended Descendants of Daniel Cone. 43 Marietta College a jear or two. At the age of 21 Mr. Cone went to Cincinnati, where he engaged in teaming. Later he was occu- pied in taking produce to ]^ew Orleans on flatboats. After a few years he became interested in the grocery business, and finally pros- pered so that he became owner of a large wholesale business. Shortly after his second marriage he removed his family to his fann near Marietta. He served twenty-six years as Justice of the Peace. Honorable in all his dealings and charitable to a high degree, he was much respected by his fellow-men. He d. Sept. 13, 1895. His widow resides in Marietta. CHARLES CONE. 1817-1895. 4G6. 467.* 468.^ 470.^ 471.-" 472. ■■• 473. 474.-'' 475. Alice, b. Feb. 15, 1847; d. March 15, 1850. Charles, b. July 11, 1848, m. Eunice Stone. Res. Salina.s, Cal. Frances M., b. Oct. 25, 1849, m. N. A. Pickering. Res. Newark, W. Va. Anna T., b. Dec. 18, 1851, m. W. T. Liter. Res. Crawfordsville, Ind. Solon B., b. July 20, 1854, m. Lillian Selby. Res. Gravel Bank, O. Evelyn T., b. Jan. 2.3. 185G, ni. R. S. Padan. Res. Marietta, 0. Cora C, b. Jan. IG, 1861, m. H. F. Harmish. Res. Parkersburg, W. Va. William S., b. 1863; d. 1864. Joseph C, b. June 12, 1866, m. Bessie Selby. Res. Marietta, 0. LiNNiE D., b. Oct. 14, 1868, umn. Res. Gravel Bank, 0. 44 The Cone Family in America. [24U] JOSEPH SPEXCER (:X)XE, son of Timothy Cone [117J, 1). Marietta, ()., Get. l>('), 1S2l\ ni. Anna Keppert of Sacra- mento in lS(iT. She was dan. of Lonis lu'ppai-t, and was 1). in 1840. He d. Sept. 12, 1S!»4. The family do not care to have their records ])nhlished, and I have only the following' reiiardini;' them. Ch. 470. Doi-GLAS Spexcku. 1). ISC.^. lies. 1!(): d. Oet. IS.')!!. 483.* Nora, b. Aug. 31. ls."i7. in. Iveuljen L. Xye. Res. Marietta. 0. 484. George C. b. Sept. 10. lS."i!i. Res unknown by family. [255] AMASA IHJAIXAPT) ( ^OXE, son of Benjamin Cone [118] and Anna Brainard, b. Derby, ('onn,, 1700, m. Hannah Gnrley Dimmick in Mansfield, (\)nn., ]\lar. 1, 1825. She was b. 1802, and d. in Mansfield Feb. 17, 1807, aged 05 years. He was drowned in the Conneeticnt river in 1855. Ch. 485. Brainard. [257] HEXRY PAYXAPT) COXE, son of Solomon Con^ [123] and Temperance Atw(»od, 1). Greenbnsh, Albanv conntv, X. Y., Feb. 14, 1818, m. jMary E. Davis, dan. of Al)ram Davis and Cath- erine Hill, Jan. 17, 1830. He was an intlnential and prominent Descendants of Daniel Cone. 45 member of the community in which lie resided. He d. Xov. 17, 1887. She resides in Providence, E. I. Ch. 486. Joseph H.. b. April 2, 1840; d. Feb. 10, 184—. 4,87.'' Edward 11., b. Dec. 3, 1842, iii. Annie S. Fee. Res. St. Louis. Mo. 488. IsABELLE, b. Dec. 1. 1845, m. 1 Edward W. Appleton, 2 John P. Jor- dan. Res. New York. 480.-^ Catherine A., b. March 21. 1852, ni. John B. Ricliardson. Res. Provi- dence, R. I. 490." Jessie M., b. April 1, 1858, m. C. P. Kniglit. Res. Providence, R. I. [258] MARTHA COXE, dau. of Epaphroditiis Cone [124] and Mary Spencer, b. Kichmond, Mass., June 1, 1825, m. !Nelson H. Stevens in 1843, and d. West Stockbridge, Mass., May 15, 1897. He was b. Richmond Dec. 10, 1811, and d. there Aug. 21, 1868. Was an iron manufacturer and prominent business man of Berkshire county. His first wife was Mary Cone [267], dau. of Ashbel Cone and Polly Pearson, b. March 22,'l814, m. 1836, and d. Feb. 8, 1841. Ch. 491. Charles, b. 18.37: d. young. 492. Helen, b. 1839; d. young. 493. Louisa Grace, b. July 0, 1843, m. George H. Higgins. Res. ^Meriden, Conn. 494. Josephine, b. June 13, 1850, unm. Res. Pittsfield, Mass. [260] EMILY ELEC^TA CON^E, dau. of Warren Spencer Cone [126] and Amanda Dewey, b. Bridgeport, Madison county, :N". Y., Feb. 25, 1817, m. John Theodore Gillette at ¥orth Manlius, N. Y., April 16, 1846. He was b. in Burlington, Conn., July 4, 1816, and d. at Medina, :N'. Y., June 4, 1897, aged 80 years. Slie d. at Medina, IST. Y., July 10, 1890. For nearly sixty years she was a member of the jMethodist Episcopal Church ; was active in all good work. Was a delegate to the first I^ew York State W. C. T. U. Convention in Syracuse in 1874, and was a member of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society for many years. He was a merchant. In ]iolitics, a Republican at first ; afterwards a Pro- hibitionist. Ch. 495. Oliver, b. Sept. 13, 1851. ni. Kate INI. Spencer: d. Jan. 25. 1901. 49G. Myra Amanda, b. Navarino, N. Y., June 10, 1854, unm. Is a prac- ticing physician and a lecturer on proliibilion and kindred subjects. Graduated at Hahnemann College. Chicago, 1886, and Chicago Medical College, 1894. Is in great demand as a lecturer on scientific 'subjects. Res. INIedina. N. Y. [266] WILLIAM COXE, son of Ashbel Cone [129] and Polly Pearsons, b. Stockbridge, Mass., Sept. 15, 1812, m. Jane 46 The Cone Fcmiilij in America. Amelia Drvci-, . N<.rth Adams, Mass., July 19, 1835. He is a member of and Deacon for many years in the Cong. Ch. Is a merchant, and has been ju-ominent in Imsiness affairs for over half a century. Res. Hartford, (*onn. Ch'. 507." Clement, b. May 19. 1858. m. Fannie Hawks. Res. Bennington, Vt. 508. Mary Yates, b. May 12. 1869. unm. Res. Mancliester, Vt. 509. Mabel B.. b. Aug. 13. 1878. m. 15. Slu'nnan Fowler. Res. Mancliester, Vt. [273] THEODORE HEXRY RAYMOND COl^E, son of Thomas CV)ne [132] and Deborah Gates, b. Richmond, Mass., Oct. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 47 28, 1829, m. Henrietta Shook, dau. of Hiram Shook and Catherine Fraleigh, Oct. 25, 1859. She was b. Tivoli, Dutchess county, IST. Y., Xov. 20, 1824. He is a stock-dealer and farmer. During- the Civil War he was extensively en^aa'cd in the wool business. Is classed among the wealthy people of the State. Ees. at West Stockbridge. Mass^ Ch. 510. Thomas S.. b. Jan. 14. 1861, unm. Lumber dealer. Ees. Fitcliburg. Mass. 511.* Belle D., b. May 5, 1804, m. George W. Burton. Res. La Crosse, Wis. 512. Franklin T., b. Feb. 27, 1867, unm. Ees. West Stockbridge, Mass. 513.* Charles S., b. Aug. 5, 1872, m. Jennie Goodenough. Res. La Crosse, Wis. [274] ALOis'ZO CONE, son of Asa Cone [133], b. West Stockbridge, Mass., March 25, 1825, m. Elizabeth P. Nichols, of Richmond, Mass., Feb. 27, 1819. She was b. Richmond March 22, 1828, and d. there Jan. 13, 1878. He m. 2 Elizabeth Day, dau. of Stephen P. and Mary Ann Day, of Pittsfield, Feb. 5, 1880. She resides in Dalton, Mass. He d. April 8, 1891. Ch. 514. Fannie Maiua. b. Fob. 18. 1856; d. Mar. 21, 1864. 515. Hattie Elizabeth, b. Aug. 27, 1862; d. Apr. 21, 1864. [275] ALBERT CONE, son of Asa Cone [133] and Arte- misia Crittenden, b. in Stockbridge, Mass., May 19, 1829, m. Eliza- beth M. Avery at Pittsfield, O.^, July 26, 1860. She was b. at Saugus, Mass., March 9, 1830. Res. Chicago, HI. Ch. 516. Ada A., b. Jan. 29, 1862, m. Harrison A. Stewart. Res. Cliieago. [278] HENRY CONE, son of Joseph Cone [138] and Eliza- beth Coulee, b. HarAvinton, Conn., April 19, 1809, m. Sophia Dexter Hoadley March 19, 1834. She was b. in Winchester, Conn., Feb. 1, 1812, and d. at Famiington, HI., Sept. 11, 1846. He m. 2 Mary Eggleston Sept. 22, 1847. She was b. in Verona, Oneida county, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1822, and resides in Farmington. He was an ardent Republican and a devout member of the Cong. Ch. Removed from Connecticut to Farmington in 1834, being one of the earliest settlers of western Illinois. He d. at Farmington May 21, 1900, aged 91 years. Ch. 517. Elizabeth Coxlee, b. Mar. 2. 18.35; d. Xov. 4. 1843. 518.* Sophia H., b. Apr. 2, 1837, m. William Fields. Res. Los Angeles, Cal. 519.* Jane M., b. Sept. 12, 1839, m. Silas Hayes. Res. Los Angeles, Cal. 520. Ellen M., b. Apr. 15. 1842, m. Daniel James. Res. Grinnell, La. 521.* Luther H., b. Jan. 22, 1845, m. Marv J. Orton. Res. Farmington. 48 The Cone Family in America. 522. """ Margaret E., b. St'pt. 20. 1848. in. Morrison Alesbury. Res. Chicago. 523. Hexry a., b. Aug. 8, 1850: d. Nov. 10, 1853. 524.* Merritt H., b. Aug. 29. 18G1, \\\. Mary Jack. Res. Faniiington. [280] SPENCEK CONE, son of Joseph Cone [138] and Elizabeth Conlee, b. llarwinton, Conn., Sej)!. 12, 1815, m. Julia A. Sloan, dau. of William Sloan and :Nellie Brigham, April 10, 1839. She Avas b. Sloansville, ;^. Y., Jan. 10, 1807, and d. at Farmino-ton, 111., Aug'. 26, 1891, aged 84 years. He was an eminent lawyer, with an extensive and remunerative praetiee, and d. in Farmington Eeb. 12, 1900, aged 85 years. Ch. 525.* Joseph, b. May 5. 1842, in. Alalia A. Onyun. Res. Farmington. 526. ■•■ Spencer S.. b. June 25, 1843. ni. Arininta Kerr. Res. Peoria, 111. 527.* Lizzie, b. Jnne 23, 1845, in. W. IT. AN'idner. Res. Farmington, 111. 528.* William Brighaji, b. Jnly 2. 1847, m. Angeline Chai>man. Xo ch. Res. Seattle, Wasli. [281] DAVID COXLEE C^OXE, son of Joseph Cone [138] and Elizabeth Conlee, b. Ilarwinton, ( \>nn., June 15, 1818, m. Har- riet Cutler of Lake Mills, Wis., Xov. 12, 181G. She was dau. of Girard Cutler and ]\Iary Hawes, and was b. May 25, 1829, in Darien, Genesee countv, X. Y. She resides at Troutdale, Ore, He was a farmer. Was an early settler at Beloit, ]\rit('hell county, Ivas., where he d. June 20, 1879. Ch. 529. Charles L., b. Oct. 12, 1848: d. Mar. 20. 1858. 5.30. Edwin D.. b. .Tan. 21, 1851. in. Emily Ammadown; d. Oct. 8. 1875. 531.* George W.. b. .Tan. 3. 18."in. m. Ella Kinslow. Res. University Park, Ore. 532.* Joseph IT., b. Xov. IS. 1859. m. Irissa Bisconer. Res. Vanconver. Wash. 533.* Harlan P., b. Aug. IS. 1803. m. Jennie Kirkpatrick. Res. University Park. Ore. 534.* Harriet E.. b. Ai.r. 3, 18G9. m. 1^. J. Mendenhall. Res. Woodlawn, Ore. [282] GEORGE WASHIXGTOX CH;)XE, son of Joseph Cone [138] and Elizabeth Conlee, b. Ilarwinton, Conn., July 10, 1821, m. Cordelia Ann Smith in 1848. Slie d. ISlS. He m. 2 Har- riet A. Birge in Dec 1819. She was dan. of Luther Birge and Xancy Wilson, and was li, Torrington, Conn., July 4. 1829. He enlisted in Co. G, 77 111. Yols., at Elmwood, 111., 'Aug. 14, 1862. Promoted to Lieutenant Xov. 20, 1803, and transferred to Co. G, same regiment. Was in many l)attles ; was wounded at Yieksburg, and d. at Earniniiiton, 111., Xov. 23, 1891. She res. in Farminaton, 111. Cb. 535. Edwin, b. Xov. 30. 1850: d. Oct. 1851. 536. Franklin, b. Xov. 15, 1853; d. Apr. 2(5, 1860. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 49 537. Everett L., b. June 2G, 1800. iinm. Res. Farmingtoii. 538. George C, b. Apr. L 1808, unin. Ees. Cambridge, Mass. [283] ClIAELES COXE, son of Josoi.h Cone [138] and Elizabeth Conlee, b. Litchfiekl, CV)nn., Oct. 21, 1824, ni. Jnlia Ann Eebecea Martin Jnly 11, 18(:;i. She was b. Phihadelphia Xov. 25, 1829, and .1 Fanniiiiit..n, lib, Sept. 13, 1800. Tie d. Shasta, Cab, 1897. Ch. 539. Florence, b. :\[ar. 1. 1802: d. Sei)t. 15. 1802. 540."- Esther F.. b. .Inly 25. 18(;3. m. Saimic] E. Earr. Res. Ashland. Xeb. 541.* Benjamin F.. b. :\lay ;!0. lS(i5. ni. :\[ary E. Eggleston. Res. Ashland, Neb. [28(3] GEOEGE WASIIIXGTOX COXE, son of Jeremiah Cone [141] and Elizabeth Garner, b. Jann. 27, 1834, in Carnes- ville, Franklin connty, Ga., ni. Ifannah P. Eroek, dan. of John Erock and :\rargaret ^McC^all, Dec. (l, 1854. Ue is a Afissionarv Baptist preacher, and thev res. Johnson Crossino-, C^dlman county. x\la. ' ■ " Ch. 542. Servelt.a V. F.. b. Sept. 28. 1850. ni. ^.\. T. :vrartin. Res. Hartsville, Ala. 543.'' Derrill F.. b. ]\lar. 12, 1858. m. 1 Louisa Justice, 2 Abneda Purdy, Res. Country, Ala. 544.* John FI. A., b. Jan. 18, 1800. m. Ophelia Tolber. Res. Country. Ala. 545. George J., b. Feb. 28, 1802, m. Annie Abbott. Res. Johnson Crossing, Ala. 540. .TosEPU. b. Dee. 8. 1803. m. :\rary :\Iullinox. Res. Haneeville. Ala. 547. Mary E. A., b. May 17, 18(i.y ni. R.dlin Justice. Res. Cornersville, Miss. 548. Martha R.. b. Oct. 13. 1807. ni. Res. IJirniingliani. Ala. 540. WiLLiAJt J., b. July 23. 1800; d. :Mar. 20. 1870. 550. Aliih!1An, h. Aug. 4. 1871, uuni. l!es. Jolinson Crossing, Ala. 551. Xancy S.. b. Xov. 15. 1874. m. William Seeley. Res. Johnson Cross- ing, Ala. 552. Albert, b. Mar. 27, 1877. unni. Res. Johnson Crossing. Ala. [287] DEEEELL COX^E, son of Jeremiah Cone 141] and Eliz^ibcth Garner, b. Caniesville, Franklin connty, Ga., July 21, 1837, m. Sarah J. Morrow, dan. of Leonard :\r()rrow and Celcstia Floyd, May 23, 1858. She was b. Eome, Ga., X7)v. 2, 1840, and d. June 1, 1897. Served in the Confederate arniv, enlisting- in 1862, in Co. F, 46th Ala. Vol., Gen. Hood's Division. Eemoved to X^ash, Tex., about 1880, and d. there Oct. 14, 1900. Farmer. Ch. 553. Alice M. J., b. Oct. 15. 1850: d. .Tan. 20. 1892. 554. Susannah J., b. Oct. 27. 18(11. m. S. W. Ilendrix Aug. 25. 1889. 50 The Cone Family in America. 557. Georgiana C. E., 1). Nov. 13, 1863; d. 1870. \ii!(iiL I).. 1). IVc. l(i. 1805, 111. Edna C. Smitli. Itcs. WaxaViachie, Tex. r,Ai;BAi!A i;. A.. 1). :\lar. 23, 1868; d. 1871. 558. IsABEiXA E., b. July 12, 1870, m. J. L. Hiiics; d. Oct. 2, 1892. 559. Henry D., b. Oct. 2, 1872; d. Sept. 13, 1890. 560. Robert E. Lee, b. Feb. 27, 1875; d. 1870. 5C1. Sarah C, b. Aug. 21, 1877; d. Jan. 21, 18!)3. 562. Verbena 0., b. Aug. 30, 1879; d. Apr. 10, 1900. [289] ]\IARY CONE, dan. of Zeiias Cone [14:]] and Doro- thy Crocker, 1>. Soiitli Wilbraliam, Mass., Nov. 27, 1787, m. David Stebbins May 1."), 1810. lie was b. South Wilbraham 178G, and d. there Sept. 4, isno. She <1. same place An"-. 2, 1850. Ch. 563. Persis. b. Xdv. 5. 1814. m. Aaron Kimball: d. Deo. 10, 1891. 564. George, b. :\Iar. 4. 1810, ni. Orisa Kingsloy; d. 1880. 505."- Emily, 1). Xov. IS, 1817, m. Robert 0. Sessions. Res. P.rooKfield, Mass. 500. DiDi.EY II., b. Jan. 19, 1821, in. 1 Lona Gallup, 2 ]Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey. 507.* Alfred, b. Nov. 20, 1822, in. Emelinc Hendrick. Res. Summer Hill, 111. 508. Lafayette, b. Aug. 5, 1824, m. Sabina Barrett; d. 1849. 569. Jane, b. Apr. 5, 1820; d. unm., Brookiield, Mass., 1881. 570. Mary C, b. Aug. 19, 1827; d. 1828. 571.* Mary, b. Apr. 4, 1829, m. Rev. Nelson Stetson. Res. Brookfield, Mass. [200] PERSIS CONE, dan. of Zenas Cone [143] and Doro- thy Crocker, b. Sonth AVilbraham, Mass., April 17, 1701, m. Lorin ]}.' Collins Jan. ](), 1811. He d. Soniers, Mass., Jnnc 10, 1818, and she d. :\rarch 10, 1815. Ch. 572. Persis E., b. Nov. 15, 1811, m. -loseph Davis; d. .Jan. 0, 1847. 573. -"■ Lorin C, b. Mar. 30, 1813, m. ]Mary Bemis. Res. Norwood Park, 111. [202] :MA4^'riIKW HENRY CONE, son of Matthew Cone [144] and Lyum county, O., Aug. 23, 1824, m. Julia Ann Walker Nov. 5, 1840. She was b. June 4, 1826. He was a farmer, and d. in Otsego, O., Dec. 20, 1887. He held a number of important local oifices. Was Township Cderk and Trustee, Justice of the Peace lV)r eighteen years. Deacon in the Baptist Ch. K\\ honest and honorable man. She resides at Otsego, O. Ch. 013." Lucixda .T.. b. Xov. 29. 1847. ni. Georoe L. Bradford. Res. Otsego, 0. 614. Cecelia A., b. Oct. 9. 1S49. ni. Edmund C. Wortman: d. Apr. 21, 1891. 615." Eliza M., b. Mar. 1. 1852. m. T. M. Gaumer. Res. Urbana, 0. 616.* Newel J., b. Alar. 5. 1854, m. Jennie .Tolinston. Res. Moreland, Ky. 617. OziAS B.. b. Aug. 29. 18.56; d. unm.. Oct. 19, 1879. 618. William H.. b. Oct. 7. 1858. Res. Colfax. 111. 619. ■" Hannah, b. Feb. 11, 1861, m. Harvey Slater. Res. Adamsville, 0. 620."- James P., b. Nov. 20. 1803, m. Marie C. Cowden. Res. Otsego, 0. 621. Joseph S., b. Jan. 2, 1866, unm. Res. Otsego, 0. 622. Edmund, b. .June 20, 1869, unm. Res. Valparaiso, Ind. [304] HAWLEY CONE, son of Jared Cone [148] and Eliz- abeth Shoft, b. Muskingum, O., Jan. 11, 1826, m. Jane Davison, dau. of William Davison and Susannah Thompson, in Conesville, la., April 9, 1848. She was b. in Coshocton, O., Nov. 23, 1830, and d. Adams Mills, O., Sept. 6, 1854. He m. 2 Lois N. Boss, dau. of Ly- man Ross and Judith Frazier, Hitt, Scotland county, ]\ro., Aug. 26, 1855. She was b. Sept. 5, 182.-., and d. in Oskah.osa, Ta., Feb. 18, 54 The Cone Family in America. ISOS. lie. was a rai'incr, and resided at I )o\viiiii,«i'. Mo., and d. in Oskaloosa June U. ISiM. CIi. G-^3 * IIowAUi) J.. 1>. -Ian. l:!. lS4n, 111. ^\\\\\ C Nt'wlon. Res. Soulh Tiisa- :ul(M.a. CmI. 024. Ji'Mis. 1). .luly 24, 1S.-.4: d. Sci.l. 22. lS.-)4. ()25. Ei.i/.A Emma, b. .luiic 14. lS,-.7; d. An- 2:'., ISfil. (i2r).^'- CoNVEKSK ('., b. N.iv. 10, IS.V.i. 111. M;nllin S. llalc 4!(>s. Oskaloosa, la. (127. ]\1AKY Hoss. 1.. Mar. (1. lS(i2. m. X. 1). .Icnkins: d. June 17. ]S!)2. 028. Je.nmk 1).. I). .Mar. 7. IS(i;i. m. .1. T, .loncs; ,1. July 24, IS!)."). I a05 I Il.V.X X.\II KIJZAI5KTI1 ( 'OXK. daiu of Jared Cone I 148 I and Kli/.alietli Sli.dt, 1.. Oliie Mav :'., lSi>!), m. James Little, son of Thomas Little and Alice 1 Janereft, Dee. 1>S, 1852. He was I). Dresden, ()., Mav I'H, ISl!), and <1. tliere dnly 11, 1890. He was a farmev. She w^. Dresden, (). Ch. 020," .\ii(K K., I). Dec. ,;i. IS.-.;;, m. llcmy 11. Ksclniian. Res, DresdiMi. 0. 0:i(). Wii.i.iAM lOi.i.iAii. 1.. ()<•(. 1. 18."..".; <1. Oc-t. 4. 1850. 0:U." .Maky K., 1). .Tuiic 27. 18.-.8. m. Rev. R. \\. :\ross. Res. Niles, 0. 0;!2. WnuMMA, 1.. All-. 4, ISC.I); d. ]May IS. 1801. 633.* IR)\VAUi) C, b. Apr. l."!, 180.3, 111. Nora Swank. Res. Dresden. O. [30S| GOKDOX (irArPEL (H).\E, son of Ozias Cone [1-19] and Levina Carpenter, b. (Jreenwieh, Mass., Sept. 16, 1807; 111. Mary L. Andersen, ef .\e\v I>raintree, ^^ass., who d in Mnskego, Wis., An- i\",, is4i'. lie m. 1' :Marian WeaHhy Griswold, of Wau- kesha, Wis., dniv I'O, 1S4;!. Slie <1. at McGregor, la., Mareli 4. 1881. lie (1. same ])hiee Oct. i', 1SSl>. He was a hardware mer- chant. EcMiK.ved from Massaelnisetts to Wisconsin in 1837, being (mo of the vei-v earliest settlers (if that Territorry. In 1849 he crossed the Plains with an ex team, and remained in the gohl mines of California one \vm\ wlien lie retnrned to Wisconsin. He was elected Treasurer (,f Waukesha e(.nntx. and filled the ofHco with satisfaction. He then eima-ed in Innilu'r hnsiness until 1859, when lie removed t.> .Mc(ireuor. T,.. aiul entered into the hardware hnsi- ness, and remained in that occnpation until his death. Was a P.aptist in religions holief. Originally a -Tackson Democrat, hut al'tei'ward a Re])nhlican. Ch. 0.34. Amanda P.. b. Apr. 20. 1834: d. i\[ar. 13. 1844. 035. Faxxy Maria, b. May 21, 183-1, un,n. Res, ^^IcGroijor. Li. me r.^nt^^'-J.^'^^^^^ (^MiPKNTER CONE, son of Ozias O... [149 I and Loviua Carjienter, h. (hvenwich, Mass. Dec 21 1800 m. Julia Dui-yea (Jrav. .Ian. of Georg,> (!rav and Julia Ann Gidnev' Desceridants of Daniel Cone. 55 GORDON CHAPPEL CONE. 1807-1882. 56 The Cone Family in America. in 1S4T. lie was a drv-ooods salesman, and resided in Xew York, where lie d. in 1ST<''. She resided in Xew York in 1890. Ch. G;i(;.-- CiiAKi.Es 11.. 1). :Mar. -11. 1S4S, 111. i\rrs. :Mai<;:ivot HolTman. Res. N. Y. G37.-^' Edgar A., li. Nov. 1!». 1S.-)(I. m. Alice J). Tone. Res. Xew York. (KiS.* Hele.n Okay. h. .Alar. S. IS.")!), iiiiiii. Rves. New ^ork. [:nO] JIAXXAH B. (^ONE, dan. of (3zias Cone [149] and Lovina Carpenter, h. dreenwicli, ]\lass., Mav 15, ISll, ni. Cyrus Powers, sciii of Ahijah Powers and Eunice Alden, ]\ra_v 21, 1828. ITe was 1). Greenwicii ]3ee. IC, INOI, and d. there Feb. 21, 1877. He was a Iiru.sh-nutker by oecu|)ali()n. She d. Eeb. 11, 1897, in Green- Avich, a.-icd 8(5 years. Tier mind was clear and stroni>' to near the end, althiinuh she was a i^reat sufferer for two years liefore her death. Ch. G;^9. .Totix IMykox. 1). Feb. IT.. IS-iO. Sol(li.>r in War of Rebellion. D. in Rome. Ga.. Oet. m. 1S6.5. G40. Saijaii C. 1). Nov. 6. 1830, ni. 1 Moses Gilbert. 2 Isaiah :\Ierrill. Res. Athol Center, ]\Iass. (■)41. LoviXA C. 1). Nov. 2(). 1832; d. uniii. June 7, 1!)(H). ()42. Fkaxki.in C.. b. Dee. 3. 1838. num. lU's. (ireenwieli. Mass. 643. Wai.tek O.. 1). Feb. 2. 1841 : .1. Oct. 12, 1842. G44. HoitACK A., b. Au.i;'. 11, 1840. in. Estelle M. Russell. Res. Orange. Mass. 1:311] llAEraSOlS^ COX^E, son of (3zias Cone [149] and Lovina (^irjienter, 1). Greenwich, ]\Iass., abont 1813, in. Lucretia Thayei Ell,>v\-orth, dan. of John Ellswortli and Lucretia Thayer, in Enticdd, .Ma.ss., in 18.38. She was b. in Brookline, .Mass.. Oct. 2, 1809, and d. in Barre, IMass., :\ray 9, issi. Tliey removed to ]\rilwankee, Wis., soon after marriage, and their children were born there, lie d. abont 1878. Ch. G4.-',. FrcK.MA. b. Se])t. 23. 1830. in. Zeri Smith; d. Jan. 19, 1802. He was 1). -Tune 17. 1814. Res. Deerfiekl. Mass. G4G. Cauolim-: S.; d. in Ohio. Nothing more known. [3 12] XEWELL (X)XE, son of Ozias Cone [149] and Lovina (^.r|)enter, b. Greenwich, ]\Liss., April 20, 1815. m. ]\[arv C. Winslow dan. 21, 1847. She was b. Ts'ov. 25, 1825, and d. June 2, lS,-.4. lie m. 2 l\rary Breckinridge Oct. 15. 1855. She vras b. Feb. 11, 1.S14, and d'. :Marcli 25,' 1801. He m. 3 Sarah A. Johnson A])ril 9, 18(;s, :,t iro])eville, Ta. She was b. Aug. 1, 1835. lie was a eai'penler and farmer, and d. Oct. 18, ls!»l She res Llopeville, la. Ch. G47." Ei.i.K.x :\I,\i;iA. b. :\rar. 14, 1848. m. Elijah Williamson. Res. Larimer, la. <>48. -Toiix Nkwki.i,, b. Aug. 27. IS.K); d. Oct. 17. ]8."i2. Descendants of Daniel ('one. 57 049. Waltf:r Newell, b. Au,u. 17. 1853: d. Sept. 28. 1854. 650. Charles Elijah, b. .Ian. 4. 18(i9. Res. Hopeville. lu. Col. Cyrus Newell, b. July 5. 1870. Res. Hopeville. la. [315] ALBERT STLLI.MAX VO^E, sun of Xewell Cone [15-4] and Anna Silliman, 1). East lladdani, Conn., Jan. 30, 1804, ni. Eliza Clement Rhodes in Jamaica, X. Y., Jan. 2S, 1820. He d. April 10, 187 • Ch. 652. Sarah A., b. Sei)t. 5. 18;!4. iinm. 053. Julius Henry, b. .Mav !). 1843. m. Res. Biooklyu. Res. Biookhn. [316] WIELIAM EDWIA^ CONE, son of Xewell Cone [15-4] and Anna Silliman, b. Millinp;ton, C^onn., Sc])t. 24. 1805, m. Rhoda G. Beckwith, dan. of l]arzilla Beckwith and Betsey Cord, April 21, 1831. She was 1.. in :\[illinoton June 12, 1812,' and d. WILLIAM EDWIN CONE. 1805-1886. Iherc Dee. 20, 18 iO. He m. 2 Mrs. Elizabeth 13. Ransom April 9, 1872. She d. in 1800. Mr. Cone was a inanufactnrer of cotton twine at East Iladdam. Republican in politics. In 1862 he was elected Representative, and in 1855-56 served a term as State Sena- tor. He held many other responsible positions. For forty-five years he held the office of Deacon in the Congregational Ch. Was a faith- ful and willing worker in the cause of temperance, and prominent 58 The Cone Family in America. ill all i>r)0(l works. A man above reproach. ITe d. in East Haddam Pel). 20, 18SG, ao-cd 81 years. Ch. Gr)4." Ann Elizabeth, b. July .30. 1S33. iii. Andrew J. Miller. Ees. Sylvan, Ore. ().")."). Einvix GiLBEKT. b. A])r. IS, 1835; d. nnni. Mar. 4, 1859. G;')!;." William A., b. 8ept. 24, 1847, m. Flora \\. P-attles. lies. Springfield, Mass. 057. Harriet Lovisa, b. July 27, 1853; d. nnm. Springfield, Apr. 8, 1893. (i5S. Eleanor Silliman, b. Sept. 24, 1857; d. young. I ;;iM 1 DANIEL NEWTO:^r CONE, son of Asa Cone [159] and Lncinda Laj, b. Vernon, Conn., Dec. 10, 1805, m. Diantha Sadd, dan. of William Sadd, of Windsor, Conn,, Mav 10, 1826. She d. in 1829. Ho m. 2 Emily C. Sadd, dan. of Elijah Sadd, May 18, 1831. She was b. Jnly 1, 1809, and d. South Otselie, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1891, aged 82 vears. lie d. in Chenano-Q conntv, K Y., May 24, 1876. Ch. 059.* Orlando V., April 4. 1827. ni. Catherine \Yriglit; d. Aug. 29. 1862. GGO.* Emmerette, b. Aug. 20. 1832. ni. Corvden Preston. Ees. South Otselie. N. Y. GGl.-^ Orello. 1). Nov. IG, 1835. m. INIarianna IVppf r. Ees. Canton. X. Y. 002.-^ Marge, b. Aug. 8, 1837, m. Jennie Silliman. Ees. Deruyter, N. Y. GG3. Louisa, b. Ajtr. 17. 1839. m. Thomas Johnson. Ees. Homer, X. Y. C64. Eevilo, 1). Jan. 10, 1841; d. umn. :May 7. 1872. G65.* Monroe, b. Apr. 1, 1843, ni. Sarah Wood. Ees. Deruyter, X. Y. GGG.^ Newton, b. Sept. 27. 184(i. m. Ahby Brown. Ees. Cortland, X. Y. GG7.-^ Antoinette, b. June 17, 1849, m. Xieholas Fisher. Ees. South Otse- lie, X. Y. GG8.-- Charlotte M., b. .Tan. 30. 1851. ni. .b)hn Fisln-r. lU-s South Otselie N. Y. [324] RICHAKD SILL CONE, son of Asa Cone [159] and Lnciiula Lay, b. East Windsor, Conn., March 12, 1811, m. in Enfield, (Vmn., Mary Ann Fay, Jan. 2, 1835. She was 1).' Brim- field, Ma.ss., March 11, 1812,' and d. Dec. 25, 1887. He was a machinist, and resided at Amherst and Palmer, ^llass., and d at the latter ])lace March 3, 1885. Oh. GG!i. Fouisa, b. Nov. 18, 1835; d. Aug. 2G. 1841. (mO. Warren Revilo. b. May 2G. 1838; d. June 10. 1844. G71. Oscar E., b. Oet. 28, 1842; d. Sept. 8, 1843. G72.^ Mary I... b. Mar. 5. 1845. ni. F. E. Cadwell. Ees. ]Moritz, S. D. 073. Ej.LA, b. July 2.5, 1851; d. Sept. 25. 1851. [320] SOLIHA MAEIA LAY, dan. of Aimer Lay [162] Descendants of Daniel ('one. 59 and Lydia Cone, b. Lyme, Conn., March 20, 180G, ni. John Cham- pion April 8, 1824. 'She d. Feb. 7, 1875. Ch. 674. John D., b. Dec. 23, 1824; d. Sept. 17, 1885. 675. RoswELL, b. May 26, 1827, m. Alice Wallace. Res. Sterling, 111. 676. Jane M., b. Feb. 11, 1830, m. Irving Smith. Res. llion, N. Y. 677. Emma, b. Aug. 25, 1833, m. Oliver B. Reals. Res. N. Y. 678. Orlow, b. Oct. 18, 1844: d. Apr. 20, 1853. [333] AN^'A ELIZA CLIAPMAN, dau. of Daniel Shailor Chapman [178] and Anna Palmer, b. East Haddam, Conn., March 11, 1822, m. Alpheus Seymour Hyde Sept. 14, 1842. He was son of James C. Hyde. He was b. ^w Canaan, Conn., Oct. 26, 1819, and d. at Windsor Locks, Conn., May 10, 1895. Shoe manufacturer. She res. Windsor Locks, Conn. Ch. 679. Adeline C, b. May 16, 1844; d. Nov. 10, 1844. 680. Ella Marl\, b. Oct. 9, 1845, unm. Res. Windsor Locks. 681. Anna Palmer, b. Jan. 21, 1855, m. Charles H. Coye. Res. Windsor Locks. [339] DANIEL CONE PEASE, son of Oliver Pease [192] and Nancy Cone, b. Somers, Conn., Feb. 25, 1806, m. Matilda Col- lins in Somers March 12, 1830. She was b. Smyrna, Chenango county, N. Y., March 12, 1808, and res. in Somers. She is the oldest person in that town. Mr. Pease was a farmer by occupation. He represented his town in the State Legislature a number of terms, and was considered a reliable and lionest man. He d. Somers, Aug. 1, 1891, aged 85 years. Ch. 682. William C b. Xov. 30, 1830, m. Cornelia Combs. Res. Longmeadow, Ma ss. 683. Daniel C, b. Feb. 16. 1833, m. Esther Warner. Res. Meriden, Conn. 684. Henrietta M., b. Dee. 13, 1835, m. Amos S. Kellogg. Res. Mt. Holly, N. J. 685. Abigail A., b. ]\[ay 29, 1837, m. Jarius Kibbe. Res. Longmeadow, Mass. 686. Horace C, b. Jan. 22. 1846. m. Mary Young. Res. N. y. 687. Eunice S., b. Aug. 19, 1842; d. young. 688. Eunice L., b. Sept. 2, 1845, m. Arthur 0. Terry. Res. Longmeadow, Mass. 689. Oliver 0., b. Aug. 3, 1847. 690. Emma L, b. Jan. 10, 1850, m. Henry J. Shaw. Res. Somers, Conn. [340] liOBEET PEASE, son of Oliver Pease [192] and Nancy Cone, b. Somers, Conn., March 28, 1808, m. Amarsha Arnold, dau. of Samuel and Amittai Arnold April 7, 1831. She d. June 3, 1850. He m. in 1852 Mrs. Elizabeth B. (Hall) Terry. He resided 60 The Cone Family in America. WILLIAM C. PEASE Descendants of Daniel ( ^one. nearly his whole life in Soniers. lieprcsentcd his town in the Lei>is- lature and held other important offices. Was Deacon in the 1st Cong. Ch. at Somers for over twenty-five _years, and d. at Xiantic, Conn., Jan. 21, 1888, aged 80 years.' Ch. nOl. Levi T... b. Oct. 10. 18.32, m. Amanda Van Natta ; d. in Atchison. Kas. Was one of the operators of the famous Holaday Stage Line between Atchison and Salt Lake, in early days. C92. LOREN H.. b. July 14, 1835, ni. Marcia Pease; d. Feb. 14, 1807 693. Nancy A., b. May 4, 1840, m. W. B. Carpenter. Ees. Salem. X. J. 094. SoLOMA A., b. May 24, 1842, m. Lester W. Russell. Res. Somers. Conn. 69.5. Martha S., b. Sept. 5, 1846, m. Edgar K. Sellew. Res. East Long- meadow, Mass. 696. Albert A., b. Dec. 5, 1847. m. Eleanor Todd. Res. Hammond. Kas. 697. Vasiini H., b. Nov. 9, 1853, m. Agnes E. :\lorris. Res. Salt Lake. Utah. G98. Mary C, b. Mar. 14, 1862, m. Chaih s :\r. Necdham. Res. Somers, Conn. 699. Robert, b. Dec. 10, 1869, m. Bertha E. Clark. :»lerc1iant. Res. Chey- enne Wells, Colo. [341] OTIS OLIVER PEASE, son of Oliver Pease [192] and jSTancy Cone, b. Jan. 9, 1810, m. Mary Pinney in 1837. She was b. in Somers, Conn., 1815, and d. there Dee. 20, 1866. He m. 2 Elizabeth Hill, of Gardiner, Me., Dec. IT, 1867. In early life he was a teacher; afterwards a merchant. He d. in Somers Jnne 31, 1893, aged 83 years. Slie was living in Somers in 1901. Ch. 700. Hekry, b. Sept. 5, 1842; d. Sept. 13. 1845. 701. Henry, b. June 13, 1846, m. Fannie E. Armes. Res. Amlierst, Mass. 702. Mary Wood, b. Apr. 8, 1850; d. Aug. 5, 1852. 703. Charles Wood, b. Nov. 6, 1855; d. INlay 19. 1859. [342] :NTAXCY pease, dan. of Oliver Pease [192] and jSTancy Cone, b. Somers, Conn., Se]:)t. 23, 181!), m. George Baker in 1842. He was a farmer, and b. in Amherst, ]\rass., July 19, 1813. She was living at Andierst in 1901. He d. 1890. Ch. 704. John Winthrop, b. Mar. 6. 1844; d. :Mar. 17. 1846. 705. Henry P., b. July 7, 1847. m. Edna A. BalL Res. Amlierst. [343] AMOS PEASE, son of Oliver Pease [192] and Xancy Cone, b. Somers, Conn., April 16, 1828, m. Marietta Moore, of Ellington, Conn., March 24, 1849. He represented his town in the Eegislature three terms, was Sheriff of Tolland connty six years, and held the position of Colonel in State Militia for a number of years. Was also Connty Commissioner for two terms. Pes. Somers, Conn. 62 The i^one Fmnihj in America. Ch. 7(l(i. (;i-:()K(iK T... li. Mar. IS, ISoO. m. Sarah Faniliain. Res. Soiiiers, Conn. 707. Wir.i.iAjr Amos, h. Feb. 18, lS5o, m. Alice Woods. Res. Somers, Conn. 70S. Etta. d. voiuii;-. 709. IsABELi.K. b. lS.-)(;, 111. ^^■illia]ll Fuller; 3 ch.; d. 1884. 710. Ciiablp:s ()., b. 18(12; d. mini. Ft. Fettennan, Wy., 188G. 711. Lillian ]\[., b. Feb. 22, 18G(i, ni. lieiijaniin A. Gager. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. |:!4r. j ELISA13ETII LOUISA FOSTER, daii. uf Xathan Edster [196] and Azubah Cone, b. East Iladdain, Conn., Ja.n. 7, 1 815, m. "Watrons Mather Jnne 18, 1837. He was b. in lladljnie. Conn., ISTov. 28, 1812. Mrs. Mather was a writer of jirose and verse for over fifty years, and her ]irodnetions, thronuli the news- ])apers, were wiihdy eirenlated thrdn-ilnnit the State. In her early yonth were instilled those ])rinei]des whicli were the foundation of a Christian life. lie ]ioenis eontained rich o'ems of thoiijO'ht. She Avas ever o-enial, social, a devoted wife and a lovino- mother. She d. in Iladlyme Feb. T), 1882. He was a Selectman of his town for many rears, and hehl a nnmlier of other local othces, and d. in Ilad- lyme Xov. 20, 1887. Ch. 712. ]\[ARY IT., b. Nov. IS. 1838. ni. Roswell T). Spencer; 5 ch. Res. Hadlyme, Conn. 713. Nathan A., b. Mar. 22, 1843, ni. Kate L. U. Edwards; no ch. Res. TTadlyme, Conn. 714. Katie L.. b. Nov. 20. 18.52. m. l-^rastus S. Warner. They have no ch. She has furnished many records for tliis ])ublication, besides much family history, and biooraj)liy, and we are all greatly indebted to her for her manifest interest in this work. They res. at Brockway, Conn. 71.5. Fanny F., b. Oct. 28, 18.54, m. Charles N. Dickinson. Res. Essex, Conn. [347] MAEIE ANTOINETTE FOSTEE, dan. of Nathan Foster [100], b. East Iladdam, Conn., Nov. 29, 1818, m. John Holmes, son of Dr. Christo])her Holmes and Esther Beckwith, April 20, 1840. He was 1). Jan. 30, 1808, and d. Nov. 29, 1850. She m. 2 Hrnry Holmes Scj)!. 17, 1800, and d. An,o-. 30, 1873. He \v;:s b. Jnne 13, 1822. Ch. 710. .ToiTN. b. Oct. 14, 1841, m. Leora Luther. Res. Tladlyme, C(Uin. 717. Henky, b. Dec. 3, 1843, m. Emma ]\r. Stanley: d. .Lm. 5, 188.5. 718. Reginald, b. Nov. 10, 184:5: d. ]\lay 31, 1S02. 710. William, b. -Tan. 22. 1848. m. Ella C. Williams: d. Dec. 8, 1888. 720. yiAUY. b. Oct. 22. 1S.51: d. Apr. 4, 18.54. 721. Charles, b. A]u-. 7. 18.53: d. Apr. 11. 1871. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 63 [348] JOIIX WEBSTER FOSTEE, son of Xatlian Foster [190] and Aznbali Cone, b. East Haddam, Conn., Feb. 19, 1821, m. Elizabeth Cahoone in 1841, who d. Dee. 1, 1842. He m. 2 IS^ancy Cutler, at Paterson, X. J., in 1844. He d. Philadelphia March 20, 1803. Ch. Son. b. 1842. 722. Edgar T.. 1). Xov. 1844; d. Apr. 25. 1S4G. 723. Elizabeth C, b. Feb. 1847, ni. Frank Wheaton; d. Jan. 10. 1001, Paterson, N. J. [349] EDGAR T. FOSTER, son of Xatlian Foster [190] and Aznbah Cone, b. East Haddam, Conn., April 7, 1823, m. Anna Lippineott Mav 18, 1848. She was b. Feb. 15, 1829, and d. Xov. 18, 1881. Ho m. 2 Mrs. Mary A. Johnson Xov. 24, 1892. He d. in Whatcom, Wash., :^rarch 17, 1899. She res. Collino-wood, X. J. Ch. 724. Eleanor, b. July 1, 1840. m. Tbeodore Blaker; d. July 20. 1002. 725. Mary. b. INIay 17, 1851, m. George L. Parker. Pvos. Meriden, Conn. 72G. Louisa, b. Ai)r. 28, 1853; d. Nov. 13, 1853. 727. Joseph, b. Oct. 23, 1855. Res. Philadelphia, Pa. 728. Elizabeth, b. Oft. 10, 1857, m. Conlev H. Cliff. Pes. New Whatcom, AVash. 720. Edgar, b. Sept. 30, 1859, m. Annie ; d. Mar. 4, 1804. 730. Anxa, b. Mar. 28, 1862, unm. Pes. Haddonfield, N. J. 731. Catherine, b. May 7, 1864; d. Aug. 14, 1864. 732. Emily, b. Oct. 3, 1865, m. Robert Clark. Pes. Stanwick. N. J. 733. Henry L., b. Oct. 30, 1870; d. May 3, 1001. [350] MARY SOPHIA FOSTER, dan. of Xathan Foster [190] and Aznbah Cone, b. East Haddam, Conn., Jnl.y 27, 1825, m. George Henrv (Uiadwick in Philadelphia, Jnly 27, 1845. He was b. Ang. 10, 1823, and d. May 30, 1871. She d. in Philadelphia May 5, 1901. Ch. 734. George H., b. July 10, 1846; d. Feb. 25. 1862. 735. William F., b. Aug. 20, 1848; d. Aug. 3, 1872. 736. Mary L., b. Sept. 20, 1850, m. Joel P. Shelley. Pes. Philadelphia, Pa. 737. Lemuel E., b. Feb. 23, 1858, unm. Res. Philadelphia, Pa. 738. Charles E.. b. Sept. 3, 1865, m. Matilda B. Garrison. Res. Cape May, N. J. [351] CATHERIXE LUXAX TOXXELE FOSTER, dan. of Xathan Foster [190] and Aznbah Cone, b. East Haddam, Conn., Feb. 8, 1828, m. William Kinii\ son of Thomas and Snsannah King, March 8, 1849. He was b. in Gloucestershire, Eng., Ang. 5, 1823. I copy the following from the " Foster Genealogy " : " Mr. King, thongli at iirst in the drng trade, turned his attention to the refining 64 The Cone Family in America. of oil, ;iinl for forty vcars was in the business in Philadelphia. About ten years aiio he retired, leaving' two of his sons, William K. and R. ir. Ivini^', in eonti'ol. Mr. Iviiiu' is a prominent Mason, and a member of tlie Kniiihts Templar, Order ui Odd Fellows, and other fraternal oi;uani/.;!tions. is Viee-President of the Northern Home for Friendless Children, Treasurer of the Albion Society, member of the Union Fea,uiie, Trustee of the kSoeiety of St. Georg'e, and Director of both the (hiarantee Trust & Saf(> Deposit Co. and the Eighth N'ati-inal WxmVr lie d. at Philadelphia Tan. 2, lOO:;;. She res. in Philadelphia. Ch. 7;?9. Ali-.kht 1'... 1). Oct. l-J. 1S4!): <1. :\[;iv. •2«. 1S.V2. 7-40. IlKMU ('.. 1). Srjit. 2."). lS,-.2. 111. M;iry A-iics ITcyl. Ros. riiihulelphia. 741. William K.. h. Jniic :!0. IS.-)."). ]!cs. riiiladelpliia. 742. Faxme v.. 1). Any. 24. lS.i7. in. Robert ]'. ]). .Silver. Res. Pliila- delphia. 74.S. -James S.. b. -Tuly S. ISC.l; d. An- 1, 1803 744. Reginald IL, )>. Nov. 2.-), 18(14. in. Hilary Deiriekson. Res. Pliiladel- pliia. 74.1. Fuaxk Eka. b. An.u. !). ISC.S, m. Mary S. Lawsoii. Res. Pliiladelpliia. 740. XouMAN L.. b. May 1.-). 1870; d. May 1.1. 1870. [352] EEGIXALD IIEBEP FOSTEE, son of Nathan Fos- ter [196] and Azubah C\)ne, b. East Iladdam, Conn., Sept. 10, 1831, m. Joanna Dilkes Jan. 12, 1860. He enlisted early in the Civil War, and d. while in service in 18<)4. Ch. 747. May, b. Mar. 18G1; d. 187—. [353] HENEI LYSANDEE FOSTEE, son of Nathan Fos- ter [106] and Azubah (N.ne, b. East Haddam, Conn., Sept. 17, 1833, m. Ang-eline (^mstantia Wcnzell in Philadeli)hia May 15, 1855. She was b. Dec. 23, 1838. He d. in diicao., Au- 12, 1901. Ch. 748. Fkankli.x R.. 1). .Tuly .SI, 18.")(), in. Metoria McCready. Res. Chicago. 749. Lai'ua L.. 1). :\lay :5U. LS.l!), in. Tluodore C. Ives. Res. Rockford. 111. 750. Minnie, b. 18G1; d. . 751. Edgar T., b. Sept. 26, 18G5. Res. Haworth. X. J. 752. Mabel C, b. Apr. 5, 1875. Res. Chieago, 111. [356] EElJECCA OTIS, dan. of Sardis Otis [198] and Sarah Cone, b. Ft. Ann., N. Y., June 3, 1820, m. Mathias Whit- ney Aui!,-. 23, 1849. He was b. Eerkshire county, Mass., Oct. 30, 1794. Was a farmer, and served in War of 1812. Ees. at West (iranville, N. Y., and d. there Dec. 19, 1S7T, ai^ed 83 years. She was liviuij: there 1890. Ch. 753. Sauah D.. 1). Feb. 27. 18.12. in. ^Villiam WixvA. Res. Ft. Ann, X. Y. 754. Mauv L.. b. Dee. .S. 18.14, in. James Ross. Res. W. Granville. X. Y. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 65 [302] HE^TRY CLAY COXE, son of Sylvanus Cone [199] and Clarissa Sill, b. Lyme, Conn., Feb. 1, 1819, m. Elizabeth Kincaid, dan. of James Kincaid and Margaret McCoy, March 19. 1847. She was b. Hartford, Washington connty, N". Y., in 1821, and d. May 16, 1893. He was a homeopathic physician, pharmacist and dentist, and resided at Sanger, Eresno connty, C^il., where he (]. Oct. 3, 1901, aged 81 years. Ch. 75.5. •^ DeCarrol, b. '^l-Ay 20. 1851, m. Estella T. Gillespie. Ees. Chicago, III. 750. Frank B., b. Oct. 22, 1854. Kes. Joplin. Mo. 757. Valentine F., b. 1850; d. in infancy. 758." luAii Maid, b. -June 18, ]8()0. m. W. E. Locniis. Ees. Sioux City. la. 759. Frederick W.. b. Oct. 3. 1800; d. Oct. 4, 1SG7. 7G0. Jane E., b. 1808; d. in infancy. [3G3] CHARLES STERLING CONE, son of Sylvanns Cone [199] and Clarissa Sill, b. Lee, Mass., Jan. 15, 1821. m. Lncy A. B. Parsons, dan. of Levi Parsons, of Bnffalo, X. Y., Jan. 22, 1850. She was b. Homer, IST. Y., Jan. 1, 1820, and d. May 10, 1851. He m. 2 Mary Thomas in 1871. Was educated in Washing- ton and St. Lawrence counties, X. Y. From 1831 to 1857 he was a merchant at Gonvernenr, X. Y. He then removed West, and from 1858 to 1888 he was Treasurer of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, residing then in Cincinnati, O. In 1889 he became connected with the State National Bank at St. Lonis, as Assistant Cashier, and still holds that position at the time of writing this in 1902, although over 80 years of age. The following from a St. Louis paper of 1901, referring to Mr. Cone, says : " His regularity in everything is Avell established. He sets a certain time to retire, to arise in the mcn-n- ing, to go down town and return ; and to these self -administered laws he adheres strictly. He rarely experiences any sickness." Res. in St. Louis, Mo. Ch. 701. Charles S., b. Dec. 16. 1850. m. 1 Mary Cromwell, 2 Carrie Mills. He was General Passenger Agent on the Ohio & Mississi])pi Railroad, and was killed in a railroad accident at Mt. Vernon, Ind., Feb. 17, 1882. 762. Ann.\, an adopted daughter, who m. Oliver Barwick. [365] DELIA CONE, dan. of Sylvanns Cone [199] and Clarissa Sill, b. Fort Ann, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1824, m. David Cham- berlain, of Lacon, 111., June 26, 1856. She secured a divorce, and m. 2 Orville Ebenezer Van Buren June 19, 1860. He was b. Xov. 5, 1821, and d. in Gonvernenr, X. Y., June 27, 1898. She d. at Rich- field Springs, X. Y., Oct. 13, 1901. QQ The (^one Family in America. Ch. 7():5. FuEDEUiCK. 1). Fi'l.. -iS. is:)7. l;<'s. ('()])enhaoi-ii. X. Y. 7(54. Frank. 1>. ISiil. lies. Clovoland. O. 7(55. Grace D.. b. July (i. ISt;;!, in. Frank A. Thompson. Res. Riclifu-ld Spnng:s, N. \'. 7GG. Clara S., b. Jan. 0. 1SG7. ni. :Myron Norton; d. Nov. 27. 1897. [300] FRANC 'ES (X)RXELIA COXE, dan. of Sylvanus Cone [19U] and (Uarissa Sill, b. Fort Ann, X. Y., Sept. 10, 1820, m. in Afadison, N. Y., William Malcolm, son of William and Anna ^[aleolm, dnne 3, 1845. ITe was 1). Snllivan, X. Y., Oct. 13, 1823, and d. in Svracnse, X"^. Y., dnlv 12, 1800. She resides in Svracnse, X. Y., and has been a verv earnest and enthusiastic friend to this work. Is a talented and highly edncated ladv. Air. Malcolm w^as famous in almost every country on the olobe as the inventor and man- ufacturer of a rifle telesco]x% which hy its ,^Teat ranee and accom- modation for varvinij,- 0. He d. Sept. 15, 1801. Ch. 779. Hexry C 1). Ant;-. IS. 1S7G; d. Auo-. 7. 1878. 780. George B., b. Nov. 9, 1877. Res. West Granville. N. Y. 781. Edith, b. Aug. 29. 1879. lU-s. West Granville. N. Y. 782. Bertha, b. May 30, 1 88.-1. lies. West Granville, X. Y. 783. Walter S., b. Mar. 1, 1887. Kes. West Granville, N. Y. 784. Grace, b. May 31, 1889. Res. West Granville, N. Y. [374] :MABIETTA COXE, dan. of X^orman C^nie [212] and Sarah Clark Atkins, b. Flint, :\rich., March 27, 1837, m. Den- nis Bow Dec. 18, 1862. He was b. April 18, 1839, and d. at Bridge- ])ort, Mich., Feb. 25, 1900. She d. same place Feb. 21, 1901. Ch. 78.). Olivp:r .Tonx. b. Ot-t. 13. 1808, m. Elizabeth Hoaiiland. Res. Bridge- port. :\lieli. [377] GEOEGE H. COXE, son of Xorman Cone [212] ;hm1 Sarali Atkins, b. Flint, Mich., Ang. 27, 1850, m. Eliza Perthena Kerr, dan. of John W. and Xancv Kerr, Feb. 7, 188(!. She was b. June 18, 1850. He removed to Colorado in 1882. Farmer. Ees. Olathe, Colo. Ch. 786. Ida Eli.ex. b. Nov. 28. 1887. [379] BEDA K. COXE, dan. of Xorman Cone [212] and ^Margaret Eobinson, b. Flint, ]\Iich., July Ki, 1850, m. Joseph B. Sleazer June 1, 1880. He was b. March 1, 1847. Is a contractor and builder. Owns a large sawmill and does a flourishing business. Ees. Evart, Osceola county, ]Mich. Ch. 787. Myrtle ]M., b. July 22, 1881. 788. Edward E., b. Feb. 3, 1883. 789. XoRMAX. b. Nov. 27. 188.5. [380] ELIZA A. COXE, dan. of Xorman (\;.ne [212] and ]\rargaret Eobinson, b. Flint, Mich., Se])t. 12, 1860, m. George Wal- ter Whitney Jan. 27, 1881. He Avas 1). Feb. 1, 1856. Was book- keeper First Xational Bank. Latterly in the oil business. Is a member of the Order of Foresters. Ees. Los Angeles, Cal. Ch. 790. Arthur Conk. b. .Tuly 2, 1883. 791. Clara Ritu, b. ]Mar. 23. 1880. 68 The Cone Family in America. [382 1 FKA^^K B. COXE, son of Xorinan Cone [212] and .Margaret Robinson, b. Flint, Midi., Feb. 27, 1870, ni. Xellie Wager, dan." of O. D. Wager, Oct. 1, 1S92. He is a farmer, and resides at Flint, Mich. Ch. 792. Hele.n v.. 1). July 1. 1893. [380] :S\\\l\ Fi;iZA COXE, dan. of Francis Cone [213] and i.anra 11. Clark, b. Oct. 10, 1841, ni. Leonard Linsell Sept. 3, 18(i3. He d. dnne 8, 18(iG. She ni. 2 (diaries R. Cleaver Jan. 1, IS 74. lie was b. Nov. 21, 1836. Res. Sears, Mich. Ch. 79:}. FiiAXC'is J., ).. S(])t. -ir,. IS(i-). m. Sai:ili J. Kail. lies. Sears. Mich. 794. John 1!.. h. Sc])t. 21. ls7(i. in. .\giies Lawicnce. Res. Sears. ]Mich. 795. RoBEKT K.. I>. .Mar. 2."). 1SS4: d. Any. 9, 1SS(). [388] CaiARLES G. ATKINS, s..n ..f Linns Atkins [215] and Marintha Cone, b. Se])t. 1, 1840, m. Mary S. Eaisden. dan. of Sninud .1. Laisdcn and Martha R. Ranney, April 21, 1807. She was 1). ('roiuwell, ( 'oiiii., -Iidv . Oct. 2.'). 1S79: d. Jan. 2. 1S72. 797. CiiAKLES O., b. Jan. 2:5, 1S72; d. Oct. 11, 1872. [389] JULIUS C^ONE ATKINS, son of Linns W. Atkins i 215] and Marintha Cone, b. Jan. 2, LS48, m. Ilattie Alice Hongh, e. Res. Plain field, X. J. Ch. 806. Ella Mildred, b. Oct. 4, 1880. 807. Helon Ratiibun, b. Jan. 6, 1886; d. Aug. 9, 1889. [398] HENRIETTA COXE, dan. of Helon Cone [218] and Betsey Barrett, b. Brooklyn, ]S\ Y., Oct. 9, 1802, m. Charles Henry Arnold Dec. 18, 1895. He was b. in Providence, R, I., Sept. 25, 1865. Son of George T. Arnold and Harriet Pike. He is a jewelry salesman. They have no children. Res. in Brooklyn, K. Y, [399] AUGUSTUS COXE, son of William Augustus Cone [219] and Cynthia Mack, b. New Berlin, Wis., Oct. 19, 1846, m. Sarah Mitchell, dau. of William and Christina Mitchell, Sept. 1, 1869. She was b. in England Sept. 22, 1850. He is a farmer, and res. at Dunkerton, la. Ch. 808. William A., b. .lime 1, 1870. Res. Mitchell. S. D. 809. Adah Belle, b. Dec. 6, 1873. Res. Dunkerton. Iowa. 810. Helon R., b. Aug. 30, 1876. Res. Dunkerton, Io\ya. 811. Thomas J., b. Jan. 12, 1882. Res. Dunkerton, Iowa. 812. Marinda J., b. Dec. 12, 1885. Res. Dunkerton, Iowa. 813. George E.. b. .lune 12, 1891. Res. Dunkerton, Iowa. [401] AMELIA V. CONE, dau. of William xVugustus Cone [219] and Cynthia Mack, b. New Berlin, Wis., Dec. 20, 1850, m. Oscar Galitson Fenner, son of Pardon and Matilda Fenner, Jan. 6, 1868. He was b. in New York State May 9, 1841, and d. at Grand Island, Neb., Feb. 28, 1892. He was a jeweler and dealer in musi- cal instruments. She res. Grand Island, Neb. Ch. 814. Nellie, b. Nov. IS, 1870, ni. Winfiekl Warren. Res. Anselmo, Neb. 815. NoRNiA, b. Mar. 10. 1875. ni. Charles Elmer Bass. Res. Anselmo. Xeb. [403] CYNTHIA C^ONE, dau. of William Augustus Cone [219] and Cynthia Mack, b. New Berlin, Wis., April 1, 1856, m. 70 The Cone Family in America. Tli.mias Walt.Ts, son ..f TIhuikis aiiU Malilda Walters, Oct. l>, 1880. He was 1). West Pciiii, Ta., -Ian. :'. K 1S."»1. 1> an (.|.cralivc luillor, ;,ii.l ivs. Perkins, Ok. Cll. SIC. liM.ni L.. Ii. All.-, l.i. lSS-2. u( r.iUlcl.iii. h.wa. 817. (JuAeio. h. .Inly (i. ISSl. al W alcrl.K., l.nva. [4041 ADKIJXK KKAXCKS CO.NK, dan. of Pele- Jlall Cone I 220 I and .Mai'v .\. Ilraee, 1.. .New Haven, Conn., Oet. S, 18;:;0, ni. Kdwin T. r.rownc' in Colchester, Conn., Sepl. C, 1S41). He was li. ('(dchesler .Vn- i:!, 1S24, and d. .\ov. 1, 1ST<). Shoemaker by ncMipation. She' ni. 2 dames A. IJevis Feh. 2:., IST'.t. lie was 1). .\ov. C, ISIO, and d. May :;(i, ISSi'. She m. :'. dames Smilh \\v^. f), l.s'.H. lie was h. Dec. 11, 1S22, and lliey res. at Liberty, Ind. SIS. I).\\n;i. J.. I), .lunc 1. IS.-.'.I. I'ndcrlakcr. Hcs. Oxford. O. SI!). .1. ll.M.l,. 1). Kcl.. 11. lSt;4: <1. uiim. .\i)iil ir^ ISS'.t. S20. .Mai;y I... Ii. :\lay \1. ISC.T. m. Cass C.naway. Itcs. JiidianaiK.lis. Ind. [40:. I VAA'A\\)V:\:\\ CONK, cs. .Icrscyvilic. 111. S-2-2. .l.v.MKS 11.. 1). Kcl.. li\ ISCl: d. Fch. IS. 1S(;4. S-i:!. .M.viiY i:.. 1). Dec. :!. lS(i4. Tvcs. .Icrscyvillf. 111. S:i4. IIi.;m;v K.. b. April -JC. IST:!. I^cnlisl. Jtrs. Ippor Alton. 111. IKX; I COKDKLIA ( ^().\ K, dan. of P(de,ii' Hall Cone | 220 | and ^lary \. ISiace, 1.. Xew Haven, Conn., .\uu'. 1!», 18:5:5, m. Dr. G(>ori>-c W. l^e.dey .Vpril 21. ISCI. \\v was h 0.\f<.rd, ()., Oct. 22, 1822, and d. same place ()(4. 2 1, ISSS. He was one (4' the foremost den- tists in the West. Crailnaled at the Ohio CoUeuv of Dental Snro-ery, and was for many years its President, and for a lonii' term of y(>ars was Treasnrei- (4' the .\merican Dental .\ssociation. She res. at O.xford, O. Ch. S2.-). It AiaiY Co.NK. 1). ill Oxford Oct. T.\. isn2: d. tli(>n' Oct. 18(U. S2(i. Makv 11.. 1.. ])<■(•. 111. lS(il. in. Ku-viic M. Fry. lies. LiluMty. Ind. S-J7. (iKouia-; Wksi.ky. 1). -Ian. lit. 1S71: d. .lunc ■_>. 1S7-2. S2S. CouDEl.iA. b. Feb. 1(1. 1S7;!. lies. Oxford. O. S2!t. .Toiix Wksi.ey. b. April 2S. 1S7.-). lies. O.xford, 0. S;](). EnwAKi), b. .\ni;-. 2S. 1S77: d. in infancv. Descendant of Daniel ( 'one. 7 1 [407] HEZEKIAII SELDE^ COXE, son of Peleo- Hall Cone [220] and Mary A. Brace, b. New Haven, Conn., Ang-. 17, 1835, m. Charlotte Stitt, dan. of John Stitt and Jane Little. May 29, 1859. She was b. Belfast, Ireland, March 12, 1835. He is bookkeeper and traveling' salesman for the W(dvoriiie Handle Fac- tory, and res. at Benton Harbor, ^lich. Ch. 831. Selden Hall; d. in infancy. 832. Mary Isabelle, b. Mar. 12, 18G1, m. George A. Blakeslee. Jnuf 11, 1885. He d. Aug. 12, 1887, leaving one diild. She res. Benton Harbor, Midi. 833. George H.. b. ]Mar. 20, 1805, m. Catherine Sehiller. Res. Carbondale, 111. 834. Jennie Little, b. Aug. 9, 1869, m. Wellington H. riiillips. Res. Logansport, Ind. 835. John Wesley, b. May 2G, 1870, ni. Evelyn INIcDannell. Res. Benton Harbor', IMieh. [408] WILLIAM H. COXE, son of Peleg Hall Cone [220] and Mary A. Brace, b. in j^ew Haven, Conn., Dec. 6, 1837, m. Phoebe Dickinson. She res. in Jersoyville, 111., where he d. ]March 23, 1878. Ch. 830. Nellie, b. Aug. 15, 1870. Res. Jerseyville. 111. [409] FBANKLnv^ J. CONE, son of Pele.i.- Hall Cone [220] and Mary A. Brace, b. New Haven, C^mn., Feh. 10, 1839, m. Harriet E. Fabor Feb. 20, 1860. She was dan. of Josojili and Harriet Fabor, and was b. in Oxford, O., Jnly 23, 1842. He is a real-estate and insurance a,2:ent. He is a member of the Presbvterian Ch., G. A. B., A. O. IT. W., and I. O. O. F. He served in the War of the Bebellion, in Co. B, 4th Ohio Cav. Bes. Oxfnrd, O. Ch. 837. Henrietta K., b. Dee. 7. 1807, ni. Edward Beeks. Res. S-ivaiinali. Ga. 838. Harry B., b. Dee. 8, 1809. Res. Indianapolis. Ind. 839. Adelia W., b. Feb. 0, 1870. Res. O.xford, 0. 840. Emma W., b. Nov. 3, 1882. Res. Oxford, 0. [413] MAKY SELDEN WICKHAM, dan. of Pu.l.ort IT. Wickhani [221] and Henrietta Cone, b. Nov. 22, 1836, m. William Charles Hnntino-ton in 1868. He was b. Nov. 28, 1826. Educated at Franklin College in Indiana. Taught school at Harrodsburg, Tvy., Pleasant Hill, La., Melrose and Shelbyville, Tex., — always having charge of high-grade schools. Active in all school and clinrch work ; was superintendent of Sunday schools for seventeen vcars. D. af Shelbyville, Oct. 29, 1884. 'Slie res. at Shell.yville, ' Tex. Ch. 841. Frank W.. b. Jan. 21. 1870. IMerohant. Res. Slielbyville. 842. W^iLLiAM Charles, b. Ot-t. S. 1873. Res. Shelbvville. 72 The Cone Faimly in America. [414] IIAEKIET ELIZABETH WICKIIAM, Jan. of Rob- ert r. Wickliam [221] and ireiiriotta Cone, 1). Sept. 8, 1839, m. James Zaller Wilder dan. 2!), 1801. lie was b. Erwin, N. Y., N-ov. 9, 1838, an. April 1. ISO". I'.lacksniitli. lies. Painted Post. N. Y. S4.'). 1m;.\xk H.. 1). Sept. 21. 1S70. ]\[afliinist. Rps. Painted Post. N. Y. S4(i. Lizzie. )>. Mar. (i. 1872: d. Sept. ;?n. 1872. 847. JosEi'ii Pv.. 1). July m. 1S75. liookkeeper. Pes. Painted Post. X. Y. 848. Jamks Z.. b. Alar, l."), 1878; d. Feb. 8, 1899. L-tlT] E:\[ELINE AUGUSTA CONE, dan. of Hezekiah Selden Cone [222] and Catherine Brainard Watson, b. East Ilad- dani, Conn., Jnlv 1, 1838, m. Silas Peek Thomas Tune 27, 1806. lie was b. Woo(lbri([^'e, ( *onn., and d. in Xew Haven, Conn., Ajjril 18, 1882. She was livino- in Xew Haven in 1890. Cli. 840. Helen ]\[ay. b. May 13. 1801). [420] KITTIE BBAIXABI) COXE. dan. of Hezekiah Sel- den Cone [222 I and Catherine Brainard Watson, b. Xew Haven, Conn., dan. 20. IS.-.C, m. X^'lson (). Fillel)ro\vn A])ril 4, 1882. She d. in Xew Haven, Dec. 0, 1SS7. lie was b. Lawrence, ]\rass., in is:. 2. Ch. 8.')0. Oeokge Xklsox. b. July 22. 1884. [422] JEXXIE PAPSOXS COXE, dan. of Zaehariah (\.ne [22:.] and Eliza Lord Parsons, b. East Haddani, C,,ini., An- 24, 18.V.I, m. (darence Fowler Sept. 17, 188:.. She res. at East Had- dani, on the did homestead that has been in possession of the faniilv for over 200 years. Ch. ' 8-31. :\l.\iuox lUnii. b. .Tunc 22. 188(;. in C'and.ridgeport. Mass. 852. Edxa C'oxe. b. Dec. 2. 1887. in lioston, Mass. 8.5:]. (iuACE ELiZAr.ETii. b. April 21. 1889. in East Haddani. Conn. 854. Fi.oKENCE Paksons. b. Oct. 3, 1890, in East Haddani, Conn. 8.5.1. Alice Belden, b. Alar. 29. 1892. in East Haddani. Conn. [423] .MARY BELDEX COXE, dan. of Zaehariah Cone [225] and Eliza Lord Par.sons, b. East Haddani, Conn., Dec. 18, Lsiio, HI. dames Mo.,dv, June 7, 1899. He was b. Guilford, Ire- land. Eel,. 18. 18:.S, son (d" dames :\L.odv and Jane Woods. Car- Descendants of Daniel ('one. 73 peiiter and l)uiklcr. Is a member of the Presbyterian Church and .)f the A. (). IT. W. Ecs. Central City, CNjlo. Ch. 85G. DoxALD CoxE ]MoonY. b. ]Mav LS. 1002. DONALD CONE MOODY. [425] ELIZABETH LYO^^ CQXE, dan. of Zachariah Cone [225] and Eliza Lord Parsons, b. East Haddam, Feb. 2, 1866, m. IiTing Y. Cobleigh, Sept. 19, 1900. Son of Merlin C. Cobleigh and Sarah P. Underwood, b. Templeton, Mass., Jan. 31, 1865. He is General Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of Connecticut. Res, N^augatuck, Conn. Xo children. [126] ISAAC XEWTOX COXE, son of Zachariah Cone [225] and Eliza Lord Parsons, b. East Haddam, Conn., Oct. 4, 186Y, m. in Hamburg, Conn., Grace Hartham Bigelow, dan. of David E. Bigelow, of tliat ])laee, -Tan. 8, 1896. She was b. Lyme, Conn., Eeb. Y, 1868. He is a wood-dealer, and res. Snohomish, Wash. Ch. 857. Leslie Bigelow. 1). Sept. 20. 180G. 858. Eliot Parsoivs. b. Xov. 5. ISOS. 859. DwiGHT Hartham. b. Jan. 14. 1900. 74 The (^one Family in America. [429] CYiXTIIlA BIIAINAEI) (X)NE, dan. of Daniel C^lai'k Cone [22(1] and Statira Fnllor, li. Ea.st Tladdani, Anu'. oO, 184(), ni. Sylvester \V. Smith, son of Kdninnd Siiiitli and Koxanna Brainard Williams, A])r. 2(i. ISCS. Ilo was 1). East lladdani Sept. 7, 1841. Res. at :\Ioodns, i\m\\. Ch. 8G0. :\[ay ^\ 11,11 VMS. h. Oct. 11. lS7;i. m. David S. ]^.i,<.>cl(i\v .Tan. 1. 1893. llo was b. Cdlclicstcr. Conn.. Se].t. (i. lS(iS. Ho is a miller and grain dealer. Two eliildren. Res. :Moodu8, Conn. [4:31] SUSAN ELIZABETH IIABVEY, dun. of Jonathan B. Harvey [231] and Tryphena Tracy (\)ne, h. New B>erlin, X. Y., Jnne 6, 1845, m. Aimer H. Phelps Sei)t. 5, 1S!»1. lies. Xow lifHin. N. Y. [433] JOHN EGBEET IQCiniOXD, son of Nelson Clark Bichmond [2;52| and Mary A. Cone, h. .Moodns, (\.nn., Dee. 20, 1837, m. Lncena Cha])n.ian lieed Jnly (i, 1S7<>. She was 1). Green- ville, Green(^ conntv, X\ Y., Oct. 24, 1S;52. Dan. of AVilliam Beed and Mary (Uiapmaii. Ilo is a retired nierehant. No eh. Bes. Jlonesdale, Penn. [434] ELTZA CONE BICHMOND, dan. of Nelson Clark Biehmond [232] and Mary A. Cone, b. ]\roodns, (Nmn., Sept. 4, 1S30, m. Cliarles Henry Bose in Moodns Jnne 4, 18(;2. He was 1). Essex, Conn., May 11, 1837. Son of Ebenezer Hineklev Boso and Almira Kelsey. She d. Dee. 14, 1807. He is one of the Directors of the Comstock-Cheney Ivory Co. and also Superintendent. The company mannfactnre oro-ans and jiiano ktylioards. B^s. Ivory- ton, Conn. Ch. Sfil. HowAiu) Ket.sey, 1). Apr. 4. 1872. r.ookkee])er of above firm. Res. Ivoryton. 802. Faivme, b. Sei)t. 14. 1874. Res. Ivoiyton. [436] GEOBGE CONE BI(TT:\rOND, son of Nelson Clark Biclimond [232] and Mary A. Cone. h. "^^oodns, (\mn.. Nov. 10. 1847, m. Ada Lonise Hovey ^fay 12. ls7(). Slie w;is h. Jnne 0, 1850. He d. Philadelphia,' Pa.,' Jan. 28, 1894. She afterwards jnarried a Mr. Tiff, and res. Bonnd Brook, X'^. J. Ch. 80;5. yiAKY CATHEniNE. 1). May 11. 1872. m. . Res. Enfield. Conn. [439] ALMIBA CONE, dan. of Bol.ert Sylvester (\mo [234] and Elizabeth Chai)man, b. East Haddam, (*oini., Se])t. 29, 1854, m. Dr. A. N. Sweet ^lav 8. 1883. She d. ^^Fav 1, 1887. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 75 Ch. 804. Elizabeth Norton, b. Feb. Ui, 1884. Middletown, Conn. 865. Almira Cone, b. Mar. 31, 1885. 8G6. Julia Fuller, b. Oct. 14. 1880. [440] EDWAEL) WIXFIELD CONE, son of Spencer Houghton Cone [238] and Sally Wallace Merrell, b. Baltimore, Md., Mar. 4, 1814, m. Mary Elizabeth Weston, dan. of John L. and Anna M. Weston, in E'ew York city, Oct. 13, 1858. He was an emi- nent lawyer. Was offered but refused many official positions. He d. in Xew York Jan. 23, 1871. She was k Mar. 13, 1839. Aftei- death of her husband she m. 2 Edward Weston, and res. in ]^ew York. Ch. 867. Bessie, b. Jan. 2, 18(50. m. William P.. Fullov. Res. in New York. 868. Edward W .. b. May 7, 1801. Ros. in New York. 869. LiLLiAX, b. May 2. 1862; d. 1863. 870. Julia, b. Nov. 29. 1803; d. 1804. 871. Harry H.. b. Mar. 14. 18()5. ni. Evelyn P,. Myers. Res. New York. [442] SPEXC^ER WALLACE COXE, son of Spencer Houghton Cone [238] and Sally Wallace Merrell, b. Alexandria, Va., May 25, 1819, m. Josephine jMartinez, dau. of Don Tomas Martinez, of Spain, and Margaret Terry, Oct. 9, 1843. She was b. about 1825, and now res. Larchmont, Westchester county, X. Y. Mr. Cone served with great distinction during the War of the Re- bellion as (Colonel of the 61st Xew York Volunteers. He d. in ISTew York Jan. 21, 1888. (The members of the family ]u-efer not to give records.) Ch. 872. Alice Martinez; d. in infaney. 873. Kate Eliza ("Kate Claxton"). b. 1848, m. 1 Isadore Lyon. 2 Cliarles Stevenson. Res. Larchmont. N. Y. 874. Spencer H. 875. Margaret M.. m. John Orton; d. in Paris, France. 876. SaLLIE ^^'ALLACE. 877. Josephine. [448] HORACE GOXE, son of Joseph Cone [241] and Mary Cave, b. Alexandria, Va., Mar. 10, 1820, m. Amaranth E. Roberts, dau. of Alfred Roberts and Frances Phillips, in Cahaba, Ala., Sept. 8, 1846, and d. at Houston, Tex., Oct. 24, 1885. In 1841 he removed to Perry, Ala., where he practiced law for nine years. In 1850 he removed to Brazonia county, Tex. Elected to Legislature in 1853. Removed to Houston in 1857, and was elected to Legisla- ture in 1857, 1859 and 1860. During the war he was a member of Gen. Arthur Magruder's staff, with rank of Colonel, and also held the position of Judge Advocate General in the Confederate Army. In 76 The Cone Family in America. 1874 lie edited ilie IJalhi Tch-nraph. in ironston, nnd soon afterwards became editor of Iloiistitii /^'////. A bri,<>iit and lively writer, and a deep tliinker. He eonnnandod the res]ieet and esteem of all bis associates. She res. at Hnnston. Cli. 878. ]\Iai:y Fuaace.s. h. Sc])!. 10, 1S47. in. 8tci)hen Yancey. 879. Alice. 1). Au.i;-. 11. 1S4'.>: d. in infancy. 880. Eliza Lesley. 1). July 2i. ISfil. m. llcnvy X. Bulliuuton. Res. Eutlierford. X. J. 881. Horace, b. Dec. lit, 1854. Is an actor. Ues. Houston. [451] ALI(;E IIOUGUTOX COXK, dan. of Joseph Cone [241] and Mary ('av( , b. Feb. 14, IS^T.. m. William Maenish Maclurc, a native of Scotland. He was a man .d' -teadfast convic- tions, nnswervino' honesty and nndonliteil al)ility. Two children were born to rh(-ni ; both d. in infanc^•. Slie res. in Xew Y<»rk in 1890. [457] MAIIY C. SL()(/U:\r, dan. of Silas Slocnm [24:3] and Deborah Cone, b. Marietta. Ohio, Jnne 1, 18;5(;, m. Dr. D. 1>. Cotton Xov. 21, 18G1. He was b. Ai>ril 5, 1834. He is noted for his dis- tingnished ability and nnbonnd('(l snccess. His father, two lirothers, two brothers-in law and one daniihter are ])hysicians. ]\[rs. Cotton is Avell versed in ocncaloeicnl lore, havinii' been able to trace her descent thr(»niih the Spencer line to eleven kinus .^ij,] queens. Kes. Portsmonth, (). Ch. 882. Ellen Buckminster. b. Jan. 10. 1863; d. Mar. 14. 18G4. 883. Grace GAYLORn, b. Dec. 30. 1S(U. Kes. rortsuioutli. O. 884. ]\lARY Hannah, b. ])ec. 20, ISGO. Grad. at tlie Woman's Medical Golleiie. X^. Y., in 1888. witli highest honors, and now lias a large practice in X^ew York city. 885. Katiierine IU'Llakd. b. Oct. 23, 18G8, m. Edwin E. Sparks. Prof, of American History in Chicago University. Res. Ciiicago. 88G. John Rvckminster, b. Jan. 30, 1870; d. Jan. 4. 1873. 887. Ethel Hamilton, b. :\Iar. 15, 1874, m. ^Villiam Henry Schwartz. Res. Portsmoutli, O. [464] SARAH COXE, dan. of George Cone [24*3] and ITattie E. Snblette, b. Marietta, O., Sept. 20, 1844, m. Emmett Clinton Payne Mar. 12, 1804, in Sacramento, Cal. He was b. Springfield, Mass., Jnlv 2!». ],S2!), and is a "rancher." Pes. at Hnnter's Point, Sontli San Francisco, C^d. She d. "Slav 17, 1868. Ch. 888. Xellie Eliza, b. Aug. 14. 18GG. m. Rafael E. Cano. Res. Hunter's Point. Cal. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 77 [467] ClIAELES COXE, son of Cluules Cone: [247] and Almira Jones, b. ^[arietta, O., Jnly IS, 1848, ni. Eunice Stone, dan. of Franklin Stone, in Ano'. 1872. She was b. at Belpre, O. Res. Salinas, Cal. Ch. 889. Charles Fraxklix, b. Feb. 1874. 890. Elizabkth Hyett, b. Aug. 187G. Grad. fruiu J.elaml Stanford Uni- versity in 1901. 891. James Duxlevy. b. June. 1879. Grad. from Leland 8tanfori>. Is a wholesale dealer in harness and saddles. Jies. Parkershnri.', W. Va. Ch. S!).-). CiiAiiLOTTE ]\r., 1). Dee. G, 1.SS4. SIK). Douglas Henky, b. Feb. 0, 1888. * [474] JOSEPH CAMERON CONE, son of Charles Cone [l>47J and (^harlotte Iloldren, 1). in Bate, O., Jan. 12, 1866, m. Pcssie Selby, dan. of Charles and Lncy Sell>v, Jan. 15, 1891. She was I), in Athens, O., Ani*: 28, 1875. He is a dealer in real estate, and res. at Marietta, O. Ch. 807. Helkx Mn.DUED. b. at (Jiavel T.ank. 0.. Dee. 14. 1892. [470] ED:\rUND CH)XE BRUSH, son of Ednmnd Brnsh [251] and Aliee Sparrow (\)ne, 1). Zanesville, O., Oct. 22, 1852, m. Eanny L. Ivnssell, dan. of Hon. V, C. Rnssell and Lonisa Moorhead, Oct. 24, 1883. She was b. in Zanesville Oct. 27, 1S57. He was ii'rad. from the Starling- Medical Colle,i;e at Cohmibns, O., in 1875. Is a prominent mendier of the Sons of American Revolntion and of other kindred societies. Is a niendxn- of the Ohio Medical Society, and served as its President in 1001. In 1886 he joined the Ohio National Gnard as a private in Battery C, 1st Regiment. Was soon elected Captain of the coni])any, and a few weeks later as Major of rhe Reoiment. In 1800 was Lientenant-Colonel, in 1804 Colonel, and in 180(; Briiiadier-CJeneral. In 1000 was n])])ointed Siira'con- General of the Xati(»nal Gnard. His j)romotion has been rapid and deservi'd. Xo more eificient officer can 1)e fonnd in the National Gnard of Ohio. Dr. Brn-^h has written manv valuable articles for the press, covcrinu' a wide ranc'c of snbiects, which hav(^ appeared in The Cc))hn-y mao-azine, JlllJihni/ ^^o-rirr. mid other jinblications. Res. ar Zanesville, O. Ch. 808. Edmuxd Rr.ssEix. b. Nov. 2, 1884. 800. Alice Hussell. b. Mar. U. 1880. 000. RrssELL, b. -Jan. 28, 1889. 001. rA>?NY Marg.\ret. b. Feb. 17. 1800. 002. Charles Russell. 1). Xov. 12, 1802. 003. Albert Moorhead, b. June 2, 1807. 004. Fraxk Spencer, b. Feb. 27, lOol. [481] FRANK SPENCER BRUSH, son of E-lmnnd Brnsh 1251] and Alice Sparow Cone, b. Zanesville, O., Jnne 7, 1857, m. Charlotte E]!izabeth Spencer, dan. of Samuel and Lizzie Spencer, April 11, 1886. She was b. May 14, 1861. He graduated at I\rarietta College Avith high honors, and that college in 1887 con- Descendants of Daniel Cone. 79 feried ujion liiin the lioiiorarv title of 1). D. He is a Presbyterian clergvrnan, and pastor of the 1st Presbyterian Ch. at Ahinieda, Cal. Oh. 905. Charlotte Peters, b. Jan. 3, 1887, in Zanesville, 0. 90G. Edmuxd SpfixcER, b. July 14, 1888, in Zanesville, 0. 907. Frank Spencer, b. Jan. 4. 1890. in Las Vegas, N. M. [483] NOPA PECK, dau. of Hiram Abift" Peek [252] and Ellen Cone, b. Marietta, O., Aug. 31, 1857, m. Reuben Linnell ]^ye April 22, 1807. He is a lawyer. Xo children. Res. Marietta, O. [487] EDWARD R. COXE, son of Henry Reynard Cone [257] and .Mary E. Davis, b. Greenbush, X. Y., Dec. 3, 1842, m. Annie Fee, dau. of Robert Fee and Mary Jane Lyons, in St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 25, 1876. She was b. in Toronto, Canada, Dec. 24, 1849. He enlisted at Albany, X. Y., Aug. 1861, in Company C, 91st X. Y. Volunteers. Was mustered as Sergeant Sept. 18, 1861. Promoted to 1st Sergeant June 23, 1864, and to Sergeant-Major Dec. 7. 1864. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Mar. 2. 1865, for gallantry in battle, and was mustered out at Albany Tuly 3, 1865. The Rehellion Record mentions him for act of l)ravery at storming of Port Hudson, June 15, 1863. Lie volunteered as one of the ''storming party," under the call of Gen. Xathaniel P. Banks, and was in that siege forty-two days. He is President of the Beacon Paper Company aiul an honored and prominent member of Ransom Post, G. A. R., St. Louis, Mo. Res. in St. Louis. Ch. 908. Kate Davis, b. Dec. fi. 1877. ni. E. A. C. Ford. Res. St. Loiii.s, Mo. 909. Jessie Atwood, b. Feb. 10. 1879. ni. William C. Dunlap. Res. St. Louis, Mo. 910. Spencer Townsend, b. Aug. 28. 1886. [489] CATHERIXE ATWOOD COXE, dau. of Henrv Rey- nard Cone [257] and Mary E. Davis, b. Albany, X. Y., Mar. 21, 1852, m. James Boliver Richardson in Cincinnati, O., June 24, 1874. He was son of Amasa W. Richardson and Harriet Wilbur, b. Xorth Adams, Mass., 1 849. He is a jeweler. Res. Providence, R. I. Ch. 911. Harry \Vilbvr. b. Sept. 8. 1875. Res. Providence, R. I. 912. James Busiinell. b. Dec. 22, 1877. Res. Providence, R. L [490] JESSIE MAY COXE, dau. of Henry Reynard Cone [257] and Mary E. Davis, b. Albany, X. Y., April 1, 1858, m. Clinton Prescott Knight June 11, 1889. He was b. in Providence, R. I., son of Robert Knight and Josephine Webster. He is a cotton —6 80 The Cone Family in America. maimfacturor, and a in('uil)oi- of the Episcopal Cli. They res. in Providence, Iv. I. (Ml. 913. CiJ.XTox Phescott, b. Eivcr]wint, R. I.. Oct. 24. 1891. 914. Weusteu. 1). ]{ivei])oiiit, K. I., Apr. 21. 1893. [407] .MAKY E.M.MA (X)XE, (hui. ..f William Cone [20GJ and Jane Amelia Drvcr, \^. Sprini^tield, 111., Oct. .31, 1S44, m. dames Blockman Sims, ^<.a\ of dolin Sims, Dec. 5, 1S77. He is a farmer, and res. at Sprini^ficld, ill, where he was h. April 13, 1S38. Ch. 91"). Jessie, li. Doe. 22. 1878, in. 8. F. Spiinger; one child. Res. Spring- tick!. 111. 91G. (JitAcE. b. Alio-. 21. 1881. Ees. Springfield. 111. 917. Jexme (Jehtiude. b. :\lar. 19. 1883. Res. Sprin,u;field, 111. [408] CYXTIITA :ArAIMA COXK, dan. of William (\)ne [200] and Jane Amelia Dryer, h. Sprin-tield, 111., :\Iar. 21, 1848, m. John Hnnt Sept. 10, 1873. He is a farmer, and res. Sprinutield, 111. oil. 918. Charles Bird, b. July 19. 1874. 919. :Mary Edna, b. Sejtt. 19. lS7(i. 920. Julia Ella, b. Fel). l(i. 1879. 921. (Jeorge William, b. Feb. 20, 1882. 922. Jennie Estella, b. Feb. 4, 1885. 923. Jessie Louisa, b. July 12, 1887. 024. John Sydney, b, Sej)!. 17, 1889. [401)] (JEVKLES BENJAMIN COXE, son of William Cone [20()] and Jane Amelia Dryer, b. Springfield, 111., Aug. 9, 1851, m. Anna Mnrray. She was b. in Canada. Res. Springfield, 111. i . ' Ch. 92r). William, b. Jan. 17, 188G. 920. Donald. [502] JULIA ELLA CK)XE, dan. ..f Henry Pearson CN^ne [208] and Sarah Dixon, b. Springfield, III, May 3, 1843, m. Edward P. Beach, son of Richard II. Beach and Eliza Baldwin, May 11, 1805. He was b. Springfield, 111., May 27, 1847. He 'is an insurances adjnster, and res. in Chicisgo, 111. Ch. 927. RiciiARi), b. Jan. 4, 1809. [503] .1 LXXIE ( H)XE, dan. of Henry Pearsons Cone [208] and Sarah Di.xmi, b. i„ S])ringfield, 111., Feb. 5, 1847, m. P. Bird Price F(^b. 5, 1S08, son of Charles W. Price. He was b. New Descendants of Daniel (^one. Berlin, 111., June 24, 1S5U. Was in ISDI Chief Tnsi)ect()r of Grain, lies. Chicago. Ch. 928. IIexry Clixtox. b. Xov. .3. ISGS; d. .Tune 1?,. 18G9. 929. Bessie, b. Dec. 4. 1877; d. Xov. 24. 1880. [504] GEACE LOUISA CONE, Jan. of Henry Pearson Cone [268] and Sarah IJixon, b. Sr)rinotieh], UK, Ang. 1:3, 1862, m. Thomas Allison Strayer June 8, 1881. He was b. x\shland, O., June 24, 1850. Business Manager Chicago Times. Res. Chicago. Ch. 930. Bessie, b. -Tan. 19. 1884. 9.31. Pail. b. Jan. 30. 188G. [507] CLEMENT IIAPJUSO:^ COXE, son of Samuel Gates Cone [271] and Lucy Harrison, b. Albany, N. Y., May 19, 1858, m. Erances Hawks, dau. of William Edward Hawks and Helen Brown, Oct. 25, 18!);]. He is Cashier of Bennington County (Vt.) i^ational Bank, mend)er of Second (V^ngregational Cli.. and of the Sons of the American Bevolutidii. ]!es. Bennington, \\. Ch. 932. WiELiAJi Hawks, b. .Jan. 14, 1897. [511] BELLE HEBOBAH (^ONE, dau. of Theodore II. R. Cone [273] and Henrietta Shook, b. West Stockbridge, Mass., May 5, 1864, m. George William Burton, son of William Benedict Burton and Angeline M. Straight, Sept. 24, 1884. Mr. Burton is Cashier of the jS^ational Bank of La Crosse. Grad. of Yale, 1878. Was Presi- dent of the Wisconsin Bankers' Association in 1895. Is a member of the Cong. Ch. and of the Sons of the American Revolution. They have no children. Res. La Crosse, Wis. [513] CTIARLES SAMUEL CONE, son of Theodore II. R. Cone [273] and Henrietta Shook, b. West Stockbridge, Mass., Aug. 5, 1872, m. Jennie Goodenough Oct. 26, 1896. Is a hardware mer- chant. Both members of the C^ong. Ch. They have no cliildren. Res. at La Crosse, Wis. [518] SOPHIA HOADLEY COXE, dau. of Henry Cone [278] and Sophia Hoadley, b. Farmington, 111., April 2, 1837, m. William Fields July 1, 1856. Retired dry-goods merchant. Res. Los Angeles, Cal. Ch. 933. Lx-TiiER HoADT.EY. b. Aug. 7, 18G7. [519] JAXE :\rARY COXE, dau. of Henry Cone [278] and So])hia Hoadley, 1). Farmington, 111., Sept. 12, 1839, m. Silas 82 The Cone Family in America. Hayes, son of Silas Kayos and Eliza Robey, Xov. 14, 1801. He was b. Feb. i^i>, 181-0. Educated at State Xormal School in Illinois, and for some years was a teacher; afterwards a farmer. Res. Los An-eles, ( ^d. ' Ch. n;U. Ceokge Albeut. b. Juiu' 13, 18()3. n3.i. Lester Grant, h. Oct. 11, 1865. i)3(;. Henry Cone. h. Oct. 21. 1868. 937. Leme, 1). Aug. 0. 1870. 938. ("iiARLES, 1). .Tilly M. 1872. 930. Nellie. I). Mar. (1. 1876. 940. .ToiiN, b. A]ir. 27. 1878. 941. Silas, b. Sept. 19, 1880. [521] LUTHER HOADLEY COXE, son of Henry Cone [278j and Sophia Hoadley, b. Farmington, 111., dan. 22, 1845, ra. INfary Josephine Orton, dan. of Sylvester Orton, Jan. 3, 1872. She was b. Earniington Mar. 29, 1853, Res. Farinington. Ch. 942. ■•■ Mauy Sopiua. b. :\liiY 27. 187.>. m. Walter S. Hart. Res. Tecumseli, Xeb. 943. r.EHTHA Inez. b. Feb. 3. 1877. Res. Farmington. 944. JiLiA E.. b. .Jan. 10, 1883. Res. Farmington. 94.5. EsTELLA E.. b. Aug. 24. 188.5. Res. Farmington. 946. LlTiiER H.. b. .Tune 14. 1888. Res. Farmington. 947. Xellie :\t., b. June 13, 1894. Res. Farmington. [522] MARGARET EMILY CONE, dan. of Henry Cone [278] and Mary Egoleston, b. in Farmington, III, Sept. 20, 1848, BL Morrison Alsbnrv in 1883. He is a violinist. She is an accom- plished mnsician ; a teacher of piano and voice culture, l^o children. She res. in Chicago, 111. [524] MERRITT HENRY CONE, son of Henry Cone [278] and Mary Eggleston, b. in Farmington, 111., Aug. 29, 1861, m. Mary Jack in 1884. She was I), in Farmington April 12, 1864. He is a general stock-bnyer, and res. at Farmington. Ch. 048. IIexuy Albert, b. in Hebron, Neb., Sept. 8, 1885. 040. ilARY, b. in Hebron, Neb., Aug. 10, 1887. 9.50. Leroy. b. in Omaha. Neb., Dec. 20, 1888. 951. Margaret, b. July 31, 1890. • [525] JOSEPH C^ONE, son of Spencer Cone [280] and Jnlia A. Sloan, b. in Farmington, 111., May 5, 1842, m. Maria A. Onynn in Lacon, 111., Oct. 1870. She was b, in Greenwich N. Y., Ang. 8, 1852. He enlisted in the 103d Illinois YoUmteers Aug. jDescendants of Daniel Cone. 83 IS, 1863. Was wounded at siege of Atlanta, July 22, 18(34, and was mustered out in June, 1865. Is a member of the Cong. Cli., and has been in the photograph business for thirty-three years. Res. at .Farmington, 111. Ch. 952. John S., b. Dec. 12, 1872. 95.3. Cora, b. Oct. 29, 1874. 954. Frank A., b. Apr. 18. 1889. [526] SPENCER SLOAX COXE, son of Spencer Cone [280] and Julia A. Sloan, b. Farmington, 111., June 25, ISlro, m. Arminta Kerr Bombaugh in Oilman, 111., Feb. 26, 1873. She \yas b. Richland, O., May 22, 1841, and d. at Oilman June 7, 1805. He m. 2 Mrs. Clara Crmnwell in Peoria, 111., May 25, 1000. Real-estate dealer. Res. Peoria, 111. Ch. 955. WiLiJAii R., b. Feb. 12, 1874. Res. Peoria. 111. 956. Roy 8.. b. July 8, 1878. Res. Peoria, 111. [527] LIZZIE COKE, dan. of Spencer (\.ne [280] and Julia A. Sloan, ]). Farmington, 111., June 23, 1815, m. William Henry Widener Is\)y. 20, 1872. He was b. Sept. 2, 1842, and was a mer- chant at Farmington, where he d. Oct. 23, 1806. She res. at Farm- ington. Oh. 957. William H.. b. Oct. 14. 1873. Res. Plymoutli. 111. 958. Julia May, b. Jan. 1. 187G, iii. Zook. Res. Keytesville. 111. 959. Haery G., b. Apr. 7. 1882. Res. Canton. 111. 960. Mabel ii.., b. Dec. 7, 1891. Res. Farmington, 111. [528] WILLIAM BRIOHAM COiS^E, son of Spencer Cone [280] and Julia A. Sloan, b. Farmington, 111., July 2, 1847, m. An- gelina Chapman, dau. of Philo Phineas Chapman and Amanda Tut- tle, Aug. 14, 1884. She graduated at Oberlin College, 1870, and taught school a number of years. He is a real-estate dealer. Res. Seattle, Wash. N"o ch. [531] OEOROE WHITFIELD CO:N'e, son of Dayid Cone [281] and Harriet Cutler, b. Peoria, 111., Jan. 3, 1856, m. Ella Kinslow, dau. of John Kinslow and Eliza Ellam, in Beloit, Kan., Feb. 24, 1880. She was b. Mineral Point, Wis., Feb. 24, 1856. He is a lumberman and manufacturer of rough and dressed lumlior, and res. at University Park, Ore. Ch. 961. Gertrude Atwood. b. Aug. 22. 1882. m. Benton L. Yost. Res. University Park. Ore. 962. InwiN Harlan, b. Mar. 17. 1885. 963. Cora Bernice. b. Apr. 30, 1893. 84 The Cone Family in America. |r>;!L'| -lOSKIMl IlKXin' COXK, son df Davi.l ('..no [281] 1111(1 llnrrici Ciillcr, li. .Mciin^liii. \Vimicl.:i,iz.. c.miitv. Wis., Xov. 18, IS.MI, 111. Irissii liiscdiicr, il;m. of W'csIcn- IJiscoucr and Sarah Eni>- lisli, ill IJcldil, Ivas.. Sc|)t. :)<), lss<». She was 1.. Yorkville, Kendall (•(iiiiitv, ill., Ocl. is, ISdl. lie is a fanner; res. Vancouver, Wash. Ch. 9(14. i\I.M!Ki, l<:sriiKi!. 1). .Iiily 21, ISSl. !!()."). IOdwix Kahlk. I>. Sept. ;!. 1SS4. !l(i(i. KimEST HoWAlil). 1). Dec. S. ISS."); d. A^y . 'IX . 1!»02. !t(;7. ItA.NSoM Leslie, h. Apr. 24. ISS!). !)(is. ( 'I, AKE.xcE Wesley, h. Dec. (i. ISito. !•(;!». Kaymo.m) Hexuy, 1). Sept. S. 1S!I2. r:>;j;]] KAIJLAX I'AGK COXK, >.mi ..f David (V.ne [281] and Harriet Cutler, 1>. Anu'. IS, isC.;), in Altoiia, 111., ni. Jennie Iviith Kirk])atriek, dan. of Zeiias Kirhpatriek and Xancy Ani>eliue HARLAN PAGE CONE. Cathy, who was h. Mar. 7, 1S72, in I.eeton, .Mo. ilc is a sawmill- owner, and niannfactnres ronuli and dressed hnnlier. Ives. Univer- sity Park, Ore. Ch. 970. llAKi.Ax (intAiii), I). Jinie 2."), 1902. \y-\\\ IIAPJUET ELIZABETH (^OXE, dan. oi David Cone [281] and Harriet (^^tler, 1.. Galva. Henrv conntv, HI, April 3„ Descendants of Daniel Cone. 85 1869, m. Elbert John Meiideiiliall Dec. 10, ISUI. Ho was son of Rush Mendenliall and Esther J^ouisa Worden, 1). in Washington count V, Ore., Aug. iJU, 1869. He is a lawyer, and res. at Woodlawn, Ore. ' (Ml. 071. UrTn EtsTHEU. 1). Nov. 1. 1S92. !)72. W'AKD Worden, b. Aug. 17. 180."). 973. llusii Newell, b. Oct. 19, 1807. 974. Cliffouu Ikwin, b. Nov. 20, 1900. [540] ESTHER FRANCES COXE, dan. of Charles Cone [283] and Julia Ann Rebecca Martin, b. Farniino'ton, 111., Julv 25, 1863, in. Samuel E. Barr Feb. 22, 1888. Ch. 975. Eknest Eugene, b. Dec. 5, 1889. [511] BEIsTJAMIN FRANKLIN CONE, son of Charles Cone [283] and Julia Ann Rebecca Martin, b. Farmington, 111., May 30, 1865, m. Mary Eliza Eggleston Oct. 1, 1885. She was dau. of Charles Henry Eggleston and Harriet L, Hugg, and b. Champaign, III. No ch. in 1900. He is a farmer and market gardener, and res. in Ashland, Neb. [543] DERRELL FRANKLIN CONE, son of George Wash- ington Cone [286] and Hannah P. Brock, b. in Blount county, Ala., Mar. 12, 1858, m. Elizabeth Louisa Justice May 1, 1886. She was b. Mar. 12, 1861, and d. Nov. 14, 1889. He m'. 2 Almeda Caroline Purdy, dau. of John Jackson and Mary Elizabeth Purdy, July 27, 1893.' She was 1). Dec. 20, 1867. Res. Country, Blount countv, Ala. Ch. 070. EuNEST ROLLIN. b. Ff'b. 2, ISSS. 077. John Washington, b. 1894; d. Oct. 11. 1000. 078. Sakah Elvira, b. Sept. 9, 1800. [544] JOHN HENRY AUGUSTUS CONE, son of George Washington Cone [286] and Hannah P. Brock, b. Jan, 18, 1860, m. Ophelia Ann Tolbere, who was b. Oct. 7, 1861. Res. Country, Blount county, Ala. <'h. 970. Arthur, b. Mar. 23, 1883. 080. Albert Henry, b. July 13. 1880. 081. Franklin Vandermlt, b. June 10, 1888. 082. Sylvester Washington, b. Oct. 10, 1800. 083. .Jeremiah, b. Jan. 0, 1893. 984. Hannah Martha Philena, b. July 0. 1805. 985. Joseph Almiron, b. Sept. 9, 1807. 86 The Cone Family in America. [556] VIKGIL DEKRELL COXE, son of Derrell Cone [287] and Savali Jane ]\[orrow, b. Blount connty, Ala., Dec. 16, 1865, m. Edna Smith, dan. of Fiolun-t. P. Smitli and Mary Ann Alsnp, N'ov. '2-2, ISSS, in Fon-eston, Tex. She was b. Lincoln conntv, Tenn., Dec 12, 1867. He is a farmer, and res. Waxahachie, Tex. ' Cli. 986. C'LIFFOUI) Claytox. 1). Nov. 13. ISSH: <1. .Tune 18, 1891. 987. KoY Hamptox. h. .Tan. 12. 1892. 988. Belle T., b. Fob. 29. 189G. 989. Eeo Texxysox. b. Feb. .3. 1898. [565] EMILY SlT^:LirrXS, dan. of David Stebbins [289] and Mary Cone, b. \Vill»raham, ^Mass., Xov. LS, 1817, m. Eobert Oscar Sessions, A]>r. l-'j, ISi;). Rc-^. P^rucktield, Mass. Ch. 990. Alice Louisa, b. Sept. IG, 1844, m. George E. Twichell. Res. Brook- tiehl. :\Iass. [567] ALEIIED STEBBIXS, son of David Stebbins [289] and Mary Cone, b. Wilbraham, Mass., Xov. 20, 1822, m. Emeline Hendricks, dan. of Hiram and Adeline Hendricks, May 27, 1817. She was b. Xov. 22, \X2Ck Ptes. Snmmer Hill, 111. Ch. 991. Emma Peusis, b. :\rar. 10, 1848. m. diaries B. Dustan. Res. Summer Hill. 111. 992. Alfued L., b. Aug. IS, 18-53; d. .July 19, 1854. [571] :\IAPY COXE STEBBIXS, dan. of David Stebbins [289] and .Mary Cone, 1). Wilbraham, Mass., April 1, 1829, m. Eev. Xelson Stnts(.n .May L5, 1859. He is a minister of the M. E. Ch., and res. Brooktield, .Mass. Ch. 993. Nellie Taylou, 1). Oct. 0, 1862. [573] LOinX (KJXE COLLIXS, son of Lorin Collins and Persis Cone |29(»|, b. Wilbraham, Mass., Mar. 30, 1813, m. Mary Bemis, dan. of .Vmariali Bemis and Sarah Shnmway, Sept. 18, 1839. She was b. Stafford, Conn., ]Mar. LS, 1817. Pev. Lorin C. Collins was brought nj) in the .Methodist faith. He became a preacher at an early age, and was ;i nicmlHT of the Xew England Conference. In L*^53 he went to .M iiiiicsota and joined tlie ^lethodist Conference there. After years ef donbt he states that he " drifted away from the faith in tlie doetrine of eiKMess niiserv," and left tlie chnrch and be- came an independent minister. He writes in LSi)2 as follows: "Thongh in my SOth year, I still enjoy fair healtli and take a oood Descendants of Daniel Cone. 87 (leal of interest in what is ii'oing on in the world." Res. at Xorwood Park, 111. Ch. 994. Ella Maria, b. Aug. 0. 1S4-2. iii. Mark A. Hoyt : d. Oct. 10. ISO.'). 995. EoSELLA Elizabeth, b. Sept. 19, 1844; d. Mar. 28, 1805. 990. Lottie Louisa, b. Oct. 15, 1840; d. Feb. 26, 1871. 997. LOBIN CoxE, b. Aug. 1, 1S4S. m. Nellie Eobb. Kes. Norwood Park. 111. 998. Maky, b. Jan. 10, 1851; d. June 24, 1851. 999. Cakrie, b. Aug. 11, 1800, m. Earl H. Reed. Res. Norwood Park, 111. [574] ORVILLE PERRY COI^E, son of Alonzo Cone [203] and Emilj Pritchett, b. Ottawa, 111., Oct. 28, 183G, m. Margaret Driver in Utica, 111., Sept. 13, 1866. He was a fanner. Enlisted at Ottawa Sept. 3, 1862, in Henshaw's Battery, and was discharged July 18, 1865. D. in Nashville, Mo., May 21. 1896. She was b. Lafayette, Mo., Jnne 21, 1848, and res. at Xashville, Mo. Ch. 1000. Henry, b. Mar. 8, 1807. Res. Nasbville. ^NIo. 1001. Mary Emily, b. Dec. 2, 1870; d. Feb. 13, 1871. 1002. Mary Ettie, b. Jan. 21, 1873, m.."Bert" Coss. Res. Breeze, Mo. 1003. Alice Myrtle, b. Sept. 22, 1870, m. James Harry. Res. Breeze, Mo. 1004. Lucy Anna, b. May 19, 1880. Res. Nashville, Mo. 1005. Mabel Elizabeth, b. Aug. 20. 1883. 1000. Walter Orville, b. June 10, 1886. [576]' LUCY AN:N COIs^E, dau. of Alonzo Cone [293] and Emily Pritchett, b. Salem, 111,, Oct. 12, 1839, m. William Owen Brissenden, son of John Brissenden and Elizabeth Boot, May 29. 1860, in Xenia, 111. He was b. Albion, 111., Mar. 25, 1832', and d. Xenia, Feb. 18, 1890. Farmer. She res. Xenia, 111. Ch. 1007. Emily Elizabeth, b. ]\Iay 21, 1861, ni. ]\Iilton Allen. Res. Bay. Ark. 1008. William Alonzo, b. May 18. 1803, in. 1 Carrie Synionds, 2 Guyn. Res. Bloomington. Ind. 1009. Henry Ward, b. Feb. 20, 1805, m. Myrtle Shackleford. Res. Ladoga, Ind. 1010. Ermine May, b. Jan. 4. 1808. m. Harvey Zellar. Res. Elkhart. Ind. 1011. Mabel Harriet, b. Feb. 28, 1871, m. Harry Smith. Res. Nettleton, Ark. 1012. Lucy Marian, b. Mar. 21. 1874; d. Feb. 3. 1870. 1013. Ernest Gilbert, b. Apr. 8, 1870, m. Pearl Anderson. Res. Xenia, 111. 1014. Ada Maud, b. Apr. 19. 1S79. Res. Elkhart. Ind. 1015. Pearl, b. Mar. 29, 1881; d. Mar. 11. 1882. [577] MARTHA JAXE COXE, dan. of Alonzo Cone [293] and Emily Pritchett, b. Salem, 111., April 24, 1842, m. ]\[elzer Whitten in Ottawa, 111., Jnne 19, 1859, and d. Apr. 2, 1889. He 88 The Cone Family in A7nerica. \v;is I). Kiiiiistoii, Plvinoiitli eoiintv, Mass., July 28, 1836, and res. at llii.ls(m,'Wis. Ch. 101(>. Be.njamim Delano. 1). May (>, 1800, unin. t'i\ il ciiijiucer. lies. Great Falls. Mont. [r.SO] .MARY ELIZABETH CONE, dan. of Alonzo Cone ! 2i»;! I and Emily Pritclictt, I). Ottawa, 111., May 1, 1850, in. Edwin I). Eistcr, son of William Fostor and Fanny Evans, in Edwards- Inii'u', .Midi., Fcl). 20, 1SS7. He has held a nnnd)or of local offices, and lias boon dnstico of tlie Peace for twenty years. He was b. Ans^. 24, 1S24. Pes. Elkhart, Tnd. Ch. 1017. FvOBEKT LETiOY. b. Elkliait. Jan. 11. 188S. [581] SAPAII C^ONE, dan. of Ephraim Cone [294] and Pachel Philena Jenkins, h. (Jcneseo, X. Y., Sept. 1, 1833, m. Wil- liam lIcMiry Olnistead Anii'. IC, ls5;;. He was 1>. Caynii'a, N. Y., May (1, 1S2S, and (1. Dee. 25, iss.",. She d. Geneseo, X. Y., Ano-. 8, 1805. Ch. 1018. Charles, b. Juno 14, 18.")4. in. Celostia Amanda Jonos ; 2 eli. Res. Tittsbnr,-. Pa. 101!). ■- Wii-LL\M L. S., b. A])!-, n. 1802. ni. Majy ('. Bolton; no ch. Res. (icncseo. X. Y. 1020. Faxme E.. b. Feb. 2.3. 1808. ni. F. V. Doty. Res. Geneseo. N. Y. [582] JA:\IES J. COXE, son of Ki)hraim Cone [204] and IJachel Philena Jenkins, h. Geneseo, X. Y., Aj)ril 2, 1S35, ni. Annie E. Aiiiiew Oct. (i, 1S5T, in Moscow, X. Y. She was h. Jnne 20, 1840. They have no cli. He is a niemher of the Preslyterian Ch. Real- estate dealer, hanker and miner. Is Trnstee of (\)lorado School of ]\Iines. Mayor of Canyon City, C(d., and ]»art owner of the Opliir ,iio]d iiiiiH^ at that ])lace. [5,s;5] FRAXCES COXE, dan. of Orville Cone [205] and Parniclia W]iii)])le, h. Watertown, X. Y., dan. 10, ls;',2, m. Georoe Tnrner Jnne 0, 1S40. He wAs 1). Pnckini-hamshire, Enoland, Xwg. 10, 1S2(;. He was a merchant — dealer in dry o-oods and iiroceries — and res. at :\rorris. Til. fh. 1021. riiAitLKs O.. b. Dee. 4. 18.'-v2. ni. Anna ^Madeira. Res. Morgan Park. Til. 1022. Emma -Tane. b. Nov. 23. 18.-)3. m. Albert S. Kelty. Res. Alazon. Til. 102:1. OiniLLE T.. !). Alar. 22. ]8.-).i. „,. Hilary ^[. Tinranee. Res. Rorkwell City, Town. 1024. William A., b. T^-b. 2. 18.57. unni. Res. Evanston. Til. 102.1. T.ydia a., b. Sept. 0. 18.i9. in. Allen Mansfield Canadv. Res. Morris. 111. Descendants of Daniel (*c one. 1026. Edgak F.. b. Oft. 2. 1801. unm. Res. Monmouth, Ore. 1027. Alvaii (I., b. June 4, ISO.l. Res. Morris, 111. 1028. Trumax L.. b. July 28. 1870. m. Sarah Armstrong. Res. Morris, 111. 1929. Alice R.. 1). Sept. 9. 1873. m. George M. Bueklin. Res. Morris. III. 1030. Harkiet E, b. Nov. 9, 1875, unm. Res. Morris, 111. [586] ^ HARRIET COXE, dan. of Orville Cone [295] and Pannelia Wlii])i)le, b. Jefferson connty, X. Y., Dee. 29, 18^0, m. Judson A. Collis Jan. 1, 1S(;;5. He was b. Feb. 10, ls;59. Was a veterinary snri>;eon and ranchman. 1). Jnne 11, 1900. She res Mandan, X. D. Ch. 1031. Abraw J., b. Jan. 9. 1804. m. Cora Jackson. Res. Medora, N. D. 1032. William C. b. Sept. 21. 18(i.i. m. Carrie Zinn. Res. Medora, X. D. 1033. Elmer G., b. Aug. 4. 1807. m. :\Iinnie Mahlecke. Res. IMandan. X. D. 1034. Hattie M., b. Aug. 5. 1872. m. Warren E. Chase. Sliell)v Junction, Mont. 1035. Hart J., b. May 12. 1874. m. Mary Smith. Res. Manchm. X. D. 1036. CLAiDi: D., b. Dec. 10, 1879, unm. Res. Mandan. X. D. [588] LYMOX COXE, son of Jared Cone [29(; ] and Eliza Ann Ross, b. West Carlisle, O., Feb. 19, 1880, ni. Harriet H. C^isli- ing, dan. of Gilbert Cnshing and Xancy Boyce, in Log-an, O., Sept. 5, 1850. She was b. Logan, Dec. 9, 1833. Ch. 1037. Jared. I). July 7, IS.U. unm. Attorney at law. Res. P,urrton. Kas. 10.18. ]ilARY. b. Oct. 29. 185(;. m. William 11. Gray. Res. Guthrie. Okla. 1039. EiJiuwi) Walter, b. Oct. 3, 1803. m. Susan Adams; 1 ch.; d May 3 1892. ' ' 1040. Barker Brooks, b. Feb. 29, 1809; d. Burrton, Kas., Aug. 6, 1874. 1041. Frederick Cusiiixg, b. Mar. 3, 1874. Enlisted for three years in Co. L. 17th U. S. Infantry. Promoted Sergeant. Served at Manila, Philippine Islands. [589] MILTOX CONE, son of Jared Cone [296] and Eliza x\nn Ross, b. West Carlisle, O., Dec. 3, 1831, m. Sarah Jane Lind- say, dan. of Samuel Lindsay and Martha Jane Salmond, in Macon, Mo., Feb. 10, 1866. She was b. Springfield, O., Jnly 24, 1843. Res. Kansas City, Mo. Ch. 1042. Eliza A.\x, b. Xov. 10, 1860. 1043. .Jessie L., b. :\[ay 7, 1868. 1044. ]Martiia G.. b. July 8. 1871. [592] MARIOX COXE, son of Jared Cone [296] and Eliza Ann Ross, b. West Adamsville, O., Jan. ], 1837, m. Louisiana Moore, dan. of Ayres Moore and Mary Ann Allen, Xov. 28, 1883. She was b. ::\L'mi)his, Mo., April 23, 1852. He was a farmer; a 90 The Cone Family in America. iiiciiibci' of the Mctlindist Cliurch Suiitli, and rcsidt'd for many vcars at Mt'niphi.s, Alo., \\\\vyv lie d. Mar. 15, lUOl. She res. Memphis. Ch. 1045. BEULAir L]IJ.IA^. b. Nov. 24, 1884; d. Aug. 20, 1886. 104(j. Belva Edna. b. July 'J, 1887. 1047. Alva Baiiton, b. A])r. 15. 1889. [5U;3] MAETIIA CONE, dan. of Jared Cone [200] and Eliza Ann Ross, b. Adamsville, O., Oct. 1, 1843, m. Frederick Smitli, son of Franz Smith and Elizabeth Witaman, .Mar. 18, 1868. lie was b. P.adcn, Grrmanv. Jan. 24, lSl-4. Farmer. Kes. Mem- phis, Alo. Ch. 104S. Mary Ann. b. July 25, 1871; d. Oct. 10, 1871. I :>!);>] SAiXFOlM) RKMIAKDSOX, son of Alphens Eichard- son |>>!)TJ and Lncv Cone, li. Mnskinonm coiuity, O., Mar. 10, 1825, m. Rhoda Ann Scott, dan. of James and Frances Scott, in Tazewell county, 111., Juno 25, 1848. She was b. Groveland, 111., Jan. 19, 1828. He entered Knox CNjlleo-e, Galesburg', 111., in 1842, and g-rad- nated in June, 1846. Entered Union Theolooical Seminary in Xew York, in 1851, and oradnated 1854. Was (irdained to the Presby- terian ministry June 25, 1S54, and soon after was sent by the Foreign Alissionary Board to work in Turkey. He sailed with wife and one cliild from Boston Aui;'. 8, 1854, for Smyrna, and from Ihencc to ( 'onstantino}ile, and from there to Erzerum, western Tur- key. He remained here until 1856, and was then sent to Arabkir, at which ])lace, after nine years' service, he was gTanted a furloug-h to the Fnited States. He returned to his field of labor in 1866, and was ])lace(l at Broosa, near Constantinople, where he labored thirteen yt^ars, and until broken by ill-health, when he was ag'ain forced to retnrn to tlie Fnited States, in 1870. After an illness of seven years, lie d. at Cazenovia, 111., Feb. 2, 1886. His wife was with him the entire term of his missionary service in Turkey, and six of his cliihlren were born in that far-away countrv. She res. Bloomer, Wis. Ch. 1040. Ei.LEx. 1). July ?,. 1849. in. Bov. J. W. Baird. Be^^. in Buloariu. 1050. Jenxu^:, b. May 20, 1851; d. Oct. 1. 1852. 1051. James 8., b. Aug. 7, 1855-. d. Arabkir, Turkey, Aug. 30. 18.3G. 1052. Caroline, b. Sc])t. 24, 1857: d. Arabkir, Turkey, Apr. 17, 1803. 1053. David A., b. Oct. 22, 1859, ni. Myra E. Newton. Bes. Bloomer, Wis. 10.54. .John L., b. Feb. 14, 1804. ni. Carrie Olson; d. Aug. 21, 1891. 1055. Henry M., b. Dec. 12. 1800. m. Ella F. Kenan. Res. Beardstown, 111. 1050. ]\IARY T., b. July 20, 1871, unni. Bes. jMinncapolis, Minn. [51)6 ] JULIETTE BKTrABDSOX, dau. of Alpheus Rich- ardson I 207] and Lucy (\.ne, b. July 17, 1820, m. John Franklin Descendants of Daniel Cone. 91 Slio])ar(I Sept. 16, 1849. He was b. Fel). 4, 1821. He was a fanner; an inflnential member of tbe Baptist Ch. ; d. Jan. 22, 1889. She was a ii'ood Christian woman, and a self-sacrificing worker for the good of others. D. Feb. 15, 1881. Ch. 10.57. Levy L., b. Nov. 20, 1850, m. Harriet Elliott. Ros. Granville, 111. 10.58. Martha E., b. ]\Iar. 11, 1852, ni. -John W. Penfield. Res. Belleville, Kas. 10.59. Daniel A., b. Dec. 8, 1853; d. Aug. 20, 1SS9. lOGO. Lucy, b. Oct. 22, 1855; d. May 17. 1872. 1001. Frank L., b. July 20, 1858; d. ]May 11, 1888. 1002. Juliette, b. Jiily 17, 1861; d. Jan. 20, 1873. 1003. Eva E., b. Apr. 20, 18(53, m. Jobn Sehafer. Res. Englewood, 111. [599] WILLIAM DAVISON CONE, son of Beebe Stewart Cone [299] and Lucinda Davison, b. Coshocton, O., Mar. 17, 1838, m. Kate F. Lord, dan. of Richard Lord and Jane Smalley, June 7, 1870. She was b. in Muscatine county, Iowa, April 21, 1844, and res. in 1900 at Conesville, Iowa. He removed from Ohio to Musca- tine county, Iowa, with his father's family in 1854. In 1859 he taught school in that county, and the following two winters in Louisa county, same State. On Dec. 5, 1863, he enlisted as a private in Company B, 35th Iowa Infantry, and was discharged Oct. 1865. He was in a number of battles in the Southwest. After the war he studied medicine, and graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons in Keookuk, Iowa, in 1867, and from Bellevue Llospital Medical College in Ncav York in 1868. For thirty years he prac- ticed his profession in Conesville. Was a member of the A. O. U. W. and G. A. R. He d. Dec. 1, 1899. Ch. lOG-t."^ Edna Lucinda, b. Mar. 20. 1871. ni. Samuel W. Field. Res. Cones- ville, Iowa. 1065. William Lord, b. Aug. 17, 1874, m. Emma D. Drury; 2 ch.; d. Aug. 6, 1899. [603] JAMES WALTER CONE, son of Beebe Stewart Cone [299] and Lucinda Davison, b. Coshocton county, O., Dec. 4, 1850, m. Emily M. Staples, dau. of Cyrus and Sarah M. Staples, in Mus- catine county, Iowa, Oct, 23, 1873. She was b. Vergennes, Vt., Oct. 26, 1852. He gTaduated at Iowa University, and practiced law for nine years in that State. He removed to Brule county, S. D., in 1882, and has held a number of important positions in that State. Has been County CommissiDner, Clerk of the House of Representa- tives, represented his county in State Legislature in 1890, and is at present an abstracter of titles at Sioux Falls, S. D. Ch. 1066. Walter, b. Feb. 27. 1876. 1067. Charles C, b. Dec. 17. 1877. 92 The (hne Family in America. i()(;s. i;()S(OK !•:., h IOC.!). i;.\i,i'ii .1., I.. ISSl. , 1SS4. |(i(i| I ,IAKKI) KDWIX COXK. s..ii of WwU' Stcwnrt Coiio j I'll'.l I :iii(l l.iiriii.hi Davisdii, 1.. ill ('(Micsvillc, 1o\v;k April i', 1850, 111. Liu'v A. Siiiiui VoUimslnWll, ()., I)c ISr.l. 11.' is ;i |.ll\> 11. (if Diivid ;iii(l Susiiiiiiiili SiiiKuis, ill ISSO. She \v;is 1). Cniitit'ld, ()., .Xov. 23,' and siirucdii. Kcs. \'(iuiiust()\vii, (). 1(I7(». Kditii LrciM.A. 1). ("(iiH'>villc. Iowa. .Iiiiu' 17. 1882. 1(171. i;i.:.\A Ci.AUA. h. KimlMll. S. I).. .Iiiiic -JO. 1884. 1072. .lAKKi) v.. i>. ^()Ull^sl.l\\ll. ()., .iiiiu' ;;. 1880. |(iO(;| PATIKXCK orilKLIA COXK, dan. uf Opimhi.-^ rV.ih' |;;oi |, 111. (icorov W. iMiicrs.in. Mav i'i\ ISCT. Il(> is a luor- cliaiil, and res. at ( 'oncsvillc, Iowa. 107;'.. Anna A.. 1.. Muscat inc. h.wa. An--. :'.0. ISf.O. 1074. Ai.HKKT W., I.. Muscatine. I..\\a. Dec. 4. 1872. 107."). CiiAKi.KS I']., 1.. Muscatine. Iowa. .Ian. 1, 187.'). 107C.. II. L.. ^luscatine. h.wa. Dec. 28. 188."). 1012 1 BKKIJK STFAVAirr COWDKX, son of Samnol (V.w- dcii |;;()2| and lluldali Cone, h. Sept. lU, 1S4T, in. Alavv Ann i'.owdciu dan. of William Howdcii and Alarv CapwtdK -Ian. ?i, 1800. She was I.. Adaiiisvillc, ()., Fch. 14, 1S4T.' He is a niail-carricn- at l\Iiln.Tsvillc, (). Ch. 1077. Loi'is i\[., 1.. Jan. l:{, 1872. in. :\laiy (Jil.l.s. Ues. Xcwpoit. Ky. 1078. Edna Lrcii.i:. Oct. 8. 18S:i. Ites. Milnersville, O. I «;i;! I U'CIXDA -lAXF (X)XK, dan. of I5arton (\»no | :;)0;^] and dulia .Vnn Walker, 1>. Ols.-.., ()., Xov. 2i», 1S4T, ni. (Jroi-oe Lano Hradford, dan. 10, ISOT. lie was 1.. Mnskinonni conntv, ()., ^A>v. 27, 184:5. Karnicr. lies. Otscu,., (). 1070." I'.AinoN luA. b. Oct. 1. 18(17. in. Klla Case. Pu's. Otso-o, 0. 1080. \Vi-:i.Mi:u Lank. b. Oct. 10. 18(10. Ues. (;;il(^. (Jreeii St.. C'liicago. 1081. llowAia. IjTiiK. b. Sei.t. 11. 1871. Kes. Colfax. 111. 1082. O/.iAs KniKAiM, b. .luly 20. 187:!. lies. Zanesville. O. I(t8;!. I'liii.ANDKi! SiiEuiKAN, b. Fel). 2(;. 188.3. lies. Otseyo. (). |. He tj,,.,, purchased the Chami.aion J)r,),orriiL cf which Descendants of Daniel Cone. 93 \)ix\wY lie was editor and [)uljli,sliei' one year. Then ljoiii;lit a halt-int(n'- est in the Zanesville Signal. In 1887 sold his interest in the Shjixil and purchased the Champaign Democrat, of which he remained editor and proprietor until his death. Was a member of the Lutheran Ch., and of the I. O. O. F. Was County School Examiner of Muskingum county, O., and Trustee of the Ohio Epileptic Asylum. He was a noble man and won the confidence and esteem of all with whom he came in contact. lie d. at Urbana, O., Sept. 30, 1S9.3. She res. at Urban a. Ch. 1084.* Charles E.. b. Nov. 2S. ISTfl. in. Lettie Landis. Pvps. :\ri(l(lloto\vn. O. 1085. Frank Cone, b. Dec. 10. 1879. Res. Urbana. 0. 108G. Bruce Barton. 1). Sept. 9, 1881. Res. Urbana. 0. [GIG] NEWELL JAEED CONE, son of BarKm Cone [;303] and Julia Ann Walker, b. Otsego, O., Mar. 5, 1854, m. Jennie John- ston, dau. of James and Sarah Johnston, of Zanesville, O., Jan. 5, 1882. He was formerly a Baptist, but of late years has affiliated with the M. E. Ch., and is a Trustee and Steward (d' the church. Soon after marriage they removed to Kentucky, where he is extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. Is a jn-ogressive farmer of the new school. Res. Moreland, Ivy. Ch. 1087. Ethel Belle, b. Dec. 11, 1889. [G19] HANNAH CONE, dau. Barton Cone [303] and Julia Ann Walker, b. Otsego, O., Feb. 11, 1861, m. Harvey Slater, son of George W. and Mary C. Slater, Sept. 1, 1885. He was b. Adams- vile, O., uno IG, 1857. Farmer. They are meml)ers of New Hope Lutheran Ch. Ees. Adamsville, O. Ch. 1088. Ralph Cone, b. May 17, 1894; d. Apr. 25. 1900. 1089. Paul Dwight, b. Dec. 11, 1901. [G20] JAMES PHILIP CONE, son of Barton Cone [303] and Julia Ann Walker, b. Otsego, O., Nov. 20, 1863, m. Maria V. Cow- den Dec. 31, 1889. She was dau. of Robert and Caroline Cowden, and b. Feb. 8, 1864. He was formerly a druggist at New Concord, O., but of late years he has been farming. They are both mend)ers of the United Presbyterian Ch. at New^ Concord. They have no chil- dren, and res. at Otsego, O. [623] HOWARD JAMES CONE, .son of Ilawley Cone [304], b. at Adams Mills, O., Jan. 13, 1840, m. Myra C. Newton Apr. 23, L877. She was 1). Orange, Yt., Aug. 7. 1855. Res. River- side, Cal. 94 The Gone Family in America. Ch. 1090. Alice L.. b. Nov. 1. 1870. 10!)1. Webb N.. b. Dec. 27, 1884. [Oi>(!j CONVERSE COXKADE COXE, son of Hawley Cone [304] and Lois K Ross, b. E'ov. 10, 1859, in Iowa, m. Martha E. Hale, (Ian. of Charles and Melvina Hale. She was b. in Downing, Mo., Jnne 11, 1859. He is physician and snrgeon. Is secretary of the Progressive State Medical Society of Iowa, and eminent in his profession. Ives. Oskaloosn, la. Ch. 1092. Edith It., b. ^hw. 12. ISS."). in Sclniylor county, Mo. 1093. Beryl, b. Mar. 10, 1891, in Garden Crove. Iowa. [029] ALICE ELIZABETH LITTLE, dan. of James Little [305] and Hannah Elizabeth Cone, b. Dresden, O., Dec. 31, 1853, m. Henry H. Eschleman Sept. 6, 1883. He is a shoe merchant, and res. Dresden, O. Ch. 1094. Fredrika Emma, b. Fel). 5, 188.'); d. Apr. 20. 1890. 109.3. Karl Henry, b. June 25, 1891. [031] MAEY EMMA LITTLE, dan. of James Little [305] and Hannah EHzal)eth CNme, 1). Dresden, O., Jnne 27, 1858, m. Rev. L. R. Moss May 1, 1S71>. He is a Baptist minister, and res. Tv^iles, O. Ch.' 1090. Bessie Alice, b. Dresden. 0.. May 4. 1880. 1097. Olive Bancroft, b. Findhiy. O.. Sept. 14. 1887. [033] HOWARD CORXWELL LITTLE, son of James Lit- tle [305] and Hannah Elizabeth Cone, b. Dresden, O., April 13. 1805, m. Xora I). Swank Ang. 7, 1889. He is a farmer; res. Dres- den, O. Ch. 1098. Anna Belle, b. Feb. 21. 1891. 1099. Earl, b. Aug. 9, 1893. 1100. Wallace, b. Nov. 2, 1890. 1101. BowENA. b. July 2. 1899. [630] CHARLES H. COXE, son of John Carpenter Cone [309] and Jnlia Duryea Gray, b. in Xew York, March 27, 1848, m. Mrs. Margaret (Donaldson) Hoffman, widov/ of Erank Hoffman, LS83. He is Secretary of the De La Vergne Refrigerating Machine Co., of Xcw York. Res. Xew York city. [037] EDGAR A. COXE, son of John Carpenter Cone [309] and Julia Dnryea Gray, b. Xew York Xov. 19, 1850, m. Alice Delia Torre, dan. of Joseph Torre, 1883. He is in the employ of the De La Yergiie Refrio-eratinff Machine Co. Res. Xew York. Descendants of Daniel Cone. 95 [638] HELEX GRAY CONE, dau. of John Carpenter Cone [309] and Julia Duryea Gray, b. New York Mar. 8, 1859. She was graduated in 1876, at the a,2;e of seventeen years, from the New York City Nonnal College, and for a number of years was tutor in the English Literature department of that college. Between 18-80 and 1888 she contributed verse and prose to The Century, Harper's, Scribners, 8f. Nicholas, LippincoWs and Atlantic Monthly. In 1885 and also in 1891 she issued a volume of poems. Res. in New" York. [647] ELLEN MARIA CONE, dau. of Newell Cone [312] and ]\[ary C. Winslow, b. Mar. 14, 1848, m. Elijah Williamson Apr, 14, 1867. He was son of Charles Williamson and Mary Shields, b, Nov. 7, 1847. Served as a soldier in the War of Rebellion, in the 1st Iowa Battorv. Music dealer and teacher. Res. Larimer, la. [654] ANN ELIZABETH CONE, dan. of William Edwin Cone [316] and Rhoda G. Beckwith, b. East Haddam, Conn., July 30, 1833, m. Andrew Jackson Miller, son of Joseph Miller and Ro- setta Scudder, in East Haddam, July 21, 1864.' He was b. Harmony, N. J., Mar. 11, 1821, and d. Jan.' 2, 1898. Was a merchant the greater part of his life, but latterly a fruit-raiser at Sylvan, Wash. She res. at Letts, Iowa. Ch. 1102.^ Edwi.x Cone. b. June 17. 18GG, m. IMvrtlo 0. Spaulclino-. Res. Sylvan, Wash. 1103. AxxA, b. Muscatine, Iowa, Dec. 23, 1867; d. Xov. 23, 1868. [656] WILLIAM ALBERT CONE, son of William Edwin Cone [316] and Rhoda G. Beckwith, b. East Haddam, Conn., Sept. 24, 1847, m. Flora R. Battles, dau. of William L. Battles and Ange- line T. Barber, Apr. 3, 1872. She was b. Apr. 24, 1849. They have no children. He is a ]irosperous and successful insurance agent. Res. Springfield, Mass. Adopted child. 1104. Clarabel, b. 1882. [659] ORLANDO VERLETTE CONE, son of Daniel New- ton Cone [321] and Diantha Sadd, b. 1827. He was a school teacher at Bedford, Mass. Served with credit in war wdth Mexico, and re- ceived a grant of land for his services. He enlisted in War of Re- bellion in Company B, 101st N. Y. Vols., and was killed in the second battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. A letter from his captain to the widow states that " He was shot in the head while nobly pressing forward upon the enemy." He m. Catherine Wright Mar. 6, 1852, in Deruyter, N. Y. She was b. Aug. 16, 1836, at Chittenango, N. Y. —7 96 The Cone Family in Anierica. WILLIAM A. CONE, Springfield, Mass. (Page 95,) Removed with licr family to Missouri in ISGT, and res. at Scdalia. Mo. Ch. 1105.* Harry F„ b. Sept. 8, 1857. ni. Annie C. Sniitli. Res. Sedalia. jNIo. HOG. Anna Maria, b. Sept. 1. 1859; d. Apr. 24. 18G9. 1107. Orlando V., b. Feb. 2G, 18G2; d. May 3. 1SG3. [CGO] EMERETTE E. COXE, dan. of Daniel Xewton Cone [321] and Emilj C. Sadd, b. An^-. 20, 1832, m. Coryden Pres- ton Mar. 2, 1854. All their children died within a month, of scarlet fever. He d. :\rareli 17, 1002, ao-ed 71 vears. She res. South Otse- lic, K Y. Ch. 1108. Alfred Romaix, b. Aug. 20, 1855; d. Jan. 25. 1875. 1109. Eveline Elmore, b. Jan. 9, 1859; d. Jan. 10, 1875. 1110. Lottie Amelia, b. Feb. 14, 18G4; d. Dec. 30, 1874. 1111. Nelson B., b. Dec. 15, 1872; d. Dec. 28, 1874. [661] ORELLO CONE, son of Daniel iNewton Cone [321] and Emily C. Sadd, b. Lincklaen, Chenango county, N". Y., Nov. 16, 1835, m. Marianna Nye Pepper Oct. 4, 1864. She was b. Mar. 23, 1837. A prominent preacher of the Universalist denomination, and an acknowledged authority among the followers of that church. A writer on religious subjects, and author of a number of standard pub- Descendants of Daniel Cone. 97 lications exijounding the doctrines of that church. Ecs. Canton, St. n^awrence county, N. Y. Ch. 1112. Edwix Frank, b. Oct. 5, 18G7. Chemist. Uiim. Res. Pliiladelphia. Educated Buchtel College, Akron, 0., and at Case School of Applied Science, Philadelp'hia. A Universa- list in religious belief, and Republican in politics. 1113. CiiAUi\CEY, b. Feb. 12, 1871; d. Aug. 7, 1871. [G62] MAROE CONE, son of Daniel Newton Cone [321] and Emily C. Sadd, b. Aug. 8, 1837, m. Jennie Silliman Feb. 5, 18G3. She was b. July 14^1843, and d. July 25, 1875. No chil- dren, lie is a farmer, and member of the Patrons of Husbandry. lies. Deruyter, N. Y. [665] MONEOE CONE, son of Daniel Newton Cone [321] and Emily C. Sadd, b. xlpril 1, 1843, m. Sarah Wood, dau. of L. 0. Wood and Louisa Benjamin, Jan. 15, 1867. Was engaged for thirty years in the manufacture of furniture and cheese-boxes, but of late is a wholesale dealer in eggs. Is a member of the A. O. U. W. and of the Eoyal Templars of Temperance. Res. Deruyter, N. Y. Ch. 1114. Ada Bertha, b. Jan. 22, 1871; d. Dec. 27, 1874. 1115.* Anda W., b. Dee. 24, 1875, m. Alice W. Dickinson. Res. Deruyter, N. Y. \_^m'\ NEWTON CONE, son of Daniel Newton Cone [321] and Emily C. Sadd, b. Sept. 27, 1846, m. Abby Brown, dau. of Charles and Abby M. Brown, Dec. 25, 1867. She was b. Cuyler, Cortland county, N. Y., July 0, 1849. He is superintendent of a large factory for making doors, blinds and sash. Politically a Dem- ocrat. Res. Cortland, N. Y. Cli. 1116. Charles Ray, b. Oct. 24, 1871, m. Susan Davern. Res. Cortland, N. Y. 1117.* Herbert Revillo, b. Jan. 20, 1873, m. Viola Hakes. Res. Cortland, N. Y. [667] ANTOINETTE CALISTA CONE, dau. of Daniel Newton Cone [321] and Emily C. Sadd, b. June 17, 1849, m. Nich- olas J. Eisher Sept. 26, 1871. He was b. Bavaria, Germany, Nov. 3, 1842. Is a member of the Gr. A. R. A tanner bv occupation. Res. South Otselic, N. Y. Ch. 1118. Claytox Orello, b. March 27, 1874. Res. South Otselic, N. Y. 1119. Ada May, b. Sept. 2.5. 1875. Res. South Otselic, N. Y. 98 The Cone Family in America. [G68] ClIAELOTTE :\I. C'OXE, dan. of Daniel Xowton Cone [321] and Eniilv C". vSadd, 1». Jan. 30, 1851, m. John Fisher. Oecnpation. a tanner. lies. Sonth Otsclic, IS^. Y. Ch. 1120. INIiLTON i]uGENE. b. Apr. 2(1, 1S74. 1121. Alice Louisa, b. Aug. 12, 1S7S. [672] MAKY LOUISA C'OXE, dan. of Richard Sill Cone [324] and Mary Ann Fav, b. ]\far. 5, 1845, m. Francis Engene Cadwell Jan. 14, 1874. Ho was b. Wilbrahani, Mass., Ano'. 14, 1839. Is a farmer and real-estate dealer. Pves. at :A[oritz, S. D. Cb. 1122. .Mary Elizabetit, b. Ai>iil 24. IST-J: d. ?*Iny 22. IST-l. 112.3. Ealph Eugene, b. :May :!(). 1883. Eos. Glcnwood. S. D. 1124. CuY Richard, b. May 24. 1884. Res. Clenwood. 8. D. [755] DE CAHliOL COXE, son of Henry Clay Cone [362], 1). in Syracnse, K Y., May 26, 1851, m. Estelle I. Gillespie in Henry, 111., Feb. 5, 187s. She was b. at Iloneytown, W. Va., Xov. 28, 1848. He is Freight Claim Adjnster of the C. I. & L. Eail- Avav. Is a member of the Odd Fellows and ]\rasons. Ees. Chicai^o, 111! [758] IDAH MAUD C^OXE, dan. of Henry Clay Cone [362], b. Ogdensbnro', N. Y., Jnne 18, 1860, m. William Edo-ar Loomis, son of JMilford Loomis and Elizabeth Strange, at Ft. Collins, Col., Jnne 0, 1S85. He was 1). at Colnmbns, Wis.', Sept. 18, 1855. For a number of years he ^vas Train Dispatcher on the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Panl E. E., and stationed at Marion, Iowa. In the latter part of 1902 he was promoted to Chief Dispatcher, and sta- tioned at Sionx City, Iowa. 112.-). Emma Ardei.le. b. Feb. 1.3. ISSfi: d. .Tuly 4. 1880. 1120. Frances Fay, b. Feb. 15. 1880: d. July 23. 1S8G. 1127. Helen Margaret, b. Nov. 22, 1891. 1128. Marion Elizabeth, b. -June 7, 1893. [814] NELLIE FEXNEE, dan. of Oscar G. Fenner [401], b. Xov. 18, 1.S70, m. Winfield AVarren in Merna, Xeb., Xov. 18, 1888. He is a drnggist, a g'raiivbnyer, and is interested in a general merchandise store at Anselmo, Cnster connty, TSTeb. Ch. 1129. Floyd, b. June 1. ISOl. 1130. Gerald, b. Au^y. 20, 1890; d. May 2.5, 1898. 1131. Richard, b. Jan. 17, 1899. [815] XOENIA FENXEE, dan. of Oscar G. Fenner [401], b. Mar. 10, 1875, m. Charles Elmer Bass, son of Alexander Bass Descendants of Daniel Cone. 99 and Loviiia K. Holcomb, Dec. 25, 1S90. Engaged in general mer- cliandise bnsiness at Anselmo, Xeb. Ch. 1132. Gladdis Vale, b. Sept. 19, 1898. [942] MARY SOPHIA COXE, dan. of Lntlier Iloadley Cone [521], b. Farmington, 111., Mav 27, 1875, m. Walter S. Hart Aug. 23, 1893. He was b. Eutland,'lll., Dec. 23, 1867. Son of Edward and Lncv Hart. Mercbant at Tecnmseb, TvTeb. Ch. 11.33. Henry Hoadley, b. July 14, 1894. [1019] WILLIAM LUCIUS SMITH OLMSTEAD, son of W. H. Olmstead [581] and Sarah Cone, b. Geneseo, iN". Y., Apr. 9, 1862, m. Mary Cone Bolton, dau. of Festus Bolton and Elizabeth Cowdy, Ang. 24, 1886. She was b. at Grasshopper Falls, Kas., Jnne 3, 1867. He was formerly a merchant. Has been Postmaster, and is a land agent and President of the City Council at Geneseo, IST. Y. Ch. 1134. Mary Cone. b. Auo'. 20. 1887. 1135. William Lucius, b. Aug. 3, 1889. [1064] EDI^A LUCINDA CO:XE, dau. of William Davison Cone [599], b. West Liberty, Iowa, ]\[ar. 20, 1871, m. Samuel Field, son of Samuel I. Field and Louisa Wise, Dec. 11, 1895. He was b. at Green River, Wy., in 1870. Was formerly a machinist, but of late years is farming at Conesville, Iowa. [1079] BARTOX IRA BRADFORD, son of George L. Bradford [613], b. Otsego, O., Oct. 1, 1867, m. Ella Case, dau. of James F. and Matilda Case, Dec. 1, 1891. She was b. Otsego May 28, 1872. He is a member of the Baptist denomination and a Dea- con in the church. A prosperous farmer at Otsego, O. Ch. 1130. A son. b. Oct. G. 1893; d. Oc-t. 13. 1893. 1137. Hazel Fern, b. Mar. 18. 1899. [1084] CHARLES EDMUXD GAUMER, son of Thomas Gaumer [615], b. Urbana, O., Xov. 28, 1876, m. Lettie Landis of Urbana, Sept. 7, 1898. He is editor and proprietor of the ]\Ii(ldle- town (0.) Sif/nal. Ph. 1138. ]\rAHALA. b. Nov. 30. 1899. 1139. Edmund, b. Jan. 29. 1902. ' [1102] EDWIX COXE MILLER, son of Andrew Jackson Miller [654] and Ann Elizabeth Cone, 1). in ]\ruscatine, Iowa, June L.ofC. 100 The Cone Family in Arnerica. 17, 18C)G, m. ]\tyrtle Olive Spalding, at Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 29, 1890. lie is a fruit-raiser, and they res. at Sylvan, Wash. Ch. 1140. Maiuenne Elizabeth, b. Sei^t. 7, 1901. [1105] HAERY FKAI^KLIK CONE, son of Orlando Cone [659], b. Bedford, Mass., Sept. 8, 1857, m. Annie Smith, dan. of Joseph Smith, Oct. 14, 1886. She was b. in Ohio, May 2, 1867. He is a farmer, and res. at Sedalia, Mo. Ch. 1141. Clarence, b. Oct. 21, 1887. 1142. L. D., b. Mar. 22, 1889. 1143. Mary, b. Oct. 7, 1891. 1144. William, b. .July 12, 189.3. 1145. Lawrence, b. -Jan. 20, 189.5. 1146. Ernest, b. Mar. 24, 1897. 1147. Robert, b. May 20,' 1900. Descendants of Jared Cone. 101 JARED COl^E. (5) JAEED CONE, son of Daniel Cone (1) and Mahitable Spencer, b. Haddam, Conn., Mar. 1668. Removed with his father's family to East Iladdam, where he m. about 1693, Elizabeth . Nothing is known of her. He d. at East Haddam April 11, 1718. His brother, Daniel, was made guardian of the ch. and the oldest son, Stephen, was made administrator of the estate June 30, 1718. I could find no record of birth of ch., but give dates of baptism. Ch. 1148. Jaked, b. 1694; d. youno-. 1149.* Stephen, b. 1696. m. Abigail Barnes.'* 1150.* Thomas, b. Nov. 1.3, 1698, m. Mahitable Cone, dan. of Stephen. 1151.* NoADiAH, b. 1700, m. Elizabetli . 1152. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 26, 1701. 1153." Ruth, b. July 16, 1704. m. Samuel Emmons, jr.; d. 1757. 1154. Hannah, b. Nov. 18, 1705, m. Noadiah Brainard; d. May 14. 1744. 1155.* Rachel, b. 1708, m. Samuel Dutton. (11-19) STEPHEN CONE, son of Jared and Elizabeth Cone (5), bapt. East Haddam 1600, m. there Abigail Barnes, dau. of Will- iam Barnes, June 6, 1724. She was admitted to the ch. in East Had- dam June 30, 1734. I find no record of their death. Ch. 1156.* Abigail, b. June 2, 1725, m. John Olmstead; d. June 29, 1782. 1157.* Elisha, b. Dec. 1, 1726, m. Abigail Olmstead; d. Nov. 10, 178.3. 1158.* Thomas, b. Feb. 22. 1729. m. Anna Warner; d. [May 1, 1808. 1159. Dorothy, b. Sept. 16. 1732. 1160. Ruth, b. Oct. 15, 1734, m. .Jonathan Olmstead; d. Dec. 2, 1797. 1161. Lucy, b. March 9, 1737, m. David Purple, 1753, in Millington, Conn. 1162. Ann, b. Dec. 23, 1739, m. James Olmstead, Rev. soldier, who d. 1794. (1150) THOMAS CONE, son of Jared and Elizabeth Cone (5), bapt. East Haddam, Nov. 13, 1698, m. Feb. 20, 1734, Mahita- ble, dau. of Stephen Cone (9) and Mary Hungerford. She was b. East Haddam, July 14, 1714, and d. 1791. He res. upon the old homestead first settled upon by his grandfather in 1680, and the property remained in the hands of his descendants until the death of Cloe Cone in 1880, the property having been held in the family for 200 years. -^ Ch. 1163.* Joel. b. Feb. 26. 1735. m. Hannah Brainard; d. Jan. 3. 1788. 1164. Joshua, b. Feb. 10. 1738. 102 The (hne Family in America. 1105. Bethia, b. Aug. 2."). 1741 : d. uniu. Oct. 15, 1824, aged 83 years. IIGG. llAis-NAn. b. Aug. 12. 1744. 11G7. Mahitable, b. Aug. 14. 1748. 1168. NoADiAir, b. Sept. 17, 1750; d. East Haddaiu Nov. 19, 1825. (1151 ) ?;0A1)TAII COXE, son of Jared and Elizabeth Cone (r>), 1)a])t. 1700, m. Elizabotli • in 1724. He res. at East ]I;id(l:nii, wlicro all his ch. were born. 1169.* Hankah. b. Apr. 25. 1725. m. Sliubal Fuller; d. :\rar. 31. 1751. 1170.^ Mary, b. Apr. 27. 1727. in. William Olmstead :\Iarcli 20. 1740. 1171. No.\DiA]i, b. Mar. 10, 1729; d. Mar. 30, 1751. 1172. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27. 1732; d. June 13, 1733. 1173. Sybil, b. June 7. 1736. 1174. Jaked, b. Sept. 17, 1739. (1153) EUTII CONE, dan. of -Tared and Elizabeth Cone, (5), bapt. East ITaddani Jnly 1(3, 1704, m. Sanmcl Emmons, jr., Sept. 14, 1721. She d. E. ir.'l757. Ch. 1175. Dorothy, b. Sept. 18. 1722, m. Enoch Arnold; d. June 24. 1754. 1176. Elizabeth, b. Mar. tt. 1724. m. Peter Spencer Feb. 3. 1750. 1177. EbetvEZEr, b. Sept. 16, 1725. m. Susannah Spencer; d. Nov. 13. 1809. 1178. Samuel, b. Nov. 20. 1727; d. umn. Nov. 7, 1800. 1179. Mary, b. Feb. 0. 1730; d. unni. 1180. Daniel, b. June 25, 1732. m. Maiv Cone. dan. Joseph; d. Dec. 18, 1816. 1181. PvUTH. b. 1733. m. Abner Chapman. 11S2. Jonatjiax, b. ]\lar. 4, 1730; d. young. 1183. Hannah, b. 1738, m. William Cowdry Sept. 18, 1860. 1184. Sybil, b. June 6. 1742; d. Oct. 11. 1812. 1185. Nathaniel, b. May 1, 1745, m. Deliverance Frencli 1775. Orad. of Yale in 1765. Ordained as a pastor 1773, and preached until he was 82 years old. D. Sept. 21, 1840, aged 95 years. (1154) IIANATAII r^OA^E, dan. of Jared and Elizabeth Cone (5), bapt. East Haddam Nov. 18, 1705, m. Noadiah Brainard, son of Daniel Brainard and Snsannah Ventrns, Jnne 4, 1724. He was b. April 4, 1097; became very prominent in eh. and edncational affairs, and d. in East Haddam, Sept. 30, 1747. She d. there May 14, 1744. Ch. 1180. Hannah, bapt. Sept. 24, 1725. m. William Shelby; d. Jan. 1. 1749. 1187. ]\lARY, bapt. June 25. 1727. 1188. NoADiAiT, bapt. March 10, 1729. 1189. Eliz.\beth. bapt. Aug. 12. 1731. 1190. Elizauetk, bapt. Jan. 27. 1733. 1191. Syiul, ba))i. June 7. 1736. 1192. .lAKKi). ba])t. Se],t. 17, 1739. Descendants of Jared Gone. 103 (1155) EACHEL COXE, dan. of Jare.l and Elizabeth Cone (5), bapt. East Haddam 1Y08, m. Samnel Dntton N'ov. 17, 1726. He was b. 1704. They res. at East Haddam, where all their chil- dren were born. Ch. 1193. Rachel, b. Nov. 6, 1727. 1194. Samuel, b. July 27, 1729. 1195. Joseph, b. June 27, 1730. 1196. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 22, 1732. 1197. Thomas, b. June 23, 1733. (1156) ABIGAIL CONE, dan. of Stephen Cone (1119) and Abio:ail Barnes, b. East Haddam June 2, 1725, m. John Olmstead, jr., June 9, 1745, and d. East Haddam June 29, 1782. He was b. May 30, 1714, and d. Dec. 27, 1802, aged 88 years. 1198. Abigail, b. Apr. 28, 1746; d. Oct. 11, 1749. 1199. Susannah, b. July 10, 1748; d. Oct. 13, 1749. 1200. John, b. Aug. 23, 1750, m. Olive Clark. 1201. Mary, b. Sept. 3, 1753, m. Elisha Lay, of Smitbfiold. Penn. 1202. Sarah, b. July 26, 1756. m. Elisha Lord, of Marlboro. Conn. 1203. Lucy, b. 1759, m. Nathaniel Tracy, of Lyme, Conn. 1204. Zachariah, b. Oct. 4, 1763, ni. Elizabeth Clark, who d. Apr. 9, 1860. Grad. Yale, 1785. D. Dec. 20, 1831. (1157) ELISHA CONE, sou of Stephen (1149) and Abigail Barnes, b. East Haddam, Dec. 1, 1726, m. Abigail Olmstead, dan. of John Olmstead, June 2, 1751. They were admitted to the ch. in East Haddam Aug. 22, 1756. He served long and faithfully during the Ivevolutionary War. Enlisted in the company commanded by Capt. Cornelius Higgins, in the 5th Connecticut Battalion, under Col. Wil- liam Douglas, June 17, and was discharged Dee. 25, 1776. The regi- ment was reorganized in 1777 as the 6tli Conn. Line, and he again en- listed, this time for three years, and served from Mar. 29, 1777, to April 1, 1780, in Capt. Charles Pond's company, under Col. Re- turn Jonathan Meigs. He participated in the battle of White Plains Oct. 27, 1776, and was with the regiment in May, 1777, when Col. Meigs made a sudden descent on Long Island from New Haven and destroyed twelve British vessels and many stores at Sag Harl^or. He d. at East Haddam Nov. 10, 1783, a few weeks after the treaty of peace was sierned. Llis widow d. Aug. 9, 1796. Ch. 1205. Elisha, bapt. Aug. 22. 1756: d. Dec. 23, 1761. 1206. Abigail, bapt. Aug. 22. 1756. 1207. Tabathy. bapt. July 5. 1761. 1208. Dorothy, bapt. Feb. 26, 1764; d. Feb. 23. 1765. 1209.* Elisha, b. Apr. 8, 1766, m. Elizabeth Tracy; d. Jan. 23. 1842. 104 The Cone Family in America. (115S) THOMAS CONE, son of Stephen Cone (1149) and Abigail Barnes, b. East liaddam Feb, 22, 1729, m. Annah Warner ISTov. 23, 1752. Soon after the Revolutionary War they removed to East Hartland, Hartford county, Conn. She d. East Hartland, July 20, 1789, and he d. there May 1, 1808. They were prominent and active members of the eh., both at East Haddam and East Hartland. Ch. 1210. "■ LrcY, bapt. May 6, 1759, in. John Andrews; d. Jan. 17, 1834. 1211. ViCEE. bapt. Sept. 15, 1765; d. in Hartland, 0. 1212.* Calvin, b. June 19, 17G8, m. three times; d. Sept. 5, 1845. 1213. Anna, b. Sept. 9, 1770; d. iinm. (11G3) JOEL COJ^TE, son of Thomas (1150) and Mahitable Cone, b. East Haddam, Conn., Feb. 26, 1735-, m. Hannah Brainard, dan. of Joshua Brainard and Hannah Spencer, of Middletown, Conn., June 9, 1757. She was b. East Haddam, Apr. 9, 1738, and d. there Oct. 4, 1807. They were members for many years of the Congregational V\\. He d. Jan. 3, 1788. Ch. 1214.'' Joshua, b. July G, 1758, m. 1 Cloe Chapman, 2 Sally Ramsey; d. Feb. 5. 1850. 1215. :\rAinTABLE, b. Apr. 17, 17G0: d. unm. at East Haddam Sept. 29, 1837. 121G." JoNAir, b. May 17, 1763, m. Mary Hall; d. Sept. 17, 1830. 1217. Hannah, b. May 23, 1766, m. Samuel Hall July 7, 1789. 1218. Ann, b. June 16, 1771; d. Nov. 15, 1856, aged 85. 1219. Joel, b. Jan. 10, 1774; d. Nov. 14, 1847. (1109) HAJnTNAH cone, dau. of Noadiah (1151) and Elizabeth C\:)ne, b. East Haddam, April 25, 1725, in. Shubal Fuller June 28, 1744. Ho was b. Nov. 14, 1725. She d. East Haddam, Mar. 31, 1751. Cli. 1220. Hannah, b. May 27, 1745. 1221. Demls, b. Dec. 20, 1746. 1222. Mary, b. Oct. 24, 1748. (1170) MAEY CONE, dau. of Noadinh (1151) and Eliza- beth Cone, b. East Haddam April 27, 1727, m. William Olmstead, jr., ]\rarch 20, 1740. Ho was b. Sept. 4, 1728. Ch. 1223. Nehemiah, b. June 1, 1747. 1224. ^VILLIAM, b. Apr. 5, 1750. 1225. Reuben, b. Apr. 18, 1753. 1226. Aaron, b. Jan. 20, 1756. 1227. Mary, b. Apr. 10, 1761. 1228. Nathaniel, b. Mar. 3, 1763. (1209) ELISHA CONE, son of Elisha Cone (1157) and Abi- gail Ohnstead, b. East Haddam Apr. 8, 176G, m. Elizabeth Tracy Descendants of Jared Cone. 105 Sept. 20, 1786. She was b. East Iladdam July 5, 1767, and d. there April 25, 1856, ao-ed 89 years. He d. same place Jan. 23, 1842. He was a farmer and always res. in his native town. Was a fair-minded, unprejudiced man, and was often called upon to settle disputes be- tween his neighbors. Was Captain in the State Militia for many years. Ch. 1229.* Stephen, b. Sept. 18, 1787, m. 1 Mary Fuller, 2 Sarah Isham ; d. Nov. 23, 1847. 1230.''- Abigail, b. May 13, 1791, in. Elislia Bingham; d. June 7, 1883. (1210) LUCY CONE, dau. of Thomas Cone (1158) and Annah Warner, bapt. East Haddam May 6, 1759, m. Sept. 26, 1781, John Andrews, son of Richard Andrews and Rachel Ackley. He d. at East Haddam Oct. 21, 1809, and she d. in Kinsman, O., Jan. 17, 1834. Ch. 1231.* John, b. July 9, 1782. m. Harriet Reeves; d. Jan. 24, 1864. 1232. Marquis, b. Sept. 21, 1786, m. Hannah Crosby; d. Nov. 11, 1838. 1233.* Calvin, b. Jan. 16, 1791, m. Elizabeth Crosby; d. Feb. 20, 1864. 1234.* Lucy, b. Feb. 1, 1793, m. William Jones; d. Aug. 18, 1825. (1212) CALVIISr CONE, son of Thomas Cone (1158) and Annah Warner, b. East Haddam June 19, 1768, m. Sally Brockway in East Hartland, Conn., who d. June 30, 1796, aged 29 years. He m. 2 Mary Bushnell, dau. of Alexander, in East Hartland, Dec. 22, 1796. He represented the towii of Barkhamstead in the Connecti- cut Legislature in 1801. Was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, holding the highest position in the lodge. He emigrated to Ohio in 1804 as State Agent for the sale of "Connecticut lands." in Ohio, arriving at Gustavus May 30 of that year. In 1816 he re- moved to Hartland, O., where he afterwards resided. He was an active, wide-awake, stirring business man. His word was as good as a ]>ond, and every trust imposed upon him was rigidly and strictly exe- cuted. His wife was b. East Hartland, Conn., Oct. 18, 1775, and d. in Hartford. O., June 28, 1831. He m. 3 Mrs. Hannah Hutchings. and d. Hartland, O., Sept. 5, 1845. ' Ch. 123.5.* Anna, b. Oct. 15, 1788, m. John Brainard; d. Oct. 14, 1854. 1236.* Lester, b. Aug. 29. 1789, m. 1 Phebe Bidwell, 2 Estella Humphrey; d. Oct. 23. 1835. 1237. Ralzamon; d. unm. in South Carolina. 1238. Louisa; d. young. 1239. Sally, b. Nov. 9. 1798, m. Wayne Bidwell; d. Aug. 13. 1884. 1240.* Lucy, b. Dec. 0. 1803, m. Daniel J. Mattocks; d. Feb. 6, 1850. 1241. Julia, b. May 1. 1808, m. Cornelius Silliman; d. Sept. 10, 1855. 106 The Gone Familij in America. 1242. Sylvester, b. Mar. IS. 1810. in. Caroline Howe; d. Apr. 4. 1833. 1243. ••' Erastus. 1). Mav 13, 1812, in. C'aiidaw (iroen. Res. 1900 at Hart- ford. 6. (121-1:) J 08 1 1 U A OOXE, son of J ucl ( 'one ( 1 1 63 ) and llnnnali Brainard, b. E. Iladdam July 6, 1758. m.Cloe C'liapman, ' War of 1812 he was Colonel of a regiment of Con- necticut Militia. Was Hii>Ii Sheriff of Middlesex county, and g:ave universal satisfaction. He was b. Canterbury May 6, 1785, and d. East Haddam June 17, 1861. She d. same place June 7, 1883. aged 92 vears. Ch. 1257. Eli.tah, b. -Jan. 2. 1S12. m. Eosclla Daniels; d. Nov. 20. 1877. 1258. Salom.\, b. May 9. 1813; d. April 1, 1815. 1259.* Elisiia Cone, b. Dec. 12. 1814. m. 1 .Julia E. Cone. 2 :Martha M. Gates; d. .June 19. 1882. 1200. William B.. b. Sept. 2. ISlfi. ni. Amelia Smith; d. Nov. 14. 1892. 12G1. Susannau, b. Aug. 13, 1818: d. Dec. 20, 1834. 1262.* Fanny, b. May 20, 1820, m. .Jonah C. Chapman; d. Aug. 4. 1878. 1263.* Cauile, b. May 22, 1823, m. Allen Newell. 1264. Thomas, b. May 28, 1826; d. Sept. 18, 1826. 1265. Mary, b. Feb. 22, 1828, m. John Tracy, in Moodus, Conn., Mar. 14, 1867. He is a farmer at East Haddam. No ch. ■^ (1231) JOHN ANDREWS, son of John Andrews and Lucy Cone (1210), b. East Haddam July 9, 1782, m. Harriet Reeves in Ohio Oct. 13, 1806. She was b. Norwich, Conn., Jan. 9, 1784, and removed with her father's family to Kinsman, O., in 1802, where she d. Oct. 22, 1849. He d. same place Jan. 24, 1864. At the iige of 27 he emigrated to the ''Western Resei-^'e" in Ohio, but upon the death of his father he returned to Connecticut, and brought with liim his mother and his family. They came with ox-teams, and were six weeks on the journey. Ch. 1266. Hannah, b. Sept. 15, 1807. m. Christy; d. Apr. 5, 1869. 1267. Eucy Caroline, b. Sept. 12. 1809, m. Parker. 1268. George Whitfield, b. Sept. 11. 1811; d. Mar. 28. 1812. 1269. Fanny F., b. Sept. 9, 1813; d. Oct. 31, 1839. 108 The Cone Family in Ajnerica. 1270. Dkbokah L., 1). 8o])t. 23. 1815; d. Oct. 10, 1881. 1271. Cl-WDIUs B., b. July 14. 1817; d. Honolulu. Apr. 4, 1877. 1272. Samuel N., b. July 14. 1817; d. July 20. 1817. 127;}. Lyman V., b. May 2G, 1822; d. Aug. 3. 1843. (1233) CALVIN ANDREWS, son of Jolm Aiulrews and Lucy Coiio (1210), b. East naddam Jan. 10, 1791, m. Elizabeth Crosby Dec. 12, 1810. She was b. in East lladdam Jan. 11, 1794, emigi^ated to Ohio in 1811, and to Centralia, Kas., in 1879, where she d. Oct. 7, 1885, a.i^'ed 91 years. The jonrney from Connecticut to Ohio was made by ox teams, in forty-two days; that from Ohio to Kansas (about the same distance), wlien she was 85 years old, was made by palace car in less than half that number of hours. He d. in Wayne'county, O., Feb. 20, 1864. Ch. 1274. TtosETTA JuiJANN, b. Jau. IG. 1813, m. Francis Steele. Ees. Wayne, Ohio. 1275. Eliza rniLENA. b. Dec. 12. 1814. ni. Rev. Hiram A. Babcock; d. July 22. 1871. 1276. Jane Crosby, b. July 20. 1821. ni. Daniel E. ISIiller. Res. Oberlin, Ohio. ' 1277. Temperance, b. A])r. 14, 1823, m. James Follett; d. Oct. 23, 1875. 1278. John Calvin, b. Jan. G, 1825, m. Eunice C. Cook. Res. Gregg's Corners. O. 1279. Melantiion, b. Mar. IG, 1830, m. Augusta Cathcart. Res. Centralia, Kas. 1280. George Whitfield, b. Feb. 4, 1833, m. Harriet A. Clark. Res. Talle- dega, Ala. (1234) LUCY ANDREWS, dau. of Jolm Andrews and Lucy Cone (1210), b. East Haddam, Feb. 1, 1793, m. William Jones in East Haddam Aug'. 13, 1813. He was b. Hartland, Conn., Oct. 3, 1785, and d. Hartford, O., Mar. 21, 1852. She d. same place Auo-, 18, 1825. Ch. 1281. William P., b. July 11. 1814, m. Mary J. Bond. Res. Youngstown, O. 1282. Lucy Lorena, b. Dec. 30. 1815, m. D. Hannon. Res. in Iowa. 1283. Eliza, b. June 11, 1822, m. Samuel Perham : d. 1873. (1235) ANNA CONE, dau. of Calvin Cone (1212) and Sally Brockway, b. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 15, 1788, m. John Brainard, son of Henry, about 1810. He was a farmer, and res. at Canfield, ()., where he d. Nov. 23, 1848. She d. Boardman, O., Oct. 14, 1854. Ch. 1284. '• Calvin Cone, b. Oct. 25, m. Sophia Fitch; d. Mar. 29, 1874. 1285. Julia M., b. Nov. 13, 1813; d. July 10. 1815. 128G. John Lester, b. Dec. 23. 1815. 1287. Frederick A., b. .Juno IG, 1818. Descendants of Jared Cone. 109 1288. HOMEK. b. Aug. 20, 1820; d. Polaiul,, O. 1289. Julia, b. Feb. 9, 1824, m. Henry Shepaid; d. Poland, 0. (1236) LESTER CONE, son of Calvin Cone (12l!>) and Sallj Brockwaj, b. in Hartlancl, Conn., Aug. 29, 1789, m. Phebe Bidwell in 1813. She was b. 1797 and d. Simsbnry, Conn., Apr. 2, 1816. He m. 2 Estella Humphrey, dau. of George and Rachel Hum- phrcj, in Hartland, Conn., Oct. 20, 1816. She was b. Canton, Conn., Oct. 27, 1789, and d. in Monroeville, O., Oct. 1, 1846. He was an iron manufacturer, and was very successful in the business. Was a Presbyterian in faith, and a good Christian. Was a lover of fast liorses, and an excellent judge of same. He d. in Sandusky, O., Oct. 23, 1835. Ch. 1290. Eleizur, b. 1814: d. in California, in 1852. 1291.* Thomas, b. Feb. 10. 1819. m. 1 Henrietta Smith. 2 Mary Hathaway. Res. Monroeville, 0. 1292. Frederick H., b. Aug. 14, 1821, m. Sarah Lyons. Agent U. S. Exp. Co. No ch.; d. Detroit, Mich.. Jan. 3, 1900. 1293. Mary, b. 1823; d. in infancy. 1294.* Calvin, b. Apr. 10, 182G, ni. Adeline Dwight. Res. Toledo. O. 1295.* Mary E., b. Aug. 5, 1828, m. Thomas D. McClelland. Res. Toledo, 0. (1240) LUCY CONE, dau. of Calvin Cone (1212) and Mary Bushnell, b. Hartford, Conn., Dec. 6, 1803, m. Daniel John Mattocks Nov. 6, 1823. Lie was b. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 3, 1793, and d. in Vernon, O., Mar. 8, 1886, aged 93 years. She d. Vernon, Feb. 6, 1850. Ch. 1296.* Hannah M., b. Oct. 6, 1824, m. Linus S. Ely; d. July 29, 1874. 1297.* Frederick W., b. July 23, 1826, m. Julia A. T. Smith. Res. Ottawa, HI. 1298.* James J., b. May 5, 1828, m. Betsey Brockway. Res. East Toledo, 0. 1299.* Laura A., b. Feb. 26, 1830, m. James K. Frost. Res. Hudson, O. 1300.* Dudley W., b. May 5, 1832, m. Grace A. Wood. Res. Scott City, Kas. 1301.* Daniel J., b. Feb. 28. 1835, m. Laura S. Clark; d. Nov. 12. 1888. 1302.* Lucy J., b. Oct. 24, 1842. m. three times. Res. Hudson, 0. (1243) ERASTUS CONE, son of Calvin Cone (1212) and Mary Bushnell, b. in Gustavus, O., May 13, 1812, m. Candace Green, dau. of Cyril Green and Polly Sherman, Nov. 8, 1837. She was b. in Bloomiield, O., Nov. 14, 1818, and d. in Hartford, O., Jan. 15, 1887. He was a farmer, and was living at Hartford in 1900. Ch. 1303.* Laura Ann, b. Oct. 2, 1838, m. Richard G. Welhnan. Res. Indian- apolis. 1304.* Mary Maria, b. Dec. 12, 1839, m. George W. Nichols; d. Mar. 4. 1882. 110 The Cone Family in America. l-.wr-,/' Addik Fiiaxce.s, )>. Oct. 15. 1843. iii. Allen P. Kepuer. Res. Hart- fdid, 0. i;i(l(i.' Ella Lorain, b. Oet. 10. 1850. m. Edwin Beiniett. Res. Warren, O. l.idT. Clayton W., b. June 1, 18.52. unni. Mercluuit. Res. Franklin, Pa. (Li>4^T) FivANOlS lllEAM CONE, son of Joshua Cone (1:^14) and Cliloc Chapnuin, b. East Iladdam, Conn., Sept. 5, 1797, m. Jane Williams Cook Jan. 8, 182!). 8lie was a ward of United States Senator W. V. Dawson, of Georgia. He grad. at Yale in iSlS, and the next year he removed to Georgia, and settled in Green county, where he practiced law until ISil, when he was elected Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia, He was twice elected to this position, with a term of four years each time. In 1856 he was elected State Senator. Hosford B. Niles, in his His- tory of East Haddam, says, in referring to Judge Cone, that " He was perhaps one of the most brilliant men ever raised in this town," Chief Justice Lum]ikin, of Georgia, in speaking of him, said: "He had a keen seuse of the ludicrous, and excited mirth in every circle. Tho ordinary conversation of Judge Cone was a string of pearls of wit and Innnor, and he was the most agi'eeable of companions." He d. in Greensburg, Ga., Mav IS. 1S.")!». About the last sentence he uttered was this: "1 am at i)eace with all the world and have no ill-will for any linnnin being," and it is hard to believe the statement of the liiograi)her of Hon. Alexander Stephens, that Judge Cone at- tacked Stephens M'ith a knife in a street fight and nearly killed him. fh. l:)OS. JiLiA, 1). 1S:U: (1. Yonno-. Um. Thkodokk Cookk. h. Oet. 8, 18:5:5. in. Harriet C. Bernie ; d. Apr. 22, 1895. 1:510. Jane V.. 1). Sept. 1(5. 1835. ni. Joel P.illups. Xo ch. Res. Madison, Ga. 1311. FuANCLs HiRAjr. b. May 18. 1838; nnni. Surgeon in Confederate Army. Killed at Williamsburg, Va., May 3, 1862. (1253) JAMES CONE, son of Stephen Cone (1220) and Mary Fuller, b. in East Haddam, July 27, 1810, ni. Adela Buckley Sept. (i, 1842. He was a ship captain and owner of vessels. In 1800 be abandoned the sea and settled in New Orleans, where he filled tlie ]iosition of Harbor Master for many vears — a very responsi- ble and im])ortant position at that time. He d. in New Orleans, ls75. His widow was alive in 1800. CIi. 1312. •••■ :Marcus James, b. July 0. 184(5. m. 1 Emily Crumhorn. 2 Emma ^lensman. Res. CJalveston, Tex. ('1254) DANIEL CONE, son of Ste].hen Cone (1220) and 'Miwy Fuller, b. East Haddam Aug. 17, 1S18, ni. Phebe Sisson x\ug. Descendants of Javed Cone. Ill 22, 1841. She was b. Mar. 1815. He d. July 19, 1863. She res. ill 'J'errvville, Conn. Ch. 1313. ••■ William W.. b. Apr. 18. 1844. m. Minnie Booth. Res. Tenyville, Conn. 1314. Joiix, b. Xov. 23, 1848; d. May 10. 18.57. 131.1. Frederick, b. Jan. 27, 18.r2; d. Philadelphia, 1800. (1255) JOSEPH HENRY COls^E, son of Stephen Cone (1220) and Mary Fuller, b. East Haddam Xov. 8, 1834, m. Frances E. Isliam, dau. of Chapman and Mary Ishain, in Jackson, O., July 14, 1803. He was local agent in Cincinnati for the Globe Insurance Co. of Xew York. Was a man of oood business ability. He d. in Cincinnati Ajn'il 30, 1871. She res. there in 1890. Ch. 1310. .Joseph Henry, b. Aug. 10. 180.5. Res. Cincinnati. 0. 1317. Stephen Edwin, b. May 2i), 1807. Res. Cincinnati, 0. " (1259) ELISHA CONE BIXGHAM, son of Elijah Bingham (1230) and Abigail Cone, b. East Haddam Dec. 12, 1814, m. Julia E. Cone, dau. of Israel (A.iio and Pollv Anderson, June 3, 1837. She was b. in East Haddam Jan. 4, 1S14, and d. Jan. 30, 1853. He m, 2 Martha M. Gates May 20, 1857. He represented the town in the State Legislature a number of terms. He was a farmer by occu- path.n, aii.l d. East Haddam June 19, 1882. Ch. 1318. Alonzo E.. 1). May 0. 1838. in. Belle Smith. 1310. William. H.. b. -Tan. 20. 1840. ni. Laura Brown. 1320. Ch.\rles E.. b. Nov. 28, 1841. m. Olivia IMiller. 1321. Emphalet. 1). Xov. 1.5. 1842. St)l(lier. 1). Eredericksbur^-. Va.. Mar. 15. 18G3. 1322. John E., b. Oct. 2.5. 1844. Sdldier. Killed in battle of Antietam. 1323. Wells A.. Auo-. 10. 1840. m. Kittie Miller. 1324. RouEHT ^^'.. b. Auj;. 7. 1848. ni. :\Iary E. Varley. 132.5. Ralph E.. b. Apr. 0. 1858; .1. May 5, 1808. 1320. Allen R.. b. May 10. 1850. (1262) FANNY G. BINGHAM, dau. of Elijah Bingham (1230) and Abigail Cone, b. East Haddam May 20, 1820, m. Jonah Cone Chapman 1843. He was b. East Haddam Sept. 9, 1814, and d. at Hartford, 1889. She d. East Haddam Aug. 4, 1878. Ch. 1327. Mary Cone. b. Oct. 15. 1844. m. E. A. Whitney. Res. West Hart- ford. Conn. 1328. William A., b. Nov. 20. 1840. Res. West Winsted. Conn. 1320. Fannie S.. b. Oct. 25. 1840; d. Sept. 1. 18.52. 1330. James L.. b. Sept. 10. 1852. Res. Rocky Hill. Conn. 112 The (/one Family in America. 1331. Eliza J.. 1). \\v^. 20, IS.Ki, m. (ioorge Le May. Ees. West Hartford, Conn. 1332. (JKoiUiK L.. li. Fcl). 2(t. 1850. Frozen to doatli in a blizzard in western Kansas. Jan. G, 1887. (Il^i;;]) (WinLE BIXGIIAM, dau. of Elijah Binoliani (1230) and Alno-ail {\n\v. 1). East lladdani ]\lay 22, 1823, m. Allen S. iXowcll, who was 1.. Did.liii, K II., Oct. 2U, 1800. Ch. 1333. Ella C;. Xe\veli>. 1). .Tune 14. 18.30, nL .James Cocliran: d. Deo. 14, 1884. (1284) CALVIN CONE BRAINAKD, son of John Brain- ard (1235) and Anna Cone, b. in C^anfield, O., Oct. 25, 1811, m. Sophia Fitch of Boardman, O., 1837. He was a farmer and wool dealer, and res. in (^infield, I5()ar(hnan and Salem, O., and d. at llie latter ])laee ]\[ar. 20, 1874. Ch. 1334. liiA Fireir. 1.. -Tan. S. 1S40. m. Franees IT. Heaton. Tves. East Pitts- bnrcr. Pa. 133;-). Bessie, b. Mar. 30. 1842. m. Arehil.abl Ci. Cook. Res. Salem. 0. 1330. Emma Louisa, b. .lulv l."). 1S44, nL E. O. Vaile. Pes. Oak Park, C'odk ((Minty. 111. 1337. :\rA]{Y EsTiiEH, 1). Scj.t. it. 1840 : d. .Tan. 0, 1840. 1338. Maky EsTiiEK. b. -Tnne 11. 18.-)0: d. Anelle, b. May 20. 1852; d. .Tuly 20. 1853. 1348. Thomas H., b. May 21. 1800; d. Monroeville, Oct. 27, 1882. 1349. Henrietta, b. Oct. 22, 1801, m. C. W. ]\Iarsh. Pes. Kansas Citv, Mo. Descendants of Jared (^one. 113 (1294) CALVIX CONE, son of Lester Cone (1236) and Stella Hnmplirey, b. Gnstavns, O., April 10, 1826, m. Adeline Dwight, dan. of Adolphns Dwijoht and Mercy Dean, in Milan, O., April 10, 1850. She was b. Cincinnatns, Cortland connty, N. Y., Jnly 23, 1824, and d. in Toledo, O., Sept. 5, 1897. He has been engao-cd for many years in the express trans]3ortation business, and has lived at Gnstavns, Monroeville, Sandnsky, and Xewark, O. He is a Republican in ])olitics, and a S])iritnalist in rcliiiions belief. Res. Toledo, O. Ch. 1.350. Thomas Deax. b. Aug. 4. ISo."). m. :\Iae Fuller. Rps. Toledo. 0. 1351. George C, b. Dec. 31, 18.56, m. Belle Doit. Res. Toledo, O. 1352. Mary E., b. Oct. 7, 1858. m. Alvin Peters. Ees. Toledo, O. (1295) MARY E. COXE, dan. of Lester Cone (1236) and Stella Hnmphrey, b. Gnstavns, 0., Aug. 5, 1828, m. Thomas Dun- woodie McClelland, son of John and Martha, April Y, 1846. He was b. in LTpton, Pa., Dec. 10, 1820. He served in 3r(l Ohio Cav., enlisting- as a private; promoted to Lientenant, and was mustered ont as IMajor of the roiiiment. He d. .Tnne 2, 1882. She res. in Toledo, O.' Ch. 1353. George H.. b. :vrar. 0. 1847: d. Ano-. 4. 1848. 1354. William J., b. ^lay 25. 1848; d. .Jan. 15, 1853. 1355. Ella A., b. -Jan. 5. 1854. Res. Toledo, O. 135G. Frederick C, b. Oct. 15, 1859; d. Feb. 2G, 1863. (1296) HAXXAH MARIA MATTOCKS, dan. of Daniel John Mattocks (1240) and Lucy Cone, b. Hartford, O., Oct. 6, 1824, m. Linns S. Ely Sept. 26, 1843. She d. Jnly 29, 1874. Res. at Osage, Iowa. Ch. 1357. Leroy G., b. July 3, 1844, m. . 1358. Lillian A., b. Feb. 5, 1848, m. S. C. Davis. Res. Vernon, 0. 1359. LrcY M., b. May 4. 1851; d. :May 24, 1851. - (1297) FREDERICK W0RTIIIXGT0:N MATTOCKS, son of Daniel John Mattocks (1240) and Lncy Cone, b. Jnly 22, 1826, m. Jnlia Ann Thornton Smith IMar. 11,' 1851. She was b. May 1, 1830. Commercial traveler, and res. Ottawa, 111. Ch. 1360. Lillian Laura, Dec. 30, 1852. Res. Ottawa, 111. 1361.* Julia Cone, b. Feb. 25, 1855, m. O. Griggs. Res. Streeter, 111. 1362. Frederick Smith, b. June 5. 1858. Res. Ottawa, 111. (1298) JAMES JOHX MATTOCKS, son of Daniel John Mattocks 0240) and Lncy Cone, b. Vernon, O., May 5, 1828, m. 114 The Cone Family in America. Ik'tscv IJrdckwiiy ^lav -50, 184*J. lie was a uicrcliant, and res. East ToU'.lc, (). ' l;!(i:i. iKiAii WiuT. I>. Mm-. C. IS.-.l; (1. 1S8(>. l;!(;4. Li rv Conk. ^Hy -id. isr,2: d. Sept. 10, 1852. l.Jd."). Sakau Cauoume, 1). Sei)t. 2;), 1853. (li>0!») LAUKA AAIELTA ]\rATTO(avS, dan. ..f Daniel John Mart.K-ks (1240) and Lncy (\.no, 1). Feb. 20, 18^0, m. James K. Fi'ost Mar. 12, 1851. He Avas 1>. Mantna, Porta^-e county, O., Jnne 2:). 1S2."., and d. at Ilndsoii, ()., April :5, 18S1. lie was a nier- eliant. She res. Ilndson. (). Ch. 1 ;!(;(). FiiA.NK I).. 1). Sept. ■>-,. 1855: d. ^Ux 2S. 1870. l;!(17. (iKoiKih: M.. I). Dec. 1(1. 18(12; d. Vvh. 1. 18(;:?. l;!(;8. llKi:i!Ki!T ('.. 1). S('i.(. 15, 1S(;4: (1. Auii'. 5, 1880. l:i(l!l. Laiua. 1.. .hm. S. ISOT: d. .Jan. 20. 1807. i;!7(>. (;i.:()i,(iK M.. 1). IH'c. 5. 1871. Kcs. Hudson. 0. (l;;()0) DKDLKY WAYXK MATT()(^KS. s..n of Daniel Jolni Matt.icks ( 1240) and Lney Cone, h. Vernon, ()., May 5, 18:]2, ni. (}rac(' K. Wood in 1857. He wa> a hanker and stoek-dealer, and res. at Scott City, Kas. Ch. l:i71. Ki.so.N 1).. 1.. Scpl. 7. 1858: d. Sopt. 0. 1859. l;!72. :\lAi:i()\ 11.. 1.. .Imu" 24. lS(i(). in. M. IVrkins. Eos. Omaha. l;'.7;!. Fka.nk W.. 1). -Ian. 2, 180:). Uos. Scott t'ity. Ka.s. l;574. Kate Ckace, b. Feb. 7. ISOO. ni. • l^urgvss. Res. 8cott City. Kas. (1:501) DAXIKL JASPKPv MATTOCKS, s..n of Daniel John .Matt.icks ( 1240) and Lnev ('(inc. h. Vcrn..n, ()., Feh. 28, 18:^5, ni. haura S. Clark. She res. at Toh'do, where h(« d. Nov. 24, 1888. eii. l:;75. Makv Ci.aiik. h. Xnv. 28. ]S(;2. ni. Wallace. l.!70. Li cY Kai.sa. I). Fcl). 0. 1808. Res. Cleveland. 0. ( i:!02) Lr(A' dOSKIMIIXK :\rATT()( JvS, dan. (d' Daniel John .Matt.icks ( 1240) and Lney Cone, b. Vernon, ()., Oct. 24, 1842, ni. William A. Sim])kins, who d. Se])t. 25. iSlil); m. 2 Xelsor. Wadsw.irth An- 17, 1S7:;. He d. Xov. s, 1881. She m. :3 Cor- nelius Campbell Oct. 7, 1SS;>,. Kes. Hnds.m, O. Ch. l:i77. Latua Maky Wadswoiith. 1.. :^Iar. 11. 1870. (l:io:5) LACRA AXX COXK, dan. Krastns Cone (1243) and Candace (Ireen, 1). Ilartferd, ()., Oct. 2, ls;5,s. m. Richard Gates AVcllman Oct. 20, 185S. lie was b. Sei)t. 11, ls;',(;: was in the mer- Descendants of Jared ( 'one. 115 eantile business at Indianapolis, Ind., Avlicre lie d. Aug. 14, 1808. She res. at Indianai)olis. Ch. 137S. KiTTiE Cone, b. Sept. 5, 1859, m. Higgins. Res. Cincinnati, O. 137K. P'rederick Green, b. Jan. 2.'). 1801. iiinn. lies. Indianapolis. Ind. 1380. George N., b. Aug. 2.1, 180.), m. Eva Gregory. Res. Delhi, 0. (1304) MAKY MARIA COXE, dan. of Erastiis (\)ne (1243) and Candace Green, b. Hartford, O., Dec. 12, 1831*, m. George Wil- son ^^ichols Oct. 29, 1801. lie was b. Eridge])(»rt, (\.nn., Apr. 20, 1841. He is a manufacturer and dealer in liardwddd lumber, and res. at Carbondale, 111., where she d. "SI-av. 4, 1882. Ch. 1381. Minnie, b. Dec. 31. 180.5. (1305) ADDIE FRA:N'CES COXE, dan. of Erastus Cone (1243) and Candace Green, b. Hartford, O., Oct. 15, 1843, m. Allen Parson Kepner Nov. 4, 1866. He was b. Hartford, O., Sept. 2, 1841. He is a farmer. Served as a soldier during the Civil War. (^nlisting Aug. 10, 1861, in Company A, 41st Regiment Ohio Vols., and was attached to the Annv of the Cumberland. He was taken l)risoner May 26, 1804, and was exchanged Dec. 24, 1864. As a soldier he was prompt in the discharge of his duties and l)rave in line of battle. As a civilian he takes front rank as a quiet, peaceful, law-abiding citizen. They res. in Hartford, O. Ch. 1382. Alice Lillian, b. .Tune 2. 1873. Res. Hartford, 0. 1383. Della C. b. .June 0, 1883. m. David Keir. Res. Hartford, 0. (1306) ELLA LORAI^T COXE, dan. Erastus Cone (1243) and Candace Green, b. Hartford, O., Oct. 10, 1850, m. Edwin Ben- nett Dec. 30, 1880. He was b. Jan. 12, 1838, and they res. Warren, O. He is a dealer in coal. 1384. Helen Maria, b. May 23. 1882. 1385. Harvey Cone, b. Nov. 10, 1883. 1380. Nina Ruth, b. May 13, 1880. (1312) ^lARCUS JAMES COXE, son of James Cone (1253) and Adelia Buckley, East Haddam, July 9, 1846, m. Emilv Crumhorn in 1868, from whom he was divorced in 1880. He m. 2 Emma Mensman July 9, 1882. She d. Mar. 16, 1890. After the war he went to Galveston, Tex., where he was engaged in the cattle- weighing business. Res. Galveston in 1890. Ch. 1387. Anna Estella, b. 1870, m. Res. Ft. Wortb. Tex. 1388. Edward Oscar, b. 1873. Res. Galveston, Tex. 1389. Olive, b. July 9, 1885. 116 The Cone Family in America. (1313) W1LLIA:\I W. COXE, son of Daniel Cone (1254) and Pliebe Sisson, b. in JMoodns, Conn., Apr. IS, 1844, ni. Minnie Booth 18G7. lie is a nnicliinist, and has patented a nnniber of his vahud)le inventions. Ives, at Terrvville, Conn. Ch. i;!!)0. Alice Bektua, b. Aug. U. 18G8; d. Nov. 1.). 1887. 131)1. Charlotte May, b. Feb. 23, 1874; d. Juno 17. 1887. 1392. Ethel, b. May 19, 1878; d. Feb. 27, 1891. (1340) CllAIILES ERASTUS COA'E, son of Thomas Cone (1291) and Henrietta Smith, b. Toledo, O., Dee. 14, 1850, m. Ger- trude Scribner, dan. of Charles Harvey and Mary Elizabeth Scrib- ner, Dec. 10, 1874. She was b. in Mt. Vernon, O., 1852. He is Division Snpt. U. S. Express Co. Ees. East Oran.^e, X. J. Ch. 1393. Stella, b. Oct. 20, 188.5; d. Sept. 29, 188G, at Toledo, O. 1394. Ettabelle. b. Sept. 17. 188G. (13G1) JULIA CO:sE MATTOCKS, dan. of Erederick "Worthington Mattocks (1297) and Jnlia Ann Thornton Smith, b. Feb. 25, 1855, m. Oakley Grigos in 1880. He was b. at Ottawa, HI., July 14, 1S54. He is a drngirist. Ees. Streator, 111. Ch. 1395. Edwaud :\Iatt(xks. 1). .Tan. 30. 1882. 139G. LiLLiAX L.. b. Jan. 25, 1887. Descendants of Ebenezer Cone. 117 EBE]N"EZEE CONE. (7) EBEXEZER COXE, son of Daniel Cone (1) and Ma- liitable Spencer, b. in Haddam, bapt. in Middletown Mar. 15, 1673, m. and raised a family of ch., but no record of his marriage or death could lie found. lie lived at East Haddam, and all his ch. were b. there. ! \ Ch. 1397.* Ebenezer, bapt. June 18, 1704, m. Elizabeth Willey; d. Feb. 1, 1788. 1398.* David, bapt. June 18, 1704, ni. Molly , who il. 1754. 1399. PiiEBE, bapt. May 23, 1708, m. Matthew Millard; d. Xov. 5, 1737. 1400. Sarah, bapt. Sept. 26, 1714. 1401.* Ann, bapt. Jan. 7, 1719, ni. Thomas Andrews. 1402. John, bapt. iSTov. 27, 1720. 1403.* Samuel, bapt. Sept. 3, 1721, ni. Elizabeth Willey; d. Apr. 19, 1791. (1397) EBEXEZEK CONE, son of Ebenezer Cone (7), b. in East Haddam about 1700, bapt. June 8, 1704, m. Elizabeth Wil- ley, dau. of John Willey and Elizabeth Harvey, about 1720. She was b. in East Haddam Dec. 29, 1701, and d. same place Aug. 29, 1767. He d. there Feb. 1, 1788. They both became members of the ch. in 1723. He was Moderator of the first meeting of the citi- zens of East Haddam, held Mar. 26, 1770, " to take into consideration the weighty and dangerous controversy subsisting between the Colo- nies and Great Britain." Was a fair-minded, conseiwative man with good judgment, and was often called upon to settle disputes between his neighbors. Always lived at East Haddam. Ch. 1404.* Elijah, bapt. Ano-. H. 1723, m. Elizabeth ; d. Sept. 16, 1793. 1405.* Ebenezer, b. June 4, 1724, m. Mary Brainard; d. Mar. 31, 1804. 1406. Hannah, bapt. Oct. 22. 1727, m. Josiah Arnold May 29, 1755. 1407.* Elizabeth, bapt. Feb. 21, 1730, m. Joseph Warner Jan. 24, 1760. 1408.* Timothy, bapt. May 25, 1735, ni. Abigail Dickson; d. Dec. 19, 1800. (1398) DAVID CONE, son of Ebenezer Cone (7), of East Haddam, bapt. June 18, 1704, m. Molly possibly about 1722. She was bapt. and admitted to ch. in East Haddam May 11, 1729, at which time three of her ch. were baptized. She joined ch. in Killing-worth, Conn., by letter, in 1738, and d. there 1754. He was alive at time of death of his wife, but I have no record of his death. ■ 118 The ('one Family in America. C\\. 14(H). llAAXAii. I)ai)(. May 11. 172!). in. Sluihal Fuller; d. Mar. ?,. 1751. 1410. AiJic.vii,. ha].(. May 11. 1729. 1411. Maky. l.apl. .May 11. 172!). 1412. IIki.k.nok. iiapi. An- :!. 172!): d. younji. 141:^.- David, baj.t. Dec 12. 17:51. in. 'IVni])(>raiuc Tratt: d. 1777. 1414. Aai!().\. hapt. F(l.. 2. 17:!4. Kcv. Soldici-. Sun William inovod to Vir- 141.1. Ei.KANoi:, lia|it. A|.r. 10, 17;!7. 141(). Sa^miki.. l)a|.t. .Mar. ;!0. 1740. '>^ 1417. riiEUK. l.apt. -May l.".. 1744. (1401) AX.\ COXK, (laii. EIichczct Cone (7) of East Ilad- dam, bapt. -Ian. 7, 171'.', in. 'I'linmns .Vndrcws in East Iladdani May 29, 1710. Tlicv res. at Kast Iladdani, where all their ch. were born. Cil. 1418. Olivki!. hapl. .Inly 2!i. 1741. 141!). Ebexkzku. li. .rune S. 174;i. 1420. Tiioma.s. 1). An- \:^. 174U. (IIO.'J) SAMEKl. CONE, son . Oft. 29, 175.3. ni. 1 Savali Spencer. 2 Lydia Himgerford ; (1. .June 27. 1S30. 1425. Grace, m. 1 Smith. 2 Abialiani Turok. 1420. '■• Calvin, ni. Jlebecca Leete. who d. Jan. 17. 1S23. (1405) EBEXEZER COXE, son of Ebenezer CVuic (1397) and Elizabeth Wille.y, b. East Ilacklani June 4, 1724, ni. ]\Iary Brainard, dan. of Joshua Brainard and Mahitable Dudley, Jan. S, 1746. She was b. East Haddam Oct. 6, 1721; admitted to ch. Dec. 16, 1764, and d. East Haddam Jan. 0, 1772. He m. 2 Temperance Foster Feb. 3, 1782, and d. at ITadlyme ]Vrar. 31, 1S04, aa'ed SO yrs. She d. Feb. 14, 1812, aged 7s years. Ch. 1427. Mary, b. Mar. 8. 1747: d. June 0. 1747. 1428. Ebenezer. b. Jan. 10. 1748, ni. Tryphenia Traey Xov. 25, 1775. En- listed in Capt. David Smitli's company in f'ol. Elmore's regi- ment Apr. 4. 177G; d. while in service Oct. 5. 1776. She was b. Apr. 14, 1748, and d. 1825. 1429.* Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1750. m. Matthew Bird; d. May 27. 1835. 1430.* PiiiNEAS. b. Sept. 27. 1752. m. Azubah Stocking: d. 1833. 1431.* Lydia, b. Aug. 21. 1754. m. Judah Cone (1423) ; d. Oct. 14. 1829. 1432. Olive, b. Mar. 24, 1759, m. Joseph Beckwith May 20. 1782. 1433.* Brainard, bapt. Apr. 28, 1705, m. Phebe Foster; d. Oct. 12, 1841. (1407) ELIZABETH CONE, dan. of Ebenezer Cone (1307) and Elizabeth Willey, bapt. East Haddam Feb. 21, 1730, m. Joseph Warner, son of John Warner and Mahitable Richardson, Jan. 24, 1760. He Avas b. East Haddam 1731, and d. same place 1702. Ch. 14.34. Joseph, b. 1701: d. 1838. 1435. Oliver, b. 1705; d. 1828. 1430. Ephraim, b. 1707; d. 1844. (1408) TIMOTHY CONE, son of Ebenezer Cone (1397) and Elizabeth Willey, h. East Haddam May 25, 1735, m. Abigail Dickson, of Middletown, Conn., Sept. 9, 1761. She was b. 1743, and d. E. Haddam Apr. 3, 1834, aa:ed 01 years. He served as a Lien- tenant in Rev. War, in 6th Co., 25th Reg-, of Militia, his commission being" sig;ned by Gov. Jonathan Trnmbull, and dated Mar. 21, 1777. He is called " Capt. Timothy," in the town records ; probably was afterwards promoted, althongli I find no record of it. He was a member of the Episcopal Ch. in East Haddam, and d. at that place Dec. 19, 1800. 120 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 14;!7. Timothy. !>. Dec 10. 17(;-.>: d. Nov. 7. 1S47. Scrvod in Rev. War as ("oiporal. ill ("apt. DickiiKion's (■()iiii)aiiy. Continental Reg- iment. 1770. Served in Caj)!. Ahner Prior's company, 5th Regiment Conn. Line, as Sergeant, 1777 to 1780. Received pension in ISIU. Had dau. Mary, who m. Col. Alfred Wil- cox. Res. Lansingburg, N. Y. 1438. Ha>;xaii. h. May 27, 1704, ni. Hezekiah Comstock May, 1785. 14:59. RocEKT 1).. 1>. Mar. 12. 17(U); d. Ang. 15, 1781. 1440. AniGAii.. 1). Mar. !). 17()S, ni. liarnalias Chipman May 11. 1794. 1441. Elizauktu, h. ^Uxv. 24, 1770: d. num. ]May, 1888. 1442.^^- Isaac, b. July 28. 1772. m. Mary Arnold: d. ]\[ar. 2. 1825. 1443. Lucy, b. Dec. 10, 1774: d. Sept. 4. 1775. 1444.-' Ebexezeu. 1). Oct. 8. 1770. m. Anna Wood; d. :\lar. 5, 1859. 1445. Xaxcy, 1). Jniie 15. 1781; d. nnm. Apr. 12, 1811. 1440. RoBEUT 1).. 1). Jan. 21. 1784: d. unni. East Haddam, Sept. 8, 1854. (1413) DAVli) COXE, son of David and Molly Cone (^1398)^ l)a})t. East Haddam Doe. 1:2, 1731, m. Temperance Pratt, dau. of KoIuTt and riiclu" Pratt, of (inilford. Conn., Xov. 19, 1754. He res. in town of (inilford, aiul d. there in 1777. Ch. 1447. Saaiiei.. b. Aug. 5. 1755. Seived in Fvcv. War in Col. Tyler's Regi- ment in 1775. and under Col. Samuel Parsons, Conn. Line, in 1770-7. Was in the battle of White Plains. Commenced to receive pension in 1818. Res. at Clinton, Me., where he d. 1810. No children. 1448." RouEUT, b. 1758. m. Sarah Cook: d. Oct. 20, 1821. 1449." Temperance, b. 1759, m. Wise Grinnell of Greenfield, Mass. 1450."- Oliveu, b. 1705, m. Esther Wellman; d. 1829. (14i>l) SAMUEL CO:XE, son of Samuel Cone (1403) and Elizabeth Willey, b. East Haddam Feb. 20, 1748, m. Betsey Wadsworth .Mar. 1, 1778. She was b. 17(;2 and d. Mar. 5, 1849, am'd 87 years. He was a blacksmith, and during the Rev. War liel})ed to forge, the chain that was placed across the Hudson to keep the IJritish vessels from going up the river. He enlisted in 1775, and was in the battles of Bunker Hill and White Plains, and in Arnold's Exju-dition to Quebec. Discharged 1776. Enlisted Feb. 10, 1777, in Col. Jonathan Baldwin's Artificers and Engineers, and served three y(^ars. In the year 1801 he removed to Leyden, Lewis county, T*v". Y., Avhere he d. Aug. 22, 1825. Government gave liim a pension A])r. 22, 1818. His widow was o-ranted a pension Julv 4, 183(). Ch. 1451. -'^ Jeremiah, b. Apr. 1, 1787. m. Sophronia Tucker; d. 1872. 1452.-^ Warrex, 1). July 20. 1794. m. P,ethsaida Parnialee: d. Apr. 30. 18G0. 1453.^- Faxxy, b. 1796, m. Alfred Brooks. 1454. Wealthy, b. 1801, m. Thomas George; d. Dec. 14, 1883. Descendants of Ehenezer Cone. 121 (142i>) JOSEPH OLMSTEAD COXE, son of Samuel Cone (1408) and Elizabeth Willey, b. East Hadclam Dec. 10, 1750, m. Polly Hall in Wallinoford, Conn., June 2, 1779. She was b. Lyme, Conn., 171:9, and d. in New Berlin, Otsego county, IST. Y., May 17, 1821. He was au eminent physician, having an extensive and re- munerative practice. lie practiced in Wallingford, Meriden and Killingworth, Conn. At the latter place he joined the Cong. Ch. July 29, 1787, and d. Mar. 25, 1814. Ch. 140.).- Joseph Hall. b. Jan. 1781. in. Lucy Fink; d. Apr. 14. 18.31. 14.)G.-^^- John N., b. Apr. 0, 1783, m. Sarah" ; d. Sept. 29, 1828. 1457. Jldah, b. July 31, 1785; d. unm. in Hadlyme Jan. 7, 1817. 1458. Polly, b. 1788, m. William Hall; no ch.; d. May 22, 1810. 1459. •• Ben.jamix. b. Dec. G. 1796. ni. Emily Root; d. Aug. 20, 1855. (142.3) JUDAH COXE, son of Samuel Cone (1403) and Elizabeth Willey, bapt. Pladlyme, Conn., July 29, 1753, m. Lydia Cone (1431), dan. of Ehenezer Cone and Mary Brainard, Apr. 10, 1774. She was b. Aug. 21, 1754, and d. at East Haddam Oct. 14, 1829. He d. Hadlyme Aug. 13, 1832. He was very methodical in the manner in which he kept his family records, and I am greatly indebted to his great-grandson, Hon. Silas Holmes, of Hadlyme, for the privilege of copying from these records valuable data which I could not otherwise have secured. Ch. 14li0. Clara, b. Apr. 1. 1775. m. Xewton Marsh. 1461.* Or.LS, b. July 27. 1777. m. Eliphalet Holmes. (1424) ROSWELL COXE, son of Elijah and Elizabeth Cone (1404), b. East Haddam Oct. 29, 1753, m. Sarah Spencer Xov. 6, 1773. She was b. Feb. 4, 1754, and d. East Haddam July 12, 1802. He m. 2 Lydia Hungerford Oct. 25, 1803, who d. Xov. 29, 1850, and was buried at Hadlyme. He was a farmer. In June, 1726, he enlisted in the Rev. Army at East Haddam, in the same company with his father, nnder Capt. Eliphalet Holmes, in Col, Samuel Sel- den's regiment of Continental troops, June, 1776, and went to rein- force Gen. Washington in Xew York. Was discharged Dec. 26, 1776. He reenlisted Xov. 8, 1780, in Capt. Zachariah Hungerford's com- pany from Hadlvme, and was discharged June 6, 1781. He d. at Hadlyme June 27, 1830. Ch. 1462. Phebe. b. Aug. 30. 1778. No farther record. 1463.* Anna, b. June 11. 1780, m. Phineas Cone (1476) : d. Mar. 25. 18.59. 1464. Spencer, b. Apr. 16, 1788; d. Sept. 1, 1793. 1465.* Eoswell S., b. July 16. 1809. m. Sarah Hunoerford ; d. Mav 1. 1885. 122 The (^one Family in America. (142(;) CALVIX C^OXE, son of Elijah and Elizabeth (\me (1-iO-l-), m. in Chester, CV)nn., Dec. 7, 178(». liebecea Leete,. dau. of '• Ensii;-n " Gideon Leete, of Rev. fame, and a lineal descendant of Gov. Leete, the first Colonial Governor of Conneeticnt. She was h. ^Mar. 4. 17(11, and (L 'Tan. 17, 1S:>;]. 1 have not been able to find a record of either his birth or his death. In the Land Eecords at East Had- dani, Book 1.'!, ]». SO."!, is recorded a transfer of land from Calvin to his brother Eoswdl, in which he deeds " all the lands T had from onr honored father, Elijah ('one." This transfer is dated Xov. 10. 1708. lie settled the same year at Ilnrle.v, Ulster county, X. Y., on the west l)ank of the Hudson river, where he remained until the year 1809, when he removed to Providence, now Scranton, Pa. Xo record of his death. Ch. una. PvERECCA. 1). 17S1. 111. Eiios: (1. Scranton. Ta. 14(17. ■" C'yxtiiia. 1). Au.l;-. -iO. ITS:?, ni. :? times; d. Nov. 18. 1859. 14()S."- DouATL's, l)a])t. 17S4. in. .Mary Cnrran: d. Kingston. X. Y.. ISOS. (1429) MARY CONE, dan. of Ebenezer C^jne (140:.) and Mary Brainard, b. East lladdam Sept. 15, 17r)0, m. Matthew Bird, son of Matthew Bird and Eleanor Ranijer, 1775, a.^'ed 85 years. Ch. 1400. Mary, b. Dec. 10. 1770. in. William R. :\I(-('nll(ni,iili : d. Aug. 29, 1829. 1470. Matthew W.. b. Aug. 12. 178:]; d. .Tune 1. 1847. 1471. Daniel, b. 178.-). 1472. Eleanor R., b. .Tune 21. 1790. m. Puifns R.aiton; d. Sept. 19. 18.52. 147.3. Frances, b. June ;>. 1793. 1474. James B., b. Aug. 4, 1795. m. Mary Dimon ; d. Aug. 8, 1829. 1475. William E., b. Mar. .3. 1798; d. Nov. 15, 18G1. (1430) PHIXEAS COXE, son of Ebenezer Cone (1405) and Mary Brainard, 1>. East Tladdam Se|)t. 27, 1752, m. Azubah Stocking- Feb. 13, 1770. 'I'hey were members of the First Episcopal ( Ii. in East Haddam. In April, 1775, he volunteered at the "' Lex- inii'ton Alarm," and served eighteen days in Capt. Joseph Spencer's comj)aiiy. As soon as he returned he enlisted again, on May 9, 1775, serving under Col. Joseph Spencer (who had been promoted to the coniniaiid of the 2d Regiment of Connecticut Colonial troops'). Was promoted to Corporal June, 1775 ; was wounded, and discharged Dec. 17, 1775; received a pension from the Government in 1789. He d. in Xew London, Conn., in 1833, aged 81 vears. Descendants of Ebenezer Cone. 123 Ch. 1476.'' Phinp:a.s. b. Jan. 22, 1778, m. Anna Cone (1403) ; d. June 12, 1834. 1477.' AzruAH. I). 1779, m. Josiah Willey; d. Rome, O., 1855. 1478." Cynthia, b. May 15, 1783, m. Darius Benhani ; d. Aug. 4, 1825. 1479.* Sylvester, b. Apr. 5, 1787, ui. Jedidiah Ackley; d. Nov. 4. 1865. 1480.* Amos, b. Nov. 18. 1789, m. Charlotte Mack; d. Mar. 25, 1860. 1481.* David, b. about 1790, m. Res. Williamstown, Mass. (1433) BEAIXARD CONE, son of Ebenezer Cone (1405) and Mary Brainard, bapt. East Haddam Apr. 28, 1765, m. Phebe Foster June 30, 1796. She was b. 1768 and d. Mar. 9, 1826. They were members of the Episcopal Ch. in East Haddam, joiniuij,' that ch, when it was orr his death she m. (Ji(h'()n ]\lead. Mr. Cone removed to Otseo'o county, N. Y., u]^on his marriaae, and all his ehildren were b. there. Ch. 1.547.' JosEi'ii Olmstead, b. Oct. 10. 1S05. ni. Sopbia NeiY: d. Aug. 10, 1856. 1548." William Hall, b. Mar. 8, 1807, m. Harriet Nichols; d. Jan. 22, 1890. 1549."- Luke Metcaif, 1). July 19, 1809, m. Emily Cowles ; d. Oct. 17, 1886. 1550.'' Polly, b. Oct. 4. 1812, m. Avery Kingsley; d. Feb. 22, 1871. 1551.* Marshall Dowmxc. b. Aug. 7, 1810, m. Sarah M. Johnson; d. 1893. 15.52."- Tracy Samcel. b. Mar. 2(i. 1821. m. Sarah C. Hill; d. May 8, 1876. 1553. ••■ Bexjamin, b. :\lav 5, 1S24. ni. Sarah Pvosette Beebe. Res. Sherburne, N; Y. (145(3) JOHN N. CONE, son of Jose]>h Olmstead Cone (1422) and Polly Hall, b. Apr. 0, 1783. He m. Sarah , and d. Pittstield, Otsego county, N. Y., Sei)t. 29, 1828. Ch. ' 15.54. Statira. b. Nov. 24. 1814. ni. Hall; no children. 1555." Horace CoLE^L\x. b. A]iril 8. 1810. m. Saiah E. Pierson ; d. Aug. 1, 1871. 155(!. :\lARY, b. :\Iarch 8. iSlS, m. Stetson: had son Martin. 1557. Sarah, b. Dec. 24, 1819, d. unm. Auo-. 7, 1S44. Descendants of Ehenezer ('one. 127 (1459) BEA^TAMIJsT CONE, son of Joseph Olmstead Cone (1422) and Polly Hall, b. Dec. 6, 1796, m. Emily Root, dau. of Josiali and Temperance Root, Mar. 10, 1819. She was b. Dec. 1799. He d. Ano-. 20. 1855. Ch. 1558.* ErssELL F.. b. Dec. 17. 1819. m. Ct-lia :M. Dennison. Res. Lake City, Minn. 1559.* Royal Day, b. Xov. 8. 1821. iii. Rnena IMerchant; cl. Apr. 29. 1898. 1560.-"- JosiAii R., b. Xov. 13. 1823. m. Mary Whitney; d. 1863. 1561." Theodore H., b. Nov. 9. 1826. Res. Aubnrn. N. Y. 1502. ■■■ Charles E., b. Dec. 1. 1827. w\. Julia Ann Clark. Res. Sherburne, N. Y. 15C3.* John F.. b. Mar. 8. 1830. m. Mary J. Dcolittle. Res. Port Allegany, Pa. 1564. Joseph F., b. May 27. 1833. 1505. Emily A., b. Jan. 12, 1835. 1506. Delia M., b. Nov. 4, 1838. 1567. Bex.tamin Jasper, b. May 8, 1844. Res. Columbus, N. Y. (1461) ORIS CON^E, dau. of Jiidah and Lydia Cone (1423), b. Iladlyme 'Tuly 27, 1777, lii. Eliphalet Holmes in East Haddam Mar. 14, 1798. Ch. 1568. AxNA, b. Aug. 11, 1799; d. unm. 1569. Timothy, b. Feb. 24, 1802, m. Phebe Howell Rose. A son, Hon. Silas R. Holmes, res. in Hadljane, Conn. (1463) ANNA CONE, dau. Roswell Cone (1424) and Sarah Spencer, b. East Haddam June 11, 1780, m. Phineas Cone (1476), son of Phineas Cone and Azubah Stockins;', Ma.y 4, 1800. He Avas b. East Haddam Jan. 22, 1778, and d. same place June 12, 1834. She d. Mar. 25, 1859. He Avas a farmer, and always res. at East Haddam. Ch. 1570." Spexcki?. b. May 29. 1801. m. Mary Taylor: d. June 6. 1868. 1571. ]\1.\tilda, b. Sept. 28, 1804, m. Ei)hraim Ufiford ; d. 1885. 1572. Charity, b. July 13. 1807. m. Russell Ufford. 1573. Azubah. b. Sept. 24. 1810. m. Warren Spencer. 1574. David, b. Mar. 24, 1814, m. Eliza Spencer; d. Feb. 11. 1837. 1575. Ceorge, b. Aug. 20, 1818; d. unm. Feb. 24. 1804. 1576." Sarah E., b. Aug. 23, 1821. m. Dennison Burdick; d. Jan. 14. 1862. (1465) ROSWELL SHAILOR CONE, son of Roswell Cone (1424) and Lydia Hunfi-erford, b. East Haddam July 16, 1809, m. Sarah Hun.oerford Mar. 27, 1829. She was b. in East Haddam, and d. at Hadlyme July 18, 1880. He d. Hadlyme May 1, 1885. He held a numlier of hieal offices, viz. : Justice of the Peace, Select- 128 The Cone Family in America. man, etc., and \va>s held in lii,y occnpation he was a cal)inetnniker. He held a munbci- of offices of trust and res]ionsibility ; was Anditor and Rciiister in 1802. Was a Democrat, and nincli interested in politics. It was my fortune to receive many enconraiiino- letters from him dnriii^U' the ])r(ii;Tess of this work. Ho d. in Wostbro. 18.33. m. Charles W. Allen. Res. Rome, N. Y. 169.5. Fraxklix X., 1.. .July 9. 18.i(): d. :\rar. r>. 18G7. 109G. Edward Cardxer, b. Feb. 2. 1S.>S. m. Apr. 30. 1902. Jennie Bayles. who was b. in Kenosha. \Vis.. Oct. 14, 1858. Res. Chieago. 111. 1G97. Fraxklix N., b. Ai)r. 9, 18G0; d. Feb. 5, 1883. (1538) LEVERETT IIERLEY COXE. son of Warren Cone (1452) and Bethshelia Parnialee, b. Leyden, Lewis county, X. Y.; Xov. 4, 182 1, ni. Jane Yanderhayden in Yerona, X. Y., Mar. 9, 1848. She was b. Mar. 3, 1832, and d. Ajir. 22, 1858. He learned the shoemaker's trade in Etiea and afterwards worked at the trade in Yerona and Rome. TTo was of a qniet and nnassiiming dispo- sition and had many friends. He d. in Rome, X\ Y., Feb. 22, 1888. Ch. 1G9S. ^^"ARREX F., b. Feb. 2. 1849; d. Mar. 11. 18.58. 1G99. Sarah A., b. Sept. 25. 1850; d. May 13. 1853. 1700. Gardxer E.. b. May 6, 1853. Relatives do not know his address. (1542) AX^X^A MARIETTE COXTE, dan. Warren Cone (1452) and Bethshcba Parnialee, b. Leyden, XL Y., Dec. 2, 1829, m. An-nstus :\r. Pratt Feb. 24, 1852. He was b. Apr. 10, 1825, and res. in Ftiea. X. Y. She d. in Utica, X^ov. 12, 1881. Ch. 1701. ■••' CoRXELiA Howard, b, Feb. 25. 1852. m. T. E. MeLauohlin. Res. Utica, X. Y. 1702. George V\'.. b. Alay 25. 1857. Res. Minneapolis. Minn. (1543) EDWARD BROOKS, son of Alfred Sayre Brooks and Fanny Cone (1453), b. Leyden, X. Y., Aug. 25, 1819, m. Ann Swarts, dan. of Peter and ]\raro-aret Swarts, May 3, 1846. She was 1). in Albany eonnty, X". Y., Sept. 12, 1829, and d. Jnlv 13, 1895. He was a cooper bv trade, and d. in Oodensbnro-, X^. Y., XLiv. 12, 1890. Descendants of Ehenezer Cone. 137 Ch. 1703. SopiiRONiA Almira, b. Oct. 25, 1848; d. Dec. 20, 1848. 1704. CiiAELES Darius, b. May 1, 1850; d. Aug. 21, 1860. 1705. Owen Edward, b. Apr. 3. 1851; d. Jan. 21, 1861. 1700. Eugene M.. b. May 1. 1853. m. Henrietta Horth, who d. Jan. 6, 1S97. 1707. Helen W.. b. Apr. 10, 1855, m. Harlow D. Brown; d. May 8, 1879. 1708. Miles K., b. Oct. 30, 1857; d. Nov. 20. 1886. (1545) HORATIO J). BROOKS, son of Alfred Sayre Brooks and Fanny Cone (1453), b. in Leyden, IsT. Y., Sept. is', 1826, m. Antoinette Harris, dan. of Henry Harris and Mahala Parks, Apr. 24, 1851, who d. Feb. 11, 1857. He m. 2 Amanda P. Dewey, dau. of Milton T)ewey and Parmelia L. Riiigs, June 8, 1858. She was b. in Martinsbnrg-, X. Y., Dec. 13, 1838. They removed from Mar- tinslnirg to Bino-hamton, X. Y., in 1868, where he followed the occnpation of architect and bnilder. He d. Aug. 12, 1892. She res. Binghamton, IST. Y. Ch. 1709. Gertrude, b. May 4, 1852; d. Feb. 25, 1855. 1710. Viola, b. Nov. 6, 1853. Res. Binghamton. 1711.' Norman H.. b. Feb. 10, 1859, m. Lottie M. Allen. Res. Seranton, Pa. 1712. ■■■' Gertrude P.. b. Feb. 5, 1860. m. 1 Frank Stevens, 2 Edward C. Head- ley. Res. Buffalo, N. Y. 1713. George M., b. July 31, 1868, m. Susan B. Rumsey. Res. Binghamton. 1714. Susan A., b. Mar. 24, 1873, m. Allen K. Marion. Res. Bingliamton. (1547) JOSEPH OLMSTEAD COI^E, son of Joseph Hall Cone (1455) and Lncy Fink, b. Pittsfield, Otsego county, ^^. Y., Oct. 10, 1805, -m. Sophia is^eff, of Burlington, K y"^, Dec. 21, 1827. He was a farmer. D. Pittsfield, Aug. 16, 1856. She was b. Burlington. :N". Y., Dec. 12, 1800, ra. 2 Gideon Mead, and d. in Waukesha, Wis., July 28, 1882, aged 81 years. Ch. 1715. ■■■ William 0.. b. Dec. 5, 1829, m. Eva Foulds. Res. Dudley, Wis. 1716. Lora, b. Apr. 14, 1832, m. Thomas Lindsey. Res. Riverside, Wis. 1717. Joseph Neff. b. Oct. 13. 1834, unm. Res. Riverside, Wis. (1548) WILLTA]\f HALL CONE, son of Joseph Hall Cone (1455) and Lucv Fink, b. Pittsfield, Otseoo county, X. Y., May 8, 1807. m. Harriet Nichols Oct. 30, 1831. She was b. Feb. 4, 1808. and d. in New Berlin, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1886. He d. New Berlin Jan. 22, 1800, aged 83 years. Ch. 1718.* Elizabeth, b. Sept. 26. 1832. m. Gilbert Jeffrey. Res. New Berlin. N. Y. 1719. William Tracy, b. Juno 24. 18.34. Res. Ilion. N. Y. 1720. Mary Jane. b. June 16. 1836. m. W. W. Cronk. Res. Burlington. Flats. N. Y. 138 The Cone Familij in America. (1549) LUKE METCWLF C'OXE, son of Joseph Hall Cone (1455) and Lncy Fink, b. Pittslield, Otsego comity, X. Y., Jnlj 19, tS09, ni. Emily Cowles ]\[ar. 4, 1832. She was b. Canaan, Conn., Apr. 18, 1808, and d. Greene, X. Y., ^\-a\ 27, 1888, aged 80 years. Tie d. same place Oct. 17, 1886. Ch. 1721. Caiioline AroTSTA. b. Dee. 20. 1S32: d. A).)-. 5. 1833. 1722. Adklia Ellen, b. ^fay 10. 1S3.>: .1. ^Nfay 11. 1S36. 1723." Maky Adelia, 1). [Mar. 20. 1.S30. m. Alnxm ]>. EobiTison. Res. Greene, N. Y. 1724. Charlotte Ellex, b. :\Iay 21. 1S43: d. July 15. 1845. 1725. Makshall Hexry, b. .Tniie 0. 1845; d. Oct. 10. 1876. 172(1. ■•■■ Luke Eugene, b. Jan. 1. 1850. m. Isadora :\[. Reed. Res. Greene, N. Y. (1550) POLLY C^OXE, b. 13, 1842: d. ^NFar. U, 1854. 1731. .John H.. b. Eeb. 3. 1844: d. .Tune 5. 1840. 1732. .Jessie D.. b. :\rar. 3. 1S46. m. Ethan Curtis. Res. Syracuse. X. Y. 1733. Hapjuet a., b. .July 26. 1S48. m. Isaac F. X'"iles. Res. Lebanon, X. Y. 1734. Alice C. b. An-. 15. 185(1. m. Charles Perkins; d. Sept. 20, 1874. 1735. Ada E.. b. Xov. 21. 1S52. ni. Jolin A. Stanton. Res. Painted Post, X. Y. I73(). Amos D.. b. Mar. 4. 1856. Res. Tolechi. 0.. 1800. (1551) MARSLTALL DOWYIXG CONE, son of Joseph Hall Cone (1455) and Lncy Fink, b. Pittsfield, Otsego comity, X. Y., Ang. 7, ISir;, m. Sarali ;Maria Jdhnson at Bio- Eock, 111.', An- 1, 1.S40. She d. in Empnria, Kas., Dec. IS, 1S9:V. He d. Anr..ra, TIL, IS 9:5. Ch. 1737. ••• JNlARY Eliza, b. Au,u-. L 1842. ni. S. P. Whitmore. Res. Topeka, Kas. 1738. Lucy P.. b. An-. 24. 1844. m. Richard Chirk. Res. Aurora. 111. 1730. Cynthia ]\I.. b. Dec. 2. 1846. Tinni. Res. Aurora, 111. 1740. Adeline C. b. Aitr. 21. 1S48: d. Berlin, \Yis., .Inly 31. 1840. 1741. Avery E.. 1). Jan. 16. 1851, m. Emma Close. Res. Sandwich. 111. 1742.^^- Henry M.. b. A[ar. 5. 18.54. m. Ida Scott. Res. Chicago. 111. 1743. Emma E.. b. Au.y. 3. 1856. m. William Wallace. Res. ChicajiO. 111. 1744. Hattie S.. b. Oct. 1. ]S.-)0, m. Frank Woods. Res. Palo Alto, Cal. 1745.* George B.. 1>. July 10. 1S63. m. Parmelia D. Walton; d. Dec. 25. 1804. Descendants of Ehenezer Cone. 139 (1552) TRACY SAMUEL C^OXE, son of Joseph Hall Cone (1455) and Lucy Fink, b. Pittsfield, Otsego county, is". Y., Mar. 26, 1821, m. Sabra Caroline Hull Oct. 24, 1847. She was b. Otselic. Madison county, IST. Y., Sept. 9, 1831. He was a physician, with a larg-e and extensive practice. Was honored by his associates and trusted bv all. He d. at South Oxford, Chenango county, IST. Y., ^Liy 8, 187n. She res. at South Oxford, X. Y., in'l890. Ch. 1746. Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 21. 1848. m. H. W. Mead. Ees. South Oxford, N. Y. 1747. Sauah Caroline, b. Feb. 3. 1850. m. Geo. H. Warner. Res. Oxford, N. Y. 1748. Tracy Leroy, b. May 14. 1852. Res. South Oxford, X. Y. 1749. Charlotte Emma, b. Jan. 11. 1855, m. Levi A. Miller. Res. Bing- liamton. N. Y. 1750. Carrie Adelia, 1). Feb. 24. 1858, ni. M. F. French. Res. Coventry- ville. N. Y. 1751. Cora Caroline, b. Oct. 31. 1861. Res. South Oxford, N. Y. 1752. Sabra Ethel, b. Nov. 9. 1864, m. Edward S. Robinson. Res. Greene, N. Y. (1553) BEKJAMI^^ COXE, son of Joseph Llall Cone (1455) and Lucy Fink, b. Pittsfield, Otsego county, X. Y., May 5, 1824, m. Susan Rosette Beebe, dau. of Eleizur and Lois Beebe, Jan. 23, 1850. She was b. IS^orth Brookfield, X. Y., June 30, 1834. Res. Sherburne, IST. Y. Ch. 1753. Alice Rosetta, b. Xov. 16. 1S50, m. Solomon D. Van Wagner. 1754. DwiGHT E.. b. Aug. 13, 18.54. Res. Fall River, Mass. 1755. LrcY V.. b. Sept. 15, 1872, m. Zelora Gregory. Res. New Berlin, N. Y. (1555) HORACE COLEMAX COXE, son of Jdni X. and Sarah Cone (1456), b. Pittsfield. Otsego county, X. Y., Apr. 8, 1816, m. Sarah Elizabeth Pierson, dau. of David and Clarinda Pierson, May 10, 1848. She was b. Vernon, Oneida country, X. Y., Jan. 30, 1821, and was living in Rochester, X. Y., in 1891. He was a soldier dui'ing the Civil War, serving as Lieutenant in Company H, 67th X. Y.'Vols. D. at Rochester, Aug. 1, 1871. Ch. 1756. Fa?v-ny. b. .July 13, 1849; d. Sept. 17. 1852. 1757. JoHX, b. May 24. 1851; d. Mar. 2. 1888. 1758. David, b. Nov. 8, 1853; d. May 5, 1888. 1759. Hattie. b. Oct. 3. 1855; d. ^Va\ 15. 1850. 1760. Clara, b. Feb. 17. 1857. unm. Res. Rochester, N. Y. 1761. .JcsEPH, b. Apr. 5. 1859; d. Aug. 2. 1859. 140 The Cone Famili/ in America. (1558) KUSSELL F. CONE, son of Benjamin Cone (1459) and Eniilj Eoot, b. Schuyler's Lake, Otsego conntv, X. Y., Dee. 17, 1819, m. Celia j\I. Demiison Mar. 12, 1845. She was b. South Edniiston, Otsego ('(luiity, X. Y., July 27, 1825. He was formerly a printer, but of late years a farmer. Ees. Lake City, Minn. Ch. 17(52. Ellex E.. b. Sept. o. 18.50; d. Lake City, Minn., Nov. 12, 1804. (1559) ROYAL DAY COXE, son of Benjamin Cone (1459) and Emily Root, b. in Otsego county, N. Y., Xov. 8, 1821, m. Ruena -Merchant in Xew Berlin, X. Y., July 3, 1849. She was b. Winfield, Herkimer county, X. Y., Apr. 80, 1823, and d. Wincuia, Minn., Feb. 9, 1870. IL' was an active and thorough business man. Was founder and President of the 11. D. Cone Comjiany, wholesale hardware h(aise, at Winona, Minn., and was ono of the oldest merchants in south Minnesota, having i-emoved to Winona in 1855. Was Director First Xational Bank, of the Winona Wagon ('om]iany, and of the Winona fr Western Railroad Comi)any; was flavor of the city two leriiis, and served many years as Alderman. Was an active member of the ^r. E. Ch., and was a lay delegate to the (reneral Conference at Cincinnati in 1881. Was Treasurer of the ( *entral ( *h. in Winona for twenty years. D. at the Sanitariuvn in Hudson, Wis., Apr. 29, 181)8. Ch. 17(;.3.-^^- Ida Emu.y, h. An,-. :]. IS.K], m. \\. Jny Eandon: d. :\ray .5, 1899. 1704. Etta Makia, 1). Oct. r,. ls.-)8. m. Chnk W. Tdtter; d. :\Iar. 29. 188.3. 170.1. Fhaxies Royal, 1). July 17. 1S(U): d. num. (^ct. 30, 1885. 1700. Hattie RiEXA, 1). Jan. 21, 1803, ni. James S. Conwell ; d. .Tan. 20, 1886. (1500) JOSIAH ROOT COXE, son of Benjamin Cone (1459) and Emily Root, b. Xew Berlin, X". Y., Xov. 13, 1823, m. Mary Whitnev in Conneaut, O. Served tluring War of Rebellion as surgeon. D. 1803. Ch. 1707. ]\lARY AxN, ni. H. C. Barlow. Res. Oak Park, 111. (1562) CHARLES EDWARD COXE, son of Benjamin Cone (1459) and Emily Root, b. Xew Berlin, X^ Y., Dec. 1, 1827, m. Julia Ellen Clark Sei)t. 8, 18.-)7. She was 1). Columbus, Chenango county, X. Y., .May 7, l.s3(), and d. Sei)t. 29, 1870. He res. Sher- burne, X. Y. Ch. 1708.'' EvELYX. 1). May 10, 1800, m. rteovge W. Bryan. Res. Sherburne, N. Y. (1503) JOHX F. COXE, son of Benjamin Cone (1459) and Emily Root, b. Mar. 8, 1830, in Otsego county, X. Y., m. :\rarv J. Descendants of Ebenezer Cone. 141 Doolittle Jnl.y 25, 1852. She was b. Sept. 8, 1830. Res. Port Alle- gany, Pa. Ch. 1760. Charles L.. b. Aug. 20. 1853: d. Oct. 3, 18-5.5. 1770. Agnes L., b. July 21. 18.50; d. Feb. 9. 1863. 1771. Royal J., b. May 14, 1859; d. Feb. 2.5, 1863. 1772. Blanche M., b. Xov. 19, 1861, m. Daniel H. Phillips. Res. Olean, N. Y. 1773. Lotth: E.. b. Dec. 19, 1804, in. Emory 0. Durfee. Res. Port Allegany, Pa. 1774. Guy R., b. Aug. 29, 1870; d. in infancy. (1570) SPENCER COXE, son of Pliineas Cone (11:7(3) and Anna Cone (ll-6;3), b. East Haddam May 29, 1801, m. Marv Taylor, of Norwich, Conn. He d. June 6, 1868. Ch. 1775. Simeon, had two ch., Charles and Mary. 1776."' WiLLiAiT Henry, b. Dee. 19. 1829. ni. Samantha Purple; d. Aug. 25, 1894. 1777. Mary. (1576) SARAH ELIZABETH CONE, dan. of Phineas (1476) and Anna Cone (1463), b. East Haddam Aug. 23, 1821, m. Dennison Palmer Bnrdick at East Haddam Sept. 8, 1844. He was b. Slaterville, R. I., Apr. 18, 1821, and d. Hebron, Conn., May 17, 1861. She d. East Haddam Jan. 14, 1862. Ch. 1778. ■••" Sarah, b. Aug. 24, 1848. m. Coryden :\1. .Jolinson. Res. New Haven, Conn. (1577) LYDTA A. CONE, dan. of Roswell Shailor Cone (1465) and Sarah Hungerford, b. Hadlyme, Conn., Dec. 22, 1829, m. -Toseph Luther Apr. 1, 1848. She d. Feb. 22, 1895. He is a ship- bnilder, and res. at New London, Conn. (1580) ALDEN SHAILOR CONE, son of Roswell Shailor Cone (1465") and Sarah Hnngerford, b. Hadlyme, Conn., May 9, 1841, ra. Jnlia Rarnliam, dan. of James A. and Sabra A. Barnham, Feb. 12, 1868. She was 1). in East Haddam Feb. 12, 1850. He is a farmer and fisherman. Res. Hadlyme, Conn. Ch. 1779. Stephen Uriah, b. Apr. 9, 1870; d. -Tune 11. 1887. 1780. Rcswell S., b. Xov. 8. 1871. Res. Hadlyme. Conn. 1781. WiLLiAji Henry, b. Sept. 5. 1874. m. Catherine ]M. Hallender. Res. Hadlyme, Conn. 1782. Sabra Nellie, b. Sept. 8, 1877. m. Samuel Gesner. Res. Hadlyme. Conn. (1581) EDWARD LANE, son of Elijah Lane and Cvnthia Cone (1467), b. Jnly 31, 1809, m. . He d. Nov. 8, 1853. 142 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 1783. IIKBECCA Ann. b. Oct. 29. 1831, in. Snyder. Res. Carbondale, Pa. 1784. Helen M., b. July 8. 1853. m. Colburn. Res. Carbondale, Pa. 1785. Elijah Henry, 1). Sept. 30, 1S3G. Soldier 1861; d. Andersonville jnison. 1786. Jane O.. b. May 23, 1839. Res. Carbondale, Pa. 1787. John E.. 1). jMay 20, 1843. Soldier: d. on Morris Island, during war. 1788. Cynthia, b. May 26. 1845. Res. South Dakota. (1583) MAEY A. ^TEWAET, dan. of William Stewart and Cjntliia (Gone) Lane (1407), b. June 17, 1814, m. Elias Snyder May 27, 1832. He was b. Anu'. 10, 1808, and d. May 25, 1899, aged 91 years. She d. in Jermyn, Lackawanna connty. Pa., -Tnne 7, 1897, aged 83 years. Ch. 1789. Stewart L., b. Mar. 2. 1834. Res. Jermyn, Pa. 1790. Rebecca L.. b. Dec. 2, 1836, ni. George IMakley. Res. Madisonville, Pa. 1791. Enos. b. Feb. 23, 1839. Res. Port Jervis, N. Y. 1792. Elizabeth A., b. Mar. 14, 1841, m. E. A. Turner. Res. Jermyn, Pa. 1793. David N., b. Jan. 13, 1843. Res. Dundaff, Pa. 1794. AngI'S C. b. Mar. 26, 1845. Res. Dunmore. Pa. 1795. Charles A., b. May 9. 1847. Res. Matamoras, Pa. 1796. Jacob S.. b. Oct. IS. 1849. Res. Idaho S])rings. Colo. 1797. Candas S.. b. Jan. 28. 1852: d. Jan. 25, 1864. 1798. Alice J., b. Dec. 24. 18.54; d. Mar. 5. 1864. (1585) ELIZABETH STEWART, dan. William Stewart and Cynthia (Cone) Lane (1467), b. May 25, 1819, m. Peter J. Vail Dec. 31, 1837. He was b. Feb. 25, 1813, and d. Jnne 22, 1893, aged SO years. She d. 1899, aged 80 years. Ch. 1799. WiLMOT, b. Nov. 4. 1838. 1800. Cynthia. 1801. David, b. Aug. 17. 1842; d. Oct. 9. 1865. 1802. Calvin C. b. .Tan. 11. 1845. Res. -Jermyn. Pa. 1803. WiNFiELD S.. b. July 18. 1847. 1804. :\IcCai:y P.. b. Jan. 6. 1852; d. Feb. 22. 1881. 1805. William S., b. Dec. 25, 1856. 1806. Andrew J., b. Mar. 11. 1859: d. Apr. 30, 1887. 1807. ]Mary Elizabeth, b. May 2. 1865. (1586) MAPtGAPET JAXE STEWART, dan. of William Stewart and Cynthia (Cone) Lane (1467), b. Feb. 9, 1822, m. Jabez Smith Sept. 13, 184L IP- was b. Dec. 10, 1817. Ch. 1808. Oscar, b. Mar. 13, 1843; d. July 24, 1864. 1809. Nicholas, b. Pel). 12. 1845; Res. Wavniart, Pa. Descendants of Ebenezer Cone. 143 1819. Philip, b. 1850, m. Tupp. Res. Edella, Pa. 1811. Eliza A., b. June 13. 1849. Res. Jermyn, Pa. 1812. DoRATUS, b. July 23, 1850. Res. Susquehanna, Pa. 1813. Ada A., b. Sept. 24, 1852, ui. Griffith. Res. Waymart, Pa. 1814. Mary A., b. July 2, 1856; d. Mar. 31, 1864. 1815. Edgar D., b. Apr. 25, 1857. Res. not known. 1816. George E., b. June 4, 1860. Res. Jermyn, Pa. 1817. Alice A., b. July 30, 1862; d. Mar. 27, 1863. (1587) CHARLOTTE SCULL, dan. of iS^iclioLas Scull and Cynthia (Cone) (Lane) (1467) Stewart, b. Dec. 4, 1826, m. James Wisner 1846. She d. 1892. Cli. 1818. Cynthia, b. 1848, m. Depew. Res. Jermyn. Pa. 1819. Philip, b. 1850. Soldier. Enlisted as a soldier at the age of 14. D. 1873. 1820. Anna, b. 1855, ni. Tupp. Res. Edella, Pa. 1821. Alvin, b. 1857. Res. Rhinelander, Wis. 1822. Josephine, b. 1859; d. 1863. (1588) WILLIAM SCULL, son of Nicholas Scull and Cyn- thia (Cone) (Lane) (1467) Stewart, b. Jan. 27, 1831, m. Elizabeth Thomas, dau. of Henry and Jane Thomas. She was b. in England June 12, 1835. He served in Civil War in Co. K, 11th Pa. Cav., enlisting at Scranton, Pa., Sept. 16, 1862, and was discharged May 16, 1865. He receives a pension of $24 per month for injuries re- ceived while in service by his horse falling upon him. They have no ch. Pes. Jermyn, Pa. (1589) ANXIE ELIZABETH CON^E, dau. of Dorastus Cone (1408) and Mary Curran, b. Esopus, Ulster counly, X. Y., Dec. 9, 1803, m. Judge Alfred Darte in Dundaff, Pa., in 1830. He was b. Aug. 14, 1810, in Bolton, Tolland countv. Conn., and d. in Carbon- dale, Pa., Aug. 14, 1883. She d. *ame place Dec. 13, 1876. Ch. 1823. •■' :Mary Charlotte, b. Sept. 2. 1831. m. James Thompson. Res. Car- bondale. Pa. 1824. Harry Amanda, b. Apr. 28. 1833. m. William Herring. Res. Car- bondale, Pa. 1825.* Alfred, b. Apr. 28. 1836. m. 1 Caroline Sealy, 2 Mary L. Hemming- way; d. July 20, 1901. 1826.* Luther Curran, b. Oct. 27. 1843, m. Isabella Lockhart. Res. Kings- ton, Pa. (1590) GEORGE COA^E. mn of Dorastus Cone (1468) and Mary Curran, b. Kingston. Is^. Y.. Dec. 31, 1805, m. Ann Elizabeth Courtwright, dau. of John Courtwright and Mary Abbott, Dec. 6, 1831. She was b. May 2, 1814, and d. Sept. 20', 1845. He m. 2 —10 144 The (^one Famili/ in America. Frances Leonard Conrtwriolit, dan. of Henry Conrtwrio-lit and Eacliel Gore, Dec. 1840. She was b. ISIO, and'd. in Scranton, Pa., Ifay 5, 1873. Was a pioneer of Scranton, and a leading- citizen of rliat city. He was a wholesale grocer, with an extensive bnsiness, and d. in Scranton Sept. 22, 1864. Cli. 1S27.* Hannah R.. b. Aug. 21, 1,S33. m. Jolm Edwin Lent. Res. Riverton, Va. 1828.* DoRASTus. 1). Dee. 17. 1836. m. Martlia Rebeeea Lacv; d. May 30. 1885. 1829. Mary Eliza, b. Sept. 4. 1838; d. Sept. 3. 1843. 1830.-* Mary Louisa, b. Jan. 3. 1853, m. Luther Rice Steele. Res. River- ton, Va. (1591) SELHEN WTLLEY, son <.f Josiah Wille.y and Azu- bah Tone (1477), b. Dec. 10, 1801, ni. Amelia Barr, and d. in Hart's Groye, Ashtabnla cimnty, O., in 1877. Ch. 1831. Caroline, b. 1835, m. .John Ray. No ch. Res. Harts C4rove, 0. 1832. Cordelia, b. 1836, m. G. W. Crosby; three ch. Res. Rome, 0. (1595) SUSA^ JAISTE BENHAM, dan. of Darius Benham and Cynthia (\me (1478), b. Meriden, Conn., Apr. 20, 1812, m. James A. Frary Dee. 25, 1S.S2. She d. Mar. 11, 1871. He was a mannfactnrer of liritannia ware. D. Meriden 1870. Ch. 1833. James Darius, b. Sept. 20. 1833. ni. Ellen Peck: d. Mar. 25, 1800. 1834. AuRELiA Jane, b. ^lay 14, 1839, m. Dr. James Wylie; d. Aug. 9, 1878. 1835. Cynthia Ann, b. Sept. 1, 1840, m. William Mosher. Res. Meriden, Conn. (1596) MAYETTE BEISTHAM, dan. of Darins Benham and Cynthia Cone (1478), b. Jnne 12, 1814, m. William Hall, 1835. Siie d. Sept. 27, 1842. Cb. 183G. Catherine S., b. Jan. 1, 1837, m. Jolm W. Butler. Res. Meriden, Conn. 1837. Eliza Ann, b. Dec. 29, 1841, m. ^yilliam J. Rinlock. (1598) DARIUS BENHAM, son of Darins Benham and Cynthia C\)ne (1478), b. IMeriden T^ov. 9, 1818, m. Elizabeth Leonard Oct. 7, 1844. He was a wholesale hardware merchant in Ts^ew York city, and d. Oct. 3, 1883. She res. Glen Head, Hassan connty, IST. Y. Ch. 1838. George Albert, 1). Eeb. 21. 1846. m. Ellen H. Cornell. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1839. Henry Darius, b. Sept. 28, 1848, m. Kate Valen. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1840. Frank, b. Feb. 11, 1865, m. Elizabeth Schleichn. Res. Glen Head. Descendants of Ehenezer Cone. 145 (1601) CLAEISSA AXX COXE, dan. of Sylvester Cone (1-170) and Jedidiali Ackley, b. Lyme, Conn., Jnne 18, 181Y, m. Edmund Hall of Rome, O., Dec. 29, 1841. She d. Rome Xov. 18, 1850. Cb. 1841. Jerusiia Cone. b. 1843. ni. William Callender. Res. Rock Creek, O. 1842. Lucy, b. 1850, m. Henry Noble. Res. Mesopotamia, O. (1602) HIRAM A. COXE, son of Sylvester Cone (1479) and Jedidiali Ackley, b. Lyme, Conn., May 5, 1819, m. Ann Guild, dan. of Elihu Guild and Eunice Estay, May 24, 1845. She was b. July 14, 1825. Mr. Cone held a number of local offices. Was Town Trustee, Treasurer, etc., and had the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He was one of the best blacksmiths in Ashtabula county. Res. at Rome, O. Ch. 1843. .Ann Maria, m. Albert Grant: d. 1874. (1603) AUGUSTUS COXE, son of Sylvester Cone (1479) and Jedidiah Ackley, b. Lyme, Xew London county. Conn., Mar, 1, 1822, m. Rachel Crosby Ackley, dau. Ansel Ackley and Lydia Row- ley, in Rome, O., Apr. 14, 1853. She was b. in East Haddam Sept. 20, 1825. He was a Presbyterian clerfjyman. Grad. from the Theo- loo'ical Department of the Western Reserve University at Cleveland, O., in 1853. He preached in Gustavus and Xewton Falls, O., AVathena, Kas., and in Rushford, X. Y. Was a life member of the American Bible Society and the American Home Missionary Society, and honorary member of the Board of Foreign Missions. D. in Xorth ]\Ladison, Lake county, O., ]\ray 5, 1896. Ch. 1844.-' Herbert D.. b. .Tune 1. 1S.")G. m. Helen K. Davis. Res. Bridoeport, Conn. 184.5. Carrie Idona, b. .Jan. 27. 1858, unm. Res. Geneva, O. (1604) SELDEX COXE, son of Sylvester Cone (1479) and Jedidiah Ackley, b. Rome, O., Aug. 11, 1829, m. Maria Louisa Cone, dau. of Amos Cone and Charlotte Mack, July 5, 1852. She was b. Middlefield, Mass., Mar. 7, 1820, and d. same place Aug. 16, 1873. He m, 2 Sarah Emma Atwater, dau. of Albert Allen Atwater and Mary Herrick, in Cleveland, O., Apr. 3, 1889. She was b. Twins- burg, O., Aug. 4, 1847, and res. in Cleveland, O. He was a mer- chant. D. Rome, O., Jan. 25, 1892. Xo ch. (1605) CHARLOTTE COXE, dau. Amos Cone (1480) and Charlotte Mack, b. Middleiield, Mass., Jan. 12. 1818, m. John Chapin Cooper Sept. 25, 1842. He was b. Windsor, Mass., Oct. 5, 146 The Cone Family in America. 1817, and d. ^^orwalk, Conn., May 2, 1857. He was a railroad con- dnctor. She d. Chester, Mass., Apr. 13, 1801. Ch. 184G.* Charles Chapin, I). Jan. 21. 184.5. m. Belle Twining. Res. Spring- field, Mass. 1847. ■■" WiLLAKn Mack, b. Mar. 22, 1847. m. Almira Wilson. Res. Chester, Mass. 1848. .Tajie.s Camerox, b. Dec. 10. 1849, twice m. Res. Chester, Mass. 1840. Charlotte Carrie, b. Nov. 7, 1854; d. Oct. 5, 1855. (1609) AMOS SYLVESTEK COXE, son of Amos Cone (1180) and Charlotte Mack, b. Hinsdale, Mass., Aug. 26, 1826, m. Dolly Clapp Milliken in Washington, Mass., Apr. 11, 1849. She was b. Feb. 17, 1829, and d. Sept. 23, 1860. He m. 2 Harriet Cor- delia risk of Chester, Mass., Iv^ov. 18, 1861. She was b. ^^orth Adams, Mass., Feb. 28, 1837. He was a farmer and stone mason, and held a number of town offices. Removed from Middlefield to Xorth Chester in 1861, where he now res. Ch. 1S50."- Clinton A., b. .Tune 0. 1850. ni. 1 Viola Davis. 2 Etta Bates; d. -Tnnc 11. 1886. 1851. Charlotte M.. b. :\Iay 29. 1852. m. Henry J. INIuller. Res. Westfield, Mass. 1852. Frances L., b. May 9, 1854, m. William -J. Searle. Res. Westfield, Mass. 185.3. Frank C. b. Dec. 2. 1856; d. Apr. 26. 1858. 1S54." .Ji-lia N.. 1). Sept. 27. 1862. m. Albert F. Powers. Res. Tnrner's Falls, Mass. 1855. Clara F.. b. Sept. 10. 1865. m. George S. Hamilton. Res. Chester, Mass. 1856. James W.. b. Oct. 25, 1867. Res. Chester, Mass. 1857. Frank E., h. Fel). 17. 1870. Res. Chester, Mass. 18.58. George "si., b. -June 4, 1873. Res. Chester, Mass. 1859. WiLLARD C, b. Aug. 10, 1874; d. Apr. 20, 1880. 1860. Leroy C, b. Feb. 1, 1877. Res. Chester, Mass. (1611) CHARLES CARROL CONE, son of Amos Cone (1480) and Charlotte Mack, b. Sept. 28, 1831, m. Martha Bronson June 3, 1858. She was b. Aug. 11, 1840. M. 2 Hannah Liswell ITov. 26, 1861, who was b. Oct.23, 1845. He is a farmer. Served in the Civil War in C()m])any C, 46th Mass. Vols., enlisting in 1863. Res. Russell, Mass. Ch. 1861. Stella, b. 1859. m. Barton Fanning. Res. Westfiebl. ]\Iass. 1862. Charles F.. 1). Oct. 20, 1862; d. umn. Apr. 1. 1887. 1863. .Jennie E.. 1). Doc. 31. 1864; d. May 5, 18G8. 1864. William A., b. Feb. 24, 1871. Res. Russell, Mass. 1865. Emma C b. Sept. 21, 1872. Res. Russell. Mass. 1866. Edward S., b. Dec. 3, 1876. Res. Russell, Mass. Descendants of Ehenezer Cone. 147 (1613) GEORGE XELSOis^ CONE, son of Amos Cone (1480) and Charlotte Mack, b. Dec. 31, 1836. Has been m. fonr times. Was soldier in War of Eebellion, servino- in 2d Mass. Artil- lery. Has been member of the Massachusetts Legislature; Town Clerk and Town Trustee for nniny years. Members of this family fail to answer letters of inquiry. Ch. 1867. Clayton Bishop. Res. Chester, Mass. 1868. Js^ELsoN Louis; d. of lockjaw. 1869. John. 1870. William. 1871. Henry. 1872. Frank. 1873. Jennie. " (1618) GEOEGE EEAXKLIA^ GOODEICH, son of Orson Goodrich and Phebe Cone (1184), b, Glastonbury, Conn., May 1, 1838, m. Ann Eliza Hutchinson Nov. 25, 1868. She was b. Andover, Conn., Ana-. 3, 1838, and d. in Glastonbury Aug. 29, 1884. During the Civil War he was Acting Master's Mate, and served in the U. S. Xavy as such two years and eight months. Was a farmer at Glaston- bury, Conn. (1619) EEV. JAMES BEAINAED GOODEICH, son of Orson Goodrich and Phebe Cone (1484), I)., Glastonbury May 10, 1840, m. Ida Powell. Ees. Claremont, N. H. Ch. 1874. Mary Ida. b. Oct. 16, 1872. Res. Claremont. N. H. 1875. Alice, b. Aii^. 20. 1874. Res. Chiremont, N. H. 1876. Laurence, b. Aug. 21. 1877; d. Windsor, Conn., July 20. 1884. 1877. William P., b. Aug. 21. 1877; d. Lancaster Mar. 2. 1879. 1878. Edward B., b. Feb. 13, 1880. 1870. Isabella, b. Feb. 7, 1882. 1880. Amy Powell, b. May 27, 1887. ^ (1620) AMASA B. CLAEK, son of Jonathan Clark (1486) and Anna Cone, b. Jan. 28, 1818, m. Julia S. Spencer in Middle- town, Conn., Is^ov. 25, 1840. She was b. May 27, 1818, and d. ^v. Y, 1844. He m. 2 ^Tancy X. Darte of :N"ew London, Conn., Mar. 23, 1845. She was b. Aug. 12, 1826, and d. Jan. 9, 184Y. He m. 3 Nancy L. White of East Haddam, Sept. 26, 1847. She was b. July 5, 1828, and d. Apr. 3, 1899. He was a farmer. D. in Middle- town Mar. 15, 1888. Oh. 1881. Charles B., b. Nov. h. 1843. m. :Mar. 2. 1806. Rachel Fielding. Wis a soldier in War of Rebellion, enlisting Dec. 1. 1863. in Co. H, 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery, and was discharged Sept. 2."). 186."). Had dan. Alice Elizabeth, who m. Robert Ernest Broatch. Res. Middletown. Conn. 148 The Cone Family in Afnerica. 1882. Julia M., b. Jan. 8. 1850. ni. Ezra Builey. Res. Middletown, Conn. 1883.'' J. Allen, b. July 12, 1852. m. Julia Brooks; d. Dec. 13. 1900. 1884. Elizadetii, b. May 28, 1855. ni. Franklin 0. Mitchell. Had son, Charles, who m. Bessie Coe Mar. 10. 1900. to whom was b. Mildred. June 23.. 1901. (1(;2;5) ANN ELIZABETH CLARK, dan. of Jonathan Clark (14SG) and Anna Cone, b. in Middletown, Conn., Ang. G, 1828, ni. Edward E. Mack of East Haddam, Mar. 13, 1854. He was 1). in 1830 and d. Ang. 2, 1850. She res. New London, C^;)nn. Ch. 1885. Edward Albert, 1). Jan. 20. 1855. ni. Mary E. Immick Sept. 17, 1876. She was b. in New London, in 1852. Res. New JjOiulon. (1G31) EREDERICK A. CONE, son of Timothy Cone (1488) and Harriet Coates, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1830, ni. Sarah Erances Pettengill in 1852, and removed to Boston same season. Ch. 1886. Adalah.e B.. b. Sept. 28. lS.i4. 1887. "'■■ Frederick B.. June 16. 1861. m. Kate Barth. Res. East Boston, Mass. 1888. Frank, b. 1863. Res. Boston, Mass. (1643) RICHARD WOOD CONE, son of Eugene Cone (1496) and Abigail Kirtland, b. at Westbrook, Conn., Oct. 4, 1839, m. Catherine M. Belden, dan. of Samuel and Abby Belden of Len- nox, Mass., June 8, 18G9. She d. Apr. 1894. He m. 2 Sarah Louise Pinkham, dan. of Henry Pinkham and Susan Mary Hastings of North dielsea, Mass., Jiily 17, 1900. She was b. Dec. 2, 1856. In 1870 he removed to Boston, where he manufactured shoes for twenty- five years. He is a Repul)liean in politics, a Christian Scienti^^t in religious belief, a strong worker in the temperance cause, and a scientific voice-teacher liy ju-ofession. They have no ch., and re^. in Boston. ( 1 644) CATHERINE SHERWOOD ( HJNE, dan. of Eugene Cone (1496) and Abigail Kirtland, b. Westbrook, Conn., Aug. 7, 1843, m. Rufus Brown Mav 30, 1S67. He was b. in Killiniilv, Conn., Jnly 3, 1843, son of William an()wdoin of Erving, ]\lass. He is a farmer. Res. Orange, Mass. Ch. 1906.* William A., b. Dee. 21, 1S71, iii. Lillie :\I. Partridge. Res. Orange, Mass. (1683) MAEY L. CONE, dan. of David Cone (1517) and Sarah Whitcomb, b. Panama, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1830, m. William Stevens Apr. 23, 1857, and d. Sept. 16, 1883. He served during the AVar of 1861 in Company G, 15th N. Y. Vols. (Engineers). ^ En- listed Se]it. 6), 1864, and was discliarged June 3, 1865. Is a farmer and cooper. Ees. Steandinra', N. Y. Ch. 1907. RrssELL Lekoy. b. ]\lar. 29. IS.iS. ni. Lizzie Skelton. Res. SteamV)urg. N. Y. 1908. EvELiN D., b. Aug. 24. 1802. Res. .Jamestown, N. Y. 1909. William De Witt, b. Apr. 11. 1865; d. Nov. 27, 1877. 1910. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 24, 1807; d. Xov. 23, 1877. 1911. T^EON .J., b. Nov. 9, 1870. 1912. Lester Jj.. h. Nov. 24, 1872; d. Nov. 22, 1877. 1913. Julia A., b. Jan. 15. 1875. Res. Steaniburg, N. Y. 1914. Deforest A., b. Mar. 20, 1881. Res. Steaniburg. N. Y. (1685) DAVID DE LANCY CONE, son of David Cone (1517) and Sarah Whitcomb, b. May 18, 1842, m. Jnlia Palmer of Colnmbns, Pa., Sept. 10, 1868. She was dan. of Jerome Palmer and Harriet Tyler. He is a mechanic. Served in 15th N. Y. Vols. (Engineers) in War of Rebellion. Res. at Panama, N. Y. Ch. 1915. Myrtle B.. b. July 20, 1869, m. Frederick Pratt. Res. Slierman, N. Y. 191(). Sarah H., b. Mar. 29. 1875. Res. Ranania. 1917. Julia G., b. .July 12, 1877. Res. Panama. 1918. Edward G., b. Mar. 20. 1882. Res. Panama. Descendants of Ehenezer Cone. 151 (1686) OEACEYILLE BEU^tETTE C0:N^E, dan. of Almoii Cone (1522) and Betsy Glregg, b. Volney, Oswego connty, A^. Y., Mar. 30, 1838, m. Letson La Du July 30, 1862. He was b. Whitestown, IN". Y., Sept. 20, 1821). Is a Innlder. Kes. Cortland, :^. Y. Ch. 1919. Arthur M.. b. Sept. 20. 1863. Res. Cortland, N. Y. 1920. Almon C, b. Aug. 19, 1867. Res. Medina. N. Y. 1921. 1^^\ B., b. Nov. 11, 1873. Res. Cortland, X. Y. (1687) LYDIA K^^K CO:^E, dan. of Alnion Cone (1522) and Betsy Gregg, b. Yolney, ^. Y^., Mar. 8, 1843, m. W. M. Os- borne Oct. 23, 1861. He was b. in Yolney May 29, 1837. Is a farmer. Res. Fulton, I^T. Y^. Ch. 1922. Emma S., b. Dee. 23, 1863, ni. Henry Seymour; d. Mar. 24, 188.5. 1923. Grace, b. July 13, 1870, m. Ernest Rowell. Res. Fulton, N. Y. 1924. Betsey, b. May 19, 1875. Res. Fulton, X. Y. (1689) OEEIi^ CONE, son of Alfred Cone (1532), b. Sept 22, 1847, m. Frances H. Pratt in 1871. She was b. Xov. 4, 1854. Ees. Lowville, N. Y. Ch. 1925. Clinton C, b. July 31. 1873. 1926. Arthur W., b. Dec. 9, 1876. (1691) CHAELES WAEEEX COXE, son of Gardner E. Cone (1536), b. Aug. 1, 1846, m. Addie Elena Kingsley in Tippe- canoe, Ind., Oct. 10, 1876. She was b. in Canandaigna, TvT. Y., Sept. 24, 1856, dan. of John I. Kingsley and Jane King. Is a railroad agent. Has lived at Eonie, Buffalo and Salamanca, I^. Y., and now res. at Cleveland, O. Ch. 1927. Jessie Laura, b. .July 19, 1877; d. .July 27. 1892. 1928. Anna Estella. b. .July 30, 1879. 1929. Charlotte Ruth. b. Oct. 23. 188.5. 1930. Edna Louisa, b. Sept. 4, 1887. 1931. Laura Kingsley. b. Jan. 1, 1890. 1932. Nina Iva, b. Apr. 18, 1893. (1694) EMMA A. CONE, dan. of Gardner E. Cone (1536) and Almira Britt, b. Eome, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1853, m. Charles W. Allen Dee. 22, 1881. He was b. Feb. 24, 1856. Ees. Eome, N. Y. Ch. 1933. Helen Janette, b. Nov. IS, 1882. 1934. Frank Orrin, b. Mar. 15, 1884. 1935. William John, b. .July 9, 1887. 152 The Cone Family in America. (1701) CDRXELIA HOWARD PRATT, dan. of Auoustus Pratt (1542) and Anna M. Cone, b. IJtica, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1852, m. J. E. McLanghlin July 12, 1872. Res. TJtica, X. Y. Ch. 1930. Ax^iA Mabp:l, 1). Apr. 17. 1877. 19;}7. Roy. b. Apr. 3. 1882. l!t;}8. Nklijk. 1.. Oct. 20. 1883. (1711) NORMAX^ HORATIO BROOKS, son of Horatio I). Brooks (1545) and Amanda P. Dewey, b. Levden, X. Y., Peb. 10, 1850, ni. Lottie i\r. Allen in Cleveland, O., June 14, 1803. Ch. 1939. XoHMA Amanda, b. Sept. 26, 1896. (1712) GERTRl^DE PARMELIA BROOKS, dan. of Horatio D. Brooks (1545) and Amanda P. Dewey, b. in Levden, N. Y., Pel). 5, 18(;0, m. Prardv H. Stevens Feb. 20," 1870; m. 2 Ed- Avard C. Hedlrv in Binuliamtdn, X. Y., Jnne 3, iSOIi. Res. Buffalo, X. Y. Ch. 1940. Eaul Dakus Stevens, b. Ot. 1, 1882: d. June 23, 1883. (1715) WILLIA:\r 0L:\1STEAD COXE, son of Joseph 01m- stead Cone (1547) and Sophia Xelf, b. Dee. 5, 1820, m. Eva Foulds of Delaware county, X". Y., Apr. 22, isr.r;. Res. Dudley, Wis. Ch. 1941. Addie. b. Feb. 18. 1S.>7. in. .Tolin Walbridoe. Res. Berlin. ^Yis. 1942. Delcs, 1). \\n-. 2, ISO."!, m. Addie Bates. Res. Dudley. Wis. (1718) ELIZABETH COXE, dan. of William Hall Cone (1548) and Harriet X'iehols, b. Sept. 23, 1832, m. Gilbert Jeifrey Fell. (>, 1803. He was b. July 28, 1820. Res. X>w Berlin, X^. Y. Ch. 1943. Nettie, b. .Tnly 7. I8.-1G. ni. Traey Phelps. Res. New Berlin. N. Y. 1944. Mary E.. b. -Tune 27, 18.38. ni. James Henry Bell. Res. New Berlin. N. Y. 1945. Charles Lewis, b. ]May 4, 1868. Res. Ithaca. N. Y. (1723) ]\rARY ADELIA COX^E, dan. of Lnke M. Cone (1540) and Emily (\)wles, b. Mar. 20, 1830, m. Almon Berlin Rob- inson Jnne 27, 1853. He was b. Dec. 10, 1834. Farmer and mer- cliant. R(-s. Greene, X. Y. Ch. 1946. EinvAKD S.. b. Feb. 27. 18.-)5. m. Sabra Ethel Cone (1752). Res. Cieene, N. Y. (1720) LTHvE EFGEX^E COXTE. son of Luke M. Cone (1540) and Emile Cowles, b. Jan. 1, 1850, m. Isadore Mary Reed Oct. 20, 1870. She was b. An-. 20. 1848. Res. Greene, K Y. Descendants of Ehenezer Cone. 153 Ch. 1947. Fredehick Eugene, b. July 9, 1879. 1948. Arthur R., b. June 29, 1884. (1737) MARY ELIZA COXE, dan. of Marshall Downing Cone (1551) and Sarah Maria Johnson, b. Aug. 1, 1842, at Big Kock, 111., m. S. P. Whitmore. He was b. Feb. 29, 1812. Is a veterinary surgeon. Hes. Topeka, Kas. Ch.' 1949. Maude Lillian, b. June 8. 1807. m. Milton Boliver Madden in Topeka, Kas. Tliey were sent as missionaries to Japan in 1901 by the Foreign Missionary Society of Cincinnati, and were stationed at Sendai. Came to America on a shoi't visit in 1903, and returned to Sendai, Japan, in September of that year. 19.iO. Emma C. b. Feb. 18. 1871, m. William A. Oliver. Res. Oakland. Kas. 1951. Elmo Baker, b. Apr. 17, 1874, unni. Res. Topeka, Kas. 1952. Alfarati Aldine, b. Nov. 2(5. 1878. Res. Topeka, Kas. (1712) IIEXEY MARTI:N^ COXE, son of Marshall Downing Cone (1551) and Sarah Maria Johnson, b. Paw Paw, 111., Mar. 5, 1854, m. Ida Scott, dau. of Walter Scott and Juliaette Emmons, Sept. 18, 1883. She was b. at Sandwich, 111., Mar. 7, 18G2. Res. Chicago. Ch. 1953. Florence Emmons, b. July 10. 1884. 19.54. Ned Scoxr, b. Sept. 4, 1894. (1743) GEORGE B. COXE, son of Marshall Downing Cone (1551) and Sarah Maria Johnson, b. in Geneseo, 111., July 10. 1863, m. Parmelia D. Walton of X^ewton, Kas., Dec. 17, 1887'. He was a telegraph ojierator and train dispatcher at Emporia, Kas., at the time of his death, which occurred Dec. 25, 1894. She res. Emporia. Ch. 1955. Harold Marvin, b. Nov. 30, 1889. (1763) IDA EMILY COXE, dau. of Royal Day Cone (1 559) and Ruena Merchant, b. Winona, Minn., Aug. 3, 1856. m. William Jay Landon Dec. 13, 1882. She d. at Winona May 5, 1899. Pie is a wholesale hardware merchant at Winona. Ch. 1950. Royal Cone, b. Sept. 1. 1884; d. Oct. 22, 1884. 1957. Frank Cone, b. Mar. 28, 1888. (1768) EVELYX COX^E, dau. of Charles Edward Cone (1562) and Julia Ann Clark, b. Sherburne, X. Y., May 16, 1860, m. George W. Bryan Sept.. 24, 1878. Res. Sherburne.' Ch. 1958. Ellen Louisa, b. Columbus. N. Y.. Nov. 30, 1879; d. Mar. Ifi. 1880. 1959. Hugh. b. Columbus, N. Y.. Apr. 7. 1882. 154 The Cone Family in A?nerica. FRANK CONE lANDON, Winona, Minn. (Page 153.) (177(0 WILLIAM ilEXEY (JOXE, son of Spencer Cone (157(1) and Mary Taylor, b. Dec. 10, 1829, ni. Samantha Pnrple of Moodiis, Conn., Apr. 21, 1S58. Res. in New York, bnt removed to Xew Haven in 18(35. lie was a stone mason b_v occnpation, and d. at Xew Haven An'. Ch. at East Haddam. He d. there 1731-2. Ch. 2006."- .James, h. Aiio-. 24. 1G9S, in. 1 Grace Spencer. 2 Elizabeth Warner; d. Apr. 4, 1774. 2007.-^' Damel, b. May 9. 1701. in. Mary Spencer; d. -June, 17o6. 200S.=^ Sakah, b. Feb. 11. 1703, ni. Daniel Gates: d. .Tune, 1770. 2000. Nathaniel, bapt. .June 18, 1704; d. j'oung. 2010. Esther, b. Apr. 27, 1705, m. Richard Andrews; d. June 2;j. 1738. 2011.* Lucy, b. May 24, 1707, ni. Samuel Barnes; d. Jan. 20, 1766. 2012. Mahitable, b. May 10, 1710. 2013. '•■ Nathaniel, b. Jan. 1!), 1712. m. Mary Graves; d. Apr. 1.5. 1790. 2014. Jemina, b. Mar. 20, 1714, m. Samuel Andrews June 23, 1738. 2015.* .Jonathan, b. .Jan. 11, 1716. m. Ann Chapman; d. June 1, 1757. (2006) JAMES COXE, son of ]^athaniel Cone (8) and Sarah Hnngerford, b. in East Haddam, Conn., Aug. 24, 1698, m. Grace Spencer Feb. 10, 1726. She was b. in East Haddam 1704, and d. there Dec. 7, 1767. He m. 2 Elizabeth Warner. She was b. in East Haddam July 25, 1724. In 1738 he was appointed a Lieutenant in the Colonial troops, and served in the Colonial war in 1745, under Sir William Pepperill. Was a member of the Legislature of the Colony in 1747-48-49, and of the Ecclesiastical Society at Mill- ington, Conn., in 1733, and served as its first Clerk. Was a promi- nent citizen and held manv civil offices of trust and responsibility. D. at Milling-ton Apr. 4, 1774. Ch. 2016. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 2. 1727; d. num. Dee. 13. 1812, aged 85 years. 2017. Mahitable, bapt. Aug. 11. 1729. m. Daniel Fuller May 15, 1756. 2018. HULDAH, bapt. Mar. 9, 1732, m. Thomas Emmons May 25. 1754. 2019.* Sylvanus, b. .Tan. 21, 1734, m. Hannah Ackley ; d. May 5. 1812. 2020.* RuFus, bapt. Oct. 10, 1737, m. Esther Stewart; d. 1776. 2021. Esther, bapt. Feb. 2. 1739, m. Asa Robinson May 15, 1770. 2022. •■■ .James, b. Sept. 4. 1742, m. Alice Crocker: d. Jan. 24. 1797. 162 The Cone Family in America. (2007) DANIEL (K:)NE, son of Nathaniel Cone (S) and Sarah Himgerford, b. in East Iladdam Maj 9, 1701, m. Mary Spen- cer, dan. of Isaac Spencer, Mar. 14, 1728. He was Jnstice of the Peace for over twentv vears, and held ether Lical offices. Was ad- mitted to ch. -Inly 2;>, 1721, and d in East Iladdam Jnne, n.^G. She m. 2 Phineas' Norton in 17<;0. Ch. 202o. Daxiel. li. Xov. -2. 172S: i>ossiV)l_v m. Abioail r;ri>;\volil of Wothers- tield. Conn., and icnioved to Virginia jirovious to tho Revolu- tion. 2024. Temper.vxce. )>. Sept. 20, 1730. 2025. Lydia. 1). Feb. 5. 17:52. ni. Xoadiah Fuller May 1. 1755. 2026. Rachel. !>. Oct. 9. 1735. ni. Thomas Hiingevford Dec. 8, I75(>. 2027. ■"■ Eliiu;, 1). 1737. ni. 1 j\laiy Spentei-. 2 Dorothy Sniitii ; il. in SpaflFord. N. Y. 2028. Maiiitable, b. 1739, m. Daniel Fuller May 5. 1756. 2020.^^ MAitY, b. 1742. m. Amos Jones Dec. 29, 1759. 2030.* Anx, 1). 1745, m. Abijah Morgan in 1770. (2008) SARAH CONE, dan. of Xathaniel Cone (8) and Sarah Hnngerford, b. East Haddam, Conn., Feb. 11, 1703, m. Dan- iel Gates June 13, 1723. He served as Captain during the Colonial War. D. in East Haddam June 24, 1750. She d. same place Dec. 5, 1770. Ch. 2031. SaPvAH. b. Apr. 11, 1725. 2032. Daxiel, b. :\lar. 9, 1727: d. Aug. 28. 1740. 2033. Paul, b. July 8, 1729. 2034. LoLS, 1). May 29, 1731: d. July 30, 1740. (2011) LUCY CONE, dan. of Nathaniel Cone (8) and Sarah Hung-erford, 1» in East Haddam May 24, 1707, m. Samuel Barnes in East Iladdam Nov. 5, 1733, and d. there Jan. 20, 1700. He d. May 15, 1778. Ch. 2035. Isaiah, b. Oct. 2, 1734. 2036. Sarah, b. May 20, 1736. 2037. Esther, b. .June 3. 1738. 2038. Lucy, b. Apr. 14, 1740. 2039.* Mary, b. Ajir. 3, 1742, m. Matthew Cone; d. Apr. 27, 1768. 2040. Jemixa, b. Apr. 24, 1744. 2041. Euxice, b. May 20, 1746. (2013) NATHANIEL (^ONE, son of Nathaniel Cone (8) and Sarah Hnngerford, 1). in East Haddam, Conn., Jan. 10, 1712. m. Marv Graves Dec. 5, 1745. She was b. in East Iladdam 1727, and (1. sanu" ]dace June 10. 1772. Thev were members of the Cong. Ch. f(ir (,voi- fifty yojirs, ai'd for many vears he was a Deacon of the Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 163 cliiirc'h. Ill 1755 lie was appointed Ensign of the iirst company of the military '' train band " of East Haddam. A few years before his death he sent a petition to the Connecticnt Legislature relating to the services of his sons in the Revolutionary War. The original document from which this is copied is now in the possession of Mr. R. R Cone, of Millington, town of East Haddam, Conn. The petition, without the preamble, is as follows : To the Lec/islature of the State of Connecticut : Gentlemen: — In the commencement of the hite War with Britain I had a number of sons just arrived to fit age to serve their country, and they were not backward to engage in its cause; two of tliem went in the first alann made by the Lexington battle, and served the foUow- ing summer's campaign, and so on, as soldiers were called, for they always en'-aged. So that some of them was in the service continuilly, and indeed one of them was in the whole war from the alarm at Lexing- ton till he was dismissed after the preliminaries for peace were signed. Another went twice three years; others twelve months, eight months, four months, &c. So that my sons have done a little more than seven- teen years service under enlistments; adding to this the Militia tours they will make up about twenty years' service, for I had six sons that have done service in the country's cause. In the next place, in relation to wages: The soldiers had wages promised them as an encouragement for them to enlist; right, too, for who goeth a warfare at any time at his own charges? saith the Scriptures. Forty shillings a month, which was said to be good wages, and I dou say that there are not many will say that it was too much, unless it should be some who never served as soldiers, and were they to try a campaign or two I believe they would be convinced. But what was promised would have been good wages had it been received as ex- pected. In respect to what they did receive for wages in the intrinsic value would hardly average thro the whole war at ten shillings a month, and I dou appeal to any one tliat are acquainted with the matter for the truth of this. Twenty years' service at forty shillings per month is.... £480 One quarter of this, which they did obtain, only £120 Difference which was promised and not paid £360 So that in this article of wages my family has been cut short £360 lawful money. A pretty interest is here curtailed at once. While my sons were in the service and sick so as to render them unfit for duty they have several times returned out of camp to seek an asylum at home; so I have been at considerable charge in this respect; not tlint T Avas not willing to see them when sick and do for them, but of right they ought to have been on the publick expense, and I only mention this to show what I have done for the publick in order to take" a fair view of matters presented. Now it may be remembered that after a few years of the war it grew very difficult to procure soldiers, but soldiers must be had by some means or other and the method for this was to class the people and for each class to furnish a soldier at all events, be the sum what it may; and the people began to have an eversion to the service, or rather an eversion to the pay they expected to receive, so that it must be a great sum to make one willing to enlist. In this way I have been obliged to pay no inconsiderable sum of money. It is true that war was long and must of necessity be attended with no small expense, but has not Independence cost us dear, and we entertained with the bare empty shell of liberty? The old maxim says, "It is cruel to ride a free horse to death." Where is wisdom? where is equity and justice which 164 The Cone Family in America. ought to reside among a i^eople. but at this day seems hai'dly to be found, and if equity is not strictly attended to amongst a people there will be many complaints, and upon just grounds, too. Now after all this service done my interest has been wrenched away from me by warrants and sold at tlie publick post considerably short of the true value for the publick taxes, and I am wow left without any hoof of an ox to help myself with or even to draw my wood, for this long and cold winter, 1 have drawn wood on a hand sled altho in the sevent>-- fifth year of my age. Now where is equity? Must some be burdened till they expire under the load, while others are making (I believe) ample fortunes out of the publick? Who of any spirit can bear this and not comjilain. and have I not just grounds; or. do you think, gentlemen, that the common people are made to be like so many asses only to bear burdens ! I believe that much of the expense of this war could have been saved, but the great inequality is what I complain of; only let there be a pro])ortion through the state and merit suitably considered and then I would be willing to take my lot with my neighbors and struggle along as well as I could. I submit the whole to your consideration. (Tcntlemen, and if T am wrong and have no cause to complain. I hope I may Ije led to see my error. Nathaniel Cone. East Haddam. IMarch. ITS/ He (1. of eanecr in East Haddaiii Apr. 1."), 1700, and it is be- lieved that the Le^islatnve took no decided action on this petition, as no mention of snch action has lieen fonnd. Ch. 2042. Sarah, b. Jan. 10. 1747. -2043."' Nathaniel, 1). June 2S. 1748. m. TNtargery Saxton; d. June 27, 1825. i2044.-^ Israel, b. Dec. 21. 1749, m. 1 Lucv Ackley. 2 Sarah B. Holmes; d. Nov. 4, 1825. 2045. Thankfitl. b. May 7. 1752. m. John Jones in iMillington Dec. 26, 1787. 2046. Samuel, b. Mar. 13, 1754; d. Dec. 25. 1756. 2047.'- Oliver, b. Dec. 2, 1755. m. Anna Sterling; d. Dec. 4, 1844. 2048. Delight, b. Sept. 3. 1757. m. Joseph Arnold, jr.. Rev. soldier. 2049. ■■ Daniel, li. July 7. 1759. m. Olive Ackley; d. June 28. 1842. 2050.* Cyrus, b. July 28, 1761. m. Rhoda Beebe; d. Oct. 14, 1825. 2051. Darius, b. Sept. 2, 1763. 2052.'' Benjamin, b. Mar. 22. 1766. m. Rachel Sterling; d. Feb. 1. 1806. 2053. Uriel, b. May 18, 1768; d. June 15, 1772. 20.54. ■"■ Samuel, 1). Oct. 9, 1769, m. Hannah Annablo; d. May 10, 1854. 2055. Festus, b. July 24. 1772; d. Sept. 6. 1778. C2015) JONATHAN CONE, son of Nathaniel Cone (8) and Sarah Hungerford, b. East Haddam, Conn., Jan. 11, 1716. m. Anna Chapman, dan. of Benjamin Chapman, Oct. 30, 1745. She was b. Sajbrook, Conn., Nov. 9, 1723. He was admitted to the eh. in East Haddam Jnlv lO, 1738, and d. there June 1, 1757. Ch. 2056.-'- Esther, b. Aug. 23, 1746, m. Samuel Andrews: d. Sept. 6. 1822. 2057. Jonathan, b. Julv 9, 1748; d. Aug. 14. 1748. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 165 2058. Cephas, b. May 23, 1750; d. June 2, 1753. 2059. Anna, b. Xov. 25, 1752, m. Hezekiah Comstoc-k May 10. 1785. 20G0. Jemixa, b. Sept. 16, 1754. 2061.* Cephas, b. Oct. 10, 1756, m. Sarah Gates; d. Feb. 27, 1834. (2019) SYLVAISTUS CONE, son of James Cone (2006) and Grace Spencer, bapt. East Hacldam Jan. 21, 173-1, m. Hannah Ack- lej, dan. of Gideon Ackley and Hannah Andrews, Nov. 13, 1755. She was bapt. Mar. 8, 1742, in East Haddam, and d. there June 24, 1790. He m. 2 Mary Elizabeth Graves Oct. 6, 1790. She was b. Millino-ton, Conn., 1746, and d. there Jan. 23, 1807. He m. 3 Eunice Spencer Nov. 17, 1809. She was b. 1756, and d. in East Haddam Oct. 21, 1819. He was a soldier in the French and Indian Wars, enlisting Sept. 4, 1755, in the companj commanded by Capt. Ichaliod Phelps, 3d Kegiment Connecticut troops, and served ninety- nine days, for which service he received £4 14s. Zd., as appears from the " Roll of troops " now in possession of the Connecticut State Library at Hartford. He enlisted again on May 30, 1756, in Capt. Edmund Wells's company, 4th Conn. Regt., and was discharged Nov. 26, 1756, and received for his services £10 (ys. lOrf. Nearly twenty years afterwards, the soldier instinct being strong within him, we find him volunteering as a Minute Man in the Eevolutionary War at the battle of Bunker Hill. In 1776 he eiib''*torl in the Connecti- cut Militia, under Capt. Joseph Woodford. The rolls of this com- pany are not complete, but, judging from his previous record, he undoubtedly served his country long and faithfully in that war. For fifty years he was an active member of the First Cong. Ch. in East Haddam. and d. there May 5, 1812, aged 81 years. Ch. 2062. AsEiVETH. 1). Xov. 23. 1757. m. Robert Harney: d. Frankfort. X. Y. 2063. Mahitable. b. Sept. 13. 1760. m. 1 Peter Spencer, 2 Simon Williams. 2064. Hannah, b. Feb. 26. 1763. m. David Townsend; d. 1843. 2065.* WaltePv R.. b. Xov. 26, 1764, m. Dorothy Palmer; d. Xov. 22. 1829. 2066.* Olive, b. June 5. 1768. m. Alfred Wiley; d. June 23. 1845. 2067. Polly, b. July 8. 1770. m. Marvin Sterling. 2068.* Anna, b. May 3. 1773, m. Sterling Graves; d. Sept. 3. 1851. 2069.* Joseph W.. b. July 3, 1775. m. Mahitable Swan; d. Aug. 4, 1§48. 2070.* Sylvakus. b. Oct. 10, 1776, m. Catherine Shepard; d. Dec. 15, 1834. 2071.* Elizabeth, b. Feb. 6. 1781, m. 1 Joseph Brooks. 2 Xoadiah Emmons; d. Sept. 20, 1851. 2072.--- M.\RTHA. b. Sept. 1, 1784, m. 1 William Hall. 2 Oliver Dean; d. Oct. 5. 1853. (2020) RUFUS CONE, son of James Cone (2006) and Grace Spencer, bapt. East Haddam Oct. 10, 1737, m. Esther Stewart Dec. 18, 1760. She was b. East Haddam Sept. 2, 1742, and d. in Hamil- ton county, O., Sept. 13, 1826, aged 82 years. He enlisted in 8th 166 The Gone Family in America. C()in])aiij of the 7th liegiinciit of Coinieeticiit (Continentals, under Col. Charles Webb, Julj 10, 1775, and was discharged Dec. 10, 1775, the company being commanded by Capt. William G. Hubbell. Ill January, 1776, he enlisted in Capt. Jewett's company of the 17th Continental Eegiment, nnder Col. Huntington, and was at the bat- tle of Long Island on Aug. 27, 1776. History tells ns that one-half the regiment were taken prisoners at this time. Rufus was reported missing, and was nndonbtodly taken jirisoner and supposed to have d. on board a British ]U'ison-ship, as he was never heard of after- wards. Ch. 2073. PiiiLENA. b. Jan. S. 1762. 2074.* AzEL, bapt. Jiuip S. 1763. m. Kesiah ^^: d. .Tune 20. 1820. 2075. Grace C, b. Apr. 14. 176.i. m. Pliineas Sniitli; d. about 1829. 2070. Claeissa, b. Dec. 9, 1767. 2077. Esther, b. Sept. 10. 1770. 207S. HuLDAir. bapt. July 5, 1772. m. Howard Aug. 28, 1797. 2070.-^^ CiiARLE.s. b. May l.-i, 1773, m. Jane Harvey: d. Apr. 26, 1853. (2022) JAMES CO^TE, son of James Cone (2006) and Grace Spencer, bapt. East Iladdam Se]:)t. 4, 1742, m. Alice Crocker in East JIaddam May 13, 1704. He d. in East Haddam Jan. 24, 1707. The family removed the next season to Oneida county, N. Y., where the widow d. in 1815. Ch. 2080. Ortce, b. Jan. 2. 1768; d. Nov. 28. 1775. 2081.* GrRnox, b. Oet. 19. 1769. m. Lovina Jones; d. Jan. 25, 1828. 2082. .James, b. Dee. 13. 1771. m. :\Iary ArnoUl : no eb. ; d. Sept. 12, 1794. 2083.* Samuel C. b. June 2, 1775. ni. Chirissa Ohnstead; d. Oct. 8, 1834. 2084.* Salmon, b. Feb. 27, 1777, ni. Anna Anderson; d. May 20, 1858. 2085.* Ambrose, b. Apr. 6, 1781. m. Anna Smitb ; d. Feb. 15, 1852. 2086. Alice, b. May 10, 1783. 2087.* Julius, b. Sept. 3, 1785, m. Myra Euel ; d. Jan. 19. 1823. 2088.* Hope. b. Jan. 18, 1789, m. Isaac Mnn.-;er; d. May 18, 1838. 2089. OcTAVius, 1). June 22. 1792; d. about 1800. (2027) ELIHU CONE, son of Daniel Cone (2007) and Mary Spencer, b. East Haddam, Conn., about 1737, m. Maiy Spencer 1770. She d. soon afterwards and he m. 2 Dorothy Smith Isov. 2, 1775. In 1790 they moved to Spatford, Onondaga county, JSJ". Y.. where they I)oth died. Very little can be learned of their descendants, Cb. 2090. Horatio, who d. in Ripley, N. Y. 2091. Elihit. who committed suicide in La Porte. Ind.. in 1850. 2092. Marcia, who m. Laban Crehore. 2093.* Spencer, who m. Clarissa Fisher; d. Jan. 1833. 2094.* Ophir, b. July 29, 1785, m. Sarah Fisher; d. Sept. 7, 1860. 2095.* Obed W., b. Feb. 12, 1729, m. Sabrina Whaley; d. Mar. 28, 1867. 2096.* Marinda, b. Sept. 24, 1796, m. Winsor Bingham; d. Dec. 25, 1885. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 167 (2029) MARY (;OXE, (hui. of Daniel Cone (2007) and Mary Spencer, b. East Haddam in 1742, m. Amos Jones of Colchester^ Conn., Dec. 27, 1759. Ch. 2097. Jabez, b. Dec. 1 1701. 209S. Amos, b. Feb. 19, 17()4. 2090. Daniel, b. May 1, 170G. (2030) ANX C0:N^E, dan. of Daniel Cone (2007) and Marv Spencer, b. East Haddam, m. Abijah Morg-an about 1770. They removed from Ilew London, Conn., to Madison coiinty, ]S". Y., in 1790. He d. in Oswego coimty, ^N". Y., Dec. 1815. (See Morgan GeiiealosT.) Ch. 2100. Abijau. b. 1772. w. Oli-e Clmrch in 1792. 2101. Anna. b. 1774. m. John Minor. 2102. Sally, b. 177S. 210:5. Daniel, b. 17S1. ni. Grace Williams. 2104. Chapman, b. 17S3. m. Betsey Xash. 2105. Newell, b. 17So. m. Phebe Grover. 210(5. Nancy, b. 17!"'(), ni. -Tesse Cock; ten ch. 2107. Tolly, b. 178S. ni. Abel Butler. (2039) 2^[ARY BARNES. See Matthew Cone (72). (2043) NATHANIEL CONE, son of Nathaniel Cone, j:-. (2013) and Mary Graves, b. E. Haddam Jnne 28, 1748, m.Mrs. Mar- gery Sexton Oct. 19, 1779. She was widow of Jndah Sexton and dau. of David and Margery Adams of Westchester, Conn. Shed, in Chatham Oct. 13, 1828. He was a farmer, and res. in East Haddam. He was a soldier in the Rev. War, and received a pension in 1818. Served in 1776 in Capt. Timothy Percival's company, nnder Col. Jed. Hunt- ington. Was at battles of Flatbush and Jamaica Plain. He d. at Chatham, C'lm.. June 27, 1825. Ch. 2108. HiLDAii. 1>. -Tan. 2. 1781, m. Stephen Chapman Nc^-. 29. 1798. '' ' 2109. Mary, 1). -Tnne .30. 1782. m. Samuel Mitchell Sept. l:^. 1804. 2110.* Festus, b. Juno 21, 1784. m. Elizabeth Lewis. 2111.* Nathaniel, b. Jan. 10, 1787. ni. Sophia Bolles; d. July 20. 1S70. 2112.-^^ Clarissa, b. Apr. :]0, 1789, m. Joseph Mitchell; d. Mar. 18, 1880. (2044) ISRAEL CONE, son of Nathaniel (/one (2013) and Mary Graves, b. East Haddam Dec. 21, 1749, m. Lucy Ackley April 13, 1784. She was b. 175S and d. Aug. 4, 1811. He m. 2 Mrs. Sarah Holmes Nov. 17, 1814, widow of Gilbert Holmes, and dau. of Jared Brainard. She was b. 1701 and d. in Vernon, Conn., May 7. 1838. He d. in East Haddam, of apoplexv. Nov. 4. 1825. He served long and faithfully as a soldier in War of Rev., enlistino- in the com- 168 The Cone Family in America. pain- eoiniiiandcd liy ('apt. John Willey, in " Lexington Alarm," Jnne, 1775. On Jan. 1, 1777, lie enlisted in Col. Huntington's regiment of Conn. Line, in Capt. Eliphalet Holmes's eompanj. Was at the battle of Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777. Wintered at Valley Forge, and par- ticipated in the battle of Monmouth, Jnne 28, 1778. Was discharged Dec. 30, 1780. Eeelisted immediately, Jan. 1, 1781, in Capt. I^ehe- iniah Rice's company, and was promoted to Sergeant in February, and discharged Dec. 31, 1781. Was allowed a pension May 30, 1818, Idiere was an Israel Cone who became Paymaster in Eev. War, but I am not certain that they are identical, rii. 21 IP,. Lucy. b. IMay 27. ITS.i: d. May .3. 1814. 2114." Israel, 1). July fl. ITSfi. m. Polly Anderson; d. A])!-. 7. 1S27. 211.5."- Erasti's, b. .Tnly 20, 17SS. ni. Lucy Beebe; d. Feb. 17. 1873. 211(5. Matilda, b. Aug. 15. 170(1: d. ins^ane. abont 1820. 2117. Melissa, b. Aug. 7, 1792; d. unni. May 25. 1868. 2118. WiLLiAJi. b. Sept. 24. 1879. Grad. Yale. Student at Andover Theo- logical Seminary in 1817, and also taught in Phillips Acad- emy, Andover, same year. D. unm. Mar. 5, 1819. 2119."- PiiEBE. b. Oct. 6, 1796, m. Asa Wells; d. Dec. 6, 1864. 2120. Maky, b. Apr. 25, 1799. \\\. Diodate Swan; no ch.; d. July 19, 1822. (2047) OLIVER COXE, son of jSTathaniel Cone (2013) and Mary Graves, b. East Haddam Dec. 2, 1755, m. Anna Sterling, dau. of jSTathan Sterling and Elizabeth Morgan, of Lyme, Conn., in 1786. In early life he was a school teacher, afterwards a cooper. Baptist in re- ligious faith. He served during the Rev. War as a soldier, enlisting in East Haddam in Capt. Wiley's company, May, 1775, at " Lexington Alarm," and was discharged Dec. 17, same year. Also, served eight jnonths in 1770, in Capt. jSTathan Jewett's company, in Col. Dyer's regiment. On July 1, 1780, he enlisted in Col. Hemans's regiment of " Short Levy," and served until Oct. 0, same year. Soon after he was married, viz., in 1788, he removed to Woodstock, Vt., and all his children were b. there. In 1817 he removed to Orleans county, !N". Y. Was granted a pension for services in the war, Sept. 18. 1832, and d. Shelby, Orleans county, Dec. 4, 1844, aged 89 years. His wife was 1). East Haddam Sc])t. 13, 17^4, and d. in Green sburo-, Vt., Sept. 24, 1815. Ch. 2121. LrcRETiA, b. Oct. 23, 1788. m. Daniel Boomer; no ch.; d. Mar. 17. 1862. 2122.* Mary Ann. b. May 17. 1794, m. John Shelp; d. Apr. 28. 1873. 2123.* Marsena, b. Feb. 16. 1796. m. Elizabeth Purple; d. Nov. 0. 1880. 2124.* OrsTAVUS A., b. May 23. 1798, m. Mary Ann Garrison: d. 1881. 2125.* Sabrina, b. Apr. 9, 1800, m. Flavel Stone; d. Dec. 9, 1862. 2126.* Anna S., b. .Tunc 24, 1803, m. Abiel Bowen; d. Mav 27, 18.52. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 169 (2049) DAivIEL CONE, son of Nathaniel Cone (2013) and Mary Graves, b. East Haddam Jnly 7, 1759, m. Olive Ackley Apr. 7, 1785. She was b. East Haddam Ang. 26, 1764, and d. Pern, Mass., Sept. 12, 1840. He served six years as a soldier in Rev. Army, enlistino- at East Haddam, in Capt. Eliphalet Holmes's com- pany, in Hnntingion's regiment, and also in Capt. ISTehemiah Rice's company, nndcr Col. Sherman, and was discharged at close of the Avar in 1783. Was in battle of Germantown, and other battles in which his company participated. Government granted him a pen- sion Oct. 27, 1818. He removed to Pern, Mass., abont the beginning of last centnrv, wliere he d. Jnne 28, 1843, aged 83 years. Ch. 2127.* Latua. b. .Time 2S. 1780. m. Loiino- Feronson; d. .Time 2, 1860. "^ 2128. Anna, b. .Jan. 24, 1792; d. Sept. 2, 1861. 2129.* AsENETii. b. Jidy 19, 179.5, iii. Natlian Wricrht -, d. Apr. 2. 1879. 21.30. Olive, b. Ajn-. 2. 1708; d. imm. July 27, 1833. 2131."- Daniel, b. Mar. 11, 1800, m. Lucy Ide; d. Nov. 10. 1832. 2132. ••• Samuel, b. Feb. 1. 1803, m. 1 Anna Pvandall, 2 Emeline Leland; d. Jan. 31, 1883. (2050) CYRUS CONE, son of Nathaniel Cone (2013) and Mary Graves, b. East Haddam Jnly 28, 1761, m. Rhoda Beebe in New London, Conn., Jnne 4, 1778. She was b. 1764, and d. in Middlefield, Mass., Mar. 12, 1822. He removed from East Had- dam in 1787 to Middlefield, Mass., and d. there Oct. 14, 1825. Ch. 2133. Ruby, b. Oct. 20, 1783, m. Joseph Ely; d. Dec. 22, 1851. 2134.* Uuial, b. .Tan. 21, 1785, m. Beulah Chapin; d. Feb. 4, 1854. 2135. Polly, b. June 15. 1788, m. Benjamin Moore Mar. 24. 1804. 2136. LuDY, b. Apr. 7, 1796, m. Ambrose Loveland; d. Middlefield, Mass. (2052) BENJAMIN CONE, son of Nathaniel Cone (2013) and Mary Graves, b. East Haddam Mar. 22, 1766, m. Rachel Ster- ling, in East Haddam 1785. She was b. Dec. 29, 1764. Early in their married life they removed to Middletown, Conn., and all their children were b. there. In the year 1800 they removed to Chenango connty, N. Y., where he d. Feb.'l, 1806. Ch. 2137. Rachel S., b. -July 16, 1786. 2138. Damaris, b. July 27, 1789. 2139.* Ben.jamin, b. Apr. 9, 1793, m. Fanny Gamble; d. .Jan. 15, 1844. 2140.* Albert B., b. INIay 19. 1798, m. Sarah McCune; d. 1869. (2054) SA]\rUEL CONE, son of Nathaniel Cone (2013) and Mary Graves, b. East Haddam Oct. 9, 1769, m. Hannah Annable. dan. of John Annable and Hannah Stewart, May 7, 1794. She was a descendant of iVnthony Annable, who came to Plymonth, Mass., 170 The Cone Family in America. i'roiii Eiiiilaiul, (m ship "Ann," in 1023. She was h. East Haddam Xov. in, 1775, and d. there Jan. 1, 1851. He d. same place May 10, 1854, aijed 85 years. Ch. 2141. Samuel W., b. 1707: d. mini. ^\ay. 7. 1.S20. 2142.* Charles C, b. 1799. m. Mrs. Sarah M. Roberts; d. Aug. 27, 1S71. 2143.* William H., b. May, 180.3, m. Celiiida Fox; d. Apr. 1.3. 1873. 2144. Fluvia, m. Joseph Paddock. 2145. .Joseph Arnold, b. Apr. 4. 1809; d. Feb. 10. 1820. (2056) ESTIIEK (JOXE, dan. of Jonathan Cone (2015) and Ann Chapman, b. East Haddam Ang. 23, 1746, m. Samuel Andrews, son of Benjamin Andrews and Susannah Morgan, 1704. He was b. in Wallingford, Conn., Sept. 21, 1741. Was a Rev, soldier, and d, in j\Ialone, Franklin oounty, ]^. Y., N^ov. 21, 1831, aged !>0 years. She d. same place, Sept. 6,' 1822. Ch. 214G. STATUiA, b. Jan. 0. 1700. m. .Tohn Porter. 2147. Samx'el, b. Sept. 10. 1771, m. Tryphenia Loomis. 214S. Esther, b. Aug. 10. 1773. m. David Wadsworth. 2149. Cone, b. Oet. 4, 177-1, m. 1 Delinda House. 2 Aluia Parker. 21.50. Alpheus, b. Mar. 30. 1778. m. Lucinda Ilait. 2151. Thaddeus, b. May 30, 1778, m. Lydia Russell. 2152. Eunice, b. Apr. 24, 1780. ni. Harry S. House. 2153. Wn.LiAM, b. Sept. 28. 1782, m. Sarah Parkhill. 2154. Orrix, b. Apr. 10. 1780. ni. 1 Clarissa ^Yilliams. 2 Mrs. A. Hortoii. (20G1) CEPHAS COXE, son of Jonathan Cone (2015) and Ann Chapman, b. East Haddam Oct. 10, 1750, m. Sarah Gates, dan. of John Gates, in East Haddam Dec. 9, 1771). She was b. Oct. 26, 1755, and d. May 21, 1817, in Colchester, Conn. They were ad- mitted to ch. in Westchester, a part of the town of C(dchester, in 1787, and for many years thereafter he held the position of Deacon He m. 2 "Falla" Roberts, June 19, 1826. She was b. 1765, and d. June 15, 1827. He d. in Westchester Eeb. 27, 1834. Was a soldier in the Rev. War, serving in Capt. Eliphalet Holmes's company, from East Haddam, enlisting May, 1776. Ch. 2155. Sarah, b. Noa'. 20, 1780; d. unm. Nov. 25, 1852. 21.56. LiNA, b. May 14, 1783; d. June 27, 1783. 2157.' Jonathan, b. ,Tuly 12. 1784. ni. Abigail Usher; d. -Jan. 4, 1850. 2158. •••' Lina, b. Oet. 20, 17S(i. m. 1 Elislia Brown. 2 -Tames Sexton; d. May 24, 1852. 2159.-* Electa, b. May 15, 1790, m. Joseph Williams; d. May 7, 1871. 2160.* LuciNTHA, b. Aug. 25, 1796. m. 1 Andrew Warren, 2 Ira Hutchin- son; d. Oct. 1, 1848. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 171 (2065) WALTEE RUTHERFOED CONE, son of Sylvanus Cone (2019) and Hannah Ackley, b. East Haddam, Conn., Nov. 26, 1764, m. Dorothy Pahner Mar. 26, 1789, in East Haddam. They reniovecl the same year to Westmoreland, Oneida county, N. Y., l^eino' among the very earliest settlers of that comity. He opened up a farm in the dense wilderness. of that region, and built thereon a large two-story, double log house, in which house his family of eleven chil- dren were b. and raised. In his boyhood days he attended a school in 1773-4, in East Haddam, taught by that noble patriot, Nathan Hale. Mrs. Cone d. in 1849, aQ:ed 79 vears. He d. Nov. 22, 1829. iVfter his death the widow removed to Ontario, Wayne county, N. Y. Ch. 2101. DoKOTiFY. 1). ITDO. 111. Eolii-.iiiii Beardsley; d. Adaiiisville, Midi. 2102. Palmer L.. 1). ITOl. m. Had on? ch. D. 1820. 210.3. Haxxah. 1). .Tan. 17n:i. in. An.hiMv Pettis; two eli. ; d. 1834. 2164. Julia, h. ITO.i. ni. Amos P. Draper: d. Dec. 25, 1869. 2165.* Harriet, b. .Tan. 20. 17116. in. -T. Otis Smith; d. Apr. 15. 1860. 2166.* Walter L., b. Jan. 22, 1708. m. Caroline C. Curtis; d. D.^r. 12. 1888. 2107. Laura, b. 1802. in. David Sniitli; d. Aug. 25, 1889. 2168. Edward, b. 1804. m. Aluiira Bnxkway; no. ch.; d. 1836. 2109. Esther, b. 1805. m. Freeman Hurd. 2170.* Eliz.\, b. Jan. 19. 1807, m. Albert Williams; d. A]n-. 28, 1891. 2171. Hekry M., b. 1809. m. Charlotte Goodrich; d. 1850. (2066) OLIYE CONE, dau. of Sylvanus Cone (2019) and Hannah Ackley, b. East Haddam June 5, 1768, m. Alfred Willey. son of John Willey and Esther Comstock, Oct. 29, 1789. He was b. East Haddam June 3, 1770, and d. in Ogden, N. Y., July 5, 1830. She removed to the home of her dau. in Dupage county, 111., where she d. Jan. 23, 1845. Ch. 2172. LovixA. 1). 1790. m. Edward Durant: d. May 6. 1857. 2173.* Rebecca, b. Oct. 2, 1791, m. Windsor S. Trowbridoe; d. Mar. 1. 1882. 2174. Ogden, b. July 20, 1793, m. : d. June 30, 1849. 2175. Sophia, b. 1795, m. Edward Stevens; d. 1821. 2176. Sylvanus C. b. Mar. 21, 1799, ni. Matilda ; d. Apr. 29. 1879. 2177.* Makcia. b. July 19. 1801. m. William Ward; d. Jan. 10, 1892. 2178. John, b. 1805. 2179. Olive, b. 1807; d. June 29. 1820. 2180.* Caroline, b. May 12, 1811, m. Pvobert Strong. (2068) ANNA CONE, dau. of Sylvanus Cone (2019) and Hannah Ackley, b. East Haddam May 3, 1773, m. Sterling Graves Oct. 28, 1794. They removed to Oneida county, N. Y., 1796, and to Denmark, Lewis county, N. Y., in 1800, where she d. Sept. 13, 1851. He was b. June 2, 1770, and d. Aug. 19, 1859, aged 89 vears. 172 The Cone Family in America. Ch. •2181. •' A.NXA, b. July 27, 1795, in. Joseph Graves; d. Nov. 1, 1882. 2182.* Betsey, b. Aug. 14, 1797, m. Suel Hazen; d. Apr. 3. 1884. 2183.* Matilda, b. Feb. 21, 1800, m. Peter Horr; d. Mar. 12,. 1887. 2184. Hubert, b. May 13, 1802, m. Liieretia Denio; d. in Iowa. 2185. KuTii, b. Aug. 3, 1804; d. Dec. 4, 1880. 218G. Lucia, b. Feb. 16, 1807; d. Aug. 25, 188G. 2187.* Franklix, b. Apr. 23, 1809, m. Christina Van Olinda ; d. Oct. 8, 1851. 2188. Olive, b. Oct. 5, 1811, ni. Perley Wicks: d. July 0, 1842. 2189."^ Amanda, b. Oct. 2, 1815, ni. William Treadway; d. Sept. 16. 1897. (2060) JOSEPH WARPtEN CONE, son of Sjlvanus Cone (201D) and Hannah Acklej, b. East Hadclam July 3, 1775, m. Mabitable Swan, dau. of Jabez Swan and Mary Wheeler, in Milling- ton, Conn., Nov. 17, 1796. They res. East Haddam, and afterwaeds at West Hartford, where he d. Aug. 4, 1848. She was b. May 3, 1778, and d. West Hartford Sept. 11, 1849. He was an energetic and progi-essive farmer, and became very wealthy. Ch. 2190. Mahitadi.e, 1). Mav 16. 1800, m. George Chadwick; no ch. ; d. Oct. 26, 1829. 2191.* Joseph E., b. Apr. 24, 1803, ni. Hannah Kellogg; d. Apr. 16. 1872. 2192. Cyxthia M., b. Dec. 8, 1804; d. uiini. Sept. 27, 1878. 2193.* William R., b. June 22. 1809, m. Eebecca D. Brewster: d. Jan. 10, 1890. 2194.* Sylvais^us F., b. Aug. 14, 1814, m. 1 Ann T. Miller, 2 Delia M. Bar- nard; d. June 3, 1879. 2195.* Cyrexus 0., b. Sept. 22, 1820, m. Helen T. Glover; d. Aug. 1, 1858. (2070) SYLVANUS ACKLEY CONE, son of Sylvamis Cone (2010) and Hannah Ackley, b. East Haddam, 1776, m. Catherine Shepard, dan. of Abraham Shepard of Thompson, Conn., Jan. 6, 1800. She d., and he m. 2 Lonisa Innian in 1814, who d. at Black River, N. Y., in 1818. He d. in Sandusky City, O., Dee. 15, 1834. Cb. 2196. Frederick P. Lived in Plainfield, Conn. 2197. Loui.'^a, b. 1816. ni. 8\1 venter Blodgett. (2071) ELIZABETH CONE, dan. of Sylvanus Cone (2019), b. East Haddam, Conn., Eeb. 6, 1781, m. Capt. Joseph Brooks, abont 1799. He d. in the West Indies the next year, and she m. 2 Noadiah Emmons Apr. 4, 1802. He was a carpenter and wheel- wright, and was b. in East Haddam May 20, 1780, and d. there Feb. 29,' 1840. She d. at Gnilford, Conn., Sept. 20, 1S.-,1. Ch. 2198.* Soi-iiiA C, b. Dec. 5, 1802. ni. Egbert Newbury: d. :\Iar. 2. 1877. 2199.* Frederick A., b. Apr. 20, 1805, m. Elizabeth Ch.rk: d. Sept 27, 1S55. 2200.* Noadiaii F., b. Feb. 23. 1807. m. \ Nancy Carpenter, 2 Amelia Good- man; d. Apr. 4, 1880. Descendants of Nathaniel Gone. 173 2201. Elizabeth B., b. Apr. 2(3, ISOO; d. Hadlynie, Conn.. June 6, 1841. 2202.* Mary, b. Sept. 8, 1813, m. Frederick Koberts; d. Mar. 14. 18o6. 2203. Alexander H., b. Dec. 12, 1816, m. Elizabeth English; d. Oct. 2, 1884. (2072) MARTHA COXE, Jan. of Sjlvamis (201U), b. East Hadclam Sept. 6, 1784, m. William Hall, son of Samuel Hall and Mary Pratt, Dec. 6, 1803. He was b. in East Haddam June 2, 1782, and d. in Cliatham, Conn., Apr. 23, 1822. He was a scythe- maker at East Haddam, and afterwards at Chatham. They were members of the Cong. Ch. for many years. She m. 2 Oliver Deane Jnly 24, 1823, who d. on the 20th of the following month, aged 36 years. She d. in Xew York Oct. 25, 1853. Ch. 2204.* Martha C, b. Apr. 3, 180.5, m. Harley Hall; d. Apr. 20, 1880. 2205. William H., b. Jnne 3, 1813. ni. Jane M. Miner; d. Sept. 22, 1864. 2200. Louisa D., b. Oct. 3. 1820; d. unni. Dec. 24, 1877. (2074) AZEL CONE, son of Rufus Cone (2020) and Esther Stewart, b. in East Haddam 1762, m. in Vermont, Kesiah . She was b. in Rutland, Vt., 1763, and d. there Aug. 23, 1828. He re- moved from East Haddam to Rutland in 1782, where he d. Jan. 20, 1820. He was a farmer. There were seven ch. Of this family I can learn but little. Cb. 2207.* Rufus. b. 1784. m. Ursula Rice; d. Oct. 13. 1846. 2208.* Asa, bapt. 1790, ni. Esther Spalding; d. in Lexington, 0. (2079) CHARLES COXE, son of Rufus Cone (2020) and Esther Stewart, b. in East Haddam May 15, 1773, m. Rachel Jane Harvey, dau. of Asa Harvey, of Hadlyme, Conn., Feb. 23, 1792. She was b. Mar, 3, 1772, and d. in Hamilton county, O., Aug. 6, 1833. He m. 2 Anna White Feb. 24, 1835. She d. Jan. 3, 1867. He removed in 1800 to the village of Cincinnati, O., and became owner of a large landed property adjoining the village, and owned considerable town property. At the time of his death, which occurred Apr. 26, 1853, he was considered among the rich men of the town. Was Major in Ohio Militia. Ch. 2209. Rufus, b. Aug. 13, 1792; d. Jan. 28. 1810. x2210.* Philena, b. Dec. 2, 1793, m. George Little; d. Sept. 25, 1853. 2211.* Ann, b. Oct. 2. 1795, m. George Murdock; d. Apr. 11, 1878. 2212.* Charles, b. Sept. 12, 1797, m. Virginia .Johnson; d. Oct. 13. 1847. 2213.* Asa H.. b. .July 18. 1799, m. Mary Campbell; d. July l(i, 1877. 2214. James, b. Apr. 28, 1803; d. Sept. 19, 1827. 2215. Thomas, b. Mar. 26, 1805; d. July 25, 1828. 2216.* Grace S., b. Sept. 21, 1806, m. George S. Clark; d. June 9. 1876. 174 The Cone Family in America. 2-217. Kac'IIKL. 1). May 11. ISUS; d. Oct. 10. 1810. 221S.'- \\i:iiAM, 1). Jan. 20. ISlO. ni. Mary .\tluTton: d. Feb. 11, 1893. 22in. Mahtha, 1). Oct. IG. 1812, in. Jainos Hiislon; d. July 18. 1841. (2()S1) GLTRDON CONE, son of James Cone (2022) and Alice Crocker, b. East Iladdam, Conn., Oct. 10, 1769, m. Lovina Jones in Westmoreland, X. Y., Jan. 1, 1795. She was b. Brimfield, Mass., Nov. 1, 1775; d. Oct. 27, 1S57, at (^olosse, N. Y., aged 82 years. He removed to Osweiio, N. Y., in 1797, and d. there Jnne 25, 1S2S. Cli. 2220. -Jamks. b. Ant;-. 10. 1700. m. and liad one eli.. Elbert. 2221. '■• AusTi.\. 1). Jan. 80, 170S. m. Olivia K( -;(>is: d. Sept. 1.1. 1832. 2222.* Fanny, b. Feb. 7, 1800. ni. Edward Ediierton; d. Auj;. 31. 18G1. 2223. OSMAN. b. Feb. 26, 1802. 2224. William, b. Dec. 1. 1804. 222."). SuTiNA. 1). Jan. 22. 1800. ni. Baird. 2220. EitASTiTs. b. .Tan. 21. 1808; d. Mar. 3, 1883. 2227. •"■ Ann, 1). June 13. 1811. ni. Comfort Rogers; d. Sept. 15. 1886. 222S."'- Martin, b. Oct. 13. 1813, ni. Cornelia Wuodworth ; d. Feb. 20, 1870. (2083) SAMUEL CEOCavER (;OXE, son of James Cone (2022) and Alice Crocker, b. East Iladdam Jnne 2. 1775, m. Clar- issa Olmslead Jan. 17, 1802. She was b. 1774 and d. in Denmark, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1802, ai>ed 88 years. lie was a i)i(ineer in Oneida county, N. Y., removino- there from East Iladdam in 1798, and to Denmark, Lewis connty, in 1804. He d. in Denmark Oct. 8, 1834. Ch. 2220. Eliza, b. Jan. 1804, ni. Joseph Pierce; d. 1870. 2230.* Truman, b. Oct. 28, 1805, m. Lucy Westover ; d. May 0. 1800. 2231. Olmstead. b. Jan. 2. 1800; d. imm. Denmark. Dec. 12. 1860. 2232* Mauv, b. Dec. 21. 1810. m. William Horr: d. Oct. 20, 1803. 2233. Alice, b. Oct. 13, 1813; d. unm. Nov. 0, 1876. (2084) SALMON (H)NE, son of James CVme (2022) and Alice Crocker, b. East Haddam Feb. 27, 1777, m. Annie Anderson in Milling-ton, Conn., Jnne 20, 1797. She was b. East Haddam Feb. 24, 1781, and d. in Painesville, O., Ang. 5, 1840. He was a very earh' settler in Lncas connty, O., removing to Painesville in that connty in the snmnier of 1817. He held many ])ositions of trnst and resi)onsibilitv, and his honesty and integrity were beyond qne.s- tion. He d. in Painesville, ()., May 20, 1857, aged 80 years. Ch. 22"4. PvCCERT. 1). M.ir. 1708; d. Sept. 1700. 2235.* Hope, b. Nov. 0. 1800, m. David Graham; d. Aug. 5, 1832. 2236.* Erastis, b. Feb. 14. 1802, m. 1 Anna Colwell, 2 ]\Iarv A. Whitney; d. .Tan. 3, 1887. 2237.* Sophia, b. Dec. 10. 1803, m. Jonathan Ve.scy; d. Aug. 26, 1888. Descendants of Nathaniel Gone. 175 2238. ■■' Edwin, b. Nov. 28. 1805. ni. Loiiiula Huntoon; d. Mar. 13. 1891. 2239.* Emeline, b. Jan. 26, 1808, m. Isaac Webb; d. Sept. 12, 1875. 2240.* Salmon, b. June 15, 1810, m. Mary Colwell; d. May 27, 1885. 2241.* James, b. Feb. 21, 1813, m. Sally Ann Stetson; d. Aug. 14, 1884. 2242.* Julia, b. May 21, 1815, m. David Webb; d. Jan. 16, 1892, 2243.* Marietta, b. Dec. 4, 1817, m. Parker Cole; d. May 4, 1891. 2244.* Geoj^ge W., b. July 4, 1820, m. 1 Margaret R. Allison, 2 Mrs. Eliza- beth M. Albright; d. Aug. 1897. 2245. Anderson, b. 1822; d. in Lucas county, 0., July 1, 1845. (2085) AMBROSE CONE, son of James Cone (2022) and Alice Crocker, b. East Haddam Apr. 6, 1781, m. Anna Smith, dan. of Capt. Amos Smith and Anna Beachmar, Mar. 1, 1804. She was b. East Haddam Mar. 19, 1Y89, and d. Dec. 29, 1830. Upon arriving at the age of 21 years Ambrose conceived the idea that the name wonld " look better " if spelled "■ Coan." He therefore changed his name to Coan, and his descendants have followed this spelling. Km- brose removed with his brother's family in 1798 to Oneida county, N. Y., and d. at Verona in that county Feb. 15, 1852. Ch. 2240.* Vincent, b. Julv 23. 1806. m. 1 Marv A. Balis. 2 Eleanor Mason; d. July 31, 1872. 2247.* Alice, b. Aug. 23. 1808, ni. George Balis; d. May 8, 1851. 2248.* Adeline, b. July 22. 1810, m. 1 Wallace St. John. 2 Georoe Balis; d. Dec. 4. 1861. 2249.* Henry, b. Dec. 10. 1812. m. Mary Wolcott; d. June 24, 1889. 2250.* Jajies, b. Jan. 25, 1814, m. 1 Maria Marshall. 2 Lucy Percival. 2251. Luke, b. Aug. 4, 1816, m. Eliza Townsend; d. Feb. 21. 1899. 2252. Mary, b. Jan. 6, 1819. m. Calvin Balis; four ch. 2253.* Julius,, b. Dec. 20, 1823, m. three times; d. July 18, 1884. 2254.* Ambrose, b. Aug. 31, 1826, m. Louisa Burnham; d. Oct. 6, 1890. (2087) JULIUS COJvTE, son of James Cone (2022) and Alice Crocker, b. East Haddam Sept. 3, 1785, m. Mira Buel Mar. 14, 1809. She was b. East Haddam May 20, 1786, and d. Apr. 27, 1877, aged 90 years. He was a man of the strictest integrity, and was greatly respected by all who know him. He d. Jan. 19, 1823. Ch. 2255. Caroline, b. Jan. 15, 1810; d. Aug. 12, 1812. 2256. Louisa, b. Dec. 10, 1811, unm. 2257. OcTAVius, b. Nov. 23. 1813; d. unm. Sept. 28, 1838. 2258. Caroline, b. Jan. 23. 1816, m. Gaylord; d. Aug. 23. 1864. 2259.* Delia, b. Feb. 16, 1818, m. Orrin W. Coney; d. Jan. 25, 1890. 2260. Minerva, b. Feb. 5, 1820; d. unm. June 17, 1856. 2261. Emily, b. June 25, 1822; d. Jan. 31, 1824. (2088) HOPE CON'E, dau. of James Cone (2022) and Alice Crocker, b. Jan. 18, 1789, in East Haddam, m. Isaac Munger 1808, —12 176 The Com Family in America. and (1. in Copeiiliai^eii, N. Y., May 18, 183S. He was b. Dec. 10, 1779, and a. Apr. ^20, 1855. Ch. 2202. EjtlLENK. b. .Iinic 10. ISll: d. uiiiii. M;iv. IS, 18.")4. 2203. Nelson, b. 181.3; d, Sept. 17. 1870. 22(i4.* INlALiNDA, b. ISlo, m. Stephen Ilanmiond: d. Oct. L5, 1858. 22()5. Samantha. b. Apr, 1820; d, ^I.iy 27. 1830, 2206. AN.SON, b. Feb, 1822; d. :\lar, 17. 1847. 2207.'-' Betsey, b, ]\Iar, 18, 1824. iii, Cliarles Clol)iidge, 2208, Adeline, b, June 20, 1820; d. Get, 25, 1801, (2093) SPEXCER CONE, son of Elilni Cone (2027), ni. Clarissa Fisher, dan. of Amos and ]\rarji-aret Fisher, and lived at Maysville, X. Y. She was h. 1785 and d. 1852, in Pembroke, X. Y. Ch, 2209,^- Eliza, b, July 20. 1815. m. .Joseph Stockwell ; d. Ano-, 20, 1804, 2270.'^ Caroline, b, 1817. ni, Alex, Williams: d. Sept, 1858, 2271.'' Marinda, b. Dee, 20. 1818. m, Charles Harroun; d, ,Jan, 10, 1898. (2091) OPITIR COXE, son of Elihn Cone (2027) and Doro- thy Smith, b. Xew London, Conn., July 29, 1785, m. Sarah Fisher, dan. of Amos Fisher, Jnlv 22, 1807. " She d. in Sheridan, K Y., Sept. 16, 1860, ag'ed 72 years. Fie was a shoemaker. Removed with his father's family to Onondaga connty, X. Y., in 1790, and early in the 19th centnry to Sheridan, Chantanqna connty, in that State. He d. in Sheridan Sept. 6, 1860. Cb. 2272. Amos, b. Feb. 8, 1808; d. young. 2273. Julia Ann, b. Jnly 27. 1810, m, Aaron Fisk; one eh,: d. Mar, 27, 1872, 2274. LoRiNDA, b. May 12. 1813, m, ^YilIianl Jones; no ch,; d, Apr, 1898. 2275. Alvika. b. Jnlv 10. 1810, ni, William Elliott; no ch,: d, Apr. 28, 1891. 2270. Jane. b. Ang. 24. 1820; d. Oct. 23, 1844. (2095) OBED WASHIXGTOX COXE, son of Elihn Cone (2027) and Dorothy Smith, b. Onondaga connty, X. Y., Feb. 12, 1792, m. Sabrina Whaley May 2, 1825.' She was b. Tnly 13. 1802, and d. in Adrian, Mich., Jnly 18, 1875. He was a shoemaker and tanner, and d. in Resin, Mich., Mar. 28, 1867. Ch. 2277, Maria B., b, l>c. 23, 1827: d, Oct. 14. 18.50, 2278, ANiiELiNE. b. Dec, 15. 1829. unm. Res. Adrian, Mich. 2279, Mary .Jane. b. Oct. 7. 1831. m. Benjamin Laing, Res, Halloway, Mich, 2280, Marcia S,. b. Mar, 31, 1834; d. May 30, 1851, 2281, Charles M„ b, Jan, 18, 1840, unm. Res, Adrian. Mich, 2282, H.xttie, 1). Aug, 2. 1843; d, Aug. 12, 1875, Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 177 (2096) MARINDA QO^Y., dau. of Eliliu Cone (2027) and Dorothy Smith, h. Spafford, Oneida county, ^t. Y., Sept. 24, 1796, m. Winsor Brigham in Mayville, ^. Y., Sept. 29, 1816. He was b. Marlboro, Mass., Oct. 1,' 1788, and d. of cholera at Buffalo, :^. Y., July 25, 1835. She d. in Galesburg, Mich., Dec. 25, 1885, aged -89 years. Cla. 228.3.-^ Ei.iZA. b. June 12. 1817, m. Franklin Sheldon; d. Feb. 9. 1866. 2284.* Melissa, b. Nov. 15, 1819, m. Harrison Barker; d. May 29, 1898. 2285. A>:x M.. 1). .July 23. 1822, m. Franklin Sheldon; no ch.; d. July 20, 1899. 2286. Marcia. b. June 1.5, 1825; d. unm. Dec. 30. 1864. 2287.* Sarah, b. Mar. 25. 1827, m. Orrin Franklin. Res. Galesburg, Mich. 2288. Squire, b. Xov. 25, 1828; d. unni. at Sheridan. N. Y., Jan. 23, 1854. 2289. Samuel, b. Sept. 1, 1832; d. Jan. 19, 1854. (2110) FESTUS CONE, son of Nathaniel Cone (2043) and Margery Sextgn, b. East Haddani June 21, 1784; in 1815 ni. Eliza- beth Lewis, dau. of George I^ewis and Elizabeth Penfield, of Port- land, Conn. On May 21, 1812, he was commissioned a Captain in the 25th United States Reg-ulars, and served during the war. Immedi- ately after the w^ar he settled in Moscow, N. Y. Cb. 2290. George, wiio d. unni. 2291. Bartlett, who also d. unm. 2292.* Elizabeth, b. Nov. 18. 1819. ni. Thomas Bolton; d. Jan. 24, 1846. (2111) NATHANIEL GREENE CONE, son of Nathaniel Cone (2043) and Margery Sexton, b. East Iladdam Jan. 16, 1787, m. Sophia Bolles Oct. 24,' 1813. She was b. 1791, and d. Mar. 10, 1843. He m. 2 Abigail Fox Perry Jan. 9, 1844. She was b. Feb. 15, 1813. He was a farmer. During the War of 1812 he served in the Connecticut State Militia, and d. at Chatham, Conn., July 23, 1870, aged 83 years. Ch. ' 2293. Alphonso B.. b. -Tulv 27. 1814. m. Cordelia Shipman; no ch. ; d. Apr 11, 18.59. 2294. Nathaniel G.. b. Nov. 7, 1815; d. unm. Apr. 12. 1878. 2295. Sophia D., b. Aug. 24. 1817; d. Nov. 15, 1825. 2296.* David P., b. Feb. 15, 1819, m. Mary Ann Fox; d. .Jan. 10. 1902. 2297. Festus, b. Mar. 24, 1821; d. Nov. 7, 1825. 2298. Mary Ann, b. Ausr. 19. 1822. m. Benjamin Tavlor ; no ch.; d. Feb. 10, 1888. 2299.* Clarissa, b. Aug. 25, 1824. m. .John W. Smith; d. July 5, 1888. 2300.* William S.. 1). .Tune 27, 1827, m. Susan Mercv Smith; d. Nov. 15. 1899. 2301. Festus V. E., b. Jan. 19. 1829, unm. Bes. East Hampton, Conn. 2302.* Ezra G., b. .Tan. 27. 1831, m. Sophia A. White; d. Dec. 22, 1898. 178 The Cone Family in Aynerica. 2303.* Emma E.. b. Feb. 4, 1S48. m. 1 Josepli A. Stocking. 2 George Strong. I'os. East Hampton. Conn. 2304. M.vitiox F.. )). Apr. 1.^. 18.5(): d. Dec. 25, 1862. (2112) CLARISSA COIv^E, dan. of is^atlianiel Gone (2043) and Margery Sexton, b. Cliatliani, Conn., xVpr. 31, ITSU, m. Joseph Mitclielf in East Haddam Jan. 13, 1806. He was b. Mar. 8, 1782, and d. Ang\ 3, 1863, aged 81 years. She d. Mar. 18, 1880, aged 91. " Ch. 2305. Mary. b. July 15. 1806. m. 1 Homer Beals. 2 Dickinson. 2306. Joseph, b. Dec. 27. 1807. m. Emily Paine: <1. Dee. 10. 1848. 2307. NATir.\xiEL. b. Xov. 2. 1809. 2308. Aristkex. b. jNFar. 12. 1812. m. Charles Tliompson. 2309. Abigail, b. Jan. 14. 1814. m. Henry Wynkoop. 2310. Harriet, 1i. May 17, 1815, m. Isaac Russ; no ch.; d. Apr. 11. 1835. 2311. JoNATiiAX, b. July 6. 1817; left no ch.; d. June 9. 1879. 2312. Robert, b. 1819, m. Philena Tillotson; d. Sept. 1890. 2313. Esther, b. Sept. 30, 1821, m. Liberty Hartwell : no ch.; d. Sept. 1849. 2314. Henry, b, Feb. 13. 1826. m. Emily Messmore. 2315. Narcissa, b. July 4. 1828. m. G. W. Cory. Ees. Birmingham. ]\Iich. 2316. George, b. July 17. 1830. (2114) ISRAEL COXE, son of Israel Cone (2044) and Lucy Ackley, b. East Haddaiu July 0, 1786, m. Polly Anderson, dan. of Robert Anderson and Anna Hungerford, ISTov. 10. 1807. She was b. East Iladdani Feb. 4, 1785, and d. Apr. 12, 1878, aged 93 years. He was a member and a Deacon of the Cong. Ch. for many years. Dnring the War of 1812 he served under Capt. Samnel Crowell, with rank of Ensign. He d. in East Haddam Apr. 6, 1827. Ch. 2317. •■ LrcY. b. Feb. 25. 1809, m. George Ransom: d. Dec. 24. 1859. 2318.-"- Robert G. H.. b. Sept. 13. 1810, m. Harriet Tyler: d. May 15, 1889. 2319. ■"■ Julia E., b. Jan. 4. 1814. m. Elisha C. Bingham; d. June 30. 1853. 2320.* Lord W.. b. July 15. 1815. m. Fluvia Arnold: d. Dec. 9. 1888. 2321.* i\lARY. 1). Sept. 14. 1817. m. 1 Rufus W. Swan. 2 Adonijah Olmstead; d. Sept. IG. 1892. 2322.* Jaxe C. b. Sept. 28. 1821. m. 1 Cyrus W. Chapman. 2 Jared A. Spen- cer; d. Apr. 1, 1889. 2323.* Fanny W.. b. Aug. 31. 1823. m. Edwin B. Griswold. 2324.* Elizabeth C.. b. Feb. 21. 1826. ni. David R. Marvin; d. Feb. 24, 1S82. (2115) ERASTUS CO^s^E, son of Israel Cone (2044) and Lucy Ackley, b. East Haddam July 29, 1788, m. Lucy Bevins Beebe Sept. 24, 1828. Slie was dan. of Alvin Beebe, and was b. East Had- dam 1798, and d. Dec. 12, 1830. He m. 2 Lncv T. Tinker of Lyme, Conn., Mar. IS, 1833. She was b. 1800 and d. Aug. 2, 1868.' He res. at East Hadrhim, and d. there Feb. 17, 1873, aged 84 years. Descendants of Nathaniel Gone. 179 Ch. 2325. ■■■" Lucy M.. b. Aug. 22, 1829, m. D.xvid Kiiigslniiy. Res. Glastonbury, Conn. 2326. AuKELlA B., b. Dec. 5, 1830, m. George Latimore; no ch. Res. Ches- terfield, Conn. 2327. Cathekixe T.. b. May 7, 183-t, ni. Elisha M. Coiustoek; no ch. Res. E. Lyme. 2328. Ellex, b. Apr. 14, 1830; d. May 5, 1836. 2329. ■■■■ Israel W., b. Xov. 2, 1838, m. Helen Wilson. Res. Minneapolis, Minn. (2119) PHEBE CO^'E, dan. of Israel Cone (2044) and Lnev Ackley, b. East Haddam Oct. 6, 1796, m. Asa Wells of Shef- field, Mass., Mar. 9, 1820. She d. in Glastonbnrv, Conn., Dec. 6, 1864. Ch. 2330." Asa, b. Jan. 22, 1821. m. Eveline Hills; d. Apr. 26, 1869. (2122) iMAEY AA^A^ COXE, dan. of Oliver Cone (2047) and Anna Sterling, b. Woodstock, Vt., May 17, 1794, m. John Sliolji :\rav 10, 1818. He was b. Glen, Montgomery eonnty, X. Y., and removed to Caledonia Springs, Livingston eonnty, IST. Y., Eeb. 8, 1817. Soon after marriage they settled at West Shelby, Orleans eonnty, ]!^. Y., Avhere they afterwards res. He d. March 12, 1868. Was long an active and consistent member of the Christian Ch. and was a man of strict integrity and npright in all his dealings. She d. Shelbv Apr. 28, 1873.' Ch. 2331." Catherixe :\1., b. -Line 12, 1819, m. Aaron Dewey; d. Oct. 24, 1898. 2332. William C. b. -Tnlv 26. 1812, ni. Sojiliia Freeman; no ch.; d. Oct. 2.3, 1887, 2333.* :\IARY Axx. b. Dec. 28. 1821, m. R. (\. Weaver. Res. West Shelbv, N. Y. 2334. Elizabeth J., b. Mar. 24. 1824: d. .Tan. 29. 1843. 23.?.5.* AxGELiXE A., b. .Tune 30, 1826, m. L. S. Warner. Res. West Shelby. N. Y. 233G. Heliexa, b. Mar. 16, 1834, unm. Res. IMedJna, N. Y. (2123) MAESEIs^A COIs^E, son of Oliver Cone (2047) and Anna Sterling, b. Woodstock, Vt., Feb. 16, 1796, m. Elizabeth Pnr- ple Feb. 13, 1817. She was b. Ang. 15, 1705, and d. in Waterloo, Wis., Mar. 18, 1866. He was a local preacher in the M. E. Ch. He was a mannfactnrer of edge tools. Kemoved to Wisconsin in 1845. D. in Waterloo, Wis., Xov. 6, 1880, aged 84 years. Ch. 2337.* Sterlixg M.. b. July 13, 1819. m. Adelaide Doolittle; d. May IS, 1888. 2338. "•■• George H. P., h. Oct, 14, 1820, m. 1 . 2 Mary A. Roth: d. June 10. 1900. 2339. Carolixe, b. Oct •>, 1822. m. X. P.. Collins. Res. Cleveland. 0. 180 The Cone Family in America. 2;540."-' Elizabeth, b. Sept. 13. 18-24. in. John Ramsey. Res. Dane county, Wis. 2341." COEDEJ.IA, b. May 14, 1827. ni. Enos Collins. Res. Coloma. Wis. 2342. GuSTAVUS, b. Apr. 8, 1821). ni. Aioxsa J. Porter; no ch. Res. Mar- shall, Wis. (2124) GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS COXE, son of Oliver Cone (2047) and Anna Sterling, b. Woodstock, Vt, May 23, 1798, m. Mary Ann Garrison Apr. 10, 1818. She was b. in X. G., Xov. 0, 1798, and d. in Bnttoville, Ore., 1872. lie res. in Indiana after his nuirriage nntil lbo4, when he removed to Iowa. He held for many years the officio of Jnstice of the Peace, and was Postmaster for a long term of years. Was esteemed by all who knew him. He was n generons, freediearted, kindly man, and nnrars. Ch. 2425.* Jonathan, b. Mar. 8. ISll. m. Mary Ann Skinner; d. Oct. 9. 1887. 2426. William, b. Oct. 7, 1813; d. Mar. 8, 1818. 2427.* Caroline, b. Mar. 13, 1816, m. Lorin W. Loomis; d. Oct. 3, 1858. 2428.* William, b. Aug. 10, 1820. m. Elizabeth Parkhurst. Res. Colchester, Conn. (2160) LUCINTHA 00^% dau. of Cephas Cone (2061) and Sarah Gates, b. in Colchester, Conn., Aug. 25, 1706, m. Andrew Ferdinand Warner ISTov. 4, 1817. He was b. in Hadlyme Dec. 1, 1701, and d. in Haddam June 23, 1825. Grad. at Yale in 1812. Studied medicine at Middletown and I^ew Haven. Practiced in (A:)ichester and northern Saybrook, and removed to Had1. George H.. b. Xov. 29. 1831; d. Mar. 7, 1849. 24.52. DoLLTE. b. -Tan. 17. 1834, m. Stephen Reeves. Res. Marion. N. Y. 24.53. Albert R., b. May 1.5, 1837; d. Feb. .5, 1839. 24.54. Sarah -L. b. Dec. 25, 1838; d. July 15, 1841. 2455. Edmuxd M.. b. May 7, 1840; d. Feb. 15, 1844. 2456.* Sarah J., b. Nov. 18, 1843, m. Irwin R. Seeley. Res. N. Rose, N. Y. 2457. Albert E., b. Nov. 21, 1845; d. Jan. 10, 1849. 2458. Fraxk a., b. Jan. 19, 1847. m. Mary Florence. Res. Chicago, 111. 2459. .James H.. b. Apr. 30. 1851; d. Aug. 5, 1854. (2173) EEBECCA, dan. of Alfred Willey (2060) and Olive Cone, b. in East Haddam Oct. 2, 1791, m. Windsor Stone Trow- bridge, son of Daniel Trowbridge and Prudence Badge, in West- moreland, X. Y., Aug. 27, 1810. He was b. in Framingham. Mass., Jan. 1, 1789, and d. in Ogden, Monroe county, N". Y., May 20, 1844. They removed to Ogden in 1812, and began farming in the "Gene- see Country." It was a wild wilderness then, and they suffered the hardships and privations of a frontier life. She d. in Loekport. XL Y., Mar. 1, 1882, aged 91 years. Ch. 2460. Ogdex \Y.. 1). .July. 1812; d. 1813. 2461. Elizabeth \.. 1>. Oct. 0. 1814. m. Daniel Green; d. May 7. 1885. 2462. William H.. 1). :\ray. 1816: d. Dec. 1818. 2463. Marcia F.. b. Aug. 1, 1818, m. Edward Phelps: d. Dec. 28. 1867. 2464. Olive C. b. Feb. 25, 1821. m. Henry Kelsey. 2465. Martha A., b. June 10. 1823, ni. Chauncey Goodiich. 2466. YwxDSOR. b. May 29. 1825. m. Emily R. Heath. 2407. John T.. b. Sept. IS. 1827. m. Caroline Warren. He is well known as a stoiy-writer. Res. near Boston, Mass. 2468. Edward ^^'EST, b. Feb. IS. 1833. Went with a United States Survey- ing party to Fort Riley. Kas.. in April. 1855. and d. there July 31, 1855. (2177) MAPCTA JAXE WILLEY, dau. of Alfred Willey (2066) and Olive Cone, b. East Haddam July 19, 1801, m. William W. Ward in Riga, :^Iich., Mav 24, 1822. She d. Ionia, :\rieh., Jan. 188 The Cone Family in America. 10, 1892, aged 91 years. He was a hatter by trade; 1). 1800 and d. Dec. 16, 1877. Ch. 2469. Hea'RY. 1). Jan. 2;>. lS2;i. m. ]Matil(la Biirnes. 2470. Alfred, b. Aug. 18. 182."i. m. Ida Jenkins: d. Feb. 4. 1853. 2471. Marcia, b. Sept. 9, 1827. m. Thomas Owens; d. Dec. 23, 1865. 2472. Susan L.. b. July 22. 1829. m. Lewis MoLauoblin; d. Apr. 17, 1889. 2473. John W., b. July 26, 1831, m. Elizabetli Putnam. Ees. Portland, Mich. 2474. LiTCirs H., b. July 31. 1834. m. Clarinda Wilbur; d. Feb. 6, 1892. 2475. Silas C. L., b. Sept. 31. 1836, m. Matilda Hawley; d. Mar. 13, 1875. 2476. Olive C, b. May 8, 1839. ni. Oliver Hawley; d. Oct. 8, 1888. (2180) CAROLINE WILLEY, dan. of Alfred Willey and Olive Cone (2066), b. Westmoreland, N. Y., May 12, 1811, m. Robert Strong, son of Ephraim Strong and Clarissa Hale, in Ogden, ?s\ Y., Apr. 21, 1831. He was b. Apr. 28, 1806, and d. Dec. 20, 1885. Soon after marriage they removed thirty miles west of Fort Dearborn ( nov/ Chicago), 111., and all their eh. wore b. there. Ch. 2477. Alfred W.. b. Oct. 26. 1832. m. twice. Res. Xaperville. 111. 2478. Olive, b. Aug. 20, 1834. 2479. William, b. Oct. 13. 1836; d. July 16. 1867. 2480. Mary A., b. Aug. 25, 1838, m. James N. George. 2481. Caroline C, b. Aug. 30. 1840; d. Feb. 9. 1S43. 2482. Robert H., b. Dec. 8. 1842. m. Lovina P. Paxson. Res. Ozark. Ark. 2483. Charles A., b. Jan. 9, 1845; d. Apr. 26. 1845. 2484. Albert M., b. Jan. 18. 1848. 2485. Frances J., b. July 15. 1850, m. Henry Aycrs. 2486. Harriet R., b. July 12. 18.52; d. Sept. 2. 1857. (2181) ANNA GRAVES, dan. of Sterling Graves aiid Anna Cone (2068), b. East Haddam Jnly 27, 1795, m. Joseph Graves May 16, 1815. He was b. East Haddam 1788, and d. Dec. 25, 1876. aged 88 years. She d. Nov. 1, 1882, aged 87 years. Ch. 2487. Hubbard. Res. Black River. N. Y. 2488. Adelia. b. 1829. m. Allen. Res. Rutbmd. Vt. (2182) BETSEY GRAVES, dan. of Sterling Graves and Anim Cone (2068), b. Westmoreland, N. Y., Ang. 14, 1797, m. Snel Hazen Jan. 17, 1S16. He was b. Dnmmerston, Vt., Apr. 25, 1703 ; d. Carthaa-e, N. Y., ]\ray 25, 1884, aged 01 years. She d. Apv. 3, 1884, aged 87 years. Ch. 2489. Betsey, b. June 15. 1820. m. ]Nrorgan Lewis: d. Sept. 12. 1884. 2490. ■• Lycurgus, b. Apr. 12. 1823. m. Sarah J. Quinn ; d. Xov. 11. 1887. 2491. ■•■ Matilda, b. May 20. 1826, m. George A. Wilson. Res. Fairport, X. Y. 2492.* Solon M., b. Aug. 11. 1829, m. Pressa A. Vary: d. May 8. 1900. 2493.* Sterling W., b. :May 15, 1835, m. Sarah Slniltz. Res. Frankfort, Kas. 2494. •• Helen M., b. May 14, 1838. m. .James G. Potter. Res. Carthage, N. Y. Descendants of Nathaniel ('one. 189 (2183) MATILDA GRAVES, dan. of Sterlino- Graves and Anna Cone (2068), b. Westmoreland, X. Y., Feb. 21, 1800, m. Peter Ilorr Oct. 26, 1818. He was a farmer, and d. in 1872. She d. ]\Iaj 12, 1887, ao-ed 87 years. Ch. 2495. Anx. b. June 6, 1821. ni. Wood: no eh.; d. Feb. 16. 1891. 2496. Laura, b. Apr. 2. 1820. umn.: d. 1902. "^ (2187) FRAISTKLI^ GRAVES, son of Sterlmg Graves and Anna Cone (2068), b. Copenhagen, X. Y., Apr. 23, 1809, m. Chris- tina Van Olinda, and d. in Antwerp, X. Y., Oct. 8, 1851. Ch. 2497. Obed, wlio d. in 1854. 2498. Dempster. Res. in Jefferson connty. N. Y. (2189) AMAXDA GRAVES, dan. of Sterling Graves and Anna Cone (2068), b. Westmoreland, X. Y., Oct. 2, 1815, m. Wil- liam Treadway in 1836. He w\hs b. in Jefferson county, N. Y., -Tan. 26, 1811, and'd. Sept. 27, 1867. She d. at Black River, X. Y., Sept. 16, 1897, aged 82 years. Ch. 2499. :Myron C. b. July 26. 1845. Res. Gloversville. X. Y. 2500. Hudson C. b. Sept. 6. 1853, umn. Res. Black River, N. Y. (2191) JOSEPH EDWARD CONE, son of Joseph Warren Cone (2069) and Mahitable Swan, b. East Haddam April 24, 1803, m. Hannah Wright Kellogg, dan. of Thomas W. Kellogg of Yernon, Conn., Apr. 18, 1827. He was a farmer, and d. at West Hartford Apr. 16, 1872. Ch. 2501. Laura W.. b. May 25. 18.3.3. m. George Talcott. of Hartford. May 28, 1862. He was b. 1837, and d. May 29, 1871. One ch., who d. iu infancy. (2193) WILLIAM RUSSELL CONE, son of Joseph War- ren Cone (2069) and Mahitable Swan, b. East Haddam June 22, 1809, m. Rebecca Daggett Brew^ster, dan. of James Brewster (a lineal descendant of Elder William Brewster of the ''Mayflower"). Oct. 7, 1834. She was b. in Ncav Haven, Conn., Apr. 22,' 1814, and d. in Hartford May 15, 1890. Mr. Cone grad. from Yale College in 1830 and from Yale Law School in 1831, and soon after removed to Hartford, and was admitted to practice there in 1832. He was shrewd and careful, and his judgment was widely sought and es- teemed in business circles. Was a man of generous ways and of a kindlv disposition. At the time of his death, which occurred in Hartford Jan. 10, 1890. h^ was a Director in the Surety Company of Hartford and of Pearl Street Savings Bank, the -Etna Insurance 190 The Cone Family in America. WILLIAM RUSSELL CONE, Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 191 Companj, the J^tiia National Bank, and the Hartford Carpet Com- pany; member of the Board of Managers of the Eetreat for the Insane; President of the Watkinson Library, and a Director of the Connecticut River Railroad. He became very snecessful in the prac- tice of law and in fortunate investments, and was considered one of the wealthy men of that very wealthy city. Ch. 2502.* -Jaaies P... b. Jan. 6, 18.30. m. Elizabeth Uhlhorne. Res. Hartford. 2503. William, b. Sept. 11. 1838; d. in infancy. 2504. \^iLLiA5i Allex, b. Apr. 20. 1840; d. May 15. 1853. 2505.-^- Henrietta H.. b. Feb. 14, 1842. ni. 1 Adam C. Corson, 2 Louis Lan- pher; d. June 18, 1896. 2506." Alice R.. b. Jan. 10, 1844. m. Rev. A. D. Robinson. Res. London, Eng. (21U4) SYLVAXUS FRAXKLIX COXE, son of Joseph Warren Cone (2069) and Mahitable Sevan, b. East Haddam Aug. 14, 1814, m. Sarah Ann Terry Miller, dau. of Ezra Miller and Sarah Terry, Apr. 1, 1835. She was b. 1812 and d. in Hartford Aug. 28, 1849. He m. 2 Delia Mary Barnard, dau. of John Barnard, Dec. 11, 1850. She was b. May\3, 1819, and d. May 14, 1889. He re- moved to Hartford in 1835, where he engaged in the hardware busi- ness. Always took a warm interest in public affairs, and held many offices of tnist and responsibility. He possessed a genial and kindly disposition, and was greatly esteemed. Tie d. in Hartford. June' 3, 1879. Ch. 2507.* Joseph H.. b. Feb. 5, 1836. m. :Martha I. ]\Iix: d. July 7. 1802. 2508.* Sarah A., b. July 27, 1837, m. 1 Warren B. Crane, 2 Alexander Ham- ilton; d. Feb. 14, 1875. 2509. Augusta M.. b. ]Mar. 21, 1839; d. Aug. 8, 1839. 2510.* Augustus F.. b. ]Mar. 31, 1840, m. Alice E. Godfrey. Res. Toledo, 0. 2511.* William E.. b. June 14, 1842. unm. Res. Hartford, Conn. 2512. Helen Maria, b. July 14, 1846; d. Mar. 22, 1847. 2513.* Ella B., b. Sept. 6, 1851, m. Charles W. Pratt. Res. Hartford, Conn. 2514.* John B., b. Feb. 10, 1857, m. Lillie Keep. Res. Hartford, Conn. (2195) CYREXIUS ORLAXDO COXE, son of Joseph War- ren Cone (2069), b. East Haddam Sept. 22, 1820, m. Helen Glover, dau. of Davis Glover and Abigail Paine, of Brooklyn, X. Y., Apr. 3, 1840. She was b. at Indian Xeck, Southold, Long Island, Dec. 22, 1819, and d. in East Haddam May 22, 1846. She was a descendant of Stephen Hopkins, who came to America in the " May- flower," on her first trip, in 1620. Dr. Cone studied dentistry with Dr. Solymon Brown of Xew A^ork, and soon became noted in his profession. Afterwards attended the Dental College of Surgery at Baltimore, and grad. from that college Apr. 15, 1845. He was soon acknowledged one of the leading dentists in the United States. He —13 192 The Cone Family in America. CYRENIUS ORLANDO CONE. ■studied medicine in the Washington Medical University at Baltimore, and received his diploma from there Mar. 1S58. Became professor in the Dental (Njlleiic at Baltimore, ranking among the highest, and was wideh- known throughout the country for his skill and eminent success. Was author of several valuable works on dentistry, and d. in the midst of his usefulness at Hartford Aug. 1, 1858. Member of the Maryland Historical Society, American Dental Society, the Odd Fellows, and the Masonic Order. Ch. 2515.'"^ Joseph W.. b. May 7, 1S41. m. Juliaetto C. Buekland. Res. Hartford. (2198) SOPHIA COXE EMMOXS, dan. of Xoadiah Em- mons (2071), b. East Haddam Dec. n, 1802, m. Egbert Newberry June 3, 1824. He was b. Mansfield, (\.nn., ;^ray 29, 1801, and d. there June 22, 1804. He was a carpenter and joiner. She <1. ]\rar. 2,1877. Ch. '2riin. WiT.iTAM E.. 1). :\riy 2. lS2."i, m. Amelia :\riiior. 2r)17. Franklin A., h. Feb. l.i. 1S27. m. 1 Emily :\rerriman. 2 Anna Wolvin. 251,S. CiiARLK.s f'.. b. Ai.r. 1. 1S:U. m. 1 Emma A. Stark, 2 Alice C. Phelps; (1. Dec. isn3. 2519. Henhy. 1). ^ilar. 0. 1837. m. 1 Emilv Paddison. 2 ^Martha E. Rmither- land. 2.520. Lyman, b. Xov. n. 1S40, m. :\rary A. Sontheiland. (2199) EP.EDERK Jv AFGrSTUS E:\IArOXS, son of Xoa- diah (2071), b. East Haddam Ajn-. 20, 180."), m. Elizabeth Tlark of Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 193 LeKoY, :N'. Y., Oct. 1, 182U. Was a hotel-keeper at Flemiiio-, ^". Y., but d. in Winsted, Conn., Sept. 27, 1855. She afterwards removed to Denver, Colo. Ch. 2521. Fraxk B.. b. Nov. 10. 1830. m. Sarah A. Barnes. 2522. Frederick, b. Apr. 28, 18.35, m. Mary L. Howell. 2523. Gilbert, b. July 29, 1844, ni. Sarah A. Deming. 2524. Charles, b. .Tuly 20, 1850, ni. 1 Anna Otis, 2 Eunice A. Hewitt. (2200) XOADIAH EMMOXS, son of Xoadiah (2071), b. East Haddani Feb. 23, 1807, m. Nancy Carpenter Feb. 13, 1832. She d., and he m. 2 Amelia S. Goodman Apr. 10, 1849, and d. Apr. 4, 1880. Ch. 2525. Edward P., b. Nov. 20. 1833. m. Charlotte Miller. 2526. Adeline, b. May 13, 1836; d. June 22, 1838. 2527. Alexander, b. Apr. 4. 1850. ni. Sarah M. Gabel ; d. May 17, 1885. 2528. Adeline E.. b. July 13, 1S52. in. Merton S. Buckland. 2529. Mary S., b. Mar. 8, 1860: d. INIar. 20, 1860. 2530. Harriet A., b. July 4. 1861, ni. Howard M. Blake. (2202) MARY E:\niOXS, dan. Xoadiah (2071), b. Sept. 8, 1813, m. Frederick A. Roberts May 15, 1834. He was b. East Had- (him June 17, 1814, and d. Hartford July 20, 1875. She d. Xew ]]ritain Mar. 14, 1856. Ch. 2531. Mary, b. Mar. 7, 1835, m. Gideon Robinson. 2532. Irene, b. Mar. 29, 1837, m. Fred W. Potter. 2533. Adeline, b. Dec. 11, 1839, m. C. W. Jackson. 2534. Jane S., b. Dec. 21, 1843, m. Daniel Burlock. 2535. Frederick, b. .June 30, 1845, m. Matilda Smith. 2536. Helen, b. Oct. 1, 1847, ni. Everett Shailor. (2204) MARTHA HALL, dan. of William ILill and Martha Cone (2072), b. East Haddani Apr. 3, 1805, m. Harley Hall, son of Comfort Hall and Jemina Bacon, June 8, 1828. He was a farmer, and res. at Middlefield, Conn., where he d. Apr. 24, 1874, aged 75 years. In early life she became a member of the Cong. Ch. at Mid- dletowm, but in 1843 united with the Methodist Ch. at Middlefield. " She possessed an inborn spirit of independence which was fostered and developed by circumstances. She was a woman of dignified bear- ing, as became one with her clear vision, sound judgment, and in- flexible couraoe." She d. in Meriden, Conn., Aj.r. 20, 1880. Ch. 2537. SopiriA Fidelia, 1). A]u-. 6. 1829, in. Levi Elmore Coe, son of Levi Coe and Sarah ^^■ard, Nov. 27. 1851. She compiled in 1902 . the " Hall Memoranda." a very creditable and exceed- ingly valuable publication. Slie also furnished many records for this book. Mr. Coe is a man of eminent ability. He has been Probate Judge and Police Judge 194 The Cone Familu in America. MRS. S. F. COE, Menden, Conn. of ISIeriilen for eighteen years. He is President of INIeriden Savings Bank and also of Meriden National Bank. Was Mayor of Meriden 1895-1897. Has been Master of Meriden Lodge of A. F. & A.- M. and Emi- nent Commander St. Elmo Comma ndery Knights Templai-. Has held offiees under State and National Govei'nn;ent, and is gieatly respec.-ted. Compiler of the '• Coe-Ward :Memorial,"' published in 1897. They les. in Meiiden, Conn. Two eh., Avho d. young. 253S."- NoRMA.x C, b. Dec. 31. 1832, m. Harriet E. Redlield; d. Feb. 24, 1892. 2539.* Betsey N., h. Oet. 18, 1830. m. Lunum W . Cook; d. Apr. 9, 1895. 2540." RuFUS H., b. Oct. 3, 1839, m. Esther A. Crover; d. Feb. 3, 1901. (2207) RUFUS CONE, son of Azel Cone (2074) and Ivesiali . Was supposed to have been b. in Rutland county, Vt., about 1784. lie m. Ursula Rice May 3, 1S0!». She was b. in Pougiikeep- sie, N. Y., 171)2, and d. in Butler county, O., July 30, 1834; she and three of her children dying of cholera within a month. They re- moved from Vermont to Allegany county, X. Y., in 1823, and to J>utl(M- comity, O., in June, 1834. He was a farmer, and d. in Butler county Oct. 13, 1840. Ch. 2541. Emily Ann. b. June 21. 1811 : d. unni. July 28, 1834. 2542. AzEL C, b. Feb. 7. 1813. m. Mary A. Blain: d. Dee. 29, 1874. 2543.* Isaac F., b. Oct. 31, 1815. m. Caroline Clark: d. May 28. 1899. 2544. Sally C. b. May 10. 1810; d. July 28. 1832. 2545. Samuel Mills, b. Mar. 15. 1818, unm.: d. Salem. 111.. Dee. 27. 1845. Descendants of Nathaniel Gone. 195 2.546. Esther H., b. .Jan. 1.5, 1S2(). in. 1 .Jethro Taber, 2 .Jacob Chambers; no ch. Ivt's. Eaton, 0. 2.547. RUFUS .J., b. .Jan. 15. 1822; d. Deo. 18. 1844. 2.548.* Sylvester If., b. .Jan. 8. 1824, ni. Mary A. Breen ; d. Feb. IG, 1890. 2.549.* Eafayette, b. Aug. 25, 1825, m. Amelia Williams; d. June 25, 1900. 2550.* Maryette, b. Aug. 25, m. Frederick Hansel; d. Aug. 13, 1899. 2551. Kesiah, b. Aug. 27, 1827; d. .July 8, 1834. 2.552. Diantha M., b. May 1, 182!) ; d. .July 31, 1834. (;>20S) ASA COXE, son of Azel Cone (2074) and Kesiah , b. Hutland county, Vt., 1789, m. Esther Spaiilding, dan, of Stephen G. Spanlding, in Salisbury, Vt., Apr. 12, 1815. He was a hotel-keeper, and removed to Crown Point, X. Y., soon after mar- riage, and from there to Lexington, ()., in 1837, where he d. about 1872. She d. there about 1875. Ch. 2553. Esther Anx, b. .June 17, 1819, ni. .Jolin F. Worcester; d. Mar. 31, 1897. 2554. Fidelia Maria, of Avhoni 1 know nothing. (2210) PHILENA COIsTE, dan. of Charles Cone (2079), b. East Haddam Dec. 2, 1793, m. George Little, son of Dr. John Little, in Hamilton county, O., Aug. 18, 1814, and d. there Sept. 13, 1852. Ch. 2555. Jaxe H., b. .June 11, 1815; d. Sept. 3. 1833. 2550.* Charles C. b. .Jan. 29, 1817. ni. Catlierine Wilson; d. .June 20, 1862. 2557. Hester A., b. Mar. 20, 1820; d. Aug. 2. 1820. 2558. George W.. b. Aug. 7. 1821, m. Christie Post; d. .July 4. 1901. 2559.* Asa H., b. Oct. 2, 1823, m. Elizabeth McCullouch. lies. Chicago, 111. 2560.* James S., b. Oct. 1, 1825, m. Jane C. Griffith; d. Mar. 22. 1884. (2211) AN^T CONE, dau. of Charles Cone (2079), b. East Haddam Oct. 2, 1795, m. George Leonard Murdock Oct. 6, 1814. She came wath her parents to Cincinnati, O., when but five years old, and d. there Apr. 11, 1878, aged 83 years. He was a noted physician, having a large practice. Was b. in Xoblestown, Pa., in 1790, and d. in Cincinnati, O., in 1850. Ch. 2561.* Mary Ann, b. Feb. 16. 1816, m. Francis H. Diserens; d. Feb. 14, 1883. 2,562. Jane H.. b. 1817. m. Ebenezer F. Risk; d. Deo. 1877. 2563. I^ORiNG Tiffany, b. 1819. Was a steamboat owner and captain. D. unm. July 31, 1882. 2564. Charles Cone, b. 1820. Was an attorney, and for fifteen years .Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Cincinnati. He d. unm. Dec. 29, 1897. 2565. George Leonard, b. May 26. 1828. Was part owner of a line of vessels plying between San Francisco, China and Japan, and for a time was surgeon on one of them. D. unm. Oct. 28, 1880. 2566.* Adeiia, b. Nov. 2(), 1831. in. Leonard T^. Armstrong. Res. Cincin- nati, 0. 2.567. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1834. unm.; d. 1852. 196 The Gone Family in Ajnerica. (^212) CHARLES COIs^E, son of Cliarles Cone (2070) and Rachel Jane Harvej, b. Sept. 12, 1707, in East Haddam, Ccnm., m. Virginia Johnson Oct. 18, 1820. She was b. Oct. 18, ISOO, and d. Cincinnati, O., Jnly 0, 1804. He was killed hy lightnino- at his own fireside, in Bntler connty, O., Oct. 12, 1847. Ch. 2r>fiS. Mahtiia J.. 1). Jan. .S. 1S22. m. ^Yillialtl Tullev: <1. 0ht him $400 jier acre. One of the larg-est parks connected with the city is situated on this farm. He d. in Sylvania, O., Jan. 3, 1887, ao-ed'85 years. Ch. 2032." Abi.taii. 1). July 28. 1823. ni. Juliette Lewis; d. Oot. 1896. 2633. Emma E.. 1). Jan. 22. 1826. m. Hiram Miner: d. Apr. 10. 1850. 2634.* Ambrose, b. Mar. 8, 1828. m. 1 Harriet Wliitney. 2 Fannie Wliitney. Res. Sylvania, 0. 2635."' Noah A.. 1). June 12. 1831. m. 1 Electa C. Allen. 2 Sarah E. Richie. Res. Toledo. O. (2237) SOPHIA CK)XE, dan. of Salmon Cone (2084) and Anna Anderson, b. East Haddam Dec. 10, 1803, m. Jonathan Vesey Jnne 30, 1822. She d. Perry, O., Aug. 23, 1888, aged 85 years. He was 1). Apr. 25, 1707, and d. in Perry, O., Apr. 6, 1886, aged 80 years. Ch. 2636. Edwix, b. Mar. 26, 1823. 2637. Saemox, b. Apr. 6. 1825. 2638. David, b. Nov. 12, 1827, m. Hannah :\Tc:\turphy. 26.39. Adeltxe. b. Apr. 20. 1830. num.: d. July 16. 18.-)2. 2640. Olive, b. Oct. 20, 1832. ni. Mitcliell. 2641. Madi.sox, b. June 5. 1835; d. July 6. 1863. 2642. Minerva. 1). Auo-. 12. 1838; d. Aug. 10, 1852. 2643. Anna, b. Dee. 11, 1S41. m. Gardner; d. Dee. 16, 1888. 2644. Reed, b. Apr. 16, 1843; d. 1885. 2645. Ella, b. Get. 29. 1845; d. Apr. 9, 1851. 2646.-- Willis J., b. Apr. 27, 1850, m. Anna Lockwood. (2238) EDWIN CONE, son of Salmon Cone (2084) and Anna Anderson, b. Glasgo, (V)nn., Nov. 28, 1805, m. Lorinda Hun- toon Feb. 25, 1827. She was dan. of Capt. Scribner Iluntoon (a soldier of War of 1812) and Hannah Young, and was b. in Concord, N. H., Mar. 24, 1810. She d. in Geneva,' O., Dec. 13, 1882. He was a farmer. At about the age of fifty years he took up ministerial Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 201 work as a local minister in the United Brethren Ch., and became very successful in that field. He d. at Leroy, O., Mar. 13, 1891, aged 86 years. Ch. 2G47."''" Harriet A., b. Nov. 11. 1820. in. William C. Cheney. Res. Lakeside. 0. 2048.* Caroline E., b. Aug. 12, 1831. in. William Powers. Res. Chicago, 111. 2649.* Wells A., b. June 7, 1833, m. Rose Abbey; d. Dec. 19, 1899. 2650. Nelson, b. Apr. 10, 183.5; d. Dee. 10, 1836. 2651. Wilbur De Witt, b. Aug. 26, 1836; d. Dec. 25, 1845. 2652. Irene H., b. June 12, 1838, m. Benjamin Mclntire; no ch.: d. Aug. 26, 1863. 2653. Martha M.. b. Apr. 2. 1840. unin. ; d. Oct. 25. 1862. 2654.* Oscar D.. b. Apr. 16, 1842, m. Sally Citterly; d. June 4, 1884. 2655.* Sarah A., b. Oct. 25, 1844, m. Samuel W. Taylor. Res. Douglas. Neb. 2656.* George M., b. Mar. 8, 1848. m. Martha C. Knapp. Res. Wichita, Kas. 2657.* Oilman F.. Mar. 15, 18,50, m. Anna E. Bissell; d. Feb. 3, 1878. (2239) EMELIlSTE QOl^^E., dan. of Salmon Cone (2084) and Anna Anderson, b. Jan. 26, 1808/ in East Haddam, m. Isaac Webb in Painesville, O., Feb. 16, 1828. He was a farmer; was b. Nov. 5, 1802, and d. Perry, O., Apr. 5, 1875. She d. Sept. 12, 1875. He lost the use of an eye a number of years before his death by striking a branch of a tree while driving under it. A number of years later, while splitting- wood, a splinter hit him in tlie other eye, which re- sulted in entirely destroying his eyesight. In a fit of insanity caused by intense suffering, he committed suicide by cutting his throat. This so aifected his devoted wife that she survived him only a few months. Ch. 2658.* WiLFORD W., b. Feb. 28, 1829. m. Wilhelmina Champion; d. Dec. 29, 1888. 2659.* Albert, b. Sept. 27, 1830. m. Martha E. Loveland. Res. Huron. S. D. 2660. Angeline, b. Aug. 30, 1832; d. Dec. 1, 1834. • (221-0) SALMOIs^ COXE, son of Salmon Cone (2084) and Anna Anderson, b. East Haddam June 15, 1810, m. Mary Colwell in Painesville, O., Mar. 12, 1831. She was b. Painesville Jan. 19, 1811, and d. there Mar. 18, 1888. He was a farmer; d. at Paines- ville May 26, 1885. Of his family, four sons were soldiers in War of 1861. The daughters were all school teachers. This branch of the family have a successful reunion every year. Ch. 2661.* Sylvanus G., b. May 3, 1S32, m. Cynthia A. Trumball. Res. Cork. 0. 2662.* HuLDAH A., b. June 7. 1833. m. Cornelius G. Griest. Res. Sylvania. O. 2663.' Billings D., b. Sept. 8, 1834; d. in Leroy, O., Sept. 12. 1838. 2664.* Isaac W., b. Dec. 10, 1835. m. Harriet Lucv Gill. Res. Union- ville, 0. 2665.* Elvira E.. b. Nov. 2, 1837. m. William E. Abbey. Res. Thompson, 0. 2666.* Franklin A., b. Oct. 21, 1839. m. Eliza A. Picket. Res. Paines- ville. 0. 202 The Cone Family in America. 20C7.* Emily H., b. Mav 13. 1842. in. Simpson F. Greene. Res. Taines- ville. 0. ' 2(U)S." Abi.jaii W., 1). Jan. 31, 1844. in. Kate MeMakin. Ees. Taines- ville, O. 2()(i!l. ' \XGUSTLS A.. 1). Oct. 24. 184.'). m. Ella Annstion241) JAMES CONE, son of Salmon Cone (2084) and Anna Anderson, b. East Haddam Feb. 21, 1813, ni. Sally Ann Stet- son Nov. 2, 1837. She was b. Jnly 3, 1817. He d. in Toledo, O., Ang. 11, 1884. Ch. 2074."- Frances 0.. b. Feb. 22. 1841. m. Salina Lohm-. Res. Toledo, 0. 2075. Louisa A., b. Se])t. 3. 1843; d. July 5, 1850. 2070. Orline R.. b. ]\Iar. 23. 1847. Res. Willougliby. 0. (2212) JULIA ANA" CONE. dan. ..f Salmon Cone (2081) and Anna Anderson, b. East Haddam AFay 21, 1815, m. in Paines- ville, O., Sept. 1, 1833, David Webb, who was b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., Jnlv 10, 1811, and d. in Rochford, 111., Jnly C, ISDI, aged 80 years. She <1. in Pu.cldord Jan.. 10, 1802. Ch. 2077. Sarah, b. Oct. 2. 1834. in. Lorenzo Shannon. Rockford. 111. 2078. Ann, b. May 20. 1837; d. in Akron. 0., Dec. 28. 1S48. 2079. •• AxDERsoN, b. :Mar. 10. 1839. m. Laura M. Rhodes; d. June 29. 1887. 2080.'' Harriet, b. Oct. 4. 1881. m. Henry Hinckley. Res. Hastinos. Mich. 2081. Milo. b. Feb. 14. 1844. m. Ella E. P.ussey. Res. Cline. Gila county, Ariz. 2082. Homer, b. Jan. 3. 1849; d. Akron. O.. :May 1. 1852. 2083." Cahuie. b. July 24. 1853. m. Richard S. Turner. Res. Rockford, 111. (2243) MAEIETTA (X)NE, dan. of Salmon Cone (2084) and Anna Anderson, b. Painesville, O., Dee. 4, 1817, m. Parker Cole Oct. <», 183!). He was b. Kino-glnirg, N. Y., Sept. 0, 1810, and d. in Whitewater, Wis., Oct. 17, 1888. ' She d. same place ^lay 4, 1891. Ch. 2084.* Caroline R.. b. Jan. 9. 1838. m. Sidney W. Hart. (2244) GEOPGE W. C^ONE, son <.f Salmon Cone (2084) and Anna Anderson, b. Painesville, O., Jnly 4, 1820, m. IVrargaret Pebecca Allison, dan. of Rev. John .Vllison and Xancv Seamen, in Princeton, 111., Apr. l(^ 1840. She was 1). (Miarlotte, N. C, Oct. 27, 1826, and d. at Xashvillc. 111.. Apr. 23, 188.->. She tanght school for five yeai-s. She was (d* a kindlv disposition, and an universal favorite with old and yonng. He m. 2 Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Albright, widow Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 203 of R. J. Albright of Majtown, Pa., and dau. of Gilbert Hills and Hannah Stone, Feb. 22, 1888. She Avas b. East Hampton, Conn., iSTov. 24, 1826. She taught school for nine years, and was very suc- cessful. Mr. Cone was a very earnest Christian. For forty years he was an Elder in the Presbyterian Ch. His eminent success as a school teacher was well known in Illinois and elsewhere, where he taught for twenty-five years. In the latter part, of his life he was agent for the Mortgage Trust Company. A few years liefore his death he visited me at Topeka, Kas., and became mucli interested in this work. He res. for many years in Xashville, 111., and after- wards removed to Winfield, Kas.. where he d. Aug. 10, 1807. Ch. 268.'>."''' Marietta E.. 1>. Jan. 27. 1S47. m. Madison Goodner; d. Oct. 1807. 2686. Anna A., b. Oct. 14. 1848; d. Cadiz, Ky., Nov. 16, 1848. 2087.* Ida C, b. Apr. 28. 1856. ni. Charles Rose. Res. Chicago. 111. 2688. Herbert, b. Jan. 16. 1863; d. in infancy. 2689. George, b. Feb. 20. 1864; d. in Nashville, 111., Sept. 1, 1864. (2246) VIXCEXT COAX, son of Ambrose Coan (2085) and Anna Smith, b. Westmoreland, X. Y., July 23, 1806, m. Mary A. Balis, dau. of Calvin Balis and Sally Cogswell, Oct. 1829, in Whites- town, X. Y. She was b. May 28, 1809," and d. Mar. 22, 185Y. He m. 2 Eleanor Mason Jan. 12,' 1860. She was b. July 23, 1819. He d. in Madison county, X. Y., July 31, 1872. Ch. 2600.* Edwin, b. Ang. .31. 1830. m. Florence M. Hager ; d. Dec. 23, 1888. 2691. Frederick, b. Nov. 30. 1832: d. Apr. 23. 1839. 2602. DwiGHT, b. Apr. 14. 183.): d. in 1843. 2603. Imogexe F.. 1). Apr. 6. 1841. nnni. : d. Oneida county, N. Y., Oct. 1804. 2694. Artiiir V.. b. Jan. 10. 1844. Aug. 29. 1802, he enlisted as a private in Company G. 146th N. Y. Vols. Was promoted through the various grades in tbe company to Captaincy. Was wounded in the fight near Fredericksburg, and d. Sept. 24, 1864. A remarkable military career — from a private to a Captain before the age of twenty-one. (2247) ALICE COAX, dau. Ambrose Coan (208.j) and Anna Smith, b. xVug. 26, 1808, in Westmoreland, X. Y., m. George Balis Oct. 16, 1828. She d. May 8, 1851. Ch. 260.5.* Jane A., b. Oct. 15, 1820. m. Lealdus N. Warren. 2606. Adelaide E.. b. Aug. 21, 1834. m. William Thomas. 2607. William H. II., b. June 5. 1840. Soldier. Killed at Petersburg. Va., June 15, 1802. 2608. Henrietta T.. b. Feb. 28. 1843. m. H. N. Harrington. 2609. John F.. b. Apr. 21, 1846. 204 The Cone Family in America. (22-t8) ADELINE COAN, dau. of Ambrose Coan (2085) and Anna Smith, b. Westnioroland, N. Y., July 22, 1810, m. WaUace St. John in 1832. Ho <1., and she m. 2 George Balis Dee. 15, 1851. Shed. Dec. 4, 18(51. Ch. 2700. ]Maiua a.. 1). June 4. 18.33. in. P. 8. Hollenbeek. ( 2240) HENRY COAN, son Aml>rose Cone ( 2085) and Anna Smith, b. Oneida cnnty, N. Y., Dee. 10, 1812, m. Marv Walcott Sept. 23, 1834. She d. dnne 8. 18(;0. He m. 2 Nellie Hudson Jnlv 14, 1870, and d. in Hamilton, :\radis()n eonnty, N. Y., Tune 22, 1880. Ch. 2701. Alexander T.. b. .July 21. 1S.3S: d. Nov. 2. 1S44. 2702. EuoENiE [.. b. Dec. 17. 1S43. in. H. W. .Tones; no ch.: d. May 15. 1,SS4. (2250) JA:\1ES (;0AN, son of Ambrose Coan (2085) and Anna Smith, b. Oneida connty, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1814, m. Maria Mar- shall 1836. She d. N.iv. 7, 1845. He m. 2 Lney Pereival :\rar. 28, 1848. She was 1). \\^x. 7, 1814, and d. Jnly 14, 1880. Ch. 2703. Pauline, b. .Tuly 10, 1S40, ni. .1. R. Van Swall ; no eh. (2253) JULIUS COAN, son of Ambrose Coan (2085) and Anna Smith, 1). Oneida eonnty, N. Y., Dee. 20, 1823, m. 1 Cornelia Hill, 2 Mary Town, 3 Alibie Howell Dec. 10, 1851. She d. Nov. 1872. There were two ch. He d. Jnly 18, 1884. (2254) A:\rBROSE COAN, son of And)r..se Coan (2085) and Anna Smith, b. Oneida connty, N. Y., Anu'. 31, 1820, m. Lonisa Hnrnham Nov. 28, 1854. She was dan. of William Hnniham, and b. May 4, 1832. Thev ha. jMar. 9. 1840; d. lS4.i. 2730. Albert B.. b. A]m-. 7. 1842. ni. Marie Slocuni. Res. Sherman, N. Y. 2731. Charles E.. b. .Tan. 7. 1844. m. Emily M. Wood Oct. 28. 1868. Editor of the Chautauqua Ar^r.s. and res. Sherman. X. Y. 2732. Adelaide. 1). A]ir. 21, 1846. m. ^^lartin :\larsliall : d. Jan. 1, 1869. 2733. Eugene, 1). JaiL 8, 1848; d. youny. 2734. Setii, b. :\lay 10. 18,31. Res. Sherman. X. Y. (2284) MELISSA BRIGHAM, dan. of Winsor Brigham and Marinda Cone (2096), b. (Iiautanqua county, Jv^. Y., ¥ov. 15, 1819, m. Harrison Barker May 4, 1842. He was b. Chester, Vt., July 8, 1816, and d. Bemis Point, X. Y., June 8, 1888. She d. Sherman, K Y., May 29, 1898. Ch. 273.1. Orlando, b. .Tan. 22. 1844. Killed by cars Sept. 26. 1899. 2736. Amelia J., b. Jan. 3. 1846. m. Dumont Alden. Res. Bemis Point, X. Y. 2737. Ellen J., b. May 27. 1849. m. 1 Walter Fowler, 2 Tlionias K. Titus. Res. Portland. X. Y. 2738. Clara, b. Apr. 20. 18.54. ul Frank Seymour. Res. Sherman, X. Y. 2739. Eunice, b. May 4. 1857. m. James Seymour. Res. Bemis Point, X. Y. 2740. Hattie, b. July 30. 1864, m. William W. Benjamin. Res. Sherman, X. Y. ' (2287) SARAH BRIGHAM, dan. of Winsor Brigham and Marinda Cone (2096), b. in Sheridan, X. Y., Mar. 25,' L828, m. Orrin Franklin Oct. 17, 1849. He w^as b. Leon, Cattaraugus count v, N. Y., June 30, 1825. Ch. 2741. Ann M.. b. Se])t. 29. 1852. m. Henry J. Brown. 2742. Charles, b. Feb. 17, 1859; d. Apr. 14. 1864. 2743. Frederick W., b. Apr. 7. 1865. m. Kittie ^Muhlenburo-. Ros. Gales- burg-. Mich. (2292) ELIZABETH COXE, dau. of Festus Cone (2110) and Elizabetli Lewis, b. ]\roscow, X. Y., Xov. 18, 1819. m. Thomas Bolton Sept. 7, L837. He was b. Xov. 29, 1808, and d. Feb. 1, 1871. She d. Jan. 24, 1846. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 207 Ch. 2744. Festus C b. Jan. 7. 18.38; d. Feb. 10. 1839. 274.1. '•' Thomas K.. b. Mar. 25, 1840, m. Theodosia Ranney; d. July 10, 1879. 2740. Elizabeth C, b. Aug. 16. 1841. m. Fritz Bock. Res. Brunswick, Germany. 2747.* Festus C, b. Jan. 12. 1844, m. Isabella 0. Cowdy; d. May 20, 1883. 2748.* James H.. 1). Jan. 20. 184G. ni. Minnie A. Cornish. Res. SipttSTCitv, la. -^ (229G) DAVID POETErt COXE, son of:N"athaniel Greeno Cone (2111) and Sophia Bolles, b. East Hampton, Conn,, Feb. 15, 1S19, m. Mary Ann Fox Xov. 14, 1853. She was b. Au^. 6, 1833, and d. in East Hampton Jan. 10, 1902. He d. same place Dec. 27, 1894. Althoug'h not a ch. member he attended ch. reo'nhirly and was a consistent Christian. Was honest, npriiilit and trnstworthy. Ch. 2749.* JUDSOX F., b. Felj. 4. 1850. m. Addie E. Lewis. Res. East Hampton, Conn. 2750.* Sophia B., b. Oct. 1. 1858, m. Hiram V. Childs. Res. Auburndale. Mass. 2751. Clarissa A., b. Feb. 18. 1861, m. Artluir Willey. Res. East Hampton. Conn. (2299) CT.APtlSSA AXX COXE, dan. of Xathaniel Greene Cone (2111) and Sophia Bolles, b. East Hampton, Conn., Aug-. 25, 1824, m. John Whiteman Smith in Chatham, Conn., Mar. 19, 1851. He was b. Montville, Conn., Dec. 20, 1821, and d. in Glendale, X. Y., May 27, 1878. She d. Jnly 5, 1888. Ch. 2752. Clara S.. b. .Tan. 27. 1852: d. Chatham Dee. 26, 18.52. 2753. Charles E., b. Se])t. 26. 1853: d. Xew York city Dee. 20, 1858. 2754. Whitmer C, 1). Oct. 15, 1856, unm.; d. July 7, 1894. 2755. Minnie P., b. Oct. 27. 1858: d. :\rt. Olivet, X. X.. July 9, 1875. 2756. Clara A., b. July 15. 1862: d. in East New York Dec. 22, 1881. 2757. Allen B., b. :\Ia]-. 28 1863: d. Hoboken, N. J.. Oct. 28, 1864. 2758. William E.. b. Sept. 20, 1864. Res. East Hampton, Conn. 2759. John W.. b. Jan. 4. 1868: d. unm. New York Aug. 23, 1894. (2300) WILLIA^r SOMERS COXE, son of Xathaniel Greene Cone (2111) and Sophia Bolles, b. Chatham, Conn., Jnne 27, 1827, m. Snsan Mercy Smith, dan. of Benjamin A. Smith and Susan Mercy Wheeler, Dec. 25, 186G. She was b. Griswold, Conn., Jan. 23, 1842, and res. at Groton, Conn. He was a commercial traveler. A strong' and active Republican ; was a devont member of the Bapt. Ch., and a reliable and responsible bnsiness man. He d. at Groton X^ov. 15, 1899. Ch. 2760. \Villiam S., b. July 0. 1868. m. Berta Ritter. Res. Salt Lake. Utah. 2761. Alvah B.. b. Dec. 30. 1871. Insurance and real estate. Res. Groton, Conn. — 14 208 The Cone Family in Atnerica. 2762. SrsAX M.. h. Aug. 14. 1874, uniii. Member D. A. R. Res. Groton, Conn. 2703. May Fanimy, b. Aug. 13, 1880. (2302) EZRA GORDON CONE, son of Nathaniel Greene Cone (2111) and Sophia Bolles, b. Chatham, Conn., July 27, 1831, m. Sophia Amanda White Nov. 15, 1857. She was b. Chatham, May 7, 1832, dan. of George Kilbonrn White and Polly Strong. She res. at East Hampton, Conn. He was an influential and public-spirited citizen ; was tlie inventor of several styles of bells ; was Timstee of the Bank of Middletown. He was in every sense a home man, with good common-sense and excellent judgment. He w\as of a jovial disposi- tion, having the happy faculty of seeing the funny side of everything. Member of the Gong Bell ]\ranufacturing Company. He d. Dec. 22. 1898. Ch. 2764.* Ernest G.. b. Nov. 0. ISoS. m. Emma E. Sage. Res. East Hampton. 2765.* Sophia W.. b. Xov. 2. 1864. m. Fredeiick S. Hall. Res. East Hamp- ton. 2766.* Ezra G.. b. Dec. 10. 1806, m. Delight Jones. Res. East Hampton. 2767. Mary B., b. Aug. 24, 1870. Res. East Hampton. (2303) EMMA ELIZABETH CONE, dau. of Nathaniel Cone (2111), b. Chatham, Conn., Eeb. 4, 18-48, m. Joseph Alonzo Stocking Sept. 15, 1867. He d. June 5, 1S81. She res. East Had- dam. Ch. 2768. John Alonzo, b. June 4, 1868: d. Jan. 16, 1889. 2769. Franklin Greene, b. .Tan. 15, 1870. 2770. Hattie May, b. May 20. 1873. 2771. Norman Hurd, b. Jan. 15. 1876; d. Apr. 16, 1883. 2772. Nellie Elizabeth, b. Jan. 15. 1876; d. Mar. 14, 1884. 2773. Joseph H., b. Jan. 21, 1882. (2317) LUCY CONE, dau. of Israel Cone (2114) and Polly Anderson, b. East Hadd'am Feb. 25, 1800, m. George Ransom, son of Asahel Ransom and Sophia Little, in Lyme, Conn., Eeb. 26, 1834. He was b. Lyme Sept. 9, 1792, and d. in Colchester, Conn., July 21, 1864. He was a merchant in early life, but afterwards a farmer. She d. in Colchester Dec. 24, 1859. Ch. 2774. George R.. b. Apr. 30. 1836. No oh. Res. Colchester, Conn. 2775. Mary A., b. Oct. 4. 1838; d. July 20, 1846. 2776. Henry A., b. Jan. 23. 1841, unm. ; d. Oct. 8, 1882. 2777.* Ellen L., b. Dec. 19, 1843, m. Charles E. Case. Res. Norwich, Conn. 2778. William, b. Oct. 17. 1850; d. unm. July 6. 1875. (2318) ROBERT GOODLOE HARPER CONE, son of Israel Cone (2114) and Polly Anderson, b. East Haddam Sept. 13, Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 209 ISIO, m. Harriet Clark Tjler in Haddam June 5, 1834. She was b. in Haddam Oct. 12, 1815. He was a farmer, and res. at Haddam and West Hartford, and d. at the latter place May 15, 1889. She res. Tylersville, Conn. Ch. 2779. Edward Paysox, enlisted from West Hartford June 22, 1861, in Co. T, 5th Conn. Vols. Mustered out July 22, 1864. D. July. 1888. (2319) For Jnlia Cone see Elisha C. Bino-ham. (2320) LOED WELLI^TGTOJi CONE, son of Israel Cone (2114) and Polly Anderson, b. East Haddam July 15, 1815, m. Elnvia Arnold, dan. of Samnel Arnold, Jan. 1, 1837. She was b. in East Haddam Sept. 15, 1818, and d. there Nov. 12, 1895. She was an earnest Christian, and a devont member of the ch. for over forty years. Mr, Cone was a member of the Connecticnt Leg-islatnre in 1868. D. in Moodns, Conn., Dec. 9, 1888. Ch. 2780.* William H., b. Jan. 12. 18.38. m. Adeline Pettis. Res. Moodus, Conn. 2781.* Emeline, b. Jan. 6, 1840, m. William Corkins. Pes. Hartford. Conn. 2782.* Nancy J., b. May 26, 1842. m. Charles H. Rich. Pes. Hadlyme. Conn. 2783.* Sherwood A., b. Oct. 23, 1844. m. 1 Catherine 0. Swan, 2 Lizzie P. Lewis. Pes. Moodus, Conn. 2784.* Laura S., b. May 4, 1848, m. Albert Miner. Res. Millington, Conn. 2785.* Mary E., b. Jan. 7, 1851, m. John W. Lewis. Pes. Westerly, R. I. (2321) MAKY ANDERSON CONE, dan. of Israel Cone (2114) and Polly Anderson, b. in East Haddam Sept. 14, 1817, m. Rnfns AVheeler Swan Apr. 16, 1840. He was b. Dec. 19, 1818, and Mar. 23, 1864. She m. 2 Adonijah Olmstead May 10, 1870. He was b. May 1, 1802, and d. Sept. 22, 1887, aged 85 years. She was a woman of large sympathies, intelligent, and interested very largely in ch. and charitable work. She d. in East Haddam Sept. 16, 1892. Ch. 2786.* Francis W.. b. Jan. 27. 1841. m. 1 Caroline E. Swan. 2 Margaret Pell; d. Nov. 6. 1896. 2787.* Charles H., b. June 30, 1842, m. Mary Post. Res. Millington, Conn. 2788.* Mary E., b. Apr. 26, 1844, m. Henry Peck. Res. East Haddam. 2789. Adelaide Elizabeth, b. May 24, 1847; d. Oct. 10, 1862. 2790. Frederick William, b. Nov. 10, 1852; d. Sept. 23, 1868. 2791. Edward E., b. Sept. 19, 1855, m. Charlotte F. Brainard, of Colchester, Conn., June 5, 1892. Res. Little Haddam, Conn. (2322) JANE CROSBY CONE, dan. of Israel Cone (2114) and Polly Anderson, b. East Haddam Sept. 28, 1821, m. in Milling- ton Cyrns W. Chapman Jan. 25, 1848. She m. 2 Jared Angiistns 210 The (^one Family in America. Spencer June 3, 1856. He was b. Wesbrook, C^jnn., June 10, 1815j and (1. Feb. 27, 1894. She d. in Wesll)rook Apr. 1, 1889. Ch. •2702. ••■ Catherine E.. 1). Sept. 11. lS.il. m. 1 Heil)oit S. Stanley. 2 Arthur B. Treat. Res. Xew Haven. Conn. 2793. •'•• Fanxv W., b. Apr. 2G. 1S61. ni. Charles H. Smith. Ees. East Haven. Conn. 2704.-' Robert B.. 1). ]May 20, ISGO. unni. Res. Pullman, Wash. (2323) FANNY WOODBURY CONE, dan. Israel Cone (2111) and Polly Anderson, 1). East Iladdam Ann-. 31, 1823, m, Edwin E. Griswold llixv. 21, 1847. lie was b. Newinp^ton, Conn., Sept. 2, 1824. Ch. 270.1. •"■ Frances E., b. l\Iar. 7, 1S4.S, m. Roswell Fowler. Res. Bolton, Conn. 2700. Infant son. b. Xov. IS. 1840: d. Dec. 1840. (2324) ELIZABETH CAROLINE CONE, dau. of Israel Cone 2114) and Polly Anderson, b. East Iladdam Feb. 21, 1828, m. David R. Marvin of Lyme, Conn., Jan. 29, 1853. They removed same year to Jamestown, N. Y., where he enii'aged in farming. She d. Feb. 28, 1882. Ch. 2707. Henry C. b. Aug. 1. 1855, m. Belle Barlow. 2708.* Hattie a., b. .Tan. 7, 1850. m. William X. Cokev. Res. Jamestown. N. Y. 2790.* Frederick X^.. b. Oct. 25. 18G0, m. Berniee Bates. 2800. Xewton R.. b. June 25. 18G2. (2325) LUCY MELISSA CONE, dan. of Erastus Cone (2115) and Lucy Beebe, 1). East Iladdam Ang. 22, 1829, m. Dr. Daniel Ivingsbnry, son of Sanford Kingsbnry and Cynthia Baxter, Jnne 12, 1802. ' He was 1). in Hartford June 22, 1822. Studied medicine and received a diploma from the Botanic Medical College of Connectient in 1850, and cnmmenced practice at Grlastonbnry, Conn., in 1852. He is a niend)('r of St. James Episcopal Ch., and of Dasknm Lodge of A. F. & A. 1L Res. at Glastonbury, Conn. Ch. 2801. ]\Iar.y a., b. -July 3. 18G5, unm. School teacher. Res. Brooklyn. N. Y. 2802. WiixiAM S.. b. Sept. 17. 1867. m. Mary L. Raymond. Res. Glaston- bury. 2803. Lucy E., 1). July 4, 1860, unm. Res. Glastonbury. 2804. Daniel Arthur, b. Apr. 22, 1872; d. Sept. 16. 1872. (2329) ISRAEL WILLIAM CONE, son of Erastus Con? (2115) and Lucy T. Tinker, b. East Haddam Nov. 2, 1838, m. Helen Wilson, dau. of Daniel and Eliza Jane Wilson, in Minneapo- lis, :\rinn., Aug. in, 1881. She was 1>. Hudson, N. II., June 23. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 211 1839. Mr. Cone enlisted en Aug. 30, 186^, in Company I, 26th Conn. Vols. Was "messenger" for Gen. JSTeal Dow. Was in the siege of Port Hudson, La., on July 8, 1803, and was discharged Aug. 16, 1863. Is a mechanic. For two years has been a member of the Xorthwestern Casket Company, and was a State Census Enumerator in 1900. Is a member of the Gr. A. R., and for seven years Quarter- master of the Post. Pes. Minneapolis, Minn. Ch. •2805. INlARY Amelia, b. Nov. 1.3, 1886. '(2330) xVSA WELLS, son of Asa Wells and Phebe Cone (2119), b. Glastonbury, Conn., Jan. 22, 1821, m. Eveline Hills, dau. (.f Allen Hills and Sophia Miller, June 8, 1846. She was b. East Hartford Apr. 26, 1825, and res. in Glastonbury. Lie was a watch- case maker, and d. at Glastonbury Apr. 26, 1869. Ch. 280G. IsADOKE. 1). Mav. 2. 184S, m. Sidney S. Havtshorne. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 2807. Annati. b. Sept. 20. 184!). ni. .Tames P. :Miller: d. Dee. 2.3. 1893. 2808. Mary E.. b. Oet. 4. LS.ll. ni. Frank R. Ohnstead. Res. Winthrop, Mass. 2809. Alfred H.. b. Feb. 2G. 18.50. m. Alice W. Chapman. Res. Glastonbury. 2810. Edward H., b. Aug. 29, 1860; d. in infancy. 2811. Harvey, b. May 2, 1863, unrn. Bicycle dealer. Res. Glastonbury. (2331) CATHERINE M. SLIELP, dau. of John Shelp and :Mary Ann Cone (2122), b. Genesee county, X. Y., June 12, 1819, m. Aaron Dewey. She d. Oct. 24, 1898. Ch. 2812. John A. Res. West Shelby. N. Y. 2813. George W. Res. Alabama, X. Y. 2814. Elsie A., m. Gould. Res. Middleport, N. Y. (2333) MARY AIs^:NT SHELP, dau. of John Shelp and Mary Ann Cone (2122), b. Shelbv, Orleans countv, X. Y., Dec. 28, 1821, m. M. R. W. Weaver. Re.s. West Shelby, X. Y. Ch. 281.5. Susan A., ni. Gilbert. Res. Knowlesville. N. Y. 2816. Mary S.. m. Colman. Res. West Shelby, N. Y. 2817. Albert. Res. Middleport, N. Y. (2335) AXGELIXE A. SHELP, dau. of John Shelp and Marv Ann Cone (2122), b. Shelbv, X. Y., June 30, 1826, m. L. S. Warner. Res. West Shelby, X. Y. Ch. 2818. Charlton. Res. Thorold. Canada. 2819. William. Res. West Shell)v, X. Y. 212 The Cone Family in America. (2337) STERLIXG MASSEXA CONE, son of Massena Cone (2123) and Elizabeth Purple, b. Genesee county, X. Y., July 13, 1819, m. Han-iet Adelaide Doolittle at Portland, Wis., Jan. 22, 1848. She was b. in Kenosha, Wis., Dec. 18, 1829, and d. in Port- land Sept. 17, 1857. He m. 2 Mary Jane Woodbridge, dau. of Henry and Jane Woodbridge, Oct. 27, 1858. She was b. Kenosha Feb. 3, 1841. He was an attorney at law. Was a Representative in Wiscon- sin Legislature two terms and held other official positions. He d. at Waterloo, Wis., W-Ay IS, 1888. She res. Oshkosh, Wis. Ch. 2S20. Sterling D.. b. Anp-. 4. 1S4S. in. Mattie INIonis : d. June 20. 1901. 2821.* AnoiE L.. b. May 30, 1852, ni. Joseph S. Thompson. Ees. ^larshall. Wis. 2822.* Nellie G.. b. July 10, 1860. ni. Geovo-e Bussey. Res. Kennan. Wis. 2823.* Almer G.. b. Apr. 23. 18C4, ni. Martha Donke. Res. Oshkosh, Wis. 2824.* Minnie M., b. Nov. 21, 1868, m. Henry Cone. Res. Oshkosh, Wis. 282.5. Marshall M., b. Apr. 7. 1870. Res. Marshall, Wis. 2826. James A., b. Dec. 23, 1880. Res. Oshkosh, Wis. (2338) GEORGE HEALING PURPLE COIs^E, son of Mas- sena Gone (2123) and Elizabeth Purple, b. Oct. 14, 1820. M. twice, but I have no record of first wife. M. 2 Mary Ann Roth, a native of Germany, Feb. 22, 1800. He practiced law twenty-two 3-ears in Waterloo, Wis. Was meml)er of Wisconsin Legislature in 1861-2, and was Justice of the Peace for many years. D. in Waterloo Feb. 10, 1900. Ch. 2827. Merrill Azro, ^^. Mar. 0, 1860; d. Dee. 11, 1860. 2828. Jay Wilkes, b. -Tan. 31. 1871: d. Dee. 20. 1801. 2820* Olive S.. b. Jnly 23. 1873, ni. I.anra A. Peters. Res. Wausau. Wis. 2830. Glen A., b. Dec. 3. 1874. Barber. Unm. Res. Waterloo. Wis. (2340) ELIZABETH COXE, dau. of Marsena Cone (2123) and Elizabeth Purple, b. Genesee county, X. Y., Sept. 13, 1824, m. John Ramsey Sept. 1, 1842. He was Ik Ohio Aug. 14, 1821, and d. Apr. 14, 1866. He was a merchant, aud res. in Dane and Dodge counties. Wis. Ch. 2831.* Carrie S.. b. .July 12. 1843. m. Willard P. Carr. 2832.* James F.. b. May 22. 1845. ni. EiKhira M. Surdaiin. Res. New Lis- bon. Wis. 2833. Elias, b. Au"-. 20, 1846: d. Fort Atkinson June 8, 1848. (2341) CORDELIA I). COXE, dau. of ^y^rsena Cone (2123) and Elizabeth Purple, 1>. :\ray 14, 1827, m. Warreu W. Lawton Jan. 1847. He was a tanner aud currier, aud d. in 1850. She m. 2 Rev. Enos Collins Dec. 25, 1851. He was b. Ithaca, X. Y.. Oct. 2, 1813. Was a United Brethren preacher, and res. at Coloma, Wis. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 213 Ch. 2834. Charles W.. b. Oct. 26, 1849, m. Mary Gray. 2835. WiLBER, b. Oct. 24, 1853, m. ; d. Aug. 18, 1882. (2343) OLIVER CONE, sou of Gustavus Cone (2124) and Mary Ann Garrison, b. in Indiana Apr. 25, 1819, ni. Eliza Jane Darke in Iowa Feb. 5, 1841. She was b. in Ohio 1823, and d. while on an overland journey to California in 1853, and was buried on the plains. He m. 2 Sarah Jane Wade in Oregon in 1855. He d. at the gold mines on Salmon river, California, in 1803. She m. 2 Anson Cone, brother of Oliver. Ch. 2836. William Hexry Harrison, b. Nov. 24, 1841. 2837. Sarah Jane. b. Sept. 13, 1843; d. in infancy. 2838. Mary Ellen, b. June 25, 1846; d. 1861. 2839. Isaac N.. b. Feb. 13, 1849; d. 1891. 2840. Anson Sterling, b. Nov. 4, 1851; d. 1861. 2841. Abrella Melvina, b. Sept. 5, 1856. 2842. Eliza Jane, b. Apr. 5. 1858, m. Josepli Graham. 2843. Oliver 0., b. Feb. 6, 1860. 2844. Everett A., b. Dec. 4, 1861. (2345) GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS CONE, son of Gustavus A. Cone (2124) and Mary Ann Garrison, b, in Indiana Nov. 21, 1823, m. Emma R. Her at Oregon City, Ore., Dec. 5, 1850, and removed same year to Butteville, Ore. He crossed the plains with his brother Oscar in 1847. Among the party that made this overland trip was the family of Mr. Her, Emma Her was b. in Clermont county, Ohio, in 1824, and d. in Butteville, Ore., Feb. 13, 1879. He m. 2 Maria McColm, near Cincinnati, O., in 1882. He was a farmer and hop-raiser. Through industry and careful management he be- came very wealthy. Res. Butteville, Ore. Ch. 2845.* BEN.TAiiix T.. b. Sept. 24. 1851. m. Nancy J. Jones. Res. Moscow, Idaho. 2846. Louisa '\\.. b. ]May 1. 1853. m. James Murray. 2847. Lewis M.. b. Nov. 27, 1855; d. in 1876. 2848. Laura B., b. Nov. 17, 1861, m. John W. Long. 2849. Herman B., b. Sept. 7, 1863, m. Louisa Lewis. 2850. Mary A., b. Apr. 16, 1868, m. A. L. Rice. 2851. Gustavus A., b. Sept. 19, 1872. (2349) OSCAR HINMAN CONE, son of Gustavus Adol- phus Cone (2124) and Mary Ann Garrison, b. in Indiana Oct. 3, 1831, m. Margaret Jane Strong, in 1853. She was b. Jan. 22, 1838. Res. Butteville, Ore. He crossed the plains to Oregon in 1847, and was among the \eYj earliest settlers of that Territory. 214 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 2852. George W., b. July 22, 1854. m. DoUie Dallas. 2853. Harriet J., b. Jan. 12, 1857, iii. Franklin Eberhart. 2854. Arthur, b. Feb. 19, 1882. ^ (2354) LEWIS ANSOA^ STOXE, son of Elavel Stone and Sabrina Cone (2125), b. Rojalton, Niagara county, JST. Y., Apr. 23, 1825, m. Martha Anrelia Ilotchkiss in Marshall, Mich , Aug. 24, 1857. She was dan. of Freeman Hotchkiss and Lydia Tompkins ; b. in Paris, K Y., May 22, 1830, and d. in Boling, Kas., Mar. 3, 1872. Mr. Stone is a Presbyterian in religions faith, and in politics a So- cialist. In his younger days he was a school teacher, later a farmer. He is a strict prohibitionist, and outsi)oken on this as well as on every other subject nearest his heart. In 1894 he was a candidate for Congress on the Prohibition ticket. He has res. in Ohio, Ten- nessee, and Illinois, but for many years past has made his home at Boling, Leavenworth county, Ivas. Ch. 2855. Abraham L.. b. Oct. IG. ISGO, ni. Allnna Smith. Banker. Pxes. Dillon. Mont. 285G.-' Eva Lolisa, b. Feb. 21. 18G2, m. John :\[. Gihnan. Hes. Leavenworth, Kas. (2355) PENTHA AECELIA STOIsE, dau. of Flavel Stone and Sabrina Cone (2125), b. Genesee county, A^. Y., Feb. 20, 1827, m. xlmos P. Ilerrick Sept. 27, 1885. He was son of Joseph Her- rick and Rhoda Phillips, and was b. Sept. 15, 1831. He seiwed in the army as First Sergeant of Company C, 1st IT. S. Cav. Was manv years Justice of the Peace, and Postmaster. Res. at Campo,. Cab' (2360) ADNA BOWEN, son of Dr. Abiel BoAven and Anna Sterling Cone (212G), b. A^v. 15, 1829, m. Eunice Post. He was an eminent attorney at law, and res. at Medina, X. Y., where he d. June 20, 1883. She res. at Medina. Ch. 2857. Morton A., ni. Hattie Green; two eh. Pves. Medina, N. Y. ^ (23G1) GEORGE BO WEN, son of Dr. Abiel Bowen and Anna Sterling Cone (2126), b. Shelby, Orleans county, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1831, m. Eraerette A. Walker Dec. 17, 1856. She was b. Byron, X. 1. Aug. 23, 1831. ]\rr. Bowen is an attorney at law. ILis held Ihe IVillowing official positions: Town Clerk, Corporation Clerk, and Counsel, District Attorney of Genesee county, A". Y., Postmaster, Trustee of Xew York State Institution for the Blind, State Senator 1870-74, President Holland Pnrchase Insurance Companv thirteen years, Director of the First National Bank of Batavia from 1864 Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 215 to the present time, and is Vice-President of the same institution. Is also Vice-President and Director of the Baker Gun and Forging Co. He is a Republican, and although not a member of any religious de- nomination he attends the Protestant Episcopal Ch. Pes. at Batavia, X. Y. Cli. 2858. Anna Cone. b. Batavia Sept. 8. 18.57, num. Res. Batavia. N. Y. (23(32) ABIEL B0WE:X, son of Abiel Bowen and Ann Ster- ling Cone (2126), b. '^o\. 20, 1834, m. Helen Guernsey. Three chil- dren. He is a dentist, and has an excellent practice at Medina, IST. Y. Ch. 2859. Adna, attorney at law. Res. X. Y. 2860. George C Ticket Agent New York Central. Res. Niagara Falls. 2861. Sterling A.; d. Feb. 1893. (2369) CAPOLINE A. FEPGUSOjS^, dan. of Loring Fergu- son and Laura Cone (2127), b. Peru, Mass., Aug. 21, 1826, m. Asher Knight Fuller June 1, 1852. They removed soon to Columbia, Conn., where all the ch. were lx)rn. He d. Mar. 28, 1872. She aft- erwards res. with her son Willard at Andover, Conn. Ch. 2862. Laura Jane, b. -July 16. 1854; d. Dec. 5. 1875. 2863. WiLLAKD E., b. Dec. 7, 1850. Res. Andover, Conn. 2864. DwiGiiT M.. b. INIar. 20. 1859. m. 1 Sarali Chadwick, 2 Ada E. Sperry. 2865. Ella Maria, b. Apr. 18, 1865; d. Nov. 23, 1806. 2866. Elbert Asher, b. Mar. 31, 1868. Res. South Manchester, Conn. (2381) MILO HOYT CONE, son of Daniel Cone (2131), b. in Berkshire county, Mass., Feb. 25, 1829, m. Ellen Louisa Snow, dau. of Levi I. and Favor Snow, July 3, 1854. She was b in Becket, Mass., N"ov. 19, 1831, and d. Sept. 3, 1865. He m. 2 Margaret Jane James, dau. of David and Elizabeth James, Nov. 5, 1866, in Wind- ham, O. She was b. July 23, 1841. They removed to Olivet, Mich., the following year, where they have since res. They have both been members of the M. E. Ch. for over 35 years. He is a farmer and wagon-maker. Ch. 2867. Nettie F., b. Nov. 17, 1860, ni. Warren Squires. 2868. MiLO U., b. 1865; d. 1866. 2869.* Lt'CY E., b. Dec. 16, 1869, m. Charles A. Yates. Res. Chicago, III. 2870.* Jessie A., b. Apr. 4, 1871, m. Francis M. Horn. Res. Olivet, Mich. 2871.* Herman J., b. Sept. 13, 1873. ni. Sarah E. Allen. Res. Olivet, Mich. (2382) LUCY ASENETH CONE, dau. of Daniel Cone (2131), b. Feb. 18, 1832, m. Barton Bisbee Graves, son of Amasa Graves of Middlefield, Mass., Sept. 27, 1852. He was b. Middlefield 216 The Cone Family in America. Mar. 10, ISo:?. Is a paperliani>er and painter. Mr. and Mrs. Graves celebrated their golden wedding in 1002. Res. Middlclield, Mass. Ch. 2872. LrcY IM.. 1). Dec. 14. 18.53. m. Edwin McEhvain. Kes. Middlefield, Mass. 2873. Wells B., b. Oct. 13. 18.5.5. m. Clara L. Ferris. Res. Middlefiield. Mass. 2874. CooLEY W.. b. Sept. 7. 1862, m. Kate H. Bryan. Res. Middlefield. Mass. (2383) MOSES LELAXD C0:N"E, son of Samuel Cone (2132), b. Peru, Mass., Feb. 2, 1S3G, m. Anna Eliza Lovelaud, dau. of Ambrose Loveland and Eliza Turner, May 29, 1SG3. She was b. in Lee, Mass. He is a member of the Cong. Ch., and res. at Middle- field, Mass. Ch. 287.5. Ella ]\Iay. 1). :\Iav 111. ISfiG. m. Arthur Pavne. Res. North Troy. N. Y. 287G. Leland. b. .Tuly 22. 1807. Member of Cong-. Ch. Dealer in photo- grai)1uc sn]i]ilies. I'nni.. and res. at Ticonderoga. X. Y. 2877. Charles B.. b. Feb. in. 1870. ni. Cora B. Persons. Res. Springfield, Mass. 2878. Archie B.. b. Feb. 4. 1S72. m. Elizabeth Tliompson. Res. Springfield, Mass. 2879. Eva A., b. Sept. 11. 1876, unm. Res. North Troy, N. Y. 2880. Herald S.. b. .Jan. 3. 1884. Res. Middlefield, Mass. (2385) SARAH E. COXE, dau. of Samuel Cone (2132) and Emeline Leland, b. Peru, Mass., Sept. 18, m. Hcnrv X. Devendorf in Peru Aug. 28, 1800. He was 1). Palatine Bridge, Montgomery county, X. Y., Apr. 19. 1837. Enlisted (\k B, 115th X". Y. Vols. Aug. 20, 1862 ; promoted Lieutenant, and was discharged Apr. 16, 1863. Reenlisted Sept. 3, 1864, and was discharged" at Raleigh, XL C, Jime 7, 1865. Is a member of the A. O. U. W., G. A. R., Xa- tional Hniou, and A. F. fr A. M. Has served as Asst. Adjt. Gen., Dept. of Kas. G. A. R. Res. Topeka, Kas. Ch. 2881. Mary E.. b. Feb. 16. 1802, ni. A. L. Van Antwerp. Res. City of Mexico. 2882. Charles L.. b. Feb. 13. 1804. m. Cora Wells. Res. Tacoma, Wash. 2883. Minnie B.. b. .June 27. 1800. m. Arthur J. Harris. Res. Grinnell, la. 2884. Grace E., b. Aug. 22. 1868; d. Dec. 21, 1881. 2885. Alice R., b. Aug. 31, 1871, m. G. K. Ebert. Res. City of Mexico. 2886.* Leila F.. b. .Jan. 3. 1874. m. Franklin W. Johnstone. Res. City of Mexico. (2387) CYRUS LAWREXCE COXE, son oi Urial Cono (2134) and Beulah Chapin, b. Middlefield, Mass., June 15, 1806, m. Thankful A. Merrifield. She was h. in :Middlefield 1812. He Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 217 was a gunsmith, and lived in Middleiield, Mass., and d. tliere Dec. 29, 1886, aged SO years. Ch. 2887. Edward L. 2888. Palma I. 2889.* Lyman N., b. Apr. 14, 1832, m. Ellen Keoiigh; d. Oct. 28, 1899. 2890. Cyrus B., b. 1837. 2891. WELCOirE F.. 1>. Nov. 29. 1839. Killed at battle of Wilderness May 5, 18G4. 2892. Marion, b. May 3, 1844. (2391) XAXCY MERETTA COXE, dan. of Urial Cone (2134) and Beulali Chapin, b. Middlefield, Mass., ^v. 17, 1813, m. Joseph Henrv Mason, Middlefield, Dec. 6, 1843. He was b. Jan. 7, 1821, and d. in Vineland, K". J.^ ggpt. 28, 1892. They removed to Vineland in 1864. Farmer and blacksmith. Served in war in 16th Vermont Vols., and also in a Xew Jersey regiment. She d. in Vine- land May 10, 1892. Ch. 2893. Almon E.. b. Xov. 25. 184.5. m. Xanoy .T. Lane. Res. Smyrna. Fla. 2894. Charles F.. b. Sept. 17. 1847; d. .4ng. 2. 1848. 2895. Emily L.. b. Jnne 2. 1850, m. John M. Henderson. Res. Philadelphia. 2896.* Clara F.. b. Dec. 25. 1852. m. William B. Robinson. Res. Natick, Mass. 2897. Franklin C. b. Xov. 28, 185G. m. Cora Pebles. Res. S. Seaville. X. J. 2898. William E., b. Mar. 1, 1859, m. Sarah W. Sylvester. Res. S. Sea- ville, X. J. (2392) ZEXO KIXG COXE, son of Urial Cone (2134) and Benlah Chapin, b. Middlefield, Mass., Feb. 22, 1816, m. Eunice Russell Apr. .5, 1843. She was b. 1822, and d. May 11, 1885. They removed with their fathers' families from Middlefield to Windham, Vt., in 1831. He d. in Windham Dec. 24, 1875. Ch. 2899. Mary, b. May 2. 1845. m. William A. Slade. Res. Bondville. Vt. 2900. Miles Iv., b. ,Jan. 8. 1847, iinm. Res. Bondville. Vt. 2901.* Jane, b. Apr. 13, 1849. m. W. A. Potter. Res. Townshend. Vt. 2902.* Ira R.. b. June 22. 1852, m. Ira iM. Lathrop. Res. Manchester Depot. Vt. 2903.* Ruth, b. Jan. 1, 1854. m. F. 0. Pierce. Res. South Londonderry, Vt. 2904.* Oliver, b. Oct. 22, 1856, m. Mary O'Hearne. Res. Charlemont. Mass. 2905. Otis E., b. Oct. 3, 1859; d. Apr. 1. 1864. 2906. ■■ Sherman W., Apr. 1, 1865, m. Augusta Dryden. Res. South Lon- donderry, Vt. (2393) MARY A^^A^ CO^^E, dan. of Urial Cone (2134) and Benlah Chapin, b. Middlefield, Mass., Jan. 18, 1819, m. Oliver P. Simmonds ^v. 21, 1840. He was b. Mar. 15, 1820. He d. Feb. 218 The Cone Family in Atnerica. 2, 1002. Ho was a shoemaker and for many years Postmaster at Pern, Vt. Served a nnml)er of years as Town Clerk. She res. Pern, Yt. Ch. 2007. Frank P., h. July 16. 1S41, in. :\raitlia A. CTeorge. Res. Downeyville, Cal. 2908. Sar.^h a., b. Apr. .SO. 1843, ni. 1 Qiiaekenlnish, 2 Russell. Res. Peru, Vt. 2909. Mary E., b. July 19. 1844. m. L. W. Russell: d. Apr. 17. 1900. 2910. Je.xnie M., b. Feb. l.>. 1840. m. Charles TT. Bean; d. Jan. IS. 1877. 2911. Urial C. b. Feb. 22. 1830. He is a sole-leather assorter in a shoe factory in Marlboro, Mass. 2912. John B.. b. Nov. 12, 1853. Piano-tuner. Res. Brattleboro, Vt. 2913. Cyri'S M., b. Nov. 19,, 1850. (2394) LAURA JAXE CONE, dan. of Urial Cone (2134) and Benlah Chapin, b. Middlefield, Mass., Sept. 26, 1820, m. Joseph Marsdalc al>ont 1837. He was b. in Whittingham, Vt, Feb. 18, 1813, and d. in N. Hartland, Vt., Dec. 29, 1873. She d. Stafford Springs, CV)nn., Nov. 1, 1887. Ch. 2914. Edwin P., b. July 13. 1839, m. jNIarcia S. Pease. Res. Stafford Springs. 2915. Altiiina. in. Xelson llo]ikiiis. Res. Springfield, Vt. 2916. Francelia. ni. David R. Clark. Res. North Hartland, Vt. 2917. Gerald E., b. May 22, 1846. Pes. Stafford Springs. (2395) SAMUEL WILLYS CONE, son of Urial Cone (2134) and Benlah Chapin, b. Middletield, Mass., Jnly 21, 1822, m. Elvira Hobbs. Ch. 2918. George W., b. Feb. 7. 1852. ni. Lillian Coles; d. July 18, 1877. 2919. DwiGHT H.. b. July 13, 1857. Res. Worcester, Mass. 2920. Harley, b. July 5. 1803. Res. Worcester, Mass. 2921. Eva E., b. Nov. 7, 1870. Res. Worcester, ]\rass. (2400) SAPAII GAMBLE CONE, dan. of Benjamin G. Cone (2139), b. Oct. 10, 1824, m. William Robert Boyles in Green connty. 111., Apr. 15, 1S44. He was b. in Athens eonnty, O., May 9, 1817, and d. Jan. 19, 1855. After the death of her hnsband she re- moved to Gentry eonnty. Mo., and from there to Oregon in 1884, and d. in Portland Jan. 31, 1897. Ch. 2922. Martha Frances, b. Mar. 31, 1845; d. :\ray 25. 1860. 2923. Lovina Jane, b. jNIar. 27. . in. Jolm Alexander INlcKinna. 2924.^^ Ben.taiiin F.. b. ^lar. 6. 1849. in. Pachel Corbin. lies. Willioit, Ore. 2925. :Maky Soemiia. 1). ^hw. 25. 1851, unin. lies. Pintlaiid, Ore. 292G.'' Isaiah M.. b. Jan. 30. 1854. ni. Mary Ellen Gelirett. Pes. Cottage Grove, Ore. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 219 (2i04) WILLIAM COXE, son of Albert B. Cone (2140) b m Athens, O., 1821, m. three times, and d. in 1898. Very few rec- ords can be fonnd of this family. He had a nnmber of ch., bnt I have record of only one. Ch. 2927.* Mary Eli.ex, b. -Tan. 9. 1S.>2. m. William H. Brown. Rps. Winehe'.^er Kas. (2405) ALBERT WATSOJ.^ CONE, son of Albert B. Conp (2140), b. Athens, O., Ang. 12, 1843, m. Mary A. Mohler, dan. ot David Mohler and Sarah Spooner Feb. 26, ' 1805. She was b Hawkins, O., Oct. 8, 1845. He served dnrino- war of ]8(U invhe 13th Kansas Cav. lie is a carpenter, a Socialist, and an Adventist and res. in Kansas Citv, Mo. Ch. 2928.* JoIf^^ Leslie, b. .Tuly .10. Isr.T. m. .Jessie C. ^lartiii. Res. Sedalia Mo. 2929. \Valter H b. May 8, 18G9, m. May Phelps. Res. Texas Junetion, ]\ro. 2930. Charles A., b. Ajir. 9, 1873; iinm. (2406) CHARLES OSCAR CONE, son of Charles Crocker Cone (2142) and Sarah M. Roberts, b. in East Haddam Sept. 6, 1830, m. Elizabeth Lester, dan. of Ezra and Nancy Lester, in Pierce county. Wis., Aug. 31, 1856. She was b. in Lyme, Conn., June 21 1842, and removed with her parents to Pierce county. Wis., about 1850. Mr. Cone was a farmer and was one of the very earliest set- lers of northwestern Wisconsin. Was well and favorably known for his houesty and uprightness. Was neighl)orly and kindly disposed toward everybody. He d. at River Falls, Wis., Am- 10 1805 She res. River Falls, Wis. Ch. 2931.* Charles L.. b. Felx 13. 18.59. m. Sarah E. Brown. Res. Spooner Wis 2932.-- Myrtle E.. b. .June 10. 1863. m. Olof E. Hawkinson. Res River Falls Wis. 2933. John 0.. b. Xov. 8. 1866; d. Sept. 24. 1873. 2934.* ED^yAR,) W.. b. Ano. 19. 1871. m. Anna M.Kenter. Res. River Falls Wis. 293.5.* Nellie L.. b. Ang. 18. 1874. m. William Hawkinson. Res River Falls. Wis. 2936.* Bessie M.. b. Sept. 1. 1876. m. Olof Erickson. Res! Malta. Mont. 293/. Mary J., b. Dec. 16. 1878; d. Mar. 23, 1889. 2938. Frank Irwin, b. Aug-. 28, 1880. Member of A. O. U. W. Res River Falls. 2939. Florence E.. b. Apr. 1. 1884. Res. River Falls. 2940. John W., b. June 29, 1890. r9li?*°') <.''T.^r ^\;^y- ^-''^^' ^"" »*■ C'^ri- Crocker Cone (2142) and Sarah if. Roberts, b. East Iladdam Ang. 13, 1837, ra. 220 The (^one Family in Afnerica. Eoxaima A. Andrews, dim. of Timothy Andrews and Harriet Bogne. Feb. 10, 1861. She was b. in East Haddam. At an early ag'e she show^ed a talent for literary work, and some of her later poems show more than ordinary gift in that direction. Mr. Cone is a seafaring man. Has oecnpiod for a long time the responsible position of Mate on a Oonnectient river steamer. They res. at IVfoodns, Conn. Ch. 2941.* Joiix H.. b. Fob. 7. isr)4. m. Minnie B. Trask. Re^*. Hartford. Conn. 2942. Lester U.. b. July IS. ISGo; d. Feb. 18, 1882. 2943.* Ceorge ^^'.. b. Xov. 4. 1867. m. Lulu A. Bradbiny. Ees. Black Hall. Conn. 2944.* .Toseph A., b. Nov. 1.3, 1809. m. Ennua E. Clevenshire. Res. Cam- bridge, Mass. (2409) WILLIAM LYMA^ CONE, son of William Henry Cone (2143), b. East Haddam, Conn., Jan. 1, 1825, m. Emily Bald- win Carver, dan. of Joseph Carver and Dicey Phelps, Oct. 29, 1848. She was b. in Hebron, Comi., Sept. 10, 1822. She is a gentle, re- fined and edncated ladv, as I remember her in 1899. ^Nfr. Cone, at the aert Williams (2170), b. Oneida eountv, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1843, m. Irwin P. Seeley, son of J. J. Seeley, Sept. 29, 1874. He was b. Pose, N.Y.. l\rar. 8, 1S45. Served in Civil War, and is a mend^er of the G. A. P. Has lieen Assessor in his town for a mnnber of years. Is a mem- ber of the Bapt. Ch. They res. at Pose, Wayne county, N. Y. Ch. 3023. Elnetta L.. b. Nov. 18. 1876. School teacher. Res. Saranac Lake N. Y. (2490) LYCJ^PGFS P. HAZEN, son of Suel Ilazen and Betsey Graves (2182), b. Apr. 25, 1823, m. in Butler county, la., Sarah J. Quinn, in 1857. She res. in Sabetha, Kas. He was killed Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 227 by a niiiaway team at Sabetha, oS^ov. 11, 1887. In 1850 he went to California via the Cape, and remained there four years. In 1857, soon after his marriage, he removed to Kansas, being one of the very earliest settlers of J^emaha county. A man of nolde quali- ties and sterling worth. Ch. ' 3024. John Suel, b. 1862. .3025. Nellie, b. Nov. 1863, m. Joseph Dreiblebies. 3026. Abraham, b. July 6, 1865. 3027. Dora, b. July 7. 1867. 3028. Calvin, b. Nov. 8, 1868. (2491) MATILDA HAZETs^, dan. of Suel Hazen and Betsey Graves (2182), b. May 20, 1826, m. Geore-e A. Wilson. Ees. Fair- port, X. Y. Ch. 3020. ]\Iary, m. Peddar. 3030. Emma. ni. Thompson. 3031. Marcia. 3032. .Tames. ^(2-192) SOLOX M. HAZE:^, son of Suel Hazen and Betsey Graves (2182), b. Aug. 11, 1829, m. Pressie A. Vary, dan. of Willet Vary and Polly Allen, Dec. 24, 1863. She was b.'in 1837, and d. Dec. 13, 1901. He was in mercantile business for many years at Blue. Springs, I^^eb. Has been County Commissioner and County Surveyor of Gray county, and also served the county as a member of the Nebraska Legislature. He d. at Blue Springs May 8, 1900. Ch. 3033. Helen ^kl.. b. Oct. 13. 1864. m. J. 0. DeLand. 3034. Anna B., b. Feb. 4, 1866. m. .Tames Shields. Res. Waymore, Neb. 3035. Grace G., b. July 27, 1869. 3036. Bessie M.. b. .June 19, 1871. m. Alfied Wilson. 3037. Clarence V., b. Dee. 24, 1873; d. Oct. 10. 1880. 3038. Pearl, b. Aug. 31, 1875. 3039. George S.. b. Sept. 9, 1880. (2493) STERLING W. HAZEX, son of Suel Hazen and Betsey Graves (2182), b. May 15, 1835, m. Sarah Shultz Apr. 26, 1858. He is a farmer. Served as 1st Lieutenant during War of 1861-5, in the 14th '^. Y. Vols., and was wounded in the battle of Malvern Hill. Was a member of the Kansas Legislature in 1881. Res. Frankfort, Kas. Ch. 3040. Meade, b. -June 4, 1868. 3041. Mavde, b. Sept. 6. 1869. 3042. Wyatt B., b. Oct. 18, 1871. 228 The Cone Family in America. 3043. Ida E.. b. Aug. 14. 1S7:]. 3044. Sterling, h. Sept. (i. 1875. 3045. Betsey K.. b. ^l.\\ 20. 1879. (2494) HE LEX M. IIAZEX, dan. of Suel Hazen and Betsey Graves (2182), b. May 4, 1838, in. James G. Potter, son of Henry G. and Tliaiikfnl E. Potter, Dec. 5, 18G1. He was b. Great Bend, Jefferson comity, X. Y., Jan. 11, 1837. Is a mechanic. Both are members of the Bapt. Ch. Res. Carthage, X. Y. Ch. 304(3. Henky. Ts pastor Bapt. Ch. at Sfranton. Pa. 3047. l^EANK H. Is professor of Latin in Iowa University. Iowa City. 3048. WiLLiAii J. Is in mercantile business at Watertown. X. Y. (2502) JAMES BREWSTER COXE, son of William Russell Cone (2193) and Rebecca Daggett Brewster, b. in Hartford, Conn., Jnne G, 1S30, m. Elizabeth Uhlhorn, dau. of Casper Frederick Uhl- hom of Xew York, Jan. 26, 1863. She was b. in Xew York Jan. 24, 1839. Mr. Cuiie grad. at Yale in 1857, and has taken the degree of B. A. and ]\r. A. Is Trnstee of several large and wealthy institn- tions of Hartford, viz. : The Walkins Library, the Wadsworth Athenenm, the Retreat for the Insane, and the Hartford School for the Deaf ; is also Secretary of the first three. He is Director of the /Etna National Bank, and a member of the following clubs: The Union League of Xew York, the Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of Xew York, and the following of Hartford : The Hartford Club, the Coun- try Club, the Golf Club, and the Archaeological Club. Is a mem- ber of the Sons of the American Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, and the Society of Mayflower Descendants. To him more than to anyone else are the members of the Cone family indebted for the very earliest records contained in this book. Res. in Hartford, Conn. Ch. 3049. Frederick Casper Uiilhorx, b. :Mar. 11. 1S6G; d. Aug. 24. 1867. 3050. WiLLiA:\r Eussell, b. Jan. 31. 1875: d. in infancy. (2505) HEXRIETTA HEQUEMBURG COXE, dan. of William Russell Cone (2193) and Rebecca Daggett Brewster, b. in Hartford, Conn., Feb. 14, 1842, m. Dr. Adam Clark Corson Aug. 27, 1867, who d. Oct. 6, 1873. Slie m. Rev. Louis Lanpher Xov. 14, 1883, who res. Xew York. She d. June 18, 1896. Ch. 3051. Alice Brewster, b. .Tune 23. ISfiS: d. .Tan. 10. 1869. 3052.* William R.. b. Feb. 18. 1870. m. INIarian Lyle. Res. Hartford. Conn. 3053.* AiMEE F.. b. Oct. 20. 1871. m. George William Ellis. Res. Hartford. Conn. (2506) ALICE REBECCA COXE, dau. of William R. Cone (2193) and Rebecca Dao-a;'ett Brewster, b. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 10, Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 229 184:i, m. Rev. Arthur Delgardo Robinson in Xew York Sept. 7, 1893. He was b. in London, Eng., in 1834; educated at St. Peter's Collegiate School in London, and grad. at Trinity Hall with the highest honors; was ordained in 1851, and became Curate at Holy Trinity, Paddington, the same season. Was Curate of St. Saviour's in 1859. In 1860 he became first Incumbent of St. Clements Ch. in ]^orth Kensington, Eng., and in 1867 first Incumbent of St. Helen's, IsTottingdale. At the time of his death he was first Vicar of St. Helen's and Incumbent of St. Clements. He was a power in his parish, and a magiiificent contributor to good works for the wants of others. He d. at ISTorth Kensington, Eng., in 1899, leaving no ch. She res. in London, Eng. (2507) JOSEPH HEIiRY COIvTE, son of Sylvanus Franklin Cone (2194) and Sarah Ann Terry Miller, b. Hartiord, Conn., Feb. 5, 1836, m. Martha Isham Mix in Hartford July 12, 1865. She was dau. of John Goodwin Mix and Clarissa Champion Isham, b. Apr. 9, 1839. He was one of the best-known business men in Hartford, having been engaged in the hardware business in that city for over thirty years. ISTo man stood higher in the esteem of his neighbors. He was upright and honest in all his dealings, and his influence was always used in the cause of right and justice. He was Republican in politics. He d. in Hartford July 7, 1892. Sh- res. in that city. Ch. 3054. Clara Miller, b. Dec. 10. 1807. .30.5:5. Henry F.. b. Dec. 20. 1S71. 3056. Lillian C, b. Oct. 3L 1874. (2508) SARAH ADALAIDE, dau. of Sylvanus Franklin Cone (2194) and Sarah Ann Terry Miller, b. in Hartford, Conn., July 7, 1837, m. Burdette Warren'Crane Oct. 1, 1857. He was b. 1832, and d. July 27, 1860. He was a cotton-cloth manufacturer at T^ewington, Conn. She m. 2 Alexander Hamilton Oct. 18, 1866, and d. in Hartford Feb. 14, 1875. He res. at Bethlehem, Conn. Ch. 3057.* Alice R.. b. Mar. 12. 1859. m. Herman J. Maercklain. Res. Hartford. Conn. 3058. Warren Burdette, b. East Windsor; d. Xewington. Conn. (2510) AUGUSTUS FRANKLIIv" COIS^E, son of Sylvanus F. Cone (2194) and Sarah Ann Terry Miller, b. in Hartford, Conn., Mar. 29, 1840, m. in St. Louis, Mo., Alice Eleanor Godfrey (a de- scendant of Sir John Godfrey of Wales.) She was dau. of Moses Locke Godfrey and Maria Woodbury, and was b. in Johnsonburg, Vt., ISTov. 19, 1844. Mr. Cone is in the mercantile business in Toledo, O., being Treasurer and a heavv stockholder of the firm of Fisher-Eaton 230 The Cone Family in America. Co., mercliaiits. During the War of 1861-5 he served with distinc- tion and credit in Halleck's Guards, ^Missouri State Militia. Res. Toledo, O. Ch. 3050. Florence M.. 1). July .31, 186(1. m. William .J. Causey. Res. Toledo. 0. 3000. LiLLiAisi Belle, b. Nov. 14, 1869; d. Mar. 21, 1875. 3061. Alice A., b. May 10, 1876. Res. Toledo, 0. 3002. Marian L.. b. Jan. 20, 1887. At the age of 13 years this young lady furnished me with the records of the family, and it was well done. (2511) WILLIA]\r EZRA CONE, son of Svlvanus Franklin Cone (2194) and Sarah Ann Terry Miller, b. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 14, 1842; never married. He was educated in the schools of Hart- ford, and entered the employ of Terry & Cone, hardware dealers, of that city, in 1861. In 1868 he bought out Mr. Terry, and has ever since been engaged in the hardware business. He enlisted dur- ing the War of the Rebellion in Company E, 22d Conn. Vols., Sept. 2, 1862, and served as Sergeant of his company until the regiment was mustered out in July, 1863. In 1871 he was appointed Quarter- master of the 1st Connecticut IvTational Guard ; commissioned Major in 1878 ; Lieutenant-Colonel in 1879, and Colonel in 1880. In 1889 resigned the command. He served for many years as Councilman of the city of Hartford ; was elected three times as Alderman. Was a member of the Board of Street Commissioners for eighteen years. Is a member of the K. P. and the Masonic order, and has filled the highest positions in each. Res. Hartford. (2513) ELLA BARTs^ARI) COXE, dan. of Sylvanus Frank- lin Cone (2194) and Delia Maria Barnard, b. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 6, 1851, m. Charles William Pratt Sept. 10, 1879. At the age of ten years he was a Mail-Carrier of the village of Saybrook. Conn., and held the position for four years. In 1879 he came to Hartford to fill the yxisition of clerk in a store. In 1887 he entered into the ladies' dress and cloak business in that city, in which busi- ness he is still engaged. Ch. 3063. Charles F.. b. Sept. 10. 1880; senior at Yale. 3064. Warren C, b. Jan. 31, 1888; attending High School in Hartford. (2514) JOHN BARNARD CONE, son of Sylvanus Frank- lin Cone (2194), b. in Hartford Feb. 10, 1857, m.' Lillie Chaney Keep, dan. of Henrv Augustus Keep and Laura Stebbins, Sept. 21, 1881. She was b. July 4, 1859, and d. Oct. 13, 1902; universally respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Cone is a member of the Masonic order; is a "Veteran" of Co. H, 1st Descendants of Nathaniel ('one. 231 WILLIAM EZRA CONE, 232 The Cone Family in America. Eeg. Conn. Xational Guard, and holds a responsible position in the .Etna Isational Bank of llartfin'd. Ch. 3065. Laura Dklia, b. .June 28, 1S82. (2515) JOSEPH AVILLIA:\I COXE, son of Cyrenus Or- lando Cone (2195), b. in East Haddam, Conn., May 17, 1841, m. Juliette Clark Buckland in Hartford, Aug. 18, 1864. She was b. in Bolton, Conn., Mar. 15, 1841. Mr. Cone is a quiet, unassuming man, fond of domestic life, and caring little for politics or clubs. Attended district school in East Haddam and high school in Hart- ford. At the age of 15 he entered a wholesale dry-goods store in that city. Five years afterwards he removed to St. Louis, Mo., and opened a retail ladies' furnishing store. He res. there five years, and in ISTew York three years, and returned to Hartford in 1870. In 1872 he entered the service of the ^tna Insurance Company, and has remained with the company for thirty years. Is a member of the S. A. R He is upright and honest with his fellow-men. and the world is better for his having lived in it. Ch. 3066. Egbert Bucklaxd. h. in Hartford Nov. S. 186.5. Grad. from Hart- foid High Schools in 1884. From October of that year until May, 1887, he was a clerk in the Travel- ers Insurance Co., of Hartford. He then entered the employ of the Lombard Investment Co., where he remained until June, 1888, when he associated himself with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Trust Co., at Kansas City, Mo. Here he remained ten years, and during this time filled nearly all of the official positions at the command of the company. In 1899 he became Auditor of the National Surety Company of New York city, which responsible posi- tion he held until 1903. He has been a member of the 1st Reg. Conn. N. G., the University and Kan- sas City Clubs, the Algonquin and Corinthian Yacht Club of Boston, and the Boston Cadets. Is a mem- ber of the Calumet Club of New York, the Society of Mayflower descendants, the Society of the Order of Founders and Patriots of America (and present Secretary), and of the Connecticut Society of Sons of American Eevolution. Is unm.. and res. in New York. 3067. Florence Mabel, b. Feb. 28, 1874. Is a member of the D. A. R. Is unm. and res. in Hartford. ' (2538) Iv^ORMAlS^ COXE HALL, son of Harlev Hall (2204), b. Middlefield, Conn., Dec. 31, 1831, m. Harriet Elizabeth Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 233 JOSEPH WILLIAM CONE. ROBERT BUCKLAND CONE. 234 The Cone Family in Arjieinca. Redlield liov. 13, 1853. He was a oTOCoryiiiaii, and res. at ^lev- ideu, Conn. Was courteous and considerate, and made friends, but no enemies. D. Feb. 24, 1892. Ch. 30G8. WiLBER Eugene, b. Apr. 7, 18.57: d. Apr. 1(5, 1862. 30G9. Edwakd Norman, b. Dee. 27. 1859. Res. Meriden. 3070. Emjia Louisa, b. Aug. 1, 1SG4, m. F. M. Miller. Res. Meriden. (2540) RUFUS HALL, son of Harlej Hall (2204), b. Mid- dleiield, (Jonn., Oct. 3, 1839, m. Esther Aseneth Grover Ajir. 25, 1859. She d. Dec. 18, 1891. He was proprietor of a meat market, and d. in Meriden, Conn., Fel). 3, 1901. Cb. 3071. Effie Maria, b. Feb. 13. ISOO. 3072. Eugene Ashley, b. Aug. 7, 1865. Res. Meriden. (2543) ISAAC PERSONS COXE, son of Ptufus Cone (2207), b. Rutland countv. Vt., Oct. 31, 1815, m. Caroline Clark Feb. 2, 1830. She was b.' Feb. 19, 1817, and d. Apr. 1, 1887. He was a farmer, and res. at New London, Henry county, la., where he d. ]\ray 28, 1899, a,or. Oct. 2. 1870. ni. Edgar Smith. 3151. Albro Pearl, b. Apr. IS. 1873, ni. Bessie Smith. 31.52. .Jessie E., b. Dec. 10, 1879. 3153. Helen, b. Nov. 24. 1882. 31.54. Mabel L., b. Feb. 6, 1885. (2603) ALBIO CONE ROGERS, son of Comfort Rogers (2227), b. Palmyra, Mich., Dec. 20, 1840, m. Sarah Jane Graham, dau. of Nathaniel Graham and Eleanor Erances, Eeb. 22, 1870. She was b. Offden. Mich., Sept. 2, 1843. Farmer. Republican. Has lived in Michigan all his life, except seven years in Newton county, Mo. Res. Adrian, Mich. Ch. 3155. Eleaxor Frances, b. Aug. 7, 1872; d. Aug. 23. 1888. 3156. .TriLA Axx. b. Nov. 9, 1874, m. Frederick Westgate. Res. Adrian. 3157. Comfort, b. May 1, 1876. 31.58. Tessie J., b. Nov, 24, 1879. 31.59. Albio C, b. Apr. 27. 1882. 3160. Sarah G., b. Julv 8. 1884. —16 240 The Cone Family in America. (2605) JULIA ANN ROGERS, dau. of Comfort Rogers (2227), b. June 20, 1846, m. G. J. Nash. Rer-. Adrian, Mich. Ch. 3161. Anna Maud, b. Jan. 11, 1871. 3162. Miller R.. b. Oct. 20, 1872. 3163. .Joseph G., b. May 31, 1875. 3164. Julia M.. b. Mar. 27, 1879. 3165. Minerva E.. b. Feb. 24. 1881. 3166. James E., b. Nov. 20, 1884. (2608) LUCIA CONE, dan. of Martin Cone (2228), b. May 5, 1846, m. Adna Torbes Feb. 18, 1868. He is a member of the Masonic order. Res. Parish, N. Y. Ch. 3167. Payson, b. Sept. 13, 1884. (2609) FRANK CONE, son of Martin Cone (2228), b. Oct. 11, 1852, m. Sarah Saner Ano\ 1881. He is a farmer. Res. Rich- land, N. Y. Ch. 3168. Gracie, b. June 10. 1883. (2610) CHARLES HENRY CONE, son of Martin Cone (2228), b. Dec. 9, 1854, m. Ella V. Bnrke Oct. 18, 1876. She was b. Jnne 28, 1858. He is a farmer and mason. Res. Colosse, N. Y. Ch. 3169. Aubrey, b. Ano-. 20. 1877. m. Etta Le Clair. Res. Colosse, N. Y. 3170. Irving Scott, b. :\Iay 5. 1881, m. Ella Vault. Res. Parish, N. Y. (2611) CLARENCE CONE, son of Martin Cone (2228), b. Feb. 8, 1857, m. Frances Ames, dan. of Marshall and Melissa Ames, Jnlv 31, 1881. She was b. in Richland, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1866. He is a farmer, and res. at Union Sqnare, N. Y. Ch. 3171. Harold, b. .July 31, 1884. 3172. Lizzie, b. Apr. 2. 1887. 3173. Vivian, b. Feb. 20, 1900. (2612) SOPHRONIA L. CONE, dan. of Trnman Cone (2230), b. Denmark, N. Y., ]\ray 1, 1832, m. Bnffington. Res. Mechanicsbnrg, O. Ch. 3174. Thomas, b. Dee. 16. 1864. 3175. Mary A., b. Mar. 12, 1866. 3176. Clara, b. May 3, 1868, 3177. Edward, b. Apr. 1870. (2616) FRANCIS CLINTON CONE, son of Trnman Cone (2230), b. Denmark, N. Y, Ang. 23, 1847, m. Addle N. Terrell of Copenhagen, N. Y, Nov. 6, 1872. Res. Denmark, N. Y. Descetidants of Nathaniel Cone. 241 Ch. 3178. D. ARTHrR, b. Get. 23. 1873. 3179. Albert C, b. Jan. 28, 1877. 3180. Pearl L., b. May 3, 1878. 3181. Claude E., b. Mar. 23, 1881. (2632) ABLTAH CONE, son of Erastus Cone (2236), b. in Painesville, O., July 28, 1823, m. there Juliette Lewis Dec. 12, 1848. She was b. in I^ew York Sept. 27, 1827, and cl. in Painesville July 11, 1866. He was a merchant and farmer. Served during the Civil War in the 8th ]\richig-an Cavalry. D. at Toledo, O., Oct. 4, 1896. Ch. 3182. AnxXA, b. Jan. 16, 1849. 3183. Lyman, b. Oct. 8, 1851. 3184.* Mary, b. Oct. 30. 1853, m. John S. Randall. Res. Sylvania, O. 3185. Charles F., b. May 18, 1856, m. Heston. Res. Buffalo. X. Y. 3186.* Nellie, b. Jan. 21, 1861, ni. Frederick Cassady. Res. Toledo, O. (2634) AMBROSE CONE, son of Erastns Cone (2236), b. Painesville, O., Mar. 8, 1828, m. Harriet Whitney, dan. of Milton Whitney, Dec. ^0, 1852, who d. 1864. He m. 2 Fannie Whitney, sister of Harriet, Dec. 1865. Res. Sylvania, O. Ch. 3187. DoRWiN, b. 1854, m. Chastina Weeman. Res. Toledo, O. 3188. LoriSA, b. 1856. m. Mark A. Jerome. Res. Toledo. 0. 3189. Frederick, b. 1860, m. Bessie Peebles. Res. Jasper, Mich. 3190. Harry, b. 1862. Res. Jasper, Mich. (2635) NOAH CONE, son of Erastns Cone (2236), b. Painesville, O., June 12, 1831, m. in Green Springs, O., Electa C. Allen, dan. of Liba Allen, Mar. 30, 1864. She waTs b. Ontario, O., Sept. 22, 1835, and d. in Toledo, O., July 28, 1867. He m. 2 Sarah A. Richie, dau. of William Richie and Sarah Maxwell, in Gasport, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1869. She was b. in Lockport, N. Y., May 25, 1840. Both of his wives were school teachers. He is a farmer and mer- chant. Taught school ten years. Has been a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal Ch. for over thirty years. Res. in Toledo, O. Ch. 3191. Ashley W.. b. Jan. 26. 1865. ni. Grace M. Durfee. Res. Manniee, 0. 3192. Adah D.. b. June 20. 1870. Res. Toledo. 0. 3193. Mattie E., b. Sept. 3. 1S72. m. Ralph Rogers. Res. Toledo, O. 3194. Richie K, Jan. 19. 1874. Res. Toledo, O. 3195. Howard Erastus, b. Sept. 2. 1876; d. May 7, 1877. ^ (2646) WILLIS J. VESEY, son of Jonathan Vesey (2237), b. Perry, O., Apr. 27, 1850, m. Anna Lockwood Dec. 24, 1873. 242 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 319G. CiiARi.EXA. b. June 17. 1877; d. Apr. 18. 1879. 3197. Glexx, b. ]\rar. 11. 1882. (2017) HARRIET AMELIA COXE, dau. of Edwin Cone (2238), b. Painesville, O., Xov. 11, 1829, m. William Clark Cheney in Leroy, O., May 12, 1853. He was b. near Canandaigna, X. Y., Mar. 1, 1811) ; removed to Ohio in 1813. In early life he was a car- penter, bnt afterwards a painter. He was a Mason of high degree. Had many friends, and was greatly respected by all. He d. in Toledo, O!, Jan. 30, 1890. She res. at Lake Side. Ottawa connty, O. Ch. 3198. William E.. b. ^klay 20. 18.54: d. Sept. 11. 18.54. 3199.* Carrie A.. 1). Get. 2. 18.55. m. D. O. Sutfin. Res. Enr. .5. 18(!(): d. in infancy. 3202. •■ Mattie Eliza, b. .Tune 18. 1862. m. Forest E. Bryant. Res. iSt. Paul. Minn. (2648) CAROLINE ELIZA COXE, dan. of Edwin Cont (2238), b. Leroy, O., Ang. 12, 1831, m. William G. Powers Oct. 2, 1854. He was a farmer. He was b. in Atibnrn, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1814, and d. in Strickland, Xeb. She res. in Chicago. Ch. 3203. Gershom. b. Nov. 24. 18.35: d. Oct. 14. 1862. 3204. Edwix C. b. May 22. 18.57: d. Nov. 25. 1862. 320.5.* St. Joiix. b. Oct. 16. 18.59. ni. Sarah F. Younu'. Res. Chicago. 111. 3206. Perley, b. Oct. 3, 1860. 3207.'- Cloe M.. 1). Oct. 9. 1864. m. Edward P. Powers. Res. Strickland. Neb. 3208. Lydia M.. b. May 26. 1871; d. Ai>r. 24. 1872. (2649) WELLS AXDERSOX COXE, son of Edwin Cone (2238), b. Leroy, O., Jnne 7, 1833, m. Rose Abbey Feb. 27, 1860. She was 1). :\ray 7, 1834, and res. at Driggs, Lake county, O. He was a farmer. Their home was at Painesville, O.. where he d. Dec. 19, 1899. Ch. 3209. Abbie J.. 1). -Tune 21. 1864. unni. Res. Buffalo. X. Y. 3210.* Guy A., b. Mar. 23. 1868. m. Nannie ]\I. Renourd. Res. Brocton, N. Y. 3211. Walter G.. b. Dee. 24. 1872. unni. Res. Madison, O. (2654) OSCAR DELOS COXE, son of Edwin Cone (2238). b. Leroy, O., Apr. 16, 1842, m. Sally H. Citerly, dan. of Abraham Citerly and Tnliann Clark, Oct. 9, 1861. She was b. in Rnssia, Herkimer comity, X. Y., Apr. 24, 1845. He was a prominent min- Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 243 i.ster of the United Brethren Ch. D. at Unadilla, Xcb., June 14, 1884. She res. at Lincohi, Xcb. Ch. .S212. Mattie, b. .Tan. 8, 1864, m. Eli F. Stoner. Res. Chester, Nob. .3213.* Albert A., b. Dec. 29, 186.5, m. Anna L. Hattell. Res. Lincoln, Neb. 3214. De Witt R., 1). Nov. 12, 1873, m. Auonsta M. Brenfeoter. (2655) SAIIAH ADELINE COA^E, dan. of Edwin Cone (2238), b. Leroy, O., Oct. 25, 1844, m. Samuel Wilson Taylor, son of Samuel Taylor and ]\rary Wedoe, Dec. 27, 1864. He was b. May 3, 1839. He is a farmer and l)nteher. They removed from Ohio to Unadilla, Xeb., and were among the early settlers of that connty. In 1900 they removed to Doiii^las, Otoe county, T^eb., where they now res. Ch. 321.5.* Ai.MOX \V., b. Feb. 3. ISGG, in. Rosa R. TTawley. Res. Grand Island, Neb. 3216.* Cora E., b. .June 17. 1874. ni. Eilward .T. Blaiiifus. Res. Douglas, Neb. 3217. Clarence G., b. Feb. 22, 1881, ili. Mary Emma Donahue. Res. Doug- las, Neb. (265G) GEORGE MILLAKD COXE, son of Edwin Cone (2238), b. Leroy, O., Mar. 8, 1848, m. Martha C. Knapp Nov. 7, 1874. He and his family are members of the Christian Church. He has been a member of the I. O. O. F. for over twenty years. In 1875 was Mayor of Ashton, 111. For many years past he has been traveling for the Capewell Horse Xail Co., of St. Louis. Res. Wichita, Kas. Ch. 3218. Mildred, b. Sept. 14, 1877. m. Thomas M. ilallory. Res. Wichita, Kas. 3210. LuRA E., b. Dec. 2. 1878. 3220. Ralph Barxum, b. Sept. 21, 1889. 3221. Bess May, b. .Jan. 4-, 1803. (2657) GILMAX FILMORE CONE, son of Edwin Cone (2238), b. Leroy, O., Mar. 15, 1850, m. Anna Bissell Jan. 7, 1874. He was a farmer, and res. at Painesville, O., where he d. Feb. 3. 1878. • She m. 2 G. M. Cranston. She was dan. of Charles and Sarah Ann Bissell, and was b. Eloomfield, O., Dec. 14, 1853. Res. Paines- ville, O. Ch. 3222. Eva May. b. :\Iar. 7, 1S7.>. unm. Res. Rainesville, O. 3223. Rewis E.. b. Aug. 20. 1870; d. Jan. 3. 1878. 3224. Carrie, b. JJec. 6. 1877; d. Oct. 17. 1878. ' (2658) AYILFORD WEBB, son of Isaac Webb (2239), b Painesville, O., Feb. 28, 1829, m. W^ilhelmina Champion Nov. 15, 244 The Cone Family in America. 1854. She was 1>. in Lake cuiinty, O., Feb. 7, 1838, and res. in Perry, O. He was a farmer, and d. in Perry Dec. 29, 1888. Ch. 3225. Ida E.. b. May 14, 1857. m. Walter C. Van Ness. Res. Dennison. la. 3226. Delbert J., b. June 10, 1859. m. Emogene Van Ness. Res. Perry, O. 3227. Carrie Bell, b. Jan. 12. 1868. m. Amherst Thompson. Res. Perry. O. (2659) ALBERT WEBB, son of Isaac Webb (2239), b. Perry, O., Sept. 27, 1830, m. Martha A. Lovehmd in Lake county, O. She was b. Sept. 16, 1831. He was a merchant, and res. at LIuron, S. D. Two ch. (2661) SYLVANUS GOODLOE CONE, son of Sahm~.n Cone, jr. (2240), b. Painesville, O., Mar. 3, 1832, m. C^ynthia Ann Trumbull, Mar. 10, 1852. She was b. Madison, O., Dec. 15, 1835, dau. of ISJ'athaniel and Ann Trumbull. Lie is a farmer. He enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, in the 7tli Ohio Vols., Co. D. At the battle of Chan- cellorsville, IMay 2, 1863, he was dangerously wounded. He remained in the hospital until he was discharged May 31, 1865, his wound being so severe that he was never able to rejoin his regiment. As a partial remuneration for his services tlie (xovernment granted him a pension of $17 ])or montli. He is President of the Cone Pennion Association, and res. at Tvnmbnll, (). Cll. .3228. Alice Axx. b. An<^. 24. 1853. ni. Onin P. Dray. Res. Trumbull, O. 322!). •"■ Enwix Jay, b. Au"-. 2. 1858. m. Judith Brainard. Res. Perry. 0. .S230. Salmon, b. July m. 18()0; d. Sc])t. 15. 1860. • 3231. Mary Ellex, b. Sept. 10. 1869. m. :\Iilton F. ('rites; d. Mar. 2, 1887. 3232. Grace E., b. Nov. 8. 1875, m. C'ortez Atteins. Res. Cork. O. (2662) HULDALI ADELAIDE CONE, dau. of Salmon Cone, jr. (2240), b. Painesville, O., June 7, 1833, m. Cornelius G. Griest Mar. 24, 1858, in Madison, O. He was li. in Northfield, O., May 30, 1836, and d. suddenly at Sylvania, O., Jan. 21, 1895. He was a farmer and anctioneer. Pejudilican. ]\rrs. Griest has fur- nished many records tVn- tliis book. Pes. at Sylvania. Ch. 3233.* MiNME E., b. July 3. 1860, m. Stei)hen A. Youny-. Res. Sylvania. O. 3234.* Fraxk C, b. .Tuly 22, 1861, m. 1 Tillie M. Butler. 2 Minnie Collard. Res. Sylvania, 0. 3235.* LiLLiE v.. b. Dee. 15. 1864. m. W. H. Powlesland; d. Apr. 16, 1886. (2664) ISAAC WEIiB CX)XE, son of Salmon Cone, jr. (2240), b. Painesvilh:% O., Dec. 10, 1835. m. Harriet Lucy Gill, dau. of Lohn Gill and Harriet Trumbull, Mar. 23, 1858. She was 1). July 24, 1838. and d. July 22, 1874. He m. 2 Marv A. Clapp Descendants of Nathaniel (^one. 245 Dec. 30, 1875. She d. Jan. 21, 1003. He is a farmer, and res, at Unionville, O. Ch. 3236.* Ella Lenora, b. Mar. 11. 18.59. m. Allison A. Parker. Res. Cham- paign, 111. 3237. Gertrude Lillian, b. Oct. 28. 1860. Res. Unionville, 0. 3238.* Salmon Earl, b. June 22, 1860, m. Carrie Blackman. Res. Geneva, O. 3239. Elbert Eugene, b. Mar. 21, 1868; d. May 20. 1870. 3240." George Franklin, b. May 28, 1870. m. Marian Hopkins. Res. Geneva, 0. 3241. Wilfred Roy, b. Nov. 11, 1873. Res. Geneva, 0. (2G65) ELVIEA E. COXE, dan. of Salmon (2240), b. Lerov, O., N"ov. 2, 1837, m. in Perry, O., William E. Abby, Apr. 1, 1858. He was b. in Leroy, O., Apr. 3, 183(3. She was a school teacher for many years. Res. Thompson, O. Ch. 3242.* Myrta M., b. July 24, 1800. m. Charles E. Mosely. 3243. Albert E.. b. Feb. 9, 1871. (2666) FRA^HvLIX A. CO^^E, son of Salmon Cone (2240), b. Perry, O., Oct. 21, 1839, m. Eliza A. Picket Oct. 6, 1864. He en- listed at Painesville under the first three-months call, Apr. 24, 1861. Reenlisted in Co. D, 7th Ohio, for three years, and was diseharffed July 7, 1864. Res. Painesville, O. Oh. 3244. Ada A., b. .Tan. 9. 1806. m. W. G. Lotze. 324.5. Sadie L., b. June 19. 1877. (2667) EMILY H. COXE, dan. of Salmon Cone (2240). b. Madison, O., May 13, 1842, m. Simson F. Green in Painesville, O., Dec. 3, 1868. 'He was b. Sylvania, O., Tuly 12, 1842. Res. Painesville, O. Cb. 3246. Cheney E.. b. \\\». 11. 1870. 3247. Bertha A., b. July 22. 1S74. 3248. Fred S., b. Dee. 31. 187-5. 3249. Clarence A., b. Oct. 11. 1878. (2668) ABIJAH W. COXE, son of Salmon (2240), b. in Madison, O., Jan. 30, 1844, m. in Painesville, O., Katie McMakin Dec. 31, 1867. She was b. Dec. 14, 1846. He enlisted at the ag-e of 18 in Co. D, 87th Ohio Yob., for three months. Mustered out Oct. 1, 1862. Reenlisted in the 11 7th Ohio Yols. Sensed to end of war. Is a farmer. Res. Painesville, O. Ch. 32.50. Grant W.. b. Dec. 8. 1808: d. Feb. 26, 1809. 3251. Clayton R.. b. Deo. 24. 1869: d. :\lar. 30. 1870. 246 The Cone Family in America. 3252. Lena A., b. Sept. 23, 1874. 3253. Angeline, b. Feb. 7, 1880. 3254. Katie E., b. Sept. 30, 188G. (26G9) AUGUSTUS ANDERSOX CONE, son of Salmon Cone (2240), b. Madison, O., Oct. 24, 1845, m. Ella M. Armstrong Nov. 17, 1869, in Perry, O. She was b. May 10, 1850. Ees. Belle Plaine, Kas. Cb. 3255. Ashley A., b. Sept. 25, 1870. 3256. LuRA H., b. Oct. 25, 1874. 3257. Mary E., b. Aug. 7, 1878. (2671) ELIZA A. COXE, dan. of Salmon Cone, jr. (2240), b. Madison, O., May 10, 1841>, m. Edwin R. Densmore in Paines- ville, O., Jan 9, 1878. She was a schonl teacher before marriage. D. Mar. 6, 1901. He is a tinner, and res. Painesville, O. Cli. 3258. Lucy W., b. Sept. 2. 1879. 3259. William Reed, b. Feb. 18, 1883; student Case School, Cleveland, 0. 3200. Edwin Clyde, b. Feb. 9, 1888. (2672) EAPtL EUGEXE COXE, son of Salmon Cone (2240), b. Madison, O., May 14, 1851, m. Jnlia (^omstock Oct. 15, 1878. She was b. Westford, Otsego connty, X^. Y., Jnly 16, 1851. He has been a school teacher, and also a farmer. Has res. at Paines- ville, O., and Oxford and Belle Phiine, Kas., and of late years at Wliitman, Kas. Ch. 3201. Cora C, b. Oct. 0, 1869. 3262. Lawrence E.. b. Sept. 15, 1881. 3203. Carrie C, b. July 26, 1887. (2673) LYDIA VIEGIXIxl COXE, dan. of Salmon Ccne (2240), b. Madison, O., May 20, 1853, m. as the second wife of Rev. William Willis Curtis, son of Rev. Otis Freeman Curtis (a pioneer missionary of Illinois), Eeb. 25, 1885. He was b. Wanke- sha. Wis., Jnne 29, 1845. Received the degree of B. A. from Beloit College in 1870, and in 1874 the degree of M. A. He attended the Theological Seminary at Chicago in 1873, and there received the B.D. degree. Enlisted May 14, 1864, in tlie 40th Wisconsin Vols., Co. B., and was discharged with regiment in September of that year. From 1874 to 1876 he Avas pastor of Cong. Ch. at Calnmet. Mich., and in Hancock, Mich., 1876-77. Mrs. Cnrtis grad. at Oberlin Col- lege, O., in 1880, receiving the degree of B. A. In the fall of that year she commenced to teach in the Doane College, at Crete, Xeb., and was appointed lady Principal of that college in ISSl. ]\rr. Cnr- Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 247 lis was appointed by the American Board of Foreign Missions a mis- sionary to Japan in 1877, and took with him his first wife, who d. in Osaka, Japan, 1880. He returned to America in 1883. In 1886 he removed again to Japan, being stationed at Osaka, Sappora, and Sendai. They returned to America in 1900, and now res. at Ober- lin, O. Ch. 3264. Edith, b. Mar. 6, 1886. 3265. Otis Freeman, b. Sendai, Japan, Feb. 12, 1888. 3266. Ruth Marilla, b. Osaka, Japan, Aug. 26, 1890. 3267. Howard Cone, b. Sendai, Japan, Oct. 9, 1893. (!>674) FEANCIS OJ)ELL CO^^E, son of Jaiiles Cone (2241), b. Feb. 22, 1841, m. Salima Long Xov. 25, 1S57. Res. Toledo, O. Ch. 3268. Arthur James, b. Apr. 6, 1868. m. Eva Piatt in Toledo, 0. "(2679) ANDERSO:X COXE WEBB, son of David Webb (2242), b. Akron, O., Mar. 16, 1839, m. Lanra M. Rhodes, dan. of Henry and Laura Rhodes, Feb. 2, 1865. He was a farmer, and d. in Paw Paw. Mich., June 29, 1887. She res. in Paw Paw. Ch. 3269. Dora, b. Jinie 8, 1866. Res. Paw Paw, Mich. 3270. Frank, b. Oct. 26, 1868. Res. Paw Paw, Mich. 3271. Cora, h. Feb. 12. 1872. Res. Paw Paw, Mich. 3272. Frederick, b. Apr. 28, 1878. Res. Paw Paw, Mich. (2680) HARRIET WEBB, dan. of David Webb (2242), b. Akron, O., Oct. 4, 1841, m. J. Henry Hinckley Oct. 24, 1861. He is a farmer. Was b. at Paw Paw, Mich., Sept. 6, 1838. He is a member of the Free Will Bapt. denomination. Res. Hastings, Mich. Ch. 3273. Julia, b. Aug. 10, 1861. ni. 0. D. Allen; d. June 15, 1902. 3274. Carrie, b. Oct. 20, 1863, in. L. 0. Graham. Res. Gobleville, Mich. 3275. Bert J., b. Sept. 18, 1865, m. Nellie Welsh. Res. Decatur, Mich. 3276. MiLO C, b. Aug. 18, 1869, m. Ora Stokoe. Res. Middleville, Mich. 3277. Frederick, b. Dec. 16, 1871, m. Leonia Hampton. Res. Ovid, Mich. 3278. Arthur, b. May 3, 1874, m. Emma Johnson. Res. Middleville, Mich.. 3279. Roy, b. May 3, 1876, m. Nina Hewitt. Res. Hartford, Mich. 3280. Blanch, b. Jan. 17, 1880, m. J. A. Harris. Res. Marcellus, Mich. 3281. Pearl, b. Nov. 7, 1882, unm. Res. Hastings, Mich. 3282. Hazel, b. Nov. 30, 1887. (2683) CARRIE WEBB, dan. of David Webb f2242). b. Akron, O., July 24, 1853, m. Richard S. Turner in Sedan, Kn^., Dec. 25, 1879. * She removed to that town from Ohio in 1878. Mv. Turner was b. in Carrollton, Ky., Feb. 23, 1847. He is a printer. 248 The Cone Family in America. i'rom 1879 to 1885, inclnsivelj, he edited and pnblisbed the Chautau- qua Journal at Sedan. Eemoved in 1890 to Rockford, III, where thej now res. He is a member of the Knights Temphir. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and their cli. are members of the Christian Union Oh. at Rockford. This is a "• liberal " church, and has no creed. Ch. 3283. Olive Koberta. 1). Sedan. Kas.. A])r. 0. 1881. 3284. Julia Emily, b. Sedan, Kas.. Oct. 7, 1884. (:>G81) CAROLINE P. COLE, dau. Parker Cole (2243), b. Painesville, O., Jan. 9, 1838, m. in Painesville Sidney W. Hart Eeb. 13, 1856. He was b. in Geneva, O., Ang. 15, 1832. Ch. 328.5. Walter C. b. Feb. 1. 1857. in Perry. 0.; d. Sept. 4, 18.57. 3286. Elson p.. b. Dee. 14. 1858; d. in Savannah, 111., Feb. 10. 188G. 3287. Elmer S., b. Dec. 14. 1858. (2085) MARIETTA ELLEX C^ONE, dau. of George W. Cone (2244), b. in Cadiz, Ivv., Jan. 27, 1847, m. ]\Lidison Goodner, son of Judge M. ^l. Goodlier, in Xashville, 111., Sept. 25, 1862. He was b. Nashville June 1, 1842, and d. there Mar. 16, 1888. She d. Oct. 1897. Ch. 3288." Ralph A., b. Dee. 17. 1864. ni. :\Iarv C. Fitz Gerrell. Res. Nash- ville, 111. 3289. Stella, b. in Nashville Dec. 13, 1866; d. Dec. 11. 1868. 3290.* Genevieve, b. -July 19, 1870, ni. George R. Pearce. Res. Chicago, 111. (2687) IDA CONE, dau. of George W. Cone (,2244), b. Corvdon, Ind., Apr. 28, 1856, m. Charles Rose in JSTashville, 111., June IS, 1876. He was b. in Sandusky, O., Feb. 27, 1850. Is an attorney at law and real-estate dealer. Lie has acceptably filled the position of City Attorney of jSTashville, and Master in Chancery three terms. Res. in Chicago, 111. Ch. 3291. A dan.. 1). Alar. 10. 1879; d. July 17. 1879. 3292. Charles, b. May 17. 1882. ~ (2690) EDWIN C^OAN, son of Vincent Coan (2246), b. in Whitestown, Oneida county, N. Y.. Aug. 31, 1830, m. Florence Maria Ilager in Watertown, N. T., Sept. 23, L862. She was b. in Parmelia, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1838 ; dau. of Charles Grandison Ilager and Maria Irene Davenport. He was a Protestant Episcopal clergy- man, and liad |ireached in Canton, N. Y., Montreal. Canada, Milwau- kee, Wis., St. Louis, Mo., and in Albany and Brooklyn, N. Y. He d. in New York Dec. 23, 1888. She res. in New York. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 249 Ch. 3-293.* Charles V. H., b. June 27, 18G3. in. Mary B. Pearsall. Res. Rut- land, Vt. 3294.'' Clarence A., b. Dec. 16, 1867. m. Frances C. Challenor. Res. New- York. (2695) JANE ADELINE BALIS, dau. of George Balis (2247), b. Oct. 15, 1829, m. Lealdus X. Warren Feb. 4, 1855. He was b. Jan. 25, 1830. Ch. 3295. Nellie Alice, b. June 22, 1858, ni. Frank Carey. 3296. Mary E., b. Oct. 30, 1865, m. W. E. Hazeltine. (2706) EMMA CONEY, dau. of Orrin W. Coney (2259), b. Sept. 29, 1845, m. William Butler Bums Mar. 13, 1864. He is a piano-tuner, and res. at Fort Dodge, la. Sbe d. there Oct. 14, 1879. Ch. 3297. Jennie, b. Mar. 25, 1865. m. V. C. Young. 3298. Mabel, b. Oct. 30, 1866, m. \Villirtni F. Gibbs. 3299. Addie, b. July 13, 1870. (2710) WELTHA CONEY, dau. of Orrin W. Coney (2259), b. Dec. 1, 1856, m. Calvin Morrison Hamilton July 4, 1876. He was b. in Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 15, 1849. Has held the office of Justice of the Peace, City Clerk, etc. Is an insurance agent. They res. at Fort Dodge, la. Ch. 3300. Harry, b. Nov. 29. 1878. 3301. Julius, b. Jan. 13, 1881. 3302. Carroll, b. Aug. 13, 1882. (2722) ELLA M. STOCKWELL, dau. of Joseph Stockwell and Eliza Cone (2269), b. Mayville, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1849, m. Fred- erick L. Harroun, son of Alvin Harroun and Lydia Williams, Feb. 19, 1873. He was b. Pembroke, N. Y., July 6, 1845. He is a Farmer. Democrat. They res. Crescent City, 111. Ch. 3303. Mabel E., b. July 13, 1877, unm. Res. Crescent City. 3304. George L., b. Sept. 13, 1S80, unm. Res. Crescent City. 3305. Clara L., b. Nov. 11, 1884, unm. Res. Crescent City. (2724) ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, son of Alexander Wil- liams and Caroline Cone (2270), b. Pembroke, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1829, m. Evelena Peck Baright Oct. 15, 1861. She was b. in Lock- port, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1841. Mr. Williams enlisted Sept. 11, 1861, at Fredonia, N. Y., in Co. K, 9th N. Y. Cav. Promoted Sergeant Oct. 4, 1861, to Co. M, Dec. 1, same year, and to Hospital Steward in Feb. 1863. Was discharged with the regiment Oct. 1, 1864. Was 250 The Cone Family in America. in fnllowiiii^- engagements: Siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Cedar Mountain, second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Upperville, Beverly Ford, Brandy Station, Gettysburg, and several minor battles. " The regiment was first to enter Gettysburg ; fired the first shot ; lost tli<2 first man killed, and captured the first prisoner." He is a merchant, and since 'ISSS proprietor of Dunkirk Shirt Factory. Served one term as member of City Council, and in 1898 was elected !Mayor of the city of Dunkirk, TvT. Y., in which city they now res. Ch. ,3306. CAKitiE E., b. June 30, 1866. 3307. Zella B., b. Sept. 1. 1873. 3308. Alexander, b. .June 22. 187-3, ni. Elizabeth D. Scott. 3309. EVELEN.\, b. Nov. 3. 1876. 3310. -John Egbert, b. -July 21. 1879; d. .June 16, 1880. (2745) THOMAS KELLEY BOLKJX, son of Thomas Bol- ton (2292), b. :\rar. 25, 1S40, m. Theodcsia Ranney June 20, 1860. She was b. Xov. .".O, 1S42, and d. :\[ay 1, 1873. He m. 2 Ellen C. Hale Dec. 15, 1875, and d. in ( Mcvchiiid, O., July 10, 1879. She res. in Cleveland. Ch. 3311. Percival Pv.. b. :\ray U, ls6.i. 3312. Howard C. b. Xov. 24, 1867. 3313. Edith, b. Jan. 4, 1879. (2747) FESTUS ('OXE BOLTOX, son of Thomas Bolton (2292), b. in Cleveland, ()., June 12, 1843, m. Isabella O. Cowdy Dec. 13, 18(55, and d. May 20, 1883. She was 1). Oct. 5, 1847, and after the death of her husband m. 2 Mr. J. Dailev. Ees. at Geneseo, X. Y. Ch. 3314."- :\IARY C. b. June 3, 1867, m. AV. L. S. Ohnstead. Res. Genesee, N. Y. 331.5. Edward R., b. Feb. 21, 1877. ni. Apr. 30, 1902, Margaret Cameron, dau. of William Cameron of Waco, Tex. Is with Mark A. Hanna & Co., in the steel and coal business in Cleve- land, 0. (2748) JAMES HEXRY BOLTOX, son of Thomas Bolton (2292), b. in Cleveland, O., Jan. 20, 1846, m. Minnie Annie Corni.sh of Elkhart, Ind., who was b. Aug. 13, 1858, and they have one ch., viz., Thomas Cornisli. ^Nlr. Bolton grad. at the Western Reserve College in ( 'levcland, and from the law school. Harvard College, class of ]8(i9, receiving the degree of LL. B. The following year removed to Sioux City, la., where he has since res. He was ap- ]X)inted bv President McKinley U. S. Surveyor of Customs for the ]iort of Sioux City, and is now serving his second term, under ap- pointment of President Roosevelt. For eiglit years he was Clerk of Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 251 llie District (Joiirt of Woodbury county, la. In 1SS2 received the appointment of Deputy Clerk of the IT. S. Circuit and District Courts, and has held the office continuously since then. In 1879-1880 he was a member of the Legislature of Iowa. (2749) JUDSOX FEEDERICK CONE, son of David Por- ter Cone (2296), b. Middletown, Conn., Eeb. 4, 185G, m. Addie E. Lewis Jan. 1, 1881. She was b. in 1861. Res. East Hampton, Conn. Ch. 3316. Arthur Emory, b. Nov. 12, 1885. (2750) SOPHIA BOLLES CONE, dan. of David Porter Cone (2296), b. Middletown, Conn., Oct. 1, 1858, m. Hiram Veazey Childs Nov. 14, 1881. He was b. in Chatham, Conn., Dec. 18, 1857, and d. Feb. 28, 1901. She res. in Auburndale, ]\[ass. Ch. 3317. Edward Cone, b. Oct. 17. 1882. 3318. Mary Adeline, b. Mar. 28, 188.5. (2764) ERNEST GREENE CONE, son of Ezra G. Cone (2302), b. East Hampton, Conn., Nov. 9, 1858, m. Emma E. Sago, dau. of Frank and Sarah Sage, Jan. 15, 1880. She was b. May 2, 1859. The_y have no eh. He is an incorporator of the Middletown Savings Bank : has filled the position of member of Board of Educa- tion, and is a meml)er of the Summit Thread Co. Res. East Hamp- ton, Conn. (2765) SOPHIA WHITE CONE, dau. of Ezra Gordon Cone (2302), b. East Hampton, Conn., Nov. 2, 1864, m. Frederick Shaler Hall Jime 9, 1886. He was b. Dec. 13, 1862, son of Barzillai and Elizabeth Hall. Is a member of the Masonic order, and of the Sum- mit Thread Co. Res. East Hampton, Conn. Ch. 3319. Harold Frederick, b. Apr. 14, 1888; d. Apr. 15, 1898. 3320. Cedric Cone, b. July 4, 1892. (2766) EZRA GORDON CONE, son of Ezra Gordon Cone (2302), b. East Hampton, Conn., Dec. 19, 1866, m. Delight Jones June 23, 1892. She was b. Dec. 6, 1869, and is dau. of Albert S. and Margaret Jones. Is connected with the management of the Sum- rait Thread Co. Res. East Hampton, Conn. Ch. 3321. Gladys, b. Jan. 5, 1894. 3322. Lloyd Elwynn, b. Juno 20. 1899. 3323. Doris, b. May 24, 1902. 252 The (hne Famili/ in America. (2777) ELLEN LOUISA RANSOM, dan. of Gec^rge Ean- som (2317), b. Dec. 19, 1843, m. Charles E. Case Mar. 2, 1867. He is a telegraph operator, and res. at Norwich, Conn. Ch. 3324. Annie K., b. Mar. 17, 1808. Res. Norwich. 3325. Fanny L., b. Sept. 26. 1879. Kes. Norwich. 3326. Charles E., b. Oct. 6, 1887. Res. Norwich. (2780) WILLIAM HUNGERFORD CONE, son of Lord Wellington Cone (2320), b. Moodns, Conn., Jan. 12, 1838, m. Adelia Pettis bet. 31, 1866. She was b. in Portland, Conn., July 29, 1842, and is a member of the Episcopal Ch. He is a Presbyterian, a mem- ber of the Grange, and has hold a nnmber of town offices. Res. Moodns. Ch. 3327. Etna D., b. May 1.5. 1880. (2781) EMELINE CONE, dan. of Lord Wellington Cone (2320), b. Moodns, Conn., Jan. 6, 1840, m. William Corkins Oct. 15, 1867. He was b. in Simsbnry, Conn., Ang. 24, 1833. He is a machinist, and for many years was employed in Colt's Mannfactnr- ing Establishment in Hartford, Conn. Is at present engaged with the National Machine Co. Ros. Hartford. Ch. 3328. Fayette E.. ]>. June 28. 1868, unm. Have many records. Res. Hartford. 3329. Mary L., b. Ang. 31. 1869. ni. Alexander IMcCorkell. Res. Hartford. 3330. Agnes L., b. Jan. 21. 1872. m. Charles W. Cook. Res. Windsor. 3331. William M., b. A]n-. 20. 1874. ni. Nettie Isabella Oakes. Res. Hart- foid. 3332. Frederick, b. Apr. 3, 1877, ni. Mary A. Trimble. Res. Hartford. 3333. Addie E., b. Jnne 9, 1879; d. July 5, 1880. (2782) NANCY JANE, dan. Lord Wellington (Jone (2320), b. Moodns, Conn., May 26, 1S42, m. Charles H. Rich Mai\ 1863. He was b. Sept. 19, 1840, son of J. S. and Maria Rich. Is a farmer, and res. Iladlyme, Conn. Ch. ' 3334. Bertha J., b. Sept. 6. lS6.i. m. James R. Warner. Res. Hadlyme. 3335. Carrie L., b. Nov. 20, 1872. (2783) SHERWOOD ARNOLD CONE, son of Lord Wel- lington Cone (2320), b. Moodns, Conn., Oct. 23, 1844, m. Catherine Swan, dan. of James and Lydia Swan, Oct. 10, 1869. She was b. July 11, 1849, and d. in Moodns Feb. 20, 1878. Ho m. 2 Lizzie Packer Lewis, dan. of Alonzo and Abby Lewis, May 11, 1879. She was b. in New London, Conn., Mav 17, 1858. Both Mr. Cone and wife are members and officers in East Haddam Grange, and he has Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 253 been a member of Town Board of Relief and Selectman of tlie town for a number of years. Res. Moodus, Conn. Ch. 3336. Infant, b. 1870; d. young. 3337. Alice E.. b. Apr. 11, 1874; d. June 6, 1876. 3338. Carrie Belle, b. May 6, 1876, m. Talbot Matteson. 3339. Elsie Williams, b. June 24, 1880; d. Nov. 22, 1901. 3340. John Elmendorf. b. Apr. 28, 1884. 3341. Edith Lewiss, b. May 27, 1887. 3342. Frank Sherwood, b. Oct. 23, 1889. 3343. Gladys, b. July 31, 1898. (2784) LAURA SWAN" CONE, dau. of Lord Wellington Cone (2320), b. Millington, Conn., May 4, 1848, m. William Albert Miner July 25, 1869. He was b. I^ov. 19, 1843. Is a farmer. Both are members of the Cong. Ch., and have always been residents of Millington. Ch. 3344. William Barnes, b. May 3. 1872: d. .June 24. 1873. 334.5. Sherwood A., b. May 3, 1874. m. Amy E. Mitchell; two ch. Res. North Lyme, Conn. 3346. Abbie Electa, b. Apr. 15, 1877. 3347. Bertha N., b. Apr. 30, 1879. m. Aneil Hopper. Res. Ivoryton, Conn. 3348. Marshall M., b. Jime 30. 1884. 3349. Harry A., b. July 26, 1886; d; July 24, 1892. 3350. Fluvia Ely, b. Oct. 15, 1889. 3351. Wellington Anderson, b. Oct. 15, 1889. 3352. Florence Etta, b. Oct. 8, 1891. (2785) MARY E. CONE, dan. of Lord Wellington Cone (2320), b. Moodus, Jan. 7, 1851, m. John William Lewis Apr. 9, 1871. He was b. Sept. 12, 1848. Was a blacksmith; member of M. E. Ch., and of the Royal Arcanum. D. June 4, 1903. She res. Westerly, R. I. Ch. 3353. Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1871. m. .John Keast. Res. Quincy, Mass. 33.54. Frank, b. Sept. 20, 1873, m. Orsemus S. Chapman. Res. Hartwick, Vt. 3355. Samitel, b. Jan. 11, 1876. Res. Westerly, R. I. 3356. Lucy F., b. Nov. 7, 1878. Res. Westerly, R. I. 3357. Gertrude C, b. Feb. 13, 1881, m. William Johns. Res. Westerly, R. I. 3358. .John W., b. Dec. 10, 1883. 3359. Katie, b. Jan. 20, 1887. 3360. Helen, b. Jan. 20, 1887. (2786) FRANCIS WHEELER SWAN, son of Rufus W. Swan (2321), b. East Haddam Jan. 27, 1841, m. Caroline Ely Dec. 18, 1870. She was b. East Haddam June 28, 1851, and d. May 2. 254 The Cone Family in America. 1S76. He 111. 2 Margaret Bell Nov. 3, 1878. He was a farmer, and always res. at East Haddaiii, where lie d. ]^ov. 6, 1890. She I'es. at Clinton, Conn. Ch. 3301. Nellie F., 1). Mar. 22. 1872, m. .Tolin \V. Chapman. Res. Clinton, Conn. 3362. Carrie M., b. Aug. 27. 1880, m. W. W. Wilson. Res. Brooklyn. N. Y. 33G3. Frederic B., b. Apr. 5, 1887. (2787) CHARLES IIEXRY SWAX, son cf llufns Swan i;2321), b. East Haddam June 30, 1842, m. Mary Post June 29, 1870. He is a farnier, and res. at Milliugton, Conn. Ch. 3364. Mary Belle, b. Nov. 17, 1875. Res. Millington, Conn. (2788) MARY ELLEI\^ SWAX, dan. of Rufns W. Swan (2321), b. East Haddam, Conn., Apr. 26, 1844, m. Henry Peck Nov. 18, 1809. He was h. in East Haddam Oct. 4, 184o'. Is a farmer, and a member of the Cong. Ch. at East Haddam. Ch. 336.5. Jexn-ie M.. b. Sept. 15. 1871. Res. East Haddam. 3366. William 0.. 1). June 10. 1873. Res. East Haddam. 3367. Elizabeth, b. INIar. 20, 1875; d. Sept. 13. 1892, while in attendance at tlie Xormal Training School. Willimantic, Conn. 3368. Elizagetu P., b. .Jan. 29, 1877. Grad. of Wesleyan University 1902. Res. in East Haddam. 3369. Harvey W., b. Nov. 18, 1883; d. Mar. 7. 1901. while attending scliool at ]\It. Hermon. Mass. 3370. Catherine, b. .July 24, 1890. (2792) CATHERINE ELIZABETH CHAPMAN, dan. of Cyrus W. Chapman (2322), b. in Millington, Conn., Sept. 11, 1851, m. Herbert Seymour Stanley in Westbrook, Conn., Sept. 9, 1875. He was b. in New Britain, Conn., and d. Nov. 2, 1876. She m. 2 Arthur Barnes Treat, son of Isaac Piatt Treat and Mary Jane Barnes, Nov. 1, 1892. He was b. in Orange, Conn., Apr. 6, 1853. I take the following from a volume entitled, " Prominent Men of New Haven county," Connecticut : '' Mr. Treat attended Oberlin Colleg;e, taking- the preparatory course. Returned to Connecticut in 1870 ; learned the mason buildins^ trade of Smith & Perry, later becoming a member of the firm of Smith, Perry & Treat. At twenty- five^ — in 1877 — he began a business career on his own account, which has been most honorable and successful. He owes his success to his own indomitable will and untiring energ^y, and has by good manage- ment and careful business methods won a substantial fort.une. Polit- ically he is a Republican. Fraternally he is a 32d degree Mason. Also a nieiiil)er of the 2(1 Company of the Governor's Eoot Guards; Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 155 ^^^^^^iJB^^^^^IHHH Ml ^^Hi^L. # '^ ^"%-^ ^^■i^ii < *' ^"^9H 256 The (^one Family in America. a meinbei" of tlie Sons of the Kevolution ; a Trustee of the Howard Aveiuie Cong. Ch., and a tenor soloist of the church quartet." She attended school in her childhood days in Westbrook, Conn,, and after- wards at the State J^ormal School at l^ew Britain, and grad. with liigh honors in 1871. Afterwards at Holjoke (Mass.) Seminary, and the Dwight School in ISTew Haven. Taught music in the i^ew Britain schools for a number of years. Was a member of the N^ew Britain Quartet Choir, also of the I^ew Haven Choir eight years; in both under salary. She is a member of Gounod Society and of the St. Andrews Club of ^iTcw Haven, and of the Glee Club of the D. A. R. They res. in Xew TTaven. Ch. 3371. Ada Maria Herbertina, b. Oct. 15. 1870; d. Aug. U, 1878. 3372. Robert Sperbv, b. Oct. 15, 189S. (2793) EANIs^Y WOODBURY SPEXCER, dau. of Jared Aug-ustus Speucer (2322), b. Apr. 28, 1861, m. Charles Horace Sm'ith, May, 1882. He was b. in Durham, Conn., Aug. 23, 1857. He is a carpenter and builder. Is a memlier of A. O. U. W. and IST. £. O. P., and of the Grand Lodge of the latter. Both are members of the (\:ing. Ch. Res. Easthaven, (^^nn. Ch. 3373. Harold Egbert, b. June 28, 1885. 3374. Florence Olive, b. June 24, 1891. 3375. Dorothy Mildred, b. Dec. 9, 1894. (2701) ROBERT B. SPENCER, son of Tared Augustus Spencer (2322), b. May 29, 186G. Removed to iS^ebraska in 1890, and to Washington the next year, and has since remained in that State. He was formerly connected with a large carpet and furniture store, but is farming at present. He is a member of Cong. Ch., Fraternal Union, and the Grange. Is num., and res. at Pullman, Wash. (2795) FRAXCTS E. GRISWOLD, dau. of Edwin B. Gris- wold (2323), b. Mar. 7, 1848, m. in West Hartford, (\.nn., Roswell Fowler, Mar. 1871. Res. Bolton, Conn. Ch. 3370. Evelyn G. 3377. Herbert S. 3378. Fanny S. 3379. WiLLiAjr. 3380. Lizzie. (2798) HATTIE A. MARVIX, dau. of David R. ^llarviu (2324), 1). Jamestown, X. Y., Jan. 7, IS.V.l, in. William Xoah Gokev Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 257 Jan. 15, 1880. He is a manufacturer of boots and shoes, and res. at Jamestown. Ch. 3381. Mabel Elizabeth, b. July 3. 1881. 3282. William Noaii, b. Feb. 4, 1884. (2799) FREDERICK :NTELS0X MARVI^\ son of David Marvin (2324), b. in Jamestown, K Y., Oct. 25, I860, m. Berenice E. Bates June 10, 1886. He is a farmer and a leather-cutter, and res. in Jamestown. Ch. 3383. Berenice E., b. 1887. (2821) ADDIE L. COA^E, dau. of Sterling- Massena Cone (2337), b. Portland, Wis., May 30, 1852, m. Joseph S. Thompson Dec. 25, 1876. He was b. in Gowanda, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1853. He is a farmer, member of M. E. Ch., tlie ]\[odern Woodmen, and is Town Treasurer. Res. ]\rarshall, Wis. Ch. 3384. Lynn, b. Sept. 19, 1879. 3385. Victor, b. April 23, 1882. 3386. Roy, b. Oct. 10, 1887. 3387. Flore.xce, b. May 23, 1894. (2822) NEELIE GEROLD CO^E, dau. of Sterling Massena Cone (2337), b. July 19, 1861, m. George Bussey Aug. 20, 1882. Res. Kennan, Wis. Ch. 3388. Hattie, b. Sept. 2.5, 1883. 3389. George, b. May 20, 1885. 3390. Harry, b. July 3, 1887. (2823) ALMER GRANT COXE, son of Sterling M. Cone (2337), b. Waterloo, Wis., Apr. 23, 1861, m. Martha M. i)onke, who was b. in Oshkosh, Wis., Dec. 11, 1869. Res. in Oshkosh. Ch. 3391. RrTH Ida, b. Feb. 8, 1893; d. Oct. 7, 1893. 3392. Ethel Lilliax, b. Feb. 8, 1894. 3393. Rhea May, b. Oct. 8, 1897. (2824) MINNIE MEAD CONE, dau. of Sterling Massena Cone (2337), b. Nov. 21, 1868, m. Henry Cone, adopted son of Gus- tavus A. Cone, Mar. 13, 1888. Res. Oshkosh, Wis. Ch. 3394. Aroxey May, b. Jan. 18. 1889. 3395. Eva Deane, b. Feb. 25. 1S90. (2829) CLIVE STERLING CONE, son of G. IT. P. Cone (2338), b. in Waterloo, Wis., July 23, 1S73, m. Laura Anna Peters 258 The (bne Family in America. Dec. 20, 1S90. Xo ch. He was biuid-iiiaster of the 4tli Wisconsin Vols, all tlirongii the Spanish-American War. Is a member of Knights of Pythias and Eagles orders. Proprietor and manager of the Grand Opera Honse at Wausau, Wis. Leader of Cone's Band, and is City Bill-Poster. Res. Wausan. (2831) CARRIE SOPHIA RAMSEY, dan. of John Ramsey (2340), b. Kenosha, Wis., Jnly 12, 1813, m. Willard P. Carr in 'New Lisbon, Wis., Ang. 9, 18G0. He is a merchant. Res. Tomahawk, Wis. Ch. 339G. Gertie May, b. Mav 11. 1802. in. C. E. IMacomber. Res. Tomahawk. Wis. 3397. John Frederick, b. Mar. 13. 1SG9. Res. Hudson. Wis. 3398. INlABEL W.. b. Au'^. 3. 1877. Res. Wausau. ^Vis. 3399. Charles B.. b. July U, 1879. Res. Prentice, Wis. * (2832) JAMES FRANCIS RAMSEY, son of John Ramsey (2340), b. Dane comity, Wis., May 22, 1845, m. Eiidora M. Snrdam Apr. 12, 1864. He is a ]\Lison and an Odd Fellow. Pliotographer. Res. 'New Lisbon, Wis. Ch. 3400. Joiix IIoLLis, b. Xov. 18. 18G6. unm. Dentist. Res. Berlin. Germany. 3401. AxxA May, b. Mav 20. 1873. m. George C. Weiss. Res. Milwaukee, Wis. 3402. Glexx F.. b. May 19. 187-5. m. Dora L. Wells. Res. Milwaukee. Wis. (2845) BENJAMIX COXE, son of Gnstavns A. Cone (2345), b. in Oregon Sept. 24, 1851, m. Nancy J. Jones at Salem, Ore., Feb. 22, 1875. She was b. in Hampden, la. Mr. Cone is a farmer and stock-raiser, and was in the Inmbering business for many _years. He was also Postmaster and merchant at Butteville, Ore. In 1881 he removed to Latah county, Idaho, and was elected as Clerk of District C\)nrt, and is c.v officio Recorder and Auditor. Res. Moscow, Ida. Ch. 3403. Ernest E., b. Jan. 3, 1876. 3404. Lewis C., b. Mar. IS, 1877. 3405. John M., b. Mar. 13. 1879. 340G. Herbert F., b. Aug. 2G. 1883. (2850) EVA LOUISA STONE, dan. of Lewis Anson Stone (2354), b. Feb. 26, 1862, m. John Milton Oilman Feb. 12, 1882. He was 1). ]\rar. 2, 1862. Received a common-school education in Leavenworth county, Kas., and afterwards attended Baker Univer- sity. In 1883 was elected principal of the Baldwin School. In 1891 became Principal of the High School at Lansing, Kas., and in the fall of 1902 was elected Superintendent of Schools of Leaven- Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 259 worth county, ha^'ing tauglit for nineteen years. He lias ten first- grade certificates, the highest number of any one person in the State. Is a member of the Workman society, and is also a Woodman. Mr. Gilman and wife are members of the Union Ch. near their home. Res. Leavenworth, Kas. Ch. 3407. Louis Milton, b. Jan. 1, 188.3. .3408. Ray Edwin, b. June 19, 1S87. 3409. John LeRoy, b. Jan. 23, 1890. 3410. Ralph Asa, b. Sept. 10, 1891. 3411. Paul Eveeett, b. June 30. 1893. 3412. Eva Esther, b. Apr. 29, 1897. 3413. Myron Evan, b. Mar. 9, 1899. (2869) LUCY ELIZABETH (^OXE, dan. of Milo Hojt Cone (2381), b. Dec. 16, 1869, m. Charles Avery Yates at Racine, Wis., Xov. 20, 1889. Res. Chicago, 111. Ch. 3414. Margaret Irene, b. Aug. 23. 1891. .3415. Charles Maurice, b. June 17. 1S95. 3416. Dorothy Bell, b. Aug. 22, 1901. (2870) JESSIE A. COXE, dan. of Milo Iloyt Cone (23S1\, b. Apr. 4, 1871, m. Francis Marion Horn at Olivet, Mich., June 19, 1895. He was b. in Cai-mel, Eaton county, Mich., Aug. 29, 1872. Eor four years after marriage they res. at Charlotte, Mich., where he was employed in the ofiice of the City Water Commissioners. He was appointed Assistant Postmaster of Olivet, and removed to Olivet, where they now res. He is a member of the Methodist Ch., and of The ^Masonic order. Ch. 3417. Lucy Marguerite, b. Ma v. 11. 1896. (2871) HERMAX JA]\IES COXE, son of Milo Iloyt Cone (2381), b. Sept. 13, 1873, m. Sarah Elizabeth Allen at Unionville, Mich., May 11, 1897. She was b. in Ionia county, Mich., May 31, 1876. Was a school teacher before marriage. Eor the last ten years he has been connected with a laro'e hardware store in Olivet, Mich. Member of Cong. Ch., and also of Olivet Lodffe A. F. & A. M. Ch. 3418. Hilda Silvia, b. July 26. 1898. 3419. Maurice Herman, b. Feb. 14. 1901. (2886) LEILA F. DEVEXDORF, dan. o+' Henry X. Deven- dorf and Sarah Cone ^2385), b. Jan. 3, 1874, m. Francis Withers Johnstone, Jan. 3, 1894. He was b. in Charleston, S. C, Sept. 7, 1854. For twenty years he held the position of Superintendent of Motive Power and Machinery of the Mexican Central Railroad. He 260 The Cone Family in America. is the Consulting Engineer and Vice-President and General Mana- ger of the JSTational Iron & Steel Works at the City of Mexico. Is a member of the Unitarian denomination. They have no ch. lies. City of Mexico, Mex. (2889) LYMAN :^r. C^OXE. son of Cyrns L. Cone (2387), b. Middlefield, Mass., Apr. 14, 1832, m. Ellen Keongh of Greenfield, Mass., Apr. 7, 1855. He was a farmer and veterinary surgeon, and d. nt Rocket, Mass., Oct. 28, 1809. Ch. 3420. DwiGiiT E.. b. May 7. 1S57. unni. Ees. Becket. Mass. 3421. JUDD L.. b. Aug. IG. 1858: d. Oct. G. 1859. 3422. Clark L.. b. Mar. 19, 1860, m. Lillian Cooper. 3423. Mary A., b. Oct. 22, 1861, m. John G. Goodell. 3424. Miner C, b. June 1, 1863, ni. Julia E. Goodell. Res. Dorchester, Mass. 3425. JuDD W., b. Feb. 14. 1866, m. Sarah M. Hall. Res. Newton Center, Mass. 3426. Ella C. b. Feb. 21. 1868. unm. Res. Boston. Mass. (2896) CLAKA F. MASON, dau. of Joseph Henry Mason (2391), b. Dec. 25, 1852, m. Walter Billings Eobinson Nov. 12, 1873. He was b. in Bedford, Mass. He is a member of Cong. Ch., and Director in the Savings Bank of Natick. He is a dealer in wood, hay, fertilizers, etc. They res. in Natick, Mass. Ch. 3427. Charles F.. b. Aug. 15. 1875. ni. Maud S. Bartlett. Res. Natick, Mass. 3428. Ella Francelia, b. Nov. 3, 1877, unm. Res. Natick. Mass. 3429. Ethel May, b. Dec. 2, 1880. Res. Worcester, Mass. 3430. FRAmc Billings, b. Nov. 24, 1885. Res. Natick, Mass. (2901) JANE CONE, dan. of Zeno Cone (2392), b. Winhall, Vt., Apr. 13, 1819, m. William Andrew Potter May 4, 1868. He was b. Feb. 11, 1831, and d. Apr. 11, 1888. Was a farmer, and res. at Winhall. She m. 2 Arza Dndley Benson in Manchester, Vt., Jan. 10, 1893. He was b. in Winhall Jnly 13, 1833. Is a marble- cntter. Bes. at Townshend, Vt. Ch. 3431. Jennie R.. b. Feb. 19, 1869. m. Blakolcy. Res. Northboro, Mass. 3432. Joel Edward, b. Mar. 17. 1871; d. Mar. 14, 1888. 3433. LOREN R., b. Sept. 8, 1873. Res. \Vestboro. Mass. 3434. Beulah E., b. Mar. 20, 1881, m. Underwood. Res. Auburn. R. I. 3435. Mary Ann., b. July 20, 1887. (2902) IRA R. CONE, son of Zeno Cone (2392), b. Winhall, Vt., Jnne 22, 1852, m. Ida M. Lathrop Feb. 15. 1876. She was b. Dorset, Vt., Ang. 27, 1859. He is a farmer, and res. at Manchester Depot, Vt. Descendant of Nathaniel Cone. 261 Ch. 3436. Rosa M., b. Dec. 7. 1S76, m. George S. Baldwin. Res. Manchester Center, Vt. 3437. Ralph, b. May 10, 1878, unm. Res. Manchester Center, Vt. 3438. Flora A., b. Apr. 5, 1880, unm. Res. Walpole, N. H. 3439. Nora J., b. Aug. 5, 1882, unm. School teacher. Res. Manchester Depot, Vt. 3440. Mary E., b. May 3, 1889. Res. Manchester Depot, Vt. 3441. DwiGHT M., b. July 25, 1894. Res. Manchester Depot, Vt. (2903) EUTH 00^^^, dau. of Zeno K Cone (2392), b. Wiiihall, Vt., June 1, 1854, m. Frank Orion Pierce 'Eoy. 1, 874. He was b. in Landgrove Feb. 24, 1854. He is a mason by occupation, and res. at South Londonderry, Vt. Ch. 3442. Lyle O., b. Apr. 23, 1877. Merchant. Res. Jamaica, Vt. 3443. LoREN R.. b. Dec. 26, 1878. Law student. Res. South Londonderry, Vt. (2904) OLIVER CONE, son of Zeno K. (2392), b. Winhall, Oct. 22, 1856, m. Mary O'Hearne, dau. of John O'Hearne and Margaret Doyle, Apr. 5, 1888. She was b. Dorset, Vt., Oct. 10, 1861. He is a Section Foreman on tlie B. & M. R. R., and the\ res. at Charlemont, Mass. ]^o ch. (2906) SHERMAN W. CONE, son of Zeno K. Cone (2392), b. Winhall, Vt., Apr. 1, 1865, m. Augusta Dryden July 15, 1896. Res. Londonderry, Vt. Ch. 3444. Robert Harold, b. Aug. 25, 1898. ^ (2924) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BOYLES, son of Wil- liam Robb Boyles (2400) and Sarah G. Cone, b. in Illinois Mar. 16, 1849, m. Rachel Corbin Apr. 2, 1882. She was b. Dec. 16, 1859. Res. Wilhoit, Ore. Ch. 3445. William E., b. Mar. 21, 1883; d. July 23. 1883. 3446. Lela Ann, b. Mar. 18, 1884. 3447. Isaiah Franklin, b. Nov. 8, 1886; d. Jan. 27, 1887. 3448. Mary Gamble, b. Sept. 13, 1888. (2926) ISAIAH MARTIN BOYLES, son of William Robb Boyles (2400) and Sarah G. Cone, b. in Illinois Jan. 30, 1854, m. in Gentry county, Mo., Mary Ellen Gehrett, Dec. Y, 1873. Removed to Oregon in 1884. Was licensed to preach by the Cumberland Pres- byterian Ch. in 1887, and is still preaching in that denomination. Has lived at Soda Springs, Sodaville, Woodburn, and is now filling the position of Evangelist at Cottage Grove, Ore. Is an active and influential worker in the cause of temperance. 262 The Cone Familii in America. Ch. 3449. Henry M., b. Apr. 19. 1875. Ees. The Dalles, Ore. 3450. William E., b. Dec. 16, 1870: tl. Jan. 2, 1S77. 3451. Damaris S.. b. Nov. 29, 1877, iii. E. Floiv; d, Aug. 15, 1901. 3452. Mary M.. b. Jan. 5. 1880. 3453. Clarence J., b. Jan. 30, 1882. 3454. Bessie F., 1). May 0. 1886. 3455. Forest E., b. May 22. 1899. (2927) MAEY ELLEX CO^^E, dan. of William C( ne (2404), b. Amesvillo, O., Jan. 9, 1852, m. William Henry Brown in Oskaloosa, Kas., in 187<). Ho is a farmer, and a member of M. E. Oh. Ch. 3450. Jessie Ma.toria. b. Feb. 17. 1873. 3457. Maude E., b. Nov. 3, 1875, m. William Coppinger. Res. Winchester, Kan. 3458. Earl Claude, b. Sept. 27. 1879. (2928) JOH]^ LESLIE CONE, son of Albert Watson Cone (2405), b. Uniontown, Bourbon coimtj, Kas., July 30, 1867, m. Jessie C. Martin, dan. of Silas Martin and Winnifred Hancock, in Muscotah, Kas., July 14, 1890. She was b. in Atchison, Kas., Ang. 18, 1869. By occnpation he is a carpenter, and in politics a Socialist. Res. Sedalia, Mo. Ch. 3459. Bessie Mabel, b. Feb. 7. 1893; d. Feb. 8, 1895. 3460. Albert Beryl, b. Mar. 2. 1895. 3401. Ethel Florence, b. Mar. 0. 1898. (2931) CHAELES LESTER CONE, son of Charles Cone (2406), b. Clifton, Wis., Eeb. 3, 1859, m. Sarah E. Brown, who w^as b. at Rnsh River, Wis., June 8, 1864. He is a farmer. Res. Spooner, Wis. Ch. 3402. Howard, b. 1889: d. July 31, 1891. 3463. Charles Oscar, b. May 11. 1894. 3464. Lydia E., b. Mar. 31. 1897. (2932) MYRTLE ESTELLA CONE, dan. of Charles Cone (2406), b. Clifton, Wis., June 10, 1863, m. Olaf Hawkinson July 25, 1891. She was a dressmaker. He was b. Mar. 19, 1864. Is a farmer. Has been Town Supervisor, and a mond^er of the M. E. Ch. and T. O. O. E. Res. River Falls, Wis. Ch. 3465. Bessie Gladys, b. May 6. 1895. (2934) EDWARD WALTER CONE, son of Charles Cone (2406), b. Clifton, Wis., Aug. 19, 1871, m. Anna M. Renter, who Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 263 was b. Dec. 13, 1876. He is a farmer, and a member of the A. O. TJ. W. Res. River Falls, Wis. Ch. 3466. Pearl Elizabeth, b. April 14, 1901. (2935) NELLIE LURENA COXE, dan. of Charles Cone (2406), b. Clifton, Wis., Aug. 19, 1874, m. William Hawkinson Jan. 1892. He v/as b. June 2, 1867. Is a farmer. Res. River Falls, Wis. Ch. .3467. Ethel Estella, b. Nov. 14. 1S92; rl. 1802. 3468. Walter Cone, b. Dec. 30, 1894; d. June 11. 1895. 3469. Alvin William, b. Aug. 16, 1896. 3470. Florence Bernice, b. Aug. 20, 1900. 3471. Mary E., b. Sept. 13, 1902. (2936) BESSIE MABEL CONE, dan. of Charles Cone (2406), b. Clifton, Wis., Sept. 1, 1876, m. Olof Erickson, who was b. Jnly 31, 1866. He is a clerk in a store in Malta, Mont. Ch. 3472. Enez Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1899. (2941) JOHN LIERBERT CONE, son of John Hall Cone (2408), b. in East Haddam Feb. 7. 1864, m. Minnie (Bnrnham) Trask in New York city, Jan. 24, 1900. She was dan. of Austin Burnham and Almira Andrews, and was b. in Colchester. Conn., Oct. 7, 1858. He is a Republican. They res. in Hartford, Conn. (2943) GEORGE WESLEY CONE, son of John Hall Cone (2408), b. in East Haddam Nov. 4, 1867, m. Lula A. Bradbury Nov. 4, 1892. She was dan. of James Bradbury and Matilda Lester, and was b. in Montville, Conn., Feb. 20, 1870. Merchant. Res. Black Hall, Conn. Ch. 3473. Wesley A., b. Aug. 3, 1895. 3474. Dorothy, b. Jan. 9, 1899. 3475. Allen B., b. Aug. 23, 1900. (2944) JOSEPH ANDREWS CONE, son of John Hall Cone (2408), b. in East Haddam Nov. 13, 1869, m. Emma Cleven- shire, dan. of Adam Joseph Clevenshire and Sarah Sidders, Mar. 5, 1890. Mr. Cone left the farm at eighteen years and learned the printer's trade, followed by machine trade. In 1889 he engaged in literary and journalistic work in Boston. Took special courses in Harvard in ''95-96. Started magazine. Little Joher and Storyist, in 1899, and same year published a volume of poems, "Heart and Home Ballads." At present he is Chief Draughtsman of American Net and Twine Co., Boston ; instructor in Mechanical Drawling, Cam- 264 The Cone Family in Aniej^ca. JOSEPH ANDREWS CONE. bridge Institute, literary editor of The tiulnwhan, and member of the Harvard Union, lies. Cambridge, Mass. Ch. 347G. Mykox Andrews, b. June 1.3, 1892; d. in infancy. 3477. Josephine Grace, b. in Cambridgeport, Mass., Feb. 19, 1895; d. Apr. 7, 1895. 3478. Irene Clevenshire, b. Oct. 22, 1897. (2945) HE^s^EY CLAY CONE, son of William Lyman Cone (2409), b. Millington, Conn., Apr. 27, 1852, m. Julia E. Spencer, dan. of Austin K. and Alpha Spencer, Sept. 10, 187C. She was b. in Bashan, Conn., 1851. Farmer. Ees. at Millington. Ch. 3479. Willis Ralston, b. Nov. 19, 1878. 3480. Lucy Lucinda, b. Nov. 28, 1880. 3481. Charles Henry, b. Dec. 6, 1884. 3482. Grace Lillian, b. Sept. 18, 1886. 3483. Walter Leon, b. Nov. 2, 1888. (2946) WILLIAM LYMAN CONE, son of William L. Cone (2409), b. Millington, Conn., Oct. 29, 1854, m. Bertha Burdick June 16, 1883. She was b. Dec. 28, 1866. He m. 2 Anna Lee Gillette, dau. of Miner H. Gillette and Elizabeth Tiffany Lee, Apr. 26, 1889. She was b. in East Haddam Dec. 31, 1861. At the age of twenty-one he sailed on the bark " Tropic Bird," from New Bedford, on a sperm whaling voyage, and was gone twentv-seven months. Afterwards pursued and completed a oourse of musical study at the Descendants of Nathaniel (bne. 265 iSTew England Conservatory of Music in Boston, and is at present a music teacher and piano-tuner, and holds the position of Post- master at Millino-ton. Ch. 3484. Florence, b. Dec. 15, 1884. 3485. Clarence, b. June 16, 1886. 3486. Virginia Gillette, b. Apr. 9, 1891. 3487. Emily, b. Apr. 23, 1895. 3488. Catherine, b. Jan. 19, 1900. (2947) ROBERT RALSTON CONE, son of William Lyman Cone (2409), b. in Milling-ton, town of East Haddam, Conn., Mar. 18, 1857, m. in Seymour, Conn., June 27, 1894, Edna Adella Ken- ney, dau. of Walter Scott Keuney and Mary Jane McElroy. She was b. Jan 30, 1867. She received her musical education at the New^ England Conservatory of Music, in Boston, Mass., where she won special mention and credit from her teachers as a pianist of fine ability. After attending the public schools of his to^vn until he was 18 years of age, Mr. Cone went to Boston, where, at the New England Conservatory of Music, he pursued and completed a course of music study, making the violin a specialty. After teaching and playing for a few years at Bridgeport and other places, he studied for a while Avith Mons. Jules GarQon, professor of the violin at the National Con- servatory of Music at Paris, France. Returning to America, he m. as above. They have no ch. Res. Millington, town of East Had- dam, Conn. (2951) ROBERT DIODATE CONE, son of Robert Cephas Cone (2411), b. in Lowville, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1854, m. Katherine Allen, dau. of Moses Allen (a descendant of Solomon Allen, brother of Thomas Allen, the " fighting parson " ), July 5, 1882. She was b. in New York city Oct. 25, 1852. He is a Presbyterian. Is a real- estate dealer and mortgage loan agent, and res. in Minneapolis, Minn. Ch. 3489. Robert Allen, b. Feb. 21. 1887. 3490. Theodore Usher, b. May 21. 1893. ^ (2952) BARKLEY PLATT ADAMS, son of Grosvenor S. Adams (2413), b. Durham, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1844, m. Susie M. Woods at New Braintree, Mass., Aug. 22, 1870. She d. there Eeb. 22, 1873. He m. 2 Ellen S. Lord, June 24, 1874, in East Marion, N. Y. He is a farmer. Ch. 3491. Harry Loro, b. July 17. 1875. 3492. Susie Woods, b. June 16, 1878. 3493. Ed-ward N., b. May 19, 1879. 3494. Eva G.. b. Sept. 16. 1881. 3495. Ralph C. b. May 9. 1885. 266 The Cone Family in Amei'ica. ROBERT RALSTON CONE, (Page 265.) (2954) AXNIE DUDLEY ADAMS, dan. of Grosvenor S. Adams (2413), b. New Haven, Conn., May 25, 1848, m. Kev. Joseph Wesley Eal•nslla^y Nov. 27, 1878. He was b. in Ravenfield, conntv of Yorkshire, Eng., Jan. 0, 1840. He was son of John and Harriet Earnshaw, and res. a few years since at LowviUe, Eewis conntv, N. Y. Ch. 3496. WixxiFUED, b. Jan. 4. ISSO: d. .Tan. 21. 1S80. 3497. Wilton Adams, b. Feb. 15, 1881. 3498. Mildred, b. Feb. 20. 1885; d. Mar. 2, 1885. .3499. \Ye8Tley Deane. b. June 20, 188G. 3500. Grosvenor Dudley, b. Mar. 12. 1888: d. Sept. 21. 1888. (2955) GEOSVENOR CONE ADAMS, son of Grosvenor S. Adams (2413), h. Sag Harbor, N. Y., May 2, 1854, m. at Green- point, N. Y., Emily Jane Hart of that place,' Apr. 7, 1880. She d. Jnne 29, 1892. Ts a banker, and res. at Greenpoint, N. Y. Descendants of Nathaniel (^one. 267 MRS, ROBERT RALSTON CONE. (Page 265.) Ch. 3501. Pehuy Hakt, b. July 10, 1886. 3502. FlorExXce Mayxard, b. June 4, 1888. 3503. Emily Hart, b. June 29, 1892. (2958) A^T^IE CLEVELAND CONE, dau. of Edward Wallace Cone (2-il8), b. Richmond, Va., June 1, 1857, m. David A. Ainslee, of Richmond. He is a carriago-makcr. She d. Oct. 4, 1890. Ch. 3504. Jaxette Curky, b. Oct. 4. 1884. 3505. EmvARD Coxe, b. Sept. 8, 1889. • (2959) FREDERICK WALTER CONE, son of Edward Wallace Cone (2418), b. in Richmond, Va., May 24, 1859, m. in Stannton, Va., Lina H. McChesney, of that vdaee, Oct. 1, 1882. He is a wholesale dealer in tobacco, and res. at Richmond. Ch. 3506. Frederick ^^'alter, b. Oct. 22. 1883. 268 The Cone Family in America. (2960) ARCHIBALD PLEASAA^T CONE, son of Edward Wallace Cone (2418), b. in Richmond, Va., Apr, 6, 1862, m. Annie Pntney, of that place, Feb. 13, 1889. Formerly eng-aged in the office of the Richmond & Danville Railroad Co., at Richmond. Ch. 3507. Julia La-vgiiorn, b. Oct. 4, 1889. ^ (3002) OLIVER CONE HUTCHINSON, son of Aiignstus Cone Hntchinson (2438), b. Bnrlington, la., Mar. 27, 1863, m. Ottie D. Lagnna of Oakland, Cal., Dec. 3, 1886. She was b. Lime 21, 1863, and d. Feb. 11, 1891. He m. 2 Leona Langford May 10, 1893. For manv vears was Secretary and General ]\ranager of the Rand.dpli Coal (3o.', of Kansas City, Mo. Res. Alameda, Cal. Ch. 3.508. KuTir, b. Sept. 11. 1887. (3019) CHARLES BRAINARD CONE, son of Palmer L. Cone (2446), b. in Davenport, la., Sept. 3, 1870, m. Daisy Edna Aplin, dan. of Henry H. Aplin and Frances Patchin, Lan. 1, 1894. She was b. in Bay City, Mich., Sept. 24, 1874. Res. Chi- cago, 111. (3021) GLEN CARLTON CONE, son of Walter L. Cone (2447), b. Ontario, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1862, m. Alice Cattien, dan. of Levi and Esther Cattien, Mar. 26, 1889. ]\Iember of Presbyterian Ch. and of the Patrons of Hnsbandry. Lias been Clerk of Board of Supervisors. Is an np-to-date farmer; takes pride in having good stock and in raising good crops. Res. Ontario, N. Y. Ch. 3.)00. Ada Belle, b. Ort. IG. 1880. 3.510. Walter Luther, b. May 1.5, 1890. (3022) KITTIE L. CONE, dan. of Walter L. Cone (2447), b. May 28, 1866, m. Floyd Irving Gates, son of Melvin B. and Dora Gates, Dec. 4, 188L He was b. in Ontario, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1860. Is a farmer, and a member of the Patrons of Hnsliandry. Res. On- tario, N. Y. Ch. 3.511. Glen Evarts, b. .July 7. 1885. 3512. Jlosco B., b. Aug. 31. 1887. 3513. Eljia May, b. Aug. 15, 1800. (3052) WILLIAM RUSSELL CORSON, son of Adam Clark Corson (2505) and Henrietta H. Cone (2505), b. in Hart- ford, Conn., Feb. 18, 1S70, m. Marian Fay Lyles, dan. of James. Lvlcs and Harriet Fav Allen, Lnne IS, 1S9L She was b. in Hartford Aug. 13, 1S71. He grad. from Yale in spring of 1891. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 269 Episcopal. Associate member of American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Is a consnlting engineer. Res. Hartford. Ch. .3.514. Dorothy Lylks, b. Apr. 24, 1892. 3515. Mildred Cone, b. .June G, 189.3. (3053) AIMEE FREELAND COIiSOi^, dau. of Adam Clark Corson (2505) and Henrietta H. Cone (2505), b. in Paris, France, Oct. 20, 1871, m. George William Ellis Jmie 9, 1897. He was b. in Albany, iS^. Y., Dec. 6, 1870. Member of the Twentieth Centviry Club and of the Hartford Golf Club. Episcopal. Is con- nected with the Travelers Insurance (^')mpany, at Hartford, Conn. Ch. .3516. George Corson, b. Nov. 24, 1899. (3057) ALICE REBECCA CRANE, dau. of Burdette War- ren Crane, b. Hartford, Conn., Mar. 12,. 1859, m, Herman Julius Maercklein jS^ov. 3, 1883. He was b. '' near Castle Douglas, in Scotland," Dec. 30, 185r). Was for many years Assistant Cashier of the Connecticut River Banking Co., at Hartford, where they ren. Ch. 3517. Burdette Crane, b. Oct. 12. 1884; d. young. 3518. Marion Crane, b. June 1. 1888; d. young. 3519. Richard Cone, b. Mar. 28. 1890; d. young. (3073) SAMUEL RUFUS CONE, son of Isaac Parsons Cone (2543), b. in Miami, O., Mar. 7, 1838, m. Catherine Chiches- ter in NeAV London, la., Dec. 29, 1858. She was b. in Mount Vernon, O., May 12, 1840. He enlisted in Co. K, 1st Mis.souri Engineers, Sept. 30, 1861, and Avas discharged in Nov. 1864. Farmer. Res. at Eagleville, Mo. Ch. 3520.* Franklin, b. Jan. 20. 1860, m. Effie May Oakes. Res. Eagleville, Mo. 3521.* Clara, b. June 8, 1862, m. Charles Thomas Leeper. Res. Harper, Kas. 3522."- Minnie E., b. Sept. 19, 1869, m. George Pierson. Res. Eagleville, Mo. (3074) AUGUSTUS SUTPHEN CONE, son of Isaac Per- son Cone (2543), b. in New London, la., July 4, 1841, m. Sarah Eliza Hampton, dau. of Joel Henrv Hampton and Martha Gott,. Mar. S, 1865. She was b. in Galland, la., Oct. 13, 1843. He en- listed in the same company with his brother, and served during the war as Corporal of the company. Was taken prisoner at Holly Springs, and confined in Rebel prisons for seven months. Discharged Dec. 1, 1864. He is a farmer, member of the Bapt. denomination,, and is a Republican in politics. Thev res. at New London, la. Ch. 3523. :\Iary Etta. b. Nov. 24. 1865. ir. H. L. Leiseuring. Eos. Ottuunvn. la. 3524. James T., b. May 23. 1869. m. yiaud Portlock. Res. Ottumwa, la. 3.52.5. AoNEs Gay, b. Sept. 22, 1872. Res. New London la. 270 The Gone Fatnily in America. (3075) ELIZABETH A^tj^t CONE, dau. of Isaac Persons Cone (2543), b. in JSTew London, la., Aug. 5, 1844, m. Leroy Gam- bell Dec. 5, 1867. He was b. Sept. 5, 1842. Served in 'Co. B, 25tli Iowa Vols., from Ang. 1862, until June, 1865. Formerly a farmer, but at present a carpenter. Member of the M. E. Ch. Has served as Alderman of liis eitv. Is a member of Gr. A. B. and I. O. O. F. Bes. at Indianola, la. Ch. 3.526. Harvey C. b. Feb. 15. 1870. m. Minnie P. Foster. Pxes. DeQuincy. La. 3527. Isaac W.. b. Apr. 8. 1872. Res. Tacoma, Wash. 3528. Edwin R.. b. Aug. n. 1870. Res. Salt Lake City, Utah. 3529. Carolink E., b. Aug. 28, 1879. School teacher. Res. Indianola, la. (3077) MABY ESTHEB CONE, dau. of Isaac Persons Cone (2543), b. Feb. 28, 1850, in Xew London, la., m. Meriani Burge Feb. 20, 1868. He d.. and she afterwards m. Henry Bannister. Bes. at Silver City, la. Ch. 353(3. Thomas M., b. May 4, 1870. (3079) BENJAMIN EDMOND CONE, son of Isaac Ber- sons Cone (2543), b. New London, la., Apr. 4, 1855, m. Olive Van Trump, dau. of Isaac and Jemina Van Trump, Nov. 14, 1878. She was b. New London, Oct. 20, 1857. They have no ch. Bes. at New London. (3081) FLOBENCE EMMA CONE, dau. of Sylvester B. Cone (2548), b. in Leamington, 111., Dec. 12, 1866, m. Gilbert J. Hall Nov. 6, 1882. He was b. in Hardin county, 111., July 2, 1861. Is a farmer, but taught school in his younger days. From 1885 to 1901 served as Justice of the Peace. Is at present a member of Board of Supervisors of Gallatin county. 111. Bes. Leamington. Ch. 3531. Victoria, b. Sept. 13. 1883. 3532. ViDA. b. Aug. 8. 1886. 3533. Clarence, b. Dec. 12, 1887. 3534. Willis Orval. b. Oct. 6. 1890: d. Nov. 7. 1890. 3535. Bessie, b. Oct. 14. 1891. 3536. Emma Irene, b. Xov. 25. 1892. 3537. Blanche, b. Dec. 30, 1897. 3538. Gilbert, b. Sept. 2. 1900. (3082) VIC^TOBIA CONE, dau. of Sylvester B. Cone (2548), b. Leamington, 111., May 5, 1869, m. James Frederick Zinn Jan. 8, 1890. He was b. in Union county, Ky., Dec. 24, 1860. Is a farmer, and member of the I. O. of O. F. Bes. Farmington, 111. Ch. 3539. Nora Lee, b. Dec. 4. 1890; d. Sept. 19, 1892. 3540. Mary Frances, b. Feb. 28. 1893. 3541. Stella, b. Aug. 8, 1896. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 271 (3083) IDA COXE, dau. of Sylvester R. Cone (2548), b. in LecOinington, 111., Sept. 7, 1872, m. Joseph Lackey Dec. 8, 1891. He was b. in Gallatin county, 111., Apr. 8, 1866, and d. at Leaming-- ton Apr. 4, 1902. Farmer. She res. at Leaminoton. Ch. 3542. Clyde, b. Sept. 14. 1892. 3543. Joseph, b. Feb. 9, 1894. 3544. Sylvester, b. Apr. 4. 1896; d. Nov. 11. 1896. 3545. Mary, b. Oct. 30, 1898. ' 3546. Walter, b. Oct. 18, 1900. (3112) ALIC^E FELICIA CONE, dau. of Asa Harvey Cone (2579), b. Rose, O., June 6, 1859, m. Quincy Van Treese Butter- field, son of N'athan Butterfield and Hannah Van Treese. He was b. N'ov. 17, 1848. Is a farmer, and res. Okeana, O. Ch. 3547. Mabel, b. Oct. 12, 1887. 3548. Frank Rutherford, b. Apr. 26. 1891. 3549. Dora, b. Nov. 14, 1895. 3550. Esther, b. May 30. 1897. 3551. Yvonne, b. May 15. 1900. (3115) HARVEY CAMPBELL CONE, son of Asa Harvey Cone (2579), b. Ross, O., Feb. 17, 1866, m. Katie Bunker Dec. 30, 1896. Real-estate and collection ag"ent. Res. Hamilton, O. Ch. 3552. Logan Jennings, b. Nov. 1. 1900. 3553. Ruth Fay, b. Aug. 5, 1902. (3484) MARY L. CONE, dau. of Abijah Cone (2632), b. Sylvania, O., Oct. 30, 1853, m. John S. Randall Nov. 26, 1896. He was b. in East Bolton, Canada, Dec. 27, 1847. Carpenter. Both are members of the M. E. Ch. No ch. Res. Sylvania, O. (3186) NELLIE J. CONE, dau. of Abijah Cone (2632), b. Sylvania, O., Jan. 2, 1861, m. Frederick Cassiday. Occupation, painter. Is a member of the M. E. Ch. Res. Toledo, O. Ch. 3554. Mabel, b. May 25, 1891. (3199) CARRIE A. CHENEY, dau. nf William Chirk Cheney (2647). b. Oct. 2, 1855, m. D. G. Sutfiu Sept. 17. 1879. Res. Chicago, 111. Ch. 3555. William C. b. Mar. 1. 1885. (3200) IDA ROSE CHENEY, dau. of William Clark Cheney (2647), b. Apr. 5, I860, m. Ami Ninuuoiis. son of John B. and Sophia Nimmous, Dec. 1, 1880. Ho was b. in Plymouth, O., —18 272 The Cone Family in America. Julj 11, 1854. Removed to Lincoln, Kas., in 1886. Real-estate and loan agent. Res. Lincoln Center, Kas. Ch. 3556. William Thompson, b. Belleville, 0., Sep. 15, 1881. 3557. Hazel Margaret, b. Plymouth, 0., May 20, 1885. 3558. Ruth, b. Lincoln, Kas., Jan. 25, 1887. (320l^) MATTIE ELIZA ClIEXEY, dan. of William Clark (Jheney (2647), b. Jan. 18, 1862, m. Forest E. Bryant Mar. 22, 1886. They have fonr ch., and res. at St. Panl, Minn. (3205) ST. -TOHjST POWERS, son of William G. Powers (2648), b. Toledo, O., Apr. 16, 1859, m. Sarah E. Yonng ^Tov. 10, 1884. Two ch. Lie was a clerk for the American Wheel Co., Chica- go, 111. (3207) CLOE MYRTA POWERS, dan. of William G. Pow- ers (2648), b. Blissfield, Mich., Oct. 9, 1864, m. Edward P. Powers Jan. 1, 1889. He is a farmer, and res. at Strickland, jSTcb. Ch. 3559. Caroline Eva, b. Nov. 17, 1890. (3210) GUY A^TDEESON CONE, son of Wells Anderson Cone (2649), b. Painesville, O., Mar. 23, 1868, m. X^annie M. Renonrd of Brocton, :N. Y., Dec. 6, 1899. Member of I. O. O. E., and is Station Agent at Brocton. Ch. 35G0. Ardelle Rosamond, b. May 30. 1002. (3213) ALBERT AVERY COXE, son of Oscar Delos Cone (2654), b. Geneva, O., Dec. 29, 1865, m. Anna L. Hottel at ITna- dilla, Xeb., Xov. 19, 1885. She was b. Jnne 9, 1864, in Strasbnrg, Va., dan. of George W. Hottel and Mary C. Swisher. He is a gro- ceryman. Res. at Lincoln, Xeb. Ch. 3561. Oscar Romain, b. .Tan. 21. 1890. 3562. Owen Wendle, b. .Tan. 21, 1890. 3563. Edith, b. Nov. 25, 1891. (3215) ALMOX WILSOX TAYLOR, son of Samnel W. Taylor (2655), b. Leroy, O., Feb. 3, 1866, m. Elsie Rosa Belle Haw- ley May 1, 1889. She was b. Sept. 12, 1870. He is a member of the M. E. Ch., and of the Woodmen and the Masonic order. Traveling salesman for Marshall Field & Co., Chicago. Res. Grand Island, Xeb. Ch. 3564. Glen Ralph, b. .Tnno 17. 1893. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 273 (3216) CORA EMMA TAYLOR, dan. of Samuel W. Taylor (2655), b. LeroY, O., June 17, 1874, m. Edward John Blanfus. Both members of ch. He is in the employ of the railroad company at Douglas, l^eb. Ch. 3565. Forest Leroy, b. Nov. 26, 1898. (3229) EDWI^T JAY CONE, son of Sylvanus Goodloe Cone (2661), b. Aug. 2, 1858, m. Judith Brainard, dau. of Reuben and Cynthia Brainard, June 4, 1878. She was b. in Harpersfield, O. He is a farmer, and res. at Perry, O. Ch. 3566. Archie G.. b. Apr. 23, 1881. 3567. Dora, b. Jan. 17, 1884. 3568. Hexry, b. Aug. 25. 1886. 3569. Lola, b. June 23, 1890. (3233) MliS^XIE E. GRIEST, dau. of Cornelius R. Griest (2662), b. Is^rthfield, O., July 3, 1860, m. Stephen A. Young Oct. 17, 1879. He w-as b. in Hillsdale, :\rich., Oct. 4, 1859. Is a farmer and merchant. Res. at Sylvania, 0. Ch. 3570. Edna M.. b. Oct. 25. 1880. m. George E. Fowler. Ees. Sylvania, 0. 3571. Clayton Leroy, b. Feb. 25, 1884. 3572. Blanche H., b. Feb. 17, 1886. 3573. Floyd, b. July 2, 1889; d. Mar. 13, 1891. (3234) ERANK C. GRIEST, son of Cornelius Griest (2662), b. Hudson, O., July 22, 1861, m. Tillie M. Butler Oct. 2, 1883. She was b. '^ov. 1862, and d. Sept. 6, 1886. He m. 2 Minnie Col- lard Aug. 30, 1888. She w^as b. Jan. 6, 1862. He is a Republican in politics, a Methodist in religious faith, and by occupation a farmer and auctioneer. Res. Sylvania, O. Ch. ■ , 3574. William, b. Nov. 17. 1884; d. Dee. 28. 1884. 3575. Theodore Carrol, b. Deo. 10, 1889. 3576. Marguerite, b. Aug. 25, 1893. 3577. Max Cornelius, b. June 17, 1899. (3235) LILLIE V. GRIEST, dau. of Cornelius Griest (2662), b. mrthfield, O., Dec. 15, 1864, m. W. H. Powlesland Dec. 15, 1884. He was b. Mav 26, 1852. He is a Democrat. Carpenter by trade. Res. Toledo, O. She d. Apr. 16, 1886. Ch. 3578. Claude G.. b. Sept. 12. 1885. (3236) ELLA LEXORA CONE, dau. of Isaac Webb Cone (2664), b. Mar. 11, 1859, m. Allison A. Parker Aug. 21, 1883. Res. Champaign, 111. 274 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 3579. Bernice; d. in infancy. 3580. Helen Lucy, b. Dec. 24, 1890. 3581. Raymond, b. Apr. 31, 1894. (3238) SALMON EARL COXE, son of Isaac Webb Cone (2664), b. June 22, 186G, m. Carrie Blackmore June 26, 1890. Res. Geneva, O. Ch. 3582. Geohge Beasly, b. June 26, 1895. (3240) GEORGE FRAATKLIK CONE, son of Isaac W. Cone (2664), b. Mav 28, 1870, m. Marian Hopkins Oct. 16, 1895. Res. Geneva, O. Ch. 3583. Edward Hopkins, b. May. 1897. 3584. Gertrude Mildred, b. May 19, 1901. (3242) MYRTA M. ABBEY, dan. of William E. Abbey (2665), b. Madison, O., June 24, 1860, m. Charles E. Moseley, son of M. M. and C. C. Moseley, in Madison, O., Sept. 2, 1885. He was b. in Thompson, O., Jnly 7, 1856. She was a school teacher for nine years. Ch. 3585. N. LeRoy, b. Thomson. 0.. Dec. 12. 1880. ^ (3288) RALPH A. GOODNER, son of Madison Goodner (2685), b. Chester, 111., Dee. 17, 1864, m. Marie C. Fitzgerell of Fitzgerell, 111., June 6, 1888. She was b. Eitzgerell Aug. 23, 1865. He grad. at Rush Medical College, Chicago, and also at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and afterwards a practicing ]"»hysician at Stone Church, 111. Res. in 1899, in Iv'ashville, 111. (3290) GENEVIEVE GOODNER, dan. of Madison Good- ner (2685), b. Nashville, 111., July 19, 1870, m. George R. Pe-arce Aug. 3, 1889. He was b. in England A]u-. 19, 1865^ Connected with Thom]isoii & Taylor, wholesale dealers in coffee and teas, Chicago. Ch. 3586. Mariette Tennyson, b. May 8, 1890; d. Dec. 13, 1890. ■ (3293) CHARLES VINCENT HAGER COAN, son of Ed- win Coan (2690), b. Waterville, N. Y., June 27, 1863, m. Mary Banks Pearsall, dan. of Prank Pearsall and Mary A. Moore, at Morris, N. Y., June 24, 1891. She was b. Jan. 27, 1863. He has been for past thirteen years Choir Master of Trinity Episcopal Ch. at Rutland, Vt. Both are members of that denomination. Thev have no ch. Descendants of Nathaniel Cone. 275 (3294) CLAKENCE AETHUK COKE, son of Edwin Coan (2690), b. Ottawa, 111., Dec. 16, 1807, m. Sept. 26, 1900, Frances Catherine Challenor, dan. of Francis G. Challenor and Rosalie C. Slater, in ISTew York city. She was b. East Orange, IsT. J., July 3, 1872. He has lived in St. Louis, Albany, and Brooklyn, but hi'; present res. is Eew York. Is a member of the Episcopal Ch. Is a law^yer by profession. He grad. from Columbia College in 1889, with degree of LL. B. For many years a member of the 9th ]^. Y. y. Guard. Became 2d Lieutenant of Co. H in 1803. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Inspector of Rifles in 1895, and to Captain in 1896. In 1898 this regiment was mustered into U. S. service in the Spanish-American War, and he remained in service until Dec. 12, 1898, W'hen the regiment w^as discharged. On Oct. 5, 1899, he en- listed in Co. K, 23d Reg. A^ational Gnar.l. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Dec. 27, 1900, and on Mav 31, 1901, brevetted Captain for services in Spanish- American War. (3520) FRANKLIX E. COXE, son of Samuel Rufus Cone (3073), b. in Xew London, la., Jan. 20, I860, m. Effie May Oakes Dec. 20, 1885. Res. Eagleville, :\ro. Ch. 3.587. Lexa EsTHEi{. h. Oct. 18. 1887. 3.588. Leslie, b. Jan. 24, 1892. 3589. Rosa, b. Dec. 18, 1896; d. in infancy. (3521) CLARA COXE, dan. of Samuel Rufus Cone (3073), b. in Xew London, la., June 8, 1862, m. Charles Thomas Leeper. Res. Harper, Kas. Ch. 3590. Lena Blanche, b. Oct. 21, 1884. 3591. Walter Roy, b. Oct. 12, 1885. 3592. RoscoE Charles, b. Nov. 13, 1898. 3.593. . b. Dec. 5, 1900. (3522) MIXXIE E. COXE, dan. of Samuel Rufus Cone (3073), b. in X^ew London, la., Sept. 19, 1869, m. George P. Pierson, son of George and Priscilla Pierson, Aug. 21, 1890. Physician. Res. Des Moines, la. Ch. 3594. Lea Ross, b. May 31. 1891; d. young. 3595. Lola Frances, b. Sept. 1, 1893; d. young. 3596. KatHerine Marlv, b. May 25, 1897; d. young. 276 The Cone Family in America. STEPHEN CO:^E. (9) STEPHEX COXE, son of Daniel Cone (1) and Maliita- ble Spencer, b. in Haddam, Conn., 1677, bapt. Mar. 20, 1078, m. Mary Hnngerford, dan. of Thomas Hungerford, jr., in East Ilad- dam Feb. 5, 1702. She was b. in Haddam in 1081 and d. in East Haddam Mar. Ki, 1703, aged 82 years. Both were admitted to membership in the 1st Cong. Ch. in 1704, and remained active mem- bers until their death. He was a farmer. In 1725 was appointed Lieutenant of the Colonial troops, and in 1735 was appointed as Captain. He d. in East Haddam Dee. 1, 1750. Ch. .3597.* Mary, b. Feb. 2. 1703. m. William Barnes, jr. 3598.* Rebecca, b. May G. 1704. m. Thomas Barnes. 3599.* Stephen, b. Xov. 11. 170G. m. Susannah Clark; d. Juno 23, 1771. 3G00.* Susannah, b. July 15. 1708, m. Thomas Knowlton; d. Aug. 14, 1787, 3G01. Eleanor, b. Dec, 21, 1710; d. Apr. 9, 1730. 3602. Jared, b. Mar, 10, 1713; d. Sept. 27. 1714. 3603.* Mahitable, b. July 14. 1714, m. Thomas Cone (1150) : d. 1791. 3604.* Deborah, b. Apr, 2, 1718. m, William Williams, 3605.* John, b, Oct, 15, 1720, m, Martha Smith; d. 1758. 3606,* Reuben, b. May 30, 1723. Removed to Nova Scotia, (3597) .MARY COXE, dan. of Stephen Cone (9) and Marv Hungerford, b. in East Haddam, Conn., Feb. 2, 1703, m. William Barnes, jr., Jnlv 2, 1724. He was b. in East Haddam Aug. 7, 1098. Ch. 3G07. John, b, Apr, 2, 1725. 3608, Mary. b. Jan. 11, 1727. 3609, William, b. Jan. 10, 1729. 3610, Stephen, b, Xov, 5, 1730. Rev, soldier under Capt, Seth Smith. (3598) REBECCA COXE, dan. of Stephen Cone (9) and Mary Hungerford, b. in East Haddam, Conn., May 0, 1704, m. Thomas Banies, son of William Barnes, j\[ar. 14, 1729. He was b. Mar. 20, 1700, at East Haddam, and always lived there. Ch, 3G11. Eleanor, b. Feb. 10. 1730. 3612. Thomas, b. May 12, 1732. 3613. Daniel, b. Jan. 23. 1735, 3614. Rebecca, b, Dec, 16, 1737, 3615. Susannah, b. Aug. 14, 1739. 3616. Jonah, b. .July 11. 1741. 3617. Dorcas, b. Xov, 6. 1743. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 211 (3599) STEPHEX COXE, son of Stephen Cone (9) and Mary Hungerford, b. in East Haddam, Conn., Nov. 11, 1706, m. Su- sannah Clark Feb. 21, 1732. Thej both joined the First Cong. Ch. Aug. 27,1738. They removed to Bolton, Tolland county. Conn., in 1745, being among the earliest settlers of that part of the Colony. He early took a prominent part in the political affairs of his com- munity, and was elected to the Legislature in 1750, 1751, 1752, 1754. 1755, 'l763, and 1764. He d. in Bolton June 23, 1771. 3018. ••■■ Jared, b. Dec. 31. 1733. m. Christiana Loomi.s; d. Apr. 11, 1807. 3619. Susannah, h. Apr. 1. 173."i. m. George Griswold; d. June 16. 1815. 3620.* Stephen, b. ]\Iar. 24. 1737. m. 1 Thankful Strong. 2 Sarah Badger. 3621.* Zachakiah, b. Feb. 23. 1739. m. Mary Gilbert; d. about 1802. 3622. Eleanor, b. Feb. 5. 1741, unm. : d. in Bolton May, 1790. 3623. Mary, b. Mar. 20. 1743, m. Rhodal Thacher. 3624. Mahitable, b. Dee. 1, 1744, unm.; d. in Bolton Apr. 3, 1766. 362-5.* John, b. May 26, 1746, m. Patience Strickland; d. Oct. 5, 1777. (3600) SUSAXXAH COXE, dau. of Stephen Cone (9) and Mary Hungerford, b. in East Haddam July 15, 1708, m. Thomas Knowlton, jr., Dec. 24, 1724. He was b. Mar. 31, 1699, and d. June 14, 1781, aged 82 years. She d. Aug. 14, 1787. They always lived at East Haddam, and eight ch. born to them there. (3603) MAHITABLE COXE. See Thomas Cone (1150). 03604) DEBOKAH COXE, dau. of Stephen Cone (9) and Mary Hungerford, b. E. Haddam Apr. 2, 1718, m. William Williams in East Haddam Feb. 16, 1738. 3626. Bethiah, b. Apr. 20. 1740: d. Oct. 20. 1740. 3627. Bethiah, b. .Tune 20. 1742. 3628. William, b. Oct. 20. 1745. 3629. Mary, b. Nov. 29. 1747. 3630. Deborah, b. Apr. 1, 1750. 3631. Nathan, b. Mar. 2. 1754. 3632. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 3. 1759. (3605) JOHA^ CO]STE, son of Stephen Cone (9) and Mary Hungerford, b. in East Haddam Oct. 15, 1720, m. Martha Smith in 1746. She was b. in Boston. They had one ch., who d. an infant. He served in the French and Indian War witli his brother Eeuben, and d. at siege of Louisburg in 1758. (3606) KEUBEX COXE, son of Stephen Cone (9) and Mary Hungerford, b. East Haddam Mav 30, 1723. He served in Colonial W^ar under Capt. Jeremiah Hogeboom. Soon after this he removed 278 The Cone Family in America. to Xova Scotia, for we tind him there in 1765. He m. in Connecticnt. Very little conld be fonnd regarding his descendants. 3633. Dorothy, in. Jetliro Chase Dec. 15, 1768. 3634. RoxANNA, m. Amasa Bigelow about 1769. (3618) JARED CONE, son of Stephen Cone (3599) and Susannah Clark, b. East Haddam, Dec. 31, 1733, ni. Christiana Loomis Feb. 19, 1754. She was b. Feb. 5, 1736, and d. Bolton, Conn., Oct. 6, 1807. The General Assembly of Connecticnt ap- pointed him Ensign of the First Company at Bolton in 1772, and Lieutenant in 1773. In April, 1775, his company marched from Bolton and took part in the "Lexington Alarm," the company being commanded by Capt. Thomas Pitkin. He also served as Captain in the Connecticut Militia under Col. Wells, in 1779. The records in his case are not complete. It is probable that he served nearly six years, and before his final discharge was promoted to Major ; such at least is the family's record. He d. at Bolton Apr. 11, 1807. Ch. 3635. Christiana, b. .June !), 1755, m. Solomon Dewev July 30. 1772. He d. 1813. 3636. Anna, b. Oct 6, 1757, m. .Jonah Strickland .Tnne 27, 1775. 3637. ■■■ Jared, b. -June 24. 1760, m. 1 Elizabeth Wells. 2 Caroline W. Webb; d. Mar. 7, 1842. 3638. Amos, b. Apr. 13, 1763; d. Jan. 26. 1767. 3639." Salmon, b. Sept. 15, 17()6, ni. 1 j\Iary Pinneo, 2 Mary Breed; d. .June 10, 1847. 3640."' Lois, b. July 17. 1769. m. Ceorge Bissell; d. Coyentry, Conn. 3641."- Amos, b. Dec. 13, 1776. ni. Abigail Hale; d. Jan. 22, 1861. (3620) STEPHE^T CONE, son of Stephen Cone (3599) and Susannah Clark, b. Bolton, Conn., Mar. 24, 1737, m. Thankful Strong, dau. of David Strong, about 1760. She was b. Oct. 12, 1740, and d. Jan. 10, 1773. He m. 2 Sarah Badger June 3, 1774, and pos- sibly 3 Mary Cotton. He seiwed in Eev. War, enlisting at Bolton as a ]U'ivate in Ca]:)t. (afterwards Col.) Jonathan Wells's company Jan. 31, 177nii., Dec. 1769, m. Lucy Williamson 1795. She was b. 1776 and d. in Lee, Mass., Nov. 8, 1848. He d. New j\[arlboro, Mass., Mar. 4, 1814. Ch. 3709.* William, b. July 19. 1797. m. 1 Adola Taylor, 2 Adeline Kelley. 3710.* Mercy, b. Dec. 28, 1798, lu. Asa Heath: d. Dec. 30, 1870. 3711. Frederick, b. Oct. 9. 1800. m. Sarah Steadman: no ch.: d. Oct. 10, 1875. 3712.* Roger, b. Oct. 17. 1803. m. Emeline Brown; d. Mar. 12, 1885. 3713.* Polly, b. Jan. 11. 1805. m. Joseph W. Howe; d. Oct. 20, 1889. 3714.* Maxder, b. June 17, 1807, m. Esther Hawk; d. .June 20, 1893. 3715.* Lucy M., b. Oct. 30, 1810, m. Jesse Cheney; d. Nov. 1, 1892. 3716.* Erastus D., b. Feb. 13, 1812, m. Julia Beach; d. Nov. 20, 1881. (3652) WEALTHY CONE, dau. of Zachariah Cone (3621) and Mary Gilbert, b. Bolton, Conn., Apr. 26, 1772, m. Linden Heb- bard in Bolton about 1798. They removed about 1800 to Tioga county, Pa., and in 1815 to Umulilla, N. Y., where they both d. He was a farmer. Ch. 3717. Joseph, ni. Emily Spinning: d. ]\Iedina, 0. 3718. Mary, m. Ells; d. Unadilla, N. Y. 3719. Caroline, m. Daniel Hongh; d. Green, N. Y. 3720. Sidney, b. May 2, 1809, m. Ulyssa Clark; d. Jan. 12, 1867. (3653) ZACHARIAH CONE, son of Zachariah Cone (3621) and Mary Gilbert, b, Bolton, Conn., Mar. 8, 1774, m. Wealthy Kings- bury, dau. of Nathaniel Kingsbury and Aseneth Daggett, in Coven- try, Conn., Apr. 11, LS04. She was b. Coventry Oct. 24, 1783, and d. Batavia, N. Y., July 25, 1843. He served as a soldier in War of 1812, enlisting in the co]n])aiiy commanded by Capt. Comfort J. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 283 Hyde, and was discharged Oct. 3, 1813. He d. in Batavia, X. Y., Jul,y 14, 1854, aged 80 years, having- removed to that place in 1840. Ch. 3721. Mauy, b. Mar. 10. 1805. m. rveuben Rowley; no cli. ; d. Feb. 12, 18.30. 3722. Walter, b. Aug. 2, 1807; d. Mar. 24, 1808. 3723.* HuBBELL B., b. Feb. 15, 1809, m. Mary M. Skilton; d. Oct. 8, 1871. 3724. Albert Gallatin, b. June 2, 1811; d. unm. Plicenix. Ariz., Nov. 23. 1880. 3725. ■••■ Xathaniel K., b. July 14. 1813, m. Adeline Brewer; d. Feb. 7, 1880. 372G.-^- Salmon G., b. Aug. 6. 1815, m. 1 Mercy A. Cone (3721), 2 Julia E. Fowler; d. Apr. 1890. 3727. ■' Harriet M., b. June 5, 1818. m. William B. Phelps: d. Aug. 27, 1900. (3655) ADONIJAH CONE, son of Zachariah Cone (3621) and Mary Gilbert, b. Hebron, Conn., July 18, 1778, m. Lydia Tay- lor, dau. of I^oadiah Taylor and Lydia Lewis, at Chatham, Conn., Apr. 10, 1805. She was b. Middle'^ Haddam Apr. 16, 1787, and d. at ITnadilla, ]^. Y., Dec. 18, 1881, aged 94 years. He practiced medicine in Tolland county, Conn., and removed to Unadilla in 1810. Had a wide and extensive practice in Otsego, Chenango and Delaware counties in New York, and became noted in southern ISTew York as a skillful and successful physician. At the age of twenty- four years he joined the Masonic rraternity, and for sixty years was an honored and respected member of the order. In 1815 he became a charter member of the lodge at Unadilla, and held at different times every office in the lodge. He d. at Unadilla May 28, 1862, aged 84 years. 3728. JiLiA Ann. b. ISOfi. m. Bolles; no ch.; d. Feb. 14. 1808. 3729. ■■■ Lewls G., b. Jan. 27. 1808, m. Elizabeth More; d. Mar. 21. 1884. (3656) DANIEL CONE, son of Zachariah Cone (3621) and Mary Gilbert, b. Hebron, Conn., 1780, m. Margaret Hall of Had- •dam July 10, 1808. She was b. 1784 and d. x\ug.' 25, 1827. He m. 2 Hannah Taylor, sister of Lydia, Sept. 11, 1828. She was b. East Hampton, Conn., Dec. 23, 1799, and d. Middle Haddam Jan. 6, 1894, aged 94 years. The combined ages of herself and sister and two brothers was 372 vears. He removed to Unadilla in 1810. He held for manv vears the position of Colonel of a regiment of New York :\Iilitin.' D. Unadilla Julv 6, 1842. Ch. 3730.* Harriet, b. July 28. 1813. ni. Thomas Hanford; d. Nov. 10. ISfil. (3657) GARDNER CONE, son of Zachariah Cone (3621) and Mary Gilbert, b. Hebron, Conn., A]u'. 6, 1783, m. Sarah iVnn Robertson Oct. 20, 1806. She was b. Oi't. 17, 1786. They removed to ITnadilla, N. Y., in 1810, and l)oth d. there. 284 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 3731.* Mercy, b. July 15. 1824. m. Salmon G. Cone (3720) ; no cli.: d. May 1, 1847. (3659) JOH^ COI^E, son of John Cone (3625) and Patience Strickland, b. in Bolton, Conn., Sept. 19, 1774, m. Hannah Bingham of Andover Mar. 6, 1798. She was h. Sept. 1, 1778. He was a farmer and clothier. His death, on Mar. 17, 1809, was caused by the premature discharge of a cannon. Ch. 3732.* Sarah B., b. Sept. 27, 1799. ni. David Hutchinson; d. Feb. 2, 1872. 3733. Hannah E., b. Dec. 8. 1800, m. Elijah Town; d. 1854. 3734.* EsTHKR, b. Jan. 26, 1803, ni. Ela Mack: d. Sept. 22, 1890. 3735. Fanny, b. May 25. 1805. unm. ; d. 1885. 3736.* Jerusiia, b. June 4, 1807, m. George Williams; d. Jan. 3, 1898. (3661) SYLVESTER WELLS CO^^E, son of Jared Cone (3637) and Elizabeth Wells, b. in Bolton, Conn., Oct. 17, 1784, m. Frances Paine Dennison in Guildhall, Vt., Jan. 26, 1815. She was b. in Guildhall Mar. 31, 1795, and d. there Oct. 28, 1844. He d. Feb. 18, 1838. He held a number of local offices. Was an ex]:)ert in handling firearms, and served a number of years as Captain in the Militia. Was temperate and industrious in habits, and a man of infloxilile iutogritv. Ch. 3737. Elizabeth J., b. Jan. 9, 1817. m. Joseph Smith; d. June 14. 1851. 3738. Sarah Ann. b. Apr. 22. 1819; d. July 17. 1819. 3739. George Dennison, b. Nov. 22, 1820, unm.; d. Xov. S. 1844. 3740. Caroline Ann, b. Feb. 6. 1823; d. Nov. 2. 1844. 3741.* Susan, b. Sept. 15, 1825. m. Michael Carlton: d. Nov. 13. 1889. 3742. David Dennison. b. Apr. 15, 1828. m. Catron; d. in Washington^ D. C. May 4, 1890. 3743. Sylvester Wells, b. Dee. 10, 1830. Res., when last heard from, in Portland, Me. 3744. Frances, b. June 1, 1833. 3745.* John Paine, b. Feb. 8. 1830. m. Amanda La]ipin. Res. Seneca, Kas. (3662) SARAH CONE, dau. of Jared Cone (3637) and Elizabeth Wells, b. in Bolton, Conn., July 31, 1787, m. Elihu Baxter^ son of Elihu Baxter and Triphena Taylor, in Columbia, N. H., Aug. 17, 1807. Ho was b. in K'orAvich, Vt., Apr. 10, 1781. He was a physician with an excellent practice, and was highly respected for his integrity. D. in Portland, Me., Jan. 3, 1863, aged 81 years. She d. in Portlaud June 27, 1873, aged 85 years. Ch. 3746. Hiram C, b. Aug. 17, 1808, ni. Maria J. Jones Jan. 15. 1837. Was a physician, and d. June 28, 1894, aged 86 years. 3747. Hartley W., b. Jan. 15, 1811, m. Jane Felch. Was lost at sea in 1840. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 285 SARAH ( CONE I BAXIt 3748. Elizabeth W., b. Nov. 17, 1813, m. Henry Gooding; d. Sept. 20. 1834. 3749. William H., b. Jan. 14, 1817, m. Mary A. Jackson Jan. 15, 1859; d. Ang. 3, 1888. 3750. Sarah Adams, b. Oct. 9, 1820, m. Joseph M. Barry Jan 13, 1842; m. 2 Thomas Redden Dec. 18, 1853. 3751.* James P., b. Mar. 23, 1831, m. Sarah Kimball Lewis. Res. Port- land, Me. (3664) JARED CONE, son of Jared Cone (3637) and Elizabeth Wells, b. in Bolton, Conn., :\Iar. 7, 1798, ni. Charlotte Sweatt, dan. of David Sweatt and Elizabeth Akers, June 28, 1831. She was b. June 16, 1801, and d. in Columbia, K H., Oct. 15, 1883, aged 82 years. He was a farmei,*, and d. at Columbia Dec. 29, 1866. Ch. 3752. Sarah, b. Feb. 22, 1832, m. Samuel Harvey; d. Dee. 10, 1889. 3753. Betsey, b. Aug. 4, 1834; d. Oct. 11, 1838. 3754. Deborah, b. Sept. 25, 1839; d. Sept. 20, 1852. 3755.* Alma, b. Jan. 19, 1847. m. William M. Russ. Res. Groveton, N. H. (3665) CHAELES ClIAUXCEY CO^te, son of Jared Cone (3637) and Caroline Wales Webb, b. in Bolton, Conn., Jan. 8, 1802, Susan Mahurin, dan. of Ephraim Mahurin and Rebecca Bunday, Feb. 15, 1826, in Columbia, A^. II. She was b. in Stratford, N. H., Mar. 27, 1806, and d. in Fryeburg-, Me., Sept. 10, 1856. He m. 2 Harriet Butterfield, dan. of Abraham Butterfield and Jane Patten, Oct. 15, 1838. She was b. in Machias, Me., and d. in Brunswick, '286 The Cone Family in America. Me., Jan. :^7, 1S40. lie m. 3 ^Mary Puri'iiigtoii, dan. of Capt. jSTathaniel Piu-rington, May 17, 1S41. She was b. Oct. 15, 1815, and ■d. in Saoo, Me., Aug-. 13, 1851. He m. 4 Marg-aret Jane Butterfield (sister of Harriet) Sept. 6, 1852. She was b.' Jan. 8, 1815. He d. in Bowdoinham, Me., May 14, 1893, ag'ed 91 years. When Mr. Cone was 90 years old he sent nie at my reqnest the following- anto- biogTaphical sketch : " I was raised on a farm. At the age of 22 years was aiipointefl Postmaster of the town and Captain in a militia company. When 24 years old was elected Sheriff of the county, and was a mail contractor for a forty-mile route. Enoaged in farming, hotel-keeping, and dealer in goods: also, as land agent. In 1832 was appointed agent of the Anti- Slavery Society. Also, was agent of the American Temperance Society and was sent by the latter into the State of Maine. Here I joined the Maine Methodist Conference, and commenced the ministry at Gorliam Corners. Was soon appointed Agent for the State of Maine in the Anti-Slavery Society, and also Agent of the State Temperance Society. Was three years Superintendent of Schools. Was sent as a Delegate to the World's Anti-Slavery Convention, held in London, England. Was a Delegate to the National Temperance Convention in Chicago. Illinois; also a Delegate to the JSTational xAnti-Slavery Convention in New York. Was twice a Delegate to the General Conference cf the M. E. Church. Three years Agent of the American Bible Society ; two years Agent of the Freedman's Aid Society; eight years Presiding Elder of the Maine Conference of the M. E. Church ; and have served a number of terms as -Justice of the Peace. You may infer from these facts that T have had a l)usy life, wliicli T understand to be th.e best guarantee of a long life and a green old age." Cli. .37o6.'^ SiTSAX H.. h. June 3. ISJ.'i. m. Loienzo Dow Small. 3757.* Mary C. b. .June ?,, 1S4.5. m. Addison E. Ilalsey; d. -Jan. 1881. .37-18. Charles. !>. 1840: d. 1847. 37-50.* -James W.. b. July 4. I8.1O. m. Lillian A. Albee. Res. Ayer. Mass. 37G0. Isabella, b. Aug. (J 18.>1; d. Sept. 18-57. 3701. ■" Frances L.. b. Oct. 24. 18.53. m. William W. Sparks. 37G2. Charles Fremont, b. Aug. 28. 1850; d. Dec. 31, 1869. 3763. John Albert, b. Feb. 19. 1859. Res. Bowdoinham, Me. (3666) CAROLINE WALES COXE, dan. of Jared Cone (3637), b. in Bolton, Conn., Jnno 8, 1804, m. Milo i\rahnrin of Oolnmbia, K H. She d. Apr. 8. ls85, aged 81 years. Ch. 3704. -John. 3765. Mary. m. Carlton. Res. Haverhill. X. H. 3706. Ellen. 3767. Julius; lived in Arkansas. 3768. William; was living in Norwich. N. Y., in 1878. (3667) JOHN" WEBB COXE, son of Jared Cone (3637) and Caroline Wales Webb, b. in Bolton, Conn., July 24, 1807, m. Lanra Smith, dan. of Levi Smith and Caroline Cleveland, in 1841. She Descendants of Stephen Cone. 287 was b. in Hanover, N". H., Aug. 10, 1808, and d. in Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 10, 1883. He d. ^^ew Castle, Me., Mar. 7, 1852. Ch, 3769. Charles Chauncey, b. Mar. 30, 1843. Served clurinn the Rebellion as Lieutenant in Co. T. 8th U. S. Infantry. Was wounded at the battle at Chapin's Farm, Va., Sept. 27, 1864. and d. at Fortress Monroe, Oct. 27, 1864. 3770.* Caroline F., b. July 16, 1845, m. Henry Potter; d. Mar. 27, 1879. 3771.* George W., b. Aug. 13, 1848, m. Georgia McKenzie. Res. Chicago, 111. 3772.* John A,, b. Apr. 7, 1852, ra. Georgia A. Hall; d. . (3671) ALBERT PITKIX C0:NE, son of Jared Cone (3637) and Caroline Wales Webb, b. Columbia, Coos county, IN". H., ISTov. 8, 1820, m. Anna Page Bache, dau. of William Bacbe and Anna Page, in Wellsboro, Pa., Oct. 24, 1850. She was b. Aug. 25, 1827, and d. Oct. 10, 1864. He was an Episcopalian in religious belief, and a Re- publican in politics. An attorney of great abilit_y and high merit. He d. .at Wellsboro, Pa., Sept. 7, 1872. Ch. Frances, b. Aug. 7. 1851 ; burned to death Feb. 24. 1855. Ada Bache, b. May 24, 1853, unm. Res. Paris, France. Anna White, b. Nov. 12, 1854. Harriet Bache, b. Oct. 15. 1856; drowned at Wellsboro. Pa., 1868. Albert Pitkin, b. Xov. 4, 1860, unni. Civil engineer. Res. Omaha, Neb. Laugher Bache, b. Oct. 16, 1863; d. May 2, 1881. George Horatio, b. Oct. 9, 1864, unm. Is Claim Adjuster of the U. P. E,. R. Co. Is a Unitarian. Has res. at Wellsboro and Doylestown, Pa., Concord, N. H., and Boston. Removed in 1887 to Omaha, Neb. (3672) JULIA A^^Is^ FRAIS^CES C0:N^E, dau. of Jared Cone (3637) and Caroline Wales Webb, b. in Columbia, IsT. h., Nov. 25, 1822, m. Benjamin Woodbridge Donnell, son of Jotham Donnell and Jane Woodbridge, Feb. 25, 1849. He was b. in Alna, Me., Jan. 15, 1826. Earmer^ Res. Sheepscott, Me. Ch. 3780.* Jane C. 1). :Mar. 26. 1851. m. Henry Kirke White. Res. Bangor, Me. 3781. Annie C. b. Mar. 22. 1855; d. Feb. 26, 1856. 3782.* Edwin C, b. Jan. 19, 1857, m. Laura H. Shipman. Res. Wauwa- tosa. Wis. 3783.* Albert W.. b. Dec. 14, 1857, m. Annie M. Hamilton. Res. Kent's Hill, Me. (3673) MARY COXE, dau. of Salmon Cone (3639) and Polly Pinneo, b. in Colchester, Conn., Feb. 27, 1793, m. Richard Hubbard of Middletown, Conn., son of N'ehemiah Hubbard and Lucv 3773. 37 74. 37 75. 37 76. 37 77. 37 78. 37 79. 288 The Cone Family in America. Starr, Sept. 7, 1814. He was b. Mar. 27, 1792. Grad. Yale in 1813. Became President of the Middletown Bank, and d. Sept. 1, 1839. She d. 1850. Ch. 3784. Lucy Maria, b. Apr. 5, 1817; d. Nov. .3, 1823. 378.5. Edward, b. Aug. 20, 1820; d. in infancy. 378G. Edward C, b. Sept. 27, 1824, m. Sarah Humphreys; d. in Ohio, 1892. (3674) EDWAED SALMON CONE, son of Sahnon Cone (3639) and Polly Pinneo, b. in Middletown, Conn., May 30, 1795, m. Jnne 6, 1822, Eliza Lord Hosmer, dan. of Jndge Stephen Titns Hosmer, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Connecticut. She was b. June 6, 1800, and d. Apr. 5, 1870. ITe was a noted physi- cian, and d. Middletown Feb. 15, 1831. Ch. 3787. Mary, b. Apr. 1. 1823: d. Feb. 1, 1836. 3788. Edward Hosmer, b. 1825; d. Sept. 13. 1825. 3789. Mary Eliza, b. 1S27; d. Jan. 9. 1829. 3790. Edward S., b. Dec. 6, 1830: d. June 22, 1852. ' (3676) GEOPtGE CONE BISSELL, son of George Bissell and Lois Cone (3640), b. in Coventry, Conn., July 20,"l792, m. Elizabeth White June 12, 1821. She was b. Jan. 27, 1800, and d. at Eockville, Conn., May 10, 1867. He d. in Coventry Doc. 15, 1882, aged 90 years. Ch. 3791. Eliza Axx. b. Mar. 19, 1822, ni. Henry Troop; one ch.: d. Mar. .5, 1852. 3792. George S., b. Oct. 10. 1823. ni. :Mary S. Haskins: d. Jan. 19. 1889. 3793. Dorcas C. b. Aug. 25, 1825, m. David A. French. Res. Middletown. Conn. 3794. ::Mary WiUTK, 1). Feb. 10, 1827. ni. Sylvester L. Hickox. 3795. Parhelia D., b. Xov. 24, 1829. ni. Tlieodore P. Kellogg. Pes. Dun- lap, la. 3796.* Edwix Coxe, b. INIar. 2, 1832. in. Emily Ponieroy; d. Apr. 10. 1894. 3797. "■' Adalixe, b. Jan. 19. 1834. ni. Pev. Elijah Pobbins; d. in South Africa Oct. 20, 1888. 3798. Joii^v' E.. b. Sept. 7, 1835, unni. Soldier in Civil War; wounded and d. Dec. 8, 1803. 3799. Lois Co-\e. b. Sept. 17, 1837. m. Allen P. Hammond; d. Julv 28, 1872. 3800. RoRERT, b. Aug. 11, 1839, ni. Sara E. Deming. Res. Philadelphia, Pa. 3801. Elliott, b. 1841; d. 1842. 3802. Augusta S., b. Apr. 27, 1843, m. Allen Park Hammond, former husband of her sister Lois, Aug. 26, 1873. (3681) CHKISTIANA BISSELL, dan. of George Bissell and Lois Cone (3640), b. in Coventry, Conn., Apr. 28, 1804, m. Wyllis Thrall Aug. 2, 1826; d. in Hartford, Conn., Apr. 15, 1890. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 289 Ch. 3803. Anna, b. Mar. 3, 1830, m. Philo Ives; four ch. Res. Zinzendorf Strasse, Dresden, Saxony, Austria. 3804. Edward, b. Sept. 30, 1835, m. Verona C. Champlin; no ch. Res. Hartford. (3683) BETSEY BISSELL, daii. of George Bissell and Lois Cone (3640), b. in Coventry, Conn., May 7, 1808, m. Salmon Jones. She d. in Coventry May 30J 1891, aged 83 years. Ch. 3805. Robert, b. 1833; d. 1837. 380G. George B., b. May 27. 1835, m. Emma Buel Post. Res. New Haven. (3684) HENKY HALE CONE, son of Amos Cone (3641) and Abigail Hale, b. in Bolton, Conn., May 22, 1801, m. Sophronia Ellis, dan. of William and Mary Ellis, in Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 21, 1826. She was b. in Mecklenbnrg county, Va., Apr. 5, 1807, and d. in Houston, Tex., Feb. 17, 1894, aged 87 years. He was a physi- cian and surgeon. Removed to Macon, Ga., in 1828, and to Houston, Tex., in 1837. He d. there Sept. 3, 1858. Ch. 3807. Henry, b. Mar. 19, 1829; d. in Houston 1843. 3808." Harriet S., b. May 19, 1830, m. William H. Sellers. Res. New York. 3809. Joseph E., b. Aug. 8, 1831; d. 1847, while at Yale College. 3810." Mary A. C, b. Nov. 15, 1832, m. .James Theodore Wilson; d. Sept. 14, 1899. (3685) ADELINE CONE, dau. of Amos Cone (3641) and Abigail Hale, b. in Bolton, Conn., Feb. 15, 1803, m. Dr. Orrin Hunt as his second wife Sept. 11, 1826. He was b. in Columbia, Conn., Jan. 12, 1793, and d. in Bolton Aug. 24, 1850. She d. in Eockville, Conn., Nov. 26, 1869. Ch. 3811.* Henry, b. Jan. 31, 182G, ni. Charlotte M. House. Res. Vernon. Conn. 3812. AmuAiL Sarah, b. Oct. 21, 1828; d. in Bolton Feb. 21, 1848. 3813. Cornelia E., b. Sept. 0. 1830, m. Bartholomew; d. Mar. 10, 1893. 3814. Edward C, b. Feb. 3, 1832, m. ; d. Nov. 28, 1872. 3815. Walter Leonard, b. Jan. 2, 1833; d. Aug. 2, 1835. 381G.* Eunice A., b. Feb. 27, 1834, m. W. T. Johnson. Res. Hartford, Conn. 3817. Adeline E., b. Apr. 3, 1835, m. M. Ellis. Res. Cornish Center, N. H. 3818."- Chester B., b. Aug. 15, 183G, m. Adelaide E. Clark. Res. Colchester. 3819. Hannah Welles, b. May 22, 1839; d. Feb. 7, 1852. 3820. Mary L., b. Aug. 20, 1842, m. Andrew Graham; d. Oct. 20, 1894. 3821. Martha Frances, b. Dec. 20, 1845; d. Dec. 24, 1846. (3688) WALTEK WELLES CONE, son of Amos Cone (3641) and Abigail Hale, b. Bolton, Conn., Feb. 18, 1818, m. Mary Fidelia Andrews, dau. of Chauneey Andrews, June 9, 1847. She 290 The Gone Family in America. was b. in Glastonbury, Conn., Mar. 1-i, 1822. He was a merchant at Enfield, Conn., and d. there Aug. 7, 1850. She m. 2 Stephen M. Weir, and d. May 22, 1883. Ch. 3822."- Joseph Walter, b. July 5. 1848. m. Charlotte A. Hollister. Res. Glastonbury. (3690) MERVIIs^ CONE, son of Russell Cone (3612) and Mary Pitkin, b. in Manchester, Conn., Nov. 4, 1794, m. Clarissa Wil- son Jan. 6, 1815. She was b. 1782, and d. Oct. 6, 1828. He m. 2 Abigail Wolcott Holton in Ellington, Conn., in 1830. She was b. 1800 and d. Nov. 1, 1869. He d.'in Manchester Apr. 27, 1871. Ch. 3823. Henry, b. June 23. 1816; d. unm. Oct. IS, 1839. 3824.* Ralph, b. Oct. 20, 1818, m. Esther W. Woodbridge. Res. Manchester. 3825. Charles, b. 182G; d. July 13, 1844. (3691) JOSEPH CHESTER CONE, son of Russell Cone (3642) and Mary Pitkin, b. in Manchester, Conn., Aug. 24, 1808, m. Mary M. Robinson in 1830, and d. Apr. 25, 1871. She d. May 2, 1871. Two ch., who d. in infancy. (3707) REUBEN CONE, son of Samuel Cone (3649) and Susannah Hutchinson, b. in Hebron, Tolland county, Conn., July 14, 1787. Removed to Rome, Ga., in 1820, carrying a full line of "Yankee notions." Was a veritable "Yankee peddler." He m. in Decatur, Floyd county, Ga., Lucindn Shumate, in 1824. She was b. in Virginia and d. in Atlanta Feb. 10, 1873. He became a very successful merchant, and in that business and in the purchase of real estate he becamo quite wealthy. He d. in Atlanta Apr. 8, 1851. Ch. 3826.* Harriet E., b. Aug. 18, 1829, m. Julius A. Harden ; d. Dec. 3, 1899. (3708) GILBERT CONE, son of S-anuel Cone (3649) and Susannah Hutchinson, b. in Hebron, Conn,, Feb. 4, 1791, m. in 1820 Caroline Smith, a native of New York State. In 1815, soon after the close of the war, he went to Kingston, Canada, Avhere he owned and operated a ferry across the St. Lawrence river. He lived a few vears after marriage in northern New York, and removed from there in 1828 to Decatur, Ga., where he engaged in farming. He d. in Rome, Ga., Oct. 8, 1878, aged 87 years^ She d. there iVpr. 20, 1884, aged SQ years. Ch. 3827.* AnALiXE A., b. Teh. 19. 1821. m. Alvan T. Fones : d. Apr. 31, 1894. 3828. Reirex P., b. 1823. mun. Res. Little Rock. Ark. 3829. James, b. Eel). 10. 182."). m. Navcissa Russell: no ch.: d. 1862. 3830. Frances A., b. Feb. 26, 1832, m. James N. Van Relt. Res. Ballin- ger, Tex. 3831.* Alvan S.. b. Aug. 23. 1835, m. Marccnah Cofer. Res. :\rt. Hope, Ga. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 291 (3709) WILLIAM COI^E, son of Frederick Cone (3651) and Lucy Williamson, b. July 19, 1797, m. 1 Adelia Taylor, and 2 Adeline Kelley. Ch'. 3832. Hax^;ah. 3833. Alvax. 3834. Gilbert, m. Laura Hall; two ch. 3835. Edward. 3830. Harriet, m. John F. Sarle; lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. (3710) MERCY CONE, dau. of Frederick Cone (3651) and Lucy Williamson, b. Dec. 28, 1898, m. Asa Heath Feb. 19, 1829. She d. at Chenang-o Forks, IsT. y., Dec. 30, 1876. Ch. 3837. Lucy, b. Feb. 24. 1830, m. Stillwell. Res. Windsor, N. Y. 3838. Mercy, b. Nov. 19, 1831, m. Jesse Post. Res. Chenango Forks. N. Y. 3839. Frederick, b. Dec. 14, 1833. Res. Chicago, 111. 3840. Lewis B., b. May 8, 1838. Res. Chicago. 111. 3841. Ira, b. Aug. 29, 1844. Res. Chicago, 111. (3712) EOGER CONE, son of Frederick Cone (3651) and Lucy Williamson, b. Oct. 17, 1803, m. Emeline Brown Mar. 14, 1839. She was b. in Tyringham, Mass., Apr. 21, 1803, and d. in Penfield, O., Mar. 11, 1876. They removed from Lee, Mass., to Penfield in 1845, and he d. there Mar. 12, 1 885. aged 81 years. Ch. 3842. Marshall, b. ]\Iar. 12, 1840; d. umn. in Penfield, Dec. 8, 1868. 3843. Mary, b. Oct. 25. 1841, nnm. Res. Wellington. O. 3844.* Mercy, b. Apr. 6, 1844. ni. David J. Peters. Res. Wellington, 0. 3845. Martha, b. Apr. G, 1844; d. May 29, 1844. 3846. Merritt, b. Mar. 2. 1846; d. Sept. 13, 1853. 3847.* MiLAX, b. Apr. 4, 1848, in. Esther Drake; d. Jan. 11, 1892. (3713) POLLY COIsTE, dau. of Frederick Cone (3651) and Lucy Williamson, b. near Hot Brook, Mass., Jan. 20, 1805, m, Jo- seph Warren Howe Mar. 28, 1833, and d. at Berrien Springs, Mich., Oct. 20, 1889, aged 84 years. He was b. Sept. 24, 1802, and d. at Berrien Springs Sept. 4, 1875. Ch.^ 3S48."- Hexry D.. b. Mar. 14, 1835, m. Mary P. Essick. Res. Berrien Springs. 3849. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 29, 1836; d. Mar. 9, 1837. 3850.* Mary M., b. July 14, 1838, m. Charles E. McCollister. Res. Berrien Springs. 3851. Uriah R., b. Sept. 12, 1840, m. Mary A. Robinson. Res. Chicago, 111. 3852. Edward F.. b. Oct. 9, 1842, m. Clara H. Wilkinson. Res. Dowagiac, Mich. 3853. Joseph W., b. Nov. 11, 1844, m. Josephine I. Kellogg. Res. Berrien Springs. 3854.* Sarah J., b. Dee. 13, 1846, m. .John Tudor; d. Feb. 13, 1892. 292 The Cone Family in America. (3714) MAKDEK CO^^E, son of Frederick Cone (3(351) and Lucy Williamson, b. in Lee, Mass., June 17, 1807, m. Esther Hawk in 1832. She d. in 1839, and he m. 2 Sarah M. Odell Apr. 22, 1847. She d. Feb. 9, 1888. He was a farmer, and lived at A^ew Medford, HI., and d. there June 20, 1893, ai?ed 86 years. Ch. 3855. Charles M.. b. Jan. 13. 1834. m. Emily Mar. 24, 1857; no ch. She was b. Sept. 7, 1837, and d. Sept. 20. 1900. He d. Feb. 29, 1884. 3850. Joseph, b. Apr. 2, 1848, m. Elizabeth Munger Feb. 11. 1875: no ch. Ees. Chicago, 111. 3857.* Edwaud T., b. Dec. 10, 1852, m. Alice Pitkin. Res. Rockford, 111. 3858. Hiram, b. Sept. 0. 1854; d. Sept. 12, 1874. (3715) LUCY MARIA COXE, dan. of Frederick Cone (3651) and Lucy Williamson, b. Oct. 30, 1810, in Lee, Mass., m. Jesse Cheney July 4, 1830. He was b. Apr. 21, 1806, and d. Jan. 29, 1872. She d. in Lee IS^ov. 1, 1892, aged 82 years. Ch. 3859. ■••■ Lucy Ann, b. July 23. 1831. ni. John E. Ingersoll. d. Sejit. 20. 1880. 3860."- Robert B.. b. j\Iay 8. 1833, m. Mary Louise Couch. Res. Lee. Mass. 38G1. George W.. b. June 3. 1835, m. Hannah Beach. Res. Lee, Mass. (3716) ERASTUS DEWEY CONE, son of Frederick Cone (3651) and Lucy Williamson, b. in New Marlboro, Mass., Feb. 13, 1812, m. Julia Beach, dau. of Xoah and Sarah Beach, Jan. 10, 1835. She was b. Apr. 10, 1812, and d. Aug. 19, 1861. He m. 2 Mary Ann Hubbard, who d. in 1873. He m. 3 Ann Janette Fuller Sept! 10, 1874. She was b. Dec. 13, 1828. He d. Nov. 20, 1881. Ch. 3862.* Henry Dewey, b. Aug. 4. 1836. m. 1 Ellen Howard Laughlin. 2 Sarah Brown (Chittenden) Owen, and d. Nov. 19, 1896. 3863. Frances Julia, b. July 18, 1849: d. unm. Aug. 6, 1874. (3723) HUBBELL B. CONE, son of Zachariah Cone (3653) and Wealthy Kingsbury, b. in Hebron, Conn., Feb. 15, 1809, m. Mary M. Skilton, dau. of Henry Skilton of South Farms, Litchfield county, Conn., Nov. 19, 1836. She was b. in Bethlehem, Conn., Dec. 6, 1814, and d. in Chicago Dec. 10, 1898, aged 84 years. Humediate- ly after marriage they removed to Watumpka, Ala., where he engaged in mercantile business. Removed from there in 1839 to Erie county, N. Y., and to Chicago in 1850. Lie d. there during the great fire in that city, Oct. 8, 187L It has l}cen extremely difficult to get any records from this family. Ch. 3864. Pickney S.. b. June 25. 1838. m. twice. Lieutenant in Mercantile Battery during Civil War. Lived in Chicago in 1898. 3865.* Eveline M.. b. Sept. 20. 1840. m. William W. Kimball. Res. Chicago, 111. Descendants of Stephen Cone. -293 3866. Salmon F., b. Oct. 7, 1842, m. Emma Bootli ; d. 189—. 3867. George H., b. Sept. 12, 1844. 3868. Marshall, b. June 15, 1847; d. May 22, 1899. 3869. Albert G., b. Sept. 30, 1832, m. ; d. Mar. 28, 1900. Left con- siderable property to charitable institutions. 3870. Irving H., b. Mar. 22, 1856. Lives in Chicago. 111. (3725) NATHANIEL KINGSBURY CONE, son of Zacha- riah Cone (3653) and Wealthy Kingsbury, b. July 14, 1813, m. Adeline Brewer, dau. of Samuel Brewer of East Hartford, Conn., Nov. 9, 1849. She was b. 1823, and d. in Batavia, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1885. He was a civil engineer, and lived thirty years at Batavia, and d. there Feb. 7, 1880. Ch. 3871.* HoBART B., b. May 3. 1853, m. Jennie Bentley. Res. Batavia, X. Y. 3872.* Mary H., b. Mar. 18, 1857. m. William H. Young; d. Feb. 9, 1891. (3726) SALMON G. CONE, son of Zachariah Cone (3653) and Wealthy Kingsbury, b. in Hebron, Conn., Aug. 6, 1815, m. Mary Ann Cone (3731)', dau. of Gardner Cone, Mar. 26, 1843. She wash. July 15, 1826, and d. May 1, 1847. He m. 2 Julia Eleanor Fowler, dau. of Hiram and Sarah Fowler, in Unadilla, N. Y., Mar. 19, 1862. She was b. in Otego Apr. 12, 1842, and res. on the old " Cone homestead " in Unadilla. Mr. Cone taught school at Hebron in his younger days, but removed to Unadilla in 1842. He v.'as an enterprising, stirring business man. Was a progressive and practical farmer. Besides the home property, he owned large farms in Illinois and Iowa, and one hundred thousand bushels of corn was his ordinary crop. He was a writer of considerable ability, and his letteis to me are full of reminiscences and interesting facts. He d. at Unadilla Apr. 19, LSOO. Ch. 3873.* Sarah A., b. July 21. 1868. m. Clarence E. Vail. Res. Deposit, N. Y. 3874.* Salmon F.. h. Jan. 12. 1874, m. Bertha McKay. Res. Unadilla, N. Y. (3727) HAERIET MARIA CONE, dau. of Zachariah Cone (3653) and Wealthy Kingsbury, b. in Hebron, Conn., June 5, 1818, m. William Redfieki Phelps in JBatavia, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1841. He was b. in Hartford, Conn., Aug. 8, 1818, and d. at Longport, N. J., Sept. 10, 1899, aged 81 years. She w^as gi-eatly interested in this work, and gave me much valuable information. D. in Hammonton, N. J., Aug. 27, 1900, aged 82 years. Ch. 3875.'-" Gertrude R.. b. IMar. 4. 1845. m. William B. Reed. Res. Bryn Mawr, Pa. 3876. Helen M.. b. Aug. 17. 1848. m. Charles M. Gudnecht; no ch. He is a tobacco merchant, and they res. in Philadelphia, Pa. 294 The Cane Family in America. SALMON G. CONE. 1815-1890, ( Page 293.) Descendants of Stephen Cone. 295 3877. Harriet A., b. Dee. 29, 1852, m. Ilarvey K. Hinchman; no cR. He is a flour merchant, and res. in Philadelphia. She d. Sept. 26. 1883. (3729) LEWIS GILBERT CONE, son of Adoiiijah Cone (3655) and Lydia Taylor, b. in Hebron, Conn., June 27, 1808, m. Elizabeth More, dan. of David More and Elizabeth Gould, Oct. 10, 1850. She was b. in Roxbury, K Y., Oct. 21, 1818. He was a fanner. Removed with his father's family to ITnadilla, N. Y., in 1810, and res. there mitil his death, Mar. 21, 1881. Ch. 3878. Frederick Lewis, b. Sept. 1, 1853. Is a merchant. Unm., and res. in Unadilla. (3730) HARRIET CONE, dan. of Daniel Cone (3656) and Margaret Hall, b. in Unadilla, N. Y., July 28, 1813, m. Theodore Hanford, son of Uriah Hanford, ]\ray 6, 1834. He was b. Mar. 2, 1807, and d. Feb. 24, 1851. She d. in Unadilla Nov. 10, 1861. Ch. 3879.* Margaret M., b. May 5, 1835, m. Henry C. Gregory. Res. Una- dilla, N.Y. 3880* Julia E., b. May 25, 1841, m. David P. Loomis. Res. Unadilla, N. Y. (3732) SARAH BINGHAM CONE, dau. of John Cone (3659) and Hannah Bingliam, b. in Bolton, Conn., Sept. 27, 1799, m. David Hutchinson of Gilead, Conn., Apr. 30, 1822. He was b. in Gilead Mar. 10, 1784, and d. there Jan. 28, 1831. She d. in Batavia, 111., Eeb. 5, 1872. Ch. 3881.* Sarah E., b. Auo-. 22. 1824. m. Roger P. Gibson; d. Sept. 2. 1862. 3882.* David E., b. Mar. 6, 1826, ra. Laura Little; d. Jan. 22, 1857. 3883.* Hanxah E.. b. -Tune 19, 1828, m. Elijah Shuraway Town. Res. Chicago, 111. 3884. John C, b. Apr. 11, 1830. m. Anna Richards; no ch.; d. Feb. 12, 1878. (3734) ESTHER CONE, dan. of John Cone (3659) and Hannah Bingham, b. in Gilead, Conn., Jan. 26, 1803, m. there Ela Augustus Mack, who was b. in Steuben county, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1802, and d. in Batavia, 111., June 29, 1848. Removed from Connecticut to Batavia in 1836, and were among the earliest settlers of that region. The trip was made in six weeks! By boat via New York to Albany. Then to Buffalo on a canal-boat. Then around the lakes on steamboat to Chicago. The steamboat on Lake Erie took fire and the passengers were in great danger for a few hours. Eamier. Whig. She d. in Chicago, Sept. 22, 1890, aged 87 years. Ch. 3885. Esther A., b. Ang. 6, 1824, m. Charles Bradley, who d. 1902. 3886. .lERrsHA J., b. May 20. 1S26; d. in Batavia Oct. 31, 1842. ^96 The Cone Family in America. 3887.* JosxAii, b. July 4, 1828, in. Elizaltctli Town. Res. Chicago. 111. 3888. Charles Dwight. b. Dec. 0, 1830; d. Jan. 5, 1901. 3889. Emily P.. b. Mar. 23. 183.5. 3890. Sarah Jane, b. Sept. 15, 1844, m. 1 Albeit Day, 2 James T. Claflin. Res. Xovthampton, Mass. (373(3) JERUSHA (^OXE, dan. of John Cone (3659) and Hannah Bingham, h. in Gik'ad, Conn., June 4, 1807, m. George Williams of Columhia, Conn., Dec. 24, 1828. He was b. Feb. 22, 1800, and d. Ang. 20, 1861. Was a farmer. She possessed an un- usual degTee of vitality, and manifested a remarkable amount of energy until within a few days of her death, which occurred at Columbia Jan. 3, 1898, at the ag'o of 91 years. It will be noticed as a remarkable coincidence, that her husband and two ch. d. on August 20. although years apart. Ch. 3891. Emily C. b. Apr. 22, 1830, unm. Res. Columbia. Conn. 3892. Martha P., b. Dec. 2. 1833; d. Aug. 20, 1857. 3893. James B. T.. b. Jan. 22. 1840; d. Aug. 20. 1858. 3894. George Avstix, b. ISlar. 13, 1848. Dentist. Res. Chicago. 111. (3741) SUSAIST COis^E, dau. of Sylvester W. Cone (3661) and Frances P. Dennison, b. in Guildhall, Vt., Sept. 15, 1825, m. Michael Carlton June 26, 1845. He was b. in Haverhill. :N^. H., Aug. 13, 1817. He was a wheelwright and farmer, and lived a few years ago at Haverhill. She d. there Kov. 13, 1889. Ch. 3895.* Charles K., b. Aug. 8. lS4fi. m. 1 Martlia Pool, 2 Mattie Shelley. Res. Haverhill. 389G.* Annie C. b. Apr. 25. 1850, in. Frank D. Hutchins; d. Sept. 29. 1885. 3897. Harriet E.. b. Mar. 12, 1855: d. May 17. 18(50. 3898. George D.. b. Apr. 29. 1857: d. Oct. 10, 1861. 3899.* Elizabeth D.. b. :Mar. 20, 1863. m. Frank D. Hutchins. Res. Lancaster, N. H. 3900. Arthur M.. b. June 26, 1865: d. Mar, 2, 1S6S. (3745) JOHIsT PAHv^E COXE, son of Sylvester W. Cone (3661) and Frances Paine Dennison, b. in Columbia, JST. H., Feb. 8, 1836, m. Amanda Lappin May 28, 1867. She was dau. of Finley Lappin and Margaret Smith, and was b. in Sandusky, O., Aug. 3, 1843. He removed to Atchison county, Kas., in 1857, and com- menced the publication of the Sumner Gazette in Sumner, in that county. Continued the publication of the paper for a year after the town ^' went down." From 1861 to 1862 he edited and published the Big Blue Union, at Marysville, Kas., and then purchased the Courier, at Seneca, Kas., and edited and published it until 1872. For the next twenty vears he was in the mercantile business in Seneca. Has Descendants of Stephen Cone. 297 now retired from active work. Is in comfortable circumstances, and appears to enjoy life with all its blessings. Res. Seneca, Kas. Ch'. 3901. Ralph Waldo, b. in Seneca April 21, 1870, ni. Ellen Mabel Sayie. of Lawrence, Kas., dau. of Lucius Elmer Sayre. Dec. 20, 1900. He received the degree of A. B. from the Kan- sas University in 1895, and in 1897 A. M. at Harvard. In 1899 was appointed Assistant Professor of Sociol- ogy and Elconomics at the Kansas University, which position he still holds. They have one ch.. Jeannette. b. Dec. 26, 1901. ^3751) JAMES FINNEY BAXTEK, son of Dr. Elihu Bax- ter and Sarah Cone (3662), b. Gorhani, Me., Mar. 23, 1831, m. Sarah Kimball Lewis Sept. 18, 1854. She was b. Dec. 12, 1830, and d. in Portland Jan. 12, 1872. He m. 2 Mahitable C. Proctor (Per- kins) in 1872. He attended the public schools of Portland and the Portland Academy, and also Lynn Academy. His life has been an active and busy one. He is President of the Portland Public Library, One of the Board of Overseers of the Bowdoin College, from which he has received the honorary degree of A. M. He is President of the Merchants' jSTational Bank and of the Portland Benevolent Society, and also of the Portland Publishing Company. For four terms he was Mayor of the city of Portland, and under his adminis- tiation many reforms were inaugurated. He has been prominently mentioned for Governor of Maine, but has always discouraged eiforts in that direction. ]\[any years ago he began the collection from foreign and domestic archives of documents relating to the history of New England and Canada, and it is stated that he now possesses the largest collection of historical manuscripts relating thereto to be found in private liands in this country. He is now editing, for the Maine Historical Society (of which he is President), the eighth volume of the "Documentary History of Maine." He is President of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and is one of the Council of the American Antiquarian Society. Is President of the Portland Savings Bank and Vice-President of the Portland Trust Companv, and a Director in several other large corporations. Res. Portland. His published works are as follows : Laus Laureati. A poem delivered before the Maine Historical Society, on the celebration of Longfellow's seventy-fifth birthday. Portland. 1882. pp. 8. — A Greetinfi io the Mriifor. A poem delivered on tlie oightietli birthday of Prof. Packard, Longfellow's tutor. Portland. 1883. Reprinted in the Maine Histori- cal Quarterly. Portland. Oct. 1890.— T7ic Great Seal of New England. Cam- bridge. 1884. pp. 29. 2 engravings. — Idyls of the Year. Poems. Portland. Hoyt, Fogg & Donham. 1884. pp. 75. .3 engravings. — The Trelainii/ Papers. Portland. " Hoyt. Fogg & Donliam. 1884. pp. .120. 19 engravings.' — George 298 The Cone Family in America. Clecve and His Times. Portland. Gorges Society. 1885. ]ip. 240. 5 maps and engravings. — The British Invasion from the 'North. A]l>any. Munsell (Histori- cal Series). 1887. pp. 512. 4 engravings. — Documentary History of Maine. Vol. If. Portland. Maine Historical Society. 1889. pp. 508. — Early Voyages to Am.erica. Providence, R. I., Historical Society. 1889. pp. 49. 4 engravings. Hid. Old Colony Historic Society's Collections. No. 4. Taunton. Mass. 1889. pp. 49. 4 engravings. — Sir Ferdinando Gorges and His Province of Maine. Bos- ton Prince Society. 1890. pp.904. 3 vols. 10 cTiuinx iiiys. — The AbnaJcis. New England Magazine. Boston. Sept. 1890. — Rcmiiiisci iia .s of a Great Enterprise. Portland. 1890. — 71ie Campaign Against the I'cquakcts : Its Cause and Its Re- sults. Portland. 1890. — -The Beginnings of Maine. Portland. 1891.— .4 Lost Manuscript. Portland. \89l.— Isaac Jogues, A. D. 1630. New York. 1891. — The Ahnakis and Their Ethnic Relations. Portland. 1892.— A Period of Peril. An Address delivered at City Hall. Portland, on the Centennial Celebration of the adoption of the Constitution of the U. S. April 30, 1889. pp. 18.— Three Suggestive Maps. Maine Historical Quarterly. Jan. 1893. pp.8. — The Observa- tory. An Hlustrated Poem. Portland. 1893. pp. 30.— C/tm/op/ier Lew«. The First Owner of the Soil of Portland. Maine Historical Quarterly. April and July 1893. pp. 35. — Documentary History of Maine. Vol. 5. Portland. Maine Historical Society. 1893. pp. 556. — Christopher Levett. The Pioneer Colonist in Casco Buy. Portland. Gorges Society. 1893. pp. 178. 5 engravings. — Pio- neers of Nem France in Neio England. Albany. Munsell (Historical Series). 1894. pp. 450. 5 engravings. — Raleigh's Lost Colony. Illustrated. New Eng- land Magazine. Jan. 1895. pp.22. — PortJatnl. Illustrated. New England Maga- zine. Nov. 1895. pp. 22. — The MiniicipaJity. Past and Present. New England Magazine. Dec. 1897. pp. 16. Ch. 3902. Florence, b. July 20. 1855; d. Sept. 10, 1857. 3903.* Hartley C b. July 19, 1857, m. Mary A. Lincoln. Res. Portland, Me. 3904.* Clinton L., b. June 29, 1859. m. 1 Caroline Pauline Dana, 2 Ethel D. Fox. Pves. Portland. Me. 3905.* Eugene Pv.. b. Jan. 12. 1SG2, m. 1 Ida M. Robinson, 2 Anna M. Pike. Res. Portland. :\Ie. 3906. Mabel, b. May 17, 1865; d. Oct. 12. 1865. 3907.* James P., b. Feb. 27, 1867, m. Nellie F. Carpenter. 3908. Alba, b. May 9, 1869; d. Feb. 12, 1873. 3909. Rupert H., b. July 26, 1871. Res. Bath, Me. 3910. Emily P., b. July 15, 1874. Res. Portland, Me. 3911. Percival p., b. Nov. 22, 1876. Attorney at law. Res. Portland, Me. 3912. Madeline C, b. Jan. 26, 1879. Res. Portland, Me. (3755) ALMA CONE, dan. of Jared Cone (3664) and Char- lotte Sweatt, b. Colnmbia, ii. H., Jan. 19, 1847, m. William Warren Rnss in Lancaster, I^. H., Ang. 31, 1868. He was b. in Columbia Oct. 15, 1844; son of Stevens Rnss and Electa Bancroft. Was a member of K Battery in the Eirst 'New Hampshire Heavy Artillery dnring the Civil War. Is an active member of the Masonic order. Both are members and officers of the Grange at Groveton, N". H. Ch. 3913. Clara, b. July 7, 1869. unm. Res. Groveton, N. H. 3914. Nelson, b. Nov. 2, 1873, unm. Res. G-roveton. N. H. 3915. Walter, b. Nov. 7, 1880, unm. Res. Groveton. N. H. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 299 (3756) SUSA^T HAERIET CONE, dan. of Charles Chaim- cey Cone (3665) and Mary Purrington, b. at St. Stephens, ]^. B., June 3, 1845, m. Lorenzo Dow Small, Jnly 19, 1868. He was b. in Bowdoinham, Me., Sept. 8, 1841. Ch. 3916. Alton Chauncey, b. Mar. 12, 1869. 3917. Mary Louise, b. Feb. 26, 1872. (3757) MARY CAROLIXE CONE, dan. of Charles Chann- cey Cone (3665) and Mary Purrington, b. St. Stephens, N. B., June 3, 1845, m. Addison E. Halsey Mar. 1870. He was b. in Kennebunk, Me., -vhere he now res. She d. there Jan. 1881. Ch. 3918. Carrie, b. Dec. 8, 1873. (3759) JAMES WOODBURY CONE, son of Charles Chaun- cey Cone (3665) and Mary Purrington, b. Bowdoinham, Me., July 4, 1850, m. Lillian A. Albee of Spencer, Mass., Oct. 28, 1890. No ch. in 1893. Has been editor and publisher of two newspapers. He writes that his life has been an uneventful one., which is perhaps not strange, as these Avere Eastern newspapers. Lived at Ayer, Mass. (3761) FRANCES LOUISE CONE, dan. of Charles Chami- cey Cone (3665) and Margaret Jane Butterfield, b. in Hallowell, Me., Oct. 24, 1853, m. Capt.' William W. Sparks, who was b. at Bow- doinham Aug. 4, 1855, and was lost at sea Jan. 1888. She res. at Bowdoinham. ]\re. Ch. 3919. William Cone, b. Sept. 8, 1883. 3920. Margaret Butterfield, b. -Jan. 12, 1885. 3921. Carrie Louise, b. Mar. 19, 1888. (3770) CAROLINE FRANCES CONE, dan. of John Webb Cone (3667) and Laura Smith, b. July 16, 1845, in New Castle, Me., m. Henry R. Potter, 1877. He res. in Bowdoinham, Me. She d. in Alston, Mass., Mar. 27, 1879. Ch. 3922. Henry Webb Potter, b. 1878. (3771) GEORGE WEBB CONE, son of J'ohn Webb Cone (3667) and Laura Smith, b. in New Castle, Me., Aug. 13, 1848, m. Georgia Mackenzie, dau. of Thomas and Martha Mackenzie, Mar. 30, 1875. She was b. June 5, 1852. He is the Western Manager of the Houghton-Mifflin Book Publishing Co. Res. Chicago, 111.^ Ch. 3923. Laura Frances, b. Jan. 2. 1876. 3024. Maude Ethel, b. Sept. 15, 1877. in. William S. Harman. 300 T'he Cone Family in America. (;3772) JOHN ALBERT CONE, son of John Webb Cone ( 3G67) and Lanra Smith, b. in New Castle, Me., Aug. 7, 1852, m. Georgia A. JIall Mar. 9, 1875. He d. in Austin, Cook county, III Ch. .3925. Beulah Sampson, b. Aug. 20, 1879. (3780) JANE CAROLINE DONNELL, dau. of Benjamin Woodbridge Donnell and Julia Ann Frances Cone (3672), b. Mar. 20, 1851, m. Henry Kirke White July 9, 1878. He was son of Thomas Gardiner White and Mary Stinson, and was b. in Dresden, Me., Feb. 8, 1849. He grad. at Bowdoin College in 1874. He taught in New Castle for a number of years, but is at present Principal of the High School at Bangor. She is a teacher inlthe same school. Res. Bangor, Me. Ch. 3926. Florexce Doxnell, b. .Jan. 23, 1882. (3782) EDWIN CONE DONNELL, son of Benjamin W. Donnell and Julia Ann Frances Cone (3672), b. Jan. 19, 1857, m. Lydia Hughes Shipman Nov. 22, 1888, in Iowa City, la. Is a book- keeper. Res. Wauwatosa, Wis. Ch. 3927. Philip Stone, b. Dec. 16. 1889. 3928. Charlotte, b. July 17, 1891. (3783) ALBERT WEBB DONNELL, son of Benjamin W. Donnell and Julia Ann Frances Cone (3672), b. Dec. 14, 1859, m. Annie M. Hamilton July 8, 1886. He is a newspaper and magazine Avriter, and res. at Kent's Hill, Me. Ch. 3929. Dorothy, b. Apr. 27, 1889, at Alna, Me. 3930. Rachel, b. Sept. 28. 1891, at Worcester, Mass. 3931. Lloyu, b. May 20, 1895, at Eeadfield, ]VIe. ' (3796) EDWIN CONE BISSELL, son of George C. Bissell (3676) and Elizabeth White, b. in Schoharie, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1832, m. Emily Pomeroy Sept. 6, 1859. Served during the Civil War as Captain of Co. K, 52d Massachusetts Vols. Was with Banks's Ex- pedition to New Orleans and was at the taking of Port Hudson. He grad. in 1855 from Amherst College, and in 1859 from the LTnioii Theological Seminary in New York, and the years following was pastor at West Hampton and Winchester, Mass., and in San Fran- cisco, Cal. From 1873 to 1878 was a missionary of the American Board of Foreign Missions in Austria. From 1880 to 1892 was Professor of Hebrew and Cognate Languages in the Hartford Theo- logical Seminary. From 1892 to his death, Apr. 10, 1894, he was a Professor in MtCormiek Theological Seminarv at Chicao-o. The Descendants of Stephen Cone. 301 ^^K^mt m ^H EDWIN CONE BISSELL. 302 The Cone Family in America. degree of D. D. was conferred on him by Amherst Colleo'e and LL. D. by Lake Forest University. They had one cli., who d. an infant. Mrs. Bissell res. in Springfield, Mass. (;5T07) ADELINE BISSELL, dau. of George C. Bissell (3070) and Elizabeth White, b. in Schoharie, K Y., Jan. 19, 1834, m. Rev. Elijah Bobbins Aug. IT, 1859. The same year they w^ent as missionaries to the Zulu Mission in South Africa. They both d. in South Africa, after nearly thirty years' service — she Oct. 20, 1888, and he June 30, 1889. Their ch. were 1). in South Africa. Ch. 3932. Addie, b. Oct. 1860; d. 18G7. Buried at Natal, South Africa. 3933. WiiiTMAx C, b. Feb. 10, 1805, m. Alice M. Baldwin June 17. 1886. DentisW Res. Durban, Natal, South Africa. 3934. Benjamin B., b. Feb. 8. 1870. Physician. Res. Warrenville, Conn. (3808) HARRIET CONE, dau. of Henry Hale Cone (3684) and Sophronia Ellis, b. in Macon, Ga., May 19, 1830, m. William Harvey Sellers June 11, 1853, in Houston, Tex. He was b. in Tren- ton, Tenn., Sept. 30, 1827. At the age of fifteen he joined the Mier Expedition between Texas and Mexico. AVere taken prisoners. At- tempted to escape, were recaptured, and remained prisoners for tw^o years. In the war between the Ignited States and Mexico he served as Lieutenant in the Regiment of Texas Rangers. Settled in Houston, Tex., in 1848. Ser^•ed in Civil War as Captain on staff of Gen, Hood. Afterwards pi-omoted to Coh^nel. Settled in Galveston in 18(i7, and d. there Apr. 10, 1S74. She res. in Xew Ycrk. Ch. 3935. \YiLLiAM. ir.. b. Oct. 28. 18.i4: d. Apr. 21, 1855. 3936. Faison Cole. b. Oct. 28, 18.54; d. April 14. 1855. 3937. Harvey L.. b. A]n-. 11. 1856. m. Mabella A. West. Res. New York. 3938. Robert H.. b. Oct. 19. 1857. m. Edith Gilson. Res. New York. 3939.* Harriet R.. 1). July 6. 1859, m. William Fairfax Gray. Res. Home- wood. Va. 3940. Cornelia L.. b. Nov. 16. 1861, m. Robert Allen Rooers. Res. New York. (3810) MARY ADELINE CORNELIA COI^^E, dau. of Henry Hale Cone (3084) and Sophronia Ellis, b. in Macon, Ga., ^^ov. 15, 1832, m. James Theodore Dudley Wilson, son of Robert Wilson and Bernice PendergTass, in Houston, Tex., Jan. 2, 1855. She d. in Houston Sept. 14, 1899. He res. in Houston. Ch. 3941. Robert Ellis, b. Feb. 22. 1856. 3942. Harvey T. D.. b. Feb. 26. 1858, unm. Res. Houston. Tex. 3943. Joseph D. P.. b. Jan. 1860; d. 1863. 3944. Cora T. B., b. May 11, 1862. m. Henry H. Dickson; d. July 4. 1901. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 303 3945. HOBART S. H., b. Nov. 13, 18C8, num. Res. Houston, Tex. 3946. Cornelia B.E., b. Jan. 2, 1872, m. Eugene Darger. ' Res. Houston Tex. ' ^ (3811) HENKY HALE HUNT, son of Orrin Hunt and Ade- line Cone (3685), b. in Bolton, Conn., Jan. 31, 1826, ni. Charlotte :N^ewell House, dau. of Leonard House and Adeline Keenej, in 1849. She was b. Sept. 7, 1828. They have long- been members of the Cong. Ch. He has been a member of the Masonic order for forty years. Is a farmer ; general agent and canvasser. Res. Vernon, Conn. Ch. 3947. Martha Frances, b. 1850; d. Jan. 11, 1852. 3948. Rowena Frances, b. 1852; d. Nov. 5, 1853. 3949. William Hale, b. May, 1854, m. Sarali Stafford. Res. Glastonbury, Conn. 3950. Nellie Marie, b. Dee. 9, 1857; d. Feb. 16, 1876. 3951. Addie Lena, b. May 11, 1859. m. Joseph Smith. Res. Vernon, Conn. 3952. Charlotte C, b. Oct. 11, 1862; d. Apr. 15, 1869. 3953. Fidelia W., b. May 2, 1867, m. John Shea; d. Nov. 18, 1892. (3816) EUNICE ANN HUNT, dau. of Orrin Hunt and Adeline Cone (3685), b. in Glastonbury, Conn., Feb. 27, 1834, m. W. T. Johnson in 1854. He d. 1890. She m. 2 William Warren in 1893. Res. Hartford, Conn. Ch. 3954. Adelaide, b. Mar. 21, 1855. 3955. Ella, b. Feb. 26, 1857. 3956. Edmund, b. Deo. 9, 1859. (3818) CHESTER BUCKLEY HUNT, son of Orrin Hunt and Adeline Cone (3685), b. Aug. 15, 1836, m. Adelaide Eliza Clark of Colchester May 10, 1854. Res. Colchester, Conn. Ch. 3957. Adeline E., b. Apr. 25, 1856. 3958. Walter H., b. Feb. 15, 1858. 3959. Edwin Cone, b. Mar. 29, 1860. (3822) JOSEPH WALTER CONE, son of Walter Wells Cone (3688) and Mary Fidelia Andrev/s, 1). in Ghistonburv, Conn., July 5, 1848, m. Charlotte A. Hollister, dau. of Hudson Hollister and Cypha Hodge, Nov. 12, 1873. She was b. in Glastonbury Feb. 13, 1848. He has been Postmaster, and was a merchant in Glaston- bury for a number of years. Res. there in 1902. Ch. 3900. Dorothy Loatna. b. in Manchester, Conn., May 30, 1877, m. Richard Mather Oct. 23, 1901. He is a civil engineer. Res. Lolnville. la. —20 304 The Cone Family in America. (3824) EALPII CONE, son of Merviii Cone (3690) and Clarissa Wilson, b. in East Hartford, Conn., Oct. 20, 1818, m. Esther Wells Woodbridge, dan. of Dudley Woodbridge, May 11, 1840. She was b. May 11, 1820, and d. Dec. 9, 1895. He was a manufacturer of Avagons at Manchester Green, Conn. Ch. 39G1. •" Arthur W.. b. Sept. S. 1843. m. Emily Jackson. Res. Manchester Green, Conn. 3962. Mary W., b. Sept. 10, 184G, 1). Benjamin F. Jenney. Res. Manchester Green, Conn. (3826) HAEKIET E. CONE, dan. of Kenben Cone (3707) and Lncinda Shnmate, b. Decatnr, Ga., Ang. 18, 1829, m. Judge Julius A. Hay den June 5, 1846. He was b. in Connecticut in 1811, and d. in Sanford, Fla., Eeb. 15, 1890. They removed from Atlanta to Florida in 1875, and after his death she returned to Atlanta, and d. there Dec. 3, 1899. Judge Hayden became very wealthy through fortunate speculations in land proper-ty adjoining Atlanta. She was a woman of rare excellence of character, and had many shining traits of heart and mind. Ch. 30(13. Leslie, b. Oct. 24, 1847, m. Albert M. Thrasher. Res. Sanford. Fla. 3904. Evelyn, b. July 10, 1849, m. Phillips. Res. Atlanta, Ga. 390.1. Lucie, b. Sept. 9, 1851, m. George W. Harrison. Res. Atlanta, Ga. 3900. Ella Missouri, b. June 5, 1854: d. July 1, 1854. 3907. Julia, b. Apiil 11, 1856, m. H. H. Hightower. Res. Atlanta. Ga. 3908. Maky Gertrude, b. Nov. 20, 1859; d. June 20, 1862. 3969. Julius A., b. Sept. 8, 1862, unm. Res. Atlanta, Ga. 3970. Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1865. m. R. H. Whitner. Res. Atlanta, Ga. 3971. Nellie, b. June 10, 1869. m. J. G. Williams. Res. Washington, D. C. 3972. Reuben Cone, b. Jan. 1871. (3827) ADELINE CONE, dau. of Gilbert Cone (3708) and Caroline Smith, b. in northern New York Feb. 19, 1821, m. Alvan Thomas Fones Feb. 25, 1836. He d. in Rome, Ga., 1841, and she d. at Little Eock, Ark., Apr. 31, 1894. Ch. 3973. David G.. b. Aug. 19. 1837, m. Texarma D. Reaves. Res. Little Rock, Ark. 3974." James A., b. INIar. 6. 1839. m. Elizabeth Rison. Res. Little Rock, Ark. 3975. Alvan T., b. Feb. 2. 1842. m. Ella Davis. Res. Little Rock, Ark. (3831) ALVAN S. CONE, son of Gilbert Cone (3708) and Caroline Smith, b. in Decatur, Ga., Aug. 23, 1835, m. Marcenah Cofer of Alabama Nov. 18, 1860. He is a farmer, and res. Rome, Ga. Ch. 3970. Beulah 0., b. Mar. 13. 1806. ni. J. E. S. Angle. Res. Coosa, Ga. 3977. Edna, b. Mar. 1, 1S71, m. J. R. Morton. Res. Rome, Ga. 3978. Homer, b. Sept. 25. 1878. Res. Rome, Ga. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 305 (3844) MERCY CONE, dan. of Roger Cone (3712) and Emily Brown, b. in Lee, Mass., Apr. 6, 1844, m. David J. Peters Dee. 23, 1869. Res. in Wellington, O. Ch. 3079. ViNNiE, b. Feb. 18, 1879. (3847) MILAIsT CO]S^E, son of Roger Cone (3712) and Emily Brown, b. in Penfield, O., Apr. 4, 1848, m. Esther Drake Dec. 25. 1871. He d. in Penfield Jan. 11, 1892. Ch. 3980. Letha E., b. July 3, 1875. 3981. Kate W., b. May 16, 1878. 3982. Mercy A., b. Dec. 28, 1882. (3848) IIEXRY DWIGIIT HOWE, son of J.jsepli W. Howe and Polly Cone (3713), b. in Berkshire connty, Mass., May 14, 1835, m. Mary Pntnam Essiek Feb. 27, 186G. She was b. 'Nov. 23, 1843. He was proprietor of an extensive planing-mill at Berrien Springs, Mich. Ch. 3983. GERTRrDE, b. Jan. 20. 1868. Grad. at the :\Iusical Conservatory of Berrien Springs, and was attending the Musical Conserva- tory of Chicago at the time of her death, June 15, 1888. (3850) MARY MARIAH HOWE, dan. of Joseph W. Howe and Polly Cone (3713), b. July 14, 1838, m. Charles E. McCollister Ang. 31, 1863. Ho is a physician. Was b. at White Pigeon, Mich., Feb. 5, 1837^ and res. Berrien Springs, Mich. Ch. 3984. Lela, b. Jan. 5, 1804. Res. Berrien Springs. 3985. Charles Warrex, b. Aug. 19, 1866; d. Oct. 14. 1870. 3986. Archibald T., b. Feb. 3, 1869. Res. Chicago, 111. 3987. Helen, b. in Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 20, 1870. Res. in Chicago, 111. 3988. Leta, b. Sept. 12, 1877; d. Oct. 23, 1877. 3989. Eda, b. in Beloit. Wis., Aug. 31, 1879. Res. Berrien Springs. (3854) SARAH JOSEPHINE HOWE, dan. of Joseph W. Howe and Polly Cone (3713), b. in Mill Rnn, Mass., Dec. 13, 1846, m. John Tndor Dec. 10, 1868. He was b. in Spencer, Mass., in 1831. Spent most of his life in California, crossing the plains in 1850, and d. in Chicago on his way to Michigan in 1877. She d. at Berrien Springs, Mich.,' Feb. 13, 1892. Ch. 3990. Bertha Alice, b. Apr. 4. 1870. Res. Berrien Springs, Mich. 3991. May, b. Jan. 6, 1872. Res. Berrien Springs, Mich. 3992. Blanche, b. Mar. 7, 1874. Res. Berrien Springs, Mich. (3857) EDWARD FRAXKLIX CONE, son of Mander Cone (3714), b. Dec. 10, 1852, in Xew Milford, 111., m. Alice Pitkin, 306 The Cone Family in America. who (1. Mav 19, 1898. lie m. 2 Ida Youiigberg I^ov. 22, 1900. She was b. Feb. 1, 1854. lies. Rockford, lib Ch. 3993. Lewjs, b. July 24. 187G; d. Mar. 17. 1877. (3859) LUC-Y ANN CHENEY, dan. of Jesse Cheney and Lucy Maria Cone (3715), b. July 23, 1831, m. John S. Ingersol Jan. 13, 1849. She d. in Boone, la., Sept. 20, 1880. He was a stock dealer, and was h. in Clev(dand, O., Feb. 0, 1829. Ees. Berryville, Carroll county, Ark. Ch. 3994. Joiix T.. 1). Jan. 24. 1850; d. Jan. 12. 18.55. 3995. Lucy A., b. Nov. 12, 1852, d. Jan. 19, 1855. 399G.-* James, b. Nov. 20, 1856. m. Clara B. Tallman. Res. Boone. la. 3997. George F.. b. Dee. 20, 1858. Dealer in horses. Res. Great Falls, Mont. 3998. Charles, b. Dec. 15, 1860. Druggist. Res. Boone, la. 3999. Reuben, b. Jan. 11, 1862. Druggist. Res. Boone, Ta. (3860) ROBERT BRUCE CHENEY, son of Jesse Cheney and Lucy Maria Cone (3715), b. in Lee, Mass., May 8, 1833, m. Maria Louisa Couch Oct. 4, 1858. She was b. Sept. 20, 1834. Res. Lee, Mass. Ch. 4000. Maxley Jesse, b. July 15, 1860. Res. Lee, Mass. 4001. Lucy Adelaide, b. Sept. 23, 1861. Res. Lee, Mass. 4002. Wallace Nelson, b. Apr. 20. 1866. Res. Lee, Mass. 4003. Robert Francls, b. Dec. 18. 1875. Res. Lee, Mass. (3862) HENRY DEWEY CONE, son of Erastus Dewey Cone (3716) and Julia Beeeli, 1>. in Great Barrington, Mass., Ang. 4, 1836, m. Ellen Howard, dau. of Willis and Sophronia Howard, May 6, 1863. She d. Apr. 29, 1865. He m. 2 Sarah Brown (Crit- tenden) Owen, widow of Edward H. Ow^en and dau. of Henrv W. Crittenden and Mary Griffing, May 20, 1867. She was b. in Guil- ford, Conn., June 18, 1835, and res. in Stockbridge, Mass. She caused to be prepared the Griffing Genealogy. Is a " patron " of the Egyjitian Exploration Fund. Mr. Cone was a ]n"onioter and an official of a number of railroads in Massachusetts, and at one time was an owner of one of the smaller railroad lines in that State. He d. in New York city Nov. 19, 1896. No ch. (3865) EYELINE MARTHA CONE, dau. of Hubbell B. Cone (3723), I), at Harris Hill, Erie county, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1840, m. in Cliicago June 22, 1865, William Wallace Kimball, who was 1). in Rumford^ Me., Mar. 22, 1828; son of David Kimball, a Rev. soldier. Mr. Kimball is a manufacturer of pianos and organs. Res. diieago, Til. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 307 (3871) HOBART BREWER COXE, son of Nathaniel Kings- bury Cone (3725) and Adaline Brewer, b. in Batavia, N. Y., May 3, 1853, m. Jennie Bentley, dan. of Gordon Bentley and Alancey Clark, in Batavia Jan. 30, 1878. She was b. in Orangeville, Wyom- ing eonnty, N. Y., JSTov. 23, 1850, and is a member of the Bapt. Ch. Mr. Cone owns the farm npon which his grandfather settled in 1840. He grad. from Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., in 1869, being third in his class, and received the degree of B. A. Studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1871. For nine years was a member of the Board of Education in Batavia. He is a real-estate agent, a civil engineer, and is member of the Episcopal ( ^h. Is a good Democrat also. Ch. 4004. Earl H.. b. :\[ay 2.3, 1879. Graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 1901. Has a responsible position with the W. S. Merrill Chemical Co. at Cincinnati, 0. 4005. Newell, b. Nov. 7, 1880. Is a student at the Columbia College Law School in New York. 4006. Marian .Adeline, b. Aug. 9, 1888. (3872) MARY HARRIET CONE, dau. of Nathaniel Kings- bury Cone (3725) and Adeline Brewer, b. in Batavia, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1857, m. William Henry Young Dec. 4, 1884; son of William Young and Betsey Moore. He was b. in Pavilion, N. Y., June 20, 1840, and res. in Batavia, where she d. Feb. 9, ISOl. Ch. 4007. PtUTii Adeline, b. Nov. 22, 1886. 4008. Hobart Cone, b. Mar. 30, 1888. 4009. Sylvanus Harry, b. Feb. 6, 1891. (3873) SARAH ALASKA CONE, dau. of Salmon G. Cone (3726) and Julia Fowler, b. in Unadilla, N. Y., July 21, 1868, m. in Masonville, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1893, Clarence Ernest Vail, son of Abraham Anson Vail and Elizabeth McKinley. He was b. in Mason- ville Jan. 12, 1863. Merchant. Member of the Presbyterian Ch., and of the Masonic order. Res. Deposit, N. Y. Ch. 4010. Julie Elizabeth, b. Sept. 9, 1901. (3874) SOLOMON FOWLER CONE, son of Salmon G. Cone (3726) and Julia Fowler, b. in Unadilla, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1874, m. in Oneonta, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1895, Bertha McKay, dau. of Thomas lEcKay and Sarah Kelly. Slie was b. in Erieville, N. Y.^ May 9, 1878. 'lie is a farmer. ' Res. Unadilla, N. Y. (3S75) GERTRUDE REDFIELD PHELPS, dau. of Wil- liam Rodficld Plielps and Harriet :\raria Cone (3727), b. in Hart- 308 The Cone Family in America. HOBART BREWER CONE (Page 307.) Descendants of Stephen Cone. 309 SOLOMON FOWLER CONE. (Page 307.) ford, Conn., Mar. 4, 1845, m. William Boardman lieed in Philadel- phia June 22, 1871. He was b. in Scottsville, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1842 ; son of William IST. Reed and Hylinda L. Harmon. He was a student at Beaver Dam (Wis.) College in 1859, and at Beloit College in 1866-7, and completed his collegiate studies in the University of Philadelphia. He commenced the practice of medicine in 1878. The winter of 1885-6 he devoted to study abroad in the hospitals of London, Vienna, and Paris. He is a member of the Atlantic (N^. J.) Medical Society, of the American Medical Asociation, American Climatological Association, of the Philadelphia Pathological Society, associate member of the Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. Was President of the Atlantic Board of Health. Is a prominent member of the military order of Loyal Legion. Author of numerous medi- cal papers. Served in Civil War in Co. C, 2d Wisconsin Vols. Re- ceived two wounds at second Bull Run fight, Aug. 28, 1862. Dis- charged Jan. 24, 1863. Served as Lieutenant of Co. H, 50th Wiscon- sin Vols., from Apr. 8, 1865, until a year and a half after the war closed, viz., Jan. 10, 1867. Res. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Ch. 4011. Harmon Phelps, b. Oct. 1, 1881. 4012. Helen Frances Kingsbury, b. Feb. 4, 1887. (3879) MARGARET HANFORD, dau. of Theodore Han- ford and Harriet Cone (3730), b. in Unadilla, K Y., May 5, 1835, m. Henry Curtis Gregory Aug. 30, 1853. He was b. Feb. 21, 1830. Is a merchant, and res. ITnadilla, IN". Y. 810 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 4013. FiiANK Theodore, b. July 1855; d. Aug. 27, 18G3. 4014 * MiLO CoL^vELL, b. Dec. 29. 18G2, in. Helen Sewell. Res. Unadilla, N. Y. 4015. Harriet ]]lizabeth, b. Feb. 5, 18G5, unnu Res. Unadilla, N. Y. (3880) JULIA ELIZABETH -HANFOKD, dan. of Theodore Hanford and Harriet Cone (3730)/b. Unadilla, N. Y., May 25, 1841, m. David P. Loomis Nov. 18, 1862. He was b. in Hamden, Delaware county, ]^. Y., -Inly 20, 1827'. He was an eminent lawyer, practicing at Unadilla for many years. He served in the IvTew York Senate in L87n and 1877, and d. at Unadilla Dec. 13, 1888. She res. at Unadilla. Ch. 4016. Damel Hanford, b. June 1. 1864. Res. Unadilla, N. Y. 4017." Mabel, b. Apr. 14. 18(1(1. m. Sewell Mulford. Res. Unadilla. X. Y. 4018. Anna Elizabeth, 1). Xov. 20. 1860. ni. Edward E. Chapin. Res. Una- dilla. N. Y. 4019. Theodore, b. Sept. 8, 1872, m. Rose Smith. Res. Unadila, N. Y. 4020. Julia Parker, b. June 8, 1876. ni. Ehvell Peck. Res. UnadiDa, N. Y. 4021. Margaret Lavra, b. Oct. 24, 1879, inun. Res. Walton. X. Y. (3881) SAEAH ELVIRA HUTCHIXSON, dau. of David Hutchinson and Sarah Bingham Cone (3732), b. Giload, Conn., Aug. 22, 1824, m. Eoger Powell Gibson iS\-.v. 1, 1846, He was b. Ang. 17, 1817, and d. at Batavia, 111., ATov. L8, 1883. She d. same place Sept. 2, 1862. Ch. 4022. Sarah Calista, b. Nov. 23, 1847. 4023. Robert P., b. May 22, 1849. 4024. George S.. b. July 7, 1858. Res. Austin, Minn. 4025. Mary Estelle, b. Xov. 20. 1861, unni. Res. West Hartford. Conn. ^ (3882) DAVID EDWIN HUTCHINSON, son of David Hutchinson and Sarah Bingham Cone (3732), b. Gilead, Conn., Mar. 6, 1826, m. Lanra Little Sept. 13, 1848. She was b. in Columbia, Conn., May 20, 1827. Pes. Rockville, Conn. He was a farmer, and d. at London, ]\linn., Jan. 22, 1857. Ch. 4026. Sarah E., b. Apr. 27, 1850, unni. Res. Rockville, Conn. 4027. Frederick E., b. Apr. 7, 1852, m. Hattie M. Culver. Res. Keyser, W. Va. 4028. Frank, b. Apr. 1, 1853. m. Ida M. Tuttle. Res. Rockville. Conn. 4029. David E., b. 1856; d. 1857. (3883) HAXNAir ELIZA HUTCHINSON, dan. of David Hntchinson and Sarah Bingham Cone (3732), b. Gilead, Conn., June 19, 1828, m. Elijah Shnmway Towne, in Batavia, 111., May 27, 1873. He was b. in Granville, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1824, d. Jime 18, 1890. No ch. She res. in Chicago, 111. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 311 ^ (3887) JOSIAH A. MACK, son of Ela A. Mack and Estlier Cone (3734), b. in Gilead, Conn., July 4, 1828, m. May 8, 1850, Eliza S. Towne, dan. of Sylvanus Towne of Troy, I^. Y. She was b. j^ov. 12, 1828. Eemoved with her parents to Batavia, 111., in 1836, being among the very earliest settlers of that region. She luiited with the Cong. Ch. in Batavia in 1841, and for fifty years was an active member of that ch. She was a deeply spiritual Christian. Eor many years she had interested herself in the neglected and abused Chinese in Chicago, and at her death, Dec. 27, 1902, six Christian Chinese bore her body to its last resting-place. He is a clergyman of the Cong, denomination. Eemoved to Illinois with his parents in 1836, being among the pioneers of that State. For many years past he has been the General Secretary of the Chicago Bible Society. Ees. Chicago, 111. Ch. 4030. Emily E., b. JNIar. 17, ISol. m. George C. Clark. Res. Chicago, III. 4031. CiiAiiLES A., b. Jan. 3, 1S.">3. in. Xellie Striekland. Res. Fessenden, N. D. 4032. ]\IARY L., b. Feb. IS. 185.1. m. Charles A. Smith. Res. Hunter's Park, Duliith, Minn. 4033. William H., b. Nov. 24. 1856, m. Bessie Conover; d. June 11, 1895. 4034. Fannie C, b. Jan. 5, 18G0, unm. Res. Chicago, 111. 4035. Florence, b. Oct. 26, 1865; d. in infancy. 4036. Henry T., b. Apr. 26, 1868; d. in infancy. 4037. Rose C, b. June 11, 1869, m. William Glass. Res. River Forest, 111. 4038. Frederick T., b. Oct. 16, 1892; d. in infancy. (3895) CHAELES KIMBALL CAELTOX, son of Michael Carlton and Susan Cone (3741), b. in Haverhill, :N'. H., Aug. 8, 1846, m. Martha Poole ^^ov. 4, X874. She d. May 14, 1886, and he m. 2 Mattie Shelley, and res. at Haverhill. Is a farmer. Ch. 4039. Hattie Grace, b. July 30. 1877. 4040. Nina Susan, b. July 31, 1890. (3896) ANNIE CAEOLINE CAELTON, dan. of Michael Carlton and Susan Cone (3741), b. in Haverhill, N. H., Apr. 25, 1850, m. Frank Dorr Hutchins Mar. 11, 1874. She d. Sept. 29, 1885, and he m. 2 her sister Elizabeth Dennison Carlton (3899) June 30, 1886. He was b. in Putney, Vt., Jan. 11, 1850. Is a lawyer by profession, but for numy years has been Cashier of Lan- caster National Bank at Lancaster, N. H. Ch. 4041. Frank Carlton, b. Jan. 29, 1878; d. Aug. 30, 1879. 4042. Harry, b. Oct. 18, 1879. Res. Lancaster, N. H. 4043. Margaret, b. Sept. 21, 1884. " (3903) HAETLEY CONE BAXTEE, son of James Phinney Baxter (3751) and Sarah Kimball Lewis, b. in Portland, Me., Jan. 312 The Cone Fum'dii in America. 19 1857, m. Mary A. Lincoln of Brnnswick, Me., Sept. 29, 1886. Gi'aJ. at Bowdoin' College in 1877. Merchant. Res. Portland, M.e. Ch. 4044. Sarah Louisa, b. Feb. 7, 1890. 4045. Ethel LiNCor.x. b. Aug. 22. 1891. 4046. John Lincoln. 4047. Emily West. (3904) CLIXTO^^ LEWIS BAXTEB, son of James Pliinnev Baxter (3751) and Sarah Kimball Lewis, b. in Portland, Me., Jnne 29, 1859, m. Caroline Panline Dana Feb. 8, 1882. She d. Apr. 21, 1888. Lie m. 2 Ethel Dana Fox Oct. II, 1891. Merchant, and member of the firm of the Portland Packing Co., Portland, Me. Ch. 4048. Caroline Dana. b. Apr. 21, 1888. 4049. Ellen Fessenden. (3905) EUGEXE RADDIX BAXTER, son of James Phin- nej Baxter (3751) and Sarah K. Lewis, b. Portland, Me., Jan. 12, 18C.2, m. Ida M. Robinson of Phillips, Me., Oct. 8, 1883. She d. . He m. 2 Anna M. Pike in San Francisco Jmie 26, 1890. Merchant. Res. Portland, ]\te. (3907) JAMES PIIIXXEY BAXTER, son of James Phin- ney Baxter (3751) and Sarah Kimball Lewis, b. in Portland, Me., Feb. 27, 18G7. Grad. at Williams Colleg-e in 1889, and m. Xellie Furbish Carpenter Oct. s, 1S90. Merchant. Res. Portland. (3939) HARRIET ROSA SELLERS, dan. of William Har- vey Sellers and Harriet Cone (3808), b. in Honston, Tex., Jnlv 6, 1859, m. William Fairfax Gray, son of Edwin Fairfax Gray and Rosalia, Woodburn Taylor, June 11, 1891, at Fort Worth, Tex. He was 1). in Texas. Is a Democrat. Episco]ialian. Farmer and frnit-raisor. Res. Ilomewood, Snrry connty, Va. Ch. 4050. Rose Argyle, b. Nov. 4, 1893. 4051. William Edwin, b. Sept. 11, 1895. 4052. Henry Sellers, b. Feb. 24. 1897: cl. June 10, 1899. 4053. Alan Fairfax, b. June 17. 1898. (39G1) ARTHUR W. COXE, son of Ralph Cone (3824) and Esther Wells Woodbridge, b. Manchester, Conn., Sept. 8, 1843, m. Emily Jackson of Boston Sept. 4, 1865. Res. Manchester Green, Conn. Ch. 4054. Clara Mary. b. Dee. 26. 1866. 4055. Marion E., 1). July 10. 1869. Descendants of Stephen Cone. 313 4056. Rachel Emily, b. Apr. 12, 1877; d. Nov. 12, 1900. 4057. Helen W., b. Aug. 17, 1881. 4058. Ralph A., b. Aug. 25, 1884. " (3974) JAMES A. FOIsTES, son of Alvaii Thomas Fones and" Adeline Cone (3827), b. in Decatur, Ga., Mar. 6, 1839, m. Elizabeth Rison in Little Rock, Ark., N'ov. 20, 1870. She was b. in Perryville, Ark., dau. of John W. Rison and Harriet Clifton. Is a Presbyterian. Democrat. Merchant. Res. Little Rock, Ch. 4059. James Risox, b. Jan. 11, 1870. "(399G) JAMES INGERSOL, son of John Ing-ersol and Lucy Ann Cheney (3859), b. l^ov. 20, 1856, m. Clara B. Tallman, dau. of Geor^^e R. ' and Caroline Tallman Oct. 25, 1883. She was b. in Marshall county, la., Ma.y 12, 1803. He is a druggist, and res. at Boone, la. Ch. 40G0. Lucy Caroline, b. Sept. 17, 1884. 4061. James Jaked, b. Aug. 23, 1887. 4062. Miles, b. Oct. 26. 1889. ' (4014) MILO COLWELL GREGORY, son of Henry Curtis Gregory and Margaret Hanford (3879), b. in Unadilla, IST. Y., Dec. 29, 1862, m. Helen Sewell IvTov. 24, 1888. He is District Manager for the N'orthwestern Mutual Life Association. Res. JTnadilla. Ch. 4063. Maxwell Delos, b. Sept. 7, 1887. 4064. Infant son. b. Feb. IS. 1889; d. Mar. 1890. (4017) MABEL LOOMIS, dau. of David P. Loomis and Julia Elizabeth Hanford (3880), b. Apr. 14, 1866, m. Sewell Mulford Oct. 4, 1885. Res. Unadilla, K Y. Ch. 4065. Loomis Wesley, b. July 26. 1886. 4066. George Seward, b. July 22. 1888. 314 The Cone Familij in America. CALEB CONE. (10) CALEB COXE, the youngest ch. of Daniel Cone (1) and Mahitable Spencer, was b. in lladdam, Conn., in IGTlJ, and bapt. in the Middletown Coni;. Ch. Alar. 1!». l(;Si> ; the ch. records read- ing as follows: " Caleb, the son of Daniel Coan of lladdam, his wife a member of ye church at Lyn." He m. in lladdam Dec. 16, 1701, Elizabeth — '—, who d. there Xuv. 11, 1711. He m. 2 Elizabeth Cunningham Sept. 0, 1723. He was b., lived and d. on the same land upon which his father had nnide his tirst settlement, and was buried within sight of the old homestead, the inscription on the head- stone reading as follows: "Here lies interred ye liody of Capt. Caleb Cone, who d. Sei)t. 28, 171:>, in ye (Uth yv. of his age." He was a mend)er of the General Court in 1731, 1732, 1733, 1731, 1735, and again in 17311. He held the position of Ca])tain in the Colonial troops for a nundier of years, and filled other responsible positions. Ch. 4067.* Caleb, b. Sopt. 1702. m. 1 Hannah . 2 Sybil Bailoy; d. Feb. 27, 1700. 400S.* .To.SEPU, 1>. .Tan. 20. 1704. m. Susannah Wells: d. 1770. 4060.* Noah, b. .rnly 14. 1707. m. Hannah ; d. Ano. .>. 1757. 4070.* Elisha, b. Sei-l. 11. 170!). m. Hannah Hiibl)aid: d. Mar. 6. ISOO. 4071. Joshua, b. .Tuly 4. 1714: d. in infancy. 4072.* Simon, b. .Tune 11. 1724. m. : d. 1750. 4073.* Daniel, b. Dec. 22. 1725. ni. Snsannah Hnrlburt; d. Jnly 12, 1702. 4074.* Beriah, b. Sept. 12. 1777. Had son Beriah. 4075.* Abigail, b. .July 2. 17:^0. ni. Elisha KnowLes. 4076.* Mary, 1). :\Iav. 2:?. 17."2, m. Eichard Knowles : d. Oct. 8, 1706. - 4077.* Lydia, b. Jan. 20. 17:>5. m. Joseph Tyler; d. 182:1 (1067) CALEB CONE, son of Caleb and Elizabeth Cone (10), b. in lladdam, (Vnni., Sept. 1702, ba])t. dan. 12, 1703, m. Hannali Dec. 6, 172S. She d. Oct. 15. 1711. He m. 2 Syl)il Bailey in 1715. Ho wa>? a member Cong. Ch., and d. at ]\raromas, near lladdam, Feb. 27, 1700, aged 87 years. Ch. 4078.* .Jonathan, b. Sept. 27. 1720, nL 1 Elizabeth Smith, 2 Elizabeth Bart- lett. 4070. Ben.tamin, b. Dec. 17:^0: d. :\rar. U. 17:V2. 4080.* Samuel, b. 17:32. m. 1 Sally . 2 :\lahital)le Richardson; d. Apr. 22. 1802. 4081.* .ToHN, b. Jan. 28. 17.35. m. Susannah Brainaid : d. Ang. 4, 1824. 4082. .Joshua, b. May 20. 17.39. Served in French War 1758. 4083. Caleb, b. Oct. 15, 1744. Possibly d. young. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 315 4084.* OziAS, b. May S, 1747. m. Mary Doane; d. Mar. G. 182.3. 4085. Sarah, b. Nov. 18. 1749. 4086. Desire, b. July 7. 1752. m. Henry Rockwell Dec. 14, 1773. 4087.* Joseph, b. Aug. 17, 1755, m. Sarah Starr; d. about 1805. 4088. EzEKiEL Bailey, b. Sept. 1757. Rev. soldier. Served in 4th Co., 2d Reg. of Conn. Continentals in 1775. Also in 8th Co., 3d Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, in 1776. Was in battles of Bunker Hill and White Plains, and with Arnold's Quebec Expedition. (4068) JOSEPH CO^TE, son of Caleb and Elizabeth Cone (10), b. in Haddam, Conn., Jan. 26, 1704, m, Susannah Wells, dan. of James Wells, Jan. 7, 1727. They were members of the Cong. Ch. in Iladdam for many years. Res. at Haddam ISTeck, but removed to Walkley Hill, an adjoining parish, in 1751. He was a large, power- fully built man, and many stories are related of his great strength. He once separated two men who were fightins'. holding them apart at arms-length. He d. 1770. Ch. 4089.* Joseph, b. Sept. 27. 1727. m. ; d. 1822. 4090.* James, b. Sept. 3. 1729. m. Deborah Smith; d. Oct. 31, 1814. 4091.* Rebecca, b. July 23, 1732. m. Bryan Parmalee; d. Aug. 25, 1795. 4092.* Susannah, b. Apr. 30, 1736, m. Asa Shailor; d. 1826. 4093. Abner, b. Nov. 29. 1738. m. Hannah Conwell Oct. 3. 1765. Removed to Wells, Vt., and afterwards to Locke, N. Y.. where he d. 4094.* Noah, b. Apr. 4, 1740, m. Susannah Clark; d. Dec. 7, 1827. 4095. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 24. 1744, unm.; d. 1825. (4069) MOAH COXE, son of Caleb and Elizabeth Cone (10), b. in Haddam, Conn., July 14, 1707, m. Hannah Feb. 5, 1727. Very little is known of this family ; there were four ch. and possibly five. On the death of the father, Avhich occurred in Haddam Aug. 5, 1746, two ch. were made legal wards of Joseph Smith. Ch. 4096.* Cornelius, b. May 21. 1728, m. Phebe -Johnson; d. Feb. 9, 1817. 4097. Ann, b. Dec. 4, 1729. 4098. Noah, b. 1736. 4099.* Elizabeth, b. 1744. m. ]\Ioses Cook; d. Oct. 8, 1808. (4070) ELISHA CONE, son of Caleb and Elizabeth Cone (10), b. in Haddam, Conn., Sept. 11, 1709, m. Hannah Hubbard, dau. of Daniel Hubbard and Susannah Bailey, in Haddam June 13, 1734. She was b. in East Haddam, 1708, and d. in Haddam Dee. 1, 1755. He was Deacon of the First Cong. Ch. in that place for forty years. Dr. David Dudlev Field, who was pastor of the ch. from 1804 to 1818, in speaking of him, says : " He officiated steadily for forty years, and was very faithful in his efforts to maintain public worship. Greatly esteemed by others for his simplicity, integrity and 316 The Cone Famllij in America. piety. He enjovcd himself the consoLation of a good conscience and closed a good old age in peace." He was very active and energetic. It is related of him that he could mount a horse from the ground at the age of 95 years. Rev. Thomas Robbins says in his ^' Diary," ''When I visited him in 1803 he was mowing, and then 94 year-i old ! " He d. IMay 0, 1809, aged 99 years, 5 months and 25 days. Ch. 4100.-^ Elisha. b. Dec. 0. 1735. m. Martha Bates: d. .July 16. 1794. 4101. Anna, b. Xov. 13, 1737, uniii.: d. Nov. 21. 1775. 4102. Silas, b. Feb. 5, 1739; d. Nov. G. 1747. 4103. Hannah, b. Feb. 19. 1742: d. Doe. 1, 1755. 4104. Silas, b. Sept. 15. 1748. 4105. Mary, b. Dec. G, 1751, iinni.; d. .Jan. 30. 1835. (4072) SIMOI^ CONE, son of Cale!) Cone (10) and Eliza- Cunningham, b. in Haddam, Conn., June 11, 1724. Had a famih, l)ut T find no record of wife. In the land records at Haddam under date of Aug. 20, 1795, it is recorded that Henry Cone sold a tract of land in Haddam to Hezekiah Brainard, " being all that belonged 1o my honored father, Simon Cone." This deed was signed by Henry Cone of Hadlyme and witnessed by his brother Simon. Simon., sen., d. in the French-Indian War. in 1750. Ch. 410G."' Henry, b. 1744. in. Waitstill Champion: d. Dec. 15. 1827. 4107. Eunice, b. Oct. 13. 1735, m. Daniel Spencer, who d. May. 1793. 4108.* Simon, b. Feb. 13, 1747, m. Hannah Clark; d. Oct. 20, 1824. (4073) DANIEL CONE, son of Caleb Cone (10) and Eliza- beth Cunningham, 1). in Haddam, Conn., Dec. 22, 1725, m. Susannah Hurlburt, dan. of Daniel Ilurlburt and Esther Hamlin, in Middle- town, Conn., ]\fay 12, 1750. Tlioy settled in Middletown, and most of their ch. were b. there. She was b. Nov. 19, 1729, and d. May 15. 1774. He d. in Middletown July 12, 1702. Ch. 4109. Esther, b. Aii.o-. 11, 1751. 4110.* Daniel H.. b. .Tuly IG. 1753. m. Elizabeth Atkins; d. Apr. 17, 1841. 4111.* William, ]>. Apr. 6, 1755, ni. Abiah Atkins; d. 1834. 4112.* Joshua, b. Sept. 1, 1757. ni. Mahitable Blinn. 4113.* Robert, b. Dec. 15, 1759. m. Margaret Paget; d. May 19. 1804. 4114.* Thomas, bapt. Feb. 8, 1763, m. Mahitable Lyraan; d. Apr. 12. 1854. (4074) l^ERIAH CONE, son of Caleb Cone (10) and Eliza- beth r*nnningham, b. in Haddam, Conn., Sept. 12, 1727. He was m. and had at least one ch., and perhaps more. Ch. 4115.* Beriah. b. 1753. ni. Ann Thomas; d. 1837. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 317 (4075) ABIGAIL COXE, dan. of Caleb Cone (10) and Elizabeth Cnnningham, b. in Haddam, Conn., Jnly 2, 1730, m. Elislia Knowles, who was b. about 1723, and d. Feb. 1801. They lived in Haddam and at Walkley Hill. Ch. 4116. James, m. Martha Smith 1769. ^ ■4117. Joshua, hi. Concurrence Porter. 4118. Saeaii, m. Calvin Hubbard 1783. 4119. Abigail, m. Joshua Smith 1774. 4120. J\Iaiiitai5Le, m. Amos Dickinson 1774. 4121. PiiEBE, m. Stephen Sears 1793. 4122. Anna, m. Jared Daniels 1803. (4076) MAEY C0]STE, dan. of Caleb Cone (10) and Eliza- beth Cunningham, b. in Haddam, Conn., Mar. 23, 1732, m. Richard Knowles Apr. 4, 1749. He was b. in Haddam 1725, and d. there Apr. 9, 1814, aged 89 years. She d. same place Oct. 8, 1796. Ch. 4123. Elizabetil, b. Dec. 6. 1740. 4124. Mary, b. Oct. 28. 1751. 412.5. Susannah, b. Feb. 5. 1755. 4126. Bethiaii, b. Mar. 6, 1757. 4127. Esther, b. Mar. 7, 1750. 4128. Si]\iON, b. Apr. IS. 1701. (4077) LYDIA COXE, dan. of Caleb Cone (10) and Eliza- beth Cunningham, b. Haddam Jan. 29, 1735, m. Joseph Tyler, son of :N'athaniel Tyler and Anna Arnold. He was b. Haddam Feb. 5, 1730, and d. about 1814, at Leyden, Lewis county, X. Y. They re- moved about 1803 from Haddam to Leyden, where she d. about 1823. Ch. 4129. Aaron, bapt. :\rar. 1769; d. in Pvev. Army. Sept. 16, 1776. 41.30. D.wiD, bapt. Mar. 1769; probably d. young. 4131. Dorothy, bapt. Mar. 1769; probably d. young. 4132. James, bapt. Mar. 1769, m. Esther Dickinson; d. Mar. 18. 1797. 4133. .Joseph, b. Jan. 12, 1764, m. Alvira Smith; d. Dec. 12, 1796. 4134. Mary, bapt. Mar. 1769; d. unm. at Leyden, N. Y. 4135. Patrick, bapt. Mar. 1769; m. Dorcas Brainard; d. Sept. 22, 1814. 4136. Jonathan, bapt. Mar. 1771, m. Kachel Porter Mar. 18, 1798. 4137. Lydia, b. Oct. 1773, m. Samuel Douglas; d. Jan. 7, 1866, aged 92. 4138. Anna, b. Oct. 1777, m. -Joseph Graves Sept. 20, 1804. 4139. Moses, b. Dec. 1782, m. Deborah Dickinson; d. Feb. 22, 1800. (4078) JOXATHAX COXE, son of Caleb Cone (4067) and Hannah , b. Haddam Sept. 27, 1729, m. Elizabeth Smith about 1759. She was b. Haddam 1735, and d. there Mar. 21, 1808. He was a seafaring man, and in the fall of 1765 left >Tew London, Conn., on a voyage up the coast, and never returned. A tradition in this branch oi' the family relates that he was shipwrecked off the 318 The Cone Family in America. "Isle of Shoals," near Portsmouth, X. H., in 1765. He landed, however, at Portsmouth, in what is now Grafton county, and pro- ceeded to Campton, in same county, where he m. Elizabeth Bartlett about the year 1772, Here he raised a family of five ch., and many of his descendants res. in that vicinity at the present time. He en- listed as private in Capt. Willougiiby's com]Dany of Xev/ Hampshire troops, under Col. David Webster, recruited at Plymouth, being; the only person by the name of Cone in tlie Rev. War from that State. (See VoL 2, isTew Hampshire Report of Rev. Soldiers.) ''Enlisted in call for troops to reinforce Garrison at Ticonderoga in July, 1777. Served 12 days. Also, same Company, under Col. Chase, marched from Plymouth in Sept. 1777, to the assistance of our ISTorthern Army under Maj. Gen. Gates. Served from Sept. 25, discharged Oct. 28. Time of service one month and four days. Rate per month £4 185. Amount of w^ages 5.11.0. Travel to Manchester, K H., by way of Otter Creek, at 3fZ. per mile, 165 miles, £2 Is. Zd. Travel home at 2f?. per mile, 145 miles, £1 4.s. 2r/. Whole amount paid him, eight pounds, sixteen shillings and five ]ience." Ch. 4140. Hannah, b. Fob. 10. 1761. 4141.* ZiLLAH. b. Feb. '27. 1704, m. Benjamin Kelsoy; d. Jan. 16. IS.S.i. 4142.* JoNATHAX. b. :\Iay 16. 1766. m. Hannah Russell; d. Mar. 1852. 4L43.* Thomas, b. 1774. m. Alice Burbank; d. May 22. 1836. 4144.* Jonathan, b. 1770. m. Hannah Elliott; d. Nov. 23. 18-58. 4145.* Lydia, b. 1781. m. :\loses Bartlett; d. Feb. 9. 1821. 4146. Betsey, who d. iimn. (4080) SAMUEL COXE, son of Caleb (4067) and Hannah Cone, b. in Haddam 1732, bapt. Feb. 18, 1733, m. Sally , who d. soon after m. He m. 2 Mahitable Richardson about 1754. She was b. 1733, and d. Westminster, Vt., Apr. 10, 1799. She joined ch. in Westminster 1774. Samuel moved from Haddam to Westminster 1769. The log house which he built there that year was, according to the Vermont Gazetfcer, standing in 1885. He was a pioneer of a new country in its strictest sense. He was respected for his integrity and honesty, and d. in Westminster Apr. 22, 1802. ' Ch. 4147.* Lemuel, b. 1755, m. 1 Susannah Norton. 2 Dolly Parker; d. 1824. 4148.* Hannah, b. 1757. ni. .John INIorse; d. May 9, 1825. 4149.* .TosHUA, b. 1764. m. Mary Wright: d. July 8. 1809. 4150.* John, b. Apr. 2. 1770. m. Rebecca Sage; d. June IS. 1831. 4151. Mahitable, b. 1772. m. John Hazelton; d. in Townshend, Vt. 4152.* Ezra T.. b. 1774. m. Rhoda Lincoln; d. Feb. 22. 1851. 4153. Mary, m. David Warner. 4154. Betsey, ni. Parker. 4155. Samuel, m. Burgess. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 319 (4081) JOHN COi^E, son of Caleb Cone (1067), b. in Had- dam, Conn., Jan. 28, 1735, m. Susannah Brainard, dau. of Elijah Brainard and Phebe Bailej, in 1770. She was b. Feb. 16, 1744, and d. Feb. 28, 1826, aged 82 years. He d. in Middletown, Conn., Aug. 4, 1824, aged 89 years. For more than sixty years they were mem- bers of the Cong. Ch. in Haddam, and during their long and useful lives were always foremost in all religious and benevolent enter- prises. Ch. 4156. Joshua, b. May 21. 1771; d. imm. Aug. 18, 1823. 4157. Elijah, b. Mar. 2, 1773; d. imm. Sept. 14, 1825. 4158.* John, b. July 3, 1775, in. Thankful Bailey; d. Sept. 30, 1861. 4159.* Martha, b. Mar. 1.5. 1778, m. .Jonathan Smith; d. .June 12, 1850. 4160.* Hannah, b. June 27, 1783, m. Noah Brooks; d. Sept. 27, 1851. (4084) OZIAS COis^E, son of Caleb Cone (4067) and Sybil Sailey, b. in Haddam May 8, 1747, m. Mary Doane in Middletown May 29, 1769. She was b. in Middletown and d. in Paris, Oneida county, ]Sr. Y., Jan. 6, 1812. His patriotism and love of country was a distinguishing feature of his character, made manifest by his enlistment and long service in the Rev. War, the records showing that he enlisted twice and served over five years. He enlisted Apr. 18, 1777, in the 5th Connecticut Line, imder Col. Philip Burr Brad- ley, and was in the following battles : Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777 ; Monmouth, June 28, 1778 ; and participated in the storming of Stony Point, July 15, 1779. Wintered at Valley Forge, 1777-8, and was mustered out 1780. In 1781 he enlisted in the company commanded liy Capt. Theo. Munson, and served to the end of the war in 1783. In appreciation of his valuable services he was granted a pension Apr. 11, 1818. In 1798 he removed from Middletown to Paris, Oneida oountv. ISr. Y., being an earlv pioneer in that new country. He d. there Mar. 6. 1823.' Ch. 4161. OziAS, b. July 10. 1770; d. Auo-. 30. 1770. 41G2. Polly, b. Apr. 14. 1772. m. • Hart; d. Apr. 7, 1795. 4163.* OziAS, b. May 2, 1774, m. Mercy Warren: d. Auo. 14. 1805. 4164. EnENEZER, b. Mar. 27. 1777; d. May 29. 1778. 4165. Jerusha, b. Feb. 17, 1781; d. Sept. 25, 1840. 4166.* Ebenezer, b. Feb. 19, 1783, m. Warren; d. July 3, 1839. 4167. Bethiah, b. Feb. 15. 1785. 4168.* Caleb, b. Mar. 11, 1787, m. Clarissa Sacket; d. May 14. 1829. 4169. Hannah, b. Oct. 10, 1789; d. unni. Apr. 22, 1811. 4170. Dorcas, b. Apr. 13, 1793; d. Apr. 12. 1795. 4171.* Nehemiah, b. July 22, 1794, m. Lydia Stebbins; d. Aug. 8, 1854. (4087) JOSEPH CONE, son of Caleb Cone (4067) and Sybil Bailey, b. Haddam Aug. 7, 1755, m. Sarah Starr of Middletown —21 4172. 4173. 4174. 4175. 417G. 4177. 4178. 4179. 4180. 4181. 320 The Cone Family in America. May 20, 1774. They res. in Micldletown as late as 1803. He must have d. soon after, for widow, according to Dr. Field, m. Thomas Church in Haddam Feb. 5, 1807. Nothing more is known of this family. It is possible that the younger ch. settled in Chatham. Ch. Abigail, b. Sept. 14. 1774; d. 1776. Abigail, b. Feb. 14. 1777. m. Barabas Chipman May 12, 1795. Sally, b. Dec. 16, 1780. ni. .John Shepard Nov. 5, 1800. EzEKiEL Bailey, b. Nov. 8, 1782, in. Lydia Ward; d. in Martinique, 1804. Clara, b. May 14, 1785. Tabitiia, b. Aug. 10, 1789. LuciNDA, b. Dec. 25, 1791. Charles Johnson, b. Mar. 20, 1794. Giles Starr, b. July 29, 1796. Joseph, b. Mar. 25, 1799. (108'Jj JOSEPH COA^E, son of Joseph Cone (4068) and Susannah Wells, b. Haddam, Conn., Sept. 27, 1727, m., but I have no record of wife. He was a sea captain in early life, llemoved about 1790 to Tompkins county, JST. Y. In 1762 the General Assem- bly of Connecticut appointed him Lieutenant of the first company in " train-band," East Haddam. Family tradition is that he was a Lieutenant in New York State troops in Rev. War, enlisting Dec. 18, 1776. This may be the case. It is certain, however, that he was a "])i()neer" in western New York, and d. in Tompkins county in 1822, aged 95 years. Ch. ' 4182.* Enoch, b. Nov. 14. 1760, ni. Elizabeth Cook; d. May 31, 18.31. 4183. Lydia, b. Sejit. 18, 1768. 4184.* Joseph, b. Nov. 18, 1770, m. probably Polly Baldwin; d. 1828. 4185. Hannah, b. Sept. 17, 1772; d. in infancy. 4186."- Abner, b. Sept. 10. 1775, m. Faithy Leffingwell. 4187. Eachel, b. Dee. 1.5, 1777, ni. Hubbart (Hubbard?); d. 1811. 4188. Polly, b. ]Mar. 21, 1780, m. McKinsey. 4189.'" Noah, b. June 21, 1784, m. 1 Eliza Baker, 2 Mary (Lane) Wagoner; d. 1847. 4190. John, b. Mar. 17, 1786, m. Betsey ; d. 1863. (1090) JA:\iES CONE, son of Joseph Cone (4068) and Susannah Wells, b. Haddam Sept. o, 1729, m. Deborah Smith, dau. of Jonathan, in 1754. She was b. 1731, and d Haddam Sept. 16, 1814, aged 83 years. They were both members of the First Cong. Ch. in Haddam for over fifty years, and were highly respected. He was a farmer. Always lived in Haddam, and d. there Oct. 31, 1814, aged 85 years. Ch. 4191.* Relben, b. .Jan. 5, 17.56, m. Majoria Childs; d. June 2. 1813. 4192. Mary, b. 17.58, ni. Sylvester Cliilds in Haddam in 1785. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 321 4193.- XoADiAir, b. 17G0, m. 1 Elizabeth Clark, 2 Polly Rossiter; d. Feb. 5, 1844. 4194. Esther, b. 1765; d. iinm. in Haddam Feb. 8, 1849. 4195. Jemina, b. 1767; d. inim. in Haddam Oct. 24, 1849. 4196.''- James W., b. Oct. 22, 1772, m. Hannah Childs; d. June 15, 1801. (4091) REBECCA CONE, dan. of Joseph Cone (IOCS) and Susannali Wells, b. Haddam July 23, 1732, m. Bryan Parmalee, son of Jonathan Parmalee and Sarah Taylor, ]^ov. 13, 1755. He was b. Haddam July 31, 1732. He held a niuuber of offices, — Justice of the Peace, etc., — ^and d. Jan. 11, 1817, ag-ed 84 vears. She d. Aug". 25, 1795. Ch. 4197. Mary, b. Apr. 6. 1754. 4198. A?fN, b. Feb. 12, 1759. 4199. John, b. May 17, 1761. 4200. Esther, b. Aug. 25, 1763, ni. .John Goodrich. 4201. David, b. Sept. 4, 1765. 4202. Sarah, b. Jan. 16, 1768, ni. Ashley Lewis. 4203. TuroTHY, b. July 22, 1770. (1092) SUSANNAH CONE, dan. of Joseph Cone (4068) and Susannah Wells, b. Haddam Apr. 30, 1736, m. Asa Shailor Sept. 15, 1755. He was b. Haddam Mar. 1, 1736, and d. there Dec. 13, 1805. She d. 1826, aged 90 years. Ch. 4204. Olive, b. Se])t. 8, 1756; d. Dec. 1847, aged 91 years. 4205. Samuel, b. Oct. 13, 1758. 4206. RuEA, b. Apr. 30, 1774, m. Warren Clark; d. .Jan. 21, 1857. And seven others, dates and names unknown. (4094) NOAH CONE, son of Joseph Cone (4068) and Susannah Wells, b. Haddam Apr. 4, 1740, bapt. there Mar. 3, 1742, m. Susannah Clark, dan. of David Clark, 1763. She was b. 1744, and d. Haddam June 30, 1830, aged 86 years. He res. at Haddam Neck. Piemoved to Haddam 1790, and to '' Haddam Quarter," now a part of Durham, in 1813. He d. here Dec. 7, 1827, aged 85 years. Was a shoemaker. It is related that in early manhood he cut his leg with his shoe-knife, severing a cord, and was lame the rest of his life. He was eminently social in his disjiosition. Ch. 4207.* Charity, b. Aug. 18. 1765, m. Elijah Hurd. 4208. .Elizabeth, b. June 10. 1767; d. unm. Haddam Apr. 1. 1831. 4209.* Noah, b. Sept. 7, 1772, m. Rachel Bishop: d. May 1, 1S35. 4210. Matilda, b. Dec. 29, 1774, m. Isaac Loveland, sr., Feb. 11, 1807. 4211.* David, b. June 14, 1777, m. Hannah Coe; d. Jan. 21, 1818. 4212.* Joseph, b. .July 3, 1781, m. Rebecca Cone; d. Dec. 24, 1853. (4006) COENELIUS CONE, son of Noah (4069) and Han- nah Cone, b. Haddam May 21, 1728, m. Phoebe Johnson in San- 322 The Cone Family in America, disfield, Mass., Xov. 16, 1701. She was b. 1735 and d. Sandisfield Jan. 26, 1803. Cornelius was a soldier in the French and Indian War of 1755, in Captain Dimock's company. He also served with Massachusetts troops in the Eev. War, and d. at Sandisfield Feb. 9, 1817, aged 89 years. " Ch. 4213." Noah. b. 1762, m. Hulclah . 4214." Joseph, b. Apr. 1, 1704. m. 1 Hannah Knecland. 2 Maiy French; d. Oct. 2. 1853. 4215. Hannah, b. 17GG. 4216. Elizabeth, b. 1770. 4217. Cornelius, b. 1773. 4218. Phoebe, b. 1775; d. umn. Mar. 10, 1853. 4219. Anna, b. 1778; d. iinm. July 16, 1843. (■±099) ELIZABETH COXE, dau. of Is^oah and Hannah Cone (4069), b. in Haddam, Conn., 1744, m. Moses Cook, son of Josiah Cook and Hannah Sparrow, in East Hampton, Conn., Dec. 18, 1765. He was bapt. in Middle Haddam Sept. 26, 1742, Owned and operated a fl()urini>-inill, and d. in East Hampton May 15, 181 S. She d. same place Oct. 8, 1808. Ch. 4220. Lydia, b. Sept. 28. 1766. m. Comfort Beebe. 4221. Selden, b. Mar. 17. 1768; d. Nov. 16. 1769. 4222. Selden, b. Jan. 4. 1770; d. young. 4223. Moses, b. Jan. 7, 1772. 4224. Elizabeth, b. 1774. m. Sept. 11. 1794, Adonijah Strong, jr. They had a dau., Lydia, who ni. Henry Buth whose granddau., ]\Iiss Lucy Busli of New Haven, furnislied record of this line. 4225. Josiah ; d. June 4, 1778. 4226. Susanna, b. 1776; d. May 8, 1778. 4227. Josiah, bapt. May 9, 1779. 4228. Susanna, bapt. Sept. 6, 1779, m. 1 Daniel B. Newton. 2 Henry Strong. 4229. Hannah, bapt. July 18, 1784, m. W. Watrous. 4230. Selden, bapt. June 25, 1786. 4231. OiiKi.x, bapt. Nov. 16, 1788, m. Polly Parmalee. (4100) ELISHA COXE, son of Elisha Cone (4070) and Hannah Hubbard, b. in Haddam Dec. 3, 1735, m. Martha Bates in Haddam May 26, 1756. She was dau. of Solomon and Martha Bates, b. Mar. 27, 1735. He was a farmer, and they lived at Haddam until about 1770, when they removed to Middlefield, Conn., where he d. July 16, 1794. She d. there Feb. 18, 1823, aged 88 years. Ch. 4232.* Solomon, b. 1757. m. Sally Pichmond; d. 1816. 4233. Hannah, b. Feb. 24. 1758; d. unm. Middlefield Apr. 30, 1780. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 323 4234. Lydia, b. Nov. 15, 1759. 4235. Joshua. 4236.* Elisha, b. Oct. 28, 1761, m. Eleanor Parsons; d. June 28, 1828. 4237.* Daniel, b. Mar. 28, 1768, m. Ruth Rich; d. Dec 11, 1847. (4106) HENRY CONE, son of Simon Cone (4072), b. iu Haddam, 1744, ni. Waitstill Champion, dan. of Capt. Jasper Cham- pion, 1785. She was b. Wallingford, Conn., Sept. 27, 1761, and d. Lyme, Conn., Dec. 1850, aged 89 years. He enlisted at East Had- dam May 10, 1775, in the 1st Company, 1st Regiment Connecticut, troops. Was in siege of Boston in May, and at Bunker Hill in June^ and was discharged December of same year. He enlisted Nov. 24,. 1776, in Capt. Henry Champion's company, 3d Regt. Connecticut Line, nnder Col. Samnel Wyllys ; wintered at Valley Eorge, 1777-8 ;: was at battles of Brandywine, Monmouth and Long Island. In 1781 while still in service he lost an eye by smallpox. In 1793 he was granted a pension, and d. at Lyme Dec. 15, 1827, aged 83 years. The widow, "' "Waitv '' Champion, according to the records, was given a ]ionsion in 1840. Ch. 4238. SiMOX, 1). 178G: d. Jiily SlO, 1807. 4230. Sally, b. 1787. m. Richardson, wlio d. West Indies. 4240. Henry, b. Feb. 7. 1789; d. Martinique, West Indies. 4241.* Silas, b. Aug. 7, 1791, m. Sarah Tryon; d. Oct. 1. 1835. 4242. Andrew Diodate, b. Feb. 8, 1794. Served in War of 1812. 4243. William Prince, b. Aug. 23, 1796; d. in one of the Western States. 4244.* Charles Smith, b. Nov. 5, 1798. m. Clarissa Wightman; d. Feb. 19, 1893. 4245.* Oliver Bray, bapt. May 3, 1801. m. Mary E. Miller; d. .Jan. 1, 1868. 4246. Elihu Lyman, b. Nov. 1, 1803; d. an infant. (4108) SIMON CONE, son of Simon (4072), b. Haddam Eeb. 13, 1747, m. Hannah Clark in Colchester, Conn., Dec. 30, 1770. She was b. 1753, and d. at Colchester Apr. 12, 1822. Was a farmer. Res. a few years at Hebron, but most of his life was spent at Colchester, and he d. there Oct. 20, 1824. Ch. 4247.* Asa, b. Feb. 25, 1773. ni. Frozina Chapman; d. Aug. 22. 1853. 4248. Eunice, b. -Jan. 6. 1776; d. unm. Aug. 8. 1839. 4249. Abigail, b. Jan. 20, 1778, m. Russell. 4250.* John Clark, b. Dec. 11, 1780. ni. Esther Foote; d. .Jan. 5, 1852. 4251. Olfv-e, b. Nov. 17. 1783, m. Eli Williams Dec. 9, 1823. 4252. Lucy, b. Jan. 30. 1788. m. David Avery; d. 1866. 4253. Charles, b. Jan. 13, 1790; d. unm. 1834. 4254.* Alvenus, b. 1798, m. Hannah Taylor; d. Feb. 25, 1879. (4110) DANIEL HURLBURT CONE, son of Daniel Cone (4073) and Susannah Hurlburt, b. Middletown July 16, 1753, m. Elizabeth Atkins, dau. of James Atkins and Rebecca Storrs, Aug. 324 The Cone Family in America. 18, 17Y6. She was b. Middletowii Oct. 16, 1755, and d. Winchester, Conn,, Feb. 27, 1829. He removed from Middletown to Winchester in 1781, and d. there Apr. 17, 1841, aged 88 years. He served in the Rev. War, enlisting May, 1777, for three years as a private in the company commanded by Capt. Abner Prior in the 5th Regiment of Connecticnt Line nnder CoL Philip Bnrr Bradley. Enlisted at Middletown, and w^as discharged Apr. 18, 1780. He had previously served in the 2d Regiment of Continentals nnder Col. Return Jona- than Meigs, from May 10, 1775, to Dec. 10, 1775. Was in the battles of Brandywine and Morristown, and wintered at Valley Forge, 1777-8. Was granted a pension Apr. 12, 1818. Ch. 4255.* Susannah, h. June 22. 1781. m. James Braorg; d. Feb. 11. 1S16. 4256." Daniel, b. Oct. 14. 1782. m. Belinda White; d. about 1821. 4257.* Elizabeth. 1). Jan. 29. 1784. ni. Leonard Hurlbuvt: d. Jan. 16. 1830. 4258.* Samuel, b. Oct. 18. 1785, ni. Clarissa Hunger; d. Mar. 4. 1836. 4259.* HuRLBURT, b. Jan. 5. 1788. m. Marianna Fairchild; d. Nov. 10. 1830. 4260.* Warren, b. Aug. 10. 1789. m. Laura Jones; d. May 8. 1852. 4261.* Sullivan, b. Jan. 4, 1793. m. Lueretia Humphrey; d. July 31, 1833. 4262.* Silas, b. Jan. 27, 1705. m. Sarah Hayes: d. May 12, 1863. (4111) WILLIAM CONE, son of Daniel Cone (4073) and Susannah Hurlburt, b. Middletown, Conn., Apr. 0, 1755, m. Abia Atkins May 27, 1777. She was b. Mar. 20, 1756. About 1794 re- moved from Middletow^n to Wheatley, Mass., where he remained until 1796; then to Westminster, Vt. Here he lived until 1811, when he Temoved to Woodstock, Vt., and d. there 1834. Served during the «arly part of the Rev. War. in the company commanded by Captain Return Jonathan Meigs (who afterward became Gen. Meigs), enlisting at Middletown IMay 5, 1775, and was discharged Dec. 10, 1775. Wliile in the army he was detailed to do the butchering for the regiment, and in this capacity sn]iplied all the meat required for eio'ht hundred men. He was a shoemaker liy occupation, and after the war used to go from house to house (as was the custom in those days), measured the feet of the whole household, and then and there made shoes for the wdiole family. Ch. 4263. William Meigs, b. May 21. 177S. 4264. Abia. b. 1770. m. . in Scranton. 4265. Robert, b. Oct. 16. 1780-. six ch.; alld. by typhus fever. 4266.* Thankful, b. Feb. 23. 1782. m. -Tolin D. Barry: d. Apr. 6. 1860. 4267.* Etta Jane, b. 1786, m. 1 Wendall Parks. 2 Harlow. 4268. Giles, b. Apr. 27. 1788. Served in War of 1812. as Serjeant in the 25th U. S. Infantry. 4260.* Sally, b. Oct. 10, 1700. ni. Elislia Williams; d. Feb. 22. 1875. 4270.* Epps. b. Feb. 28, 1794. m. Eunice Campbell: d. Aug. 31. 1866. 4271. Daniel, b. Feb. 25, 1801. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 325 (4112) JOSHUA CONE, son of Daniel Cone (4073) and Snsannah Hurlburt, b. Middleto^\^l, Conn., Sept. 1, 1757, m. Mahita- ble Blinn in Wethersfield Feb. 20, 1721. She was b.Wethersfield 1757, and d. Fannington, Conn., Apr. 8, 1837, aged 80 years. He served in Rev. War, enlisting at Wethersfield, in the " Lexing-ton Alarm," in Apr. 1775, under Capt. John Chester. Again enlisting, he served dur- ing the whole of vear 1776 in Captain Hezekiah Welles's companv, under Col. Erastus Wolcott. Was allowed a ])ension, commencing Mar. 4, 1831, and probablv d. soon, as his widow was granted a pen- sion July 4, 1836. Ch. 4272. Maiiitable, b. 1784; d. uiini. Apr. 16, 1858. 4273. -Toshiba, b. 1786, m. Nancy Toy Jan. 24, 1808. 4274.* Barzillai, b. 1788, m. Amy Prior; d. July 12, 1838. 4275.* Erastus, b. Jan. 23. 1790, m. Adelia Gridley: d. Aug. 28, 1878. 4276.* Mary, b. Mar. 22. 1791. m. Daniel Wheeler: d. Nov. 1, 1854. 4277. Sarah, who m. — Peck. (4113) ROBERT CONE, son of Daniel Cone (4073) and Susannah Wright, b. Middletown Dec. 15, 1759, m. Margaret Paget in East Haddam July 29, 1783. She was b. East Haddam Jan. 28, 1766, and d. same place June 19, 1824. He was a sailmaker, and d. May 19, 1804. His widow was made administratrix of the estate in 1808, but called ''Peggy" in the records. Ch. 4278. Robert, 1). Aug. 15, 1785. Killed by lightning about 1850. 4279. Betsey, b. Sept. 11, 1787; d. unm. Mar. 19, 1850. 4280. Charles, b. Sept. 12, 1791. 4281. William, b. May 16, 1794; d. Mar. 15, 1855. 4282. Alfred, b. Dec. 24, 1796. Lost at sea about 1840. 4283.* Maria, b. July 28, 1800, m. -Tared Smith Brainard; d. Nov. 26, 1896. 4284.* Clarissa, b. July 1, 1805, m. Eliphalet Arnold; d. Mar. 27, 1870. (4114) THOMAS CONE, son of Daniel Cone (4073) and Susannah Hurlburt, was bapt. Middletown Feb. 8, 1763. At the age of 21, and just at the close of the war, Thomas left his home and started up the Connecticut Valley in search of work. He was an expert tailor, and soon found occupation at Northampton, Mass. After remaining there two years, he m. Mahitable Lyman Mar. 13, 1786. He had heard much of the new country in western Vermont, and being desirous of starting in business for himself in a new country, he placed his wife on a horse behind him, and they thus made their wedding tour to their northern home. They located in the little town of Winchester, Vt., and there they lived the rest of their days, and here all their ch. were b. Thomas became one of the leading citizens of the town, and was prominent in all good works. 326 Tlie Cone Family in America. His wife was b. ^ox. 17, 1704, and d. Oct. 11, 1S27. He d. Apr. 12, 1854, at the a.a'e of 91 years. Cli. 4285.* Thomas, b. May. 5, 1787, in. Olive Lane; d. .Tan. 22, 1858. 4286. Robert, b. Xov. 27. 1788. m. Fanny Royce; d. Dec. 30, 1814. 4287.* Morris, b. Oct. 0. 1790. m. Lydia Farrington; d. Mar. 29. 184(3. 4288.* L.U'RA. b. Mai-. 1.3. 179.3. m. 1 Cyrus .Tones. 2 James Swinton ; d. Feb. 13. 1879. 4289.* THEonoRE, b. Oct. 11, 1795, m. Eliza Wooley; d. Aug. 25, 1852. 4290.* Jonrv-, b. Oct. 7, 1797, m. Lucinda Rand; d. June 2, 1879. 4291.* James, b. Oct. 7, 1797, m. Catherine Cuyler; d. Oct. 24, 1861. 4292.* Stephen, n Feb. 2, 1800, m. Sally Pratt: d. Nov. 1, 1884. 4293.* Charles, b. Mar. 4. 1802, m. Martha Dean: d. Nov. 7, 1870. 4294. Eliza, 1>. Dec. 13. 1805, ni. Lyraan Haywood; d. 1848. (4115) BEEIAH COXE, son of Beriali Cone (4074), b. in Haddam, Conn., 1753, m. Ann Thomas in Haddam Tan. 4, 1774. He was a farmer, and lived in Haddam and Middlefiehl until 1788, when he removed to CNilnmbia county, ]*^. Y. Was a soldier in the Kev. War, but the record of his service is very incomplete. The only mention I find of him is that he enlisted in Major John Skinner's troop of "Lio;lit Horse," Jnne 10, 1776, and "marched to the defense of ISTew York," and was discharged An^-. 8, 1770. He commenced to receive a pension Mar. 4, 1831, wliilc livinti' in Canaan, Columbia county, X. Y., and d. there in IS.'!!. Ch. 4295. Elizabeth, b. Fob. 14. 1775; d. -Tan. 5, 1779. 4296. Ruth, b. Apr. 23. 1777. 4297. Anne, b. Aug. 25. 1780. 4298.* Seth, b. Nov. 7, 1783, ni ; d. about 1830. 4299.* AsiiER, b. Aug. 1791, m. Eliza Thompson; d. May 13, 1825. (4141) ZILLAH CONE, dan. of Jonathan Cone (4078) and Elizabeth Smith, b. Haddam Eeb. 27, 1704, m. Benjamin Kelsey about 1783. He was b. 1763, and d. in Haddam Jnly 23, 1809. She d. same place Jan. 16, 1835. Ch. 4300. Asa, b. Jan. 4. 1785; d. .Jan. 3, 1801. 4301. Benjamin, b. Dec. 13. 1787; d. Oct. 26. 1797. 4302. Abigail, b. July 6, 1789; d. Nov. 4, 1796. 4303.* Lydia, b. June 13, 1792, m. Richard Skinner; d. Sept. 12. 1854. 4304.* Benjamin, b. Nov. 12, 1796, m. Rebecca Smith; d. Aug. 26, 1876. 4305. Betsey, b. Nov. 18, 1800; d. Oct. 9. 1806. 4306. Jonathan, b. May 23, 1805. (4142) JONATHAN CONE, son of Jonatlian Cone (4078) and Elizabeth Smith, b. Haddam May 16, 1766, m. Hannah Rnssell about 1789. She was b. Sept. 14, 1768, and d. Apr. 6, 1852, aged 84 Descendants of Caleb Cone. 327 vears. He was Captain of a vessel that sailed from PTadclam to 'New York, and was a man of superior ability and great business tact. He d. Mar. 1852, aged 86 years. Ch. 4307.* Hannah, b. 1790. m. Charles Arnold; d. July 25, 1857. 4308. Russell, b. Feb. 28. 1793; d. unm. in Haddajn Mar. 19, 1865. 4309.* George, b. Kov. 30. 1794, ni. Sophia Tyler; d. Dec. 11. 1873. 4310.* Mary Ann, b. Apr. 19. 1798. m. Rev. Jeremii.h Bridges; d. Mar. 27. 1888. 4311. Jonathan, b. 1801; d. Aug. 20, 1813. 4312. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 28. 1803. m. Benjamin Champlin; d. Aug. 25, 1865. 4313. Jitlia, b. Nov. 9, 1805. unm.; d. .June 1. 1840.. 4314. David, b. Dec. 11. 1811; d. Feb. 12, 1814. (4143) THOMAS COXE, son of Jonathan Cone (4078) and Elizabeth Bartlett, b. Campton, J^. H., 1774, m. Alice Burbank about 1795. She was b. 1777 and d. Campton June 24, 185-5. He d. Camp- ton May 2, 1836. An upright, conscientious Christian ; a man of powerful influence for good in the community in which he res. Ch. 4315.* Edmund, b. Feb. 6, 1797, m. 1 Abigail Church, 2 Sarah Bartlett; d. Aug. 16, 1883. 4310.* Martha, b. June 1, 1802, m. Gardner Church; d. Apr. 24, 1874, 4317.* Cephas, b. May 26, 1804, m. Harriet Fletcher; d. Mar. 27, 1887. 4318. FREEJfAN, b. 1806, m. Ann Bracket Bachelder; d. Dec. 27, 1884, 4319, Mary, b. 1808, m. John Sanderson, 4320, Laura, b, 1809; d. young. 4321. Lydia, b. 1811, m, David Hoyt; one ch., d. young, 4322.* Sarah, b. 1813, m, Samuel Emerson; d. July 2, 1869, 4323,* William, b. Oct. 11, 1814, m. 1 Nancy Cook, 2 Helen L. Taylor; d. June 15, 1886. 4324. Adaline, b. 1816, m. Henry W. Green. (4144) JOXATHAX CONE, son of Jonathan Cone (4078) and Elizabeth Bartlett, b. Campton, N. H., 1779, m. Hannah Elliott 1805. She was b. 1785 and d. June 1873. Farmer. D. Nov. 23, 1858. Ch. 4325. Eliza, b. 1807, m. Milton Elliott; d. Dec, 1885. 4326. Sarah, b, 1811, m, Dustan Keniston ; d. Aug. 8, 1852. 4327.* Hannah, b. May 10, 1813, m. Daniel Beede; d. May 3, 1861. 4328, Esthfjr, b. Feb. 1819, m. Benjamin Morrison; d. Oct. 27, 1880. 4329.* Susan, b. Jan, 1, 1823, m. Elias B, Holmes, (4145) LYDIA COXE, dau. of Jonathan Cone (4078) and Elizabeth Bartlett, b. in Campton, N. H., 1781, m. Moses Bartlett in 1802. He was b. in Xewton, X. H., in 1781, and d. Jan. 1, 1838. S2S The Cone Family in America. Was a oTanclsoii of Josiah Bartlett, one of the signers of the Declara- tion of IiKlependence. She d. Feb. 9, 1821. Ch. 4330.* Sarah, b. Feb. 4, 1804, iii. Rial Rowe: d. Feb. 21, 1854. (4147) LE]\rUEL COXE, son of Samuel Cone (1080), b. in Haddam 1755, m. Susannah N'orton, who d. Feb. 19, 179:^. He m. 2 Dollv Parker, dau. of Elijah and Elizabeth Parker, in Charles- town, K H., May 15, 1793. She Avas b. in Charlestown May 15, 1772. He was engaged in mercantile business at Hartford, Vt., but removed to Clarendon, Orleans county, IvT. Y., between the years 1808 and 1812, and d. at Batavia, X. Y., in 1824. Ch. 4331.* Ezra, b. 1770. m. Hannab Knowles; d. Aug. 18, 1842. 4332.* Andrew G., b. May 26. 1785, m. Polly L. Andrews; d. Oct. 3. 1847. 4333.* Joiix P.. b. June 11. 1811. m. 1 Spraone. 2 Snsannab MeKinney; d. Oft. 11, 1871. (4148) HAN]S^AH CONE, dau. of Samuel (\.ne (4080), b. in Haddam 1757, m. John Morse in 1778. He was b. in 1752, and d. Sept. 1, 1834, aged 82 years. She d. May 9, 1825. Ch. 4334. John, b. Sept. 3. 1770, m. Lydia Linooln: d. Dee. 10. 1843. 4335. Samuel, b. 17S3, ni. Fanny Cbiik; d. Jnly 10. 1834. 4330. Francis, b. 170G. m. Nancy Faiibottom ,: d. Feb. 10, 1850. (4149) JOSHUA CONE, son of Samuel Cone (4080), b. Haddam, Conn., 1704, m. Mary Wright about 1790. She was h. in 1769, and d. Westminster, Yt., Feb. 1, 1815. He was an active, thorough-going, conscientious business man, and the world lost a good man when he d. He res. at Westminster, and d. there July 8, 1809. Ch. 4337.* Jeremiah W.. b. Sept. 24. 1701. ni. Ahnira Pdake: d. Apr. 10. 1835. 4338. Joshua, b. 1703; d. Apr. 8, 1812. 4330. Jason, b. 1705. 4340. M.\RY, b. 1708; d. Aug. 28, 1805. 4341.* Samuel, b. Sept. 3. 1800. ni. ^^labitable Lincoln; d. 1835. 4342. Adelaioe, h. 1S04; d. Dec. 11, 1812. 4343. Lucius, b. 180(i. m. Martha ; d. 1841. (4150) JOHX CONE, son of Samuel Cone (4080), b. West- minster, Vt., Apr. 2, 1770, m. Rebecca Sage Sept. 23, 1796. She was b. Dec. 23, 1775, and d. in Clarendon,^ Orleans county, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1850. Ho was a merchant, and res. at W^^odstock, Vt. Removed from there to Orleans county, N. Y., between the years 1808 and 1812. He soon after established a store at Clarendon, in that county, where he d. June 18, 1831. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 329 Ch. 4344.* Erastus, b. iSIar. 23, 1798, m. Nancy Thomas; d. Apr. 12. 1869. 4345. Joseph, b. Mar. 6, 1802; d. in infancy. 4346. Benjamin, b. Mar. 10, 1803; d. Mar. 20. 1803. (4152) EZRA TYLER CO^^E, son of Samuel Cone (4080), b. in Westminster, Vt, 1774, m. Rlioda Lincoln May 28, 1800. She was b. 1779 and d. Sept. 15, 1861, aged 82 years. He d. in West- minster, Vt., Feb. 22, 1851. Ch. 4347.* Almira, b. July 25, 1801, m. Ebenezer Chipman; d. June 5, 1831. 4348.* SoPHRONiA, b. May 26, 1803, m. Charles Thrasher; d. Sept. 28, 1831. 4349.* SAtOMA, b. Nov. 6, 1805, m. George Wetherall; d. Oct. 4, 1881. 4350. Tyler S., b. Nov. 29, 1809; d. unm. May 15, 1835. (4158) JOHX COXE, son of John Cone (4081) and Susan- nah Brainard, b. Middletown July 3, 1775, m. Thankful Bailey Sept. 20, 1835. She was b. Middletown Aug. 28, 1801, and d. same place Jan. 10, 1876. He d. Middletown Sept. 30, 1861, aged 86 years. Ch. 4351. Susan Nancy, b. Oct. 4. 183G. ni. Elisha Ackley; no ch. Res. Maro- mas. Conn. 4352.* John Jasper, b. Nov. 13. 1839, m. Julia Sexton Pellet. Res. Maro- mas. Conn. 4353. Mary Eleanor, b. Mar. 1, 1843. m. Ilezekiah Bingham; d. July 5, 1893. (4159) MARTHA COI^E, dan. John Cone (4081) and Su- sannah Brainard, b. Middletown Mar. 15, 1778, m. Jonathan Smith Apr. 15, 1800. He was b. Haddam Oct. 24, 1773, and d. West Springfield, Mass., Aug. 7, 1847. She d. Hartford, Conn., Juno 12, 1850. Ch. 4354. Hannah ]\I., b. Feb. 11, 1815. m. W. H. Welles; d. May 22. 1842. 4355.* Martha A., b. Dec. 13, 1819, m. James C. Walkley; d. in Haddam. (41G0) HANKAH CONE, dau. John Cone (4081) and Susan- nah Brainard, b. in Middletown June 27, 1783, m. N"oah Brooks in Middletown Ma^ 3, 1815. He was a farmer, and res. at Maromas, Conn. She d. Sept. 27, 1851, and he d. Enfield, Conn., Mar. 26, 1855. Ch. 4356.* Susan Cone, b. Apr. 26, 1816. m. John Sage Selden; d. Jan. 9, 1879. 4357.* Hannah Maria, b. Apr. 5, 1818, m. Harry S. Brainard; d. Aug. 26, 1842. 4358.* Ursula, b. .Tan. 10. 1820, m. Harry S. Brainard; d. Jan. 31, 1898. (4163) OZIAS r^OXE, son of Ozias Cone (4084) and Mary Hoane, b. Middletown ^May 2, 1774, m. Mercy Warren, at Hopewell, 330 The Cone Family in America. Ontario county, N. Y., about 1790. Slie was b. 1777, and d. Hope- well, 1832. He was a farmer, and had held a number of official positions. Was a Lieutenant of Militia at time of his death, Aug. 14, 1805. Res. at Hopewell. Ch. 4359.* Warren, b. Oct. 2. 1802. m. Sally A. Case; d. Oct. 9, 1863. 4360. Lydia, 111. Ezekiel Birdsey. 4361.* Mary, b. Mar. 27. 1806, m. William Bryant; d. Dec. 27, 1883. (416G) EBENEZER CO^^E, son of Ozias Cone (4084) and Mary Doane, b. Middletown Feb. 19, 1783, m. Warren, who d. in Oneida county, I^. Y. He was a car]ientcr. Was noted for his sociability, and his house was the abode of cheerful hospitality for his numerous friends and acquaintances. He d. in 'New Hartford, Oneida county, N. Y., July 3, 1839. Ch. 4362.* Eli. b. Feb. 2,8, ISO."), m. Bboda Maria Hudson: d. Aii^. H. 1864. 4363. C4E()R(iE, b. AnfT. 14. 1806, ni. Sophroni-i Farrin-ton ; d. 1881. 4364. Joel, b. Feb. 20, 1808; d. Apr. 18, 1823. 436.1. Ebexezer, b. July 2, 1809; d. Dec. 13, 1800. 4366. Mary, b. Sept. 20, 1810; d. Dec. 9. 1839. 4367.* John, b. Jan. 8. 1813. m. ]\Iary Vrodenburjili ; d. Jan. 9, 1890. 4368. Nancy, b. Apr. 11, 181.5, m. Barrett; d. 1842. 4369. Sally, b. Nov. 24. 1817; d. Oct. 1842. 4370. Susan, b. Nov. 24, 1817; d. Dec. 23, 1820. (41 08) CALEB COXE, son of Ozias Cone (4084) and Mary Doane, b. Middletown Mar. 11, 1787, m. Clarissa Sacket Jan. 1813. She was b. New Lebanon, Eensselaer county, X. Y., ]\Lay 22, 1790, and d. at Darlington, Wis., May 12, 1872, aged 82 years. He was a farmer, and d. in Gaines, Orleans county, X. Y., May 14, 1829. Ch. 4371.* RiioDA, 1). .Jan. 16. 1815. m. John Bridgeman. Res. Lament, Wis. 4372.* Clarlssa, b. Ano-. 19. 1817, m. Rev. Leonard White; d. Dec. 17. 1896. 4373. Ozias, b. Jan. 8, 1820. Res. Clinton. N. Y.. in 1899. 4374. Norman, b. Feb. 11, 1822. 4375. .Job, b. July 4, 1824; d. Nov. 12. 1870. 4376. Dorcas, b. Feb. 22, 1827, m. C. B. Helm. Res. Mendota. Wis. (4171) NEHEMIAH CONE, son of Ozias Cone (4084) and Mary Doane, b. Middletown July 12, 1794, m. Ljdia Stebbins, dau. of Ephraim, of Oneida county, N. Y., May 22, ^1814. She was b. Sept. 4, 1793, and d. in Oneida countv Mar. 10, 1870. He d. Au'j. 8, 1854. Ch. 4377. .Julia, b. .Jan. 15, 1815. m. .Jesse Oles. 4378. Henry, b. Mar. 17. 1817, m. Lncy Crocket; d. July 6. 1867. 4379.* Warren, b. June 6, 1820, ni. 1 Charlotte Phelps, 2 Mary Ann Bishop; d. July 5, 1862. Descendants of Cahb Cone. 331 4380. Mahitable, b. Aug. 2. 1822, m. Thomas Kemp; d. July 16, 184G. 4381. Mary, b. Feb. 28, 1825; d. unm. July 30, 1847. 4382. Wilson, b. July 28, 1827, m. Susannah Wilsie. 4383.* Maonda, b. Sejjt. 1, 1830, m. Plyn Hainden; d. May 12, 1898. (4182) EKOCH COKE, son of Joseph Cone (4089) and b. in Litclifield county, Conn., N'ov. 14, 1766, m. Elizabeth (Betsey, by record) Cook Aug. 19, 1789. She was b. May 24, 1772, and d. l^ov. 1, 1857, aged 85 years. He d. Wells, Vt, May 31, 1831. Settled in Vermont previous to his marriage, and all his ch. were b. in Wells and vicinity. Ch. 4384. Susan, b. June 2. 1790. m. David Hubbard; d. 1881. 4385. Betsey, b. Sept. 7. 1793. m. 1 Reuben Dexter, 2 Jared Ives; d. 1870. 4380.* ExocH, b. Feb. 11. 1796, m. 1 Parley Lindsey, 2 Ann Dowd. 3 Mrs. Hager; d. Oct. 30, 1877. 4387. Laura, b. Apr. 4. 1798, ni. Calvin Glass; d. in Michigan. 4388.* Faithy, b. June 28, 1801, m. Seymour Saxton; d. July 8, 1893. 4389. Emily, b. Mar. 1, 1803, m. Davison Miner. 4390.* Harriet, b. Aug. 8, 1805, m. Nathan Francis; d. Jan. 30, 1885. 4391. Eliza, b. July 12, 1810, m. Daniel Hurd; d. 1890. 4392.* Orson, b. Feb. 7, 1814; d. unm. Apr. 10, 1888. 4393. Laura, b. Sept. 16, 1815, m. Franklin Vaughn; d. Aug. 8, 1899. 4394.* James F., b. Oct. 3, 1820, m. 1 Hannah D. Parks, 2 Phebe Ann Moody. Res. Wells, Vt. (4184) JOSEPH CONE, son of Joseph Cone (4089), b. in Connecticut Nov. 18, 1770, m. (probably Polly Baldwin, dau. of Ben- jamin, b. about 1775). He kept an inn at Sumner Hill, Cayuga county, N. Y., as early as 1798. He d. at Groton, Tompkins county, N. Y., in 1828. Ch. 4395. Anson, b. Jan. 7, 1800; d. in Illinois. 1834. 4390. Adeline, b. 1811, m. Henry Bush. 4397.* Joseph, b. 1813, m. Sylvia Sutton; d. 1853. 4398.* William Pitt, b. Nov. 5, 1817, m. Delilia Walford; d. June, 1901. (4186) ABNER CONE, son of Joseph Cone (4089), b. in Connecticut Sept. 10, 1775. Went early to Vermont, and there m. Faithy Leffingwell. Soon after m. they removed to Rome, Oneida county, X. Y., where their ch. were b. Ch. 4399.* Elbert, b. Oct. 26, 1805, m. Jane Cooney; d. July 30, 1871. 4400.* Charles, b. Dec. 18, 1813, m. 1 Charlotte Young. 2 Cynthia South- wick; d. July 30, 1877. (4189) NOAH CONE, son of Joseph Cone (4089), b. Had- dam, Conn., June 21, 1784, m. Eliza Baker, who d. 1833. He m. 2 Mrs. Mary (Lane) Wagoner about 1840. She was b. 1798 and d. 332 Tlie Cone Family in America. Peruville, ]N^. Y., Apr. 10, 1856. He was living at Locke, Cayuga county, N. Y., when the War of 1812 commenced. So intense was his patriotism that he traveled from his home in central Kew York to Natchez, Mississippi, a distance of more than a thousand miles, in order to enlist, which he did at that place Oct. 15, 1813, in the 44th Eeg. of U. S. Infantry. Served with great credit under Gen. Jackson at the battle of New Orleans, in January, 1815, and was discharged at ISTew Orleans April 8, 1815. Government gave him a tract of land and a pension as part pay for his services on that occasion. He d. at Peruville, Tompkins county, X. Y., in 1847. Ch. 4401. Leander, b. 1823, m. and had two ch. 4402. Eliza, b. Feb. 25, 182.5, m. Titus S. rxreenfield : d. Jan. 20. 18GG. 4403. ]\Iary Ann. 1). 1831. ni. Aitemas J. Gieenfield. Res. Conneaut. Pa. 4404.* Clark Jackson, b. Feb. 7, 1843, m. Velina Elizabeth Williams. Res. Corning, N. Y. 4405. Julia R., b. Jan. 7, 1845, ni. Elias Lewis. Res. Baltimore, Md. (4191) EEUBEN CONE, son of James Cone (4090) and Deborah Smith, b. Haddam Jan. 5, 1756, m. Majoria Cliilds Dec. 1783. She was b. Haddam June 15, 1763, and d. same place Apr. 17, 1811. He m. 2 Mrs. Margaret May Feb. 23, 1812, and d. June 2, 1813. He was a prominent member of the ch. at Haddam. Joined (\.lunibia Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Oct. 8, 1794, and was regular in attendance at their meetings. Reuben served long and faithfully in the Eev. War, serving nineteen days in the Lexington Alarm, from Apr. 1775. Enlisted May 8, 1775, in 9th Company, 6th Regiment of Continentals, under Cajit. John Ely, and was dis- charged Dec. 18, same year. Served in Boston and Roxbury. En- listed again in the ''Light Dragoons," under Col. Elisha Sheldon. May 24, 1777, for three years. According to the rolls of that regiment he was 5 feet 10 inches tall; liirht complexion and eyes; dark hair, and was a farmer, and res. at Savbrook. Ch. 4400. Nancy, b. June 20, 1791. m. Robert MeLester; d. July 10, 1842. 4407. CirARLOTTE, b. Sept. 20, 1795, m. .James Dickinson; d. Mar. 10. 18—. 4408. Sophia, b. May 13, 1798, ni. Sidney Moore: d. :May 9. 187G. 4409.'^ Ogden, b. Apr. 13, 1800, m. 1 Dorcas Allen, 2 Ihitli W. Ellis: d. Apr. 7, 1846. (4193) NOADIAH CONE, son of James Cone (4090) and Deborah Smith, b. Haddam 1760, m, Elizabeth Clark, dan. of Samuel Clark, 1785. She was b. Haddam 1761, and d. Feb. 26, 1818. He m. 2 Polly Rossiter of Guilford Apr. 12, 1820, who was b. in Had- dam 1782, and d. same place Feb. 4, 1868, aged 88 years. He was a soldier during Rev. War, enlisting from Higganum, Conn., May •■i?', 1777, under Col. Henry Sherburne, and was discharged in May, Descendants of Caleb Cone. 333- 1780. His company was in the battle of Long Island, and was com- mended for good condnct on that occasion. Commenced to receive a pension in 1834, and d. in Haddam Feb. 5, 1844, aged 88 years. Ch. 4410. Mary, b. 1824; d. Sept. 16, 1825. (4196) JAMES WELLS COXE, son of James Cone (4090) and Deborah Smith, b. Haddam Oct. 22, 1772, m. Hannah Childs 1794. He d. June 15, 1801, and she m. 2 Lsrael Smith. Ch. 4411.* Clarissa, b. 1795, m. Isaac Loveland; d. May 19, 1830. 4412.* Comfort, b. Oct. 17, 1797, m. Wealthy Ann Brooks; d. Nov. 25, 1876. 4413.* John, b. Jan. 28, 1800, m. Mary Ann Strong; d. Mar. 5, 1835. (4207) CHAEITY COXE, dan. Xoah Cone (4094) and Sn- sannah Clark, b. Haddam Ang. 18, 1765, m. Elijah Hnrd in East. Haddam Mar. 13, 1794. Ch. 4414. Dolly, b. Dec. 31, 1795. 4415. Lyman, b. June 28, 1798. 4416. Eli, b. May 23. 1801. 4417. Noah Cone, b. Mar. 13, 1804. (4209) NOAH CONE, son of Noah Cone (4094) and Susan- nah Clark, b. Haddam Sept. 7, 1772, m. Kachel Bishop, dau. of Keu- ben Bishop and Mrs. Mary (Brown) Walkley. She was b. Durham, Conn., May 10, 1772, and d. in West Bloomfield, Ontario county, N. Y., July 1, 1849. I remember her as a woman of fine tempera- ment, having an intellectual mind and an affectionate disposition. They res. in Durham until the year 1808, when they removed to that wild, western land, then called the " Genesee Couhtry," in western New York, and settled in East Bloomfield, Ontario county. He was a farmer, and took great pride in having the best farm in that settle- ment. He was an upright man, with kindly disposition and d. greotlv respected, in East Bloomfield May 1, 1835. Ch. 4418.* Ben.tamin Bishop, b. .Tan. 19. 1797. m. Lncv \Yhitnev Colt: d. JuU- 28. 1842. 4419. Sally, b. Jan. 20. 1799, m. Alvin Wilcox: no cli. : d. Mar. 20, 1868. 4420.* Andrew, b. Apr. 23, 1801. m. Matilda Norton: d. Sept. 26. 1876. 4421.* Linus, b. Oct. 10, 1802, ni. Polly Crook; d. Oct. 18, 1875. 4422.* William, b. Mar. 23, 1805, m. Betsey Maria Bostwick ; d. Mav 15, 1866. 4423. Harriet, b. Mar. 7. 1807, m. Jason Canfield; no ch.; d. Apr. 18,, 1886. 4424. Lorenzo, b. May 11, 1809; d. Mar. 7, 1839. (4211) DAVID CONE, son of Noah Cone (4094) and Susan- nah Clark, b. Haddam June 14, 1777, m. Hannah Coe, dau. of Timo- 334 The Cone Family in America. tlij Coe and Phoebe Thomas, in 1800. She was b. in Durham Aug. 4, 1779, and d. same phace June 5, 1870, aged 91 years. She had all the qualities of a good wife and mother, and d. universally respected. David Cone was of a lively temperament, eminently social, delighted with good company, and always in the lead with all enterprises for the bottcrment of linnianity. lie d. in Durham Jan. 21, 1818. Ch. 442;i. Eli Clark, b. Oct. 10. 1801; d. unni. Jan. 21. 1835. 442G. Timothy Coe. b. Apr. 18, 1804; d. Oct. 4. 1804. 4427. "•■" Betsey Ann, b. Jan. 18, 1807. in. Samuel Camp: d. July 7. 1868. 4428. David Noyes, b. Jan. 9, 1810. m. Polly A. Lynn; d. Feb. 6, 1870. 4429.* Hannah Saxima, b. Dec. 9, 1812, m. Albert Sizer. 44.30.* Susan, b. Dec. 15, 1815, m. Harvey Hull; d. Aug. 22, 1899. (1212) JOSEPH CONE, son of iS'oah Cone (lOUl) and Su- sannah Clark, b. Iladdam July 3, 1781, m. Rebecca Cone about 1807. She is said to have been a daughter of Joseph Cone and Sarah , but I find no record of her parents. She was b. Aug. 19, 1780, and d. at the home of her dau. Sarah, Apr. 18, 1866, aged 86 years. He was of an active, lively disposition, quick of thought and mind, honest of purpose, and of good, strong cdmnion-sense. Ho d. in Haddam Dec. 24, 185?,. Ch. 4431.* James Wells, 1). Aui?. 19, 1809, m. Olive Sliipman: d. Mar. 29. 1885. 4432.* Noaii, b. Nov. 17, 1814, m. Sally Crawford: d. July 27, 1890. 4433. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1816, m. 1 Eber Stannard, 2 Wil- lard Brown; d. Xov. 17, 1867. 4434.* Sarah, b. Nov. 11, 1818. m. Noadiah Kelsey; d. Feb. 5, 1859. 4435. Joanna, b. May 25, 1820; d. May 30, 1825. (4213) NOAH CONE, son of Cornelius Cone (4096) and Phcebe Johnson, 1). Sandistield, Mass., 1762, m. Huldah . Have no record of m. or d. of either. Noah served in Rev. War. Was a private in Capt. Samuel Walcott's company; enlisted in Berk- shire county, Mass., June 30, 1777. Discharged July 21, 1877. Company ordered out by Gen. Fellows to reinforce Northern Army Also in Capt. John Collar's company, enlisting July 19, 1779; dis- charged same year. ''Age 18, complexion light." Again enlisted, Oct. 14, 1781. He lived at Sandisfield, Mass., where all his cli. were b. I can find no further trace of this branch. Ch. 4136. RoswELL, b. Mar. 19. 1791. m. Hannab ; d. July 26, 1858. 4437. Sami'EL. b. Awg. 15, 1792. 4438. Dorothy, b. 1794. (4214) JOSEPH CONE, .son of Cornelius Cone (4096) and ]Mi(p1)e Johnson, 1). Sandisfield, ]\[ass., Apr. 1, 1764, m. Hannah Descendants of Caleb Cone. 335 Kneeland in 1788. She was b. 1765, and d. Sandisfield Apr. 5, 1812. He m. 2 Mary French in Sandisfield in 1814. She was b. 1787, and d. Sept. 4, 1864. He was a kind-hearted and benevolent citizen. Served for a period of years as Major of Massachusetts Militia, and d. in Sandisfield Oct. 2, 1853, ap^ed 89 years. Ch. 4439.* Ira, b. May 15. 1794. m. Sally Kellogg; d. Mar. 3. 1844. 4440. Elizabeth, b. 1705, m. Josiah Sage; d. May 12, 1825. (4232) SOLOMON CONE, son of Elisha Cone (4100) and Martha Bates, b. Haddam 1757, m. Sally Richmond, who d. in Bethany, N. Y,, 1847. Solomon was a soldier in Rev. War, but the records do not seem to be complete. He enlisted at East Haddam for " Lexin^-ton Alarm " as Sergeant, with Ca]3t. John Willey, under Col. Joseph Spencer, in Apr. 1775. Served thirteen days. Was an active member of Columbia Lodge A. E. & A. M. at East Haddam, and d. at Guilford, Conn., in 1816. Ch. 4441. Solomon, b. Dec. 15, 1794; d. 1810. 4442. Sally, b. Feb. 10, 1797. m. Alexander Leete: d. 1873. 4443.* IloxANNA, b. Nov. 4, 1798, m. Frederick Baird; d. Mar. 10, 1866. 4444.* Darius, b. Sept. 5, 1800, m. Betsey Parmalee; d. Jan. 10, 1882. 4445.* Elisha, b. Jan. 2, 1803, m. Eliza Hill Sept. 6, 1846. 4446.* Hannah, b. Mar. 31, 1805, m. James Leete; d. Sept. 8, 1883. 4447.* Reuben, b. Mar. 3, 1807, m. Harriet Thomas; d. Dec. 21, 1883. 4448.* NoRRis, b. Dee. 22, 1808, m. Anna Blakcsley; d. Aug. 18, 1885. 4449.* Solomon B., b. Jan. 11, 1811, m. Lucretia Hull; d. Jan. 30, 1886. 4450.* Samuel W. D., b. Jan. 5, 1813, m. Mary Dodd; d. July 12, 1853. (4236) ELISHA CONE, son of Elisha Cone (4100) and Martha Bates, b. Haddam Oct. 18, 1761, m. Eleanor Parsons in Middletowm, Conn., Feb.' 27, 1793. She was b. Haddam Jan. 5, 1773, and d. in Turin, Lewis county, X. Y., Aug. 30, 1853, aged 80 years. Lie removed to Turin in 1798, being at this time a promi- nent member of Columbia Lodge A. F. & A. M., at Haddam. Was a tanner, and was the first one of that occupation to start a tannery in Lewis county. He d. there June 28, 1828. Ch. 4451.* Elizabeth Hamilton, b. June 25. 1795. m. Newton Clark; d. Feb. 7, 1864. 4452. Eleanor, m. Benham Webb. 4453. Clara, m. Giles Doud. 4454. Laura, m. Daniel Fames. 4455. Caroline, m. Peter Miller. 4456.* Leonard, b. Jan. 30, 1812, m. Melissa Ockerman; d. Mar. 2, 1876. (4237) DANIEL CONE, son of Elisha Cone (4100) and Mar- tha Bates, b. Haddam Mar. 28, 1768, m. Ruth Rich in Middletown —22 336 Tlie Cone Family in America. Dec. 9, 1790. She was b. Mar. 13, 1771, and d. in Summit, De Kalb comity, Ind., May 26, 1848. He removed from Middletown to Lewis county, W. Y., in 1808, to Snsquelianna comity. Pa., in 1813, to Union connty, O., in 1817, and finally, in a few years, to \Yliitley comity, Ind., always keeping- on the frontier, like so many of the name. He was known for his a^^-eeable and genial manners, and for his superior and well-cnltiyated mind. D. Dec. 11, 1847. Ch. 4457." Martha, h. INIar. 22. 1792. in. Chester Dodtre : d. May 3. 18SR. 4458. Sylvester, b. :\rav. 17. 1704; d. iinm. Summit. Ind.. iS^ov. 27. 1847. , ,4459.* Ruth PacH. b. .Tan. 29. 1790. m. Jobn Foster: d. May 20, 1849. 4400.* Thomas R.. I). Feb. 8. 1798. m. Calista Potter; d. .Tan. 28. 1887. 4461. •■ Amanda, b. Feb. 1. 1800. m. Ben Foster; d. Apr. 27. 1833. 4402.* Eliza, b. Dec. 25, 1802, m. William W. Weston; d. Aug. 24, 1836. 4463.* Edwin, h. Apr. 30, 1805, m. Salima Wilson; d. Feb. 12, 1854. 4404.* Nelson, !>. Apr. 29. 1808. m. Louisa Curry. Res. 1903, MeMinn- ville, Ore. 4405.* Alma, b. Aug-. 5, 1810. m. David Hayden; d. .Jan. 18. 1883. 4400. Angeline, b. Aug. 22, 1814; d. Aug. 23, 1823. (4241) SILAS GONE, son of Henry Cone (4106) and Wait- still Champion, b. Aug. 7, 1791, in Lyme, New London county, Conn., m. Sarah Trvon, dan. of Charles Tryon and Sarah Smith, in Haddam Nov. 11, 1824. She was 1). Haddani 1799 and d. in Clin- ton, la., June 10, 18,56. He was a carpenter and house-builder, and d. in Haddani Oct. 1, 1835. Ch. 4407. Henry, b. 1827; d. unm. in St. Paul. 1853. 4408.* Frederick, b. Aug. 0. 1828. m. Emma Roberts; d. Aug. 29. 1894. 4409. Francis L., b. Mar. 1830; d. Middletown, Conn., May IG, 1832. 4470. Anna Maria, b. 1832; d. in Middletown, 1833. 4471.* Frances, b. Sept. 16, 1834, m. William Pugb. Res. West Liberty, Li. (4244) (ILARLES S:MITH (X^NE, son of Henry Cone (4106) and Waitstill Champion, b. in Lyme, New London county. Conn., Nov. 5, 1798, m. Clarissa Wightman May 11, 1825. She was b. Norwich, Conn., Apr. 24, 1800, her parents being from the Isle of Wight. She d. in Bethany, N. Y., June 27, 1888, aged 88 years. He d. Bethany Feb. 19, 1893, aged 95 years. He was a most re- markable example of preserved vitality. His brain was alert and active until a week before his death. After he was 90 years old he wrote me records of his family and of his ancestors, and his lettei-s show clearness of thought and mind most extraordinary. He was a staunch Democrat and followed the Democratic standard all his life. Although living ill a Bepublican town he held the office of Justice of the Peace for over twenty yc^qrs. Was a veritable cyclopedia of the Democratic ]iarty, and few wei-e better posted upon its lu-inci- Descendants of Caleb Cone. 337 pies. He lived seventy years upon the farm where he d. He and Channcey Charles Cone of Bowdoinham, Me., who d. the same year, a.eed 91 years, w^ere among the very last of the Cone name of Sons of Soldiers of the Eev, War. Ch. 4472. Charles Wigiitmax. b. 1833. m. Emma L. Pratt. Res. Bethany, N. Y. 4473. Ellen Frances, b. Jan. 9, 1835; d. Sept. 1. 1853. 4474. Mary Ann, b. Apr. 19, 1837; d. unm. Feb. 14, 1883. (4245) OLIVER BRAY COKE, son of Henry Cone (4106) and Waitstill Champion, bapt. Lyme, Conn., May 3, 1801, b. proba- bly 1795, m. Mariette Miller, who was b. in Lyme, 1803, and d. ^N'ew London l^ov. 26, 1859. He d. Jan. 1, 1868. Enlisting in the War of 1812 at a very early age, he served in Capt. Sylvanns Smith's com- pany from ISTew London from June 21, 1813, to Aug. 25, 1814. Was a farmer, and res. the most of liis life in the town Avhere he was b. Ch. 4475. Andrew D.. b. May 18. 1824. m. Anoelino TTall ; d. Apr. 21, 1897. 4476. Sarah Miller, m. Henry Eobins. 4477. Oliver Miller, b. Mar. 15, 1830, m. Louisa Knight. Res. New London, Conn. 4478.''- Charles H.. b. Apr. 16, 1833, m. Mary A. Barber. Res. Bethany, N. Y. 4479. Marguerette. 4480. Harriet, b. 1835; d. 1839. 4481.* James Ross, b. Aug. 1, 1836. m. Mary J. Diekman. Res. Chester,, Conn. 4482. Elisha, unm.; d. -July, 1893. 4483.* .Janette, 1). Dec. 19, 1844, m. George Dickinson. Res. Black Hall^ Conn. 4484. ■•■- John N.. b. Aug. 22, 1846, m. Harriet E. Smith. Res. Mineville, N. Y. (4247) ASA COIs^E, son of Simon Cone (4107) and Hannah Clark, b. Hebron, Conn., Eeb. 25, 1773, m. Frozina Chapman, dan. of Isaac and Abigail Chapman, in Colchester, Conn., May 30, 1820. She was b. East Haddam Sept. 30, 1787, and d. Mar. 23, 1853, in Colchester. He d. same place Ang. 22, 1853. Ch. 4485. Abby Helen, b. .July 22, 1821, m. Elias Beckwith ; no ch.; d. May 2.5, 1861. 4486. Mary, b. 1823; d. 1840. 4487.* Mary Jane, b. June 16, 1826, m. Hezekiah Bissell; d. Apr. 1, 1897. 4488. Benjamin, b. Jan. 10. 1828; d. Dec. 1828. 4489. Ann Amelia, b. May 19, 1830, m. Hiram Birge; no ch. ; d. Oct. 25, 1884. (4250) JOJm CLARK Cds^E, son of Simon Cone (4107) and Hannah Clark, b. Hebron, Conn., Dec. 11, 1780, m. Esther 338 The Cone Family in America. Foote, dau. of Stephen and Esther (Chirk) Foote, in Hebron June 21, 1812. She was b. Hebron Sept. 29, 1787, and d. Dec. 6, 1860. He d. Jan. 5, 1852. Ch. 4400/'- Frances C. Foote. 1>. Jan. 2. ISU. m. fleoroe Taylor; d. Dec. 20. 1881. 4491. Stephen Foote, b. Feb. IG, 181G; d. unm. June 7. 1871. 4402.-^^- John Asa, b. Feb. 20, 1819. m. Harriet Sliepard; d. Oct. 23, 1883. 4493. Sarah Esther, b. Apr. 30. 1828; d. Nov. 21. 1836. (4254) ALVEXLTS C^OXE, son uf Simon Cone (4107) and Hannah Clark, b. Colchester, Conn., 1708, m. Hannah Taylor, dau. of Joseph and Esther (Foote) Taylor, about 1824. She was b. Mar. 28, 1803, and d. Aug. 22, 1854. He was a merchant, and lived ai Colchester, Conn., and Great Barrington. Mass., until 1839, when he removed to Geneseo, I^. Y., where he d. Feb. 25, 1879. Ch. 4494."- Joseph, b. May 22, 1826. ni. Alniira Lee. Ees. Geneseo, N. Y. (4255) SUSANNAH CONE, dau. of Daniel Hurlburt Cone (4110) and Elizabeth Atkins, b. Winchester, Conn., June 22, 1781, m. James Bragg in Charlestown, N. H., Aug. 9, 1807. He was b. Springfield, YU 1783, and d. Jan. 30, 1871, aged 88 years. She d. in Winchester Feb. 11, 1810. Ch. 4495.* Daniel IT.. 1). Sept. 6. 1S08. m. 1 Lovina Gonld. 2 Grace Culvert; d. Jan. 13. 1847. 4496.-^ Warren, b. Feb. 13, 1810. ni. 1 Julia Backus Cone, 2 Almira Gray; d. Oct. 30. 1876. 4497. ••' Clarissa, b. Dec. 22. 1811. m. Henry Chiswold; d. May 7, 1889. 4498. Mary, b. Apr. 19, 1813; d. Dec. 28, 1813. 4499. James, b. Sept. 27, 1814; d. Oct. 5, 1819. (4256) DANIEL CONE, son of Daniel Hurlburt Cone (4110) and Elizabeth Atkins, b. Winchester, Conn., June 14, 1782, m. Belinda White in Charlestown, N. H., Sept. 11, 1808. He d. at Colebrook, Conn., about 1821, where he always resided. She Avas b. 1783 and d. Vernon, O., 1875, aged 92 vears Ch. 4.")()0.-'- Sajiuel, who m. Lucy Hatch; d. Vernon, O. (4257) ELIZABETH CONE, dau. of Daniel Hurlburt Cone (4110) and Elizabeth Atkins, b. Winchester, Conn., Jan. 29, 1784, m. Leonard Hurlburt, son of Capt. Samuel Hurlburt and Eebeoca Beach of Winchester Feb. 14, 1805. He was b. Mav 18, 1771, .^md d. Dec. 21, 1851, aged 80 years. She d. Jan. 16, 1839. Ch. 4501. Silas Hayes, b. May 16. 1806; d. unm. May 13. 1882. 4502. HuLDAH, b. Feb. 7. 1808; d. .Tune 25, 1818." Descendants of Caleb Cone. 339 4.503.* Leonard Beach, b. July 23, 1811. m. Svlvia Wetmore- d Oct 11 1895. 4504.* Elizabeth Huldah, b. Xov. 19. 1819, m. William Henry Rood; d. Feb. 13, 1901. (4258) SAMUEL CONE, son of Daniel llnrlburt Cone (411^0) and Elizabeth Atkins, b. Oct. 18, 1785, in Winchester, Conn., m. Clarissa Mnnger, dan. of Eleiznr Mnng-er of ]^orfolk, Sept. 8, 1811. She was b. 1789, and d. Aug. 15, 1842. He removed to ^r- folk m 1810, and engao-ed in the manufacture of scythes with his l^rother Warren. Was a member of the First Cong. C'h. in that city, and was a man of eminent piety, noted for his benevolence in all good works. Distinguished for his sound judgment and great executive ability. He d. ]\rar. 4, 1836. Ch. 4505. Eleizur Huriburt. b. Feb. 22. 1813; d. Ajnil 10. 1810. 450G.* Samvel. b. Dec. 1. 1814. iii. Laura A. Pardee; d. Aug. 28. 1848. 4507.* James, b. Dee. 29. 1817. m. Eliza A. Wripht; d. May 4, 1891. 4508.* JoHX, b. Dee. 29. 1817. lu. Harriet A. \Vatson. Re.s' Waterbury Conn. 4509. Eleizur Muxger, b. Oct. 22, 1819. m. Cluirlottc Cook; d. July 13 1846. ^ ' 4510. Daniel Hurlburt, b. Ai)r. 23. 1821; d. unm. Sept. 29. 1860. 4511. Philip, b. Oct. 21. 1822: d. unm. Apr. 16, 1848. 4512. Clarissa Naomi, b. Mar. 21. 1824; d. Xov. 18. 1841. 4513. Hiram Didley, b. Jan. 21, 1826; d. Jan. 10. 1S42. 4514.* George Francis, b. Sept. 25, 1827, m. Susan L. Montgomery ; d Dec 10, 1897. 4515. Ehoua, b. July 3. 1829; d. Aug. 30. 1830. 4516. Mary Rhoda, b. Mar. 5, 1831; d. Aug. 2. 1831. 4517. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 11. 1833; d. Jan. 9, 1846. (4259) HUELBURT COXE, son of Daniel Hurlburt Cone (4110) and Elizabeth Atkins, b. Winchester, Conn., Jan. 5, 1788, m. Marianna Eairchild of i^ewton. Conn. Was at one time Major of State Militia, and also represented his town in the Legislature. He d. in ZSTewton, Conn., iSTov. 10, 1839. Was a hatter by trade. One ch., Mary, of whom I know nothing. (4260) WARREN COXE, son of Daniel Hurlburt Cone (4110) and Elizabeth Atkins, b. Winchester, Conn., Aug. 19, 1789, m. Laura Jones, dau. of Joseph and Abigail Jones of A^orfolk, Jan. 1,^1812. She was b. Is^orfolk Aug. 10, 1791, and d. same place May 25, 1842. He removed to N"orfolk at the age of 21, and became a partner vrith his brother Samuel in the manufacture of scvthes. Served for a short time as a soldier in Capt. Benjamin Bovd's com- pany in the War of 1812, enlisting at I^ew London 'Eo\. 2, 1813, and was discharged Dec. 1 of the same year. Was a Representative in 340 TUe Cone Family in America. the Connecticut Legislature during the years 1834 and 1838. In 1850 he received ahnost the entire vote of the Legislature for Magis- trate, and served with great distinction in that capacity. Was a prominent member of the ch., holding the office of Deacon for a lor.^' term of years. He d. May 8, 1852. Ch. 4518. Jl-lia B.. b. Sept. 24. 1812. m. her cousin. Warren Braco': d. Dec. 21, 1840. 4519. ■"• Elizabeth Atkins, b. June 27. 1810. ni. 1 Payne K. Kilbourne, 2 Samuel 11. Hovt : d. Nov. 1, 1900. 4520." Joseph Warren, b. Oct. 10. 1824. m. ]Martlia Xorthway. Res. Nor- folk, Conn. (42G1) SULLIVAX COXE, son of Daniel liurlburt Cone (4110) and Elizabeth Atkins, b. Winchester, Conn., Jan. 4, 1793, m. Lucretia Philena Humphrey, dan. of David and Lucretia Hum- phrey of Torrington, Oct. 17, 1815. She was 1). Simsbury, Conn., Aug. 0, 1793, and d. in Bristol, 111., Jan. 29, 1847. He removed from Connecticut to Westfiold, Chautauqua countv, X, Y., where he d. July 31, 1833. Ch. 4521. •■■ SrsAX Lucretia. 1). Dec. 20, ISlfi, m. Horace Barnes; d. May 29, 1897. 4522.-- Mary E.. b. July 2. 1S20. ni. C. ('. Breed; no ch.; d. Feb. 1895. 4523. ■"■ SiLLiYAX, b. Sept. 12, 1822. ui. Letty Jane Turner: d. :\Iar. 29, 1898. 4524. Herman, b. Jan. 21, 1825. 4.525. Caroline, b. Apr. 2.3. 1828; d. .July 10. 1828. 4.526. Ellen Cornelia, 1). July 12. 1831; d. unni. July. 1854. (4202) SILAS COXE, son of Daniel liurlburt Cone (4110) and Elizabeth Atkins, b. in Winchester, Conn., Jan. 27, 1795, m. Sarah Hayes, dan. of Ezekiel Hayes and Mary Cossitt of Barkham- sted, Conn., Oct. 14, 1818. She was b. Dec. 12, 1793, and d. in Granby, Conn., Apr. IC, 1S49. He was a scvthe-maker, and d. at Granby ]\ray 12, 1863. Ch. 4.527.^^- Sarah H.. b. Nov. 9. 1819. m. Orville Barber; d. July 8. 1879. 4.528.-^ Caroi.ixe, 1). Sept. 10. 1821, m. Sidney Tuller; d. Sept. C. 1886. 4529. Silas IVIinot. 1). Fel>. 29, 1824. unm. ; d. at Bosewood. Fla., July 10. 1881. 4530. Hamilton Hirlrurt. 1). Nov. 16. 1825; d. Mar. 10, 1820. 4531. Hamilton Hurlburt. b. Dec. 10. 1820; d. Fcl). 13. 1839. 4532. Hurlburt A., b. Feb. 20. 1830; d. unm. Harwinton. Conn., Nov. 22, 1888. 4533. Ellen Melissa, b. ]\Iay 3. 1831. Ees. unm. in Cloucester, Mass. She has furnished many records for this book. 4534. Jane Elizabeth, b. Feb. 7, 1833; d. Feb. 2, 1835. 4535.=^ EI)^yARD P., b. Mar. 4, 1835. m. Anna Maud Roche. Res. New York. 4530.- Jane E., b. Feb. 17, 1837, m. Rev. Moses E. Wright. Res. Gloucester, Mass. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 341 (4266) THANKFUL CONE, dan. of William Cone (4111), b. Middletown, Conn., Feb. 23, 1782, m. John D. Barry in 1807. Fie was b. in Lynn, Mass., 1767, and d. in Rockin^liam, Vt., Oct. 3, 1823. She d. in stime place Apr. 6, 1860. Ch. 4537. Laura F.. b. 1809; d. unm. Jan. 4, 18.32. 4.538.* William S., b. Xov. 23. 1813, m. Almira Dickinson; d. Dec. 14. 1886. 4539.* Sarah A., b. .July 17, 1814, m. Lysander C. Baker. Res. Bellows Falls, Vt. 4540.* Gratia M., b. Oct. 12, 1817, m. -John H. Foster. Res. Saxton's River, Vt. 4541.* Joanna, b. Apr. 19, 1820, m. Timothy Bliss. Res. Worcester, Vt. 4542.* Daniel K., b. Jan. 29, 1822, m. Luthera A. Adams. Res. Bellows Falls, Vt. (4267) ETTA JAXE CONE, dan. of WilKam Cone (4111) and Abia Atkins, b. 1786 in Middletown, Conn., m. Wendall Parks 1812. He d. abont 1825, and she m. 2 Mr. Harlow. They res. at Spring-field, Yt. Ch. 4543. Mary E. Parks, b. LSlfi, m. Gliddon. Res. 1900, Keene, N. H. 4544. David Whipple Parks, b. Sept. 10, 1818, m. 1 Jane Ellison, 2 Mrs. Ellen Brown; d. Jan. 1, 1900. (4269) SALLY COXE, dan. of William Cone (4111) and Abia Atkins, b. Middletown, Conn., Oct. 10, 1790, m. Elisha Will- iams in Yermont ^oy. 3, 1812. He was b. in Yermont Jan, 24, 1790, and d. in Aroyle, Me., Apr. 3, 1856. Althongh farming was his main occnpation, jet he was a policeman in Boston for many years. She d. in Milton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1875, aged 85 years. Both mem- bers of Protestant Episcopal Ch. in Boston. Ch. 4545.* Wendall Wales, b. Dec. 3, 1813, m. Sophia Campbell. 4546. Frances Maria, b. Aug. 8, 1815, m. GeorQ-e King. 4547. Sarah Taylor, b. July 27, 1817; d. 1821. 4548. Jane Gardner, b. Nov. 9, 1819, m. John C. Partridge. 4549.* Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1822. m. John Bater; d. Aug. 27, 1892. 4550. Julia ; d. in infancy. 4551. John Hale, b. Dec. 28, 1824. m. Marv A. Widdifield; d. Julv 20. 1858. 4552. James Sabine, b. Xov. 8, 1827, m. Mrs. Mary A. Williams. Res. West Gardner, Mass. (4270) EPPS COXE, son of William Cone (4111) and Abia Atkins, b. Middletown, Conn., Feb. 28, 1794, m. Ennice E. Camp- bell Dec. 6, 1821. She was b. Apr. 23, 1799, and d. in Pntney, Yt, Dec. 5, 1870, aged 80 vears. He was a millwrigiu, and res. at Saxton's River, Hnmmerston, and Pntney, Yt., dying at the latter place Ang. 31, 1866. 342 Tlie Cone Family in America. Ch. 45r):i. Maria H., b. Sept. 4, 1822; d. May 30, 1831. 4554. ■■' George R.. b. Nov. 8. 1824, m. Mary J. Sanderson. Res. Salem, Mass. 4555.* Lucius Franklin, b. Jan. 6, 1826, m. Mary E. Cooley; d. 1895. 4556. James M., b. Oct. 20. 1830: d. young. 4557.* Julia M., b. Aug. 4, 1832. m. Hammond Davis; d. Mar. 14, 1855. 4558.* Harriet H., b. July 16, 1835, m. Ezra H. Davis; d. 1900. 4559.* Susan L., b. Dec. 4, 1837, m. Hammond Davis: d. Jan. 31. 1858. 4560.* Rhoda M., b. Jan. 29, 1840, m. 1 Dunham, 2 Brown. Res. Quincy, Mass. (4274) BxVKZILLAI CONE, son of Joshua Cone (4112) and Mahitable Blim, b. in Berlin 1788, m. Amy Prior about 1810. She was b. 1791, and d. at Lynn, Mass., Sept. 8, 1864. He d. there July 12, 1838. Was a eoojior hy trade, and res. at Sag Harbor, ISr.Y., Middletown, and other places in Connecticut, and at Lynn, Mass., and was buried in the '' Western <>Taveyard " at the latter place. Ch. 4561. Hexky Bass, b. Oct. 6. 1811. m. but bad no cb.; d. Nov. 16. 1887. 4562.* .H'lta. b. Dec. 11. 1S12. m. Ca\A. James Wooley : d. Feb. 10. 1881. 4563.* John Wesley, 1). Oct. S, 1816. m. Rachel E. Rartlett ; d. Sept. 12, 1869. 4564. :\[ary, 1). 1818. m. Edward I'.ayrd: d. :\Iar. 26. 1859. 4565.* Frances, b. Julv 9. 1822, m. Rev. Oliver P. Farrington; d. Mar. 2.5, 1885. ' 4566. Ann Eliza, b. 1823. m. Isaac Beauchem; d. Dec. 27, 1852. 4567. Sakaii L., b. 1828: d. unm. Feb. 23. 1894. 4568.* Andrew Jackson, b. Apr. 1833, m. Mary E. Lewis; d. Feb. 26, 1873, (4275) EKASTUS CX)XE, s..n of Joshua Cone (4112) and Mahitable Blinn, b. Berlin, Conn., Jan. 23, 1790. m. Adelia Gridley, dan. of Alexander Gridley and (doe Bidwell, Feb. 10, 1812. She was b. Earniinoton, Conn., Oct. 18, 1790, and d. Newark, N". J., Jlay 20, 1870, aged Sn years. He was a saddle- and harness-maker, and removed to Newark in 1823, wdiere he (L Aug. 28, 1878, aged 88 vears. Ch. 4.569. Thomas, b. Jan. 3. 1813: d. Sept. 1815. 4570. Thomas Blinn, b. Aug. 26. 1814; d. 1891. 4571. Sophia, b. Aug. 25, 1816. Res. Xewar.':, N. J. 4572. Harriet N.. b. :\Iay 6. 1819. m. Oeorge Ward; d. Sept. 21. 1879. 4573. Adelia, b. Mar. 17, 1821, m. LaFoy. Res. Asbury Park. N. J. 4574.* Walter North, b. Oct. 13. 1822, m. Louise Obinow. Res. Jersey City, N. J. 4575. Julia Bidwell, b. July 30, 1824. m. Decker. Res. Newark, N. J. 457(;.* Alexander Gridley, b. Dec. 16, 1825, m. Phebe Young. Res. Newark, N. J. 4577. :\LvRGARET Douglas, b. Oct. 16, 1827, m. Gurney. Res. Newark, N. J, Descendants of Caleb Cone. 343 4578* Edward Tuttle, b. Mar. 11, 1830, m. Julia Coniiett. Res. Newark, N. J. 4.579. William, b. Apr. 20, 1832; d. Mar. 1836. (4276) MAEY COl^^E, dau. of Joshua Cone (4112) and Ma- hitable Blinn, b. Berlin, Conn., Mar. 22, 1791, m. Daniel Wheeler July 14, 1825. He was b. Hnntincton, Conn., Feb. 23, 1788, and d. same place Ts^v. 2, 1865. She d. at Huntington Nov. 1, 1854. Ch. 4.580* Edgar Brindsmade, b. Oct. 20. 1827. m. Alice M. Skelton; d. Apr. 2, 1859. 4581. Benjamin, b. Aug. 10. 1834; d. Nov. 1834. ^ (4283) MARIA CONE, dau. of Robert Cone (4113) and Maro-aret Paget, b. Middletown, Conn., July 28, 1800, ni. Jared Smith Brainard, son of Jared Brainard and Henrietta Smith, May 12, 1822. He was b. Jan. 3, 1797. Was in the foundry business at Killino-ly, Conn., and was shipwrecked on the Florida Eeefs Sept. 3, 1842,' while on a return trip from Galveston, Tex. She d. at Kil- lingly Nov. 26, 1896, aged 96 years. Ch. 4582.* Parhelia, b. Aug. 28, 1823. m. Jesse Rood. Res. Byron. 111. 4583.* Calvin Wilsey, b. Dec. 13. 1824, m. 1 Almira Mitchell, 2 Mrs. Christie E. Bartlett; d. Jan. 26, 1897. 4584. Charles H.. b. .Jan. 3, 1827: d. in St. Louis hospital June 10, 1802. 4585. Jared H., b. Dec. 12, 1831. Res. Rockford, 111. 4586. James S., b. June 23, 1833. Res. Kennett Square, Pa. 4587. William E., b. Mar. 3, 1835. Res. E. Killingly, Conn. 4588. AiBERr L., b. Apr. 3, 1837; d. Nov. 18, 1837. 4589. Francis A., b. May 3, 1839. Res. East Putnam. Conn. 4590. Mary E.. b. Sept. 22, 1841 ; d. Jan. 18, 1870. (4284) CLARISSxV CONE, dau. of Robert Cone (4113) and Margaret Paget, b. Haddam July 1, 1805, m. Eliphalet B. Arnold Nov. 13, 1826. He w\as b. Haddam Dec. 25, 1804. Was an extensive farmer, and owner of a large sawmill, and was an expert blacksmith. He d. in Montgomery, Tex!, Dec. 1, 1867. She d. same place Mar. 27, 1870. Ch. 4591. Antoinette, b. Aug. 29. 1827: d. .Tan. 10. 1857. 4592. Frances B.. b. Sept. 15, 1831: d. 1889. 4593. Margaret Hope, b. Oct. 8. 1834, m. T. W. Smith. Res. Willis, Tex. 4594.* Owen Williaji, b. June 22. 1830. m. 1 :\[innie D. Alban. 2 Lula A. Dean. Res. Conroe, Tex. 4595.* Eliphalet, b. June 12, 1838. m. :Mary S. Boyd. Res. Georgetown. Tex. 4590. Maria Cone, b. Feb. 28. 1843. m. W. A. Dean; d. 1880. 4597. Ann Amelia, b. June 13. 1846. m. T. I. Pearl. Res. Montgomery, Te-c. 4598. HuLDAH; d. in infancy. 344 The Cone Family in America. (4285) THOMAS COIs^E, son of Thomas Cone (4114) and Maliitable Lyman, b. Westminster, Vt., May 5, 1787, m. Olive Lane, clan, of Saninel Lane, 1808. She was b. Claremont, jST. H., Mar. 4, 1700, and d. May G, 1852. He was a tailor by occupation. Eemoved from Swanton, Vt., to West Claremont in 1816, where he d. Jail. 22, 1858. He always held high rank in society for his sterling worth and respectability. Cli. 4590. •"■ CuuTis E.. b. Jan. 17. ISOO. ni. Celia 8. Judd : d. .July 17. 1S73. 4G00. Julia Ann, b. Sept. 17. ISll. m. John Mercer; d. Dec. 0. 1902. 4601. Nabcissa M.. b. Feb. 9. 1814. ni. 1 Elias Lovell. 2 Abel Camp; d. Feb. 8, 1885. 4602."- Fannie E.. b. Oct. 13. 1815. ni. John L. Seaver; d. May 3, 1900. 4603.* Hauley 8.. b. Dec. 28. 1817. m. Estella J. Adams. Res. Ascutney- ville, Vt. 4604.' Charles E.. b. June 2. 1820. m. Luthera E. Sturtevant; d. Oct. 12, 1900. 4605.* Natilla 0., b. Mar. 18, 1822. m. Henry W. Coats. Res. Worcester, Mass. 4606.* Lucy E.. b. Apr. 6. 1824. m. Lorenzo Marston. Res. Marshall. Mich. 4607. Robert L.. b. Sept. 2, 1826, m. JNIarv S. Mavnard; no ch.; d. May 21, 1900. 4608.* Lyman H.. b. Jan. 22, 1829. ni. Lucia Judd. Res. Windsor. Vt. 4609.* James Monroe, b. June 28. 1831, ni. Harriet C. Richardson. Res. Keene. X. H. 4610. Ellen M., b. Mar. 2, 1834. m. Orrin Putnam. Res. Manchester, N. H. (4287) MOIIRIS COIsE, son of Thomas Cone (4114), b. Westminster, Vt., Oct. 6, 17U0, m. Lydia Farrington, dan. of Elijah iind Elizabeth Farrington, Oct. 12, 1812. She was b. Athens, Vt., Apr. 5, 17.s(i, and d. at Hartford, Vt., July 4, 1865. She was of a nervous temperament, tall and thin, with bhick eyes and hair. He was a tailor by occupation. Was of medium size, light complexion, witty and convivial, Ees. at Hartford, Vt., where he d. Mar. 29, 1 846. Ch, 4611. Lucy, b. Dec. 13. 1813; d, Dec. 26. 1816. 4612,* Warren, b, April 5, 1815. m. Emily Clement; d. Oct. 5. 1867. 4613.* Harriet, b. Jan. 23, 1817, m, Luther Pease; d. Mar. 1. 1888. 4614.* :\lARK R., b. Mar. 31, 1819, m. Harriet Davis; d. July 18. 1885. 4615. Luke, b. May 29, 1821; d. Dec. 20, 1821. 4616. AciiSAir, b. Oct. 31, 1822. m. Jasper Hazen; no ch. ; d. Mar. 11. 1888. 4017. .ToiiN, 1). Jan. 20, 1826. For thirty years he was connected with the stage route between Woodstock and Hartford, beginning as driver, and rising to the position of proprietor and manager. After the Woodstock Railroad was built he conducted the e.s:- press business on that route. He d. Oct. 8, 1891. He never married, but left his property to liis nephews and nieces. 4618.* George E.. b. May 22. 1829, m. Lucinda Hadlock; d. Mar. 18, 1895. Descendants of Caleh Cone. 345 346 Tlie Cone Familij in America. (4288) LAUliA COXE, dan. of Tliumas Cone (4114) and Mahitable Lyman, b. Westminster, Vt., Mar. 13, 1793, m. Cyrns Jones 1814. He d. abont 1825. She m. 2 James Swinton about 1830. He d. in Crov/n Point, Essex conntv, X. Y., June 4, 1842, and she d. in Shoreham, Vt., Feb. 13, lS7t>, aii'^d 8G years. Ch. 4019. ■■" Owen Jones, h. Oct. 12, 1810. ni. Ann Maria riiillips. Res. Raymond, Kas. 4020. ■'■ Lydia Swinton, b. A\n'. 17. 18.32. in. Edwin R. \Yoleott. Res. Brid- port. Vt. (428!») THEODOIiE C'OXE, sen of Thomas Cone (4114) and Mahitabh^ Lyman, b. Westminster, Vt., Oct. 11, 1890, m. Eliza Wooley, dan. of An^nstns Wooley of Saxton's Kiver, Vt., Dee. 10, 1832.' She was b. Dec. 28, 1802*, and d. in Woodhull, III, Xov. 9, 1882, aiied 80 yeais. He tanaht a dancing-school in Boston liefore niari'iai;(\ Afterwards became a harness-maker, and finally a car- ]H'iitcr. Res. in Saxton's River, Vt., from 1832 to 1850, and d. of cholera in Ontario, Knox county, HI., Awj;. 25, 1852. Social in liis nature, and with a kind and i)leasar.t manner, he won hosts of friends everywhere. His inteiiritv was l)eyond question, and his honesty of jinrpose was recoiiuized liy all. Ch. ' 4021. "• Emeline IT.. 1). Se])t. 10. 18:5.3. m. Lucius Fay: d. June 20. 1900. 4022. Elipheas W.. b. Nov. 1, 1835; d. July .i. 1843. 4023. George Warren, b. Oct. 17. 1837. unni.; d. Auy. 2.'). 1900. 4024." Eliza M.. b. Oct. 20. 1S40. ni. William Cone (4043). Res. Laurens, La. 402.5. Seymour T., b. Nov. i;;. is44; d. Sept. 25, 1848. 402G. Catherine E., b. :\Iar. 2. 1850, m. ■ Wyman. Res. Stockton, Cal. (4290) JOHN COXE, son of Thomas (\mo (4114) and Ma- hitable Lyman, b. Westminster, Vt., Oct. 7, 1797, m. Lucinda Rand Dec. 4, i82L She was !>. Grafton, Vt., Mar. 24, 179<), and d. in Galesburii', HI., June 19, Lss7, a,ucd IH years. Soon, after marriage they removed t<» Chesior, Vt.. Avhere all his children were born. He was a blacksmith, an oxiiert in that line, and hi-- work was known far and wide as liein,"- very much superior to that of ordinarv workers at that trade. He was a ]noueer in the Western country, removiuii,' to Galesburo', H].^ in 1841, and d. there, universallv respected, Jun.e 2, 1S7!I, aiicd 82 years. Ch. 4(i27. Lenora. b. Sej.t. 28. 1822. unm. Res. in Chicaoo. 111. 4028. LrciA Ann, b. July 19, 1824; d. June 15. 1834. 4029.* John DeCarlos, b. Feb. 4, 1825, m. Sarah Burgess; d. June 27. 1885. 4030.-* Mary M., b. Nov. 27, 1829, m. Joseph K. Barry. Res. Chicago. 111. (4291) JAMES COXE, son of Thomas Cone (4114) and Mahitablc Lyman, b. in Westminster, Vt., Oct. 7, 1797, m. Catherine Descendants of Caleb Cone. 347 Cuyler, dan. of Ilarman and ]Marv Cuyler of Troy, X. Y., ]\[ar. 28,' 1824. She was b. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1802, and d. Kev.' Haven Apr. 24, 1881. He was a nniversal favorite with all who knew him. Sociable and kindly in his disposition, he made friends easily and held them to the en'd. He Avas a shoemaker by oocupa- tion,' and always res. at Westminster, Yt., where he d. Oct. 24, 1861. Ch. 4G31.-^^- Mary Eliza, b. Jan. 3. 1825. ni. Densniore E. Pierce. Res. New Haven, Conn. 4632 ■'• Thomas Scott, b. June 20, 1827. in. Olive T. Wetnioie. Res. Gales- burg, 111. 4033.-^^- Catherine Augusta, b. May 24, 1830, m. Ambrose Arnold. Res. Westminster, Vt. 4G34. Martha Ann, b. Aug. 13, 1835; d. Feb. 26, 1837. 4635.* Julia Maria, b. May 8. 1838. m. Herbert B. Vaill. Res. Keene, N. H. 4630. George, b. Oct. 8, 1840; d. Feb. 4. 1843. (4292) STEPHEX CONE, son of Thomas Cone (4114) and Mahitable Lvman, b. Westminster, Yt., Feb. 2, 1800, m. Sally M. Pratt Jan. 2, 1821. She was b. Aug. 25, 1801, and d. Apr. 5, 1844. He m. 2 Sarah Hughes of Londonderry, Yt. Was a tailor by occupa- tion. Soon after he m. the second time he removed to Illinois, and settled at Galesburg- in 1845, and d. in Mapleton, la., Nov. 1, 1884. Ch. 4637. Ora Ann, b. May 25, 1821. m. John P. Sawtell ; d. Mar. 22, 1885. 4638. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 7. 1823. m. George \V. Atwood; d. Mar. 11. 1803. 4639.* Elmira S., b. Mar. 22, 1825, m. Morgan Ostrom. Res. St. Paul, Minn. 4640. Theodore D., b. Jan. 18, 1828; d. Feb. 6, 1832. 4641.' Stephen D.. b. Feb. 2. 1830, m. Sarah A. Ostrom; d. Mar. 14, 1898. 4642.-"- Chester Edwin, b. Sept. 29, 1832. m. Eliza A. Ostrom. Res. Laurens, Iowa. 4643.* William R., b. Apr. 25, 1834, m. Eliza M. Cone. Res. Laurens, la. (4293) CHAKLES CONE, son of Thomas Cone (4114) and Mahitable Lyman, b. Westminster, Yt., Mar. 4, 1802, m. Martha Dean, who d.' in 1887, aged 81 years. He d. Nov. 7, 1870. Ch. 4644. Charles; d. while in the army in 1865. 4645. Arthur. Res. Loda, 111. 4646. Clara, m. Lewis Fox; d. in Buckley, 111. (4298) SETH CONE, son of Beriah Cone (4115) and Ann Thomas, b. Middlefield, Conn., Nov. 7, 1783. He married, but I am unable to learn anything of the wife and very little of the family. The descendants kept but few records. He d. at Canaan, Columbia county, N. Y., between 1825 and 1830. Ch. 4647.* Thomas, b. 1806, m. Nancy Hatch; d. Oct. 26. 1878. 4648. Nelson; d. bet. 1830 and 1834. 348 Tlie Cone Family in America. (4299) ASHER CONE, son of Beriali Cone, jr. (4115), and Ann Thomas, b. Colnnibia connty, N. Y., Aiia,". 1791, m. Eliza- l)eth Thompson, dan. of James Thompson and Elizabeth Gill, in Cherry Valley, N. Y., An^. 20, 1815. She was b. Cherry Valley Dec. 22, 1798, and d. in Coldwater, Mich., Nov. 25, 18S2, ag'ed 84 years. Her father, James Thompson, was a soldier in the Rev. War, and soon after the war removed to Otsego comity, N. Y., being; among the very earlv settlers of Cherry Valley, in tliat connty. Asher d. in Cherry Valley May 1-3, 1825. Cb. 4fi4!).''- AlELvn.iE. b. Oc-t. 13, 1816. in. Elizabetli Stevens. Res. Jessup. la. 4650. Caiista. 1). Oct. (1. ISIS, m. 1 Joseph T. Washburn, 2 Matthew M. Fox: no ch.; d. Jan. 26. 1889. 4651. AciiSA]! (;., b. Jan. 26. 1820; d. nnni. May 16. 1S45. 4652. •"■ Eliza, b. Jan. 17. 1822, m. ^^lattliew Myers Fox: d. June 8. 1851. 465.3. AsiiEiJ, b. Aug. 1823; d. Apr. 1824. (4303) LYDIA KELSEY, dan. of Benjamin Kelsey and Zillah Cone (4141), b. Haddam Jnne 13, 1792, m. Richard Skinner Sept. 11, 1813. He was b. Haddam 178S, and d. there Dec. 24, 1830. She d. in Haddam Sept. 12, 1854. Ch. 4654. Luther K., b. July 8, 1810. m. Susan Walkley. Res. at Haddam. 4655. Hanxah, b. July 22. 1827: d. Sept. 7, 1844. 46.16. Betsey, b. July 22, 1827, ni. Richard White. Res. Hartford. 4657. .Taive B., b. 1836: d. May 6, 1845. (4304) BENJAMIN KELSEY, son of Benjamin Kelsey and Zillah Cone (4141), b. Haddam, Nov. 12, 1790, m. Rebecca Smith Ang. 22, 1822. She was b. Haddam A]n-. 0, 1793, and d. there Oct. IS, 1840. He m. 2 Mrs. Mary Ann Warren Dec. 1, 1847. He was a carpenter, and always res. at Haddam. where he d. Ang. 20, 1870, aged 80 years. Ch. 4658. Hexry Smith, b. Apr. 5, 1823: d. Jan. 24, 1826. 4650. Henhy Smith, b. Apr. 17, 1826, ni. Arniinta D. Dickinson: d. Jan. 17, 1872. 4()(iO. Joxatiiax, b. Oct. 6, 1828, ni. Sarah E. Burns. Res. Beckwith, Cal. 4661. Cathekixe Rebecca, b. Aug. 18, 1831. unm. Res. Haddam. Conn. 4662.* Ben.iamin W., b. Dec. 25, 1833, m. Mary Groves. Res. Haddam, Conn. (4307) HANNAH COxYE, dan. of Jonathan Cone (4142) and Hannah Rnssell, b. Haddam 1790, m. Charles Arnold Dec. 28, 1820. ^ He was b. Haddam Feb. 1, 1787, and d. there Feb. 5, 1801. He held many responsible offices and was alwavs prominent in all l)nblic enferprises. Was Sheriff from 1839 to 1845, many years Jiulgo of Probate, and held the office of State Senator for two terms. She (1. Jidy 25, 1857. Descendants of Caleb Gone. 349 Ch. 4663. Hannah, b. Sept. 11, 1821. m. John H. Russell Feb. 14, 1861. He wa* b. Nov. 4, 1811, and d. in Haddam 189 — . He was five time^ elected Representative, and held the office of Town Clerk in Haddam for thirty-four years. Slie d. there Nov. 7, 1878, without issue. (4309) GEORGE COXE, son of Jonaihan Vone (414:>) and Hannah Russell, b. Haddam Xov. 30, 1794, m. Sophia Tyler in Tylersville, Conn.. Feb. 25, 1819. She was b. in Haddam Feb. 27, 1795, and d. in Bristol, Pa., Dec. 7, 1876. She was one of a family of eleven sisters, whose ancestors settled in the New Haven Colony in 1636. Geor^^'e Cone was Captain and owner of a coast- ing vessel, having- worked his way wp throngh all the subordinate positions, and at the time of his death was considered quite wealthy,, the result of a long life of industry and perserverance. He d. Dec. 11, 1873. Ch. 4664.* Mary Ann, b. Nov. 17, 1821, m. Charles A. Tyler; d. Mar. 21. 1900. 4665.* Jonathan, b. Mar. 7, 1823, m. Rebecca Hall; d. Oct. 10, 1887. 4666. Sophia Tyler, b. Nov. 7, 1824, m. Jarias L. Clark; d. Apr. 5, 1859. 4667. Antoinette, b. Mar. 5, 1827; d. July 3, 1827. 4668. George, b. June 8, 1828, m. Charlotte McClure; d. Mar. 24, 1894. 4669. Nathan Tyler, b. Nov. 20, 1829, unm. Res. Bordentown, N. J. 4670. Jerusha, b. Mar. 11, 1832; d. Mar. 31, 1832. 4671. William F., b. Oct. 2, 1833; d. Oct. 19, 1835. 4672. Laura Ellen, b. Sept. 6, 1835, m. Dwiglit S. Balieoc-k. Res. Provi- dence, R. I. 4673. Margaret P.. b. Sept. 11. 1837, m. Frederick \V. Arnold. Res. Shail- orsville. Conn. (4310) MARY AX^T CONE, dau. of Jonathan Cone (4142) and Hannah Russell, b. Haddam Apr. 19, 1798, m. Rev. Jeremiah Bridges of Colchester, Conn., Feb. 9, 1817. He was a prominent Bapt, preacher, with wide influence for good. He d. at Southwick, Mass., Aug. 28, 1838. She was a sincere and devout Christian, lead- ing the life of a good woman, and d. May 27, 1888, aged 90 years, Ch. 4674. Jeremiah, b. Oct. 28, 1817. m. Amanda Burr; d. Oct. 15. 1890. 4675. Mary, b. Feb. 16. 1826, m. Wells B. Smith. 4676. Emmerette, b. 1830; d. 1838. 4677.* Sarah E.. b. Feb. 3, 1838, ni. W. H. Russell. Res. Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (4315) EDMUND CONE, son of Thomas Cone (4143) and Alice Burbank, b. Campion, IST. H., Feb. 6, 1797, m. Abigail Church Aug. 20, 1820 She was b. Jan. 1797, and d. witliout issue Dec. 24, 350 Tlie Cone Family in America. 1827. He 111. 2 Sally Bartlett Jan. '2d, 182'J. She was b. Aug. 4, 1801, and d. Aug. 1, 1881, aged 80 years. He d. Aug. 16, 1883, iigcd 86 years. Always res. at Campton. Ch. 4078. '■• Moody B.. b. Nov. 20. 1832. ni. Jennie MeXeice. Res. Campton Vil- lage. X. H. 4079.* Edmund P.. h. Jan. 12. 1835. m. ]\lattie J. Xelson. Res. Runiney, X. H. 4680." George E.. h. Ang. 1.3, 1837. m. Lydia Goodale; d. May 6, 1872. 4G81. Xettie D., b. Oct. 27, 1839, m. Benjamin Sanborn. Res. Campton Vil- lage. X. H. 4082. Orrin, b. Mar. 4, 1843; d. iinm. May 7, 1878. (1316) MARTHA COXE, dau. of Tlioma- i\me (4143) and Alice Burbank, b. Campton, X. IL, June 1, 1S02, ni. Gardner Church at Thorntun, X. H., Feb. 5, 1824. He was b. Campton Aug. 2U, ITU'J, and d. Chelsea, (^u'bec, Xov. 14, 1882, aged 83 years. Hers was a beautiful life. "Xone knew her but to praise her." She led in all good works ; sympathized with ;he sick, aided the poor, and was known throughout her long and useful life for her kind- ness of heart and boundless benevolence. I). A]n\ 24, 1874. Ch. 4083. Adeline, b. Xov. 15. 1824. m. Horace ^Merrill ; d. May 10, 1883. 4084. Hannah, b. Nov. 30, 1826; d. unm. Oct. 20, 1854. 4685. Amanda, b. Jnly 11, 1828, m. Edmund Chamberlain. Res. Lucerne, Quebec. 4086. Deidonia. b. May 2. 1831. m. Daniel Frazier. Res. Xorth Bay, Ont. 4687. Gardner, b. Aug. 7, 1832. m. Sophia Chamberlain. Res. Chelsea, Quebec. 4088. Selden, 1). Apr. 28, 1834, m. Eleanor Grimes. Res. Chelsea. Quebec. 4089. Mary E.. b. Aug. 25, 1830, m. John Meech. Res. Ottawa, Ont. 4690. Horace A., b. Aug. 3, 1838, m. Sarah Bennie. Res. Chelsea, Quebec. 4691. William, b. Aug. 23, 1842; d. Dec. 14, 1851. 4092. Alice, b. June 17, 1840, m. Rev. Hugii Cameron. Res. Ottawa, Ont. (4317) CEPHAS COXE, son of Thomas Cone (4143) and Alice Burbank, b. Campton, X. H., May 26, 1804, m. Harriet Fletcher about 1826. She was b. Campton Aug. 4, 1804, and d. Jan. 27, 1867. He d. Mar. 27, 1887, aged 82 years. Ch. 4093." Charles Fletcher, 1). July 7, 1828. m. Julia McQuestion; d. Mar. 28, 1871. 4094. Gardner E., b. Sept. 15, 1832; d. 1840. (4322) SARAH COXE, dau. of Tliomas Cone (4143) and Alice Burbank, b. C^impton, X. IL, 1813, m. Samuel Emerson of Thornton, X. H., 1833. Ho was b. Thornton 1811, and d. July 4, 1838. He was a carpenter and traveling-scale builder for Fairbank Scale Co. She d. Chelsea, Quebec, July 2, 1869. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 351 Ch. 4695. Sarah, b. Jan. 13, 183.5, m. David Webster; d. June 28. 1874. 4696."'' Erastus ^AIRBA^'KS, b. Jan. 19, 1838, m. Mary E. Goodhue. Res. Campton Village, N. H. (4323) WILLIAM COXE, smi of Tlu.mas Cone (4143j and Alice Burbank, b. Campton, jST. H., Oct. 11, 1811, m. jS^ancy Jane Cook, Feb. 1839. She was b. Campton Aug. 14, 1814, and d. Oct. 2, 1874. He m. 2 Mrs. Helen Jones, widow of W. W, Jones and dan. of James Butler Taylor and Abigail Phillips of Bnckland, Mass., Sept. 5, 1875. She was b. Mar. 3^, 1839, and res. in Chicago. He d. Washington Heights, 111., June 15, 1886. Ch. 4697. Charles, b. Apr. 6, 1840; d. Thornton, N. H., April 21, 1840. 4698. Ella M., b. Sept. 11, 1842; d. Xorth Dighton, N. H., May 31, 1848. 4699. William H., b. Sept. 20, 1844; d. Farnsworth, Mass., Mar. 25, 1845. 4700.* Sarah A., b. June 20, 1846, m. Ralph Oscar Dupree. Res. Earlville, 111. 4701.* Ella E., b. Dee. 20. 1855. m. Luther Davison. Res. Greenfield, Mo. 4702. Grace, b. Sept. 8. 1878. unni. Res. Chicago, 111. (4327) HAXXAH CONE, dan. of Jonathan Cone (4144) and Hannah Elliott, b. Campton, :N'. H., May 10, 1813, m. Daniel Greenleaf Beede Sept. 12, 1842. He was b. Sandwich, Is^. H., July 10, 1814, and res, for many years at Sandwich Center. Was a promi- nent school teacher. She d. May 3, 1861, Ch. 4703.* Jonathan C, b. May 7, 1844, m. Clara E. Copp. Res. Aurora, 111. 4704. Hannah R.. b. Mar. 13. 1850, m. Frank Babcock. Res. Worcester, Mass. 4705.* Emma S., b. June 17, 1855, m. Charles Gulliver. Res. Brookline, Mass. (4329) SUSAN CONE, dan. of Jonathan Cone (4144) and Hannah Elliott, b. Campton, N. H., Jan. 1, 1823, m, Elias B. Holmes March, 1840. He was b. Campton Aug. 31, 1822. Is a farmer, raid res. in Campton Village. Ch. 4706. Lois, b. May 15, 1843, m. Henry H. Drew. Res. in Illinois. 4707. Julia, b. Jan. 16, 1848, m. Walter Elliott; d. May, 1879. 4708. NoRRis, b. Apr. 1, 1851, m. Nellie Cole. Res. Concord, N. H. 4709. Clara, b. Mar. 4, 1860; d. June 4, 1884. 4710. Perley, b. Feb. 1862. Res. Concord, N. H. 4711. Frank Elmer, b. Nov. 1863. Res. Campton Village, N. H. (4330) SAEAH BARTLETT, dau. of Moses Bartlett and Lydia Cone (4145), b. Campton, K H., Feb. 4, 1804, m..Rial Rowe at Bradford, K H., Apr. 1827. He was b. Mav 23, 1804, and d. Apr. 20, 1871. She d. Feb. 21, 1858. —23 352 Tlie Cone Family in America. Ch. 4712. Marinda Ann, b. Deo. 8, 1S27, m. David P. Ingalls; d. Dec. 17, 1878. 4713. JosiAH, b. Dee. 1, 1829, m. Sarah Freneh. 4714. Lydia Cone, b. Jan. 13, 1832, m. Silas Colby; d. Apr. 19, 1900. 4715. Geokge Henry, b. Apr. 6, 1834, m. Susan Tyler. Res. Pierre, S. D. 471G. Alden Walker, b. Aug. 23, 1841, m. 1 Almira M. Craig, 2 Almira F. Abbott. Res. Henniker, N. H. (4331) EZRA CONE, son of Lemuel Cone (4147) and Su- sannah Norton, b. Westminster, Vt., 1770, m. Hannah Knowles in Orleans county, N. Y., in 1817. She v/as b. August 8, 1792, and d. Sept. IG, 1864. He removed with his father's fandlj about the year 1810, coming from Vermont with ox-teams, — three wagons with two yoke of oxen to each wagon, — and settled on the " Holland Pur- chase," in what is now Orleans county, N. Y. Pie remained here until the summer of 1818, when he started with his family of wife and one child for Wayne county, O.- Here he remained for two years. The Western fever still had hold of him, and induced him in 1820 to remove to Sangamon county, 111., the then outpost of civili- zation, where he d. Aug. 18, 1842. Ch. 4717." Ezra P., b. Apr. 30, ISIS. in. Jnuo .Tones; d. Sept. 14, 186.5. 4718.* Nelson, b. May 10. 1820, m. 1 Sarali Jane Turner. 2 Esther M. Hen- ness: d. Dec. 31. 1901. 4719. Remick, b. May 20. 1S22. 4720. Lucy, b. Apr. 15, 1824, m. Bacon. Res. Silver City, Colo. 4721.* Clarissa, b. Feb. 8, 1826, m. Stephen P. Runnells; d. Mar. 1, 1896. 4722.* Lucius, b. Oct. 12, 1828, m. Amanda Wooley. Res. Wichita, Kas. 4723. Setii, b. June 20, 1830. Res. Carthage, Mo. 4724. Sarah Eliza, b. Mar. 10, 1832, m. Hobbs. Res. Tice Station, 111. 4725. Martin, b. Nov. 14, 1834, unm. Res. Great Bend, Kas. 472G. Matilda, b. Dec. 20, 1837, m. Lewis Cass Williams. Res. Marshall- town, la. (4332) ANJJREAV GAYLORD CO^^E, son of Lemuel Cone (4147) and Susannah N'orton, b. in Westminster, Vt., May 26, 1785, ni. Pully Lewis Andrews, dan. of Nathaniel Andrews and Mary Lewis, in Clarendon, Orleans county, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1820. She was b. :N"ew Britain, Conn., Jan. 13, 1787, and d. in Riga, Mich., Dec. 26, 1848. They were both believers in the Christian religion, and contributed liberally to all religious and charitable work. He re- moved to Riga, Lenawee countv, Mich., in 1817, and d. there Oct. 3, 1847. Ch. 4727.* Edward Albert, b. Sept. 12, 1820, m. Mary A. Mudo-e; d. Mar. 7, 1877. 4728.* Andrew, b. Aug. 7, 1822, m. 1 Mary E. Hubbard, 2 Belinda E. Morse, 3 Mary E. Thropp; d. Nov. 7, 1880. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 353 (4333) JOHN PARKER C0:NE, son of Lemuel Cone (4147) and Dolly Parker, b. Clarendon (or Batavia), Orleans county, ]Sr. Y., June 11, 1811, m. ■ Sprague, who d. 1850. He m. 2 Mrs. S. S. McKinney Sept. 24, 1852 at Valparaiso, Ind. She was b. Wayne county, O., Jan. 30, 1829, and was living- at Ma- rengo, la., in 1891. He'd, at Marengo, la., Oct. 11, 1871. Ch. 4729. HuLETTE. who pnlisted in 4otli U. S. Inf.; d. Lonisville, Ky., Nov. 5, 1862. 4730. Malinda. m. Anthony Nelson; d. 188 — . 4731. Mary, b. Sept. 1853; d. 18-57. 4732." Henry Harrison, b. May 22, 1859, ni. Ella McCaskey. Res. Ashland. Neb. (4337) JEREMIAH WHIPPLE COIs^E, son of Joshua Cone (4149) and Mary Wright, b. in Westminster, Vt, Sept. 24, 1791, m. Almira Burke Feb. 7, 1820. She was b. in Westminster 1794, and d. at Saxton's River, Vt., June 14, 1857. He was an honorable^ upright man, widely known for his integrit_y and fidelity to truth. He d. in the Chriotian faith, at Saxton's River, Vt., Apr. 10, 1835. Ch. 4733.* Oscar E.. b. 1821. ni. Loantha Wooley; d. 1857. 4734.* Whipple M.. b. July 18. 1822, m. Harriet Campbell; d. July 29, 1880. 4735. Mary, b. 1824; d. imni. Mar. 10, 1846. 4730.* Charles F., b. Apr. 15. 1827, m. Adaline Whithed; d. Apr. 12, 1898. 4737. Samuel Burke, b. 1831; d. unm. April 18, 1803. 4738.* Elizabeth H., b. Jan. 3, 1833, m. Frank Graves; d. Oct. 14, 1869. 4739. ArorsTxs A., b. 1835, m. Eebecca Patterson; d. Feb. 18, 1888. (4341) SAMUEL COXE, son of Joshua Cone (4149) anJ Mary Wright, b. Westminster, Vt., Sept. 3, 1800, m. in 1821 Louisa Lincoln, who d. in one year. He m. 2 her sister, Matilda A. Lincoln, June 9, 1824. He kept a tavern at Holly, Genesee county, IST. Y.j in 1823. Afterwards conducted a large shoe establishment in Port- age county, O. Supposed to have d. about 1835, by drowning. She d. Brockton, Mass., Feb. 25, 1887. Ch. 4740.* Louisa Lincoln, b. Apr. 12, 1820, ni. Suranus Dunham. Res. Brock- ton, IMass. 4741. Oscar J., b. Feb. 18, 1828. d. unni. Fall River, Mass., July 5, 1892. He served during the war of 1801-5. in Co. E, 13th 111. Vols., three years, and one year in Co. K. 9th Reg. V. S. Veterans. (4344) ERASTUS COXE, son of John Cone (4150) and Rebecca Sage, b. Westminster, Vt., Mar. 23, 1798, m. Xancy Thomas July 16, 1820. Sbe was b. Woodstock, Vt., Dec. 11, 1801, and d. in Monroe, Mich. He m. 2 Sarah Hptegraph Jan. 12, 1848. She was b. Dec. 16, 1830. He was a merchant at Clarendon, Orleans 354 Tlw Cone Family in America. eciinty, and also owned a lai'O'e oTist-nnll there. Settled afterwards at West Milan, Monroe eonnty, ]Mieli., where he l)ecame a ]irosperous and prominent citizen. D. there A]h-. 12, ISGI*. Ch. 4742. •■■• Clarissa H.. b. Apr. 2(1. 1821. m. Xelson Downino ; d. Jan. l.'i. 1806. 4743. Amelia C h. 'May. 21. 1823. in. :N[:ijor D. Stiirgis. 4744. Letitia. b. IMay 2. 182.3. m. Alanson P.. Howard. 4745.'' JoHX CoRXELiis. b. Feb. 19. 1827. m. 1 Jane I\I. Reynolds. 2 Mrs. (Chase) King: d. Nov. 1. 1899. 4746. Naxcy, b. July 22. 1830. m. James V. Marvin. 4747. Sylvia, b. A])r. 23. 1832. ni. William Woodward. Res. Azalia. Mich. 4748.* Erastus. b. Ot. 4. 1848. m. Elizabeth Culver. Res. Bloomingdale, Mich. 4749.* Judge, b. July 24. 18.50. m. Ellen :M. Zelluft". Res. Cone, Mich. 4750.* Joseph, b. .Tuly 7. 18.12. ni. Eva Sarah Duliois. Res. Saginaw, Mich. 4751. Rebecca, b. June 21. 1854. 4752.* Bexjamix, b. Apr. 22. 1856. m. [Margaret Moore. Res. Bloominsdale, Mich. 4753. Jaxe, b. May 21. 1858. m. Thrcop. Res. Rea. Mich. 4754.* William, b. Mav 19. 1860. ni. Emma C. Harding. Res. Saginaw, Mich. 4755. Rachel, b. Dec. 7, 1862, m. I'.ailey. Res. Worden, Mich. 4756. Eliza, b. Mar. 28. 1865. m Fincher. 4757. Mary, b. July 2. 1867. m. Swartout. Res. Burning Wells, Pa. 4758. Alvix. b. Aug. 4, 1869. Res. Cone. Mich. (4347) ALMIKA C'OXE, dan. of Ezra Tyler Cone (4152) and Rhoda Lincoln, b. Westminster, Vt., July 25, 1801, m. Ebenezer Chipman. She d. Jnne 5, is;]l. There was a family of five children, Lnt I know nothing- of them except thtit one m. Peck and lived in Wisconsin. (4348) SOPHROXIA COXE, dan. of Ezra Tyler Cone (4152) and Rhoda Lincoln, b. Westminster, Vt., May 26', 1803, m. Charles Thrasher Sept. 24, 1827. lie was 1). Feb. 2, 1803, and d. Apr. 22, 1876. She d. Sept. 28, 1831. Ch. 4759. SoPHROXiA CoxE, b. .Tune 4. 1828. ni. Silas Bean; d. May 21, 1851. (4349) SALOMA COis'E, dan. of Ezra Tyler Cone (4152) and Rhoda Lincoln, b. Westminster, Vt., ¥ov, 6, 1805, m. George Wetheral I^ov. 26, 1831. He was b. Apr. 8, 1802. She d. Oct. 4, 1881. Ch. 4760. Ella S.. b. July 15, 1833. Res. unm. Westminster, Vt. 4761. Rhoda A., b. .June 24, 1836, m. Charles E. Chase. Res. SomerviRe, Mass. 4762. George Tyler, b. Aug. 7. 1839. Res. Westminster. Vt. 4763. Sarah A., b. Oct. 5, 1848, m. Charles E. Rice. Res. Westminster, Vt. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 355 (4352) JOIIX JASPEK COXE, son of John Cone (4158) and Thankful Bailey, b. Middletown, Conn., Xov. 13, 1839, m. Julia Sexton Pellet, dau. of Kelson and Harriet Pellet of Middletown, Feb. 15, 1871. She was b. in Canterbury, Conn., Mar. 4, 1846, and d. at Middletown Jan. 180(3. She had a kindly disposition and a gen- erous heart. Was a friend to the sick and a lerder in all o-ood works, and d. greatly respected by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. He is a farmer, and res. at Maromas, near ]\[iddletown, Conn. Ch. 4704." John Jasper, b. Apr. 5. 1S72. m. 'Slawv.x Albia Davis. Res. New Dorchester, Mass. 4765."' Mattie Pellet, b. Apr. 29, 1875, ni. James William Parshley. Res. Middletown, Conn. 4766. Frank Edwin, b. Jan. 10, 1880, unm. Res. Hartford, Conn. (4355) MARTHA SMITH, dau. of Jonathan Smith and Martha Cone (4159), b. West Springfield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1819, m. James C. Walkley Sept. 21, 1842. He was an attorney at law, and res. at Haddain, (?onn.. where he d. Oct. 4, 1890. Ch. 4767. Martha L., Feb. 13. 184.-;. m. Clinton B. Davis. 4768. Hannah Maria, b. July 20, 1849. 4769. Mary E., b. Jan. 2, 1855. 4770. Jennie L., b. July IG, 1857. (4356) SUSAX COXE BKOOKS, dau. of X^oah Brooks and Hannah Cone (4160), b. Chatham, Conn., Apr. 26, 1816, m. John Sage Selden July 26, 1838. He was b. Sept. 26, 1816, and was living in Middletown, Conn., in 1900. She d there Jan. 9, 1879. Ch. 4771. Helen Maria, b. May 4. 1839. m. James :\r. Hayden. Res. Essex, Conn. 4772. Hannah Ejiily, b. May 19, 1842, unm. Res. Middletown, Conn. (4357) HA^^XAH MARIA BROOKS, dau. of X^oah Brooks and Hannah Cone (4160), b. Chatham, Conn., Apr. 5, 1818, m. Harry Stannard Brainard Sept. 18, 1839. She d. Aug. 26, 1842. He m. 2 Ursula Brooks (4358), sister of Hannah, Feb. 21, 1844. She was b. Chatham, Conn., January 10, 1820, and d. Thompson- ville, Conn., Jan. 31, 1898. He is a farmer in the town of Enfield, removing there from Haddam in 1855. Ch. 4773. Ursula Maria, b. Dec. 3, 1844. unm. Res. Thompsonville. Conn. 4774. Alvah Stannard, b. Jan. 2, 1847, m. Jennie 'SI. IMorse. Res. Hazard- ville. Conn. 4775. Xorman W., b. Xov. 3, 1848; d. June 25, 1865. 4776. Cornelia Olivia, b. Oct. 22, 1850. 356 Tlie Cone Family in America. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 857 4777. Almira T., b. Mar. 21. 1854; d. June 18, 1876. 4778. Laura H., b. July 30, 1856, m. Heniy Risley. Res. Wethersfield, Conn. 4779. Charles Henry, b. Dec. 15, 1860. Res. Xorth Conway, N. H. (4359) WAEKE:N CONE, son of Ozias Cone (4163) and Mercy Warren, b. at Hopewell, Ontario conntj, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1802, m. Sally Ann Case in 1821. She d. Jan. 1835 He m. 2 Parmelia Cook Hass, dau. of Frederick Hass and Elizabeth Cook. 'Nov. 1835. She was b. Apr. 16, 1815, and d. Jan. 21, 1880. In politics he was a Whig, in religion a IJniversalist, and an engineer by occupation. I^ate in life he retired to his farm in Hopewell, where he d. Oct. 9, 1863. He held a number of important positions. Was for a number of years Colonel of the 11th Eegiment, I^. Y. State Militia, and Bri- gade Inspector for Ontario, Seneca and Yates counties, IST. Y. Ch. 4780. James, b. Dec. 15, 1822, m. Edna Beach. 4781. Mary Ann, m. Sheldon Snow; d. 1852. 4782. Lydia, m. Charles Beach; d. 1863. 4783.* William Henry, b. Aug. 5, 1836, m. 1 Ellen A. Beach, 2 Caroline Gulick. Res. Rochester, N. Y. 4784. Augustus Huntington, b. Nov. 17, 1838; d. 1853. 4785. Mercy Elizabeth, b. Feb. 14, 1841, m. Samuel Rodgers. Res. Albert Lea, Minn. 4786.* George Warren, b. Feb. 22, 1844, m. Belle Page. Res. Stevens Point, Wis. 4787. Edward Delevan, b. Jan. 10, 1847; d. 1857. 4788. Julia Vorce, b. Oct. 26, 1850, m. Dr. S. Friedlander; d. May 12, 1885. 4789. LiLLiE Mary, b. Feb. 8, 1853, m. William Matthias; d. July 19, 1882. 4790. Harriet Virginia, b. Mar. 16, 1858; d. Feb. 21, 1860. (4361) MARY CONE, dau. of Ozias Cone (4163) and Mercy Warren, b. Hopewell, Ontario county, IST. Y., Mar. 27, 1806, m. Will- iam Bryant Jan. 22, 1834. He was b. Comish, 'N. H., Sept. 7, 1705, and d. Hopewell Feb. 22, 1883, aged 88 years old. She d. Hope- well Dec. 27, 1883. Ch. 4791.* Lydia Maria, b. June 11, 1835. m. James Barton Xorris. Res. Kan- sas City, Mo. 4792. Ozias Cone, b. July 26, 1837: d. Aug. 7, 1837. 4793. Charles Lyman b. Jan. 31, 1839. Res. Shortsville, Ontario county, 4794. William Norman, b. Aug. 28, 1842; d. Oct. 9, 1851. 4795. Albert Warren, b. Aug. 24, 1845; d. Apr. 29, 1877. 4796. Mercy Josephine, b. Dec. 13, 1848; d. Sept. 29, 1851. (4362) ELI CONE, son of Ebenezer Cone (4166) and - — ■ Warren, b. N'ew Hartford, Oneida county, K Y, Feb. 28, 1805, m. Ehoda Maria Hudson, dau. of Thomas Kilbv Hudson and Jerusha 358 The Cone Family hi America. Johnson, Apr. IS, 1832. She was b. Xew Hartford Dec. 2, 1805, and d. same place Aug'. IS, 1856. He was a wheelwright by occupa- tion and an expert in his line. He d. at Xew Hartford Aug. 11, 1864. Ch. 4707. "•■ WiLLiAir, b. Jan. 5. 1834, m. Mary E. Thompson; d. Nov. 5, 1900. 47!)8.-^ Eli, b. Mar. 4, 1842, m. Maiy P. Beatty. Res. Utica, N. Y. 4799.' Caroline, b. Sept. 7, 184.3. m. Michael D. Byrnes. Res. Utica, N. Y. (4;367) JOHN COjS^E, son of Ebenezer Cone (4166) and Warren, b. ISTew Hartford, Oneida county, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1813, ni. ]\Iary Vrodenburgh in ITtica, X. Y., Feb. 9, 1831. She was b. Carlton^ K Y., May 1, 1815, and d. in Janesville, Wis., Apr. 10, 1893. He removed from Oneida county, X, Y., to Lyons, Walworth county. Wis., in 1851. Res. there until 1872, and then removed to Janesville, Wis. He was noted far and wide for his skill as a car- penter. He was also a millwright and house-mover. He d. in Janes- ^.ille. Wis., Jan. 9, 1890. Ch. 4800. Elizabeth .Jane. b. Dec. 23. 1831. m. .Tames Shaver; d. 18C9. 4801. Urial S.. b. Sept. 29. 1834. m. Alice Campbell. Res. Racine. Wis. 4802. Sylvester, b. Jnly 13. 1838, m. Helen Balcome. Res. Milton Junc- tion, Wis. 4803. JoHX J.. 1). Dec. 11, 1840, m. Cordelia Balcome. Res. Manitowoc, Wis. 4804.* Ela J., b. Feb. 10, 1843, m. Abbie L. Balcome. Res. Sheboygan, Wis. 4805. Hexry, b. July 11. 1847. Res. Sheboygan, Wis. 4806. Elbert, b. June 11, 1849. Res. Janesville, Wis. 4807. Mary R., b. 1851, m. Charles Jackson. Res. Fulton, Wis. 4808. Chauncey, b. Feb. 2, 18.54. Res. Janesville, Wis. 4809. Clara, b. July 7, 1855. Res. Janesville, Wis. (4371) RHODA COXE, dau. of Caleb Cone (4168) and Clarissa Sackett, b. Paris, Oneida county, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1815, m. John Bridgeman in Cherry Valley, Ashtabula (tounty, O., Mar. 1838. He was b. in N"ew Hampshire Nov. 5, 1815. They lived at Lamont, Wis. Ch. 4810.* Charles, b. Dee. 8, 1838, m. Ellen A. Williams. 4811.* Hiram M., b. July 2, 1840. m. Margaret E. Duff. Res. Lamont, Wis. 4812.* Elizabeth Cone, b. Dec. 12, 1841, m. Riley C. Cook. Res. Clarks- ville. la. 4813.* Julia A., b. May 10. 1843. m. A. T. McConnell. Res. Spencer, la. 4814. Henry 0.. b. Oct. 16, 1844; d. Aug. 16. 18.54. 4815. .James S.. b. 1846. 4816. Hannah R., b. July 18, 1848, m. Peter McCarty. 4817.* William M., b. Sept. 29, 1851, m. Ellen E. Miller. Res. Clarksville, la. (4372) CLARISSA COXE, dau. of Caleb Cone (4168) and Clarissa Sachet, b. Paris, Oneida county, IS^. Y., Aug. 19, 1817, m. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 359 Eev. Leonard White, oldest son of Roderick White and Lncy Blakes- lee, in Jefferson, Ashtabula coimty, O., Oct. 10, 1838. He was b. Paris May 10, 1817. He was a Methodist preacher, and during the War of the Rebellion was a member of the Christian Commission, and was stationed at Winchester, Va., with the Army of the Potomac. This Christian Commission was a grand and noble institution, and had a powerful influence for good among the soldiers of that war. He d. in Auburn, :N'. Y., June 29, 1878. She d. Dec. 17, 1896. Their three sons and a son-in-law were soldiers in the War of the Rebellion. Ch. 4818. Clarissa Amelia, b. June 17. 1840, m. .Teioino Allen; d. Dec. 17, 1900. 48ia.* Rhoderick, b. Dec. 14. 1841. ni. Maiy Steele. Res. Auburn, N. Y. 4820.* HULDAH, b. Oct. 12, 1843, m. David H. Fay. Res. Topeka, Kas. 4821.* Oscar, b. -July 20, 1845, m. Elizabeth -Jane Roberts. Res. Auburn, N. Y. ' 4822.* Ossiax Charles. .June 7. 1847. m. Catlierine Ann Dean. Res. Au- burn, N. Y. (4379) WARREAT CONE, son of Xehemiah Cone (4171) and Lydia Stebbins, b. in Oneida county, IST. Y., June 6, 1820, m. Charlotte Phelps Feb. 20, 1845. She d. 1850. He m. 2 Mary Ann Bishop in 1851. She was b. 1823 and d. 1863. He was a member of Co. B, 67th Ohio Vols., was wounded, and d. at the hospital in Alexandria, Va., July 6, 1862, and was buried at the ^N'ational Ceme- tery at that place, his grave being numbered "QQ." He was a brave soldier and died a soldier's death. Ch. 482.3. Melissa, m. Robert Gibson; d. Dec. 2. 1901. 4824.* LlTCY, b. June 14, 1847. m. James Haner. Res. Coral. Mich. 4825.* Mary C, b. Jan. .3. 1850, m. George K. Terry. Res. Fremont, 0. 4826.* WiNFiELD W., b. Apr. 18. 1852, m. Sarah Hans. She res. Morenci, Mich. 4827.* Emily Janette, b. Sept. 15, 1853. m. Frank Hamilton; d. Mar. 9, 1888. 4828. Clark, b. Apr. 21, 1853; d. East Saginaw, Mich., 1886. 4829.* Elias Wellington, b. May 15, 1857. m. Eliza Jane Backman. Res. Adrian, Mich. (4383) MALINDA COXE, dau. of Xehemiah Cone (4171) and Lydia Stebbins, b. Sept. 1, 1830. m. Plvn Harnden Jan. 19, 1848. He d. Dec. 6, 1885. She d. Mav 12, 1898, at Fowler's Mills, Ohio. Ch. 4830.* Rose, b. June 20. m. Burton Ward. Res. St. Louis, Mich. 4831.* Frank, b. Apr. 21, 1852, m. Sylvia Ward. Res. Grand Rapids, Mich, 4832. Leonard, b. Oct. 18. 18.14; d. Xov. IG. 1854. 360 The Cone Family in America. 4S33. Esther. Jan. 10. 185G; d. Oct. 22, 1861. 4834.* Millie, b. Jiin. 1. 1803. m. Arthur Leisk. Res. Novelty, O. 4835. Ella, I). Veh. 20. 1805. in. George W. Beach Dec. 24, 1884. He was 1). Jan. 1. 1800. Is a stone-mason, and member of the Disciplas Ch. No ch. Ees. Fowler's Mill, 0. (43SG) ENOCH COXE, son of Enoch Cone (4182) and Elizabeth Cook, b. Poultnej, Vt., Eeb. 11, 179G, ni. Parley Lindsev in 1829. She d., and he m. 2 Ann Dowd, who was b. ]803, and d. Jnne 9, 1862. He m. 3 Sally Hao-er, who was b. 1807 and d. Feb. 13, 1867. Ees. his whole life at Wells, Ptutland county, Vt., where he d. Oct. 30, 1877, a,iied 81 years. (4388) FAITIIY COXE, dan. of Enoch Cone (4182) and Elizabeth Cook, b. Ponltney, Vt., Jan. 28, 1801, m. Sept. 10, 1818, FAITHY (CONE) SAXTON. i 8c 893. SeynKjur Saxton, son of Xoble Saxton. T\\ey removed, soon after marriage, to Peiry, Wyoming county, X. Y., remaining there until 1823, when they removed to Chautauqua county, X. Y., in an almost unbroken forest. They were among the very earliest settlers, and endured all the hardships incident to pioneer life. During the War of 1812 he served as a soldier, and afterwards received a pension for his services. He was b. in IMinkton, Vt., Mar. 29, 1794, and d. in Poland, Chautauqua county, iST. Y., Aug. 11, 1886, aged 92 years. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 361 Mrs. Saxton possessed a tranquil and lovely disposition, and retained lier mental powers to the end of her life in a remarkable degree. She d. at Kennedy, Chautauqua county, N. Y., July 8, 1893, aged 92 years. Ch. 4836."' Hexry C. b. July 23, 1819,, m. Nancy Cook; d. June 23, 1900. 4837. Horace F., b. Oct. 22, 1821; d. unm. Wyocena, Wis., June 2, 1847. 4838.* Minerva, b. Sept. 25, 1824, m. Abel Stafford. Res. Falconer, N. Y. 4839.* Jane, b. Sept. 20, 1827, m. Homer Rubilee. Res. Ellington, N. Y. 4840.* Seymour, b. Dec. 24, 1829, m. Charlotte A. Thacher; d. Nov. 30, 1890. 4841.* LuRA, b. Nov. 28, 1831, m. 1 James Deekins, 2 M. V. B. Ingersoll; d. Apr. 9, 1883. 4842.* Melissa E., b. Apr. 8, 1840, m. Ezra B. Lake; d. Oct. 25, 1872. 4843.* Perry L., b. Feb. 28, 1842, m. Anna J. Peckham. No ch. Res. Ken- nedy, N. Y. (4390) HARRIET CONE, dau. of Enoch Cone (4182) and Elizabeth Cook, b. Wells, Vt., Aug. 8, 1805, m. T^athan Francis about 1832. He was son of Jared and Temperance Francis, b. in Wells, Apr. 12, 1808; d. Jan. 24, 1875. He was a farmer, and res. at D.anby, Vt. She d. Jan. 3, 1885. Ch. 4844. Arclts, b. 1833; d. 1853. 4845.* Emily A., b. iW. 12, 1834, m. 2 George Hadwin. Res. Danby, Vt. 4846.'- Marcellus, b. Mar. 12, 1836, m. Elizabeth lyon. Res. Wells, Vt. 4847.* Ellen Jane, b. Apr. 6, 1840, m. Miletus Paul. Res. Middletown Springs, Vt. 4848.* Gertrude, b. Apr. 7, 1842, m. Edgar O. Barden; d. Oct. 23, 1896. 4849. Cornelia, b. 1845, m. Lucius A. Lewis. Res. Wells, Vt. 4850. Eliza, b. 1847; d. 1861. (4392) ORSOI^ CONE, son of Enoch Cone (4182) and Eliz- abeth Cook, b. in Wells, Vt., Feb. 7, 1814; d. at same place Apr. 10, 1888. He was never married, and was totally blind for over forty years. The pluck, determination, indomitable energy and industry displayed by this member of the Cone tribe under most adverse cir- cumstances should receive due credit in a publication of this nature. Although in total darkness for nearly a lifetime, he was never idle. He chopped, sawed and split wood for his neighbors, going without aid from house to house at this occupation. He threshed wheat every season, going from farm to farm with unerring accuracy, and always without a guide. He used a hand-flail, and threshed from twenty to thirty hundred bushels of grain each year. He husked corn, and, in fact, did almost any kind of farm work. This man was a hero, and if there is a reward in the great future for honest industry in this world, he will surelv receive it. 362 TJte Cone Family in America. (4394) JAMES FEAIs^CIS COXE, son of Enoch Gone (4182) and Elizabeth Cook, b. Ponltnev, Vt., Oct. 3, 1820, m. Han- nah Delight Parks, dan. of Elijah Parks, Jan. Y, 1840. She was b. in Wells, Vt., Aug. 27, 1818, and d. there May 17, 1869. He m. 2 Phebe Ann Moody Dec. 30, 1878. She was b. Sept. 7, 1838, and d. at Wells Dec. 3, 1S92. A prosperons farmer, and res. at Wells, Vt. Ch. 4851. Ann Isabella, b. July 13. 1S42. m. Xatlian Cook. Res. Manches- ter, Vt." 4852. Hannah Delight, b. Aug. 17. 1844, m. Albert H. Lewis. Res. Wells, Vt. 485.3. James Francis, b. Apr. 2, 1848, m. 1 Helen 0. Ballard. 2 Cloe A. Bateman. Res. Granville, N. Y. 4854. Laura Elizabeth, b. Nov. 22, 1849; d. May 30. 1856. 4855. JuDSON Franklin, b. Dec. 20, 1852. m. Lydia M. Farks. Res. Wells, Vt. 4856. Enoch Eli.jah, b. Nov. 16, 1857. 4857. Edson Elton, b. July 28. 1859. ni. Hattie L. Moody. Res. West Poultney, Vt. (4397) JOSEPH A. CO^^E, son of Joseph Cone (4184), b. Summer Hill, Caynga county, X. Y., 1813, m. Sylvia A. Sutton, dau. of Jacob B. Sutton and Hannah Vought, in Rochester, ]N'. Y., 1834. She was b. 1815, and d. at Pochester 184G. He d. LaCrosse, Wis., 1853. Was a contractor and builder. Ch. 4858. Josephine, b. 1840; d. young. 4859.* Owen S. M.. b. Dec. 9. 1842. m. Marv Ann Bovle. Res. Washington, D. C. (4398) WILLIAM PITT CONE, son of Joseph Cone (4184), b. in Cayuga county, X. Y., 'Nov. 5, 1817, m. Marguerette Witter. He m. 2'Delilah Walford Nov. 26, 1850. She was b. July 12, 1836. He d. Middlesex, X. Y., June, 1901. Ch. 4860. William B. 4861. Sylvester B. 4862. Clayton L.. b ]Mav 12. 1858, m. Lucv A. Hurlburt. Res. Middlesex, N. Y. ■ 4863. Elva Lenora, b. Sept. 14. 1862. 4864. Dora Bell. b. Oct. 23. 1864. ni. Horace B. Dunton. 4865. William .JosEni. b. Sept. 10. 1867. m. Catherine C. Doyle. Res. Buffalo. N. Y. 4866. Erwin Ardell, b. May 11. 1876. Unm. (4399) ELBERT COXE, son of Abner Cone (4186) and Faithy Leffing-Avell, b. at McLean, Tompkins county, X. Y., Oct. 26, 1805, m. Jane R. Coney Sept. 16, 1828. She was b. in Massachu- Descendants of Caleb Cone. 363 setts in 1809 and d. Dec. 12, 1868. They res. in Ulster county, JST. Y., where all their ch. were b., and where he d. July 30, 1871. Cb. 48(37. Sarah Emeline b. Xov. 20. 1829. 4868. Charles Orsox, b. June 2, 1832. 4809. Eliza Jane, b. Mar. 2, 1836. 4870. Elbert, b. .Jan. 8. 1838. m. Jane LattA'; one ch. Ees. Jersey City, N. J. 4871. Lydia Ann, b. July 18. 1840. 4872. '^ Francis, b. May 22, 1843. m. 1 Martha A. Ostrauder. 2 Sarah A. Peer. Res. Jersey City. 4873. Ellen E.. b. May 21, 1846, m. Matthew Stead; no ch. Res. Jersey City. 4874. Faithy, b. June 21, 1850. 487.5. Agnes, b. Aug. 25, 1851, m. Richard Bavliss; one ch. Res. Jersey City. (ilOO) CHAIiLES COXE, son of Abner Cone (4186) and Faithy Leffingwell, b. in McLean, Tompkins county, X. Y., Dec. 18, 1813. m. Charlotte Youn.a;, dau. of Dr. B. Young of Trumansburg, K Y., 1836. She d. in Binghamton Aug. 1850. M. 2 Cynthia C. Southwick, of Owego, Oct. 25, 1852. She was b. Owego ISTov. 4, 1834. He was a railroad conductor for many years. D. July 30, 1877. Ch. 4876. Orson, b. July 4. 1S39, m. Ellen E. Steel; d. Apr. 28, 1876. 4877. Lottie, b. June 15, 1857; d. unm. Mar. 19, 1884. 4878. Charles, b. Dec. 5, 1859; d. Mar. 8, 1863. 4879. Clifton, b. Xov. 16, 1861; d. Mar. 30, 1863. (4404) CLARK JACKSON CONE, son of Noah Cone (4189) and Mary Wagoner, b. Dryden, Tompkins county, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1843, m. Velma Elizabeth Williams, dau. of Albert and Ehoda Lucy Williams, Jan. 7, 1868. She was b. July 26, 1851. He enlisted under President Lincoln's first call for troops in April, 1861, in Co. D, 27th N. Y. Vols., and served until May 31, 1863. Reenlisted Dec. 30, 1863, in Co. H, 14th N. Y. Regt. of Heavy Artillery, and was discharged Aug. 26, 1865. In the first service he was Corporal ; in the second enlistment he held the position of Sergeant. A sheet-metal worker and general jobber, and res. at Corning, N. Y. He is a whole-souled, hearty, genial, companionable gentleman — a good type of the genus Cone. His record as a soldier is most excellent. Ch. 4880. Oscar Clinton, b. Mav 20, 1869; killed in railroad accident Mar. 7, 1888. 4881. Royal Williams, b. Nov. 27. 1875, ni. Netta A. Willoughby. 4882. Mary Rhoda, b. Aug. 18, 1872, m. .John E. Oldrin. Res. Hoboken, N. J. 4883. Caroline Dodge, b. Aug. 12, 1881. 364 The Cone Family in America. (4409) OGDEN CONE, son of Keuben Cone (4191) and Majoria Childs, b. Iladdam, Conn., Apr. 13, 1800, m. Dorcas Allen in East Windsor 1822. She was b. East Windsor 1796, and d. same place Mar. 22, 1825. He m. 2 Ruth W. Ellis in Enfield, Conn., May 4, 1826. She was b. in Longmeadow, Mass., July 18, 1808, and d. in Enfield Jnly 6, 1866. He d. in Enfield Apr. 7, 1846. Ch. 4884. Oscar, b. Apr. 30. 1823; d. Sept. 3, 1845. 488.5. Orson Spencer, b. May 28, 1827; d. Feb. 4, 1829. 4886.* Orson Childs, b. Dec. 21, 1828, m. Catherine Talniage; d. Mar. 26,. 1868. 4887. Osmond Spencer, b. Apr. 10, 1831, in. Alice Blackbnrn. Res. Bound Brook, N. J. 4888. Orcutt Edward, b. Aug. 16, 1833. Nothing more known of him. 4889." Orlow Troup, b. Dec. 28, 1835, m. Huklah Belinda Pease. Res. Warehouse Point, Conn. 4890."- William M., b. Dec. 19, 1838, m. Sarah Ross; d. Feb. 4. 1896. 4891.* John Adelbert, b. May 4, 1841, m. Rosalie E. Ellis; d. May 8, 1875. 4892. Nancy Jane, b. Oct. 20, 1843. School teacher; unni. Res. Bound Brook, N. J. (4411) CLARISSA CONE, dau. of James Wells Cone (4196) and Hannah Childs, b. Haddam, Conn., 1795, m. Isaac Loveland, in Haddam Apr. 12, 1829. He was b. at Haddam in 1775. She d. May 19, 1830. He was a farmer, and res. at Durham, Conn., and d. there July 9, 1830. Ch. 4893." Clarissa, b. Apr. 18, 1830, m. William Henry Harris. Res. Middle- town, Conn. (4412) COMFORT CONE, son of James Wells Cone (4196) and Hannah Childs, b. Haddam, Conn., Oct. 17, 1797, m. Wealthy Ann Brooks Nov. 13, 1822. She was b. Dec. 9, 1803, and d. Nov. 25, 1878. He d. Nov. 25, 1876. Both buried at Higganum, Conn. Were active and prominent members of the Cong. Ch. for over sixty years. Ch. 4894. Drusilla, b. Sept. 17, 1825; d. Oct. 19, 1825. 4895.-"- Elizabeth Ann, b. Oct. 6, 1826, m. Samuel Davis Clark; d. Nov. 14, 1883. 4896." Orlow Wells, b. Aug. 15, 1831, m. Amelia A. Pratt; d. June 4, 1886. (4413) JOHN CONE, son of James Wells Cone (4196) and Hannah Childs, b. Haddam, Conn., m. Mary Ann Strong, dau. of Thomas Strong and Laura Bishop, in Euclid, O., Sept. "15, 1822. She was b. CMiatham, Comi., Mar. 9, 1805. He was one of the earli- vAi settlers of Cuyahoga countv, O. Removed from his eastern home with a colony of Connecticut people, who traveled from that State Descendants of Caleb Cone. 865 witli ox-teams, a distance of more tlian 600 miles. He d. Mar. 5^ 1835, and she m. 2 Hiram Brooks, and d. Feb. 22, 1863. Ch. 4897. James Wells, b. Dee. U, 1823; d. Jan. 8, 1826. 4898. George Gilbert, b. Nov. 27, 1827, m. Frances Wells. Res. Reading, Mich. 4899. Clarissa, b. Sept. 7, 1830. Milliner. Res. Hartford, Conn. 4900. John Wellington, b. May 19, 1833; d. July 11, 1870. (4418) BENJAMIN BISHOP CO^^E, son of mah Cone (4209) and Rachel Bishop, b. in Haddam Jan. 19, 1797, removed to Ontario county, ^N". Y., in 1808, and was m. Oct. 6, 1832, to Lucy Whitney Colt, dan. of William Williams Colt and Huldah Whitney. She was b. in Pittsfield; Mass., Ang. 18, 1807, and removed with her parents to western ]^ew York, then a wilderness, in 1816. I have often heard her relate incidents in connection w'ith her g'irlhood iii that wild western country. The nearest mill was at Geneva, a dis- tance of forty miles. There were hardly any roads, and the grist was often loaded on an ox and taken to mill, and then loaded wdth flour, returning in the same w^ay, the trip being made in six days. Often a hole was burnt in the top of a stump, and in this prim- itive hopper the corn was placed and pounded out with a stone or hard-wood pestle, and the product was eaten with relish. The wolves often followed her nearly home wdien she was belated at night, return- ing with the cows. Previous to her marriage she united with the Presbyterian Ch., and remained until her death an active and consist- ent member of that denomination. She d. in Rochester, N". Y., Eeb. 12, 1870, and is buried in Mount Hope Cemetery at that place. My father was a stock-dealer and farmer. In buying his cattle his trips extended far into the West. Starting from St. Louis with his stock, he would drive them overland to Buffalo, X. Y., where he would sell them and return horseback to St. Louis for more, the distance being over 800 miles each way. He was strictly temperate, and under no r-ircumstances would he ever drink a drop of spirituous liquors. Ho d. at Pittsford, Monroe county, ?^. Y., July 28, 1842. Ch. 4901. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 12. 1834. Res. iinm. in Rochester. X. Y. 4902.* William Whitney, b. Dec. 18, 1836, m. Orrinda Lamphere. Res. Brandsville. Mo. 4903.* Sarah Colt, b. Apr. 10, 1839, m. Benjamin Finkle; d. .Jan. 28, 1894. (4420) ANDREW COA^E, son of :N^oah Cone (4209) and Rachel Bishop, b. Durham, Conn., Apr. 23, 1801, m. Matilda T^orton, dan. of Eber l^orton and Diantha Doud, in East Bloomfield, Ontario county, K Y., I^ov. 25, 1827. She w^as b. in Bloomfield Mar. S, 1808, and d. in Thornton, TIL, June 19, 1886. He removed with 366 Tlie Cone Family in America. Lis father's family to western Xew York at the age of seven years, and lived for seventy years upon the farm his father had first located in 1808, and d. there Sept. 20, 187(3. Ch. 4904." Albert, b. Dec. IS. 1829. m. 1 Almira Blake, 2 Mrs. Luella Reive. Res. La Porte, Ind. 4905. Eber Nortox, b. July 24, 1831, m. Josephine Martz; no cli. Res. Victor, N. Y. 4906.-'' William, b. Nov. 19, 1834, ui. 1 Elvira Butler, 2 Emily Barrett. Res. Homewood, 111. 4907. Amelia Caroline, b. July 29, 1837; d. Oct. 18, 1841. 4908. Linus, b. Mav 8, 1840. Soldier. Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862. ' 4909. Heney, b. Aug. 14, 1842, m. Virginia S. Mastick Sept. 18, 1885. She was b. in Cleveland, 0., Feb. 12, 1853, and d. in San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 28, 1892. He was a music-dealer and piano-tuner, and d. in San Francisco June 24, 1902. (^■±121) LlisUS COA'E, son of Xoah Cone (1201)) and iiachei Bishop, b. Durham, Conn., Oct. 10, 1802, m. Mary Crooks, dan. of David Crooks and Eunice Knox, in Troy, Oakland county, Mich,, Mar. 4, 1827. She was b. Richmond, Ontario county, N. Y., May 11, 1807, and d. Avon, Mich., Aug. 7, 1889, aged 82 years. She removed with her relatives to Michigan in 1825, coming by way of Canada with teams, the journey occupying thirty-two days. " Aunt Polly," as she was affectionately called, was one of the most generous- hearted and kindly women I ever knew, always helping the poor and attending the sick, and her memory wall be cherished in ages yet to come. Linus Cone had a very limited education when a boy. Through perseverance and industry he became one of the most successful farmers in Michigan, and received the prize year after year for th.e best farm in that State, as long as was allowed to compete. He be- came one of the leading agricultural writers of the West. Was associate editor of the Michigan Farm-er. and Vice-President for many years of the Michigan Agricultural Society. He often told me to study the dictionary, for there was where he got his education. PTe was strictly temperate; never borrowed; upright, honest and just with everyone. He was a Republican in politics; in religion a Uni- versalist. He d. Oct. 12, 1875. His life was a noble example for the youth of the country to follow. Ch. 4910.* Frederick W.. b. Jan. 6, 1828. m. Belle Hosier; d. Jan. 23. 1897. 4911.* Riley Crooks, b. Feb. 22, 1829, m. Elizabeth Mary Sliter; d. .July \, 1903. 4912. Lorenzo, b. Apr. 8. 1836; d. unm. Pontiac, Mich.. Mar. 12, 1901. (4422) WILLIAM CONE, son of Noah Cone (4209) and Raehol Pishop, b. in Durham, Conn., Mar. 23, 1805, m. Betsey Maria Descendants of Caleb Cone. 367 Bostwiek, dan. of Elijah Bostwick and Diantlia Eice, in Troy^ Mich., 1831. She was b. East Bloomlield, X. Y., Mar. 12, 1812, and d. in Tro}^, Mich., Dec. 1855. A good wife and an indnlgent mother. He was a farmer and hunter. Eemovecl to Michigan when a bov, and was one of the earliest settlers of Oakland county. He killed many hundred deer and bear, and is considered to have been one of the most successful of hunters in early Michigan. He d. in Troy May 15, 1866. A good farmer, a strict Presbyterian, and a sociable and companionable man. Ch. 4913.* William Henry, b. Aug. Ifi. 1832. m. Laura .Jauctte :Mastick: d. Mav 2, 1903. 4914. Charles Oscar, b. Feb. 27. 1836. m. Judd. Res. Bay City, Midi. 4915. LOREXZO Elijah, b. July 9, 1839, ui. Antba Richards. Res. Idaho. (4427) BETSEY ANiY CONE, dan. of David Cone (4211) and Hannah C-oe, b. in Durham, Conn., Jan. 18, 1807, m. Samuel Camp in Durham Jan. 28, 182G. Her duties were faithfully per- formed and her trials patiently borne. She d. Jul,y 7, 1868. Samuel Camp was a useful citizen, ahvavs in the advance in all good work. He d. May 24, 1882. Ch. 4916. '■ David Cone. b. July 24. 1827. m. Laura Catlin Smith: d. Sept. 10, 1893. 4917.'-' Harriet E.. b. June 17, 1829. m. John jNIarshall. Res. Durham Cen- ter, Conn. 4918.-' Charles E., b. Oct. 21, 1831, m. Elizabeth Hart. Res. Middlefield. Conn. 4919. Frances Salima, b. Mar. 4, 1834; d. Apr. 27, 1850. 4920. '•■ Samuel Austin, b. Feb. 28. 1837, m. 1 Rose E. Robinson, 2 Almira Spencer; d. Sept. 18, 1893. 4921.* Mary Coe, b. Sept. 8, 1840, m. Whitney Clarke. Res. Durham Center. 4922. Ellen Sarah, b. Feb. 6, 1844; d. Jan. 14, 1853. 4923.* Josephine Amelia, b. Feb. 12, 1847, m. Byron A. Calkins. Res. Kansas City, Mo. 4924.* Gertrude Lillian, b. Feb. 2. 1850, m. Walter Hart. Res. Durham Center. 4925.* Rose Ellen, b. Dec. 28, 1852, m. W. H. Parsons. Res. Durham Center. (4429) HAISWAH SALIMA CONE, dan. of David Cone (4211) and Hannah Coe, b. Durham, Conn., Dec. 9, 1812, m. Albert Sizer Dec. 24, 1838. He d. June 23, 1863. She d. in Meriden, Conn. Ch. 4926. Emily A., b. Jan. 23, 1840, m. Johnson. 4927. Frederick M., b. Aug. 4. 1842. Res. Middletown, Conn. —24 368 The Cone Family in America. 4928. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 28, 1845, m. Geer; d. June 9, 1879. 4929. Nellie Lillian, b. Dec. 15, 185G, unm. Ees. Meriden, Conn. (4430) SUSAN CONE, dau. of David Cone (4211) aud Hannah Coe, b. in Durham Dec. 15, 1815, m. Hai-vey Hull, son of Eliakim Hull, June 28, 1841. He was b. Aug. 7, 1805, and d. Oct. 22, 1882. Thej res. at Durham Center, where she d. Aug. 22, 1890, affed 84 years. "" -^ Ch. 4930. Timothy Edgar, b. July 13. 1843, m. Stevens; one ch. Res. Durliam Center, Conn. 4931. James Polk, b. Feb. 2, 1847. m. 1 Eunice M. Sanderson, 2 Alice Smith; no ch. Res. Durham Center. (4431) JAMES WELLS CONE, son of Joseph (4212) and Rebecca Cone, b. Haddam Aug. 19, 1809, m. Olive Shipman Eeb. 9, 1852. He was commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the second company of 7th Eegt., Conn. Militia, Sept. 28, 1833, Was one of the best violin-players in the State of Connecticut. Always jovial, good-natured and jolly. Was of a quick, lively nature and fond of lively company. Was a painter by occupation, and a good one. He d. at Higganum, Conn., Mar. 29, 1885. No ch. She res. at Higga- num. Conn. (4432) NOAH CONE, son of Joseph (4212) and Rebecca Cone, b. Haddam Nov. 17, 1814, m. Sally Antoinette Crawford, dau. of John Crawford and Ruth Holmes, in Higganum Mar. 19, 1837. She was b. Killingworth, Conn., Mar. 19, 1821. Is a member of the Bapt. Ch., and res. at Middleto^vn, Conn. He was a ship-car- penter by occupation, a Republican in politics, and a member of the Rapt. Ch. for many years. He had res. at Clinton and at Higganum, but afterwards at Middletown, where he d. July 27, 1890. Ch. 4932. Eliza Ann, b. May 21. 1838; d. Nov. 8. 1860. 4933. Oliver Hilliard, b. Sept. 23, 1840; d. July 18. 1848. 4934. Louisa Holbrook, b. May 10, 1843, m. Henry Mildrum. Res. Wethers- field, Conn. 4935. Priscilla Patterson, b. Mar. 3, 1846. m. George Dickerson. Res, Hartford. Conn. 4930. Olive Isadore, b. Oct. 3, 1848, m. Newton Pease. Res. Middletown Conn. 4937. Adlena Augusta, b. July 20. 1851. m. Seth Stanley. Res. New Brit- ain, Conn. 4938.* Oliver Hilliard, b. Apr. 25, 1854. m. Lizzie Shaw. Res. Middletown, Conn. 4939. Charles Wilson, b. Jan. 5, 1857; d. unm. Jan. 5, 1882. 4940. Eliza Ann, b. July 19, 1864. m. Franklin Wliitnev. Res. New Brit ain. Conn. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 369 ^ (4434) SARAH 00^^^^ dau. of Joseph (4212) and Rebecca Cone, b. Haddam Nov. 11, 1818, m. jSloadiah Ivelsey, son of Samuel Kelsej and Fanny Bailey, in Haddam June 22, 1851. He was b. at Haddam in 1809, and d. same place Apr. Y, 1893, aged 84 years. She d. Feb. 5, 1859. Ch. 4941. William Henry, b. Mar. 12, 1852. Res. in Haddam. 4942. Joseph, b. June 2, 1853; d. Oct. 9, 1857. 4943. Joseph, b. Oct. 23, 185G. (4439) IRA CONE, son of Joseph Cone (4214) and Hannah Ivneeland, b. Sandisfield, Mass., May 15, 1794, m. Sally Kellogg 1821. She was b. Colchester, Conn., 1796, and d. in Sandisfield 1864. He was a farmer, and was highly respected. A man of the people, with good, sound common-sense. He d. in Sandisfield Mar. 3, 1844. Ch. 4944.* Eliza, b. .July 3, 1823, m. Alphonzo Twining; d. Sept. 14, 1865. 4945.* Harriet, b. Sept. 23, 1825, m. James Smith. Res. Montville, Mass. 4946.* Olcutt W., b. Aug. 19, 1829, m. Jane Stratton; d. Dec. 25, 1901. 4947.* Orlow, b. Aug. 20, 1831, m. Nancy Beaman; d. Oct. 1, 1892. 4948. Cordelia A., b. Aug. 24, 1833, unm. Res. Chillicothe, O. 4949.* Sarah, b. Dec. 2, 1835, ni. Rosvvell Higley. Res. AUerton, la. 4950.' RosiNA, b. Aug. 30, 1838, m. James Bracewell. Res. Ontario, Cal. (4443) ROXANXA COi\E, dau. of Solomon Cone (4232) and Sally Richmond, b. Wallingford, Conn., ISTov. 4, 1798, m. Fred- erick Baird in Guilford, Conn., June 2, 1818. He d. in Henry county, III, Sept. 2, 1861, aged 70 years. She d. at Colorado Springs, Colo., Mar. 10, 1866. ^ Ch. 4951. Mabel Maria, b. Feb. 27, 1820; d. unm. Aug. 29, 1851. 4952. Sarah Louisa, b. Feb. 21, 1821; d. unm. Aug. 12, 1840. 49.53. GusTAVLTS John, b. Aug. 23, 1823; d. Feb. 15, 1897. 4954. Frederick Normax, b. May 14. 1827. m. Caroline Maria Partridge. Res. Geneseo, 111. 4955. Solomon Truman, b. Xov. 18, 1829; d. Aug. 1830. 4956. William J., b. May 9, 1832; d. Feb. 7, 1897. 4957. Hannah Elizabeth, b. Feb. 13, 1838. m. 1 John Like, 2 Joel Roe. Res. Colorado Springs, Colo. 4958. Roseltha, b. Feb. 2, 1840, m. Alfred T. Cone. Res. Colorado Sprino-s, Colo. (4444) DARIUS COXE, son of Solomon Cone ,(4232) and Sally Richmond, b. Guilford, Conn., Sept. 5, 1800, m. Betsey Parma- lee in Rochester, X. Y., Dec. 6, 1825. She was b. July 3, 1806, and d. at Adams Basin, X. Y., June 18, 1874. He m. 2 Sarah L. Wood- ward, widow of Rev. W. W. Woodward and dau. of Rev. Xathan 370 The Cone Fam'dij i}i America. L. Clark, in 1870. She was b. Kocliester July IT, 1830, and d. in Oanisteo, K Y., Fek 2G, 1885. lie d. Canisteo, IN^. Y., Jan. 10, 1882, aged 82 years. Ch. 4950.-^ Martha .Jaxe, h. Dec. 17. 1827. m. Dominie P. La Valle. Res. Roches- ter. X. Y. (4445) ELISIIA GONE, son of Solomon Cone (4232) and Sally Eichmond, b. Walling-ford, Conn.. Jan. 1, 1803, m. Eliza Ann Hill Jan. 1, 1820. She was b. Apr. 18, 1810, in East Bloomfield, IN". Y., her parents being among the earliest settlers of Ontario county. Elisha removed with his family to Geneseo, 111., l^ox. 18, 1836, where he d. Sept. 0, 1840. He was one of the pioneers of north- western Illinois. Ch. 4960.'"- Harriet T.. b. Dec. 20. 1820. m. William :\ril1er. Res. Geneseo, III. 49G1. Clarissa Fideija, b. June 28. 18;;0. m. Elislia :\[. Stewart. Res. Latham, Kas. 4902. •" Francis Soi.omox. b. Aw^. .31. 1833. m. Cabrilla Gilmore. Res. Crescent City. Fla. 4903. Ellex Augusta, b. .Jan. 18. 1830. m. Rhoclerick Manville. 4904. Charles Elisha, b. -Jan. 24. 1840. Soldier; d. Xashville Hospital Mar. 29. 1803. (4446) HA^TNAII COXE, dan. of Solomon Cone (4232) and Sally Richmond, b. Middletown, Conn.. ]\rar. 31, 1805, m. as second wife James Leete, son of Jared, Mar. 11, 1824. She d. Sept. 8, 1883, in Gnilford, Conn. He was b. 1700 and d. Guilford Aug. 18, 1808. Ch. 4905. .James Andrew, b. Mar. 19. 182.). m. McCarthy. 4960. Ursula, b. .Ian. 12. 1827. m. Daniel Webster. 4907. Mary Ann, b. July 7. 1829. m. Edwin Nettleton. 4908. Soi'iiRONUv, b. .Tuly 20. 1831. m. Phineas L. Squire. 4969. .John William, b. Sept. 24, 1833. 4970. Sarah Ajielia, b. May 0, 183.). m. Sherman E. Camp. 4971. Susan Marilla, b. Nov. 1. 1840, m. H. H. Church. 4972. Orton R., b. July 30, 1844, m. Emma Stockwell. 4973. Elsie Marie, b. Oct. 30, 1848. m. Merwin Palmer. 4974. Herbert Walter, b. .July 2.5. 18.52: d. June 27, 18.53. (4447) REUBEN COXE, son of Solomon Cone (4232) and Sally Richmond, b. Middletown, Conn., Mar. 3, 1807, m. Harriet Thomas Mar. 3, 1830. He removed to western Xew York; then to Geneseo, IlL ; afterward to Xemaha county, Kas., and lastly to Colo- rado Springs, Colo., wliere he d. Dec. 21, 1883. He was a farmer and shoemaker. . Descendants of Caleb Cone. 371 Ch. 4075. Theodore Aloxzo. b. Apr. 10. 1831; d. Seneca. Kas.. Mar. 31, 1868. 497G. x\lfred Theron. b. :\[ar. IS. 1834, iii. Roseltha Baird (4958) ; d. Nov. 20, 1889. 4077. ■•' Edgar Whitfield, b. Mar. 30. 1838, in. Harriet Emily Bates. Res. Holdrege. Neb. 4978. Albert Sidney, b. Dec. 21. 1847. in. Kate Graham. Res. Michigan. (•±■148) NORRIS COXE, son of Solomon Cone (4232) and Sally Richmond, b. Middletown, Conn., Dec. 22, 1818, m. Ann Blakesley in Wallinii-ford, Conn., Sept. 24, 1831. She was b. Wal- lingford,' Sept. 10, ISIO, and d. in Marion, la., Isov. 18, 1883. He learned the trade of carpenter in Walling-ford, and moved to Linn county, la., in 1838, being an early pioneer in that connty. Here he became quite wealthy, the result of honest eifort and indnstry. He d. iiniversallv respected, Aug. 18, 1885. Ch. 4979. Byrox. b. Dec. 6. 1832. m. Salima J. Hutchinson; iin cli. Res. Marion, la. 4980.* Oliver B.. b. Dec. 30, 1835, ni. Mary A. Smitli; d. :May 20, 1899. 4981.* George, b. Ajn-. 12, 1839, m. Sarah S. Vosburgh. Res. Marion, la. 4982."- John, b. Nov. 2, 1841, m. Caroline Mitchell. Res. Marion. la. 4983. Laura, b. May 15, 1846, m. Joseph A. Starbuck. Res. Marion, la. 4984. Lucius, b. Apr. 19, 1848, m. Mary Waples; no ch.; d. Jan. 10, 1871. 4985. NoRRis, b. Feb. 12, 1850, m. Alice Shaw; no ch.; d. Oct. 15. 1879. (4449) SOLOMO^T BATES COA^E, son of Solomon Cone (4232) and Sally Richmond, b. Wallingford, Conn., Jan. 11, 1811, rn. Lucretia Hull, dan. of Wylles Hull of Wallingford, 1833. He was a shoe merchant. Removed from Connecticut to Grilbertsville, Otsego county, ]^. Y., and was engaged in this business when in 1867 a fire destroyed his buildings and property, and he never re- covered his former prosperity. He Avas a member of the Bapt. Ch., and was a Deacon for thirty years. He d. Jan. 30, 1880. She d. in 1871. ■ Ch. 4986.* Hiram S.. b. Feb. 18. 1835. m. Carrie Cnrwin : d. Dec. 22. 1902. 4987.* Sarah, b. Apr. 12, 1837, m. 1 Orenias Knapp, 2 Charles W. jNL^tterson. Res. West Exeter. N. Y. 4988.* William H., b. 1842. m. Delphina :\liller. Res. Candor, N. Y. 4989. Gilbert, b. 1844; d. 1863. 4990.* Mary E., b. Jan. 25, 1853, m. Jolm B. Winney. Res. Elyria, 0. (4450) SAMUEL WHITTLESEY DAis^A COXE, son of Solomon Cone (4232) and Sally Richmond, b. Middletown, Conn., Jan. 5, 1813, m. Mary Dodd in Marion, la., in 1846. She was b. Knox county, O., Aug. 29, 1821, and res. Grant City, Sac county, la. He was a farmer, and res. at Marion, where he d. July 12, 1858. 372 The Cone Family in America.' He was an industrious, capable and influential citizen. She res. in Grant City, la. Ch. 4991." Charles Dana. 1). Jan. 1. 1850. iii. 1 Amelia E. Roby, 2 Susan S. Ptoby. Res. Eldoia. la. 4992 "■'" PiiEBE Ellex, 1). Oct. 21, 1852, ni. Lewis C. Hunsaoker. Res. Grant City, la. (4451) ELIZABETH HAMILTO^t COXE, dan. Elisha Cone (4236) and Eleanor Parsons, b. Haddam, Conn., June 25, 1795, m. ISTewton Clark Dec. 6, 1812, in Turin, Lewis county, ^N". Y. He was b. Granby, Conn., July 2, 1788, and d. in Turin, E'ov. 11, 1879, aged 91 years. She d. Turin Feb. 7, 1864. He served in War of 1812, in company commanded by Capt. LTezekiah Scoville, and received a pension for his services. Ch. 4993. LuciNA Elizabeth, b. May 30. 1814; d. Sept. 1815. 4994. LuciNA Elizabeth. !>. Feb. 23. 181G. ni. Jacob Rea ; d. Sept. 10, 1890. 4995. Clarissa Ann, b. Fel). 18, 1818, m. Rutson Rea. Res. Lowville. N. Y. 499G. Lorenzo Newton 1>. Feb. 1(5. 1820; d. Sept. 5. 1823. 4997. Alvin Billings, b. June 8, 1822, ni. Mary .Jane ^Nloulton. Res. Rich- mond, Tnd. 4998. Laura Maria, b. Dec. 4. 1824, m. Robert Rea; d. Dec. 27, 1891. 4999. Lorenzo Newton, b. Dec. IG, 182G, m. Jennie Ronev. Res. Detroit, Mich. 5000. Orson, b. Oct. 5, 1828, m. Matilda .Jones. Res. Constableville. N. Y. 5001. Eveline, b. Apr. 1. 1831. m. .John C. Wood; d. Jan. 1894. 5002. Philo Benton, b. July 19, 1833; d. unm. Sept. 1857. 5003."- Ordelia, b. Apr. 13, 1835, m. Anson Harris Higby. Res. Turin. X. Y. 5004. Franklin IIawley, b. .July 17, 1838; d. May 17, 184G. (4456) LEOI^ARD E. CONE, son of Elisha Cone (4236), b. in Turin, 1ST. y., Jan. 30, 1812, m. Melissa Ockerman in Oswego, ]\'. Y., Mar. 10, 1834. She was b. Dec. 27, 1815, and d. Dec. 21, 1876. He was a cabinetmaker, and one of the best mechanics in northern A^ew York. Lie was a member of the Grange, the Odd Fellows, and the Good Tem])lars. Was a prominent member of the Masonic order, and was Imriod with the impressive cere- monies of that order. D. at Constal)levi]]e, :N^. Y., Mar. 2, 1876. Ch. 5005. Amanda, b. Mar. 13. 1835. m. Gerry Lee. Res. Syracuse, N. Y. 5006. Laura, b. Oct. 15, 1838; d. Nov. 16, 1880. 5007. Julia, b. May 19, 1840. m. C. E. Taylor. Res. Constableville. N. Y. 5008. Elisha, b. Mar. 15. 1844; d. Feb. 28, 1870. 5009." Hiram, b. Oct. 7, 1846, m. Delinda Watson. Res. Utica, N. Y. 5010. Alvin, b. Mar. 29, 1849. Res. Constableville, N. Y. 5011. Ida, b. Dec. 19, 1857, m. Charles Joslin. Res. NorthviUe, Mich. 5012. Caroline, b. -Jan. 30. 1800. m. Cxcorge W. Adgate. Res. Buffalo. N. Y. 5013. Frank, b. -June IG. 1862; d. .Jan. 21, 1900. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 373 (4457) MARTHA CONE, daii. of Daniel Cone (4237) and Ruth Rich, b. in Bristol, Litchfield county. Conn., Mar. 22, 1792; removed with her father's family to Lewis county, ]^. Y., in 1806. She commenced teaching- school at the ag'e of 16, and received the enor- mous salary of 75 cents per week for her services. The salary was in- creased to $1 per week during the school year of 1812. While wages were low, the necessaries of life were high. It is related that calico was 75 cents per yard. Five yards were considered in those times sufficient for a dress. She m. Chester Dodge Apr. 22, 1813. He was " called out " to serve as a soldier during the next year to " repel the attack of the British at Sachet's Harbor," and for this service his widow was granted a pension after his death, which occurred Apr. 14, 1871. He was 83 years old at the time of his death. Mrs. Dodge developed a remarkable artistic gift after she reached fourscore years. She began to work with simple materials in original designs, orna- menting household goods. After she was 86 years old she received prizes at South Weymouth, Brockton, and other fairs in Massachu- setts, for her skill in this kind of work. She d. at Soutli Abington, Mass., May 4, 1888, aged 96 years. ' Ch. 5014. William Collins, b. July 20, 1815. iii. Marion X. Dodo;e; d. Dec. 11. 1885. 5015. Charles Clark, b. July 31, 1817, m. Betsey Goit. Res. Pulaski, N. Y. 5016. Ruth Eliza, b. Mar. 3. 1819, in. Almon D. Campnev; d. Mar. 28, 1890. 5017.* Marcus Wells, b. Aug. 22, 1821. m. Julia A. Hendricks; d. 1893. 5018. Mary Angeline, b. July 29, 1825, m. William C. Cook. Res. Os- wego, N. Y. 5019. Amanda Janette, b. Jan. 21, 1828. m. Ashley D. C. Fox; d. Oct. 29, 1869. 5020.* Martha Jane, b. Oct 4, 1830, m. Jesse Ballard. Res. St. Louis, Mo.^ 5021.* Clarissa Davis, b. May 19, 1834, m. Rev. Jesse H. Jones. Res. S. Abington, Mass. 5022. John Nelson, b. Aug. 9, 1836, m. Amelia Pride; d. May 21, 1864. ^ (4459) RUTH RICH COIsTE, dau. Daniel Cone (4237) and Ruth Rich, b. Middlctown. C^onn., Jan. 29, 1796, m. John Foster Mar. 16, 1819, and d. Heniy county, TIL, Mar. 20, 1847. Ch. 5023.* Benjamin, b. Jan. 4, 1820, m. Mary Lindsay; d. Feb. 17, 1888. 5024.* William Emory, b. Sept. 15, 1821, m. 1 Elizabeth Cowan, 2 Julia Abbott; d. Apr. 26, 1889. 5025. John, b. Mar. 21, 1823; d. May 3, 1893. 5026. Eliza, b. Jan. 1825, ni. Levi F. Clisbee; d. Sept. 26, 1885. 5027. Angeline, m. Timmonds. Res. Otterbein. Ind. 5028.* Amanda, b. Aug. 19. 1832. m. Edward W. Guild. Res. Watseka, 111. 5029. Catherine, m. Graham. Res. Erie Pa. 5030. Edmund Sehon. Res. Tonica, 111. 374 The Cone Family in America. (44G0) TIIO^IAS RICH CONE, son of Daniel Cone (4237) and Ruth liicli, b. Middletown, Conn., "Feb. 28, m. Calista Potter, dan. of Nathaniel Potter and Rnth Rose, in Milford Center, 0., Apr. 1823. She was b. Cooperstown, Otse,2;o county, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1805, and d. in Champai^^ii connlvy. 111., Feb. 19, 1864. He d. Yellow Sprino-s, O., Tan. 28, 1887. ' Ch. 50:31.'' Mary. 1). July 22. 1825. m. 1 INIarshall B. Lamborn. 2 Samuel Hackley. Res. Kansas City, Kas. 5032.'^ Ji'Lius, b. June 9, 1827. m. Mary Weston; d. Mar. 20, 18G5. 5033.* Nathaniel P., b. May 7. 1829. ni. Anna Hackley. Res. Urbana, 0. 5034. Sylvester, b. Jan. 1, 1831; d. June 7, 1836. 5035. Angeline, b. Apr. 21. 1835; d. May 16, 1842. 503G.* Eunice, b. July 6. 1837. ni. Rev. E. W. Humi^hreys. Res. Urbana, 0. 5037. Edwin, b. Apr. 5. 1841; d. Jan. 18. 1846. (4461) AMANDA CONE, dan. of Daniel Cone (4237) and Ruth Rich, b. in Middletown, Conn., Feb. 1, 1800, m. Benjamin Foster June 1, 1820. He was b. in Bedford county. Pa., Nov. 8, 1798. Removed to Ross county, O., with his parents in 1799. and to Madison county, O., a few years later. He was a cattle and sheep dealer. Bought his stock in Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana, and drove them throuioh to Ohio and Pennsylvania, where they were sold. He made many trips. Was fond of running foot-races when a young man, and was never beaten Imt once in a running jump. He has been known to leap 22 feet at one jump. In 1836 he emigrated to Fulton county, 111. Owned, surveyed and platted the town-site of Fairview, 111., and d. there of typhoid fever, Nov. 15, 1839. She d. in Franklin county, O., Apr. 27, 1833. Ch. 5038. '■ Joshua, b. Mar. 21, 1821, m. Betsey Brumsey; d. May 3, 1895. 5039.* Ruth, b. July 15, 1823, m. Conrad Markley. Res. Fairview, HI. 5040. Ann, ni. Branson Parker, and d. in Kansas in 1868. 5041.* Thomas C, b. Mar. 13, 1828, m. 1 Elizabeth F. Blair, 2 Maria Mosher; d. Nov. 1, 1900. 5042. Joseph, b. Dec. 1, 1831; d. Aug. 28, 1844. (4462) ELIZA CONE, dan. of Daniel Cone (4237) and Ruth Rich, b. in Middletown, Conn., Dec. 25, 1802, m. William W. Wes- ton in Brooklyn, Pa., Feb. 9, 1819. He was b. in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 13, 1791. Was son of Amaziah Weston and ]\[ary Cody. Was a farmer, and d. in Brooklyn Aug. 12, 1853. She d. there Auo-. 24, 1836. . . , .^ , Ch. 5043.* Mary Amanda, b. Oct. 2. 1820. m. Julius Cone (4032). Res. Me- nonionie. Wis. 5044.* Edwin Amaziah, b. July 6, 1826, m. Mary E. Jackson. Res. Brook- Ivn, Pa. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 375 (4463) EDWIX CONE, son of Daniel Cone (4237) and Kntli Eich, b. Middletown, Conn., Apr. 30, 1805, m. Salina Wilson, dau. of Thomas Wilson and Elizabeth Hipp. She was b. in Sharonsville, O., Nov. 7, 1808, and d. in Larwill, Ind., Apr. 21, 1870. He was a pioneer preacher of the Methodist Ch. in Whitley county, Ind., going there in 1836. Was very active and devoted in his ministry, and d. there in the midst of his usefulness, Eeb. 12, 1854. Ch. 504.5. Margaret, b. .July 1. 1834, m. Orrin C. Adams; d. Feb. 24, 1891. 5046. Orella, b. Jan. 30. 1837, m. Frank Inlow; d. Nov. 15, 1881. 5047.* Appletox ^YELLS, b. Mar. 14, 1839, ni. Martha Hoover. Res. La- grange, Ind. 5048. Thomas WiLso:r>r, b. Feb. 5, 1842; d. July 24, 1844. 5049. Mary, b. Aug. 27, 1844; d. Mar. 9. 1855. 5050.* Chester L., b. Aug. 12. 1846, m. Marinda Bayman. Res. Larwill, Ind. 5051.* Gilbert Janeway, b. Mar. 24. 1849, ni. Xaonii Wagoner. Res. Kan- sas City, Mo. (4464) NELSON CONE, son of Daniel Cone (4237) and Ruth Rich, b. Jefferson county, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1808, m. Louisa Curry Nov. 22, 1831. She was b. July 25, 1807, in Highland county, O., and d. Aug. 7, 1883. He res. at this date (Apr. 30, 1903), in good health, at McMinnville, Ore., aged 95 years, being the oldest living member of the Cone famil.y of whom I have knowledge. Ch. 5052. Stevenson B., b. June 3, 1832: d. Sept. 21, 1834. 5053. James C, b. June 25, 1834. Res. McMinnville, Ore. 5054. Stemcnson B.. b. July 13, 1836, m. Janette Campbell. Res. Portland, Ore. 5055. Daniel Rich, b. May 5, 1838, m. Elizabeth A. Gowans. Res. Mc- Minnville, Ore. 5056. Otway B., b. .July 21, 1840. Soldier; d. Chattanooga July 21, 1864. 5057. Albert H., b. Oct. 25, 1842, ni. Olive Robinson. Res. McMinnville, Ore. 5058. Robert S., b. May 25, 1845; d. May 29, 1863. 5059. Thomas N., b. Feb. 28, 1847, unm. Res. Los Angeles, Cal. 5060. Maria L., b. Sept. 5, 1849, m. Palmer. Res. Los Angeles, Cal. (4465) ALMA CONE, dau. of Daniel Cone (4237) and Ruth Rich, b. Turin, Lewis county, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1810, m. David Hayden IMar. 9, 1830, in Madison county, O. They removed to Whitley county, Ind., in 1836, being among the eaidiest settlers of north- eastern Indiana. She d. Jan. 18, 1883. Ch ' 5061.* John Esta, b. July 28, 1832. m. Sarah Jane Black. Res. Pierceton, Ind. 5062.* Daniel Christie, b. Sept. 6, 1834, m. Elizabeth Roberts. Res. Lar- will, Ind. 376 Tlw Cone Family in America. 5063. Charles Wesley, b. Aug. 12, 1837, in. Anna Hover; no eh. Res. War- saw, Ind. 5064. Lavina, b. Aug. 26, 1839; d. young. 5065.* David F., b. Dec. 16. 1844. m. Melvina Garretson. Res. Pierceton, Ind. 5066. Albert N., b. Nov. 9, 1846; d. young. 5067.* Alvah O., b. Sept. 27, 1848, m. Ella E. Collins. Res. Warsaw, Ind. 5068. Mary Elvira, b. Aug. 3, 1851, m. Charles Blew. Res. S. Pasadena, Cal. (4468) FEEDERICK CONE, son of Silas Cone (4241) and Sarah Try on, b. Middlesex connty, Conn., Aug. 6, 1828, m. Emma Eoberts, dan. of William Roberts, in Clinton, Clinton county, la., Aug. 14, 1856. She was b. May 6, 1841. He came West when a boy ; learned the shoemaker's trade, and lived for fifty years in Clin- ton, where he d. Aug. 20, 1894. Ch. 5069. William Hexry. b. ]May 25. 1858: d. Mar. 21. 1863. 5070.* Sarah Frances, b. Juno 12. 1860. ni. Edward C. Pierson. Res. Clin- ton, la. 5071.* Georgia Axx, b. Drc. 20. 1862. m. Tliomas Lea. Res. Clinton, la. 5072.* Charles EDWAiin. b. Mar. 15. 1865, ni. Cora Belle Grimes. Res. Clin- ton, la. 5073. Herbert, 1). Dec. 22. 1868; d. May 24. 1872. 5074.* Cakltox Sylvester, b. May 24, 1872, ni. Lena Peterson. Res. Clin- ton, la. 5075. Minxie, b. Xov. 14. 1874. Res. Clinton. la. 5076. Mabel, b. Nov. 6. 1879; d. Mar. 31, 1881. (4471) FRANCES CONE, dau. Silas Cone (4241) and Sarah Tryon, b. Middletown, Conn., Sept. 16, 1834, m. William Pugh Jan. 1852. He was b. in Wales Sept. 11, 1832. A carpenter by occupation. Was a soldier in War of Rebellion, and d. at Nash- ville, Tenn., 1864. She res. West Liberty, la. Ch. 5077. Hexky, b. Sept. 3, 1852. Res. West Liberty, la. 5078. Charles, b. Dec. 18. 1854. Res. Blue Ishmd. 111. 5079. Frederick, b. Oct. 22, 1856. Res. Blue Island, HI. 5080. Alice, b. June 5, 1861. Res. W^est Liberty, la. (4478) CHARLES H. CONE, son of Oliver Bray Cone (4245), b. South Lyme, Conn., Apr. 16, 1833, m. Mary Ann Barber m Bethany, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1856. She was b. in Ann Arbor, Mich., May 1, 1835. Farmer. Res. at East Bethany, N. Y. Ch. 5081. Orlin B., b. July 27. 1S57. m. Eliza J. Coffev; seven ch. Res. Fow- lersville, Mich. 5082. Melvix H., I). Do.-. 20, 1861, m. Annie Dawson; two ch. Res. East Bethany. X. V. 5083. Oliver M.. b. Jm,.. :.. 1S71. ni. Blanche Thompson. Res. East Betli- anv. X. Y. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 377 (4481) JAMES ROSS CONE, son of Oliver Bray Cone (4245), b. Lyme Aug. 1. 1836, m. Mary Jane Dickman, dan. of Eli and Roxanna Dickman, Dec. 16, 1860. She was b. Chester, Conn., May 2, 1844, and d. there May 10, 1870. He is a bitt-maker, and res. at Chester, Conn, Ch. 5084. Nellie Piiileta. b. Jan. 2(3, 1863; d. Apr. 2, 1879. 5085. Edward Kxapp. b. July 30. 1869. m. Jane Elizabeth Holmes. Res. Chester, Conn. (4183) JANETTE CONE, dan. of Oliver Bray Cone (4245), b. Lyme, Conn., Dec. 19, 1844, m. Georj^e Dickinson Oct. 12, 1862. He was b. Nov. 16, 1840. Res. in Black Hall, Conn. Ch. 508G. George B., b. May 11, 1864, m. Nellie Howard. Res. Niantic, Conn. 5087. Charles F.. b. Jnly 29, 1867, m. Alice Beebe. Res. New London, Conn. 5088. James W.. b. Nov. 26. 1878, m. Blanche Beebe. Res. Utica, N. Y. 5089. Harold E.. b. Mar. 6, 1883. (4484) JOHN NEWTON CONE, son of Oliver Bray Cone (4245), b. South Lyme, Conn., Aug. 22, 1846, m. Harriet Emeline Smith in Marquette, Mich., Oct. 31, 1868. She was b. Cheboygan, Mich., Feb. 4, 1850. He removed to Michigan in 1863. Is proprie- tor of the Noveltv Iron and Brass Works at ]Mineville, Essex county, N. Y. Ch. 5090. HiKAM v.. b. Nov. 20, 1869. m. Maronerette M. Robinson; d. .Jnne 2. 1896. 5091. Elmer E.. b. (let. 3. 1871. m. Harriet Hobson. Res. Tarrytown. N. Y. 5092. Helex ^Musette, b. Mar. 25, 1878, nnni. Res. Mineville, N. Y. " (4487) MARY JANE CONE, dau. of Asa Cone (4247), b. Colchester, Conn., June 16, 1826, m. Hezekiah Bissell, son of Adoni- ram Bissell and Sarah Porter, Apr. 29, 1847. He was b. in Hebron, Conn., Apr. 15, 1817, and d. Jan. 13, 1888. She d. Apr. 1, 1897. Ch. 5093. Hezekiah Asa, b. Aug. 5. 1848; d. Aug. 6, 1849. 5094."" Hezekiah Asa, b. June 18, 1850, m. Florence Phillips. Res. Hebron, Conn. .5095. Bex-tamix Cone, b. Aua. 10, 1857: d. Aug. 28, 1871. 5096. ■"■ Mary Axxa, b. Mar. 2. 1862. m. Frank Adams; d. May 8. 1901. (4490) FRANCES C. FOOTE CONE, dau. of John Clarke Cone (4250), b. Hebron, Conn., Jan. 2, 1814, m. George Taylor Feb. 2, 1832. He was b. June 11, 1809. She d. at Great Barrington, Mass.. Dec. 29, ISSl. 378 The Cone Family in America. Vh. 5097. Joseph, b. ]><-•• 24. 1S34; d. luiiii. May 14. 1S57. 5098." John Cone, b. Xov. 30. 1839. iii. Mary Townsheml ; d. Apr. 9, 1902. 5099.* Sarah Ina. b. Oct. 8; 1844, m. William H. Day. Res. Great Bar- rington. (4492) JOIIX ASA C'OXE, son of John Clarke Cone (4250), b. Hebron, Conn., Feb. 20, 1S19, m. Ilariette A. Shepard Dec. 20, 1846. Was a merchant, and was well known for his strict integrity, honesty of pnrpose and fidelity to good principles. D. Mar. 23, 1883. She res. at Great Barrington, Mass. Ch. 5100. .ToHX Asa. b. .Tuly 7. 1850: d. iiiiin. Feb. 10. 1880. 5101. Joseph 8.. b. Oct. 14. 1S52. lies, (heat Barrington. 5102. Hatth: E.. 1>. Se]>t. 5. 1858; d. nnni. Aug. 13, 1881. 5103. Alice, b. 1801; d. in infancy. (4494) JOSEPH COXE, son of Alvenns Cone (4254) and Hannah Taylor, b. in Great Barrington, Mass., May 22, 1826, m. Almira Lee, dan. of John Lee and Catlierine Van Astine, Dec. 20, 1854. She was b. Bethany. X. Y., Jniy 21, 1833, and d. there Jan. 31, 1895. He was formerly in the mercantile business, but of late years has enjoyed the comforts of a farmer's life. He res. at Gen- eseo, X. Y. Ch. 5104. ■■ Axxa. b. .June. 1857. ni. Otis O. Page. Res. Genesee. N. Y. 5105. Johx Clark, b. Aug. 8. 1859. unni. Res. Cleveland, 0. 5106. James V\'.. b. :May 4. 1874. unui. Res. New York. ^ (4495) DAXIEL HUELBUPtT BRAGG, son of James Bragg and Snsannah Cone (4255), b. in Connecticut Sept. 6, 1808, m. Catherine Lovina Gonld, who d. in Lexington, Ky., Mar. 20, 1842. He m. 2 Grace Calvert Sept. 3, 1S43. She wash. June 28, 1812. He d. in Lexington, Ky., Jan. 13, 1S4T. Ch. " 5107. Catherine Lovixa, wbo d. wlien six niontbs old. 5108. Susannah, b. July 9. 1844. m. S. C. Foster. Res. in Cincinnati, 0. 5109. Jennie Frances. 1). July 13. 1847. m. Zebulon Herriot. Res. Lex- ington. Ky. 5110. Anna Hurlburt. b. .Tulv 13. 1847. m. W. E. Howard. Res. Jackson, Mich. (4496) WAPtEEX BRAGG, son of James Bragg and Susan- nah Cone (4255), b. Feb. 13, 1810, m. Julia Backus Cone, dan. of Warren Cone and Laura Jones. She was b. Sept. 24, 1812, and d. Paris, Oneida county, X^. Y., Dec. 21, 1840. He m. 2 Almira Gray July 19, 1843. She was b. Aug. 4, 181Y. He was killed in a rail- road accident at Goldsboro, Pa., wliile returning from the " Centen- nial " at Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1876. They lived in Clayville, X. Y. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 371 Ch. 5111. Julia M.. b. Apr. 12. 1844. umn. Ees. Clayville, X. Y. 5112. Herbert Gray, b. ]Mar. 30, 184G, m. 1 Clara Walker, 2 Ida Delon- quey. Ees. Cleveland, O. 5113. Clara Jane, b. July 30. 1848. m. Granville Tike. Res. Clapdlle, X. Y. (M97) CLARISSA BEAGG, dau. of James Bragg and Clar- issa Cone (4255), b. Dec. 22, 1811, m. Henry Griswold Mar. 24, 1835. He was b. Jan. 31, 1807, and d. Mar. 11, 1866. She d. in West Hartland, Conn., May 7, 1889. Ch. 5114. Henry H., b. July 9, 1838, m. Anna Taylor. Res. at West Hartland, Conn. 5115. Oliver W.. b. May 9. 1843; d. Aug. 20, 1843. (4500) SAMUEL COXE, son of Daniel Cone (4256) and Belinda White, b. in Connecticut, m. Lncy Hatch. They d. in Ver- non, 0. I conld learn but little of this family. Ch. 5116.* Samuel W.. b. about 1840. m. Alma Lake: d. Apr. 10. 1898. 5117. Annie, d. unni. in Vernon, 0.. 1873. (4503) LEOXARD BEACH HURLBURT, son of Leonard Hurlburt and Elizabeth Cone (4257), b. Winchester, Conn., July 2:;. 1811, m. Sylvia Wetmore, dau. of Truman Wetmore. He d. in Win- chester Oct. 11, 1895, aged 84 years. Ch. 5118. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 29, 1840, umn. Res. Winchester, Conn. 5119. Charlotte J., b, Sept. 13, 1845, m. W. H. Kilmer. Res. Winsted, Conn. (4504) ELIZABETH HELD AH HURLBURT, dau. of Leo- nard Hurlburt and Elizabeth Cone (4257), b. Winchester, Conn., ^ov. 19, 1819, m. William H. Rood Xov. 5, 1845. He was b. Branford, Mass., 1815, and d. in Winchester Jan. 14, 1891. He was a writer of more than ordinary ability. Was a Judge of Probate for many years, and held various other offices of trust and honor. She d. in Lynn, Mass., Feb. 13, 1901, aged 82 years. Ch. 5120. Henry, b. Oct. 8, 184G. m. 1 Josephine Xelson. 2 Clarinda Blue. Res. Lynn, Mass. 5121. Helen, b. Jan. 4, 1848, m. Benjamin Graves. Res. Lynn, Mass. 5122. Emma, b. Feb. 3. 1850. m. John Willard. Res. Lynn. Mass. (4506) SAMUEL COXE, son of Samuel Cone (4258) and Clarissa Munger, b. Dec. 1, 1814, ni. Laura A. Pardee. He was r. scythe-maker at ivTorfolk, Conn., where he d. Aug. 28, 1848. Ch. 5123. George; was killed while in service in War of Rebellion. 380 Tlie Cone Family in America. (4507) JAMES CONE, son of Samuel Cone (4258) and Clarissa Mnnger, b. N'orfolk, Conn., Dec. 29, 1817, m. Eliza Ann Wright of Sandisfield, Mass., Dec. 25, 1845. She was b. Oct. 27, 1824, and d. at Winsted, Conn., Feb. 2, 1894. He was a scythe- maker, and res. at Winsted, where he d. May 4, 1891. Ch. 5124. John Wright, b. Jan. 7, 1847. Res. Hartford. Conn. 5125. Mary Clarissa, b. Aug. 4, 1849, umn. Music teacher. Res. Hart- ford, Conn. (4508) JOHN CONE, son of Samuel Cone (4258) and Clar- issa Munger, b. Norfolk, Conn., Dec. 29, 1817, m. Harriet A. Wat- son, who was b. West Winsted Aug. 18, 1822, and d. there May 20, 1880. He was a scythe-maker at Winsted. Res. Waterbury, Conn. Ch. 5126. James W., b. 1842: d. Apr. 25. 1847. 5127. ■•' .James W., b. May 30, 1848, m. Caroline Woodward. Res. Water- bury, Conn. 5128. Maria Elizabeth, b. May 31, 1850. A woman of noble traits, an earnest Christian, and beloved \>j all. D. unni. at Waterbury, Conn., Apr. 13, 1901. (4514) GEORGE FRANCIS CONE, son of Samuel Cone (4258) and Clarissa Munger, b. Norfolk, Conn., Sept. 25, 1827, m. Susan L. Montgomeiy in Hudson, Mich., Sept. 5, 1858. She was b. Hudson Dec. 9, 1832, and d. same place Oct. 5, 1893. He was one of the early settlers of southern Michigan, and became a most promi- nent and useful citizen. He d. at Hudson Dec. 10, 1897. Ch. 5120. Montgomery, b. Mar. 7, 1860; d. Aug. 17. 1860. 5130. George B., b. Oct. 20, 1861. Res. Hudson. Mich. 5131. Frances E., b. Auo-. 9. 1864. m. George A. Chapman. Res. Chicago^ 111. 5132. William, b. Feb. 13, 1866; d. Aug. 18. 1866. 5133. Arthur L., b. Aug. 24, 1867; d. June 1, 1876. 5134. CUYLER M., b. Oct. 29, 1868, m. Mary Brinegar. Res. La Grande, Ore. 5135. Halsey H., b. May 16, 1877. Res. San Francisco, Cal. (4519) ELIZABETH ATKINS CONE, dau. Warren Cone (4260) and Laura Jones, b. Norfolk, Conn., June 27, 1816, m. Payne Kenyon Kilbourne, son of Chauncey Kilbourne, Aug. 2, 1842. He was b. in Litchfield, Conn., July 26, 1815. Was a printer, and served an apprenticeship in Hartford and purchased the Litchfield Enquirer in 1845, and ran it until 1853. Union College, of New York, conferred upon him in 1853 the degree of Master of Arts. In 1843 he published a volume of poems entitled "The Skeptic, and Other Poems." In 1857 was appointed Secretary to Gov. A. H. Holly, of Connecticut. Was author of the " Biographical History of Descendants of Caleb Cone. 381 Litcliiield County," in 1845. Same year lie published " History of the Kilbourne Family." This latter was among the very earliest publications of its nature in the United States. The ISTew England Historical Society elected him a corresponding member. As a Avriter of historical subjects he had but few superious. He d. in Litchfield, Conn., July 19, 1859, in the midst of a life of great usefulness. Mrs. Kilbourne m. 2 Samuel H. Hoyt Jan. 1869. He d. Dec. 14, 1873. She d. Xov. 1, 1900, aged 84 years. Cb. 5136. Julia Elizabeth, b. Aug. 9. 1843, m. W. H. Braman; d. Apr. 28, 1892; one ch.. viz., Mrs. Mary C. Jones of Newport, N. H. 5137. Leslie Kenyon, b. May 5, 1850; d. May 9, 18G1. (4520) JOSEPH WAEKE:^ CONE, son of Warren Cone (4260) and Laura Jones, b. Norfolk, Conn., Oct. 16, 1824, m. Mar- tha Northway of Springfield, Mass., May 10, 1846. She was b. Oct. 3, 1821, dan. of Ezekiel and Mindwell Northway of Sandisfield, Mass. He was for many years in the tin business. Lias now retired from active business and res. in Norfolk, Conn. She d. in Norfolk Mar. 21, 1902, aged 80 years. Ch. 5138.* Julia Backus, b. July 4, 1847, m. Dr. C. X. Osborne. 5139. Warren, b. July 15, 1850; d. Dec. 24, 1856. 5140.* Francillan, b. Dec. 7, 1856, m. Julia W. Partree. Res. Southport, Conn. 5141.* WiNTHROP, b. June 20. 1859, m. Elizabeth Crissey. Res. Norfolk. 5142. Leah .Jones, b. June 8. 1863, m. Eugene P. Darrow. He is a manu- facturer of hosiery goods. No ch. Res. New Bruns- wick, N. J. (4521) SUSAN LUCRETIA CONE, dau. Sullivan Cone (4261) and Lucretia Humphreys, b. Winchester, Conn., Dec. 20, 1816, m. Horace Barnes Jan. 1, 1839. He d. in Kendall county. 111.. Feb. 29, 1878.' He was a farmer, and a pioneer settler in that county. She d. May 29, 1897, aged 81 years. Ch. ' ' 5143.* Lois Cone, b. Aug, 30, 1840, m. Solon S. Boomer. Res. Bristol, 111. 5144.* Orton a., b. Oct. 16, 1842. m. Emma Pierce; d. Oct. 1899. 5145.* Harlan P., b. Dec. 4, 1844. m. Fanny E. Bradford. Res. Bristol, 111. 5146.* Arthur H., b. July 14, 1847, ni. Lizzie Raymond. Res. Eagle Grove, la. 5147.* Ella Mary. b. Jan. 23, 1852, m. Y. M. Raymond. Res. Bristol, 111. 5148. Leana, b. July 17, 1854; d. Sept. 2, 1856. (4523) SULLIVAN SYLVESTER CONE, son of Sullivan Cone (4261) and Lucretia Humphreys, b. Winchester, Conn., Sept. 12, 1822, m. Lettie Jane Turner in Garrard county, Ky., Nov. 28, 382 TJie Cone Family in America. 1849. She was b. Alio'. 28, 1828, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Turner of above county, and d. in WapeUa, Ilh, Aug. 31, 1896. He was a school teacher, and also a preacher. He res. in Kentucky until 1858, when he removed to Kendall county, 111. He d. in Augusta, Ga., Mar. 29, 1898, wdiere he had a-one in the interest of the Christian religion. Ch. 5149."''' Henry Harden, b. Apr. 7. 1851. m. Emily E. Hartshoine; d. Nov. 19, 189.3. 5150."" INlARY Elizabeth, b. Jan. 25. 1853. m. Horace Young. Res. Bristol, 111. 5151.''' Manly Paris, 1). Apr. 24. 1855. m. Ida V. Koontz. Res. Arrowsmith, III. 5152.""' RrsAN Lucretia. b. Julv 1. 1857. m. Lavman. Res. Morgan Park. 111. 5153. "•■ Ellen Cordelia, b. Xov. 11. 1859. m. Josepli H. Morgan. Res. Alexander. la. 5154. Sullivan Sylvester, b. Oct. 29. 1861: d. Aug. 30. 1862. 5155."* Florence Adelia, b. Aug. 11, 1863. m. Willis D. Fuller. Res. Owos- so, Mich. 5156. William S., b. Oct. 20. 1866; d. Mar. 1. 1867. 5157. Eppa, b. Apr. 10. 1870; d. .June 11. 1872. (1527) SARAH HAYES COXE, dau. of Silas Gone (1262) and Sarah Hayes, b. Granby, Conn., ISTov. 9, 1819, m. Orville Barber in Harwinton, Conn., June 19, 1845. She d. July 8, 1879. He was b. in Harwinton in 1807, and d. there Feb. 20, 1881. Was a pro- gressive and enterprising farmer. Cb. 5158."* Sarah A., b. ]\lay 13. 1846. m. Jobn K. Balch ; d. Dec. 18. 1884. 5159. ■■■ Ida E., b. May 7, 1851. m. :Morris C. Webster. Res. New Britain. (4528) CAROLIIsTE C0:N^E, dau. of SiUis Cone (4262) and Sarah Hayes, b. Granby, Conn., Sept. 16, 1821, m. Sydney Tuller of Winsted, Conn., son of Sylvester Tuller, Xov. 16, 1844. They res. at Winsted. She d. there Sept. 6, 1886. He was a dentist. Oh. 5160. Isabella C, b. Dec. 9. 1846. unni. Res. Winsted. Conn. 5161. Charles S., b. Sept. 8, 1850, m. Nellie Lyall. Res. Laurel, Miss. (4535) EDWARD PAYSON COXE, son of Silas Cone (4262) and Sarah Hayes, b. Granby, Conn., Mar. 4, 1835, m. Anna Maud Roche of Boston, Mass., Dec. 27, 1861. She was b. in Water- town, Mass., Aug. 20, 1837. Is an active member of the Manhattan Cong. Ch. in I^ew York. Mr. Cone is a prominent and influential member of the Manhattan Cong. Ch., and Supt. of the Sunday School. For six years he was an Elder in the Bloomingdale Reformed Ch. in that city. His life has been active and useful. He is Treasurer of the Black Diamond Anthracite Coal Company of K'ew York city. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 383 ANDREW CONE. cn^A/Aon oAvcr^M rr^MC EDWARD SILAS CONE. WILLIAM COSSITT CONE. ^°^'^° ^''^^^ ^°'^- FREDERICK HAYES CONE. 384 The Cone Family in America. During tlio Civil War was Secretary of tlie two conventions for the reconstruction of Tennessee; Assistant Postmaster of Xasliville, Tenn. ; Superintendent of Mails of the Department of the Cumber- land ; and Secretary of the Senate of Tennessee. Eaised a military company, which rendered eifective aid in the defense of ISTashville in 18G2, when, upon Bragg s invasion of Kentucky, Nashville was left with only part of an East Tennessee regiment ; specially commended by Andrew Johnson, then Military Governor, for his services. After the war. United States Tax Commissioner for Tennessee, and United States Weigher in the ISTew York Custom House. Past Commander -John A. Dix Post ISTo. 135, Grand Army of the Republic; Governor of the ]^ew York Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America ; Secretary-General of the General Court of the Order of the Pounders and Patriots of America ; Pirst Vice-President of the Empire State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution ; Secre- tary-General of the !N"ew York Society of the Sons of the American Revolution ; Treasurer of the American Scenic and Historic Preser- vation Society; Treasurer of the American Plag Association. Mem- ber of the Union League and Press clubs, the ]^ew England Society, the Xew York Genealogical and Biographical Society, American In- stitute of Civics, West End Association, Association for the Preser- vation of Virginia Antiquities, Connecticut Society Sons of the American Revolution, Atlantic Yacht Club, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and is at present filling the responsible position of Secretary-General of the N'ational Society of the Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution. Is much interested in genealogical matters, and has been an enthusiastic worker for the success of this work. Res. Xew York. Ch. 5162. Ats-drew Jackson, b. Nov. S. 1862. iinm. Ad. Agt. Ees. New York. 5163. Edward Silas, h. Oct. 22, 186."). uniii. Ad. Agt. Res. Chicago. 5164. Lewis Tappan, b. in Brooklyn .July 19, 1869; d. Feb. 3, 1871. 5165. William C. b. Nov. 2, 1870, m. Florence Miller. Ees. Larchmont, N. Y. 5166." Fhedeiuck H., b. Jan. 4, 1873, in. Nina Johnson. Ees. Larchmont, N. Y. 5167. VAX Selen W., b. in New .Jersey Sept. 1, 1875; d. Feb. 2, 1876. (4536) JA^^E ELIZABETH CONE, dau. of Silas Cone (4262) and Sarah Hayes, b. West Winsted, Conn., Feb. 17, 1837, m. in West Granby Rev. Moses Emory Wright, son of Moses Wright and Sally Olin, Mar. 26, 1855. He was b. in Leicester, Vt., May 23, 1828. Grad. at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., in 1853. Taught school in Kew York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, A^ew Jersey and -^m-Wx Carolina, at different times, both before and ' after graduation. Entered the New England Annual Conference of Descendants of Caleb Cone. 385 Methodist ministers in 1856. Has had nineteen appointments, cov- ering forty-seven .years, and is still in active work, at Gloucester, Mass. Ch. 5168. Edward Olix, b. Xorth Grafton, Mass.. Nov. 26, 1860. Was a grad. of Boston University in 1882, and of Boston Medical School in 1888. Was also a matriculate in the Royal University of Austria in 1889, and also had practical experience in the General Hospital at Prague. Return- ing to America, he commenced the practice of medicine at Lynn, and d. there unm. Jan. 1, 1892. 5109. Ellen Cone, b. July 28, 1863, m. Dr. Luther Farwell July 7, 1893. He settled in Boston for medical practice, and d. there Dec. 18, 1900. She took a six-years course in music, grad. at Boston L'niversity, as Bachelor of Music. Was nine years Church Organist at Boston. No ch. Res. Gloucester, Mass. ' (4538) WILLIAM STOWELL BARRY, son of John Barry and Thankful Cone (4266), b. Rocking-ham, Vt., N^ov. 23, 1813, ra. Almira Dickinson in Saxton's River Jan. 31, 1830. She was b. at Saxton's River Apr. 25, 1814. He d. Dec. 14, 1886. Cb. 5170. -James W., b. Nov. 17, 1839, m. 1 Sarah H. Tliompson, 2 Lydia A. Googin. Res. Lisbon, N. D. 5171. John C, b. May 23, 1845, m. :\largarct A. Stewart. Res. in Mem- phis, Tenn. 5172. Walter W.. b. Feb. 3, 1848, m. ]\Iary C. Franklin. Res. Saxton's River. Vt. 5173. Mary A., b. Dec. 30, 1850, unm. Res. Bellows Falls, Vt. 5174. Daniel K., b. Mar. 13, 1853, m. Alice Messinger. Res. Springfield, V t. (4539) SARAH ADELIXE BARRY, dan. of John Barry and Thankful Cone (4266), b. Rockingham, Yt, July IT, 1814, m. Lysander Calvin Barber Sept. 18, 1839. He was b. Townshend, Vt., Aug. 11, 1813, and d. at Rockingham Dec. 16, 1868. Farmer. She was living at Saxton's River, Vt., in 1890. Ch. 5175. Calvin L.. b. Sept. 25, 1843, m. Harriet Brown. Res. Bellows Falls, 5176. Mary A., b. Aug. 12, 1845, unm. Res. Bellows Falls, Vt. (4540) GRATIA M. BARRY, dan. John Barry and Thank- ful Cone (4266), b. Rockingham, Yt., Oct. 12, 1817,' m. John M. Foster of Saxton's River Xov. 28, 1836. He was b. in Putney Yt June 8, 1811, and d. Mar. 6, 1886. She res. at Saxton's River Yt' Ch. ' 5177. Harriet Maria, b. Dec. 1. 1837. unnu Res. at Saxton's River. 5178. Henry, b. Dec. 28. 1838: d. unm. Fob. 2. 1S04. 386 Tlie Cone Family in America. 5179. Edwin Kellogg, b. Feb. 23, 1840, m. 1 Louisa Eaton, 2 Susan Pen- noll. Res. Lexington, Mass. 5180. Daniel Kellogg, b. June 0. 1841, ni. Ella P. Bowker. Res. Chelsea, Mass. (4541) JOANNA BARRY, dau. John Barry and Tliankfnl Cone (426G), b. Rockingham, Vt., Apr. 19, 1820, m. Timothy S. Bliss Apr. 13, 1853. He was b. Royalton, Mass., Jmie 22, 1818, and d. Apr. 12, 1882. He was by occupation a road-maker. She res. in Worcester, Mass. Ch. 5181. Edwin A., b. July 14. 1854; d. Nov. 27, 1873. (4542) DANIEL KELLOGG, son of John Barry and Thank- ful Cone (4266), b. Rocking-ham, Vt., Jan. 29, 1822, m. Luthera Ann Adams June 13, 1843. " She was b. Rockingham May 4, 1825. He was a farmer, and res. at Bellows Falls, Vt. Ch. 5182. Helen Luthera, b. May 16. 1845. m. M. D. Jackson. Res. at Bellows Falls, Vt. (4545) WEND ALL WALES WILLIAMS, son of Elisha Wil- liams and Sally Cone (4269), b. Walpole, N. H., Dec. 3, 1813, ni. Sophia Campbell in Westminster, Vt., Apr. 3, 1833. She was b. Jan. 18, 1815. He was a carpenter and also a fanner, and res. at Rochester, Vt., removing to that place from Westminster in 1840. Ch. 5183. John Pierpont, b. Nov. 6. 1834, m. Lucy Emerson; no ch.; d. Jan. 23, 1857. 5184. Sarah Jane, b. Apr. 23, 1830, unm. Res. Rochester, Vt. 5185. Julia Maria, b. June 5, 1838; d. unm. Aug. 28, 1864. 5186. Sophia Chamberlain, b. May 10, 1845; d. Aug. 20. 1800. 5187. Edward Campbell, b. Oct. 30, 1855, m. Nellie Chandler. Res. Leom- inster, Mass. (4549) SARAH WILLIAMS, dau. Elisha Williams and Sally Cone (4269), b. Feb. 27, 1822, m. John Bater Mar. 23, 1848. He was b. High Bickington, Devonshire, England, Feb. 28, 1828, and d. Milton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1878. He was a cabinetmaker. She d. at Mattapan, Mass., Aug. 27, 1892. Ch. 5188. William, b. Dee. 3. 1848; d. in infancy. 5189. Florence Matilda, b. Dec. 31, 1S50, m. Ariel Manly Cain. Res. Boston, Mass. 5190. WiLLiAJt Hale, 1). .June 15, 1854, m. Rebecca F. Bird. Res. Mattapan, Mass. r.191. Anna Evans, h. .Tan. 13. 18.)0; d. June 0, 1871. 5192. Lizzie Stewart, b. Nov. 27. 1857; d. Dec. 25, 1801, Descendants of Caleb Cone. 387 5193. Henry Richmond, b. Mar. 14, 1860. Chocolate-maker. Res. Matta- pan, Mass. 5194. Hekbert Wixthrop. b. Feb. 5. 1862. Stone-mason. Res. Milton, Mass. (4554) GEOEGE K. CONE, son of Epps Cone (4270) and Eunice Campbell, b. IS^ov. 8, 1824, m. Mary J. Sanderson Sept. 17, 1849. She was b. Apr. 11, 1824, and d. June 10, 1887. Conductor on Fitchburo;' E. E. Ees. Salein, Mass. Ch. 5195. Frederick Charles, b. Nov. 20, 1850; d. June 12, 1881. 5196. Ada Bancroft, b. Mar. 14, 1855, unm. 5197. George Elmer, b. Jan. 1, 1858. Res. Salem. Mass. 5198. Frank Melville, b. Dec. 19, 1862. Res. Salem, Mass. 5199. Mary Lillian, b. July 25, 1866. Res. Salem, Mass. (4555) LUCIUS FEAJSTKLI]^ CONE, son of Epps Cone (4270) and Eunice Campbell, b. Middletown, Conn., Jan. 6, 182G, m. Mary Elizabeth Cooley, dau. of Joseph and Mary Elizabeth Cooley, 1846. She was b. Sept. 27, 1830, and d. Jan. 1896. He d. 1895. He was a carpenter by trade, and res. in New Hampshire. Ch. 5200. George ; d. at the age of seven years. 5201.* Emma Barton, b. Sept. 11, 1848, m. Eugene L. Brown. Res. River- side, Mass. 5202. Adella Elizabeth, b. 1857. 5203.* William Henry, b. Jan. 24, 1859, m. Emma Cadwell. Res. New- Haven, Conn. 5204. Jennie Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1, 1862, m. W. M. Merwin; no ch. Res. Hartford, Conn. (4557) JULIA MAEIA CONE, dau. Epps Cone (4270) and Eunice Campbell, b. Aug. 4, 1832, m. Hammond H. Davis June 19, 1854. She d. Mar. 14, 1855, and he m. 2 her sister, Susan L. Cone (4550) Mar. 5, 1857. She was b. Dec. 4, 1837, and d. Jan. 31, 1858. He d. July 9, 1889. Ch. 5205. Jxjlia Susan, b. Jan. 5, 1858. (4558) HAEEIET H. CONE, dau. Epps Cone (4270) and Eunice Campbell, b. July 16, 1835, m. Ezra H. Davis Aug. 5, 1858. He was b. Sept. 28, 1829, and d. Eeb. 28, 1889. She d. 1900. Ch. 5206. Charles H., b. Feb. 18, 1859, m. Alice C. Taylor. Res. Brattleboro, Vt. 5207. William E.. b. Feb. 17, 1861, m. Alice M. Amidon. Res. Chesterfield, Vt. 5208. Henry E., b. Jan. 3, 1864. Carpenter. Res. Salem, Mass. 5209. Irene E., b. Nov. 1, 1867, m. A. J. Pierce. Res. Brattleboro. Vt. 5210. Alvin J., b. Oct. 11, 1869; drowned in Connecticut river Aug. 5, 1888. .5211. Myron E., b. Apr. 18. 1873. 388 The Cone Familij in America. (4560) EHODA M. C^OXE, dan. Epps Cone (4270) and Eunice Campbell, h. dan. 29, 1840, m. George Dunham 1S59. He d., and she m. 3 Brown. Ees. Quincv, Mass. Ch. ,5212. Leon T.. b. May 10. ISC.l : d. in infancy. .5213. WiLLi.AM, b. .Tiuif S. 1863. rrZU. Eva X.. b. Nov. 3. 180.5. 5215. AuTHUR H.. b. Apr. 30, 1808. 521G. George H.. b. Nov. 10, 1870. 5217. Frepekick. b. Feb. 24, 1873: d. in infancy. 5218. Mertox T.. b. Aug. 13, 1875. 5219. Guy. b. :Mai-. 20. 1878; d. in infancy. (45(32) JULIA COXE, dan. Barzillai Cone (427:J) and Amy Prior, 1). JJee. 11, 1S12, m. at Sag Harbor, Suffolk county, X. Y., ISol, Capt. James Wouley. He was b. Mar. 20, 1805. He com- manded a v/haling vessel, sailing from lioston and Lvnu as early as 1832. Was an able mivigator, a strict disciplinarian aud a humane commander. A hearty, sincere and kindly gentlennin. I), in Lynn, Mass., July 22, 187l! She d. same place Eeb. 10, ISSl. ' Ch. 5220.-- Mary Ann. b. Fel). 10. 1833. ni. Rufus Kimball. Res. Lynn, Mass. 5221. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 1834; d. :\[ar. 31, 1830. .5222. James Henry, b. Apr. 30, 1838; d. :\rar. 10. 1840. 5223. Charles Jajies. b. Oct. 10. 1845. ni. IMargaret Pushaw. Res. Chelsea, Mass. 5224.* Fanny' Xorton, b. Julv 13, 184!), ni. Hurlburt Smith. Res. Lvnu. Mass. 5225. Julia Emma. b. Mar. 5. 1854. m. Everett H. Dunbar. Res. Lynn, Mass. (4563) JOHX WESLEY COXE, son of Barzillai Cone (4273) and Amy Prior, b. Oct. 8, 1816, m. Eachel E. Bartlett Oct. 10, 1848. She was b. Sept. 27, 1827. He was a cooper by trade, and res. at Lynn, Mass., where he d. Sept. 12, 1869. Ch. 5220. Amy Elnora, 1). Oct. 29, 1849, m. Joseph Howard. Res. Lynn, Mass. 5227. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 11. 1853. m. Charles F. Adams. Res. Lynn, Mass. 5228. LizzA Merritt, b. Aug. 20. 1857. Res. Lynn. Mass. 5229."' Henry Carlton, b. :\Iay 11. 1859. m. Annie S. Feenv. Res. Saugus, Mass. 5230.- WiLLARD P.EArcHAjiP. b. Sept. 17. 1805. ni. Annie A. De Wolf; d. Mar. 30. 1903. (4565) FRANCES CXJXE, dau. of Barzillai Cone (4273) and Amy Prior, b. Sag Harbor, X. Y., July 9, 1822, m. in Lynn, Mass., Oct. 28, 1844, Key. Oliyer Perry Earrine'ton, a Methodist Descendants of Caleb Cone. minister. He was b. Mar. 1, 1822, and d. Lynn Oct. 10, 1877. She d. same place Mar, 25, 1885. Ch. 5231. Oliver Prior, b. Sept. 21. 1846,, m. Lucy C. Ingalls. Res. Lynn, Mass. 5232. Sakah Eliza, b. Aug. 12. 1848, m. .John H. Farnham. Res. Bangor, Me. 5233. William Harlow, b. Feb. 2. 1850, m. Mary A. Stone. Res. Chicago, 111. 5234. Frances Mary, b. June 10. 1851, m. Joseph H. Moody. Res. Everett, Mass. 5235. Harriet Cone, b. July 31, 1853, ni. Albion S. Ramsdell. Res. Whit- man, Mass. 5236. Caroline, b. Feb. 22, 1855, m. Horace A. Sears. Res. Fall River, Mass. 5237. Kettie Jane Hall, b. June 13, 1856, unm. Res. Lynn, INIass. (4568) ANDREW JACKSOX CONE, son of Barzillai Cune (4273) and Amy Prior, b. Apr. 1833, m. Mary Eliza Lewis May 29, 1856. Lie served in the War of the Rebellion, enlisting in Co. C^ 23d Mass. Vols., at Lynn, in latter part of 1861, and was discharged ir! 1864 with a splendid record as a brave and courageous soldier. He d. at Lynn Eeb. 26, 1873. Ch. 5238. Henrv Arthur, b. Oct. 17, 1859. Res. South Braintree, Mass. (4574) WALTER NORTH CONE, son of Erastus Cone (4275) and Adelia Gridley, b. Middletown, Conn., Oct. 13, 1822, m. Louisa Obinow, dau. of George Obinow and Eliza Brown, Apr, 4, 1841. She w^as b. New York city Oct. 16, 1825, He served during War of Rebellion in Co. C, 3d New Jersey Vols., enlisting Jan. 11, 1862. Was in all the battles participated in by his regiment, and was honorably discharged Nov. 11, 1865. He is a saddler, and in 1895 res, in Jersey City, N. J. Ch. 5239. William Edward, b. Jan. 12. 1842; d. Oct. 12, 1845. 5240. Walter Francis, b. -Tan. 28. 1844; d. Sept. 4, 1852. 5241. Alice Loitisa, b. Oct. 4. 1848, m. .Tames Riddell. Res. Jersey City, N. J. 5242. Adeline Page, b. Feb. 20, 1851. Res. Jersey City. N. J. 5243. Edward Francis, b. .Jan. 16, 1853. Res. Jersey City, N. J. 5244. William, b. -Jan. 26, 1856; d. Newark, N. J.. Aug. 15, 1861. 5245. Jane Page, b. Dec. 20, 1858; d. Newark, N. J., Mar. 13, 1874. 5246. Annie Eliza, b. Oct. 13, 1861, m. Charles E. Hamblen. Res. Jersey City. 5247. Nellie, b. Aug. 26, 1866; d. Oct. 3, 1868. 5248. Nellie Irene, b. Feb. 13, 1870. Res. Jersey City. (4576) ALEXANDER GRIDLEY CONE, son of Erastus Cone (4275) and Adelia Gridley, b. Newark, N, J., Dec. 16, 1825, 390 Tlie Cone Family in America. m. Phebe Yoiuia', dau. of Isaac and Sarah Young, Apr. 28, 1847. She was b. Jnly 25, 1823. He was a hatter, and res. in Newark, N. J. Ch." 5249. Isaac T., b. Apr. 28, 1848, m. Addie Van Wert. Res. Somerville, N. J. 5250. Eliza Adelia, b. July 11, 1850, m. James M. Clark. Res. Newark, K J. 5251. Mary Ella, b. Aug. 26, 1852. Res. Newark, N. J. (4578) EDWARD TUTTLE COIs^E, son of Erastus Cone (4275) and Adelia Gridley, b. iN^ewark, :N". J., Mar. 11, 1830, m. Julia Connett, dan. of Zenas Connett and Mary Pruden, in iJ^ewark in 1858. She was b. ISTewark 1830. He was for many years a clerk in the Newark postoffice, but lately a salesman in a large tea, coffee and spice store. Res. Newark, N. J. <'h. 5252. Charles Edward, b. 1859; d. Charleston. S. C, July 10, 1859. 5253. Edward Mortimore, b. 1860, m. Charlotte Dean. Res. Newark. 5254. JoSErii Nelson, b. 1864, m. Mary E. Hotchkiss. Res. Newark. 5255. Anna Gardner, b. 1867, unm. Res. Newark. 5256. William Frederick, b. 1873. Res. Newark. ' (4580) EDGAR BRINDSMADE WHEELER, son of Dan- iel Wheeler (4276) and Mary Cone, b. Huntington, Conn., Oct. 26, 1827, m. Alice Mahitable Shelton, dan. of John C. Shelton and Hannah Lewis, Oct. 2, 1850. She was b. Huntington, Conn., Aug. 22, 1828. He d. Apr. 2, 1859. He was social in disposition and popular with all classes. She res. in Newton, Kas. (Ml. 5257. Frances Ida, b. Nov. 15, 1854, unm.; d. June 17, 1901. 5258." Wilson Curtis, h. May 23. 1859, m. 1 Augusta Carrie Arnold, 2 Amelia Bittmann. Res. Newton, Kas. (4582) PARMELIA BRAINARD, dau. of Jared Smith Brainard and Maria Cone (4283), b. Killingly Conn., Apr. 28, 1823, m. Jesse Rood Sept. 21. 1842. He was 'b. South Killingly July 1, 1819, and d. in Philadelphia Jan. 29, 1871. He was one of the early settlers of northern Illinois, removing to Ogle county in that State in 1848. She res. in Byron, 111. Ch. 5259. Maria, b. May 15, 1844, m. Charles Hall; d. Sept. 4, 1901. 5260. Aaron, b. June 1, 1845, m. Sarah Sanford. Res. Pueblo, CoTo. 5261. George, b. Mar. 26, 1847, m. Sarah Fisher. Res. Blunt. S. D. 5262. Harriet E., b. May 23, 1849; d. Sept. 15, 1849. 5263. Charles H., b. Sept. 4, 1850. m. Emma Black. Res. Byron, 111. 5264. Clarence, b. Apr. 15, 1853; d. Aug. 11, 18.53. 5265. Alfred, b. Oct. 5, 1855, m. Eveline Taylor. Res. Rockford, 111. 5266. Mary Alice, b. Feb. 11, 1859, m. 1 John McConkey, 2 Frederick Ellis. Res. Snoqualniie. Wash. 5267. Llcy May, b. May 19. 1867, m. Jay Conover. Res. Huntley, 111. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 391 (4583) CALVm WILEY BRAI:NTAKD, son of Jared Smith Brainard and Maria Cone (4283), b. Killingly Dec. 13, 1824, m. Almira Mitchell, daiT. of Lot Mitchell and Celinda Martin, May 11, 1846. She was b. East Killingly Ang. 9, 1821 ; d. July 29, 1877. He m. 2 Mrs. Christie F. Carpenter, dau. of Richard Bartlett and Clarissa S. Fisher, and widow of Benjamin F. Carpenter, ISTov. 25, 1880. She was b. in Killingly Mar. 17, 1844. He was for many years overseer in the cloth-room of Warrengon Mills, Warrengon, Conn., and d. Jan. 26, 1897. She res. E. Killingly. Ch. 5268. Melissa, b. May 24, 1855; d. imni. June 1, 1877. "(4594) OWEX WILLIAM ARXOLD, son of Eliphalet B. Arnold and Clarissa Cone (4284), b. Haddam, Conn., June 22, 1836, ni. Minnie D. Alban, adopted dan. of John Dean of Galveston, Tex., 1865. She was b. Galveston July, 1844, and d. in Montgomery, Tex., June 7, 1875. He m. 2 dau. of John and Lucretia Dean, Dec. 20, 1876. She was b. in Alabama Oct. 1, 1858. Res. Conroe, Tex. Ch. 5200. Annie Dean, b. Dec. 7. 18G7: d. Nov. 23. 188.3. 5270. Claka G., b. Apr. 28. 1871. Res. Conroe, Tex. .5271. John L., b. July 5, 1874. 5272. Makia Eliza, b. Sept. 23, 1877. 5273. Minnie L., b. Sept. 1879. 5274. Owen W., b. Dec. 9, 1885. (4595) ELIPHALET E. ARISTOLD, son of Eliphalet Arnold and Clarissa Cone (4284), b. Haddam, Conn., June 12, 1838, m. Mary Boyd Mar. 7, 1861. She was b. Choctaw county, Miss., dau. of David Boyd and Eliza Robinson. He is an inventor of a governor attachment to steam-engines, and has owned and operated a sawmill in Texas for forty years. Res. in Georgetown. Tex. Ch. 5275. Adau, b. Jan. 13, 1871. ni. Oscar Perkins. Res. Chapel Hill, Tex. 5276. Samuel E., b. :\rar. 19, 1876. Res. Georgetown, Tex. (4599) CURTIS E. CONE, son of Thomas Cone (4285) and Olive Lane, b. Swanton, Vt., Jan. 17, 1809, m. in Claremont, :Nr. H., Aug. 23, 1835, Celia S. Judd, who was b. Claremont July 29, 1814, and res. at Chesterfield Factory, N. H. He d. July 17, 1873. Ch. 5277. CuKTis H., b. May 24, 1836; d. Putney, Vt., Feb. 9, 1843. 5278. Oscar R.. b. June 29. 1840; d. Keene, X. H.. July 2. 1859. 5279. Martha, b. Nov. 6, 1843, m. Frank Hemmenway. Res. Jersey City, N. J. 392 TliG Cone Family in America. 5280. Schuyler. L. Apr. 18. 1845; d. Nov. 25. 1845. 5281. Lauretta, b. Oct. 23, 1847. m. Charles Campbell. Res. Chesterfield Factory, N. H. (4602) FANNIE E. CONE, dan. of Thomas Cone (4285) and Olive Lane, b. CUaremont, N. H., Oct. 13, 1815, m. John L. Seaver, son of Ebenezer, in Claremont, Oct. 13, 1838. He was b. Corinth, Vt., Feb. 22, 1813, and d. Sept. 11, 1889. He was a shoe- maker, and res. at Newport, N. H. She d. at Windsor, Vt., May 3, 1900, aged 85 years, Ch. 5282. Sarah .Tane. b. Aug. 27. 1839. in. James G. Coates. Res. Newport, N. H. 5283. Lucy E., b. July 10. 1841. m. Nelson Parker; d. Apr. 7. 1882. 5284. Henry T., b. Aug. 23. 1842; d. Jan. 30, 1872. 5285. Isabella E., b. Dec. 11), 1844, m. Amasa Bowen. Res. Bernard, Vt. 5286. Harley Cone, b. Oft. 13, 1840. m. Alinnie Boynton. Res. Woodstock, Vt. 5287. Eben, b. July 2. 1849, ni. Sarah Gray. Res. Bristol. N. H. 5288. John L., b. June 28. 1850. m. Nettie Seaver. Res. Charlestown, N. H. 5289. George W., b. Aug. 22, 1852, m. Abbie Owen. Res. Windsor, Vt. 5290. Mary A., b. Dec. 20, 1854, m. Uriel H. Button. Res. Woodstock, Vt. 5291. Fannie, b. May 1. 1863, m. Arthur Stoker. Res. Newport, N. H. (4603) HAELEY SANDERSON CONE, son of Thomas Cone (4285) and Olive Lane, b. Claremont, N. H., Dec. 28, 1817, m. Estella Jane Adams, dan. of John Qnincy Adams and Estella Jane Taylor of Charlestown, N. H., Apr. 15, 1849. She was b. Mar. 8, 1825, and d. Nov. 19. 1874. He m. 2 Sarah Leland Oct. 30, 1877. She was b. Sept. 28, 1824, and d. Aug. 21, 1884. He res. Ascntneyville, Vt. Ch. 5292. Catherine Estella. b. Feb. 3. 18.>0. m. Elias Cone (5296). Res. Ascutneyville. Vt. 5293. VoLNEY H., b. .July 28, 1853; d. Aug. 7. 1857. 5294. Clarence A., b. July 5, 1855; d. Nov. 20, 1859. 5295. Adah Jane, b. Jan. 20. 1860. m. Charles W. Streeter; d. Feb. 21. 1897. (4604) CHAELES EDWARD CONE, son of Thomas Cone (4285) and Olive Lane, b. Claremont, N. H., June 2, 1820, m. Luthera Sturtevant, dan. of Job and Lydia Stnrtevant, Apr. 13, 1849. She was b. Claremont Dec. 31, 1830. He was a progressive farmer and a s'ood citizen. Res. at Claremont, where he d. Oct. 12, 1900, aged 80 years. She res. Claremont, N. H. Ch. 5296. Elias E. L.. b. .June 14. 1850. m. Catherine E. Cone (.5292). Res. Ascutneyville. Vt. 5297. Emma, b. .Jan. 20. 1852. ni. Boardman W. Pierce: d. Aug. 24. 1900. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 393 5298. Olive M.. b. Deo. 11. 1854, m. Thomas Hales. Res. Claremont, N. H. 5299. Samuel B., b. Feb. 21, 1857, m. Katherine L. Shaw. Res. West Clare- mont, N". H. 53.00. Robert Lymax. b. j\Iay 5, 1859. num. Res. 72 Diiane St., New York. 5301. Maurice, b. Aug. 7. 18G1. m. Myia L. Sawyer. Res. West Claremont, N. H. 5302. JiLiA E., b. Nov. 4, 1863, m. Ned N. Gober. Res. Keene, N. H. 5303. Frederick, b. Mar. 30, 1866. Res. West Claremont, N. H. 5304. AuRiA N.. b. June 0. 1809, m. Walter H. Osgood. Res. Claremont, N. H. 5305. Florence E., b. Aug. 27, 1872, m. Frank Dunham. Res. West Clare- mont, N. H. (4605) XATILLA ORA CONE, dan. of Thomas Cone (4285) and Olive Lane, b. Claremont, is". II., Mar. 18, 1822, m. Mar. 18, 1847, Henry Moses Coates, son of Prescott Coates and Lydia Penniman. He was b. in Windsor, Vt., Mar. 7, 1818, and d.' Oct. 28, 1889. By trade a blacksmith, Repnblican in politics, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal C^h. She res. at Worcester, Mass. Ch. 5300. Ceorge Henry, b. June 23, 1849, m. Adelaide Long. Res. Worcester, Mass. (4606) LUCY E. CONE, dan. of Thomas Cone (4285) and Olive Lane, b. Claremont, N. H., Apr. 6, 1824, m. Lorenzo Marston, son of Jonathan Marston, Jnne 30, 1846. He was b. Goshen, N. H., Jnly 1, 1824. He is a carpenter. Removed to Vermontville, in sonthern Michii^an, in 1855. Removed to Marengo, Calhonn connty, in 1863, where he has since res. Their postoffice address is Marshall, Mich. Ch. 5307. Ellen M., b. Dec. 23. 1848. m. Eugene Bancroft. Res. New York. 5308. Elmer T.. b. Apr. 26, 1852, m. Margaret Taylor; d. July 15, 1886. 5309. Robert J., b. June 18, 1855. Carpenter. Res. Kalamazoo, Mich. 5310. Curtis L., b. Aug. 16, 1859, m. Ellen Vangarden. Res. Battle Creek, Mich. 5311. Charles H., b. July 3. 1862. Carpenter. Res. Marshall. Mich. 5312. Wallace E.. b. Aug. 22, 1865. Printer and school teacher. Res. Marshall, Mich. (4608) LYMA:^^ H. CONE, son of Thomas Cone (4285) and Olive Lane, b. Claremont, :N'. H., Jan. 22, 1829, m. Lncia A. Jndd Nov. 2, 1854. He was a member of Co. G, 5th N. H. Vols., in War of 1861-5 ; enlisted Oct. 9, 1861 ; wonnded at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862 ; mustered ont Oct. 29, 1864. Res. Windsor, Vt. Ch. 5313. Sidney W.. b. Oct. 25, 1855. Res. Sunapee. N. H. 5314. Frank L., b. Dec. 24, 1868. Res. Windsor, Vt. 5315. Clarence I., b. June 18, 1870. Res. Concord, N. H. 5316. Minnie, b. Oct. 17. 1881. Res. Windsor. Vt. 894 The Cone Family in America. (4609) JAMES MOXEOE CONE, son of Thomas Cone, jr. (4285), b. Claremont, N^. H., Jnne 28, 1831, m. Harriet Crombie Richardson, dan. of Artemas Richardson and Ethelina Crandall, Dec. 25, 1858. She was b. in Keene, N^. H., Jnne IS, 1839. Res. in Keene. Ch. 5317. Thomas, b. Jan. 8, ISGO. .5318. WnxiAM H.. b. Au-. 2.). 1861. (4612) WARREN CONE, son of Morris Cone (428Y), b. Hartford, Vt, Apr. 5, 1815, m. Emily Clement, Jan. 1, 1839. She was b. Tnnbridge, Vt., Sept. 24, 1813, and d. North Randolph, Vt,, Feb. 18, 1887. He was a tanner, and was noted for his skill and ability in liis occupation. He d. in North Randolph Oct. 5, 186Y. Ch. 5319. Frank Clement, b. July 30, 1843. m. Charlotte Davis Stanley Oct. 18. 1881. She was b. in North Randolph Jan. 13, 1853. No ch. Tanner and dealer in hides. Res. Noith Randolph. Vt. 5320.* Albert Morris, b. Nov. 19. 1846. m. ]Vlary A. Stanley; d. Feb. 10, 1903. 5321. Warren Jarvis, b. June 29, 1849, nnni. Res. North Randolph. (4613) HARRIET CONE, dan. of Morris Cone (4287), b in Hartford, Vt., Jan. 23, 1817, m. Tnther Pease Mar. 10, 1842. He was b. in Hartford Nov. 14, 1814, and d. there May 25, 1879. Was at different times a farmer, a manufacturer, and a hotel-keeper. She d. Hartford Mar. 11, 1888. Ch. 5322. Allen Luther, b. Sept. 8. 184.3. ni. Sophia :\r. Ward, dau. of Chandler and Roxanna Ward. Was a hardware merchant. Had been Representative and State Senator. Was a promi- nent member of Masonic order. No ch.; d. Aug. 4, 1899. 5323. Horace Cone. b. Dec. 11, 1844. m. Sarah Eliza Spalding- Sept. 7, 1877. They have no ch. Manufacturer of steel goods. Res. Hartford, Vt. 5324.* Charles Warren, b. Oct. 1. 1849, m. Mary C. Morse; d. Feb. 16, 1890. (4614) MARK RICHARDS CONE, son of Morris Cone (4287), b. Hartford, Vt., Mar. 31, 1819, m. Harriet Davis, dan. of Jacob Davis, July 29, 1850. He was a merchant tailor and a suc- cessful storekeeper, and d. in Hartford July 18, 1855. She res. in Boston, Mass. Ch. 5325. Cate Alice, b. July 9, 1852, unm. Res. Boston, Mass. 5326."- Charles Morris, b. Aug. 3, 1854, m. Kate E. Morris. Res. Hartford, Vt. 5327. Sarah Jane, b. Oct. 29, 1859; d. Nov. 12, 1865. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 395 CHARLES MORRIS CONE. 396 Tlie Cone Family in America. (■ilGlS) GEOIJGE EDWIX CONE, son (3f Morris CoiiQ (4287), b. Hartford, Vt., May 22, 1829, in. Lncinda M. Hadlock May 5,' 1854. She was b. Ang. 14, 1832, and was killed by the cars as she was attempting to cross the track Oct. 28, 1890. She was dan. of Reuben Hadlock and Susan Wheeler. Mr. Cone began life as a shoemaker, but became a storekeeper and a sewing-machine agent. He d. in Hartford Mar. 18, 1895. Cb. 5.328.* Mary Grace, b. Aug. 31, 185.5. m. Clark M. Tonill; d. Mar. 28. 1895. 5320. ■'■ Hattie Alma, b. Nov. 13, 1858, m. W. C. Hall. Res. Winooski, Vt. ^ (4G19) OWEA^ COXE JONES, son of Cyrus Jones and Laura Cone (4288), b. Oct. 12, 1819, m. Ann Maria Phillips in 1840. She was b. at Crown Point, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1819. At one time they lived in Paymond, Kas. Ch. 5330. Ora a., b. Dec. 3, 1842. in. Cliarles H. Sanderson. Res. Freeport, Kas. 5331. Ciiii.iox Orlaxdo, b. Xov. 26. 1853. Res. Raymond, Kas. 5332. George R., b. Apr. G, 1858. Res. Raynion), b. Mar. 14, 1842, m. ]\rarie P. Beatty, dau. of Alexander and Marie Beatty, Mar. 13, 1866. She was b. in Xew Berlin, X. Y., Dec. 25, 1843. He is a painter. Bes. T'tiea, X. Y. Ch. 5528. Edward, b. Apr. 17, 1807, umn. Was a printer. Member of the Typo- graphical Union and Red Men. D. Sept. 4, 1898. 5529. Arthur E.. b. Mar. 10, 1809. m. Jessie Yates. No. ch. Res. Utica, N. Y. 5530. Walter B., b. Feb. 23. 1878. Res. Rocky Ridge, Q. (4799) CAROLIXE M. COXE, dau. of Eli Cone (4362), b. Sept. 7, 1843, m. Michael D. Byrnes Aug. 28, 1867. He was b. in Utica, X. Y^, Jan. 18, 1842. Is a machinist, and res. at Utica. Ch. 5531. Minnie E., b. Nov. 29. 1808. m. Frederick Ramsev. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 413 (480i) ELA CONE, son of John Cone (4367) and Mary Vrodenbnrgh, b. in Leyden, Lewis county, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1843, m. Abbie Balcom at Lyons, Wis., Aug. 9, 1866. Kemoved with his father's family to Wisconsin in 1851. Enlisted in Co. C, 22d Wis. Vols., Aug. 15, 1862. Was promoted Sergeant and served as such until promoted and commissioned as Lieutenant in Co. H, 14th U. S. Colored Infantry. Was severely wounded in hip at battle of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 18, 1864. Was taken prisoner with the regiment at Brentwood Station, Tenn., taken to Libby prison, and V7as finally exchanged. Was mustered out of service Mar. 26, 1866. Is a general contracting builder, and a house-mover. Res. Sheboygan, Wis. Ch. 5.532. Clarence Balcom. b. in Lyons. Wis.. June 1. 1867. Is bookkeeper with Crocker Chair Co., Sheboygan, Wis. ^ (4810) CHARLES BRIDGEMAN, son of John Bridgeman (4371), b. Cherry Valley, O., Dec. 8, 1838, m. Ellen E. Williams Nov. 5, 1865. She was b. Niagara, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1841. Farmer. Ch. 5.53.3. Wilbur H., b. Nov. 26, 1866. School teaclier. 5534. HoLCYENE Bertha, b. .Tune 16. 1868; d. Apr. 15. 1878. .5535. John C, b. Jan. 17, 1870. 5536. Ellen C, b. Aug. 14, 1876. 5537. Rhoda S., b. June 26, 1879. (4811) HIRAM BRIDGEMAN, son of John Bridgeman (4371), b. Cherry Valley, O., July 2, 1840, m. Margaret E. Duff in Fayette, Wis., Oct. 1867. She was b. at Fayette,' Wis., Jan. 14, 1848, her parents being among the very earliest settlers of that Terri- tory. He is a farmer. Res. Lamont, Wis. Ch. 5538. Aggie A., b. Dec. 28, 1869; d. Sept. 1870. 5539. Edith M., b. Dec. 6, 1870. 5.540. Maude E., b. Sept. 29, 1872. (4812) ELIZABETH BRIDGEMAN, dau. of John Bridge- man (4371), b. Cherry Valley, O., Dec. 12, 1841, m. Riley Cook Mar. 16, 1865. He was b. in IJnderhill, Vt., Sept. 2, 1841. Farmer. Res. Clarkesville, la. Ch. 5541. Carrol H.. b. June 28. 1867. 5,542. James E.. b. x\ov. 22. 1869. 5543. Harry, b. Dec. 28, 1873. (4813) JULIA A. BRIDGEMAN, dau. of John Bridgeman (4371), b. Cherry Valley, O., May 10, 1843, m. A. T. McConnell Jan. 27, 1872. He was b. in New York. Has been Postmaster of Spencer, la., where he now res. 414 The Cone Family in America. Cb. 5544. Carrie L.. b. Feb. 22. 1874. 5545. MiNXiE P... b. Aug. 25. 1875. 5546. Edna L., b. Deo. 21. 1877. 5547. Daisy C, b. Oct. 1. 1880. (4S17) WILLIAM M. BIIIDGEMAX, son of John Bridge- man (4371), b. Favette, Wis., Sept. 29, 1851, m. Ellen L. Miller Dec. 31, 1871. She was b. in Wiota, Wis., Jan. 27, 1850. Res. Clarkesville, la. Ch. 5548. Winnie J., b. Feb. 27, 1873. 5549. Miller W., b. Oct. 13, 1874. 5550. Henry T., b. Sept. 15. 1877. 5551. Wanda D., b. Sept. 30, 1880. (4819) PJLODERICK WHITE, son of Leonard White and Clarissa Cone (4372), b. Cazenovia, :N\ Y., Dec. 14, 1841, m. Mary Frances Steele, dan. of John and Eleanor Steele, July 27, 1865. She was b. in Langford, Ireland, Dec. 1844, and d. Jan. 6, 1900. He is a carpenter. Dnring the war was a member of Co. E, 8th I^. Y. Cav. Res. Anburn, X. Y. Ch. 5552. IMary E.. b. Xov. 17. 1807. m. Geoioe :m. Kino-. Res. Aiibvn-n. X. Y. 5553. Jennie M.. b. Nov. 18. 18G8. m. James H. W. Steb))iiis. Res. Auburn. N. Y. 5554. Hattie L.. b. Aug. 16. 1870. m. George F. Walker. Res. Auburn. N. Y. 5555. Carrie B.. b. Mar. 24, 1875. m. William A. Slierman. Res. Auburn. N. Y. 5556. Frederick W.. b. Sept. 10. 1876; d. in Auburn. X. Y., Feb. 21. 1896. 5557. Albert G., b. May 15, 1878. Res. Auburn. N. Y. (4820) HULDAH WHITE, dau. of Leonard White and Clar- issa Cone (4372), b. Cazenovia, K Y., Oct. 12, 1843, m. David H. Fay, son of Leonard Fay and Snsan Hnghes, who was b. Oct. 1841, in Cazenovia, X, y. He enlisted Dec. 1861, in Co. G, 81st K Y. Vols. ; was wonnded at the battle of Fair Oaks May 31, 1862, and was discharged in September of that year. He is a farmer, and res. at Topeka, I\as. Ch. .5558. William H.. b. May 26, 1866. unm. Res. Topeka, Kas. 5559. Edward D.. b. Oct. 5. 1869. ni. Helena Knickerbocker. Res. Topeka, Kas. 5560. Arthur L.. b. July 26. 1872. luun. Res. Topeka, Kas. 5561. Clara E., b. Sept. 5, 1874, m. Franklin Hansen. Res. Topeka, Kas. 5562. John A., b. Apr. 6. 1877. unm. Res. Topeka. 5503. Fanny M.. b. Dec. 24. 1879, m. William M. Busby. Res. Topeka. Kas. 5564. Gertrude L.. b. June 19. 1882. unm. Res. Topeka. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 415 (4821) OSCAR WHITE, son of Leonard White and Clarissa Cone (4372), b. Cazenovia, :^. Y., July 20, 1845, m. Elizabeth Jane Eoberts, dan. of Robert Roberts and Hannah Jones, Mar. 25, 1868. She was b. June 14, 1848. He enlisted May 10, 1862, in Co. H, 2d K Y. H. A., and was discharged Oct. 10, 1865, Res. at Auburn, :n^. y. Ch. 5565. Leonard R.. b. May 29. 1875; d. May 22, 1879. 5566. Mabel H., b. Sept. 17, 1880. School teacher. Res. Auburn, N. Y. (4822) OSSIAN CHARLES WHITE, son of Leonard W^hite and Clarissa Cone (4372), b. Cazenovia, 1ST. Y., June 7, 1847, m. Catherine Ann Dean, dau. of Robert Dean and Eliza Atkins, mv. 0, 1865. Slie was b. in Aurelius, N". Y., May 1, 1848. He enlisted in Co. E, 22d K Y. Cav., Dec. 30, 1863. Was taken prisoner at White Post, Va., Auft-. 16, 1864. Was confined in the following prisons: Front Royal, Winchester, Staunton, and Libby, and was paroled from the latter prison Oct. 1864; exchanged under car- tel jSTov. 24, 1864, and was discharged from the army Aug. 1, 1865. Res. Auburn, ¥. Y. Cb. 5567. Robert Leonard, b. Xov. 11, 1866; d. at Auburn Oct. 3, 1869. 5568. Charles Dean, b. Sept. 28, 1880. Grad. at New Haven High School in 1898, and same year entered Yale, which college granted him B. A. degree. He d. Mar. 30, 1902, as he was preparing to enter the Presbyterian Theological Seminary to study for the ministry. (4824) LUCY COXE, dau. of Warren Cone (4379), b. June 14, 1847, m. James P. Hancr, 1867. He was b. Xov. 5, 1845. Earmer, and res. at Coral, Mich. Cli. 5569. Royal, b. July 26. 1870. 5570. Earl M., b. May 18. 1872. 5571. Pearl R.. b. July 4, 1874: d. June 1. 1892. 5572. Lena E., b. Aug. 8, 1870, m. Lina Haus. 5573. James, b. July 31, 1878. 5574. Charles, b. June 5, 1880. 5575. Guy G., b. Mar. 7, 1884. 5576. Mary C, b. Sept. 9. 1SS5. 5577. George C, b. July 24, 1888. (4825) MARY CHARLOTTE COXE, dau. of Warren Cone (4379), b. Jan. 3, 1850, m. George H. Terry Apr. 15, 1869. He is a music-dealer, and they res. in Eremont, O. Ch. 5578. Frank C. b. July 1, 1870. m. Elsie Mae Taylor. Res. Toledo. 0. 5579. Agnes Gertrude, b. Apr. 18. 1872: d. July 31. 1872. 416 The Cone Family in America. 5580. Guy D.. b. July 10. 1879, m. Grace E. Ralph. 5581. Mildred Marie, b. Xov. 9, 1895. (4826) WIXFIELI) WAEREJsT CONE, son of Warren Con3 (4379), b. Apr. 18, 1852, m. Sarah Haws Jan. 1, 1872. She was b. Oct. 26, 1851. Eos. nnknown. Ch. 5582. Florence G.. b. Sept. 18, 1873. 5583. Edward E., b. Sejit. 17, 1875. (4827) EMILY JANETTE CONE, dau. of Warren Cone (4379), b. Sept. 15, 1853, m. Frank Y. Hamilton An^-. 11, 1875. She d. Mar. 9, 1888. He was b. Eichmond, O., Dec. 27, 1852, and res. Bloom ington. 111. Ch. 5584. Ethel Rowexa, b. Sept. 27. 1882. 5585. Clair Oscar, b. Dee. 5. 1887. (4829) ELIAS WELLINGTON CONE, son of Warren ( \.ne (4379), b. May 5, 1857, m. Eliza Jane Baehman, dan. of John and Catherine Baehman, of Favette, O., Aug. 17, 1879. She was b. Feb. 24, 1859. Ch. 5586. Emma May, b. in Dakota .Tan. 15, 1881. Res. Adrian. Mich. 5587. James WELLiNtiXox. b. in Chesterfield, 0.. Sept. 8, 1882. Is in the Regular Army, 3d U. S. Cav., D Troop: stationed at Fort Assinniboine. Mont. 5588. George Franklin, b. Chesterfield, 0.. Xov. 20, 1885. (4830) EOSE IIAENDEN, dan. of Pljn Harnden and Ma- Imda Cone (4383), b. Jnne 20, 1850, m. Burton Ward. He was b. 1851. Ees. St. Bonis, Mich. Ch. 5589. Arthur, b. Xov. 23, 1878. Res. St. Louis. Mich. 5.590. Lester Leon, b. Mar. 31, 1886. (4831) FEANK HAENDEN, son of Plyn Harnden and Ma- linda Cone (4383), b. Apr. 21, 1852, m. Silvia Ward Oct. 3, 1872. Ees. Grand Eapids, Mich. Ch. 5591. Ernest, b. Sept. 30. 1873. 5592. Etta, b. Jan. 18. 1874. (4834) MILLIE B. HAENDEN, dan. of Plvn Harnden and Malinda Cone (4383), b. Jan. 1, 1863, m. Arthnr Leisk Jan. 1, 1879. Ees. Noveltv. O. Ch. 5593. Clifford, b. July 5, 1880. 5594. Clyde, b. Mar. 20. LSS2. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 417 (4836) IIEXEY COXE SAXTOX, son of Seymour Saxton (4388), b. Perry, Wyoming comity, K. Y., July 23, 1819, m. Xaiicy Maria Cook, dau. of Elisha and Lydia Cook, July 5, 1849. She was b. Randolph, X. Y., Sept. 19, 1823, and res. at Kennedy, X. Y. He was a farmer, and a member of tlie M. E. Ch. for over forty _years. He d. in Kennedy June 23, 1900. Ch. 5595. Adel, b. July 0. 1S51. num. Res. Kennedy. N. Y. 5596. Horace F.. b. Feb. :i. 1853. in. Belle C. Taylor. Res. Kennedy. X. Y. 5597. Melvix D., b. June 15. 1854. m. Jennie L. Pvobertson. Res. Leon. X. Y. (4838) MIXEEVA SAXTOX, dan. of Seymour Saxton (4388), b. in Ellino-ton, X. Y., Sept. 2.5, 1824, m. Abel Stafford, son of John Stafford and Sophia Randall, Mar. 6, 1845. He was b. Sept. 28, 1819. Ch. 5598. Ellex. m. 8. A. Smith. 5599. Isabelle, b. :\Iay 4. 1848. m. John Fuller. Kes. Brocton, X. Y. 5000. Orsell, b. Oct. (]. 1849^. m. Mary Rogers. .5fi01. .Taxe. b. Sept. 10. 1851; d. Dec. 14. 1852. 5002. Joiix A., b. Deo. 24. 18.54. m. Ruth Viola Harrington: eight ch. 5003. .Jexxie. 1). 1855: d. 1864. 5004. BERTirA. b. Feb. 17. 1858. ni. Charles X. Rhelps: no oh. Res. Falconer, X. Y. .5605. Ray, b. 1862; d. 1802. 6.506. Grant, b. Deo. 22. 1804: d. July 24. 1886. 5607. McClellax, b. May 1. 1805. ni. Etholyn M. :\Iakefield. Res. Elling- ton. X. Y. 5608. Lyxx, b. Dec. 16. 1869. ni. Floyd G. :\Iiller. (4839) JAXE SAXTOX, dau. of Seymour Saxton (4388), b. Sept. 20, 1827, m. Homer Rubilee. He was b. July 24, 1828, and d. July 9, 1890. She res. in Ellington, X. Y. 5609. Alstox, b. Deo. 24. 1852. in. Flora M. Herrick ; one ch. Res. Elling- ton. X. Y. 5010. Fraxk. b. :\rav 2. 1854. in. Xora A. Safford : two ch. Res. Ellington, X. Y. 5011. Leroy. b. May 10. 1859. in. Ida B. Clapp: three oh. Res. Ellington, X. Y. ^ (4840) SEYMOUR SAXTOX, son of Sevmour' Saxton (4388), b. Dec. 24, 1829, m. Charlotte A. Thacher, dau. of Charles Thacher, Sept. 16, 1856. She was b. Marion, Wayne county, X. Y., May 20, 1837. Mr. Saxton served during the war of 1861 in the 14th Pa. Cav. He was a Methodist. Died in Minneapolis, Minn., Xov. 30, 1896. 418 The Cone Faniily in America. Ch. 5612. ROMAINE F.. b. July 9. 1850. m. Emma A. White; d. May 10. 1898. 5613 Edith A., b. June 15. 1SG8. m. Daniel Fv. Davis. Fves. Coopeistown, N. D. /M MRS. EDITH A. DAVIS. (4841) LUEA SAXTO^T^ Jan. of Seymour Saxton (4388), b. Elliiii^toii, X. Y., Xov. 28, 1831, m. James Deekins Sept. 29, 1854. He was b. Ellington Sept. 29, 1833, and d. in Poland, IsT. Y., Dec. 8, 1877. lie was a farmer. She m. 2 :\rartin V. B. Ino-ersoll in Jamestown, X. Y., ]\Iaj 3, 1882, and d. in Ellington Apr. 9, 1883. Ch. 5014. Ella B.. b. in Poland. N. Y.. Sept. 29. 1867: d. Oct. 8. 1867. 5015. La Vern J., b. Poland. N. Y., Jan. 22. 1808; d. Mar. 2, 1868. 5010. ]Meriull. b. Lincoln, ^^■is., June 4. 1870; d. June 28. 1870. (4842) MELISSA ELIZABETH SAXTOIs^, dan. of Seymour Saxton and Faithy Cone (4388), b. Ellington, X. Y^, Apr. 8, 1840, m. Ezra Burcli Lake Oct. Y, 1863. He was b. in Xewtown, Conn., July 24, 1829. Was a foundryman, and a member of the Masonic order, and d. in East Bandolpli, X. Y., Heo. 9, 1873. She d. same place Oct. 25, 1872. Ch. 5617. Ora E.. b. East Pandolpli. N. Y.. June 12. 1870: d. Sept. 10. 1870. 5018. Nora Belle, b. June 12, 1870, unm. I am indebted to her for nearly all of tlie above records of Faitby (Cone) Saxton and lier descendants. ]\Iiss Lake grad. from the Jamestown Descendants of Caleb Cone. 419 (N. Y.) High School in 1891, and from Jamestown Busi- ness College in 1894. Since January, 1895, she has filled the responsible position of Assistant Cashier of the Cherry Creek Bank. Is a member of the M. E. Ch.. and Epworth League of Cherry Creek, and President of the same, and is an active member of the Eastern Star. Ees. Cherry Creek. X. Y. NORA B. LAKE. (■iS-iS) EMILY A. FRANCIS, dan. Xatban Francis (4390), b. Wells, Vt, Dee. 12, 1831, m. George A. Hadwin Jan. 1, 1862. He was b. at Mt. Tabor, Vt., Jan. 5, 1836 ; son of Jobn Hadwin and xVbigail Baker. He is a farmer. Res. at Danby, Vt. Ch. 5619. Mary E., b. Mar. 24, 1865, m. Charles B. Maxham. Res. Rutland, Vt. 5620. Grace F., b. Jan. 10, 1868, m. A. W. Needham. Res. South Walling- ford, Vt. 5621. George E., b. Jan. 13. 1871. Res. South Wallinoford, Vt. " (4846) MARCELLUS FRANCIS, son of Natban Francis (4390), b. Wells, Vt., Mar. 12, 1836, m. Elizabeth Lyon in Danby, Vt., Dec. 19, 1861. She was dau. of Titus Lyon and Phebe G-raves, and was b. in Danby Jan. 19, 1842. During the Rebellion he was drafted, but "commuted " by paying $300. They res. in Wells. 420 The Cone FamUij in America. Ch. 5622. Malox, 1.. Sept. 22. l.S():5. lU's. Wells, Vt. 5623. Hattie H.. 1>. Apr. 7. 1860. in. Fred K. Lamb. Res. \\'ells. Vt. 5624. Georgia A.. 1). May 27. 1867. Res. Wells, Vt. (4847) ELLEX J. ERAX(iS, (Inn. of Xatlian Francis (4390), k Wells. Vt., Apr. C, 1S4(), iii. Miletus Paitl Eel). 2, 1864. He was son of Xelson l^aul and Marvette Haskiiis, b. Aug'. 14, 1840. ITe is a farmer, insitranee agent, constable, and collector. They have no ch. Ees. Wells, Vt. (4848) GERTRUDE E. ERAXCTS, dan. of Xathan Erancis (4390), b. Wells, Vt., Apr. 7, 1841, ni. Edgar (3. Barden Eeb. 29, isnO. He was b. Wells, Vt., Jnly 29, 183(3, and d. Mar. 9, 1866. She d. Oct. 23, 1890. Ch. 5625. Helen M.. 1). Mar. 28. 1861. in. Gettv: two ch. Res. Portland, Ore. 5626. Frank Ei:ciAU. 1). Mar. 2. 186;i. Painter, rnin. Res. Granville. X. Y. (4859) OWEX S. ^i. (HJXE, s..n of Joseph C^.ne (4397), b. in Rochester, X. Y., Dec. 9, ls42, ni. ]\Earv Ann Boyle in Vienna, Mich., Jnne 7, 187!». She was 1). in Blntfton, Tnd., in 18,"'>9. He is a Free-Thinkev and a Repnblican. Res. in Washington, D. C. Ch. 5627. Joseph W.. b. St. Paul. Minn.. Jan. 11. 1881. 5628. Mortimer E.. b. Get. 5. 1885. 5629. Harriet Irene, b. Apr. l;^. 18SS: d. .Tan. 8. 1880. (4872) ERAXCTS C'OXE, son of Elbert (^.ne (4399), b. Ellenville, X. Y., May 22, 1843, m. :\lartha A. Ostrander Dec. 7, 1871. She d. in Jersey (^ity, X. J., Apr. 12, 1881. He m. 2 Sarah A. Peer in Dover, X. J., in 1882. On Mar. 1, 1863, he enlisted in Co. M, 15th X. J. Heavy Artillery, and was discharged Ang. 22, 1865. Res. Jersey Oitv, X. J. ' Ch. 5630. Benjamin E., b. Sept. 1.^. 187?.; d. Feb. 28. 1874. 5631. Stanley, b. July 7, 1874. 5632. Blanche, b. May 12. 1878: d. Dee. 29. 1884. 5633. Frank, b. Feb. 14, 1880; d. Apr. 25, 1880. 5634. Frances, b. July 13. 1886. (4886) ORSOX CTJILDS OOXE, son of Ogden Cone (4409), 1). in East Windsor, Conn., Dec. 21, 1828, m. Catherine Talmage, dan. of David T. Talmage, Mar. 25, 1857. She was b. in Somer- ville, X. J.. Jnne 25, 1824. David Talmage was formerly Sheriff of Somerset comity, and a member of the State Legislatnre. Fonr of his SODS were doctors of divinity, viz.: James R.,V)f Princeton College; Descendants of Caleb Cone. 421 John V, ^N". aud George, of Eutgers College; and the late Thomas De AVitt Talmage, of the University of jSTew York. Mr. Cone served in the Mexican War nnder Gen. Winfield Scott, in Co. F, 9th U. S. Inf., enlisting at Enfield, Conn., May 6, 1847, and was at the storming of Contreras, San Antonio and Cherubnsco, and at the taking of the City of Mexico. He was discharged Apr. 25, 1848. He then taught school on Staten Island, I^T. Y., and in Somerset county, ]Sr, J., and afterwards became Conntv Superintendent of Education in same county. During the Civil War he was editor of the Somerset Messenger. lie d. Mar. '26, 1808. Ch. .5635. Catherine, b. May 20. 1859. iinm. Res. Bound Brook, X.J. 5636. David 0.. b. Mar. 13. 1862. Ees. Bound Brook. N.J. 5637. John Van Ness, b. Mar. 14, 1864; d. Sept. 23, 1867. 5638.* William 0.. b. Julv 6. 1860. m. Elizabeth Marv Booth. Res. Pueblo. Colo. 5639.* Thomas H. S., b. Dec. 31, 1867, m. Emma Bailev. Res. Bound Brook, N. J. (4889) ORLOW TROUP COXE, son of Ogden Cone (4409), b. Enfield, Conn., Dec. 28, 183.5, m. Huldah Belinda Pease Apr. 11, 1861. She was b. in Enfield Oct. 16, 1841, and d. Apr. 21, 1884. Is a railroad bridge watchman ; member M. E. Ch., and res. Ware- house Point, Conn. Cb. 5640. Bertha Ruth, b. Xov. 18. 1861. unm. Res. Warehouse Point, Conn. 5641.* Jessie M., b. Apr. 8. 1864. m. Mattliew C. Barr. Res. Warehouse Point. Conn. 5642.* Ogden F., b. .July 14, 1866. m. .Julia X. Doane. Res. Warehouse Point, Conn. 5643. May Louisa, b. Au,t;. 27. 1868. unm. Res. Warehouse Point. Conn. 5644. Orson T., b. May 21, 1871, unm. Res. Warehouse Point, Conn. 5645.* Howard C, b. Dee. 29, 1873, m. Cora H. Krouse. Res. Suffield, Conn. (4890) WILLIAM McLESTER COXE, son of Ogden Cone (4409), b. Enfield, Conn., Dec. 19, 1838, m. Sarah Ross, dau. of Jo- seph and Phebe Ross. She was b. July 4, 1839, and res. in Bound Brook, ^^. J. He d; Eeb. 4, 1896. Was a farmer at Bound Brook, K J. Ch. 5646. Margaret R., b. July 4. 1868, m. Stephen T. Ketohen. Res. Perth Amboy. X. Y. 5647. William R., b. June 14, 1869, unm. Res. Bound Brook. X. J. 5648. Phebe A., b. Aug. 17, 1871, m. R. C. Housell. Res. Bound Brook, N. J. 5649. Joseph R., b. Sept. 15, 1875, unm. Res. Perth Amboy, X. T. 5650. Ogden E.. b. Oct. 2, 1877; d. July 7, 1896. 5651. Benjamin B., b. Dec. 3. 1880. Res. Berwind. Colo. 422 The Cone Family in America. (4891) JOHN A. CONE, sou of Ogden Cone (4409), b. in Enfield, Conn., May 4, 1841, m. Koselia A. Ellis at East Windsor, Conn., in 1870. He d. May 8, 1875, and she m. 2 William Atkinson, and res. in Boston, Mass. Ch. 5652. Grace E.. b. Nov. 11, 1871. m. Josei^h Hallian. Res. Boston. (4893) CLAEISSA LOVELAXD, dan. of Isaac Loveland (4411), b. in Durham, Conn., Apr. 18, 1830, m. William Henry Harris Dee. 14, 1845. He was 1). Julv 13, 1823. Res. Middletowu, Conn. Ch. 5653. Charles J., b. Feb. 2, 1847. 56.54. Frederick W.. b. Aug. 31, 1848. 5655. Elnora, b. Nov. 2. 1850, m. Holman; d. Feb. 5. 1890. 5656. Kate E., 1). Jan. 1, 1853. ni. Johnson. 5657. Emma J., b. Jan. 10. 1855. m. ■ Hutchings. 5658. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 8, 1856. ni. Kelsey. 5659. Mary B., b. Oct. 6, 1860, ni. • Chamberlain. 5660. Wilbur H., b. June 11. 1868. 5661. Edg.\r L., b. Dee. 22. 1875. (4895) ELIZABETH ANX CONE, dau. of Comfort Cone (4412), b. Haddam, Conn., Oct. G, 1826, m. Samuel Davis Clark of Greenpoint, Lono- Island, Dec. 25, 1849. He was b. 1827, and d. Nov. 19, 1887. She d. at Haddam Nov. 14, 1883. Ch. 5662. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1851, m. George C. Bradley. Res. Lawrence, Kas. 5663. Ella, b. May 25, 18.54; d. Aug. 15, 18.54. (4890) ORLOW WELLS (^ONE, sou of Comfort Cone (4412), b. Haddam, (Jonn., Au.ii'. 15, 1831, m. Amelia A. Pratt Nov. 24, 1852. She was 1). Westbrook, (\.nn., Apr. 6, 1834, and d. Oct. 25, 1890. He was a farmer, and d. June 4, 1886. Ch. 5664. Frank 0.. b. Oct. 5, 1853, m. Emma Crosby. 5665. Fanny A., b. Mar. 9, 1855; d. Sept. 6, 1858. 5666. Nellie A., b. July 31, 1856, m. W. G. Keighley. Res. Cromwell, Conn. 5667. .Jennie M., b. Mar. 3, 1858, m. William B. Tibbals. Res. Cobalt, Conn. 5668. Charles E.. b. Feb. 11. 1860; d. Dec. 24, 1862. 5669. Robert C, b. Dec. 13, 1863. Res. Meriden, Conn. 5670. Xettie W.. b. -Tune 15. 1866. Res. Willimantic, Conn. 5671. Hattie C, b. .June 15, 1866; d. Sept. 15, 1866. (4902) WILLIAM WHITNEY CONE, son of Benjamin Cone (4418) and Lucy Whitney Colt, b. in town of Perinton, Monroe county, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1836. Removed with his iDarents in 1838 to Descendants of Caleb Cone. 423 Pittsford, in same cuuiitv, where he attended district school. M. Feb. 28, 1864, Orrinda Laniphere, dau. of Arnold Lamphere and Aseneth Pettit, in Maryhmd, Otsego county, X. Y. She was b. in Otsego county Dec. 17, 1811. A noble woman, a good wife, and an excellent mother. He enlisted in Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1861, six days after the first call for troops, and was mustered in Co. E, 13th i^ew York Vols., at Elmira, X. Y. Participated in the first battle of Bull Run, and made rapid progress on that day. Was with the regiment on the Peninsula, and was discharged at Alexandria, Ya., Jan. 31, 1863. Enlisted at Philadelphia in Birney's First Union Leagaie Regiment, viz., the 45th Pa. Militia, July 1, 1863. Became Commissary Sergeant of the regiment, and was discharged at end of term of service. Enlisted in Cooperstown, IST. Y., in the 6th JSTew York Cav., Aug-. 31, 1864. Was on detached service at various points, and was discharired at close of the war in 1835. Removed from 'New York to Kansas in 1869, and lived in the latter State twenty-seven years. Was connected with newspaper work for ten years, as traveling correspondent, solicitor, and editor and publisher, and was nine years a clerk in the State Historical Society. Removed to Missouri in 1896, and is now engaged in raising grapes. A mem- ber of the Masonic order, and has been a member of the Odd Fellows, the Grange, Sons of Temperance, Good Templars, and the Grand Army. Does not belong to any ch. organization, and is independ- ent in politics. Compiler of the Cone History. Res. at Brands- ville. Mo. Cb. 5G72. Bf:rtha Ellex. b. Feb. 24. 1866: d. in Otsepo county. X. Y.. Jan. .3, 1867. 5673. Anna Viola, b. Xov. 9. 1867; d. in Topeka, Kas., May 22. 1870. .5674."'' Isabella D., I). Mar. 10, 1873, m. Alexander M. Harvey. Res. Topeka, Kas. .5675. Jennie May, b. May 10, 1878; d. in Eskridge, Kas., Mar. 7, 1882. 5676. Albert BrRDEXXE, b. Feb. 12, 1880; d. in Eskridge, Kas., May 29, 1882. 5677. Mary A., b. Mar. 30. 1884. At home with parents. (4903) SARxVH COLT COKE, dau. of Benjamin Cone (4418) and Lucy Whitney Colt, b. in Pittsford, Monroe county, K Y., Apr. 10, 1839, m. Benjamin Finkle May 12, 1867. She had a most affectionate disposition, sociable and kind of heart, and beloved by all. D. in West Lebanon, ^T. Y., Jan. 28, 1894. He is a farmer, and res. at West Lebanon, K. Y. Ch. 5678. Henry, b. Apr. 13, 1868; d. .July 20, 1896. (4904) ALBERT COKE, son of Andrew Cone (4420) and Matilda Korton, b. in East Bloomfield, K. Y., Dec. 15, 1829, m. 424 The Cone Family in America. Ahnira IJlake, who <1. in 1S77. lie m. "1 j\lrs. J.uella (Koons) Reive, widow of Joseph Reive, Dee. •1'6, ISUT. She was 1>. Feb. 4, 1860. No ch. He res. for nearly fifty years in Michigan, but at ]:)resent is at l,aporte, Ind. (41)00) WILLIAAL ( 'O.XE, son of An.lrow Cone (4420), b. in East Bloomfield, N. Y., Xov. 19, 1834, ni. Elvira A. Butler, dau. of Joseph Butler and Laura A. Parnialee, Xov. 14, 1858. She was 1. in Bergen, Orleans edunty, X. Y., Sept. 18, 1834, and d. in East Bloomfield Nov. 15, 1802. He ni. 2 ]\Lary Emily Barrett, dau. of David Barrett and 1sI-ay\ Kendig, Oct. 1!», 1805. She was b. Dec. 2, 1841. Mr. (N.nc i-euK.ved in 1S(;3 fn,m Xcw York to Michigan, and taught school there for six ^■eal•s. Removed to Homewood, 111., in 1869. In the year ISSi) ho settled in Pittsburg, Kas., but returned to Homewood in 1898, where he res. at ])resent. He has been a stock-raiser and farmer. Both himself and wife are Presbyterians, and he is a Rejmblican in politics. Ch. 5679.* Louis Bekton. 1). Sc].!. -20. lsn-2. m. Haimali ^^■olm. Ees. Chicago. (4910) FREDKincK \Y CONE, son of Linus Cone (4421), b. Troy, Alich., dan. 0, lSi>,s, ni. Belle Mosic Feb. 2, 1875. She was b. in Ontario county, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1849, and res. in Troy. He was a farmer, and d. in Avon, "Mich., Jan. 23. 1897. Ch. 5080. M.ABKIXK. li. Jan. 24. 1S77. nmii. Ros. Troy. Mich. (4911) IMLEY CROOKS CONE, son of Linus Cone (4421), b. Troy, Mich., Fe]>. 22, 1829, m. Elizabeth Alary Sliter, dau. of George Sliter and Perlina St. John, Apr. 21, 1859. She was b. Nassau, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1834. He was a farmer and a Democrat, and d. at LTtica, Mich., Julv 1, 1903. Ch. 5081. Cauiue, h. Sept. 2!). 1S02. in. Cliarlcs Howard Firman, son of Martin and Harriet Firman, May 20. 1884. He was^ b. July 29. 1856. Merchant and farmer, and les. at Utica. Mich. (4913) WILLIAM HEXRY (JONE, son of William Cone (4422), b. Troy, Mich., Aug. 10, 1832, m. Laura Janette Mastick, dau. of Benjamin Mastick and Eliza Tomlinson, in San Francisco Dec. 30, 1868. She was b. in Rockport, O., Nov. 9, 1836, and d. in San Francisco Dec. 13, 1S73. IL^ m. 2 Janette (Dunn) Gage, widow of Howard Gage. She was b. Cincinnati, O., July 19, 1832. He was an Episcopalian, and a Republican in p(.litics. Had res. in Rochester and Troy, Mich., and in Portland, Ore. Real estate dealer. D. in San Francisco INfav 2, 1903. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 425 Ch. 5682. \\ILI.IAM H., b. Dec. 2. ISOO. in. Isahella F. Williams. Res. San Fran- cisco. Cal. 5683. Seabury Mastick, b. July 1!). 1871. ni. Agnes Warner. On the death of his mother he was legally adopted by Seabury L. Mastick, and his name changed to Seabnry Cone ISIa stick. Res. in New York. 5684. Frederick Sprague, b. Dec. 0. 1872. Res. Alameda. Cal. ' (iOlG) DAVID COXE CAMP, son of Samuel Camp (4427), t. Durham, Conn., July 24, 1827, m. Laura CUitlin Smith Dec. 18, 1850. She was b. in :Rorfolk, Conn., Oct. 1:3, 1828. He d. in Hart- ford, Conn., Sept. 10, 1895. Ch. 5685. Kate Foster, b. Mar. 27, 1852. Res. Hartford, Conn. 5686. Walter G. S., b. Oct. 10. 1857. m. Jennie L. Bailey. Res. Hartford. Conn. 5687. William D., b. Nov. 5. 1861. Res. Hartford, Conn. (4917) HARRIET ELIZA CAMP, dau. of Samuel Camp (4427), b. Durham, Conn., June 17, 1829, m. John Marshall Oct. 12, 1857. He was b. in Durham Apr. 15, 1831. Carpenter. Has been Justice of the Peace for thirty-five years. Member of Odd Eellows and American Mechanics. Res. Durham, Conn. Ch. 5688. Elizabeth, b. 1859. m. Ailing. Res. Durham Center. Conn. (4918) CHARLES EBEXEZER (WMP, son of Samuel Camp (4427), b. Durham, Conn., Oct. 21, LS31, m. Elizabeth A. Hart Jan. 15, 1855. She was b. May 17, 1831. He is a machinist, and res. in Middleficld, (*onn. Ch. 5689. Anna E.. 1). Oct. 18. 1855, m. Alfred H. Augur. Res. :\riddletield, Conn. 5690.* Nellie M., b. Jan. 14. 1857. m. James 0. Lyman. Res. Waterbury, Conn. 5691. Frank Wilbur, b. Oct. 2. 1860; d. Apr. 26, 1876. 5692. Charles H., b. June 2, 1863. m. Jennie A. :\Iiller. Res. Middlefield. Conn. (4920) SAMUEL AUSTIX CAMP, son of Samuel Camp (4427), b. Durham Feb. 28, 1837, m. Rose E. Robin.son Mar. 26, 1863. She was b. in 1838, and d. in Durham ^ox. 19, 1872. He m. 2 Mrs. Almira Spencer July 14, 1873. She was b. Haddam Xeck, Conn., Sept. 12, 1832. They lived in Meriden, Conn. Ch. 5693. Perry Robinson, b. Dec. 8, 1865. Res. in Wolcott, Conn. (4921) MARY COE CMMP, dau. of Samuel Camp (4427), b. Durliam, Conn., Se])t. 8, 1840. m. Whitney P. Clarke, son of 426 The Cone Family in America. Alfred and Christina Clarke, Apr. 24, 1866. He was b. in Middle- town, Conn., Nov. 26, 1845, Farmer. Res. Durham Center, Conn. Ch. 5G94. ]\IAKY K.. b. Apr. 8, 1S72. iii. C'lilTord E. Fiam-is. Res. Duiliam Cen- ter, Conn. .')()9;i. Christina R.. b. Aug. 19. 187."). ni. Wilbur 1. Clark. Res. Durham Center, Conn. .■5G9G. jNIabel Jj.. b. Feb. 5, 1878. ni. Reuben E. Thompson. Res. Durham Center, Conn. (4923) JOSEPHIXE AMELIA CAMP, dan. of Samuel Camp (4427), b. Durham, Conn., Feb. 12, 1847, m. Bjron A. Calkins Dee. 10, 1871. He was b. Hyde Park, Yt., Sept. 2, 1844. Settled in Lawrence, Ivas., in 1884, and removed to Kansas City, Mo., in 1894, where they now res. For a number of years he was a Pullman car conductor, but is at present bookkeeper for the Roe Hat Companv. Ch. 5G97. Walter H., b. ]\[ar. 1."). 187:-). Tinm. Travelino- solicitor for the Fort Worth (Tex.) Telegram. 5G98. Harold Byrox, b. .Tan. 1880; .1. .July, 1880. (4924) GERTRUDE LILLIAN CAMP, dan. of Samuel Camp (4427), b. Durham, Conn., Feb. 2, 1850, m. Walter E. Hart Dec. 16, 1871. He was b. Au^. 19, 1848, and d. Aug. 15, 1884. No oh. She res. Durham Center, Conn. (4925) ROSE ELLEN CAMP, dau. of Samuel Camp (4427), b. Durham, Conn., Dec. 28, 1852, m. William A. Parsons Oct. 30, 1874. Lie was 1>. Auo-. 14, 1853. They res. in Durham Center, Conn. Ch. oG99. Harold, b. Jan. 2G. 1880. 5700. Gertrude A., b. .Tan. 21. 1882, m. Frederick Cage. (4938) OLIVER HILLIARD CONE, son of Noah Cone (4432), b. Ilio'ganum, Conn., Apr. 25, 1854, m. Lizzie Shaw, dau. of Jaii-us M. Shaw and Elizabeth Dane, Nov. 29, 1877. She was b. Staten Island Mar. 1, 1854. Member of Cong. Ch. Served two years as Councilman and two years as Alderman of the city of Mid- dletowm. Conn. Is a pros]-)crous butter, cheese and egg merchant at Middletown. Ch. 5701. Lizzie S., b. July 30, 1878, m. Davis F. Williams. 5702. .Julia Belle, b. jNlay 15. 1880. 5703. Charles W., b. Jan. 5, 1882. 5704. Jairus M., b. Nov. 7, 1891. 5705. Oliver H., b. Dec. 10, 1894. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 427 (4944) ELIZA COiS^E, daii. of Ira Gone (4439) and Sarah Kelloiig', b. July 23, 1823, m. AljDhonzo Twining in 1849. She d. Sept/i4, 1865.' Ch. 5706. Belle, b. Dec. 27, 1850, m. Charles Chapin Cooper. 5707. Orlow, b. Mar. 14, 1853, m. Emma Merrill. Res. Samlisfield, Mass. 5708. Preston M.. b. Nov. 20. 1855; d. Feb. 24, 1857. 5709. Flora, b. Mar. 11, 1857. Pves. Chester, Mass. (4945) HAEEIET COXE, dau. of Ira Cone (4439) and Sarah Kellogg, b. Sandisfield, Mass., Sept. 23, 1825, m. James Smith, who was b. Oct. 1824. He enlisted in Co. H, 49th Mass. Vols., and d. at Baton Rouge, La., May 16, 1863, while in service. She res. Montville, Mass. Ch. 5710. Mary, b. Dec. 2. 1850, m. 1 Charles Roberts. 2 H. Sage. Res. Mont- ville, Mass. 5711. Howard, b. Apr. 23, 1853, m. .Josephine Peck. Res. Waterbnry, Conn. 5712. Adelaide, b. Aug. 3, 1855; d. :Mar. 10. 1850. 5713. Burton, b. June 11. 1857. m. ^linnie Austin. Res. Waterbnry, Conn. 5714. Katie, b. July 13. 1861. m. H. W. Grove. Res. New York. (4946) OLCUTT WOETHIXGTO^^ COXE, son of Ira Cone (4439), b. Sandislield, Mass., Aug. 19, 1829, m. Jane Stratton, dau. of Edward Stratton and Mary Ann Deming, Dec. 29, 1852. She was b. 'Nov. 4, 1833. He was a farmer, and d. Montville, Mass., Dec. 25, 1901. She res. in Montville, Mass. Ch. 5715. Ellex, b. Sept. 16. 1853, m. 1 Newton I. Kasson. 2 Lyman. Res. Bakersville, Conn. 5716. Fannie, b. Dee. 27, 1857, m. Leander S. Cotton; d. Feb. 18, 1884. 5717. Myrtie, b. Sept. 11, 1803, m. William Seymour. Res. West Winsted, Conn. (4947) ORLOW COis^E, son of Ira Cone (4439), b. Saudis- field, Mass., Aug. 20, 1831, m. jSTancy Beaman, dau. of Elias Beaman and Susan Stark, Mar. 20, 1855. Wholesale notion dealer. D. at Chillicothe, O., Oct. 1, 1892. Ch. 5718.^^- Orlow W., b. .Jan. 4. 1857. m. Emily C. Senff. Res. Chillicothe. 0. 5719. Emma, b. Aug. 17. 1859. m. William E. Pricer. Res. Ironton. 0. 5720.* ilARY, b. Mar. 7, 1863, m. James E. Durrant. Res. Greenfield. 0. 5721. Charles B.. b. July 22, 1865. 5722." Nellie, b. Dec. 10, 1867, m. Earl A. Squires. Res. Hillsboro, 0. (4949) SARAH COXE, dau. of Ira Cone (4439), b. Sandis- field, Mass., Dec. 2, 1835, m. Roswell Higley Sept. 6, 1854. He was son of Hosea and ITuldah Higley, and was b. Xew Marlboro, Mass., Mav 6, 1826. Was a farmer* and d. at Allerton, la., Dec. 11, 1901. 428 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 57:23. IviLLA. 1). Apr. (i. 1856. unni. lies. Allerton. la. 5724. ■■ Rosa. b. Feb. 25. 1859, m. John X. Richie. Res. Allerton. la. 5725. Hattie. b. Feb. 10. 1802. ni. M. R. Timmerman. Res. Hampton, la. 5720. Cordelia. 1). Mar. 14. 1864. m. Edgar L. Combs. Res. Wintlirop. la. 5727. Mix.ME C.. b. Aug. 31. 1868. unm. Res. Allerton, la. 5728. XoRMAX Oklow, I). Nov. 23. 1874: d. Mar. 12, 1884. (4U50) EOSIXA COXE, dau. of Ira Cone (4439), b. Sandis- lield, Mass., Aws;. 30, 1838, m. James Bracewell in Corydon, la., 'Nov. 23, 18G0. He was h. in Yorksliire, England, May 24, 1836. Served in Civil War in Co. F, 34tli Iowa Vols. Is a Methodist min- ister, and res. in Ontario, Cal. Ch. 5720. Howard, b. Aug. 15. 1&67: d. Lagrange, la., Sept. 23. 1868. 5730. Florence, b. Oct. 1. lS6!;t. Res. Ontario. Cal. 5731. Delll\. b. Aug. 30. 1872. m. Albert Hall. Res. Alexandria, S. D. 5732. Zella. b. Sej)!. 13. 1876. Res. Ontario. Cal. (4950) MARTHA JAXE COXE, dan. of Darins Cone (4444), b. Stafford, Genesee county, X. Y., Dec. 17, 1827, m. Dominic P. La Yalle in Ogden, X. Y., Tnly 31, 1848. He was b. in Berthier, Lower Canada, July 20, 1825, and d. in Hamilton, Canada, Ifar. 7, 1885. He was a ship carpenter. She res. Iiochester, X. Y. Ch. 5733. Charles L.. b. May 22. 1840. Engineer. Res. Toronto. Canada. 5734. Emma J., b. Feb. 20. 1851. m. John F. Webster. Res. Springfield. 0. 5735. Ella L.. b. Apr. 20. 1853. m. C. Hill. Res. Rochester. N. Y. 5730. AxGELiXE E., b. May 30. 1858. nL Pvandall. Res. Springfield. 0. 5737. Martha P.. b. Jan. 28. 1801. m. Beattie. Res. Hamilton, Ontario. 5738. Lewis E., b. June 25. 1804. Res. South Chieago. 111. (49(;0) HAREIET T. COXE, dan. of Elisha Cone (4445), b. Victor, Ontario connty, X^. Y., Dec. 26, 1826, m. William Miller in Genesee, 111., Dec. 22, 1^42. He d. Mar. 2, 1902. He was a lum- ber merchant. Had been School Commissioner and County Super- visor. She res. Geneseo, 111. Ch. 5739. George Lewis, b. Bee. 2. 1843: d. Xov. 5. 1844. 5740. Emma E.. b. Mar. 31. 1840. m. Rev. W. S. Reed. Res. Shellield, 111. 5741. George William, b. July 7. 1850. ni. Lvdia Ann Goodwin; d. Sept. 4. 1895. (4962) EEAXCIS SOLOMOX COXE, son of Elisha Cone (4445), b. Bergen, X\ Y., xVuo-. 31, 1833, m. Gabrilla Gilmore in Ptockford, 111., May 15, 1855. He served in AVar of Rebellion, in the 126th 111., as Adjutant of the remment. Pes. Crescent Citv, Fla. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 429 Cb. 5742. Frank G. lies. Chicago, 111. 5743. Inez Gilmore, b. Dec. 23, 1877. (4977) EDGAR WHITPIELD COXE, son of Reuben Cone (4447), b. Mar. 30, 1838, m. Harriet Emily Bates of Connecticut, Oct. 31, 1860. She was b. Dec. 8, 1838. Served during war, enlist- ing in Co. A, 7th Kas. Cav. Is a carpenter, and res. in Holdrege, Xeb. Cb. 5744. Edg.'^k E.. b. Dec. 21, 18G1 ; d. Dec. IS. 1864. 5745.'' Ernest E., b. June 25, 1866, m. Lina Bollar. Res. Oxford, Neb. 5746. Alonzo, b. Oct. 25, 1869. Res. McCook, Neb. 5747. Charles E.. b. Mar. 27. 1873. Res. McCook. Neb. (4980) OLIVER BLAKESLEE CONE, son of Norris Cone (4448), b. in Wallingford, Conn., Dec. 30, 1835, m. Mary A. Smith, dau. of Harry Smith and Rachel Benedict, in Marion, la., Nov. 12, 1856. She was b. in Elmira, N. Y., July 4, 1834. He served in Co. K, 9th Iowa Vols., and was severely wounded in battle at Pea Ridge, Mar. 7, 1862, and was discharged in October of same year. He was a hardware merchant, and res. at Marion, la., where he d. May 20, 1899. She res. Marion, la. Cb. 5748. Francis J., b. Sept. 27, 1857; d. young. 5749.'* Harry De Forest, b. Mar. 23, 1860, m. Gertrude Dorwart. Res. Cedar Rapids, la. 5750. Laitra B., b. Oct. 16, 1866, m. Milton Rice. Res. Hilo, Hawaii. 5751. Lucius L., b, Nov. 3, 1873; d. Jan. 23, 1896. (4981) GEORGE CONE, son of Norris Cone (4448), b. Marion, la., Apr. 12, 1839, m. Sarah J. Vosburgh, dau. of Richard and Eliza Vosburgh, in 1862. She was b. Coxsaclvie, K Y., Apr. 25, 1844. He is an ornamental painter and decorator. Res. Marion, la. Ch 5752. John S., b. Jan. 3, 1863. Res. Cedar Rapids. la. 5753. EsTELLE May, b. Aug. 25, 1869; d. Nov. 1, 1877. (4982) JOHN CONE, son of Nor.ris Cone (4448), b. Marion, la., Nov. 2, 1841, m. Caroline Mitchell, dau. of Matthew Mitchell and Mary Ann Plummer, Mar. 2, 1864. He enlisted in Co. K, 9th Iowa Vols., Sept. 24, 1861. Was wounded at battle of Pea Ridge, and was discharged July 18, 1865. Was Sheriff of Linn county, la., from 1890 to 1900, and gave universal satisfaction. Res. Marion, la. Cb. 5754. Maud Leah, b. Apr. 0. 1866. ni. Albert C. Cbislett. Res. Denver. Colo. 5755. Lucia, b. Aug. 26, 1872, m. Frank A. Sbuniack. Res. Marion, la. 5756. Jessie P., b. Feb. 19, 1882. 5757. John. b. Feb. 6. 1884. 430 The Cone Family in America. (■i96Gj lllEAM SOLOMOX COXE, son of Solomon Bates Cone (444:1)), b. I'eb. lb, 18o5, in. Caroline Oorwin in Cortland county, X. Y., 1805. She was b. Mt. Hope, Orange county, X. Y., 1847. He was a shoemaker, and d. in Unadilla, X^. Y., Dec. 22, 1U02. Ch. 5758. Earl C. b. 1876. Merchant. Res. Unadilla. X. Y. (41)87) SAKAII COX^E, dau. of Solomon Bates Cone (4449), b. Apr. 12, 1837, m. Oremus Knapp. He was b. Cooperstown, X. Y., June 26, 1830, and d. Canajoharie, X^. Y., May 30, 1895. She m. 2 Charles Wesley Matterson, who was b. at West Exeter, X. Y., Xov. 15, 1827. Ees.'West Exeter, X^. Y. Ch. 5759. FuAXK KxApr. Ees. Canajoharie, X. Y. (4988) W1LLJA.M H. COXE, son of Solomon Bates Cone (4449), b. 1842, m. JJelphina Lucretia Miller in 18(35. She was b. in 1847. Shoemaker, lies. Candor, X. Y. Ch. 57G0.-- William C. 1). July 27. 18(i(j. m. Minnie B. Gfoodrieh. Res. Afton. X. Y. 5761. Scott M.. b. Oct. 26. 1878. ni. Xellie Griffin; no ch. Res. Candor, X. Y. 5762. Aa'sox, b. 188U; d. 1882. (4990) AlAKY EMMERETTE COXE, dau. of Solomon Bates Cone (4449), b. Hartwick Jan. 25, 1853, m. John Boice Win- ney Sept. 25, 1871. He was b. Saratoga, X. Y., Jan. 5, 1849, and d. at Elyria, O., Sept. 9, 1898. Was killed by cars while acting as agent at Elyria for the C. J^. cV W. liailroad. Inr eighteen years he was a Deacon in the Bapt. Ch. in Cleveland and Elyria, and later was an Elder. She res. in Elyria. Ch. 5763. Artiiur. b. ]\lay 18. 187(;. ni. Katherine Belle Allen, dau. of William C. Allen. Oct. 19, 1898. He is a Yard Clerk. C. L. & W. Railroad, at Elyria. One ch. (4991) CHABLES DAXA COXE, sou of Samuel Whittlesey Cone (4450), b. Marion, la., Jan. 1, 1850, m. Amanda Elizabeth Roby, dau. of Benjamin Roby and Hannah Irish, Mar. 15, 1874. She was b. Green county, Wi^., in 1851. Took a course of stud.y in the Indianola Law College, and was admitted to the bar. Was a v.'onian of great ability as a writer, and took a high rank in her pro- fessicm. She d. in Turner county, Dakota, Xov. 15, 1885. He m. 2 in 1880 Susan S. Roln-, dau. of Reuben Roby and Anna Scllick. She was b. in Green county, Wis., May 1, 1870. He is an attorney at law, and r(>s. at Eldora, la. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 431 Ch. 5764.' Daxa E.. b. Mar. U. 1875. m. Maude S. Bowers. Res. Eldora, la. 5765.* Matie H., b. Dec. 8, 1876, m. Harry Loss. Res. Kirkhoven, Minn. 5766.* Nellie A., b. Oct. 16, 1881, m. George Bowers. Res. Eldora, la. 5767. Charles, b. Nov. 15, 1885; d. in infancy. (4992) PHEBE ELLEN CONE, dau. of Samuel Whittlesey Cone (4450), b. Marion, la., Oct. 21, 1852, m. Lewis Calvin Him- sacker, Dec. 9, 1872. He was b. Adams conntv. 111., June 27, 1840. Farmer. I\es. Grant City, la. Ch. 5768. Chaeles Lewis, b. Jan. 21, 1874. 5769. Claude Barton, b. Oct. 5, 1875. 5770. Bertha May, b. May 9, 1878. 5771. Walter Scott, b. Aug. 4, 1881. (5003) ORDELIA CLARK, dau. of Newton Clark (4451), b. Turin, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1835, m. Anson Harris Higby June 20, 1858. He was b. in Lewis county, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1832. Farmer. Ees. in Turin. Ch. 5772. Alice, b. Nov. 7, 1860, m. Piatt E. Chapin; d. Dec. 19, 1886. (5009) HIRAM CONE, son of Leonard Cone (4456), b. Constableville, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1848, m. Belinda Watson, dau. of AVrig-lit Lyman W\atson and Minerva Millard, Feb. 12, 1871. She was b. Harrisburg, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1851. He is a machinist and inillwright. Res. Utica, N. Y. Ch. 5773. Julia A., b. Sept. 22, 1872, ni. S. B. Lawrence. Res. Lawrence, Mass. 5774. Arthur J., b. Jan. 2, 1874; d. Feb. 18, 1874. 5775. Mae Essie, b. Feb. 26, 1875, m. John E. Hughes. Res. Utica. N. Y. 5776. Leonard Arthur, b. Jan. 15, 1883. Res. Lawrence, Mass. ' (5017) MARCUS WELLS DODGE, son of Chester Dodge (4457), b. Rodman, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1821, m. Julia A. Hendrickson, dau. of John and Polly Hendrickson, Aug. 14, 1844. She was b. in Richland, N. Y., Jan.' 17, 1824. He d. in Barrington, 111., in 1893. Ch. 5777. Albert A., b. Aug. 19, 1845, m. Martha M. Tilden. Res. Edgerton, Minn. 5778. William C, b. July 28. 1848, m. Olive Saunders. Res. Chicago, 111. 5779. Chester C, b. Mar. 16. 1852. m. Anna Jane Marble. Res. Chicago, 111. 5780. Charles J., b. Oct. 12. 1856, m. Mary Wilson. Res. Windsor, Wis. 5781. Edward C, b. Sept. 24, 1860. Res. Lake Mills, Wis. 5782. John C, b. June 25, 1864. Res. Osseo, Wis. (5020) MARTHA JANE DODGE, dau. of Chester Dodge (4457), b. Pulaski, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1830, m. Jesse Ballard June 4, 432 The Cone Family in America. 1857; son of Samuel F. Ballard and Diana Rising. He d. at Apple- ton, Wis., Nov. 1S04. She res. St. Lonis, ]\lo. Ch. 5783. Arthur C. b. Sept. 22, 1859. Res. Pearl City, 111. 5784. Hattie J., b. Jan. 22, 1862, m. Jesse Campbell. Res. St. Louis. 5785. De Witt P., b. Mar. 30, 1868. Res. Cliicopee Falls, Mass. 5786. Clara E., b. Dee. 14, 1873. Res. St. Louis, Mo. (.3021) CLARISSA DAVIS DODGE, dan. of Chester Dodge (4457), b. Pulaski, ]^. Y., May 19, 1834, m. Rev. Jesse H. Jones Sept. 15, 1862. He was b. Belleville, Canada, Mar. 19, 1836. At- tended Williams College, and gTad. from Harvard in 1856, and from Andover Theological School in 1860. He entered the Union Army as Captain of Co. I, 60th JST. Y. Ynls., and served thirty months. Was in a number of battles. He is a Cong, preacher. Has preached in Antwerp, E". Y., and ISTatick and Rockland, Mass., and served in the Massachusetts Legislature in 1875. Has published a number of reli- gious works, and has had an active life. She furnished a large num- ber of records for this book. They have no ch. Res. Halifax, Mass. (5023) BEl^JAMIN FOSTER, son of John Foster (4459), b. Madison county, O., Jan. 4, 1820, m. Mary Lindsay E"ov. 20, 1844. Lie d. Feb. 17, 1888. Mrs. Foster was b. in'^lST'orth Carolina in 1822. Removed to Illinois with her parents in 1830. In 1900 she wrote me that she lived alone on a large farm. Was hale and hearty at the age of seventy-eight, and did all her own work around the house. Res. at La Rose, 111. Ch. 5787. Thomas B.. b. 1855. Res. La Rose. 111. 5788. Hardy G., b. 1857. Res. Peoria. 111. 5789. K. D., b. 1858. Res. Streator, 111. 5790. James B.. b. 1860. Res. La Rose. 111. 5791. Charles W.. b. 1862. Res. La Rose. 111. (5024) WILLIAM EMORY FOSTER, son of John Foster (4459), b. Madison county, O., Sept. 15, 1821, m. Elizabeth Cowan Apr. 15, 1847. She was b. Oct. 21, 1828, and d. July 14, 1857. He m. 2 Julia Abbott Oct. 6, 1858. She w\as b. Lewiston, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1831. He was always jolly, and with a happy disposition. Was a devout Christian ; a member 'of the M. E. Ch. He d. Apr. 26, 1889. She res. at Visalia, Cal. Ch. 5792. Hkrma a., b. Aug. 15. 1849. m. Cicero P. Hamilton, wlio d. May 29. 1874. Had one eli., b. Apr. 3, 1874. She ni. 2 J. E. Baldwin in 1879. Res. Pasadena. Cal. 5793. Homer A., b. July 26. 1852; d. Oct. 12, 1854. 5794. George E., b. Aug. 28, 1861. Has m. three times. Two ch. Is a Presbyterian minister, and res. at Visalia. Cal. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 433 (5028) AMANDA FOSTEE, dan. of JV.liii Foster (4459), b. in Columbus, O., Aug. 19, 1832, m. Edward W. Guild May- 4, 1853. He was b. in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 10, 1831, and d. in Watseka, 111., Nov. 6, 1897. Merchant. She res. Watseka. Ch. 5795. Arta Flora, b. July 7. 1854. Res. Watseka. 111. 5796. John F., b. Jan. 27, 1850; d. Oct. 6. 1861. 5797. Abby, b. Dec. 29, 1859; d. Oct. 20. 1861. 5798. Emily, b. Jan. 3, 1861; d. Aug. 1. 1861. 5799. William E., b. Dec. 4. 18G3. ni. Etta Bolm Feb. 22, 1898. Lumber dealer and contractor. PiCS. Watseka, 111. 5800. Albert M.. b. Apr. 24. 1860. m. Nellie A. Gillfillau Dec. 29, 1891. Lumber dealer and contractor. Res. Watseka, 111. (5031) MARY CONE, dau. of Thomas Cone (4460), b. West- moreland,county, N. Y., July 22, 1825, m. Marshall B. Lamborn in AVoodstock, O., Mar. 24, 1844. He was b. in New Garden, Pa., Aug. G, 1814, and d. in AVoodstock Dec. 12, 1852. She m. 2 Samuel Hack- ley in AA^averly, la., June 21, 1857. He was b. in Long-meadow, Mass. Removed AVest, and became one of the earliest settlers of Iowa. AYas a lawyer of great ability and power. D. in Sioux City, la., June 25, 1880. She res. in Kansas City, Kas. Ch. 5801. Ezra, b. Apr. 30. 1845; d. of smallpox Nov. 25. 1868. 5802. Thomas C, b. Jan. 14, 1848. m. Lovina Pettit. Res. Kansas City, Kas. 5803. Samuel W- b. June 1. 1859. unm. Member of Pryor's Military Band, and Manager of Fiftli Street Opera House, Kansas City, Kas. (5032) JULIUS COXE, son of Thomas Cone (4460), b. in AA^oodstock, O., June 9, 1827, m. Mary xVmanda AA^eston (5043), dau. of AA'illiam AY. \Yeston and Eliza Cone (4462), in Rome, N". Y., ^v. 4, 1851. She was b. in AVaterford, Pa., Oct. 21, 1820, and lived a few years since at Menomonie, AA^is. He enlisted in the 154th Ohio A^ols., and became Drum Major of the regiment. Served as Mayor of "iellow Springs a number of times. Lived also at A^ineland, ^. J., where lie w^as engaged in the nursery business. ]^ever fully recovered from sickness caused by privations and exposure during the war, and d. in AA'oodstock, O., Mar. 20, 1865. Ch. 5804. Edwin W.. b. Apr. 14. 1800. Engaged in the sinall-frnit business at INIenomonie. Wis. 5805. Waluo E.. b. Mar. 12. 1802; d. July 23. 1868. 5806. Grace Cady, b. .July 17. 1804: d. Sept. 22. 1800. (5033) Ts^ATHANIEL POTTER COXE, son of Thomas Cone (4460), b. in AA^oodstock, O., ]\rav 7, 1820, m. Anna AY. Hack- 434 The Cone Family in America. ley ill Oswego, K Y., Nov. 7, 1854. She was b. May 31, 1832; d. Eeb. 20, 1866. He iii. 2 Harriet Augusta Lawrence Aug. 14, 1867. She was b. June 4, 1838, in York, Medina county, X. Y. He en- listed as musician in Co. D, 134th Ohio Vols. Was promoted to Drum Major and serA^ed as such until w-ar closed. Is a member of the G. A. K. and of the 1. O. O. F. Has served a number of terms as Township Treasurer. Ees. ITrbana, O. Ch. 5807.* Henry D., b. Dec. 29, 1855, m. Jennie Patrick. Res. Urbana, O. 5808. Thomas E.. b. Sept. 4, 1857, umn. Ees. Toledo, O. 5809."' William 8.. b. Aug. 8. 1859, m. Elvira A. Hayden. Ees. Urbana, 0. 5810. Bertkand, b. Aug. 23, 1861, unni. Ees. Urbana, O. (5036) EU:NICE COXE, dau. of Thomas Rich Cone, b. Woodstock, O., July 6, 1837, m. Eev. Evan Williams Humphreys Mar. 13, 1879. He was b. in Penylone, Parish of Llandypil, Cardi- ganshire, South Wales. Emigrated to America in 1842. They have no ch. Res. Urbana, O. (5038) JOSHUA FOSTER, son of Benjamin Foster and Amanda Cone (4461), b. in Madison county, 0.,'Mar. 21, 1821, m. Betsey Brunisey Apr. 23, 1843. She was 1). in Carteret, X. C, Aug. 8, 1825, and came with her parents to Illinois in 1833. He was a cattle dealer and raiser, and was very successful in this occupation. Was active and nervy, and never feared danger. Was an expert horse- man. Honest and honorable, and his word was as good as a bond. He d. May 3, 1895. She d. Aug. 6, 1885. Ch. 5811. Benjamin, b. July 21, 1844. Ees. at Wenona, Marshall county. 111, 5812. Thomas Edwin, b. Aug. ]3. 1840; d. Mar. 12, 1881. 581.3. John Lewis, b. Mar. 18, 1851, Ees. Ticonic, Ta. 5814. Albert, b. July 31. 1852. Ees. Saunemin, 111. 5815. George Edgar, b. June 9, 1855, Ees. Wenona, 111. 5810. James Ashley, b. Dec. 15, 1858. Ees. at Varna, 111. 5817. Walter, b. Oct. 31, 1860, Ees, at Varna, 111, 5818. Wilbur S., b. July 23, 1862, Ees. Saunemin, 111, (5039) RUTH FOSTER, dau. of Benjamin Foster and Aman- da Cone (4461), b. July 15, 1823, m. Conrad ]\rarkley Mar, 31, 1842. He was b. Jan. 10, 1817. They res. in Fairview, 'ill. Ch. 5819. Amanda, b. Nov. 11, 1844, m. John Wallick, Ees. Independence, Kas. 5820. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1847, ni. John Leffy. Ees. Independence, Kas. 5821. Lewis, b. May 24, 1849, ni, Sallie Alrich. Ees, Belle Elaine, Kas, 5822. Margaret, b. Apr, 17. 1851, m. Josiah Catron, Ees. Fairview, 111. 5823. John A., b. June 10, 1853, unm. Ees. Belle Elaine, Kas. 5824. Thomas, b. July 21, 1855, in. Josephine Turner. Ees. Ellisville. 111. 5825. Andrew, b. July 25, 1859, unm. Ees. Belle Elaine, Kas. 5826. Joshua, b. May 5, 1864. Ees. Fairview. 111. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 435 (5041) THOMAS CO]N"E FOSTER, son of Benjamin Foster and Amanda Cone (4461), b. Mar. 13, 1828, m. Elizabeth F. Blair, dan. of Robert Blair, of Lasalle county, 111., Mar. 11, 1858. She was b. Dec. 31, 1836, and d. June 12, 1869. He m. 2 Maria Mosher, dau. of Ira Mosher, Mar. 23, 1871. She was b. June 20, 1845, and d. in Tonica, 111., June 17, 1880. Mr. Foster came with his uncle, John Foster, to Illinois in 1835. Was a farmer. Always interested in education and school matters, and was a School Director for many years. Ees. at Tonica, 111., where he d. ^N'ov. 1, 1900. Ch. 5827. Belle, b. July M. ISCiO, m. Frank Harteiibower. Res. Lostant, 111. 5828. Mykta, b. Sept. 20, 1863. Has furnished me many records and much family history. Res. unm. at Tonica, 111. 5829. Jessie, b. Nov. 12, 1872, m. Charles Dowell. Res. Lostant, 111. (5044) EDWI^ AMARIAH WESTON, son of William W. Weston (4462), b. Waterford, Pa., Jan. 6, 1826, m. Mary Elizabeth Jackson Aug. 21, 1851. She was b. Great Bend, Pa., Oct. 17, 1832. She was a very successful teacher of elocution in Keystone Academy, Pa., and favorably known over that State as a public reader. Mr. Weston was a farmer and fruit-raiser. He held the position of Super- intendent of Schools of his county, and other responsible positions. He is the author of a " History of the Town of Brooklyn, Pa." Res. Brooklyn, Pa. Ch. 5830. Eugene E., b. July 23. 1852. Physician. Res. Taylorsville, Pa. 5831. Leland E., b. June 21, 1855. Fruit-growei-. Res. Brooklyn. Pa. 5832. Jennie, b. May 22, 1862. 5833. Mollie, b. Oct. 27, 1868. (5047) APPLETOA^ WELLS CONE, son of Edwin Cone (4463), b. LarAvill, Ind., Mar. 14, 1839, m. Martha Hoover Feb. 26, 1868. She was dau. of Alfred and Mary Hoover, and was b. in Pierceton, Ind., Feb. 1844. He served during Civil War in Co. E, 44th Ind. Vols., and also in Co. G, 119th Ind. Vols. He is a carpen- ter, and res. at Warsaw, Ind. Ch. 5834. Clyde C, b. Feb. If). 180!). Painter. Res. La Grange, Ind. 5835. Mary G., b. June 7. 1874. (5050) CHESTER L. CONE, son of Edwin Cone (4463), b. Larwil], Ind., Aug. 12, 1846, m. Marinda Bayman Feb. 12, 1874. She was b. Wills county, Ind., Jan. 19, 1849. He is a farmer and stonemason. Res. South Whitley, Ind. Ch. 5836. Alice Maude, b. Xov. 20, 1874. 5S37. Dora Ann, b. Oct. 7, 1876. 436 The Cone Familif in America. ^W^^m THOMAS CONE FOSTER. ( p^ge 435-) LLOYD DOWELL. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 437 5838. Lily Frances, b. Aug. 24, 1878; d. Xov. 13, 1878. 5839. Fanny Fern, b. Feb. 24, 1880. 5840. Frederick L., b. May 30, 1882. 5841. Grace Leora, b. Mar. 23, 1885. (5051) GILBERT JANEWAY CONE, son of Edwin Cone (4463), b. Larwill, Ind., Mar. 24, 1849, m. IsTaomi Wagoner l^ov. 17, 1872. She was b. ISTov. 18, 1853. He is a huckster, and res. Kansas City, Mo. 5842. Delta Clarence, b. May 6, 1877. (5061) JOHN ESTEY HAYDEN, son of Daniel Hayden (4465), b. Franklin county, O., July 28, 1832, m. Sarah Jane Black Oct. 28, 1854. She was b. May 2, 1834. Is a farmer. Res. Pierceton, Ind. If Avi»-C«7^ Ch. 5843. Olive R., b. Feb. 23, 1856, m. Henry D. Heagg. Res. Pierceton. Ind. 5844. Alice M., b. Oct. 13, 1857, unm. Res. Pierceton. Ind. 5845. Mary M., b. July 2. 1863; d. .July 24, 1864. 5846. Jennie E., b. June 9, 1869. m. R. W. Best. Res. Riverside, Cal. " (5062) DANIEL CHRISTIE HAYDEN, son of Daniel Hayden (4465), b. Franklin county, O., Sept. 6, 1834, m. Elizabeth Roberts Mar. 26, 1863. Is a farmer. Res. Larwill, Ind. Ch. 5847. Emma H.. b. Feb. 7, 1864. m. Benjamin Tlionison. 5848. Henry A., b. July 4, 1870. (5065) DAVID FLETCHER HAYDEN, son of Daniel Hay- den (4465), b. in Whitley county, Ind., Dec. 16, 1844, m. Melvina Garretson Dec. 24, 1862. Is a farmer. Res. Pierceton, Ind. Ch. 5849.-"- Elvira A., b. Oct. 4, 1863, m. William Cone (5809). Res. Urbana, 0. 5850. Oliver N., b. Nov. 23, 1865, m. Addle McNamary. Res. Pierceton, Ind. 5851. Alma A., b. Dec. 18, 1871, m. Orange Wiley. Res. Pierceton, Ind. 5852. Hannah J., b. May 13, 1874. 5853. Agnes Augusta, b. Sept. 11, 1880; d. Oct. 21, 1885. (5067) ALVAII OWEN HAYDEN, son of Daniel Hayden (4465), b. Whitley county, Ind., July 27, 1848, b. Ella E. Collins Dec. 2, 1872. She d. July 22, 1891. He is a farmer, and res. War- saw, Ind. Ch. 5854. Alma Elvira, b. Nov. 8, 1875: d. Dec. 6, 1891. 5855. James C, b. July 28, 1877. 5856. Jessie Ruth, b. Oct. 24, 1878. 5857. Dora Ellen, b. Aug. 8, 1883. 5858. Charles E., b. Aug. 9, 1885. 5859. George H., b. Aug. 19, 1889. 438 Ths Cone Family in America. (5070) SARAH FEANCES CONE, dau. of Erederick Cone (4468), b. Clinton, la., Jnne 12, 1860, m. Edward C. Pierson, son of Philip and Sarah Pierson, Sept. 26, 1882. He was b. Apr. 10, 1859 and is a passenger condnctor on the Chicago & N'orthwestern Railroad. Res. Clinton, la. Ch. 5800. Pearl, b. Fob. 9. 18S6. 5801. IXVTU, b. Aug. 80, 1890. (5071) GEORGIA ANN CONE, dan. of Erederick Cone (4468), b. Clinton, la., Dec. 20, 1862, ni. Thomas Lea, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Lea, Oct. 6, 1881. He was b. Dec. 11, 1858, and is an engineer on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. Res. Clinton, la. Ch. 5802. Frederick, b. Dec. 31, 1882. 580.3. Mabel Emma, b. Nov. 2. 1885. (5072) CHARLES EDWx\RD CONE, son of Erederick Cone (4468), b. Clinton, la., Mar. 15, 1865, m. Cora Belle Grimes, dan. of Clifton and Hannah Grimes, Aug. 7, 1894. She was b. Eeb. 20, 1867. No ch. He is a railroad conductor on the Chicago & North- western Railroad, and res. in Clinton, la. (5074) CARLTON SYLVESTER CONE, son of Erederick Cone (4468), b. Clinton, la., May 24, 1872, m. Lena Peterson, dan. of John and Lonisa Peterson, Feb. 2, 1897. She was b. May 10, 1877. He is a railroad brakeman, and res. at Clinton, la. Ch. 5864. Georgia Louisa, b. Aug. 4, 1898. (5094) HEZEKIAHASABISSELL, sonof HezekiahBissell (4487), b. Hebron, Conn., Jnne 18, 1850, m. Florence L. Phelps Nov. 14, 1892. Was engaged in mercantile bnsiness, bnt has been a farmer of late years. Res. Hebron, Conn. Ch. 5805. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 26. 1803. 58GC. Benjamin Hezekiaii, b. Deo. 12. 1S95. (5096) MARY ANNA BISSELL, dan. of Hezekiah Bissell (4487), b. Hebron, Conn., Mar. 2, 1862, ni. Frank Adams, son of Bcnjanun and Martha Adams, Dec. 20, 1887. He was b. Colchester, Conn., N(W. 29, 1859. Foreman of a large brass fonndry at East iJami)t(.n, Conn. She d. May 8, 1901. Ch. r'807. Fuank Bissell. 1,. (M. 18. 1888: d. Sept. 2. 1889. oS08. Clarexce Bissell, b. Dec. 14, 1890. 5SG9. Bex.jamix Warren, b. Nov. 3. 1893. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 43^ ^ (5098) JOHK CO^^E TAYLOR, son of George Taylor (4490), b. Great Barrino-ton, Mass., Nov. 30, 1839, m. Mary Town- sheiid, clan, of Lemuel Townshend and Mary Pratt, Oct. 22, 1869. She was b. Monterey, Mass., May 1, 1841. He was a farmer, and d. Apr, 9, 1902, at Great Barrington, Mass. Ch. 5870. Gertuude C. b. Dec. 31, 1870, m. F. J. Fuller. Res. Great Barring- ton, Mass. 5871. Caroline L.. b. .June 10, 1873. m. .John B. Beebe. Res. Great Barring- ton, Mass. 5872. George L., b. April 22, 1875, umn. Res. Great Barrington, Mass. 5873. Mary Olive, b. July 16, 1879, unm. Res. Great Barrington, Mass. 5874. Alice Lenora, b. Dec. 7, 1880, unm. Res. Great Barrington, Mass. (5099) SARAH ll^K TAYLOR, dan. of George Taylor (4490), b. at Great Barrington, Mass., Oct. 8, 1844, m. William Horace Day, son of Gny Day and Maria Stevens, June 1, 1871. He was b. Dec. 22, 1840. Is a farmer, and res. at Great Barrington, Mass. Ch. 5875. George Taylor, b. May 11, 1872; d. Aug. 27, 1872. 5876. Florence Cone, b. July 28, 1873; d. Mar. 2, 1880. 5877. William Taylor, b. Sept. 2, 1875, m. Edith M. Brown. Res. Great Barrington, Mass. 5878. Francis Cone, b. May 20, 1880. Res. Great Barrington, Mass. (5104) AE'NA COKE, dan. of Joseph Cone (4494), b. June 1857, m. Otis G. Page June 24, 1885. He d. July 31, 1894. She res. at Geneseo, N". Y. Ch. 5879. Esther Cone, b. Nov. 5, 1887. 5880. Brainard C, b. May 27, 1889. (5116) SAMUEL W. CONE, son of Samuel Cone (4500), b. about 1840, m. Alm^a Lake about 1864, and d. in Vernon, O., Apr. 10, 1898. He was a stock-dealer. She d. in Vernon, O., Feb. 27,. 1869. Ch. 5881. Alton L., b. Oct. 3, 1865. Res. Sharpsville, Pa. 5882. Lucy, b. Feb. 15, 1868, m. E. A. Stillwagon. Res. Bradford, Pa. (5127) JAMES WILLIAM COKE, son of John Cone (4508), b. West Winsted, Conn., May 30, 1848, m. Caroline Woodward, dan. of Andrew and Emeline Woodward, of Thomaston, Conn., Kov. 24, 1873. She was b. Thomaston Aug. 16, 1850, and d. in Waterbury, Conn., Dec. 18, 1886. He m. 2 Minnie E. Manwaring in Waterford,. Conn., Sept. 24, 1890. Res. Waterbury, Conn. 440 The Cone Family in America. Ch. 5883."" Emma 1.., b. Oct. 15, 1874, in. Dr. Carl H. Rust. Res. Wellington, 0. 5884. John S., b. Apr. 20, 1879; d. Long Lake, N. Y., July 26, 1899. 5885. Harriet Aua, b. Sept. 27, 1881. Res. Waterbury, Conn. (5138) JULIA BACKUS CONE, Jan. of Joseph Warren Cone (4520), b. Utica, N". Y., July 4, 1847, m. Dr. C. X. Osbonie at IsTorfolk, Conn., Mar. 1, 1878. She res. Pasadena, Cal. Ch. 5886. RuTii Blagoe. b. Mar. 4, 1883. (5140) FIIANCILLAN CONE, son of Joseph Warren Cone (4520), b. Norfolk, Conn., Dec. 7, 185G, m. Julia W. Patree at Woodbury, Conn., Apr. 7, 1880. He is a drug-gist, and res. at South- port, Conn. Ch. 5887. Joseph Warren, b. Oct. 7, 1881. (5141) WINTIIROP CONE, son of Joseph W. Cone (4520), b. in Norfolk, Conn., June 20, 1859, m. Elizabeth Crissey, dau. of Ralph I. Crissey and Cornelia Seymour, Feb. 18, 1886. No ch. in 1900. Merchant. Res. Norfolk, Conn. (5143) LOIS CONE BARNES, dau. of Horace Barnes (4521), b. Ang. 30, 1840, ni. Solon S. Boomer Mar. 28, 1867. Res. Bristol, 111. Cli. 5888. JES.SIE L., 1). Nov. 20. 1870. 5889. Henry R.. b. Dee. 8. 1872. 5890. Mabel B.. b. July 16. 1S76. 5891. Edith L., b. Oct. 24. 188:5. ~ (5144) ORTON A. BARNES, son of Horace Barnes (4521), b. Oct. 16, 1842, m. Emma Pierce Feb. 8, 1868 ; d. Oct. 1899. She res. Memphis, Mo. Ch. 5892. Florence O., b. Feb. 21, 1869. 5893. Susan L., b. Feb. 18, 1871. 5894. Daisy E., b. Jan. 13, 1874. 5895. Jennie E., b. July 27, 1878. 5896. Garfield, b. Nov. 14, 1880. 5897. Alice L., b. Sept. 28. 1882. (5145) HARLAN PAGE BARNES, son of Horace Barnes (4521), b. Dec. 4, 1844, m. Fannie C. Bradford Dec. 25, 1873. Is a farmer. For fourteen years was a Supervisor of Kendall countv, 111., and for ton velars President of the Kendall County Fair Associa- tion. Res. at Bristol, 111. Ch. 5898. OiY Hi-RKRT. b. S,.pt. 21. 1880; d. June 20. 1894. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 441 (5146) ARTHUR BARNES, son of Horace Barnes (4521), b. July 14, 1847, m. Lizzie Raymond Sept. 4, 1873. Mr. Barnes io a Unitarian. Is editor of the Eagle at Eagle Grove, 111., and is n member of the Masonic order and of the City Council of Eagle Grove. Ch. 5899. Horace, b. July 31, 18.75. 5900. Solon A., b. June 22, 1877. 5901. Harlan W.. b. Dec. 4, 1883. (5147) ELLA MARY BARNES, dau. of Horace Barnes (4521), b. Jan. 23, 1852, m. Y. M. Raymond Dec. 26, 1880. Res. Bristol, 111. (;b. 5902. Carl H.. b. June IG. 1883. 5903. BuRRELL C, b. Feb. 13. 1886. (5149) HENRY HARLAN CONE, son of Sullivan Cone (4523), b. Jessamine county, Ky., Apr. 7, 1851, m. Emily B. Harts- borne, dau. of Frederick Hartshorne of Peoria, 111., June 22, 1875. She was b. May 25, 1858, and res. in Clinton, 111. He was a conduc- tor on the Illinois Central Railroad, and d. Nov. 10, 1893. Ch. 5904. EsTELLA B.. b. in Dixon. 111.. Xov. 2(i. 1887. (5150) MARY ELIZABETH CONE, dau. of Sullivan Cone (4523), b. Harrisburg, Ivv., June 25, 1853, m. Horace Young Sept. 20, 1876. He was b. May 18, 1841. Has been a member of the M. E. Ch. for thirty years. Is a merchant and grain-buver, and res. Bristol, 111. Ch. 5905. Calvin Pierce, b. Oct. 20. 1879. unm. Res. Bristol. 111. 5906. Leroy Sylvester, b. Dec. 19. 1881. m. and res. in Chicago. III. (5151) MANLY PARIS CONE, son of Sullivan Cone (4523), b. Harrisburg, Ivy., Apr. 24, 1855, m. Ida Virginia Koontz, dau. of John and Almira Koontz, Dec. 25, 1876. He was a station- ary and traction engineer, and res. in Arrowsmith, 111. Ch. 5907. Letty Pearl, b. Sept. 15. 1877. 5908. Gertrude E.. b. Jan. 24. 1882. 5909. Bertha, b. Jan. 7, 1884. 5910. Henry H.. b. Aug. 15, 1887. 5911. Horace Roy, b. Sept. 24, 1892. 5912. Susan Lucretia, b. iS'ov. 1, 1894. 5913. Fern Annette, b. Oct. 22. 1897. (5152) SUSAN LUCRETIA CONE, dau. of Sullivan Cone (4523), b. Williamsburg, Ky., July 1, 1857, m. Frederick H. Doten, 442 The Cone Family in America. son of Ira and Carrie Doten, in 1884. He was b. in Montgomery, 111. Oct. 28, 1858, and Avas a telegraph operator at Wapella, 111. After his death she m. 2 D. M. Layman, and res. Morgan Park, Chicago, ]11. Ch. 5914. Mary A., h. Feb. 1. 1886. 5915. E. C, b. Jan. ];5. 1S88. 5916. Ruth, b. Mai-. 16. 1890. (5153) ELLEX COENELIA COXE, dan. of Snllivan Cone (4523), b. Piano, 111., Nov. 11, 1859, m. Joseph H. Morgan I'eb. 26, 1885. He Avas of English parentage, and was b. in Knox coimty, 111., Feb. 22, 1800. For a nnmber of years he pnblished Uncle Sam's Live-Stoch Journal, at Morgansville, Kas. Res. Alex- ander, la. Ch. 5917. Ernest Leroy, b. Mar. 7, 1886. 5918. Horace Pierce, b. May .3, 1888. 5919. Earl, b. Jan. 5, 1890; d. Feb. 20. 1806. .59-20. Verba Saveet, b. Dec. 21. 1891. 5921. Joseph Harlan, b. Nov. 30, 1893. (5155) FLORENCE ADELIA C0:N^E, dan. of Snllivan Cone (4523), b. in Logan connty. 111., Ang. 11, 1863, m. Walter D. Fnller Nov. 11, 1883. ^Res. Owosso, Mich. Ch. .5922. Jesse Hatfield, b. June 23. 1885. 5923. Hannah Jane, b. Dec. 26, 1886. 592-4. Hattie Adel, b. Mar. 24, 1888. 5925. Leah, b. June 3, 1891 ; d. Nov. 27, 1893. (5158) SARAH AMELIA BARBER, dan. of Orville Bar- ber (4527), b. in Harwinton, Conn., May 13, 1846, m. John Kirby Perry Balch Ang. 10, 1869. He was b. Feb. 17, 1827, and d. in :Mald("n, :\rass., Dec. 16, 1901. She d. Dee. 18, 1884. Ch. 5926. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 16, 1872, m. Allen Jackson. Res. Cam- bridge, Mass. (5159) IDA ELIZABETH BARBER, dan. of Orville Bar- hex^ (4527), b. May 7, 1851, m. Morris Catlin Webster Apr. 15, 1874. He was b. Sept. 28, 1858, and was Snperintendent of the Malleable Iron Works at Harwinton, Conn. Res. New Britain, Conn. Ch. 5927. Walter 11., b. Nov. 12. 1876. 5!)2S. Sarah L., 1). :\lay 28. 1S79. •">92!l. Emma A.. 1). July 24, 1882. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 448 (5201) EMMA BARTO^^ CONE, dan. of Lucius Franklin Cone (4555), b. in Salem, Mass., Sept. 11, 184S, m. Eugene L. Brown, son of Benjamin Brown and Mary P. White, in ISTew Haven June 28, 1880. lie was b. in Thompson, Conn., May 3, 1851. Is a farmer, and res. at Riverside, Gill, Mass. Ch. 5931. Gracie Emma, b. Jan. 31. 1882. m. William Lyman. 5932. Cecil Cone, b. July 18, 1886. 5933. Leonard B., b. Dec. 3, 1887. 5934. Percy M., b. July 30, 1889. (5203) WILLIAM HENRY CONE, son of Lucius Frank- lin Cone (4555), b. Springfield, Mass., Jan. 28, 1859, m. Emma Cadwell Jan. 28, 1883. She was b. Suffield, Conn., Jan. 26, 18(32. Baptist. He is a railroad conductor, and res. in New Haven, Conn. Ch. 5935. Frederick S., b. Aug. 24, 1885. (5220) MARY ANN WOOLEY, dau. of James Wooley (4562), b. in Lynn, Mass., Feb. 10, 1833, m. Rufus Kimball Nov. 30, 1854. He was b. Mar. 13, 1829, in Ipswich, Mass., and res. in Lynn. He has been Alderman of that city, Editor of the Lynn Daily Hem for a number of years, and from 1887 to 1891 was State Representative, Ch. 5930. Helen P.. b. Oct. 2. 1855. m. Charles Ingalls, a manufacturer of shoes. Res. in Lynn. 5937. James W.. b. Dee. 17, 1858, ni. Nellie Harwood. Is a journalist, and has been Assistant Clerk of House of Representatives. Res. Lynn. 5938. Lizzie B., b. Nov. 4. 1862. m. Charles 0. Blood. Res. Boston. Mass. 5939. Alfred, b. ]\Iar. 7, 1865. Lumber dealer. Res. Lynn. 5940. Mary Ross, b. Jan. 15, 1867; d. Nov. 19. 1867. 5941. Anabel, b. Sept. 26, 1868; d. Apr. 1, 1873. 5942. Rufus Harold, b. Nov. 25, 1870; d. Aug. 28, 1871. 5943. Kate, b. Feb. 26, 1872; d. July 18, 1872. (5224) FANNIE NORTON WOOLEY, dau. of James Wooley (4562), b. July 13, 1849, m. Ilulbert J. Smith Nov. 25, 1879. Res. Lynn. Ch. 5944. Harold Hulbert. b. Mar. 30, 1882. (5229) HENRY CARLTON CONE, son of John Wesley Cone (4563), b. May 1, 1859, m. Annie L. Feeny Sept. 5, 1880. She was dau. of James Feeny, and was b. in Rockland county, N. Y., Apr. 18, 1859. Ch. 5945. Ethel A., b. Oct. 7, 1883. iU The Cone Family in America. (;5l>;50) WILLARD BEAUCHAMP cone, son of John Wesley Cone (4563), b. Sept. 16, 1865, m. Annie DeWolf, dan. of Henry DeWolf and Annie Clements. She was b. in Canton, Mass., Xov. 17, 1865. lie has been a member of the Common Council, city of I.Aiiii, and was a Special Agent of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New A^ork. D. in Lynn, Mass., ]\rar. 30, 1903. Ch. .1940. Amy E.. b. Sept. 2.-), 1887; d. Oct. 27. 1892. .5947. llAciiEL LonsA. b. .Jan. 6. 1893. (5320) ALBERT :\r(:)RPvIS CONE, son of Warren Cone ('4612), b. Nov. 19, 1846, m. ]\Liry Amanda Stanley, dau. of George and Maryette Stanley, Feb. 14, 1871. She was b. in North Ran- dolph, Vt., Jan. 28, 1851. He was a tanner, and res. at North Rand(il])h, where ho d. Fel\ 10, 1003. Ch. .5948. George A., b. Sept. 17. 187:^; .1. :\rav. 22. 187.5. 5949."' Florence E.. b. An. Oct. 21. 1878. Res. X. Randolph. 5952. Maryette S.. 1). May 9. 1885. Res. X. Randolph. (5324) CHARLES WARREN l^EASE, son of Luther Pease (4613), b. Hartford, Vt., Oct. 1, 1849, m. Mary C. Morse, dau. of Orren Morse and Mary Wilson, Jan. 6, 1870. She was b. in Brook- held, Vt, Feb. 22, 1850. He was a very popular hotel-keeper. He d. in Hartford Feb. 16, 1890. Ch. 595;{. OitREN L.. b. All,-;-. ■>?,. 1872. m. yiaud Gibbs. Res. Hartford, Vt. (5326) CHARLES :\IORRIS (X)NE, son of Mark Richard Cone (4614), b. Hartford, Vt., Aug. 31, 1854, m. Kate Eugenie Morris, dau. of Ephraim Davis Morris and Almira Miller Nickerson, Feb. 14, 1884. She was b. in Dennis, Mass., Sept. 19, 1857. Grad. of Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Author, writer, and com- piler of a mind)er of publications, viz. : " Sketch of the Life of Syl- vester Morris," " The Cone Family in Vermont," and other works. He grad. at Dartmouth in 1875 'and at Smith College in 1879. Studied at Johns Hopkins University in 1879-80, and at Heidel- berg, Germany, in 1881. He is Treasurer and Manager of the Hartford Woolen ]\rills. Is a whole-souled, hearty, companionable man, liaving a wide ac<|)iaintance and manv strong friends. They res. ill Hartford. Ch. 59.54. :\I.\R(iAn,.:T ?*b)i!i:is. b. Dee. 10. 1889; d. .Tan. 3. 1890. 5955. :\loui{is ITi'NTixoTox. b. Dee. 1. 1890. •>9.)0. .\i.ke \\kstox. 1). Dee. 12. 1892. Bescendants of Caleb Cone. 445 MORRiS H. AND ALICE W. CONE. 446 The Cone Family in America. (5328) MARY GRACE CONE, dau. of Georpje Edwin Cone (4618), b. Hartford, Vt., Aug. 31, 1855, m. Clark Terrill, son of Silas H. Ten-ill and Soplironia Bicknell, Sept. 11, 1878. He was 1). in Uiideiiiill Center, Vt., Dec. IT, 1847. Was a physician, and had practiced at Grafton, Townsliend, and Wliite River Junction, Vt., and d. at tlio latter place Apr. 10, 1890. She d. Mar. 28, 1895. Ch. 5957. Grace C, b. June 11. 1881. m. John T. Paul; 1 ch. Res. Wilder, Vt. 5958. Louisa Ethel, b. Dec. 28, 1884. (5329) HATTIE ALMA C0:NE, dau. of George Edwin Cone (4618), b. Hartford, Vt, '^ov., 13, 1858, m. William Comer Hall Dec. 25, 1889. He was b. in West Exeter, Otsego county, IST. Y. Is a ^'finisher" of woolen fabrics, and res. Winooski, Vt. Ch. 5959. Alice Lillian, b. Jan. 13. 1891. 5960. George William C b. Aug. 25. 1892. (5347) KATE LEXORA BARRY, dau. of Joseph K. Barry (4630), b.' Tuscaloosa, Ala., June 24, 1857, m. Alexander John Hodge Apr. 4, 1883. He was b. in St. Thomas, Out., Nov. 3, 1853. He has been connected with the J. H. Butler Paper Company of Chicago for twenty years. Ch. ' ' 5961. Alexander Kinsley, b. Aug. 10. 1889; d. Apr. 7. 1891. 5962. A daughter, b. May 16, 1892; d. in infancy. 5963. Mary Caroline, b. Apr. 1. 1893; d. Nov. 13, 1896. 5964. Thomas Barry, b. Apr. 2. 1899. (5351) ADDIE LOUISA CONE, dau. of Thomas Scott Cone (4632), b. Ontario, 111., May 13, 1863, m. Erank Western Ferris :NTov. 15, 1888. He was b. in Galesburg, 111., Jan. 12, 1863. Is a farmer, and they res. at Soperville, 111. Ch. 5965. Mae Loiusa, b. Oct., 10, 1891. 5966. Herbert Scott, b. Mar. 22, 1893. 5967. Mildred Irene, b. Feb. 8, 1895. 5968. Clarke Weston, b. Feb. 7, 1897. (5371) EDWARD T. COXE, son of William R. J. Cone (4643), b. in Woodhull, 111., May 31, 1858, m. Dec. 10, 1877, Lovina Zimnicnnan, who d. Sept." 29, 1882. He m. 2 Sadie E. Dean Sept. 5, 1883. She was b. Mar. 23, 1864. Res. Laurens, la. Ch. 5969. AV,,,,,is A.. ),. o,-{. 6, 1878; d. Dec. 5. 1878. 5970. lUjYAL E.. b. ^\Ay -A. 1S80. 5971. Etta A., b. Jnly 2. 1S87. 5072. Myrtle .M.. 1). .luiu' 24. 1889. Descendants of Caleh Cone. 447 5973. Xf.llie G., b. Apr. 29, 1891. 5974. George E., b. Nov. 25, 1893. 5975. Ethel E., b. Oct. 3, 1899. (5378) WILBUR CO>sE, son of Melville Cone (4649), b. in Eichmond, Mass., Sept. 30, 1845, m. Anna Mills E'ov. 17, 1867. She was b. in Lincolnshire, England, in 1848. He served during the Civil War in Co. D, 13th Wis. Vols., and was mustered out at San Antonio, Tex., l^ov. 27, 1865. Ees. Harvard, 111. Ch. 5976. Frederick, b. Oct. 5, 1873. 5977. Bert R., b. Apr. 11, 1877. (5384) ARLIXGTOiS^ CONE, son of Melville Cone (4649), b. in Rockford, 111., Feb. 15, 1855, m. Emily Bennett Nov. 10, 1877. Res. Jessup, la. Ch. 5978. Guy, b. 1878. 5979. Blais'CH, b. Oct. 1883. 5980. Ivan, b. Aug. 1889. (5390) EDWARD ASHER FOX, son of Matthew M. Fox (4652), b. Fort Plains, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1848, m. Ida Grace Greene at Coldwater, Mich., Sept. 9, 1875. He was a railroad conductor, and d. at Coldwater Feb. 5, 1899. Ch. 5981. Marian Gray, b. Aug. G. 1870; d. Mar. 1895. (5391) MARY ELIZA FOX, dau. of Matthew Fox (4652), b. Fort Plain, X. Y., June 15, 1850, m. Ferdinand DeCoelle Olney May 20, 1870. Res. in Coldwater, Mich. Ch. 5982. Gertrude Eliza, b. Apr. 30, 1875. \5393) GEORGE F. TYLER, son of Charles Tyler (4664), b. in Haddam, Conn., Jan. 23, 1844, m. in Bristol, Pa., July 7, 1867, Mary Elizabeth Young, dau. of Jacob and Mary Young. She was b. in Philadelphia July 7, 1847. He commanded the Government transport steamer John A. Warren during the War of 1861-5. He is a member of the Masonic order ; is Past High Priest of Royal Arch Chapter, A. F. & A. M., and member of Knights of Pythias and A. O. IT. W. Is Manager of the Interstate Steamboat Company, and Captain of the steamboat Florence. His home is Bordentown, X. J. Ch. 5983. George C. b. Aug. 21. 1868. Druggist. Grad. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Res. Philadelphia. 5984. Frederick Albert, b. Feb. 6. 1872: d. Jan. 29, 1882. —29 448 The Cone Family in America. 598o. Rosa May, b. June 21, 1875. oiiSO. Charles Alvin, b. Oct. 14, 1877. .-)!)87. Henry Russell, b. Aug. 20, 1883. 5988. Helen Maude, b. Oct. 11. 1880. (5400) LOEENZO HALL COIN^E, son of Jonathan Cone (4665), b. Bristol, Pa., Jan. 1, ISGl, m. in IS^ew York city Eva x\ng-nsta Scholtz, dan. (»f Joinis Sclioltz and Amelia Savage, Apr. 22,'l889. She was b. in Xew York May 10, 1866. Res. Philadel- phia, Pa. Ch. 5089. Jonathan W., b. May 6, 1890. (5449) WILLIAM JASPER COXE, son of Xelson Cone (4718), b. Ang. 5, 1848, m. Helen M. Henness, and d. May 27, 1879. She ni. 2 Thomas Hendryx, and res. at I_.incoln, ISTeb. Ch. 5990. Trenmeh, b. Jan. 18. 18(57. Grain and coal dealer. Res. Wahoo, Neb. 5991. John L., b. 1870. Res. Wahoo, Neb. 5992. L. D.. b. 1872. Res. Lincoln, Neb. 5993. W. N., b. 1876. Res. Memphis, Neb. (5470) DEA^ ARCHER CONE, son of Edward Albert Cone (4727), b. in Milford, Mich., Ang. 19, 1859, m. Minnie Eliza- beth Kellogg Eeb. 13, 1890. She was b. Jnly 11, 1863. He is a pliot(»grapher, and res. Buffalo, N". Y. Ch. 5994. Edna Maria, b. Oct. 3. 1891. (5473) ELIZABETH CONE, dan. of Andrew Cone (4728), b. Milford, Mich., June 30, 1860, m. Edwin Seth Morton in Eaton, Madison comity, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1883. He was b. in Eaton Dec. 25, 1860; son of Seth Snow Morton and Maria Allen. Jeweler, and res. at Hume, Bates countv. Mo. Ch. 5995. Ivan. b. Aufj. 8, 1885. 599G. Claude, b. Oct. 5, 1887. ^ (548G) ADAH LEILA CONE, dan. of Charles E. Cone (4737), b. in Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 28, 1860, m. Erank E. Brock Dec. 12, 1863. He was b. in Barrington, N. H., Dec. 17, 1853. Is a mend)er of the Sons of New Hampshire, and is a hardware mer^ chant. She is a Daughter of the American Revolution. Res. Can> bridge, ]\[ass. Ch. 5097. Edna Pearl, b. Mar. 25, 1885. (54S7) MARY GRAVES, dan. of Jolm W. Graves (4738), 1^. at Saxtou's River, ^■'t., Aug. 23, 1861, m. Erank Pierce Whitcomb, Descendants of Caleb Cone. 449 son of Sullivan Wliitcomb, Oct. 17, 1883. lie was b. in Windsor^ Vt., Oct. 28, 1857. Is a drng-gist. Res. Pasadena, Cal. Ch. .5998. Ray Coxe, b. Oct. 4, 1889. (5638) WILLIA3I OS:\[OXD COXE, son of Orson Cliilds Cone (4886), b. Bound Brook, X. J., July 6, 1866, m. Elizabeth Mary Booth, dan. of William Booth and Anna French, in Alamosa, Colo., May 8, 1893. She was b. in Elliott City, Md. He was edu- cated in the public schools of his native county. Then learned the printer's trade, which he followed for four years. Entered Rut- gers College Preparatory School in 1886, to prepare for the ministry of Reformed Ch. Was confirmed by the Bishop of N"ew Jersey in 1888. In the fall of that year he entered the General Theological Seminary of Xew York, and grad. in 1801 and removed to Colorado. Ordained priest same year at (^aiion C^ity, and has preached in Alamosa and at other points in Colorado. For the past few years has preached in Pueblo, (/olo., where he now res. Ch. .5999. Agxes Virginia, b. .Jan. 5. 1897. (5639) THOMAS II. S. COXE, son of Orson Childs Cone (4886), b. Bound Brook, X. J., Dec. 31, 1867; was m. to Emma Bailey, dau. of Andrew Bailey of Brooklyn, X. Y. Both are mem- bers of the M. E. Ch., and he is Treasurer and Manager of the Xa- tional Yarn Company of Xew York. Res. Bound Brook, X. J. Ch. 6000. Seymovr Laxe, b. Aug. 20. 1901. (5641) JESSIE MIXDWELL COXE, dau. of Orlow Troup Cone (4889), b. Enfield, Conn., Apr. 8, 1864, m. Matthew C. Barr of Ellington, Conn., Oct. 7, 1891. Res. Warehouse Point, Conn. Ch. 6001. Ethel Euth, b. Sept. 11, 1892. (5642) OGDEX FRAXKLIX COXE, son of Orlow Troup Cone (4889), b. Enfield, Conn., July 14, 1866, m. Julia A. Doane of Warehouse Point, Conn., Apr. 20, 1898. Machinist by trade. A[ember of M. E. Ch. Res. Warehouse Point, Conn. (5645) HOWARD CLIXTOX COXE, son of Orlow Troup Cone (4889), b. Enfield, Conn., Dec. 29, 1873, m. Clara H. Krause of Windsor Locks, Conn., Oct. 6, 1897. Res. Sufiield, Conn. Ch. 6002. Florexce May, b. .July 12, 1897. (5674) ISABELLA DELIXD COXE, dau. of William Whit- ney Cone (4902), b. in Wabaunsee county, Kas., Mar. 10, 1873, m. 450 The Cone Family in America. Alexander M. Harvey, son of James IJavison Harvey and Kebeeca Sparks, in Topeka, Kas., Dec. 10, 1896. He was b. in Madison county, Ivy., Nov. 24, 18(17. Moved with liis parents to Illinois in 1872, and to Kansas in 1877. Educated in the country schools of Shawnee county. Eead law, and was admitted to practice in 1893, and has since practiced law in Topeka. Elected Lieutenant-Governor of Kansas in 1896, and served two years. Was commissioned Major (•f the 22d Kansas Vol. Inf. in 1898 ; served six months. Member of Masonic order. Kes. in Topeka. Ch. 6003. Randal Cone, b. Nov. 10. 1897. G004. Paul Lamphere, b. Nov. 11. 1900. (5679) LOUIS BEETOIsT CONE, son of William Cone (4606), b. East Bloomfield, K Y., Sept. 26, 1862, m. Hannah Wohn in Chieao-o, 111., May, 1886. Ees. Chicag-o. f'h. 000.-). FuANK William. 1). Aug. 17. 1887. GOOfi. Arthur Henry, 1). Sept. IS. 1892. (5690) NELLIE MARIA CAMP, dau. of Charles Emerson Camp (4918) and Elizabeth A. Hart, b. in Durham, Conn., Jan. 14, 1857, m. James Otis Lyman, son of Charles, June 29, 1882. He Avas b. Ferrisburg-, Vt., Jan. 13, 1854. Machinist. Res. West Haven, Conn. Ch. G007. William Otis. b. Ansonia, Conn.. Feb. G. 1885. (5718) ORLOW WELLINGTON CONE, son of Orlow Cone (4947), b. in Chillicothe, O., Jan. 4, 1857, m. in Chillicothe Emily Catherine Senff Feb. 4, 1880, dau. of Michael and Melinda Senff, b. in Ross county, O., Dec. ], 1856. Ch. G008. Emily Kathryn, b. July 14, 1881. 0009. Hanley Wellington, b. Aug. 20, 1885. 0010. Victor Beaman, b. Feb. 27, 1889. (5720) MARY CONE, dau. of Orlow Cone (4947), b. in Chillicothe, O., May 7, 1863, m. James Elting Durrant Jan. 1, 1888, He IS a son of Nathan Durrant and Margaret Vail, and was b. in Sabina, Clinfcn county, O., Oct. 17, 1865^ Is a traveling dealer in general nici-ehandise. Res. Richniondale, O. Ch. 0012. ITazel Coxe. 1). Afay 5. 1889. 001.3. Xatiian Clair, b. Alay 29. 1892. n, .ni'""'---^ NELIJK ("ONE, dau. of Orh.w Cone (4947), b. in ( Inlheothe, O., Dee. 10, 1S67, m. Earl Alveru Squires Dec. 3, 1889. Descendants of Caleb Cone. 451 452 1'^>^e Cone Family in America. Ho is son of Nelson Sciuiros and Marvina McKee, and was b. in ]\Tarslifield, O., in 1804. Is a druggist, and res. at Hillsboro, O. Ch. 0014. Nannie ]Marvix.\. b. Oct. 0, 1890. 6015. Jannette Mae, b. July 3. 1892. (5724) ROSA HIGLEY, dan. of Eoswell Higley (4949), b. Feb. 25, 1859, m. Jobn Newton Eichie Dec. 31, 1879. He is son of John C. and Margaret Ann Richie, and v/as b. in Louisa C(!unt.y, la., Feb. 10, 1855. Is a carpenter, and res. at Allerton, la. Ch. 0016. Gertie May, b. Nov. 13. 1880. 0017. Ernest Higley, b. Nov. 29, 1883. 001 5. liEi'LAii Cone. b. Aug. 10, 1893. (5745) ERNEST ELBERT CONE, son of Edgar Whitfield Cone (4977), b. in Nebraska City, Neb., Jan. 25, 18G6, m. Lina Bollar, dan. of Valt and Juliette Bollar, in Akron, Colo., July 18, 1SS9. She was b. in Elkader, la., July 19, 1862. Grad. from the Eclectic Medical College in Cincinnati, O., June 7, 1892, and has since practiced medicine in Oxford, Neb. Is a member of the Ma- sonic order and tlie Knights of Pythias. Ch. 0019. Mattie Inez. b. June 1, 1890. (5749) HARRY DEFOREST CONE, son of Oliver Cone (4980), b. in Marion, la.. Mar. 23, 1860, m. Gertrude H. Dorwart, dan. of David Dorwart and Anna Snyder, June 10, 1885. She was 1). in Lisbon, la., Nov. 3, 1859. He is a jeweler, and President of the H. D. Cone Jewelry estnlJishmcnt at Cedar Rapids, la. Ch. ' 0020. Marvin Dorwart, b. Oct. 20. 1891. (5760) WILLIAM GILBERT CONE, son of William Henry Cone (4988), b. July 27, 1866, m. Minnie Belle Goodrich Jan. 1, 1885. She was b. Oct. 10, 1867. He is a sign-painter; is proprietor of the Afton Sign Works, at Afton, N. Y. Ch. 6021. Harry E., b. June 7. 1886. 6022. Ida A., b. June 27. 1889. (5764) DANA ENOCH CONE, son of Charles Dana Cone (4991), b. in Sac City, la.. Mar. 14, 1875, m. Maude S. Bowers June 17, 1899. Slio was 1). Feb. 18, 1882. Res. Eldora, la. Ch. 6023. RiFis Dana, b. Mav. 16, 1900. (5765) ^lATIE HANNAH CONE, dan. of Charles Dana Cone (4991), b. Dec. 8, 1876, ni. Harry Loss Mar. 2, 1898, in Ack- Descendants of Caleb Cone. 453 ley, la. He was b. in Chicago, 111., Jan. 31, 1876. Formerly a printer; latterly a farmer. Res. Kirkhoven, Minn. Ch. 6024. Leslie G., b. Eldora, la., Sept. 14, 1899; d. Aug. 5, 1902. 6025. Bektiia, b. Feb. 9, 1901. 6026. Curtis Percival, b. Nov. 19, 1902. (5766) NELLIE ALVIRA COis^E, dan. of Charles Daiia Cone (4291), b. Parker, S. D., Oct. 16, 1881, m. George H. Bowers Nov. IS, 1896. He was b. Mar. 25, 1869. Is a farmer, and res. Eldora, la. Ch. 6027. Charles H., b. Dec. 28, 1899. 6028. IvA May, b. Sept. 26, 1901. (5807) HENRY DWIGHT CONE, son of Nathaniel P. Cone (5033), b. in Champaign county, O., Dec. 24, 1855, m, Jennie Patrick Sept. 13, 1894. Dealer in farm machinery. Res. Urbana, O. Ch. 6029. Anjs-a M.. b. Sept. 14, 1895. 6030. CoRRiNE, b. May 19, 1897. 6031. Malcolm, b. Sept. 21, 1901. (5809) WILLIAM SHELDON CONE, son of Nathaniel P. Cone (5033), b. Aug. 8, 1859, m. Elvina A. Hayden (5849), dan. of David Eletcher Hayden and Melvina Garrettson, in 1885. Dealer in farm machinery. Res. Urbana, O. Ch. 6032. Edna H., b. Aug. 3, 1886. 6033. Don Hackley, b. Sept. 23, 1890. 6034. Alma Jannette, b. May 1, 1895. (5883) EMMA L. CONE, dan. of James William Cone (5127), b. Oct. 15, 1874, m. Dr. Carl Hammond Rust, son of Jame.s and Sophia Jane Rust. Lie was b. in Wellington, 0., June 16, 1870. Grad. at the Cleveland Homeo]3atbic Hospital College in 1893. Res. Wellington, O. Ch. 6035. Marjorie Cone. b. June 29, 1900. (5949) FLORENCE CONE, dau. of Albert Morris Cone (5320) and Mary Ahueda Stanley, b. in North Randolph, Vt., Aug. 1, 1875, m. Clifford Edgar Taft May 4, 1897. He was b. in Brook- field, Vt., Dec. 28, 1874; son of Charles H. Taft and Ellen Dur- kee. Res. North Randolph, Vt. Ch. 6036. Harold Clement, b. Mar. 7, 1898. 6037. Margaret, b. Sept. 6, 1899. 6038. Morris Cone, b. Dec. 27. 1900. 454 The Cone Family in America. adde:^da. (1115) ANDA W. CO]N"E, son of Monroe Cone (665), b. in Cortland, E". Y., Dec. 24, 1875, m. Alice Winnifred Dickinson, dan. of John and Sarah, Mar. 10, 1898. She was b. at Whitney's Point, jST. Y., Sept. 19, 1880. He was a railroad mail clerk, but for past few _years has been a printer. Ees. Dernyter, X. Y. Ch. (iO:W. Donald Monroe, b. Nov. 23, 1899. (1117) HEEBEET EEVILLO CONE, son of :Newton Cone {QQ^^), b. at Deruyter, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1873, m. Viola Hakes, dan. of Frank Hakes and DeEtta Wilmarth, Xov. 19, 1900. She was b. in Chenang'o connty, iST. Y., Jan. 25, 1874. Res. Cortland, ]^. Y. (4784) MEECY ELIZABETJI CONE, dan. of Warren Cone (4359), b. in Huron, O., Feb. 14, 1841, m. Samuel Eodgers, son of John Eodgers and Elizabeth Eobinson, in Toronto, Canada, Nov. 26, 1863. He was b. in London, England, Nov. 2, 1830. He is a car- recorder, and res. Albert Lea, Minn. Ch. 6040. Louis, b. Sept. IG, 1864; d. in infancy. 6041. Louis Warren, b. Nov. 13, 1865; d. May 14. 1871. 6042. Charles WiLLiAivr, b. Nov. 19, 18G7; d. Apr. 21, 1871. 6043. Frank Albert, b. Sept. 5. 1870. ni. Alvena Tunnell. 6044. Samuel Warren, b. Oct. 5, 1872; d. Feb. 28, 1875. (4865) WILLIAM J. CONE, son of William Pitt Cone (4398) and Delia Walford, b. in Middlesex, Yates county, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1867, m. Catherine Tersa Doyle, dan. of Bernard, Nov. 8, 1888. Carpenter. Ees. Buffalo, N. Y. Ch. 6045. William Bernard, b. Nov. 3, 1889. 6046. Owen Sylvester, b. Mar. 23, 1892. 6047. Roy Frederick, b. Nov. 4, 1893. (5258) WILSON CURTIS WHEELEE, son of Edgar B. Wheeler (4580) and Alice Mahitable Shelton, b. in Connecticut May 23, 1859, m. at Louisville, Kas., Aug-usta Carrie Arnold, April 9, 1889. She was b. Mar. 4, 1865, and d. Jan. 21, 1891. She grad. at Washburn College, and was Matron in the College 1886-7-8. He m. 2 Amelia Bittman, and res. Newton, Kas. He gTad. Yale in 1^80. Taught school from 1880 to 1883. Is a Cong, niinister. Has Addenda. 455 had charges at Alma and in other places in Kansas, and was Regis- trar of State Association of Cong. Churches. Ch. 6048. Frances, b. Jan. 3, 1891. [There are many others of the tribe of Cone that I am reasonably certain are descendants of Daniel Cone of Haddam, but as I have been nnable to trace them direct to him, I place them here in the earnest hope that some member of each branch will continue this in- vestigation and make more careful and extended search than I have been able to make. It is a source of great regret to me that I have been unable to find these missing links. There is no doubt whatever in my mind but that the head of every family mentioned in this con- nection can and will eventually be traced direct to Daniel Cone of Haddam.] ELIJAH CONE. (6049) ELIJAH COXE and wife, Elizabeth (Stuart) Cone, undoubtedly lived at JMillington, Conn., as seven of their children 'were baj)t. in the Cong. Ch. in that place. The family have a tradi- tion that Elijah lived at Millington, in the town of East Haddam, and left there in the year 1795 to find a location for a home in the eastern part of ]^ew York State. That he bought land in Otsego county, N. Y., and while on his return, in attempting to cross Hudson river on the ice, was drowned. The familj', with the exception of Statira and Elizabeth, removed to their new home the next season. The widow afterward married a Mr. Brown, and died at a great age in Delaware county, IST. Y. Ch. 6050.* Ira, b. May 22, 1768, m. Lydia Hayes; d. Aug. 31, 1841. 6051. -•■■ Elijah, bapt. Oct. 10, 1779, m. Mary Lancaster; d. Dec. 13, 1858. 6052. Statira, bapt. Oct. 10, 1779. m. George Gates; d. jSTov. 10, 1798. 6053. Candace, bapt. Oct. 10, 1779, m. Joseph Beckwith ; d. Aug. 28, 1835. 6054. John, bapt. Oct. 10, 1779, m. Margaret Hanna; no ch. 6055. Stuart, bapt. Oct. 10, 1779. 6056.* Elizabeth, b. June 22. 1777, m. Ebenezer \Yashburn; d. May 21, 1857. 6057. Rhoda, bapt. Dec. 4, 1780. 6058. Lucy, bapt. Sept. 12, 1783. 456 The Cone Family in America. (0050) IPiA CONE, son of Elijah and Elizabeth Cone (GO-41)), supposed to have been b. in Millington, Conn., May 22, 1708, m. Lydia Hayes abont 1705. She was b. in New London, Conn., Ecb.*2, 1771, and d. at Laurens, Otsego comity, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1843. They settled in Lanrens in 179,6. He was a farmer, and owned a large amount of land in Otsego county at the time of his death, which occurred at Laurens Aug. 31, 1841. Ch. G059.-"- Lyman, b. Apr. 18. 1799. m. Mary Santley; d. Jan. 13, 1881. 6060."- Naaman, 1). Sept. 11. 1804, m. Joanna Warner; d. Oct. 29, 1855. OOGl. LiXA who d. in infancy. (0051) ELIJAH C^ONE, son of Elijah and Elizabeth Cone (0049), bapt. in Millington, Conn., Oct. 10, 1779, m. Mary Lan- caster, who d. about 1838. From the probate records of Middlesex county. Conn., I find that Elijah jr. in 1789 (he being then a minor) chose Sylvanus Cone of East Haddam as his guardian. He removed to Otsego county, IST. Y., in 1797, and to Locke, N. Y., about 1805, and d. in ]\lilan, Cayuga county, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1858. Farmer. Cli. G0G2.^^ Birthday, b. May 9, 179G, m. Mary Ann Foote; d. Apr. 1. 1880. 6003. * Thomas, b. 1798, m. Rachel Goodrich; d. Aug. 10, 1884. 0004.* Solomon, b. 1800, m. Nancy Kenyon; d. 1839. 0005. Aaron, killed in a railroad accident at Painesville, 0., Feb. 1804. 0000.=^ Sarah P.. b. 1810, m. Samuel P. Jewett; d. Feb. 1848. (0056) ELIZABETH COXE, dan. of Elijah and Elizabeth Cone (0049), b. in Middlesex county. Conn., June 27, 1777, m. Eben- ezer Washburn in Petersburg, Eensselaer county, X. Y., Aug. 11, 1790. He M'as b. in Hardwick, Mass., Oct. 25, i772, and d. in Ra- cine, Wis., Dec. 29, 1857, aged 85 years. She d. in Svlvania, Wis., i^ky 21, 1857, aged 80 years. Ch. 00G7. AiJTEMAs. b. Dec. 23. 1797: d. in Chester. Mass., Feb. 20, 1801. GOGS. Malixda. b. May 0. 1800. ni. Thaddeus G. Kellogg; d. June 2, 1883. G0G9. Eliza, b. Mar. 4. 1803. m. .John H. Collins; d. Mar. 8. 1881. 0070. Electa, b. Sept. 20. 1S05, m. Seth Kellogg; d. Sept. 18, 1808. G071. Clarissa, b. Dee. 20, 1808. m. John P. Alzainora; d. Sept. 23, 1889. 6072.-^^ Jane D., b. Aug. 27, 1811, ni. Sylvester H. Clark; d. Apr. 1, 1892. 0073. Eli.tah ^V., b. Jan. 8. 1814, ni. Louisa Pv. Dodge. 0074. Ebenezer H., b. May 14. 1810. ni. Louisa M. Hartshorn; d. Sept. 4, 1808. (6059) LYMAX COA^E, son of Ira Cone (6050) and Lydia Hayes, b. m Otsego county, 1^. Y, Apr. IS, 1799, m. Mary Santley i^Lar. 12, 1820. She was b. in Enodand Sept. 6, 1801, and d. in Addenda. 457 Laurens, K Y., Mar. 30, 1888, aged 87 years. He was a farmer. An honest, conscientious and deeply religious man, and a member of the Society of Friends. In iDolitical matters he voted with the Whigs, and with the Eepublicans after the Eepublican party was formed. His house was a station on the " Underground Railway," and he assisted manv slaves to escape. He was an influential citi- zen, alwa,ys in the lead in all good works. He d. in Laurens, Jan. 13, 188L'ao-ed 82 vears. LYMAN CONE. 799- 1881 Ch. 6075.* Lucia, b. Julie 10. 1821. 111. Truman Baker; d. Apr. 24, 1900. GOTG.-^^- Mary. h. May 10. 1823. m. 1 R. W. Millis, 2 George H. Thomas. G077. Lydia. b. Dee. IG. 1825. m. Wilbur Estes. Res. Garrettsville, N. Y. 6078.-- Irene, b. Feb. 4, 1830. m. Thomas Estes. Res. Garrettsville. N. Y. (60G0) XAAMAIS^ COXE, son of Ha Cone (6050) and Lydia Hayes, b. in Laurens, Otsego county, IST. Y., Sept. 11, 1804, m. Joanna Warner, dau. of Thomas and Rlioda, I^ov. 17, 1825. She 458 The Cone Family in America. was 1). in ^^ew Lisbon, X. Y., May G, 1804. Her parents were Quakers. She d. in llornellsville, K Y., Oct. 24, 1858. liv. Cone was mneli interested in school matters, and held offices in his dis- trict for more than twentv-five years. At the time of his death he was Poormaster at llornellsville, and d. there Oct. 29, 1855. Ch. 0079.* William W., b. Oct. IS. lSi-27. m. 1 Eliza Utley, 2 Hannah Utley. Res. Masonville. X. Y. 0080.* Ira, b. Sept. 8, 1831, m. Isabella Thayer. Res. Hovnellsville. N. Y. 0081.* Elijah, b. Mar. 1.5, 1833, m. Mary Jane Ormsby; d. May, 1902. 0082." Eleazur, b. June 24, 1835, ni. Mary E. Goff. Res. Hornellsville, N. Y. 0083.* MARY A., b. July 19. 1840, ni. 1 John Latham. 2 W. N. Burr. Res. Hornellsville, N. Y. (6062) BIRTHDAY CO^s^E, son of Elijah Cone (6051) and ]\[ary Lancaster, b. May 9, 1Y96, m. Mary Ann Foote in Milan, X Y., abont 1818. She was b. Jnne 10, 1800, and d. Jnne 5, 1881, aged 81 years. lie d. at Elhhart, Ind., Apr. 1, 1886, aged 90 years. Ch. 0084. Hannah, b. Feb. 14, 1819; d. Sept. 1. 1887. 0085.* Crocker, b. May IS, 1820, ni. Eleanor Kelsey; d. Aug. 8. 1898. 0080. Susannah, b. June 14, 1822, ni. Lewis Strong, who d. 1890. She res. Fredericktown, 0., in 1895. 0087. Mary Jane, b. Nov. 10. 1828; d. at Monarch, Colo., May 22, 1887. (6063) THOMAS COXE, son of Elijah Cone (6051) and Mary Lancaster, b. in Milan, Cayuga county, ^. Y., in 1Y98, m. Rachel Goodrich in Bath, K y., in 1828. She was b. 1802 and d. Sept. 20, 1854. He d. Aug. 16, 1884, aged 86 vears. Ch. 0088.* CoRYDON C. b. Oct. 14. 1S29. m. Sarah M. Potter. 6089.* Elijah, b. A\n-. 4, 1831, ni. Ellen Agnes Beall; d. Feb. 10, 1900. 6090. Harriet, b. 1S.34: d. 1883. 0091. Sarah, b. 183S; d. 1842. 6092. Mary, d. 1840; d. 1840. (6064) SOLOMO^^ CONE, son of Elijah Cone (6051) and Mary Lancaster, 1). in Milan, Is^. y., 1800, m. ivTancy Kenyon, and d. 1839. He was a merchant. Baptist. Ch. 6093. Walter, b. 1823. Res. at Virginia City, Nev. 0094.* Mary, b. 1827, ni. William Hamlin. Res. Cambridge, Mass. (6066) SARAH PALMER CONE, dan. of Elijah Cone l60ol) and Mary Lancaster, b. 1810, m. Samuel Parsons Jewett, sou yt Josiali and Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 1835. He was b. in Durham, ("rin Ang. 9, 1809. Was a merchant at Fort Ann, N. Y., where she 'I- leb. 18, 1848. Addenda. 459 Ch. 609.5. Eliza, b. May 20, 1830: d. Oct. 4. 1847. 6096. Aaron, b. May 5, 1838. 6097. Guernsey Smith, b. Dec. 26, 1840; d. Jan. 13. 1841. 6098. Elizabeth S., b. July 16,, 1843. 6099. Florence, b. Oct. 24, 1845. (6072) JANE D. WASHBURN, dau. of Ebenezer Washburn and Elizabeth Cone (6056), b. in Haddam, Conn., Aug. 27, 1811, m. Sylvester Hale Clark in Plattekill, N. Y., Eeb. 12, 1835, and d. in Plymouth, Mass., Aug. 1, 1892, aged 81 years. He was b. in South W'ilbraham, Mass., Dec. 31, 1810," and d. in Plymouth, Mass. Ch. 6100. Wilbur F.. b. INIav. 11. 1836; d. in infancy. 6101. Washburn, b. Dec. 20. 1837; d. Feb. 10, 1838. 6102. Richard S.. b. Feb. 5. 1840. m. Georgina J. Lamb; no cli.; d. June 21. 1891. 6103. Arthur W., b. Oct. 2. 1843; d. Apr. 5, 1848. 6104. William F.. b. Nov. 29, 1845; d. Jan. 7, 1846. 6105. Mary E., b. Aug. 10, 1849; d. in infancy. 6106. Frances J., b. Oct. 28, 1850, m. Roswell Sargent Douglas Jan. 12. 1870. He grad. from Wesleyan University at Middle- town, Conn., in 1863. Enlisted in 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery, and served two years as Sergeant of bis company. Is proprietor of Plymouth Woolen Mills. Res. PljTnouth, Mass. (6075) LUCIA CONE, dau. of Lyman Cone (6059) and Mary Santley, b. June 10, 1821, m. Truman Baker, son of Samuel Baker and Lucinda Sewell, June 2, 1845. He was b. in New Lisbon, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1820. Eemoved from New Lisbon to Earlville, N. Y., in 185-1-. Was a farmer and breeder of thoroughbred cattle. She d. at Earlville, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1900. He res. Earlville. Ch. G107."- Emma L.. b. May 10, 184G. m. Frank Brooks; d. Oct. 27. 1873. 6108. Elle!< M.. b. Sept. 20, 1849; d. Sept. 30, 1854. 6109. Jason Charles, b. May 1, 1852; d. Aug. 21, 1855. 6110. Xellie May, b. Xov. 15, 1859, unm. Res. Earlville, N. Y. (6076) MAKY ANN CONE, dau. of Lyman Cone (6059), b. May 16,' 1823, m. Ripley Walter Millis Oct. 2, 1842. He was b. Nov. 17, 1817, and d. Oct. 28, 1850. She m. 2 George Hull Thomas July 18, 1855. He was b. Apr. 15, 1816. Ch. 6111. Ellen May. b. Mar. 22. 1840. Res. Fairfield. 0. 6112. Jane Henrietta, b. Mar. 29. 1849; d. June 20. 1860. 6113. Frances I., b. Aug. 31. 1856. m. Fi-ederick C. Maynard ; d. Sept. 29, 1880.'" 460 The Cone Familij in America. ((1078) IREXE COXE, dan. of Lvman Cone (0059) and ]\rary Santlev, b. in Lanrens, Otsego conntv, ^^. Y., Feb. -i, 1836, m. Thomas Estes Mav. 21, 1851. He was a farmer, and was b. May 1, 18l^'.». v^lie r(\si is mncli interested in chnrch and school affaii's. Ch. (5114. AxN Kliza, 1.. An.ii'. 1. IS-'vi; , John McClure; one ch; d. Apr. 1885. 0209. Titus K., b. .July !), 1S40, m. Alice Detwiler. Res. Radnor, 0. 6270. Elizabeth 1'., d. in infancy. 6271. A\'iLLiAM J., b. .June 2, 1851. m. Georgia A. George. Res. Radnor. 0. 6272. Frank P., b. Sept. 25, 1852, m. Lucy Jewett. Res. Radnor, 0. 0273. Harriet J., b. Feb. 20, 1855, m. Lester Peet. Res. Richwood, 0. 0274. James J., b. Sept. 4, 1857, m. Anna Nolan. Res. Radnor, 0. (6251) WILLIAM KINDLINE C0:NE, son of Luther Cone (6247) and Margaret Obershimer, b. in Delaware, O., June 8, 1832, m. Nellie A. Bartholomew of Vienna, O., July 1855. She d. May 1870. He m. 2 Mary U. Walker, dau. of Andrew J. Walker, Aug. 1, 1893. She was b. at Ingersoll, Canada, Apr. 1858. Mr. Cone is a lawyer and pension attorney, and deals in real estate. Is a printer, author and writer, and taught school in Pettis county, Mo. Grad. of Weslcynu College. Lost his right arm at age of twelve. Lived for many yonrs in Kansas, ],iit of late years at Eureka Springs, Ark. Oh. 6275. Olive E.. b. Dec. 23. 1S08. (!,-ad. of High Scliool in Chanute, Kas. 'I'auglil schddl ill Cliauute for seven yca)s, afterwards in Kansas City, Kas., where she was living in 1001. Addenda. 471 G27G. CoRiNXE, b. Aug. 12, 1870, in Mexico. Mo. Studied music with private teachers and at the College of Music in Cincinnati. Tavight voice and piano at Rushville, 111., for five years. Elected Supervisor of Music in the public schools of Hutch- inson, Kas., in 1900. Ees. Hutchinson. 6277. Mary Ada, b. Dee. 30, 1872: d. in Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 10, 1887. 6278. William K., b. 1874; d. 1877. 6279. Celestia, b. June 8. 189.3; d. in St. Louis in 1896. (625;3) TITUS KIXG CONE, son of J.utlier Cone (6247)- and ]\Largaret Obersliimer, b. in Delaware county, O., Mar. 28, 1836,, m. Helen Patterson in Lawrence, Kas., Oct. 22, 1867. She was b. in Findlay, O., iSTov. 29, 1843. He has been a merchant, lawyer, and a real estate agent. Served as a soldier in Co. I, 5tli Kas. Cav. Was ijromoted Sergeant of the Company, and was discharged Dec. 1864; after serving three ,years. Formerly res. in Kearney, IsTeb., but of late years at Cedar Eapids, la. Ch. 6280. Lawrence K., b. A])r. 21, 1869, m. Edith Maud Aitkin. Res. Cedar Rapids. 6281. William L., b. Sept. 1-5, 1871, m. Blanche R. Haidy. Res. C(idar Rapids. (6256) LUTHER CONE, son of Luther Cone (6247) and Margaret Obershimer, b. in Delaware county, O., Mar. 2, 1842, m. Mary Bertha Giles, dau. of Thomas A. Giles and Marie M. Hill, in Chanute, Kas., in 1874. She was b. in Portsmouth, England, Sept. 14, 1856. He was a soldier in Civil War, in the 184th Ohio Vols. He removed from Ohio to Lawrence, Kas., soon after the war, and from there to Chanute, where he has lived the past thirty years. Has been City Clerk of Chanute, and a Justice of the Peace for many vears. Ch. 6282. Frederick P., b. Mar. 23, 187o. Ed. of the Moniiuci Huh. at Chanute. 6283. Li'THER Giles, b. May 29, 1878. Corporal of Troop G, 13th U. S. Cav., stationed at Ft. Assinniboine, Mont. 6284. Gladys I., b. Jan. 30, 1888. 6285. Curtis Edwin, b. Dec. 2, 1891. (6258) JOHN PHILIPS CONE, son of Luther Cone (6247) and Margaret Obershimer, b. in Delaware county, O., Jan. 7, 1846. Grad. Kansas University in 1869. Enlisted in War of 1861 in Co. E, 12th Kas. Vols., Sept. 6, 1862. Was taken prisoner at Saline Kiver, Ark., Apr. 30, 1864; exchanged Mav 27, 1865, and was discharged June 30, 1865, — thus being in active service three years before he was twenty .years old. On Mav 22, 1878. he m. Mary ITenslev, who was b. Jan. 26, L855. Res. Lawrence, Kas. 472 The Cone Family in America. Cb. 628G. John \^'illiam, b. May G, 1879. 6287. NuMA Dakley, b. July 17. 1881. G288. Victor Mann, b. Aug. 31, 1883. 6289. Evan Cullen, b. Sept. 8, 1885; d. Sept. 6. 1886. 6290. Maky Margaret, b. Sept. 9, 1887. (G2G0) MARTHA MAGEE COXE, dau. of Luther Cone (G247) and Margaret Obershimer, b. in Delaware county, O., 1852. Grad. Avith high honors as a Greek schohar at the Kansas University ar. Lawi-onco. :\r. Kev. Asa Slecth, and res. at Phittsmouth, Neb. Ch. G291. Dana, b. 1877. (G2G6) THOMAS B. COIsTE, son of John W. Cone (6249) and Afary Williams, b. in Delaware county, O., Aug. 27, 1839, m. 31avy Detwiler in 1864. They removed to Wellsville, Kas., in 1870. lies. 1901 in Ottawa, Ivas. Ch. 6292. Lizzie B.. b. in Ohio July 4, 1869. THOMAS CONE. (6293) THOMAS COI^E, who was, according to family tra- dition, born in Williamstown, Mass., Sept. 8, 1780, although the town records do not show it, m. Lois Watson in 1799. They removed to Monroe county, A^. y., in 1826, and he d. at Charlotte, in that county, Sept. 5, 1854. There is a tradition in the family that Thomas had a brother Uriah ; that their father d. in Petersburg, TsT. Y. ; and that the widow in. 2 a Mr. Cranston. Ch. C294.* Polly, b. Mar. 2, 1800. ,i,. Harrington; d. Aug. 1. 1852. 62<).-..^^- S.\MXEL W.. h. ISO:], m. lletsev Fenton!" d. Aug. 3. 184.1. 6296. llENRY. d. Dee. 7. 1847. 6297. .JosKi'ir, d. Dec. 0, 18S4. 62!»S. Thomas, d. 1869. 6299. IlAXXAH. b. ISl:]. ni. Howard, and lived in 1887 at Cliarlotte, N. Y. _ (6294) POLLY CONE, dau. of Thomas Cone (6293) and Lois \Vatson, m. Harrington in 1822. Thev lived in Benning- ton, \ t until 1S26, when they removed to Monroe countv, N. Y., v.- hero, she d. Aug, 1, 1852. Ch. 0:!00.* Makv. b. Oct. 4. 1824, n,. Thomas Kennedy. Addenda. 473 (6295) SAMUEL WATSO^^ COXE, son of Thomas Cone (6293) and Lois Watson, b. in Massachusetts in 1803, m. Betsey Fen- ton about 1828. She was b. at Sand Lake, K Y., 1811, and d. in Bourbon, Ind., Feb. 27, 1887. He was a woolen manufacturer, and d. at Elkhart, Ind., Aug-. 3, 1845. Ch. 0:301. WiLOAM. Lived at Sturgis. Mich. 6302.* Albert, b. Julv 13. 1832. m. Sophia M. K. Howlev. Res. Bourbon, Ind. G303. Nelsox. Eos. Chicago, 111. 0304. Martin. Res. Chicago. 111. (3300) MAEY HARRIXGTOX, dan. of Pollv (Cone) Har- rington (6294), m. Thomas Kennedy in Eochester, jST. Y., Xov. 6, 1844. He was b. in Xew York city Julv 10, 1821, and d. in Eoches- ter Sept. 21, 1885. Ch. 6305. Jui-IA. b. Apr. 17. 1847; d. Feb. 26, 1863. 6306. George H., b. Aug. 9, 1853. Res. Rochester, N. Y. 6307. Emma L., b. May 11, 1859; d. July 21, 1879. ( 6302 ) ALBEET COA^E, son of Samuel Watson Cone ( 6295 ) and Betsy Fenton, b. in Eochester, IST. Y., July 13, 1832, m. Sophia M. K. Howley in 1861. He was a Methodist minister. Ees. Bour- bon, Ind. Ch. 6308. Einvix Watson, b. Sept. 21, 1863. 6309. Samuel H.. b. May 22, 1872. ELIAS CONE. (6310) ELIAS CONE m. Euth Crook in Haddam, Conn., 1776. He enlisted in the Eev. Army May 10, 1775, from Killings- worth, Conn., in 6th Connecticut Continental troops, in Capt. Samuel Gale's company, under Col. Parsons. Eemoved shortly after the war to Burlingion, Yt. Ch. 0311.* Elias, b. about 1780, m. Eliza Starr, and d. about 1840. (6311) ELIAS COXE, son of Elias Cone (6310) and Euth Crook, b. at Westford, Yt., 1780, m. Eliza Starr, and d. about 1840. She d. 1816. Ch. 6312. BuEL. b. 1801. ni. :\Iarinda Morgan. Two ch.. viz.. M. H. and N. H., who live in Axtell. Kas. 6313. Emily, b. 1808. m. Beriah Howard; d. 1841. 474 The Cone Family in America. JOHN CONE. (Gol-t) JOHN CONE, b. ill Connecticut Jan. 20, 1795; re- moved with his parents to Butler county, O., about 1800. The fam- ily have no knowledge of the parents of John. He m. in Venice, O., Aug. 21, 1821, Mary Frances Faudry, who was b. in Clarksburg, Va., MaV 16, 1805, and cl. in Hamilton, Butler county, O., Sept. 17, 1858. He d. in Venice, O., May 5, 1810. Was a weaver by occupation. Family tradition has it that he was b. in New Haven, Conn., but the records of that town do not show it. Perhaps the careful investiga- tion now being made by the descendants will lead to finding his ancestrv. Ch. ();>ir). ^Iary Elizabeth, h. i\I;iy 7. 1S2;"). iii. ITairison Kimble, (i.-no. ITaxxaii LorisA. b. Juno 10. 1827, m. Carey C. Wyatt. G;n7. Samuel, b. Feb. 14. lS2!t. m. ]\Iartlia Gossett. 0:US.-"- Isaac D., b. May 9, 18;!:3, m. Nancy J. Wallace; d. July 28, 1895. (1:519. RoLOJiON, b. June 20, 1838. G;520. ' fSTEi'iiEX D., b. Feb. 12, 1841, m. Barbara C. Burkett. Res. Ham- ilton, 0. (G318) ISAAC D. CONE, son of John Cone (6314) and Mary Frances Faudry, b. in Wapakoneta, Auglaize county, O., May 9, 1833, m. in Hamilton county, O., Dec. 21, 1858, Nancy Jane Wallace, dau. of Roger Wallace and Hannah Buble. She was b. in Hamilton Dec. 4, 1810, and res. there in 1900. He was a teamster. Universalist. Bepubliean. I). July 28, 1895. Ch. (1321. David B.. 1). Oct 8, 1859, m. Anna Stromps. Ees. New Carlisle, 0. (i:i22. Alice C., b. Sept. 27, 1862, m. William Groscli. (j;i2;5. Hexry W., 1). July 23, 1806. t);{34. MiitRAY J., 1). May 30, 1870. (0320) STEPHEN DECATUR CONE, son of John Cone (6314) and Mary Frances Faudry, b. in Venice, O., Feb. 12, 1840, m. Barbai-a Catherine Burkett, dau. of Flenry Burkett and Catherine Aeeley, Dec. 30, 1864. She was b. in Lewisburg, Preble county, O., TT ■ •!' ""^"t^' ^^^ ^^ '^ printer, and author of '^Cone's Flistory of Hannhnn, Oh!n." p.,ine, b. M.y 2... 1870. m. William W. Loque. ,:::;V ^■'''^•'"'- ^'- ■'■ -^l--- ^- I^TI. m. Alma Mustard. ;;;;-^ XvuKPHA n.. b. X.-v. 27. 1872, m. Norton A. Newdeclc. ''•i'^f*. Blaxcme, b. Jan. 30. 1870. '■'-'•'• Joiix. b. An- 25. 1.S7S. ''^541. Mxnr. b. .Tunc 26. 1884. Addenda. 475 ICHABOD CONE. (0342) ICHABOD GOXE, b. 1757, possibly in Middlesex county, Conn., m. Anna Holmes of Saybrook, Conn., about 1786. She was b. in Saybrook Apr. 1, 1764, and d. in Preble, Cortland county, K Y., Oct. 5, 1838. He d. same place Oct. 9, 1831, and both were buried at Tully, JST. Y. Family tradition is to the effect that he had a sister who m. ■ Doty, and also two brothers, John and Elmander. There is also a tradition that the father of Ichabod served in the French and Indian War. Ichabod enlisted at East Haddam, Conn., in the company commanded by Capt. Eliphalet Holmes, in May, 1776. After the battle of Lexington the company was reorgan- ized and placed in Col. Samuel Selden's regiment, under Gen. Wads- worth, and he served from June to Dec. 1776. He enlisted toward the close of the war in Capt. Abraham Livingston's company of l^ew York State troops, under Col. Willets. His name also appears as a private in Capt. Ichabod Turner's company, 4th Albany Eegiment, under Col. Killian Van E-ensselaer. There is also a tradition in the family that the father of Ichabod was named Russell or Roswell. It is hoped that the descendants of this very worthy man will make a determined and successful effort to find his ancestry. Was a shoe- maker. Ch. 6343. Laura, h. 1791. m. Jeremiah William-s. Had twelve ch. 6344. Polly, b. Mar. 18. 1793, iinm; d. July 23, 1859. 6345.* JoHX. 1). Alio-. 11. 1795, m. Harriet In^ersoll ; d. Feb. 15. 1853. 6346.* Anxa. b. 1797, m. Hiram Trowbridge; d. Oct. 11, 1850. 6347.* Lucy H.. b. Aug. 16, 1800, m. Milo Trowbridge; d. Nov. 19. 1860. 6348.* Eliza, b. 1805. m. Rufus Taggart; d. Jan. 9. 1872. 6349. Electa, b. 1808. m. Milo Trowbridge; d. May 4, 1873. (6345) JOim CONE, son of Ichabod Cone (6342) and Anna Holmes, b. at Catskill, N. Y, Aug. 11, 1795, m. Harriet In- gersoll, dau. of William and Laura, in Preble, IST. Y., Dec. 25, 1823, She was b. in Lee, Mass., Apr. 25, 1802, and d. in Tomah, Wis., Dec. 16, 1883, aged 81 years. He was a shoemaker, and d. in Preble, TsT. Y., Feb. 15, 1853. Ch. 6350.* Russell, b. Sept. 6, 1824. m. Mercy E. Lee; d. June 23, 1900. 6351.* AviLLA, b. Mar. 21, 1820, m. David R. Meloy. Res. Blackstone, Kas. 6352.-^ .John E., b. Nov. 25, 1827, m. Julia Davenport; d. 1885. 6353.* Eliza C, b. Nov. 29, 1829, m. John Howard; d. Apr. 21. 1898. 6354.* Orlando, b. Feb. 26, 1831. m. Artemesia Steel; d. Oct. 1859. 6355. George W., b. May 3, 1835, m. Huldah Davenjiort; d. Jan. 21. 1859. 6356.* Edwin E., b. Dec. 21, 1836, ni. Eleanor Hill. Res. Lovington, 111. 6357.* NoRRis D.. b. Jan. 23. 1839. m. Charlotte E. Miller. Res. Perry, Ok. 6358. Charles A., b. Apr. 2, 1845; d. Feb. 12, 1870. 6359. Sarah, b. Sept. 19. 1846. m. George Hurlburt; d. Dec. 21. 1874. 476 The Cone Family in America. (6346) AIs^IsTA PATTEESOX COXE, dau. of Ichabod Cone (6342) and Anna Holmes, b. at Catskill, X. Y., 1797, m. Hiram Trowbrido'O Oct. 27, 1822. He was a farmer ; b. in Florida, Broome conntv, N.Y., 1798, and d. in Tnlly, l^.Y., 1860. She d. at the Glcii Haven Water Cnre, in Cortland connty, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1850. Ch. 0360. Lorenzo D., b. July 27, 182:], m. Esthor E. Fuller; d. Aug. 12. 1884. 6361. •"■ Laura A., b. Jan. 10, 1826, m. 1 Cicero Fowler, 2 Charles H. Ferry. Res. Syracuse. 6362.* Esther, b. June 25, 1831, m. Jared Williams; d. June 28, 1895. 0363.* Mandana, b. Nov. 24, 1834, m. Miles B. Hackett. Res. Syracuse. N.Y. 6364. Newtox. Lives at Council Grove, Kas. Is a physician. (6347) LUCY CONE, dan. of Ichabod Cone (6342) and Anna Holmes, b. Aug. 16, 1800, m. Milo Trowbridge Apr. 19, 1839. She d. Nov. 19, 1860, and he m. 2 her sister Electa, who was b. 1808, and who d. May 4, 1873. He d. Ang. 25, 1882, aged 87 years. Ch. 6365. Samuel, b. Apr. 12, 1852, m. Lydia Knapp. (6348) ELIZA CONE, dan. of Ichabod Cone (6342) and Anna Holmes, b. 1805, in Berne, N. Y., m. Rnfns Taggart Jan. 20, 1831. He was son of Samuel Taggart and Elizabeth Duncan, and was b. in Colerain, Mass., Jan. 24, 1793, and d. in Wilson, Niagara connty, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1869. He practiced law, and was on the bench in western New York for over f(n'ty years. Samuel Taggart, the father of Eufns, was a Presbyterian minister, and the author of a nunibpr of religious books. He served in the F. S. Cono-ress from about LSOO to 1814. Eliza d. in Grand Ba])ids, ]\[ich., Jan. 9, 1872. Oh. 6366. Samuel, b. Dec. 1832. ni. Orzela Bradley. Res. ^Yilson, N. Y. 6367. Rt-fus, b. 1835. Sei'ved during the Civil War in Co. H. 76th N.Y. Vols., and d. Nov. 0, 1S04, from ])vivations and exposure during the war. 6368.* Edward, b. Oct. 1838, m. Delia C. Carver. Res. Crand Rapids. Mich. 636!). .roMN. 1). June, 1S40, unni. Served in 8th N.Y. Artillery during the war; d. Nov. 15, 1891. 6370.* MO.SES, b. Feb. 27, 1843, ni. Elizabeth Canson. Res. Grand Rapids, Mich. 6371. ^lAKv Electa, b. 1S46, m. Ranscni Sampson. Res. Ada, Kent county, Mich. ^ (6350) EUSSEy. CONI^son of J.hn Cone (6345) and Mercy E. Lee 1 d.' Dec. 9, Harriet L.gersoll, b. in Preble, N. Y, Sept. 6, 1824, m. 1 m j-lovoland, ()., .Tmie 2, 1852. She was b. 1828, an l'^"^. lie d. in Chicago, 111., Jmie 23 1900 Ch. ';;|72. Ma.v E., b. Mar 3, 1854. n.. W. B. Randall. Res. Chicago. <'--5. Joux y. 1, Apr. 25. 1S5G: d. Mar. 3. 1880. Addenda. 477 6374. Julia A., b. June 26, 1858, m. Lewis W. Klock, Aug. 20, 1877. 6375. Lena Laura, b. May 26, 1860, m. D. W. Paissell. Res. Chicago, 111. 6376. George E., b. in Chicago Oct. 11, 1864; d. July 12, 1865. 6377. Fanny B., b. May 2.5, 1867, m. W. A. Ellis July 30, 1884. 6378. Lillian B., b. Aug. 27, 1872; d. Sept. 11, 1873. (6351) AVILLA CONE, dau. of John Cone (6345) and Harriet Ingersoll, b. in Preble, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1826, m. David K. Meloj, son of John Melov, in Raymond, Wis., Oct. 17, 1847. He was k in Bennington, :S'. Y., :N'ov. 29, 1819. Carpenter early in life, and also dealt in real estate. Was Jnstice of the Peace twenty years. D. Dec. 31, 1897. She Avas living at Blackstone, Kas., in 1900. Ch. 6379. David A., b. .Jan. 25, 1849. Was an undertaker and upholsterer at Caldwell, Kas. ; afterwards a groceryman and Postmaster at Blackstone, Kas. 6380. Martha A., b. Oct. 5, 1853. m. Oscar J. Conklin. Res. Caldwell, Kas. 6381. Hattie E., b. Mar. 22, 1858. 6382. Edward H., b. June 2, 1861, m. Alice B. Duflant; d. in ^ew York May 21, 1896. 6383. Homer, b. Xov. 11, 1864. Printer. Served in Spanish-American War in 3d Wis. Vols. Res. Blackstone, Kas. (6352) JOH]^ E. CONE, son of John Cone (6345) and Harriet Ingersoll, b. Nov. 25, 1827, m. 1 Jnlia Davenport, 2 Mrs. Jennie Dailv. Lawyer. Was Colonel of colored troops during the Civil War, resigiiing Eeb. 22, 1865. He d. in 1885. (6353) ELIZA CONE, dan. of John Cone (6345) and Har- riet Ingersoll, b. in Trnxton, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1829, m. John Howard at Wyocena, Wis., Nov. 22, 1848. He was b. Jan. 22, 1827, and d. at Tomah, Wis., May 21, 1885. She d. Apr. 21, 1898. Ch. 6384. Emma J., b. Feb. 16, 1850, m. C. J. Brazee. Res; JVlerrill, Wis. 6385. Ann Elizabeth, b. June 12, 1853; d. Sept. 17, 1866. 6386. George I., b. Aug. 1, 1857. Res. Tomah, Wis. 6387. Ada B., b. Jan. 3, 1860; d. in Tomah May 5, 1883. 6388. Willis V., b. Aug. 5. 1863. Res. Canton. S. D. 6389. Minnie, b. June 17, 1865. Res. Tomah, Wis. 6390. Lona, b. Sept. 25, 1868. Res. Tomah, Wis. (6354) ORLANDO CONE, son of John Cone (6345) and Harriet Ingersoll, b. at Trnxton, N. Y, Feb. 26, 1831, m. Artemesia Steel in 1851. He d. at Wyocena, Wis., Oct. 10, 1859. Ch. 6391. Eva, b. Apr. 28, 1859, m. Walter Cooledge Apr. 28, 1879. He is a photograplier, and tliey reside at De Smet, S. D. Three ch. 478 The Gone Family in America. (6356) EDWIN ELDRIDGE CONE, son of John Cone (6345) and Tlarriet Ingersoll, b. Dec. 21, 1836, m. Eleanor Hill in Wyocona, Wis., Dec. 2o', 1866. She was b. in Salem, K Y., Apr. 22, 1 846. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in Co. H. 47th Wis. Vols. They were living- at Lovin2:ton, 111., in 1900. Ch. 0302. Bertrand. 1i. Xov. 20, 1867. G393. Ina Belle, b. Apv. 25. 1869. m. Eev. Petor Hensen of the " Pentecost band." 6304. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11. 1870. 6395. Artemus Ward, b. Apr. 29, 1873. 6396. WiNFiELD Jay. ni. Apr. 7. 1877. Is a portrait-painter at Lovington. 6397. Mark Ray, b. Aug. 22, 1879. 6398. Ralph Roy, b. May 18, 1884. 6399. Ruth Eleanor, b. Apr. 19, 1886. (6357) NOEEIS DAY CONE, son of John Cone (6345) and Harriet Ino-ersoll, b. in Trnxton, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1839, m. at Mnrfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1863, Charlotte Elizabeth Miller, dau. of John Miller and Esther L. Ford. He practiced medicine from 1864 niitil 1884, and has been an attornev at law since then. Res. Perry, Ok. Ch. 6400. Florence E.. b. Dec. 11, 1865. m. E. A. Vigil. Res. Hoehne, Colo. 6401. Herbert V., b. July 30, 1867. Merchant. 6402. Homer J., b. ]May 12, 1871. Farmer and stockraiser. Res. Cody, Wy. 6403. Cl.\ra D., b. July 25, 1873, m. William Brasha. He is a train- dispatcher at Las Vegas, N. M. (6361) LAURA ANNA TROWBRIDGE, dau. of Hiram Trowbridge and Anna P. Cone (6346), b. in Preble, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1828, m. Cicero Fowler May 1, 1847. He was b. May 13, 1823, and d. in Danforth, N. Y. She ni. 2 Charles Henry Ferry Feb. 15, 1881. He Avas son of Chester Ferrv and Sabia Buffino-ton, and was b. .\pr. 21, 1826. Res. Syracuse, N. Y. Cb. 6404. Cora, b. Sept. 18, 1859, m. Charles E. Harman Apr. 25, 1882. He was 1). Nov. 17. 1856. Connected with New York Central Railroad, Syracuse, N. Y. Tliey have four children. (6362) ESTHER TROWBRIDGE, dan. of Hiram Trow- bndo-e and Anna P. Cone (6346), b. in Preble, N. Y., June 25, 1831, m. her consm, Jared Charles Williams, son of Jeremiah Williams and bam-a Cone (6343), Apr. 6, 1849. He was b. in Passaic county, -V .1. May 13, 1829. Was Sheriff of Onondaga county, N. Y., War- fien .;t ^tate I enitentiary, and held other offices of trust and respon- Hh.hty. 1). u, Svraenso Feb. -C. 1SS7. She d. in Onondaga Valley, As. i ., June 28, 1895. " Addenda. 479 Ch. 6405. Charles, b. Dee. IS. 185.5, m. Celia Hollenback; one ch.; d. Mar. 16, 1888. (6363) MAIv^DANA TEOWBKIDGE, dau. of Hiram Trow- bridge and Anna P. Cone (6346), b. in Preble, K Y., :N'ov. 24, 1834, m. Miles Burghart Hackett Jan. 18, 1851. He was b. in Onondaga county, K Y., ISTov. 15, 1827, and d. Oct. 2, 1877. She res. in Syra- cuse, N. Y. Ch. 6406. John Giles, b. Nov. 27, 1851, in. Mary Wallace. Res. Syracuse. (6368) EDWAPtD TAGGAET, son of Enfns Taggart and Eliza Cone (6348), b. Oct. 1838, in Wilson, 'N.Y., m.^ Delia C. Carver, dau. of Stephen Carver and adopted daughter of Judge Moses Taggart of Batavia, 'N. Y., Apr. 11, 1871. She was b. in Versailles, HI., Sept. 10, 1846. He is an attorney at law, and res. at Grand Papids, ]\rich. Ch. 6407. Fkaxces E.. b. Jan. 15. 1872; d. Aug. 7. 1872. 6408. Mabel, b. Mar. 9. 1873. 6409. Louis E., b. Nov. 14, 1874. (6370) MOSES TAGGART, son of Rufus Taggart and Eliza Cone (6348), b. in Wilson, IN". Y., Eeb. 27, 1843, m. in Ypsilanti ]\ricli., Elizabeth Luceba Ganson, dau. of Cornelius Ganson and Anna Van Cleve, Oct. 17, 1872. She was b. in Batavia, K Y., June 22, 1848. He is a Presbyterian, and politically a Republican. Attorney at law, and member of the firm of Taggart, Wolcott & Ganson. He has followed the legal profession since 1869. From 1885 to 1889 was Attorney-General of Michigan, and has been a candidate for Circuit Judge and other offices. At present City Attor- ney of Grand Rapids, Mich. Ch. 6410. Ganson. b. Dec. 6, 1873. Res. Grand Rapids. 6411. Samuel, b. Dec. 6, 1873; d. Dec. 25, 1873. 6412. Ralph Cone. b. Sept. 4, 1875. Res. Brooklyn, K Y. 6413. James M., b. Dec. 10, 1878. Res. Grand Rapids. 6414. Anna V.. b. Nov. 8, 1882. 6415. Van Cleve, b. Nov. 26. 1892. TIMOTHY CONE. (6416) TIMOTHY CO^S^E, b. (probably in Connecticut) Feb. 22, 1772, m. Mary Gorham, dau. of John Gorham, and d. at Waterloo, X. Y., Sept. 12, 1863, aged 91 years. She d. same place June 6, 1855, aged SO years. According to a tradition among the descendants. —31 480 The Cone Family in America. Lis parents died when lie was an infant, leaving Timothy and two sisters, llie descendants of Timothy know nothing- of his sisters. Ch. G417.* Arozina. b. Oct. 9, 1794. in. 1 John Lydic, 2 Robert Fleming; d. Sept. 23, 1898. 6418." Jabez G., b. 1797, m. T^Iaiy E. Hoiton; d. 1847. 6419. Henry Burnktt. G420. John C, b. Sei)t. 10, 1815. Lived in Rockwood, Mich. 0421. AViLLiAM, b. Nov. 3, 1817. Miller. D. unni., 1890. And si.\ diuighters, of whom I know nothing. (G417) AEOZINA C0:NE, dan. of Timothy Cone (6416) and Mary Gorham, was b. in Romiilns, Seueca county, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1794. She always lived within ten miles of her birthplace. She married John Lydic in 1810. He became a soldier in the War of 1812, and d. a few years after the war, from wounds received in battle. The widow was gi-anted a pension, but relinquished it upon her second marriage. In 1822 she married Robert Fleming. He d. in 1862. She never had any children of her own, but raised quite a family belonging to her second husband. She was undoubtedly the oldest member of the Cone tribe, and very probably the oldest person in the State of ^N'ew York at the time of her death. She d. at Waterloo, Seneca county, K Y., Sept. 23, 1898, aged 103 years, 11 months, 14 days. (0418) JABEZ G. COIS^E, son of Timothy Cone (6416) and ]\rary Gorham, b. in Seneca countv, 1^. Y., 1707, m. IMarv E. Hor- ton, wlio .1. 1872. He d. 1847. Ch. 0422.* Hannah H., b. Oct. 30. 1823, m. Garrett Doromus. Res. Romulus, N. Y. 0423. James G., b. Apr. 25, 1830. Merchant. Res. Point Chautauqua, N. Y. 0424. George W., b. May 27, 1832. Blacksmith. Res. Piffard, N. Y. 0425.* John L., b. July 22, 1834, m. Clarinda Cooper. Res. Waterloo, N. Y. 0420.* Edward G., b. Aug. 13, 1837, m. Sarah Kinne. Res. New York. (6422) HANis^AH HORTO^^ COXE, dan. of Jabez Cone (6418) and j\[ary E. Horton, b. in Seneca county, ^^. Y., Oct. 30, 1823, m. Garrett Doremus Jan. 14, 1846. He was b. ISTov. 2, 1808. Ihey lived at Romulus, Seneca countv, ^ Y Ch. C427. Sarah E., b. Fob. 10, 1847. Res. Romulus. N. Y. fi42S. FRANKI.1X C., b. .July 20, 1849, m. Res. Romulus, K Y. W_9. PiERsoN J., b. Sept. 20, 1853, m. Res. Romulus, N. Y. 04.30. Stepmex Y.. b. Feb. 17, 1801. Res. Romnhis. N. Y. •mrl v"^"r I^^y^"^^^' ^^O^TE, son of Jabez Cone (6418) and Mary E. Horton, b. i„ Waterloo, Seneca county, ^.Y.. July 22, ]^o4, m. Clarinda Cooper, and lived in Waterloo ' Addenda. 481 Ch. 6431. Charles H. \Yas connected with the Electrical Supply Co., Chicago. G432. Rena Josephine. 0433. LuLA Belle. 0434. Olivek Cooper. 0435. Howard Lydic. (6^26) EDWxiED GORHAM COXE, son of Jabez Cone (6418) and Mary E. Horton, b. in Seneca countj, JST. Y., Aug. 13, 1837, m. Sarah Kinne. Was an oil merchant, doing- business in ISTew York city. Ch. 0430. Mattie C. 0437. Lizzie M. 0438. Edward Kinxe. Banker. Res. New York. 0439. Effie Grace. i WILLIAM CONE. (0440) WILLIAM CONE, b. possibly about 1758,— tradi- tion says in T^orth Carolina ; d. in Saundersville, Washington county, Ga., in 1820. Descendants claim that he served in the Rev. War. Removed e^rly in his married life to Columbia county, Ga., and his children were 1). there. He m. Miss Beacham, and d. 1812. >^ Cb. 0441.* John W., b. 1780. m. Nancy Waclsworth ; d. 1833. 0442. Levi, b. 1783; d. in Columbia county, Ga., 1830. 0443. Thomas, b. 1780; d. 1800. Had four sons killed in the Civil War, members of the 18th Georgia Regiment. 0444. Abel, b. 1788; d. 1805. (6441) JOIIX WASHINGTOIsT COjSTE, son of William Cone (6440), h. in Columbia county, Ga., 1780, m, ]^[ancy Wads- worth, and d. at :\lilledgeville, Ga., Sept. 10, 1833. Ch. e445.-'- William B., b. Feb. 14, 1814, m. Elizabeth Mobley; d. Sept. 1, 1891. 0440. Thomas, b. 1816, m. Emily Ci-44o), b. m Unadilla, Ga., in 1838, m. Alva B. Spencer. He was a iannor and school teacher, and d. ISSl. She res. Eureka, Ga. Ch. ' 0470. Lottie, m. L. M. Washburn. Res. Pinehurst, Ga. .:-'■ . ''' ^- '"• ^- ^'^- "«™^^- R^s. Unadilla, Ga. . . Marcauet Irene, m. J. R. Floyd. ^Res. Thon.asville. Ga. W-J. \\iLLiAM Edgar. Res. Fort ^Vhite, Fla. Addenda. 483 (6456) ANDREW JACKSON CONE, son of William B. Cone (6445), b. in Unadilla, Ga., Nov. 3, 1842, m. Amelia Gay Pomidj clan, of Andrew Jackson Pound and Susan Green, May 20, 1866. She was b. in Putnam county, Ga., May 30, 1845. He is an attorney at law and dealer in real estate, and res. at Gainesville, Fla. Ch. 6480. JE^^NIJ^-GS, b. Dec. 19, 18GT, m. Maria E. Tyson. Res. Gainesville. WILLIAM CONE. ^--^ ^ ^^^ (6481) WILLIAM CONE, said to be son of William (possi- bly Aaron), lived on the Pee Dee river in North Carolina; b. possi- bly about 1Y45 ; m. Kesiah Barber ; removed to Georgia, and was ranong the earliest settlers of Bulloch county. That county was or- ganized in 1Y96 and Mr. Cone was foreman of the first grand jury raised in the county. He d. n-ear Ivanhoe, Bulloch county, in 1815. During the American Revolution he served in McLean's Regiment of Georgia troops, a part of the time under Gen, Francis Marion. Ch. 6482.* Aaron, b. Oct. 31, 17G6, m. Susan Marlow; d. -June 6, 1835. 6483. Joseph. Settled in Thomas county, Ga. 6484. Sarah, ni. William Knight. . -, 6485.* William, b. Dec. 24, 1777, m. Sarah Haddock; d. Aug. 24, 1857. 6486. Nakcy, m. Edwin Morris. Removed to Florida. D. 1866. (6482) AARON CONE, son of William Cone (6481) and Kesiah Barber, b. in North Carolina Oct. 31, 1766, m. Susan Mar- low in 1Y8S. She was b. Feb. 22, 1^70, and d. in Ivanhoe, Ga., in 1818. He was a farmer. Baptist. Lived at Ivanhoe. Was very wealthy. Owned large landed property and many slaves. D. at Ivanhoe June 6, 1835. Ch. 6487. Peter, b. Aug. 6, 1700, unm. Represented Bulloch county in the Legislature t\\'enty-one years in succession. D. 1866. 6488. Sarah, b. .Jan. 14, 1793, m. David Goodman. 6489. William, b. June 2, 1795, m. Zabetha O'Xeal. 6490. James, b. Nov. 15, 1797, m. Mary Ann Smith; d. Sept. 1855. 6491. Robert, b. Jan. 8, 1799, m. Mary Hilton; d. Aug. 27. 1845. 6492. Nancy, b. Jan. 5, 1801, m. Allen Jones. 6493. Barber, b. Jan. It), 1803. m. ■ Slater; d. Feb. 1886. 6494. Martha, b. Feb. 11, 1805; d. unm. 6495.* Kesiah, b. June 4, 1806, m. 1 Simon Sheffield, 2 .James Hao-an- d Oct. 1897. 6496. Frances, b. Mar. 29, 1808, m. .Joseph Edwards; d. 1894. 6497.* Aaron, b. Oct. 10, 1810, m. 1 Banks, 2 Sophronfa Wiije; d. -July V 5, 1881. ^ ... ' ^ 6498. Susannah, b. May 3, 1814, m. Seaborn .Jones; d. Apr. 8, 1867. 484 The Cone Family in America. -185) WILLIAM CONE, son of William Cone (0481) and Barber, b. in North Carolina Dec. 24, 1777, m. Sarah Had- (64 Kesiah dock in Camden connty, Ga.,ih 1812. She was b. in Georgia in 1788, and d. in Nassan connty, Fla., Jan. 10, 1872, aged 84 years. They res. nntil 1835 in Camden connty, Ga., when they removed to Colum- bia connty, Fla., where he d. x\ng. 24, 1857. During the Florida and Indian wars he was Ca]itain of a company raised for defense of the State. By occupation a farmer. Democrat, and a Baptist in religious belief. He served fifteen years in the Georgia Legis- lature and two terms in the Florida Legislature. Ch. C499.* Daniel N.. b. Oct. !). 1814. iii. Amy Lon"-; d. Dee. G. 1841. 6500.* William H., b. July 15, 1825, m. Sarah E. Braneh; d. Jan. 23, 1886. 6501. Peter, b. Nov. 6, 1827, iii. Maria -^^. 6,502." James B., b. Nov. 21. 1829, m. 1 Sarah Lee, 2 Ada Hart; d. Mar. 1882. 6503. Charles F.. b. Feb. 21, 1831, m. Josie Quarternian. Res. White Springs, Fla. (G495) KESIAH COXE, dan. of Aaron Cone (6482) and Susan Marlow, b. at Ivanhoe, Bulloch county, Ga., June 4, 1806, m. Simon Sheffield about 1828. He was b. Apr. 6, 1806, and d. at: Ivanhoe Feb. 1837. She afterwards m. James Hagan, and d. Oct, 10, 1897, aged 01 years. Ch. C.104. \\'ii.liam a., b. in ]'.ullocli county, Ga.. Aug. 23. 1830. He is a hotel- keeiH-r. and res. 1901 at Alachua. Fla. (6497) AARON CONE, son of Aaron Cone (6482) and Snsan Marlow, b. in Bulldch county, Ga., Oct. 10, 1810, m. Banks in 1834. She was b. 1816, and d. 1838. He m. 2 Sophronia Wise, dan. of John Wise and Ptachel Jones, Feb. 14, 1839. She was b. in Statesboro, Ga., Sept. 19, 1821, and d. Oct. 23, 1891. He was a fanner, and always lived in Bulloch count v. He d. there of cancer, July 5, 1881. Democrat. Baptist. Ch. 6505.^ Robert W., b. Dec. ](!. 1837. ni. FlorioiTGLAs, b. 1773 ; d. 1866', aged 92 years. Hklixda (White) Cone, b. 1783; d. 1875, aged 92'years Abigail (Cone) Eingiiam, b. 1791 ; d. 1883, aged 92 vears. SKv.MorK Saxtox. b. 1794; d. 1886, a^ed 92 vears. ' lAiTiiY (Coxk) Saxt..x, b. 1801; d. 1893, aged 92 vears Cone Graduates of Yale College. 489 Olive Siiailoe, b. 175<) ; d. 1847, aged 01 years. Thomas Cone, b. 1763; d. 1854, aged 91 years. Haxnah (Coe) Cone, b. 1779; d. 1870, aged 91 years. MiRA (Buel) Cone, b. 1786; d. 1877, aged 91 years. N"ewton Clark, b. 1788 ; d. 1879, aged 91 years. Clarissa (Cone) Mitchell, b. 1789; d. 1880, aged 91 years. Marcia (Wiley) Ward, b. 1791 ; d. 1882, aged 91 years. Suel Hazen, b. 1793; d. 1884, aged 91 years. Elizabeth (Crosby) Andrews, b. 1794; d. 1885, aged 91 years. LuciNDA (Rand) Cone, b. 1796; d. 1887, aged 91 years. Charles Chauncey Cone, b. 1802 ; d. 1893, aged 91 years. Keziah (Cone) Hagan, b. 1806; d. 1897, aged 91 years. elERUSHA (Cone) Williams, b. 1807; d. 1898, aged 91 years. Elias Snyder, b. 1808; d. 1899, aged 91 years. Henry Cone, b. 1809 ; d. 1900, aged 91 years. JuLiANN (Cone) Mercer, b. 1811; d. 1902, aged 91 years. Rebecca (Wiley) Trowbridge, b. 1811 ; d. 1902, aged 91 years. Ebenezer Cone, b. 1698; d. 1788, aged 90 years. Susannah (Cone) Shailor, b. 1736 ; d. 1826, aged 90 years. Samuel Andrews, b. 1741 ; d. 1831, aged 90 years. Eunice (Cook) Cone, b. 1754; d. 1844, aged 90 years. George Bissell, b. 1792; d. 1882, ag-ed 90 years. Birthday Cone, b. 1796; d. 1886, aged 90 years. Mary (Cone) Bridges, b. 1798; d. 1888, aged 90 years. Walter G. Cone, b. 1798; d. 1888, aged 90 years. Catherine (Cone) Spencer, b. 1808 ; d. 1898, aged 90 years. LoRiN Cone Collins, b. 1813; yet living, aged 90 years. GRADUATES OF YALE COLLEGE. Daniel Cone, son of Jonah, b. 1763. Grad. 1784. D. 1786. Salmon Cone, son of Jared, b. 1766. Grad. 1789. D. 1847. Jonathan Cone, son of Cephas, b. 1784. Grad. 1808. D. 1850. William Cone, son of Israel, b. 1794. Grad. 1813. D. 1819. Erancis Cone, son of Joshna, b. 1797. Grad. 1818. D. 1859. Theodore Cone, son of Joshna, b. 1799. Grad. 1820. D. 1831. Frederick Cone, son of Joshna, b. 1803. Grad. 1826. D. 1834. William R. Cone, son of Joseph, b. 1809. Grad. 1830. D. 1890. Robert C. Cone, son of Jonathan, b. 1811. Grad. 1837. D. 1879. Charles C. Cone, son of Ebenezer, b. 1812. Grad. 1847. D. 1882. Luther IT. Cone, son of Jonathan, b. 1824. Grad. 1847. Living, Edward W. Cone, son of Jonathan, b. 1825. Grad. 1851. D. 1886. Elijah Cone, son of Thomas, b. 1831. Grad. 1855. D. 1899. James B. Cone, son of William R., b. 1836. Grad. 1857. Living. 490 The Cone Family in America. A CONE REUNION. Social o'atlici'iiigs and reunions of the tribe should be encouraged in every branch. At the request of the compiler, the Eev. William W. Curtis, of Oberlin, Ohio, formerly missionary to Japan, has written the following article descriptive of the reunion of a branch of the family located in northern Ohio. These reunions are easily arranged, and socially are always a success. For about a dozen years the Salmon tribe of Cones has been holding an annual reunion. The custom originated, as most things do, by a sort of evolutionary process. It was a natural development. With eight families of this Cone clan in Ohio and seven of the eight at Painesville or in adjoining towns, none of them far from Lake Erie, it came to be a matter of common occurrence that in the sum- mer-time some one of the tribe should propose a picnic at the lake; the program being — a swim, a sing, a lunch, and a good time gen- erally ; and all of the kin who could, would make it a point to bo there and participate in the good time. Then again, when Thanks- giving Day or Christmas came around there was ever a strong draw- ing that often proved irresistible toward the old homestead, where the latchstring was always out, and father and mother were ever glad to welcome home the children. For several years in succession during the last years of Father Cone's life there was a general home- gathering on Thanksgiving Day. Wlien Father was taken away there was more reason than ever why on that day of all days ^Mother should not be left alone; so the custom was continued. So pleasurable and profitable it proved to be, that though a few years later the mother too was called away, the brothers and sisters would not forego their annual gathering, and it was decided to formally organize and elect officers. Sinoo that formal organization, more than a decade of years has passed the rising generation has greatly enlarged the circle, and the annual convocation of the Cone Xin Club has become a notable event, not, hkolv soon to be given up. For this last decade and more, since the old homestead his lost its chief attraction by the death of the [■eloved parents, it has been the custom to change the place of meet- .yg trom vear to rear, and to "swing around the circle" of those miiig near Paiiu^svillo. For a dozen years the circle could at no time be oomploto boc,nise of the absence of Lvdia. the voungest i^n, m .lannn. For a much longer period two of the brothers, Aii4-i lidcw the mouth of the Salmon is tlie Upper Band- ing. ^Hu-re is barely space between the foot of the hills and the water s edge f,,r a small cluster of houses. The most prominent build- ing is the Cliampioii house, a square In-ick structure close to the ^ank. On tlie otluM- sido of the street is the house in which Gen. ( liami.iun livc.l,^ and the :\[aplewood Seminary for young ladies. The village sti'cct with a sliojit, rise and turn brings us upon a natural terrace fron. ten to thirtv rods wide, terminating at the river in rockv olitts o+ nio.lr.rate height. Between street an.l river, surrounded with .reen lawns bndit l,ere and there with flowers, are cozv houses, the '^"""'^ -t mdiistri. ns and prospenms people East Haddam. 493 High oil the hill to the east stands the Congregational chnrch, built in 1794, the third erected by the ecclesiastical society of which Daniel Cone was one of the founders. J^ot far from it is St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal church, which was organized over a century ago, and the name of Cone appears with others signed to the original papers. In the beautiful little chapel recently built on the street along the river hangs the quaint old bell which for centuries tolled the hour of prayer in a Spanish convent. The inscription on it is thus translated in the County History : " The Prior being most Kev. Father Migaiel Villa Mueva, The Procurator the most Rev. Father Josi F. Estevan Coralles has made me. Made in the vear A. D. 815." A mile below the Upper Landing is Goodspeed's, so named from Joseph Goodspeed. Here is the Gelston house. It is from this land- ing that the road leads which communicates with the villages in the eastern part of the town. For the first half-mile it lies between beautiful country homes about which cluster every charm of turf and flower, shrub and tree, which taste and care can give. Soon the street begins to rise, coursing diagonally up a steep hill. At the top of the hill the road divides, one branch leading north at Moodus, and the other east to Millington. This is a high plateau in the midst of a farming region. The center is of course the Congregational church, with the postoffice near by. From the church can be seen two miles to the northeast, the large knoll near Howard's (formerly Shaw's) Lake, wdiere Beebe and Cone settled. A mile to the south is the farm o^vned by Jonah Cone, and where later lived l^athaniel Cone, whose six sons fought in the Pevolution, and at whose house Generals Washington and Joseph Spencer spent a night. All the land in sight except the town farm was at some time owned by a Cone, wdiile the birth, marriage and death of many a member of the family is told in the church record. The oldest and smallest head- stone in the cemetery is that of Jonah Cone, who died in 1749, on which the writer could barely trace the words and letters " Memory," "Jonah," "on," "9." The hills rise in picturesque irregularity; some are covered with woods, some are open pastures, while clusters of farm-houses dot the scene here and there. Through the country from north to south runs the Connecticut like a path of silver ; the mild ISTew England haze softens the whole, and shows how lovely ISTature is in her gentleness. The town abounds in traces and marks of the earlier times. The old houses, many of which still stand, were all built with a large chim- ney as the core, and in a drive along the back roads one is likely to see anywhere these pyramidal piles of stone rising out of old cellare. So characteristic is this feature of old ^N'ew England towns that Mr. 494 The Cone Family in America. Kiles when ho wrote the story of the various landmarks of East lladdani, left by former generations, called his quaint and interesting- book " Old Chimney-Stacks." The history of the towa is the usual Connecticut story of courage, common-sense, and hard work : first the home, then the church, then the town government. In 1770 a town meeting was called to take action in regard to the famous non-importation agreement. Ebenezer Cone, jr., presided, and a committee of three was appointed to see whether any of the merchants in tlie town were bringing in English goods contrary to the agreements. The minutes say : '' The agree- ments are universally entered into, (except by a gTowling few who justly deserve the contempt of every honest man.)" This meeting, in the light of contemporaneous history, shows the spirit of East TTaddam men. The Family Tree. 495 THE FAMILY TREE. BY JOE COXE. In many ages past there stood A large pine tree just by the wood, And owing to the wholesome air The tree began to bear and bear. The fruits thereof dropped to the ground And shook the earth for miles around. Some lodged amid the sticks and stones, And people said, " We '11 call them cones." And some were blowm the country o'er, Which multiplied by score on score. One lodged out West — land of bonanzas, And rooted in Topeka, Kansas. And thriving there he thought that all His brothers, sisters, great and small. In one big basket ought to be. And sorted out in turn, so he Could make a list and tell just how And when they bloomed upon the bough. With basket then, a roomy one. His endless task was soon begun. At first he went beneath the tree And piled them in with boyish glee. A breeze sprang up which shook the top, And caused a score or two to drop. Some were so lively, full of fun. They scaled the top and cut and run ; And some so small they sifted through ; And very sorrowful he gi-ew. But on he wrought with iron w^ill, And tried his basket hard to fill. "Aha!" quoth he, "a climb I'll take. And give the old pine tree a shake." Then straightway rose a rattling sound. And cones were scattered miles around. But. nothing daunted, on he wrought. And other mammoth baskets broucht -.32 496 The Cone Family i n America. And to this day he 's gathering cones From down amid the sticks and stones ; And though they 've spread from pole to pole, He has them on his pine-tree roll. East Cambeidge, Mass., 1895. I INDEX. ( Figures Indicate number of page.) Abbey. Albeit, 245. Myrta, 245, 274. Rose, 201, 242. William, 201, 245. Abbott, Annie, 49. Caroline, 33. Adeline, 33. John, 21, 32, 33. Julia, 373, 4.32. Almira, 352. Mary, 143. William, 33. AcKLEY, Amos, 21. Ansel. 145. Elisha, 329. Gideon. 165. Hannah. IGl, 1G5. Isaac, 26. Jedidah, 123, 129. Lueinda. 37. Lucy, 164, 167. Mary, 158. Olive, 164, 169. Rachel. 105. 129, 145. Samuel. 129. Sarah, 15, 1". Adams, Anna, 221. Annie, 266. Barclay, 221. Benjamin. 438. Charles, 388. Clarence. 438. David, 167. Emilv. 267. Estella, 344, 392. Florence, 267. Frank, 377. 438. Grosvenor. 221, 266. Henry, 150. Lottie. 133, 150. Luthera. 3-*l, 386. Margery. 167. Orrin, 375. Perry, 267. Samuel, 16. Susan, 89. S. G., 184. Addison, William, 42. Adgate, George, 372. Agnew, Annie, 51. AixsLEE, David, '.^22. 267. Edward, 267. Janette, 267. AiTKENS, Edith. 471. Akers, Elizabeth, 285. Alban, Minnie, 343, 391. Albee, Lillian, 286, 299. Albright, Elizabeth, 175, 202. R. J., 203. Alden, Dumont, 206. Eunice. 56. Aldrich, Katie, 199. Alesbury, Morrison. 48, 82. Allen, Charles, 151. Dorcas, 332, 364. Electa, 200, 241. Frank, 151. Harriet. 268. Helen, 151. Jerome, 359. Katherine. 221, 265, 430. Liba, 241. Lottie, 137, 152. Mary, 89. Milton, 87. Moses, 265. 0. D.. 247. Polly, 227. Sarah, 215, 2-59. Solomon. 265. Thomas, 265. William, 151. Allender. Nelson, 132. Allison, John. 202. Margaret, 175. 202. Allyn, Matthew, 12. Alrich, Sallie, 434. Alsop. Joseph, 11. Mary. 86. Alzamora. John. 456. Marshall, 240. Melissa, 240. Ames. Frances, 199. Marshall. 240. Melissa. 240. Amidon, Alice. 387. Amiss, Catherine. 156. Ammadown, Emily. 48. Anderson, Anna, 166. 174. George. 24. Hannah. 24. 37. Mary, 54. Louisa. 31. Pearl. 87. Polly. 11. 168. 178. Andrews. Almira. 263. (497) 498 The Cone Family in America. Andrews, Alplicus. 1/0^ Benjamin, 170. Calvin, 105, 108. Chauncey, 289. Claudins, 108. Cone. UO. Doborali. 108. Eliza. 108. Esther, 170. Eunice, 170. Fanny, 107. George. 107. 108. Hannah. 107. 105. 11. F.. 5. Jane. 108. Jcdidiah. IG. 20. John. 104. 105. Lucy, 105, 107, 108. Lyman, 108. Marquis. 105. Mary. 281. 280. Meliinthon. 108. Oliver. 118. Orrin. 170. Polly, 328, 352. Richard. 105, 161. Robert. 178. Koxanna, 183, 220. Samuel. 108. 101. 104.170. Stntira. 170. Temiieranoe, 108. Thaddeus, 170. Thomas, 117, 118. Tiniotliv. 220. William. 170. AxxABLE. Anthonv. 100. TTMnnaii. 104. 100. I. K., 5. John. 10!). Api.ix, Daisy. 226. 268. Appi.kton. Edward. 45. AuMES. Fanny, 61. AitMsTuoNG. Ella, 202. 246. Cieorge. 236. Leonard. 105. 236. Mary. 236. Sarah. 89. AiixoT.D. Adah. 391. Amnrsha. 33. 59. Ambrose. 347. 398. Amittai. 59. Ann. 343. Anna, 317. Annie. 391. Arthur. 398. Autrusta, 390. 4.54. f'atherine. 398. Chnrlos. 37, 69. 327. 348. riara. 391. Kliphaloi:. 325. 343. 391. Arnold, Enoch. 102. Fluvia. 178. 209. Frances, 343. Frederick, 349. George. 69. Hannah, 349. Harriet, 224. Harry. 398. Howard. 398. Huldah. 343. John. 391. Joseph, 13. 164. 235. Josiah, 117. Lizzie. 398. Lucy, 184, 222. Margaret, 343. Maria, 343, 391. Mary. 120. 123. 128. Minnie. 391. Owen, 343. 391. Peter. 185. Philip. 402. Samuel. 59. 123. 209. 391. William, 224. Atherton. Harry. 237. Homer. 237. Israel. 197, 237. Lillian, 237. Mary. 174. 196. Atkins, Abiah, 316. 324. Altus. 396. Anna. 68. Charles. 37. 68. Elizabeth. 316. 323. Elmer, 68. Gertie. 68. James. 323. Jane. 37. Julius. 37. 68. Tjcnora. 68. Linus, 24, 36. Mav. 68. Puth. 6S. Sarah. 24. 36. Victor. 37. 68. Atteins, Cortez. 244. Atwater. Albert. 145. Sarah. 129. 145. Atwood. George. 347. Temperance. 19. 26. Austin. Minnie. 427. Avert. David. 323. Eliza. 28. Elizabeth. 47. Lucy. 149. Ayers. Hen'rv, 188. Hubert. 123. Babcock. Dwight. 349. Frank. 351. Hiram. 108. Index. 499 Bache, Anna, 280, 287. William, 287. Bachelder, Ann, 327. Backman, Eliza, 359, 416. Backus, Caroline. 66. Charles. 23. Claik. 66. Frederick, 66. James, 35. 66. Bacon, Almira. 125, 135. Charlotte, 465. Jemina, 193. Jonathan, 135. Badge, Prudence, 187. Badgeley, Aseneth, 280. Badger, Sarah, 277. 278. Bailey, Elizabeth. 14, 17, 50. Emma. 421, 490. Ezra. 148. F. W.. 5. Jemina, 425. Phebe. 319. Richard, 125. Sarah, 19, 26. Susannah, 315. Sybil, 314. Thankful. 319, 329. Batrd, Frederick, 335, 369. Gustavus, 369. J. W., 90. Mabel, 369. Sarah. 369. Solomon. 369. William, 369. Baisden, Mary, 37. 68. Samuel, 68. Baker, Ellen, 459. Eliza. 320. 331. Emma, 459. 463. E. H., 5. Ceorge, 33, 61. Henry, 61. •Jason. 459. John. 61. Lysander, 341. Nellie, 7, 459. Truman, 457. 459. Balch, Marv, 442. John. 8, 382, 442. Balcom, Abbie, 413. Helen, 358. Baldwin, Albertus. 225. Alice. 302. Edward. 225. Elijah. 185. 225. Eliza. SO. Ernest. 225. Ceorge, 261. •Tames, 159, 396. IMary, 225. Baldwin, M. F., 36. Polly, 320. Balis, Adelaide, 203. Calvin, 175, 203. George, 175, 203, 204. Henrietta, 203. Jane, 203, 249. John, 203. Mary, 175, 203. William, 203. Ballard, Arthur, 432. Clara, 432. DeWitt. 432. Edna, 63. Hattie, 432. Helen, 362. Jesse, 373, 431. Balzer, John, 468. Bancroft, Alice, 54. Electa, 298. Eugene, 393. Banning, Rachel, 222. Bannister, Henry, 234, 270. Barder, Angeline, 95. Calvin. 385. Ida, 382, 442. Kesiah, 483.- Lysander, 485. Mary. 337. 376, 385. Orville. 340, 382. Sarah, 382, 442. Barden, Edgar, 361, 420. Frank, 420. Helen, 420. Baright, Eveline. 205. 249. Barlow, Belle, 210. H. C, 140. Barker, Amelia, 206. Clara, 206. Ellen. 206. Eunice, 206. Harrison. 177. 206. Hattie. 206. Orlando. 206. Barnard, Delia, 191. •John, 191. Barnes, Abigail. 101. Alice. 440. Arthur. 381. 441. Daisy, 440. Daniel, 276. Dorcas. 276. Eleanor. 276. Ella. 381. 441. Esther, 162. Eunice, 162. Florence, 440. Garfield, 440. Guv, 440. Harlan, 381. 440. 4-11. 500 The Cone Family in America. Barnes, Horace, 381, 440, 441. Isaiah, 162. Jeinina, 162. Jennie. 440. John, 276. Jonah, 276. Leana. 3S1. Lois, 381. 440. Lnoy, 162. Marv. 14, 16, 20. 162, 167. [254. 276. jMinnie. 426, 463. Orton, 381, 440. Rebecca, 276. Samuel. 20. 161. 162. Sarah. 102. 193. Solon. 441. Stephen, 276. Susan, 440. Susannah, 276. Thomas, 276. ^Yilliam, 101, 276. Barnett. Allen. 38. 70. Henrv. 70. James, 70. :\Iary. 70. BARNirAM. James. 141. Julia. 128. 141. Sabia, 141. Baku, Amelia, 144. Ernest, 85. Ethel, 449. Matthew, 421. 449. Samuel, 49, 85. Barrett, Betsey, 24. 37. Emily. 366. Jeremiah, 37. Mary, 424. Sabina, 50. Barry, Daniel, 341, 385. Gratia, 341, 385. James, 385. Joanna. 341, 386. John. 324, 341, 385. Joseph, 346, 385, 397. Kate, 397, 446. Kingsley, 397. Laura. 341. Marv. 385. Sarah, 341. 385. Walter, 385. \Yilliani, 341, 385. 397. Barteaux, Lizzie, 182. Barth. Kate. 148. 159. Bartholomew. Xettie, 469. 470. Bartlett, Christie. 343. Eliza. 130. Elizabeth. 314. 318. Josiah. 328. Maud, 200. Bartlett. Moses, 318, 327. Rachel, 342, 388. Sally, 350. Sarah, 124, 132, 327. 328, William, 132. [351. Bartox, Rufus, 122. Barwick, Oliver, 05. Bass, Alexander, 98. Charles, 69, 98. Gladdis, 99. Bateman, Cloe, 302. Bater, Anna, 386. Florence, 386. Henry, 387. Herbert, 387. John, 341, 386. Lizzie, 386. William. 386. Bates, Addie, 150. Bernice, 210, 257. Dorothy, 23. Electa. 158. Etta. 146, 158. Harriet, 371, 429. Lvsander, 158. Martha, 316, 322. Solomon, 322. Battles, Flora, 58, 95. William. 95. Baum. Solomon, 400. Baxter, Alba, 298. Caroline, 312. Clinton, 298. 312. Cvnthia, 210. Elihu, 280, 284. Elizabeth, 284. Ellen, 312. Emily. 298. 312. Ethel. 312. Eugene, 312. Eunice, 298. Florence, 298. Hartley, 284, 298, 311. Hiram", 284. James P.. 8, 285, 298. 312. Laura, 199. Mabel, 298. Madeline, 298. O. P., 2,i5. Percival, 298. Rupert. 298. Sarah, 285, 312. William, 285. Bayliss, Richard, 363. Baymax. Marinda, 375, 435. Bayrd, Edward, 342. Beach, Angeline, 196. Charles, 357. Edna, 357. P:d\vard, 46, 80. Index. 501 Beach, Electa, 466. Bell, James, 152. Ellen, 357, 411. Margaret, 209, 254. George, 360. Bemis, Amariah, 86. Hannah, 292. Mary, 50, 86. Harriet, 225. Benham, Ann, 129. Julia, 282, 292. Aurelia, 129. Noah, 292. Cynthia, 129. Rebecca, 338. Darius, 123, 129, 144. Richard, 80. Frank, 144. Sarah, 292. George, 144. Beachmar, Anna, 175. Henry, 144. Beauchem, Isaac, 342. Maryette, 129, 144. Beall, Ellen, 458. 462. Morris, 129. Beals, Homer, 178. Susan, 129, 144. Oliver, 59. Benjamin, George, 466. Beaman, Nancy, 369, 427. Louisa, 97. Bean, Charles, 218. William, 206. Silas, 354. Bennett, Charles, 226. Edwin, 110, 115. Beardsley, Albert, 468. Carrie, 468. Charlotte, 468. Emily, 400, 447. Harvey, 115. Helen, 115. Delia, 468. Martha, 226. Ephraim, 171. George, 467, 468. Nellie, 187, 226. Nina, 115. Ida, 468. Lillian, 468. Mertie, 468. Bennie, Sarah, 350. Benson, Alpha, 234. Arza, 260. Beatty, Marie, 41:^. Bentley, Bessie, 486. Mary, 358. Delia, 172. Beckwith, Barzillai, 23, 57. Gordon, 307. Butler, 18. Harriet, 110. Elias, 337. Jennie, 293, 307. Esther, 62. Phebe, 32. Joseph, 17, 119, 455. Lyman, 461. Rebecca, 18, 23. Best, R. W., 437. Rhoda, 32, 57. Bettis, Andrew, 171. Beebe, Alice, 377. Bevin, George, 222. Alvin, 358. Bevis, James, 38, 70. Blanche, 377. BiDLACK, Maria, 155. Comfort, 322. Bidwell, Cloe, 342. Eleizur, 139. Mary, 27, 46. Hannah, 20. 30. Phebe, 105, 109. John, 439. Wayne, 105. Lois, 139. BiGELOW, Amatus. 222. Lucy, 168, 178. Daniel, 18, 73, 74. Rhoda, 164, 169. Grace, 39, 73. Sarah, 126. BiLLUPS, Joel, 110. Stewart, 30. Bingham, Abel, 123. 130. Susan, 139. Allen, 111. Beede, Daniel, 327, 35L Alonzo, 111. Emma, 351, 403. Ann, 177, 206. Hannah, 351. Carile. 107. 112. Jonathan, 351, 403. Charles, 111. Willis, 403. Elijah, 107. Beeks, Edward, 71. Eliphalet. 111. Belden, Abby, 148. Elisha, 105, 107, 111, 178, Catherine, 131, 148. Eliza, 130, 177, 206. [209. Eunice, 467. Fanny, 107. 111. Samuel, 148. Floretta. 130. 502 The Cone Family in America. ]',l.^■{illA^r. Hannah. 279, 282. llelon, 130. irpzckiah. 329. John, 111. Lucy, 130. Marcia, 177. Mary, 107. Melissa. 177, 20(5. Nellie. 48. Ralph. 111. Ttobeit. 111. 130. Salonia, 107. Samuel, 177. Sarah, 177. Susannali, 107. Seth, 177. Squire, 177. Thomas, 107. Wells. 111. Williaui. 107. 111. 130. Winsor, 100. 177. Bird, Daniel, l-i2. Eleizur. 122. Frances, 122. James, 122. Mary, 122. Matthew, 119, 122. Rebecca, 38G. William. 122. RiRDSKV. Linus. 125. RllKiK. llnnicl. 2S, 48. Hiram. 337. Luther, 48. Simon, 282. BiscoNER. Wesley, 81. Bishop, Marv, 330, 359. Rachel. 321, 333. Rpuhen. 333. BissKi.i.. .\(h-linc. 288. 302. Anna, 201. 243. Anuusta. 288. Beia, 2,S0. Benjamin. 377. 438. Betsey. 280, 289. Charles, 243. Christiana. z80. 288. Kdwin. 288, 300. Elliott, 288. Eliza, 288. Dorcas, 288. Georse. 278, 280, 288. llezekiah, 337, 438. IT. A.. G. Jared. 280. John. 288. Lois. 280. 288. Maiy, 288, 377. 4.?8. I'annelia. 288. Tolly, ^im. Robert . 288. BissELL, Saniord, 280. Sarah, 243. BiTTMAN, Amelia, 390, 454. Black, Emma, 390. George, 226. Sarah, 375, 437. Blackburx, Alice, 364. Blackmore, Carrie, 245, 274. Blackwell, Mary, 409. Blain, Mary, 194. Blaik, Elizabetn. 374, 435. Blake, Almire, 238. 366, 424. Howard, 193. Blaker, Theodore, 63. Blakesley, Anna, 335. 371. George, 71. Blanfus. Edward. 243, 273. Forest. 273. Blankinton. Jason. 42. John. 26, 42. Joseph, 42. Martha. 42. Mary. 42. Sarah, 42. William, 42. Blew. Cliarles. 376. Blinn, Mahitable. 316. 325. Bliss, Edwin, 386. Mariam. 20. 30. Timothy. 341, 386. Blodgett. Sylvester, 172. Blood. Charles. 443. BUE. Chninda. 379. Bock. Fritz. 207. Bogie. Harriet. 220. Bollar. Lina. 429, 452. Bolles. Cliarlotte. 33. Sophia. 167. 177. BoLM, Etta. 433. BOLTOX. Edith. 2.50. Edward. 250. Elizabeth. 207. Festus. 99. 207, 250. Howard. 250. James. 207. 250. ]\Iary. 88. 99. 250. Percival. 250. Thomas. 177, 206, 207, 250. BoMBATT.li, Arminta, 83. Bond. Etta. 262. 264. Mary. 108. Boomer. Edith. 440. Henry, 440. Jessie, 440. Mabel, 440. Solon. 381. 440. Booth. Clara. 185. Elizabeth. 421. 449. Emma. 293. Boot. Elizabeth, 87. Index, 503 Borden, Ashbel, 17. John. 14, 17. Lois, 17. Russell, 17. BOKUM, Mary, 160. BoSTWiCK, Betsey, 333, 367. Bow, Dennis, 36, 67. Oliver, 67. BowDEN, Mary, 53, 92. Wilfiam, 92. BowDOiN, Sarah, 150. BowE, Mary, 467. BowEN, Abiel. 168, 181, 215. Adna, 181. Amasa, 392. Anna, 7, 181, 215. Asa, 180. Augvistus, 181. George, 181, 214, 215. Mary, 181. Morton, 214. Rebecca, 180. Sterling, 215. Bowers, Charles, 453. George. 431, 453. Iva. 453. Maude, 4.:5l, 452. Bowker, Ella, 386. BoYCE, Nancy, 89. Boyd, Mary, 343. Boyle, Mary, 362, 420. BOYLES. Benjamin. 21s, 261. Bessie, 262. Clarence, 262. Damaris, 262. Forest, 262. Henry, 262. Isaiah, 218, 261. Lelia, 261. Lovina, 218. Martha, 218. Marv, 218, 261. 262. William, 183, 218, 261, 262. BoYNTON, Minnie, 392. Brace, Mary, 24, 38. Bracewell, Delia, 428. Florence, 428. Howard, 428. .Tames, 369, 428. Zella, 428. Bracket, Sarah, 69. Bradbury, James, 263. Lula, 220, 263. Bradford, Barton, 92, 99. Elizabeth, 149. Fanny, 381, 440. George. 53, 92. Hazel, 99. Howard. 92. Mary, 133. 149. Bradford, Ozias, 92. Samuel, 149. Sarah, 46. Sheridan, 92. Stewart, 401. Wilmcr, 92. Bradley, Charles, 295. George, 422. Orzella, 476. Bragg, Anna, 378. Catherine, 378. Clara, 379. Clarissa, 338, 379. Daniel, 338, 378. Herbert, 379. James, 324, 338. Jennie. 378. Julia, 379. Mary, 338. Susannah, 378. Warren, 338, 340, 378. Braixard, Alberv, 343. Almira, 357. Alvah, 355. Amasa, 26. Anna, 19, 26. Azubah. 21. Bessie, 112. Calvin, 108, 112, 343, 39k Cephas, 185, 224, 492. Charles, 343, 357. Charlotte, 209. Cornelia, 355. Cvnthia, 273. Daniel, 15, 102. Dorcas, 317. Edith, 273. Ella, 112. Elijah, 319. Elizabeth, 15, 18, 102. Emma, 112. Eveline. 7, 224. E. F., 148. Frances. 343. Frank, 112. Frederick, 108. Hannah, 101. 102, 104. Harry, 355. HenrV, 108. Hezekiah. 316. Homer, 109. Ira, 112, 224. James, 343. •Tared, 102, 167, 225, 343. Jerusha, 39. John, 105, 108. .Toshua. IS, 104. .Tudith. 244. .Tulia. 108. 109. Laura. 357. 504 The Cone Family in America. BiJAiNARD, Luf-y. f). Martha, 19. Marv, 10-i, 112, 117, 121, Melissa, 391. [343. Noadiah, 101, 102. Norman, 355. Pariiielia. 343, 390. Reuben, 273. Roxanna, 22. Susannah, 314, 319. Sybil, 102. Ursula, 355. Walter, 112. William, 343. Braman, W. H., 381. Branch, Sarah, 484, 485. Brandt, Amanda, 412. Brasiia, William, 478. Brazee, C. J., 477. Breed, Charles, 340. Gersham, 280. Marj^ 278, 2dO. Breen, Mary, 195, 234. Breufeoter, Augusta, 243. Brewer, Adeline, 283. 293. Samuel, 293. Brewster, James, 189. Rebeeca, 172, 189. William, 189. Bridgeman, Aggie, 413. Charles, 358, 413. Edith, 413. Elizabeth, 358, 413. Ellen, 4i3. Hannah. 358. Henry, 358, 414. Hiram, 358. 413. Holcyene, 413. James, 358. John, 330, 358, 413. Julia, 3.58, 413. Maiule, 413. Miller, 414. Rhoda, 413. Wanda, 414. Wilbur, 413. William. 358, 413. Winne, 414. Bridges, Emmerette. 349. Jeremiah, 327. 349. Mary, 349. Sarah. 349. Brineoar, Mary, 380. Brinker. Kittie, 237. Brisse.vden, Ada, 87. Emily, 87. Ernest, 87. Eunice. 87. TTenry. 87. Jolm! S7. Brissenden, Lucy, 87. Mabel, 87. Pearl, 87. William, 51, 87. Britt, Almira, 125, 136. Nathan. 136. Broadwater, Isabella, 160. Broatch. Robert, 147. Brock, Edna, 448. Frank, 408, 448. Hannah, 29, 49. John, 49. Brockway, Almira. 171. Betsey, 109, 114. Elisha, 20. Mary, 16. 20. Sally, 105. Bronson, Luther, 465. Martha, 146. Mary, 130. Brooks, Alfred, 120, 126. Charles, 137, 463. Edward, 126, 137. Eugene, 137. Frank, 459, 463. Frederick, 463. George. 137. Gertrude, 137, 152. Hannah, 329, 355. Helen, 137. Hiram, 365. Horatio, 126, 137. Jerome, 126. Joseph. 165, 172. Julia, 148, 159. Miles, 137. Molly, 485. Noah, 319, 329. Norma, 152. Norman, 137, 152. Owen, 137. Sarah, 355. Sophronia, 126, 137. Susan, 137, 329. Thomas, 13. Ursula, 329, 355, 364. Viola, 137. Wealthy, 333, 364. Brown, Abbey, 58, 97, 148. Adolphus, 196. Cecil, 443. Cephas, 184, 222. Charles, 97. Earl, 262. Edith, 439. Elisha. 170, 184, 222. Emeline, 282, 291. Emma, 222. Eugene, 287, 443. Fannie, 222. Index. 505 Brown, Frances, 222. BuRBANK, Alice. 318, 327. Francis, 222. Bertha, 264. Gracie, 443. BuRDiCK, Dennison, 127. Harlow, 137. Sarah,* 154. Harriet, 223, 385. BuREN, Fanny, 482. Helen, 81. BuRGE, Mariam, 270. Henry, 148. Marion, 234. Jessie, 262. Thomas, 270. John, 282. Burgess. Sarah, 346, 397. Julia, 222. BuRKE. Almira, 353. Laura, 111. Ella, 199, 240. Lina, 222. BuRKETT, Barbara, 474. Lucy, 222. Burleigh, Charhs, 5. Mabel, 148. BuRLOCK, Daniel, 193. Mary. 196. BuRNHAM, Austin, 263. Maude, 262. Louisa, 175. 204. Percy, 443. William, 204. Rufus, 131, 148. Burns. Addie, 249. Sally, 148. Jennie, 249. Samuel, 184, 222. Mabel, 249. Sarah. 184. 219. 222, 262. Matilda. 188. Solymon, 191. Sarah, 348. Thomas, 222. William, 249. Willard, 3.^4. Burr, Amanda, 349. William. 148, 219. 262. Amelia, 129. BuowNE. Daniel, 70. W. N., 458. Edwin. 38. 70. BuRRiNGTON, Ann, 23, 35. Mary, 70. Burroughs, Polly, 465. J. H., 70. Burrett, Aaron, 200. Brush. Albert, 78. Burton, George, 4/, 81. Alice, 7, 78. William. 81. Charles, 44. 78. Busby, William. 414. Charlotte. 79. Bush, Henry, 322, 331. Edmund. 7, 44, 78. 70. Lucy, 322. Fanny, 78. Bushnell, Alexander, 105. Frank, 44, 78, 79. Mary, 105. Isaac, 44. Bussey, Ella, 202. Britmsey. Betsey. 374. 4.34. George, 212, 257. Bryan. Ellen. 1.53. Harriet. 257. George, 140, 153. Butler, Abel, 167. Hugh, 153. Anna. 223. Kate, 416. Elvira, 366, 424. Bryant, Forest, 242, 272. Ernest, 223. William, 330, 357. George, 185, 223. BUCKLAND, Juliette, 192, 232. John, 144. Merton. 193. Kate, 223. Buckley, Adelia. 107. 110. Lucintha, 6. BuCKLiN, George, 89. Rebecca, 279. BUEL. Alfred, 196. Tillie, 244. John. 196. Tina, 273. Mira. 166. 175. Butterfield. Abraham, 285. Sarah. 197, 237. Dora, 271. BuFFiNGTON, Clara, 240. Esther. 271. Edward, 240. Frank, 271. Mary, 240. Harriet, 285. Thomas, 240. Mabel, 271. BuLLiNGTON. Henry. 76. Margaret, 286. BuNDAY, Rebecca, 285. Nathan, 271'. Bunker, Katie, 271. Quincy, 237, 271. Bunnell, Emily, 467, 468. Yvonne, 271. 506 The Cone Family in America. Byrns, Michael, 358. Minnie, 358. Cadwell, Emma. 387. 443. Francis. 58, 98. Mary, 98. Ralph, 98. Cage, Frederick, 420. Cahoon, Elizabeth, 34, G3. Cain. Ariel, 386. Calaghan, Mary, 39G. Caldwell, Antis, 124, 132. David, 133. Calkins. Ashley, 238. Byron, 307, 420. Effie, 238. Eva. 238. Franklin, 238. Harold, 420. Henrietta, 238. Josephine, 420. Snsan, 238. Viola, 238. Vvalter, 420. William, 197. 238. Callender, William. 145. Cameron, Hngh, 350. ]\Iaroarot, 250. William. 250. C.\i\rp, Abel, 344. Anna, 425. Charles, 0. 307, 425. David. 307, 425. Ellen, 307. Frances, 307. Frank. 425. Gertrnde. 367, 426. Harriet. 307. 425. Josephine. 307. 420. Kate, 425. Mary. 307. 425. Nellie. 425, 450. Perry. 425. Rose, 307. 420. Samnel, 3.34. 337, 425. Sherman. 370. Walter, 425. William. 425. Campbell, Alice, 357. Almon. 373. Charles. 392. Eunice. ,324, 341. Harriet. 353. 407. Janette. 375. Jesse, 432. ^lary. 173, 190. Samnel, 190. SopliiM, .341. 380. <'AXAi)Y, Allen. 8S. f'A.NFIKLI). .T;ls(m. 333. <'AN(i. Rafael. 70. Capwell, Mary, 92. Card, Almira, 107. Carey, Frank, 249. Carlton, Annie, 311. Arthur, 290. Charles. 296, 311. Elizabeth, 296, 311. Ella, 405. George. 296. Harriet, 296. Hattie, 311. Michael. 284. 290. Nina. 311. Carpenter. Daniel. 5, 239. Lovina, 20. Margaret, 197, 239. Nancy, 172, 192. Nellie, 298, 312. W. B., 61. Carr. Gertie. 258. John, 258. Mabel. 258. Willard, 212, 258. Carric'o. Elisha. 182, Carver. Delia. 470, Emily, 183, 220. Frances. 222. Joseph, 220. Case. Annie. 252. Ella, 92, 99. Charles, 208, 252, 258, C, V„ 5. Fannie, 252, •Tames, 79. Matilda. 99. Sally. 3;)0. 357. Cassady. Frederick. 241. 271. Mabel. 271. Castetter. William. 235. Castleman. Flora, 135. Catiicart, Auausta, 108, Cathy. Nancy, 84. Catlin. W. H.. 5, Catron. Josiah, 434. Cattten. Alice, 220. 208, Cattsey, William, 229. CiiADWiCK, Charles. 03. Georee. 34. 63. 172. Lemuel. 63. Marv, 63. Sarah, 2i5, William. 63, Citallenor. Frances. 249. 275. CiFAMBERLAiN. David, 35, 65. Edmund. 3,50. Frederick. 06. Sophia, 350. Chambers, .Jacob, 195. CirAMPiON, Emma, 59. .Jane. 59. Index. 507 Champion. Jasper, 323. John. 32. 59. Orlow. 59. Eoswell. 59. Waitstill. 31G, 323. Wilhelmina, 201, 244, 323. Champlin, Verona. 289. Chandler. Nellie, 386. Chapin. Abner. 182. Anna. 66. Arthur, 66. Benlah. 169, 182. Edward. 310. Effie. 66. Emma. 66. Franklin. 66. George, 66. Orlando. 6G. Piatt, 431. Samuel. 182. Chapman, Abigail, 337. Abner, 102. Alice. 211. Angeline, 48, 83. Ann, 59. 161. Anna, 33, 164. Benjamin. 164. Catherine. 210. 254. Cloe. 104. 106. Cyrus. 178. 209. Daniel. 22, 33. Eliza. 112. Elizabeth. 25. 40. 222. Eannif. 111. Francis. 106. Frozina. 323. 337. George. 112. 380. Isaac. 337. Jacob, 5. James. 111. Jennie. 30. John. 254. 281. Jonah. 107. 111. Jonathan. 21. Keziah. 16. 21. Mary, 111. 396. Nathaniel. 106. Orsemus, 253. Philo. 83. "Robert. 40. Stephen, 167. William. 111. Chase. Charles. 354. Jennie. 404. Lorenzo. 239. Lucy. 158. Warren. 89. Chatjncey. Michael. 23. Cheney. Ada. 242. 271. Carrie. 242. 271. Cheney. George, 292. Ida, 242. Jesse, 282, 292. Lucy, 292, 306. Maiiley, 306. Mattie, 2*2, 272. Eobert. 292. 306. Wallace, 306. William, 201. 242. Cheseboro, Martin, 280. Chichester, Catherine. 234, 269. Childs, Edward, 251. Hannali. 321. 333. Hiram, 207, 251. Majoria, 320, 332. Mary, 25 i. Sylvester, 320. Chipman.^ Barnabas, 120, 320. Ebenezer, 329, 354. Chislett, Albert, 429. Church, Abigail, 327, 349. Adeline, 350. Alice, 350. Amanda, 350. Diodonia, 350. Gardner, b27, 350. Hannah, 350. Horace, 350. Marcia. 398. Mary. 350. Olive, 167. Oliver, 18. Selden, 350. Thomas, 320. William. 350. CiTERLY. Sally. 201. 242. Claflin. James, 296. Clapp, Ida. 417. Clagett. Elizabeth. 197. 238. Clark, Adelaide, 289. Alancev, 307. Albert,' 130. Alice. 147. Almira. 196. Alvin, 372. Amasa, 130. 147. Ann, 148. Arthur. 459. Benjamin. 196. Bertha. 61. Caroline. 69. 194. 196, 234. Charles. 147. 196. Clarence, 159. Clarissa. 372. David, 321. Eliza, 422. Elizabeth. 103. 148. 172. 192, Erastus. 130. [321, 332. Esther, 338. Eveline. 272. 508 The Cone Family in America. Clark, Fanny, 328. Frances, 459. Franklin, 372. George, 173, 311. Gilbert, 196. Hannah, 31G, 323. Harriet, 108. James, 390. Jarius. 349. Jason, 123. Jerusha, 24. Laura, 24, 30, 109, 114. 372. Ijorenzo, 372. Lvicina, 372. Margaret, 51. Martha. 19G. Mary, 196. 422. 459. Nionia, 159. Olive, 103. Ordelia, 372. 431. Orson, 372. Philena, 190. Philo, 372. Richard, 138. 459. Robert. 03. Samuel. 304. 422. Stephen, 16. Susannah, 276, 277, 315, 321. Sylvester, 456, 459. S. H., 6. Ulyssa, 282. Washburn, 459. Wilbur, 426, 459. William, 459. Clarke, Anson. 467, 468. Blanche, 159. Christiana. 426. Hezekiah. 467. Lenora, 408. Leolian. 468. Mabel, 426. Mary. 420. 468. Whitney, 307, 425. Claver, Alice, 404. Claxton, Kate, 75. Claypool, E. a., 5. (i.evklam). Abigail, 22. Caroline, 286. Ci.EAVKU. Charles. 30. 08. John, OS. Robert, 08. Clement. Emily, 344. Cleven.smiue, Adam, 263. Ennna. 220. 203. Cliff. Conley, 03. Cliftox. ITaniet. 313..-. Clisbee, Levi. 373. CLCHKiiKii:, Cluulos. 176, 205 Edgar, 205. Clobridge. Josephine. 205. Mary, 205. Close, Emma, 138. CoAN, Alexander, 204. Alice, 175, 203. Ambrose, 175, 203. Arthur, 203. Charles, 249, 274. Clarence, 8, 249, 275. Dwight. 203. Edwin, 203. 248. Eugenia. 204. Frederick, 203. Henry, 175, 204. Iniogene, 7, 203. James, 175, 204. Julius, 175, 204. Luke, 175. Mary, 175. Pauiine, 204. Vincent, 175, 203. CoATES. George, 393. Harriet. 123. Henry. 344. 393. James, o92. Martin, 123. Cobb. Cloe. 465. CoBLEiGTi. Irving, 39, 73. Merlin, 73. Cochrane, James. 112. Cock. Mary, 185, 224. CoCKRiLL, John. 11. CoE, Bessie, 148. Betsey, 194. Charles, 5. Hannah. 321. 333. Levi, 193. Norman, 194. 232. Rufus, 194, 234. Sophia. 5, 194. Timothy, 334. CoFER, Marcenah, 290, 304. Coffey. Eliza. 376. Cogswell, Sally, 203. Colby, Silas, 352. Cole, Caroline, 202. Parker. 175, 202. Coleman, Elizabeth, 465. Coles, Julia, 37. 68. Lillian. 218. CoLLARD, Minnie, 244. 273. Collins, Carrie. 87. Ella, 87, 376, 438. Enos, 180, 212. John, 456. Lorin, 6, 8. 50, 86, Lottie, 87. Ma IT. 87. Matilda. 33, 59. Index. 509 Collins, Nioma, 29, 50. N. B., 179. Persis, 50. Rosella, 87. Wilbur. 213. CoLLis, Abiam, 89. Claude, 89. Elmer, 89. Hart, 89. Hattie, 89. Judson. 51. 89. William. 89. Colt, Lucy, 333, 365. CoLWELL. Anna, 174. 200. Combs, Mary. 175, 201. Edgar, 428. CoMSTOCK, Alice, 17, 22. Cordelia, 59. Elisha, 179. Esther. 171. Hezekiah. 120, 165. James, 131. Julia. 202, 246. Minnie. 132. CoNAWAY, Cass, 70. Cone, Aaron. 16, 118. 180, 183, 456, 483, 484, 486. Abbey. 123, 242, 337. Abel, 481. Abia, 324. Abigail, 14, 15. 16. 101, 103, 10.5, lis. 120, 184, 314, 316, 320, 323. Abijah, 200, 202. 241, 245. Abner. 315, 320, 331. Abrella, 213. Achsah, 2i, 32. 344. 348. Ada, 47, 97, 112, 226, 268, 287, 389. Adah, 69. 241. 392, 408, 448. Adalaide, 148, 328. Addie. 110, 115. 152, 212, 257, 397, 399, 446. Addison. 32. Adena, 368. Adela, 71. 138. Adelia, 342, 387. Adeline, 38, 70, 133. 138, 281, 289, 290, 304. 331, 389. Adonijah, 2/9, 283. Agnes, 141, 269, 363, 449, 485. Alanson, 182. Albert, 28, 32, 47. 49, 57, 85, 169, 183, 219, 234, 241, 243, 262, 272, 280, 283, 287, 293, 366, 371, 375, 394, 423, 444, 473. Alden, 128, 141. Alexander, 342. 389. Cone, Alfred. 125. 135, 160, 325, 371, 399, 408. Alice, 19, 22, 26, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44. 49, 75, 76, 87, 94, 112, 116, 13y, 166, 174, 191, 228, 230, 237, 244, 253, 271, 378, 389, 402, 43.5, 444, 461, 464, 465, 474, 486. Allen, 263, 470. Alma, 125, 285, 298, 325, 336, 453. Aimer, 212, 257. Almena, 135. Almira, 40, 74, 133, 329, 347, 354, 398. Almirian, 49. Almon, 125, 135. Alonzo, 28, 30, 47, 50, 429. Alphoi.fo, 177. Altamyra, 404. Alton, 439. Alva, 90. Alvah, 290. 2!.l. 304. Alvenus, 323, 338. Alvin. 125, 354, 372. Amanda. 54, 3.36, 372, 374. Amasa, 26, 44. Ambrose, 166, 175, 199, 200, 240, 491. Amelia, 25, 38, 69, 196, 236, 354, 366. Amos, 6, 123, 129, 145, 146, 278, 280. Amy. 388. 444, 486, 487. Anda, 97, 454. Anderson, 175, 464, 465. Andrew, 323, 328, 333, 337, 342, 352, 365, 384, 389, 405, 482. 483. Angeline, 202, 246, 336, 374. Ann. 58, 95, 101, 104, 117, 118, 145, 162, 107, 173, 174, 195, 197, 315, 337, 34:^, 362, 484. Anna, 17, 18, 19, 22, 27, 43, 65, 77, 96, 104, 105, 115, 121, 123, 126, 127, 128, 130. 131, 136, 151, 154, 165, 168, 169, 171. 180, 203, 222, 237, 241, 278, 287, 316, 322, 326, 336, 378. 390, 423, 439, 453, 475, 476, 486. Annette, 485. Annie, 143, 267, 379, 389. Anson, 18U, 213, 331, 430. Antoinette, 58, 97, 349. Appleton, 375, 435. Archie. 216, 273. Ardelle, 400. 447. Artemas. 478. 510 The Cone Family in America. Conk. Artluiv. 85. 151, 153, 214, 241. 247, 251, 304, 312. 347, 380, 399, 412, 431, 450. Aristarchus, 32. Arozina. 480. Arvind. 404. Asa, 7, lO, 21, 28, 32, 173. 195. 196, 237, 323. 337. Aseneth, 165, 169, 181. Ashbel, 10, 19, 20. 27. Asher. 326. 348. 400. Ashley, 241. 246. Augusta, 191. Augustus, 6. 38, 69. 129. 145. 191. 202, 229, 234. 246. 269, 353. 357. Amelia, 179, 465. Austin, 174, 197. Azel, 166, 173. 194. Azubah, 23. 34. 123, 127. 128. Avery, i38. Avilla, 475. A't 7. Barbara, 50. Barker. 483. Barnard. 485. Barzillai. 325. 342. Barton. 30. 53. Beda. 36, 67. Beebe. 30. 52. Belle. 47. 81. 86. Belva, 90. Beniaiiiui. 6, 16. 19. 20. 26. 28, 49. 121. 126. 127. 135. 139, 164. 109, 182, 213. 234. 258. 270. 314, 329, 333. 337. 354. 365. 410. 421. Beriah. 314. 316. 320. Bert. 447. Bertha. 68, 101. 401, 410. 421. 423, 441, 447. Bertrand. 434. 478. Bess, 243. Bessie, 75, 219, 202. 203. 404. Bethiah, 319. 467. Betsey. 17, 21. 285. 318. 325. 331. 334, 307. Beulah. 90, 304. Beverly, 402. Billings, 201. Birthday. 456. 458. 462. 464. Blnnehe. 141, 447, 474. Boin. 404. Brainard. 44. 119. 123. Buel. 473. Burlon. 4()1. Caleb, l.!. 314. 310. ,-530. 404. 405. Calista. 21, 32. 125. 135. 34S 400. Cone, Calvin, 8, 104. 105. 109, 113. 119, 122, 409. Candace, 455. Carlisle, 106, 264. Carlton, 370, 438. Caroline. 35, 56, 66. 124, 138. 175, 170, 179, 196, 201, 205. 242, 279, 280, 280, 287, 299, 334, 335, 340. 358, 303. 372. 382, 412. Carrie, 193, 145. 243. 240, 253, 424, 485. Carson, 30, 50. Catherine, 25, 41. 45. 79, 124, 131, 132, 148, 150. 179. 184, 265, 340, 392, 394, 398, 421. Ceeelia, 53. Celestia, 471. Cephas. 165, 170. 350. Charity. 321, 323. Charles, 23, 28, 36. 39, 43, 48, 49. 50, 77. 80, 94, 97, 112, 126, 127, 132, 135. 136. 140, 141, 146, 151, 160, 173, 183. 195. 190. 197. 199, 216. 219, 221, 226, 241. 262, 268. 280, 286, 287, 320, 325, 331, 336, 337, 350, 351, 353, 363, 367, 368, 370, 372, 376, 390, 392, 399, 402, 407, 408, 422, 426, 429, 430, 431, 438, 469, 475, 484, 486. Charles C. 0. 91, 124, 130, 146. 170, 183. 185. Charles E., 6, 57. 116. Charles M., 8, 394, 444. Charles S.. 6. 35. 47. 65. 81. Charlotte. 28, 58, 98, 116, 129, 138, 139, 145, 146, 151, 332. Chauncey, 27. 97, 358. Chester. 6, 335, 347, 375. Christiana, 278. 407. Clara. 121. 146, 149. 229. 269. 275. 312. 320, 335. 347. 358. 397. 404. 461. 478. Clarabel, 95. Clarence, 84, 100, 199, 240. 265. 392. 393, 413. Clarissa. 18. 129, 145, 166. 108. 177, 207, 325, 330. 333. 339. 343. 352, 354, 358, 304, 365, 370, 404, 409. Clark. 260, 332, 359. 363. Claudius, 486. Clayton. 110. 147. 245. 362. Clement. 48. 81. 404. Clementine. 482. Clifford. 86. Clifton, 363. Clinton. 146, 151, 158. Index. 511 CoiVE, Clisby. 4SG. Clive, 212, 257. Cloe, IOC. Clyde, 435. Comfort. 333. 364. Conant, 19, 25. Converse, 54, 94. Cora. 43. 77, 83, 139, 158, 246, 404. Cordelia, 38, 70, 180, 185, 212, 369. Cornelius, 315, 321, 322. Corrine, 463, 471. Corvdon, 458, 462. Crocker, 458, 462. Curtis, 344, 391, 471. . Cuyler, 380. Cynthia. 38, 39, 69, 74, 80, 122, 123, 128, 138, 172. Cvrenus. 172. 191. Cvrus. 57, 164, 169, 182, 216, 217. Damaris, 18, 21, 24, 32, 169. Dana, 431, 452, ~~Baniel, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21. 23. 24, 28, 32, 39, 48-, 58. 107, 110, 161, 164, 169, 181, 279. 283, 314, 316, 323, 324, ;!;!.'). :!:!8. 339, 375, 409, 4S4. 4S7. 492. Dariiis. 164, 335, 369^- David, 23, 27, 117. 118, 120, 123, 125, 127. 130, 135, 140, 150. 177, 207. 284, 321, 327, 333, 334, 404, 421, 474. Dean, 405, 448. Deborah, 14, 26, 42, 276, 277. De Carrol, 65, 98. Delia, 35, 65, 127, 175, 214. Delight, 164. Delina. 23. Delos, 152. Delta, 437. Derrell, 7, 29, 49. Desire, 315. Devolcut, 197. Diantha. 195. Don, 453. Donald. 80, 4.54. Dora. 273, 362, 435. Dorastns. 122. 128. 144. 156, 160. Dorothy. 14, 15, 18, 23, 101, 103," 171, 263, 285, 303, 330. 334. Dorcas, 319. Dorris, 251. Douglas, 44. Dorwin, 241. Drusilla, 364. —33 Cone, Duane, 135. Dwi-lit. 73, 139. ^'iS, 260, 261, Kari. 202. 246, 307. 430. Ebcnezcr, 13, 117, 119, 120, 319, 330. Eber, 366. Edgar, 56, 94, 371. 410, 429, 486. Edith, 67, 92, 158, 253, 272. Edmund, 30, 52, 53, 89, 124, 133, .349, 350, 402. Edna, 91. 99, 151, .304, 448, 453. Edson, 362. Edward. 7 5, 115, 136, 146, 150, 171, 184, 217, 219, 221, 222, 262, 274, 280. 288, 291, 292, 305, 343, 353, 357, 377, 384, 389, ,390, 399. 405. 412, 416, 446, 447, 481. Edward P., 8, 209, 340, 382, Edwin, 39. 48, 58, 84, 97, 175, 182, 200, 237, 244, 273, 281, 336, 362, 374, 375, 433, 462, 464, 473. 475, 478. Egbert. 410. Ela, 412. Elbert. 245, 331, 358, 362, 363, 409, Eleanor, 58, 118, 276, 277, 335. Eleazur, 15, 23, 109, 339, 458, 461. Electa, 19. 170, 184, 475. Eli, 330, 334, 357. 358. 412. Elias, 359, 392, 416, 473. Elihu, 162, 166, 323. Eliot, 73. Elipheas. 346. Elijah, 117. 122. 319. 455. 456. 458. 460, 462. Elisha, 101. 103. 133. 149, 314, 315, 316, 322, 323, 335, 337, 370, 372, Eliza, 24, 25, 36, 39, 42, 53, 54, 67, 76, 92, 123. 131, 158, 171, 174, 176, 187, 199, 202, 205, 213, 246, 327, 331, 332, 336, 348, 354, 363, 368, 369, 374, 390, 396, 399, 400, 427, 475, 476, 477. Elizabeth, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 27, 38. 39. 47. 70. 73, 77, 101, 102, 117, 119, 120, 137, 152, 161, 165, 172, 177, 178. 180, 206, 210, 212, 234, 259, 270, 280, 284, 315, 321, 322, 324, 326, 327, 335, 338, 339, 340, 353, 358, 364, 372, 280, 407, 408, 422, 428, 455. 456, 471. 512 The Cone. Family in America. Cone, Ella. r,8. G!», H'". ll"'. I'^l- 210. 230, 245, 27.;. .I.'')!. -)(>:!. 402. Ellen. G, 2(), 44. 47. .".. 140, 179, 180. 337, 340, 342, 344, 3()3. 370, 3S2, 427. Elmer, 377, 409. Elsie, 253. Elva, 302. Elvira, 130. 201, 245. Emeliue. 39. 72. 133. 142. 175, 201. 209. 252, 340, 390. Emilv, 27, 32. 45, 126, 127, 131, 149, 175, 194, 202, 245, 265, 331, 359, 410, 450. 473. 4S1. Emma. 27, 37, 71, 124. 130. 140. 151, 178, 200, 387. ;'.'.t2. 410. 427. 440. 443. 4.54. 408. 485. Emmerctte. 58. 90. Emmett. 474. Epaplnoditns. 10. 20. 23. Ephraim. 2(i. 2'.). :!0. 51. 409. Epps. 324. 341. 382. Erastiis. 100. 109, 108. 174, 178, 200, 282. '292, 325, 329, 342, 353, 409. Ernest. 84. 85. 100. 208. 251. 258. 3!»9. 429. 452, 404. Estolla. 429. 441. Esther. 18. 21. 49. 85. 125. 131. 101. 104. 10(i. 170. 171. 195. 279. 2S4. 295. 310. 321. 327. 405. 4(i;. Ethel. 93. 110. 257. 202. 443. Etna. 252. Etta, 140. 324. 341. 440. Ettabelle. 110. Eugene. 123. 131. 132. Eugenia. 50. Eunice. 14. 17. 20. 27. 316. 323, 374, 434. Eva, 210. 218. 243. 399. 405. 407. 477. Evan. 472. Eveline. ^92. 300. 408. Evelvn. 43. 77. 140. 153. Everett. 49. 413. Ezekiel. 315, 320. Ezra. 177. 208. 251. :518. 328. 329. 352. 403. 404. Eaithy. 300. 303. Fannie. 47. 344. 392. 427. Fannv. 6. .54. 120. 126. 139. 158. 174. r,8, 197, 210. 220. 238. 284. 422. 4:i7. 401. 476. Fern. 441. Festus. 1(54. IC,-. 177 Fidelia. ]!I5. Florence. 49. l.-)3. 230. 232, 234, 201. 265. 270. 382. 393. 407. I"i. 442. 444. 454. 478. Cone. Fluvia, 170. Frances, 35, 30, 37. 43. 51, 66, 77, 88, 140, 140, 159, 184, 284, 286, 287, 290. 292. 299, 336, 338, 342, 370, 376, 377, 420, 400, 483. Francillian, 381. 440. Francis, 24, 100, 110. 131. 135, 180. 199. 240, 247. 330. 303, 428, 429. Frank, 36. 65, 08, 83, 140. 147, 148, 199, 219, 220, 240, 253, 355. 372, 387. 393, 394, 399, 408. 410, 422. 429. 450, 468, 470. Franklin. 27. 28. 38, 47, 48, 71, 85, 130. 201, 245, 269, 275. Frederick. o5. 89, 106, 109. Ill, 131, 148, 159, 172, 199, 222, 228, 241, 267, 279, 282. 295, 336, 366, 384, 387, 410, 424, 425, 437. 443. 447. 460. 464, 471, 485. Gardner. 125. 130. 279. 284, 350. 482. George. 14, 15. 18. 23. 24. 25. 37, 42. 46. 49, 09. 125. 127. 128, 130, 143. 140, 14 7, 100, 177, 179. 197. 201. 2U3. 218, 243, 245, 274, 284, 293, 327, 330, 339. 342, 344, 346, 347, 349, 350. 351, 365, 371. 376. 379, 380. 387, 396. 399. 402. 411, 412, 416. 429. 444. 402. 460. 475, 477, 480. 485. George B., 24, 35. 37. 67. 153, 183, v74. Geortre F.. 8. 36. 38. 39. 67, 71. 212. George W.. 0. 28. 29. 38. 48. 49, 83. 175. 202. 214. 220. 203, 287. 299. George William. 8. 150. 159. Georgia, 438. Georgiana, 50. (Jertrude. 83. 132. 237. 245. 274, 44l. Gilbert. 27!», 282. 290. 291. 371, 375, 437. 406. . 110. 125. 171. 323. 308. 393, 404, Olivci-. 14. 17. 22. 125. 164 ISO. 213. 217. 201. 323," 371, 376. 420. 420. 48l" Olmstoad. 174. Cone. Ophir, 106, 176. Oppolus, 30, 53. Ora, 347. Oraceville, 124, 135, 151. Orange, 125. 260, Orcut. 364, 369. Orella, 375. Orello, 58, 96. Orice. 166. Oris. 121, 127. Orland, 238. Orlando, 58. 95, 96, 187, 475, 477. Orline, 202. Orlow. 364, 369, 376, 421, 422, 427, 450. Orrin, 29, 136, 151, 350. Orson. 331, 361, 363, 364, 420, 421. Orville. 6. 30, 51, 123, Oscar, 58. 180, 201, 213, 243, 209, 272, 353. 364. 391. 405. 407. 364, Osman, 174. Osmond, 364. Otis. 217. Otway, 375. 164. Owen, 272, 362, 420, 454. 344, Ozias, 20, 31. 53, 315, 319, 330. Palma. 217. Palmer. 171. 185, 226. 329, 234. Patience, 53, 92. 380. Patty, 10. 461. Pauline, 159. Pearl, 149, 241, 263. 352. Peleo-. IS. 24. 38. 473. Percv, 182. 422. Persis, 29. 50. 53! Peter. 6. 412. 4S3. 485. Phebe, 117, 118, 121, 123, 131, 168, 179, 278, 322, 372, 421, 431, 466. 315. Philander, 180. 368. > Philena, 24, •^.). 166, 173, 196. Phili]). 30. 339. Philoxia. 106. 195, 475. Phineas, 119. 121. 127, 128 Pinckney, 292. 130. Pollv. 20. 21, 28, 121, 126, 138. 165, 169, 278, 282, 291, 319, 320, 472, 475, 481, Priscilla, 368. Pvachel. 101. 103. 162, 169. 174, 165. 197, 237, 313. 320, 354. 444. 470. Ralph, 6, 92, 243, 261, 290 296, 168, 304, 313, 478, 368. Ralzamon, 105, Randolph, 485. Ransom, 84. Index. 517 Cone, Ray, 399. Raymond. 84, 1.56, 160. Rebecca, 13, 26. 122, 276, 315, 321, 3.54. Reniick, 352. 404. Rena, 92, 48. Reo. 86. Reuben, 276, 277, 282, 290, 320, 332, 335, 370. Revillo, 58, 184, 221. Rhoda, 21, 182, 197, 238, 257, 330, 339, 342, 358. 388, 455. - Richard, 6, 32, 58, 131, 148. Richie, 241. Riley, 366, 424. Robert, 25, 40, 50, 120, 124, 133, 174. 178, 184, 208, 220, 261, 265, 316, 324, 32.5, 326, 344, 375, 393, 422, 48.3, 484, 486. Robert B., 7, 232. Robert D., 6. 8, 221, 265. Robert R., 6, 163, 220, 265. Roberta, 486. Roger, 282. 291. Roma, 226. Rosa, 261, 275. Roscoe, 92. Rosina, 369, 428. Roswell, 119, 121, 122. 128. 141. Roxanna, 365, 369, 465, 466. Rov, 83, 86. 454, 464. Royal, 127, 140. 141, 363, 446. Royden, 410. Ruby, 169. Rufus. 161, 165. 166. 173, 194, 195, 196, 405, 465. Russell, 127, 140, 278. 281, 327, 475. 476. Ruth. 13, 16, 2r. 94. 101. 102, 217. 257. 261. 271. 326. 336. 373. 464, 478. Sabra, 139. 141, 152. Sabrina, 168, 180. Sallv, 75. 105, 126, 194, 320, 324, 330, 333, 335, 341. Salmon. 7. 166. 174. 201. 244. 245, 274, 278, 280, 283, 293. Saloma. 329. 354. Samantha. 482. Samuel, 28, 29. 46, 117. 118, 120, 131, 135, 164, 166, 169, 170, 174, 182, 194. 199, 218, 234, 269, 271. 279, 282, 3l"4, 318, 324. 328, 334, 335, 339, 379, 393,^439, 472. 473, 474. Sarah, 14. 16. 18. 21, 23, 26, 34, 39, 42, .50, 51, 57, 76, 85, 88, 117, 124, 125, 126. 127. 130. 132. 136. 139. 141. 150. 161, Cone. Sarah — {conti)iucd) : 162. 164, 170, 180, 182, 183, 184, 191, 196, 201, 213, 216, 218, 229, 243, 278, 280, 284, 293, 295, 307, 315, 325, 327, 328, 334, 337. 338, 340, 342, 350, 351, 352, 363, 365, 369, 371, 376, 378, 382, 394, 403, 404, 410, 423, 427, 438, 456, 458, 469, 475, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485. Schuyler. 392. Scott. 430. Seaburv, 425. Selden," 71, 129, 130, 145. Seneca, 20, 29. Servella, 49. Seth. 326. 352. Seymour, 340, 449. Sherman. 149. 217. 261. Sherwood, 209. 252. Sidney. 393. Silas,' 183, 316, 323, 336> 340. Simeon. 141. Simon, 314, 316, 323. Solomon. 16, 19, 26, 307, 322, 335, 371, 456, 4.58, 474. Solon. 43. 77. Sophia, 47, 81, 174, 177, 200, 207. 208, 251, 332, 342, 349, 401. Sophronia. 199. 240. 329. 354. Spencer. 6, 28. 42. 79, 83, 121, 127, 141, 166. 176. Spencer H.. 25. 40. 75. Spencer W., 41, 75. Statira, 14, 16, 21, 126, 455. Stella, 112, 116, 140. Stephen. 13. 101. 105. 106, 111, 14V, 276, 277, 278, 338, 347, 398, 474. Sterlino-, 179, 212. Stuart. 455. Stevenson, 375. Stewart, 52. Susan. 6. 51, 125, 208, 284, 286, 296, 299, 300. 327, 329, 330, 331, 334, 340, 342, 351, 368, 381, 382, 441. Susannah. 18. 25, 49, 276, 277, 315, 321, 324, 338, 458, 483. Sutina. 174. Sybil, 15, 102. Svlvanus. 15. 17. 23, 35. 101, 165. 172. 191. 201. 244. 467, 468. Sylvester. 6, 18, 25. 85, 106, 123, 129, 195. 234, 280, 284, 336, 358, 362, 374. Svhia, 354. 518 The Cone Family in America. Cone, Tabathv, 10.1, 320. Tcmpfiaiuc, (I, 120. 123, 124, 1.3.3. 1(12. Thankful. 1()4, 324, 341. 'I'lieodora. 16. Thcodoio. 2S. 4C,. 100. 110, 127, 265, 320. 34(1. :!47. 371. Thomas. 2(i, 27. 37. 47. (iO, 101, 104, 10!», 112. 113, 173, 196, 316, 318, 325, 326, 336, 342, .344, 347, 374, 375, 394, 397, 399, 421, 434. 449, 456, 458, 462. 470, 472, 481, 482. Tiniotliy, 19, 26, 117, 119, 120, 123, 131, 334, 479. Titus, 469, 471. Tracy, 126. 139. Treiinior, 448. Trnman, 174. 199. Tryphona, 25. 40. Uriel. 164. 169. 182, 358. Usher. 221. Valentine, 65. Van Selen. 384. Velva, 410. Vicee. 104. Victoria. 234. 270. ' Victor. 450. 472. Virgil. 50, 86. Virginia, 265. Virtue, 19. Volnev. 392. AValdo, 433. Walter. 31. 57. 67. 87. 91, 150. 105. 219. 242. 204. 268. 281. 283, 289, 242. 389. 409, 412, 458, 462, 464. Walter L.. 171, 185. 187, 226. Warren, 19, 58, 120, 12.5. 136. .324. 330, 339, 344, 357, 3.59, 381. 394. Wcalthv, 120. 279. 282. Webb. 94. Welcome. 217. Wells. 201. 242. 491. Wesley, 263. 489. Wliipple. 353. 404, 407. Wilbur. 201. 399, 447. Wilfred. 245. Willard. 140. 444. 461, 402, 463. 464. William. 6. 14. 17. 23. 27, 43, 4.-). -48. 40. 5-2. 53. 80. 83, 9l! 100. 118, 124, 137, 146, 1.52, 168, 174, 177, 183. 191, 197, 207. 219. 226. 237. 282, 291, 306. 323. .324! 325, 33U .333! •343. 347. .349. 351, 3.54, 3.57. 358. 362. .304. 366. 367, 371. 370. 2S0. :^,s-i. 384. 387, 389. Cone, William — [continued) : 390, 394, 396, 399, 402, 404, 407, 410, 411, 412, 421, 424, 425, 430. 434, 443, 444, 448, 449, 454, 466, 469, 470, 471, 473. 480. 481, 482, 483, 484, 485. 486. William A.. 6. 24. 37. 58, 69, 95, 150, 159. William E.. 8, 32. 57, 191, 230. WMlliam H., 6, 38, 41, 51, 53, 71. 124. 126. 1.32. 133, 137, 141. 154, 170. 183, 196, 209, 213. 252. William L., 0, 91. 159, 220, 264. W^illiam R.. 83. 172. 189. 228. William W., Ill, 116, 133, 281, 458, 460. William Whitney. 365, 422. Willis. 264. 446. Wilson. 331. Winfield, 359. 410. 416. 467, 478. Winthrop. 381. 440. ^A'olcott. 40. Xvrepha. 474. Zaehariah. 15. 18. 25, 39, 277, 279. 282. Zenas. 20. 29. Zeno. 182. 217. Zillah. 318. 326. Coney, Charles. 204. Ella, 204. Ellen. 204. Emma. 204. 249. George. 204. .Jane. 331. 362. .Julius. 204. Orrin. 175. 204. Weltha. 204. 249. Conger, Anna, 185. CoNKLiN. Oscar, 477. CoNLEE. Elizabeth. 20. CoNNETT. .Julia. 343, 390. CovoyER, Bessie. 311. Jay, 390. CoNWELL. Hannah. 315. .Tames. 140. Copp. Chira. 3.-)l. 403. CoRr.iv. i;;iclicl. 218. 261. Cord. I'.otscy. .")7. CoRKlNS, Addie. 252. Agnes. 252. Favette. 6. 252. Frederick. 252. :\rarv, 252. William. 209. 252. Cornell, Ellen. 144. Cornish. ]\linnie. 207. 250. Corson, Adam. 191, 228. Index. 519 CoitsoN, Aimee, 228, 269. Alice, 228. Dorothy, 269. George,' 269. Mildred, 269. William, 228, 269. CoRUM, Caroline. 430. Carrie, 371. Cory, G. W., 178. Coss, Bert, 87. CossETT, Mary, 340. Cotton, D. b', 42, 76. Ellen, 76. Ethel, 70. Grace, 76. John, 76. Katherine, 76. Leander, 427. Mary, 76, 278. Couch, Maria, 306. Mary, 292. CoURTRiGHT, Ann, 143. Elizabeth, 128. Frances, 128, 144. Henry, 144. Joh.n,' 143. CowAX, Betsey, 128. Elizabeth, 373, 432. CoWDEN, Beebe, 53. Caroline. 93. Jared, 53. Margaret, 53. Maria. 53. 93. Robert. 93. Samuel, 30. 53. CowDY, Elizabeth, 99. CowDRY, Isabella, 207, 250. CowLES, Emily, 126, 138. COYE, Charles! .i9. Craig, Aliiiir:i. :!.")2. Crake, Aliee. 229, 269. Burdette, 229. E. B., 5. John, 181. Warren, 191, 229. Craxdall, Mary, 132. Cranston. G. M., 243. Creiiore, Laban, 166. Crites, Milton, 244. Crtssey, Elizabeth, 381, 440. Crittenden, Artemesia, 20, 28. Henry, 306. Crocker, Alice, 1(31, 106. Dorothy, 20, 29. Franklin. 123. Crocket, Lucy. 330. Cronk, W. W., 137. Crook, Mary, 360. Pollv. 333. Rntii, 473. Cromwell, Clara, 83. Mary, 65. Crosby, Elizabetii. 105, 108. Emma, 422, G. W., 144. Hannah, 105. . Rachel, 129. Cross, Emily, 481. Crow. Philijj. 404. Crumiiorn, Emily. 110, 115. Crysler, Adam. 27. Culver, Elizabeth, 3.54, 409. Grace. 338. Hattie. 310. Cunningham. Elizabeth, 13, 314. CuRRAN, George, 128. Mary, 122, 128. Curry, Cora, 409. Louisa, 336, 375. Curtis, Caroline, 171, 185. Edwin, 129. Ethan, 138. Nathan. 185. Otis, 240. William W., 202, 246, 249. Gushing, Gilbert, 89. Harriet. 52, 89. CusiiMAN, Mary, 155. Cutler, Girard, 48. Harriet, 28, 48. Nancy. 34, 63. CuYLER, Catherine. 326, 347. Harman, 347. Mary. 347. Dailey, Jennie, 477. Dallas. Dollie, 214. Dana. Caroline. 298. Daniels, Erastus. 222. Jared, 317. Rosella, 107. Darger, Eugene, 303. Darke, Eliza, 180, 213. Darrow, Eugene P.. 381. Darte, Alfred, 8, 128, 143, 155. Amy, 155. Frank, 155. George, 155. Harrv, 143. Luther, 143, 155, Mary, 143. 155. Nancy, 147. Darter, John. 77. Davenport. Hnldah. 475. Julia. 475, 477. Marcia, 448. Davis, E. G.. 5. Hammond, 342. Irene, 387. Julia, 387. Marv, 20. 520 The Cone Familij hi America. Davis, William, 387. Davison, Jane, 30, 53. Lucinda. 30. 53. Luther. 351. 403. Dawson. \V. C. 110. Day, Albert. 206. Elizabeth. 47. George, 439. Stephen, 47. William. 378. 43!). Dean. Catherine, 315, 409. Martha, 320, 347. Oliver, 165, 173. Sadie, 399, 446. Deakins, 361, 418. Dennison, Celia, 127. 140. David, 133, 149. Francis, 280, 284. Densmore, Edwin, 202. 246. William. 246. Detwiler, INIary. 470. Devendorf, Henr3% 182, 216. Leila. 216, 259. Dewey, Aaron. 179, 211. Amanda, 19, 27. 126. 137. DkWolf, Annie, 388, 444. DiCKERMAN, George, 368. Dickinson, Alice, 97, 454. Almira, 344, 385. Charles, 62, 377. James, 332, 377. Phebe, 38. 71. DiLKES, Joanna, .34, 64. DiMMiCK, Hannah, 26, 44. DiSEKENS. Albert, 236. Charles, 236. Francis. 195, 235. Frederick, 6, 236. Dodge, Amanda. 373. Chester, 336, 373. DoNNELL, Benjamin, 280, 287. Jane. 287, 300. DoREMUS, Garrett, 480. DoRWART, Gertrude, 429, 452. DoTEN, Frederick, 382, 441. Douglass, Eoswell, 459. Downing. David, 281. Drake, Esther, 291, 305. Driver, Margaret, 51, 87. Dryden, Augusta, 217, 261. Dryer, Jane, 27, 46. Dunham, Suranns, 353. 408. DuNNELL, Benjamin, 287. Dupree, Ralpli, 351, 403. DuRANT, James. 427, 450. DuTTON, Samuel, 101, 103. DwiGHT, Adeline, 109, 113. Earnsitaw, John, 221, 266. Edgerton, Edward, 174, 197. Ernest E.. 238. Edgerton. Guilford, 197, 238. Julia. 197, 238. Mary. 197. 238. Edwards, Kate L., 62. Eggleston, Almira, 466. Mary, 28, 49, 85. Elliott. Hannah, 318, 327. William, 170, 196. Ellis, George, 228, 269. Roselia, 364, 422. Sophronia. 281, 289. Ellsworth, Lucretia, 31. 56. Ely, Linus. 109, 113. Emmons, Daniel. 16, 102. Mahitable. 14, 15. Mary, 102, 193. Noadiah, 165, 193. Ruth, 20, 102. Samuel. 101, 102. Emerson, Charles, 92. George, 53, 92. Lucy" 386. Mary, 403. Samuel, 327, 350. English. Elizabeth. 173. Sarah. 84. Erickson. Olof, 219, 263. EscHMAN, Henry, 54, 94. EssiCK, Mary, 291, 305. EsTES, Ira. 460, 463. Irene, 7. Thomas. 457, 460. Wilbur. 457. EusTis, W. T., 5. Evans, Austin, 278. Faber, Joseph, 71. Fanning. Barton, 146. Fairbottom, Nancy, 328. Fairciiild, Marianna, 324. 339. Farnell. Jane, 481. Farrington. Oliver, 342, 388. Lydia. 326, 344. Fay, David. 359. 414. Emeline. 6. Lucius, 346. 396. Fee, Annie, 45, 79. Feeny, Annie, 443. Felch, Jane. 284. Fellows, Richard. 11. Fenner, Nellie, 69, 98. Noma, 69, 98. Oscar. 38, 69. Fenton, Betsey, 472, 473. Ferguson. Caroline. 181, 215. Lansing. 181. Loring, 169, 181. Ferris, Clara. 216. Frank. 397, 446. ]\Iae. 444. Ferry, Charles. 470. Index. 521 Ferry, Clarissa, 182. Fields, David, 12, 320. William, 47, 81. FiLLEBROWN, Nelsoii, 39, 72. FiNCir, Henry, 181. FiNKLE, Benjamin, 3G5, 423. Henry, 423. FiRMAX, Charles Howard. 424. David, 20. Fisher, Clarissa, 166, 176. John, 58, 98. Nicholas, 58. 97. Sarah, 1G6. 176, 390. FiSK, Harriet, 129. 146. FiTCii, Sophia, 108, 112. FiTZ CtERRell, Mary, 248. Flemixg, Robert, 480. Fletcher, Harriet, 327. 350. Floyd, John, 481, 482. FoNES, Alvan, 93, 304. FooRD, Edward, 66. FooTE, Esther, 323, 338. Mary, 456, 458. Forbes, Adna, 199, 240. Ford, E. A., 79. Foster, Arnandii. 373, 433. Belle, 435. Benjamin. 336. 373, 374, 432, 434. Bessie, 435. Catherine, 34. 63, 373. Edofar. 34, 63, 64. Edwin, 51, 88, 388. ' Elisabeth, 34, 62. George, 432, 434. Henri. 34, 64. Henry, 63, 385. James, 432, 434. Jessie, 435. John. 34, 63. 334. 336, 374. 375. Joseph. 63. 374. Joshua, 374. 434. Marie, 34, 62. Mary. 34, 63. Minnie, 64, 270. Myra. 435. Nathan. 23, 34. Phebe. 119, 123. Reginald, 34, 64. Ruth. 434, 474. Thomas, 374, 432, 434. 435. William, 34. 88, 373, 432. FouLDS, Eva, 137, 152. Fowler, Cicero, 476. 478. Clarence. 39, 72. Julia. 283. 293. Roswell, 210, 2.56. Fox, Ashley, 373. Celinda, 170. 183. Fox, Edward. 400, 447. Francis, 7, 400. Frederick. 400. Marian. 447. Mary, 177. 207. 400. 447. Mattliew, 348. 400. FoY, Nancy, 325. Fraxcis, Ellen, 361, 420. Emily. 361. Certrude, 361, 420. Marcellus, 361. Nathan. 331. 361. Fraxklix, Orrin, 117. 206. Frary. James, 129. 144. Frexch. J. M., 5. Mary. 322, 335. Fritch, Joseph. 405. Frost, James. 109, 114. Fry, Eugene, 70. FrLLER, Daniel. 15. 161, 162. Elisha, 15. Hannah. 104. 442. John. 417. Mary, 15. 104. 105, 1 00. Matthew. 14, 15. Noadiah, 15. 162. Samuel, 128. Seiden, 106. Shubal, 102, 104, 118. William, 62, 75. Gambell. Caroline. 270. Fanny. 169. 182. Gamble. Lucy. 234. 270. Gaxsox, Elizabeth. 476. 479. Garxer, Elizabeth, 20, 29. Garrisox, Mary, 168, 180. Garrettsox. Melvina, 376. 437. Gates, Caleb, 15. Daniel. 14. 161, 162. Dudley, 21. George, 13, 455. Lvdia, 16, 20. Martha, 107. 111. Sarah, 162. 105, 170. Thomas, 14. 15. Timothy. 15. Walter." 107. Gaumer. Charles. 93. 99. Mahala, 92, 99. Thomas, 92, 99. Gay, Rebecca, 238. Gehrett. Mary. 218. 261. Gtbbs, James. 35. William. 249. GiBSOX, Robert, 310, 359. Rogers. 295, 310. Gilbert, John. 15. Mary, 277. 279. Giles, Mary. 270, 271. Gillespie. Estdle, 65. 98. 522 The Cone Family in America. Gillette. Anna, •220, 204. Griswold. Francis. 210, 256. John, 27. 45. Henry. 338, 379. Mvra, 45. Marian, 31, 54. Oliver, 45. Grover, Margaret, 484, 486. GiLJrAN, John. 214. 258. 259. Guernsey, Helen, 181, 212. GiLMORE. Gabrielle. 370. 428. Gudnecht, Charles. 393. Glover. 172, 191. Guild. Ann. 129. 145. Godfrey. Alice. 191. 229. Edward. 373. 433. Goff. Mary. 458. 401. Gulliver. Charles, 351, 403. GoKEY, William. 210. 25(). 257. Haas. Parmelia, 35/. Goodale. Lydia. 350. 402. Hackett. Miles. 470. 479. GooDENOUGH. Jennie. 47. 81. Hackley, Anna, 374, 433. GooDMAK. Amelia, 172. 192. Samuel. 374, 433. GoouNER, Genevieve, 248, 274. Haddock. Sarah. 483. 484. Ralph, 248. 274. Hadlock, Lucinda, 344, 396. Goodrich. George, 130, 147. Had WIN, George, 361, 419. James, G, 130, 147. Hagan. James. 483. 484. Minnie. 430, 452. Hagar, Florence, 203, 248. Orson. 123. 130. Hale, Abigail, 278, 280. Kachel. 450. 458. Hall. Edward. 234. William, 130. 147. Eflie. 234. GORiiAM. jNIary. 479. Eliza. 144, 404. Go.ssETT. :\rartha. 474. Emma. 234. .GotGH. Harriet, 123. Eugene, 234. 'Gould, Elizabeth, 295. Frederick, 208, 253. GOWANS, Elizabeth, 375. Harley, 234. Graham, James, 200, 485. Herman. 108. Sarah, 197, 239. Jemina. 15. 18. Grant, Aiionstns. 405. John P.. 5. Daniel. 405. Margaret. 279, 283. ]\Iatthe\v. 405. Martha. 173, 193. 404. Graves. Amanda. 172. 189. Mary, 104. 100. Anna, 172. 188. Norman. 232. Barton. 182. 215. Pollv. 118. Betsev, 172, 188. Pvebecca. 349. 401. Frank. 353. 408. Pufus. 234. Franklin. 172. 180. Sanuiel. 104. 173. Joseph. 172. 188. 317. Sophia F.. 193. Marv. 101. 104. 105. 408, Wilber. 234. 448. William. 121. 129. 144, 165, ]\Iatilda. 172. 189. 173. 225. 446. Sterlino-. 105. 171. Halsey. Addison. 286. 299. Gr.vy. Jnlia. 31. .54. Hamblen, Charles. 389. William, 89. 302. 312. Hamlin, Adele, 403. Greex. Candare. 100. 109. Walter. 463. Henrv. 327. William. 458. 463. Ida. 447. Hamilton. Alexander. 191. 229. (iREENFlELD, Artemas, 332. Annie, 287. 300. Gregg, Betsey, 125, 135. Calvin. 204. 249. Gregory, Heiirv, 295, 309. Frank, 359. 416. Gridley. Adelia. 325. 342. Haner. James. 359. 415. Griest, Cornelins. 201. 244. Hanford, Julia, 295, 310. Frank. 244. 273. Margaret. 295. 309. Lillie. 244. 273. Thomas. 283. Minnie. 244. 273. Hansel. Frederick, 194. 235. Griffith. Jano. 195. 487. Harding. Emma, 354, 410. Grimes. Cora. 370. 438. Harmish, H. F.. 43. 78. Grinnell. Wise. 120. 124. Harnden. Frank. 359. 410. Griswold. Abio-ail. 14, 102. :\[illie. 300. 410. Edwin. 178. 210. Plvn. 331, 359. Index. 523 Harnden, IJose, 359, 410. Heath, Asa. 291. Harris, Antoinette, \•l^^, 137. Hebbard, Linden. 279, 282. Charles, 422. Mary, 282, 405. Edoar, 422. Hedley. Edward, 137, 152. Elizabeth. 422. Hemmixgway, Frank, 391. Elnora, 422. Hexdricks, Julia, 373, 431. Emma, 422. Hexners, Helen, 404, 448. Frederick. 422. Hexsley, Mary, 470. 471. Henry, 137. Hermax, Ella, 37, 69. Kate. 422. Herrick, Amos, 180, 214. Mary, 422. Herrixgton, Mary, 472, 473. Wilbur, 422. Herron, a. p., 6. William. 364. 422. William. 196. Harrisox, Lovell. 52. HiGBY. Anson, 372, 431. Lucy, 28, 4G. Higley., Rosa, 428, 452. Harroun, Charles, 176, 205. Roswell, 369, 427. Frederick, 205, 249. Hill, Eleanor, 475, 478. Hart. Emily, 221, 267^- Eliza. 335, 370. Lucy, 20, 29, 99. Elizabeth, 33, 61. Sidney, 202, 248. Hills, Eveline, 179, 211. Submit, 467. HiXKLEY, Henry, 202. 247. Haskixs. Walter, 82. 90. 248. 2G7, HoADLEY, Sophia, 28. 47. 426. Hodge, Alexander, 397, 446. Mary. 288. Mettie, 484, 486. Hartenbower. Frank. 435. Hoffman, Margaret, 56. 94. Hartshorin^e, Emily, 382, 441. HoLLiSTER, Charlotte, 290. 303. Hartweli,. Liberty, 178. Holmes, Anna, 127, 475. Harvey, Alexander, 423, 450. Charles, 62. Asa, 173. Christopher, 62. Deborah, 29. Clara, 351. James, 450. Cora, 156, 159. Jonathan. 25. 40. Drury, 62. Paul, 450. Elias, 327. 351. Rachel, 173. 196. Eliphalet. 22. 25. 118. 121. Randal, 450. 125. 127. 168. 169, 170. Samuel, 21. 285. Frank, 351. Hatch, Susan, 40. 74. Gilbert, 167. Lucy, 338, 379. Henry. 62. Hathaway, Marv, 109, 112. Jane. 377. Hawk, Esther. 282. 292. John, 34, 62. Hawkinson, Olof, 219, 262. Julia, 351. Haydex, Alvah, 376. 437. Lois. 351. Daniel, 375, 437. Lucretia. 118. David, 336, 375, 437. Marv, 62. Elvira, 376, 434, 436. Norris, 351. James, 355, 435. Perley, 351. John, 375, 437. Reginald. 62. Julius, 290. 304. Thomas. 205. Mary, 304, 437. Timothv. 127. Hayes, Lydia, 455, 456. Sarah, 'l64, 167. Sarah, 324, 340. Silas, 121. 127. 159. Silas, 47, 82. Uriel, 16. 21. Hazex, Betsey, 188. 228. William, 62. Jasper, 7, 344. Hoover. Martha, 375. 435. Lycurgus, 188, 226. Hopkins, Marian, 245, 274. Matilda. 188. 227. Horn, !Francis. 215, 259. Solon, 188, 227. HORR. Ann, 189. 199. Sue!. 172. 188. Peter. 172. 189. Hazeltox, John. 318. William, 174. 189. Heasley, Addie, 262, 264. HoRTON, Mary. 480. 524 The Cone Family in America. HosMER, Eliza, 280. 288. HoTCHKTSS, Martha, 180, 214. HoL-Gir,, Hattie, 37, 08. Houghton, Alice. 19, 25. House, Charlotte. 2S!). ;{0.3. HOVEY, Ada, 40. 74. Howard, John. 475. 477. Willis. 30G, 477. Howe, Henrv, 2!»1. 305. Joseph. 282. 291. Marv, 291, 305. Sarah, 291, 305. HOYT, Samuel, 340, 381. Hubbard, Hannah. 314, 315. :\[ary. 292. 352. Kieli'ard. 280. 287. Thomas. 400. Hudson, Maria, 357. Nellie, 204. Rlioda, 330. Hughes, John, 431. Hull, Harvey, 334, 308. James,' 368. Timothy. 308. Humphrey. Estella. 105, 109. Evan. 434. Lnerctia. 324. 340. Sarali, 288. Hungerfori). Anna. 178. Lvdia. 118. 121. Marv, 13, 101, 276. Sarah. 13. 121, 127, 101. Thomas. 161. 162, 276. Hunsacker, Lewis, 431. Hunt, Adeline. 289. 30.!. Chester, 289, 303. Eunice. 289. 303. Henry. 5. 289. 303. John." 40. 80. :Mart]ia. 289. 303. :\Iarv. 80. 289. Orrin. 281. 289. Walter, 280, 303. Huntington. C. W.. 5. Jedidiali. 25. 107. ^^■illiam. 38. 71. HURD, Elijah. 321. 333. Freeman. 171. Htfrldurt, Daniel, 135, 310. Elizabeth. 331, 379. Leonard. 338. 339, 379. Silas. 338. Susannah. 314. 310. Huston, James, 174. HuTCHlNS. Fiank. 296. 311. Hutchinson. Ann. 130, 147. Augustus, 185. 224. David, 284, 295. Eveline, 185, 224. Frances. 185. 225. Hutchinson, Hannah, 105, 295, 310. Ira, 170, 184. John, 184, 185, 224, 295. Kate, 224, 225. Leverett, 185, 223. Lucintha. 185, 223. Oliver, 225, 267. Sarah, 185, 295, 310, Susannah, 279, 282. Hyde, Alpheus. b3. 59. Tde, Lucy. 169. Iler. Eiiima. 180. 213. Ingali.s. Charles. 443. David P.. 352. Ingeksol, James, 306, 313. John, 292, 306. Ingraham, Annette, 485, 487. IsHAM, Clarissa, 229. Frances, 107, 111. Ives, Jared, 331. Philo, 289. Theodore, 64. Jack, Mary. 48. 82. Jackins. Ida. 133. 149. Jackson, Emily. 304. 312. Mary. 285. 374. 435. 482. Jajies, David. 47. Margaret. 215. Jeffery, Gilbert, 137, 152. Jenkins, Rachel, 30, 51. Jewett, Samuel. 45(). 458. Johnson, Corydon. 141, 154. Mary, 34, 163. Phebe, 315, 321. Sarah, 50, 126, 138. Virginia, 173, 195. Johnston. Jennie, 53, 93. Johnstone. Francis. 216. 259. Jones, Almira. 26. 42. Amos, 22, 162, 167. Cyrus. 326, 346. Delight. 208, 251. Ceorge. 289, 390. Jesse. 373. 432. Laura. 324, 339. .Margaret, 182, 251. :\rarv. 27. 46, 381, 403. Xancy. 213. 258. Owen'. 346. 396. \Villiam. 105. 108. 170. Jordan. John. 45. Joslin. Charles, 372. JuDD. Celia. 344. 391. Lucia. 344, 393. Justice. Louisa, 49. Rollin. 49. Keast, John. 253. Keeley. George. 38. 70. Keeney, Adeline. 303. Index. 525 Keep, Helen, 5. Lillie, 191, 230. Kellogg, Amos, 59. Charity, 15, 17. Daniel, 386. Minnie, 405, 448. Sally, 335, 369. Thaddeus. 456. Keogh, Ellen. 217. 260. Kelsey, Almira, 74. Benjamin, 318, 326, 348, 400. Eleanor, 458. 462. Henry, 187, 348. Kate, 6, 348. Noadiah, 309. William. 309. KE^-^'EI)Y, Ida, 135. Thomas. 472, 473. Kenney, Edna, 220, 265. Kexter, Anna, 219, 262. Kenyon, Xancy, 456, 458. Kepler, Addie. 7. Allen. 110, 115. Kerr, Arminta, 48. Eliza, 36, 67. Kibbe. Jarius, 59. Ehoda, 182. Kight. James, 156, 160. KiLBOURNE, Payne. 340, 380. Kimball, Aaron, 50. David, 306. Eveline, 6. Lovell, 51. Rufus. 6, 388. 443. William, 290, 306. KIXCAID. Elizabeth, 35, 08. King, Delia. 354, 409. (ieoro-e. 341, 414. AVilliam, 34, 63, 64. KixGSBiKY, David, 179, 210. Wealthy, 279, 282. KiNG.SLEY, Addie, 136, 151. Averv, 126, 138. John, 138, 151. KiNXEY, ^lary, 224. KixsLow. Ella. 48, 83. KiRBY, Lucy, 136. KiRKPATRiCK. Jennie, 48, 84. KiRTLAND, Abigail. 123, 131. 0. L., 184. Kitchen, Stephen. 421. KXAPP. Frank, 430. Martha, 201, 343. Oremus, 271, 430. Kxeeland, Hannah, 322, 335. Knight, Clinton, 79, 80. Knowles. Elisha. 314. 317. Hannah, 328, 352. Richard. 314. 317. Knowlton, Thomas, 276, 277. KOONTZ, Ida. 2S2, 441. Krouse, Cora, 421, 449. Lackey, Joseph, 234, 271. Lacy, Martha, 144, 156. Ladd, Warren, 5. La Du, Letson, 135, 151. Lake, Alma, 379, 439. Ezra, 361, 418. Nora. 8, 418. Lamb, Frank. 5. Lamberton, ]Mr., 11. Lamborn, :Marshall, 374, 433. Lampiiere, Orrinda, 365, 423. Lancaster, Mary, 455, 456. Landis, Lettie. 93, 99. Landon, Frank, 8. 153. William. 140. 153. Lane, Edward, 128, 141. Elijah, 128, 142. Olive, 326, 344. Langford, Leona, 225, 268. Lanpiier. Louis, 191, 228. Lappin, Anuinda, 284, 296. Latham, John, 458, 462. La Valle. Dominie, 370, 428. Lawton, Warren, 212. Lay. Abner, 21, 32. Lucinda. 21, 32. Layman, D. A[., 442. Lea, Thomas, 376, 438. Leach, Sarah, 135, 150. Lee, Almira, 338, 378. Mercv, 475, 476. Saraii. 484, 485. William. 5. Leete, Alexander, 335. James, 335. Rebecca. 118. 122. Leffingwell. Faithy. 320. 331. Lyman. 184, 222. Leffy, John, 434. Leisk. Arthur. 300. 416. Leland, Emeline. 169, 182. Lent. John. 144. 156. Leonard, Elizabeth. 129. 144. Lesley, James, 25. Lester. Elizabeth. 183. 219. Matilda. 263. Lewis, Addie, 207, 251. E. E.. 5. John. 209. 252. Juliette. 200. 241. Lizzie, 209, 252. Elizabeth. 167, 177. Marv, 253, 342, 389. Sarah, 285, 298. Like. John, 369. Lincoln, Marv, 298, 312. Rhoda. 318. 329. LiNDSEY, Marv, 373, 432. 526 The. Cone Faniihj in Ameflca. LiNDSEY, Parley, 331, 360. SanJi, 52, 89. Thomas, 137. LiNZELL, Leonard, 36, 68. LiPPiNCOTT, Anna, 34, 63. LiswELL, Harriet, 130, 146. Liter, William, 43, 77. Little, Alice, 54, 94. Anna, 94, 235. Asa, 195, 235. Charles, 42, 195. 487. George, 173, 195, 235. 48/ Griffith, 487. Howard, 54, 94. James, 30, 54, 195, 487. Jane, 71, 195. Laura, 295, 310. Mary, 42, 54, 94, 235. Virginia, 54. William, 54, 235. LoAK, Mary, 409. LocKHART, Isabella, 155. LocKWOOD, Anna, 200. 241. Long, Amy, 484, 485. John, 213. Salima, 202, 247. Loomis, Anna. 310. Cliristiana, 277. 278. David, 295, 310. Frances. 98. 223. Lorin. 184, 223. Nathan, 214. Trvphena, 170. William. 98. 223. Loop, Jolin. 36. Loqve, William. 474. Lord, Abigail. 22. Ellen. 221, 205. Elisha, 103. Emiline, 467. Kate, 52, 91. Richard, 91. Loss, Harry. 431, 452. LovELL, Elias, 344. LoVELANn, Ambrose, 169, 210. Ann, 182. Anna, 216. Clarissa, 364, 422. Isaac, 321, 333. 364. Martha. 201. 244. Luther, Josepli, 128. 141. Lyall, Nellie. 382. Lydic, John, 480. Lyle, Marian, 228, 268. Lyman, Mahitable. 316, 325. William, 443, 450. Lyon, Elizabeth, 361, 419. Mack, Charles, 296. 311. Charlotte, 123. 129, 145. Cynthia, 24, 37. Mack, Edward, 130, 148. Ela. 284, 295. Emily, 296. 311. Esther, 295. Fannie, 311. Florence, 311. Frederick. 311. Henry, 311. Jerusha, 205. Josiali, 296, 311. Lucy, 183. Rose. 311. Sarah, 16, 296. Stephen, 37. William, 311. Mackenzie, Georgia, 287, 209. Maclure, William. 42, 76. Madden. Milton, 153. Maerklein, Alice, 6. Herman, 229. 269. Mahan, Jane. 404. Mahlecke, Minnie, 89. Mahurin, Milo, 280, 286. Makefield. Ethelyn, 417. Malcolm. Frances, 8. William, 35, 66. Mancer, Catherine, 32. Manville. Rhoderick, 370. Manwaring, Minnie, 439. Marion, Allen, 137. Markley, Conrad, 374, 434. Marsdale, Joseph, 182, 218. Marsh, Jerrold, 125. Newton, 121, Marshall, John, 367. 425. Maria, 175, 204. Makston. Lorenzo. 344. 393. Martin. Jessie. 219. 262. Julia, 28, 48, Sopliia. 5. Martinez. Josephine, 41, 75. Marvin. David. 178, 210. Frederick, 210, 257. Mason. Joseph, 182, 217. Martha, 402. Mastick, Laura, 367, 424. Seabury, 425. Virginia. 366. Mather, Fanny. 62. Kate'. 62. Lyman, 465. Mary, 62. Nathan. 62. Richard, 303. Ulysses, 123. Watrous. 34, 62. Matterson. Charles. 430, 471. Mattocks. Dudley. 109, 114. Daniel. 105. 109. Frederick, 109, 113. Index. 527 Mattocks, Hannah, 109, 113. Jair.es, 109, 113. Julia, 113. 110. Laura, 109, 114. Lucy, 109, 114. May. Lucy, 181. Margaret. 332. Sadie, 156, 160. Maynard, Frederick. 459. Mary, 344. Mayne. Grace. 226. McCall, John. 49. McCaskey, EUa, 353. 407. McCaulley, Anna, 182. McChesney, Lina, 222. 267. McClelland, Thomas. 109, 113. McCltjre, John, 470. McCollister, Charles, 291, 305. McColm, Maria, 213. McConnell, Carrie, 413. McCorkell, Alexander, 8, 252. McCuLLOUCH, Elizabeth. 195, 235. McCune, Sarah, 169. 183. McCray, Aseneth. 281. McElwain, Edwin, 216. McGruder, Sarah, 199. McIntire. Benjamin, 201. McKay. Bertha, 307. McLaughlix. Lewis, 188. McLester, Robert, 332. McMakin, Kate, 202, 245. McMullen, Maude, 485. McNamary, Addie. 437. McXiECE. Jennie, 350. 402. McQueen. Daniel, 398. Mead, Gideon, 126. H. W., 139. Meecii. John. 356. Meeker. Sabrina, 181. Meloy, David. 475, 477. Mexdexhall. E. J.. 48, 85. Mexsmex. Emma, 110, 115. Mercer, John, 344. Merchaxt. Ruena. 127, 140. Merriam, Levi. 464. Merrifield, Thankful. 182, 216. Merrill, Horace, 350. Isaiah, 56. Merriman, Emily, 192. Merritt, Sarah, 159. Merwin, W. M., 387. Messer, John, 131. Messmore, Emily, 178. Metcalf. Daniel, 17. Miller, Andrew. 58, 95. Carrie, 95. Charlotte. 193, 475, 478. Daniel. 108. Delphina. 371. 430. Edwin. 95. 100. —34 Miller, Ellen, 358, 413. Harriet, 130, 370. Joseph, 95. Olivia, 111. Peter, 335. Salina, 37. 08. Sarali. 191. William, 428. Millikex. Dolly, 129, 146. Millis, Ripley, 457, 459. Mills, Anna," 393, 447. MiLXER, Elizabeth. 235. Mixer, Amelia, 192. Hiram. 200. Jane, 193. John, 167. Mary, 39. William, 209, 253. ]\Iitchell. Abigail, 178. Almira, 343, 391. Aristeen, 178. Caroline, 371. 429. Charles, 148. Christine, 69. Franklin, 148. Joseph, 167, 178. Samuel. 167. Sarah, 38, 69. Mix, Martha. 191. 229. MoBERLY, Elizabeth, 481, 482. MOHLER. Mary. 183. 219. MoxTGOMERY. Susan. 339. 380. Moody. Donald, 73. James, 39, 73. Phebe, 331, 362. Moore, Louisiana, 52, 89. Margaret, 354, 410. Marietta. 33, 61. More, Elizabeth, 283. 295. Morgax, Abijah, 162, 167. Elizabeth, 168. .. Joseph, 382, 442. Madeline, 221. Marinda, 473. Susannah, 170. E. C, 6. Morris, Ephraim, 444. John, 5. Kate, 394. Martha, 132. Sevmour, 5. Morrill, Sally, 40, 50. Morrow, Sarah, 29, 49. Morse, Belinda. 352. 405. John. 318. 328. Mortox, Edwin. 407. 448. MosELEY, Charles. 245. 274. MosHER. Maria, 374, 435. MosiER, Belle, 366. MuDGE, Mary, 352, 405. 528 The Cone Family in America. MULFORD, Sewell, 310, 313. Olney, Ferdinand, 400, 447. MuNGEB, Betsey, 176, 205. Olsen, Carrie, 90. Clarissa, 324, 339. O'Neal, Zabetha, 483. Isaac, 166, 175. Onyun, Maria, 48, 82. Malinda, 176, 205. Orchard, Jean, •ill. MuNSON, Mishael. 469. Ormsby, Mary, 458, 461. MURDOCK, Adelia, 195, 236. Orton, John.' 75. George, 173, 195. Josephine, 82. Mary, 195, 235. Mary, 47. Murray, Annie, 46. 80. Sylvester, 82. ; Mustard. Alma, 4/5. Osborn, Emma, 151, 199. Myers, Evelyn, 75. Osborne, Agnes, 409. Nash, Joseph, 197, 240. C. N., 38, 440. Neal, Charlotte. 465. 466. Betsey, 151. Neediiam, Charles, 61. Grace, 151. Neff, Sophia, 126, 137. Henry, 35. Nelson, Abigail, 124, 132. Jedidiali, 26. Anthony, 353. Ruth, 440. Newberry, Egbert. 172, 192. Sarah, 185. Newcomb, John, 5. W. N., 135, 151. ... Newell. Allen, 107, 112. Osgood, Walter, 393. Ruth, 14. 16. OSTROM, Eliza, 347, 399. Newton, Myra, 54, 90, 93. Julia, 398. Nichols, Elizabeth. 28. 47. Mary, 398. George, 109, 115. Morgan, 347. 398. Harriet. 126. 137. Sarah, 347, 398. ]\Iinnie, 115. Stella. 398. Nickerson, Almira, 444. Ostrander, Martha. 363, 420. NiLES, George, 466. Otis, Anna. 193. Hosford, 110. Charity, 35. Isaac, 138. Emily, 35. Russell, 138. Jared, 35. NiMMONS. A. M., 242. 271. John, 23. NoRRis, James, 357, 412. Joseph, 35. Northrup, H. B.. 5. Lucv, 35. Northway, Martha, 340, 381. Lydia, 35. Norton, Abner, 128. Marv, 17. 35. Matilda, 333, 365. Mercy. 23. Phineas. 162. Minerva. 35. Susannah, 318. Rebecca, 64. NoRVAL, John, 25. 40, 41. Rebekah. 35. NOYES, Nicholas, 13. Sardis, 23. 35. Nye, Reuben. 44. 79. Owen, Abbie, 392. Oakes, Effie. 269, 275. Edward, 306. Oaks, Harriet, 32. Sarah, 292, 306. Obershimer, Margaret. 469, 470. Thomas, 188. Obixow, Louisa, 342. 389. Padan, Charles, 398. OcKERMAN, Melissa, 335, 372. Ella. 77. Odell, Sarah, 292. Isaac. 398. O'Hearn, Mary, lul. R. S., 37, 43. Olds, INIinerva', 30. Paddison. Emily, 192. Oliistead, Adonijah. 178. 209. Paddock, Joseph. 170. Ashbel, 16. Page. Anna. 287. Azubah, 17, 23. Belle. 357. Clarissa. 166. 174. Brainard. 439. John. 101. 103. Esther. 439. Marv. 99. 103. 104. Isabella. 411. Sarah. 13, 103. Otis. 378, 439. William. 51, 88. 99, 102. Paget, Margaret. 316, 325. 104. Paine, Abigail, 191. Index. 529 Paine, Emily, 178. Patterson, Joseph, 226. Palmer, Anna, 22. 33. Rebecca, 353. Dorothy, 21. D. W., 5, 19. Elizabeth, 22. Patrick, Jennie, 434, 453. Esther, 22. Paul, Miletus, ;j61, 420. George, 22. Paine, Emmett, 42, 76. Horace, 22. Paxson, Lovina, 188. Isaac, 21, 39. Payne, Nellie, 76. Jerome, 150. Pearce, George, 248, 274. Julia, 22, 135, 150. Marietta, 274. Levi, 17, 21. Pearsall, Mary, 249, 274. Merwin, 370. Pearson, Polly, 27. Oliver, 22. Pease, Abigail, 59. Phebe, 180. Albert, 61. Polly, 22. Allen, 394. Stephen, 22. Amos, 33, 61. William, 18, 21. Charles, 61, 02, .394. Pardee, Laura, 339, 379. Daniel, 33, 59, Parker, Allison, 245, 273. Emma, 59. Alma, 170. Etta, 62. Bernice, 274. Eunice, 59. Charles, 69. George, 62. Dolly, 318, 328. Henrietta. 59. Elijah, 328. Henry, 61. Elizabeth, 328. Horace, 59, 394. Frances, 69. Huhlah, 364, 421. George, 63. Isabella. 62. Helen, 69, 274. Levi. 61. Henry, 37, 68. Lillian, 62. James, 11. Loren, 61. Majoria, 69. Luther, 344, 394. Millard, 468. Marcia, 01, 218, Nelson, 392. Martha, 61. Raymond. 274. Mary. 61. Theodore, 5. Nancy, 33, 61. Parish, John, 485. Newton. 368. Parkhill, Sarah, 170. Oliver, 23. 59. Parkhurst, Elizabeth, 184, 223. Otis. 33, 61. Parks, Hannah, 331, 362. Robert, 33, 59, 61. Lydia, 562. Saloma, 61. Mahala, 137. Vashna, 61. Wendall, 324. William, 57, 62. Parmalee, Ann, 321.-^ / Bethsaida, 120, pio. Peck, Ellen. 144. Elwell, 310. Betsey, 335, 369. George. 44. Bryan, 315, 321. Henry, 209, 254. Nathaniel, 125. Hiram. 44. Polly, 322. Josephine, 427. Parshley, James, 355. 411. Martha, 44. Parsons, Eleanor, 323, 335. Nora, 44, 79. Eliza, 25, 39. Samuel, 44. Levi, 65. Peckiiam, Anna, 301. Lucy, 35, 65. Peebles, Bessie, 241. Sarah, 39. Cora, 217. Svlvester, 135. Peet. Lester, 470. Williams. 307, 426. Pellet, Julia, 329, 355. Partree. Julia, 381, 440. Pelton, Henry. 5. Partridge. Lillie, 150, 159. Penfield, Elizabeth, 177. Patterson, Elvira, 185. 226. -Tohn. 91. Helen. 469, 471. Pennell. Susan, 386. 530 The Cone Family in America. Pepper, Marianna. .")S. Dd. Percey, Walter, 4(i(i. Percivai., Lucy, 175, 204. Perham, Samuel, 108. Perkins, Charles, 138. Oscar, 391. Pkkry, Abigail, 177. Persons, Cora, -IKS. Peters, Alvin, 113. David, -illl, 30.'). Jonathan. 279. Laura. 212, 257. Peterson, Lena, 376. 438. Pettingilt., Sarah, 131. 148. Pettis, Adelia, 252. Pettit, Lovina, 433. Phelps, Alice, 192. Aimer. 40, 74. Charlotte, 330, 359. Charles, 417. Dicey, 220. Edward, 187. Florence, 438. Gertrude, 293, 307. Harriet, 6. Helen, 293. May, 219. Roxanna, 404. 405. Tracv, 152. William. 283. 293. Phillips, Abio-ail. 351. Ann, 340, 390. Daniel, 141. Florence, 377. Frances, 75. Rhoda. 214. W'ellington, 71. Pickering. Frances, 8. Xelson, 43. 77. Picket, Eliza, 201, 241. Frederick. 199. Pierce, Andrew, 387. Roardman. 392. Densmore, 381, 440. Frank, 217. 261. Josc])!). 174. Slicpard. 281. PlERSON, Clarinda, 139. David. 139. Edward. 376. 438. George, 209, 275. Pearl. 438. Sarah. 126, 139. Pike. Anna. 312. David. 25. Harriet, 69. PiNKiiAM, Sarah. 131. 148. PiNNEO, Mary, 278, 280. Pinney, Mary, 3.^, 61. Pitkin, Alice, 292. 305. Pitkin. David, 278, 281. 282. Electa, 282. Eleizur, 281. Eli, 2/8, 281. Mary, 278, 281. Pitman, Frank. 402. Platt, Eva. 24 7. PoMEROY, Emily, 288, 300. Louisa, 23. Pool, Martha, 296, 311. Porter, Aroxsa, 180. Concurrence, 317. Eli. 281. John, 170. PoRTLOCK. Maud, 269. Post, Christie, 195. Emma. 289. Eunice, 181, 214. Jedidiah. 279. Jesse, 291. jNlary, 209, 254. Polly, 220. Potter, Reulah, 260. Calista, 336, 374. Clark, 140. Frederick, 193. Henry, 228, 287, 299. James, 188, 228. Sarah. 458. 462. William, 260. Pound, Amelia, 482, 483. Powell, Ida, 130, 147. Powers. Abijah, 56. Albert, 146, 159. Cloe. 242. 272. Cvrus. 31, 56. Edward, 242, 272. Edwin, 242. Eugene, 159. Franklin, 56. Ger.sham, 242. Horace, 56. John, 56. Lawrence, 159. Lovina. 56. Lydia, 242. P'erley, 242. Sarah, 56. St. John, 242. 272. Walter. 56. William, 201, 242. PowLESLANP. W. H., 244. 273. Pratt, Abijah, 220. Amelia. 364. 422. Augustus. 126, 136. Charles. 191. 230. Cordelia. 152. Cornelia, 136. Emma. 337. Frances. 136. 151. Index. 531 Pratt, Frederick. 150. Mary. 173. 184. 220. Pliebe. 120. Robert, 120. Sally, 326, 347. Temperance. 118, 120. Warren, 230. Prentice, Anna, 181. Sarah, 37. Preston, Corydon, 58. 96. Eveline, 96. Lottie, 96. Nelson, 90. Ivomaine. 96. Price, P. B.. 46, 80. ^ Pricer, William, 427. Pride, Amelia, 373. Prior, Amy. 325, 342. Pritchett. Emily. 30. 50. Proctor. ]Maliitable. 298. PUGii, William, 336. 376. PuRDY, Almeda. 49. 85. Purple, David, 101. Elizabeth. 168, 179. Matilda, 130. Samantha, 141, 154. PURRINGTON, Mary. 286. Nathaniel, 286. PiTNAM. Eben, 5. Elizabeth, 188. Ira, 133. Orrin. 344. Otis, 133. Rufus, 26. Varnev. 133. Putney, Annie," 222, 268. QUACKENBUSII, — , 218. QuARTERMAN, Josie. 484. QuiNN, Sarah. 188, 226. Ramsdell, Albion. 389. Ramsey, Carrie, 212, 258. Elias, 212. Frederick, 412. Glen, 258. .James. 258. John, 180, 212. 258. Sally, 104. 106. Randall. Anna. 169. 258. Emelus, 182. •John. 241. 271. W. B., 476. Ranger. Eleanor, 122. Ranney, Martha, 68. Theodosia. 207. 2.50. Ransom, Ashbel. 208. Ellen. 208, 2.52. Elizabeth. 32. 57. Georg-e. 178. 208. Marv. 185. 208. William. 208. Ransom, W. C., 5. Raiford. Robert, 482. Ratiiburn, Sally. 18. 29. Ray, John, 144. Raymond, INIary, 210. Y. M., 381, 441. Rea, Jacob, 372. Robert, 372. Rutson, 372. Reaves, Texarma. 304. Redfield, Harriet, 194, 232. Reed, Earl, 87. Gertrnde. 6. Harman. 309. Helen. 309. Isadore, 138,^ 152. Lucena, 40. 74. William. U, 293, 309. W. S., 428. Reeney, Emeline, 282. Reeves, Harriet. 105, 107. George, 402. Stephen, 187. Reid, Mary, 125. Rein, Susan, 485. Reive, Luella. 366, 424. Remington, Salina. 37. Renourd. Nannie, 242, 272. Ren WICK, Agnes, 460, 463. Reppart, Anna, 26, 44. Lonis, 44. Reynolds. Jane, 354. .Julia. 409. Rhodes, Eliza. 32. 57. Henry. 247. Lanra. 247. Rice, A. L.. 213. Milton. 420. Ursula, 173, 194. Rich, Bertha, 252. Carrie. 252. Charles, 209, 252. Maria, 252. Ruth, 323, 336. Richards, Anna, 295. Antha. 367. Richardson, Alpheus, 30, 52. Caroline, 90. David. 90. Ellen. 90. Harriet. 344, 394. Harry, 79. Henry, 90. .James. 79, 90. John, 45. Juliette, 52, 90. Lucinda. 52. Mahitable, 119.314,318. Marv, 90. Sanford. 52. 90. 532 The Cone Family in America. ElCHiE, Beulah, 452. Robinson, 'Walter, 260. Ernest, 452. William, 217. Gertie, 452. ROBY, Amanda, 430. John, 428, 452. Amelia, 372. Saran, 200, 241. Eliza, 82. William, 241. Susan, 372, 430. PacHMOND, Eliza, 40, 74. Roche, Anna, 340, 382. Evelyn, 40. Rockwell, Henry, 315. George. 40, 74. RonoERS, Charles, 454. John, 40, 74. Louis, 454. Nelson, 25, 40. Samuel, 357, 454. Sally, 322, 335. William, 454. Wadsworth, 40. Roe, Joel, 367. EiDDELL, James, 389. Rogers, Albio, 197, 239. KiGGS, Parmelia, 137. Allen. 302. Rings, Hannah, 29. Byron, 197. EiNLOCK, William, 144. Comfort, 174, 197. 239. RISON, Elizabeth, 304, 313. Eleanor, 239. John, 313. Helen, 239. Risk, Ebenezer, 195. Jessie, 239. RiTTER, Berta, 207. John, 19/, 239. ROBB, Nellie. 87. Joseph. 463. ROBBINS, Addie, 302. Julia. 197. 239. Benjamin. 302. Mabel. 239. Elijah, 288, 302. Mary, 471. Henry, 337. Mila, 197. Mandana. 22. Mildred, 239. Thomas, 31G. Olivia, 194, 197. Whitman, 302. Ralph, 241. Roberts, Adeline, 193. Rhoda, 196. Alfred, 75. Samuel, 196, 357. Amaranth. 41, 75. Sarah, 239. Charles, 427. Sutina, 197. Elizabeth, 359, 375, 415, Tessie, 239. 437. RoNEY, Jennie, 372. Emma, 33G, 37G. Rood, Aaron, 390. Falla, 170. Charles, 390. Frederick. 173, 193. Clarence, 390. Helen, 193. George, 390. Ichabod, 37. Harriet, 390. Irene, 193. Jesse, 390. Mary, 193. Lucy, b90. Sarah. 170, 183. Maria, 390. Robertson, Jennie, 417. Mary. 390. Sarah, 279, 283. William, 339. Robinson, Aim on, 138, 152. Rose, Charles. 40, 70, 203, 248. Asa. 161. Ebenezer. 25, 74. A. D., 191. Fannie, 74. Arthur, 229. Howard. 74. Caroline, 5. Phebe, 127. Charles, 260. Sarah, 364. Edward. 139, 152. Ross, Eleanor, 132. Ethel, 260. Eliza, 30, 51. Frank. 260. James, 64. Ida, 298, 312. Judith. 51. Margaret, 36. Lois, 30, 53. Marguerette, 377. Lyman, 51, 53. Mary, 281, 290, 291. Sarah, 421. Olive, 375. RossiTER, Polly, 321, 332. Rose, 307, 425. Roth, Mary, 179, 212. Index. 533 Root, Emily, 121, 12/. Josiah, 127. Temperance, 127. RowE, Alden, 352. George, 352. Josiah, 352. Lydia, 352. Marinda, 352. Rial, 328, 351. ROWELL, Abbie, 204. Ernest, 151. Rowley, Abigail, 15.. Edward, 27. Elnathan, 14, 15. Erastus, 20, 27. Eunice, 27. Israel, 15. Jessie, 15. Kate, 27. Lydia, 145. Milton. 27. Reuben, 283. Thankful. 15. ROYCE, Eannie, 32i). ^ Rubilee, Alston, 41/. Frank. 417. Homer, 361, 417. Leroy, 417. RuMSEY, Susan, 137. _ Ruz^nells, Hester, 40o. Joel, 405. Lenora, 405. Martin, 404. Murray, 405. Sarah, 404. Sedoras, 404. Stephen, 352, 404. Sylvia, 405. ^\ alter, 404. William, 404. Russ, Clara. 2J)8. Isaac, 178. Nelson, 298. Stevens, 298. Walter, 298. William, 285, 298. Russell, Albert, 2/2. Anna, 402. Estella, 56. Eunice, 182, 217. Fannie, 44. Fanny, 78. Frederick, 402. Hannah, 318, 326. John. 349, 401. Lester, 61. Lvdia, 170. Mary, 401. Narcisca, 290. Sarah, 402. Russell, William, 401. Rust, Carl, 440, 453. Sackett, Clarissa, 319,^ 330. Sackrioer, , 24, 36. Sadd, Diantha, 32, 58. Elijah, 58. Emily, 32, 58. Safford, Nora, 417. Sage, Emma, 206, 251. Frank, 251. Josiah, 335. Rebecca, 318, 328. Sarah, 251. St. John, Maria, 204 Wallace, 175, 204. Salmond, Martha, 89. Sampson, Ransom, 476. Sanborn, Benjamin, 350. Sanderson, Charles, 396. Eunice, 368. John, 327. Mary, 342, 387. Sanford, Sarah, 390. Santley, Mary, 456. Sargent, John, 5. Sater, I. N., 196. 1 Sauer, Sarah, 240. Saunders, Olive, 431. Savage, Carrie, 223. Sawtell, John, 347. Sawyer, Mary, 206. Myra, 393. Saran. 199. Saxton, Adel, 417. Damaris, 15, 18. Edith, 418. Henry, 361,417. Horace, 6, 361, 417. Jane, 361, 417. Lura, 361, 417. Margery, 164. Melissa, 361, 418. Melvin, 361, 417. Perry, 361. Romain, 418. Seymour, 331, 360, 417, Sayre, Ellen, 298. Lucius, 298. ScHAEFEK. John. 91. SCHALLE, Claude, 469. Grace, 469. Lottie, 469. Louis, 468. Minnie. 469.^ Schiller, Catherine 71. SCHLEICHN, Elizabeth, 144. Schwartz, W. H.._ 76. Scott, Amelia. loO. Elizabeth. 250. Frances, 90. 534 The Cone Family in America. Scott, Ida, 138, 153. James, 90. Newton, 404. Rhoda, 52, 90. Robert, 235. Walter, 153. ScoviLL. Lona, 159. SCKIBNER, Charles, 116. Gertrude, 112, 116. Mary, 116. ScuDUER, Rose'tta, 95. Scull, Charlotte, 128, 143. Nicholas, 128. William, 8, 128, 143. Sealy, Caroline, 155. Robert, 155. Seaman. Nancy, 202. Seables, William, 131, 14(5, 179. Sears, Horace, 389. Seaver, Eben, 392. Fannie, 392. George, 392. Harley, 392. Isabella. 392. John, 344, 392. Lucy, 392. Mary, 392, Nettie, 392. Sarah, 392. Seeley, Elnetta, 226. Irwin, 187, 226. William, 49. Selby, Bessie, 43. 78. Charles, 78. Lillian, 43, 47. Lucy, 78. Warren, 77. Selden, Emeline. 184, 222. Hannali, 355. Helen, 355. John, 329, 355. Pattie, 487. Polly, 18, 24. Thomas. 24. Sellers, Cornelia, 302. , Faison, 302. Harriet, 302, 312. Harvey, 302. Robert, 302. William, 289, 302, Sellew, Edgar, 61. Senff, Emily, 427, 450. Senn, Roselia, 66. Sessions, Robert, 50, 86. Setzer, Blanche. 156, 160. Seward, Martlia. 30. Sewell, Helen,* 310, 313. Sexton, Ann. 33. James. 170. Judah. 167. Sexton, Margery, 167. Seymour, Frank, 206. Henry, 151. James, 206. William, 427. Shackelford, Myrtle, 87. Shailor, Asa, 3i5, 321. Elva, 222. Everett, 193. Olive, 321. Ruea, 321. Samuel, 321. Shannon. Lorenzo, 202. Shardine, Peter, 235. Siiattuck. Betsey, 184. Lucina, 466. Shaver, James, 358. Shaw, Alice, 371. Henry, 59. Katharine, 393. Lizzie, 36o, 426. Parmelia, 196, 237. Pliinney, 237. Shea, John. 303. Sheffield. Simon, 483. 484. William, 484. Shelby. Nancv. 237. Mary', 131. William, 102. Shelden, Charles, 7. Sheldon, Adelaide, 206. Adeline, 206. Albert, 206. Charles, 206. Eugene, 206. Franklin, 177, 206. Shelley, Joel, 63. Mattie, 296, 311. Shelp, Angeline, 179, 211, Catherine, 179, 211. Elizabeth, 1/9. Heliena, 7, 179. John, 168, 179. Marv, 179, 211. William, 179. Shelton, Alice, 390. Shepard. Abigail, 16. 20. Barbara, 124. 133. Catherine, 165, 172, Harriet, 338, 378. John, 52, 91, 320. Lydia, 133. Samuel. 133. Sherman, Harriet, 138. Polly. 109. William. 414. Sherwood, Moses, 124, 132. Shields. James. 227. Mary, 95. Shinnabarger. Susannah. 407. 585 SiiiPMAN, Cordelia, 177. Laura, 287. Lydia, 300. Olive. 334, 368. Shoft, Elizabeth, 20, 30. Shook, Henrietta, 28, 47. Hiram, 47. Sholtz, Augusta, 448. Eva, 401. Shreve, James, 399. Shultz, Sarah, 188, 227. Shumack, Frank, 429. Shumate, Lucinda, 282, 290. Sarah, 86. Sibley, Jeremiah, 16. SiDDONS, Sarah, 263. Sill, Anna, 32. Clarissa, 23, 35. William, 35. SiLLiMAX, Anna, 21, 31. Cornelius, 105. Eliphalet, 59. Jennie, 58, 97. Statira, 25, 39. Silver, Esther, 112. Eobert, 64. SiMMONDS, Cyrus, 218. Frank, 218. Jennie, 218. John, 218. Mary, 218. Oliver, 182, 217. Sarah, 218. Uriel, 218. Simons, David, 92. Lucy, 52, 92. Susannah, 92. SiMPKiNS, William. 114. Simpson, Austin, 413. Sims, Grace, 80. James, 46. 80. Jennie, 80. Jessie, 80. John, 80. SissON, Phebe. 107, 110. SiZER, Albert, 234, 267. Emily, 367. Frederick, 367. Skelton, Alice, 343. Lizzie, 150. Skilton, Henrv. 292. Mary, 283, 292. Skinner, Betsey, 348. Hannah, 348. Jane, 348. Mary. 184. 222. Luther, 348. rvichard. 326, 348. Slade. William. 217. Slater, George, 93. Slater, Harvey, 53, 93. Mary," 93. Paul, 93. Ralph, 93. Rosalie, 275. Sleazur, Edward, 67. Joseph, 36, 67. Myrtle, 67. Norman, 67. Sleeth, Asa, 470, 472. Pana, 472. Sliter, Elizabeth, 366, 424. Sloan, Julia, 28, 48. Susan, 224. William, 48. Slocumb, Marie, ^06. Mary, 42, 76. Silas, 26, 42. William, 42. Small, Lorenzo, 286, 299. Mary, 299. Smalley, Jane, 91. Smith, Ada, 142. Adelaide, 427. Alice. 142, 368. Allen. 207. Almon, 39. Alton, 299. Amelia, 107. Amos, 175. Anna, 165, 175. Annie, 96, 100. Belle, 111. Benjamin, 207, 226. Bertha, 463. Bessie, 239. Burton, 427. Caroline. 282. 290. Charles, 207, 210, 256. 311. Clara. 207. Cordelia, 28, 48. David, 171. Deborah, 315, 320. Dorastus, 143. Dorothy, 162. 166, 256. Edgar," 143, 239. Edmund, 74. Edna. 50. 84. Eliza. 143. Elizabeth, 314. 317. Ellen, 185. 226. Elvira. 317. Erastus, 112. Fanny, 112. Florence, 256. Frank. 226. Franz. 90. Frederick, 52. 90. Gad.. 123, 131. George, 143. 536 The Cone Family in America. Smith, Hannah, 329. Harold, 250, 443. Harriet, 225, 337, 377. Harry, 87. Henrietta, 109, 112, 343. Henry, 185, 226. Howard, 427. Hurlburt, 388, 443. Irving, 59. Jabez, 128, 142. Jacob, 470. James. 38, 70. 226, 279, 369, 427. Janette, 185, 225. 226. Jeremiah, 131. John, 177, 207. Jonathan, 319, 329. Joseph, 100, 185, 284, 303, 315. Julia, 109, 113. Kate. 427. Laura, 280, 286, 367, 425. Levi, 286. Lawrence, 181. Luke, 226. Margaret, 131. 296. Mark, 185. Martha. 16. 270, 277, 317, 329, 355. Marv. 14. 16. 74. 89, 90, 143, 225, 226, 371, 427, 429, 483. Matilda, 193. Minnie, 207. Nancy. 131. NichoLas, 142. Oscar, 142. Palmer, 185, 225. Philip, 143, 409. Phineas, 166. Rebecca, 326, 348. Robert, 86. Rose, 310. Ruth, 14, 16. Sarah, 181. 200. 336. Susan, 177, 207. Sylvester, 39, 74. 337. Wells, 349. Whitmer. 207. William. 131. 207, 461. 463. Zeri, 56. Smylie, James. 30. 52. Martin, 52. Snow, Ellen, 182. 215. Favor. 215. Levi, 215. Sheldon, 357. Snyder, Alice. 142. Candas, 142. Charles, 142, David, 142. Snyder, Elias, 128, 142. Elizabeth. 142. Enos, 142. Jacob. 142. Rebecca, 142. Stewart, 142. Souther, Martha, 192. Southmayd, Elizabeth, 184. SouTHWiCK, Cynthia, 331. Sparks, Margaret, 299. Rebecca, 450. \Villiam, 286, 299. Sparrow, Hannah, 322. Spaulding, Esther, 173, 195. Myrtle, 95, 100. Sarah, 394. Stephen, 194. Spencer, Alice, 12. Almira, 367. Alpha, 264. Alva, 482. Amasa, 15. Austin. 264. Charlotte, 44, 78. Dorothy, 14, 17. Daniel, 316. Eliza, 127. Eunice, 165. Fanny, 210, 256. George, 131. Grace, 161. Hannah, 18, 104. Isaac, 162. James, 124, 132. Jared, 12, 210. Joseph, 17, 19, 22, 122, 264. Julia, 130, 147, 220, 264. Kate, 45. Lizzie, 78. Lottie, 482. Mahitable, 12, 13. Margaret, 482. Mary, 16, 19, 162, 166. Martha, 16, 19. May, 482. Peter, 20, 102, 165. Rebecca, 16, 19. Robert, 210, 256. Roswell, 62. Ruth, 16, 20. Samuel, 78. Sarah, 118, 121. Susannah, 102. Warren, 127, 482, Sperby, Ada, 215. Spicer, Edna, 463. Eleanor, 463. Florence, 463. James. 462. 463. Meryle. 463. Index. 537 Spinning, Emily, 282. Steele, Frances, 156. Spooner, Sarah, 219. Francis, 108. Spring, Hannibal, 23. FredericK. 28. Squires, Earl, 427, 450. Gaylord, 28. Janette, 452. John, 156. Nannie, 452. Luther, 144, 156. Phineas, 370. Mary, 156, 359, 414. Warren, 215. Polly, 28. William, 226. Spencer, 156. Stafford. Abel, 361. William, 20, 28. Bertha, 417. Stephens, Alexander. 110. Ellen. 417. Cynthia, 46. Grant. 417. Elizabeth, 470. Isabelle, 417. Joanna, 30, 53. Jane, 417. Sterling, Anna. 164, 16s. Jennie, 417. Jemina. 35. John, 417. Marvin, 165. Lynn, 417. Nathan, 168. McClellan, 417. Rachel, 164, 169. Martin, 5. Stetson, Martin, 126. Or sell, 417. Nelson, 50. Ray, 417. Sally, 175, 202. Sarah, 303. Stevens, Charles. 45. Stanley, Ada, 256. De Forest, 150. Charlotte, 394. Earl, 152. Emma, 62. Edward, 171. Herbert. 210. 2.54. Elizabeth, 348, 399. Maiy, 394, 444. Evelin, \.jo. Seth. 368. Frank, 137, 152. Stannard, Eber. 334. Helen. 45. Stanton, John, 138. Josephine, 45. Staples, Cyrus. 91. Julia, 150. Emily, 52, 91. Leon, 150. Sarah, 91. Lester, 150. Starbx'CK, Joseph, 371. Louisa. 45. Stark, Emma. 192. Mary, 150, 404. Starkey. Cynthia. 185, 224. Nelson, 27, 45. Starr, Eliza, 473. Parmelia, 130. F. F., 5. Perry, 466. Lucy, 288. Russell, 150. Saran, 315, 319. William. 128, 135. Stead, Matthew, 363. Stevenson, Charles, 75. Steadman, Sarah, 282. Stewart, Abbie, 149. Stearns, Rebecca, 23, 35. Amos. 133, 149. Stebbins, Alfred, 50, 86. Charles, 149. David, 29, 50. Elisha. 370. Dudley, 50. Elizabeth, 128. 142. ^ Emily, 50. 86. 123. 131. Esther, 161, 165. Emma, 86. Hannah. 169. Ephraim. 330. Harrison, 47. George, 50. Jennie, 149. Joseph. 131. 414. John, 485. Lafayette. 60. Margaret, 142. Laura, 230. Marion, 238. Lydia, 319, 330. Mary, 6, 128, 142, 385. Mary. 50. 86. Rebecca, 128. Pers'is. 50. William. 128. Steele, Artemesia. 475, 477. Stillwagon, E. a., 439. Connell, 28. Stinson. Marv. 300. Ellen. 363. Stitt, Charlotte. 38. 71. 538 The Cone Family in America. Stitt, Jolin, 71. Strong, Olive, 188. .Stocking. Aziibah, 119, 122, 127. Polly, 208. Fi'anklin. 208. Robert. 171, 188. Hattie. 208. Tersa. 180. John, 208. Thankful. 277. 278. Joseph, 178, 208. William, 188. Nellie, 208. Stuart, Elizabeth, 455. Norman. 208. Sturgis, D., 354. Stockwkll, Caroline. 205. Sturtevant, Luthera, 344, 392. CUara, 205. Stutson, Nellie, 86. Ella, 205, 249. Nelson. 86. Emma, .370. Stuyvesant. i-eter, 11. (leoi-ge, 205. Sublette, Hattie, 26, 42. Joseph, 176, 205. Margaret, 42. Spencer, 205. Sumner, Ebenezer, 17. Stoker, Arthur, 392. SURDAM, Eudora, 212, 258. Stokoe, Or a, 247. SuTFiN, D. G., 242, 271. Stoxe. Abraham. 214. William, 271. David, 281. SuTPHEN, Elias, 187. Eunice, 43. 77. Sylvia. 331. 362. Eva. 214. 258. Swan, Adelaide, 209. Flavel, 108. 180. Caroline, 209. 252. Franklin, 77. Catherine. 209, 252. Hannah. 203. Charles. 209, 254. John, 180. Diodate, 168. Judith, 180. Edward. 209. Letitia, 180. Francis. 209, 253. Lewis, G, 180, 214. Frederick. 209, 254. Mary, 389. Jabez. 172. Pentha. 180, 214. James, 252. Stoner, Eli. 243. Lydia, 252. Storrs, Rebecca, 323. Mahitable, 165, 172. Stowe, Eveline, 4G7, 408. Mary. 209, 254. Louisa, 407. Nellie, 2.54. Straight. Angeline, 81. Rufus, 178, 209. Strange, Elizabeth, 98. Swank, Nora, 54, 94. Stratton, James, 469. Swart, Ann. 126, 137. Jane, 369, 427. Isabella. 398. Strayer. Bessie. 81. Margaret. 137. Paul, 81. Thomas, 46, 81. Streater, Charles, 392. Strickland. Jonah, 278. Nellie, 311. Patience, 277, 279. Stromps, Anna, 474. Strong, Adonijah, 322. Albert. 188. Alfred. 188. Caroline. 188. Charles, 188. David, 278. Ephraim, 188. Frances, ISS. George, i78. Harriet, 188. Henry, 322. Lewis, 458. Margaret. 180, 213. Mary. 188. 333, 364. Peter, 137. Sweet, Ahnira, 75. A. N.. 40. 74. Charlotte. 280, 285. David, 285. Elizabeth, 75. Homer, 5. Julia, 75. SwiNTON. James. 320. 346. Lydia, 346, 396. Swisher, Mary, 272. Sylvester. Sarah, 217. Symonds. Carrie, 87. Tabor, Harriet, 38. Jethro. 195. Tafft. CI i fiord. 444, 453. Harold. 453. :\rargaret, 453. Morris, 453. Taggart. Anna. 479. Edward. 476. 479. Index. 539 Taggart, Frances, 479. Thomas, George, 457, 459. Ganson, 470. Harriet, 335. 370. James, 479. Helen, 72. John, 476. Henry, 143. Lewis, 479. Jane, 1*3. Mabel, 479. Mary, 65. Mary, 476. Nancv, 329. 335. Moses, 6, 476. 479. Phebe, 334. Ralph, 479. Silas, 39, 72. Rufus, 6, 475, 476. William, 203. Samuel, 476, 479. Thompson, Amherst, 244. Van Cleve, 479. Blanche, 376. Talcott, George, 189. Charles, 178. Talman, Caroline, 313. Eliza, 326. Clara, 306, 313. Elizabeth, 216, 248. George, 3i3. Florence. 257. Talmage, Catherine, 364. 420. Frank, 66. Taylor, Adela, 282, 291. Lewis, 184. Alice, 387, 439. James. 154. 348. Almon, 243. 272. John, 154. Belle, 417. Joseph. 212, 257. Benjamin. 177. Lynn. 257. Caroline, 439. Mary, 7, 358, 412. Clarence. 243. Reuben, 426. Cora, 243, 273. Roy. 257. Elsie, 415. Sarah, 385. Eveline, 390. Susannah, 52, 53. George, 338, 377, 439. Victor, 257. Gertrude, 439. Willard, 154. Glen. l72. Thomix, Louisa, 197, 237. Hannah, 279, 283, 338. Thomson. Benjamin, 437. Helen, 327. Thrall. Anna'. 289. James. 351. Edward. 289. John, 378. 439. Wyllis, 280, 288. Joseph. 338, 378. Thrasher, Albert, 304. Lydia, 279, 383. Charles, 329. 354. Margaret, 393. Charlotte, 361, 417. Marv, 127, 141, 439. Sophronia, 354. Noadiah, 283. Thropp, Mary, 352, 405. Rosalia. 312. Thurston. Brown. 5. Samuel. 201, 243. TiBBALS. \YiIliam. 422. Sarah. 321. 378, 439. Tichnor. William, 131. Tryphena, 284. Tiffany. Isaac. 135. Terrill, Addie, 199, 240. TiLLEY. R. H.. 5. Clark, 296, 446. TiLLOTSON. Philenii, 178. Grace, 446. TiNGLEY. Hattie. 466. Louisa, 446. Tinker. Lucy, 178. Terry, Arthur. 59. Titus, Thomas, 206. Eliza, 33. Tobey, Squire, 405. Elizabeth. 59. Todd, Eleanor, 61. George. 359, 415. Tolber, Ophelia. 49, 85. Guy, 416. Tompkins, Lydia. 214. Margaret, 75. Torrance. Mary, 88. Mildred, 416. Torre, Alice, 56, 94. Sarah, 191. Joseph, 94. Thayer, Isabelle. 458, 460. Torry, Hannah, 281. Lucretia, 56. Town, Elijah, 284, 295. 310. Thomas, Ann, 326. Elizabeth. 296. Elizabeth, 128, 143. Mary. 204. Frances, 459. TowNE. Eliza. 311. 540 The Cone Family in America. TowNE, Sylvanus. 311. Turner, Alvah, 89. TowNSEND, Eliza. 175. Charles, 88. W. 0., 281. Edgar. 89. TowNSHEND. David. 1G5. Eliza, 216. Mary, 378, 439. Emma, 88. Tracy, Elizaueth, 103, 104. E. A., 143. John, 107. George, 51. 88. Nathaniel, 103. Harriet. 89. Tryphena, 119. Lettie, 340, 381. Trapnell. Selma, 486. Lydia, 88. Trask, Minnie, 222, 263. Minnie, 404. Treadway, Amanda, 6. Olive. 88. Hudson, 189. Josephine, 424. Mvron. 189. Julia, 248. William. 172. 189. Richard, 202, 247. Treat, Arthur. 21u. 254. Sarah, 352, 404. Isaac, 254. Truman, 89. Robert, 256. William, 83. Troop, Henry, 288. TuTTLE. Amanda, 83. Trimble, Mary, 252. Ida, biO. Trowbridge, Daniel. 187. TwAY. Martha. 199. Edward, 187. Twining. Alphonso, 158, 309. 427. Elizabeth, 187. Belle. 146. 158, 427. Esther, 476, 478. Flora, 427. Hiram, 475, 476. Orlow, 4:tl. John, 187. Preston. 427. Laura. 476. 478. Tyler. Aaron. 317. Lorenzo, 476. Anna, 317. Mandana. 476, 479. Charles. 349, 400, 448. Marcia, 187. David. 317. Martha, 187. Dorothy, 517. Milo, 475, 476. Frederick, 447. Newton, 476. George, 6, 447. Ooden. 187. Hannah. 323. Olive, 187. Harriet. 150. 178, 209. Samuel. 476. Henry. 448. Windsor. 171. 187. James. 317. Troy, Edward. 465. Jonathan, 317. TRi-JtBULL. Ann. 244. Joseph. 314, 317. Cvnthia. 201. 244. Lydia, 317. Harriet. 244. Mary, 317. Nathaniel, 244. Moses, 317. Tryon, Charles. 336. Nathaniel. 317. Sarah. 336. Patrick. 317. Tucker, Edah. 123, 131. Rollin. 5. Lenora, 7. Rosa. 448. Nelson. 468. Sophia, 327, 349. Noah, 131. Susan. 352. Sophronia, 120, 125. Tyson, Maria. 483. Tudor, Bertlia. 305. Ufford, Ephraim, 127. Blanche. 305. Russell. 127. John. 291. 305. UiiLUORN, Frederick. 228. Tuft, Sarah. 154. Elizabeth. 191, 228. TuLLER, Charles. 382. ITxpERWOOD. Sarali. 73. Isabella. 382. Uptegrapii. Sarah. 353. Sidney, 340, 382. USTIER. Abio-ail. 22, 33, 170, 183. TuLLEY, William, 196. Abby. 33. TuNNELL, Alvena, 454. Amatus, 33. Tupp, , 143. Anna. 22. TuRCK, Abraham. 118. Catherine. 33. Index. 543 Wells, Dora, 25S. Edward, 211. Eliza, 278, 279. Esther, 120. Etta, 236. Frances. 205. George. 115. Harvey, 211. Isadore, 211. James, 5. John. 279. Kittie. 115. ^h\\\. 211. Eicliard. 10!). 114. Susannah. 314. 315. W. H.. 329. Welsh. Nellie, 247. Wenzell, Angelica. 34. 04. West, Laura. 20. Mabelle, 302. Sadie. 235. Westcott, Ira. 27. Westgate, Frederick, 239. We.stox, Anna, 75. Edward. 7. Edwin. 374. 435. Eugene, 435. Jennie. 435. John. 75. Leland. 435. Marv. 41. 75. 374, 433. Moliie, 435. William, 330, 374. Westover, Lucv. 174. Wetiiekal. Ella. 3.54. George. 329, 354. TJhofla, 354. Sarah. 354. WETxroRE, Olive, 347, 397. Sylvia, 339, 379. Wiialey, Sahrina. 10(i. 170. Whealley, Ezokiel. 190. Wheaton. Frank, 03. Wheeler, Benjamin, 343. Charlotte. 135. Daniel, 325. Edgar. 343, 390. Edward, 343. Frances. 390. 455. Mary. 172. Susan. 207. Wilson, 390. 454. Wiiii'i'LE. Elizabeth, 197. Parmelia. 30. 51. WiiiTCOMiJ. Elliot. 1S2. Frank. 408. 44S. Eav. 44S. Sarah. 125. 135. White. Albert. 414. Anna. 173. —35 White, Belinda, 324, 338. Carrie, 414. Charles, 415. Clarissa, 359. Delia, 24. Elijali. 18. 23. Elizabeth. 280. 288. Emma. 418. Florence. 300. Frederick. 414. George. 24. 218. llenrv. 287. 300. Hattie. 414. Hnldah. 3.59. .Icnnie. 414. l.cdnud. 330. 3.59. 415. Mabel. 415. Mary. 414. Minerva. 24. Nancv. 147. Olive'. 24. Oscar. 3.59. 415. (issiaii. 359. 415. Parmelia. 24. 35. Pvhoderick. 3.59. 414. Pvichard, .348. Robert. 415. Sophia, 177, 208. Thomas, 300. WiiiTEHEAn. ^Nlary. 29. WniTHEn, Adeline. 353, 408. Whitmore. Alfarati. 153. Elmo. 153. Emma, 153. Maude, 153. S. P.. 138, 153. Zelma, 108. Whitner. p. H.. 304. Whitney, Anna. 200. Arthur. 07. Clara. 07. E. A.. 111. Fannie. 241. Fanny. 200. Franklin. 308. George. 3G, 07. Harriet, 200. 241. Marv. 64. 127. 140. 174, 200. ]\ratthias. 35. 64. Milton. 241. Noah. 200. Sarah. 64. WiiiTTEX. Benjamin. 88. Melzer. 51. 87. WifKHAM. Harriet. 38. 72. Horatio. 38. Janette. 38. Mary, 38. 71. Robert, 24, 38. 544 The Cone Fam ily in America. WiCKHAM. Russell 38. Williams. Ellen, 338, 413. Wicks, Peiley. 172. Elsie. 131. X^'iODEFlELD. ]M;ny. 341. Emeline. 222. WiGiiTMAN. Clarissa. 323. 330. Kmilv. 292. WiDKiS'ER. llanv. 83. Evelina. 250. Julia. 83. Florida. 484. 486. Mabel, 83. Frances. 341. W. H.. 48. 83. Frank, 187, 223. WiLDiit. C'laiinda. 188. (leorge, 187. 284, 296. Wilcox. Alfred. 120. Grace. 167. Alviu. 333. Helen. 223. Ephraim, 222. Isabella, 222. 425. Julia. 68. .Tames, 26, 187. 235. 296. Wii.DKi:. (!len. 72. 341. James. 38. 72. Jane, 341. -loseph. 72. Jared, 476, 478. Lizzie. 72. Jeremiah, 475. Robert. 72. John. 66. 205. 250. 341, Wii.Kixs. Olive. 107. 386. WiLKixsox. Clara. 291. Jonathan. 184. 222. WiLLAKD. John. 379. .Joseph. 170. 184. WiLLEY. Alfred. 16.->. 170. .Tulia, 341. 386. Artliur. 207. Lewis, 352. Caroline. 144. 171. 187. 188. Lois, 14. Cordelia. 144. Lydia, 249. Edwin. 120. Mahitahle, 14. Elizabeth. 117. 118. Alartha, 296. -Tohn. 117. 168. 171. Mary. 277. 469. 470. Jose])h, 118. Nathan, 277. Josiah. 123, 128. Roxanna, 74. Judah, 29. Sarah, 187, 226, 341. 386. Lovina. 171. Simon. 165. Ivvdia, 20. 29. Sophia. 386. Mareia, 171. Velma. 332. 363. Martha, 187. \V..eks. 14. Ooden. 171. Wendall, 341, 386. Olive, 171, 196. Wilbur, 235. Orange, 437. William, 184, 223, 276. Rebecca, 171, 187. 277, 486. Selden, 129, 144. Zachariah. 14. Sophia, 171. Zella, 250. Svlvanus. 171. Williamson. Charles. 95. Williams.' Albert. 171. 187. Eliiah. .56, 95. Alexander. 176. 20."i. 249. Lucy. 279. 282. 250. ^\'ILLOUGHBY. Netta. 363. Amelia. 19.5. 234. Willys, Samuel, 12. Bethiah. 277. WiLSiE, Susannah, 331. P.etsev. 235. Wilson, Alfred. 227. Caroline. 184. 223. Almira, 146. 158. Carrie. 250. Catherine. 195. 235. Charles. 199. 222. 479. Clarissa. 281. 290. Clarissa. 170. Cora, 302. Deborah. 14. 277. Cornelia. 303. Dollie. 187. Daniel. 210. Edmund, 187. F:iiza. 210. Edward. 386. Emma. 227. Eli. 323. George, 188, 227. Elisha. 324. 341. Harvev, 302. Elizabeth. 14. 277. Helen,' 179, 210. Ella, 62. Hobart, 302. Index. 545 Wilson. James, 227. 284. :?02. Joseph, 302. Marcia, 227. Mary. 227. 431. Nancy. 48. Robert. 302. Saliina. 33G. 37a. Sanuiel. 238. 375. Thomas. l^S. \Y. W.. 254. WiNEGAR. Jerome. 35. WlXNEY. Arthur, 430. John, 371, 430. Mrs. M. E., 7. WiNSLOW. Mary, 31, 56. WiNTiiKOP. John. 11. ^YISE, Louisa. 09. Mary, 124. Sophrouia. 483. 484. WisNER, Alvin, 143. Anna, 143. Cvnthia. 143. James. 128. 143. .Josephine. 143. Philip. 143. WiTTAMAN. Elizabeth. 90. Witter. Marguerette, 362. Woim. Hannah. 424. 450. Woi.coTT. Abigail. 281. Echvin, 346. 396. .James. 396. Marv. 175. 396. Millie. 396. Wilbur. 396. Wolfe. Chauncey. 400. WoLViN. Anna. 192. Wood. Anna. 1:^0. 123. Ebenezer. 469. Emilv. 206. Grace, 109. 114. John. 372. L. C. 97. Sarah. 58. 97. WooDBRiDGE. Dudley. 304. Esther, 290. 304. Henrv. 212. .Jane. 212. 287. Mary. 212. WoonBURY. Maria. 229. Woons. Alice. 62. Frank. 138. Jane. 72. Susan. 221. 265. WoomvARP. Almira. 124. 133. Caroline. 380. 439. Cornelia. 174. 197. Sarah. 369. Titus. 133. William. 354. WooLEY. Amanda. 352. 405. NVooLEY. Augustus, 346. Charles, 388. Eliza, 326, 346. Fanny. 343, 388. James, 342, 388. Julia. 388. Loantha. 353, 407. Mary, 343, 388. Sarah, 388. Worcester, John, 195. WORDEN, Esther, 85. WoRTHiNGTON, Elias, 18. WORTMAX, Edmund, 53. Wright, Amos. 181. Catherine, 58. 95. Charles, 181. Chester. 239. Clark, 181. Edward, 385. Eliza, 339, 380. Ellen, 385. Emerv, 181. Fidelia, 181. Harriet. 181. Hester, 131. John. 239. Josiah, 195, 238. Marv. 181. 318, 328. Matilda. 181. Milton. 197. 239. Minnie. 238. Moses, 8, 340. 384. Nathan. 169. 181. Olin. 181. Stella. 239. Susannah, 18. Wesley, 200. Wyatt. Carey, 474. Wylie, James. 144. Wyman. Franklin. 35. Wyncoop. Henry. 178. Yancey. Stephen. 76. Y'ARBORorGH. ISIary, 184. 221 Yates. Charles. 215, 259. Deborah. 20. Dorothy. 259. Jessie. 412. Margaret. 259. Young. Blanche. 273. Calvin. 441. Caroline. 239. Charlotte. 331. 363. Clavton. 273. Edna. 273. Flovd. 273. Hannah. 200. Hobart, 307. Horace. 382. 441. Leroy. 441. Marv. 59. 401. 447. 546 The Cone Family in America. VouxG. ]Maiul. 40:]. Zellar. Harvoy. 87. (hail. 2.5.1. Zelli FF. Ellen. 3.')4. 410. Phebe. 342. .300. ZiMMEPvMAX. I.ovina 3!)9. 440. Ruth, 307. Ztxx. Carrie, SO. Sarah. 272. James. 270. Steplien. 244. 272. J. v.. 234. Svlvamis. 307. Marv. 270. William. 293. 307. Nora. 270. YOUNOBERG. Ida. 300. Stella. 270. VouNGBLoon, Nathan. 481. ZOOK. . S3. Yost, Benton. 83. COKRECTIOXS. Pa«e 101. line 14. for :\rahital)le Sevan read Miihi1- ■•■:• %.*" I^ \ J ^v"- V. • 0^^ U'o «>^. ,.^^% i: -u.,^- ■■■J 40^ li ^. \.^' \ •0" .I'J,^-. °. " ./ 'oK C" ♦ %.** h' V.^^ • 4 • i-^' ^•* 4^ ^^ • ay *^ ^^-nK. V ** <^y -' .«r •* ^■'O^ K* / "^^ -: .•^" . -oV^' ^°-n^. : -^-0^ c^ . ^'^ ^^. .'i''' • .^ : •«> • .^" cO.V. 0^ ^ .♦" ... -of :. 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